HomeMy WebLinkAboutLeather ConditionerMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET LEATHER CONDITIONER Automotive Coating Products SECTION I PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ___________________________________________________________________ Printed 4/26/2012 Manufacturer: Leather Magic Inc 1396 Walkup Ave. Monroe. NC 28110 704-283-5078 Product Class: Product Code: LM-1006 none -> extreme Fire = 0 0 -> 4 Reactivity = 0 Personal Protection =B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION II HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ingredients CAS# Weight % Exposure Limits VP ACGIH/TLV OSHA/PEL mm H2 _________________________________________________________________________________________ l-methoxy-2-propanol 107-98-2 1-2 100 ppm l00 ppm 12.5@25C *-> These items are listed on the SARA TITLE III Section 313 Inventory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION III PHYSICAL DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boiling Range: <I00-C Evaporation Rate: Slower than n-Butyl Acetate Volatiles by wt. % <90 Appearance: Milky thixotropic liquid Vapor Density: Lighter than air Liquid Density: Heavier than water Weight/Gallon: 8.8 Pounds Specific Gravity: 1.05 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION IV FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flammability Class: None determined Flash point: None determined LEL: None Determined -Extinguishing Media: Fight source of fire. Water, spray, carbon dioxide, chemical foam -Special Firefighting Procedures: None are expected to be required. If this material is involved in a fire. NIOSH approved self contained breathing apparatus should be worn -Unusual Fire & Explosion Hazards: Material can splatter above l00 -C. This is a water based cleaner and no fire or explosion hazards are expected. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION V HEALTH HAZARD DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Permissible Exposure Level: 100 ppm(based on l-methoxy-2-propanol) -Effects Of Overexposure: Primary Routes of Entry: (X) Skin Contact, (X) Eye Contact, (X) Inhalation, (X) Ingestion Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Acute: not determined, Chronic: not determined, Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure: None known, Carcinogenicity: ( ) OSHA ( ) NTP ( ) IARC. Emergency Procedures: Remove contaminated clothing and wash contaminated areas with plenty of water. -FIRST AID: Inhalation: If vapors are bothersome, remove to fresh air. Skin Contact: Avoid prolonged contact. Wash with large amounts of water. If irritation persists, see physician. Eye Contact: Flush with large amounts of water until all material is removed. If irritation persists, get medical attention immediately. Ingestion: Consult physician. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION VI REACTIVITY DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STABILITY: ( ) Unstable, ( X ) Stable HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: ( ) May occur, ( X ) Will not occur INCOMPATIBILITY: None known to cause dangerous condition. CONDITIONS TO A VOID: Excessive heat and freezing temperatures. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and unidentified organic compounds. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION VII SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL RELEASED OR SPILLED: Confine as much as possible. Dike and absorb with Inert material such as vermiculite. Transfer to containers for disposal -WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Dispose of waste in accordance with all Federal, State, and Local ordinances. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION VIII SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: None required if adequate ventilation is provided. -VENTILATION: Adequate to keep exposure limits below those listed in SECTION IL -PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Impervious rubber gloves. -EYE PROTECTION: Chemical splash goggles(ANSI Z 87.1 or approved equivalent. -OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: wear protective clothing to prevent contact with product. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION IX SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING: Wear gloves, goggles and protective clothing to prevent contact with product. Store material at temperatures between 49 C/120-- F and 2 C/36-F. Do not store containers in direct sunlight. -SHIPPING INFORMATION: DOT SHIPPING NAME: NA DOT HAZARD CLASS: NA DOT LABELS REQUIRED: NA FREIGHT DESCRIPTION: NA Empty containers should be reconditioned by certified firms(drums, pails). Sale of empty containers should be in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. .OTHER PRECAUTIONS: Neither this data sheet or any statement contained herein grants or extends any license, expressly implied, in connection with patents issued or pending which may be the property of the manufacturer or others. The information in this data sheet has been assembled by the manufacturer based on Its own studies and the work of others. The manufacturer makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained herein. The manufacturer shall not be liable (regardless of fault) to the vendee, the vendee's employees, or anyone for any direct special or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the accuracy, completeness, adequacy, or furnishing of such information. EFFECTIVE JANUARY I, 1989: Anyone selling or distributing a mixture or trade name product containing a toxic chemical (ie., a chemical or member of chemical category in40 CFR Part 372) must provide written notice to the recipient with the first shipment in each calendar year. This is pursuant to these legal requirements. Please note that if you are repackaging or otherwise redistribute this product, a notice including the SARA 310 information should be sent to the recipients. If you are unsure of what you must report or require more information, call the EPA Emergency Planning and Community Right To Know Hotline: (800) 535-0202 or (202) 479-2449. MSDS's are an important part of employee hazard communication information and training programs required of employers under the OSHA hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200).