HomeMy WebLinkAboutUltra DusterSDS SAFETY DATA SHEET Ultra Duster 5/29/2015 SECTION 1 -IDENTIFICATION Product Name:Ultra Duster Trade Name/Chemical Name:HFC-152a/Difluoroethane.R152a Mfg.Model No.:AE420BWON Manufacturer:SHANGHAI AW CUSTOM MANUFACTURING &AEROSOL PROPELLANT CO., LTD. Product Supplied By:AW Distributing, Inc. Address &Phone #: 2024 MiddlefieldRd., RedwoodCity,CA 94063 Emergency Phone #:Chemtrec 1-800-424-9300 SECTION 2 -HAZARD(S)IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW WARNING ♦ Flammable Gas.Contents underpressure,misuseby deliberately concentrating and inhaling contents may be harmful or fatal. This product can be ignited under certain circumstances. Avoid breathingvapor and mist. Vapor, mistandgas are heavierthanair. Donot spray directly on humanavoid contact with eyes,skin andclothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. Keep away from heat and flame, and do not expose to above 49°C. Potential Health Effects: Inhalation of high concentrations of vapor isharmfuland maycause heart irregularities, unconsciousness, or death. Intentional misuse or deliberate inhalation may cause death without warning. Vapor reduces oxygen available for breathing and is heavier than air. Liquid contact can cause frostbite. Human Health Effects: Contactwith the liquid maycause frostbite.Overexposureby inhalationmay include nonspecific discomfort, such as nausea, headache, or weakness; or temporary nervous system depression with anesthetic effects such as dizziness, headache,confusion, incoordinationand lossof consciousness.Higherexposures (>20%) may cause temporary lung irritation effects with cough,discomfort, difficulty breathing, or shortness of breath; or temporary alteration ofthe heart's electrical activity with irregular pulse, palpitations, or inadequate circulation, abnormal kidney function as detected by laboratory tests. Gross overexposure may be fatal. Individual with preexisting diseases ofthe central nervous or cardiovascular system may have increased susceptibility to the toxicity ofexcessive exposures. SECTION 3 -COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Ingredients CAS # %TLV PEL UNITS 1,1-Difluoroethane 75-37-6 100 SECTION 4 -FIRST-AID MEASURES Eyes:Flush immediately with water for at least 15 minutes . Skin: Get medical attention if irritationdevelops. Inhalation: Remove exposed person to fresh air if adverse effects are observed. Get immediate medical attention if respiratory, or unconsciousness occurs. Ingestion:Do not make person vomit unless directed todo so by medical personnel Note to physician:Treat symptomatically. SECTION 5-FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing media:Water spray,Water fog,Drychemical. Flash Point -<-50 C (<-58 F)Flammable Limits LEL -3.9 Auto Ig.454C UEL -16.9 Fire and Explosion Hazards -Flammable.Cylinders are equipped with temperature and pressure reliefdevices but still may rupture under fire conditions.Use water spray tocool cylinders and tanks. Special Fire Fighting Procedures -Keep container cool with water spray.Ifgas exiting container ignites,stop flow ofgas.Do not put out the fire unless leak can be stopped immediately.Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) isrequiredifcontainersruptureand contentsare releasedunderfireconditions. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 30B)-Level 1Aerosols (lowest flammability rating) ConsumerProducts Safety Commission (CPSC 1500.3 (c)(6).16CFR - Notflammable SECTION 6-ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Procedures incase ofaccidental release,breakage orleakage. Stop the source ofthe leak or release.Eliminate source ofignition. SECTION 7 -HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling: Keep out ofreach ofchildren.Misuse bydeliberately concentrating and inhaling contents may beharmful orfatal. Use inwell ventilated area.This product canbeignited under certain circumstances.Therefore,donotusenear potential ignition sources,hot surfaces,orspark-producing equipment.Do not tilt,shake,orturn can upside down before orduring use as liquid contents may bedispensed.Liquid contents may cause frostbite oncontact with skin. Contact physician ifsuch contact occurs. Storage: Store in cool place.Do not leave indirect sunlight,enclosed vehicles,orexpose to temperature above 120°F(49°C), as overheating could cause can to burst. Note:Observeall federal,state and local regulations when storingthis substance. SECTION 8 -EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Eyeprotection:Chemicaltypegogglesor faceshieldoptional. Skin protection: Impervious gloves should be worn. Respiratoryprotection: Wear breathing mask. Ventilation:Nospecial ventilation is usually necessary.However,ifoperating conditions create high air borne concentrations ofthis material,special ventilation maybe needed. Other clothing and equipment:Nospecial clothing or equipment is usually necessary.Work practices,hygienic practices: No information is available. Protective measures during maintenance of contaminated equipment:N/A SECTION 9 -PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Boiling Point (°F) -25 C (-13F)Specific Gravity (H20=l) Vapor Pressure (MM Hg)87 psia at 25 deg C (77deg F) Percent Volatile by Vol.100 WT % Vapor Density (Air=l)2.4at25degC(77degF)Density 0.90g/ccat25degC (77deg F)-Liquid Solubility in Water 0.28 WT%at 25 deg C (77degF) Evap Rate (Ether = 1) Appearance and Odor Slight ethereal,Clear,colorless Form Gas SECTION 10 -STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Instability - Stable,however,avoidopen flames andhightemperatures. Incompatibility - Incompatible with alkaline or alkaline earth metals. Decomposition -Decomposition products arehazardous.This material can be decomposed byhigh temperatures (open flames,glowing metal surfaces,etc.)forming hydrofluoric acid and possible carbonyl fluoride. Polymerization -Polymerization will not occur. SECTION 11 -TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION The compound is untested for skin oreye irritation,and for animal sensitization.Effects in animals from single,high exposure by inhalation include labored breathing,lung irritation,lethargy,incoordination,andlossof consciousness. Cardiac sensitization occurred indogs exposed toa concentration of 150,000 ppm inairand given an intravenous epinephrine challenge.Effects ofrepeated exposure include increased urinary fluorides,reduced kidney weight,and reversible kidney changes.The effects ofa single,high oral dose include weight loss and lethargy. Tests in animals demonstrate no carcinogenic activity ordevelopmental effects.Tests in animals for reproductive effects have notbeen performed.This compound does not produce genetic damage in bacterial cell cultures buthas not been tested in animals. SECTION 12 -ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Biodegradation:N/A Environmental fate:N/A SECTION 13 -DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste Disposal Method -Reclaim bydistillation,incinerate,orremove toa permitted waste facility.Comply with Federal,Stateand Localregulations. This material may bea RCRA Hazardous waste upon disposal due to the ignitability characteristic. PPE-PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIRED:NONE SECTION 14-TRANSPORT INFORMATION Shipping Information DOT - Domestic Ground Transportation Proper Shipping Name DIFLUOROETHANE,R152a Hazard Class 2.1 I.D.No.(UN/NA)UN 1030 Shipping Paper Information:None required Mark Packages with:DIFLUOROETHANE,R152a,UN 1030,LTD QTY(ORM-D) Placarding:None required SECTION 15-REGULATORY INFORMATION Complywith Federal,Stateand Local regulations. SECTION 16-OTHER INFORMATION Revised:5/29/2015 N/A.: Not Applicable <: Less Than >: Greater Than DISCLAIMER The information provided onthis SDS iscorrect tothe best ofourknowledge,information and beliefatthe date ofitspublication.The information given isdesigned onlyasa guide for safe handling,use,processing,storage,transportation,disposal andrelease andisnotto be considered as awarranty orquality specification.The information relates only tothe specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used incombination with any other material orinany process,unless specified inthetext.