HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/10/1969MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board of County Commissioners of Otter \I\ \/C\ Tail County Minnesota met June 10th at 10:00 o'clock A.M., Otto Haase being ab- sent. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch, and-carried, to meet@ 10:00 A.M., June 23rd, for a special meeting to amend the Subdivision changing the effective date for submitting preliminary plats Control Ordinance/until January l, 1970. Motion was made, seconded and carried for the Commissioners to attend a meeting with the National Cash Register representative at Moorhead at noon on June 23rd, to view machines at Clay and Cass Counties. A delegation from Carlisle Township, Frank Fjestad spokesman, appeared before the Board regarding Highway #52 turnback, requesting assurance that work would be done when turn back funds become available. Motion was made, seconded and carried to view roads at 9:30 A.M., July 8th, 1969. Motion was made by Commissioner Leitch, seconded by Commissioner Snowberg, and carried, authorizing the County Auditor to advertise for bids to be received until 2:00 P.M., July 15th, 1969, for the following: S.A.P. S.A.P. 56-626-04 (69) 26"".626-80 GRADING & AGGREGATE SURFACING C.P. 69:26, Length 4.161 Miles, located on the South County Line from CSAH #1 and West 4.161 miles, comprising approximately 124,567 cubic yards Common Excavation and 6,020 tons of Aggre- gate Surfacing, Class 1, in place. r------1 158 June I ' 1.0_&_1_1___; Poor Quality Document Disclaimer The original or copy of a document or page of a document presented at the time of digital scanning contained within this digital file may be of substandard quality for viewing, printing or faxing needs. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Highways be, and he hereby is, requested to recommend to the Commissioner of Public Roads the selec- tion of the road hereinafter described as a part of the system of secondary and feeder roads eligible to receive Federal-Aid. Attest: Clerk COUNTY STATE-AID HIGHWAY NO. 53 Beginning at a point on or near the Northeast corner of said Section 27, Township 136 North, Range 38 West, thence Northeasterly through Sections 23 and 14 to approximately the Nortl1 line of Government Lot 2, Section 14, thence Westerly and Northerly to a point approximately 594.0 feet South of the North quarter of Section 15; thence Northerly on the quarter line through Sections 10 and 3 to approximately the interior quarter corner of Section 3, and there terminating. Adopted this 11th day of June, 1969. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a Resolution duly passed, adopted, and approved by the County Board of OTTER TAIL County on June 11, 1969. ~ County Auditor County of OTTER TAIL (SEAL) 159 / RESOLUTION The following Resolution was offered by Commissioner Bennie Johnson: Be It Resolved, That the following described road, being approximately l .0 mile in length be added to the County State Aid Highway System of Otter Tail County: Beginning at a point on the Northeasterly line of the state highway right of way of Trunk Highway No. 10 as it is now constructed, said point on the right of way line is located in the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (E½ NEk SEk) of Section 2, Township 137 North, Range 40 West approximately at old Engineer's Station 509 plus 61; thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly side of the Northern Pacific Railway through the East Half (E½) of said Section 2 to the North line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NWk of NEk) of said Section 2, Township 137 North, Range 40 West (being the North line of Otter Tail County) and there terminating, and that said addition to the County State Aid Highway System be known as CSAH No. Old 10. Be It Resolved, That the following described road, being approximately 12. 1 miles in length be added to the County State Aid Highway System of Otter Tail County: Beginning on the Westerly line of the state highway right of way of Trunk Highways Nos. 94 and 52 as it is now constructed, said right of way line is located approximately 753 feet Westerly of the Southeast corner of Section 7, Township 133 North, Range 43 West; thence Westerly along the South line of Section 7, Township 133 North, Range 43 West and Section 12, Township 133 North, Range 44 West to a point approximately 68 feet West of the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter (SWk) of said Section 12, Township 133 North, Range 44 West; thence continue in a Northwesterly direction along the Northeasterly side of the Great Northern Railway, through the West Half (W½) of Section 12, the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NEk NEk) of Section 11, through Section 2, all in Township 133 North, Range 44 West; thence continuing Northwesterly through the Southwest quarter (SW¼) of Section 35, the East Half of Section 34, through Section 27, the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NEk NEk) of Section 28, through Section 21, the West Half of the Southwest Quarter (W½ SWk) of Section 16, the East Half (Ek) of Section 17, through Section 8, the West Half of the Southwest Quarter (W½ of SW¼) of Section 160 I 5, and the East Half (E½) of Sect on 6, a]] ln Township ]34 North, Range 44 West, thence cont nujng Northwesterly ihrough Sectlon 31 to the Northwest corner of said Section 31, Town~ ship 135 North, Range 44 West; thence Norther]y aJong the East side of the Hest line of Sect l on. 30, Town sh l p 135 North, Range 44 West (along the East half of Fjrst Street in the Village of Rothsay) to the North ! ine of the West Half of the ilorthwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (tv½ N\,l-t, S~J-k) of said Section 30, Township 135 North, Range 44 West, a~d there terminating. and that said addition to the County State Aid Highway System be known as CSAH No. Old 52. Be It Resolved, That the following described road, being approximately 0.5 mile in length, be added to the County State Aid Highway System of Otter Tail County: Beginning at a point on the Northeasterly line of the state highway right of way of Trunk Highway No. 2]0 as it is nbw constructed, said point is located.in the West Half nf the \.Jest Half (14½ H½) of Section 33, Township 133 North, Range 43 \,Jest approximately opposite new Engir,eer's Station 629 plus 50; thence Easterly along the East and West quarter · 1 ine of Section 33, Tbwnship !33 North, Range 43 West to_ the Wesi corporate limits of the City of Ferg4s·Fa]]s ne~r the center of said Section 33, Township 133 Nortli, Range:43 West, and there terminating. and that said addition to the County State Aid Highway System be known as CSAH No. O]d 210. The above Resolution ~as duly seconded by Commissioner.Otto Haase, and unanimously adopted by the Board. Dated June 11, 1969 .. ATTEST: CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the above is a true a~d correct copy of a Resolution duly passed, adopted and approyed by 1he County ~oard _of pTTER TA!L County on June ll, 1969. . . . . - ~ Coun~-~ County of OTTER TAIL (SEAL) 161 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED That effective as of July 1st, 1969 that that portion of old Trunk Highway No. 210 beginning on the Easterly line of the state highway right of way of Trunk Highway No. 210 as it is now constructed, said right of way line is located in the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE¼ SE¼) of Section 6, Township 132 North, Range 39 West approximately at old Engineer's Station 1170 plus 60 in the Village of Clitherall; thence Easterly through said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE¼ SE¾) of Section 6 to the East line of said Section 6, Township 132 North, Range 39 West in the Village of Clitherall, and there terminating, be revoked as a county road, returning the same back to the Village of Clitherall. Adopted this 11th day of June, 1969. 1 Attest: Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a Resolution duly passed, adopted, and approved by the County Board of OTTER TAIL County on June 11, 1969. County Auditor County of OTTER TAIL (SEAL) 162 RESOLUTION REVOKING A PORTION OF COUNTY STATE AID HIGH\~AY NO. 5 The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Andy Leitch: WHEREAS, due to the reconstruction of T.H. #210, it becomes necessary to revoke part of the original designation, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that that portion of County State Aid Highway #5, as follows: All that part of County State Aid Highway #5 that lies between the new T.H. #210 and the old T.H. #210 and lies along the Easterly line of Section 5, Township 132 North, Range 39 West, be revoked as County State Aid Highway #5. Adopted this 11th day of June, 1969. Attest: Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a Resolution duly passed, adopted and approved by the County Board of OTTER TAIL County on June ll, 1969. (SEAL) 163 K. W. Hanson, County Auditor County of OTTER TAIL RESOt.UT IOti OF OTTER lAlL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . --------- ' WHEREAS• Otter Tail County by the Otter Tai 1 County Board of Commit• s toners, end Grant County by the Gr~nt County 8oard of Commhs loners desh·.; to establ hh and grade. a county• I lne: ro~d known and desorlbed ,s CSAH No •. i6 by Otte,· Ta·u· County, Minnesota,.. and ~s CSAH -No. 26 by Grant County, Mtnne• ' ' eota, ~nd 1ylng on a 1-tne between tetd counties. NO\.I I TH£REFORE • ~T 1.S-KEF\ESY: IU!SOlVEO • Sy the Otter T&fl County . ' Board of Commissioners .that Otter rau County Htghway CSAH No. 26 and Grant County Highway CSAtt'No. _26, -whl.ch _1s· more partlcu1a~1y de$crtbed ln the speclflcatl~s of the ouer·Tatl ~o~ty Eng.lneer i3S Project S.A.P. 56-626•04, and by.the En9fneer of.Graot Coun~y ~s S~A.P. 26·626•80, hereby be establlshed and 9raded at $p.eclfled ln the spactfJeatlons heretn. 2. The .pre t 1rnlnary engineering ~osts shall be sher~d Fifty per cent (50%) by the County of Otter Taf1 and_ Fifty ·per cent (SOI) by the Cou~ty- of Grant between CSAH II, known es the· Ven.dell_ Road, and approJClmately i.. 2 ml les West. J. That the constrt.tetJon engtneertng fs to be perfotrn$d by the e~Joy .. _ ees of. the Ott•r TaH ·c~unty Highway: Department and the construction e~glneertng . · costs 1;1nd the eonuruc.t Ion costs between c,AM-#1, known ~'-ihe Wend~tl Road,· and approximately l,.2 miles \lest are to be shared on a S0-50 basis,. the· County of Otter tall paylng Ftfty per cent (50%) thereof end the ·County of Grant paying Fifty per c~nt (501). thereof • . 4, That the contracts shall be let at Fergus S"a-l°h, Hln.nesota on July 15, _1969 at 2:00 P._M.,.and both County Boards shall be preseht for-the lettlng of said contract and the majorhy of each County8oard must vote approval _of 1atd contract prior to acceptance thereof. 5. That the part lal estimates-shall be s lgned by the Otter Tall . . . . CCUAty Engh,eer and the final estlmate5 shall be 5lgned by both the Otter Tail tounty Engineer and the Grant County Engfneer. The perttal estimates and the f lnal est lmatos shall be paid by Otter Tai 1 Col.lnty and then • bl H wf 11 be presented to Grant County for one .. half of th-e cost of the projeet. 6. The orfg.lo.al plans shall be approved end s lgnad by both the Otter Tt11 County •nd th& Grant Cou~ty Engineers, prfor to safd plans being effect1ve or legally binding upon thef"° rraspecttve count1as~ 7. The right· of way of the· roadway -aforesaid which Iles wfthln the geograph1c Hmhs 'of Otter Tall Col.Jnty shall be-obtalned by Otter Tall County, and th• rtg~t of way of the above described roadway which 1tes within the g,iographfc 11m1ts of Grant Co~ty shall be obtained by Grant County. Each eounty shall pay fo.r Its respective costs In .obtafnlng said r1 ght of way. . Dated this JOth day of June, 1969.- ,, {/ . . '.-~-/4--~ -K. w. Hanson, Au tor ' · ' Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bennie Johnson and car- ried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS Gateway Builders, Inc., Fargo, North Dakota, were the successful bidders in the construction of a vehicle storage building in the Village of Battle Lake, and same has been built to the satisfaction of the County H_ighway Department and County Board of Commissioners, NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to make final payment in the amount of $2,200.00 for Final Estimate No. 3, to Gateway Builders, Inc., Fargo, North Dakota, it being the balance due. Dated this 10th day of June, 1969. Chairman Attest: 166 Motion was made by Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Leitch and carried authorizing the County Auditor to advertise forlids to be received until 11:00 A.M., July 14, 1969 for the following: C.P. 69:C.S. CENTER STRIPING Approximately 200 mils of County State Aid Highways, County Highways and Township Roads to be center striped and approximately 1,530 gallons of yellow paint. GRADING & AGGREGATE SURFACING S.A.P. 56-606-02 (69) C.P. 69:06 Length 4.981 Miles, located from 0.5 mile West of the junction of CSAH #59 and #6 to junction of CSAH #65 and C.H. #129 S.A.P. 56-629-01 (69) C.P. 69:29 Length 3.591 Miles, located from junction with T.H. #210 to a point approximately 3.6 miles Southeast, comprising approximately 279,114 cubic yards of Common Excavation and 4,600 tons of Aggregate Surfacing. C.P. 69:120 Length 0.611 Mile, located from the junction of CSAH @29 and East for 0.6 mile S.A.P. 56-653-03 (69) C.P. 69:53 Length 4.286 Miles, located from the !unction of CSAH #8 and Southeast approximately 4.3 miles, comprising approximately 193,078 cub yards of Common Excavation and 5,700 tons of Aggregate Surfacing. Motion was made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried authorizing the County Auditor to advertise for bids for the sale of the old gravel pit in Pelican Township, to be received until 11:00 A.M., August 12th. Motion was made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg and car- ried, to attend a meeting at Ada, Minnesota, on June 16th with the State Legis- lators to review bills passed at the last Legislative Session.· Ken Carlson of the G.E. Mobile Division presented a proposal for a new mobile unit for the Sheriff's Department. Carlson agreed to survey1he present system and present recommendations at the meeting of the County Commissioners on July 15th~ 1:00 P.M. 167 Motion was made by Bennie Johnson., seconded by Andy Leitch and carried to approve the following applications for homestead classfication. Anna Maikke Edward & Ruby Nordenstrom Roe Fuller Newton Township Dora Township Friberg Township Village of Vergas Amor Township Larry J. Wouters Hortense M. Kleemeier Walter Berglund F. J. Kloster Wm. Syvock Eagle Lake Township Dane Prairie Township Everts Township The following applications for reduction of taxes were approved by the County Board Floyd Johnson Louis & Esther Bensch Clara F. Thompson Richard L. McKibben Wm. F. Hamon Reynold M. Martini Pelican Rapids Baptist Church Ferdnand Heckert Everett Gilbertson Clyde Imsande Tr. in Sec. 26, Gorman Tract on Eldorado Beach Amor Township Tr. in Sec. 12, Elizabeth Lot 3, Blk. 1, Lida Shores SE¼SE¼ Sec. 31, Blowers NE¼NE¼ Sec. 7, Blowers Village of Pelican Rapids SE¼SW¼ Sec. 28, Effington NW¼NW¼ & Lot 2, Eagle Lake Section 10 S½SW¼ & NE¼SW¼ & Lot 3 Section 18, Blowers Road came through leaving a small tract of little value Wrong classification on cottage Assessed as lake front, but not Assessed for structure and improved lot Assessed for too many acres of tillable soil. Assessed for too many acres Church property, should be tax exempt Land has no value for farm land Overvalued buildings Wrong classification on land Mrs. C. E. Boe of the County Nursing Service appeared before the Board regarding the possibility of additional space for the Nursing Service, and also re- quest~d, approval of new registered nurses, which were approved. 168 The County Auditor was authorized to hire Carl Norgren to wash windows at $3.00 per hour plus insurance coverage. The County Auditor was authorized to hire professional cleaners to shampoo the carpets in the entry ways of the Court House. Motion was made by John. Snowberg, seconded by Bennie Johnson and carried to accept the Treasurers Report of Fees and Emoluments. Upon motion the meeting adjourned to Wednesday, June 11th, at 10:00 A.M. 169 WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pur~t to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners met at 10:00 A.M., Wednesday, June 11th, Otto Haase being abset. A resolution asking for the Dissolution of Common School District #1490 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held at 10:00 A.M., July 15th, 1969, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. A petition of Avery Davenport, Jr., requesting that the N½ of SW1~ and NW¼ of Section 22, Township 133, Range 43, be set off from Common School District #1430 to School District #544, was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held at 10:00 A.M., July 15th, 1969, and that due notice of the time and p;lace of said hearing be given as required by law. A resolution asking for the Dissolution of Common School District #1462 was taken up for final action. After listening to the various interested parties, the Board issued the following Interlocutory Order, to-wit: :l70 6tatt of :fflinnt,ota, } . ,a. Vaunt]/ of . ?.~ .t 1': ... :: J ._ ~ ................................ . ~ l IN THE IIATl'ER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF .......... ~~~·~·············SCBOOL. Dl!fl'RICI' NO •. J~~~········ Tlte ahot~ eittitle.l matter came on duly to be heard by the County Boanl of ............................. . Ot tcr Tai 1 ............. County, Minne,ota, at ........ ~~!.~.~~ ... ~~.~.~-~························:. ............. in CM......... ,:it~:.. .... . .................... of ... , .. ~.~~~~.~ ... f.~.~·~·~··························•·················'n 1thd Covnty, Otl tA.e .... l ltL . day of . '. ..... -!.~E:.: .............. , 19~~ .... , a.t .... ).9..=.~~o'clock ....... A.M., pur- n~t to notice dul!f ain.'11 a, pr<Jvided by law and the order of ,aid Board; an.a the Board, ·'luwing ,._,.d all 1"-rsons :n•crc.-i~crl in. said ,natter, botlt for and against, fituh a., follow,: l'irllt---Tltat ~·:·id p,.orecdings teere instituted by:· (a~ A, '""'-'Iv~ •. _f-~ BH9Fd 9( g9u .. ,, G9MMiHi9t18'\9 &f ............................ ········ ...... 9811MI~. ~~H-6.Ji-tt; t/tf.9~~(1~~ Of~: .. ••. .......... . •. .. • .••. #Mf 9/························:··········:············,~:;·· : ---{..b.)-....J. JJ.,.~,._ ti;'Jn.;g by tAs rfUJuirsll° nutltb,r: e/ jf:seheltl~ re,i,Jl,ag • ,aid ,U,tliet: (C'J .1 1 e..-olutivn adopted by the electors of scud diatricl at a legaJ meeting an4, ~i~{l.bv. U&e ,· 7,·rk of ,wid 1l:Rtrict to the Oou-nty Auditor. . ' Secm,d· -Tl:a, lc~11 than 90 day, have elaJJBed since the do.t.a· of -,aitl.,hea,ri.ng.a.nd. flu, 1'~•~ of tlte opiTlion, /mm the facts a.dduced at said hearing, that it is u,pedient and t.Dill be to the but tfllere.ott of tltt: i,drabitantf! of ,aid territory to hace said school district di.1101"4; · NOW T l'/iJJtf)FOllE IT IS ORDERED, That 1aid .............................. ~~~~········· .............. School ~~~~ . Diatrict :v 1.. .'·'"'--·~ ........... be dil10Joetl and that the territ0f'1J embraoed tMrM be attached to other eTi~tiiit1 sclwcl district, or uoorgan.~ed territory fUJ follo,u,11 to-u,U: 'i'.ie en!·.·:-:: tc rri tory comprising Common School District 11462 be att:1.:',d1 ~ c .;.nd become a part of Independent School District #819 .. \ .... :;. ' IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the aastta a.ntl lia1JiUtl.# of~:.~ ....... :.~~-:.":.:: ... , ...... :~ .... \~:.~.· .~r:1.,,: 1i; ... ,trtot .Vo.: 1~62 ..... ., lie didributed,a.., foUow,, ttrwU:-·. '·TO I11depen4e~•-School District t ,~· · . ' \ me11ies, credits, funds, property, ,bob~ ,r~,al ~d personal including taxes , · ~1ar 1969 and prior years collected after August 1, 1969, and all obligations , ; ; ::1: School District #1462 shal 1 become the obligations of Independent School !) ' ,. : ·~: ~f.819. • • I .- fhat the outstanding bonded debt of said {;oDIIIOJl ,Schoo) District No. . . . ·; hat ::w proposed effective date of this order is August 1, 1969. , ;' .1,l: 11th, 1969 Board qf ,Cpun~r. Co•issioners of the Co\Dlty of Otter Tail, State·of MiMesota By_~->'-'~·__,.' ~.-;.ai-.--ll~' ----~ ~ Chairman 171 • I I. A resolution asking for the Dissolution of Common School District #1381 was taken up for final action. After listening to the various interested parties, the Board issued the following Interlocutory Order, to-wit: 6tatt of ~i~nc~?ta, ............ }88• i.'ounty of . \. IN THE MATfER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF CO!-tMO~ ' 1381 ............ : ............. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO ............. . T11e abot:-e entitled mattf;r came Dn duly to be heard by the CO'U.ntg Board of. .. · ..................... . . ... <?t ter !A~ 1 .. '. ........ ~ .. : ....... Co·unt11, Minneso~a; at.. ........ ~~!i.~}.~J.!.~ ..................................... in tAe. .. . ~~.~X .............. 1 •..... : ........... • .... , of. ......... ?.~.,-~.~ .. !~~·~············• ................................ in aaid County, :a:~e~~ rn>:~:l·~~l;·gt:n 1~--;;.o~~d~ .. /b·~ ·l:::~d--~i~ ·;;d;/!,~:~a~;~~~;~~::1::·B~·~ Mi:a~":u heOlrd an persons interested in said matter, botli fol' and against, find.a IJ8 follows: · /.'irst-Tliat said pr0<·eedings were instituted by: fa} A resolution of the Board of County (Jom~issionera of-.: ...... , .................................. Oortnt]I, I Minnesota, adopted on the . . ... .. . . ... . .. i . . day of ............................................ , 19...... : , I • -,. •- (b} A. petition signed by the required number :of freeholders .residing in. said district: ( <!) A resolution ad-Opted by the electors of sai.d district at a. legal meeting and cerfifif;d by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor. . · · Second-Tltat less than 90 da11s luwe elaps~d si1ke the date of ,aid)teari~ig and th#J Board being of tlte opinion, from the fact, adduced at aaid hearing, that it is ea:pedient and will be t~ the but iMerest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved,· . I . NOW THEREFORE IT 18 ORDERED, That· ~aid ................. -~~~................ .. .......... School District No ......... ~.~~-~ .............. be di,solt,ed and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other ezuting school district, or unorganized tcrrit~ry as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District No. 550: · : Gov. Lots 3 & 4, Section 14 131 -41 L To Common School Uistrict #1376: S½ of NE~. ex .. 75 ac. Lots 2, 3 and 7 ··:. I'.· ,·, •. •, E!1 of SW¼, Lots 4, 6 and Lot 5 ex. I\' 2 !c. NW¼ of SE¼ Lots 1 and 2,.andNW1-4ofSE!4 ··~, •'•1•·;,·-s",· All in Section 9 -131 41 Lot 3 and NE1·.f of SW¼ El.z of SE\ All in Section 16 -131 -41 To Independent School District #261: The balance of the territory ~ompris~n~ 1 Co~pn Scl~O(?._l ~~~tri~~ #1381 ', . (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That; the aasets·:<.tn,d, UabUJ.tta ·of ,aid ...... ~1:1. . ....................... , ,. ~ 8ohooL District No .. J~.~l ...... , ·~ di8fr/,ln,,ted as follows,,_ Ui-:wit: · . . '. • · • · To Independent School D1str1ct #550: . 83~ . · To Common School District #1376: 15. 29\ :· i To Independent School District #_261: 83. 8.8% : ·. • ' · I of all monies, ere di ts, funds, property. both real anct personal including taxes for the year 196.9 and prior years colle.c~ed after Augµst 1, 1969, and all obligations of Common ·school District #1381 shall become the cbligations of the above school dBtricts by the I . same percentages. . , .. (4) That the outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1381 is Non (5) That the proposed effective date of.this order is August 1, 1969. Dated June 11th, 1969 . . Board of County ·eommissioners of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota ATIEST: .173 I l I l t , • I A resolution asking for the Dissolution of Common School District #1529 was taken up for final action. After listening to the various interested parties, the Board issued the following Interlocutory Order, to-wit: 174 l . I __ ftlMi_ laaA. __ _ I . Cuun,ty of ...... tnne,ota, } ~t.t~.! ... !a..i.~ .................................... S8. IN THE MA'ffER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF ..... G9.~~P~ .................. SCHOOL DIS1ftlCT N0 •. 1~7~ ...... .. . . . Otter · The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the Oounty Board of ............ , ................ . . ... .. . . . . ..... . ..... !a~.~ .................... : ...... Oounty, M inneaota, at ......... ~~:1:i~ ... f ~.~.!.~ .. : .................. ···-·············in tk ............................. ~.~.~.t............................ of. ...... ~.~.!:~~ ... ~~·~·~·~············································m t1aid County, °"..'.the ...... ~.~~~ ........... day of ....................... -!'U!.1.~ ....................... , 19~~ .... , at .... t~.~:Q~ .. o'clock ...... ~ .. .' .. M., pur- nDn.t to notice diuly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board ·having Nard aU persons interested in said matter, both for and against, fi'TUU as follows: Firt1t-That ,aid proceedings were instituted by: (a) .4 ,weltdi8tt 8f •1te Bse,-,J sf 9-eee,e•r ~Nl1Nit8i9R8FI 9/ ..................................... '. ......... ~Rt1J, Mimeeaotu, adopted on the .......................... da:1. tJf. ............................. ···: .. ········ .. ~···· .: . . (b) A. pctitioa ~g,aed ilti tl.e F8ftltP8M RNtMli~ 9/ :j,,:t1t11'9ldt1F1J .wttli,eg itt Hid fM8triot, ( c) A resolution adopted by the electors of said di&trict q,t a legal ~etin,g and certified, by thfJ Clerk of said district to the (!ounty Attditor. · · ~ • I .~ Second-That le,s. tha~ 90 days ha-v~ elapsed since.the <!,a,ta of said-Jieari~g and the Board .be~~g of the ·opinion, from the facts adduced at said heanng, that it is ea:pedient and will be· to the best intereat of the inhabitant, of said territory to have said school district dissolved,; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said .................. ~.<?.~?~ ................................. 8clUJol District No ..... }.~.~·~······ ............ be diasolt7ed and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other ea:i,ting school districts or unorganized tcrntory as follows, to-wit: The entire territory comprising Common ·s·cho·o1 · District #lS-29 be attached to and become a part of Independent School District #545 . 'l•· .:. .• I' t. ~•• ' 4 -' ' . .. .',. t'•• ,. ' ..... (8) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED; Tkat the C&SAeta tin.d 1,ia1,£Utia 6/ 84id: .... , .... :.~.<?.~~.n . .-.'. ..... , .. _ .. : .. : .... H,. Sohooi.Dtstrlct Ko .... ~.~~~ ... ' ..... , be tliltrl.1mkd as foUouls, 'to-wU: · · To Independent. School District' , 1545 all monies, credits, funds, property, bo~hreal ~d personal including taxes for the year 1969 and prior years collecte·d after August 1, 1969, · and all obligation of Common School District #1529 shall become the obligations of Independent School District #545. · · · • · · , . (4) That the outstanding bond~d .debt of said.Common Schoo1 Di~trict . No: 1S29 is None. · · · (S) · That the propos'ed effective date of this··otder fs August· 1, 1969. Dated June 11, 1969. ATTEST: · -----~-· -' ·.-;.~ County Auditor Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail, State of .Minnesota 175- I Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bennie Johnson, and car- ried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED By the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the Save the Wetlands Club has offered to deed the following described property to the County of Otter Tail for use as public access to Flad.mark Lake: Government Lot 4, Section 13 -Township 135 -Range 42 NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, the County Board of Commissioners hereby accepts said property, for use as public access. Dated this 11th day of June, 1969. Chairman Attest: 176 Upon motion by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowbe~g, and carried~ the following applications for licenses were approved: On-Sale Liquor: Ivan Stigen Estate, Ranch House Bottle Club License: Melvin Baas Paul C. Anderson Charles E. Lewis Perham Lakeside Golf Club On and Off Sale Beer Licenses Ralph M. Richter Leonard K. Saewert Roy Pfeifle Donald A. Bistodeau Al !en D. Hanson Dance Permit: Doris Kabrich Leonard Saewert Buse Township Triangle Dance Club Perry's Place Rocky's Resort Lost VaThy Resort Leonard's Resort Loghaven Resort Woodland Park Hanson's Grocery Grand View Heights Leonard's Resort Rush Lake Township Dora Township Dora Township Perham Township Cand,ot Township Corliss Township Lida Township Girard Township Ottertail Township Pine Lake Township Corliss Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by Andy Leitch, and unan- imously carried, the following ordinance was adopted: 177 J .. .. SET BACK ORDINANCE :THE COUNTY ·soAIU> or'OTl'Ell TAIL COUNTY ORDAINSI -.. . . .... : Section 1. Structure Defined. For the purpose of this ordinance the word structure.means anythlna constructed or erected with a fixed location on or under the ground. Section 2. No at~ture, ·dwelling or building ·shall be erected, placed or moved to within forty (40) feet of the right of way line of any exiatina public road within the unincorporated areas of Otter Tail County. . Section 3. Violations of this ordinance shall be punishable as a misdemeanor. Section 4. ·xn the event of a violation or a threatened violation · of this ordinance,in addition to any penalties imposed under Section 3. above,the county board, or any member thereof; or any taxpayer or resident of this county may institute appropriate action or proceedinga to enjoin, prevent, reat~ain, correct or abate such violation or any threatened violation~: . Section~. Thia ordinance shall becOIM effective when publiabed in the off i~i•J.··11ewapaper of . Otter Tail County as part of the pro• · · ceedinp of the ... ting at •~ch the ordinance· wu enacted. • . . . . ..... · ( . i . . . . • . . . . . ·._ . . .· ., • •' . I . ... • , • ·, • •.• ··_·,·:. '' .• ·_.·,_ 1,1, •. ' •. ',) ,-.·,t,·.••· · ..... , •• ' ' . f, • ,' I t', ;\ Attes:t;i • .. 1· ·i (),! 1: . "·...:.. '.-·. ; . ,·.:.:,n -::.,· ;,-~~~r·,•._, ·.:. • I .. '. C, ; · · ·:. :~~i;a:\;}·~d~Wlty. Cornmi.ssiohers o·~ter. Tafl · County Minnesot3: · . ... . . .. .. · .. ·. :By:;')!,::;;~~~. : . . . · Cu M . . I .... ; I 1 1 ._ I • .• .. --1~:· ;.J"\.:·;-.\_-·i·-.-, ·,1.~· . • O • ,•.·: :~~·,=• :t ~Ir !:;,:\'f•,".1 :••:.• •, .. ~ 0 I ..;...~;: 1, • !:, • :, } r ~: ~: t : • ~ I 1 0 I • • . '' ' , __ -; ~ '.-1~1·· .• :, ~ •. ::.-·· .~:._, .... · • • I rJ, ... _"'' (:·.,:!. ~•i r-~.-i'·'••·. '. ·: . ... , .... , . •• •· • I ••.,,_ • : ,",_• • • ••··•••• •• I ' • . -. , • 4 \ • Upon motion made by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg, and carried, $800.00 was appropriated to the Otter Tail County Historical Society. Lyle R. Fletchall of the Associated Engineers, Inc., appeared before the Board and presented plans for a County-wide sewer and water survey. It was agreed the Planning Advisory Commission should be advised of this plan and report on it at a later date. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bennie Johnson and car- ried, approval was given the R.C. & D. projects in Scambler Township and Maplewood State Park Hardwood Demonstration Woodlot. Upon motion by John Snowberg, seconded by Bennie Johnson and carried, a preliminary plat of the Ewert property on Marion Lake was approved, subject to opinion and road approval. Upon motion by Bennie Johnson, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, a plat of Minn Kota Beach on Dead Lake, accompanied by an attorney's opinion as to title, was approved. A representative of the Motorola Company appeared before the Board presented a proposal on a new mobile unit for the use of the Sheriff's Depart- ment. He was asked to present his recommendations at the July 15th meeting at 1:00 P.M. 178 Upon motion made by Andy Leith, seconded by Bennie Johnson, and carried, the following resolution was adopted: IESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, Willie Klimek, the owner of the following described property: Lot 3 ex. RR of Wa, Section 36 -Township 133 -Range 41, the owner of record at the time the above property had forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes for the year 1961, has made application to repurchase said property, and paid the surn of $100.00, being down-payment on the full amount of taxes, penalties and interest in the total of $382.78. Permission to do so will be to the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 11th day of June, 1969. Attest: 179 The ·Following Carlton E Mortensen , Carlton E Mortensen James LeRoy Glen Melby Sidney Nelson Merle Bacon John B Halvorson Donald Lee Wayne Hay Wayne Haye Laverne Si.mdorn Ada Henkes were allowed: N. W. Bell Telephone Co Criminal Research Products General Trading Warren's Radio & T.V. Mobile Radio & T.V. Jaegers Decorating Center Cooper's Office Supply Lystads Inc. Mayo's Standard Interstate Skelly harv1s 66 May01 s Standard Perham Coop Oil The Photo Center Andy'·s 66 Andy's 66 International Harvester The Photo Center Super GMC James Bucholz Otto Haase Bennie Johnson John Snowberg Andy Leitch Boarding of Prisioners Mileage & Expense Mileage & Subsistence It II II Extra Jail er 1-iileage Guard Duty M:ileage Calls Supplied II II II Paint Supplies II Gas etc II II II II II II II Finishing Gas II II II II II Boat & Water Safety II II II II II ti II II It Mileage & Expense II II II II II II II 180 590.00 255.40 422.80. 429.40 372.50 336.10 72.00 39.00 28.00 12.00 10.00 6.75 102.27 19.10 9.12 7.70 58.70 2.45 509.50 16.10 46.39 19.82 57.30 29.37 42.66 10.75 28.29 28.30 72.70 657.20 64.38 64.43 32.75 31.25 19.48 12.90 Frenk hoberts Kenneth Cla.mby Ambrose Klinnert Laura Hotchkiss Gene Davenport Harris Iverson anton Glesne Angeline Glawe K. W. Hanson Clarence Berg George Nelson Vernon Bachman Helen Skram.stad Myrtle Logas Arthur D Boehne Henry Polkinghorn Dale E Radke H:.Mten Lumber General Trading Edgetown Lumber Carpenters Hadware Fergus Glass & Paint Ottertail Grocery Esther Mortensen Ester Eortensen Homer Carlson Earl Bigler t:. D. City of Fergus Falls Herb Chr~ianson Village of Perham Allison & Co Kinn. Association of Civil Defense Lystad1s Inc. The Photo Center Universal Answering Service Swanson Surplus Weed & Seed Inspector II II II WOT Soil & Water n II II Mileage & Expense II II It Extra Help Assessor Mileage II Postage II II Check Blanks Mileage Mileage Extra Jani tor Supplies II II II Sµpplies II Matron Fees II II Coroners Fees II Fines Labor Rent II Workmen's Compensation 1969 Dues Pest Control Supplies II II 181 397.22 340.96 420.00 257.04 41.65· 168.65· 160.80 245.25 . 7.50 110.00 6.oo 20.00 30.00 6.25 211.16 11.10 128.00 2.74 3.75 55.01 27.64 257.84 60.30 25.00 20.00 26.60 27.20 155.00 65.00 60.00 1,081.00 7.50 80.25 49.50 58.00 2.07 J Edling Electri l-'.idwest Printing St Paul Book & Stationery Gaffaney1s Empire Bus. Machine Davenport's Cooper's Burrough 1 s Nelson Bros. Security Blank Book & Printing Poucher Printing Miller Davis Co Midwest Carbon Co Burroughs Corp. Burroughs Corp. Monroe International 3M Business Products Sales Victor Lundeen & Co Victor Lundeen & Co Xerox Corp NW Bell Telephone Co Battle Lake Review Fergus Falls Journal Perham Enterprise Henning Advooate Henning Advocate Northwestern Publishing Co Wadena Pioneer Journal K.B.R.F. K.X.R.A. K.D.L.M. Jacobson Excavating NoBel Sorem Fleet Farm :Mineral Springs 9i~y 9f fergus f~tls ., --(. , Labor & Material Supplies II Parts & Labor Supplies II II It II II II II II II Service Agreanent Supplies Thermofax Machine Supplies 1,850.00 14.00 27.00 14.00 10.00 17.91 200.80, 53.80 183.70 231.65 30.84 476.33 11.52 2s.50 217.50 2.00 Assessors 1 share 195.70 Co. Nµrse ! share 195.70 416.17 Mimeo Machine & 5.ipplies Nurse l share 187.19 f Assessor 2 share 187.19 Services 207.17 Calls 124.53 ads 34.50 Publications 464.00 II 2,126.40 II 2,126.40 II . 7.20 ad 7.20 II 11.00 Announcements 413.56 II 50.00 II 100.00 Phelps Mill 402.00 II II 250.00 II u 323.10 Poor 812.48 Poor 182 33.00 f-Lorna McCabe Dorothy Johnson Donna Quam ~rs Ruth Johnson Liz Hoff lrloria Opatz Pearl tlonning Mary Johnson Viola Rud Wilma Brandt Verlie Grover Kathryn Hemmelgarn Doris Jorgenson Ina McLaughlin Edna E. Nelso n Mrs Earl Sonmor Bernice Spangler Selma Swendsrud Mrs Robert Johnson Mrs Lharles Lewis . ffrs Ed Skoglund Mrs John Steblay Mrs Bud Larson Dale Radke Lake Region Hospital Empire Business Machine White Drug Co Coo~er Office Supply Parkers Prairie Independent Battle Lake Review Henning Advocate Village of Perham EOT Telephone Co Nurse :t-:ileage & Expense II II II II II II II II II II II II Home Health Aide II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II ' II II II II II Nursing Board II II II II II II II II Postage Walker Supplies II Repair ads II II Rent Calls & Service 97.70 55.05 52.28 79.96 18. 53 17.18 15.15 2.55 16.50 12.82 42.30 7.43 26.70 21.60 54.30 53.63 18.98 93.75 5.10 9.90 7.80 7.35 8.10 10.00 15.00 2.00 2.08 23.50 3.15 1.80 3.45 35.00 14.77 Philip Philip Kjaglien Rachel Estrem Straub Co Public Utilities Victor Lundeen Cooper's NW Bell Telephone Co Edard Carlson Post# 283 Charles D Center VFW Post WWI Aux. Unit# 922 D.A.V. Chapter# 25 Mileage & Expense Stamps, Rental etc · Mileage Rent Utilities Supplies Maintenance & Supplies Calls Grave Decoration II II II II II II :184 104.38 14.70 6.75 50.00 5.01 14.01 38.72 30.6, 25.00 25.00· 25.00 25.00 Case Power & Equipment Hall Equipment, Inc. Hayden-Murphy Ziegler, Inc. Stan's Garage Swanson Equipment Johnson Service Co. Hanoy Governor Sales Leo M. Cichy International Harvester Co. Olson Auto Electric Super GMC Truck Sales Northwestern Refining Co. Paper Calmenson & Company Gateway Builders, Inc. Muckala Electric Service Farmers Elevator Co., P.R. Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Harold Weiss Minn. Mining & Mfg. Co. Engebretson Const. Inc. Blffton Hardware Coast-to-Coast Store, B.L. Coast-to-Coast Store, P.R. Everts Lumber Co. Farmers Elevator Co. Fergus Dodge, Inc. General Trading Co. General Trading Co. Holten Lumber Co. Tesch Lumber Co. Vergas Hardware Wilcox Lumber Co., N. Y .M. Andy's 66 Service Station . Parts Parts II II II II Repairs II II II II II Asphalt Cutting Edges Labor on Heating Wiring for well pump Seed Gravel Fill Supplies Equipment Rental Supplies II II II Erhard, Supplies Supplies II II II II II II Gasoline, etc. 185 ' $ 26.85 9 .23 · 70.67 295.99 20.58 5.00 342.45 62.40 31.40 162.35· 36.~9 -69.50. 1,406.35' 278 .40 195.00 103.01 661.20 220.00 8.68 321.80 91.00 31.97 20.43 12.31 13.10 13.50 28.80 268.65 180.29 11.30 15.70 127.56 3.30 89.68 1 . Bengtson Oil Company Carlson Oil Co. Dave's Standard, Henning Fossen Oil Co. The Oil Store Otter Tail Co-op Oils Service Oil Co., B.L. Twins Motor Co. D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Standard Oil Co., Henning Standard Oil, P.R. Soliah & Braatz Oil Co. State of Minn. Div. of Oil Insp. Allison & Co. Raymond Motor Transportation, Inc. Otter Tail Power Co. Cooper's Office Supply Minneapolis Blue Printing Co. Davenport's Stationery E.O.T. Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co.Wad. Midwest Telephone Co. Park Region Mutual Tel. Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co., F .F. Pelican Telephone Co. N.W. Bell Tel. Co., F.F. Wendell P. Huber G.D. Harlow Wendell P. Huber Everts Township Leaf Mounti.n Township Sverdrup Township Gail Klein Mrs. Herman Karger Hubert M. Svare Lillian Steinke Gasoline II II II Gasoline & Oil Gasoline II , etc. II Oil Diesel Fuel II II Fuel oil Inspection W.C. Ins. Freight Prints Machine Rental Supplies II Service & tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Expense II Cash advanced Special Aid II II II II Right of way II II II 11 II II 11 II II $ 71.97 62.14 157.93 27.29 129.53 122.01 123.05 47.31 155.10 79.50 67.76 33.20 2.00 1,711.00 4.75 97.06 60.00· 167.51, 9.18 25.05 10.50 8.90 17.14 99.11 13.81 25 .11 137.64 126.45 1. 78 100.00 500.00 200.00 76.40 22.00 71.05 186 337.00 c) Huber. ... 30.00· Wend~ll P Postage Lawrence Ternus Appraisal Fee 75.00 Eagle Lake Twp. Special Aid 300.00 Hoot Lake Pure Gasoline 215.87 Standard Oil C~. B.L. Diesel Fuel 148.32 Lampert Lumber Co Supplies 225.36 Sherwin Williams Co Supplies 27.59 Upon motion the meeting adjourned to 10: 00 A .M. • June 23. 1969. Chairman Attest: Clerk , 187