HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1966Ottertail County Official Meetings 1966 IICPII COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... il.MJ,l<U: .. ~ ...........................................•......... 1966 MINl11':FS OF REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF CDUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTI'liR TAIL CD UNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to Statute the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. January 4, 1966, all members present, The meeting was called to order by the County Auditor who stated that the first business to be transacted was the election of a Chairman for the ensuing year,' Upon motion Bennie J, J.~~nson was elected Chainnan, and Otto Haase was elected Vice Chairman, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the following dated be designated as the dates on which the County Board· will meet during the year 1966: February 8 and 9th March 8 and 9th April 12th and 13th May 10th and 11th June 7th and 8th July 11th and 12th Adopted January 4, 1966 Attest: S, B. Johnson Clerk, August September October November December 9th and 10th 6th and 7th 4th and 5th 1st and 2nd 6th and 7th B. J. Johnson Chairman kff:, -9.,>~~ ~ f~.Jj;,.t,. r,• 1,,4,• · The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman of the Board and two members of the Board be appointed by the Chairman, to purchase all furniture and supplies excepting books, blanks and stationery, needed for the Court House and Jail during the year 196~, and provide for such repairs as may become an immediate necessity. Adopted January 4, 1966. B, J, Johnson Chairman Attest: S. B, Johnson Clerk The Chairman of the Board appointed James· Bucholz and Sam Nycklemoe to serve on the above committee, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County~ Minnesota: That under provisions of Section 2154 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Dr. Roy Nelson a resident physician of said County, and Commissioners Johnson and Morrill members of this board, be and the same hereby are appointed to co~stitute a County Board of Health of said County for the year 1966, Adopted January 4, 1966. B. J, Johnson Chairman Attest: S, B. Johnson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: ·Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, Chapter 142, Laws of 1921, Mason's Minnesota Statutes 1927, Section 671, and Minnesota Statutes 1941, Section 375:JO provides ways and means for the control and eradication of rust-producing barberry, the following resolution was adopted: Be it hereby resolved, that $50,00 be appropriated by the County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, for the purpose of eradicating and removing rust-producing bushes and that a bounty of $3,00 be offered I ~ I JI .,,, I' 128 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... January .4 ....................................................... 1966 .. . for the location of barberry bush or bushes on each property subject to the provisions as set forth by the Barberry Office, University Farm, St. Paul, Minnesota, on file in the office of the County Auditor, Fergus Falls, Mj.nnesota. Attest: Adopted:January 4, 1966. s. B. John::.:s:.;:o_n=-------- Clerk The follow:i.ng resolution was adopted: B. J. · Johnson Chairman Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota: That the County Commissioner of his respective district, namely, James J. Bucholz, the First District; Bennie J. Johnson, the Second District; Sam Nycklemoe, the Third District; Otto Haase, the Fourth District; and Harvey D. Morrill, the Fifth District, be and they are hereby each appointed superintendent of poor of his said district, with authority to act in relation to the care and support of non-resident paupers, and to rec- eive applications for relief or support by or for any reason in his district, as provided by Chapter 15, Revised Laws of 1905. Adopted January 4, 1966: B. J. Johnson Chainnljll Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota: That there be and hereby is transferred from the Revenue Fund of the County to the Incidental Fund the sum of $750.00 for postage for the use of the offices entitled thereto. Adopted January 4, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Mj_nnesota: V That the sum of ten cents be paid out of the Revenue Fund of the County for every pocket-gopher and wood chuck killed in said County during the year 1966, in cases where the townships in which pocket- gophers and wood chucks are so killed shal~ provide for the payment of an additional bounty of ta, cents for each pocket-gopher and wood chuck so killed. V Resolved further· that payment of such bounty shall be made by the County Auditor upon certificates executed by the Chairman, of the Town Board of said townships setting forth that the pocket-gopher or woodchucks were duly presented to the Chairman of such Board and that the township has issued and.delivered to each claimant a town order for twenty cents for each pocket-gopher or woodchuck so killed •. Adopted January 4, 1966_. B. J. J0hnson Attest: s. B. Johnson Cler.kl·. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of not less than $250.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the County / Revenue Fund of said County for Otter Tail County exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair for 1966, and the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are directed to issue a warrant for said amount in favor of Clarence Mielke, COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... J anuar;y4 .................................................... 19. 66 .. Adopted January 4, 1966 B. J. Johnson Chainnan Attest: S. B. Jo)lnson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under the provisions of Section 739 General Statutes for 1932, the sum of $100.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red River Development Association, - said amount so appropriated to be used in payment of premiums.to exhibitors for the year 1966. Adopted January 4, 1966. S. B. Johnson Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk The following amounts are hereby set aside for clerk hire for the calendar year 1966 in the several county offices, to wit: Attest: Auditor ••••• Treasurer ••••• Register of Deeds. Probate Court, in addition to the $3500.00 authorized by law County Assessor. • • • • • • • • • Deputy County Assessor •••••••••• Clerk County Assessor ••••••••• Extra clerk hire, County Assessor •••• First Assistant, County Superintendent of Schools •••• Veteran's Service Clerk & Janitor.· .• Probation Officer's Clerk •••••••• Adopted January 4, 1966. s. B. Johnson Clerk $lqOOO.OO 15640.00 130CO.OO 3700.00 . 6240·.oo 5760.00 4440.00 5000.00 4380.0C 5862.00 3780.00 SCALE OF WAGES OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT B. J. Johnson Chairman The salaries of employees of the County Highway Department for the year.1966 were fixed by the . • County Board, as follows: Bituminous Lay-Out Operators Heavy Equipment Operators (Shovel & Cat Loader) Motor.GraderOperator Truck Driver Second Man on Truck Common Labor Truck Rental Tractor & Mower Rental (5T7) Maintenance Foreman Shop Foreman Mechanics & Blacksmith Sign Foreman Sign ~Ian (Ass•t.) County Engineer Chief Engineer Instrument Man Level Man Inspectors Rodman Office Man Accountant 300.00 to 500.00 to 400.co to 250.00 to $2.28.per hour 2.22 per hour 2.14 per hour 2.04 per hour 1.98 per hour 1.86 per hour 2.30 per hour 1.80 per hour 560.00 per month 495.00 per month 450.00 per month 445.CO per month 425.co per month 1030.00 per month 700.00 per month 645.00 per month 600.00 per month 500.00 per month 405.00 per month 375.00 per month 435.00 per month COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE __________ J anuar_y 4 __________________________________________________ 19 66 Secretary Bookkeeping Machine Operator Clerical Engineering Help (Misc,) Subsistence (in excess of 15 miles $ 380.00 per month 240,00 to 370.00 per month 160.00 to 340.00 per month 1,25 to 2.10 per hour radius) 4.00 per day Sick Leave (accumulative to) 48 days The Maintenance employee's work week will be 50 hours except for November, December, January, and February, when it will be 45 hours per week and the time for reporting for such employment is as directed by the Engineer. The employees are granted hol~days as governed by Chapter 495, Laws of 1955. The following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the. Board of County Con•missioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That the sum of $3,000 be temporarily transferred from the County Revenue Fund to the Sheltered Workshop Fund. Attest: Adopted this 4th day of January, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chainnan. S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That the sum of $3,000 be advanced to the.Lake Region Shelter-ed Workshop -of; Fergus Falls and That the Chairman and County Auditor are hereby directed and authorized-to issue a warrant on the Sheltered Workshop Fund. Adopted this 4th day of January, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. Upon motion Ray Bruhn was appointed a member ·of the County Extension Committee to replace Edward Ramsey, deceased. Upon motion Mrs. Gerald Zeise and ''obert Molter were appointed members of the County Extension Committee for the term beginning January 1, 1966, and Bennie J. Johnson and Otto Haase were appointed as members from the County Board. Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to call for bids to be opened at 11 oi"clock. A. M. February 8, 1966 for the following: GRAVEL BASE AND ROAD MlX BITUMINOUS SURFACING: S.A.P. 56-625-04 (66) C.P. 66:25B Length 0.903 miles, located from Interstate #94 to So. Corp. Limits Fergus Falls. S.A.P. 56-651-02 (66) C.P. 66:51B Length 3,478 miles located from east junction 60 to No. Co. line 5,0 miles north of Perham. S.A.P. 56-655-03 (66) C.P. 66: 55B Length 1,996 Miles located 2 miles So. T.H. 108 to T. H. 108 in Ottertail Village. S.A.P. 56-660-02 (66) C.P. 66:60B Length 2.107 miles iocated from East junction CSAH #51 to CSAH #13, 4.5 miles north of Perham. S.A.P. 56-683-06 (66) C.P. 66:83B Length 1.552 miles located from 6.5 miles N,W. Battle Lake to junction CSAH #1. C.P. 66:01 BM. Length 7.009 miles, located from junction CSAH #26 So. Co. line to CSAH #2 south 5,0 miles Fergus Falls. C.P. 66:lllB Length 2.119 miles, located from junction CSAH #1 & northeast 2.1 miles. The major quantities of work are: 22,600 tons gravel base in place, 165,650 gallons of bituminous material for prime coat and mixture, and 11,275 tons of aggregate. (Plands $1.00). COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... January .5 ...................... · ............................. 1966. '"'''" -aLUl,Ul.allll'.&al.JL,CIOII.D......_E:211ftR That part of Govt. Lot 5 Section 30-133-42 as follows: Beginning at a point on West line of of said Govt. Lot 5 located 7745 feet North of Southwest Comer of Lot 5, thence from said point of beginning and running North 75° East 90 feet· thence North 214 feet to waters edge of Hoot Lake; thence in a Southwesterly direction along said lake 90 f;et to the West line of Govt. Lot 5; thence South on West line 216 feet _to place of beginning, containing .44·acres be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1424 to said adjoining School District No. 544 and said lands ~re hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 5th day of January A.D., 1966. (Auditor's Seal) B. J. Johnson Chainnan of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board The County Board having previously called for bids for County printing for the year 1966 opened bids which were found to be as follows: Northwest Publishing Co., New York Mills, publishing the AMual Delinquent Tax list at legal rates. The Henning Advocate, publishing the AMual Statenent of Receipts and Disbursements for the year 1965 at legal rates. Perham Enterprise=Bulletin, publishing aMual statenent of Receipts and Disbursements for the year 1965 at legal rates. Fergus Jnurnal Co~, publication of minutes of meetings of the Board of County Commissioners, including regular and special sessions and meeting of the Board of Equalization, and also all other legal notices as are published in the paper designated as the official paper, all at legal rates. License to hold public.dances was granted to Leona E. Swanson at Perry's Paace, Town of Dora. License to hold dances at Ten Mile Lake Resort, mechanical music only, Town of Tumuli, was granted. Applications for homestead classification were granted as follows: Elsie L. Gustavson, one-half homestead on Lot 5 and E 3 ft. of Lot 6 Block 2 Rothpletz Addn. to Perham· Henry Hardekopf, 25% homestead on NE¾, 24-131-38; Alvin C. and Elaine V. Wilson, Tract 200' x 2001 in s½ NE¾, Section 22 Village of Parkers Prairie. The application of B. G. Berg for reduction of assessed valuation Lot 5 ex. N 10 ft. all of Lot 4 in Block 2 Original Plat of Village of Underwood was granted on the ground that the assessed valuation was excessive. The following resolution was adopted: RhSOLVED by the Bo~rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That the N0 rthwestern Publishing Co., New York Miillls be and the same is hereby designated as the newspaper in which shall be printed the list of lands in Otter Tail County upon which taxes bec~e delinquent on the first Monday in January, 1966. Provided further, that the publishers of said newspaper be required to furnish a surety bond in the sum of $2,000.00 for the faithful perfonnance of said publication. Adop~ed January 5, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. The Board having previously advertised for two dump-trucks with trade-ins, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Super G.~.C. Diesel dump-truck $8,532.50 with trade-in. International Harvester Co. for 1 International Harvester Diesel dump-truck $8,390,CO with trade-in. The bid of W. W. Wallwork was not considered for the reason the bid was not submitted on the proper forms giving specifications required. After consideration the Board purchased one truck from Super G.M.C. Truck Sales for $8,532.50 and one from International Harvester· for $8,390,00. Upon motion the appointment of Mrs. George Rossow as Assistant Superintendent of Schools was approved. I , I I• ii r Ii COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER .'J'AIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... January .. 4 ....................................................... 19.66 .. .... Upon motion the Commissioner of Highways was authorized to call for bids as agent for Otter Tail County, for the construction of the following project, said bids will be opened by a representative of the State Highway Department at 11 o'clock A. M. February 7, 1966 at the Commissioners Room in the Court House: GliADE AND GRAVEL SURFACE: . S.P. 56-612-03 (CSAH 12), Minnesota Project S 6464(5) and S.A.P. 56-612-04 (CSAH 12), length 4.0 miles, located between.County State-Aid Highway No. 47 and Trunk Highway No. ·78, 7.0 miles south of Battle Lake. The major quantities of work are 214,386 Co. Yds. of Class A Excavation and 5,455 tons of Gravel Wearing Course in place. · The Town Board of the Township of Candor appeared .before .t~e Board regarding a road in Section 9. The matter was discussed but no action w~s taken. Upon a motion duly made, ·seconded and carried it was decided to underwrite financial needs of the Home Nursi_ng Program in the County to the extent of $789,00. A letter from the Department of Corrections stating that the procedures and records at the County Jail were properly executed was read. After discussion a motion was made, seconded and carried that the Board approve the Community Action Council's program for work at the Phelps Mill. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the salaries of Clerk, Sheriff, Register, Treasurer and · Auditor were fixed at the sum of $8500.00 annually for the year 1966. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Coun~~• MiMesota: That Whereas the 1965 Statutes covering salaries of Clerk of Court, Sheriff, Register of Deeds, Treasurer and Auditor provide that this Board shall annually set by resolution the sallaries of said officials at the January meeting prior to the first date on which applicants may file for the offices above stated and to be.paid for the tenn next following, -11,1-~ Now, therefore, Be it Resolved that the salaries of the above-named officials shall be fixed at ta! minimum salaries specified by the statutes for the term beginning January 1, 1967 •. Adopted January 4, 1966 Attest: S, B. Johnson Clerk. B. J. Johnson Chainnan, Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, MiMesota. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A,M. January 5, 1966. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M. January 5, 1966, all manbers present. The petition of James ~!. Lemen, asking that a part of Government Lot 5 in Section JG.133-42 containing ,44 ac. be set off from District 1424 to District 544 was read. There appearing to be no objection the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, The petition o·f James M. Lemen a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 1424 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands herein-after described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 544, and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1424 to said adjoining school district No. 544 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of s~id board held on the ~rd day of Novanber A.O., 1965, for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 5th day of January A.D., 1966, at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 5th day of January A,D., 1966, due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said la~t named date, haying been made and filed, said. petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said. by said interested parties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to wit: COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ J.M.u,u:y ... (5 ......... . ··························19 . .66.. HCPIID fll■IIII CIIPIII D CIJUILJ!WI 2808 ination.-The County Auditor submitted the Public Examiner's report covering the year 1964 for their exam- Upon motion the salary of the Probation Officer was fixed at the sum of $6,120.00 for the year 1966. Upon motion the salary of the Court House Custodian was fixed at the sum of $530.CO per month for the year 1966. Upon motion the salary of the Veteran's Service Officer was fixed at $6,240,00 forthe year 1966, H. D, Morrill voting "No", Upon motion made, seconded and carried it was decided to make use of the new Medical Assist~ce Program at the University H0 spitai whenever possible. Upon motion the members of the County Board were authorized to attend the property tax short-course on January 13, 1966 or on January 27, 1966. T~e following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, there has been presented to this Board an application signed by the Cook Sign Co, asking for permission to repurchase Lots 1, 2 and 3 Block 2 of Southside Addition to the City of Fergus Falls, which have been forfeited to the State of Minnesota for the non=payment of taxes. This non-payment was due to an oversight on the part of the Cook Sign Co., and the repurchase of this property will best serve the public interest and will prevent undue hardship and injustice to the fonner owner, Attest: Adopted January 5, 1966, S. B, Johnson Clerk. RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. B. J. J0hnson Chairman BE IT Rl:IDLVED, that the County Highway Engineer be authorized to issue payrolls for the purpose of salary payments to all maintenance employees, engineering mployees, construction employees, and for the rental of trucks and mowers necessary for the maintenance of County State Aid Highways not to exceed $380,0CO and County Roads not to exceed $75,0CO for the year 1966, Attest: Adopted this 5th day of January, 1966. S. B. Johnson Clerk, B. J, Jphnson RESOLUTION REVOKING AND REDESIGNATING A PORTION OF COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY No, 48 Chairman ~JHEREAS, due to the reconstruction of County State Aid Highway #48, it becomes necessary to revoke part of the original designation. NOW,'. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, thqt the portion of County State Aid Highway #48 as follows: Beginning at a point approximately at the East Quarter corner of Section 27, Township 132 North, Range 36 West; thence along the established center line of the public road describes·as follows: From said point of beginning extending easterly along or near the East quarter line of Section 27 for approximately 0,5 miles; thence northerly along or near the North and South quarter line through Section 27 to a point on or near the North quarter corner of Section; and there terminating; as on file in the office of the County Auditor, be revoked as such and the Commissioner of Highways be, and is hereby, requested to approve such revocation, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that that portion of County State Aid Highway #48 be relocated as follows: Beginning at apoint on or near the NW Corner Section 27 • Township 132 North, Range 36 West, thence easterly on or near the North Section line of said Section 27, to a point on or near the ~orth quarter corner of said Section 27, and there tenninating. Adopted this 5th day of January, 1966, B, J. Johnson Chainnan, Attest: S. B, Johnson Clerk. I' ,, 11 :1! 1, I ' I; ' I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ····························19 ... 66 RESOLU'l'ION The following Resolution was offered by Commissioner James Bucholz: BE IT.RESOLVED, That County Highway #121 be revoked as follows: Beginning at a poiht approximatelY, at the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the South- east Quarter of Section 26, '.1-'ownship 136 North, Range 41 West; thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning extending Nnrtherly ~long the East Sixtee:ith line in Sectiogs 26 and 23 to approximately the Northeast corner of the NWt.of the NE¾ of Section 23, thence Easterly and N rtheasterly through Section 14 to approximately the Southeast corner of the NE/; of the NE¾ of Section 14,~thence N0 rtherly along the East line of Secti~n 14 to approximately the N0 rtheast corner of Section 14-T136N-R41W, being a junction with County State Highway No. 35, and there terminating. Attest: The above Resolution was duly seconded and unanimously adopted by the Board. Dated January 5, 1966. B. J. J~hnson Chainuan S. B. Johnson Clerk. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was offered by Commissioner James Bucholz: Be It Resolved, That the following described road, being approximately 3.17 miles in length, be added to the County State-Aid Highway System.of Otter Tail County: Beginning at a point approximately at the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the South- east Quarter of Section 26, Township 136 North, Range 41 West; thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning extending Northerly along the East Sixteenth line in Sections 26 and 23 to approximately the Nnrtheast corner of the NW! of the NE¼ of Section 23, thence Northeas~erly through Section 14 to approximately the Southeast corner of the NE¼ of the NEt, of Section 14, thence Northerly along the East line of Section 14 to approximately the Nnrtheast corner of Section 14-Tl36N- R41W, being a junction with County State-Aid Highway No, 35, and there terminating, and that said addition to the County State-Aid Highway System be known as CSAH No, 85, The above Resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Otto Haase, and unanimqusly adopted by the Board. Dated January 5, 1966. B. J. J hnson Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. RESOLUTION BE IT RF.S'.>LVED, that pursuant to statutory authority the County Engineer for and on behalf of the County of Otter Tail is hereby authorized to request and obtain from the Minnesota Department of Highways needed engineering and technical services during the year 1966, for which payment will be made by the County upon receipt of verified claims from the Commissioner of Highways, Adopted this 5th day of January, 1966. Chairman Attest S. B. Johnson Auditor RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CCJ.IMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA: That because of deterioration due to rain, snow and usual spring climatic conditions the roads hereinafter described will be seriously damaged unless restrictions are imposed as to weight of vehicles to be operated theron, NOW, THEREFORE, No person shall operate any vehicle or combination of vehicles upon any of the county roads in the County of Otter Tail and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to wit: County State Aid Highways 1 to 77 inclusive, 79, 81, 82, 83, and 90 to 100 inclusive. County Roads 110 and 144 inclusive and numbers 146 and 148, during the period from the first of March, 1966 to the first of December, 1966, where the gross weight on any single axle, as defined in Minnesota Statutes 1945, Sec. 169.87, Subdivision 1, exceeds five tons COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... -!!lllUary 5 ................................................... 19 .. 66. IICIUILDIIWl,I.Cllll&IL.D.,.CLIIILKIU. E•2BOI (10,0CO pounds) and the Engineer of said County is hereby directed and authorized to erect and maintain signs plainly indicating the prohibitions and restrictions above at each end of that portion of any highway affected thereby, and these restrictions shall be.effective and this prohibition effective upon such erection and maintenance ~f such signs. Adopted this 5th day of January, 1?66. B. J. Johnson Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following names wjre selected 'to ·be placed on the Grand & Petit .. Jury list for the year 1966. Mrs. Wm. Hemmelgarn Sylvester Schumacher E. A. Riddering Ted Van Erp Florence Dombeck John Lubitz Mrs. KeMeth Roman Mrs. Ben Matz Mrs. Charlotte Beuhler E. J. Luebberman Erbin Koelln John Galland Mrs. Ambrose Alstadt William Weappa Herb Bengtson Helen Jung William Bohne Dorvin Schultz Eleanor Bahls Robert M. Hanson Mathew J. VonRuden Joe M0 rganroth · Archie Dewar Mrs. Ted Meinhover Mrs. Lyle Huwe Mrs. Lawrence Winkels >i rs. Ed. Franklin Mrs. Le Roy Haming Shirley Jacobson >lrs. Otto F jestad Mrs. Max Colo sky Roy Burns Earl Trosvik Harvey Axness Mrs. Richard Julian Mrs. Anton Kamrowski Noman Restad · Milton Seifert Roydon Kugler Gilbert Rian Mrs. Herbert Hanneman Calvin Preston· Donald Wilde . Herbert Schoening >irs. Max Kronemann John Berg Charley Trana L. A. Puckett Mrs. Helen Luna. Mrs. Russell"Knutson Vernon Knutson Edward H. Thompson VE!,rnon Haarstick Alfred Toso Arnold R. Johnson Stanley Kidder Mrs. Theo. Hegseth Geo • Hartman KeMeth Berge · Joseph Swenson· Clifford Running Beatrice Skrove Glen Risbrudt Earl Jacobson · Mrs. Julius Sperr Robert Herbranson Floyd Lystrom Francis Butcher PE.TIT JURORS Gonnan Clayton Pederson Gonnan Dick Hanson Butler Otto Hanson Butler Mrs. Ralph Risbrudt Corliss Edwin Engebr.etson Corliss Ewald Strehlo Pine Lake Sam Olien Pine Lake Gordon Ellwanger Hobart Willmar Leitch Star Lake Walter Rose Edna Glen Bjorklund Dead Lake Roger Holo Perham Mrs. Orris Albertson Paddock Edwin Lundquist Paddock Mrs. Dave Severson Rush Lake .Merle Erlandson Newton John Utne Candor Mrs. Carl Gundberg Candor Carl Paulson Dora Hjalmer Tumberg Hnmestead Mrs. Erwin Zaske Otto Albert Eckhoff Perham Village Mrs. Alvin Fosse Perham Village Mrs. Phil Darr Richville Elmo Hanson Dent Albert Nikkari Vergas Arthur Blom New York Mills Helmer Rakstad New York Mills William Dreyer Carlisle Township Gena Herdman Lida William Eckhoff Lida Mrs. Carl Kroening Norwegian Grove Hennan Karger ,.Norwegian Grove Henry Neels Dunn Clarence Bock Scambler Mrs. M0 rton Wagner· Pelican Township Fred Wiebe Pelican Township. Geo. Lueders Maine Erwin Menge Oscar Mrs. Clara Guin Elizabeth Twp. . M,rs .• Edyth Westad Elizabeth Twp. Rudolph Erickson Elizabeth Village Guy Clement Fergus Falls Twp. Mrs. Oscar Baglo Fergus Falls '.J'WP. Mrs. Lawrence Ward Pelican Rapids Village Mrs. Gordon Dykoff Pelican Rapids Village Mrs. Mary Gappa Pelican Rapids Village ·F. W. N0rdman Pelican Rapids Village Mrs. David Williams Pelican Rapids Village Maitland vJilson Trondhjem Twp. . H. Bergby Maplewood Mrs. Mable Armstrong Erhards Grove Mrs. Wm. Van Dyken Erhards Grove Mrs. Joe Igelstad Amor Twp. Mrs. Charles Underwood Friberg Charles Beck O~ar E. C. Bdm~ Dane Prairie Mable A. Berg Dane Prairie Louise Erickson Eagle Lake V. A. Bjorklund Eagle Lake Mrs. Conrad Blegstad St. Olaf Iver Rustand St. Olaf Ilil>t Swenson Leaf Mountain :i£<j. Preston Leaf Mountain Ben Buth Nidaros Mrs. R. Coleman Nidaros Avery Davenport Clitherall Village >lrs. Stacey Doble Battle Lake Village Battle Lake Villc,ge Dalton Village Dalton Village Tumuli Tumuli Clitherall Twp. Clith~all Twp. Sverdrup Sverdrup Tordenskjold Tordenskjold Underwood Village Everts Everts Aastad 1st Ward Fergus Falls 1st Ward Fergus Falls Parkers Prairie Twp. Deercreek Twp. Deer Creek Twp. Henning Twp. HeMing Twp. Eastern Girard Bluffton Twp. Blowers Folden Otter Tail Twp. Elmo Inman Oak Valley Effington Leaf Lake Compton Woodside Otter Tail Village Otter Tai 1 Village Deer Creek Village Deer Creek Village Parkers Prairie Vill. Parkers Prairie Vill. Henning Village Henning Village Bluffton Village Bluffton Village Urbank Village 827 E. Fir, Fergus Falls 105 E. Fir, Fergus Falls 825 Springen, Fergus Falls 122 W. Junius, Fergus Falls 423 Cleveland, Fergus Falls 919 Ada, Fergus Falls 920, Ada, Fergus Falls 829 E. Mt. Faith, City Guttenburg Heights 721 W. Linden 546 7th Ave. W. 719 7th Ave. W. 915 W. Swnnit 623 E. SWIDlit 1023 E. Fir 113 N. Lakeside 335 W. Cherry 406 N. Vine 523 W. Vasa 702·S, Oak 714 • W. · SW!'Jld. t 435 1:. I JI I' 11'·. / I ,1 if, 'I y ! I I ii '\ I ! I 436 COMM°ISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Oscar Domholt Leo Dominick Herbert Duenow Henry Applequist Walt Tikkannen Wally Krueger Erv. Lehmkuhl John Honer Ludwig Huss Gordon Dahlgren Joe Biltz Anton l:-'iedler John Riestenberg Ed. Hendrickx Wendell Elofson Roy Issacson Fred Flatau Tom W. Dougherty Edward Peck, Jr. Robert Ronningen Le Roy Klovstad Ellis P.eterson Arnold Nord Raymond Dehrer Anton Ward Ordean Westby Ole Ostlund Jorolf Ronnevik Carl Trites Chester Knudson Ervin Zimmerman Ernest Tenneson Alfred Ouren Mr~. John T. Olson Lauritz Bystol Willard Danielson Mrs. Fernal Johnson Minnie Farden Orlin Moebius James Franze Mrs. John Steen DATE ........... Janua:ry .5 .................................................. 19 ... 66 PETIT JURORS Cont. 413 E. ;Junius 415 W. Cavour 329 W. Birch 330 E. Cedar GRAND JURORS New York Mills Perham Village Perham Village Dent Perham Township Vergas Pine Lake Corliss Edna Butler Rush Lake Otto Hobart Gonnan Scambler Pelican Twp. Norwegian Grove Pelican Rapids Vill. Lida Oscar Amor Maplewood Trondhjem Carlisle Maine Fergus Falls Twp. Elizabeth Twp. Erhard Vill. Erhards Grove Dane Prairie St. Olaf Nidaros Leaf Mountain Battle Lake Vill. Tumuli Clitherall Twp. 1st Ward Fergus Falls Mrs. Shennan Ferguson Mrs. Frank Stich George Miska Walter O. Ekness Harold Keller Henry Hensch Ernest Bartels ~lerville R. Soliah Embert Larson Hiram Sletten Mrs. S. K. Roisum Curtis Watt Al. Schambers Art Espeland Maynard Ellenson Harold Parduhn Onnand True Henry Ament Ted Johnson Marvin Hink Elvin Arvidson Warren Carlson Fred Greenwaldt Ivan Boehland Charles Oppegard Pete Eian John Dieseth Harry Anderson Russell Dorn John Knoff Merald Enstad Dean Tomhave Clifford Berglund Howard La Valley Gordon Ebersviller V. A. Ryan Harold Rovang James Seashore Pat (A.P.) Fiedler The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Gordon H. Larson Otto Haase James Bucholz Sam Nycklemoe Bennie J. Johnson Carlton E. M0rtensen Emil Boen Eugene Davenport Robert Shaw Anton N. Glesne Harris W. Iverson Mrs. Arlen Wahl Mrs. Olga Hoeft Northwestern Bell_ Tele. Co. Do Hilbert Isaacson Otto Haase Ebersviller's Implement Inc. Fergus J bbing, Inc. Gustafso~ Oil Co. Johnson Service Co. Anderson Bros. Const. Co. C. W. Weislander Gordon B;radt, George Larson Richard Enstad Mrs. Russell Brooberg Hazel Ellingson . Carl J. Lund, M. p. W. F. Schamber Everett C. Hanson Western Chemical Go. Mobile Radio & 'l'. V. Serv. Ugstad Plumbing & Heating Fergus Plumbing & Htg. Boarding Prisoners Expenses II II II II II II W.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. Weed & Seed Insp. Expenses II • Extra help Co. Assessor's office II II II II clerical work -Co. Supt. II calls II II II II Attd. Planning Commission II II II II Weather enclosure for tractor bleach fuel oil services Repairs on Phelps Mill repairing blinds Christmas Tree at C.H. mileage & services guard matron fee II II Attd. State Coroner's Convention coroner's fee II II drum tops services service call supplies -jail 611 E. Beech 523 E. Beec.h 705 W. Laurel 1C08 E. Cavour Orwell Western Orwell Aastad 1st Ward Fergus Falls 1st Ward Fergus Falls 1st Ward Fergus Falls ~ d Parkers Prairie Vill. Parkers Prairie Vill. Henning Village Henning Village Deer Creek Village Ottertail Village Bluffton Village Compton Effington Eastern Elmo Inman Woodside Leaf Lake 723 W. Summit Fergus Falls 230 W. Vernon 525 W. Vasa 617 W. Summd:t 320 W. Spruce 615 W. Vasa 1C09 W. Cavour 504 W. Lind en 1011 Cleveland 928 W. Cavour 704 S. Union · 519 N. Broadway lC03 Jefferson Place Guttenberg Heights $ 1266.75 178.60 154.$0 87.10 68.70 119.02 72.40 38.30 275.88 59.00 78.52 95.35 441.35 409.82 8.00 60.00 80.33 71.94 14.10 44.46 114.00 16.00 713.94 40.05 696.17 43.80 4.50 38.10 20.00 65.00 5.00 112.35 25.65 10.25 49.75 16.45 4.50 44.15 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IICPIPD MlfflZP■e CO■H■~~ Fergus Falls Clinic Miller-Davis Company Poucher Prtg, & Lith, Co, Midwest Printing Co, Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co, Gaffaney•s Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Burroughs corporation Nelson Bros, Printing Co, Davenport's Stationery Cooper's Office Supply The Pierce Company Star Laundry & Cleaners White Drug Co, State of Minnesota Myrtle E. Logas .. Enstad-Larson, Inc. Clifford H. Nelson DATE .............. J.an The Association of Minn, Counties State Treasurer Bill Christianson Russell Brooberg Vernon E. Bachman' Helen E. Skramsted Myrtle E, Logas Helen E. Benshoof Melen E. Benshoof Mrs. Otto F jestad Mrs. Ed. Skoglund Mrs. D. C, Haugen E,O.T,Telephone Co, Minneapolis Star & Tdbune Philip M. Kjaglien Do Straub Company Public Utilities Dept, N, W. Bell T~lephone Co. Secretarial Service Cooper's Office Supply Victor Lundeen & Co, Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co, Veterans Information Service Artz Camera Supply Co, Century Camera Inc, Township of Blowers Township of Effington Township of Fergus Falls Township of Inman Township of Orwell Township of Otto City of Fergus Falls Dr, E, C. Hanson Fergus Falls Clinic Dr. E. C. Hanson Fergus Oil Company North Union Texaco Cummins Diesel Sales, Inc, Eqµipment parts & Service Co., Inc• The George T. Ryan .. Co, Wm. Ziegler Co., Inc, Paper, Cail.menson &"Co. M & R Sign Co,, Inc. Bertelson Welding Harry F, Buehler Harvey Bullock Engebreeson Const, Inc, Fortwengler Electric Shop Hendrickx Implenent International Harvester Co, Knuttila Implement Co,, Inc. Matz & Greiff Mayo's Standard Service Minnesota Motor Co, Olson Auto Electric Perham Blacksmith & Welding Seedorf Repair Sauna Glo Inc, Smokey's Machine Shop Coast-to-Coast Store Henning Fergus Plumbing & Htg, Co, Dalton Grain & Feed D-A Lubricant Co,, Inc, Fossen Oil Co, Jim's Service Station West End Texaco Bluffton Oil Co, Erhard Oil Co, Fossen Oil Co, Ted' s Oil Company HI-LO Equipment Co. .. .s. ............................................... 19 . .66-. calls at jail supplies II forms & scratch paper supplies supplies ribbons maintenance II supplies II , II envelopes mop polaroid film Audit Year 1964 Adv, Corns, pd.driv,lic, agts, insurance caring election returns 1966 dues P,E,R.A. contribution dozing dump grounds· postage & filrp postage II II expenses postage II ·Attd, Nursing Bd. mtg, It II II II calls & services ad for Nurse mileage & expenses postage & Mche, rental. rent utilities calls & services mimeographing letters machine rental supplies II subscription supplies II poor expenses II II II II II II II II II II care of transients 11 11 T. B, "patients II II II II II University Hospital papers gas, oil II parts II II II grader blades steel posts repairs Supplies II coal diesel oil gas, etc. II II II II diesel oil II II fuel oil II II freight $ 25,00 114,87 239,52 8.00 128,47 14,60 30,00 63,77 502.00 768,50 4,85 511,86 '21.63 '1.00 10,00 3995,43 13,65 994,00 9,25 900,00 14918.26 57,00 77,65 54,00 50,00 85,00 63,57 5,00 5,00 9,15 J,90 32,89 44,10 103,50 8,00 50,00 3,70 35.62 6,90 10.00 11,59 55,50 9,00 115.23 156,10 191,05 3,06 634,72 947,65 437,74 1037,46 16,95 10.50 18,50 3.00 55,20 6.20 16.07 258,66 60,85 691.12 1785,88 581.CO 10.50 21,75 71,00 45.14 ,5,50 2,75 931,87 10.13 4,30 2,75 20.37 108.98 21.05 8,00 2.00 50,46 8,43 7,04 71.95 301,40 164,08 1174;,69•. 10.49 169,15 99,50 189,60 60,80 4.10 I. '1 i I ' I ' I \ i I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ Januar.1···~·-···········································l9 ... .66 IRPIID·Plll!!II CPNUU U C\OMP 1111 E·YQI Little Falls Machine Co. Walter Butler Engineering Co. City of Fergus Falls Public Employees Retirement Assn. Minnesota D~partment of Highways Minnesota Good Roads, Inc. American Road.Builders Assn. Monroe International Inc. Minneapolis Blue Prtg. Co. Burrough's Corporation Davenport's N. W. Bell Teie. Co. Pelican Tele. ·co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co., Henning Wendell P. Huoer G.D. Harlow George Olson · John o. Peterson Milo Haagensori Hakkila Bros. · Rudolph A. Jolinson Leonard Gunkel & First Natl. Bk. of Henn. Rothsay Telepnone Co. Runestone El.ec~ric Assn. Todd-Wadena Electric Co. Eagle Lake 'l'ownship Township of Dane Prairie snow plow bridge plans maintenance contribution services subscription dues maintenance supplies " II service & tolls " II II II II II expenses II II ·right of way " " " " II II II II " II " II move poles II II II II special aid II II Upon motion the Board adjour~ed to 10 o'clock A. M. February 8, 1966. Chairman Attest: $ 1701.50 900.00 561.25 .23832.71 187.73 100.00 7.50 64.00 -6.35 2.40 9.60 78.44 12.33 12.55 334.85 41.51 10.50 135.90 51.08 55.55 15.20 304.00 808.94 231.40 1296.58 300.00 400.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ercn■PP nuwaa.&Alll'.&•1 U C!OHD MP■-E•21R DATE ......... February? .................................................. 1966 .. MINUTF.s OF SPECIAL MEE.TING OF BOARD OF COUNTY a>MMISSIONERS OF OTTER 1' AIL COUNTY, MINN. Pursuant to.call the Board met at 11 o'clock A. M. February 7, 1966, all members being present. The Commissioner of Highways for the State of Minnesota having called for bids on behalf ofthe County on State Aid Highway #12 located between CSAH #47 and T.H. #78 7.0 miles South of Battle Lake, a representative of the State Highway Department opened bids, which were found to be as follows: Harvey W. Nelson ::,.,11.in lkus., lnc. Michaelson Bros., Inc. Marvin E •. Lund Kern & Tabery Strom ~onst. Co. Minnerath Const. Co. & . Martin Fruth Ed. Zimmennan Bain Bros. & Don Dahlman Clarence Drews Russell McCarty Enabak Const. Co. John Dieseth Co. Barry Const. Co. Lake Park, Minn. H;,.wley Madison Glenwood Sebeka Moorhead Cold Springs & St. Cloud Barrett . Clarissa Detroit Lakes Frazee, MiM. r'aribault Fergus Falls Lake Wilson :Ji:>'l,476. 'Ir( 62,853.96 63,444.33 65,351.28 65,367.24 65,522.78 67,559.48 67,930.67 69,209.50 69,660.40 73,888.35 .7b,4t!l. 79, Incomplete 82,927.86 The bid of Harvey W. Nelson in the amount of $59,478.97 was determined by the County Board to be the lowest bid received. Upon motion of Commissioner Nycklemoe and seconded by Commissioner Haase it was voted by said County lio~rd to. recommend to the Commissioner of Highways that the ex> ntract be awarded to Harvey W. Nelson, the lowest bidder. Upon Motion the County Board then adjourned. Chainnan Attest: 439 .A I I, I I I I I I " ,I :, I i -I r ,,, 'I !ii '' I I! ' : J,' I ,. ) .i I 440 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. February 8 ............................................. 19,66 .. MINln'ES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTI'ER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Board of County Commissioners met at 10 o'clock A,M. February 8, 19bb, all members present, Annual report of fees and emoluments .received by Olga Torvik, Treasurer; S, B, Johnson, County .. Auditor; Owen V, Thon1pson, Probate and Juvenile Judge; Helen Scramsted, Register of Deeds; Vernon E. Bachman, Superintendent of Schools; Myrtle E. Logas, Clerk of Court; Dr. Carl J, Lund, Coroner; James Bucholz, CODDll- issioner; Bennie J, Johnson, Commissioner; Sam Nycklemoe, COJDD1issioner; Otto Haase, Car.missioner; Harvey Morrill, Commissioner, were approved. The County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 11 o'clock A, M. March 8, 1966 for bituminous mater.ial comprising: Approximately 50,000 gallons SC and 100,0CO gallons MC to be delivered at any point in Otter Tail County by transport truck, equipped with pump for unloading. The County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 11 o'clock A. M, March 8, 1966 for the following pr.ejects: Bituminous Seal Coat, C,P. 66:SS Approximately 92,58 miles of County State Aid Highways, comprising approximately 203,620 gallons of bituminous material for seal .coat, 7,480 cubic yards of seal coat aggregate in stock piles by the County. Center Stripping: C.P •. 66 C.S. Approximately 135,73 miles of County State Aid Highways and County Highways to be centerstriped and approximately 782 gallons of yellow paint. Bridge: S.A.P. 56-642-03, Bridge #56511 (CSAH 42), 1-31 ft, .precast concrete span, 32 1611 road- way, located over Wing River, approximately 10,0 miles Northeast of Parkers Prairie, (Plans $3,00), Grading: S,A,P. 56-660-01 (66) C.P. 66:60 Length 2.107 miles, located from the East Junction of CSAH 51 to CSAH 13, approximately 5,0 miles North of Perham, comprising approximately 54,320.cubic yards of Class 11A11 Excavation. The County Auditor was instructed tD call for bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. March 8, 1966 for the following: Two i Ton Pick-up Trucks. Bids shall include trade-in allowance on the following units: Co, Unit #52 -1958 Chevrolet i Ton Pick-Up-Model 3234, located at Underwood, Co, Unit #24 -1960 Inter- national i-Ton Pick-Up -Model BllO located at Fergus Falls, · One -Pick-Up -6 Man Cab, 4 Door, Latest Available Model, . The Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor were authorized to sign the gas line easement of the Great Plains Natural Gas Co, covering the crossing of County roads, The County Hoard having previously asked for bids on an emergency stand-by power unit, including heating and ventilating, to be placed in the basement of the County Jail at Fergus Falls, bids were found to be as follows: Deutschman Electric Co, Edling Electric, Inc, Hintgen-Karst Electric ~o. $ 3,293,00 3,814,00 2,950.00 Upon motion the contract was awarded to the Hintgen-Karst Electric Co, The Board having previously advertised for gravel base and road mix bituminous surfacing on S,A.P. S,A.P. S.A.P. S.A.P. 56-651-02 56-655-03 56-660-02 56-683-06 opened bids which were found to be as follows: Mark Sand & Gravel Co,, Judd Brown Const. Co, John Dieseth Co. Fergus Falls Mankato Fergus Falls $ 93,694,60 95,868.25 102,423~50 After checking and consideration the contract was awarded to Mark Sand & Gravel Co! for $93,694,60, For Gravel Base and Road Mix Bituminous Surfacing on C.P. 66:01 B,M; C.P, 66:111 B; S.A.P, 56-625-04 (C,P. 66:25 B) bids were found to be as follows: )lark Sand & Gravel Co, John Dieseth Co, Judd Brown Construction Co, Fergus Falls, Fergus Falls Mankato $ 71,192,25 74,006.00 77,358,20 After consideration the contract was awarded to Mark Sand & Gravel Co, for $71,192.25, )UNNESOTA DEPAR'IMENT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FORM NO. III Be it resolved that pursuant to Section 161.36, Subdivisions 1 through 6, Minnesota Statutes 1961, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent, contracts for the construction of portions of County State-Aid Highway No, 61, described as follows: CSAH 61 ~•ram CSAH 16, 2, 5 Miles West of HeMing, to 6.0 Miles North, and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Cornmi~sioner of Highways prescribing the tenns and conditions ofsuch agency COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... F..etu:uar ... 8 ...................................... 19 .... 66 in the form ~s set. forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Fonn No. IV," a copy of which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractural obligations herein contained. Attest; Adopted this 8th day of February, 1966. S. B. Johnson Clerk. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS RESOLUTION FORM III-S B. J. Johnson Chainnan BE IT RESOLVED That pursuant to Section lbl.J6, Subdivisions 1 through 6, Minnesota Statutes 1961, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of County State-Aid Highway No. 61, described as follows: CSAH bl From CSAH 16, 2.5 Miles West of Henning, to 6.0 Miles North, which project shall.be combined with Otter Tail County's Federal Aid Secondary Project identified as S.P. No. 56-661-01, and Minn. S 6988(1), and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on be~alf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Conunissioner of Highways prescribing the.terms and conditions.of such agEncy in. th!=l form set forth and contamed in "Minnesota Department of High- ways AgEncy Contract Form No. IV-5", a copy of which said forms was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. ~dopted this 8th day of February, 1966. B. J. Johnson Ch.iirman of the County Board S. B. Johnson County Auditor (SEAL) RESOLUTION BE IT REroLVED That the Commissioner of Highways be, and he hereby is, requested to recommend to the Commissioner of Public Roads the selection of the road hereinafter described as part of the system of secondary and feeder roads eligible to receive Federal-Aid. Attest: COUNTY STATE-AID HIGHWAY NO. 82 Beginni~g at a point on present Trunk Highway No. 59 at or near the northwest corner of Section 6, Township 131 North, Range 42 West; tlience easterly along or. near the North line of Sections 6 and 5 to a point-approximately 310 feet East of the North quarter comer of said Section 5; thence in a general southeasterly direction thro~gh Sections 5,4,9 and 10 to a point at or near the center of said Section 10; thence easterly along or near the East~West quarter line through Sections 10 and 11 to a point at or near the center 9f ~aid Section 11; thence in a general southeasterly direction through Sections 11, 12, 13 and 24, Township 131 North, Range_ 42 West and continue southeasterly through Sections 19, JO, 29, 42 and 33, Township 131 North, Range.41 West to a point on the South County Line at or near the Southeast corner of said Section 33, and there terminating. Adopted this 8th day of February, ·1996. B. J. Johnson S. B. :Johnson Clerk I l r II :'I 'I I 442 ,I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... February .. 8 ........................ . . .. 19 ... .60 ...... •The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, that the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tsil County unanimousil.y agrees to support the budget of the Lakeland Mental Health Cen\er for the period from July 1, 1966 to June 30, 1967 in the amount not to exceed $17,000.00 as its share. This resolution was adopted by motion with proper second and passed by unanimous vote. Dated February 8, 1966. · B. J. Johnson Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. February 9, 1966. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o•c~ock A. M. February 9, 1966, all members present. A petition asking for the dissolution of Common School District No. 1452 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of various interested parties the petition was rejected. The petition of Northland Development Co. and others, asking that the N½ and NWt and NW¼ NEt of Section 26 and SW¼ S~ of S~ction 23, al~-in Township 133 Range 43 be set off from School District 1430 to District 544 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M. April 13, 1966, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the County Commissioners were authorized to attend one of the two County Weed Meetings to be held on February 15th and 17th in the County. Commissioners Bennie J. J0 hnson and James Bucholz were authorized to attend the Deer Horn Water- shed meeting at Barnesville when said meeting is called. Robert Molter appeared before the Board and offered $50 for a depleted gravel pit on his farm, and the County Auditor was instructed to prepare the required notices. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, Robert Oslund of 2317 Emerald Drive, White Bear Lake, Minn., was appointed County Surveyor of Otter Tsil County. Upon motion Allison & Co. were instructed to write the Workmens Compensation Policy effective from 3-1-66 to 3-1 67. Homestead classification on real estate were granted to the following: Jerome Washek Dale Sollin Nobel Stortroen John Williams Ni NW¼ SE¼ 2-133-41; Tract in Sec. 32-133-41 in-the Village of Underwood Lot 1 ex. E 631 and E! Lot 2 Block 7 McLane's Addn. to Fergus Falls Lot 11 Jerry's Breezy Beach, Township of Rush Lake The application of Alvin S. Peterson, OBA Al's Repair Shop, for refund of Personal Property tax payable in 1965 on which the second half of the tax was paid twice, upon motion it was recommended to the Commissioner of 'l'axation that the application be approved. The application of M. A. Miller for settlement and abatement of" delinquent taxes, penalties, interest and costs upon tract 35 ft. N & S by 100 ft. E. & W. in the SW corner of Lot 11 Block 3 Original Plat of New York Mills asking that he be allowed to settle the 1962 and 1964 taxes amounting to $794.34 for the sum of $129.00 was read and was recommended to the Tax Commissioner for approval. The following applications for correction of assessment on Personal Property were recamnended to the Tax Commissioner for approval: Vivian Fritz, Town of Lida, cattle assessed in two townships; Vivian Fritz, Town of Pelican, excessive number of cattle assessed to him; Chester Knutson, Town of Fergus Falls, new tractor over-assessed; Sophie Sundby, Village of Underwood, homestead exemption not given to which she was entitled; Edward Ruppa, Village ,of New York Mills, did not receive household exemption; Charles Flegg, Town of Pine Lake, not given household exemption; Mendelson F.gg Co., egg cooler assessed in Pelican Township, assessed at Elbow Lake at company headquarters; M. A, Miller, personal property in Newton Township, did not receive household exemption; Jim C. Askerooth, 'l'own of Girard, did not receive household exemption; Kennet)l H0 ffert, Everts Township, boat and motor assessed in Everts was also assessed in Richland County, his place of residence; >1agnus Alsaker, aluminum boat assessed in town of Everts which was also assessed to his son-in-law in the City of Fergus Falls and taxes paid; Sarah J. Walters, Dunn Twp. large boat assessed to her was sold three years ago; Edward Denzinger, household goods in Town of Dunn, not given household exemption; Adolph Wendt, Town of Corliss, 20 head of beef cattle were assessed in Corliss that were also assessed to his son-in-law in Becker County; Herbert E. Steeke, personal property assessed in the wrong school district, so the tax should be computed in the correct district; Chas, Goeden, Bluffton Twp., owner's inventory used as assessor's true and full value; Ervin Wells, Amor Twp., over assessment and clerical error in listing cattle. The following applications for correction of real estate assessments were read and they were recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval: Delores M. Menze Delores M, Menze's Reduction of assessed valuation on building on Lot 1 & SE! NE¼, E, SEt Sec, 28-135-38, building used for roller-rink became farm building for hay storage. application for reduction of the 1965 taxes on building in Section 28-135-38 used for roller-rink, excessive valuation. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IICDIID PIIIT■■e CONPIII V Cl 011'1. Robert Whitney M. A. & Myrtle H. M.j.ller Russell Shipley Mrs. Helen Kratzke, DATE ........... February 9 ............................................ 1966 Town of Rush Lake, SEt SEt Sec. JO, SEt NEt and NEt NEt Sec. Jl, excessive valuation Village of New York Mills, Tract 35' N & S by 1001 E & W in SE cor of Lot ll Block J Original Plat, excessive valuation placed on old unused theater building. SWt SEt ex. tract. to Village and ex. tracts in Sec. 15-131-37 Village of Parkers Prairie, more acres assessed than he owned. Village of Vergas, Lot 8 Block 1 Original Plat, home on this. description gutted by fire in January, 1965 but not decreased from the assessment on January 1, 1965. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, Leonard Eriksson presented his request for permission to repurchase Lots 7 and 8 Block 6 except ra.i-lroad right-of-way in Cutler's Second Addition to the City of Fergus Falls, which had been for- feited to the State for non-payment of taxes, by the payment of the taxes, :interest, penalties and costs amounting to $21,87 was granted, because to do so would be to the best public interest, and relieve undue hardship. Dated Februayr 9, 1966. Attest: S. B. Jnhnson Clerk The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Russell Brooberg Russell Brooberg Sidney Nelson Glen Melby . Gordon H. Larson Sam Nycklemo e Bennie J. Johnson Otto Haase James Bucholz Carlton E. Mortensen Roger M. Heidorn Roger M. Heidorn Arnold Evavold Harold Skistad Theo. Hegseth Homer SBD Melvin Trosvick Emil Boen Frank Roberts State of Minnesota Eugene Davenport Robert Shaw , Anton N. Glesne Harris W. Iverson Northwestern Bel.l Telephone CO. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Otto Haase . Geo. E. Jensen Gustafson Oil Compaey Gustafson Oil Company Duro-Test Corporation Otter Tail Grocery Co. Wm. Galena & Son General Trading Co. Otter Tail Grocery Co. Ebersviller ~mplement Co. Fergus Hardware Tysver Landscape & Garden Cent er Deutschman Electric Co, Gust Lagerquist & Sons, Inc. Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Richard Mikkelson Oscar Bergstrom Andrew Lindquist Ronald Gray Mrs. Russell Brooberg Olga Peterson Reba Lee B. J. Johnson Chainnan Boarding Prisoners expense & care of transients expenses Sal y W.O.T. Soil Cons. Di t. II E II II II II II II II II II II Mtg. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II ·11 II II II II II Expenses Attd. Sh.Course Weed Insp. II II II Weed Inspection Expenses & mileage II II II Extra help Co. Assessor's Office II II II II II tolls II Attd. Planning Commission , II II II fuel oil II It lamps supplies repairs supplies II II planting at C.H. grounds move conduit in Eng. office service II guard ·" II II matron fees II II II II II $ 1230.00 Rev. 110.80 148.70 243,95 190,·JO 234.02 11.50 16.00 15.50 18.00 167.20 310.80 125.80 · 31.50 24.75 · 23.85 · 27.45 · 28.80 67.50 63.35 J2.52· ~.134,28 173.03 73.10 126.00 60,70 105.31 · 7.50 9.30 713.94 704.16 13.45 lb.95 ·38.25 3.15 41.18 2.90 1.40 72.50 12.35 59.07 443.25 · 30.00 5.00 · 5.00 5.00 50.00 5.00 5.00 443 444 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ .F.ebr.uar.Jr ... g .. ______ ·····-· . ···--····--·-----19-.. 6.6. Mrs, Rosalie Walz Ivan E, Bigler, •1. D, Jay L, Kevern, M. D, R, R. Holland White Drug Co, Holten Lumber Co. Mobile Radio & T. V, Service Hintgen-Karst Electric c.o, Key Laboratories, Inc, Stan's Garage Fergus Plumbing & Htg, Co. Fergus Falls Clinic Village of Pelican Rapids Donald Lee Roger L, Hanson Henry Lubitz, Sp, Dep, George Larson Donald Lee Merlin s. Rieman Dorothy Fletcher The Pit Municipal Court Jurors Fergus Falls Veterinary Clinic Burroughs Corporation Miller-Davis Company Davenport's Stationery Security Blank Book & Prtg, Co, Fergus Hardware Victor Lundeen & Company Victor Lundeen & Company Schoolcraft Company Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. Zerox Corporation Martindale-Hubbell, Inc. Stenographic Machines, Inc. Johnson Drugs Burroughs Corp. -Todd Div. SCM Corporation Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. Whiting's Office Equipment Cooper's Office Supply Burroughs Corporation Gaffaney1s Panama Carbon Company I.B,M, Corporation 1-irs. S, P. Adams, Jr. Johnson Furniture Co. Nelson Bros." Prtg, Co. Fergus Falls Daily Journal Pelican Rapids Press The Henning 0Advocate Battle Lake Review Perham Enterprise Bulletin The Independent Myrtle E. Logas Owen V, Thompson Vernon E. Bachman Helen E, Skramsted Vernon E. Bachman Helen E. Skramsted Mrs. Helen E. Benshoof Donnis Fjestad, R, N. Donnis Fjestad, R. N, E,O,T, Telephone Co, Helen E. Benshoof Donnis Fjestad Fergus Fails Daily Journal Donnis Fjestad, R. N. Walter S. Booth & Son Helen E. Benshoof Mrs. Philip Wicklund Mrs. Arthur 'Bakke Mrs. Russell Jedlund Mrs, Alva HelJnrichs Mrs, F.dwin Skoglund Mrs. Charles W, Lewis Mrs, Philip Wicklund )lrs. Alva Helmrichs Mrs. Ed. Skoglund Mrs. John Steblay Mrs. Robert ·H, Johnson Mrs. Arthur ·Bakke 1-lrs. Wallace Hubert Philip M, Kjaglien Straub Company Philip M. Kjaglien Fergus Hardware Public Utilities Dept. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Matron fees coroner's fees II II Relief Jailer Salary jail supplies II ti II II repairs te~ts repairs repairs & labor Jail call for prisoner use of police car Sp, Dep. fees & expenses II II II II II II II II II ti · II II II Bailiff II II II II II II II meals for jurors Juror's fees II II II board etc. for 2 dogs paper supplies II II II II II certificates supplies records Law Directory supplies gloves maintenance II service call rental calculators Rental for add, machine Ribboms & Copy paper ribbons carbon typewriter for Ct. Reporter stamped envelopes frame picture envelopes & printing publishing publ. pers. prop. tax list II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Adv. coms,pd.driv.lic,agts. Expenses Attd. Conventipn II II It postage II II exp~ses & mileage Salary & mileage mileage calls & services postage II ad for nurse expenses & supplies supplies II Attd. Nur ing Bd, Mtg. II II II II II II mileage & expenses rent postage & Mche. rental cleaning supplies utilities calls & services supplies $ 5,00 25,25 26.28 100.00 45,38 6,99 64,75 10.20 10.50 19,29 10.18 6,00 4,40 76,00 10.JO 60.00 14.20 36.80 10,00 84,60 41.05 72,00 26,00 40.20 JS.OJ. 44,16 3174.11 18.16 275.11 135.53 73,24 8,73 362.10 70.00 JS.70 4,62 72,00 55,00 7,75 99,00 30.00 48.95 1.91 10.66 454,50 31.45 4,50 422.60 R & B. 56,70. Rev, 1890,43 876,00 530,10 106).50 701.40 354,90 10.05 43.00 15,25 25,00 Jl.85 30.00 117,85 109.22 6.81 52,19 6,00 8.00 22,80 10.51 19,53 14.95 7,50 3,30 3.00 7,35 9.15 4,95 J,75 7,35 9,15 7,35 5.10 J.JO 2,70 86.25 50,00 1.00 4.Jl J.70 27,36 46,76 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ .f.!!!>ruary 9 ................................................. 19.66 .. ■ICH■lr.-uuu.a.amuaLJUIAIIL....._ • Artz Camera.Supply Secretarial.Service The Henning Advocate Anderson Bros. Construction Co. Mrs. Wallace Kimball Fergus Falls Clinic Andrews & Meister Drug W. F. Schamber, M. D. E. C. Hanson, M. D. Town of Dwm Town of Edna Town of Elmo Town of Elizabeth Town of Folden Town of Lida Town of Ni!laros Town of Parkers Prairie Town of Pine Lake Town of Sverdrup Village of Battle Lake Village of Clitherall Village of Underwood Town of Pe.Lican Klauer Mfg •. Co. Northwest Engineering Co. Road Machinery & Supplies Ruffridge-Johnson Equip. Co., Inc. Wm. H. Ziegler Co.• Inc. Minnesota Tractor Co. Adelsman Boiler Co. Harvey Bullock Ebersviller .Implement Co. Fergus Dodge, Inc. Fergus Plumbing & Htg. Ford Motor Credit Co. Graff Hardware & Impl. International Harvester Co. Walter Jokela Repair Larson Welding Lyon Heating & Air Cond. Matz & Greiff Olson Auto 1/.lectric Park Region.Oil Co. Penrose Chevrolet Co. Perham Farm.Supply ~o. Perham Mfg •. Co. Riverside Repair Shop Rude Garage. Smokey's Machine Shop $tan• s Garage Super G.M.C. Truck Sal.es Thelen Implement Vergas Motor Service Farwell, Ozmun, K:i:r.k & Co. >linnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. Lyon Chemicals, Inc. Otter Tail Grocery Co. Bretz Hardware Coast-to-Coast Stores B. L. Coast-to-Coast Store Pel. Rapids Coast-to-Coast Store Perham Everts Lumber Co. General Trading Co. General Trading Co. Genuine Parts Co. Hoyt Hardware National Bushing & Parts Co. Sauna Glo, Inc. Sigjilman Hide & Fur Co. Welders F.quiµnent Paper, Calmenson & Co. M & R Sign Company Morton Salt ~ompany Doc I s Tire Service Firestone Store Dalton Grain & Feed Raymond Motor Trsns., I c. Mark Sand & Gravel Co. " G. C. Mullen Walter G. Olson O'Meara•s Dept. Store Construction Bulletin Fergus Falls Daily J0 umal Public Employees Retirement Assn. )!inn. Dept. of Highways Secretarial Service H. A. Rogers Company Otter Tail Power Co. Minneapolis Blue P\rtg. Co. supplies letters subscription Repairs made in C.H. trip to Cannon Falls T .B. patie,t med•. for T. B. patient H II II II II University Hospital papers II poor expenses parts II II II II repairs· supplies gr der blades signs salt tires II coal freight gravel II II supplies Adv. for bids II II II interest II II tests, inspections & services services prints II supplies $ 3.06 24.70 3-75 228.'12 20.00 15.00 44.10 ~7.00 3.00 2527.50 lb8.55 427.82 743.38 333.05 369.13 212.19 657.48 785.82 735.52 150.61 577.63 685.17 277.40 3.06 133.63 114.92 2.1:1.50 3b9.15 12.31 25.38 .26.00 132.81 111.25 40.60 7.75 13.78 258.35 109.04 19.75 .30.05 9.60 109.74 .7i25 j.oo . 5.88 3.25 72.14 lb.00 25.00 2.35. 13b.14 8.00 30.28 62.71 513.00 1326.32 6.24 9.09 28.07 21.17 3.10 63.54 648.46 329.80 111.38 11.83 128.58 1.00 99.77 85.99 748.71 898.20 500.00 391.92 68.10 112.85 4.00 308.00 3.50 8.00 · 13.20 47.70 12.00 2.44 475.83 13.75 58.89 48.90 54.14 I ,I I I•, i I Ii ,11 i! .I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE .......... February 9 ... . ......................... 19 .. 66 IHPIIU Plll!l■I SOMPAIT,-■r,CLOPP,■IH E-21D8 Victor Lundeen & Co, Davenport's.Stationery Poucher Prtg, & L~tho, Co, E,O,T, Telephone Co, N, W, Bell-Telephone Co. F. F. Midwest Telephone Go, N; W. Bell Telephone Co. F. F. Pelican Telephone Co. N, W. Bell Telephone Co. Henning. Wendell P, Huber Wendell P, Huber Andy's 66 Service Consumers Co-op Oil Co, B, L. Consumers Co-op Oil Co. B. L. Consumers Co-op Oil Co. Henning Co-op Services, Inc. Dave's Standard Service Farmers Co-op Cry. Assn. D. C. Fanners Co-op Creamery Fossen Oil Gompany Henning DX Service Highway Co,.(Service Station) Hoot Lake Pure Kraemer Oil .Co. Mayo's Standard Service Olson Oil Company Otter 1'ail Co-op Oils, Inc,, Dalton Otter Tail Co-op Oils, Inc., F. F. Perham Co-op Oil I.a, Ray I s Oil Company Riverside Pure Service Oil .Co, B. L. Theodorson Mobil Service Thomas Oil ~ompany Twin's Motor Co. Underwood Lakeside Service West End Texaco D-A Lubricant Go,, Inc. Arrow Petroleum Bluffton Oil Company Service Oil ,l.o, Underwood Standard Oil Co. Battle Lake Bengtson Oil Company Fossen Oil Co, The Oil Store Penrose Oil .Co. Standard Oil Co. P. P. Ted's Oil Go, Alvin Sethre George R. Liil Jorolf T. Ronnevik Gerald Tysver South Friberg Church Obert Haug . Otto R. Haug Cheater Laugen Calmer Moen . Clajton Bownan F jestad Bros. Fmil Ogroske Arthur Carow Leonard E. Wegscheid John Dombeck Marvin Damlo Edwin Sczygiel Chester A. Dulski Walter Bolland Wilma Bolland Wilma Bolland & Clara Bolland Supplies II II service & tolls II II II II II II II II II II II ' II II II cash advanced expenses gas, etc. gasoline gas, etc, gasolihe gas, etc. gasoline gas, etc. gasoline & fuel oil gas, etc. II II II gaoslmne gas, etc. gasoline II II II gas, etc. II II gasoline gas, etc. gasoline gas, etc. II II II II gasoline diesel oil II II · 11 fuel etc. II II II II II fuel oil II II II II fuel oil fuel oil II II Right of Way $ 107.73 17.65 51,39 20,95 78,62 25.25 80.74 14.60 ll,40 14,72 .1·57,40 62.32 281.36 16.70 26.16 438.71 93,08 173,45 206.27 119.18 77,71 70,72 109.89 298.29 68.06 139,70 118,39 32,75 172,55 109,90 75,11 45,27 93,0J 187,70 22.88 121.74 5,54 203,50 JBS.JO 148,40 168,50 47,37 159.00 379,20 95,40 68.15 141,96 60,80 2.40 12.40 26.60 53,65 2.60 64,38 84,80 179,70 1.20 40,80 79,78 44,38 43,23 72,13 62.04 17,60 29.60 40.20 9,50 9,50 2,00 The bill of the Lake Region Hospital for autopsy in the sum of $100.00 was rejected as it was not ordered by the Coroner, Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. March 8, 1966, Chairman Attest: COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... Mar.ch..B ........................................................... 19.6h. .. MINIITES OF 'll!E ADJOURNED MEET! NG OF THE BOARD.OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL a>UNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at IO o'clock A. M. March 8, 1966, all members present. The Board having previously advertised for bids for 2 half ton pick ups and one flur door six man cab pick up, bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. March 8, 1966, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Minnesota Motor Co. Fergus Falls, Minn. International Harvester Company, Fergus Falls Fergus Dodge Fergus Falls, Minn. Stan's Garage Battle Lake, Minn. Suhr Ford Fergus Falls, Minn. Perham Farm Supply Perham, Minnesota Super GMC Fergus Falls ! T Pickup with trade in on Co. Unit #52 1133.60 1388,00 1500.00 1424.95 i T Pickup with trade in on Co. Unit #24 $1062.70 1033.00 I 1488.00 1400.00 1249.50 6 man Cab Pickup $2650.00 2260.00 2189.35 2389.00 2249.67 2175.00 / 3092.00 Upon motion the ! ton pick up with trade in on Unit #52 was awarded to the •tinnesota Motor Company for $992. 70, the i ton pick up with trade in on Unit #24 was awarded to Fergus Dodge for $1033.60 and the 6 man cab pick up was awarded to Perham Farm Supply for $2175.00, being the lowest· ·bid in· each case. The Bea rd having previously advertised for bids on various highway projects to be opened at 11 o'clock A. M. proceeded to open bids on : Bridge 56-511 over the Wing River 1~ miles northeast of Parkers Prairie, and were found to be as follows: Korby Contracting Co., Hardriv, Inc. Fergus Falls, M; nn. St. Cloud, Minnesota $19,257.25 21,944.65 Upon motion the contract was awarded to Korby Contracting Company•for the sum of $19,257.25. Bids on c.P. 66 Gehter• Striping: ... Traffic Marking Service Inc• Hi-Way Striping Buffalo Worthington $ 8217.87 10,512.20 Upon motion the contract was awarded to Traffic Marking Service Inc. for the sum of $8217.87. Bids on C. P. 66 Sand S~: Minn. Valley Impr. Co. McLaughlin & Schulz, I c. J. W. Craig Company " C. L. Nelson & Co., Inc• Ness Construction Comapny Surma Bros. Const. Bit. Surface Treating Co. John Dieseth Co. Hi-Way Surfacing Co. Lundin Construction Co. C. L. Stodolka Co., Inc. Granite Falls Marshall Cambridge Brainerd Mahnomen Bowlus Inver Grove Fergus Falls Minneota Mankato Little Falls $ 56,889.20 53,672.80 69.563.60 70,311.60 58,343.bO 60,034.90 70,851.80 57,221.60 49,783.20 53,481.60 58,343.60 Upon motion the contract was awarded to Hi-Way Surfacing Company in the sum of $49,783.20. Bids on Grading and Gravelling on c.s.A.H. No. bO S.A.P. 56-660-01 as follows: Russell McCarty Stan Morrill, Inc. Ed Zimmennan Strom Construction Clarence Drews Construction Frazee, Minn. Fergus Falls Barrett Moorhead Detroit Lakes Upon motion the mntract was awarded to Stan Morrill, Inc. for the sum of $16,894.51. $17,031.91 16,894.51 / 16,969.50 18,449.90 19,170.60 ,'. . I· r 448 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ...... March .. 8 ........... . ............................. 19 ... 66 E•l808 The Board having previously advertised for Bituminous materials for the 1966 season to be delivered by truck transported to any point in Otter Tail County proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: S.C. M.C. Western Oil & Fuel Company .1158 per gallon .1258 per gallon Northwestern Refining Co. Hydrocarbon Specialty Inc. .1172 II .1245 II II II .1272 II .1320 II II II Upon motion the contract was awarded to the N0 rthwestern Refining Company, theirs being the lowest firm bid. Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to call for bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A. M. April 12, 1966 for the following grading and gravelling Job: S.A.P. 56-621-06 C.P. 66:21 Length 2.986 l!liles, located from T. H. #52·. 0.5 mile Northwest of Carlisle, and North 3.17 miles, comrising approximately 109,839 cubic yards of Class 11A11 Excavation and 4,200 tons of Gravel Wearing Course in place. Upon motion the Commissioner of Highways was authorized to advertise for bids on behalf.of Otter Tail County for grading and gravelling approximately 5 3/4 miles on CSAH Ub9 north of County Highway·H16. Upon motion the wages of the County Highway Patrol officers was fixed at $1.50 per hour for the 1966. season. RESOLU'flON BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CDMMISSIONERS Commissioner Bucholz offers the follow:j.ng resolution and moves its adoption. WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the Water Resources Board by theBecker County Colllllissioners wherein they request, for the reasons ~tated therein, the establishment of a watershed district as described in said petition, and, WHEREAS, a portion of Otter Tail County naturally.belongs to and lies within the watershed basin of the streams and lakes to be included within said district, and, WHEREAS, Said petition did n9t contain any lands lying within Ott~rl'ail Col.inty and, \'IHEREAS, it is the consensus of this Board that said lands lying within Otter Tail County arid within the proposed watershed district should be included within the petition and be included within said districts; said lands being generally located in T. 137 N., Range 41 W., (Cand9r) in Otter Tail County. NOW,,THEREFORE, be it resolved that this Board of County Commissioners join in and sign the afore- said petition, and further be it resolved that this Board agree to and join in the amendment by the Becker. County Board of Commissioners to the petition heretofore filed with the Minnesota WaterResources Board, which amendment includes that part·of the Otter Tail County which naturally lies within the proposed watershed. Be it also resolved that the Chairman of this Board and the County Auditor of this county are hereby auth9rized to sign said petition on behalf of this Co~ty Board. The motion being seconded by Nycklemoe and the question being called on the adoption of the resolution, the roll being taken there were five yeaa.,and no nays and.so the resolution was adopted. Adopted tpis. 8th day of March, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. Upo~ motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. March 9, l9bb. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjo~rl'll!lent the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. March 9, 1966, all members present. The petition of Andrew M. Lindquist asking that. the Ni SE¼ NEt NW¼ Sub Lot C, the SWt NW! and the Lots A & B of Section 24-132-42 be set off from District #1387 to School Uistrict #550 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be had on said petition ahd that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The petition of Merle E. Wilke asking that the Si of the NEi and Ni of the SE/; in Section 20 Township 132 Range 41 bes¢ off from District #1388 to District #550 was read and it was ordered tha a hearing be had on said petit~on and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The following names were. submitted to the Commissioner of Public Welfare from which to select a lay member of the County Welfare Board: Mrs. Norbert Hertel tlrs. Russell J edlund Dent, Minnesota Ashby, Minnesota Mrs. John Stein Fergus Falls, Minnesota 1.t _________ ,. _________________________ ~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 449 11 DATE ....... ~~.~ch. 9 ........................................................... 19 ... 66 Licenses for off and on sale of-'non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted as follows: Melvin Baas Franklin Olson Stanley J. Butkus A. Sepchenko Herman A. Weichert Triangle Inn Rush Lake Township Inman Township Everts Township Friberg Township Perham Township Frank's Place Graystone Lodge Heidelberger Lake Resort Babe's Resort Licenses to hold public dances were granted to Hennan Weichert Babe's Resort, Township of Perham. Upon motion Highway Engineer, Wendell P. Huber, was ~uthorized to attend the National Association of County Engineers at Cleveland, Ohio. The bond of Emily A. Thorness as Deputy Clerk of Probate Court in the sum of $1000.00 l(d.th the General Insurance Company as surety wa~ approved. Upon motion it was voted that Otter Tail County Join the Central Mii:mesota Tuberculosis Clinic at St. Cloud, Minnesota and the Chairman and County Auditor were authorized and directed to issue that organization a check in the sum of $75.00 as the County's share of operating expenses. Mr. Pozer and the Librarian at FergusFalls appeared before the Board ~d explained the Library Bookmobile service. No action was taken. Upon motion, made and seconded and carria;i, the County Auditor was instructed to transfer the sum of $1000.00 from the Revenue Fund to the County Attorney's Contingent Fund. The following applications for relief executed by Rodger A. Neumaim, City Clerk-Treasurer of Fergus Falls asking that certain special assessments which had been previously been paid to his office and were erroneously certified by him to thecCounty Audit9r for inclusion with the 1966 tax collections be cancelled: Lot 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 32 Wheeler & Rawson's 3rd Addn. Lot 3, Block 3 Gutler's 6th Addn. Lot 13, Block 5, Cutler's 1st $107.54 53.76 6.25 N 175 feet of the S 125 feet of Block 4 and Lots 21 to 26 Rosemount Addn. 44.72 35.48 Lot 5 Block 5 C. J. Wrights Addn. Homestead classifications were granted on the ibllowing: Agnes F. Berg Chester Reidel Fred Aiexander T. J. Harper Lawrence J. Winkels Joe Dahl Marvin R. Walk E 45 feet of Lot 6, Block 4, Cutler's 4th 80 acre tract ih Camel Park, Parkers Prairie West 65 feet of Lot 12 and the North ! of Lot 11, Block 47, Lakeview Addn. to Parkers Prairie. S 25 feet of the North 100 feet of Lot 1, Block 2, Original Plat, Henning Lot 3, Block 4, Village of Dent East 60.feet of Lot 4 Block 3, Stabeck's Addn. to Clitherall Small tract in Government Lot 4 of Section 27, Town of Rush Lake. \ Applicati~ns for reduction and correction of assessed valuation of Person~Property were approved and recommended to theCommissioner of Taxation for approval as follows: Sverd:rup Mutual Ins. Co. Socony Mobile Oil Co. Inc. Axel W. Strand James. Glawe Orvil~e Nemmers Ernest N. Monthly Franc_es Galland A. M •. Thackeray John Brauckmann Cancellation of Personal Property t!pCes on the ground ·that they pay gross earnings tax. Village of Dent, double assessment. Town of Rush Lake, No household exemption to which he was entitled. Town of Hobart, No household ex:empti6n to which he was entitled. Everts Township, Boat assessed too high. Town of Everts, Owns no personal property since real estate was sold in September 1964. Village of Dent, clerical error in classification•. Town of Dead Lake, Inventory taken on market value instead of one third. Town of Butler, Fourteen too many cows assessed. /; I !.· r 450 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P,_ OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE .......... March_ 9 .................... . ...... 1966 .. CLOUD ■I■■• E-2108 The following applications for reduction in assessed valuation of real estate were approved and recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval: G. K. Onstad Norman Nodsle James Formo Rayinond E. Bruhn Except West 6 feet, all of Lot 21, Block 6, McLanes Addn. for the years 1964 and 65, for the reason that the basement is in very poor condition. West 5 rods of the East 10 rods of the NE/; SW¼ Section 15., Village of Parkers Prairie; excessive valuation. SW¼ SE¼, SE¼ SWt and SW¼ sw¼ except part S & W of RR, Section 12, Tumuli Twp. Error in addition of the breakdown of land c:)..assification. NW¼ SW¼, Si NW¼ and Lots J and 4 in Section 4, Star Lake; Too many acres.· assessed as tillable land. The application of Phyllis J. Schmidt for homestead classification Qn Lot 4 and 5 Section 26, Township of Dane Prairie was rejected on recommendation of the Town and County Assessors. The following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that it is hereby declared to be the intention of the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County to fill the office of County Surveyor by appointment. Adopted this 9th day of March, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson C:Lerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That, Robert Oslund be and he hereby is appointed to the office of County Surveyor of Otter Tail County, Minnesota effective April 1st, 1966 for a tenn of four years. B. J. Jonnson Chairman. Attest: _____ s_..._._B~,.___J_o~hn=s~o_n _____ _ Clerk, The bond of Hobert B, Oslund as County Surveyor in the sum of $20CO,OO with the United Pacific Insurance Company as surety was approved. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Russell Brooberg Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Gordon H. Larson James Bucholz Sam Nycklemoe Bennie J. Johnson Harvey Morrill Otto Haase Roger M. Heidorn Harold Skistad Melvin Trosvik Arnold Evavold Theo. Hegseth Homer Sem Frank Roberts Eugene Davenport Robert Shaw Northwestern Bell Tele. Co. Do Wanek Locksmith Wm. Galena & Son Holten Hardware Johnson Service Company Oscar Bergstrom Boarding Prisoners Expenses Sal y E.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. Exp. & Sal1y W.O.T.Soil Cons. Dist. II II II II II II II II II II Expenses II Calls II " II II " II Repair lock Repairs Supplies " II " " II II II II Weed Check valve assy. guard II II II II ! II II II II II II II " II II II Insp. $ 1027.75 78,10 191.JO 171.00 lJS.15 60.25· 52.CO 54,25 26.CO 59.50 281.20 '8.25 19.20 Jl.50 2J.85 18.JO 99.00 128.78 61.50 99.76 78,50 5.00 62,00 J0.61 7,50 5,00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... M.ar:ch .. 9 ........................................................ 19 .66 Ron Gray Mrs. Russell Brooberg Olga Peterson · Key Laboratories, Inc. Sargent-Sowell; Inc. Fergus Jobbing.Inc. Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. Fergus Glass & Paint Beacon Products Co. Lyon Animal Clinic Dr. Robert Featherstone Markstrom Drug Henry Lubitz, Sp. Dep. Donald Lee Merlin S. Rieman Municipal Court Viking Cafe Victor Lundeen·& Company Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Co. Zerox Corporation Davenport's Stationery Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Miller-Davis Company The Pierce Company West Publishing Co. Marshall & Stevens Publication Co. Houghton-Mifflin Co. Farnham's Stationery & School Supplies Northwestern Publishing Co. Fergus Falls Daily Journal Perham Enterprise-Bulletin Myrtle E. Logas Helen E. Skramsted Myrtle E. Logas Minn. County Clerks of Dist. Court Assn. Helen E. Skramsted Vernon E. Bachman Helen E. Skramsted Allison & Company Ame Arneson Village of Perham •Helen E. Benshoof Mrs. Donnis Fjestad Mrs. Robert Swanson ·E.Q'/.T. Telephone Co. Mrs. llonnis Fjestad, R.N. Andrews & Meister Drug Empire Business Machines Mrs. Donnis Fjest~d Philip M. Kjagiien Straub Company · Philip M. Kjaglien Public Utilities Dept. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Cooper's Office Supply Secretarial Service Midwest Printirig Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Artz Camera su;ply Co. Hintgen-Karst Electrical Equip. Fergus Falls Ciinic Township of Erhards Grove Township of Maine Township of.Perham Township of Tuuiuli Village of Henning Village of New York Mills City of Fergus Falls Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Hall Equipnent, Inc. Hayden-Murphy Equipt. Co. HI-LO Equipmen~ Co. Minnesota Tractor Co. Northwest Engineering Co. Ruffridge-Johnsbn Eq. Co., Inc. The Geo. T. Ryan Co. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Smith, Inc. . Handy Governor Sal. es Harry F. Buehler Ebersviller Implement Co. Edling Electric, Inc. Genuine Parts Co. Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. International Harvester Co. Knuttila Implement Co., Inc. Marlo Motors Minnesota Motor Co. Guard Matron fee II II Tests handcuffs bleach Repairs, etc. supplies Equipnent tranquilizers for dog tooth extraction for prisoner Medication for prisoner Sp. Dep. fees & expenses II II II II II Mileage & Expenses jurors meals for jurors supplies printing & envelopes supplies Service & supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies pocket parts Handbook Iowa tests Mounting board publishing P.P.. tax list tax notices & publishing II II Adv.coms.pd.driv. lie. Agts. Attd. annual convention II II II Reg. dues Registration fees· Postage II Insurance Design, drawing & spec. for Civ. Def. $ Co. share of Municipal Court Judge I s Sal'!y. Expenses 11 and mileage II II tolls & rental supplies II service call postage II mileage & expenses rental Mche. rental & postage Utilities calls & services Mche. rental & typist chair letters & letterhead printing supplies II II lamps Medication T .B. patient poor expenses II •11 II II II II II II II II II II parts repairs 5.00 15.00 5.00 12.55 12.98 16.00 57-47 47.80 52.51 8.00 5.co 6.co 37.20 33.50 34.10 1i4.oo 31.30 167.73. 434.35 222.67 129.33 17.65 190.36 129.54 16.17 48,00 12.50 115:41 20.00 456.00 208.90 9,24 12.25 53.65 52.15 40,00 60.00 35.00 25.00 1522.79 236,00 86b,bq 89.88 2.36 10.50 21.29 2.82 2,77 5.50 .80 70,50 50.00 . 4.00 3.78 32,94 38.00 17.85 21.50 15.3,8 23.00 106.50 4.26 10.00 180,23 848.55 22.59 . 9)..81 1340,99 109.0.6 9998 •. 97 112.3!> 41.96 21.58 46.15 2,39 1349.2P 777.79 . 15,,44 420.,78 ,212.00 14.38 I 24,75 53,55 14,40 15.23 7.96 lb0.29 9,65 21.99 3,61 'I l I I ti '1 '452 1, I I r i' . I 11 I: I I . , .Ii, I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ......... Ma.r.ch .. 9 ............. . ......................... 19 ... .66 Olson Auto Electric Parkers Auto Service Sauna Glo Schmitz Garage · Stan's Garage Super GMC Truck Sales Vergas Plumbing & Htg. Coast-to-Coast Store P.R. General Trading ~o. Holten Hardware National Bushing & Parts Co. National Chemsearch Corp. Sigelman Hide & ~•ur Co. Swenson Equip. ·& Hdwe. Welders Equipment 'Wilcox Lumber Co. Henn. Little Falls Mche. Co. Wheeler Lumber ·Bridge & Supply Co. Daycoa, Inc. K & G Aggregates, ]nc. Paper, Calmenson & Co. Dalton Grain &·Feed Co. Firestone Store Bauck Chevrolet Co., Inc. Hendrickx Implement Ted Knott Raymond Motor Trans. Inc. 0'Meara1s Dept.-Store Minn. Dept. of •Highways Construction Bulletin Fergus Falls Daily Journal Midway Prtg. Co., Inc• Otter Tail Power Co. Minneapolis Blue Prtg. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. E.O.T. Telephone Co. N.W. Bell Telephone Co. F.F. Midwest Telephone Co. N.W. Bell Telephone Co. Henn. Pelican Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell Tele. Co. F. F. Vergas Telephone Co. Allison & Co. · Wendell P. Huber G. D. Harlow George Olson Wendell P. Huber Harold Maack Chester Hennagi-r & First Natl. Bk. of P.P. Darrel L. Goff & Jesse G. Wynn Chester Hennagir & First Natl Bk. of P.P. Village of Parkers Prairie Consumers Co-op Oil Co. B.L. Standard Oil N·. Y .M. Consumers Co-op Oil Co., Henning Dave's Standard• Service Henning Dave's Standard-Service Farmers Co-op C·reamery Assn. D.C. Fergus Oil Co.,· Inc. Fossen Oil Co. , Jim's Service Station John's 7-0 Service Meyer's Service-Station Miller's Citgo Service Ray's Oil Company Roger's Sinciair Service Oil Company B.L. Standard Oil Co•, N. Y .M. Theodorson Mobil Service Thomas Oil Co. - Twins Motor Co.• Vergas Oil Co. · D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Penrose Oil Co, Perham Co-op Oii Co. Consumers Co-op-Oil Co. B. L. Erhard Oil Co. · The Oil Store - Standard Oil Co-. B. L. Standard Oil Co-. , Perham Standard Oil Co-, N. Y .M. Underwood Lakeside Service Repairs II II II II II II supplies Snowplow Lumber Lamps sand cutting edges coal tires tow charge II II service freight supplies servic_es Adv. for bids •II • II II printed forms prints supplies II service~ tolls II II •II II II II II II II II II II service & tolls service & tolls Insurance expenses II II cash advanced Right of Way II II II II II II II II II spec .. aid gasoline II II II II gas, etc. gasoline gas, etc, II II II II Gas, etc gasoline gas, etc. II II II II II II II II II II gasoline gas, etc. diesel Oil II II II II fuel oil II II II II II II II II II II II II $ 15(,.05 26.CO 8.72 2.18 32.50 82.50 6.75 7.96 157.54 . 48.87 11.10 152,94 79.02 206.11 49,55 68.88 1064.67 180,00 100.61 74,40 561.40 82.55 77,23 5.00 6.00 2,00 3,75 324,79 18,52 18.80 52,50 30,00 46.66 200,76 186.25 12.80 76,12 10.25 10.80 15,14 33,63 20.64 7193,28 188.45 78,58 9,00 12.40 27.60 129.08 344.60 586,90 500.00 9.68 202.04 28.97 17.61 87.87 128.90 49,13 . 50.18 99,95. 80.94 207.23 56,51 77.45 206.44 183.76 lll.62 77.14 335,73 16.18 213.96 48.95 92.51 5,60 128.00 124,60 150.00 · 126.19 103,39 102,45 236.16 The bill of Shirley's Standard in the amount of $15,79 for meals for transients was rejected: The Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. April 12, 1966. Chairman of the Board Attest: COMMISS_IONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCHID P:11•1111 CINDI! ft CLIUIL ... DATE ... APril .. 12 ........................................................ 19.66 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF 01'TER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. April 12, 1966, all members present, The Board having previously authorized the Commissioner of Highways to advertise for bids for grading and grav~lling S,P. 5b-bbl-Ol and 56-661~02 located between CSAH lb 2.5 miles west of Henning and. 5,9 miles liest. Bids were opened by a representative of the State Highway Department and were found to be as follows: Michaelson Bros. Ed Zimmerman Kern & Tabery Bain Bros. & Don Dahlman Russell McCarty Marvin E. Lund Duininck Bros, Barry Construction Strom Construction Co. Madison, Minn. Barrett, Minn. Sebeka, Minn. Clarissa, Minn. Frazee, Minn. Glenwood, Minn. Olivia, Minn, Lake Lillian, Minn. Moorhead, Minn. $80,249,02 80,602,76 80,746,96 82,900,01 85,702.20 86,437,76 88,271.12 89,704,26 98,1.80.Sb The bid of Michaelson Bros. in the amount of $80,249,02 was detennined by the County Hoard to be the lowest bidder received, and it was voted by the County Board to recommend to the Commissioner of Highways that said contract be awarded to the lowest bidder. The County Board having previously advertised for bids on Project S,A,P. 56-621-06, C.P. 66:21 located on C,S,A,H. #21 between T.H. #52, 0,5 miles northwest of Carlisle and 3,2 miles north, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Roy Evavold & Son Michaelson Bros, Bain Bros. & Don Dahlman Russ ell McCarty Clarence Drews Sellin Bros. Strom Construction Co, Ed Zinunerman Stan Morrill Fergus Falls, M1nn. Madison, Minnesota Clarissa, M4nnesota Frazee, Minnesota Detroit Lakes, Minn. Hawley, Minn. Moorhead, Minn. Barrett, Minn, Fergus Falls, Minn, $34,980.40 35,222.67 36,220.75 37,021.01 40,678,47 37,628.07 38,761.10 38,80l.4b 40,528.69 Upon motion the contract was awarded to Roy Evavold and Son for the sum of #34,980,40, Licenses for "OF.F" and "ON" sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted as follows: Clifford Haukos Donald H • Bondy: Arvid Tenney Edwin C. Prescher Erland H. Hansen Marvin E. Anderson Jerry Schultz & Robert Schultz Donald L, Schroeder George Obright Walter Klein, Sr, Esther A. Neudeck Kenneth Van Tassel Arnold R. Hemquist Floyd Collins Wilmar Roberts Leona Swenson Eddie Coppin Arthur Abraham Grant E. Leek Eva Jones Albert Turchin Earl Coffman Joseph Fink Rufus Hull Jack L. Thompson Uustof O. Weiss Jim Vejvoda Fritz Hjeltness Carlyle Reiter Anne V. Stoll Perham Lakeside Golf Club Kenneth Hunter Kai.neth McNabb Eugene Pischke Hai Raintsma Clarence Cil:lllpl!ell Jack Hofland Clifford E. Schroeder Agnes V. Trana Carl Leaf Albert Januszewski Last Resort Leaf Lakes Pavilion Hi-Way Park Pavilion Balmoral Resort Rainbow Pavilion Wee Town Tavern Ten Mile Lake Resort Schroeders Resort Boat House Klein's Resort Neudeck Is Resort Greenwood Resort Balmoral Golf Course Collins Landing Red Eye Tavern Harry's Place Riverside Cabins Abraham's Resort Maple Beach Resort Resort Grocery Store Ethel Beach Resort Midway Service Hull's Landing Heavenly Days Resort Shady Grove Resort The Lantern Arrowhead Point Resort Woodland Park Resort North Shore Resort Club House Wagon Wheel Resort Crystal-Lida Store Parkway Inn Playmor Beach Resort Hilltop Club Countryside Grocery Pleasure Park Resort Aggie's Resort Leaf's Resort Resort Permits to hold public dances were granted as follows: Erland H. Hansen Clifford Haukos Donald H, Bondy Rainbow Pavilion Last Resort Leaf Lake Pavilion Elizabeth Twp. Leaf Lakes Twp, Elmo Twp. Otter Tail Twp. Girard Twp. Friberg Twp. Tumuli Twp. Elizabeth Twp. Star Lake Twp. Rush Lake Twp, Perham Twp. Otter Tail Twp, II II II Star Lake Twp. Butler Twp. Dora Twp. Friberg Twp, Dora Twp. Lida Twp, Pine Lake Twp, Elmo Twp. Girard Twp. Gorman Twp. Girard Twp. Leaf Lake Twp. Rush Lake Twp. II II II Leaf Lake Twp. Girard Twp. Dead Lake Twp. Perham Twp. Otto Twp, Lida Twp. Leaf Mountain Twp. Corliss Twp. H0bart Twp. Corliss Twp. Otter Tail Twp. Leaf Lake Twp. Pine Lake Twp. Perham Twp, Girard Twp. Elizabeth Twp. Leaf Lake Twp. ff1! 4:54 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . HC:Plffl·Pll■T!II CONPIII U ClfPR 11■1 E-21DB Arvid Tenney Edwin C. Prescher DATE ......... April .. J.2 .................. . ................. 19 .. 66.. Hi-Way Park Pavilion Balmoral Resort Elmo Twp. Otter Tail Twp, Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for sealed bids to be received until 10 o'clock A, M,, May 10, 1966 for three dump trucks.-25,500 pounds GVW, bids shall'include trade-in allow- ance on the following units.: Unit #34, 1956 2i ton Ford truck County Unit #JS, 1956 2~ ton Dodge truck for one dump.truck -27,500 GVW, bids shall include trade-in on Unit #40, 1936 -7~ -10 ton FWD truck, Upon motion.the Hintgen-Karst Company were authorized to complete:the Civil Defense Stand-in Unit. A delegation presented a petition to the Board to rebuild the highway between Grant and Otter Tail County line road west of the Wendell road to the Wilkin County line, Upon motion the charges for blading townships were fixed at $6,50 per hour, effective May,li.196b, The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Co111111issioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS, this.Board has heretofore contracted with the I"ternational Harvester Company of Fergus Falls for one dump truck and WHEREAS, the same has been delivered and accepted by this Board, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESJLVED that the Chairman and the Gounty Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check to the International Harvester Company in the sum of $8390,00 being the full contract price, . Adopted this 12th day of April, 1966, B. J. Johnson Chairman Attest: S, B. Johnson Clerk. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M. April 13, 1966. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o•caock A. M. April 13, 196b, all members being present. A r.esolution asking for dissolution of School District #1401 was presented to the Board and it was order- ed that a hearing on said resolution be held at 10 o'clock A. M. May 11, 19bb and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. A resolution asking for the dissolution of School District #1450 was presented to the Board and it was ordered that a hearing on said resolution be held at 10 o'clock A. M. May 11, 196b and that due notice of the time .and place of said hearing be given as required by law. A resolution asking for the dissolution of School District #1541 was presented to the Board and it was ordered that a hearing on said resolution be held at 10 o'clock A, M. May 11, 19bb and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. A petition signed by Floyd Mark asking that lot 3, 4 and the SE! SW! of Section 30-132-41 and Lots 1 and 2 in Section 31-132-42 be set off from District #1388 to School District #1387 was· read and it was ordered t.hat a hearing on said petition be heil.d on May 11, 1966 at 10 o'clock A. M, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. . A petition of Sarah H. Teberg asking that the Ei SEt except RR,R/W and except tract of Section 32 and the Si SW¼ except RR R/W of Section 33, all in Township 135-Range 43, be set off from District //1537 to District #1385 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition beheld at 10 o'c.Lock A. M. May 11, 196b and that due notice of the time and place be gl. ven as required by law. The petition of Northland Development Company et al asking that the Ni NW! of Section 2b-133-43 and the NWt N~t of Section 26~133-43 and the swt SE¼ of Section 26-133-43 be set off ft-om District #1430 to Independ- ent SchoQl District #544 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statanents of interested parties, the Board issued the following ~rder to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, The petition of E. S. Larson, President Northland Development Co. et al a legal voter, free- =---- COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... Ai;u-.il. . .ll ........................................................ 19 6.6 .. ~RPlffl Pll■Jlll CONPl■I l'.,SWll.d.111 E-28C18 hold~r and residei:1t of Sc~ool Dist:ict No= 1430 in this County, representing that he is the owner of .the lands herei.naft~r de~crib~, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 544 and asking that he with his said lands may bes~~ off from said district No. 1430 to said adjoining school distr:i.ct No. 544 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 9th day of February, ~-D., 1966 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 13th day of April A.D., 1966 at ~he County A~ditor•s office i? the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, andlby mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 13th day of April A.D., 1966 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: ' N½ of NW¼ Section 26 Township lJJ Range 43. be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1430 to said adjoining School District No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for a1l purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Comnissioners Dated the 13th day of April A.D., 1966. (Auditor's Seal) Bennie J. Johnson •Chainnan of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board. Upon motion the sum of $800.00 was appropriated from the Revenue Fund to the Otter Tail County Historical Society for the year beginning July 1, 1966. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, no further appropriations would be made by the County for the· support of the two municipal courts, namely at Fergus Falls and Perham. A delegation from the township of Dane Prairie appeared before the Board urging the reconstruction of CSAH #JJ. Upon motion the Engineer was instructed to make a survey when time was available. Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the County Auditor was authorized to pay the proportionate share of the costs of the Public Defender's System for the Seventh Judicial District when funds are demanded. A delegation of members of the County Nursing Board appeared before the Board regarding additional quarters but no action was taken. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, it was decided that the Administration Assistant on the Public Health Nursing Service be bonded in the sum of $1000.00. A delegation from the township of the reconstruction of County Road #57. as soon as time was available. Leaf Lake and Nidaros townships appeared before the Board regarding After discussion the.Highway Engineer was instructed to mak~ a-survey Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to call for bids for the sale of a two acres more or less depleted gravel pit located in Section Jl, Town of Dane Prairie, bids to be opened at 2 o'clock P. M., June 8, 1966. The following applications for corr.ection of assessment on real estate were recommended to the Comm- issioner of Taxation due to the fact that the State of Minnesota has heretofore taken title to lands as shown on the applications for Right of Way in the construction of Ipterstate #94: Carl Ellingson Harold & Herbert Lerbakken G. A. Wigdahl Myron Hexum Mrs. Irene Anderson Carl Ellingson Calmer Lerbakken et al Carlton & Fern Stras Raymond Dehrer G. A. Wigdahl Carl J. Baglein 76 acres in the W½ SW¼ and the SWt sw¼ Section 4. 5.78 acres, Lot J Sec. 5 5.67 acres SE¼ SE¼ of Section 5 10.44 acres S½ NEt, SE¼ NW¼ and the NE¼ SWt Section 5. 10.JJ acres Ni SEt of Section 5 6.22 acres Ni NEt of Section 5 15.37 acres SE¼ of Sec. 9 .86 acres N½ NE¼, NE¼ NWt Sec. 9 ll.01 acres SE¼ NE¼, SE¾ NW¼ Sec. 9 20 acres W½ NW¼ and N½ SW¼ Sec. 9 1.96 acres NWt of Section 15 ~ ; II' I .I :I 1- I' j· I I ll ,I Ii l I I 4:56 l COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ...... Allril .. l.3 ..................... . ................ 19 ... b.9. ..... Elmer E. & Morril F jestad Ole N. Nelson Calmer Lerbakken et al Elmer E. & 1-lorril Fjestad Vernon c. & Ann Stenerson Chester Laugen Chester Laugen Amelia Sethre et al Amelia Sethre et al Otto R. Houg Ott,o R. Houg Jorolf T. & Alice Ronnevik Alfred & Gertrude Loken Alfred & Gertrude Loken 19.56 acres in the N!.sw-1;, sw-1; SW-I; and Lot 3 Section 15 7.78 acres NE-I; SE-I;, s½ NE-I; Sec. 16 11.30 acres in the N! NE-I; and the NE-I; NW-1;.of.Section 16 10.76 acres in the NW-I; NW-I; and Lot 3, Section 22 2.45 acres s½ NW-I; Sec. 22 15.64 acres in the E½ SE-I; Sec. 22 14.23 acres in SE-I; NE-I; and part NW-I; SE-I; a~d.Lot 2 east of Highway #94, Section 23 6.30 acres in Lots 1, 2, 3 and 5 in Section 26. 14. 99 acres NEt;: SW¾; and fractional W! SE-I; Sec. 26 14.95 acres sw-1; NW-I; and Lot 4 Section 26 .71 acres E½ NE¾ Section 27 6.24 acres in the NWt; and SW-I; NE¼ Section 35 11 acres SE-I; Section 35 12.62 acres W! of the SW-I; of Sec. 36 All the above being in township 134 range 44. Applications for homestead classification were granted to the following: Fred Alexander Melvin Muckey Roger Frost Part of Lot 12 and N½ of Lot 11 Block 47, Lakeview Addition to Parkers Prairie Ni NE-I; east of road and other lands Sec. 32 Township of Maplewood. E! SE-I;, SE-I; NE-I; Section 32, Township of H0 mestead. The following applications for correction of assessment on personal property were recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval: M. K. Reusch Russell Busch Merle Loomer H. E. Oehler Township of Elizabeth Township of Otter Tail Township of Western Township of Western Assessed for extra boat Not give, household exemption to which he was entitled. Six cows sold on April 29th were assessed. Double assessment The following applications for correction of real estate assessment were recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval: Edward Jahnke Reuben A. Anderson Robert W. Nesburgh Mrs. Irene1 Beedy George W. Strout Kenneth Waid Mrs. Ervin N. Peterson Mabel J. Erickson Lot 13, Block 19, Lakeview Addn. to Parkers Prairie N½ SW-I; Sec. 16, Homestead Twp. Lot 3 South Point Girard Twp. Tract in Lot 7, Section 34 Township of Dora Tract in Lot 4 and 5 of Sec. 4, 'l'own of Lida Lot 5, Nelson's Oakwood Park Bl!Elch, Town of Elizabeth Lot 1·Nelson's Oakwood Park Beach, Town of Elizabeth North 25 feet of Lot 1 Block 5 Frazee's First Addn. to Pelican Rapids Error in listing Silo added, owns only one silo. Cabin built after May 1st. Uncompleted building Assessed for trailer- house removed April, 1965. Garage assessed as finished cabin. Cabin assessed as·finished but uncompleted Building assessed too high The application of Gross-Leighton Inc. (Fergus Cablevision) for reduction of assessment on personal property in the City of Fersus Falls was discussed with the City Assessor and County Assessor and upon motion it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed valuation be reduced from $16,811 to $10,086. The application of Gross-Leighton Inc. (Fergus Cablevision) for reduction of assessed valuation upon real estate was rejected. The application of Elsa M. Engstrom for reduction of valuation on the Si of Lot 4 and Lot 11 and 12 of Rose Lake Beach was rejected. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... h.P.r.U .. lJ. ........................................................ 1966 . IKMIIILU.LIDU.U.UIIL.R.&l.llUJ ·• The application of William C • Karger for reduction of assessed valuation on Government Lot 4, Section 1, Township of Effington was rejected on recommendation of the Town Board. The following bills we~e allowed: Russell Broob~rg Do Sidney Nelson. Glen Melby Gordon H. Larson Otto Haase . Sam Nycklemoe. James Bucholz. Harvey Morril:}. Bennie J. Joh~son Roger M. Heid9rn Finil Boen Arnold Evavold Raymond Bruhn Mrs. Gerald Zeise Vernon E. Bachman Mable Rossow · Vernon E. Bachman Eugene Davenport Robert Shaw Harris W. Iverson C. J. Lund., M. D. Everett C. Ha,i:ison, M. D. W. F. Schamber, M. D. Anton N. Glesl'.le Northwestern J;lell Telephone Co. Co Gustafson Oil Company Gust Lagerquist & Sons, Inc. Gamble Store, F. F. Jaenisch IQdU~tries Costello l•lanufacturing Co. Mrs. Russell Brooberg Olga Peterson Key Laboratories, Inc. Falls Drug Wltite Drug Co, W. s. Darley Co. Fergus Glass & Paint Co. United ChemiclJ.l Co., Inc. Del Chemical Gorp. Central Chemical Co., Inc. Mobile Radio & T. V. Serv. Luxor Lighting Products Inc. Fergus Jobbing Inc. Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. Dairyland Veterinary Service Minnesota ~;0 t~r Co. National Sheriff's Assoc. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., St. Paul Donald Lee Henry Lubitz R. R. Holland Richard Neuli~b Donald Lee Gary A. Nelso~ Victor Lundeen & Co. Nelson Bros. ~rtg. Co. Poucher Prtg." & Litho. Co. Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Zerox Corpora\ion Oswald Publishing Co. Cooper's Office Supply Miller-Davis Company Lampert Lumber Co. Schoolcraft Cqmpany Farnham1s Security Enve],ope Co. State of Minnesota Secretarial Service s.c.M. ~orporation Davenport's Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. Fergus Falls Daily Journal Northwestern Publishing Co. Pelican Rapids_ Press Northwestern Publishing Co. The Henning A~vocate Myrtle E. Logas Helen E. Skramsted Russell Brooberg Vernon E. Bachman Johnson I s Pel·. Rapids Kronemann Insurance Agency Boarding Prisoners mileage & expenses II II expenses II II II 11 & Mileage II II II II Attd. weed meeting expenses & Mileage Sal'y E.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. Sal'y & mileage Weed Insp. Attd. Extension mtg. II II II II II II mileage & expenses II II II cash advanced expenses Extra help & Mileage Co. Assessors' Offc. coroner's calls II II II II Extra help Co. Assessor's Ofc •. calls II fuel oil Repairs & service on elev. rug cleaner parking area signposts supplies matron fees matron fee tests medication for prisoner II II . II warning.light supplies -jail II II II II II II services II bulbs for jail bleach repairs -jail i'Drse exam Tow charge for Dan Kenyon's car directory Sheriff's Teletype Sp. Dep. fees & mileage II II II Relief Jailer II II truck weighing II II supplies II II II II II II 11 & repairs to typewriters II bulletin board attendance certificates mounting board folders supplies schedules maintenance parcel post charges repairs publishing publ. Del. Tax list tax notices publ. tax notices II II II Adv. coms.pd.driv.lic. agts. postage postage, film etc. 11 & envelopes carpeting for C.H. entries premiums $1147.:iO 108.l,O 212.10 178.00 140.48 40.15 19.15 44.00 11.50 31.75 118.40 180.90 4.50 6.75 7.65 36.75 17.85 30.00 135.23 99.38 269.05 659.66 27.13 25.40 16.75 76.89 79.44 1408.32 304.90 7.98 31.50 41.70 10.00 10.00 37.86 6.40 3.60 19.40 32.35 51.35 28.36 · 55.00 83.75 131.91 . 16.CO , 7.83 6.00 10.00 12.50 127.40 66.80 49.40 100.00 10.00 764.75 714.83 274.64 635.10 332.97 227.60 391.80 219.89 1287.60 342.14 5.00 144.14 40.00 13.50 .95 9.25 110.00 2.06 40.40 .157.05 1359-90 7.20 8.40 6.00 11.80 50.00 66.09 53.50 675.00 · 16.48 ~ r· I: I• !11 .' I '.11 '•• :1; I I ! i I I! I I ., I-' I . t .,. :1 I 458 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ........ .ApriLJ.J ................... . ....... 19 ... bb .... Mathison Insurance Agency Do Do Do Do Do Helen E. Benshoof ~!rs. Nolan D •. Asleson Mrs. Dannis Fjestad Helen E, Benshoof Mrs. Dannis Fjestad, R. N. Mrs. Sally Swanson Helen E. Benshoof E,O.T. Telephone Co, Andrews & Meister Drug Nelson Bros, Printing Co, Mrs. Alva Helmrichs Mrs. R. H. Jedlund Mrs. Walter Hubert Mrs, Ed Skoglund Mrs, Arthur Bakke Mrs. John Steblay Mrs. Philip Wicklund Mrs. Charles Lewis Mrs. Sally Swanson Secretarial Service Cooper's Office Supply Philip M, Kjaglien Do . Public Utilities Dept. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co,. Straub Company Secretarial Service Cooper's Office Supply Victor Lundeen & Co, Indianhead Specialty Co, Century Camera Inc. R. L. Polk & Co, Fergus Hardwar.e Town of Girard Town of Hobart Town of Leaf Mountain Town of Woodside Fergus Falls Clinic B.attle Lake Fire Dept. S, M. Moen Davidson Metal Shop Public barks Equipment Co,, Inc. Rufi'ridge-Johnson Eq, Co., Inc, The Zeco Company Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc, Ebersviller, Inc, Pel. Rpds. Fergus Dodge, .Inc. Claus Grotheer International.Harvester Co. Larson Welding Lyon Heating & Air Cond, Minnesota Motor Co, Jim Larson For,d, Inc. Olson Auto Electric Perham Farm Supply Co. Schrader & Koehn Smokey's Machine Shop Stan ' s Garage . Super G,M.C, Truck Sales Thelen Implement Worner Rambler Erickson-Hellekson-Vye Co. Pelican Rapids General Trading Co. Genuine Parts ~o. Sigel.man Hide.& Fur Co. Tesch Lumber C.o. Welders Equipment Paper, Calmenson & Co. Fleet Tire Mart Del Chemical C.orp. Kewanna Safety. Products Ray Perala Fred Thun . Franklin Fenc~ Co. Dal ton Grain & Feed Village of Henning Railway Express Agency B. L. Polman Transfe_r 01Meara•s Dept. Store Otter Tail Power Co. Fergus Falls Daily Journal Construction BuLletin Minn. Dept. of Highways liability & auto coyerage expenses mileage & expenses mileage rental of slides postage II II calls & services supplies II · Attd, Nurs. Bd. mtg. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II (B & W $ (Saf. Enf. Welfare (Co. Nurs, ( Home 23,12 103,83 105,29 Revenue 659,83 R & B 3555,65 R & B 11.00 108,65 16.82 9,82 3,50 5,00 5,00 5,00 17,51 7,27 66,50 7,35 3,00 2,70 9,15 3,30 7,35 J,75 mileage & expenses Fed. Home Health Serv. 4,95 34.o4 4,35 4,50 ·129,25· supplies 11 11 11 11 II II mileage & expenses machine rental & postage utilities calls & services rent services supplies II II II directory cleaning supplies poor expenses II II II II II II med. for T. B. patientc drowning rent of scout repairs parts II II II repairs supplies II II II II II grader blades tires supplies II gravel stakes coal garage rental express freight . supplies prints Adv. for Bids II It II services II II II 6.40 3,75 25.07 50,00 20.60 89:25 14,90 51.00 50,00 20.00 1.39 311,35 169,30 181.60 1304.11 12.00 35.00 45,00 47.15 990,45 30.98 62.94 591.10 2.20 353,31 3.00 67,53 23.25 17,37 10,94 24,42 88,37 16.12 15.30 90,34 25,37 36,89 4,25 ,50 5.50 506.00 27.73 · 27,26 3,45 46,52 74.55 14,30 248,86 121.80 368.16 2.55 628,50 77,45 267.58 2,90 6,44 93.80 31.13 48,30 48,90 22.19 ---------------------------------------------,--.,. 45gf COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... APril .. lJ ........................................................ 19. 66 KII.ID..Dll11■1.Cl■FIIL.R.diWLIIII. IC'-2801 Burroughs Corp. Monroe International Inc. Minneapolis Blue Prtg. Co. H. A. Rogers Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Co. The Pierce Company Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Davenport's Stationery E.O.T. Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. F. F. Pelican Telephone Co. Midwest Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. F. F. G.D. Harlow Al's Standard Service D. C. Bengtson Oil Co. Consumers Co-op Oil Co. B. L. Dav~•s Standard Serv. Henn. Dave's Standard Serv. Henn. Farmers Co-op Cry. Assn., D. C. Fossen Oil Co. Hoot Lake Pure Jim's Service Station Joe's Standard Service Marv's 116b11 Nundahl Oil Co. Otter Tail Co-op Oils, Inc., Dalton Otter Tail Co-op Oils, Inc., F. F. Orie's Pure Underwood Riverside Pure Service Oil Co., Battle Lake Service Oil Co. Underwood Twin's Motor Co. West End Texaco D-A Lubricant Co. Arrow Petroleum Standard Oil Co., Henning Standard Oil Co., Battle Lake Standard Oil Co., Pel. Rapids Battle Lake Farmer's Union Oil Co. Erhard Oil Company Fossen Oil Co. Penrose Oil Co. Ted's Oil C9. Town of Inman Clarence V. Sundberg Mrs. Mamie Shasky Clarence E. Bjorklund Harry C. Austin Alois Dalle Walter P. Klein & Walter Klein Jr. Lawrence J. Delaney Mrs. Lynnefred A. Green Carl Rosenthal Wm. E. Delaney Thomas V. Delaney Jake Silbernagel Frank Loerzel Rupert Schmitz Charley Van Watermulen School District #1396 W. Oren Bjorklund Merlyn H. Cordes Charles Rutten Louis Schik, Adm. Roger Hendrickx Peter Hofland John L. Lange Godfrey Buechler Alois Gerber Ted Rosen Ludwig Seifert Joseph A. Riepe Ludwig B. Huss John Riepe John Hiestenberg Ed. Karsnie Bernard Perszyk William Seedorf Steue Perszyk Wendell P. Huber Wendell P. Huber Wilkin County Highway Dept. Mrs. Lenora Kerben City 01· Fergus Falls Village of Perham City of Fergus Falls machine maintenance II II supplies II II II II II II service & tolls II II II II expenses gasoline II II II II II II gas, etc. II II II II II II gasoline gas, etc. gasoline II gas, etc. gasoline II II II gas, etc. II II II II II II diesel oil II II II fuel II II II II fuel oil II II II II II II II II special aid Right of Way II II expense cash advanced maintenance Right of Way maintenance II Poor expense II II II The bill of the City of Fergus Falls for municipal court was rejected. $ 150.00 36.00 75.00 21.54 341.50 76.22 28.75 49.50 27.84 12.10 88.91 11.40 17.82 43.12 14.170 4.lb 177.26 102.84 35.63 117.83 274.66 60.06 4.14 136.65 41.99 162.87 243.70 107.90 52.02 49.83 20.75 85.73 97.17 56.32 11.87 105.60 83.36 77.50 63.86 130.50 129.95 152.26 189.bO 90.04 76.00 300.00 3.20 29.54 67.15 32.10 18.60 147.03 550.00 4J.20 700.00 22.50 58.10 92.92 71.90 25.80 17.78 2.40 52.73 10.40 138,90 41.00 346.58 50.20 30.45 47.08 20.40 103.22 1.00 24.60 ll.40 64.88 36.95 122.70 24.00 60.48 68.75 397.33 6.09 1114.35 234.25 561.25 3ts5.28 5539.90 . ' ' I. .,, ' ,, II 460 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... April. . .13 .................................... . 9 ... b.6. Upon mot:j.on the Board then adjourned to 10 o.'c.lock A. M. May l.O, 1966. Chairman COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, ·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... ~!~ ... ~9 ........................................................... 19 ... 6/J. lffDIPI Pll■r!H CONPHI l"-£&.llllL■..._ • bids MINUTFS OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF CX) UNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met. at lU o'cLock A. M. May 10, l9bb, aLl members being present. . The County Board having previously advertised for three trucks, 25 500 #GVW which were found to be as follows: ' ' Stan's Garage, Battle Lake, Minn. Truck #1 Less Trade-in $ 5023.35 Truck #2 less Trade-in proceeded to open Truck HJ Minnesota Motor Co., Fergus Falls Int. Harvester Co., Fergus Falls Fergus Dodge, Fergus Falls Super GMC Truck Sales, Fergus Falls Upon motion bids were awarded as follows: Stan I s Garage Fergus Dodge Fergus Dodge 5416.00 5289.53 4795.00 5274.75 $4948.35 None 5389.53 4978.00 5448.75 $ 5723.35 5829.00 5990.00 5458.45 5869.50 Truck #2 in the sum of $4948.35 plus $225.00 for Limited Slip Rear End Truck #1 in the sum of $4795.00 plus $190.CO for Limited Slip Rear End. Truck #3 in the sum of $5458.45 plus $190.00 for Limited Slip Rear End Bids for one truck 27,500 #GVW were found to be as follows: Super GMC Truck Sales Int. Harvester Co. Stan's Garage Fergus Falls, Minn. Fergus Falls, Minn. Battle Lake, Minn. $ 6447-50 7115.50 6998.00 Upon motion the contract was awarded to Super GMC Truck Sales for $6447.50 plus $lb5.00 for Limites Slip Rear End. Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to call for bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A.M. June 7, 19bb for the following projects: GRADING & GRAVELING S.A.P. 56-649-01 (66) C.P. 66:49 Length 4.10 miles, located from CSAH #14, Village of Richville, and Northeast to T.H. #108, comprising 202,962 cubic yards of Class"A" Excavation and 5,525 tons of Gravel Wearing Course in Place. C.P. 66:125 Length J.008 miles, located from T.H. #108, 4 miles East of Dent, and N0rth to CSAH #34, comprising approximately 88,641 cubic yards of Class "A" Excavation and 2,225 tons of Gravel Wearing Course in Place. Upon motion the Hi_ghway Engineer was authorized to make a survey on the town road at Bear Creek, Township of Butler. The County Board of Grant County met with the Otter Tail County Board -regarding the County line road running from Otter Tail County Road #1 West 8 miles. After discussion, Commissioner Nycklemoe made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Sand, that the.Otter Tail County Highway Engineer make a survey cover- ing this eight mi.le stretch. Included in the motion was also that both counties should share equally in the cost of that survey. The two county boards agreed to meet in late 1967 or early in 1968 to decide on what po~ti.ons are to be built or completed. Highway Engineer Wendell P. Huber was designated to act for the State of Minnesota on behalf of County, Township roads and City streets for flood relief •. Upon motion made and seconded, the County Bo~rd wiil meet at 9 o'clock A.M. at •ergus Falls on May 31, 1966 to view roads and right of ways. County Surveyor Robert Oslund was authorized to make a survay of property lines at the County Garage in Peli.can Rapids, Upon motion the Highway Engineer was instructed to install a 36 inch culvert on the Greenwood driveway, Township of Inman. Any obstructions to the flow of water on Ditch #68 will be taken care of by the Town Board. A delegation appeared before the &ard presenting a petition for grading and black topping County Road #137, 4 miles N rth of #10 to Derti.nger's Comer and two miles west to County Road #53. After discussion the Hi.ghw1y Engineer was authorized to make a survey. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota designated Emil Boen, County Agricultural Inspector, as the person responsible for or in charge of the County spraying program for 1966. A motion was made, seconded and carried that the County Planning Commission be designated County Liaison Committee for Outdoor Recreation Aids. 46J :l. I I I: I ii I I 4:62 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... May.10 ........................ . ................ 1966. A motion was made and seconded that the room adjoining the County Parole Officer be made available to the State Parole Agent. The following resolution was adopted: RF.SOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Mi.nnesota, that WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Perham Fann Supply for one six man cab pick-up and wHEREZS, the same has been delivered and accepted by this Board, the Chairman and the County Auditor are directed to issue a warrant to Perham Farm Supply in the amount of $2175.00 being the contract price. Adopted this 10th day of May, 1%6. B. J. Johnson Chairman. Attest: .S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Super GMC Truck Sales for one dump truck and \,HEREAS, the same has been delivered and accepted by this Board, the Chainnan and the County Auditor are directed to issue a warrant to Super GMC Truck Sales in the amount of $8532,50 being the contract price. Adopted this 10th day of May, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: BE IT RES'.) LVED, That the Chai:nnan and Clerk or Auditor forthwith enter into agreement with the State of Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Highways, for the maintenance, except the application of calcium chloride in locations where the State considers it to be necessary and except snowplowing, of the road described in said agreement as Temporary Trunk Highway No. 210, to wit: Beginning at the junction of Otter Tail County State-Aid Highway No. 35 and State Trunk Highway No, 210, just south of Underwood; thence northerly approximately 6.68 miles on said County State- Aid Highway No. 35 to County State-Aid Highway No. 1; thence easterly approximately 5,75 miles on said County State-Aid Highway No. 1 to County State-Aid Highway No. 72; thence south-easterly and easterly approximately 2.26 miles on said County State-Aid Highway No. 72 to State Trunk Highway No. 78. Total mileage being approximately 14.69 miles. said Municipality to be paid therefor at the rate of $175.00 per mile per month. Fractional miles and f fractional months, if any, will be used in computing amounts payable. The use of saii.d road as a detour by the State will terminate on or before N0 vember 1.5, 1966. Adopted this 10th day of May, 19b6. B. J. Jopnson Chairman. Attest: s. B. Johnson Cler,k. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. May 11, 1966. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... Jl.(!.J! .. J.l , ........................................................... 19.66 .. . Jal..UIIU,IL..ILCUIL■IU • WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. May 11, 1966, all members present, • A resolution asking for the dissolution of Conunon School District #1541 was read and after listen- ing to the statements of the various interested parties the Board issued the following interlocutory order to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOI'A, ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1541 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County Minnesota at Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 11th day of May, 1966, at 10 o!clock A.M.: pursuant to ~otice duly.give~ as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First--That said proceedings were instituted by: (c) A resolution adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meet:ing and certified by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor. Second-That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW 'l'HEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1541 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #819 Wadena County. (J) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School Uistrict No, 1541, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #819 Wadena County all monies, credits, funds, property both real and personal including taxes for the year 1966, and prior years collected after July 1, 1966, and all obligations of Common School District #1541 shall become the obligations of Independent School District #819 Wadena County. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School Uistrict No, 1541 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of July, 1966. Dated this 11th day of May, 1966, B. J. Johnson Chainnan Board of County ~ommissioners Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1450 was taken up for final action and after listening to the statements of the various interested p,.rties, the Board issued the following interlocutory order to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTEROF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1450 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at Court House in theCity of Fergus Falls, in said County, on the 11th day of May, 1966, at 10 o'clock A.M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First--That said proceedings were instituted by: (c) A resolution adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the clerk of said district to the County Auditor, Second-That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedimt and will be to the best interest of the inh~bitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED That said Common School District No, 1450 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to ~there existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #850 Wilkin County, (J) IT IS rtJRTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No, 1450, be distributed as follows, to-wit: ' I ·I i , 464 I I I I II COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..... .May..J.l. .............. : ............................................... 19 .. 6/J. IICIIID·PIIIDII CPIUII U CUPP 1111 li.•21■ To Independent School District #850 Wilken County all monies, credits, funds, property both real · and personal including taxes for the year 1966 and prior collected after July 1, 1966, and all obligations of Common School ~istrict #1450 shall become the obligations of Independent School District #850 Wilkin County. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1450 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of July, 1966. Dated this 11th day of May, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chainnan Board of County Commissioners Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor The resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1401 was taken up for final action and after listening to the various statements of interested parties, the Board issued the following interlocutory order to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MAT'l'ER OF THE DISS:>LUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1401 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at Court. House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the Hth day of May, 1966, at 10 o'clock A.M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all person,s interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First--That said proceedings were instituted by: (c) A resolution adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor. Second-That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from t_he facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW THEREJoURE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No, 1401 be dissolved and that the '., territory as follows, to-wit: To School District #544, that part of Lots 1-2 & J including platted portions lying west and North- west of Township road leading into Elk's Point in Section J Township 132 Range 42. To School District #550 N~ NE;; S½ NWi; S½ NE¾; Ni SWi; Ni SEi and Govt. Lots 5 & 6 Section 1; all of section 2; NE¼ NWi; Ni NE{; SEi NE¼ and the SEi of Section 3f N½ of Section 11 excepts½ SE¼ NEi thereof; Lots 1 & 2, Lots 5 & 6 and W~ SW; Section 12; Lot J, NW¼ NW¼; S~ NW¼ and NE¼ SE¼ Section 13; Lot 4, NE¼ SW¼ SEe and E} SEt Section 14; E½ E½ NE¼ Section 23 all in 132-42. To District #1498 all of the ballll!ce of District #1~01. (3) I'l' IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School l.lj_strict No. 1401, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #544 Otter Tail County, 2"/lf.; To Independent School District #550 Otter Tail County, 35.8%; To Common School District #1498 Otter Tail County, JS.8% of all the monies, credits, funds, property both personal and real including taxes for 1966 and prior years collected after July 1st 1966, and that all obligations of Common School District #1401 shall become the obligations of Independent Schoo~ LJistrict #544, Independent School uistrict #550 and Common School l½.strict #1498 by the same percentages."· (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No, 1401 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of Ju~y, 1966. Oat~ ~his 11th day of May, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman Board of County Coounissioners Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor The petition of Floyd Mark asking that Lots J,4 and the SE; SWt Section JO and Lots 1 and 2 in Section Jl-132-41 be set off from District #1388 to District #iJ87 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested.parties, the Board issued the following order to-wit: --= .J COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..... May 11 ...................... . . ........ 19 .. 66. IIC-■-Pll■Tl■e CO■H■T IT.Cl.OU■ ■I■■• Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Wherea~, The petition of Floyd Mark a legal voter freeholder and resident of School District No. 1388 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described which are situate in said School.uis~ric~, and adjoin School District No. 1387 and asking that he with hi~ said lands may be set off from said district No. 1388 to said adjoining school district No. 1387 was presented to the Board of County Co~ssioners_of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of April A. D., 1966 for the action of s~id bo~r~ thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered' by said board that a hearing sho';11d ~e had_on ~aid pet~tion, at a session of said board on the 11th day of May A. D., 1966 at the County Au?itor s office in. the City of. Fergus Falls in said County.; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order. that noti~e of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the. said Board of County Conunissioners on said 11th day of May A.D., 1966 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said inte~ested parties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said.Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Lots 3-4-and SE¼ SW¼ Section.JO and ~ts 1 and 2 Section 31 all in Township 132 Range 41. be and the same hereby set off from said School District No. 1388 to said adjoining School District No. 1387 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 11th day of May, A.D., 19bb. (Auditor's Seal) B. J. Johnson ChaiI,nan of the Board of County Corrmi.ssioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Sarah H. Teberg asking that the E½ of SEi except RRof W and except tract in Section 32 and the S½ of SW¼ except RR of W in Section 33 all in Township 135 Range 43 be set off from Common School District #1537 to District #1385 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various parties, the Board issued the following order to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, The petition of Sarah H. Teberg, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District .No. 1537 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School Uistrict, and adjoin School District No. 1385 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1537 to said adjoining school district No. 1385 was presented to the Board of County COllllllissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of April A.D., 196b for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 11th day of May A.D., 1966 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk o~ each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 11th day of May A.D., 1966 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said. last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publtcly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described iatds owned by him, to-wit:. Ei SEt ex RR of W and except tract in :,ec:tion J;1 !Uld Si of SW! ex RR of W in Section 33 all in• Township 135 Range 4~ be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1537 to said adjoining School District No. 1~85 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School Uistrict for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 11th day of May, A.D., 19bb. lAuditor's Seal) B. J. Johnson Chairman or the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Andrew M. Lindquist asking that the Ni SE!, NE¼ IM¼ and Sub Lot c, the NW¼ NW¼ and Lots A & Bin Section 24-132-42 be set off from District #1387 to Independent School District #550 was taken up for final action. After discussion, the petition was rejected. The petition of Merle E. Wilke asking that the S½ NE¼ and the Ni SE¼ in Section 20-132-41 be set off I· i I I I I I' 1! 466 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... Ma.v .. 11............................. . ...... 19 .. .6.6. from District #1388 to District #550 was taken up for final action. After discussion the petition was A resolution asking for the dissolution of cCommon School District #11'09 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said r_esolution be held at 10 o'clock A. M. June 8, 1966 and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given as provided by law. A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1411 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said resolution be held at 10 o'clock A.M. June 8, 1966 and that due notice of the time and place of hearing=be given as provided by law. A resolution asking for the dissolution of CoDDDon School District #1528 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said resolution be held at 10 l'clock A.M. June 8, 1966 and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given as provided by law. A resolution asking for the dissolution of CoDDDon School District #11'39.was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said resolution be held at 10 o'clock A. M. June 8, 1966 and that due notice of the time and place hearing be given as provided by law. A resolution asking for the dissolution of CoDDDon School District #11'59 .. was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said resolution be held at 10 o'clock A.11. June 8, 1966 and that due notice _of the time and place of hearing be· given as provided by law. Permit to hold public dances was granted to Norman Craig, 78 club, Township of Girard. Licenses for on sale and off sale of Non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted as follows: Edgar Splitstoesser Russell I. Pederson Harlan Ebbighausen Elmer G. Anderson Mrs. Bertram Minnes Francis Conrad Mabel Crews Fritz Otterson Henry Scheuble Joe Dougherty Elvin Arntson Oscar Peterson Ida I. Thompson Marguerite R. Bellinger Jack Bierwirth Norman Craig Paul B. Fisher Albin L. Nelson Blaine Brincefield Joe Biltz Rockley Wenzel Emil A. Madsen Lee J. Rogert Elsie L. Centers Ida T. Panek Lila M. Keskinen Herb Limmer Ralph M. Richter ·south Turtle Resort Bay View Resort Chub's Bait Mosquito Heights Cal's Rainbow Bait Pine Lake Lodge Spruce Lodge Resort Wildwood Beach Resort El's Resort Star Lake Store Camp Napanee Sunrise Resort Limmer's Resort 78 Club Pocohontas Beach Woodland Beach Resort Jungle Shores Sunset Beach Laxy Acres Madsen's Resort Colonial• Motel & Lounge Minneha Resort Holiday Haven Resort Oak Point Resort Herb's Camp Lost Valley Resort Homestead classifications were granted on the following: Richard Schell Phyllis Schmidt Calvin C. Sassen Lots 3 & It Art's North Shore Addn, Lots It & 5 Section 26-132-1'2 SE¼ SE¼ Section lt-133-36 To1V11 of Sverdrup Town of Star Lake To1Y11 of Sverdrup Town of Pine Lake TO\m ·of Rush Lake TolVll of Corliss Town of Star Lake To,m of Everts Tp,m of Dora Town of Dead Lake Town of Scambler TO\m of Star Lake To,m of Girard To,m of Dead Lake Town of Rush Lake Town of=Girard Town of Dead Lake Town of Everts TolVll of Corliss To,m .of Pine Lake Town of Edna TolYll of Everts Town of Perham Town of Gir.ard To,m of Girard TolVll of Otto Town of llush Lake To1V11· of Candor The following applications for correction of assessment were granted by the County Board: Mildred E. Tysver . Fergus Falls Council of Camp Fire Girls, Inc. Jake L. Hurni N\yt swt & s-} s1l4-Sec. 26, TolVll of Oscar Government Lot 3 in Section 32-135-1'2 Lot 2 First Addn, to A. L. Peach's Lake Shore 1, ,48 acres sold to Interstate #91' Exemption as a Non- profit organization Assessed for too much take frontage. The following applications were recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval: Ronahld E. Ehnert Florence C. llarnick Village of Frazee Mildred E. 'fysver Yalmer A, Karvonen Personal Property Lot It Sybil's Beach Government Lot 5 and E 23.83 acreas of the SW¼ Nl'f.l-Sec, 1-137-40 N½ NE¼ Sec, 35 Oscar Twp. Except Sly 92 ft. of the Ely 16 ft. of the Nly 58 ft. of Lot 6 and all of Lot 7, Block 4, Ol"iginal Plat, New Yrok Mills Ten too many cows assessed Assessed higher than comparable property. Property acquired by the Village of Frazee and converted to a sewage lagoon, 11 acreas sold to Interstate #9l1. Excessive valuation COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..... ~!~!. ... ~.~ ........................ . . .......... 19.66 .. l!Clllln.UIUIU.lUf.llL.II-.CI.IIILII"-- The application of Elmer Anderson for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Town of Aastad was rejected. The following resolution was adopted: Dlil rr UESOLVED by the Board of County CoDDDissioners of Otter Tail County that when the County Surveyor is employed in the County to do surveying, the follO\ving schedule of fees will be followed: Sl3.50 per hour for J man surveying crew 10.50 per hour for 2 man surveying crew 7.00 per hour for the surveyor only DE IT FIJR.TIIER R.ESOLVED that payment be made on verified claims filed with the County Board. Adopted this 11th day of May, 1966. Attest:· S. B. Jolmson Clerk. D. J. Johnson Chairman.· · RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER. TAill COUNTY, MINNESOTA Adopted May 11, 1966 . IYIIER.EAS, Chapter 715, Laws of 1965, has restored the b;uy-back provisions of the Public Employees R.etirement Association, and , IYIIEREAS, Section 353.28, Minnesota Statutes, authorizes the County Board of any County to match the contributions made on buy-backs by any of its employees • . . NOW, TIIEl1EFOR.E, DE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County hereby assumes the obligation of matching its employees' contributions in all cases wherein said employees have carried out the provisions of Chapter 715, Laws of 1965. RESOLVED FURTHER, That Otter Tail County will honor all certifications from the Public.Employees Retirement Association affecting matching funds under the buy-back provisions of said Chapter 715, Laws of 1965. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following bills were allow~d: Russell Drooberg Russell ·Brooberg Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Gordon H. Larson Dennie J. Johnson Otto Haase Sam Nycklemoe James Bucholz Harvey Morrill Roger M.· Heidorn Harold Skistad Homer Sein Arnold Evavold Emil Boen Frank Roberts Arthur II. Espeland Otto Haase Nels Hanson Bernard ~alubicki Frank Al:stadt Vernon E. Bachman Mrs. Mable H.ossow Eugene Davenport Robert Shaw llarris IY. Iverson C. J. Lund M. D. W. F. Schamber, M. D. Boarding Prisoners Expenses & Mileage Mileage II expenses II D. J. Johnson Chairman Serv. E.O.T.Soil Cons. Dist. \Y II II II II II II II II Sal'y & Exp. Weed lnsp. Attd. Planning Adv. Com. Expenses Extra help Co. Assessor's office Coroner's fee II $ 932.50 343;30 247.50 218.90 118.10 32.52 36.50 30.85 44.lJ 13.75 128.00 8.25 29.85 ·6.oo 204.90 358.25 13.06 8.70 16.50 11.25 14.40 lOJ.89 '29.34 96.82 89.25 398.20 136.15 25.40 ·I I ' I .I i ., ,( I Jj 468 .l 11 ,ij I ii ii II I I. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .... .May •.. ll ................................................................ 19.66 .. . IIOl!D 11111"11 COMPIII II CIQIP 1111 E~2f91 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Do Gust Lagerquist & Sons, Inc. Texas Refinery Corp. Ebersviller Implement Co. Holten Hdwe. Jaenisch Industries Star Laundry & Cleaners Mike's Machine Shop Dacotah Paper Co. Hintgen-Karst Elec. Co. Edling Electric, Inc. Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Mrs. Russell Brooberg Key Laboratories, Inc. General Supply Co. Western Union Telegraph Co. Fergus Plumbing & Iltg. Veterinary Clinic Mobile Radio & T. v. Service Fergus Falls Clinic City Pharmacy Henry Lubitz R. R. Jlolland John Halverson Gary Nelson Donald Lee Normandy Cafe Viking Cafe Eleanor Leidal Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Cooper's Office Supply The Pierce Company Miller-Davis Company Victor Lundeen & Co. State of Minn.-Documents Section Beck Specialty Co. lloughton-Miffl in Co. Amsterdam Pen Corp. Free Press Company Orlyn Pederson Co. Davenport's Stationery Cooper's Office Supply Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Co. Gaffaney's Utter Tail Grocery Co. Schoolcraft Co. United Binding Co. Xerox Corporation R. L.·Polk & Co. Diebold Inc. Fergus Falls Daily Journal The lle1ming Advocate Parkers Prairie Independjnt The Henning Advocate Perham Enterprise Bulletin Myrtle E. Logas Helen Skramsted Vernon E. Bachman Olga Torvik llelen E. Skramsted Village of Underwood Helen E. benshoof Helen E: Benshoof Mrs. llelen E. Benshoof Mrs. Dorlnis Fjestad Mrs. Nolan D. Asleson Helen E. Benshoof Mrs. Noran Asleson E.O.T. Telephone Co. Mrs. Loli Etta Hanneman · Lake Region Sheltered Workshop Mrs. John Steblay Mrs. Edwin Skoglund Mrs. Walter Hubert Mrs. R. ll, Jedlund Mrs. Arthur Bakke Mrs. Robert H. Johnson Mrs. Alva llelmrichs Mrs. Ed." Skoglund Mrs. Cha·rles Lewis Mrs. Philip Wicklund Mrs. Cha"rles w. Lewis Mrs. Arthur Bakke Mrs. John J. Steblay Mrs. Ed,· Skoglund Mrs. R. n. Jedlund calls & services II II services cleaner equipment supplies sign brackets clean mop weld chair supplies repairs electrical work supplies matron fee tests jail servises telegram jail supplies observation of rabie's suspects services care of prisoner medication for prisoner Sp. Dep. fees & exp. jailer II weighing trucks meals for jurors 11 II 11 transcripts supplies adding machine supplies supplies II II copy paper supplies pens supplies desk supplies attendance Certificates binding books copy paper directory annual inspection publishing II publ. tax 9otice publ. financial statement II adv. Coms. pd.driv. lie,. afts. attd. meeting at Long Prairie postage & envelopes postage work on Claypoole Bldg. expenses ship audiometer dues expenses· & mileage II 11 11 postage II rent & services Enema Soap desks Attd. Nurs. Bd. meeting $ 64.94 74.11 80.00 3,98 136.96 23.22 5.95 2,00 2.00 17.95 20.90 33.78 249.30 25.00 67.40 33.65 10.79 27.10 24,50 37.80 7.00 4.20 21.70 250.00 120.00 992.23 829.08 16.90 17.57 ·11;1,15 586.45 120.00 34.70 150.00 380.60 6.25 8.oo 2.30 22.88 40~75 83.20 572.64 19.45 21.69 60.30 47.49 159.00 3,181.70 92185 20.00 50.00 259.95 6.30 6.60 1,989.60 1,989.60 11.35 6.50 84,95 30.00 54,00 175.00 170.58 2.87 10.00 12.96 72.55 5.00 5,00 25.20 1.98 51.00 7.35 8,10 2.70 :;.oo :;.:;o 5.10 7.35 8.10 5.25 7,50 4.95 :;.:;o i.35 8.10 :;.oo COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... Y'k1, 11. ........................................... 19C//, ·.---lllldL!IIU..II.U~LDUI •••• E-21DI Mrs. Walter Hubert Mrs. Alva Helmrichs Mrs. Loil.Etta Hanneman Marcella Stone Rose Marie Zarns Mrs. Sally Swanson F. w. Woolworth Co. Andrews'& Meister Drug C.H. Ellis Co., Inc. Philip M. Kjag1ien Rachel Estrem Philip M. Kjaglien Davenport's Victor Lundeen & Co. Secretarial Service Artz Camera Supply Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Public Utilities Dept. Straub Company N. w. Bell Telephone Co. Robert l\. Baker Bob Kar·st Nundahl" Oil Co. Twin's Motor Co. Swanson"' s Surplus Store Town of· St. Olaf Andrews·& Meister Drug Fergus Falls Clinic Anderson Bros. Const. Co. James Daly Hall Equipment, Inc. Minnesota Tractor Co, Geo, T,·Ryan Co, Public Works Equipt, Co,, Inc, Wm, 11, Ziegler Co, , Inc, Bertelson Welding Bjorklund Body Shop Ebersviller Implement Co, International Harvester Co, Larson Welding Matz & Greiff 0lson Auto Electric Sauna Glo,, Inc, F. R. Steuart Plbg. & lltg. Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Super GUC Truck Sales Vergas Motor Service Worner Rambler Art Sign Mate"rial Co, Eutectic Welding Alloys Lyle Signs, Inc. Minn. Mining & Mfg. Co, National Chemsearch Corp, Streeter Amet ~i:v, Goodman Mfg. Co, Everts Lumber Co, Fergus Plumbing & Utg, General·Trading Co, Genuine·Parts Co. Hall's Hardware llintgen~Karst Electric Co, Holten Hardware Holten Lumber Co, Home & Farm Supply Hoyt Hdwe Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Standard Oil Co, B, L, Vergas Hffrdwa~e Co, M-R Sign Co,, Inc. Firestone Stores Dalton Grain & Feed Otto Genoch Fergus Falls Daily Journal Otter Tail Power Co, Minn, Dept, of Highways City of Fergus Falls Douglas County Dahm's Photo Print Co, Davenport's The Pierce Company Victor Lundeen & Co, N, IV. Bell Telephone Co, F, F, Midwest 'l'e]ephone Co, E,O,T, Telephone Co, N. IV, Dell Telephone Co, F, F, Park Region Mutual Telephone Co, Pelican 'l'elephone Co, N. IV, Dell Telephone Co, Wadena Wendell P, Huber G, D. Harlow Wendell P, Huber Attd. Nurs, Bd, meeting II II Expenses· Fed,· Home Health Serv, mileage II postage desk pad" 11 supplies 11 nurse's bag expenses " II Mche. rent & postage ·supp1ies letters supplies utilities rent calls & serv, training II gas II & .Oil blankets & bags poor expenses med. T,B, patient med. T. B, patient labor & materials contract parts II II II II repairs supplies signs tires coal tow charge ad for bids prints servic•es road maintenance equipt. rental supplies· II II service & tolls II II II II expense II cash advanced II l:!.70 7_:;5 2,69 15,28 4,50 5,00 6.36 2.99 28,91 tS5,10 5.85 11,00 5.95 29,30 4.25 57.99 136,60 3,75 50.00 28,80 138,50 64,01 lt,37 17,24 22,50 289,62 45.25 19,00 83i.·.21 5,00 31,96 16,1'3 1,91 64,90 380,01 11,25 2.50 8,60 168,50 5,00 17,80 7.2,99 6,56 6.70 3,99 127,91' 36,25 5.51 69,82 256.00 60,10 28,25 350,14 19,26' 9": 43 9.6't 555,81 22,87 157,73 1:50 22,64 13,60 10~65 12,61 33.oi. 24.37 70.97 96.00 77.36 33.15 5.00 18,90 1'7.63 153.93 561.25 69.38 61,00 4.56 38.14 94,75 35.60 Iii .i.1 13.20 81'.41 9.00 15.56 25.28 138.93 20.60 26.85 I I ,1 I I• I 470 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .... J.fay .lJ ................................................................ 1966 IICPIID PIID■■ COIMII II CUPP 1111 1:2191 Norwegian Grove Twp. Consumers Co-op Oil Co. Ilenning Dan's Texaco Service Farmers'Co-op Cry. Adsn. D. C. Fossen Oil Co. Highway' Co. Service Station John's 7-0 Set·vice Perham Co-op Oil Co. Ray's Oil Co. Service Oil Co. B. L. Theodorson Mobil Service Twin's Motor Co. Vergas Oil Co. Bluffton Oil Co. Penrose Oil Co, Standarii Oil Co, Henn. Standara Oil Co, Pel. Rapids Soliah & Braatz D-A Lubricant Co,, Inc. Wold Petroleum Co, Karl Hanson, Jr. Lawl'ence Strande Joseph M. Jacobson Harry Bil.ch Harlin Johnson Wm. Braaow Mrs. Dorothy Helmquist Alfred E, Lee Thomas IV, Schiesser Loren A". Sandahl Harold Schiesser Ernest Schoon Alfred A. Dewey & Harley F. Dewey Ernest Schoon Leo ICugler Lillian'ICugler Richtrd' M. Kvam Carl Roi:holl Otto Drechsel Carl Shbl Leo l{ugler Marvin C, Kugler Bertha Stensrude Errol Kugler Ronald L. Shebeek'-, Kenneth Kugler Orrin Abbott Henry Brietenbauch Duane Kugler Roydon Kugler Sam Sandberg Ernest Sandberg Anna Rii.an Blanche Rebehn J. IV. Kropp Laura J; Trana Percy Veden Leo Stroot Robert P. Geiser Alphonse \Yegscheid Laura J; Trana ICenneth·A. Kronneman Arthur Stock Wm. Dradpw Arthur 3tock Ernest Schoon Karl M. ·Hanson Otter Tail Power Co, spec. aid gasoline • II gas, etc, II' II gasoline gas, etc, II II II gasoline gas, etc, diesel fuel,· etc, II II diesel fuel II II fuel oil oil fence removal II• •'i.ght of Way + II • II' II II II II II II II + + + II II II 2 Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. June 7, 1966, Cha11,rrpan. Attest: Clerk. S 186,68 28.75 65.78 172,49 56.60 61.83 58.93 105,38 110,61' 98.87 70,75 128.92 447.46 291,24 145.00 77.50 60.00 31.60 . 1116,85 36.50 7.28 35.00 22.60 25.1,0 20.1,0 89,36 5.20 5.20 i,.20 2.60 26.60 8.40 JJ.73 11J,90 30,20 7,80 7,43 176.58 126.00 8,80 64.25 44.20 lJ.55 20.60 l1J.1J '181.40 73,23 87;35 44.JJ 117.00 23.20 25.40 27.00 27.20 21,60 200,98 24.00 60.50 '3.20 187.80 76.20 22,20 37.40 40.00 25.60 60.12 11,80 2,195.70 I• COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ .JWle.7 ........................................................... 19 ... 66. MINU'rES OF 'flIE ADJOURNED MEETING OF TIIE BOAllD OF COUNTY cmO.IISSIONERS OF OTTEU TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Jw1e 71 1966, all members present. Upon motion'Uarris Iverson was appointed Assistant to the County Assessor at a salary of $450.00 per month begin11i11g July ls:t, 1966. Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to call for bids on the following projects, bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A. M. July 11, 1966. S.A.P. 56-615-06 (66) C. P. 66:15 Length 5.701 miles, located from the South junction of County Highway #114 and Nortbe1tst to the Otter Tail River, approximately 2,0 miles \Yest of Fergus Falls. Comprising 144,871 cubic yards of Class "A" Excavation and 7,790 tons of Gravel Wearing Course in Place. C.P. 66:114 Leng1th. i.6 miles, located from the North junction of c.11. {/114 and c.s.A.H. #15 and South 1.6,miles, comprising 41,707 cubic yards of Class "A" Excavat- ion and 2,054 tons of Gravel Wearing Course in place. S.A.P. 56-667-06 (66) C.P. ~6:67 Length 3.167 miles, located at Butler, from the junction of c.n. #1118 and Northwest to the North line of Otter Tail County. Comprising approx- imately 99,546 cubic yards of Class "A" Excavation and 3,900 tons of Gravel Wearing Course in Place. Upon motion the County was instructed to advertise for bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A.M. July 11, 1966 for the following equipment: l -Industrial· Wheel Tractor with 1/2 C.Y.· Loader 3 -V Snowplows to fit 27,500 G.V.W. Truck 4 -Wings, 10 ft. in length The Board having previously advertised for bids for grading and gravelling to be opened at 11 o'clock A. M. June 7, 1966, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: S.A.P. 56-649-01 from Junction C.S.A.H. #14 in llichville thence North to T.11. #108: Russell·Mc Carty Clarence Drews Dain Bros. & Dahlman Harry Hofland Strom Construction Company llarvey Nelson · Frazee, Minn. Detroit Lakes, Minn. Clarissa, Minn, Perham, Minn. Moorhead, Minn. Lake Park, Minn. After consideration the contract was let to Russell Mc Carty for the sum of $59,220.64. 859,220.64 60,882.24 63,313.93 68,375.92 70,817.07 72,151.24 Bids on C.P. 66:125 from Junction T.11·. #108 four miles East of Dent to Juction c.s.A.11. #34 five miles West of Perham: Russell Mc Carty Stan Morrill, Inc. Fergus Falls Ilarry Hofland Bain Bros. & Dahlman Strom Construction Co. Harvey w. Nelson Clarence Drews $22,713.75 26,762.59 26,821.21 27,713.16 28,315.36 28,842.10 30,600.60 After consideration the contract was awarded to Russell Mc Carty for the sum of $22,713.75, A delegation from the Townships of Maplewood and Star Lake regarding the reconstruction of County Road #24 from intersection with #3 Easter~y to County Road #41 appeared before the board urging immediate construction, Upon motion the Highway Engineer was instructed to make a survey on said project as soon as possible, A petition was presented asking for the rebuilding and black-topping of County Road #23 beginning at the northwest corner of Scambler Township easterly and south of Junction with •rrunk Highway #34. The Highway Engineer was authorized to make a survey on said road as soon as time was available. Clarence Peterson, Chairman of the County Planning Commission, spoke to the Board regarding the establish- ment of a County Development Corporation explaining the matter in detail. No action was taken at this time. The liond of Helen E. Benshoof, County Nurse, in the sum of $1,000.00 with the General Insurance Company of America as surety, was approved. Upon motion the County Board voted to yiew completed roads on June 30, 1966, meeting at Fergus Falls at 9:30 A. M. Licenses for sale or" "Off" .abd "On" ooo-intoxicatihg malt liquors were granted as follows: August Heinrich Cozy Cove Resort Dead Lake Township ::-.-. Reinhold Koehn Resort Everts Township Frauld in Larson Resort ; Pine Lake Township Ray Pfeifle Log Haven Resort Lida Township Clarence Koehler Koehler's Resort Pine Lake Township Lavila O'IJaver East Silent Resort Dora Township The Board of County Commissioners h!!viog previously adverti'sed for the sale of a tivo acre depleted gravel pit in Section 31, Township 132, Range 42, Robert Molter having placed a bid of $50.00 and there being no other bidders, the tract was sold to him and the Chairman and the County Auditor were instructed to sign a proper deed. ... , ; I ' i! :1 ' ·.1 ·, I l ! ' ' I I :1 I 'i i I t 172 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..... J.im.1: .. 1 ............................ . ················19.66 .. The County Audi t"or was aut.horized to advertise for bids for the sale of a depleted gravel pit containing seven acreas more or less and located in Section 9, Township lJl, Range 4J, said bids to be opened at 2 o'clock P~ M. July 12, 1966. The following resolution WllS adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County CoDDDissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, IYHEll.EAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with Fergus Dodge, Inc., for one½ ton pick-up, and WHEREAS, the same has been delivered and accepted by the Board, NOi¥, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and the County Auditor execute a warrant on the Road and Bridge fund in the amount of $1,0JJ,60 in payment·thereof, Adopted this 7th day of June, 1966. 'B, J. Johnson Chairman S B. Johnson Clerl,. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to June 8,,1966 at 10,00 o'clock A, M. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at, 10 l'clock A. M. June 8, 1966, all members present, A resolution asking for the dissoiution of CoDDDon School District #11159 was taken up for final acti~n. After listening to the interested parties, the Board issued the following order to-wit: ST~TE OF MINNESOTA; ~ ss County of Otter Tail IN THE MATTE\1 !)F. '1'\lE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO_. ~1,59 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County D~ard of Otter Tail County, Minuesota, at C9urt House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 8th day of June, 1966, at 10 o'clock A,M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the.order of said board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against,, finds as follows: First--That said proceedings were instituted by: (c) A resolution adopted by the electors o( said distric"!; at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor, Second-That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW 'l'IIEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No, 1459 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached.·to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows to-wit: The entire territory be attached to Common School District #1517, (3) IT IS FUil.THEil ORDERJID, That the assets and liabilities of said CoDDDon School District No. 1459, be distributed as follows,, to-wit: To CoDDDon School District #1517 all monies, credits, funds, property both real and personal including taxes collected for the year 1966 and prior years after July 1st 1966, and all obligations of District #1459 shall become the obligations of Co11unon School District #1517, (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Connnon School District No. 1459 is None Dollars. (5) 'fhe proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of July, 1966. Dated this 8th day of June, 1966, D. J. Johnson Chairman Board of County Commissioners Attest: S, B. Johnson County Auditor COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... J.une-. .s .......................................................... 19 .. 6.6.. A resolution asking for tho dissolution of Common School District #1528 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statement s of interested parties, the Board issued the foilowing order to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA, ~ 89 County of Otter Tail IN THE MATTEl1 OF TrIE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1528 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter •rail ·County, Minnesota, at Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 8th day of June, 1966, at 10 o'clock A.M •. , pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First--That said proceedings were instituted by: (C) A resolution adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor. Second-That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best int~rest of the inhabitants of Sllid territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW TIIEH.EFO!l.E IT IS OIIDE!l.ED, That sai.'d CollDDon School District No. 1528 be dissolved and thllt the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows to-wit: The entire territory attached to Independent School District #548 (3) IT IS FUllTIIEn OUDEHED, That the assets and liabilities of said CoDDDon School District No. 1528, be distributed as follo\Vs, to-wit: To Independent School Di strict #548 all monies, credits, funds, property both real and personal including taxes collected for the year 1966 and prior years after July 1, 1966, and all obligations of District #1528 shall become the obligations of Independ•nt School District #548. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1528 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of August, 1966. Dated this 8th day of June, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman Board of County Commissioners. Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor ,A resolution asking for the dissolution of CoDDDon School District #Vt39 \Vas taken up for final action. After listening to the· interested parties, the Board issued the following or~er· to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA, l SB County of Otter Tail IN TIIE MATTER OF TIIE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCUOOL DISTRICT NO. 11,39 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail ~o~ty, Minnesota, at Court llouse in the City of Fergus Falls in said County on the 8th day of June·, 1966, at 10 o'clock A. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First--That said proceedings were institited by: (c) A resolution adopted by the electors of Sllid district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor. Second-That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Bo,trd being of the op1n1on, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW THEII.EFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common Schooil. District No. 1439 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: The entire territory attached to Independent School District #548. (3) IT IS FUltTLIEU ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1439, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent ichool District #548 all monies, credits, funds, property both raal and personal in"cluding taxes collected for the year 19·66 and prior years after July 1, 1966, and all obligations of District 1439 shall become the obligations of Independent School District #548. (4) (5) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1439 is None Dollars. The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of August, 1966. 4iJ ~ i ., ! • ' ------~ 1-'------ 474 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... June JI ........................................................... .1966 .. UD ■I■ E•ZIDB Dated this 8th day of June; 1966, B, J. Johnson Chairman Doard of County Commissioners· Attest: S, B. Johnson Co~ty Auditor A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1409 was taken up for final action, After listening to the interested parties, the Board issued the following order to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTI ~ ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTER OF TIIE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 1409 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 8th day of June, 1966, at 10 o'clock A, M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: (c) First-That said proceedings were instituted by: (c) A resolution adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said d-istrict to the County Auditor, Second-That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adducecl at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have sai"d schiiol district dissolved: NOIY THEHEFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No, 1409 be dissolved and that the territory embracecl therein be attached to other existing school districts or.unorganized territory ns follows, to-wit: The entire territory atta~he!l to Independent School District #544, (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No, 11109, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District ·#544 all monies, credits, funds, property both real and personal including taxes collected for the year 1966 and prior years after July 1, 1966, and all obligations· of District #1409 shall become the obligations of Independent School District #5411, (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No, 1'109 is None Dollars, (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of August, 1966, Dated this 8th day of ;June, 1966. B, J. Johnson Chairman Board of County Commissioners. Attest: S, B, Johnson County Auditor. A resolution asking for.the dissolution of Common School District #1411 was taken up for final action, After listening to the interested parties, the Board issued the following order to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTEI! OF 'fHE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 1411 'fhe above enti tied matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at Court House in the City of .Fergus Falls in said County, on the 8th day of June, 1966, at IO o'clock A, M,, pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First-That said proceedings were instituted by: (c) A resolution adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor, Second-That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being, of COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... J!.1.lllt.B. ....•......................... . .......... 19 .. 66 .. the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved: NOW THEREFOltE I'l' IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 14.ll be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: The entire territory attached to Independent School District #850 Wilkin County. (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said CoDDUon School District No. 11,11, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #f350 Wilkin County, all monies, credits, funds, property both real and personal includin; taxes collected for the year 1966 and prior years after July 1, 1966, and all o!Jligations of Di•strict #1411 shall !Jeco1De the obligations of Independent School District #850 Wilkin County. (4.) 'rhe outstamling bonded debt of said COIDIDOn School District No. 14.11 is None Dollars. (5) 'fhe proposed effective date of this order is here!Jy fixed as the 1st day of August, 1966. Dated this 8th day of June, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman Board of County ColDmissioners. Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor. A petition of Carl A. Grasswick, a freeholder in District /11512, asking that the st of Section 12, the st of the N½ of Section 12, the N-} of N\yt of Section 13 and the S-} of SE¼ of Section 11, all in To,mship 132, Uange 38, be set off from District #1512 to District #545 was ,presented to the Board and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M., in the CoDDDissioners' room at the Court House in Fergus Falls, on July 12th, 1966, and that due notice of the time and place of sqid hearing be given as required by law. · The petition of Harold Lyng et al asking that Lots 1,2,3,4.,5,6,7 and 8 of Burau Beach and tracts lying in rear of said lots between road and Lots be set off, from District #1498 to District #54.4. was read and it was ordered that a hearing on sit.id petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M., in the Commissioners' room at the Court House in Fergus Falls, on July 12th, 19661 and that due notice of the time ancl place of said hearing be given as required by law. A plat of Crystal Beach being a part of the NE¼ and Government Lots 1 and 2 •Section 24. TolYllship 132 Range 1,0 executed by ilenry IV. Vinz and wife and Ray ;J. Thelen and wife and accompanied by an opinion as to the title prepared by:Norman D. Arvesen, Attorney at Law, was approved. A plat of Fair Oaks, located in Government Lots 2, 3 and 4. and part of the sEJt NII'¼ Section 32 and all of Government Lot 1 in Section 29, To,mship 133, llange 39, executed by Robert IV. Emerson and wife accompanied by an opinion as to the title prepared !Jy Elliott o. Boe, Attorney at Law, was approved. The budge: submitted by the County Extension CoDDDittee was approved in the sum of S29,916.00 as the County's share. The County Board agreed to pay S60 per-month to the Village of Perham for the County Agent's quarters when remodeling has been completed. Upon motion, made, seconded and carried the County Auditor was authorized to deliver to Freemont Frazee the State Tax Deed covering the Sletvold house located on Lot 4., Block 14., Original Plat, Village of Elizabeth. Upon motiott. the Cbairman .. of the Boa:rd, Welfare Director ·.and· the County Audi tor· were·. ·authorized to attend the meeting on Medicare and Blue Cross on June 15, 1966 at the Thunder!Jird Motel, Bloomington, Minnesota, at 10 o'clock A. M. !Cnute Hanson was authorized to attend the Civil Defense meeting on June 23 and 24. at the training center at Arden Hills. The County Engineer was authorized to make a survey of the situation at the point on the Otter Tail Lake road where the"river flows through culverts causing over-flow at the Moling llome. A motion was made, seconded and carried that the Nursing budget be fixed at the sum of $29,090.00 for the year July 1st, 1966 to June 30th,-, 1967. Homestead classifications on real estate were granted as follows: Mrs, Howard Robertson Julian & Viola Williams Arthur L •. Sund bl ad Ronald & Norma Henderson John E. Grismer SE¼ NE¼ of Section 29, T01m of Leaf Mountain On home in Block 1 of West End Addn. to ~he City of Fergus Falls Tract in,Sub Lot A Sectiun 21-135-4.3 Village of Erhard Lot 6, First Addn. to Birch Haven N\Y¼ Section 34., -To,mship of Perham. The petition of Henry M. !Ioyem asking for reduction of personal property taxes in the Township of Everts on the ground that he was assessed for electrical equipment and T. V. which be <.lid not have was granted. 4751 . j I , I ii : I ; I . I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ......... J.\\Oe.J!.. ................................. . ..... .1966 .. The petition of Eugene Pischke for reduction of personal property tax in :the •rownship of Leaf Mountain was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval on the ground that inventory was used as true and full. · 1 'rhe application of Clara Christionson for reduction of assessment of North 75 feet on Lot 7, 8, 9 Block 4, Vining, was approved on the ground that the old gas station was not saleable. The follo.wing applications for correction of real ·estate assessments ;..ere recommended to the Commissioner of •raxation for approval: George Perkins Robert L, Ols_on . : Elmer. &~:A!hbert llexum :.J Elmer .&,.Ail!bert llexwn Elmer&· Albert llexum c.J. .. ,.t•,l J. Edward J. Howard James J, fliestenberg Lot 6, Block l Lal,eside Addn, to Erhard Village. Lot 7, 8, 9 Block 2, Bakers addn, to Deer Creek SE¼ Section l Carlisle N\Y¼ Section l Carlisle NE¼ of Section l Carlisle Lot 14, First Addn, to IClein & Adams Point. Tract on Marion Lake in Dead Lake 'l'ownship Improvement erroneously added, Major Improvements mode after May 1, 1965. 10.74 acreas in Interstate //!J4. 18.50 acres in Interstate #94 10 acres in Interstate //!J4 Only partly completed cabin, Old mobile unit over assessed. The application of Ralph Risbnudt for cancellation of real estate assessment on Lot 3, Rustad's Addn, to the Village of Dalton, was rejected as the building was not destroyed until January 24, 1966, The County Auditor was authorized to call for bids on one International Scout or Equal, bids to be opened at two o'clock P. M. July 12, 1966, IIESOLUTION . DY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONEHS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA \VllEIIEAS, the Board of County Commissioners on January 2, 1951 agreed by resolution to pay to,mship aid according to the amounts levied by the to,mships, and which amounts are as fo:llows: From 10 mills and up, but less than From 15 mills and up,. but less than 20 mills and up NOW, THEll.EFORE, DE IT RESOLVED, that to their road and bridge levies for 1966 shall To,mship · Aastad Amor Aurdal Blowers Bluffton Duse Butler Candor Carlisle Clitherall Compton Corliss ··Dane Prairie Dead Lake Deer Creek Dora Dunn Eagle Lake Eastern Edna Effington Elizabeth Elmo 15 mills 20 mills the amounts to be paid to the be as follows: Total Mills' Levied 12.90 15,00 25.00 20,00 4.80 9.10 25,00 20.00 12,00 30.00 5.30 20.00 20.00 20,00 15,40 30.00. 25.00 30.00 20,00 15.00 25,00 16.00 20.00 s100.oo 200.00 300.00 respective townships according Amount ~ 100.00 200,00 300.00 300.00 none None 300.00 ' 300.00 100.00 300.00 None 300.00 300.00 ;,oo.oo 200.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 200.00 300.00 200.00 300.00 ,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Townships Erhards Grove Everts Fergus Falls Folden Friberg Girard Gorman Henning Hobart Homestead Inman Leaf Lake Leaf Mountain Lido Maine 0llaplewood _Newton · Nidaros : Norwegian Grove Oak Valley Orwell Oscar Otter Tail Otto Paddock Parkers Prairie Pelican Perham Pine Lake llush Lake Saint Olaf Scqmbler Star Lake Sverdrup : Tordenskjold Trondhjem Tumuli · Western Woodside DATE ..... .Iune .. 8 ............................................................... 19 66.. Total Mills Levied 22.00 20.00 12.70 28,00 25,00 .25.00 20,00 24.50 22.30 10,70 15.30 15,00 30.00 20,00 25,00 25,00 25.00 25.00 ~6 •. 0Q 24,00 12,00 25,00 10,00 25,00 25.00 20,00 25.00 20.00 20.00 18,00 25,00 16.00 25:00 30,00 . 30,00 5.00 10,00 20,20 25,00 Adopted this 8th day of June, 1966, B, J. Johnson Chairman Attest: S, .D. Johnson Auditor. UESOLUTION OF THE BOAIID OF COUNTY COllMISSIONIDlS OF OTTEil. TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Amount 300.00 300.00 100,00 300.00 300,00 300,00 300.00 300,00 300.00 100,00 200,00 200,00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300,00 300.00 200,00 300.00 100,00 300.00 100,00 300,00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 200,00 300.00 200,00 300,00 300.00 300.00 None 1,00,00 300.00 300,00 15,100.00 DE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Engineer of Otter Tail County be and he hereby is authorized to grant permission to property 01mers to build structures upon property "i thin forty feet of a road right of way, which structures would normally be built would be in violation of existing ,C.ounty ordinances but which in the de~cretion of the County Highway Engineer is not now, and would not be in the future, detrimental to 'i 'I i ',, 'j I :I/ .1 i . r I J) I, ii !I .11 -·--·----·------------- COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... Jnne .. 8 ·······················································.19 66 .. IICllffl N ■TIii CO■H,■T .CLOID ■I■■• • the over-all comprehensive coUIIDWlity plan for Otter Tail Cowity. Adopted thi,s 8th day of Jwie, 1966. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following bills were allowed: H.ussell Brooberg Uussell Brooberg Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Gordon H, Larson Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoc Otto Haase James Ducholz Roger M, Heidorn Dennis Greenwaldt Jeff 'l'ikkanen Mac Tobkin Edwin Skoglwid Herb Woods Thep. llegseth Harold Skistad Homer Sem Melvin 'frosvik Theo, Hegseth Arnold Evavold Mac Tobkin Herb Woods Dennis Greenwaldt Jeff Tikkanen Ed. Skoglwid Emil Boen Frank Roberts Arnold Evavold Mrs. Gerald Zeise Arnold Stock Eugene Davenport Robert Shaw Harris IV, Iverson Charles IV. Lewis Charles IV, Lewis Everett C. Hanson, M,, D. Homer J. Carlson, M. D. Northwestern Bell Tei'ephone Co, Noi·thwestern Bell Telephone Co, Gustafson Oil Co, Edling Electric, Inc.' Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Fergus Hardware Dacotah Paper Co, Mrs. Russell Brooberg Sybil Stine Hazel Rieman Art Walker Mobile Radio & T. V, Service Fergus Surplus Center Interchemical Corporation Village of ·Battle Lake Fergus Falls Clinic Henry Lubitz Merlin S. Rieman Merlin S. Rieman George Larson John Stine Gary Nelson Donald Lee The Pit Dorothy Fletcher Eleanor Leidal Elaine S, Jorud Im.I Corporation llintgen-l{arst Electrical Equipment Community Directories Boarding Prisioners Expenses " & ·Mileage " B. J, Johnson Chairman. Sal'y E.O,T. Soil Cons. Dist. Serv. n " u n 11 11 II II II 011 II II ,II II II 11 IV " II 11 E " Sa 'y & Weed Insp, Exp. II II II Attd, extension mtg, Attd, Exte0nsion Mtg, Expenses " Extra Help Co, Assessor's Office Cpr~ner's fees Sheriff's 'tolls calls & services· fuel oil electrical work supplies " " matron fees matron fee guard services jail repairs teletype supplies ambulance service care of prisoner Sp. Dep, fees & exp. II II II constables fees weighing trucks " meals for jurors Bailiff " Rep, preliminary hearing court costs ribbon lamps, etc, directories $821,75 162,1,0 217,30 266.05 177,04 11.50 17.85 20,85 35,00 262.00 18.00 22.95 20,70 39,15 25,1,1, 16,50 24.75 36.60 19.20 23,85 42,00 20,70 25,44 27,00 22,95 39,15 261.40 170.80 4,50 7,65 2,25 117 ,12 131.10 470,li.7 27.05 26.15 26,50 25,25 149,71 . 98.90 713,94 14.80 94.67 43,30 8,40 10,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 57,03 12.43 9,16 .18.80 6,00 27.40 22.50 35,60 35,80 7.20 l189.94 546,93 23,35 74,10 9,75 , 1,~00 5,12 6,95 80.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .... !T.IY.!~ ... a ................................................................ 19 66 .. . 11c••-HIITIH COMP.Hr IT.CLOUD ..... E-zibi Security. Blank Bood & Prtg. Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Maico Special Instruments Poucher Prtg. & Lith. Co. Oswald Rublishing Co. Miller-Davis Company West Publishing Co. Knight Rrinting Co. Minn. Assoc. of Assessing Officers Schoolcraft Co. Olivetti-Underwood Corp. Burroughs Corporation-Todd Div. Victor Lundeen & Co. Davenports Stationery Xerox Corporation Fergus Journal Company The Independent Perham Enterprise'. Bulletin Myrtle E. Logas Vernon E. Bachman Helen E. Skramsted Myrtle E. Logas Kronemann Insurance Agency Allison & Company Helen E. Benshoof Donnis F,jestad Mrs. Nolan D. Asleson Mrs. Eunice Asleson Helen E. Benshoof American Journal of Nursing Co, Victor Lundeen & Company Mrs. ·Arthur Bakke Mrs. Walter Hubert Mrs. Ed. Skoglund Mrs. R. H. Jedlund Mrs. John J. Steblay Mrs. Alv.a Helmrichs Mrs. Hobert II. Johnson Mrs. Charles Lewis Mrs. Philip Wicklund Mrs. Sally Swanson Mrs. Sally Swanson Marcella Stone llose Marie Zarns Mrs. Lou Etta Hann,eman White Dr,ug Co. Secretar,ial Service Township of Everts Rollie Schaller R. R. llo.lland Johnson .Drugs Uniforms Unlimited Midwest Printing Co. Robert D. Schwindt Hay,len-Murphy Equipt. Co, Public Works Equipt. Co, George T.. Ryan Co. Ebersviller, Inc. Pel. fipds. Fergus Dodge, Inc. Graff Implement & Hdwe. Hendrickx Implement International Harvester Co. Minnesota Motor Co. Olson Auto. ~lectric Penrose Oil Co. Stan's Garage Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Super GMC '!:ruck Sales E.G. Haskin Co. Streeter Arnet Div. Goodman Mfg. Viking Steel Products Co. Myrho Enterprises Peter Hofland Crane-Johnson Lbr. Co. Fergus Plumbing & lltg. General Trading Co. Genuine Parts Co. National Bushing & Parts Co. Charles llutten Tesch' Lumber Co. Welders Equipment Wilcox Lumber Co. Henn. llintgen-Karst Elec. Co. Northwood Specialty Co. Minnesota Safety Council Fergus Journal Co. SCM Corporation Mpls. Blue Printing Co. Albinson Panama Carbon Co, supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies· supplies photostat paper valuation guides certificates calculator overhaul of check writer supplies supplies supplies publishing adv. tax notice publ. tax notice Adv.coms.pd.driv. lie. Agts. postage postage Office postage Insurance Premium· Expenses II postage Express charge Nursmng Outlook supplies Attd. Nursing. Bd. Mtg. II II Attd. Nur .Bd.Mtg. & lome Health Mtg. mileage & expenses Fed. Home Health Serv.. postage Fed. llome Health Serv. mileage & expenses Fed. Health II supplies Fed. Home Heal th Serv. book inserts poor expense mileage mileage supplies uniforms printing boat parts etc. repairs II repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs · steamer traffic counter culverts Equipt. rental Equipt. rental supplies service stakes supplies Ad. for bids machine mtce. repairs supplies II $169.65 15,25 138.00 126,80. 20.65 63.07. 60.00 98.01 360.85 208.25. 688.75 167.43 B & IVEnf.37.25 Hevenue 119.49 31.50 88.50 249.40 6.60 8.40 16.90 42.76 50.00 86.00 3.50 llevenue 91.16 R & B 376.20 86.78 4.20 78.31 5.00 7.89 9.00 646.75 3.30 2.70 8.10 3.00 7.35 7.35 5.10 4.95 11.25 83.15 5.00 60.10 42.43 9.20 5.80. 9.60 338.47 17.90 70.50 19.13 123.65 28.75 600.00 923.34 14.39 36.54 4.60 70.31 1.65 5.00 137.67 9.30 56.54 19.24 3.83 78.58 38.61 489.50 1i32.10 453.88 50.00 35.00 1.75 13.44 175.55 67.92 21.94 2.00 14.86 27.54 27.80 16.50 77.50 13.00 21.60 55.00 3.65 44.38 2.20 ,, 480 ! ! COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . . DATE .......... Jwie .. .8. ..............•.................•..............•.•.... .1966. ID ■l ■E-2808 Poucher .Printing & Li tho. Co. Davenpo~t•s Stationery East Otter Tail Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co. F. F. Pelican ,Telephone Co. N, W. Bell Tele. Co. F, F. Vergas T,elephone Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co. Wacl. Wenclell .p, Huber G.D. Harlow Wendell ,p, Huber Township of Sverdrup David P,, Johnson4 Arthur J,ohnson Mrs, Rosie Keller Mrs. John II, Schuetze Ervin Strande John Scott Floyd Shol Mrs. Alv:J Sepchenko Elizabeth Schmidt Henning .lV. Nelson Earnest .Gilb Garrett.Van Watermulen Reuben Baumgart & 1st Nat. Bk. of Menahga Lake Region Co-op Elec, Assn Dave's Standard Service, Henning Dick's Standard Service Farmers .Co-op Creamery Assn. D. C. Fossen Oil Co. Henning .DX Service Hoot Lake Pure Otter Tail Co-op Oils, Inc. Dalton Otter Tail Co-op Oils, Inc, F. F, Thomas Oil Company Twin's Motor Co. Underwood Lal,eside Service West End Texaco Arrow Petroleum Bluffton Oil Co. Nundahl .Oil Co, Perham C.o-op Oil Co, Soliah & Braatz Oil Co .• Standard Oil Co, Pel. Rapids D-A Lub~icant Co. Standard Oil Co. B, L. Philip M. Kjaglien V. A. ltyan Straub Company Philip M. Kjaglien Public U.tili ties Dept. Northwes.tern Dell Tele. Co, Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Victor Lundeen & Co, Secretarial Service La,vrence. II. Dykhoff Charlotte McGibbon Harry Fueler Mrs. Clara Anderson supplies II service & tolls II II II espenses II II II II cash advanced special aid Right of Way II II II II moving lines gas, etc gasoline gas, etc, II 11 gasoline gas gasoline gas, etc gasoline gas, etc. II II diellel fuel fuel oil Expenses & mileage II II II rent machine rental utilities calls & services supplies II mimeographing & Prtg, forms Right of Way II 11 11 II II II II Upon motion the Board then adjourned. Attest:.~ ---=--~. ~ Cleric Chairman, 3.40 25,08 12,30 20,95 16,70 103 •. 65 17.79 10.87 .158.50 23,38 1.98 200,00 30,20 5,20 20.60 1,038.75 22,00 43,80 100,00 9,20 211.40 6 .. 80 3,00 911.75 1,200.00 1,879.92 86 .. 04 278.56 65,16 152.87 56 •. 01 349.91 123.68 27.68 299,91 70,46 46.10 52.71 315,811 101.50 128,70 5.47 122,50 60.00 329,50 213,25 81.30 8,33 50,00 5.00 3,67 42.69. 12,50 19.19 11,75 21.,60 400.00 691.10 1,000.00 z:.. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HC■■•-•••■•1 I DATE .......... J.u~ ... ll. ....................................................... 19 .66. MINU'l'ES OF THE BOARD OF. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL OOUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to statute the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. July 11, 1966, all members· present. The Board having previously advertised for the Industrial Tractor with loader proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: International Harvester Co. Fergus Falls, Minnesota Perham Farm Supply Perham, Minnesota Frank Knapp Minneapolis; Minnesota Stan's Garage Battle Lake, Minnesota Hall Equipment Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota Ebersviller Implement Company Fergus Falls, Minnesota $3165.00 3429.00 3950.00 3604.59 3473.27 3792.00 After consideration the bid of International Harvester Company was accepted in the sum of $3165.00. The Board having previously advertised for three snow plows and four wings opened bids which were found to be as follows: Little Falls Machine Company Hall Equipment Inc. Snow Plows I-lings $1140.00 each 1040.QQ II Snow Plows 1150.00 No wing bids submitted. After consideration the bid of the Little Falls Machine Company was accepted. The Board having previously advertised for bids for grading and graveling 56-615-05 proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: John Dieseth Company ~ Clarence Drews Sellin Bros. Inc. Fergus Falls, Minn. Detroit Lakes, Minn. Hawley, Minnesota $69,138.96 76,607.75 91,876.10 After consideration the bid of the John Dieseth Company in the Sum of $69,138.95 was accepted. On project S,A,P. 56~667-06 bids were as follows: Clarence Drews John Dieseth Company Stan Morrill, Inc• Detroit Lakes, Minn, Fergus Falls, Minn, Fergus Falls, Minnl After consideration the bid of Clarence Drews was accepted in the sum of $38,235,18. 38,235.18 40,530.50 42,471.86 Upon motion made, seconded and carried, it was decided to use gas when available for heating the Court House and Jail. Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to call for bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A. M. Augu·st 9, 1966 for the following: GRADING, CURB & GUTTER, GRAVEL & BASE MIX BITUMINOUS SURFACE S.A,P, -56-700-01 (66) C.P. 66:lOOB Length 0,292 miles located in Pelican Rapids from West of T,H. #59, The major quantities If work are 4,028 cubic yards of subgrade excavation, 2,910 feet of concrete curb and gutter, 5,600 tons of gravel base in place, 9,500 gallon of bituminous material, 600 ton of aggregate and 840 ton of wearing course mixture, RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DESTRUCTION OF PROBATE COURT RECORDS RELATING TO INDIGENT PERSONS AND AID TO DEPENDENT CHILDREN. At the request of OWEN V. THOMPSON, Probate Judge, and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Annotated 525,094, subdivision 4, Commissioner Haase offered the following resolution, · The Probate court of Otter Tail County be, and it is hereby authorized to destroy forthwith all County Aid Cases bearing the following names: 1. Ida Adamson 2. Gunhild Anderson, No, 4042 :f .:I .,, j ,-,---------------------------------------------......_ ........ ,__ 482 '; \ I. COMMISSIONERS. RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .... ." ...... July.ll ...................................... · .............. 19 .. 66. · ' IIFIIID PIIIDII SPIPHT II SUIID ■11■ E-2808 3, Annie Baker, No. 4701 4, Verona Boedigheim 5, Ragna Marie Dahl, No, 4135 6. Dora Emerf 7. Olga Hemsing 8, Maria C. Hennagir 9, Mabel Hyde 10, May C. Johnson 11. Eugena Katzenberger, No. 4748 12. Luoy A. Kimber, No, 4700 13, Jennie Lee, No. 4698 14, Anna Quade 15, Alice Reed 16, Hannap ~ockstad, No. ~447 1 7. Anna Strom 18, Augusta Worth, No. 4377 Commissioner Mycklemoe seconded the adoption of this Resolution and upon vote it carried unanimously, Dated July 11, 1966 Attest: S, B. Johnson B. J, Johnson Chairman, Board of CoWJty Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota Otter Tail County Auditor RESOLUTION COVERING REQUEST FOR SPEED ZONING BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Otter Tail County, in compliance with Subdivision 5 of Section 169,14 of the Highway Traffic Regulation Act, hereby requests the Commissioner of Highways, upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation, to authorize the erection of appropriate signs designating a reason- able and safe sp~ed limit upon the following described streets and highways: CSAH #4 -beginning at a point approximately 2,0 miles northeast of the junction with T.H, #228, thence Northeast ·around the West end of Rose Lake to a point approximately 2,5 miles, CSAH #8 -beginning at Otter River at the outlet of Little Pine Lake and North approximately 0,5 mile. CSAH #35~ beginning at the Pomme ~e Terre River and East 0,25 mile, CSAH #51-beginning 0,25 mile So~th of Otter Tail River and North 0,5 mile·. Resolution passed at meeting of the Otter Tail County Board on July 11, 1966 at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, B, J. Johnson Chairman Attest: S, B. Johnson County Auditor The following resolu~ib~ was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota THAT, WHEREAS, this Board has bheretofore contracted with Russell Mc Carty for grading S,A,P, 56-675-08, C.P. 65:75, and Whereas, the same has been completed and the Board having filed their certificate completion and acceptance with the County Auditor, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check to Russell Mc Carty, in the amo~nt of $3,849,08 be~ng the balance due, Adopted July 11, 1966. Chairman Attest: S, B. J hnson Clerk The following resolution was.adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota THAT, WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with Michaelson Bros, Inc., for grading and graveling C.P. 65:122, and WHEREAS, the same has been completed and the Board having filed their certificate completion and acceptance with the County Auditor, J COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... J~Y .. 11 ................ · ........................................ 19.66 .. . NOW~ THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check to Michaelson Bros.·Inc., in the amount of $6,872,64 being the balance due, Adopted July 11, 1966, Attest: Clerk B. J., Johnson Chairman S, B. · Johnson The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, WHEREAS, THIS Board has heretofore contracted with Stan Morrill, Inc., for grading C.P,66:60, and WHEREAS, the same has been completed and the Board having filed their certificate completion and accept-ance with the County Auditor, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check to Stan Morrill Inc,, in the amount of $1,733,64 being the balance due. Adopted July 11, 1966, B, J, Johnson • Chairman• Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. 'l'he following -resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County; Commissioners· of Otter Tail County, Minnesota THAT, WHEREAS, this Boara has heretofore contracted with Russell McCarty for grading and graveling C.P. 65:68 and c.P. 65:75, and WHEREAS, the same has been completed and the Board having filed their certificate completion and acceptance with the County Auditor, NOW, 'l'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check to ~ussell Mc Carty in the amount of $9,672,40 being the bal1111ce due, adopted J':l1Y 11, 1966. B. J, Johnson Chairman Attest: S, B. Johnson Clerk. Be it resolved that pursuant to Section 161,36, Subdivisions l through 6, Minnesota_Statutes 1961, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as agent of the County of. Otter Tail to let as ,its agent, contracts for the construction of portions of the County State-Aid Highway, specifically described as follows: c.s.A.H. No. 22 from c.s.A.H. No. 3 to c.s.A.H. No, 35, 10 Mi. North of Underwood, and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the CoDDDissiomer of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form No, IV," a copy of which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractural obligations therein contained, Adopted this 11th day of July, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor 483 ,~ I ,I. r 'I j, 1 A 484 I, I j• I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... July .11 ......................................................... J9 66. IIC'Hlff fll■ll■I CO■Plll .Sl,CLOUO,■I■■, Be_ it r~solved that pursuan~ to Section 161,36, SubdiYisions l through 6, Minnesota Statutes 1961, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent, contracts for the Roadside Development of portions of County State-Aid Highways, specifically described as follows,: County State-Aid Highway No .• 8. at Little Pine Lake County State-Aid Highway No, 64 from Jct. C,S.A,H, 64 & T,H. #76, South of Battle Lake, and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form No. IV. -R," a copy of which said form was before the Board; assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractural obligations therein contained, Dated this 11th day of July, 1966. B. :j. Johnson Chairman of the County Board S, B. Johnson County Auditor. (SEAL) BE IT RESOLVED That pursuant to Section 161,36, Subdivisions l through 6, Minnesota Statutes 1961, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of County State-Aid Highway No. 22, described as follows: c.s.A.H, No. 22 from C,S.A,H. No. 3 to C. s. A.H. No. 35, 10 Mi. North of Underwood, which project shall be combined with Otter Tail County's Federal Aid Secondary Project identified as S,P, No. 56-622-01, and Minn. S 645(4), and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to. execute _and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form No. IV-S", a copy of which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained, Bennie J; Johnson Chairman of County Board S. B. Johnson County Audlitor . (SEAL) The following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman _of the County Board of OtterTail is hereby authorized and directed to sign an applica~ion for a permit to inst~ll a 36" culvert on Tamarac Lake for control at the outlet of said lake. Adopted July 11, 1966. Bennie J. Johnson Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The Board then adjourned to 10:00 o'clock A, M. July 12, 1966. TUESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M •. July 12, 1966, all members being present. The petition of Harold Ling and others asking that Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 of Burau•s Beach and adjoihing lots in rear of same extending to Elk's Point road be set off from District #1498 to District #544 was taken up for final action. After consideration the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-w:it: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, The petition of Harold Lyng et al a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 1498 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 544 and asking that he with h~s said lands may be set off from said district No, 1498 to said adjoining school district No. 544 was presented to the Board of County COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, ·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ .J.!Jl.Y. .. l.~·······································-··················19 66. IICl■ln Commi~sioners of this.County as a s~ssion of said board held on the 8th day of June A. D., 1966 for the action of said board thereon, and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said p~tition, at a sessio~ of ~ai~ board on the 12th day of July A. D., 1966 at the County Auditor's office in the c7ty of Fergus Falls in sai~ County~ and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the t1me and.pla~e of such hearing be giv~n by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school distr7cts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of.said order at leas~ te? d~ys before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of th~ said Board of ?aunty ColllllU~sio?er~ on said 12th day of July A, D., 1966 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein direated and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date having.been ma~e ~d filed, sip.d.petition was.publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was s~i~ by said i~teres~e~ parties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined• that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to~lirit: ' Lots 1,2,J,4, 5,6, 7 and 8 of Burau Beach, Dane Prairie Township and I.he adjoining lots in rear of Burau beach between lots and road !mown as Elks Point road. · be and the same are hereby set off from sai9 School District No. 1498 ao said adjoining School District No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By ord~r of the Board of County Co~.missioners Dated the 12th day of July A.O., 1966,. (Auditor's Seal) BeMie J. Johnson · Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn, Attest: S, B. Johnson County Audi tor, & ex..:officio Clerk of Board. The_petition of Carl A. Grasswick asking that the Si SE¼ of Section 11, the Si of Section 12, the s} of Ni.of Section 12 and the Ni of the NW¼ of Section lJ all in Township 132 Range JS be set off from School District #1512 to School District #545 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the petition was rejected. The petition of Raynold Kratzke asking that Lots 1, 2, J and the SE¼ NE¼ in Section 6-136-41 be set off from District #1455 to District #549 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A, M. August 10, 1966 and· that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. Licenses for "Off" and "On" sale of Non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted as follows: Leonard Saewert Willis Amundson Maurice Baker c;lara Ancel Susan K, Pederson Robert Carlson Leonard's Resort Woodside Store Bud's Supper Club Grand View Heights Ernie's Resort Rocky's Resort Corliss Township Woodside 1'ownship Newton 'l'ownship Pine Lake Township Star Lake ToW'l ship Dora Township A permit for dances by mechanical music only was granted Melvin Baas, Triangle Inn, Rush Lake Township. Upon motion made, seconded and carried the authorities at the Village of New York Mills were authorized to remove or destroy dwelling or shack formerly owned by Mr, Peltoneimi and situated on the N0rthern Pacific Railway right of way under lease #96726. · The County Board having previously advertised f.or the sale of a depleted gravel pit located in Section 9, Township of Aastad, upon motion sold the gravel pit to the Township of Aastad for the sum of $425,00. The.application of Edward H. Schmidt for settlement and abatement of delinquent taxes, penalties, interest and costs upon Lot 4 Block 2 H. Pickett's Addition was read, Upon motion it was recommended to I.he Commissioner of Taxation that said application be granted. The application of John J. Schweback for homestead classification on the N ½ SW¼ and the SW¼ SW¼ of Section 27-133-42 was approved, The application of Elizabeth & Reuben Leydens for reduction of taxes on the Ei SE¼ and Ei of s½ of SE¼ of Section 2-lJJ-36 was approved as fourteen acreas of wast~ land had been assessed as pasture land, The application of Mervin L. Beckmann for reduction of personal property in the Township of Nidaros was approved as the assessment was t9 high, The application of Phil Wicklund for reduction of personal property assessment in the Township of Pelican was approved and recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for granting due to excessive assessment. The application of Paul H. Gust for settlement of taxe~, penalties! in~erests and costs on Lot 5,6,7, 8,9 Block 8 Original Plat Underwood Village was read, Upon motion the application was rejected. The following names were selected to be placed on Petit Jury list to replace those drawn at the Spring term of Court. Mrs. Arnold Lachowitzer (Delores) Richard Wilbur Mrs, Helen Ziegler Steve Bucholz Mrs. Kurt Schroeer (Luella) Mrs. Ed Fri eds~ (Emma) Mrs, Paul Roes (Dorothy) Mrs. Morrill Fjestad Mrs. Alvin Sethr.e Kermit Grefsrud. Township of Perham Township of Hobart 1'ownship of Gorman Village of Perham Township of Corliss Township of Otto Township of Butler Township of Oscar Township of Oscar Village of Pelican Rapids ,~ 485 ~ I I I I I I h Ii I: I' I r 486 I I ' I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IICHlff Nl■ll■I CO■M■'f fl,CLOUD ■I■■, E-Dbi l!)ATEL ..... ~):IJ.Y. .. 1?. .. Barney Bowers Roger'Jaenisc), Mrs. Oliver Kopperud Robert Robley Ronald Grahn Mrs. Carl Trites Kenneth Peterson Helmer Wentzel Bennie Honrud Wallace Uhlig Raymond Sha Mrs, C, L. Collman Clifford Sw~ndsrud Harry Fuder Lauritz Peterson Mrs. Geo, Norenberg Bill Dewey Edmund Hole Mrs. Alva Helmrichs Mrs, LeRoy Pexsa Ed Rodekuhr Mrs. Dan Souter Mrs. Oliver Shelley Wm. Reese Mrs, Ernie Deckert Walter Huwe Mrs. Eino Baas Mrs. Lawrence Merz Edwin Anderson Mrs. Karl Darr E, J. Evenson Bennie Johansen Ada Dahlgren ·····································1!1 ,.h.6 Village of Pelican Rapids Township of Carlisle Township of Norwegian Grove Township of Dunn Township of Lida Township of Maine Township of Jlmor Township of Aurdal 'l'ownship of Erhards Grove Township of Elizabeth Township of pelican Ward 1 Mounted RR Township of• Tumuli Township of Orwell Township of Sverdrup Township of Eagle Lake Township of St. Olaf Township of Tordenskjold Township of Deer Creek Township of Eastern Village of Deer Creek Village of Henning Village of Henning Village of Otter Tail Township of Henning Village of Parkers Prairie Village of Parkers Prairie 319 E. Fir City 706 E. Summit City 110 W, Fir City 508 W, Stanton City Terrace Dr. City 803 Sunset Dr. City The following names were selected to be placed on the Grand Jury list to replace those that served in 1966. Joe Fehrenbach Pete Doll Theo Resset Calmer Lee Lloyd Swenson Walter Wildung Milo Haugrud Ingard Ohe Stanley Kidder John E, Jennen Earl Rosengren Victor Osten Hilan Erlandson Linwood Bekc Lawrence W, De Bates Roland Newton Oscar Hulstrand Lyndon Johnson Ray Klein Wm. Lage Ben Kilde Fred Evenson Mervin Anderson Township bf Rush Lake Village of Perham Village of Pelican Rapids Village of Pelican Rapids Village of Erhard Township of Fergus Falls Township of Lida Township of Trondhjem 'l'ownship of Friberg 'l'ownship of Carlisle Village of Elizabeth Township of Norwegian Grove Township of Aastad 1st Ward Fergus Falls Township of Dane Prairie Township of St. Olaf Village of Parkers Prairie Village of Henning Village of Bluffton Township of Eastern 317 S. Cascade City 1217 N, Burlington City 1343 Hillcrest Ct. City The following estimate of expenses for the ensuing year is hereby submitted:. Salaries of County Officials Clerks, Janitor etc, Deputy Sheriff & Jailers & Clerk Commissioners Salaries & Expenses Board of Prisoners Sheriff and Deputies Expenses Supt. of Schools Expenses District Court Jurors Bailiff & Reporters Miscellaneous Court Municipal & Justice Court Books, Blanks & Stationery Mental Illness Appropriations Equipment and Maintenance Court House Grounds Light, Fuel, Repairs & Supplies County Agents County Nur·sing Service Printing and Advertising Co. Assessors Salary, Assts. & Expenses Attending Assessors Meetings Veterans Service Salary, cierks & Expenses Retirement, Blue Cross, Blue Shield County Planning Commission Probation Office Miscellaneous Revenue County Welfare County Road & Bridge County Poor Fund $ 71,500.00 68,000.00 35,000.00 13,500,00 10,000.00 10,5co.oo 525,00 18,500.00 s,oco.oo -3,7CO,OO 1,000.00 30,0CO,OO 3,000.00 3,500.00 8,500,CO 5co.oo 24,0CO,OO 30,coo.oo 29,4c;o.oo 13,400.00 31,500.00 3,C00,00 16,600.00 17,000.00 5,000.00 11,oco.oo 28,300,00 450,470.00 510,000.00 130,0l.O.OO COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, ·MINN. DATE ...... July .. 12 ........................................................... 19 ... 66 ·-··-Hl■rl■I co••··· n,CLO"D ••••. E- County Road & Bridge Bond Acct. $ 170,5CO,OO Respectfully Submitted S, B. Johnson County Auditor TO THE COUNTY BOARD OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuan~ to law I present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for County purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with the actual cash balance remaining to the credit of each County Fund at the close of business on the JOth day of June, 1966. Amount Levied Amount Collected Balance Uncollected FUNDS for and or Current Year Apportioned Unapportioned County Revenue Fund 362,920.26 78,024,05 284,896,21 Poor Fund 145,168.10 Jl,209,53 113,958,57 Road and Bridge Fund 495,053,90 106,.431.11 388,622,79 •Co, Bldg, 51,115, 53 10,989.27 40,126.26 Co, School Transportation 18,679.06 4,723,05 13,956,01 R & B Bond Acct, 173,792.80 37,363,53 136,429,27 Veteran's Service 17,890,45 J,846.24 14,044,21 Co, Welfare 465,151,32 100,002,39 365,148,93 Co. School Tax 425,667.~J 107,636.95 318,0J0.28 Co, Fairs 6,389,44 1,373,65 5,015, 79 Sheltered Workshop 14,569,52 J,131.94 11,437,58 BA~ANCES REMAINING TO THE CREDIT OF EACH FUND ARE AS FOLLOWS FUNDS County Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road arid Bridge Fund Co, Bldg. Co, School Transportation Co, R, ·& B, Bond Acct. Veteran·• s Serv. Co, Welfare Co, School Tax Co, Fai·rs Co, Nursing Home AMOUNTS. Debit Credit BALANCES Debit Credit J,844,21 6,050,89 585,92J.J6 35,138,81 17,446,28 152,678.95 15,256,14 108,201.84 11,631.47 12,910.90 The following is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board. FOR WHAT PURPOSE 1965 R. · & B Contracts 1966 R & B Contracts R & B Equipment The following resoluti~n was adopted: Total Amount of Contrgct Resolved by the Board of Co~nty COJIIIDissioners .of Otter Tail County: Amount Balance Paid Due $ 45,145,19 448,305.13 493,450,32 23,412,0J That there be levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail County, MiMesota, payable during the year 196f, th~ following amounts for the several County runds. Revenue Fund County Extension Servic·e (Co, Revenue( Road & Bridge Fund . Poor Fund Building Fund L ~-'' .county School Transport~tion County School Tax County Welfare Veteran's Service County Fairs Sheltered Workshop Adopted July 12, 1966 Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk $ 350,000.00 30,000.00 510,000.00 145,000.00 2 mills 16,000,00 425,706.96 450,470,00 .80 mill ,50 mill J,OC0.00 B. J. Johnson Chairman '1 487 .j ' .l I I :I I I 188 !I I'' 'ii Ii .til : I! COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAiL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... July .12 .......................................................... 19.6!:, IFFPlffl Nl■TIH cp•re■r n CLOUD .... E-21DB A plat of Engstrom Beach, 4th Addition, being a part of Lot 1 in Section 9-136-40, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by M. J. Daly, Atto~ey at law, was approved. A plat of Haggstrom Beach, Second Addition, being a part of Lot 6 and 7 in Section 12-134-41, acco¢panied by an opinion as to title by Richard C. Hefte, Attorney at law, was approved. Permit for dancing by mechanical music only was .granted to Edna A. Thompson," Heavenly Days Resort, of Leaf Lake Township. Report of The County Board of the County of Otter Tail State of Minnesota, of Uncollected Personal Property Taxes for the Year 1966. Fergus Falls, Minn. July 12, 1966. BE IT KNOWN, That the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minn. did meet in session on the 12th day of July 1966, the same being the first session of said Board after the 10th day of June 1966; that at said session the County Treasurer of said County delivered to said Board the list of all unpaid personal property taxes where the amount is $10.CO or less and the first half of all unpaid personal property taxes where the amount exceeds $10.00 which remains for the year 1966, together with a certificate thereon as required. by law; and that at said session saialBoard did du1.y consider such list of uncollected taxes and did cancel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the followihg is a correct list of all un- paid personal property taxes where the amount is $10.00 or less and the first half of all unpaid personal prop- erty taxes where the amount exceeds $10.00 which remains uncollected in said County for the year 1966, The delinquent second half of any unpaid personal property tax shall attach to the said list and be included in any proceedings for the enforc~ent of the tax upon the filing of such ~ist of the second half so due by the County Treasurer as provided by Mi!Ul• Statute 277.01 with the Clerk of District Court for Otter Tail County and said Clerk of Court is hereby or~ered to issue citations thereon for the-total amount. NAME OF PERSON ASSESSEJ;) Township or District TAX Penalty, Fee and costs Total Tax, Penalty Remar 8 and Costs Dollars -Cts. Dollars Cts. · Dollars Cts. Abbot, Cibayton Maine Twp. 3.42 .70 4,12 Collec Alfredson, Emmett Vill of Battle Lake 9.55 1.53 ll.08 Allen, Bernard Lida 'l'wp. 8:40 1.37 9.77 Allison, J.E. Girard Twp. 4.34 .84 5.18 Andel, Clarence W-2 City 5,81 1.03 6,84 Anderson, Jerry A. Tordenskjold 14.33 2.03 lb.Jb Anderson, David Richville .44 .Jl ,75 Anderson, Ray Inman Twp. 7.88 1.31 9,19 Aune, Kenneth O. Sverdrup 10.22 1.63 ll.85 Bagley, Ray Vining 2.92 .64 3,56 Bagley, Ray or Harold Deer Creek 16.13 2.41 18,54 Baker, Jeanette Girard 7.38 1.24 8.62 Baum, Albert & Ruth Edna Twp 21.52 J,13 24.65 Bengston, Nels A. Falge Lake 6.66 1.14 7,80 Benhardus, George Amor Twp 28.64 4.09 32,73 Berndt, Ed. Oak Valley 18.ll 2.67 20.78 Billmayer, Bessie A. Pine Lake 6,.39 1.10 7.49 Birch, Goldie, Mrs. Village of Deer Creek 4,40 ,84 5.24 Bisson, "obert F. Sr, 'l'ordenskjold 10.75 1.69 12.44 Bisson, Robert F. Sr. Un.derwood 17.36 2,58 19,94 Bjerke Sign Co. Village Bluffton 1.54 ,45 1,99 Bjerke, Russ Compton 11.15 1.75 12.90 Bjerke, Russ Twp. Bluffton 2.12 ,53 2.65 Braaten, Louis Nor, Grove 15.62 2,34 17.96 Bradley, Lawrence Star Lake 6.64 1.14 7,78 Brauer, Leonard & Clara Edna 5,12, ,94 6.06 Brink, Bernard Lierman 5,03 ,92 5,95 Bronson, Wesley Oak Valley 8.09 1.34 9.43 Carlson, Robert J. IJora Twp. 118,20 16.09 134,29 Caroline's Beauty Shop W-3 City 15.58 2.34 17.92 Champlin Nqrth Union W-3 City 31.77 4,51 36,28 Cossette, Ernest Dunn 10.01 1.57 11.58 Cowie, R. S. Jr. Lida 2.14 ,54 2.68 Debilzen, Ray Leaf Mountain 9.80 1.:;6 11.36 Deike, Herman Sverdrup 7,94 1.32 9.26 Deitrick, Art ftush Lake 8.80 1.43 10.23 Delaney, Joe l.oorman 39.05 5,48 44,53 paid $10,9 Diller, Eugene Twp. Clitherall 4.26 .BJ 5,09 Diner,·, Thev ... ~. W;,,;l City 9.30 1.50 10,80 Dotzenrod Imp. Everts 6.JO 1.09 7.39 Dumont, Vincint Vill, Bluffton 6.J6 1.10 7,46 Dumont, Vincint Twp. Bluffton 42.82 6.00 48.82 Dunham, Henry Nor. Grove 8.22 1,35 9.57 Ebbesen, Kore Pel. Rapids 8,24 1.35 9,59 Elliott, Mrs. Elaine Everts 6.12 1.07 7.19 Ells, George & Ella Dunn 12.14 1.88 14,02 Fergus Tire & Retread W-4 City 192.06 25,98 218.04 Fibber's Bar . W-2 City 75.76 10.40 86.16 Flynn Sign Co. Hobart 10.00 1.59 11.59 French, Larry Dunn 5.60 1.00 6.60 Fyhrie, Sofus Friberg 41.25 5,78 47,03 Garberg, Robert W-1 City 9.16 1.47 10.63 Gierke, Larry W-3 City 5.94 1.04 6.98 Glass, Duane Leaf Lake 8.62 1.41 10.0J Grasswick, Carl A. Folden 35,10 4,95 40,05 Grewe, Margaret W-1 City 2.22 .55 2,77 Grimley, Louis Dunn J.62 ,73 4,35 Grether, Jim Vill. Deer Creek 24,94 J.58 28.52 Halsten, Edwin Uora 7,08 1.28 8,28 Halvorson, Marvin W-2 City 1.48 ,46 1.94 Hamilton, Wm, Vill Battle Lake lJ.JJ 2.04 15,37 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... \'!~:i..Y. .. 12 ....................................................... 19 .66 NAME OF PERSON ASSESSED Township or District Tax Penalty, Fee Total Tax, Penalty Remarks Hauge, Elton Hauger, Gordon Haus, G. T. Haverland, Harold Hays, Robert Hegland, Lester Herzog, Hub Hillukka, Edwin Hofstrand, ••arvfn E. Holden, Miles Hustad, Roger Ike, Leslie Jenson, Clayton Johnson, Betty Johnson, Ralph Kamphake, Henry, ~r. Karlstad, Dennis Karlstad, Horace . Kilde, Marlys (Skyline) Kilde, Virgil Kilgore, Allen Klimek, Willie Kruegar Plumbing &i, Htg. Krueger, Og. M. Kubasta, La Verne Kubitz, Wm. · Kullhem, Marvin S; Lankow, Jess Laugen, Peter Lehr, James A. Malone, Maurice Mattiae, Harold c.: Mc Gowan, Mae Mc Keehan, Dennis Mc Raynolds, James. Naastad, Knute Olderr, Frithjof Olson, -Wm. R. Oman, Virgil Orrock, Helen Mrs •. Peasley, Francis Pelican Motor Sale!! Persons, Agnes Peterson, Karl Peterson, Karl Peterson, Lorraine Pierce, Samuel Pixley, Leslie P. Rasmusson, Raymond Reppe, Milo Richardson, Don L. Riedel, Otto Robbins, Darla Roseland, Don Rosengren, Marjorie Ruhr, George · Sannes, Gordon C. Schaap, Otto & Morgan, Sid Stanton, Donald Stelton, Theo. Straight, Oren Sturm, Robert J. Swanson; Robert G. Tate, Lou Anna Thompson, David Thompson, Ernest Thompson, John & uorothy Thorson, Orville Tiegen, .Melvin J. Toso, Donald E. Waydeman, Henry B. : Weber, M. R. & Mary Wheeler, Howard Wilshusen Motor Co •. Winters, Harold Wirth, Roger Withnel, Robert C. Wolford:, Jake Walters, Glen Yoi:nghans, Richard W-1 City 'l'wp. Carlisle W-2 City Twp Perham Rush Lake Scambler Pine Lake Paddock Scambler W-1 City Everts Uunn Dane Prairie W-3 City Everts Twp. Pr. Prairie W-1 City W-1 City Carlisle Twp Fergus Falls Rush Lake Sverdrup W-2 City W-2 City Vill Elizabeth Twp. Elizabeth Fr:i,berg Dane Prairie W-2 City Dunn . Compton Vill Perham Rush Lake W-2 City Twp. Otter Tail Lida W-3 City Dunn Leaf Lake Vill Perham Oscar Vill Pelican Rapids lzirard W-2 City Village Elizabeth ~1-3 City Vill Pelican Rapids Dunn Edna Hobart Lida Eastern W-4 City Edna W-1 City Dunn Edna Corliss Hobart Friberg Scambler Edna Vill Parkers Prairie W-3-City W-2 City Vill Pelican Rapids Dora Dunn Battle Lake W-l City Lida Dunn Effington W-J City Compton Twp. Perham Dunn Dent· Vill. Henning Everts 4.46 4.62 8.66 16.16 2.30 9.22 9.70 7.36 23.61 5.94 9.04 12.67 2.84 2.72 17.12 42.88 2.72 6.92 57.51 7.56 4.32 56.08 17.81 2.22 :a.9U 55.93 5.68 5.70 3.46 7.46 28.26 10.85 .44 4.20 5.10 3.66 18.62 7.66 57.62 4.56 19.70 229.62 2.50 8.04 9.64 6.68 7.40 8.44 7.04 7-49 6.09 18.42 2.72 4.92 .98 34.05 3.20 (i.18 18.10 8.68 14.68 4.92 5.63 .74 4.70 8.32 2.22 5.70 59.24 2.96 14.30 6.04 5.38 124.94 21.82 7.32 8.30 7.08 3.84 8.56 and Costs and Costs .85 .82 1.41 2.28 .56 1.48 1.56 1.23 3.42 1.05 l.46 l.95 .63 .62 2.55 6.00 .62 1.18 7.95 1.27 .83 7.77 2.64 .55 1.1;4 7.74 1.01 1.02 .72 1.26 4.04 l.70 .31 .82 .94 .74 2.75 1.28 7.98 .86 2.90 31.02 .59 1.32 1.55 1.15 1.24 1.39 1.19 1.26 1.07 2.71 .62 .91 .39 4.81 ·.69 1.08 2.68 1.41 2.21 .91 1.01 .35 .89 1.37 .55 1.02 8.19 .66 2.16 1.06 .97 17.99 J.18 1.24 1.36 1 .• 20 .77 1.40 5.31 5.44 10.07 17,44 2.86 10.70 11.26 8.59 27.03 6.99 10.50 14.62 3.47 2.24 19.67 48.88 3.34 8.10 65.46 8.83 5.15 63.85 20.45 2.77 l!),38 63.67 6.69 6.72 4.18 8.72 32.30 12.55 .75 5.02 6.04 4.40 21.37 8.94 · 65.60 5.42 22.60 260.64 3.09 9.36 11.19 1.83 8.64 9.83 8.23 8.75 7.16 21.13· 3.34 5.83 1,37 38.86 3.89· ·7.26 20.78 10.09 16.89 5.83 , 6.64 1.09 5.59 9.69 2.77 6.72 67.43 3.62 16.u6 7.10 6.35 142.93 25.00 8.56 9.66 8.28· · ,,.61 · 9.96 That the following is a correct list of the personal property taxes in s~d County for said year which said Board are satisfied cannot be collected,. and so CANCELLED by said Board, to-wit: Riley, Thomas (Adm.) Shorty's Cafe Sverdrup Mutual Ins. White, Charles Girard W-2 City Vill. Underwood Vill. Vergas 6.24 33.63 8.74 3.08 1.09 4.76 1.42 .67 7.33 38.39 · 10.16 3.75 Collect Cancel B II ~ 489 1r I J COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ July,12., .................................................... 19 .. 66. THE COUNTY BOARD QF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. James Bucholz BeMie J, Johnspn Sam Nycklemoe Otto Haase Harvey Morrill Attest: S. B. Johnson Coun~y Auditor The foll~wing bills were ~llowed: Russell Brooberg Russell Broob~rg Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Gordon H. Larl!on Bennie J, Johqson Otto Haase Harvey Morrill, James Bucholz, Sam Nycklemoe . Vernon E. Baci91ian JoaMe Rossow Carlton E, Mortenson Emil Boen · Frank Roberts Raymond Bruhn Mrs, Gerald Zi,ese Otto Haase Bennie J, Johnson Geo E, Jensen · Hilbert Isaacson Bernard Palubi.cke Frank Alstadt . Virginia S, Ad~s Eugene Davenport Robert Shaw Harris W, Iverson Dr. C, J, Lund Ors. Lewis & Kevern N. W. Bell Tele, Co. F. F. N. W. Bell Tele Co, General Trading Co, United Cheudcai Co, Fergus Hardwar!! Deutschman Ele~tric Co, C. W. Weisland!!r Gust Lagerquist & Co, Daycoa, Inc, Anderson Bros, Construction Co,,. Carl Norgren Paul Grisoner , Fergus Gla~s & Paint Co, Kee Lox Mfg, Co, The Salisbury ~o. Russell Brooberg Mobile Radio & T, V. Service Village of Pel~can Rapids Key Laboratori~s, Inc, Molter Truck Service Bengtson Oil Co, Fergus Oil ComP,any Dave's Standard Service Henry Lubitz · Donald Lee Merlin S. Hieman John Hoff · Richard M. Enstad Park Region Medical.Center Reba Lee · Charles E. Johnson City of Fergus Falls Skogmo Cafe Miller Davis co·. Poucher Prtg. & Lithographing Co, Nelson Bros. Prtg, Co. Victor Lundeen~ Co, Cooper's Office Supply Gaffaney•s Dean Gamet H. A. Rogers Co, Security Blank ,Book & Prtg. Co, , State of Minnesota-Document. Section Houghts-Mifflin· Co, Kj dwest Printing Co. Xerox ~orporation The Pierce Company Boarding of Prisoners Mileage & Expense II II II II II II II II Clerical Wk, Co, Supt. Office Sal'y W,O,T. Soil Cons, Dist, Sal 'y & Exp. Weed Insp, II II II II Attd, Extenfiion Mtg, II II II II II II II II II Exp. At.td. Planning Coms. II II II JI II II II II II II II II Exp. Planning Commission expenses & mileage II II II ~tra Help Co, Assessor's Office Coroner's Fees II II Sheriffs Toll charges calls supplies II II repairs repairs on venetian blinds repairs bulbs shelves w~shing windows at C9urt House guard supplies--jail teletype ribbon mattresses supplies services II tests freight chg. gas gas gas & oil Sp. Dep. _fees 11 • 11 11 • & expenses II 11 11 mileage jailer Relief jailer calls to jail witness fees justice fees court costs meals for jurors supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies for weed insp. prints supplies record book Iawa test supplies copy Paper supplies envelopes $ 856,05 181.30 157,70 236,20 159,22 35,00 48,44 16.00 37,00 27,25 · 10.65 100,CO 284.-24 381,70 376,25 15,00 8.10 8.62 4,50 10.20 9.22 9,75 9.00 23,90 114,23 lC0,75 510.62 252,20 25,40 112,79 114,76 10.)5 55,00 2.12 36,19 9,30 190,00 108,86 24,86 216.00 5.00 8,95 6,36 264.00 143,70 48,93 5,40 69.64 3.50 2.80 9,75 153,82 15.00 146,97 34,30 130,00 250,00 49.00 18.55 8.-00 75,00 20.50 634,78 138,75 231.80 1646,87 58,26 5,86 43,28 23.34 18,48 112.50 3,CO 18,25 55,00 20.61 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... ~~ 12 ·········································19 .. 6.6. IICD■ln Nl■rl■• co■••·· 1t.CLOU8 ........ . Northwestern Publ~shing Co. Fergus Journal Co. The Henning Advocate Nnrthwestern Publishing Co. Pelican Rapids Pr~ss Myrtle E. Logas Myrtle E. Logas Owen V. Thompson Olga 'l'orvik Helen E. Skramsted' Vernon E. Backman Owen V. Thompson S, B. Johnson Bill Christenson Helen E. Ba,,shoof Mrs. Donnis Fjestad Mrs. Nolan Asleson Mrs. Nolan Asleson E.O.T, Telephone Co. Helen E. Benshoof · ·White Drug Helen E. Bmshoof Victor Lundeen & Co. Empire Business Machines !sea's Medical Books, I c. Brown & Day Inc ; · " Mrs. Sally Swanson · Rose Marie Zarn · Marcella Stone Mrs. Lou Etta Hanneman Helen E. Tikkanen · Mrs. Earl Sonmor Mrs. Inez M. Noussa:i.ne Mrs. Carl A. Koste - Mrs. Grace Rasch ·Mrs. Clifford Ollie Mrs. Sally Swanson · Andrews & Meister Drug Brown & Day Inc. · Philip M. Kjaglien V, A, Ryan Public Utilities Dept. Straub Co. · Philip M. Kjaglien N. W, Bell 'l'ele. co·. Fergus Hardware Cooper's Office Supply Artz Camera Supply Co. Victor Lundeen & Co: R.E.A. Express American Legion Aux: Unit #219 V.F.W. Aux-Charles D. Center Post #3289 Paul Putman Post #289 Edward Carlson Post '#283 Aux, Paul Putman Post #289 American Legion Aux." N. Y.M. American Legion Post #508 Annie Bechett-Chaplain Womens Relief Corps. 'l'ownship of Maplewood Drs. Lewis & -Kevern · Fergus Falls Clinic · Kimber Awning Co. · Sidney Nelson Richard Enstad Bob Karst Rollie Schaller Sportsman's Serv;i.ce Sargent, Sowell Inc.· Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Swan Drug · International Harvester Co. Weitzmann Uniform co; Twin's Motor Co. Andy's 116611 Service Consumers Co-op Oil Co, Henning Consumers Co-op Oil Co. B. L. Farmers Coop Creamery Assn. D. C. -Fergus Oil Co., Inc. · Fossen Oil Co. Hoot Lake Pure Hi-way Auto & Implement Co. Jim's Service Station The Oil Store Ray's OiHCo. S & F Oil Company Service Oil Co, B. L. Service Oil Co. Underwood Theodorson Mobil Service Ver.gas Oil l;o, Arrow Petroleum Penrose Oil Co. Standard Oil Co. Henning envelopes Adv. & publ. tax notice II II I! II $ 49.50 294.80 6.00 8.i;o Adv. ColMl.pd Ori.Lie. Agts. P.O. Box Rent 27.57 16.35 12.00 II II II postage II 9p. attd. convention .. attd. B.C. & Medicare mtg. dozing at dump grounds· mileage & expense II mileage & e~penses postage calls & services misc. services box fan 9.00 30.00 25.co 22.60 76.50 11.65 66".!,0 110.01 6.29. 21.08 5,00 48.04 18.00 batteries for tape recorder tapes for tape recorder typewriter 15.88 1.00 13;50 210.60 18.10 books supplies mileage & eicpenses Fed. Home Health Ser.257.]5 II II II II II II II II II Sal'y & mileage t·raining course II II .II II II postage supplies II II II II epxenses & mileage II II II utilities rent postage & Mche rental calls & services supplies supplies supplies II express decorating graves II II II II II II II poor . expense II II II II II II II II II 35,89 II II 37.13 II II 74.43 II II 3,74 11 38.25 II 26.25 'II 13,50 II 30,QQ II IJ;50 II II II II 20·.25 II 5.QQ II 8.40 .II 245.90· 126.00' 14.10 '3,64 . 50.00 7,00 ;28.06 1.39· 24.10 108,91 15,rll 3,75 12.50 24.50 25.00 25.00 14."00 ·25.00 25.00 16.00 11 11 University Hosp. 463.18 6.00 6.00 595.30 131.00 11 11 T .B. _Patient room dividers mileage mileage & l!lllpense demonstration in life saving setting up schools B. & W Safety life jacket 11 11 11 11 sirens supplies field glasses International uniforms gas & Oil gas, etc. II II II II gas II II II II II gas, etc. II gas, etc. gas, etc. II II II II II II II diesel fuel II II II II II II II II II II II Scout" II II II II II II II II II II II II . 64.85· 50·.oo 35.cio 5,94 lC0.62 67.65 21.95 2270.85 114.60 24.01 ··67.69 158.69 281.20 145-53 55,26 142.65 111.00 228.77 72.35 145.71 91.18 862.17 242,10 6.84 63.80 94,26 177.60 76,12 77.50 -----4 l I ,, I h '·· l,1 ;, I !' Ii l Ii .I I' I I I 1 ,. 492 I' I I .I.I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE....... July 12 ·················································19 .. 66. . E· Standard Oil Co. Pelican Rapids Soliah & Braatz Oil Co. Ted's Oil Co. D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Hall Equipnent, I ·c, Hoad Machinery & Rupplies, Inc. Public ~1ork Equipt·. Co., Inc. Ruffridge.a.Johnson "Equip. Co., Inc. Ziegler, Inc. · Ebersviller Implement Co. International Harvester Co. Larson Welding Matz & Greiff Minnesota Motor Co. Seedorf Repair Stan I s Garage Super GMC Truck Sales Wheeler LuJaber Bridge & Supply Co. National Chemsearch Corp. National Fleet Service-Fleet Tire Mart Paper Calmenson & l:.o. Rapat Industries · Minn. Mining & Mfg; Co. N0 rthwestern Refining ~o. M & R Sign Co. . Bauck Seed House Highway Co. (service Station) Stan Morrill, Inc. Melvin Mc Gowan Mrs. Lewis A. Hansen Julian Perszyk 1"ugene Pischke Coast to Coast Store B. L. Coast to Coast Store Pel. Rapids F.diing Electric, I"c. Fanners Elevator Co·:, Erhard Fergus Hardware · General Trading Co.· Genuine Parts Co. · Holten Lumber Co. Mills Farmers Elevator Perham Fann Supply 1,;o. Sigelman Hide & ~ur·Co. Standard Oil Co., Battle Lake Welders Equipment Wilcox Lumber Co., Vergas Raymond Motor Transp. Railway Express Agency City of Fergus Falls Village of Henning · Construction Bulletin Minn. Dept. of Highways State of Minn. Div. ·or Boiler Insp. SCM Corporation Otter Tail Power Co.· Mpls. Blue Printing 'Co. H. A. Rogers Co. Davenport's Stationery Victor Lundeen & Co; The Pierce Co. Miller-Davis Co. . · East Otter Tail Tele. Co. Park Region Mutual T'ele, Co. N. W. Bell Telephone· l,;o. F. F. Pelican Telephone co·. N. W. Bell Tele Co. Wadena Midwest Tele. Co. I~. W. Bell Tele. Co.·F. F. Wendell P. Huber G. D, Harlow WendeU P. Huber Effington Township Folden Township l!.lmer Kjell Arthur C. Hoff Donald Shattun Vlady Hajny Mrs. Kather-ine D. '!'own.send Thomas Leo Harstman Mathison Insurance Agency Fergus Journal Comp~ Ji.a.st Otter Tail Telephone Co. Harvey w. Nelson diesel fuel .(uel oil, eti::. fuel oil oil & grease parts parts II II II repairs II II II II II II II lumber supplies tires cutting edges sprayer supplies Asphalt signs seed kerosene equipt. rental seeding & sodding gravel gravel gravel supplies fre l!ht express maintenance rent & Elec. service Adv. for bids services inspection machine maintenance prints supplies prints supplies II II se_rvice service & tolls service & tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II 11 II II expense expenses postage spec. aid spec. aid R,4-/ R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W additional premium ad for bids service & tolls cattle Pass The Board then adjourned to 2:JO o'clock P. M. Juli 19, 1966. Attest: Glerk. Chairman ·$ 60.CO 6).-48 60.00 JJJ.80 154.94 1.54 85.80 456.25 574.92 68.65 223,41 4.50 ~ 47.05 10.51 23.00 6.78 148.04! t.:,·:c.· 727.57 575.67 612.00 250.56 1297.50 617.25 2158.46 527.75 132.00 16.25 35.00 280.60 242.40 139.16 108.15 41.88 18.18 1.77 J.65 5.69 197.06 22.88 2.72 4.50 ·7.25 112.16 28).63 JL58 2.6) 4.00 25.40 561.25 215.56 J6;00 157.49 2.CO 55.00 168.FJO 200.-96 54,14 17.20 19.25 4.25 6.50 11.90 14.20 77.69 17.25 10.90 24,90 25.05 287.65 191.95 624.00 JOO.CO JC0.00 1.80 11.60 1.00 1000.00 21.80 12.00 216.JJ JJ.60 24.60 1800.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. lffPIID N!P!III CONfll"....ILlllUIL■"~--='-28Cl8 DATE ............... July 18 .............. · ................................... 19.66 .. . MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA, FOR THE YEAR 1966. Pursuant to statute the '3oard met at 10 o'clock A. M. July 18, 1966, all members present. After taking the oath of office, the Board proceeded to examine the assessments together with County Assessor, Eug~ne Davenport. The 0 oard adjourned from time to t,me and after consideration the following changes were made: The personal property assessment of Swanson Implement Company, Fergus Falls township, increqsed $467 assessed· value. Stan Morrill, Inc., City of Fergus Falls, Second Ward, decreased $400 assessed value on tractor. Wicklund Farm Implement, Pelican Township, increased $900 assessed value on farm implements. Larson & Wifall, Village of Pelican Rapids, farm machinery decreased $333 assessed value. Hendrickx Implement, Town of Butler, decreased $432 assessed value. Schmitz Implement & Garage, Village of Perham, increased $666 assessed value. Palubicki's Red Owl, Village of Perham, increased $666 assessed Value. Lot valuations only on tracts numbered 161A through 161BB, unofficially called Beverly Beach, reduced 10 per cent. The Board of Equalization approved the Village of Perham1s Board of Review decreasing of ten per cent on residential buildings. Everts Lumber Ciilmpany on Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 5, Original Plat, Village of Battle Lake, decreased $240 assessed value. Lawrence Syverson, S½ of NW¼ Section 21, Township of Girard, reduced #34 assessed value. The N½ SEt;, NE¾ SW¾, Lot 6 and the Sj SE¾ and.the Sj SW¾ Section 22, Township of Nidaros, was ord~red placed on a homestead basis of assessment. The North 125 feet of the South 140 feet of Lot 4, Section 10, Eagle Lake, decreased $116 assessed value. Lot 8, Block J Gronner & Hagen's Addition, Village of Underwood, decreased $64 assessed value. Government L9t 8, ·A tract fifty feet on lake by 150 feet in depth in~ Section 28, Dunn Township, owned by Robert W. Taylor, decreas~d $JS assessed value. Doris E. Larson, personal property, Village of Underwood, reduced $10 assessed valuation. Lot J, of Cha-Rosa Beach, decreased $117 assessed valuation. Lot J through 13, Block 2, Bakke 1s Addition to Dalton, decreased $200 assessed value. The town board of Everts appeared before the Board of Equalization together with Norman Arveson, attorney, to discuss valuations of lake property. No action was taken. Upon motion the Board then adjourned. Chairman Attest: 1 493 I I ,fl COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ............ ~.~l . .t.?. .... . ... 19 .. 66_ MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CDMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOI'A. Pursuant to.adjournment the Board met ~t 2:JO P. M. July 19, 1966, all members present. A plat of Cousins Beach located in Government Lot 5 of the NE¼ in Section 24, Township 136-41, executed by Albert F. Cousins, Leonard H. Medar and wives, accompanied by an opinion executed ·by N0rman D. Arveson, Attorney at Law, was approved, The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF CXJUN1'Y COMYJSSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNES01'A, THAT, WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Minnesota Motor Company of Fergus Falls for a one} ton pick-up and · WHEREAS, the same has been delivered and accepted by the Board, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and ~ounty Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant on the Road & Bridge fund in the sum of $992,70 being the contract price, Adopted this 19th day of.July, 1966. Bennie J, Johnson Chairman, Attest: S, B. Johnson Clerk. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'ciock A. M. August 9, 1966, Chairman Attest: Clerk. 1 • COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ .Augu:i:t;. •. 9 ...................... . MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COOIISSI0NERS OF O'l'TER TAIL COUNTY, MINNES<JI'A. . ........ 196.6 .. . Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. August 9, 1966, all members present. The Board having previously advertised for bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A. M. August 9, 1966 on grading, curb and gutter, graveling and base mix bituminous surface on s.A.P. 56-700-01, e. P. 66:lOOB for 0.292 miles in Pelican Rapids proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Mark Sand & Gravel Company Fergus Falls, Minnesota· John Dieseth Company Fergus Falls, Minnesota $42,032.09 38,316.40 Upon motion, the contract was awarded to John Dieseth Company for $38,316.40. Upon motion the County Auditor was ordered to advertise for bids for grading and gravelling to be opened at il o'clock A. M. September 6, 1966 on the following projects: S.A.P. 56-677-01 S.A.P. 56-677-02 (66) C.P. 66:77 Length 1.280 miles, located from the South East Corner of Village of Bluffton to Front & Center Streets in Village of Bluffton being a junction with T. H. #10. Comprising 67,134 Cubic yards Class "A" Excavation, 11,650 cubic yards Channel Change Class "A" Excavation and 1,860 tons of Gravel Wearing Course in place. (66) C.P. 66;77 Length 1.409 miles, located from T. H. #29 and North to the South East Corner Village of Bluffton, Comprising 46,864 cubic yards Class "A" Excavation and 1,865 tons of Gravel Wearing Cou!'se in place. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the following resolution was adopted begining condemnation proceedings on parcel #1 and Parcel #8, S.A.P. 56-677-01, C. P. 66:77: Upon motion duly made and seconded, the County Board fixed August JO, 1966, as the date on which to inspect road work, to meet at Fergus Falls at 9:JO A. M. A petition was filed asking for liimprovement on County Road.#54 East from Trunk Highway #78, 5! miles. Upon mmtion, the Highway Engineer was instructed to make a survey when time permits. Upon motion, James Bucholz and Sam Nycklemoe were selected from the Board of County Commissioners to act as members of the County canvassing Board following the primary election. Upon motion the Blue Shield of Minnesota were authorized to continue Blue Shield coverage for the year beginning September 1, 1966, at the same rate as now in effect. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota-, THAT, the application ·or Lloyd Blake, owner at the time of forfeiture, asking that he be given per- mission to repurchase the Northwest fifty feet of lot 4, Toussaint Heights, forfeited to the State of Minnesota for taxes for the year 1958 and subsequent years, be hereby granted permission to make such · repurchase to the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Adopted this 9th day of August, 1966. B. J. J"hnson Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. BE IT RF.SOLVED By the County BoarcI (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the duly established and designated County State Aid Highway No. 77 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota which begins at a point approximately 2,0CO'feet South of the Northeast corner of Section 9, Township 134 North, Range J6 West being a junction with Trunk Highway No. 29: thence along the_ established center•line of the public road described as follows: From said point of 1::.eginning extending Northerly along or nar the East line of Sections 9 and 4, Township 134 North, Range J6 West, to the South and East limits Village of Bluffton, and continuing Northerly along or near ~be East limits of the Village of Bluffton and the East line of Section JJ to a point at or near the East quarter corner of Section 33 Township 135 North, Range J6 West; thence Westerly, South Westerly and Northwesterly through Section 33 to a point on or near the inter- section of Front:and Center Streets in the Village of Bluffton, being a junction ~ith Trunk Highway No. 10 and there terminating: ·, \ I ·I 496 ,: COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. August .. 9 ................................................. 19 .. 66. and whose general course at the East line of the N.E. ¼ Section 9, Township 134 North, Range 36 West, is as follows: begiMing at a point approximately 2,000 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Section 9 thence North to the North East Corner of Section 9, 'l'ownship 134 North, Range 36 West and there terminating. and whose general course on the east line of NE¼ of SE¼ Section 33, Township 33 North, Range 36 West is as follows: beginning at a point approximately at the South East corner of the NE¼ SE! of said Section 33 thence North 0°231 East for a distance of 494,1 feet, thence deflect to the left on a 6° curve (Delta Angle 81°171 ) for a distance of 1~354,71, thence o~ !~gent to said curve for a distance of 489.41 and there terminating. That it is necessary for the safety of the public travel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed; That an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so altering said County State Aid Highway No. 77 in said se~tions aforesaid; That the general course of said County State Aid Highway No. 77 is not materially altered thereby; That the said Easement so to be procured is for public highway and road purpose; that the same shall be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter described; That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that additional right of way be procured to enable.the construction.of proper slopes and that.an easement be procured to construct certain slopes and to maintain the same after the cons~ruction as provided in the plans and specifications on file i~ the.of~ice of the County Highway Engineer at the Court House AMex in the City. of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the specific places where said slopes are to be constructed, being particularly he~einafter described, that such easement for such construction of slopes cease on or before December 31, 1967; That it is neces~~ry for the construction.and _maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that an easement for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the same be upon the lands herein- after described to be taken for public highway purposes, and upon the lands adjoining the same; That the lands so to be taken for public highway and road purposes and subjected to easement as aforesaid, are situated in the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail and described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL NO. 1 A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: Th~ North East quarter (NE¼) of Section 9 -Township 134 North, Range 36 West, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of fifty feet on West side of the following described center line: BegiMing at a point on or near approximately 2,000 feet South of the North East Corner of said _ Section 9 thence North to the North East Corner of Section 9, Township 134 North, Range 36 West and there terminating. excepting there from right of way of existing pighway, containing 0.72 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1967 on the following described tract. A strip of land 35 1 wide on the West side of roadw~ beginning at a point 234,8 South of North East Corner Section 9 thence South 1,6501 and there terminating, said strip to adjoin the outside line of said right of way and the outer line of said strip to be parallel ~herewith. PARCEL NO. 8 A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter (NE¼ of SE¼) Section 33 Township 135 North, Range 36 West said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 ft. on the west side and all on East side of the following described center line: beginning at a point approximately at the South East corner of the NE¼ of SE¼ of s~d Section 33, thence N0 rth 0°231 East for a distance of 494.1 feet, thence deflect to the left on a 6° curve (Delta Angle 81°171 ) for a distance of 743.91 and thence terminating, also a strip being all that part lying within a distance of two hundred and twenty feet (2201 ) lying Southerly and Westerly side and all on East and N0rth side of the follo~~ng described center line, commencing at a point approximately at the Southeast corner of the NE¼ of SE¼ of said Section 33, thence North a°23' East for a distance of 494.1 feet, thence deflect to the left on a 6° curve (Delta Angl~ 81°171) for a distance 743.9 feet to point of beginning, thence continuing on said curve for 610.8 feet, thence on tangent to said curve for a distance of 489.4 feet and there terminating. excepting therefrom right of way of exisiing Highway containing 4.90 acres more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1967 on the following described tract A strip of land 25' wide on the West side of roadway beginning at a point 6881 North of the South East corner of the NE¼ SE! of Section 33 thence Northerly and Westerly for 550' and there terminating, said strip to adjoin the outside line of said right of way and the outer line of said strip to be parallet therewith. That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire said easement across additional lands aforesaid for public road and highway purpose; to acquire said easement and additional right of way for construction and slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said easement for the erection of snow fences and let the same forthwith duly be begun and prosecuted. Dated this 9th say of August, 1966. S: 8. Johnson 8. J. Johnson ,.. ... _.: ---- COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... ~~.&!!~!-... 9 ...................................................... 1966 .. Upon mot.ion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M. August 10, 1966 WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. August 10, 1966, all members being present. 'l'he petition of Raynold Kratzke asking that Lot 1, 2, 3 and SW! NE! in Section 6-136-41 be set off from District #1455 to Independent School District 6549 was taken up for final•action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, the Board issued the following order to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another, Whereas, The petition of Reynold Kratzke a legal vot~r, freeholder and resident of School District No, 1455 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 549 and asking that he with his said lands may be set ·off from said district No. 1455 to said adjoining school district No. 549 was presented to the Boant of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 12th day of July A,D., 1966 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board.that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 10th day of August A.D., 1966 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school district to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days_: before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 10th day of August A,D,, 1966, due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Lots 1-2-3 and SW¾ of NE! Section 6 Township 136 Range 41 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1455 to said adjoining School District No. 549, and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for allpurposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 10th day•of August A,D,, 1966. (Auditor's Seal) Bennie J. Johnson Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn, Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board. Upon motion the County Nurses were given permission ·to move to the quarters on the second floor form- erly occupied by the Soil Conservation committee. • Superintendent of Schools, Vernon E. Bachman, explained to the Board that he•made an error in the compution of the levy for non-resident High School.tuition for the year 1966-7, Upon motion, duly made, seconded and carried, it was ordered that the sum of $50,000 be added to the County School Tax levy made in July, 1966, Upon motion duly made, seconded. and carried, it was ordered that a levy of thirty cents per capita be made and collected with the taxes payable in the year 1967 for support of the Sheltered Workshop. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Minnesota Hospital. Service Association was authorized to continue the Blue Cross contract beginning September 1st, 1966 on a $3,00 Co-pay basis, A plat of Haugen's Knollwood being a part of Lot 3, Section 8-137-42 accompanied by an opinion as to the title executed by ~lliott O. Boe, Attorney at Law, was approved, A plat o( Nelson's Oakwood Park Beach being a part of -Lot 4, Section 23-134-43 accompanied by an opinion as to the title executed by David F, Lundeen, Attorney at law,,,w.as approved, The application of Roger Mattie asking for reducti~n of valuation on the S~ SW! and the SW¾ SW¼ of Section 36-136-38 ~as approved and it was recommended to the 6ommissioner of Taxation for approval., The appl~cation of Margaret L, Bemis asking for reduction of taxable valuation on North 125 feet of the South 140 feet of Lot 4, Section,10, 131-40, was approved .and it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner for approval., " , ,, The application of Alfred N. BE!llch (Beach Shaving lllill) for reduction of assessed valuation of personal property in the Vi~lage of Vergas was approved and recommended to. the,Commissioner of taxation for approval, The application of Robert W. Taylor for reduction of assessed valuation on tract 50 feet on lake by 150 feet in Lot 8, 'section 28-137-42, was approved and recommended to the Tax Commissioner for approval. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That the following ·resolution was adopted -upon a motion by Mr. Sam Nycklemoe and seconded by Mr, James Bucholz and passed unanimously, 497 ~ I ' '' I I i·r I 1:, 498 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... August .. 10 ......................................... l9 1966 I■ ■ ■I CL09D ■I■■• E•ZIDI That at a regular meeting of the Otter Tail County Commissioners held August 10, 19661 Mr. R. W. Poyzer, Director, Otter Tail -Wadena Community Action Council Inc., presented the package application for the funding of the conduct and administration of your council for the year period beginning October 311 1966 through October 31, 1967, A synopsis of the package program and future planning was discussed as follows: 1. Conduct and Administration 2, Head Start 3, Activity Coordination 4, Project "Ringneck" 5, Homemakers Aides 6. Project "Bootstrap" The past years performance was presented by Mr. Ppyzer on a narrative report. THAT, WE, the County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, endorse your package application for the year October 31, 1966 through October 311 19671 and will continue to cooperate to the fullest extent possible. Adopted this 10th day of August, 1966. Attest: S, B. Johnson Clerk, .The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Russell Brooberg Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Sam Nycklemoe James Bucholz Otto Haase Bennie J, Johnson Harvey Morrill Gordon H. Larson Robert B, Oslund & Assoc. Vernon E, Bachman Mrs. Harry Fretland Joanne Rossow Roger M. Heidorn Roger M. Heidorn E.O.T. Soil Conservation Dist. Emil Boen Frank ijoberts Eugene Davenport Harris W. Iverson Elbow Lake Clinic . Northwestern Bell Telephone Co, Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Dacotah Paper Company Wm, Galena & Son Elk River Concrete Prod, Co, Fergus Jobbing, Inc, Mrs. Russell Brooberg De Ette Sagerhorn Henry Lubitz Don Lee Merlin S. Rieman Merlin S. Rieman F'ergus Falls Clinic Fergus Plumbing & Htg. Mobile Radio & T. V. Service Perry's Floral Key Laboratories, Inc. The Photo Center Geo. Larson Hintgen-Karst Electric Co, City of Fergus Falls Elaine S. Jorud Anderson Transfer Olson Furniture Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. Great Plains Natural Gas. Co, Victor Lundeen & Co, Poucher Prtg. & Lith, Co, Davenport's Stationery Miller-Davis Company Cooper's Office Supply B. J. Johnson Chairman Boarding Prisoners Expenses II II Expenses & Mileage II II II II II II II Viewing roads Expenses fees II II Exp. Attd, convention Clerk Co, Supt. office II II II Sal'y E.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. II II II II II II workmen's compensation Sal1y & Exp. Weed Insp, II II II II II Expenses " & mileage coroners' call calls for Sheriff calls supplies II repairs bleach Matron's fee Matron Is fee Sp. Dep. fees & expenses II II II II II II II II expenses & mileage visiting prisoner services -jail II II flying to locate body tests bulbs II juvenile court hearings wiring for air conditioner Court costs II II freight carpet remnant wiring for Xerox machine sign for Natural Gas supplies II II II II $ 957,75 299,90 256,10 248,70 27,50 36.55 38,19 60,27 10.co 153,91 87,50 21.30 170,CO 35,00 144,00 56.co 40,CO 324,84 301..85 11',35 61.67 13.05 130,38 91.08 18,45 77,40 49,30 16.00 55.00 5.00 25,60 197,40 60.90 64,60 7,50 16,35 56.61 10,CO 46,35 2.78 28.00 73,87 235.co 4,00 11.00 5.co 23,84 5.co B & W Saf. Enf, 64.60 Revenue 56,44 lJl.58 17.85 333,JO 20.85 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. '""'" ■■1■1111-'Dlll,UL.IL Oswald Publishing Co, Xerox Corporation Nelson Bros, Prtg,·co. Xerox Corporation· Mason Publishing ~o. Burroughs Corporation-'l'odd Div. Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Schoolcraft Company Fergus Hardware The Pierce Company ~orthern School Supply & Equip. Cooper's Office Supply Perham Enterprise Bulletin Fergus J0urnal Company M.yrtle E, Logas Vernon E. Bachman Helen E, Skramsted· Amor Landscaping Kimber Awning Co. · Hintgen-Karst Elec: Co, Carolyn Helgeson •irs. Mary Koste Mrs. Clifford Ollie Mrs. Helen Tikkanen Empire Business Mche, E.,O,T .• Telephone Co. Minnesota Nurses Assoc, Mrs. Theo. K. Raasch Mrs. Dannis Fjestad Mrs. Philip Wicklund Marcella Stone Carolyn Helgeson Mrs • Lorna McCabe Ros.e Marie Zarns · Mrs. Nolan Asleson Mrs. Earl Sonmor Mrs. Arthur Bakke Mrs. Alva Helmrichs Mrs. Walter Hubert Mrs. R.H. Jedlund Mrs. Robert H. Johnson It.rs. Charles W. Lewis Mrs. Ed. Skoglund Mrs. John J. Steblay. Philip M, Kjaglien Philip M. Kjaglien V. A. Ryan Straub Company Public Utilities Dept, Northwestern Bell Telephone Co, ,Artz Camera Supply Co. Century Camera Inc,· Victor Lundeen & Co; Secretarial Service· Adamson-Norman Post·#JO American Legion Post #219 Buseth-Tusow Unit #18 Aux, Buseth-Tusow Amer. teg. Post #18 F. F. Chap. #25-Dis: Am. Vet, Rasmussen-Shedowski · Harold 'I'. Swenson Post #612 v:omen' s Relief Corps Mobile Radio & T. v.· Service International Harvester Minnesota Motor Co. · Twin's Motor Co. Perham Cooperative Oil. West Lincoln 66 · Grand View Heights R'esort Dave's Standard Service Consumer's Co-op Oi1·co. Johnson Repair Shop · Genuine Parts Co, Coast-to ~oast Store B. L, Craft Shop Les' Tire Service Swanson's Surplus Store Andrews & Meister Drug !'.ineral Springs Sanatorium Fergus Falls Clinic Mrs. Wallace Kimball' Hayden-Murphy Eqqipt. Co. Road Machinery & Supplies Ruffridge-Johnson Eq; Co,, Inc• The Geo. T. Ryan Co, Ziegler's Inc, Auto Safety Service · Fergus Dodge, Inc, International Harvester Co, Knuttila Implement Co,, Inc, Larson Welding DATE .................... A.ugll§.t. .. l.0 ......................................... 19 ... ~~ supplies II II copy mche, paper renewal subscription ribbon supplies II II II mounting board rental · envelopes publishing Adv. corns, pd, lie. agts. postage postage & box rent gravel for parking lot at Phelps Mill railing for Phelps Mill Install emergency power unit Civil Defense In-service education II II II II II II repairs calls & services advertisement education mileage II mileage & expenses II II II II II II II II II II II Expenses, mileage & wages Attd, Nurs. Bd. mtg. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II expen~es & Mileag postage & mche, rental mileage & expenses rental utilities calls & services supplies supplies supplies . 1T.imeographil'!g decorating graves II II II II II II II II II II II II II II services grease & Oil gas & oil etc, gas II gas, oil services II reparis parts II swivel seat tires Life preservers med. for T. B. patient Serv. 11 11 II II II II trip to Minneapolis with T. B, patient parts II II II II reMirs II II II $ J.64 343,25 51.15 301.75 15.00 .6.00 198.65 69,11 24,79 47,92 8,58 45,CG 38,CC -351.60 12.80· 28.65 73,co. 52,00 269,80 3130,CO 2.20 1.50 1,50 1.50 5,50 17,46 · 2,70 1.50 5.30 .11.25 89,08 96.06 81,J!i 37,40 5,55 127,42 6.60 ;i,_4,70 5,48 6.CO 10.20 9.90 16.20 14,go 61.20 7,00 6,75 50,00 J,67 22,76 57.82 48,95 1.90 12.60 25.-00 · 25.00 21.50 25.-00 25.00 25.00 25,00 25.00 424.00 72.19 4,50 33,,69 4,77 18.16 4,50 36,79 2.81 21.45 11.26 2.20 2.50 44.50 7,80 20.60 14,45 10,00 20.00 3,30 13.14 454,74 4,02 503.68 56.90 96,40 275,84 70.59 7,00 4991, 'I ' ,,, I I , ,I' J ,,·, I ,i ' I ! COMMISSIONERS RECORD ·p, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ................ Au_gust .. 19............. . IICP■IU 1■111!11 COMPIII U C&OIP ■I■■ 1-noa ~linnesota Motor Co. Olson Auto .l:.lectric Olson Hardware & Plumbing Sorein Auto Parts Co, Stan's Garage Suhr-Ford Sales, lnc. Bretz Ha"rdware Coast-to-Coast Store P.R. Farmers hlevator Co, P, R. Fergus Hardware General Trading Co, Genuine Parts Co, Kimber Awning l.o,, Inc, Sigelman Hide & Fur Co, Standard Oil Co., B. L. Swanson's Surplus Store Tesch Lumber Co, ~/elders Equipment . Firestone Store Northwood SpecialtY, Co, Farmers Co-op hlevator Co, F. F. Mills Fanners Uevator Peterson-Biddick Co,, Northwestern Refini_ng l.o, Northwestern Refining Co, Elk River Concrete Products Reedsburg Hardware ~o. Farwell, Ozmun, Kir.k & Co. The Zeco Company . Minn. Mining & Mfg._ Co, Eutectic Welding Alloys C. & H. Chemical Co, Handy Governor Sales Gordon Braness M & R, Sign Company, Mark Sand & Gravel Co, Russell McCarty Mark Sand & Gravel Co, Group Sales Co, West 0, T. Soil Cons. Dist, Railway Expr.ess Agency Anderson Transfer Polman 'l'ransfer . St.ate of Minn, Div. of Boiler Insp. Minn. Dept. of Highways Fergus Journal Co, . 0'Meara1s . Otter Tail Power Co, Mueller Reproduction Service Secretarial Service, Davenport's Station~ry Victor Lundeen & Co. Midwest 'l'elephone Cq. N. W. Bell Telephone Co, F.F. E.O.T. Telephome Co, N. W. Bell Telephone Co, F. F. Park Region ~!utual 'l'.ele. Co, E.O.T. 'l'elephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephonl! Co, Wad, Pelican Telephone Co. Wendell P, Huber Wendell P. Huber G.D. Harlow L, J, Fjosne Oak Valley Township Otter Tail Power Co. Alex Benson Bertha Klein Andy's 66 Service Bengtson Oil Con.pany_ Co-op Services, Inc, Dave's Standard Serv;i.ce Henn. Farmers Co-op Creamery Assoc, Fossen Oil Company Hoot Lake Pure John's.7-0 S~rvice Mayo's Standard Service F. F. Perham Co-op Oil Co, · Perham Shell Service Penrose Oil Co, Service Oil Company$. L, Twin's Motor Co, Vergas Oil Co. Arrow Petroleum Erhard Oil Co, Soliah & Braatz Oil Co, Standard Oil Co, P.R. repairs II II II II II supplies supplies tires stakes seed II asphalt II culverts chairs paint supplies " " " II " signs & posts aggregate install culverts aggregate & Bit. material supplies services express freight " Inspections services Ad. for bids supplies prints su1=1plies service supplies supplies & maps service & tolls Gar. service & tolls Gar, service & tolls Gar. service & tolls service & tolls Gar. servjce & tolls Gar. Service & tolls Gar. service & tolls Gar. cash advanced expenses " II Special aid Right of Way Right of Way hight of. Way Gas, etc. gasoline gas, etc. gasoline gas, etc. II II gasoline " II gas, etc. II II II II gasoline II gas, etc, diesel fuel II II 11 11 etc. "·• II #3" #1 #19 #17 #10 #4 #6 ...... 19 66. $ 23.51 95.04 ·25,74 JO.CO 23.48 13,33 21.45 12,78 4.20 13.70 190.22 30,68 23,50 16.20 442.70 23.90 5,25 11,63 140,28 ·109:50 111.10 473,70 27,60 4242,72 191'0,54 270,20 257.85 71,20 97,85 17,20 89,00 35,25 159.27 247.06 1468,75 2250,CO 114,00 423.88 24,81 245,00 7,50 4,00 4,25 5.00 122.18 14.40 41.00 93.15 39,56 25.75 24.96 1645,35 11:66 J0.61 10.80 84.80 8.83 ·12,90 12.49 23,33 23.50 274,55 201.83 37,20 JOO.CO 447 ,40 19,90 531.05 105,60 169,71 749,85 129,55 324,45 135,44 314,05 58,35 62,45 139,33 124,49 213.49 72,41 · 35,06 184.66 78,72 130,50 173,22 60,00 ll ___ ~---------------------------- ..... =----...... COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ----------------------------------~ 501 IICPll~.auw&LU.ll.l.lL.Ddl.RID.alllll D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Robert B. Oslund & Assoc. DATE ...... August .. 10 ...................................................... .19 66. oil surveying Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. September 6, 1966. Chairman. Attest: HJ.JO 94.50 502 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAlL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... Aµgu:;t .. ~h. .......................... :: ......... : ............... 19 ... 9.9.. MINUTF.S OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE OOARD OF COUNTY IDMl{ISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNF.SOTA The Board met at 3 o'clock P. M, on ~edJ:!esday, August 24, 1966, all members-present. After signing the statutory waiver of notice, the Board began the consideration of the appointment of a County Treasurer to fill the unexpired term of Olga Torvik, deceased. After considering a number of written and oral applications, the Board passed the following resolution to-wit: The follo~~ng resolution was adopted: RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUN1'Y COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA, at their session h.eld at J:OC o'clock P, M. August 24, 1966, THAT, Robert Shaw be appointed County Treasurer to fill the balance of the unexpired term of Olga Torvik at a salary of $8,000 per year, the bond fixed at the sum of $5O,OCO,OO, Adopted this 24th day of August, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk Robert Shaw presented his resignation as Assistant County Assessor which was approved, Up:>n motion the Board then adjourned subject to call from the County Auditor upon the receipt of the bond of Robert Shaw, the County Treasurer, Attest: MINUTF.S OF THE SPECIAL MEETil\'G OF THE OOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL CDUNTY, MINNF.SOTA. Chairman. Pursuant to call from the County Auditor the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. August 27, 1966, present Commissioners johnson, Morrill and Nycklemoe. Upon motion t~e bond of Robert Shaw in the sum of $50,000 with General Insurance Company of America as surety was approved, Chajrman. Attest: ' -· I. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... .Se,r;i.t.em'bf!r ... 6 .............................................. 19 ... 66. 11c111n •• ,., ••• Cl■P.l■I'. 11.CLOID.■l■I. II:,• MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE OOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. September 6, 1966, all members present. The Board having previously authorized the CoDllllissioner of Highways,to advertise for bids on S.P.- 622-01, S6454 (4), S.A.P. 56-622-02, bids were opened by a representative of the State Highway Department and were found to be as follows: K.V.B., Inc,, Hastings, Minnesota E.d. Zimmerman, Barrett, Minnesota John Dieseth Co., Fergus Falls, Minn. Harvey W. Nelson, Lake Park, Minnesota ~ichaelson Bros., Madison, Minnesota , S"trom Coill!t. Co., Moorhead, Minnesota Sellin Bros., Inc., Hawley, Minnesota Russell McCarty, Frazee, Minnesota Clarence Drewes, Detroit Lakes, Minn. Marvin E. Lund, Glenwood, Minnesota · Roy Benson & Son, Inc., Stephen, Minn. $111,316.06 118,261.04 119.434.69 120,540.00 124,644.22 125,662.80 127,356.22 134,713.76 135,784.90 139,870.02 146,735.22 After consideration the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Highways that the bid be awarded to K.V.B., Innc., Hastings, Minnesota, for the sUIII of $111,316.06. The Board having previously advertised for bids for grading and gravelling between Trunk Highway #29 and Trunk Highway #10 in Bluffton proceeded to ppen bids which were found to be as follows: Marvin E. Lund, li1enwood, Minnesota Sellin Bros., Inc., Hawley, Minnesota Russell McCarty, Frazee, Minnesota John Dieseth Company, Fergus Falls, Minn. Strom Construction ~o., Moorhead, Minn. Clarence Drews, Detroit Lakes, Minn. $ 55,799.21 59,777.18 62,658.49 ·64,464.30 66,507.59 69,740.40 After consideration the contract was awarded to Marvin E. Lund: for the sum of $55~ 799.21. Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to pay $3,0CO;OO to·the Sheltered Workshop in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. The following resolution was adopted; RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Mark Sand & Gravel Company of Fergus Falls for gravel base and road mix bituminous surfacing on C.P. 65:21B, 65:28B, C.P. 65:32B, 65:45B, 65:67B, C.P. 65:01BM, 65:HB Henning Village, and WHEREAS, the same has been completed and the County Board having filed their certificate of completion and acceptance with the County Auditor, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and instructed to issue a check on the Road and Bridge fund in the amount of $16,941.65, being the balance due on said contract. Adopted this 6th day of September, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman. Attest: S. · B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Mark Sand & Gravel Company of Fergus Falls for gravel base and road mix butiminous surfacing on c·.P. 66:51B, 66:,55B, 66:60B, 66:83B, and ' WHEREAS, the same has been completed and the County Board having filed their, certificate of completion and acceptance with the County Auditor. · NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and instructed to issue a check on the Road and Bridge fund in the amount of $17,117.40, being the balance due on said contract. Adopted this 6th day of September, 1966. B, J. Johnson Chairman. Attest s. B. Johnson Clerk. " 503 ::r---504 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ... )ieptember 6 ........ . ......................... 19 .. 66 IIC■■ln ,11■11■1 COMNIY. n.CLOID,■l■I, I-DOI The following resolu-tion was adopted: RE.SOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHER.l.AS, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Hi-Way Surfacing Company, Minneota;,Minnesota, for sand seal on C.P. 66:SS, County Wide Sand Seal, and WHEREAS, the same has been completed and the County Board having filed their certificate of completion and accep~ance with the County Auditor, NOw, THEREFORE, BE IT RIISOLVED that the Chairman and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and instructed to issue a check on the Road and Bridge fund in the amount of $6328.94 being the balance due on said contract. Adopted this 6th day of ,September, 1966. •• I. B. ,J. Johnson Chairman, Attest: S, B, Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: BE I'l' RE.SOLVED by the Bo!3-rd of County Commissioners o_f Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT the sum of $J,ooo.cp be transferred from the Sheltered.Workshop fund to the Co~nty Revenue fund in repayment of advances made_ from the County Revenue fund. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Auditor and the County Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to make the nec~ss~ry entries on their records •. Adopted this 6th day of September, 1966. B, J, Johnson Chairman. Attest: S, B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT the sum of $16,29J.48.be transferred from the Veteran's Service fund to the County Revenue fund in repayment of expenses incurred during the year 1965. ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Auditor and the County Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary entries on their records. Adopted this 6th day .of September, 1966, B. J. Johnson Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: BE IT RE.SOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County of Otter Tail to execute and enter into a contract with the Co~missioner of Highways for the removal of snow from particular portions or all of the roads and highways under the jurisdiction of the County of Otter Tail all on the terms and conditions contained and set forth in "State of Minnesota, Department of Highways Maintenance Section Snow Removal Agreement Form No, l", a copy of which said form was before the Board assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Wendell P. Huber, the Highway Engineer of said County of Otter•Tail, be and he hereby is authorized to request and order from time to time men and equipment for the removal of snow in accordance with and under the terms of the foregoing contract, Adopted this 6th day of September, 1966. Attest: __ s~. ;;iBf:-:. ::;J':-'o"-hn=sc::o::.:n'---------Clerk. Upon motion the Boarm then adjourned to September 7, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... ~~P..!:~!!1.b.er. 7 '-·············································J9 .. 66 .1cu1m t■l■rlll'Ti WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. September 7, 1966 • . Th~ petition of Robert T. Geiser asking that the Si SE¼ of Section 31-135-36 be set off from Common Scho~l Distri~t #14~2.to Independent School District #819 Wade~a Co!-1lltY was re~d and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. October 5 1966 and that due notice and the place of said hearing be given as required by law. ' A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1466 was presented to the Board and it was ordered tha1; a hearing be had on said resolution at 10 o,'clo.ck A. M. October 5, 1966 and that due notic~ of the time and place be given as required by law. 'l'he following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, pursuant to Chapter 122.32 M.S.A. as amended, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County will on the fifth day of October, 1966, dissolve and make an order annexing to other existing school districts the territories of the following non-operating school districts: District #1452 District #1483 and that the County Auditor give notice of the time and place of such hearing as provided by law. Adopted this 7th day of September, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. BE IT RESOLVED By the County Board (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota That the duly established and designated County State Aid Highway No. 8 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, which begins at a point approximately at the intersection of Front Street and Seventh.Street in the Village of Perham; thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning extending Northeasterly along ~eventh Street to the North limits of the Village of Perhl!Jll, which is the South line of Section 11; thence Northeasterly through Section 11 to a point approximately 920 feet North of the South Quarter corner of Section ll.Tl36N-R39W; thence Northerly along or near the North and South Quarter line through Section 11 to approximately the North Quarter corner of Section 11; thence Easterly along or near the North lines of Section 11 and 12 to approximately the North Quarter corner of Section 12; thence Northerly along the North and South Quarter line in Sectio~ 1 for approximately 2,780 feet, and Northeasterly through Section l- Tl36N-R39W, and continuing Northeasterly through Section 31-Tl37N-R38W to approximately the Northwest corner of Section 32=Tl37N-R38W, and continui~g Easterly along the ~orth lines of Sections 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36-Tl37N-R38W, abd cibtubyubg Easterly along the N rth lines of Sections 31, 32 and 33-Tl37N-R37W to approximately the Northeast 'corner of Section 33-Tl37N-R37W, to~a junction with County State Aid Highway No. 67. Beginning again at a point approximately at the Southeast corner of Section 34-Tl37N-R37W, at a point on CSAH No. 67; thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning extending Easterly along the South Lines of Sections 34 and 35-Tl3:?N-R37W to approximately a point 2,266 feet West of the Southeast corner of Section 35; thence Northeasterly through Sections 35 and 36 to a point approximately 780 feet East of the Northwest corner of the SW¼ of the SWt; of Section 36; thence continuing Easterly along the South Sixtj!enth line through Section 36 to a point approximately J20 feet West of the Northeast corner of the SE¼ of the SE¼ of Section 36-Tl37N-R37W; thence Southeasterly through Secfion 36~Tl37N-R37W, and continuing Southeasterly through Section 31-Tl37N-R36W, to a poiht approximately 1,557 feet ·East of the Southwest corner of Section 31-Tl37N-R36W; thence,.continuing Easterly along or near the· South Lines of Sections 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36-T37N-R36W to a poin~ on the Otter Tail Wadena County line, approximately at the Southeast corner of said Section 36; thence continuing Easterly along or near said county line, on the North line of Section l-Tl36N-R36W to approximately the Northeast corner of Section l-!136N-R36W, and there termina\ing, the West half of said county line portion to be assigned to Otter Tail County and identified as Otter Tail ·County State Aid Highway No. 8; and whose general course on the South line of Government Lot 2, Section 1, Township 136 North, Range 39 West, is as follows: beginning at a point approximately interior f; corner of Section 1, 'l'ownship 136 North, Range 39 West; thence North 00°01 along the East line Government Lot 2, Township 136 North, Range 39 West for a distance of 39.5 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 6°curve (Delta Angle 26°1,5') for a distance or 4J'/,5 reet, thence on tangent to said curve ror a distance of 1,346.1 feet and there tenrdnating. · That it is necessary for the safety of the public travel and for park and recreational purposes to establish a wayside park, rest area and recreational facility and for these purposes the said road be so altered and changed; That additional lands hereafter described are needed for the purpose of so altering said County State Aid Highway No. 8 in said sections afores~id; That the general coµrse of said County State Aid Highway No. 8 is not materially altered thereby; That the said property so to be procured is for the purpose of a public highway, road wayside park, rest area and recreational facility; that the same shall be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter described; That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road wayside park, rest area and recreational facility and for the safety of public travel that additional property be procured to e~able the construction of proper slopes and that an easement be procured to construct certain slopes and to maintain the saru~ after the construction as provided in the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Highway Engineer at the Court House Annex in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota. That the.lands so to be taken for the purpose of a public highwayk road wayside park, rest area and recreational facility and subjected to easement as aforesaid, are situated in the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail and described as follows, to-wit: ~ 50-5 4 I I I Ii I'. I; ~-:--· 506 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... september .. 7 ........... · ............................... 19 66.. PARCEL N0.1 A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract; Government lot 2, Section 1, Township 136 North, Range 39 West, · , said strip being all that part lying Northerly and Westerlf on the North and West side of the following described center line: Beginning at a point approximately interior t corner of Section 1, 'l'ownship 136 North, Range 39 ~est; thence North 00°01 along the East line Government Lot 2, Townshig 136 North, Range 39 West for a distance of 39,5 feet; thence deflect to the right on ·a 6°curve (Delta Angle 26 15') for a distance of 437,5 feet, thence on tangent to said curve for a distance of 1,346.1 feet and there terninating. except therefrom right of way of way of existing highway, containing 4,51 acres more or less. That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and ·prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire said easement across additional lands aforesaid for public road and highway purpose, a wayside park, rest area and recreational facility and let the same forthwith duly be begun and prosecuted, Dated this 7th day of September, 1966. ATTEST: S, B. Johnson County Auditor The following resolution was adopted: By the Board of County Commissioners of OTTER TAIL COUNTY _B_._J-._J_o_h-n~s_o_n __________ Chairman BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, Robert B. Osland has been authorized to purchase 125 photos covering lake shore areas of the larger lakes within the county, and THAT, upon delivery of these maps to Robert B. Osland, the County of Otter Tail will issue a check in payment thereof, upon sub!J,ission of a claim executed on the proper forms. Dated this 7th day of September, 1966. B. J, Johnson Attest: S, B. J hnson Clerk~ Upon motion the County Board was authorized to attend the Regio~al conference of Association of County Commissioners to be held at Fergus Falls on August 12, 1966. · The County Auditor was authorized to issue checks to Juljus H. Rhode in the sum of $5.00 for Right of Way award on County koad #115 and also to Harvey, Carrie, Larry and Carolyn Ott in the sum of #350.00 for damages due to construction of County Road #115. The application of Lloyd P,enrose asking for the settlement and abatement of Delinquent taxes, penalties, interests and costs on hot 15 and South 23 feet of Lot 16 in Block 22, Lakeview Addition to Parkers Prairie for the sum of $1150.BJ, was read and upon motion it was recollllllended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted. The application of Lloyd Penrose for reduction of assessed valuation for the year 1966 on Lot 15 and South 23 ·feet of Lot 16, Block 22, Lakeview Addition to Parkers Prairj.e from the assessed valuation of $2084.0C to $1389.00 was read. Upon motion it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted, The application of Olga Tesch for homestead classification on Lot 2 of Palubicki's Beach was granted. The application of Mrs. Oscar Matson for reduction of assessed valuation for the year 1966 on Lots 3 through 13, Block 2, Bakke's Addition to Dalton was read and upon motion it was recollllllended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed valuation be reduced from $718,CO to $500.00. 'l'he application of Elizabeth LaPlante for reduction of assessed valuation on Lot 19, except the most E'ly 22,9 feet in Mike's Wall Lake Beach on the ground that the assessment covered a full lot was read and upon motion the application was granted. The application of Clyde Engebretson for reduction of assessed valuation on tract in Lot 8, of Section 28-137-42 was read and upon motion the application was granted. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Russell Brooberg Boarding Prisoners mileage $ 98J.OO 88,JO - - I I I I I I_ _J. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Edgetown Lumber Company Bennie J. Johnson Harvey Morrill James Bucholz Sam Nycklemoe Otto Haase James Bucholz Bennie J. J0 hnson Otto Haase Harvey Morrill Sam Nycklemoe Arthur M. hspeland Gordon H. Larson noger M. Heidorn Laura E, Hotchkiss Laura E. Hotchkiss Laura E. Hotchkiss Emil Boen Eugene Davenport Harris W. Iverson Robert Shaw Anton N. Glesne Charles W, Lewis, ii. D. N. W, Bell Telephone Co, N. W. Bell Telephone Co, Fergus Glass & Paint ~o. Gust Lagerquist & ~ons, Inc• Adelsman Boiler Co, Gust Lagerquist &. Sons; Inc. Fergus Hardware · Otter Tail Grocery ·co, Anderson Bros. Const. Co. Ernest Erlandson Mrs. Russell Brooberg Olga Peterson · Hazel Rieman Mrs. George Larson Henry Lubitz Merlin S. Rieman Donald Lee James Larson Emil M. Meurer Eldon Sitx, Sheriff John Stine Richard Enstad Paul B. Jacob Mobile Radio & T. v·. Service Oscar Bergstrom John Halvorson Elaine S, Jorud City of Fergus Falls Empire Business Mches. Davenport's Stationery Poucher Printing & Lith. Co, Security Blank Book·& Prtg. Co, Davenport's Stationery Nelson Bros, Prtg. Co, Security Blank Book·& Prtg. Co, Fergus Hardware · Farnham's State of Minn-Documents Sec, Minnesota State Highway Dept. Edling Electric Co. · ·· Midwest Printing co: Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co, Fergus Journal Co, Bjorgo Repair Shop Ebersviller lmplemerit Co, Bill Christensen · My1·tle E. Logas Russell Brooberg Robert Shaw Vernon E, Bachman Helen E. Skramsted Carolyn Helgeson Donnis Fjestad Mrs. Lorna McCabe Mrs. Sally Swanson Marcella Stone Rose Marie Zarn Mrs. Sally Swanson Carolyn Helgewson Village of Perham Carolyn Helgeson Mrs. Clifford Ollie Inez Noussaine Mrs. Mary H. Koste Mrs, Mary H. Koste Mrs. F.cl. Skoglund DATE ........ ·. September .. 7 ............................................ .l9 66 .. . mileage & expenses II II II supplies -Phelps Mill expenses & mileage mileage to Phelps Mill mileage & expenses II II II II II II II Board of Equalization II II Board of Review 11 11 ·Equalization Attd. Planning Commission expenses Serv. E,O.T, Soil Cons, Dist, II W II II II 11 11 II II II II II II II II II II .Sal'y & Exp. Weed Insp, expenses II II & Mileage II II II II Extra help Co, Assessor's Ofc, coroner's fee calls 11 Sheriff supplies -jail service supplies repairs supplies II material & labor for sign posts janitor· matron fee II II II II II II Sp, Dep, fees & Exp. $ II II 11 11 serv. tax.citations II II II II Serv. Tax citations II II II II II II constable diving expenses II II services guard II court oosts II II II cleaning webs for xerox supplies supplies II II 11 election II mounting boards contracts maps for Assessor wiring for xerox mche. printing ballots ~lection supplies publishing & Sample ballots Repairs at Phelps Mill Phelps Mill Committee II dozing dump grounds at Nurs. Home Adv. coms. pd. driv. lie. agts, postage postage & rubber stamp stamp & Postage Postage IJl:i.leage II & exp. II ! II II II II II II II postage rent for July & August magazine subscription Home Health Care II II II II Attd. Nursing Bd. Mtg, 307,co 261.90 363.80 16•,00 12.00 26,55 17,55 25,30 22,50 19,50 22,50 15.00 19,50 9,75 111,83 120.0C 257,04 105,84 60,48 309.70 81,37 87,35 66,75 187,20 79,93 93.16 136,51 338,91 38,00 67.20 14,59 · 13,51 50,75 75,53 · 100.00 55,00 10.00 5.00 5,00 42,30 92,20 244,60 2,30 2.60 2.00 6.20 20.00· 23,40 32,03 10,CO· 5,00 6.00 285.00 5,00· 8,40 310.16 106.57 5.19 1370,65 1311.69 4.28 51.06 2.50 31.65 78:09 162.80 419.05 371.00 41.17 8:60 66.50 l:6.80 15,CO 30,36 26,40 15.·00 · 122.47 n-.32 176,:'.35 9,35 67,15 44,50 5.00 1.00 70,00· 5,00 60.00 36.25 68.00 39,CO 8.10 I,, 1. I,, I r I I " I. •I •: ,, ,I I' 11 !f''. I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. September .. ? ........................................ .19 66. -. Mrs. John J. Stebl!lY Mrs. R. H. Jedlund. Mrs. Robert H. J0 hpson l<,rs. Charles Lewis Mrs. W. E. Hubert · Mrs. Alva Helmrichs Mrs. Arthur Bakke Philip M. Kjaglien Rachel J. 1strem _ Philip M. Kjagli,n. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Straub Company . Perham Enterprise-~ulletin Public Utilities D~pt. Secretarial Service V.ictor Lundeen & Cq. Century Camera Supply Cornell-Syverson Pqst #17 Am. Legion P.R. Mineral Springs SB.l)atorium City Pharmacy City of Fergus Falis Twp. of N0 rwegian Qrove Minnesota Motor Co. Les Tire Service · Dave's Standard Se~vice Park Region Coop. Qil Co. P.R. West Lincoln 66 Twins Motor Co. H. H. Ebbighausen Champlin Nnrth Uni~n Serv. Otter 'l'ail Coop. Oil Public \',orks Equipt,. Co. Ru.ffridge-Johnson ~q. Co., Inc. Geo. T. Ryan Co. Ziegler, Inc. . Minnesota Tractor Co. Auto Safety Service' Ebersviller Impleme:nt Co. F. F. Ebersviller Impleme~t Co. P.R. International Harvester Co. Marlo Motors · · Minnesota Motor Co. Riverside Repair Shop Smith's Farm Supply· Stan Is Garage Super GMC Truck Sales Everts Lumber Co. · Fergus Plumbing & Htg. Holten Hardware · Holten Bumber Co. Lampert Lumber Co. ~ar. Pr. Schroeder & Koehn Standard Oil Co., Battle Lake Wilcox Lumber Co.; Henning Minn. Mining & Mfg.· Co. Farwell, Ozmun, Krik & Co. Northwestern Refining Co. Viking Steel Products Co. M-R Sign Co.• Inc. Dalton Grain & Feed ·co. Northwood Specialty ·co. Raymoi:id Motor Transp •. Co. Village of Perham Fergus Journal Co. Otter Tail Power Co.' Minnesota Dept. of Highways Construction Bulletin Minneapolis Blue Prtg. Co. Miller-Davis l;o. · Victor Lundeen & Co.' Davenport's Stationery Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Co. E.O.T. Telephone Co.· N. W. Bell Tele Co. Wadena Pelican Telephone co·. E.O.T. Telephone <.o." N. W. Bell Tele Co. F. F. Midwest Telephone Co·. N. W. Bell Tele. Co.·F. F. Vergas Tele. Co. Wendell P. Huber G.D. Harlow Wendell P. Huber Leslie Nycklemoe Leaf Mountain Twp. Delain Miller Church of 'l"he Sacred Heart Andy's 66 Service · Dave's Standard Service, Henning Fossen Oil Co. Attd. Nursing Bd. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Mileage & expense mileage Mtg. II II II II II II Mike rental & p06 tage calls & service rent subscription utilities printing letters supplies supplies decorating graves care T. B. patient Med. for T. B. patient poor expense poor repairs Tire & tube gas• oil etc • gas II gas, etc II II II parts II II II repairs su~plies Asphalt culverts signs seed stakes freight maintenance Adv. for bids prints Labor"& supplies Adv. for bids supplies supplies II II service & tolls exp nses II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II cash advanced tract special aid hight of way II II II gas, etc. II II $ 7.35 3.00 5.10 4.95 2.70 7.35 3.30 105.90 12.45 8.10 35.17 50.00 3.00 4.15 10.95 49.25 50.00 25.co 40.00 5.70 5,315.83 78.43 9.50 15.40 51;.02 14.21 52.76 18.31 5.60 44."78 2.22 93.38 335-48 1.-1.08 986.83 77.04 167.65 30.40 11.60 364.66 8.85 17.50 77-50 6.45 74.74 33-58 36.56 32.61 2.50 44.69 3.50 3.60 83.75 3-45 337.62 54.61 8617.86 45.00 240.00 445.55 15.00 4.25 ll6.00 70.20 28.73 436.43 47.70 48.27 30.32 22.17 24.17 11.15 11.60 13.22 10.70 11.05 30.86 10.46 73.55 18.41 321.15 251.65 11.25 250.00 500.00 37.40 8.00 llcj.63 94.86 Highway <.o. -Service Station 180.31 77.44 ~-------L------------------- gas, etc. gas, etc. - J COMMISSIONERS RECORD P,.OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . Jim's Service Station Nundahl Oil Co. Otter Tail Co-op Oils Inc., F. F. Park Region Oil Co. Ray's OH Co. Shell Service NYM. Arrow Petroleum Bluffton Oil 1,;6." Penrose Oil Co. Standard o·il Co. P. R. D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. DATE ............. September .. 7 .......... . gas, etc. II II etc. ii II II diesel fuel II II II II diesel fuel · oil ............... 19.66 .. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10:00 A. M. October 4, 1966. Attest:~~~~.............__)_ /~ Chairman. $ 79.95 8.39 331.65 114.38 131.52 83.66 176.00 176.90 128.89 60.00 203.50 ~ 509 510 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. a••••• E-2108 DATE ............... O.c.to.ber .. J. .............................................. 19.66 .. . MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL· COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant, to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M., October 4, 196~, all members present, Upon motion the Board will meet at 9:30 A. M. on October 27, 1966 to view completed roads. Upon motion $500.00 additional clerk hire was credited to the County Assessor for the year i966. Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to refund to Olga Tesch $41.50 due to· overpayment of taxes that should have been assessed and taxed as homestead property. Upon motion the Chairman and County Auditor were authorized and directed to sign easement #RW7044 with the NorthemPacific Railway Company at Bluffton and that the Chairman and Auditor issue a check to the railway fo~ $50.00 in payment thereof. Upon motion the Chairman and Auditor were authorized to sign an easement with the Otter Tail Power Company for one anchor as now exists on Lot 1, Block 2, Frazee's 3rd Addition to the Village of Pelican Rapids, Upon motion the Chairman and County Auditor were authorized to sign a right of way assessment with the Lake Region Co-op Electrical Association for distribution line between the SEt NW/; and NW/; SW/; Section J6-135T42, this land being tax forfeit~d. Upon motion an off and on sale of non-intoxicating malt liquor license was granted to Charles Hall at Ethel Beach, Township of Girard. The bond of Carolyn Helgeson as County Nurse in the sum of $10CO.OO with General Insurance Company of America as surety was approved. The aMual report of fees and emoluments received by Harlan L. Nelson as County Attorney for the year 1966 was approved. The application of the North Star Natural Gas Company of Wadena for reduction of assessed valuation on their natural gas distribution system was approved reducing the assessed valuation from $4240.CO to $3927.CO due to erroneously including in the book cost intangible property. The appfication of Richard Kotschevar for reduction of assessed valuation on Lot 3, Second Addition to Klein's and Adam's Point due to the fact a trailer was assessed at market value instead of true and full was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval. The application of C. L. Thorstenson, Treasurer, as one of the officers owning Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Blyberg's Addition asking that the 1966 assessed valuation be reduced from $6004.CO to $3102.00 was approved and recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval. The application of Elmer M. Zinter asking gor reduction of assessed valuation on Si NW/; of Section 15-131-38 and on the Ei SW/; and SW/; SW/; of Section 9-131-38 was read and upon motion the petition was rejected upon recommendation of the Town Board. The following resolution was adopted: BE lT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, the sum of $325.00 be paid to Clarence Mielke for preparing and exhibiting the County booth at the Minnesota State Fair, this being the amount of the premium received. Dated this 4th day of October, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman Attest: S, B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, vihereas, Provision is made in the Minnesota Statutes 1961, Section 19.231, Subdivision 1, the Board of County Commissioners when requested by the Commissioner of Agriculture, shall appoint a county agricultural inspector, who shall meet qualifications prescribed by the commissioner, and WHEREAS, kussell G. Schwandt, Commissioner of Agriculture, has requested on October 3, 1966, such appointment by the County Board of Otter Tail County, NOW, THEREFORE, BE. IT RESOLVED That Frank Roberts whose address is Deer Creek and Emil Boen, whose address is Fergus Falls, be and they are hereby appointed County Agricultural Inspectors for a period of full time five months in 1967 and seven months at per diem in 1967 at a salary of $185.CO per month and per diem for seven months. BE IT FURTHER UNDERSTOOD that Frank Roberts and Emil Boen may attend the AMual County Agricultural Inspectors' Short Course held at the St. Paul Campus, University of Minnesota, and two one day district con- ferences during the year. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... 9.f.t.~j:>er .. 4 _ ............................ · ...................... 19 ... 66 ■••• E•ZIOB BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to the Commissioner of Agriculture, State 6ffice Building, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55101. Adopted this 4th day of October, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman. Attest : _ ___;s_·._ • ..;;B"".'=J""o""'hn:-"s"-o""n"--------,----Cl erk. be set to the Upon motion the Board adjourned to'10 o'clock A. M. October 5, 1966. · · WEDNESDA'.( 1S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. October 5, 1966 all members present. The application of Robert P. Geiser asking that the S½ of the SE¾ Section 33 Township 135 Range 36 off from District #1462 to District #819 Wadena County was taken up for final a~tion. After iistening statements of the interested parties, the Board issued the following order to-wit: ORDER OF HE.ARING ON PETITION OF LEGAL VOTER TO BE SET OFF WHEREAS, A petition signed by riobert P. Geiser a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 1462 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the following described lands, situated in said Distric.t, to-wit: S½ of SE¾ Section 33, Township 135, Ra.lige 36. Which lands adjoin School District No. 819 Wadena County and asking that he, with his said lands, may be set off from said District No. 1462 to said adjoining District No. 819 Wadena Co. for the following reasons: Wadena bus stops in my yard and two of my poys now attend Di.strict #819·. was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at a session of said Board held on the 7th day of Sept. A. D., 1966 for the action of said Board, thereon. NOW THEREFORE, It is ordered that said petition will be heard by this board at the session thereof on the 5th day of October A. D., 196~, ~t the office of the County Auditor, in said (;ounty. And it is further ordered, that notice of time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of this order in three public places in each of the School Uistricts to be effected by said petition and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts a cqpy of this order, at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing. Dated Septanber 7, 1966. Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Beard (Auditor's Seal) B. J. Johnson Chairman Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. Tpe resolution ordering the dissolution of Common School District #1483 was•taken up for final action. After listening to the various interested parties the Board issued the following order to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) )ss COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL) IN THE YlATTER OF THE DIS&>LUTION OF COO!ON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1483, The above entitled matter came on duly to b."' h~ard ·by t_h~ County Board of Ott~r Tail County, Minnesota, at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said county,_on the 5th day of October, 1966, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as 1·011ows: First --That said proceedings were instituted by: A resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted on the 7th day of September 1966: Second --That the district is a non-operating district being dissolved under Chapter 547, Laws of 1963 as amended. NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED That said Common School District No. 1483 be dissolved and that·the territory ~braced therein be attached to other existing school districts, to-wit: To Independent School District #819 Wadena County the entire territory_ comprising School District #1483. (3) It IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1483, be distributed as follows, to-wit: ~ 511 r '5"12 I· ,' ,, I I I: ·' t COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... Octobe:r . .5 ................................................ 1966 •ac•• n1■11■• Co■N•I n.CLOID ••••• All assets and liabilities of said School Djstrict,#1483 shall be awarded to said Independent School District #819 Wadena County. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1483 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of. this order is hereby fixed as the 5th day or" 1966. Bennie J. Johnson Chairman °oard of County·commissioners Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor. The within and foregoing interlocutory order· became final and effective on the 5th day of October, 1966, by order of the Board of County Commissioners adopted on the 5th day of October, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman·Board of County Commissioners Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor STATE OF MINNI,SOTA, ) )ss County of Otter Tail) I, S. B. Johnson, County Auditor of said County do hereby certify that the forego'ing is a full, true and complete copy of the original order now on file in my office. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of my office this 5th day of October, 1966. S. B. Johnson· County Auditor. A resolution ordering the dissolution of Common School District #1466 was taken up for final action. After listening to the Statements of the various interested parties, the Board issued the following order to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE. MATTER OF .THE Dl .. SSOLU'l'ION OF CGlMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1466. The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the.County. Board of Otter Tail Courity, ilinnesota, at the Court Hnuse in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 5th day of October, 1966, at 1O:CO o'clock A. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said board; and the board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First --That said proceedings were instituted by: A resolution of the Board, of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted on the 7th day of September 1966. Second --That the district is a non-operating district being dissolved under Chapter 547, Laws of 1963 as amended. NOW THEREFORE. IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1466 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts, to-wit: The entire territory comprising School District #1466 to Independent School District #547 at Parkers Prairie. (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1466, be distributed as follows, to-wit: All assets of said School District #1466 are awarded to District #547 and all liabilities shall become the obligations of District #547. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1466 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 5th day of October, 1966. Dated this 5th day of October, 1966. Bennie J. Johnson Chairman Board of County Commissioners Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor. I 1 _ j COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... October. 5 ............................... .-........ ' ........ 19 ... 66 '""'" n11t1■1J:1U.&IIL..ILCUUJ11L E•211U11 The within and foregoing interlocutory order became final and effective on the 5th day of October, 1966, by order of the Board of County Commissioners. Adopted on the 5th day of October, 1966. , Bennie J, Johnson Chairman Board of County Commissione_rs Attest: S, B. Johnson County Auditor. STATE OF ~IINNJ,.SQTA, ) )ss County of Otter Tail) I, S, B, Johnson, County Auditor of said.County do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and complete copy of the original order now on file in my office, In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of my office this 5th day of October, 1966, action, to-wit: S, B. Johnson County Auditor The resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1452 was taken up for final After listening to the Statements of various interested parties, the Board issued the following order STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF C0~1MON .SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 1452 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 5t~ day of October, 1966, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First --That said proceedings were instituted by: A resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted on the 7th day of Sept. 1966.. 1J Second -That the district is a non-operating district·being dissolved under Chapter 547, Laws of 1963 as amended, NO~) 1'HEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 14,52 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts, to-wit: To Independent School District #54~ All that part of Govt. Lots 2-3-& 4 lying Westerly of TH #78 including platted portions, SEt; SW¼; 8 acres of Lot 3 adjoining Balmoral and 10,33 acres of Lot 4, Beginning at SW corner of Section 31, East 142,l feet; NE 1436,3 feet to point of beginning, SE'ly 260 feet, NE'ly 150 feet, ~i'ly· 260 feet, SW 1ly 150 feet: Part Lot 4 East of TH #78;-W 100 feet East 2569 feet of South 1415,4 ,feet of SE¾;. Beg. NW cor Lot 12 Balmoral Beach NE along lake 150 feet,SE 175 feet, SW 150 feet, thence 175 feet to beg, part of Lot 2, Begin on East side TH #78 on S line Lot 3 North along TH #78 for 414 feet, E 150 feet, S 350 feet, W to beg. all the above in Secti6n 31, Township 134, Range 39, Part of Lot 3 between Ethel Beach and public access between lake and road in Section 4, West 105,50 a acres of W} of Section 5,, NW¼ NW¼ & W} NE¼ NW¼ Section, 6, and all of Ethel Beach in 1'ownship 133 Rang~ 39, To District #545 the balance of the district. (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Connom School District No, 1452 be distributed as follows, to-wit: . To Independent School District #542 Otter Tail County 38,8% and to Independent _School District #545 Otter Tail County 61.2& of all monies, credits, funds, property both real and personal including taxes for the year 1966 and prior yelp's collected after dissolution, and that all obligations of School District #1452 shall become the obligations of School District #542 and School District #545 by the same percentages. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No, 1452 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 2oth day of October, 1966, Dated this 5th day of October, 1966. Attest: S, B. Johnson l!Tounty Auditor The within and foregoing interlocutory by order of the Board of County Commissioners. Adopted on the 5th day of Oct. 1966. Attest: S, B, Johnson . B. J, Johnson Chairman Board of County Cowmissioners order became final and effective on the 4th day of October, 1966, B. J, Johnson ~--513 ,r 514 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .... October .. 5 . ····················································1966 STATt OF MINN~OTA, ) )ss County of Otter Tail) I, s. B. Johnson, County Auditor of said County do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and complete copy of the original. order now on file in my office. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of .my office this 5th day of October, 1966. S. B. Johhson County Auditor The petition of Arthur J. and Gladys M. Miller asking that the E½ SWt of Section 28, Township 133, Range 43 be set off from District #1434 to District #544 was read. Upon motion, it was ordered that a hearing be had on said petition on the second day of November, 1966 and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. A delegation from the To~nship of Star Lake appeared before the Board asking for the installation of an enlarged culvert on County Road #41. After discussion the Engineer was instructed to make a survey of the project when time was available. A plat of Parkers Prairie Cemetery Fourth Addition located in the East 66 feet of the South 660 feet of the N\-/k NE! Section 21, Township 131, Range 37, was approved. A plat of Bakken•s West View _Terrace Addition to the City of Fergus Falls being a resurvey of part of Block land part of Block 2 Cutler's 6th Addition previously approved by the City Council was approved by the County Board. A plat of Brightwood Shoreline being a part of Government Lot 5, Section 34, Township 135, Range 41 and part of Lot 2, Section 3, Township 134, Range 41 accompanied by an opinion as to the title executed by Elliott O. Boe, Attorney at Law, was approved. A plat of Basswood Ridge located in Government Lot 5, Section 2, 'l'ownship 132, Range 41, accompanied by an opinion as to the title executed by David Nycklemoe, Attorney at Law, was approved. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with Stan Is Garage of Battle Lake for one 1966 Ford F-700 dump truck with trade-in, and WHEREAS, the same has been delivered and accepted ,by the Board, NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered and directed that the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor issue a check to Stan's Garage for $5,173.35 being the contract price. Attest: Adopted ~his 5th day of October, 1966. S. B. Johnson Clerk. B. J. Johnson Chainna.n. RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF CD UNTY COMMISSIONERS' OTTER 'fAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Highways be, and he hereby is, authorized and requested to take such steps and perform such acts on behalf of the County of Otter Tail as may be necessary to have the construction and improvement of the roads hereinafter described properly approved by the Conunissioner of Highways as a Federal-Aid Secondary Project eligible for the expenditure of Federal funds thereon and eligible for present construction. and the letting of a contract therefor. CSAH ESTIMATED -..NQ:_ LOCATION 1filfil!j ~ COST OF PROJ. 68 From CSAH #75 to East County Line 1.0 Mile Bit. $15,0CO 75 From T. H. #210 to CSAH #50 4,772 II Bit. 54,COO TOTALS 5.772 $69,CCO Adopted this 5th day of October, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman of County 0oard Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor --------------------------------------------------------- I ' I I I ------- COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. October .. 5 ............ · ..... · ...................... 19.66. .. sUPl!ff Ul■TI■e COMPIII U ClllUIJJ.111 I!: The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Mi~nesota, that WHEREAS., this Board has heretofore contracted with Mark Sand & Gravel Company for gravel base and road mix bituminous surface on C.P. 66:0lBM; S.A.P. 56-625-04, C.P. 66:25B; & C.P. 1118. and WHEREAS., the same has been completed and the Board having filed their certificates of completion · with the County Auditor, NOW, THEREFORE, the Chairman and County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant to the Mark Sand and Gravel Company in the. SI.Dll of $7572.27, on •the Road & Bridge fund as final payment. Adopted this 5th day of October, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairrpan Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The foliowing resolution was adopted: BE IT R~OLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, l . THAT the.sum of $5,000.00 be appropriated from the County Fair fund to the Perham Agricultural Society and that $5,0CO.OO be appropriated to the Otter Tail County Fair Association and THAT th~ Chairman and the County Auditor are hereby authorized to issue checks to the above organizations in the amount shown. Adopted this 5th day of October, 1966. . B. J. Johnson Chairman. Attest: S •. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter •~ail County, Minnesota, THAT, s.µd Board deems it expedient to acquire additional lands for the purpose of enlarging the park at Phelps Mil,l, WHEREAS; there is available a tract of land adjoining the Phelps Mill Property consisting of about eighteen acres owned by Luella Phelps that the Board deems highly appropriate for this purpose, NOW, TH~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Attorney be authorized and directed to secure an option on this prqperty and that the Chairman of the Board and County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check qn the Revenue fund in the sum of $500.00 to secure this option. Attest: Adopted .this 5th day of October, 1966. s. ·B •. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: B. J. Johnson Chairman. RESOLVED° BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY OOMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA, THAT, Pursuant to Chapter 840, Laws of 1965, there is hereby appropriated to the Sheriff's office of Otter Tail County, the sum of $10,080.00 for the payment of Deputies, clerks and jailers for the months of 6ctober, N0 vember /Uld December, 1966, and THAT th~ County Auditor is hereby authorized to issue checks upon Sheriff's certificates in payment of these salaries. Adopted this 5th day of October, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman Attest: s. B. J~hnson Clerk. ~ 515 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... October .. 5 ................................................... 19 66. IICIIID NIIVII FIIMU fl CMIPI •Ill E-Zlft The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Russell Brooberg Sidney Nelson Glen M. Melby Harvey Morrill Bennie J. Johnson James Bucholz Sam Nycklemoe Otto Haase Laura E. Hotchkiss Emil Boen · Frank rloberts Vernon E. Bachman Mrs. Mable Rossow t-:rs. Martin Hanson Mrs. Agnes Bjorgum Mrs. Harry Fretland Harris W. Iverson Eugene Davenport Anton Glesne Dr. Earl E. Bigler, M. D. N. w. Bell Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Fergus Hardware General Trading Airkem Upper Midwest Sales Otter Tail Grocery Co. Swedberg Valley Floral Edling l:.lectric Co. Mrs. Russell Brooberg t-'irs. Dorothy Bartels Reba Lee Oscar Bergstrom Merlin S. Rieman Roger L. Hanson Donald Lee E. J. \•/ilson Ed. Ryan, Sheriff John P. Mahar, Sheriff Herman Schulte Charles C. Hagen Duane Wandersee Karen Ross. Key Laboratories, Inc. Lake Region Hospital Swanson's Surplus Store Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. Russell Brooberg Gibson Discount Store The Photo Center Battle Lake Veterinary Clinic Polk Court Reporters Elaine S. Jorud City of Fergus Falls Floyd McDunn, J. P. Adolph S. Olsen, Sh. Municipal Court of F. F. Nelson Bros. Prbg. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. St. Paul Boos & Stationery Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Poucher Printing&. Litho. Co. Miller Davis Company Oswald Publishing ~o. Davenport's Stationery Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Security Envelope Co. International Business Mches. Corp. 'l'he Pierce Company State of Minnesota t-'..ason Publishing Co. \-1est Publishing Co. Kenneth W. Hqnson James \-lelch H. P. \-,entzel Joseph M. Olson Alphonse J. Primus Ray Klein Ferd Derkey E.ugene J. Stoll Herbert Johnson Erbin Koelln 1:.ugene wilde Clifford Shaw M. B. Linrud ~ilfred J. Estes E.dwin Dittman Frank "oberts Eugene Pischke Thorfin Paulson Boarding Prisoners mileage & expenses mileage II EJcpenses & mileage Inc. Phelps expenses & mileage II II II II II II II II Serv. W.O.T.Soil Cons. Dist. Sal'y & Exp. Weed Insp. II II II II II expenses & mileage II II II Cler. Wk. Co. Supt. ofc. II II II II II II II II Expenses & mileage Expenses Expenses & mileage coroner's fees Service II II tolls, Sheriff's office supplies II II II flower gardening at C.H. services matron fees II II II II guard mimeage & expenses . Sp. Dep. fees & mileage II II II II II Serving citations II II II II II II witness fee II II II II tests services for prisoner jail supplies repairs film for jail bath towels supplies -Sheriff exam pony deposition court costs II II II II Summons juror's fees supplies II II supplies II II II ribbon envelopes maintenance ink record Books renewal subscription subscrj_jJtion Election Judges schooling hauling ballots to post office Securing Ballots Returning Securing II II II $1co5.75 1)6.85 261.40 234.35 39.50 46.50 54.0fj 57.50 44-55 181.44 261.10 314.15 43.09 38.36 31.26 38.74 44.38 218.75 204.08- 314.90 25.25 72.00 109.77 3.15 15.41 48.60 6.00 197.60 28.71 15.00 5.00 .5.00 5.00 44.70 17.CO 239.30 5.co 2.12 5.45 ·4-40 6.04 2.20 2.20 90.00 5.77 73.60 12.70 89.50 9.24 2.78 15.co 71.39 8.00 245.CO 8.00 7.i.5 234.00 251.85 561.01 20.97 256.60 327.00 i,6.70 6.48 9".70 20.26 65.20 47.98 29.50 30.00 32.50 27.50 8.65 3.00 l.C0 l.C0 1.00 1.08 l.C0 l.C0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 1.75 5.20 1.00 l.l.5 2.65 1.67 =----......... _J COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Orris Anderson Elmer Kjell James E. Ahlfs Verner A. Anderson Leonard E. Larsori Arthur W. Klotz Norman Restad Rupert Schmitz G. Kupferschmidt · Arlin Sieling Leonard Sundberg· George E. Femling Warren E. Beckmari Noble Huse Rodney D, Hanson· Donald S el vaag Alfred J. Hole Robert Bjorgaard Oscar Kvern Julius M. Nelson Marvin Windels Frank Peach Frank M. Breuer Lester Radar Wenzel Soland Edwin Eide Erland A. Bergsten Mar;lyi; Gaarsland T. S. Johnson Emil Wanderi, Marwood Rude Stanley Sha John H. Galland Ernest Eckhoff Harold A. Parduhn· Fred Steering Otto A. Hoffman Ernest Herting Philip Arfstrom Ernest O. Nelson Erbin Koellil Norbert Klimek Ralph Skistad Larry Marquard Clifford Shaw Elizabeth Sundblad Walter Simpson Ingvald Viland Herbert W. Schroeder Oscar Moen Emil Fenske James Mattfeld Alvin Fosse Hazel L. Rodman Cecil D. Fitt, sr; Norman Koeller · Arthur Palan Virgil Haugen Roy Jacobson Gordon Poss Carl L. '!'rites Ordean Westby Willard 'l'akkinen Ernest J. Niskola Orrin Christianson Victor Osten Geneva Simmons · Harold Keller Howard Eide Edwin C • Prescher Ormand H. True Verner A. Anderson· H. E. Bengtson J. Harold Peterson· Ann Brueske Louis Berndt Neil J. 'l'oso ~•rank Alstadt "obert J. Esser Ray Dertinger Lottie Hoover Louis Honrud Raymond Alberty Richard Herness Erwin Bakken Eldon Blake Morris ·Hagen Lloyd Sonstebo Vernon Knutson Richard B. Viger Geo. E. Jensen Elaine Terfehr DATE ......... october. 5 .................................................... 19 _ 66 Securing ballots II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Returning Ballots II $ 1.00 1.38 1.00 1.50 1.15 1.00 1.15 1.38 1.00 1.90 1.00 2.50 1.30 2.05 1.00 1.00 J.65 4 •. 75 2.05 4.00 . 11.10 :.10.75 9.25 10.45 7.00 2.65 4.38 4.30 a.50 8.50 . 2.88 2.35 7.00 7,75 7·.75 5.88 6.70 5,80 5.50 9.25 6.40 7.60 2.50 2.20 ?.JO J.25 3:40 4,CO 1.75 6,25 2.80 8.50 6.25 6:25 8.50 10.CO 7-75 ?.CO 6.40 5-95 4,75 4.00 8.50 · 9.25 5.50 5.50 8,50 2·.05 J.25 6.25 6.25· • a.05 11.50 a.so 8.28 4.38 4,45 ?,CO 8.20 8,95 6.25 J.?O 7.00 4.00 5.50 6.25 3.25 J.10 4,60 2,95 2.65 ?.CO ·-. ---- ~ 517 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. October . .5. ................................................ 1966 _ D. Dahlgren Philip Holte Harris W. Iverson Elvin Schwantz M. J. Quarum James Bucholz Sam Nycklemoe Edgetown Lumber Go. Everts Lumber Co •. Bjorgo Repair Shop James H. Gray Amor Landscaping . Orris Skogen Helen E. Skramstad Vernon E. Bachman Myrtle E. Logas Mrs.. Sally Swanson Marcella Stone R •. N. Carolyn Helgeson . Mar;l:yi,; Gaarsland E.O.T. Telephon~ Co. Village of Perham Veery E. Ryder Lorna McCabe Donnis Fjestad Rose Marie Zarns l-'lrs. Mary Koste Philip M. Kjaglien Rachel J. Estrem Philip M. Kjaglien N. W. Beibl 'l'ele. Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Public Utilities Dept. Straub Company George Bergem Post #489 Artz Camera Supply Co. W1-i 1 Barracks #922 Froelich Marine west Lincoln 66 Champlin North Union Andrews & Meister. Drug Fergus Falls Clintc Hayden-Murphy l!.qutpt. Co. Homelite Road Machinery & Supplies nuffridge-Johnson.Equipt. Co., Inc. George T. Ryan Co; Ziegler, Inc. · Bertelson l~elding · Ebersviller Implement Co. Henrickx Implement International Harvester Co. Knutson Electric Knuttila Impl. Co.:, Inc. Larsen helding . ~ac•s Fann Service 1',arlo Motors · •1innesota Motor cci. Norm's Mileage : Olson Auto ~lectric Park Region Oil · Sauna GiLo. , Inc. Stan's Garage . Suhr Ford Sales, Ipc. Super GMC Truck Sa,I.es Swanson Equipment . Fergus Lumber & Fuel l,o. General 'l'rading l,o. Holten Lumber ~o. National Bushing&" Parts Co. Tesch Lumber Co. Welders Equipment ~o. Welter Bros, Hdwe. Wilcox Lumber Co.,· HeM, Wilcox Lumber l,o. NYM • Northwood Specialty Go. C. & 0 Fanners Grain & Mere. Co. Flom Grain & Feed Firestone Store F."F. Les• Tire Service Village of Henning Minn. Mining & 1-'ii'g · Co. Gordon Braness · National Chemsearch Corp. M -R Sign Co, Viking Steel Prod., Inc, Paper, Calmenson & ~o. •iark Sand & Gravel Co. Northwestern Refining Co. MiM. Railroad & v.arehouse Col!'.m. Railway b.press Ag~ncy r'. F. fiet~rning Ballots II II II II II Serv. on Canvassing Board II II supplies -Phelps Mill paint repairs mileage to gravel for discing at postage II II II II II stamps & postage II II II II II II Adv. corns. pd. driv. lie. agts. mileage & expenses 11 II II II postage calls & services office rent for nurse office cleaning mileage, etc. II Home Health Aide mileage & expenses expenses Mche. rental, postage, etc. calls & services printing utilities rental decorating Graves supplies decorating Graves services gas & oil II II II med, T. B, patient II II II II parts II II II II II repairs repairs II II II supplies stakes seed II tires rent & Elec. Service supplies II II II culverts grad er blades ii:i.t. material II II fees express $ 7.00 5.50 3.25 9.25 10.CO 25.co 19.00 J.20 8.70 29.79 25.20 8.00 10.CO 10.co 19.00 li.10 9.15 43.63 64.60 1.90 19.71 35,CO J.00 129,27 l~.15 48.05 37.80 133.75 12.45 18.CO 40.04 32.75 J.70 50.CO 25.00 51.08 25.co 904.25 40.66 27,30 17.25 68.50 23.83 4.50 200.77 171.62 8.73 639.91 5,25 12.33 2.00 113.31 12.45 210.79 11.50 7,50 11.50 41.03 4,75 33.50 12.50 1.50 70.00 JO.SO 186.04 24,45 3,95 508.52 19.79 12.27 16.12 7.25 5.88 53,72 6.75 130.00 184.90 601.50 642,42 257,46 64.17 342.00 19.12 170.55 420.00 9J2,48 264.48 468.90 4310.81 48.00 19.J5 I I I ........... ..., J COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ■rca■■91.Walllll..coaaaL-■LJ::LIII.L ""·2•"'• Minneapolis Blue Prtg. Co. H. A. f(ogers Co. Poucher Prtg. & Litho. ~o. Davenport's Stationery N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Park Region Mutual Tele. Co. Pelican Telephone Co. N. ~I. Bell Telephone Co. Wadena L. J. Fjosne Christian Mother Society Arthur M. Espeland Russell W. Jacobson Hoy Prettyman Andy's 66 Service Farmers Co-op Creamery Assn. D. C. Fergus Oil Co., Inc• Hoot Lake Pure Joe• s Standard Service John's 7~0 Service Kraemer Oil Co. Mayo's Standard Serv:ile Meyer's Service North Union Texaco Phillips 66 Station Hichville Service Oil ~ompany B. L. Soliah & Braatz Oil ~o. Theodorson Mobil Service Twin's Motor ~o. Standard Oil.~o. Henning D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. ~iendell P. Huber G.D. Harlow Wendell P. Huber Myrbo Enterprises Melvin McGowan N. W. Bell Telephone Co. F. F. Midwest Telephone.Co. City of Fergus Falls East Otter Tail Telephone Co. East Otter Tail Telephone Co. DATE ........... October.5 .................................. · .............. 19 .... 66 supplies " " " service & tolls " " " " " " " " " mileage "ight of Way II II II " " gas, etc. II 11 gasoline " II II gas, etc. II gas, etc. II II gasoline " II gas, tires, etc. gas, etc. gasoline gas, etc. diesel fuel diesel oil expense " cash advanced ihstall culverts seeding & sodding service & tolls II II II maintena-·ce service ~ tolls " II " Gar. #10 II #19 Upon motion the Board adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. November 1st, 1966. Chairman. Attest: $ 50.70 26.05 41.68 2.9!, 77.99 13.31 19.91 14.61 44-70 4.00 36.25 44.75 39.05 143.06 120.41. 51.79 158.96 69.73 104.21 417.57 31.10· 157.30 27.79 42.26 197.29 ll8.38 206.18 219.31 77.50 154.55 · 253.15 249.60 36.40 285.CO 524.70 40.26 14.58 561.25 9.60 10.10 .., 519 ~- 520 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..... Nov •.. l .............................................................. 19 .. 66. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY CCH-lISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, Ml~ESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board.met at 10 o'clock A. M. Nov. 1, 1966, all members present. A group from the Township of Maine appeared before the Board regarding the removal of planks in the Phelps Mill Dam. After discussion a motion was made, seconded and carried that Henry G. Bjorgo be authorized- to remove the planks in accorilance with the petition filed. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, agreements wei:;e signed with the school boards of'"School Dist. H545, School Dist. 547 and School Dist. 543 for services of the County Nurse half a day.twice monthly in each of the districts, upon mayment to the County by districts 545 and 547 of the sum of $175 •. 00 and of payment by District 543 the sun! of $100.CO, covering the year ending June JO, 1967. The County Board ordered Knut Hanson, Civil Defense Director, of Otter Tail County to meet with the village Councils of 'the various villages in the County to discuss the organization and their perfecting of Civil Defense programs, · A motion made, seconded and carried that Philip Kjaglien be paid in addition to his salary the amount of the County's con~ribution to Blue Cross and Blue Shield, which he does not avail himself of, The Count~ Board fixed November 22, 1966 to meet at Fergus Falls at 9:JO A. M. to view completed road projects. Upon motion made, seconded and carried the Superintendent of Schools, Vernon E. Bachman, is to be I permitted to act as ldministrative Superintendent for the balance of the Common School Districts-located in Wilkin County, MiMesota. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Little Falls Machine Company of Little Falls, Minnesota, for the delivery of three V Snowplows and · WHEREAS the same has been delivered and accepted by this Board, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and County Auditor execute a check to the Little Falls Machine Company for $3~0.00 being the_contract price. Adopted this ist day of November, 1966. B. J. J0hnson Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: R.F.SJLVED BY THE Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Little Falls, Minnesota, for the delivery of four Snow Wings and WHEREAS the same has been delivered and accepted by this Board, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES:>LVED that the Chairman of the Board and County Ailditor execute a check to the Little Falls Machine Company for $4160.00 being the contract price. Adopted this 1st day of November, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adotped: RF.SOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that, WHEREAS, This 0 oard has heretofore contracted with Super GMC Truck Sales of Fergus Falls for 27,500 lbs. G.V.W. Truck and WHEREAS, the same has been delivered and accepted by this Board, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT REOOLVED, th~t the Chainnan of the Board and County Auditor execute a check to the Super G.M.C. Truck Sales for $6612.50 being the contract price. Adopted this 1st day of November, 1966. i I I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... November. l .................................................... l.9 6" ICIBn..Dl811AI.OlllAII.JLC BeMie J. Johnson Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESJLVED by the Board of Gounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota, that, WHEREAS, t~is ~oard has heretofore contract~ with Evavold & Son, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, for grading and gravel wearing course on ~.A.P. 56-621-06 and ... WHEREAS, the same has been completed qnd the Board having filed its certificate of acceptance with the County Auditor, · NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Board and County Auditor execute a check to Evavold & Son for $4268.J4 bein~ the final payment on this contract. Adopted this 1st day 6f November, 1966. B. iJ. Johnson Chairman Attest: S, B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: REIDLVED BY the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota, that WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with Michaelson Bros •. , Inc., Madison, Minnesota for grading and gravelwearing course on S,A,P. 56-625-05, S.A.P. 56-626-0J and 26-626-02 and WHEREAS, the same has been completed and the Board_having filed its ce~tificate of acceptance with the County Auditor, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Board and County Auditor execute a check to Michaelson Bros., Inc. for $5728.95 being the final payment 6n this contract, Adopted this 1st day of November, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution waa_ adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail C~unty, MiMesota, that WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Traffic Marking Service, Inc., Buffalo, Minnesota for County Wide Center Striping or C.P. 66:c.s. and WHEREAS,. the same has been completed to the satisfaction of the County ~card, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Chairman of the Board and County A\ldi 1;or. execute a check to Traffic Marking Service, Inc, for $1072.55 as final payment of this contract. Adopted this 1st day of November, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M, November 2, '1966. . . . . . . WEDNESDAY'S SESSION~ Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. November 2, 1966. A __ Jl_ _______________________ __ 522 . ·' COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL·COUNTY,. MINN: DATE ......... November. 2 .................................................. 19.~ .. . I • co■,,.., IT.CLO■ ••••• E· The petition.of Arthur J. and Gladys N. Miller, asking that the El SW! Section 28 TCwnship 133 Range 43 be set off from School ~ist. 1434 to adjoining School Dist. 544 was taken up for final action, After listening to the statements of the varmous interested parties the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another, Whereas, The petitiop of Arthur J, and Gladys Miller legal voters, freeholders and resident of School District No. 1434 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School ~istrict, and adjoin School District No. 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1434 to said adjoining school district No. 544 was presented to the Board of County Comrnrssioners of this ~ounty at a session of said board held on the 5th day of October A, D., 1966 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session·of said board on the 2nd day of November A, D., i966 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public pl~c~s .in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 2nd day of November A. D., 1966 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: El of SWt Section 28, Township 133, Range 43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1434 to said adjoining School DistrictNo. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, effective July 1, 1967, By order of ·the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 2nd day of November A. D., 1966. (Auditor's Seal) BeMie J. Johnson Chainnan of the Board of County Commissioners· of Otter Tail County, MiM, ·Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex~officio Clerk of Board The petition 'Of Arthur J, and Gladys Miller, asking that the E} NWt Section 28 Township 133 Range 43 be set off from Dist. 1434 to adjoining Dist, 544 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held in the Commissioners Room at 10 o'clock A. M, on December 7, 1966, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The petition of Louis A. and Patricia R, Teberg, asking that a small tract located in the E½ SE! of Section 32 Township 135 Range 43 be set off from School Dist. 537 to adjoining School Dist, 1385 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. December 7, 1966, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for surety bonds for all County officials, deputies and clerks, whose terms begin in January, 1967, The Town Board of the Town of Maine appeared before the Board regarding repairs on the Waterstr.eet. Bridge. After discussion the County Board agreed to pay one-half of the cost of repairing, and the Township of Maine to pay one-half, the County to order stringers, top planks and hub rail and do the work. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the County Board appropriated the sum of $1,000.00 to the Lake- land Mental Health Cent:er, Inc,, to assist in furnishing and equipping the new building. Homestead classification was granted to H. D. Jorgenson on seven acres in Section 4 Town of Friberg, and to Betsey A. and Melissa E, ·Jacobson on Lot 25 Sunny Beach Resort, Town of Gorman, The application of M. J. Daly for reduction of taxes on Lot 5 and East 20 ft, by 100 ft, of Lot 6 Block 11 facing Front Street in the Village of Perham, and a tract 50 ft. by 100 ft. in Lot 7 Block 11 reducing the assessed valuation from $4780 to $2280 was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval, The application of Mrs. O. E. Trosvik for reduction ot assessed valuation on Lot 19 First Addition to Linden Shore Park reducing the assessed valuation from"#336 to $303 was rec011D11ended to the Commissioner of Tax- ation for approval. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Boarding Prisoners $ 1016.25 Russell Brooberg mileage 59,30 Sidney Nelson mileage & expenses 43,40 Glen M. Melby II II II 256,60 A. Hubert Nordgren II 212.20 James Bucholz II II II 39,50 Sam Nycklemoe II II II 31,50 Otto Haase II II II 37-90 Bennie J. Johnson II II II 11,50 Harvey Morrill II II II 27.00 Roger M. Heidorn Serv. E.O,T.Soil Cons, Dist, 80.00 Jeff H. Tikkanen " II II II II II II 22,95 Herb Woods " II II II II II " 16.96 Edwin Skoglund II II II II II II II 26.10 Mac Tobkin II " II II II II II 13,80 Dennis Greenwaldt II II II II II II II 27,00 Laura E. Hotchkiss II w·11 II II II II 166.32 Mr. Arnold Evavold II II II II II II II 31.50 ) ; . ~ [ J l r I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Theo. Hegseth Harold Skistad Homer Sen Melvin Trosvik Frank Roberts Vernon E. Bachman Mrs. Mable Rossow Eugene Davenport Harris W. Iverson Anton N. Glesne Raymond Bruhn Mrs. Arnold Stock Arnold Evavold Dr. C. J. Lund Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Do Dacotah Paper Co. Wm. Galena & Son Stein Chemical ·co. Div. of Boiler Insp. Carl Norgren Oscar Alstad Anderson Bros. Const •. Co. Mrs. Russell Brooberg . Memorial Hosp. & St. J.ames Home Park Region Medical Center Merlin S. Rienan Henry Lubitz A. Hubert Nordgre~ Key Laboratories ' Central Chemical Co., Inc. Western Chemical Co. Sargent-Sowell, Inc• Mobile Radio & T. V. Service Fergus Plumbing & Htg •. Eleanor Leidal MiM. State Bar Assn. . City of Fergus Falls . Olivetti Underwood Corp. U.S.D.A., A.s·.c.s. Eastern Lab. Gaffaney•s Maintenance. Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Knight Printing Co. . Security Blank Book & ~rtg. Co. Cooper's Office Supp1y. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co •. Davenport's Victor Lundeen &'Co. Xerox ~orporation Xerox Corporation Poucher Prtg. & Lith. Co. West Publishing Go. Miller-Davis Company Panama Carbon Co. Midwest Printing Co. The Pierce Company American Guidance Service, Inc• Sherin & Meland Agency . Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co •. Anderson Bros. Const. Co. Bopp Hatchery Amor Landscaping Centurian Builders Supply Edgetown Lumber Co. Vernon E. Bachman Russell Brooberg Myrtle E. Logas iiobert Shaw Myrtle E. Logas Fergus:Journal Co. Battle Lake Review Carolyn Helgeson Mrs. Marcella Stone Rose Marie Zarns DoMis Fjestad Mrs. Mary H. Koste Inez Noussaine Carolyn Helgeson Lorna McCabe, R. N. Mrs. Sally Swanson Marlys Gaarsland Secretarial Service Village of Perham . The Sterling Name Tape ~o. East Otter Tail Tele. c~. Mrs. Ed. Skoglund Mrs. Alva Helmrichs DATE .......................... Ng.v.emb.er .. 2 ........... , ....... : ............... 19 . .66.. Serv. w.o.T.Soil Cons. II II II II II II • II II II II II II II II II II 11. II Sal'y & Exp. Weed Insp. mileage & expenses II II II II II II II II II Salary·& mileage Attd. Extension Mtg. II II 11 II II Coroner's fees toll charge II Sheriff's toll charge supplies II glass cleaner inspection washing windows painting repairs on Jail steps matron fees care of prisoners care of prisoners mileage & expenses Sp. Dep. fees & mileage mileage & expenses tests supplies supplies-Jail supplies services repairs-jail transcript Handbooks for jurors court costs typewriter plats for Surveyor Maintenance II photostat paper supplies services & supplies supplies II II II II II M.S.A. Books supplies carbon paper supplies envelopes tests Insurance Election supplies ballots Dist. II II II repairs at Phelps Mill grass seed for Phelps Mill hauling dirt to· Phelps Mill supplies for Phelps Miml II II II• II postage II II II Adv. coms.pd.driv.lic.agts. publishing II mileage salary mileage, etc. II II II convention expenses mileage postage II inserts office rent name pins tolls & services Attd. Nurs. Bd. mt~. II II II• II ' $ 23.85 8.25 27.45 19.20 156.25 34.50 50.04 155.15 228.25 248.05 . 7.50 2.25 4.50 494.35 72.38 129.53 18.45 2i.12 10~00 4."00 2221.00 178.75 32.()3 q0.00 53 .• 50 ~8.00 74.70 161.00 119.45 33.52 50.00 6·5·.50 33.lP 19.50 11.40 15.91 10.00 235.00 368.00. 625.00 25.00 248:16 32.87 266;34 373.91 385.30 19.51 137.88 ·121.80 264.90 ;!3.62 27.50. 141.46. 11.41 40.00 12.95 . 9.25 994.00 1.27.1.,80. 368. 75 .. 84.11 . 33.20 . 90.00. 438.93. 571.65 39.00 33.00 87.00 10.00 io.20 201.40 B & W Safe. Enf. 89.55. Revenue 25.80 94;~7 29.50 35-78 7.35 21.60 13.50 27.75 101:05 "&.68 : 2.30 15.30 35.00 5.88 19.85 8,25 7 .35 ,;, 524 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Mrs. R. H. Jedlund Mrs. Arthur Bakke · Mrs. Walter Hubert· Mrs. Charles Lewis· Philip M. Kjaglien Rachel J. Estrem Straub Company Philip M. Kjaglien Public Utilities Dept. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Artz Camera Supply·Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Veterans Information Serv. Cooper's Office Supply Secretarial Service Midwest Printing Co. Champlin North Union Service Park Region Co-op Oil Rolfson1s Riverside Resort Johnson Repair Shop o. T. County Dept. of Roads Fergus Falls Clinic Everett C. Hanson, M. D. Hall Equipment, Inc·. Hayden-Murphy Equipt. Co. Road Machinery & Supplies Geo. T. Ryan Co. Ziegler, Inc. Adelsman Boiler Co. Co-op Services, Inc·., N.Y.M. Ebersviller Implement Co. Fergus Dodge, Inc. · International Harvester Co. Larson Welding Louie's Auto Clinic· Lykken•s, Inc• A. R. Meier Welding·Service Olson Auto Electric· Penrose Chevrolet Co. Perham Co-op Oil Co. Smith's Farm Supply Soran Auto Parts Co. Stan I s Garage Super GMC. Truck Sales Thelen Implement Tysdal Implement Carpenter's Hardware Edgetown Lumber Co. Erickson-Hellekson-Vye Co. Holten Lumber & Hdwe Genuine Parts Co. Genuine Parts Co. Hoyt Hardware Pelican Hardware The Photo Center Sigelman Hide & 1''ur Co. Welders Equipnent Wilcox Lumber Co. N.I.M. Wilcox Lumber Co., Vergas Elk River Concrete Prod. Co. N0 rthwestern Refining Co; Engebretson Bros. Stan Morrill, I~c. Doc's Tire Service Firestone Stores Les• Tire Service Service Oil Co., B. L. Northwood Specialty Go. Flom Grain & Feed Mills Farmers Elevator Village of HeMing Raymond Motor Transp. Co. Otter Tai,l Power Co. Johnson Drugs Miller-Davis Co. R.R. Yates Davenport's Stationery Victor Lundeen & Co.· Pelican Telephone Co. N. w. Bell Tele. Co. ·F. F. Park Region Mutual Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Wad. Wendell P. Huber G. D.· Harlow Wendell P. Huber Candor Township Andy's 66 Service Consumers Co-op Oil Go. B. L. Consumers Co-op Oil Co. HeM. DATE ................. Novanber .. 2 ......................................... 1966 .. . Attd. Nurs. Bd. Mtg. II II II II II II II II II 11 II II mileage & expenses II rent postage & 1-.che. rental utilities tolls & services supplies II II repairs & services mimeographing printing gas II gas & Coil repairs making signs med. for T. B. patient University Hosp. papers parts II II II II repairs supplies culvert Bit. material gravel Equipt. rental tires II II II stakes seed . II garage rental freight prints supplies II II II II service & tolls II II II II II II II II II expense II cash advanced special Aid gas, etc. gasoline II $ 3.00 3.30 2.70 4.95 57.75 5.25 50.00 6.35 3.72 31.12 51.08 4.77 9.00 12.50 4.25 24.00 8;64 5.25 46.13 2.00 101.45 12.00 21.00 10.90 6.01 53.39 124.05 698.29 . 8.00, 149.81, 226.71. 35.26- 178.03 1.00 5.25 164.30 39.85 32.90 2.00 5.20 2.84 6.00 27.80 53.27 7.50 12.26 13.65 16.00 6.28 17.33 19.86 31.53 7.07 · 10.27 12.87 85.00 25.23 3.40 2.10. 195.42 4343.04 12./,0 191.00 961.31 271.30 580.25 465.05 73.00 222.50 316.60 150.00 4.25 17.17 5.39 21.01 4.08 19.17 7.75 18.43 95.37 10.50 12.54 168.90 188.50 8.43 200.00 140.14 182.14 45.31 I i ,_ I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IICll!TLUIBIW...CDIAIL.ILCWL.11811 E•2B08 F~nners Co-op Cry. Assn. D. c. Fossen Oil Co. Fossen Oil Co. Frazee Texaco Serv. P.R. Hank's East Side Service Henning DX Service Jim's Service Station Mayo's Standard Service Miller's Gulf Service North Union Texaco Nundahl Oil t;o. Service Oil (;o. Vergas Oil Co. West End Texaco D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Arrow Petroleum Bluffton Oil Co. Erhard Oil Co; Penrose Oil Co. Soliah & Braatz Oil Co. Standard Oil Co. P. R, Fossen Oil Co. The Oil Store Maine Township DATE ......... ." ... November .. 2 ............................................. 19. 66 .. gasoline n II gas, etc. II II gasoline g~s,.etc. gasoline II II gas, etc. II II II II II II oil diesel fuel II II II II II II II II II II fuel oil II II road aid Upon motion the Board then ad~oumed to 10 o'clock A. M. December 6, 1966. Chairman Attest: $ 76.lJ 211.71 108.66 70.94 180.94 4J.85 245-45 26.43 115.14 14.25 85.64 142.09 187.46 35.01 ·HJ.JO 175.84 87.00 469:4s 81.20 129.70 ·5J.25 189.60 157.77 400.00 'r" 526 j. I' COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... December. 6 ........................................... 19.66 MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING BOARD OF al UNTY COlMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL WUNTY, MINN., HELD ON DECEMBER 6; 1966. Pursuant.to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M~ Tuesday, December 6, 1966, all members present. The Boarq approved the electionof Arnold Evavold as Director, and Frank Janzen as alternate to represent West Otter Tail Co~ty, and Jeff Tikkanen, Director, and George Revering as alternate to represent East Otter Tail County at the West Central Minnesota Resources and Developnent Association for the year beginning January 1, 1967. . · Upon motion the sum of $400.00 was appropriated to the East Otter Tati.1 County Soil Conservation District for the 1966-1967 1.ear. Upon mot~on Commissioners Johnson, Bucholz and Morrill were appointed to attend the Civil 'Defense meeting at Fergus ~alls on Tuesday, December 13, 1966. Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to issue a check to the Fergus Falls "She~te~ed Workshop for the sum of $3,000.00. Upon moti.on made, seconded and carried, the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED By t·he County Bcard (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the duly established. and designated Coun~y State Aid Highway No. 8 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, which begins at a poin~ approximately at the intersection of Front Street and Seventh Street in the Village of Perham; thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning extending Northeasterly along Seventh Street to the North Limits of the Village of Perham, which is the South Line of Section 11; thence Northeasterly through Section 11 to a point.approximately 920 feet North of the South Quarter Corner of Section 11-T136N-R39tl'; thence Northerly along or near the North and South Quarter line through Section 11 to approximately the North Qi.arter Corner of Section :n.; thence Easterly along or near the North Lines of Sections_ll and 12 to approximately the North Quarter Corner of Section 12; thence Northerly along the North and South Quarter Line in Section 1 for approximately 2,780 feet, and Northeasterly through Section l-Tl36N-R39tl', and continuing Northeasterly through Section 31-Tl37N-R38W to approximately the Northwest Comer of Section 32-Tl37N-R38W, and continuing Easterly along the North lines of Sections 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36-Tl37N- R38W, and continuing Easterly along the North Lines of Sections 31, 32 and 33-Tl37N-R37W to approximately the Northeast Corner of Section 33-Tl37N-R37W, to a junction with County State Aid Highway No. 67. Beginning again at a point approximately at the Southeast corner of Section 34-Tl37N-R37W, at a point on CSAH No. 67; thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning ex- tending Easterly along the South Lines of Sections 34 and 35-Tl37N-R37W to approximately a point 2,266 feet West of the Southeast Corner of Section 35; thence Northeasterly through Sections 35 and 36 to a point approx- imately 780 feet East of the Northwest comer of the SW! of the sw! of Section 36; thence continuing Easterly along the South Sixteenth Line through Section 36 to a point approximately 320 feet West of the Northeast cor- ner of the SE! of the SE! of Section 36-Tl37N-R37W; thence Southeasterly through Section 36-Tl37N-R37W, and continuing Southeasterly through Section 31-T137N-R36W, to a point approximately 1,557 feet East of the South- west corner of Section 31-T137N-R36W; thence continuing Easterly along or near the South Lines of Sections 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36-T137N-R36W to a point on the Otter Tail -Wadena County Line, approximately at the South- east Corner of said Section 36; thence continuing Easterly along or near said County Line, on the North Line of Section l-Tl36N-R36W to approximately the Northeast Corner of Section l-Tl36N-R36W, and there terminating, the West Half of said County Line portion to be assigned to Otter Tail County and identified as Otter Tail County State Aid Highway No. 8; and whose general course in Government Lot 2, Section 1, Township 136 North, Range 39 West is as follows: begin- ning at the Southwest Comer of Government Lot 2 in Section l-Tl36N-R39t/; thence North 00°01 along the West line of Government Lot 2, Township 136 North, Range 39 West for a distance of 39.5 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 6° curve (Delta Angle 26°151 ) for a distance of 437.5 feet, thence on tangent to said curve for a distance of 1,346.1 feet, and there terminating. That it is necessary for the safety of the public travel and for park and recreational purposes to establish a wayside park, rest area and recreational facility and for these purposes the additional lands here- after described are needed. That the general course of said County State Aid Highway No. 8 is not materially altered thereby; That the said property so to be procured is for the purpose of a public highway, road wayside park, rest area and recreational facility; that the same shall be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter described. T~at it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said public highway, road wayside park, rest area and recreational facility and for the safety of public travel that additional property be procured. That the lands so to be taken for the purpose of a public highway, road wayside park, rest area and recreational facility, are situated in the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail and described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL NO. 1 A parcel of land in uovernment Lot 2, Section 1, 'l'ownship 136 North, Range 39 West, described as follows: All that part lying Northerly and Westerly of the following described centerline; Beginning at the Southwest Corner of Government Lot 2 in Section 1, Township 136 North, Range 39 West; thence North 00°01 along the West line of Government Lot 2, Townshig 136 North, Range 39 West for a distance of 39,5 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 6° curve (Delta Angle 26 15') for a distance of 437.5 feet, thence on tangent to said curve for a distance of 1,346.1 feet, and there terminating. And, also described as: Bef,;nning at the Southwest Comer of Government Lot 2, Section 1, Township 136 North, Range 39 West, thence North CO 0' for a distance of 39.5 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 6°001 curve (Del.ta Angle 26°151 ) for a distance of 437.5 feet, thence on tangent to said curve for a distance of 1,346.1 feet where the same intersects the Otter Tail niver and Little Pine Lake, thenc~ Southwesterly along the shore of Little Pine Lake where the same I ·- T COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... December .. 6 ···········-····························lS .. ~~ .. D ■••• E•2BCI intersects the Westerly line of Government Lot 2, Section l-TlJ6N-RJ9W, thence South along said Line to point of beginning, Excepting therefrom.right of way of existing highway, containing 4.51 acres, more or less. That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; to a acquire said lands aforesaid for public road and highway purpose a wayside park, rest area and recreational facility and let the same forthwith duly be begun and prosecuted: Dated this 6th day of December, 1966. ATTEST: s. B. Johnson By· the Board of County Commissioners of OTTER TAIL CD UNTY County Auditor ..... B~ ...... J_._J~o~h_n_s_o~n _________ Chairman MINNF.SOTA DEPAR'IMENT OF HIGHEAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FORM NO. III Be it resolved that pursuant to Section 161.J6, Subdivisions .I through 6, Minnesota Statutes 1961; the COllllllissioner of Highways be appointed as agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent, ·contracts for the construction o._f portions of the County State-Aid Highways, specifically described as f~llows: County State-Aid Highway ~o._ 59 from CSAH No. 6 J.O miles North of Urbank to CSAH No·. 40. County State-Aid Highway No. 68 from CSAH No. 75 8.0 miles northeast of Bluffton to East County Line. County Stat!,!-Aid Highway No. 75 from T,H. No. 210 to CSAH No. 50, 6.0 Mi+es East of Deer Creek. County St~te-Aid Highway No. 75 from CSAH No. 76, J,O miles Northeast of Bluffton to CSAH No. 8 and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form ·No. IV, "a copy of which said form was before the B<Brd, assuming on-behalf of the County all of the contractural oblig- ations therein contained. · Adopted this 6th day of December, 1966. Bennie J. Johnson Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Boa;d of County Conunissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHERUS, this Board has heretofore contracted with Russell McCarty of Frazee, Minnesota, for grading and gravel wearing course on S.A.P. 56-649-01 and, WHEREAS, the same has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and they hafing filed their c certificate of completion and acceptance with the County Auditor, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Board and County Auditor are hereby author- ized. and directed to issue a check on the Road & Bridge fund in ·the sum of $5537.94 to Russell McCarty as final payment. Dated this 6th day of December, 1966. B. J~ Johnson Chainnan. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board.of.County Commissioners of Otter Tail County,_Minnesota, that WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with the International Harvester Company of Fergus Falls for one Industrial Wheel Tractor with i cubic yard loader and, WHEREAS, the same has been delivered and the Board of County Conunissioners having filed their certificate of acceptance with the County Auditor, ,., 527 528 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. December .. 6 ......................................... \9 _ 66 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board and County Auditor are hereby author- ized and directed to issue a check on the Road & Bridge fund in the sum of $Jl65.00 in payment thereof. Dated this 6th day of December, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman. Attest: s. B. JohBson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS, this Board has he·retofore contracted with Russell McCarty of Frazee, Minnesota, for grading and gravel wearing course on C.P. 66:125 and, WHEREAS, the same has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and they having filed their certificate of completion and acceptance with the County Auditor, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Board and County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check on the Road and Bridge fund in the S\IID of $224).98 to Russell McCarty as final payment. Dated ·this 6th day of December, 1966. B. J. Johnson.i Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with Clarence Drewes of Detroit Lakes, MiMesota, for grading and gravel wearing course on S. A. P. 56-667-06 and, WHEREAS, the same ha~ been canpleted to the satisfaction of the Board and they having filed their certificate of completion and acceptance with the County Auditor, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Board and County Auditor are hereby author- ized and directed to issue a check on the Road and Bridge fund in the sum of $4391.61 to Clarence Drewes as final payment. Dated this 6th day of December, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RFS:>LVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that ~~EREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Korby ~ontracting Company of Fergus Falls for construction of a bridge on s. A. P, 56-642-0J and, WHEREAS, the same has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and they having filed their certificate of completion and acceptance with the County Auditor, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Board and County Auditor are hereby author- ized and directed to issue a check on the Road and Bridge fund in the sum of $14,485.65 to Korby Contracting ~ompany as final payment. Dated this 6th day of December, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman Attest s. B. Johnson Clerk. .... - COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... December .. 6 ..................................... 19 .. 67 IICPIIP Pl!III■-COMPAi! II Cl.II The following resolution was ado.pted: RESOLVED by the Bo~rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota, that WHEREAS, this Board h~s heretofore contracted with the John Dieset~ Company of Fergus Falls, MiMesota for sub-grade excavation curb and gutter gravel base and bituminous surfacing on 56-?QO-Ol and, WHEREAS, the same has been completed to the s~tisfaction of the Board and they having filed their certificate of completion and acceptance with the County Auditor, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Board and County Auditor are hereby author- ized and directed to issue a check on the Road and Bridge fund in the sum of $3722.48 to John Dieseth Company as final payment. Dated this 6th day of December, 1966. B. J. J0hnson Chairman Attest: · s. B. Johnson Clerk. Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to call for bids for printing and publishing for the year 1967 to cover publication of the annual statement of receipts and disbursements, publication of the delinquent tax list for the year 1966, publication of the minutes of the County Board and also all legal notices which are paid for by the County except notices of school dissolutions, said bids to be received until 2 o'clock P. M. January 4th, 1967. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. December 7, 1966. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. December 7, 1966, all members present. The petition of·A~thur ~-and Gladys Miller asking that the E¼ NW¾ except 133 Range 43 be set off from Dist. 1434 to Dist. 544 was taken up for·final action. statements of interested parties the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. tract, Section 28 Township After listening to,the WHEREAS, THE PETITION OF Arthur J. & Gladys Miller, legal voters, freeholders and residents of School District No. 1434 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands·herein after described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 544 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1434 to said adjoining school district No. 544, was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 2nd day of Nov. A. D., 1966 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 7th day of December A. D., 1966 at the County Auditor's , office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time ~d place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said qrder at least ten days Before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 7th day of December A. D., 1966 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having bean made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Ei of NW¼ ex tract om ME corner Section 28-133-43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District ~o. 1434 .to said adjoining School District No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board Qf County Commissioners Dated the 7th day of Decjmiber A. D., 1966. (Auditor's Seal) BeMie J. Johnson Chairman of the Board,of County Co!Jllllissioners of Otter Tail County, MiM. Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board The petition of Louis A. and Patricia R. Teberg asking that a tract located in the E½ SE¼ of Section 32 Township 135 Range 43 be set off from Dist. 1537 to Dist 1385 was taken up· for final acti6n. After listen- ing to the statements of interested parties the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, The petition.of.Louis A. & Patricia R. Teberg legal voters, freeholders and residents of ~ 529 ,,,. 530 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... December .. 6 ...................................... 19 .. 67 IIC .. ffl P81■ H CO■N■I' IT CLHI ■I■■• E-iiai School Uistrict No. 1537 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 1385 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1537 to said adjoining School district No. 1385 was presented to.the Board of County Commissioners of this ~ounty at a session of said board held on the 2nd day of Novanber A. D., 1966 for the action of said. board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 7th day of Decanber A. D., 1966 at the County Auditor's office in the city of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of.such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 7th day of Decanber A. D., 1966 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or aginst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Tract located in E½ of S~i of Section 32-135-43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1537 to said adjoining School District No. 1385 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 7th day of December A. D., 1966. (Auditor's Seal) Bennie J. Johnson Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board The petition of the Luverne Agricultu;i:al Co., asking that the SWi of Section 21-'l"ownship 133 Range 43 and part of Sub Lot A and Et NWi in Section 28 1ownship 133 Range 43 be set off from School Dist. 1434 to Dist. 544 was read and upon motion it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 16 o'clock A. M. February 8, 1967, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law, The petition of Ralph E. Herman, asking that a part of Sub Lot A located in the northeast corner of the E½ NWl; Section 28 in Township 133 Range 43 be set off from Dist. 1434 to Dist 544 was read, and upon motion it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M. February 8, 1967, and that due notice of the time and place be given as re9uired by law. Upon motion a bill against Lester Soland in the sum of $30.COifor services rendered by the Highway Department was ordered cancelled as it was una>llectible. Upon motion the County Board was authorized to attend a joint meeting with the County Planning Commission at 1:30 P. M. DecE111ber 9, 1966 at Fergus Falls. Upon motion the County Highway E.ngineer was ·authorized to attend the National Association of County hngineers at Seattle on February 22nd to 25th. Upon motion made, second~ an~ carried Dr. Carl J. Lund was appointed coroner for the term of four years beginning January 3, 1967. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, Robert Oslund was appointed County Surveyor of Otter Tail County for the term beginning January 3, 1967. The County Board having previously advertised for bids to cover the bonds of County officials, deputies and clerks proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: KronE111ann Insurance Agency Allison & Co. Mathison Insurance Agency $695.00 867.CO 1081.20 Upon motion the bid of the Kronemann Insurance Agency was accepted. A plat of Lida Shores, located in Governments Lots 1 and 2 Section 15, and Government Lots 4, 7 and 8 in Section 10, all in Township 136 Range 42, executed by John and Edwin Sundstrom and Crystal Park, Ind., a Minnesota corporation, together with an opinion as to the title executed by Curtis A. Nordhougen, Attorney-at- law, was approved. A plat of Timberlane Beach Rearrangement, being a part of Lots 7, 8 and 9 in Section 5 Township 133 R Range 40, executed by C. A. Boline and Blanche Boline, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Richard C, Hefte, attorney-at-lwa, was approved. The following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, there has been received from Fred Brown, the owner of Lot 6 Section 3 Tt'wnship 134 Range 41 at the time of forfeiture a petition requesting permission to repurchase the above tract, which was forfeited t.o the State of Minnesota for unpaid taxes for the year 1959, and WHEREAS it appears to this Board that it will be to the best public interest and will relieve undue hardship, the petition is hereby granted. Adopted this 7th day of December, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman Attest S. B. Johnson. Clerk J COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................•... December .. 6 ···································19 •. 66 .. tUJUJn.!llllll.• ...... 1•-c1.111u1 ■1•• E•7B08 The following resolution was adopted: Whereas, there has been received from Saima Maattala the owner of Lot J Block 2· B1owe"rs Second Addition to New York Mills at the time of forfeiture, a petition requesting permission to repurchase the above tract which was forfeited to the State of Minnesota for unpaid taxes for the year 1959, and Whereas, it appears to this Board that it will.be to the best public interest and will relieve undue hardship, the petition is hereby granted. Attest Adopted this 7th day of December, 1966. s. B. Johnson Clerk. RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY OOMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY,· MINNESOTA B. J. Johnson Chairman BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to statutory authority the County Engineer for and on behalf of the County of Otter Tail is hereby authorized to request and obtain from the Minnesota Department of Highways needed engineering-and technical services during the year 1967, for which payment will be made by the County upon receipt of verified claims from the Commissioner of Highways. Adopted this 7th day of December, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman Attest: S. B. J0hnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT, amended proposal of the Security State Ban~of Fergus Falls pledging additional U.S. Treasury bonds and Municipal, bonds in the sum of $750,000 as securities for deposits was approved. Adopted this 7th day of December, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore agreed with the City of Fergus Falls to pay $60,000.00 for the construction of the ,Concord Street Bridge and WHEREAS, the same has been completed, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Chairman of the Board and County Auditor issue a check on the Road and Bridge fund in the sum of $56,020.45 being the unpaid balance due on said bridge. Adopted this 7th day of December, 1966. B. J. Johnson Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, THAT the or.dinance of Otter Tail County adopted on the Jrd day of Novenber, 1965, recorded on record "P" page 414 be continued in force until the end of December, 1967. Attest: Adopted this 7th day of December, 1966. s. B. Johnson, Clerk B. J. J0hnson1 Chairman ~-531 I I I I ,' r 532 I.! :Ii 'I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... December. 6 ................................ 1966 .. The application of Kenneth Haugen for correction of assessment on the NW! NW! Sec. 26-13J-38 was read. After consideration it was recommended to the C0111111issioner of Taxation that said application be granted, due to an over-assessment. The application of Duane Glass for reduction of personal property taxes in the Township of Leaf Lake was read, Upon motion it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application b~ granted due to the fact that he was assessed for a boat he did not own. The application of Lawrence Chesborough for reduction of assessmmt on a part of Sub Lots E, F, G East of road in Section 34 Township 133 Range 40 was read. Upon motion it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted, due to the fact that the lots are only a few feet deep. The application of the Gores Co, asking for reduction of assessment on the W! NE! NW! and NW¼ NW! and lots 2 and 3 of Section 7-133-36 was read, It was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted due to excessive assessment on structures, The application of Earl Melkert for reduction of assessment on the NE¼ SW! and Lot 3 Section 30 Town- ship of Maplewood was read, Upon motion it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said application be granted, due to error in the assessment. Upon consideration a motion was made, seconded and carried that beginning January 1st, 1967 the rate for motor graders in dragging roads be fixed at $8,50 per hour, due to increase in men's wages and cost of operation, · The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg hussell Brooberg Sidney. Nelson Glen M. Melby A, Hubert Nordgren Sam Nycklemoe Otto Haase Bennie J, Johnson James Bucholz Harvey Morrill Harvey Morrill Sam Nycklemoe James Bucholz M. J, Quarum hog er M. Heidorn Ila Skalin Clarence Larson, Jr, Laura E, Hotchkiss Fmil Doen Frank Aoberts Frank "oberts Mrs. Mable Rossow Eugene Davenport Harris W, Iverson Anton N. Glesne Mrs, Gerald Zeise Mrs. S, P, Adams, Jr. Nels Hanson Otto Haase Otto Haase Frank Alstadt Bernard Palubicki Hulbert Isaacson Dr. E, C, Hanson Bondy's Cafe Northwestern Bell Telephone Co, Northwestern Bell Telephone Co, Wold Petroleum Co, Ebersviller Implement Co, Fergus Hardware Fergus Hardware Costello Manufacturing Co, Fergus Glass & Paint Co, Daycoa, I0c. Otter Tail Grocery Co, Johnson Service Co, Johnson Service Co, Mike's Machine Shop Wm. Galena & Son C. W. Weisland~r Gust Lagerquist & Sons Mrs, Russell Brooberg City Pharm~cy Leonard Olson Don Lee Donald Lee June Moe Mobile Radio & T, V, Service General Supply Co, Beatrice Wisted Elaine S, Jorud Elroy Maack Charles E, Johnson City of Fergus Falls Burroughs Corp-'.l'odd Di vision Davenport's Stationery Miller-Davis Company Boarding Prisoners mileage & expenses mileage II II 11 & expenses II II II II II II II II II mileage to Phelps Mill 11 11 11 & viewing roads Canvassing Board II II II II Serv, E,O,T, Soil Cons, II II II II II II II w II II II II II II II II II II Sal1y & Exp. Weed Insp, II II II II II II II II II II expenses expenses & mileage II II II Salary & mileage Attd, Extension mtg, Dist. II II II Exp. & Mileage attd, plan. com. Attd, Planning ColMlission II II II II II II II II II II II coroner's costs juror' s meals calls for Sheriff calls fuel oil supplies II II ice remover supplies II glass cleaner repairs II II II II II II II repair venetian blind exam matron fees care 9f prisoners Sp, Dep, fees & mileage II II II II II II II II II taking shorthand oh statement services repairs -Sheriff transcript court costs II II II II II· II signature plate supplies II $ 902.25 65,30 176.60 241,20 297,70 27,55 36,75 27,80 59,20 34,16 51.44. 17.50 20,50 10.00 16.00 153,00 80,00 90,72 77,75 70,50 200,10 11.25 93,07 89,65 366,55 7,65 15.15 19,95 6.00 4,50 13,95 9,45 14,63 25,75 17.00 189.24 43,48 406.80 6,85 102.40 2,70 51.oor 150,73 132,12 33,90 105,11 54,18 7,50 23,98 5,15 38,00 25.00 9,10 25,80 160.15 226.68 7,50 42,90 3,50 26.00 4.00 3.00 · 4,00 210.00 30,00 12.44 78,95 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Oswald Publishing Co. Otter Tail Power Co. Poucher Printing &·Lith. Co. Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Xerox Corporation · Xerox Corporation · s. C. M. Corporation Dorn Realty · Messenger Cabinet Shop nobert B. Oslund &"Assoc. Western Union Telegraph Co. Public Employees Retirement Assoc. F.dling Electric, Inc• Myrtle E. Logas · Vernon E. Bachman · Helen E. Skramsted · Myrtle E. Log as Fergus Journal Co.· Battle Lake Review" Pelican Rapids Press HeMing Advocate Perham-Enterprise Bulletin The Independent F.dgetown L1.DDber Co; Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Village of Perh~ · James Welch Security Blank Book & Prtg Co. · Noble Fronning Helmer P, Wentzel · J0 seph M. Olson Alphonse J. Primus · Ray Klein Clarence A. ·Larson · Ferd Derkey H. E. Hancock Eugene J. Stoll Herbert A. Johnson · Erbin Koelln Eugene Wilde Clifford Shaw M. B. Linrud Roy H. Bjorklund Hazel L. Rodman F.dwin Dittman Frank Roberts Eugene Pischke Thorfin Paulson Orris Ander,son Elmer Kjell James E. Ahlfs Verner A. Anderson Leonard E, Larson Arthur W. Klotz Norman 11.estad Rupert Schmitz George Kupferschmid. Arlin Sieling L. W. Sundberg Geo E. Fanling Warren E. Beckman Nobel Huse "odney D. Hanson Donald G. Selvaag Noble Fronning John Duit Oscar Kvern Glenn Johnson David Huttenen Raymond Soderberg Ray Klein Alvin E. Schmidt Martin Minten Henry Moltzan F.dwin E. Eide Nels Hanson Marlys Gaarsland Harold Bendix Arthur Huwe Marwood ltude Theo. Delzer Stanford Malcolm Ernest Eckhoff Harold A. Parduhn Geo. C. Kratzke Otto A. Hoffman Ellsword Grahn Harry Bengston Roslyn D. Arvidson DATE .................... December. 6 ...................................... 19.66 .. supplies blanks Xerox copies supplies II II II II II maintenance appraisal map case surveying telegram contribution repairs prtg. check blanks stamps & envelopes postage Adv. corns. pe. driv. lie. agts. prtg. & publ. inc. sample ballots ta,x notice II II II II II II II II supplies for Phelps Mill II II II II office rent for Co. Agent hauling ballots ~lection supplies Procuring Election Ballots II II II II II II _II II making Election Returns II II II II II II II II II II ·11 $ 332.45 3.09 19.55 254.85 462.99 80.34 186.72 324.13 32.50 55,00 18.;,!;,! 101.00 144.50 i.80 15,807,72 10.73 5.65 -81.40 50.00 16.35 521.95 8,40 7.20 7.00 8.40 7.20 26.19 3.91 360.00 3.00 36.84 1.00 1.00 1.30 1.00 1.08 1,45 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 1.75 1,23 1.00 1.75 1.45 2.65 1.60 1.00 1.38 1.00 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.38 1,00 2.13 1.00 2.50 1.38 2.05 1.00 1.00 2.80 4.75 2.05 4.00 11.12 10.75 10.00 1.90 10.45 7.00 2.86 4.00 4.45 8.50 8.50 3.10 2.50 7,00 7-75 7.75 5.88 6.70 6.55 5.50 10.30 534 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ....... Erbin Koelln Waldemar Ruckheim Ralph Skistad Larry Marquard Clifford Nelson Lester Thompson KeMeth Wahlstrom Conrad Gran Herbert W. Schroeder Laural GundersQn Fmil Fenske Wilfred J. Estes Henry Jorgenson H. R. Torkelson Wallace Jens en Cecil D. Fitt, Sr •. F.clwin Ditbmln Arthur Palan Harley Paavola Roy Jacobson Clifford C •. Hanson . Roydon Kugler Elroy Backstrom Willard Takkinen Ernest J. Niskola Marvin Trosdahl Raymond Haugrud Richard Simmons Carl E. Swenson Howard Eide F.clwin C. Preacher James E. Ahlfs Verner A. Anderson. H. E. Bengtson J. Harold Peterson . Mrs. Frieda Huwe Arnold Haugrud Neil J. 'l'oso Frank Lachowitzer hobert J. Esser Louis Matz Lottie Hoover Louis Honrud Raymond Alberty Truman Risbrudt Hilding Olson El.don Blake John A. Grimstad Uoyd West Vernon Knutson Sidney Skrove Geo. E. Jensen Adella Wolters Donald Zitzow Donald G. Selvaag Harris W. Iverson Elvin Schwantz Carolyn Helgeson Lorna McCabe Donnis Fjestad Rose Marie Zarns Marlys Gaarsland Carolyn Helgeson Carolyn Helgeson Nursing Outlook American Journal of.Nursing Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Andrews & Meister Drug West Otter Telephone Co. Norby's Department Store The Fargo Forum Minneapolis Star & Tribune Village of Perham Mrs. Alva Helmrichs. Mrs. Alva Helmrichs. Mrs. Walter Hubert . Mrs. Charles W. Lewis Mrs. Robert H. Johnson Mrs. Edwin Skoglund. Mrs. John J. Steblay Mrs. R. H. Jedlund Mrs. Arthur Bakke Mrs. Ed Skoglund Mrs. Robert H. Johnson Sally Swanson . Mrs. Elroy Jorgenson Mrs. Earl Sonmor Helen Tikkanen Mrs. Mary H. Koste Philip M. Kjaglien Rachel J. Estrem DATE ...................... December .. 6 ........... 19 ... 6.6 Making Election Returns mileage & expenses Nurse H II II II II II expenses postage II II workshop expenses subscription II supplies II calls & services dr~pes ad for Nurse II II II Rent for Nov. & Dec. Attd. Nurs. Bd. Mtg. II. postage mileage II II II mileage & expenses mileage $ . 6.25 ·7,90 2.50 4.35 8.50 3.40 3.40 4.00 1.75 6.25 1.45 4.90 8.50 6.25 6.25 ·8.50 10.00 7.75 7.00 6.40 6.00 4.75 4.00 8.50 9.25 5.50 5;50 8.50 2.13 3.25 6.25 6.25 8.65 11.50 7.75 8.50 4.90 4.45 7-75 8.20 10.00 6.25 J.70 7.00 4.00 5.50 6.25 J.10 J.25 4.60 2.95 2.65 7.00 7.00 5.50 3.25 9,25 114.45 167.97 J2.J2. 35,65 2.J2 7.00 7.00 5.00 5.00 17.50 4.00 20.73 97.00 J.20 5.60 70.00 7.35 7.J5 2.70 4.!}5 5.10 8.25 7.35 J.00 J.(30 8,25 5.10 2.00 18.00 19.95 20.25 J4.20 124, 55 ano _J COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... December . 6 ................................. 19 .. 66 tffll!D Pll■T!II CHUII U Philip M. Kjaglien Public Utilities Dept. Straub Company · N. W. Bell Tele. Co. Secretarial Service Artz Camera Supply Victor Lundeen & Co. Hintgen-Karst · Froelich Marine International Harv~ster Co. Dave's Standard Service Twins Motor Co. · Karvonen & Son Andrews & Meister Drug Fergus Falls Clini~ Mineral Springs Sanatorium Village of Bluffton Village of Bluffton Village of Bluffton Township of Folden Hall Equipment : Hi-Lo Equipnent Co. Little Falls Machine Co. Minnesota Tractor Co. Northwest Engineering Co. Public Works Equipt. Co. Ruffridge-Johnson Eq. Co., Inc. George T. Ryan Co. · Ziegler, Inc. . Bjorklund Body ShoR Harvey Bullock Fergus Plumbing & H~ating Fortwengler Electric ~hop International Harvester Co. Jenmo Ford, Inc. · Knuttila Implement Co. Les' Tire Service · Meier Welding Servi~e Minn. Motor Co. Olson Auto Electric Perham Co-op Oil Co~ Perham Farm Supply ~o. Schmitz Garage . Service Garage P.O. Smokey's Machine Shop Stadum Repair Shop Stan I s Garage Suhr Ford Sales, In~. Super GMC Truck Sal~s Swenson Power Equip~. Twin's Motor Co. Vaughn Chevrolet Co~ Wicklund Farm Supply 'l'he Zeco (;ompany : Little Falls Machine Co. Paper, Calmenson Co: M-R Sign Co., I c. . Northwestern Re?ining Co. Lyon Chemical Co. Morton Salt Co. Firestone Stores Iowa State Industries Overhead Door Company Northwood Specialty Co. Fanners Co-op Elev. Co. F. F. Flom Grain & Feed · Clarence Mielke John Dieseth Co. Darol C. Butcher Mark Sand & Gravel Co. A. J. Frisch · Gorentz Bros. John Dieseth Co. Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Eddie Gronseth · Mrs. Lewis A. Hansen Mrs. Hilmer Lindberg Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Norris Krog · Donald Moen Kennit G. Aund & Americ~n Luth. Church Fred Stinar · Herbert Stromberg . Korby (;ontracting Coi Michaelson Bros. Russell McCarty Stan Morrill, I c. Nikkari Bros. " Melvin McGowan Village of Bluffton Village of Dalton . Village of Deer Creek expenses, postage & Mche. rent. utilities rent calls & services services supplies II repairs supplies repairs gas & Oil II II 11 Ambulance med. for T. B. patient care of T. B. patient II II II II 11 poor expenses II II II II II II parts II II repairs. parts II II II II repairs supplies snow plow grader blades signs for 1952 II 1957 II 1965 II 1966 bit. material calcium chloride salt tires Door Section stakes seed II II gravel gravel II II equipt. rental II II II II II II II II seeding garage rantal & light & Power II II II II It $ 8.10 3.70 50.00 30.89 7.85 44.99 31.33 10.56 31.80 30.32 41.81 9.40 97;40 20.60 10.00 70.35 110.76 · 96.26 273.80 551.51 88.31 160.59 188.32 164.04 32.20 14.00 639.44 292".82 399.03 '8.00 . 55.00 · 21.60 9.90 307.72 2.80 18.89 3.50 4.00 30.74 99.92 10.65 5.80 1.70 16.00 90:92 33.25 14.02 35.26 335.97 15.40 56;06 3.00 10;00 752.30 1785.00 863.95 393-41 2906.15 1350.72 520.00 211.IO 180.75 135.40 110.00 253.80 79.23 602.60 24·51.65 . 24.32 807.95 36.60 110.00 781.00 1730.86 442.82 278.80 148.80 1514.70 1169.14 69.58 395.80 3.75 6.80 360.00 1079.18 210.36 300.00 40.00 . i9,0.oo 51~.co 180.00 420.00 y i I r I I I, I • 536 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. December .. 6 Village of Henning Village of Battle Lake Village of Parkers'Prairie Village of Pelican'Rapids Village of Perham· Dalton Grain & Feed Raymond Motor Transp. Co. Henry Frautschi · Coast to Coast Stores B. L. Coast to Coast Stores Henning Coast to Coast Store Pel. Rpds. Coast to ~oast Store Perham General Trading Co~ Genuine Parts Co. · Holten Lumber & Hardware Larson Hardware National Bushing &·Parts Co. Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Smith Farm Supply . Welders Equipnent · Welter Bros. Hardware Minn. Dept. of Hignways Otter Tail Power Co. s. C.M. Corporation Albinson, Inc. · Davenport's Minneapolis Blue Prlnting 1,;o. Victor Lurr:leen & Co·. East Otter Tail Telephone Co. Midwest Telephone ~o. N. W. Bell Telephome Co. Park Region Mutual Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Pelican Telephone Oo. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. F. F. Public Employees Reitrement Assn. Wendell P. Huber . G.D. Harlow L. J. Fgosne Wendell P. Huber Blowers Township Mrs. Elizabet~ Schmidt Andy's· 66 Service · Andy's 66 ~ervice Baas Oil Company Bengtson Oil Co. Bluffton Oil Co. Boe•s Uulf Service Station Consumers Co-op Oil ·l.o. Henn. Dan I s Texaco Service Dave's Standard Service Henn. Farmers Co-op Cry. Assn. D. C. Fergus Oil Co., Inc: Fossen Oil 1,;ompany · Hoot Lake Pure Mayo's Standard Service F. F. Mischke Oil Station· Penrose Oil Co. Ray's Oil Co. S & F Oil Co. Service Oil Co. B. L. Theodorson Mobil Service Thomas Oil Company · Underwood Lakeside Serv. Nundahl Oil Co. Standard Oil Co. Hehn. Standard Oil Co. Pel. Rpds. D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Olson Oil Co. • Ted Is Oil Co. Standard Oil Co. B."L. Hintgen-Karat llectric Co. Olaf V. Draxten Gary A. Nelson & F. F. Savings & Loan ••obert B. Oslund · Les• Tire Service Wad~na Sheet Metal &'Heating Stan's Garage Riverside Repair Shop Larson Welding Twin's Motor Co. Farmers Co-op Creamery Ass•n. D. C. Bengtson Oil Company· Service Oil Co. B. L. Arrow Petroleum Inc. Bluffton Oil Co. D-A Lubricant Co. Standard Oil Co. B. 1.. Park Region Mutual Tele. Co. Coast to Coast Store P.R. Natl. Chemsearch Corp. The Photo Center garage rental maintenance II II II coal freight refund supplies services prints machine maint. repairs supplies II II service & tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II contribution expenses II II II II II II II II cash advanced spec. aid right of way gas, etc. II II II II gasoline gas, etc. gasoline II II II gas, etc. gasoline gas, etc. gasoline II gas, etc. gasoline gas, etc. II II gasoline II II gas, etc. diesel fuel II II II II II II fuel oil II II oil repairs concrete warranty deed survey tires repairs II II II gas, etc. II II gasoline II diesel fuel II II 11 oil fuel oil service & tolls supplies II II ............. 1966 .. $ 212.65 581.68 325.32 219.08· 385.28 90.60 8.25 50.00 67.80 37.19 16.81 8.31 1023.25 37.26 33.86 96.68 72.36 282.86 .96 91.14 8.68 794.·97 5.04 55.00 2.32 20.96 140.25 5.s-1 43.00 18.55 14.41 10.68 71.56 13.58 86.30 · 23,732.64 258.00 139.08 8.03 i5.52 300.00 75.00 147.22 139:58· 127.75 83.12 43.81 88.76 49.22 112.71 155.22 121.-69 73.66 149.18 ·100.69 26.70 217.80 4.48 89.13 · 320.05 188.64 60.46 537.42 97.61 2:1..2.50 77.50 66.00 252.45 42.28 60.80 35.49 177.70 38.25 1750.00 95.00 77.30 23.00 22.58 61.C6 4.00 57.03 133.88 75.96 33.-64 88.96 94.25 48.95 · 133.92 9.65 23.81 62.05 3.12 I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... December .6. ················1966 .. HCPl!D 11111111 CO■MII II Cl-IPL■•■-It• Otter Tail Power Co. Todd-Wadena 1lectric ~orp. Township of Pelican prints & lights moving line (R/W) special aid $ 108.44 541.75 237.65 Attest: Upon motion the Board then adjourned to l:JO o'clock P. M. December 91 1966. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY OOMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL OOUNTY, MINNESOTA Chairman. Pursuant ·to adjoununent the Board met at l:JO P. M. December 9, 1966. Present: Commissioners Johnson, Bucholz, Nycklemoe .and Morrill. The ~ounty Board met with the Otter Tail County Planning Commission for discussion of the appoint- ment of the Planning Commission to act as a liaison committee to assist municipalities in preparing and securing approval o.r various projects. The menbers of the Planning Commission felt that this presented a number of problems which were difficult for them to cope with, and it was decided that a method of accomplishing this be left to a future meeting to be held ?n January 12, 1967. The combined Board also discussed the location, operation and screening of junk yards. It was de- cided that the operation of the junk yard located in the Township of Compton would be satisfactory if all con~ ditions were compli~ with. ORDINANCE OF OTTER ffiL COUNTY AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE ESTABLISHING AND CHANGE OF LOCATION OF JUNK YIRDS.FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR The 0oard·of Commissioners of The County of Otter Tail, does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1: PREAMBLE. On the 15th day of April, 1964,.The Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County duly established the agency known as the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commissioa. One of the functions of this commission is to study present land uses and to make recommendations to the Bard of County Commissioners for needed regulations in the area of zoning and land use. This commission is presently studying the advisability of zoning regµlations and is expected to report to The County Board by November of 1966. Section 2. DEFINITION. Junk Yard shall be defined as any buildings, structures, yard, land, or place for keeping, storing, buying, selling, or piling in commercial quantities any old, used or second hand materials, supplies, equiJJDent, motor vehicle or farm equipment where the same is not now existing. · ·section J. Until December 1, 1966, no junk yard shall hereafter be created or started within the unincorporated areas of Otter Tail County. Section 4. No junk yard now in existence shall be moved from its present location nor shall any existing business owning a junk yard establish any new branch location or expand existing locations beyond their existing locations. Attest: Attest: Section 5. PENALTY. Violations of this ordinance shall be punishable as a misdemeanor. Adopted December 9, 1966. BeMie J. Johnson Chairman. S. B. Johnson Clerk. Upon motion the Board then adjourned without date. Chairman. Clerk. 537~