HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/09/1969____ .,,,_ ... · .. ) MINUTES OF TI-IE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of /q'4 Cf Otter Tail County Minnesota met on Tuesday, September 9th, at 10:00 A.M., all members being present. The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 11:00 A.M., October 14th, 1969 for the following: S.A.P. 56-622-04 (69) S.A.P. 56-636-01 (69) GRADING & AGGREGATE SURFACING C.P. 69:22, Length 5.759 Miles, located\at a point approximately 6.5 miles North of Fergus Falls at junction of CSAH #22 & #27 and North- easterly to CSAH #3 C.P. 69:36, Length 5.277 Miles, located approx- imately one mile Southeast of Vergas, thence Easterly and Northerly to T.H. #228 Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bennie Johnson and,unanimously carried, the application of Edward C. Nelson for homestead classification on Lot 15, Birchwood Subdivision, Edna Township was granted. Mr. Henry Adams appeared before the Board regarding the August re- jection of homestead classification in Hobart Township. After a tltlrough discus- sion with the County Attorney and the County Assessor, the Board held with their previous decision. The application of Norman I. Meyer for reduction in the assessed valuation of hi.s real estate in the Village of Perham was approved subject to ap- proval by the State Department of Taxation. The following applications for reduction in the assessed valuation of personal property were approved: Parkers Prairie Village Amor Township Parkers Prairie Clinic Delor~ M. Erickson Property tax exempt Property overvalued The Board approved the following applications for reduction in the . ' . -.•.-.! ... ;;_.· assessed valuation of Real Estate: ·-··--- John J. Holth Wade Smith Jalmer Knuttila Newton Township Corliss Township Gorman Township Assessed for too many tillable acres. Lake frontage over assessed. Lot assessed as 50' being only 25' Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg,and un- animously carried, an appropriation of $42,000.00 was granted to the Nursing Service for the year 1970. A delegation from Manpower Survey presented a preliminary summary of Otter Tail County and showed the various forms of booklets available. The Board agreed to share in the cost of producing a brochure but no specific amount was ap- propriated until further particulars are available. ' 25·9 ii,, .. . No, 2612 -Certl _ of _Completion of County RoAd Hork. TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA: ~·!e, the undersigned majority of the County Board of said county hereby certify that we have examined the road work done by -1~ Ed Zimmerman 2. Ed Zimmerman 3. Conroy Constwcelon 4. Korby Contracting Co. Barrett, m.m.eaota 56311 Barrett, Minnesota 56311 Duaont, Minnesota 56236 Fergue-J.Ua, Miuneaota 56537 on that certain road d~scribed as f0llo~s: 1. S.A.P. 56-628-04 .. CSAll:128 bet. CSAB 021 and T.B. os,, _approx. 3.0 mi. S. of . Pelican BapS.da. 2. C.P. 68:116 ~-c.B. ·111~ bat •. 1.5 mi. N., of French ·at Jct. of CSAH 121 and · East 1.s m1. 3. c.P. 69:123 -c.u. 1123 bet~ Jct. of T.B. 0108, 2 m1. B. of Dent, and CSAH 034. 4. c.P. 68:77Br --CSAB t/77 -bridge ove~ Leaf Riwr, O.S mi .. SB of Bluf.fton. together with contract for the same and that we find said work has been properly done and performed according to said contract. Dated this 9th_ day of __ S_e ..... p __ t_amb __ e_r-____ 1969 . (13 .&-:kn,~ '~.· 260' • I• I . ' The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, THAT the Board request approval by the Commissioner of Con- servation for the erection and establishment of the following projects at the Phelps Mill Park: Two Picnic Shelters: Estimated material & labor, $4,500 each Ball Diamond: Dozing, gradi_ng, seeding & wire netting backstop Badminton Court: Cement, grading and filling Six horse-shoe court pits TOTAL $ 9,000.00 980.00 1,600.00 450.00 $12,030.00 Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 10th day of September, 1969. Attest~ Clerk 261. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, THAT the Board request approval by the Commissioner of Conser- vation for the purpose of erecting Rest Areas, including picnic benches, barbeque pits, and toilet facilities at the following locations: Eagle Lake Township, Co. Highway #64 Perham Township, Co. Highway #8 $1,000.00 1,000.00 Dated at Fergus Falls,. Minnesota this 10th day of September, 1969. Attest:~ Clerk The meeting adjourned to 10:00 o'clock A.M., Wednesday, September 10th, 1969. l I,;:. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10:00 o'clock A.M., September 10th, all members present. A resolution asking for the Dissolution of School District #1461 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held at 10:00 o'clock A.M., Octo- ber 15th, 1969, according to the 1965 Closed School District Law, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be re- ceived until 10;00 o'clock A.M., October 14th, for new radio equipment for use by the Sheriff's Department. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Otto Haase, and carried, an appropriation of $1,750 was granted to Viking Land, U.S.A., Bennie Johnson and Jim Bucholz voting no. Motion was made by Otto Haase, seconded by John Snowbe~and carried to approve the dance license for the Ranch House, subject to approval by the Town Board, Sheriff and County Attorney. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and un- animously carried, the Nursing Board is to decide on which of three possible sites they prefer to lease. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Otto Haase and carried, to approve Smedsrud deed subject to Survey Plats provided by Oslund. Motion was made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowbeigand carried, to approve Oak Haven Beach, Third Addition, subject to an Attorney's Opinion as to Title and road approval. L. 263 Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Andy Leitch and Wl- animously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of Cowity Commissioners of Otter Tail Cotmty Minnesota, that WHEREAS Harold Daniel Engebretson, owner of the following des- cribed property: Sub Lot "E" of wiplatted lands in the NE¼ SW¼ Section 27 -136 -43 Village of Pelican Rapids.; owner of record at the time the property forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of truces for the year 1961, having made application to repurchase said property and paid the sum of $30.20, being one-tenth of the full amotmt of truces, penalties and interest in the amount of $301.33, the remaining portion to be paid in ten equal annual installments, with the privilege of paying the wipaid balance in full at any time with interest at four percent per annum on the balance remaining unpaid each year. Permission to do so will be to the best public interest and relieve tmdue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 10th day of September, 1969. ~Ch~ai-rm-an____..;;:<;=~~ ~if"" Attest:~ Clerk L.. 261 The Clerk of_ Court appeared b_efore the Board requesting $400. 00 additional clerk hire and a new typewriter, which was granted by the Board. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to approve the Public Depository and Assignment of Securities from the Farmers State Bank of Underwood, Minnesota. Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by Bennie Johnson and unanimously carried, the dance permit for Melvin Baas at the Triangle Inn, Rush Lake Township, was approved subject to Sheriff's approval. Motion was made by Otto Haase, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to approve the liquor license for Hazel Rogert, at the Colonial Inn and Restaurant in the Township of Perham, subject to approval by the Sheriff. Upon motion made by:.;Andy Leitch, seconded by Bennie Johnson, and unan- imously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be re- ceived until 2:00 o'clock PJ1.1., Tuesday, October 14th, for a new car to be used by the Sheriff's Department·. Motion was made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg and u- nanimously carried to make application to one of several firms for Comprehensive Water and Sewer Planning, at no cost to the County, as recommended by the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission, at a later date. 265 I The following bills were allowed: Carlton E. Mortensen Carlton E. Mortensen Glen Melby J runes LeRoy Sidney Nelson Merle Bacon John B. Halvorson Joseph F. Peloquin Marvin Pederson Gary W. Anderson Alfred Schneider Albert Enquist Robert W. Nessa Harley A. Kantrud J.P. Johnson Clifford E. Pederson L. 0. Grotte Ralph Opsahl A. L. Fitch Twins Motor Mayo's Standard Super GMC Crarles T. Richards Photo Center Mobile Radio & T.V. Service Otter Tail Power Western Union White Drug Davenport Stationery Cooper's Office Supply / Fergus Plumbing Boarding of prisoners Mileage & Expense Mileage & Subsistence II II II " II II Subsistence " Relief Jailer Extra jailer & guard duty Guard duty " " II II II " " II II " Photography work Water Rescue Water Rescue Gas II etc. Tires & Repair Labor & Repair Film finishing, etc. Services Labor & material Telegrrun Care of prisoner Supplies Services Supplies L. 266 $1,317.50 282.70 396.60 423.00 233.10 457.20 72.00 33.00 74.00 112 .00 269.00 144.00 12.00 16.00 24.00 11.10 27.00 10.00 10.00 6.25 71.22 299.98 7.20 40.96 68.40 56.03 3.42 .99 8.22 24.50 6.00 d- James Bucholz Bennie Johnson Otto Haase John Snowberg Andy Leitch Kenneth Clambey Frank Roberts Frank Altstadt Walter Swidberg Carl Rickert Laura Hotchkiss Ambrose Klinnert Dennis Greenwaldt Ed Skoglwid Duane Donley Jeff Tikkanen Herman Enslin .,£e ~ 7po ,,, • •u1o Kenne Hanson Arthur D. Boehne Eugene Davenport Harris Iverson George Nelson Vernon Bachman Vernon Bachman Clarence Berg Dale E. Radke G. S. Products, Inc. Kimber Awning Dacotah Paper Co. Fergus Glass & Paint Fergus Plumbing Richards Chemical Co. Daycoa, Inc. Wm. Galena Mileage & Expense II II II II Expense Mileage & Expense Weed & Seed Insp. II II Co. Planning II II II II W.O.T. Soil II II II II EIIII II II II II II II II II II II II II II II ti ti II £p.:J .a6uJ Mileage II & Water ti II II II II II Mileage & Expense II II Postage Postage II II Mileage & Conference Mileage Extra Janitor Supplies II II II II II II Labor & Repair t l.., 267 $ 65.94 38.50 50.75 18.00 31.20 311.66 381.19 64.00 30.60 42.60 216.00 440.00 18.00 36.45 25.44 22.95 14.10 3.00 135.86 99.64 52.82 156J8 57.60 22.00 120.00 25.59 27.50 34.79 15.56 13.86 50.50 93.74 137.21 3 Johnson Repair Shop Mrs. Harry Fretland Joanne Rossow Mrs. Marie Trosvik Mrs. Harold Biegler Mrs. Martin Hanson Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. Universal Answering Services International Bus. Machines Nelson Bros. Printing Miller-Davis Co. Jon Osman Enterprises Victor LW1deen Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. The Pierce Co. Davenport's Fergus Jobbing Coopers S.C.M. Corp. Addressograph Multigraph Corp. Empire Bus. Machines Gaffaneys Insurance Service Agency Mathison Ins. Agency Fossen Oil Co. White Drug Northwestern Pub. Co. Fergus Falls Daily Journal West Publishing Co. Diebold, Inc. Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. Esther Mortensen Charles E. Johnson City of Fergus Falls Mower Repair Clerk, Co. Supt. Clerk, Co. Supt. II II II II II II II II II Supplies II II II II II " II II II II Supplies & Rental Rental & Maintenance Maintenance Service Maintenance Policy #563KAO 522 Add. Ins. Supplies Fan Ads Publication M.S. Inspection Fee Calls Matron fees Court Costs II II I i. '768 .;. . ,.. $ 3.75 93.60 12.80 25.60 23.20 23.20 398.67 116.00 9.54 112. 50 26.25 21.60 1,909.54 293.45 22.47 11-'74 5.05 73.00 221.00 558,44 35.00 45.00 95.00 4.00 118 .00 13.95 15.40 173,85 35.00 70.00 245.56 25.00 12.00 32.61 Village of Perham Edgetown Lumber Blacons Plumbing & Heating Mrs. Ed Skoglund Mrs. John Steblay Mrs. Charles Lewis Donnis Fjestad Elizabeth Hoff Dorothy Johnson Ruth Johnson Shirley Larson Lorna McCabe Gloria Opatz Donna Quam Nancy Slatten Ina McLaughlin Verlie Grover Edna M. Nelson Wilma Brandt Iona Butcher Mrs. Olga Edwards Florence Ginkel Opa:l: Harvego Kathryn Hemme.lgarn Doris Jorgenson Dorothy Jorgenson Wilma Rinas Pearl Ronning Mrs. Earl Sonmor Bernice Spangler Selma Swensuud Mrs. Esther Hanson Clara Juven Ruby Knoll Rent, Co. Agent Supplies, P11lps Mill II II II Nursing Board Mileage II II II II II II Mileage & Supplies, Nurse Mileage, Nurse Mileage & lunch, Nurse Mileage, Nurse Mileage & lunch, Nurse II II II Mileage, Nurse Mileage & lunch, Nurse II II II Mileage, Home Health Aid II II II II II II II II II II II II Home Health Aid Inservice Mileage, Home Health Aid II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Inservice meeting II II II $ 60.00 2.08 90.96 7.80 7.35 4.95 6.86 34.28 23.60 26.78 150.86 37.50 6.83 59.35 48.15 13.05 31.28 56.63 16.50 2.40 5.78 38.50 34.43 11.48 25.88 30.88 4.65 6.38 23.70 18.90 70.13 2.40 6.38 3.15 .5 Superintendent of Documents Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Cooper's Office Supply Empire Business Machines Springer Publishing Co., Inc. Science & Behavior Books, Inc. Village of Perham E. 0. T. Telephone Co. Marvin Klicker Marvin Klicker Elliott Moving & Storage Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. Public Utilities Dept. City of Fergus Falls Twins Motor Twins Motor Gary W. Anderson Coast-to-Coast, B.L. Case Power & Equipment Equipment Parts & Service Publication for Nursing Service Envelopes & postage Supplies Service call Publications for nursing service Publications for Nursing Service Office rent, Nursing Service Perham office, Nursing Service Postage Mileage Moving Expense Service & Tolls, Vet. Service Water, Sewage, etc. Poor Water Patrol " " Boat & Water Safety Supplies, Boat & Water Safety, wat_er patrol Parts Repairs Garwood-Twin Cities Truck Equip. Parts Hayden-Murphy Equipment Co. West Fargo Mfg. Co • Ruffridge Johnson Equip. Co. Ziegler, Inc. Ebersviller Imp. Co. Ellenson's Body Shop, Henning Farnam Tire Center International Harvester Sales & Service Knuttila Imp. Co., Inc. Larson Welding Matson Repair Mile's Machine Shop Olson Auto Electric II II II II II Repairs II Parts Repairs II " " Parts 270 $ 1.25 73.80 64.11 5.00 2.25 5.95 35.00 15.39 3.00 84.60 102.75 27.44 5.01 73.18 11. 76 83.63 16.00 2.29 28.19 52.42 25.10 106.37 77.20 14.50 529.62 132.78 2.50 10.00 54.73 47.40 24.50 41.00 11.50 58.74 Smith's Farm Supply Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Super GMC Truck Sales Paper, Calmenson & Co. Pheoll Manufacturing Co. Elk River Concrete Products Northwestern Refining Co. Ed. Zimmerman Korby Contracting Co. Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Beldo Bros. Crane-Johnson Co., Inc. Coast-to-Coast Store, B.L. Gambles, F.F. Hall ' s Hardware Jaenisch Industries National Busing & Parts Northwood Specialty Co. Pelican Hardware Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Bengtson Oil Co. ConstDner's Co-op Oil Co. Eldon's Standard Fossen Oil Company Co. Gene's Standard Service, N.Y.M. Mayo's Standard Service Meyer's Service Mischke Oil Station Olson Oil Co. Otter Tail Co-op Oils, Inc. Ray's Oil Co. Theodorson's Mobile Service Twins Motor Co. Underwood Lakeside Service Repairs Parts Repairs Cutting Edges Supplies Culverts Asphalt Equipment Rental Equipment Rental BittDninous Material & Aggregate Gravel Supplies II II II II II II II II Gasoline II II II II ,etc. II II II II Gasoline II II , etc. II II II II II $ 2.29 48.02 13.98 278.40 81.11 192.26 1,416.52 886.34 24.00 3,275.72 15.70 6.25 9.64 9.95 47.58 45.00 126.24 19.50 3.67 2.86 85.97 60.69 75.58 23.79 7.94 69.76 267.02 75.86 111.96 218.03 145.00 96.32 48.62 29.30 7 Vergas Oil Co. D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Erhard Oil Co. Soliah & Braatz Oil Co. Otter Tail Power Co. Crown Rubber Stamp Co. Minneapolis Blue Prtg. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Davenport's Stationery E. 0. T. Tel. Co. Midwest Telephone Co. N.W. Bell Tel. Co., Waden~ Pelican Telephone Co. N. W •. Bell Tel. Co., F.F. Park Region Mutual Tel. Co. N. W. Bell Tel. Co. Wendell P. Huber G. D. Harlow•. Mrs. Evelyn R. Bohlig Mrs. Agnes Schwanz Marlo Sonnenberg Claudius Bruhn Roger Heidorn Geraldine NcGuire E.0.T. Soil & Water Tribune Printing Co Gasoline, etc. Oil Diesel fuel Fuel oil Prints Supplies II II II Service & tolls II II II II II II II II II II II Expenses Expenses Right of way II II II II II II II II II E.0.T. Soil & 1·Jater II II II Wages for Andy Smedsrud Supplies E.0.T. Soil & Water $ 224.48 58.85 147.68 33.20 52.92 2.90 37.90 20.40 8.54 25.00 8.90 14.42 12.10 91.78 16.87 32.56 279.02 0 141.60 4.80 170.70 8.80 66.25 258.50 42.00 115.20 17.30 The meeting them adjourned to 10:00 o'clock A.M., September 29, 1969. Chairman Attest: ~JWJ ~~' Clerk ' 2"'13 I;. ' If t.