HomeMy WebLinkAboutGambling OrdinanceORDINANCE The County Board of Otter Tail County ordains: I.General Provisions A.Title:THE OTTER TAIL COUNTY EMERGENCY GAMBLING ORDINANCE B. Purpose: The purpose of this Ordinance shall be to allow for the licensing of charitable gambling between the dates of February 28,1985,and May 31, 1985, pursuant to Section 4 of Senate File #328 substituted for House File #404, which is an act passed by the Minnesota Legislature in late February, 1985. C.Legal Authority:This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to the special legislation found in Senate File #328 as well as the existing legislation found in Minnesota Statutes 1982,Chapter 349./ II.Definitions For purposes of this Ordinance the definitions set forth in Minnesota Statutes 349.12 are hereby adopted. III.Issuance of Licenses A. The county will issue temporary licenses to charitable organizations complying with Minnesota statutes Chapter 349 between the period of February 28, 1985 and May 31, 1985. B. Prior to the issuance of any license the charitable organization shall appear before the County Board and shall file an application with the County Auditor which will set forth the following: 1. The name and address of the applicant organization. 2. Whether the gambling devices will be operated upon premises owned by the applicant. C. 3.If the gambling devices will not be operated upon premises owned by the applicant, the applicant shall submit a copy of an executed written lease for at least the term of the license for which application is made, and no such lease shall provide for a monetary relationship between receipts or profits from the operation of gambling devices or raffles and the rent to be paid. 4. The applicant shall also indicate familiarity with Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 and promise to follow all provisions of that statute. 5. The applicant shall submit a license fee to the county in the amount of $100.00,prorated with an expiration date of May 31,1985. Any records and reports required under Chapter 349 shall be made to the Otter Tail County Auditor while any license granted under this Ordinance is in effect. This ordinance shall be governed and controlled by the Administrative Ordinance of Otter Tail County. IV.Effective Date This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage as provided in the emergency legislation passed by the state in 1985. ATTEST: /Syifvia G.Bergerud,Auditor Hub Nordgren,Chairmj OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS