HomeMy WebLinkAboutKonica Minolta - DV512K - BlackKONICA MINOLTA SAFETY DATA SHEET Page:1/7 SDS No.:MFP-3822 Product Name:DV512K c^i v^Prepared Date:25-Apr-2011 VA^gjK Revised Date:25-May-2016 1.IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product Name:DV512K used for C554/C454/C364/C284/C224,C554e/C454e/C364e/C284e/C224e,554e/454e/364e/284e/224e Supplier Identification: Konica Minolta Business Solutions(Canada),Ltd. 5875 Explorer Drive Mississauga,Ontario L4W 0E1 Telephone:(866)890-6600 Facsimile:(905)283-2511 EmergencyTelephone No. CHEMTREC Telephone:1-80O424-9300 2.HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 Classification:Notclassified asdangerous. Hazard Communication Standard (USA) Classification:Notclassified as dangerous. LABEL ELEMENTS Precautionary pictograms: — Signalword:— Hazard Statement — Precautionary Statements:— Other Hazards Dust explosion (like mostfinely divided organic powders). KONICA MINOLTA SAFETY DATA SHEET Page:2/7 SDS No.:MFP-3822 Product Name:DV512K Prepared Date:25-Apr-2011 Revised Date:25-May-2016 3.COMPOSITION /INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Substance [ ]Preparation [X] MajorIngredients: [GenericName] Ferrite Iron oxide Manganese oxide Magnesiumoxide Styrene-acrylic resin Acryl resin Carbon black Amorphous silica +++:Supplier's confidential information Hazardous Ingredients: Chemical Name:Carbon black CAS No.:1333-864 EINECS-No.:215-609-9 NTP(USA):Notlisted California Proposition 65(USA):Listed Symbol(EC):Notlisted DFG-MAK(GER):III 3B Chemical Name:Manganese oxide CAS No.:1344-43-0 Symbol(EC): Notlisted [CASNo.][%] 1309-37-1 60-70 134443-0 15-25 130948-4 1-10 +++1-10 +++1-10 1333-8&4 <1 7631-86-9 <1 REACH Registration number01-2119384822-32-XXXX IARC Monographs:Group2B Hcode(EC):Notlisted EINECS-No.:215-695-8 Hcode(EC):Notlisted 4.FIRST-AID MEASURES Ingestion:Wash out mouth with water.Drink one or Iwo glasses of water.If symptoms occur,get medical attention. Inhalation:Move victim tofresh air immediately.If symptoms occur,getmedical attention. Eye Contact Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for 15 minutes.If symptoms occur,get medical attention. Skin Contact Wash withwaterand mildsoap. 5.FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Suitable Extinguishing Media:C02,water spray,foam and dry chemical Extinguishing Media toAvoid:Full waterjet Fire and Explosion Hazards:If dispersed in air,like most finely divided organic powders,may form an explosive mixture. Protection ofFirefighters:Use self-contained breathing apparatus(SCBA). KONICA MINOLTA SAFETY DATA SHEET Page:3/7 SDS No.:MFP-3822 Product Name:DV512K Prepared Date:25-Apr-2011 Revised Date:25-May-2016 6.ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal Precautions:None Environmental Precautions:None Methods for Cleaning Up:Wear personal protective equipment(See Section 8).Vacuum orsweep material and place in a bag and hold for waste disposal.Use vacuum equipped with High Efficiency Particulate Air(HEPA)filter.Vacuum should beelectrically bonded and grounded todispel static electricity.To avoid dust generation,donot sweep dry. 7.HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling Technical Measures:None Precautions: Do not breathe dust.Avoid contact witheyes. Safe Handling Advice:Try nottodisperse the particulates. Storage Technical Measures:None Storage Conditions:Keep container closed.Store in a cool and dry place.Keep out of reach of children. Incompatible Products:None Packaging Materials:Bottles orCartridge designated by Konica Minolta. 8.EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Engineering Measures Ventilation:None required with intended use. ControlParameters (Astotaldust) ACGIH-TLV (USA):10mg/m3 (Inhalable particles),3.0 mg/m3 (Respirable particles) OSHA-PEL (USA):15mg/m3 (Total dusts),5.0 mg/m3 (Respirable fraction) DFG-MAK (GER):4mg/m3 (Inhalable fraction),1.5mg/m3 (Respirable fraction) SafeWork Australia-TWA:10mg/m3 Control Parameters(AsIngredients:Carbon black) ACGIH-TLV (USA):3mg/m3 OSHAZ-Table(USA):3.5mg/m3 SafeWork Australia-TWA:3mg/m3 Control Parameters(AsIngredients:Manganeseoxide) ACGIH-TLV(USA):0.1mg/m3(Mn;lnharable Fraction) 0.02mg/m3(Mn;Respirable Fraction) OSHA Z-Tables(USA):ceiling 5mg/m3 Safe Work Australia-TWA:1mg/m3(Mn) Personal Protective Equipment Not required under normal conditions.For use other than in normal operating procedures (such as in the eventoflargespill),gogglesand respirators maybe required. Hygiene Measures:Wash handsafterhandling. KONICA MINOLTA SAFETY DATA SHEET Page:4/7 SDS No.:MFP-3822 Product Name:DV512K Prepared Date:25-Apr-2011 Revised Date:25-May-2016 9.PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance Physical State:Solid Colon Black Form:Powder(mean dia.is 30-40 urnbyvolume) Odor PH Boiling Point(0C): Melting Point(°C)/[F]: Flash Point(°C): Auto-Ignition Temperature(0C): Upper/lowerflammability or explosive limits Explosion Properties: Evaporation rate: Vapor Pressure: Vapor density: SpecificGravity: Solubility: Partition Coefficient,n-Octanol/Water Decomposition temperature: Almostodorless Notapplicable Notapplicable AroundNodata available/Q (SofteningPoint) Notapplicable No data available No data available No data available No data available Notapplicable Notapplicable 5 Insoluble in water. Notapplicable Notapplicable 10.STABILITY AND Reactivity: Stability: HazardousReactions: Conditionsto avoid: Materials to Avoid: REACTIVITY None. Stable except above 200C(392F). Dustexplosion,like mostfinely divided organicpowders. Electric discharge,throwing intofire. Oxidizing materials. Hazardous Decomposition Products:CO,C02,and smoke. Hazardous Polymerization:Will notoccur. KONICAMINOLTA SAFETY DATA SHEET Page:5/7 SDS No.:MFP-3822 Product Name:DV512K Prepared Date:25-Apr-2011 Revised Date:25-May-2016 11.TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute Toxicity: lngestion(oral),LD50(mg/kg):>2000(Rat)* Dermal,LD50(mg/kg):Nodata available Inhalation,LC50(mg/l):Nodata available Eye irritation:Nodata available Skin irritation:No data available Skin sensitizer No data available Local Effects:seeChronicToxicity or Longterm Toxicity ChronicToxicity or LongTerm Toxicity: In a two-year inhalation study ofchronic toxicity andcarcinogenicity using a typical toner in rats,there were nolung changes atall in thelowest exposure level (1 mg/m3),themost relevant level topotential human exposures.Aminimal tomild degree offibrosis was noted in 22%oftheanimals atthemiddle exposure level (4mg/m3),and a mild tomoderate degree offibrosis wasobserved in 92%oftherats at thehighest exposure level(16mg/m3).The lung changes observed in thehigher exposure groups are interpreted in terms of"lung overloading",a series ofgeneric responses tothepresence oflarge quantities of respirable,insoluble and relatively benign dusts retained for extended time periods in the lungs.Lung tumor frequency was unchanged among rats exposed totoner atthethree exposure levels,and forair-onlycontrolrats. Carcinogenicity The IARC reevaluated carbon black as a Group 2B carcinogen (possible human carcinogen).This evaluation is given to Carbon Black for which there isinadequate human evidence,but sufficient animal evidence.The latter is based upon thedevelopment oflung tumors in rats receiving chronic inhalation exposures tofree carbon black at levels that induce particle overload ofthelung. Studies performed in animal models other than rats have not demonstrated an association between carbon black and lung tumors.Moreover,a two-year cancer bioassay using a typical toner preparation containing carbon black demonstrated no association between toner exposure and tumor development in rats. Mutagenicity:Negative *(AMES test) Teratogenicity:No dataavailable (*=Based on data for other Konica Minolta Products with similar ingredients) 12.ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Nodata areavailableon the adverseeffectsofthismaterialon the environment. Ecotoxicity:Nodata available Mobility:No dataavailable Persistence and degradability:Nodata available Bioaccumulative potential:Nodata available 13.DISPOSAL CONSIDERATION When disposing ofthe waste orrecovered material,consult federal,state and/or local regulations for the proper disposal method. KONICAMINOLTA SAFETY DATA SHEET Page:6/7 SDS No.:MFP-3822 Product Name:DV512K Prepared Date:25-Apr-2011 Revised Date:25-May-2016 14.TRANSPORT INFORMATION Information on Code and ClassificationsAccordingto International Regulations UN Classification:None Furtherinformation:Nota dangerous good under IATA or IMDG. Hazchem code (Austl.):None 15.REGULATORY INFORMATION US Information TSCA (ToxicSubstances ControlAct): All chemicalsubstances inthisproductcomply with allapplicable rulesororderunder TSCA. CaliforniaProposition 65: Ingredient carbon black subject to California Proposition 65 is bound in polymer-matrices so that warnings are not required. CERCLA(Comprehens'rve Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act): None. SARA Title III (Superfund Amendments andReauthorization Act)302Extreme Hazardous Substance : None. 311/312 Hazard Categories : None. 313 Reportable Ingredients : None. EU Information This safety datasheet complies with therequirements ofRegulation (EC)No.1907/2006. •Regulation (EC)No 2037/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Substances That Deplete theOzoneLayer Notapplicable •Regulation (EC)No 850/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Persistent Organic Pollutants andAmending Directive 79/117/EEC (POPs):Not applicable •Regulation (EU)No 649/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Concerning the Export and Import ofDangerous Chemicals (PIC):Not applicable •Directive 2012/18/EU ofthe European Parliament andofthe Council onthe Control of Major-Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances,Amending and Subsequentiy Repealing Council Directive 96/82/EC,(Seveso III):Notapplicable •Regulation (EC)No 1907/2006 ofthe European Parliament andoftheCouncil: - AnnexXIV-List ofSubstances SubjectToAuthorization:Notapplicable -Annex XVII-Restrictions on the Manufacture,Placing on the Market and Use of Certain Dangerous Substances,Preparations andArticles:Not applicable Forthisproduct a chemical safetyassessmentwasnotcarried out. KONICAMINOLTA SAFETY DATA SHEET Page:7/7 SDS No.:MFP-3822 Product Name:DV512K Prepared Date:25-Apr-2011 Revised Date:25-May-2016 16.OTHER INFORMATION HMIS Rating:TheNational Paint andCoating Association (USA):Health:1 Flammability:1 Reactivity:0 Explanation ofterm:IARC 2Bmeans "possible human carcinogen". Abbreviations: ACGIH-TWA:Threshold Limit Value ofAmerican Conference of Government IndustrialHygienists CERCLA:Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compensation,and Liability Act DFG-MAK:Maximale Arbe'itsplatz-Konzentration byDeutsche Forschuugsgemeinschaft DGR:Dangerous Goods Regulations EINECS:European Inventory ofExisting Commercial Chemical Substances H-Code:Hazard Code HMIS:Hazardous Materials Identification System IARC:International AgencyforResearch on Cancer IATA:InternationalAirTransportAssociation IMDG:International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code NTP: NationalToxicologyProgram OEL:Occupationalexposure limit OSHA:Occupational Safetyand Health Administration PBT:Persistent,Bioaccumulative and Toxic SARA:SuperiundAmendmentsand Reauthorization Act TSCA:ToxicSubstances Control Act vPvB:veryPersistentand veryBioaccumulative Revision Information:Regular revision on reviseddate. Literature References: ANSIZ400.1-1993 IS011014-1 Commission Directive 91/155/EEC IARC(2010):IARC monographs ontheEvaluation oftheCarcinogenic Risk ofChemicals toHumans, Vol.93, Carbon Black,Titanium Dioxide,and Talc,Lyon,pp.43-191 H.Muhle,B.Bellmann,O.Creutzenberg,C.Dasenbrock,H.Emst,RKilpper,J.C.MacKenzie,P.Morrow, U.Mohr,S.Takenaka,and R.Mermelstein(1991) Pulmonary Response toToner upon Chronic Inhalation Exposure in Rats.Fundamental andApplied Toxicology 17,pp.280-299. Restrictions: The above information is believed to be accurateand representsthe best information currentiy available to OurCorporation.However,OurCorporation makesnowarranty with respecttosuch information,andOur Corporation assumes no liability resulting from its use.Usersshould maketheir own investigation to determinethe suitability ofthe information fortheirparticular purposes.