HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 11/04/1969MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail /<If ~ 1 County met at 10;00 o'clock A.M., November 4th, all members present. Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the application of Mrs. Mary Anderson for homestead classification in Section 28 of Tordenskjold Township was approved; and the following applications for reduction in assessed valuation were approved: Donald L .. Sillerud Village of Pelican Rapids Property overvalued ,. Morris Bailey Village of Pelican Rapidss Property overval uedif: i•-··, Leo Blashach Section 3, Eastern Township Land flooded because of new road ditch, thus lower valuation Earl Mittag Section 5, Orwell Township Gravel pit depleted. Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, approval was given to a preliminary plat for Paul & Frank Wagner in G.L. 4 Section 31-134-39 on Highway 78 and a suggestion was made that they contact the High- Way D~partment on approaches and the possibilities of Highway #78 being moved. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Otto Haase and unanimously carried, Hawe's Beach in G. L. 6, Section 2.-184-39 was approved subject to Attorney's Opinion as to Title, road approval and approval by the County Surveyor. Mr. Knutson, member of the Trondhjem -Town Board, appeared before the CountY: · Board regarding a road problem between Sections 1 and 12 in Trondhjem Township. l~o interest was shown at a regular township meeting and the County Board requested the Town Board notify Mr. Velo not to plow over said road, and to level out the portion of the road that had been plowed over. t•:-.. 310 Poor Quality Document Disclaimer The original or copy of a document or page of a document presented at the time of digital scanning contained within this digital file may be of substandard quality for viewing, printing or faxing needs. 1. Traffic Marking Service, Inc. 2.. Bi-Way Surfacing Company Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 Minneota, Minnesota 56264 Fergus Falls, Minnesota 56537 3. Mark Sand & G-ravel Gompany 1. c.P. 69:c.s. 3. S, •. A •. P. 56-621-09 ) 56-621-10) 56-621-11) 56-683-88) 56-685-02) Hobart Twp. Road) Leaf I:.ake Twp. " ) Cmmty Audi tor Center Striping -County Wide Sand Seal -County Wide· Aggregate Base&. Road Mix Bituminous Surfacing CSAB il21, CSAB 083, CSAH 085, Hobart.Twp. Road and Leaf Lake twp. Road. November 311 Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Le1tch and W1animously carried the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minne- sota, that WHEREAS on July 14, 1969, the Board of County Commissioners entered into contract with the Traffic Marking Service, Inc., Buffalo, for C.P. 69: C.S., Center Striping, and same has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board, NOW THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $2,370.55 to the Traffic Marking Service, Inc., Buffalo, Minaesota, as final payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of November, 1969. Attest:~ Clerk 312 Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bennie Johnson and unani- mously approved, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS The CoW1ty Board entered into contract with the Hi-Way Sur- facing Company, Minneota, Minnesota for Sand Seal and same has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board, NOW THEREFORE. THE County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant i!l the amoW1t of $8,225.72 for Estimate No. 3, payable· to Hi- Way Surfacing Company, Minneota, Minnesota as final payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 4th day of November, 1969. Attest: prman Clerk t 313 Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of·Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on February 10, 1969, the Board of County Commissioners entered into contract with the Mark Sand & Gravel Company for the following projects: S.A.P. 56-621-09 56-621-10 56-621-11 56-683-08 56-685-02 C.P. 69:018 & 69:01 AND WHEREAS same has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board, NOW THEREFORE the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $26,470.09 to Mark Sand & Gravel Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota as final payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of November, 1969. Attest: ~ Clerk RESOLUTION OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, Otter Tail County by the Otter Tail County Board of Commis- sioners, and Becker County by the Becker County Board of Commissioners desire to establish and grade a county line road known and described as CSAH No. 23 by Otter Tail County, Minnesota, and as CSAH No. 2 by Becker County, Minne- sota, and lying on a line between said counties. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, By the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners that Otter Tail County Highway CSAH No. 23 and Becker County Highway CSAH No. 2, which is more particularly described in the specifications of the Otter Tail County Engineer as Project S.A.P. 56-623-01, and by the Engineer of Becker County as S.A.P. 03-602-01, hereby be established and graded as specified in the specifications herein. 2. The preliminary and construction engineering costs shall be shared on a percentage basis on the over all length of the survey from T.H. #34 to the Clay County Line. 3. That the construction engineering is to be performed by the employees of the Otter Tail County Highway Department. The construction costs shall be shared on a 50 -50 basis for that portion on the County Line. 4. That the contracts shall be let at Fergus Falls, Minnesota on June 9, 1970 at 2:00 P.M., and both County Boards shall be present for the letting of said contract and the majority of each County Board must vote approval of said contract prior to acceptance thereof. 5. That the partial estimates shall be signed by the Otter Tail County Engineer and the final estimates shall be signed by both the Otter 3:15 Tail County Engineer and the Becker County Engineer. The partial estimates and the final estimates shall be paid by Otter Tail County and then a bill will be presented to Becker County for one-half of the cost of the project on the County Line. 6. The original plans shall be approved and signed by both the Otter Tail County and the Becker County Engineers, prior to said plans being effective or legally binding upon their respective counties. 7. The right of way of the roadway aforesaid which lies within the .geographic limits of Otter Tail County shall be obtained by Otter Tail County, and the right of way of the above described roadway which lies within the geographic limits of Becker County shall be obtained by Becker County. Each county shall pay for its respective costs in obtaining said right of way. Dated this LJtfC day of November, 1969. 316 Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Otto I-laase and unanimously carried to deny request of the Great Northern Railway Company for assistance in repair of Bridge 163.5 at Dalton. Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by John Snm1berg and unanimously carried, approval was given to the appo:fotment of Jeff Tikkanen and Herman Enslin as a regular member and alternate, respectively, to ·the West Central Minnesota Resource Conservation and Devele>pmant Project Committee to represent East Otter Tail County and East Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District for the calendar year 1970. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to meet lfovember 18th, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., for a Notice of Hearing on proposed right of way establishing a county road. A delegation from Dunn Township appeared before-the Board regarding a town- ship road in Dunn Township. A petiton was presented after which a discussion was held, no action taken. Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried a deed for Lot 10, unplatted, and an addition to Lot 6, Freeman Beach, was approved. Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, Rupert Schmitz was allowed to transfer the one lot on Marion Lake already' ' sold, with the request that Lots e through Q be platted. Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded bt John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, Thomas Schwientek was allowed to transfer one lot on Big Pine Lake which has already been sold. Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the plat of Holman's Maple Lake Beach was approved, subject to Attorney's Opinion as to Title, County Surveyor's approval, signatures, etc. 317 Upon motion the meeting ad1ourned to 10:00 o'clock A.M., November 5th, 1969. 318 WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10:00 o'clock A.M., November 5th, all members present. A petition of Roger E. Nelson asking that the East 20 rods of Lot 2, lying west of river in Section 34, Township 134, Range 41, be set off from Common School District #1484 to Independent School District #542 was taken up for final action. After con.sideration the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wi tl, 319 ·-···•·-. . . I ' . Whereas, The petition of Ro5!cr [. ~:elson ................................................ • ........ : ....... a legal voter, freeholder am! re.,ident of S h I D. ' N · i 4s4 · h' c·· · 1 1 · · t1· ,· • 1 1 1 · ··t c oo istnct o .. .-.. -........ m t 1s ,ounty, representmg t iat 1e is le owner o · t11<.' ,ant , ·,eremat er described, which are situate in said School District,· and adjoin Schcol District No .. ~-~~ ......... and askin6 that he with his said lands may be set off from sai<l district N;i ... 1.4.~~ ...... to said adjoining sc::,Go! district No ... ~~-~ ...... was presented to the Board of Cou11ty Commissioners of t:,j,; C,:11nty at a se:;s:on cf said hoard held on the . l ~ :t.11 .. clay of .... 0.c. t;Q t>.e.r: ....... A. D., 19 . -~~ . . . for the at:tion of· said hoar cl there:-;n; and wherea~: it was thereupon orclcied by said board that a hearing ~hould he had on said petition, at a ses~ion f .11 I l Sth I f ~ovember D. 19 GS , . C . .\ l' · ff . · o sa1t mart on t 1e ...... cay o ..................... t\. . .. . ..... at tne ou11ty , uc ,tors o 1cc 111 t!1c City of Fergus Falls i11 said County; and whereas it was furt!-ier o;·dercd in and hy said order tlwt 11:·t ic•.· n!: the time and place of such hearing be given by postin~ copies of said order i11 three public pbecs i11 each of . the school districts to he affedcd hy said petition, and hy mailing to the clerk of er:ch of said Schooi Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before tlte time appointed for such he,uing; and ,·vherca:; at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on sai<l .. :;,t.h. day of .. )~P.V~J'llb~.r ..... A. D., 19. h~. due prcof of the postim; and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than te!I days prior to s:iid la~:t named date, having heen made and filed, said petition was publicly read and ,:rmsidered by the Board, with cn:r~thing \\'liicli w:1s said by said interested parties for or against grm1ting the prayl'r. of the petitio11cr, and sakl Board hci11g of opinion that said petition should he gra11ted, it is hcrch}· ordered and determined, .that the .,aid petitioner and the following described lands ow11cd by him, to-wit: East 2fl·rocls of Lot 2, lvin(! west of' river in ........................................... ·"· .................................................. ' ..... . . . . . . . . . . ' ......... · .................... ' ....................................... ·.· ..... . be and the samt' arc hcreh~• set off from said School District No .. 1. '.1: :·1 ... to said adjoining School District No' .. ~'.l _:_ ... and said lands arc liereli,· made a part of said last nained School Dist riet for ,1!1 purpose, \\'ha\-cn-·r. By order of the Bo,ud of Cn11ntv Cu1111riissiom:rs · I) .. I l . :, ti·, atct t 1e ... dav of .. .0\"!.".1';1li)Ci c 60 .. .. A. D .. l J .. .. . . . .,: I I . . ~:::-! /:;-i;'-,?< /: :-it.:<--c,~/·:~·/\: _____ , ......... . ... (.:h:'1inn;,11 t:f tli,· B<J,ml of c:011111\' (i;~-:11ni,.,i01)('J"S of ntt.:r T;!iJ Co1111J;.~\-Ji1111. . -;t'_,/ -/-'/ / :\tl,•sf: -,·.{--({_·_,~1. c'Z..<?Z4-;t:·:.r7-,1._...,,._ ......... . C1!11;il\ \t1dit11r. ;111d ex-officio Clr•rk of Board. 320 l RESOLUTION 1 Commissioner Bennie J. Johnson presented the following resolution, seconded by Commissioner John Snowberg, and moved to adoption. i • WHEREAS, Laws of Minnesota 1969, Chapter 1122, The Regional Development Act of 1969, provides that a Regional Develop~ ment Commission may be established by the State Planning Officer upon petition of counties or municipalities representing a majority of the population in the region for which the commission is proposed, and WHE.REAS, within the proposed region there are p'roblems which s~ch ~ region may seek solutions ·on an ~rea wide basis, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Cormniss ioners of Otter Tail· , County,. Minnesota, has carefully studi~d the Regional Development Act is of the opinion that benefits could be derived from the establishment of a Regional Development Commission for this region; NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved that the Board of County Cormnissions of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, favors the establishment of a regional development commission for Region 4 as proposed by the Governor's Executive Order No. 37 and hereby petitions the State Planning Officer to establish such a Regional Development Commission as provided in said Act and Order. Dated this 5th day of November, 1969. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL: ATTESTED: ; ''• •.,., I . ~ Andy Leitch John Snowber~ 321 C Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bennie Johnson and unani- mously. carried, to approve the plat of Oak Manor Shores subject to Attorney's Opin~on as to Title and approval by the County Surveyor, Highway Engineer, etc. ' Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Otto Haase and unanimously carried, the plat of St. Lawrence Beach, subject to Attorney's opinion as to title and approval by the County Surveyor and Highway Engineer. Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by John Snowberg· and unanimously carried, a plat ·of Lenius Beach was approved subject to Attorney's Opinion as to Title and approval by the County Highway Engineer and Surveyor. Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seGonded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, a plat of Meyer's Second Add'n was approved subject to Attorney's Opinion as to Title, road approval and approval by the County Surveyor. Motion was mad~ by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously l"')CL'1rl carried, to approve the preliminary plat submitted by Enstad-Larson-in G. L. 5, Section 14-132-40 on Clitherall Lake. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bennie Johnson and unanimously carried, to approve the plat of Walvatne Addition, subject to Attorney's Opinion as to Title, road approval and approval by the County Surveyor. Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Otto Haase and unanimously carried, the renewal of the fire insurance policy for a three year period was approved with the firm of Enstad & Larson & Mann of Fergus Falls. A discussion was held regarding the $95.26 mill levy for the Pelican River Water Shed, and it was decided not to assess for same. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried to order "The Park Practice Program". 322 The following resolution was adopted upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bennie Johnson and unanimously carried, RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the Board of County Commissioners entered into contract with the International Harvester Company, Fergus-Falls, Minnesota, for three 27,500 lb. G.V.W. Dump Trucks, and the third truck having been received to the satis- faction of the County Board, NOW THEREFORE, the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $6,600 pa1aTu1e to International Harvester Company, Fergus Falls, Minaesota, as final payment on said contract. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 5th day of November, 1969. Attest: Clerk RESOLUTION ,, presented the following re• Commissioner Rennie .Jo!mson solution, seconded by Commissioner adoption. Otto Haase and moved to WHEREAS, it is provided by MINN. STAT. I 84.87 that no per- son shall operate a snowmobile upon the roadway, shoulder, or inside bank or slope of any trunk, county state aid, or county highway nor operate a snowmobile upon the right of way of any trunk, county state 1 aid, or county highway between the hours of one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise, except on the right hand side of such right of way and in the same direction as the highway traffic and the n~arest lane of roadway adjacent thereto, and WHEREAS, provision has been made for the various county boards to permit by resolution the operation of snowmobiles upon the roadway, shoulder or inside bank or slope of the county highways if safe operation in the ditch or outside bank or slope is impossible, and WHEREAS, there is a need for a resolution to permit travel upon the roadway, shoulder, or inside bank or slope of the county highways to promote the safety and welfare of snowmobile passenger and operator, pedestrians and operators of other motor vehicles, NOW THEREFORE, it is resolved by the Board of Colllllissioners of Otter Tail County that they authorize the operation of snowmobiles upon the roadway, shoulder, or inside bank, or slope of a county highway under the following circumstances: 1) Where continued reasonable and prudent operation of a snow- mobile on the outside shoulder of the road by such things as, but not limited to such obstacles as rivers, lakes, cattle shutes, side roads and other access roads, is impossible, the driver of said snow- mobile may;~ upon the shoulder, roadway, inside bank or slope of the county highway until the obstacle is safety bypassed. 2) The snowmobile driver shall stop before entering and travel- ing on the roadway or shoulder of any county highway. 3) The snowmobile driver shall only proceed where there is no motor vehicle traveling in such a manner as to constitute a hazard to the snowmobile which is about to travel on the roadway or shoulder, or other hazard. 324 . .. 4) The snowmobile and the operator shall remain subject to all other rules and regulations relating to snowmobiles and their cper- ators proclaimed or hereafter proclaimed that relate to snoMnObiles. Dated this 5th day of November, 1969. ATTESTED: 325 BOARD OF COUNTY CCl-iMISSIONERS OF THE COUN1Y OF OTTER TAIL: I A petition was read and approved annexing the following described property to the City of Fergus Falls: The NE¼ of NW¼ of Section 10-132-43, except the following described tract: Beginning at the NE corner of said N1\f!-4cof ·Section 10; thence N 89°20~1 II/ on the Northerly line of said Section 10 for a distance of 306. 5 feet; thence so0 o6~ E 418 feet to a point 306.3 feet westerly of the easterly line of said Northwest Quarter (NW¼:); thence S 89°31' 15" W 23. 70 feet on the prolongation westerly of the southerly line of a tract deeded to Samuel Olson February 20, 1915, and filed of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in Book 118 of Deeds, page 128; thence S 0°04' 30" E parallel to the Easterly line of said NW¼: for a distance of 909.49 feet to the southerly line of said NE¼: of the NW¼:; thence S 89°20 '40" Eon last said southerly line for a distance of 330 feet to the easterly line of said NW¼; thence N 0°04' 30" W on last said easterly line for a distance of 1327.90 feet to point of beginning. Subject to Cascade Avenue South. -and - The South 12 rods of the East 20 rods of the Northeast Quarter of the NW¼ of Section 10-132-43, subject to street right of way. Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, Kenneth Clambey and Frank Roberts were appointed as Weed Inspectors for a period of one year at the rate of $250.00 per month for a twelve month period be- ginning January·lst, 1970. Motion was made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried to approve an on-sale liquor license for the new Holiday Inn, Fer- gus Fall;, Minnesota, effective July 1, 1970. .. 327 /,·' RESOLUTION APPOINTING COUNTY PLANNING AGENCY WHF:P.EAS, th-.: Otter Tall Countv Bonrd of Commieetonere ~!!.e determined to proceed ~1th the preparation of a comprehene1ve plan for sewer e.nd \o.'ater ao ~lnanced by the F.:!.A., and · · WHEREAS, a County Plar.~lng ~~ency·1s a necessary v~hicle for cootldinacing, man~g1ng, and rev1e~1ng 1 such a plan: ' NO';i i::'P.EREFORE, Be 1t ~.eeolved by the Boo.rd of Countv Co:imiss_. t~nere of Otter Tall Countv, Mlnneeotc. . •. I That the County Planning Agency le establlshed and .the Acency memb~rsh\~ shall conel.st of six members. The Countv CommiRslonerP :::.nd the C.ounty Auditor shall make up the :::iembers'nip. of this Agency. ·rhe terrr. of ser·;lce 1:1 t.r,e i1gency shc..11 correspond v.='L.r:h ~ie term as 3 Commissioner or Auditor. The Chairman of the Board of Com~tse- loner~ shall t..,e t'.::1e Chairr:13.r. of t!:}~ Agenc,r s.nd the Auditor shall S':'!T'\'e 5.,:1 Se~retary of the A~encv, // · "'' /' / I --r· /.:;.-,.,: . / ,,,/' ( S ""• ~-1· ) I / ,,,-;-;_1·· ,J;/ ;; ~•::7 /~:;::/_. / _.,.-· i: ,,,JV:;.:, "I:.(,..,, ,\i. ...... ~...... ....._. ~-.• ---\.,'f_ ... ·~ ,-· -'"(.. ,-r County Auditor C.~R~IFICATE OF COUNTv AUDITOR ·!'he 11nders igned duly qualified and act lng Countv Audi tor. of the Count~, of Otter Tail does hereb,, certif·r thn.t thP above resol!}tion is a true a~d correct cony of the reeolutlon appointing a_:ountv Plannlng Agenc? as r~,;;1lerlv adopted et c. lege.11:v co:wened :-:1eeting of the Boa~d of Countv Co~mlesioners duly held on th~ fifth dav of tovember,. 19(9, and f:1rther thc.t. S\-1.Ch resolutto:1 ha.e bP.en Lillv rec □l'd':'-l _\n the jour~al of proceedl.nls and ~ecor~s in my office. [F W['I'~TESS \,!HSP.EO:i', [ ha·,e hereunto eet '.Tlv ha~d and. 0ff1ci1~l .Seal. thls fifth dav of Nove~~e~, 1969 . . (Seal) ,..,ou:-itv Aud t tor 328'•.-: FHA-MN INSTRUCTION 1&42.7A · EXHIBIT B RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR PLANNING GRANT WHEREAS, under the terms of Public law 128, 87th Congress, as amended, (7 u.s.c. 1926), the United States of America has authorized the making of grants to public bod_ies having authority to prepare · official comprehensive plans for the development of water or sewer systems in rural areas which do not have funds available for immediate undertaking of the preparation of such plan, and WHEREAS. Otter Tail County, Minnesota, has the authority to prepare official comprehensive plans pursuant to the provisions of Sections 394.21 through 394.37 of the Minnesota Statutes, as amended, but does not have the resources immediately available to finance a . co~prehensive planning program; NOW THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, , 1. That Chairman .Tames J • · Rucnolz and County Auditor K. h'. llanson be, .and they hereby are, authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of the County with the Farmers Home Administration, United States Department of Agriculture, for a grant to aid in financing the .preparation of a comprehensive .plan for the development of water or sewer systems in rural areas of the County. 2. That K. lv. llanson , Co•Jnty Auditor, be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to furnish such information and documents us the Farmers.Home Administration may request in connection ~ith the application which is her authorized to be filed. a'/::? /) _L ( s F.,·\l.) ~··.' );,---::::.?.. airman of Bo~ -zof C nty ss ~-. ' / ...__ ~ t',✓, . .>;7'.4-e;..'·'•·"t-/ ers County Auditor CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY AUDITOR The undersigned duly qualified and acting County Audi tor of the (,~JUntv of nt ter T::ii l does hereby certify that the attached resolution is a true and correct copy of the resolution authorizing the filing of an application for a comprehensive planning grant with the Farm-.::rs Ho:ne Administration as regularly adopted at a legally convened meeting of the Board of County Conunissioners duly held on the Sth day of >:over~1her , 19(,r1 , and further that such resolutio_n_h_a_s_be_e_n fully rec_orded in the journal of proceedings and records in my office. IN WITNf:SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Official Seal t:hls :,rll day of \ovemher ✓1/196'~ ..__ . ./. / ./ r-;;;;(/ (~,EA:.; 4!1-t'def,..?Z~-7-L- County Auditor 329 I Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortens-.n Carlton E Mortensen James LeRoy Merle Bacon Sidney Nelson Glen Melby John Halvorson Joe Peloquin Frederick C Swenson Alfred Meyer :Edward S Rolandson Wilford Martwig Sandy Phillips E.J. Wilson James W Bain Sheriff Crow Wing County Thomas Oil Big Chief Texaco Ottertial Co-op u11 Minnesota Motor Nordland Garage S & L Stores Gambiles Edgetown Lumber Fergus Plumbing Supreme Sales Co Everson Ross Co N. W. Bell 1'elephone Co .L James Bucholz Otto Haase Bennie Johnson Andy Leitch John Snowberg Ambrose Klinnert Laura Hotchkiss The Following Bills were·allowei: Boarding of Prisoners Mileage postage Mileage & Subsistence II n II Sub8istence i'i Extra Jailer Special Deputy Guard Duty Witness Witness n n n Serving Tax Citations n II " Gas Gas etc Gas & Oil Labor & Parts Towing Charge supplies n " Labor & supplies Supplies " tolls Mileage & expense " It n II It n expense n n W.O.T. Soil & Water II n II 330 228.20 26.52 .34.3.40 ,368.60 168.50 .349.10 .36.00 ·72.00 14.00 10.00 10.00 17.20 .3.85 2 • .30 8.20 2 • .30 72.94 64.47 2.3.18 1.31 • .38 20.00 7.14 1.78 .3.64 16.85 16.28 .39 • .36 104.15 46.00 45.go -35 • .35 29.20 1.3.00 180.00 2.34.00 Geraldine McGuire Reger I Heidorn E.O.T. Soil & Water Tribune Printing Kenneth Clambey K.W. Hanson Effie Green George Nelson Eugene Davenport Anton Glesne Harrie Iverson Arthur D Boehne Helen Skramstad Vernon Bachman Vernon Bachman Mabel Rossew Harvei Morrill Taect almquist Dale E Radke Kimber Awning E.O.T. Soil & Water n n n wages for Eldred Heembrock supplies for E.O.T. Soil & Water Weed & Seed Inspecter Short Course " 11 " II Mileage & Expense II " II " II n Legislative Meeting Postage Mileage n Mileage Phelps Mill Labor Phelps Mill extra Janitor supplies Somers Carpet & Installation Shampoo carpet United Chemical Co Paul G Dukart Allstate Sanitation & Supply Fergus Plumbing & Heating Daycoa Dacotah Paper Co Herb Christenson Jr Johnny Nelson City of Fergus Falls Village or Perham West Publishing Ce Xerox Corp Gaffaney's Universal Answering Service Walter S Booth Gambles supplies II n n fl n Bulldozing County Dump Labor Court liosts Rent Co Agent Minst 20-2 Services Service liontract Supplies II II 331 70.00 .319.00 36.87 66.35 337.16 a.oo 8.00 8.06 ak..il 57.30 58.35 138.15 29.40 26.00 9.30 3.3 • .31 79.00 192.ot 132.00 22.12 18.24 129.87 1.89 100.1.3 24. 9.3 57.50 21.00 .390.00 60.00 36.50 406.19 35.00 .32.00 6.40 .3.76 3 Davenport's Statio Cooper's State of Minn. Doe See. Miller Davis Supplies n n " Poucher Printing & Lithographing Supp lies Nelson Bros Printing Monroe International Supplies n Security Blank Book & Printing Supplies Mason Publlshing Co National i''oundry Co N.W. Bell 'l'elephone 1.,0 Esther Mortenson Esther Mortenson Liz Hoff Dorothy Johnson Ruth Johnson Shirley Larson Joyce Lindgren Gloria Opatz Nancy Slatten Donna Quam Lorna McCabe Mrs Bud Larson Mrs Charles Lewis Mrs F,d, Skoglund Mrs John Steblay Mrs Aobert H Johnson Dinah L Bergene Lovie Borman Wil.aa. Brandt Mrs Iona Butcher Mrs Olga Edwards Flerence Ginkel Verlie Grover Donnis Fjestad Kathryn Hemmelgarn Dorothy Jorgenson Dunnell Digest Service Momments Calls Matron Fees Matron's Assistence Nursing Mileage Nurse Mileage " " 11 II 11 11 " " II fl II n n II Nursing board Meeting n fl n II n n " II n n 11 n Home Health Aide Mileage II n " n II D D n n n 11 " " n n n n " " " " " n " II II " II 11 n II n II n II II 332 11.70 .38.75 56.25 18.59 100.60 2.35.25 2.00 41.3.90 60.00 545.00 97.10 25.00 20.00 12.15 51 • .3.3 .30.08 72.08 8.78 16.77 92.,s 64.22 55.98 2.70 4.95 7.80 7.35 5.10 18.00 5.40 70.88 4.20 11.10 28.50 22.80 s.03 9.00 8.93 ~ f . /- Mrs Ma9' Keste ! Mrs Pelii-1 Ronning I . Mrs Viola Rud Mrs Earl Sonmor Berniece Spangler Selma Swendsrud Helen E Tikkanen Mrs Donna Zie~er Reitan-Larson Co M-R Sign Co Briggs Printing Ce Cooper!s Office Supply l Davenport•s Stationery ~ I Norby s of Fergus Falls Village of Perham Marvin Klicker American Legion Aux Unit 489 Hayden Murphy Equip Co Ziegler Inc Cordes Implement Co Ebersviller Imp. C• General Trading Co International Harvester Hi-Way Auto Impl. Co National Bushing Co Sorem Auto Parts Stan's Garage Tysdal & Miller Imp. Deer Creek Repair Fergus Dodge Knuttila Impl. Co Herbert Lindgren Service Garage Vaughn Chev. Co Home Health Aide Mileage n n n II II " It II II II II " n Rent Nurse Signs supplies n n Draperies Rent n Inservice II n II Mileage n II II II II " Inservice " n Mileage & Expense Desorating ~rawes Parts II II " II n II " II II n Repair II II 11 II Repairs ,. 333 8.70 4.so 4.so 11.25 28.50 44.48 s.25 7.05 150.00 87.00 55.12 2.75 4.95 82.84 35.00 66.61 25.00 231.17 321.59 9.75 77.61 919.63 61.78 1.59 103.45 10.00 47.67 11.00 9.25 86.56 32.07 16.50 31.40 10.31 ~ ._,/ E.·Caye·Machine Co Paper Calmenson & Co Northwestern Refining Co Elk iti.ver Concrete Stan Morrill Inc. Mark Sand & Gravel International Salt Co Mark Sand & Gravel Fanner1 s Co-op El. Co The Zeco Co. Minn. Mining & Mfg. C• General Trading Spreaders Cutting Edges Asphalt "'.,: Culverts Culverts Gravel Salt Bituminous Material Seed Supplies n Q Scientific International Research Supplies Coast to Coast Henning Dalton Supply Store Franklin Fence ~o Northwood Specialty Co Larson Hardware W.W. Wallwork Frazee Texaco Service Hank's F.ast Side Service Hoot Lake Pure The Oil Store Ottertail CG-op Oil Ottertail Oil Co Thomas Oil Co Henning Thomas Oil Vining Twins Motor Co D.A •. Lubricant Co Inc. Erhard Oil Co Park Region Co-op Oil Standard Oil Co Henning Penrose Oil Co RE A Express Pol.man Transfer Inc. Supplies II . II II II II Gasoline II II II etc Gas~line, Diesel etc Gasoline II Gasoline, Diesel etc Gasoline Oil Diesel Diesel II Fuel Oil Freight 11 Streeter Am.et Div Mangood Corp. Supplies Johnson ~ervice Co Repairs 334 1,7.30.00 737.76 1,406.59 220.28 275.40 .310.15 1,296.00 1,181.64 416.70 689.50 .39.3.00 165.60 82.46 44.67 5.46 50.00 .37.00 51.41 29.50 174.55 125.00 219.24 12.3.4, .384.56 2.3.21 242.55 1,054.05 25 • .32 162.80 190.00 60.72 .31.80 75.80 11.94 17.6.3 1.77 65.11 Iv O'Mearals Departm Construction Bulletin Minn Dept of Highways S.C.M. Corp. ore Monroe International Inc. Davenport's N.W. Bell Telephone Ca Pelican Tejlephone Ce "" N.W. Bell Telephone Co Wadena Wendell .t' Huber G.D. Harlew Pelican Township Walter G Olson Heinie Fick Mrs ~elmaM Erickson Supplies Ad for fl'ids ,. Aggregate Machine Maintenance Supplies II Service & tolls II " Expense n Special Aid R/W n II n 51.92 .35.25 265.00 74.00 2.00 10.45 80.10 n.03 14.90 .318 • .35 18,3.70 300.00 8.60 46.80 13.40 Upon motion the Board adjourned to 1o·;pr., o'clock A.M., November 18th, 1969. Attest:~ (Jainnan Clerk 335