HomeMy WebLinkAboutRiver Ordinance - 8-12-2004941665
The County Board of Otter Tail County ordains:
I.General Provisions.
A. Title.This Ordinance shall be known asthe Otter Tail County River
B.Purpose.This ordinance isenacted for the following purposes:
1.To promote and protect the health,safety,and general welfare of
persons using and enjoying the rivers throughout the County.
2.To preserve and enhance the quality ofthe rivers throughout the
3.Toregulate and ensure orderly commercial use of the rivers
throughout the County.
C.Authorization.ThisOrdinance is enacted pursuant to Chapters 375and
394 ofMinnesota Statutes.
D.Severability andSavings Clause.Ifanysection orportion ofthis
Ordinanceshall be found unconstitutional or otherwise invalid or unenforceable
by a court ofcompetent jurisdiction,that finding shall not serve as aninvalidation
or affect the validity and enforceability of any other section orprovision ofthis
E.Responsibility.All licensees under this Ordinance shall be responsible
for the actions of their employees inregard totheoperation ofa tubing business
and anactbyanemployee shall be considered anactbythe license holder.
Nothing in this section shall beconstrued asprohibiting the County from also
subjecting the employee to whatever penalties are appropriate under this
Ordinance,stateor federal laworotherapplicable lawor regulation.
F.Jurisdiction.This Ordinance shallapplyto all of.theareaofOtterTail
County outside the limits of incorporated municipalities.
II.Definitions.Forthepurpose of this Ordinance,certain items and words are
defined as follows:
Board."Board"means the Otter fail County Board ofCommissioners.
License."License"means a certificate issuedby theBoardwhich grants
authority to carry ona certain activity or business,subject to the
provisions of this Ordinance."
Licensee."Licensee"means a person,firm,corporation or other entity to
whom a license is issued.
Litter Reduction System."LitterReduction System"meansa system
used bya tubing business to reduce or eliminate the deposit of litter or
refuse in a river by patrons ofthe business.
Tube."Tube"means any flotation device,ninefeetin lengthorless,that
canbeusedto transport anyperson or property ona river,including but
not limited to, innertubes,rafts, kayaks,canoes, boatsor other such
Tubing Business."Tubing business"meansanyperson,firm,corporation
or otherentityoperating a business thatfurnishes or providestubesor
transportation services topersonsforthe purposeof floatingon a river.
A. License required.No person,firm,corporation orotherentity shall
maintain,operateor conductany tubing businesswithoutfirst obtaining a license
fromthe Board. A licenseis notrequiredfor resorts, licensed by the Minnesota
Departmentof Health,which provide tubesfor theirguests.
B.Application.An application foralicenseshallbe madeto the County
Auditoron forms suppliedbythe County. The application shall statethe
applicant"name,addressand telephone number,thename ofthe business,if
different,the legal description,addressand telephonenumber ofthe premiseson
or from which the business is to be conducted, any other business operated on or
from the same premises, thetype of licenseapplied for, a description ofall
services used in connection with the tubing business,including information as to
toilet facilities and dressing rooms, a description ofvehicles used to transport
personsorpropertyin connection withthebusiness,acomplete description ofthe
litter reduction system to be usedbythe business,and any other informationas
required by this Ordinance or by the Board.
C.Fees.The fee for an annual license under this Ordinance shall be set by
the Otter Tail County Board, andno license shall be issued or renewed until the
fee has been paid in full. The license fee may be modified from time to time by
resolution ofthe Board.
D.Term.All licenses shall expire on the last day ofDecember in each year
unless revoked prior thereto.
E. Standards. The Board shall revieweach application and shall not issue a
license for any tubing business that does not comply with this Ordinance.No
license shall beissued for any tubing business unless the business for which the
license issought has developed alitter reduction system that,in the judgment of
the Board,would have asignificant effect onthe reduction of litter,and isin
compliance with applicable zoning,building,and health ordinances,and other
laws and regulations.
F.Transfers.All licenses issuedunderthis Ordinance shall bevalidonlyon
the premises for which the license was issued and only for the person towhom the
license wasissued.No transfer ofanylicense to another location orperson shall
bevalidwithoutthe approval ofthe Otter Tail County Board.
G.Movable place of business.'No license shall be issued toamovable place
of business."Movable place of business"means any form of business operated
outofatruck,van,automobile,trailer orother type ofvehicle ortransportable
shelter rather thana fixed address storefrontorotherpermanenttype ofstructure
authorized for sales transactions.'Only fixed location businesses shall be eligible
to be licensed under this Ordinance.
H.Display.All licenses shall be'posted and displayed in plain viewofthe
general publicon the licensedpremises..
I. Approvalor Denial of Application.The Board shall act to approve or
deny an application for a license under this section within areasonable period of
time andin no event shall the Board approve ordenyalicense later than60days
from the date thatthe application was accepted by theCountyAuditor.
J.Mistaken Issuance. If alicenseis mistakenly issued orrenewedto an
applicant,it shall berevoked upon the discovery that theapplicant was ineligible
for the license under this section.
IV.Operating Requirements.
A. All tubing businessesshallprovideLandandResource Management
officers,lawenforcementofficers,firefighters,and ambulance andemergency
rescue squads free access to all property usedin connection withthe tubing
businessto ensure publicsafetyandcompliance with this Ordinance.
B. All tubing businesses shall have sufficient dressing orchanging rooms and
toilet facilities located onthe premises to reasonably accommodate customers of
the business.
C.No tubing business shall sell,give,dispense,provide,barter,exchange or
cause tobesold,given,dispensed,provided,bartered or exchanged any alcoholic
D.Notubing business shall allow or permit the use orpossession of glass or
Styrofoam products ofanykindonariver.
E.All tubing businesses shall have adequate trash containers located onall
premises to reasonably accommodate customers ofthebusiness.
F.Each tubing business shall diligently enforce its litter reduction system.
G. A tubing business shall notallowits customers to access orexita river
except onproperty owned by the tubing business orused withthe permission of
the lawful owner orpossessor.No tubing business shall usea public road right-
of-wayorother public property to allow its customers to access orexita river.
H. No tubing business shall permit or allow any ofits customers to gain
access to ariver forthe purpose of floating after6:00 p.m.
I.Each tubingbusiness shall provide adequate offstreet parking.
J. All tubing businesses shall comply with all federal,stateandlocallaws
and ordinances, includingthe OtterTail County Zoning Ordinance.
Violation and Enforcement.
A. Violation.Any person,firmor corporation who violatesorwho fails to
comply with any provision ofthis Ordinance orwho makes false statements in
anydocumentrequired to be submittedunderthe provisions ofthis Ordinance
shallbe guilty ofa misdemeanor and,uponconviction,shallbe punishedby a fine
and/orajailsentence authorized by Minnesota law.Eachdaythataviolation of
this Ordinance continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense andmay
be punishable as such.
1.This Ordinance shall be administered and enforced by the Otter
Tail County Sheriffs Office.
2. In addition to any other remedies,.this Ordinance may be enforced
by injunction or action to compel performance or other appropriateaction
in District Courtto prevent,restrain,corrector abateviolations.
3. The OtterTail County Attorney shall be responsible to prosecute
violations ofthis Ordinance.
VI.Effective Date.
This Ordinance shall be effective on January 1,2004.
Malcolm Lee,Chairman
Ihereby certify that^Mjm „-'
this Instrument #94x665 I
was fifed/recorded In this officeforrecordonthelbdayof
Wendy k.Metca|l County Reccraer
^9 wbH certificate I