HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/13/2023Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 OTTER TAIL COUNTY -MINNESOTA BOARD OF COMM ISSIONERS' MINUTES Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room & Via Livestream 515 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN June 13, 202318:30 a.m. CALL TO ORDER The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners convened at 8:33 a.m. Tuesday, June 13, 2023, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN. Commissioners Wayne Johnson, Chair; Kurt Mortenson, Vice Chair; Dan Bucholz, Lee Rogness and Bob Lahman were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chair Johnson called for approval of the Board Agenda. Motion by Mortenson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve the Board of Commissioners' agenda of June 13, 2023, with the following additions and changes: Added: Consent Agenda Nos. 15-17 Added: Response to Pelican Lake Petition, Leafy Spurge Weed Control, Septic System Compliance on Website, Spitzer Lake Association re: Debris in Lake, and Phelps Mill Detour Signage Removed: US Fish & Wildlife Service Certification of Easements APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Mortenson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the consent agenda items as amended: Page 1 of 18 1. May 23, 2023, Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants/Bills for May 31, 2023, as Approved for Payment by the County Auditor- Treasurer 3. Warrants/Bills for June 13, 2023 (Exhibit A) 4. Human Services and Public Health Warrants/Bills for June 13, 2023 (Exhibit A) 5. Final Payment for SAP 056-646-009 and SAP 056-695-002 to Central Specialties, Inc. Alexandria, MN 6. Final Payment for SAP 056-030-004 to Williams Excavating & Seeding, LLC, Elbow Lake, MN 7. Approval of the issuance of an On-Sale Liquor License, including Sunday Liquor to Balmoral Golf Course LLC dba Balmoral Golf Course for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. 8. Approval of the issuance of an On Sale Liquor License and Sunday Liquor License to Bell's Resort Bar and Grill dba Bells Resort Bar and Grill for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. 9. Approval of the issuance of an On-Sale Liquor License, including Sunday Liquor to Blackboard LLC dba Blackboard for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. ~~ ~UE~.J~~ Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 10. Approval of the issuance of an On/Off Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License to Jeremiah Bladow dba Bladow Beach Resort & Campground for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. 11. Approval of the issuance of an On Sale Liquor License and Sunday Liquor License to Salty Pickle Bar and Grill LLC dba Salty Pickle Bar & Grill for the period of July1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. 12. Approval of the LG 220 Application for Exempt Permit as submitted by Dreams for Kids for events scheduled for September 9, 2023 (Raffle), October 21, 2023 (Bingo) and December 9, 2023 (Bingo) at the Silvermoon Lounge and Steak House Located at 1117 W Main Street in Perham Township. 13. Approval of the issuance of a County Credit Card to Colton Jared Odash , Patrol Deputy as requested by Reed Reinbold, Chief Deputy Sheriff. 14. Approval of the Application and Permit for a 1 Day to 4 Day Temporary On-Sale Liquor License as requested by Outstate Brewing Company for an event scheduled for Saturday, June 24, 2023 at the Prairie Peak Dog Days Festival, which will be held at 26199 MN 78. 15. Approval of the issuance of an Otter Tail County Credit Card, with a 30-Day Limit, to Randi Resler, Behavioral Health Team Supervisor, as requested by Deb Sjostrom, Human Services Director. 16. Approval of the issuance of an On-Sale Liquor and Sunday Liquor application for JCTSM Properties LLC dba Silver Moon Lounge and Steakhouse for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. 17. Approval of the issuance of an On/Off-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor Application for Vickie Ludwig and Brad Olek dba Loonies Pub and Campground for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. SIGNATORY AUTHORIZATION FOR FRAUD PREVENTION INVESTIGATION GRANT CONTRACT OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2023-43 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota acting through its Department of Human Services (State), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 256.01, subdivision 2(a)(6), 256.983 and 119B.02 subdivision 5, has authority to enter into contracts for the following services: maintaining and establishing cost effective Fraud Prevention Investigation programs; and WHEREAS, State, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 13.46, is permitted to share information with Otter Tail County (County). And County represents that it is duly qualified and willing to perform the services set forth in the Contract to the satisfaction of State; and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners granted signatory authority for the Fraud Prevention Investigation Grant Contract to Deb Sjostrom or successor, Otter Tail County Human Services Director; and WHEREAS, the contract requires signatory authority and the contracts must be completed through digital signature with the State. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners authorizes Deb Sjostrom or successor, Otter Tail County Human Services Director to sign on behalf of the County. Page 2 of 18 ~ 9a!JvE~N!~,~ Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Rogness, duly seconded by Commissioner Lahman and, after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, passed unanimously. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 13th day of June 2023. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: June 27, 2023 Attest:lt 't3d..,__j./ ~ Nicole Hansen, Clerk TECHNOLOGY ANALYST POSITION Motion by Rogness, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve replacing the existing Technology Specialist position with a Technology Analyst position in the IT Department. Replacing the position as a Technology Analyst will provide for a broader level of service to County departments and more opportunities for cross-training. JUNETEENTH MEMORANDUMS OF UNDERSTANDING Motion by Mortenson, second by Lahman and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) between Otter Tail County and the collective bargaining units with Law Enforcement Labor Services and Teamsters for the addition of Juneteenth to the list of observed holidays. CANINE OFFICER MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Motion by Lahman, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Otter Tail County and Law Enforcement Labor Services, Essential Deputies Unit, for the compensation of a Canine Officer for expenses related to care and maintenance of a canine. REVISIONS TO THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY SANITATION CODE FOR SUBSURFACE SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEMS OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2023-44 WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute §115.55, Subp. 2. requires counties to adopt an ordinance that regulates the design, location, installation, use, maintenance and closure of subsurface sewage treatment systems; and WHEREAS, the proposed revisions to the Sanitation Code for Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems adopts the minimum technical standards of Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7080, 7081, 7082 and 7083; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has reviewed and approved the proposed revisions to the Sanitation Code for Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems; and WHEREAS, the proposed revisions in the Sanitation Code for Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems ensure that septic system design, location, installation, use, and maintenance protects Otter Tail County's water resources. Page 3 of 18 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Otter Tail County by this resolution adopts the proposed revisions to the Sanitation Code for Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Rogness, duly seconded by Commissioner Mortenson and, after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, passed with Commissioner Johnson abstaining. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 13th day of June 2023. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: June 27, 2023 Attest; lb (;{){J/u.,y,;,,_, Nicole Hansen, Clerk COUNTY RESPONSE TO PELICAN LAKE PETITION Land and Resource Management Director Chris LeClair provided the Board with a letter of response to Pelican Lake Property Owners regarding their petition to request that Otter Tail County protect Pelican Lake as a sustainable natural resource. The protection of the County's natural resources is a priority, and it is the County Board's belief that the Otter Tail County Shoreland Management Ordinance, along with the AIS program, accomplish this by preserving the resources of Otter Tail County. LEAFY SPURGE Commissioners held discussion regarding an invasive weed called Leafy Spurge. A concern was brought to the Board's attention as this weed is showing up in County Ditches. More information will be gathered as to what is currently being done to control this invasive weed. SEPTIC SYSTEM COMPLIANCE ON THE WEBSITE Commissioner Johnson asked for clarification on why documentation regarding septic system compliance inspections that are deemed non-compliant is not readily available on the County website. Land & Resource Management Director Chris LeClair stated that once a system is found to be non-compliant, it is treated as an open and active investigation until resolved and therefore the specific details are not posted. Documentation is public and currently available by request. LeClair and County Attorney Michelle Eldien stated they would review the process to see if changes are needed. SPITZER LAKE Discussion was held regarding a concern from the Spitzer Lake Property Owners Association regarding flooded structures falling into Spitzer Lake. The Board stated more clarification was needed and it was decided to discuss this further at a future meeting. PENAL TY FORGIVENESS REQUEST Motion by Mortenson, second by Lahman and unanimously carried to grant the request of Connie Jo Wenker for the forgiveness of accrued penalty in the amount of $112.46 as the request meets the requirements of the Otter Tail County Policy regarding penalty forgiveness. Page 4 of 18 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR BANKING SERVICES Motion by Bucholz, second by Lahman and unanimously carried to authorize the County Treasurer's Office to proceed with the release of the Request for Proposals for Banking Services. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AGREEMENT Motion by Rogness, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures for the revised Agreement Between the Minnesota Department of Revenue and Otter Tail County for Collection of a Local Transit Sales and Use Tax as presented by County Auditor-Treasurer. PRIVATE EASEMENT ACROSS TAX-FORFEITED LAND OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2023-40 WHEREAS, Charles J. Ramstad, Attorney, on behalf of Old Blue LLC has submitted a letter requesting the granting of a private easement across tax-forfeited land for the purpose of securing for his clients access to Lot One (1) and Lot Two (2) of Midland Beach; and WHEREAS, per the provisions of Minnesota Statute 282.04 Subdivision 4(a), the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners has the authority to convey a road easement across unsold tax-forfeited land to an individual or a private entity requesting an easement for access to private property owned by the individual or private entity; and WHEREAS, Old Blue LLC does not have legal access from Lot One (1) and Lot Two (2) of Midland Beach to County Highway 31; and WHEREAS, no reasonable alternatives have been identified to obtain access to Lot One (1) and Lot Two (2) of Midland Beach; and WHEREAS, the proposed easement will not cause significant adverse environmental or natural resource management impacts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners authorizes the conveyance of the following described road easement upon payment to the county auditor the appraised value of the easement in the amount of $4,300: A 20.00 foot wide access and utility easement over, under and across that part of Lot 71, Midland Beach according to the certified Plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Otter Tail County, Minnesota and the vacated public roadway dedicated in the plat of said Midland Beach and vacated by order of the District Court, Otter Tail County, Minnesota in Court File Number 56-CV-20-3089 recorded on February 17, 2021 as document 1253333 in the office of the Otter Tail County Recorder, the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at the South East Corner of Lot 2 of said Midland Beach; thence North 53 degrees 08 minutes 22 seconds East 33.01 feet to the east line of the west half of the vacated right of way and the point of beginning of the easement to be described; thence North 79 degrees 02 minutes 54 seconds East 48 feet, more or less to the centerline of County State Aid Highway 31 as traveled, and there terminating. The side lines of said easement shall be prolonged or shortened to terminate at the centerline of County State Aid Highway 31 and the east line of the west half of the vacated right of way. Page 5 of 18 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, if the above-described easement is not used for the purpose of providing access from and to Lot One (1) and Lot Two (2) of Midland Beach; to County Highway 31 the easement will revert to the state in trust for the local taxing districts. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Lahman, duly seconded by Commissioner Mortenson and, after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, passed unanimously. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 13th day of June 2023. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: June 27, 2023 Attest:. %1 tdv l/tin/2--' Nicole Hansen, Clerk NORTHWEST MN WATERSHED DISTRICT MANAGER ORIENTATION/TRAINING Motion by Rogness, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to authorize commissioner attendance at either of the 2023 Northwest Minnesota Watershed District Manager Trainings hosted by BWSR to be held on July 12th in Detroit Lakes, MN and July 28th in Warren, MN. Commissioners who are part of the Bois de Sioux-Mustinka and Otter Tail 1W1 P Policy Committees were invited to attend. LETTER FROM MN SUPREME COURT Motion by Rogness, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried for Commissioners Mortenson and Johnson to meet with Judge Kevin Miller for further discussion about virtual vs. in-person court hearings. PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENTS At 10:02 a.m. Chair Johnson opened the Public Hearing regarding Property Tax Abatements Related to the Single-Family Tax Rebate Program. Chair Johnson asked for comments from the public and no comments were received. Community Development Director Amy Baldwin noted an increase in applications and stated that the program is tracking with similar numbers to 2022. The Public Hearing was closed at 10:02 a.m. RECESS & RECONVENE At 10:03 a.m., Chair Johnson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 10:08 a.m. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS Motion by Mortenson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to authorize a Public Hearing regarding Amending the Powers Ordinance on July 11, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN. Motion by Mortenson, second by Lahman and unanimously carried to authorize a Public Hearing regarding Providing an Inter-Agency Loan to the Otter Tail County Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the North Fields of Dalton Affordable Senior Housing Development on July 25, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at the Government Services Center. Page 6 of 18 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 FILM PLASTIC COLLECTION Motion by Bucholz, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to authorize the Solid Wase Department to update the Solid Waste Fee Schedule to include: ) a $3.00 per yard charge for recyclable film plastic received at transfer stations; and > a $5.00 per yard charge for bale wrap received at transfer stations; and > a $25.00 per collection event charge for collecting one (1) bin of recyclable film plastic or bale wrap. A letter will be sent to notify producers participating in the Film Plastic Recycling Program about disposal fees and an implementation date of August 1, 2023. PAINTCARE AGREEMENT Motion by Rogness, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the agreement between Otter Tail County Regional Household Hazardous Waste Program and PaintCare, Inc. for the collection of architectural paint through their reimbursement program as presented by Household Hazardous Waste Program Manager Nick Heeter. RECOMMENDATION FOR AWARD Motion by Rogness, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to award S.P. 056-070-029; HSIP 5623(147) County Wide Rural Intersection Lighting to Cossette Electric, LLC of Fergus Falls, MN with the low bid amount of $254,932.90 as recommended by County Engineer Chuck Grotte. RECOMMENDATION FOR AWARD Motion by Bucholz, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to award S.A.P. 056-651-021 CP 4070- 051 to Anderson Brothers Construction Company of Brainerd, LLC of Brainerd, MN with the low bid amount of $1,892,584.04 as recommended by County Engineer Chuck Grotte. RECOMMENDATION FOR QUOTE AWARD Motion by Mortenson, second by Lahman and unanimously carried to award Brush Spraying Materials - Herbicide Chemicals quote award to Nutrien Ag Solutions of Kasota, MN with the State Bid quote amount of $8,510.77 as recommended by County Engineer Chuck Grotte. CONTRACTS & BONDS Motion by Mortenson, second by Lahman and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the contract between Otter Tail County and Robert R. Schroeder Construction, Inc. of Glenwood, MN for Job No. S.P. 056-645-009, MN Project No. BROS 5623(173). CONTRACTS & BONDS Motion by Lahman, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the contract between Otter Tail County and Central Specialties, Inc. of Alexandria, MN for Job No. CP4130-304, Pelican Rapids Garage Access Road. CONTRACTS & BONDS Motion by Mortenson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to authorize appropriate County Officials' signatures to execute the contract between Otter Tail County and Asphalt Surface Technologies Corp. of St. Cloud, MN for Job No. S.A.P. 056-601-072 & Etc.; CP 4139-204. Page 7 of 18 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 RESOLUTION FOR AGREEMENT TO STATE TRANSPORTATION FUND LOCAL BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM GRANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLOUTION NO. 2023-45 WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has applied to the Commissioner of Transportation for a grant from the Minnesota State Transportation Fund for construction of Bridge No. 56547; and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Transportation has given notice that funding for this project is available; and WHEREAS, the amount of the grant has been determined to be $259,117.46 by reason of the lowest responsible bid. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Otter Tail County does hereby agree to the terms and conditions of the grant consistent with Minnesota Statutes, section 17 4.50, and will pay any additional amount by which the cost exceeds the estimate, and will return to the Minnesota State Transportation Fund any amount appropriated for the project but not required. The proper county officers are authorized to execute a grant agreement and any amendments thereto with the Commissioner of Transportation concerning the above-referenced grant. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Lahman, duly seconded by Commissioner Bucholz and, after discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, passed unanimously. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 13th day of June 2023. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: June 27, 2023 Attest~A i. tolJ/a~ Nicole Hansen, Clerk GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATIONS WITH BRAUN INTERTEC Motion by Mortenson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to authorize approval of proposals from Braun lntertec Corporation for pavement and geotechnical evaluations for the following County State Aid Highway (CSAH) locations: ) CSAH 24 from US 59 to CSAH 3 ) CSAH 37 from South County Line to CSAH 35 ) CSAH 75 from Trunk Highway (TH} 210 to TH 29 > CSAH 35 from the Canadian Pacific Railroad tracks to CSAH 34 ) CSAH 52 from TH 108 to TH 29 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT UPDATE County Engineer Chuck Grotte provided a brief Highway Department update. Among the highlights Mr. Grotte noted: > The 2040 Transportation Plan was approved May 23, 2023 and the Highway Operations Study is complete. The Highway Department will be using the study for future planning. Page 8 of 18 ~] 2,!,J:,E~.J~~ Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 ) CSAH 8 (CSAH 80 in Perham to CSAH 53) resurfacing is nearing completion. > CSAH 51 (CSAH 80 in Perham to W JCT CSAH 60) resurfacing -bid was awarded today, June 13th. CSAH 67 (CSAH 65 in Henning to MN TH 210) resurfacing to start in early July. ) CSAH 35 (North Limits Underwood to CSAH 18) reconstruction is underway. > CSAH 45 Bridge over the Otter Tail River will start this week; signs are going up. ) Battle Lake Garage Access Road Paving is complete, and the Pelican Rapids Garage Access Road was awarded June 13th. HSIP Lighting -Rural Intersection Lighting was awarded today, June 13th. > There is a CSAH 35 (CSAH 18 to CSAH 1) Public Information Meeting Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the Underwood City Hall Community Center. > In-House Maintenance has been working on pothole repair and wheel track patching. PHELPS MILL DETOUR SIGNAGE Commissioner Rogness asked for an update regarding signage to Phelps Mill Park due to the CSAH 45 Bridge closure over the Otter Tail River. County Engineer Chuck Grotte stated that detour signs are posted, and closure and detour information is available on the County website and the 511 app. Detour maps have been provided to the Phelps Mill Festival organizers and County Public Information Officer Shannon Terry is developing a press release to inform the public for those planning to visit the park. FRIENDS OF PHELPS MILL -USE OF MILLER'S OFFICE Motion by Rogness, second by Lahman and unanimously carried to authorize the development of an agreement between Otter Tail County and Friends of Phelps Mill for the use of the Phelps Mill Miller's Office for Friends of Phelps Mill recruitment, for a central location to be available to the public to answer questions about Phelps Mill, and to sell merchandise with the condition that it does not interfere with the operations of Phelps Mill Park. HIGHWAY LABOR AGREEMENT FOR 2023-2025 Motion by Mortenson, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the 2023-2025 Labor Agreement and three (3) Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) for the Highway Maintenance collective bargaining unit. EMPLOYEE PICNIC DATES County Administrator Nicole Hansen provided the Board with the 2023 Employee Picnic dates which will be held August 8th in Fergus Falls and August 9th in New York Mills. INDEPENDENT CONTRACT -DOUGLAS WALVATNE Motion by Rogness, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the Independent Contractor Agreement between Otter tail County and Independent Contractor Douglas Walvatne to provide services and consultation to the Assessor's Department as presented by County Administrator Nicole Hansen. RECESS & RECONVENE At 11 :09 a.m., Chair Johnson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners recessed for a short break. The Board of Commissioners meeting was reconvened at 11 :17 a.m. Page 9 of 18 Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 COUNTY HIGHWAY ENGINEER APPOINTMENT Motion by Mortenson, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve the Engineer Contract Agreement to appoint Krysten Foster as County Highway Engineer for a term of one (1) year per Minnesota Statute §163.07 with an effective start date of July 17, 2023. At which time, County Engineer Chuck Grotte will assume the Public Works Director position until his retirement. The Board commended Chuck Grotte on his dedication to Otter Tail County and his willingness to navigate this transition. DAILY JOURNAL BUILDING UPDATE Motion by Lahman, second by Rogness and unanimously carried to approve paying the placement fee for a short-term lease agreement between Otter Tail County and Interstate Engineering for the use of the 914 E. Channing Avenue building as presented by Deputy Administrator Nicholas Leonard. ADJOURNMENT At 11 :28 a.m., Chair Johnson declared the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners meeting adjourned. The next regular Board meeting is scheduled at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls and via livestream. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: June 27, 2023 By: _____ -=--'-"~~--,IC---'---=---=-----SL":....L--UC-.. Attest: .lvi to fv I-/~ Wayne Johnson Nicole Hansen, Clerk Page 10 of 18 Page 11 of 18 Vendor Name A&A :RECYCLING LLC ALEX PRO FIREARMS LLC AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC AMERICAN SOLUTIONS FOR BUSINESS AVERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW/JILL AXON ENTERPRISE INC BDOUSALLP BEN HOLZER UNLIMITED WATER LLC BEYER BODY SHOP INC BOYLE/MATTHEW BROWN EYED SUSANS CfTJZEN'S ADVOCATE CLEAN SWEEP COMMERCIAL SERVICES CODE 4 SERVICES INC COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC DACOTAH PAPER CO EAST OTTER TAIL FAIR ASSOC FERGUS HOME & HARDW.ARE INC FERGUS POWER PUMP INC GOVERNMENT FORMS & SUPPLIES GRAINGER INC HOUSTON ENGINEERING INC HUBBARD CO SHERIFF'S OFFICE HUBER ELECTRIC MOTOR & PUMP REPA JAKE'S JOHNS LLC JOINES LAW OFFICE KOECKERITZ/EMMA LAKE REGION HEALTHCARE LAKES COUNTRY SERVICE COOPERATIV LEGAL SERVICES OF N\iV MINNESOTA LOCAfORS & SUPPLIES INC MHSRCRANGE MIDWEST PRINTING 00 MINNESOTA DAR_iE INC MINNKOTA ENVIRO SERVICES !NC MNCCC LOCKBOX MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC NAPA CENTRAL NORTHWEST TIRE INC PARKERS PRAIRIE INDEPENDENT LLCTH PRECISION ELECTRIC ll:C QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 (Exhibit A) Amount 1,200.00 140.00 743.38 26,834.74 382.16 495.00 52.50 20.00 1,532.65 266.40 1,870.00 268.90 575.00 478.80 1,253.23 456.61 125.00 481.13 '.12,525.00 146.48 278.78 24,106.86 70.00 779.00 340.00 505.00 165.02 2,464.55 3..295.00 790.00 292.71 980.00 620.00 225.00 106.20 81,625.66 1,380.00 27:98 33.78 448.65 1,289.75 503.60 Page 12 of 18 Vendor Name RDO EQUIPMENT CO RED DOT PEST CONTROL RINKE NOONAN LAW FIRM SECRETARY OF STATE SQUEEGEE SQUAD STEINS INC SWANZ/PERRY TERMINlX COMMERCIAL-ST CLOUD THIS WEEKS SHOPPING NEWS THOMSON REUTERS -WEST US POSTAL SERVICE VAUGHN AUTO & MARINE CO VFWPOST612 VOSS LIGHTING WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT SOLUTION ZIEGLER INC !Fina I -r:ota I: Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 (Exhibit A) Amount 100.68 775.00 282.00 120.00 3,92425 188.21 30.13 270.00 221.76 4,020.66 20,000.00 62.95 210.00 559.80 2,000.00 1,769.39 204,709.35 Page 13 of 18 Vendor Name 29TH&LAWPC ACORNS-OAK CONSULTING ADVANCED CORRECTIONAL HEALTHCAJ. ALEX RUBBISH & RECYCLING INC ALLSTATE PETERBILT GROUP AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC ANNE M CARLSON LAW OFFICE PLLC ARAMARK ARROW LIFT ACCESSIBILITY AUTO VALUE FERGUS FALLS BABOUAN/OWEN BAKKEN/TARA BEN HOLZER UNLIMITED WATER LLC BEYER BODY SHOP INC BJORN'S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING BLACK/KATIE BOYlE/MA TTHEW BRANDON COMMUNICATIONS INC BUR:ELBACH AMERICAN LEGION POST 61 BURNS & MCDONNELL ENGINEERING CC BUY-MOR PARTS & SERVICE LLC CARDINAL CONSUL TING SOLUTIONS CARLBLOM/DENNIS CARR'S TREE SERVICE INC CERTIFIED AUTO REPAIR CERTIFIED CRIME FIGHTER CHARLES D CENTER VFW POST 3289 CHARM-TEX INC CHRISTENSEN CONSTRUCTION CLEAN SWEEP COMMERCIAL SERVICES CODE 4 SERVICES INC COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION CONCEPT CATERING COOPER'S OFACE SUPPLY INC CULLIGAN OF WADENA CUMMINS SALES & SERVICE DAHUCOLT DAHLJISABEL DAV CHAPTER 25 DIAMOND DRUGS INC DIAMOND TRAFFIC PRODUCTS DOUBLE A CATERING Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 {Exhibit A) Amount 380.00 1,200.00 23,040.18 6D6.50 3,142.62 6,952.05 5,530.00 220.57 923.00 1,848.65 66.81 51.51 10.00 1,025.00 76.50 271.61 354.17 890.93 300.00 70,828.19 5,830.77 5,271.96 127.99 105.00 138.80 3,360.00 300.00 64.50 1,000.00 1,183.00 1,686.38 1,898.31 328.00 2,388.02 68.10 1,336.20 101·.53 73.36 300.00 137.11 967.00 343.00 Page 14 of 18 Vendor Name DULSKlfJOEL EDNA TOWNSHIP EDWARD CARLSON POST 283 EXTREME MARINE LLC FARGO FREIGHTUNER FARM & HOME PUBLISHERS LTD FARMERS CO-OP OIL FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS/CITY OF FERGUS HOME & HARDWARE INC FERGUS POWER PUMP INC FIDLAR TECHNOLOGIES INC FORCE AMERICA DISTRIBUTING LLC FRANZ REPROGRAPHICS lNC FRONTIER MARINE & POWERSPORTS GAUSLLC GEORGE BERGEN POST 489 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL GRAINGER INC GRANITE ELECTRONICS INC HANCOCK CONCRETE PRODUCTS LLC HASPEL/CASSIE HAUKOS SALES LLC HENNING AUTO PARTS HERMAN/CRYSTAL HtLL 'S PET NUTRmON SALES INC IND!GITAL INC INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS LLC INTERSTATE ENGINEERING INC IVERSONIJAMES J. BUBERL LAWLLC JACOBSON/HEATHER JENSEN/KAREN JH SIGNS & DESIGNS INC JK SPORTS INC ,JOHNSON/DENA JOHNSON/KENT KARVONEN FUNERAL HOME KIESLER'S POLICE SUPPLY INC KIRSCHBAUM/CHRISTINE KNOWINKLLC KRESS/JEFF Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 (Exhibit A) Amount 123.12 6,023.32 300.00 1,175.15 96.41 565.75 812.87 1,795.50 15.50 33.96 35,825.00 3,735.33 96.91 40.67 210.00 2,887.88 300.00 40.50 369.25 132.00 1,452.00 280.24 405.32 37 .. 30 300.00 366.06 3,175.38 142.00 "13,181.78 171.77 234.00 123.12 500.00 2,875.00 112.00 204.89 67.47 600.00 1,423.00 64.19 3,250.00 54.37 Page 15 of 18 Vendor Name KUGLERfHALEY LAKE REGION ELECTRIC COOP LAKES AREA TRAILERS LAKES COMMUNITY COOPERATNE LARRY OTT INC LAWSON PRODUCTS INC LEGAL SERVICES OF NW MINNESOTA LEIGHTON BROADCASTING -DETROIT lJ LEIGHTON BROADCASTING -!FERGUS !FA LEITCH EXCAVATING LINDBERG!ISIDORE LINDE GAS & EQUIPMENT INC LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC LOE/DORIS M-R SIGN CO INC MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC MARKS FLEET SUPPLY INC MARTINNALERIE MCrr MCKESSON MEDICAL-SURGICAL INC MED COMPASS MEKALSON HYDRAULICS INC MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY MINNESOTA NATIVE LANDSCAPES MN CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION MN DEPT OF OOMMERCE MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY MNCCC LOC:KBOX MOONEY/ABIGAIL MOORE ENGINEERING INC MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS CONNECTIVITY I MURPHY/KAREN NAPA CENTRAL NAPA CENTRAL MN NATIONAL PEN CO LLC NELSON AUTO CENTER .INC NEWMAN PAINTING INC NE\r\"MAN SIGNS INC NE\WILLE/HEA THER NILSON/BRET NORTHERN DIESEL SERVICE Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 (Exhibit A) Amount .22.27 1,000.00 13,874.00 855.95 3,900.00 751.,81 1,150.00 1,632.50 3,660.00 650.00 400.73 786.75 642.92 78.60 12,177.92 2,149.33 975.22 291.87 116.20 3,324.00 637.13 650.00 117.45 671.15 751.63 266.70 312.00 200.00 310.40 18.99 17,412.50 3,100.00 1,308.54 52.76 6,339.52 353.95 104,239.87 950.00 830.00 1,500.00 96.29 1,097.71 Page 16 of 18 Vendor Name NORTHWEST TIRE INC NUSS TRUCK & EQUIPMENT OLSON OIL CO INC OLSON STITZEL POST 219 OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY OUTDOOR RENOVATIONS LANDSCAPE & PARKERS PRAIRIEfCITY OF PAW PUBLICATIONS LLC BATTLE LAKER PEMBERTON LAW PLLP PERHAM STEEL & WELDING PERHAM/CITY OF PETE'S AMOCO PETERSON/JOEL POPE DOUGLAS SOLID WASTE MANAGE! POWERPHONE INC POWERPLAN OIB PRECISE MRM LLC PRO AG FARMERS CO OP PRODUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES INC QUADIENT LEASING USA INC QUANTICO POLICE TRAINING QUICK'S NAPA AUTO PARTS RASMUSSON SCHEOOWSKI VFW POST 4 RAVE WIRELESS INC RDO EQUIPMENT CO RDO TRUCK CENTERS LLC RENTAL STORE!THE RINGDAHL AMBULANCE INC RINKE NOONAN LAW FIRM RIPLEY/DAVID RODER/BETSY ROLLIE/WILLIAM ROSENTHAI.JGREGORY SALA THE/KELVIN SANFORD HEAL TH SCHORNACK/DAVID SCOTT HOFLAND CONSTRUCTION INC SHOEMAKER/BRENDA SIGN SOLUTIONS USA SIGNWORKS SIGNS & BANNERS INC SKEETER STITCH INC SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 (Exhibit A) Amount 1,623.72 70929 3,449.41 300.00 59.49 200.00 130.00 99.00 561.00 650.00 30.00 120.00 9825 550.00 399.50 1.,360.07 1,320.00 141.04 60.84 2,591.19 9,450.00 24.46 300.00 6,375.00 583.64 5,023.30 195.00 559.00 565.00 232.40 180.00 97.60 62.88 83.84 839.79 232.40 13,630.00 15.00 4,280.87 580.00 403.95 336.19 Page 17 of 18 Vendor Name SONSALLNANGELA SPROUT/AARON STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT STEEVES.IBERNARD .A STEINS INC STEVE'S SANITATION INC STIGMAN/RYAN STREICHERS SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE LLC SWANBERG/GREGORY SWANSTON EOUJPMENT CORP SWISHER/DAWN TABERY/JOSHUA TECH CHECK LLC THOMSON REUTERS -WEST THRIFTY WHffE PHARMACY TNT REPAIR INC TOLLEFSONfTHOR TRUAX PATIENT SERVICES LLC TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC UUNE UMLAUF/DALE UNLIMITED AUTOGLASS INC VANGUARD APPRAISALS INC VAUGHN AUTO & MARINE CO VIKING COCA-COLA VIKING GARAGE DOOR C011,1PANY INC VOSS LIGHTING WADENA ASPHALT INC WALLWORK TRUCK CENTER WAL TERSICEDAR WEAKLEND.IBONNIE WEST OTTER TAIL CO FAIR ASSOCIATION WOOTON/JAMES ZIEGLER INC Final Total: Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 (Exhibit A) Amount 7,340.00 98.00 249.11 126.03 71.14 21,424.51 123.BO 400.98 H,491.49 263.84 280.09 123.12 29.48 3,079.30 1,890.04 4,369.37 130.00 101.94 2,850.00 6,728.00 545.56 109.65 1,043.63 150.00 93.60 820.00 1,027.11 83.20 49,982.00 825.32 33.46 360.00 125.00 93.93 386,494.89 985,444.70 Page 18 of 18 Vendor Name AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC DOUGLAS CO SHERIFF'S OFFICE HOLMQUIST/ABIGAIL LEE/NICOLE MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY MN DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES NIEMANNfKEVIN OTTER TAIL CO ATTORNEYS OFFICE OTTER TAIL CO SHERIFF ULSCHMIDILIZA VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY WEILAND/MEGAN Final Total: Vendor Name AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC BARKER/MEGAN BESEMANfKAREN DAl-tUMELISSA DEMMERfANDREA DOUBLE A CATERING ERICKSONIMONIQUE FRUSTOUANNE GEORGESON/ANTHONY GIBBS/ANN GRISMER/PAULA GUCKIAMY HENDRICKX/KATHY KOEHLER-TABERYIANNA MARIE LEWIS/JODI MARTENSON/PAULA MCHHSA MIDWEEK INC/THE MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY OTTER TAIL CO TREASURER VAN SANTEN/DANA VERIZON WIRELESS VICTOR LUNDEEN COMPANY WiELOH/AMIE WESTBY/LINDA Final Total: Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 (Exhibit A) Amount 335.76 77.30 13.64 30.00 205.55 8,116.46 46.55 3,070.50 85.50 235.82 276.45 241.44 12,734.97 Amount 15.42 58:95 122.49 4.59 45.85 202.50 48.47 1.31 13.10 19.65 11.14 125.63 20.96 61.57 28.82 20.96 100.00 228.75 70.30 571.90 69.10 732.76 1,038.64 58.30 62.-88 3,734.04 Drainage Authority Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 OTTER TAIL COUNTY -MINNESOTA DRAI NAGE AUTHORITY MINUTES Government Services Center, Commissioners' Room & Via Livestream 515 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN June 13, 2023 112:45 p.m. CALL TO ORDER The Otter Tail County Drainage Authority convened at 12:45 p.m. Tuesday, June 13, 2023, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls, MN. Commissioners Wayne Johnson, Chair; Kurt Mortenson, Vice Chair; Dan Bucholz, Lee Rogness and Bob Lahman were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA & CONSENT AGENDA Chair Johnson called for joint approval of the Drainage Authority Agenda and Consent Agenda. Motion by Mortenson, second by Lahman and unanimously carried to approve the Drainage Authority Agenda of June 13, 2023 as presented and the Consent Agenda of June 13, 2023 as follows: 1. May 23, 2023, Drainage Authority Meeting Minutes 2. Warrants/Bills for June 13, 2023 (Exhibit A) DITCH 41/65 CULVERTS Motion by Bucholz, second by Lahman and unanimously carried to approve the replacement of a collapsed snowmobile bridge on Ditch 41/65 northwest of New York Mills on the 390th St. crossing with the installation of a dual 20' 24" culvert with Otter Tail Riders' Snowmobile Club to split costs with the ditch fund. DITCH 38 CULVERT Motion by Rogness, second by Mortenson and unanimously carried to approve the installation of a culvert on Ditch 38, Parcel No. 40000150127000, at the property owner's expense, contingent upon Land & Resource Management obtaining a wetland permit. DITCH 29 DAM Motion by Rogness, second by Bucholz and unanimously carried to approve the use of explosives for beaver dam removal on Ditch 29 as soft terrain from flooding will not allow for an excavator. Cleaning will resume once the ground firms. RECESS & RECONVENE At 12:53 p.m., Chair Johnson declared the meeting of the Otter Tail County Drainage Authority recessed for a short break. The Drainage Authority meeting was reconvened at 1 :01 p.m. Page 1 of 3 PUBLIC HEARING Drainage Authority Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 Drainage Inspector Colby Palmersheim provided background and reviewed a proposed agreement between Otter Tail County and property owner Rhonda Koehler outlining a temporary two (2) year easement for the removal of trees and spoil piles on Ditch 17. This special provision of repair was intended to properly clean the ditch and restore the surrounding land, outside of the ditch right of way, to its natural state. At 1 :04 p.m., Chair Johnson opened the Public Hearing for comments about the proposed agreement. Property owner Rhonda Koehler stated her primary concern was for minimal disturbance to the land. Since the spoil piles had been there nearly 20 years, her preference was for them to remain undisturbed. She decided against an easement agreement. The Public Hearing was closed at 1 :14 p.m., at which time the Drainage Authority, Drainage Inspector Colby Palmersheirn, and County Attorney Michelle Eldien provided clarification on the proposed agreement and County Ditch cleaning processes. Property owner Rhonda Koehler was firm in her decision to decline the agreement for an easement to remove trees and spoil piles from her property. Regular maintenance of Ditch 17 will proceed within the ditch right of way with Koehler's understanding that some of the spoils do fall within the right of way. ADJOURNMENT At 1 :36 p.m., Chair Johnson declared the Otter Tail County Drainage Authority meeting adjourned. The next Drainage Authority meeting will immediately follow the next regular Board meeting on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls and via livestream. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dated: June 27, 2023 AttesJ / '(!,[J,u J./~ Nicole Hansen, Clerk Page 2 of 3 OTTERTAIL COUNTY· MINNESOTA Page 3 of 3 Vendor Name ELDIENfTERHY FRIEOSAM!KEITH KUGLER/DOUGLA.S NELSON.IMIKE RINKE NOONAN LAW FIRM RMB ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES II IBUEN0RTH STEEL INC Final Total: Drainage Authority Meeting Minutes June 13, 2023 (Exhibit A) Amount 389.08 50.00 1,050.00 4,300.00 3,407.00 703.59 1,695.60 11,595.27