HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommunity Development Agency - Minutes - 05/20/2024MINUTES OF THE
Government Services Center, County Board Room
515 W Fir Ave, Fergus Falls MN 56537
May 20, 2024
Call to Order
The Otter Tail County Community Development Agency convened at 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 20, 2024.
Attendance was as follows:
Present in
Present via
Board Members:
Jeff Ackerson x
Dena Johnson x
Val Martin x
Kurt Mortenson x
Dave Ripley x
Betsy Roder x
Lee Rogness x
Heidi Samuelson x
Dave Schornack x
Amy Baldwin, CDA Director x
Tanya Westra, Housing Program Supervisor x
Sarah Schake, Project Manager x
Erik Osberg, Rural Rebound Initiative Coordinator x
Paula Grunewald, HRA Administrative Assistant x
Ava Weber, Intern x
Amy Johnson, Workforce Navigator x
Jason Aarsvold, Ehlers Public Finance Advisors x
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Consent Agenda
Motion by Jeff Ackerson, second by Kurt Mortenson to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion passed
4. Reports and Presentations
A / B Director’s Report & Meeting Notes:
CDA Director, Amy Baldwin introduced:
Ava Weber, a summer Intern with Otter Tail County. She is from Fergus Falls and a student at
University of Minnesota – Morris. She has an interest in the Economic Development field. Her
position is supported with funding from the Economic Development Association of Minnesota.
Amy Johnson, the new Workforce Navigator. This is a 3-year position in which she will support
the Empowered Worker Program and Drive for 5 grant administration. This position is a result of
a grant award from the State of Minnesota.
Baldwin stated that:
The next virtual Housing Convening is Wednesday, May 29.
The Workforce Summit was held on April 24 and very successful.
A State Economic Development Childcare grant was awarded to the Parkers Prairie Childcare
for $100,000, with the County match of $5,000.
West Central Initiative is partnering with DEED to distribute PROMISE Acts, grants up to
$50,000, to eligible small businesses and nonprofits.
The Lincoln – the Battle Lake Former Youth Center Project has had a MN Housing Workforce
Housing funding application submitted with awards to be announced in mid-August. Additional
gap financing has been discussed through the County’s Multi-Family New Construction Loan
C. On the Map Report
Erik Osberg, Rural Rebound Initiative Coordinator reported that Otter Tail Lakes Country
Association Board is asking for uniformity in reporting, and he has made a uniform metric report that
includes Awareness, Consideration and Conversion. He reported that Amy Baldwin was quoted in
USA Today about the MN Gopher / Otter Tail County relationship and that the MN Gophers had a
summit in May in which we were asked to attend and be on a panel.
D. Board Member Updates
Dave Schornack shared concerns with the labor force and population decline.
Dena Johnson reported that Pelican Rapids is torn up, but all is going well, and
people/businesses are coming together. Seems like the project is on track. One business
did not reopen but will again next year. Customers are getting to shops even though it may
be a challenge.
5. Regular Business Items
A. Consider Approving the Establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 – Pinewood
Estates and Redevelopment Plan and Authorizing an Interfund Loan.
CDA Director, Amy Baldwin shared the background of the Pinewood Estates Project. CDA has
been working with Pelican Rapids to advance the development of the former County Highway
Garage facility for the last 18 months. This included platting, infrastructure planning, clearing the
trees, demolition of the structure, completing a blight assessment, and establishing a
Redevelopment TIF District. Total expenses are estimated around $800,000. CDA has available
funds in cash reserves to cover the expenses and will be reimbursed via TIF. Infrastructure
expenses will not be assessed back to homeowners. To continue the process of establishing the
TIF District, the proposed resolution will:
Approve the establishment of Redevelopment Project Area 1;
Approve the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1; and
Authorize an Interfund Loan to repay the CDA for qualified expenditures through tax
increments generated by the Project.
The Planning Commission approved a resolution at its May 6 meeting and the County Board will
hold a public hearing on Tuesday, May 21 regarding establishing a TIF district. CDA Director, Amy
Baldwin, presented a map of Pelican Rapids with the TIF District indicated. Jason Aarsvold, from
Ehlers Public Finance Advisors, was available via technology to answer questions. There is no
financial impact to other residents. It was noted that redevelopment TIF has no household income
qualification. A maximum budget of $1.43 million with increments expected to be collected over 26
Motion by Dena Johnson, second by Kurt Mortenson to approve the resolution associated with the
establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 – Pinewood Estates. Motion passed
B. Consider Accepting Minnesota Housing Impact Fund Award for Pelican Rapids Housing and
Authorizing Appropriate Signatures on Interim Loan Contract and Grant Contract Agreement
CDA Director, Amy Baldwin stated that Grant Funds are provided for “Value Gap” which is the
difference between the development costs and the sale price of the home. The total amount of
eligible grant funds equals $762,000 and the period to use it is through April 30, 2027. These funds
are to be used over three homes. The Interim Loan Agreement provides financing up to $950,000 at
6.5% interest. The CDA is not required to utilize this funding, but it is available. This resolution
authorizes the Executive Director to sign agreements as well as ancillary documents that are
needed throughout the process (related documents). Motion by Lee Rogness, second by Dave
Ripley to approve execution of the Minnesota Housing Impact Fund Award Grant Contract and
Interim Loan Agreement. Motion passed unanimously. CDA Director, Amy Baldwin also presented
information on the Open Houses for Pinewood Estates on May 28 and May 30.
C. Consider Modification to Multi-Family New Construction Loan Program Guidelines
CDA Director Amy Baldwin discussed modifications to multi-family housing gap loan program. This
program provides gap loan financing for the construction of new rental units. The Housing
Committee reviewed the proposed modification at its May meeting and recommends approval.
Motion by Jeff Ackerson, second by Dena Johnson to approve an increase in the gross rent limits
from 60% to 70%. Motion passed unanimously.
Kurt Mortenson left at 2pm and returned at 2:30. Dave Schornack left at 2:35pm.
6. Discussion and Communications
A. Review of Single-Family Tax Rebate Program
Was established in 2020 at the launch of the Big Build Initiative
Expires at the end of 2024
Has had over 300 approved applicants from 2020-2023
Staff time for annual program administration is 150-200 hours per year
The Housing Committee requested a discussion with the full board. Options included: let the
program expire at the end of 2024; extend the timeline of program in current form; continue program on
a modified basis i.e. partner with cities who wish to continue the program; or other options to be
determined. Commissioners discussed that there could be an alternative program out there and that we
need to be innovative and creative.
B. Other Communications: None
C. Upcoming meeting:
Tuesday, June 18, 2024 @ 1:00pm, Commissioner’s Room, Government Services Center with
HRA Board meeting @ 11:45am.
7. Adjourned – 2:40pm