HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommunity Development Agency - CDA-Packet-01-17-2023 Supporting Documents - 01/17/2023CDA Board of Directors Meeting Agenda DATE: TIME: PLACE: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. County Board Room, Government Services Center 1.Call to Order 2.Approval of Agenda 3.Approval of Minutes a.November 17, 2022 HRA/CDA joint session meeting notes b.December 7, 2022 meeting minutes 4.Approval of Bills and Financials a.November 2022 reports b.December 2022 reports 5.Reports and Presentations a.Director Status Report b.Committee Reports •Housing Growth and Investment (did not meet) •Workforce Support and Development •Childcare Investment c.‘On the Map’ Report d.Board Member Updates 6.Regular Business Items a.Consider Acceptance of 2021 CDA Audit report •Audit Report available here (note: CDA audit is part of the full County audit) b.Closed session: Authorized under Minn. Stat. Sec. §13D.05, Subd. 3, for Discussion Regarding Purchase of Property at 106 and 108 N Lincoln Ave, Battle Lake, MN 56515, Parcel Nos. 63-000-99-0086-000 and 63-000-99- 0086-001 7.Discussion and Communications a.2023 CDA Committees b.Other Communications c.Upcoming meeting: •Tuesday, February 21, 2023 @ 1 p.m., County Board Room, Government Services Center with HRA Board meeting @ noon 8.Adjournment CDA Board of Commissioners and HRA Board of Commissioners Joint Work Session November 17, 2022 at 1:30 pm At the Otter Tail County Government Services Center 500 W Fir Ave, Fergus Falls, MN HRA Board Members Present: Wayne Johnson, Chairperson Kurt Mortenson* Betty Murphy Leland Rogness, Vice Chairperson* John Lindquist – joined at 2:16 pm *Member of both boards CDA Board Members Present: Jeff Ackerson Dena Johnson Val Martin Kurt Mortenson* David Ripley Leland Rogness* Dave Schornack Betsy Roder – Via Teams Greg Swanberg - Not present Others Present: Barbara Dacy, OTC HRA Executive Director Amy Baldwin, OTC CDA Director Tanya Westra, OTC HRA Project Manager Sarah Schake, OTC CDA Project Manager Paula Grunewald, OTC HRA Administrative Assistant Julie Bakken, OTC HRA Accounting Specialist Erik Hansen Accounting Intern Nick Leonard, OTC Deputy Administrator 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Johnson and Chair Schornack called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. 2. DISCUSSION AND COMMUNICATIONS A. & B. HRA Board and CDA Board of Commissioners and Meeting Structure Effective January 1, 2023 a vacancy will exist on the HRA Board due to the anticipated resignation of John Lindquist. It was suggested that a CDA Commissioner should be considered by the County Board for appointment to continue the transition of knowledge regarding housing authority business. Jeff Ackerman said he would be willing to serve on the Authority. It was determined that the HRA and CDA meetings would occur back-to-back on the same day of the month in order to promote familiarity and understanding of the typical housing authority business. The 3rd Tuesday of the month will be the regular meeting day of both the HRA and the CDA, with the HRA beginning at 12:00 pm and CDA following at 1:00 pm. It was noted that the HRA Bylaws would need to be amended at the December meeting. C. Housing Projects Overview Current HRA housing projects include: • Hidden Meadows single family homes: OTC HRA was asked to assist City of Battle Lake EDA with Minnesota Housing Impact Fund application to provide funding for new homes in Hidden Meadows. The HRA is the developer and entered into a construction contract with a builder. Concern was raised regarding the cost for construction. Pg. 2 • North Fields of Dalton Senior Housing: OTC HRA is the developer and intended long term owner creating affordable senior housing in Dalton. • Pelican Rapids Tax Forfeit Lot: OTC HRA is the facilitator of this project at the request of the City. Asbestos testing and remediation and demolition were paid for the HRA. Potential partnership with Habitat for Humanity. Current CDA housing projects include: • Pelican Rapids Highway Garage Redevelopment: Ready site for 12 – 13 single family homes. • Battle Lake Former Church site for potential affordable rentals or ownership opportunity. 3. ADJOURNMENT At 2:30 pm the meeting was adjourned. _______________________ _____________________________ Kurt Mortenson/HRA Secretary Date _______________________ _____________________________ Amy Baldwin/CDA Secretary Date MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY Government Services Center, County Board Room 515 W Fir Ave, Fergus Falls MN 56537 December 7, 2022 12:00 p.m. Call to Order The Otter Tail County Community Development Agency convened at 12:00 p.m., Wednesday, December 7, 2022. Attendance was as follows: Present in person Present via Technology Absent Board Members: Jeff Ackerson X Dena Johnson X Val Martin X Kurt Mortenson X Dave Ripley X Betsy Roder X Lee Rogness X Dave Schornack X Greg Swanberg X Staff: Amy Baldwin, CDA Director X Barbara Dacy, HRA Director X Carter Grupp, Lead for MN Broadband Fellow X Sarah Schake, CDA Independent Contractor X Erik Osberg, Rural Rebound Initiative Coordinator X Karen Czech, Recorder X Approval of Agenda Motion by Jeff Ackerson, second by Dave Ripley and unanimously carried to approved as presented. Approval of Minutes Motion by Dave Ripley second by Dena Johnson and unanimously carried to approve the November 2, 2022, meeting minutes and the November 17, 2022 HRA/CDA joint session meeting notes. Bills and Financials Motion by Betsy Roder, seconded by Jeff Ackerson and unanimously carried to approve the Financial Statements as presented. Director’s Report Housing Growth Initiative/The Big Build: 〉 The tax rebate program has 87 applications year to date. 〉 Quarterly Housing Convening held on November 15 with about 30 in attendance. The Battle Lake Hidden Meadows project was discussed as a case study and information about the Value Gap Grant was shared. 〉 Amy presented at the West Central Minnesota Regional Housing Forum on Big Build efforts and successful projects. Chair Schornack also presented to the group on Grow Perham. Workforce Supporting Strategy/OTC Works: 〉 M State in demand skills training partnership is kicking off with leadership training series in January 〉 Next quarterly workforce convening is scheduled for December 12 at 10am. Speakers will share labor market information data, M State leadership course information, and Youth Workforce Navigation program update. Childcare: 〉 Received notification from DEED that Otter Tail County was awarded $160,000 Child Care Economic Development Grant. Broadband: 〉 Carter presented on Pine to Prairie GIS Panel on broadband planning via GIS online with other OTC staff/contributors and West Central MN/Fargo GIS leaders. 〉 Working with two high school teachers to implement commuter science, data science, application development, and digital marketing/content into elective curriculum at Fergus Falls High School in preparation for next year. On the Map Report Erik Osberg presented the Otter Tail Lakes County 2022 year in review. OTLCA hit or exceeded all the goals they set at the beginning of 2022 except for two. He also updated the board with the Goals and Objectives for 2023. Consideration of Tri-County Health Care Tax Abatement Recommendation Motion by Dave Ripley, second by Jeff Ackerson and unanimously carried to not recommend that the County Board authorize a property tax abatement for Tri-County Health Care. The primary factor influencing this recommendation is that the County’s Tax Abatement Policy states: “The abatement request must be approved prior to any new construction or improvements being made to the proposed property.” The CDA Board expressed support for continued engagement with Tri-County Health Care to seek opportunities to support further campus development, particularly housing development Consideration of Updates to 2023 Community Growth Partnership Program Guidelines Motion by Jeff Ackerson, second by Dave Ripley and unanimously carried to approve the Changes to the Community Growth partnership grant Guidelines as presented. Review of 2023 Work Plan Director Baldwin reviewed the developing Work Plan for 2023. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned. FUND 23 705 Dept Community Development Agency NOVEMBER VARIANCE 2022 2022 POSITIVE/2020 2021 Revenues BUDGET ACTUAL (NEGATIVE)ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPERTY TAXES 541,800$ 502,899$ (38,901)$ 561,400$ 530,928$ GRANTS/OTHER REVENUES/INTEREST 3,000$ 2,566$ (434)$ 5,576$ 2,724$ CARES ACT CONTRACTED SERVICES -$ 60,000$ Total Revenues 544,800$ 505,465$ (39,335)$ 626,977$ 533,652$ Expenditures PER DIEM 12,600$ 4,665$ (7,935)$ -$ 7,200$ PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING 7,500$ 4,629$ (2,871)$ 7,500$ 9,459$ MEMBERSHIP DUES 4,000$ 3,025$ (975)$ 3,235$ 3,620$ REGISTRATION FEES 500$ 1,110$ 610$ 420$ 115$ AUDIT COST 1,200$ -$ (1,200)$ -$ 2,168$ CONTRACTED SERVICES 166,960$ 104,332$ (62,628)$ 127,109$ 145,670$ MILEAGE 4,000$ 963$ (3,037)$ -$ 1,434$ MEALS AND LODGING 5,000$ 5,568$ 568$ 4,488$ 1,141$ LIABILITY INSURANCE 2,300$ 2,309$ 9$ 1,628$ 2,223$ MISC CHARGES -$ 179$ 179$ -$ -$ OFFICE SUPPLIES -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ COMMUNITY GROWTH PARTNERSHIP GRANT 300,000$ -$ (300,000)$ 80,000$ 75,000$ SMALL BUSINESS RELIEF FUND PROGRAM -$ -$ -$ 72,500$ -$ Total Expenditures 504,060$ 126,780$ (377,280)$ 296,880$ 248,029$ Revenue 544,800$ 505,465$ 626,977$ 533,652$ Expenditures 504,060$ 126,780$ 296,880$ 248,029$ Net/Unallocated 40,740$ 378,685$ 330,097$ 285,623$ Fund Balance - Beginning 990,617$ 374,897$ 704,994$ Fund Balance - Ending 704,994$ 990,617$ FUND 23 706 Dept Non Special Benefit Levy Programming NOVEMBER VARIANCE 2022 2022 POSITIVE/ Revenues BUDGET ACTUAL (NEGATIVE) PROPERTY TAXES 2,000,000$ -$ (2,000,000)$ GRANTS/OTHER REVENUES/INTEREST -$ -$ -$ Total Revenues 2,000,000$ -$ (2,000,000)$ Expenditures INFRASTRUCTURE -$ -$ -$ DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE -$ 6,495$ 6,495$ Total Expenditures -$ 6,495$ 6,495$ Obligations INFRASTRUCTURE -$ 100,000$ 100,000$ DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE -$ -$ -$ Total Obligations -$ 100,000$ 100,000$ Revenue 2,000,000$ -$ Expenditures -$ 6,495$ Obligations -$ 100,000$ Net/Unallocated 2,000,000$ 106,495$ Fund Balance - Beginning 2,000,000$ Fund Balance - Ending PctReportCode1 4:20:28PM DGODEL 01/2022 11/2022Cash 92% 11/2022War# 8 Char Invoice# Description Copyright 2010-2022 Integrated Financial Systems 23 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 705 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/TOURISM 000 ... 23-705-000-0000-6140 7,935.00 3712,600 4,665.00Per Diem 0.00 MVC 4/28/2022 375.00 167443 07272021 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174792 4/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174786 1/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174792 3/9/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174786 4/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174642 3/9/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174806 5/4/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174787 4/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174734 5/4/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174642 2/23/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174786 3/9/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174786 2/2/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174711 4/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174734 6/1/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174787 2/2/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174642 5/4/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174792 1/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174734 2/23/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174711 5/4/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174786 6/4/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174642 1/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174734 2/2/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174711 1/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174792 2/2/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174786 6/1/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174792 6/1/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174787 2/23/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174792 5/4/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174806 4/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174787 3/9/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174711 2/23/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174642 4/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174734 4/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174787 5/4/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174642 6/1/22 CDA - PER DIEM Page 2 Report For: ToReport Basis:Percent of Year: Actual For Tran Date Bdgt - Act Difference01/2022 - 11/2022 - 12/2/2022 Actual ForType2022 BUDGET EXPENDITURE GUIDELINE Otter Tail County Auditor PctReportCode1 4:20:28PM DGODEL 01/2022 11/2022Cash 92% 11/2022War# 8 Char Invoice# Description Copyright 2010-2022 Integrated Financial Systems COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174642 2/2/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174711 6/1/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174792 2/23/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174787 1/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174734 3/9/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176048 7/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 175918 7/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176046 1/18/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176048 5/17/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176046 5/17/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176048 6/21/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176046 4/19/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176052 7/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176048 2/22/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176064 7/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176048 1/18/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176046 6/21/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176048 3/22/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176046 3/22/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 175987 7/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176046 7/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176002 7/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM 23-705-000-0000-6240 2,871.23 627,500 4,628.77Publishing & Advertising 0.00 COM 1/11/2022 1,000.00 170718 INV-1703 BIG BUILD ADS 2022 COM 1/25/2022 700.00 170906 3051 BIG BUILD AD JAN 2022 COM 2/15/2022 799.00 171270 1/29/22 AD CONSTRUCTION GUIDE COM 2/15/2022 50.10 171331 8019688 ACCT 64615 BIG BUILD HANDOUT AUD 2/28/2022 150.00 171460 2/28/22 AB - MARKETING BOOTH RENTAL COM 3/15/2022 175.00 171844 9685 BOOTH RENTAL FOR SHOWCASE COM 4/26/2022 88.47 172648 8028631 ACCT 64615 BIG BUILD HANDOUT COM 4/26/2022 795.00 172630 OCD0085-0524 BIG BUILD AD ON BILLBOARD COM 5/10/2022 649.00 172981 2061 CDA PROGRAM PROMOTION SIGN COM 5/24/2022 90.85 173229 8031643 ACCT 64615 HOUSING PROGRAMS COM 6/14/2022 44.00 173599 8033637 ACCT 64615 CHILDCARE POSTCARDS COM 7/26/2022 44.16 174298 20268 CDA/HRA JURISDICTION MTG COM 8/23/2022 43.19 175017 8036615 ACCT 64615 DOWN PYMT HANDOUTS 23-705-000-0000-6241 975.00 764,000 3,025.00Membership Dues 0.00 COM 1/4/2022 2,500.00 170583 1196 2022 MEMBERSHIP DUES COM 2/15/2022 525.00 171271 11393 MEMBERSHIP DUES Page 3 Report For: ToReport Basis:Percent of Year: Actual For Tran Date Bdgt - Act Difference01/2022 - 11/2022 12/2/2022 Actual ForType2022 BUDGET EXPENDITURE GUIDELINE Otter Tail County Auditor PctReportCode1 4:20:28PM DGODEL 01/2022 11/2022Cash 92% 11/2022War# 8 Char Invoice# Description Copyright 2010-2022 Integrated Financial Systems 23-705-000-0000-6242 610.00 2225001,110.00Registration Fees 0.00 COM 2/15/2022 252.50 171259 102441 ACCT 325944 REGISTRATION COM 4/26/2022 495.00 172627 4/8/22 2022 SPRING CONFERENCE AUD 4/29/2022 25.00 172744 4/29/22 AB - REGISTRATION COM 7/26/2022 252.50 174356 7/26/22 EDA CREDIT ANALYSIS COURSE COM 9/13/2022 25.00 175463 9/13/22 MEETING & BANQUET REGISTRATION COM 10/25/2022 30.00 176178 62646 ACCT 12868 MAPCED MTG 9/30/22 COM 10/25/2022 30.00 176178 62645 ACCT 12654 MAPCED MTG 9/30/22 23-705-000-0000-6266 1,200.00 01,200 0.00Audit Cost 0.00 23-705-000-0000-6290 62,628.38 62166,960 104,331.62Contracted Services.0.00 COM 1/11/2022 5,200.00 170729 1221 CDA SUPPORT SERVICES DEC 2021 COM 2/15/2022 5,200.00 171369 0122 CDA SUPPORT SERVICES JAN 2022 COM 3/15/2022 5,200.00 171864 0222 CDA SUPPORT SERVICES FEB 2022 COM 4/12/2022 5,200.00 172376 0322 CDA SUPPORT SERVICES MAR 2022 COM 5/10/2022 5,200.00 172977 0422 CDA SUPPORT SERVICES APR 2022 COM 6/14/2022 5,200.00 173643 0522 CDA SUPPORT SERVICES MAY 2022 COM 6/28/2022 137.50 173776 90827 CDA BONDS CONSULTING COM 7/12/2022 5,200.00 174166 0622 CDA SUPPORT SERVICES JUNE 2022 J/E 7/29/2022 46,844.126 MO CONTRACTED SERVICES OTC COM 8/9/2022 275.00 174687 91299 ECON DEV CONSULTING SERVICES COM 8/9/2022 5,200.00 174790 0722 CDA SUPPORT SERVICES JUL 2022 COM 8/31/2022 10,000.00 175296 4026580 #100762 CDA RESOLUTION COM 9/13/2022 5,200.00 175485 0822 CDA SUPPORT SERVICES AUG 2022 COM 10/25/2022 275.00 176219 92071 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONSULT 23-705-000-0000-6330 3,037.24 244,000 962.76Mileage0.00 MVC 4/28/2022 106.40 167443 07272021 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 53.82 174787 4/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174734 4/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 46.80 174792 1/7/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174734 5/4/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 46.80 174792 3/9/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174786 4/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 22.23 174711 5/4/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 46.80 174792 2/23/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174786 6/1/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174786 1/7/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 22.23 174711 6/1/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174786 6/4/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174734 3/9/22 CDA - MILEAGE Page 4 Report For: ToReport Basis:Percent of Year: Actual For Tran Date Bdgt - Act Difference01/2022 - 11/2022 - - 12/2/2022 Actual ForType2022 BUDGET EXPENDITURE GUIDELINE Otter Tail County Auditor PctReportCode1 4:20:28PM DGODEL 01/2022 11/2022Cash 92% 11/2022War# 8 Char Invoice# Description Copyright 2010-2022 Integrated Financial Systems COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174734 2/23/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 22.23 174711 1/7/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 46.80 174792 2/2/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174734 6/1/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174786 3/9/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 46.80 174792 5/4/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174734 2/2/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 22.23 174711 2/23/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174786 2/2/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 37.44 174806 5/4/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 22.23 174711 4/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 46.80 174792 6/1/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 23.40 176046 3/22/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 18.75 176048 7/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 23.40 176046 6/21/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 41.88 175918 7/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 23.40 176046 4/19/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 45.63 175987 7/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 23.40 176046 5/17/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 23.40 176046 1/18/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 5.63 176064 7/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 19.38 176002 7/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 16.25 176052 7/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 40.63 176046 7/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE 23-705-000-0000-6331 568.21 1115,000 5,568.21Meals And Lodging 178.75 COM 1/25/2022 90.75 170873 1/5/22 MEALS FOR CDA BOARD MTG 1/5/22 COM 3/15/2022 120.00 171743 2/23/22 MEALS FOR BOARD MTG 2/23/22 COM 3/29/2022 96.00 172021 3/9/22 MEALS FOR CDA BOARD MTG 3/9/22 COM 4/12/2022 99.00 172268 2/2/22 MEALS FOR CDA BOARD MTG 2/2/22 COM 4/26/2022 4,085.42 172687 116402 BIG BUILD HOUSING SUMMIT COM 5/24/2022 99.00 173131 5/4/22 MEALS FOR CDA BOARD MTG 5/4/22 COM 7/26/2022 211.00 174301 291543 MEALS - CDA BOARD MTG 7/6/22 COM 7/26/2022 90.75 174316 6/1/22 MEALS - CDA BOARD MTG 6/1/22 AUD 7/29/2022 286.42 174550 7/29/22 AB - LODGING COM 8/23/2022 120.37 175055 10AUG22 K3210 MEALS FOR CDA BOARD MTG COM 9/27/2022 90.75 175669 9/7/22 MEALS - CDA BOARD MTG 9/7/22 COM 11/8/2022 88.00 176505 10/5/22 LUNCHES FOR CDA MTG 10/5/22 COM 11/22/2022 90.75 176734 11/2/22 MEALS FOR CDA BOARD MTG 11/2 23-705-000-0000-6355 9.00 1002,300 2,309.00Liability Insurance 0.00 Page 5 Report For: ToReport Basis:Percent of Year: Actual For Tran Date Bdgt - Act Difference01/2022 - 11/2022 - - 12/2/2022 Actual ForType2022 BUDGET EXPENDITURE GUIDELINE Otter Tail County Auditor BB-DPA-2022-01 PctReportCode1 4:20:28PM DGODEL 01/2022 11/2022Cash 92% 11/2022War# 8 Char Invoice# Description Copyright 2010-2022 Integrated Financial Systems COM 2/15/2022 2,309.00 171299 19343R ACCT 7639 PC RENEWAL 23-705-000-0000-6369 179.43 00179.43Miscellaneous Charges 0.00 AUD 6/30/2022 179.43 173955 6/30/22 AB - FOOD FOR HOUSING SUMMIT 23-705-000-0000-6822 300,000.00 0300,000 0.00Community Growth Partnership Grant 0.00 706 NON SPECIAL BENEFIT LEVY PROGRAMMING 807 SPECIAL ALLOCATION HOUSING PROGRAM 23-706-807-0000-6825 6,495.00 006,495.00Down Payment Assistance 0.00 AUD 8/26/2022 6,495.00 175110 SUNDHEIM & RASMUSSON ...25178.75 126,779.79504,060.00 377,280.21 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/TOURISM 25178.75 126,779.79504,060.00 377,280.21 SPECIAL ALLOCATION HOUSING PROGRAM 06,495.000.00 6,495.00 NON SPECIAL BENEFIT LEVY PROGRAMMING 06,495.000.00 6,495.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 26178.75 133,274.79504,060.00 370,785.21 26178.75 133,274.79504,060.00 370,785.21 Page 6 Report For: ToReport Basis:Percent of Year: Actual For Tran Date Bdgt - Act Difference01/2022 - 11/2022 - PROGRAM DEPT - PROGRAM - DEPT - FUND Final Totals 12 Accounts 12/2/2022 000 705 807 706 23 Actual ForType2022 BUDGET EXPENDITURE GUIDELINE Otter Tail County Auditor FUND 23 705 Dept Community Development Agency DECEMBER VARIANCE 2022 2022 POSITIVE/2020 2021 Revenues BUDGET ACTUAL (NEGATIVE)ACTUAL ACTUAL PROPERTY TAXES 541,800$ 502,899$ (38,901)$ 561,400$ 530,928$ GRANTS/OTHER REVENUES/INTEREST 3,000$ 2,848$ (152)$ 5,576$ 2,724$ CARES ACT CONTRACTED SERVICES -$ 60,000$ Total Revenues 544,800$ 505,747$ (39,053)$ 626,977$ 533,652$ Expenditures PER DIEM 12,600$ 10,335$ (2,265)$ -$ 7,200$ PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING 7,500$ 4,629$ (2,871)$ 7,500$ 9,459$ MEMBERSHIP DUES 4,000$ 3,025$ (975)$ 3,235$ 3,620$ REGISTRATION FEES 500$ 1,510$ 1,010$ 420$ 115$ AUDIT COST 1,200$ -$ (1,200)$ -$ 2,168$ CONTRACTED SERVICES 166,960$ 163,614$ (3,346)$ 127,109$ 145,670$ MILEAGE 4,000$ 2,064$ (1,936)$ -$ 1,434$ MEALS AND LODGING 5,000$ 5,944$ 944$ 4,488$ 1,141$ LIABILITY INSURANCE 2,300$ 2,309$ 9$ 1,628$ 2,223$ MISC CHARGES -$ 179$ 179$ -$ -$ OFFICE SUPPLIES -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ COMMUNITY GROWTH PARTNERSHIP GRANT 300,000$ 3,443$ (296,557)$ 80,000$ 75,000$ SMALL BUSINESS RELIEF FUND PROGRAM -$ -$ -$ 72,500$ -$ Total Expenditures 504,060$ 197,053$ (307,007)$ 296,880$ 248,029$ Revenue 544,800$ 505,747$ 626,977$ 533,652$ Expenditures 504,060$ 197,053$ 296,880$ 248,029$ Net/Unallocated 40,740$ 308,694$ 330,097$ 285,623$ Fund Balance - Beginning 990,617$ 374,897$ 704,994$ Fund Balance - Ending 704,994$ 990,617$ FUND 23 706 Dept Non Special Benefit Levy Programming DECEMBER VARIANCE 2022 2022 POSITIVE/ Revenues BUDGET ACTUAL (NEGATIVE) PROPERTY TAXES 2,000,000$ -$ (2,000,000)$ GRANTS/OTHER REVENUES/INTEREST -$ -$ -$ Total Revenues 2,000,000$ -$ (2,000,000)$ Expenditures INFRASTRUCTURE -$ -$ -$ DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE -$ 12,245$ 12,245$ Total Expenditures -$ 12,245$ 12,245$ Obligations INFRASTRUCTURE -$ 100,000$ 100,000$ DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE -$ -$ -$ Total Obligations -$ 100,000$ 100,000$ Revenue 2,000,000$ -$ Expenditures -$ 12,245$ Obligations -$ 100,000$ Net/Unallocated 2,000,000$ 112,245$ Fund Balance - Beginning 2,000,000$ Fund Balance - Ending 100% PctReportCode1 4:38:10PM DGODEL 01/2022 12/2022Cash 12/2022War# 8 Char Invoice# Description Copyright 2010-2022 Integrated Financial Systems 23 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 705 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/TOURISM 000 ... 23-705-000-0000-6140 2,265.00 8212,600 10,335.00Per Diem 5,670.00 MVC 4/28/2022 375.00 167443 07272021 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174792 4/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174786 1/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174792 3/9/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174786 4/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174642 3/9/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174786 3/9/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174786 2/2/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174711 4/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174734 6/1/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174787 2/2/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174642 5/4/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174792 1/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174734 2/23/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174711 5/4/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174786 6/4/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174642 1/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174734 2/2/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174711 1/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174792 2/2/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174786 6/1/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174792 6/1/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174787 2/23/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174792 5/4/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174806 4/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174787 3/9/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174711 2/23/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174642 4/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174734 4/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174787 5/4/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174642 6/1/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174642 2/2/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174711 6/1/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174792 2/23/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174787 1/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM Page 2 Report For: ToReport Basis:Percent of Year: Actual For Tran Date Bdgt - Act Difference01/2022 - 12/2022 - 1/5/2023 Actual ForType2022 BUDGET EXPENDITURE GUIDELINE Otter Tail County Auditor 100% PctReportCode1 4:38:10PM DGODEL 01/2022 12/2022Cash 12/2022War# 8 Char Invoice# Description Copyright 2010-2022 Integrated Financial Systems COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174734 3/9/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174806 5/4/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174787 4/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174734 5/4/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 8/9/2022 90.00 174642 2/23/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 175918 7/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176048 7/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176046 1/18/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176048 5/17/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176046 5/17/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176048 6/21/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176046 4/19/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176052 7/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176048 2/22/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176064 7/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176048 1/18/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176046 6/21/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176048 3/22/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176046 3/22/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 175987 7/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176046 7/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 10/11/2022 90.00 176002 7/6/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177362 8/22/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177362 11/28/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177310 8/10/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177412 10/24/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177412 11/2/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177412 11/28/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177412 12/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177362 9/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177362 9/26/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177362 10/5/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177362 10/24/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177362 6/27/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177362 11/2/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177362 12/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177310 9/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177310 11/2/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177362 8/10/22 CDA - PER DIEM Page 3 Report For: ToReport Basis:Percent of Year: Actual For Tran Date Bdgt - Act Difference01/2022 - 12/2022 1/5/2023 Actual ForType2022 BUDGET EXPENDITURE GUIDELINE Otter Tail County Auditor 100% PctReportCode1 4:38:10PM DGODEL 01/2022 12/2022Cash 12/2022War# 8 Char Invoice# Description Copyright 2010-2022 Integrated Financial Systems COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177310 10/5/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177310 12/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177376 8/10/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177376 10/5/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177376 11/2/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177409 7/18/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177409 8/10/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177409 8/16/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177409 11/2/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177409 11/15/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177409 12/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177410 7/18/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177410 8/16/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177410 9/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177410 10/5/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177410 10/18/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177410 11/2/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177410 11/15/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177410 12/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177420 9/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177420 10/5/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177412 6/27/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177412 9/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177412 9/26/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177412 10/5/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177412 7/25/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177412 8/10/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 90.00 177412 8/22/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/27/2022 90.00 177548 12/19/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/27/2022 90.00 177615 11/17/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/27/2022 90.00 177632 11/21/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/27/2022 90.00 177580 11/17/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/27/2022 90.00 177620 11/17/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/27/2022 90.00 177616 11/17/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/27/2022 90.00 177632 8/15/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/27/2022 90.00 177632 9/19/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/27/2022 90.00 177632 12/19/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/27/2022 90.00 177548 9/19/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/27/2022 90.00 177548 11/17/22 CDA - PER DIEM Page 4 Report For: ToReport Basis:Percent of Year: Actual For Tran Date Bdgt - Act Difference01/2022 - 12/2022 1/5/2023 Actual ForType2022 BUDGET EXPENDITURE GUIDELINE Otter Tail County Auditor 100% PctReportCode1 4:38:10PM DGODEL 01/2022 12/2022Cash 12/2022War# 8 Char Invoice# Description Copyright 2010-2022 Integrated Financial Systems COM 12/27/2022 90.00 177548 11/21/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/27/2022 90.00 177589 7/18/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/27/2022 90.00 177589 10/17/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/27/2022 90.00 177589 11/17/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/27/2022 90.00 177589 11/21/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/27/2022 90.00 177589 12/19/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/27/2022 90.00 177632 7/18/22 CDA - PER DIEM 23-705-000-0000-6240 2,871.23 627,500 4,628.77Publishing & Advertising 0.00 COM 1/11/2022 1,000.00 170718 INV-1703 BIG BUILD ADS 2022 COM 1/25/2022 700.00 170906 3051 BIG BUILD AD JAN 2022 COM 2/15/2022 799.00 171270 1/29/22 AD CONSTRUCTION GUIDE COM 2/15/2022 50.10 171331 8019688 ACCT 64615 BIG BUILD HANDOUT AUD 2/28/2022 150.00 171460 2/28/22 AB - MARKETING BOOTH RENTAL COM 3/15/2022 175.00 171844 9685 BOOTH RENTAL FOR SHOWCASE COM 4/26/2022 88.47 172648 8028631 ACCT 64615 BIG BUILD HANDOUT COM 4/26/2022 795.00 172630 OCD0085-0524 BIG BUILD AD ON BILLBOARD COM 5/10/2022 649.00 172981 2061 CDA PROGRAM PROMOTION SIGN COM 5/24/2022 90.85 173229 8031643 ACCT 64615 HOUSING PROGRAMS COM 6/14/2022 44.00 173599 8033637 ACCT 64615 CHILDCARE POSTCARDS COM 7/26/2022 44.16 174298 20268 CDA/HRA JURISDICTION MTG COM 8/23/2022 43.19 175017 8036615 ACCT 64615 DOWN PYMT HANDOUTS 23-705-000-0000-6241 975.00 764,000 3,025.00Membership Dues 0.00 COM 1/4/2022 2,500.00 170583 1196 2022 MEMBERSHIP DUES COM 2/15/2022 525.00 171271 11393 MEMBERSHIP DUES 23-705-000-0000-6242 1,010.00 3025001,510.00Registration Fees 400.00 COM 2/15/2022 252.50 171259 102441 ACCT 325944 REGISTRATION COM 4/26/2022 495.00 172627 4/8/22 2022 SPRING CONFERENCE AUD 4/29/2022 25.00 172744 4/29/22 AB - REGISTRATION COM 7/26/2022 252.50 174356 7/26/22 EDA CREDIT ANALYSIS COURSE COM 9/13/2022 25.00 175463 9/13/22 MEETING & BANQUET REGISTRATION COM 10/25/2022 30.00 176178 62645 ACCT 12654 MAPCED MTG 9/30/22 COM 10/25/2022 30.00 176178 62646 ACCT 12868 MAPCED MTG 9/30/22 COM 12/20/2022 400.00 177316 63467.00 2022 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 23-705-000-0000-6266 1,200.00 01,200 0.00Audit Cost 0.00 23-705-000-0000-6290 3,345.64 98166,960 163,614.36Contracted Services.59,282.74 COM 1/11/2022 5,200.00 170729 1221 CDA SUPPORT SERVICES DEC 2021 COM 2/15/2022 5,200.00 171369 0122 CDA SUPPORT SERVICES JAN 2022 COM 3/15/2022 5,200.00 171864 0222 CDA SUPPORT SERVICES FEB 2022 COM 4/12/2022 5,200.00 172376 0322 CDA SUPPORT SERVICES MAR 2022 Page 5 Report For: ToReport Basis:Percent of Year: Actual For Tran Date Bdgt - Act Difference01/2022 - 12/2022 - 1/5/2023 Actual ForType2022 BUDGET EXPENDITURE GUIDELINE Otter Tail County Auditor 100% PctReportCode1 4:38:10PM DGODEL 01/2022 12/2022Cash 12/2022War# 8 Char Invoice# Description Copyright 2010-2022 Integrated Financial Systems COM 5/10/2022 5,200.00 172977 0422 CDA SUPPORT SERVICES APR 2022 COM 6/14/2022 5,200.00 173643 0522 CDA SUPPORT SERVICES MAY 2022 COM 6/28/2022 137.50 173776 90827 CDA BONDS CONSULTING COM 7/12/2022 5,200.00 174166 0622 CDA SUPPORT SERVICES JUNE 2022 J/E 7/29/2022 46,844.126 MO CONTRACTED SERVICES OTC COM 8/9/2022 275.00 174687 91299 ECON DEV CONSULTING SERVICES COM 8/9/2022 5,200.00 174790 0722 CDA SUPPORT SERVICES JUL 2022 COM 8/31/2022 10,000.00 175296 4026580 #100762 CDA RESOLUTION COM 9/13/2022 5,200.00 175485 0822 CDA SUPPORT SERVICES AUG 2022 COM 10/25/2022 275.00 176219 92071 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONSULT COM 12/20/2022 5,800.00 304991 12/14/22 REIMBURSE TAFT INV #4102743 COM 12/27/2022 663.74 177584 96712 ACCT 4817 SAMPLE ANALYSIS COM 12/30/2022 5,250.00 304998 12/29/22 REIMB MAXFIELD INVOICES J/E 12/30/2022 47,569.006 MO CONTRACTED SER TO CDA 23-705-000-0000-6330 1,935.97 524,000 2,064.03Mileage1,101.27 MVC 4/28/2022 106.40 167443 07272021 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 53.82 174787 4/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174734 4/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 46.80 174792 1/7/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174734 5/4/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 46.80 174792 3/9/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174786 4/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 22.23 174711 5/4/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 46.80 174792 5/4/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174734 2/2/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 22.23 174711 2/23/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174786 2/2/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 37.44 174806 5/4/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 22.23 174711 4/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 46.80 174792 6/1/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 46.80 174792 2/23/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174786 6/1/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174786 1/7/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 22.23 174711 6/1/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174786 6/4/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174734 3/9/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174734 2/23/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 22.23 174711 1/7/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 46.80 174792 2/2/22 CDA - MILEAGE Page 6 Report For: ToReport Basis:Percent of Year: Actual For Tran Date Bdgt - Act Difference01/2022 - 12/2022 - 1/5/2023 Actual ForType2022 BUDGET EXPENDITURE GUIDELINE Otter Tail County Auditor 100% PctReportCode1 4:38:10PM DGODEL 01/2022 12/2022Cash 12/2022War# 8 Char Invoice# Description Copyright 2010-2022 Integrated Financial Systems COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174734 6/1/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 8/9/2022 23.40 174786 3/9/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 23.40 176046 3/22/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 18.75 176048 7/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 23.40 176046 6/21/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 41.88 175918 7/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 23.40 176046 4/19/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 45.63 175987 7/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 23.40 176046 5/17/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 23.40 176046 1/18/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 5.63 176064 7/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 19.38 176002 7/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 16.25 176052 7/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 10/11/2022 40.63 176046 7/6/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 12.56 177310 10/5/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 50.00 177412 9/7/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 17.50 177412 10/5/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 50.00 177412 11/2/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 25.00 177409 8/10/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 25.00 177409 8/16/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 25.00 177409 11/2/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 23.75 177362 8/10/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 23.75 177362 11/2/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 23.75 177362 12/7/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 25.00 177376 8/10/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 25.00 177409 11/15/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 23.75 177362 9/7/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 21.28 177362 6/27/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 57.50 177410 12/7/22 CDA - PER DIEM COM 12/20/2022 40.00 177420 9/7/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 6.88 177420 10/5/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 46.80 177412 6/27/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 25.00 177376 11/2/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 25.00 177409 7/18/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 50.00 177412 12/7/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 23.75 177362 8/22/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 50.00 177412 7/25/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 50.00 177412 8/10/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/20/2022 25.00 177409 12/7/22 CDA - MILEAGE Page 7 Report For: ToReport Basis:Percent of Year: Actual For Tran Date Bdgt - Act Difference01/2022 - 12/2022 1/5/2023 Actual ForType2022 BUDGET EXPENDITURE GUIDELINE Otter Tail County Auditor 100% BB-DPA-2022-01 BB-DPA-2022-02 PctReportCode1 4:38:10PM DGODEL 01/2022 12/2022Cash 12/2022War# 8 Char Invoice# Description Copyright 2010-2022 Integrated Financial Systems COM 12/20/2022 46.25 177410 10/5/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/27/2022 50.00 177620 11/17/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/27/2022 23.75 177580 11/17/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/27/2022 40.00 177632 11/21/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/27/2022 25.00 177615 11/17/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/27/2022 40.00 177632 9/19/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/27/2022 40.00 177632 7/18/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/27/2022 40.00 177632 8/15/22 CDA - MILEAGE COM 12/27/2022 25.00 177589 11/17/22 CDA - MILEAGE 23-705-000-0000-6331 943.89 1195,000 5,943.89Meals And Lodging 375.68 COM 1/25/2022 90.75 170873 1/5/22 MEALS FOR CDA BOARD MTG 1/5/22 COM 3/15/2022 120.00 171743 2/23/22 MEALS FOR BOARD MTG 2/23/22 COM 3/29/2022 96.00 172021 3/9/22 MEALS FOR CDA BOARD MTG 3/9/22 COM 4/12/2022 99.00 172268 2/2/22 MEALS FOR CDA BOARD MTG 2/2/22 COM 4/26/2022 4,085.42 172687 116402 BIG BUILD HOUSING SUMMIT COM 5/24/2022 99.00 173131 5/4/22 MEALS FOR CDA BOARD MTG 5/4/22 COM 7/26/2022 211.00 174301 291543 MEALS - CDA BOARD MTG 7/6/22 COM 7/26/2022 90.75 174316 6/1/22 MEALS - CDA BOARD MTG 6/1/22 AUD 7/29/2022 286.42 174550 7/29/22 AB - LODGING COM 8/23/2022 120.37 175055 10AUG22 K3210 MEALS FOR CDA BOARD MTG COM 9/27/2022 90.75 175669 9/7/22 MEALS - CDA BOARD MTG 9/7/22 COM 11/8/2022 88.00 176505 10/5/22 LUNCHES FOR CDA MTG 10/5/22 COM 11/22/2022 90.75 176734 11/2/22 MEALS FOR CDA BOARD MTG 11/2 COM 12/20/2022 82.50 177333 12/7/22 MEALS FOR BOARD MTG 12/7/22 REG 12/28/2022 21.35 9714 EXPRESSONE REIMBURSEMENT AUD 12/30/2022 314.53 177674 12/30/22 AB - LODGING 23-705-000-0000-6355 9.00 1002,300 2,309.00Liability Insurance 0.00 COM 2/15/2022 2,309.00 171299 19343R ACCT 7639 PC RENEWAL 23-705-000-0000-6369 179.43 00179.43Miscellaneous Charges 0.00 AUD 6/30/2022 179.43 173955 6/30/22 AB - FOOD FOR HOUSING SUMMIT 23-705-000-0000-6822 296,556.77 1300,000 3,443.23Community Growth Partnership Grant 3,443.23 COM 12/27/2022 3,443.23 304996 2022-1 CDA GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 706 NON SPECIAL BENEFIT LEVY PROGRAMMING 807 SPECIAL ALLOCATION HOUSING PROGRAM 23-706-807-0000-6825 12,245.00 0012,245.00Down Payment Assistance 5,750.00 AUD 8/26/2022 6,495.00 175110 SUNDHEIM & RASMUSSON AUD 12/9/2022 5,750.00 177046 DAVISON CLOSING ...3970,272.92 197,052.71504,060.00 307,007.29 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/TOURISM 3970,272.92 197,052.71504,060.00 307,007.29 Page 8 Report For: ToReport Basis:Percent of Year: Actual For Tran Date Bdgt - Act Difference01/2022 - 12/2022 - - - - PROGRAM DEPT - 1/5/2023 000 705 Actual ForType2022 BUDGET EXPENDITURE GUIDELINE Otter Tail County Auditor 100% PctReportCode1 4:38:10PM DGODEL 01/2022 12/2022Cash 12/2022War# 8 Char Invoice# Description Copyright 2010-2022 Integrated Financial Systems SPECIAL ALLOCATION HOUSING PROGRAM 05,750.00 12,245.000.00 12,245.00 NON SPECIAL BENEFIT LEVY PROGRAMMING 05,750.00 12,245.000.00 12,245.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 4276,022.92 209,297.71504,060.00 294,762.29 4276,022.92 209,297.71504,060.00 294,762.29 Page 9 Report For: ToReport Basis:Percent of Year: Actual For Tran Date Bdgt - Act Difference01/2022 - 12/2022 PROGRAM - DEPT - FUND Final Totals 12 Accounts 1/5/2023 807 706 23 Actual ForType2022 BUDGET EXPENDITURE GUIDELINE Otter Tail County Auditor DATE: January 12, 2022 TO: CDA Board of Directors FROM: Amy Baldwin, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Director Status Report Housing Growth Initiative / The Big Build: • Tax rebate program: 90 applications in 2022 and 2 in 2023 year-to-date: 6 in Ottertail, 6 in Fergus Falls, 3 in Perham, 2 in Pelican Rapids, 2 in Battle Lake, 1 in New York Mills and balance from township areas • Perham digital billboard promoting the Tax Rebate Program and Down Payment Assistance Program is live for the month of January (ad creative attached) • The 2023 OTLCA magazine will include a half page advertisement and full page article promoting the Big Build and CDA infrastructure strategies (ad creative attached). Workforce Support Strategy / OTC Works: • Email newsletter distributed to workforce partners: members.ottertaillakescountry.com/ap/EmailViewer/rJj83xvr • Discounted M State Leadership Training series received strong interest from Otter Tail County employers. Promotion of the training included a press release and email newsletter. (press release attached) Childcare • Waiting for signatures on DEED Child Care grant • Fergus Falls is hosting a Child Care Town Hall event on January 30 as part of their participation in the First Children’s Finance Rural Child Care Innovation Program. Employers, child care providers, partners, and interested community members are invited to attend and an email newsletter was distributed to 150 recipients in Fergus Falls. (event flyer attached) Business Development: • Closed out the partnership with the West Central SBDC on the DEED Small Business Partnership Grant on the County’s Business Resilience Coaching Program. Our grant period ended 6 months early due to the SBDC’s transition from being hosted by Page 2 Concordia College to M State. Therefore, grant funds were not fully expended and unused matching funds will be reallocated within our business development/workforce efforts. Broadband and Digital Access and Equity: • Border to Border Grant Awards: 2 of 3 of broadband projects within Otter Tail County seeking funding were awarded a combined amount of $4.5 million in grant funding from DEED. The next application round opened December 19th and will be closing on March 2nd. Staff is in conversations with Arvig and Park Region regarding potential 2023 border to border projects • Staff looking at a “Last Mile Line Extension” proposal for one of the County’s transfer stations that does not have access to broadband. (sample application is attached) • Carter to moderate a panel at Internet for All: Connecting One Minnesota Workshop January 25th Industry Panel: Networking Design and Build. The panel will feature industry representatives discussing conditions needed for design and build of broadband networks, funding challenges, what industry may be looking for in partners as well as workforce consideration needs. The workshop is open to all interested parties and a virtual option is available. (event information attached) • Northland Hackathon - Major website overhaul complete (www.northlandhackathon.com) - Recruitment of 2 new collaborators: Com Sci Professor from the University of Minnesota and Agile Sr. Scrum Master and Automation Accelerator at Travelers Insurance as co-contributors for the event. - Looking for local business and further school involvement in West Central MN. Attachments: • Perham billboard graphic • OTLCA magazine ad • Fergus Falls Child Care Town Hall Flyer • M State Leadership Training Press Release • Last Mile Line Extension sample application • Internet for All Event information BUY OR BUILD YOUR HOME in Otter Tail County Property tax refund and down payment assistance are available BigBuildOTC.com LIVE YOUR best life IN OTTER TAIL COUNTY Move to Otter Tail County and buy or build a home with support through The Big Build. OTTER TAIL COUNTY THE BIG BUILD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Buy a home and get up to $10,000 of Down Payment Assistance. Build a new home and get up to $15,000 of future property taxes refunded. Additional incentives to buy or build a home are oered by communities within Otter Tail County. bigbuildotc.com M State Legacy Hall 1414 College Way Fergus Falls, MN FERGUS FALLS TOWN HALL presented by: Rural Child Care Innovation Program Funding provided by: JOIN US TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE DATA COLLECTED AND THE CHALLENGES OF CHILD CARE LOCALLY. HELP IDENTIFY INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS TO SUPPORT THE LOCAL CHILD CARE WORKFORCE, AND THE CHILD CARE SHORTAGE IN FERGUS FALLS . This event is free & dinner is included! MONDAY, JANUARY 30TH Registration deadline is January 20th 6:00pm - Dinner 6:30pm - Presentation Register with the QR Code: https://FergusFallsTownHall.eventbrite.com or with the link: Inclement Weather Date : January 31st FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Leadership training available through M State and Otter Tail County December 16, 2022 – Otter Tail County, MN – M State Workforce Development Solutions (WDS) and Otter Tail County are partnering to offer leadership training at a discounted price starting in January 2023. M State WDS will provide the training and Otter Tail County will provide a 50 percent discount off the registration cost for employees of organizations within the county. The ‘Be a Successful Leader’ training includes four courses and is open to individuals with any level of experience looking to build or sharpen their leadership skills. Course topics include leading with your strengths, building trust through communication and conflict, coaching for higher engagement, and building effective teams. The engaging and interactive courses will be held virtually via Zoom and include eight sessions from January to June 2023. The partnership with M State WDS and Otter Tail County is part of the County’s broader workforce strategy, ‘OTC Works.’ Helping employers recruit and retain workers more effectively is one goal of the OTC Works workforce strategy. The retention of workers is greatly impacted by how engaged they are at work. According to employee engagement research by Gallup, the organization behind the StrengthsFinder assessment, 70 percent of the difference in an employee’s engagement level is determined solely by that person’s manager, so good managers make a major impact on the retention of an organization’s workforce. Otter Tail County Community Development Agency (CDA) Board Member and CEO of Vector Windows, Jeff Ackerson, shared, “We’ve done leadership training with M State at Vector Windows, and the sessions are very engaging for our employees who are new in leadership positions. They help upskill those leaders to engage and motivate the employees we have and the new employees we hire.” Ackerson said, “I would encourage every business to share this leadership training opportunity with the managers and supervisors within your organization.” Otter Tail County Community Development Director, Amy Baldwin shared that this partnership helps serve the workforce needs of employers within the county. “With so many leadership transitions the past few years, there’s now a greater need to develop strong leaders within the workforce. Otter Tail County saw this opportunity to partner with M State to offer training that will help employers retain workers more effectively.” More information about the training can be found on M State’s website at minnesota.edu/wds or by contacting Sheila Jesness at 800-492-4836 ext. 3763. Interested individuals employed at an organization within Otter Tail County can get the 50 percent discount code by emailing cda@co.ottertail.mn.us before registering for the training on M State’s website. ### 1 Minnesota Broadband Line Extension Connection Business Application Instructions: 1. Complete the form. Required* fields are in bold and designated with an asterisk (*). 2. Return the completed form to: Office of Broadband Development, 1st National Bank Building, 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200, St. Paul, MN 55101 Eligibility: A business can apply to the Line Extension Connection program if it does not have wireline internet service of at least 25 Mbps download/3 Mbps upload. For assistance completing the form, please call 651-259-7610 or email DEED.broadband@state.mn.us Business Information: *Business Name __________________________ *Type of Business _____________________ Contact: *First Name __________________________________ *Last Name __________________________________ *Phone (________)_______________________________ Email Address______________________________________ Address for Portal: *Street Address _______________________________________ *Is this a multi-unit building? Yes No *City __________________________ *Zip/Postal Code _________________ *County ________________________ Please provide information for your location that will help inform Minnesota’s planning for future broadband programs: # of employees at your business location:________ Broadband Internet Information: *Do you have a broadband subscription at your address? Yes No If Yes, Name of current broadband provider:______________________ Current monthly subscription cost?______________ Speed Test Results: Download (Mbps): ________________ Upload (Mbps): _________________ Please use the site https://www.speedtest.net to obtain your current internet speed for download and upload. If you DO NOT have a current broadband subscription, please describe the barriers preventing you from accessing internet from any existing providers in your area and list any known area providers: Anything else you would like to share about the need for broadband to your business? Affidavit I affirm that I am at least 18 years of age, and all the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to allow the State of Minnesota to validate information in this application as necessary to ensure eligibility. I understand that by submitting my address into the Line Extension Portal, I agree to make my address available to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) so they may compete in a reverse auction (low bidder), to win a grant to build broadband infrastructure (a line extension) to my address location. my address is not a guarantee that an ISP will bid or be awarded a grant to build service to my location. *Signature _______________________________________________ *Date____________________ CONNECTING ONE MINNESOTA WORKSHOP YOU’RE INVITED TO THE INTERNET FOR ALL: This event will bring together local governments, community leaders, industry, state and federal representatives, and other critical partners from around the state to learn about and discuss key programs that are aimed at expanding broadband infrastructure and promoting digital equity for our residents. Individuals with disabilities requiring an accommodation to attend this event should contact Julia Pulidindi at jpulidindi@ntia.gov. Registration will open at 8:30 am and the program will begin at 9:00 am. JANUARY 25, 20238:30AM - 4:30PM CT MYSTIC LAKE CENTERPRIOR LAKE, MN REGISTER HERE A virtual option to participate will be available. Workforce Support & Development Committee Meeting Notes Date/Time: January 4 @10am Committee members: Kurt Mortenson (in person), Dave Ripley (in person), and Betsy Roder (virtual) Outline of key actions discussed: 1. Youth Workforce Navigation Update a. Career Pathway Field Trips i. Automotive was held on December 8. Approximately 50 students from Rothsay, Underwood, and Parkers Prairie visted Frank’s Auto Body in Perham, Ripley’s in Erhard, and Quality Toyota in Fergus Falls ii. Healthcare tour scheduled for January 11 iii. Agriculture tour rescheduled for January 18 b. School support is growing with nearly all Otter Tail County school districts getting credentialed work-based learning teachers c. Brunswick-Lund Boats received their approval as a YST Employer to have 16-17 year old students in paid work experiences 2. M State In Demand Skills Training partnership a. Leadership: Good registration numbers and a lot of interest from employers throughout the County b. CNA: Discussion from the committee to keep the County-funded training no cost to registrants to continue removing all barriers for people who are interested. M State has implemented follow-up processes to ensure registrants are committed to attending the training. The follow-up processes will continue when the County becomes the funding source. c. Welding: Use M State’s mobile welding trailer and partner with local manufacturing employer to host at their location. Open to current employees for upskilling and broader community. Seeking employer willing to host the training at their location. d. CDL: Recommendation from the committee to meet with CDL training instructor to better understand the gaps and needs that the County could support Next meeting: TBD OTTERTAIL COUNTY -MINNESOTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Government Services Center 520 West Fir Avenue Fergus Falls, MN 56537 218-998-8060 ® OTTER TAIL COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER @ ottertailcountymn.us LIVE YOUR best life HE RE. Child Care Committee Meeting Notes Date/Time: December 19 @2pm Committee members present: Greg Swanberg (virtual), Jeff Ackerson (in person), Val Martin (virtual) Outline of key actions discussed: 1. Otter Tail County Child Care Grant program a. Review, discussion, and approval of two Child Care Capacity Grant applications 2. MN DEED Child Care Economic Development Grant next steps a. Awarded $160,000 grant b. A revised budget has been submitted and we’re waiting to receive an executed grant agreement from the state before moving forward with identified sub-grant projects c. Discussion about re-engaging Child Care Project Managers for technical assistance to new providers Next meeting: TBD OTTERTAIL COUNTY -MINNESOTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Government Services Center 520 West Fir Avenue Fergus Falls, MN 56537 218-998-8060 ® OTTER TAIL COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER @ ottertailcountymn.us LIVE YOUR best life HE RE.