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Prestone Super Tech Antifreeze-Coolant
Presume Products Corporation 9r use PRESXQ&TE ®h^PER ,T£C H ANTIFREEZE/COOLANT Date Prepared:09/13/2011 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 1.Product And Company Identification MSDS ID:MSDS386 PRODUCT NAME: Prestone ® Super Tech Antifreeze/Coolant STOCK NUMBER:WMT3003 FORMULA NUMBER:YA-335B,YA-335F,YA-335G,YA-335T,2792,YA-335B-B,YA-335F-B,YA-335G-B,YA- 335T-B,2792-B MANUFACTURER: Prestone Products Corporation Danbury,CT 06810-5109 CANADIAN OFFICE: FRAM Group (Canada), Inc. Mississauga, Ontario L5L 3S6 MEDICAL EMERGENCIES AND ALL OTHER INFORMATION PHONE NUMBER: (800)890-2075 (in the US) (800)668-9349 (in Canada) TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER (Chemical Spills and Transport Accidents only): CHEMTREC 1-800-424-9300 (in the US) CANUTEC (613)996-6666 (in Canada) MSDS DATE OF PREPARATION/REVISION:09/13/11 PRODUCT USE:Automobile antifreeze -consumer product 2.Hazards Identification Clear, dyed liquid with a mild odor. EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Eyeandupper respiratory irritant.Maycause nausea,vomiting,headache,drowsiness,blurredvision,convulsions,comaor deathif ingested or inhaled.Prolonged or repeated skincontact maycause dermatitis orskin sensitization. 3.Composition/Information On Ingredients Component CAS No.Amount Ethylene Glycol 107-21-1 80-96% Diethylene Glycol 111-46-6 0-8% Non-hazardous Ingredients Mixture 0-20% (See Section 8 for Exposure Limits) 4.First Aid Measures INHALATION:Removethe victim to fresh air. Ifbreathinghas stopped administer artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, have medical personnel administer oxygen. Get medical attention. SKIN CONTACT: Remove contaminated clothing. Immediately wash contacted area thoroughly with soap and water.If irritation persists, get medical attention. EYE CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with large amounts ofwater for 15 minutes. Get medical attention if irritation persists. INGESTION: Do not induce vomiting unless directed to by a medical professional.Seek immediate medical attention. Never give anything by mouth to or induce vomiting in an unconscious or drowsy person. Page 1 of 6 FfOSIOIlC PRE8S#Bre ®§yeE&iraeH antifreeze/c6os£ant ProductsCorporation D«te Prepared:09/13/2011 NOTESTO PHYSICIAN: The principal toxic effects ofethyleneglycol, when swallowed, are kidney damage and metabolic acidosis.Thecombination of metabolic acidosis,an osmol gapandoxalatecrystalsinthe urineisevidenceof ethyleneglycol poisoning. Pulmonaryedemawith hypoxemiahas been describedina number ofpatientsfollowingpoisoning with ethyleneglycol. Respiratorysupport with mechanical ventilation may be required. Theremaybecranialnerve involvement inthe latestagesoftoxicityfromswallowedethyleneglycol. Inparticular,effects have been reported involvingthe seventh, eighth, and ninth cranial nerves, presenting with bilateral facial paralysis, diminished hearing and dysphagia. Ethanolis antidotal and its early administration may blockthe formationofnephrotoxic metabolites ofethylene glycol in the liver. The objective is to rapidly achieve and maintaina blood ethanol level ofapproximately 100 mg/dl by giving a loading dose ofethanol followed by a maintenance dose. Intravenousadministration ofethanol is the preferred route. Ethanol blood levelsshould be checked frequently. Hemodialysismay be required. 4-Methyl pyrazole (Fomepizole®), a potent inhibitor ofalcohol dehydrogenase, has been used therapeutically to decrease the metabolic consequences ofethylene glycol poisoning. Fomepizole® is easier to use clinically than ethanol, does not cause CNSdepressionor hypoglycemia and requires lessmonitoringthan ethanol. Additional therapeutic modalities which may decreasethe adverse consequences ofethylene glycol metabolismare the administration ofboth thiamine and pyridoxine. As thereare complicatedand serious overdoses,we recommendyou consultwiththe toxicologists at your poison control center. Thisantidote is now approved by the F.D.A. and in many caseshas replaced ethanol in the treatment ofethylene glycol poisoning. 5.Firefighting Measures EXTINGUISHING MEDIA:For largefires,usealcoholtypeor all-purpose foams.Forsmallfires,usewaterspray,carbon dioxide or dry chemical. SPECIALFIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Do not spray pool fires directly. Cool fire exposed containers with water. Firefighters shouldwearpositivepressureself-contained breathing apparatusand fullprotectiveclothingfor fires inareas where chemicals are used or stored. UNUSUAL FIRE HAZARDS: A solid stream ofwater or foam directed into hot, burning liquid can cause frothing. HAZARDOUSCOMBUSTION PRODUCTS: Burningmayproduce carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. 6:Accidental Release Measures Wearappropriateprotectiveclothingand equipment(See Section8).Collectwith absorbentmaterial and place in an appropriate, labeled container for disposal. Flush spill area with water. 7.Handling and Storage DANGER:Harmful or Fatal ifSwallowed Do not drink antifreeze or solution. Avoid eye and prolonged or repeated skin contact. Avoid breathing vapors or mists. Wash exposed skin thoroughly with soap and water after use. Do not store in opened or unlabeled containers. Keep container away from open flames and excessive heat. Do not reuse empty containers unless properly cleaned. Empty containers retain product residue and may be dangerous. Page 2 of 6 EXPOSURE LIMITS >r usePRESTOBTE®§i,JPER TECH ANTIFREEZE/COOLANT ProductsCorporation Date Prepared:09/13/2011 Donotcut, weld,drill, etc. containers,even empty. Sudden releaseofhotorganicchemical vaporsormistsfrom processequipment operatingatelevatedtemperature and pressure,or sudden ingressofair into vacuum equipment,mayresultin ignitions withoutanyobviousignitionsources. Published "autoignition"or "ignition"temperatures cannot betreated assafeoperating temperatures in chemical processes without analysis oftheactualprocessconditions.Useofthis product inelevatedtemperature applications shouldbe thoroughlyevaluatedto assure safe operatingconditions. NFPA Classification:IIIB 8.Exposure Controls /Personal Protection CHEMICAL EXPOSURE LIMIT Ethylene Glycol 100mg/m3 CeilingACGIHTLV Diethylene Glycol None Established Non-hazardous Ingredients None Established VENTILATION: Use general ventilation or local exhaust as required to maintain exposures below the occupational exposure limits. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: For operations where the TLV is exceeded a NIOSH approved respirator with organic vapor cartridges and dust/mist prefilters or supplied air respirator is recommended. Equipment selection depends on contaminant type and concentration. Select and use in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.134 and good industrial hygiene practice. For firefighting, use self-contained breathing apparatus. GLOVES: Chemical resistant gloves such as neoprene or PVC where contact is possible. EYE PROTECTION:Splash-proofgoggles. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT/CLOTHING:Appropriate protective clothing as needed to minimize skin contact. Suitablewashing and eye flushing facilities shouldbe available inthe work area. Contaminated clothing should be removed and laundered before re-use. 9.Physical and Chemical Properties APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Clear, dyed liquid with a mild odor. pH:Not determined SPECIFIC GRAVITY:Greater than 1 BOILING POINT:330-359°F (165.5-181.6°C)VAPOR PRESSURE:Less than 0.1 FREEZING POINT:-8°F-8°F (-22.2 --13.3°C)VAPOR DENSITY:Greater than 2 SOLUBILITY IN WATER:Complete EVAPORATION RATE:Less than 1 PERCENT VOLATILE:None VISCOSITY:Not determined FLASH POINT:242°F (117°C)TOC 240°F (116°C)COC AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE:Not determined FLAMMABILITY LIMITS:UEL:15.3%LEL:3.2 COEFFICIENTOF WATER/OIL DISTRIBUTION:Not determined 10.Stability and Reactivity STABILITY:Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID:None Known. INCOMPATIBILITY: Normally unreactive; however, avoid strong bases at high temperatures,strong acids, strong oxidizing agents, and materials reactive with hydroxyl compounds. Page 3 of 6 Prestone er ussPREgTOSTE®§&rt£E&iIl€H ANTIFREEZE/COOLANT PRODUCTSCORPOR^m Date Prepared:09/13/2011 HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS:Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION:Will not occur. 11.Toxicological Information POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: ACUTE HAZARDS: INHALATION:Maycause irritation ofthe nose and throat with headache, particularly from mists. High vapor concentrations may produce nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, and irregular eye movements. SKINCONTACT:May cause irritation with local rednessand swelling. Prolonged or repeated contact may cause allergic skin reaction (sensitization). EYE CONTACT: Liquid, vapor, and mist may cause discomfort in the eye with persistent conjunctivitis,seen as slight excess redness or conjunctiva. INGESTION: Following ingestion, a bitter taste may be noted. May cause abdominal discomfort or pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness,drowsiness,malaise, blurring ofvision, irritability, back pain,decrease in urine output, kidney failure, and central nervous system effects,including irregular eye movements,convulsions and coma.Cardiac failure and pulmonary edema may develop.Severe kidney damage which may be fatal may follow the swallowing ofethylene glycol. A few reports have been published describing the development ofweakness ofthe facial muscles, diminishing hearing, and difficulty with swallowing, during the late stages ofsevere poisoning. CHRONIC HAZARDS: Prolonged or repeated inhalation exposure may produce signs ofcentral nervous system involvement, particularly dizziness and jerking eye movements. Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause skin sensitization and an associated dermatitis in some individuals. Ethylene glycol has been found to cause birth defects in laboratory animals. The significance ofthis finding to humans has not been determined. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: The available toxicological information and a knowledge of the physical and chemical properties ofthe material suggest that overexposure is unlikely to aggravate existing medical conditions. CARCINOGEN:None of the components ofthese products is listedas a carcinogen or suspected carcinogen by IARC, ACGIH,NTP or OSHA. AcuteToxicity Values: Ethylene Glycol:LD50 Oral Rat: 4700 mg/kg LD50 Skin Rabbit: 9530 mg/kg Diethylene Glycol: LD50 Oral Rat:12,565 mg/kg LD50 Skin Rabbit:11,890 mg/kg SIGNIFICANT LABORATORY DATA WITH POSSIBLE RELEVANCE TO HUMAN HEALTH: Ethylene glycol has been shown to produce dose-related teratogenic effects in rats and mice when given by gavage or in drinking water at high concentrations or doses. Also, in a preliminary study to assess the effects ofexposure ofpregnant rats and mice to aerosols at concentrations 150,1,000 and 2,500 mg/m3 for 6 hours a day throughout the period oforganogenesis,teratogenic effects were produced at the highest concentrations,but only in mice. The conditions ofthese latter experiments did not allow a conclusion as to whether the developmental toxicity was mediated by inhalation ofaerosol,percutaneous absorption ofethylene glycol fromcontaminatedskin, or swallowing ofethyleneglycolas a result ofgroomingthe wetted coat. In a further study, comparing effects from high aerosol concentration by whole-body or nose-only exposure, it was shown that nose-only exposure resulted in maternal toxicity (1,000 and 2,500 mg/m3)and developmental toxicity in with minimal evidence of teratogenicity (2,500 mg/m3).The no-effectsconcentration(basedon maternaltoxicity) was 500 mg/m3.Ina furtherstudyin Page 4 of 6 Prestone tGr usePRE&3CQBHE ®§jy£E&i£g£H ANTIFREEZE/COOLANT ProductsCorporation DatePrepared:09/13/2011 mice,noteratogenic effectscouldbe produced whenethylene glycolwasappliedto theskinof pregnantmiceovertheperiod of organogenesis.Theaboveobservationssuggestthatethyleneglycolisto be regardedas an animalteratogen;there is currentlyno availableinformationto suggestthat ethyleneglycolcausedbirthdefects in humans. Cutaneous application of ethyleneglycol is ineffectivein producing developmental toxicity;exposureto high aerosol concentration is onlyminimally effectiveinproducingdevelopmentaltoxicity;the majorroute forproducingdevelopmentaltoxicity is perorally. Twochronic feeding studies, using rats and mice, have not producedany evidence that ethylene glycol causes dose-related increases intumor incidence or a different pattern oftumors compared with untreated controls. The absence ofcarcinogenic potential for ethylene glycol has been supported by numerous invitro genotoxicity studies showing that it does not produce mutagenic or clastogenic effects. 12.Ecological Information Ethylene Glycol: LC50 Goldfish: 5,000 mg/L/24 hr. at 20 C static conditions. Toxicity threshold (cell multiplication inhibition test): Bacterial (Pseudomonas putida):10,000mg/1 Protozoa (Entosiphon sulcatum and Uronema parduczi Chatton-Lwoff):>10,000 mg/1 Algae (Microcystis aeruginosa): 2,000 mg/1 Green algae (Scenedesmus quandricauda):>10,000 mg/1 13.Disposal Considerations Disposeof product in accordance with all local, state/provincialand federalregulations. 14.Transport Information U.S.DOTHAZARDCLASSIFICATION:Not Regulated(unlesspackagecontainsa reportable quantity) Note: IF A SHIPMENT OF A REPORTABLE QUANTITY (5,208 LBS/560 GAL.) IN A SINGLE PACKAGE IS INVOLVED,THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION APPLIES: PROPER SHIPPING NAME:RQ,Environmentally hazardous substance,liquid,n.o.s.(Ethyleneglycol) UN NUMBER:UN3082 PACKING GROUP:III LABELS REQUIRED:Class 9,UN3082 DOT MARINE POLLUTANTS: This product does not contain Marine Pollutants as defined in 49 CFR 171.8. IMDGCODE SHIPPING CLASSIFICATION: Not Regulated CANADIAN TDG CLASSIFICATION:Not Regulated 15.Regulatory Information EPA SARA 311/312 HAZARD CLASSIFICATION: Acute health, chronic health EPA SARA313:ThisProductContainsthe Following Chemicals Subject to AnnualRelease Reporting Requirements Under SARA Title III, Section 313 (40 CFR 372): Chemical CAS#Amount Ethylene Glycol 107-21-1 80-96% PROTECTION OF STRATOSPHERICOZONE:Thisproductisnotknownto contain or to have been manufacturedwith ozonedepletingsubstancesas definedin40 CFRPart82,Appendix A to SubpartA. Page 5 of 6 FFCSIOiIB PRESgCONE ®^fEj^iraCH ANTIFREEZE/Ce6§tANT ProductsCorporation Date Prepared:09/13/2011 CERCLA SECTION 103:Spills of this product over the RQ (reportable quantity)must bereported totheNational Response Center.TheRQforthisproduct,based ontheRQfor Ethylene Glycol (96%maximum)of5,000lbs,is 5,208 lbs.Many states have more stringent release reporting requirements.Report spills required underfederal,stateand local regulations. CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION65 - This productmaycontainthe followingsubstances known to the State ofCaliforniato cause Cancer and/or Reproductive Harm: 1,4-Dioxane (trace amount). EPATSCA INVENTORY:All ofthe componentsofthis materialare listedon the Toxic SubstancesControl Act (TSCA) Chemical Substances Inventory. CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONACT:Allofthe ingredientsare listed on the Canadian Domestic Substances List. CANADIAN WHMIS CLASSIFICATION:Class D - Division2 - Subdivision A - (A very toxic material causing other chronic effects) CANADIAN WHMIS HAZARD SYMBOLS © EUROPEAN INVENTORY OF EXISTING COMMERCIAL CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES (EINECS):All ofthe ingredients are listed on the EINECS inventory. 16.Other Information NFPA RATING (NFPA 704) - FIRE: 1 HEALTH: 2 REACTIVITY: 0 REVISION SUMMARY:Section 1:Update company name and address. ThisMSDS is directed to professional users andbulkhandlers ofthe product.Consumer products are labeled inaccordance with Federal Hazardous Substances Act regulations. While Prestone Products Corporation believes thatthedatacontained herein are factual andthe opinions expressed arethose of qualified experts regarding the results ofthetests conducted,thedataarenottobe taken asa warranty or representation for which Prestone Products Corporation assumes legal responsibility.Theyare offered solelyforyour consideration, investigation andverification.Any useofthese data and information must be determined bytheusertobein accordance with applicablefederal,stateand locallaws and regulations. If more information is needed, please contact: Prestone Products Corporation 69 Eagle Rd. DanburyCT 06810 (800)890-2075 Page 6 of 6