HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-Con Ready Mix Bait Bits> Herbicides &Pesticides Reckitt Benckiser MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET According to US Regulation,ANSI2400,1-2004 Print date:11-June-2009 1.PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Item Number: MSDS No.: Product Name: Validation/Revision Date: Product Identifier: Formula Number: UPC Code(s)and Size: Product Description: Manufacturer: Emergency Telephone Number: Transportation Emergencies: 356071 356068PSDS D-CON®READY MIXED BAITBITS 11-June-2009 EPA Reg.Number 3282-S1 California Reg.Number 3282-81-ZA 356071 using 4-PA-165 (356068) 19200-00202 (4 trays of 3 oz.each);19200-00262 (3 lbs.) Rodenticide Reckitt Benckiser Inc. Morris Corporate Center IV 399 Interpace Parkway (P.O. Box 225) Parsippany,New Jersey 07054-0225 Telephone:+1 973 404 2600 1-800-228-4722 (U.S.) 1-800-424-9300 (U.S. &Canada)CHEMTREC Outside U.S.and Canada (North America), call Chemtrec:703-527-3887 2.COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Chemical Name Proportion (%w/w) ACGIH-Occupational Exposure Limits -TWAs OSHAPEL BRODIFACOUM 56073-10-0 <0.01 %-- MSDS No.:356068PSDS Page 1 of 9 Inhalation Skin Contact Eye Contact Ingestion Notes to Physician MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ^According to US Regulation ANSI Z400.1-2004 3.HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: CAUTION:May be harmful or fatal ifswallowed. This material may reduce the clotting ablility ofthe blood and cause bleeding. Wash hands after handling KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN 4.FIRST AID MEASURES Reckitt Benckiser Move to fresh air Wash off immediately with soap and plentyof water.Ifsymptoms persist,call a physician. Ifin eyes,immediatelyflush eyes thoroughlywith water,remove any contact lenses and rinse with plentyofwaterforatleast15 minutes.Get medical attention immediatelyif irritation persists. Call a physician or Poison Control Center immediately Do not induce vomiting without medical advice This product mayreduce the clotting ability of the blood and cause hemorrhaging.The anticoagulant action of this product mayproduce prolonged prothrombin times for 20 to 30 days after exposure.Ifpoisoning occurs,intramuscularand oral administration ofVitamin K1 are indicated,as in poisoning from overdose of dicumarol (bishydroxycoumarin). FOR HUMAN CASES: Vitamin k1 is antidotal atdoses of 10 to 20 mg (notmg/kg).Repeated treatments may need to be given for up to 30 days (based on monitoring of prothrombin times).Insevere cases,blood transfusions maybe necessary. FOR ANIMAL CASES:Vitamin k1 is antidotal at doses of 5 mg intramuscularly.Oral Vitamin K1 should be given for up to 30 days (based on monitoring of prothrombin times).In severe cases,blood transfusions maybe necessary. Aggravated Medical Conditions:No information available. Validation/Revision Date: 11-June-2009 MSDS No.: 356068PSDS Product Name: D-CON®READY MXED BAITBITS Page 2 of9 Hash point: Flammability Limits in Air: Lower Upper AutoignitionTemperature: Suitable Extinguishing Media: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET According to US Regulation ANSIZ400.1-2004 5.FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Greater than 93.3°C (>200°F). Maybe combustible at high temperature. No information available. No information available. No information available. As suitable for surrounding fire. Reckitt Benckiser Extinguishing Media which must not No information available. be used for safetyreasons: Specific hazards: Unusual hazards: Not applicable. None known. Special Protective Equipment for Fire As in anyfire,wearself-contained breathing apparatus,pressure-demand,MSHA/NIOSH Fighters:(approved or equivalent)and fullprotective gear. Precautions for Fire Fighters: NFPA: HMIS: Key: Health Hazard:2 Health Hazard:2 Personal Precautions: Environmental Precautions: Methods for Cleaning Up Standard procedure for chemical fires. Flammability:0 Flammability:0 Instability:0 Reactivity:0 Personal Protection Index= B. (Also see Sections 3 &8) 6.ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Ensure adequate ventilation. Do not allow material to contaminate ground water system.Prevent productfrom entering drains.Local authorities should be advised ifsignificant spillages cannot be contained. Small spillage: Avoid dustformation Sweep up and shovel into suitable containers for disposal Remaining spill residues of dustmaybe wiped up with paper towels or flushed into sink or sanitary system with water Large spills should be diked,contained and collected for later disposal according to local, provincial,state or federal regulations. Validation/Revision Date: 11-June-2009 MSDS No.: 356068PSDS Product Name: D-CON®READY MIXEDBAfTBrTS Page 3 of 9 Safe Handling Advice: Storage: EPA Registered Product: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET According to US Regulation ANSI Z400.1-2004 7.HANDLING AND STORAGE Use only as directed on the container label. Do not ingest. Avoid dust formation. Wash hands thoroughlyafter handling Reckitt Benckiser Store in original container in areas inaccessable to small children and pets. Keep in a dry place Keep awayfrom humans,domestic animals and pets. Itis a violation of federal law to use this productin a manner inconsistent with its labeling. 8.EXPOSURE CONTROLS /PERSONAL PROTECTION Chemical Name ACGIHTLV OSHAPH. BRODFACOUM 56073-10-0 Engineering Controls: Personal Protective Equipment Respiratory Protection: Hand Protection: Eye Protection: Skin and Body Protection: Hygiene Measures: For occupational exposures,ensure adequate ventilation. None required under normal usage. In the case of respirable dust,use self-contained breathing apparatus Not required under normal use Emergencyresponders should wear impermeable gloves. not required under normal use Emergencyresponders should wearfull eye and face protection. Usual safetyprecautions while handling the productwill provide adequate protection against injuryor irritation.Follow product label instructions. Wash thoroughly with soap and waterafter handling. Validation/Revision Date:MSDS No.: 11-June-2009 356068PSDS Product Name: D-CON®READY MTXED BArTBrTS Page 4 of 9 r MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET According to US Regulation ANSI2400.1-2 9.PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical State:Solid. Appearance:Pellets. Colour:Green. Odour:No information available pHVALUE:No data available Hash Point:>93°C/>200°F AutoignitionTemperature:No information available Specific gravity:No information available Specific Gravity/Density [g/mL]:0.60-0.75 Vapour Pressure:Notdetermined. Solubility:Insoluble. Explosion limits: -upper:No data available. -lower:No data available. 10.STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: Conditions to Avoid: Stable under recommended storage conditions. Avoid dust formation Store awayfrom excessive heat and moisture. Materials to Avoid:None known. Hazardous Decomposition Products:Oxides of carbon and unknown organiccompounds. Polymerization:Hazardous polymerisation does notoccur. Validation/Revision Date: 11-June-2009 MSDS No.: 356068PSDS Product Name: D-CON®READY MIXED BAfTBrTS Reckitt Benckiser Page 5 of9 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET According to US Regulation ANSI Z400.1-2004 Reckitt Benckiser 11.TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION PRODUCT TOXICITY DATA LDsoOral: LDso Dermal: LCsoInhalation (Dust): LC50 Inhalation (Vapor): Acute Effects: Eye Irritation Skin Irritation Inhalation Ingestion Sensitization Specific Effects Carcinogenic Effects: Mutagenic Effects Reproductive Toxicity: Additional Toxicity Information: COMPONENT TOXICITY DATA Chemical Name BRODFACOUM No information available No information available No information available No information available Maycause moderate eye irritation. None expected during normal conditions of use. None expected during normal conditions ofuse. Maybe harmful or fatal ifswallowed.Ingestion of the productmayreduce the clotting ability of the blood and cause hemorrhaging. Notexpected to be a skin sensitiser. Not listed as carcinogenic by OSHA NTP or lARC. No information available. No information available. Information is based on available component data and toxicityresultof similar products. CAS# 56073-10-0 LD50 Oral -With Units -Rat -mg/kg 0.16 mg/kg ( Rat LD50 Dermal-With Units -Rat/Rabbit - mfl/kfl 200 mg/kg ( Rat LC50 -With units - Rat/Rabbit -For Display 500 ^g/rrP (Rat)4 h Validation/Revision Date:MSDS No.: 11-June-2009 356068PSDS Product Name: D-CON®READY MTXED BArTBrtS Page 6 of 9 PRODUCT TOXICITY DATA Aquatic toxicity: COMPONENT TOXICITY DATA BRODIFACOUM 56073-10-0 (< 0.01 %) Freshwater Algae Freshwater Fish Microtox Water Flea Other Information MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET According to US Regulation ANSIZ400.1-2004 12.ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Reckut Benckiser This productis toxic to fish,birds and wildlife. This product can pose a secondaryhazard to birds of preyand mammals.Keep outof anybodyof water. Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP)(R-11 =1): GlobalWarming Potential (GWP): Additional Ecological Information: No information available. No information available. Information given is based on data on the components and the ecotoxicology of similar products. Waste from residues /unused products: Contaminated Packaging: Waste Disposal: 13.DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Dispose of in accordance with local,state and federal regulations. Do not re-use empty containers. Wrap in newspaperand place in trash. Offer for recycling ifavailable. Ifpartlyfilled:call local solid waste agencyfor disposal instructions.Never place unused product down anyindooror outdoor drain. Validation/Revision Date: 11-June-2009 MSDS No.: 356068PSDS Product Name: D-CONS READY MIXEDBArrBfTS Page 7 of9 DOT TDG MEX ICAO IATA IMDG/IMO RID ADR ADN MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET According toUS Regulation ANSI Z400.1-2004 ' 14.TRANSPORT INFORMATION Not regulated Not regulated Not applicable. Not regulated Not regulated Not regulated Not regulated Not applicable. Not applicable. 15.REGULATORY INFORMATION Reckitt Benckiser Chemical Name PICCS TSCA DSL NDSL BJCS CHINA AICS BNECS/ ELINCS South Africa STB.S BRODIFACOUM X 259-980-5 U.S.Regulations: BRODIFACOUM -56073-10-0 NJRTK Appearance SARA313 Chemical Name BRODIFACOUM -56073-10-0 WHMIS (Canada) WHMIS Hazard Class Validation/Revision Date: 11-June-2009 None. None California Prop.65 Not Listed Not determined MSDS No.: 356068PSDS Product Name: D-CON®READY MIXED BAfTBrTS Page 8 of 9 r National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.): Reason for revision: Additional advice: Prepared by: Reckitt Benckiser MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET According to US Regulation ANSIZ400.1t20Q4 16.OTHER INFORMATION HMIS (U.S.A.):Health Hazard 2 Fire Hazard 0 Reactivity 0 PERSONAL PROTECTION B Update UPC codes. This product should onlybe used as directed on the label and forthe purpose intended. Reckitt Benckiser North America Regulatory Affairs Parsippany,New Jersey To the best ofour knowledge,the information contained herein is accurate.However,neitherthe abovenamed supplier noranyof its subsidiaries assumes any liability whatsoever forthe accuracyor completeness of the information contained herein.Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility ofthe user.All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with caution.Although certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the onlyhazards that exist. Validation/Revision Date: 11-June-2009 MSDS No.: 356068PSDS Product Name: D-CONS READY MTXED BArTBrTS Page 9 of 9