HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/22/1969MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail 1969 County Minnesota met Tuesday, July. 22nd, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., all members present. A motion was made by Otto Haase to pass a resolution effecting the control of the water level on Rush Lake at its established level as close to possible at 6.1'. After considerable discussion it was agreed to table the motion until a regular meeting to allow the Commissioners a chance to check the situation. The matter is to be brought up at the August meeting. The application for repurchase by P.H. Gust for Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block 8, Village of Underwood, was rejected upon motion made by Andy Leitch and seconded by Otto Haase, carried unanimously, according to M.S. 282.241. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to instruct the Red Cross Office and the Veterans Service Office regarding their changes in office space. Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, the County Board is to attend the meeting of Minnesota Good Roads to be held July 31st. Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, Seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: UESOLti"rtON ESTABLISHING COUI:lTY STATE AID HIGH~AYS Com.11os1<>ner Bennie J. Johnson · ptesont.ed the following resolution, · sccondod by Commissioner John ~tu]wborg; and moved its adoption. fmEEEAS, 1t is deemed necessary and of public exigency that lands for h1gh,,ay -purposes and pvblic uae ba obtained; aµd mum.Ms, Otter 'i"a.il County nan power end authority to establish, altGr. vacate ol!'·revolt.e county highways; tlOW, TmrnEllORE, in purswmce of Uinnesoto Statutes 163, it ia hereby re.solved that Otter Tatl Co\1Ilty take for use on County State Aid Highway Numb0rs 29 and 53 a right of 1:1ay in and over 1:l\e lands herein de- scribed. tosct.her ~1th · the follo,ling rights: t.11 treeo, shrubs~ Brass and het'bage within the right.of uay of said county highway, herein acquired, and to keep and have the exclusive control of the same; to ac~uire from the owners Yhosc lands f rant thereon any e1d.eting right of acc;ess to said bi~ht,,~ay and to keep and have the ~xcluaivo control of all acceae to said high~ay in accordance with the lo'.1s governing access to bighwa1a;·anestatc. in fea simple absolute to the-landa Yithin the said rigbt of way; to construct slopes upon and remove matcn:tals from tho lands b•rain epecifically mentioned · to be taken for those purposes as provided in the plans and s-pecJ.fications uh1ch are on file at tbe offic~ of the County Ung111oer, Otter Tail County, Fergue :Falls. Minnesota; and also the right to ~a.ate, dispose of, mt.d place gravel. stone, clay, dirt, sand and other materials on the laiid.s.herein npecUically antmtionad to be taken for thoaG purposes. The landEt and ris;hts ·claimed and ptop~·sod to bo so taken are situated in Otter "l'a:U Cowty. Minnesoia., and arc described as follows, and tbe na.meo of ell persons appearing of record.no lmow to the County Doard of Commiadon- era to be the owers or occupants of eaid lo.nds and rights, or interest.ed tberein, including all wh0tn the County Board of Comutsaionors, by inveatigatf.011 and inquiry to discover, together with the nature of the owership of each as nearly as can be ascertained, and the legal description of the t~acts of land th.rough uhich ttie county state aid highuaye ,1111 pass, are as foll~s: A strip ·off land over and acroos the follou:l.ng described tract: the Hest Half ofi the SouttNast Quartar (14½ of S\.\.~) of Section 1. Townahip 132 t~orth., Ran.set 43 nest. said strip being all that part of the above described tract which lies ,,itbin Fifty (SO) feet on the Easterly side of the folloviog described cont~rlinei Com.enc.a at a point 60.0 feet. tfeat and 646.4 fe•t t!orth of the South~ti8t Corn.or of Sect:lot\ l-Tl32H-R43W, thence South for a distance of 130.7 feat, thence deflect to tbe left on a 4°00' curve (Oolta Angle 63°40') for a <11stcnec of 169.3 feet co point of beginning, thence continue on said 4°00• curve for a distance of 400.0 feet, and ther~ terminating. Excepting therefrom right of Yay of ex!stlng highways. Containing 0.18 acre. mor~ or less. Alao an eaecment to construct slopes, ao sh01ffi on the. plans. contain- ing 0 .. 23 acre, whi_ch shall cease on or before Dacember 31, 1969. '!'ogetlaer with all ri$ht of accaoa, being the d.gbt of ingress to an.d cgross from that portion of.the·above deacribcd tract, not acquired herein, to County State Aid Uigltt1ay 029. · The· N11tea of pn1tti~ti know by the Board to be toe m-mera and occupants or intareeted tu the above described land and the nature of their interests are, M follows c Jert-y· ,Endetoon • 0011'18 Enderson Uaito1 Pcterl.lon t:sute. ~tal Ziarriet Thomas, Adminitltrator Parcel 4 (C.P. 69:29) A strip of land over and aeroou the following described trac:tt: 1'hc Northwest Quarter (t1W~) of Section 12 ~ Towship 132 North., lliulge 43 West. test of the Gteat Northet"n Rail~oad, aaid strip being all that part of the above deecr!bed tract which · lies within Fifty (50) f~•t on either side of the foll<,oing described. Cct\terUne, . . . cowaence at the center of Secti()U. 12wT132N-M3W, thence. Nol!'th . 01°oS' · Sq.st. fo,: ~ distance of '986.4 foet to point Qf b4g1nuing, thence. UQrtb ~3°40' W~nt for a.distance of 2~117.6 feet. thence doilect.to ,:he. ·i-:tght on a 4°00' curve (Delta Angle 63°40•) for a distance of 19 062~4 feet, and tl:ter-e torc,inattng. Exc~ptint therafrom right of '!141 Qt o~st1ng tdgturays. ' )· Containing 4.99 ecreu, more ~r le~s. Also ·an eago,nent to construct elopes·. · aa shown on -the plans• cou- ta~ning 1.ss: acres. ;ill!.ch ah.all cease on or bctore De.ccmbet ,Jl, :1969 • . Tos;ether Yi.th ~U right ~f acces~,-beiug tbe right .of. ingress to and egress fro~ that portio,n qf the above des.cr1bed tt'a.ct, not •aw.:iuired herein,· to . CountY State <1\itr W,ghway (129. · . . -. . , ·. · . ' ' . . ' ' ' ~ ' Tho namu of part1.e$ known by tbca Do•rd to be the ot1nere and occupants or interested in tile above descd.'bed. 1·anc1 and the -nature. of their interests are• ~ follows: · · · · · J¢rry Erld4t$On noru £nderaon Patccl l (C.P. 69:53) $trips of lend over and across the following desertbed trac~e= t~orth .16½ fe~t Qf Gove:r;mant tott 2, Section 1'4, Township 136 ?~ortb, Range 38 tieGt,, U~st of CS..Mi ii?3; f..aot. IIalf of tl\e No1;thi1'est Quarter · ( ll¼ of ~1.;%) of $eat1on 14•Tl36N,-lt38t'1, ·•~cept the Uorth 4~½ feet of cµe S'outh 224~ feet, West· .s>f csAir #53, . . . oaid str/Lps; b~ing al1 .those 94i-ts of· the ,above ·doscrib.~.tJ tracts \lhieh lie -1ithin SO f~et,on .either aide .cf the following described Cf!nterline: ; . ' Collll!l~ctu3 at .. the oant~r of Section: 14-Tl36N-R38W, thenc·e South 89~50' \?e~t for 4 di.stance (of 839.o feet~ _thonca South oo0 S6' r.~est for a distance of .309.l:feet, th,enc:e North op0 56' ta.fit .for a d1s--- tancu of 82~2 ·feet,, thence deflect •to the left on a 7°00' curve (nelta Anglo 84°13') for a diota,nce of 211.9 feat tc the point \; I I ~ of 'btg1nn1ng, thenc:a continue on said t0 oo• curve fore distance of 727.1 fe_et, and ther0 cemtnatS:na. Also all that part of tba East Balf of the Northwest Quart4'r (E¼ of l:3"}.1s) of Section 14-Tl36I:l-R:38W. except the tlorth 49~ feet of the. South 224fti foet .lJeat of CSAI:2 53, 1lhieb lies ~it.bin SO f•et Qtl eithe~ aide of the follo~in2 d~oc~lbed centerline: -· Commencing et the center of Section 14-Tl36N-R38U, thence South 89°so• neat for a dutancc of 839.0 feet, ib&nce South 00°56' Wcot for• diu-· t,mce of 300.1 feet, thenca·-N0:rtb 00°56' _f4st for a distance of 82.2 faat. thence deflect to tho left on a 7°00'_ curve (Delta Angle 84°13') fo~ a dist:an~e of 451.3 f'eet to point of b~ginning& thonca North 55°01• t?aat for a distance ot 100.0 feet. thence ?1ortb 48 01' ~ast for a db- tanco of 100.0 feet,. thence Wortb 41°01' l!ast for a diotatl.CO of 100.0 feet, thence North 34°01• He.eu for a distance of 100.0 feet, thenc~ r◄a:rtlt 29°36-'30" Ease, for fl d:f.Bt&nce of 26.~0 feet, and there terminat-1ns. Also all tbat -part of the -~hove dt.scribed trect .wbich lie■ between tho above descri'bad -BtTilf and the Westerly right of way line of CSAli f53. Excepting therefrom right of uay of eid.etins highways. Containing· 1. 75 -acrao, mote.· Ot leos ... Also en eaaGoot to construct t11lo~eu, as shown on the plans, · c~ntain- ing 0.53 acr~, which eh411 caS#e -c:m or before Decom!>e~ .31, 1969 •. Togcu:bor ~1th all rtsht of aQce.ss, being t?be right of ingreH to· and egrtee fro1-that portion of tt1e above described tract. not acquired "t1erein, to Count.y State; Aid lU.1t1.ttay ,,,3,. The names of parties know by.the Board·to uc tho owners and-occup~nts or intorested in tho above doscribed lsnd end the nature of their interests are, aa follows, Sal.mer fl. l'etorson Oean Peterson The Wes1::e.rly !'ifty (50) feet of the -.following deocribed tract: . the Soutbeaott Quartet". (SR!d of Section 3, ToYn.ehip 136 North, ftange 38 West. · txcept:f.ni therefrom right c,f' way of existing· h.1gh:waya. Containing l .• o ao'ro, more or lesa. Aloo en easement to construct slopes, so :,ho!Jn on th~ plano, contain- ing 0.16 acre, ubich shall cease on or before Dacember 31, 1969. Togetlter with .all right of acces.e., being tbe r1ghc of tngreas to ;lnd. ogress from that portion. of the a.bove deocd.t>ed tract. uot a~uired bt'!retn,,, to County Stote Aid Uigh~Ay 153. Th~ rutmoa of parties lmown by the Board. to be the o-wnere: and occupants or interested in tha a~ove deacribed land and the nature of their interests are, ae folltlttl?t 235 '-I •• Dated a.t reraue li'all• • Mlntuaaota chi.a _Y.!!_ day of· July, 1969. A'.rTBST1ID: BOARD OP' COUNTY COMMISSIO!IEllS OTTER TAIL COUNTY 236 h _,: Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Andy Leitch, and carried, the Board adjourned to 10:00 o'clock A.M., August 12th, 1969. Chairman Attest:~ Clerk