HomeMy WebLinkAboutKonica Minolta - TN711C - CyanKONICA MINOLTA SAFETY DATA SHEET Page:1/6 SDS No.:MFP-2932 Product Name:TN711C Prepared date:23-May-2011 Revised Date:25-May-2016 1.IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Cistfux Product Name:TN711C used for:C754/C654,C754e/C654e Supplier Identification: Konica Minolta Business Solutions (Canada),Ltd. 5875 ExplorerDrive Mississauga, Ontario L4W0E1 Telephone: (866)890-6600 Facsimile:(905)283-2511 Emergency Telephone No. CHEMTREC Telephone:1-800-424-9300 2.HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 Classification: Not classified as dangerous. Hazard Communication Standard (USA) Classification: Not classified as dangerous. LABEL ELEMENTS Precautionary pictograms:— Signal word:— Hazard Statement:— Precautionary Statements:— Other Hazards Dustexplosion (like mostfinely divided organic powders). KON.CAMINOLTA SAFETY DATA SHEET Page:2/6 SDS No.:MFP-2932 Product Name:TN711C Prepared date:23-May-2011 Revised Date:25-May-2016 3.COMPOSITION /INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Substance [ ]Preparation [X] MajorIngredients: [GenericName] Styrene acrylic resin Wax Organic pigment Amorphous silica Titanium dioxide [CASNo.][%] +++80-90 +++1-10 147-14-8 1-10 7631-86-9 1-10 13463-67-7 <1 +++:Supplier's confidential information Hazardous Ingredients: Chemical Name:Titanium dioxide CAS No.:13463-67-7 EINECS-No.:236-675-5 NTP(USA):Not listed IARC Monographs:Group 2B Symbol(EC):Not listed Hcode(EC):Not listed 4.FIRST-AID MEASURES Ingestion:Wash out mouth with water.Drink one or two glasses ofwater.If symptoms occur,get medical attention. Inhalation:Move victim toflesh airimmediately.If symptoms occur,getmedical attention. Eye Contact Flush eyes with plenty ofwater for 15 minutes.If symptoms occur,get medical attention. Skin Contact Wash withwater and mildsoap. 5.FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Suitable Extinguishing Media:C02,water spray,foam and dry chemical Extinguishing Media toAvoid:Full water jet Fire and Explosion Hazards:If dispersed in air,like mostfinely divided organic powders,mayform an explosive mixture. Protection ofFirefighters:Use self-contained breathing apparatus(SCBA). ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal Precautions:None Environmental Precautions:None Methods for Cleaning Up:Wear personal protective equipment(See Section 8).Vacuum or sweep material and place in a bag and hold for waste disposal.Use vacuum equipped with High Efficiency Particulate Air(HEPA)filter.Vacuum should beelectrically bonded and grounded to dispel static electricity.To avoid dust generation,do not sweep dry. KONICA MINOLTA SAFETY DATA SHEET Page:3/6 SDS No.:MFP-2932 Product Name:TN711C Prepared date:23-May-2011 Revised Date:25-May-2016 7.HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling Technical Measures:None Precautions:Do not breathe dust. Avoidcontactwith eyes. Safe Handling Advice:Try not todisperse the particulates. Storage Technical Measures:None Storage Conditions:Keep container closed.Store in acool and dry place.Keep out of reach of children. IncompatibleProducts: None Packaging Materials:Bottles orCartridge designated by Konica Minolta. 8.EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Engineering Measures Ventilation:None requiredwithintended use. Control Parameters(As total dust) ACGIH-TLV(USA):10mg/m3 (Inhalable particles), OSHA-PEL(USA):15mg/m3 (Total dusts), DFG-MAK(GER):4mg/m3 (Inhalable fraction), SafeWork Australia-TWA:10mg/m3 Control Parameters (As Ingredients:Titanium dioxide) ACGIH-TLV(USA):10mg/m3 OSHA Z-Tables(USA):15mg/m3 Safe Work Australia-TWA:10mg/m3 Personal Protective Equipment Not required under normal conditions.For use other than in normal operating procedures (such as in the event oflarge spill),goggles and respirators may be required. Hygiene Measures:Wash hands after handling. 9.PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance PhysicalState: Solid 3.0 mg/m3(Respirable particles) 5.0 mg/m3(Respirablefraction) 1.5mg/m3(Respirablefraction) Color:Cyan Form:Powder(meandia.is5-10urn byvolume) Odor: PH Boiling Point(°C): Melting Point(°C): Flash Point(°C): Auto-Ignition Temperature(°C): Upper/lower flammability orexplosive limits Explosion Properties: Evaporation rate: Vapor Pressure: Vapor density: Specific Gravity: Solubility: Partition Coefficient,n-OctanolAA/ater Almost odorless Notapplicable Notapplicable AroundNodata available/Q (SofteningPoint) Notapplicable No data available No data available No data available No data available Not applicable Notapplicable 1.2 Insoluble in water. Notapplicable KONICAM.NOLTA SAFETY DATA SHEET Page:4/6 SDS No.:MFP-2932 Product Name:TN711C Prepared date:23-May-2011 Revised Date:25-May-2016 10.STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Reactivity:None. Stability:Stableexcept above200C(392F). Hazardous Reactions:Dustexplosion,like mostfinely divided organic powders. Conditions to avoid:Electric discharge,throwing intofire. Materialsto Avoid:Oxidizing materials. HazardousDecomposition Products:CO,C02,NOx andsmoke. HazardousPolymerization:Will notoccur. 11.TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute Toxicity: lngestion(oral),LD50(mg/kg):>2000 (Rat) Dermal,LD50(mg/kg):Nodata available Inhalation,LC50(mg/l):>5.12 (Rat,4hour)(This was the highest attainable concentration.) Eye irritation:Minimal irritant (Rabbit) Skin irritation:None irritant (Rabbit) Skin sensitizer Nonsensitizer(Mouse) Local Effects:seeChronic Toxicity or Long termToxicity Chronic Toxicity or Long TermToxicity: Prolonged inhalation ofexcessive dust may cause lung damage.It is attributed to "lung overloading",a generic response to excessive amounts of any dust retained in the lungs for aprolonged interval.Use of this product,as intended,does not result in inhalation ofexcessive dust In a study in rats by chronic inhalation exposure to atypical toner,a mild to moderate degree of lung fibrosis was observed in 92%of rats in the high concentration(16mg/m3)exposure group,and a minimal to mild degree offibrosis was noted in 22%of the animals in the middle(4mg/m3)exposure group.But no pulmonary change was reported in the lowest(1 mg/m3)exposure group,the most relevant level to potential human exposures. Carcinogenicity The IARC reevaluated titanium dioxide asa Group 2B carcinogen (possible human carcinogen).In animal chronic inhalation studies,the tumor formulation observed in only rats with animal chronic inhalation study are attributed to "lung overloading",ageneric response to excessive amounts of any dust retained in the lungs for a prolonged interval.Use of this product asintended,dose not result in inhalation of excessive dust Epidemiological study to date have not revealed any evidence of the relation between exposure to titanium dioxide and diseases of the respiratory tract beyond general effects ofdust. Mutagenicity:Negative (AMES test) Teratogenicity:No data available (*=Based on data for other Konica Minolta Products with similar ingredients) 12.ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Nodata are available ontheadverseeffectsofthismaterial ontheenvironment Ecotoxicity:No dataavailable Mobility:No dataavailable Persistence and degradabil'rty:Nodata available .1—1^.^..*«t4vpi»««:««l.Kle\Ant**^woiloKI/i KONICAMINOLTA SAFETY DATA SHEET Page:5/6 SDS No.:MFP-2932 Product Name:TN711C Prepared date:23-May-2011 Revised Date:25-May-2016 13.DISPOSAL CONSIDERATION When disposing ofthewaste or recovered material,consult federal,state and/or local regulations for the proper disposal method. 14.TRANSPORT INFORMATION Information on Code and ClassificationsAccording to International Regulations UN Classification:None Further information:Nota dangerous good under IATA or IMDG. Hazchem code (Austl.):None 15.REGULATORY INFORMATION US Information TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act): All chemical substances in this product comply with all applicable rulesororderunderTSCA. California Proposition 65: This product contains no chemical substances subjectto California Proposition 65. CERCIJ\(Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act): None. SARA Title III (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act)302 Extreme Hazardous Substance : None. 311/312 Hazard Categories : None. 313 Reportable Ingredients : None. EU Information This safety datasheet complies with the requirements of Regulation (EC)No.1907/2006. •Regulation (EC)No 2037/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Substances That Deplete theOzoneLayer:Not applicable •Regulation (EC)No 850/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Persistent Organic Pollutants andAmending Directive 79/117/EEC (POPs):Not applicable •Regulation (EU)No 649/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Concerning the Export and Import of Dangerous Chemicals (PIC):Not applicable •Directive 2012/18/EU ofthe European Parliament and ofthe Council onthe Control of Major-Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances,Amending and Subsequently Repealing Council Directive 96/82/EC,(Seveso III):Notapplicable •Regulation (EC)No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council: - AnnexXIV-List ofSubstances Subject ToAuthorization:Notapplicable - Annex XVII-Restrictions on the Manufacture,Placing on the Market and Use of Certain Dangerous Substances,Preparations andArticles:Not applicable Forthisproduct a chemical safetyassessmentwas notcarried out. KONICAMINOLTA SAFETY DATA SHEET Page:6/6 SDS No.:MFP-2932 Product Name:TN711C Prepared date:23-May-2011 Revised Date:25-May-2016 16.OTHER INFORMATION HMIS Rating:The National Paintand Coating Association (USA):Health:1 Flammability:1 Reactivity:0 Explanation ofterm:IARC 2B means "possiblehuman carcinogen". Abbreviations: ACGIH-TWA:Threshold Limit Value of American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compensation, and Liability Act DFG-MAK:MaximaleArbeitsplatz-Konzentration byDeutsche Forschuugsgemeinschaft DGR:Dangerous Goods Regulations EINECS:European Inventoryof ExistingCommercial Chemical Substances H-Code:Hazard Code HMIS:Hazardous Materials IdentificationSystem IARC:InternationalAgency for Research on Cancer IATA:International AirTransportAssociation IMDG:International MaritimeDangerous Goods Code NTP: National Toxicology Program OEL:Occupational exposure limit OSHA:Occupational Safety and Health Administration PBT:Persistent,Bioaccumulative and Toxic SARA:Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act TSCA:Toxic Substances ControlAct vPvB:very Persistent and very Bioaccumulative Revision Information:Regular revisionon revised date. Literature References: ANSIZ400.1-1993 ISO 11014-1 Commission Directive 91/155/EEC IARC(2010):IARC monographs on the Evaluation ofthe Carcinogenic RiskofChemicals to Humans, Vol.93,Carbon Black,Titanium Dioxide,and Talc, Lyon, pp. 43-191 H.Muhle,B.Bellmann,O.Creutzenberg, C.Dasenbrock,H.Emst,R.Kilpper,J.C.MacKenzie,P.Morrow, U.Mohr,S.Takenaka,and R.Mermelstein(1991) Pulmonary Response to Toner upon ChronicInhalation Exposure inRats.Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 17,pp.280-299. NIOSH CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Evaluation of Health Hazard and Recommendation for Occupational Exposure to Titanium Dioxide DRAFT Restrictions: The above informationis believed to be accurate and represents the best informationcurrently available to Our Corporation.However,Our Corporation makes no warranty with respect tosuch information,and Our Corporation assumes no liability resulting from itsuse. Users should make theirown investigation to determine the suitabilityofthe information fortheir particular purposes.