HomeMy WebLinkAboutPepper MacePEPPER MACE®Material Safety Data Sheet May be used to complywith OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, 29CFR 1910.1200.Standard must be consulted for specific requirements. QUICK IDENTIFIER Common Name:(used on label and list) 3005 - MK3 5.5%Pepper Mace Stream SECTION 1 - Manufacturer's Name Defense Technobgy /Federal Laboratories Address Postal Box 248 Emergency Telephone No. (800)424-9300 City,State,and ZIP Casper, Wyoming82602 Other Information Calls (877)248-3835 Signature of Person Responsible for Preparation (Optional) Date Prepared SECTION 2 -HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS /IDENTITY Hazardous Component(s)(chemical &common name(s)) Capsaicin D-Limonene SecondaryButanol PropyleneGlycol Dipropylene GlycolMonomethyl Ether Note:*Skin OSHA PEL NGppm NGppm WOppm NGppm 100*ppm ACGIH TLV NGppm NGppm IQOppm NGppm 100*ppm 11/01/01 Other Exposure % Limits (optional) SECTION 3 -PHYSICAL &CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS CAS NO. 404-86-4 5989275 78922 57-55-6 34590948 Boiling Point 211°F 370°F Specific Gravity (H2Q = 1)0.947 Vapor Pressure (mm Hg)NG Solubility in Water Slight Appearance and Odor Vapor Density (Air = 1)NG Dark BrownLiquid,Aromatic Odor Reactivity in Water Melting Point SECTION 4 -FIRE &EXPLOSION DATA Flash Method Point UQ°F Used ClosedCup Flammable Limits in Air %by Volume LEL Lower Auto-Ignition Temperature ExtinguisherMedia Use dry chemical,C02,orwater spray. Special Fire Fighting Procedures Coolcontainers ifexposedtofire orhighheat. NG UEL Upper Unusual Fire and »>_»„#j •,i-. ,Explosion Hazards Productpackaged in aerosolform maycause containersto burstwhenexposedto extremeheat. PEPPER MACE® QUICK IDENTIFIER Common Name:(used on label and list) 3005 -MK3 5.5%Pepper Mace Stream SECTION 5 -PHYSICAL HAZARDS (REACTIVITY DATA) Stability Unstable ConditionsStable%to Avoid Avoid exposure to extreme heat. Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid) Hazardous Hazardous thermal decomposition products mayform suchas CarhonMonoxide,CarbonDioxideandotherDecompositionProducts..,toxic and corrosive gases. Hazardous May Occur Polymerization Will Not Occur Conditions to Avoid Pungentfumes may be emitted on exposure to temperatures above 175°/•'. SECTION 6 -HEALTH HAZARDS 1.Acute 2.Chronic See Signs andSymptoms Signs andSymptoms of Exposure May cause superficial keratitis, conjunctivitis and irritation to the stomach and digestive system. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure Dermititis. Chemical Listed as Carcinogen or Potential Carcinogen NationalToxicology Yes^_ Program No £ I.A.R.C.Yes*-Monographs No ^OSHA Yes No Emergency andFirstAidProcedures Remove tofresh air. If breathing is difficult,administer oxygen.Ifbreathing has stopped,administer CPR. Flush eyes with cool waterfor atleast 15minutes.Wash with cool water andsoap.Drink a glass of water ami induce vomiting. 1.Inhalation Burning sensation,irritation andnausea. 2.EyesROUTES Burning sensation and irritation. ENTRY 3.Skin Liquidand vapors can cause irritation. 4.Ingestion Liquidcan cause nausea anda burningsensation. SECTION 7 -SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND SPILL / LEAK PROCEDURES Precautions to be Taken in Handling and Storage Packagedproduct is under pressure.Donot puncture,incinerate orstoreat temperature above 130°F. Other Precautions Irritating toeyes,nose and skin.Avoid inhaling vapors and contact with skin. Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled Extinguish allflames then soakupmaterial inabsorbent material andshovelintowaste container. Waste Disposal Methods (Consult Federal,State,and Local Regulations )Disposeofinaccordancewith local, stateandfederal regulations SECTION 8 -SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION /CONTROL MEASURES Respiratory Protection (Specify Type )Usechemical respirator,NIOSH approved. Ventilation Yes Local Exhaust Yes Mechanical Special (General )Yes No Other Protective Gloves Usesolvent-resistant rubbergloves Eye Protection I;se chemical-resistant goggles. Other Protective Clothing or Equipment Usesolvent-resistant typewithfulljacket. Work/Hygienic Practices Avoid absorption ofproduct onclothing.Ifabsorbed inclothing,remove andlaunder at ona No MPORTANT Donotleave any blank spaces.Ifrequired information is unavailable,unknown,or does notapply, so indicate.