HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrother LC61Y - Yellow InkSAFETY DATA SHEET 1.IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE PREPARATION AND COMPANY UNDERTAKING 1.1 PRODUCT IDENTIFIER Product name:Brother LC61/LC65 Yellow High Yield Ink Cartridge Part number:ELI75495 1.2 IDENTIFIED USES AND USES ADVISED AGAINST For use in:This mixture is an ink used in copiers/printers. 1.3 SUPPLIER DETAILS Supplier:SP Richards Co. 6300 Highlands Parkway Smyrna, GA 30082 United States Phone number: 815-431-8100 Fax: 815-461-8583 Contact Hours:08:00AM-5:00PM CST 1.4 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS Supplier:815-431-8100 * This document provides safety-related information about toner contained in print cartridge for use in laser printer 2.HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION 2.1 INFORMATION and CLASSIFICATION Overview:This product is a yellow liquid with a mild odor. 2.2 LABEL ELEMENTS Applicable Pictograms: Danger Indications:Not classified as dangerous. Product contains no harmful or irritant organic solvents. Risk Phrases:N/A Safety Phrases:N/A 2.3 OTHER HAZARDS PBT or vPvB:N/A Product: Brother LC61/LC65 Yellow High Yield Ink Cartridge Revision date: 03/25/2015 Page: 1/9 SAFETY DATA SHEET 3.COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Ingredients CAS number Weight %OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Other Water Soluble Dyes TRADE SECRET Proprietary Modifiers and Auxiliaries (tensides) TRADE SECRET Proprietary Glycol Mixtures 107-21-1/ 111-46-6 <25 The Full Text for all R-Phrases are Displayed in Section 16 COMPOSITION COMMENTS The Data Shown is in accordance with the latest Directives. This section provides composition information for the toner powder contained in specially designed container inside of the print cartridge. 4.FIRST-AID MEASURES 4.1 FIRST AID MEASURES 4.1.1 FIRST AID INSTRUCTIONS BY RELEVANT ROUTES OF EXPOSURE Inhalation:N/A Eye contact:Flush eyes with water while lifting the upper and lower lids. Get medical attention if irritation persists. Skin contact:Remove contaminated clothing. Wash contact area thoroughly with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists. Launder contaminated clothing before reuse. Ingestion:Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. If conscious, give one 8 ounce glass of water to dilute. DO NOT induce vomiting unless directed by medical personnel. Do not give anything by mouth to or induce vomiting in a person who is unconscious or convulsing. 4.1.2 ADDITIONAL FIRST AID INFORMATION Additional first aid information:N/A Immediate Medical Attention Required:N/A 4.2 SYMPTOMS AND EFFECTS Acute Symptoms from Exposure:N/A Delayed Symptoms from Exposure:N/A 4.3 IMMEDIATE SPECIAL TREATMENT OR EQUIPMENT REQUIRED N/A Product: Brother LC61/LC65 Yellow High Yield Ink Cartridge Revision date: 03/25/2015 Page: 2/9 SAFETY DATA SHEET 5.FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES 5.1 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Recommended Extinguishing Media:Use media appropriate to the surrounding fire. Extinguishing Media Not to be Used:None known. 5.2 SPECIAL HAZARD Unusual Fire/Explosion Hazards:None known. Extinguishing Media Not to be Used:None known. 5.3 ADVICE FOR FIRE FIGHTERS Avoid inhalation of smoke. Wear protective cloting an wear self-contained breathing apparatus 6.ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES 6.1 PERSONAL PRECAUTIONS, PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 6.1.1 PRECAUTIONS FOR NON-EMERGENCY PERSONNEL PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Select in accordance with OSHA 1910.134 and good Industrial Hygiene practice. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: Use personal protective equipment to minimize exposure to skin and eye. 6.1.2 ADDITIONAL FIRST AID INFORMATION Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Avoid breathing vapors. Use with adequate ventilation. Remove and launder contaminated clothing before re-use. Wash thoroughly after handling and before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. 6.1.3 PERSONAL PROTECTION Wear personal protective equipment as described in Section 8. 6.2 ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS Regulatory Information:Keep product out of sewers and watercourses. 6.3 METHODS AND MATERIAL FOR CONTAINMENT AND CLEANUP Spill or Leak Cleanup Procedures:Wear appropriate protective clothing as described in Section 6.1.1. Dike spill and absorb with inert material. Collect into closable containers for proper disposal. Flush area with plenty of water. Report spill as required by local and federal regulations. Product: Brother LC61/LC65 Yellow High Yield Ink Cartridge Revision date: 03/25/2015 Page: 3/9 SAFETY DATA SHEET 7.HANDLING AND STORAGE 7.1 PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING Recommendations for Handling:No special precautions when used as intended. Keep containers closed, avoid creating dust. Keep away from ignition sources. Advice on General Hygiene:Never eat, drink or smoke in work areas. Practice good personal hygiene after using this material, especially before eating, drinking, smoking, using the restroom, or applying cosmetics. 7.2 CONDITIONS FOR SAFE STORAGE Avoid high temperatures, >100°F/32°C 7.3 SPECIFIC END USES Printing devices 8.EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION 8.1 CONTROL PARAMETERS The best protection is to enclose operations and/or provide local exhaust ventilation at the site of chemical release in order to maintain airborne concentrations of the product below OSHA PELs (See Section 3). Local exhaust ventilation is preferred because it prevents contaminant dispersion into the work area by controlling it at its source. 8.2 EXPOSURE CONTROLS Respiratory protection: IMPROPER USE OF RESPIRATORS IS DANGEROUS. Seek professional advice prior to respirator selection and use. Follow OSHA respirator regulations (29 CFR 1910.134 and 1910.137) and, if necessary, wear a NIOSH approved respirator. Select respirator based on its suitability to provide adequate worker protection for given work conditions, levels of airborne contamination, and sufficient levels of oxygen. Eye/Face Protection: Contact lenses are not eye protective devices. Appropriate eye protection must be worn instead of, or in conjunction with contact lenses. Hand/Skin Protection: For emergency or non-routine operations (cleaning spills, reactor vessels, or storage tanks), wear an SCBA. WARNING! Air purifying respirators do not protect worker in oxygen deficient atmospheres. Additional Protection: N/A Protective Clothing and Equipment: Wear chemically protective gloves, boots, aprons, and gauntlets to prevent prolonged or repeated skin contact. Wear splash- proof chemical goggles and face shield when working with liquid, unless full face piece respiratory protection is worn. Safety Stations: Make emergency eyewash stations, safety/quick-drench showers, and washing facilities available in work area. Contaminated Equipment: Separate contaminated work clothes from street clothes. Launder before reuse. Remove material from your shoes and clean personal protective equipment. Never take home contaminated clothing. Comments: Never eat, drink or smoke in work areas. Practice good personal hygiene after using this material, especially before eating, drinking, smoking, using the restroom, or applying cosmetics. Product: Brother LC61/LC65 Yellow High Yield Ink Cartridge Revision date: 03/25/2015 Page: 4/9 SAFETY DATA SHEET 9.PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 9.1 DETAIL INFORMATION Physical state:APPEARANCE: Yellow liquid. Color:Yellow Odor:Mild odor. Odor threshold:N/A Boiling point:200°F Melting point:N/A Flash point:None Explosion limits:N/A Relative density:N/A Auto-ignition temperature:N/A 9.2 OTHER INFORMATION SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H20=1): 1.02 – 1.06. VAPOR PRESSURE: Not available. VAPOR DENSITY (Air=1): Heavier than air. SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Complete. FREEZING POINT: Not available. COEFFICIENT of WATER/OIL: Not available. EVAPORATION RATE: > Butyl Acetate. pH: 6.5 – 7.5. 10.CHEMICAL STABILITY AND REACTIVITY 10.1 Reactivity: Reactivity Hazards:None Data on Mixture Substances:None 10.2 Chemical Stability:The product is stable. Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous polymerisation will not occur. 10.3 Hazardous Polymerization:Stable under conditions of normal use. 10.4 Conditions to Avoid:Keep away from heat, flame, sparks and other ignition sources. 10.5 Incompatible Materials:Strong oxidising materials 10.6 Hazardous Decomposition:Will not occur. Product: Brother LC61/LC65 Yellow High Yield Ink Cartridge Revision date: 03/25/2015 Page: 5/9 SAFETY DATA SHEET 11.INFORMATION ON TOXICOLOGICAL EFFECT Mixtures:N/A Acute Toxicity:N/A Skin Corrosion/Irritation:N/A Serious Eye Damage:N/A Inhalation:N/A Sensitization:N/A Mutagenicity:N/A Carcinogenicity:N/A Reproductive Toxicity:N/A STOT - Single Exposure:N/A STOT - Multiple Exposure:N/A Ingestion:N/A Hazard Class Information:N/A Mixture on Market Data:N/A Symptoms:N/A Delayed/Immediate Effects:N/A Test Data on Mixture:N/A Not Meeting Classification:N/A Routes of Exposure:N/A Interactive Effects:N/A Absence of Specific Data:N/A Mixture vs Substance Data:N/A 12.ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION 12.1 Eco toxicity:N/A 12.2 Degradability:N/A 12.3 Bioaccumulation Potential:N/A 12.4 Mobility in Soil:N/A 12.5 PBT & vPvB Assessment:N/A 12.6 Other Adverse Effects:N/A 13.DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Disposal Information: Dispose as a solid waste in accordance with local authority regulations. Empty container retains product residue. Physical/Chemical Properties that affect Treatment: Symbol: This product is not classified as dangerous Risk Phrases: This product is not classified according to the federal, state and local environmental regulations. Waste Treatment Information: Do not shred toner cartridge, unless dust-explosion prevention measures are taken. Finely dispersed particles may form explosive mixtures in air. Dispose of in compliance with federal, state, and local regulations. Personal Protection Required: N/A Product: Brother LC61/LC65 Yellow High Yield Ink Cartridge Revision date: 03/25/2015 Page: 6/9 SAFETY DATA SHEET 14.TRANSPORT INFORMATION 14.1 ID Number:N/A 14.2 Shipping Name:Not Regulated 14.3 Hazard Class:HMIS Rating: Health = 2 Fire = 0 Reactivity = 0 14.4 Packing Group:N/A 14.5 Environmental Hazards:N/A 14.6 User Precautions:N/A 14.7 Bulk Transport:N/A 15.REGULATORY INFORMATION 15.1 Regulatory Information:OSHA HAZARD CLASSIFICATION: Product not tested. It is not considered to be toxic per 29CFR1910.1200 but is considered to be a skin/eye irritant. EPA Regulatory Information:N/A CERCLA Reportable Quantity:N/A 15.2 Superfund Information: Hazard Categories: Immediate: N/A Delayed: N/A Fire: NFPA Rating: Health = 1 Fire = 0 Reactivity = 0 Pressure: N/A Reactivity: N/A Section 302 - Extremely Hazardous: N/A Section 311 - Hazardous: Product not listed. 15.3 State Regulations:CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 INFORMATION: None 15.4 Other Regulatory Information:CERCLA HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE (40CFR 116): Not applicable. Product: Brother LC61/LC65 Yellow High Yield Ink Cartridge Revision date: 03/25/2015 Page: 7/9 SAFETY DATA SHEET 16.OTHER INFORMATION General Comments:This information is based on our current knowledge. It should not therefore be construed as guaranteeing specific properties of the products as described or their suitability for a particular application Creation Date of this SDS:09/16/2015 Product: Brother LC61/LC65 Yellow High Yield Ink Cartridge Revision date: 03/25/2015 Page: 8/9 SAFETY DATA SHEET Key to Abbreviations and Acronyms used in this sheet: ACGIH = American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists NIOSH = National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health CERCLA = Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act OSHA = Occupational Health and Safety Administration CLP = Classification, Labeling, and Packaging PEL = Permissible Exposure Limit DSD = Dangerous Substances Directive SCBA = Self Contained Breathing Apparatus EPA = Environmental Protection Agency STOT = Specific Target Organ Toxicity GHS = Globally Harmonized System TLV = Threshold Limit Value N/A = Not Applicable UK = United Kingdom NFPA = National Fire Protection Association UN = United Nations Ref: DISCLAIMER All trademarks and models referenced are property of their respective holders and are used for identification purposes only. These products are not sponsored by, affiliated with, manufactured by or distributed by the named manufacturers. This information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process. Such information is, to the best of the company's knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date indicated. However, no warranty guarantee or representation is made to its accuracy, reliability or completeness. It is the user's responsibility to satisfy himself as to the suitability of such information for his own particular use. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) Product: Brother LC61/LC65 Yellow High Yield Ink Cartridge Revision date: 03/25/2015 Page: 9/9