HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1969Ottertail County Official Meetings 1969 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'l'E .......................... January .. 7 ................................... 19. 69 .. HCUII T PIINTIXCI COIIPAH, ST,CLDUD,IIINN. G•2JOII MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTE.R TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to statute the Board met at 10:CO o'clock A.M., on January 7, 1969, all manbers being present.- The County Auditor called the meeting to order and stated the first business would be the election of the Chairman for the coming year. ATTEST: Upon motion James Buc~olz was elected Chairman, and upon motion Bennie Johnson was elected Vice Chairman, The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT the following dates be designated as the dates on which the County Board will meet during the.year 1969: February 10th and 11th March 11th and 12th April 8th and 9th May 13th and 14th June 10th and 11th July 7th and 8th August 12th and 13th Septanber 9th and 10th October 14th and 15th November 4th and 5th Decanber 9th and 10th Adopted this 7th day of January, 1969. K. W. Hanson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: James Bucholz Chairman RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman and two members of the Board to be selected by the Chairman, be appointed to have charge of Court House and Jail and grounds, and Court House Annex for the year 1969, ATTEST: Adopted this 7th day of January, 1969, James Bucholz Chairman K. W, Hanson Clerk The Chairman appointed Bennie Johnson and i!ohn Snowberg to serve on the above committee, The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Utter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman of the Board and two manbers of the Board, be appointed by the Chairman to purchase all furniture and supplies, excepting books, blanks and stationery needed for the Court House and Jail during the year 1969, and provide for such repairs as may becane an immediate necessity. Adopted this 7th day of January, 1969, James Bucholz Attest: Chairman K. W, Hanson Clerk The Chairman of the Board appointed Otto Haase and Andy Leitch to serve on the above committee. The following resolution was adopted: RFSOLVED by the Board of County Commissionrs of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT under provisions of Section 2154 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Dr. Hom a residait physician of said County, and Commissioners James Bucholz and Andy Leitch, members of this Board, be and the same hereby are appointed to constitute a County Board of Health of said County for the year 1969, Adopted this 7th day of January, 1969, James Bucholz Attest: K. W. Hanson Chairman Clerk ~ 147 -;.. 148 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA TE ________________________ January_ 7 ..................................... 19 __ 69 _ ICDll,,...,■lm .. ~COIIPANr."1r.env~ The followi g resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissionrs of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, the County Commissioner of his respective district, namely James J, Bucholz, the First District; Bennie J-. Johnson, The Second District; Andy Leitch, the Third District; Otto Haase, the Fourt District; and John W. Snowberg, the Fifth District, be and they are hereby each appointed superintendent of poor of his said district, with authority to act in relation to the care and support of Non-resident paupers, arrl to receive appli- cation for relief or support by or for any reason in his district, as provided by Chapter 15, Revised La1··s of 1905, Adopted this 7th day of January, 1969. James Bucholz Chairman ;,.ttest: K, W. Hanson Clerk 'l:he following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnes:,ta, THAT there be and hereby is transferred from the Revenue Fund of the County to the Incidental Fund the sum of $750,00 for postage for the use of the offices entitled thereto. Adopted this 7th day of January, 1969. James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: K. W. Hanson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT the sum of ten cents be paid out of the Revenue Fund of the County for every pocket-gopher and ~•ood chuck killed in said county during the year 1969 in cases where the to~nships in which pocket-gophers and wood chucks are so killed shall provide for the payment of an additional bounty of ten cents for each pocket-gopher and wood chuck so killed. RESOLVED rl!RTHER THAT payment of such bounty shall be made by the County Auditor upon certificates exe- cuted by the Chairman of the Town Board of said townships setting frth that the pocket-gophers or wood chucks were duly presented to the Chainnan of such Board and that the township has issued and delivered to each claimant a town order for twenty cents for each pocket-gopher or woodchuck so killed. Adopted this 7th day of January, 1969, James Bucholz Chairman Attest: K. W. Hanson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Utter Tail County, MiMes:>ta, THAT the sum of not l~ss than $350,00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund of sai.. d County for Otter Tail County exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair for 1969, and the County Audi tor and Chair- man of the Board are directed to issue a warrant for said amount in favor of Clarence Mielke. Adopted· this 7th day of January, 1969. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: K. W, Hanson Clerk The ~ollowing resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter TaH County, Minnesota, THAT under the provisions of Section 739 General Statutes of 1932, the sum of $100.CO be and the san:e hereby is appropriated out of th~ Revenue Fund of the County to the Red River Development Assocjation, said amount so appropriated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors for the year 1969. Adopted this 7th day of January, 1969. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: K. W. Hanson Clerk -... -COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. January .. ?th ....................................... 19 .. 69. HCUllrr PRINTING co•PAIIIY, IT,CLOUD,IIINN. C':2300 The following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the m1nl!Dl1DD salary to be paid to the Clerk of District Court for the term corrmencing in January of 1969 shall be not less than t.he mini-mum amount set by State Law, Adopted this 7th day of January, 1969. James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: K. W, Hanson Clerk After consideration the County Board unanimously fixedthe salari:es of the•d eputies and clerks together with the part time help and the followi111; amounts are hereby set aside for clerk hire for the calendar year-1969 in the several colll1tY offices, to-wit:. Sheriff Office, Sep. Jailers & Clerk • Auditor ••••• Treasurer Register of Deeds Probate. Court County Assessor Deputy County Assessor Clerk County hssessor Appraiser •. ,--_ • • • • • Extra Clerk Hire County Assessor Clerk of District Court First Assistant, County Superintendent of Schools Superintendent I s l.lerk ( when required) Veterans Service C]Erk & Janitor Court Reporter & Probation Officer's Clerk County Attorney's Clerks •••• Part time help at $1.60 per hour Adopted this 7th day of January, 1969 James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: K. W. Hanson Clerk RESOLUTION $78,COO.OO 25,000.00 20,ooc.oo 18,000.00 12,ooc.oo 9,000.00 7,020.00 5,940.00 4,200,00 5,5CO,OC 9,JC0.00 5,040.0C . 260.00 per mo, 5,280.00 8,400.00 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA: That because of deterioration due to rain, snow and usual spring climatic conditions the roads hereinafter described will be seriously damaged unless restrictj.ons are imposed as to weight of vehicles to be operated t'" ereon. NOW, 1'HE!IBPORE, No person shall operate any vehicle or combination of vehicles upon any of the county roads in the County of Otter Tail and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to wit: County State Aid Highways 1 to 77 inclusive, 79, 81, 83, 85 and 90 to 100 inclusive, County Roads 110 and 144 inclusive and numbers 146 and 148, during the period from the first of March, 1969 to the first of Decanber 1969, where the gross weight on any single axle, as defined in Minnesota Statues 1945, Sec, 169.87, Subdivision 1, exceeds five tons (10,000 pounds) and the Engineer of said Co nty is hereby directed.and auttorized to erect and maintain signs plainly indicating the pro- hibitions and.restrictions above at each end of thatportion of any highway affected thereby, and these restrictions shall be effective and this prohibition effective upon such erection and maintenance of such signs, Adopted this 7th day of January, :1969, Attest: __ K:!:..•~~~i,:.....,:H~a~n~s~o~n ____ ,_""""" County Auditor James Bucholz Chairman RESOLUTION BY 1'HE ED ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, mNNESOTA . BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Engineer be authorized to issue payrolls for the purpose of salary payments to all maintenance employees, engineering employees, construction employees1 and for the rental of trucks and mowers necessary for the maintenance of County State Aid Highways not to exceed ~440,000 and County Roads not to exceed $100,000 for the year 1969, Adopted this 7th day of January, .1969. James Bucholz Attest.; Chainnan K. W. Hanson Auditor (SEAL) ~ 149 ;,- 150 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... January 7th ············19 ... 69 UfDll:l'ff",aTllfllii-"toiP,1ii, 11,cCaUD,iiNIII'. • Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that registration fees for County Officials shall not ex- ceed $12.CO. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to appoint Jeff Tikkanen, and Tom Beaman to represent Ea.st Otter 'i'dl Soil and Water Conservation District of the West Central Minnesota Resource Conservation and Development Project. The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 11 o'clock A.M., February lOt.h, 1969, for approximately 100,000 Gallons SC and 1001 000 Gallons MC (Bituminous Material) to be delivered at any point in Otter Tail County by transport truck, equipped with pump for unloading. The Cou{ity Audi tor was authorized to advertise for bids to b e recei v ed until 11: 00 A .M., February 101 1969, for the following: AGGREGATE BASEAND ROAD MIX BITUl-lINOUS SURFACING S.A.P. 56-621-09 (69) S.A.P. 56-621-10 (69) S.A.P, 56-621-11 (69) S.A.P. 56-621-08 (69) S.A.P, 56-685-;02 (69) C.P. C.P. C,P. C.P. C.P. C.P. C,P, 69:2183 Length 1.509 miles, located from CSAH #JO to North County Lire 69:21B2 Length 2.848 miles, located fran Jct. CSAH #28 to T.H. #108 69:2181 Length 7.558 miles, located fran Jct. ~.H, #52 to Jct. CSAH #24 69:8JB Length 2,148 miles, located from J miles NW of Battle Lake to 1.6 miles S. of Jct, CSAH #1, 69:85B. Length 1.058 miles, located from Jct. T,H. #108 to Jct. CSAH HJ5 69:0lB Hobart ownship, Length 0.767 miles, located fran North County Line to channel between Graham and Wimer Lakes in Section J. 69:01 Leaf Lake Township, Length 0.211 mile, located fran Jct. T.H. #108 to Jct, T ,H. #108 at East Shore of West Lat Lake, BITUMINOl.5 SEAL COAT C.P. 69:SS Approximately 139,J miles of County State Aid Highways, County Hi.ghways, Village Street and To\-Jlship "oads, comprising 285,700 gallons of bituminous material for seal coat and 10,540 cubic yards of seal coat aggregate in stock piles by the County. The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received at 11 A.M., February 11, 1969 for the following: REPAIR BRIDGE #37 (Section 19, Aurdal Township) C.P. 69:0il Br. Aurdal Twp. The repair of the bridge shall include all oaterial, labor, eQUipment and appurtenances that will be necessary to restore the bridge to the same location and condition that existed on October 1st, 1968. Motion was mt.de, seconded and unanimously carried to appoint Arnold Evavold, with Ted Hegseth as alternate, to represent West Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District of the West Central Minnesota Resource Conservatl.on and Development Project, Motion was made by Andy Leitch to keep the Highway Engineer and Chief Engineer salaries at the present scale but failed for want of a second. Motion was made by Bennie Johnson and seconded by Otto Haase to pass scale of wages as presented, Leitch voting no, as follows: SCAIE OF WAGES OTTER TAIL COUNTY .HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT The salaries of employees of the County Highway Department for the year 1969 were fixeri by the County Board as follows: Bituminous Lay-out Operators Heavy Equipment Operators (Shovel & Cat Loader) Motor Graqer Operator Distributor Operator (Bitwninous) Truck Driver Second Man on Truck Common Labor Truck Rental Tractor & Mower Rental (5-7) Maintenance Foranan Shop Foreman Mechanics & Blacksmith Sign Foreman Sign Man (Ass•t) County l!.ngineer Chief l!.nginer Level Man Inspectors ''odman Engineering Technician Office Man Accountant Secretary Bookkeeping ~lachine Operator Clerical Engineering Help (Misc.) Subsistence (in excess of 15 mile radius) Sick Leave (Accumulative to) $2.94 per hour 2,88 per hour 2.80 per hour 2,80 per hour 2, 70 per hour 2.60 per hour 2.JO per hour 2,60 per hour 2,00 per hour 680,00 per month 580.00 per month J00,00 to 600.00 per month 555,00 per month 515.00 per month 1350,00 per month 1050.00 per month 550,CO to 800.00 per month 500.00 to 750.0C per month 300,00 to 550.00 per month 550.00 to 800,00 per month 470,CO per month 550.00 per month 490,00 per month 240.CO to 450.CO per month 160,0C to 400.00 permonth 1, 50 to· J,00 per hour 4.00 per day 48 days l!'!"T"""" COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... January ?th ............................... 19 ... 69 HCU■ll1 PIINflNI ca■PAIH, IT,CLOUD.■IHN. G':23011 The maintenance employees' i.ork week will be 45 hours except for November December January and February when it will be 40 hours per week and the time for reporting for such employment is1as direct~d by the Engineer. ' The employees are granted holidays as governed by Chapter 495, Laws of 1955, Additional vacation will be granted as follows: After 5 years employment -1 day, 10 years O 20 days, 15 years -J days and 20 years -4 days The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commission:ers,: Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, WHEREAS the County Board of Commissioner's deemed it advisable to fonn an Advisorv Committee of various individuals representing the different farm and reso·rt organizations of Otter '!'ail County to assist in an advisory capacity the Planning and Zoning Commission, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED a meinber of the Otter Tail County Citizens' League be also included as a member of said Advisory Committee. Adopted this 7th day of January, 1969. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: K. W. Hanson Cla-k Upon motion the meeting adjourned to 10: 00 o •·clock A,M., Wednesday, January 8th, 1969. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10:00 A.M., January 8th, 1969, all members present. The County Board approved the following applications for homestead classification: T. M. Leverson Henry E. Korf Dennis Rude Lot J, Block 2, Trowbridge Point Lot 2, Block 2, Trowbridge Point South 280,5' of W, 2311 of the# 6511 of SE¼ SWi, Section 11 Candor 'l'ow,ship Candor Toi.nship Compton '1:ownship The County Board was in unanimous agreement with the State Appraiser on the value of the Sash & Door ~uilding. The County Assessor Wl!S authorized to call the State Appraiser, The Board accepted the report of the County Superintendent and unanimously approved the appointma,t of Mrs. George Rossow as Assistant County Superintendent, The County Treasurer was authorized to install new light fixtures above the counter, purchase new files and four chairs. The County Sheriff was authorized to purchase a steno-ette. The application of v!esley E. Schultz and Robert A, Marsh for On and Off Sale of Non-Intoxicating ~\alt Liquor at Arrowhead Point Resort, Route 2, Henning, was approved by the County Board. The application of f:aul C, Anderson for permit to hold public dances at Perry's Place, Dora To• nship, was approved by the County Board, Motion was made by Andy Leitch and seconded by Otto Haase to reduce the cost of liquor license to $1, 500,00 per year. Motion passed unanimously. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, Roy Bruhn and Mrs. Arnold Stock were appointed members of the County Extension Committee, together with James Bucholz and Bennie Johnson. The salaries of County officials were unanimously· fixed at the following rates: Treasurer, $9,500.00; "egister of Deeds, $9,500,00; Sheriff, $9,500,0C; Auditor, $9,00l.OO; Assessor, $9,0CC .CO; Attorney, $8,500,0C; Superintendent of Schools, $8,00C,,00; Veterans Service Officer, $7,000,CO; Juvenile & Probate Judge, $18,5CO.OO; Clerk of District Court, $9,500,00. The salary of the Court House Custodian was unanimously fixed at the sum of $600,CO per month plus $1,400 additional for · extra h elp. i'lotion was made by Bennie Johnson and seconded by Andy Leitch raising t.he Commissioners' salaries to $4,500 annually. Motion passed, Otto Haase voting no. Motion unanimously carried to pay minimum wage to all part-time employees, Motion ~ade by Andy Leitch and seconded by Otto Haase to go back to publishing Commissioners' Minutes in detail, listin~ bflls separately. Motion passed, Bennie Johnson voting no. Motion was made by Andy Leitch to sell County rock crusher l:ecause it is not efficia,t to operate. Motion failed for want of a second, COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. . -January 7th 69 DATE ............................................................................ ·-····19 ....... . HC:Ulln ,ii■TIH COIIPA■To H.CLOUD,IIIIH, G'= BE IT RESOLVED that: We, the County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, have carefully considered the mental health needs of the County, and after due deliberation agree to support the LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH C.ENTER, INC., Fergus Falls, Minnesota, and to enterinto a signed agreement with the other eight counties in the Mental Health Center area. We approve the budget and financing p~an for the fiscal year July 1, 1969 through June JO, 1970 in the following amounts: Becker County Clay County Douglas County Grant County Otter Tail County Pope County Stevens County Traverse County Wilkin County $12,000.29 18,734,25 10,532.63 3,971,32 22,705,58 5,438.98 5,093.65 3,107,99 4,748,31 We do designate the County Auditor to sign the Agreement in Support for this County. This resolution passed January 8th, 1969, I certify as County Auditor for Otter Tail County that the County Commissioners have passed the above RESOLUTION, contained ih•-the Minutes of their regular Board Meeting, dated January 8th, 1969, that they will support the 1, rogram of the LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER, INC.; for the fiscal year July 1, 1969 thm.igh June JG, 1970, and enter into a written agreement with the eight other Counties supporting this Center. COUNTY SEAL K. W, Hanson County Auditor The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT the Pelican R~pids Press be and the same is hereby designated as the newspaper in which shall b~ printed the list of lands in Otter Tail County upon which taxes be~ame del~nquent on the first Monday in January, 1969, Provided further, that the publishers of said newspaper be requi.red to furnish a surety bond in the sur.1 of $2,000.00 for the faithful perfonnance of said publicat~on Adopted this 8th day of January, 1969, James Bucholz Chainnan Att:est: K, W, Hanson Clerk The County Board having previously advertised for bids for the County printing for the year 1969, bids were found to be as follows: Fergus Journal Co., publication of minutes of the meetings of the Board of County Commissioners, including regular and special sessions, and minutes of the Board of Equalization, and also all other legal notices that are published in the paper designated as the official paper, all at ~egal rates. The Henning Advocate and Perham Fnterprise-Bulletin, publication of the annual statemmt of rece:i pts and disbursements for the year 1968, at legal rates. The Pelican Rapids Press, publication of the annual Delinquent Tax Lists at legal rates. All of the above bids were accepted. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the County Attorney was authorized to receive reimbursement for office rent and use of equipment in the amount of $1,200.00 per year. •lotion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to accept the report of the Public Examira-s. The following bills were allowed: Carlton E. Mortensen Boarding of Prisoners $632,50 Carlton E. Mortensen II II II 157. 50 earlton E. Mortensen Mileage & Expense 123,/,2 Carlton E. •iortensen Mileage 155,80 lllerle Bacon Mileage & Subsistence 217,20 John Halvorson Subsistence 60.00 Don Lee II 72,00 James LeRoy r.ileage & Subsistence 321. 70 Glen Melby II II II 200.40 Sidney Nelson II II II 265,30 Ralph G, Opsahl Special Deputy JJ,50 Wayne Hay Extra Jailer 56,00 Marvin Pederson II II 182.0C Joe Peloquin II II 56,00 ; ii •! I ·I '' -~----------~=============---------------~~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 153 Frederick Swenson James Bucholz Otto Haase Bennie Johnson Harvey Morrill Sam Nycklemoe · 6am Nycklemoe Laura Hotchkiss· Ambrose Klinnert Geraldin§ McGuire Kenneth Clambey Frank Roberts · Eugene Davenport Harris IverBOn Anton Glesne Arthur Boehne Ottertail· Grocery Co. Kimber Awning Co. Gust Lagerquist' & Son Dakota Paper · NW. Bell Telephone Co. NW. Bell Telephone Co. Bl\jffton Oil co·, Dave's Standard' Miller Gulf Perham Oil Co, Kimber Awning Jim Larson Ford· Les Tire Service __.,.,, IBM Photo Cent er West Central Airways J.C. Penney Co~ Esther Mortensen Andrews & Meister Dr, Severn Charles E. Johnson City of Fergus Falls Homer J. Carlson Robert Anderson' Jean Essler Ada Henkes Skogmo Cafe Vernon Bachman Helen Skramstad· Myrtle Logas Marshall Ass. Village of Perham Village of Perham Kriute Hanson · Theo. Pilmquis t · Henry Bjorgo ' · Maine Repair Shop Kroneman Ins. · Ass. of Minn. Counties Fergus Falls Daily Journal Addressograph-11.iultigraph Corp. Coopers Office Supply Coopers Davenports Perham Enterprise Bulletin Victor Lundeen & Co, Miller-Davis Nelson Bros. P,inting Panama Beaver, Inc. Security Book & Printing The Pierce Co. SCM Corp. Secretarial Service Xerox Caroline Helgeson Dorothy Johnson· Lorna McCabe Gloria Opatz Amon Peterson Lovie Bonnan Iona Butcher Mrs. Olga Edwards Verlie Grover Kathryn Hemmelgarn Doris Jorgens>n · Iona McLaughlin" Edna Nelson !'•rs. Pearl Ronning \ , 1''rs. Merlin Senske Mrs. Earl Sonmor Selma Swendsrud E Otter tail Telephone Co. Village of Perham Battle Lake Review l;, Wadena Pioneer Press \\ \ \ DATE ........................ January .. 7th ................................ 19 .. 69 Extra Jailer Mileage& Expense II II 11 II Planning Meeting Mileage & Expense II II II W.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. II II II E II II II II II II Weed & Seed Insp. II II II 11 Mileage & Expense II II II Ex. Help, Assessor Mileage & Expense Janitor Repair Blinds Janitor II Sheriff Service Gas Gas & Oil II II II II Snowmobile & Oil Parts Chains Supplies II II Photo Finishing & Supplies Airplane Rental Supplies · Matron Care of Prisoners II II Court Costs II II Coooners Fees Witness Fees II II Bailiff Meals for jurors Postage II Drivers License Agent Copy of Abstracting County Agent Rent Municipal Court Rent Civil Defense Salary Labor -Phelps Mill II II II Oil, Gas.& Labor Bond, Clerk of Court Dues Publication Supplies Machine Rental Supplies Services Mileage & Meeting Expense 11 11 Expense, Dec. Mileage II Postage, mileage & supplies Hone Health Aide Mileage II II II II II II II Home II II II II II II II II II II Health II II II II II II II II II Aide II II II II II II II II II II Telephone Bill & Rent Rent Ads II $182.00 73.40 17.50 54-96 10.00 65.20 30.80 181.44 440.00 110.25 235.04 117.97 21,04 45.05 364.50 O 112.30 26.40 40.20 269.00. 24,93 201.55 92.95 5.93 18,46 47,60 61.87 (>05'l.45 16.25 . 31.00 14,48. 6.19 45,CO 26.98 10,00 4,65 2.00 16,00 245.0C 26.37 31,00 9.64 9,90 29.80. 99.40 60.CX; . 12.35 5,.75 60,.0G 720,00 20Q,OO 64.00 71.35 17,41 29,00 1,080.00 50.50 19,38 8,30 2,75 10,5.0 36.00 , 1.11.43 60.90 99,30 46.93 1,188,43 ~ :1!9.61 135,00 6,00 42,50 22,37 44.85 55-4~ 5.18 9,24 5,4P 22,95 I 19,50 4;.80 7.50 19,87 6.90 23.70 4,80 9·,30 36.38 47,62 24,79 35,00 4,00 4.80 154 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... ~.~uary 8th ·-······--lg_ 69. . ----------------------------------llCHln Plllll■G CO■PAIIT, IT.CLOUD,■INR'. a: Coopers Davenport's Metro Surgical · Stebley Drug Store Phillip Kjaglieh Phillip Kjaglieh Fergus Falls P blic Utilities Coopers "· Straub Co. N. W. Bell 'l'el11phone Co. Victor Lundeen• Secretarial Service Uniforms, Unlimited Melvin McGowin . Township of Pelican Township of Dunn Mineral Springs.Sanatorium N0rris Krog Leitch Const. Co. D-A Lubricant George Crabb Parkers Electric Paper, Calmenson & Co. Farwell, Ozmun & Kirk Co. Hall Equipwmt,• Inc. Road Machinery & Supplies Public Works Equip. Co., Inc. Ruffridge Johnsa, Equip. Co. George~.T. R!,1811& Co. Ziegler Inc, Ziegler, Inc. G.D. Harlow li!endell'Huber Wendell Huber Midwest Telephone Co. Pelican Telephone Co. Northwestern BeJ.l Telephone N. W. Bell Telephone, Wadena Dalton Grain & Feed Consumer Co-op~il, Henning Daves Standard .Service Hassen Oil Co. - Rays Oil Co. Carlson Oil Co •. Underwood Lakeside Service Park Region Oil• Co. P!'nrose Oil Co.- Standard Oil Co-., B.L, The Oil Store Standard Oil Co·., P.P. Erhard Oil Co. · Fergus Dodge Henry Holmgren International Harvester Sales Orville Nettestad Perham Farm Supply Stan's Garage Suhr Ford Sales- Firestone Store· Vergas Oil Co. · Bretz Hardware Coas'\; to Coast,· B.L. Coast to Coast,-Henning Coast to Coast,-Perham Davenport Stationery Fergus Glass & ~aint Ebersy:i:ller Erickson-Helleckson-Vye, I c. Lampert Lumber,-P.P. n Victor Lundeen • Sigelman Hide &·Fur Vergas Hardware· Welders Equip.' Minn. Good Roads Highway Co. Service Thomas Oil Co. • Theodorson~s Mobil Service Standa:l:d 0,1 Co; Standard Oil Co·. Daves Standard Servicw Handy Governor Sales Uselman El, Inc; Larson Welding· Public Works Eq. Co. McKesson Chemicals Hoyt Hardware Flom Grain & Feed Park Region Mutual Tel. Co. N.W. Bell Telephone Co. Service Oil Co.· Supplies II II II Stamps, Mac. Rental, snow removal Mileage & Ex. Water Sewer Supplies Rmtal Services Supplies Mimeographing Collar Letter, Gold Clutch Sodding Nursing Home Township Aid II II Poor Nursing Hone Construction II II Oil Gravel i·,aterial Electrical \·;ork Grader Blades Supplies Parts Parts II ~ " II II Expense Cash Advanced Expenses Service & tolls II II II II II Coal Gas II Fuel oil II Diesel Fuel Fuel Oil II II Repairs II II 11 II II Tire Fuel Supplies II II II 11 II 11 II II II II II 1969 Membership Gasoline Gasoline II B & W Safety Fuel Upon motion the meeting adjourned to 10:00 A.M. o'clock, February 10th, 1969. Repairs II Parts Supplies II Seed Service & Tolls Gasoline ehahmw. A'ftest: Clerk $ 20.40 3.47 39.25 8.50 21.70 103.35 4-~ 57.75 50.00 31,49 4.,P 10.00 9.65 247.60 1,673,31 1,343.37 40.00 61.20 56.CO 153.45 9.20 112.04 l,304~ 74 61.45 4.62 31.49 31.25 15.20 254.oo 256.11 120.01 13.15 30~67' 216.74 13.15 9.48 87.37 12.17 103.60 31.34 131.05• 25.51 194.25 69_.'60 158.}4 64.79 71.05· 138,17.~ 65.54 60.90 62.oB 2P.29 34,94 167.48 20.00 30,76 95.49 27.40 13.15 81.88 24.60 19.52 5.28 34.74 . 4.79 2.75 3.16 10.62 7.34 3.55 39.00 98.21 70.50 100.00 146.09 204.10 86.33 65.70 77.50 40.05 37.68 7.50 14.75 215.44 3,420.00 6.21 l48,66 16.20 46.58 373.85 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING 0F THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF O'Pl'ER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to call, the, Board of County Commissioners;· Otter Tail County, Minnesota, met at 10:00 o'clock A.M., Thursday, January 30th, 1969, John Snowberg being absent. A representative from Minnes:>ta Motor Company appeared abefore the Board reporting that ·the 1969 Buick Wildcat for the Sheriff's Department was ready for delivery; but, because the 1967 Plymouth trade-in had, since the date of the proposal, developed engine trouble requiring a change:of engines, he requested a compensation for replacing said engine. After considerable discussion, Cormnissioner Leitch made a motion to drop the original bid and call for new bidding. Motion failed for want of a second. Commissioner Haase made a motion the°County pay an additional $150 on purchase of new automobile. Motion was· seconded by CollDnissioners Johnson and carried, Commissioner Leitch voting no. Minnesota Motor accepted the motion and were requested to deliver the car. Mr. Knute ~anson, Civil Defense Director, reported to the Board that; ;emergency snow removal funds would be available to townships and villages in need. The County Commissioners were requested to present J.llJr. Hanson with lists showing monies used so far this year by towns and villages. Mr. Hanson informed the Board he would remain in touch regarding t\lture outcome of funds available. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved~by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT WHEREAS this Board has'received an application of Selmer H. Johnson to repurchase the following tract: sw¼ SE¼ & SE¼ SE¼ of Section 1, Township 133, Range 39 which has been forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes. ATl'EST: Permission to do so will be to the best public interest and"irelieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnes:>ta this 30th.day of January, 1969. /s/ James Bucholz Chairman /s/ K. w. Hanson Clerk Resolution:·· The Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County in session assembled, unanimously adopted the following resolution at a special meeting on the 30th day of January, 1969. Resolved: That the Board of County ~ommissioners of Otter Tail County do join in support of granting permission to the Minnesota Department of Conservation, to make browse cuttings for emergency deer food on county lands, including tax forfeited parcels and tracts. fs/ James Bucholz Chairman /S/ Bennie J. Johnson ~8g Chairman /S/ Andy Leitch _,Ls/ Otto Haase~' /S/K. W. Hanson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that· WHEREAS the County Board has previously contracted with Minnesota Motor Company for li;he purchase of a 1969 Buick Wildcat, and WHJl!REAS same has been delivered to the satisfaction of the County Board, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the County Auditor is!authorized to issue a check to the Minnesota Motor company,· of Fergus Falls Minnesota in the amount of $2,250.00, the same being the amount of the ,bid, plus an additio~al $150.00 satisfaction for break-down of the motor on the trade-in automobile. Adopted this 30th day of January, 1969. /S/James Bucholz ATl'EST: /S/ K. W. Hanson Clerk ' 155 156 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... January 30 ······································196~L. The County Board acknowledged with thanks;-a gift of $1 1000 to the County of Otter Tail to be credited to the Harvey W, Glorvigen Memorial Library Fund, from the Trustees of the Roger L, Dell and Agnes C, Dell Charitable Trust, created by the .Last Will and Testament of Agnes C, Dell. The County Highway Engineer appeared before the Board requesting Semi-skilled labor@ $2.42 per hour to be added to the· list of·wages for 1969, Motion carried unanimously, A budget of S6,9o8,00 for Veterans Service Clerks ands Janitor was unanimously approved, The County Board approved the Bonds of the General Insurance Company of America on: Amon Peterson, Administrative Assistant to Director, Otter Tail County Nursing Service, $1,000; Ruby Sharp, Office Secretary, Otter Tail~ County Nursing Service, Sl,000,00; Donnie FJestad~ Acting Director of Otter Tail County Nursing Service, $1,000,00 A'rl'EST: There being_no <further business, the meeting adjourned, Dated this 30th day of ·:January, 1969, /S/ •<James Bucholz Chairman /S/ K, W. Hanson Clerk COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... February .lOth ................................ 1969. HCUIIH •■INTINI COIIPANY, ■r.CLOUD,IIIIIN. Q':2JOI MINUTES30F THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF."THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS O'ITER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met on Monday, February 10th, 1969 at 10:00 A.M. o'clock, all members present, The County Treasurer was authorized to purchase two additional files for use in the Treasurer's Office. The County Board accepted the Workmen's Compensation Plan as presented by Gary D. Mickelson of Allison ~ Co., Fergus Falls, Minnesota, with an annual premium of $15,727.00 before dividends. Ill Motion was made, seconded and carried to survey County Highway #146 in Corliss Township. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to advertise for bids for the following: Aggregate Base and Road-Mixed Bituminous Surface S,P, 56-612-05 (CSAH 12), Minn. Project S 6464(7), length 4.0 ~lea, located between CSAH No, 47, 6 miles east of• Dalton and TH. No. 78. S.P. 56-632-04 (CS!IH. 32.), Minn. Project S 6977.(1), lengt,h 3.0 mil.es, located b,etween 3,05 miles west of CSAH '.No, 14 and CSAH No •. 14 at. Basswood; S,P. 56-641-02 (CSAJI 4)-_}., M;i.M, Project S 6.46o(:L), lengtp. 2,2 mil:es, located between 2.2 miles south of CSAH No. 4 and c~. No. 4., 2 miles southwest of Vergas; S.P. 56-647-04 (CSAH 47), Minn, Proj, S 6419(9), length ·4,5 ~•les·, located between CSAH No. 12, 6.5 miles east of Dalton, and 4.5 miles northeafjt;. S.P. 56-656-04 (CSAH 56), Minn. Project S 6979(1), length 4.7 miles, located between CSAH No. 67 in New York Mills and· 4,7 miles east; S,P, 56-676-02 (CSAH 76), Minn. Proj, S 6980(1), length 4.5 miles, located between TH No. 10, 2 miles Doutheast of New Y0rk Mills and CSAH No, 19; and S,P, 56-677-04 (CSAH 77), Minn, Pro\i .• S 6478(8), length 2. 7 miles, located between THi No. 10 in Bluffton Bids to be received until 11:00 A,M,, March 11, 1969 by the County '.AJ.ditor, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, on behalf of the Commissioner of Highways as Agent for said County. The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 11:00 A.M., March 11, 1969 for the following: Grading and Aggregate :Surfacing C.P, 69:123 Lengtn 2,935 miles, located from the junction of TH #108, 2 miles East of Dent, to CSAH #34/ The Board having previously advertised for bids for Bituminous Materials proceeded to open bids which were found to be as ,follows: Company Northwestern Refining Co, Saint Paul Continental Oil Co., Minneapolis !'!1£. $,1256 per gal. • 1365 per gal, SC $.1156 per gal. .1265 per gal • The Board accepted the:lbid of the Northwestern Refining Company of Saint Paul, for MC@ $.1256 per gal, and SC@ $,1156 per gal, it being the lowest complete bid. The Board rejected the Bid'ofJthe Richards Oil Co. as it was received too late. The Board having previously advertised for bids forrProject No, 69:SS for Sand Seal Coat proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Highway Surfacing Company McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc. Tri~City Const. Co,, Inc, Lundin Construction Co,, Inc. C. L. Nelson & Co,, I c, Northern Improvement eo, Minneota, Minnesota Marshall, Minnesota Saint Cloud, Minnesota Mankago, Minnesota Brainerd, Minnesota Fargo, North Dakota $68,387.50 71,386.30 73,801.20 81,142.70 93,780.50 106,204.10 The Board accep~ed the bid of ttie HLghway Surfacing Co,, Minneota, Minnesota, in the amount of $68,387,50, it:being the··lowest bid. The Board having previously advertised for bids for SAP 56-621-09, 10, 11 and 56-683-08, and 56-685-02, C.P, 69:0lB and C.P, 69:0l, Aggregate Base and:Road Mix Bituminous Surfacing, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows:· Mark Sand & Gravel no. Fergus Falls, Minnesota $255,412.15 Landseidel & Son, I c, Glyndon, Minn, 271,222,00 W, Hodgman & Sons, Inc. Fairmont, Minn. 269,884.70 McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc, Marlhall, Minn. 271,525.46 Ludd Brown Const. Co, Mankato, Minn. 280,619.28 Fairway Const, Co, Hector, Minn. 284,855.20 Soby Construction, Inc, Fergus Falls, Minn, 295,495.25 S & S. Construction Co. Moorhead, Minn. 299,857, 85 After consideraticm., the Board accepted the bid of ·Mark Sand & Gravel of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, in the amount of $255,412.15, it being the lowest bid. 158 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. February .. 10 ....................................... 1969 .. . The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 10:00 A.M., March 111 19691 for the following equipment: 3 Dump Trucks -27,500 o.v.w. Bids shall include trad-in allowance on the following units:. County Unit #33, 1955 - County Unit #51, 1957 - County Unit /f76, 1959 - 1 Pick-up•· l v ~ Ton Int. , M del R-172 3 Ton Int. 1 Model A-182 2½ Ton Int, , Model B-176 Bid shall include trade-in allowance on County Unit #64, 1963 -1½ Ton Ford Pick-up, MOdel F-100 MINNESOTA DEPAR'IMENT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FORM NO, III Be it resolved that pursuant to Section 161.361 Subdivisi!ilis 1 through 6, Minnesota Statutes 19671 the- Commissioner of Highways be appointed as agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent, contracts for the con-- struction of portions of County State-Aid Highways, specifically described as follows: County State-Aid Highway No, 12 from Jct, CSAH No, 471 6 Mi. East of Dalton· to J t, T,H. No. 78 County State-Aid Highway No, 32 from Jct. CSAH No. 14, at Basswood, to 3,05 Mi. ~est County State-Aid Highway No. 41 from Jct. CSAH No.E 4:, 2-Mi•, SW of Vergas to 2, 24 Mi. S. County State-Aid Highway No, 47 from Jct, CSAH· No. 12, 6 Mi. E, of Dalton to 4.5 Mi, N. County State-Aid Highway No. 56 from Jct, CSAH No. 67 in New York Mills to 4.72·Mi, E, County State-Aid Highway No, 76 from Jct. T.H. No, 10, ~ Mi, SE of New York Mills to Jct. CSAH No, 19 N of Bluffton County State-Aid Highway No. 77 from Jct, T.H, No, 29 to T.H. No. 10 in Bluffton and the chairman and .the auditor ·,.,re hereby authorized ana jirect0 r:1 for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with th e Commissioner of highways prescribing the~terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set1' forth and contained. in "Minnesota Department of H; ~hways Agency Contract Form No. IV," a copy of which said •·orm was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractural obligations therein contained. Adopted this 10th day of February, 1969. RESOLUTION A /S/James Bucholz Chairman of the County Board /S/K. W. Hanson County Auditor (SEAL) WHEREAS, at a duly authorized meeting of the Board of County Commiss:i:ners of Otter Tail County a motion was made and :seconded that the Chairman of the County Board and the County Auditor sign the agrements between the muni- cipalities of Bluffton and New York Mills and:Otter Tail County for federal aid highway improvements. Adopted this 10th day of February·,-, 1969, /S/James Bucholz Chairman of the County Board• Attest:· /S/K, W. Hanson County Auditor The Board, through the three Otter Tail County legislators, will seek permissive legislation in two areas: The first would ailow up to a maximum of five cents per yard tax on gravel taken out of pits County, This would not go into effect until the county board enacted the measure after it is allowd by the lature, Ninety percent of the funds would go into the Road & Bridge Fund and be used to repair haul roads. would be used by the county after the gravel has been depleted.~ in Otter Tail State Legis- Ten per cent The second bill would give the County special assessment power similar to that now used by municipalities. An example of its use wol.d be if a ~.ajority of property o~mers wanted a new road, the new road would be put in and all of the property owners abutting the road would be assessed for the road, The follow:tg two resolutions were passed in regard to this leeislation, RESOLUTION OF :I'1iE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTI'ER TAIL COUNTY We, the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, hereby resolve and petition the Honorable ~ --------- COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... E.~.P.r!J..~~ 10 .................................................. 19 .. 69 11cu11n Plllrl■I COIIPANY, 11,CL0UD.■INN, a:23DI Cliff Ukkelberg, Calvin Larson and Roger Hanson to introduce and secure the enactment of the attached bill relating to the taxing of gravel in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OTl'ER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Isl John Snowberg John Snowberg Isl Andy Leitch Andy Leitch /s/ Bennie J, Johnson Bennie J, Johnson Isl James Bucholz James Bucholz Isl Otto P. Haase Otto P, Haase We, the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, hereby resolve and petition the Honorable Cliff Ukkelberg, Calvin Larson and Roger Hanson to introduce and secure the enactment of the attached·· bill relating to special assessment powers of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, --Isl John Snowberg John Snowberg Isl Andy Leitch Andy Leitch /s/ Bennie J, Johnson Bennie J, Johnson Isl James Bucholz James Bucholz Isl Otto P. Haase Otto P. Haase A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to oppose House File #189, a bill which would require stop signs at all township intersections, A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried requesting the assistance of Minnesota Green Thumb in production and erection of lake sign identification, to be provided free to the County by Green Thumb and that Otrer Tail.County will provide up to $750,00 for materials, such as lumber, posts, paint and electricity, for said signs. Upon motion the meeting adjourned to 10:00 A.M., Tuesday, February 11, 1969, TUESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the County Board of Commissioners met at 10:00 A,M., February 11, 1969, all members being present, The application of Alvin Rosentreter for Reduction in Assessed Valuation of Real Estate on the Svlt SEt, NW½SE½ & N½ sw½ of Section 4, Candor Township was approved by the County Board, as a clerical error was made in the field book, The following applications were approved by the County Board for reduction in the assessed valuation of personal property: Arthur Sundblad Ernest D, Johnson Erhard Village Clitherall To~mship Property was not valued according to 1968-personal propertf schedule, Property ~as assessed twice both under inventory and under equipment, The application of James Golombiecki for homestead classification on Lot 29, Cedar Park, Dane Prairie Township, was rejected because occupancy did not begin untfl April 1, 1968, therefore not qualified as homestead, Motion was made, seconded and carried to rescind the motion made in the January meeting setting a limitation of $12,00 for dues and registrations fees for County Officials, awaiting further clarification, Kenneth Clambey, Weed Inspector, appeared before the Board and presented his Annual Weed Report for the County, Motion was "made, seconded and unanimously carried to have the Treasurer's Office re-wired, Motion was ·made, seconded and unanimously carried to accept the reports of fees and emoluments, from the vari0us County Officials, as follows: "". 159 ~-/ 160 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 111:cu11n Pll■TIII co■,a■,. H.CLOUD,■l■N. a· Dr, Carl J, Lund Eugene Davenport Harvey Morrill Bennie Johnson James Bucholz Otto Haase Sam Nycklemoe Myrtle E, Logas Roland Winterfeldt Mrs. Leonard Hillstrom Mrs. Norbert Hertel Mrs, Russell Jedlund Helen Skramsted :·lendell P, Huber Henry Polkinghorn Robert B, Oslund Carlton E. Mortensen Reuben Swenson Vernon E. Bachman Harlan Nelson K. W, Hanson DATE ..... F.ebruary ... ll .................................................... 19 .. 9.9 .. Coroner Assessor Commissioner Conmissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Clerk of District Court Welfare Director Welfare Board Welfare Board Welfare Board Register of Deeds County Engineer Judge of Probate Surveyor Sheriff Nursing Home Superintendent Superintendent of Schools Attorney Auditor $ 1,262.66 9,585,87 3,737,90 3,930,41 4,327.17 3,986.98 4,088.31 9,000.00 14,384.85 706,89 428,93 160.00 9,000.00 15,000.00 9,969,36 8,457,50 22,6ll,42 7,006.84 8,688.60 1,012.27 2,833.32 The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 11:00 A.M,, April 8, 1969, for a Burroughs Control Center Unit, or similar, with locked v~ult, 12" carriage, numbering head, check protector and signer, with a trade-in of _a To~d T799X6225 check protector, Knute Hanson, Civil Defense Director, appeared before the Board and notified them of a meeting of County Chairmen, Auditor, Engineer and Civil Defense Director regarding snow emergency to be held at the Court House in Elbow Lake on February 17, at 7:30 P.M. Since no bids were received on the repair of br.idge in Aurdal Township, a motion was made, seconded and carried to Equest the Aurdal Town Board to appear before the Board at 9:30 A,M., March 7, 1969, to discuss what action should be taken, The Planning and Zoning Commission appeared before the Board regarding the Ordinances proposed. After listening to discussions by various interested parties, motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to postpone' action until 1:30 P.M., April 9, 1969, Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to publish the proposed ordinance in its entirety in the Fergus Falls Journal. The Ch~irman of the Trondhjem Town Board appeared before the County Board at the request of the County Board on a hearing on a road in question in Trondhjem in question, Action was delayed until weather conditions permit viewing of the road, possibly in April, The Trondhjem 'llown Board is to be notified of date. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to go through all commissioners minutes dating back to 1920 to have all County Ordinances published, The County Auditor was authorixed to have this taken care of, RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners on JAnuary 2, 1951, agreed by resolution to pay township aid according' to the amounts levied by the townships, and which amounts are as follows: From 10 mills and up, but less than 15 mills From 15 mills and up, but less than 20 mills 20 mills and up Sl00,00 $200.00 S300,oo NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the amounts to be paid to the respective townships according to their road and bridge levies for 1969 shall be as follows: 1 Township Total Mills Levied ~ Aastad 17,74 200.00 Amor 21.66 300,00 Aurdal 21.76 300,00 Blowers 4,67 None Bluffton 1,98 None Buse 3.99 None Butler 29.12 300.00 Candor 26,44 300.00 Carlisle 1.0.69 100,00 Clitherall 29.60 300.00 Compton 19,89 200.00 Corliss 12.07 100.00 Dane Prairie 11.66 100.00 Dead Lake 21.14 300.00 Deer Creek 29.90 300.00 Dora 16.15 200.00 Dunn 24,37 300.00 Eagle Lake 12.54 100.00 Eastern 19,93 200.00 Edna 19.21 200.00 Effington 20.47 300.00 Elizabeth 19.52 200.00 I COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................................................................. .19 ...... . l_l~tll.llll..U!.•..f 1' ST.CLOUD IIINN G•2309 Attest: ~ownship EJ.ino Erhards Grove Everts· Fergus Falls Folden Friberg Girard· Gorman Henning Hobart Homestead Inman Leaf Lake Leaf Mountain Lida Maine Maplewood Newton Nidaros Norwegian Grove Oak Valley Orwell Oscar Otter Tail Otto Paddock Parkers Prairie Pelican Perham Pine Lake Rush Lake Saint Olaf Scrambler Star Lake Sverdrup Tordenskjold Tr.ondhjem Tumuli Western Woodside Adopted this 11th Total Mills Levied 18.15 19.63 14.84 5.20 24.99 22.58 24.32 30.64 11.75 21.66 17.26 26.86 6.12 30.10 19.98 20.13. 32.50 23.38 29.54 19.54 27.29 12.35 28.59 9.61 25.60, 20.55 20.75 29.72 20.48 24.58 24.42 6.46 13.35 23.52 25.16 11.60 27.48 2.99 22.78 19.02 day of February ~ 200.00 200.00 100.00 None 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 100.00 300.00 200.00 300.00 None 300.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 200.00 300.00 100.00 300.00 None 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 None 100.00 300.00 300.00 100.00 300.00 None 300.00 200.00 $13,299.00. /s/ James Bucholz Chairman• ~t~s/'---'K~•~w~·•....!:Ha=n~s~o~n:.--___ Auditor Tne following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Bo_ard of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, WHEREAS This Board has received an application of Doyle H. Ottarson to repurchase the followi~ tract: Crystal Beach, Lot 33, Block 1, Township 136, Range 41 • which has been forfeited to the State of Minnesota_ for non-payment of taxes. Permission to do so will.be to the best pu~lic interest and relieve.undue hardship. ATTEST:' Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 10th day of February, 1969. /s/ James Bucholz Chairman /s/ K. t:i. Hanson Clerk Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to appoint Robert Hemmingsen to replac~ Dr. Richard Sheils on the County Nursing Board, as recormnended by1b.e Nursing Board. As requested by the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Welfare; the names of Mrs. Ray i'rudeau, Helen Hillstrom and Mrs. Alice Oppegaard as candidates from which one person will be appointed to the County Welfare: Board for a two-year term beginning July 10, 1969. I I I Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to ~chase two volumes of Minnesota Statutes 1967 Edition. I I : ! I I I I )J COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... r~.~ruary 11 ....................................... 19. 69 .. HCUllrf"PliiTl.11 CDIIH■i, lr,CLOUD,IIIN#. • Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried for the County Treasurer to invest $700,000.00 in United States Government Bonds and $1,400,000.00 in the best possible securi~ies. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to accept the County Financial Statement for the year 1968. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carr±ed authorizing the County Auditor to pay Leo B. and Deloris Blashack the sum of $562.00 on road condemnation for Parcel 6, CSAH #~2. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to tran~fer $3,000 from County Revenue into the County Attorney Contingent Fund, and the County Auditor was authorized to ma.!ce the necessary entries to accomplish this. The following bills were allowed: Carlton E. Mt,rtensen Carlton E. Mortensen Carlton E. Mortensen Merle Bacon John B. Halvorson Donald Lee James LeRoy Glen M. Melby Sidney Nelson Dale Akerman Joseph Peloquin General Trading Swanson's Surplus Don Ricks Minnesota Motor Company Doc's Tire Service Andy's 66 Marv's 66 Dick's Standard Perham Coop Oil Photo Center Western Union Midwest Printing Edling Electric Treasurer of O.T. Co. Mobile Radio & T.V. Service James Bucholz Otto Haase Bennie J, Johnson Andy Leitch Laura Hotchkiss Ambrose Klinnert Roger M. Heidorn Geraldine McGuire Dale E. Radke Arnold Evavold Harold Skistad Hom.er Sem Theo Hegseth Kenneth Clambey Frank Roberts Gene Davenport Anton N. Glesne Harris Iverson Henry Polkinghorn Arthur D. Boehne Clarence Berg John Nelson Otter Tail Groc. Co. Daycoa, Inc. Edling Electric Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Bill Ebersviller Co. Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Edgetown Lumber Allstate Sanitation & Mtce. Co. General Trading Lykken's Inc. Wanek Locksmith So. Mill Standard Elmer Zill M-R Sign Co., Inc. N.W. Bell Tele Co, N.W. Bell Tele Co. Esther Mortensen Adlore Nelson Mrs. LeRoy Glaesman Fergus Falls Medical Group Lakeland Mental Health City of Fergus Falls Carl J. Lund, M.D. Everett C. Hanson Vernon Bachman Helen Skramsted Boarding of Prisoners Mileage and Expense Supplies Mileage and Subsistence Mileage and subsistence Mileage and Subsistence Mileage and Subsistence Mileage and Subsistence Mileage and Subsistence Meeting expense at Minneapolis Meeting expense at Minneapolis Supplies-Sheriff Supplies-Sheriff Supplies-Sheriff Labor & Supplies-Sheriff Tires -Sheriff Starting Unit -Sheriff Gas & Oil -Sheriff Gas -Sheriff Gas and Oil-Sheriff Photo Finishing -Sheriff Telegrams -Sheriff Expense books -Sheriff Checking heaters -Sheriff Signs -Sheriff Services -Sheriff Mileage and Expense Mileage and Expense Mileage and Expen~r Mileage and Expense w;o.T. Soil Cons. Dist. w.o.T. Soil Cons. Dist. E.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. E.O.T. Soil Cons, Dist. Extra help as Custodian w.o.T. Soil & Water Cons. Dist. w.o.T. Soil & Water Cons, Dist. w.o.T. Soil & Water Cons. Dist. w.o.T. Soil & Water Cons. Dist. Weed and Seed Inspector Weed and Seed Inspector Mileage and Expenses Mileage Mileage and Expense Mileage and Expense Mileage Mileage Carpenter Work Supplies-Janitor Supplies-Janitor Labor and Parts-Janitor Snow Removal Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Snow Blower Keys and Service Gas Christmas Trees Lettering Comm. Office Calls Calls for Sheriff Matron Fees Matron Fees Witness Fees Care of Prisoners Court Costs Court Costs Coroner's Fees Coroner's Fees Postage and Supplies Postage and Supplies S 507.50 211.40 49.75 332.10 60.00 373.00 265.50 266.70 275.80 42.47 23.05 3.11 78.33 76.95 95.53 108.06 4.50 32,95 B & W 42.37 Rev. 4.71 132.12 32.15 4.52 34.50 12.75 40.29 138.85 37.50 38.35 26.30 9.40 181.44 440.00 200.00 24.oo 104.oo 60.30 48,45 27.45 31.80 193.40 70.81 85.33 29.70 67.07 99.45 48.82 88.oo 42.00 16.95 62.16 52.18 54.oo 15.85 136.14 161.19 30.84 11.17 398.00 21.50 7.17 9.50 22.50 128.72 192.19 60.00 10.00 3.42 66.oo 40.00 105.00 355.62 25.25 43.50 30.00 I ' \. COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Roland Biilington Rolland Billington Village of Perham Robert B,.Oslund ;um, Enstad Larson, Inc, Sherin-Meland Agency Kronemann, Insurance Commissiopers of Highways Martindal~ Hubbell, Inc, Minn. State Publication-Doc, Sec, The Photo.Center SCM Corpo;ra tion Xerox Corporation Xerox Corporation Battle Lake Review Northwest~rn Publishing Co, Perham Enterprise-Bulletin Perham En;terprise'LBulletin Fergus Fa.lls Journal Addressograph Multigraph Corp, Burroughs. Corp, Burroughs. Corp, Bakken Appraisal eo, Davenpor~•s Stationery Empire Bu,siness Machines Fergus S~rplus Lumber Gaffaney•_s Holten LU/llber Miller-D~vis Co, Nelson B~others Printing Oswald ~blishing Co, Poucher ~rinting & Litho, Co. Secretarial Service Security '.Blank Book & Prtg, Co, Universal Answering Service Victor Liµtdeen & Co, Dorothy J;ohnson Joyce Liqdgren Lorna Mc<;abe Amon Petiirsen Veery Ryger Mrs. Bud.Larson Mrs, Ed Skoglund Mrs, John J, Steblay Iona Butc;her Doris Jo:r;-genson E. Lucille Larson Ina McLaughlin Mrs, Pearl Ronning Mrs, Ear:j. Sonmor Mrs, Selrpa Swendsrud American.Journal of Nursing American.Journal of Nursing Nursing Outlook Magazine F, W, Woolworth Co. E,O,T, T~lephone Co, Village 9f Perham Philip Kjaglien Philip Kjaglien Les Skroye N,W, Beli Tele, Co, Straub C9, Public U~ilities Dept, Coopers . Treck Ph9tographic Inc, Victor Lµndeen Henning Advocate Battle Lake Farmers Union Oil B~ngtson:Oil Co, Consumers Coop Oil Co, Dave's standard Henning DA'l'E .... !!:.?.~~ry. 11 ..................................................... 19 .. 69 Registration Fee Registration Fee Rent-Co, Agent Services Fire Insurance Fire Insurance Bond Maps for Surveyor Law Director Manuals Photo Refinishing Maintenance Service Services Ads Ads Ads Publication Publication Supplies Posting Machine&: Supplies Supplies Appraisal Fees Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Mileage and Expense-Nurse Mileage and Expense-Nurse ~lileage and Expense-Nurse Mileage, Supplies & Postage Box rent & postage Attd Nursing Board Meeting Attd Nursing Board Meeting Attd Nursing Board Meeting Home Heal-<th Aide Home Health Aide Home Health Aide Home Health Aide Home Health Aide Home Health Aide Home Health Aide Ad for R,N. Subscription Ad for R,N, Equipment Calls & Service Rent for Nurse Mileage and Expense-Vets Service Stamps and Machine Rental Snow shoveling Calls & Service Rent Utilities Supplies Supplies Supplies Subscription Gasoline, etc, Gas, Diesel Fuel, Gasoline Gas Gas etc, Dave's S~andard Pelican Rapids Erhard Oil Co, Gas Deer Creek Gas Gas Farmers ~o-op Creamery Assn, Fossen O;i.l Co, Gene's S;tandard Service NYM Henning Sinclair Hoot Lake Pure Kraemer Pil Co, Park Region Oil Co; Perham C.o-op Oil Co. Service Pil Co. Battle Lake Twin I s Motor Co. Underwo~d Lakeside Service D,A, Luqricant Co, Soliah &; Braatz Arrow P~troleum Standarq Oil Co, Battle Lake Standard Oil Co, Henning Standard Oil Co, Pelican Rapids Standard Oil Perham Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Oil Grease Diesel Fuel Diesel Fuel and Oil Diesel Fuel Diesel Fuel, etc, Diesel Fuel $ . 25.00 25.00 60.00 2,497,50 1,339.00 · 1,222.00 40,00 34,59 80.00 510,00 • 1.68 76.00 160,62 42,50 33.00 6,72 6,00 162.66 251.00 25,33 ·-?,326,93 1,689.59 100,00 6.72 5,00 28,63 13.40 5,61 786,70 125.25 ' 20,42 220.25 37,50 211.40 3.00 1,565,48 31.80 3.30 34,35 20,01 4,50 5,40 15,60 7,35 18,90 5,03 9,60 8,33 7,88 20.63 33,90 30.00 16.00 20.00 44,95 22,24 ·35,00 84,75 9,28 5,00 33,83 50.00 4,70 8,25 134,68 46,82 4,25 189,55 187,45 61.07 24.27 227.05 372.25 226,31 22.36 214,08 237,12 234,68 327,84 181,97 331,54 163,34 11,96 305.11 790,35 ' 14,25 57,27 254,10 77,50 79,00 85,20 ' 163 ' I I I I I ' ' l I I ' I I I I I ·I 1. ,1; I . 164 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE _____ February _ 11 ____________________________________________________ 19_ 69. HCHlff Hllll■G CO■PAIIT, IT.CLDUD,■INN. C:'23QI Carlson Oil Co. Fossen Oil c~. Penrose Oil Co, Cummins Diesel Sales Hall Equipment Inc. Klauer Mfg. Co. Little Falls0Machine Co. Minnesota Tractor Co. Ruffridge Johnson Equip. Co. George Ryan Co. Ziegler, Inc: Bertleson weiding Bill Ebersviiler Co. Internationai Harvester Co. Kersten Plumbing & heating Larson Welding Jim Larson Ford Matz & Greiff Marlo Motors' Minnesota Motor Co. Norman's Repair Olson Auto Electric Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Parts Parts Parts Parts Parts Parts Parts Parts Parts Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Pelican Valley Motors, Inc. Repairs Rude Garage · Repairs Smith I s Farm· Supply Repairs Suhr Ford Sa~es Inc. Repairs Super GMC Truck Sales Repairs Wheeler• s Repair Repairs Uselman's Inc. Repairs Uselman's Electric Repairs Coast to Co~st Store Perham Supplies General Trading Supplies Genuine Parts Supplies Holten Lumber Supplies Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Supplies Welders Equipment Supplies Wilcox Lumber Co. NYMills Supplies Paper, Calmenson & Co. Cutting Edges Mark Sand & 0Gravel Equ:ip ment Rental Soby Construction Inc. Fquipment Rental Stan Morrill Inc. Equipment Rental International Salt Co. Salt L. N. Sickeis Co. Calcium Chloride Elk River Concrete Products Co. Culverts Dalton Grain & Feed Co. Coal Sherman w. Ferguson Drilling Well Knutson Heating & Air Conditioning Furnace Fargo Foundry Steel&: Mfg. Co. Fuel Tank E. Caye Machine Co. Spreaders Pelman Transrer Inc. Freight Minnesota Dept. of Highways Services Construction Bulletin Ad for Bids Otter Tail Power Co, Prints SCM Corporation Maintenance Service Interijation~l Business Machines Corp. Maintenance Service Burroughs Corp. Service East Ottertiil Telephone Co. Service & Tolls Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. F.F. Service & Tolls Park Region Mutual Telephone Co. Service & Tolls Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. F.F. Service & Tolls Pelican Telephone Co. Service & Tolls Northwestern Bell Telephone-Wadena Service & Tolls Midwest Telephone Co. Service & Tolls Victor Lundeen & Co. Supplies Panama Beaver Inc. Supplies Nelson Bros. Printing Supplies The Pierce Co. Supplies Davenport•s:stationery Supplies Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. Supplies Dahm's Photo Print Co. Supplies Minneapolis.Blue Printing Co. Supplies Wendell P. Huber Cash Advanced Wendell P. Huber Postage Wendell P. Huber Expense Rothsay Telephone Co. Relocation costs Robert L. chambers R/W Anna Rehbein R/W John W. Lachowitzer R/W James Rehrein R/W John Riestenberg R;\,/ Norbert Silvernagel R/\v Ann Martodain R/W George Martodam R/W Bernard Sazama R/\·I Mrs. Leonard E. Larson Replacement of Car Jack Sennett Sorum Equipment Rental Public Works Equipment Co. Parts Fergus Falls Daily Journal Publication Upon motion the meeting adjourned to 10:00 A.M., Tuesday, ATTEST: /s/ K. \-/, Hanson , Clerk March 11, 1969. /s/ James Bucholz Chairman $ 58.00 384.95 124.11 64.35 106.71 123.74 12.70 126.40 120.25 70.53 1,326.88 6.oo 5.52 106.77 60.34 24.oo 3.80 4.16 5.60 1.50 6.85 57.19 3.50 10·.oo 2.32 20.62 l.06.40 3.72 19.21 12.61! 12.95 6o8.77 91.85 82.20 77.25 24.97 2.20 1,11!3.40 1,1!32.00 790.00 382.50 1,224.00 3,258.00 40.30 48.75 597.10 1,385.00 156.71 1,678.80 4.75 522.76 76.80 62.20 72.00 47.98 185.00 58,53 99,18 18.09 64.49 12.77 15.19 15.45 3.30 27.36 16.00 40.53 5,81 10.23 6l!.oo 52.53 33.18 724.oo 327.53 278.10 59.l!o 102.02 172.13 69.20 123.80 36.90 16.00 71.115 19.00 16.95 1,215.00 185.00 69.30