HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommunity Health Board - 1 11.18.22 Board Packet Supporting Documents - 11/18/2022 RESOLUTION 2021-2 EFFECTIVE 1-1-2023 THRU 12-31-2023 The Partnership4Health Community Health Board (P4H CHB), by virtue of its authority under Minnesota Statutes 145A and by this Resolution of the Board adopted at a scheduled meeting of the P4H CHB on October 18, 2022, hereby appoint and authorize the following persons to act on the Board’s behalf effective January 1, 2023, and bind the Board for the following purposes: A. To serve as the Board’s Community Health Services Administrator according to Minnesota Statue 145A.02, Subd. 2 to act on its behalf. The CHS Administrator shall communicate with the Commissioner of Health between Board meetings, including receiving information from the Commissioner and disseminating that information to the Board; provide information to the Commissioner on the Board’s behalf; submit grant applications, sign, and execute contracts on behalf of the Board for funding opportunities administered by the Department of Health and other entities Name: Kathy McKay, Clay County Public Health Director Jody Lien, Otter Tail County Public Health Director B. To serve as the Board’s Fiscal Agent to submit progress and financial reports in accordance with funding contracts and to execute documents on behalf of the CHS Administrator when needed. Name: Kathy McKay, Clay County Public Health Director C. To serve as the Board’s representative on the State Community Health Services Advisory Committee to advise, consult with, and make recommendations on the duties under 145.04 Subd. 1 a. Name: ______________________________________ D. To delegate to each County Board within its jurisdiction to appoint a Medical Consultant to provide advice and information, to authorize medical procedures through protocols, and to assist the community health board and its staff in coordinating activities with local medical practitioners and health care institutions. E. To authorize each County Board and their respective Public Health Department within its jurisdiction to continue to carry out duties to fulfill community health board responsibilities in the delegation agreement approved by the Commissioner of Health March 15, 2015. This resolution authorizes the above referenced appointees to act on behalf of and bind the Board to the extent and for the purposes indicated in this resolution. Resolution adopted date: November 18, 2022 _____________________________________________________ Frank Gross, Partnership4Health Community Health Board Chair Partnership4Health CHB Officers 2020 2021 2022 2023 Officers/Decision Making Chair Don Skarie Frank Gross Frank Gross Vice Chair Frank Gross Wayne Johnson Wayne Johnson Exec. Secretary Neal Folstad Neal Folstad Neal Folstad SCHSAC Rep Doug Huebsch Bill Adams Bill Adams SCHSAC Alt. Don Skarie Frank Gross Frank Gross At Large Community Member (1) Bill Adams Otter Tail Bill Adams Otter Tail Bill Adams Otter Tail Cheryl Walter Becker At Large Community Member (2) *new 2022 Clay Kathy Anderson Clay Admin & Program Mgmt. Administration Clay/ Otter Tail Clay/Otter Tail Clay/Otter Tail Legal Otter Tail Otter Tail Finance Clay Clay Assessment & Planning HOLD All Performance Management HOLD All 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Intergovernmental Reimbursement for services 514,710$ 477,485$ 591,584$ 570,386$ 552,293$ State 1,314,535 1,196,520 1,467,400 1,848,388 2,201,863 Federal 2,421,257 1,957,355 1,336,121 1,628,525 2,543,901 Local 55,633 163,929 149,109 100,574 81,050 4,306,135$ 3,795,289$ 3,544,214$ 4,147,873$ 5,379,107$ Handout #1 PARTNERSHIP4HEALTH Moorhead, Minnesota Revenues - General Fund December 31, 2021 $514,710 1,314,535 2,421,257 55,633 $477,485 1,196,520 1,957,355 163,929 $591,584 1,467,400 1,336,121 149,109 $570,386 1,848,388 1,628,525 100,574 $552,293 2,201,863 2,543,901 81,050 DOLLARSREVENUE TYPES REVENUES -GENERAL FUND 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Grant Name Grant Period CHB Grants Clay Wilkin Otter Tail Becker Blue Plus Dental 1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 96,000 96,000 MN Public Health Infrastructure 4/1/2022 - 3/31/2024 165,716 117,491 19,475 19,250 9,500 Child and Teen Checkups - C&TC 1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 317,867 150,393 16,168 121,583 29,723 Children and Youth with Special Needs - CYSHN * Birth Defects (fee for service)7/1/2022 - 12/31/2023 0 City Readiness *7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023 16,500 16,500 COVID-19 Implementation *1/1/2023-12/31/2023 826,326 220,946 92,440 153,280 359,660 Environmental Health (AFDO) *0 0 0 Strong Foundations (replaces MIECHV and EBHV)1/01/2023 - 12/31/2023 966,000 181,782 32,036 489,992 262,191 Family Planning Special Projects (Mahube-Otwa) *7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023 7,555 7,555 Follow Along Program - FAP *10/1/2022 - 9/30/2023 8,400 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 West Central Initiative 9/1/2022 - 6/30/2023 18,228 18,228 Local Public Health Act - LPHA (estimated award)01/01/2023 - 12/31/2023 907,702 384,953 32,708 308,559 181,482 Maternal Childhood Health -MCH *10/1/2022 - 9/30/2023 190,674 75,053 7,234 68,247 40,140 PEAR / Perinatal Hep B * (fee for service)7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023 0 Public Health Emergency Preparedness - PHEP *7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023 118,970 57,557 6,376 36,475 18,562 Refugee Health 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023 2,749 1,645 39 834 231 Statewide Health Improvement Project - SHIP 11/1/2022 - 10/31/2023 393,531 393,531 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families - TANF *7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023 220,443 79,640 4,916 60,472 75,415 Women, Infants, and Children - WIC *10/1/2022 - 9/30/2023 747,519 312,408 21,239 248,310 165,562 TOTALS 4,742,464 1,894,735 215,256 1,497,407 1,135,066 * denotes federal funding source Resolution Adopted date:Date 11/18/2022 P4H CHB Chair ______________________________________________________________ Partnership4Health CHB Budget 2023 Grants Resolution 2022-2 C:\Users\maduenow\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\56V26L1E\Resolution 2022-1 CHB budget RISK ASSESSMENT Partnership4Health Community Health Board F I N A N C I A L R I S K S Risks: 1.Inappropriate expense charged to grant 2.Recording error 3.Late submittal of grant invoices 4.Lack of expense substantiation documents Mitigations: •Request backup documentation from subrecipients to substantiate expenditure (including salary and benefits) •Check and balance system M A N A G E R I A L R I S K S Risks: 1.Lack of appropriate approvals 2.Contracts 1.Incomplete contracts 2.Contracts with debarred individuals/company 3.Arms length contracts 3.Circumventing internal controls 4.Lack of segregation of duties Mitigations: •Ensure invoices contain proper authorization via appropriate level of signature •Contracts store in one place and reviewed by director of finance •Ensure staff follow proper procedures/processes for procurement and expenditure •Small counties struggles •Additional approval or procedures follow to mitigate as much risk as possible O V E R A L L R I S K S Risks: 1.Lack of understanding of grant 2.Frequent change of staff 3.Lack of following procedure/processes 4.Lack of staff back-up Mitigations: •Training on grant financials/budget •Ask questions and review of new staff performance/work •Management making sure procedure/processes are followed •Annual review of procedure/processes to ensure staff understand them •Training more than one person to do a duty/job or cross-training 2023 Legislative Action Priorities Supporting Minnesota’s Local Public Health System LPHA supports a significant, statewide increase in funding to support local public health foundational capabilities. Foundational public health capabilities are skills that need to be available in health departments so the public health system can work as a whole. Currently, the capacity of Minnesota’s local health departments varies widely across the state. Foundational capabilities need to be in place in each health department across the state, so they are always ready to serve their community and achieve equitable health outcomes. Local health departments should have a baseline of organizational competencies such as assessment and surveillance of health threats, emergency preparedness and response, infectious disease prevention and control, communications, development of community partnerships, administrative competencies, and expert staff they can leverage to protect public health. Investing in prevention and a strong local public health infrastructure pays off by saving health care and other public program costs, such as those from corrections and child protection. Strengthening Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) and Response Capacity LPHA supports state-level investment in Public Health Emergency Preparedness to ensure strong future response to emergencies and health threats. Responding to disasters and emergencies—whether health focused or not—is a core responsibility of Minnesota’s local public health departments. The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the need to have a strong infrastructure that can support a robust response to emergencies, both through planning and response. Currently, Minnesota’s Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) activities are funded by grants from the federal government, with no state-level investment. Past proposals to redistribute PHEP funds and a series of funding cuts highlight the vulnerability of federal funding and have compromised local public health’s ability to respond to emergencies such as COVID-19. Although there was increased federal investment due to COVID-19, historically, federal funding has been cut drastically (from nearly $16 million in 2002 to $9.2 million in 2019) and funding expectations were not realigned to reflect the cuts. Responding to Public Health Workforce Shortages LPHA supports a focus on and investment in the public health workforce. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed gaps in Minnesota’s public health workforce. Since 2008 local health departments across the United States have lost more than 20% of their workforce, more than 50,000 jobs. A significant increase in investment in the public health workforce, focused on retention of the current workforce and bringing in new skilled workers, is needed to ensure there is a robust workforce to provide crucial public health services into the future. Programs such as loan forgiveness, support of a public health AmeriCorps program, and investment in training and recruitment of public health workers will be key in recruiting and retaining a robust public health workforce in the years to come. Addressing Community Health Needs LPHA supports policy and funding to address post-COVID-19 community health needs and ongoing stable, statewide funding for the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership to help Minnesotans live healthier, longer lives and continue to drive down state health care costs. Local public health plays an important role in addressing social determinates of health that have a direct link to poor health outcomes. COVID-19 has deeply impacted people in our state, further exacerbating existing health inequities. Local public health will continue to serve a leading role in addressing ongoing community needs such as housing challenges, food insecurity and healthy eating, violence, higher rates of addiction, and mental health challenges. About the Local Public Health Association of Minnesota The Local Public Health Association of Minnesota (LPHA) is a voluntary, non-profit organization that works to achieve a strong local public health system through leadership and collective advocacy on behalf of Minnesota’s county, city and tribal local public health departments. The Association represents more than 230 public health directors, supervisors and community health services administrators throughout the state. LPHA is an affiliate of the Association of Minnesota Counties. Local Public Health Association of Minnesota | 125 Charles Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55103-2108 | 651-789-4354 | www.lpha-mn.org Minnesota is embarking on transforming the public health system. Minnesota’s public health system has served Minnesotans well since it was established in 1976. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed serious cracks in public health across the U.S., including Minnesota. Minnesota, like other states, is facing increasing demands on decreasing resources, shifting focus of public health to population-based health, new health threats, and workforce challenges. Minnesota also has some of the worst health disparities in the country. To address these challenges, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), the State Community Health Services Advisory Committee (SCHSAC) and the Local Public Health Association of Minnesota (LPHA) have partnered to transform its public health workforce and infrastructure to meet 21st century public health needs. The groups formed a joint leadership team to guide together the work of transforming the state's public health system, determining what it looks like when a system is equitable and has adequate resources. Vision Statement (Draft) We envision a public health system in Minnesota in which state, local, tribal, and community health agencies work together as a system, sharing access to information, and making timely strategic decisions through shared power. Together, the Minnesota public health system prevents disease, protects well-being, and improves the health of all residents regardless of where they live. We strengthen the state and local public health system so that it: • Builds cross-sector and community partnerships • Developing solutions in collaborative relationship with community partners and those with varied lived experiences • Engaging and partnering across sectors, and empowering communities in prevention, emergency response, and sustaining health • Anticipating and adapting to changing needs of the community's populations • Advances health equity • Supporting policies that confront the root causes of health inequities • Operating with health equity as its core principle • Operates inclusively and sustainably • Supporting policies and resources that enable recruitment, training, and retention of a diverse, strong, inclusive workforce that is representative of the communities served • Establishing foundational public health capacities across the state • Practicing both accountability and flexibility • Leveraging stable and sufficient funding for state and local public health infrastructure that results in, alignment with community priorities • Leverages data—Using timely, secure, interoperable data and technology systems to drive health improvement and policy Minnesota has joined other states at the cutting-edge of public health system transformation work in efforts to implement a “minimum package of public health services.” At a recent SCHSAC retreat, we heard from the state of Washington about their work that began over a decade ago to transform the Washington public health system. The transformation work is based Foundational Public Health Responsibilities that define services that “must be present in every community across the state in order to efficiently and effectively promote and protect the health of all people in Minnesota.” The foundational areas include: • Infectious disease prevention and control: Preventing and controlling the spread of infectious disease, and assuring that everyone is protected from infectious disease threats. • Environmental health: Preventing and reducing exposure to environmental hazards, and supporting healthier built and natural environments. • Prevention and population health improvement: Preventing harm and improving health across the lifespan through policy, systems, and environmental change. • Access to health services: Working as an active partner with medical, oral, and behavioral health care to improve health care quality, reduce health care costs, and improve population health. There are other protections and services beyond the foundational public health responsibilities that are critical to a specific community’s health. These can be provided at the state and/or local level by governmental public health or other partners. As a first step, all of Minnesota’s governmental public health agencies completed a Cost and Capacity Assessment just recently. The purpose was to identify current implementation and spending on Foundational Public Health Responsibilities and better understand how governmental public health services are delivered. The Minnesota Legislature provided a $6 million annual appropriation for local and tribal health departments in 2021 to carry out the work of strengthening the public health system and creating a system for the 21st century. The Infrastructure Fund supports 16 projects including a Partnership4Health project for “increase capacity in data and epidemiology across jurisdictions while building data-sharing and disease reporting relationships across state borders.” Prepared by Bill Adams October 2022 1 Jody Lien Subject:FW: Announcement: Commissioner Jan Malcom Subject: Announcement: Commissioner Jan Malcom Dear SCHSAC, I am writing to share with you the news that Minnesota Commissioner of Health Jan Malcolm has announced she will retire at the end of Governor Walz’s first term on January 3. I know you will join me in congratulating her on a distinguished career of service to Minnesotans and to our public health community. Malcolm was first appointed health commissioner in 1999 by Governor Jesse Ventura. She served in that role for the duration of the Ventura Administration, and then in 2003 returned to work in health care systems. In January 2018, Malcolm was appointed to the post once again – this time by Governor Mark Dayton, who gave her the task of improving the state’s approach to long-term care regulation and oversight. She was reappointed by Governor Walz at the start of his first term in January 2019. While the pandemic response dominated much of her time in recent years, she also worked hard to negotiate and implement a new assisted living licensure program in Minnesota and to call attention to the need for additional investment in the public health infrastructure. Prior to her 2018 appointment by Governor Dayton, Malcolm served as chief executive officer of the Courage Center and as President of the Courage Kenny Foundation following the merger of Courage Center and the Sister Kenny Rehabilitation Institute. She has also worked as vice president of public affairs and philanthropy at Allina Health. Malcolm served an adjunct faculty member at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, where she co- directed a national research and leadership development program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Earlier she also helped develop initiatives to strengthen the nation’s public health system as a senior program officer at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. As Commissioner Malcolm has told us here at MDH, “public health at its best has the power to save lives and lift up communities, and this isn’t the work of any one person or any one organization.” We all are thankful to Commissioner Malcolm and to the thousands of unsung public health heroes in federal, state, and local health departments who are building a better, healthier future for all of us. We congratulate Commissioner Malcolm on capping off her career and we look forward to continuing to work with you to protect, maintain and improve the health of all Minnesotans. Watch for more on this in the days ahead, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Thank you! Chelsie Huntley Division Director | Community Health Statewide Community Health Services Advisory Committee (SCHSAC) https://www.health.state.mn.us/schsac Home Visits Nurse home visitors work with families beginning in pregnancy or shortly after a baby’s arrival with continuing support until the child celebrates their second birthday. Our programs support healthy decision making and effective parenting through the joys and challenges of being a parent or caregiver. This is a free, voluntary program that is structured and customized to meet your family’s goals. Our nurses are specially trained in: There’s a lot to think about when having a baby. Serving the counties of Becker, Clay, Otter Tail, & Wilkin For more information, call or text: 218-770-3768 FAMILY Family Home Visiting Programs are available at no cost to families. We offer pregnant & parenting families home visits by a registered nurse who can provide support, information, and referrals to community resources. Baby feeding, soothing, & sleep Parenting Support Baby, toddler, & parent health Child development Home Visiting We’re here f o r y o u .Prenatal Support What is Family Home Visiting? Specially trained nurses visit families on an ongoing basis. Families develop a close relationship with a nurse who becomes a trusted resource they can rely on for advice on everything from safely caring for their child to taking steps to provide a stable, secure future. During Pregnancy In your home or at a location of your choice, a registered nurse will partner with you to provide individual prenatal support and education on topics just for you such as: Healthy pregnancy Diet and exercise Labor Breathing and pain management techniques Vaginal or Cesarean birth Sleep safety/SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) Infant feeding Community Resources After the birth of your baby, the nurse will provide and work together with families on the following topics: Infant weight checks Breastfeeding assistance & support Postpartum depression/anxiety screening Parenting support & connection to resources Safety promotion Family planning When Baby Arrives