HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/14/1969MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to statute, the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail ..., County Minnesota met Monday, July 14th, 1969, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., all members present. Jerry Hellin, Probation and Parole officer,appeared before the Board re- questing placement of a mijn under the Minicep program. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to place said man to assist janitor. The Probation and Parole officer also requested additional office space, which is under consideration by the Board. A delegation of property owners from East Leaf Lake appeared before the Board regarding a pollution problem on East Leaf Lake. Henning Village presented a letter stating they are checking into the situation. e County Board requested the Village of Henning present a report to the County Audit r, Otto Haase to ob- tain said report. The property owners were also requested to,present their report of findings on water survey. Erland Bergsten appeared before the Board, as requeste regarding un- platted lands. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Otto accept i the Bersten lands unplatted in Section 25 of Clitherall Township, Bennie Johnson voting no. Motion carried. The Board having previously advertised for bids for Center Striping, C.P. 69:C.S., approximately 200 miles of County State Aid Highways, County High- ways and Township Roads, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Traffic Marking Service Buffalo, Minn. $16,415.00 July '_ 14 &, 1.5 Poor Quality Document Disclaimer The original or copy of a document or page of a document presented at the time of digital scanning contained within this digital file may be of substandard quality for viewing, printing or faxing needs. Motion was made, seconded and carried to accept the Bid of Traffic Marking Service, Buffalo, Minnesota, in the amount of $16,415.00, it being the only bid. The Board having previously advertised for bids for Grading & Aggregate Surfacing, S.A.P. 56-653-03 (C.P. 69:53), proceeded to open bids, which were found to be as follows: Strom Constnction Co. Moorhead, Minn. $78,524.43 Clarence Drewes Detroit Lakes, Minn. 80,325.74 Michaelson Bros., Inc. Madison, Minn. 80,966.68 Marvin E. Lund Glenwood, Minn. 85,983.10 Leonard Hillstrom Vergas, Minn. 90,972.16 Sellin Bros., Inc. Hawley, Minn. 92,252.96 Soby Construction, Inc. Fer~us Falls, Minn. 102,908.92 After consideration, motion was made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to accept the bidof the Strom Construction Company of Moorhead, Minnesota, in the amount of $78,524.43, it being the lowest bid. The Board having previously advertised for bids for Grading & Aggregate Surfacing, S.A.P. 56-629-01 (C.P. 69:29) and C.P. 69:120, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Michaelson Bros., Inc. Madison, Minn. $88,964.69 Ed Zimmerman Barret~, Minn. 93,070.73 Clarence Drewes Detroit Lakes, Minn. 98,024.06 Sellin Bros. , Inc. Hawley, Minn. 99,326.58 Soby Construction, Inc. Fergus Falls, Minn. 102,983.28 Strom Construction Co. Moorhead, Minn. 108,411.82 Marvin E. Lund Glenwood, Minn. 109,092.80 After consideration, Motion was made by Andy Leitch,.seconded by John _Snowberg and carried, to accept the bid of Michaelson Bros., Inc., Madison, Minn. in the amount of $88,964.69, it being the lowest bid. 1S8 .. ,. I. The Board having previously advertised for bids for Grading & Aggregate Surfacing , S.A.P. 56-606-02 (C.P. 69:06) proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Michaelson Bros., Inc. Madison, Minn. $99,074.70 Clarence Drewes Detroit Lakes, Minn. 109,856.26 Strom Construction Co. Moorhead, Minn. 116,584.65 Ed Zimmerman Barrett, Minn. 116,628.00 Sellin Bros. , Inc. Hawley, Minn. 129,633.31 Soby Construction, Inc. Fergus Falls, Minn. 139,232.88 After consideration and upon recommendation by the County Highway Engineer, Motion was made by John Snowbe:ig, seconded by Bennie Johnson and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Michaelson Bros., Inc., Madison, Minnesota, in the amount of $99,074.70, it being the lowest bid. The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for sealed bids to be re- ceived until 10:00 o'clock A.M., August 12, 1969 for the following equipmttt: 1. 3 One Way Snowplows to fit 27,500 lb. G.V.W. Trucks 2. 3 Wings, 10 ft. in length. Sheriff Carlton Mortensen appeared before the Board and introduced Mr. George Anderson of Detroit Lakes, from the Liquor Control Commission, who dis- cussed beer licenses, etc. Mr. Anderson offered to make himself available to an- swer any questions. Upon authorization of the Phelps Mill Board, motion was made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Otto Haase and carried, to purchase two buildings at $1,500 each for Phelps Mill, to be erected by Green Thumb. The County Auditor was authorized to purchase a new adding machine to be used in the Auditor's office. 199 Motion was made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried to vacate County Highway #41 and the following resolutions were adopted: 2CO '··"' ·• RESOLUTION VACATING COUNTY ROAD WHEREAS, County State Aid Highway No. 41 has been rebuilt and reestablished over and across lands in Section 9 of Township 136, Range 41; and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and in the best interest of the public that the old county road bed be abandoned; and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has authority and power to abandon and vacate such roads pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 163.11; NOW, THEREFORE, Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 163.11 it is hereby resolved that Otter Tail County vacate that portion of County State Aid Highway No. 41 which is no longer in use and which has been relocated and which portion of said County State Aid.Highway No. 41 to be vacated by this Resolution is described as follows, to-wit: A strip of land 66 feet wide, more or less, the centerline of which is generally described as follows: Commencing at the South- east corner of Northeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter (NE\ of SE\) of Section Nine (9), Township One Hundred Thirty-six (136) North, Range Forty-one (41) West, thence North 75Q 45' West for a distance of approximately 100.0 feet to point of beginning, th~nce continue North 75° 45' West for a distance of approximately .950.0 feet, thence North 10° 30' West for a distance of approximately 1085.0 feet to a point approximately 1215.0 feet West of the East Quarter (E\) corner of Section 9, Township 136 North, Range 41 West, on the East-West Quarter line of said Section 9 and there terminating. The names of the parties known by the board to be the owners and occupants that are interested in the above-described land are as follows: Albert D. Simons and Jules E. Simons Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this -1.!/., day of 1969. Attested: .~ County Auditor BOARD OF COUN COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY: r: ;/:2 ,\ _A ~ _/4~./4 RESOLUTION VACATING COUNTY ROAD WHEREAS, County State Aid Highway No. 41 has• been rebuilt and reestablished over and across lands in Section 9 of Township 136, Range 41; and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and in the best interest of the public that the old county road bed be abandoned; and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has authority and power to abandon and vacate such roads pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 163.11; NOW, THEREFORE, Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 163.11 it is hereby resolved that Otter Tail County vacate that portion of County State Aid Highway No. 41 which is no longer in use and which has been relocated and which portion of said County State Aid Highway No. 41 to be vacated by this Resolution is described as follows, to-wit; A strip of land 66 feet wide, more or less, the centerline of which is generally described as follows: Beginning at a point approximately 1215.0 feet West of the East Quarter (Et) corner of Section Nine (9), Township One Hundred Thirty-six (136) North, Range Forty-one (41) West on the East-West Quarter line of said Section 9, thence North 26° 40' East for a distance of approximately 200.0 feet, thence North 43° 05' East for a distance of approximately 835.0 feet, thence North 21° 40' West for a distance of approximately 1012.0 feet, thence North 07° 20' East for a distanse of approximately 374.0 feet thence North 18° 30' West for a distance1 of approximately 600.0 feet to a point lying on the North Section ~ine of Section 9, Township 136 North, Range 41 West, and there terminating. The names of the parties known by the board to.be the owners and occupants that are interested in the above-described land are as follows: Reinhart R. Sonnenberg and Bertha Sonnenberg Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this .L:ft._ day of Y-,4=• 1969, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OT TAIL COUNTY: Attested: ~ ·county Auditor hairman i ~ ~ ~ Motion was made by Otto Haase, seconded by Andy Leitch, and unanimously carried, to vacate a portion of County Road #23, and the following resolution was adopted: 203 RESOLUTION VACATING COUNTY ROAD WHEREAS, _County State Aid Highway No. 23 has been rebuilt and reestablished over and across lands in Section 33 of Township 135, Range 36; and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and in the best interest of the public that the old county road bed be abandoned; and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has authority and power to abandon and vacate such roads pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 163.11; NOW, THEREFORE, Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 163.11 it is hereby resolved that Otter Tail County vacate that portion of County State Aid Highway No. 23 which is no longer in use and which has been relocated and which portion of said County State Aid Highway No. 23 to be vacated by this Resolution is described as follows, to-wit: A strip of land 66 feet wide, ,,more or less, the centerline of which is generally described as follows: Commencing at Southeast corner, Section Thirty-three.(33), Township One Hundred Thirty- five (135), Range Thirty-six .(36), West 11.72 chains to point of beginning, North 42° West 25.33 chains, North 11° East 9.21 chains, North 41° East 4.10 chains,North 49° West 3.00 chains, Nor~h 74\0 West 7.00 chains, North 30\0 West 4.71 thains, North 40° West 17.50 chains, North 28° West 4.91 chains, North 75° West 4.33 chains, and there terminating. The names of the parties known by the board to be the owners and occupants that are interested in the above-described land are as follows: Robert P. & Joyce M. Geiser, Henry & Gertrude Dykoff, Lavida & Elaine Anderson, Alphonse Wegscheid, Bertha Kline and Elizabeth Anderson Verne Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this L!/:.. day of fla4= , 196 9 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTT TAIL COUNTY: 1.rman Att~ ~(fa_~ County Auditor Motion was made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg and W1ani- mously carried, to not accept a Warranty Deed transfering land in Section 1 of the Town of Edna which contained a metes and boW1ds description on a parcel of land containing .16 acres. The CoW1ty Auditor was authorized to send a letter to the parties in question advising of their decision. 205 TUESDAYms SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10:00 A.M., July 15th, 1969 all members present. The petition of Avery Davenport asking 1hat the N½ of SW¼ and NW¼ of Section 22 -133 -43 be set off from District #1430 to District #544 was taken up for final action. After listening to the various interested parties, motion was made by Bennie-Johnson, seconded by Otto Haase, and unanimously carried, to reject said petition. The resolution asking for dissolution of School District #1490 was taken up for final action. After.listening to the various interested parties, the Board, upon motion by Bennie Johnson, seconded by l\i.ldy Leitch and carried, issued the following Interlocutory Order, to-wit: I I ' . ~tate of ;.fflinnesota, }ss. County of. ......... ?..~.~~E ... !..~.~·~·······························--····· IN THE MATI'ER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF ...... l;:.Q~A'-JQN. ................. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.)A~Q ...... . The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of-............................ . ... '. ............ : .... ~~~.~.~ .. !~.~.! ...................... County, Minnesota, at ......... ~~!.8.'f.~ .. r.~.!.~.~ .... :: .................................. in tlie .................... ci ty ....................................... of ................ X~.!.~~~ .. t~~·~·~·································in said County, on thc ....... l.S.t.l.\ ............ clay of. ................ ~:1:1.~X .............................. , 19~?. .... , at .... ~~.:.~9. .. o'clock ... ~.: ..... M., pu,r- sua.nt to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board ·having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First-Tl1at sa·id proceedings were instituted by: (.r) st : 66&ia6is:e sf Un Dsa aJ sf '5 11 ts Or • iMw•M• z •f-........................................... Qr: •d~, Afiaacos8w, tteioptial o,z tho .............. . . ......... eiliJ of ........................................... , J@ .. :. ... : (b) :L fHJ68Htm ai9nos bv Meo , oiui, as{ nu111h1 sf ,rl8thi&rr 8 r Hiliin~ in uili liistnir-w ( v) ,1 resolution, adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting a.nd certified by the Clerk of sa.id district to the County Auditor. Sepond-Tliat less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hea,ring and the B,oard bei.n,q bf the 01>inion, from, t11e facts adduced at said hearing, that it is ercpedien.t and will be to the beRt interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said ....................... ~?.1!!~.~·~····· ......................... School District No ..... ;.~.?.~ .................... be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other eJJiating school districts or unorganized tcrritor,11 as follows, to-wit: The entire territory comprising Common School District #1490 be attached to and become a part of Independent School District #550 • . . '' ':. .. •• ' . . : ' {S) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED; That' the assets and liabilities of said ......... S.<?.tn.lll.e>.11.: ........ : .......... · ......... . School District No .... ~.~·~·~·· ....... , be distribi,tea, asfollows, t<>-wit:' · ,To Independent School District #550.a}l monies, credits, funds, property, both real and personal including taxes for the year 1969 and prior years collected after September 1, 1969, i and all obliga- tions of Common School District #1490 shall become the. obligations/ of Independent School District #550. · · : · I (4) That the outstandi:ng bon9,eq,qep~,1~f ~3:id,Comm_on,School,tjisiric:t .No. _1490., is None. .. ·· · · · . · ' · · ·· · · (5) That·· the···ptoposed· effective·· date·\ of· thi:s· ·order is September 1, 1969. Dated July lSth·,·1969;·. - Board of County Commissioners of the Co~nty~.of · Ott et·. Tail, State· of· Minnesota By /~·~ ----~""' ................... ~'---..:;...-..;...;;;; __ ..,~l'!:cfuJ~a ... 1-rm-an-- I I I I ' I I I i. I I I I I I I I I Upon motion by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bennie Johnson and carried, the Cowity Auditor was authorized to advertize for bids to be received witil 10:00 A.M., August 12th, 1969 for 120 Tons of Calcium Chloride and 120 Tons of Rock Salt. Representatives from Motorol~ and General Electric appeared before the -Board and presented specifications for Sheriff's radio system. They are to meet with Carlton Mortensen at a later date. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bennie Johnson, and wian- imously carri'ed, the following plats were approved, subject to attorney's opinion as to title, road construction as required in the ordinance of January 2, 1962: Rowid Lake Beach, Rowid Lake Swinyside 4th Add'n, East Battle Lake Perkins Addition, Otter Tail Lake Morrill Addition, Long Lake North Shore Park, Jewett Lake The East and West Soil Conservation Districts presented their budgets for the year 1970, requesting a maximum of $15,000. Motion was made by Bennie John- son, seconded by Otto Haase and carried for each district to receive $7,500 on levy for 19i70, a separate mill rate to be established in accordance with new statute. Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by Andy Leitch; ·and carried, the following applications for permit to allow consumption and display of intoxicating liquor were allowed: Floyd M. Collins Collins Landing Stan Lake Township Norman_ Craig "7811 Steak House Girard Township Clifford Haukos Last Res:rt Elizabeth Township Evelyn Smith Pine Lakes Lodge Corliss Township Arvid Tenney_ Hi-Way Park Ballroom Elmo Township Jackie Sonnenberg Hilltop Club Hobart Township Myron Mobe_rg M & M Resort Dora Township 2C8 '. Upon motion by Otto Haase, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following applications for retailer's On and Off Sale of Non-Intoxicating Mait ·. Liquor were approved: Jackei Sonnenberg Willis C. Amundson Hilltop Supper Club Woodside Store Hobart Township Woodside Township At 2:00 P.M. a joint meeting with the Grant County Commissioners com- menced for the purpose of letting bids for job #69:26, grading and aggregate surfacing. Upon motion by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Andy Leitch, Jim Bucholz was elected Chairman; upon motion by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Otto Haase, Red Johnson was elected Clerk. Upon motion by Andy Leitch, seconded by Sidney Bord- son and carried, it was agreed to complete the project approximately 3.75 miles in 1970, a continuation of project 69:26. The Board having previously advertised for bids for grading & aggregate surfacing on the 4.16 miles located on the South County Line from CSAH #1 and west, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Roy Evavold & Son Fergus Falls, Minn. $42,995.17 Leonard Hillstrom Vergas, Minn. 44,799.72 Stan Morrill, Inc. Fergus Falls, Minn. 45,930.17 Soby Construction, Inc. Fergus Falls, Minn. 48,434.73 Sellin Bros., Inc. Hawley, Minn. 55,997.65 After consideration motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Ben Fagerberg, and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Roy Evavold & Son of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, in the amount of $42,995.17, it being the lowest bid. A budget for County Extension work was presented after which Otto Haase made a motion to accept, seconded by Bennie Johnson, and carried, Andy Leitch voting no, and the following resolution was adopted: 2C9 ,. Form A-41 500 -10/68 RESOLUTION OF BO.ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROPRIA~ING FOR COUNTY EXTENSION WORK -01 ______ 01,tex:_ .I.a.iL ____________ COUNTY Year beginning__ .J!ul;i_ l_ ______ 19_69_ BE IT RESOLVED: That the sum of $ _36, 826 .90 ________ _ (Be set apart from the General Revenue Fund, or (Be made a special levy for County Extension purposes, and appropriated subject to the order of the Dean of the Institute of \ ' Agriculture of the University of Minnesota for the support of county extension work in agriculture and home economics in Otter Tail __ County, for the year beginning_ _Jul_z.]. ____ 19 _62_ _, in accordance i with Chapter 202, Laws 1953 and acts supplementary thereto.· State of Minnesota County of_·_ I, ________ ., __ , County Auditor in and for said·. ' county do hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct copy of a re,solution duly adopted b"y the Board of County Commissioners of ___ ..Jlit&:c..Tail ___________ County on this _ _/_S :!z day of . ------flu4-------196j. ···--·-•·· :,~,; i ' • I County Auditor A discussion followed 'after which Andy Leitch made a motion to retire -I Nick Weyrens, County Agent, as of January 1, 1970. Motion failed for want of a I second. Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, .the following applications for homestead classification wwere approved: Ruth Phillips Siebo Heikes R. W. Rottman Emil Johnson Hazel I. Teske Clifford Thoen John Frederickson Howard Matti Lucy Sauer Lot 5 & 6 Midland Beach Tr. in Section 14 S.L. B of Gov. Lot 3~· ex. tra. Tr. in Section 30 Lots 17 & 18, Block 3, Bonita Bch Sec. 2 -153 -43, tract Lots 1 thru 3, Block 3, Newcomb's S½ of SE¼ Section 35 Lot 9, Grand View Heights, Kapler's First Addition Dunn Township Elizabeth Township Perham Township Nidaros Township Everts Township City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus Falls Pine Lake Township Ph1e !';iakefTowashtlip The Board approved the following applications for reduction in the assessed valuation: Edward Schlicht Stanley Kristianson Rollie Thiel Wei by Is, Inc. Leon Westhoff Elaine E. Waite John H. Galland Darrell Nelson Emelie Riedman Darol A. Anderson Mrs. Frank Barnes Andrew Norgren Mary M. Crepps Tr. in Section 25 Candor Township S 1/3 of Lot 1 and N 2/3 Lot 2 City of Fergus Falls Block 3, Wright & Mendenhall's Addn. S½ of Lot 7, Block 4, Original Plat Lot l,Block 5, Bonita Beach NW¼ of Section 10 Lot 22, Nirvana Beach Lot 1, Borup's Maple Beach Tr. in Section 1 Tr. in Section 1 Lot 11, Burau Beach Add'n Lots on Clear Beach Reeort SE¼ of SW¼, W½ of SW¼ ex. N 2 rds, Section 16 Pt Lot 3 and all Lot 4 & 5, Blk 1 Prt Lot 2, Block 1 2:11 Village of .Henning Ever~s Township Rush Lake Township Nidaros Township Dead Lake Township Perham Township Perham Township Dane Prairie Township Aurdal Township Elizabeth Township Village of Battle Lake Edward A. Sellent_ Mrs. Emma Johnson G. L. 3 & 7, Section 2 Lawry's Add'n, Lots 1 & 2, Block 2 Scambler Township City of Fergus Falls The Board also approved the reduction of assessed personal property f0r the Town & Count~y Fashions, Inc., in the City of Fergus Falls, and also the Norby Department Store, City of Fergus Falls, upon approval of the State De- partment of Taxation. The Board removed the homestead classification that was erroneously granted in February, 1969, to Henry Fochrenbacher in the N'ly 1 Ac. of Lot 8, Section 4, Friberg Township. The application of Henry Adams for homestead classification on a tract in Section 16 of Hobart Township was rejected because he did not occupy the home until Apri~~ 1968. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to allow the Fergus Falls Municipal Court $250.00 per month be- ginning August 1st, 1969. l 212 The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners Of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, because of a substantial balance in the Road & Bridge ' Bond Account sufficient to take care cf 1970 bonding obligations, WE, THEREFORE, RESOLVE to .: eliminate the Road & Bridge Bonded Indebtedness levy for the year 1970. Dated this 15th day of July, 1969. Attest:~ Clerk. Chairman.t7' ·s Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg, and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS,Clarence H. Schulz, owner of record of the following described property: N½ of NW¼ (Lots 3 and 4) Section 19 -Township 135 -Range 41 owner at the time the above property had forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of truces for the year 1959, has made application to repurchase said property, and paid the sum of $70.00, being a down-payment on the full amount of taxes, penalties and interest in the total of $668.40, balance to be paid in ten equal instalments, plus interest. Permission to do so will be to the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 15th day of July, 1969. Chairman ATTEST: ~Clerk J- L 214 Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by Bennie Johnson, and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, Mrs. Jack Ferguson and Robert Ferguson, heirs to the estate of Jack Fe_rguson, owner at the time of forfeiture, of the following described property: SE¼ of Block 9, Thoelke's Add'n to the Village of Richville, which property forfeitrl to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes for the year 1960, said heirs making application to repurchase said pro- perty and have paid the swn of $43.20, being the full amount of taxes, penalties and interest. Permission to do so will be to the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 15th day of July, 1969. Chairman Attest:~ _., Clerk 2:15 Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bennie Johnson, and carried, Andy Leitch voting no, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS it is the intention of said Board to participate in the health planning process on a comprehensive areawide basis as provided in the federal legislation, and WHEREAS we recognize th~ Min-Oak Areawide Comprehensive Health Plan- ning Council ,as having over-all responsibility of comprehensive health planning in the sixteen county area; for establishi_ng planning priori ties and work allocations; for determining policies; and supervising activites for planning conducted under a federal grant for a two year period; NOW, THEREFORE, we the Commissioners of Otter Tail County do hereby enroll Otter Tail County in the Min-Oak Areawide Comprehensive Health Plan- ning Council. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 15th day of July, 1969. Attest:~ Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY t 216 The following estimate of expenses for the following year is hereby submitted: Salaries of County Officials Clerks, Janitor, etc. Deputy Sheriffs, Jailer & Clerks Commissioners' Salaries & expenses Board of Prisoners Sheriff's & Deputies Expenses Superintendent of Schools Expenses District Court Jurors Bailiff's & Reporters Miscellaneous Court Municipal & Justice Court Books, Blru1ks & Stationery Mental Illness & Inquest Expenses Appropriations Equipment & Maintenance Court House Grounds Light, Fuel, Repairs & Supplies County Agents County Nursing Service Printing & Advertising County Assessor & Assistant's Salary & Expense Attending Assessor's Meetings Election Expenses $ 92,500.00 125,450.00 83,804.00 22,500.00 ll,000.00 20,500.00 800.00 15,500.00 8,500.00 ll,000.00 5,000.00 31,000.00 5,500.00 4,600.00 18,400.00 500.00 28,000.00 I - 36,826.00 55,000.00 17,500.00 33,000.00 3,500.00 Veterans Service Officer 18,000.00 Retirement, Blue Shield & Blue Cross 27,000.00 County Planning Commission 1,000.00 Weed Inspector 6,000.00 Phelps Mill 6,000.00 ( 217 Probation Officer & Clerk Audit Expenses MiscEilaneous Revenue County Welfare County Road & Bridge Fund County Poor Fund 25 Mills $14,000.00 7,500.00 45,000.00 683,204.00 622,713.45 100,000.00 Respectfully submitted, County Au~ 218 ~"\ . I .i TO THE COUNTY BOARD, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to law I present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for County purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and appor- tioned to date, and the balances uncoHected, together with the actual cash. balance remaining to the credit of each County Fund at the c~ose of business on the 30th day ofJune, 1969. ~ ounty Au itor Amount Levied Amount Collected Balance Uncollected for and or FUNDS Current Year Apportioned Unapportioned County Revenue Fund: P.E.R.A. $ 24,364.11 $ 2,846.10 $ 21,518.01 County Agents 34,089.02 2,974.06 31,114.96 Audit Expense 5,437.72 631.97 4,805.75 County Ordinary 424.994.49 49,611.57 375.382.92 Po111r Fund 110,038.64 12,842.59 97,196.05 Road & Bridge Fund, 540.166.16 63,043.73 477,122.43 County Buildings 53,012.90 6,186.94 46,825.86 County Welfare 570,861.82 66,639.13 504,222.69 R & B Bond Account 120,063.19 14,313.51 105,749.68 Veterans Service 21,204.66 2,474.52 18,730.14 County Fairs 13,196.64 1,545.91 11,650.73 Sheltered Workshop 14,624.02 1,710.46 12,913.~6 $1,932,053.37 $224,820.49 $1,706,232.78 Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows: (P.E.R.A. County Revenue Fd (Co. Agents (Audit,;•Expense Poor Fund Road & Bridge Fund County Building County Welfare R & B Bond Account Veterans Service County Fairs Shelt~red Workshop Debit $118,655 .oo · Balances Credit $177,117.95 199;527.52 427,774.62 91,:157 .03 138,633.66 24,827.31 15,987.06 8,187.75 The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, THAT there be levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, payable during the year 1970, the following amounts for the several County Funds: ATTEST: Revenue Fund Phelps Mill, County Revenue County Agricultural Service, CouRty Revenue Public Employees Pension Contribution, County Rev. Public Examiner's Past Audit Expense, County Rev. Road & Bridge Fund County Poor Fund County Building Fund County School Transportation County School Tax Fund County Welfare Fund County Veteran's Service County Fairs Sheltered Workshop Road & Bridge Bond Account Adopted this 15th day of July, 1969. ----- 220 $423,174.00 6,000.00 36,826.00 27,000.00 7,500.00 622,700.00 100,000.00 53,000.00 / ;., /5&,otJ ,o~J JJ,.oo 683,204.00 21,200.00 13,300.00 14,688.00 The. F0ll(ndng Carlton E Hortensen Carleon E Mortensen Carlton E Mortensen Glen Melby James LeRoy Sidney Nelson ,., , Merle Bacon Sidney Nelson Frederick Swenson Joseph Peloquin Joseph Peloquin John Halvorson Clifford Pederson Alfred J Meyer Richard Habberstad Aru.an Kenyon American Red Cross {· ({~~~-~ \\\\ .. ·,. were all6wed: Sirchie Fingerprint Lab. Vore Surge Store Fergus Glass & Paint Fergus Jobbing General Trading Coopers.., Offic.e Supply Edling ""lectric The Photo Center Empire Bus. Machine Lyst~ds Inc. Pelican Valley Motor HiWay Auto & Impl. Jim Larson Ford Daves-Standard, Henning Daves Standard, Pelican Rapids Mayors Standard Service Oil Twins Motor Doc's Tire Service N • W • Bell 'Telephone Co Perham Co-op Oil Boarding of Prisioners Mileage & Expense Box Rent & Postage Mileage & Subsistence II II II II II II Redemption Notice mileage Extra Jailer II Subsistence II Guard Duty Special Deputy Witness Fee Scale Helper Co Highway Patrol Booklets Supplies II II II II II & Repair Parts Supplies & .1.·inishing Supplies Pest Control Parts & Labor Grease, Oil etc Repair & labor Gas etc II II II II II Tires & Repair Calls Gas etc 2Zl 552.50 348.96 .39.60 343.90 298.80 234.10 223.00 115.30 56.00 14.00 33.00 72.00 · 10.00 3.25 73.60 1.03 25.10 46.00 ·30.26 25.30 5.29 ~:if19 76.06 55.00 16.45 10.45 26.45 140.21 106.79 6.14 6.10 6.oo 103.00 96.16 Perham Co-op Uniforms Unlimited Battle lake Farmers Oil Battle take Farmers Oil Super GMC Fergus Oil Dunkers Marine Dave's Standard Pelican Rapids Daves Standard Henning i, James Bucholz Bennie Johnson John Snowberg .. ndy Leitch "' Kenneth Clam.bey Frank Roberts Roger M Heidorn Dennis Greenwaldt Bd.win Skoglund Duane Donley Jeff Tikkanen Herman Enslin Arnold Evavold Theodore Hegseth Homer Sem Glen Haugrud Melvin Trosvig Frank A1stadt Walter Sundberg Carl Richert Nels Hanson Mrs Gerald Zeise Raymond Bruhn Mrs Arnold Stock Max Kronemann Jr Eugene Davenport Harris Iverson Anton Glesne Tire Repair Boat & Water Safet Su~_plies Gas etc II Repair Supplies II II II II II Labor & Repair Gas ltc Bo!f.t II II II Mileage~ Expense II II Expense II II Weed & Seed Insp II II " EOT Soil & Water II II II II II II II II II II II II II II WOT II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Co Planning Meeting II II II II II II II II II Co Extension Meeting II II II II " II II II II Mileage & Expense II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II n II 222 40.30 48.65 15.57 7.43 6.72 39.57 14.47 47.64 48.50 44.00 13.00 22.90 365.06 373.45 ~a.00 26.33 24.30 36.39 29.40 29.85 55.50 10.20 9.60 45.65 66.80 66.50 7.80 7.50 1.50 51.28 97.15 128.55 Angel~• Glawe Myrtle E togas Myrtle E I.ogas Myrtle E I.ogas Helen Skramstad Helen Skramstad Henry Polkinghorn Arthur D Boehne Vernpn Bachman Mrs Harry Fretland Mrs Martin Hanson Clarence Berg Knute Hanson Herb Chriatanson Jr Dale ~dke Kimber Awning OtterTail Co-op Oil Bill Ebersviller Co Jerry's Electric Repair Fergus Glass & Paint Gilbert Rund Gust Lagerquist Luxor Lighting Products Inc. Wm Galena & Son Gambles General Trading Knutson Electric Edling Electric Lewis E Schamberger Harvey Morrill Theo. Palmquist Fergus Hardware Edgetown Lumber Stem & Ems Drug Mason Publishing Co Nelson Bros Printing Midwest Printing State of Minn. Doc Sec. Wages & Mileage Box Rent Supplies Clerk of Court Seminar Box rent & Postage Register of Deeds Seminar Mileage & ~ense Mileage Postage Extra Help Co Supt. " II II Mileage Civil Defense Bull dozing Extra Janitor Supplies Parts & Labor ti Parts & Repair Labor & Parts Carpeting & Supplies Labor & Repair Elevator Exam Supplies Supplies & Labor Keys Oil Electric Drill Parts & Labor Phelps Mill II II II II II II II ti Supplies II II II II 223 . 313.87 1.a.00 100.20 108.00 42.00 28.05 111.26 30.00 48.00 48.00 51.70 200.00 67.50 120.00 2.00 11.34 6.22 1,921.63 8.30 132.00 171.72 365.72 1.55 12.00 20.00 29.75 44.90 94.62 251.20 3.45 35.61 4.90 22.00 523.60 22.50 45.00 Coopers Office ly Davenports Stationary IBM Corp The Photo Center Victor Lundeen Miller Davis Pelican Office ~pply Security Blank Book & Printing Poucher Printing & lithographing Xerox Corp Xerox Corp N. W. Bell Telephone Co Fergus Falls Daily Journal Fergus Falls Daily Journal The Parkers Prairie Indep. Henning Advocate Pelican Rapids Press Perham Enterprise Bulletin Battle Lake Review Esther Mortensen Esther Mortensen ~ Mathison Ins Co Village of Perham C. J. Lund M. D. Ivan Bigler M. D. Earl Bigler M. D. Henry Korda M.D. Homer Carlson M. D. Everett Hanson M. D. Mineral Springs City of Fergus Falls Mrs Robert H Johnson Mrs Ed Skoglund Mrs Bud Larson Mrs John J Steblay Elizabeth Hoff Mrs .Llorothy Johnson Supplies II Maintenance Agreement Supplies n II II n II Services n Calls Ads II II II II II Manpower Survey Matron li>ee n II CeU£ t. Oest Coroners Fees II II II II II II II II II n Poor II Nursing Board II II II II II II Nurse II 224 50.05 24 • .38 49.25 14.10 180.96 261.78 1.3.56 .36 • .36 228.30 42.50 .302.67 158.91 .308.70 5.76 1.3.80 9.60 22.05 17.50 133.90 20.00 10.00 1188.00 60.00 197.10 27.20 25.40 27.20 25.70 193.38 5.10 7.80 2.70 7.35 24.60 .33.23 Mrs Ruth Johnso Joyce E ½.ndgren Sharon L Mann Loma McCabe Gloria upatz Donna Quam Nancy Slatten Wilma Brandt Mrs Iona Butcher Mrs Olga Edwards Verlie Grover Doris Jorgenson Ina M Mclaughlin M. Dorothy Mortenson Edna M Nelson Mrs Pearl Ronning Mrs Earl Sonmor Bernice Spangler Selma Swedsrud Mrs Donna M Ziegler Coopers uffice Supply Vernon R Maack Moorhead Area Voe. School Nelson Bros Printing Wadena Pionee~ Joumal Village of Perham Philip Kjaglian Philip Kjaglien Rachel Estrem Marvin Klicker Midwest Printing Coopers 'j . : . .J '--:__ ·, ·.• Ywwipt Victor mndeen Treck Photographic Inc. Hintgen Karst Secretarial Service Nurse " II " ,, " II Home Health Aide II , .. " " II II II II II II II II II II II II II II " II II . II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Supplies Registration Fee Enrollment Fee Supplies Ads Rent Mileage & Expense Machine Rental & labor Hire :Mileage Postage Supplies Servfce & Repair Supplies II II II 225 44.03 5.10 5.03 83.73 26.93 64.43 20.10 6.oo 46.80 19.35 14.28 15.75 6.53 4.50 29.70 17.25 25.50 18.08 62.10 27.83 9.95 3.00 21.00 145.60 5.80 35.00 67.05 37.63 J.45 J.00 15.50 31.74 37.25 184.82 4.76 6.75 Nelson Bros Pr g N .w. Bell Telephone Co Public Utilities Dept. Straub Co Paul Putman Post# 289 American Legion Aux# 289 Harold T Swenson Post 612 Harold T Swenson Aux 612 DAV Aux Chapter #,25 Case Power & Equipment F'V'lD Corporation Hayden Murphy Equip. Co Ruffridge Johnson Equip. Co Baas Oil Co Ebersviller Impl. Co Supplies Service & Tolls Water etc Rent Grave Decorating _ II II II II II II II II Parts II II II Rijpairs II International Harvester Sales & Service Repairs Fergus Dodge Inc. Jerrys Electric Repair Iarson Welding ,L'l Minnesota otor Co National Bushing & Parts Park Region Oil Co Perham Farm Supply Suhr Ford Sales Inc. -Super GMC Swanson Equiplp.ent Co N.W. Refining Co Elk River Concrete Products Paper Calmenson & Co Fleet Ti.re Mart Service Oil Battle ~ke West Ottertail Soil Cons. Melvin McGowan Bauck 1s Paint~ Supply Farmers Elevator Erhard Northwood Specfalty Co Jim Larson Ford Repairs II II II II II II II II II Asphalt Culverts Cutting Edges Tires· T:ireiT Trees Seeding Seed II Stakes Tow Charge f, ;. 226 31.00 34.28 5.01 50.00 25.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 27.82 220.56 97.92 940~18 15.80 72.95 144.24 11.37 1.75 4·.50 56.79 43.97 31.50 21.82 6.83 50.84 1.34 5,605.64 240.42 208.80 291.20 281.51 675000 324.00 316.05 174.90 177.50 4.00 1 Leonard Hillstr Pol.man Transfer Inc. Minn. Mining & Mfg. Co Pheoll Mfg. Co North American Chemical Co Coast to Coast Battle Lake Coast to C~st Pelican Rapids Crane Johnson Co Gamble Store NIM General Trading Genuine Parts Holten Lumber Co Pelican Paint & Glass Sigelman Hide & F'llr Standard Oil Battle Lake Swansons Surplus Hall's Hardware Wilcox Lumber Co Henning Wilcox Lumber Co Vergas Village of Bluffton Village of Deer Creek City of Fergus Falls Village of .tienning Minn. Dept of Highways Otter Tail Power Co Vic Arneson Ins. Agency 8 Fergus Falls Journal The Photo Center Victor Lundeen & Co Poucher Printing & Lithographing Davenports Stationery The Pierce Co. Coopers office Supply EOT Telephone Co NW Bell Telephone Co Midwest Telephone Co Park Region Mutual Telephone Co Tow Chagge Freight Supplies 11 II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 11 Garage Rental II 11 Road Maintenance Garage Rental Expense Prints Notarial 0 ond notice to Contractors Supplies II II II II Machine Rental Service & Tolls II II II II II II 227 28.00 4.75 375.00 121.48 124.17 33.10 26.86 1.95 2.64 212.64 5.80 23.85 37.86 29.15 315.78 27.90 135.81 27.67 8.10 260.80 210.00 561.25 358.93 1.08 23.60 7.00 44.10 1.40 6.10 13.86 5.25 68.20 15.00 28.SJ 14.47 7.80 17.26 NW Bell Teleph 0 Pelican Telephone Co NW Bell Telephone Co Wendell P Huber G.D. Harlow Wendell P Huber Consumer Co-op Oil Henning Farmers Co-op Creamery Assn Firestone Store Fossen Oil Co Highway Co Service Station Hoot Lake Pure Jim's Service Station Jim's & Wally's Mileage lakeside Service Mayo's Standard Service Perham Co-op Oil Co Perham Shell Service Rays Oil Co Service Oil Underwood Theodorson Mobil Service Vergas Oil Co D-A Lubricant Co Standard Oil Henning Erhard Oil Penrose Oil Co Standard Oil Pelican Rapids Soliah & Braatz Bluffton Oil Co Andy's 66 Service Otto Hoffman Duane D & Jeanette Schultz Starr L Cos: Kenneth Benzinger Elwin Drechel Clarence O Nelson James G Drechsel Service & Tolls II II II II Expenses II Cash Advanced Gas etc II II Gasoline II II II Gas etc Gasoline II II II II Gasoline II II Gas etc Oil iJ Motor il Gas & Diesel Diesel Fuel II II Fuel Oil Gas etc II II Appraisal Fee R/W II II II II II 2:?8 17.56 105.48 195.88 118.48 3.30 69.33 239.01 51.23 36.01 69.54 230. 73 73.30 121.16 75.61 115.63 109.55 108.58 105.81 112.29 70.00 137.34 271.15 33.99 221.50 81.55 61.60 33.20 172.10 82.28 50.00 ll6.30 78.80 75.60 118.96 5$.35 32.40 1 • .. F~rdinand To.n ' <I. R/W 74.90 Ralph W Drechsel II 88.10 Clarence E Schulz II 59.28 Clarence O Nelson II 47.60 Theodore G Anderson II .38.60 lawrence Swiontek II JJ.40 Mrs Margaret F Miller II 86.10 Mrs Florence Danielson II .3.3.00 Gordon Supernois II .32. 70 Mrs Emma T Braaten II 11.00 Harry Buehler II 19.80 Henry Detmer II 1.20 Albert Bunkowski II 72.68 lake Sybil Cemetery Assn II 1.00 lake Sybil Rod & Gun Club II 20.00 Mrs Elinor M Chambers II .30.60 Walter Glawe II 469.55 David E Antonsen II 43.50 Raymond Bruhn II 79.60 Otto Richter II 76.80 L.E. Scheipper II 548 • .35 Nathaniel J McConachie II ~5~7t • ..:/4- Clifford G Conger II 129.55 Richard C Wilbur II 135.00 Reuben Franklin II 28.20 Harold Neu II 8.20 Walter Glawe II 12.40 Harry Buehler II 6.oo Aaron Roberts II 107.18 Luke Auen II 81.98 Donald A Du.Mont II 34.80 Arnold Weller II 583.03 Richard Imsande II 9.20 Wm F. Haman II 299.20 Nick Goldie II 118.65 Reuben Simpson II 38.38 Kenneth A Richter II 50.60 Lorr-a,; 11c:.. 229 ~,,.a I ♦12no;se,.I":.T-~~ II 28 .. 'ZO ....... . " . Upon motion made by Otto Haase, seconded by Bennie Johnson, and unanimously carried, the Board adjourned to 10:00 A.M., July 22nd, 1969. Attest: ~ ~~Clerk 230