HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 10/14/1969MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter \<.!~ ~ Tail County met at 10:00 A.M., October 14th, all members present. The Board having previously advertised for Mobile Radio Equip- ment for use by the Sheriff's Department, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: General Electric Motorola $10,500.00 14,306.30 Because the specifications were fotmd to be discriminatory, all bids were rejected and the Auditor was authorized to re-advertise for bids for mobile equipment, tmder new specifications, to be opened at 2:00 P.M., December 10th. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Otto Haase, and un- animously carried to accept, with regret, the resignation of Dr. Carl J. Lund as County Coroner, and the County Auditor was authorized to send a letter of thanks to Dr. Lund for his many years of service. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch, and unanimously carried, to make application for LAWCON Funds, for the DeLagoon farm project for the City of Fergus Falls. The Board having previously advertised for bids [ 1 I D for grading & aggregate surfacing of 5.759 miles of road located at a point approx- imately 6.5 miles North of Fergus Falls at junction of CSAH #22 and #27, and Northeasterly to CSAH #3, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Poor Quality Document Disclaimer The original or copy of a document or page of a document presented at the time of digital scanning contained within this digital file may be of substandard quality for viewing, printing or faxing needs. Ed Zimmerman Roy Evavold & Son Clarence Drewes Michaelson Bros. Inc. Soby Construction, Inc. Conroy Construction Harvey W. Nelson Marvin E. Lund Sellin Bros., Inc. Barry Construction Strom Construction Co. Barrett, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Madison, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Dumont, Minn. Lake Park, Minnesota Glenwood, Minnesota Hawley, Minnesota Lake Wilson, Minnesota Moorhead, Minnesota $ 99,969.59 115,825.35 116,501.60 116,685.88 119,503.60 122,286.43 125,047.00 126,514.40 127,807.25 145,001.70 145,156.40 After consideration, the Board accepted the bid of Ed Zimmerman, Barrett, Minnesota, in the amount of $99,969.59, it being the lowest bid. The Board having previously advertised for bids for grading & aggregate surfacing of 5. 277 r miles of road located approximately one mile South- east of Vergas thence Easterly and Northerly to T.H. #228, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Ed Zimmerman Barrett, Minnesota $ 85,124.78 Michaelson Bros., Inc. Madison, Minnesota 98,120.27 Clarence Drewes Detroit Lakes, Minnesota 99,218.57 Strom Construction Co. Moorhead, Minnesota 102,026.78 Conroy Construction Dumont, Minnesota 104,598.43 Harvey w. Nelson Lake Park, Minnesota 105,306.80 Marvin E. Lund Glenwood, Minnesota 105,972.20 Sellin Bros., Inc. Hawley, Minnesota 111,198.77 Soby Construction, Inc. Fergus Falls, Minnesota 114,278.64 Barry Construction Co. Lake Wilson, Minnesota 117,943.69 After consideration, the Board accepted the bid of Ed Zimmerman, Bar~ett, Minnesota, in the amount of $85,124.78, it being the lowest bid. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, TI-IAT the Board hereby approves the East Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservations agendum to the existing County Plan during the next five years for the following projects: 1969. Vergas Pai:k & Recreation Center Schroeder's Brewery $13,100.00 Henning Park and Recreation Development 38,000.00 Rush Lake Conservation Pond & Recreation Dev. 55,000.00 Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 14th day of October, Attest:~ Clerk r l, 281 STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL) I, K. ,w.· Hanson County Auditor, County of Otter Tail, I do hereby certify that I have examined the copy of resolution hereinafter ! set forth, adopted by the Board of County Commissioners , at an adjourned meeting thereof held on the 14th day of October , 1969, and have carefully compared the same with the original thereof now on file 'in this office and that said c6py as hereinafter set forth is a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said. County of Otter Tail this 14th day of October 1969 • (SEAL) ... ~ County Auditor · BE IT RESOLVED, That the Chairman and the Auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County of· Otter Tail to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways for the removal of snow from particular portions or all of the roads and highways under the jurisdiction of the County of Otter Tail all on the terms and conditions contained and set forth in "State of Minnesota, Department of Highways Maintenance Section Snow Removal Agree- ment Form No. 1", a copy of which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Wendell P. Huber , the County High- way Engineer of said County of Otter Tail, be and he hereby is authorized to request and order from time to time men and equipment for the removal of snow in accordance with and under the terms of the fore- going contract. 282 The Board having previously advertised for bids for one 1970 Police Car to be used by the Sheriff's Department, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Minnesota Motor Company Minnesota Motor Company 1970 Buick 1970 Chevrolet $2,450.00 2,300.00 After consideration, motion was made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried to accept the bid of Minnesota Motor Company, Fergus Falls, for the 1970 Buick, in the amount of $2,450.00. Upon motion made by John Snowberg and seconded by Bennie Johnson, a?d carried, the preliminary plat of Blarney Beach was approved, Andy Leitch not voting. An application for reduction of truces signed by Morris Bailey for a tract in the Village of Pelican Rapids was returned for approval by the Village Council. An application for reduction of truces on property ovmed by Betty Nesemeier and Mavis Dybdal on Outlet Beach was rejected upon recommendation by the County Assessor. Upon motion made by John Snowber g, seconded by Andy Leitch and uanimously carried, the following applications for correction were approved: Loretta A. Lewin Florence A. Putnam A. R. Bergantine John E. Eckdale Tr. in Sections 23 & 26 Star Lake Township Lots in Village of Pelican Rapids Tr. in Sec. 34 & 35, Maine Tra. in Sec. 19, Girard t. 283 Homestead classification Homestead classification Overvalued Assessed for 305' Lakeshore, only 160' WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10:00 o'clock A.M., October 15th, all members present. & resolution asking for the dissolution of School District #1461 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of various in- terested parties, the Board issued the following interocutory order, to-wit: r t 284 :,•orw No. 1188-1111. c_ _ _::.;:t'M•:..::~•=-.... ..::.:• ~::.••,c_ __ ). t@tate of :.ff(innesota, }ss. County of ...... g~ .. ~.~! ... !.~~.\ ....... : ............................... .. IN THE MAT.rER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF .......... ~0.~'.'.'.1.?.~ .............. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO ... J~?.~ .... .. The above entitled m~tter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of-........................... .. .............. ~.~.~.~.!. . .!.~.~·~·····························County, Minnesota, at ......... ~~:r:~.1!.~ ... ~~·~·~·~···:: ................................... in the ................. -9.~.Y. .......................................... of ......... F.~rn~.~ ... f.!!J1~ .......................................... in said County, on the ....... J.~~~ ........... day of ................. ~'::~.?-~.~:r ........................ , 19~~--··, at .... ~.~.:.0.Q .. o'clock .. : ... ~.::.M., pur• suant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Boarfl having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and again.st, finds as follows: . First-That said proceedings were instituted by: (2,1 1 seoelutfo» tJtf; th B004'fl....o~.»Jy~9&iftn.er8MXj,,, ............................................ -Ocs:wl,t1ip . j{" I JH ,lo; aahr&oJ , ... ne .ii . ''. ►. h , . ~'/.'Ji llmilll.111:&#Ai:::alllli .... ·• .......................... ,,,.-, 0 (~ti wnweiigeMILby fl:& caq,uu:c.d,,,,~wllW.1.>.cA<,O;/,;--i,·i:ecl1Q#WQ'e-,rr6sadriN>!f'9i~•etnic+n,· (c) A resolution adopted .by .the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the Co11 .. nty Auditor. · · · · · · Second--That less tha.n 90. days have elapsed since the date of said hearing a.nd the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be "to the best ·interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved,· NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said ................ , ... ~.?.1!11?:~.1~ .............................. School District No .... ~~.~-~--··················· be dissolved and tha,t the territory embraced the;ein be attached to other ea:i.sti11{/ school districts or 11.norganized tcn-itor.lJ as follows, to.wit: To Independent School District ~550: All of Sections 1 & 2 of Township 133 -41 including all platted lva11 's Lost Lake Beach George's East_ Lost Lake Beach I-leaton's Resort . . G.L. 8 Section 34. -134 -41 G. L. 5 -6 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 & 9 and 1 0·. Section 35 -134 -41 S½ SE¼ Section 35 ~ 134 -41 G.L. 5 -6 -7 -8 -9 Section. 36 -134 -41 and all platted' parts , Wail's River Lots l~t Add'n to Walls River Lbts To Independent School District #542: All the remaining territories comprising District #1461 (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED~ That 'the·assets a1id Uabilities· of said ..... '. ... ~.?.~":1.?.ll ... ' ................. ': ... Sohool Di-striot.No ... }.1,~1.: .. ,:: .. ~ be distributed as foU,ows, to-wit.-· To Independent School District #550: 30;08%. To Independent School District #542: 69.~2% of all monies,. credits, funds and both real and personal property including taxes collected for• 1969 and prior years after Novemher 1st, 1%9, and all obligations of Common School District #1461 shall become the obli'gations of the above dist·ricts by ~he same percentage$.·• (4) That the outstanding bonded debt of said Common School Dist. #1461 is None. (S) That the prop?sed effective elate of this order is November 1st, 1969. Dated October 15th, 1969 Attest: CO\ll}ty. Auditor , . , Board · of County Co~miss:ion~rs of the County of Otter Tail State of Minnesota~ i ;I :i 285 1 ·•-----------------------=i..·"-'·, ____________________ _ I 1/ The petition of Roger E. Nelson asking that the East 20 rods of Lot 2 lying west of river in Section 34, Township 134, Range 41, be set off from School District #1484 to School District No. 542 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10:00 A.M., December 10th, and that due notice of time and ;~lace be given as required by law. Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the aforementioned hearing ordered for December 10th, set- ting off certain lands from School District #1484 to School District #542, owned by Roger E. Nelson be changed to 10:00 A.M., November 5th. Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the preliminary plat of Aerovilla on Devils Lake. Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by Andy Leitch, and unan- imously carried, a plat of Echo Ranch Reviera, 7th Addition, was approved subject to owners signature and road approval. ' Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bennie Johnson and unanimously carried a plat of Meyers Addition on West McDonald Lake was approved subject 1D attorney's opinion as to title, road approval and signature of owner. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowbergand carried, ' . Ewerts Vacation Land Subdivision was approved subject to attorney's opinion as to title, road approval and signatures. Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, a preliminary plat of proposed Ukkelberg Beach was approved. Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, a survey of Woodland Heights, through lot 83, was approved. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bennie Johnson and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, THAT WHEREAS on the 11th of March, 1969 the Board of County Commissioners entered into contract with the International Harvester Company of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, for three 27,500 lb. G.V.W. Dump Drucks, and NOW THEREFORE, two of these trucks have now been received to the satisfaction of the Board, the County Auditor is hereby authorized to issue a warrant to International Harvester Company, in the amount of $13,250.00. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this _15th day of October, 1969. Attest: ~ Clerk I -RESOLUTION Il:STABLISliINC COWTY STATE AID HIGHWAYS Cotitmisaioner Bennit! J. Johnson presented the follo~ing re.solqt:lon, seconded by Commission'1r . John Snowbern 2 and .moved its adoption •. WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary.and of public exigency that lands for highway purpos~s and public use be obtained; and WilEREAS, Otter Ta11 County-has power and authority to establish, alter, vacate or revoke county highways; NOW, THEREFORE, in pursuance of Minnesota Statutes 163, it is hereby rosolved that Otter Tail County take for use on County State Aid Highway Numbers 22 and 36 a right of way in and over the lands herein de~ scribed, together with the following righter· All trees, shrubs, graea and herba3e within the right of way of said county.highway, herein acquire4, and to keep and have the e~clusive control of th.e same; to acquire from the ownerR whose lands front thereon any existing right of access :to·said highway and to keep and have the exclusive control of all accees to.said highway in accordance with the laws 80verning acc·ese to highways; an estate in fee. simple absolute to the lands within the said right of way; to construct slOpel!i upon and remove materials from the lands herein speciffcal1y mentioned to be taken for those purpoaeo aa provided in the plans and specifications which are on file at the off ice of tlu~ County Engineer• .Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls., MinneAota; and aleo the right to waste, dispose of, and place gravel, stone,· clay, •dirt, sand and other materials on the landsherein specifically mentioned to be taken for those purposes. The lando and rights claimed and proposed to be so taken are situated in Otter Tail County. Minnesota, and are described as follows, and the names of all persons appearing of record as knoun to the County Board of Co'Qlmioaion- era to be the owners or occupants of said lands and rights, or interested therein, including all whom Che County Board of Commissioners, by inveetiga- tion and inquiry to discover, together with the nature of the ownership of each as nearly as can be ascertained, and the legal description of the tracts of land througb t1hich the county State aid highways trl.11 pa89, are as follows: Parcels· (C,P. 69122) A strip of lan,d over and· across the following desc~ibed trncte: The South Helf of the Southeast Quarter (S"2 of SE¾) and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE's of SW:.) and the Southeast Quarter of tho Northeast Quarter (SE¼ of NE~) of Section 24, Township 134 NQrth, Ranse 43 West, and Government Lots 3 and 4, Secti~n 19, Township 134 North, Range 42 Rest, said strip being all that part of the above de.scribed tracts which lies withiri Fifty (50) feet on either side of the following described centerline: Beginning at the South Quarter corner of Section 24-T134N-R43W~ thence South 86°59'30° East for' a distance of 1;798.8 feet, · thence de.fleet to the left on a 1°00 • curve (Delta Angle 92°07') for a dietance of 1,316.0 fee.t, thence ?forth 00°53•3011_ East for a distance of 1,796.8 feet, thence North 00°38' East for a distance of 1,316.7 feet, and there terminating. Also all tllat part of the Southe•st Quartet of the Southeast Quarter (SE¼ of SE~) of S~ction 24-Tl34N-R43W which lies Southeasterly of the above desc1ibed strip. '\,. ... Excepting tharefrom risht.of way of existing highways • . Containing 6.52 acres, more or less. Aleo an easement to construec slopes. as shown cn·the planes contain- _1.ng 2 •. 27 acres. which shall cease on or before December 31, 1970. Together w11:b·a11 right of access, being the right of ingress to and e$reaa from that portion of the 4bovc described tract, not acquired herein, .. · to County State Aid Highway 022. The names of parties knoun by the Board to be the owners ~nd occupants or .interested in the above described land and the nature.of their interests are, as.follows: licl1ard Saurer Gladys Saurer ·Parcel 15 (C.P. 69:36) A strip of land over and actoes t~e followins described tract: . The South;est Quarter of ·the t,Jorthwest Quarter (Sw1,t;. of ~) . of Section 34. Township 137 r~orth, ·nangc 40 West, · said strip being all that.part of tbe above deecribed tract which lies within Fifty (50) feet on the easterly side of the follo~ing described centerline: · Beginning at tbe Notthweet Corner of the SW3,; of the ml¼ .of Section J4-Tl3n~-U40W, thence South oo0 SO' East for a dist.nee of 487,;4 . feet, th~nce deflect to the righc on a 1°001 curve (Delta AQ.gle 90°04') for a dtstance of 159.0 feete and there terminating. . . . ie~cepting therefrom right of way of exi~ting.highway. Containing 0.23 acre, more c,,r less. Also an easement to construct slopes, .as sbown on the plans; contain- ing 0.23 acre, which shall cease ·011 or beforo December 31~ 1970. Together with all right of access, being the right of ingress .to and egress from that portion Qf the above described tract, not acquired herein, to County State Aid Ilighway 036. · The names of parti~s knot-m by the Board to be the owners and occupants. · or in~ereated in tho above· described land and the nature of their interests are, as ·follows: lUlt1ar Schult;, Irene Schultz A strip of land over and across th~ following describ$d tracts: The Weot Half of the tiorth~ast Quarter of· the Northwest Quarter (t-$1 of NE¼ of t~.d and the No~th Eight. (8) l'Ods of the Wcat Ualf of the Southeast Quarter or the t~()rthwest Quarter (W½ .of SE¼ of tl~) of Section 26, .TO'imship l37 North, Range 40 · West, · said sttip being all th$t part of the above deacrtbed tracts which lie within Fifty (SO) feet on the Easterly side of the follouing described centerlinez. · .,. Beginning at the Northwest ·corner of the Northeast·Quarter.of tna Northwest Quarter (NE¼ of NW).;;) ~f Section 26~T137U-R40W. thence South oo0 sa• West for a distance of 160.8 feet, thence deflect to the left on a 00°30' curve.(Delta Angle 02°30') for a di...~tance of 500 feet, thence ~outh 01°32 1 East for a distance of 796.9 feet, aud there term:tnating. · Excepting thetefrom right of way .of e~sting high~1ayo. Containing 1.27 acres, more. or less. Aleo an easement to construct slopes, as 8hown on the. plans, con- taining 0.06 acre, which shall cease·on.or before December. 31, 1970. Together with all right of access, being the right of. ingress to and egress from that port1oQ of the above described tract, not acquired herein. to·co~ty State Aid Highway fJ36. The names of parties known by tho Board to bo the cn-mers and occupants or interested in the above described laud end the nature of the1r.1ntetesce are, as follows: Josephs. Houge Leona J. Houge· -l;'erham State Bank, mortgagee Dated at ~ergus Falls, Minn~sota .· this 15th day of October, 1969. ATTESTED: County I BOARD OU COUNTY COUMISSI,ONBRS OTTER TAIL COUNTY thuP,. ~J-J'.__" . -~¼-~# L. 290 The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County Minnesota, THAT WHEREAS This Board has received an application of Raymond S. Engebretson, owner of record of the following described property, to repurchase the following tracts: W 200' of S 70' of Sw¼ of NE¼, Section 22 -136 -43 Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, L~cy's Addition Lots 17 and 18, Block 1, Lucy's Addition all in the Village of Pelican Rapids said property having forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes, and having paid the sum of $731.12 being the full amount of taxes, penalties and interest. undue hardship. Permission to do so will be to the best public interest and relieve Dated at Fergus Fals, Minnesota, this 15th day of October, 1969. Attest:~ Cler I L.. 291. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail Cotmty, Minnesota, THAT WHEREAS This Board has received an application of Clarence Damlo, owner of record, to repurchase the following described property: E½ of NE¼ and N\~~ NE¼ of Section 26, Township 136, Range 38 which forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of truces for the year 1960; and having paid the sum of $611.46 being the full amount of the taxes, penalties and interest. Permission to do so will be to the best public interest and re- lieve undue hardship. Attest: Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 15th day of October, 1969. ~erk r ,'292 t,. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT WHEREAS This Board has received an application of John A. and Myra Westman, owners of record, to repurchase the following described property: Lot 34, Block 1, Crystal Beach, Dora Township which forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of truces for the year 1960, and having paid the sum of $174.66 bei~ the full amount of the truces, penalties and interest. Permission to do so will be to the best public interest and re- lieve tmdue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 15th day of October, 1969. Attest: ~erk ' r. 293 I,,, The followng resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County Minnesota, 1HAT WHEREAS This Board has received an application of Clifford Norgren, owner of record, to repurchase the following described property: Lot 6 and the S 25' of Lot 5, Block 2, Lakeside Addition to the Village of Erhard which f>rfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes for the year __ 1_9_6_0 ___ , and having paid the sum of __ $_6_1_._4_6 __ _ , being the full amount of the taxes, penalties and interest. Permission to do so will be to the best public interest and re- lieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 15th day of October, 1969 Attest: Clerk ' L 294 ' The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County Minnesota, THAT WHEREAS This Board has received an application of Frieda Gebert to repurchase the following described property: NE¼ of SW¼ Section 25, Township 133, Range 37 owner of record at the time this property forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes for the year 1962, and having paid the sum of $25.17 being the amount of the taxes, interest and penalties. Permission to do so will be to the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 15th day of October, 1969 Attest: Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg-and u~animously carried, Grahn's Addition on Lake Lida was approved subject to attorney's opinion as to title and road approval. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, a plat of Walvatne's Addition was approved subject to attorney's opinion as to title.and road approval. Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, Vern Salmonson was appointed as a member of the Otter Tail- Wadena Community Action Council to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Roland F. Winterfeldt. Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be re- ceived until 2:00 P.M., December 9th, for the old county gravel pit located in Section 21 in Eastern Township. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch, and unanimously carried, to meet at October 31st, 9:30 A.M., to view roads. f L 296 Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bennie Johnson and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT WHEREAS a vacancy has been created by ther~sjgAat>:irotr. Carl J. Lund, as County Coroner; NOW THEREFORE The Board of County Commissioners does hereby appoint Dr. Arthur Sethre of Fergus Falls, Minnesota as Coroner for Otter Tail County. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 15th day of October, 1969. Attest: Clerk Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, Andy Leitch voting no, the following resolution was adopted. RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS increased population and tourism coupled with problems of air and water polution have been brought to the attention of the County Board, NOW THEREFORE, the Board deems it necessary to take whatever measures are necessary to curb additional problems hereby enters into a Comprehensive Sewer and Water Study with the OMK Engineering, Inc. for a suudy in Otter Tail County. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 15th day of October, 1969. Attest: ~ L 298 ii>tatt of .:fflinntsota, County of ....................................................................... . Report of County Board on Uncollected Personal Property Taxes Received and filed this .................................. . day 0/ ............................................................ , 19 ........... . ···························••1•••111••··························································· County Audito-,. pf .................................................... County, M£n:n,. Miller-Duis Co., Kiamapolis i;i:,. .... [ ;i ~ ~' ~~ \ 0 [~ r ... "< o:s i;:,r o':I : ~\ ~· ' i l i 1 :~ ~ l i -~~ ~ ~~ .~M ~ ~ ~ ~ ' :_ ·"' \:~ ~: ~ ~~ :'" :r . r -. ~ \ ~; ,.t -1 . f\ Lr~ J 'N....)~ \. _ ~'Ki"-: [~ -, t· 'k ~ I r~ P· · ~ ! ~\...· '!'-. 1 ;:. ., ~ " . ,._ ~ [~ !~; .. V -~ :,- ! ! l i ' I .. f ~ l· . ,. ,:.., j ·• o. 2ssO-R<ooc< o, · Bo.,, o• U o,o"""' Pon=•• Pro,-,., T•~• (R~. , om ... ,., .• ,.;, Co., M<=""""' Report of the County Board of the County of.. .... ~~.~.~~ ... !.~~.~ ................................................................................. .. State of Minnesota, of Uncollected Personal Property Taxes for the Year 19.6.9. ...... Fergus Falls . October 15th 69 ....... , Minnesota, ...................................................... , 19 .......... .. j/je it 1kno1un, That the Cowity Board of. ....... ~.~.~.~.: ... !.~i..~ ....................................... County, Minnesota, d .d :t · · t~ 15th z f October 19 69 th b · 11th Ii~~ ':~~,,f!1ffl~~rct~~~,~~~~~~J~:",~;~·· .. ·.·.·~.·.·~.·.·;:·th~t·~t;~id·§~~sio~·tJ~·c~u~;~:_::;ero; said Coiinty delivered to said Board the list of u,ncollected personal propertflfa~! ~)[~ y~rn19 ~~ .... , together with his certificate thereon as required by law; and that at said session the said Board did duly consider sciid list of uncollected taxes, and clid cancel such taxes as they are sati.sfied cannot be collect¢,. That the following is a correct list of said nncollected personal property taxes i.n said County for said year of 19 .... ~.9. .. , as so revised by said Board, and that the Clerk of District Court is ordered to issue citations thereon, to-wit: NAME OF PERSON ASSESSED Johnnys Skelly Charles Goz lin Russ Bjerke Russ Ujerkc Bjer.l.c Advertisinr, Staple~ Sign Co~puny Norman •.;u;;:ho;1 Olson George W. Olson & Joseph~ne Robert ~lax.on Parkers Prairie Produce Carlyle Schuttleworth Yo~r, l.ife Campaign Stanley R. Engelhardt Fergus Falls Ice Supply Phil Bertel Township or District TAX Total Ta~ Penalty aqd ·l-osts Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts. Fer~us Fulls 49 86 Bluffton 3 52 Dent ~ 22 Wore 1 Fergus Falls 5 14 Edna 32 36 Vill. Park. Pr. 11 02 Vill. Park. Pr. 10 02 Vill. Deer Creek 83 30 Dunn 55 66 Ward #4 Ferr,. ~Qlls 7 72 Ward 13 Ferr,. Falls 97 72 N.Y. Mills 17 38 7 20 ?. ?.5 3 2U 74 1 51 98 97 4 76 1 78 1 65 11 86 R 00 1 33 13 87 2 67 57 06 16 Mi 2,~ S3 4 26 10 55 6 20 6 11 37 12 12 80 11 67 95 16 63 66 9 OS 111 59 20 OS REMAJUCS Ccllcct Collect Collect r.ollect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect Collect f:ollect Collect Collect Collect Collect Jl'Vic14ilmz-'J■a 11 lr Ward #3 Skogmo Cafe Per. Pals 230 so 32 38 262 88 Collect Ward fl Division of General Dynamics Fer. Falls 55 30 7 95 63 25 Collect Stout Sign Co. Dane Prairie 3 08 68 3 76 Collect Harvey Soenkenson Girard 14 36 2 25 16 61 Collect John Walker Otter Tail 27 90 4 14 32 04 Collect ~ . . . . Vi U8i• . ~L -'. . , · '.l Ji G.l~ ~~~'.':~ ' ·· · . :' · ;R••lnt · . · r ;· · «·i.S~ ;i 1~:): · ·~·••'0¢--WltJtl/Jlt!;...;~:...~;: •~l""if~'~ ~ ..... ~. ~Y~•--~~-.~ . . :' ; .. . : t 1 JtUI, tne JuLlowing is a corl'ect list of the personal p1'0perty taxes in said County for said year whtch saicl Boarcl are satisfied cannot be collectecl, and so cancelled by said Board, to-wit: NAME 01•' PERSON ASSESSED Township or District Mic.'.:•,:)S~ Truck & Trailer Sales Ferg. Palls TAX Penalty, Fee and Costs Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts. 18 76 2 86 I JIL Total Tax, Penalty and Costs Dollars Cts. 21 62 REMARKS Cancel Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bennie Johnson and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County Minnesota, THAT WHEREAS The Board deems it necessary to check into the possi- bility of expansion of County Court House space, NOW THEREFORE, The Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to enter into contract with Glenn W. Cording, Architect, of Minneapolis, Minnesota to prepare an analysis of present conditions and a suggested program of remodelling the existing Courthouse or construct an Addition to the existing Courthouse, subject to the terms of the contract. Attest: Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 15th day of October, 1969. Clerk r I i .. 300 Carlton E l'-~orte -· Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Eortensen Carlton E Mortensen J 2JIJ.es LeRoy Sidney Nelson Glen Helby Herle Bacon John B Halvorson Joseph Peloquin Gary W Anderson Thomas A Grainger Marvin Pederson Wayne Hay Gary vi Anderson Steven Jacobson i;·;arren Finseth Hike Erkenbrack i.'.,ike Straw Clifford Pederson Nundahl Oil Perham Co-op Oil Henning Sinclair Perham Co-op Oil Interstate Skelly Pelican Rapids Pure Highway Service Station Mobile Radio & T V The Photo Center Hunter Pharmacy Amierson Bros. Lystads Harl.o hotors Doc's Tire Service JC Penny's White Drug Western Chemical Boarding of Prisoners Mileage & Expense Postage Film l•1ileage & Subsistence II II II Suesistence II Extra Jailer II 11 II II II II Special Duty Witness 11 II II Guard Duty Gas II II n 11 Gas & Parts Gas Services I II II II Finishing & supplies Film,' Repairs Pest control wrecker service tires & repair supjJlies supplies " 301 $ 990.00 296.84 30.00 49.75 376.80 237.30 308.20 328~80 54.00 72.00 80.00 48.00 78.00 64.00 10.00 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 16.50 28.44 35.72 97.18 57.06 25.82 84.48 13.53 76.73 43.28 2.16 117.88 80.25 12.00 66.56 56.00 22.73 34.00 Coopers Office Lake Region Hospital James Bucholz Bennie Johnson Utto Haase Andy Leitch John Snowberg Ambroxe Klinnert Laura Hotchkiss Harold Skistad Roger Heidorn Geraldine McGuire Rrank itoberts Kenneth Clamby Eugne Davenport Anton G1esne Harris Iverson Harris Iverson Arthur D Boehne Henry Polkinghorn Myrtle Logas George Nelson Helen Skramstad Vernon Bachman Vernon Bachman Vernon Bachman :tviabel itossow Nrs l'•arie Trosvik Knute Hanson y John S Lindblom Herb Christianson Jr City of Fergus Falls State of Minnesota, Dept. of Adm. Ha:rrvey Morrill Theo Palmquist " " Roger E Nelson Centurian Builders Supply rlnderson Transfer Supplies Care of prisoners Nileage & Expense II II II II II II II II KOT Soil & tater II II II II II II EOT Soil & tater EQT.Soil & Water Weed & Seed Inspector II II II Nileage & expense mileage mileage & expense Building Schedules rr~leage & expense Conference Expense postage II II Mileage & Expense cash advanced postage mileage & expense Supt. Clerk Civil Defense Transcript of Proceedings Bull Dozing Court Costs 1969 Session Laws mileage Phelps hill labor " II II II II labor & Hauling Phelps Mill lumber Phelps Mill hauling II II 302 24.95 14.40 55.91 4;3.~5 59. !5 35.95 19.00 360.00 234.00 15.90 250.80 94.06 366.85 324.71 156.51 76.80 90.17 160.00 143.42 90.45 30.00 36.25 60.00 19.82 25.00 36.98 33.64 22.40 200.00 7.40 62.00 335.00 20.00 50.00 145.60 147.20 102.75 33.30 122.50 3 Edi!.etown .Lumber. John Snowberg M-R ~ign Co Swedberg Floral Dale Radke Gamlhles Lampert Lumber Wm Galena & Son Fergus Glass & Paint Edling .t.1ectric Coast to Coast General Trading Gust Lagerquist & Sons Otter Tail Co-op Oil Fergus Surplus Lumber State of Minn. State Tres. University of Minn. Olivette Underwood International Bus Machine Addressograph Multigraph ~orp Coopers Nelson Bros Printing Security BlanKBook & Printing Empire Bus l-1achines Secretarial Service Houghton ldf flin Co The Pierce Go hiller Davis Iv.i:ason Pub. Co l'lidwest Carbon Co Victor Lundeen & Co Xerox Corp Stem & Ernm United Binding Co Eidwest Printing Co NW Bell Telephone Go supplies Phelps Mill II sign chain II II II extra Janitor supplies supplies parts & labor supplies labor & repairs supplies If Elevator Exams supplies II Audit II II II PERA Contribution Minn. Estate Book typewriter Maintenance agreement supplies supplies II II II II II II. II II II suppifiles services supplies II II tolls 303 197.29 8.76 69.00 17.90 120.00 23.92 7.74 74.40 137.19 46.00 1.42 .95 88.00 2.50 18.17 5,210.48 17,170.63 30.00 384.97 49.25 162.94 114.44 310.85 28.45 53.15 10.20 2.68 36.98 223.36 20.00 56.30 268.90 214.93 16.17 3,238.30 52.50 260.94 Cedric Viking Land USA R.L Polk Co Everett C Hanson Wesley Hospital Fergus Journal Village of Perham Esther iiort ens en Mille Lacs County Sheriff Dennis Fjestad Liz Ho.ff Dorothy Johnson Ruth Johnson Shirley Larson Lorna McCabe Gloria Opatz Donna Quam Nancy Slatten Mrs CE ~oe hrs Bud l..arson Mrs Ed Skoglund Hrs C W :tewis Mrs John J Steblay Mrs Robert Johnson Dinah T Bergene Wilma Brandt Florence Ginkel Verlie Grover Kathryn Hemmelgarn Doris Jorgenson Dorothy Jorgenson :E.dna M Nelson Nrs Earl Sonmor Berniece Spangler Selma Swendsrud Dale E Radke Dues -Judge OTC matching fund Directory coroners fees supplies publications rent hatron Fees l•1ileage & paper service Nurse mileage & expense II II II II II fl II expense II fl II II II II II II II expense Nursing Board II II II II II II II II II II Home Health Aide II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II postage,mileage & expense 45.00 1,750.00 25.00 200.25 9.20 178,30 60.00 15.00 8.00 61.05 38.18 23.85 23.10 123.92 53.42 5.93 36.00 123.97 20.32 2.70 7.80 4.95 7.35 10.20 13.50 5.10 22.50 18.00 8.40 77,40 15.03 4.88 27.98 25.20 29.10 38.97 Walt.t;r S :Booth & Village of Perhan Reitan Larson Co EQT Telephone Co Marvin Klicker ?-:i.arvin Klicker Veterans Information Service Coopers Sherwin '\,/illiams :Midwest Printing Coopers NW B ell Telpphone_Oo Public Utilities Dept George Bergem Post# 489 Haug Hammer Post J'. 508 Adamson Norman Post # 30 Peliean Pure Henning Sinclair Service Oil Co Otter Tail Co Treas Campers Point -Rolfson' s Riverside Resort· Nineral Springs Case Power & Equifment Ruffridge Johnson Equip Co George T Ryan Co Ziegler Inc Bertelson Welding Harvey Bullock Roy Bruhn Ebersviller Imp. Co Billl Ebersviller Co Farm Center \,elding Farnam Tire Center v:m Galens & Son International harvester Co audiogram forms rent rent October & November service & tolls roileage convention expense & dues supplies II paint supplies II S.E;rvi6e & tolls water sewage etc Grave Decoration 11 II II II Boat & v.'ater Safety 11 II II II II II II II II II II II II 11 II Poor Parts II II II repairs repairs II parts II repairs II II II 305 8.70 35.co 300.00 21.44 83.25 147.22 10.00 24.35 16.07 82.00 152.21 49.98 4.90 25.00 25.00 25.00 27.19 45.32 27.72 12.37 31.96 55.38 24.28 69.45 249.25 21.97 1,632.19 2.00 23.00 12.00 147.04 10.05 7.00 26.80 t Lal"son Welding Repairs 2.50 Les 'I'ire Service repairs 161.41 Doc's Tire Service tires 249.42 Firestone Store II 178.13 State oi' l•linn. Boiler Inspection 14.00 Soby Construction Co Bituminous mix 234.52 Myrbo Enterprises Install Tank 81.40 Orville Nettestad repairs 6.00 Overhead Door Co II 34.30 Walter H Schmidt II 3.00 Smith Farm Supply II 4.83 Smokey's Eachine ;:,hop II 71.58 Stan I s Gargge Parts 57-94 Super GM C Truck Sales repairs 63.17 Christ West by II 26.00 Paper Calmenson & Co Cutting Edges 1,482.48 Elk River Concrete Products Culverts 415.60 Northwestern Refining Co Asphalt 3,469.20 Handy Governor Sales supplies 329.45 Lawson Products Inc. II 395.77 Eutectic Welding Alloys II 62.25 Ottertail Grocery Co II 31.55 Coast to Coast Pelican Rapids II 18.60 Ebersviller Inc Pelican Rapids II 5.28 Farmers Elevator Co II 6.00 Genuine Parts Co II 33.18 General Trading Co II 502.66 Holten Lumber Co II 21.95 Hoyt Hardware II 9.02 Olson Hdwe & Plumbing II 3.65 Sigelman Hide & Fur II 43.82 Vergas Hardware II 127.67 Welder's Equipment II 12.52 Wilcox Lumber Co NY Mills II 2.05 Fairway Construction Co Gravel 106.65 G C Mullen II 214.00 Norris Krog II 103.95 306 • 1 Larry Larson Hrs Art Leaders il~ark Sand & Gravel Barbara Perszyk Harold \Jeiss City of Fergus Falls Village of Henning Fergus Falls Daily Journal Northwood Specialty o Ottertail Power Co State Treas :t:~pls B1ue Printing Lio The Pierce Co ;_,:idwest Carbon Co I • Davenports Stationery ... Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co Victor Lundeen & vo I. EOT Telephone o NW Bell Telephone ~o Midwest Telephone Co Park Region Telephone Co NW Bell Telephone Co Pelican Telephone Co NW Bell Telephone Co Wendell P Huber GD harlow Vliendell P Huber Township of Tumuli Effington Township Dr Edward L Gelman Lester Ponto Jack Kempton Vernon Flatau Andy's 66 Service I Andy s 66 Service ,.. Consumers Co-op Oil Consumers Co-op Oil Battle .L,ake Henning Gravel II II II II Maintenance agreement rent & ~lee Service ad for bids Lath prints PERA contribution supplies II II II II II service & tolls II It II II II It II II II II II II expenses II cash advanced Special Aid II II R/W II II II Gas Gasoline de II 307 125.00 8.00 1,342/55 23.10 7.00 561.25 366.83 33.60 27.50 8.76 33,007.03 78.16 58.63 27.03 3.20 8.56 8.90 29.34 32. 71 8.30 17.75· 78.36 12.40 17.43 285.88 200.95 14.71 300.00 300.00 834.65 1,037.35 2.80 42.00 204.32 146.21 366.83 88.56 Bave 1 s S~and--ing Farmers Co-op Cry Assn Fossen Oil Hank's East Side Service Hillview Store Hi -\fay Auto Implement Co H oat Lake Pure Jim's Service 5tation Harv's 66 Service Mayo's Standard Service Nundahl Uil Co S & F Oil Co Service Oil Co Battle Lake ., Service Oil Co Underwood Twin' s Motor Co Vergas Oil Co Wold Petroleum Co D-A Lubricant Co Arrow Petroleum Penrose Oil Co Standard Oil Co Battle Lake Standard Oil Co Pelican Rapids Gasoline Gas etc Gasoline II II II etc II II II II II Gas etc II II II II II II II II II II Oil Diesel Fuel II II II II II II 308 56.58 177-73 19.27 3.21 13.25 154.81 335.65 89.60 4.10 88.80 85.45 240.81 78i.07 213.23 15.96 236.23 102.40 212.30 169.15 69.60 296.49 80.50 Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Otto Haase and carried, the meeting adjourned to 9:30 A.M., October 31st. Attest~/ Clerk ,, , .. 309