HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHEMSEARCH NATURALIZER VCCleaning Agents Supercedes Date 05/10/2013 Safety Data Sheet:NATURALIZER VC Issuing Date02/28/2014 1.PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name NATURALIZER VC Recommended useCleaning agent Information on Manufacturer CHEMSEARCH DIV.OF NCH CORP. BOX 152170 IRVING, TX 75015 ProductCode0480 Chemical natureAqueous surfactant solution Emergency Telephone Number CHEMTREC®800-424-9300 Telephone inquiry 972-579-2477 2.HAZARD IDENTIFICATION ColorYellow-orange -Red orange Physical StateLiquid OdorOrange GHS Classification PhysicalHazards Flammable liquids Health.Hazard Aspiration Toxicity Skin Corrosion/Irritation Serious Eye Damage/Eye Irritation RespiratorySensitization Skin Sensitization Carcinogenicity Specific target organsystemic toxicity(single exposure) Specific targetorgan systemictoxicity (repeated exposure) Otherhazards None Labeling Signal Word DANGER H226 -Flammable liquidand vapor H315-Causesskin irritation H317- Maycause an allergic skin reaction H319 -Causesseriouseyeirritation H334 - Maycause allergy orasthma symptomsor breathing difficulties inhaled H336- Maycause drowsiness or dizziness H304- Maybe fatal ifswallowed and enters airways H373 -May causedamagetoorgansthrough prolonged orrepeated exposure H351 -Suspected of causing cancer Category 3 Category1 Category2 Category2A Category1 Category1 Category2 Category3 Category2 PrecautionaryStatements P202 - Donothandle until allsafetyprecautions havebeenreadand understood P210- Keepawayfrom heat, sparks, open flamesor hotsurfaces. P280- Wear protective gloves,protectiveclothing and eye protection. P264 - Washface,hands andany exposed skinthoroughly after handling, ifP272-Contaminated workclothing shouldnotbe allowedoutofthe workplace P260- Do not breathe mist orvapor. P271 -Use in a well-ventilated area. P285- Incaseofinadequate ventilationwear respiratory protection P270- Do not eat, drinkor smoke when using this product P303 +P361 +P353 -IF ON SKIN (orhair):Take offimmediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water orshower P333 +P313- Ifskin irritationor rash occurs,get medical attention P362 - Take offcontaminated clothing andwash before reuse P305 +P351 + P338-IFINEYES: Rinse cautiously withwater forseveral minutes. Remove contactlenses,ifpresentand easyto do. Continue rinsing. P337+P313- Ifeye irritation persists, get medicalattention. P304+P340-IFINHALED:Remove person tofresh airand keep at rest ina position comfortable for breathing. P342+P311 -Ifexperiencing respiratorysymptoms, calla physician P301+P330 + P331 - IFSWALLOWED:Rinse mouth. DONOTinducevomiting.Calla physician ifunwell. P403 + P235 -Storein a well-ventilated place.Keep cool P233 - Keep containertightly closed P501 -Dispose ofcontents andcontainer inaccordance with applicable regulations. Page 1 /6 0480 -NATURALIZERVC Issuing Date 02/28/2014 18 %ofthe mixtureconsistsof ingredients)of unknowntoxicity 3.COMPOSITION /INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Component CAS-No Weight% D-Limonene 5989-27-5 40-70 Triethanolaminesaltof tall oil fattyacid 68132-46-7 7-13 Hexylene glycol 107-41-5 7-13 Diethanolaminesaltof tall oil fatty acid 61790-66-7 1-5 Soyamidediethanolamine 68425-47-8 1-5 Coconutfatty acid 68936-15-8 1-5 CocamideDEA 68603-42-9 1-5 Generaladvice Eye Contact SkinContact Inhalation Ingestion Notestophysician 4.FIRST AID MEASURES Avoidcontactwithskin,eyesand clothing. Avoid breathingvaporsormists. Immediatelyflushwithplentyofwater. Afterinitialflushing,remove any contact lenses and continue flushing foratleast15 minutes.Getmedical attentionimmediately. Wash offimmediatelywithplentyofwater forat least15 minutes. Get medical attention ifirritation developsand persists. Moveto fresh air.Incaseofshortness of breath,give oxygen.Ifbreathing hasstopped,apply artificial respiration.Get medicalattentionimmediately. Drink1or 2 glassesofwater. DoNOTinduce vomiting.Get medical attention immediately. Never give anything by mouth to an unconsciousperson. May causesensitization of susceptiblepersons.Aspiration hazardifswallowed -can enterlungs and causedamage.Maybefatal ifswallowed andentersairways. 5.FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Hash Point 119°F/48°C Method Setaclosed cup FlammabUttyLimitsin Air %Solvent mixture.Upper6.1 Lower0.7 SuitableExtinguishing Media Waterspray.Carbondioxide (C02).Foam.Useextinguishing measures thatareappropriateto local circumstancesand the surrounding environment Specific hazardsarisingfromthe chemical Combustible Liquid.Solventvaporsare heavierthanair and may spread alongfloors.Vaporsmayignite and explode.Materialcan create slippery conditions. Protective EquipmentandPrecautionsforFirefighters As inany fire,wearself-contained breathing apparatus pressure-demand,MSHA/NIOSH (approved orequivalent)andfullprotective gear. NFPA Health 2 Flammabiiity2 Instability0 HMIS Health2 Flammabllrry2 Instability0 Personal Precautions EnvironmentalPrecautions Methods for Containment MethodsforCleaningUp NeutralizingAgent Handling Storage StorageTemperature StorageConditions ExposureGuidelines 6.ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Use personal protectiveequipmentRemoveail sourcesof ignition.Ensureadequateventilation. Preventfurtherleakage or spillageifsafeto do so.Material cancreateslipperyconditions. Do notflush into surfacewaterorsanitarysewersystem. Containspillage,soak up with non-combustible absorbentmaterial,(e.g.sand,earth, diatomaceousearth,vermicultte)and transferto a containerfordisposalaccordingto local /national regulations(seesection 13). Use clean non-sparking tools to collect absorbed material.Pick up andtransferto properly labeled containers. Not applicable. 7.HANDLING AND STORAGE Avoid contactwithskin,eyesandclothing. Avoid breathingvaporsor mists. Keep away fromheatand sourcesofignition.Storeinoriginal container.Keep ina dry,cool and well-ventilatedplace. Minimum 35"F/20C Maximum 100°F/38°C Indoor X Outdoor Heated Refrigerated 8.EXPOSURE CONTROLS /PERSONAL PROTECTION Page2/6 ySK% /™^V ^ 0480 -NATURALIZERVC Component D-Lfmonene Triethanolaminesaltoftail oilfatty acid Hexylene glycol Diethanolaminesaltof tall oilfatty acid Soyamidediethanolamine Coconutfattyacid CocamideDEA EngineeringMeasures PersonalProtectiveEquipment Eye/FaceProtection SkinProtection Respiratory Protection GeneralHygieneConsiderations ACGIHTLV OSHAPEL Nodata available No dataavailable Nodata available No dataavailable Ceiling:25 ppm No dataavailable Nodata available No dataavailable Nodata available Nodataavailable Nodata available No dataavailable Nodata available No dataavailable Issuing Date 02/28/2014 NIOSH Nodataavailable Nodataavailable Ceiling:25 ppm Celling:125 mg/m3 Nodataavailable Nodataavailable Nodata available Nodataavailable Ensureadequateventilation,especially inconfined areas.Where reasonably practicable thisshould beachieved bythe use oflocalexhaust ventilation and goodgeneral extraction. Tightlyfittingsafety goggles. Wearsuitable protectiveclothing,Imperviousgloves. Incase ofinadequateventilation wearrespiratory protection.Whenworkers are facing concentrationsabovethe exposure limit they mustuse appropriatecertifiedrespirators. Ensure thateyewash stations andsafetyshowers areclosetothe workstation location.Remove and wash contaminatedclothingbeforere-use.Wearprotectivegloves/dothing. 9.PHYSICAL ANDCHEMICAL PROPERTIES Non viscous I PhysicalState Liquid Viscosity Color Yellow-orange-Red orange Odor Orange OdorThreshold Not applicable Appearance Transparent - Slightly hazy pH 8.5 SpecificGravity 0.885 EvaporationRate 0.2 (Butylacetate=1)PercentVolatile (Volume)83.1 VOCContent (%)69.8 VOCPhotoreactive (Y/N)Yes VOC Max UseDilution(gA.)35.36 VOC Max UseDilution (wt%)4 VOCContent(g/L)617 VaporPressure 11.6mmHg@70°F VaporDensity 1.0(Air=1.0)Solubility Slightly soluble n-OctanoI/WaterPartition Nodataavailable Melting Point/Range Nodata available DecompositionTemperature Nodataavailable BoilingPoint/Range 378°F/192°C FlammabilHy (solid,gas)Nodata available Flash Point 119°F/48°C Method Seta closed cup AutoignitionTemperature No information available. Flammabilrty Limits in Air%Solventmixture.Upper6.1 Lower0.7 10.STABILITYAND REACTIVITY I ChemicalStability ConditionstoAvoid IncompatibleProducts HazardousDecomposition Products Possibilityof Hazardous Reactions Stable.Hazardous polymerization does not occur. Keepawayfromopenflames,hotsurfaces, and sources ofignition Strongoxidizing agents.Reducingagents, Strongacids,Strongbases. Carbonoxides,Sulfur oxides,Nitrogen oxides (NOx). Noneundernormal processing 11.TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION n Product Information Thefollowing valuesarecalculatedbasedonchapter3.1oftheGHS document(Rev.3,2009): Oral LD50 No information available DermalLD50 No information available InhalationLC50 Gas No information available Mist No information available Vapor Noinformation available Principle RouteofExposure PrimaryRoutes ofEntry Acute Effects Eyes Skin Inhalation Ingestion Skin contact,Eye contact,Inhalation. Inhalation,Skin Absorption. Severeeyeirritant. Causesskin irritation. Maycauseallergic skin reaction. May causeirritation ofrespiratory tract,inhalation may causecentral nervoussystemeffects.May causecentral nervoussystem depression. Symptomsand signs includeheadache,dizziness, fatigue,muscularweakness,drowsiness andinextremecases,lossofconsciousness.May cause allergicrespiratoryreaction. ingestion may causegastrointestinal irritation,nausea,vomiting anddiarrhea.Aspiration hazard if swallowed-canenterlungs andcausedamage. Page 3 / 6 0480-NATURALIZERVC Issuing Date 02/28/2014 ChronicToxicity TargetOrgan Effects Aggravated Medical Conditions Component Information Acute Toxicity Maycause sensitizationbyinhalation. Maycause sensitization by skin contact Liverandkidney injuriesmay occur.Contains a known or suspected carcinogen. Central nervous system,Respiratory system,Kidney,Liver, Immune system,Skin, Eyes. Neurologicaldisorders. Respiratorydisorders,Kidneydisorders,Liverdisorders,Skindisorders. Component D-Limonene Triethanolamine saltoftaOoS fattyacid Hexyleneglycol Diethanolaminesaltoftall ofl fattyacid Soyarrdde diethanolamine Coconutfattyacid CocamideDEA LD50Oral no data available nodata available =3692mg/kg(Rat) no data available no data available no data avaSable no data available LD50 Dermal LC50 Inhalation DralzeTest Other 5g/Kg(Rabbit)nodataavailable nodataavaSabte nodataavaSabte nodataavaflablo nodataavailable nodataavaSable nodata available no dataavailable >310rngftn3(Rat)1h nodataavailable nodataavailable no dataavailable nodataavaSabte nodataavailable nodataavailable nodataavaSabte nodataavailable nodataavaiabte nodataavaSabte no dataavailable nodataavailable nodataavailable nodataavailable nodataavaSable nodataavaSabte nodataavailable nodataavaSabte Component Mutagenicity Sensitization DevelopmentalToxicity ReproductiveToxicity TargetOrgan Effects D-Limonene no data available Skinsensitization, Respiratorysensitization no dataavaSable nodataavaSabte CNS,immunesystem, lungs,liver,kidneys Triethanolamine saltoftaB ofl fatty acid nodata avaOable nodataavaSable nodataavaSabte nodataavaSable nodata avaSable Hexyteneglycol nodata avaaabte Skinsensitization no dataavailable nodataavaSabte eyes,CNS,respiratory system,sWn,immune system Diethanolaminesaltoftall oil fatty acid nodata available nodataavaSable nodataavaSable nodataavaSable nodataavaSabte Soyamidediethanolamine nodataavaSable nodataavaSable nodataavailable nodataavaSabte nodataavaSabte Coconutfatty acid no data available nodataavaOable nodataavaSabte nodataavailable nodataavaSabte CocamideDEA nodata avaSable nodataavaSable nodataavailable nodataavaSabte nodataavaSabte Carcinogenicity Component AC6IH (ARC NTP OSHA Other D-Limonene not applicable notappficable notapplicable notapplicable not appBcable Triethanolamine saltoftall ofl fatty acid not applicable not appBcable not applicable notapplicable not applicable Hexyleneglycol notapplicable notappficable notapplicable notapplicable not applicable Diethanolamine saltoftall oS fattyacid not applicable not appBcable not applicable not applicable not appBcable Soyamide diethanolamine not applicable not applicable notappficable notapplicable notappficable Coconutfatty acid not applicable not applicable not applicable notapplicable notappficable CocamideDEA not applicable Group 2B notappficable notappBcable notappficable 12.ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Product Information No information available. Component Toxicity toAlgae ToxicitytoFish Microtox Water Flea log Pow D-Limonene no data available LC50 0.619 - 0.796 mg/L Pimaphales prometas96 h LCS0=35 mg/LOncomynchus myldss96h nodataavaSabte nodataavaSabte N/A Triethanolamine salt of talloil fatty acid no data available nodataavaSabte nodataavaSabte nodataavaSabte N/A Hexylene glycol no data available LCS010500-11000 mg/L Pimephates promelas96 h LC50=10000 mg/L Lepomrs macrochirus96h LC50=8690mg/LPimephales promelas96 h LC50=10700mg/LPimephales promelas 96 h EC50=3038mg/L5min EC502700-3700mg/L 48 h <0.14 Diethanolaminesalt of tall oil fatty acid nodataavaSabte nodataavaSabte nodata available nodata avaSable N/A Soyamidediethanolamine no dataavaSable nodata avaSable nodataavaSabte nodataavaSaUe N/A Coconutfatty acid no dataavaSable nodata avaSable nodataavaSable nodataavaSabte N/A CocamideDEA no dataavaSable LC50=3.6mg/LBrachydanlorerio 96h EC50 =6000 mg/L 16 h EC50=4.2mg/L24h N/A PersistenceandDegradabltrty Noinformationavailable. Page 4 / 6 /^^k jp^ jfl^v 0480 -NATURALIZER VC Issuing Date 02/28/2014 Bioaccumulation Mobility Noinformationavailable. Noinformationavailable. 13.DISPOSALCONSIDERATIONS ProductDisposal ContainerDisposal Dispose ofinaccordance withlocalregulations. Empty containers should betaken forlocal recycling,recovery,orwastedisposal DOT TDG ICAO IATA ProperShippingName HazardClass UN-No Packing Group Description Propershipping name Hazard Class UN-No PackingGroup UN-No ProperShipping Name Hazard Class PackingGroup Shipping Description UN-No ProperShipping Name HazardClass PackingGroup ERG Code Shipping Description IMDG/IMO ProperShipping Name HazardClass UN-No Packing Group EmSNo. ShippingDescription 14.TRANSPORT INFORMATION COMBUSTIBLELIQUIDS,N.O.S.,(D-LIMONENE) 3 UN2052 III DipenteneSolution.3.UN2052.PGIII Dipentene(Mixture) 3 UN2052 III UN2052 DipenteneSolution 3 III Dipentene Solutk>n,3,UN2052,PG III UN2052 DipenteneSolution 3 III 3L UN2052.DipenteneSolution,3,PG ill Dipentene Solution 3 UN2052 III F-E.S-E UN2052,DipenteneSoIution,3,PG III 15.REGULATORY INFORMATION Inventories TSCA Complies DSL Complies U.S.Federal Regulations SARA313Section313 ofTitle III ofthe Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of1986 (SARA).This product does not contain any chemicals which are subject tothe reporting requirements ofthe Actand and Title 40 ofthe CodeofFederal Regulations,Part 372. SARA311/312 Hazardous Categorization AcuteHealth Hazard Chronic HealthHazard Yes Yes CERCLA Component D-Limonene Triethanolaminesaltof tall oil fattyacid Hexylene glycol Diethanolaminesaltoftall oil fatty acid Soyamidediethanolamine Coconutfatty acid Fire Hazard Yes SuddenReleaseof PressureHazard No HazardousSubstancesRQs Not appBcable Notapplicable Notapplicable Notapplicable Notapplicable Not applicable Page 5/6 Reactive Hazard No CERCLAEHS RQs Notapplicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Notapplicable Not applicable 3 n 0480 -NATURALIZER VC Cocamkle DEA Prepared By SupercedesDate IssuingDate Reason forRevision Glossary List ofReferences. NotappBcable 16.OTHER INFORMATION Adrienne McKee 05/10/2013 02/2872014 Noinformationavailable. Noinformationavailable. Noinformationavailable. Issuing Date 02/28/2014 Not applicable CHEMSEARCHDIV.OF NCHCORP.assumesno responsibilityforpersonal injuryor propertydamage causedbythe use, storage, or disposal oftheproduct inamannernotrecommended ontheproduct label.Users assume allrisksassociatedwith such unrecommended use,storageordisposal oftheproductThe Information provided onthisdocumentiscorrecttothebestofour knowledge,informationand beliefat the date ofits piibUcatfoaThemrorrnationgrv^ processing,storage,transportation,disposal andrelease andisnottobeconsidered asawarranty orqualify specification.The information relatesonlytothe specificmaterial designatedaminwynotbevalidforsuch ntatririal used m materialorin anyprocess,unlessspecified in thetext Page 6 / 6 /^k ^k