HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 12/09/1969MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, met at 10:00 o'clock A.M., December 9th, 1969, all members present. Motion was made by Andy Lei-tch, seconded by Otto Haase and unani- mously carried to accept the preliminary plat on East Lost Lake for Robert R. Tradewall. Motion was made by Otto Haase, seconded by AndyLeitch and unani- mously carried to approve for transfer two lots of Hans Froslie in Government Lot 4, Section 35 -133 -39, of a size approximately 280' x 100', on the grounds two lots were sold two years ago and no remaining property is left to be conveyed by met2s and bounds description. Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, a meeting was scheduled for December 16th to view the Sheltered Workshop, after which the Board is to meet. Board to meet at Sheltered workshop at 9:00 A.M. with afternoon devoted to Board meeting. A plat of Portage Lake Addition to Village of Ottertail was approved upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried. Motion was made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Andy Leitch and unan- imously carried authorizing the County to plow the roads in Phelps Mill, expense to be charged to Phelps Mill Park. Upon motion made by John Snowber~, seconded by Bennie Johnson and unanimously carried, a preliminary plat of Blarney Beach in Government Lot 3 & 4, Section 3 -133 -40 was approved. 337 I, ~) ~ • - -_~)~? ..':' .. Poor Quality Document Disclaimer The original or copy of a document or page of a document presented at the time of digital scanning contained within this digital file may be of substandard quality for viewing, printing or faxing needs. RESOLUTION Bt rr :ui:001:vED, that p\.11'$\Wlt to statutor.r autbol"ity the Count-:, in£Sa•r foi-end on behalf of the County ot otter Tail 1• her•b7 allthor1•ed to request and obtain £rota the Hinne•ota n.tpart- ,, unt of liiehlrq• ended eng1new1ng ad tecb:nical eerYic•• durin& · th• ,ear 1970, for which p8J'Jl18nt vill be aade b7 the County upon receipt oZ verified clailla .trOJl \be C~i;11onv or HtchV•Y•• ._ Adopted thie 9th day of tlec-.ber, 1969. - -. - ·. ~: .. {i-~Ycfr. ,~- -33s. .. ttJ:tlB.B:SO'l'A : :F:PARTt!~NT O.P H1.0HtlAYti · fEDEML Aln ~90tmARY FO!!H ?10. ll a. it ~eaolved that the ·COJlld.slioner• ot Utghwaye be and he . h•reb)" 1a author1■4Mi and req_ueat.d to take a110b etepa -.nd perfcn'II · .ucb acts-Ql'l behalt <>f _ th• county of Ott.er fdl u ma:1' be n_. .. _,. . to llaYe "-oonati"uotion and t1'J'}rov ... nt ot the roadt hereinatt.r deacri.bed prop6rly approYiid by -th• :Federal Highlrq Adlainietraw a a Fedoral-.A1d ••aond1r7 pl"Oj•ct. e)4gibl& tor the expenditure ot tedffal. tunde thereto!\ and eligible tor present conevuction. and the letting ot. • contx-act tbe~eror .. (SEAL). CSA.Sf No a l$ t Fl"(JIRs ·. A ,poUlt 416.1' s. Qf the W"¼ cor. Seo. JS-!1)2N-&4bW. ro · • po1ni 1860.3 • ~ Q ot the: W¼ eor.. s.c. 6-n.3a-Rls3W. CSAII No. h21 rroms -A pc>int 6$8.11 'w. of th. NE Cor. ·ot t1-SI¼ SE¼ SH• 7-. · t1311-RJ6W. · -. · . . . .· . to. -A-point 29.8' S. ot -th• .!M Cor. S.C. 22•'l'l.32N-R)6W. CS.AH Ho. 461 F~1 A pout 2hB.1~ ll. of tu al Cai"• Seo. tt-T132N-RJ$. To 4 point 2h2.7• E·. of the a¼ Coro ot Seo. 22•'fl32H-H35. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Colill~issioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS THE Board on July 15, 1969 entered into contract with Roy Evavold & Son for Grading and Aggregate Surfacing on S.A.P. 56-626-04 and S.A.P. 26-626-80, the same having been completed to the satisfaction of the Board, NOW THEREFORE the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $5,384.97 to Roy Evavold & Son, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, as final payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of December, 1969. Attest~ Clerk 340 Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bennie Johnson and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the Board on July 14th, 1969, entered into contract with the Strom Construction, Moorhead, Minnesota, for Grading & Aggregate Surfacing on S.A.P. 56-653-03, and same has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board, NOW THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $9,661.42 to Strom Construction, Moorhead, Minnesota as final payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of December, 1969. Attest: 341 Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the Board has heretofore entered into contract with the Little_ Falls Machine, Inc., Little Falls, Minnesota, for three One Way Snowplows and three Snow Wings, and same has been delivered to the satisfaction of the Board, NOW THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $6,$60.00 to Little Falls Machine, Inc., Little Falls, Minnesota, in full payment of said bid. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 9th day of December, 1969. Attest: Clerk 342 Motion was made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, accepting the four remaining deeds involving E. ~-Moe, John M. Jenkins, Nels N. Johnson and Glenn E. Johnson, on a tract in rear of Gosslee's Beach, on the condition 5 copies of a survey plat be provided. A delegation from the Aastad Lutheran Church appeared before the Board regarding placing signs on the road right-of-way on the intersection of Highway #59 and County Road #110, designating County Road #110 as "Aastad Church Road". Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Otto Haase and unanimously carried, the Highway Engineer is to prepare a resolution involving other roads in Otter Tail County, along with the Aastad Church Road, as church roads. A motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bennie Johnson and unanimously carried to accept a survey plat ca11ed Ho11iday Hi11s Golf Course on Stalker Lake on the condition five copies are submitted. Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, Arnold Evavold was appointed as a regular member and Theo. Hegseth alternate member to serve on the Resource Conservation and Development Project Committee and the West Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District for the calendar year 1970 .. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bennie Johnson and carried, the plat of Oakdale was approved subject to Attorney's Opinion as to Title, Road approval and approval by the County Surveyor. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bennie Johnson and unanimously carried, a plat of McDonald Lake Estates was approved subject to Attorney's Opinion as to Title, Road approval and approval by the County Surveyor. Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, the lots in rear of Summer Haven Beach, 4A through BA, but not to include more than through 11A of Survey of ~-lay, 1967, in Government Lot 4, Section 12-137-43 was approved. 343 Motion was made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried approving an additional $10,000 expense for the Treasurer's Office and $6,000 for the County-Auditor's Office for salaries to. finish out the year 1969. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg·_and carried a plat of E-L-M Dale Beach was approved. The Board, having previously advertised for bids for the sale of a deplete~ gravel pit in Section 21 of Eastern Township containing approximately one acre of land, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Harvey Peterson, Parkers Prairie, Minnesota $10.00. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the bid was rejected. The application of Earl B. & Evelyn A. Lehmkuhl for reduction in the assessed valuation of real estate in the Village of Perham, was approved. Upon motion the meeting adjourned to 10:00 A.M., December 10th, 1969. 344 I WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners met at 10:00 A.M., December 10th, all members present. A resolution for the dissolution of Common School District #1446 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held at 10:00 A.M. February 11th, i970, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as re- quired by law. Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the application for homeetead classification on Lot 3, ex. S 61', Block 29, Original Plat of the City of Fergus Falls, signed by Almina Hanson was approved. The Board approved the cancellation of personal property tax on a sign at Dent, Minnesota, assessed to the Staples Sign Company. Said sign is the property of the Village of Dent and should be tax exempt. The Board rejected the application of Clif Haukebo for the Under- wood Lakeside Service for reduction in assessed value. Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by Bennie Johnson and carried, Mrs. Charles Perkins of Deer Creek was appointed to the Nursing Board, effective January 1, 1970, to replace Mrs. Charles Lewis, whose term has expired. Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, the Conroy Construction Company was granted an extension of time for the completion of project S.A.P. 56-656-05. Two interested parties living on County Road #114 appeared before the Board requesting a survey of said road. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Otto Haase and unanimously carried to make such a survey when money becomes available. 345 -P~soionon &EQUESTUIG S'Ph'ED i&ONIWG , - i£ Xt P.ltSOLWD-. that Cl,• CO!>lllty l()ard of _Jlj£!L!_aJ.J...~ County, in. eoupU.uc¥ ~itb -Subdi'riaion. 5 of S&ct1ma 169 .. lJ; of ~h• llighway · Ttaffic logulat:l-0n tictt bare.by rsq-.sts tbe Co1nd.es1on•• ~f 1u:~h••1•,,- ~on. tba batd.8 of an enitnaerins and ttaffic tnveartig11~on, t.; authot- . ih the erection of a11p't0pt".1At,t} e1gr.ul de81gi1ating a reaaonab-.k ,nd . _sat• ipe~d U.ut uvon the foilowtng 4•Pcrtbed. •tre•t• .,_4 htgm:,•ytst lO mil•• per hO\lr ofi (SAll t12 f'tqi, a point approximately 1500 feat Soutbe,aste~l1 of the QU~let bridge. of Ott•~ Tail La~,e io 100 f 44\t lt&rth of •atd outl~t b_nda,e. 40 mil•• per holtr 01, CSJJ.l #$ f'lom a pdint app~mate1y 500 f.-~ So~th~-astar1y of the Ullet to Weat »attl♦ tak.• to• , point apptoXS.tutely OU mila .llott::h of -•td iulat. 45 mU•• per bour ()tt CSAH gi, fr®J tn• 1dtte'ti-iec:.t1.~ ot lat.er~ •t•t• 194 and CSAll 01 to ttu._ Wait City i1ett1 of Pe~g\lll ral.1•. aeao1uU . .Qn pa•~•d •t a ueung of the -~!-!!"" Tail_ ,C?nuty ..... hard on »ecamtt'r 9tt111 19G9 11t. fa_r~•,· !alls• MitinNoca .. ' . ,. Att-.-,, -~------· , . . . . · ✓--~ : . · . C~ty Aud t:ol' 346 ' RESOLUTION TO CONVEY REAL PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC PURPOSE Commissioner __ L_e_i_t_ch _______ ~presented the following Resolution, seconded by Commissioner moved its adoption: Snowberg and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is authorized to convey to other public bodies real property which is to be used for a public purpose and the following described property is property which will be used to benefit the public interest by being used as a public park; and_ WHEREAS, the property described as follows, to-wit: Lot 1 (One) Lots Thirty-one (31), Thirty-two (32) and Thirty-three (33) of Wenonga Beach, according to the plat thereof on file and of record; reserving, however, to Otter Tail County any and all iron ore and other valuable mi~erals in and upon the said lands, with right to explore for, mine and remove the same, is such a property; NOW, THEREFORE, It is hereby resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, that they convey said property to the Village of Battle Lake, a municipal corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and Chairman James Bucholz and County Auditor K. W. Hanson are hereby directed to execute the appropriate deed of conveyance. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of , 1969. --------December Attested~ ~~ Auditor . 347 --= ,. The Board having previously advertised for bids for radio equipment for use by'the Sheriff's Department, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: General Electric Motorola $15,509.00 19,910.00 Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bennie Johnson and carried, to accept the bid of General Electric in the amount of $15,509.00, it being the lowest bid. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Otto Haase and unani- mously c_?._rried, the plat of Country Estates was approved, subject to Attorney's Opinion as to Title, Road approval and approval by the County Surveyor. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Otto Haase and un- imously carried, the survey plat of Government Lot 1, Section 30 -135 -38, in- volving 14 lots presented by Mr. Geo. Anderson, was approved on the condition Mr. Anderson provides the County with six survey copies. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bennie Johnson and unanimously carried, the preliminary plat of First Add'n to Anderson Beach, Wall Lake, was approved. Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, a preliminary plat of Ida Kimber Beach was approved. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unan- imously carried, approval was given to a survey plat for Jerry Courneya on Lake 7, Hobart Township, 15 lots, grantor to provide County with six survey copies. The two County Weed Inspectors appeared before the Board and pre- sented their annual reports. The Board approved the land surveyors certificate of correction to the plat of Hawe's Beach. The following bills were allowed: 348 Carlton EMorten•• Carlton E M&rtensen Carleton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Glen M Nel•y James LeRoy Sidney Nelson Merle Bacon John B Halvorson Joseph Peloquin Gary Anderson Marvin Pederson Frederick Swenson Merlin S Rieman Pelican Valley Metor So. Mill Standard Marv's 66 Station Dave's Standard Perham Co-ep Oil Boe's Gulf Service Big Chief Tsaco Grolier Enterprise White Drug Western Chemical Co Supreme Sales Co Del Chemical Corp Photo Center International Bus. Machine Otter Tail Power Co Larson Welding Hintgen Karst Molters Fire Extinguisher Sales Mobile Radio & T.V. Kimber Awning Lysta41s Inc. West Central Airways Bly Haugen ~oarding of Prisioners n II Mileage & Expense Checks & paper service Mileage & Subsistence n II n Subsistence n Relief Jailer II II II II Special Deputy Labor & Parts Gas & Oil n n Gas etc II II II II Sppplies II n II II II n II II Supplies &Maintence Prints Repair Services II n Parts & Service Pest 1.,ontrol Search Expense Car Desks '.349 .$ 87.50 770.0G 271.13 n.60 345.60 347.30 301.90 313.90. 69.00 - 63.00 96.00- 160.00- 48.00_ lf.60_ 28.10 3.3.11 25.39 18.93. 55.92 49.44 40.87 · 4.3.40 · .33.48 96.75 16.28 342.71 65.03 60.59 5.00 4.00 2.00 31.37 112.os 16.97 22.50 33.35 40.00 Fergus Locker & M Fergus Falls Medical Group Dr H.W. Britt Terry L Jacobson Robert Zosel :Edwin H Knorr William A Radke Robert Varholdt Craig Hinmann L.A. Puckett Joanna Carlson Randall Lee Jens en Larimer Co Sheriff's·Office Peter Lohr liobert Dudley Sheriff Donald J Amodt Washin1ton Ce Sheriff Dakota Co Sheriff Sheriff Howard Urness N.W. Bell Telephone Co James Bucholz Otto Haase Bennie Johnson Andy Leitch John Snowberg James Bucholz Otto Haase Bennie Johnson Kenneth Hanson Kenneth Clam.bey Freank Roberts Frank f'oberts Ambrose Klinnert Laura Hotchkiss Geraldine McGuire Roger Heidorn Dennis Greenwaldt Locker rent Care of Prisoners II Guard Duty Witness II II II II II II n n Citation Service II n n II II n II II II fl II II Tolls Mileage & Expense II II II n n II Per Diem & meals A.M.C. meeting expense II II n II II " It II n Weed & Seee Inspector n II Nev. II II n Oct. WOT Soil & Water fl n n IDT n II II H II fl II II 350 4.00 .32.00 10.00 10.00 7.50 5.72 4.90 4.90 .31.00 4.37 10.00 4.90 7.28 1.20 6.50 3.20. 3.00 6.oo 2.60 98.34 29. 50 . .35. 75 . 32.50 24.40 14.50· 90 • .30 58.80 50.00 91.10 296.48 206.30 268.65, 400.00 234.00 so.so 429.00 39.00 .3 Ed Skoglund Jeff Tikkanen Duane Donley Herman Enslin RC & D Project Comm. IDT Soil & Water Car&Rickert Mrs Arnold Stock Mrs Gerald Zeise Robert Molter Arnold Evavold Helen Skramstad George Nelson Eugene Davenport Harris Iverson Clarence Berg Vernon Bachman Anton Glesne Arthur D Boehne Kenneth Hanson Dale E Radke Wm Galena & !ton Gust Lagerquist & Son's Edling .l!.lectric So. Mill Standard Dacotah Paper Co Del Chemical Corp Gambles Fergus Surplus Edgetown Lumber Maine Repair Shop David Reynaolds Sigel.man Hide & Fur Lampert Lumber Edgetown Lumber Fergus Ready Mix Fergus Concrete Products EOT Soil & Water 11 n n n n n II II n RC & D Contribution Speech Contest Prizes Co Planning Comm. Co Extension Comm. n n n n II n II n n Postage II Mileage & Expense n It n Postage mileage & expense n II n Extra Janitor Labor & Repair Service & repair Material & Labor Gas Supplies II II n n Labor & material Phelps Mill Phelps Mill II II n II " n n n n n 351 48.45 34.95 37.44 11.05_ 200.00· 10.00 28.40 2.25. 7.65. .90 4.50 - 90.00, 75.39_ 122.48. 82.35. 66.00 12.00 l.J0.90 102.90 7.87- 120.00 795.80 · 201.02 20.75 3.17. 22.65 71.52 3.12 20.87 12.81 32.99 60.00 79.00 10.96 629.18 429.24 82.65 I. Matt Sazana Harvey Morill Ted Palmquist Victor Lundeen & ~o Burroughs Corp Miller Davis Security Bl~Book & Prtg CG Coopers Nelsen Bros Prtg. Davenport1s St Paul Book & Stationery Mann Pu'blishing Co International Bus. lVlachines Secretarial Services Empire Bus Machines Poucher Printing & Litho. Co Xerox Corp National Rec. & Park Assn. SCM Corp N .W. Bell TeliephoneTCo. Monroe International Viator'· Lundeen 8[ -Go Homer tarlson MD Everett Hanson MD Earl E Bigler MD Charles Lewis MD S.K. Bhattacharyya M.D. Fergus Fans Mediaal Group City of Fergus Falls Village of Perham Village of Perham Beatrice Wisted Eleanor Leidal Fergus Journal Perham Enterprise Bulletin Parkers Prairie Independent Pelican Rapids Press Phelps Mill Mileage Phelps Mill Labor Supplies n n II n n 11 n n n II II II Services n Calculator tolls n n Maintenance Agreement Supplies Coroners Fees n II II II II n n n n II Court Coste Street Cleaning Rent Reports of Hearing Transcripts Publicati•ns u n II 352 16.75 38.00 76.80 231.15 2,007.• 151.58 485. 71 1,118.46 294.50 8.90 29.a, 20.00 16.92 35.00 1.50 28.17- 42.50 50.00. 621.95 125.42 37.00 443. 64· 25.25 75.00 78.45 55.25 25.00 281.05 295 .oo 100.00 60.00 31.00 17.55 587.30 11.20 9.60 12.00 ~ Battle take ., Henning Advocate Public Employees Retirement Ass'n Esther Mortensen Esther Mortenson Normandy ~afe No~dy Cafe Marvin Klicker Victor Lundeen & ~o Midwest Prtg Co Coopers Adamson Norman Aux# 30 Buseth Tuson Pest# 1 8 Loma Mc Cabe Gleria Opatz Donna Quam Dorothy Johnson Ruth Johnson ~hirley Larson Nancy Slatten Mrs Charles Lewis Mrs Jobert Johnson Mrs John Steblay Mrs Ed Skoglund ilizabeth A Anderson f!' Dinah Bergene Mrs Alice Crosgrove Flerence Ginkel Verlie Grover Doris Jorgenson Mrs Earl 8 onmor Berniece wpangler Selma Swendsrud -Mrs CE Boe " Fergus Falls Daily Journal I., E OT Telephone o Elliot Moving & Storage Publications II Matron Fees Matron Assistence Meals for Jurors II 11 n Mileage & Expense Supplies Vets Service n II n n It II Grave Decorating n It Ny.rse Mileage etc n n u It n n II II n n II n Nursing Uoard Mileage n n n II n tr II II 11 Home Health Aide ft n fl 11 11 II 11 11 11 n II II II II ft II JI " II n n n fl n Meeting Expense Ad Service & Tolls Moving Expense 353 12.75 9.60. 1,655.2~. 15.00. 10.00. 30.18 29.01 91.50. 39.25. 19.00- 12. 54·,· 25.00 25.00 45.73 4.28. 41.70, r 42.08 27.60 60.53. 116.06 · 4.95 5.10. 7.35 7.80 ll.lQ. 13.50, 10.65 30.38 · 18.00 4.35 15.00 9.38 18.60 7.50 4.00 44.65 37.50 ?. The Kahler Hotel Minn. Dept ef Health Nelson Bros Printing Cooper's Office Supply Nursing Uutlook City Gare & Bakery Fergus Glass & Paint Village Of Perham Johnson Repair Doc's Tire Service Andy's 66 Station So Mill 5tandard To'lll'lship of Parkers Prairie To'Wilship of Oak Valley Davis Clinic Case Power & Equipment Lodging Registration Fee Supplies n Subscription Open House Cookies Supplies Rent Boat & Water Safety II n II It n II Gas etc Boat & Water Safety Poor n It Parts Garwood Twin Cities Truck Equip Co Parts Hall Equipment Ziegler Inc. Auto Safety Service ~ Bertelson Welding Fergus Dodge Fortwengl.er Electric Uhop International Harvester Co Keskitalo Bros. .!.arson Welding Little Falls Machine Inc. Matson Repair A.R. Meier Olson Auto ~lectric Perham Fann Supply Co Schave Repair Shop Suhr Ford Sales Super GMC Swenson Steel Co Uselman's Inc. Vergas Moter Service Parts n Repairs n II II n Parts Repairs Parts Repairs fl fl II n n II fl n II 354 117.51 24.00, 35.25 2.25 6.oo · 5.15 19.34 35.00 2.10, 32.86. 15.90. 22.47. 159.86., 213.44 14.00 37.33, 1.,007.41 26.80, 6.50 234.55 ,. 5.35. 164.45 .75 36.00 13s.oo ll9.00 73.54 48.44 6.33 4.00 6.06 122.06 20.12 4.11 3.00 J Wilcox Lumber Co Northwestern Refining Co Paper Calmenson Co L.N. Sickels Co Elk River Concrete Products r Northwood Specialty Co Dalton Grain & Feed Co Bauck 1s Paint & Supply Firestone Stores Les Tires Service Fleet Tire Mart E Caye Machine Co Homeli te Corp. Lampert Lumber Co , Melvin McGowan Michaelson Bros Inc. Myrbo Enterprises Richard Sherbrooke Soby Construction Landseidel & Son Inc. Donald L Johnson Mark Sand & Gravel Wilde Bros Farwell Ozm.un & Kirk Coast to Coast Battle Lake Coast to Coast Pelican Rapids Coast to ~oast Perham Farmers Elevator Erhard Wm Galena & Son · Gamble Store General Trading Genuine Parts Co I Hall.-s Hardware ,.. Holten Lumber Co Lampert Luaber Co Sigelman Hide & Fur Parts Asphalt Cutting Edges Calcium Chloride Culverts Stakes Coal Seed Tires Tires " Spreader Generator : . , Inst~ll F1oor Equi119ent Rental n " n n u n II II Gravel II Q II Supplies n II n ft n n Supp1U.es n II II u u 355 11.86 3,420.00. 84.64 45.00. 150.55 420.85. 713.38. 59.83. 262.96:', 865.00 573-75. 2,499.44 177.00. 1,034.58 240.00 135.00 869.50. 62.16 250.25. 371.80 108.35· 1 2.29 55.32 11. 52 · 6.90 17.2.3 4.71 .383.64 164.88 144.73 · 24.65 19.09 · 85.17 Tesch Lumber ~o Welder's Equipment Douglas County Village of Bluffton Village of Dalton Village of Deer Creek Village of Henning Village of Battle Lake Village of Parkers Prairie . Village of Pelican Rapids Village of Perham Public Employee's Retirement Assn Fergus Jo~al Minn. Dept of Highw~s Ottertail Power Co American Road Builders Ass•n Poucher Prtg & Litho. Co Victor Lundeen & Co Davenport's Stationery Midwest Telephone Co EOT Telephone Co NW Bell Telephone Co Park Region Mutual Tele. Co NW Bell Telephone Co Pelican Telephone Co NW Bell Telephone Co Wendell P Huber Lake Region Co-op Elect. Luke Allen Andy1 s 66 Service Bluffton Oil Co Boe 1s Gulf Service Carlson Oil Co Consumer's Co-op Oil Co Consumer's Co-op Oil Co Henning Don's Texaco Service Supplies " Maintenance Garage Rental n n II n n n Maintenance n n n P.E.R.A. Notice Aggregate Prints Membership Supplies n n Service & Tolls n n n II II n n n R II II ff Cash Advanced R/W n 0,asol2ne Etc Gasoline & Fuel Gasoline n Etc. n " II II 5.77 25.02, 134.64 251.05 90.00 210.00. 367.26 581.68 325.32. 219.08 385.28 1,987.21. 65.10. 435.64 23.10, 10.00· 100.65 33.3.3 18.13 17.80 77. 95 - 61.85 33.57 89.71, 10.39 14.83 14.38 3,876.79 25.00 326.32..,,, 369.00 159.61 201.55 131.11 90.79· 148.72 f .Dave I s Standard ~ Fossen Oil (;o Hoot .Lake Pure ·ce Henning Gasoline Gas etc Gasoline II II Etc Jim's Service Station Mayo• s Standard Ottertail Co-op Oils Inc. Ray1 s Uil Co Gas etc Gasoline etc Service Oil Co Battle Lake Service Uil Co Battle ~ake Service Oil Co Underwood Theodorson Mobil Service Twins J.'•otor Co D-A Lubricant Co Inc Arrow Petroleum n Gas etc II II Gasoline Gas etc Gasoline Oil Diesel Co-op Services Inc. II Etc Erhard Oil ~o 11 Perham Co-op Oil Co 11 Standara Oil Co Battle Lake 11 Standard Oil Co Henning 11 Standard. vil Co Pelican Rapids 11 Fossen Oil Co Fuel Oil Penrose Oil Co Soliah & Braatz Standard Oil Co Perham Lyon Heating Pelican Rapids Coast to Coast Henning I Daves Standard Henning ~ Farmers Co-op Cry Assn Deer Creek Standard Oil Co Henning II II II II II II Repairs Supplies Gasoline II Oil Etc 357 69.35 211.49. 38.51 49.ll 52.51. 30.14 234.86. 89.23 103.01 195.25 94.80- 109.31 135.91. 370.15 . 166.00 224.60 188.13 82.50 211.11 31.80 67.20 199.20 92.70 24.90 · 87 .32 · 15.81. 21.?f 73.37 167.24. 33.99 ., . Wendell P. Huber Expenses $268.95 G. D. Harlow Expenses 188.17 Hi-Way Auto & Imp. Co. Parts 19.42 Meyer's Service Fuel Oil, etc. 157.39 Iverson' s Mobil Gasoline 155.91 Vergas Oil Company II 334.98 Handy Governor Sales Repairs 89.05 Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bennie Johnson and carried, mhe meeting adjourned to 9:00 o'clock A.M., Tuesday, December 16th, 1969. Attest: Clerk 358