HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 02/10/1969___ , MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to ad- jourrunent the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met on Monday, February 10th, 1969, at 10:00 A.M. o'clock, all members present. The County Treasurer was authorized to purchase two additional files for use in the Treasurer's Office. The County Board accepted the Workmen's Compensation Plan as pre- sented by Gary D. Mickelson of Allison & Co., Fergus Falls, Minnesota, with an annual premium of $15,727.00 be.iore dividends. Motion was made, seconded and carried to survey County Highway #146 in Corliss Township. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to advertise for bids for the followi:lg: Aggregate Base and Road-Mixed Bituminous Surface S.P. 56-612-05 (CSAH12), Minn. Project S 6464(7), length 4.0miles, located be- tween CSAH No. 47, 6 miles east of Dalton and TH No. 78. ,S.P. 56-632-04 (CSAH 32), Minn. Project S 6977(1), length 3.0 miles, located - between 3.05 miles west of CSAH No. 14 and CSAH No. 14 at Basswood; S.P. 56-641-02 (CSAH 41), Minn. Project S 6460(1), length 2.2 miles, located be- tween 2.2 miles south of CSAH No. 4 and CSAH No. 4, 2 miles southwest of Vergas; S.P. 56-647-04 (CSAH 47), Minn. Proj. S 6419(9), length 4.5 miles, located be- tween CSAH No. 12, 6.5 miles east of Dalton, and 4.5 miles northeast; S.P. 56-656-04 (CSAH 56), Minn. Project S 6979 (1), length 4.7 miles, located between CSAH No. 67 in New York Millfs and 4.7 miles east; 37 S.P. 56-676-02 (CSAH 76), Minn. Proj. S 6980(1), length 4.5 miles, located between TH No. 10, 2 miles southeast of New YORK Mills and CSAH No. 19; and 6.P. 56-677-04 (CSAH 77), Minn. Proj. S 6478(8), length 2.7 miels, located between TH No. 29. 1and TH No. 10 in Bluffton Bids to be received until 11:00 A.M., March 11, 1969 by the County Auditor, Otter Tail County, Minaesota, on behalf of the Commissioner of Highways as Agent for said County. The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be re- ceived until 11:00 A.M., March 11, 1969 for the following: GRADING AND AGGREGATE SURFACING C.P. 69:123 Length 2,935 miles, located from the junction of TH. #108, 2 miles East of Dent, to CSAH #34. The Board having previously advertised for bids for Bituminous Materials proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Company MC SC Northwestern Refining Co. $.1256 per gal. $ .1156 per gal. Saint Paul Continental Oil Co., Minneapolis $ .1365 per gal. $ ,1265 per gal. The Board accepted the bid of the Northwest Refining Company of Saint Paul, for MC@ $.1256 per gal., and SC@ $.1156 per gal, it being the lowest com- plete bid. The Board rejected the Bid of the Richards Oil Co. as it was received too late. The Board having previeusly advertised for bids for Project No. 69:SS for Sand Seal Coat proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Highway Surfacing Co. McLaughlin & Schulz; :·.Inc. TriCity Const. Co., Inc. Minneota, Minnesota Marshall, Minnesota St. Cloud, Minnesota Lundin Construction Co., Inc. Mankato, Minnesota C. L. Nelson & Co., Inc. Brainerd, Minn. Northern Improvement Co. Fargo, North Dakota 38 $ 68,387.50 71,386.30 73,801.20 81,142.70 93,780.50 106,204.10 The Board accepted the bid of the Highway Surfacing Co, Minneota, Minnesota, in the amount of $68,387.50, it being the lowest bid. The Board having previously advertised for bids for SAP 56-621-09, 10, 11 and 56-683-08, and 56-685-02, C.P. 69:018 and C.P. 69:01, Aggregate Base and Road Mix Bit\Dllinous Surfacing, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Landseidel & Son, Inc. W. Hodgman & Sons, Inc. McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc. Ludd Brown Const. Co. Fairway Const. Co. Soby Construction, Inc. S & S Construction Co. Fergus Falls, Minn. Glyndon, Minn. Fairmont, Minn. Marshall, Minn. Mankato, Minn. Hector, Minn. Fergys Falls, Minn. Moorhead, Minn. $255,412.15 271,222.00 269,884.70 271,525.46 280,619.28 284,855.20 295,495.25 299,857.85 After consideration, the Board accepted the bid of Mark Sand & Gravel of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, in the amount of $255,412.15, it being the lowest bid. The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be re- ceived until 10:00 A.M., March 11, 1969, for the following equipment: 3 Dump Trucks -27,500 G.V.W. Bids shall include trade-· 'in allowance on the following units: County Unit #33, 1955 -2½ Ton Int., Model R-172 County Unit #51, 1957 -3 Ton Int., Model A-182 County Unit #76, 1959 -2½ Ton Int., Model 8-176. 1 Pick-up Bid shall include trade-in allowance on County Unit #64, 1963 -1/2 Ton Ford Pick-up, Model F-100. 39 • J , ·.~-;-, •r : , , ~~ ... ·'. , MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FORM NO. III Be· it· resolved •that pursuant to Section 161. 36, Subdivisions 1 through 6·, Minnesota Statutes 1967 ,.,. I' , the Coimnissioner of Highways be appointed" is agerit of. the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent, contracts fbt the 'construction of portions of County State-Aid Highways, specifically described as follows: County State-Aid Highway No. 12 from Jct. CSAH No; 47; 6 Mi. E. of Dalton to Jct; T.H. No. 78 . County s_tate-Aid Highway No. 32 from· Jct. CSAH No. 14, at Basswood, · to .. 3;05 Mi. W. County State-Aid Highway No. 41 from Jct. CSAH No. 4; 2 Mi. SW of · Verjas to 2.24 Mi; s. County .State-Aid Highway No; 47 from Jct. CSAH No. 12; 6 M:L E. of · Dal ton to · 4 ; 5 Mi. N. · · County State-Aid Highway No. 77 from· Jct. T.H. No. 29 to· T;H; ·No; 10 in.Bluffton County State-Aid Highway No; 56 from. Jct. CSAH No. 67 in New York Mills · to . 4; 72 ML E. ~. County State-A:J_d Highway NO.~ from ·Jct. T.H~ ·No. 10, 7 ·Mi. ·sE.·of ·New York Mills to· Jct. CSAH No. 19, 2 Mi. N. 6f Bluffton and the·chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner .of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as .set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form No •. IV," a copy of which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the Gqunty all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted.this /;:JPA day of February, 196 . I 40 County Auditor rd SEAL RESOLUTION WHEREAS, at a duly authorized meeting of the Board of CountV Commissioners of Otter Tail County'a motion was made and seconded that the Chairman of the County Board and the County Auditor sign the agreements between the municipalities of Bluffton and New York Mills and Otter T~il County for federal aid highway improvements. Adopted thi~ 10th day of 1969. Attest: C~unty 41 The Board, through the three Otter Tail County legiskors, will seeR permissive legislation in two areas: The first would allow up to a maximum of five cents per Jard tax on gravel taken out of pits in Otter Tail County. This would not go into' effect until the county board enacted the measure after it is allowed by the State legislature. Ninety percent of the funds would go into the Road and Bridge fund anibe used to repair haul roads •. Ten per cent would be used by the county after the gravel has been depleted. The second bill would give the County special assessment power similar to that now used by municipalities. An example of its use would be if a majority of property owners wanted a neSjdthe road would be put in and all of the property owners abutting the road would be assessed for the road. The following two resolutions were passed in regard to this legislation. 42 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. We, the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, hereby resolve and petition the Honorable Cliff Ukkelberg, Calvin Larson and Roger Hanson to introduce and secure the enactment of the attached bill relating to the taxing of gravel in Otter Tail County, Otto P. Haase 43 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. We, the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, hereby resolve and petition the Honorable Cliff Ukkelberg, Calvin Larson and Roger Hanson to introduce and secure the enactment of the attached bill relating to special assessment powers of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. James Bucholz d- Otto P. Haase 44 A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to oppose House File #189, a bill which would require stop signs at all township inter- sections. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried requesting the assistance of Minnesota Green Thumb in production and erection of lake sign identification, to be provided free.to·the County by Green Thumb and that Otter Tail County will provide up to $750.00 for materials, such as lumber, posts, paint and electricity, for said signs. Upon motion the meeting adjourned to 10:00 A.M., Tuesday, February 11, 1969. 45 TUESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment,-the County Board of Commissioners met at 10:00 A.M., February 11th, 1969, all members being present. The application of Alvin Rosentreter for Reduction in Assessed Valuation of Real Estate on the SW¼ SE¼, NW¼ SE¼ & N1-1 SW¼ of Section 4, Candor Township was approved by the County Board, as a clerical error was made in the field book. The following applications were approved by the County Board for reduction in the assessed valuation of personal property: Arthur Sundblad Ernest D. Johnson Erhard Village Clitherall Township Property was not valued according to 1968 personal property schedule. Property was assessed twice both under inventory and under equipment. The application of James Golombiecki for homestead classifi<ation on Lot 29, Cedar Park, Dane Prairie Township, was rejected because occupancy did not begin until April 1st, 1968, therefore notcqualified as homestead. Motion was made, seconded and carried to rescind the motion made in the January meeting setting a limitation of $12.00 for dues and registra- tions fees for County Officials, awaking further clarification. Kenneth Clambey, Weed Inspector, appeared before the Board and pre- sented his Annual Weed Report for the County. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to have the Treasurer's Office re-wired. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to acc~pt the reports of fees and emoluments, from the various County Officials, as follows: 46 Dr. Carl J. Lund Eugene Davenport Harvey Morrill Bennie Johnson James Bucholz Otto Haase Sam Nycklemoe Myrtle E. Logas Roland Winterfeldt Mrs. Leonard Hillstrom Mrs. Norbert Hertel Mrs. Russell Jedlund Helen Skramsted Wendell P. Huber Henry Polkinghorn Robert B. Oslund Carlton E. Mortensen Reuben Swenson Vernon E. Bachman Harlan Nelson K. W. Hanson Coroner $1,262.66 Assessor 9,585.87 Commissioner 3,737.90 Commissioner 3,930.41 Commissioner 4,327.17 Commissioner 3,986.98 Commissioner 4,088.31 Clerk of District Court 9,000.00 Welfare Director 14,384.85 Welfare Board 706.89 Welfare Board 428.93 Welfare Board 160.00 Register of Deeds 9,000.00 County Engineer 15,000.00 Judge of Probate 9,969.36 Surveyor 8,457.50 Sheriff 22,611.42 Nursing Home Superintendent 7,006.84 Superintendent of Schools 8,688.60 Attorney 1,012.27 Auditor 2,833.32 The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be re- ceived until 11:00 A.M., April 8, 1969 for a Burroughs Control Center Unit, or similar, with locked vault:; 12" carriage, numbering head, check protector and signer, with a trade-in of a Todd T799X6225 check protector. Knute Hanson, Civil Defence Director, appeared before the Board and notified them of a meeting of County Chairmen, Auditor, Engineer and Civil Defence Director regarding snow emergency to be held at the Court House In Elbow Lake on February 17th, at 7:30 P.M. Since no bids were received on the repair of bridge in Aurdal Township, a motion was made, seconded and carried to request the Aurdal Town Board to appear before the Board at 9:30 A.M., March 7th, 1969, to discuss what action should be taken. The Planning and Zoning Commission appeared before the Board re- garding the Ordinances proposed. After listening to discussions by various interested parties, motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to post- pone action untiJl 1:30 P.M., April 9th, 1969. Motion was made, seconded and uanimously carried to publish the proposed ordinance in its entirety in the Fergus Falls Journal. The Chairman of the Trondhjem Town Board appeared before the County Board at :the request of the County Board on a hearing on a road in question in Trondhjem in question. Action was delayed until weather conditions permit viewing of the road, possibly in April. The Trondhjem Town Board is to be notified of date. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to go through all commissioners minutes dating back to 1920 and have all County Ordinances pub- lished. The County Auditor was authorized to have this taken care of. 48 RESOLUTION .BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY~. MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners on January 2, 1951 agreed by resolution to pay township aid according to the amounts levied by the townships, and which amounts are as follows: From 10 mills and up, but less than 15 mills From 15 mills and up, but less than 20 mills 20. mi 11 s and up $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the amounts to be paid to the respective townships according to their road and bridge levies for 1969 shall be as follows: · Township Total Mi 11 s Levied Amount Aastad 17.74 200.00 Amor 21. 66 300.00 Aurdal 21.76 300.00 Blowers 4.67 None Bluffton · l. 98 None Buse 3,99 None Butler 29.12 300.00 Candor 26.44 300.00 Carlisle 10.69 100.00 Clitherall 29.60 300.00 Compton 19.89 200.00 Corliss 12.07 100.00 Dane Prairie . 11. 66 100.00 Dead Lake 21. 14 300.00 Deer Creek 29.90 300. 00. Dora 16. 15 200.00 Dunn 24.37 300.00 Eagle Lake . 12. 54 100.00 Eastern 19.93 200. 00. Edna 19.21 200.00 Effington 20.47 300. oo· Elizabeth 19.52 200.00 49 • · Township Total Mi 11 s Levied ·Amount .Elmo 18. 15 200.00 Erhards Grove 19.63 200.00 Everts 14.84 100.00 Fergus Fa 11 s 5.20 None Folden 24.99 300. 00. Friberg 22.58 300.00 Girard 24.32 300.00 Gorman 30.64 300.00 Henning . 1 l. 75 100.00 Hobart 21.66 300.00 Homestead 17.26 200.00 Inman 26.86 300.00 Leaf Lake 6. 12 None Leaf Mountain 30. 10 300.00. Lida 19,98 200.00 Maine 20 .13 300.00 Maplewood 32,50 300.00. Newton 23.38 300.00 Nidaros 29.54 300.00 Norwegian Grove 19.54 200.00 Oak Valley 27.29 300.00 Orwe 11 12.35 100.00 Oscar 28.59 300.00 Otter Tai 1 9.61 None Otto 25.60 300.00 Paddock 20.55 300.00 Parkers Prairie 20.75 300.00 Pe 1 i can 29.72 300.00 Perham 20.48 300.00 Pine Lake 24.58 300.00 .Rush Lake 24.42 300.00 Saint Olaf 6.46 None Scambler 13.35 100.00 Star Lake 23,52 300.00 50 Township Sverdrup Tordenskjo Id Trondhjem Tumuli Western Woodside Total Mi II s Levied 25, I 6 I l.60 ,27.48 2.99 22.78 19.02 Adopted . this . . // ···~· .. day of · ·.· Jf ~ ,, , I 969. Auditor 51 Amount 300.00 100.00 300.00 · None 300.00 .. · · · ·200.;oo. $ I 3,200.00. I The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, WHEREAS This Board has received an application of Doyle H. Ottarson to repurchase the following tract: Crystal Beach, Lot 33, Block 1, Township 136, Range 41 which has been forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes. Permission to do so will be to the best public interest and re- lieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this l~th day of February, 1969. ATTEST~ Clerk 52 Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to appoint Robert Hemmingsen to replace Dr. Richard Sheils on the County Nursing Board, as recom- mended by the Nursing Board. As requested by the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Welfare, the names of Mrs. Ray Trudeau, Helen Hillstrom and Mrs. Alice Oppegaard as candidates from which one person will be appointed Co the County Welfare Board for a two year term beginning July 10, 1969. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to purchase two volwnes of Minnesota Statutes 1967 Edition. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried for the County Treasurer to invest $700,000.00 in United States Government Bonds and $1,400,000.00 in the best possible securities. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to accept the County Financial Statement for the year 1968. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried auth-0rizing the County Auditor to pay Leo B. and Deloris Blashack the sum of $562.00 on road condemnation for Parcel 6, CSAH #42. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to transfer $3,000 from County Revenue into the County Attorney Contingent Fund, and the County Auditor was authorized to make the necessary entries to accomplish this. 53 The following bills were allowed: Carlton E. Mortensen Carlton E. Mortensen Carlton E. M0 rtensen Merle Bacon John B. Halvorson Donald Lee James LeRoy Glen M. Melby Sidney Nelson Dale Akerman Joseph Peloquin General Trading Swanson's Surplus Don Ricks Minnesota Motor Co. Doc's Tire Service Andy's 66 Marv's 66 Dicks Standard Perham Coop Oil Photo Center Western Union Midwest Printing Edling Electric Treasurer of O. T. Co. Mobile Radio & T. V. Service James Bucholz Otto Haase Boarding of Prisoners Mileage & Expense Supplies Mileage & Subsistence Subsistence II II II " " II 11 " n 11 II II Meeting expense at Mpls. 11 II II " Supplies -Sheriff 11 II II II Lawr & Supplies-Sheriff Tires Starting Unit Gas & Oil Gas Gas & Oil Photo finishing Telegrams Expense books Checking heaters Signs Services Mileage & Expense II 11 11 54 II II II II II II II II II II 211.40 49.75 332.10 60.00 373.00 265.50 266.70 275.80 42.47. 23.05 3.11 78.33 76.95 .53 95.lit 108.06 4.50 I 32.95 B & W 42.37 Rev. 4.71 132.12· 32.15 4.52· 34.50 12. 75- 40.29 138.85 37.50 38.35 Bennie J. Johnson Andy Leitch Laura Hotchkiss Ambrose Klinnert . Roger M. Heidorn Geraldine McGuire Dale E. Radke Arnold Evavold Harold Skistad Homer Sem Theo Hegseth Kenneth Clambey Frank Roberts Gene Davenport Anton N. Glesne Harris Iverson Henry Polkinghorn Arthur D. Boehne Clarence Berg John Nelson Otter Tail Groc Co. Daycoa, Inc. Edling Electric Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Bill Ebersviller Co. Fergus Glass & Paint Co. F.dgetown Lumber Allstate Sanitation & Mtce Co. General Trading Lykken 1s Inc. Wanek Locksmith So. Mill Standard Elmer Zill M-R Sign Co., Inc• N. W. Bell Tele Co. N. W. Bell Tele Co. Mileage & expense II II II W.(O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. II II II II II It II II II ·11 II II ·II II . II Extra help as Custodian W.O.T. Soil & Water Cons. Dist. 11 II 11 .II II · It II II II II II II 111111 II II II Weed & Seed Inspector II It II II Mileage & Expense Mileage Mileage & Expense Mileage & F.xpense Mileage II Carpenter Work Supplies-Janitor II II Labor & Parts-Janitor Snow Removal Supplies It II II II Snow Blower Keys & Service Gas It It II Christmas Trees Lettering Comm. Office Calls Calls for Sheriff S·r:::: . . .::) II II It $ 26.30 9.40 181.44 440.00 200.00 24.00 104.00 60.30 . 48.45 27.45 31.80 193.40 70.81 85.33 . 29.70 67.07 99.45 48.82 88.00 42.00 16.95 62.16 52.18 54.00 15.85 136.14 161.19 30.84 11.17 398.00 21.50 7.17 9.50 22.50 128.72 192.19 tether 1-iorteneen Adlore lJ el.eon Mre. LeRoy Glaesman Fergue Falla Medical Group Lakeland Menutl, Health City of Fergus Falls Carl J. Lund• M. D. Everett c. Hanson -~Region=-Uosr,:i-tai Vernon Bachman Helen Skramsted Roland Billington Rolland Billington Village of Perham Robert B. Ollund Enstad Larson. Inc. Sherin-?·1elan.d Agency Kronemann,Inaurance Comuiesionere ot Highwa_ys Jila.rtindale Hubbell• I c. .. Minn. State Publication-Doc. Sec. The Photo Center Sell. Corporation Xerox Corporation Xerox Corporation Battle Lake Review Northwestem Publlehing Co. Perh8J:1 Enterprise-Bulletin Perham Enterprise-Bulletin "_ Fergus Falls -Journal Addreeaograph i1ultigraph Corp. Burrot»gha Corp Burrowme Corp. Bakken-"1tppraisal Co Davenport's Station et,y Empire Bueiness l1ach1nea Matron Fees It fl Witness Fees Care ot Prisoner• Court. Coate n ff Coroner•e Feea u n Postage & Supplies II Registration Fee II " Rent-Co. Agent Fire Insurance II II Bond Mapa tor Survey-or Lav Directoey Manual.a Photo refiniehing Maintenance Service Services Ads n n Publication n Supplies Posting Machine & Supplies Suppliea Appraisal Fees Suppliea n 56 • 3 $ 60.00 10.00 3.42 66.00 40.00 105.00 355.62 25.25 -1;ce.ee 43.50 .30.co 25.00 25.00 60.00 2497.50 13.39.00 1222.00 ',/(i.oo 4,e.00 34.59 80 .. 00 510.00 l.68 76.00 160.62 42-.50 33.00 6.72 6.00 162.66 ::;g1:oo 25.33 2326.93 1689.59 100.00 6.72 s.co Fergus Surplus Lumber Gaffaney1 s Holten Lumber Miller-Davis Co. Nelson Bros. Printing Oswald Publishing Co. Poucher Printing & Litho. Co. Secretarial Service Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Uni veraal Answering Service Victor Lundeen & Co. Dorotpy Johnson Joyce Lindgren Lorna Mc Cabe Amon Petersen Veery Ryder Mrs. Bud Larson Mrs. Ed. Skoglund Mrs. John J. Steblay Iona Butcher Doris Jorgenson E. Lucille Larson Ina Mc Laughlin, Mrs. Pearl Ronning Mrs. Earl Sonmor Mrs. Selma Swendsrud American Journal of Nursing American Journal of Nursing Nursing Outlook Magazine F. w. Woolworths Co. E.O.T. Telephone Co. Village of Perham Philip Kjaglien Philip Kjaglien Les Skrove N. W. Bell Tele. Co. Supplies II II II II II II II II II II Mileage & Expense Nurse II II Mileage, Supplies & Postage Box rent & postage Attd Nursing Board Meeting II II II II II II Home Health Aide II II II n II II II II 11 n II II Ad. for R. N. Subscription Ad for R. N. Equipment II II II II II II Calls & Service Rent for Nurse II ti Mileage & Expense Vets Service. Stamps & Mche Rental Snow Shoveling Calls & Service 57 f $ 28.63 13.40 5.61 786.70 125.25 20.42 220.25 37.50 211.40 3.00 1565.48 31.80 3.30 34.35 20.CDJ.. 4.50 5.40 15.60 7.35 18.90 5.03 9.60 8.33 7.88 20.63 33.90 30.00 16.00 20.00 44.95 22.24 35.00 84.75 9.28 5.00 33.83 Straub Co • Rent • 50.00 % Public Utilities Dept Utilities 4.70 Coopers Supplies 8.25 Treck Photographic Inc. II 134.68 Victor Lundeen II 46.82 Henning Advocate Subscription 4.25 58 Battle lake Farmers Union Oil · Bengtson Oil Ce Consumers Coop Oil Co Dave's Standard Henning Dave's Standard Pelican Rapids Erhard Oil Co Farmers Ce-op Creamery Ass •n Feeeen Oil Co Geri.e's Standard Service NYM Henning Sinclair Hoot Lake Pure Kraemer Oil Co Park Region Oil Co ' Perham Co-op Oil Co Service ·Oil C~ Battle Lake Twin's Motor Ce Underwood Lakeside Service D. A. Lubricant Co Soliah & Braatz Arrow.Petroleum Standdd Oil Co Battle lake Standard Oil Co Hemi.ing Standard Ofll Co Pelican Rapids Standard Oil Perham Carlson Oil Co Fossen Oil Co Penr0se Oil Co Cummins Diesel Sales Hall Equipment Inc. Klauer Mfg. Co Little Falls Machine Co Minnesota Tractor Co Ruffridge Jahnson Equip. Co George Ryan Co Ziegler Inc Bertleson Welding Deer Creek Gasoline Etc Gas, Diesel Fuel Gasolii,e Gas II II II II II .. n fl II. "' II n II II Oil Gre·ase Diesel Fuel II II & Oil II II II II etc II II Fuel Oil Q II II II Parts II Q II II II II n II 59 etc • 189!55 187~45 227.05 . • . 372.23 226~1 .. 22.36 214.08 237.12 234.68 327.84 .. 181.97 331.54 163.34 11.96 305.11 790.35 57.27 254.10 77.50 79.00 384.95 124.11 64.35 106.71 123.74 12.70 .126.40 120.25 l,;326.88 6.00 ·-Bill Ebersville International Harvester Co Kersten Plumbing & heating Larson Welding Jim !arson F0rd Matz & Greiff Marla Motors Minneseta Motor Co Norman's Repair Olson Auto Electric Pelican Valley Motors Inc Rude Garage Smith'i:1 Farm SupplJJ Shhr Ford Sales Inc. Super GMC Truck Sales 'Wheeler's Repair · Uselman I s Inc. Bselman 1sElectric Coast ·to Coast Store Perham General Trading Genuine Parts Holten Lumber Sigelman Hide & Fur Co ·. Welders Equipment Wilcox Lumber Co·NYMills Paper, Calmenson & Co Mark Sand & Gravel Soby Construction Inc. Stan Morrill Inc International Salt Co L.N. Sickels Co Elk River Concrete Products Co Dalton Grain & Feed Co Sherman W Ferguson Knutson Heating & Air Conditioning Fargo Foundry Steel & Mfg. Co E. Caye Machine Co Repairs II II II , II II II n II II II II II II II It II II Supplies II II II II n II Cutting Edges Equipment Rental It II II . II Salt Calcium Cloride Culverts Coal Drilling Well Furnace Fuel .Tank Spreaders ' 5._52 -I . 106.77 60.34 24.00 3.80 4.16 5.60 1.50 6.85 57.19 3i50 10.00 2.32 20.62. 106.40 J.72 19.21 12.64 12.95 608.77 91.85 82.20 77.25 24.97 2.20 1,143.40 1,432.00 790.00 382.50 1,224.00 3,258.00 40.30 48.75 597.10 1,385.00 156.71 1,678.80 · • Pol.man Transfer Inc. Minnesota Dept. of Highways Construction Bulletin Otter Tail Power Co. SCM Corporation International Bus. Machines Corp. Frieght Services Ad for Bids Prints Maintenance Service u n Burroughs Corp. Service East Ottertail Telephone Co Service & Tolls Northwestern Bell Telephone Co F.F Park Region Mutual Telep. Co Northwester Bell Telephone Co F.F. Pelican Telephone Co Netbhwestem Bell Telephone Wadena Midwest Telephone Co Victor Lundeen & Co Panama Beaver Inc. Nelson Bros Printing The Pierce Co Davenport's Stationery Poucher Printing & Lithograghing Co. Dahln1s Photo Print Co Mpls Blue Printing Co Wendell P Huber Wendell P Huber Wendell P Huber Rothsay Telephone Co Robert L Chambers Anna Rehbein John W. Lachowitzer James Rehrein John Riestenberg Norbert Silvemagel Ann Martodam George Martodam Bernard Sazama Mrs Leonard E Larson Bennett Sorum Public Works Equip. Co Fergus Falls Daily Journal " II II II II II II II II II n II Supplies II II II II II II II Cash Advanced Postage Expense Relocation costs R/W II H n II II II n II Replacement of Car Jack Equipment Rental Parts Publication 61 4.75 522.76 76.80 62.20 72.00 47.98 185.00 58.53 99.18 18.09 64.49 12.77 15.19 15.45 27.36 16.00 40.53 5.81 10.23 64.00 33.18 724.00 327.53 278.10 59.40 102.02 172.13 69.20 123.80 36.90 16.00 71.45 19.00 16.95 1,215.00 185.00 69.30 Upon motion the meeting adjourned to 10:00 A.M., Tuesday, March 11th, 1969. ATTEST:~ Chairm~4= Clerk 62