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Super Sani-Cloth Germicidal Disposable Wipes
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MICE|PAK PDI Professional Disposables International,Inc. 1.Product and Company Identification Product Name CAS# Product use Manufacturer LEGEND HMIS/NFPA Severe 4 Serious 3 Moderate 2 Slight 1 Minimal 0 Emergency overview Potential short term health effects Routes of exposure Eyes Skin Inhalation Ingestion Target organs Chronic effects Signs and symptoms Super Sani-Cloth®Germicidal Disposable Wipes Mixture Disinfectant Professional Disposables International,Inc. Two Nice-Pak Park Orangeburg,NY 10962-1376 Phone (USA)1-845-365-1700 (M-F 8am - 5pm) Physical Hazard I 0 I Personal Protection H 2.Hazards Identification MSDS0020 DANGER COMBUSTIBLE Causes irreversible eyedamage.Harmful ifabsorbed through skin.Donotget in eyes, on skin oron clothing.Wash thoroughly with soap andwater after handling and before eating, drinking, chewing gum or using tobacco.Remove and wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Eye, Skin contact. The product caused irreversible eye damage. Under the conditions of the study,moderate irritation was evident at 72 hours. Harmful ifabsorbed through skin. Not a normal route of exposure. Not a normal route of exposure. Eyes.Skin. Prolonged or repeated exposure can cause drying, defatting and dermatitis. Symptoms may include redness, edema, drying, defatting and crackingof the skin. 3.Composition /Information on Ingredients Ingredient(s)CAS#Percent Isopropanol 67-63-0 30-60 Benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl ammonium chlorides 68391-01-5 0.1 - 1 Quaternaryammonium compounds,C12-18-alkyl [(ethylphenyl)methyl]dimethyl, chlorides 68956-79-6 0.1 - 1 First aid procedures Eye contact Skin contact Inhalation Ingestion #19403 P 4.First Aid Measures Hold eye open and rinse slowlyand gently withwater for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, ifpresent, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing. Take offcontaminated clothing.Rinseskin immediately with plenty ofwaterfor15-20 minutes. Not a normal route of exposure.Ifsymptoms develop move victim to fresh air. Not a normal route of exposure. age 1 of 6 Issue date 30-Nov-2009 Notes to physician General advice None. Avoidcontact with eyes and skin.Keep out of reach of children.Followlabel directions carefully. 5. Fire Fighting Measures Flammable properties Flammable per ICAOTest Method Extinguishing media Suitable extinguishing media Carbon dioxide.Alcohol foam.Dry chemical. Unsuitable extinguishing media Donotuse a solid waterstream as itmay scatter and spread fire. Protection of firefighters Not availableSpecifichazardsarisingfrom the chemical Protective equipment for firefighters Hazardous combustion products Explosion data Sensitivity to mechanical impact Sensitivity to static discharge Not available Personal precautions Methods for containment Methods for cleaning up Other information Handling Storage Firefighters should wearfull protective clothing including self contained breathing apparatus. May include and are not limited to:Oxides of carbon. Not available 6.Accidental Release Measures Avoid excessive skin contact. Not applicable. Pick up towels and discard intrash. Wipeor mopup liquid,ifany,and dispose properly. Pick up and discard towel. 7.Handling and Storage Use good industrial hygienepractices in handlingthis material. Keep outofreachof children.Storeina closedcontainerawayfrom incompatible materials. Donot use or store near heat or open flame. 8.Exposure Controls /Personal Protection Exposure limits Ingredient(s) Benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl am monium chlorides Isopropanol Quaternaryammonium compounds,C12-18-alkyl [(ethylphenyl)methyl] dimethyl, chlorides Engineering controls Personal protective equipment Eye /face protection Hand protection #19403P Exposure Limits ACGIH-TLV Not established OSHA-PEL Not established ACGIH-TLV TWA: 200 ppm STEL: 400 ppm OSHA-PEL TWA:400 ppm ACGIH-TLV Not established OSHA-PEL Not established General ventilation normally adequate. Wear gear as deemed necessary. Followlabel directions. Wearas deemed necessary,followlabel directions. age 2 of 6 Issue date 30-NOV-2009 Skin and body protection Follow label directions carefully. Respiratoryprotection Ifexposure guideline levels are exceeded,use an approved NIOSH respirator. Generalhygiene considerations Handle inaccordancewith good industrial hygiene and safety practice.Whenusing do not eat or drink.Wash hands before breaks and immediately after handling the product. 9.Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance Color Form Odor Odor threshold Physical state pH Freezing point Pour point Boiling point Flash point Evaporation rate Flammability limits in air,lower,% by volume Flammability limits in air,upper,% by volume Vapor pressure Vapor density Specific gravity Octanol/water coefficient Solubility (H20) Auto-ignition temperature VOC (Weight %) Clear.Liquid saturated on wipe Colorless liquid Pre-moistened towelette. Alcohol Not available Solid 6.25 -8.5 (Liquid) Not available Not available Not available 75°F (23.9°C)(Towel)(ASTM D56) Tag Closed Cup Not available Not available Not applicable Not available Not available 0.892 (Liquid) Not available Wipe is not soluble Not available >50 % 10.Stability and Reactivity Chemical stability Conditions to avoid Stable under recommended storage conditions. Avoid high temperatures.Do not mix with other chemicals.Do notuse orstorenearheat or open flame. Incompatible materials Oxidizers. Anionic surfactants. Hazardous decomposition products May include andare notlimited to:Oxides ofcarbon. Possibilityof hazardous reactions Hazardous polymerization does notoccur. 11.Toxicological Information Acute effects Component analysis - LC50 Ingredient(s) Benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl am monium chlorides Isopropanol Acute LD50:5000 mg/kg,Rat, Oral Acute LD50:2000 mg/kg, Rat, Dermal LC50 Not available 16970 mg/l/4h rat Quaternary ammonium compounds,C12-18-alkyl [(ethylphenyl)methyl]dimethyl,chlorides Not available #19403P age 3 of 6 Issue date 30-NOV-2009 Component analysis - Oral LD50 Ingredient(s) Benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl ammonium chlorides Isopropanol Quaternary am monium compounds,C12-18-alkyl [(ethylphenyl)methyl]dimethyl,chlorides Effects ofacute exposure Eye Skin LD50 240 mg/kg rat 4396 mg/kg rat 250 mg/kg rat Inhalation Ingestion Sensitization Chronic effects Carcinogenicity ACGIH-Threshold LimitValues -Carcinogens Isopropanol 6 7-63-0 IARC -Group 3 (Not Classifiable) Isopropanol 67-63-0 Monograph 71 [1999];Supplement 7 [1987];Monograph 15[1977] Mutagenicity Non-hazardous by OSHA criteria. Reproductive effects Non-hazardousby OSHA criteria. Teratogenicity Non-hazardous by OSHA criteria. Synergistic Materials Not available The product caused irreversible eye damage. Under the conditions of the study,moderate irritation was evident at 72 hours.Harmful if absorbed through skin. Not a normal route of exposure. Not a normal route of exposure. Non-hazardous by OSHA criteria. Non-hazardous by OSHA criteria. Non-hazardous by OSHA criteria. A4 - NotClassifiableas a Human Carcinogen 12.Ecological Information Ecotoxicity Ecotoxiclty - Freshwater Algae Data Isopropanol 67-63-0 96 Hr EC50 Desmodesmus subspicatus:>1000 mg/L;72Hr EC50 Desmodesmus subspicatus:>1000mg/L 96 Hr LC50 Pimephales promelas:9640 mg/L [flow-through];96 Hr LC50 Pimephales promelas:11130 mg/L [static];96 Hr LC50 Lepomis macrochirus:>1400000 ng/L Ecotoxicity - FreshwaterFishSpecies Data Isopropanol Ecotoxicity -Microtox Data Isopropanol Ecotoxicity -Water Flea Data Isopropanol Environmental effects Aquatic toxicity Persistence / degradability Bi©accumulation /accumulation Partition coefficient Mobility in environmental media Chemical fate information Waste codes Disposal instructions Waste from residues /unused products Contaminated packaging 67-63-0 67-63-0 67-63-0 Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available 5 Min EC50 Photobacterium phosphoreum:35390 mg/L 48 Hr EC50 Daphnia magna:13299 mg/L 13.Disposal Considerations Not available Consult the appropriate state,regional,or local regulations for additional requirementsDiscardafter single use. Not available Not available 14.Transport Information U.S.Department of Transportation (DOT) CONSUMER COMMODITY ORM-D -Exception Hsized packets are not regulated by DOT per small quantity exemption age4 of 6 Issuedate#19403P 30-Nov-2009 15.Regulatory Information US Federal regulations EPAregistration number 9480-4 This product is a "Hazardous Chemical"as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard,29 CFR 1910.1200. Allcomponents are on the U.S. EPA TSCA Inventory List or exempted. CERCLA/SARA Hazardous Substances- Not applicable. U.S.-CERCLA/SARA-Section 313 -Emission Reporting None Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR 1910.1200 hazardous Yes chemical CERCLA (Superfund)reportable quantity None Superfund Amendmentsand Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) Hazard categories Immediate Hazard - Yes Delayed Hazard - No Fire Hazard -Yes Pressure Hazard -No Reactivity Hazard - No Section 302 extremely No hazardous substance Section 311 hazardous chemical Yes Clean Air Act(CAA)Not available Clean Water Act (CWA)Not available State regulations This product does not contain a chemical knownto the State ofCaliforniato cause cancer,birth defects or other reproductive harm. U.S.-California - 8 CCR Section 339 -Director's List of Hazardous Substances Isopropanol 67-63-0 Present U.S. -Massachusetts -Right To Know List Isopropanol 67-63-0 Present U.S. -Minnesota -Hazardous Substance List Isopropanol67-63-0 Present U.S.- NewJersey - Right to Know Hazardous SubstanceList Isopropanol 67-63-0 sn 1076 U.S.- Pennsylvania -RTK(Rightto Know)List Isopropanol 6 7-63-0 Environmental hazard U.S. -Rhode Island -Hazardous Substance List Isopropanol 67-63-0 Toxic;Flammable Inventory status Country(s)or region Inventory name On inventory (yes/no)* United States &Puerto Rico Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)Inventory Yes A'Yes"indicates that all components of this product comply with the inventory requirements administered by the governing country(s) 16.Other Information Disclaimer Information contained herein was obtained from sources considered technically accurate and reliable.While every effort has been madetoensurefull disclosure ofproduct hazards, insome cases data is not available and is so stated. Since conditionsofactual productuse are beyondcontrol ofthe supplier, itis assumed that users ofthis material have been fully trained according totherequirements ofall applicable legislation and regulatory instruments.No warranty,expressed orimplied,is madeandsupplier will not beliable for any losses,injuries orconsequential damages which may result from the use of or reliance on any information contained in this document. Recommended use Forexternal use only. Further information Danger:Keep out of reach of children.Not for use on skin.Not a baby wipe.For use on hard surfaces only. Issue date 30-Nov-2009 Effective date 15-Jul-2009 Prepared by Nice-Pak Products,Inc. #18403P age 5 of 6 Issue date 30-NOV-2C09 Other information For an updated MSDS,please contact the supplier/manufacturer listed on the first page of the document. #19403 P age6 0f 6 Issuedate 30-Nov-2009