HomeMy WebLinkAboutKensington-Dust-Guardian MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION I - MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION AND USE Material Name: KENSINGTON DUST GUARDIAN ANTI-STATIC SPRAY #19050D ACL, Inc. Phone: (847) 981-9212 1960 E. Devon Ave. Fax: (847) 981-9278 Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 U.S.A. Emergency: (800) 332-3073 Chemical Name: Proprietary Molecular Weight: Not Available Chemical Family: Quaternary Ammonium Compounds Synonym(s): None Chemical Formula: Proprietary Material Use: Anti-Static Agent SECTION II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Hazardous Ingredients Approximate Concentration % C.A.S., N.A., or U.N. Numbers Exposure Limits LD50/LC50 (Species and Route) Isopropanol 1 67 - 63 -0 400ppm - OSHA Rabbit (Dermal) 16,000 mg/kg SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA Physical State Liquid Boiling Point (C) Over 93 Evaporation Rate 1 est. (Water = 1) Freezing Point (C) Less than 0 Odor Threshold (ppm) Unknown Solubility in Water (20 C) Miscible Specific Gravity 0.99 % Volatile (by Volume) 98.5 Vapor Pressure (mm) @20 C = 18 est Coefficient of Water/Oil Distribution Unknown Vapor Density (air = 1) 2 est. Density (g/ml) 0.99 Odor & Appearance Clear liquid with pleasant odor. pH 7.1 ± 1 SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD Flammable: Yes X No Means of Extinction: Not flammable. Special Procedures: None. TDG Flammability Classification Unknown Sensitivity to Static Discharge Unknown Explosion Data (Sensitivity to Chemical Impact) Unknown Rate of Burning Unknown Auto Ignition Temperature (C) Unknown Explosive Power Unknown Flashpoint (C) & Method TCC - Ext. flame greater than 60 Upper Explosion Limit (% by Volume) Unknown Lower Explosion Limit (% by Volume) Unknown Hazardous Combustion Products Solids Only: Carbon Oxides, Nitrogen Oxides SECTION V - REACTIVITY DATA Chemical Stability: Yes. Incompatibility to Other Substances: No. Reactivity and Under What Conditions: Unknown. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Unknown. Material Name: KENSINGTON DUST GURADIAN ANTI-STATIC SPRAY #19050 SECTION VI - TOXICOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF PRODUCT Route of Entry: Skin Contact Skin Absorption X Eye Contact Inhalation Acute Inhalation Chronic X Ingestion Effects of Acute Exposure to Product: Solution may irritate eyes and may be harmful or fatal if swallowed. Effects of Chronic Exposure to Product: Unknown. Synergistic Materials Unknown LD50 of Product (Species and Route) Unknown Exposure Limits Unknown LC50 of Product (Species and Route) Unknown Irritancy Non irritating under normal usage. Sensitization Unknown Carcinogenicity Reproductive Effects Teratogenicity Mutagenicity Effects of above are unknown. SECTION VII - PREVENTIVE MEASURES Personal Protective Equipment: With proper usage, none is required. Gloves None Footwear None Respiratory None Clothing None Eye Glasses Other None Engineering Controls: Normal room ventilation. Leak and Spill Procedure: Rinse away with water to sewer or wipe up. Residue may be slippery and may be rinsed away with copious amounts of water. Residue may be mopped/scraped up or absorbed onto material and incinerated. Waste Disposal: Rinse into sewer with copious amounts of water or dispose of in landfill. Handling Procedures and Equipment: No special requirements. Storage Requirements: Store in cool, dry place out of direct sun. Special Shipping Information: None required. Material is not regulated by D.O.T. SECTION VIII - FIRST AID MEASURES Skin: Wash with soap and water. Eye: Flush with water. Contact a physician if necessary. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air and contact physician if necessary. Ingestion: Drink copious amounts of water/milk and contact physician. General Advice: Do not smoke while using, keep away from children, wash hands after using. SECTION IX - PREPARATION OF M.S.D.S. Flammability 0 Reactivity 0 Health 1 Other 0 Additional Information/Comments: est. = estimate TCC = Tag Closed Cup Ext. = Extinguishes Sources Used: “Hazardous Products Act” - SOR/88-64 “Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials” - Sax Prepared By: ACL, Inc. Phone Number: 847-981-9212 Original Release Date: 3/1/92 Revision Date: 03/01/2006