HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 08/12/1969MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board of County Commissioners of Otter JqG0 Tail County Minnesota met at 10:00 A.M., August 12th, all members being present. Two members of the Fergus Falls Fish and Game Cl.lb appeared before the Board and presented problems on pollution in rivers, suggesting steel septic tanks be used as a possible solution. A discussion was held, no action taken. / The Board having previously advertised for bids for three One Way Snow- plows and three Wings, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Little Fa].s Machine, Inc, Little Falls Swanston Equip. Co., Fargo, N. D. Snowplows $3,135.00 2,550.00 Wings $3,225.00 6,825.00 Total $6,360.00 9,375.00 After consideration, motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bennie Johnson and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of the Little Falls Machine, Inc., it being the lowest bid, in the amount of $6,360.00. The Board having previously advertised for bids for Calcum Chloride proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Lyons Chemical Co. L. N. Sickels Co. McKesson Chemical St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. $60.25 per ton 57 .00 per ton 58.75 per ton After consideration, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Otto Haase and unanimously carried, to accept one car load each (60 ton) from Sickels and McKesson Chemical. 228 The Board having previously advertised for bids for 120 tons of Rock Salt in bags proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Cutler-Magner Co. International Salt Duluth, Minn. Chicago, Illinois $24.80 ton 1.175 per bag After consideration motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimouslycarried, to accept the bid of International Salt Co, it being the lowest bid ($21.60 per ton). Two members of the Maine Town Board appeared before the Board regarding the township road and trespassing and swimming on the bridge near Phelps Mill. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to share the cost for paint for the Phelps Mill bridge. Green Thumb is to provide the labor. The Board having previously advertised for bids for the sale of the old County gravel pit in Section 35, Pelican Township, accepted the bid of Vir- gil Matheson of Pelican Rapids in the amount of $202.00, upon motion by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Otto Haase, and unanimously carried, it being the only bid. Representatives from Rush Lake appeared before the Board and presented a letter regarding the water level, from the Perham Chamber of Commerce, reques- ting the County Board write a letter requesting the water level be maintained on the Otter Tail chain of lakes by contrdl.ing dams involved at the level pre- scribed by law. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bennie Johnson and unanimously carried to write to the Water Conservation Department to that effect. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimous- ly carried to enforce the 40' Set Back Ordinance on the Dale Janke property in Butler Township. 239 Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bennie Johnson and un- animously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, P. H. Gust, Sr., owner of the following described property: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block 8, Village of Underwood owner of record at the time the above property forfeited to the State of Min- nestoa for non-piyment of truces for the year 1960, has made application to repurchase said property and has paid the swn of $1,539.51 being the full amount of truces, penalties and interest. Permission to do so will be to the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 12th day of August, 1969. Attest~ Clerk 240 The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 10:00 A.M., September 29th, 1969, for the following: GRADING AND AGGREGATE SURFACING S.A.P. 56-656-05 (69) C.P. 69:56, Length 2.443 Miles, located 4.5 miles East of New York Mills to CSAH #19. Motion was made by Otto Ha;::ise to approve an appropriation for the East Otter Tail County Historical Society, motion failed for want of a secondt Motion was made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to accept the plat of Pelican Bay Shores, accompanied by an attorney's opinion as to title, subject to road approval. A letter from Laura Dunlap, Curator of the Otter Tail County His- torical Society. regarding conditions at Phelps Mill,. was read. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bennie Johnson to accept the preliminary plat for 4 lots in Nidaros Township from Elmer Holman, carried. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bennie Johnson, and carried, the meeting adjourned to 10:00 A.M., August 13th, 1969 241 I WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10:00 A.M., Wednesday, August 13th, 1969. Motion was made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Andy Leitch and un- animously carried, to approve the plat of Bay View Heights, subject to an attorney's opinion as to title and road approval, and also approval by the County Surveyor. The Board approved the preliminary plat on Otter Tail River to be called Jake's River Lots, submitted by Sherrill Jacobson. Motion was made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Andy Leitch, and unanimously carried, to approve the plat of Denwood ~cres, which was acoom- p~nied by an attorney's opinion as to title, subject to road approval and approval by the County Surveyor. James Wolfe appeared before the Board presenting his report on the Sheltered Work Shop operation and various projects they are involved with. Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Otto Haase and unanimously carried, 30¢ per capita again for 1970, was the levy approved. Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by Bennie Johnson and un- animously carried, the Blue Shield contract was continued for another year beginning September 1, 1969 at a minimal increase. Mr. McComb from the firm of Knutson & McComb presented a proposal to be sponsored by the F.H.A. in regard to sewer survey for lake areas and small village~. Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolution was adopted: ~SOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, Clarence H. Schulz, owner of the following described property: Hilcoske's 2nd Add'n to Pleasure Park -Except South 200' Lot 1 owner of record at the time the property forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes for the year 1961, has made application to repur- chase said property and paid the SUIIl of $42.17 being the full amount of taxes, penalties and interest. Permission to do so will be to the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 12th day of August, 1969. Attest: Clerk 243 Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the following reslution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of Comty Commissioners of Otter Tail Comty Minnesota, that WHEREAS ,John A. Westman, owner of the following described property: Lot 19, Block 1, Crystal Beach, Dora Township owner of record at the time the prop~rty forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of truces for the year 1960, has made application to repur- chase said property and has paid the sum of $134.20 being the full amount of truces, penalties and interest. Permission to do so will be to the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 13th day of August, 1969. Attest: ~erk 241 I Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch, and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS The County of Otter Tail does not wish to enter into competition with private enterprise and because of lack of facilities and also the abuse of park priviledges, NOW, THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved no overnight camping will be allowed at the Phelps Mill grounds and signs will be posted to that effect with a closing hour of 11:00 o'clock P.M. Dated this 13th day of August, 1969, in the city of Fergus Falls, Minnesota·. Attest: Clerk 245 Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bennie Johnson and unanintously carried, the following applications for homestead classification were approved: John H. Galland Lots 1,2 & 3, Borups Beach Dead Lake Town Emil Swanke Tr. in G.L. 6, Section 32 Dora Township Lawler H. Olson SE¼NE¼ & NE¼SE¼ & E 10 ac. Perham Township SW¼ NE¼ Sec. 36 Donald Grosek Lot in 1st Ward City of Fergus P. H. Gust Lot 17 Cear Park Club Dane Prairie Falls The Board approved the following applications for reduction of assessed valuation: Perham Flying Club Atley C. Furos George C. Revering Staffen Pederson Delphine A. Brandon Minnie M~ Stephenson Perham Township Scambler Township Village of Parkers Pr. Amor Township City of Fergus Falls Village of Pelican Rapids Damaged hanger overvalued Guest house overvalued Village property true-exempt Clerical error in market value Lack of earning capacity, part vacant House overvalued The following applications for reduction of assessed valuation were approved subject to approval by the State True Department: Algot Wal_lgren Minnesota Motor Jessie Rasmussen N, F. Bredahl Village of New Y. Mills House overvalued City of Fergus Falls House overvalued Scambler Township Swamp land overvalued Village of Pelican Rapids Storage building overvalued Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Otto Haase and unani- mously carried, to raise the fee for out of county prisoners $3.00 per day as per M.S. 1967, 641.13, to a total of $5.50. 246 r . · The Followin ls were allowed: Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen C~rlton E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Glen Melby Sidney Nelson James Le Roy Merle Bacon John Halvorson Joe Peloquin William L Martin Leonard Olson Alfred J Meyer Merlin S Rieman Charles E Johnson Clifford Engebretson Charles T Richards St Mary's Hospital Lake Region Hospital· Stem & IDn I s Drug Andrews & Meister J.C. Penny Co General Trading Co Fergus Hardware Edgetown Lumber Swanson Surplus Mobile Radion & T. V .Service Photo Center Perham Co-op Oil So Mill Standard Interstate Skelly Minnesota Motor Co Mayo's Standard Marv's 66 Highway Service Boarding of Prisioners Mileage & Expense Film Registration fees Grand Jury Notices (Postage) Postage Mileage & Subsistence II II II Subsistence II Guard Duty II II Special Deputy II II II II Scale Helper Labor & Repair Blood Sample X-Ray II II II Care of Prisioners II II Supplies II II II II Services Film finishing etc Gas etc II II II Parts & Labor Gas Gas etc II II 247 $925.00 363.72 1rkJ~CJ89 10.58 64.00 220.20 299.90 436.10 410.40 69.00 36.00 50.00 10.00 70.40 12.90 75.20 60.84 3.00 11.50 1.19 34.00 118.42 12.76 2.42 33.09 14.22 97~61 187.01 37.81 46.97 72.87 236.63 4.55 65.37 119.09 Invest. Assn. N.W. Bell Telephone CO James Bucholz Bennie Johnson Otto Haase John Snowberg Andy Leitch Frank Roberts Kenneth Clam.bey Ambrose Klinnert Laura Hotchkiss Geraldine McGuire Roger M Heidorn Jeff Tikkanen Duane Donley Dennis Greenwaldt Eugene Davenport Harris Iverson Anton Glesne Helen Skramstad Arthur D Boehne Clarence Berg Dale Radke State of Minn. Johnson Service Co Hintgen Karst Wm Galena & Sons Gust Lagerquist & Sons ~ Battle Lake Co-op Cry. , Gambles Western Chemical Co Somers Carpet Installation C-Z Chemical Co So Mill Standard V.W. Eimicke Assoc. Inc. Nelson Bros Printing Security Blank Book & Printing Co Membership Fee & Subscription. Calls Mileage & Expense II II II " Expense Mileage & Expense Weed & Seed Inspector II II WOT Soil & Water II II EOT II II II II II II II II II " II II II II II II Mileage~ Expense II II II Postage Mileage & Expense Mileage Part time Janitor Boiler Inspection Labor Parts & Labor II Services Supplies II II II II Gas supplies II II II 27.00 4.90 70.25 40.15 31~20 34.50 33.20 338.35 405.47 440.00 234.00 52.75 150.00 25.50 10.71 3.75 75-90 27.50 94.50 $).00 126.99 88.00 124.00 8.00 30.63 9.52 9.82 44.00 15.19 5.86 22.95 11.85 21.60 23.67 59.05 480.75 427.34 J· .i. Midwest Carbon C. Mason Publishing Co Oswald Publishing Co Victor Lundeen & Co Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co l•iiller Davis Co The Pierce Co Coopers Office Supply State of Minn. Doc. Sec White Drug Xerox Swedberg Floral Hintgen Karst Electric University of Minn. Lake Region Hospital C.J.Lund M.D. Wm C Dodds M.D. Village of Perham N.W. Bell Telephone Co Fergus Falls Daily Journal Henning Advocate Donald J Omodt Milo Christianson Herb Christianson Jr Gilbert Rund Hrs Carlton Eor.tensen Hrs Carlton Mortensen Dorothy Kausler Henry Bjorgo Theo Palmquist Fergus Hardware Harvey Moerill Mrs John J Steblay Mrs Bud Larson lfrs Charles Lewis Hrs Fd Skoglund Mrs ttobert Johnson Mrs C.E. Boe Elizabeth Hoff Dorothy Johnson hrs Ruth Johnson Supplies II II II II II II Supplies & Repair Supplies II Services Flower Beds at Court House Fan Registaation Fee Autopsy Charges Coroners Fees II II Rent calls Publications II O+der for Hearing .Labor Bulldozing ..., Material & abor , Matron Fees II II Phelps Mill Phelps Mill II II · Su_pP.lies · Phelps Nill Pfielps Mill Nursing Board II II II II II II II II II II Nurse II II 249 46.92 22.50 7.24 .355.84 504.57 1,246.17 .37.75 ·246.90 6.oo 1.3.97 2.32 • .32 249.00 24.88 75.00 300.00 289.0.3 25.25 60.00 214.58 425.90 4.20 4.40 .32.50 72.00 57.11 ,30.00 idt:tt 38.97 203.20 1.74 36.20 8 • .35 10.75 17.10 5.10 .95 48.30 .30.43 ,30.68 1, • Shirley Larson Nurse 96.85 Lorna McCabe II 64.78 Gloria Opatz II 13.35 Donna Quam II 38.16 Nancy Slatten II 76.24 Selma Swendsrud Home Heal th Aide 93.00 Wilma Brandt II II II 8.25 Olga Edwards II II II 6.83 Florence Ginkel II II II 27.00 Verlie Grover II II II 24.68 Opal Harvego II II II 68.85 Doris Jorgenson II II II 22.80 E Lucille Larson II II II 8.50 Ina M HcLaughlin II II II 6.53 Dorothy Mortenson II II II 4.20 ,,.,. Edna M Nelson II II " 49.05 IYlrs Pearl Ronning II II II 10.73 hrs Earl Sonmor II II " 31.88 Bernice Spangler II II II 12.98 Mrs Donna Zeigler II II II 35.10 Dale Radke Nileage 7.00 Dale R~dke Postage 10.00 Veery Ryder Box Rent & Stamps 5.00 Coopers ~ffice Supply Supp,µes 4.38 Fergus Falls Dailey Journal Subscription 8.40 Lake Region Sheltered Workshop Desks 46.00 Secretarial Service supplies 24.75 Village of Perham Rent 35.00 EOT Telephone Co Tolls & Service 44.33 Marvin Klicker Mileage & Expense 93.60 lfarvin Klicker Postage 3.00 Treck Photographic Supplies 126.45 Victor t'undeen & Co II 5.78 Nelson Bros Printing II 22.75 Secretarial Service II 13.25 Coopers II 65.76 Skroves Shoes Expense 12.00 250 E.J Grundei N.W. Bell Telephone Co Public Utilities Dept Geo ~obinson Corps# 60 World War I # 922 Perham Co-op Oil So Mill Standard Consumers Oil M & H Gas Ottertail Sld. & Sport Shop International Harvester Highway Service Ollies Champlin City of Fergus Falls Case Power & Equipment Minn. Tractor CO Ruggridge Johnson Equip Co. Inc. Ziegler Inc. ttohnson Service Co Handy Governor Sales Gordon Braness Harvey Bullock Ebersviller Implement Co Fergus Dodge Inc. International Harvester International Harvestor Knuttila Imp. Co. Inc. i:arson ½ elding Minnesota Motor Co ' Moe s Garage Olson Auto Electric Super GMC Truck Sales Farwell Ozmun & Kirk Co Art Sign .1.''"a terial Co K & G Aggregates Inc. Stadum Plumbing Notary Bond & Fees tolls & service Water, Sewage etc Grave Decoration II II Boat & \fater Safety II II II II II II II Poor Parts II II II Repairs II II II II II II II II II II II Parts Supplies II II u II II II II II II II II II II II II Equipment Rental Digging Trench ... 251 • 22.88 32.23 5.06 13.00 25.00 3.25 8.71 46.71 3.51 2.40 67.17 23.11 18.80 16.00 28.22 26.07 242.55 66.26 112.75 59.95 72.83 22.00 64.97 70.89 256.85 317.03 59.16 11.00 8.95 5.70 68.25 8.72 55.40 80.55 36.00 35.00 Franklin Fence Mrs Lenora Lindberg G.C. Mullen REA Express Village of Dalton Coast to Coast Perham Everts Lumber Co General Trading Holten Lumber Co Genuine Parts Co Larson Hardware Lampert Lumber Co Sigelman Hide & Fur Co Welder's Equipment Wilcox Lumber Co Minn. Dept of Highways Otter Tail Power Co Fergus Falls Daily Journal Mpls Blue Printing Co H.A. Rogers Co Victor Lundeen & Co Coopers Office Supply Davenports Stationery The Pierce Co EOT Telephone Co NW Bell Telephone Co Midwest Telephone Co Park Region M:utual Telephone Co Nt·l Bell Telephone Co Pelican Telephone ~o NW Bell Telephone Co Wendell P Huber G.D. Harlow Wendell P Huber Nrs Lucile R Rustad, L.R. Jensen & Roy Eggum Edward J & ~orothy Webber Stakes Gravel Gravel Freight Garage Rental Supplies II II II II II II II II II Services Prints Ad for Bids Supplies II II Rental Supplies II S:efv:i,c;e & Tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II Expense II Cash Advanced R/W II i..·. 252 • 640.00 40.00 107.52 23.37 90.00 40.90 21.59 139.72 7.85 46.81 5.45 2.54 12.30 31.70 56.27 26.96 95.42 29.40 70.97 20.20 1,652.97 3.75 20.55 13.68 29.44 11.50 7.50 14.31 23.56 9.21 80.57 409.39 114.83 10.47 1,000.00 887.80 1 ·· ~il~ur H Eckblad. Anthony Fiedler Iv,:bs 'I'helma S i,; egner hrs foary E Braun Walter Hintzen & Franklin :tarson Edward J & Dorothy ·webber Andy's 66 Service Consumers Co-op Oil Co Co-op Service Inc. NY Mills Dave's Standard Service Farmers Co-op Cteamery Fossen Oil Co Gene's Standard NY Mills Henning Sinclair Hoot Lake Pure Jim's Service Station Kraemer vil Co Mayo's Standard Service May's Standard Service Mischke Oil Station Park Region Co-op Oil Co Service Oil Co. Battle Lake Service Oil Co Underwood Twins lVi.otor Co D-A Lubricant Co Inc. Arrow Petroleum Bluffton Oil Co Soliah & Braatz Uil Co Standard Oil Co Henning Standard Oil Co Pelican Rapids Lucking Electric Northwester Refining Co . Midway Print~g C• . -·-. . .... -~-. ·-··;._ ') Sam Samdberg Frank Roberts R/W II II II II II Gas etc Gasoline Gas etc Gasoline Gas etc Gasoline II II II II Gas etc Gasoline etc II II II II Gasoline etc Gasoline & Diesel Fuel Gasoline Oil Diesel Fuel II 11 II 11 II II Wiring Asphalt Supplies II II Tpwnship Special Aid II II II 253 • 16.60 102.00 11.80 2.00 792.20 6.40 148.,23 198.96 332.01 81.78 242.71 27.80 5.65 112.38 209.90 72.60 95.26 161.81 47.16 101.10 127.52 509.58 103.42 98.07 102.30 334.49 101.36 12.80 79.50 88.20 62.68 675.98 136.00 500.00 300.00 ,J • • .. Motion was made by Otto Haase, seconded by Bennie Johnson and carried, to adjourn to 10:00 A.M., August 22nd, 1969. Chairman Attest: ~erk 254 ..