HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1968Ottertail County Official Meetings 1968 30 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... Januar;y 2 ................................................... 19 .. 68. ECDITY'"l'll:INTHRn:lll'rHY. ■T.c[DUD,ilNii. MINUTES OF RF.GULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY CGiMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESO'l'A Pursuant to statute the Boardnet at 10 o'clock A.M. on January 2, 1968, all rrembers being present. The County Auditor called the meeting to order and stated that the first businss would be the election of the Chairman for the coming year. 1968: Upon motion Sam Nycklemoe was ~lected Chairman, and upon motion James Bucholz was elected Vice Chairman. The following res9lution was adopted: RESOLVED by the 0oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT the following dates be designated as the date on which the County Board will meet during the year February 13th and 14th March 12th and 13th April 9th and 10th May 14th and 15th June 11th and 12th July 8th and 9th August 13th and 14th Sep tember Jrd and 4th October 8th and 9th November 12th and lJtp December 10th and 11th Adopted this 2nd day of January, 1968. /s/ Sam Nycklemoe Chainnan Attest:_ .... /c.::S-<-/--=-S.:..•-=B=-=•'--J""oh:.:,;n:.:,;so=n'------ Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Utte~ Tail County, Minnesota, THAT a committee of three, consisting of the Chainnan and two members of the Board to be selected by the Chairman, be appointed to have charge of Court House and Jail and Grounds, and Court House Annex for the year 1968. Adopted this 2nd day of January, 1968. /s/ Sam Nycklemoe Chairman Attest: /S/ s. B. Johnson Clerk The Chairman appointed Morrill and Bucholz to serve on the above committee. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of l,ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman of the Board and two members of the Board, be appointed by the Chairman to purchase all furniture and supplies excepti·1g books, blanks and stationery needed for the Court House and Jail during the year 1968, and provide for such repairs asnay become an immediate necessity. Adopted this 2nd day of January, 1968. /S/ Sam Nycklanoe Chairman Attest: _ _._/S~/......,s=-=."--"B~._J_o=-=h=n~s~o~n ____ _ Clerk The Chairman of the Board appointed Haase and Johnson to serve on the above committee. The following resolutionwi.s adopted: RE.SOLVED by the Board of County Commissioner-s of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT under provisions of Section 2154 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Dr. Hom, a resident physician of said County, and Commissioners Bucholz and Nycklemoe, members of this board, be and the same hereby are appointed to constitute a County Board of Health of said County for the year 1968. Adopted this 2nd day of January, 1968. /S/ Sam 1~ycklemoec Attest: /S/ s. D. Johnson Chairman Clerk COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... J anua ry .. 2 .............................................. 19 .. 68. IJF.lllJLf!U!TJ!LCJ»MP •' ST CLOUD,■INN. Qa23D9 The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of "ounty Commissioners of Otter '!'ail County, Minnesota, WHERE.AS, Chapter 142, Laws of 1921, Mason's Minnesota Statutes 1927, Section 671, and Minnesota Statutes 1941, Section 375: 30 provides ways and means for the amtrol and eradication of rust-producing barberry, the following resolution was adopted: BIT I'l' IIIBEBY RESOLVED, that $50.00 be appropriated by ·the County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, for the purpose of eradicating and removing rust producing bushes and that a bounty of $3.00 be offered for the location of barberry bush or bushes on each property subject to the provisions as set forth by the Barberry Office, University Fann, St. Paul, Minnesota, on file in the office of the "ounty Auditor, Fergus Falls, .Mi~csota. Adopted this 2nd day of January, 1968. /S/ Sam Nycklemoe Chainnan Attest: _ __./..aas./_S....:...•..aaBa.:•~J,;;;oh:.::nc:.aso=n ___________ _ Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Lommissioners of Utter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, the County Commissioner of his respective district, namely James J. Bucholz, the First District; Bennie J. Johnson, the Second District; ·sam Nycklemoe, the Third District; Otto Haase, the FourthDistrict; and Harvey D. 1-',orrill, the Fifth District, be and they are hereby each appointed superintendent of pror of his said district, with authority to act in relation to the care and support of Non-resident paupers, and to receive applications for relief or support by or for any reason in his district, as provided by Chapter 15, Revised Laws of 1905. Ado pt ed this 2nd day o f January, 1968. /S/ Sam Nycklemoe Chainnan Attest: /S/ S. B. Johnson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of vounty Commissioners of Utter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT there be and hereby is transferred from the Revenue Fund of the County to the Incidental Fund the sum of $750.00 for postage for the use of the offices entitled thereto. Adopted this 2nd day of January, 1968. /S/ Sam l~ycklenoe Chainnan ATTE5T : __ ___,_/.:cSt.../...:S:.:•....::B'-'-·• ....;J:.:o:..:h.:;n:.=s:::con:..:_ ______ ..,,.,.......,_ Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Utter Tail County, Minnesota, THA,T the sum of ten cents be paid o'ut of the Revenue Fund of the County for every pocket-gopher and ~•ood chuck killed in said county during the year 1968 in cases where the townships in which pocket-gophers and 1"-ood ·chucks are so killed shall provide for the payment of an additional bounty of ten cents for each pocket-gopher and wood chuck so killed. " RESOLVED FURTHER THAT payment of such bounty shall be made by the County Auditor upon certificates executed by the Chainnan of the Town Board of said to\-mships setting forth that the pocket-gophers or wood chucks were duly pre- sented to• the Chairman of such Doard and that the township has issued and delivered to eachclaimant a town order for twenty cents for each pocket-gopher or wood chuck so killed, Adopted this 2nd day of January, 1968. /S/ Sam ~ycklemoe Chairman AT'l'E.ST: __ _,_/-=S"'-/_s_·· .... ..:B._..~Jo:::hc:!n:..:S:.;;:Oa,_n _______ ..,,.,.___,,--- Clerk The following resolution wis adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Utter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT the sum of not less than $250.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund of said County for Otter Tail County exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair for 1968, and the County Audit.or and Chainnan of the Board are directed to issue a warrant for said amount in favor of Clarence Mielke. Adopted this 2nd day of January, 1968. /S/ Sam Nycklemoe Chai nnan Attest: ___ __,_/-=S"'-/--=-S._ • ..:D:.:.,._J-=o~ha:.n~sa=n-=----------::::---:--Cl•erk 31 32 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. January .. 2 ............................................... 19 ... 68 ICIIIITrPIINTl■I-CIIIPINr.sr;enmr;urir;r.-• The following resolution w as adopted: RESOLVE,D by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT under the provisions of Section 739 General Statutes of 1932, the suni of $10C,OO be and the same herepy is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red River Development Association, said amount so appropri- ated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors for the year 1968. Adopted this 2nd day of Janaary, 1968, /S/ Sam Nycklanoe Attest: /s/ S, B. Johnson Chairman Clerk The follo~~ng resolution ~as adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the minimum salary to be paid to the Clerk of District Court for the term commencing in January 1969 shall be ~t less than the minimum amount set by State law, Adopted this 2nd day of January, 1968, /s/ Sam Nyckleiroe Attest: --~L~s~/_s_._B~._J_o_h_n_s_on ____ -=-----=- Clerk RESOLUTION OF OTTE.q TAIL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS \•,HE.REAS, Ott:er Tail County by the Otter Tail County Board of Conmissioners and Grant Counby by the Grant County Board of Commissioners desire to construct a gravel base and bituminous surfacing on a county line road common to both counties between County State Aid Highway No, 1, known as tne Wendell Road, and Trunk Highway No, 59, This road being further described as County State Aid Highway No, 26 in Grant County and County State Aid Highway No, 26 in Otter Tail County, NOW, THEREFORI=., IT IS HEREBY RESOLVE.D, by the Otter 'l'ail County Board of Commissioner·s t"hat Otter Tail County St~te Aid Highway No. 26 (S.P. 56-626-80) and Grant County State Aid Highway No. 26 (S.P. (S.P. 26-626-0J) here- by be constructed ln accordance with the plans and specifications as determire d by the County highway Engineers of Otter Tail County and Grant County. IT IS ALSO HEREBY AGREED that, . :i:, The preliminary and construction engineering shall be performed by the Grant County Highway Department and that this cost shall be shared fifty per cent C50%) by the County of Otter 'l'ail ani fifty per cent ( 50%) by the County of Grant. 2. The contracts shall be let at Elbow Lake, l•linnesota on April 1, 196f.l at 11:00 A.M., and both County Boards shall be present for the awarding of sa:d contract and the majori.ty of eachCounty Board must vote approval of said contract prior to acceptance thereof. 3, The original plans shall be approved and signed by both the Grant '-ounty and the Otter 'l'ail County Engineers prior to said plans being effective or legally binding u.pon their respective counties, 4, The partial estimates shall be signed by the Grant County Engineer and the final estimate shall be signed by both the Grant County Engineer and the Otter Tail County Engineer. Both counties shall deposit ~~th the Commissioner of Highways a sufficient amount of their Federal Aid and State Aid Funds to assure the comrletion of the project, 5, The final acceptance of the completed project shall be accomplished by separate resolutions py the County Board of Grant '-ounty and the County Board of vtter 'l'ail County. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 2nd day of January, 1968. /S/ Sam ~ycklemoe Chainnan /s/ 5. B, Johnson Clerk SCALE OF WAGES OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHvlAY IEPARTMENT The salaries of employees of the County Highway Department for the year 1968 were fixed bythe County Board, as follows: Bituminous Lay-out Operators Heavy Equipment Operators (Shovel & Motor Grader Operator Distributor Operator (Bituminous) Truck Driver Second Man on Truck Comon Labor Truck Rental Tractor & Mower Rental ( 5-7) Maintenance Foreman Shop Foreman Mechanics & Blacksmith Sign Foreman Sign Man (Ass't.) County Engineer Chief Engineer $2.60 per hour Cat Loader) 2. 54 per hour 2,46 per I-our 2.46 per ),our 2.36 per hour 2. 28 per hour 2.16 per hour 2. 60 per hour 2,00 per hour 650,00 per month 580,00 per month 300,0C to 550.00 per month 530,00 per month 490,00 per month 1250,,·oo per month 950,00 per month COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... January 2 .................................................. 19 .. 68. HCl■IH P■l■llH COIIPAXY, H.CLOUD,IIINN. Q':23QI Level Man Inspectors Rodman Engineering Technician II Office Man Accountant •, Secretary Bookkeeping Machine Operator Clerical Engineering Help 0Misc.) Subsistence (in excess of 15 mile radius) Sick Leave (Accumulative to) 550.00 to 750,00 per month 500,00 to 700.00 per month JOO.OO to 500,00 per month 550,00 to 750,00 per month 450,00 per month 520,00 per month 460.00 per month 240,00 to 420,00 per month 16O·,OO to JS0.00 per month 1. 50 to 2. 50 per hour 4.00 per day 48 days The maintenance employees' work week will be 50 hours except for November, December, January and February, when it will be 45 hours per week and the timl! for reporting for sue h employment is as directed by the Engineer, 'l'he employees are granted holidays as governed· by Chapter 495, Laws of 1955, Additional vacation will be granted as follows·: · After 5 years emplo~,nent -l day, 10 years -2 days, 15 years -J days and 20 years -4 days. BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to· statutory· authority the· County Engineer for and on behalf of the County of Otter Tail is hereby authorized to request and obtain from tre Minnesota Department of Highways needed engineer:ing and eachnical services du-ring the year 1968, for which payment will be made by the County upon receipt of verified claims from the Commissioner of Highways. Adopted this 2nd day of January, 1968. /S/ Sam 1~ycklemoe Chairman /S/ S, B. Johnson Auditor RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVE.D BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CTTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA: That because of deterioration due to rain, snow and usual spring climatic conditions the roads hereinafter described will be seriously damaged unless restrictions are imposed as to ' eight of vehicles to be· operated thereon. NO\'. THl!RE~'ORE, No person shall operate any vehicle or con,bination of vehicles upon any of the county roans in the County of Otter 1'ail and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to \1:it: County State Aid Highways l to 77 inclusive, 79, 81, SJ, 85 and 90 to lOC inclusive. County Roads 110 and 144 inclusive and numbers 146 and 148, during the period from the first of ~1arch, 1968 to the first of December, 1968, where the gross ~•eight on any single axle, as defin ed in Minnesota Statutes 1945, Sec. 169.87, Subsivision 1, exceeds five tons (1O,COO pounds) and the Engineer of said l-ounty is hereby directed and authorized to erect and maintain signs plainly indicatinp: the prohibi- tions and restrictions above at each end of that portion of any highway affected thereby, and these restrictions shall be effective and this prohibition effective upon such erection and maintenance ofsuch signs. Adopted this 2nd day of January, 1968. /s/ Sam Nycklemoe Chairman Attest: -~/~S~/_;:;S~·~B~•:,__:_J~o~hn~so=n'---::----,-.,..,-~-- County Auditor RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA ·. BE IT RE.SOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Utter Tail County, Minnesota that the ordinance of _ Otter Tail County adopted on the Jrd day of November, 1965, recorded on Record "P" • Page 414, be ca, tinued in force until the end of December, 1968, Attest: Adopted this 2nd day of January, 1968, /s/ Sam Nycilemoe Chairman Board of County CommJ.ssj_oners /S/ s. B, Johnson County Auditor RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OT1'ER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Engineer be authorized to· issue payrolls for the pirpose of salary pay- ments to all maintenance employees, engineering employees, construction employees, and for the rental of trucks and mowers necessary for the maintenance of County State Aid Highways not to exceed $42O,COO and County Roads rot to exceed $9O,COO for the year 1968. Attest: (SEAL) Adopted this 2nd day of January, 1968. /S/ S, B. Johnson Auditor /s/ Sam Nycklemoe Chairman 33 34 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. J anuarY .. 2 ···············---··············19.68 .. IICDllff PIIIIII .. COIIPAIIT, lf,CLOVD,lll■N, C: After consideration the Coup.ty hoard µnanimously fixed the salaries of the deputies and clerks together with the part time help and the following !IJIIOunts ar~ hereby set aside for clerk hire for the calendar year 1968 in the several county offices, to-wit: Sheriff Office, Dep. Jailer~ & clerk Auditor the unused portion ~{ the 1967 iirpropriation Treasurer Hegister of Deeds l l. Probate Court, in addition to the $3,500,00 authorized by law County Assessor Deputy County Assessor .. Clerk County hssessor -"'xtra Clerk Hire ~aunty Assessor \ Clerk of !Jistrict Gourt c,la,fl{ b•r~ First Assist,nt, l.ounty Superintendent of Schools Superintendent's '-lerk ~when required) Veteran's ~er:iri.ce Clerk & Janitor Probation Officer's clerk County Attorney's Clerks • Part time help at ____ to ____ _ per hour Adopted this 2nd day of January, 1968, .· .$ 67,221.00 18, 500,;00 plus 17,5CO.OC 15,000.00 4,720.00 8,500.00 6,480.00 5,4<.0,00 5,000.00 8,3CC,CO 4,800.00 260,CO per month 6,440.00 4,320,00 6,000.00 /S/ Sam 1~ycklemoe Attest: _ _,_/S~/.__~~·•'--"'B~._J_o~h~n~s~o~n.__ __ __,. __ Clerk Upon motion n, ade, seconded and carried, Roy Bruhn and Mrs. Arnold Stock were appointed members of the County E.xtension l.ommittee, together with James Bucholz from the County Board, Upon motion made, seconded and carried, Knute Hanson, Civil Defense Dj.rector, was authorized to attend Civil Defense Seminar to be held in the Twin Cities on January 25 and 26, 1968, Upon motion made, seconded and carried the County Aud~tor was authorized to issue a check to the Sheltered Workshop for funds avill.able to them from the t x levy when the settlement was completed, The County Commissioners were authorized to meet at 9 o'clock A.M, on January 17th, 1968 at the Co111111missioners Room in Fergus Falls for the hearing on automatic signals where CSAR 16 and 6SAR 75 cross the N.P. tracks, Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to call for bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A.M. February 13, 1968 on bituminous material comprising approximately 100,000 gallons SC and lC0,000 gallons MC to be delivered at any point in Otter Tail Gounty by transport truck equipped with pump for unloading, Upon motion the l.ounty Auditor was authorized to call for bids to be oepend at 11 o'clock A.M. February 13, 1968 for bituminous seal coat on approximately 135,1 miles of County State Aid Highways, County Highways ard Village Streets, comprising approximately 282,262 gallons of bituminous material for seal coat, and 10,046 cuhic yarcs of seal coat aggregate ins tock piles by the County, and road mix bituminous surfacing for 3,C08 mHes located from the aunction of T.H. #108, 4,0 miles East of Dent, to junction of CSAH #34, 5,0 miles West of PerhaJ)i, The major. quantities of work are 55,800 gallons of bituminous material for prime coat and mixture, 10,750 tons of p.r,1vel base in place, 3,430 tons of aggregate and 1,250 tons of aggregate shouldering in place. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Hig),way Engineer was authorized to make survey on County High- way #116 from CSAH #21 East a distance of ii miles, . Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the County Attorney was authorized to receive reimhurse- ment for office rent and use of equipment in the amount of $1200,00 per year, The l.ounty Board unanimously fixed the salaries of personnel in the Public Health i~ursing Department fran January first to June 30th 1968 as follows: Caroline Helgeson, P.H.N. Lucille Helter, Jr. P,H.N, Lorna McCabe, R.N. Dorothy Johnson, R.N. part-time nurse based on a salary of Dannis Fjestad, R.N. part-time nurse based on a salary of $661,00 per month 588,0C per month 588,00 per month 565,00 pef month 6J6.00 per month The hourly rate of registered nursed $3,15 per hour, hourly rate for Registered Public Healt~ Nurse $2.25 per hour, The pourly salary of Anton N. Glesne when assisting the County Assessor was unanimously fixed at the salary of $2.25 per hour, COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ J.Muar.v. .. 2 ................................................. 19 .... ~.~ The salaries of County officials were unanimously fixed at the follow:i.ng rates: Service Officer $7,000;. Treasurer $9,000!00; Register of Deeds $9,000.CO; Clerk of Court $9,00t.OO; Sheriff $9,000.00; Auditor $ll,CCO; County Assesser $8,500.00; uounty Attorney $8,5CO.OO; County Superintendmt of Schools $8,200.00 which includes service as Suj:1erint endent of Schools in Wilkin County if contract is continued. 1968. Toe· salary of the Court House Custodian was unanimously fixed at the sum of $600,00 per month for the year The salary of the two weed and seed inspectors was unanimously fixed at the sum of $2,250.00 each, to cover nine months service for each inspector in 1968, plus per diem for the balance of the year in case of emergencies, In addition to the appropriation for Deputy Sheriffs, .Jailer and Clerks, the following was unanimously approved: Subsistance when out on duty; Nelson, Melby, LeRoy, $3.00 per day; Baca, $1,50 per day; Patrol Deputies Lee and Halvorson $3.00 per day each when out on duty. A 111Gtion was made, seconded and unan:i.mously carried tt]at the rate for Board of Prisoners fran mun:i.d palities 01.1.side of "tter Tail County be fixed at $4.00 per day, Effective January~lst, 1968. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o1clock·A,M. January 3, 1968, Pur~uant to adjournment the B9ard m~t at 10 o•~loc½: A,M. January 3, 1968, all members present, The'resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District No, l448 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be ~ad on said resolution at 10 o1 clock A.I•!, March 13, 1968 and that due not.ice of the time and place be given as req~red by law, Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the Clerk of Court was authorized to pay outside agents 5¢ each for t~king drivers license applications. The-'l.ounty Board acknowledges with thanks a gift of $2,000,00 to the County Law Library from Co-trustees of Roger L. and 4gnes C, Dell Charita6le '!'rust created by the last will and testament of Agnes c. Dell, deceased, The :,Oounty board having previously advertised for bids for the County printing for the year .1968, bids were found to be as follows: Fergus Journal Co., publication of minutes of the meetings of the Board of County Commissioners, including regular and special sessions, and minuues of the Doard of Equalization, andalso all other legal notices that are published )n the paper designated as the official paper, all at legal rates. The 0Battle Lake Review and the Parkers ~rairie Independent, publication of the annual statement of receipts and disbursements:for the year 1967 at legal rates,· The:Perham Enterprise-Bulletin, publication of the annual Delinquent Tax Lists at legal rates, All:of the above bids were accepted, Licenses for On and Off Sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted to Willis and Donna Amundson at Woodside Stor~. The· application of George Zanski for correction of assessment on Lot 6 Section 9 Town of Dead Lake was recan- mended to the 'Commissioner of Taxation for approval on the ground that buildings were assessed too .high for their age and condition: ThS: following resolution was adopted: RES~LVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter '.!'ail County, Minnesota, THAT the Perham Enterprise Bulletin be and the same is hereby designated as the news paper in which shall be printed the ~ist of lands in Otter Tail County upon which taxes became delinquent on the first Monday in January, 1968, Provided further, that the publishers of said newspaper be required to furnish a surety bond in the sum of $2,0CO,OO for the faithful performance of said publication. Adopted January 3, 1968. /S/ Sam Nycklemoe Chainnan Attest: _ __,_t~sL/~S~·=--=B~--J~o~h~n~so~n::a... _______ ----:::-::--:- Clerk The·following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Utter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT the application of Arnold Weller to repurchase the NE~ of Section 6, Township 135, Range 36, \o6lich has been forfeited to the State for non-payment of taxes, is hereby approved upon payment of taxes, pen~lties, tnterest end costs; permission to repurchase will be to the best public interest and will relieve undue hardship. Adopted this 3rd day of January, 1968. /S/ Sam 1~ycklemoe Chairman Attest: /S/ S. B. Johnson Clerk 35 J,; 36 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. .J.illl.U!U'Y. .. 3. ............................................ 19 .. ~?. .. . --·-----11eU1111i PIIIIHIH COIIPA■Y, ST.CLOUD,IIINII, (;: The following bills were allowed: Carlton 'E. Mortensen Carlton E. Mortensen Sidney Nelson @len M. Melby James L.eRoy James Bucholz Utto Haase Bennie J. Johnson· harvey Morrill Sam Nycklemoe James Bucholz Otto Haase Bennie J, Johnson Harvey Morrill Sam Nycklemoe Walter Sundberg Laura E. Hotchkiss Ambrose A. Koinnert Thomas O. Nelson Ila Skalin Kenneth Clambey F'rank Uoberts Eugene ilavenport Harris W. Iverson Mrs, Gerald Zeise Christopher C. Clauson Chemco l,ompany, Inc, Dacotah Paper Company Ebersviller Implement l,o. Edgetown Lumber Co. Fergus Hardware Gamble Store, F.F. General Grading Company Holten Lumber Company Ho11,e Decorators Skramstad's Anderson Bros. Construction Gust Lagerquist & Sons, Inc. Johnson Service Co. Wm. @alena & Son Otter Tail Co-op Oils Inc. Northwestern Bell 'l'elephone Co,, F.F. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co, Battle Lake Review Cooper's Office Supply Fergus Glass & Paint Co, Fergus Jobbing Fergus Jobbing Inc. Lambert Lumber Mobile Radio & T.V. Service The Photo Cent er Skramstad Paint Dave's St,:ndard Fergus Oil l,ompany Mayo's Standard Service Nundahl Oil Company Park Region Oil Co. Perham Oil (Co,op) Anderson Bros. Construction Co. Reuben Klein Minnesota Motor Uselman' s lnc. John Halvorson Donald Lee Marland L. Hoff RElY Loomer Marvin Peterson Merlyn Thompson Dale Akerman Gary Ludwig Ray Polensky Carlton E. 1'.ortensen City Pharmacy Lale Region Hospital white Drug Company E.sther 1'1ortensen Esther Mortensen l'lrs. Alfred S. Johnson Inez ~oussaine Clarles E.. uohnson City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus Falls Eleanor Leidal Village of Perham E.verett C. nanson Lake Region hospital Carl J. Lund Cooper's Office Supply Cooper's Office Supply Boarding Prisoner~ Mileage & Expenses II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Attd. Ditch Hearing MileaggL & Expenses Special Zoning meeting II II II II II II II II II Meeting of Pianning Co11~1. Sery •. W.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. II II II II II Rent for Cons. office Serv; E.O.T. 'Soil Cons. Dist. vieed & Seed Insp, II II II II Expenses & Mileage II II II Attd. Extension meeting Expenses Glass cleaner Supplies -janitor .supplies -janitor II II II II Tire pump Batteries Supplies -janitor II II Ice Remover Replace glass in Reg. office Repairs on elevator Thermostat Repairs Gas, etc., -janitor Calls Sheriff calls Placards Supplies for Sheriff II II II Beads cJ: Bleach Supplies for Jlil II Service Supplies -Sheriff II Gas & Oil II " II II II II II II II II II Gas & Oil· Repairs at Sh. Residence Install shotgun Repairs Repairs Subsistence pay II II Relief jailer Jailer II Relief jailer Meals II II Sheriff convention Care of prisoners II II II II Matron fees II II II II II II Court costs II II II II Transcript tunicipal Court Room rent Lononer's fees Autopsy charges l:.xp. attd. convention Supplies Revenue B & W Safe Env. $570.00 74.60 164.30 197.70 229.30 112.60 78.JQ 93.90 10.00 95.73 19.00 18.95 15.75 1O.co 15.75 10.00 181.44 257.60 65.00 237.0C 183.26 237,35 96.25 95,10 7,65 22.04 89.78 51.56 5,95 116.46 23.55 3,39 1.00 3,65 1,84 0.00 41.28 974,CO .'.$5,50 0.00 2.60 79,48 91.44 32.oc 4.10 24.35 48.CO 21.'70 36.-25 11,25 30,75 7.39 32.81 5.65 102,02 11,89 11,60 10.54 72,92 21.84 12,00 J,85 29.28 36.OO 27.00 487.05 63,CO 84.00 224,CO 18.75 18.75 18,75 60.00 6.65 lJ.6O 4,80 JO.DC 5.00 5.00 5,00 4.00 260.00 8O,OC 7J.25 72O.CC 25.00 100.00 46,75 192,75 2.50 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCUIITf Pll■TIND CO■PAIIY, n.CLOUD.IIINN, c-:2309 Davenport's Stationery llavenport's Farnham's I. B. i•,. Corporation ~•iller-1,avis Company Nelson Bros •. Printing Co. Perham Enterprise-Bulletin Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Victou Lundeen & Co. Xerox Corporation Xerox Corporation l:.mpire Business ~lac hine s Empire Business Machines lnternation Business Machines, Corp. ~ionroe International lnc. Whiting's Office Equipment l•:onroe International I-c s.c.h. Corporation Vernon E. Bachman Myrtle 1. Logas Village of Perham Fergus Falls .Daily Journal Ray Krog The Assoc. of Minnesota Counties Bjorgo hepair Shop Gamble Store, F.F. Edgetm·m Lumber Company General 1'rading Company Henry G. Bjorgo Carolyn Helgeson Lorna Mcl.abe. Lucille Heltfer Mrs. Dorothy.Johnson Donnis Fjestad Veery E. Ryder Lucille Helfter Carolyn Helgeson E.O.T. Telephone Co. Nelsai Bros •. Printing Co. kmpire Business Mchs. Co. Village of Perham Mrs. Alva Helmrichs Mrs. Bud Larson ~•rs. Ed Skoglund Jannette Anthony Jannette Anthony Lovie Bormann Lovie Bormann Mrs. Iona Butcher Mrs. Ina Bu• cher 1'1rs. Edward Edwards 11,rs. Edward E.dwards Mrs. Edward E.d\,ards hary Ann l!mnel ~lary Ann Ermnel Mrs. Fred Greenwaldt Mrs. Cyril Grover Mrs. Kathryn.Hemmelgarn l·,rs. Kathryn Hemmelgarn Mrs. Clarence Hessel Mrs. I-label Jensen 1;1rs. Gordon L. Johnson Doris Jorgenson E.velyn Leth . •·•rs. Ina NcLaughlin Mrs. Verla McLaughlin Mrs. Ina hcLaughlin E.dna M. Nelson Inez Noussaine Bernice Ohman Clarice Rasmusson Clarice Rasmusson Mrs. Pearl Ronning Mrs. Pearl Ronning Mrs. Edith Ronningen Mrs. Rudy Sagerhorn l••rs. ~•arlin Senske Mrs. Marlin Senske 1',rs. ~,arlin Senske Mrs. Earl ::ionmor Selma Swendsrud Helen E. 'l'ikkanen Helen E.. 'l'ikkanen hrs. E.laine \';inkels ~,rs. E.laine ~<inkels Philip M. Kjaglien Philip M. Kjaglien Public Utilities Dept. Straub Company Northwestern Bell Telephone Lo. Secretarial Service DATE ................... January.) ......... . ············19 .. 68. Supplies II II Script Supplies II Envelopes Supplies II II II Repairs Repnirs & ribbons Ribbons Ribbon Calculator Maintenance Maintenance Postage Adv. Coms.pd.driv.lic. agts. Office rent for Lo. agent Publishing Cleaning O.T.Co. Nurs. Home Dump Dues Gas for Phelps Mill Wheelbarrows for Phelps Mill Supplies, Phelpp Mill Labor Phelps Mill Mileage II II II Postage II Calls & services Supplies Repairs Rent Mileage, attd. Nurs. Bd. meeting II II II II II 11 Home Health Aid II II II II II Mileage Home Health id II II II II Mileage & Expenses Postage & Mche. rental Utilities Rent Calls & Serv. Printing fonns II $ 7,38 5.35 24.00 14.10 337.82 70.00· 34.co 241.45 964.02 210.81 42.50 145.92 56,00 16.50 7.56 1.50 855.oc 37.00 63.oc 40.00 7.35 60.00 174.75 30.00 1080.C-C 1.39 24.95 10.86 19.55 25.00 35.62 85.60 96.32 30.53 7.95 6.54 2.oc 1.oc 9.75 13,00 15.00 35,00 7.35 2.70 8.25 8.55 3.75 5.40 16.50 9.52 4.12 5-77 5-77 7.80 12.00 3.45 6.75 4.50 2.40 7.50 6.07 .45 37.87 22.80 3-75 6.'.j) 6.60 7.05 2.40 8.25 4.50 14.85 =>.25 40.50 4.80 2.70 4.05 1.50 1.80 6.90 2.55 2.70 6.75 8.25 10.50 4.50 98.63 7.oc 4.65 50.00 2C.94 9.30 38 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ January 3 ............................................. 19.68 .. ICDITft""PRIITl■rco11P1Jrr."1r:?Rvr.vmr:-• Cooper's Uffice Supply F'ergus Hardware Nelson Bros. ,Prtg. l.o. Victor Lunde~n & Company Froelich I s Marine William E.. Miner Minnesota il'r~ctor Company Northwest Engineering l.o. Public \\orks .1!.quipment Co., Inc. Ruffridge-Johnson Eq. Co., Inc. George T. Ryan Co. Smith, lnc •. Ziegler, Inc, Adelsman Boiler Co. Harry~-BueQler liarvey Bulloc;k Dick's Standard Service, P.R. Ebersviller ~mplement Co. Fergus Dodge, Inc. Henry lldmgreQ International harvester Jim Larson F~rd Larson 1,irai:i, Implement Lyon Heating_& Plumbing Perham Fann ~upply l.ompany Walter H. Schmidt Shop Paper Calmenson & Co. Norbhwester Refining Co. Wheeler, Lwn9er Bridge & ~upply ~o. Elk l!iver Concrete Products Co, (.;utler-Magner Company M & R Sign Company Bretz Hardware Coast~to-~oa~t Store Henning erane-JohnsoQ l.o., Inc. P.R. Everts Lumber Co, General Cllf,ading Company Kimber A~ming Co. , Inc. Knutson Electric Vergas Hardware Company Wilcox Lwnbe~ Co., Henning Dalton Grain & Feed Raymond Motor Trans. [i-lc, Village of 0 luffton Andy's 66 betvice Bluffton Oil C,;ompany Hillview Store Lakeside Service l:o. Perham Co-op .vOil Co. Perham Shell Station Service Oil Gompany, B.L. Twin's -Motor.Company Texaco Bulk Plant Bengtson Oil ·co, F'os sen Oil Company American Road Builder's Assoc, Commissioner 'or 'l'axation, Petroleum Div. Minnesota Department of Highways bonroe International, lnc. Minneapolis Blue Printing Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. Davenport's Stationery N.W. Bell Teiephone Co., l~adena Pelican Telephone l:o. N .11. Bell Teiephone Co., F .F. ~endell P. 11uber G. D. Harlow· ~1endell P. Huber Roy Hohloff . 11arold Wallace Robert M. Hanson •·•rs. Hulda A~b1,rg Rodney Richter Minnesota Goci<J Roads, Inc. .:,upplies II II II II Boat Cover Farts II II II II II II Repairs II II II l.utting EXlges Asphalt Lumber Culverts Salt Signs Supplies Co 1 Freight Garage rental Gasolire Gas, etc. Gas & Oil Gas, etc. II II Gasoline Gas, etc. II II Motor Oil Fuel Oil II II Dues Special fuel tax Services Supplies II II Service & tolls Expense II Cash advanced R:iglt of Way II II II , II II II II II II II II II Membership UP.on motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. February 13, 1968. Attest-,~~~- .,~ Clerk· Chairman $ 5,50 1.47 12.25 23,55 10.85 20.00 460.69 325.78 85.20 119.26 10.14 4,99 1820.61 JO.JO 58.75 JO.CO 6.J8 158.18 4.05 64.90 220.49 20.40 2.85 34.69 6.50. 15.50 1,66.32 141C.02 8J8.6J J?0.58 496 .oo 86.40 11.Jl 8,41 6.05 83.79 550.57 8 • .38 J0,00 58.87 35.56 94.30 lJ.25 272.19 46.24 138.41 3,20 141.66 17,41 196. 54 122.84 96.47 42.0C 114.70 189.60 10.00 191.86 914.42 1.50 52.45 55.88 :>J.56 15.30 8.57 82.50 191.0I. 12.83 24.26 15.80 27.85 70,40 19.10 125.53 100.co MINUTB:S OF SPECIAL MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COONTY, MINN. Pursuant to call the Board met at 11 o'clock A. M. February 7, 1966, all members being present. The Commissioner of Highways for the State of Minnesota having called for bids on behalf of the County on State lid Highway #12 located between CSAH #47 and' T.H. /n8 7.0 miles South of Battle Lake, a representative of the State Highway Department opened bids, which were found to be as follows: Harvey W. Nelson lake Park, Minn. $59,47£!.97 _ Sellin Bros. , Inc • Hawley 62,853.96 Michaelson Bros., Inc. Madison 63,444.JJ Marvin E. Lund Glenwood 65,351.28 Kern & Tabery Sebeka 65,367.24 Strom Const. Co. Moorhead 65,522.78 t:.innerat.h Const. Co. & Cold Spring & Martin Fruth St. Cloud 67,559.48 Ed Zimmerman Barrett 67,930.67 Bain Bros. & Don Dahlman Clarissa 69,209.50 Clarence Drews Detroit Lakes 69,660.40 Russell McCarty Frazee, !-!inn. 73,888.35 Enabak Const. Co. Faribault 76,481.79 John Dieseth Co. Fergus Falls Incomplete Barry Const. Co. Lake Wilson 82,927.86 The bid of Harvey W. Nelson in the amount of $59,478.97 was determined by the County Board to be the lowest bid received. Upon motion of Commissioner Nycklemoe and seconded by Commissioner Haase it was voted by said County Board to recommend to the Commissioner of Highways that the contract be awarded to Harvey W. Nelson, the lowest bidder. Upon motion the County Board then adjourned. COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY ~M{NN . . ,;.· I ■tcu11n Pll■IINI ICOIIH.N'f, IT,CLOUD.IIINN. G:23Q1 DATE ............. February,.lJ. ........................................... 19 ... 68 MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEE1'ING OF BOARD OF COUN1'Y COMMISSIONERS OF O'l'TER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA, Pursuant to adjour11!1lent the Uoard met at 10 o'clock A.M. February 13, 1968, all members present. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the insurance company's adjustment of $2,220,00 for the wrecked Sheriff's car was acapted, · The motion was made, seconded and carried that the County advertise .Rr a new car for the Sheriff's office, bids to be according to the specifications on file with the Sheriff, Bids to b~ opj!ned at 11 o'clock A,M, ~•arch 12, 1968, The Bhairman and 'l'he County Auditor were authorized to sign an agreement with Grant County for construction of CSAH #29 from intersection of the Wendell Road east to the Trunk Highway. Bids to be opened at Elbow Lake at 2 o'clock P.M,' April 8, 1968, Upon motion the County Audit.or was authorized to advertise for bids on bridge: S.A.P. 56-660-05, Bric.•ge 56513 (CSAH 60) 3 -31 ft. precast concrete spans, 35 18" roadway, located over the Otter 'l'ail liiver, 0.8 mile East of 1uce, Bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A ,M. l·•arch 12, 1968. The Chairman was authorized to, sign agreements for right-of-way over a tr. ct of tax-forfeited land in Section 2 Town of Girard and a tract in Section 28 J.ownsM.p of Woodside, The Board having previously authorized the Commissioner of Highways to advertise for bids on behalf of titter Tail County on the following projects: CSAH # 22 bet. CSAH # J & CSAH #35, 10.0 mi. N of Underwood -6,112 mi. CSAH /I 49 bet, CSAH #14 in flichv'ille & 1' .N. #108 -4,1 mi, CSAH·# 51 bet. GSAH #60, J,5 mi. E, of Luce, and 0,26 mi. S, -0.263 mi. C!IAH # 60 bet. 'l',H. #10 at Luce & CSAH #51 -J,455 mi. CSAH # 61 bet, CSAH #t6, 2,5 mi. W, of Henning, & 5,9 mi. N, -5,89 mi • . CSAH # 67 bet. C. H. #148 at Butler & N, Line of Otter Tail Co, -J.167 mi, Bids were opened by a representatived' the State Highw.ay Dept, and~ere found to be as follows: Fairway l;onstruction l;ompany ~ark Sand & Gravel Judd Brown Construction l;o, & Carlson Bros., Inc. Bituminous Surface 'l'reating Co, P, 0, Pederson, Inc. Landseidel & jon, Inc. W. Lodgman & Sons, Inc, Hector, Ninn. Fergus Falls, Minn. Mankato, Minn, Springfield, Minn. Inver Grove Heights North Branch, Minn, lilyndon, Minn. Fairmont, Minn, $277,516.85 288,848,Jl 301,231.45 312,128.86 327,346.60 332,773,65 362,882.06 After consideration the Board unanimously recommended to the Commissioner of Highways that the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder, being Fairway Construction Co., Hector, l11i}'m, in the sum of $277,516.85, The Board having previously advertised for bids for road-mix bitwninous surfacing on C,P. 68:U25B, C.H. #125 from jct, of T.H, #108 4,0 mi. E of Dent to jct. of CSAH #35 5,0 mi, West of Perham. Bids were opened and found to be as follows: Fairway Const. Co,, Mark Sand & Gravel Co, P, 0, Pederson, Inc, Judd Brown Const. Co. & Carlson Bros., Inc. Landseidel & Son, Inc, Hector Minn. Fergus Falls, Minn. North Branch, Minn. Mankato, Minn Springfield, Minn, Glyndon, Minn. $ 26,234,70 29,143,00 32,477,JO JJ,889,50 39,351,00 . Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried the contract was awarded to Fairway Construction l;o,, Hector, Minn, in the sum of $26,234,70, The Board having pre.viously advertised for bids on county-wide sand-seal proceeded to (J!len bids ~:hich were as follows: McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc. Tr.i-City l;onstr. Co, Hi-Way Surfacing l;o, Lundin l;onst. Co., Inc. C, L. Nelson & l;o,, Inc. Marshall, Minn, Saint l;loµd, Minn. Minneota, 1-.inn, Mankato, 11,,i.nn, 'Br.ainerd, Minn, $ 67,483.12 69,027,14 69,909,03 77,607,00 89,979,85 The contract was unanimously awarded to McL~ughlin & Schulz, Inc. of Mar·shall, Minn. for $67,483.12, The Board having previously advertised for bids for bituminous material proceeded to open bids for 100,000 gallons S.C. and lOC,000 gallons !LC. Bids were found to be as follows: Northwest Refining vo. Western Oil & Fuel l;o, St. Paul Park MinneaPolis, Minn, $24,740.00 25,ooc .oo Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried the contract -was awarded to the Northwesten, Refining Co., St. Paul Park, Minn. in the sum of $24, 740,00_, A delegation from the 'l'ownship of Dane Prairie appeared before the Board regarding the improvement, of align- ment of '-'ounty 1'oijd #29. The matter was discussed but no definite action was taken, The County Engineer and Assistant Engineer were authorized to attend 'the Highw~y Engineers Meeting in St. Paul on February 22 and 23rd, and the 1·1ighway E.ngineer was authorized to attend the highway Engineers me etm g in Des Moines on ~pril 3rd to 5th, 1968. 39 "40 COj~SSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ February 13 ............................................ 19 68. RURlff"PRIITlll'D-elllPA~:'etwl~cr- Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried the Engineer was authorized to obtain bids for a County garage. Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried the lvorlanan' s l,ompensation Insurance was awarded to nllison & l,o. of Fergus Falls for the coming year, Upon motion the Chairman and the County Auditor were authorized to sign an agreement with the Otter Tail Power Co,· for placing poles to bring in current to the Utter 1'ail County Nursing H,..me. Ho, estead• classi.flcation was gran'ted to G. Robert Allison on Lot 20 and Ni of Lot 19 lilock 4 Cutler's Re- survey to the City of Fergus Falls, to which he was entjtled. The application of John Neuberger for correction of personal property assessment due to figures transposed on the assessment book was approved, The following applications were approved and it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that they be approved by him: r,,,arlo Wegner, Lot 2 Section 21 'lown of Hobart, too much lake frontage assessed: F.melia 1'ustad, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 Block 8 Hallberg' s Second Additi•m to the City of Fergus Falls, building over-ass·essed c rxl IEB be'en condemmd by the l,ity Building Inspector; Joseph Wasche, Lots 7 & 8 °lock 21 Uriginal PJ_at of Perham, estimate of value too high when· compar ed to actual sale because of condition of building at time of sale; Dean Jorgenson, error in listing personai property which became exempt under the sales t~ law, The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of "ounty Commissioners of 1.Jtter 1'ail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS this Board has heretofore contracted with Little Falls Machine Company of Little Falls, Minnesota, for two one way snow plows and three srow wings and WHEREAS TIU!. same has been delivered and accepted by the Board, NOW, THERE.FORE, BE IT ·RESOLVED that the Chainnan of the Board and t"he County Auditor are authorized and directed to issue a warrant to the Little Falls l',achine Company in the sum of $4915,CO,· the amount of the ca, tract price, Adopted this 13th day of February, 1968. /S/ Sam •~ycklemoe Chai nnan Attest: ___ /~S~/.__S_.'-'B~,'---"J~o~h~n=s=on:.:_ ______ _ Clerk Be it resolved that pursuant to Secti:on 161,36, Subdivisbn 1 through 6, Minnesota Statutes 1961, the Commissioner of iiighways b e appointed as the agent of Counties of Grant and Otter 1'ail to let as their agent a contract for the construction of that portion of County State-Aid Highway No, 26 (Grant and Otter '1ail '-ounties) described as follows: From "ounty State-Aid Highway No. 11, 5 Mis. N of Wendell to Trunk Highway No, 59 and the Chainnan ~d the Auditor of each l,ounty are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of each County to execute and enter into a contract 1vi th the Commissioner of 11ighways prescribing the terms and condit iais of such agency in the fonn as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency ContractForm No. IV--B" a copy of which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the 1,ounty all of the contractural obligations therein contained. Adopted this 13th day of February, 1968, Attest: __ /~s~/.__s~·•:_;:B~.c....;;J=o~h~n=so=n"'------'-'=~=C County Auditor (SEAL) /S/ Sam •~ycklemoe Chainnan Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A .M. February 11., 1968. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to-adjournment the 0oard met at 10 o'clock A.M. February 14, 1968, all members present. A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1522 was read an:! it was ordered that a hearing be held on said reolution at 10 o'clock A.M. March 13, 1968, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law, The petition of M. T. 1.nstad, Pre,sident of Enstad-Larson, Inc., asking that the SE/. SWt; Section JO South of Highway and part of the SEt; S\·!t; Sec. JO 1ownship 133 Range 42 be set off from School Dist. 1424 to School Dist. 544 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be had on said petition at 10 o'clock A.M. March 13, 196P, and that due notice of the time• and_ place be given as r cciuired by law, The petition of Otto R. Richter asking that the SW¼ NEt; and NEt; of SEt; and part of Lot 2 and Lot 1 ex. part N of lake, Sec. 25-133-42 be set off from I.Jist. 1458 to Dist; 550 was read and it •as ordered that a hearing be had on said petition at 10 o'clock A.M. I-larch 13, 1968, and that due notice of the time and place be given as reouj.red be law. · The petition of hlmer i,., 11iatt asking that Lots 1 and 2 of the SEt; ex N 4½ rods, and El NE! SEt; ex. N 4?! rods, Sub Lots 5 and 6, part of SEl, bounded by Sub Lots 1, 2, J, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 and E} of NE{ SE! and Sub Lots 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 and 14 of the SE¼ Section 17 'lownship 133 Range 43 be set off from Dist. 1430 to JJist. 1407 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be had on said petition at 10 o'clock A.M. March 13, 1968, and that due notice of the time and ~lace be given as required by law. COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... February 14. . ................. 19 .. 68. HlUIIT.1.P.IIITl,. •• co1.tAII!,_ c ouo ■INN G-23111 Under date of February 2nd 1968 the Lounty Welfare Board proceeded to open bids for furniture and draperies for the Otter Tail County Nursing Home pursuant to a duly advertised call for bids. After consideration Commissioners Johnson ani Nycklcmoe, togetler with the Welfare Secretary Winterfeldt and Swenson, Supt. of Nursing Home, and Mrs. Hjllstrom a welfare board: ember, were appointed a committee to view ~d examine the eriuipment offered by the various bidders and report to the Board of '-ounty Commissioners on February 14, 1968 submitting with their report the bids as received. Bids were examined by the Board and found to be competitive bids. Now therefore, said advertisement and proceedings had therein are ratified and the following bids were accepted and found to be as follows: Group 1· Group 2 Group 3 ~ Patient· Room Dining Room Lounge ¼ind sweep Bid does not meet specifications Arthur Shuster, lnc. ll,81J.82 1,513.80 2,636.05 Karvonen & Sons ll,268.001 Alternate bid 10,205.00, p & H Supply ll,434.15, 1,615.60 2,609.53 Olson Furniture 13,213.CO 1,550.00 2,147.00 Lintex #1 12,106.46 1,563.50 2,606.67 Lintex #2 10,995.861 1,563.50 · 2,606.67 Lintex 113 10,660.461 1,563.50 2,606.67 St. Cloud Hospital Supply Ill ll,560.56 1,772.00 883.0C #2 10,490.76' 1,772.00 883.0r Puritan Textile #1 ll,388.00\ Puritan Texti~e #2 10,248.00• Will Ross, Inc. 12,533.00 '· 1,677.20 Arter consideration of the committee report and upon motion made by Commissioner Johnson, seconded by \;onn1issioner 1·1arvey ~iorrill, the bid of St. Cloyd Hospital Supply Co in the amount of $11,560.56 Base bid for p,roup #1 was.ccepted, Commissioner James tiucholz voting No. Arter further consideration a motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that an additional number of items consisting of 14 beds or a total of 34, 7 over-bed tables or a total of 17; 7 pair safety side-rans or a total of 17, and 2 cha:i:rs or a total of 62, at an additional cost of $31l,8.20 be purchased. Upon motion made, seconded .and unanimously carried the bid of Lintex Corp. was a cdepted for Gra.i ps 2 and 3, being Lounge and Dining ioom furniture, in the amount of $4,170.27. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the co-ordination of colors on furnishing was left to the Lintex Corp. In addition the bid for the table and chairs for the staff dining room was unanimously awarded to Lintex Corp. for the sum of $371.04. Draperies, and rods, installed, consisting of fabric ~:ith milium racking and flame- retardent for all patient rooms ~,as unanimously awarded to Lintex l.orp. for a total of $2,290.CO · Draperies, rods, installation in all other areas including lounges, administration offices dining areas, material to be flame-retardent and separate milium drapers in dining area was unanimously awarded to Lintex Corp. for a tot~l of $1895.45. Quotations were received from Fergus Glass & Paint '-o. in the sum of $2251.00 and Norby's of Fergus Falls in the sum of $1966.05 and alternate bid of $2447.76 for draperies and were considered but were not accepted since the quality was felt to be less than the Lintex Corp. quotation. Permits to hold public dances were granted to Paul Anderson at Perry's Place, and lvan Stigen at the Ranch House. The \;ounty Board submitted the following three names to the i;ommissioner of P,,blic Welfare fran 1·•hich to select ore lay member to serve on the County Welfare Board, beginning July first: Mrs. Russell J edlund, St. Olaf Township, Ashby Post Office; Mrs. hazel Rodman, Henning; Mrs. Lorene Christopherson, Pelica, Rapids. A motion was made, seconded and carried that bids be advertised for the Phelp' s Erosion l..ontrol Pro,ject, Commissioner Morrill voting No. Commissioner Bennie J. Johnson was selected to serve on the Planning & uoning Board, together ~-i th "arland Nelson, Nels Hanson, Frank Altstadt and Floyd Hoff, the term being for three years. The motion was made, seoonded and carried that a survey be made of the Public Access to Tamarack Lake not later than April, 1968. Upon motion the Clerk of Court was authorized to sell seventy-five volumes of duplicate Minnesota Reports if purchaser will pay the sum of $10C.OO. The following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved by the Board of '-ounty Commissioners of vtter Tail County, Minnesota: We, the '-ommissioners of Otter Tail Co,nty, State of Minn$sota, m,et with representatives of'the Department of the Interior, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Sports fisheries and 't!ildlife, on February 14, 1968 and were.informed of the 22,COO total acres rec,uested for acquisition under the small 1-etlands program of that Bureau (Public Law 85-585 -85th Congress S. 2617, August 1, 1958). ~le do not object to this proposal for establishing these projects .in Utter'lail County. Adopted Februarf 14, 1968. Sam 1~ycklemoe, Chairman Bennie J. Johnson, uommissioner James Bucholz, i;omrnissioner Otto haase, Commissioner Harvey Morrill, uommissioner s. B. Johnson, Lounty Auditor ' 41 i 1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. February .. 14 ........................................... 19 .. 68 1i:flllilii"'ltiili11i1 ICOIIPa■Y. ■r.CLOVD,iiNN, a~w The following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved that: We, the County l,ommissioners of Utter 1'ail County, have carefully considered the mental health needs of the County, and after due deliberation agrle to sµpport the Lakeland Mental Health Center, lnc., Fergus Falls,.Minnesota, and to enter into a s:igled agreement with the other seven counties in the Mental Health Center area. We approve the budget and financing plan for the fisca,l year July 1, 1968 through June JC, 1969 in the following amounts: Be d<er l,ounty gougl!as County Grant "ounty Otter 1'ail County Pope County Stevens 1,ounty Traverse County Wilkin County $ll,205.00 9,990.00 4,185.00 22,950.00 5,602.50 5,197.50 3,375.00 4,995.90 We do designate the County Au~itor to sign the agreemept in sµpport for this l,ounty Adopted February 14, 1968. /S/ Sam "ycklemoe Chairman Attest: _ __,_/.:S:,,./....;S=..•:......:B:..:•_Jo:;hn:.::..:..:s:=o:..:.n ____ ..,,.,,_,.... Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commmissioners of U:t,ter Tail County, Minnesota; That, whereas, an application has been received from Alice and Edwin Pedersa, to re-purchase Sub Lot 7 of Government Lot 4 West of road in Section 32 Township 134 Range 40, and, Whereas, it. appears to the Board that it will be to the bestpublic interest and relieveaundue hardship to make such repurchase upon p~yment of taxes, penalties, interest and costs j;hat have accrued against said property, Now, therefore, such application for repurchase is approved. Adopted February 14, 1968. /S/ Sam Nycklemoe Chairman Attest: __ /'-'S""/_::s.:.•....aB::.,1-::J-=o.:..:h:..:.ns:::o~n,..._ ____ ..,,.,,----,- Clerk The following resolution was adopted: r1hereas the County Board of Otter 'l'ail l.ounty, Minnesota, has examined into the allegations of the applica- tion of Deer Creek Village da~ed February 1st, 1968, for the conveyance of certain lands therein descdbed, now, Therefore, be H resolved by the l.ounty l:loard of vq,er1'ail Co nty, Minnesota, that it hereby approves said application and recommends that the same be granted. The following bills were allowed: earlton 1-',ortensen Carlton E. 1-',ortensen Sidney Nelson Gen M. Melby James LeHoy Merle Bacon James Bucholz Otto "aase Bennie J. Johnson Sam N;i:cklemoe Vtto aase l-laltei-::,undberg Virginia S. Admns r,endel P. '"1uber, "o. E.ngineer Mrs. Laura E. 11otchkiss Ambrose A. Klinnert Ila Skalin 'l'h011o1.s O. •ielson "ompany Arnold lwavold Theo. Hegseth Homer M. Sem Harold Skistad Kenneth Clambey Frank rtoberts E.ugene Davenport 11arris W. Iverson Ant.on N. Glesne Anton N. Glesne Allstate Sanitat.ion...l·,tce. l.upp. l.orp. Dacotah i'aper Company Sam Nycklemoe · Bennie J. Johnson James 0 ucholz Otto Haase Harvey Morril-1 Boarding Prisoners Mileage & Expenses Mileage & Subsistence pay II II Mileage & expenses II II II II II II II II II II Attd. Planning Commission II Postage for planning commission II II II II Serv. W.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist, II II II II II II II II E.11 II II II II Rent for Conservation office Serv. i<O.T. ~ail Cons. Dist. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Salary Weed&: Seed Insp. II II " II II Expenses & J.:ileage II II II l:.xtra help l,o, Assessor's office II II II II II Janitor supplies Supplies -~anitor $ 835.00 47.35 311.20 363,l,O 347.30 94.05 18.00 18.30 ll.50 12.00 5,70 10.00 5.oc 10,70 241.92 404.80 258,00 65.00 31,.or 35,65 27,45 Jl.30 222.83 191. 77 143,70 121.03 :JJ7 .85 411.15 27.38 44,56 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY; MINN. DATE .............. February _14 .......................................... 19 .. 68. HCUIIH Pll■TIIII COIIHN'f, IT,CLOUD,IIINN. C':2JDD Daycoa, Inc. l!dget.own Lumber Company General Trading Company lbersf.ller Implement 1.0. l!dling llect.ric, Inc. rim, G,alena & Son 1.. \,. 1-,eislander Skramstad's Paint l!lmer V. Zill Gust. Lagerquist & Sons, Inc. Northwestern Bell 'l'elephone Co,, F .F. Northwestern Bell 1'elephone Co., ~-.L Carpenter·Hardware General Supply Hint.gen Karst Hint.gen-Karst Johnson•s·~uality Home Furn. Photo Center Sheriff Dick Jones Key Laboratories Mobile kadio & T.V. Service Mobile kaBio & T. V. Service Dave' s St.i.ndard Fergus Oil (,ompany Fergus Oil Company Gene's Standard Service Jim Larson Ford ~,ayo' s Standard Service Mayo's Standard Ser vice Service Oil Co, Uselman's' Gary Ludwig John Halvorson Andrew Lindquist Ali'red Schneider LaVern D, · Thompson Merlin Thompson City Pharinacy Fergus Falls 1-1:iric Fergus Falls ~\edical Group Park Region ~,edi.cal Center Steblay Drug Esther Mortensen Esther Mortensen Dorothy 1' !etcher Ada henkes Jay L. Kevern, M.D. Carl J. Lund, M.D. Carl J, Lund, J.l.D. (,ity of Fer gus Falls Dr. Ivan E.. Bigler, ~i.D. Harry l'1athison Normandy Cafe l'lonnandy Cafe Burroughs Corporation Davenport's St.atione-y Davenport's Stationery Empire Business l·,achines Empire Business 1',achines Frankel Carbon & Ribbon Co, 1·•artindate-Hubbell, Inc. Midwest Printing C..o. ~,iller-Davis Company Minnesota State Highway Dept. Nelson Bros. Printing Co, Panama Beaver Company Poucher Printing & Lit.ho. Co, Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Star Laundry~ Cleaners State of ~linnesota, Dept. of Adm. Viet.op Lundeen & uo, Victor Lundeen & Co. Xerox (,orporation Xerox ~orporation Cooper's 0ffice Supply Whiting's·Uffice l!quipment Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corpora ti n-1odd. Div. Sl!iith-(,orona ~•archant Corp. Vernon E. · Bachman Myrtle E. · Logas l•iyrtle E. · Logas George H, · Nelson Helen l. Skramsted Helen E. Skrwnsttd ~:yrtle E. · Logas Fergus Falls Daily Journal Enstad-Larson, Inc. Village of Perham Robert 0 • Oslund & Assoc. "ober-t H. • Uslund & Assoc, ldgetown Lumber Co. Houg "'lec-tri.c Supplies II 11 janitor Service & repairs II II II II Repair blinds in C.H. Ice Remover Christmas tree 1.:uarterly exam. service Calls Sheriff calls Shells -Sheriff Rep airs & supplies ..,upplies II Larpeting for jail house Film Service Tests Service Gas & oil II II II II II II II II II II II II II 11 ,etc. 1-,ash job Patrol 1,ork Subsistence pay Subsistence pay Sitter fee II II II II ~. edication for prisoners II II II II II II II II ~'.atron fee II II Bailiff II Coroner's fees II II II II Court Losts Travel & testimony Witness fee Meals for jurors II II II Ribbons Supplies II II Clean typewriter Carbon paper Directory ::,upplies M11ps Supplies Suppl;i.es II II Mops Contract Supplies II Services ::,upplies II II II II Rental of machines & desk Rental of calculators ~\aintenance II 'II Postage II 11 & Ribbons II Recording A~v. coms.pd.driv.lic.agts. Publications etc. Fire lnsurance Rent. for Lounty Agt. office Labor ""upplies for Phelps Mill '-'ervices & supplies Phelps It.ill ~43 $ 58,56 2.64 J.JO 114.37 7.50 68.00 15.90 a.oo 6.oc J8,0C 74,28 10;:,,77 8.80 12.60 96.92 108,45 550.00 Jl.J8 4.0C 15.00 J4.58 82.JO 19.15 17.6J 18.6J 16.98. 21.35 1C7 .09 91.87 6.80· 2.oc 32.00 72.oc 18.75 J4.00 20.00 74.00 5.20 43.80 17.CO 59.00 34,40 80.00 JO.QC 10.80 J0,67 · 26.42 230:23 302.JO 45,00 75.CC 4,J8 21.25 23.25 40.10 5.35 9,73 7.50 22.50 5i.OO 75,0C J8.50 318,21 10.46 i.46,05 . 58,JJ 234,05 446.54 J.00 2.40 1J5.li9 88.04 42.50 188.80 165,00 Jl5,00 510.25 80,00 55.0C 40.00 42,50 35.00 59,41 14.CO 14.60 4J.60 44;:,,75 U86.bo '60.00 1220.00 11,.20,50 162.05 28,60 -~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ February .14 ............................................ 19. 68 .. 1rcu11n •••• , .... COIIPAII, H.CLOUO.■INN. G' Carolyn Helgeson Dennis Fjestad Lucille Helfter l'•rs. Dorothy Johnson Lorna 1'•cCabe f\Jelson Bros. Printing Co. Carolyn Helgeson !Jonnis Fjestad Village of Perham Davenport"Stationery American Journal of •~ursing 1.0.T. Telephone ~o. Lovie Bormann Mrs. lona·Butcher Mrs. Lawrence Louglas 1·•rs. E.dward 1dwards J.1ary Ann l!mmel Mrs. harie Greenwaldt ;-atricia "'. Grover Mrs. Andrew nan son Kathryn HeiM1elgarn Mrs. Gordon L. Johnson Doris Jorgenson ~•rs. Uorothy Jortenson Mary 11. l\oste 1velyn Leth ~lrs. lna If.. ~•cLaughliim Mrs. Verla McLaughlin E.dna t<, • Nelson Inez Nousaine Mrs. Bernice Ohlnan hrs. Pearl Henning Mrs. 1dith Ronningen l'•rs. Hudy· Sagerhorn Mrs. Earl"'-'onmor •·•rs. SelJna. Swendsrud Mrs. Uaitle \\inkels Mrs. Bud !:.arson R'•rs. l,. W: Lewis Mrs. l!.d. :Skoglund hrs. John"J. Steblay l•,rs. Philip l,icklund Johnson Repair Shop Township of Dunn 'lownship of 1lmo 'l'ownship of Fergus Falls Everett l,. Hanson, M.D. Baas Oil eo. Bengtson 0il Co. Carlson Oil l.o. Consumers·l.o-op Oil, B.L. Dav.e's Standard Service, Henning Dave's Standard Service, Pel. Rapids Farmers Co-op Cry., D.C. Farmers l.o-op. Cry. Ass'n., D.c. r'ossen Oil l.o. r'ossen Oil Co. Gene's Standard Service Highway Co. Service Station Hoot Lake·Pure Jim's Service Station John's 7-0 Service Meyers Service Perham ~o~op. Oil Co. Ray's Oil•C.o. Service Oil ~o. -Underwood Service iil Co., 0 .L. Soliah & Braatz Theodorson' s l••obil Twins Motor Co. Underwood·Lakeside Service Vergas Oil Co. Park Region ~o-op Oil l.o. Battle Lake Farmers union Oil rossen Oil l,o. Lakeside Service Co. Standard Oil l.o., Perham 0 luffton 0il ~o. Penrose Oil l.o. Standard Wil l.o., B.L. Standard Vil l.o., Henning Standard ~il, Pelican Rapids D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Hi-Lo E.qui~ment l.o. Public horks hquipment l;o. Ruff'ridge-"'ohnson Eq. Co., Inc. George 'l. Ryan Co. Ziegler, Inc. huto Safety Service Bertelson·\\elding 1bersviller lmp. ~o. r'ann Cent~r ~,elding Mileage II & exp. Envelopes & Printing 'Post9ge, expenses attd Postage Rent Supplies Subscription Calls & Services ~'.ileage -Home Health II conv & ~•isc. exp. Aid t:.Heage -Home Health Aid II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Attd Nurs. Dd. meeting II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Ice chisel -::iheriff Poor expense II II Care of transients University Hospital Gasoline & etc. II II etc. II II II Special fuel r'uel oil II II 11 II II II Diesel Fuel, etc. II II II II II II II II II II II Parts II II II II Repairs II II II papers $ 30.02 5.C2 24.97 58.18 1C8.02 73.80 61.58 2.98 35.00 3.44 16.0C ll.10 14.40 10.110 2.40 10.05 4-95 6.75 4.50 6.75 7.50 33.75 13.95 25.20 8.25 8.10 22.05 6.60 3.30 8.25 4.50 1,5.30 2.70 4.05 2.55 2.70 14.25 5.40 1,.95 16.50 7.35 3.75 7.95 463.22 556.92 85.30 21.oc 192.15 1"1.90' 211.44 47.65 17.82 247l67 188.98 311.15 99.58 83.11 257.03 150.15 88.64 124.91 93.76 178.16 136.56 118.67 134.10 365. 72 238.96 107.97 46.23 169.45 ?41.49 76.77 128.00 379.20 130.40 1?2.99 11,5.oc 145-35 205.06 77.50 155. 25 399.30 65.10 56.99 585.91 60.76 391.15 52.50 7.80 138.15 16.CO COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ February .1" ........................................ 19.68 .. HCU■lff P■l■Tl■I CDIIPHT, ■r.CLDUD,IIINN, G':23Qt International Harvester Co. Knuttila.lmµ. l..o., Inc. Jim Larson ford Larson welding Lykken' s, Inc. Mark Sand & Gravel l'•arlo ~•of.ors Minnesota Motor Co. Olson Auto hlectric Perham Farm Supply l..o. ltiverside ftepair Shop Stan's Garage F. R. Stewart l'lbg & "lg. Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Super G.M.C. '!'ruck Sales Thelen Implement Vergas Mcitor Service Wheeler Repair 1..oast lo Loast Store, B.L. ~oast to"Loast Store, P.R. "oast to"'-oast Store, Perham Fergus Piumbing & "eating General h·ading Co. Halls Hardware Henry Holmgren Holten Lumber Lo. Hoyt Hardware ~•ad son's Store Sigelman Hide & F'ur Co. 1-iadena hide lit Fur '-o. Welders l!.quipment Little Falls Machine, Inc. W. R. Brown Corp. Farwell, Ozmun & Kirk <.;o. Minn. ~iining & l·.fg. Co. Natipnal Chemsearch Corp. Eutectic Welding Corp. Paper, Calmenson & Co. E. Caye ~,achine Co. ~alio al Fleet Service I·, & R Sign Company John Grabarkehitz Dalton Grain & Feed Lyon l.;henical Company Cutler-Magner l..ompany L. N. Sickels Company Lyon Chemical Company Raymond ~1otor Transportation, Inc. hahnomen Construction Company City of Fergus Falls Minn. Dept. of Highways Watler Butler Engineering Co. Fergus Journal Lompany Otter '!'ail Power Company H. A. Rogers Company Cooper's Office Supply Burroughs Corporation I.B.M. Corp. ~onroe International Inc. The Photo Center Panama Carbon Company Datun's Photo Print Company Minneapolis Dlue Printing Company Davenport's Stationery Victor Lundeen lit Co. E.ast Otter '!'ail 'l'e1ephone Co. ~\idwest 'l'elephone Lo. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., F .F. Park Region Mutual Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., F.F. Pelican Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., Wadena ~,endell P. 11uber \oiendell P. huber Town of f'olden To~m of Inman Village of Parkers Prairie Utter 'l'ail Power Company Mrs. Irene M. Wentz H. J. Thompson 1-.illiam Looker Wilmer A. Buschke George W. Higgs Hal Schwartz Everett Swenson Richard Pooler Harvey E. Gilb Mrs. Zelda ~-indheim Henry Rehborg Daniel Klimp Charlie Barden Fillmore Trites Mrs. Alice Torgrir:-son Repairs wupplies Cu ting edges Spreaders Tires Signs Gravel Coal Calcium Chloride Salt Calcium chloride II Freight Bit. surfacing ~'.aintenance Service Plans ad for bids prints II Desk Service II II Supplies II II II II Service Gt tolls II II II II II II II Expense II II II II II Cash advanced Special aid II II II II Right of Way II II II R II II II $482.62 12.67 3.25 7.00 39:65 30.00 3.55 :n.n 78.57 8.19 40.54 ll:23 10.05 32.29 203.82 ll.oc 22.33 1.50 81.34 35.72 39.90 4,51 429.43 37.65 12.00 18.40 6.94 53.30 314.35 13,86 66.38 56.75 22.95 75.99 292.50 435.99 161.50 171.3,48 1530.co 202.0l 27.00 625.70 127.45 1376~1.0'. 1041.60 1802.50 1380.84 4.25 50.00 561.25 720,44 1923.29 81.9C 10.50 122.15 273.60 222.50 47.98 24.00 1.40 34.48 35.25 195,59 35.39 13.90 41.85 24.67 63,44 36,88 97.83 12.62 13.62 3c9. 53 44.84 . 1300.00 300.00 300.00 3791.25 2.20 1.60 40,20 33,58 44,15 28.70 21.95 25.05 10.80 41.00 2.co 9.60 6.40 60.61 27.8r 45 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... February .. 14 ........................................ 19..68 HC:DRlff Pll■TIHI COMPANY, 11.CLOUD,■INN. Archie Smith Johannes ·Berg Lawrence·Van Be:rkom Albert E; Larson & George Spies Morris Lunde F.clwin Lundquist William ~hristensen Lonstruction Bul.etin ~.oen liealty Philip M, Kjaglien Philip M; Kjablien Northwestem Bell Telephone Co. Public Utilities Dept. Cooper's Office Supply Fergus Hardware Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Victor Lundeen~ Co. Secretarial Service The Henning Advocate Otter Tail Lounty Tax Forf. Fund Otter 'lail County 'l'ax Forf. ~und Fergus Oil Co. harvey Morrill night of Way II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Advertising Premium Mileage & expenses Postage & machine rental Calls & services Utilities Supplies II ~eographing Subscription Easement for Highway Easement for Highway Gas & oil, Sheriff Supplies, Phelps It.ill Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. l·,arc·h 12, 1968. Attest: ------r-~......;-.,,...,..ci-~q,,;, ...... ~~~-~=----- /~~Clerk Chairman $ 7.10 60.50 88.10 414.95 17.20 419.58 34.40 68.10 54.00 108,90 10,00 21.75 4.70 22.25 3.27 177.35 23.08 4-75 ·3.75 11.60 10.60 18.63 30.09 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... Mar.c.h .. 12 ..................................................... 19 .. 68. IU:IIIILIIIIJINlaCOMrAftl-.11 MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTl:.R TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M. 1',arch 12, 1968, all members being presen't. A motion was made, seconded and carried that plans and specifications' for the road at Phelps Mill be prepared if money is received pursuant to an application filed with the State Department as an a·gent for the Federal llovernment. The Board having previously advertised for bids for one car .for the County Sheriff proceeded to cpen bids which were found to be as follows: Reuben Klein ~:otors l.o. Fergus Uodge, Inc. l•linnesota Motor Co. Fergus Falls Fergus Falls Fergus Falls Plymouth Dodge Chevrolet Buick $2,583.18 2,780.60 2,767.0C 2,919.00 After consideration the bid submitted by the Minrwisota Motor Co. for Chevrolet in the sum of $2767.00 was accepted. The Board having previously advertised for bids for a bridge C.75 miles East of Luce over the Otter Tail River opened bids 1,M.ch were found to be as follows: Walt Prahm & :C.on, Inc. Korby Construction Co. N. E. Fallgren Hardrives, Inc. Thorson Construction vo., Inc., Swingen Construction vo. Industrial Builders, Inc. Slayton Fergus Falls La Porte St. Cloyd P Tracy Grand Forks, N.D. Fargo, N.D. $37,853.85 38,267.10 42,618.60 44,432.25 45,205.CO 46,883.85 50,387.45 After consideration the contract was awarded to Walk Prahm & Son fo·r· the amount of $37,853.85. The follow~ng resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that tne 0oard of County Lorr.missioners of utter 1ail County, Minnesota, hereby do desig- nate and seek O.E.O. recognition of the Otter Tail -~Jadena Community Action l.ounc£1, Inc. as Communi'ty Action Agency for Otter Tail Lounty. Adopted this 12th day of March, 1968. Sam Nycklernoe Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be op~ned at 10 o'clock A.M • .. pril 9, 1968 for two dump trucks, 25,500 G.V.W., bids to include t.rade-in on County Units #87 and #89,· and two ate-way snow plows to fit 25,500 lb. G.V.W. tr.ucks and two ~:ings IO ft. in length. The Lounty Auditor was authorized to call for bids for 1-rading and gravelling to be opened at 11 o'clock A.M. April 9, 1968 for the following projects: S.A.P. 56-655-04 (68) C.P. 68:55 Len~th 2.441 miles, located fran 2200 feet :C.outheast of the junction with C.H. 8128 to 1.0 mile South of Ottertail Village Corporate Limits, comprising approximately 142,652 cubic yards of l.ommon Excavation and 3,000 tons of Aggregate Surfacing, Llass 1. S.A._P. 56-683-07 (68) C.P. 68:83 Length 2.148 niles, located from 3.0 miles Northwest of Battle Lake to 1.6 miles South of the unction with CSAH #1, comprising ?.pproximately 111,192 cubic yards of Common Excavation. Upon motion made, seconded and carried the rate for dragging Township "oads was fixed at $7.00 per hour begiMing April 1, 1968. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, l'•rs. ~harles Oppegard, Leaf Lake '!o~mship, was appointed~ -11n::n1be1 ef t.he I e11Rt)· helfare-Bo-d1'"EI to replace 1'1rs. Hazel Rodman on the panel submitted to the Welfare Commissioner at the February session of the Board. The Lhairman of the l.ounty Board w~s authorized to sign application for State funds for the Phelps Mill ~rosion & Development Project. On Sale liquor licenses were granted to Ivan Stigen at the Ranch house, •own of 0use, and Duane Frost at Bud's Supper Cil,ub in the Town of Newton. A motion was made, seconded and carried that all new plats be approved by the l.ounty Surveyor pursuant to Chapters 505.01 t_hrough 505.09 before being recommended, at no cost to anyone.· Th; motion was made, seconded and carried that a request by the Lounty Nursing Board for an additbnal roster of nurses be rejected. Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the salary of the Juvenile Parole Officer be fj xed at the sum of $592.00·per month effective March 1, 1968. 47 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... March .12 ..................................................... 19 .. 68. IRUIITrJIIINTIN'rHDiNr.-if:""ctifur.lJilir.' -· The following applications for homestead classification were granted by the Board due to the failure in so classifying thElll: Minerva Schmidt, W½ S~ii Sec. 27, ~ SEj Sec. 28 and NE¼ NE/; Sec. 33 '1own of Eastern; "'arvin L. Veden, E½ NE?;, NWi NW¼ Sec. 4 Town of Compton; Ethel Schelbery, 1-JE~ NEt; & part of NEt; SEt; Sec. 21 °1own of Inman; •·~ger Krause, SW¾ NE¼ Sec. 2 Town of Inman; ~,artin & Stella Dulski, N~ Sw?; & SEt; Sv,¼ Sec. 17 'l'own of Corliss; Raymond \~. Boedigheimer, Lot 7 Oak Grove Beach; Grace E. Anderson, Lot 3 Block 1 Miller's Beach; 1'illiam Syvock, Lot C Dursch I s Silver Bay; Raymond & L.ladys Flatin, Lot 9 and abutting tracts in Pleasure Beach; "arvey 1., Bissek, Lots 15, 16, 17 Recreation Beach; A. W. Frederickson, Lot 8 Ironwood Beach; Leo L. lloetl; all south of town line of Lot 10 Peach's Outlets to A. L. Peach's L~:ke Shore; Ralph VollbrechtL Jr., SE¼ Sec. 25 'own cf Elizabeth; Emma Fjestad el al, part ·homestead on s"¼ Sec. _10 Town of Carlisle; Selvin Trosvig, S ¼ SEl Sec. 4 'i'own of Norwegian Grove; Hobert Young, Lot 20 \·,enonga Beach; Elbeda A, Peterson, Lots 1 throuph 6 Block 13 Lakeview Addilion to Parkers Prairie; Virgil D. Kalpin, Lots 17 and 18 °lock 49 Lakeview Add'n. to'Parkers Prairie; Fred Maske, tr· ct in Sec. 22 Unplatted .... ands, Villa~e of Parkers l'rairie; liobert D. 8'. Florence Hammers, Lots 3 and 4 Block 2 \\allace's Addition to Perham; Lorna ''•cCabe, art Lot 15 and 11 Lot 16 Block 5 iicLane•s Secorrl addition to Fergus Falls. Board: The followill! applications for correction of rates of assessment on rea.?-estate were granted hy the George H. \~hitlock, b,ack lots adjoining Forest Lodge, over-assessed. Burnell Bakke, W 3/4 of NW¼ SW{, S½ sv·l; N\·.'·t,, s½ SE!, SWt; NEt; Sec. 3 1own of Aastad; Morris Halvorson, Lot 12 Llear Beach Resort, township property; James & Iva Vejvoda, S 198 ft. of· N 1025 ft. of Lot r "'ec. 26 '!'own of "ush Lake, assessed at market value i mt.ead of true and full value. The following applicationibr reduction of assessed value of Personal Property assessed to the Lake Region l.o-op hl.ectric Ass'n. was approved and recommended to the Lommissioner of Taxation for approval. The following applications for correction of assessment on real estate were considered by the Board and recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval: Housing & Development Authority of Fergus Falls, c,ncellation of tax on Lols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5·B1ock 2 and Lols 1 and 2 illock 15 Original !·lat of Fer gus Falls, being non-tax~ble property. Community Development Corporation of Under~uod, except N 82.2 ft. Lots 1, 2, 3 Block 3 Original Plat, Under,-ood, structure valued too high. John °ennen, ,25 of an acre tr;,ct Sec. 34 Town of Carhsle, entire tract now within the limit.s of T.H. 210. Albert Boese, sl!.1; SW{, Ski NE{, NEt; SEt; N of road, and NWt; SE?; Sec. 18 Town of £lizabeth, buildings vacant and unusable. Jerry 1!.nderson, NW¼ ex. tract, Section 12 Town of Buse, old barn assessed for market value instead of true and full. Cedar Park "lub 39. 60 ac. in Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4 in Sec. JO '1own of Dane Prairie, error in assessing one of the buildings. Clarence\•,. Hanson, N½ SW¼ sec. 1 '!'own of Edna, clerical error in assessing. Mrs. Nels Anderson, Lot 10 Nirvana, over-vnlued for condition of building. B. Hoss Downard, Lot 2 l:ilock 1 llielson's Perfect Beach, buil_d~g assessed throuph error, Ferdinand & Hattie r.anderi, w1 NW¼ ex. tracts, Sec. 35 '1own of Corliss, old I ouse not. taken off when new house went on. 'l'he application of Hedger A, Neumann, City Clerk, for correction of special assessments erroneously certific; to this office on E½ of Lot 2 °lock 1 Allen's Addition to the City of Fergus Falls and on the N½ of Lot 4 °1ock 19 North IJivisbn, LoL 9 and part of Lot 10 Block 1 Corliss Add'n., W 75 ft. of E 200 ft. of Sub Lot l "ovemment Lot 6 Sec. 26-133-43, Lots 21 and 26 of Jensen's "ountryside Addition were recommended to 'the Commissioner of Taxation for approval. Licenses for off and on sale of non-intoxicating malt lir,uors were granted to the following: Fritz Hjeltness Jerry Schultz Alex Sepchenko 1-',arvin E.. Anderson Charles R. Han Fred L. Evans Melvin Baas "arriett Heit er . Albert Weiler Franklin Olson Arrowhead Point Rrsort 1'en i'.ile Lake Resort Heilberger Lake Resort Weetown Tavern Hall's E.thel Beach Babe's Hesort Trianble Dance v1ub Woodland Park Jones Landing Fri,nk' s Place Le f Lake Twp. Tumuli Twp. Friberg Twp. Friberg Twp. Girard Twp. Perham Twp. Rush Lake Twp. Girard Twp. Pine Lake Twp • Inman Twp. Licenses to hold regular public dance was grm ted to Frank L. Evans, Babe's Resort, Township of Perham. License for public dances by mechanical music was granted to J.erry Schultz, Ten l!.ile Lake RFsort, Town- ship of 'iumuli. Upon motion the ooa!'d then adjourned to ten o I clock A.~:., •··arch 13, 1968. COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ·································19 .. 68 HCURIH PIIIIIIIO CO■PAIIT, H.CLOUD,■IIIN. Q':23DI Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.¥.. March 13, 1968, all members present; The petition of lJtto R. Richter asking that the SW¾ NE¾ and NE¼ SE¼ and that part of Lot 2 and part North of lake Sec. 25-133-42 be set off from District. 1458 to Dist. 550 was -taken up for final action. listening to the statements of the interested parties the Board issued the following order, to-~it: Lot 1 ex. After Order Setting oITLegal Voter from One School District to Another. lmEREAS, '!'he petiont of Otto H, Richter, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 11.58 in this l.ounty, representing that he is the owner of t);le" lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoint School IJistrict No, ---,.,.....--and asking that he with his said lands may be set o·ff from sajd dis- Lrict No, 1458 to said adjoining scha:il. district No. 550 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of thjs County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of February, A.D., 1968 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 13th day of -"•arch A.D., 1968 at the eounty Auditor's office.in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing toth e clerk of each said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said I3oard of County Commissioners on said 13th day of ~'.arch A .D., 1968 due proof of the posting and service of said order of· hearing as 1herein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said· J'ietition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everythinr which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and s1µ.d Board being of opinion that said petition should be graited, it is hereby ordered and detennined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: SW¾ of Nl!.r, and NE.k of SEl and part of Lot 2, and Lot 1 except part North of lake, Section 25, 'l'ownshi p 133, Hange 1,2 be andthe same are hereby set off from said School District No, 1458 to s~id adjoining School District No. 550 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the board of County Commissioners Dated the 13th day of March A.D., 1968. (Auditor' Seal) /S/ Sam Nyckkmoe Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: /S/ S, B, Johnson County Auditor & ex-officio l.lerk of Board The petition of linstad-Larson, Inc., asking that the SE¾ SW}. Sec. JO South of highway, and all that pa rt of SE¾ Sl~¾ Sec. JO '•ownship 133 Range 42 described by metes and bounds be set off from District 1424 to Dist. 544 was taken up for final action. After listening to the stdtements of the various interested parties the 0oard issued the following order, to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. \\HEREAS, The petition of "'nstad-Larson, Inc., a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 1424 in this l.ounty, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School IJistrict, and adjoin'. School District No. 51.4 and asking that he ~-i th his said lands nay be set off from said dis- trict No. 1424 to said adjoining school district No. 544 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of February A.D., 1968 for the action of said bo~rd thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board tha't a hear.i ng should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 13th day of March A.D., 1968 at the l.ounty Auditor's office in the l.ity of Fergus Falls in said County; and ~•hereas it was further ordered in and by said order that hotice of the time and rlace o·f such hear.i. ng be given hr posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each said School LJistricts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the ! ime appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of "ounty Corr.missioners on said 13th day of ~•arch •l,D,, 1968, due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing astherein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named dated, havin[. been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said be said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the sa:j.d petitioner and the follo,-,ing desc1ibed lands owned by hin, to ~;it: · SE/; of SW¼ of Section JO South of highway. r.11 tliat part of the SJ;i¾ of SW¼ Section JO, '1ownship 133, he.nge 42 described as follows: . Beginning at a point on South line of said Section JO, distant 140 feet, East of the SW corner of said SE¾ of Shi; thence east along section line· 1184 feet to the ruarter section corner; thence North along said ruarter section line 1248 feet to the South, righ of way of County Highway No, 1 thence running westerly along said high~1ay right of way to th!'! west line of said SEJ, of Sl'd;; thence South along said west line to a point located 140 feet North of the Southwest corner o! Sjj;t of SW{ thence SEly to point of beginning, be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1424 to said adjoining School District No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said las~ named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the 0 oard of County l.ommissionre Dated the 13th day of March A.D., 1968. (Auditor's Seal) /S/ Sam Nycklemoe Chairman of the 0 oard of l.ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: /S/ ~. B. Johnson County Audi tor & ex-officio Clerk of Board 49 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. . DATE ................... March l.J ............................................ 19 .. 68. IECUIIU Pll■rl■O CO■PA■T, IT.CLOUD,lll■M, • A resolution asking for the dissolution of School Dist. 1522 was taken up for final action. After listening tothe statements of the various interested parties the Board issued the follo\\ing interlocutory order, to-~:it: IN THE ¥iA'l'TER OF THE DISSOLUTIOI~ OF COMl-lON SCHOOL DIS'l'RICT NO. 1522 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter'I'ail 1-ounty, MiMesota, at the Lourt H use in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 13th day of March, 1968 at 10 o'clock A.I✓.., purauant to notice dulyngiven as proved by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First -'l"hat said proceedings were instituted by: A resolution adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor. Second -'hat less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hear·fog, that it is expdlient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW THERl!.FORE. IT IS ORDERrD, 01 hat said Common School District No. 1522 be dissolved andthat the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to->it: To Independent School District 847 ••ilkin County, Lot 6 Section 28, NE¾ Section 33; SJE¾ Section 33 1 S ¾ Section 34 all in 'I'mmship 132 Range 44; NWi Section 3; I-IE. Section 4 all in 'l"ownship 131 Range 44. To Independent School District 6544 all the balance of the territory comprising District No. 1522. IT IS FUH'l'HER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1522 be dis- tributed as follows, to-wit: That all real estate and personal prol'erty of every nature and descdption including monies on hand and the proceeds of taxes collected after July 1st ·1968 and prior years be apportioned 20.1% to Independent School District #847, \·/ilkin Lounty and 79.9% to Independent School Dis- trict N-:. 544 of Otter Tail 1-ounty, and any liabilities of District 61522 become the liabilities of District #847 and #541, by the same percentages. 'l'hat the outstanding bonded debt of said school district No. 1522 is None. 'l'hat the proposed effective date of this order is July 1, 1968. Dated ~•arch 13, 1968. /s/ Sam Nycklemoe Chairman, Board of County Commissioners At test: _...L.;/S::,/.....:;s;.:· ·-=B_,_. _J_o::.:h..,n.:.:s:::o.:.:n--,,.----,---,-,,..,..----- County Auditor of 1-ounty of lJtter Tail, State of KiMesota A resolution asking for the dissolution of School District 1448 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties the Board issued the follo~:ing Interlocutory Order, to-~·it: IN THE 1-'.A'l'TER OF 'l'HE. DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1448. wHEREAS, Proceedings to dissolve Common School District No. 1448 have been instituted by: A certificate by the Llerk of said district directed to the Board of County Commissioners of the Lounty of utter Tail, State of Minnesota, that a majority of electors voting at an election held in said district on November 29, 1967, voted in favor of dossolving the district. attached: to-wit: NOW THEREFORE, I'l' IS ORDERED: 1. 'i.hat 1-ommon School District No. 1448 be dissolved and that the territory embraced I.herein be 'I'o School District #1495, Lot 9 ::iection 29 all of Section JO except Lot 4; Lots 1 -2 -3 -4 and 5 of Section 31 all in T01-.nship 131,, Range 1,1 and Lot 3 of Section 36 "1ownship 134, Range 42. The balance of the territory comprising District #ll,48 to lndpendent School District #550. That the current assets and liability <f said Common School 11istrict No. 11,48, be dist-.ributed as follows, That all real estate and personal property of every nature and description includinl! monies on hand and the proceeds of t;.xes c~llected after July 1st, 1968 and prior years be apportioned 2C% lo District 1495, to Indepe11dEnt School l.iistrict /1550 80;b and any liabilities of School District 1,1448 become the liabilities of District,s #U95 and #550 by the same percentages. That the outstanding bond Ed debt o G said School Dj strict No. 1448 is None. That the proposed e~fective date of this order is July 1, 1968. 11atEd ~•arch 13, 1968. Attest: _ _,_/..;::s;.,../_s;;;.·:..• ..;::B;..:._J;;..· O::.:hn=so::;n:..:..._ ____ _ County Auditor /s/ Sam "vcklcmoe Chainnan, -oar-d of County Commiss:i.oners of '1 he County of Otter Tail, Stat.e of Minnesota COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ March .. 13 .................................................. 19 .. 68. -~=-----HCHln ••nm•• CO■PHT, H.CLOUD,■IXN, G':Z3D1 The petition of Gordon \\'einrich asking that the West 455 ft. of the East 1195,5 ft. of the SEl WI.'¾ ::,outh of highway except the South 377 ft., in Section 21 -lJJ -43 be set off fran Distr. 1434 to District No. 544 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A.II.. April 10, 196e, and that due notice of the Lime and place be given as r Equired by law. A resolution asking for the. dj_ssolution of IJistrict 1489 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on liaid resolution be held at lC o'clock A.M. "pril 10, 1968 and that due notice of the time andplaced· saj_d hearing be fiven as required by law. A resolution asking for the dissolution of School District 1527 was read and-it was ordered that a hearing on said resolution be held at 10 o'clock A.M. April 10, 1968, and that due notice of the time and place of said hear:lng be given as required by law. A resolution asking for the dissolution of School District 1437 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on, said resolut.ion at 10 o'clock A.M. April 10, 1968, anc! that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. A resolution asking for the dissolution of District 145!! was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said resolution-beheld at 10 o'clock A.~l. April lC, 1968, and that due riotice of the time and place be riven as re,..ujred by law. The petition of -i!ller E. hiatt asking that certain lands in Section 17 Township 133 nange 43 be set off from District 1407 to adjoining School Dist. 1430 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statanents of interested parties and consj_deration of these, the Board rejected the petition. The request of Philip Kjaglien for an increase in compensation as Service Officer was tabled until the April meeting. The motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the alignment of County Road running South on l.ascade Street, and the County agreed to assume the cost of 21, ft. in width on said road. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the lloard of County Commissioners of Otter'1-ail County, Minnesoi·a, THAT Class 2 personal property be exempted from taxation for the assessment made durinr the year 1968 and tax payable for the year 1969. Adopted this 13th day of l·1arch, 1968. /S/ Sam Nycfdemoe Chairman Attest: -"-~L~s~(.....;:;S~·-B=--~J~o~h~n~s=ona:.-____ --=-::---:- Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the board of County Commissioners of l.itter Tail C.ounty, Minnesota, THAT the following owerns at the time of forfeiture having made petitions to the Board for approval and right to repurchase certain lands forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes and after careful con- sideration of all the facts involved, the Board came tothe conclusion that the granting of said petitions will be to the best public interest and ~~11 relieve undue hardships: Calmer Peterson -North 6 and J/4 acres of' the South 119.; acres of Lot J, Section 14-136-44, total due $62. 97. l✓.errett I!.. Sorensen -Lot 4, Block· J, Pike Beach, Total d~e $15,58. Telesphore 1., Bushey -N½ of Sw¾ Section 12-135-40, Tolal due $285.43 Adopted this 13th day of March, 1968. Attest: -~:~/S~/,_s~··c....:=B~•-J~o~h~n~s~o~n'-------=-::---:-Clerk The follo~~ng bills were allows: Carlton E. Mortensen Carlton E., .t-',ortensen Carlton E.. Mortensen Carlton h, .Mortensen Sidney Nelson Glen Melby James LeRpy Merle Bacon John b. halvorson James "ucholz Otto Haase. Bennie J. Johnson Harvey Morrill Sam 1~ycklemoe ~·rank Alstadt Bernard Palubicki Walter Sundberg Mrs. Laura E.. Hotchkiss Ambrose ". ,Klinnert Ila Skalin Kenneth Clambey /S/ Sam Nycklemoe Boarding Prisoners Mileage Chairman Meals on investigation S~rv. of pers.prop. ta.x notices Mileage & Subsistence 1:ay II II II II II II II Subsistence pay Mileage & Expense II II II II Per diem Mileage & expenses II Attd. Planning Commission II II II II II II Serv. \· .. O.T. Soil l...ons. Serv. II II II II II II II II E. II II II II II Sal'y & Exp. Weed at Seed lns. $820.00 99.80 17.20 20.35 285.70 302,50 320.70 238.40· 66.0C 37.0C 36.75 11.60 10.oc J0.40 54.85 42.0C 10,00 204.12 )86.40 211. 50 J80.05 51 52 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ltCUIITf 111■11■G CO■PAJl'f, IT,CLOPillD,■INN, er-DOI Frank Roberts lugene Davenport Harris i,. Iverson Anton N. Glesne Christopher C. Clauson Christopher C. Clauson Edling l!.ktric Inc. i,m. Galena & Son uust Lagerquist & Sons, Inc. Fergus Hardware General Grading Company Home Decorators lbersviller Implement & Co. Johnson Service Company Northwestern Bell Telephone l.o. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Fergus Glass & Paint Fergus Jobbing, Inc. Hintgen-Karst The Photo-Center Cooper's Office Supply J.\obile lladio &. 'l'. V. Service North Union 'l exaco Auto Safety Service Matz & Greiff Stan's Garage Suhr Ford Doc's 'l'ire Service Wadena Recappers Vore Surge Store Dave's Standard Hank's l!.ast Side Hank's E.ast '""ide 1'1arv1 s 66 Mayo Is Standard Service Nundahl Oil l.ompany Utter 'l'ail l.o-op Oil Perham Vo-operative Oil Carlton E.. f;•ortensen L. Ray Loomer Gary P. Ludwig State Sheriff's Assn. City P!larmacy Dr. Kenneth Severn White Drug Company E.sther Mortensen l!.sther l•,ortensen City of F'ergus Falls Lity of Fergus Falls Charles l. Johnson ltobet Krebsbach City of Fergus Falls Johns. Lindblom E.leanor Leidal Sam Nycklemoe Cooper's Office Supply Davenport's Stationery Davenport's Stationer.: l!.dgetown Lumber Lo. Houghton l-lifflin Company 11,idwest Printing Co. Midwest Printing Co. ~•iller-Davis Lompany Nelson Bros. Printing Lo. The Pie~ce Company Poucher Printing & Litho. Co. Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Stenographic l•,achines Inc. Viet.or Lundeen & Company Xerox Corporation I. B .M. Corl?Oration Xerox Corporation Vernon E.. Bachman Helen Skrl<U1sted Myrtle h. Logas ~,yrtle b. i.ogas Owen V. 'l hompson Helen~. Skramsted S. B. "ohnson llelen l!.. Skramsted Village of "Perham I• ergus Falls Daily Journal Battle Lake neview The Hennin& Advocate '!'he Indep1mdent Pelican Rapids Press Pelican Raµi.ds Press Perham ~nterprise Bulletin Allison & ~ompany DATE ...................... March.-1.3 ...................................... 19.68 .. Salary & Exp. Weed & Seed Insp. ~:neage & l:.xpenses Mileage & Expenses Sal'y & ~;ileage, Extra help, County Assessor's office Expenses & Mileage II II II Repairs II II Janitor Supplies II II II II Service Call Services Calls Calls for Sheriff Jail Supplies II II Sb. II Film & ::,upplies Repair typewriter Service Supplies Repairs II II II 'l'ires Tires & labor Guns, etc. Gas & on II II II II II II etc. Gas II & Oil II II II II II II II II II Polaroid Film Sitting with mental pat.ient Extra duty J\l,embership dues Care of primoner II II II II II II Boarding prisoners r,:,atroil fee Court l.osts II II II II i,itness fees vJaiver of extradition Justice fees Transcript of proceedings Jury commission t>upplies II 11 for shelves in Assessor's office . Statements t>uP,plies II II II ~upplies for Court Reporter II Services Hibbons Services Postage II Adv. corns, pd ,driv.lic .:1gts. Exp. attd, convention Probate Judge's Assoc. dues Registration fees Exp. attd. convent.ion II II II Office rent. for l;o. Agent Publications etc. Pu°bl. tax notice & pe···s. prop. list II II II II II II II II II II pers. prop. tax list " tax notice 11 pers. ,prop. list & 1.ax not.ice horkmen I s Compensation insurance $360.92 116.99 138.69 J90.30 96.67 17:>.J6 30.00 8. 74 194.55 116.21 .61 20.14 8.oc Jl.OC 75,77 88.59 J0.47 28.69 3.89 20.42 26.50 52.40 J.50 J4.60 4.50 . J0.00 6.00 84.40 26.00 159,41 29.74 5.96 9.JO 4.44 112.43 4J.ll 57.61 61.19 76.65 48.0l 56.0C r.50.00 J,90 5.00 10.52 10.00 10.CO JJ0.00 125.00 8.00 9.85 5.00 21.50 J4.25 Jl.50 J.50 1,25 J.22 J62,97 88.22 22.25 18.00 29.10 :..15'.20. 70 27.10 274.58 62.66 ,, .. _JJ 715.02 27P.88 7.56 126,00 41.16 60.00 21.0C 61,.59 1,0.co 1,0.00 J2.CO 57.04 60.00 605.40 275 .46 11,6.10 86.10 11,8.AO 14.00 172,CC 252J.OO Rev. 9J66. OC R & B COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. • DATE .................... March .. 13 ........................................... 19.§§ .. . 11cu1m r■•nt1•• CO■H T s CL UD.■INN G-2309 hathison Insurance Company Mathison Insurance '-ompany Kobert 0 • Oslund & Assoc. Edgetown Lumber Lompany Lake Region ~o-op Electrical Ass'n. Sigelman Hide & ~ur Co. narvey 1>',orrill Carolyn Helgeson Donnis Fje~tad Lorna ~1cCabe l!.,O,T. 'l'el~phone Co. E..O.T. 'l'elephone Company Village of _Perham Supt. of Documents -Childrens Magazine Mrs . .1.ona Butcher Mrs. Dorot~y·Johnson Mrs. Gordon L. Johnson Doris Jorgenson Mrs. lna Mc;Laughlin Edna M. Nelson Clarice Rasmussen Mrs. Mith 0 lton11ingen hrs. Pei,rl noMing hrs. l!.laine hinkels Philip ~;. J{jaglien Philip i•,. K,aglien Straub Lompany Public uiilities Dept. Secretarial Service Northwestein Bell Telephone Co. Raymond i,ot.or Tra. sportati. on Inc. Artz Camer~ Supply Company Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. 11,ineral Spr;ings Sanatorium Township of Erhards Grove Village of Clitherall Village of _New York ~!ills Northwest E:ngineering Lo, Ruffridge-Johnson F.q. Co., Inc. Geo. T. fiyan Company Ziegler Inc. Lyon Chemical Co. Kennedy's Paper, Calemson & Co, Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co, M -R Sign Co., Inc. Homelite Corporation Pheoll ~ianufacturing C & H Company Raymond Motor Transp. Inc. \1alter Butler Engineering Co. Minnesota .Dept. of Highways ~·ergus J0urnal Company Lonstruction Bulletin utter Tail Power Company O'Meara's Department Store International Business Machines Co.lip, Poucher Prir,ting I.: Lithographing Co. The Pierce ~ompany Davenport's Stationery East Otter Tail 'l'elephone Co, Northwestern Dell Telephone Lo, Midwest Telephone Co. N.W. Bell 'l'elephone Co., F.F. P~rk Regi·.n Mutual Telephone Co. E.O.T. Telephone Co. Pelican 'l'elephone Co. N.W. Bell Telephone Co., Wadena \·, end ell P. Huber D. G. Harlow \~end ell P. Huber Howard Hendershot Mrs. E. Irene doehland ~1rs. Margaret E. Dirlam Dr. C. E. Danielson Duv.ayne L. Friedrich Arthur O. Schulz Baas Oil Company Bertelson t. elding E.bers.viller' s Inc. Ebersviller Implement Co. Fergus Dodge, Inc. Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. Internation 11arvester Co. Walter Jokela Repair Knut tila lrni:,lement Co. , Inc. Larson telding Lykken's Lyon Heating Perham Funn Supply '-o. Liability insurance Add' l coverage for Sheriff Services .Supplies Fixtures ;:,upplies -Phdp;s Mill for Phelps Nill -Phelps Mill cars II II & Mileage Mileage & expmses II Calls & Services Rent Subscription 1-'iileage -Home iiea.11.th Aid Mileage Mileage -Home Health Aid II II II II II " " " " " " " Mileage & expenses Postage & mche rental Rent Utilities Mimeographing Calls & services I· r-eight charges Supplies II Care of T.B. patients Poor expenses II II II II Parts Calcium chloride Load scale Cutting edges Supplies Signs Repairs Supplies II Freight Plans Services Ad for bids Ad f>r bids Prints Supplies wupplies II II II Service & 'l'olls II II II II II II II II II II II II II II " II II II II II II Expenses Expense Cash advanced !tight of Way II II II " II II " II II II II II II II II Repairs II II " II II II II II II " II II " II II II " " 882.00 Rev. 197.00 Co. Nur$. 3835.00 R & B 151.00 2163.50 62.44 50.00. 3.40 26.79 40.27 12.82 87.30 ll.ll 12.15 35.00 2.50 15.00 105.04 39,37 8.40 9,45 6.30 28.80 9,75 45.00 9,75 98.00 7.60 100.00 4.68 7.10 19.57 3,75 . 51.20 12.50 16.76 100.co '1'7,7.60 . 328.40 431.44 78.48 378.75 14.65 1135.03 1380,84 1264.00 925.02 71.jO 1980,50 45.40 41.49 122. 50 8.50 378.06 265,39 14.70 7,60 16.80 J08,54 7.56 62.15 11.35 7,58 22.co 26.15 9.00 84.84 18.38 25.53 9.42 14.29 183,35 38.59 41.20 10.80 82.60 131.20 8.80 10.80 15.00 2,75 5.70 34.67 30.87 31,.14 1.40 55.74 177,31 12.67 11.00 1.82 23.30 20.00 53 ,. ·:54 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ,a DATE .................. t:.arch .13 ............................................. l9 .... 68 HCUlln P■nm•• CO■PA■T, IT,CLOUD,lll•H. rm . River-side Repair Shop Schrader & Koej,n Smokey's Machine Stop Stan's Gara.ge Suhr Ford Sales, Inc, Super G,M.C .. 'l'rucks Sales Edgetown .1.,umber General Trading Co, Genuine rar.ts C.o. ~.adson I s F'ood Store Mrs. L, J . .Sand Sigelman Hide "' F'ur Co, ¼elders Equipment hilcox Lumber Company, Ve1·gas Doc's 1ire Service Dalton Gr.,in & Feed Dave's Standard Service, 11enning Bluffton Oil Co, Farmers l.o-op Creamery Ass'n. D.C. Fergus Oil ~o., Inc, Fossen Oil .Co, Hoot Lake P.ure John's 7-0 Service Marv's 66 . Ray' s Oil C.ompany Service Oil Company, Underwood Theodorson Is Mobile Service Wark' s hileage Station, P .R, Arrow Petroleum l.o-op Services, Inc. E.rhard Oil Company Perham Co-op Oil Co, Carlson Oil Co, Fossen Oil Company Meyer's Ser.vice Nundahl Oil Company Olson Oil C.o, Standard Oil Co., B,L, D-A Lubricant C.o,, Inc. Wilkin County Highway Dept. Fred Arneson Repdrs II II II II II II Supplies II II II II II II Tires Coal Gasoline Gas, etc. Gasoline II II II II II II Gas, etc. Gasoline II Diesel fuel II II etc. II II II II Fuel oil II II II II II II II II II II Oil Maintenance night of Way Upon motion the Boa1·d then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. April 9, 1968, Chainnan Attest: Clerk $ 43,30 6.10 let>. 86 42,35 53,31 127.24 18.CO 373,86 68,34 26,00 1.45 200.20 19.15 2.18 281.93 94,80 66.67 257,27 80.16 22.09 102,55 211,99 41.94 69,49 96,89 181.91 7C,44 162.84 85.60 177,81 278,34 9J,50 70,00 189.60 SJ.JO 113.97 44,80 179,56 100.10 600.66 500,00 I COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCUllrJ.rlllllllNI.CO.NPANl-.H "' •u 111uu G-2309 DATE .......... March .. 29 .................................................. 19.68 .. . MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSlONF.RS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESO!A The Board met at ?:JO P.~i. Narch 29, 1968, all members present. A motion was made by Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner M0 rrill that a call for bids for grading, gravel and bituminous base surfacing road through Phelps Park, said bi.ds to be opened at 10 o'clock A.M. hay J, 1968. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Board recommended to County Officials to keep their offices open from 8:0C, A.M. to 4:JO P.~i. and to remain open during the noon hour. A-tlest: Upon motion the Doard then adjourned, ., Chairman Clerk MINUTES OF THE MEETJNG OF ·'l'HE BOARD OF COUN'l'Y COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESO'l'A' Pursuant to previous arrangements made, the Board met at 2:CO P.M., "pril 8, 1968 v,ith the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, all members present. The Boards having previously called for bids on S.P. 26-626~03 S 6451(4) and S.A.P. 56-62r-80 for bituminous surfacing on County State Aid Highway #11, 5,0 miles no th of Wendell and Trunk Highway #59, bids ~•ere opened by a representative of the StateHighway Department and were found to be as follows: Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Landseidel & ~on, Inc. Noyes Paving Company 1-1. Hodgman & :;ons, Inc. McLaughlin & Scholz, Inc. Komatz ~onstruction MeGarry Brothers, Inc. ·Fergus Falls Glyndon Alexandria· Fairmont 1-'iarshall St, Peter St. Cloud $78,770.00 79,692.0C 81,684.00 86,8J9.0C 89,110.50 96,861.00 110,795.00· After consideration the tloard recommended to the Commissioner of Highway:; that the contract be a warded to hark Sand & Gravel Company of Fergus Falls in the sum of $78,770.00. Chainnan Attest: Clerk ' 55 I i j r' 56 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... April .. 9 .............................................. 19 .. 68. i1cU■lri'"iiii1111i Co■PANi, H.claU.,.1Nlf. a-:aa,; MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEE'l1NG OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COHHSSIONE:1S OF O'l'TER '!'AIL COUNTY, MINNESO'I' A Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A .It.. April 9, 1968, all members present. The Iloard having previously advertised for bids for lwo snow plo~s and \.,ings proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: amounts, Little Falls Machine Company -Two one-way snow plows to be installed with necessary under-carriage, bracings e~c., on 1968 model truck 25,500// G.V.W. -$2090,00 Two ten foot wings instc>l led-$2150, 00 After consideration the contract was unanimously awarded to the Little Falls Machine Company for the above The Board having previously advertised for two 25, 500// G. V .'ii. snow plowing dump ti·ucks proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Fergus uodge Inc. International harvester Minnesota Motor Company Super G .~. C. 'I ruck Sales Fer gus Falls, Minn. Fergus Falls, Minn, Fer gus Falls, ~'.inn, Fergus Falls, Minn, $5690,00 5820.67 6156,0C 5799,39 After consideration the bids of Fer gus Uodge Inc. for one truck at $5690.0C and Super G.M.C. 1'ruck Sales for one truck at $5799, 39 were accepted al).d contracts a warded. The Board having previously advertised for bids for grading S,A.P. 56-683-07, C.P. 68:SJ Location CSAH #SJ between J.O miles NW of Battle Lake and 1,6 miles sc;,uth of junction withCSAH #1 proceeded to open bids 1··hich were found to be as follows: Clarence Urews 1:-d Z:i.mmenn an Minnerath Construction Co, & Martin Fruth · Bain Bros, & Don Dahlman Harry Hofland · Harvey Nelson · Sellin Bros. , Inc. "onro'y Construction Kern &. 'I'abery Moen Bros., Inc. Strom ~onstruction Company John uieseth Company Barry Constuuction Company Leonard Hillstrom Detroit Lakes, Minn. 0 arrett, Minn. St, Cloyd, ~'.innesota Clarissa, Minnesota Perham, Minnesota, Lake Park, Minnesota Hawley, Mi1:m, Dumont, Minnesota Sebeka, Minnesota Moorhead, Minnesota l',oorhead, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Lake Wilson, Minnesota Vergas, Minn, $25,065.00 .25,270,98 26,471.,94 26,889.10 27,992.80 28,217.26 28,275,06 28,605.02 2s1;931.18 29,211.32 JO,BJ6.12 J2,08:>.J2 32,861.40 31,,173, 28 After consideration the contract was awarded to Clarence Drews, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota in the sum of $25,065.00. On pr.eject #S,A.P. 56-655-04, C.P.. 68:55 Location CSAH between 2200 feet SE of junction with CSAH #1'213 and 1,0 miles ~outh of Ottertail Village: Bain Bros, & Don Dahlman Clarence Drews Minnerath Construction & Martin Fruth Ed Zimmerman Harvey Nelson Kern & Tabery ~:oen Bros. Inc. narry hofland Sellin Bros. Inc. John Dieseth Barry Construction Company Strom Construction Company Clarissa, Minnesota Detroit Lakes, ~:inn, St, ~loud, Minnesota Barrett, Minnesota Lake Park, Minnesota Sebeka, Minnesot.a Moorhead, Minnesota Perham, Minnesi ta Hawley, Minnesota I" ergus Falls, Minn, Lake Wilson, Minn. !:.oorhead, Minnesota $48,411.87 40,526.52 41,459,0C 41,1,47,56 4J,C05,ll M.,261. 78 47,C87.29 47,770,84 48,523.29 50,405,34 50,421.78 51,, 507. 58 After consideration the contract was awarded to Clarence Drews, Detroit Lakes, 1·:innesota in the sumo f $40,526.52. Upon motion the County Audilor was authorized to advertise for bids for 1;rading and r.rnveling S,A,P, 56-61.1-01 (68) C.P. 68:41 Length ~:.235 miles, located from junction of CSAH #4 and South 2.2 miles (2,5 mjles ~outhwest of Vergas.) S.A.P. 56-685-01 (68) C.P. 68-85 Length J,058 rr.:iles, lor·at,,d from 'l',H, //108 and North to junction ,-.ith C.S.A.H, //35, J miles South of Vergas. said bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A.I✓•• May 14, 1968. Upon motion the County Auditor was ;,ulhorized to advertise for bids on Ladybird's Beaulificalion pro,jects in Perh2111 'l'ownship on CSAH /18 and lagle Lake 'lownship on CSAH #64, bids lo be opened al 11 o'clock A.IC ~'.ay 11., 1968. Sodding and seeding at lhe "ounty Nursj_ng Home was a warded to Mcliowan Clearing and "odding l.ompany, seeding to be done on an hourly basis and sodding to he done at $. J6 ( lhiey-six cents) a yard. COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,' MINN. DATE .............. April9 .................................................. 19 .. 68. H UIIH ll■TIIIG CO■PAIIT, IT,CLDIID,■IN,r, G":230lt Upon motion the l.ounty Board recommended to the RC&,D that the contract at Phelps Mill for erosion control and other work be .warded Mc"o1,an Clearing and "odding Company in the amount of $15,1.22. &J, Commissioner Morrill voting 11No11 • Program. approved: A representative of the "ounty 1~ursing Board appeared regarding the employment of nurses on the home Health Upon motion they were buthorized to employ nurses as required. The following annual reports of fec:s and emoluments and expenses of County Officials for the year 1967 were Robert B. Oslund Eugene Davenport Philip M. Kjaglien S. B. Johnson James Bucholz Harvey M0 rrill Otto 11aase Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe v,endel.l P. Huber. George H. Nelson. Reuben G. Swensen harlan L. Nelson Owen V. Thompson. 1",yrle 1. Logas Holand Winterfeldt Helen 1. Skramsted Vernon 1. Bachman County Surveyor County Assessor Veteran I s Service Ufficer County Auditor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Highway Engineer County •rreasurer Superintendent Nursing Home County Attorney Julge of Probate Clerk of Court v;elfare Director Register of Deeds Superintendent of Schools $ 6,8i1.6.50 8,JC8.88 6,628.92 10,058.27 3,235.00 3,085.0C 3,105.oc 3,no.00 3,165.00 13, 560.oc 8,058.23 6,326.66 9,122.94 16,926.17 8,558.27 12,51.2.99 a,500.or 8,041.35 The following licenses for the sale of non-intoxicating malt lir,uors were granted: Lee J. Rogert Duane Donley Ann V. Stoll William & Collene Barnick Jack & Edna •hompson Evelyn Smith· Arvie Tenney Sylvia IL. l\oski Jackie Sonnenberg Perham ~akeside ~olf l.ourse, Inc. Donald L. Schroeder Ernest J. Strehlow Rufus Hull Gustof \\eiss Elvin Arntson . halter P. Klein,. Sr. \•Jilmar L. Roberts Sanster Nockleby: Grant E. Leek Cark Leaf lloseph Fink Carl ltickert Reinhold Koehn . Paul C. Anderson. Floyd l-ollin s l.lifford Haukos lddie Coppin Henry Scheuble Eugene Pischke Albert '!'urchin . Albert L. Nelson. Jack 11ofland Harlan Ebbighaus~ Emil A. l-'1adsen , Robert J. Carls011 Kenneth ~;cNabb Kenneth Hunte:r Myron Moberg Fred Dahlstrom Norman Craig Cliff Schroeder . Doris E. Hinricks. Ed 1-"rescher 1.rnold Hemquist Kenneth Van Tassel herb Christensen · Colonial hotel Sunrise Resort North Shore Resort Pocahontas Beach Heavenly Days Resort Pine Lake Lodge Hi-Way 1-'brk Store & Pavilion Grocery Stgre Hilltop Supper Lltb Golf Club Schroeder's Wee Villa Resort Spruce Lodge Hull's Landing Shady Grove Resort El's Resort Klein's Resort Red Eye Tavern Cafe & Resort Mable Beach. Resort Leaf's Resort Midway Service Rickert's Resort Rest N Reel Resort harry' s Place Collin's Landing Last Resort Resort Wild~,ood Resort Restaurant Al's Place Woodland Beach Resort Countryside Grocery Bait Store & Cafe Madsen's Resort &. Store Rocky's Resort Crystal-Lida Store Wagon v,'heel Resort Resort Pebble Lake 1-',unicipal Golf Course 11 78" l.lub . Pleasure Park Resort Haye' s Hesort Balmoral Resort Balmer-al Golf Course Green~ood Resort Balmoral 131 Club Dance lie ens.es were granted as follows: E.dwin l-. Prescher' Balmoral Resort Melvin Baas Triangle Dance Club Clifford Haukos L· st Resort Ernest J. Strehlow Spruce Lodge Arvid Tenney Hi-Way Pavilion Township of Peman 11 11 Dead Lake II II II II II II 11 11 Leaf Lake 11 11 Corliss Township II II II II l!.1mo Leaf L··ke Hobart Perham Elizabeth Star Lake Girard Rush Lake Scambler Rush Lake Butler Everts Lida Pine Lake Gorman Star Lake Everts Dora Stnr Lnke Elizabeth Friberg Dora Leaf Mountain l!.1mo Everts Corliss Sverdrup Everts Dora Lida Otto Otto Buse Girard Otter '1ail II II II II II 11 II II II II of Otter Tail II Rush Lake II Elizabeth II Star Lake II Elmo Upon· motion the County Auditor was authorized to sign an agreementwj_th Gust Lagerquist &: Sons for maintenance on the elevator in the Court H0use. Upon motion the Highway Engineer was authorized to make a survey of a three mile stretch on County noad #127 in Newt.on, 1-ine La2 and Homestead Townships. 57 r 58 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... April .. 9 .................................................. 19 .. 68. llCUllff P•INTIII ICOIIPANY. IT.CLDUD,IIINN. G:ual RESOLUTION BY THE BQ/\ RD OF COUNTY COMUSSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, mNNESCYI' A ~,'Hl!.REAS, the Board of County Commissioners on January 2, 1951 agreed by resolution to pay township aid according to the amounts levied by the townships, and which amounts are as follows: From 10 mills and up, but less than 15 mills From 15 mill;:; and up, but less than 20 mills 20 mills and up $100.00 200.oc 300.oc N0-1, THEREJ<Oi:(E., BE IT RE.SOLVLD, that the amounts to be paid to the respective to1·mships accordil:1r to t.heir road and bridge levies for 1968 shall be as follows: Township Aastad Amor Aurdal Blowers Bluffton Buse Butler Candor C:irlisle l.litherall "ompton Corliss Dane Prairie Dead Lake Deer Creek Dora Dunn Eagle Lake Eastern Edna E.ffington l,,lizabeth Elmo Erhards Grove lwerts Fergus Falls Polden Friberg Girard Gorman Henning Hobart Homestead Inman Leaf Lake Leaf Mountain Lida Maine Maplewood Newton Nidaros Norwegian Crave Oak Valley Orwell Oscar Utter Tail Otto Paddock Parkers l'rairie Pelican Perham Pine Lake Rush Lake Saint Olaf Scambler Star Lake Sverdrup Tordenskjold Trondjhem Tumuli Western \\oodside Total l~ills Levied,' 17.46 22.01 23.92 19.90 5.17 11.03 24.91 19.94 11.30 24,98 l;.!1;8 17.64 19.75 21.15 24.63 28.79 25.09 25.08 20.02 15.01 29.99 19.02 20.01 21.88 15.35 10.65 24.88 24.65 25.00 30.57 22.84 29.06 21.39 29,98 15.14 24,98 19.93 25.00 21.31 24.99 25.13 22.58 32.61 11.61 26.70 9-97 25,16 27.41 19,93 ;,3,18 19.37 25,07' 18.05 25.01 13.06 23.86 29.18 23,90 24.96 10.01 23,81 19.63 Adopted this 9th day of April, 1968. Attest: _ __./~s~L-~~---=-B~--J~o~h~n~s=a-~1------Auditor Amount 200.00 300.00 300.00 200.oc None lCO,OG 300,00 200,0C lC0,00 300.00 100.0G 200,0C 200,00 300,00 300.00 300,00 300.oc 30C,OC 300,oc 200,0C 30C,OC 200,00 300.0C 30C.OO 200.00 100.00 3oc.oc 300.00 300,00 300.oc 300,00 3CO.OC 300.00 300,00 2oc.oo 300,CC 200,00 300,00 300,0C 300.00 300,00 300,oc 300,0C 100,00 300.00 None 300.00 300,oc 200,00 300,CO 200.oc 300.0C.' 200,00 300,00 100.00 ):O.OC 3C0,00 300.00 300,00 lOC,CO 300,00 200.00 $15,200.00 /S/ Sam i~ycklemoe Chainnan COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ April .. 9 ................................................. 19 .. ~ .. HCu■l'l"I PIIN'r •• CO■PAN'f IT,CLOUO.IIINN. G•23CJD RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING COUNTY STATE. AID HIGH~:AY Commissioner Otto Haase presented the following resolution, seconded by Commissioner Bennie J. Johnson, and moved its adoption: WH:EREAS, it is deemed necessary and of public exigency that lands for highway purposes and public use be ob- tained; and Willi.REAS, Otter Tail County has power and authority to ~stablish, alter, vacate or revoke county highways; NOW, THERE.FORE, in pursuance of Minnesota Statues 163, it is hereby resolved that Otter Tail County take for use on County State Aid Highway Number 55 a right of way in and over the lands herein described, together with the fol- lowing rights: "11 trees, shrubs, grass and herbage ~,ithin the right of way of said county highway, herein acquired, and to keep and have the exclusive control of the same; to acquire from the owners whoseJands fron thereon any existing right of access. to said highway and to keep and have the exclusive control of all access to said h:i.ghway in accordanc-e with the laws governing access to highways; an estate in fee sL ple absolute to the lands within the said rip.ht. o.f way; to construct slopes upon and remove materials from the lands herein specifically mehtioned to be taken for thosepu rposes as provided in the plans and specifications which are on file at the office of the County Engineer, Otter T,dl County, Fergus Falls, Mi., esota; and also the right to waste, dispose of, and rlace gravel, stone, clay, dirt, sand ancl other mat- erial on the lands herein specifically mentioned to be taken for those purposes. The lands and rights claimed and proposed to be so taken are situated in Utter Tail County, Minnesota, and are described as follows; and the names of all persons appearing of record as known to the County Board of Commissioners to be the owners or occupants of said lands and rights, or inter,sted therein, including all whom the County Board of Commissioners, by investigation and inquiry to discover, together with the nature of the ownership of each as nearly as can be ascertained, and the legal descri~tion <f the tracts of land through which the county state aid hirhwa~• will pass, are as follows: Parcel 1 All that part of the following described tract: The Southwest l.:uarter of the Northwest Quarter (Sl·lk of NW/;) of Section 2, Township 133 Nort_h, Range 39 \\est, which lies within fifty (50) feet on either side of the following described centerline: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Section 2, Township 133 North, Range 39 West, thence South 01 491 East for a distance of 500.0 feet, thence South 43°491 East for a distance of 870,7 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 6°001 curve (Delta Angle 21°421 ) for a distance of 253.7 feet to point of beginning, thence continue on said 6°co• curve for a distance of 1C8.0 feet, thence South 22°071 East for a distance of 901.0 feet, and there terminating. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highway. Containing 0,79 acre, more or less. Together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and egress rom that portion of the above described tract, not acquired herein, to County State Aid Highway #55. The names of parties known by the Board to be the o~mers and occupants of interested in the above described land and the nature of their interests are, as follows: J. E. Allison Jeanne K. Allison, his wife. Dated at Fer gus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of "pril 1968. BOARD OF CD UNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CJI'TRR 'l'AIL COUNTY /S/ Sam Nycklemoe Chainnan /S/ Bennie J. Johnson /S/ James Bucholz /S/ Otto "aase /S/ Harvey M9 rrill Attest: _....1.,;/S~/<--.::S~•:.....::B~ • ....;.Jo~h~n~s~o~n'-::--:----:--:-:--,--- County Auditor The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter 'l'ail County, Minnesota, THAT the sum of $33,588.56. be transferred from the Veteran Is Service Officer11·s fund to the County Revenue fund. This covers expenditures paid for the Veteran's Service office out of the Revenue fund for the years 1966 and 1967. Attest: THAT THE County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to make transfers on his records to accanplish this. Dated this 9th day of "pPil, 1968. /S/ Sam Nycklemoe Chainnan /S/ S. B. Johnson Clerk ' 59 rt 60 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... April .. 9 ·············································19 .. 68. llCUllfi HIIIIIIO CO■fA■'f, H.CLOUD,■llfll, G• The bonds of Carolyn Helgeson, Senior Public health Nurse, in the sum of $1,COO,OO; Vernon L, Salomonsen, Food Stamp Officer in the \,el.fare Department, in the sum of fiilO,OC0.00;· Roland \·:interfeldt, County \·.'elfare I.Jirector, in the sum of $10,COL,COp and Reuben Swensen, Superintendent of County Nursing H-me in the sum of $5,COC.CO, all in the General Insurance Company of America, were approved, Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10:00 A.M. npril 10, 196B. l·iEDNESDAY IS SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A .M. April 10, 1968 all members present. The petition of Gordon Weinrich asking that the ~.est 435 feet of the East 1195, 5 feet of the SEt of the NW~ South of Hrnhway and except the ::.outh 377 feet of Section 21-133-43 be set off from Gammon School District #1434 to lndependent School District #544 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties, the Board issued the following order to-1-:it: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another, WHEREAS, the Petition of Gordon v,einrich, a legal voter, Jl-eeholder and resident of School District No, 11.34 in this C.ounty, representing that he is. the owner of the l 1.nds hereinafter described, which are sit.uat e in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 544 and asking that he w:i th his said lands may be set off from said district No, 1431. to said adjoining school district No, 544 was presented to Lhe Board of County Commissione•·s of this County at a session of said board held on the 13th day of i;arch A, D., 1968 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon., rdered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 10th day of April, 1968, J\,D. at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and ~·hereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and , lace of such hearinr be r,ivenb,· r-ost:i..'1g copies of said order in three public rlaces in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and b~· mailing to the clerk of each of said School Listricts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 10th day of 11pril ''.D., 1968 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and recuired, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considerl'd by the Doard, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against rranting the prayer of the petitioner and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be !'ranted, it is herf.by ordered and determined, that the said petitioner an:! the followinr described lands owned by him, to-1dt: West 435 feet of E.ast 1195, 5 ft. of SE¾ of N\1l South of highway and accept South 377 feet Sec ti. on 21 -133 -43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 1434 to said adjoining School District No. 541, and said lands are J:lereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 10th day of hpril A.D., 1968. /s/ Sam 1~ycklemoe Chairman of the 0oard of County Corrmissiora-s of Otter 1'ail County, Minn. Attest: /S/ S. D. Johnson County Auditor &. ex-officio Clerk of Board A resolution asking f'or the dissolution of Common School Dist:·ict #1489 was take, up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties, the Board issued the following interloculory order to-wit: IN 1'HE. MAn'ER OF Ull DISSOLUTION OF' COIMON S COOOL DISTHICT NO. 1489, v:HERE.AS, Proceedings to dissolve Common School District No, 1489 have been instiluted by; A certificate bythe clerk of said district directed to Lhe 0 oard of County Corrmissioners of the Gounty of Otter Tail, State of 1-iiMesota, that a majority of electors voUng at an election held in said district on l'ebruary 19, 1968, votEd in favor of dissolving the district. NOv; THERE.FORE, it is ordered: 1, '1hat 1.,ommon School District No, 1489 be idssolved and that the territory embraced therein be attacl:ed The entire territory comprising CorM1on School District 111489 be attached to and become a i:art of Independent School !Jistrict /1553, 2. 1'hat the current aseets and liabjlity of said Common School Distr-ict No, 1489 be di.st.ributed as follows, to-~~t: 'l'o Independent. School Di.strict #553 all monies, credits, funds and any property both real and personal owned by C,istrict #1489 together with all taxes collected for the year 1968 and prj or years collect.Ed afLer Jul,y 1st, 19l-P, and that all liabilities of Common School Ci strict #1489 shall becar. e the oblipation of Independent School District /1553, At.test: 3, That the out.st.anding bonded debt of said Common School District No, 1489 is I-lone. 4, 'lhaL the pr, posed effect.i ve date of this order is July 1st., 1968. Dated April lu, 1968 /S/ S, 0. Johnson County l•udi tor Boei·d of County Corrmissi.oners of the County of Ott.er 'lail Stat.e of Minnesota. BY /S/ Sam ~vcl;lemoe Chai.rman COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... AprU .. 1.Q .•............•........•................•..••... 19 ... ~~. IICu■ln Plll11H co■H111 ST CLOUD ■lll'N, ~ A resolution asking for the dissolution of Comn:on School District #1527 was taken up for final action and after listening to the statements of the vari.ous inter• sted parties, the Board issued the following interlocu1ory order to-wit.: IN Till!. MATTER OF 'l'HE. DISSOLUTION OF COMl•,ON SCHOOL DISTRICT flX). 1527 WHERE.AS, Proceedings Lo dissolve Common School District No, 1527 have been instituted by: A certificate by the clerk of said district directEd to the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter 'l·an, State a f Minnesi t.a, that a majority of electors voting at an election held in said district on April 7, 1967, voted in favor of dissolving the district, to-wit: 11ttest: NOW, THEREFORE.• it is ordered: 1. '!'hat \;ommon School District No. 1527 be d:i!ssolved anl that the territory embraced therein be attached To .Independent School District #847 Wilkin County all of Section 19, 'lawnship 1.32, Range 44,. To School District #1501, all the balance of the territory comprising School District #1527, 2. 'l'hat the current assets and liability of said "ommon School District No. 1527 be distributed as follows, To Independent School District //847 Wilkin 6ounty 10. 6% and to School District #1504 Otter Tail County 89.4% of all monies, a-edits, funds and both real and personal property including taxes collected for 1968 and prior years after July 1st, 1968, and all oblipations of Common School District #1527 shall become the obligations of the above districts by the same percent~ges. J. That the outstanding bonded debt a f siµ.d Cammon School District #1527 is None. 4. 'l'hat the propose~ effective date of this order is July 1st, 1968. Dated April 10, 1968. /S/ S, B. Johnson County Auditor Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail State of Minnesota By /S/ Sam NyclUemoe Chainnan A resolution asking for the dissolution of '-ommon School District #1437 was.taken.up for final action. After listening to the statements of various interested parties the board issued the following interlocutory order to-wit: IN 'l'IIE MATTER OF THE illSSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1437 WHEREAS, Proceedings to dissolve Cammon School District No. 1437 have been instituted by: _. A certificate by the clerk of said ~:istrict directed to the Board of Launty Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesot«, that a majority of electors voting at an election held in said district on March 7, 1968, voted in favor of dissolving the district. Now, therefore, it is ordered: 1. •rhat Common School District No. 1437 be dd.ssolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached To Independent School District #542 Lot 8 and small tracts therej.n Section 3 NW/; of NW{, S\··l of SW/; Section 11; Wi of NW/; Section lL.; SE¼, sv.!, Slil of NWt, and Lots 2 -3 -4, SE-l; of NF/4 & Lot 1 Section 10; SF,l; and SEt of SWt Section 9; Fr'l NWt except Sub Lot A, Fr'l NEl, Sub Lot "A" of Lqt 3, Lots 4 -5 -6 and SEl; of SE.l; and Lot 7 '""ectj.on 15; Lot 1 and SE¼ of SEl Section 16; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8, Section 22; Lot 1, Wi of NE-! and 11.'Wi of SJLl, SE¾ of NWl; and NE/; of S~,l & Sub Lot "A" of Lot 2 & 1.90 acres of Lot 2 Section 21 all of Camp Nervana all in •rownship 132 Hange 39; 'l"homas Additon to Nervana and Lot 7 except Thomas Addition to Nervana in Town ship 133 Range 39 · !o Independent School District #545 the balanc~ of the territory comprising former School District #1437, 2. That the current assets and liability of said l..ommon School District No, 1437 be distributed as follows, to-1•.it: To Independent School District #51,2 -16.45%; 'l"o Independent School District #545 -BJ. 55% of all monies, credits, funds and both real and personal property including taxes collected for 1968 and prior years after July 1, 1968, and all obligations of Common School District #1437 shallbecane the obligations of the above districts by the same pel"- centages. Attest: J. That the outstanding bonded c!ebt of said School Distri.ct No, 14.37. is None. 4, That the proposed effective date a f this order :i,s July 1, 1968. Dated April 10, 1968. S, B. Johnson County Auditor Board of l..ounty Commissioners of the Cou.nty a f Otter Tail State of Minnesota BY Sam Nycklemoe Chairman A resolution asking for the dissolution of Lammon School District #1458 was taken up for fj nal action. After listening to the statements of various interested parties the Boar<l issued the follo1·ing interlocutory order to+·it: 61 ---1--------------~--=-·=· =-~-·~-~--=-=·=· =-=·=· '--'--~-=-··=-=--"--'-----'---'-'==-=-=-=· -"··=· =-=--·-=·-=---c.===~-----.~ 'I 62 I COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... April .10 ........................................ 19. 68 .. icV1iiii"i11i11■o co■Piii, H.CiiDD,IIUOI, • IN '!'HE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF CDMl:ON SCOOOL DISTRICT NO. 1458. WHEREAS, Proceedings to dissolve C;ommon School District No, 1458 have been instituted by: A certificate by the Clerk of said.district directed to the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Utter 'l"ail, State of ~:innesota, that a majority of electors voting at an election teld in said district on February 21st, 1968, voted in favor of dissolving the district.· NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordiered: 1. 'l"hat common Schai uistrict No. 1458 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therei.n be attachtd To l,ommon School District 1414; Lot 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Section 9, Lot 1, NW{ of NEi and S! of NEl & NW¾, all in section 16, 'I'o "ommon School District #152C; Sw¾ of NE¾ & Lot 2, SEt; of SW/; & Lots 3 & 4 all in section 22; NW! & NEi! of SE!, NW~ of SEt, S\\"t; of NE.t;, N½ of Lot 4 and Lot 2, Lot 1 W & S of ditch, Lot 1 exp. prt. W &· S all in Section 23; l SE¾, of Nll;/; & Lot, 1, Lots 3 & 4, all in Section 24; Lot 5, Section 24, N½ of NW¾, Section tracts in Lot 2,·Section 24 sEl-of of ditch 25, Two Toindependent School-District #550; NE½ of SEk, SWl-of NEt; & Lot 6, SE! of NE{ pt. Lot 4 lying E of N &. St line, Sub Lots 1 & 2 of L0 t 7, all in Section 24; 11 Section 25 except Ni of NW{, Section 25; Lot 3 and Sb of Lot 4 Section 23; East 10 rods of Lot 3 W of forty line, Lot 1 & NE~ of NEt; & 14.58 icres in S~l-of NE~, #192/1. ½ acre in NE{ of NE{, NW! of SEl, SW{ of NEt,, NE¼ of SW~ & Lot 2, NEi of SEi; & 25 ac. of SE¾ of NEL S~;l-of NI~;. & pt. of Lot 3 E of 1'1 & S line, #198A (Johnson) pt. of Lot 3 All inSection 26· Nl1t,, Lot 2 and S! of NEl, All in Seclion 35; Fr.'ll NEt, & Lot 2, NWt; of SE}, lying NE of Bass Lake on W end, S½ of NWl, NEt of NW l & Lot 6, All in Sect.ion 36; All in Township 133, Range 42 and Lot 4 Section 30-133-41. To Independent School District #544 all the balance of the territory comprising Sc!Dol District #1458. tio-,-.it: 2. That the current assets·and liability of said Common School liistrict No. 1458 be distributed as follows, To l,ommon School Uistrict #1414; 4,7"; To CDIIllllon School Uistrict #1520: 6%; To Independent School Uistrict #550; 18.8%; To Independent School District #544: 7C.5% of all monies, credits, funds and both real and personal propert:r including truces collected for 1968 and prior years after July 1st, 1968, ar,d all o hligations of Common School District #1458 shall become the obligation of the above districts by the same percentages. 3. That the outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No, 11,58 is None. 4. That the proposed effeclive date of this order is July 1st, 1968. Dated April 10, 1968. ''ttest: __ :;S.:.. _B::.:.., _J;..:o:.:h.:.:n.:.:so=n,.,,,... __ ....,... ___ _ County Auditor Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter'l'ail State of 1-'.innesota BY Sam Nycklemoe Chairman A petition of 1-lilliam Ogroske asking that the NEt;-and Ni SWi of Section 23 and the SWt; NW¼ except South 32 feet in Section 24, all in 137-38, be set off fran School District {1536 to Independent SclDol District //549 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A.M. May 15, 1968 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The petition of "onald D, "erdman asking that the .fje.ctional NWt; and the N¼ of NE¾ of Section 19-132-37 be set off fran Common School Uistrict #1391 to adjoining Independent SclDol District #545 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A,1-1. May 15, 1968 and that due not ice of the time and rJJ.ce of said hearing be given as required by law. The application of Irene L, Bondy for "off" and "on" sale of non-intoxicating malt Iiouors at the Leaf Lakes resort in the 'l'ownship of Leaf Lake was granted, The application of lrene L. Bondy for permission to hold µ.iblic dances at the Leaf Lakes' Ballroom, 'lownshi.p of Leaf L, ke, was granted. Upon motion the Board approved three group applications for project assistance for the \l.'est Cent.ral ~•innesota Resources Conservation and Development Project, Upon motion unanimously carried an appropriation of $37CC. CO was credited to the East Otter Tail County Con- serv:ation District for research in connection with the water and irrigation survey and agricultural research by t.hat de-partment, Upon motion Ted Hegseth was appointed a delegate to the RC&D project replacing Frark Jantzen. Upon motion the ~hairman and the Lounty Auditor were authorized to sign an agreEJllentwi.th the FederAl p.ovem- ment for board of its prisoners at $2,50 per day. Upon motion made, seconded and carried the motion made at the March session as t.o Court House hours fran 8:00 A,M, to 4:30 P,1·,, was amend1ad t.o read "hours from 8:0C A.M. to 5:00 P.~,. and open during the noon hour." A plat of North Shore located in Lot 3 and the NWt; of Section 35, Townshipl,35, Range 1,1 accanpanied by an opinion as to the title executed by I·., J Daley, Attorney at Law, was approved. A plat of l:.cho Hanch Hiviera ~econd Addition located in Lots 3, 2 and 1 of Section 5, ·1ownshjp 134, Range J9 accompanied by an opinion as to the title executed by W. B. Dosland, Attomey at Law, was approved. COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ April .. 10 ....................................... 19 .. 68. OUD,IIINN. a: The following applications for homestead classifications were approved: Hazel ~,alseth ~ary Jane Coates ~:rs. l!.ugene Sandahl Ralph l:, Zimmennan Russell Erlandson Chloie M. Fountain Dave 0. Brann · Kenneth Hintenneister Arthur E. l•,oe John H. E.hrnst M0 rris E. Evavold Gordon McDonald Veronica Hofland Pearl 1',arkstrom Esther Bachleitner & Bertha Hanson Anna Maikke Clifford Shaw Lot 16, Block 2, Village of Vining NEly 50 feet of L0 ts 11 and 12, Block 1, Wallace & Jung's addition to Perham Lot 5 and 6, except the East 10 feet of 6, Block 13, Stabeck's Add'n to Glitherall. lhe N½ of SEt and the NEt,-of swJ, of Section 6-134-43. E½ of NW¼ and the NEJ, of swl; and the \•lest 2 rods of the SW¼ SE¼ Section 22-131-42. West 44 feet of Lot 19, Killarney Beach East 75 feet of West 125 feet on shore and East 84 feet in rear of Lot 1, Linden Park on Pelican Lake. SE¼ SWt;, East 2} acres cf· the NWJ, SW¼ Sub Lots D, E, G Section 27; W½ of W½ of NEJ, in Section 34 all in 'l'ownship 132, Range 42. South 352 feet (along road) of Lot 6 bet. lake and road, Section 10-137-40. SWly fifty feet of Lot 3, Nebraska Beach. W½ of SE-l, E} of SEi;, Section 32, S\·!i swJ, of Section 33 all in 131-40 Lot 12 of 01son's North Shore. Ei of Se¼ Section 28-136-39, Lots 4 and 5, Liesure Beach ½ homestead on Lot 20, Evergreen Beach. W 183 ft. of the N~rth 75 ft. of the NE¼ NW¼, Section 17-135-37 270 acres in Section 11-132-37 'l'he following applications for correction of assessed v;luation on real estate were· approvP.d by the Board: Duane W. Patteson Ben Brutlag Sub Lot 1 of Govt. Lot 3 & 4, Section 3-132-40 Lots 14, 15 and 16, Block 1, Pike Beach Empty Hwse over-valued. Part of lots under water The following applications for correction of assessments were considered by the Board and recommended by them to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval: Hobert Carlson Hazel Hedman, Clerk of the Village of Henning Herbert Stromberg Bennie Honrud Arvd.lla M. Krohn Maplewood State Park Ass'n. Walter ~;. Brasel Personal Property, Twp of Dora Lots 6, ~. 8 and 9, tilock 2, Original Plat of Henning S(¼, Siih swi, N½ swr, and the NW¼ Section 3-137-43 swi, Lots 2 and 3 Sec. 17-135-'43 Lot 9 and the E 25 ft. of Lot 10, Shirley Beach E½ of Set, SEl, NEl, Sec. 16-135-42 w½ SE¼ Sec. 31-137-37 Lot assessable under the State Credit Law Village property that should be exempt. F'ifty acres too much tillable assessed. Too much tillable land assessed. Uncompleted house assessed as completed Park of Maplewood State Park Clerical error by Assessor The application of 1ugene &. Patricia Sandahl asking for permission to settle del.inruent t;1xes, penalties and costs on Lot 5 and 6 except the E!!st 10 fee6 of Lot 6, 0 1ock 13, Sta.beck's Addition to l.litherall for $175,10 being the amount of taxes, penalties and interest when assessed as homestead was approved, The petition of Clark Oil and Refining Company asking for reduction of taxes on Lot 16, i:llock 34, Ori.ginal Plat, ~ity of Fergus Falls, due to clerical error by the assessor was approved. The application of Inga l~. Anderson Duhn asking for homestead classification on Ni SWJ,, NWl; except north 1 rod of' the NWJ, NW¼ in Section 10-131-39 was rejected on recommendation of the Township Board, RESOLUTION ES'l'ABLISHING COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY and moved Commissioner James 0ucholz presen 1 ted the following resolution, seconded by Commissioner Bennie J. Johnsen, its adoption. WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and of public exigency that lands for highway purposes and public use be ob- tained; and \'iHEREAS, Otter 'l'ai.1 County has power and authority to establish, alter, vacate or revoke county highways; NOW, 'l'HEREFORE, in pursuance of Minnesota Statues 163, it is hereby resolved that Otter Tai.I l.ounty take for use on County ~tate Aid Highway Number 41 a right of way in and over the lands herein d es·cribed·, together with the fol- lowing rights: "11 trees, shrubs, grass and herbage within the right of way of said county highway, herein acCJuired, and to keep and have the esclusive control of the same; to acquire from the owners whose lands fron thereon any existing right of access to said hirhway and to keep rnd have the exclusive control of all access to said highway in accordance with the laws governing access tohigh,,-ays; an state in fee simple absolute tothe lands ,vitrin the said right of way; to construct slopes upon a:nd remove materials from the lands herein specifically mentioned to bE teken for those purposes as provided in the plans and specifications which are on file at the office of the ..,ounty Engineer, Otter '!'ail County, Fergus Falls, M.innesota; and alsothe right to waste, dispose of, anrl place gravel, stone, clay, clirt, sand anrl other material on the lands herein speci~i.cally mentioned to be taken for those purposes. 63 r 64 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. A pril .10 .............................................. l9 __ 6e __ R'D'IITrPIIIHTllll"COMPAV'r.lr~a: Thelands and rights claimed and proposed to be so taken are situated in Otter Tail County, i'.innesot:>, and are described as follows, and the names of all persons appearing of record as known to the '-ounty Board of Coll1ll'issj oners to be the owners or occupants of said lands and rights, or interested therein, including all whom the County Board of Com- missioners, by investigation and inruiry discover, together with the nature of the awnership of each as nearly as can be ascErt.ained, and t.he legal description of the tracts of land through which the county .state aid highway will pass, are as follows: Parcel~ All that part of the following described t.ract: The easterly one hundred (100) feet of the Northeast ~uarter of the Southeast 'uarter (NE¾ of SE¾) of Section 9, 'l'ownship 136 North, Rang~ 41 West, E.xcepting thereFrom right of way of existing highway, Containing 3,08 acr,s, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes, as shown on the plans, containing 0. 78 acre, which shall ciiase on or before December 31, 1968, 'l'ogether with all rieht of access, b"eing the right, of ingress to and egress from that portion of the above described tract, not. acquired herein, "to County State Aid Highway //41. 'l'he names of parties known by the l:!oard to be the owners and oceupants or interested in the above described land and the nature of their interests are, as follows: Albert IJ, Simons Jules 1, Simons Parcel 7 A strip of land over and across the following described tract: Government Lot 7, ::.ection 9, 'lownship 136 Nortp, Range 41 West, said strip beinr-all that part of the above described t.ract which lies wi.lhin fifty ( 50) feet on either side of the follow.ing dei-cribf'd cent er line: Beginning at a point fifty (50) feet West of the East ~-uarter cornen of Section 9-Tl36M-R41¼", thence North 0°10 1 West for a distance of 184,0 feEt, thence deflect to the left on a 3occ1 curve (Delta Angle 23°481) for a distance of 793,3 feet, thence iforth 23°581 \\'est for a distance of 402.0 feet, and there terminating. E:ccepting t.herefrom right of t,ay of existing highways. Contuining 3 .10 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes, as sho_wn on the plans, containing approximately _Q,09 acre, which shall cease on or before December 31, 1968. Together wit,h all right of access, being the right of ingress to and _egress from that portion cf' the above described tract, not acquired herein, t.o County Stat.e Aid Highway #41. The names of parties known by the board to be the otmers and occupants or interested in the above described land and the nature of their interests are, as folJ.ows: Reinhard R. Sonnenberg Bertha Sonnenberg Parcel 8 A strip o_f land over and across the following described tract: Government Lot· 8, Section 9, 'lownship 136, N0rth, Range 41 West, said st6p being allthat parf of the above described tract which lies witriin fifty ( 50) feet on either side of the followfag described centerline: Commencing at a poirt fifty (50) feet West of the .l!.ast 1..!uarter corner of Section 9-Tl36N-R41W, thence North 0°101 \•,est for a distance of 586,5 feet, thence N0 rth 23°581 ~-est for a distance of 8C4,5 feet to point of beginning, thence continue North 23°6a, West for a distance of 735,4 feet, · thence deflect tothe right on a 3°001 curve (Delta Angle 25 451) for a distance of 666.6 feet, and there terminating. Except therefrom right of way of existing highways. Cont.aining 3,14 acres, more or less. Also an easen111t to construct slopes, as shown on tr,e plans, containing 0,95 acre, which shall cease on or before December 31, 1968. Also an easement to construct slopes on the Northwest ~uarter of the Southwest Quarter (NWl of SWt) of Section lO-TlJ6N-R4U1, as sho~m on the plans, containing 0,30 acre, which shall cease onor before December 1, 19613. Together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and egress from that portion of the above described tracts, not acquired h ertl n, to Count.y State Aid Hi.ghway #41. The names of parties known by the 0oard to be the owners and occupants or interested in the above descdbed land and t.he nature of their interests are, as follows: M~.lj:e Schriver 1·,argaret Schriver Reinhart R. Sonnenberg ~ertha Sonnenberg COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... April .10 .......................................... 19 ... 6" IICURIH Pll■TINI CDIIPANY, ■T CLOVD,IIINN. G':2di ATTESTED: Dated at Fe.·gus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of April, 1968. Board of County Commissioners Otter Tail County /s/ Sam Nycklemoe Chairman /S/ Bennie J. Johnson /S/ Janes "ucholz /S/ Otto Haase /s/ Harvey M7 rrill /S/ ~. B. Johnson County Audit.or The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Utter Tail County, Minnesota, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Chairman and Clerk or Auditor forth-with enter into agreement with the State of Minnesota, acting through its (,ommissioner of Highways, or the maintenance·, except the application of calcium chloride in locations where the State considers it to be necessary and except snowplowing, of the road described in said agreement as Tenporary Trunk 0 ighway No. 210, to-wit: Beginning at the Junction of 'l'runk highway 78 and Otter Tail County State-Aid Highway No. 16, near the southwest corner of Section 22, Township 133 north, Range 40 west; thence easterly on said C.S.A.H. No. 16 along the south line of Section 22, 23 and : 4, Township 133 north, Range 40 west to the southwest corner of the southeast r-uarter of the southeast quarter (sEf, SE¾) of said Section. ~4, Township 133 north, Range 40 west; thence continuing northeasterly on said C.S.A.H. No·. 16 across said Section24, Township 133 north, Range 40 west and Sections 19, 2C, 17, and 16, Town- ship 133 nor.th, Raige 39 west, to the northeast corner of the southwest quar:ter of the southwest quarter (SW!, SI·!¼} of Section 16, !ownship 133 north, Range 39 west; thence continujng southerly on said CSAH No. 16 to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter (SW¾, SW/;) of said Section 16; thence continuipg easterly on said C.S.A.H. No. 16 along the south line of Sections 16, 15, 14, and 13, 'lownship 133 north, Range 39 west and Sections 18, 17, and 16, 'lownship 133 north, R, nge 38 west to the Junction of T.H. 108 at or near the southeastcorner of Section 16, 'Iownship 133 north, Range 38 west. •otal distance on C.S.A.H. No. 16 being approximately 12.80 miles. said Muncipality to be paid therefore at the rate of $175.CO per mile per month. Fractional miles and fractional months, if any, will be used in computing amounts payable. The use of said road as a detour by the State will terminate on or before July 15, 1969. Adopted this 10th day of '.'pril, 1968. Sam Nycklemoe Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the0 oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. BE IT RESOLVED, That the Chairman and Clerk or Auditor forth-with enter into agreement with the State of Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Highways, for the maintenance, except the application of calcium chloride in locations where the State considers it to be recessary and except snowplowing, of the road described in said ap-reement as 'l'emporary Trunk Highway No. 210, to-wit·:, B~ginning at the Junction of T.H. 94 and Otter Tail County State-Aid highway No. 1. at a poim.· 11-pprox:i.mate]y 194.8 feet south of the northwest corner of Section 9, 'l'o~mship 132 north, Range 43 west; thence on said C.S.A.H. No. 1 in a northerly'direction along the west line of Sections 9 and 4, Township 132 north, Range 43 west, to a point near the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of Section 4, Tm..-nship 132 north, liange 1,3 west; thence continuing in an easterly direction on said C.S.A.H. No. 1 along or near the quarter line of said Section 4 to the West (,orporate Limits of the City of Fergus Falls; thence continuing easterly on Alcott Avenue (C.S.A.A. No. 1) to the intersection of Union Aver:iue;.thence continuing northerly on Union Avenue (C.i.A.H. No. 1) to the intersection of Vernon Avenue; thence continuing easterly on Vernon Avenue (C.S.A.H. No. 1) to the intersection of Court Street (T.H. No. 210) and there terminating. Total mileage being approximately 1. 92 miles. said hunicipality to be paid therefore at the rate of $175.CO per mile per month. l•ractional miles and fraction~! months, if any, will be used in computing amounts payable. 'I'he use ~f said road as a detour bythe State will terminate on or be- fore November 15, 1968. Adopted this 10th day of April, 1968 •. Sam Nycklemoe Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk 65 (, r 66 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... April .. lD ......................................... 19 .. 68 lifUiiii PAiNl'IHI CoiPANY, IT.CLOilD.IIINN. G'= The following resolution was adopted:. RESOLVED by the"oard of County Commissioners of Utter Tail County, Minnesota: 'l'hat the sale of t~ forfeited lands appraised by this Board beheld in the· office of the County Auditor in the Chourt House in ~'ergus Falls in said County on '!uesday, the 28th day of May, 1968, commencing at 10 o'clock A.I-I. ResolvEd further, that tracts may be sild under the following conditions: hach and every tract sold for $100 or less shall be paid in full at the time of said sale. All tracts sold for more than $1CO may be paid for on the installment plan at the. rate of at 1 east ;:-5 per cent of the purchase price but in all cases the dotm i:s:·ment must be at least $100, provided that in all cases where the appraisal by this Boa,·d shows a value of wood on said tr ct the full amount of the appraisal wilue of said wood together ,,i th 25 per cent of the balance of the purchase price must be paid at the time of sale. The balance of the purchase price may be paid in ten annual installments at 1, per cent interest on the unpaid balance. Title to land to be offered for sale is not guaranteed, either by Otter Tail County or the Sta.e of Minnes:,ta. when paiY'llent in full of the purchase price has been made the purchaser will receive fran the St; te of Minnesota a r-uH- claim deed to the property, for which the Auditor is required by law to collect and remit to the State a fee of $2.CO. Adopted April 10, 1968. /S/ Sam 1~ycklemoe Chairman Attest: /S/ ~. B. Johnson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Couty, Minnesota, and wHEREAS, There is established in the County of Otter Tail the Otter ~'ail-Wadena Community Action Council, Inc., WHEREAS, The Otter Tail-Wadena Community Action Council, Inc. has been coordinated and administered all pro- jects pertaining to Public Law 88-452, 88th Congress S2642, August 20, 1964, wit~in Otter Tail County. WHEREAS, It, has been enacted by the Senate and the House of Representa~ives of the United States of America in Congress assembled an Act cited as the Economic Opportunity Amendments of 1967 , Public Law 90-222, 9Cth Congress, S2388, December 23, 1967. NOW, ~'HE.RE.FORE., BE IT RESOLVli.D, That the C::ounty of Otter Tail, by its Governing l:loard, the Otter T,dl County Board of Commissioners intends to designate Otter Tail-Wadena Community Action Council,· Inc. as the Community Action Agency for the County of Otter 'l'ail RESOLVED FU!fi'HF..R, That a public hearing sha:J_l beheld in the County Board Room, Courthouse, Fergus Falls, MinneS>ta on April 25, 1968, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon at which time the citizens and parties in interest shall have an opportunity to be heard either for or against the adoption of a Resolution designating Otter 'l';,il-Wadena Community Action Council, Inc., as the Community Action Agency for Otter Tail County. vote: Commissioner Johnsa, moved the adoption of 1he Resolution and it was declared adopted upon the follow:ing Yeas -five, Nays -None: Adopted this 10th day c:£ April, 1968. /S/ Sam Nycklemoe Attest: /S/ S. B. Johnson Chairman Clerk The following bills were allowed: Carlton Mortensen Carlton E. •·•ortensen Carlton E. l••ortensen Carlton Ji.. •·•ortensen Sidney Nelson Glen M. Melby James LeRoy John B. Halvorson James Bucholz Merle Bacon Otto haase Bennie J. Johnson Sam IIJycklemoe Arnold Evavold ~•ax C. Kronemann, Jr. Robert Molter Mrs. Arnold ~tock ~•rs. Gerald Zeise ~•rs. Laura Ji.. Hotchkiss Kenneth Clambey Frank Hoberts Vernon E.. Bachman Mable Uossow Eugene Davenport Harris I\. Iverson Anton N. Glesne Christopher C. Clauson Dacotah ~aper Co. Daycoa, lnc. Edling hl.ectric, Inc. Boarding Prisoners Mileage & Postage Mileage Road Patrol Mileage & Subsistence pay II II II II Subsistence pay Mileage & expense Mileage & Subsistence pay Mileage & Expense II II II II II II Attd. Extension l•,tg. II II II II II II II II II II II S-rv. W.0.T. Soil Cons. Service Sal'y & Expense Weed & Seed lnsp. II II II II II 11 11 Cash advanced l•,ileage & expense II II II II II ~,:i.leage & Exp. Extrarelp Lo. Assessor's Office Mileage & Expense Supplies II Labor & repairs $762.50 46.70 187.60 99.30 291.10 363.10 436.90 6"9.00 19.50 315.30 23.45 16.20 i2.00 4.50 .BJ .90 2.25 7.80 181.44 394.15 345.26 30.0C 30.50 67.31 44-55 379.80 140.41 6.50 55.18 43-38 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'l'E ............... Apr.iJ. .. lQ ................................................ 19 ... ~~. IICUIIH PIINTIIIG co•HNr, !IT.CLOUD,IIINN. G~ Fergus Hardware General Grading So. Mill Standard Northwestern Bell 1'elephone Co, Northwestern Bell 1'elephone l,o, 14obile Radio &. 1'. V. Service Criminal Research Products Empire Business Machines Fergus Glass & Puint Co, l'ree Press Company James E. Gahler, Chn .• Gerl;,.chs Construction ltoger Hanson ''a!'dware Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Safety Service Co. Secretarial Service hm. Galena &-Sons Hohn l•,otor Sales Reuben Klein Motors l✓.innesota hotor Co, Mrs. Judith Johnson Key Laboratories Dave I s Standard -nenning Dave's Standard Fergus Oil Ken' s Auto & ~,arine Mayo's Standard -F.F. Mayo's Standard, F.F. Nundahl Oil Utter Tail Co-op Oil So. !•,ill Standard Twins Motor l.o, Gary Ludwig Donald Lee "onald Lee Gary A. Nelson Merlin Rieman White Drug Esther Mortensen Esther Mortensen l,ity of Fergus Falls l!.verett C. Hmson, M.D. Henry A, Korda Lake Region hospital Cooper's Oi'fic e Supply 9avenport's Stationery Gaffaney' s Miller-Davis Co. Oswald Publishing Co, Poucher Printing & Li tho graphing Co. Security Blank Book & Prtg. l,o, 'l'he Pierce Co, State of Minn. Dept. of Adm. Victor Lundeen & ~o. SCM Corporation J0 hn Nelson Xerox Corporation Xerox Corporation Robert B. Oslund & Associates Hinn esota State Ass' n of County 1 rees. Minnesota County Clerk of District Court Ass'n. Vernon E. Bachman "onald Lee Helen Skramsted Myrtle E. Logas Village of' Perham Henning Advocate Fergus Falls Daily Journal Perham lnterprise Bulletin Northwestern Publishing Co, Northwestern Publishing ~o. Kroneman Insurance Agency Carolyn Helgeson Lorna hcCabe Dannis F j es tad Mrs. Dorothy Johnson Carolyn Helgeson Veery E. Ryder Village of Perham Secretarial Service Mrs. E. J edlund Mrs. Bud Larson Mrs. C. \-1, Le,ds "'rs. l,.d Skoglund Mrs. Iona Butcher Patricia A. Grover Mrs. h. Marjorie Hessel l••rs. Mabel Jensen Mr·s. Gordon L .. Johnson Doris Jorgenspn Ina l•icLaughli.n Janitor Supplies II II Gas Calls Calls for Sheriff Services Fingerprint kit Supplies Sh. Supplies Supplies II Supplies -Sheriff Batteries 11 ::,upplies Supplies -Sheriff Supplies Repairs Repairs Labor & Parts -Sheriff Labor & Service Calls Labor -Sheriff Residence Tests Gas & Oil Gas Gas, Service, etc. Gas & Oil Gas vas & uil II II II II II II II II II Extra Help Subsistence Pay Mileage MiJmge, etc. Care of Prisoner Matron fee II II Court Costs Coroner's Fees II II Autopsy Charges Machine Rental & Supplies Supplies II II Minnesota Reports ::,upplies Maintenance Labor Services II aegistration Fee Registration Fees Postage Adv, l.oms.Pd Drivers Lie. Agts, Office Rent -Co. Agent Publication Tax N0tices 11 II II 11 Del. Tax List 11 P.P. Tax List 11 Tax Notices Bond-Co. Officials ~lileage & expenses II II II II II II II Postage Postage & bos rent Rent Supplies Attd. l~ursing Board Meeting II II II II II II II II II II II l',ileage -Home Health Aide II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II $ 55.26 J2.81 16.77 71.79 1J8.42 208.30 173,58 10,70 145,36 20.60 56.10 5,44 19.16 271,30 72,40 53,50 1,2.50 6.85 127.1,9 15,65 25. 50 280.$5 23,59 6.27 4,19 10.53 39.23 23.09 20.63 11,65 56,79 11.26 14.00 72,00 28.60 14,JO 22.70 4,45 10,00 35,00 ·210,0C 28,25 25,40 100,0( 417,47 4.90 19,50 1119,54 3,50 368,35 2829.68 15,93 6.50 249,75 55,00 316,00 42,50 105,28 1176,50 70,00 65,00 27,00 6,0( 30.00 21.40 60,00 10,00 244,90 1963.80 89,16 16.80 90,00 91.78 126,70 8.02 37,80 2.20 06,00 35,CO 36.65 3,00 2.70 4,95 8,25 6,CO 10.05 J.CO 6.60 21.15 8,40 9,45 1·1 I l"i ..,J. 68 I I· COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. A.pril. .. 10 ............................................. 19 ... 68 1eu11,,· .. 11111NrtOM111'1ir.i~ • 1dna Nelson . Clarice ltasmu!lsen Mrs, Pearl Ronning Mrs. Marlin S~nske l!.laine ~dnkels ~hilip M. Kjaglien Philip M. Kjaglien Straub CompanY, Public Utilities Dept. Northwestern Dell 'l'elephone Co, Artz Camera S~pply Cooper's Office Supply Secretarial S~rvice Victor Lundeen & Co, S. B. Johnson City of F·ergus Palls Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc, Hayden-Murphy Equipt. Lo, Hi-Lo l~quipt. l-o, Ruffridge-JotuJson 1q. Co., Inc. Ziegler, Inc •. Handy Governor Sales Speedometer S~rvice ~ Instrument l-o, narvey Bullock Fergus Dodge, :Inc. International Harvester Knutson Electric L kken's Inc. Mll.rlo Motors Minnesota ~,ot9r Company Olson Auto Electric Perham Farm S~pply Super G.1-i.C. 'l_'ruck Sales Paper, Calmen~on & Co, M-R Sign L:omP!l,ny \~heeler Lumbl!r Bridge & Supply Co. 1utectic \,eld:j.ng Corp, Coast-to-~oast Store, B.L, Coast-to-Coast Store, 1, enning l-oast-to-1.oast,, Pelican Rai;ids 1bersviller's.Inc., P.R. General 'l'rading Co. Hall's Hardwa~e Holten Lumber·& Hdwe, Sigelman Hide:& F'ur Co, ~,elders hquip_mmt Wilcox Lumber.Company, 11enning Wilcox Lumber.Lompany, Vergas Dalton Grain & Feed Mrs. Clara Eckley Gorentz Bros. · Village of He!llling City of Fergu~ Falls O'Meara's Dept. Store Construction Bulletin Fergus Journai Company Monroe International Inc. Minnesota Dlu~ Printing H. A. Rogers Company Uavenport's Stationery Victor Lundee~ & Company h.O.'l'. 1·e1ephone Company Park Region Mutual Telephone Co. Northwestern ~611 'l'elephone Co,, F. F. 1.0.T. Telephone Co. Midwest Telephone Co, Northwestern !3ell 1'elephone Co., F ,F. Pelican Telephone Co, Northwestern ?ell 1'elephone Co, Wadena \~endell P, Huber u, D. Harlow · v,endell P. Huber Norwegian Groye Twp. Andy's 66 Service Station Lonsumer's Co-op Oil Co., B.L, l-onsumer's Lo~op Oil l-o., Henning Dave's Standard ~ervice Eldon's Standard Service Batlle Lake Farmers Union Oil Farmers Co-op.Cry. Ass•n, Fergus Oil Company Fossen Oil coii,pany Marv's 66 · ~,ileage Station kundahl liil Co, Service Oil L~., B.L, Soliah & Braatz Oil Co, Ted I s Service 'l'win' s l•iotor Company Underwood Lak~side Service D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Arrow Petroleum Inc. Mileage -Home Health Aide II Mileage Home Health Aide II II Mileage&. Expense P0 stage & Mche. rental Rent Utilities Calls & Services Supplies II II Refund Poor Expense Parts II II II II Repairs II II II II II II II II II Cutting edges Signs "up;•lies ~upplies Coal Gravel II Rent 1-", aint enanc e Suprlies Ad for bids II II II Maintenance Supplies II II Service & 'l'olls II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Expense II Cash advanced Special aids Gasoline, etc. II II II II Gas, etc. Gasoline II Gas, etc. Gasoline Gas, etc. G soline ~II Oil Diesel Fuel $ 14,40 28.80 42,75 11.25 9,75 .76.80 9.40 50,00 1,,70 31.09 85,50 19.80 4,50 5,50 . 15,76 5388,43 115,51 12.11 60.23 20.25 227.90 35,00 28.75 34,00 53.36 355.55 20.80 19.46 3.50 76,54 65. 50 ?,16 57,38 36" .69 1496.20 144,55 106.80 50,1.4 16.39 15,51 J,00 143,08 35,76 64,46 68,70 64.64 32.80 .6.-87 ll,2.80 411,,90 272.00 416.80 561.25 1,2.21, 9.60 35,70 51,.oc 21,1.06 21.79 2.20 125.89 4,1,5 12.95 91.Jl, 19,30 12.80 24,55 10.22 11,35 307. 50 72.08 23.34 236,48 203.1,0 23". 96 50.28 60.07 SJ. 57 22.11 95.24 JS. 52 lOJ.81 71.71 95,35 68.1,J 27,36 58.JO 49,22 112.02 29.87 212.JO 88.96 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... April .. l0 .......................................... 19 .. ~.~ .. IICJIIIILrlUIJINl.liUtAKL.1.L..CJ.•·•• 11·-·· G--2309 Kraemer Oil Co. Penrose Uil Co. Service Oil ~o., Underwood Standard Oil Lo. , B. L. Standard Oil ~o. Pelican Rapids Bengtson Oil Co. ·1he Oil Store Lake Region ~o-op 1lectrical Ass•n. Vernon rronning Vernon L. Jensen School Uistrict #1395 Lester R.chels Alfred ~'ronning Anton Hanson Harry G. \·/ells \•,illia111 J. ~.ey 'l'heodore Lattimore John Dettbarn 1dward Kem hdwin nlbright William \·:agner Johannes Berg Harold W. \-/oods Mrs. Ruby J. Miller John P. Dwyer .. "· B. Dwyer ~:rs. Joyce E. Stock Henry T. Stock L. F.. Loomer Willmar \·,einrich J0hn Busko Howard J. Hoff Mrs. Ruth Erlandson Vincent F. Dalager Town of' Tordenskjold Vemes A. Jacobson Dorothy E. Vogt Diesel fuel II II II II " 11 etc. II II Fuel oil II 11· "'ight of way II II II Sp cial Ai Right of \\·ay II II II Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10:C0 A .M. I-lay 14, 1968. Attest: ---~"""-'M'---"'',C>-4'~=-=.:;.:;....:;..="-=--· ______ _ /~~ Clerk Chairman $153.63 73.22 69.60 123. 50 n.oc 130,50 187.65 62;zJ.69 ?2.60 1007.40 1.60 49.40 68.18 . 2.20 17.20 2.00 550.00 305.00 2.00 123.70· 18.40 400.00 40.90 1.00 35.55 7.ZJ 228.38 135.73 12. 20 72.03 40.JO 25.45 · 40.80 19,20 300.oc 99.28 89.35 Ii. I I. I !'' COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... May.14 ........................................ 19 .. ~.~. ltcU,dTY P•l■TIHI CDIIPANr, IT,CLOUD,IIINN, MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF C<lJNTY COMMISSIOt-'ERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY ~INNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Bo~rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 10:00 A.M., May 14, 1968, all members present. The Commissioner of Highways having previously advertised for bids on behalf of Otter Tail County for the followi111; projects: S,P. 56-608-0;a {CSAH 8) and s.P. 56-664-02 (CSAH 64), located on Little : Rine Lake, 2,7 miles NE of Perham, and at the Jct of CSAH 64 and T,H. 78, 12 miles south of Battle Lake, The r~presentative of the State Highway Department opened bids as follows: Harry Hofland John Dieseth Company Ed. Z:unmerman Perham, Minnesta Fergus Falls, Minnesota Barrett, Minnesota $29,714.02 37,947.'JJ 38,087.25 After 'consideration, the County Board recommended to the Commissioner of. Highways that the bid be awarded to the lowest bidder, ~eing Harry HofJ_and in the sum of $29,714.02. The County having previously advertised for bids to be opened at 11:00 A.M., hay loth, 1968 on S.A.P. 56-641-01, C.P. 68:41, located on County "Highway #41 between Jct, of CSAH #4 and So. 2.2 miles (2.5 mi. SW of Vergas), proceeded •to. open bids, whicn were found as follows: Ed Zimmennan Clarence Drewes Sellin Bros. Harvey Nelson Bain Bros. and Don Dahlman Strom Construction Co. Harry Hofland Leonar'd Hillstrom Conroy Construction Kem ti Toberry John Dieseth Company Barrett, >linnesota Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Hawley, Minnesota Lake Park, Minnesota Clarissa, Minnesota Moorhead, Minnesota Perham, Minnesota Vergas, Minnesota Dumont, Minnesota Sebeka, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota $39,357.59 42,591.70 43,686.37 44,0JJ.77 44,542.44 46,401.76 46,894.64 48,316.92 48,709.16 50,964.90 51,827.18 After consideration and recomputing the bids, the bid of Ed Zimmennan of Barrett, Minnesota, in the sum of $39,357,59 was awarded, The County having previously advertised for bids on S.A.P. 56-685-01, C,P. 68:85, located on County Highway #85 between T.H. #108 and North to Jct. 2ith C.S.A.H. #35, 3 mi. South of Verg .. s. Bids were opened and found to beas follows: F.d Zinunerman Bain Bros. and Don Dahlman Clarence Drewes Strom Construction Sellin Bros,, lnc. Harvey Nelson Kem & Toberry John Dieseth Company Barrett, Minnesota Clarissa, Minnesota Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Moorhead, Minnesota liawley, Minnesota Lake Park, Minnesota Sebeka, >1innesota Fergus Falls, >iinnesota $53,737 ,39 56,937.90 58,496.40 59,424.46 59,750.91 60,433,66 67,746.89 70,780.39 After consideration the contract was awarded to Ed. Zimmerman of Barrett, Minnesota, in the sum of $53,737,39, The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 11:00 A.M. June 11th, 1968, for the following: GRADING AND AGGREGATE SURFACING S.A.P. 56-615-06 (68) C.P. 68:15 Length 1,574 miles, located fran junction of CSAH #2, 10.0 miles Southwest of Fergus Falls, North to South Junction of C.H. #114. S,A.P. 56-625-06 (68) C.P. 68:25 Length 'J,925 miles, located from 5.2 miles South of Fergus Falls, North to 0,2 mile South of T.H. #94. C.P. 68:112 Length J.889 miles, located from CSAH #15 to CSAH #1, 8.0 miles bouthwest of Fergus Falls. CENTER STRIPING C.P. 68:C.S. Approximately 170,0 miles of County State Aid Highways, County Highways and Township Roads to be center st.riped and approximately 1,300 gallons of yellow paint. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the 0 oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT the maintenance of storage ga.i:age at Pelican Rapids be leased to the Department of Highways, State of Minne- sota, for a period from July 1, 1968 thDUgh June JO, 1970. Adopted this 14th day of May, 1968. Attest: s. B. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Chainnan J The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, THAT the sum of $42,644.04 be transferred from the County Building Fund to the County Nursing Hane Coostruction Fund, AND that the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary entries to accomplish this. D~ted this 14th day of May, 1968. Chainnan ATTEST: s. B. Johnson Clerl< RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNEOOTA The following resolution was adopted: Sam Nycklemoe WHEREAS this board has received application from Delbert Schreiber to repurchase Lots 23, 24 and 25 of Block 3, Rosemount Addition to the City of Fergus Falls, AND Arthur Espeland, Administrator or the Turchin Estate, to repurchase the sw-l; of the sw-l;, Section 33, Tm•nship 132, Range 38, Both of the above tracts having been forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes for the year 1959 and subsequent taxes. Attest: THAT it will be to the best public interest and relieve undue hardship by the granting of these petitions. Dated this 14th day or May, 1968, Sam Nycklernoe Chairman s. B. Johnson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: BE; I'l' H.ESOLVED, That the Chairman and Clerk or Auditor forthwith enter into agreenent with the State of Minne- sota, acting through its ~ommissioner of Highwa,y,, for the maintenance, except the application of calci1DD chloride in locations where the State considers it to be necessary and except snowplowing, of the road described in said agreenent as Temporary Trunk Highway No. 59, to wit: Beginning at the Junction of State Trunk Highway No. 34 and Otter Tail County State-Aid Highway No, 9 at or near the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter (NW¼ NE-l;) of Section 27, To1-nship 137 North, Range 43 West; thence continue southerly approximately 5,40 miles on said Otter Tail County State-Aid highway No, 9 to it junction with State Trunk Highway 59 in the Village of Pelican Rapids near the center of Section 22, Town ship 136 North, Range 43 West, and there terminating. Total length is approximately 5.40 miles. Said municipality to be ·paid therefor at the rate of $175.00 per mile per month. Fractional miles and .ft-actional months, if any, will be used in computing amounts payll,ble, The use of said road as a detour by the State will terminate on or before August l, 1968. Adopted this 14th day of May, 1968, Sam Nycklemoe Chairman ATTEST ___ __;s:;.,,......,B"-._J ... o..,hn=so:;n..__ ____ ....,,,,........,. Clerk The application from Reinhold Koehn for dance licen·se was rejected due to the sho·rtage of parking facilities. The Public Health Nursing Service was authorized to anploy part time help for the s~er months at $1,25 per hour. The Confession of Judgement covering bases on Lots l, 2, 3, 4, Block 3, Blowers First Addition to New York Mills was cancelled, upon motion of Commissioner 0ucholz seconded by Conunissioner Johnson, The cancellation was due ~o default in payment. The annual report of fees received by Carlton E. Mortenson as Sheriff in the sum of $10,917.42 was approved. The following applications for homestead classifications were approved and granted by the County Board: Wayne Stiles James Klimek-• Sever M, Mattson Anna L. Rakstad Merton Dahring Sylvester Trosvick Glen Stine NE! and SE-l; & E½ NW-l; and E½ sw-l; Section·ll-134-37 Part of Lot 3, Block 3, Urbank· 2.46 acres in Gov't Lot 3 West of road, Section 27-133=40 sw-l; SE-l; Section 15-132-38 .. N 1001 of E 250' of W 810' of the SW! NW-l; of Section 10-137-41 Lot 7, Block 5 Juvrud's Additfon to Ro1,hsay SE-l; NW-l; and NEt sw! and L0ts 3 & 4 of Section 6-137-36. COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... May .. 14 ......................................... 19 .. 68 lltlJlilrTPal■TING Co■PAN'f, IT,CLOUD,llliN, G= The following applications were read and recommended to the COllllllissioner of Taxation for approval: Villageof Erhard Mrs. John L. Jones N 501 of Lot 18, Block 1 Part of Lot 19, Block 1 Personal property tax paid on mobile Village property, now exempt home on which the 1968 license has been paid Robert L. Perry Good Samaritan Hane Daniel J, Darco Part of Lot J, SE of Lot 12 and lJ, Oakland Beach, Sec. l-1J6-J6 Pelican Rapids Ni SE/; Section 5-135-40 Back lot assessed as lake frontage Cancellation of tax on Lot 5 Block 8 owned by charitable institution Barn over-assessed. It is only a shed with dirt floor, Licenses for off-andaaon sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted as follows: Lavila o•Haver John Bierworth Doris Kabrich Joseph M, Biltz Anges M. Trana Behrens Elsie L, Centers Joe Neudeck Walter Hintzen August Heinrick E, G. Andresen Herb Limmer Jos Dougherty Harlan Ebbighausen Edgar Splittstoesser ·Russell.Pederson Ralph Richter Hockley Wenzel Blaine Brincefield Hai Reintsma East Silent Resort Limmers Resort Grand View Heights Resort Sunset Beach Resort Aggies Resort MiMeha Resort Neudeck 1s Resort Big Pine Resort Cozy Cove Resort Mosquito Heights Herb's Camp Pleasant View Resort Bait Store & Cafe South Turtle Lake Resort Bay View Resort Lost Valley Resort Resort, Little McDonald Lake Jungle Shore Play-Mor Beach RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAYS Dora Township Rush Lake Township Pine Lake Township Pine Dake Township Leaf Lake Township Girard 'l'ownship Perham Pine Lake 'l'ownship Dead Lake Township Pine Lake Township Rush Lake Township Dead Lake Township Sverdrup Township Sverdrup Township Star L~e Township Candor ownship Edna Township Corliss Township Corliss Township CoDDDissioner BeMie J, Johnson presented the following resolution, seconded by COllllllissioner Otto Haase, and moved its adoption, WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and of public exigency that lands for highway purposes and public use be ob- tained; and WHEREA~, Otter Ta.f!l County has power and authority to.establish, alter, vacate or revoke county highways; NOW, THEREFORE, in pursuance of Minnesota Statues 16J, it is hereby resolved that Otter .Tail County take for use on vounty State Aid Highway Numbers 25, 42 and 48 a right of way in and over the lands herein described, together with the following rights: All tress,.shrubs, grass and herbage within the right.of way of said munty highway, herein acquired, and to keep and have the esclusive control of the same; to acquire from the owners whose lands f ron thereon any existing right of access to said highway and to keep and have the esclusive control of all access to said highway in accordance with the laws governing access to highways; an estate. in fee simple absolute to the lands 1-"ithin the said right of way; to construct slopes upon and remove materials from the lands herein specifically mentioned to be taken for those purposes as provided in the plans and specifications whi(h are on file at the office of the County En¢..neer, Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls, MiMesota; and also the right to waste, dispose of, and pla~e gravel, stone, r.lay, dirt, sand and other materials on the lands herein specifically mentioned to be taken for those purposes. The lands and rights claimed and proposed to be so taken are situated in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, and are described as follows, and the names of all parsons appearing of record as known to the County Board of Commissioners to be the owners or occupants of said lands and rights, or interested therein, including all whom the County Board of Com- missioners, by investigation and inquiry to discover, together ~~th the nature of the ownership of each as nearly as can be ascertained, and the legal description of the tracts of land through which the connty state aid highways will pass, are as"follows: Parcel 8 (C,P, 68:25) All tnat part of the following ~escribed tract: The Easterly Fifty ( 50) feet of the Southeast Quarter (SE!-) of Section 22, 'l'ownship 1J2 North, Range 4J.West. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highway, Containing 1,02 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes, as shown onthe plans, containing 1.02 acres, which shall cease on or be- fore December Jl, 1968, Together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and egress from that portion of the above des- cribed tract, not acquired her!1d-n, to ~ounty State Aid Highway #25. 'l'he names of parties known by the Board to be the owners and occupants or interested in the above described land and the nature of their interest are, as follows: M • F. Reardon Hazel L, Reardon ~ ~'-----------'--------------------------------------------- COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. May .. 14 ..................................................... 19 .. 68. 11cu11n PIINrlNI Cll■PANY 11.CLOUD,■INN, a-=:iia9 Parcel 12 (C.P. 68:25) A strip of land over and across the following described tract: The South Half of the Southeast Quarter (S½ of SEt) of Section 15, Township 132 North, Range 43 West, said strip being all that part of the above described tract which lies within r"ifty ( 50) feet on either side of the following described centerline: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Section 15-Tl32N-R4JW, thence North 00°481 East for a distance of 434,1 feet, thence deflect to the left on a 7°001 curve (Delta Angle 60°55 1 ) for a distance of 870.2 feet, thence North 6o007 1·West for a distanceaf 403.0 feet, and there termirating. Also all that part of the above described tract which lies Northerly of the above described strip. Excepting there from right of way of existing highway. Containing 2,54 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes, as shown on the plans, containing 0,34 acres, which shall cease on or be- fore December 31, 1968. Together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and egress from that portion of the above des- cribed tract, not acquired herein, to County State Aid HJ.ghway #25. 11:he names of parties known by the Board to be the owners and occupants or interested in the above described land and the nature of their interests are, as follows: Mrs. Mary Johnson Parcel 14 (C,P. 68:25) A strip of land over and across the following described tracts: I The Northwest 1otuarter ofthe Southeast ~uarter (NW¼ of SE¼) of Section 15, '!"ownship 132 North, Range 43 West, and the Northeast -.uarter·o f the Southwest Quarter (NE¼ of SW¼} of Section 15- Tl32N-R4JW, s~d strip being all that part of the above described tract which lies within Fifty ( 50) feet on either side of the following described centerline: Beginning atthe Southeast corner of Section 15-Tl32N-R4JW, thence North 000481 East for a dis- tance of 434,1 feet, thence deflect to the left on a 7°00' curve .. (Delta Angle 60055•) for· a distance of 870,2 feet, thence North 60007• West for a distance of 1,050.4 feet to point of beginning, thence continue North 600071 West· for a distance of 1,011,4 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 7°00• curve (Delta Angle 61°131 ) for a distance of 687,0 feet, and there tenninating. Exceptilng therefrom right· of way of existing highway. Containing 3,81 acres, more or less, Also an easement to construct slopes, as shown on the plans, contain~ng 0.66 acre, which sh!l-1-1 cease on or before December 31, 1968. Together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and egress from that portion of the above described tract, not acquired herein, to County State Aid Highway" #25. The name of the party known by the Board to be the owner and accupant or interested in the above described land and the nature of their interest is, as follows: Frank "w. V eden Parcel 5 (C.P. 68:42) All that part of the following described tract: The Easterly r"ifty (50) feet of Uovernment Lot 1, Section 4, Township 131 North, Range 36 West. Except therefrom right of way of existing highway.· Containing 0,61 acre, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes, as shown on the plans, containing 0.63 acre, which shall cease on or before December 31, 1968. 'l'ogether with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and egress from thatportion of the il.bg've'-,Y' described tract, not acquired herein, to· County Stai.e Aid Highway #42. The names of the parties known by the Board to be the owners and occupa~ts or interested in the above des- cribed land and the nature of their interests are, as follows: Chester Tonnar, Sr. F.. Tonnar Parcel 6 (C.P. 68:42) All that part of the following described tract: The Westerly Fifty (50) feet of Government Lot 4, except the South Two (2) rods of Section 3, 'l'ownship 131 North, Range 36 West. Also the Easterly Fifty (50) feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE¼ of Set) of Section 33-~132N-R36W. '1' 73 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... May 14 ........................................... 19 ... 68 HCURIH Pll■TIH CD■PANT, IT,CLOUD,1ll•N. cr-2JD1 Also the Easterly Fifty (50) feet of the E,s~ Half of the Northeast ~uarter (E§ of NE!) of Section 33-Tl32N-R36W. Also the Westerly Fifty ( 50) feet of the Northwest Quarter o fthe Northwest Quarter (NW! of NW!) of Section 34-T132N-R36W. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highway. Containing 2.63 acres, more or less. I Also an easement to construct slopes, as shown on the plans, containing 2.04 acres, which shall cease on or before December 31, 1968. Together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and egress from that portion of the above described tract, not acquired herein, to "aunty State Aid Hi~hway #42. The names of parties !mown by the Board to be the owners and occupan~s or interested in the above described land and the nature of their interests are, as follows: Leo B. Blashack Deloris Blashack Parcel ~4 (C.P. 68:42) All that part of the following described tract: The Easterly Fifty (50) feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE! of SEt) of Section 28, Township 132 North, Range 36 West. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing hig~way. Containing 0.51 acre, more or less. Together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and egress from that portion of the above described tract, not acquired herein to County State 11id Highway #42. The names of parties known by the Board to be the owners and occupants or interested in the above described land and the nature of their interests are, as follows: I John A. C. Lelai;td et all (Executor of Estate of Agnes c. Leland) I Parcel 16 (C.P. 68:4?) All that part of the following described tract: The Easterly Fifty (50) feet of the Northeast Quarter (NE¼) of Section 28, Towiship 132 North, Range 36 West. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 1.01 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes, as shown on the plans, containing 1.40 acres, which shall cease on or before December 31, 1968. Together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and egress from that portion of the above des- cribed tract, not acquired herein, to County State Aid Highway #42. The name of the party !mown by the Board to be the o111'ler and occupant or interested in the above described land and therature of his interest is, as follows: Jerome J. Wagner Parcel 17 (C.P. 68:42) All that part of the following described tract: The Westerly f'ifty (50) feet of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W½ of NW!) of Section 27, 'l'ownship 132 N0rth, Range 36 West. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highways. Containing 1.01 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes, as shown on the plans, containing 7.34 acres, which shall cease on or before December 31,_ 1968. Together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and egress from that p>rtioncf the above described tract, not acquired herein, to County State Aid Highway #42. The names of parties known by the Board to be the owners and occup ants or interested· in the above described land and lhe nature of their interests are, as follows: F. F. Preitauer Beatrice V. Preitauer COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. May .. 14 ·················································l9 ... 68 111:UIIILl&llllll.COJIUIIL..lt..CLIUl Parcel 2 (C.P, 68:48) A strip of land over and across the following described tract: The Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW¼ of NW¼) of Section 27, '1"ownship 132 North, Range 36 West. · said strip being all that part of the above described tract which lies within Firty (50) feet on the southerly side of the following described centerline. CoDDDencing at the Northwest corner of Section 27-Tl32N-R36W, thence North for a distance of 248,7 feet, thence North 900001 East for a distance of 203,1 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 4°001 curve (Delta Angle 15°391 ) for a distance of 391,3 feet, thence South :n,0211 East for a distance of 427.9 feet, thence aef,lect to the left on a 40001 curve (Delta Angle 160191) for a distance of 87,7 feet to point of beginning, thence continue on said 40661 curve for a distanc~ of 234,4 feet, and there tenninating. Containing C,10 acre, more or less. Together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to an~ egress from that portion of the above described tract, not acquired herein to County State Aid Highway 848. The name of the party known by the Board to be the owner and occupant or interested.in the above described land and the nature of their interest is, as follows: ATTESTED: Fred F. Preitauer Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 15th day of May, 1968 •. t" S. B, Johnson County Auditor BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY < Sam Nycklemoe Bennie J, Johnson James Bucholz Otto Haase Harvey M0 rrill Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10:CO A.M., May 15, 1968, WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the 0oard met at 10:00 A.M., May 15, 1968, all members present, The petition of Wm, Ogroske asking the NE¼; N·f of SW¼ Section 23 q.nd SW¼ of NW¼ ex, S 32 feet Section 24- 137-38, was taken up for final consideration. After 'listening to the statements of the various interested parties, the Board issued the following order, to wit: Order Setting Off Legai Voter from One School District to Andher, WHEREAS, 'l he petition of William Ogroske, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District #1536 in this County, representirt?; that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District· and adjoin School District No, 549 and asking that he with his said 1 ands may be set off from said district No. 1536 to said adjoining school district No, 549, was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 10th day of April A,D.-, 1968 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of sa:i. d board on the 15th day of May, 1968, at the County Auditor's office in the "ity of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of Lounty Cp11111issioners on said 10th day of May, A.D., 1968, due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and requred, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, ~·ith everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and detennined that the said peititioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-•it: NE¼; N½ of swl; Section 23 and swl; of NW¼ ex. s. 32 feet Section 24-137-38 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1536 to said adjoining School District #549 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, By order . f the Board of County l.:ommissioners, dated the 15th day of May, A,D., 1968, Attest: Chainnan County Auditor ,, 75 ·1 . i rr 76 ' .COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATF.. ..................... Mayl.5 .............................................. 19 .. 68_ il:clfllri IIIHll■-CO■PHY. H.CLOUD,IIINX, w• The petition of 14.aron Schwartzlifalter asking that Lots 4 and 7 and part of Let. s 5 & 6 South of railroad in Section 32-133-43 be set off from School District #1434 to District /1544 was read and was ordered that a hearinir be held on said petition at 10:CO A.M., June 12th, 1968, and that due notice orthe time and place be given as required by law. The petition of August and Helen Stein asking that the East 596 ft. of the West 1434 ft. of NW! N of highway, except tracts, Section 21-133-43, be set off from School District #1434 to Sc!x>ol District #544 was read, and it was ordered that a hearing beheld on said petition at 10:CO A.M. • June 12th, 1968, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law, The petition of Kurt Schroeer•·asking that the SE! SE¼ Section 22-1J7i.J8 and Ni SEt and Sv/¾ SEt Section 22-137- 38 and Si SWt Section 23-137-38 and NE¼ NW! and NWt NEt Section 27-137-38 and,NEt NE¼ Section 27-137-38, be set off fran School District 111436 to School District #549, was read, and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10:00 A.M., June 12tih~ 1968, and that due notice·or the time and place be given as required by law. I ' The petition of Peter Wientjes asking that the Swt Section 24-137-38 be set off from ~c!x>ol District #1536 to School District #549, was read, and it was ordered that a hearing beteld on said petition at 10:00 A,M., June 12th, 1968, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1384 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be leld at 10:00 A.M. • June 12th, 1968, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law, The resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1491 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held at 10:00 A.M., June 12th, 1968, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law, The petition of Donald D. Herdman asking that the Fractional NW¼ and N½r of NEt Section 19-132-37 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties, the petition was rejected, Upon request, a representative of the Minnesota State .i>rnployment Service explained to the Board the process of making a man-power survey for West Otter 'l'ail County.· The Board tabled the matter for further consideration, A mElllber of the Parkers Prairie Hospital District came before the Board requesting an appropriation of aid in operating the hospital, After considerable discussion, the Board appropriated $10,000 payable in two instalments, the first $5,COO in May and the second $5,COO in September. County Commissioner Johnson voting "no". Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Board appropriated $1,000 to the East Otter Tail County Soil ConO servation District and $3,000 to the West Otter Tail 1,;ounty Soil "'onservation District, Commissioner Morrill voting "no. 11 Upon motion made seconded and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was instructed to pay the two fair asso- ciations in Otter Tail County $5,000 each from funds collected for that purpose. A plat of Cedar Park Club being a Subdivision of Part of Uovernment Lots 1 & 2 in Section JO, 1'ownship 132, Range 42 acco~panied by an opinion as to the title executed by Gerald S, Rufer, Attorney-at-Law, was approved. A plat of Sandy naven Develppment being a part of Lot 1, Section 29 and Lot 1 of Section 32, 'l'o,mship 132, Range 411 accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by I. L, Swanson, Attofney-at-1aw1 was approved, RF.SOLUTION REQUESTING SPEED ZONING BE IT RESOLVED, '!'hat the County Board of Otter Tail County, in compliance with Subdivision 5 of Section 169,14 of the Highway Traffic.Regulation Act, hereby requests the Commissioner of Highways, upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation, to authorize the erection of appropriate signs designating a reasonable and safe speed limit upon the following described streets and highways: ATTEST: Township road between the center of Section 11, i..litherall '1ownship, and East to Trunk Highwa_y #210. Township road around Eagle Lake in Sections 2, J, 10, 11, 14 and 15, Eagle Lake 'l'ownship, except for that portion on Trunk Highway #78. 'l'ownship road beginning in Section 35 and proceeding Northeasterly around the North shoce of Little Pine Lake to the East Line of the 'iownship (Section 25). Gonnan '.l'ownship. The roads in Phelps Mill Park located in Section 35, Main Township. Resolution passed at a meeting of the Otter '!'ail County Board on May 15, 1968 at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, Sam Nycklemoe S. B. Johnson Chainl,ian County Auditor RESOLUTION ESTABUSHING COUNTY HIGHWAY Commissioner Harvey Morrill presented the following resolution, seconded by Commissioner Bennie J, Johnsai, and moved its adoption. WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and of public exigency that lands for highway purposes and piblic use be ob-tained; and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has power and authority to establish, alter, vacate or revoke county highways; NOW, THEREFORE, in pursuance of Minnesota Statutes 163, it is hereby resolved that Otter 'l'ail County take for use on County Highway Number 112 a right of way in and over the lands herein described, together '1-.i th the following rights: All trees, shrubs, grass and herbage within the right of way of said county h:i.ghway, herein acquired, and to keep and have the exclusive control ,of, the same; to acquire fran the owners whose 1 ands front theron any existing rip.ht of access to said highway and to keep and have the exclusive control of all access to said highway in accordance with the laws governing access io highways; an, estate in fee simple absolute to the lands within the said right of way; to construct slopes upon and remove materials from the lands tierein specifically mentioned to be taken for those purposes as provided in the plans and specifications which are on file at the office of the County Engineer, Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls, Minnesota; and also the right to waste, dispose of, and place gravel,stone, clay, dirt, sand and other material on the lands herein specifically mentioned to be taken for those purposes, COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ May 15 ............................................ 19 .. 68. I.IS!!.111!.W•'-·"'-co11•• .. , 11 CLDUD NINJr. G•UCII The lands and rights claimed and proposed to be so taken are situated in Otter 'l'ail \;ounty, Minnesota, and are described as foll9ws, and the names of all persons appearing of record as known to the County Board of \;ommis:sioners to be the owners or occ1:1pants of said lands and rig~ts, or interested therein, including all whom the County 0 oard of Commissioners, by investigation an! inquiry to discover, together with the nature of the ownership of each as nearly as. can be ascertained, and the legal des~ription of the tracts of land through which the county highway will pass, are as follows: Parcel 13 All that part of the following described tract: Th~ northerly fifty (50) feet of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E½ of NE!) of Section 17, 'l'ownship 131 Noi-t.h, Range 43 West, except tract. Excepti~g therefrom right of way of existing highway. Containtng 0,43 acre, more or less. Also an·easement to construct slopes, as shown on the plans, containing 0,13 acre, which shall cease on or before December 31, 1968; Together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and egress fran th~t port,i9n of the above des- cribed tract, not: acquired herein, to County Highway #112. The names of parties known by the Board to be the owners and occupants or interested in the.above described land and the nature of:their interests are, as follows: Herbert'E. Schroeder Alice M; Schroeder Dated at Fer gus Falls, Minnesota this 15th day of May, 1968. ATTESTED: s. · B. Johnson County ;;.udi tor BOARD OF COUNTY COO.MISSIONERS Q F. OTTER 'l'AIL COUNTY Sam l\yckle11De Bennie J. Johnson James Bucholz Otto Haase Harvey Morrill An application of Farmers & Merchants State Bank of New Y0rk Mills for settlement and apatl!J!lait of delinquent taxes, penalties and costs uponlots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Block 3 of Blowers First addition to New York M:j.lls was read, offering to pay $1,322.64 plus $277,36 being the current tax, in settlement of taxes amounting to $7,?Q0,75, After considera- tion the Board recommended tothe Commissioner of Taxes the offer be granted on the grow:ids t,hat the buildings located on the lots are a'detriment to the property rat~er than an asset. The fol~owing bills were allowed: Carlton E, ~lortenson Carlton E. Mortenson Sidney Nelson Glen ~l. Melby James LeRoy Merle Bacon Donald Lee John B. Halvorson L. Ray Loomer Marvin Pederson Henry Lubitz Alfred Meyer harold Anderson James ~ ucholz Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson · narvey Morrill Harvey Morrill Sam Nycklemoe ~ rank Alstadt Bernard Palubicki · Nels Hanson Nels . Hanson Curtis L. Watt Walter Sundberg Homer M. San Theodore Hegseth Arnold l!.vavold narold Skistad Laura E, Hotchkiss Ambrose A. Klinnert Kenneth Clambey ~'rank iioberts Vernon E. Bachman Mrs, Mable Hossow · Boarding of Prisoners Mileage & expm se Mileage & s1:1bsi~tenc!! pay II II II II II II II II Subsi!>tence pay II II Relief Jailer II II Mileage II 11 & Expense II II II II II II II II II II II II II Phelps Mill Per Diem II II Att'd Planning rioard Meeting II II II II Cash advanced II Att1d Planning Board Mtg. II II II II 11 Soil & Water Conservation mtg, Att1d W.O.T, Soil & Water Cons. Mt:g. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Serv. W.O,T. Soil Cons. Pist. Serv. W.O.T, Soil Cons. Qist. Salary & Expense Weed & Seed Insp. II II Mileage & Expense II II II II $507,50 209,87 355,20 ?36.24 355,40 311.90 69.00 69.00 28,00 84.00 46.90 10.00 . 7,QO 70,50 60,40 J0,80 35,17 10.00 51.00 44,75 16.00 81,00 30.00 32,50 30.50 66,37 31,80 55,50 33.00 170,27 281.33 294,38 354,05 83,68 3, 53 f I 78 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 1rcu11n ..... , ••• CO■fAIY, sr.CLOUD,IIINA", CT- Eugene Davenport · Harris W, iverson Anton N. Glesne Christopher C. Clauson Wm. Galena & Son Fergus Hardware Gamble' s #1015 Edling Electric Co, General Trading Co. Otter '!'ail Grocery Co. l~o~thwestern Bell Telephone Co, Northwestern Bell Telephone Co, Auto Safety National Bushing Bruce Publishing Co, Davenport's Stationery Edgetown Lumber Co, Farnham I s Inc. Photo Cent er The Pierce Co, Mobile R dio & T.V, Serv. Western Onion .Xerox Corp, Edgetown Lbr. Co, Co-op Services, Inc, Mayo I s Standard Nundahl Oil Perham Co-op Oil White Drug Esther Mortensen Eleanor Leidal Jay L, Kevern, M.D. Lake Region Hosfital Normandy Cafe Normandy Cafe Public Utilities Dept, Herb Christensen, Jr. Great Plains Natural Gas Dead Lake 'l'ownship Candor '!"ownship Burroughs Corp. Burroughs Corp-'l'odd Div. Cooper's Office ~upply Dacotah Paper Co, International Business Machines Jaeger's Decorating Center Miller-Davis Co. Nelson Bros. Printing Northwestern Publ Co, Oswald Publishing Co, Poucher Prtg. & Litho.·Co, iecurity Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co, United liinding Co. Whiting's Office Equipt, Vernon E. Bac,hman Carlton E, Mortensen Helen E, Skramstnd Myrtle E. Logas Helen E. Skramst.ed Helen Skramsted N. F. Field Abstract Co, Village of Perham Fergus Falls Daily Journal Henning Advocate Northwestern P.ubl. Co, Robert B. Oslund & Associates Robert B, Oslund & Associates Edgetown Lbr. ,Co. Carolyn Helgeson Loma McCabe • Mrs, Dorothy Johnson Donnis Fjestad Mrs, Philip Wicklund Mrs. E, J edlund Carolyn Helgeson Mrs, Earl Sonmore Mrs, Edith Ronning Bernice Ohman• >lrs, Verla Mcl:.aughlin Kathryn Hemmelgarn Mrs. Verlie Grover Ann Franklin · Mary Ann Emmel Mrs. ldward Edwards Iona Butcher • Lovie Bormann • Clarice Rasmussen Patricia Grover Mrs. Pearl Ronning Mrs. Bud LarSQn DATE ............................ May .. JS ........................................ 19. 68 .. Mi~eage & Expense II II II II II II II 11 extra lelp Co. Assessor's II Supplies 11 Janitor II II Service Call Janitor Supplies II II Calls ·Calls for Sheriff Repairs II Supplies II II II II II Services II II Labor -installing Count~r.L· top Gas, etc. Gas & Oil II II II II II II Care of Prisoner Matron fee Transcript of Proceedings Coroner's fees Autopsy Charge Meals for jurors II II II Cleaning Sewer Bulldozing dump ground Gas Special Aid II II Supplies Phelps M£11 binding Books Machine Rental !Postage II II Adv, Com. pd. drivers lic.i:gts. Att1d mtg. in St, Paul Fees for service Abstract of Title Office rent for Co. Agent Publication II of School Dissolution 11 11 11 & Hearing Services 11 Phelps Mill Supplies Nurse Mileage & Expense att'd workshop II II II II & expense II II Att'd Nursing Bd. mtg, II II II Nurse •lileage & expense Home Heal th Aid ,II• II. •II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II $136.70 147.60 404.26 129.85 50.00 27,75 2.79 51.85 3,10 28.80 W.99 149,44 J.60 44.28 2.66 28.57 14,03 27.29 25;83 4,80 93,65 11,17 42.50 212.19 14,11 46.22 104,82 81;63 5,30 50,00 63.50 27,10 115.0C 24.18 21.16 16.96 42.75 426.78 200.oc 500.00 14.00 7.0C. 68.30 17,69 2.85 23,98 ll7.12 255,70 4.32 18.05 292,08 706,16 198,30 1748,90 90.00 39,82 20.00 60,00 20,40 33.00 2.50 7,00 60.00 248,95 6,30 4,32 723.00 750.0C 225.01 39.78 74.25 42.80 12.98 11.25 6.00 61.24 5.10 2.70 7,80 1.05 15.00 4,80 7.95 3,45 12,30 8,25 10,80 31.20 21.45 47,55 5,40 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. May 1.5 ................................... 19 .. 68 HCll■ITT Pll■TIJIG CONPANT, IT,CLOUD,■IN/1, C': Mrs. John J. Steblay ~•rs. Mabel Jensen Mrs. Fred Greenwaldt Doris Jorgenson Edna N, Nelson l••rs. 1-"•arjorie· Hessel Ina McLaughlin Evelyn Leth . Mrs. Elaine Winkels Jannette Anthony Mrs. Rudy Sagerhonr Mrs. Lawrence· liouglas Helen Tikkanen Selma Swendsrud Village of Perham The Sterling Name Tape Co. Hanson & Neuman E. O. T. Telephone Co. Secretarial Service J.B. Lippincott ~o. Philip M. Kjaglien Philip M. Koaglien Rachel J. Estrem Public Utilitles Department Victor Lumdeen & Co. N.W. Bell Telephone Co., F.F. Cooper's Office Supply Straub Company Fergus Falls Medical Group Service Oil Co. ~Im. E. Messen"ger Milton Aasnes·s, Jr. John Hal vorso"n A. L. Fitch . Fergus Journ8;1- Construction Bulletin Gar hood Twin Cities Truck Equip. Inc. Hall Equipment, Inc. Minnesota 'J'ractor Co. Ruffridge-Jonnson Eq. Co, George T. Rylm Co. Sweeney Bros.· Tractor Ziegler, Inc; Fergus Dodge,· Inc. Internationar narvester Larson Weldirig Penrose Chevrolet Lo. Perham Farm Supply Super G,M.C. Truck Sales Swanson Equipil,ent, F. F, General Tradfng Co, Genuine Parts ~o. Holten Lumber Otter 'l'ail Grocery Co, .Sigelman Hide & Fur Co, Vergas Hdwe. Co, Vergas Motor Service Welders Equipnent Wilcox Lumber M-R ~ign Co., Inc. Firestone Store, F.F. Northwood Specialty Co, Mrs. Lewis Hansen Raymond Motor Transportation Ray's Transfer Otter '!'ail Power Co, S.C.M, Corporation Secretarial Service Albinson, Inc. Mille!"-Davis Davenport's Stationery Poucher Printing & Lith, R, R. Yates Northwestern Bell, F, F. East Otter Tail Tel'. Co, East Otter 'l'ail Tel. Co, Pelican Telephone Co, Northwestern Bell Tel. Co., Wadena Midwest Telephone Lo, Park R.,gion Mut. Tel. Co, Northwestern Bell Tel. Co., F.F. Wendell P. Huber G.D. Harlow Wendell P, Huber Town of Tordenskjold Carlson Oil Co. Consumers Co-op Oil, Henning Dan's Texaco Service Farmers Co-op Cry. F'ossen Oil Co, Mileage -Home Health II II II II II II II II 11· II II II II Office rent for· nurse Identification Pins Aid Medicare cost reimbursement reports Calls & Service Annual report covers Pediatric NSG book Mileage & Expense Postage & Machine rental Mileage Utilities Supplies Calls & services Supplies Rent Care, T.B. patient Gas & Parts 1968 Diving Instructions 1968 Diving Instructions II II II II II Ad for Bids Ad f/or Bids Parts II II II II Repairs Parts Repairs II II II II II II Supplies Signs Tires Lath Gravel Freight Freight Prints Service Prints ~upplies II II II II Service & tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Expense II Cash advance Special Aid Gas, etc. Gasoline Gasoline· Gas, etc. Gasoline II II II II II II II II $ 14.70 28,80 7,20 30,30 16.80 10,95 22,"42 7,50 11,85 7, 50 i..05 18,52 16.50 2,70 35",00 6.75 . 45,00 19.47 . 3.95 7.76 106,60 12,00 6,75 4,62 2.00 35.10 119.00 50,0C 48,00 40.96 15,00 15.00 15.00 15,oc 6,30 .R.,v. 58.80 R & B 65.70 39.64 15.05 549.81 806.60 40.99 69.33 781.81 48.71 10.36 8.50 2.35 7,00 4Cfl,03 4.16 507.17 98.22 17.85 25.50 28,00 110,35 76,20 7,05 4,30 1165,00 95.18 40,00 47.50 12.25 5.94 159,51 110,00 52.35 36.19 12.95 24.18 82.21 4.12 29.89 20.10 5.28 8,CJ7 10.80 10,60 14,10 83.84 325,14 17.91 47.82 300.00 123,84 75,34 87,38 1111..29 13.31 rt 80 i ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ May __ .15·············-····-··········---·-·-····l9 ..... ~ HCURIH Pll■TIIIG CO■PANT, IT,CLOUD,lllll'N, Q:2D Hi-Way Auto &·Implement Co. Hoot Lake Pure Jim's Service·Station J0 hn's 7-0 Service The Oil Store· Olson Oil Co,· Otter 'l'ail l.o:.op Oils, Inc., F ,F, Otter 'l'ail Co:.op Oils, Inc. F.F. Ray's Oil Service Oil Co., B,L. Service Oil Co,, Underwood Soliah & Braatz Oil Co, Theodorson's Mnbile Service Thomas Oil co·. Vergas Oil co·, D-A Lubricant' Co,, Inc. Arrow Petr·ole\un, Inc. Bluffton Oil Co, Perham Co-op.·Oil Standard Oil Co,, P.R. George L. Johnson Joe M. Jacobson E., J. Webber · Philip R. Monson Mrs. Ruthie Hennagir Kermit Grefsrud Ingard Ohe Orville Nettestad Louis Kowalski ~larence Samuelson Orville Lund · !!.]mer A. Vigen Odin C • Berg · Engebret 'l'hompson Dennis B. Seidell Eddie G. Knutson John P, Condon Mrs. Daisy Peach W. L. Zitzow · l•lrs, Chester Bergerud Leonard E. Erlandson Warren E. Dubbels W. M. Moller · Mrs, Lydie Schiennan Helmer Anderson David M. Velo' Carl L. Anderson, Agent for Clarence O. Anderson, et al Eddie A, Velo' Eddie A , Velo' School Dist, #1522, •··rs, Herb Rossow, Chm, Vtter Tail County Gasoline II etc. Gas, etc. Gasoline Gas, etc, Gasoline II II Gas, etc. II II II II II II Gasoline etc. II II II , etc, II Oil Diesel Fuel II II II Ri'bt II II II II II II II of Way II II II II II II II II II II Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10:00 A,M., June 11th, 1968, ATTEST: ------,<-,!--~_ ....... _// ....... L ...... ~ ... ~~------------ /~ Clerk Chainnan $112,44 25,92 63,53 86.70 76,93 126.25 482.62 133,56 97.02 182,78 80.88 177,39 71,50 1213.86 174,89 382,40 175.68 88.80 91.80 71.25 125.00 4.00 91.40 1741.80 399,18 44.00 6.80 28.00 20,40 91,23 12.60 160.08 4,90 27,78 44,02 15.80 152,85 1437.55 55,40 1.80 22.20 · 101.60 27.80 41.08 40.52 19.40 50,60 40,40 1417.80 1.00 3,80 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 1.IC!!IIJILUllt'lll.C!.,.C_.!.l!!!l IT C OUD IIIIN. 0•2909 DATE .......................... June.11 ...................................... 19 .... 68 MINUTF.S OF THE ADJOUNRED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CYI'TER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board m_et at 10:~0 o'clock,: A,M. June 11, 1968, all members presart., Upon motion to the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be ppene~ at 11:00 A,M., July 8, 1968 on the following projects: GRADING AND AGGREGATE SURFACING S,A.P, 56-628-04 (68) C,P, 68:28 Length 6,442 miles, located from CSAH #21 to T.H. #59, approximately J,0 miles Sout~ of Pelican Rapids. S.A.P. 56-642-05 (68) C,P. 68:42 Length J,794 miles, ·located approximately 6.0 miles Northeast of Parkers Prairie to junction of CSAH #40. S.A,P. 56-648-01 (68) C.P. 68:48 Length 0,606 mile,, located approximately 1.0 mile South of Woodside at the junction of CSAH #42 and East 0.606 mile. C.P. 68':116 (68) Length 1.477 miles from approximately 1.5 miles North·of French at junction of CSAH #21 and East approximately 1,5 miles. The Board having previously advertised for bids for grading and aggregate surfacing on the following projects: C.H. #112 -CSAH #15 to CSAH #1, 8,0 mil, SW Fergus Falls Bids were opened and found to be as follows: Conroy Construction Clarence Drewes B0ain Bros, & Don Dahlman Ed Zimmerman Leonard Hillstrom Stan Morrill Roy Evavold & Sol Harvey W. Nelson John Dieseth Co. Dumont, Minnesota Detr?i~ Lakes, Minnesota Clarissa, Minnesota Barrett, Minnesota Vergas, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Lake Park, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota $42,366.44 . 43,238.60 44,895,82 45,162.92 46,126.22 46,221.18 47,051.64 48,510.JO 59,167.95 .. After consideration the contract was awarded to Conroy Construction, Dumont, Minnesota, in the amount of $42,366.44. CSAH #25, 5.2 mi. S. of Fergus Falls, N to 0.2 mi. S. of T,H, #94 Bids were received as follows: Ed Zimnerman· Bain Bros. & Don Dahlman· Conroy Construction Clarence Drewes Harvey Nelson Strom Construction John Dieseth Co. Barrett, Minnesota Clarissa, Minnesota Dumont, Minnesota . Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Lake Park, Minnesota Moorhead, Minnesota · Fergus Falls, Minnesota $58,956.66 59,698.84 60,674.39 58,267.24 66,318.92 68,519.79 76,687.90 After consideration the contract was awarded tp Clarence Drewes, Detrd.t Lakes, Minnesota, in the amount of $58,267.24. CSAH #15 -jct of CSAH #2, 10 mi, SW of Fergus Falls, N. to S. jct. of C.H. #114 Bids were received as follows: Leonard Hillstrom Ed Zimmerman Harvey W. Nelson Johh Dieseth Co. Clarence Drewes Conroy Construction Vergas, Minnesota Barrett, Minnesota Lake Park, Minnesota Fergus-Falls, Minnesota Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Dumont, Minnesota · $12,747.13 14,538.60 17,882.00 18,378.70 23,860.40 24,159.lC After consideration the contract was awarded to Leonard Hillstr9m, Ve~gas, Minnesota in the amount of $12,747,lJ. The Board having previously advertised for bids for 170. miles of center striping, Coµnty wide, received bids as follows: Traffic Marking Service, Inc, Route #J, Buffalo, Minn. $13,520.00 After consideration the Board awarded the contract to Traffic Marking Service, Inc., in the IIJ!IOUnt of $13,520.00 onthe grounds the bid seemed reasonable. ' Upon motion l!Bde, seconded and carried, a special right-of-way meeting will be held at the Court House at 9:JO A.M., June 22, 1968. A letter from Royale B, Arvig, M110r of Pemam, encouraging the Gounty Planning Commission to continue searching for an agreeable County wide planning and zoning system was rea9. Upon motion the Audit9r was instructed to place the letter .on file. 81 I ! r 82 I l COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... Jime .. ll ....................................... 19 ... (!~. ■l:CD■lff ,a1Nrl■G COIIPHY, ■r.CLOUD,IIINN, c- The following resolution was adopted: To the Honorable Harold LeVander, Governor of the State of Minnesota Be it Resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota that we respectfully request that you consider Henry Polkinghorn, Attorney at Law, residing at Pelican Rapids for the appointment as Judge of Probate Court of Otter Tail County to succeed Owen V, Thompson, deceased. Attest: Adopted June ll, 1968. / S/ s. B, Johnson Clerk Upon motion the Board adjourned to 10:00 A,M., June 12, 1968, WEDNFSDAY 1S SESSION· /S/ Sam Nyckl.emoe Chainnan of the Board of County Commis·sioners Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10:00 A,M., June 12th, 1968, all members present, The petition of nugust and Helen Stein asking that the East 596 feet of West 1434 feet of NW! north of high- way except tracts sold in Section 21-133-43, be set off from District #1434 to District #544 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of various interested parties, the Board issued the following order, to wit: Order Setting off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. WHEREAS, The petition of August and Helen Stein, legal voters and freeholders and residents of School District No. 1434 in this County, representing that they are the owners of thelands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District:; and adjoint. School District No. 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1434 to said adjoining school district No. 544 was presented to the Board of County CoD111issioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th day of May A,D., 1968 for the action of1said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 12th day of June A,D., 1968 at the County Auditor's office in the 1,;ity of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further orded in and by said order thatnotice ofthe time and place of such hearj.ng be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petl.tion, and by mailing tothe, clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 12th day of June, A,D., 1968 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made andfiled, said petition was publicly read and con- sid~ed by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against grantirg the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and aeter- mined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-~~t: East 596 feet of West 1434 feet of NW! Nor1ih of Highway except tracts sold in Section 21-133-43, be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1434 to said adjoining Scrool District No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. Attest: By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 12th day of June A.D., 1968. /S/ s. B. Johnson County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board /S/Sam Nycklemoe Chairman of the Board o f County Commissj oners of Otter TaH County, MiM, The petition of Kurt Schroeer .. asking that the SEt of SEt; Ni of SEt and SW! of SEt Section 22; Si of SW!, Section 23; NE! NW! and NWf, of NE! and NE! of NE!, Section 27, Township 137, Range 38 be set off fran District #1536 to District #549 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statanents of the various interested parties, the Board issued the following order, to wit: Order Setting of Legal @oter from One School District to Another • . WHEREAS, The petition of Kurt Schroeer, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of Scl'Dol District No. 1536 in this l,;ounty, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 549 and asking that he with his said lands may be set c£f fran said district No. 1536 to said adjoining school district No. 549 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th day of May A.D., 1968, for the action of said board thereon; and 'whereas it was bhereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 12th day of June A,D., 1968 at the County Auditor's Office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such le aring be l!1. ven by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and b;v mailing to the clerk.of each of said School Districts, ·a copy of said order at least ten days before the time ap~!hbt- ed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 12th day of June A.D., 1968, due proof-of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and requjred, more than ten days prior to said last named date, havirlg been made and filed, sad petition was pub1-i.cly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granUng the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said pEtition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described· lands owned by him, to-wit: · · SE! of S~; Ni of SE! and swl; of SE¼ Section 22; Si of SW! Section 23; NE! ·NWt and NW{ of NEt and NEt of NEl; Section 27~ Township 137, Range 38. be and the same are hereby set off from said School Distt.i.ct No. 1536 to said adjoining Scrool District #549 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... June .... 12th ·······································19 .. 68. H~W1LPJI.UIJJII •• C.O.Jlr"''f 1• C OUD IUNN. G•23CII Attest: By order of the Board of County CoRDnissioners Dated the 12th day of June A.D., 1968. /S/ s. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board /S/ Sam Nycklemoe Chairman of the Board of County Commissioner of Otter Tail County, Minn. . . The petit~on ~f Peter Wientjes asking that the SW¼ of Section 24, 'l'ownship 137, Range JS be set off from District #1536 to District #549 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of various interested parties, the Board issued the following order, to wit: Order Setting of Legal Voter from One School District to Another. WHEREAS, The peition of Peter Wientjes, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District. #1536 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 549 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off fran said district No. 1536 to said adjoining school district No. 549 was presented to the Board of County Conmissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th day of May A.D., 1968 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 12th day of June A.D., 1968 at the County Auditor's Office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerl< of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 12th day of June A.D., 1968 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and require, more than ten da,ys prior to said last named dated, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner,and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby order~d and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: SW¼ Section 24, 'l'ownship 137, Range JS be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1536 to said adjoining School District No. 549 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. Attest: By order of the 0oard of ~ounty Commissioners Dated the 12th day of June A.D., 1968. s. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board /S/ Sam~~ycklemoe Chairman of the Board of County Commissionenr of Otter 'I'ail County, Minn. The petition of Aaron Schwarzwalter asking that all of Lots 4 and 7, and part of Lots 5 an:! 6 ~outh of rail- road in Section J2, Township lJJ, Range 43 be set off from District #1434 to District #544 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of various interested parties, the Board issued the following order, to wit: State of Minnesota County of Otter Tail Order Setting.Off Legal Voter from Orie School Qistrict to Another. WHEREAS, The petition of. Aar-on Schwarzwaiter, a legal voter, fre-!'!holder and resident of School District No. 1434 in this County, representing that he is the owner ·or the lands· fiereinarter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoint School District No. 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1434 to said adjoining school district No. 544 was presented to the Board of l.ounty Conmdssioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th day of May A.D., 1968 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it.was thereupon ordered by said boar.d that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 12th day of June A.D., 1968 at the ~ounty Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in eac~ of the school districts to be affected by said peition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appoint- ed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 12th day of June A.D., 1968 due proof of the posting am service of said order of hearing as therein directed and require•, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the•petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described Jands owned by him, to-wit: All of Lots 4 and 7 and part of Lots 5 and 6 South of railroad in Section 32, Township lJJ, Range 43 be and the seine are hereby set off from said School D~strict No. 1434 to said adjoining School District No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 12th day of June A.D. 1968 •. Attest: /s/s. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board /s/sam Nycklemoe Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail 6ounty, Minnesota the resolution asking for the dissolution of District #1491 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties, the Board issued the followi~ interlocutory order, to wit: 83 I; . I I; I' ' . i . 'I I. I I' I I I' ll .COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MfNN. DATE ......................... J1U1e. .. l2 ........................................ 19. 68 .. rcuwm·n1n111ieo11,1ar.rr.ean111~11nnr:-a • State of Minnesota County of Otter Tail IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1491 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at Fergus Falls in the City of Fergus Falls in said ~ounty, on the 12th day of June, 1968, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board havi'!l heard all-persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First -That said proceedings were instituted by: (c) A resolution adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clrrk or said district to the County ~uditor. Second -That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabi- tants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said CoDDDon School District No. 1491 be disselved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: To Common School District #1504 SW; Section 12 NW/; Section 13 El of NE/; Section 14 W of NEt; Section.14 E of NWt; Section 14 S of N½ of SEt;, Ni of Ni of SEt; and Ni of Si of SE/; Section 15 NW/; Section 22 To Independent School District #544 The balance of the territory comprising School District #1491 (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, Tpat 'the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1491, be dis- tributed as follows, to~wit: To Common School District #1504, 22.8%. To Independent School District #544, 77.2% of all the monies, credits, funds, property both real and personal including taxes for the year 1968 and prior years collected after July 1st, 1968 and that the obligations of CoDDDon School District #1491 shall become the obligations of Common SclDol District #1504 and Independent School Dist~ict #544 by the same percentages. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District #1491 is none. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of July, 1968. • Dated this 20th day of June, 1968. Attest: /S/ S. B. Johnson County Auditor /S/ Sam Nycklemoe Chainnan Board of ~ounty Commissioners Otter Tail County Minnesota The resolution asking for the dissolution of District #1384 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the var.bus interested parties, the Board issued the following interlocutory order, to wit: State of Minnesota County of Otter Tail IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1384 WHEREAS, Proceedings to dissolve Common School District No. 1384 have been instituted by: (c) A certificate by the clerk of said district directed to the Board of uoi:mty Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, that a majority of electors voting at an election held in said district on April 30th, 1968, voted in.favor of dissolving the district. NOW ,THEREFORE, It is ordered: 1. That Common School District No. 1384 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached That the entire territory comprising Common School District #1384 be attached to Independent School District #549. 2. That the current assets and liability of said Common School District No. 1384, be distributed as fol- lows, to-wit': To I dependent. School District #549 all monies, credits, funds property both real and personal including taxes for the Y968 and prior years collected after July 1st, 1968, and all obligations of Common Scl-ool District #1384 shall become the obligations of Independent School District #549., .. J. That the outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1384 is none. 4. 'l'hat the proposed effective date of this order is July 1st, 1968. Dated June 12, 1968 Attest:._.....,t~s~/ __ S~•-=-B~·-J~o~h~n~s~on:.:.,,.-.,...--,--,-,,----- County Audit.or /S/ Sam Nycklemoe Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Otter Tail County Minnesota COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... June .. 12 ............................................. 19 ... 68 --■lC.1&111.HIIIIIII.CO■f.l■J._H,.CLOUI.JJHII G-2308 The petition of Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Jacobs askirg that the West 262.4 ft. of East 1457.9 ft. of NWt South of highway, except South 706.4 ft. Section 21-133-43 be set off from District #1434 to District #544 was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10:00 A.M.,.July 9, 19 68 and that due notice ort.he time and place be given as required by law. The petition of Lester Bachmann asking that the Si of NEt and Ei of the SEt Section 27, 'l'ownship 137, Range JS be set off from District #1536 to District #549, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10:CO A.M., July 9, 1968 and that due notice ofthe time and place be given as required by law. The petition of Roger Schroeer asking.th~t the SEt except 20 ft. square in NW c~mer, Section 23 ad Wi of NEt Section 26, Township 137, Range JS be set off fran District #1536 to District #549, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10:00 A.M., July 9, 1968 and that.due notice ofthe time and place be given as renuired by law. The petition of &I.ward Steeke asking that the Ni of NWl,; Wi of SWt and SWt of NWt Section 25 and SEt of SE¼ Section 26 all in iownship 137, Range 88 be set off from District #1536 to District #549, and it was ordered that a heariog on said petition beheld at 10:00.A.M., July. 9, 1968 and that due notice of the time and place be gi va, as required by law. The following resolution was adopted: RE.SOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. THAT the petition of Frances Loerzel for permission to repurchase Lot 11, Block 4, Newcomb 1s Addition to Perham, which has been forfeited to the State of non-payment of taxes for the year 1956 and subsequent years, in t.he amount of $302.44, being the full amount of taxes, interest, penalties and costs, be granted for the reason it will be to the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Passed this 12th day of June, 1968. /S/ Sam Nycklemoe Chairman Attest: /5/ s. B. Johnson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED By the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. THAT This Board proposes to build, erect and establish at Phelps Mill Para, the following: Two 24' x J61 galvanized pole type build ngs with 4" concrete slab floors for a total cost of Badminton Court, cement, grading and filling, total cost Six horse-shoe court pits, at a total cost of A soft-ball diamond, grading, seeding and equipment, cost Total Cost AND request approval by the Commissioner of Conservation of the above projects. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 12th day of June, 1968. Attest: _.....1./.=S:L./...;S~•--=B'-'.c....;.J:.aohn=s:a:oc:.:n'-------=-=-Clerk The following resolution was adopted: /S/ Sam Nycklemoe Chairman RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. $4,950.00 1,6co.oo 450.00 5,000.00 $12,COO.OO THAT the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to invest $500,000 in Sixty (60) Day U.S. Securities, and $500,000 in Ninety (90) Day U.S. Securi1i.es. The Board further approved the amount of $498,000 of General Funds now invested by the Treasurer. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 12th day of June, 1968. Attest: __ /~S~/.....,;s~:'--B~•-J~o~h~n~s~o~n-------=,-,-Clelk /s/ Sam Nycklemoe Chairman Licenses for off-and-on sale of non-intoxicating malt liquor were granted as follows: Ray Pfeifle Clarence Koehler Lila M; Keskinen Fr.itz Uttersen Leonard Saewert Log Haven Resort Koehler' s Resort Oak Point Resort Resort Leonard I s Resort Town of Lida Town of Pine Lake Town of Utto Town of Everts Town of Corliss 85 V 86 ' I i l COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE _________________________________ June __ 12 ________________________________ 19 .. 68_ .-.nnr,1111m■1·n11,11111':'"n:cL"OVr.llrmr:"'"G•- Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, $800.CO was appropriated.to the Otter Tail County Historical Society for the year beginning July 1, 1968. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the County Board arranged for a Condemnation Hearing to be held at the ~ourt House at 9:JQ A.M., June 28, 1968. Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the County Health Nursing Budget for the pl[lriod from July 1, 1968 to Decanber 31, 1968, was fixed at the sum of $22,854.CO. Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the salary of Stephanie Jokela,as Secretary-AdministraP tor was set at $325.CO per month begiMing July 1, 1968. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Board approved the Case Load Control policy of the Otter Tail County Public Health Nursing Service. Upon motion, the County 0 oard agreed to meet at 9:30,A.M. June 114, 1968 for the p.irpose of' viewing completed roads. Homestead classifications on real estate were granted as follows: Kenneth M. Grimsrud Dick Straus Clifford Treinen Smali tract in Lot 9, Section 2, Scambler NE¼ SEl; Northeast of Highw~y Section 9, Buse Part of Lot 7 and the SW¼ SE! Section 14, Norwegian Grove The following applications for correction of assessments of real estate were granted: Harold Kee Arnold Hagen Tarjei C Iverson Parcel #8, Lot 8, Section 3, Nidaros Township Lots 8 & 9, Section 6, Town of Sverdrup Lot 21, Little Pine Beach Building over-valued Old trailerhouse assessed on ~~ich the 1967 license had been paid Lot over-valued The following personal property assessments were approved and reconmended to the Conmissioner of Taxation for approval: Lena Bjorkaas Mills Fanners Elevator Sverdrup 1'oi.nship New York Mills Cottage assessed both as personal property and real property Double assessnent of certain i tans of personal property The follo1'.d.ng applications were rejected: Mrs. Mabel c. Shamber Joel B. Wick Wm. C. Hanson Hanestead classifications on Lots 15, 16 & 17, First Addition to K-B"Beach 'l'ract in SW corner of 1'hird Addition to Sunny Side, Nidaros, Homestead classification · Homestead classification on Lot 6, Second Addition to Klein and Adams Point Upon motion the County Audit.or was autorized to advertise for bids for road signs and post comprising approximately 1,000 "ight-of-Way markers, 980 road signs and 3,000 posts; bids to be opened 11:CO A .M., July 8, 1968. A plat of Inman '1ownship Cemetery, Subdivision #2, being a part of the NWt of Section 21, Towns of Inman, was approved. A plat of "iyer Oaks, being a part of the E½ of the NEl and Lot 1 of Section 6-132-43, and a part of Lot 1, Section 31-133-43 and Lots 4 & 7 of Section 32-133-43, was approved. The follo~d. ng bills were allowed: Carlton Mortensen Carlton E. Mortensen Merle Bacon John Halvorson Don Lee James LeRoy Glen Melby Sidney Nelson Joseph Peloquin Gary Ludwig Carlton E. Mortensen Carlton E. •iortensen Marvin Pederson Gary A. Nelson G. A. Thompson Mrs. El~ine Barker Tom Grover Lyle Homes Mrs. Johnny Johnson Johnny Johnson Sam Kilde Mrs. Sam Kilde Mary AM Loerzel Duane McDonald Rodney Moebius Robert G. Pearson Tom Troup e Mrs. Viola v:eiler Albert Weiler Ada R. Henkes Otter 'l'ail Grocery The Photo Center General Trading Reuben Klein Motor Suhr Ford L. O. Grotte Boarding of Prisoners Mileage & Expense Mileage & Subsistence Pay Subsistence Pay II II Mileage & Subsistence Pay II II II II II Special Deputy Extra hours, Sheriff ~upplies for jail Film for jail use Extra help at jail Patrol & jail Jail record cards Mileage & witness fee Guard Duty II II II II II II II Mileage &. Witness fee II II II II II II II Mileage -Bailiff Soap for dishwasher Supplies Parts Labor & Parts II II II II II II Taking pictures, St.. vs Ballard, Krat.ze & Soland $720.00 384.26 181.20 72.00 . 48.00 444-90 393.31 361.70 70.00 14.00 12,80 56.10 98.00 110.00 7.95 1.60 9.25 29.50 18.50 9.25 1.60 1,60 9.25 1.60 4.rll 10.00 1.60 18.50 18.-50 45;75 15,co 15.47 14.05 32.55 39.87 40,00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'l'E ........................... ~~e 12 ............................. 19 .. 68. HCHln Pll■TINO CO■PA■T, IT,CLOUD,■INN. Q':ZIIIIII Minneapolis Clivic ~•ill Standard Station George Wenino : Fergus Falls Mec;lical Group Fergus Falls Me9ical Group Esther Mortensen Eunice LeRoy : Minnesota Motor Co. Nat11 Police Chiefs & Sheriff's Inlonnation Bureau James Bucholz · Otto riaase Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe . Harvey Morrill . Max Kroneman, J:r. Mrs. Arnold Stock Mrs. Gerald Zei;e Mrs. Laura E. H~tchkiss Ambrose Klinner~ Geraldine McGuire Kenneth Clambey_ Frank Roberts Duane Donley • Dennis GreenwalQt Ed Skotlund Jeff Tikkanen Mac Tobkin Gene Davenport . Harris h. Iverson Anton N. Glesne: Mrs. James Glow~ Walfred U. Wick Christopher c. Clauson Owen V. Thompsai A. M. Gorden . Robert B. OslunQ & Assoc. LeRoy Brown . National Foundry Knute Hanson C-Z Chemical co:, Inc. Daycoe, Inc. Home Decorators Merton Johnsm John Peterson Ernest hrlandso~ Northwestern Beil Tel. Co. Northwestern Beil Tel. Co. Northwestern Beil 1'el. Co. Xerox i.;orp. Xerox Corp. Xerox Corp. . Addressograph Miµ.tigraph Corp. Beck Specialty ~o. Burroughs Corp •. Cooper's Office.Supply Dakota Paper Co. Davenport's Sta\ionery Edling Electric. Houghton Mifflin Co. Miller-Davis '-o~ Monroe lnt.ernat:i,onal, Inc. Nelson Bros. Pr~nt~ng Nelson Bros. Pr:irting Perham Enterpri~e 0ulletin Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. Security Blank Book & Printing Co. St. Paul Book &_Stationery The Photo Center The Pierce Co. · Victor Lundeen~ Co. Anderson Bros. Cons. M-R Sign Co. : Richard Loeffle~ Charles E. Jotuison, J.P. City of Fergus ~alls C. A. Boline, M •. D. Lewis E. Strut·h!lrs, M.D. Vernon E. Bachman Myrtle E. Logas: Helen E. Skrwnstad Myrtle E. Logas: Village of Perhipn tergus Falls Jo~rnal Northwestern Pub. Co. The Parkers Prairie Independent Battle Lake Review Great Plains Na~ural Gas Co. Eleanor Leidal Normandy Cate Tests Gas & Oil Medication for prisoners Care of prisoners Care of Prisoners l•latron fees II II 1968 Chevrolet 1968 Nat11 Director of Law Enf. Adm. Mileage & expense II II II II II II II II II II II II Extension Mtg. Phelps Mill Att1d Extension Mtg. Att1d Extension Mtg. W.O.T. Soil & Water Cons. Dist. II II II E II II II II II II II II II II W.O.T. Weed & Seed Ins. Salary&. Exp. Salary & Exp. W.O.T. Weed & Seed Insp. E.O.T. Soil & .Water Cons. II II II II II II II II II II 11 11 II II II II II II II II II II II II Mileage & Expense II II II II II II Mileage & Expense, Extra help Assessor's Office Mileage & Expense, Extra help Assessor's Office Mileage & Expense, Extra help Assessor's Office Mileage & Expense 11 11 11 Juvenile Rent for cement mixer-Phelps Mill Services, Phelps Mill Repair ceiling on hoµse -Phelps Mill Survey or Markers Civil Defence Uirector's Salary March, April & May J&rlitor Supplies Jani tor Supplies Janitor Supplies Flower Beds at Court House Window Washing, Court House Jani tor Ass 't. Calls II 11 for Sheriff Services II Supplies Supplies, ltibbons Supplies II 11 • & Machine Rental Flourescent light bulbs ::,upplies Repairs .:,upplies 1 Book Jury Certificates "ibbm Supplies ,.. La or, Install Accoustical Tile Ceiling Lettering on Door Labor, Cleaning along dump road Court C.:osts Court '-osts for March & April Coroner's Fees II II Postage II II Adv. Com. pd. to Drvrs. License Agents during May Office rent for Co. Agent Publication Tax notice Publication -1967 Financial Statement II II Gas Consumed Transcript of Proceedings !'•ales for Jurors II $ 30.00 77.95 8.00 5.00 15.00 45.00 10.00 2783. 50 8.50 40.00 17.50 23.90 18.0C 67.54 1.65 2.25 7.80 226.80 202.40 48.00 360.26 448.60 42.69 33.00 45.15 28.95 6.90 50.50 132.82 561.60 240.00 105.05 169.55 50-34 10.00 230.00 121.57 .495,00 30(.00 43,35 .51.56 · 5,48 185.00• 192.40 100.00 43.73 ,16.42 101.45 119.40 42.50 116.00 3J.63 8.60 Jl.40 99,46 18.23 6.80 21.82 2.08 -65.76 2.00 17,75 271,45 39.50 ;;!4.89 7.15 27,00 19.54 4.80 291.47 . 1007.60 17.50 24.00 ·4.00 630.0G 26.25 .26,08 21 •. 96 80,00 60.00 23.60 ,60.0C 571.-55 10,50 2259.18 2276.98 244.26 34.50 29.11 "· 87 ,. I 1,i ,1 ,, I COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. June .12 ···································19 ... 68 HCUllff"Hllf,IH"li-cO■H.XT, IT.CLOUD,■INN, G'= lest Publishing Co, Elaine Grotte, (\damson-Norman Awe. #JO Women I s ltelief Corps Carolyn Helgeson Lorna Mccabe • .Mrs, Dorothy Jotmson Donnis Fjestad • Carolyn HelgesoQ Village of Perhi!DI E.O.T. Tele. Co, Davenport's Stationery Nelson Bros. Printing Lovie Bormann . Mrs. Iona Butcher Mary Ann Emmel . Mrs. Cyril Grover Mrs, Patricia Grover Kathryn Hemmelgarn Mrs, Clarence Hessel Mrs. Gordon Johnson Mrs, !'•ary H, 1,oste Ina McLaughlin . Verla McLaughlin F.clna M, Nelson Inez Nousane Bernice Ohman . Mrs. Edith Ronningen Mrs. Rudy Sagertiom ~rs, Earl Sonmor Mrs, Selma Swendsrud ~rs, Helen Tikk;µien Elaine Winkels . Philip Kjaglien. Ppilip Kjaglien. V, A, Ryan . Artz Camera Supply Co, Cooper's Office.Supply Straub Co. Stem & Em Drug Victor Lundeen ~ Co, N,W, Bell 'l'elephone Co, Public Utilities Dept. Wilkin County . Hall Equipment l;nc, Public Works Equip, Co, Ziegler, Inc, . Fergus Dodge, Inc. International H~rvester Larson Welding . Minnesota Motor ,Co, Olson Auto Elect.ric Perham Farm SupP.lY Co, Smith's Fann Supply Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Super G.MC Truck Sales Swanson Equipmeqt Uselman Electric, Inc. Uselman1s Inc. Coast to Coast Store, BlL, Coast to Coast ~tore, Henning Coast to Coast Store, Pel. napids Fergus Plumbing.& Heating General Trading.Co, Sigelman Hide &,Fur Co, Wilcox Lumber Co. , Henning Welders Equip. • Del Chemical Co~poration Elk River Concrete Products Firestone Store. Farmers Elevator ~o., Erhard George Crabb Ncrris Krog Franklin Fence c;o. Bengtson Oil Co •. Co-op Services, .Inc. Dave's Standard.Service, Henn. Farmers Co-op Cry. Assn. D.C. Fossen Oil Co, Hoot Lake Pure Service Oil Co,,. B,L, Twin's Motor Co, Un:lerwood Lakeside Service Co, Vergas Oil Co, : D-A Lubricant C~., Inc. Park Region Oil ~o. Standard Oil Co,, Henning Standard Oil Co •. , Pel. Rapids Minn. Dept. of Highway Otter Tail Powe~ ~o. Fergus Journal c;o, SCM Corporation . Minn. Statues Annotated Grave Decorating Grave Decorating Mileage & Expense II II II II II II II Expense & Postage Office rent for Nurse Calls & Services Sur,plies Mileage Home Health Aide II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Mileage & Expense P0 stage & Mche Rental Mileage Supplies II Rent First Aid Kit Supplies Calls & Services Water & Sewer Rep airs to Ditch Supplies II II Repairs Supplies Tires Seed Gravel II Stakes Gasoline G"'s, etc. II II II II Gasoline II 11 etc. II II II Oil etc, Diesel Fuel II II II II Claim Prints Ad for Bids Maintenance Service II II II $ J0.00 25,00 17,98 80.00 lOJ.JO 52. 50 6.98 J,65 ·35,00 19.42 7,90 73,80 5,40 5,40 J,45 4,80 4,50 7.50 6,45 13,20- 8.25 16.80 6.90 18.60 8,25 1,,80 2.70 i..05 2.55 16,35 8,25 1..80 119,69 12.00 5,25 llJ,00 · J6.oo 50,00 1,,25 15.45 21.59 4,56 194,82 2,13 JI., 71 205,64 Jl,71 112.90 J.50 7.95 "1.48 9.67 2,32 10.JJ 252,04 ·2,60 17,24 1..65 15.-00 lJ,26 62.65 2.35 160,Jl 58,15 9.60 23,90 909,18 20.15 170,09 12,58 35.50 159.75 ,6JJ,OO 71.,43 353,35 177,37 87,59 40,]il, 97,85 64,77 55,41 45,34 185,34 102.JO 42.·70 77,50 75.00 601.38 65,04 25,20 55,00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... ~~e 12 ......... · ........................... 19 ... 68 IRUllff PIIIITINI Co■PHY. 11.CLOUD,IIIIIN, e,:2309 Secretarial Service Mpls. Blue Printing Co. The Pierce Company Monroe International, Inc. The Pierce Company Davenport's Stationery East Otter '!'ail Tel. Co. Northwestern Bell Tel. Co., F.F. Pelic~n Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell Tel. Co., Wadena Park Region Mutual Tel. Co. Midwest Telephone Co, Northwestern Bell '!'el. Co,, F .F. Wendell P. Huber G, D. Harlow Wendell P. Huber Clitherall 'l'ownship Clarence A, Larson, Clerk Eagle Lake Township Clifford Bowman, Clerk Burton Hustad F. W, Wolff Upon motion the Board then adjourned, ATTEST: Supplies II II II II II Service & Tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II II " II II " II Expense II Cash Advanced Special Aid Special Aid Right of Way II II II Chairman Clerk $ 36.45 145,15 14,35 2.00 1720.90 3,70 24,40 34.25 9,60 10,85 13,65 7,30 81.,90 265.30 92.88 30,76 300,00 100.00 18.60 31.,80 89 .I '(ff 90 'I '! .i 'I i ,I ii ·,. I ., COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... Jllile .. l.7 ......................................... 19 ... ~. ii.CU■ITT",■Jfflll"CO■Har.-tr.t:i:aur.111ar. • MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETII\Kj OF THE OOARD OF COUNTY COO\ISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to call, the Board met at l:CO P.M. June 17, 1968, all members peing present. The bond of Henry Polkinghorn as Probate Judge in the sum of $1,000 with the Generai Insurance Company of America was approved. Upon·motion the Board then adjourned. Chairman ATI'EST: COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IRUIITY PIINrlH COMPANY, lf,CLOUD,IIINN, Q':2JOI DATE ............ ~~l'. .. 8 ........................................................ 19.68 .. MINU1'F.S OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSI0r.ERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to Statute, the Board met at 10:00 ofclock A.M., July 8, 1968, A11 manb~rs present. ' The Board having previously advertised•for<bids for grading and graveling proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: • S.A.P. 56-628-04, C.P. 68:28, 28 -bet. CSAH #21 and T.H. #59, 3,0 mi. S. of Pelican.Rapids Ed Zimmerman Sellin Bros. Inc, Bain Bros. & Don Dahlman Harvey Nelson Strom Co rstruction Clarence Drewes John Dieseth Barrett, Minnesota Hawley, Minnesota· Clarissa, Minnesota L~e=Park, Minnesota Moorhead, Minnesota Detroit Lakes; Minnesota Fergus Falls,·Minnesota $69,466.49 77,497 ,49 77,914.96 80,876.96 85,131,33 86,672,78 87,502.78 After consideration the contract was awarded to Ed Zimmeunan, Barrett, Minnesota, in the amount of $69,466.49, S,A,P, 56-642-05, C,P, 68:42 & S.A.P, 56-648-01, C~P. 68:48 42 -6,0 Mi, NE of Parkers Prairie to jct, of CSAH #40 and 48 -approx. 1 mi. S, of Woodside at jct of CSAH #42 and E·. 0,606 mi, Ed Zimmerman Harvey Nelson Bain Bros, & Don Dahlman Sellin Bros. Clarence Drewes John Dieseth Barrett, Minnesota Lake Park, Minnesota Clarissa, Minnesota Hawley, Minnesota, Detroit Lakes; Minnesota Fergus Falls,·Minnesota $61,020.81 63,052.68 62,515.55 64,429.95 65,681.55 73,486.70 After consideration the contract was awarded to Ed Zimmerm an, Barrett, Minnesota, in the amount of $61,020,81 C,P. 68:116 #116 bet, 1.5 mi. N. of Fcench at jct. of CSAH #21 and East 1.5 mi. Ed Zimmennan Stan Morrill, Inc, Conroy Construction John Dieseth Co. Sellin Bros. Roy Ev?vold & Son Harvey W, Nelson Clarence Drewes Barrett, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Dumont, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Hawley, Minnesota Ferogus Falls, Minnesota Lake Park, Minnesota Detroit Lakes, Minnesota $11,947.65 12,426.50 13,054.78 13,225.62 13,403.62 13,433,51 15,049,30 19,820.95 After consideraeiion the contract wasiwarded to Ed Zimmerman, Barrett, Minnesota in the anount of $11,947,65, The Board having previously .. advertised for ·bids for road signs, right of way markers and potts, opened bids which were found to.be as follows: M-R Sign Co. Gopher Stamp & Die Co. Lyle Signs, Inc, Paper, Calmenson & Co. Fergus Falls, Minnesota Sairit Paul, Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota. Saint Paul, Minnesota Signs $12,720.40 13,863.00 14,304.40 R/W Markers $ 800.00 700.00 770.00 Posts $7,090.00 · 8,620.00 8,040,C0 8,070.00 After consideration, the bid of M-R· Sign •Company of Fer~us Fall·s fo•r signs was acc~pted in the amount of $12,720.40; t).le bid of Gopher Stamp & Die Co.-, Saini. Paul for $/W Limit· Markers was accepted in the amount of $700.00 and the bid of·M-R Sign Co.·, Fergus Falls for -posts was accepted in the ·amount of $7,090.00 , . . •. The budget for the County Extension Commi,ttee for the year beginning July 1, 1968 was fixed at the sum of $34,224.00, The salary of the Probation Officer l•ias fixed at the sum of $641,00 per month beginning July 8, 1968. Auditor S.B. Johnson presented his res.ignation as Auditor, effective September l,_ 1968, which 1•·as accpeted by the Board. The follol-ri.ng resolution was adopted: RF.SOLVED BY ~he Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT Kenneth 'w. Hansai be and hereby is appointed as County Auditor of Otter Tail County Minnesota, to fill the unexpired term of ,S. B., Johnson, County Auditor, commencing Sep tember ;i., 1968 ' AND that the :sal;ry be fixed at $8, 5CO~00 per annum. Ad,opted this 8th day of July, 1968, Sam Nycklemoe Chairman ATTEST: s, B. Johnson County Auditor . ,-1 91' rtf 92 j!! I' I II ,, I 1· ! 'I 1,. COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... JulyS ..................................................... 19 .. 6_g The following estimates of expenses for the following year is hereby submitted: Salaries of County Officials Clerks, Janitor, etc. Deputy Sheriffs, Jailer & Clerks Conmissioners' Salarres & Expenses Board of Prisoners . ' Sheriff's & Deputies Expenses Suprintendent of Schools Expenses District Court Jurors Bailiff's & Reporters Miscellaneous Court Municipal & Justice Court Books, Blanks & Stationery Mental Illness & Inque~t Expenses Appropriations • ' Equipment & Maintenanc~ Court House Grou rd s ' Light, Fuel, Repairs &'Supplies County Agents · $92,500,00 00,000.00 70,000.00 ,19,500.00 10,000.00 12,oco.oo 500.00 15,000.00 8,500.00 5,500.00 4,000.00 31,000.00 4,600,CO 4,6CO,OO 18,400,CO County Nursing Service' Printing & Advertising County Assessor & Assistants' Salary & Expense Attending Assessor's Meetings Eiec~ion Expen~es 500.00 27,000~00 34,coo;oc 46,000.00 . ....-- 17, 500.co 32,oco.oo . 2,0co.oo Veterans Service Officer Retiranent, Blue Shield & Blue Cross County Planning Commission Probation Officer & Cl~k Audit Expenses • · Miscellaneous Revenue County Welfare · County Road & Bridge Ftnd County Poor Fund County Road & Bridge Account 9,200.00 17,500,00 24,400,0C 2,000.00 12,100.00 ' 5,200.00 41,000~00 570,925.!)0 540,000.00 110,coc.oc 120,cco.oo Respectfully sutmitted,, S, B. Johnson County Auditor TO THE COUN IT BOARD, OTTER TAIL COUN'rY, ?UNNESOTA Pursuant to law I present below, a statement sh:>wing the amount of taxes levied for County purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and' apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with the actual· cash balance remaining to the credit of each County Fund at the close of business on the ?Ot~ day of June, 1968. . 'P.E.R.A, ) ' County Revenue F'und 'Cty. Extension) · Poor Fund : · Audit Expense ) • Road & Bridge Fund County Buildings County w'elfare County Road & Bridge Bond County Veterans Service County Fairs Sheltered Workspop Acc 1t Amount Levied for Current Year $476,497,18 125,501.63 511,768.88 53,174.91 452,107,58 167,641.91 21,316;26 13,240,76 18,635,06 Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows: P,E,R.A', ' ) County Revenue Fund Cty. Extension) Poor Fund Road & Bridge Fund County Buildings County Welfare Audit ) County Road & Bridge Boni Acc•t Veterans Service County Fairs S, B. Johnson County Auditor. Amount Collected and Apportioned $ 73,612.55 18,627,15 75,973,84 7,894.23 67,113.79 26,205.23 3,161.85 1,970,80 2,770.13 Balances $26,273.34 Balance Uncollected Or Unapportioned $402, 884.-63 106,874.-48 435,795,04 45,280,68 · 384,993.79 141,436,68 18,154.41 11,269.96 15,864.93 ~ $175,360.46 128,968.33 406,104.77 59,291,22 123-,261. 77 4,048.74 13,080,08 .The following is a statement of the ~ccounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board, For what purpose· Equij'.lllent, Road & Bridge Contracts, Road & Bridge Balance Due $15,729.39 454,425.93' COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. July 8 ............................. 19.68 .. HCIII ff P■l•Jl"'I COIIPANY II.CLOUD 11110•. G":2JOI The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVlID by the Board of County li:ommissioners of Otter Tail County,· THAT there be levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail County Minnesota, payable during the year 1969, the following amounts for the several County Funds: ATTEST: Revenue Fund County Agricultural Service, Count~ Revenue Public EinplDyees Pension Contribution, County Revenue Public Ex~s• Past Audit Expense, County Revenue Road & Bridge Fund County Poor Fund County Building Fund County School Trasnportation County Schoml Tax Fund County Welfare Fund County Veterans S,ervic~ County Fairs · Sheltered Workshop Road & Bridge Bond Account Adopted this 8th day of July, 1968. S. B. Johnson County Auditor The following resolution was al opted: $425,000.00 34,000.00 24,1..00.00 5,400.00 540,oco.oo -110,000.90 2 Mi.Us 13,728,0C I 514,643,QQ 570,925.00 ~80 Mills ,50 Mills 55t per capi<t.a 120,000.00 Sam Nycklemoe cChairman- RESOLVED By the Board of Co~ty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesda, THAT one 25,500 lb. GVW snow plow:i!ng dump truct was contracted with Super GMC Truck Sales and whereas the same has been delivered and acapted by this Board, NOW, THEREFORE the Chairman and Auditor are hereby directed and authorized to issue a warrant to Super GMC Truck Sales in the sum of $5,799.39 on the Road & Bridge Fund, this being the contractµi.ce. Adopted at Fer gus Falls, Minnesota, this 8th day of July, 1968. Sam N:vckle!ID Chairman ATTEST: S. B. Johnson County Auditor Tpe following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED By the Board of County Collllllissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted with Bain Brtithers and Dal,11.man of Clarissa for Gradjng and Graveling S.A.P. 56-632-03 C,P. 67:32 . THAT, Whereas this project has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and a Certificate of Acceptance has been filed with the County Audito,, NCW THEREFORE, The Chairman ,and County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant t.o Bain Brothers and.Dahlman in the sum of $4,680,78 on the Road and Bridge Fund, being the balance due on said contr·ct. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 8th day of July, 196e. Sam Nycklemoe Cj;Iairman ATTEST: S. B. Johnson County Auditor Upon motion the Board then adjour.ned to 10:00 o'clock A.M., July 9, 1968, 93 1: ·' Vt· I 94 I ' :I I ,. I . I • ' I COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. July .. 9 ...................................... 19 .. 68 HCUll'rl 111■11■1 CO■PAN'f, IT,CLOUD,■IIIN, C" TUS:SDAY 1S SESSION A petition of Mr. and Mrs, Fred R, Jacobs asking that the West 262,4 ft, of East 1457.9 ft. of NW!, South of highway, except South 706,4 ft. Section 21 -133 -43 be set off from District #1434 to. District #544 ~-•as taken up for final action. After consideration the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to wit: Order Setting off Legal Voter from :one ~chool District to Another, Whereas, the p ~ tition of Mr. and J{rs, _Fred R. Jacobs, a legal vot.er, freeholder and r1esident of School District No. 1434 in this County, representing :t_hat" he is the owner of the lands ~erein11fter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School Dis~ric~ No, 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be ~et off from said district lfo, 1L134 to said adjoining school district No. 544 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County as a session of said board held on the 12th day of June A.D., 196f' for the ·ction of r-aid board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board :that: a he~ring should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 9th day of July A,D., 1968 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls inmd County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that no'tice of the time and place of such hearing be given by rosti np copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petit:ilon, and b~• mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts;. a copy of said order at least ten days beforethe time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 9th day of July A.D., 1968 due proof of the posting andrervice of said order o'f hearing as therein directed and reouired, rrore than then deys prior to said 1 st named date, having been made and filed, said petition ~•as plblicly readand considered by the Bo11rd, 1·i th everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, t6',1,r.i,t: West 262,4 feet of Eaet 1457,9 ft, of NW! South of Highway, except South 706,4 feet, Section 21 -133 -43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 1434 to said adjoining School District No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 9th day of July, A,D., 1968 s·am Nycklemoe Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail _Co ~ty, Minnesota Attest: County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board A petition of Lester Bachman asking that the S} of the NE¾ and E} of SEt Sec ti on 27 -137 -38 be set off from District #1536 to District #549 was taken up for final action. After consideration the petition was gro?t.ed and the Board issued the following order, to wit: Order Setting off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, the Petition of Lester Bac)linan, a legal voter, freeholder and residBnt of School District No. 1536 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter desctiibed, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 549 and asking that he with his said lands may bes et off from said district No, 1536 to said adjoining school district No. 549 was presaited to the Board of Co nty Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the i2th day of June, A.D., 1968 for the action of sad board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said boar:d on the 9th day of July A,D., 1968 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls :i,n,said County; anc\ ~,hereas it was further ordered in and by said order thatnotice of the timeand place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said peition, and bv mailing to the clerk of each of sai:l School Districts, a copy of said order at least;ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 9th day of July Al D,, 1968 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed aid require~, more than ten days prior to said last named: date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and _consdered by the Board, ~i th everything which as said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, ttat the said petitioner anci the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: s} of the NE¾ and E½ of SE¾ Section 27 -137 -38 be be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1536 to said adjoining School District No. 549 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 9th day of July A:D., 1968 Sam Nyckhm:> e Chainnan of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter 'fail County, Minnesota Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, and ex-officio C:Ja-k of Bo.'.lrd ;t'· b::,' _______ _._ __________________________________________ _ COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE _______________________ Jul_y __ 9 __________________________________________ 19_ 68 __ A petition of Roger Schroeer asking that the SE* except 20 ft. square in NW corner, Section 2J and W½ of NE~ Section 26 -137 -38 be set off from District #1536 to District #549 was taken up for final action. After consider- ation the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to wit: · Order Setting off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, the Petition of Roger Schroeer a legal voter, freeholr"er and resident of School District No. 1536 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter descpibed, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin Schoil District No. 549 and askirg that he with his said lands may be set off fran said district No, 1536 to said adjoining school district No, 549 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 12th day of June A.D., 1968 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it wasthereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 9th day of July, A.D., 1968 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in thfee public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 9th day of July A.D., 1968 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and require, more than ten days prior to said last named date, havin·g been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said be said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and s.p.d B9ard being of opinion that said petition should be,granted, it is hereby ordered a, d determined ti.at the said petitioner and the following described lands ovned by him, to-i--it: SEt except 20 ft. square in NW corner, Section 23, and W½ of NEi 0 Section 26 -137 -38 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1536 to said adjoining School District N9. 549 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 9th day of July A.D., 1968. Sam Nycklemoe Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter T~il County, Minnesota Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board A petition of Edward Steeke asking that the N} of NW¾; W½ of S~ and SW¼ of NW¼ Section 25 and SE:t of SE¼ Section 26 all in Township 137, Range 38, be set off from District #1536 to District H ~49 was taken up for final action. After consideration the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, towit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Ano~her, Whereas, the petition of E~ward Steeke a legal voter, freeholder and resident 9f School District No. 1536 in this County, representing that he is the o~.ner of the lands hereinafter described, ~h:i.ch are situate in said Scl-Dol District, and adjoin School District No. 549 and asking ·that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No, 1536t.t<i saidn11diJbii:li~ school district No. 549 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 12th day of June A.D., 1968 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon-ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 9th day of July A.D. 1968, at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said Coµnty; aro whereas it ,,-as further ordered in and by said order that notice ofthe time and place of ~uch hearing be given by posting copies of said order .. in three public places in each of the school districts to be affecged by said petition, and by mailing tothe clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and ~•hereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 9th day of July A.D., 1968 due proof of the posting and service of said order of heari rg as therein directed and r eoui red, mo e than ten days prior to said last named elate, having beennade and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the p~ayer ?f the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered a..,d detennined, that the said petitioner and the follo1dng described l•mds owned by him, to-wit: N½ of NW¼; \-1} of Sw¼ and SW¼ of NWt Section 25, and SEt of SE¼ Section 26, all in To\,Tlship 137 -Range 38 be and the sam~ are hereby set off from said School District No. 1536 to said adjoining School District No. 549 and said lands are hereby made a· part of said last named School District for all purposes ~.-hatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 9th day of July A.D., 1968 Sam Nycklemoe Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of -Otter Tal County, Minn. Attest; s.-B. Johnson County Auditor, and ex-officio CHk of Board The 'petition of Donald D. Herdman asking that the NW¼ and N½ of NE.@ of Section 19 -132 -37 be set off from District #1391 to District #545 was read, arid it was ordered that' a hearing on said petition be held at 10:CO o'clock A.~\-, August 14, 1968 and that d~e notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The petition of Arlene Hanson asking that Part of Gov•t Lot 1; ner of Lot arxl 217. 5 feet on shae of '!'en Mile Lake 1.10 acres Section 28 - District #1380 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. Begiming · 1157.9 feet South of northeast cor- 131 -42 be set off from District #1456 to be held at 10:CO o'clock A.M., August 14, 1968 A petition ef Kathryn Rosen asking that the SEt Section 19 -136 -39 be set off from District #1396 to Dis- trict #549 was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10:00 o'clock A,M., Aurust 14, 1968 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. \ 95 ' I: ff 96 ,,I I 111 I I 1" COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... July . 9 ......................................... 19 .. 68. HCVIIIY Pll■TING COIIPANT, IT,CLOUD,■INN, G- A resolution asking that School District #1437 be dissolved was read and it was ordered th·t a hearing be held on said resolution at lC:00 o'clock A.M., August 14, 1968 and that due notice of the time and place be !liven as reaul.red by law, The fallowing resolution was adapted: On motion by Bucholz, seconded by _Haase the follo\ving resolution was unanimously adopted: Whereas; the Otter '!'ail County Board of Commissioners feels a survey of availab· le manpower resources would be of benefit to the residents of OtterTail County, and · \-lhereas; the Minnesota Department of Emplo3,nent Security bas and is now making surveys in various counties throughout the State, Therefore, e It Resolved; that the Count:• Board of Commissioners of vtter Tail County does hereby rec,uest that the Minnesota Department of Employment Security ~onduct a Manpower Resource Survey of Otter Tail County at the earliest possible date, and Be it Further Resolved; that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mr. George Vavoulis, Commissioner, Department of Emplaym ent Security, 369 Cedar St., St, Paul, Minnesota Adopted this 9th day of July, 1968. Attest.:: ____ =s_._._B::..:..• --=J:..;o.,_hn=s"'on,.,_,__,..,.,.......,,---Sam Nycklemoe County Audito:6 Chairman of the Board A motion was made, seconded and carried that the Minnesota Haspi tal Service Association continue their Blue Cross for the year following September 1, 1968. A motion was made, seconded and carried to make a partial appropriation of $500,CC to Viking Land, U.S.A. A motion was made, seconded and carried that the County accept $124,76nfrom Harold Peterson in payment of personal property taxes in Buse '!m.nship, A petition of Henry and Myrtle T. Dahl for homestead classifical. ion in the NE¾ of Section 25 -136 -I.:> was granted by the Board, A petition of Hakken Dahlen on the Ni of the NWr, Section 16 -131 -l,3 was ppproved provided the tax credit be•allowed by the Stateof Minnesota~ A petition of Mrs. Kenneth Dunker for cancelation of per-soral. property tax on mobile home on \•.'hi ch she had pu chased a license for the year 1967 was granted. ·A petition of Jahn G. Krejci for tax credit on tract in Government Lot 5, Section 3 -137 -1.0 was p,ranted, if allowed by the State of Minnesota, The application of Charles Meyer, Lot 2, Block 2 and part of Lot I., Block 2, Mill Addition to the Village of· llent, tax credit if allowed by the State of Minnesota, A petition of L. E. and Edna Merrick for tax credit on Lots on Lucl<y Horse Shoe Bay and tract in Section 27 - 136 G 42 was granted if allowed by the State of Minnesota, Petition of Otto E, Ewert for reduction and refund of tax on Lot 1 except the S 100 feet of River View Beach in Town of Rush Lake, no allowance was made for lot being only 15 feet, was grEnted by the Board, A petition of Harold Stone for reduction of personi property tax in the 'lown of Nidaros was grantedforthe reason that certain items exempt underthe new law were assessed, The following applications were apptoved by the County Board and recommended tothe Commissioner of Taxation for allowance: Ralph J. Wasche . Ralph J. \~asche Earl Hallstrom A, C. Fores Henry Lubitz Rush Lake, Lot 1 except tr~ct, Section 10 Lot 1, Section 10, Rush Lake Town of Everts, Lot 1 Timberland Beach Rearrangement Scambler, W½ Lot 7 Elm Grove Bea.ch Let. s 8, 9, 10 and 11 Block 6, Luce's Addition to Per!·am Lake Region Co-op Electriciµ Association Double Assessment Double Assessnmt, 1966 Double Assessmmt Boat Storage area House has become unHveable Personal property assessed through error The application of Robert H. Sutten for tax credit on the S 25 feet of Lot JG, ~!enonga Beach was P.pproved pro- vided such approval is made by the State of Minnesota. The application of Curtis H, Thompson for correction of personal property assessment in the Town of Pelican was approved as the assessment included itellll5 exempt from taxation under the sales tax law. A petition of Hintgen-Karst for correction of persore.l property taxes in the City of Fergus Falls w~s approved for the reason too much value was placed on service tools. I The resignation of Henry Polkinghorn as Assistant County Attorney was accepted, COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. July .. 9 .................................................. 19 .. 68 . ... Applications for Dance Permits were approved by the Board as follows: Norman Craig Edna A. Thompson 78 Club Heavenly Days Resort Girard Toi-.nship Leaf Lake Off and on Sale Licenses for Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquors were granted as follows: Willis Amundson Jackie SoMenberg Woodside Store Hill-Top Woodside Tm•mship Hobart Township Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the County Treasurer was instructed to invest $1,5CO,OOO in 90 day U.S. Securities. Upon motion made and seconded, the County B6·ard will meet July 10th to consider right-of-ways on highwalis to be built. The following bills were allowed: Wm. Galena & Son Lakeland Mobile Radio Service James Bucholz Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Raymond Bruhn Arnold Evavold Mrs. Gerald Ziese Frank Altstadt Floyd Hoff Bernard Palubicki Walter Sundberg Mrs. Laura E. Hotchkiss Ambrose A. Klinnert Gerald McGuire KeMeth Clambey Frank Roberts Eugene Davenport Harris w. Iverson Anton Glesne Mrs. James Glawe Jack A. Nelson Christopher C. Clauson Mrs. Agnes Bjorgum. Mrs. Harry Fretland Rein):iardt Thom Swedbergs Floral Edgetown Lumber Co,. Melvin McGowan Edling Electric Fergus Hardware Gamble Store #1015· Gust Lagerquist & Sons United Chemical Co•. Gust Lagerquist & Sons General Trading Co•. Jaenisch Industries Carpenter Hardware- Central Chemical Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Mason Publishing Co. Niller-Davis Co. Xerox Corp. Cooper¢s Office Supply Davenport Statione.ry Miller-Davis Company , Nelson Bros. Printi.,g Nelson Bros. Printing Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Gaffaney1s IBM Corporation Empire Business Machines City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus Falas John S. Lindblom . C. J. Lund, M.D. Fergus Fialls Medical Group Vernon E. Bachman • George H. Nelson . Helen E. Skramsted• Myrtle E. Logas Myrtle E. Logas Myrtle E. Logas Village of Perham . Oscar Alstadt Herb Christensen, Jr. Lystad 1s, Inc. Fergus Falls Journal Pelican Rapids Press Perham Enterprise -Bulletin The Farkers Prairi,e Ind. Carolyn Helgeson Install New Closet bowl at jail Labor & Parts Mileage & expense Mileage & expense II II II II II II 11 Extension Mtg. " " II " " " Attd. Planning Corrm. " " " II II " II II II W.O.T. Soil & Water Cons. Dist. II II " " II II II II E.O.T. " II " II " Weed & Seed Inspector " II " " ~.ileage & Expense II II II Extra help Assessors Office II " II II II Miles & expense Clerk Co. Supt. of Schools II II 11 II II Equip. & labor -Phelps Mill Park Supplies 11 Phelps Mill Labor Supplies -Janitor " II Labor & Supplies -Janitor Supplies -Janitor Services Parts Repairs -Janitor Supplies " II Calls 1968 Probate Supplema,t Subscription 1968 Serv. on Atty. Gen. Opinion Services Supplies II II " II " " Maintenance II Court Costs Jurors Fees Justice Fees Coroners Fees Care of Prisoners Postage, etc. II II ? • 0. Box Rent Adv. com.pddriv.lic. agents Clerk of Court Seminar Exp. Office Rent -Co. Agent Paint Probate Judge Rooms Bulldozing Nursing Horne Dump Pest Control Nursing Home Publicatio Pers. Property Tax Notice Real Estate Tax Notice " " II Mileage & exp~nse $145-3:1. 42.05 25.50 17.90 12.00 16.50 7.50 4.50 7.80 29.60 20.co 30.20 20.00 166.32 110.40 228.oo 463.81 419.70 112.55 78.10 426.82 257 .65 257.25 5'5.59 48.00 :1.38.00 18.00 · 27.00 143.23 250·.00 4·.50 · 8.19 6.12 124.25 85.50 88.00 .6:L 6.00 15.30 81.0C · 112.62 20.oc 24.00 303.22 52.00 :LO. 50 686 .-J9 15.75 145.60 363.28 230.26 -52.00 47.98 35.00 305.00 J.Q0.00 12.00 364.03 62.08 91:.40 68.07 66.00 12.00 22.00 65.10 60.0C' 265.CO 57.-50 80.25 ·361.90 11.20 5.60 9.60 80.87 ! ., f 98 I: ,, I i I. ., Ii· I: ,, I· i I :1 ·' " .._ COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCUlllff P•l■TIH Co■PANr. 11.CLDUD,■INN. C':DGI Lorna McCabe Dorothy Johnson Veery Ryder Village of Perham Lovie Borman Mrs, Lawrence Douglas Mrs, Edward Edwards Mrs. Cyril Grover !'1rs. Fred Greenwaldt Patricia Grover Kathryn Hemmelgarn Mrs. CLrence Hessel Mrs. Mabel Jenson Mrs. Gordon Johnson Doris Jorgenson Ina McLaughlin !'1rs. Verla McLaughlin Edna M. Nelson Mrs. Bernice Ohman· Clirice Rasmussen Wilma Rinas Mrs. Pearl Ronning· Mrs. Pearl Ronning' Mrs. Rucy Sagerhor~ Mrs. Marlin Senske Elaine Winkels Mrs. E. Jedlund Mrs. Charles Lewis· Mrs. lid Skoglund . 1'1rs. John J. Stebl~y li.O.T. Telephone Co. Secretarial Service Philip M. Kjaglien: Philip M. Kjaglien. V. A. Ryan ~•rs. Nels Nelson Coopers Office Supply Eastman Kodak Stor~s, Inc. Hintgen Karst E.le~~ric Co. Nelson Bros. Printing Victor Lundeen & Co. Secretarial Service Public Utilities D~pt. Straub Co. N.W.Bell Telephone.Co. Edw. Carlson Post ~283 Fergus Falls D.A. v:. Aux. Chapter #25 Fergus Falls D.A.V. Aux. Chapter #25 Olson-Stitzel Am. Leg. Aux #219 Olson-Stitzel Am. Leg. Post #219 Am. Legion Post #3b, Fergus Falls WWI Aux #922 . Buseth Tason Am. Leg. Aux #18 Buseth Tuson, Am. leg. Post #18 Chas. D. Center V.F.W. Fost #3289 Legion Post #508 · Paul Putnam Am. Le~. Aux. 8289 Paul Putnam Arn. Le~. Post #:89 Rasmusson Schedowski ~ost #4040 City of Fergus Falis McGowan Clearing e,_· Sodding Minnesota 1'ractor Company Ruffridge-Johnson ~-Co. George T. Ryan Co. Ziegler, Inc. : Harry F. Buehler Internation Harvester Sales & Serv. Knuttila lmplerna,t~ Inc. Larson \•;elding Lykken's, Inc. . Smokey's Machine Shop Stan I s Garage · Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Swans:in Equiµnent · Coast to Coast Store, Battle L:•ke Everts Lumber Co. · General Trading co·. General Fire 1quip:pent Sales Holten Lumber Co. Nat11 Bushing & Parts Sigelrnan Hide & ~•ui-Co. \•,elders E.quipment · National Chernsearch Farwell, Ozrnun & Kirk Co. Streeter-Amet Div."Mangood Co:-p. Pheoll ~anufacturing Co. Paper, Calmenron &' Co. Viking Steel Products, Inc. Les I Tire Service • Cl~rence Mielke Northwood Special tr Co. July 9 68 DATE .................................................................................. 19 ....... . Mileage & expense II II II rostage & box rent Office Rent Co. Nurse Mileage Horne Health Aid II M Calls & Service Supplies • Mileage & Expense Postage & Mche. Rental Mileage & expense Supplhs & Cleaning Ribbon Supplies Slimline Lamps Supplies II Services Utilities Office Rent Calls & Services Grave Decorating Relief issued to transcient famili~s Seeding &. Sodding . Parts II II II REp&irs Supplies Cu ti :g edges Culverts Tires Seed Stakes $ 69. 52 34,73 5.00 35.00 5,40 5,70 26.25 4.80 6,75 5,25 7.50 6.45 24. 75 8.25 28.35 7,35 7.05 27.97 4.80 2.40 4,80 54,60 57,00 4.05 7.50 4.80 3.cx 9.90 8.25 7,35 11.30 24.15 63,75 6.25 26.10 3,0C 5,50 65.0C 4.50 12.50 2.55 6.50 i..59 50.00 38,07 25.oc 25.0C 25.co 21.0C 25.00 25.co 25 .• CC 25.00 25.,Cf 50.00 25.00 113.00 25,00 25.co 311.75. 1633,CC 155,84 114,45 l::>,55 77,78 1,8.50 163.82 2..0.11 2,00 18.82 330.54 190,13 86.02 28,70 20.42. 10,95 178. 26 70.0C 12.85 69.94 94,84 11.05 254,75 73,83 . 3,66 75,89 271.44 10:>.60 31.50 366.co 67. 50 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCU■ITT PIINTIIIG CONPAllf IT CLOUD ■INII, G•2309 Occidental Chemical Co. Anton Stensrude W.O.T. Soil Conservation Dist. City of Fergus Falls Village of Henning State of Minn. Division of Boiler Inspection Andy's 66 Service Andy's 66 Service Consumer Co-op Oil Co., Henning Fossen Oil Co. Highway Service ::,tation John's 7-0 Service Kraemer Oil Co. Mayo's Standard Service Perham Shell Station Ray's Oil Company Theodorson's Mobile Service Twin's Motor Co, D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Arrow Petroleum Penrose Oil Co. Standard Oil, Henning Standard Oil Co., Pelican Rapids Dan's 3:exaco Service Fossen Oil Company runneapolis Blue Printing Co. The Pierce Company Miller-Davis Company Cooper's Office Supply Davenport's Stationery Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co, Northwestern Bell Tel. ~o., F.F. ~;idwest Tel. Co, Northwestern Bell 1'el. Co., F .F. Pelican Telephone Co, Northwest,em Bell Tel. Co, Wadena Wendell F. Huber G. D. Harl-ow Wendell P. Huber Peter O. Tungseth 'l'ownship of f erham James Perrin Village of Richville Carlton E. Mortensen Carlton E. J;,ortensen Carlton E. Mortensen Merle Baw n John B. Halvorson harland Hoff Don Lee James Lelioy Glen M, Melby Sidney Nelson l·1er lin S. Rieman 1-irs. Clrence Luebke L. Ray Loomer Cl rence Luebke Sidney Nelson Alfred Schneider Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Minnes:> ta Motor Co,. Carpenter~s H~rdware Hank Christopherson General Trading Doc's Tire Service International Harvester Kohler Communications Mobile nadio & 'I-V Service Mobile Radio & TV Service The Photo Center Swansnn Surplus Dave's Standard, Henning Esther Mor-t:1esen Dave's Standard, Henning Fergus Oil Hank I s Mileage Mayo's Standard Nundahl Oil Co, Nundahl Oil Otter • ail Co-op Oil Perham Co-op Oil Service Oil Co, Fergus Oil• Inc. Fleet Fann Rolfson Riverside Resort Twin's Motors DATE ........................... July .. 9 ........................................ 19.68 .. Weed Spray Gravel Planting Trees Maintenance Rent & Electric Service Inspection Ga_s, etc. II II II II Gasoline II Gas, etc. Gasoline G1 solin e & Fuel On Gas, etc. II Gasoline on Diesel Fuel II II II 11 &. oil II Fuel Oil Fuel Supplies II II II II II II Service & II II II II Expensi;s Expenses II II II II Tolls II II II II Cash Advances Right-of-Way Special Aid Right-ofaaWay Special Aid Boarding of Prisoners Mileage & Expense Postage & box rent Mileage & subsistence Subsistence Extra help -jailer Subsistence pay Mileage~ subsistence pay II II Mileage &. expense, special deputy Mileage Relief Jailer Mileage & expense, extra help, Sheriff's Service of expiration of redemrtion Guaro. duty at airport afteF tornade Calls Service Call Supplies Repairs & supplies Supplies Repairs II Car Radio Repairs Finishing films Jan supplies Gas Matron I s Fees Gas II II II Gas, oil & supplies 11 11 11 repairs Gasoline Gas & Oil Gas 11 & oil Supplies Gas Gas & supplies office $167,50 3.15 257.50 561.25 370,34 2,CC• 75.74 82.29 53,35 16.68 83.45 17,00 189,45 l,3.13 191,,95 135,59 45,09 75.28 55.20 169.28 81,20 59,23 75,00 4.80 189.60 27.77 36.08 13.26 123,40 13,51 9,67 7,55 37.29 8.75 97.72 8,85 11.02 254.64 177.85 33,99 390·.40 300.00 48.90 100.co 902,50 235.33 39,00 1,05.00 57,00 131,.,oc 69.00 416.90 304.90 209.70 10.00 8.25 56,00 29.25 18,.0C 16.40 127.45 33.00 3.95 15~40 7.27 6.12 37,00 38,00 90,95 47.85 61,0C 66.35 62.13 65.00 21.01 2.79 4.72 22.77 95,50 45,29 6.83 74.70 3.79 12.01 1.1.3 18.89 50,07 99 ! ' I; I , j i ,,. I i.f ·1 I l·· COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... July. 9 ............................................ 19 .. ?.~ .. ICCHITY flllltl .. CO■PARI', n.CLOUD,■INN, a:21111 Wadena Recappers . Tires Gas $ 48.0C 2J.8J Dave's Standard, ~enning Upon motion the Board adjourned to J:00 o'clock P.M., July 16th, 1968. Chainnan Clerk MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA FOR THE YEAR 19~8 Pursuant to Statute the Board met at 10:00 A.M., July 15th, 1968, all manbers being present. Upon mot'i.on, Sam Nycklemoe was elected Chairman and S, B, Johnson, Clerk, The Board then proceeded to examine, together with Eugene Dave, port, County Assessor·, the as.sessments made for the year 1968, The Board adjourned fmn time to time and made the following changes: El of S1'{ Section Jl -134 -44, the assessed value was reduced $61,00 due to five acres oi waste land. After consideration, the assessment on a number of lots in Jensen's Countryside Addition were altered, · Lots 10, 11 and 12 Lots 28, 29 and JO · Lot 70 ' II 71 II 72 • I 7J 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 $500,00 each, market val12 JC0,00 each, market value 500,00 market value 400.00 400.00 635,00 600.00 600,00 550.00 550.00 600,00 575,00 645.00 600,00 600.CO A building owned by Sam Moen situated on the railroad right-of-way at B11ttle Lake was reduced to $12,COC market value, The Board then adjourned on August 13th, 1968. Chainnan Attest: Clerk COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 11c1111n PIIIITUII CO■H,NY, IT,CLaUD,IIINN. a-=2308 DA'l'E ..................... August .. l .......................................... 19 .. 9.~ .. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNEOOTA Pursuant to call, the Board met at 2:CO o'clock P.M., August 1, 1968, all manbers present. The Board having previously advertised for bids.for the demolition of the old Otter,Tail County Nursing Home proceeded to open bids which were as follows: Soby Construction Harry Hofland McGowan Clearing & Sodding Grimstad & Stras Vernon Jensen Fergus Falls"Minnesota Perham, Minnesota Perham, MinnPesota Underwood, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minn em ta $7,600.00 3,700.00 3,840.00 3,5OO.oc 3,498.00 The bid of Vernon Jensen in the sum oi $3,498 was disqualified as it was not-acrompanied by a certified check as required by' the call for bids. Upon motion by Commissioner Haase and seconded by Commissioner Johnson, the contract was awarded to Grimstad & Stras for $J,5CO with the distinct understanding that no burning of refuse was to take place on the eastside of the highway. The Board then adjourned. Chainnan Attest: Clerk \"'!! 101 :_' µ ,i ,, I ,, :1 I 1 'f"102 I' I i COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. Au_gust .. l.Jth ........................... 19 .. 68. HCU.id PIIIIIING CO■H.111', H.CLOUD,IIUIN, a:: MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CCJ.!MISSIONERS OTTER TAIL OOUNTY MINNES.OTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10:00 A.M., August 13th, 1968, all members beinf presait, I Upon motion, all members of the Board ~ere authorized to at\:end the Regional Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners at 10: 00 A.M., August 29, 1968 at the Ranch House, Fer gus Falls, Minnesota. Upon motion, Commissioners Johnson, Nycklemoe, Haase and Bucholz were authorized to f.O to Crookston to view the slip fonn paving, to meet,at Fergus Falls at 8:30 A.M., August 20, 1968. Upon motion the.Commissioners were authorized to view all completed roads at 9·rno A.M., August 30, 196P arn to meet at Fergus Falls •• Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to advertise fb r bids for a metal garage at BattleLake, MiMeso- ta, bids to be opened at 10:00 A.M., September 17, 1968, and the Board fixed that date as the date of hearing. Commissioner Bennie J. Johnson was selected from the Board to serve on the Canvassing Board to meet at 9:30 A.M., September 12th, he being the only member r.ualified to serve. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to pay $50,CO toward the cost of the Phelps Mill road simi on the highway leading to Phelps Mill. A delegation appeared before the Board regarding extension of time for Sunday night dancinf hours and hours for selling beer or liquor. Upon motion no action was taken until further discussion. The Bond of KeMeth W. Hanson as County Auditor in the sum of $5,0CO with the General Insurance Company of America, Assurity, was approved, The Bond of Effie Green in the sum of $21000 as Deputy County Auditor with the General Insurance Company of America, was approved, The Bond of Myrtle Loken as Auditor's Clerk in the amount of $1,000 with the General Insurance Company of America was approved. The Bonds of Pauline Glorvigen and Alphild Loken as Treasurer's Clerks in the sums of $1,COO with the General Insurance Company of America were approved. Dance license using mechanical music only, was granted to ~!elvin Baas at the Triangle Dance Club, To,.n of Rush Lake, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County MiMesota, THAT whereas this Board has here-to-fore accepted the bid of M &. R Sign Company of Fergus Falls for road signs and the same being delivered to and accepted by this Board, NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Chairman and Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check in payment thereof in the amount of $1?,720,40, being the contract price. Attest: Dated at Fer gus Falls, MiMesota, this 13th r".ay of August, 1968. Sam Nycklemoe Chairman S, B. Johnson Clerk The follo,.ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT WHEREAS this Board has received an application of R, J. Olson to repurchase the follow.inf tract: All of the East 75 feet of the South lOC feet of the West 727. 5 feet of Sub Lot 2 of the NW~ of SWi of Sec. 34-133-43, lying north of the north lire of Spruce Stree t in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota. which has been forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taices. Permission to do ro will he to the best public interest and relieve undue hardship, Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 13th day of August, 1968. Sam Nvcklemoe Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... August .. 13th ......................... 19.6S All:U&IILf.ll■IIMG.CD.IIP.Ul •• lLUAURJIIM r.-21111 The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT WHEREAS this Board has received an application of James Merickel to repurchase the following tract: Part of Lot Four (4), Section 'l'hree (3), Township One Hundred Thirty-four (134) North, Range Thirty-nine (39) West, being, tract one hundred feet (lCO•) East and West in rear of Lot Five (5), Hilcoske's First Addition to Pleasure Park. which has been forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes. Permission to do so will l:e to the bes.:t, public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 13th day of August, 1968. Sam Nycklemoe 6hairman Attest: S/ B. Johnson The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT \vHllREAS this Board has received an application of Cora s. Peterson to repurchase the following tract: Lot 21, Block 5, Trowbridge Point, Candor "o"nship which has been forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes. ·Permission to do so will be to the bes1 p.iblic interest and relieve undue hardship. Attest: Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 13th day of August, 1968. S. B. Johnson Cl:rk ~Ny""c._kl=-e;:;m::.:o;..;:e'------- Chairman Upon motion the Board adjourned to 10:00 o'clock A.M., Wednesday, August 14th, 1968. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Boand met at 10:00 o'clock A.M., AI/SUst 14th, 1968. The petition of Katherine Rosen asking that the SE¼ of Section 19, Township 136, Range 39 be set off fran School District #1396 to School District #54 9 was taken up for ffoal action. After listening to the statements of various interested parties, the Board issued the following order, to-wit: < Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, The petition of Katherine Rosen, a legal vot~r, freeholder and resid~~t of School District No. 1396 in this County, representing that he is the oi.ner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 549 and asking that he with his said ·1ands may be set off from said district No. 1396 to said adjoining school district No. 549 was presented to the Board."of County Commissione··s of this County at a session of said board held on the 9th day of July A.D., 1968 for the action of said board thereon; and l\hereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on sad petition at a session of said board on the 14th day of August A.D.,-1968 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fer gus Falls in said County; and whereas it was fur!;· ther.ordered in and by sai-d order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by postinl! copies of said order in three public places in ef!ch of the school districts to be affected by said pejtition, and by mailing tothP. clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before•thetime appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 14th day of August A.D., 1968, due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed am required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been madeand filed, said petition was publicly read mi considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it hs hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner ard the fol- lowing described lands oi.ned by him, f.o-wi t: SE¼ Section 19, 'lo~mship 136 -Range 39 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1396 to said adjoining School District No. 549 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissio11rs Dated the 14th day of August A.D., 1968. Sam Nycklemoe Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board \'1 103 , ' .i ., I I _J I I rr104 I' COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .... ·-·····················A11gUs.t .. Uth ............................. l9 ... ?.~. 11111■G CO■PANY, IT.CLOOO The petition of Arlene Hanson askirlf that Part of Gov•t Lot 1 Beg. 1157,9 feet South of Northeast corner of Lot 1 and 217.5 ft, on shore of Ten Mile Lake 1,10 ac. Section 28 -131 -42, be set off from School District #1456 to School District #138C, was taken up fo?· final action. After listeninl! tothe statements of various interested parties, the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter fran One School District to Anobher, Whe:i:eas, The petition of Arlene Hanson a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District #1456 in this County, representing that he is the owner oft.he landJ hereinafter described, wh"ch are situate in said School District, ard adjoin School District No. 1380 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1456 to said adjoining school district No. 1380 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County as a session of silid board held on the 9th day of July A.ti., 1968 for the action of said b~ard thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be tad on said petition at a session of said board on the 14th day of August A.D., 1968 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days befor eht e time appointed for such hear:i ng; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County l-ommissioners on said 14th day of August A.D., 1968 due proof of the postinr, and service of said order of hearing as therein directedand require, more than ten days prior to said last named date, havirg been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board with everything which was said by said interested parties for or ;;gainst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and saidBoard being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it :l!s hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following describ~d ],ands o~:neci by him, to-wit : Part of Gov1t Lot 1, Beg. 1157.9 feet South of Northeast corner of Lot 1 and 217,5 ft. on shore of Tm Mile Lake 1.10 ac. Section 28 -131 -42 be andthe same are hereby set off from sl!id School District No. 1456 to said iqjoining School District No. 1380 and said ~ands are hereby made a part of said last named ~chool District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 14th day of August A.D., 1968 Sam Nyckle!IPe Chairman of the Board of County Commissione· s of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board The petition of Donald D. Herdman asking that the NW¼ and N} NE¼ Section 19 -132 -37, be set off fr.om School District #1391 to School Distric;t #545, was taken up for final action. After listening tot he stat anents of various interested parties, the Board issued the followirgorder to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, The petition of Donald D. Herdman a legal voter, freeholder a-id resident of School District No. 1391 in this County, represmting that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, whicp are situate in said Scl'Dol District, and adjoin School District No. 545 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1391 to said adjoining school district No, 545 was presmted to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at~ session of said bard held on the 9th day of July A.D., 1968 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon o.dered by said board that a hearing should be had ,on said petit:l!on, at a session of said board on the 14th day of August A.D., 1968 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it1·as further ordered in and by said order tht hi>td.ce of the time and place of such hearing be given by postinp. copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailinp. tothe cleric of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days befored:.he time appointed for such hearing; and whereas ;,,t the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 14th day of Aug··st A,D., 1968 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hea~ing as therein directed and reouired, more than ten days prior to said iiast named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, 1·i th everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the .Prayer of the petitioner and said Board beinr of opinion ·that said petition should be rranted, it hereby is ordered and· determined, that the said petitioner Pnd the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: NW¾ and Ni NE¼ Section 19 -132 -37 be andthe same are hereby set off from said School District No, 1391 to said adjoining School District No, 545 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 014th day of August A.D., 1968. Sam N:vcklemoe Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board . 11 ~'--'\ ---~------~---------------------------------------------- COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. Auirust .. 14th ........................... 19 ... 6S HCUIITY •■nm•• COIIPA■T, H.CLOUD,llllfN, Q':23DI 1'. resolution a11king for the dissolution of School District #HJ? was ttaken up for final action. After Hstening to the statements of various interested parties, the Board issued the following interlocutory order, to-wit: STATE OF MINNE.SCYJA ) COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL) ss IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 1437 r/hereas, Proceedings to dissolve Common School District No, ll.37 have been instituted by: (c) A certificate by the clerk of said district directed to the Board of County CoJ11.missioners of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, that the district be dissolved under the r revisions of Chapters 1;,;2:J:? & 33, that all provisions under Chapter 122,22 have been complied ~ith. Now, therefore, it is ordered: 1, That Common School District No, 1437 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached To Independent School District #542: Gov. Lot 3 and small tracts therein1 Section 3; NWk of NW?;, SWr-of SW{ Section 11; W½ of NW¼ Section 14; SID°?;, SW¾, SWr; of. NW¼ & Lots 2, 3 & 4, SEi of NE¼ & Lot 1 Section 10; SE¼ and SEt of SW! Section 9; Fr'l NWl; except Su½ Lot A, Fr'l NEt;, Sub Lot "A" of Lot 3, Lots 4, 5, 6 & SEt of SE{, and Lot 7 Section 15; Lot 1 and SE¼ of Set Section 16; Lots' li 2, 3, 4, 7 & 8, Section 22; Lot 1, W½ of NEt; and NWi of SEt;, SE¼ of NWt; and NE;; of SWt; & Sub Lot 11A11 of Lot 2 & 1,90 acres of Lot 2 Section 21, all of Camp Nervana al in Township 132 Range 39; Thomas Addition toNervana and Lot 7 except Thomas Addition to Nirvana in To~mship 133, Range 39, To IndEp endent School District #545 The balance of the territory comprising former School District #1437, 2. That the current assets and liability. of said Common School District No, 1437 be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #542 -16,45% To Independent School District #545 83,55% of all monies, credits, funds and both real and personal property including taices collected for 1968 and prior years after hugust 14, 1968, and all Sbligations of Common School District #1437 shall become the obligations of the Fbove district.s by the same percentages, 3. That, the outstanding bonded debt of sad School District No, 1437 is None. 4, That. the proposed effective date of this order is August 14, 1968. Dated August lk, 1968. Board of County Conunissioners of the County of Otter Tail State of Minnesota. Attest; BY N\'!t; and due County huditor Chairman The petition of Lester C. Restinen asking·that the East 150 feet of West 838 feet of North 2CO feet of the of NW?;, Section. 12, Township 133, Range 43 be set off from School District #1430 to School District #544 l••as read it was ordered .that a hearing on said petition be held at 10:0C A.M. on the 4th day of September, 1968, and thet. notice of time and place t:e given as required by law. The petition of Clifford M. and Evelyn Moen asking th~t, Beginning 431. 5 feet East of NW corner Section 21 - 133 -43, East 256,.5 ft; South 200 feet; East 150 feet; South 319.1 feet; West 248 feet: North 145,1 feet West 158.'5 feet; North to beginning, Part NW@ Nv,t; Section 21 -133 -43, be set off from School District #1434 to School District #544 i,;as read and i.t was ordered that a hearing on said, petit;ion be held at· 10:0C o~clock JI .• M. on the 4th day of Sep- tember, 1968, and that due notice of time and place be givETJ as required by law. The petition of Reno E. and Jennie I, Dahl asking that the SWt; of SWt; and Lots 5 and 6 , Section 15 and Lots 5 & 6 Section 16, all in Township 134, Range 41, be set off from School District #1390 to School District #550 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at lC:00 o'clock A.M. on the 4th day of September, 196P, end that due notice of time and place be given as reruired by law. A resolution asking for the dissolution of School District #1394 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be f;iven at 10:co o'clock A.M. September 4th, 1968, and that due notice of time and place be given as required by law,. A representative of t.he B1lue Shield appeared befor e the Board regarding rene~•als of the Blue Shield policy for the year beginning September 1, 196e. Hewes instructed to renew the contract ,,ith Major Medical for those over 65 and Supplement #2, which te.kes care of prescription drugs, for those under 65, The Countr Audi tor was unanimously auth>rized to issue checks to the Fergus Falls Sheltered Work Shop· 1·•hen the settlement was completed, The Count~ Auditor was instructed by unanimous vote to pay earnest money on the i:urchase of the Hanson pro- perty, Si of SE!, excep6 tr, cts, in Section 30 -133 -42. 1 105. "I ·I 'I II II ,I ,, I ,I ,, ' ·j I, I· ,i d :, I' ;~ ~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. August .. 14 ........................................... 19 ... 68 HCll■ln IIIHIINO CO■PAN'f, sr.CLOUD,■Ul'N, a· The County Treasurer ; as 1:.uthorized by unanimous vote to renew $400,COO invested in U. S. Securities from the General Fund. Upon motion made and unanimously carried, the sum of $1,0CO additional clerk -hire was granted to the County Assessor for the year 1968. The plats of Echo Rancp Reviera, Third-and Fourth Additions, located in the Township of Otter Teil accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Wm. B. Dosland, Attorney-at-law, was approved. The following applications for homestead classific•tion were approved: Harold S. Baumann Bernice M. Trosdahl Mable C. Schamber Robert Reistenberg Jewell C. Stlidum William R. Karhoja Richard Beach SW! SE¾ Section 32 -133 -37 Lot 1 Sectbn 19 -132 -38 Lots 15, 16 & 17, 1st Add'n to KB Beach, Corliss To~nship NEt Section 19 -136 -39 Lot 7, Block 2, Lakeside Add 1n to Erhard West 50 ft. of E 350 ft. of N l~O ft. of Lot ll, l'lm. Smith Add'h, Viilage of New York Mills Lot 6,.Blo~k 1, fehlauer's First Add'n to Vergas The application of Robert Kampsula for reduction of personal property assessment in the Village of New York Mills was approved for the reason the inventory was not taken off his assessment. A petition of John T. Saunders for correction of assessnent on Lot 11 of Nirvana was approved, old building overvalued for age and condition. A petition of Arnold & Harold Nord for reduction of assessment on Lot 6, Block 1 of Sub Div. of Res. 11 2 and 4, Frazee' s Addition to Pelican Rapids was approved, over-assessment. The matter of burglary and robbery insurance at the County Nursing Home was considered, but it ,as found the cost was accessive and the motion was made by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Morrill not to take coverage for the Nursing Home. The following bills were allowed: Carlton E. Mortensen Carlton E. Mortensen Carlton E. 1',ortensen Carlton E. Mortensen Merle Bacon John B. Halvorson Don Lee James L~oy Glen Melby Sidney Nelson James Bucpolz Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Harvey Morrill Harvey Morrill Sam Nycklemoe Duane Donley Dennia Greenwaldt Ed. Skoglund Jeff Tikkanen Mac Tobkin E.O.T. Soil & Water Cons. Dist. E.O.T.· Soil & Water Cons. Dist. Laura~-Hotchkiss Ambrose A. Klinnert Kenneth Clambey Frank Roberts ~,rs. Harry Fretland Eugene Davenport harris W. Iverson Anton Glesne Christopher C. Clauson Gust L~gerquist & Sons, Inc. Olson Auto Electric Daycoa Inc. Fergus Glass & Paint Fergus Our Own Hardware General Trading Go. G. S. Products, Inc. Kenneth J. Hoff Cl,rence Trosvig & Son L. Ray Loomer ••arvin Pederson Joseph Peloquin Leonard Olson Merlin Rieman Erling Engebretson Hazel J:. Rieman Henry Lu~itz Boarding of Prisoners Mileage & Expense Att1dg State Sheriff Convention Film . Mileage & Subsistence Subsistence Pay Mileage & Subsistence II II Mileage, expense & per diem II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II & Expense, Phelps Mill II II II II E.O.T. Soil & \·,ater Cons. ,•,' II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Workmen's Compensation Supplies ff.O.T. Soil Cons~ Dist. II II II II II Weed & Seed Insp. II II II II Extra help Supt. office Mileage & Expense II II II II Dist. II II II II Extra help Co. Assessor's Office Mileage & expense Service & Repair Repairs Supplies II II II II Shampooing Carpet Painting flag pole Relief Jailer II II Extra shifts at Jail Special Deputy 11 11 fees Gu1.rd duty II II Spec. Deputy -Rhelps Mr11 $972.50 373.35 80.60 52.25 391.40 72.CO 72.0C 372.co 395.50 237.90 101.50 93.35 76.10 48.7S 111.82 80.50 22.96 33.CO 32.lC 34.95 20.70 40.CC 82.88 181.44 165.60 428.85 395.95 180.CC 37.65 56.85 1,81.80 14,.24 105.64 l.JO 20.41 70.20 3.47 32.52 21.20 55.c:o 37.98 42.CO 84.CC 140.CC 17.50· ;,_1.70 5.co 5.cc 43.80 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IICUlllf ,111111111 co•PAll'f, 11,CLOUO.ll'INII. a:2309 Cliff Pederson Merlin Rieman Alfred Schneider Lavern Simdorn N, W, Bell '! elephone Co. N. ~. Bell Telephone Co. \o;estern Union Telegram Co. Hoffman Glass Fergus Jobbing Co.· Allstate Sanitation Don's Piggly Wiggly Store Fergus Plumbing Luxon Lighting Products, Inc. Western Chemical Co. Holten Lumber Co. Internation Business Machines \,adena Recappers Minnesota Motor Co. Minnesota Motor Co; Mobile Radio & 'I'. V, Service Charbonneau Buick County Treasurer Reuben Klein Motors Suhr Ford Dave's Standard Dave's Standard Dent 66 Oil Gene's Standard Service Henning Sinclair Mayo's Standard l,ayo Is Standard Meyer's Service Perham Coop Oil City Pharmacy Fergus Falls Medical Group Dr. Severn & Smedstad white Drug lsther Mortensen Esther Mortensen City of Fergus Falls Floyd McDunn E.leanor Leidal Earl E. Bigler, M.D. C. A. Boline, t-'..D.· International Harvester Jorgens Texaco Rolfson1s River.side Resort Abraham's Resort Riverside Repair Fergus Hardware Uniforms Unlimited· Russ \·,estover Dave's Standard Hamilton v:elding Twin I s Motors Firestone Store The Photo Cent er Mathison Insurance Agency Cooper's Office Supply Davenports Statiorrery Empire Business Machines Miller Davis Co. Nelson Bros. Printing Security Blar:ik Book & Printing Co. State of Minn. Document Sec. The Pierce Co. Universal Answering Service Victor Lundeen &. Co. Xerox Corporatio~ · Xerox Corporation · Diebold, Inc • Edling EJ.ectric Co. Ki1r.ber Awning Co. · Burroughs Corp-Todd Division Vernon E/ Bachman· Vernon E.. Bachman · George H. Nelson Helen E. Skramsted Myrtle E. Logas Herb Christensen, Jr, Vill~ge of Perham· Fergus Fells Daily Journal Henning Advocate Pelican Rapids Press Perham Enterprise~Bulletin West Publishing Co. Allison & Co. Mat hi son Insurance Agency Great Plains Natural Gas Co. ~,aine Rep a:ir Spop Kimbi;,r Awning Co. · DATE ...................... J.us:-1,1st••·14·······································19 ... ~~. Spec. Ceputy -Phelps Mills II II Calls II II II II II Calls for Sheriff Telegrams for Sheriff II II II Blind for Sheriff Residence Supplies for Jail Cleaning supplies for Jail Soap for jail Repair Closet Supplies for Jail Supplies Typewritc;r & Supplies Tires Service Calls Repairs II Parts & Labor Sign for new car Parts & Labor II II II Gas & Oil II II II II II II " I I II Care of Prisoners II II II II II II Matron Fee II II Matron's Assistance Court Costs Justice Fee Transcript of Proceedirg s Coroner's Fee II II Repairs Gas Nylon Tow Rope Repairs Supplies Unifonns Overhaul Motor Gas & Oil Labor Gas & Supplies Gas Supplies Insurance-on Boat Endorsenent Maintenance & Supplies Supplii;,s Services Annual Inspection of Safe Rep airs Repai!'ing Blinds Mainli;,nance Postage Mileage Postage 11 & box rent Adv. comm. pd to driv. lie. agents Bulldozing dump Off:i.ce rent -Co. Agent Publication 11 tax notices 11--; II II II Minn. Statues Annotated Workmen's Compensatio · Liability & Equip., Ine. Gas Repair mower, gas &. oil Phelps Mill Railing -Phelps Mill $ 36.00 3C.40 62.co 62.co 82.94 161.29 8.15 32.CO 3.co 12.35 14.95 7.50 7C.72 65.78 13.51 464,1.8 48.0C 41.CO 66.76 74-70 39-41 20.14 3.Cl 23.34 25.70 98.93 2.li.13 36.34 10.98 81?.eo 27:;.50 83,39 135.06 8.1,0 10.cc 5.00 15.85 30.00 20.00 335.oc 4.0c 51.00 25,25 51.15 37.0C 2.88 20.68 J.60 12.38 11.85 51.10 50.72 61.65 9.14 70.33 14.44 20.03 l&.CC 78.00 11.20, 61.CO 196.06 19.25 165.96 170.CO 34.49 29.50 470.71 42.50 42.50 60.co 6,50 74.0G 142.08 JO.CC 13,50 12.50 78.00 28,80 32,CC 60.co ?56.CC 16.50 8.40 6.30 45.0C 6ll.oc 54.CO 20,lC ,34,94 175.CC 107 l ,: 11 J' I I ! I I : ' : ~ ! ' t I I I II 11 I ,: 'I 1 II I ' I :1 I • 1 .I I I . ---_J J I /108 ' \ COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 1m■c·cou1wr.-n:caivr.vnrr.-• Edling U ectric _ Robert B. Oslund & Assoc. Arnold 0. Nebbe Lake Region Coop. Elec. Ass'n. Fergus Falls Barradks #922 V. F. W. Aux #612 Harold T. Swenson ~ost #612 City of Fergus Fal~s Carolyn Helgenson . Lorna McCabe Mrs. Dorothy Johnsqn Mrs. Ione Butcher Mrs. Lawrence Dougias Mrs, Edw. Edwards Mrs. Mabel Jenson Doris Jorgenson Ina McLaughlin Edn~ t-', • Nelson Wilma Rinas ~,rs. Pearl Ronning: Selma Swendsrud ~•rs. Charles Lewis Mrs. ltivor Jedlund Mrs. Ed Sltoglund Mrs, Bud Larson Mrs. Philip \•/icklllJ'.ld Mrs. John J. Stebll!Y Village of Per-ham . Nelson Bros. Pr-int:i,ng E.O.T. TEmephone Co. Fergus Falls Daily.Journal Perham Enterprise: Bulletin Wadena Pioneer Journal ¼alters. Booth & Son Philip M. Kjaglien' Rn chel J. Estrem · Philip M. Kjaglien: Straub Co. Public Utilities N. W. Bell TelephoQe Co. Eastman Kodak Stor~s, Inc. Fergus Hdwe, , Midwest Printing Co. Eastman Kodak Co. Cummins Kiesel Sal~s, Inc. Garwood Twin Citie~ 1ruct Equip. Inc. Hayden-~urphy Equip. Co, Cumndns Diesel Salies, Inc. Ottawa Steel Produ~ts Ziegler, Inc. . Auto Safety Service Farm Center ~,el.ding Fergus Dodge, Inc •. Fergus Plumbing & peating Ebersviller, Inc. , International Harv.ester, Larson ~:elding , Minnesota Motor Co. Olson Auto Electric Perham Mfg. Co. ' Schutz Hardware Stan I s Garage Super GMC Truck Sales Walt's liepair Shop_ Coast to Coast St~re, B.L. Coast to Coast St~re, Pezhlln General Trading Co,. Genuine Parts Co. Hall's Hardware Holten Lumber Co •. Jaenisch Industri~s Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Tesch Lumber (;o. • \'.elders Equip ment. Wilcox Lumber Co. ,. Henning Paper, Calmenson ~ Lo. llk River Concrete Products Co. Viking Steel Prod4cts Co, Mrs. L(:nora Lindberg N. W. Refining Co, Farmers Co-op. ll~vator Lo, Flom Grun & Feed Julius ~ •• Nelson Produce Doc's 1'ire Service Melvin McGowan · American Optical Go. Pheoll Manufacturi_ng Co, REA Express • Polman Transfer, Inc. Raymond Motor Trar:is., Inc. Allison & Co. DATE ................................ August .. 14 ·········-···················19. 68 .. Services -Phelps Mills 1-,"iring -II II Security lights -Phelps ~:ill D"ecorating Graves II II Poor Expenditures Mileage & Expense II II Home Health Aid A:tiii 1d Nursing Board Meeting II II II II II II II II II II II Office Rent -Co. Hurse Supplies Calls & Services Ad -help wanted II II II II II Supplies Mileage & expense II II II II II II Postage, machine rental & supplies Rent Utilities Calls & Services Supplies II II II Parts II II II Repairs II II II II II Repairs II II II II II Supplies St el Culverts II Gravel Bituminous l✓..tteri.al Seed II Tires Equip. Rental Supplies II fucpress Freight II Work. Comp. Ins. $ 12.75 296.00 260.01 135.co 25.oc 25.co 25.cc 717.65 62.47 88.ih2 52.50 lC,42 17,85 JQ.60 1.9.80 1.2.60 1.20 50,32 u;:ao 46.65 129.07 4,95 3,CC 8,25 2,70 ll.25 7,35 35,CC· 73.80 11.70 8,51 1.00 1.CO 19.20 62.40 6.90 ll,57 50,CC 1..56 21.,57 66.95 3.12 14,50 50.oc 16.99 41,62 134,08 7,1.7 19,72 1,821.,30 21.60 27,50 12,70 1.62 7.16 1.6.38 10.00 23.98 1.4.27 11..1.0 4,20 5.99 65.47° 1.50 U.47 14,97 99,55 101.68 1.'1.94 15.10 90,00 lC0.98 6.87 21..49 i.. 55 141.97 1.91..66 172,80 2..13.20 2,93C.ll 861.0C 213,90 316.98 ll.7.61 561.00 151.10 1.2.98 28.70 30.82 4,50 1,536.~0 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... August .. 14 ······································19 ... 68 IRUllrr PIIKTIJII CO■HKT, IT,CLOUD.■INII'. C': State of Minn. -Div. of Boiler Insp. Construction Bulletin Minn. "ept. of Highways Otter Tail Power Co. Datun1s Photo Print Co. Minneapolis Blue Printing Co. H. A. Rogers Co. The Photo Center, Inc •. The Pierce Company Davenport's Stationery Cooper's Office Supply East Otter 'l'dl Tel. Co. N. W. Bell Tel. Co., F.F. Midwest Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co., F.F, Park Region Mutual::.'l'el. Co. Pelican 'l'elephone Co, N. W. Bell Telephone Co., Wadena ~/end ell P. Huber G, D. Harlow Wendell P. Huber Bengtson Oil Co. Bluffton Oil Co. Consumers Co-op Oil Co., B.L, Co-op Services Inc., N.Y.M. uave•s Standard Service Farmers Co-op Cry. Ass'n., D.C. Farmers Union Oil Co., B.L. Fossen Oil Co. Carrie Hendrickx Henning Sinclair Hoot Lake Pure Iverson Mobil Mayo's Standard Service, F.F. Perham Co-op Oil Co, Service Oil Co., Battle Lake Service Oil Co., Und. Vergas Oil Co. Becklund Rian Oil Co, Erhard Oil Co. Penrose Oil Co. Standard Oil Co., B.L. Standard Oil Co., Henning Standard Oil Co., Perham D. A. Lubricant Co., Inc. Addison Stock L. E. Schamburger Toivo Perna Julian Perszyk Albert Loebrick Lewis Schamberger Hennan Duel Ludwig Kangas Andy Smedsrud Matt Sazama Inspection Ad for bids Lab test Prints Supplies II II R@pairs Service & Tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Expense II Cash Advanced Gas II II II etc, etc. II Gasoline, etc. II II 11 ,etc. Diesel Fuel j,• II etc. II II II II etc. II II II II II Oil Right of Way II II II Labor -PhElps Mill II II II II II II Labor & Truck Rental -?.helps Mill Labor -Phelps Mill II II II II II Upon motion the Board adjourned to 10?00 o'clock A.M.,· September 3, 196P, Dated at Fer gus Falls this 14th clay of August_, 1968. Ch~rman Attest: Clerk $ 5,CC 13.60 13,74 162.63 6,85 18.60 114.43 6.03 9,55 51.75 4.50 5.9. 53 85,89 8,56 37,91 29,90 10.64 11.52 337,37 203, 73 1.-75 158,06 185,08 272.80 366.40 61.38 148,69 27.92 24,74 22.50 119.86 205,]A 202. 79 78,35 193,76 92.69 33,80 122,94 31.60 293.94 75.83 569. 51 77,50 56,70 381.15 37,00 50,00 57,75 54,45 52.80 153.60 54,45 52,80 52.80 54.45 109 rr.i 110 I j, i ·' I I\. j_l 11 ,· COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ September .. 3 _·······-········-·······---···········19. 68 .. 1icU111n P111r1■1 COIIPA■I', H.CLOUD,llllfH, MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD CF O'.)UNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant• to adjournment, the Board met at 10: CC A.M., September Jrd, 1968, all manbers being present. A motion-was made, seconded and unanimously carried, that Judge Henry Polkinghorn be el.lowed to hire Probation and Parole Office:tls as he sees fit, from applications received. Jeff Tikkanen presented a West Central Minnesota Resource Conservation am Development Project for Drumlin Grassland Deilopment, A motion was made, seconded and carried to be tabled until further study c·an b'e made. The following applications for correction of assessment were allowed: Clayton 1. Sisson Robert Rybak Star Lake Township Otter Tail Township Assessed for SJ .13 acres, actually o••ning only 76.5 acres Tax on mobile home assessed where personal property tax had already been µi.id Motion was mP-de, seconded and carried authorizing County Assessor Gene Davenport to attend the School for Appraisers and to take the test for appraisers. A motion was made by Harvey Morrill and seconded by Bennie J. Johnson and unanimously carried, that bills should be grouped, for publication, according to funds, as recommended· by the District County Co~missioners Resolution. The fol~owing resolution was adopted: RESOLVED• by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota THAT WHEREAS the bid for one .25, 500# GV\-1 Snowplowing Dump Truck was awarded to Fergus Dodge, Inc., in the amount of $5,690.CO AND dehv•ery has been made to the Board of County Commissioners THAT a warrant in the amount of $5,690,CO be issued to Fergus Dodge, Inc., on the Road and Bridge Fund, this being the contract price. Dated at• Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this Jrd day of September, 1968. Sam Nycklemoe Attest K. W. Hanson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED, That the Chairman and the Auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County of Utter Tail to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways for the removal of snow from particular portions or all of· the roads and highways under the jurisdiction of the County of Utter Tril, all on the terms and conditions contained and set forth in "State of Minnesda Department of Highways Maintenance Section, Sn<M iemo'llal Agreement Fonn No. 1", a copy of which said fonn was before the Board, assuminr on behalf of the County all of the contractual oblications therein mntained. BE IF FURTHER RESOLVED, That Wende~! P. Huber, the County Highway Engineer of said County of Otter TaH, be and he hereby is authorized to request and order from time to time men and eouipment for the r.anoval of snow in accordance with and under the terms of the foregoing coPtr.act. Dated at Fergus Falls this 3rd day of September; 1968. Attest: Sam Nycklemoe K. W. Har.son Clerk Because of the bridge that recently collapsed, eleven other bridges were under discussion to be checked for safety. A motion was made by Bennie Johnson and seconded by Harvey Morrill to authorize Wendell Huber, County HighWE!Y Engineee, to hire a consultant to inspect above mentioned bridges for safety, Upon motion the County f,uditor was authorized and directed to adverbse for bids to he openEd at 11:CO A.M. October 8, 1968, for the follo,ing: ·1 ~ ,, S.A.P. 56-677-0J, Bridge 56514 (CSAH 77) 19 ft., 31 ft., 19 ft. precast concrete channel spals, 35 1811 roadway, located over Leaf River, 0.5 mile Southeast of Blu~fton, Upon motion the meeting adjourned to 10:CO A.II.., September 4th, 1968, ~ \\\ lL·,. ______ __j_ _____________________________________________ _ COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ September. 4 ................................ l9 ... 68 ,1:HIJILlllJlrJll!_C~■-AN II CLOUD IIINN, 0•2309 WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adgournment, the Board met at 10:CG o'clock A.M., September 4th, 1968. Sheriff Carlton Mortenson appeared before the Board requesting, under Statute 387,212, to have a Sheriff's Contingent Fund in the amount of $1,000, and to have the County Attorney set up regulations to be used for tri,nsporting out of state prisoners. Motion was made, seconded and carried to authorize the County Attorney to set ur-such regula- tions. Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed and directed to advertise for bids for one policy car \•i th the trade in of a 1967 Plymouth Fury, and also for one pick-up truck ~d.th a trade in of an International Scout, bids to be opened at lC:30 A.h,, October 8th, 1968. I The County Treasurer was authorized by unanimous vote to invest $500,0CO and $2CC,COO for ninety days in U.S. Securities, RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS At a regular meeting of the Board of County Corranissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota held on September 4, 1968, all members being present, Commissioner Bucholz introduced the following resolution, which was seconded by Commissioner Haase. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the Yield right of way signs at the intersection of County State Aid Highways #51 and #60 be placed as follows: nttest: That the Yield sign at the West junction of CSAH #5l·and #60 be placed facing South. That the Yield sign on CSAH #60 at the junction of CSAH #51 and #60 be placed facing East, a.nd That Stop signs be erected at the other two corners. Adopted this 4th day of September, 1968. Sam Nvcklemoe Chairl!)an K. W. Hanson County Auditor TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA: We, the undersigned najority of the County Board of said county hereby certify that we have examined the road work done by Mark Sand& Gravel Co. Clarence Drewes II II on that certain road described as follows: Fergus Falls, Minn. Detroit Lakes, Minn. II 56537 56501 II CSAH #26 CSAH #55 CSAH #83 between CSAH #11, 5,0 miles North of Wendell and T.H. #59, SP. 56-626-80 from 2.0 mi •. South of T.H. #108 to ~-4 mi. South S.A.P. 56-655-04, from ~-5 mi. South of SCAH #1 to 2.6 mi. South S.A.P. 56-683-07 together with contract for the same and that we find said work has been properly done and i:erfo:nned accordinr to said contract. Dated this 4th day of September, 1968. James Bucholz Bennie Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Otto H-ase Attest: harvev Morrell " W. Hanson County Audi tor A resolution asking for the dissolution of School District #1394 was taken up for final actior., and the Board issued the follo,,d.ng Interlocutory Order, to-wit: STATE OF MINNLSO'l'A ) ) ss COUNTY OF Ol'TER 1 /,IL) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1394. WHEREAS, Proceedings to dissolve Common School District No. 1394 have been instituted by: (a) A resolution of the Board of County Co~missioners of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, adopted on August 14, 1968. NOW, THEREFORE., IT IS ORDERED: ,. 111 ·r/112 1· 'i COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. Se_ptember. 4 ........................ 19 .. 68. IR II ,■nm • CO■PA■I', !IT,CLOUD,IIINN, G': I to-wit: 1. That Common School District No. 1394 be dissolved and that the territory an braced therein be attached The entire territory comprising School District #1394 be attached and made a part of Independent School District# 544. 2. That the current assets and liability of said Common School District No. 1394 be distributed as follo1•·s, To Independent School District #544 all monies, credits, funds, both 'real and personal property includin,:-taxes for 1968 and prior years collected after August 14th, 1968, and all obligations on Common School District #1394 shall become the obligations of Ind~i endent School District #544. 3, The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District lfo. 13% is None. 4. The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 14th day of August, 1968. Attest: ______ K_.~W. Hanson County Auditor Sam Nycklenoe Chainnan Board of County Commissioners Otter Tdl County Minnesota The pltition of Clifford M. & Evelyn Moen asking that the followirg tract, Beg. 431.5 feet East of NW corner Section 21-133-43 East 256.5 ft; So th 200 feet! East 150 feet; South 319.1 feet; West 248 feet; North 145.1 feet; West 158.5 feet; North to beginning, Part of NW~ NW¾ Sec. 21-133-43, be set off from School District 1/1434 to School District #544 was taken up for final action. After listening tothe staterr.ents of various interested parties, 1'h e Board issued the following order, to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from,: One School District to Another: WHEREAS, The petition of Clifford M. & Evelyne Moen a legal .voter, freeholder and resident of School District #1434 in this County, representing that he is the ot.ner of the lands hereinafter described, ~•hich are situate in said School District, and adjoin Scyool District No. 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district #1434 to said adjoining School District No. 544 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said Board held on the 14th day of August A.D., 1968 for the action of sad board t~,ereon and •··hereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition at a session of said board on the 4th day of September A.D. l:968 at the County Auditor• s office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; an:I ••hereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the tir, e and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, 2nd by mailing to the clerk of each of said ~chool Districts a copy of said order at least t en days before the time appo:irt.ed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 4th day of September A.D. 1968 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and reouire, more than ten days prior to said last named date; having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be gz:anted, it is hereby ordered and det.ermined, t;hat the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wj,t: Beg. 431. 5 feet East of Nvi corner Section 21-133-43 East 256. 5 ft; South 1200 feet; East 150 feet; South 319.1 feet; West 248 feet; North 145.1 feet; West 158.5 feet; No:th to beginning, Part of NWt NWt Sec. 21 -133-43. be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 143/i to sai.d adjoining ,School District No. 51,1, and said lands are hereby made a part of said la.st named School Dis.tz:ict for all purposes wh.atever. By order of the Board of County Cominissioners Dated the 4th day of Septenber A. D., 1968 STATE OF MINNE.SO'!'/\ ) COUNTY OF OTTER '!'AIL) ss Sam Nycklemoe Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, ~annesot.a Attest: K. W. Hanson \ County Auditor and ex-offirio Cl.erk of Board I, K. W. Hnson, Auditor of Otter Tail County, State of Minnesota, ·do hereby ce•·tify that I have carefully comparFd ihe foregoing paper writing with the orifinal thereof, •hich is in my custody as such auditor, and that such copy is P cor- redt copy of such original, and of the whole thereof. In testimony whereof, 1 h«ve hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Fergus Falls, on this 4th day of September A.D., 1968. K. W. Hanson Auditor The petition of Reno E. & Jennie I. Dahl asking that the swl; of the SWt and Lots 5 and 6 Section 15 and Lot 5 & 6 Section 16, all in 'Io1-mship 134, Range 41; be set off from School District No. 1390 to School District #550 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the wrious interested parties, the Board issued the follo~,il"l?; order, to ,,it: COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... Sept-ember4 ........................... 19 .. 68. HCIIITT ,1111r1111 CD■PANr. IT.CLOUD,■UOI, G':2JCII Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. _Wher~as,-The petition of Reno E. & Jennie I. Dahl a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Distri~t No. 1390 in this County, representing that he is the-o~.ner of the lands' hereinafter described which are situate in said School District, and adjoin Schoo;). District No,• 550 and asking that he with his said lands may bes et off from said District No. 1390 to said adjoining school district No, 550 w~sr.presented to the Board of County Commissioners of the.Count~ at a,session·of said board held on the•li.th day of August A,D., 1968 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition at a session of said board on the 4th day of September A.D., 1968 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was. further ordered in and by said order tha.t notice of the time and place of such hearing be p-j.ven by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the. clerk of each of said School Distracts a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and 11:hereas at the said session of. the said Board of County Commissioners on said . 4t·h day of September, A.D., 1?68 due p~oof of the posting ?.nd service of said order of hearing as therein directed and re•uired, more than ten days prior to said.last named date, having been made.and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petjtion should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands o~med by him, to-wit: SW~ of SW~ nd Lots 5 and 6 Section 15 and Lot 5 & 6 Section 16, all in Township 134, Range 41 be and the same ar:e hereby set off from said School District No. 1390 to said adjoining School District No. 5,50 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order. of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 4th day of September A.D., 1968, Sam Nycklemoe Chainnan of the Board of County Com.~issioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: K, W. Ha,s,n County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board The petition of Lester~. & Carol J. Restinen asking that the East 150 feet of West 838 feet of North 200 feet of the NWt of NWt Section 21 -133 -43 be set off from School District No. 1430 to School District #544 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties, the Board issued the follo1·,ing order, to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. WHEREAS, The petition of Lester C; & Carol J. Restinen a legal voter, Ireeholder and resident of Scrool District No. 1430 in this County, :-epresenting that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, 1·:rich are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off fran said dis- trict No, 1430 to said adjoining school district No. 544 was presented to the Board of Coupty Commiss' on ers of tl-rl. s Cli>uiltycat a session of said board held on the 14th day of August A.D., 1968 for t'he action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said boo rd on the 4th day of ?eptember A.D., 1968 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and w!Jereas it was fur:ther ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said ord!Sr in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing tothe clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing, and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 4th day of September A.D. 1968 due proof of the f'OSting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required rore than ten days prior to said. last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everytping which was said_ by said interested parties for or against r-ranting the prayer of the petj tj oner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the.following described lands owned by him, to-wit: East 150.feet of West 838 feet of North 200 feet of the NW¼ of NW¼, Section 21-133-43 be and the same ar~ hereby set off from said School District No. 1430 to said adjoining School District No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, By order. of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 4th day of SJ!ptember A.D., 1968. Sam Nycklemoe Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: K. W, Hanson County Aucii tor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board REPORT OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF THE COONTY OF OTTER TAIL, STATE OF MINNESOTA OF UNCOLLECTED PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES . FOR THE YEAR 1968 Fergus Falls, Minn~sota, September 4th, 1968, BE IT KNOWN, That the County Bea rd of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, did meet in session on the 4th day of September, 1968 the same being the date required by Statute 277,05, that at said session the County Treasurer·of sajd County delivered to said Board the list of all unpaid personal property taxes where the amount is $10.00 or less and the first !half of all unpaid personal property taxes where the amount exceeds $10.00 which remains for the year 1967, together with a certificate thereon as required by law; and that at said session said Board did duly consider such list of uncollected taxes and did cancel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot l::e collected, That the "foll01•!i.ng is a correct list of ijll unpaid personal property taxes where the amount is $10.00 or less and the first half of all unf'Bid personal property taxes where the amount exceeds ~10.CO which remains un(Jl!)llected in said County for the year 1968, t.he delinquent second half of any unpaid personal property tax shall attach to the said list and be included in any pro- ceedings for the enforcement of the tax ur,on the filing of such list of the second half so due by the County Treasurer as provided by Minn. Statute 277.01 with the Clerk of District Court for Otter Tail County and said Clerk of Court is hereby ordered to issue citations thereon for the total amount, ~. 113: I' I I , I Pl' ff! 'I f' :I I I' ,· I I, ,, I 114 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... September _4_ .•...•............•.............• 19. 68_. IECIIITr llll'l'IH CO■PAll'f, IT,CLOH,IIIN, C:zD N ame of Person Assessed TownshiE or District Tax Penalty I Fees & Costs Total Remarks Al's Shoe Repair Fergus Falls City $ 43. 90 $ 5.76 $49.66 Collect Bjerke Sign Co. Bluffton 1.42 2.36 3.78 Collect Dean Buchanan Inman 9.50 3.01 1'.51 Collect Budweiser Brewing Co. Star Lake 3.80 :i,55 6.35 Collect Calvert Distillers Hobart 5.72 2.71 8.43 Collect Fergus Fells Ice Supply Fergus Falls City 45.04 5.85 50,89 Collect William Hamilton Village of Battle Lake 25.co 4,25, 29.25 Collect Norman Mucho.;,, City of Fergus Falls 15,96 3.53 19.49 Collect Rollie Thiel Village of Henning 43,16 5.45 48.61 Collect Melvin Poppinga Village of Henning 15.-98 3.53 19.51 Collect Puppsville Pizza City of Fergus Falls 132.56 12.85 145,L.l Collect Lloyd Swenson Village of Erhard 9,32 3.CO 12.32 Collect Glen ¼alters Village of Henning 4.CO 2;57 7 6.57 Collect Young Life Campaign Dunn 65.44 7,49 72.93 Collect That the following is a correct list of the personal property taxes in said county for said year which said Board are satisfied cannot be collected, so cancelled by said Board, to-wit: Russ B~erke Russ BJerke Caroline's Beauty Shop Stanley R. Engelhardt Horace Karlstad West End Grocery ATTEST: K. W. Hanson County Auditor, Bluffton Compton City of F.F. City of F.F. Vill. Underwood City of F.F. $ 4,38 $ 2.60 $ 6,98 20.48 3.89 24.37 17.10 3.62 20.72 4.28 2.59 6.87 67. 58 7.66 75.24 15.40 3.48 18.88 The County Board of Otter Tail County Sam Nycklemoe James Bucholz Bennie J. Johnson Otto Haase Harvey M rrill The following biJ.ls were allowed: Carlton E. Mortensen Carlton Mortensen Carlton E. Mortensen Sidney Nelson Merle Bacon James LeRoy Glen Melby Sidney Nelson John B. Halvorson Donald Lee James Bucholz Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe James Bucholz Otto 11aase ' Bennie J, Johnson Harvey Morrill Sam Nycklemoe Duane Donley Herman Enslin Dennis Greenwaldt Ed. Skoglund Jeff Tikkanen Laura E. Hatchkiss Geraldine McGuire Geraldine McGuire Eugene Davenport Harris W. Iverson Christopherson C. Clauson Edwin H. Helleckson Fergus Bus Service Norris Krog Roger E. Nelson Orris A. Skogen Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. Northwestern Beli 'Iel. Co, Secretarial Service Jim Larson Ford Otter Tail Grocery Co. National Busing & Parts Doc's Tire Service Coop Services, Inc. Dave's Standard Boarding of Prisoners Mileage &. expense II 11· II II II II II II II II II Subsistence & expense & Subsistence II II II Mileage & Expense II II II II II II II II Mileage & .. Serv, Att 1d Bd. of Equalization II II II II II II II II Serv. Bd. of Equalization 1-!ihage & Serv, Att'd ~id. of Equiization Serv. E.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Serv. W.O.T. Soil & \o.ater Cons. II E II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Mileage & Expense II II II II II II Services as Janitor Bus Transportation -Rhelps Mill Gravel Labor -Phelps Mill II II Call Calls· for Sheriff Services Servicing Co, Car Soap for Jail Parts '!'ires Gas Dist. II II $1117, 50 609.00 262.65 29.25 365.84 430.10 326.80 J'it>.90 72.00 72.CO 18.CO 17.50 11.80 14.25 22.50 22.50 19.50 15,CC 19.50 25.44 21.15 18.CO 26.10 22.95 181.44 240.CO 258,0C 60.23 29.98 152,90 50,CO 260.CC 84.CO 136.:>5 25.cc 86.83 202.67 41.75 10.cc 8,35 J.72 49.87 7.63 14.71 Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Dent Oil Co, Hank I s Mileage . Henning Co-op O~l Henning Sj nclair, Miller I s Gulf Service Mayo's Standard. Nundahl Oil . Park Region Co-o.p Oil Perham Co-op Oil Standard Service Station Twins Motor Co •. DalP. Akennan Henry Lubitz . Marvin Pederson. 1sther Mortensen Esther Mortensen Eunice LrRoy . Mrs. Charles Blo.ndeau Haymond Meyer • Mrs. Arden John~on ),rs. Earl Scofidd City of Fergus F.alls Bigler & Bigler Clinic Bigler & Bigler Clinic Walter S. Booth ffe. Son Burroughs Corp •. Todd Div. Davenport Stationery Hintgen Karst 1lec. Co. ~;idwest Printing Co. Miller Davis Co •. Nelson Bros. Printing Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Gaffaney' s SCM Corporation . · Secretarial Service Xerox Corporatiqn Vernon E. Bachman Myrtle E. Logas Carlton E. Mort~sen Helen E. Skramsted Myrtle E. Logas Vernon E. Bachman Village of Perhern Sherin & l'ieland Agency State Treasurer Northwestern Publishing Co. The Independent Carolyn .Helgeson Lorna McCabe Mrs. Marcella Stone Mrs. Robert H. Johnson Mrs. Charles Lewis Mrs. Ed. Skoglund )lrs. Philip Wicklund li,rs. Verlie Grover Doris Jorgenson Mrs. Ina McLaughlin Edna M. Nelson Mrs. Selma Swendsrud Village of Perham E.O.T. Telephone Co. Philip M. Kjaglien Philip M. Kjaglien Rachel J. Estrem Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. Public Utilities Dept. Cooper's Office Supply E.astman Kodak Stores Nelson Bros. Printing Straub Co. Cornell-Syverson Post No, 17 Froelich Marine Consumers Oil Co. Nundahl Oil Fergus Oil Dave I s Standard ~.alt Klien' s Resort Firestone Meyers Champlin Twins )'.otor Park Region Co-op Oil Mineral Springs· Sanatorium Heyden-Murphy Equip. Co, Minnesota Tr.:.ctor Co. Noi:thwestern Engineering Co. Ruffridge Jonson Equip. Co., Inc. Ziegler, Inc. Auto Safety Service Ebersviller Implement Co, Lillegard DATE ................... Sept em ter 4 ..................................... 19 .. 68. Gas & Oil II II II II Extra Help -Sheriff Sp. Dep. mileage & expense Extra Help -Sheriff Matron Fees II II II II Witness Fee II II II II II II Court Costs Coroner I s Fees Coroner's Fees Supplies II II Fan printing Supplies II II II Maintenance II Service Postage II II II A~v. comm. pd. to dr. lie. agts. Att1d Supt's meeting in Mpls. Rent for Co. ~gent Additional Pranium Pub. Employees Retirement Ass'n. Pers. Prop. Tax Notice Publ. Tax Notice Mileage & expense II II Att'd Nursing Bd. meeting II II II II II II II II II II II II Mileage Home Health Aid II II II II II II Rent, Nurses Office calls & service II II II II Mileage & expense Postage & Machine rental Mileage Calls & Service Utilities Supplies II II Rmt Decorating Graves Boat Repair Water Gas & Tire repair Gas II II 1'ire Rep air Gas Poor expense Parts II II Repairs II II Patrol Water II II II II II II II Patrol II II II II II II II $ 3.97 4.71 5, 58 10.98 25.77 23.29 281~35 4.79 93,55 .27.12 · 22 •. 36 40.CO ,18,60 56.CO 15.00 25.cc 10.cc 2.35 1.30 1.30 1.30 ?30.-0C' 25,.25 28.10 7-,78 35,0C 1.80 29,88 27,75 84.07 558.15 46.64 394 .1_3 35.00 63,CO 3,85 118.42 30.00 65.00 30.00 66.oc n.30 J0.10 60.CC 78.0C 22,590.70 4,90 6.00 52,04 86,02 17.62 5,10 4.95 8.25 7.50 13,50 39.90 5,25 34.42 35,55 35.CC 12.01 90.45 7.00 12.30 27.10 4.56 5,50 19.0C 163.10 so.cc 25.0C 25.28 4,84 14.98 49.59 14,15 1.59 9.14 ll.13 1,00 6.lC JO.CO 23.85 35 .69 48,85 54.1,5 122,48 35.35 lL.9.26 5.36 ,, 115 116 II,,; I COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 11CU■1ri ,■nm■• CO■PA■Y, ST,CLGUD,■IIIM- National Busing.& Parts Co. O~son Auto FJ.ectric Smokey I s Machine. Shop Swanson Equipment DATE Fer-gus Dodge, Inc. Lampert Lumber C,o., 1-'arkers Prairie Tesch Lumber Co •. Northwestern Refining Co. Mrs. Lenora Lindberg Farmers Co-op E~ev. Co. Farmers Union G •. T.A., Battle Lake Firestone Store. Minnesota Motor ,Co. North Union Tex~co Northwood Specia,l.ty Co. Dave's Standard Service Farmers Co-op Cr,y. Ass•n. Meyer's Service .Station The Oil Store Otter Tail Co-op Oils, Inc. Park Region Oil ,Co. Standard Oil Co •. , Henning Twin I s ~!otor Co •. Arrow Petroleum D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Minn. Dept. of Highways Bettenberg, Townsend, Stolte & Comb State Treasurer,. Public E.>np. Ret. Ass•n. Minneapolis Blue Printing Co, The Pierce Co. • Davenp•rt•s Stationery N.W. Bell Telephone Co., F.F, Pelican Telephone Co. N.W. Bell Telephone Co,, Wadena Marvin Lee Wendell P. Huber, G, D. Harlow Wend.~11 P. Huber Northwestern Bell Telephore Co. , F. F. Minnesota Tractar Company Ruffridge Johnsen lquipt. Co, TheZeco Company• September. 4 ............................ 19 .. 68 Repairs II II II Supplies II Bit. ~:aterial Gravel Seed II Tires LubeJob & Oil Tow Charge Stakes Gasoline Gas, etc. II II II II Gasoline & Diesel Fuel Gas, etc. II II Gasoline Diesel Fuel II II Plans P.E.R.A. Cont. Supplies II Service & Tolls II RightQf-way Expense II II Cash Advanced Service & tolls Parts II II Upon motion the meeting adjourned to 10:00 A.M., •October 8th, 1968. Chairman Attest: Clerk $103.76 26.28 280.96 15,CO 13,50 6,60 1,50 724,84 56.CO 866.15 31.00 813.32 4,55 20.cc ·219,50 2.69 111,04 235,67 92,04 335,16 118,79 76,52 30.98 83.20 363,50 635,01 633,27 -29,158, 25 26.05 55,.50 28.68 103,91 15.89 15,46 18,30 362.75 200.J5 11.1,5 37.56 74.66 35,85 15,86 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. H Hnf ,111111111 CDIIPANf, sr.CLOUD,IIUIN. 0':23DI DATE ...................... September .. 17 ................................ 19 ... 6.!l. SPECIAL MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOI'A Pursu{lnt to call the Board met at 10:00 A.M., September 17th, 1968, all members present. The County Auditor having previously advertised for bids for construction of a new County Garage at Battl!i Lake, Minnesota, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: 1nglund Twin City Co. Advance Structures, Inc. Minco Metal aldg., Inc. Gateway Bldg., Inc. Alexandria Fargo, N.D. Fargo, N.D. Fargo, N.D. $25,891.00 26,498.CO 25,280.CO 22,000.oc After consideration, motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to accept the bid of Gateway Bldrs. Inc., in the amount of $22,0CO.OC, it.being the lowest bid. A motion was made, seconded and carried to meet with the Aurdal To~m Board at 10:CO A.M., September '6th to make plans for re-routing or repqir or replacement of collapsed bridge. Highway Engineer Huber is to notify the town board of the time and place. Phil Kjaglien appeared before the Board requesting a pay raise, which was considered and tabled until the first of the year when salary raises are made. A bottle club license application for Abrahams Resort, Myron Moberg o;.ner-manager, was approved. A plat of the Second Addition to Birchwood Shores located in Mane To~mship, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Nycklemoe, Nycklemoe and Nycklemoe, was approved. Attest: Attest: The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County Minnesota, THAT in r,equesting prints of new plats of lake shore properties, the follo~•ing be requested: 2 original (hardshell) 1 transparancy 4 prints Dated this 17th day of September, 1968. Sam Nycklemoe Chairman K. W. Hanson Clerll: Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Chairman Clerk ' 117 -,;'/ I 118 ,I I .I I .1 I ! ,, ·I i,I COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. September 26 19 68 DATE ......................................................................................... . HCUIIIIT Plll■TING CDIIPAHr, IT,CLOUD,IIINN, G Township. MINUTES OF THE SPEC! AL MEETING OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNEID TA Pursuar:it to call, the Board met at 10:00 "'.M., September ?6th, 1968, all members prese, t. The Aurdal 'lawn Board met with the County Board to dj_scuss the recently collapsed bridge in Aurdal A motion was made, seconded and carried to have a survey made of the township road west •of the bridge to County Road Hl~ to '.-et ermine cost of grading and tarring. A :motion was made, seconded and carried to call for .inspection and possibilities of repe:i:rinl! of bridge. A motion was made, seconded and carried that the County Treasurer invest $200,0CO.CC in Government notes or bills, and also invest money from the first ten days of the November Settlement. All these investments at 90 days. There bei11g no further business the meeting was adjourned. Attest: Chainnan Clerk COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... October .. 8tP ......................... 196s .. . HCUIITY Pll■TING COIIPANT. H.CLOUD,IIINN, Q":2JOI MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEEI'ING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOI'A Pursuant to adjournm~t, the County Board mt a~ 10:CO o'clock A.M., October 8th, 1968, all nembers present. ' Grady ~lann, a representat~ve for Department or: Inttrior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,. ~et \\ith the Board to review the p regress to date on the small Wetlands program as established by the County on February 14, 1968. · A delegation from Western To\\nship. appeared, questioning the selling of the NEl; of Section 32 of \'/estP.m Township to Wetlands, a meeting with the Soil Conservation Service to be arranged for the December 10th mFeting of the County Board. A delegation from the V.F.W. Post #612, Fergus Falls, presented the name of Harris Christianson as a can- didate for the replacanent of retiring Veterans Service Officer, Mr. Kjaglien, Mr. Christiansen's name to be considered along "~th other applicants. I The Boarf! having previously advEllised for bids for a 1969 4-door sedan with heavy duty suspension froi:t, and rear, for the use of the Sheriff's Department, proceeded to open bids as follows: List Price Trade-In Net Price Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Minnesota Motor Co. 1969 Mercury 1969 Buick $4,581.25 4,459.10 $1,781.25 2,209.10 $2,800.CO 2,250.00 After consideration the Board accepted the bid of Minnesota Motor Conlpany for the 1969 Buick, in the amount of $2,250.00. - The following resolution was adopted: RF.SOLVED, that the Regulations and Application for the Advancanent of Funds from the Sheriff's Office Con- tingent Fund is approved and hereby ordered that all advancements for expenses fromthe Sheriff's Office Continpent Fund be made according to the Regulations and on Application forms available from the Audi tor I s office. Sam Nycklemoe Attest; Chairman K. W. Hanson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED By the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County Minnesota, THAT, WHEREAS on the 8th of July, 1968, the bid for steel post.swas awarded to the M-R Siim Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, Attest: AND these posts have now been rece;i.ve<;l by the County Highway Department, THAT 'a warrant in the amount of $7,090.00 is payable to the 1-l-R Sign Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, Dated this 8th day of October, 1968. Sam Nycklemoe Chairman K. W. Hanson Clerk RESOLUTION REQUESTING SPEED 30NING BE IT RESOLVED, thatthe County Board of Otter Tail County, in compliance with Subdivision 5 of Section 169.14 of the Highway Traffic Regulation Act, hereby reouests the Commissioner of Highways, upon thetllsis of an en~in- eering and traffic investigation, to authorize the erection of appropriate signs designating a reasonable and safe speed limit upon:the follov.ing described streets and highways: nttest: CSAH #31 beginning at a point approximately 500 feet North of the South line of Section 26, To~,1;1sh:i!p 137 North, Range 42 West, and North approximately .25 mile. CSAH #67 beginning at a point approximately l,COO feet South of the junction of CSAH #67 and:C.H. #148, thence North approximately l,CCO feet. Resolution passed at a meeting of the Otter Tail County Board on October 8, 1968 at Fergus Falls, Minnesota. furn Nycklemoe Chainnan K. W. Hanson County Auditor The·Board, having previously advertised for bids for a 1969 1/2 ton G.V.W. pickup, rating 5,000 lbs., '· 119 "If 120 k- I·'' ,.· (I I q COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................. October .. 8th ...................... 19. 68 .. 11:CUlln Pll■TIHI CDIIPANr, IT.CLDUD,IIIHN". - minimum, for use by the Sheriff's Department, proceeded to open bids as follows: List Price Trade-In Net Price Super G.M.C. Truck Sales $2,869.25 $1,694.50 $1,174.75 International Harvester 3,170.81 1,795.81 1,375.CC Vaughn Chevrolet Company 3,057.75 1,362,75 1,695.00 Fergus Dodge, Inc. J,174-90 1,725.90 1,449.0C Minnesota };otor Co, 3,085.05 1,835.05 1,250.00 After consideration the Board accepted the bid of Super G.M.C, Truck Sales in the anount of $1,174.75. 'A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to view completed road ~-ork on October 30th and 31st at 9:JO A.M. o'clock, The 11:0C, A.M. Bridge bids were delayed until October 15th@ 11:00·A~M. and an addendum sent to each bidder for correction oh sheet piling•, The County Auditor was authorized to .'.!dvertise for bids to be received at 11:00 o'clock A.M., November 12th, 1968, for 120 Tons of Calcim Chloride in bags and 12C Tons of Rod< Salt in bags, ror sanding. An application for Beer License for Parkway Inn was approved upon approval by the Sheriff's Departrr.ent. An application by the Village of Leer Creek for cancellation of taxes on village property ~as approved. An ~pplication by Douglas Whipps of tter Tail Township for reduction of taxes was approved, as a mobile pome was assessed as real property but 1•.-as 1aid as personal property tax in lieu of a license. An application for Homestead Classification by Ivan A. Tufty in Everts To1·nship ~·as rejected upon recom- mendation by the 'l'own Board. An application for Homestead Classification by Leslie Nelson in the Town of Everts was approved. I A motion was·made by Otto Haase to go.back to the old way (complete listing) of County bills for pub- lication, but failed for want of a second. A motion was made, ~econded and carried to hire Anderson Bros. Construction Company to wash the Court House windows at a cost of $156,25, plus insurance costs. A motion was made, seconded and carried to transfer $10,000.00 from the County Buildin? Furid to the Bond and Interest Account of the Otter '!'ail County Nursing Home, a transfer necessary to make the semi-annual reyment for the construction of th~ Nurs,ing Hcn,e due November 1, 1968. Upon motion the meeting was adjourned to 10:00 A,M .• , October 9th, 1968. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Boardmat at 10:CO o'clock A.M., October 9th, 1968, all members present. A motion was made, seconded and carried authorizing the-County Treasurer to re-invest bonds th•t are coming due. Unanimous approval was given to the appointment of Arthur Boehne submitted by Judge Polkinghorn as the new Probation Officer, to start October 10th, 1968, at a salary of $694,00 per month with a 4% increase after six months. Knute Hanson, Civil Defense Director, appeared before the Board asking that a better fence be arranged for under the Sheriff's Office. Motion made, seconded and carried this be done. The names of Cal Stoller, Carl Rickert and Bob Arrl erson were submitted to the County Board as possible members to serve on the Planning and Zoning Col!llllissi,,n, one to be relected to fill a vacancy on the Cornmis:iion, the new member to represent the resorters in the area. The County Auditor was a.utho rized to send letters of invitation to attend the meeting of the County Board to be held at 11:0C A.M., October 15th. The following bills were allowed: Carlton E., Mortensen Carlton E.. ~:orterisen Santa Fe County Juvenile Detention Home Merle Bacon James LeRoy Glen lt.elby Sidney Nelson John Halvorson Don Lee Fredrick Swenson James Bucholz Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Harvey ~:orrill Sam Nycklemoe Arnold E.vavold Theo. Hegseth Ambrose A. Klinnert Homer Scm HaJ'old Skistacl Melvin Trosvik Boarding of Prisoners Mileage & Expense Sheriff's Expense Mileage & Subsistence II II Subsistence II II II fuctra Relief Jailer Mileage & Expense II II II Expense Mileage & Expense W.O.T, Soil & \·/ater Cons. II " II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II " II II II " II II 1111 " " II " Dist. II II II II $1465.0C 219.15 28.CC i.c6.i.o 448,70 390.50 336.JQ 69.06 72.0C 224.00 57. 50 57.0C 55,10 21.65 60.CC Jl.50 31.eo 18.40 37,20 1,0.20 9.60 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCHIIY Pll■tl■G CO■PA-T, H,CLOUD,■IIIN, G':23DI Mrs. Laura E, Hotchkiss Geraldine lkGuire Frank Roberts Frank Roberts Kenneth Clambey · Kenneth Clam bey· tugene Davenport Harris W, Ivers:>-n Anton N. Glesne • Anton N. Glesne · Christopher·C. Clauson Mrs. Joyce Biegl:er Mrs. Agnes Bjorgum Mrs. Harry Fretland Mrs. 1':artin R. Henson Knutson ,heating·& Air Cond. So. Mill Standard Gust Lagerquist·& Sons, Inc. Kimber Awning Co, Falls Drug Gambles, F.F. Sherwin-1-<illiams Co, Theo. Fhmquist · Rob 1t B. Oslund·& Assoc, Jaeger's Decorating Center Mgetown Lunb er · N.W. Bell Tel. Co, N.W. Bell Tel. Oo, Ralph Opsahl Harley Kantrud Miller Gulf Service Perham Co-op Oil Mayo Is Standard · Minnesota Motor Uselman Is, Inc. • I.B.M. Co, Fergus Hardware· i'ergus Glass &. Paint Hintgen Karst El:ec, Photo Center Mobile Radio & T.V, Service Dairyland Veterinary Esther Mortensen Esther Mortensen City of Fergus Falls Byron Busch Roger A. Graham· ~-ichael Haugrud Arthur Hughes · Carlie R. Kiff · Kenneth Schepper Dr, Ivan E. Bigler Dr. C. J. Lund Bennie J. Johnson Vincent A. Ryan· K. ~/. Wenino K. W. Hanson James Welch Helmer \·;entzel Aaro Huttienen Alphonse J, Primus Reinpold G, Langer Lester Rader Clarence A, Larson Ferd Derkey Stanley Sha H. E. Hancock Harold Parduhn Eulene J, Stoll Herbert A. Johnson Don K • Garber Herman Enslin Eugene Wilde Glifford H. Nelson Clifford Shaw M, B. Linrud Roy H. Bjorklund Norman Koehler . Prank Robei·ts Alfred Haagensen, Jr. Edward H. Thompson Thor fin Paulson Elmer Kjell James E. Ahlfs . Verner A. Anders.on Leonrd E. Larson Arthur w. Kbtz Norman Restad Rupert Schmitz Marlin Zitzow DATE .................................... October .. 9th ................... 19.68 .. W.O.T. Soil & Water Cons. Dist. E.11 II II II 11 11 11 Salary, Weed Inspection & mileage (Aug.) Weed & Seed Insp. (Sept) Salary, Mileage & postage (Aug.) Sclary, ~;ileage & postage (Sept.) Mileage & e;cpense II II II II II II (Aug.) II II II (Sept.) II II II Extr· help Co. Supt. office II II II II II II II II II II " II Parts '-Janitor Gas Services Repairing Ven. Blinds Supplies II II Caretaker-Phelps Mill II II II Computation & Services, Phelps Mill Supplies -Phelps Mill Paint, Supplies -Phelps Mill Calls for Sheriff Calls Special Duty Guard Duty Gas 11 & Wash job on Labor & Parts ~laintenance Supplies Supplies II Photo Finishing Service Care of prisoners dogs Matron fees ~ II 11 11 & Huber Law Witness Fee Witness & mileage fees Witness fee II II II II II II Coroners fees II II Services, Canvassing Board II II II II Mileage -.Election judge Cary election ballots to P.O. Procuring Election Ballots II II II II II II II II II II II II II II $181.44 216.CO 4C6.60 305.20 353,94 354,44 99,80 67,97 260.10 387,CO 28.)9 18.CO 18,0C 60.0C 18,C.O .40 18.21 44,CO 178,30 2.58 2.98 1.22 134.40 P3.CC 7,99 48,80 1)5.61 1G9,20 26.00 10,CO 16.82 59.28 1,8,46 2.80 64,93 1,6.11 7,29 215,56 .• 55 10.09 45,90 5,06 35,CC 20.0C 145.CO 7,CO 27.52 4,30 ·7,co 3,92 5,50 ;,5.25 )66.10 ?4,CO 15,oc 15,0C 9,60 3,0C 1,00 2.15 1,00 1.10 1.0C 1,30 1,00 2,50 1,45 8.50 1.00 1.oc 1.oc 1.75 l,CO 7.50 1.60 1.00 ih,15 1.oc 1.45 1.ro l,CC 1,60 1,37 l,OC 1.oc 1.15 1.oc 1.15 1,75 1.co ~ 121 ,J. 122 i; I !!! ,, ! I i ;, I ' [! I. , •I ,, ! I ,,, ,. ', ) ,, /'' j'' I I ·i I I I I •· ~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IRu■ln PIIHIH COMPANY, IT,CLOUD.■INN. C:Jlal Arlin Sieling L. W. Sundberg Clarence F. Doll Glenn A. Risbrudt George E. Femlirig Warren E. Beckman Nobel Huse Roy G. Lenhart · Robert E. Zitzow Mrs. LaVay Wallevand Noble T. Fronning C. A. Helander · Orval Leabo Julius M. Nelson David Huttenen · Alphonse J. Primus Frank M. Breuer· Herbert E. Steeke Jesse Wiscpnak John E. Jennen Earl Hust.ad lfonna Lukken Herbert :l-'1acklanb'urg Emil ~landeri Maniood E. Rude · Stanley Sha Lawrence Krekeltlerg Ernest Eckhoff · Eugene J. Stoll Otto Hoffman Ernest Herting • Lyle Searles 1rnest O. Nelsori Don K. Garber Edwin Mielke Ralph Skistad Larry l'1arquard Ervin Iverson hlizabeth Sundbrad Willis Schier Conrad L. Gran · Herbert Schroeder Laural Gunderson Vernon Seeba Wilfred J. li.stes James Mattfeld · Stanley Haugdahl: Goldie Eide Cecil D. Fett, Sr. Jake Vandermay • Arnold Swanson · George Pete. son · Ray Jacobson Gordon Poss Roydon Kugler Harry Jorgenson· Wilmar Jetenberg Ernes·t Niskala Selmer Moen Ernest Hovland Melvin Wittmayer' Glenn Scott Howard Eide Arnold Hemauist • James E., Ahlfs · Verner A. Ander!lon H. E. Bengtson · J. Harold Peterson Frieda Huwe Arnold M, Haugrud Vern G. ~oppelman F'rank Lachmdtzer Robert J. li.sser · Mrs, Laura Dcrt:i:n er Lois Sundberg Lauis Honrud Raymond Alberty Truman Risbrudt · Hilding Olson George Harthun · John A. Grimstad' Lloyd Sonstebo Vernon Knutson Orion Dahlager Ray G. L11nhart L. J. Wolters . • Robert E. Zitzow Glen 'Chomas Addison Stock Merl Pexsa DATE .............................. October .. 9th .......................... l9 .. 1:8. Pro~ring Election Ballots. II II II II II II II II II Making Election Returns II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II $ 1.90. l.CO 1.90 1,60 ~-40 1.30 2.().5 1.cc l.CC' l,OC 2,88 1,,75 2.05 J.70 10,75 10,75 9,25 10,45 7,60 2,43 1,.30 4,75 8,50 8,50 ::>. 95 1,75 6,25 ·e.50 '5.87 6.55 6.25 5,50 10,75 6.25 7-~5 .?,20 2,20 8,50 3,1.0 3,55 3.70 1.75 6,25 2.80 1..90 8,50 6,25 6.25 8.50 10.co 7.1.5 7.CO 6.i.o 6.02 1..37 i..cc 8.80 9,25 6.25 5.5() 8.50 '?.27 2.95 6.25 6.25 8.35 11,50 7,75 8,50 1..90 1.,30 7.75 8,05 8.50 4.0( 4,CO 7.CO 4.CO 5.50 4.90 3.10 J.10 4,0p 2,95 2,50 7.CC. 7.C.C 5.50 J,25 9,25 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Htlen Skramsted Herb Christensen, Jr. Henry Polkinghorn Myrtle E. Logas Village of Pernam Fergus Falls Journal Henning Advocate Northwest Publishing Co. Doc. Sec. State of Minn. Mason Publishirrg Co. Whitings Office Equip ment Lystads, Inc. Enstad-Larson, Inc. Insurance Serv:i:ce Agency Addressograph-1-lultigraph Addressograph..l-!.ultieraph Gaffaney's IB-1 Corporation S.C.M. Corporation American Guidance Serv., Inc. Cooper's Office Supply Davepport's St.ti.onery Farnham's Miller,,Davis Cci. Nelson Bros. PI'tg. Oswald Publishfng Co. Panama Beaver., "Inc. Poucher Printi~g & Lith. Security Blank"Book & Prtg. Victor Lundeen"& Co. Victor Lundeen·& Co. The Pierce Co.· Xerox Corp. Xerox Corp. Carolyn Helgesdn Lorna McCabe · Carolyn HelgenSon Mrs. Dorothy M; Johnson Gloria Opatz Rachel Hexum Mrs. Ovlie Bormann Mrs. Lawrence Douglas Mrs. Edward ~wards Verlie Grover · Mrs. Robert H. Johnson Doris Jorgenson Mrs. Bud Larson Mrs. Ina McLaughlin Evelyn Leth Mrs. Charles Lewis Edna Nelson Mrs. Pearl Ronning Mrs. 1d Skoglund Mrs. John Steblay Selma Swensrud" Village of Perham East Otter '.l:ail Tel. Co. Wadena Pioneer"Journal N.W. Publishing co. Wanek Locksmith Philip M. Kjaglien Philip M. Ijaglien Rac~el J. Estrem N.W. Bell Tel. Co. Coopers Office· Supply Victor Lundeen & Co. Secretarial Service Public Utiliti"es DEpt. Straub Co. EJave' s Standard Firestone Olsons Resort & Trailer Park Rolfson's Riverside Res. Service Oil Froelich Marin•e City of Fergus· Falls Arnold Koski • Andy's 66 Service Andy's 66 Service Andy's 66 Service Andy's 66 Service Becklund-Rian Oil Co. Bengtson Oil Co. Consumers Co-dp Oil Co., Henning Coop Services,· Inc • Dave's Standar"d Service, Henning Eldon's Standard Service Farmers Co-op ·cry. Ass•n. Firestone Store Fossen Oil Co: Hank's East Siae Service DATE ...................................... October .. 9th .................. l 9 ... 68 Po stage stamps Bulldozing dump Mileage & expense, tuition & Reg. fee Adv. Com pd. drvs. lice9ae agts., Sept. Office rent Publications, Aug. & Sept. Advertising Advertising Minn. Statutes for 167 Dun. Digest Rental of calculators pest control Ins. premium Ins. -burglary Maintenance -machine Maintenance -machine Maintenance II II Supplies Services Mileage Mileage Postage Mileage, expense, tuition etc. Mileage Postage Mileage Att'd Nursing Bd. Mtg. Att'd Nursing Ba. Mtg. Att!d Nursing Bd. ~ltg. Att'd Nursing Bd. Mtg. Re t Galls & Service Adve!'tising Advertising II II Keys for nursing office doors Mileage & expense Postage, d8es & mche rental Mileage Callls Supplies II Services Utilities Rent Gas & oil Gas II II II Labor & parts Transient Relief TB checkup Gasoline, etc. II II II II II II $ 30.co 47.50 132. 70 16.25 60.00 672.55 1.-55 ·4.32 44.00 17.50 270.00 00.-25 75.00 95.0C 440.96 516.12 35.co 47.9e 63,CO 12.43 99.36 24.46 26.CO 318.25 1,023.50 51.83 29.59 · 109.63 1,335.12 486,30 623.75 21.67 124.95 42.50 67;65 33.45 5.00 148,75 3,83 1.09 5.25 9.61· 4,80 14.40 5.10 37.73 2.70 19.05 7.65 4.95 37,80 3.00 · 0.25 7-35 53.10 35~00 27.62 2.co 1.50 10. 50 115.63 17.00 5.1/J 28.60 5,90 45.33 5.95 4.62 50.00 12.47 8.41 26.58 21.20 5.42 82.02 145.16 10.oc ·192. 52 179.69 205.27 193.60 45.01 98.04 122. 77 38.20 43.1,3 ·156.r6 270.63 36.09 · 67."29 129. 57 ~ 123 -~/124 1' i ' ' Ii :, I' I. COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Plllltl■-, IT,CLOUD,lll•N. C':2161 Hoot Lake Pure Oil }!ischke Oil Station Mayo's Standard' Service Perham Co-op Oi"l Co, Ray's Oil Co, . S & F Oil Company Service Oil Co.", Battle Lake Shell Service, 'N. Y ,t, •• Theodorson's Mobile Service Twli.n I s l:.otor Coinpany Erhard Oil Co. . Penrose Oil Co." Soliah & Braatz Oil Co, Standard Oil Co,, Battle Lake Standard Oil Co., Henning Standard Oil Co., Pelican Rafi ds Arrow Equipment, Inc. Case Power & Equipm ent tieyden-Murphy ~quipt. Co, Hi-Lo Equipment Co, Minnesota Tractor Co, Ziegler, Inc. · Vegors 1nterprises Handy Governor'Sales Bertelson Weld:lng Harvey Bullock ' Dent Oil Co, . Ebersviller1s tnc., P.R. Fergus Dodge, !nc. Gaylord Matson ·Repqir International Harvester Co, International Harvester Co, Knuttila Impl. ·co., Inc. Larson Welding · l,illegard, Inc; Olson Auto Electric Pelican Valley'Motors, Inc. Perham F~nn Supply Co, Service Garage; P.R. Smith's Farm Supply Stan's Garage · Super G.M.C. Truck Sales Clarence A, Syverson Suhr Ford Sales Vergas Motor Service Del Chemical Corporation Phoel Manufacturirg Co, Eutectic ¼elding Corp. Coast-to-~oast'Stores, F.R. Erickson-Helleckson-Vye Co., P.R. Gamble Store, N.Y.M. General Trading Co. Genuine 1-arts Co, Holten Lumber · Pelican Paint & Glass Perham t:.fg. Co, · Sigelman Hide &. Fur Tesch Lumber Co, Vergas Hardware Co, Welders Equipm'ent Wilcox Lumber Co., Henning Wilcox Lumber C.o. , N. Y .r.. Northwestern Refining Co, Paper, Calmenson & Co, Elk River Cone: Prod. Co, Melvin McGowan·c Vergas Cry. Ass'n. Michaelson Bros. Inc. Calvin E.. Berven Doc's Tire Service Northwood Specialty Co, Village of Henning City of Fergus· Falls R.E..A, Express· Pelman iransfer, Inc. Otter '!ail Power Co, Construction Bulletin Fergus Journal' Co, Minn. State Automobile Ass'n. ~•inn. Dept. or' High\\"ays Art Sign Material Co, Mpls Blue Printing Co, Poucher Printing & Litµ, Co, Miller-Davis Co, Cooper's Office Supply 1ast Otter Tail Tel. Co, N.W.Bell 1'el. ·co., F.F. Midwest Telephone Ceil, Park Region Mutual Tel. Co, N.w. Bell '.rel.' Co, Pelican Telepnone Co. N,\oJ, Bell Telephone Co,, \o,adena DATE ................................ October 9 Ga oline etc. 11' Di sel Fuel II II II II etc. II II II II II II Parts II II II II II Repairs Supplies Asphalt Cut ting Edges Culverts Seeding Seed II Equipt. Rental Chain Saw Rental Tires Lathe ·····················19.68. Garage Rental & Elec. Service Maintenance Express Freight Prints Ad for Bids II II II Supplies Services Supplies II II II Service Service & Tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II $115,30 63.23 105.84 53,52 1C7.93 1,524.04 84,31 58,71 80.82 94,29 181.66 65,39 37.80 591.49 77,50 141,00 19.72 253,53 47.02 61.10 163.18 728,79 23,52 55,20 6,0C ·25,cc 3.60 15,65 34,40 8,00 145,60 110.a.3 30,76 21. 50 6,85 47,27 6,0C 19,42 9~40 2,CO 28.19 68,90 3,50 29,33 169.C6 72,43 99.77 109,25 13,60 22.98 5,90 133,34 50,42 60,75 9,17 2, JO 142.94 3,65 76.74 20.60 JO.SO 4,27 726. 51 257,52 ·8c.6o 574. 70 917.6C 191,50 2,CO 287:44 20,CO 354,45 561.25 J4.8C 27.70 71.82 30,80 14.70 22,40 1,350,42 46.88 90,49 61.88 2·2.65 22.50 50,60 96.12 22. 26 16.55 25,02 11."67 12,CO COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IGWH.IAIIJIIII.COJIP.AHL..1.1.& G. D. Harlow Park Region Mut. Tel. Co. Mac's Fann Service Wendell P. Huber Wendell P. Huber DATE ................................. 9£tober .. 9th ....................... 19 .. 68 Expense Service & Tolls Supplies Expense Cash Advances Upon motion the meeting adjourned to 10: 00 A.M., November 12th, 1968. Attest: Chainnan Clerk 1-1.INUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUHTY COi.MISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA $216.20 17.73 160.co 190,50 14.82 Pursuant to cal.l, the Board met at 10:CO o'clock A.M., October 15th, 1961\, all members present. ' Motion was made,seconded and carried to complete sodding at the County Nursing Hane this fall. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to pay $3,COO now, and balance due 1,•hen completed, to Gramstad-Stras for demolishing the old Otter Tail County Nursil!·g Home, from County Nursing Home Constmi.ct-ion Fund. The Board, having previously advertised for bids on S.A.P. 56-677-03, Bridge #56514, Bluffton ~own- ship, proceeded to op en bids as follows: Industrial Bldrs. Korby Contracting Co. Peterson Bros-;- Walt Prahm & Son, Inc. Swingen Constr, Co. Young Constr, Co, Wendland & Dwire Fargo, N.D. Fergus Falls, Minn. Montevideo, Minn, Slayton Grand Forks, N.D. St. Paul, Minn, Balaton, Minn-. $47,815,60 36,135,25 43,541.60 40,624.50 47,925,50 49,662.22 37,796.35 After consideration the Board accepted the bid of the Korby Contracting Compan~ of Fergus Falls in in the amount of $36;135,25, Jerry Anderson, Cal Stoller and Carl Rickert appeared before the Board as Candidates for the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission and presented their v:i.ews, 1-!r. Rickert was appointed to a term that runs until January 1st, 1969, Certificate of Completion of County Road \.,ork. TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA: We, the undersigned majority of the County Board of said county hereb)7 certify tht we have examined the road work done by McLaughlin & Schultz, Inc., on that certain road described as follows: Marshall, Minnesota 56258 C .P. 68:SS Sand Seal -County liide together with contract for the same and that we find said work has been properly done and perfonned according to said contract, Dated this 15th da~• of October, 1968, James Buch:>lz Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Otto Haase Attest: Harvey Morrill K. rl. Hanson Dounty Auditor --~ 125 ). , '° 126 r,#= I I i' ' I. II i •I ,, 1 · ·r·.:··. . : I 1,.' I ' ; I I" I I: ·1, '' COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. D October 15 9·r. 68 .. ATE .................................................................................. 1 ....... . HCURITY Nl■TINI COIi PA NY. Ir The followirg resolution was adopted: Resolve4 by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail ~ounty, Minnesota, October,15, 1968, that WHEREAS the board has heretofore contracted with McLaughlin and Schultz, Inc .• , Marshall, Minnesota, J:or County Wide Sand $eal, and WHEREAS t~e work has now been completed and Final Estimate No, 3 in the amount of $7,388,13 is due, THEREFORE, The County Aucu,tor is hereby authori~ec! to issue a warrant to McLaughlin & Schultz, Inc., Marshall, Minnesota in the amount of $7,388.13, Dated this 15th day of October, 1968. Sam Nycklemoe Chairman Attest: K W Hanson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, that WHEREAS constructing \\Orks of improvement by the Soil Conservation Service has been performed in accordance with Phelps Mill project measures agreement dated March 4, 1968 for tl-e period May 1, 1968 to June 21, 1968, as follows: Bid Item Structure Removal Excavation Riprap Spreading topsoil, water disposal system, concrete curb & gutter, and seeding Total Cat $, 180,00 1,912,00 8,372.00 . 6,255.00 Otter Tail Countv Share $ 20,70 1,561, 53 2,720.90 719.33 $5,022_.46 THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized to issue a warrant to the Soil Conserv~tion Service in the amoll!'lt of $5,022.(i.6, Dated this 15th day of October, 196~ •. T}H. Attest: Sam Nyckleno e fhairman K. W. Hanson Clerk The Pelican Town Board appeared before the Board asking for aid fran the County in rebuilding the roPd that was used by the County as a detour when Highway #59 was under construction. Motion was made, seconded and carried that t.he County 1ay $600,00 to the To\\nship of Pelican for special assistance in r ep2iring the townshi,r z:oad, There being no further business the me~ting.was adjourned, Chairman Attest: Clerk ..... COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HClll'l'f Pll■TIIIG CO■PAIIY, ST,CLOUD,■INN-c:uoa DA TE .......................... November 12th .......... 19 .. 68. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD CF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNES0TA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of.County.Commissioners of Otter Tail County met et 10:CO A.M., November 12th, 1968, all members present. Weed inspectors, Frank Roberts and Kenneth.Clamby appeared before the Board and reported on their inspection ac- tivities during the past SUDDner. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to re-appoint Frank Roberts and Ken- neth Clamby as Weed Inspectors for the year 1969. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to re-appoint Clarence W. Peterson and·Carl Rickert to the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission for a three year tenn beginnirg .January-1st, 1969. Robert A. Anderson, President of the Ottertail Lake Property Owners Association, Inc., appeared before the Board regarding pollution control and requested Board approval of the-organizations plans to apply to·the Resources Conservation and Developnent Commission for a study of pollution and its degree of affect-on the lakes in the Otter Tail Lake area. The Board granted unanimous approval. Robert A. Andermn requested all names submitted to the County Board as cand:illtes for·the Planning Advisory Com- mission (to which Carl Rickert was appoipted), be listed. Tney are as follows: Cal Stoller, Gerald.T. Anderson, Carl Rickert, Leonard Saewert and Robert Anderson. Leonard Saewert. and Hobert Anderson declined and the remaining '1:hree candi- dates appeared before the Board as r,;portep in the October 15th minut.es. Dr. Henry Kord~ and Truman Strand appeared bef~re the Bpard repr~senting the Village of Pelican Raµi.ds and the Pelican Rapids Rotary Club, respectively. They presented their application to the Resources Conservation and Developnent for a proposed foot bridgeproject over the Pelican River linking the E. L. Peterson Park with the Sherin Manorla.l. Park. The Board granted unanimous approval. The Board having previously advertised for bids for Rock Salt proceeded to open bids as follows: Cutler-Magner Co, International Salt Co, Duluth, Minnesota Clarks SWlllllit, Pensylvania $26.20 p~ ton 22. 80 per ton The Board having previously advertised for bids for Calcium Chloride proceeded to open bids ~•hich were all re- jected because of variance in quality, to be readvertised for the December lCth meeting. A motion was made,seconded and unanimously carried to grant an extension of time to the Zimmeunan Construction Company on Project No. CH 68:116 because the State Highway Department is using it at the present time for a haul road. TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA: We, the undersigned majority of the County Board of said county hereby certify that we have examined the road work done by McLaughlin & Schultz, Inc. Marshall, Minnesota 56258 on that certain road described as follows: C.P. 68:SS Sand Seal -County Wide together with contr~ct for the same.and that we find said work has been properly done and performed accordjng to said contract, Dated this r5th day of October, 1968. James Bucholz Bennie J. Johnson Sam NycklEIIDe Otto Haase Harvey M0 rrill Attest: K. w; Hanson County Auditor TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA: We, the undersigned majority of the County Board of said county hereby certify that we have examined the road work done by McLaughlin & Schultz Fairway Construction Company Harry Hofland M1chaelson Bros., Inc. Leonard Hillstrom Clarence Drewes Ed Zimmennan II II II II Conroy Construction Fairway Construction Company Traffic Marking Service, Inc. Marshall, Minnesota 56258 Hector, Minnemta 5534~ Perham, Minnesota 56573 Madison, Minnesota 56256 Vergas, Minnesota 56587 Detroit Lakes, Minnesota 56501 Barrett, Minnesota 56311 ti II II Dumon~, Minnesota 56236 Hector, Minnesota 55342 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 .~ ,, ; ·, '127 rf 128 I· I I: COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. November .. 12th ................................. l9 ... 68 IIECUAllY Pll■TINI COIIPA■Y. H.CLOVD,IIINN. Q':230I on that certain road described as follows: County wide Sand Seal -C.P. 68:SS CSAH #22 bet. CSAH #J and CSAH #35, 10 •. 0 mi. N, of Und eri,.ood. S. P. 56-622-0J) CSAH #49 bet, CSAH #14 in Richville & T.H. #108. S.P. 56-649-02 .) CSAH #51 bet, CSAH #60, J.5 mi. E. of Luce, an:i 0.26 mi. S. S.P. 56-651-0J ) CSAH #60 bet, T.H. #10 at Luce and CSAH #51. S.P. 56-66C-04 ) CSAH #6+ bet. CSAH #16, 215 mi. W, of Henning, and 5.9 mi. N. S.P.56-661-0J) CSAH #67 bet, C.H. #148 at Butler and North Line of Otter Tail County CSAIII #8 located on 1:1.ttle Pine Lake, 2,7 mi. N.E. of Perham. CSAH #64 located·at the jct. of CSAH #64 and T.H. #78, 12 mi. Lake, S,P. 56-664-02 s. P. 56-667-07 ) S.P.56-608-02) s. of Battle i CSAIII #JJ bet. T.H. #210, E. of Fergus Falls, and 4.4 mi. S.E. SP. 56-6JJ-01 CSAH #15 bet, jct. of CSAH,#2, 10.0 mi. S,W. of Fergus Falls N. to S. jct, of,C.H. #114. S.A.P. 56-615-06, CSAH #25 bet, 5.2 mi. S. of Fergus Falls, N, to 0.2 mi. S. of I,H. #94~ .S,A.P. 56-625-06, CSAH #41 bet, jct. of CSAH #4 and South 2,2 mi. 2,5 mi. S.W. of Vergas. S.A.P. 56-641-01. CSAIII #42 bet, 6 mi. N.E. of i arkers Prairie to jct. of CSAH #40. S.A.P. 56-642-0~ and) CSAH #48 bet, 1 mi. S. of Woodside at the jct. of CSAIII #42 qnd E. 0.606 mi. ) ~· . . . s·.A.P.· · 56-648-01 ) ' CSAH #85 bet, T.H, #1C8 and N.""to jct. with CSAH #35, J mi. S. of Vergas. S.A.P. 56-685-01 C.H. #112 bet. CSAH #15 and CSAH #1, 8.0 mi. S.W. of Fergus Falls C.P, 68:112 C.H. #125 bet, jct. T.H. #108, 4 mi. E. of Dent, and jct, of CSA~ #34, 5 mi, W. of Perham C.P, 68:125B County Wide Center Striping -C.P. 68:C.S. together with contract for the same and that we find said ~.ork has reen properly done and perfonned according to said contract. Dated this 12th day of November, 1968. James Bucholz Bennie Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Attest: Otto Haase K. W. Hanson Harvey Morrill County Auditor The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Couhty, Minnesota, that WHEREAS this Board has heretofore contracted with Super GMC Truck Sales, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, for one 1969 Model CE 1590D GMC Pickup Truck, and WHEREAS same has been delivered to the Sheriff's Department, Otter Tail County, NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordered that a warrant be issued to the Super GMC Truck Sales in the anount of $1,174.75, the bid price, plus $95,65 for additional items specified to be purchased, for a total price of $1,270.40. Adopted this 13th day of November, 1968. Sam Nycklemoe Chairman Attest: K. W. Hanson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Boo.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS this Board has heretofore contracted ~;ith Traffic Marking Service, Inc., Buffalo, Minnesot and the same having been completed to the satisfaction of the County Board and WHEREAS they having filed with the County Auditor their certificate of acceptance, NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordered that a warrant in the amognt of $1,296.01 be issued to Traffic Marking Servj.ce, Inc., Buffalo, Minnesota as final payment on this contract. Adopted this 12th day of November, 1968. Sam Nycklanoe Atgest: K. W. Hanson Clerk =---------------------------------------....'\ COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. November 12th 19 68 DATE ......................................................................................... . srcu••n Pllll'flllO COIIP&IIY, ST.CLOUD,IIIIIH-Q":"2309 The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of· County Commissiorers of mtter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with Little Falls Machine, Inc., Little F.al;I.s, MiMesota for 2 One W~ Snow Plows and 2 Snow Wings and the same having been delivered to the County Board NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordered that a check in the amount of $4,240,00 be issued to Little Falls Machine, Inc., Little Falls, Minnesota. Adopted this 12th day of November, 1968. Sam Nycklemoe Chairma, Attest: K, W. Hanson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnemta, that WHEREAS this Board has heretofore contracted with F.d Zimmerman, Barrett, MiMesota.fqr.Grading &.,Aggregate Sur~ facing on S,A,P. 56-642-05 & S,A.P. 56-648-01 and the same having been completed to the satisfaction of the County Board and WHEREAS they ha-ving filed with the C~unty Auditor their certificate of acceptance, NOW, THEREFORE, It is ordered that·a warrant in the amount of $11,668~14 be issued to Ed Zimmerman, Barrett, MiMesota as final payment on this contract. Adopted this 12th day of November, 1968, Attest: Sam NycklellD e K. W. Hanson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Coounissio!B"s of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that \oH EREAS this Board has heretofore contracted with Ed Zimmerman, Barrett, MiMesota for Grading & Aggregate Sur- facing on S.A.P, 56-685-01, C.P. 68:85 and the same having been completed to the satisfaction of the County Board and WHEREAS they having filed with the County Auditor their certificate of acceptance, NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordered that a warrant in the amount of $4,967.17 be issued to Ed Ziounennan, Barrett, MiMesota as final payment on this contract, Adopted this 12th day of November, 1968 • . , Sam Nycklemoe Attest: K. W. Hanson Clerk The fqllowing resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiM esota, that WHEREAS this Board has heretofore contracted with F.cl ZinuneI1Bn, Barret~, .Minnesota,. for Grading and Aggregate Sur- facing on S.A,P, 56-641-01, C,P. 68:41 and the same having been completed to the satisfaction of the County 0oard and WHEREAS they having filed with the County Auditor their certificate of acceptance, NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordered that a warrant in the amount of $.3,120,41, be issued to Ed Zimmerman, Barrett, Minne- sota as final payment on this contract. Adopted this 12th day of November, 1968. Sam Nyckleroo e Attest: K. W. Hanson CJirk 129 I: i: I,· ! 130 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... November .12th ......................... 19 ~ .. . 1tcU11n PIIIITIII COIIPHT, IT.CLOUD,lll■N, CF2D The followi.rg resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS this Board has heretofore contracted with Fairway Construction Company, Hector, Minnesota, for Road Mix Bituminous Surfacing, C.P. 68:125B and the same having been completed to the satisfaction of the County Board, and WHEREAS they having filed with the County Audi tor their certificate of acceptance, NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordered that a warrant in the amount of $2,815,86 be issued to Fain.,ay Construction Canpany, Hector, Minnesota, as final payment for this contract. Adopted this 12th day of November, 1968. Attest: Sam Nycklanoe K. W. Hanson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED By the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS I.his Board has heretofore contracted with Leonard Hillstran, Vergas, Minnesota for Grading and Aggregate Surfacing on C.P. 68:15 S.A.P. 56-615-06 and the same having been completed to the satisf'!cµon of the County !loard and WHEREAS they having filed with the County Auditor their certificate of acceptance. NOW, THEREFORE, It is ordered that a warrant in the amount of $1,206.59 be issued to Leonard lillstrom, Vergas, Minnesota as final payment on this contract. Adopted this 12th day of November, 1968. Attest: Sam Nycklanoe K. W. Hanson Clerk The following resol,ution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS this Board has heretofore contracted with Conroy Construction, Dumont, Minnesota for Grading and Aggre- gate Surfacing on C.P. 68:112 and the same having been completed to the satisfaction of the !)ounty Board and .. WHEREAS they having.filed with the County Auditor their certificate of acceptance, NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordered that a warrant in the amount of $6,719,00 be issued to Conroy Construction, Dumont, Minnesota as final payment on this contract, Adopted this 12th day of November, 1968, Attest: Sam Nycklemoe K. W. Hanson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS this Board has heretofore contracted with Clarence Drewes, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota for Grading and Aggregate Surfacing on S,A.P. 56-625-06, C,P. 68:25 and the same having been completedto the _s~tisfaction of .the County Board and WHEREAS they having filed with the County Auditor their certificate of acceptance, IIK)W, THEREFORE, it is ordered that a warrant inthe amount of $6,485,67 be issued to Clarence Drewes, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, as final payment for this contract, Adopted this 12th day of November, 1968, Attest: Sam N;ycklanoe K. W. Hanson Clerk COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... November .. ~~th . ·················19. 68. HCHITY Pll■IINI COIIHNY, IT,CLOUD.IIINN, G': The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter 'l'ail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS this Board has heretofore contracted with Clarence Drewes, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, for Grading & Aggre- gate Surfacing on S.A,P. 56-655-04, C,P. 68:55 and the same having been completed to the satisfaction of the County .Beard and WHEREAS they having filed with the County Auditor their certificate of acceptance, NOW, THEREFORE, It is ordered that a warrant in the amount of .$5,404,41 be issued to Clarence Drewes, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, as final payment on this contract, Adopted ·this 12th day of November, 1968, Sam NycklEllloe Chairman Attest: K, W. Hanson Clerk The following ·resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Beard of County Co11J11D,ssioners of Qtter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS this Board has heretofore contracted with Clarence Drewes for grading on S.A,P, 56-683-07, C,P. 68:SJ and the same having be~ompleted to the satisfac~ion.of the County Board and WHEREAS they having filed with the County Auditor their certificate of acceptance, NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordered that a warrant in the amount of $2,912.39 be.issued to Clarence Drewes, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, as final payment on this contract, Adopted this 12th day of November, 1968. Sam Nycklemoe Chairman Attest: K. W. Hanson Clerk RESOLUTION OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, Otter Tail County, by t.he Otter Tail County Bard of Commissioners and Wilkin County by the Wilkin County Board of Conunissioners desire to construct a gravel base and bituminous surfacing on a county line road common to both co.unties between Interstate #94 and T ,H, #108. This read being further described .as County State A:id Highway #11 in Otter Tail County and 'county State Aid Highway ·021 in Wilkin County, • NCW, TH~EFORE, IT IS HEREBY RJfSOLVED, by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners that Otter Tail County State Aid Highway ffll and Wilkin County State Aid Highway #21, hereby be construct~d in accordance with t.he plans and specifications as determined by the County Highway Engineers of Otter Ta.i.l County and Wilkin County. IT IS ALSO HEREBY AGREED that, 1. The preliminary and construction engineering shall be performed by the Wilkin County Highw~ Department and that this cost shall be shared fifty per cent (50%) by the County of Otter Tail and fifty per.cent (50%) by the County of Wilkin. 2. The original plans .sqa~l be approved and signed by both the Wilkin County and the Otter Tail County Engineers prior to said plans being effective or legally binding upon their respective counties, Dated at Fer gus Falls, Minnesota this 12th day of November, 1968. Sam Nycklemoe Chairman K. W. Hanson County Auditor (Seal) MINNE"SOl'A DEPAR'IMENT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FORM NO. 11 Be it resolved that the Commission.er of Highways be and h'e hereby is authorized and reciueslted to take such steps and perform such acts on behalf of the county of Otter Tail as may be necessary to have the construction and im- provement of the roads hereinafter described prop.erly approved by the Federal Highway Administrator as a Federal-Aid secondary project eligible for the expenditure of federal funds thereon and eligible for present construction and the letting of a contract therefor. CSAH #12 CSAH #J2 CSAH #41 CSAH #47 CSIIH #56 CSAH #76 CSAH #77 CSAH #SJ CSAH #85 From Jct. CSAH #47, 6 mi, E, of Dalton to Jct. T.H. #78, 7 mi. S of Battle Lake Prom Jct, CSAH #14, in Basswood -West J,047 mi·~ From Jct. CSAH #4 -South 2,235 mi, Fromt Jct. CSAH #12, 6 mi. E, of Dalton to 4,5 mi. North From Jct. CSAH #67 -East 4,722 mi, From Jct, T,H. #10 to Jct. CSAM #19 From Jct. T.H. 29 to Jct. T.H. #10 From J mi. N.W. of Battle Lake to 1,6 mi. S, of Jct, CSAH #1 Fran Jct. T.H. #108 w. of Dent to Jct. CSAH #35, S. of Vergas 3,963 mi. J,047 mi. 2.235 mi. 4,5C8 mdi, 4,722 mi, 4, 5C11 mi. 2.7C6 mi. 2,148 mi. J.058 mi. 131 J. 132 I' I' COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ November .12th ........................... 1968 .. . ,amn-.1liriH coi,,1ii, ST,CLGUa,IIINN. Adopted this 12th day of November, 1968. (SEAL) Sam Nycklemoe Chairman Board of County Conmdssioners K, W, Hanson County Auditor A delegation from Parkers P.rairie, Earl Lillestrand as spokesman, requesting approval by the County Board on an application to the Resource Conservation and Development Conmdssion for,developn ent of a nire-hole golf course and practice range on the south edge of Parkers Prairie. Unanimous approval was granted by the County Board, Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to appoirt. Cal Mielke to fill the vacancy on the Phelps Mill Park Board res~lting from the death of Geneva Tweten. Upon motion the meeting was adjourned to 10:00 A,M, o'clock, November 13th, 1968. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10:00 A,M, o'clock, November 13th, 1968, all members present. Vernon Bachmann appeared before the Board requesting permission to hold open house at the Otter Tail County Historical Society rooms on Sunday, November 17th, 1968, from 1:00 P,i4. to 5:00 P.M. The Board granted unanimous approval. The application for Homestead Classification of Gary W. Amundson in Friberg 'l'ownship was rejectFd uron recommendation by Eugene Davenpcrt, County Assessor, for lack of info:nnation. The application of Edwin Holen for homestead classification and tax credit in Dunn Township was rejected upon recommendation by the Town Board, The application of Eltger H. Nunni for homestead classification in the Village of New York Mills was granted, The application of Robert Berry for homestead classification in Blowers 'l'ownship was approved. The application of Rollie Thiel, Village of Henni~, for reduction of taxes on property over-valued for condition of building approved by the County Board upon condition it is aprroved by the State of Minnesota, Department of Taxation. The application of Mrs. Darwin Hendershot, Village of Deer Creek, for cancellation of personal property tax on a mobile home on which a license had previously been purchased, wasapproved, The application of) Maud Nelson, Lot 9, Naegeli1s Add'n to the City of Fergus Falls for reduction in taxes was approved, an old run down building that decreased ~he value of the lot. Eugene Davenport, County Assessor, appeared before the Board requesting $500.-00 additional cleric hire. Unanimous approval was granted by the Board. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried approving $1,000 additional clerl< hire for the Auditor's office. A motion was made, seconded and carried to pay Vernon E. B"chmann, Superintendent of Schools, $323,CO back pay which was contracted with the Wilkin County and re-imbursedby than. Wendell P. Huber, County Hi-Way Engineer, appeared before the Board with the report from the Robert E. Erickson l!;ngineering Co., St. Louis Park, on the nine bridges inspected as authorized by the County Board. The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids, to be opened at 11:CO o'clock, A.I~., December 10th, 1968, for 120 Tons Ofl·Calcium Chloride in 80 lb. bags, carload lots delivered F .o.B. Fergus Falls or Under,.ood. Bid both Type 2 and Type J. \'ialker files. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried authorizing the County Treasurer to i:urchase Shaw- Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried authorizing the County Treasurer to re-invest $300,0CO,CX:. John Scott and Larry Schram representatives of Minne-Cep, Inc., appeared before the Board presenting their study on the ten county concentrated employm191'1t project and the following statement was issued: We, t~e undersigned County Conmdssioners for the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, in acting for the economic betterment of Otter Tail County, do hereby indicate our cooperation in joining said County into a proposed Economic Developnent District. We select Jim Bucholz, County Conmdssioner, Otter Tail County, to act as temporary Chairman, and on behalf of said County, to designate various individuals representing diverse interests such as Industrial Development Corporations, business, financial, agricultural and labo~ representatives. Signed this thirteenth day of November, 1968. K." W. Han°son COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... November .. 13th ............................. l9 ... 6•~ HCUllff ,■1■11111 co•PAIIY, IT,CLOUD.■ll!IN. G':bOI . The application of Robert A. and Pearl L. Morse for Retailer's On and Off Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor License w~s approved by the County Board • . The application of Floyd Collins for permit to hold dances at Collins Landing was approved by the County Board. . The application of Floyd Collins for permit to allow consumption and display of intoxicating liquor ·at · Collins Landing was approved by the County Board. The following bills were allowed: Carlton E;. Mortepsen Carlton E, Mortepsen Carlton E. Mortensen Donald Lee Merle Bacon John Halvorson James Le'loy Don Lee Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Marvin Pederson • Marvin Pederson . harold Sc~dt . Merlin Rieman Frank A. Callahan LeRoy Amerson . Duane McCrossinr:. Theo. Palmquist Richard Zaayer Henry Budke Harvey Morrill Bennie J. Johnson James Bucholz Otto Haase Sam Nycklemoe Laura E. Hotchki~s Ambrose KliMert. Geraldine McGuir,e Duane Donley Herman Enslin DeMis Greentald.t Ed Skoglund Jeff Tikkanen Frank Roberts Kenneth Clambey Eugene Davenport. Harris W. Iverson Anton N. Glesne . Arthur Boehne Knute Hanson Nels Hanson ---- Anderson Bros. Const. Co. Ebersviller Imp •. Co. Fergus Hdwe. Olson Auto Elec •. Carpenters Hdwe •. Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Dacotah Paper Co. General Trading Co. Holten Lbr. Co •. Plastics, Inc. Johnson Service Co. N.W. Bell Tel.· Co. N.W.Bell Tel. Co .• idling Electric. Fergus Glass & Paint Gambles #1015 Lake Region Sheltered Workshop Wm. Galena & Son. Mobile Radio & T.V. Service Photo Center Hanson Appliance, Service National Bushing. General Trading. Jim Larson Ford . MiMesota Motor. Uselman I s, Inc •. Coast to Coast , Cooper's Office Supply Doc's Tire Service Twin's Motor Miller Gulf Mayo's Standard • Nundahl Oil Hank's East Side Service gerham Co-op Oil Gene's Standard .Service HeMing Sinclair. Mrs. Glen Melby. Esther M0 rtensen Boarding of Prisoners October mileage & meals Fil.ins & postage Subsistence Mileage & subsistence Subsistence pay Mfleage & subsistence Mileage & expense Mileage & subsistence II II II Relief Jailer II II Guard Special Deputy Policy -Phelps Mill Polic;; work -Phelps Mill Police work -Phelps Mill Caretaker -Phelps Mill Police work -Phelps Mill Labor Phelps Mill Mileage~ expense II II II II Per Diem Mileage & Mileage & expense W,0.T, Soil Cons. II II II II II E II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Weed & Seed lnsp. II II II II Mileage & expense II II Expense Dist. II II II II II II II Extra help assessor's office Mileage & expense Civil Defense Dir. Sal'y (Aug. &. Sept.) Att'd Planning CODDII_:_./ Washing Windows Parts II II Supplies Foot Comfort Mats & Supplies Supplies II II II Replaced & repair thermostats Calls 11 and service Repairs Supplies Chest Desk Repairs -Sheriff Residence Service Photo finishing Parts II II Repairs II II Supplies II Tires Gas II II II II II II II Matron's Fees II II $1,047,50 247,40 90,CO 57,CO 399,80 48.CC' 371.90 9,86 246,50 4a3.50 98,00 56.00 10.CO 22.50 10.00 10.00 ao.co · 206.40 10.CO 12.80 22.65 47.50 56.co 54.90 57.00 181~44 220.co 216,00 22.96 14.10 38.25 26.10 28.95 221.75 342.79 118.90 79.87 477.60 120.27 200.oc 52.60 222,48 22.63 .50 l.Jl 7.35 261.07 18.23 3.30 4.85 28.30 166,50 65,97 148,88 19,SJ 19.CO 17.45 19.CO 45.11 33.65 117.47 9,93 2.20 24.06 76,45 100.55 12,31 1.38 24,0li 423,82 12,31 25.46 10.95 230,48 7.51 116,92 29.05 14.66 20.oc 10.00 :, 133 ,,, !1 ' I i I. I ,, ! COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCUlni P■il'rl .. CO■PA■T, IT,CLOUD,■IIIN. Esther Mortensen Laverne A. Olson LaVeme Simdorn Lloyd Penrose Dr. Lewis~. Struthers Henry A. Korda, M,D. Bennie J. Johnson H. J. Hermanson V, A. Ryan James welch Helmer Wentzel Aaro Huttunen Alphonse Primus . Reinhold Langer Cllrence A. Larson Harold Sagerpo11n· ferd Derkey Stanley Sha H. E. Hancock F..ugene J. Stoll : Herbert Johnson Don K. Garber Norbert Klimek M. B. Linrud Herman F..nslin Roy H. Bjorklund_' Hazel Rodman F.dwin Dittman Frank Roberts Alfred Haagensen: Jr. Edward H. Thomps!>n Thorfin Paulson 11mer Kjell James E. Ahlfs Verner A, Anderson Leonard E. Larsop Nonnan Restad Rupert Schmitz• Muriel Moore Arlin Sieling L, W. Sundberg Clarence Doll Glenn Risbrudt Geo, Femling Warren E. Beckmap Nobel Huse Roy Lenhart Donald Zitzow Lallay Wallevand Donald Melaas C. A. Helander Morris Halverson. Vern Charest Marvin Windels Alphonse Roggenki!IIIP Reinhold Langer . II.ester Rader Wenzel Soland Ordean Haarstad Kernd.t Boyum Norma Lukken T. S, Johnson Fred A. Rinas Maie Bergeson Stanford Malcholm Ernest Eckhoff · Harold A, Pardu~ Eugene J. Stoll . Otto Hoffman Ellsword Grahn . Philip Arfstrom. Roslyn Arvidson Ray Schepper Norbert Klimek Elwin Drechsel . l:lifford H. Nelspn Lester Ouren Orris Christianspn Ingvald Viland Herb Schroeder Oscar Moen Wilfred Eastes Henry Jorgenson H. R. 1'orkelson . Hazel 11.odman James Glawe Edwin Dittman Arnold Swanson . Virgil 0. Haugen. Roy Jacobson Gordon Poss Art Walvatne DATE.... .. November .. 13th ............................ l 9. 68. Matron's Fees Witness Fee II II II II Coroner's Fees II II Canvassing Board II II II Deliver Elec. Supplies Procuring election ballots Making Election Returns $ 10.00 6,75 JO.CO 6,75 25,70 25.25 · 21 .. 50 20.oc 20.00 3.00 2.05 2.27 1.00 1.10 1.48 1.00 1.00 2.50 1.48 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.oc 2. 20 1,75 1.15 1.00 1.oc 1.45 1.00 1.53 1.45 1.77 1.00 1.oc 1.15 1.30 1,75 1.00 1.90 1.00 1.90 1.45 2.50 1.37 2.12 1.co 1.or 1.00 3,33 4.75 2.05 3,70 10.75. . 10.00 10.00 10.45 7.60 2.95 4.30 -4. 75 8.50 8,50. . 2,95 1.00. 7.75 7.75 5,88 6,85 6.63 5.50 10.45 7,00 7,75 2. 20 J.75 3,40 3,40 4.00 1,75 6,25 5,20 8.50 6.25 7,0C 8,50 10.38 7, 75 7.00 6,25 6,10 4.38 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 11cu11n Pll■T •• CO■PA■T ST.CLOUD,lllll'N. a--::uoo Wilmar Jetenberg Ernest J. Niskala Marvin Trosdahl· Henry Aarness Richard Sinunons· Harold Keller Howard Eide Arnold Hemquist · James E. Ahlfs · Verner Anderson· Clifford Beldo' J. Harold Peterson Anna Brueske Louis Berndt Kenneth L. Johnson Frank Lachowitzer Robert J., Esser Arlin Sieling Lottie Hoover Louis Honrud Raymond Alberty· Richard Herness · Herbert Stromberg Alex Meyer Joe Grimstad Henry R. Larson· Cyril Grefsrud · Irvin Kolle Roy G. Lenhart Ardella Wolters· Donald Zitzow Russell L. Torkeison Dennis Stock Merl Pexsa Vernon E. Bachman Helen E. Skramsted Helen E. Skramsted Vernon E. Bachman Mrs. Nabel Rossow Vernon E. Bachman Myrtle E. Logas· Eleanor Leidal · -- Gordon H. Pooter & Assoc. Village of Perham Fergus Falls Journal Fergus Falls Journal Pelican Rapids Press Northwestern Pub. Co. Perham-1nterprise Bulletin Pelican To~nshlp Homestead !ownship Minn. State Bar .. Ass•n. Thoms O. Nelsoh Co. Addressograph-Mitl.tigraph Corp. Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Cooper's Office Supply Cooper's Office Supply Davenport Is Fargo Rubber Stamp Works, Inc. Hintgen-Karst Elect. Co. Miller Davis · Monroe lnternatlonal Nelson Bros. Pr'inting Nelson Bros. Pr'inting Nelson Bros. Pr'inting Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. Secretarial Ser'vice Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. State of Minn.-Doc. Section The Pierce Co. · Universal Tel. Ans. Service Victor Lundeen & Co. Gai'faneys Xerox Corp. Xerox Corp. Carolyn Helgeson Lorna McCabe · Dorothy Johnson Gloria Opatz · Amon Peterson Amon Peterson Mrs. Bud Larson Mrs. Charles Lewis Mrs. Ed Skogl~d Inez Nousaine DATE ........................... November .. 13th ........................ 19 ... 68 Making Election Returns II Postage II Mileage, Att1d Mtg. Reg. Deeds Ass'n Mile~ge & expense II cash advanced Adv. Com. pd to Drvrs. Lie. Agts., Oct. Transcript of proceedings II II II Rent, Co. Agent Election publishing Publication Publication Pub. of Tax notice Publication Special Aid II II Handbook for Jurors 65 Atlases Supplies II II II II Rubber Stamp Fan & expension cord Supplies "ibbon Supplies Supplies -Election II II II II Election Supplies Supplies II II II Services Mileage & Expense II II II II II Postage II Att'd Nursing Bd. Mtg. II II II ~I E:.•h iL i:ltf :',j 1" n Home Health Aid $ a.so 9.25 6.25 5.50 8.50 2.12 2.95 6.10 6.25 8.20 ll.50 s.50 s.05 . 4.30 4.30 7,75 8.20 9.25 7.00 4.00 7.00 4.00 5.50 5.50 3.02 3.40 4.38 2.87 2.50 7.00 . 7.00 5.50 4.00 9.25 45.92 60.00 31.50 37.87 67 -~5 20.00 22.30 98.00 283 .oo 60.0C 173.70 lCS.Ot 15.40 11.20 11.20 6C0,00 150.00 10.00 1,1,99.oc· 67.71' . ;38.18 66.'34 45.40 55'.31 4.% 28.28 275.86 2.oc · 433·.s5 438.85 145·.60 97.4b . 11.20 686;85 1,4oi;.46 67.50 31,.22· 119,.00 385.76. 690,75 141.24 42.50 65.83 105.85 70.93 . 5.40 12.60 14.'91 2.70 4.95 s.25 s.25 " 1 136 '· ·i !1 I ,, i i 1:1 1. I:· ' ' I ,. I : ,_;; ' '.I i : I I I I i, ,, 1, COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. llCHlff ,11■rl■I CO■PA■'f, IT.CLOUD,■l•N. G:JIOI Edna M, Nelson Ina McLaughlin Lovie Bormann Mrs. Douglas Mrs. Edward Edwards Mrs. Verlie Grover Kathryn H emmelgil.rn Doris Jorgenson· Mrs, Pearl Ronning Selma Swendsrud · Helen E. Tikkan~n E.O.T. Telephon~ Co. Village of Perhl!IJI Nelson Bros. Prtg, Gentec Hosp. Supply Co. Cooper's Office'Supply Fergus Falls Daily Journal Minneapolis Star & Tribune Northwestern Pub. Co, Parkers Prairie'Independent Perham Enterprise Bulletin 'I'he Fargo Forum· Philip M. Kjaglien Philip M, Kjaglien Rachel J. Estran V. A. Ryan N, W. Bell Tel, ·co, Straub Co, Public Utilities Dept, Eastman Kodak Stores Nelson Bros. Prtg, Secretarial Ser~ice Victor Lundeen & Co. Mineral Springs·Sanatorium Davis Clinic Andy's 66 Service Battle Lake Farmers Union Oil Co. Consumers Oil Co., B.L. Carlson un Co, Consumers Co-op Oil Co. HEl'lning Co-op Services,·Inc, Dan's Texaco Service Dick's Standard'Service Farmers Co-op Ccy. Ass'n., D.C, Farmers Co-op Cry, Ass•n., D.C, Fossen Oil Co. Frazee Texaco Service Hoot Lake Pure · Mayo's Standard' Service, F,F, Mischke Oil Station Nundahl Oil Co,' Penrose Oil Co.· Ray's Oil Co, S & F Oil Co. Service Oil Co,; B.L, Service Oil Co,', Under~od Theodorson 's Mobil Service Twin Is Motor Co·, Vergas Oil Co, D-A Lubricant Cb,, Inc. The Oil Store Soliah & Braatz'Oil Co. Standard Oil Co·,, B,L, Arrow Petroleum' Bluffton Oil Co', Erhard Oil Co• · Park Region Oil" Co, Penrose Oil Co; Standard On Co·,, Perham Geo. T. Ryan Co·, Ziegler, Inc. Minn. Mining & Mfg. Co, Chanco Co. , Inc•, The Zeco Co. Pheoll Manufacturing Co, Paper, Calmenson & ~o. Lyon Chemicals, Inc, Northwestern Refining Co, M-R Sign Co, Fleet Tire Mart, Elk River Cone. Prod. Co, Elk River Cone.· Prod. Co. Pol.man Transfer, Inc, Ed Zimmennan Fairway Construction Co, Grant County Robert E, Erickson Eng. Co, Bettenburg, Towisend, Stolte & Comb Walter Butler Engineering Co, Minn. Dept. of Highways Otter 'l'ail Powe,· Co. Mpls. Blue Printing Co. DATE .......................... November_ 13th ......................... 19 .. 68. Home Health Aid II II II II II II II II II " " Calls & Service Rent Envelopes & Postage Supplies Repairs Advertising Ad, for nurse Advertising " " II Mileage & Expense Postage & machine rental Mileage '! Calls & Service Rent Utilities Supplies " " " Poor Care T.B. patient Gasoline " " " " Gas, etc Gasoline " Gas, etc. Oil " ,etc, " Fuel Oil etc. II II Motor Oil, etc, Diesel Fuel " " " II II Parts " Supplies " " " Steel " II etc, " " " Calcium Chloride Asphalt Signs Tires Arch Pipe Culverts Freight F.quipt, Rental · · Gravel & Bituminous •1aterial Engineering " Plans Bridge Plans l·•anuals Prints Supplies $ 45.68 15,30 17,40 2,55 9,00 7,50 39.00 13,80 5,55 83,55 8,25 37,46 35,00 145,60 4,66 52,25 3,84 27.00 2,40 1.50 1.00 9,00 109.45 18.21 12.15 15,90 38,35 50,00 4,59 133,62 23,87 35,45 22,56 9,10 10.00 112.56 46.73 47,55 70,46 79.25 195,72 8J,16 205.a. 170,71 176,14 25,87 194.66 48,07 66,84 71,13 159,26 149,47 122.41 64.06 203,06 98,49 64.29 54,38 180.66 161.15 · 137.09 19,75 41.50 250.65 . 159,30 · 139,40 · 49,03 89,90 77,50 2.33 2,199, 77 359,92 · 98.02 · 569. 50 41.21 54,60 1,286.00 1,,,66 ,iL5 133,98 524,40 1,647.16 :,54,22 9.50 169,00 655,57 1,778,72 1,9co.oo 490, 'l1 818.12 186.U Jl,92 J6.80 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCU■lff PIIXTIIIG COIIHNT, IT,CLOUD,IIINN. Q':'~ Victor Lundeen & Co, Mo(iroe International, Inc, East Otter '1ail Tel. Co, N.W. Bell Tel, Co,, Wadena Pelican Telephone Co. N, W, Bell Tel. Co,, F,F. Midwest Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Tel, Co,, F,F, Park Region Mutual '!'el. Co, Wendell P. Huber G, D. Harlow Wendell P, Huber F.bersviller Implanent Co. Fergus Dodge, Inc. Fertwengler Electric Shop Hi-Way Auto & Imple. Co. International Harvester Co, Keskitalo Bros. Repair Knutson Electric Knuttila Implement, Inc. Kotz Bros. Blacksmith Larson Welding Arthur J. Lee Little Falls Machine, Inc. Olson Auto Electric Perham Farm Supply Co. Perham Mfg. Co, Riverside Repair Shop Schrader & Koehn Stan's Garage ----Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Super G.M.C. Truck Sales Uselman Electric, Inc, Coast-to-~oast Stores, B,L. Coast-to-~oast Stores, P.R. Co-op Services, Inc. Everts Lumber ~o. Farmers Elevator Co., Erhard Fergus Plumbing & Heating General Trading Co, General Trading Co. Genuine Parts ~o. Hall's Hardware Holten Lumber Co. Hoyt Hardware Jaenisch Industries Kraemer Elevator & Oil Co. Larson Hardware Nat.ional Bushing ~.Parts Sherwin Williams Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Thelen Implement Wilcox Lumber ~o., Vergas Welders F.quipnent Col. Bervin Farmers Co-op Elev. ~o. Firestone Store Les' Tire Service Franklin Fence Co, Boe' s Gulf Service Station Consumers Co-op Oil Co,, BlL. Mark Sand & Gravel Co, Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Mrs. Lenora Lind berg Darol C. Butclier Perham Co-op Oil Co. Crane-Johnson Lbr, Co,, Pel. Rapd. Wilcox Lumber ~o., Henning Farmers Elevator Co., Erhard DATE ..................... November .. lJth .............................. l 9. 68. Supplies II Service & Tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Expense II Cash Advanced Repairs Parts Repair's Supplies Chain Saw Rental Seed Tires & Gasoline Tires Snowfence Gasoline Gasoline etc, Crus hed gravel II II Gravel II Repairs Supplies II Upon motion the meeting adjourned to 10:00 A.M. December lCth, 1968. Chairman Attest: Clerk $ 247,55 2.00 27,61 11.05 10.88 94.87 8.60 J2.91 17,72 225.25 174,15 J.89 150,80 J0,20 4.40 5.25 249,13 5,20 2.50 53;33. 19.15 9.50 5.00 53,00 56.89 27,78 · 2.00 52.13 8,60 131.61 53,24 34,71 92.29 61.47 27.67 22.46 J0,71 15.72 7.72 290.62 190,38 62.09 98,54 17.00 7. '7J 90,00 661,90 50.27 74,24 14.00 11,25 9,25 1,95 29.80 10.00 JOl.55 624,JO 266.66 8,25 46,;1!9 220,00 1,507.00 916.JO 124.00 217.60 27,39 J0.18 37,55 3,30 137 138 I'· ! I - ..,-_,/ COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... December .lcth ........................... 1968 .. 1ltUllTrflliilTlirtoi,a.V, 11.tlDUB,iiiN. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursu·ant to adjournment the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, met at 1.0:.00 A_.M. ,. December 10th, all members present. Gordy Nielsen of the Slilil Conservation Department and delegates from Western Township appeared before the Board regarding the Wetlands r roject (Copeland land) in Western Township. Because of lack of representation tabled until Dec·embe1 20th, at 10:00 A.M. at which time the County Board, the Town Board and the Conservation Department are to meet and view project. follows: The B"oard having previously advertised for bids for 120 tons of Calcium Chloride proceeded to cpens bids as McKesson Chemical L. N; Sickels Co. Jones· Chemicals, Inc. Lyon ·chemicals, Inc. Type 2 Type 3 Type 2 Type 2 $57.00 per ton, F.O.B. Fergus Falls 54.JO per ton, F.O.B. Fergus Falls 58.JO per ton, F.O.B. Fergus 'Falls 58.50 per ton, F.O.B. Fergus Falls After consideration by the Board, motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to purchase 60 ton of Type 2 from McKesson l.hemical at $57.00 a ton and 60 ton of 'l'ype J from L. N. Sickels Co., at $54.JO a ton. Rev. Wm. Van Dyken spokesman for group on Office of Economic Opportunities A.A. Referal Center appeared before the Board requesting assistance from the County. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to pay mileage (10¢ a mile) for al~oholics and their families willing to go to Willmar to attend meetings. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve bill of $144. 00 for ha1.•ling 8:way the hill north of the County ~ursing Home and cleaning dump. and The ~ollowing resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter '!'ail County MiMesota, that WHEREAS the County Board previously accepted the bid of the Gopher Stamp & Die Company for Right of Way Markers WHEREAS same have been delivered and received by the County Highway Department, NOW THEREFORE a warrant in the amount 5f $700.00 is payable to the Gopher Stamp & Die Company~ Saint Paul, MiMesota. Dated this 10th day of Cecember, 1968. Sam Nycklemoe Chairman Attest: K. W. 'Hanson Clerk A deiegation of interested parties from Trondhjem To111nship appeared before the County Board regardinp, a road problem. Motion was made, seconded and w1animously carried to call in the 1'rondhjem Town Board for the February Com.:. missioners I meeti~ • Motion was made, secondj!d and unanimously carried to authorizee:the Nursing Service to hire t,,o Rel,!isterrd Nurses to fill:the vacancy created by the resignation of Carolyn Helgesmn and addjtional servjce needed. A deiegation of various Veterans I organizations screening commit tees appeared before the Board regarding the appointment of·a new Veteran's Service Officerto fill the facancy created in the retirement of Phii Kjaglien. The County Auditor:was authorized to advertise for applicants to be published in local papers for adeadline of January J~st. The application of John Krejci for homestead classification on property on Graham Lake in ~obart "fo••nslii.p ••as rejected upon recommendation of the Town Board. The ~pplication of Inga M. Anderson Duhn for homestead classification in Leaf ~lount.inp, 'l'omship was rejected upon recommendation of the 'l'o111n Board. 'l'he County l·1anning and Advisory. Commission met with the County Board to review the eight ordinance cl'anges made since the meeting of the County Planning and Advisory Commission held in Pelican Rapids. The County Board re~uested the Planning and Advisory Commission to be at the meeting of December 20th, 1:30 P.M. Motion was nade, seconded and unanimously carried to pay the bill as presented by Bov Oslund, County Surveyor, in the amount of $12,227.72. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried allowing Wendell Huber, County Engineer, to attmd the Highway lngineers' Meeting at Hill City in January. COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... December .. 10th ........................................ lg.68 .. 1tcu••n -■l■TING CO■ruy 11,CLOUO.IIINN G•2309 RESOLUTION REVOKING A PORTION OF COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY NO. 1 vol<e W~EREAS, due to the proposed relocation of Trunk Highway #59 through Fergus Falls, it becanes necessary to re- part of the original designation, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the portion of County State Aid Highway #1, as follows: The cent er twenty-four (24) feet beginning at the intersection of Union and Vernon Avenues in the City of Fergus Falls, thence Easterly along Vernon Avenue to where same intersects with Court Street and there tenninating· as on file in the office of the County Auditor, and the Federal Aid Secondary designation' be revoked as such a:id the Commissioner of Highways be, and is hereby, requested to approve such revocation. ' ' Adopted this lJth day of November, 1968. Sam Nycklemoe Chairman Attest: K, W. Hanson County Audi to r CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed, adopted and approved by the County Board of OTTER TAIL County on November lJ, 1968. (SEAL) K, W, Hanson (;ounty Auditor County of Otter Tail Upon motion the meeting adjourned to Wednesd~y, December 11, 1968, 10:CO o'clock A,M. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10:00 A,M., December 11th, all members present. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried authorizing the County Sheriff to send two men to training school in Minneapolis. The CountyTreasurer appeared ):?efore the Board requesting additional clerk hire in the amount of $1,5CO,OO, which was una,nimously approved by the County lloard, Account. The County Treasurer was authorized by the Boa-rd to reinvest Road & Bridge Boros, on the Road and Bridge Bond Motion-was unanimously carried to control parking in the two Court House parking lots, no parkinr. from 12:CO midnigl t to 7:JO A.M. to help with maintenance, The Highway Engineer is to supply signs for this r-urpose, Motion ~as unanimously carried approving the following recommendations in the absence of a Public Health Nurse: I. Acting Agency Director -Dennis Fjested II, Acting Nursing Supervisor -Loma McCabe III •. Administrative Assistant to Director -Amon Peterson IV. Request public health nursing supervision during interim from the State Health Department, V. Any new agency personnel would work out of the Fergus Falls office to better facilitate orientation and on-going supervision and education. Motion was made, seconded and carried to bond Mrs. Dennis Fjestad, Amon Peterson and Ruby Sharp of the County Nursing Service each in the amount of $1,000,00 Board, Bondsw-itten by the General Insurance Company of America on the following employees were approved by the County Roland Winterfeldt, County Welfare IJirector, $10,CCO.OO Vernon C. Salomonsen, Food Stamp Officer, $10,000,00 Myrtle E. Log~ Clerk of Court, $1,000,CO Eileen G, Jensen, Clerk of Court's Clerk, $1,000,0C Marilyn J. Olson, Clerk of Court's Clerk, $1,COO,OO The application of-A~e M, Koeppen for License to Sell Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor at Camp Minneha on West Battle Lake, Girard Township, was approved by the County Board, The application of Charles E. Lewis for permit to allow consumption and display of intoxicating liauor at riockey's Resort, D~nt, was approved by the Board, ' The application ~f Charles E. Lewis for license to sell non-intoxicating malk lir-uor at "ockeys Resort in Dora Township was approved by the Board. the application of Pearl Morse for permit to hold dances at Inspiration Peak Store, in Leaf Mountain To~mship, was approved, Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids forthe follo~ing: Publication of minutes of the meetings of the Board of County Commissioners regular and special sessions and all other legal notices that are published in the paper designated as the official paper, publication of the annual statement of re- ceipts and disbursements for the year 1968; publication of the annual delinquent tax list. \~ I 139 l _J. , 'I : i I' I ,1 '~ ... __ , __ COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... December .. 11th ..................... l 9 .. 68. 1r-c1111,r.ar■11111 COIIPA■Y .. lf.CLOiiD,IIIN■, • A plat of Pelican Lake Park, Third Addition, was approved pending letter from owiers through County Surveyor 6slund regarding width of road, The County Sheriff was authorized to purchase a snowmobile for the use of the Sheriff's Department. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to satutory authority the County J!!ngi.neer for and on behalf of the County of Otter Tail is hereby authorized to request and o bt.ain from the Minnesota Department of Highwa;,ys needed engi neeri.ng and technical services during the year 1969, for which payment will be made by the County upon receipt of verified clains fran the Commissioner of Highways. Adopted this 11th day of December, 1968, Sam Nycklemoe Chairman K. W. Hanson Auditl- (SEAL) RESOLUTION The Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County in session assembled unanimously adopted the follo~~ng resolution on the 11th day of December, 1968 RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County do join in support of the enactment of the proposed legislation providing for all Motor vehicle liens and encumbrances to be filed within each county and are opposed to the Central filing system. Sam Nyckl:rnoe Chairman James Bucholz Vice Chairman Bennie J. Johnson Otto Haase K, t,. Hanson Harvey Morrill Clerk RESOLU1'ION The Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County in session assembled unanimously adopted the follo~,fog Resolution on the 11th day of December, 1968: RESOLVED: 'l'hat the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County do JOln in support of the enactment of the proposed legislation providing for the allocation of funds to reimburse Counties and th8e~Qlmt.Y Sheriff's Department for the expenditures necessarily incurred incidental to search and rescue of lost or missing~i· uA'~c:opy of which proposed draft is hereto attached, ATTEST: Sam Nycklemoe James Bucholz Bennie Johnson Otto Haase Harvey Morrill Chairman Vice Chairman K. w. Hanson Clerk RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Highways for the State.of Minnesota, acting through District Engineer Frank J. Pawlak of Detroit Lakes, desires to have land survey ~~rk performed in connection with T.H. 10 and T.H. 29 in Otter Tail County; and WHEREAS, the work desired to be perfonned is the duty of the County Surveyor; and WHEREAS, under Minnesota Statutes 389,02 and .OJ the Commissioner of Highways will retain Mr. Hobert B~ Oslund, Otter Tail eounty Surveyor, to perform the work at the compensation set by the County Board. THEREFORE BE I'l' RESOLVED: Compensation to Mr. !obert B. Oslund, Registered Land Surveyor and Otter Tail County Surve;yor for doing the requested work in connection with T.H. 10 and T,H. 29 in Otter Tail County be set at the following rates: I l' COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'l'E ........................... December .. llth ........................ 19.68 .. HCU■ITY P INTIKO c-■u,.,, H,CLOUD,IIIKN. G"';2JOI 1. Three man survey party. . . . . $20.00 per hour 2. Two·man survey party . . . . 15. 00 i:e r hour 3. Principle and research service (1 man) . . 12. 00 per hour 4. Senior Draftsman . 9.00 per hour 5. Junior Draftsman . 6. 50 per hour 6. Tratlsportation mileage 7. 5 cents per mile Adopted"this 11th day or December, 1968. Attest: ____ K~;_w ___ .~H_a~n.so=n'----=---.,- Clerk The following bills were allowed: Carlton E. Mortensen CarltQ'l E. Mort:enseon Carlton E. Mortensen Merle Bacon John B. Halvorson Don Lee James LeRoy Glen Melby Sidney Nelson Harley A. Kantrud Merlin S. Rieman James Bucholz • -----Otto Haase Bennie Johnson Harvey Morrill · Sam Nycklemoe Mrs. Laura E. Hotchkiss Ambrose A. Klinnert Geraldine McGuire Kenneth Clambey Frank Roberts • Eugene Davenport Harris W. Iverson Anton Glesne Arthur D. Boehrie K. W. Hanson George H. Nelsen Walter Sundberg 1-'rank Alstadt · Frank Alstadt Bernard Palubicki Bernard Palubicki Carl Rickert Carl Rickert Dacotah Paper Co. Carpenter's Hdwe. Daycoa, Inc. · Fergus Glass &"Paint Co. Wm. Galena & Son N. W. Bell Telephore Co, N. W. Bell Telephone Co, Anderson Bros, ·const. Dave's Standarcl Service Mayo I s Standard Miller§ Gulf Service Minnesota Motor Co. Super GMC T-ruck Sales General Trading Co. Mielke Store · The Photo Center Fergus Jobbing Bjorklund Body.Shop Dr. G. W. Port.er Otter 1'ail Co-op Oils Esther Mortensen Esther Mortensen White Drug Co, Stem & Em Drug" City Pharmacy Fergus Falls Medical Group Lake Region Hospital City of Fergus· Falls City of Fergus.Falls City of Fergus.Falls Chas. E. Johnson Earl E. Bigler" Lake Region Hospital Viking Cafe · Arthur W. Klot"z Marwood Rude Kenneth Berge · Kenneth Kugler" Edward H, Thompson Sam Nycklemoe Chairman Boarding of Prisoners Juvenile Boarding of Prisoners Mileage & Expense Mileage & Subsistence II II II Mileage & II II II II II II II Special Deputy II II Mileage & Expense II II II II II II II II II II II II w.o.T. Soil Cons. II II II II II E." II II II Weed & Seed Insp. II II II II Mileage & Expense II II II Dist, II II Extra hel~ Assessor's Office Mileage & Expense 11 11 11 A tt' d Convention II II II Att'd Planning Conunission II II II II II II II II II II ·11 II II II II II II II Supplies,"Janitor" II II II II II II Open clogged garage drain -janitor Calls Calls -' Sheriff Repair glass -Sheri ff Res. Gas -Sheriff Gas & Oil -Sheriff II II Oil & Parts 11 Parts & Labor 11 Supplies 11 II Film developing -Sheriff Supplies -sheriff Wrecking Service -sheriff Services -Sheriff Gas -Sheriff B & W Safety Matron Fee II II Care of prisoners II II ii II II II II II II II II Court Costs for August 11 11 11 September 11 11 11 October Court Costs Coroner's Fees Autopsy Meals for Jurors Procuring Election ballots II II II Making Election Returns II II II " II I $1,092.,50 10.00 146.86 I 3il,40 65.78 72.oc 355,10 ·415,40 2gJ,IJ) 10.00 12.40 9'.3,52 76,95 66.70 38.50 62.50 181.44 420,00 187.50 , 159.05 213.li 68.65 . 68.57 394. 50 81.70 33.50 15.-88 40.78 42.60 45,90 36,00 47.70 28,40 40.50 24,93 18.67 73-58 6.50 8.50 99.80 143,06 8,32 24,77 11.46 . 5.33 39,32 95,45 8,12 27.12 27,72 44.CC 5,0C 10.00 13;28 ll0.oc , 10.00 23.46 1,60 6,45 44,00 1,75 295,00 470.0C 405,00 32,00 27,80 100,00 20.42 1,0( 1.00 2.35 3.10 4. 75 E -. --·-~ 1'---- 142 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 11cua1n Pll■TINI CDIIPANY, sr.CLDVD,IIINII. c- Lois Sundberg Vernon E., Bachman Myrtle E. Logas George H, Nelson Helen Skramsted Myrtle E. Logas Eleanor Leidal. Village of Perham Village of Perham Norris Krog Herb Christensen, Jr, Harvey Morrill Fergus Falls Daily Journal Julian Tollerude Robert B. Oslund & Assoc. Johnny Nelson Larson Welding State of Minnesota Fergus Falls Journal Henning Advocate Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Carpenter's Hdwe, Cooper's Office Supply Cro~m Rubber Stamp Co. Davenport's Stationery F.dgetown Lumber Co. F.dling Electric F.mpire Business Machines ~liller:..Davis Co, Nelson Bros. Printing Otter Tail Grocery Co, Pelican Rapids·Press Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. Security Blank·Book & Printing Co, Victor Lundeen -& Co. Sverdrup Insurance Co. Gaff.iney's Monroe International Div. SCM Corporation West Publishing Co, Xerox Corp. Xerox Corp. Carolyn Helgeson Lorna McCabe Dorothy Johnson Sharon Mann Gloria Opatz Amon Peterson Mrs, Bud Larson Mrs, John J, Steblay ~rs. Ed. Skoglund Iona Butcher l•lrs. F.clw. E.dwards Doris Jorgenson Mrs, Ina McLaughlin Edna M. Nelson· hrs. Marlin Senske Mrs, Earl Sonmor Selma Swendsrud American Rehabilitation Inst. F.mpire Business Machines Kimber Awning eo. Lake Region Sheltered Workshop Perham Enterprise-Bulletin Wm. H. Rosen St, Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Press Village of Perham Philip M. Kjaglien jlhilip M. Kjaglien V. A. Ryan N, W. Bell Tel; Co, Public Utilities Dept, Davenport's Stationery Nelson Bros, Prtg, Veteran's lnfonnation Service Victor Lundeen·& Co, Robert Boedigheimer Mineral Springs Sanatorium ~1rs. Elsie Westby Hall Equipnent · Little Falls Machine, Inc. Public Works E.qpt. Co, Ruffridge-Johnson Equipt. Geo. T. Ryan Co, Ziegler, Inc, · Paper Calmenson & Co, Elk River Concreter.Products Co, International Salt Co. Mark Sand & Gravel Co, Melvin McGowan· Lake Region Co~op Electrical Ass'n DATE ............................... December. llth ..................... l9 .. 68. Making Election Returns Postage II II II Adv. comm, pd to dri. lie, agts. Transcript Rent Co. Agent's Office Street cleaning Hauling out hill & push out Co, dump Pushing~ leveling Co, dump Supplies -Phelps Mill Advertising -Phelps Mill Pumping septic tank -Phelps mill Services Labor -Caginet Make irons for table Public Ex8111llners Publication· n & tax notice Supplies II II Rubber stamp daters Supplies II II nre & Winl Insurance Repairs Maintenance II Minn. Statutes Services II Mileqge & Expense Nurse II II II II " II II Mileage, expense & postage Att'd Nursing Bd,. Mtg, " " II II II II " " Mileage Home Health Aid " " " 11· II II " " II " " n· " " " II " " " " II II II II " " II II 703 Passive Range of Motion Nurse Ribbon 2 Webb Straps Desk Publication Lettering on Nurse door Advertising for Nurse Office Rent Mileage & Expense -Vet. Service Machine Rental Mileage Calls & Service -Vet. Service Utilities Supplies " II II II " II II II " II " Supplement What Vet. Should Know Supplies Vet. Service T. B. Patient Poor Fund II II II II Parts " " II II II Cul tinr Edges Culverts Rock Salt Bituminous Material Seeding & Sodding Relocation costs " " " R & B Co. Rev. $ 4,CO 31,0C 83,00 87,53 120.71 13,05 3,90 60,00 72.00 144,-co 67,50 51.01 56,35 10,CO 355,0C 185,CC 3.50 7,447,47 196.20 10,CO 5,C6 9.47 923.88 54,28 15.45 170,63 40,16 8.81 10.00 65.00 283,60 5,55 47,75 16,34 237,71 526,99 24,85 34,50 37,CO 76,CO JO.CO 42,50 125.05 37.73 Bl.CS 51.80 4,88 2,70 13.53 2.70 7,35 7,80 36.75 17,70 21,45 4,95 · 42.98 3,45 ll,25 62,78 24,00 2,50 2.30 23,00 1,80 4.CO 16.20 35,00 84,60 5~0(' 3,45 50.oc 4,59 17.50 15. 75 9,CC• ll, 75 20,00 6.oo 10.00 64,87 10,70 165,92 283.64 193,76 148,91 2,0JJ.44 1,145,18 1,224,0C 656.37 280,82 5,1,21.69 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Korby Contracting Co. Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Sherman Ferguson Togstad Wellw?rk Myrbo Enterprises Raymond Motor Trans. Inc. City of Fergu~ Falls Village of Battle Lake Village of Parkers Prairie Village of Pelican Rapids Village of Perham Village of Vergas Village of B]uffton Village of Dalton Village of Deer Creek Village of Henning Matilda Babcock Norris Krog llark Sand & Gravel Co. Minn. Dept. of Highways Construction Bulletin Fergus Journal Co. Otter Tail Power Co. H. A. Rogers Co. Monroe International Div. Cooper's Office Supply Davanport•s Stationery The Pierce Co. E,O.T, Telephone,co. .,,- N. W. Bell Tel. Co. Waclena Midwest Telephone Co. N. W. Bell 'l'el, Co., F.F, Park Region Mutual Tel, Co, Pelican Telephone Co. N. W, Bell Telephone Co., F,F, Wendell P. Huber G, D. Harlow Wendell P, Huber Town of Dane Prairie Johnson Service Co, Ebersviller Imp, Co. Fergus Dodge, Inc. International Harvestor Co. Knuttila Implement Co,, Inc. Phillip Kunnari Larson Welding Olson Auto Electric Sanford R. Pederson Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Super G,M,C, Truck Sales Vaughn Chevrolet Co., N.W.M. Eutectic Welding Alloys Minn, Mining & Mfg. Co. National Chemsearch Coast to Coast Store Henning Coast to Coast Store, Pel, Rapids F.clgetown Lumber Co, General Trading Co. Holten Lumber Co, Lampert Lumber Co,, Par. Pr. Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Welders Equipment Wilcox Lumber Co,, Henning Dalton Grain & Feed •Bengtson Oil-Co. Boe1s Gulf Serv. Station Becklund Rian Oil Co, Dave's Standard Service Fossen Oil Co. Hoot :Lake Pure Jim's Service Station Otter Tail Co-op Oils, Inc. Perham Shell Station Service Oil Co,, B.L. Twin's Motor Co. D-A Lubricant Co.,. Inc. Bluffton Oil Co. Standard Oil Co., Henning Standard Oil Co,, Pel. Rapids Consumer's Co-op. Oil, B.L. Fossen Oil Co, Mundahl Oil Co, Smokey•~ Machine Shop Mrs. L, JJ. Sand Fanners Co-op, Cry, Ass'n. Mischke Oil Station Wadena Silo Company Douglas County Village of Henning American Road Builders Ass'n, Everts Township DATE ............................. December .. 11th ....................... l9 .. 68. Equipment Rental II II Drilling. Wells II II Install sewer Freight Main lenance II II II II Ass@ssment for Sanitary Sewer Rental II II Rent & Electric Current Gravel II II Services Ad, for bids II II II Prints II Maintenance Files Supplies II Service & Tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Expenses II Cash Advanced Special Aid Rep airs II II II II II Repairs II II II II Supplies Coal Gasoline ,etc, , tires, etc. Oil Diesel Fuel II II II II Fuel Oil II II II II Repairs Supplies Gasoline, etc. Gravel Maintenance Rent Membership Special Aid $1,090,50 492,50 1,263,75 460,87 401:25 4,75 561.25 581.68 325.32 219,08 385,28 450,00 511.27 180,0C 420,00 69,83 431.12 223,45 16.50 188.94 7.40 16.80 10.00 42,60 27,00 532,35 57,72 47,50 27,37 12,52 14.05 96.85 16.05 9.90 38,39 254,08 99.43 67,27 200.00 141.39 21.50 40,32 336.09. 4.00 2.00 2,75 112.41 10.00 7.07 33,67 2.63 27.60 294.00 445,91 20.19 28.29 9.oc 135,61 3.85 11.92 22,70 14.10 61.47 80,70 112.36 75,55 36,30 175,63 15,63 47,95 247,70 229,54 171.20 6137,92 47.95 51.15 88,80 91.00 85,50 133,90 199.20 94,25 59,31 10.08 278,29 19.61 5,80 46,04 JQO.OC 10,00 200.00 ' 143 144 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. llCVlln Pll■TIH COIIPA■T, IT,CLOUD,lll■N. G• Jim's Service-Station Thomas Oil Co;, HeMing Thomas Oil Co;, Vining Vergas Oil Co. Lake Region Co-op Elec. Ass'n. Homer Halbakken Polman Transfer, Inc. Bertelson Welding KJ'ppers & Kern Otter Tail Groc. Co. Sverdrup Twp.· December 11th 68 DATE..................... . ........................................... 19 ....... . Gasoline " Gas, Diesel fuel, etc. Gasoline, etc. Relocation costs CSAH #42 Electrical work Freight Repairs " Supplies Special Aid Upon motion t.he Board adjourned to 10:00 A.M., Friday, December 20th, 1968. Chairman ATTEST: Clerk ·$ 67.77 100..32 768.18 167.32 651.44 94.94 4-75 14.CC 13.00 25.50 200.oc COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... December. 20th ............................. l9.68 .. HCUl111 .... , ••• co11, .. ,. H.CLOUO,lll■N. G':23DI MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNFS> TA December 20, 1968 Pursuant to .call, the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail Count , Minnesota, met at 10:CO A,M., Dec- ember 20th, 1968, all members present. The Jan~tor was authorized to purchase a snow caster in the amount of $375.00 The County Treasurer was authorized to have an electrician do wiring in the Treasurer's Vault to accomodate the use of·a new check writer-check protector which is being used on a trial basis. The County Sheriff was authorized an additional $843,51 amount for 1968 budget. The 6ounty Audi tor was granted an additional $1,500 clerk hire for the 1968 budget. The Tr~asurer was authorized to reinvest $500,000 on the 19th and 1300,000 on the 26th. The Judge of Probate was authorized an additional $89.11 to complete the 1968 budget. The County Planning and Zoning Advisory ColMlission and Bob Isaacson, Consultant, presented the Proposed Planning and Zoning Ordinance and the Proposed Subdivision Controls Ordinance. Motion was made by Otto Haase to re- ject the Proposed Ordinances but failed for want of a second. After discussion by various interested parties, motion was made by BeMie Johnson .ands econded by lJim Bucholz and unanimously carried-to postpone action on the proposed ordinances until 1:30 P.M., February 11th, 1969. Motion was made, seconded and carried to have a representative of each of the organizations in the County, such as Farm Bureau, Farmers Union, N .F .O., To~inship Officers I Association, Otter Tail Lake Shore Properties Owners Association, Otter Tail Empire Resort Ass•n., Soil Conserv:.tion Service, etc., serve as advisors to the Planning & Zoning Commission. 'l'he County Auditor was authorized to write to each organization requesting a name be submitted to the Auditor's Offibe by January 1st. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Co1M1issioners, OtterTail County Minnes:>ta, that WHEREAS the safety of two Soo-Line Railway crossings in Otter Tail County, located at the junction of Trunk Highway "78 and the• Soo Lirecrossing north of the Village of Ottertail and the junction of Trunk Highway /1108 and the Soo Line crossing east of the Village of Ottertail, is questionable, NOW, THEREFORE, be it hereby resoived that the Public Service Commission be engaged to investigage the above mentioned crossings as to safety. ATTEST: Dated this 2oth day of December, 1968. K. W. Hanson Sam Nycklemoe Chairman Otto Haase James Bucholz BeMie J. Johnson Harvey Morrill Clerk RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY OOARD OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNEID TA Commissioner Harvey Morrill presented the following resolution: WHEREAS, the legislature of the State of Minnesota by Laws 1957, Chapter 644 did autJ-orize the ColMlissioner of Conservation to acquire wildlife ands such as marsh or wetlands and the margins thereof, including ponds, small lakes and stream bottoms; and WHEREAS, the purchase of such lands requires the approval by a majority of the Board of County ColMlissioners in the county where the land to be purchased is located; and WHEREAS The Commissioner of Conservation through his authorized agents has requested tpe approval of the County Board for ~urchase of the following described land to be used for water and wildlife conservation purposes; and WHEREAS, The Board of County ColMlissioners has had available to it the advice and counsel of the Soil Con- servation District·organized within the county; and WHEREAS, The acquisition and preservation of water and wildlife conservation lands is in the public interest. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the approval be given to the purchase by the Commissioner of Conservation of the following described lands, to-wit; Tract #1 -Part of the NE¼ of Section 32, T. 131N,, R, 44 W,, and contaning 120 acres, more or less, Mr. Floyd Copeland, a,ner, ~ 145 146 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. December .. 20t.h ....................... 19 .. 68. llCUIITY flllll■G CO■H■T, IT.CLOaD.■IHII. G• That said lands are to be acquired and preserved cy-the State of Minnesota for water and wildlife conservation purposes, The resolution was seconded by Conunissioner James Bucholz and upon vote was duly adopted, I, K, W. Hanson, County Auditor of the County of Otter Tail, State of MiMesota, certify that the fore- going resolution is a true and 01Drrect ex.er pt of the minutes of the Board of County C011DDissioners, County of Otter Tail, State of MiMesota, held at Fergus Falls, MiMesota, on the 20th day of December, 1968. K, W. Hanson County Auditor County of Otter Tail, State of MiMesota Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn the me~ting to 1:J0 P.M., February 11th, 1969, Chainnan ATTEST: Clerk