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QNAP Treated Wood - 3-1-12
Miscellaneous MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Issued Date:08/1/2011 Revised Date:03/01/12 QNAP Treated Wood Health Emergencies:CHEMTREC®(800)424-9300 SECTION 1 -PRODUCT &COMPANY INFORMATION MANUFACTURER:Nisus Corporation 100 Nisus Drive Rockford,TN 37853 (800)264-0870 (U.S.) COMMERCIAL PRODUCT TRADE NAME:QNAP™Treated Wood DESCRIPTION:Copper naphthenate CAS No.1338-02-9 SECTION 2 -INGREDIENTS INFORMATION Copper Naphthenate SECTION 3 -HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS INFORMATION IS BASED ON THE MATERIAL USED TO TREAT THE WOOD AND INCLUDES HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH WOOD DUST GENERATED FROM SAWING, SANDING,ROUTING OR CHIPPING.THESE HAZARDS ARE ESSENTIALLY THE SAME AS FOR UNTREATED WOOD. Copper Naphthenate Treated Wood: • Airborne wood dust can cause respiratory,eye and skin irritation. • Breathing wood dust primarilyfrom hardwood,has been associated with nasal cancerin some studies. • High airborne dust levels can be an explosion hazard when exposed to an ignition source •Use with adequate ventilation and/or respiratory protection. f Common Name Chemical Name CAS#%OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Copper Naphthenate Naphthenic Acid, cupricsalt 1338-02-9 0.05-4.0 N/E 1.0 mg/m3 Petroleum Hydrocarbon Fuel Oil 68476-30-2 0.01-20 N/E N/E Natural Wood Fiber Wood, Natural(all species) N/A 16-80 5.0 mg/m3 5.0mg/m3 Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986 (40 CFR372)requires that certain toxic chemicals be identified.Any such chemicals contained in this product are listed in Section II and are identified by an asterisk (").OSHA's Hazard Communication (Standard 29CFR 1910.1200)requires hazardous chemicals to be listed and the MSDS to identify the hazards associated with the product.This information must be included in all MSDS's that are copied and distributed for this product. 'as copper dust/mists only (as Cu) HMIS HAZARD RATINGS: Health Hazard:1 Fire Hazard:1 Reactivity:0 Protection:B (glasses and gloves) SECTION 4 -EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY:,Eyes,ingestion,inhalation,skin EYES:IMMEDIATELY with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes holding eyelids apart to ensure flushing of the entire eye surface.Seek medical attention ifirritation persists. INGESTION:NEVER induce vomitingor give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.Keep airway clear. Drink promptly large quantities of milkor water and induce vomiting by touching the back of the throat v»»hyourfinger.Repeat until vomit is clear.Seek medical attention -.DIATELY. .aLATION:Persons administering first aid to overexposure victims should carefully wash off any visible product from the victim's face. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.Remove victimto fresh air. Ifnot breathing,give artificial respiration,preferably mouth-to-mouth. Ifbreathing is difficult,administer oxygen.Seek medical attention. SKIN CONTACT:Brush or shake material off clothes and shoes in a well-ventilated area.Allow clothes to ventilate well before laundering. Do not leave contaminated clothes in a confined area such as automobiles, vans, motel rooms, etc. Wash withplentyof soap and water.Remove contaminated clothing and footwear. Wash clothing and decontaminate footwear before reuse.Rinse skin free of material to avoid abrasion before washing.Seek medical attention ifirritation persists. SECTION 5 -FIRE &EXPLOSION DATA FLASH POINT:>200°F TCC FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR(LEL):40grams/m3 for wood dust SUITABLE FIRE FIGHTING EXTINGUISHING MEDIA:Foam,carbon dioxide,water spray,dry chemical. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES:Wear MSHA/NIOSH-approved,self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing. Cool exposed containers withwater. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS:Dust (powder)may form an explosive mixture in air. SECTION 6 -ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: SMALL SPILL:Not applicable. LARGE SPILL:Not applicable. WASTE DISPOSAL METHODS:Follow all applicable federal,state, and local regulations for disposal of a waste material.Treated wood should not be burned in open fires,stoves,fireplaces,or residential boilers because toxic chemicals may be produced as part of the smoke and ashes.Treated wood from commercial applications may be burned onlyin industrial incinerators or boilers in accordance withstate and federal regulations. SECTION 7 -HANDLING AND STORAGE Observe good personal hygiene practices.Change protective gloves/clothing when signs ofcontamination appear. Keep out of reach of children. Wash thoroughlyafter skin contact and before eating, drinking,use of tobacco products,or using restrooms. SECTION 8 -EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONAL PROTECTION VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS:Ventilate via mechanical methods (general or local exhaust)to maintain exposure below TLV(s),if applicable.Good industrial hygiene practice dictates that indoor work areas should be isolated and provided with adequate local exhaust ventilation. RESPIRATORY:None normally required ifgood ventilation is maintained.Use a MSHA/NIOSH approved dust high efficiency filter respirator when sawing or machining treated wood. EYE:Safety glasses,goggles,or face shield.Do not wear contact lenses. GLOVES:Wear industrial type gloves. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT:None normally required.Use as necessary to prevent exposure. USE SITE PRECAUTIONS:Do not use treated wood inside residences. Do not use treated wood for cutting boards or countertops.Do not use treated wood for construction of beehives that may come into contact with the honey. JSECTION 9 -PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE:Greenish-blue/grey/light brown to natural color of wood. BOILING POINT (initial):N/A DENSITY (Lbs./Ft3)(Water@20°C=62.4:24-52 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg):N/A EVAPORATION RATE (nBuAC=1):N/A SOLUBILITY IN WATER:Insoluble VAPOR DENSITY(Air=1):N/A SECTION 10 -STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY:Stable. CONDITIONS TO AVOID:None known. INCOMPATIBILITY:Strong acids, open flame. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS:Thermal decomposition mayrelease oxidesofcarbon,nitrogen,sulfur,and hydrogen chloride. CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION:Material is not known to polymerize. SECTION 11 -TOXICOLOGY EYES:Cancause irritation,transientcornealinjury,and blurredvision. Treated or untreated wood dust may cause mechanical irritation. INGESTION:AcuteToxicity (Rat):LDm =Greaterthan5000mg/kg. Eating treated sawdustor wood may cause mouth, throat, and stomach irritation,nausea,vomiting,and diarrhea.Avoid usingtreated wood underdrcumstanceswhere the preservatives may becomea componentoffood oranimal feed. INHALATION:Breathing of dust fromdried product or wood dust from sawingcan cause irritation of nasal and respiratorypassages,and can produce dryness of the nasal passages,dry cough, and headaches. SKIN:Maycauseskin irritation or rash on prolonged or repeated contactwithfreshlytreated wood. Wooddust(s), ofcertain speciescan elidt allergic contactdermatitis in sensitized individuals. CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARDS:Wooddust(s), depending on the spedes,may cause allergic contact dermatitis withprolonged,repeated contact,and respiratory sensitization after prolonged exposureto elevated dustlevels. MEDICAL CONDITIONS GENERALLY AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE:Wood dust may aggravate preexistingrespiratory conditionsor allergies. LISTED AS A CARCINOGEN OR POTENTIAL CARCINOGEN BY: None for product See Section 16 regarding components. UNTREATEDWOOD DUST OR SAWDUST:Epidemiologicalstudies have been reported on carcinogenic risks of employment inthe furniture-makingindustry,thecarpentryindustry,and the lumber and sawmillindustry. The International Agency on Research of Carcinogens (IARC)hasreviewed thesestudiesand reports that there is sufficient evidence that nasal carcinomas have been caused by employmentin the furniture-making industry where the excess risk is assodated with exposure to untreatedwood dust orsawdustfrom softwood and hardwood spedes.The IARCconcluded that epidemiological data are sufficientto make a direct linkage between wood dustexposure and a rare form ofnasal cancer. SECTION 12-ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION This product is not believed to be dangerous to the environment with respect to mobility,persistence and degradability, bioaccumulative potential,aquatictoxidtyand other data relatingtoecotoxidty.Naturally breaks down in the environment SECTION 13-DISPOSALCONSIDERATION WASTE DISPOSAL METHODS:Followall applicable Federal, State and local regulations for disposal of a waste material.Treated wood should not be burned in open fires,stoves,fireplaces or residential boilers because of toxic chemicals may be produced as a part of the smoke and ashes.Treated wood may only be burned only inindustrial indnerators or boilersinaccordance withState and Federal regulations. SECTION 14-TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION Shipping Informationis not available for this product. This product is dassifiedfor transportation purposesasfollows: IATA(air)-No IMO(Water)-No DOT (Land)-No SECTION 15 -REGULATORY INFORMATION DOT Hazard Classification:Not Regulated SECTION 16 -OTHER INFORMATION Sellerwarrants thatthis material conforms to its chemical description and is reasonably fitfor thepurposes stated on the label when used in accordance with directions undernormal conditions of use and Buyer assumesthe risk of anyusecontrary to such directions.Sellermakes no otherexpress or Implied warranty ofFitness orof Merchantability,and no agentofSelleris authorized to do so.Inno eventshall Sellers liability for anybreach of warranty exceed the purchase priceof the material as to which a claim is made. Buyersand users ofthis product are responsible forallloss of damage from useor handling of this productwhich results fromconditions beyond the control of seller,induding,but not limited to, incompatibility with otherproducts unless otherwise expressly provided in the Directions forUse ofthis product,weather conditions,moisture ^•tk conditionsor other environmental conditions,and those conditions 1 which are outsideof the rangesthatare generallyrecognized as bein^ conductiveto good industrial practice. V Nisus 100Nisus Drive•Rockford,TN37853 USA•(800)264-0870 ©2012•QNAPwood-MSDS-0312a