HomeMy WebLinkAboutHousing & Redevelopment Authority - Minutes - 02/17/2022HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY
The Otter Tail County HRA Board of Commissioners
Met for a regular meeting on February 17, 2022 at 2:30 pm
At the Otter Tail County Government Services Center,
West Battle Lake Room, 500 W Fir Ave, Fergus Falls, MN
Board Members Present:
John Lindquist
Robert Maki, Secretary
Kurt Mortenson
Leland Rogness, Vice Chairperson
Wayne Johnson, Chairperson -via Teams
Betty Murphy -via Teams
Others Present:
Barbara Dacy, OTC HRA Executive Director
Paula Grunewald, OTC HRA Administrative Assistant
Amy Baldwin, OTC CDA Community Development Director
Tanya Westra, OTC HRA Project Manager, via Teams
1. Call to Order
Government Services Center
500 West Fir Avenue
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Via Teams, Chairperson Johnson called the meeting to order at 2:27 p.m. Meeting turned over to Lee Rogness,
Vice Chairperson at 2:28 p.m.
2. Approval of Agenda
Motion made by Maki, second by Mortenson to approve the February 17, 2022 Agenda with changes noted: under
5D to remove Resolution No. 188. Motion passed unanimously.
3. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Motion made by Lindquist, second by Mortenson to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Lindquist asked if the January 2022 minutes needed to report the time that the Board moved between
regular session and the closed session. Commissioner Mortenson reported that the minutes are in a form that they
can be approved by the Board.
4. Old Business
A. Resolution No. 180 Amending the 5 -Year Public Housing Agency Plan and Adopting a Revised
Administrative Plan for the Housing Choice Voucher Program; Effective June 1, 2022. Director Dacy
reported that there was not a motion made and approved at the January 2022 meeting for Resolution No. 180.
Motion made by Mortenson, second by Maki to approve. Motion passed unanimously.
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5. New Business
A. Resolution No; 185 Adopting the Revised Utility Allowance Schedule for the Public Housing Program
For 2022. Director Dacy discussed that a company was hired to'provide the Utility Allowances. A question was
asked if Resolution 185 and 186 were requirements and Da:cy responded yes. Motion made by Mortenson, •
second by Lindquist to approve; Motion passed unanimously. •
B. Resolution No. 186 Authorizing Amended Ceiling Rent Amounts for 2022 for-the Public Housing
Program. Motion inade by Lindquist, second by Mortenson to approve. Motiori passed unanimously.
C. Resolution No. 187 Authorizing Recurring Automated Clearing House Withdrawals -for Certain Vendors;
Director Dacy is requesting approval to make Automated Clearing House Withdrawals fcir certain vendors. These
vendors include utility companies, the credit card company, and vendors identified in Exhibit A of the Resolution.
This request should create more efficiency and the plafl is to also include landlords. Commissioner Undquisl
asked about adding additional businesses to thii; list and: Dacy responded that th_e Board should review and
approve a resolution amending Exhibit A. Motion made by 1-cindquist, second by Maki to approve. Motion passed
D. Resolution No. 188 Authorizing Submission of the Section 8 Management Assessment Program
Certification for 2021. This resolution was removed from the agenda because a submission is not required for·
· the 2021 fiscal year. • •• • • •
E. Resolution No. 189 Adopting the Acquisition and Disposition ·Policy._ Director Dacy discussed that this
policy is for acquiring and selling property. She stated that the policy establishes a basic process, but when using
federal money, the rules would be different. She stated that legal counsel has suggested changes to modify
Section Ill. Negotiation Authority to revise both the Acquisition and Disposition paragraphs, and #3c. Motion made
by Maki, second by Mortenson to approve. Motion passed unanimously.
6. Discussion
• A. Draft Policy for Housing Trust Fund and American Rescue Plan. Director Dacy gave a Power Point
presentation discussing the expectations from the December 2021 Board meeting for distribution of the American •
Rescue Plan and Housing Trust Fund. Dacy described eight guiding principles, the priority funding programs for
"new construction" and "rehabilitation" and provided an overview of a quarterly application review process. She
also provided a summary of recent data supporting the need for new construction, housing rehabilitation, and
housing navigation services. She stated that there will be more data presented at the February 23 rd joint HRA
CDABoard Meeting.
Commissioner Johnson asked .. about the poiential amounts provided for infrastructure. Baldwin said it depended
on the need and what the variables and what the infrastructure was, but staff is suggesting a maximum amount of
50% of costs, up to a maximum of $100,000. Commissioner Rogness asked what the probability would be that
the ,;:aunty would get.the funding back in 5 years or 2Cl years. Dacy responded if it was owner occupied, the
payback would be difficult to obtain the full amount, .and that new property iaxes would be the payback.
Commissioner Rogness stated there is a depreciation method. Baldwin said it would be grant moriey or "patient"
money. Rogness said we need security of some kind.
Cominiss_ioner Rogness stated th_at this looks like a good program at the high level: Commissioner Johnson says
the quarterly c1pplication appears to be clean and easy to follow and asked when would funds be available? •
Baldwin stated that funds need to be committed by 2024, spent by 2026. Ms. Dacy stated that there is developer
interest so applications could be processed soon.
Commissioner Rogness asked if these applications need to be. at the County Board for a particular reason. Baldwin
said to make sure there is awareness ,at the county level. Commissioner Rogness siated we have sanctioned the
c·DA and HRA as separate units of government to function and .rieed to be careful to not hijack their authority.
Commissioner Johnson asked how does the foldirig CDA and HRA boards together impact this program. Dacy.
said right now we are okay, butwe do need to research that question. •
7. Executive Director Report
Sileciai Meeting February 23. 2022. with the CDA Board for the Housing Needs Analysis Presentation
by Maxfield Research. Ms. Dac;y stated that the special meeting will begin at 12:30 p.m. • ••
2020 Audit. .
Dacy reported the 2020 audit is coming to a conclusion and there were 3 findings. The audit presentation will occur,
at the March meeting.
Dalton Redevelopinent Agreement
Dacy reported there is. solid interest from a developer to purchase one of the lots to build a twin home.
HRA Staffing Update .
An Accounting Specialist has beeri hired, the Housing Assistance Co9rdinator position is open and interviews. will
conducted in the near future. The Construction Specialist position will be_ posted in mid-March. •
8. General Discussion
The Board complimented staff including Amy regarding the enormous amount of ground that has been covered
and the amount of effort and assistance that has been given. Baldwin said the Housing Summit will be held April
7, rriorning to early afternoon atThumper Pond. Mortenson commented on ho_w he appreciated the PowerPoint •
presentation on the Policy Draft for the Housing Fund information.
9. Adjournment
At 3:37 p.m. a motion was unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting.
Robert.Maki/Secretary/Clerk Date