HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1967Ottertail County Official Meetings 1967 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE .............. .J.!ID.\!lr.Y. 3 ............................. 19 ... 6.7. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF <DUNTY CO~lMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL <D UNTY, MINNF.'301' A. Pursuant to Statute the Board met at 10 l'clock A. M. January 3, 1967. Present were (;ommissioners Bucholz, Nycklemoe and Morrill. Commissioner elect Bennie Johnson, having filed his oath of office, took his place on the Board. The meeting was called to order by the County Auditor who stated that the first business of the meetinp. was the election of the Chariman for the year 1967. Upon motion Otto Haase was elected as Chainnan and upon motion Sam Nycklemoe was elec~ed Vice Chainnan. The Board having previously agreed with the County Treasurer Shaw to provide some extra clerk hire to complete the year 1966 appropriated the additional sum of $135.00. The following surety bonds issued by the General Insurance C011ipany of America were approved: George H. Nelson County Treasurer $ 50,oco.oo Laverne A. Schmidt Dep. Treasurer 5,000.00 Mabel Wenstrom Treasurer's Clerk 1,000.00 Nancy D. Hedman Treasurer's Clerk 1,000.00 s. B. Johnson County Auditor 5,000.00 Kenneth w. Hanson Deputy Auditor 2,000.00 Harriet FroMing Auditor's clerk 1,oco.00 Helen E. Stramsted Register of Deeds 5,000.00 Helen E. Skramsted Registrar of Titles 1,000.00 Margaret Gamber Dep. Register of Deeds 2,oco.00 Margaret Gamber Dep. Registrar of Titles 1,000.00 Dr. Carl J. Lund Coroner 1,oco.00 Carlton E. Mortenson Sheriff 5,000.00 Owen V. Thompson Judge of Probate 1,000.00 Virginia A. Rustad Probate Clerk 1,000.00 &lily A. Thorness Dep. Probate Clerk 1,000.00 Harlan L. Nelson County Attorney 1,000.00 Henry P.olkinghorn Asst. County Attorney 500.00 The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota, THAT the following dates be designated as the dated on which the County Board will meet during the year 1967: February 7th & 8th August 8th & 9th March 7th & 8th September 12th & 13th April 4th & 5th October 10th & 11th May 9th & 10th November 7th & 8th June 13th & 14th December 5th & 6th July 10th & 11th Adopted January 3, 1967. Sam Nvcklemoe Vice Chairman. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT a com11dttee of three, consisting of the Chairman and two members of the Board to be selected by the Chairman, be appointed to have charge of Court House and Jail and grounds, and Court House v' COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... January J ................................... 19 .67. ,rr,e■n ,.,,.,,. co■PUl~..a.a---""· Annex for the year 1967. Adopted Janua7 J, 1967. Sam Nycklemoe Vice Chairman Attest: S, B. Johnson i;lerk. The Chainnan appointed Morrill and Bucholz to serve on the above COIIIDlittee. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT a committee of three, consistingof the Chairman of the Board and two members of the Board be appointed by the Chairman ~o pur~hase all furniture and supplies excepting books, blanks and stationery ~eeded for the Court House and Jail during the year 1967, and provide for such repairs as may became an inunediate necessity. Adopted January J, 1967, Sam Nycklemoe Vice Chairman, Attest: S, B. Johnson Clerk, The Chairman of the Board appointed Johnson and Nycklemoe to serve on the above committee, The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT under provisions of Section 2154 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Dr, Roy Nelson, a resident physician of said County, and ~~mmissiqners Haase and Bucholz, members of·this board, he and the same hereby are ll])pointed to constitute a i;ounty 0 oard of Health of said County for the year 1967:. Adopted January J, 1967, Sam Nycklemoe Vice Chairman. Attest: S, B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, wHEREAS, Chapter 142, Laws of 1921, Mason's Minnesota Statutes 1927, Section 671, and Minnesota S Statutes 1941, Section 375:JO provides ways and means for the control and eradication of rust-producing barberry, the following resolution was adopted: · · BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that $50,00 be appropriated by the County Conunissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, for the purpose of eradicating and removing rust producing bushes and that a bounty of $J.OO be offered for the location of barberry bush or bushes on each property subject to the provisions as set forth by the Barberry Office, University Farm, St. Paul, Minnesota, on file in the office of the County Auditor, Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Adopted January J, 1967 Sam Nycklemoe Vice C.:hainnan, Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. 539 ~ r 540 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. slfillll4.r.Y .. J ...................... . 19.6.7 ... The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Cou.missioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, the County Commissioner of his respective district, namely, James J. Bucholz, the First District· Bennie J. Johnson, the Second District:; ,Sam Nyck:lembe~ ··:the: Tliird Distr~ct';,,O:t'.to~Haase,• bhet fourth District; and ' Harvey D, Morrill, the Fifth District, be and they are hereby each appointed superintendent of poor of his said district, with authority to act in relation to the care and support of Non-resident paupers, and to receive app- lications for relief or support by or for any reason in his district, as provided by Chapter 15, Revised Laws of 1905, Adopted January J, 1967. Sam Nyckl.E111oe Vice Chairman Attest: S, B, Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County CODD11issioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT there be and hereby is transferred from the Revenue Fund of the County to the Incidental Fund the sum of $750,00 for postage for the use of the offices entitled thereto. Adopted January J, 1967 Sam Nyckl.E111oe Vice Chairman Attest: S, B, Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT the sum of ten cents be paid out of the Revenue Fund of the County for every pocket-gopher and wood chuck killed in said county during the year 1967 in cases where the townships in which pocket-gophers and wood chucks are so killed shall provide for the payment of an additional bounty of ten cents for each pocket- gopher and wood chuck so killed. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT payment of such bounty shall be made by the County Auditor upon certificates executed by the Chairman of the Town Board of said townships setting forth that the pocket-gophers or wood- chucks were duly presented to the Chairman of such Board and that the township has issued and delivered to each claimant a town order for twenty cents for each pocket-gopher or woodchuck so killed, Adopted January J, 1967. Sam Nycklemoe Vice Chairman Attest: S. B, Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, ..., THAT the sum of not less than $250,00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the County Revenue / Fund of said County for Otter Tail County exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair for 1967, and the County Auditor and Chainoan of the Board are directed to issue a warrant for said amount in favor of Clarence Mielke. Adopted January J, 1967, Sam Nycklemoe Vice Chainnan. Attest: S, B, Johnson The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota, THAT under the provisions of Section 739 General Statutes of 1932, the SIDII of $100,00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red River Developnent Association, J COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ January 3 ................................. 19 .... 67 HCPIID PIIIJl■•..cuuaL..D.llllll.JIII■ •Z said amount so appropriated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors for the year 1967, Adopted January 3, 1967, Sam Nycklemoe Vice Chairman Attest: S, B~ Johnson "lerk, SCALE OF WAGES OTTER TAIL OOUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT The salaries of employees of the County Highway Department for the year 1967 were fixed by the County Board, as follows: Bituminous Lay-out Operators Heavy Equipnent Operators (Shovel & Motor Grader Operator Cat Loader) $2,40 per hour 2,34 per hour· 2.26 per hour 2.26 per hour 2.16 per hour 2.08 per Hour 1,96 per hour 2,40 per hour 2.00 per hour Distributor Operator (Bituminous) Truck Driver Second Man on Truck Conunon Labor Truck Rental Tractor & Mower Rental Maintenance Foreman Shop Foreman Mechanics & Blacksmith Sign Foreman Sign Man (Ass•t.) Coynty Engineer Chief Engineer Instrument Man Level Man Inspectors Rodman (5-7) Engineering Technician .11 Office Man Accountant Secretary Bookkeeping Machine Oper~tor Clerical Engineering Help (Misc,) Subsistence (in excess of 15 mile radius) Sick Leave (Accumulative to) 600,00 per month 530,00 per month 300.00 to 500.CO per month 480,CO per month 450,00 per month 1,110.00 per month 550,00 to 500.00 to 300,00 to 550,00 to 800,00 per month 725,00 per month 650,00 per month 600.00 per month 500.00 per month 650,00 per month 400,00 per month 470,00 per month 420.00 per month 240,00 to 420.00 per month 160.00 to 380.00 per month 1,50 to 2,50 per hour 4,00 per day 48 days The maintenance employee's work week will be 50 hours except for November, December, January, and February, when it will be 45 hours per weekand the time for reporting for such employment is as directed by the engineer. The employees are granted holidays as governed by Chapter 495, Laws of 1955, After consideration the County Board fixed the salaries of the deputies and clerks together with the part time help and the following amounts are hereby ~et aside for clerk hire for the calendar year 1967 in the several county offices, to-wit: Attest: Sheriff Office, Dep. Jailers & clerk ••••• $ Auditor ••••••••••••• , •••••• Treasurer •••••••••••.•••••••• 42,900.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 14,000.00 Register of Deeds • • • • • • • , Probate Court, in addition to the $3500,00 authorized by law 4,120.00 County Assessor • • • • • • 7,240,00 Deputy County Assessor 5;640,00 Clerk County Assessor • • • • • • • • • 4,800,00 Clerk of District Court. • • • • • • • • ,7,880.00 First Assistant, County Superintendent of Schools. . • • • 4, 560,00 Superintendent's clerk (when required). 240,00 per month Veteran's Service Clerk & Janitor •••••••• ,5,862.00 Probation Officer's Clerk •••••••••••• ,4,020,00 County Attorney's clerks; •••••• ,4,800.00 Part time help at $1,35 to $1.50 per hour •••• , ••• , Adopted this Jrd day of January, 1967. Sam Nycklemoe Vice Chairman S. B. Johnson Clerk. ----~-----.....__...-~~-··. ~--- 541 542 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL 9OUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... Januacy J .................... . ...... 19.67 ... The followi!18 resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS one or more elected County officials for Otter· TailCounty are subject to the provisions of Laws 1965, Chapters 822, 838, 840, 841 or 842 which act provided that the County Board fix the salaries for the officers concerned, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the compensations of the Clerk of the District ~ourt of Otter Tail County is fixed at the sum of $85CO.OO per annum and that of the County Treasurer fixed at the sum of .. $8000.00 per annum and that the·fixed salary of the County Auditor be fixed at the S\DD of $10,000.00 and that of the Register of Deeds be fixed at the sum of $8500.00. Attest Adopted this 3rd day of January, 1967. S. B. Johnson Clerk. Sam NYcklemoe Vice Chairman RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF CDUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL CD UNTY • MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED, that the Co_unty Highway Engineer be authorized to issue payrolls for the purpose of salary payments to all maintenance emp)..oyees, engineering employees, construction employees, and for the rental of trucks and mowers necessary for th~ maintenance of County State Aid Highways not to exceed $400,000 and County Hoads not to exceed $85,000 for the ye~r 1967. Adopted this 3rd day of Janµary, 1967 Sam Nycklemoe Vice Chairman Attest: s. 8. Johnson Clerk. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COO!ISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA: That because of deterioration due to rain, snow and usual spring climatic conditions the roads here- inafter described will be seriously damaged unless restrictions are imposed as to weight of vehicles to be operated thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, No person shall operate any vehicle or combination of vehicles upon any of the county roads in the County of Otter Tail and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to wit: County State Aid Highways 1 to 77 inclusive, 79, 81, 83, 85 and 90 to lCO inclusive. County noads 110 and 144 inclusive and numbers 146 and 148, during the period from the first of March, 1967 to the first of December, 1967, where the gross weight on any single axle, as defined in Minnesota Statutes 1945, Sec. 169.87, Su11<!ivision l, exceeds five tons (10,000 pounds) and the EngineeB of said County is hereby directed and authorized to erect and maintain signs plainly indicating the prohibitions and restrictions above at each end of that portion of any highway affected thereby, and these restrictions shall be effective and this prohibition effective upon such erection and maintenance of such signs. Adopted this 3rd day of January, 1967. Sam Nycklemoe Vice Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. Upon motion "rnold Evavold of Eagle Lake 'l'ownship and Max Kronemann of Fergus Falls township were appointed members of the OtterTail County Extension Committee and Chairman Haase and Commissioner Nycllemoe were appointed to representative the County. Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 11 o'clock A. M. February 7th, 1967 for gravel base and road bituminous surfacing on S.P. 56-659-08 (67) C.P. 67:59B Lenth 5.994 miles, located from Jct. CSAH #6 to Jct. CSAH #40, 1.5 miles SE of Vining. Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to call for bids to be received until 11 o'clock A. M. February 7, 1967 on the following: COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE.. ··············January .. 3 ..................................... 1s67 .. • •••"IUILCDM.f.Ull...11.,UUI.I,....._ ~- C.P. 67:SS Approximately 130.3 miles of County State Aid Highways and County Highways, comprising approximately 279,780 gallons of bituminous material for · seal coat, and 10,480 cubic yards of seal coat aggregate in stock piles by the County. C. P. 67:74BM C. P. 67:50BM Gorman Twp. C. P. 67:0lB Girard Twp. C. P. 67:0lB ROAD MIX BITUMINOUS SURFACING Length 6.054 miles located from the junction of CSAH #35 to junction of CSAH #1 at Amor. The major quantities of .work are 82,970 gallons of bituminous material for prime coat and mixture and 6,400 tons of aggregate. Length 4.16 miles located from 4.2 miles West of T. H. #106 'ih .. D.eer Creek To T. H. #106. The major quantities of work are 58,840 gallo•.ns of bituminous material for prime coat and mixture and 4,540 tons of agregate. Plans $1.00. Length 1.47 miles located from the junction of CSAH #51 and East 1.47 miles. The major quantities of work are 23, 575 gallons of bituminous material for prime coat and mix- ture and 1,436 tons of aggregate. Length 3,768 miles iliocated from the junction of CSAH #5, 3 miles Northeast of Clitherall, to junction of CSAH #16. The major quantities of work are 59,125 gallons of bit- uminous material fDr prime coat and mixture and 3,770 tons of aggregate. Plans $1.00. Upon motion the County Highway Engineer was authorized to attend the Engineer's Continuation Study at Arden Hills on January 9th through 12th, 1967. Upon motion the Clerk of District Court was authorized to pay 5 cents eE!Ch f_or taking driver's license applications. Upon motion the Bai.rd then 14djourned to 10 o'clock A. M. January 4, 1967. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION A plat of Bill-Al-Ra Acres located on Lots 11 and 12 of Section 10, 'l'ownship of Friberg, accomp~ied by an opinion as to the title executed by "ichard Hefte, Attorney at law, was approved. Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids for two cars for the Sheriff's office, said bids to be opened.at 11 o'clijck A. M. february 8th, 1967. Proposals and specifications for the above equipment may be examined and secured at the office of the County Sheriff. The County Board having previously called for bids for the County printing for the year 1967 opened bids which were found to be as follows: Fergus Journal Company Publication of Minutes of the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners including regular and special sessions and minutes of the Board of Equalization and also all other legal notices as are published in the paper designated as the official paper, all at legal rates. The Northwestern Publishing Company, New York Mills and the Pelican Rapids Press Publication of the aMual statement of receipts and "disbursements for year 1966 at legal rates. The Battle Lake Review All of the above bids were accepted. Publication of the aMual delinquent tax list st legal rates. The application of Leona E. Swenson for dance license at Perry's Place in the Township of Dora was approved. Upon motion the Chairman and County Auditor were authorized to sign the contract with Wilkin County for the services of the Otter Tail County Superintend"ent of Schools. Upon motion, homestead classifications were granted on the following: Donald E. Langren Vera M. Herr James Johanson Paul E. Kingsley Myrtle Oune Whitney Lot 6, Martee Beach, Town of Everts, w} Lot 6 Big Pine Point, Town of Pine Lake Six acres in Sec~ion 44, Town of Norwegian Grove Lots 1 and 2 Moe's First Addn. to Woodland Park, Township of Girard. Lot 10, Block 2, Original Plat Village of Clitherall The application of Curtis J. Holt for reduction of assessed valuation on the S½ of the NE! of Section B, 'l'ownship of No:i:wegian Grove, due to old buildings being valued too high was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval, The salary of Philip M. Kjaglien was fixed at $6420.CO per year, Harvey Morrill voting "No". The Bilary of Merton Johnson, Court House Custodian, was fixed at $550.00 per mont~. 543 1 f: I. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. January 4 19 67 DATE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ■D ■I■ E-2808 The following resolution was adopted: RESJLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter TaH County, Minnesota, THAT the Baltle Lake Review be and the same is hereby designated as th~ newspaper in which shall be printed the list of lands in Otter Tail County upon which taxes became delinguent on the first Monday in January, 1967. Provided further, that the publishers of said newspaper be required to furnish a surety bond in the sum of $2,000.00 for the faithful performance of said publication, Adopted January 4, 1967. Sam Nycklemoe Vice Chairman. Attest: S, B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that: We, the County Collllllissioners of Otter Tail County, have carefully considered the mental health needs of the County, and after due deliberation agree to support the Lakeland Mental Health Center, Inc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota, and to enter into a signed agreement with the other seven counties in the Mental Health Center area, We approve the budget and financing plan for the fiscal year July 1, 1967, through June JO, 1968, in the following amounts: Becker County $ 10,790,00 Douglas County 9,620.00 Grant County 4,030,00 Otter Tail County 22,100.00 Pope County 5,395,00 Stevens County 5,005,00 Traverse County 3,250,00 Wilkin l.ounty 4,810.00 $ 65,000.00 We do designate the County Auditor to.sign the Agreement in Support for this ~ounty, Adopted this 4th day of January, 1967. Sam Nycklenoe Vice Chairman. Attest: S, B, Johnson Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota, that WHEREAS this board has heretofore contracted with Fergus Dogde Inc. for one 25,500 pound GVW snow plow dump truck with trade-in and, WHEREAS tµe same has been delivered and accepted by the Board, they hereby ordered that the Chair- man of the Board and the County Auditor issue a check on the Road & Bridge !\Ind to Fergus Dodge Inc. in the sum of $5648,45 being the contract price, Adopted January 4, 1967, Sam Nycklemoe Vice Chairman Attest: S, B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of Coi;nty ~ommissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS this Board has heretofore contracted with Fergus Dodge Ihc. for one 25,500 pound GVW snaw plow dump true~ with trade-in and, WHEREAS the same has been delivered and accepted by the Board, they hereby order the Chairman of t.he Board and the County Auditor to issue a ch~ck on the Road & Bridge fund to Fergus Dodge Inc. in the COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... January 4 ........................................ 19 .. 67 esc111ut•lllllllA-•••--•• of $4985.00 being the contract price. Adopted January 4, 1967. Sam Nycklanoe Vice Chairman. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. The following names were selected to be placed on-the Grand and Petit Jury lists for 1967: John Dieseth Harry Anderson Russell Dorn Merald Enstad Dean 'l'omhave Clifford Berglund Howard Lavalley Gordon Ebersvill~r Harold Rovang James Seashore Pat (A. P.) Fiedler Ben Kilde Fred Evenson Mervin Anderson Truman Strand Lloyd Swan Lorene Christopherson Melvin Drayton John Boen Wilbur Sillerud Philip F jestad Ernest Restad Orville Flatin Harlan Knutson Melvin Trosvik Gilbert Rian Kenneth Clamby "oger Fenske Richard Dillon Archie Overhaard Mrs. James Nelson Harold E. Johnson Mrs. Morris Baasen Ray Nelson Mrs. Ray Trudeau Gordon liund Mrs. Harold Nelson Gilbert Gunderson John Schuetze Lyle Heald Corrine Walseth Alfred Lind Emery Person Mrs. Bill Peterson Oscar Hulstrand Lyndon Johnson Ray Klein Wm. Lage Al Schamber Art Espeland Harold Parduhn Ormand True Ted. s. Johnson Marvin Hink Warren Carlson Fred Greenwaldt Ivan Boehland Chas. Oppegard Ben Demmer Henry Luebberman E. J. Buerkle, Sr. Earl Lankeul Rupert Schmitz Karl Fankhanel Ray Perala Dewey Antonsen Henry Sieling Pat Beldo Con Palubicki Leo Doll Leonard Sundberg Olaf Munson GRAND JURY 230 W. Vernon City of Fergus Falls 525 W. Vasa 11 617 w. SIDlllllit .II M5W. v~a 11 Mitchell Place ·11 504 W. Linden 11 1011 Cleveland .11 928 W. Cavour .11 519 N. Broadway 11 1003 Jefferson •11 Guttenberg Heights 11 317 S. Cascade 11 1217 N. Burlington 11 1343 Hillcrest Ct. 11 Pelican Rapids Vill. Pelican Rapids Vill. Pelican Rapids Vill.· Maplewood Twp. Norwegian Grove Twp. Pelican Twp. Carlisle Twp. Scambler Twp. Lida Twp. Erhards Grove Twp. Trondhjem Twp. Oscar Twp. Aurdal Twp. Friberg Twp. Elizabeth Twp. St. Olaf Twp: Battle Lake Village Battle Lake Village Aastad Twp. Clitherall Village Underwood Village Tumuli Twp. Clitherall Village Tordenskjold Twp. Orwell Twp. Sverdrup Twp. Vining Village Le(lf Mountain Twp •. Eagle Lake Twp. Dalton Village Parkers Prairie Village Henning Village Bluffton Village Eastern Twp. Parkers Prairie Village· Henning Village Deer Creek Village Ottertail Village Compton Twp. Effington Twp. Elmo Twp. Inman Twp. Woodside Twp. Leaf Lake Twp. Dent Village llora Twp. New York Mills Village Perham Village Perham Twp. Vergas Village Otto Twp. Hobart .Twp. Corliss Twp. Paddock Twp. Edna Twp. ''ush Lake Twp. ltichville Village Uorman Twp. 545 546 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IICl■I I■ •• co■, ., n,CLOUI ••••• Mrs. David Williams (Barbara) Hartvick Bergby Mrs. Charles Underwood (Barbara) E. C. Beimer Mrs. Louise Erickson V. A. Bjorklund Ilot Swenson Avery Davenport Mrs. Stacy Doble (Esther) Edwin Anderson Mrs, Karl Darr (Agnes) E. J. Evenson Alex Benson Dean Erickson Gordon P. Bakken Geo. G. Nelson Glenn Olson Arnold Schnoor Mrs. Herman Althoff (Jeanette) Willard Erickson Robert F. Middleton Mrs. Ronald Nirva (Helen) Mrs. Clayton Sillerud (Leverne) Mrs. George Holstrom (Edith) Mrs. Palmer Austvold (Adeline) Mrs. Russell Shol (Esther) Mrs. Bernnie Zwiers (Mary) Mrs. Jerry Heyen (Jessie) Lloyd Heidner Mrs. Orlando Olson George Hanson Mrs. Leon Ostlund Mrs. Wilford Rustad Clifford Sha Mrs. Alvar Jacobson Mrs. Donald Johnson Elrick Johnson Fred Darkow Mrs't·• Ralph Hoadley Johnnie Hanson Clarence Sorben H. Dean Jorgenson Clarjnce Sundblad Walter Neulieb Selmer Nygard James Ouren Jerald Brusven John Duit Mrs. Henry Ishaug Mrs, Clifford Erickson Ethel Hendrickson Mrs. H~rbert Schoening Mrs. Gordon Haarstick Mrs. Millard Mortenson Mrs. Edward Eide Kenneth Lein Henry Bjorgo George Erickson Mrs, Phillip Pahan Mrs. Carl Larson Arthur Sterns Mrs. Addison Stock Gordon Mittelstadt Mrs. Ernest Bartels Harry Fuder Mrs. Willard Danielson Mrs. Hans Froslee Conrad Grann Mrs. Raymond Danelke Rodger G. Lundquist Mrs. Vernon Bowman Morris Thompson Cornelius Mark Harry Lindquist Geo. Jenson, Jr. Mrs. Emil Bergsteen Jerry Enderson Ivan Dalseide Mrs. Roy Evavold Mrs. Byron Farden Bernie Roberts Hubert Hasleton •:rs. Elmer Halvorson Mrs. •!orris O. Bergerud Sam Halvorson Jerome washek Mrs. Ray Kraemer Charles Schwantz Mrs. Ray Larson Mrs. \\'esley Torkelson Ted Olson DATE ....................... January 4 ................................... 1967 .. PETIT JURORS 705 E. Fir 122 W. Junius 829 E. Mt. Fafth 721 West Linden 719 7th Ave. E. 915 West Summit 113 N. Lakeside 702 s. Oak 714 W. Summit 706 E, Summit 110 W. Fir 508 W. Stanton 1224 N. Park 705 1st Ave. N. 925 1st Ave. N. 211 North Union 320 W. Maple 502 w. 7th Ave. 531 7th Ave. W. 708 7th Ave. W. 926 N. Ada Hillside Ave. 127 W. Adolphus Ave. 315 W. Alcott 601 W. Alcott, 611 W. Alcott 806 Sunset Drive 616 W. Alcott 1122 N. Baird Pelican Village Pelican Village Pelican Village . Pelican Villag,e Pelican Village •:aplewood Twp. Dunn Twp. Pelican Twp. Pelican Twp. Scambler Twp. Norwegian Grove Twp. Aurdal Twp. Friberg Twp. Erhards Grove Twp. Trondhjem Twp. Trondhjem Twp. Erhards Grove Twp. &iizabeth Village Amor Twp. Norwegian Grove Twp. Lida Twp. Lida Twp. Fergus Falls Twp. Friberg Twp. Elizabeth Twp. Carlisle Twp. Oscar Twp. Maine Twp. St. Olaf Twp. Sverdrup Twp. 'l'ordenskjold Twp. Tumuli Twp. Western Twp. Western Twp. Orwell Twp. Orwell Twp. Nidaros Twp. Nidaros Twp. Everts Twp. Lear Mountain Twp. Everts Twp. Eagle Lake Twp. ~gle Lake Twp. Dane Prairie Twp. Dane Prairie Twp. Clitherall Twp. Clitherall Twp. Buse Twp. Buse Twp. Aastad Twp. Battle Lake Village Battle Lake Village Underwood Village 1st Ward, Ferit,ts Falls, 1st l\ard, Fergus Falls, Vining Village Sverdrup Twp. Parkers Prairie Village Parkers Prairie Village Parkers Prairie Village Henning Village Henning Village Fergus Falls, Minn. Minn. MiM, II II II II II II II II II II II II II II b COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Guy Clement Mrs. Marvin Becker Ed • Rod ekuhr Herman Lueders Arnold Wiebe Fred Stinar Marvin Wegscheid Mrs. Mary Gappa Walter Brockopp Claus Grotheer Lester Young Andrew Hanson Herbert Christensen Mrs. Arthur Bondzin· Clarence Fuller Bernard Van Santen Howard Dirlam Alfred Ulsby William Stewart Mrs. Fay Crooker Peter Koep Arthur Benti Clarence Bock Mrs. Ernest Boehland Walter Brasel Walter Fleischer Mrs. Louis Carstens Jane Bruhn Mrs. Herb Woods Mrs. Ruth Wilcox Mrs. T0111 Freidsam E.lmer Selander Mrs. Dudley Fraki Mrs. Eino Ojalo Arvilla Rasmussen Mrs. Bernard Wanderi Thaddeus Von Ruden · Frank Oman Mrs. Jesse Wischnak · Harry Petersen Norbert Doll Mrs. Wilbert Rinas Mrs. James Snelgrove John Kangas · Mrs. Ray Huvwe Gordon Jenkins Mrs. Louis Matz Anton Palubicki Mrs. Joe Morganroth Mrs. Bob Chambers Arvid Swanson Mrs. George Martadam Mrs. James F. Bucholtz DATE ........................ ~anuary. 4 ..................................... .19. 67. Henning Village Deer Creek Village Deer Creek Village Ottert'ail Village Ottertail Village Bluffton Village Bluffton Village Urbank Village Parkers Prairie Twp. Deer Creek Twp. HeMing Twp. Eastern Twp. Girard.Twp. Bluffton Twp. Blowers Twp. Folden Twp. Otter Tail Twp. Elmo Twp. Inman 'l'wp. Oak Valley Twp. Effington Twp. Leaf Lake Twp. Compton Twp. Woodside Twp. Corliss Twp. Gorman Twp. Gonnan Twp. Hobart Twp. Dora Twp. Perham Village Perham Village New York Mills Village New York Mills Village Newton Twp. Newton Twp. Homestead Twp. H-mestead Twp. Candor Twp: Candor Twp. Dead Lake Twp. 1'-ush Lake Twp. Dent Village Perham Butler Twp. Butler Twp. Paddock Twp. Pine Lake Twp. Pine Lake 'I'wp. Otto Twp. Vergas Village Star Lake Twp. Edna Twp. Richville Village The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Russell Brooberg Sidney Nelson Glen Melby A. Hubert Nordgren Bennie J. Johnson James Bucholz Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe · Otto Haase Harvey Morrill Ila Skalin · Laura E. Hotchkiss Vernon E. Bachman Vernon E. Bachman Eugene Davenport Harris W. Iverson Anton N. Glesne Arnold Evavold Raymond Bruhn Mrs. Gerald Zeise Ra;ymond Bruhn Mrs. Arnold Stock Hilbert Isaacson Frank Alstadt Arthur M. Espeland Clarence W. Peterson · Geo. E. Jensen Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Wm. Galena & Son · Kimber Awning Co. Harold Woessner Ebersviller Implement ~o. Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Boarding Prisoners mileage II II II expenses II II II II 11 Phelps Mill Serv, E.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. II w.n II II expenses cash advanced mileage & expenses II II II II II Extra help Co. Assessor's Office Attd. Extension Mtg. II II II II II II II II II II II II Attd. Planning Commission II II II II II II II II II II II II calls calls for Sheriff Labor & Materials for gas hook-up blinds in court room E.lectrolux Filter bags supplies II $ 600.00 35.60 164.20 156.20 186.70 14.50 87;55 86.64 82;20 93.07 13.50 123.00 166.32 22.71 15.00 73.35 105.77 294.00 4.50 7.50 ·7.65 7.50 4.50 15.60 ,12.60 9.90 3·,38 8.10 42.29 lll.llil 817.78 5.90 7.00 3.45 3.45 548 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCl■ln Hl■n■• ca■N.11, n,CLOll,11■■, £.iiivi R. B. Featherstone Roger L. Hanson Merlin s. Rieman Key Laboratories Inc. Sargent-Sowell, I0c. Western Chemical ~o. Otter Tail Grocery Co. Coopers Office Supply Russell Brooberg City of Fergus Falls Village of Perham Russel W. Jacobson Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Xerox Corporation Davenport's Stationery Burroughs Corporation The Pierce Company Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. Burroughs Corporation Xerox Corporation Security Blank Book·& Prtg. Co. Coopers Office Suppiy Miller-Davis Company St. Paul Book & Stationery Mason Publishing Co, F.mpire Business Mches. The ~hoto Center Edling Electric Co, s.c.M. Corporation Mont:oe International inc. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co, A. W. Frederickson Arthur M. Espeland Robert B. Oslund State of Minnesota Helen E. Skramsted Myrtle E. Logas Vernon E. Bachman Myrtle E. Logas Northwestern Publishing Co. Surp:).us Center Bjorgo Repair ~hop D. s. Hegstad D.S. Hegstad Village of Perham Lester Rader Rose Marie Zarns Donnis Fjestad Lorna McCabe Mrs. Sally Swanson Carolyn Helgeson Donnis Fjestad Mrs. Mary H. Koste Mrs. Earl Sonmor East Otter Tail Telephone Co. Cooper's Office Supply Village of Perham Philip M. Kjaglien Philip M. Kjaglien Straub Company Hintgen'Karst Victor Lundeen & Co. Fergus Hardware . Artz Camera Supply Co. Secretarial Services Public Utilities Dept.: Cooper's Office SupplY. Raymond Motor Transpo~tation Co. N rthwestern Bell Telephone Co. Mineral ~prings Sanat~rium Louise Kimball Andrews & Meister Drug Fergus Falls Clinic Towndhip of h1mo 'l'ownship of Newton Village of Deer Creek Champlin North Union Public ~•orks Equipt. Co., Inc. Ruffridge-Johriwon Eq. Co., Inc. Ziegler, Inc. Harry F. Buehler Ebersviller Implement Co. Fergus Dodge, Inc. Hi-Way Auto & Impl. Co. Henry Holmgren International Harvester Co. Knutson Electric Marlo Motors Matz & Grieff Minnesota Motor Co, Olson Auto 7.ectric DATE ............................. Januar,v 4 ............................... 19.67 .. care of prisoner Sp. Dep. fees & exp. II II II II II tests badges -jail supplies -jail II II II film court costs court room rental witness fees supplies for Planning CoDDD. supplies blanks supplanent ribbons film repairs maintenance II printing appraisal II surveying Audit postage II II Adv. Coms. pd. driv. lie. agts. tax notice water heater for Phelps Mill repairs at Phelps Mill furnace for Phelps Mill oil for Phelps Mill office rent for Co. Agent procuring election ballots mileage & expenses II II II postage mileage II II II II II II II calls & services supplies office rent for Co. Nurse mileage & expenses mche. rental & postage rent repairs supplies II II printing forms utilities repairs & wupplies freight calls & services care of T. B. patient transp. for T. B. patient med. for T. B. patient II II II II poor expense II II II II gas parts II II repairs II $ 10.00 26.05 14.80 33.42 16.04 65.50 8.72 1.25 '8~~.50 _170.00 720.00 28.00 8.75 39,48 2.60 2.60 25.32 10.40 2.60 154.87 575.07 312.76 114.59 20.97 5.00 7.50 .31.04 22.10 55.00 37.00 19.00 34.60 21.40 114.00 3,664.64 30.00 25.00 u.oo 9.80 8.40 49.95 7.00 590.00 21.33 60.00 1.00 48.30 19.65 79.20 11.20 69.62 5.00 27.00 15.00 11.00 1.90 35.00 97.20 10.00 50.00 2.55 12.61 2.69 44.00 6.95 3.72 26.84 3.50 22.41 10.00 20.00 17.25 7.00 668.26 745,24 97.61 4.10 4.05 254, 75 744.71 35.50 75.38 31.70 9.50 40.10 1,338.99 2.16 8.85 10.25 32.Jl ~5.07 I_: COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IICPlffl N!IJ!l-,.CIUUL.ILliLIIILlll■, . E;•2108 Swanson,Equipnent Walter H. Schmidt Uselman'& Inc. Little Falls Mach. Co. Paper, Calmenson & Co. M-R Sign Co.,. Inc. _ M0 rton Salt 1-ompany Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply vo. N. w. Refining Co. Natl. Fleet Service Elk River Con. Prod. Co. Myrbo Enterprises Norris Krog John Dieseth Co. Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Leo V. Doll Minn. Mining & Mfg. Co. Natl. ChEmsearch Corp. Little Falls Machine Co. Handy Governor Sales Pheoll Mfg. Co. Railway Express Agency B. L. Raymond Motor Trans. Inc. Dalton Grain & Feed Co. 6:ty of Fergus Falls American Road Builder's Ass•n. Minn. Dept. of Highways Inter. Business Mach. 6orp. Monroe Inter. Inc. Mpls. Blue Printing Co. The Pierce Company I.B.M. Corporation N. W. Bell Tele. Co. F. F. Pelican Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co. Wadena Vergas Telephone Co. Wendell P. Huber Arthur M. Espeland Coast-to-Coast Stores, Henning Gamble Store N. Y. M. Genuine Parts Co. F. F. Hall's Hardware Home & Fann Supply Verpas Hardware Co. Dav~•s Standard Service, Henning Fossen Oil Company Hoot Lake Pure John's 7-0 Service North Union Texaco Otter Tail Co-op. Oils, Inc• F. F. Perham Shell Station Vergas Oil Co. D-A Lu.bricant Co.; Inc. Erhard Oil Company Penrose Oil vo. Underwood Lakeside Service Dick's Standard Service P.P. Fossen Oil Co. Meyer Is Service N. W. Bell Tele Co. F. F. Wendell P; Huber DATE ............................ ~~~ary .. 4 ................................. 19 67. repairs II II snowplows cutting edges signs & posts salt Lumber liit. material tires culverts equipt. rental · gravel II II II supplies II II II II express freight coal maintenance dues setvices typewriter service supplies II II services & tolls II II II II II II II II II cash advanced witness in court supplies II II II II II gasoline gasoline ·II II gas, etc. gasoline II gas, etc. oil diesel fuel & oil diesel fuel etc. diesel fuel kerosene fuel oil fuel oil service & tolls expense Upon motion the Board then adjoqrned to 10O'clock A. M. February 71 1967. $ .. 9.J0 11.25 4.89 1740.00 436.JJ 1170.88 520.00 1359.06 719.95 605.00 84.00 50.00 1304.50 2331.70 417.45 174.00 1014.25 170.59 316.00 181.21 159.16 J.98 4.25 39.95 561.25 10.00 66J.17 481.50 66.00 101.03 47.66 17.J0 76.23 9.95 12.00 17.75 6.J2 29.95 16.90 10.36 JO.JS 116.54 10.17 55.06 4.41 67.58 61.66 21.76 16.37 J0J.21 65.39 178.59 48.95 157.00 86.92 51.58 26.07 189.60 109.62 30.57 217. 55 Chainnan. 550 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... January .. 19 .................................. 19 67 .. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNT! COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNF.SOTA Pursuant to call the County Board met at 1O:JO A. M. January 19, 1967, pr_esent Bucholz, Johnson and Morrill. After having signed the waiver of notice for calling· the special meeting the Board, together with two representatives of the State Weed Control Department proceeded to interview the various applicants who had filed applications for ap~intments as weed inspector for West Otter Tail Coupty. . After careful consideration Kenneth Clamby was appointed and authorized to at.tend the w.eed inspectors short course given i? Minneapolis on Jan. 23rd through 26th. Attest: Upon motio~ the Board then adjourned. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF BOARD OF OOUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. FEBRUARY 3, 19~~- Bennie J. Johnson, Acting Chainnan, Pursuant to call the Coµnty Bard met at 2 o'clock P. M. February J, 1967, all members present. After signing the waiver of notice, the following resolution was passed: RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, in session on this Jrd day of February, 1967, voted unanimously to request the 1967 Minnesota Legislature to pass legislation enabling Ott~r Tail County to construct a new nursing home to replace its present facility. FURTHER, that copies of this resolution be sent to the legislators from Otter Tail County, and that they be requested to enlist the support of their fellow members in the legislature. Unanimously adopted this Jrd day of February, 1967. Upon motion the Board then adjourned At.test: Otto Haase, Chainnan Sam Nycklemoe, Vice Chainnan James Bucholz Bennie J. Johnson Harvey Morrill Chainnan b COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IKIIUD.DlallU.c.DaP&IL.DJ:Lllla■IAB~• DATE ................. ~.!~~.ar, .. 7 .......................................... 19 .. 67. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF · THE BOARD OF COUNTY OOMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 l'clock A, M, February 7, 6 19 7, all manbers being present. from Jct, The Boa# rd having previously advertised for bids on road mix bituminous surfacing in Girard Township CSAH 5 NE to Jct. CSAH No, 16 preceeded to open bids, which were found to be as follows: Mahnomen Const. Co, Mark Sand & Gravel Co, · iJohh,,Dieseth Co. ... c. L.~Nelsonc-& Co,, Inc. Anderson Bros, Const, Co, W, Hodgman & Sons, Inc, Bit. Surf. Treating Co,, Mahnomen, MiM, Fergus Falls, MiM, Fergus Falls, Minn. Brainerd, MiM, Brainerd, MiM, Fairmont, MiM, Inver Grove Heights, $18,323,00 19,503,70 ·20,357,25 21,306.00 22,337,75 23,167.15 MiM, 25,876,25 After consideration the contract was awarded to Mahnomen Construction Co for the amount of $18,323,00 the county to pay 40% and the Township of Girard 60%, • • On road mix bituminous surfacihg in uorman Township from Jct. CSAH #51 E 1,47 mi, bids were ~s follows: Mark Sand & Gravel Co, Mahnomen Const, Co. John Dieseth Co, W.. Hodgman & Sons, Anderson Bros, Const. C, L, Nelson & Co, Fergus Falls Mahnomen, Minn, Fergus Falls Fairmont·, MiM, Brainerd, MiM, Brainerd, Minn. $ 7,353,02 7,544,00 8,625.25 9,077,77 9,810,40 11,097,64 After consideration the contract was awarded to Mark Sand & Gravel Co, for $7,353,02, the County to pay 40% and Gonnan Township to pay 60%, Bids were received as follows on County-wide sand seal, covering about 130,J miles: Mahnomen Const. Co, Hi-Way ~urfacing Co, McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc, John Dieseth Co, . Sunna Bros. Const. Minn. Valley Imp, Co. C. L. Nelson & Co,, Inc, Lyndin ~onst. Co,, I~c. McGarry Bros., Inc, Mahnomen, Mimn, Minneota, MiM, Marshall, MiM, Fergus Falls, MiM, Bowlus, MiM, Granite Falls, MiM, Brainerd, Minn. Mankato, MiM, St. Cloud, Minn. $ 69,707,20 73,238,60 74,073,24 75,334,60 75,334,60 84,420.40 89,482.60 95,948,40 99,972,00 After consideration the contract·was awarded to Mahnomen Const, Co, for $69,707,20. Bids for road Mix bituminous surfacing on 4,2 miles West Jct. TH 106 in Deer Creek to Jct. T.H. 106 and Jct. CSAH #35 E to Jct, CSAH #1 at Amor were received as follows: Mahnomen Const. Co. Mark Sand & Gravel Co, J0 hn Dieseth Co, Anderson Bros, Const. Co, Jubb Brown Const. Co, C, L. Nelson eo., Inc. Bit. Surface Treating W, Hodgmen & Son Mahnomen, Minn. $· Fergus Falls, MiM. Fergus Falls, llliM, Brainerd, Minn. Mankato, MiM, Brainerd, MiM, Inver Grove Heights, MiM, Fairmont, MiM, 41,539,20 44,775,40 45,183,70 4!J,414,70 50, 545,18 51,717,20 58,311,70 51,159,70 After consideration the contract _was awarded to Mahnomen Construction Co, for $41,539,20, The County Auditor was authorized to call for bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A, M, March 7, 1967 for the following equipment: 1. Three industrial wheel tractors with½ c,Y. loaders, 2. Two pick-ups. Bids shall include trade-in allowance on County Uni~ #42 located at Battle Lake, and County Unit #79 located at Battle Lake, J, Four dump-trucks 25,500 GVW, bids shall include trade-inallowance on the following units: Unit #31 located in Fergus Falls; Unit #JS located at Perham; Unit #95 located at Bluffton; Unit #97 located at Pelican Rapids, The Commissioner of Highways was authorized to call for bids on behamf of Otter Tail County for gravel base, road-mixed bituminous surfacing and aggregate shouldering: s:P. 56-659-08 (CSAH 59), Minnesota Project S 6414(6), length 6,0 miles, located between County State-Aid Highway No, 6, J,O miles north of Urbank, arid County State-Aid Highway No. 40; S,P. 56-668-02 (CSAH 68), Minnesota Project S 6981(6), length 1,0 mi.le, located between ~ounty State-Aid Highway No, 75, 8,0 miles northeast of Bluffton·and the East Line of Otter Tail County; S,P, 56-67-5-10 (CSAH 75), MiMesota Project S 6967 (2), Length 4,8 miles, located between Trunk Highway No, 210 and County State-Aid Highway No. 50, 6.0 miles east of Deer Creek; and S,P, 56-675-11 (CSAH 75), Minnesota Project S 6967(3), length 9,0 miles,. located between County State-Aid Highway No, 76, J.O miles Northeast of Bluffton and County State-Aid Highway No. 8, The County Auditor was instructed to advertise for sealed bids to be received until 11 o'clock A. M, March a, 1967 for bituminous material comprising: approximately 50,000 gallons S,C. and 100,000 gallons M·.C., to be delivered at any point in Otter Tail County by transport truck equipped with pump for uhloading, Upon motion the County Auditor was ordered to issue a check in the sum of $2,000.00 to the admi.nistrator of the estate of H. G. Evenson as the balance on Phelps Mill property. As the tenns of Arthur Espeland and Hilbert Isaacson as manbers of the Planning and Zoning Board expired and they did not desire reappointment, Walter Sundberg of Fergus Falls and Curt Watt of Parkers Prairie Village 552 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. February 7 67 DATE .................................................................................. l9 ..... . ID ■■■ E· Im were appointed to replace than on the Board •• Upon motion Mrs. Helen Hillstrom of Vergas post office, and Mrs. Russell M. Jedlund, Ashby post office, were submitted to the Commissioner of Public Welf~re from which to select a lay member of the County Welfare Board. A resort and dance hall owner appeared before the Board and presented .arguments in favor of Sunday dances. After discussion the Board decided there would be no change in the regulations in this ~ounty to permit Sunday dances. A delegation from the Township~ of St. Olaf and Tordenskjold presented a petition asking for improvement of County Road #39. After discussion it was ordered that t~e County Engineer make surveys when time hecame available. The Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of Fergus Falls appeared before the Board urging the County to supply County maps to resort owners in this County was discussed, but no action was taken. Upon Motion the Board tnen adjourned to 10 o'clock A.~-February 8, 1967. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Boa!'(i met at 10 o'cloc_!< A. M. February 8, 1967, all members present. The petition of the Luverne Agr~cultural Co. asking that the SW! Sec. 21 and Sub Lot A of the Et NW! ex. tract, in Section 28 all in Township 133 Range 43 be set off from Dist. 1434 to Dist. 544 was taken up for final action. After disc~ssion the p_etition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, The petition of Luverne Agricultural Co., a freeholder and resident of School District No. 1434 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 544 and· asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1434 to said adjoining school Distric~ No. 544 was present"!! to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held 6n the 7th day of December A. D., 1966 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was"thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 8th day of february A. D., 1967, at the County.Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that a notice of the time and place of such helll"ing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places i.n each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 8th day of February A, D,, 1967 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten· days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petitio~ was publicly re!1d and considered by the Board, with everything which was said"by s~id interested parties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned br him, to-wit: SW! of Section 21 and Sub Lot A_of E½ of NW! ex tract, Section 28-133-43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1434 to said adjoining School District No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of ~aid last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County_Commiss:i.oners Dated the 8~h day of February A, D., 1967. (Auditor's Seal) Otto Haase Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio C1erk of Board The petition of Ralph E. and Martha Herman asking that a one-acre tract in Section 28 Township 133 Range 43· be set off from Dist. 1434 to Oist. 544 was taken up for final action. After discussion the petition was granted and the Board issue the following order, to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, the petition of Ralph E. & Martha Herman legal voters, freeholders and residents of School District No. 1434 in this County, representing that heis the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, arid adjoin School District No, 544 and asking.that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1434 to said adjoining school district No. 544 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 7th day of December A. D., 1966 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ord~red by ~aid board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 8th day of February A. D., 1967 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in· said County; and whereas it was f'urt,her ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting oopies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and where- as at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 8th day of February A. D., 1967 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, saod petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said irt.erested parties for or aginst granting the pra,yer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and 'i ---------------,,---------------~~----------------------~ detennined, that the said.petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: . 1 acre tract in Section 28-133-43 be and_the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1434 to said adjoining School District No, 544 and said lands are here~y made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 8th day of February A. ·D., 1967, (Auditor's Seal) . Otto Haase Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S, B. Johnson County Auditor, &.ex-officio ·Clerk of Board, The petition of Bert~a M. Wild e asking that a one-acre tract in the SE! of NW! Section 21 Town ship 133 Range 43 be set off from Dist, 1434 to Dist, 544 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M. March 8, 1967, and that due notice of the time and place be given as re-quired by law, The petition of Merle E. Wilke asking that the Si NE! and -Ni SE! of Section 20 Township 132 Range 41 be set off from Dist, 1388 to Dist. 550 was read and it was ordered thata hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M, March 8, 1967, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The petition of John Haveland asking that the Ni NE! ex, West 15, 75 acres in Section 22 'l'ownship 136 Range 39 be set off from School Dist, 1396 to School Dist. 549 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at.10 o'clock A. M, March 8, 1967, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law, The petition of Lewis A, and Alvina Tomhave asking that the NW¼ except tracts, in Section 21 To~mship 133 Range 43 be set off from Dist, 1434 to Dist, 544 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M. March 8, 1967, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law, Upon motion two members of the County Board were authorized to attend the regional meeting of the Board of County Commissioners to be held at Thief River Falls on February 17, 1967, A p~at of Walls River Lots, being part of Lot 7 Section 36 Township 134 Range 41 and part of Lot 2 in Section 1 1ownship 133 Range 41, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Henry Nycklemoe, attorney- at-law, was approved, Upon motion the salary of Frank Roberts as County Weed and Seed Inspector was fixed at $200,00 a month for seven months of the calendar year. The application of Clarence Sporre for correction of assessment on household goods in the Township of Aurdal was read, Upon motion the application was recommended to the Colllljlissioner of taxation for approval on the ground that 60 sheep were assessed at $20 per head instead of $7 per head. The.following applications for homestead classification were granted by the Board: Shennan Whitney, Lots 1 and 2 Block 10 Village of Richville; H. F, Jahoda, Lot 2 Camp Corliss. _ The fol+owing applications for correction o_f personal property assessments were granted: Mrs. Ella Metcalf, no household exemption given; L, R. Jensen, rown of Aurdal, erroneously assessed in Aurdal instead of Sverdrup where his property is located and assessed; Herbert C, Haugrud, Township of Pelican, error in assessing tractor; Alvin Dalager, Town of Norwegian Grove, clerical error by assesspr; Earl Grundei, Town of Girard, property sold and also assessed to new owner; George Thompson, Township of Elizabeth, boat and motor also assessed in Erhard Village where he lives; LeRoy Berger, Village of Pelican Rapids, market value of Item 4A entered as true and full value; Emil S, Peterson, Everts Township, household exemption not given. The Board having previously advertised for bids on two automobiles for the Sheriff proceeded to open bids, which were found to be as follows: Fergus Dodge, Fergus Falls Fergus Oil Inc, Fergus Falls Jim Larson Ford, New York Mimls Minnesota Motor, Fergus Falls Minnesota Motor Co,, Fergus Falls Klein Motors, Fergus Falls Suhr Ford, Fergus Falls Stna•s Garage, Battle Lake Dodge Pontiac Ford (2 car bid Chevrolet Buick Plymouth r ord 1-'ord $2,585,75 2,710.00 only) 4,938,34 2,391.00 2,467,00 2,190,05 2,429,14 2,573,17 After listening to the ~tatement of the various bidders and discussion, a motion was made, seconded and carried that the bid of Klein Motors, Fergus Falls, for two Plymouths at $2,190,05 be accepted, A dance license for mechanical music only was granted to Bob and Jerry Schultz at Ten Mile Lake Resort in Tumul •ownship. A dance license was granted to Ivan Stigen at the Ranch House in Buse Township. 553 554 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. February 8 ································19 _67 IIC'llffl Nl■n■■ COHAn IT.CUIH ..... 1-iiiii The following bonds were approved: Opal R. Marts, Deputy Clerk of ~ourt., $1,000.00, Carolyn Helgeson, Senior Public Health Nurse, $1,000.00; Rueben G. Swenson, Superintendent of ~ounty Nursing Home, $5,000.00; noland Winterfeldt, County Welfare Director, $10,000.00, all written in the General Insurance Co. of America. The fol~owing annual report of fees and anoluments received were approved: Mrs. Leonard Hillstrom Mrs. N0rbert Hertel nobert Shaw, Eugene Davenport. Rueben G. Swenson ltol~d l\interfeldt Helen Skramsted Dr. car"l J • Lund Wendell P. Huber Myrtle E. Logas Harlan L. Nelson s. B. Johnson i:JOwen V. Thompson Vernon E. Bachman Sam Nycklemoe Bennie J. Johnson Harvey Morrill James Bucholz Otto Haase Welfare Board Welfare Board Deputy Assessor & Treasurer County Assessor Supt. of Nursing Home Welfare Director Register of Deeds Coroner County Engineer Clerk of Gourt County Attorney Auditor Probate Judge Supt. of Schools Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner $280.00 280.00 6536.62 6240.00 54.00.00 11000.00 8500.00 1542.36 12360.00 8500.00 7500.00 8500.00 ll.580.00 7000.00 2815.00 2785.00 2855.00 2915.00 2795.00 The Board having called for bids for mobile radio units and sirens opened bids which were as follows: Mobile Radio & TV Service Fergus Falls mobile Radio-$760.00 each Motorola Communication & Eiectronics, Inc. 3 units 2280.00 siren 220.50 each 3 units 66i50 mobile. uni ts 2 units electronic sirens 810.00 each 1620.00 235.CO each Upon motion the proposal of the Mobile Radio & TV Service was accepted. The following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT the Otter Tail County State Legislative delegation author and secure enactment of legislation changing the saiaries of the County Superintendent of Schools, County Attorney and County Doard of Commissioners as follows: County Superinte~dent of Schools from a maximum of $7000 per year to a minumum of $7000 per year, County Attorney from a maximum of $7500 per year to a minumum of $7500 per year, County Board of Commissioners from a maximum of $2400 per year to a minumum of $2400 per year. This would place these offices in approximately the same position as the offices of Auditor, Treasurer, Clerk of Court, Register of Deeds and Sheriff who now operates on salaries of a minumum of $8000 per year. When the legislature changed the salaries of Auditor, Treasurer, Clerk of ~ourt, Register of Deeds and Sheriff in 1965, the legislature.omitted the three offices now.covered by this resolution. Adopted this 8th day of February, 1967. Otto Haase Chainnan. Attest: S. B. Johnson lerk. The following resolution w~s adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota, THAT the sum of $10,341.12 be transferred from the County Building fund to the County Road and Bridge fund to cover heating plants and equipnent in ~ounty garages and work on Court House parking areas, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the C_ounty Auditor be hereby authorized to make the necessary entries on his records to accomplish this. Adotped this 8th day of February, 1967. Otto Haase Chairman, Attest: 5. B. Johnson "lerk. ---: COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ February .. s .............................................. l9 67. .,. .................. E•ZIG8 The following resolution was adopted: RF.SOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota, THAT we hereby r~commend to the Co~ssioner of taxation that a pennanent easement be granted to the Department of. Cons~rvation over the following tax-forfeited lands for providing publi·c access and improve-ment of trout habitat in brooks, creeks and_ rivers that cross said land; Brandberg c·reek where it crosses the following described lands: Government. Lot Two (2) of the Northeast Quarter(NE~) of Section Thirty (JO), 'l'ownship One Hundred Thirty-three (133) North, Range Thirty-Eight (38) West·. Adopted this 8th day of February, 1967. Otto Haase Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson "lerk. The following bills were allowed: Carlton Mortensen Russell Brooberg Carlton Mortensen Glen Melby Sidney Nelson A. Hubert Nordgren John Hoff James Bucholz Sam Nycklemoe Bennie J. Johnson Harvey Morrill Bennie J. Johnson Ila Skalin Mrs. Laura E. Holchkiss Frank lioberts Kenneth Clambey Owen V. Thompson Eugene Davenport Harris W. Iverson Anton N. Glesne Mrs. s. P. Adams, Jr. Stein Chemical Co. Ebersviller· Implement Co. Gust Lagerquist & Sons Great Plains Natural.Gas Co. Otter Tail Grocery Co. Harold Woessner Chemco company, Inc •. Wanek Locksmith Elmer Zill Allstate Sanitation & Mtce. Supply Corp. F~rgus Hardware General Trading Co. . Park Region Medical Center l.ity Pharmacy Andrews & Meister Drug White Drug (;o. Roger Hanson Donald Lee Merlin Rieman Henry Lubitz Henry Lubitz Donald Lee Esther Mortensen Mrs. Russell Brooberg Martha Wee Everett C. Hanson, M •. D. Key Laboratories, Inc. M0 bile Radio & 'I'. V •. Mobile Radio & 'I'. V. Fergus Plumbing & Heating Allison & l.omPE411y Holten Lumber Co. . Del Chemical Corporation Fergus Jobbing Inc. Wm. Galena & Son Fergus Oil City of Fergus Falls . William H. Newhall rtiver Inn Coffee Shop Mrs. Maynard Fletcher. Bigler & Bigler Dr. C. J. Lund ~arding Prisoners " II II expenses II mileage etc. II salary mileage & expenses II II II board of Audit· expenses & per diEm mileage & expenses Serv. E.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. II W.'' II II II II Sal1y & Exp. weed insp. Exp. Attd. short course expenses to convention expenses & mileage II II II Extra Help Co. Assessor's office phone calls for planning comm. cleaner supplies repairs gas consumed supplies for jail & Ct. house rug washer & brush Janitor supplies locks "hristmas tree brooms christmas tree ornaments & supplies shovels care of prisoners II II II med. for prisoner II II II ;:, P• Dep. mileage II II II II II II & II II II II II II matron fees II II II II services tests services II II II II II II II notarial bond Sheriff's supplies II II bl!llds of bleach repairs gas court costs II refunds of fines meals for jurors mieeage for bailiff coroner's fees II II .(ees II II II $849.75 197.50 67.90 260.50 216.80 51.80 12.00 52.70 26.50 5.CO 22.50· 40.50 221.25 75.60 117.88 91.10 62.00 127.20 146.55 333.85 7.33 1.50 2.65 54.11 1548.42 33.00 43.35 311.16 15.15 6.co 20.87 15.84 7.90 85.00 6.70 5.20 2.35 11.50 17.80 37.00 60.00 25.70 175.00 120.co 10.CO 5.00 5.00 10.55 44.50 121.55 6.00 10.00 $.85 261.89 32.co 47.70 2.20 120.00 50.00 16.40 SJ.10 51.25 187.70 555 556 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. February .. 8 ............... . HCHffl fll■n■• COH&n, n.c1D■1.■11■• £-Bui Victor Lundeen & Company Victor Lundeen & ~ompany MillerQDavis Company Burroughs Corporation Midwest Printing Company Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. Davenport's Stationery Security Blank Book & Prtg, Co, Oswald Publishing ~o. 'l'he Pierce Company Xerox Corporation West Publishiing Nelson Bros, Prtg, Co, Burroughs Corp-Todd Division Martindale-Hubbell, Inc, BurDoughs CorP-'l'odd Di vision Borroughs Corporation Commissioners of Highways Whiting's Office Equipnent "obert B, Oslund & Assoc. '"obert B. Oslund & Assoc, Helen E, Skramsted George H. Nelson Vernon E, Bachman Myrtle E. Logas Swanson Equipment Sherlock Houge Olson Hdwe. & Plumbing Fergus Plumbing & Htg. F.dgetown Lumber Co. · Fergus Journal Company Battle Lake Review Battle Lake Review · 'l'he HeMing Advocate· The !"dependent · Pelican Rapids Press Perham Enterprise Bulletin Village of -Perham · The Assn. of MiM. Counties Anderson Bros, Construction Co, Hubert Walls Al.fred Norgren Anderson Bros, Construction ~G. Anderson Bros, Construction ~o. Carolyn Helgeson · Rose Marie Zarns Lorna McCabe DoMis Fjestad Mrs. Luther H. Anderson Mrs. Earl ::,onmor E,O,T. Telephone Co,. Andrews & Meister Drug Carolyn Helgeson Sa;l:;l:y Swanson Village of Perham Mrs. F.d. Skoglund Mrs, Philip Wicklund. Mrs, Bud Larson Mrs. W, E, Hubert Mrs, Charles Lewis Mrs. Arthur Bakke Mrs. Eivor Jedlund Mrs. Robert H, Johnson Mrs. Walter Hubert Mrs. Edwin Skoglund . Mrs, John J. Steblay · Mrs. Alva Helmrichs · Philip M, Kjaglien Philip M. Kjaglien Straub "ompany Public Utilities Dept, N. W. Bell Tele Co, . Victor Lundeen & Co, · Nelson Bros, Printing Co, Secretarial Service · Cooper Is Office Suf!ply Hintgen-Karst · Mj_neral Springs Sanatorium Fergus Falls Clinic · 'l'ownship of Dunn '!ownship of Nidaros Andy's 66 Service Carlisle Co-op Oil Consumers Co-op Oil Co, B, L. Consumers Co-op Oil Co. Henning Dave's Standard Service Henning Dave's Standard Service Pel. Rpds. Fanners Co-op Creamery Aasn, D. C, Fossen Oil Co, Highway ~a-Service Station Hoot Lake Pure · Jim's Ser vice Station supplies II II II postcards, envelopes & prtg. supplies II II II II II MiM, Stat. Annotated printing signature plate Law directory maintenance II maps rBnt on calculators surveying II postage II II Adv. cams.pd, driv. lie, agts. rent on saw -Phelps Mill wiring for water heater P, M. plumbing for Phelps Mill II II II II supplies II II II publ, pers. prop. tax list & misc. publishing publ. pers. prop. tax.list II II " II II II " II II II II " " " " II II II II II office rent for Co, Agent Association dues tile furnished spraying w~eds .... painting in assessor's & Clerk of Courts waterproifing boiler ,oom wall storage & cabinets for Nurse's office expenses & mileage II II II " mileage " ,i II " calls & service supplies postage postage office rent Attd, Nurs. Bd, Mtg, " II II II II II II II II II II II mileage & exp nses postage & rental rental utilities calls & services supplies II mimeographing . typei.-ri ter repairs II care of T. B. patient med, 'l', B, patient poor expenses II II gas, etc. gasoline gasoline II II II gas, etc. ti II gasoline II gasoline $ 200.65 110,75 294,98 52.CO 147,50 97,53 3.52 144,99 22,58 31.77 41.95 50,CO 594,75 30,00 75,00 80,00 491.44 41. 50 202,50 852,00 979,00 50,00 46,65 33,60 15,25 18,CO 35,88 12.13 17,58 4,20 2252,80 140,05 1046,70 524,25 322,50 907,13 621.60 60.00 900,CO 18,30 81.60 offc, 850,00 848.15 660,94 68.25 69,33 135,17 11,70 4,80 11.40. 13,26 2,57 7,00 5,00 35,CO 8,25 3,75 2,70 2,70 4,95 3,30 3,00 5,10 2,70 8,25 7,35 7,35 91.05 8.00 50,00 3,75 18.00 10.65 215,70 5,50 250,00 10. 56 184,20 6.00 486,75 384.49 83.64 23:82. 360.42 13,73 23,82 178,47 496.00 120,42 93,00 93.13 88,70 Bldg, Bldg. Bldg. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. llllllD.Ullllll.Cl■.Dl.l,.IT-.c.MI.IL!.111, E•28CII John's 7--0 Service North Union Texaco · Orie's Pure Norm's Mileage Perham "'o-op Oil Co; Ray' s Oil (;ompany · Service Oil Co. B. ~. Service Oil Co. Und. StE111dard Oil Co. B. L. 'l'heodorson Mobil Service Twin Is Motor Company" Arrow Petroleum Erhard Oil Co. Nundahl Oil "'o. Penrose Oil '-o. Standard Oil Co. B. L. Standard Oil Co. Pel. Rpds. Bengtson Oil Co. Fossen Oil Go. The Oil Store Standard Oil Co. Ted's Oil Co. Underwood Lakeside Service Bertelson Welding Ebersviller Implement Co. Edling h1ectric, Inc. Hanson Plulnbing & Htg. International Harves~er Co. Jokela Repair LaMay Auto Parts Larson & Wifall Implement · Larson Welding Fergus Plumbing & Heating Olson Auto ~lectric · Park Region Oil l;o. Pel Rpds. Pelican Hdwe. Riverside Repair Shop nude Garage Service Oil (;o. Und. Stan's Garage Super GMC Truck Sales Thelen Implement Wicklund Farm Supply Bretz Hardware "'oast to Coast Store B. L. Coast to Coast Store Pel. Rpds. Coast to Coast Store Perham Everts Lumber Co. Genuine Parts Co. Holten L11111ber Co. Hoyt Hardware General Trading Co. Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Welders Equipment Wilcox Lumber Co. Henning Doc I s '!'ire Service Dal ton Grain & ~· eef Hall Equipment inc. Hi-Lo Equipment Co. Minnesota Tractor Co. George T. Ryan (;o. Ziegler Inc. Wheeler Lbr. Bridge & Supply "o. Paper Calmenson & "'o. lioemer Sales &·Service L. N. Sickes Co. Del Chemical Corporation Eutectic ~,elding Alloys Melvin Swanson Raymond Motor Trans. Co. D-A Lubricant ~o., Inc. Minn. Dept. of Highways Fergus Journal Co. Minn. Good Roads, Inc. Otter Tail Power (;o. O'Meara's Minneapolis Blue Printing Co. H. A. Rogers Co. · Albinson Davenport's Victor Lundeen & '-o. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. F. F. East Otter Tail Telephone Co. Midwest Telephone Co. Pelican Telephone "'o. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Wadena East Otter Tail Telephone '-o. Park Region Mutual Telephone '-o. N. W. Bell Telephone l:o. F. r'. Wendell P. Huber DATE ................. ~.!?.!:~~~ ... 8 .......................................... l 9 . 67. gasoline II II II gas, etc II II II II II II gasoline gas, etc. diesel fuel II II II II II II II II II II fuel oil II II II II II II II II II II repairs supplies tires coal parts II repairs parts II bridge lumber cutting Edges repairs calcium chloride supplies II gravel freight oil services adv. for bids subscription prints supplies II II repairs supplies II service & tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II expenses $ 20.73 40.35 105.92 151.10 135.14 116.31 634.94 121.75 66.79 66.62 118.24 53.20 169.65 76.00 131.95 67.78 126.50 148.49 379.20 169.80 77.87 60.80 174.24 2.50 68.95 41.00 8.70 190.96 102.61 14.19 1.38 :~~50 33.50 100.50 5.25 11.90 17.73 12.30 2.80 53.46 271.44 9.50 11.06 14.26 54.83 27.80 17.42 89.46 41.67 18.13 6.42 946.82 47.81 137.70 49.91 43.91 183.37 127.00 52.06 15.54 145.11 13.20 5ih3.54 1122.66 633.37 325.00 1893-50 123.89 111.75 363.36 16.25 489.50 236.53 29.40 100.00 20.58 2.90 126.76 393.85 2.74 29.08 114.15 36.80 20.25 15.85 13.84 20.32 21.40 19.90 84.38 235.18 557 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. G.D. Hip-low Wendell P. Huber John l!.. Jennen Steven Piekarski . Schuol District #1506 Lehoy Schmidt Leonard Piekarski H0 ward Brosowske Henry Halvorson Gorman Township DATE ........................... .F.ebr.ua.I:J[ .. .8 ............................... 19.6.'/. .. expenses cash advanced Right of Way " " " " " " II II II II II II II II " II II " ""pecial Aid Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. March 7, 1967. Chairman At teat: $ 37.14 38.80 20.40 129.20 r.ao 41.20 55.15· 512.22 33-40 300.00 -- COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. eUHID nl■IUIIII..OMt.UL.ILliLIIII,. DATE ................... M~.r.1;b ... 'Z •....•...•..•...•..•...•..•••....•...•........ 1967 .. . MINUTFS OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY WMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNFSOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 l'clock A, M, March 7, 1967,· all members present. Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to adve t· f b.d opened at 11 o'clock A, M. april 4, 1967: rise or is on the following projects to be C, P, 67 ~ounty Center Striping, Approv~-t l 166 6 ...... ,a e Y , miles of C.S.A,H, and approximately 1150 gallons of yellow paint, · Grading S,A,P, 56-611-04, 4,261 miles located f-rom the junction of CSAH #21 and #11, 1,5 miles north of French, thence West and North 4,261' miles, Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids April 5, 19p7 for the following: to be opened at 11 o'clock A, M. ROAD SIGNS AND POSTS Comprising approximately 1000 Right of Way markers, 870 road signs and 3300 posts, The County Board having previously advertised for bids for two l ton pick-ups bi'ds which were as follows with trade-ins: 2 proceeded to open Super GMC Truck Sales, \ Stan' s Garage Minnesota Motor Company Fergus Dodge, Inc, ~·ergus Falls, Minn, Battle Lake, Minn. Fergus Falls, Minn, Fergus Falls, Minn, Unit #1 $1739.50 1491.76 ll98,70 1528,00 Unit #2 $1739,50 1491.76 1285,70 1478,00 Upon motion the bid of the Minnesota Motor Company waa accepted for both pivk-ups. Bids for three tractors with front end loaders were opened and found to be as follows: Ebersviller Implement Company International Harv.ester Massey-Ferguson, Inc, Pat McGrath, Inc, · · Perham Farm Supply Tysdal Implements Vergas Motor Service Fergus Falls, Minn, Fergus Falls, Minn, Fargo, North Dakota Fargo, North Dakota Perham, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Vergas, Minnesota $ 3997,00 each unit 3600,00 each unit 3759,73 each unit 4200,00 each unit 3595,00 each unit 3812,17 each unit 3423,66 each unit Upon motion the bids of the Vergas Motor Service for all three tractors and loaders was accepted, Bids for four dump trucks were received as follows, with Trade-ins: Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #J Unit #!J. Fergus Dodge Inc, Fergus Falls, Minn. $ 5739,00 $5749,00 $5634,00 $5478.00 International Harvester Fergus Falls, Minn, 5920,30 5720,30 5820,30 5870,30 Perham Fann Supply Perham, Minn. No Did No Bid No Did 6519.00 Super GMC, Truck Sales Fergus Falls 6548,90 6488,90 6438,90 6338,00 Bids were accepted as follows: Unit #1 -$5739,00, Unit #3 -$5634,00 and Unit #4 -$5478,00 to Fergus Dodge Inc,, Fergus Falls, Minn, · Unit #2 -$5720.30 to International Harvester COJ)ipany, Fergus Falls. Licenses for non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted as follows: Stanley J, Butkus Graystone Lodge ~lifford & Neola Schroeder Pleasure Park Melvin B, Baas Triangle Inn Reinhold Koehn Resort Herman Weichert Babe's Resort Everts Township Otter Tail Town.ship Rush Lake Township Everts Township Perham Township Dance license was granted to Herman Weichert, Babe's ~esort, Township of Perham, Upon motion the appointment of Mrs, Bud Larson, Battle Lake, Minnesota, and Mrs. Luther Anderson, Dent, Minnesota as members of the County Nursing Board was approved, Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed ·to forward a check for $5325,77 to the Sheltered Work- shop in Fergus Falls. Upqn motion Bernard Palubicki and Virginia Adams were reappointed as members of the County Planning and Zoning Commission. The bond of Robert B. Oslund as County Surveyor in the sum of $2000.00 with the United Pacific In~ surance Company of Seattle as surety was approved. Upon motion the statement of receipts and disbursements for the year 1966 was approved. A representative of the trucking industry appeared before the Boar~ urging support of the trucking bill before the l~gislature autho~izing 65 foot double bottom trucks. No action was taken. • • D ard and the County Auditor were authorized to sign an aggreement Upon motion the Chainnan of the O • p 1.ki h d Williams would act as consultants on the as to the tenns and conditions under. which the firm of o ng orn an issue of County Nursing Home bonds. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. March 8, 1967, ~ 559 60 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE .................... March. 8 .................... . ...... J9 .. 67 IIC a1n N ■ • CO■f.l■ • II. D,■1■■• • WEI»IESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, March 8, 1967, all mmbers present. The petition of Bertha M. Wilde asking that a one acre tract in the SEt .of the NWt of Section 21- 133-43 be set off from District 1434 to adjoining School District #544 was taken up for final action, After listening to statements of interested parties, the Board issued the following order to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another, Whereas, The petition of B"er'tha M. Wilde, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 1434 in this County, representing that he is t"he owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are sit- uate in said School IJistrict, and adjoin School District No, 544 and asking tha.t he with his said lands may be set off from said district No, 1434 to said adjoining School district No. 544 was presented to the Board of Co- unty Commissioners of thj;s County at a session of said board held on the 8th day of February A, D., 1967 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said• petition, at a session of said board on the 8th day of March A, D,, 1967 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County 60111111issioners on said 8th day of March A, D., 1967 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and renuired, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition shoula be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: One Acre t~act in SE! of NW! Sect~on 21-133-43 be and the same are hereby set off from sqid.School District No. i434 to said adjoining School District No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 8th day of March A. D,, 1967, (Auditor's Seal) Otto Haase Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S, B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Lewis and Alvina Tomhave aski_ng that th:e NW! except tracts in Section 21-133-43 be set off from Distr:i:ct #1434 to adjoining District #54!, was read.. After listening to statements of interested parties, th·e Board iss·ued the following order to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter froin One School District to Another. Whereas, The petition of-Lewis A. and Alvina Tomhave, leg~l voters, freeholders and residents of School District No, 1434 in this County, representing that they are t~e owners of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No, 1434 to said adjoining school District No, 544 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of sai~ board held on the 8th day of February A. D., 1967 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 8th day of March A. D., 1967 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 8th day of Marc~ A, D., 1967 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made_ and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Bqard, with everything·which was said by said interested parties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: NW! ex tracts sold, Section 21-133-43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 1434 to said adjoining School District No, 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School !)istrict for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of Count~ 6ommissioners Dated the 8th day of March A. D., 1967. (Auditor's Seal) Otto Haase Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex~officio Clerk of Board COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ~ :!---==,IBum.WUll.1.uu&IIIJl.d.lULIWI E•ZB08 DATE .......................... !'!:~:.~.~ .. ~ ........................................ 19 .. 6?.. The petition of Merle E. Wilke asking that the Si f NE1 d 1 ~1 • set off from District #1388.to adjoining District 6550 ° ~ an t?e N2.of the s..., in section 20-132-41 be parties, the Board issued the following order to-wit: was read. After listening to statements of interested Order Setting Off Legal Voter from O~e School District to Another. Whereas, The petition of Merle E Wilke 1 al t No 1388 in this County representin that h . a eg vo er, freeholder and resident of School·District in°said School District: and adjoin :chool D~s~:i~~eN~wn;;0°r the 1~nd5 hereinafter d~scri?ed, which are situate off from said district No. 1388 to said ad". . h • . an? asking that he with his said lands may be set . . . Joining sc ool district No. 550 was presented to the Board of County· Colllllll.ssioners of this County at a session of said board held on th 8th d f F b A 6 • f "db dth . d h . e ayo eruary .D. 197fortheaction 0 ~ait· oart er~n, an w_ereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing sholtld be had on said peti ion, a a session of said board on the 8th day of March A D 1967 at th c t A d"t , ff" · City f Fergus Falls· "d t d • •• e oun Y u i ors o ice in the • 0 . in sai_ coun Y! an whereas it was further ordered in and by s·aid order that notice of the time and_pla~e of such hearing be giv~ by ~o~ting copies of, said order in three public places in each of-the school distr~cts to be.affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a co~ of said .or~er at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at th·e s•aid session of the said Board of County Commissioners onsaid 8th day of March A D 1967 d f f th t· d · r "d rd . • • , · ue proo o e pos ing an service O ~ai .o er of heari?g as th~rein directed and required, more than ·ten days prior to said last n~ed da~e, having_been ma~e ~d filed, said_petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with every- ~hi~ :h~ch w~s 5~1? byt~a~d 1?dteres~~ parties for or aginst granting the prayer ·of the petitioner, and said oa_ . eing-o opinion ~ sai p~tition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: ' S} of NEt and N½ of SE#; Section 2Q-132-41 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1388 to said adjoining School District No. 550 and said lands are her,eby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 8th day of March A. D., 1967. (Auditor's Seal) Otto Haase Chairman of the Board of County Conmissioners of Otter Tail· County, Minn; · Attest: · s.·B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk'of Board The petition of John Haver.land asking that the N½ of the NE#; except the W 15.75 acres in Section 22-136-39 be set off.Cran School District No. 1396 to Adjoining School District-No.· 549·was read. After listening to statE111ents of interested parties, the Board issued the following order to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School D:i::trict to Another. Whereas, The petition of John Haverland a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 1396 in this County, representing that he is the owner-of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 549 and asking that he with his said lands·may be set off from said district No. 1396 to said adjoining school district-No. 549 was. presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 8th day of February A. D., 1967 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was.thereupon orderecd by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 8th day of March A. D., 1967 at the County Auditor's office in the' City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the·clerk of each of said School Districts, · a copy of said order at least ten days before -the time· appointed for such hearing; and whereas at .the ·said session· of the said Board of eounty Commissioners on said 8th day of March A. D., 1967 due proof fof the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything wrui:ch was said by said interested parties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board. being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and etermined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: N½ of NE#; except West 15.75 acres, Section 22-136-39 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1396 to said adjoining School District No. 549 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 8th day of March A. D., 1967. (Auditor's Seal) Otto Haase Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest:· s. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio C1erk of Board The petition of Harland Haugen asking th~t part of NW#; of Section·21, Township 133, Range 43 described as follows: Beginning at Northeast corner of said NWt; thence Sou~h, ~531.8· ft.; thence Wes~, 330.0 ft.; thence South, 615.5 rt.; to Highway No. 59; thence Northwesterly along said Highway 425.8 ft: to poin~ loc~ted 6CO ft. West of East line of said NWi:; thence North to a point located 6CO ft. West of East line of s~id NW#;; thence North to a point 989.2 ft. to said North Section line; thence South 89°53' E., 1209 ft. more or less to the 561 562 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... March 8 ························1967. IIFPPffl NIIIIII CIIPIII U 11.fPI ■Ill EeZ8CJB point of beginning. Containing 37.73 acres more or less, be set off from District #1434 to adjoining School District 1/,544 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be had on said petition at 10 o'clock A, M., May 10, 1967 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The petition of Gordon Tomhave asking that the NE! except RR of Win Section 29-133-43 be set off from District #1434 to Adjoining District #544 was read and it was ordered that a hearing behad on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M., May 10, 1967 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The petition of Ronald C. & Ilene G. Brown asking that the E 330 ft. of the S 1122.7 ft. of the SE! of NW! N of Highway Section 21-133-43 be set off from District #1434 to adjoining District #544 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be had on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M., May 10, 1967 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The petition of twayne L. & Elizabeth J. Johnson asking that the East 195 ft. of the West 763 ft. Section 21-133-43 of the NW! North of highway except N 694.5 ft and tract 175.4 ft. N and Sand 248 ft. E & W lying approximately North of the above tract was read and it was ordered that a hearing be had on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M., May 10, 1967 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The petition of Theodore D. and Janita Olson asking that the E 100 ft. of the W 1043 ft. of the NW! of NW! N of Highway except the N 695 ft. of Section 21-133-43 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be had on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M., May 10, 1967 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1512 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said dissolution be held at 10 o'clock A. M., May 10, 1967 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The annual report of fees and emoluments received by Robert B. Oslund, County Surveyor, was approved. Upon motion the Blue Shield of Minnesota was authorized to change its coverage on employees from M42 to Usual and Customary Fee for Surgery together with Major Medical. The Board having previously authorized the Commissioner of Highways to advertise for bids on behalf of Otter Tail County on the following projects: S.P. 56-659-08, c.s.A.H. 59, S 6416 (6), length 6.o miles, located between c.s.A.H. No. 6, 3.0 miles North of Urbank, and C.S.A.H. No~.40. s. P. 56-668-02, c.s.A.H. 68, S 6981 (6), length 1.0 miles, located between C.S.A.H. No. 75, 8.0 miles Northeast-of Bluffton and the East line of Otter Tail County. S.P. 56-675-10, C.S.A.~. 75, S 6967 (2), length 4.8 miles, located between T. H. No. 210 and C.S.A.H. No. 50, 6.0 miles east of Deer Creek. S. P. 56-675-11, c.s;A.H. 75, S 6967 (3), length 9.0 miles, located between c.s.A.H. No. 76, 3.0 miles northeast of Bluffton and C.S.A.H. No. 8, bids were opened by a representative of the State Highway Department and were found to be as follows for bituminous treatment: Bituminous Surface Treating Co. Judd Brown Const. Co. & Carlson Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Jay W. Craig Company Ness Construction Co. Roland M.Starry W. Hod11111an & Sohs, Inc. K-B-V, Inc. John Dieseth Co. C. L. Nelson & Co., Inc• Inver Grove Heights, Minn. Bros., Inc. Mankato, Minn. Fergus Falls, M:i,nn. Cambridge, Minn. Mahnomen, Minnesota Long Prairie, Minn. Fainnont, Minn. Hastings, Minn. Fergus Falls, Minn. Brainerd, Minn. $266,0CC.62 278,794.83 285,713.90 299,484.27 309,763.20 313,872.20 324,616.15 335,422.23 350,116.50 365,5CC.21 After consideration the Board recommended that the ·contract be awarded to the lowest bidder being Bituminous Surface Treating Company, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota in the sum of $266,000.62. The 0oard having previously advertised for bids for bituminous material proceeded to open bids covering fifty thousand gallons of SC asphalt and lCO thousand gallons of MC asphalt proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Richards Oil Company W. H. Barber Oil Com,any Western Oil and Fuel ~o. Northwestern Refining Co. Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. St. Paul Park, Minn. $19,065.00 19,060.00 19,135.00 18,970.00 Upon motion the contract was awarded to the Northwestern Refining Company in the sum of $18,970.00. Upon motion the salary of Philip M. Kjaglien as Veteran's Service officer was incre11sed $15.CO per month beginning April 1, 1967. The County Nursing committee submitted a schedule of salaries to the County Board for approval. After discussion, the salary of Licensed Practical Nurse -$345.00 per month, Registered Nurse -$445.CO per month, Public Health Nurse -$540.CO per month, Registered Nurses working part time -$2. 50 per hour, Licensed Practical Nurses working ,art t~e -$1.75 per hour. The following applications for homestead classifications were granted: Arthur Wicker Rose Godejohn S 46i ft. of N 175 ft. of Block 17, Lakeland Addn. NE! Sec. 10-132-42 Occupancy began May 1, 1965 Occupancy began 1947 The following applications for correction of personal property assessments were granted by the Board: COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ~ !--==IICWILSWll.l.CIII.Ullo.lL.C DATE ..................•... ~!!-.:.ch .. 8 ············································1967 ... Charles Swenson Herman Walter Harvey Arvidson Dottie Jean Haach Albert H. Cole George Dickhaut Claus W. Winberg Vernon A. Youngren T. H. Mikkelson •••• E-2808 Tumuli Township Rush Lake Township Oak Valley Township Leaf Mountain 'l'ownship Girard Township Girard Township Everts Township Everts Township Dane Prairie Twp. Two horses also assessed in Aastad Twp. where they belong. No household exemption given. Clerical error in assessing horses. Clerical error in assessing cows, No household exemption NQ household exemption given. Trailer assessed on whcih license was paid. 16 foot pontoon assessed to him but did not belong to him. Assessed for items not at lake.cottage. The following applications for correction of assessments were approved by the Board and recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for granting: Bennett Sorum Joseph F. Peloquin Ralph Doyle Albert Turchin Alvin s. Erickson Pontus Anderson Rodger A. Neuman Ingvald C. Grefsrud Kenneth F. Booth PERSONAL PROPERTY Pelican Rapids Village Henning 'l'ownship · Gorman Township Elmo Township Clitherall Township Aurdal Township REAL ESTATE City Cierk Special assessment on N 50 ft. of Lot 11 Blo~k J, Wright & Mendenhall's Addn. Trondhjem Township Pine Lake Township The follolrl:ng applications were rejected: Fergus Casket works Alfred C. Hester Geo. B. Smith Fergus Falls Excessive valuation on LaTourneau Ripper No household granted, No household exemption. Clerical error Property moved to Elizabeth in August 1965 and assessed there. Clerical error in assessing. Certified to Auditor through error. Clerical error Cottage moved off in 1965, Personal property assessment properly taxable. Personal Property assessment rejected upon recommendation of the Town Board. Homestead exemption on 39 acres in Section 9 on which occupancy began on August lJ, 1966 . which was after date of real estate assessment. The County Board submitted the ·following names t'o ·the Welfare Commissioner from which to select a lay member of the Otter T~l County Welfare Board: Mrs. Helen Hillstrom Mrs. Russer! M. Jedlund Mrs. Haxel 'Rodman Vergas, Minnesota Ashby• Minnesota Henning, Minnesota Upon motion the County Board was authorized to meet with the Otter Tail County Planning Board ~t 10 o'clock A. M.1 March 201 1967, The follo~ng resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of o'tter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT we understand that a bill will be introduced for an act distributing water safety funds solely on a basis of w~ter area rather than the existing law which distributes funds on a basis of the population of an area. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that we request that you support the above mentioned bill, as we feel that with the large area of water in Otter Tail County, we are not receiving a proper share of the dis- tribution, Adopted this 8th day of March, 1967, Otto Haase Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson 563 564 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ............ March. 8 ............................ . ... 19 .. Q7 .• 1v11m """" CIIUU D CIIIP 1111 l:28CII The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, there be transferred from the County Building Fund to the Road & Bridge fund the S\DD of $16,0C0,00 in repayment of a transfer made April 15, 1964 from the Road & Bridge Fund to the County Building Fund, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary transfers to accomplish this. Adopted this 8th day of March, 1967, Attest: S, P. Johnson The following bills were allowed: Carlton Mortensen Carlton E. Mortensen Carlton E. Mortensen Glen M. Melby Sidney Nelson James K. LeRoy Bennie J. Johnson James Bucholz Otto Haase Sam Nycklemoe BeMie J. Johnson Mrs. Arlen H. \\ahl Mrs. Laura E.. Hotchkiss Ila Skalin Dennis Greenwaldt Jeff H. 'l'ikkanen Mac Tobkin Ed Skoglund Herb Woods Jeff H. 'likkanen DeMis Greenwaldt Jeff H. Tikkanen Mac Tobkin Ed. Skoglund Herb Woods Homer Sem Harold Skistad Theo. Hegseth Arnold Evavold Melvin Trosvik Homer M. San Harold Skistad Arnold Evavold Theo. Hegseth Arnold E.vavold Harold Skistad Theo. Hegseth Homer Sem KeMeth C:l.amby Frank Roberts Helen E. Skramsted Myrtle E. Logas Eugene IJavenport Harris W. Iverson Anton N. Glesne Fergus Hardware United Laboratories, Inc. Gamlbe Skogrno Dacotah Paper Co. Daycoa, 1" c. Uust Lagerquist & Sons Great Plains Natural Gas wo. E.dling ~lectric wo. Star Laundry & Cleaners Wm. Galena & Son Donald Lee Donald Lee Esther Mortensen E.sther Mortensen Elaine S. Jorud '!'he Photo Center Anderson Bros. Const.ruction Co. Fergus Dodge Inc. Hint.gen-Karst ~lectric wo. Fergus Jobbing Inc. Swanson Surplus Store Fergus Glass &. Paint wo. Victor Lundeen & wo. Otto Haase Boarding Prisoners Mileage & Expenses Expenses mileage II II expenses II II II Attd. Conv. in Hawaii Sal'y Co. Supt. Clerk Serv. W.O.T. Soil ~ons. Dist. E II w II II II II Se.v. W. ,T. Soil Cons. Dist. Sa 'y Exp. Weed Insp II II II II Attd. convention Exp. Altd. convention expenses II Chairman extra help Co. Assessor's office supplies II II II bulbs exam gas cons\DDed labor cleaning repairs Spec. Dep. wages fees & mileage Dep: .sheriff. Matron' s fees matron fee matron fee supplies work in ~heriff's office installing flasher etc. repairs beads of bleach supplies II II $ 627,50 98.75 27.90 156.10 176,70 165.10 25.00 32,70 15.50 22.00 528.l.9 21..00 37.80 201.00 27.00 15,50 6.90 J9.15 16.96 22.95 27.00 22.95 13.80 39.15 25.l.l. 1,6.65 21..75 2J.85 Jl.50 9,60 37,05 16.50 Jl,50 23.85 l.2.00 16.50 15.90 J6.60 298.89 90,20 66.20 51.l.5 61.JO 60.20 281,.85 1.1.7 53,35 18.50 25.51 79,20 JS.CO 797,91,, 19.50 1.50 136.l.O 15.00 132.00 60.00 5.00 5.co 9,56 32.65 23.95 1"1. 76 32.00 16.90 393,39 1308,97 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... March .. s .............................................. 19 67. 11c11RLBWUll.cu.uaL.ILCLUL■II■ 11;:~ Xerox ~orporation Security Blank Book &.Prtg. ~o. Poucher Printing & Lithographing ~o. 'l"he Pierce Company Oswald Publishing ~o •. Miller-Davis Company . Houghton-Mifflin ~ompany The Photo Center Nelson Bros. Printing.Co. Xerox Corporation Xerox Corporation Gaffaney's Gaffaney's Thomas O. Nelson Co. Vernon E. Bachman Burroughs Corp-Todd Division Cooper's Office Supply S.C.M.Corporation s.c.M. ~orporation nobert B. Oslund Helen E. Skramsted Myrtle E. Logas Fergus Falls Daily Journal Battle Lake Review Perham Enterprise-Bulletin N0 rthwestern Publishing Co. Village of Perham . Village of Perham . Minnesota Assoc. of As;essing Officers Minnesota ~ounty Clerk of Dist. Court Assoc. Allison & ~ompany Mathison Insurance Company Sherin & Meland .Agency. Enstad-Larson Inc. Sally Swanson Carolyn Helgeson Carolyn Helgeson Lorna McCabe Lorna McCabe 11.ose Mar'ie Zarns Carolyn Helgeson Mrs. Earl Sonmor E.O.T. Telephone Co. E.O.T. Telephone Company Mrs. Luther H. Anderson Mrs. Ed. Skoglund Mrs. W. E. Hubert Mrs~ Bud Larson Mrs. John J. Steblay Mrs. Alva Helmrichs Mrs. Charles Lewis Mrs. Philip kicklund Philip M. Kjaglien Philip M. Kjaglien N. W; Bell Telephone Co. Public Utilities Dept •. Straub Company . Nelson Bros. Printing Go. Secretarial Service Artz Camera Supply Cooper's Office Supply. Victor Lundeen & ~o. Township of Erhards Grove 'l'ownship of Leaf Mountl!,:i.n Village of Battle Lake. Village of Bluffton Village of Clitherall . City of Fergus Falls . Adnrews & Meister Drug. Davis Clinic Mineral Springs Sanator.ium Edling Electric, I,,c •. Anderson Bros. Const. 60. Kimber Awning Co.• Inc •. Township of Sverirup N. I\. Bell Telephone Co .• Do Do "o City of Fergus Falls Minnesota Tractor Co. N. w. Engineering Co. Public Wor!{s Equipt. Co .• Ziegler, I c. Bertelson ~elding . Cons\DDers Co-op Oil Co •. B. L. Ebersviller's Inc. Pel •. Rapids Fergus Dodge, Inc. . International Hacvester. Co. Larson Welding Lyon Heating & Pl\DDbing· supplies II II II II II II II II typewriter ribbon Atlases envelopes & postcards repairs II mamntenance II surveying postage Adv. coms. pd. driv. lie. agts. printing & publishing Publ. tax notice Prtg. pers. Prop. tax notice Publ. pers. prop. tax list Rent for County Agent Rent for Nurse's office dues 1967 dues worlanen's compensation General Liability Additional premi\DD Fire policy expenses mileage & expenses expenses II mileage & expenses II II II postage mileage calls & services II II II Attd. Nurs. Bd. Mtg. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Mi eage & expenses Postage & mche; rental calls & services utilities rent supplies fonns · supplies II II Poor expense II II II II II II II II II II med. T. B. patient care of T. B. patient 11 II II II II Installing light fixtures Work in Welfare office iron railings ::,pecial aid calls Sheriff II II Calls C Sanitary Sewer Garage #5 parts II II II Repairs repairs II II II II II $ 173.85 180.23 206.81· 30.40 169.25 94.85 102.57 65:00 9;75 32.50 5.00 380.50 1.50 67.50 48.50 32.32 9.60 55.00 55.co 1956.50 40.CO 10.05 257-40 8.40 8.40 410.40 60.00 35.00 25.00 65.00 Rev. R & B. 1513.00 6948.00 4684.00 192.00 1186.00 17.80 · 68.75 40.6·5 24.00 107.47 9.68· 5.00· 9.60 14.05 19.62 4.80 8.25 2.70 2.70 7.35· 7.35 4.95 J.75 72.98 6.75 41.34 J.80 50.00 ll.50 J.10 112.85 J.65 26.09 373.11 23:20 359.17 570.80 709.62 6398.75 ·13.65 10.00 475.85 1352.00 682.38 165.90 JOO.CO 95.07 85.54 J8.62 37.95 10,669.48 285.80 107.34 . 5.60 190.53 15.50 6.85 8.47 15.45 164.99 21.00 8.60 565 66 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. a ■ NIGi Marlo Motors Matz & Greiff Minnesota Motor Co. Olson Auto Electric Perham Mfg. Co. Super GMC Truck Sales· Vergas Motor Service Little Falls Mach. Co, Paper, Calinenson & Co. M-R Sign Co. Vergas Hardware A. J. Gerard Co. Del Chemical Corp. Coast to Coast Store Pel. Rapids Dalton Supply Store Genuine Parts Co. National Bushing & Parts Co. Sigelinan Hide & l'ur Co. Tesch Lumber Co. · Welders Equipnent Wilcox Lumber Co., Henning Raymond Motor 'l'ransportation, Il"c, Minn. Dept. of Highways Fergus J urnal Co. Lyle 'l'ougsaint I.B.M. Corporation Burroughs Corporation· Otter Tail Power Co. · Mpls. Blue Printing co·. H. A, "ogers Company · Dahm' s Photo Print Co." The Pierce Company Poucher Printing & Litho. Co. Davenport's Stationery Victor Lundeen & Co. · East Otter Tail Tele. Co. N. W, Bell Tele. Co. F. F. Mj_dwest Telephone Co. N. W, Bell Telephone Co. Wadena Pelican Telephone Co. N. w. Bell Tele. Co. F'. F. Vergas Telephone Co. wendell P. Huber G. D. Harlow Wendell P. Huber Consumers Co-op. Oil ~o. Henning Dave's Standard Service, Henning Farmers Co-op Creamery Assn. D. C. Farmers Co-op Cry. Assn, D. C. Fergus Oil Co., Inc. Fossen Oil Company Henning D-X Service Hoot Lake Pure Jim's Service Station Meyer's Service Miller's Uuir Service North Union Texaco Ray' s Oil 1-ompany Service Oil ~ompany, Battle Lake Standard Oil 1.0., Battle Lake Standard Service Station, N.Y.M. Theodorson' s Mobil Service Twins Motor Co. Vergas Oil Co. D-A Lubricant ~o., Inc. Arrow Petroleum Bluffton Oil 1.o, Penrose Oil ~o. Standard Oil Co., Henn1ng Standard Oil Company Pel. Rapids Fossen Oil l.ompany Nundahl Oil Company Standard Oil ~o., Parkers Prairie Ted's Oil ~ompany Paul P. Koep Bernard M. !Jorn F.ilwin Carlson Harold Hanneman Herman E. Schmidt Ivy F·ogard L. J. Delaney Leonard A. Lund Emerson L. Molter IJonald A. Larsen John Carlson & ~urtis L. Charlson Theo. O. Hoffmann Mrs. Marion Donley George Benhardus John G, :E.stlick Y.rs. Irene Nelson Seventh Day Adventist Church Bernard M. 1'orn DATE ................................ Ma~~h .. ~ ..... . repairs II II II II II II wnow Plow & Wing Cutting edges Signs furnace supplies freight services ad for bids equiPl!ent servic_e serfice prints supplies II II II II II 11 & printed forms service & tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II expense II cash advanced gasoline II gas, etc. II II gasoline II II II II gas, etc. gasoline gas, etc. II II II II II II II II gasoline gas, etc. II II oil diesel fuel diesel fuel, etc. II II II II II II fuel oil II " " " " " R/1·1 .. J,J,7 ... 15.92 11.10 23.16 78.26 13,50 42.20 21.67 2,038.30 2,349.13 2,818.10 795.00 33.55 74.14 24.09 13.50 53.09 217.05 56,56 5.89 38,75 16.96 4.00 225.12 81.90 295,CO 53,81 127.92 5.04 59.00 201.35 103.50 30,55 37,42 2.65 161.66 21,40 105,99 21.66 10.61 11.69 40.15 18.29 406.96 43,55 7.70 113,00 17.25 348,70 245,77 89,52 64.87 99,92 74.48 97.85 227.10 16.05 25,86 185,98 288.66 341.08 225.07 56,07 27.10· 230.12 203. 50 77.28 181.19 63,51 69,75 125.50 189.60 113.33 122.J8 60.80 26,78 10.CO 22.40 54.20 34.62 16.40 14,20 45,53 21.80 36,70 22.60 17.85 94.90 11.40 17.80 31 .. 60 1.40 39.CO COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Edwin Carlson Steve Klimek Oscar G. Baardsen Joseph M. Klimek Andrew Christensen Torfin C. Landmark Howard B. Shaw Vernon A. Jacobson Park Region Mutual Telephone ~o. Art Bakke for Ole Kvamm Arthur H. Franze Jerome L. Larson Edna Knutson & Bella Knutson Olaf Juvland Roger H. Holo Edmund Holo Donald Evavold . Johnny Hanson Construction Bulletin Raymond A. Hoff Mrs. Laverne Wilson James E. Franze School District #1539 Jergen Simonson Ellwanger Bros. August W. Sveback Floyd Lehnhoff City of Fergus Falls, . DATE ......................... March .. 8············---···········lg .. 67. R/W II II II II II II II Service & Tolls "ight of Way R/W II II II II II II II Ad for bids R/W II II II II II II Court 1,osts $ 41.28 17.25 60.55 25.92 45.15 102.93 618.60 44.90 9.76 10.40 119.40 28.52 90.42 69.68 103.60 29.40 45.60 36.60 62.70 221.88 46.80 459.80 l.CO 30.40 30.20 12.40 11.80 215.00 .. Upon motion the B oard then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. April 4, 1967. Chairman Attest: ~ 567 168 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................. March .. 8 ................................ 19 6~. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF OOUl'l"TY OOMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL CDUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to.motion made, seconded and carried on the 8th day of March, 1967, the County Board met with the Otter Tail County Planning and Zoning Commission, all menbers being present. The County ~oard proceeded to go over the Interim Zoning Ordinance section by section with the Zoning Commission. After discussion it was moved and seconded that the proposed Interim Zoning Ordinance be approved. The Zoning Commission were also authorized to publish the Interim Zoning Ordinance in the newspapers at county expense. The Zoning Gommission was also authorized to hold five public hearings:in Otter Tail County on the ordinance, said hearing to be held at Parkers Prairie, Perham, Pelican Rapids, Henning and Fergus Falls. The County Board authorized the Chairman of the Board to sign an application for funds for acquisition of land at the Phelps Mill project for developnent of outdoor recreation, Upon motion.the apPlication of Evelyn Smith at Pine Lakes Lodge.in the township of Corliss for a non-intoxicating malt liquor license was approved. A motion wa~ made, seconded and carried that the County Auditor be instructed and directed to.write a letter to the Count;v. 'l'reasurer instructing him to remove from his entrance door the sign "Hours 8 A. M. to 4 P. M," and to obser1{e hours that conform with the present hours held by the other offices in the Court House. Upon motion the Board then adjourned, March 20, 1967 Attest: Chairman COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. .............. DATE ................... ~P.!:il .. 4 .............................................. 19 .. 67 . MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNT·Y COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. April 41 1967 all members being present. The Board having previously advertised for bids for C t c t St· · were found to be as follows: oun y en er riping proceeded to open bids which Traffic Marking & Striping Co. Fargo, North Dakota $14,972.00 Traffic Marking Service Inc. Buffalo, Minnesota 12,356.56 Highway Striping Worthington, Minnesota 12,943.30 After rechecking and consideration·the contract was awarded to the Traffic Marking Service, I~c., for the sum of $12,356.50. The Board proceeded to open bids for grading and gravelling 4.261 miles on CSAH #11 North of French which were found to be as follows: Harvey W. Nelson John Dieseth Co. Ed. Zimmennan Bain Bros. &,Da,hlman Strom Construction Co. Stan Morrill Inc. Lake Park, Minnesota Fergus Falls,.Minnesota Barrett, Minnesota Clarissa, Minnesota Moorhead, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minn. $ 67,602.72 60,273.25 61,968.85 58,190.12 58,204.54 51,985.90 After consideration and checking the contract was awarded to Stan Morrill Inc. for the sum of $51,985.90. Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to call for bids to be opened ~t 11 o'clock A. M. May 9, 1967 for the following grading and gravelling jobs: S. A. P. 56-621-07 (67) C. P. 67:21 Length 2.848 miles, located from• 0.17 mile North of junction of CSAH #28 and #21, and North to T. H. #1081 6 miles West of Pelican Rapids. S. A. P. 56-621-08 (67) C. P. 67:21N Length 1.875 miles, located from the junction of CSAH #JO and #21, to a point O.J66 mile North of the Nor.th County line of Otter Tail County, 8.5 miles North of Pelican Rapids. S .• A. P. 56-657-01 (67) C. P. 67:57 Length 2.879 miles, located from the junction of CSAH #6 and #57, 6 miles South of Vining and North 2.879 miles. S. A. P. 56-606-01 (67) C. P. 67:06 Length 0.275 mile, located from 550 feet West to 900 feet East of junction of CSAH #57 & #6, 6 miles South of Vining. S. A. P. 56-647-03 (67) C. P. 67:47 Length 4.508 miles, located from junction of CSAH #12 and #47, 6 miles East of Dalton and North 4.508 miles. Upon motion any member desiring to do so were authorized to attend the County land and Water Resources Planning meeting at 9:15, April 24, 1967. A motion was made, seconded and carried that a minimum price of $5.00 per acre be the minimum appraisal on any tax-forfeited lands to be offered for sale in Otter Tail County. A motion was made, seconded and carried that the resolution passed on Janµary 2, 1962 be amended to read that the road beds on lots lying behind platted lakeshore be.fixed at not less than 24 foot road beds instead of "not less than 20 foot road beds" as it originally provided. Upon motion the finn of McCombs-Knutson Assoc., Inc. be authorized to prepare a master plan for the developnent of the Phelps Mill Park for a sum not to exceed $1500.00. Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to sign and execute a compliance report for the United States Department of Interior that there would be no descrimination as to race, creed or color or national origin in the use of any programs to whcih Federal financial assistance is given. Licenses for on and off sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted as follows: Grant Leak Marvin E. Anderson Clarence Campbell Henry Scheuble Jerry & Bob Schultz Joseph H. Fink Albert Turchin Wilmar Roberts Eugene Pischke Fritz Hjeltness Eva H. Jones Charles R. Hall Rufus Hull Ida P. Panek Alex Sepchenko Leona Swenson Gustof 0. Weiss Maple Beach Resort Wee Town Tavern Hill Top Club Wildwood Beach Resort Ten Mile Lake Resort Midway Service Station Al's Place Red Eye 'l'avern Park Way Inn Arrow point Resort Resort Ethel Beach Resort Hull's Landing Hiliday Haven Heilberger Lake Tavern & Resort Perry's Place Shady Grove Resort Lida To1vnship Friberg Township Hobart Township Dora Township Tumuli Township Gonnan 'l'ownship hlmo '!'ownship Butler Township Leaf Mountain ·Township Leaf Lake Township Pine Lake Township Girard Township Girard Township Girard 'l'ownship Friberg Township Dora '!'ownship Rush Lake '.l'ownship 569 70 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. I lffl Nllll■I co■,an n.c ...... . Franklin Olson Arthur Abraham Rocky Wenzel James Vejvoda KeMeth McNabb Jack Hofland Floyd Collins Carlyle Reiter Carl Rickert Carl Leaf Mrs. Ivey H. Bondy Marguerite Bellinger Donald L. Schroeder rialter Klein, Sr. Geo A. Obright Nonnan Craig Clifford Haukos DATE .............. April 4 _ ........... . Frank's Place Abraham's Resort Lazy Acres Resort Lantern Crystal-Lida Store Countryside Grocery . Collin's Landing Woodland Park Rickert's Resort Leqf Resort Bondy's Pavilion Sunrise Resort Schroeder's Resort Klein's Resort Boat House 117811 Club Last Resort Dance licenses were granted as follows: Clifford Haukos Melvin Baas Mrs. Ivey H. Bondy Nonnan Craig Last Resort Triangle Inn Leaf Lake's Pavilion "78" Club The following resolution waa adopted: ···················19$.7 ...• Inman Township "ora Township Edna Township Rush Lake Township Lida Township Corliss Township Star Lake Township Girard Township Star Lake Township Pine Lake 'l'ownship Leaf Lake Township Dead Lake Township Elizabeth Township Rush Lake Township Star Lake 'l'o1o,nship Girard To'A?lship Elizabeth Township Elizabeth Township kush Lake Township Leaf Lake, Township Girard To1o,nship BE IT RESOLV.ED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesot.a, That, Chapter #49 Laws of 1967 regulating the salary of the Ott.er Tail County Superintendent of Schools is hereby unanimously approved as provided by Minnesota Statutes 645:021 Subdivision 1. Adopted April 4, 1967. Otto Haase Chainnan. Attest: S. B. J hnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners,of Ott.er Tail County, MiMesot.a, That the application of Phil Larson to repurchase the NW! of the SE! of Sect.ion 6-1J2-J7 which has been forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of Taxes is hereby approved, said repurchase will be to the best public interest and reduce undue hardship. Adopted this 4th day of April, 1967. Otto Haase Chainnan. At.test: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Ott.er Tail County, Minnesota, That they urge and support a passing of law increasing gasoline taxes one cent, proceeds to be used for the highway departments. Adopted this 4th day of April, 1967. Otto Haase Chainnan. Attest: S. B. Johnson Llerk. The following resolution for easement across tax forfeited lands was passed by the Board: Pursuant to Laws 1961, Chapter 691, Section 1, (282.J7) it is respectfully requested Lhat the Boord of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, recommend to the Commissioner of Taxation that a pennanent easement be granted Lo the Department of Conservation over the following tax-forfeited lands for the purpose of providing public access and improvement of trout habitat in brooks, creeks, and rivers that cross said Janda. Provided that Lhe grantee's easement shall include the bed of the st.renm and a strip of land no wider than will be enclosed bet.ween the top edge of the streambank and a line parallel thereto and fifty (50) feeL r- COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... ~P..:.~~. 4 .............................................. 19 .. 67. HClll".Dllllll.Cl■fAlla.lLCLIJIL..llll■. E•:1108 distance therefrom on either side. Except that 1 emp oyees of the State shall be pennitted to approach the stream at any point ov~r the property described below, t·bl whenever feasible. compa i e with current use, established routes to be used Attest: Brandberg Creek where it crosses the following described lands: Government Lot.Two (2) of the Northeast quarter (NEe) of Section Thirty (30), Township One Hundred TQirty-three (133) North, Range Thirty-Eight (38) Kest. Adopted this 4th day of ~pril, 1967. S. B. Johnson Clerk. Otter Tail County, Mimesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Otto Haase Chainnan of the Board of County Commissioners The following resolution was adopted:. RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, . . That this Board· is opposed to House File #1237 which bill sets up the issuance of motor vehicle certificates from the Secretary of State's office instead of from the Register.of Deed office. We respectfully request that you oppose passage of the above bill. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Auditor be instructed and directed to send copies of this resolution to our.State Senator and Representatives in the House. Adopted this 4£h day of April, 1967. Otto Haase Chairmari. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: B~ IT RIIDLVED, That the Chairman and Clerk or Auditor forthwith enter into agreement with the State of Minnesota, acting through its commissioner of Highways, for the maintenance, except the application of calcium chloride in aocations where the State considers it to be necessary and except snow-plowing, of the road described in said agreement as Temporary Trunk Highwe_y No. 59, to wit: Beginnine ~t the junction of Otter Tail County State-Aid Highway No. 20 and Becker County State-Aid Highway No. 22 at or near the northeast corner of section 4, township 137 north, range 42 west; thence westerly along the county line and Southwesterly for approximately 4.CO miles on said Otter Tail County State-Aid Highway No. 20 to its junction with Otter Tail County State-Aid Highway No. 9 in the southwest quarter of section 1, township 137 north, range 43 west; thence continue westerly Southwesterly and southerly for approximately 4.65 miles on said Otter Tail County State-Aid Highway No. 9 to its junction with State Trunk Highway No. 34 on the east line of the northeast quarter of section 27, township 137 north, range 43 west and there tenninating. Beginning again at the junction of Otter Tail County State-Aid Highway No. 9 and State Trunk Highway No. 34 at or near the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter (NWi NEt) of Section 27, township 137 north, range 43 west; thence continue southerly approximately 5,40 miles on said Otter Tail County State-Aid Highway No. 9 to its junction with State Trunk Highway No, 59 in the Village of Pelican Rapdis near the center of Secti6n 22, township 136 north, range 43 west and there tenninating. This detour comprises approximately 14,05 miles of county state-aid highways. said Municipality to be paid therefore at the rate of $175,00 per mile per month. Fractional miles and fractional months, if any, will be used in computing amounts payable. The use of said road as a detour by the State will terminate on or before Novembwr 15, 1967, Adopted this 4th day of April, 1967, Otto Haase Chainnan Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. Upon motion the Bo~rd. then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M. April S, 1967. 571 572 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE April. 5 ··-··············-··-·························19 67. ■u■■m nr■n■■ c1■u11 n c,e11 ■111 1·211Q8 WEDNESDAY IS SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. April 5, 1967, all mmbers present. A petition of Harold P. & Mae L. Haugen asking that the East 100 feet of the West 683 feet of the NW! of the NWi North of Highway except the North 695.5 feet in Section 21 and the East 80 feet of the West 943 feet of the N Wt North of Highway except the North 698 feet Section 21-133-43 be set off from School District #1434 to School District #544 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M. May 10, 1967 and that the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. Resolutions asking for the dissolutions of C0D1111on School Districts #1379, 1385, 1388 and 1475 were read and it was ordered that a hearing on these petitions be held at 10 l'clock A. M. May 10, 1967 and that due notice of the time and place of said hearings be given as provided by law. The Board having previously advertised for bids for signs, posts and right of way markers proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Gopher Stamp and Die Company St. Paul, Minnesota Lyle Signs Inc. Minneapolis, Minn. M-R Signs, Fergus Falls, Minn. Signs $ 9315.40 9729.70 9433.50 $ 6266.00 11013.00 R/W Markers $ 700.00 640.00 820.00 After consideration Gopher Stamp and Die Company were awarded the contract for the signs and posts and the Lyle Signs Inc. were awarded the conlract.for the Right of Way markers. The report of fees and emoluments received by Philip M. Kjaglien, Veleran•s Service officer was approved. ~ delegation from the Township of Dora appeared before the board asking that lhere be an improvement of CSAH #85 from T. H. #108 to CSAH #35. After discussion the Highway Engineer was instructed to make a survey when time was available. Upon motion the Chairman and the County Audilor were authorized lo sign an easement with the Oller Tail Power Company for right of way of their power line on the South edge of Block 37, Original Plat, Fergus Falls. The following applications for homestead classifications were granted: Charles Alstad Emilie Riedman Alfred Gunderson . Doris E. Larson The NE'ly 50 feet of 11 and 12, Block 1, Wallace & Jungs Addn. to Perham. Lot 8, Oakland Beach, Township of Perham NW! NE! and NE! NW! Section 25 Township of Nidaros. Lots 1,2,3,4,5 & 6 Block 10 Original Plat, Village of Underwood The application of Wayne Hockett for correction of Personal property assessment i.nthe Township of Hobart due to error in listing was approved. The applications of Sverdrup Mutual Insurance Company for cancellation of personal property laxes in the Village of Underwood wqs granted on the ground that they pay gross earnings tax in lieu of other taxes. The following applications for correction of assessments were approved by the Board and recar.mended to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval: W. E. Krueger Frances Galland Ella Jones Williams Herbert E. Gerlach Ida Silbernagel Personal Property tax, Township of Clitherall Personal property tax, Township of Dead Lake Personal Property. tax Township of Lida Personal Property lax Village of Dent Personal Properly Tax Village of Dent No household exemption given. Wrong valuation used Clerical error in transferring assessed valuation Incorrect true and full valuation used No household exemption given The following schedule of payments for the Public Health Nuraing Service were established: Public Health Nurses Public Health Nurses, Junior grade Registered Nurse License Practical Nurse Registered Nurses, part time $ 540 per month 503 per month 465.per month 345 per mont)I 2.75 per hour said salaries to be effective May 1, 1967. Vacation time for public health nurses and registered nurses is three weeks after first year of servile. The following resolution was adopted: RF.50LVl:.D by the Board of County Co~missioners of Otter Tai. County, Minnesota: Thal there be transferred from the County Revenue fund to the ~ounty Altorney's Contingent Fund the sum of $2,0C0.00 and COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... ~.e~g ... L ......................................... 19. 67 T:CIIPP Pa&llll&LCOIIN,a ICL8IIII Attest: for the That the County Auditor be instructed to make the proper entr.i·es on his records to accomplish this, Adopted this 5th day of April, 1967. Otto Haase Chainnan. S. B. Johnson Clerk. The followi~g resolution was adopted: . . RESOLVED by ~he Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That, Whereas, the Board has heretofore contracted with Klein Motor Company of Fergus Falls, Minnesota purchase of tw~ 1967 four-door Plymouth police cars and WHEREAS, th~ same have been delivered and accepted by the Board the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor are her.eby authorized to issue a check to the Klein Motor Company in the sum of $4409.10, being the contract price on ~he two cars. Attest: Adopted this. 5th day of April, 1967, Otto Haase Chairman. S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RF-SOLUTION APPROVING CHAPTER 60 LAWS OF 1967 AUTHORIZING OTTER TAIL CDUNTY TO ISSUE REVENUE BONDS FOR F.sTABLISHING, EQUIPPI~G, FURNISHING, ENLARGING·AND ADDING TO THE COUNTY NURSING HOME WHEREAS, during the 1967 Minnesota Lesislative Session, Chapter 60 Laws of 1967 was passed authorizing the County Board of Ot~er Tail County, Minnesota to issue revenue bonds for establishing, equipping, furnishing,· enlarging and adding tq the county nursing home; and WHEREAS, Chapter 60 Laws of 1967 provided that it will becane effective upon approval by a resolution adopted by the vote of .a majority of all members of the county board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota and upon compliance with Minnesqta Statutes, Section 645,021, NOW, Therefo~e, Be it Resolved as follows: 1. 2, The law passed by the 1967 Minnesota Legislature authorizing the county board of Otter Tail County, Minnesot~ to issue revenue bonds for establishing, equipping, furnishing, enlarging arid adding to the county nursing home is hereby approved in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 6.45,021. The County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to file with the Secretary of State of Minnesota a certif~cate a~ required by said Section 645,021. The motion fo~ the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Bucholz and upon vote being taken tpereon the following voted in favor thereof: Otto Haase, B, J. Johnson, Sam Nycklemoe, James Bucholz and Harvey Morrill and the following voted against the same: None; whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed an~ adopted this 5th day of April, 1967, · Otto Haase Chainnan. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following:resolution was afopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter.Tail County, Minnesota, That this Board is in favor of Senate File #965 becoming a law, which bill sets up certain·supports for County Health Nursing services and we respectfully request that you support the passage of this bill. BE IT FURTHER:RESOLVED that the County Auditor be instructed and directed to send copies of this resolution to our Senator and Representatives in the House, Attest: Adopted this ~th day of April, 1967, s. B. Johnson.· Clerk Otto Haase Chairman. 573 574 -------------~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. April .. 5, ................................. l9. 67. c•■ -'"'LOIi ■11• E•ZIIII The following bills were allowed: Carlton E. Mortensen Carlton E. Mortensen Glen Melby Sidney Nelson James LeRoy James Bucholz Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Vernon l. Bachman Vernon E. Bachman Mrs. Mable Rossow Mrs. Arlen H. Wahl Melvin Trosvik Mrs. Laural. Hotchkiss Ila Skalin Kenneth Clambey Frank Roberts Earl E. Bigler, M. u. City of Fergus Falls Eleanor Leidal s. B. Johnson Eugene Davenport Harris ~;. Iverson Anton N. G1esne Frank Alstadt Frank Alstadt Otto Haase Otto Haase Hilbert Isaacson Geo. E. Jen sen Bernard Palubicki Bernard Palubicki Curtis L. Watt N. W. Bell Telephone '-o. Do Dacotah Paper '-o. Fergus Our Own Hardware General Trading '-o. Ebersviller Implement ~o. Edling Electric, Inc. United Chemical Co., Inc. hoger Han&0n Donald Lee Henry Lubitz Kathryn L. Edman John B. Halvorson Donald Lee Alfred J. Meyer Davenport's Stationery Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Uniforms Unlimited Hank ~hristopherson Key Laboratories Anderson Bros. Const. Co. Mobile Radio & 'l'. V. Service General lilectric '-o. \\estern Union Davenport's Miller-Davis ~ompany Nelson Bros. Printing ~o. Oswald Publishing Uo. Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. B. G. Reilly ~ompany Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Xerox Corporation Xerox '-orporation Empire Business Machines l!mpire Business Machines Gaffaney's International Business Machines II II II County of Douglas Borroughs Corp-'l'odd Di vision M.A. Faehnrich Hobert B. Oslund & Assoc. Vernon l. Bachman Myrtle l. Logas Carlton E. Mortensen Helen l. Skramsted Myrtle E. Logas The Henning Advocate Midwest Printing Co. Northwestern Publishing '-o. Pelican Rapids Press Village of Perham Kronemann Insurance Agency Sally Swanson Carolyn Helgeson Lorna McCabe Inc. II Boarding Prisoners mileage II II II mileage & expenses II II II II II II II II II cash advanced mileage II II II Supt. Clerk salary W.O.T. Soil '-ons. D:ist. Sal'y ~.O.T. Soil '-ons. uist. II E.••" II II II Saly & Exp. Weed Insp. II II II II II coroner's fees court costs transcript Attd. convention expenses & mileage II II II Extra help '-o. Assessor's office Attd. Planning Commission calls for Sheriff calls supplies supplies janitor supplies Labor & repairs services soap :;p. Dep. fees Sp. Dep. fees & mileage II II II II II Instructiog office girl on filing system subsistance pay II II labor ::.,heriff supplies supplies Sheriff supplies fire extinguishers tests shelf service Master mobiles with sirens telegram supplies ribbons II II II II cabinet service labor surveying postage II II II Adv. coms. pd. driv. lie. agts. Publ. tax notice printing Pub. tax. notice II II II rent for Co. Agent bonds Expenses & f.ileage mileage II $ 873,50 66.40 169.10 200.04 165.10 42.15 18.00 29.71 31.05 16.80 20.00 9.23 - 84.00 9.60 226.80 228.75 JOl.80 264.75 25.25 85,00 28,25 48.70 112.85 63.60 330.52 15.co 21.00 9.00 9.00 12.46 6.30 15.00 16.50 9.75 71.65 43.37 J0.08 10.20 1.55 )2'.54 19.64 51.CO 6.00 23.75 23.40 10.00 24.00 25,CO 10.CO 5.68 341.10 80.00 79,CO 33,42 3,50 43,65 291.1,50 6.33 38,87 808.64 69.50 5.09 2366.39 29.95 74,46 100.67 37,50 10.00 5.00 23.40 12.68 4,41 225,00 14.00 5,00 1208.00 29.00 70.00 18.00 50.00 11.15 6.CC 149. 50 8.1,0 7.20 60.co 83C.OO 10.82 84.37 126.57 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ■rr111n P.&IIIIIU,coat.aaL.ILUJIIIID.■&aa-• Mrs. Earl Sonmor Carolyn Helgeson Village of Perham Empire Business Machines Philip M. Kjaglien Philip M. Kjaglien N rthwestern Bell Telephone Co. siraub "ompany Public Utilities Dept. Nelson Bros. Prtg. co: Artz Camera Supply Mineral Springs Sanatorium Mrs. Louise Kimball · Everett C. Hanson Drs. Lewis & Kevern 'l'o"nship of Inman ·•ownship of N0 rwegian 'Grove 'J.'own&hip of Otto · Fergus Oil 1,;o. Edling Electric, Inc.· Battle Lake Review C. W. Lewis, M. D. Gail Rehm Joyce Soutor David Rortvedt Surplus Center & Lumber Harvey Morrill Hi-Lo Equipment Co. Ruffridge-Johnson Eq. Co., Inc. George T. Ryan Co. Ziegler, Inc. Handy Uovernor Sales Ebersviller Implement to. Fergus Dodge, Inc. Fergus Plumbing & Heat"ing International Harvester Co. Knutson Electric Lykken's Inc• Olson Auto Electric Park Region Oil Co. Melvin Putikka Riverside Repair Shop Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Paper, Calmenson & Co.· Little Falls Machine l.;o. Minn. Mining & Mfg. Co~ Bouffton Hardware Crane-Johnson i,;o., Inc. General Trading ~o. General Trading ~o. National Bushing & Parts Co. Vergas hardware Co. Firestone Stores Northwood Specialty Co. Village of Henning Dalton Grain & feed Raymond Motor Transp. Inc. Wilkin "ounty Highway Dept. Minn. Dept. of Highways Monroe International Co. The Photo Center Poucher Printing & Litho. Co. Davenport's Stationery N. w. Bell Telephone Co. F. F. Do Pelican Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co. F. F. G.D. Harlow Fossen Oil Co. Hoot Lake Pure J0e•s Standard Service John's 7-0 Service Marv's 66 Service Millers Gulf North Union Texaco Olson Oil l.o. Otter Tail Co-op Oils, Inc. Twin's Motor Co. Underwood Lakeside Service Arrow Petroleum Soliah & Braatz Oil Co. Battle Lake Farmers Union Oil Co. Fossen Oil Co. Lloyd G. Lien Hilda Peterson Frank Prim Edwin Johnson, Sr. Edwin Johnson, Jr. Herbert C. Haugrud Lawrence Paulson Kermit Grefsrud DATE ................. April .. 5 ................................................ 1967 mileage postage rent service call mileage etc. postage & Mche. rental calls & services rent utilities printing supplies care of T. B. patient II II II II 11 University Hosp. papers II II II poor expenses II II II II gas labor & Materials Publ. Del. tax list witness fee II II II II II II Lumber for Phelps Mill Expenses for Phelps Mill parts II II II repairs grader blades new equipt. supplies II II II II II II tir.es stakes Garage rental coal freight Road maintenance Engr. tests, etc. machine service supplies II service & tolls II II II epxense gasoline II II II II II II II II gas, etc. gasoline II gas, etc. Diesel Fuel II II fuel oil II II R/W II II II II II II II II II II $ 20.85 5.00 35.00 6.50 84.75 7.40 27.66 50.00 3-75 12.50 62.54 502.50 40.00 12.00 84.CO 20.69 340.73 226.43 2.03 1406.26 2320.80 29.68 11.36 5.68 11.36 39-35 16.30 15.80 298.34 71.34 739.54 122.06 31.44 10.80 4.00 505.52 1.32 60.73 77-97 3.00 25.00 20.77 12.50 1,256.22 1,885.00 304.00 15.66 7.00 525.20 241.50 25.38 36.71 140.21 35.00 150.00 40.75 15.75 480.31 491.09 54.0C 52.25 21.87 3.78 35.10 12.49 13.08 77.62 15.20 64.06 132.31 111.84 36.18 59.62 43.16 10.08 236.85 218.28 64.08 197.26 306.60 31.60 155.00 189.60 24.80 32.80 62.50 76.68 14.00 64.80 28.80 2.40 .... 575 576 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-··········~·P.l:;i.l ..• S ............................................... l9 .. 61. Clarence Nettestad Victor Ishoug LeRoy Klovstad North br.manuel Church-Chas, Williams, Pres, Selvin Trosvig Arthur i:. Hanson Oscar E. & ~lfred C. ~nderson Henry Ishaug Francis Shennan llonald Neuman Anders H. Scott. Reuben Walvatne Lillian Porkkonen Giblert Barker Mrs. Lydia Falls walfred P. Majava Herbert Kahilainen Mrs. B~trice Putikka 1-:rs. Mary H. Koste Carley Rasmussen Axel Porkkonen Carl L. Persson Robert H. Patron Vincent. Guek John J, H0 ltti Loy li.kstadt Raymond Lineburg Russell Lineburg Mrs. Anna Lineburg Hennan Enslin Lyle Blake Lewis li.. Schamberger Raymond P. Johnson Willie Rick Eldred Ellenberg Clarence Jorgenson Joseph L. Delaney George A. itick Wendell P. Huber \1endell P. Huber The Oil Store Park Region Mutual Tele, Co, East Ott.er Tail Tele. Co. Midwest Tele. Co. Mac Tobkin 1-:rs, Violetta E. Greenwod Harvey H. Anderson Larry Kost.e Ferguw Journal Co. City of Fergus Falls Village of Henning Ri,J Cash advanced Expense fuel oil service & tolls II II II II II II "ight of Way II II II II II II II II II Ad for bids maintenance garage rental Upon motion the Board then adjourned t.o 10 o'clock A. M. May 9, 1967. Attest: 7 $ Chairman 12.55 lJ.60 28.60 2.80 U.70 49.00 68.28 100.18 2:00 29,00 JJ.08 27,90 1.80 2.60 2.00 33,JO 38,40 1.60 54.0J 20.20 39.60 12.40 12.20 71.70 2J.20 24.32 32.10 41.60 · 52.40 61,50 296.55 462,35 37,20 10,40 104,98 24.00 J9,5J 8.15 5,95 171.60 154,50 7,40 22·::,o 16.15 74.55 5:60 e.os 4.40 3J.6C 561.25 119.85 - COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IV'PIIH ..... IUUl..&OUMI JLCLOD" ■·--~- DATE ........ Mar .. k .............................................................. 1967 , MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA . Pursuant ~o due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of ~~!;r~~~~~o~!fbc~1~~e=~ta, was duly held at the courthouse in Fergus Falls on Thursday, the 4th day of May, The following Commissioners were present: Otto Haase, Sam Nycklemoe, Bennie J. Johnson, Harvey Morrill and James Bucholz, and the following were absent: None Commissioner Johnson introduced and read the following written resolution and moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION PRESCRIBING THE TERMS, COVENANTS AND FORM AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE, EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF $400,000 NURSING HOME REVENUE BONDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Cpunty, Minnesota, as follows: Section 1. Findings .and Definitions • . l.01 Otter Tail County (the County) is a duly organized and existing county under the laws of the State of Minnesota and has the power to construct, maintain and operate the Project hereinafter described and to issue, without an E\lection and at public sale, the bonds hereinafter described pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 60, Minnesota Laws of 1967 and of Chapter 376 and Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes (1965). 1.02 It is hereby found and detennined that it is necessary and expedient for the County to construct and equip a new nursing home to provide approximately 60 beds ( the "Project") as more fully described and set forth in the plans and specifications prepared by Patch and Erickson, Inc. Architects. On the basis of such plans and specifications, the Board of County Commissioners estimates and finds that the total cost of the· Pro- ject will be approximately $4CO,OOO to be paid from the proceeds of the bonds hereinafter described. 1.03 It is further found and determined that it is necessary and expedient for the County to issue and sell at public sale $400,000 in principail: amount of negotiable coupon Nursing Home Revenue Bonds (the "Bonds") payable from and secured by a first lien on and pledge of the gross revenues of the Project, for the purpose of providing funds to pay Project costs and the Board of County Commissioners shall meet at the Commissioner's Room in the County Courthouse at Fergus Falls, Minnesota on the following date and time: THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1967, at J:00 o'clock P. M. to receive and consider sealed bids for the purchase of the Bonds, and the County Auditor shall publish a notice of sale in the official newspaper and in Commercial West, a financial newspaper published in the City of Minneapolis, Minnesota, setting forth the time and place of meeting, the specifications of the Bonds provided in Section 2.01 of this Resolution and substantially the following: "Both principal and interest will be payable at any suitable bank designated by the purchaser, and unless $1,0CO·denominations are specified by the purchaser, the bonds will be in the denomination of $5,000 each. The County will furnish printed bonds and approving legal opinion of Messrs. Faegre & Benson, Minneapolis, Minnesota, both without expense to the purchaser, At the option of the purchaser, a copy of the purchaser, a copy of the approving opinion will be reproduced on the printed bonds. The bonds will be delivered to the purchaser within forty days from the date of sale at the office designated by the purchaser in the State of Minnesota, or Chicago, Illinois, at the expense of the County, or elsewhere at the purchaser's expense, accompanied by an unqualified approving legal opinion and customary final delivery papers, including a certificate showing absence of litigation. All bids must be in writing enclosed in a sealed envelope suitably marked as a bid for bonds, be unconditional except as to the above opinion, specify one or more rates of interest within the limit- ations prescribed below, and be delivered or mailed for delivery and received by the undersigned prior to the time of meeting, accompanied by a certified check, bank draft·6r cashier's check in the amount of at least $8,000 payable to the order of the County, to be forfeited as liquidated damages in event the bid is accepted and the bidder fails to comply therewith. "Bids shall state· one basic rate of interest from the date of issue to maturity for all bonds having a comir,on maturity date. Not more than five such rates shall be designated, and the maturities of the bonds may be split no more than five ways for the purpose of designating such rates, and the basic rate·for the bonds of any maturity shall not be lower th~n the basic rate for the bonds of any prior maturity. Any bid may al.so provide that all or some of the bonds shall bear a single additional interest rate represented by extra coupons for any portion of the tenn of the bonds, but th~ aggregate amount of such additional interest may not exceed $6,000. The basic rate and the additional rate £or each bond, and the combination of both rates must be in a multiple of 1/8 or 1/10 of 1% per annum and may not exceed 6% per annum. The bid offering the lowest dollar interest cost (total interest from date of issue to stated maturities, less any premium offered) will be deemed the most favorable. Bidders are asked, but not required, to state total and average annual net interest cost. No oral bid or bid of less than par and accrued interest will be considered. The County reserves the right to waive any infonnality in any bid, to reject any and all bids and to adjourn the sale if deemed expedient." The foregoihg provisions of the notice of sale are hereby adopted and approved as the tenns of sale.· 1.04 In addition to the definitions above provided, for the purposes of this Resolution, and the Bonds, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) "Gross Revenues" or "Revenues" shall mean all rentals, charges and all other revenues and income derived from the operation or ownerahip of the Project. (b) "Excess Revenues" shail.l mean the Gross Revenues not required to be deposited into the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund hereinafter mentioned. 577 78 J COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... J:!~Y. .. 4 ···································19 . .67 .. C ■ ncui■■■I■■ E· (c) "Operation and Maintenance Expenses" shall mean and include salaries and wages of County employees spending all or substantially all their time administering or servicing the Project; such portion of the salaries and wages of other County employees as may be directly proportional to the time necessarily expended by them in servicing the Project, including collection of rentals, repairing or maintaining or protecting the Project. and accounting for revenues; the cost. of ordinary and necessary inventory and supplies properly chargeable as current. assets of the Project.; fees and expenses incurred in the payment of princi,al. of or interest. on the Bonds, or in the preparation and publication of not.ices and reports to holders of the Bonds; the cost. of insurance, fidelity bonds and other protection of the revenues or property of the Project; all expenses for repairs and upkeep ( including both material and labor) of the Project.; and all other expenses which, under sound accounting practices, are properly chargeable to operation, administration and maintenance of the Project., but shall not include any costs of capital improvements, depreciation, general administrative expenses of tha County or payments of principal of or interest. on the Bonds. (D) "Depositary Bank" shall mean a bank or trust. company which is a member of the Federal Deposit. Insurance Corporation and which is a duly designated depositary of County funds. Sect.ion 2. Specifications, Form and Execution of the Bonds. 2.01 The County shall forthwith issue and sell its negotiable coupon Nursing Home Revenue Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $4C.O,OOO, dated May 1, 1967, in the denomination of $1,000 or $5,0CO each as specified by the successful bidder, bearing interest. at the rate or rat.es specified by the successful bidder, payable ~!ay 1, 1968 and semiannually thereafter on NovE1110er 2 and May 1 in each year, and maturing serially on May 1 in the years and amounts as follows: $10,0CO in 1969 to 1972, $15,0CO in 1973 to 1975, $20,000 in 1976 to 1979, $25,000 in 1980 to 1982, $30,000 in 1983 to 1985 and $35,000 in 1986 to 1987, all years inclusive. 2.02 All Bonds maturing in the years 1978 to 1987, both inclusive, shall be subject. to redenpt.ion and prior payment at the option of the County and in inverse numerical order on May 1, 1977 and any interest payment. date thereafter at par, accrued interest and premium of 1.50% of the principal amount of bonds called for redemption. Not.ice of redemption s.hall be mailed to the bank where the Bonds are payable and to the last known holders of redeemable Bonds at their last known addresses not more than 60 nor less than JO days prior to the date fixed for redemption and shall st.ate the serial numbers of Bonds t.o be redeemed. If required by law, not.ice of redemption shall also be published in the manner provided by law. 2.0J The Bonds, the interest coupons to be thereto attached and the County Auditor's certificate on the reverse side t.h~reof, shall be in substantially the following form: No. UNITED STATES OF Ar.ERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL NURSING HOME REVENUE BOND $5,COO KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That t.he County of Otter Tail, Minnesota, acknowledp.es i.tself indebted and for value received promises to pay to bearer solely out of its Bond and Interest. Sinking Fund of the Project. Revenue Account on the 1st day of May, 19 , the sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS and to pay interest. thereon out. of such account from the date hereof until the principal amount is paid at the rate of interest to maturity payable May 1, 1968 and semiannually thereafter on the 1st. day of November and the 1st day of May in each year in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the attached interest. coupons as they severally become due. Both principal and interest are payable at in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment. is legal tender for the payment of debts due the United States of America. All bonds of this issue maturing in the years 1978 to 1987, both inclusive, are subject to redenpt.inn at the option of the County and in inverse numerical order on May 1, 1977 and any interest. payment. date ther~- after at par, accrued interest and a premium of 1.50% of the principal amount of each bond called for prior redemption. Notice of redemption will be published as may be provided by law and will be mailed not. less than JO or more than 60 days prior Lo the date of redemption to the bank where the bonds are payable and to the last known holders of redeemable bonds. Holders desiring to receive such maied notice must regi.ster their names, a addresses and bond numbers with the County Audit.or. This bond is one of a series of bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $1,00,0CO, all of like date and tenor except as to maturity, interest rate and redemption privilege, all issued for the purpose of providint money to construct. and equip a nursing home to provide approximately 60 beds (herein called the "Project"), pursuant t.o Ch. 6o, Minnesota Laws of 1967 and Ch. 376 and Ch. 475, Minnesota Statutes, and pursuant. to and in accordance with a resolution of the Board of County CoDDllissioners adopted May 4, 1967, ent.it.led "A Resolution Prescribing the Terms, Covenants and Form and Authorizing the Sale, Execution and Delivery of $400,0CO Nurs;np Home Revenue Bonds" ( herein called the "Resolution"), to which reference is hereby made for the complete state- ment. of the pledge of revenues and covenants of the County, the nature of the security thereby created, and the rights and limitation of the rights of the County and holder with respect. thereto. IT 15 HERE.BY Cl:.RTIFilD AND RECITED That. all acts, conditions and things reouired by the Constitution and Laws of the St.ate of Minnesota and the Resolution to be done, to happen and to be perfonned precedent. Lo and in the issuance of this Bond have been done, have happened and have been perfonned in due fonn, time and manner; that. the issuance of this Bond did not cause the indebtedness of the County to exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation of indebtedness; that. by resolution the County has established rent.al rates and charp.cs for the Project; and that. by the Resolution the County has covenanted to Deposit. promptly the revenues of the Project in a ProjecL Revenue Account and to transfer therefrom monthly as a first charge to the Bond and I_terest Sinking Fund of such account, moneys sufficient and to be held and used by the County, for payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds and for establishing a debt service reserve of $J8,J25, to transfer any excess into a Project. Operation and Maintenance Fund Account and to a Surplus Fund of the Project Revenue Account, to levy an ad valorem tax on the taxable property in the County to the extent needed for Project operalion and maintenance expenses, to maintain and collect rental rates and charges sufficient to pay the principal hereof and interest hereon and create and maintain the reserve of $J8,J25, to maintain insurance, to teep proper books and records relating to the Porject and furnish reports to any bondholder upon reouest., and to issue additional oblipaLions payable from or secured by a pledge of or lien on the revenues of the Project. only on the conditions and subject to Lhe tenns of the Resolution. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ May. 4 .............................................. 19 .... 67 Except as provided.in the Resolution, the Resolution may be amended with the consent of the holders of 66-~/3% in amoun~ of outstanding bonds. ~n the event of any defauit hereunder, the holder of any bond of this series has the right to compel by appropriate proceedings the performance of the tenns hereof and of the Resolution whether or not a default exists with respect to payment of the principal of or interest on such bond. • . IN WHTNESS WHEREOF, the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota, by its Board of County Commissioners has cau~ed this Bon~ to b~ ~ecuted by the signature of the Chairman of the Board and countersigned by the County A~ditor under hi~ offi~ial seal, and has caused the att~ched interest coupons to be authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, all as of May 1, 1967. Chainnan of the Board of County Commissioners Count.ersigned.__--;;--:--=---:.---:-:--:--------County Auditor (Form of Coupon) No, (Unless the bond described below has been called for earlier redemption) On the 1st day of May (November), 19 , the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at out of the Bond and I~terest Sinking Fund of its Project Revenue Account the sum shown hereon for the installment of interest then due on its Nursing Home Revenue Bond, iiated May 1, 1967, Ng_/ County Auditor (FORM OF COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE) Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners I, the undersigned, County Auditor of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, hereby certify that except for the date line, the above is a full, true and compared copy of the legal opinion of Messrs, Faegre & Benson, of Minn- eapolis, Minnesota, which was delivered to me upon delivery of the bonds and is now on file in ~y office, County Auditor Otter Tail County, Minnesota 2,04 The Bonds shall be printed under the supervision of the County Auditor and shall be executed by the signature of the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and countersigned by the County Auditor under his official seal, and the attached interest coupons shall be executed and authenticated by the printed facsimile signatures of said Chairman and County Auditor, When so executed the Bonds shall be delivered by the County Auditor and County Treasurer to the purchaser upon receipt of the purchase price and the signed legal opinion of Messrs, Faegre & Benson, and the purchaser shall no_t be obligated to see to the proper application of the purchase price, 2,05 The County Auditor and County Treasurer are author.ized and directed to prepare and furnish to the purchaser of the Bonda and counsel approving the issue certified copies of this Resolution and of all re- solutions and proceedings relating to the Project, the County and the Bonds and such other proceedings or records as may be required to show the right, power and authority of the County to issue the Bonds am to impose rental rates and provide covenants for their payment and security, and such certified copies and certificates shall be deEllled representation~ of the County as to all facts stated therein, Section 3, Use of Proceeds, J,01 The accrued interest and any premium received on the sale of the Bonds shall be deposited in and credited to the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund of the Project Revenue Account, All other proceeds of the Bonds shall be deposited in and credited to a Construction Account hereby created, which the County shall maintain as a separate account in a Depositary Bank and into which shall also be deposited all additional funds, if any, required to pay Project costs, 3,02 Monies and funds in the Construction Account shall be used only for the purpose of paying the costs of construction of the Project including: ' --- (a) Obligations incurred for labor and to contractors, builders and materialmen in connection with the construction of the Project, including obligations for machinery, materials, and fixed equipment 1 therefor; (b) Land, and interests in land, if any, which ~ust be acquired for the Project; (c) Obligations incurred for moveable, equipnent and furnishings for the Project; (d) Interest accruing upon the Bonds during the construction of t~e Project; (e) Fees and expenses of consulting engineers or architects for surveys and estimates, preparation of· plans, drawings and specifications and supervising construction; (f) Fiscal and legal fees and expenses in-connection with the issuance of the B6nds; and 580 \ COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE __________________________________ May_ 4 _________________ 19 fi7_ IICllffl n1■n■1 COH&n. n.CI.OID,■I■■• (g) Any other obligations or expenses incurred by the County in·connecti~n with constructing and equipping the Project or the issuance of the Bonds. J,OJ Where the monies on deposit in the Construction Account exceed the estimated disbursements on account of the Project for the next 90 days, the County may invest such exc~ss funds in direct obligations of, or obligations the principal of and interest on which are guaranteed by, the United States Government, which shall mature or be subject to redanption by the holder thereof within such time not exceeding 18 mohths as the County estimates the funds will be needed to pay Project costs. The earnings from such investments shall be credited to the Construction Account. J,04 When the Project shall have been completed and accepted by the County and when the costs of the Project have been paid, any balance of monies and funds in the construction Account derived from the sale of I.he Bonds shall be deposited in and credited to the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund of the Project RevS'lue Account to pay principal of and interest on the Bonds, Section 4, Disposition of Revenues, 4,01 The County hereby establishes and covenants that it will maintain, so long as any of the Bonds shall be outstandj_ng, an account (herein called the "Project Revenue Account") in the custody of the County Treasurer separate and apart from all other funds and accounts of the County, and maintained in a Depositary Bank and within the Account, the following Funds: (a) Bond and Interest Sinking Fund; and (b) Surplus Fund, All rentals, charges, income and revenue arising from the operation or ownership of the Project shall be de- posited in the Project Revenue Account and shall be credited or expended, as the case may be, and used by the County and the County Treasurer only for the purposes and in the manner and order hereinafter provided: FIRST: To the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund for the payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds; and SECOND: To the Project Operation and Maintenance Fund Account for the payment of Operation and Maintenance Expenses; and THIRD: To the Surplus Fund for the uses stated in Section 4,04 hereof, 4,02 All accrued interest and any premium received from the sale of the Bonds shall be promptly deposited in the Project Revenue Account and credited to the Bond,and Interest Sinking Fund. Following the dat.e of delivery of the Bonds, the County and the County Treasurer shall transfer on the first business day of each calendar month to the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund so much of the revenues in the Project Revenue Account plus so much of the revS'lues on deposit in the Construction Account as represent interest for the current interest period properly chargeable as a Project developnent cost, if any, as shall be necessary and sufficient to provide (a) an"amount not less ~han one-twelfth of the total amount of principal of the Bonds due and payable in the then succeeding twelve months, (b) an amount not less than one-sixth of the total amount of interest. due and payable on the Bonds in the next succeeding six months, and (c) an amount sufficient to accumulate at the rate of $1,064,57 per month a debt service reserve for the Bonds of at least $38,325 on or prior to July 1, 1970 and thereafter an amount sufficient to maintain such sum as a debt service reserve. The monies and investments on deposit to the credit of Bond and Interest Sinking Fund are irrevocably pledged to and shall be used, from time to time, to the extent required, for the payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds as and when such principal and interest shall become due and payable and for that purpose only. 4,0J The County covenants and agrees to establish and maintain in a Depositary Bank, so long as any of the Bonds are outstanding, a separate account (herein called the "Project Operation and Maintenance Fund Account") separate and apart from all other funds and accounts of the County into which shall be deposited the following: · From Revenues of the Project in the Project Revenue Account not required to be credited to the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund and from the porceeds of the general tax leily hereinafter mentioned, such a sum as is sufficient to provide for payment of the Operation and Maintenance F.xpenses of the Project and to create and maintain a reserve equal to such expenses estimated to be payable during the then current. month and the succeed- ing calendar month. If at any time there is not sufficient money in said Account to pay Operation and ~•aintenance Expenses, the County Treasurer may pay such expenses fran the general fund of the County and such fund shall be reimbursed for such advances out of the proceeds of the general tax levy hereinafter mentioned. For the purpose of paying Operation and Maintenance Expenses and for no other purpose, the full faith, credit and resources of the County are hereby pledged for the payment of such expenses and the County Audit.or shall report to the Board of County Commissioners aMually as to the amount required to be levied to meet current. or anticipated Operation and Maintenance Exp~nses and to create the required reserve therefor. 4,04 'l'he County covenants and agrees to credit to the Surplus Fund of the Project Revenue Account at the end of each fiscal year of the County all balances remain.ing in that Account. Monies credited lo I.he Surplus Fund shall be used only in the following order and manner: FIRST: SECOND: THIRD: FOURTH: To make up any deficiency of monies on deposit to the credit of the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund to pay principal and interest. on Bonds then due or lo become due in the succeeding twelve months or to maintain the debt service reserve of $38,325, To defray the cost of any unusual or extraordinary maintenance or repairs, renewals and replacements, and renovation or replacement of furniture and equipment of the Project not paid or to be paid for as a part of the ord- inary and normal expense of Project operation. For needed additions lo and improvements of the Project.. For the redemption of Bonds. 4,05 r.onies on deposit to the credit of the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund or Surplus Fund may, Lo the extent authorized by law, be invested in direct. obligations of the United St.ales of America or obligations the principal of and interest. on which are guaranteed by such Covernment.. Obligations 80 purchased shall be I .J COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. ~~ .. 4 ..................................................... 1967 .. . IICPII .NIIIIIIILCDIIIAIII' _.LCLOllD.■l■■-E:ZIDI deemed at all times to be part of the respecti F d · from such investments shall be cred·t d t vheF un • and any interest accruing thereon and profit reali~ed 1 e o sue und. The County shall sell at the b t · bt · bl obligations so purchased whenever it sh 11 b . , . es. price o aina e, any . . . al . a e necessary to do so in order to provide monies to meet any payment ~~r~~~~ciin c~~p~~1~;e:~e0~!::t:0nd5 ~~ 0!hetrhobligations payable f:om_the revenues of the Project and authorized . paya e 0 e Bond and Interest Sinking Fund, the investments of such funds sfhall bhe valu~dt_accordh~ngh to t~e current market value as of the first of the prior month or the date of issuance o sue securi ies, w 1c ever is latest. Section 5. Prior and Parity Lien. 5.0l The Bonds and coupons and additional obligations to the extent authorized by this Section 5, shall be equa~ly and ratably secured by a first lien on and pledge1of the Gorss Revenues of the Project, without regard to serial numbers, order of execution or delivery or otherwise. 5.02 The Co~nty shall have the right to issue additional obligations to be secured by a parity lien on ai:1d ratably payable ~1~h the Bonds from the Gross Revenues of the Project for the purpose of providing money ~or 1mprovE111en~s or additions. to the Project if and to the extent that the average of the Gross Revenues received 1'; the three fiscal years ending D~cember 31 next preceding such issuance shall have been not less than 133% of the highest of th~ annual amounts due in each of the then remaining complete fiscal years of the term of the Bonds then outst~din~ on all s~ch Bonds and such additional obligations. In the event that the rental rates for acco~odati0';5 in the ProJec~ shall have been changed during or after such three fiscal years, the Gross Revenues received during such.thre~ fiscal years shall be deemed for the purpose of this Section 5.02 to be those which would have bee': :ece~ved if th~ rental.rates in effect at the time of such issuance were applied to the number of pe:sons residing in_the ProJect during such fiscal years, provided that the Gross Revenues so computed for any fiscal year shall in no event be deemed to exceed 133% of the Gross Revenues actually received during such year. 5:03 _Following the date of delivery of such additional obligations, the amount of the debt service res~r~e provid~ 1': paragraph 4.03 here?f shall be increased by $96 for each $1,000 by which the sum of such additional obligations and the outstanding Bonds exceed $400,000. 5.04 Without regard to the limitations provided by paragraph 5.03, the County may issue bonds pay-able from the Gross Revenues of the Project: (a) for the purpose of refunding the principal of all Bonds outstanding; or (b) for the purpose of refunding the principal of and interest on out- standing Bonds not paid when due for lack of available Gross Rev- enues. Section 6. Further Covenants. So long as any of the Bonds are outstanding, the County covenants with and for the benefit of each holder that: 6.01 The County will establish and maintain such rental rates and charges that the Gross Revenues of the Project will be sufficient to pay principal and interest on the Bonds (and any additional obligations issued under Section 5) and the required reserve therefor, and, to the extent necessary for such purpose, will increase such rental rates and charges. 6.02 The County will levy ad valorem taxes on all of the taxable property in the County to provine, together with Excess Revenues, sufficient monies to pay Operation and Maintenance Expenses, and the required, reserve therefor. 6.03 1'he County will complete the construction of the Project as promptly as possible; will continue to own, operate and maintain the Project as a revenue-produdng utility and not sell or dispose of its title to the Project; and will not create or suffer to exist any lien or encumbrance on the Project or the revenues there- of equal to or prior to the lien provided by this Resolution except as provided by Section 5, or any right, lien or encumbrance which might interfere with the lien and rights provided in this Resolution. 6.04 The County will at all times keep the Project insured against loss or damage by causes cus~ tomarily insured against for like properties, in amounts reasonably required to protect the County and the holders of the Bonds, and will use the proceeds of any and all such insurance policies to repair or restore the damage to the Project or to pay and retire the outstanding Bonds; will at all times keep persons handling monies of the Project Revenue Account and the funds therein and of the Project Operation and Maintenance Fund Account herein provided for adequately bonded for the faithful performance of their duties and to account for an payover such monies to the County; will at all times maintain public liability insurance, insuring the County against liability to any and all persons against injury, death, loss or damage sustained due to any act or omission of the County or its Employees; and will procure other insurance in connection with the Project in such amounts and coverihg such risks as a prudent owrier or operator of a like facility would customarily maintain. 6.05 The County will at all times keep proper and adequate books and accounts reflecting the construction of the Project, and the receipts and disbursements of the money derived from the operation of the Porject, including credits and charges to the respective finds of the Project Revenue Account and to the Project Operation and Maintenance fund Account herein provided for, and will make such books and records open to in- spection and mpying during business hours by the original purchaser of the Bonds and any holder, his agent or attorney. 6.06 The County will furnish not later than March 31 of each year a copy of the annual statement of operations of the Project to any holder who shall request the same 1n writing and three copies thereof to the original purchaser of the Bonds. If requested by the holders of 20% or more of the outstanding Bonds, it w;i.11 cause such statements and books to be audited by an examiner of the State of Minnesota or by a certified public accountant, and will furnish copies of the report of audit to the Bondholders requesting the same. 6.07 The County will use the proceeds of any sale or other disposition of the Project, or award in any condemnation, for the constructio': ~r acquis~tio': of substi~ute facilities.or for the payment of principal of or interest on the Bonds (and any additional obligations authorized under Section 5). 6.08 In the event more nursing home facilities owned or operated by the County shall become avail- able than are required by persons applying for such space ?r ~acilities, the County he~eby covenan~s to and the County welfare Board is directed to give preference and priority to the use of the ProJect, resulting to the extent practicable in the occupancy and use of all of the space and services of the Project even if such preference results in the non-use of all or part of any other si,ilar space or facilities available to the County which may be suitable or useable for nursing home purposes. 581~ 582 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. ·-······ May_.4 ··-··-·······19 .. 67. co■ an n.cLOID ■1■■• E- 6.09 The County will cause this Resolution to be fi+ed, registered or recorded in any office pro- vided by law and execute, deliver, file and record any financing statement pursuant to the Unifonn Commercial Code if such filing, registration or recording shall be necessary or convenient to effect, protect or confinn the pledges and liens granted hereby. The County shall pay all recording, filing and registration taxes and fees, together with all expenses incidental to the preparation, execution, acknowledgment, filing, registering and recording of this Resolution, of any paper pursuant to the Unifonn Commercial Code and of any instrument of further assurance. 6.10 The County will cause to be kept and perfonned the covenants in the Bonds and the fonn there- for herein provided and all tenns and provisions of this Resolution, all of which shall be deemed covaiants for the benefit of the holders of the Bonds and coupons. Section 7. Rights of Holders. 7.01 The holder of any outstanding Bond or coupon shall have the right to enforce by appropriate court action the perfonnance of any term or provision of the Bonds or this Resolution, whether or not an ev111t of default (hereinafter defined) exists, in his own behalf or in behalf of the holders of all Bonds and coupons outstanding, but any recovery of monies shall be for the equal and ratable benefit of all such holders and shall be credited to the proper Account and to the proper fund within that Account and disbursed only as herein provided. 7.02 In the event the total funds on deposit to the credit of the Bond and Interest Sinking Fund shall be insufficient to pay principal and interest when due, such funds shall be applied as follows: If the principal of all outstanding Bonds shall have become or been declared due and payable, all funds credited to such Fund shall be applied ralably Lo principal and interest, but if not, such funds shall be applied ratably upon any unpaid but accrued interest on the Bonds and the balance to principal amounts due and unpaid. Principal and interest as used in this paragraph refers lo principal and interest on the Bonds and any parity lien obli- gations issued pursuant to Section 5. ?.OJ If any of the following events shall occur, that is lo say: (a) If the payment of the principal or any installment of principal of any of the Bonds, when the same shall become due and payable, or within JO days thereafter, whether at maturity or by proceedings for redemption, by declaration or otherwise, shall not be made; or (b) If payment of any installment of interest when the same shall become due and payable, or within 60 days thereafter, shall not be made; or (c) If the County shall discontinue or unreasonably de4ay or fail to carry on with reason- able dispatch the construction of the Project; or (d) If the Project shall be destroyed or damaged and shall not be promptly repaired, re- placed or reconstructed (whether such failure promptly to repair, replace or recon- struct the same be due to impracticability of such repair, replacement or reconstruc- tion or to lack of funds therefor, or for any other reason); or (e) If the County shall default in the due and punctual performance of any of the coven- ants, conditions, agreements and provisions contained in the Bonds or in this Resol- ution, on the part of the County to be performed, and such default shall have continued for a period of 60 days after written notice, specifying such default and requiring the same to be remedied, shall have been given lo the County by the holders of not less than twenty-five per cent in principal amount of the Bonds outstanding; or (f) If a court of competent jurisdiction shall enter an order, judgment or decree appoint- ing a receiver for the Project, or approving a petition filed against the County under any applicable insolvency law or statute of the United States of America or any St.ate thereof, and such order, judgment or decree shall not be vacated or set aside or stayed within 60 days from I.he date of the entry thereof; or (g) If, under the provisions of any other law for the relief or aid of debtors, any court of competent jurisdiction shall assume custody or control of the County or of the Project, and such custody and control shall not be lenninated w1 thin 60 days from the dale of assumption of such custody or control, then, and in any such event, the holders of twenty-five per cent in aggregate principal amount of Bonds out.standin~ may, by notice in writing delivered to the County, declare the principal of all Bonds then outstanding and the interest accrued thereon, and such principal and interest. shall thereupon become, immediately due and payable; subject, however, to the right of the holders of a majority in aggregate principal air.aunt of Bonds outstanding lo annul such declaration and destroy its effect al any lime if all covenants with respect to whcih default shall have been made shall be fully performed or made ~ood and if all payments in arrears upon all Bonds outstanding (except the maturity and interest ac- crued on such bonds since the last interest payment dale) shall be paid, or the amount thereof shall be available lo those entitled thereto. Section 8. Modifications and Consents. 8.01 Subject lo the terms and provisions of this section, the County shall have the right and rower to amend, modify, alter, add to or rescind any of the lenns, covenants and provisions of this Resolution upon the written consent of the holders of 66-2/3% in principal amount of the out.standing Bonds and the holders of such amount of out.standing Bonds shall have I.he right to consent to any such modification, alteration, addition or rescission, and upon such action and consent, this Resolution and the rights of the holders of all the outstandinp Bonds shall be modified in accordance with the provisions of such acLion and consent; PROVIDED, H()lo."J:.lfER, that nothinp, herein shall pennil or be construed as pennit.ting (a) an extension of the maturity of any Bond issued hereunder, or (b) a re- duction in the principal amount of any Bond or any redenption pranium or the rate of interest thereon, or (c) the creation of a lien upon or a pledge of revenues ranking prior Lo or on a parity with the lien or pled~e created or authorized by this Resolution, or (d) a preference or priority of any Bond or interest coupon over any other Bond or interest coupon, or (e) a reduction in I.he percentage of holders of out.st.anding Bonds riruired to consent lo modification under this section. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... May __ 4 ......................................... 19 ... 6'1. 8.02 Any request, notice, declaration, consent or other instrument required by this Resolution to be signed or executed by holders of outstanding Bonds may be in any number of concurrent instruments of similar tenor and may be signed or executed by such holders in person or by agent duly appointed by an instrument in writing. Proof of the execution of any such instrument and of the ownership of Bonds shall be sufficient for any purposes of this Resolution if made in the following manner: (a) (b) 8.0J The fact and date of the execution of any person of any such instrument may be proved by the certificate of any officer in any jurisdiction who, by the laws thereof, has power to take acknowledgments of deeds to be recorded within such jurisdiction, to the effect that the person signing such instrument acknowledged to him the execution thereof, or by an affidavit of a witness to such execution. The fact of the holding of Bonds hereunder by any Bondholder and the amount and the numbers of such Bonds and the date of his holding the same may be proved by the affidavit of the person claiming to be such holder, or by a certificate•issued by any trust company, bank, banker, or any other depositary wherever situated, showing that at the date therein mentioned such person had on deposit with such trust company, bank, banker or other depositary the Bonds described in such certificate. In detennining whether the holders of the requisite aggregate principal amount of Bonds have concurred in any demand, request, direction, consent or waiver under this Resolution, Bonds which are owned by the County shall be disregarded and deemed not to be outstandi.ng for the pur~ose of any such detennination. Section 9. Interpretation. 9.01 9.02 All resolutions or motions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. The invalidity of any .action, paragraph, sentence, clause or provision of this Resolution shall not affect the validity of any other part of this Resolution which can be given effect without such invalid part or parts. Th.e motion for the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Morrill and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Sam Nycklemoe, Bennie J. J.ohnson, Harvey Morrill, James Bucholz, and Otto Haase, and the following voted a_gainst the same: None whereupon said Resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. 583~ ) 584 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. liti■ih riliflli t611ift0 ft.ti6Dl0ilii. E•ZW DATE ...... ·-······-··········.May. .. 9 ............ -.......... _ ................. l9 .. 6.7 .. MINUTFS OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ID UNTY COOiISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL <DUNTY, MJNNFBOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. May 9th, 1967, all members present. After discussion a motion was made that the County Auditor refund the purchase price plus si.Jc per cent compound interest of Lot 4, Block 14, Original Plat, Village of Elizabeth. The Board having previously advertised for bids for grading and gravell.ing proceeded to open bids whjch were found to be as follows: On project S.A.P. 56-621-07 on C.R. #21 0.17 miles North of junction of C.S.A.H. #28 and N. lo T. H. #108 si.Jc miles W of Pelican Rapids. Ed Zimmerman Ralph Stewart Sellin Bros. I9c. Harvey W. Nelson Berghuie Construction Co. Strom Construction Marvin E. Lund John Dieeeth Barrett, MiMesota Hawley, MiMesola Lake Park, Minnesota Alexandria, MiMesola Moorhead, MiMesola Glenwood, Minnesota Fergus Falls, MiMesota $38,507.95 40,068.08 41,866.20 42,208.82 44,228.90 44,307.65 44,862.55 47,984.10 After checking bids a motion was made and seconded that the contract be awarded lo Ed. Zimmennan of Barrett., MiMesota for $38,507.9~. On S.A.P. 56-621-08 C.P. 67:21N and Clay County 35:01, beginning junction C.S.A.H. JO to point O.J66 miles N of north County line 8.5 miles north of Pelican Rapids Ed. Zimmerman Harvey W. Nelson Harry Hofland Strom Construction Co. Leonard Hills t.rom Sellin Bros. Clarence Drewes Marvin Ii.. Lund Berghuis Gonstruction John Dieselh ~omparzy Barrett, MiMesota Lake Park, Minnesota Perham, Minnesota Moorhead, Minnesota Vergas, Minnesota Hawley, MiMesola Detroit Lakes, MiMesola Glenwood, Minnesota nlexandria, MiMesola Fergus Falls, MiMesola $J4,JJ2.Jl 39,178.65 J9,6JS.J5 39,724.35 40,107.00 41,478.76 45,196.41 47,002.99 51,702.60 Upon motion the contract was awarded to Ed. Zimmennan of Barrell, 1-:inneeota for $J4,JJ2.Jl. On S.A.P. 56-647-0J, location: junction c.s.A.H. #12, six miles E of Dallon and North h.508 miles: li.d. Zimmennan Huebner Construction Co. Berghuis Construction Co. Marvin E. Lund Harvey w. Nelson Strom Construction Sellin Bros. Bain Broe. & Don Dahlman Clarence Drewes John Dieselh Company Barrett, Minnesota New London, MiMesola Alexandria, MiMesola Glenwood, Minnesota Lake Park, Minnesota Moorhead, MiMesota Hawley, MiMeeola Clarissa, Minnesota Detroit Lakes, Minnesota ~·ergus Fal. ls, Minnesota $95,252.04 106,129.81 111,807.88 ll2,J45.ll. llJ,016.51 115,861.CO ll6,0J4.90 120,0SJ.l.J 121,6)9.15 1J0,976.9J Upon motion the contract was awarded to Ed Zi.mmennan of Barrett, Minnesota for $95,252.04. On S.A.P. 56-657-01 and S.A.P. 56-606-01, Location #57 junction of c.s.A.H. 66, six miles S of Vining and N 2.879 miles and #6, 550 feel Wand 9CO feel E of junclion of C.S.A.H. 057, six• miles South of Vining. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... ~.~y. 9 ................................................ 1967 .. IVPIID RIITIII ,™1.,.ll.aJlD.ua■-E Ralph Stewart Ed. Zimmennan Sellin Bros. Starbuck, Minnesota Barrett, Minnesota Hawley, Mjnnesota $62,925.70 67,.368.88 68,687.54 69,.309.12 69,524.60 71,.321.5.3 75,714.8.3 76,454.78 97,097.15 Huebner Construction Harvey Nelson Marvin E. Lund New London, Minnesota Lake Park, Minnesota Glenwood, Minnesota Clarissa, Minnesota Alexandria, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Bain Bros. & Don Dahlman Berghuis Construction John Dieseth Company Upon motion the contract was awarded to Ralph Stewart, Starbuck, Minnesota in the sum of $62,925.70. The chainnan of the Board was authorized to sign an application for financial aid on the purchase of the Phelps Mill Property under Title VI. Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for sealed bids to be received until 11 o'clock A. M. June 1.3, 1967 for grading and gravelling the following projects: S.A.P. 56-651-04 (67) C.P. 67:51 Length 0.26.3 miles, located from the junction of CSAH #60 and South .26 mile, comprising approximately .3,628 cubic yards of Class "A" Excavation and 160 tons of Gravel Wearing Course in Place. S.A.P. 56-660-0.3 (67) C.P. 67:60 Length J.44.3 miles, located from T.H. #10 at Luce and East J.445 miles, comprising approximately 176,79.3 cubic yards of Class "A" Excavation and 2,.300 tons of Gravel Wearing Course in Place. Upon motion the County agreed to participate with the City of Fergus Falls in sealed coating Fir, Friberg, Swrmit and Cascade for the center 24 feet at a sum of $.3,000. · Upon motion the County Board will meet with the Grant County Board at Elbow Lake at 10 o'clock A. M. June 5th on road projects. A motion was made, seconded and carried forbidding any dumping of refuse of any kind jn ~ounty Gravel pits. Upon motion the County Engineer was instructed to make a survey on C.R. #ll2 between CSAH #1 and CSAH #15. A motion was made, seconded and carried that the salary of Vernon E. Bschman, Superintendent of Schools, be fixed at the sum of $8200 per year beginning April 7, 1967. This increase in salary is due to the fact that Wilkin ~ounty reimburses Otter Tail County to the extent of $1200 for Bachman•s services as Administrator of their Common School Districts. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Co~missioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, WHERWAS, this Board has contracted with the Vergas Motor Service of Vergas, Minnesota for the purchase of three industrial tractors with front end loaders and WHEREAS, the same has been delivered and accepted by this Board, NO~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chainnan of the Board and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check to the Vergas Motor Service in the sum of $10:,270. 98 being the contract price. Adopted this 9th day of May, 1967. Otto Haase Chainnan Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RES>LVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter .Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, w1lEREAS, this Board has contr~~ted with the Minnesota Motor Company of Fergus Falls, Minnesota for the purchase of one half ton truck and · WHEREAS, the same has been delivered and accepted by this Board, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RF.50LVED that the Chairman of the Board. and the County Auditor ar~ hereb.Y. authorized and qirected to issue a check to the Minnesota Motor Company in the sum of $1,198.70 being the contract price. Adopted this 9th day of May, 1967. Otto Haase Attest: Chainnan. S. B. JohBson Clerk " COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ............... _ . .Mq.-9 .............. . ...... 19 .. 6.7.. •aca•m NIIIII■-CO■Pan n CIG■D ••••. - The following resolution was ~opled: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota, THAT, WHERI\AS, this Board has contracted with the Minnesota Motor Company of Fergus Falls, V.innesota for the purchase of one half ton truck and r,HEnEAS, the same has been delivered and accepted by this Board, NOr:, THEREFORE, BE. IT RES>LVED that the Chairman of the Boardand the County Auditor are hereby author- ized and directed to issue a check to the MiMesota Motor Company in the sum of $1,285.70 bed n11 the contracl price. Adopted this 9th day of May, 1967. Otto Haase Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail ~ounty, Y.innesota, THAT the sum of $4500.iO be paid the Perham Agricultural Society and the sum of $4500.CO be paid the Otter Tail County Fair Association for the purposes of conducting the Fair for the year 1967. Adopted this 9th day of May, 1967. Otto Haase Chairman Attesl: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota, THAT Emmet Alfredson be hereby permitted and authorized to repurchase the North 50 feet. of Lots 1) and 14 in Block 4, Bowman's and Dunton's Addition to Battle Lake which has been forfeited t.o the St.ate for non-payment of taxes. Permission to do so will relieve undue hardship and be to the best public interest. Adopted this 9th day of May, 1967. Otto Haase Chainnan. At.test: S. B. Johnson Clerk. Upon motion the Beard then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. May 10, 1967. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant. to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M. May 10, 1967, all members present.. The petition of Harold Haugen asking that the property described in the following order be set off from District #14)4 to District #544 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statement. of interested parties and due consideration, the Board issued the following order to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District. to Another. 1-/hereas, The petition of Harold P. Haugen, a legal voter, freeholder and resident. of School Diot.rict llo. 14)4 in this Count.y, representing that he is the owner of I.he lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District., and adjoin School District. No. 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district. No. 14)4 to said adjoining school district. No. 544 was presented to the Board of County COll'.missionera of t.hia County at a session of said board held on the 5th day of April A. D., 1967, fort.he action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on aaid petition, at a sesaion of said board on the 10th day of May, A.D., 1967, at. the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in soJd County; and whereas it. was further ordered in and by said order that. not.ice of the Lime and place of such hearinll be f'1 vm by posting copies of aaid order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affect.rd by said pot.itlan, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at. leant ten days before t.he t.l~o appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Coa-.missionors on said lCt.h day of May, A .D., 1967 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and re- quired, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said pet.it.ion was publicly read and considered by the Board with everything which was said by said interested parties for or a11)nst. F,rML"ng the prayer of the petitioner, and said Beard being of opinion that said pet.it.ion should be yrant.ed, it. is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ May .. lo ....................................... 19 .. 67 IRJJm.DllDl.t.b!l!!la-" CIOID ■1•• E•2B08 East 100 feet of W 863 feet of NWt of NW! N of Hwy. ex N 694.5 feet, Section 21-133-43 East 80 feet of West 943 feet of NWt North of Hwy. ex. North 698 feet, Section 21-133-43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1434 to said adjoining School Distrjct No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last.named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 10th day of May A.D., 1967. (Auditor's Seal) Otto Haase Chairman of the Board of County Conunissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Dwayne & Elizabeth Johnson asking that the property described in the following order be set off from District #1434 to District #544 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statenent of in- terested parties and due consideration, the Board issued the fo~lowing order to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District· to Another. Whereas, The petition of Dwayne L. Johnson, a legal voter, (reeholder and resident of School District No. 1434 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1434 to said adjoining school district No. 544 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 8th day of March A.D., 1967 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should. be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 10th day of May A.O., 1967 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petit- ion, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Conunissioners on said 10th day of May A.O., 1967 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as.therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, hav:ing been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board with everything which was said by said interested parties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opini9n that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: E 195 feet of W 763 feet of NW¼ N of Hwy. ex N 694.5 feet, Section 21-133-43 and tract 174.4 feet N & Sand 248 feet E & W lying approximately N of the above tract. be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1434 to said adjoining School District No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 10th day of May A.D., 1967. (Auditor's Seal) Otto Haase Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board The petition of Theodore & Janita Olson asking that the property described in the. following order be set off from District #1434 to District 1/544 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statement of interested parties and due consideration, the Board issued the. following order to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, The petition of Theodore D. Olson a legal vot~r,. freeholder and resident of School District No. 1434 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 544 and asking that he with his s1p.d lands may be set off from said district No. 1434 to said adjoining school district No. 544 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 8th day of March A. D., 1967, for the action of said board there- on• and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session or' said board on the ·10th day of May A.D., 1967 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the t~e appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 10th day of May A.O., 1967, due proof of the posting and se:vice of said order.of hear~ng as_t~erein direc~ed and required, more than ten days prior to said.last ~amed date! having. be~n made and fil~, said peti~~on was p~blicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested pa_rties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of op~nion that said petition should be gr~nted, i~ is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: E 100 feet of W 1043 feet of NW! of NW¼ N of Hwy. ex. N 695 feet of Section 21-133-43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1434 to said adjoining School District No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatr,ver. ! I !, I l ) . I ,, ;,588 I I I 1· I I 1· I ,, 11 1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-······-······-··-··May . lO E· By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 10th day of May A.D., 1967. (Audit.or's Seal) ·········19 67. Otto Haase Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County MiM. A tlesl: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Ronald & Ileen Brown asking that the properly described in the following order be set off from District #1434 to District #544 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statement of in- terested parties and due consideration, the Board issued the following order to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, The petition of Ronald C. Brown a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Dislricl No. 1434 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School uislrict, and adjoin School District No. 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be set ofr from said district No. 1434 lo said adjoining school district No. 544 was presented to the Board of County Com- missioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 8th day of March A.D., 1967 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas i l was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said peli lion, al a sess~on of said board on the 10th day of May A.D., 1967 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place or such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts lo br affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School i.,islricts, a copy of said order al least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas al the said session of the said Board of County '-ommissioners on said 10th day of May A.D., 1967 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hear- ing as therein directed and required; more than ten days prior to said last named date, havi"8 been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said pelilion should be granted, it is hereby ordered and detennined, lhal the said petit.ioner and the following described lands owned by him, lo-wit: E 330 feel South 1122.7 feet of SE! of NW! n of Hwy. Section 21-133-43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1434 to said adjoining School Uislrict No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated t.he 10th day of May A.D., 1967. (Audi tor's Seal) Otto Haase Chainnan oft.he Board of County COll'missioners of Oller Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor,&. ex-officio Clerk or Board The· petition of Gordon Tomhave asking that. the property described in the followin~ order be set. ofr from District 81434 to District #544 was taken up for final action. After lisleninf lot.he statement or interested parties and due consideration, t.he Board issued the following order to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter fran One School District to Another. whereas, The petition of Gordon 1'omhave a legal voter, freeholder and resident or School District No. 1434 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be set. off from said district. No. 1434 t.o said adjoining school district. No. 544 was presented to the Board or County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 8th day of March A.D., 1967 for the action or said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearinp should be had on said pet.I lion, at a session of said board on the 10th day of May A.D., 1967 at. the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that not.ice of the time and place of such hearing be given by rosting copies of said order in three public places in each of lhe school districts to be affected by said pet.ilion, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said ordor at least. ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas al t.he said session of the soJd Balrd of County Commissioners on said 10th day of May A.D., 1967 due proof or the post.inf. and service of snid order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than t.en days prior Lo said last named date, havinp been ~.ade and riled, said petition was publicly read and considered by t.he Board, with everything which was said by oaid interested parties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board beinr of opinion that oaid petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and det.ennined, that. the said petitioner and the rollowinr de- scribed lands owned by him, t.o-wit.: Nl! ex. HR of~ Section 29-133-43. be and t.he same are hereby set off from sai.d School Uist.rict No. 1431. t.o said adjoininp School District !lo. 544 and said lands are hereby made a 11art of said last. named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County COJrmissioners Dated the 10th day of r.ay A.D., 1967. AL Lest: 5. B. Johnson County nudilor, & ex-officio ~!erk or Board Ot.t.o Haase Chainnan or the Boord ofC01111Ly CCX!:!'lla:iionoro of Otter Toi Coun~y, ~inn. J COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ May 10 ....................................... 19, 67 '"'''" ,uauae.UIIIUZ.JIJ/:UIU ..... _i.:- The petition of Harland Haugen asking that the property described in the following order be set off from District #1434 to District #544 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statement of Interested partiws and due consideration, the Board issued the following order to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, The petition of Harland Haugen, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 1434 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School Uistrict, and adjoin School Uistrict No. 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1434 to said adjoining school district No. 544 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 8th day of Marc~ A.D., 1967 for the action of said board hereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 10th day of May A.D., 1967 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 10th day of May A.D., 1967 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said"interested parties for or aginst·granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Part of NW¾ of Sec. 21, Twp. 133, Rge. 43 described as follows: BegiMing at Northeast corner of said NW¼; thence South, 1531.8 ft.; thence West, 330.0 ft.; thence South, 615.5 ft.; to Highway No. 59; thence Northwesterly along said Highway 425.8 ft. to point located 988 ft. South of Nortg line of said section; thence West 611 ft.; thence North 989.2 ft. to said North Section line; thence South, 89 53' E., 1209 ft. more or less to the point of beginning. Containing 37.7? acres more or less. be and the same are her-eby set off from said School District No. 1434 to said adjoining School District No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County 6ommissioners Dated the 10th day of May A.D., 1967. (Audi tor's Seal) Otto Haase Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiM. Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board. The resolution asking for the dissolution of School District #1475 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties and upon due consideration the Board issued the following order of dissolution and annexation to-wit: STATE OF MINNl!SOTA, ) )ss. County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL•DISTRICT NO. 1475 Whereas, Proceedings to dissolve Common School District No. 1475 have been instituted by. (c) A certificate by the clerk of said district·directed to the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail State of Minnesota, that a majority of electors voting at an election held in said district on March 28, 1967, voted in favor of dissolving the district. Now, therefore, it is ordered: 1. · 1'hat Common School District No. 1475 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to and become a part of Independent School District #548 2. That the current assets and liability of said ·common School District No. 1475, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent School Uistrict #548 all monies, credits, funds, both real and personal propert~ . including truces for the year 1967, and prior years collected after July 1st, 1967, and all obligations of Common School District #1475 shall become the obligations of Independent School District #548. 3. That the outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1475 is None. 4. That the proposed effective date of this order is July 1st, 1967. Dated May 10, 1967 Attest: ___ --"s=-·~B~•:_.:J~o~hn=:=s~o~n';-;:-=::---County Auditor Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail State of MiMesota. BY ___ o __ t __ t __ o~H...,a~a_s..,e _____ _ Chairman. 589 \~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE···············-······-·· l!.ay .10 ··-······-···19 67. ,u .. m Nl■n■s c■■••■-n.cu■■ ••••· • The resolution asking for the dissolution of School District #1385 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statBDents of interested parties and upon due consideration the Board issued the followinR order of dissolution and annexation to-wit: STATE OF •aNNl:SOTA,) )ss. County of Otter Tail ) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF coo:oN SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1385 Whereas, Proceedings to dissolve Common School District Ho. 1385 have been instituted by. (c) A certificate by the clerk of said district directed to the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, that a majority of electors voting at an election held in said district on March 20, 1967, voted in favor of dissolving the district Now, therefore, it is ordered: 1. That Cokmon School District Ho. 1385 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to and become a part of Independent School District #548. 2. That the current assets and liability of said C01r.mon School District No. 1385, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent School ~istrict #548 all monies, crE.dits, funds, both real and personal property including taxes for 1967 and prior years collected after July 1st., 1967, and all oblir.ations of C01r.mon School District #1385 shall become the oollgations of Independent School District 8548. 3. That the outstanding bonded debt of said Carmon School District No. 1385 is None. 4. That the proposed effective date of this order is July 1st, 1967. Dated May 10, 1967. AL Les L: __ ......,s,.. ........ B __ • .....;..Jo"'hn=s ... o __ n _____ _ County Auditor Board of County COll'Edssioners of the County of Otter Tail St.ate of Mimcsota. BY _ _..;Oa.;ta.;t:;.;;oc...:.;H_aa;;;,s=:e=--:,-------- Chai nnan The resolution asking for the dissolution of School District //1379 was taken up for l'inal action. After listening to the statements of interested parties and upon due consideration the Board issued the following order of dissolution and annexation Lo-wit: STATE. OF MINNESUl'A,) )ss. County of Otter Tail ) IN THE. •:A1TER m· THI:. Dl SSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT 1'10. 1379 \~hereas, Proceedings to di.ssolve Common School District Ho. 1379 have been instituted by: (c) A certificate by the clerk of said district directed to the Board of County Co~.ll'issioners of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, that a majority of electors voting at an election held in so.id district on April 4, 1967, voted in favor of dissolving the district. Now, therefore, it is ordered: 1. That \;011:mon School District No. 1379 be dissolved and that the territory ernbrnced Lherei.n be aLLachcd. All the territory comprising Schbol District #1379 be attached to and ~ade a part of School District #1380 except the SE! of Section 35, Townsl.i.p 131, Range 42 which i.s attached Lo and made a part of School District 11261 Grant County. 2. That the current assets and liability of said Coll'Jllon School District No. 1379, be distributed as follows, to-wit: That all real estate and personal property of every nature and descripl.ion includinr rr.oni co on hand and the proceeds of Laxes collected after July 1st, 1967 for the years 1967 and prior years be apportioned 96.9(;% Lo School District #1380 and 3.10,: Lo School Uistrict 0261 Grant ~ounty Md any liabilities of said School District #1379 became the liabiliU es of Districts #l"JSC and /1261 Grant ~ounty by Lhe same percentages. 3. 1'hat the outstanding bonded debt of said Con:mon School District llo. 1379 is None. 4. That the proposed effective date of this order is July 1, 1967. Dated •:ay 10, 1967. A LL est : __ ---:s:--·----B ....... J;;.,;o,.ahaa,n;,;:s-o:.:.n ___ _ County Auditor Boord of County Co::...'"lincloncrs of the County of Otter Tn.11 State of 11.iMCIIULO. BY Otto Hoooo Ch:iirr.an I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... Ma_y 10 ........................................ 19.6.7 1rc1■1".UlalUII.CUI.H.L.II .. CLlll.■1•• i.:-2■na The resolution asking for the dissolution of School District #1388 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties and upon due consideration the Board issued the followjng order of dissolution and annexation to-wit: STATE OF MINNl,.SOTA,) )ss. County of Otter Tail ) IN THE MA!TER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF CG!MON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1388 Whereas, Proceedings to dissolve Common School District No, 1388 have been instituted by: . (c) A ~ertificate by.the clerk of said district directed to the Board of County Conunissioners of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, that a majority of electors voting at an election held in said di.strict on March 28, 1967, voted in favor of dissolving the district. NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordered: 1. That Conunon School Uistrict No. 1388 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to and become of part of District #550, 2. That the current assets and liability of said Conunon School uistrict No. 1398, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District No. 550 all monies, credits, funds, both real and personal including taxes for the year 1967 and prior years collected after July 1st, 1967, and all obligations of Conunon School District No. 1388 shall become the obligations of Independent school District No, 550, 3, That the outstanding bonded debt of said Conunon School District No. 1388 is none, 4, That the proposed effective date of this order is July 1st, 1967. Dated May 10, 1967, Attest: ___ s ____ .~B ...... ~J~0~h~n~s~o_n ____ _ County Auditor Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail State of Minnesota. BY. ___ 0;::.t;::.taco:;...;H:.:a:.:a:.:s~e'------- Chainnan The resolution asking for the dissolution of School District No. 1512 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statEments of interested parties and upon due.consideration the Board issued the follow- ing order of dissolution and annexation to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA,) )ss. County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSLOUTION OF C()l,lMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1512 Whereas, Proceedings to dissolve Co111111on School District No. 1512 have been instituted by: (c) A certificate by the clerk of said district directed to the Board of County Conunissioners of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, that a majority of electors voting at an election held in said district on February 25, 1967, voted in favor of dissolving the· district. Now, therefore, it is ordered: 1. That Common School District No, 1512 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached That the entire territory comprising Common School District No, 1512 be attached to Independent School Uistrict No. 545, 2. That the current assets and liability of.said Conunon School District No, 1512, be distributed as follows to-wit: To I dependent School District No. 545 all monies, credits funds, property both real and personal including taxes for the 1967 and prior years collected after July 1st, 1967, and all obligations of Common School Distr.ict·No, 1512 shall becane the obligations of Independent School District No, 545, 3, That the outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1512 is None. 4, '!'hat the proposed effective date of this order is July 1st, 1967, Dated May 10, 1967. Attest: ___ ~s~•a....aB~ ...... J~o~hn=s~o~n,,_ __ _ _County Auditor Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail State of Minnesota. BY __ ~O_t~t~o'--"H_a_a_s_e _____ _ Chainnan 591~ :.I I ·1 I 'i l :,i I; ·11 j COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. ·--··May .. lO ..... . ··········-···19 .. 67. The petition a" Edward J. Webber asking that the sj-of SE! and NE¼ of SE! of Section 1 and the NE! and all of Lot 2 except RR in Section 12-132-43 be set off from School District No. 1498 to District No. 544 was read and upon motion it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M., June 14, 1967 and that due notice of time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Vivian Field asking that beginning 374 feet South and 4)1.5 feet East of Nl-l Corner of Section 21-132-43 and the East 158.5 feet South 320.5 feet; West 22 feet NW 182.2 feet North 2CO feet Lo begiMin~ all in Section 21-132-43 be set off from District #1434 to District #544 was read and it was ordered that a hearin~ on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A.M., June 14, 1967 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. A resolution asking for the dissolution of School District #1511 was read and it was ordered that a hear- ing be held on said resolution at lC o'clock A. M., June 14, 1967 and that due notice of the time and place be pivEn as provided by law. Licenses for "On" and "Off" sale of Non-intoxicating malt liquors were r,:ranted as follows: Arvid TeMey Y.ra. 1:.. H. Hansen E. C. Prescher E.lvin Arntson Agnes M. Trana Jack & Edna Thompson Paul B. F'ischer E.. G. Andreaon Eddie Coppin Emil A. Madsen ~:ary I. 1'•estman Oscar Peterson Lila M. Keakinen Ralph itichter Mrs. Alex Cavalier Harlan H. Ebbighausen Kenneth Hunter Lee J. Rogert Kenneth Van Tassel Arnold Hemquiat Uoris E. Hinrichs Herb Christensen Albert L. Nelson Joe Biltz ~-rilz Otterson Mabel Crews Perham Lakeside Golf Club, l~c. nobert & Carol Sue Carlson John H. Bierworth Waller F. Hintzen Sylvia R. Koski E.dgar SpliLLaLoesser Hai Reintsma E.lsie L. Centers Joe Dougherty l~illiam H. Lively Hi-~.ay Park Store & Pavilion Rainbow Pavilion Balmoral Resort E.l' s Resort Aggie's Resort He~venly Days Resort Pocahontas Beach ~losquilo Heights Resort Madsen's Resort & Store Camp Napanee Star Lake Store Oak Point Resort Lost Valley "esort Cal's Rainbow Point Chub's Bait & Red Hot Dance Inn. 1·,agon \\heel Resort Colonial Lounge Greenwood Resort Balmoral Golf Course Heye's Resort Balmoral 131 Club ~-oodland Beach Resort Sunset Beach Resort Resort Spruce Lodge Golf Club House l\ocky' s Resort Limrner's Resort Big Pine Resort Grocery & Bai L Store South Turtle Lake Resort Play Mor Beach Camp Minneha Resort James Resort Licenses Lo conduct public dances were granted as follows: E.. C. Prescher Mrs. E. H. Hansen Arvid 1'enney Balmoral Rainbow Pavilion Hi-Way Park Pavilion Elmo Township Girard Township Otter Tail Township Scambler Township Leaf Lake Township Leaf Lake ·1ownship Dead Lake 'Iownship Pine Lake To~-nship Friberg Township Everts Township Girard 'lownahip Star Lake 'lownship Otto Township Candor Township Rush Lake Twp. Sverdrup Twp. Otto Township Perham To~-nahip Otter Tail Township Otter Tail Township Otter Tail Township Otter Tail Township Everts Township Pine Lake Township E.verts Township Star Lake Township Perham Township "ora 1'o~nship Rush Lake Township Pine Lake Township Le~f Lake To~nshi p Sverdrup Township Corliss Township Girard Township Dead Lake Townshlp Rush Lake Township Otter Tail Township Girard 'i'ownship l:.Iir.o Township The following applications for homestead classification were granted: Lota 53 & 55, Stony Point Ei of SEt Section, Bluffton Twp. A. T. Herfindahl Ray l:.rickson Richard W. Mann Benjamin Paulson (;harles Bohner Leonard Kiser Lot J and 4 except tracts and S~ of s~:l or Section J, F.verts Twp. Lot 2, Section 10, 1ownship of Elizabeth Harvey l:.venson SW! SE! East of road Section 35, Pelic1111 Twp. Lot 6, Block JON Division, Fergus Falls Oak Haven Beach l:.aaL 15 feet of Lot 12 and ~est 67 feet of Lot 13, Scambler Twp. 1'he following applications for reduction of assessed valuation of personal property wore approved: Herbert \\ittner Clayton H. Jensen Bigelow Land Office Personal property rar.oved in June, 1965 Personal Properly not at that local.ion Sign removed h'O years ago Reduction or assessed valuations for real estate were granted as follows: Redeaner l:.vangelical Lutheran Coneregation of AlJ&ora Lot 13, 14 and 15, Block 2 Alcora Gonr.an T"I>· Dano Prairie Twp. Cm:pton Twp. Church rrorert-y COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. ~.~¥. .. ~.~ ................................................... 19 .. 67. IIFPUD.DWlal.CUf.&IL.ILCLI.IILl.111 E-zena E. U. Heyen John Utne O. H. Voight Homann Telephone ~ompany Roy Carlander Gary D. Froehlich Amor Township, Roinez Beach Wall Lake Point, Dane Prairie Twp. Village of D"ent S. 50 ft. of E-154 ft. of.N. 1295.4 ft. Sec. 1, Scambler Twp. Lot 27, Crystal Hills, Lida Twp. Lot 5, Wall Lake Point Dane Prairie Twp. Assessed for fire place which he did not have. Assessed for too much lake frontage. Lot assessed as 50 ft. frontage but is only 25 feet. Exempt-pays gross earnings tax. Over-charges on back lot Assessed for too much lake frontage. The fo~lowing applications for reducti·on of assessed v:aluati·on 1 t on rea es ate were recommejded to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval: Adrian C. Woods Arthur Narum Donald Padilla Karl A. Fankhanel Gladys Bennett Delta & Susan P. Daggett Jens S. Severtson Julia Dammen Raymond Alsgaard Vernon E. Shores Charles C. York Marian Eskstein et al Lot 18, Lindengrove Beach Township of Clitherall Lot 3, Camp Nidaros Amor Township SW'ly 30 feet of Lot 18 and all of Lot 19, Birchwood Shores Lot 5 of Govt. Lot 2, Section 27, 1'ownship of Hobart Part of Govt. Lot 3, Section 30, Hobart 1ownship Part of Govt. Lot 5, 7 and 9 Section 3, Township of Hobart The SE¼ NE¼ Section 6, Township of Tordenskjold Lot 'J, White Swan Beach Township of Dane Prairie Lot 7, Olson's Maple-Lida Beach, Lida Township E½ of SE¼ except tracts in Section 8, Township of Pelican Lot 19, Fish Lake Beach Aurdal 1'ownship Tract in NW¼ SW¼ Section 12 Village of Dalton Assessed for licensed mobile home. Assessed for 82 feet too much lake frontage. Real estate assessed· at 40% instead of 331/3% Assessed for wrong cottage Assessed for same house on both tracts owned by her. Too much value used· on finished easement Clerical error in listing ~ottage assessed twice Assessed at 40% instead of 331/3% Clerical error in figuring assessment. Assessed for cottage, has only vacant lot. Double Assessment The application of James Ruud for correction of assessment on the NEi SW¼ and the .NW¼ SE¼ Section 24, Township of Pelican was rejected upon recommendation of the Town Board. Upon motion the hourly rate to be paid licensed practical nurses by the Home Health Service was fixed at $2.00 per hour. The County Auditor was authorized to take up and redeem $35,000 worth of Otter Tail County hoad & Bridge bonds at $97.02 pe~ hundred. The County Auditor was authorized and instructed to send $400 to the East Otter Tail County Soil and water Conservation.Djstrict for their use in hiring clerical help. A motion was made to contribute $4500 to the East Otter Tail County Soil and Water Conservation District for use in underground water survey. No second was made. The Board having advertised for bids for One -New Tax writing machine, must utilize present p·late file, print all tax forms and feed carbonized form sets automatically/ One -New.embossing machine to create raised type or metal plates, must be capable of using present plates with full keyboard, tabulator and line indicator. Received a bid from the Addressograph-Multigraph Corporation for one,.Addressograph 5000 and on1; 'Graphotype 6481 at a total bid price of $11,589.45. The bid was accepted. The following bills were allowed: Carlton Mortensen Carlton Mortensen Sidney Nelson Glen Melby James LeRoy James Bucholz Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Harvey Morrill Boarding Prisoners mileage mileage & expenses mileage expenses & mileage II II II expenses II II .$ 688.50 .144-70 244.40 235·.40 244.55 41.80 37.10 30.60 10.CO 593 I 'I •I I 1·: f' COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. May. lO ................... · ................. 19 .. §.7.. Sam Nycklemoe Vernon E. Bachman Vernon E. Bachman Thomas R. Beaman Ila Skalin Laura E. Hotchkiss Kenneth Clambey Frank Roberts E· Lake Region H0spital James A. Lueders, M.D. Ors. Lewis & Kevern Park Region Medical Center Charles E. Johnson City of Fergus Falls Eugene Davenport Harris W. Iverson Anton N. Glesne Virginia S. Adams Frank Alstadt Geo. E. Jensen Otto Haase Bernard Palubicki Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Battle Lake Review The Independent Perham Enterprise-Bulletin Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Allstate Sanit~tion & Maint. Supply l:orp. Edling hlectric, Inc. Wm. Galena & Son General Trading ~o. Johnson Service Co. Great Plains Natural Gas. Co. Gust Lagerquist & Sons C. W. Seislander John B. Halvorsson Donald Lee Charles Warnberg, Sheriff Carlton E. Mortensen Carpenter's Fergus Blass & Paint Hoffman Glass Company The Photo Center Inc. The Photo Center Inc. White Drug Edling Electric ~o. General Supply Canpany Hintgen-Karst Elec. Equip. Mobile Radio & T. V. Serv. r/adena Re Cappers Jaeger's Decorating Center The Sherwin-Williams Co. Francis Garvin, Assn to Jalmer Hoppenen & Gus Kantrud Francis Garvin, Assign to Hjalmer Hopponen & Gus Kantrud Bengtson Oil ~o. Donald Lee Key Laboratories Fergus Ambulance Service City Pharmacy Park Region Medical Center Andrews & lt.eister Drug Esther Mortensen Esther Mortensen Mrs. James LeRoy Franklin Olson Fred Spicer Leonard Blom Gaffaney's Office Spec. Co. Cooper's Office Supply Davenport's Stationery Franham's Inc. Gaffaney's Miller-Davis Company Miller-D~vis ~ompany Monroe International Co. Poucher Printing & Lithe. Co. St. Paul Book & Stationery Co. Victor Lundeen & Go. Victor Lundeen & Co. Xerox Corporation Xerox ~orporation International Business Mach. Midwest Printing ~o. Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Vernon E. Bachman George H. Nelson Helen E. Skramsted Myrtle E. Logas Allison & ~ompany Expenses & mileage II II II casl) advanced E.O.T.Soil Cons. Dist. II II II II II II Sal1y W.O.T.Soil Cons. Dist. mileage & Sal 'y Weed Insp. Sal'y & Exp. Weed Insp. coroner's autopsy 11 fees II II II II court costs II II mileage & expenses II II II Extra Help Co. Assessor's office Planning Commission expense At.td. Planning Commission II II II II Attd. Planning Commission reprints of zoning ordinance Publ. zoning ordinance II II II II calls for Sheriff calls dust mops services II janitor supplies thermostat gas repairs 11 blinds s11,bsistance pay II II expense car regi~tration tape measure jail supplies II glass bookcase supplies for sheriff II II services parts & serv. for sheriff service for sheriff II II II II repairs at jail & house paint etc. for jail painting at Commissioners room painting at.jail gas 11 & tickets tests ambul~nce for prisoner med. for prisoner care of II II matron fee matron fee II II witness fee II II II II certified copy maintenance supplies II mounting Board supplies II ribbon supplies mounting board supplies II II II typewriter & ribbons printing printing postage II Adv. corns. pd.driv.lic. agts. Workmen's Comp. $ 28.00 41.12 20.CO 280.00 30.00 2!,9.48 324.69 362.30 100.00 27.05 26.CO 260.40. 4.00 235.CO 41.38 87.20 419.68 13.15 30.50 13.65 8.95 26.75 17.75 92.40 81.90 108.00 72.99 67.23 18.37 222.49 110.70 20.79 24.00 991.62 61.50 6.85 34.50 37.50 139.49 2.50 7.90 37.85 20.00 352.54 55.53 5.00 47.69 17.05 47.74 116.53 (;5.00 137.07 33.35 93.00 169.00 5.35. 3. 50 20.85 20.00 3.00 88.50 4.00 .:i.itO.CO 15.00 10.00 ll.36 15.52 3.50 52.00 55.13 39.87 24.00 3.00 52.12 374.39 1.50 16.47 24.00 81.42 899.11 268.40 37.50 420.12 171.90 2J66.80 27.20 46.95 25.co lJ.95 2J4.96 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IICHJn.nuDU.CDIIUL..ftaCLlll.■111 "'•2108 MiM. St.ate Assoc. of Co. Treas. Kennit. T. Bjorgum. Jaeger's Decorating Cent.er Fergus Falls Daily Journal HeMing Advocate The Independent. Northwestern Publishing Co. Northwestern Publishing Co. Pelican Rapids Press Pelican Rapids Press Village of Perham Sally Swanson Carolyn Helgeson Lorna McCabe Donnis F jestad Mrs. Earl Sorunor >:rs. Dorothy John~en Very E. Ryder Mrs. Dorothy Jorg~nson Sally Swanson Carolyn Helgeson Nelson Bros. Prtg •. Co. Village of f-erham Red Cross E.O.T. Telephone Co. Mrs. Luther Anderson Mrs. Luther H. Anderson Mrs. Alva Helmrichs >:rs. Alva Helmrichs Mrs. \'/alt.er Hubert Mrs. Russell Jedll.\lld Mrs. R. H. Jedlund Mrs. Bud Larson 1-!rs. Charles W. L!lwis >:rs. Charles W. Lewis Mrs. John J. Steblay Mrs. Ed. Skoglund. Mrs. Philip rlicklll!ld Mrs. Philip \\icklu.nd Philip M. Kjaglien. Philip M. Kjaglien_ Rachel J. Estrem Northwestern Bell 'l'elephone Co. Straub \.ompany Public Utilities Dept. Artz Camera SupplY. Cooper's Office Supply Fergus Hardware Midwest Printing Co. Nelson Bros. Printing \.o. Secretarial Service Victor Lundeen & Co. Henry Dunker . 'l'ownship of Girard. i•obert Boedigheimer Fergus Falls Clini~ Hall Equipment, Inc. Hi-Lo Equipt. Co. Cwnmins Diesel Sales, Inc. Road Mach. & Supplies, Inc. Ruf~ridge-Johnson ~uip. Co., Inc. Geo T. Ryan Co. Ziegler, Inc. . Farm Center Welding Fergus Plumbing & :jltg. International Harvester Co. Larson Welding Olson Auto ~lectric Pelican Valley Motor Sales, Inc. Perham Farm Supply:~o. Ri~erside Repair Shop Schoon Bros. Equip~. Smokey's Machine Shop Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Super GMC Truck Saies Tysdal Implement Korby Constracting Co. K. W. Rosenwald MiM. Mining & Mfg. Co. National Chemsearch Corp. Eutectic Welding Alloys Orlyn Pederson Co. General Trading Co. Genuine Parts Co. Holten Lumber Co. Geo F. Lehman Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Welders Equipment M-R Sign Co., Inc, Franklin Fence Co. Northwoods Sp~cialty Co. DATE .......................... May. lo ......................................... 19 .. 67_ registration fees surveying Phelps Mill repairs Phelps Mill publishing publ. sch. diss. 11 tax notice Puhl. financial statement publishing II publ. financial statement & zoning ordinance rent for Co. Agent mileage etc. II II II II II II II II post.age II supplies rent II " II II Home Nursing Text calls &. services Attd. Nurs. Bd. mtg. expenses & mileage postage, mche rental & pencils mileage & expenses calls & ser.vices rent utilities supplies II II printing envelopes forms supplies material for boat poor expenses exp. T.B. Patient care of T.B. patient Parts II II II II II II repairs equipment II supplies II II II II II II II II II posts stakes II rental $ 70.00 180.00 35,49 816.65 · 6.30 7.20 1806.30 92.40 · 7.20 1904.30 60.00 9.30 96,30 108.67 16.65 21.60 ·66.05 ·7.50 57.00 2.00 39.00 63.80 35.00 ·1.25 23.39 4.80 4,80 7.35 7.35 2.70 ·3.00 3.00 2.70 4,·95 4.95 7.35 8.25 11.25 · 7.50 87.80 14.80 · 12.56 25.56 50.00 · 3-75· 136.70 41.55· 1.75 · 10.50 · 10.75 10.50 111.77 2,75 250.28 10.50 16.00 26.40 6.30 4.35 16.54 519. 75 262.71 256.74 4.00 60.93 439.42 15.00 61.14 2.50 4.60 7.68 1.50 216.02 24.21 172.29 9.50 915.00 302.00 56.50 665,94 93.00 33.55 227.42 56.48 67.40 70.00 161.03 103.58 24.00 936.00 12.50 595~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . Dalton Grain & Feed Co. Gerald C. Hamilton Allison & ~o. · Railway Express Agency B. L. Raymond Motor Tr~sp. Co. Minn. Dept. of Highways SCM Corporation Otter Tail Power Co. Dahms Photo Print ·co. Albinson · Mpls. Blue Printi'!g Co. The Pierce Co. Davenport's Statiqnery East Otter Tail T~le, Co, N. W. Bell Tele. qo, Wadena Midwest Telephome.Co. Pelican Telephone.eo. N. W. Bell Tele. C,o. F. F. Park Region Mutual, Tele. Co. N. W. Bell 'Jlelephqne Co. F. F. Wendell P. Huber G. D, Harlow Wendell P. Huber . Norwegian Grove T"l-(p. Bengtson Oil Co. . Consumers Co-op O~l Co. B. L. Consumers co-op O~l Co. Henning Dan's Texaco Ser~ce Perham Dave's Standard S~rvice Henning Farmer's Co-op Cr~amery Fergus Oil Co., I~c. Fossen Oil Co. Highway Co. . Hil~ay Auto & Impl. (;o, Hoot Lake Pure Iverson Mobil Marv's 66 Nundahl Oil Co. Ovie's Pure Ray's Oil Co. Service Oil Co, Battle Lake Vergas Oil Co. Co-op Services, Inc. Penrose Oil Co. Standard Oil Co. B·. L. Standard Oil Co. H_enning Standard Oil Co. P~l. Rapids Kraemer Oil Co. Service Oil Co. Ted's Oil Co. D-A Lubricant Co,, Inc. Vincent A. Cichy Carl A. Johnson Edith Bentilla . Kent A. Lamb & Mar~e Schmidt Miss Meta Runge Alvin Mindennann Ray Welter Wilho Paavola Wilmar Jetenberg Frank Neuvonen Philip Koljonen Henry Raistakka Henry L. Teberg Elmie orasel Eino Rantala Roger Curtis Clarence E. Frost Raymond B. Ament Art Nesges Anton Horstmann Andrew J. Ament James Goeller Lloyd Rasmussen Delbert Bernu Charles Odegard Township of Everts DATE .............................. May .10 ·················· coal gravel Insurance express freight services maintenance prints II supplies II II II service & tolls II II II II II II II ri II II II II expense II cash advanced special Aid gasoline gas, etc. gasoline II II II II II II diesel fuel etc. II II II II II II II II II fuel oil fuel oil & gas fuel oil oil R/W expense special aid .. 19 .. §.? .. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. June 13, 1967, Attest: Chainnan -$ 130.65 367.60 1101.79 3,98 10,73 86.:ai9 55,00 65.89 52.00 38,60 2.10 ll,35 57.95 23.45 11.55 12.99 15.72 33,12 9,20 77.40 246.75 · 32.·67 9,76 158.63 142,34 113.59 33.49 69.96 134.47 309.33 54.67 39.35 65.32 203.64 · 102.~35 152,30 90.84 183.33 99.71 84.38 563.66 193,37 351.76 72.50 ·205. 70 85.45 85.50 201.35 159,31 60.80 255,35 8.80 10.40 1.80 30,32 11.20 7.32 29.70 22.10 312.32 61.78 28.68 10.00 107.48 · 52,50 25,95 7.20 31.10 53.38 ·63.65 58.10 79.20 20.20 43.03 25,70 39,50 300,00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... Ma;y:_25 ..................................... 19. 67 MINUTFS OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA . , Pur~uant to due call and notice thereof, a apecial meeting of the Board of County Commissioner~ of Otter Tail County, Minnesota was duly held at the courthouse in Fergus Falls on Thursday the.25th day of May, 1967 at 3:00 o'clock P.M., C.D.S.T. • The following Commissioners were present: Otto Haase, Sam Nycklemoe, Bennie J. Johnson, Harvey Morrill and James Bucholz, and the.following were absent: None. The Chairman announced that the meeting was convened for the purpose of receiving sealed bids for the purchase of $400,000 Nursing Home Revenue Bonds of the County. The County Auditor presented affidavits showing publication of notic·e of sale in the official newspaper and in Commercial West, a financial paper published in Minneapolis, Minriesota, which affidavits were examined and found satisfactory and ordered placed on file. The County Auditor then presented the bids received at his office prior to the time of sale. were opened and examined and found to be as follows: These Name of Bidder Interest Rate Amount of Premium Bid of: Bid of: Ebin, hobertson & Co. Inc. --Minneapolis, Minnesota Miller, Schroeder & Co., Inc. -Minneapolis, Minnesota 4.00% for Bonds maturing 1969 through 1973. 4.20% for Bonds maturing 1974 through 1976, 4.40% for Bonds maturing 1977 through 1982. 4.50% for Bonds maturing 1983 through 1987. plus 1,20% per annum on all Bonds for the period August .1, 1967 to November 1, 1968 to be evidenced by separate sets of coupons as follows: Bl due May 1, 1968 of $9.00 B2 due November 1, 1968 of $6.00 No premium. 'l'otal interest cost to County ----$237,725.00 Average rate of interest -------4.5367% White, Weld & i..o. -Minneapolis, Minnesota Reynolds & Co. -Minneapolis, Minnesota 4.40% for Bonds maturing 1969 through 1987. Plus 1.20% per annum on all Bonds for. the period August 1, 1967 to November 1, 1968 to be evidenced by separate sets of coupons as follows: One coupon in the amount of $15.00 per Bond as above. No.premium. Total interest cost to County ---$236,560.00 Average rate of interest---4.5145%. Bid of: Dain, Kalman & l..o., Inc. -Minneapolis, Minnesota Allison-Williams Company -Minneapolis, Minnesota Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood -Minneapolis, Minnesota Bid of: 4.3ci for Bonds maturing 1969 through 1974 4-40% for Bonds maturing 1975 through 1979 4.50% for Bonds maturing 1980 through 1984 4.60% for Bonds maturing 1985 through 1987 plus 1.20% per annum on all Bonds for the period August 1, 1967 to November 1, 1968 to be evidenced by separate sets of coupons as follows: (No statement). No premium. 'l'otal interest cost to County ---$242,075.00 Average rate of interest ---4.619:7.%, E. J. Prescott & Co. -Minneapolis, Minnesota Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith -Minneapolis, Minnesota Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis -.Minneapolis, Minnesota Juran & Moody, Inc. -St. Paul, Minnesota 4.10% for Bonds maturing 1969 through 1976 4.30% for Bonds maturing 1977 through 1982 4.40% for Bonds maturing 1983 through 1987 plus 1.50% per annum on all Bonds for the period November 11 1967 to November 1, 1968 to be evidenced by separate sets of coupons as follows: A $7.50 coupon on all Bonds and due May 1, 1968 and a $7.50 coupon on all Bonds and due November 1, 1968 · No premium. Total Interest cost to County ---$232,945.00 Average rate of interest ---4.4455% After due consideration of all bids, Commissioner Morrill introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: ., 597 I 1:1 I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................. May. 25 ................................. 1967 .. RESOLUTION AWARDING SALE OF $4CO,OOO NURSING HOME REVENUE BONDS BE IT RF8>LVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Taii County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The bid of E. J. Prescott & Co. & Associates to purchase $400,000 Nursing Home Revenue Bonds b~aring interest as follows: 4.10%, 4.30%, 4.40% and extra coupons of 1.50% for an average net interest rate of 4.4455%, at a P:ice of par, accrued interes~ an~ a pr~um _or~ N?ne on t~e terms.s~~ forth in the notice ?f ~ale is hereby determined to be~the ·bestd!iid,and is hereby•accepted·and~the,Ghairman of the Board of County Comm1.ss1.oners and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with the suecessful bidder on behalf of the County, and the l.ounty Auditor is instructed to return the good faith checks of unsuccessful bidders forthwj_th. 2. The bonds shall be numbered serially from 1 upwards in chronological order of maturity dates and shall be in the following denominations (s): Serial Numbers Denominations 1 through 80 $5,000 J. Both principal of and interest on the bonds sh~ll be payable at the main office of Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the County shall pay the reasonable charges of such bank. for its services as paying agent_.' The motion for the adlDption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Bucholz and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Haase, Nycklemoe, Johnson, Morrill and Bucholz, and the following voted agaiast the same: None whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Upon motion the Board then adjourned. Attest: Chairman I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IICPlffl Plr:11■■ CCHPIII U i;,l,IIIIL■'"'• "• DATE ........... June. .. 5 ......................................................... 19.67 . MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY C¢~1MISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL AND GRANT COUNTIES . P~rs~ant. to arrangem~nts previously made, the County Board met at 10 o'clock A." M. June 5, 1967 with the Coynty CoD1111J.ss1oners of Grant County, all commissioners present. Upon motion Otto Haase was elected Chairman and the Chainnan of the Grant County Board was elected Vice Chairman. It was mutually agreed between the two boards to place bituminous surfacing on County State Aid Highway #26 fr0111 the Wendell Road East to Trunk Highway #59 durjng 1968. It was also agreed to grade and gravel County State Aid Highway "26 from the Wendell road West four miles during the year 1969. Attest: Upon motion the Board then adjourned. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOIUiD OF COUNTY COOIISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Chainnan The Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. June 9, 1967, present all cOlllll!issioners and Roger W. Patch of the firm Patch and Erickson, Inc., Architects. Advertisements for bids having been had for construction of a County Nursing Home at Otter Tail Lake pur- suant thereto, bids were received and opened and found to be competitive bidding. Now, therefore, said advertisements for bids and proceedings had thereon are ratified and the following bids were accepted and found to be as follows: Adams Construction Adolfson & Peterson, Inc. Anderson Bros. Construction Noyes Construction Co. Gunderson Construction John T. J0 nes Construction Young Construction Co. Bryan Construction Galena Mechanical Cpntractors Herb Johnson P & H J & T Plumbing"& Heating Knapp-Grover Moorhead P & H Shoppe P & H St. Cloud P & H Battle Lake Electric Breckenridge Electric Edling Electric Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. Asleson's Inc. Goulet's, Inc. Oken's lnc. St. Cloud Restaurant Supply St. Paul Bar & Restaurant Building Sprinkler Co., Inc. GENERAL CDNTRACTOR Minneapolis, Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Minneota, Minnesota Fargo, North Dakota St. Paul, Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR Fergus Falls, Minn. St. Cloud, Minnesota Alexandria, Minnesota Park Rapids, Minnesota Moorhead, Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota St. Cloud, Minnesota ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Battle Lake, Minnesota Breckenridge, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota KITCHEN EQUIPMENT Minneapolis, Minnesota Minneapoiis, Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota St. Cloud, Minnesota St. Paul, Minnesota FIRE PROTECTION Fargo, North Dakota $241,900 259,687 252,800 266,570 252,400 268,000 275,0CO 262,000 $ 92,875 93,800 97,649 94,000 98,534 107,470 97,485 $ 39,985 33,250 36,540 44,750 $ 8,592 9,325 8,369 8,690 8,080 14,790 ~ 599 - ' ' "' 600 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Grinnell Co,, Inc. Viking Fire Protection Co, Midland Laudnry Equipment Co, American Laundry & Machinery· Bergerson-Caswell DATE .......... June. 9 .......................................................... 19 .. ~.7.. Minneapolis, Minnesota St. Paul, Minnesota LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT Minneapolis, Minneso~a Chicago, Illinois WELL TEST AND WELL PUMP Minnetonka, Minnesota $ 17,878 14,970 6,972.14 7,591.00 5,492 The Board accepted all low bidders as follows, subject to approval of plans by the State Board of Health and investigation by the architects as to the financial responsibility of the general contractor: General Contractor -Adams Const.·co,, Minneapolis, Minn, $ 241,900 Mechanical Contractor -Galena Mechanical Contractors 92,875' Fergus Falls, Minnesota Electrical Contractor -Breckenridge Electric, Breckenridge 33,250 Kitchen Equipment -St, Paul Bar & Restaurant Supply, St, Paul 8,080 Fire Protection -Building Sprinkler Co,, Inc, Fargo, N, Dak, 14,790 \1'ell Test & Well Pump -Bergerson-Caswell, Minneapolis, Minn. 6,972.14 Upon motion the bid for laundry Equipment was rejected, Upon motion the Board then adjourned, Chairman, Attest: l COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. J~_e .. 13 .................................................... l967 .. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ID UNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL CD UNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. June 13, 1967, all members being present, A motion was made, seconded and carried that Class 2 Personal Property be removed from taxation beginning with the taxes paid in the year 1968, The following applications for licenses to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors were appreved: Raymo_nd Pfeifle Pebble Lake Municipal Golf Course August Heinrich Merel Vogelgesang Sanster Nikleby Anna V. Stoll Dean C. Law Jackie Sonnenberg Herb Limmer Blaine Brincefield Lavila O'Haver Clarence Koehler Log Haven Resort Cozy Cove Resort Neudick's Resort Graystone Lodge North Shore Resort Grand View Heights Restaurant Herb's Camp Jungle Shores East Silent Resort Koehler's Resort Township of Lida Township of Buse Township of Dead Lake Township of Perham To~nship of Everts Township of Dead Lake Township of Pihe Lake Township of Hobart Township of Rush Lake Township of Corliss 'l'ownship of Dora Township of Pine Lake Dance license was granted to Ernest J, Strehlow ~d Mabel Crews, Spruce Lodge Pavilion, Star Lake Twp, The Board having previously called for bids for grading and gravelling C,S,A,H, 67:60 and 67:51 o~ened bids which were found to be as follows: Marvin E, Lund Harry Hofland Strom Construction Company Bain Bros·, & Don Dahlman John Dieseth Company Glenwood, Minnesota Perham, Minnesota Moorhead, Minnesota Clarissa, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota $41,860,78 51,404,73 46,327.14 47,148,78 63,420.92 After consideration the contract was awarded to Marvin E. Lund for the sum of $41,860,78 Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to call for sealed bids to be opened at 11:00 A, M, July 10, 1967 for the following projects: GRADING & GRAVELING S.A,P, 56-632-03 (67) C. P. 67:32 Length 3,047 miles, located from the junction of CSAH #14 at Basswood and West 3,047 miles, S,A,P, 56~656-02 Mun, (67) C. P. 67:56 Length 0,248 mile, located from CSAH #67 to the East Corporate Limits of New York Mills, S,A,P, 56-656-0J S,A,P, 56-676-01 (67) C. P, 67:56 Length 2.46 miles, located from the Northeast corner of the City Limits of New York Mills and East approximately 2,5 miles, (67) C, P. 67:76 Length 4,503 miles, located from the junction of T, H. #10, 2 miles Southeast of New York Mills, and East to junction of CSAH #19, It was moved, seconded and carried that the County will pay $156,19 for Joseph C. Lill when he buys back coverage under P,E,R,A, Upon motion the following amounts were appropriated from the Revenue fund: Otter Tail County Historical Society West Otter Tail Soil Conservation District East Otter Tail Soil Conservation District $800,00 800,00 800.00 It was moved, seconded and carried that the County Board attend the District County Board meeting at Duluth on July 26, 1967, Upon motion the salary of the County Attorney was fixed at $8000,00 per year beginning July 1st, 1967, A motion w~s made, seconded and carried that the proposed waterway from the river near nound Lake be re- ferred to the Otter Tail County Planning Commission for. study, The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that The application of Robert R. Peterson, the owner of Lot 32, Block 1, Trowbridge ~oint, at the time of forfeiture for the privilege of repurchasing said lot which.was forfeited to the S~at~ of Minnesota f~r the year 1959 was approved for the reason that permission to do so will be to the best public interest and .relieve undue hardship. Adopted this 13th day of June, 1967. Otto Haase Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk, . ~ 601 r 602 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. June .. 13 ....... . ....... · ............ 19 .. 67 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY Commissioner James Bucholz presented the following resolution, seconded by C~issioner Bennie Johnson, and mov~. its adoption. WHEREAS, it is deemed necess~ry and of public exigency that lands for highway purposes and public use be obtained; and WHEREAS, Otter Tail ~ounty has power and authority to establish, alter, vacate or revoke county highways; NOW, THEREFORE, in pursuance of Minnesota Statutes 163, it is hereby resolved that Otter Tail County take for use on County State Aid Highway Number 76 a right of way in and.over the lands herein described, together with the following rights: All trees, shrubs, grass and herbage within the right of way of said county highway, herein acquired, and to keep and have the exclusive control of the same; to acquire from the owners whose lands front thereon any existing right of access to said highway and to keep and have the exclusive control of all access to said high- way in accordance with the laws governing access to highways; an estate in fee simple absolute to the lands within the said right of way; to construct slopes upon and remove materials from the lands herein specifically mentioned to be taken for those purposes as provided in the plans and specifications which are on file at the office of the County Engineer, Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls, Minnesota; and also the right to waste, dispose of, and place gravel stone, clay, dirt, sand and other material on the lands herein specifically mentioned to be taken for those purposes. ' The lands and rights claimed and proposed to be so taken are situated in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, and are described as follows, and the names of all persons appearing of record as known to the County Board of Commissioners to be the owners or occupants of said lands and rights, or interested therein, including all whom the County.Board of Commissioners, by investigation and inquiry to discover, together with the nature of the owner- ship of each as nearly as can.b~ ~s~ertained and the legal description of the tracts of land through which the county state aid highway will pass, are as follows: Parcel ll All that part of the rollowing described tract: The Southwest Quarier of the Southeast Quarter (SW¼ of SEt;) of Section Thirteen (lJ), Township One Hundred Thirty-five (135) North, Range Thirty-seven (37) West, which lies within fifty (50) feet on the · · Nor.therly"siae of tlje· following described centerline: B~ginning at the South Quarter Corner of said Section lJ, thence East along the section line between Sections 13 and 24 to the Southeast corner of the SWt; of the SEt; of said Section 13, and there tenn:l- inating. Excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highways. Containing 0.00 acre, Also an easement to construct slopes, as shown on the plans, containing approximately O.ll acre, which shall cease on or before December Jl, 1967. Together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and egress from that portion of the above described tract, not acquired herein, to County State Aid Highway 1176. The names ·or parti'es known by the Board to be the owners and occupants or interested in the above described 1,and. and the ·nature of their interests are, as. follows: Harold Volkmann Fee Parcel 18 All that part of the following described tract: The East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E½ of SEt;) of Section Eighteen (18) and the Southwest Quarter (SW¼) of Section Seventeen .(17), Township One Hundred Thirty-five (135) North, Range Thirty-six (J6) West, which lies within fifty (50) feet on the Northerly side of the following described centerline: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of the E½ of the SEt; of Section 18, thence along the _section line between Sections 18 and 19., and 17 and 20 to the South Quarter Corner of Section 17, Township 135 North, Range J6 West, and there tenninating. Excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highways. Containing 1.55 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes, as shown on the plans, containing approximately 0.68 acre, which shall cease on or before December Jl, 1967. Together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and egress from that portion of the above described tract, not acquired herein, to County State Aid Highway 1176. The names of parties khown by the Board to be the owners and occupants or interested in the above described land and the nature of their interests are, as follows: Harold A. Volkmann Fee Dated at Fergus.Falls, Minnesota this· 13th day of June, 1967. Board of County Commissioners Of Otter Tail County 1 Attested: COMMISSIONERS RECORD P; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. S. B. Johnson DATE ...................... June .. 13 ···········································19 67 Otto Haase Chairman James Bucholz Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Harvey Morrill County Audi tor RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAYS Commissioner James Bucholz presented the following resolution, seconded by Commissioner B~nn~e Johnson, and moved its adoption. WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and of public exigency that lands for highway purposes and public use be obtained; and WHEREAS, otter Tail County has power and authority to establish, alter, vacate or revoke county Highways; NOW, THEREFORE, in pursuance of Minnesota Statutes 163, it is hereby resolved that Otter Tail County take for use on County State Aid Highway Number 56 a right of way in and over the lands herein described, together with the following rights; All trees, shrubs, grass and herbage within the right of way of said county highway, herein acquired, and to keep and have the exclusive control of the same; to acquire from the owners whose lands front thereon any existing right of access to said highway and to keep and have.the exclusive control of all access to said highway in accordance with the laws governing access to highways; an estate in fee simple absolute to the lands within the said right of way; to.construct slopes upon and remove materials from the lands herein specifically mentioned to be taken for those purposes as provided in the plans and specifications which are on file at the office of the County Engineer, Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls, Minnesota; and also the right to waste, dispose of, and place gravel, stone, clay, dirt, sand and other material on the lands herein specifically mentioned to be taken for those purposes. The lands and rights claimed and proposed to be so taken are situated in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, and are described as follows, and the names of all persons appearing of record as known to the County Board of Comm- issioners to be the owners or occupants of said lands and rights, or interested therein, including all whom the Co~nty Board of Commissioners, by investigation and inquiry to discover, together with the nature of the ownership of each as nearly as can be ascertained, and the legal description of the tracts of land through which the county State aid highway will pass, are as follows: · Parcel 1 All that part of the following described tract: The West 148} feet of the North 198 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE¼ of NE¼) of Section Eight (8), Township One Hundred Thirty-five (135) North, Range Thirty- seven (37) West, which lies within fifty (50) feet on the Southerly side of the following de- scribed centerline: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the NE¼ of the NE¼ of Section 8, Township 135, North Range 37 West, thence East along the North Line of·said NE¼ of the NEt for a distance of approximately 150 feet, and there terminating. Excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highways. Containing .04 acre, more or less. The names of parties known by the Board to be the owners and occupants or interested in the above described land and the nature of their interests are, as follows: J. W. Nurmi Fee Parcel 2 All that part of the following described tract: The Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE¼ of SE¼) of Section Five (5), Township One Hundred Thirty-five (135) North, Range Thirty seven (37) West, except tract, which lies within fifty (50) feet on the N0 rtherly side of the following described centerline: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of the SE¼ of the SE¼ of Section 5, Township 135 North, Range 37 West, thence East along the South Line of said property approximately 1,090 feet, and there terminating. Excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highw~ys. Containing 0.41 acre, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes, as shown on the plans, containing approximately 0.12 acre, which shall cease on or before December 31, 1967. 'l'ogether with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and egress from that portion of the above described tract, not acquired herein , to County State Aid Highway u56. 604 COMMISSIONERS REC9RD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. J\Ule. 13 __ ............................................. 19 67 .. The names of parties !mown by the Board to be the owners and occupants or interested in the above described land and the nature of their interests are:, as follows: Attested: Kenneth Nurmi Fee Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 13th day of June, 1967, S, B. Johnson BOARD OF COUNTY COMM:liSSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL CDUNTY Otto Haase Chairman. James Bucholz Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Harvey Morrill County Audi tor The following resolution was adopted: Be it Resolved That WHEREAS bids have been taken for the new County Nursing Home at Battle Lake, Minnesota and that the County lioard of Commissioners have awarded contracts to the low bidders subject to approval of plans by the State Department of Health and the State Fire Marshal, and that contracts must be awarded in thirty days from receipt of bids, we feel that it is imperative that approval from these state agencies be rev:i!ewed and approved by your department approximately one year ago and we can see no reason for further delay, Adopted June 13, 1967, Otto Haase Chairman, Attest: S, B. Johnson IUerk. The following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, Chapter #782 Laws of 1967 authorizing the Bo,ard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County to fix their own salaries is hereby unanimously approved as provid~d by Minnesota Statutes Section 645:021. Dated this 13th day of June, 1967, Otto Haase Chainnan Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk, Commissioner Morrill introduced and read the following resolution: A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RENTAL RATES AND CHARGES FOR THE NEW OTTER TAIL COUNTY NURSING HOME ABOUT TO BE ERECTED BE IT RESJLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the rental rates and charges to be charged to occupants and resident!! of the new Otter Tail County Nursing Home which is about to be erected with the proceeds of a $400,0CO County Nursing Home Revenue Bond issue, are hereby established in accord- ance with the care which it is necessary to furnish and provide for such residents and occupants, as follows: $160,00 per month for those residents for whom only minimum care is required; $175,00 per month for those residents requiring moderate care; $190,00 per month for those residents requiring maximum care; $210,00 per month for those residents requiring exceptional care, COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. June 13 67 DATE .................................................................................. 19 ........ . The motion for the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Johnson and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Haase, Nycklemoe, Johnson, Morrill and Bucholz, and the following voted against the same: None, Whereupon srp.d resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, RESOLUTION . BY THE BOARD_ OF ~O~NTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Board oi County Commissioners on January 2, 1961 agreed by resolution to pay township aid according t.o the amounts levied by the townships, and which amounts are as follows: From 10 mills and up, but less than 15 mills From 15 mills and up, but less than 20 mills 20 mills and UP. N6W, THEREFORE, . BE IT RESOLVED, that the amounts to be paid their road and bridge levies for·1967 shall be as follows: Township Aastad Amor Aurdal Blowers Bluffton Buse Butler Candor Carlisle Clitherall Compton Corliss Dane Prairie Dead Lake Deer Creek Dora DuM Eagle Lake Eastern Edna Effington Elizabeth Elmo Erhards Grove Everts Fergus Falls Folden Friberg Girard Gorman HeMing Hobart Hnmestead Inman Leaf Lake Leaf Mountain L1da Haine Maplewood Newton Nidaros N rwegian Grove oik Valley Orwell Oscar Otter Tail Otto Paddock Parkers Prairie Pelican Perham Pine Lake "ush Lake Saint Olaf Scambler Star Lake Sverdrup Tordenskjold Trondhjem TI.Ulluli Western Woodside Adopted 'this 13th day of June, 1967 Attest: S, B, Johnson, Auditor 'l'otal Mills Levied 16,CO 20,00 25,00 20,00 4,50 8,90 22.00 20,00 11.80 25,00 lJ,JO 20,00 17.60 20.00 lJ,80 25,00 25,00 25.00 20.00 15,00 25,00 17,10 18.00 22.00 18,20 15.00 . 25,00 25,00 25.00 25.CO 23.10 27.00 lJ,70 J0.00 17,JO 30,00 20,00 20,00 25,00 25.00 25.00 18,40 25,00 11.60 25,00 10.00 25.00 22.20 20,00 22.20 19,20 25.00 18.00 25,00 lJ,10 24,00 J0,00 24,40 20,00 10,00 20,0C . 20,00 to the $100.00 200,00 J00,00 respective townships according to ~ $ 200.00 J00,00 300.00 J00,00 None None J00.00 .300,00 100,00 J00.00 100,00 J00.00 200,00 J00,00 100,00 .300,00 JC0,00 J00,00 J00,00 200,00 J00,00 200,00 2CO.OO J00,00 200.00 200,00 300.00 .300.00 J00,00 J00,00 .300,00 300,00 200,00 J00.00 2CO,OO J00.00 J00.00 J00.00 JOO.CO .300.00 JC0,00 200,00 300.00 100,00 J00,00 100,00. JOO.CO .300,00 JOO.CO .300,00 200.00 J00.00 200,00 J00.00 100.00 J00,00 JC0,00 .300,00 J00.00 100.00 J00,00 J00.00 Otto Haase Chairman 60-5 506 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . llc■IID 11111111 CRNNII D !LIPP ■IN■ E-zia■ DATE ............ June .. 13 ......... . ......................... 1967 ... MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS RESOLUTION FORM III..:S . BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 161,36, Subdivisions· 1 through 6, Minnesota Statutes 1961, the C0111D1issioner of Highways be appointed agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of County State-Aid Highway No, 33 described as follows: from Trunk highway No, 210 East of Fergus Falls, to 4,4 miles Southeast which project shall be combined with Otter Tail County's Federal Aid Secondary Project identified as S,P, No, 56-633-01 and Minn, 56464(6), and the chair- man and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the tenns and conditions of such agency in the fonn set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form No, IV-5," a copy of which said form was before the Board, asslDlling on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained, Adopted this 13th day of June, 1967. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FORM NO. III Otto Haase Chairman of County Board S. B. J hnson lOounty Au8itor. (SEAL) BE IT RESOLVJµ), that pursuant to Section 161,36, .Subdivisions 1 through 6, Minnesota Statutes 1961, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent, contracts for the construction of portions of County State-Aid Highway, specifically described as follows: County State-;Aid Highway No, 33 from Trunk Highway No, 210 East of Fergus Falls to 4,4 miles Southeast and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and ,directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract 'lfi,th the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and c;ontained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency 1,;ontract Form No, IV, 11 a copy of which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this ,13th day of June, 1967. Otto Haase Chairman of County Board s. B. Johnson County Auditor. (SEAL) Upon motion tpe board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A,M. June 14, 1967. WEDNESDAY15.SESSION Pursuant to ~journment the Board met at 10 l'clock A. M. June 14, 1967, all members being present. 'l'he applicati~n of Edward J. Webber asking that the S} of the SEl; and the NEl; of the SEl; Section 1 and the NWl; and all of Lot? except RR of W Section 12, all in Township 132, Range 43 be set over from School District #1498 to adjoining scho9l district #544 was taken up for final action. After listening to statements by inter- ested parties and consi~eration, the Board issued the following order to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal:Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, the petition of Edward J. Webber a freeholder of School District No. 1498 in this County, rep- resenting that he is th, owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School Uistrict, and adjoin School District ~o. 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1498 to said adjoining achoo+ district No, 544 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board h~ld on the 10th day of May A.D., 1967 for the action of said board ·thereon; and whereas jt was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 14th day of June A.~., 1967 at the County Auditor's office·in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ~rdered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of saj,d order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appoint~d for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commiss- ioners on said 14th day of June A,D., 1967 due proof of the.posting and service of said order of hearing as there- in directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly r~ad and considered by the Board, with e~erything which was said by said interested parties for or aginst granting \he prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is herebY. ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: S½ of sEi; and :NE¼ of SEl; Section 1, and NEl; and Lot 2 ex. RR. Section 12 all in Township 132 Range 43, be and the same are here~y set off from said School District. No. 1498 to said adjoining School District No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. l COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, .MINN. DATE ............. June .. 14 .................................................... 1967 By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 14th day of June, A,D., 1967, (Auditor's Seal) Otto Haase Chairman of the Board of County COllllllissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S, B, Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board, The application of Vivian A. Field asking that the beginning 374 feet South and 431,5 feet East of NW corner of Section 21-133-43 • East 158,5 feet, South 320,5 feet, West 22 feet NW 182,2 feet North 200 feet to beginning all in Section 21-133-43 be set over from School District #1434 to District #544 w~s taken up for final action. A~ter listening to statements by interested parties and consideration, the Board issued the following order to-WJ.t: Order Setting Off LegaliVoter from One School District to Another. Whereas, The petition of Vivian A, Field a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Uistrict No, 1434 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No, 1434 to said adjoining school district No. 544 was presented to the Board of County Com- missioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 10th day of May A,D., 1967 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 14th day of June A.D., 1967 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by s~d order that notice of the time and place of such he~ring be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said.Board of County Commissioners on said 14th day of June A.D., 1967 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and qet~rmined, ·that the said petitioner and the following de- scribed lands owned by him, to-wit: Begin 374 feet South and 431,5 feet East of NW corner of Section 21-133-43 East 158,5 feet, South 320,5 feet, West 22 feet, NW 182,2 feet, North 200 "feet to beginning, all in Section 21-133-43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 1434 to said adjoining School District No. 544 and said lands are .h~reby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the ~th day of June A,D,, 1967, (Auditor's Seal) Otto Haase Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Ta~l County, Minn. Attest: S. B. J0hnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board The resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1511 was taken up for final action and after listening to the statements of various interested parties, the Board issued the following interlocutory order to-wit: • STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1511 Whereas, Proceedings to dissolve Common School District No. 1511 have been instituted by: (c) A certificate by the clerk of said district directed to the Board of County Conunissioners of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota! that a ~ajo:ity of electors voting at an election held in said district on May 9, 1967 • voted in favor of dissolving the district. Now, therefore, it is ordered: 1, That Common School District No, 1511 be dissolved and that 'the territory embraced therein be attached The entire territory comprising Common School District #1511 be attached to and made a part of Independent School District #548, 2. That the current assets and liability of said Commo~ School ~istrict No,1511, be distributed as f 11 t ·t· To Independent School District No, 548 all monies, credits, funds property both real and personal .0 lowd~• ot-Wl. • bl in 1967 and prior years collected after July 1st, 1967, and all obligations on Common School inc u ing axes paya e 1 o· t · t #548 District #1511_shall become the obligations of Independent Schoo is ric • ., 607 'II 608 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. June.14 ···············19 •.. 6.7. E-2808 J. That the outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No.l511 is none. 4. That the proposed effective date of this order is July 1, 1967. Dated June 14, 1967. Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail Attest: __ s ___ • _B_ • ....._J_o_hn_s_o_n _______ _ BY __ o~t~t~o;;..,,;H_a~•~s~e .... ______ _ County Auditor Chairman, . . A resolution .asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1378 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said resolution be held at 10 o'clock A.M. July 11, 1967 and that notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The resolution asking for.the dissolution of School District #1455 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said resolution be held at 10 l'clock A. M. July 11, 1967 and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law, The petition of AMa & Gerald Drews asking that the NW¾ of Section 7, Township 132, Range 42 be set off from District #1498 to District #544 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. July 11, 1967 and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Roy Landberg et al asking that the West 65 rods of SW¾ of the SE¾ and of Lot J except tract, Section 25, Township 133, Range 43 be set off from District #1424 to District #544 was read and it was or- dered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. July 11, 1967 and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Highways for the State of Minnesota, acting through District Engineer, Frank J. Pawlak of D.etroit Lakes, desires to have land survey work performed in connection with T.H. 10 &. T,H. 29 in Otter Tail County; and WHEREAS,under Minnesota Statutes )89,02 and .OJ the Commissioner of Highways will retain Mr. Robert B. Oslund, Otter Tail County Surveyor, to perform the work at the compensation set·by the County Board. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: Compensation to Mr. Robert B. Oslund, Registered Land Surveyor and Otter Tail County Surveyor for doing the requested work in connection with T.H. 10 & T.H. 29 in Otter Tail County be set at the following rates: 1. Three man survey party-----------------16,50 per hour 2. Two man survey party ------------------1).00 per hour J, Senior Draftsman and research Service (1 man)-- 4, Junior Draftsman ------- 5. Transportation mileage - 8.00 per hour 6. 50 per hour --7. 5 cents per mile Adopted this 14th day of June, 1967, Otto Haase Chairman. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk, A delelgation from the east side of Lake Lida requested the Board to take over the road running north and south into the County highways system. Mr. Huber was instructed to consult with th·e State if approval ~uld be granted. Members of the City Gouncil appeared before the Board regarding additional participation in the ~ost of repairing the Mill Street bridge. Due to higher costs than originally anticipated, the Board agreed to contribute $15,000 in addition to the amount previously set aside. ..... COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... J:un11 .. .l4. ............................................. 19.67 .. Members :rrom: · Dunn' Township, request'ed aiil· on 'townshi·p roads~-,· ' Tl'ie' :reque's't•'~ lFbe i:·ons'id'ered by t lie Board. Upon motion the County Board agreed to furnish corner markers at each section corner when Robert 6slund makes survey for the State, The budget for the year for the County Nursing Service was fixed at $34,700.00 plus all fees received by the Nursing Service. The Sheriff of Otter Tail County was granted extension of time until July 10, 1967 for the collection of personal property taxes. The salary of James K. LeRoy as Deputy Sheriff was fixed at the sum of $583.00 per month. Due to the increase in the All-Items Consumers Price Index covering the period from April 1966 to April 1967, showing an increase of J.O points, an increase of $100 per year was granted to the following officers: County Auditor, County Treasurer, Clerk of Court, Register of Deeds, Sheriff_ and County Assessor. A plat of North Point Beach being a part of Lot 3,-Section JO, Township 133, Range 39 and Lot 5, Section 25, Township 133, Range 40 accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Norman D. Arveson, Attorney at Law, was approved. A plat of Crystal Hills Third Addition being a part of the SE!, NE¼ and Governmen~ Lot 2, Section 11-136-42 accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by G. L. Dosland, Attorney at Law, was approved. A plat of First Addition of Bay View being a part of Lots 5 and 6 Section 36, Township 133, Range 41 accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Claude R. Field, Attorney at Law, was approved. 'l'he following applications for homestead classification were granted: Dorothy H. Niebolte Fred Schultz Donald Jahnke Edwin A. Monson Theodore Jansen Louis Kowalski Dell Buchanen Timothy Melby Lot 15, South Point on West Battle Lake. Lot 5i 6, 7 and 8 except platted, Section 27 Township 136, Range 41 and E~ of SE¼ Section 28, 136-41. Lots 3 and 4 and the SW¾; SE¼ and NEi-SW¼ of Section 7, 131-37 SW¼ and SW¼ NW¼ of Section 21-136-43 Cha-Rosa Beach, Lot 5 NE¼ NE¼ Section 13-135-44 Lot 10, Block 2, Baker's Addition to Deer Creek Lot !j, Block 8, McLanes Second Addition The following applications for correction of real estate assessments were granted: Herbert Steeke Arthur R. Shamber Margaret L. Lewis Gerald Courneya L. J. Lee W. E. Gollehon Clifford Root Fergus Falls Industrial Developnent vorporation Fergus Falls Industrial Development vorporation Johan Varholdt NE¼ of Section 36 Corliss Township First Addn. to KB Beach, NEt of Lot 17 Tract in Lot 3, Section 21, Township of Girard Lot 7, Jerry-Marg Beach Lot 13 and half of Lot 14, Kabicona Beach Lot 7, Anderson ~each Lot 28, Block 1, Pike Beach NW¼ SE¼ North of old #36 West of RR except tract Section 22-132-43 NE¼ except part W of RR Section 2-132-43 Personal Property To~m of Norwegian Grove Assessed for bathromm which he does not have. Too much frontage assess~. Assessed for 161 feet too much lake frontage. Assessed for too much lake frontage. Excessive Assessment. Assessed for both not yet installed. Clerical Error by Assessor excessive acreage assessed. Excessive acreage assessed. · Two cows too many assessed for Correction of assessment were rec011D11ended to the Commissione~ of The following applications Taxation for approval: James Greenwood Fergus Falls Industrial Developnent ~orporation C.R. Fosse, Adm. N 86 feet of S 209 feet of East 208.7 feet of Lot 1 and tract lying SE of road, Section 29-134-40 Lots 2 and 3 S of RR in Section 4, Township 132-43 · · North 67 feet of Lot 6, Block 6, Carlisle Town site Old cabin removed and adjustment of valuation. Excessive acreage assessed. Building assessed which was removed three years 'ago. 6fJ9 610 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Clj,fford Speck William E. Swanson Neil Williams Edna Bendt H.B. Robey Elmer Walde George Walt1:rs E.arl Waalen King L. Chandler Harold Eckert DATE.------·-------June __ 14 ______________________________ _ Ni SW¼ & NWt SE¼ _and Lot 4 in the NE¼ SE;e of Section 13, 'l'ownship of Corliss Part of Govt. Lot 2, Section 14, Township of Edna Lot 8, Fawn Oaks Dev. Lot 8 and 9 Jerry-Marg Beach, Fourth Addition . Tract in Lot 8 of Sec. 31, Township of Hobart Tract in Gov. Lot 5, Section 32, Township of Hobart Lot 5, Kaplers Third Addn. Grand View Heights Lot 9 and 10, Block 3 Pelican B~ch Lot 3 of the NW¼ NEi Secti~n 9, Star Lake Lots 5 and 6 Block 9 Dent V~llage The following bills were allowed: Carlton Mortensen Carlton E. Mortensen Sid Nelson Glen Melby James LeRoy James Bucholz Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Boarding Prisoners mil age & expenses II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Vernon E. Bachman 11 11 11 Mrs. Mable Rossow 11 11 11 Mrs. Mable Rossow 11 11 11 Thomas R. Beaman Sal'y E.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. Laura E. Hotchkiss II W 11 11 11 11 11 Kenneth Clambey 11 & Exp. Weed Insp. Frank Roberts 11 11 11 11 11 Raymond Bruhn Attd. Extension mtg. Arnold Evavold 11 11 11 Otto Haase 11 11 11 Max C. Kronemann, Jr. 11 11 11 Robert Molter 11 11 11 Sam Nycklemoe 11 11 11 Mrs. Arnold Stock 11 11 11 Eugene Davenport expenses Harris W. Iverson 11 & Mileage Assessed for too mll!'IY tillable acres, Assessed for 2GO foot Lot, has only 100 feet. Cottage not completed. Clerical error by Assessor Double Assessment for cottage . Assessed for cottage but has only vacant lot. Building assessed on vacant lot. Error in assessing Error in calculating building valuation. Location factor not figured. $ 767.50 129.30 271.25 233.05 242.65 41.23 17.90 59.42 Rev. Tax F. 28.85) 16.00) 38,65 6.67 25.20 136.,50 2ll.68 339.90 310.55 7.50 4.50 7.50 1.50 3.00 4.50 2.25 Anton N. Glesne Sal'y & Exp. Extra help Co. Assessors ofc. 50.15 157. 53 467.30 134.40 Christopher C. Clauson expenses & mileage Nonnandy Cafe meals for jurors Viking Cafe meals for jurors Bigler & Bigler Clinic coroner's fees City of Fergus Falls court costs Bonnie Anderson witness fee John Budig 11 11 Frank M. Brever 11 11 Mrs. Judith 'Whedden 11 11 Otto Haase Attd. Planning Commission The Henning Advocate Publishing Zoning Ordinance Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. calls for Sheriff Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. calls Allstate Sanitation & Mtce. Supply ~orp. hand cleaner Bertleson Upholstering Co. labor & materials Chemco Co,, Inc. supplies Dacotah Paper Co. 11 Daycoa, Inc. bulbs Ebersviller Implement Co. supplies Edling Electric Inc. repairs Gamble's supplies General Trading Co. 11 Gust Lagerquist & Sons repairs Home Decorators supplies for Dec. Sh. res. & C.H. Fergus Hardware supplies Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. repairs Johnson Service Co. supplies Kimber Awning 11 Olson Auto ~lectric plugs Wanek Locksmith keys Wm. Galena & Son repairs United Laboratories supplies 18.45 15.26 25.25 290.00 30.25 8.15 8.15 19.20 18.30 94.30 118.04 51.15 6.00 7.50 118.01 27.02 48.27 .68 6,50 3.68 12.73 38.00 61.11 123.11 20.45 15.80 2.15 1.28 2.00 13.60 139.25 i COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... .J.un.e. .. 11.. ............................................. J 9 .. 67 ' "'"■l'AJII' 11',CLOUD ■1•■• E•28C!I Great Plains Natural Gas Co. South Mill Standard Mei:ton Johnson Johnny Nelson Carl Norgren Anderson Bros. Construction Co. Carpenter Hardware Coopers Office Supply Edling Electric ~o. Edling Electric Inc. Fergus glass & Paint Co. Fergus Plumbing &.Heating Fergus Plwnbing & Heating General Trading Jaeger's Decor~ting Center Mobile Radio & T. V. Service Montgomery Ward Uniforms Unlimited Bengtson Oil Co. Dave's Standard Service Mayo's Standard Service Norm I s Mileage Nundahl Oil Co. Otter Tail Co-op Oils Perham Co-op Oil Stans Garage International Harvester Matz & Greiff Re~ben Klein Motor Co. Key Laboratories John B. Haivorson Donald Lee· Henry Lubitz Merlin Rieman Carlton E. Mortensen Esther Mortensen Municipal Court Cooper's Office Supply Cooper's Office Supply Davenport's Stationery Fmpire Business Machines Gaffaney's · Gaffaney I s · International Business Machines Corp. Midwest Printing Co. Miller Davfs Company Minn. Assoc. of Assessing Officers Thomas O. Nelson Co. Nelson Bros. ~rinting Co. Otter Tail 'Grocery Co. Orlyn Pederson Company Panama Carlion Co. Poucher Prtg. & Lithographing Co. Security Biank Book & Prtg. Co~ United Binding_Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. West Publishing Co. Xerox Corporation Xerox Corporation Anderson Transfer Vernon E. Bachman George H. Nelson Helen E. Skramsted Myrtle E. J.:ogas Allison & ~ompany Bill Christensen Lystad's E.O.T. Soil & Water Conservation Dist. Bjorgo Repair Shop Robert B. Oslund Village of·Perham Fergus Falls Daily Journal Fergus Falls Daily Journal Fergus Falls Daily Journal Fergus Falls Daily Journal The Independent Pelican Rapids Press Perham Enterprise-Bulletin American Legion Aux. #289, B. L. Cornell-Syverson Post No. 17 Fergus Falls Chapter #25 D.A.V. Paul Putnam Post #289, Am.Leg. B. Haimerl American Legion Post #US Harold T. Swenson V.F.W. Post #612 Veterans of Foreign Wars Aux. #612 Veterans of Foreign W~rs Aus. #612 Carolyn Helgeson Lorna McCabe Donnis Fjestad H. Marcella Jernigan Mrs. DorotJ:iy Jol!nson, R. N. L. gas gas & oil planting flowers at C.H. remodeling washing windows work at Sheriff residence tape repairs Sheriff installing fixtures at Sh. Res. repairs supplies services for jail repairs supplies--Sheriff paint for Sh. res. service carpet for Sheriff supplies gas gas & oil II It II ti II II II II II gas " "oil II Repairs on Schut plugs, points & labor installations of additions on new cars· texts subsistance pay & gas II II Sp. Dep. fees " " " & mileage film & postage matron fees Juror's fees repairs&. supplies typewriter & rental supplies carbon ribbons typewriter pad II II ribbon printing supplies 1967 supplement to Assessor's Valuation Guide Atlas supplies twine office supplies supplies II II binding books supplies Minn. Stat. Annotated services II freight postage & envelopes II II Adv. coms.pd.driv. lie. agts. bonds dozing at dUDlp grounds Extermination at Co. dump Nursing Home workmen's comp. gas etc: for Phelps Mill Topography Survey Phelps Mill rent for Co. Agent notice to contractors publishing publishing for Sh. publishing for Sh. tax notice tax notice & sch. dissolutions tax notice decorating uraves II II II II II II II II II II II II for 1966 II II for 1967 mileage II II II II $ 290.52 55.25 170.00 10.50 222.00 658-5:1'. 7.90 24.50 251.56 76.47 '264.85 40.10 6.00 11.88 7.99 91.20 117.04 9.00 8.29 225.23 175.08 . 11.30 16.33 10.74 46.88 3.50 46.95 13.30 62.50 31.15 44.06 39.00 25.00 33.10 128.45 25.00 120.00 13.46 210.00 8.07 6.00 3.00 6.00 7;_56 129.50 ·217.37 115.60 . 22.50 141.85 2.00 154.62 11.05 581.39 158.92 1938.55. 1266.29 15.00 85.00 199.72 4.00 103.30 45.00 80.oci 18.15 33.00 57.00 75.00 40.00 8.28 675.00 60.00 18.90 638.20 17.12 16.80 9.60 16.42 i0.64 16.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 16.50 25.00 25.00 25.00 46.88 166.15 9.15 1.50 49.63 611 612 l COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... June .. 14 ........ . ······························.l9 ... 67 ■ieUIM Niiliii ci■Piii. fi.cioUD,■I■■• E·&U& Mrs. Dorothy Jorgenson Mrs. Earl Sonmor Walter S, Booth & Son Cooper's Office Supply Fergus Fall"s Daily Journal The C, V. Mosby Go, East Otter Tail Tele, Co, Village of Perham Mrs. Walter· Hubert Mrs. R, H. "Jedlund Mrs. Charleil' W, Lewis Mrs, John J', Steblay Philip M. Kjaglien Rachel J. E"strem Philip M, Kjaglien Northwestern Bell Telephone Co, Public Util"ities Dept, Straub (;omp"any Victor Lund·een & Co, Arrow Petroleum-Inc. Henry Holmgren Nundahl Oil Co, Twins Motor's Township of Everts Township of Woodside Township of Woodside Township of Oak Valley Township of Perham Co-op Services, Inc., N.Y.M. Dave's Standard Service, Henning Farmers Co-op Creamery Deer Creek Fossen Oil ·Company Henning D-X Service Jjm's Serv~ce Station Penrose Oil Otter Tail ·co-op Oils, Inc, Service Oil Company Theodorson •·s Mobil Service Thomas Oil Company Twin' s Moto·r Co, Underwood Lakeside Service Vergas Oil Gompany D-A Lubricant Co,, Inc, Arrow Petroleum Erhard Oil Company Nundahl Oil Co, Standard Oil Co,, B, L, Standard Ofl, P. R, Standard Oi'l Co., Perham Marie T jost;elson Raymond Berge Philip G, Burseth John R. Br<irson Philip G. Burseth (for Karen Burseth) Elmer W. Neumann & Erwin H. Neumann Morris M. Thompson David H. Meyer Joe J. · Fossen Carl F. Meyer School Dist. #1498 Henry Halsn·ess Andy F'ormo · Ernest A, ilossow "obert Jeruien John J, Sullivan Robert A. Johnson Roger E. Mohrbacker Pearl Boyle Carl Christianson Maxine Chrfstianson Joseph J, Martodam Harley Tumberg Oscar J, Halvorson Northwest Engineering Co, Public Works Equipt, Co, Ruffridge-Johnson Eq, Co,, Inc, Geo, T. Ryan Co, Ziegler, Inc, Ebersviller Implement Co, International Harvester Sales & Serv. Marlo Motors Hayden-Murphy Equipt. Co, Elk kiver Concrete Prod. Co, Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Go, Del Chemical Corp. United Laboratories, Inc, Polman Transfer Raymond Motor Trans., Inc, State of Mrnnesota -Div, of Boiler Insp. Myrbo Enterprises Auto Safety Service Fergus Plumbing & Heating mileage II Records repairs classified ad book calls & Services rent for nurse Attd. Nursing Board Mtg, II II II II II II II II II Mileage & expense mileage II II II Postage, mche, rental, etc, · calls & service utilities rent supplies oil material & labor gas gas & oil poor expense II II II II special aid II II gasoline & diesel fuel gasoline II II II II II II gasoline, etc, II gasoline, tires etc, gasoline II gasoline, etc. oil & grease diesel fuel II II II II II II II It fuel oil night of Way parts II II II II II II II t14r kettle culvert supplies II II freight II Boiler Inspection install culverts repairs II 60.00 5,40 9,80 29,50 1,79 14,13 14,74 35,00 2,70 3,00 4,95 7,35 101.10 12.00 8,37 29,66 3.80 50.00 13,25 18.12 23,40 7,38 21,54 ·334,32 96.66 437,56 300.00 200.00 245,09 67.71 56.24 97,40 69.78 181,73 8,40 312,52 104,1,4 59,54 1484.95 73,51 45,21 ll0,52 1081,70 174,88 291,75 98,25 103,41 69,00 72, 50· ll2,78 97,32 19,40 216.85 46,08 195,70 27.60 579,40 74,35 267,30 1.00 59,35 39,20 37,80 73,52 264,20 25.10 1.60 2.00 10.35 10.35 25.20 32.15 77.00 50,45 6,90 435,45 275,72 2376,67 155,59 33,68 19,20 937,21 308.64 48,80 434,96 63.09 58,88 4,25 2.00 100.00 37,20 48,17 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Minnesota Motor Co. Olson Auto ~lectric Perham Cooperative Oil Co. Stan Is Garage Thelen Implement Coast to Coast Store, P.R. Dalton Lumber Co. Everts Lumber Co. General Trading Co. Larson Hardware National Bushing & Parts Co. Perham Fann Supply Co. Swenson Power Equipnent F. R. Stevart Plumbing & Heating Wilcox Lumber Co. Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Minn. Dept, of Highways Northwood Specialty ~o. Mueller Reproduction Service Minneapolis Blue Printing Co. Otter Tail Power Co. s.c.M. Corporation Davenport's Stationery Panama Carbon Co, Poucher Printing & Lithograph Co. East Otter Tail Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co, F. F. Midwest Telephone Co, N. W. Bell Telephone Co •. F. F, Park Region Mutual 'l'ele. Co. Pelican Telephone Co, N. W. Bell Telephone Co., Wadena Vergas Telephone Co. Wendell P, Huber G.D. Harlow Jerald Thompson Kenneth M. Rian Wendell P. Huber Super G.M.C, Truck Sales DATE ............ June .14 ...................................................... 19 .. 67 .. repairs II II II II . supplies services stakes supplies II prints Maint. Service supplies II II service & tolls 11 II II II II II It II II II II II II II II II II II II II II expense II II II cash advanced parts Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 l'clock A. M. , July 10, 1967. Attest: ~ ---=c1--,erk,--,.✓---fl--'-~--4'-4--mo.......__/ { 1· i Chairman. $ 4.13 57.47 4,50 142.09 12.50 35.66 3.85 44.69 243.99 107.65 39.23 4-89 35.87 4.05 46.15 143.10 654.19 36.00 39.61 186.22 143.74 55.00 11.80 18.02 37.06 19.50 85.27 8.85 29,12 20.70 11.67 16,75 16.55 113.42 90.88 30.50 39.50 19.57 7.21 613 614 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... .J.\llle .. 2.7. ························19.~ ... SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to notice of call, the Board met at 9:JO A. M. June 27, 1967 all members being pr~sent. tt was decided to make application to the Department of Conservation for funds for the d~velopment of Phase #1 at Phelps Mill Park, the amount of the request being for $8939.00. 4rter discussion, on-sale liquor licenses to be issued by the County were fixed.at th~ sum of $2500.00 per year and the bond to be furnished by applicants to be in the sum of $5000.00. The County Treasurer was instructed to renew the $200,000 U.S. Treasury notes maturing on.June JO, 1967. The Treasurer was also instructed to invest $300,000 of general funds in U.S. Treasury notes ~or the period of two months. Upon motion made by Commissioner Bucholz, Seconded by Commissioner Morrill, the County Board voted unanimously to fix their salaries at $3000.00 per year beginning June 15, 1967. Upon motion the Board then Adjourned. Chairman. Attest: COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IIWllllLDUWI.LCl■f.llL..ILCWI.-RI DATE ..................... il.y;(.ylO ............................................ 19 6.7 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF .OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to statute the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. July 10, 1967, all members present. The Board having previously advertised for bids for grading and graveling proceeded to open were found to be as follows: bids which~ S.A.P. 56-632-03 from CSAH #32 junction of CSAH #14 at Basswood and west J.047 miles Bain Bros. & Don Dahlman Clarence Drewes Harry Hofland Marvin E. Lund Harvey w. Nelson John Dieseth Company Clarissa, Minnesota Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Perham, Minnesota Glenwood, Minnesota Lake Park, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota $ 55,351.56 56,323.22 59,698.09 63,536.16 67,654-98 77,869.38 After consideration the contract was awarded to Bain Bros. & LJon Dahlman of Clarissa, Minnesota in the sum of $55,351.56. S.A.P. 56-676-01, CSAH #76 between junction of T.H. #10 two miles SE of New Yurk Mills and E to junction of SCAH #19. Bain Bros. & Don Dahlman Clarence Drewes John Dieseth Company Harvey W. Nelson Clarissa, Minnesota Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Lake Park, Minnesota $ 66,534.13 66,735.02 78,061.45 82,832.50 After consideration the contract was awarded to Bain Bros. & Don Dahlman of Clarissa, Minnesota in the sum of $66,534.13. S.A.P. 56-656-02 & 56-656-03 #56 between CSAH #67 and E corporate limits of New York Mills and NE comer of Village limits of New York Mills. Ralph Stewart Hillstrom & Gorentz Bain Bros. & Don Dahlman Harvey Nelson John Dieseth ~ompany Starbuck, Minnesota Vergas, Minnesota Clarissa, Minnesota Lake Park, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnwsota After consideration the contract was awarded to Ralph Stewart of Starbuck in the sum of $29,092.76. $ 29,092.76 29,194.40 29,404.73 34,661.50 36,606.60 Upon motion, made, seconded 'and carried the County Treasurer was instructed to invest $400,000 of County Nursing Home funds in Certificates of Deposit or securities, where the most interest would be secured. Upon motion Harlan L. Neison was instructed to deliver to Fremont Frazee the deed covering the Maurin house and lot in the Village of Elizabeth. The County Board approved the appointment of Lucille Kramer Helfter, Registered Nurse, to the Otter Tail County Public Health Nursing Service as a junior public health nurse. Licenses for off and on sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted to Leonard Saewert, Leonards Resort, 'l'ownship of Corliss, and to Russell Pederson, Bay View Beach, 1'ownship of Star Lake. Dance license for mechanical music only was granted to Edna A. Thompson, Heavenly Days Resort, Town- ship of Leaf Lake. Regular dance licenses were granted to Dean C. Law, Grand View Heights Resort, Township of Pine Lake and to Jackie Sonnenberg, Hilltop Club, Township of Hobart. Ul?on motion the Board then adjourned to 10 :o•clock A. M. July 11, 1967. TUESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to a~journment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. July 11, 1967, all members being present. The resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1455 was taken up for final• action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, the Board issued the following interlocutory Order to-wit: STATE OF MINNl!SOTA, ) )ss County of Otter Tail ) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1455, The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at Court Huse in the City of Fergus Falls in said Coµnty, on the 11th day of July, 1967, at 10 o'clock A. M., pursuant t~ notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First--That said proceedings were instituted by: (c) A resolution adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said0 district to the County Auditor. Second -That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best 616 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... July 11 .. . ·····················19. 67 IICPIID ■■111111 Co■MII D CLAPP 1111 l::2IQI interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1455 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: The entire territory comprising School uistrict.#1455 be attached and made a· part of Independent School School District #548, (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School IJistrict No. 1455, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent School Uistrict #548 all monies, credits, funds, both real and personal property including taxes for 1967 and prior years collected after July 11th, 1967, and all obligations on Common School IJistrict #1455 shall become the obligations of Independent School liistrict #548, (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No, 1455 is none dollars (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 11th day of July, 1967, Dated this 11th day of July, 1967., Otto Haase ·Chairman Board of County Commissioners Attest: S, B. Johnson County Auditor. The petition of Roy Landburg asking that the West 65 rods of the SW¼ of the SE! and of Lot 3 in Section 25, Township 133, Range 43 be set off from District #1424 to Independent School District #544 was taken up for final ac~ion·. After listening to the statements of interested parties, the Board issued the following order to- wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter fran One School District to Another, Whereas, rhe_petition of Roy Landburg et al, a legal voters, freeholders, and residents, of School District No, 1424 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School bistrict, and adjoin School IJistrict No, 544 and asking that he with his said lands may b_e set off from said district No, 1424 to said adjoining school district No, 544 was presented to the Board of County Com- missioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of June A, D., 1967 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said pet- itio9, at a session of said board on the 11th day of July A, D., 1967 at the·County Auditor's ·office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School IJistricts, a copy of said order at lea.st ten days before the time appointed for such hea.r:i.ng; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 11th day of July A,D,, 1967 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Boa.rd, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Boa.rd being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determjned, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: West 65 rods of SW! of SE! and of Lot 3 ex. tract .in Section 25, Township 133, Range 43, be and the same are hereby set off fr.om said School ,District No, 1424 to said adjoining Sc~ool District No, 544 and said lands a.re hereby made a part of said last named School uistrict for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 11th day of July A, D,, 1967, (Auditor's Seal) Otto Haase Chairman of the Board of Co, Commissioners Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Boa.rd The petition of Harold Bjorgum asking to have Lot 3 except RR and the N½ of the SE! of Section 12-132-43 be set off from School uistrict #1498 to Independent School IJistrict #544 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, the Boa.rd issued the following order to-wit: Order Sett~ng_Off Legal Voter from One School IJistrict to Another. -Whereas, The petition of Harold Bjorgum, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 1498 in this County, representing that he is the O'-'!ler of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate i.n said School Uistrict, and adjoin School District No, 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No, 1498 to said adjoining school district No, 544 was presented to the Board of County Com- missioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 141:h day of June A, D., 1967 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 11th day of July A. D,, 1967 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... .Julv .ll ........................................ 19 67 ■ttDPffl NIPVPI La.DU- ~d p~ace of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school distr~cts to be affected-by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School ~istricts a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing• and whereas at the said ses~ion of the sa~d Board of Coun~y Commissio?ers_on said 11th day of July A.D., 1967 due' proof of the posting and service of said order of h~aring a~ ther~i? directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been ~ad~ and filed, said petition w~s public!~ read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said_inter~s~ed parties for or agin~t ~ranting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board oeing of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined that the said petitioner and the follow-ing described lands owned by him, to-wit: ' Lot 3 ex RR and Ni of SEt ex 2·acres. Section 12, Township 132, Range 43. be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1498 to said adjoining School"District No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 11th day of July A.D.; 1967. (Auditor's Seal) Otto Haase Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota · Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Anna & Gerald Drews asking that the NE! of Section 7-132-42 be set off fran District #1498 to District #544 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, the Board .issued the following order to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, The petition of Anna and Gerald Drews, legal voters freeholders and residents of School District No. 1498 in this County, representing that they are the owners of the lands hereinafter described, which are sit- uate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1498 to said adjoining school district No. 544 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of June a. D., 1967 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearin~ should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 11th day of July A. D., 1967 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 11th day of July A. D., 1967 due proof of the posting and ser- vice of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date,. having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by s!lid interested parties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and deternd.ned, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: N~ection 7 of Township 132 Range. 42: be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1498 to said adjoining School District No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 11th day of July A. D., 1967. (Auditor's Seal) Otto Haase Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiM. Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board. The resolution asking for the dissolution of CODD11on School District #1378 was taken up. After consider- able discussion, a motion was made, seconded and carried to lay this over until 10 l'clock A. M. August 9, 1967. A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1460 wa~ read and it was ordered that a hearing on said resolution be held at 10 o'clock A. M. August 9, 1967 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The petition of Don E. Davenport asking that the Ni of Section 23, Township 131, Range 44 be set off from District #1405 to District #544 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. August 9, 1967 and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Norbert Heltemes asking that the SE¼ of the SW¼ and the SE¼ of Section 5-135-36 be set off from School Dilt.rict #1489 to Independent School District #553 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. August 9, 1967 and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. 617., COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE .................... Juily. 11 ......................... . .. 19 .. _67 .... Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for proposals from banks for County depositories of public funds as provided by Chapter #409, Laws of 1967. Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the Board instructed the Blue Cross representative to renew the Blue Cross coverage beg:1.Ming Sept1111ber i, · 1967. Upon motion, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to pay $65.00 per month rent for the West Otter Tail Soil Conservation District at their quarters in the Nelson ·Building beginning July 1, 1967. Pursuant to published notices on condemnation proceedings, lhe Board will meet at the Court House at 10 o'clock A. M. July 28, 1967 pr~liminary to viewing the locations in1!Qlved. It was moved, seconded and carried that liquor licenses under Chapter #697, Laws of 1967, be granted to N rman Craig in the Township of Girard and to Ivan.Stigen at the Ranch House in the Township of Buse, said licegses to run from August 1, 1967 to April 1, 1968. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the County Treasurer was instructed to purchase $400,000 of U. s. Treasury bills from general funds for a period of sixty or ninet1. days •.. The following applications for homestead classification were approved and granted: Roy G. Stitz Raymond Torgerson Douglas B. Johnson Amanda M. Campbell Constance Leitch Bock George W. Pushing Robert Hanson Daisy Peach DeRoyal Nord Township of Girard Townsijip of Eagle Lake Township of Everts Township of Everts Township of Everts Township of Star Lake Township of Dora Township of Dora Township of Norwegian Grove Tract in Lot 1, Sec. 28 NEl; Section 33 Lot 7, Cloverleaf Beach Lot 13, Dursch's Beach Tract in Lot 2, Sec. 5 Tract in Lot 2, Sec. 1 S} of SEl; ex. 10.5 acres Section 9. Lot 5,6,7,8,9·Sec. 14 Ei of NW1; & NW1; NE1; Sec. 21 The following applications for correction ~f personal property assessment were approved and granted: Grain Belt Beer James P. G&Mon Ollie Krag Village of Underwo~ Townsh~p of Girard Township ?f Dunn Sign was also assessed to Russell Ice Cream Company Owns no personal property in Minnesota Did not receive household ex1111ption The following applications for correction of assessment on real estate were approved and recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval: L. H. McCluskey Arthur Ternus & Norman Meyer Harry I. Phillips George and Robert Schuler John R. White Arthur Heitman John Boen Henry Walton M.A. Miller M. B, &·"on J. Olson J. Kurt Darr Young Life of Canada Lot 20 and 21, Lundquist's Addn, to Clitperall in the Township of Nidaros Tract in Lots 3 and 4, Sec. 5, 'l'ownship of Rush Lake Lot 3 Little Pine Haven Bch, 'l'ownship of ·Perham Lots 9 & 10 Augustana Beach '!'ownship of Amor Lot 6, Engstroms Second Addn. 'l'ownship of Edna Lot 28·, Parkdale Beach Township of Dane Prairie E½ NE1; and E½ SE1; in Sec. 32, Norwegian Grove Twp. Tract in Section 11, Village of Dalton Tract in Sec. 11, Village of New York Mills W½ of Lot 5, Block 79, Amended Plat, Fergus Falls Lot 4, Block 13, Original Plat, Fergus Falls Personal property in Town of Dunn Error in Assessment. Error in assessment. Structure assessed on vacant lot. Error in computing market value. Building assessed on vacant lot. Too much lake frontage assessed. Excessive assessment. House in very poor shape. More than market value used on old building. Sold to City for parking lot. Sold to City for parking lot. Exemption claimed as a charitable group. The following applications involving $300.00 or less true and full value were granted: Alta Raffensparger E.rnest Niskala Lot 7, Block 1, ~outhside Addn. to New York Mills swl; Sec. 22, Township of Otto Error in assessment. Assessed for barn which was removed in 1965, j COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. OU•-■·--E•28C8 Lawrence Chesborough Ludwig B. Huss Michael Merickel Camilla R. Hannah Agnes Gabelho~se John IJ, Meyer ~/allace A. Ho:i.mquist Stanley Hagen Arthur Schmidt Floyd K. Carpenter Milo c. Haugrud Einma Raade Guerdon Duncan F.dgar & Myrtle A. Peterson DATE ...................... __ July ll ........................................ 19 . .6':,. NE! NE! Section 16, Township of Girard Tract in Section 6, Township of nush.Lake Un-n1D11bered lot in Gloria's Oak Manor Beach SW¼ of Lot 5, Camp Nidaros, 'l'ownship of Amor Lot 12,.Norway Beach ",i'ownship of 'l'ordenskjold ~i of Lot 8 & Si of Lot 9, Sundberg's Point Township of Maine Lot 8, Philip 0 ursethis Beach Lot 6, Wall Lake Point 'l'ownship of Dane Prairie Lot 8, Fleming-Patterson Beach, Dane Prairie Twp. Tract in Lot 1, Section 29, Township of Dunn Ni SEt and NEt SW! Section 1, Pelican Twp. s½ SEt Section 12 Norwegian Grove Twp. Tract in Lot 3, Sec. 34 Village of Battle Lake Lot 7, 8 and 9 in Block 5, Bowman&. Duntan's Addn. to Battle Lake Too much tillable assessed. Clerical error. Clerical error. Excessive lake frontage assessed, Excessive assessment Excessive lake frontage Excessive assessment Excessive frontage assessed. Wrong value on frontage Too high building value Clerical error Error in assessment. No depreciation allowed. · Error in assessing. The following applic~tions for correction of assessments were rejected on recommendation of the 'l'own Boards: Personal property of Marguerit~ A. Bellinger, Township of Dead Lake Forrest E. Streeter, Homestead classification on Lot in Oak Point Park Glen Nelson, Homestead classification on lot 14, Dursch's Silver Bay, Township of Everts. A plat of Inlet Beach Third Addition belng a part of Lots 4 & 5 in Section 14-136-42 accompanj_ed by an opinion as to title executed by Henry Polkinghorn, Attorney at Law, was approved. A plat of South Lida Shores being a part of Government Lot 4 of Section 9-135-42 accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Richard F. Nitz, Attorney at Law, was approved. REPORT OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF THE COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL STATE OF MINNESOTA, OF UNCOLLECTED PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES for the year 1967. Fergus Falls, Minnesota, July ii, 1967, BE IT KNOWN, That the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minn. did meet in session on the 11th day of ~uly 1967, the same being the first session of said board after the 10th day of·June, 1967; that at said session the County Treasurer of said County delivered to said Board the list of all unpaid personal property taxes where the amount is $10.00 or less and the first half of all unpaid personal property taxes where the amount exceeds_$10.00 which remains.for the year 1967, together with a certificate thereon as required by law; and that at said session said .Doard did duly· consider such list of uncollected tazes·and did cancel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the following is a correct list of all unpaid personal property·taxes where the amount is $10.00 or less and the first half of all unpaid personal property taxes where the amount exceeds.$10.00 which remains uncollected in said County for the year 1967, 'The delinquent second half of any unpaid personal property tax shall attach to the said list and be included in any proceedings for the enforcement of the tax upon the filing of such list of the second half so due by the County Treasurer as provided by MiM, Statute 277.01 with the Clerk of District ~ourt for Otter Tail County and said Clerk of Court is hereby ordered to issue citations thereon for the total amount. Name of Person Assessed Aherns, Harold Alfredson, Fmnett Allison, J, E, Anderson, 11mer T. Anderson, Mrs. Hazel Anderson, Ray Anderson, Ray or Hanson, Erland Anderson, Wm. H. Aschnewitz, Earl Aschnewitz, Earl Township or, District Western 'fordenskjold Girard Aastad Wd-3 City Inman Girard Edna Edna Wd-1, City. TAX Dollars Cts. J,36 23.42 4.38 71,76 ?.JO 8~.92 7.52 J.54 6.46 7.70 Penalty,Fee Total Tax, Penalty .. • anal:. Co~ tsE and Costs REMARKS DoHars ·; i. Cts. Dollars Cts. .70 4,06 Collect J,38-26.80 ,84 5,22 9,87 81.63 1.22 8,52 1.44 10,36 1.26 8,78 .72 4,26 1.32 7.58 1.29 8.99 620 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ■••• E•ZIDB NAME OF PERSON ASSESSED Backe, E. J. Bagley, Ray or Harold Bailey, E. C. Baker, Jeanette Baum, Louis Barth, nussell Benson, Ben Bergerson, Curtis Beytien, Richard Billmayer, Bessie A. Birch, Lucille Bjerke, huss Bjerke, Russ Bjerke Sign Company Burau, (;harles Burr, \;ecil & Agnes Charlies Car Sales Christopherson, Henry Cowgill, Warren Crabtree, J. M. Curfman, Nels Dally, Frank Diederick, Albert J. Dietz, Jim Dose, Donald Dunham, Henry Eberhardt, Herbert Ells, George Elshaug, Oscar Jr. E.wert, David R. Fashion ~ity of Montana Field, Richard Fink, \\alter Flynn, J. Daniel Flynn tiigns Fyhrie, Sofus Gannon, James P. Goff, Darrell Withnel, nobert C. Wolters, Ulen Wynkoop, Me],vin Yockim, George Yoder, Bruce Young Life Cast Away (;lub Younghans, Richard Zwack, Walter Eckstrom, Lyle Molter, Vardon Johnson, Ralph & Beata Oman, Virgil Thenno-Fax Sales, Inc. Thompson, Edward Thul, Vincent Toso, Donald E. Lloyd 'l'rosvig Unzicker, Edgar & Quincy Vallevand, Bernard Van Tassel, James B. Wollert, Waldemar waydeman, Henry B. Weber, M. R. & Mary Wellbrock, Ella (Est.) Shol, !Jon Shol, "obert Somerfield, R. E. Sonnenberg, E.ugene Staum, Arnold & Loraine Strandjord, Grant 6. & uorothy Straight, Oren Svare, Hubert Swanson, Robert D. Swanson, hobert D. Swenson, Larry O. 'l'iegen, Melvin J. Peterson Brothers Peterson, Karl Peterson, nichard L. Rasmussen, Raymond ltiedel, Otto Riggenback, Chester noerig, George Rosenthal, George Schapp, Otto & Morgan, Sid. Newman, Harold Niedennayer, Geo. Noffziger, lenneth Oak, Wesley Ohe, Margaret DATE ___________________________ July ll ______________________________________ 1967 . TAX Township or District Dollars Cts. Dunn Village Deer Creek Uora Girard Edna Western Dead Lake Wd-4, (;ity Fergus Falls Pine Lake Everts Bluffton Bluffton Village Bluffton Wd-3, City Pelican Wd-4, City Fergus Falls Lida Lida Dunn Clllltherall Vill. Vergas Edna Vill. Underwood · Nor. Grove Perham Dunn Wd. 4, City. 'l'ordenskjold Wd-2, City Fergus Falls Candor Dunn Pine Lake Friberg Girard Woodside Dunn Vill. Henning Vill. Perham Hobart Pelican Dunn Everts Star Lake Buse Compton Everts Lel!,f Lake Fergus Falls Dunn Wd-3 City Wd-3, City Wd-1, "ity Corliss Wd-2, City Battle Lake &ii.mo Lida Dunn Wd.3, City Friberg Wd. 3, City "ush Lake Star-Lake Dane Prairie (;orliss Scambler Dane Prairie Parkers Prairie Parkers Prairie Wd.3, City Vill. Battle Lake Hobart Vill. Elizabeth Dunn Edna Eastern Liora Wd.3, City. Rush Lake Corliss Newton Wd.4, City. Wd.l, City Wd.l, ~ity . Wd.l, City 7.70 8.80 8.80 7.10 5.22 46.75 9.40 8.74 9.90 6.37 6.44 4.78 1.76 1.54 4.96 6.34 14.89 4.36 7.89 5.33 6.74 4.02 9.40 8.54 6.69 7.76 5.J8 13.22 6.40 6.90 299.28 .78 6.27 5.76 1.44 42.15 4.74 55.70 9.38 4.10 Jl.27 41.63 -22.09 214.47 7.12 9.10 9.54 27.03 14.01 27.09 18.50 6.09 7.04 3.14 6.12 7,31 8.24 8.07 9.70 6.53 3.14 5.48 7.05 1.84 79.45 28.51 .66 20.97 5.27 8.14 18.94 6.26 J0.14 5.52 14,32 4.80 7.92 6.97 7.42 7.18 15.35 6.78 5.70 J.66 9.40 6.26 4.96 Penalty,Fee and Costs Dollars Cts. 1.29 1.43 1.43 1.20 .95 6.51 1.51 1.42 1.57 1.10 1.12 .89 .49 .45 .92 1.10 2.24 .84 1.Jl -97 1.15 .79 1.51 1.39 1.15 1.29 .97 2.02 1.ll 1.17 40.35 .35 1.09 1.02 .49 5.90 .89 7.72 1.51 .80 4.44 5.83 3.21 28.99 1.20 1.47 1.53 J.87 2.13 3.88 2.73 1.07 1.19 .70 .61, 1.07 1.22 1.36 1.31, 1.55 1.12 .67 .96 1.19 .so 10.90 i..07 .Ji. 3.06 ,95 1.34 2.79 1.08 4.29 .99 2.17 .89 1.31 1.19 1.24 1.21 2.Jl .91 1.02 .71, 1.51 1.06 .92 Total Tax,Penalty and Costs REMARKS Dollars Cts. 8.99 10.23 10.23 8.30 6.17 5J.26 10.91 10.16 11.47 1.i.1 7.56 5.67 2.25 1.99 5.88 7.1.4 17.13 5.20 9.20 6.30 7.89 1,.81 10.91 9-93 7.84 9.05 6.J5 15.21, 7.51 8.07 339.63 1.lJ 7.36 6.78 1.93 48.05 · 5.63 6J.42 10.89 4.90 35.71 1,7.1,6 25.30 243.1.6 8.32 10.57 11.07 30,90 16.11, J0,97 21.23 7.16 8,23 3.84 .64 7,19 8.53 9,60 9.41 ll,25 7,65 3,81 6.44 8,24 2.34 90,35 J2.58 1.00 24.03 6.22 ·9,48 21. 73 7.34 34,43 6.51 16.49 5,69 9,23 8.16 8.66 · 8,39 17.66 7,69 6.72 4.40 10,91 7.32 5,88 Collect II II ., COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ..u..cu.ua.111aa - NAME OF PERSON ASSESSED Olderr, Frithjof Oliphant, Garland Oliver, Joseph M. Olson, Mike Olson, Wm. R. Orrack, Mrs. Helen Persons, Agnes M. Lillibridge, Charles or Alvina Lodgard, Echo M. Y. Marden, Margaret B. Martens, Mrs. Judith Mikkelson, Albert Moen, Lester Muchow, Norman Multhauf, Mrs. Mary Naastad, Knute Nelson, George Johnson, Ludwick (Estate) Kahler, Walter Karlstad, Horace Kendrickx, Louis Kilde, Virgil B. Krog, Ollie Krause, Alvin P. Kullhem, Marvin S. LaBeau, Clifford Langness, P. S. Lankow, Jess Sundblad, David Winans, Everett Ross, Michael Gramstad, Lowell Grant, Donna (Deceased) Gunkel, Wayne Gunter, David Halsten, Edwin Hammer, Lawrence Hamil\on, William Harlow, Robert Hass, •lilan & Alice Haugan, Ingolf Herzog, Hub Johnson, Albert Bradley, Lawrence & Mary O'Brien, Eugene Riley, Thomas, Adm. Peterson, 11:arl Viker, David DATE ................. July ll ................................................. 19 .. 67 Township or District Wd.3, City Dane Prairie Lida Wd.2, City Dunn Vill. Perham Girard Dora Perham Scambler Wd.4, '-ity Groman Wd.3, City Wd.l, l:ity E1iz11beth Lida Rush Lake Wd.2, City Otter Tail Underwood Otter Tail Fergus Falls Dunn Elizabeth Friberg Eagle Lake Scambler Dane Prairie Elizabeth Wd.2, City Dora "ush Lake Wd.2, City Otto Wd.l, l.ity Dora St. Olaf Vill. Battle Lake Wd.3, City Lida Wd.3, City Pine Lake Lida Star Lake Nidaros Girard Rush Lake Wd.4, City TAX Penalty, Fee and i;osts Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts. 19.29 2.83 5.71 1.02 3.40 .70 5.09 .94 6.00 1.05 2.26 .55 2.36 .57 9.93 1.58 5.82 1.03 2.52 .59 6.78 1.16 9,56 1.33 8.88 1.44 7.79 1.29 2.90 .64 4.84 .90 7.62 1.27 7.57 1.27 2.lJ6 .58 34.58 4.89 2.84 .63 8.40 1.37 9.22 1.47 2.14 .58 6.76 1.16 5.39 .97 17.23 2.56 5.58 1.00 3,68 ,74 12.15 1.42 2.12 .53 4.66 .87 4.70 .80 7.46 1.25 5.48 .99 6.56 1.12 37.08 5.22 2.40 .57 5.48 ,99 4.36 ~84 5.48 .99 9.83 1.57 4.12 .80 6.51 1.12 5.26 .95 5.44 .98 5.72 1.02 10.83 1.71 Total Tax,Penalty and Ccsts Dollars Cts. 22.12 6.73 4.10 6.03 7.05 2.81 2.93 11.51 6.85 3·.11 7.94 11.09 10.32 9.09 3.54 5.74 8.89 8.84 3.04 39.47 3.47 9.77 10.69 2,72 7,92 6.36 19.79 6.58 4.42 ·13.57 2.65 5.53 5.30 8.71 6.47 7.68 42.30 2.97 6.47 5.20 6.47 11.40 4.92 7.63 6.21 6.42 6.74 12.54 REMARKS Collect That the following is a correct list of the personal property taxes in said County for said year.which said Board are satisfied cannot be collected, and so cancelled by said Board, to-wit: Ruhr, Geo. Laugen, Peter McGowan, Mae Grain Belt Beer Dunn Wd.2, City Rush Lake Underwood 34.54 3.66 .42 4.10 THE COUNTY BOARD OF OTTER TAIL.COUNTY, MINNESOTA Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor. James Bucholz Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Otto Haase Harvey Morrill . SCALE OF WAGES OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 4.88 .74 .30 .20 39.42 4.40 .72 4.90 Cancell II II II The salaries of engineering per~onal of the County Highway Department, beginning July 1st, 1967, were fixed as follows: County Engineer Chief Engineer Level Man Inspectors Engineering Tech. II Office Man .$1,150.00 per month . 900.00 per month 550.00.to 750.00 per month 500.00.to 700.00 per month 550.00.to 750.co ,per month 420.00 per month 622 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ JulY .. .!l .................................................. 19 . .6.7 .. l!CIIID NIIIIII SPNPIII P IYPI ■la■ E-2808 BE IT RF.S>LVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota . THAT the State Department of Conservation is hereby requested to establish the lake level on Lake Sybil in lJora 1ownship in Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Attest: Adopted this 11th day of ~uly, 1967. S. B. Johnson Clerk:. Otto Haase Chairman. BE IT RES>LVED by the Boa~ of County Col!llllissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT the State Department.of Conservation is hereby requested to establish the lake level on Eagle Lake in Eagle Lake Township in Otter.Tail County, Minnesota with any costs to be.born by a group of interested local riparian owners. Adopted this 11th day of July, 1967. Otto Haase Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by t.he B oard of Co_unty C0Dm1issioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT the· County of Otter Tail hereby exer~:ukes its option to purchase dated October 19, 1966, wherein Luella Phelps granted an option to the County of Ott~r Tail to purchase property ~djacent to Phelps Mill for park and recreation purposes, · The County Attorney is hereby authorized ~o notify Luella Phelps of its intention to exercise the option and to proceed with· the cpmpletion of: the sale. Attest: Dated this 11th day of Jul~, 1967, Otto Haase Chairman. s. B. Johnson The following estimate of ~penses for th~ following year is hereby submitted: Salaries of County Offici~s $ Clerks, Janitor etc. Deputy Sheriffs, Jailer & Clerks Commissioners Salaries & Expenses Board of Prisoners Sheriffs & Deputies expenses Supt. of Schools expenses . District Court Jurors Bailiffs & Reporters Miscellaneous Court Municipal & Justice Court Books, Blanks & Stationery Mental Illness & Inquest expenses Appropriations Equipment & Maintenance Court House grounds Light, r'uel, repairs & supplies County Agents County Nursing Service Printing & Advertising County Assessor's S~lary, Asst. & expenses Attending Assessors meetings Election expenses Veteran's Service Office Retirement, Blue Cross & Blue Shield County Planning Commission Probation Office Miscellaneous Revenue County ~•elfare 92,500.00 78,000.00 70,0CO.OO 18,500.00 10,oco.oo 10,sco.oo 500.00 15,500.00 8,5CO.OO 4,700.00 2,000.00 :n,000.00 5,0C0.00 2,500.00 8,500.00 500.00 24,000.00 34,000.00 35,0CO.OO lJ,500.00 JJ,OC0.00 J,ooc.oo 8,000.00 17,200.00 •17,0CO.OO , 5,000.00 -11,000.00 · ·42,0CO.OO · 450,470.00 · COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ...... DATE ......................... July_ ll ........................................ 19.,67 .. County Road & Bridge County Poor Fund County Road & Bridge Bond Acct. Respectfully:submitted The following resolution was adopted: $ 510,000.00 125,000.00 167,200.00 S. B. Johnson County Auditor Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. . . That there be levied upon the taxable property of Otter•Tail County, Minnesota, payable during the year 1968 the following amolll'!ts for the several County Funds. Revenue Fund County Agricultural.Extension Service $390,0CO.OO 34,0CO.OO 17,000.00 4,500.00 510,000.00 125,oco.oo 2 Mills (Co. Rev.) Public F.mployees Pension Contribution Public Examiner's Post Audit expenses lioad & Bridge Attest: Poor Fund Building Fund County School Transportation County School Tax County Welfare Veteran's Service County Fairs Sheltered Workshop Adopted this ~1th day of July, 1967. S. B. Johnson Clerk: TO THE COUNTY:BOARD OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA 14,580.00 469,272.00 450,470.00 .80 Mill .50 Mill 55¢ per capita Otto Haase Chairman Pursuant to law I present below, a statanent showing the amount of taxes levied for County purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with the actual cash balance remaining t~ the credit of each County Fund at the close of business .on the 30th day of ~un~, 1967. County Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bridge Fund . County Buildings County Welfare . County Road & Bridge Bond~ Veteran's Service County Fairs Sheltered Workshop Amount Levied Current Year $380,155.69 145,101.68 509,997.61 53,543.05 449,761.67 170,534.63 21,417.22 13,385.76 14,724.34 Amount Collected and Apportioned 65,101.55 24,848.75 87,337.41 9,169.28 77,159-51 29,204.16 3,667.71 2,292.32 2,521.55 s. B. Johnson County Audi tor. Balance Uncollected or Unapportioned· 315,054.14 120,252.93 422,660.20 44,373.77' 372,602.16 141,330.47 17,749.51 11,093.44 12,202.79 Balances remaining to the credit qf each Fund are as follows. FUNDS County Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bridge Fund County Buildings County Welfare . County ltoad & Bridge Bond Acct. Veteran's Service County Fairs Sheltered Workshop BALANCES Credit 82,788.67 57,556.69 604,670.63 49,683.60 84,981.13 108~385.30 16,754.19 52.93 2,658.09 The following is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board. FOR WHAT PURPOSE Road & Bridge Equipment . Road & Bridge Construction. Contracts Amount of Contract Amount Paid Balance Due $ 22,571.30 544,639.89 .623, ,I ,1•_ I ·.1 I I ·1 111 :: i24 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ .lulJ,: .. ll ...................................................... 19 .. 67 .. 11c■■1n n•■r•■• co■,a■,, n.cu11D1■1■■• E-DN The following bills were allowed: Carlton Mortensen Carlton E. Mortensen Sidney Nelson Glen M. Melby James LeRoy James Bucholz Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Harvey Morrill Sam Nycklemoe Arthur M. Anderson Mrs. Agnes Bjorgum Mrs. Laura E. Hotchkiss Ila Skalin E.O.T. Soil & Water Conservation Dist. Kenneth Clambey Frank Roberts Raymond Bruhn Otto Haase Max C. Kronemann, Jr. Sam Nycklemoe Mrs. Arnold Stock Mrs. Gerald Zeise Eugene Davenport Harris W. Iverson Anton N. Glesne Christopher C. Clauson Viking Cafe R. L. Witter, M. D. Eleanor Leidal City of Fergus Falls Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Fergus Hardware General Trading Co. Johnson Repair Shop Star Laudnry & Cleaners C. W. Weislander Reuben Klein Motor Mobile Radio & T. V. Service Bengtson Oil Company Nundahl Oil Company John Halvorson Roger L. Hanson Merlin S. Rieman Don Lee Fergus Clinic Esther Mortensen C. A. Boline, M. D. Earl E. Bigler, M. D. Addressograph-Multigraph ~orp. Davenport's Stationery Miller-Davis Company Nelson Bros. printing Co. Oswald Publishing ~o. The Pierce Company Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Xerox Corporation Xerox ~orporation Myrtle E. Logas . Owen V. Thompson Vernon E. Bachman Helen E. Skramsted Helen E. Skramsted Myrtle E. Logas Myrtle E. Logas Harvey Morrill Village of Perham Mathison Insurance Co. Fergus Falls Daily J0 urnal The Henning Advocate Northwestern Publishing Co. Adamson~Nonnan Am.Leg. Post #JO Adamson-Nonnan Am.Leg. Aux. #JO American Legion Aux. #116, N. Y. M. Edward Carlson Post #28J WWI Aux. F. F. Carolyn Helgeson Jannette Anthony Mrs. Llewellyn Bengtson Louie Bonnann ILuth Braun Mrs. Edw. Edwards Donnis Fjestad Kathryn Hemmelgarn Mrs. A. J. Jernigan Boarding Prisoners mileage & expenses II II II II II II II II per diem II II II II II II II II II II mileage & expenses Board of Review meeting clerical help in Supt. office Serv. w.o.T. Soil Cons. Dist. II E.11 II II II II Trees Weed & Seed Insp. Sal'y & Exp. II II II II II II II Attd. Extension mtg. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II mileage, expenses & postage II II II n Mileage & estra help Co. Assessor's office mileage & expenses meals for jurors witness fee transcript court costs calls calls for Sheriff services supplies supplies Lawn mower & oil cleaning rags repair blinds install siren switch services gas II subsistence pay Dep. Sh. fees & exp. serving tax warrants & mileage subsistance pay care of prisoner matrons fees coroners fees coroners fees graphotype w/aux. cabinet supplies supplies II II II II II II services II post-offic~ box rent II postage II II II II II Exp. attd. annual Cl.of Ct. Seminar Adv. Coms. pd. driv. lie. agts. Phelps Mill expenses rent for Co. Agent insurance publishing Publ. tax notice II II decorating graves II II II II II II II II mileage & exp. $937.50 148.20 88.45 189.00 405.80 64.50 55.85 55.CO 20.00 55.50 -16.10 JJ.00 196.56 18J.OO 135.00 401.lJ 426.50 7.50 7.50 1.50 4.50 2.25 7.65 82.06 125.90 520.05 200.70 21.85 100.00 5.00 280.00 57.54 87.42 167.52 5.96 10.61 78.00 2.15 14.40 J.9J 62;80 2.65 42.93 34-50 10.JO 49.20 37.50 7.50 50.00 26.60 51.85 3658.60 10.JJ 48.42 506.JO 13.07 61.0J 675.90 188.18 405. 73 131.80 42.50 12.00 9.00 22.00 30.00 59.50 66.60 15.45 25.59 60.00 49.45 446.60 8.00 ll.20 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 37.28 3.75 1.35 5.40 17.55 7.80 21.JO 7.05 2.70 ·r COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... JulJr .. ll ........................................ 19 .. 6'1 .. IICPIPD ■■UlllllLCGIIIUL..aLCLO.IID.■·--""• H. Marcella Jernigan Mrs. Dorothy Johnson Mrs. Dorothy Jorgenson • Evelyn Leth Lorna McCabe Ina M. McLaughlin Inez Noussaine Mrs. Sig "onning Mrs. Earl Sonmor Helen E. Tikkanen Mrs. Elaine Winkels East Otter Tail Telephone Co. Coopers Office Supply · Carolyn Helgeson National League for Nursing Village of Perham Philip M. Kjaglien Rachel J. Estrem Philip M. Kjaglien Straub Company Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Public Utilities Dept. Secretarial Service Artz Camera Supply Cooper's Office Supply Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Victor Lundeen & ~ompany Becklund-Rian Oil Company Fergus 6il Company Nundahl Oil ~ompany Twins Motor Company Sidney Nelson Parkers Clinic for W. F. Schamber Fergus Falls Clinic Mineral Springs Sanatorium Township of Deer Creek Hall Equipment, Inc. Ruffridge-Johnson Equipt. Co., Inc. George T. Ryan Co. Ziegler, Inc. Auto Safety Service Fergus Dodge, Inc. Friesen's International Harvester Sales & Seev. Perham Farm Supply Co. Super GMC Truck Sales Rapat Industries Falls Mobile Homes Viking Steel Porducts Co. Elk River Concrete Products Lyle Signs, Inc. M-R Sign Co., Inc. Paper, Calmenson & Co. Les Tire Service National Fleet Service (Fleet Tire Mart) Farmers Co-op hlevator F. F. Otto H. Strelau J0 hn Dieseth Co. Dougl!lS County City of Fergus Falls Village· of Henning Murphy Motor Freight Lines Raymond Motor 'l'ransportation Inc. Handy Governor Sales Charles Boshnyak Coast-toCoast Store Pel. Rapids Farmers Elevator Co., Erhard Farmer's hlevator Co. Pel. Rapids General Tradihg Co. Genuine Parts Co. Holten Lumber Co. Hoyt Hardware Kimber Awning Co., Inc. Knuttila Implement Co., Inc. Northwood Specialty Co. Otter Tail Grocery Co. Sigelman Hide & rur Co. Tesch Lumber Co. Vergas Motor Service Alan Voge Welders Equipment Wilcox Lumber (;ompany Minnesota Department of Highways Fergus Journal Co. Otter Tail Power Co. Miller Davis Company O'Meara•s Dept. Store Davenport's Stationery Poucher Printing & Lithographing Victor Lundeen & Co. Miller Davis t;ompany East Otter Tail Telephone Co. Mileage & expenses calls & ser.vices supplies II handbook rent for Nurse mile~ge & expenses II postage & mche. rental rent calls & services utilities printing supplies II II II boat & motor & paint gas II 11 etc. Serv. for Not. of Exp. of Time University Hosp. papers care of T. B. patient II II II II II poor expenses Parts II II II repairs II II II II II Sprayer trailer culverts II Signs II Cutting edges tires II seed gravel Equipt. Rental etc. Maintenance II garage rental freight II supplies Ad for bids prints service supplies II II II II service & tolls . $. l".36 55.50 7.20 3.75° 192.03 5·.40 8.25 4.80 2.55 0.25 4.80 10.81 8.)2 1.25 1.00 35.00 61.95 12.00 7.00 50,00 22,58 4,33 5.io 50.55 12.50 7.50 12.65 1411,36 23.54 24.39 36,11 of Redempti6n 160.00 27,00 13,00 30.00 102.27 2.01 154.69 13.45 2002.77 78.60 22.40 4,50 374,74 9,40 55.56 1397.50 550.00 1224.08 229.50 640.00 185,80 271,44 254.26 117.04 425.70 6.72 436.01 89.31 561.25 381.51 4.00 4.95 180,97 50.00 26.31 7.79 J.1O 298.08 53.16 98.23 8.62 4,50 19.89 20.00 25.00 79.88 1.50 13.34 10.98 24.80 1.55 102.14 27.30 33,78 6.50 6.38 42.81 97.22 4.01 5,78 21.60 6251, 626 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... July_ 1l iici■in .... , ... QiPA■i, D.tLIUl,ii■■• E-aua N. W, Bell Telephone Co,, F. F, Pelican Telephone Co. N. fl, Bell Telephone Company, Wadena Midwest Telephone Co, Park Region Mutual Telephone Co, N. W, Bell Telephone Co,, F. F. wendell P. Huber G. m .• Harlow Wendell P. Huber Town of Folden L. A, Potter Andy's 66 Service Consumers Co-op Oil Co.; B. L. Consumers Co-op Oil Co,, Henning Fossen Oil '-o, Hoot Lake Pure Perham Shell Service Ray's Oil Co, Service Oil Co,, Battle· Lake Service Oil Co,, Underwood 'l'heodorson Is Mobil Service Twin's Motor Co, D~A Lubricant Co., Inc,· Arrow Petroleum Inc. Bluffton Oil Co, Penrose Oil Co, Standard Oil Co,, Battle Lake Standard Oil Co,, Henning . Standard Oil Co,, Pelican Rapids Township or· Aurdal Service & tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II expense II cash advanced Township aid "ight of Way gasoline oil diesel fuel II II II II fuel Oil diesel fuel II II Special Aid 19 .. J?.. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 3 o'clock P. M. July 17, 1967, $ 85,38 10,79 12.25 11.46 14,70 39,00 350,08 171.90 37,37 JOO.CO 48,22 104,09 77,03 63.06 123,43 99,55 150,96 209,67 48,59 89,19 54,08 153,35 48,95 81.60 ~-25 79.12 105,48 77,50 72.00 300.00 ~hainn~n. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ July .17 ................................................. 19. 67 IICPPJD UVIVH ~ .. CL.Ill that time. Attest: MINUTES OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA, FOR THE YEAR 1967. Pursuant to Statute the Board met on July 17, 1967 for the purpose of reviewing the assessment. The additions were gone over with Eugene E. Davenport, County Assessor, and no changes were made. The Board adjourned to 3 P. M. August 9, 1967, but found no assessments requiring attention at Upon motion the Board then adjourned. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Chairman. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at ~~00 P. M. July 17, 1967, all manbers present. A motion was made to send a representative to the National Association of County Officers at Detroit, Michigan on July 30th and August 1st and 2nd. The motion carried by a vote of four yes and one no. James Bucholz was elected to attend the conference to discuss Federal Safety regulations on federal and secondary roads. Upon motion made and unanimously carried the County Agent's budget was fixed at the sum of $32,852.0Q for the year begiMing July 1st, 1967. RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER.TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the State of MiMesota is now in the process of reconstructing T.H. #59 from Pelican Rapids, Minnesota to the junction of T.H. #34, and WHEREAS, the traffic over and across said highway is now detoured by way of County State Aid High- way #9 to Detroit Lakes, MiMesota, and WHEREAS, resort traffic coming to and from Lakes Prairie, Crystal-Lida and Lizzie, and the traffic going to and from the Vergas, Minnesota area caMot effectively reach their destinations and are inaccessible because of the detoured 59, and WHEREAS, the state has failed to provide an adequate detour route to handle the traffic to and from the adjoining lake area, and WHEREAS, this traffic normally flows over County State Aid Highway #4 and occasions an average daily traffic count of 690 vehicles as per the traffic count of _1965, and during the present tourist season has more than doubled that figure, and WHEREAS, this large volume of traffic now flows over a small t~~ mile stretch of township gravel road between Otter Tail County State Aid Highway #4 and T.H. #108 between Sections 13, 14, 23 and 24, Pelican Town- ship. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 11' RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota hereby request the State of MiMesota to provide a du~t palliative for the two mile section of gravel township road to facilitate the large flow of resort traffic now handled by that two mile stretch of gravel road, ~nd that the State make immediate provisions for the application of such dust palliative. Adopted this 17th day of July, 1967. Otto Haase Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk i28 Attest: COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE _____________________________ July 17 ___________________________________ 19 6?. .. Upn motion the Board then adjourned. JULY 26, 1967 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~lMlSSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA • Chairman. . Pursuant to previous arrangements, the Board met at 9:JO A. M. July 28, 1967, present Commissioners Bucholz, Johnson, Nycklemoe and Haase. The Board met to discuss the right of way with a number of parties in preparing to view certain · parcels upon which. condemnation proceedings had been instituted. Upon motion the Chairman of the Board was authorized to sign an application to. the State Depart- ment for funds to develop the road and parking area at Phelps Mill. Upon motion the Board approved items contained in the Department of Health's review of the facilities at the Otter Tail County Nursing Home comprising a counter sink with sediment interceptor, a lavatory in the laundry for hand washing, a water station for the dining room. Upon motion the Board agreed to meet at 9:JO A. M., August 7, 1967 to view completed roads. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M., August 8, 1967. Chainnan. l' ... -COIIMIII. • I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................•... August .. 8 ·······································19 .. 6.7.. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED Mil:l'ING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF O~'TER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. August 8, 1967 all members being present. License for On and Off sale of Non-intoxicating malt liquor was granted to William A. Barnick, Jr. at Pocahontas Beach. . Dance license for mechanical music was granted to Melvin Baas at Triangle Inn. George E. Jensen tendered his resignation as a member of the Planning and Zoning C0111111ission, which was accepted and upon motion Floyd ~off was appointed to fill the unexpired term. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that the County pay fifty per cent of the cost of installing a culvert between Sections 19 and 20 in Trondhjem Township. The motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that the County pay fifty per cent of the cost of repairing the Three Mile Bridge in the township of Aurdal. Upon motion the Commissioner of Highways was authorized to call for bids on behalf of Otter Tail County for construction of road on SAH #JJ, bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A. M. September 12, 1967. The County Engineer was authorized to make a survey of one mile of road lying between Section 19 of Henning and Section 21. Township of Girard .• Upon motion made, seconded and carried, a representative of the Blue Shield of Minnesota was author- ized to continue the present coverage for the year beginning September 1, 1967. Upon motion made, seconded and carried the County Auditor was authorized to pay the Sheltered Work- shop all funds available to them when .the June Settlement is completed • Upon motion Knute Hanson, Civil Defense Director, was authorized to attend the Civil Defense Directors Conference in St.nPaul on August 21.th and 25th. Upon motion made seconded and carried, the County Board was authorized to attend the Regional Con- ference of County ~ommissioners to be held in Fergus Falls at 9:JO A. M. August Jl, 1967. Upon motion made, seconded and carried it was ordered that an appeal be taken from the award made by the app~aisers on Parc~l No. 1 in the southwest corner of Government Lot 2 Section 1-136-39. Upon motion made seconded and carried the County Engineer was authorized to attend the Highway Safety Conference together,with oneror two Commissioners, to be held at Duluth on August 21., 1967. The bond of Vernon Salomonson as Food Stamp Officer in the General Insurance Co. of America in the sum of $10,000 was approved. RESOLUTION OF COUNTY BOARD UPON APPLICATION WHEREAS, The County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, has examined into the allegations of the application of Town of Pine Lake dated July 27, 1967, for the conveyance of certain lands therein described; now, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that it hereby approves said application and recanmends that the same be granted. Attest: Adopted this 8th day of August, 1967. • s. B. Johnson Clerk. James Bucholz Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklanoe Otto Haase Harvey Morrill County Board of said County. RESOLUTION OF COUNTY BOARD UPON APPLICATION WHEREAS, The County Bai.rd of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, has examined into the allegations of the application of Village of Pelican Rapids dated July 20, 1967, for the conveyance of certain lands therein described, now, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that it hereby approves said application and recommends that the same be granted. James Bucholz Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklanoe Otto Haase Harvey Morrill County Board of said County. 629 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. Au_gust .. 8 ................................................. 19 67 Adopted August a, 1967. Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by_ the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That the State Department of Conservation is hereby requested to establish the lake level at outlet on the northeast corner of Pickeral Lake and the size of pipe necessary to go under the township road in the Township of Maine in Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Adopted this 8th day of August,.1967. Otto Haase Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution ~as adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, a petition has been presented to this Board by Vernon Dornbusch asking to repurchase Lots 5 and 6 Section 18 Township 137 Range 37 which was forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes for 1959 and subsequent years, Therefore, after consideration, be h~ permitted and authorized to repurchase same by payment of all taxes, penalties interest and costs. Permission to do so will relieve undue hardship and be to the best public interest. Adopted August 8, 1967. Otto Haase. Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with the International Harvester Company for one International truck and WHEREAS, the same has been delivered and accepted by this Board, it is hereby ordered that the Chairman and the County Auditor issue a check to the International Harvester Company on the Road & Bridge fund for the sum of $572O.JO being the contract price. Adopted this 8th day of August, 1967. Otto Haase Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Fergus Dodge Inc. for three Dodge trucks and WHEREAS, the ssme has been delivered and accepted by this Board, it is hereby ordered that the Chairman and the County Auditor issue a check to the Fergus Dodge Inc. on the Road & Bridge fund for the sum of $16,851.00 being the contract price. Adopted this 8th day of August, 1967. Attest __ __,s~.,_.B~·:.....::J~o~hn=so=n~----- Clerk Otto Haase Chairman -- COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. August. .. 8 ................................. 19 ... 67 The following resolution was adopt.eel: RESOLVED by t.he Board of County Commissioners of Ot.t.er Tail County, Minnesota, WHEREAS, t.his Board has heretofore cont.ract.ed wit.h the Mark Sand & Gravel Company for road mix bituminous surfacing on C.P. 67:0lB in uorman Township, and . ~JHEREAS, the same has been completed to the satisfaction of the County Board, it. is hereby ordered t.hat. the Chairman and the County Audit.or issue a warrant. to Mark Sand & uravel Company in the sum of $677.49 being the balance due on said contract. Adopted this 8t.h day of August., 1967. Otto Haase Chairman. At.test.: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESlLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Ott.er Tail County, Minnesota, WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with John Dieseth Company for grading and gravel wearing course on C.P. 66:15 and 66:114 and WHEREAS, t.he same has been comp],eted to the sat.isfact.ion of the County Board, it. is hereby ordered that the Chairman and the County Audit.or issue a warrant t.o John Dieseth Company in the SIDII of $821.20 being the balance due on said contract. Adopted this 8th day of August., 1967. Otto Haase Chairman. Attest.: S. B. Johnson 1.1erk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Ott.er Tail County, MiMesota, WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with Gopher Stamp & Die Company of St. Paul for road signs and posts and WHEREAS t.he same has been delivered and accepted by this Board, it. is hereby ordered that. the Chair- man and t.he County Auditor issue a warrant t.o the Gopher Stamp & Die Company in the SIDII of $15,677.28 being the contract price •. Adopted this 8th day of August, 1967. Ot.t.o Haase Chairman. At.test: s. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution.was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Ott.er Tail County, MiMesot.a, WHEREAS, t.his Board has heretofore contracted with Marvin E. Lund, Glenwood, Minnesota, for grad- ing and gravel wearing course on S.A.P. 56-677-01 and S.A.P. 56-677-02 and WHEREAS, t.he same has been completed t.o t.he satisfaction of the County Board, it is hereby ordered t.hat the Chairman and t.he County Audit.or issue a warrant. to Marvin E. Lund, Glenwood, Minnesota in the sum of $7,521~48 being the balance due on said contract. Adopted t.his 8t.h day of August, 1967. Otto Haase Chairman. At.test: S. B. Johnson l.lerk. Upon mot.ion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. August 9, 1967. "I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. Au_gust .. 9 ................................................. 19 67 Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, August 9, 1967, all members present. The petition of Don E. Davenport asking that the N} of Section 23-131-44 be set off from Conunon School District 1405 to School uistrict #544 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the interested parties the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Order Setting Off LegalVoter from One School District to Another • . WHEREAS, The petition of Don E, Davenport a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 1405 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School Uistrict, and adjoin School District No, 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1405 to said adjoining school district No. 544 was presented to the Board of County Commiss- ioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 11th day of July A, D,, 1967 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 9th day of August A. D., 1967 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in,and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk o_f each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 9th day of August A. D., 1967 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and detennined, that the said petitioner and the follow- ing described lands owned by him, to-wit: Ni of Section 23 'lownship 131 Range 44 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1405 to said adjoining School Uistrict No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 9th day of August A, D, 1967. Otto Haase Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest:..,....-:-:-'S~•a....:;B~.--"-Jo~h~n~s~on=--:~·-,--,---=--=-...,,...-=--~ County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board The resolution asking for the dissolution of Co11D11on School District No. 1460 was taken up for final action, After-listening to the statements of interested parties the Board issued the following inter- locutory order, to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MA'l'TER OF 'l'HE DISSOLUTION OF OOMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1460 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said county, on the 9th day of August, 1967, at 10 o'clock A, M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First -'l'hat said proceedings were instituted by: (c) A resolution adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor, Second -That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing~· that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW THEREFORE iT IS ORDERED, That said Common School Distrjct No. 1460 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to the other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: All to Independent School District $548, (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that the assets and liabilities of saic Conmen School uistrict No, 1460 be distributed as follows, to-wit: At.test: To Independent School District #548 all monies, credits, funds, property both real and personal including taxes for the year 1968 and prior years collected after July 1st, 1968, and all obligations of CoRDDon School District #1460-shall become the obligatfons of Independent. School.District #548. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of saic Common School District No. 1460 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of July, 1968. Dated this 9th day of August, 1967. Otto Haase Chainnan Board of County Commissioners S. B. Johnson Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... August9 ........................................ 19 .. 67 ID-PIIIIUUI.COllual_.l.CI.OWIJIIIL-E:ZBIII A Resolution asking for dissolution of Common School Uistrict No, 1378 which was laid over from July session was taken up for final action, After disoussion the Board issued ~he follolqlng interlocutory order to-wit: S1'ATE OF MINNE.SOTA, ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN 1'HE MATTER OF THE DISOOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1378 . The above e~titled ~atter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at Court House in the Q:ity of Fergus Falls in said County on the 9th day of August 1967 at 10 o'clock A. M., p~rsuant to ~otic~ duly given as provided by law and the orde~ of said Board; and the B~ard h~ving heard all persons interested in said m~tter, both for and against, finds as ~ollows: First -That said proceedings were instituted by: (c) A resolution ~dopted by the electors of said district at a iegal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said. district to the County Auditor. Second -That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory.. to have said school district dissolved; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Coounon School District No, 1378 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: To District #1376 Si SE¼ Sec, 1-131-41; Lot 4 and SE¼ NW¼ and Lots 1, 2 & 3 Section 18-131-40, To District #1398 Lot 1, NE:i SEi, S¼ SE¼ Section 6; all Section 5 except SE¼ SWt Lot 4, swt NW¼, E~ SW¼, w} sw¼ and Si SE¼ Section 4; N½ NE¼ and NW¼ Section 9; NW¼ NE¼ Sec. 8, all in 131-40, Et SEt, SW¾ SEt Sec. 31 and sw¾ SEc. 32-132-40, To District #1418 N½ SW¼ Sec, 15 and NEi SE¾ Sec, 16-131-40 To District 11261 Grant County SE¼ SW¼ Section 5; Lot 2, s! NEi,. NW¼ SE¾, Lots 6 & 7, and E} SW¼ Section 6; All of Section 11-All of Section 8 ex. the NWi NEi; All of Section 9 ex. NWi and Ni NEi; All of Section 16 except NEt NE¾, S} NE~ & NEt SE!; All of Section 17; NEt NWt & N! NEi, Si NEi, Ni SEt & Lots 5 & 6 Section 18-131-40. (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common Schbol District No, 1378, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Common School District #1376 4.3% To Common School District #1398 36,6% To Common School District #1418 1.9% To Ind. District #261 Grant County 57,2% of all monies, credits, funds and both real and personal property including taxes collected for 1967 and prior years after August 9, 1967, and all obligations of Common Achool District #1376 shall become the obligations. of the above districts, (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said School District No, 1378 is None Dollars, (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 9th day of August, 1967. Dated this 9th day of August, 1967, Otto Haase Chairman Board of County Commissioners S. B. Johnson · County Audi tor A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District No, 1405 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be had on said resolution at 10 o'clock A. M,, on September 13, 1967, and that due notice of the time an.d place be given as required by law. 1'he petition of Arnold Stock asking that the SEi of Section 22-131-44 be set off from District 1405 to District #544 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be had on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M., on Septanber 13, 1967, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law, • The petition of Robert Molter asking that the s} SWi of ·section 23-133-43 be set off from CoDIDlon School District #1430 to School District #544 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M., September 13, 1967, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law, The petition of Norbert Heltemes asking that the SE! and SE! SW¼ of Section 5 Township 135 Range 36 be set off from Common School District #1489 to District #553 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties a motion was made, seconded and carried that the petition be rejected, Several members of the Planning and Zoning Commission met with the County Board together with Allen Hoff to discuss the channel from the river to Round Lake. Sherman Mandt appeared before the Board and discussed various Federal Training Programs with the Board as to what support might be available, The Board felt that quite a number of these programs were practical. 633~ I I I· I 634 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... .Au.gu11:t. .. 9 .................................................... 19 .. 6!Z .. Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried the salary of John Halvorson of the Sheriff's department was increased $25 per month. Clarence Peterson of the Planning and Zoning Commission discussed with the Board various possible changes in the Interim Planning and Zoning Code. A committee of the City ~ouncil met with the Board to discuss ambulance services for the Fergus Falls canmunity. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Johnson and Bucholz to meet with the Lake Region Hospital Authorities and the City Council for further discussion, Roland Winterfeldt also to serve. The Board having previously advertised for proposals from the various banks for deposit of County funds for the coming two years, together with assignment of securities from said banks in the following amounts: Fergus Falls National Bank & Trust Co. U • S. Treasury Bonds t• First National Bank, Fergus Falls U. S. 'l'reasury Bonds, runicipal Eonds Municipal Bonds Security State Bank, Fergus Falls U.S. Treasury Bonds Municipal Bonds First National Bank, Minpeapolis State and Municipal Bonds First National Bank, Henning U.S. Treasury Bonds Perham State Bank U.S. Treasury Notes & lionds Farmers & Merchants State Bank, New York Mills U.S. Treasury Bonds and Notes J.P. wallace State Bank, Pelican Rapids Otter Tail County Nursing Home Bonds First National Bank, Battle Lake U.S. Treasury Bonds First State Bank, Dalton U.S. Treasury Bonds Farmers State Bank, Underwood U. s. Treasury Bonds Fanners State Bank, Dent U.S. Treasury Bonds Erhard State Bank U. S. Treasury Bonds. Security State Bank, Deer Cre~K U. s. Treasury Bonds Vergas State Bank, Vergas U.S. Treasury Bonds First National Bank, Parkers Prairie u. s. Treasury Bonds $1,758,000.00 640,000.00 620,000.00 400,000.00 350,000.00 1,575.000.00. 112,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 10,000.00. 18,000.00 41,500.00 25,00C-.CO 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 42,500.00 25mooo.oo All of these securities and assignments were approved by the County Board. The following applications for homestead classification were approved: Selmer Larson, Lots 1 and 2 Section 4 Town of Folden; Ida Hagen, W½ NEt and Lots 1 and 2 Section 17 Sverdrup. The following applications for correction of assessment were approved and reconunended to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval: Personal PropertY, Ernest 'l'urnquist Ira Iverson M. W. Vaughn Grover Eckert Melvin Dunham Merrill & Fern Rau Village of Parkers Prairie Tract in Mc!-lahon's 1st Addn. to the Village of Parkers Prairie Lots 6 and 7 Block 5 Original Plat New York Mills Tract in Section 34 Village of Dent W} NE! & E} NW! of Sec. 32 Norwegian Grove E½ NW-I; and W} NE-I; except church Sec. 31 'l'own of Elizabeth over-assessed land valued too high Assessed more than market value Over assessed Pole barn valued too high. Over Assessed COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. lCl&IU.D.1811&1.CI■ !Al.lo..llaCI.IIIL A. T. MHler T. C. Iverson A. J. Hausaurer Chesler F. Harris .. DATE ............... !!J.l&!U!J... .. 2 ................................................. 19 .. 6.7-. • 7 ac. in Sec. 7, 'l'own of Dunn Tract in Sec. 26 Town of Gorman Lot 1 Albright's Aaldn. to Nirvana Tract in Sec. 3, Township of Nidaros Clerical error in transposing Garage assessed as cottage Excessive lake frontage assessed Cottage oier assessed. The following applications for correction of assessments were granted: Arthur F. Lemke, Lot 7 Blk. 1 Original Plat of Vergas, Assessed for well but has none; :A, M. Carlson, part of Sub Lot 13 of Res. D., error in assessment; Allen Eckley, Lot 7 Eureka Beach, Town of Elizabeth, incomplete cottage assessed as completed; David D. Stitt, .12 ac. in Sec, •15 'l'ownship of Elizabeth, wrong building assessed to tract; G. Alfred Dodds, SW'ly part of Lot 42 Block 1 Pelican Point, Town of Dunn, assessed for too much lake frontage; ~rs. Sam Schloesser, part of Lot 1 Recreation Beach and adjo~ning .tra~t, Town of Amor, Excessive assessment; E. J. Whitehead, Lot 21 Shirley Beach, Town of Amor, cottage over-assessed~ Wm. Ziegler, Lot 4 and sEl; SW¾ Sec. 6 Town of Perham, assessed for 11 acres too much tillable land; Dennis Guck, Wi NEt Sec. 34 Town of Perham, assessed for too much tillable land; Harry R. Roessig, Tract in Res. A Hilcoske's River Ranch Beach, 40 ft. too much lake frontage assessed. Floyd A. Johnson, small tract in Sec, 26 Town of Uorman, valued too high; Gustav Peterson, Parcel #1 of Lot 8 Sec. 3 Town of Nidaros, overvalued. The application of Alfred C. Hester for reduction of assessment on Pontoon boat in the Totmship of Dead Lake was r.ejected UJ:Kln recommendation of the Town Board; The application of Faye Iverson for reduction of assessment on Lot 21 Little Pine Beach was rejected on recommendation of the Town Board. A plat of Oak Haven Beach, Second Addition, being a part of the NW¾ NEt Section 23 Town of Scambler, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by David F. Lundeen, Attorney-at-law, was appro·ved. A plat of Roy Ell Acres, being a part of Lot 1 in Sec. 35 and of the NWt NE¾ in Sec. 35 Township 132 Range 41, accompanied by a Certificate as to title executed by Henry Nycklemoe, attorney-at-law, was approved. The following bills were allowed: Carlton Mortensen Carlton Mortensen Carlton Mortensen Sidney Nelson Glen M. Melby James LeRoy James Bucholz Otto Haase Bennie J. Johason Frank Alstadt Nels Hanson Bernard Palubicki Curtis L. Watt Ila Skalin Dennis Greenwaldt Ed. Skoglund Jeff H. Tikkanen ~lac Tobkin Herb Woods Laura E. Hotchkiss Kenneth Clambey Frank Roberts E.ugene Davenport Harris W. Iverson Anton N. Ulesne. Vernon E., Bachman Mrs. Harry Fretland Christopher C. Clauson Ada Henkes Theodore R. Barkley Erling Engebretson Hodger A. Neumann Eleanor Leidal Eleanor Leidal Kermit Hedman Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Ernest Erlandson Ernest Erlandson Edllbng !i.lectric Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Fergus Hardware. General Trading Co. Kimber Awning Co. Wm. Galena & Son Edling Electric, Inc, Edling hlectric, Inc. Safety Service ~o. Harvey Spaulding Central Chemical Company Cooper's Office Supply J, C. Penney Co. National Bushing & Parts Co. Photo Center Swanson's Surplus Uniforms Unlimited Boarding Prisoners Expenses mileage Expenses & nrl,leage mileage II II II II & expenses II II II II II II Attd. Planning Commission II II II II II II II II Serv. E.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II W II II II II II M:j_leage & Sal'y Weed Insp. II II It II II milleage & expenses II II II Extra help & mileage Co. Assess, ofc. mileage Cler. wk. Co. Supt. Office mileage & expenses 11 for bailiff witness fee II II court.costs transcript II summons calls calls for Sheriff janitor II repairs supplies for jail & janitor supplies II sash cord repairs repairs at Sh. Res. installing outlets in Sh. office service service supplies for jail repairs & supplies for sheriff supplies for jail supplies for Sheriff II II II II II II II II $1015.00 52.67 219.10 · 285.05 207.90 359.70 48.88 47.95 37,50 10.60 49,75 10.00 14.00 142.50 27.00 39,15 22.95 20.70 25,44 173.88 385.04 353.00 99,72 128.38 377.15 13.50 204.00 31.73 8.00 9.25 16.60 370.00 24.70 22.00 6.70 69.23 ll7.13 100.00 50.00 7.05 196.29 5.98 1.00 2.00 14-95 7.05 40.91 218,00 2.00 21.21 31.10 35-72 1.00 38.95 · 40.34 36.00 635 636 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. August .. 9 ................................. lS. 67 .. IICl■ln ,■1■11■• CO■N.■f n.CLOID ••••• I!• White Drug Park Region Medical Center Village of Pelican Rapids Dave's Standard Service Ernie's Pure Oil Marv• s 66 Mayo's Standard Service Mayo's Standard Service Nundahl Oil 1-o. Perham Co-operative Oil Co. John Halvorson Donald Lee Aoger L. Hanson Henry Lubitz Alfred J. Meyer Ron Gray Marlin Reynolds Andrews & Meister Drug Dr. Severn & Smedstad Esther Mortensen Esther Mortensen Esther Mortensen Bigler & Bigler Clinic Drs. Lewis & Kevern C. J. Lund, M. D. Davenport's Stationery Houghton-Mifflin Company Miller-Davis Company Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Nelson Bros. Printing ·Co. The Pierce Company Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. Security Blank Book & Printing Co. Victor Lundeen & Company Xerox Corporation International Business Machines Corp. Hoffman Glass Company Hoffman Glass 6ompany Diebold Inc. . Public Employee's Retirement Assn. hobert B. Oslunii & Assoc. Vernon E. Bachman Myrtle E. Logas· Helen E. Skramsted Myrtle E. Logas Harvey Morrill· "obert W. Poyzer McCombs-Knutson'Assoc. Inc. "obert B. Osluna & Assoc. E.dgetown Lumber'Co. Fergus Hardware· Home Decorators Jaeger's Decorating Center Village of Perham Fergus Falls Daily Journal The Henning Advocate Pelican Rapids Press Pelican Rapids Press Perham-hnterprise-bul.letin Sam N;i,u:klanoe Geo. llobison Relief Corps #60 Carolyn Helgeson Lucille Helfter Mrs. Dorothy Johnson Lorna McCabe Dennis Fjestad · East Otter Tail Telephone Co. Mrs. Veery E. Byder Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Village of Perham Lake Region Sheltered Workshop Mrs. Alva Helmrichs Mrs. Walter Hubert Mrs. R.H. Jedlund Mrs. Bud Larson · Mrs. Charles W. ·Lewis Mrs. John J. Steblsy Mrs. Philip "iclUund Ruth E. Braun · Evelyn I;eth !-',rs. Earl Sonmor Philip M. Kjagl1en Rachel J. Estrem Philip M. Kjagl1en Straub "om pany · Public Utilities Dept. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Artz Camera Supply Cooper's Office Supply Davenport's · Victor Lundeen&. 1-o. Supplies for She~iff calls for jail use of police car gas & oil gas II gas ~ oil II II II II II II II II II subsistence pay II II Sp. Dep. fees & ~ileage II II II II II II II II II guard duty II care of pris.oner II II II matron fees matron fees assistence coroner Is calls II II II II supplies Iowa te&ts supplies II II II II II II services maintenance cutting glass Glass top for Uist. Judge desk annual inspection addn, certification surveying postage & envelopes II II II Adv. Coms. pd. driv. lie. agts. Phelps Mill-mileage & repairs expenses-Phelps Mill services II . supplies II II II II II II II II II II II II II rent for County Agent publishing ad-Personal Property dissolution notice Diss. notice & tax notice pers. prop. tax notice expenses & mileage decorating graves mileage mi+eage & expense II II II II II tolls & II II II II services postage & box rent supplies rent desk Attd. Nurs. Bd. mtg. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II mileage Home Health Aide II II ti II II II II expenses & mileage mileage II postage & mche. rental rent· utilities calls & services supplies II II II $ 38.64 17.00 4.40 261.83 11.60 10.33 67,47 99.08 37,90 99.64 39.00 37.50 30,60 64.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 8.50 5 .oo 45.00 5.00 5.00 51.25 27.25 246.30 52.25 18.00 183.66 59.95 33,00 34.68 203.62 83.75 532.64 42,50 47.98 3.40 32.54 60.00 756,00 75,00 28.31 75.00 50.00 17,05 16.84 57,66 1000.00 357.50 21.44 155,82 13,65 49.63 60.00 375,60 3.00 6.08 9.68 4,20 41.70 16.02 25.13 33,40 23,68 161.13 13.65 10.40 3.50 20,40 35,00 25.00 7,35 2,70 3,00 2,70 4.95 7.35 •11.25 .37.05 13.13 23.40 58.20 6.75 .7.00 50.00 4,35 18.25 61.30· 65,90 1.35 3,80 - COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. -·-uaa.coa,u, .... t.lC.UWL■ Nundahl Oil "ompany Otter Tail Co~op Oils Twin' s Motor Co. Dent Cafe Star Laundry l ~leaners Andy's 66 Service Station International Harvester Bob Karst Genuine Parts Knuttila Implement Andrews & Meister Drug Arnold Koski Bennie J. Johrison Hayden-Murphy Equipt. Co, Public ~orks Equipt, Co, Ruffridge-Johnson Eq. Co,, Inc. Ziegler, Inc. Harvey Bullock Ebersviller Implement Co, Falls Mobile Home Sales Fergus Dodge, Inc, International Harvester Sales & Serv. LaMay Auto Parts Jim Larson Ford Minnesota Motor Co. Olson Auto 1lectric Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Super GMC Truck Sales Swanson Equipnent Pheoll Manufacturing Co, Cheinco Co,, Inc. National Chemsearch C9rp, Safety Service Company Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Handy uovernment Sales N, W, Refining Co, M & R Sign Company Northern Culvert Co, 11k niver Concrete Products John Dieseth Co, Mikkari Bros. Richard Sherbrooke Bluffton Co-op Cry.Assn. Farmers Co-op 1levator Co,, F, F. Northwood Specialty ~o. Coast-to-"oast Store B, L. Coast-to ~oast Store Pel, Rapids Erickson-Hellekson-Vye Co, Fergus Hardware Fergus Plumbing & Htg. General Trading Co. Genuine Parts Co, Hintgen-Karst Electric to, Holten Lumber Co, Jaenisch Industries Pelican Paint & Glass Sigelman Hj_de & i'ur Co,, Inc, State of Minn. Div. of Biler Insp , Railway Express Agency Raymond Motor 'l'ransportation Village of Bluffton Village of Dalton Village of Deer Creek Minneapolis Blue Printing ~o. Davenport's Stationery Miller Davis Co, '!'he Pierce Co, Victor Lundeen & Co, East Otter Tail Tele, Co, N. W, Beau Telephone Co,, Wadena Park Region Mutual Tele, Co, Pelican Telephone Co, N. W • Bell Telephone Co, , F·. F' Midwest Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell Tele, Co., F. F. Wendell P, Huber G. D, Harlow Wendell P, Huber Wendell P. Huber Village of Parkers Prairie 'l"own of Dane Prairie Town of Effington Andys 66 Service Consumers Co-op Oil ~o. Co-op Services, Inc,, N,Y,M. Dave's Standard Service Farmers Co-op Creamery Fossen Oil Co. Lakeside Service Co. Mayo's Standard Service Mayo's Standard Service DATE ...................... ~.~~~~.~ .. ~ .......................................... 19 _~?.. ·oil & gas gas gas, oil etc, meals cleaning repairs II demonstration supplies II med. for T,B. patient check-up for T. B, patient appraising & mileage parts II II II repairs supplies II II II II II asphalt signs culverts II II Equipt. rental II II seed II stakes supplies inspection express freight garage rental II II II II supplies II II II II. service & tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II expense II cash advance postage special aid II II II II gasoline II II II II II II & supplies $ 52.98 J2,88 60,46 9 .• 60 7,JO 12 .. 85 10,41 . 8.80 12.00 20,.55 51.90 15.00 50,77 12.19 24.65 45,50 432,64 6J,75 7J,8J J,65 4,00 154,60 6.10 7,50 9,83 64,45 40,Jl 37,18 21.15 71,63 262.35 395,96 101.60 407,35 212.61 J8J.04 620.04 29J.21 84.84 19.92 504,00 149,90 335,00 526.00 87.60 62,15 18,98 1.55 16.J5 6J.OO 522,47 69,35 J.J6 J6.10 95,00 6.49 72.J2 5,00 20.35 24.24 240.00 90.00 210.00 12,561 41.10 99.25 22.60 J8.10 26,50 12.10· 16.07 15,04 101.59 8,40 32.51 309.-80 236,55 5,93 624.00 300.00 ·J00.00 JOO.CO 107,06 149,JJ 182,50 126.27 175,58 149,02 109,59 J5,J6 108,56 "I; 637 • ....ill COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Miller's Gulf Service Otter Tail Co-op Oils, Inc. Park Region Oil ~o. Perham Co-op Oil Co, Service Oil ~o., Battle Lake Service Oil \;o., Underwood Thomas Oil Co,. Twins Motor Co, D-A Lubricant ~o. Arrow Petroleum, Inc. Erhard Oil '-o., Nundahl Oil Co, Standard Oil ~o., Battle Lake Standard Oil Co,, Pel, Rapids Township of Maine DATE .......................... August9 .................................. 19 67 gasoline II II II II II tires & gasoline gasoline oil diesel fuel diesel fuel II II II II II II Special aid Upon.motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M., September 13, 1967, Chairman ..... ,~ lerk. . . $ 105,54 167,72 161.88 205,74 105.29 6,46 727,78 46,06 211,20 86,40 137,10 82,00 247,53 82,50 300.00 - - - ·-, COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ·639· DATE .................................................................................. 19 ....... . l&lldlaLCaU.&a LCI.D■ . I I I I I . L 640 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................................................................. 19 ....... . ==~~---~--~-· E~·••Ol============:::I ,.._ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY; MINN. DATE .................. September .12 ................................... 19 .. 9.7.. I ca••-•11Hra■• CO■PANT IT CLDUD.■INN. G-23CII MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESO'l'A Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A .M. September 12, 1967, all members ·present. A representative of the Minnesota Weed and Seed Department discussed with the County Board salaries to be paid weed and seed inspectors for the year 1968. No action will be taken by the Board until the January 1968 session of the board. A petition was presented to the Board asking for improvement of County Road #123 in F.clna Township. After dis- cussion, it was moved and seconded that the Highway Engineer make a survey when time is available, The Board having previously authorized the Commissioner of Highways to advertise for bids on behalf of the 8ounty for grading and graveling of S. P. 56-633-01.and S.A.P, 56-63-02 located between Trunk Highway #10 East of Fergus Falls and 4.4 miles S.E., Bids were opened by a representative of the State Highway Department and found to be as follows: Mich~elson Bros., Inc. Marvin E. J,und Ed Zimmennan Harvey W. Nelson Enebak Construction Co, Strom Construction Co, Minnerath Construction Co. Ralph Stewart Sellin Bros., Inc. Bain Bros. & Don Dahlman John Di.eseth Co, Roy Benson & So., Inc. Madison, Minn. Glenwood, Minn. Barrett, Minn. Lake Park, Minn. Faribault, Minn,. Moorhead, Minn. Cold Spring, Minn. Starbuck, Minn. Hawley, Minn. Clarissa, Minn. Fer gus Falls, Minn. Stephen, Minn. $89,618.86 90,141.73 92,277,48 96,890,06 97,803.01 99,999.99 103,395,02 103,817.04 105,313.70 107,COl.90 110,353.65 122,072.36 After recomputation, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that it be recommended to the State Highway Department that the contract be awaited to the lowest bidder being Michaels a, Bros., Inc., Madison, Minnesota in the amount of $89,618.86. Upon motion made and seconded, the Board was authorized to meet at Fergus Falls on October 2, 1967 at 9 o'clock A.M. to view completed contracts, A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to participate with Paddock TO\omship in the cost of building a township road east of Hillview, the County share being estimated at $1750.00, Upon motion mad~, seconded and unanimously carried, $500,00 additional clerk hire was granted the County Assessor. -RESOLUTION - WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Highways for the State of Minnesota, acting thrwgh District Engineer Frank J. Pawlak of Detroit Lakes, desires to have land survey w,rk performed in connection with T.H. 10 and T.H. 29 in Otter Tail County; and liHEREAS, the work desired to be perfonned is the duty of the County Surveyor; and WHEREAS, under Minnesota Statutes 389.02 and .OJ the Commissioner of Highways will retain Mr. Robert B. Oslund, Otter Tail County Surveyor, to perform the work at the compensation set by the County Board, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: Compensation to ~r. Robert B. Oslund, Registered Land Surveyor and Otter Tail County Surveyor of doing the requested work in connection with T.H. 10 and T.H. 29 in Otter Tail County be set at the following rates: Attest: 1, Three man survey party 2, Two man survey· party • J. Principle and research service (1 man) 4. Senior Draftsman •.• 5. Junior Draftsman .•• 6. Transportation mileage Adopted this 12th day of September, 1967. /S/ s. B. Johnson Clerk $18. 50 per hour 14,00 per hour 10.CO per hour 9.00 per hour 6. 50 per hour 7,5 cen6s per mile /s/ Otto Haase Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. September 13, 1967. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Chairman Pursuant to adjournnient the Board met at 10 o'clock A .M. September 13, 1967, all manbers being present. The Board approved the appointment of Dr. L. A, Syverson to replace Dr. Ralph Estrem who wishes to relin,.ui.sh his position on the Otter Tail County Public Health Nursing Service, The petition of Arnold Stock to be set off from District #405 to District #544 was taken up for final action and after listening to the statements of various interested parties, the Board issued the following order to-wit: 2 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... Septcmber .. 13 ........................................... 19 ... 68 1eu11nr,11111n■1·co11,.,n:--sr:ctDVD:■TW11. Cl Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. WHEREAS, The petition of Arnold Stock, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 1405 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which .are situate in Sct:ool District No. 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1405 to said adjoining school dis- trict No. 544 was presen6ed to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 9th day of Aug)lst A.D., 1967 for the action of said board. thereon·; and whereas it was therupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 13th day of September A.D., 1967 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three piblic places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of saj.d School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appoined for such !earing; and whereas at the sajd· session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 13th day of September A.D., 1967 due proof of the r.ostinp. and service of sa,id order of hearing as therein directed and renuiredk more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and fi.led, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, thatthe said petitioner and the following descr.ibed lands owned by him, to-wit: SEt; Section 22, 'l'ownship 131, Range 44 be and the same are h er~by set off from said School District No. 1405 to said adjoining School. District No. 51.4 and said lands are hereby made a_par~ of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of tQe Board of County Commissioners Dated the lJtQ day of September A.D., 1967 •. (Auditoris Seal) /S/ Otto Haase Chairman of the Board of County ~ommissioners of Utter Tail County, Minn. Attest: /S/ S. B. Johnsa, County Auditor, and ex-offj cio Clerk of Board. The resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District //1405 was taken up for fi.nal acti.on. After listening to the statements of parties present, the Board issued the following interlocutory order to-wit: IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF CCJ.!MON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1405 WHEREAS, Proceedings to dissolve Common School District No. 1405 have been instituted by: A certificate by the clerk of said district directed to the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnem ta, that a majority of electors voting at an election J-eld in said district on July 10, 1967, voted in favor of dissolving the distt,ict. NOW, 'J.'HEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED: 1. 'l'hat Common School District No. 1405 be ,dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to Independent School District #544. 2. That the current assets and liability of said Common School District No. 1405 be distributed to-wit: · To Independent Schoql District #544 all monies, credits, funds, property both real and personal including taxes payable in 1968 and prior years collected after July 1st, 1968, and all obligations of Common Sclx>ol District #1405 shall become the obligations of Independent School District #544. J. That the outstanding bonded debt of said Common Sclx>ol District No. 1405 is None. 4. 'l'hat the proposed effective date of this order is July 1st, 1968. Dated September 13, 1967 ATTEST: _ __,t-=s.._/_S;c.:..•...;:Bc.: ......... Jo"'hn::,;.:s;.:;;o:.:.n ______ _ County Auditor Board of County Commissioners of the County of Ottertail State of Minnesota BY. __ _,_/.:::SL/....;0:;,ct::.:t,.::oc...:..:.Ha::a==s""e'-----,-~------- Chairman The petition of Bennie Honrud asking that the \ilJ of Section 19, iownship 135, Range 43, be sef. off from District #1537 to District #548 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A.M. October 11, 1967 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The petition of Norbert Heltemes asking that the SE¼, SW¼ and the SE!-of Section 5, Township 135, Range 36 be set off from District #1489 to District #553 was read and it was ofdered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 O'clock A.M. October 11, 1967 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law, The petition of Robert Molter asking that the Si SW¼ except tract~ Section 23, 'l'ownship of Fergus Falls, be set off from District #1430 to District #544 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of various parties, the petition was rejected, The petition of James B. Bavier asking that a small tract located in the S~f; of Section ~3, Township of Fergus Falls, be set off from District #1430 to District #544 w~s read. As this tract die not adjoin' District #544, no action was taken. COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ September .13 .......................................... l 9 .. 67. 1tcu■1n Hlltl■G CO■PA■T, st,CLOUD,■INN, c=UOI Upon m?tion made, seconded and unanimously carried, Home Health Aids are to be paid the minimum wage of $1,40 per hour as reqUJ.red by law, A plat of Third Addition to Klein and·Adams Point being a part of Government Lot 4, Section +2, Township 135, Range 40, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by M, J, Daley, Attorney at Law, was approved. A plat of Fourth Addition to Klein and Adams Point beirg a part of Government Lot 4 in Section 12, Township let, Range 40 and a part of Government Lot 4 of Section 7, Township 135, Range 39 accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by I',, J, Daley, Attorney at Law, was approved, A plat of Northview being a part of Lot 1 and 2 of Section 7, Township of Everts, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by f.,. J. Daley, Attorney at Law, was approved, The application of Alice M. Rossmiller for homestead classification on Lot 4 except ract in Section 29 and Lot 1 except tract in Section 30 Township of Hobart was granted. The following applications for reduction of assessed valuation on real estate were granted: Joseph Bundy Parkers rrairie School Bus Company Hans Schrader Clarence W. "uwe Raymond J, & Ralph J. Kraemer Oscar Kittelson Adolph Frank Joel E, Jacobs Edward B, P.reston Edward B, Preston Edward B. Preston Marion D, Mortenson Curtis & Shirley reterson Thomas Bergren Robert neinke Katperine Peck George C .• Robertson Paul B. Eid Walter Duane Rose Two tracts-Village of Vergas Tract in Lot 9, Block 32, Village of I' arkers Prairie Part of Lot 21, Block 31, Lakeview Addition Lot 18, 19 & 20, Block JO, Lakeview Add'n, to Parkers t'rairie Part of SEt; SWt; Section 15, Village of Parkers Prairie Lots 4 and 10 and Lot 5 except tract, Sec~ion 11, Norw~gian Grove Lot 3, ChaRosa Beach Lot in Subrosa Beach Lot 23, Preston's Lakeview Beach Lot 21, Preston's Lakeview Beach Lot 22, Preston's Lakeview Beach ,41 acre lakeshore in Lot 2, Section 32, Township of Lida Small tract in Section 28, Township of Lida Lot 1 & 2, Jerry.J✓.arg Beach 'l'ownship of Hobart Lot 1 & 2, First Add'n. Klein & Adams Point, Township of Dead Lake Small tract in Lot 2 of Dead Lake Township Small tract in Lot 1, Section 2~, Dead Lake NE½ of Lot 5, Camp Nidaros, Township of Amor Lot 9, Mrugala Beach Girard Township · Structure over-valued considering age an~ condition !:and valued too high Land valued too high Vacant land over-valued Land over-valued Land over-valued Garage assessed, not built untH after May 1, 1966 Cottage not completed, Lot over valued. Lot over valued Lot over valued Lot over valued. B~ck lot whic).I i~ marshy Lots over-valued. Clerical error in figuring square feet. Lot over valued. Size of cottage was in error Too much frontage assessed. Cottage uncompleted. The application of Ralph Johnson for cancellation of personal property tax in To~msh:ip of Everts was granted for the reason that the property was sold before assessment date, The application of Alfred C, Hesteu for cancellation of tax on pontoon boat in Township of Dead Lake was granted for the reason that the boat was sold March 8, 1966, The following applications for correction of assessments were recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval: Donald Schrader Arnold R. Coehn Hans Schrader F, W. Gaedke Waldemar H. Block Waldemar H, Block Tract in Lot 9, Block 32, Lakeview Add'n to Parkers Prairie Village · Tract inLot 9, Block 32, Lakeview Add'n to Par.kers Prairie Tract in Lot 9, Block 3~, Lakeview Add'n to Parkers Prairie Lot 6, Block 31, Lakeview Addition to Parkers Prairie Lot 5, Block 31, Lakeview Addition to r arkers Prairie Lot over valued Lot over valued Lot over valued Property over valued Property over valued , I i I ,I : ii ,' 11 II I I 4 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... September .11 ................................. 19.67 .. ===========■1:•CVll'fY"PIINTINO-CDIIPAHr.11':'c(aUli';Mli"N, a: of Newton Lewis A, Ost Harry H~ Ost Garold & Lano 0, Hilgren Donald A, Schrader Otto Zimmer Fanners Co-op Creamery Ass'n, Erhard Leo C, Adams Claudius Bruhn Archie G. Sailer Otto Lieske Earl W, Tysver Lot 13, Ulock 23, Lakeview Addition to Parkers Prairie Lot 1, 2, 3 Block 23, Lakeview Add'n to Parkers Prairie · Lot land 2, Block 12, Lakeview Add'n to Parkers Prairie Lot 1, Block 9, Lakeview Add'n to Parkers Prairie Tract 106 feet by 145 ft. lying S of Lot 4, Campbell Park W or road, Parkers Prairie Some attached machinery discarded and not taken off Assessor's inventory Lot l Jacob's Beach Township of Pelican Wi NW¼ of Parkers Prairie and Lot l except tract, Section 32, Hobart '101,nship Wi NE¼ SE¼ Sou~h of highway and W½ of Lot 10 ~ection 8, 1ownship of Hobart Except S1ly part an of Lot 15, Siebels Beach, Township of Gonnan One acre tract in Section 20, Folden Township Property value too high Property valued too high Property over-valued. Property over-valued. Clerical error in computing valuation Cottage assessed on vacant lot Turkey barns valued too high Rental cottages valued to h:i.gh, Building assessed which belongs on another 16t Building over-valued, An On Sale County Liquor license was granted to Duane C, and lrene V. Frost at Bud's Supper Club, To~mship The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of utter Tail County, MiMesota, 'l'hat, all elective or appointed officers of Utter Tail County for a regular t enn shall be included under the Workmen's l,ompensation Law as provided by Chapter 701, Laws of 1967, this to include County Commissioners wh:i.le in the perfonnance of their official duties. ATTEST: Adopted this 13th day of September, 1967. /S/ Otto Haase /S/ S. B. Johnson Clerk RESOLU1'ION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY .COl·!MISSIONERS OF OTTER 1'AIL COUNTY, MINNESarA l;hainnan BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Co11U11issioners of Utter Tail (;aunty, Minnesota that the Railroad and Warehouse Commission conduct an engineering study onthe feasibility(bf installing automatic signals at the intersection of the Nor·thern 1-'acific Railroad crossing and County State Aid Highway #75, located approximately one mile West of Wadena, Minnesota, and advise all interested parties of the cost of said installation, Adopted this 13th day of September, 1967, /S/" Otto Haase Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: _ __./c.::S,../-"'S.:.•....;B:c.:''--J.;;;.ohn=s:..::o;:.:n _____ _ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF•COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF 01'TER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVE.D by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota that the Railroad & Warehouse Commission conduct and engineering study on the feasibility of installing automatic signals at the intersection of the Northern 1--acific Railroad crossing and the County State Aid Highway //60, located at Luce, which is approx:i.ma1 ely six miles Northwest of Perham, MiMesota, and advise all interested parties of the cost of said installation, Adopted this 13th day of September, 1967, /S/ Otto Haase Chairman ATTEST: -~L~s~t~s~•c...:::B~•....;J~o~h~n~s~on!..!..... ______ _ Lounty Auditor Board of County Coll'missione rs COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... September .13 ....................................... 19 .. 67 HCURlff Pll■TIHI COIIPAN,. H.CLOUD.IIIHII, Q"':230SI The following bills were allowed: Carlton ~,ortensen . Carlton E, ~•ortensen. Carlton E. Mortensen. Sidney Nelson Glen M. ~;elby James LeRoy James Bucholz Otto haase Bennie J. Johnson Harvey Morrill Sam 1~ycklemoe James uucholz Vtto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Harvey Morrill Sam 1'4ycklemoe James i:iucholz . Mrs, Laura E. hotchkiss Arnold Evavold Theo, Hegseth Homer M. San Harold Skistad Melvin Trosvik lla SkaH.n . Thomas O. Nelson Co •. Kenneth Clambey Frank noberts Harlan L. Nelson .1!.ugene Davenport Eugene Davenport Harris W. Iverson Anton N. Glesne Vernon E. Bachman Mrs. Agnes Bjorgum Mrs. Harry Fretland , Mrs. Martin R, Hanson Elaine S. Jorud, J.P. Adelsman Bioler Company Daycoa Fergus Hardware General Trading Co, . Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell Temephone Co, Coopers Office Supply Fergus Plumbing Luxor Lighting The Photo Center Star Laundry White Drug Andrews & Meister Drug Fergus Falls Clinic Dr. Kenneth Severn Co-op Services Dave's Standard Erickson Petroleum Co. Hank's East Side Seryice Mayo's Standard Ser~ce Nundati]. Oil Company Perham Co-op Oil Twin I s Motor John B. Halvorson Don Lee . Hank Lubitz Merlin S. Rieman . Ehlert Wilson, Sheriff Donald J. Umodt Howard Urness Esther Mortensen Esther ~lortensen Everett (;. Hanson, M.D. Everett C. Hans:rn., M.D. City of Fergus Falls. Walters. Booth & Son Cooper's Office Supp+Y Davenport's Stationery Mason Publishing Company Midwest Printing Company Miller-Davis Company Oswald Publishing Colllpany The Photo-Center Inc. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co, Security Blank tiook ~ Printing Co, Victor Lundeen & Company Xerox Corporation Addressograph.J.iultigi;-aph Corp. Addressograph-1-,ultigraph Corp. Burroughs Corp-'lodd Division Empire Business Machines I.B.M. Corporation . Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Boarding Prisoners Expenses & mileage Meals for police officers during Bank robbery Expenses&. mileage Expense & Mileage II I!.~ II II II II II II II incl. view. rds II II II II II II II II II Board of Review II II II II II II II II II II II II Exp. attd. NACO Convention Serv. W,O,T. Soil.Cons. Dist. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II E II II II II II Rent. for W.O.T. Soil Cons. Office Sal'y & Exp. Weed Insp. II II II II II Exp. Attd meeting in St. Paul Mileage & expenses Exp. Atitd meeting in St. Paul II II II Extra telp Co. Assessor's office Exp. Att'd convention Cler.wk.in Supt. office II II II II II Court costs supplies II II II Calls Calls for Sheriff Sheriff supplies Cleaning Bulbs Sheriff supplies Cleaning Sheriff supplies Care of prisoner II II II II II Gas Gas & a oil Gas Gas & oil II II II II II II II Subsistence p ~ II II II Mileage & Sp. Dep. fees Sp. Dep. Fees & mileage Services II Serving citations Matron fees II II Coroner's fees Coroner's fees Court costs Supplies Plates Maintenance Ribbons Carbon ribbons ribbons Printing $1160.00 210.80 33.89 297.26 244.27 309,52 56,00 55.40 43.co 22.50 44,00 19,00 18.95 15.75 10,00 16,00 240.26 209.79 48,00 49,05 55,ec 34,50 9.60 170.25 130.00 336.09 197.05 24.24 52.25 55.74 217.67 77.85 31.75 36.CO 33.00 36.00 8,00 67.40 6:?,20 9,00 19,39 60.42 133.25 2.75 6.95 -154,82 54.18 7,30 12.88 2.60 26.00 5,00 19.21 75.39 6.18 12.JQ 84.69 28.14 48.38 4,34 30,00 30,00 24.80 148,20 5,0C 2.76 2,90 30,00 5,00 25,00 25.63 325,00 6.60 33.85 5,07 24,50 73.50 221.84 38.26 46.41 -223,77 246;10 4C8.92 42,50 18.25 82.72 14,00 6,00 2.44 108.80 'J ~. --·-5 i ' ·11 ; ! i , I I ,; ·11 J ' :1 II I, " 11 I· 11 I ;• :!: !, :' ., t! ,, I I : ' I'. I I 11 Ii : 6 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. September .. 1.3 ................................... 19 .. 67. '1:Cll■ffl"PIJ'RTIIIG"ICOKPI.IIT:"'IT:cnva:111Nrr.-G Xerox Corporation Helen E, Skramsted State of Minn. Dept •. of Adm, Documents Section State of Minnes:t.a, Dept. of Highways Vernon E. Bachman . Edgetown Lumber Company Village of Perham . Fergus Falls Daily Journal Northwestern Publishing Co, Herb Christensen, Jr,, Ray Krog Myrtle E, Logas Greyhound Lines . Barracks #922-Vet of. WWI (F.F.) George Bergem Post #f.i-89 Haug-Hammer Post #508 -Dalton \,omen I s Relief Corps, Carolyn Helgeson Lorna McCabe Lucille Helfter . i'lrs. Dorothy Johnson. Dannis Fjestad Veery E. Ryder Stephanie Jokela Jannette Anthony Jannette Anthony Lovie Bormann Lovie Bonnann •·•rs. Emil Braun l'•rs, Edw. E.dwards Kathryn Hell'melgarn . Mrs, Clarence Hessel. H. ~•arcella Jernigan_ H, i-.arcella Jernigan, Dorothy Jorgenson l••rs. Clara Juven Mary H. Koste Evelyn Leth . hrs. Clbarles W. Lewis Ina M, l·,cLaughlin Inez Noussane •·•rs. Earn Sonmore . Mrs. Selma Swendsrud. Helen E. Hkkanen i••rs. Elaine Winkels Mrs, Elaine \-1irk els . Coopers Office Supply Carolyn Helgeson . Nelson Bros, Printing Co, Sterling Name Tape Co. Village of Perham . Mrs. Luther H, Anderson ~•rs. Alv~ Helmrichs · 1-lrs. walter Hubert hrs. R. H, Jedlund . Hrs. Charles W. Lewis •·•rs. Edwin Skoglund . •·•rs. John J, Steblay_ •·•rs. Philip Wicklund. Philip M, Kjaglien Rachel J, Estrem Philip ~i. Kjaglien Straub Company . Public Utilities Dept,. Northwestern Bell Te~ephone Co, Coofer's Office Supp:i,y Nelson Boos. Prtg. C9. Hintgen-Karst Electric Co, Perham Enterprise-Bu],letin ¥red Spicer Froelich' s Marine Westover' s Honda & M.i.rine Arneson & Larson · Fergus Oil Company Grand View Heights illundapl Oil Co, Elmer Hough . City of Fergus Falls. Andrews & Meister Dr1Jg Fergus Falls Clinic . ~aneral Springs Sanai,orium Park Region hedical Center Hall Equipment, Inc.· Hayden-1•,urphy E.quipt •. Co, RuffridgeyJohnson E.q,Co., Inc. Ziegler, Inc. . handy Governor Sales Gordon Braness · Streeter Amet Div. ~\,i.ngood Corp. Homelite Corporation. Ebersviller Implemen~ Co, Electric Supply Fergus Uodge, Inc, Services Charges Records Recording fees Postage Supplies-Phelps Mill rent for Co, agent Publishing Pers. prop, tax notices uozing at O.T. County dump Cleaning Co, dump & building fence Adv, cans,pd.driv.lic,agts, transportation fee ,Decorating graves II II II M:i:leage Mileage etc. II II II Postage & notebook Mileage Home Healtt.J Aid Supplies II II Name plates Rent for nurse Attd Nurs. Bd. meeting II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Mileage etc. II Postage & mche. rental Rent Utilities Calls "-Services File .:,upplies Lamps Subscription ~'ield glasses Repairs & supplies Supplies Stetson etc. Gas & oil Gas Gas & oil Repairint Ditch #56 poor expense Care of T.B. patient II II II II II II Parts II II II Repairs II II II II II II II II II II II II $ 328,64 13,20 105,60 10.50 26.85 203.03 60.00 274,25 4,20 104,50 80,00 16,70 5,65 25,00 25,00 25,00 25.00 35,70 50,55 69,28 67,50 1.20 7,05 1. 75 3,75 10.80 5,40 16.50 48,30 7,80 7,50 6.22 1.05 J,45 26.10 .60 8,25 15,CO 4,95 8.10 8,25 45,00 2.70 8,25 4,73 4,80 167,25 1.50 28,00 11,76 35,00 4,80 7,35 2,70 3,00 4,95 8,25 7,35 10,50 111.15 12,00 7,00 50.00 4,30 28.28 55,50 12.00 4,;;!,(, 4,00 21.15 7,43 36.69 13,95 16;15 11,50 52,88 150,00 1183,68 46,90 5,00 231.25 120,CO 34,13 40.60 941.89 733.21 16.21 123,57 2,74 12,73 184,71 8,50 · 21,65 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCUIITY PIIN1'1■8 CO■H.IIT, IT,CLOUD,■INN. C/':2.3C11 International harvester Co. Larson welding Mark Sand & Gravel Cbmpanj ~1atz & Greiff Minnesota "•otor Co. Penrose Chevolet Co. Perham Co-op Oil Co. Stan's Garage Super G.M.C. Truck Sales Wheele_r Repair Eutectic Welding Alloys United Laboratories, Inc. Northwestern Refining Co. Paper, Calrnenson & Co. Northern Culvert Co. M & R Sign Co., Inc. Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co. Bauck's Seed House ~orthwood Specialty Co. Doc's Tire Service Les ' 'l'ire Service Coast-to-Coast Store P.R. Bretz Hardware Erickson-Hellekson-Vye Co., Rothsay Everts Lumber Co. Fleet Fann General Trading Co. Holten Lumber & Hdwe. Jaenisch Industries Utter Tail Groaery Co. Sigelrnan Hide & Fur Co. Tesch Lumber Co. Welders Equipment Vergas Hardwa·re· Co. Marvin E. Lund Korby Contracting Co, John Dieseth Co. City of Fergus Falls Melvin McGowan Rangvold Christopherson Arthur P. Pierson &lwin Sczygiel Raymond ):,otor Trans., Inc. Frederick Post Co. Utter Tail Power Company Mpls Blue Priding Co. Construction Bulletin Fergus Falls Daily Journal Victor Lundeen & Co. Davenport's Stationery East Otter Tail Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co., F.F. ~lidwest Telephone Co. Park Region Mutual Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co., Wadena Pelican TeB phone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co., F.F. Wendell P. hub er G.D. Harlow vlendell P. "uber Harry T. Burau Andy's 66 Service Bengston Oil Co. Bluffton Oil Co. Consumers· Co-op Oil Co., Henn. Dave's Standard Service Dick's Standard Service Eldon's Standard Service Fanners Co-op Cry. Ass'n., D.C. Fergus Oil Co., Inc. Fossen Oil Lo. Highway Co-Service Station Hoot Lake Pure Mayo's Standard Service Meyer's Service Station The Oil Store Otter 'l'ail Co-op Oils, Inc. Ray's Uil Company Rinas Oil Company Service Oil Company, B.L. Service Uil Co., Ynd. Shell Service N. Y. ~I. Theodorson 1 s Mobile Service Twin's Motor Company Vergas Oil Company Arrow Petroleum Becklund Rian Oil Compan y Park Region Co-op Oil Cor:,pany Penrose Oil Company Soliah & Braatz Standard Oil Company, Henning DATE .............. S~ptember .. 13 ....................................... 19. 67 .. Repairs Supplies II Asphalt Cutting edges Culvert Signs & Posts Paint Seed Lath Tires II Supplies Insurance Equipt. rental Bit. material Bit. Seal coat Seeding Gravel II Freight Prints II Supplies Ad for bids II II II Supplies II Service i,,. tolls· II II II II II II II II II II II II II II .11 II II Expense II Cash advanced Right of Way (67:33) Gas, etc. Gasoline Gas, etc. Gasoline II II II Gas, etc. Gasoline Uas, etc. Gasoline II II II Gas, etc. Gasoline Gas, etc. Gasoline II Gas, etc. II II II II II II II II Diesel Fuel Fuel Oil Diesel Fuel II II II II II etc. $. 72.74 18.50 . 90.00 3.50 37.90 1.00 3.00 5.85 20.70 9.60 91.30 52.76 1481.80 243.60 1153.92 760.84 46.50 284 .oo 81.82 43.00 42,96 9.68 28.76 2.48 130.86 97.12 829.93 93.60 90.00 25.00 68.46 13.24 17.61 44.33 51.00 ;·832~50 626.29 3,167.30 607. 50 21.60 192.70 17.60 4.25 1co.oo 64.04 3.85 52.50 42.JO 3.25 25.73 23.1,0 21.56 12.00 14.81 19.07 14.18 100.13 4<:Jl. 75 231.03 4.33 147.28 153.36 179-38 172.60 10.88 96.48 192.59 1J2.46 J6.46 97.96 86.14 52.75 174.59 131.85 113.63 33).34 89.82 162.26 15.75 164.67 110.26 223.16 71.89 99.13 185.J5 80.48 33.60 52.32 198.54 4.88 77.50 I ., 8 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... Sep.tember .. .lJ .................................. 19 ... §.?_ ECUIITT"PllnlRl"COIIPANY:-"1T:e1.11UD";IUMr.G- Standard Oil Company P.R. D-A Lubricant Co., Ihc. The Sheri,p.n-11illiams· Co. Diesel fueld Oil Paint $ 75,00 252,45 31.95 Attest: Upon motion·the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M., October 10, 1967 Chairman Clerk MINUTES OF THE ADJOJRNED MEEITNG OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOI'A Pursuant to· adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M. October 10, 1967, all members present. Upon motion· the County Weed Inspectors were authorized to attend the Weed Inspectors Converence at the Civic Auditorium in largo,· North Dakota on December 5th through December 7th. Upon motion· the Board unanimously agreed to have Gust Lagerquist and Sons, Inc., to install new relays on the elevator at the Court House. Upon motion'the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A,M., November 7, 1967 for the following equipment: 2 -One Way· Snowplows & Wings to fit 25,500 lb. G.V,W. Trucks Bids shall include trade-in allowance on l~isconsin Special One-Way Snowplow and undercarriage, Model 82A. 3 -Wings, 10 ft. in length. Upon motion'it was decided that the Board should meet at 9:30 A.M. in Fergus Falls on NovEJDber 1st, 1967 for the purpose of viewing completed road projects. Upon motion~ made, seconded and unanimously carried, Stephanie Jokela was granted a $25.CO per month increase due to the fact that' she ~as now doing the work of the former Administrator and the charge for Home' Health Service Aids services was fixed at $2,75 per hour. It was movecl, seconded and carried that the policies for Home Health Aid Serv:i.ces and the Administrative structure of Public Health Nursing Services be approved. An agreement with District #547 was signed extending public health norsing services for nine months at $20.00 per month. The following resolution was ad pot ed: RESOLUTION OF COUN1'Y BOARD WHEREAS the' County Board of Otter Tail County, MiMesota, has examined into the allegations of the applic atia, of the Village of New York t1ills dated the 11th of September, 1967, for the conveyance of certain lands therein' descr:i.bed; now, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the County Board of vtter Tail County, Minnesota, that it hereby approves said application and recommends that the same be granted. Idopted this 10th day of October, 1967. James Bucholz Bennie J. Johnson Sam "ycklemoe Otto Haase Harvey Morr:i.ll Attest: S. B. Johnson County Board cf said County. Clerk The following.resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Utter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT Otto P. and Margaret L. 'I'hole, the owners of the following tract at the time of forfeiture be permilted to repurchase Lot 13, liltlck 1 in Crystal Beach, it being the opinion of the Board tliat tM.s will relieve undue hardsM p and be to the best public interest:. Adopted this 10th day of October, 1967, Attest: S. B. Johhson Otto Haase Chairman Clerk COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... October .10 ........................................... 19 .. ~7.. IICu■lff Pll■ll111 COIIPA■Y, ST.CLOUD,IIINN. G':2101 The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Utter 'l'ail County, Minnesota, '!'HAT Denis Schultz, the owner of the following tract at the time of forfeiture be permitted to repurchase the N1 of the SE/; Section 7-132-36~'. it being the opinion of the Board that this will rel:isre undue ha.rdship and be to the best public interest. Adopted this 10th day of October, 1967. Otto Haase Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson · Clerk The following resolution wa~ adopted: . . R)!:SOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Ninnesota, . ' . BE I'!' RESOLVED, That the Chairman and the Auditor are hereby authorized. and directed for and on behalf of the County of Otter Tail to execute and ~nter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways for the removal of. snow from particular portions or all of the rojids and highways under the ,jurisdiction of the County of. Otter 'I'ail all on the terms and conditions contained and set forth in 11Stat.e of Minnesota, Department of Highways Maintenance Section Snow Removal Agreement Form No. 111 , a copy of whi.ch said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all.of.the con- tractual obligations therein contain~d. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Wendell P. Huber, the County Highway Engineer of said County of Otter Tail, be an he hereby is authorized to request and order from time to time men and equipment for the removal of snow in accordance with and under the terms of the foregoing contract. Adopted this 10th day of October, 1967. Otto Haase Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk TO '!'HE COUNTY AUDITOR OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA: We, the undersigned majority of the County Board of said county hereby certify that we have examined the road work done by: 1. John Dieseth Company 2. K-B-V, Inc. 3. Marvin E. Lund 4. Stan Morrill, Inc. 5. Marvin E. Lund 6. Mark Sand & Gravel Company Mahnomen Construction Company 7. 8. 9. II Fergus Falls, Minnesota Hastings·, Minnesota GlEl'lwood, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Glenwood, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Mahnomen, Minnesota II II on that certain road described as follows: 1. S.A.P. 56-615-05 C.P. 66:114 2. S.P. 56-622-01 & S.A.P 56-622-02 J. S.A.P.56-677-01) S.A.P.56-677-02) 4. S.A.P.56-611-04 5. S.A.P.56-660-03 S.A.P.56-651-04 6. C.P. 67:01 Gorman 7. C.P. 67:01 Girard 8. C.P. 67: 50 BM C.P. 67:74 BM 9. C.P. 67:SS Grading & Graveling CSAH #15 -S. Jct. of C.H. #114 & N.E. to Utter Tai.l River. Grading~ Graveling C.H. #114, N. Jct. of C.H. #114 & CSAH #15, and South 1.6 Mile. Grade & Gravel Surface CSAH #22 between CSAH #3 and CSAH #35 Grading & Gravel Wearing Course CSAH #77 between T.H. #29 & T.H. #10 in Bluffton. Grading & Gravel Wearing Course CSAH #11 between Jct. CSAH #21 & #11 West and North. · Grading & Graveling CSAH #60 between T.H. #10 at Luce & Jet. CSAH #51 Grading & Graveling CSAH #51 -Jct. CSAH #60 South 0.263 Mi. Road Mix Bituminois Surface Twp. Road -Jct. of CSAH #51 and East 1.47 Mi. Road Mix Bituminous Surface Twp. Road -Jct. of CSAH #5 & Jct. CSAH #16. Road Mix Bituminous Surface CSAH #50 fran 4.2 Mi. W. of T.H. #106 to T.H. #106. Road Mix Bituminous Surface CSAH #74 fran Jct. CSAH #35 to #1 Sand Seal -Lounty Wide~ together with contract for the same and that we find said work has been pro,erly done and performed according to sai.d contract. Dated this 10th day of October, 1967. James Bucholz Sam ~yclclanoe Otto Haase Harvev Morrill Attest: S. B. Johnsori County Auditor I I _, 10 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. Q.c.tgJ;u:r .. lQ .......................................... 19 .. 67 .. • rcnm·,111n■c·co■P1■1;-1T;ca:ou1;111.-N":'""G- RESOLUTION BY THE BOAfiD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUN1'Y, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED, that the Coounissioner of Highways be and he hereby is authorized and re(llle sted to take such steps and perform such acts on behalf of the l-ounty of Otter Tail as ray be necessary to have the construction and improve- ment of the roads hereinafter described properly approved by the Commissioner of Highways as a Federal-Aid Secondary Pro- ject eleigible for the expenditure of federal funds thereon and eligible for present construction and the letting of a con- tract therefor. Road No. 11 15 21 22 28 51 56 60 70 75 76 77 85 Location 6 Mi. W, of llizabeth fran CSAH 10 &. S. 5 Mi. 2,5 ~ii. W, of Fergus Falls from Otter Tail River to CSAH 2 approx. 9 Mi. SW of Pel, Rapids, from • 2 Mi. N. of Jct, 21 & 28 to N. Co, Line 7 Mi, N, of Fergus Falls, Jct, of CSAH 27 to CSAH 3 from poirt 9 Mi. SW of Pelican Rapids, CSAH 21 to T .H. 59 4, 5 mi. N. of Perham, Jct of CSAH 60 and S. 6,26 Mi. N. Limits of New York Mills & E 4,5 Mi. T.H, 10 at Luce & Jct, CSAH 51 from CSAH 75 to E. Co, Line 5 Mi. \~. of Sebeka fran Jct. of CSAH 8 to N. l-o, Line Jct, T.H. 10, 2 Mi. SE of New York Mills and E. to CSAH 75 Village of Bluffton & SE to 'f .H. 29 4,5 Mi. W, of Dent from T,H, 108 & N. ,3.2 Mi. CSAH .35 TOTALS Adopted this 10th day of October, 1967, Attest: /S/S. B. Johnson Clerk Grade & Gravel 6.0 1.0 6.5 .3,2 .16.7 Bitu- minous 5.0 7,2 7,8 6.0 6,75 0.26 4,75 .3, 5 1.0 6.5 7,5 -2,7 3,2 62.16 /S/ Otto Haase Chairman Est. Cost of Project Grade & Gravel 130,000 15,000 108,CCO 52,coo 305,coo Bitu- ~ 75,CCO 112,000 125,coo 95,0CO 100,ooc 4,000 10,coo 50,CCO 16,COO 100,coo 120,000 40,000 45,CCO 952,COO Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10:CO A,M, October 11, 1967. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Boardnet at 10 o'clock A.M. October 11, 1967, all members present. A petition of Bennie Honrud asking t.o have the W! of Section 19, 'l'ownship 1.35 -Range 43 S!lt off from District #1537 to District #548 was t. aken up for final action. After listening to the s tat.ements of interest,ed parties, the Board issued the following order to-wit: · Order setting Off Legal Voter from One School District Another. WHEREAS, the petition of Bennie Honrud, a legal voter, freeholder and resida:it of School District No, 15.37 in this l-ounty, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, wM.ch are situate in said S9hool lJistrict, and adjoin School District No, 548 and askirg that he with hj_s said 1 ands ll!ly be set off fran said district No. 1537 to said adjoining school district No. 548 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of thi. s County at a session of said board held on the 13th day of September A.D., 1967 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of ~aid board on the 11th day·of Uctober A,D., 1967 at the County Auditor's.office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order.that notice of the time and rlace of such rearing be given by postin17 copjes of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petj tion, a,d by mailing to the elerk of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appoi rt ed for s1,1cJ:t hearinr.; a-id whereas at the said session of the'said Board of County Commissioners on said ll.th day of October, A.D,, 1967 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior. to sajd last named Elate, having been made and filed, said petition~s publiclyread and considered by the Board, ~Ii.th everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and sajd Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petjtioner and the following des~ribed. lands Oiined by· him, to-\;iit: Wi of Section 19, ·iown~hip 1?5, Range 43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 15.37 to said adjoining School District ~o, 548 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named Scha:il. District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 11th day of October A.D., 1967, (Audit.or's Seal) Otto Haase Chairman of the tloard of '-ounty Commissioners of Otter '!'ail County, Mi:,n. Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board The application of Norbert Heltemes asking that the SE! of the Sli! and the SE¾ of Section 5-1.35-.36 be set off from District #1489 to District #55.3 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the interested parties and upon due consideration, the petition was rejected, COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. October .11 ............................................. 19.67 .. . HCUllff PlllflH CO■PAll'Y, IT,CLOUD,IIINH. G':2309 A plat of First Addition to Freeman Beach located in Lot 4 Section 31 Township l35 Range 40 accompanied by an opi ni.on as to title executed by M. J. Daly:, Attorney at L:aw, was ~pproved, A pl~t of Crystal hills Fourth Addition located in Government Lots 8 and 9 of Section 2, 'l'ownship 136, Range 42, accompanied. by an opinion as to title executed by W.-B, Dosland, Attorney at Law, was approved. A pl~t of l!.cho Ranch Riviera located in Governme,t Lot 3, 4 and 5 of Section 5, 1'ownship 134, Range 39 accompanied by an opinion ~s to title executed by W. B. Dosland, Attorney at Law, showing a first mortgage on the property in the sum of $94,984,47 i.s held by the Merchants National Bank and Trust Company of Fargo, North Dakota, was approved, The application of "'lice G, Lund for homestead claf!s~fic.ation on Lot 9, Block 1, Blowers First AddHiol'! to New York Mills was :approved. The ~ollowing applications were read and approved: Lester Nelson W. s: & W. R. Johnson J. Archer Eggen M, J. 1-lalsh M. J. \-Jalsh Henry '1'horeson Edward Prescher Edward L, Fiedler Clement J. Schmitz John 1'. Seeba Maurice J. Ness Lots 26 and 27, Mike I s Wall Lake Beach Tract in Lot 4, Sec. 19, Tow ship 132, Range 42 Lots 1, 2, 3, Girard Bch. 'Lot 7 of Siibd. 'of Lots 1, JJlock 3 Crystal-Lida Bchs. Lot 6 of Subd, of Lot 1, Bbck 3, Crystal-Lida Bchs. NW¼ SW¼ of Sec. 5 Township of Folden • 2 of acre of Lot 3, Sec. 31 'l"ownship of Otter Tail NEly 80 ft. of Lot 2, First Add'n to Longview Small tract in Lot 6, Sec, 21 Hobart 'l'ownship Tract in Sec, 34, Township of Friberg Lots 1 and 2, Lakewood Add' n to· Fergus Falls, Aurdal Township Lots over-valued Guest House over-valued. Part built in Aug •. 1966 · charged ,on Jan. 2n~ assessment Shallow lot over-valued, Shallow lot over-v~lued, Too mucl• tillable iand assessed, Over assessed, Unimproved lot assessed as improved. Over assessed for unfinished building No depreciation allowed for condition of buildi.ng. Error in fron foot value The following applications were considered and upon motion they were recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval: Lloyd Penrose Levi A. Olson Morris Stoen Young Life of Canada Henry Kawlewski _Adolph D. & llla D. Skalin Walter C. Shol Lots 11 and 12, Block 40 Lakeview Adn. to Parkers Prairie N½ of Lot 10 and of Lot 11, Block 5, Original Plat, Underwood Village NW¼ of NE¼ and Lot 1, Sec. 10, Norwegian Grove Personal Property s½ of SW¼ Section 10 Dead Lake To1,mship Tract in Section 2, 1'own of Pemam Tract in SEi of SW¼ Sec, 35, 'l'ownship of Friberg Assessed for extras not included in home. Property over-vamued. Sandy land over-valued. Assessed to tax exempt organization for the year 1966. Two houses on place- old house over-valued Garage assessed to this property which belongs on neighbor's lot. Structures v,,1ued too high for age and condition. Sheriff Carlton E. Mortensen appeared before the Board regarding activati.ng the Sheriff Contingent Fund. As this fund at the present time has over $2,000.00 to his credit, no further appropriation was made a~ this time, The Board of County Commissioners having previously agreed to meet with the opponents of County Zoning and Planning at 2:CO P.M. on Uctober 11th met in the Court Room and allq>ponents to zoning and planning were given an opportunity to 'speak and give their reasons for opposing. 1~o other action was taken. · The following bills were allowed: Carlton Mortensen Carlton ~,ortensen Sidney Nelsoo Glen l'i, Melby James LeHoy Don Lee "ames 0 ucholz Bennie J, Johnson Otto 11aase Utto 11aase Sam 1'ycklemoe James 0 ucholz Bennie J. Johnson Boarding Prisoners Mfleage Mileage&. expenses II II II II II II Mileage II II II II II " " " " " " " " II " Attd. meet. in St. " " " II Pat:1 II $1301.00 187,80 249.75 285,45 336.05 11.09 55,50 47-50 37.80 44-50 29.00 31.74 28.74 ~ 11 12 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IICllliln'-PliliiTii"I COIIPANT, H.CLOUD,IIINN. G- Harvey Morrill Sam l~ycklemoe Ff.ank Alstadt Frank Alstadt Otto Haase Otto Haase Floyd Hoff Floyd Hoff Bernard Palubicki Bernard Palubicki Walter Sundberg Thomas R. Beaman Ila Skalin Duane Donley Dennis Greenwaldt Ed Skoglund Mac Tobkin Jeff H. Tikkanen l•lrs. Laura E. Hotchkiss Ambrose A. Klinnert Thomas 0. Nelson Co. Kenneth Clambey Frank Roberts Eugene Davenport Harris W. Iverson Anton N. Glesne Vernon E. Bachman Mable Rossow City of Fergus Falls Eleanor Leidal Charles E, Johnson Agency Ebersviller lmplement Co. Edling Electric, Inc. Wm. Galena & Son Gust Lagerquist & Sons, Inc. Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. Otter Tail Grocery Co, C. W, \,"eislander Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Edling Electric, Inc. Gihobe-Gazette Printiug Co. The Photo Center Sargent Sowell Inc. Al's Skelley Station Consumer Oil Co. Fanners Co-op Creamery l•,arv's 66 Nundahl Oil Mayo I s Standard Service Perham Co-operative Oil Co. Standard Service Station, N,Y.M. International 1"'arvester Jim Larson Ford Olson Ruta Electric Wendell P. liuber, Co. E.ng. Mrs, Alfred Johnson ~Jestern Union John B. Halvorson Don Lee Gary Ludwig E. J, Wilson, ~heriff Bigler & Bigler Clinic Hori.er J. Carlson, ~,. D. Addressograph Multigraph Corp. Cooper's Office Supply Cooper's Office Supply Cooper's Office Supply Dacotah Paper Co. Davenpcr t1 s Stationery Miller-Davis Company Nelson Bros, Prtg. Co. Otter Tail'Grocery Co. Panama Carbon Company The Pierce Company R, L. Polk & Co. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co, Security Blank Gook & Printing Co, State of M1lll'l. Dept. of Adm. State of Minn. Dept. of Adm. Victor Lundeen ·& Company ' Xerox Corporation Xerox Corporation I. B. H. Corporation S. C. ~,. Corporation Vernon E, Bachman Carlton Ii.. 1',ortensen Helen L, Skramsted Amor Landscaping Harvey Marill · BjprgooRep air·Shop Edgetown Lumber Co, Sigelman Hide l,, Fur Co. DATE ............ Ootoba;r.-.Jd-............................................... 19 .. §.? .. Attd, Regional Comm. mtg. Attd. Tax Mtg. in St. Paul Attd, Planning Commission Serv. E.O,T. Soil '-ans. Dist, II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II. II II II II II II II 11"11 II II II II II II Rent for W.O.T. Soil Cons. office Sal'y & Exp. Weed lnsp. II II II II II Expenses & mileage II II II Extra helj) Co. Assessor's office Mileage & expenses II II II Court costs II II II II Supplies Services Supplies for boiler Quarterly exam service Checking air-conditioner ·Janitor supplies Repair blinds Calls Calls for Sheriff Services for Sheriff Fonns Supplies for Sheriff Gas 11 & oil II II II II II II II Gas & Oil Gas II II II Repairs for Sheriff II II ~:aking signs Labor for painting 1'el.egram Subsistence pay II II Extra night work Serving citation Coroner's fees II II Ribbons Supplies II II II II II II Carbon paper Supplies Directories Supplies II 1967 Session Laws School bus contract Supplies II II Maintenance II postage II Gravel for Phelps Mill Expenses for Phelps Mill Supplies for Phelps ~all •II II $ 12.50 28,74 16.00 25.10 7,50 9.60 10.00 10.00 16,75 31.25 10.00 56.00 94,50 22.96 33.00 45.15 13,80 28.95 181.44 110.40 65.co 325.09 318.20 64,48 62."44 389.27 13.68 37,55 381.60 28,40 20.00 ,48 18.12 146.80 38,00 5,50 58.20 12.66 70,33 1!5.25 45,28 8,55 20,70 19.16 1,90 52,74 7,34 6.02 27.73 67.88 82.64 32,47 11.44 5.00 13.73 69,56 93,00 7,09 28,50 37,50 60.00 2,30 27,35 25.25 22.53 3,45 47,40 16.62 15.75 15.28 241.16 125,45 8.15 21.61 14.20 115.cc 80.16 88.67 15.00 3,60 1063.39 121,,56 42,50 47,98 55.00 15.oc 30.00 25,00 15.00 70.60 23.87 36,43 46.62 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 11:CURITT P■INTIIID CONPAN,. 11,CL0UD.IIINN. G• Village of Pepham l'iyrtle E., Logas Myrtle E. Logas Ernest E.rlandson National 1' ound ry Co. Battle Lake Review Fergus Falls Daily Journal Carolyn Helgeson Mrs. Dorothy Johnson Lorna McCabe Lucille Helfter Dennis Fjestad Carolyn Helgeson Lucille Helfter E.O. T. 'l'elephone Co. Village of Per-ham Cooper's Office Supply Merch & Company, Inc. Secretarial Service Carolyn Helgeson Stephanie Jokela Veery E. Ryder •·•rs. Alva Helmrichs Mrs, R. H. Jedlund hrs. Charles W. Lewis Mrs. Ed Skoglund t••rs. Philip Wicklund Mrs. Dannette.Anthony Lovie Bonnann • Ruth E. Braun H. harcella Jernigan ~lrs. Dorothy Jorgenson Evelyn Leth Pearl ~iarie Ronning Mrs. Singual Ronning 1'irs. Earl Sonmor hrs. Elaine Winkels Philip M. Kjaglien Rachel J. Estrem Philip h. Kjaglien N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Straub Company Public Utilities Dept. R. L, Polk·& Company Artz Camera Supply Coopers Office Supply Fergus Hardware Secretarial Service Victor Lundeen & Co. Andy's 66 l\undahl Oil Otter Tail Co-op Oils Rolfson Riverside Resort Twins Motor Co, West Central Airways Inc. Wendell P. Huber, Co. Eng. James Bucholz Otto Haase Leon L. Adcock, M.D. Geo, 'l'. Ryan Co. Sa.as Oil Co. Bertelson \1'elding l!.bersviller Implement Fergus Dodge, Inc. International Harvester Co. Paul Kotz Lykken's Inc. A. R. Meier Olson Auto Electric Smokey's Machine Shop Super G. M. C. 'l'ruck Sales Uselman Electric, Inc. Vaughn Chevrolet Co. Vergas ~•otor Service Armco Metal Prod, Co. Viking Steel Products, Inc. Elk River Concrete Prod. Co. Northwestern Refining ~o. The Zeco. Company A. J. Gerrard Co. Phoell Mfg. Co. Minn. 1-'iining & Mfg. Co. Fergus Ready ~lix Cone. Co. Harvey W. Nelson Melvin McGowan K-B-V, Inc. Coast to Coast Henning General Trading Co. Genuine Parts Co. Hall' s Hardware Henry Holmgren DATE ............... Oc tober ll ............................................ 19 .. 6.?.. Rent for Co. Agent Exp. att'd dist. Cl. of Ct. mtg. Dri v. license commissions Janitor work Surveyor monuments Publishing B & W Safe. Enf. Revenue Printing Mileage II II II II & Expenses II II Exp. att'd convention 1,111 11 II Service &, Calls Rent for Co. Nurse Supplies Manual Booklets Postage II Box rent & Postage Att1d Nurs. F,d, meeting II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Mileage Home Health Aid Mileage & expenses II II II II II II II Postage, mce, rental & conference dues C~ls & service Rent· Utilities Listing Supplies II II . Fonns Supplies Charge battery Gas & Oil II II II II II II II II II Repairs Making signs Appraising Tax Forfeited Land II II Care of T. B, patient Parts Repairs Repairs Culvert II II Asphalt Supplies II II Concrete Eq, Rental Seeding Gravel Supplies II .II II II $ 60.00 18.1,5 · 14.35 250.00 427,50 41.70 22.60 202.90 85,95 46,95 90.75 146,51 J6.90 30,54 Jl.06 JO.Cf/ 35.00 8.70 7,90 31.30 5,00 1.30 3.50 7,35 3,00 4.95 8,25 3,75 27,45 18.00 34.20 1.05 42.75 26.78 18.00 4.80 34.20 4,28 lll,.15 5,25 16.00 28.J6 50.00 4.38 ·5.co 76.0C 13;75~ .88 15.70 27.34 1.50 32,00 5.23 156.09 40,31 15.82 23,21 52.35 35,00 15.00 38.58 5,50 9.00 181.25 8,25 129.83 11.50 9,27 30.25 45.85 236.24 30,44 3.00 5,70 18,47 1081.80 1153,92 60.96 742,07 752.30 35,85 83,43 542.50 139.05 500. 50 1392.:,5 1880.C/7 30,94 287.17 58.18 127.51 3.75 14 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCUltlTT PAl■IUII COIIPANI, ST,CLOUD,lll■N, G:aGI National Bushing & Parts Olson Hdwe, & :Plumbing Perham Farm Supply Co, Texaco, Inc. ~.F. Welders Equipment kilcox Lumber Co., Vergas Doc Is 'l'ire ::iervice Hrestone Tire & Rubber Co. Northwood Specialty Co, Fanners Co-op ~levator Co., F.F. Fanners Union G, T .A., B.L. Village of Henning City of Fergus Falls City Eng. Railway E.xpress Agency, F.F. Fergus Journal Co. Minnesota Department of Highways ~lpls. Blue Printing Co, Photo Center, ·Inc. Davenport's Stationery Victor Lundeen & Co, East Otter Tail Telephone Co. N,W. Bell. Teiephone Co., Wadena Park Region Mutual 'I'ele. Co, Pelican Telephone Co, N. W. Bell Telephone Co., F.F. Midwest Telephone Co. N.l~. Bell Telephone Co., F.F. Wendell P. Hulier G. D. Harlow · Wendell P. Huber Andy's 66 Service Andy's 66 Service Consumer's co..:op Oil Co., Henning Farmers Co-op Cry. Ass•n., D.C. Fossen Oil Cornpany Farmer·s Co-op ·cry. Ass I h. D .C. Frazee 'l'exaco ·serv. P.R. Gene's Standard Service N.Y.M. Henning DX Service John's q_o Service Miller's Gulf Service Nundahl Oil Co. S & F Oil Company Soliah & Braatz Oil Co. Twin I s Motor Co, Underwood Lakeside Service Vergas Oil Co." Vergas Oil Company D-A Lubricant ·co., Inc. Mayo's Standard Service, F.F. DATE..........October. 11 ............................................ 19.67 .. Suppli!js II II II II Tires II Stakes Seed Garage rental & electric current Maintenance Express:, Ad Services Suppli~s II II Service & tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Expense Cash advanced Gasoline II II Gas, et.c. II II II II G"soline Gas, etc. Gasoline II II Gas, etc. Gasoline, etc. Gas, etc. Gasoline Gas, etc. Gasoline, etc, Oil Gasoline Upon motion ttie Board then adjourned to 10:CO o'clock A.M., November 7, 1967. Att,n, ~ Clerk .' Chairman MINUTES OF ADJQJ RNED MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOI'A $ 15,00 1.86 22.15 52.20 9,95 J,CO 291.28 9.15 179,50 1260.60 llJJ.15 362.76 561.25 33.16 21.60 10.35 61.54 4,18 5,99 38,42 21.50 11.44 16.20 13,36 16.48 ll.C6 82.67 302.20 232.88 15.17 193.08 280,30 54,41 132.60 122.26 59.51 202.54 16.26 43,54 41.21 59.12 174.44 1374.06 56.99 15,40 39-38 81.97 103.52 146.85 75. 50 Pursuant to adjournment the Board mel at 10 o'clock A .M., November 7, 1967, all members being present. Weed Inspectors Frank Roberts and Kenneth Clambey appeared before the Board and reported on week in- spection activities during the past summer • . The Board having previously advertised for bids for two snow plo11s and wings and one wing, proceeded to open bids, .which were found lo be as follows: Little F,alls Kachinery Co. Hall Equiµnent Co. 2 Sl'D w plows and wings One wing Bid on only 2 snow rlows at No bid on wings. $1920.00 each 1075.CO 1170.00 each After consideration the Board accepted the bid of the Little Falls Machinery Co., by unanimous action for two snow plows and wings at $1920.00 each and one wirig at $1075. A motion was made, seconded and carried that the CountyAttomey appear and appose the district rourt action brought by Conrad hagstrom to vacate a part of road back of Lots 9 and 10 Hagstrom's Beach, Second Addi ti on. Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried the County Audi tor was authorized to pay the sum of $8CO to liast Utter Tail County Smil Conservation District, and also to the West Otter Tail County Soil Conservation District. COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. November 7 .................................. 19.6.7. .. HCURITT PIIIIJINI CDIIPAaY, ST,CLOUD,IIINN. G": point The County Engineer was authorized to make a survey and study of County State Aid Highway SCAH #1 frqn a North of the Corner Store a distance of about one mile. The Chairman and lhe County Auditor were autl:orized to sign an agreement with the Viliag~ 0ffj cials of Pelican Rapids for improvement of County State Aid Highway #lCO passing through the Village. clerk hire. Upon motion made, seconded and carrie~, an additional sum of $600. CC was granted the County Assessor for License for Off and Un sale of non-i~toxicating malt liquor was granted to Paul C. Anderson at Perry's Place, '!'own of Dora. Dance license was granted to Paul C. Anderson at Perry's Place, Town of Dora. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLV1D by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter '!'ail Co, nty, Minnesota, THAT, Clarence Mielke be paid the sum of $325.CC for preparing and caring for the Otter Tai:j. C9unty exhibit at the Minnesota State Fair, this being the amount of the premium earned on this exhibit. Adopted this 7th day ~f November, 1967. /s/Otto haase Chairman Attest: __ __./~S~/~S~·--=B~·~J~o~hn=s~o~n ____ _ Clerk TO THE COUNTY AUDI'l'OH OF O'l''l'ER TAIL COUNTY, MINNES~A: We, the urrlersigned majority of the County Board of said county hereby certify that we have examined the road work done by 1. Traffic !1,arking Services Buffalo, Minnesot a Barrett, Minnesota Starbuck, Minnesota Starbuck, Minnesota Clarissa, Minnesota 2. Ed Zimmennan J. Ralph Stewart 4. Ralph Stewart 5. Bain Bros. & Don Dahlman lnver Grove Heights, 1'1innesota 6. Bituminous Surface Treating Co. on that certain road described as follows: l.· C.P. 67 C.S. 2. S.A.P. 56-647-03 J. S.A.P. 56-656-02 S.A.P. 56-656-0J 4. S.A.P. 56-657-01 S.A.P. 56-606-01 5. S,A,P. 56-676-01 6. S.P. 56-659-08 S.P. 56-668-02 S.P. 56-675-10 S.P. 56-675-11 Center Striping County Wide Grading & Graveling CSAH #47 fran jct. of CSAH #12 -N, 4,500 Mi. Grading & Graveling CSAH #56 fran jct. of CSAH #67 to E. Corp. Limits of New York Mills Gradirg & Graveling CSAH #56 from NE corner of Corp. Limits of New York Mills -E. approx. 2. 5 Mi. Grading.& Graveling CSAH #57 fran jct. of CSAH #6 -N. 2.879 Mi. Grading&. Graveling CSAH #6 from 550 ft. W. to 900 ft. E. of jct. of CSAH #57 Grading & Graveling CSAH #76 from jct. of T.H. #10 -E. to jct. of CSAH #19. CSAH #59 between CSAH #6 and CSAH #40 CSAH #68 between CSAH #75 and E. Co. Line CSAH #75 between T .H. #210 and CSAH #50 CSAH #75 between CSAH #76 and CSAH #8 Gravel Base, Road-Mixed Bit. Surface & Aggr. 6houlcjering. together with contract for the same and that we find said work has been properly Dione and performed accordinp. to said contract. Dated this 7th day of November 1967. Attest: /S/ S. B. Johnson County Auditor /S/ James Bucholz /S/ Bennie J. Johnson /S/ Sam Nycklemoe /sf Otto Haase /S/ Harvey Morrill RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD CF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Highways be and he hereby is ~uthonized and requested to take such steps and per-fonn such acts on behalf of the County of Otter Tail asnay be necessary to have the caistruction arrl improvement of the roads hereinafter d escribed properly approved by lhe Commissioner of Highways as a Federal-Aid Secondary Project eligible for the expenditure of federal funds thereon and eligible for present construction and the letting of a contract therefor. ~ 15 :1 ,, ,. 1/ jJ 16 Road No. 26 49 Attest: COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... ..!'fo.!Cemher ... 7. .............................................. 19.A?.. Location 12 Mi. S. of Fergus Falls from CSAH #1 E. to T.H. #59 from CSAH #14 to l~orth Corporate Limits of Richville Totals Adopted this 7th day of November, 1967. ~ 5.0 Bituminous 0.5 Bituminous 5.5 /S/ Otto Haase Chainnan Est. Cost of Project 90,COO 9,000 /S/ s. B. Johnson Clerk Upon motion the Board then agjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. November 8, 1967. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Boardrret at 10 o'clock A.M. November 8, 1967, all members present. A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District 1426 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said resolution be held at 10 o'clock A.M. on December 6, 1967 in the Commissioner's room in the Court House, and that due notice of the time and place be given as reouired by law. Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried the ~ounty Auditor was acthorized to levy for the Public Employees Retirement Association the amount required by law. The (,ounty Board approved the personal policies of the Otter Tail Cc:mnty Public Healtj, Nursing Service Staff as corrected by the Board. Upon motion the Public Health Nursing Office was authorized to make use of the Public Health ·Nursing clerk at Perham for stenographic work for one day a week, but not to exceed five days per month, in emergencies only. The County Board arranged for a special neeting of the Board to be ~eld at 10 o'clock A .M. December "0th for consideration of the Planning and Zo•ning Urdinance. The followinf applications for correction of assessment were granted by the Board: Julius B. Lokken, SWt SE¾, S} SW¼ and NE/; SW:,; Sec. 22 Town of Folden, log house and machine shed over-valued; A~ois Gerber, S 2 rods of Sec. 2 Dead Lake, assessed as having lake frontage but. does not touch the lake. The application of Raymond Umlauf ·for ¼ homestead ·on SWt Sec. 8 Town of Carlisle was approved. The following applications ·for correction of assessment were considered, and upon motion they-.ere recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval: '"atcliff Gravels, Inc., Ni W½ SW,!-ex. tracts, Sec. 31 'l"own of Aurdal, excessive assessment f~r grav:el pit. Henry~ •• Veldey, N½ SE¼ E of Highway ·#94 except tract, in Sec. 5 Town of Buse, excessive acr~ap,e assessed; Eldon J. Thompson, NWt SWt s½ NEt and NW¾ SEt ex. tr. to U.S.A. Sec. 6 l'lorwegian Grove, assessed for 15 acres too much tillable land. A plat of Rabe' s Crystal Beach located in Lots 5 and 7 in Section 10 1'own of Lida, accompa••ied by an ·opinion as to title executed by 11enry Polkinghorn, attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Echo Hanc'1 Riviera, First Addition, located in Lot 1 of Section 8 and SE¾ SEt Sec. 5 T01•mship 134 Range 39, accompanied by an opinion as to title excecuted by i'I. B. Dosland, attorney-at-law, was approved. Upon motion made, seconded and carried Frank Roberts and Kenneth Clambey were appointed Weed Inspectors for the year 1968. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS this Board has heretofore contracted with Marvin E. Lund for grading and gravelling S. A. P, 56-660-03 and S.A.p. 56-651-04 and the same havine been completed tothe satisfaction of the County Board and WHEREAS they hcving filed with the County Auditor their certificate of accept.ance. NOW, 1'HE.REFORE, I1' IS ORDERE.D thE!t a check in the amount of $3444.80 be issued as final paymmt on this contract to Marvin E. Lund. Adopted this 8th day of November, 1967. /s/ Otto Haase Chainnan Attest: /S/ s. B. Johnson Clerk COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ November .. 8 .............................................. 19 .. 67. HCHIT'f P■l■rlNI COIIPANf. Sf.CLOUD ■INN, Q':2300 The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County COll'.missioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS this Board has heretofore contracted with Traffic Marking ,-Service, Inc. for County wide c·enter striping and t~e same having been completed to the satisfaction of the County Board an:! ~:HE.ltEAS they having filed with the County Auditor their certificate of acceptance, NOi-;, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED thaL a check in the amount of $1394.40 be issued to Traffic harking Service, Inc. as final payment on this contract. Adopt:ed this 8th day of November, 1967. (5( Otto Haase Chainnan Attest: /S/ S. B. Johnson Clerk The following resolution~as adopted: RESOLVl!.D by the Board of County Commissioners of Ot.ter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS this Board has heretofore contracted with }!ahonomen Construction Company for road mix bituminous surfacing on C.S.A.H. #50 and #74 and the same having been completed to the satisfaction cf the County Board, and WHEREAS they having filed with thel.ounty Auditor their certificate of acceptance, NOW, THERhFORI!., l'l' IS ORDERED that a check in the amount of $4105.78 be issued to },ahnomen Construction Comrany as final payment on this contract. Adopted this 8th day of November, 1967. /S/ Otto "aase :A:ttest: /S/ S, B. Johnson Clerk The following resolution was adopted; WHEREAS this board has heretofore contracted with the Mahnomen Construction Co, for road m:ix, bituminous surfacing on C. P. 67: 018 Girard 'l'ownship road, and WHEREAS the same has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board, and they having file~ their certificate of ceceptance with the County Auditor, NOW THEREFORE, BE· IT ORDERED that a check on the Road and Bridge Furid in the sum of $2364.67 be issued to Mahnomen Construction Co. as final payment of said contract, Dated November 8, 1967. /S/ Otto Haase "hainnan /S/ S, B: Johnson Clerk Tpe following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissione s of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT·itobert Hink is hereby authorized to repurchase Lots 18 through 21 in Block 1 of Hamlin's Addition to the Village of ·Pelican Rapids, s~id lots having been forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes for the year 1960 and subsequent years; permission to do so will relieve undue hardship and be to the best public _interest. Adopted this 8th day of November, 1967. /S/ OttoHaase Chairman Attest: /S/ S. B. Johnson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RE.50LVE.D by th'e Board of County Commissioners of Otter 'l'ail County, Minnesota, THAT'Edward J. and Shirley ~lard are hereby authorized to re-purchase Lot 4 Block 13 Stabeck's Addition to the Village of C,litherall, said lots having been forfeit,d to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes: Permission to do so will relieve undue hardship, and be to the best public interest, Adopted November 8, 1967, /S/ Otto Haase Cha:i.nnan Attest: /S/ S. B. Johnson Clerk l I, p ·111 11 '1 I I I ii L ;, : ,, I I; Ii Ii ,I J' 18 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q,· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... 1\1.ovember .. 8 ........................................... 1967 .. . HCURIIY PRlll1IIIO CO■PA■T, H,CLOUD,IIINN, o:_ The following bills were allowed: Carlton Mortensen Carlton Mortensen Carlton E, ~'ortensen Sidney Nelson Glen 1-1. Melby James LeRoy Don Lee James Bucholz Utto "aase Benr,ie J. Johnson Sam l~ycklemoe Havvey W. 1·,orrill Lee Fullerton Ila Skalin Duane Donley Dennis Greenwaldt Edwin Skoglund Jeff H. Tikkanen Mac !l!obkin ~•rs, Laura E, Hotchkiss Ambrose A. ~linnert Arnold E.vavold Theo, Hegseth Homer M. Sem Harold Skistad ~-;el Trosvik Thou.as O. Nelson l.o. Kenneth l.lambey Frank Roberts ~ugene Davenport Harris W. lverson Anton N. Glesne Harlan L. Nelson Vernon l!., Backman i,able rlossow l.ity of Fergus Falls Fergus Hardware General IDr,ading Co, Northwestern Bell Telephone Co, '~orthwestern Bell 'l'elephone Co. Carpenter's Criminal Research Prod. DeL Chenical Corp Everson-Ross Everson-Ross Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Gamble Store, F.F. Johnson Service Co. The Photo Center J. C. Penney Co. Reuben Klein Motor Dave's Standard Imsande Standard Iiundahl Oil Otter Tail Co-op Oil v.estern Union John B. Halvorson Don Lee Ray Loomer Marvin Peterson 1.',erlin Reiman E.dward Rolandson E.sther Mortensen Emmons Christopher Kermit Hedman Adolph S. Ulson Donald J. Omodt Duane H. Lindgren Lloyd S. Stensrud Lake Region liaspital Lewis E., Struthers, M.D. City Pharmacy l.ity Pharmacy \~hil.e Drug Addressograph--1·.ultigraph Corp. Addressograph-1-\ultigraph Corp. An,erican Guidance Service Inc. Davepport's Stationery Davenport• s Stationer~· J0 hnson Repair Shop Miller-Davis Con.pany Nelson Br~s. Printing Co. The Photo Center Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Victor Lundeen & l.ompany Xerox Corporation Gaffaney's Vernon E. Bachman Myrtle Logas Carlton l!.. Mortensen Helen E.. Skramsted Boarding Prisoners Expenses Mjleage & expenses Viewing Roads Planning & Zoning Adm. Exp. E..O.T. Smil & Water Cons. Dist. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II w II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I I II II Rent for Soil Cons1 office. l~ileage & Serv. \foed lnsp. II Expenses Expenses & Mileage Extra help l.o, Assessor's office Expenses advanced · Mileage &. expenses II II II Court costs Supplies -. janitor II II Calls Calls for Sheriff Supplies Fingerprint supplies Supplies for jail Name plates &. badges Badges Supplies for jail II II II Thermostats Supplies for Sheriff Sheets, to~.-els & cases for jail Labor & parts Gas&. Oil !I II II II II II Telegram Subsistence pay II II Relief jailer Relief jailer Sp. Dep. fees & mileage One day's work Matron's fees Serving citations II II II II II II Witness fees II II Coroners autopsy Coroner's fees Care of prisoner II II II II Addressograph machine Ribbons 1'ests Supplies Index cards Supplies II II II II Services Service ~laintenance Postage & envelopes Postage II $ 9oc.50 138.08 + 147,64 181.00 148.40 258.40 274,60 30.01 38.78 36.80 27.25 27.50 10.00 73,43 250,50 25.44 18.CO 13.05 22.95 20.70 211.68 404.80 86.40 53-70 78.15 23.70 19.20 65.co 131.77 248.25 120.24 81.60 368.05 28.40 22.73 50,47 215.CO 4,62 10.70 51.87 101.33 9,95 16-;-65 52.83 81.99 ·9,-78 252.32 3.24 815.oc 18.20 32.80 : 15.62 38,44 22.89 31. 55 10.75 1.34 39,00 27.00. 36.00 60.00 37,40 12.00 5.co 2.00 4.00 6.30 3.56 13,!!4 3,30 100.00 26,CO 11.45 14.80 11.~0 7922.10 33.57 15,30 20.51 1.95 3-98 6.55 381.40 9.80 rn. 50 268.74 42,50 25.00 90.40 80.00 20.25 63.50 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 11cu1un Pll■TINI COIIPANY, SJ.CLOUD IIINN, G-2309 Edgetown Lumber Co. Jaeger Decorating Center Swanson 1!.quipment Swt.dberg Floral Village of Perham Myrtle I!.. Logas Fergus Falls Daily Journal Perham-1!.nterprise Bulletin Lampert Lumber C.:o. Park Region 11atchery er. Mill Carolyn Helgeson Lucille 1-lelfter Dorothy Johnson Lorna l·lcC.:abe Veef;y E. Hyder Donnis r'jestad Cooper's Office Supply Village of Perham East Otter Tail Telephone Co. Perham Enterprise-Bulletin Nelson Bros. Pri1.ting Co. ~,rs. C. E. Boe ~,rs. Alva Helmrichs 1-,rs. R. H. Jedlund hrs. n. Ii. yedlund hrs. Bud Larson Mrs. Charles W. Lewis hrs. Ed Skoglund hrs. John J. Steblay ~,rs. Philip ¼icklund Jannette Anthony Lovie Bonnann. Ruth Braun Mrs. l!.dward Edwards Kathryn Hemmelgarn Mrs. H. harcella Jernigan Mrs. Gordon L. Johnson Mrs. Dorothy Jorgenson Mrs. Ina McLaughlin Evelyn Leth ~,rs. Pearl M .. Ronning Mrs. Earl Sonmor Mrs. Helen Tfkkanen Mrs. Elaine Winkels Ph[q)~•. Kjaglien V. A. Ryan Philip "'· Kjaglien Public Utilities Dept. Straub Company Northwestern Bell 1'elephone Co. Artz Carner~ Supply Cooper's Office Supply Davenport's Stationery Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Veteran's Infonnation Service Olson's Resort Sharon Iverson Judy Nelsa, Fergus Falls ~linic l••edical Center Associates ~,hit e Drug Harvey W. Morrill Sam .;ycklemoe. r'ergus Journal Co. Hall Equipment, Inc. Hayden..)°,urphy Equip. Lo. Interstate Diesel, Inc. hinnesota 1'ractor Co. Public Works Equipment Co., Inc. Ruffridge-Johnson Eq. Co., Inc. Ziegler, Inc. Paper, Calmenson & C.:o. L. N. ~ickels, Co. Northwestern Hefining C.:o. Annco St.eel Corporation Northern Culvert Co. Viking Steel Products Co. Sorum Construction George Crabb Lyle Johnson t-'tark Sand & Gravel Co. Harold Weiss Handy Governor Sales Baas Oil Company Bauck Chevrolet Co., Inc. Bertelson Welding Ebersviller's Inc. P.R. Fergus Dodge, Inc. Fortwengler ~lectric Shop International Harvester Co. Knuttila Implement Co. Arthur J. Lee DATE ............. November .. 8 ............................................. 19.6(/. Supplies for Phelps Mill Paint 11 11 11 Su~plies for Phelps Mill II II II II Rent for County Agent Awv. com. pd. driv. lie. agents 1'a.x notices, etc. Real Estate 1'a.x notice Posts for Nursing Home dumpground Sup lies for Nursing Hnme dumpground Mileage Mileage & expenses II II II II II Rental for movie projector & screen Supplies Rent Calls & services City Director Envelopes & printing Att'd Nurs. Bd. meeting II II II II II II II II Mileage Home ealth Aid Expenses, etc. Mileage Postage, mche.renlal & exp. att'd conference Utilities , Rent Calls & Services Supplies II II " Subscription Gas & Oil, etc. Water safety programs II II II 1'. B. follow-up Care of T.B. patients II II II II Appraising Tax-Forfeited lands II Ad for bids Parts Parts Parts " II " II Cut. ting edges Calcium Chloride Bituminous material Culvert Equipment rental Gravel " 11 & material Fill material Repairs II II " " Repairs II II II Revenue Fd. Road~ Bridge Fd. $ 49.85 67.73 15.05 17.00 60.00 23.65 ?65.10 5.60 31.25 .36.80 83.15 136.76 43.28 107.35 7.05 2.00 16.20 .35.00 10.90 3.00 63.00 32.00 14.70 35.00 3.00 .2.70 9.90 16.50 7.20 7.50 36.00 18.00 36.00 2.10 25.95 .60 9.38 4,;;.50. 10.50 13.35 45.CO 34.20 9.75 J.15 109.82 15.45 24.48 4.55 50.00 27.35 135.20 4.25 16.00 10;3.JQ 9.00 64.95 10.00 10.00 3:,.50 60.00 29.25 20.00 20.CO 33.60 14.70 81.28 5.00 13.23 28.80 6.78 136.29 1803.52 243.60 1802.50 6603.31 261.42 1106.80 1112.80 1165.55 29.00 275.52 903.65 10.92 48.78 3.10 2.50 4.50 8.76 52.49 7.50 297.13 35.24 6.50 ,,. 20 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, · OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. N.Qll§lllb~.r. . .!L ....................................... 19 ... ~?.. -----------------cca■rrrn1marrn■Pawr.-sr.r:toua;■111,r:-G ~linnesota Motor Company Olson Auto Electric Perham Co-op Oil Co, Hude Grage Walter H. Scj:unidt Smith's Farm Supply Super G.M,C. Truck Sales Swenson Eqaj!pment Crane-Johnson .Lumber Co, Everts Lumber.Co, Gamble Store, .N.Y,M. General 'l'rading Co, Jaenisch lndustries Pelican Hardware Sebeka Co-op Ass'n, Sigelman Hide.& ~ur Co, Welders Equipment ~'ilcox Lumber ,Co, Doc's Tire Service National Fleet Service Farmers Elevator Co. P.R. Mills Fanners .Elevator, N.Y.M. Dalton Grain Ii!: Feed Minn, Dept. of Highways Otter 'lail Power Co, H. A. "ogers Co, ~inneapolis Blue Prtg, Co, Whiting's Office Equipt. Davenport's Stationery S. C. ~i. Corporation East Otter 'l'ail Telephone Co, N. W. Bell 'l'elephone Co., Wadena Midwest Telephone Co, N, W, Bell 'l'elephone Co., F.F. Park Region Mutual Tel. Co, Pelican Telephone Co, N.W. Bell Tel, Co,, F.F, Vergas Tel, Co, Wendell P. 0uber G, D. Harlow. Wendell P, "uber Andy's 66 Service Consumers Co-op Oil Co., B,L. ~onsumers Co-op Oil ~o., Henning Dan's Texaco Service Dave's Standard Service, Henn. Eldon's Standard Station, Per. Fossen Oil Company Hank's East Side Service Hoot Lake Pure 1•1ischke Oil Station Utter 'l'ail l-o,-op Oils, Inc. Ray's Oil Co,. Service Oil Co., Und. Soliah & Braatz Oil Co, Twin's Motor Company Arrow Petroleum, Inc. Erhard Oil Co, Nundahl Oil Co, Standard Oil Co., P.R. Standard Oil Co., B.L. Standard Oil ~o., Perham Marvin E, Lund Rep airs Supplies Tires II Seed II Coal Services Prints II Supplies Chair Supplies Services Service & tolls II II II II II II II Expense II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Cash advanced Gasoline Gas, etc. Gasoline Diesel Fuel Diesel Fuel II II II II Fuel Oil II II Service II Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A,M., December 5, 1967, Chairman $ 36.03 139,52 15.00 8,75 15,50 7.38 131.45 27.48 2.79 67,48 1.94 338,43 90,00 9,39 2,22 129,16 56.29 5,45 192,04 392.00 512.95 241.20 53, 50 236.88 19,50 35,10 1.50 66,75 4.89 63,00 21.55 12.18 8.70 88,37 15,75 9.70 34,97 25.39 248.1,5 204.70 6,27 121.12 182.43 85,37 110.99 46.81 4,91 179,Jl 192,72 126.70 57,26 102.86 101.97 92.17 23.55 190.48 8J,52 316.80 37,50 148,95 192.68 42;25 990,50 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... December .. 5 ............................................. 19 .. q7. I CIIITT •••"'Tl G CDIIPANY Sf.CLOUD IIINN, G•ZIOI MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESO'I' A Pursuant to adjournment the i;oard met at 10 o'clock A,M., December 5, 1967, all members present. Upon motion made, seconded and carried the application of Northwestern Bell 1'elephone Co, for burying com- munication cable along part of County Highway 65 and 40 was approved. The Town Board of the 'ro,inship of Fergus Falls appeared before the Board regarding a bridge over the Pelican River between Sections 17 and 18 in said to .... nship. After discussion the lloard unanimously approved parti.cipating to the extent of half of the cost of cont.ructing the bridge. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, Jeff 'l'hompson, a regular member or the East Central Minnesota Resource Developnent Project was appoirt ed a delegate tothe annual meeting, with Jack Barner as alternate. Arnold Evavold, a regular member, was appointed as a delegate to the West Central •·1innesota Resource Conservation Development Project, with Frank Janzen as alternate. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, Wendell P. Huber, l.ounty Engineer, was authorized to ·att'end the twenty- third Annual County Highway Engineers' lnstitute to be lllld on January 8th to 11th inclusive in the Civil Defense&. Highway Training Center at Arden Hills. .. year 1967, Upon motion the (;ounty 'l'reasurer received an appropriation of ah-additional $500,00 for Clerk Hire for the The following applications for homestead classification were granted: Ronald C. Holter, S½ SE-l;_ex. tract, and E½ SWi Sec. lJ 'l'own of Compton; began occupancy on December JO, 1961; ~'.el 'l·hompson, tract in S c, 27 '!"own of Fergus Falls, contract for deed dated "usll!l. 21, 1961. The following applications for correction of assessment on real estate were rranted: Gerald A. Courneya, Lots 1 and 2 and 4 Gerry-1··arge Beach, First Addition, assessed for improved lot ins t.ead of u.~improved lo't, Fred Kotscheval, Lot 5 Second Addition to Klein & Adams Point, Town of Dead Lake, assessed as improved lot instead of unimproved lot. Fred Wiebe, Lot lJ Wm, Reese's Lake Shore, assessed as improved lot instead of unimproved lot. The following correction of assessments were recommended to the Commissioner or Taxation for approval: Warren~,. Rud, tract in Sec. J 'l'own of Everts, no allowance for lake frontage which is all swampland; Henry Ishaug, W½ NE/; & E½ NWi & part of W½ NW¾ Sec, 3 'l'own of Norwegian Grove, 25 ecres assessed inthe ,·rong catagory. The following applications for correcti'on of assessment were rejected: 11erbert Just, Lot 72 Addi ti• n to Stony Point; the Gores Co., W½ NE1; NE¾-, NW¾ NW¾ & Lots 2 & 3 Sec, 7 '1'own of Oak Valley; l!.1mer E. Peterson, W JO ft of Lot 12 ~lock JO Lakeview Add'n. to Parkers ~rairie. Upon motion made, seconded and carried the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for the following: ~ublication of minutes of the meetings of the ·Board of County Commissioners regular and special sessia,s and all other legal notices that a1·e published in the paper designated as the official paper, publication ct: the annual statement of receipts and disbursements for the year 1967; publication of the annual delinruent tax list. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the 0 oard of County Commissioners of Utter -Tail County, ~1innesota, THAT the detention of mentally ill, ·mentally deficient or inebriate persons rer.uired under Chapter 638, laws of 1967, will be located at the Otter '!'ail l.ounty Nnrsing Home north of Battle Lake, Minnesota Adopted this 5th day of December, 1967, /S/ Otto Haase Chairman Attest: /S/ S, B. Johnson Clerk IDhe following resolution~as adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT they request 11Dre complete information concerning the inclusion of all of Otter Tail County in the Man Power Development Survey to help determine the current and potential man power resources of this area. Adopted thi.s 5tp day of December, 1967. /S/ Otto Haase Attest: /S/ S. B. Johnson Clerk 21 I I i: I I ,l I' 1i I ' I 22 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... Decembe_r 5 ............................................... 19 .. 67. IC"lllllff"Pll■n111·co11,111T:-"1T:cnvr.111Nli.'""G" RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COi.MISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA BE IT RlSOL.VED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the Chairman of the County Board and the County Auditor are hereby authorized to sign the non-encroachment agreement with the Village of Richville, dated Cecember 4, 1967, Adopted this 5th day of December, 1967, /S/ Otto Haase Chairman Board of County Commissioners Attest: ts/ S, B, Johnson County Auditor (SEAL) MINNESOTA DEPARTII.ENI' OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDZRY FORM NO. III Be it resolved that pursuant to Section 161,J6, Subdivisions 1 through 6, Mirnesota Statutes 1961, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as agent of the ~ounty of Otter Tail to let as its agent, caitracts for the constructionct' portions of County State-Aid Highways, specifically described as follows: County State-Aid '1ighway No, _gg__rrom County State Aid Highway No, 3 to c·sAH no. 351 10.0 miles North of Underwood County State-Aid Higpway No • .JJ!l_ fran Countv State-Aid Highw;y No. 14 in nichville to Trunk Highway No. County State-Aid Highway No. -2!._ from County State-Aid Highway No. 601 J.. 5 miles East of Luce to 0, 26 mile South County State-Aid Highway No • ...£2... from Trunk Highw;y No, 10 at Luce to l.ounty State-Aid Highway No, 51 County State-Aid Highway No. ~ fran County State-Aid Highway Mo, 161 2,5 miles West of Henning to 5,9 miles North County State-Aid highway No • .J[j_ from Butler to North County Line and the chairman and the aur'itor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract ~1th the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota DePE1.rtment ·or Highways Agency Contract Form No. IV," a copy of which said form 11as before the Board, asscuning on behalf of the ~ounty all oi' the contractual obligations therein caitained. Adopted this 5th day of December, 1967, /s/ Otto Haase Chainnan of County Board /s/ S, B. Johnson ~ounty Auditor (SEAL) The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the l:loard of County Commissioners of Litter Tail County, Minnesota, that wHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with Stan Morrill Inc. for grad:ing and gravel wearfog course on S.A.P, 56-611-04 and WHEREAS, the same has been completed tothe satisfaction of the Board and they hav:i.ng filed their certi fj cate of acceptance with the County Auditor, NOW, 1HEREFORE., the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor are hereby directed to isi,ue a check to Stan l-',orrill in the sum of $10,440.58 being the balance due on the con tract price, Adopted this 5th day of December, 1967, /S/ Otto Haase Attest: /s/ S, B. Johnson Chainnan Clerk COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. Dec ember .. 5 ............................................. 19.§.7. .. IICUIIITY ,■nm•• CO■PAH. IT CLOUD.■INN. Q"':'2JOI The following resolution was adopted: RF.SOLV1D by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT wHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contr cted with Bain Bros. and Don Dahlman for grading and r-raveling S.A.P, 56-676-Ll and WHEREAS, the same has been completed to the satisfaction of the County Board and they having filed their certificate of acceptance with the County Auditor, NO\v, 'IHEREFORE, the Chairman of the lloard and the (;ounty Auditor are hereby directed to issue a check to Bain Bros. and Don Dablman in the sum of $7604,57 b,eing the balance due on the caitr.ict price. Adopted this 5th day of December, 1967, /S/ Otto Haase Chainnan Attest: /S/ S. B. Johnson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, 'l'HAT, WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with Ed Zimmennan for gradfog and graveling S,A .P. 56-647- WHEREAS, the same has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and they having filed their certificate of acceptance with the County Auditor, NOW, THEREFORE, the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor are hereby directed t.o issue a check to Ed Zimmerman inthe sum of $10,1.87,02 being ti,e balance due on the contract price, Adopted this 5th day of December, 1967. /S/ Otto Haase Chairman Attest: /S/ S. B. Johnson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with Ed Zimmerman for grading and graveling S.A .P. 56-621-08 and Clay l.ounty J5;01 and WHEREAS, the same has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and they having filed their certificate of :a:ceptance with the County Audit.or, NOW, THEREFORE, the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor are hereby directed to issue a check to Ed Zimmerman in the sum of $J575,8J being the balance due on the contract price, Adopted this 5th day of December, 1967, /s/ Otto Haase Chainnan At test : _/;L.:Sc,1/___;;;S.:... -'B::.•::.....;;J-=o..:..:hn:..:.s;a.;o;.:;n:....-_-=,--,-- Cl erk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION by the Board of County Commissioriers of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with Ed Zimmennan for gradfog and eraveling S,A.P. 56- 621-01 and ~;HEREAS, the same has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and they having filed their certificate of acceptance with the l.ounty Auditor, NOi\, THERl!.FORE, the l.hairman of the Board and the (;ounty Auditor are hereby directed lo issue a check to !:.cl Zimmennan in the sum of $J888,JO being the balance due on the contract price. Adopted this 5th day of December, 1967, . /S/ Otto Haase Chai nnan Attest: /s/ S. D. Johnson Clerk 23 24 ... COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... December .. 5 ............................................ 19 .. 67. ----------·----'IRffl"PRIITIRG"l:IIIPAHT;-n;i:touD;■11nr:-G The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board cl: County Commissioners of Utter Tail C.:ounty • Minnesota, THAT, ~;HEREAS, this Board has-heretofore contracted with Ralph Stewart for grading and graveling S.A.P. 56-656-02 and S.A.P. 56-656-0J and WHEREAS, the same has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and they having filed their certificates of acceptance with the ~ounty Auditor, NOW, THEREFORE, the Ghairman and the ~ounty Auditor are hereby directed t.o issue a check to Ralph Stewart in the sum of $3324. 72 being the balance due on the contract price. Adopted this 5th day of December, 1967. Attest: -~/~S/.._S~•;....;;:B~._Jo~h~n~s~o~n'----- Clerk The following resolution was adopted: /S/ Otto haase Chainnan RESOLVED bythe 0 oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota, THAT, l,Hl:REAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with Ralph Stewart for grading and graveling S.A.P. 56- 657-01 and S.A.P. 56=606-01 and WHlillEAS, the same has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and they having filed their certificate of acceptance with the C.:ounty Auditor, NOW, 'l'HEllliF'ORE, the ~hairman of the 0 oard and the Gounty Auditor are hereby directed to issue a check to rtalph Stewart in the sum of $6633.60 being the contract price balance due. Adopted this 5th day of December, 1967. Attest: -~/S~/.__s~·•;....;;;B~•_.;;..Jo~h~n~s~o~n'------ Clerk /S/ Otto "aase Chairman Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.t-r., December 6th WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the 0 oard met at 10 o'clock A.M. December 6, 1967, all members present. The Nursing Budget for the last six months of the year, begin. fog July 1, 1967 and ending June JO, 1968 was approved. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the County Nurse's office at Perham was authorized to retain an office clerk four days a week on a temporary trial basis. Upon motion made, seconded and carried t·he Public Health Nursing Service was authorized to employ a public accountant to assist them in preparing the new budget taking effect July 1, l.9t8. The resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District 1426 was taken up for· final action. "i'ter listening to the statements of the various inlerested parties the Board issued the following inte•·locutory order, to-wit: IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COi MON scmoL DISTRICT NO. 1426 WHEREAS, Proceedings to dissolve Common School District No. 1426 have been instituted by: A certificate by the clerk of said district directed to the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Utter Tail, State of MiMesota, that a majority of electors voting at an election eld in said district on Uctober 10, 1967, voted in favor of dissolving the district. NOW, 'l'HERl:.FORE, it is ordered: 1. 'l'hat ~ommon School Distr-ict No. 1426 be dissolved and that the territory embraced ti erein be attached The entire territory comprising School District # 1426 be attached and made a part of Independent School District #819 of hadena County. 2. That the current assets and liability of said Common Scl·ool Di.strict No. 1426 be distributEd as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #819 Wadena County all monies, credits, funds, both real and personal property including taxes for 1968 and prior years collected after July 1st 1968 and that all obligations of Co11111on School IJistrict //1426 shall becane the obligations of Independent School District //819 ~1adena County. J. '!'hat the outstanding bonded debt of said Conunon School District No. 1426 is None. 4. That the proposed effec l.ive date of this order is July 1, 1968 • I. COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 11cu11n HlllrlH COIIHNT, ■r.CLOUD 1111111. 0:2309 Dated December 6th, 1967. Attest: __ /S~/_s_· • ___ B'""'-J.aa.oh.,n'""s""'o"'n'--- 1.ounty Auditor DATE ............ Dec.embe.r. .. 2 ............................................... 19 .. 21 .. Board of County Commissioners of the l.ounty of Otter Tail State of M:irresota /S/ Otto Haase Chainnan T-he motion was made, seconded and carried that a certain plat prepared by a registered lan:l surveyor, will be approved• when a certified check in an amount sufficia,t to grade and complete a dedicated public road as shown on the said plat, according to the cost submitted by a reputable road buil· er, plus 10%, payable to the County Treasurer, has been deposited ,.ith lhe County, to beheld until completion of said road according to the terms of a resolution passed by the County Board on January 2, 1962. T•he plat of Pebble Bay, Second Addition, located in Government Lots 2 and J of Sec. 16 Town.· of Leaf Lake, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by John Kukowske, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, was approved. The following resolution was adopted: BE n' RESOLVED by the Board of (;ounty Commissioners of Otter 'l'ail County, Minnesota T,hat the attached copy of the letter from Lewis Ahlness of Battle Lake, MiMesota be conveyed with a copy of this resolution to the Department of Conservation, State of Minnesota and That this Board respect-fully requests that the Department of Conservation favorably act on the request made by Mr. Ahlness. Adopted this 6th day of December, 1967, Attest: /S/ S. B. Johnson Clerk The following bills were allowed: Carlton ·E, ~lortensen Carlton E. hortensen Sidney Nelson Glen I-',. ~!elby James LeRoy James BuctoJ.z Otto "aase Bennie J. J,ohnson harvey Morrill Sam Nycklemoe Virginia S, Adams Frank Alstadt Otto Haase Nels Hanson. Bernard Palubicki Mrs. Laura l!., l'lotchkiss Ambrose A, Ki!.iMert Thonias O. N.elson Company KeMeth Clambey l!.ugene Davenport Harris W, I.verson Anton Iii. Glesne Vernon E. Bachman Christopher C. Clauson Owen V. Thompson Willi's Hultman ~~erton Johnson Besi-Evans Company Fergus Hardware Wm. Galena & Sons Gust Lagerquist & ~ons, Inc. Gust Lagerquist & Sons, Inc. Johnson Ser:vice Company Stein l.herrdcal Corpany Northwestern Bell Te~ephone Co, 1~orthwestem Bell Telephone Co. Coast-to-Coast Store, Perham Holten Lumber National District Att'y Ass'n. "ational Polic!? Chief & Sheriff Infonn. Bur. Dave's Standard. Imsande Standard Ma:o•s Standard Service Perham C6*0P Oil Service Oil Company Twin I s Motor Doc's 'l'ire Service Fergus Dodg~ Jim Larson Ford /S/ Otto naase Chairman Boarding Prisoners Mileage &. Ex~enses Mileage & Expenses II II II II II II II II II II Viewing roads & planning mtg, Mileage & expenses Postage -P.lanning Commission Att'd Planning Commission II II II II II II II II II sE_v. W.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. i, II II II II II II Rent for Soil Cons. Office Weed & Seed Insp. Mileage & Expenses II II II Extra help Co, Assessor Cash advanced Mfleage .& expenses Exp. Att'd .convention Labor -washing windows Advance pay to Willis Hultman Igni t:i.on electrodes Supplies Services Supplies & labor on elevator Quarterly exam service Services Supplies Calls Sheriff's calls etc. Sheriff supplies Supplies -jail Books Directory Gas & Oil II II II II II II II II II II II II Wrecker Service & storage Repairs -Sheriff II II $ 832,00 128,70 21,J.80 Jll.JO 295. 55 · 62.JO 55.65 46.oo 21,50 43,50 Jl.45 JJ.75 7,50 39,00 16,75 189,00 92,00 65,00 154,75 60.95 J2.J2 390,05 25,00 43.12 53,16 137.80 25,00 9.25 1,39 7,70 1c6.a5 JS.Of) 46,45 9.65 46.17 116.24 2.19 5,J8 6,60 7,50· JS,27 46.42 11,4,45 42.80 5,76 15,00 :?42.67 34,15 70,50 25 26 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. llCU■lff PIINTIH COIIPA■Y, ■r.CLow.iiiilr.c;:. Uselman's Inc. Mobile Hadio & T,V. Service Battle hake Fire Dept. Fergus Ambulance Service IJon Lee J0 hn halvorson Roger Hans:in narley Kantrud Nonnandy Cafe John Bredahl Lyle Herk Henry A, Moltzan Clara \(. ::ioland Esther !liortensen Bernice Spicer Borroughs Corporation Cooper's Office Supply Davenport's Stationery Davenport's Stationery Davenport's Stationery Miller-D vis Company 'l"homas 0~ Nelson Company Nelson Bros. Prtg, Co, Poucher Printing & Lith. ~o. Region Seven Schedule Comm, Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co, Xerox Corporation Xerox ~orporation Gaffaney' s "obert B. Oslund & Assoc, Vernon E. Bachman 1,.ugene Davenport Carlton E, Mortensen Helen E. Skramsted Helen E.. Skramsted Johnny Nelson Public hmployees Hetirement Ass•n. Enstad-Larson, Inc, Sherin-Meland Insurance Agency Myrtle 11., Logas Village of Perham Battle Lake Review The Henning Advocate The Independent Northwester·n Publishing Co, Pelican ltap:i.ds Press Harvey Morrill Roger E.. Nelson Leitch ~onstruction Co. Fergus Hardware Olson "dwe. · & Plumbing Swedberg Garden Center Carolyn Helgeson Carolyn Helgeson Lucille Helfter Mrs. Dorothy Johnson Lorna ~•cCabe Village of Perham Veery E.. Hyder uannette Anthony Lovie Bormann Mary Ann Eminel Kathryn Hemmelgarn Mrs. Gordon· Johnson Doris Jorgenson ~•rs. Dorothy Jorgenson Evelyn Leth· l',rs. Pearl Ronning l·lcs, Earl Sonmor •·•rs. l,.laine llinkels Philip 11,. KJaglien Rachel J. Estrem Philip It.. K;jaglien Northwestern Bell 'l'elephone Co. Public Utilities Department · Straub Company Artz Camera" Supply Victor Lundeen~ Co, Unifonns Unlimited Hall Equipnent, Inc. Hi-Lo l!.quipment Co. Ruffridge-Johnson liq, Co,, Inc. George 'l'. ltyan Ziegler, Inc. Al. Benke · harvey Bullock Fergus Dodge, Inc. International Harvester Co. Matson Repair Olson "ardware & Blbg. Riverside Repair Shop DATE ................ December. 6 ........................................... 19 67 .. Repairs Sheriff Service -heriff Recovery of body in Eagle Lake Ambulance service Subsistence pay II Sp. Dep, fees Guard II meals for jurors Witness fee Witness fee II II II II Matrol fee II II Paper Supplies II II II II Atlas Supplies Schedul?es Supplies II Charges -repairs Indexirg & filing Section quarter Co. Postage II Labor, in Surveyor1 s office ~ounty share of P.E.R.A. Boiler policy Insurance on ~o. Property Aifv, Corns. pd.driv. Uc. agts. Re{it for Co, Agent office Tax notices Tax notices II II II II II II Phelps Mill Expenses Labor -Phelps Mill llork on Phelsp Mill Schthe & swath for Phelps Mill Supplies -Phelp~, Mill Chain saw with tfade-in Phelps Mill Mileage & expenses Expenses attd. con v. ~:ileage & expenses II II II Rent for Nurse Mileage . Hane health Aid Mileage expenses II II II II II II II II II II II . Postage & mche rental Calls & services Utilities Rent Supr-lies II Uniforms Parts II II II II Repairs II II II II $ 12.80 230.98 35,00 20,00 30.00 30.00 9.10 10.00 20.86 4.90 5.55 6.33 5,55 5.00 5.oc 40.20 1.50 16.70 7,35 5.32 1C6.91 7.50 360.50 230.04 135.00 563.72 58.00 142.24 8.60 302.50 . 14.00 10.00 30.00 25.00 100.00 119.00 18,996.86 228.CO 1,179.00 13.70 60,00 16.80 12,00 14.40 16.80 16.80 21.00 48.CO 41,3.00 12.28 20.57 lL.l. 20 65.92 35,83 11,3,30 67.04 115.17 35.00 :,.05 57.00 21.0C 3.00 30.75 39,37. 37.50 47,25. 14.25 45.00 23,40 5.25 99.05 5,25 9,00 27.96 '4,33 50,0C 10.65 37.35 20.35 166.12 16.85 221.05 23.70 2, l:178 ~"(20 17,50 28,00 37.04 262.92 4,0C 15.16 5,44 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. sreu1un Pll■TIIIG Co■HNr, 11,CL0UD.IIINN, o-=23iia Service Garage Suhr-Ford Sales, Inc. Super G.M.C. Truck Sales Swanson Equipment ~oast-to-Coast Store, P.R. Holten Lumber Co. Larson Hardware National Bushing & Parts Co. Perham Mfg·. Co. P.yrofax Gas Corp. Tesch Lumb·er Co. Vaughn Chevrolet ~o. Wilcox Lumber Co., Henning Eutectic Welding Corp. "ational Chemsearch Corp. Del Chemical Corp. Minn. liiining & Mfg. Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co, Walter Butier Engineering Co, Northern Culvert "o, Paper, Calmenson, & Co. Reedsburg Hardware Co, Firestone Stores Les I Tire Service Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Northwestern Refining Co. Cutler-Magner Co, Mills Farmers E.levator Melvin McGowan }lark Sand & Gravel Co, Guggemos Construction Co. Northwestern Surfacing Co. Lyle ;Johnson Ambrose Klinnert H. G. Nels·on Ray 1-erala Harry Hofland K-B-V, Inc. Nikkari Bros. Ralph Stewart Ed Zimmerman Raymond Motor Trans., Inc. Rail~ay Express Agency, F.F. Village of Dalton Village of Deer Creek Village of HeMing Village of HeMing Village of Perham village of Battle Lake Village of Parkers Prairie Village of Pelican Rapids Village of Perham Public Fmployees Retirement Ass'n. MiMesota Department of Highways The Photo Center Dahm's Photo Print Co. Mpls. JJlue Printing ~o. I.B.M. Corp. Davenport's Stationery Miller-Davis Co, The Pierce Company N.W. Bell Telephone Co., F.F. Peli::an Telephone Co. N. W. Bell 'l'elephone Co., Wadena Vergas Telephone Co, Wendell P, Huber G.D. Harlow Wend ell P. Huber wonsumer's Co-op Oil ~o. Henn. Co-op Services, Inc. N.Y.Mills Farmers CoOop Creamery Ass'n. Rossen Oil Company Hillviej Store Hoot Lake Pure Oil John's 7-0 Service Kraemer Uil Co. Kraemer Uil Co. Mayo's Standard Service, F .~·. Miller's Gulf Service llundahl Oil Co. The Oil Storen Service Uil. Co., B.L. Theodorson I s Mobile Service D-A Lubricant l:o. , Inc. Standard Oil Co., N. Y .~, • Texaco, lnc. Arrow Petroleum Penrose Oil Co, Standard Uil ~o., Henning Fossen Oil Co. Thomas Oil Go. Welder's Equipment DATE ............... D.ec.ember ... 6 ............................................ 19 ... ~7.. Repairs II II II Supplies Bridge Lumber Br-idge plands Culverts Cutting edges & steel rosts Chains Tires II Bituminous material II Rock salt Seed Seeding Crushed gravel II II II II Gravel II II II Equipment rental II II II II II II '-Freight Express Garage rental II II II II Rent &. current Cleaning highways Maintenance II II II 1'.mployer P.E.R.A. contribution Services Supr-lies II II II II II Service t.: tolls Service & Tolls II II Expense II Cash advanced Uascline Gas, etc. Gas, etc. II II II II Gasoline II Gas, etc. II II Gasoline Gasoline, etc. Gas, etc. II II Gasoline Oil Motor Oil Oil Diesel fuel II II II II Fuel. oil Fuel oil Repairs $ 20.65 6.31 59. 51 2.10 12,44 . 76,19 34.23 31.07 8.97 2.00 2.75 1. 50 24.09 92,00 302,44 259.02 56.90 969.96 1350.co 75.52 2528.68 233,10 346.30 117.98 1428.75 2193,49 496·.oo 429.40, "427.00 81.95 226.00 586 .26 10.01 15,00 28,00 45.oc 744.0C 1300.00 326.00 304,00 357.40 7.90 4,55 90.00 210.00 300,00 6J,58 160.00 581.68 325.32 219.08 385,28 27,226.53 4ll,30 4.32 20.50 10.86 15.12 14.66 21.06 54,95 92.46 13,99 14,41 16.93 200.68 218.93 10.66 39.37 301.23 143,58 141.62 3.20 147,05 43,03 184.22 88,CO 31,30 12.52 25.65 236.69 786,80 56.04 260.15 7,70 51.68 164.80 81.20 77.50 189.60 56.00 33.13 27 28 .COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ECURnrl'RIIITl'll"IC'IUPINr.'"IT:CtlUl':WIJIR7"'G• Bengtson Oil Co, Boe1s Gulf'Service Station Dave's Standard Service Dave's Standard Service, Henn, Farmers Co~op Cream. Ass•n., D,C, Fergus Oil Co. Moot Lake Pure Jim's Service Station Mischke Oil Station The Oil Store Vergas Oil.Company Jim's Service Station Park Region Lo-op Oil Co. Standard Uil \;o,, P.P. Standard Oil Co., B.L. The Zeco Company Ebersviller's Inc., P.R. Fergus Dodge, Inc. Larson l~elding Olson auto· hl.ectric Stan's Garage Utter Tail Power Company Coast-to-Coast Store, P.R. Erickson-Hellekson-Vye uo., P.R. Genuine Parts Company General 'l'rading Co. Perham O.K. Hardware Sigelman Hide 1,;_ Fur Co, Uselman's Ihc. Victor Lunaeen & <.;o. E.O.T. Tel·ephore Lo, E.O.T. Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co, Midwest Telephone ~o. Park Region Mutual Teiliephone Co. DATE ................ .Il~i:.emb.e.r. .. 6 ........................................... 19 .. ~1.. Gasoli11i! II II II II II II Gas, etc. Gasoline II II Diesel fuel 11 , etc. Fuel oil Diesel oil, etc. Parts Repairs II II II II Prints Supplies II II II Supplies II II II Service & tolls II II II II II II II II II Upon motion the lloard then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. December 20, 1967. ll:hainnan Attest: $ 124,IJ+ 153,29 82.61 10.74 148.89 61."27 87.01 346.19 67.80 136:76 211.73 100.!tO 97.05 35.09 36.40 .14,50 3,40 31.08 9.50 61.04 214,79 7,42 24.23 4,86 126.30 410.40 8.85 23,90 3.58 6.20 10.38 13.05 40,91 8.28 19.18 COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. Jl~.c.r:m.l>.r:r .. .?.0 ........................................... 19.~'.?... HCIIJIITLP.AINTII.I.COI.L\N!.i....l..!.&...L U I N G-2309 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF BOARD OF COU_NTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTF..R TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to date established previously by the Board, the Board met at 10 o'clock A,M., Decemher 20, 1967, all rrembers being present. The following members of the County Zoning and P lanning Commission were also present: Peterson, Adams, Watt, l'alubicki, Sundberg, Hanson and Alstadt, The matter of adopting the Interim Zoning Ordinance was taken up for action. Mr, Peterson of the Zoning and Planning Commission gave a general outline of the activities and labors involved in preparing the Interim Zoning Ordinance, and presented the following to the County Board: "After considerable discussion, and upon motion made by Frank Alsta.d, secooded by Floyd Hoff, the following resolution was adopted by the Planning and Zoning Commission: Be it Resolved that the Otter '!'ail l.ounty Planning Commission considers the apparent lack of J11bHc support for the proposed Interim Zoning Ordinance sufficient to recommend to the County Board, that it not adopt the proposed Interim Zoning Ordinance. 11 Upon motion by James, Bucholz, seconded by Sam Nycklemoe, the resolution was unanimously passed, /s/ s. B. Johnson /S/ Otto Haase Attest: Chairman Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RF.SOLVED by the Board of l.:ounty Commissioners of Otter 'l'ail County, Mimesota, BE IT RESOLVED '!'HAT The Otter Tail Gounty Planning Commission considers:, the apparent lack of public support for the prposed Interim Zoning Ordinance sufficient to recommend to the County Board that it not adopt the proposed Interim Zoning Ordinance, . Adopted this 20th day of December, 1967, /s/ Otto Haase Chairman Attest: /S/ S, B. Johnson Clerk Upon motion the Board then adjourned, Attest: -----,,I''-' ~"--1....-'"7""-::;41'~/.· ____ -::-::---:-- /~ clerk Chairman 29