HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1965Ottertail County Official Meetings 1965 I ,, 1: .1: ii 1· :I ii ,1 '\ I' ! i '' COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... January.5 ......................................... 19 _65 IICllffl ftl■TIH co■n■r. n.CUIH ..... - MINUTES OF THE RmULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF OOUNTY CDJ.11-USSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to statute the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. January 5, 1965. Present were Commj ssioners Haase and Johnson. Commissioners elect Nycl:lanoe, Morrill and Bucholz, having filed their oath of office, took their place on the Board. The meeting was called to order by the County Auditor, who stated that the first business was the election of a chainnan for the year 1965. Upon motion James Bucholz was elected Chainnan, and upon motion Bennie J. Johnson was elected Vice Chairman. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the follo~~ng dates be designated as the dates on which the County Board will meet during the y~r 1965·: February 9th & 10th March 9th & 10th April 6th & 7th May 11th & 12th June 8th & 9th july 12th & 13th Adopted January 5, 1965, Attest: S. B. J hnson Clerk ..,,::::--, The following resolution was adopted: August September October Novanber December 10th & 11th 14th & 15th 13th & 14th 2nd & 3rd 7th & 8th James Bucholz Chainnan ~esolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Thc<t-a com111;1'ee o~ -1-h,e,, eons,.1 in, ~ +he Chainnan and two members of the Board to be selected by the Chairman, be appointed to have charge of Court H0 use and Jail and grounds, and Court House Annex for the year 1965, Adopted January 5, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk The Chairman appointed Commissioners Johnson and Nycll:lanoe to serve with him on this committee. The followihg resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 0 oard of County Commissioners of Otter '!'ail I.aunty, Minnesota: That a committee of three, consisting of the Chairmo.n of the Board and two members of Lhe Board be appointed by the Chairman, to purchase all furniture and supplies excepting books, blanks and stationery, needed for Lhe Court House and Jail during the year 1965, and provide for such repairs as may become an immediate necessity. Adopted January 5, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: The Chairman appointed "'ommi~sionf;lrs Haase and Morrill to serve with him on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: . -= COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ January. 5 ............................................. 19 ... 65 11r111n.ftllllllll,,C81LtMI..---··"'" Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Lounty, Minnesota: The under provisions of Section 2154 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905 Dr. Roy Nelson a resident physician of said 1,,ounty, and Commissioners Nycklemoe a, d Johnson members of this lx>ard be and the same hereby are appointed to constitute a County Board of Health of said County for the year 1965, ' Adopted January 5, 1965, James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boant of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, M:i.nnesota: Whereas, Chapter 142, Laws of 1921, Mason's Minnesota Statutes 1927, Section 671, and Minnesota Statutes 1941, Section 315:30 provides ways and means for the control and eradication of rust-producing barberry, the following resolution was adopted: ,,. Be it hereby resolved, that $50,CO be appropriated by the County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, for the purpose of eradicating and removing rust-producing bushes and tl,jat, a bounty of $3,00 be offered for the location of barberry bush or bushes on each property subject to the provisions as set forth by the Barberry Office, University Farm, St. Paul, Minnesota, on file in the office of the County Auditor, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, Adopt.eel January 5, 1965, James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S, B. Johnson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Hesolved by the Board of (:;aunty Colllll'issioners of Otte-Tail County, Minnesota: That the County Commissioner of his respective district, namely, James J. Bucholz, the First District; Bennie J. Johnson, the Second District; Sam Nycklenoe, the Third District; Otto Haase, the Fourth District; and Harvey D. Morrill, the fifth District, be and they are hereby each appointed Superintendent of poor of his said district, with authority to act in relation to the care and support of non-resident paupers, and to receive v applications for relief or support by or for any reason in his district, as provided by Chapter 15, Revised Laws of 1905, Adopted January 5, 1965, James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. B. J0 hnson Clerk The following resoluti6n was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County 1,,ommissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: ,/" That there be and hereby is transferred from the Revenue Fund of the Lounty to the Incidental Fund the sum of $750.00 for postage for the use of the offices entitled thereto. Adopted January 5, 1965, · James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: S. B. J.=o;:,hn=so:.:n.._ ____ _ Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the .i:ioard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under the provisk.H~~ of· Chapte~,300.hLf~S of~isot} for 1943, that the County shall pay a bounty of $3.CO for each full-grown rd~ ¥'ea";clil•g1,la'y4fkfllea rirsai'd Couni:y~a~f.lr/g 1965! payment to be made on warrant of the County Auditor after compliance by the claimant with all provisions of said law, Adopted January 5, 1965, James Bucholz Attest: S. B. Johnson Chainnan clerk 309 j310 ,, . ' ! l· 1l I 1, I• I j. r:1 I' HCDa ✓ COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... January .5 ................................................... 19.65. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County CollllDissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of ten cents be paid out of the Revenue Fund of the County for every pocket-gopher and woodchuck killed in said County during the year 19b5. in cases where the townships in which pocket-gophers and wood chucks are so killed shall provide for the payment of an additional bounty·of ten cents for each pocket- gopher and woodchuck so killed. Resolved further, that payment of such bounty shall be made by the County Auditor upon certificates executed by the Chairman of the Town °oard of said townships setting.forth that the pocket-gophers or woodchucks were duly presented to the Chairman of such 0oard and that the township has issued and delivered to each claimant a town order for twenty cents for each pocket-gopher or woodchuck so killed. Adopted January 5, 1965. James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk The followihg resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of not less than $250.00 be and the sasne hereby is appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund of said County for Otter Tail County exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair for 1965, and the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are directed to issue a warrant for said amount in favor of Clarence Mielke. Adopted January 5, 1965. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. James Bucholz Chainpan . . -~e:,1--_}.!J.:- I) •·. r;_;,_,._ P-tr1,1 ~ p..,;,...v,J /J..,,,,-'-lvf~ SCALE OF WAGE.5 !(____ l' OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT The salaries of employees of the County Highway Department for the year 1965 were fixed by the County 0oard, as follows: Bituminous Lay-Out Operators $ 2.18 per hour Heavy Equipn.ent Operators (Shovel & Cat Loader) 2.12 per hour Motor Grader Operator 2.04 per hour Truck Driver 1.94 per hour Secol'\i Man on Truck 1. 88 per hour Common Labor 1. 76 per hour Truck Rental 2.20 per hour 'l'ractor & Mower Rental ( 5' -7' ) 1. 70 per hour Maintenance Foreman 530.00 per month Shop Foreman 475.CO per month Mechanics & Blacksmith 300.CO to 430.00 per month Sign Foreman 425. 00 per mont}I Sign 1-lan (Ass•t.) 405.00 per month County "'ngineer 97L.CO per month Chief Engineer 655 .CO per month Instrument Man 615. CO per month Level Man 520.00 per month Head ,todman 290.00 to 445.CO per month hod.man 250.00 to 405.00 per month Office Man 360.00 per rr.onth Accountant 410.00 per month Secretary · 360.00 per month Bookkeeping Machine Operator 240.00 to 350.00 per month Clerical 160.00 to 320.00 per month Engineering Help (Misc.) .90 to 2.·10 per hour Subsistence (in excess of 15 mile radius) 4.00 per day Sick Leave (accumulative to ) 48 days onJ "te.brua..-t The maintenance employees work week will be 50 hours except for November, December, January/I when it will ,t._ 45 hours per week and the time for reporting for auch employment is as directed by the Engineer. The employees are granted holidays as governed by Chapter 495, Laws of 1955. The following amounts are hereby set aside for clerk hire for the calendar year 1965 in the several county offices, to Wit: Auditor ................................................... . Treasurer ••••....••.•••.••..•••.......•..•..............•. Hegister of Deeds •.•.•..............••••.................. Prouate Court, in addition to the $3500.00 authorized by law •..•••..•....•••• County Assessor ••••••.............•....•••...............• 15,400 15,160 12,750 3,400 5,760 -_;; COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. January .. 5 ···········································19 6.5 rl"flllD·NteJlftffllNIIY=f!::fMUPz...-■ E ?IOI Deputy vounty Assessor ..................................... $ Clerk County Assessor •.•...••••••..•.•.•••••••..•.••...... Extra Clerk hire, County Assess.or ••..•...•....•...••••..•• First Assistant, County Superintendent of Schools per month •.•••••••..•••••• Veterans' _Service Clerk & Janitor ....................... .. Probation Officer• s Clerk ••••.•••..••••..•..•.••••...••..•• Adopted January 5, 1965. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk, 5,400 4,200 i.,ooo 350.00 5,762 3.540 James Bucholz Chainnan Upon motion Edward Ramsey and Mrs. Am old Stock were appointed members of the Otter Tail County Agricultural E.xt.ension Committee, and J_ames Bucholz and Sam Nycklemoe as members of said Committee from the County Board. Upon motion the Clerk of Court was authorized to pay 5¢ for each application to her agents for taking drivers license applications. Upon motion the interlocutory decree dissolving Common School District No. 1499 was amended to include Lot 3 and the North 17 acres of Lot 4 in Section 2 Township 130 Range 39 as land to be attached to Dist. 207 Douglas County. Upon Motion dance license was issued to Leona E.. Swenson at Perry's Place in the Town of Dora. 'l'he bonds of Myrtle E. llogas as Clerk of i.;ourt in the sum of $1000, and Doris A. Kvalheim and Eileen T. Jensen as Deputy ~lerks of vourt, in the sum of $1000, and the bonds of E. Eugene Davenport as County Assessor in the sum of $1000, all written in the Agricultural Insurance Co. of Watertown, N. Y., were approved, ~ Upon motion the-archite0's final certificate as to the completion of the Court Hnuse remodelling was approved and the Auditor ordered £0 make payment thereof in the sum of $5,276.32 on the County Building Fund. Upon motion George E. Jensen, Underwood; Frank Alstadt, Perham; Nels Hanson, Clitherall, were appointed members of the County Planning Committee for tenns of three years, and Otto Haase for the tenn of one year. 'l'he County Auditor was authorized to adver.tise for sealed proposals to be received until 11 o'clock A. M. February 9, 1965 for the following projects: BITUMINOUS SEAL COAT C.P. 65:SS Approximately 104.4 Miles of County State Aid Highways, Village of Ba"tle Lake, Dalton and Vergas Streets comprising approximately 238,700 gallons of· bituminous material for seal coat, 8,680 cubic yards of seal coat aggregate and stock piles by the County. GRAVEL BASE AND ROAD MIX BITUMINOUS SURFACING S.A.P. 56-621-04 (65) C.P. 65:21B Length 2.339 miles, located from junction CSAH 24 4 miles northeast of Rothsay 2.3 miles north. S.A.P, 56-624-03 (65) C. P. 65:24B Length 0.51 miles, located from 2.6 miles east to 3.2 miles east of Rothsay. S. A.P. CSAH 21, 56-628-03 (65) C. P. 65:28B Lmgth 0.739 miles, located from 0.5 mile west to .2 mile east of junction 4.2 miles northeast of Rothsay. ~ S.A.P. 56-632-02 (65) C.P. 65:;!;28 Length 3.553 rriles, located from the junction of CSAH 7l/lmB.es, west of Amor to 3 miles west of Basswood. S.A.P. 56-645-06 (65) C.P. 65:45B Length· 3,106 miles, located from junction CSAH 18 to junction CSAH 1,8 miles northeast of Underwood. S.A.P. 56-667-04 & 05B (65) C.P, 65:67B Length 1.250 miles, located from junction T.H. 210 east corporate limits of Henning to 1.3 miles north. C. P. 65:01 BM Length 3.881 miles located from junction CSAH ·2 and north to Interstate 94 southwest of fergus ~'alls. C.P. 65 HB Village streets and alleys in Henning, The major quantities of work are: 86,310 tons bases in place, 278,010 tons of bituminous material for prime coat and mixture, and 17,630 tons of aggregate. The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for sealed bids to be received until 1~ o'clock A. M. February 9, 1965 for the following equipment: 2 Dump Trucks --25,000 pounds G.V.W. Bids shall include trade-in allowance on the following uni ts: Co. Unit 1/54, 1956 2} '£on Ford -Model F-700 located at Battle Lake, Minnesota. Co. Unit #26, 1955 -2} .ion I.lodge -Model KA8-141 located at Vining, Minnesota 1 :.,ign '!'ruck and riody -21,000 pounds G. V. W. Bid shall include trade-in allowance on the following unit: p12 ,, I !• I' ,I 'I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. January 5 .. ··············································196/i 11caam n1■11■1 co■,a■1 n.cLOH ••••· • Co. Unit #81, 1955 -li 'lon ,. ord -Model 5e,o Located at Henning, Minn. Upon motion the Board of County Commissioners will meet at l:JO P. M. January 22, 1965, to hold a joint meeting with the County Planning Committee. Vernon E. Bachman, County Superintendent, submitted to the Board the appointment of Mrs. George Rossow as Assistant County ~uperintendent. Upon motion the appointment was approved. Upon motion the salary of Philip I•!. Kjaglien 1-ounty Veterans Service Officer, was fixed at $6,0CO.OO. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to January 6, 1965 at 10 o'clock A. M. ~: WEDNESDAYS SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. January 6, 1965, all members present. A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School uist. 1464 was read. It was ordered that a hearing on said resolution be held at 10 o'clock A. M. March 10, 1965, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. ~INNE56TA BEfAR'l'MENT 0F. HI~HWAJS FEDERAL AID SEOONDARY FORJ-i NO. llI. Be it Resolved, that pursuant to Section 161.36, Subdivisions 1 through 6, Minnesota St"tutes 1961, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as agent of the County of Otter Tail to act as its agent, contracts for the construction of portions of ~ounty State-Aid Highways, specifically described as follows: County State-Aid Highway No. 19 from CSAH No. 8 and Nnrth to North County Line, County State-Aid Highway No. 75 from CSAH No. 40 and North to trunk Highway No. 210, and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the oounty to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of llighways prescribing the terms and conditions as such agency in I.he form as set forth and contained in"Minnesota Department of llighways Agency Contract form No. IV, " a copy of which said form was before the Board, asswning on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained, Adopted this 6th day of January, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman of the Board Attest s. B. Johnson Clerk. RESOLUTION BE IT RE.SOLVED, that pursuant to statutory authority the County Engineer for and on behalf of the County of Otter Tai.l is hereby authorized to request and obtain from the Minnesota Department of llighways needed engineering and technical services during the year,1965, for which payment will be made by the County ~pon receipt of verified claims from the Commissioner of Highways, Adopted this 6th day of January, 1965. Attest S. B. Johnson Auditor (SJ;.AL) James Bucholz Chairman. RFSOLU1'ION BY THE OOARD OF COUNTY CDMMISSIONERS OTTlU TAIL COUNTY, tlINNl!.SOTA BE IT llliSOLVlD, that the contractors on Federal-Aid Secondary Highway Projects in Otter Tan County be required to pay not less than the following minimum wage rat.es on all 1965 contracts: I~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. ~.~!'!.111~ry __ 6 .t ........••.•.•••.•••.•.•........•....•.......• 19 .... 65 ,sc■■mJ.uar..._ .... Skilled Labor •.••.....••...••••.......•.••••.•.•••....••... $2. 70 per hour Intennediate Labor •••.••.••..•.•....•..••.••.....•.••..•..• 2.20 per hour Unskilled Labor. • • . . • • • • • • • . • • • • • . . • . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 1. 60 per hour Adopted this 6th day of January, 1965. Attest S. B. Johnson Clerk. James Bucholz Chainnan. RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF CDUNTY COMMISSIONERS O'l'TER TAIL ID UNTY, MINNESOTA. BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Engineer be authorized to issue payrolls for the purpose of salary payments to all maintenance employees, engineering employees, construction employees, and for the rental of trucks and mowers necessary for the maintenance of County State Aid Highways not to exceed $360,0CO and County 1•oads not to exceed $70,000 for the year 1965. ildopted this 6th day of January·, 1965. James Bucholz Chainnan. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. RF.SOLU'l'ION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OOARD UF COUN'I'Y COMMISSIONEliS OF OTTER 'l'/J:L COUNTY, MINNESOTA: That because of deterioration due to rain, snow and usual spring climatic conditions the roads here- inafter described will be seriously damaged unless restrictions ·are imposed as to weight of vehicles to be operated thereon. NU\~, THEREFORE, No person shall operate_ any vehicle or combination of vehicles upon any of the county roads in the County of ·otter Tail and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to wit: County State Aid Highways 1 to 77 inclusive, 79, 81, 83 and 90 to 100 inclusive. County Roads 110 and 144 inclusive and numbers 146 and 148, during the period from the first of March, 1965 to the first of December, 1965, where the gross weight on any single axle, as defined in Minnesota Statutes 1945, Sec. 169.87, Subdivision 1, exceeds five tons (10,000 pounds) and the F.ngineer of said County is hereby directed and authorized to erect and maintain signs plainly indicating the prohibitions and restrictions above at each end of that portion of any highway affected thereby,· and those restrictions shall be effective and this prohibition effective upon such erection and maintenance of such signs. Adopted this 6th day of January, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. 'fhe application of Marvin Hink for homestead classification on the NE¼ Sec. 27 Town of Effington was read and upon motion the homestead classification was granted. The application of Walter Goedel for reduction of Assessed valutation on the NW¼ NE¼ and N~ NW¼ 12-133-36 was read. Upon motion the application was rejected on recommendation of the Town Board. The application of Clifford A. Nelson, asking for reduction of assessed valuation on the East 8 rods of the South 15 rods of the W 24 rods of the SW¼ NE¼ and E 10 rods of W 34 rods of S. 20 rds of Section 17- 132-37 on the ground that the building was destroyed by fire on October 10, 1964 was rejected. The application of Carl Christianson asking for settlement and abatement of delinquent taxes, penalties, interest and costs on the SWt SE¼ and NE¼ SE¼ Sec. 35-132-39 was rejected. Upon motion Nerton Johnson was appointed custodian of the Court House and Anne)( for the year 1965 at $510.00 per month. A delegation from Underwood regarding the improvement of County Road #122 East of Underwood appeared before the Board •. The matter of improvement was explained to them to their satisfaction. , .. .Th.4l .. Cn.unty Board having previously called. for bids for County printing for the year 1965 opened bids ----------·----. -· ,314 I ,, :,•I ,! ,', I '1i 1· 11,I, !I' COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. January .. 6 ...................... . CLOH ■I ■ E•ZIOI which were found to be as· follows: . Parkers Prairie Independent, printing and publishing annual statement of receipts and disbursements for the year 1964 at legal rates. The Battle Lake Review, printing and publishing the annual statement of receipts and disbursements for 1964 at legal rates. The Fergus Falls J0 urnal Co., publication of minutes of Board of County Commissioners and all other legal notices and publications except notices of school dissolutions, at legal rates provided by law. The Henning Advocate, printing and publishing of the Delinquent Tax list for the year 1964 at legal rate. U~on motion all of the bids were accepted. The following resolution ~as adopted : Resplved by the Board of County Cammi ssioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota: That the Henning Advocate be and the same is hereby designated as the newspaper in which shall be printed the list of lands in Otter Tail County upon which taxes became delinquent on the first Monday in January, 1965. Provided further, that the publishers of said newspaper be requir~ to furnish a surety bond in the sum of $2,000.00 for the faithful performance of said publication. Adopted January 6, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following names were selected to be placed on the Grand and Petit Jury lists for 1965: Gotlieb Janke John Steblay Gordm !Jahlgren John Riestenberg Alfred Vorgert Archie Dewar Herb Woods George femling Herman Huebsch ~alt Tikkanen Chester ~,artini Edwin Dittman Sylvester Truitt Hupert Johnson Joe 1-'ink Victor Sundberg Herman ••osen Norbert Hertel E.dward Anderson Emil F'enske Paul Sneva Marvin Haugrud Clarence Sundblad Howard tide GRAND JURORS Perham Village New York Miwls Village Vergas Village Edna Twp. Bluffton Village Perham Village Dora Township Star. Lake Township Otto •rownship New York Mills Village Blowers Township Homestead To~nship Hush· Lake 'l'ownship Pine 'Lake 'lownship uorman '1ownship nichville Village Corliss Towiship Dent Village Scambler 'l'o~nship Friberg Toifflship Maine 'l'ownship Pelican ~ownship E~hards Grove Township Oscar Township 'l'rondhjem Township DuM Township Arthur Sundblad Carl Resset Bob Y6ung Alfred Hanson Mrs. Ephraim Evavold Eddie Carlson Steve Dorsch Willmer Leiti:h Phillip Pahan N0 bel Risbrudt Ronald Shebeck Sidney Skrove Glen Johnson Mrs. Fernal Johnson Mrs. Harold Duhn Mrs. Orville Berg Ray Kraemer Anton 'l'hompson Fritz Hjeltness Ralph Perkins Howard Morey Clifford Johnson Raymond Curtis Clifford Alberg Laural Gunderson Clayton Barker Erhard Village Nor. Grove Twp. Battle Lake Vill. Dalton Village 1:.agibe Lake Twp. Leaf ~'. t. Twp. Leaf Mt. Twp. Sverdrup Twp. Sverdrup Twp. St. Olaf Twp. Underwood Willage Tumuli ·•ownship Battle Lake Vill. Leaf Mt. Two/ Leaf ~:t. Twp. Sverdrup Twp. Parkers Pr. Vill. Henning Village Leaf Lake Twp. Deer Creek 'l'wp. l.ompton 'l'owp. Henning 'l'wp. Inman Twp. Oak Valley Twp. l'olden Twp. l:.lmo 'l'wp. . ~·.Cyril !'eterson l!.rnest Herting Orville natin Kerndt Hagen Arthur M. Anderson Harry Anderson Victor Arneson W. E. Atkinson Lida 'l'ownship Pelican Rapids Village Rt. 5 City, Buse Twp. 525 Vasa Ave. W. F. ,F. 634 Laurel Ave. W. F.F. N. E. City Limits F. F. 335} l',hitford, LF". Gust Hemming Howard Freudenberg Mauritz O. Carlson Rudolph Johnson V. A. Ryan Harold Baldwin Woodside 'l'wp. Effington Twp. l Parkers Pr. Twp. l!.astern Twp. 704 Union Ave. S. 62/1 7th lfveF .W. F. , 510 Lin Ave. W. F'F I Mrs. Arthur Barnard C. E. Boe Jean W. Bopp Harry J. Brause Henry Dyhkoff Joe ~1egsched.d Henry wallgren Hoy Fletcher Alice Davis Mrs. Herb Steeke Carl Schmidt ~lrs. Art Huwe Leonard \·1egscheid ~;rs. William Senske Oscar J:.rickson Mrs. F'aith ltimpila 406 Vernon Ave. W. F'. F. 305 Oakland Place,F. F. 612 Bancroft~-F. F. Ii. W. Bertelsen Albert Boettger Louis J. Brandt John Dieseth PETIT JURORS Bluffton 'l'wp. Donna Bruhn II II Dewey Antonsen Dlowers Ed. Keskitalo l>ora Verner Porkkonen II Vernon Anderson Butlwr Mrs. Joe Fahrenbach l:orliss Roy Hanson II Nonnan Schultz Gorman Fernando Manevel II Bill Moltzan llomestead l!.lmer Hancock II Usie Hofland Hobart II Newton Qt.to 1013 N. Marien, F. F. 944 N. "osemary, F'. F. 230 Vernon Ave. 1-i. L F, Totmship Rush Lake II II Candor II Star Lake !Jead Lake Perham I I I I I ! I l -:: -;; COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. erc111WLtawJaa,CIIIIU,U. U CIOPP NIH ~ t:lifford Beldo ~:ike Beuchler Lottie Hoover Alvina Baker . Hennan Fritz Mary Jlllle Knuttila Mrs. Ernest Restad Krs. Edw11rd Homan Elmer Rud i1rs. Frank Prim Roy Bredahl Mrs. Clinton Adams Hartin Haugen Oscar Peasley Mrs. Haynold Amundson George Cocking ~'redrick Fosse t:harles Scheer. Geo. Hanson . Mrs. Clarence Hansel Verle Martin Kenneth L. Aune Erland /1, Bergsten llrnil Madsen nobert Kimber David Ewert Mrs. Olaf liogneby Lloyd l•ilson . Mrs. ltudolph • Lystrom Martin Jens en Bernard M • Dorri Guy Thompson ltudolph l!.rickson Hans Schrader Mrs. Donald Barber 14ariollD Trana Ben Miller Mrs. Raynold Clasen Krs. Alva Helm:r;-ich Lester C. Stearns Mrs. Lawrence 1-!elander Arthur Palan Donald Olson Hrs. Ben Cedar Henry Huwe Arthur Anderson Ed. C. Budack E. J • 1!.venson Mrs. Harold Sversvold Lewis. Hebron Ben Zuehlsdorf Mrs . Clifton Wahlgren Mrs. Clifford Stenstrom David Sundberg . Mrs. Addison Stock Mrs. Alice M. Schroeder Eddie Peterson Durwood Phillips Mrs. t:. D. Harlow 14rs. R. A. Wick.ersham DATE ........... ~.ilf!~.~r:Y .. 6 ................................................ J965 Paddock 'l'ownship Pine Lake 11 "ichville Village Vergas 11 New York Mills Village Perham· vn:i!age Scambier '!'own~hip Dunn 'Iownship Lida 11 Trondhjem 11 Norwegian Grove Twp, Maine Township Pelican 11 Maplewood fl Pelican Rapids Village II II 11 Oscar •rownship E _ h!\rds Grove 'l'ownship Battle Lake Village Tumuli 'rownship Eagle Lake 1·0\o.nship Sverdrup 11 Clitherall 11 Everts 11 Girard 11 Tordenskjold Township Leaf Mountain 11 Nidaros 11 Eagle Lake 11 Nidaros Township Leaf Mountain Township St. Olaf To\o.TIShip Parkers Prairie Village II Deer Creek Henning II II Leaf Lake Township Deer Creek Township Compton 11 Henning 11 Inman 11 1' olden 11 Elmo '1'01,n ship Effington 11 Eastern 11 II II II 1302 S, Sheridan, F. F. 508 Stanton Ave. F. F. 62J Summit W,, F. F. 1121 vleveland N. F. F. 51 7 Cavour W. F •. F, Rt, 2, Fergus Falls, Minn. 1230 Burlington N. F. F. Rt. J, Fergus Falls Western Township Aastad Township Buse Township 423 Cedar Ave. E, F. F. 623 Beech Ave. E,, F. F. 234 Lakeside Dr., F. F. William Weappa ~lilber Kozelnick Carl Aschnewitz William Voderbruggen Mrs. Katherine Bachmann Mrs. Herbert Hasen Edna Hanson Elmer Anderson Ralph Paulson Mrs. Gilman Shirley Palmer Klovstad George W. Bahr Raymond Sha Roy Wendholm John Eppler Mrs." Damis Wellbrock Elmer Fjestad Adolph Olson Francis Van Dyke Donald Luhning Olive Knutson Casper Walvatne Mrs. Hector 0, Eklund Vernon Bergsten Gordon Halo Jerome F. Reger John Linder Leo 0. Koep Mrs. Oscar Rudh Mrs. Robert Herbranson Mrs. Raymond Torgerson Selmer Nelson Hjalmer Hilgren Wm Rodekuhr Mrs. -Alton Hallauer Mrs. Maynard Ellenson Dave Dorn George Peterson Andrew Kastama Amos W. Jobe ·Mrs, Stanley Haughdahl Mrs. Richard Simmons Sam Larson Mrs. Harry l•ood John Meyers Ernest Nelson Calvin Preston Harry Bach Ive Rustand Mrs. Bernie Zwiers Mrs. Bertha Zimmerman 'l'. J. Tedemanson John Steen Mrs. John Jennen Mrs. llgnes Halverson · Elmer Neumann E. 0. Peterson R. N. Auseth Mrs. Walter Knoll Theodore Fjestad The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Do Do Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Otto Haase S. W, Deckman Otto Haase Bemli.e Johnson John L. Bixby . Eugene Davenport Robert Shaw Donald Monk Anton N. Glesne Gustafson Oil Company Gust Lagerquist & Sons, Inc. General Trading t:ompany Elsenpeter Hardware Davidson l•:etal Shop Del Chemical Corporation Hoffman Glass Company Gaffaney's · Key Laboratorie~ Inc, Glende-Johnson Ambulance Serv. Fergus Falls Clinic Roy A Nelson M. D, \·:estern Union Boarding Prisoners Expenses II II II exp. attd. convention viewing Roads & Reg, Bd. Mtg. II II II II II II II expenses II II II II II II Extra help Assessor's Office II fuel oil service supplies Christmas Tree Decor. filters supplies Glass Desk 'l'op supplies tests Ambulance Service care of prisoner medication for prisoner telegre;m II Paddock 'l'ownship . Edna 11 Dent Village Bluffton Village New York Mills Village Perham Village Scambler Township Dunn . II Lida 11 'I'rondhjem 11 N0r. Grove 11 Maine 11 Pelican· 11 Maplewood 11 Pelican Rapids Village Friberg Township Oscar 11 Erhards Grove 'I'a-rnship 'I'ordenskjold Otter Tail St. Olaf Amor Clitherall Girard 'l'ordenskjold Leaf Mt. Nidaros II Dalton Village Nidal'Os 'L'ownship Eagle Lake Township 'fordenskjold 11 Parkers Prairie Vill, Deer Creek 11 II Henning 11 Urbank 11 Leaf Lake 'fownship Deer Creek C.:ompton Henning Oak Valley "1'olden Woodside Parkers Pr. Eastern Rt, 2, Elizabeth Twp. Orwell Township 1023 E. Fir Ave. F. F. 806 Kalling Ave.N. F. F, 411 Birch Ave. W. F. F, 618½ Union /Ive. N. F, F. 908 Union Ave. N. F. F. Rt. 2, Carlisle Twp, Rt. J, Aurdal 'l'ownship Dane Prairie Township Rt·. 1, City 413 Alcott Ave. W,, F. F, 325 Channing Ave. W., F. F Carlisle $ 1314,00 88,90 29,00 173,15. 132,00 59,65 19.15 "26.70 27,25 13,45 73,49 49,70 240,00 276.00 690,83 JS.DO 20.52 4,28 9,60 54.60 54,26 55,JO 54,47 lJ,40 8.00 10.00 2.J8 I j ,\ l· 11 I 1.: I: I. ·1 I I, ii I I' I ,I '' • I I ii .j :I 3'16 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IIC■llff l■n■t Holten Hardware Acme Chemical Co, Swanson's Surplus Store Merlin S. "ieman Leonard Olson Henry Lubitz Clifford E. Pederson Olga E.. Peterson Davenport's Do Burrough's ~orporation Nelson Bros. Printing L:o. SCM L:orporation Miller-Davis L:ompany Poucher Printing & Litho. Co. St.Paul Hook & Stationery Co. Monroe International Inc. N0 rthwestern Publishing L:o. Fergus Falls Daily Journal Allison and Company Bill Christenson James Welch l•lyrtle E.. Logas Helen E. Skramsted Vernon E. Bachman DAV Auxiliary #25 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co, Do Helen E. Benshoof Huth Huether Huth Huether Huth Huether Nursing Outlook Philip M. Kjaglien V. A. Hyan Philip M. Kjaglien Public Utilities Dept. Straub t;ompany N. W. Bell Telephone L:o. Secretarial Service Copper's Office Supply Victor Lundeen & Co. Century Camera Shops Inc• Artz Camera Supply l..o. John C. Dickerson Township of Sverdrup City j3hannacy Mineral Springs Sanatorium Fergus Falls Clinic Henry A.Korda M. D. Steinsrud & Emerson Company E.verett C. Hanson M. D. l<quipment parts & Service Co. Northwest hngineering Co. Public 1•orks Equipt, Co., Inc. lvm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Adelsman Boiler Co. Friesen's Henry Holmgren International Harvester Co. Henr~ A. Johnson Lien Radiator Shop Lyon Heating & Air "'onditioning Mullen body Shop Olson Auto ~lectric Bau ck' s Hardware Coast to Coast Store Henning General 'l'rading ·Co. Holten Hardware· Holten Lumber L:o, Vergas Hardware Co. \1elter Bros. Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. W. R. Brown L:orporation Paper, Calmenson & 1..o, M & R. Sign Co., Inc, Firestone Store Dalton Grain & F'eed hl.k Hiver Concrete Prod. Co. G~ne & Clem's Cities Service Fossen Oil Company Otter Tail Co-op Oils, lnc, Arrow Petroleum Erhard Oil "'ompany Possen Oi.i "'ornpany Ted's Oil ~ompany D-A Lubricant l..o,, Inc. Minn. Good ·•oads, Inc, City of ~·ergus 1-'alls Minneapolis Blue Prtg. Co. DATE ....... -January._ 6 .................................................... l9 65 Services bulbs supplies coveralls Sp. Dep. Sp. II 11 & ~;ileage II II II II II 11 fees & exp. matron stationery supplies, service and paper Printing service supplies II accession books service II publishing tax notice publishing bonds dozing dump grounds hauling ballots Adv. corns. pd. driver's lie. agts. postage postage & envelopes decorating Graves calls II office cleaning mileage supplies postage & postcards subscription mileage & expenses ndleage & expenses postage & Mche. rental utilities rental calls & services mimeographing typewriter supplies II II Polaroid Camera poor expense medication for T. B. Patient care of T. B. patimt II II II II med. for T. B. patient II II II II II University Hosp. Papers parts parts II II repairs II II II II II II II II supplies cutting edges signs tires coal culverts gasoline gas, etc gasoline diesel fuel fuel Oil II II II II oil & grease subscript!iion maintenance supplies $ 1.14 60.00 108,00 5,80 )8.20 7.90 27,40 5.00 lJ.66 4,20 557,95 662,95 47,00 162.Jl 334.67 9,57 37,00 8,40 119.25 142.00 60.C0 2.50 16.90 JO.CO 106.10 25.co 87.14 84,91 J.00 27.20 2.59 11.00 8.00 J6.15 67.16 7,50 4,35 50.00 JJ,79 8,35 190.00 25.61 42,50 lJ.72 70.00 1039.09 5,40 412.50 9.CO 8.00 Jl.J0 15.co 186.84 16.41 666.40 16)8.14 2).60 14,00 24,45 93,03 119.80 J,50 20.83 85.10 34.81 21.01 8.55 37).60 1.95 8.00 )6.21 1.95 576,00 15,67 722.41 280.42 65.00 42.05 37,20 116.47 109.23 42,80 336,29 98,00 189,60 60.80 314,50 100.00 561.25 6.24 -.... --------------- COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. J~uary .. 6 ........................................... 19 ... 65 ,■ra■........,....-,™ u c10111. H. A. Rogers Co. supplies 1-lonroe International Inc• machine maint. Miller-Davis Company supplies Poucher Printing & Lithe. Co., Inc. II N. W. Bell Telephone Co., Henning service & tolls Pelican Telephone ~o. II II II N. l'I • Bell Telephone Co. ~•. F. II II II Wendell P. Hubei:-expense G.D. Harlow II fries en's Repairs Upon Motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. January 12, 1965. Attest: ~llNUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF BOARD OF CUUN'fY CDMMISSIONERS OF OTTEil. TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOI'A $ 71.10 64,00 35,31 76,94 12.10 8.29 84,46 264.70 7,40 14.00 Chairm~. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. January 12, 1965, all members present. After discussion the Board ordered publication of Notice of Proposal to Redistrict, as provided by Minnesota Statutes Annotated 375.02. The 0 oard also discussed the most advantageous use of F.A.S, funds in road construction. They also discussed with Harlan L. Nelson, County Attorney, proposed changes in the Criminal code and such law enforcement proceeding~ as might affect the County in reducing welfare costs. Upon motion the Hoard then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. ~I. 1-'ebruary 9, 1965, Chairman. SEE PAGE 310 The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under the provisions of Section 739 Generai Statutes for 1932, the sum of $iOO.CO be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red River Development Association, said amount so appropriated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors for the year 1965, Adopted January 5, 1965, James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. Iii i' '1 'i :,rl, I, ' . COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... J.!!:Q.1:!!!rY. •• ~!? ..... -................................. 19 .. 6.S .. HC■■m .. ■TIH co■,an. IToCLDDlo■I■■• MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF 'IHI!. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at l:JC P.M. Jan. 22, 1965. All board members were present together with the members of th·e Otter Tail Gounty Planning Commission. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved that the Otter Tail County Planning Commission is hereby intructed to write to the appropriate state and federal authorities for approval to deviate from the Normal "701" planning program for villages in Otter Tail County. Adopted January 22, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. 1'he foEowing resolution was adopted: Be it resolved that the County Gommissioners hereby instruct and authorize the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission to offer the villages of Otter Tail County a plan for participation for their individual villages to enter in:t.o, a comprehensive community planning and to apply to the Eederal Government for assistance under Section 1170111 of the Housing Act of 1954, which will not exceed a cost to each village in excess of 2 mills on the current assessed valuation of said village; Be it further resolved that the offer of said plan will tenninate on July 1, 1965. Adopted Jan. 22, 1965. James Bucholz Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: De it resolved that the Otter Tail Gounty Gommissioners instructs the County Planning Advisory Corr,mission to engage a planning consultant and to make application for assistance under the provisions of Section "701" of the Federal Housing Act of 1954 to proceed with a long range comprehensive plan as outlined in the Preliminary Planning Survey to extend over a period of J6 months and not to exceed a total cost to the county of $16, JOO.CO. Adopted Jan. 22, 1965. Attest: S. B. John.-=so=n'---------Clerk. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned. m~,, ~~ /~~~ James Bucholz Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... Februar;y9 ............................................... 19 6.5.. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CDMMISSIONERS OJ,' OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA .Pursuant to adjournment th·e Board met at 10 O'clock A. >L February ·9th, 1965, all members being present. The Board having previously advertised for bids for a sign truck proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Fergus Dodge Inc. Fergus Falls $7341.00 International Harv. Co. 11 11 7840.00 Jim Larson Ford New York Mills 6201.00,, Minnesota Motor Co. Fergus Falls· 7556.00 Stan's Garage Battle Lake 7310.00 Suhr r'ord Pergus Falls 7310.CO Super GMC. Truck Sales 11 • 11 8399. 00 The above figures are final figures after trade-in allowance on County Unit #81. After discussion the bid of Jim Larson Ford in the amount of $6201.00 was accepted. ' Bids for two·dump trucks had also been called for Unit #1 Super GMC Truck Sales $5086.45 Fergus Dodge Inc. 4832.00 Int. Harvester Co. 4850.00 Jim Larson l'ord 4660.00 Minnesota Motor Co. 5567.00 Perham Fa1m Supply 5495.00 Stan's Garage 4650.00 ✓ Suhr Ford 4937.00 The above figures reflected trade in allowance on County Unit of Stan's Garage of Battle Lake was accepted for both t~cks, which were opened and found to be as follows: Unit #2 $5186.45 5132.00 4850.00 4960.00 5617.00 5185.00 4850.00-' 5037.00 #54 and County Unit #26. · After discussion the Unit #1 $4~50.00 and Unit #2 $4850.oo_: bid The Board having previously authorized the Commissioner of Highways to advertise for bids on behalf of the County for gravel base and bituminous surfacing on S.P. #56-619-03 and S.P. #56-675-07 CSAH 8, 3.5 miles south of Hillview to North County line of Otter Tail County; and between CSAH #40 and T.H. #210 12.0 miles East of Henning, bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A. M. February 9, 1965. Bids were opened by a representative of the State Highway Department and were found to be as follows: Bituminous Surface Treating Co. J.lark Sand & Gravel Co •.. McLaughlin & Schulz, I c. John Dieseth Company ~ Hazelmere Bituminous Co. Landseidel & Son, Inc. C. L. Nelson & Co., Inc. Fischer Construction Co., Inc. C. L. Stodolka, Co., Inc. Inver Grove, M; nn. Fergus Falls · Marshall, Minn. Fergus Falls, M; nn. Fairmont, Minn.· Moorhead, M.nn. Brainerd, l•lj nn. hosemount, Minn. Little Falls, Minn. $ll9,113.00 v 123,890.60 127,024.00 127,087.70 129,750.50 130,183.00 136,31,0.00 150,333.CO 151,369.00 After checking said bids, on motion of Commissioner· Haase and seconded by Commissioner Nycklemoe it was voted by said County Board a-s Commissioners to recommend to the Commissioner of Highways that the bid of Bituminous· Surface Treating Company in the amount of $119,113.00 be accepted. The County Board also advertised for bids on road work, also bids for county wide sand seal, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Hi ~lay Surfacing Co. McLaughlin & Schulz Inc. Minnesota Valley Imp. Co. · ... · .Surmat Bros. Const.· John Dieseth Co. Ness Cont. Co. C. L. Nelson & Co., Inc. C. L. Stodolka Co., Inc. Bit. Surface Treating Co. Minneota, Minn. Marshall, Minn. Granit!l Falls, Minn. . ,.,.. Bowlus, Minn. Fergus Falls, Minn. Mahnomen, Minn. Brainerd, Minn. Little Falls, Minn. Inver Grove, Minn. $54,577.00 57,415.00 58,807.00 59,283.30 6o,150.00 63,466.00 70,054.00 72.143.00 83,540.00 Upon motion the contract was awarded to Hi Way Surfacihg Company for $54,577.00. Bids were opened for g~avel bases and road mix oiturninous surfacing on S.A.P. 59-621-04, 56-624-03, 56-632-02, 56-645-06, 56-667-04 and 05; C.P. 65; 01 BM: H.P. Henni~g Village which were found to be as follows: Mark Sand & GI'.avel Co. Landseidel & Son, Inc. John Dieseth Co. Hazelmere Bituminous Co. C. L. Stodolka Co., Inc. Fergus Palls, Minn. Moorhead, Minn. F'ergus Falls, Minn. Fainnont, Minn. Little Falls, Minn. $174,354.00 183,665.00 185,947.60 188,100.80 178.588.00 After comiideration the rontract was awarded to Mark Sand and Gravel Company~n the sum of $174,· 35·4.00. The County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 11 o'clock A. M. March 9th, 1965 for the following: BITUMINOUS MATERIAL Approximately 50 thousand gallons SC and 120 thousand gallons MC to be delivered at. any p6int"±n Otter Tail ~ounty by transport truck equipped with pump for unloading. The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 11 o'clock A.M. March 9th, 1965 on 31~ I I ~20 I ,, I i ' ' I I 'I' I':' •·I l~I, :: -~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... 1''ebruary9 ............................................... 19 ... 6S IICallff n1m■1 co■,an, n.CLOH,■I■■• E•iliili GRADE & GRAVEL SlffiFACE S.A~P. 56-621-05 (65) C.P. 65:21 Length 4,384 miles, located from 3 mileB east of Rothsay at the junction of CSAH 21 and 24, thence easterly and southerly for 4,384 miles. S.A.P. 56-624-02 (65) C. P. 65:24 Length_0.0559 miles, located from approximately 2.6 miles east of Rothsay to 3,2 miles east and north. . The application of Floyd Collins for dance license by mechanical music was rejected on recommendation of the Sheriff. The Application of Schulz Bros. for dance license by mechanical music was granted. A Delegation from Leaf Mountain 'l'ownship regarding a road going south to County Line appeared before the board. 'l'he matter was discussed but no action was taken, Upon motion Otter 'l'ail County agreed to participate in the Lakeland Mental Health Center, I"c. through the County Welfare for the sum of $13,789, 55 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1965, The County Auditor wm1t over with the Board the Audit made by the Public Examiners of County Affairs for the year ending December 31, 1963, The Highway Engineer was authorized to attend th~ Engineers meeting with the State Highway Departcient. Bennie J. Johnson was authorized to attend the seminar on public affairs in February and March, 1965. The applications for homestead classifications were granted as follows: Hoy !tasmussen , Vernon & Ida Jempsa Larry Washek H. E. Nelson N½ of Lot 10 and par·t of Lot 9 Siebels Beach NV of tral; Section 6 in Newton Twp. & the W2 of the Sri¾ of Section 32 in Homestead Township West 250 feet of the East 950 feet of the North 200 feet of the SW¾ SE,t Section 20 To1·mship of Clith~rall Lot 7 Art's North Shore, 'l'ownship of Rush Lake . ._ 'l'he following applications for reduction of assessed valuatinn on Real E.state were recommended for allowance to the l.ommissioner of Taxation: · Joseph C. Hehkamp Haymond Sandberg Lots 18 & 19, Beauty Shore Sw,mer Resort, Township of Girard 'l'ract in Gov•t. Lots 3 & 4 Sectim 12, 'l'ownship of ~laine Trailer assessed which was properly licensed. Assessed as an improved plat. The following applications for reduction in assessed valuation of personal property for the current year were recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for allowance as follows: Fred Dahlstrom liaymen Hanson Elmer Marweg D. D. Hyerse John J. Sullivan l!.lmina P. Clark Fred Blain Rajlllond Platin J. H. Smith • Franklin Olson E.a.rl Davis l!.arl Stadum Henhold Johnson New York Mills ToWl of Dead Lake 'l'own of Dead Lake Town of Dead Lake 'l'oi,n of Dead Lake Town of Elizabeth Town of Everts '!lawn of E.verts Town of Everts Town of Inman Town of Lida 'l'own of Lida Town of Lida Assessed value of $67 for class 3 reduced to $22 as market value was used instead of true and 1\111. Reduced from 480 to $340 assessed valuation due to clerical error. Assessed value reduced from $361 to $77 Personal property reduced from $212 to $167, error in addition. Reduced fran $139 to $64 clerical error Not giv~n homestead exemption Reduced from $182 to $31 Boat and motor assessed in t,ahpeton. Reduced from $150 to $58 assessed value, error in assessing. Reduced from $157 to $78 assessed value, Boat and motor assessed in Wadena Co. Reduced from $657 to $240 Market Value used instead of true and full. Did not get household exemption Heduced from $83 to $40 Hater assessed not purchased until June 4, 1964, Household goods sold and also assessed to buyer. --= ....__,;__ --------,_ -·---"--------------------~->==~=--------:"\ COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 3211 DATE ......... Februar_y9 -···············································19 .. 65-. ,a&IIIUlli.cAlll!III ff Cl.OIi.i Willard Drayton Paul l~nvak J. \,, Weiss Carl F'. Johnson W. H. Dewey Irving G. Dewey Ira Iverson Mrs. Alina Knutson Bruce Dewar Western Implement Town of Maplewood 'l'own of Newton Town of Ottertail Town of Otto Town of Western To,·n of Western Totm of Parkers Prairie Village of Pelican Rapids Village of Perham Village of Rothsay Personal property reduced from $581 to $361, Dairy cows assessed above schedules. Not given household exemption. Not given household exemption. Property sold to Forrest Streeter and also assessed to Mr. Streeter. Personal property reduced from $848 to $69U, only had½ interest in cows. Reduced from $868 to $714 assessed value, only owned½ interest.in cows. Reduced from $133 to none Crawler tractor was assessed in Township of Elizabeth. Reduced from #3291 to $2092 assessed value, inventory over valued. Reduced from $777 to $593 cattle were also assess~d in Perham Township. Heduced from $11,815 to $3,972, ·market value for true and full The applications of James T. Jones for homestead classification on 1½ acres tract in Lot 2 of Section 8, Township of Otter Tail, was rejected on recommendati"on of the town board. The application of Bruce Dewar for cancellation of cattle assessed in Perham Village was rejected. RhSJLUTION AUTHORIZING DESTRUCTION OF PROBATE CDURT RECORDS RELATiim TO INDIGENT PERSONS AND AID TO DEPENDEN1' CHILDREN. At the request of OWEN V. THOMPSON, Probate Judge, and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Annotated 525,094, subdivision 4, Commissioner Johnson offered the fbllowing Resolution: The Probate Court of Otter Taii County be and it is hereby authorized to destroy forthwith all County Aid Cases arising between November 23, 1928, and June 12, 1937, bearing file numbers 231 through 393, both inclusive. Commissioner Nycklemoe seconded the adoption of this Resolution arid upon vote it carried unanimously. Dated February 9, 1965 Attest: S. B. J0 hnson Otter Tail County Auditor James Bucl<1olz Chainnan, Board of County Commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota Upon motion the board then adjourned to 10o'clock A. M. February 10, 1965, WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. February 10th, 1965, all members being present. A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1448 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said resolution at 10 o'clock A. M. March 10th, 1965, and that due notice of the tim•e and place be given as required by law. A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District 1/1525 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said resolution at 10 o'clock A, M. March loth, 1965, and that due notice of the time and place be given as provided by law. A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1449 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said resolution at 10 o'clock A. M. March 10th, 1965, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. Upon motion Allison and Company was instructed to write the workmen's compemiation insurance policy which will expire on March 1, 1965, The 1:>ond of Holland• F. Winterfeldt in the sum of $10,0CO written in the General Insurance Company of America was approved, A motion was made and seconded that one member of the County Board attend the assessor's meeting in Minneapolis. The following ·statements of salary and emoluments were approved: S. B. Johnson, Auditor Olga 'l'orvik, Treasurer Myrtle Logas, Clerk of Court llelen E. Skramsted, Register of Deeds Russell Brooberg, Sheriff Owen v. ThOJl\pson, Probate Judge I I' I i.:;;-,,;;,------------------------------------322 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... February_.• 10 ·············································19 .... 65 IIC■lffl ,11■11■1 co■,a■, n.CLOID,■I •• • Harlan L. Nelson, Co. Atty. Vernon E. Bachman, Supt. of Schools James Bucholz, County Coumissioner Bennie J. Johnson, Co. Commissioner Otto Haase, County Conmissioner Harvey Morrill, County Commissioner The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County~ Minnesota, Whereas, the Col!'missj_oner Districts of Otter Tail County as presently constituted does not comr,ly with the Statutes, Whereas, the County Board having given published notice of their intentioh to redistrict the County as provided by Chapter 375.02 Minnesota Statutes Annotated; ~hereas, the public was given an opportunity to present their opinions, Now, Therefore, It is hereby resolved that Commissioner District 1/1 comprise the following_ territory: The Townships of Candor, Dora, Star Lake, Hobart, Edna, Dead Lake, Gorman, Perham, Rush Lake, Corliss, Pine Lake, Otto, Butler, Homestead, Newton and Paddock, the Villages of New York Mills, Perha91,Hich- ville, Vergas and Dent. That the Commissioner District 1/2 shall comprise the following territory: 'l'ownships of Norwegian Grove, Trondhjem, Oscar, Carlisle, Scambler, Pelican, Erhards Grove, Elizabeth, Fergus Falls, Dunn, Lida, Maplewood, Friberg, Aurdal, l-laine and Amor, the Villages of Pelican R,.pids, Erhard, Elizabeth, and that portion of Rothsay Village situated in Otter Tail County. That the Commissioner District 113 shall comprise the follo~territory: Townships of Nidaros, Leaf Mountain, Everts, Clitherall, Earle Lake, Sverdrup, 'l'ordenskjold, St. Olaf, !Jane Prairie, 'l'umuli, Buse, Aastad, Orwell and \o,estern, ~he Villages of Vining, Battle Lake, Clitherall, Underwood and Dalton and the First ~!ard of the City of ~·ergus Falls, That the Coll'missioner District #4 shall comprise the following territory: Townships of Blowers, Bluffton, Compton, Oak Valley, Woodside, kastern, Deer Creek, Inman, hlmo, Parkers Prairie, Leaf.Lake, Henning, Folden, Effington, Otter Tail and Girard, the Villages of Bluffton, Deer Creek, Parkers Prairie, Henning, Urbank and Ottertail. That the CoDlmissioner !Jistrict 1/5 shall comprise the following territory: Wards Two, three, and four of the t;ity of Fergus ~'alls. The above resolution was offered by Commissioner Haase and seconded by Commissioner Jotinson and carried by unanimous vote. Adopted this 10th day of February, 1965. Attest: S. D. Johnso~n'---'----- Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: James Bucholz Chairman Be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That, Whereas, House file 1/317 and Senate //53 proposing to recl1..1ce the assessed value of lake shore property, which bills will come up for consideration by the Legislature, is opposed by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, 1-:innesota, for the reason that it will considerably-reduce the assessed valuation of Otter Tail County which will place a much heavier burden in general taxes on the fanners, home owners, merchants and other tax payers in the munty who can ill afford to assume hjgher property taxes, Be it further resolved, that, a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Representatives Uoy E. Dunn and ·H. J. Henning and Senator Cliff Ukkelberg for their consideration. Adopted this 10th day of February, 1965. Attest: S. B. Johnson ClE.rk The following resolution was adopted: James Bucholz Chairman. Bennie J • Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Otto Haase Harvey 1-lprrill Be it resolved by the Board of County Coll'.missioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That, \'lhereas, bills proposing to establish a new system of County Courts for counties in V.inncsot.a including the county of Otter Tail which bill will be considered by the lei;;islaturc and, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE. February 10 ........................................ 19 .... 65 E28PI Whereas,we feel that this propoposed County Court system is not in the best interest of Otter Tail County, It is, therefore, resolved that this proposed bill be opposed by the C aunty Commissioners of Otter Tail County and, De it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Representatives Roy E. Dunn and II. J. Henning and Senator Cliff Ukkelberg for their consideration. Adopted this 10th day of February, 1965, Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following. bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Russell Brooberg Sidney Nelson Glen Nelby Andrew Lindquist Gordon H. Larson Gordon H. Larson Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe James Bucholz Community Planning & Design Assoc. Otto Haase Bernard Palubicki Hilbert Isaacson Arthur Espeland Geo . E. Jensen Nels Hanson Frank Alstadt , Mrs. S-. P. Adams, Jr. Lake Region H spital Jay L. Kevern~ Village of Perham Mason Publishing Company West Publishing Company Mrs. Dorothy ~·1etcher River Inn Coffee Shop Carlton E. Mortenson Carlton E. l•lortenson Paul W. Johnson Roger ~I. Heidorn Roger M. Heidorn Theo. Hegseth Melvin· Trosvik Arnold Evavold Fmil Boen Frank Robert:s State of Minnesota Eugene Davenport Robert· Shaw Donald 1/ionk Anton N. Glesne Region Seven Schedule Comm. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co, II II Gustafson Oil Company Gust Lagerquist & Sons Hintgen-Karst Electric Co, · Johnson Service Co. Wm. Galena & Son Fergus Glass & Paint Co. 1astgate l,i"1ber Company South Mill Standard Dacotah Paper Company Holten-Hardware Elsenpeter Hardware, Inc. Donald Lee, Sp. Dep. Merlin S. Rieman Edwin Ala Merlin S, Rieman Sharold Reynolds Raymond Haugrud Walter-Barden Andrews & Meister Drug City P.hannacy Falls -Drug Dr. Frank W. Veden Key Laboratories, lnc· Wester-n Union 1'elegraph · II Boarding Prisoners Expenses II (jailer) & mileage II II II II II II Services Attd. Planning Adv. Corns. II II II II II II utopsies corner's fees II II II II II II II II II II II James Bucholz Chairman Co. share municipal judge sal'y Digest Minn. Statutes Annotated bailiff . meals for jurors W.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. Sal'y II II II II II II E II II II E, II II w. II II II II II II II II Sal'y & Exp. II II II II II II II II II Weed In p. II II weed eradication expense Expenses II II II II II II II II Extra help & mileage Assessor's II schedules Calls fuel oil repairs labor & Materials repairs II supplies . II. gas supplies II II Sp. Dep. fees & Mileage II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Jailer guard & mileage medication for prisoner II II II II care of prisoner services telegrl!JII _.,.. $920.25 38.CO 197,50 1%.JO 49,50 101.21 91.72 60.25 41.75 41.75 J9,05 500.00 4.50 25,95 8.7J 10.50 4.50 · 8,71 25.20 3.,85 160.00 11.40 866.66 15.00 100.00 54.34 lJ.90 268.80 243,20 81.00 299.20 268.60 7,95 21.00 29.40 126.25 122.38 7J.21 131.42 84,05 139.63 46,CO 100.00 70.68 68.16· 710.29 18.60 211.16 17,60 14.85 . JJ.11 .84 4,40 3.98 12.16 33,28 58.50 5.00 15.co 7.00 30,00 8.00 5.00 9.50 8,70 6.25 8.00 10.00 2.80 ~ 323 t I I 324 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, .MINN. DATE ........... February 10 ............................................. )965 Municipal Supplies Dick Polipnick Mobile Radio & T. V. Serv. Central Chemical Company, Inc. Hint gen-Karst Raymond l•iotor Holten Hardware J. C. Penney l.ompany Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Co. Security Blank oook & Prtg. Co. Miller-Davis Company Knight Printing Company Nelson Bros. Prtg, Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Davenport's Gaffaney's The Pierce Company Ameri~an Guid~nce Serv., Inc. ~/hi ting's Office E.quipment Burrough's Corporation Burrough's Corp.-Todd Division Burrough's Corp,-Todd Uivision Perham Enterprise Bulletin The In!fependent The He~ning Advocate Battle Lake neview Pelican Rapids Press Northwestern Publishing Co. Fergus Falls Daily Journal Russell Brooberg Helen :i:,. Skramsted Helen i. Skramsted Vernon E.. Bachman ~iyrtle E.. Logas lmstad-Larson Inc. Sherin-Meland Agency Public Employee Heitrement Agency The Asi;oc. of Minnesota Counties 1965 State of Minnesota Helen E. Benshoof Helen E.. Benshoof Ruth Huether Ruth Huether E. O, T. Telephone Co. II II II II Davenport's Helen E.. Benshoof Helen E.. Benshoof Daven1-ort's Mrs. l!... H • Skoglund !-!rs. Mwin Skoglund ~irs. Alva Hellnrichs Mrs. Bill Dewey Mrs. Charles Ltwis Philip M. Kjaglien V. A. Hyan Philip M. Kjaglien Straub Company II Public Utilities Dept. Victor Lundeen & Co. Century Camera Inc. Artz Camera Supply Co. Cooper.' s Office Supply Secretarial Service Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co, wm. Galena & Son Elsenpeter Hdwe., Inc. Hintgen-Karst The Henning Advocate l!.verett C. Hanson, M. D. Bucholz Drug Kemper Drug Henry A. Korda, M. D. Mineral Springs Sanatorium W. F. Schamber, 1-1. D. Town of Dunn Town of Edna Town of Inman Town of Leaf Mountain Town of Pelican Town of Perham Town of Nidaros Village of Battle Lake Village of Clitherall Village of Underwood International HarvesLer Sales & Serv. ~,est l!.nd Texaco Edling llectric, Inc. Anderson Bros. Const. Co. dues Supplies pol~graph examintations service supplies II freight supplies sheets & towels supplies II II paper supplies II II pencils dater envelopes tests rental of machines adding machine repairs maintenance publishing pers. prop, tax .list II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II publishing postage II II II Adv. corns. pd. driver's lie. agts. insurance II retiranent dues audit expense expenses expenses II supplies calls & services ~ II II supplies postage manbership dues supplies Exp. attd. Nursing Bd. mtg. II II II II II II II II II II II II. II II II II mileage & expenses mileage & expenses machine rental & postage rent utilities supplies· paper photo-paper supplies mimeographing letters calls & services repair supplies II subscription II II II II University Hospital Papers medication for T. B. patient II II II II II II II II II care of 1'. B. patient University Hospital papers poor expenses II II II II II II pa ts & labor II II rewiring labor & maLerials $ 3,95 100.CO 89,73 15,40 J.CC 6.51 .9.40 46,20 405,69 47,40 367.39 J2.J6 465,70 263,63 112,78 6.24 7,33 20,43 6.25 150,CO 590.00 116.95 72.00 604.00 311,75 6.CO 899,40 768.69 385,00 1591.26 15,CO 25.00 50,00 27.85 12.25 956,00 51).67 139CO.ll 900.00 3780,94 99,05 79.07 45,05 . 3,71.. 14.11 15,78 3,34 5,00 10.00 7,10 9,15 9,15 13,50 J.00 4,95 77,40 8.10 6.00 50,00 1,.99 6.25 42,50 1,J.89 94,75 4,10 25,85 27,77 9,51 1.49 5,50 3,75 6.00 9.12 19,30 JO.CO 60.)7 24,0C 1690,93 51.13 648,93 260.21 1284.62 728,21 206.97 238,34 567.11 846.17 2).94 11.90 /,68.22 1698,58 P4 I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER.TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... :.:~.:'lary .10 ............................................... 19 .. 65. Anderson Bros, Caret. Co. Anderson Bros. Const. Co. Anderson Bros. Const. Co, Anderson Bros, Const. Co. Anderson Bros. Const. Co. Martindale-Hubbell, Ind, Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Northwest Engineering Co. Public Works Equipment Co., Inc. The George T. Ryan Co, hm H. Ziegler Co,, Inc, Bertel"son Welding Dillon hlectric Co, Ebersviller lmplement Co. Harper' s Electric Hi-\~ay Garage International Harvester Jim Larson Ford, Inc· Larson Welding Lyon Htg. & Air Conditioning Olson Auto Electric Paulson Tire ~hop Perham Blacksmith & tJ elding ReBon Chevrolet Co. Rude Garage Stadum Repair §hop Stan's Garage Suhr Ford Sales, Inc, Super GMC Truck Sales 1'helen Implement Vaughn Chevrolet Co. Vergas lfotor Service \1alt' s Repair Shop N. Y .M. Lewis Waskosky Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. Speedometer Service & Instr, Co, Mueller Reproduction Service Bluffton Hardware Coast-to-Coast Stores, B. L. 11 ·11 11 11 Perham General Trading Co, National Bushing & Parts Co, Perham Farm Supply '-'o, Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Vergas Hardware Co. Welders Equipment Paper, Caln1enson & Co, Orlyn Pederson Co, Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Irwin G. Woodworth Doc's Tire Service Firestone Store Dalton Grain & Feed Pelman Transfer Raymond Motor Trans. Co, Village of Battle Lake Walter Butler _Engineering Co, Otter Tail Power Co, H. A. Hogers Co. Mpls. Blue Printing Co. l'ergus Falls Daily Journal Construction Bulletin American Road Builders' Assn. Minn. Dept. of Highways Public Employees Retirement Assn. Davenport's Poucher Prtg. & Lithe. Co. Panama Carbon Co. Pierce Company Victor Lundeen & Co. E.O.T, Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co. F. F, Midwest Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co., F. F. Pelican Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co., Henning Wendell P. Huber Wendell P. Huber To~m of M'fington Bengtson Oil Co. Consumers Co-op Oil Co., Henning Co-op Ser1eices, Inc, NYJ.I Dan's Texaco Service Farmer's Co-op Cry. Assn, D. C. Fossen Oil Company Hank's East Side Service Henning DX Service Highway Co. Service Station Hoot Lake Pure Oil Kraemer Oil Co. 1-!ayo' s Standard Service Ray's Oil ~ompany labor & materials labor remodeling · install air conditioner bulletin board law directory..-- parts parts;. II II II repairs II II II supplies grader blades cabinets gravel II tires II coal freight II water charge services prints II supplies Adv. for bids II II dues services P.E.R,A. supplies II II II II II service & tolls II II II expense II II II II II II II II cash advanced special aid gasoline II gas, etc. gasoline gas, etc. gasoline gas, etc. gasoline II II gas, etc. gasoline gas, etc. $ 1571.0C 1483,00 1046,24 522.00 15.60 70,00 906,42 350.00 120,01 296.40 281.05 27.40 5.00 152,83 6.50 5,75 31,.01 1.50 1.8.00 18,55 66,98 2.50 29.05 1.65 .8.25 20,00 17,8.8 78.59 22.45 16,75. 32,42 28.18 22.60 5,00 285,00 8,24 40.08 28.08 24,78 9,31 408,25 68;66. · ;Ll,83 138,47 68.87 76,92 957,45 550.50 130,00 32,50 102,45 65.00 151.90 18,79 15,75 5.00 1472,04 65.28 78,49 208.11 58,51 44;10. 7.50 487,46 23,006.88 303,28 2.49 30,78 56,75 76,79 20.20 66.68 19.03 73,62 10.99 11.55 161.53 14,17 300.00 73,37 35.62 37,95 109.26 314,15 50.52 156,96 67.26 82,38 59,67 390.70 29,37 85.68 325 . COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 11e■11n ,■11n • co■,an n.cLOH ■1■■• I-DOI Riverside Pure Service Oil Company, B. L. Service Oil Comapny Und. Twin' s· Motor Co • Unde:n.~od Service Co. West End Texaco Wold Mobil Service D-A Lubricant Co. Nundahl Oil Co. Penrose Oil Comapny Standa-rd Oil Company B. L. Standard Oil Company N. Y. M. Bluffton Oil Company Fossen Oil ~ompany The ·oil Stare Olson Oil Company Par. Pra. Standard Oil Co. 11 11 Ted's Oil Company Henning Susan M. & Ken Connor Rangvold Christopherson Ben Van Santen David Suchy · Selmer· Halvorson Howard Uhren Oscar J. Sandahl Tony's• Cafe M. L. Harris Lloyd Frederick Andrew Westerback Geo. Brauch Harry Scofield \-Jrn. Horn Richard Simmons Elmer frish Rose Nedreau Louis Price John Kneisl Anna Goedel Philemon Lohse rtobert Rowan Harold· L. \-linters Genuine Parts Co. Howard· K. Uhren, Adm. DATE .............. f..e.Qr.llfil:Y-.. l.Q ........................................... 19 ... .65 gasoline gas, etc. II II II II II II II II II II diesel oil II II II Fuel II II II II fuel oil, etc. II II II II II II II II II II Hight of Way supplies Right of \fay Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. ~:arch 9th, 1965. $ 78.93 31,7.68 164.25 68.81 163.42 53.23 87.00 201.JO 75.60 68.58 253.63 79.CO 163.28 379.20 92.10 58.00 43.50 60.80 1100.00 80.58 6J.90 71.13 81.00 210.35 65.25 2.CO 9.40 lJ.20 68.73 24.60 JO.SO 46.50 75.JO 4.80 69.40 121.35 17.40 29.43 11.00 61.23 60.00 1,1.02 47.78 -= COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... }!~!'.~h .. 9 .......................................................... 19 .. 6 5 "=:! ~tM•n--11118-COU,111!, n CIOHD ■PH E-2108 l•!Ull.lTE"S OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE. BOARD OF COUNTY CDMl•iISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, r.;~NNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. 1-1. March 9 -1965 all menbers being present except Commissioner Haase who was ill. ' ' The County Auditor was instructed to call for bids on 4 -Ind. Wheel Tractors with 1/2 cubic yard front end loaders, bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. April 6, 1965. The County Auditor was instructed to call for bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A. M. April 6, 1965 for the following bridge: S •. A. P. 56-683-04, Bridge 56509 (CSAH 83) 3 -31 ft. precast concrete spans, 321611 roadway, located over Otter Tail River 5 miles northwest of Battle Lake. (Plans $3.50) The Board having previously advertised for bids for grading and gravel wearing course located on CSAH 21 from 0.4 miles S. of C.H. 1/118 to S. junction of CSAH #24 and on CSAII #24 from 2.6 miles East of Rothsay to 3.2 miles East of Rothsay on CSAH #21 proc·eeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: · Ed Zinunennan Michaelson Bros. Inc. Clifford Strom John Dieseth Comp~y Bain Bros. Construction Sellin Bros., Inc• Strom Construction Co. Russell McCarty Kern & Tabery Arne Anderson & Son, Inc. Kahlstorf Construction Dan Conroy & Son Bar-rett, Minn. Madison, M; nnesota Brandon, M;nn. ~·ergus Falls, Minn. Clarissa, Minn. Hawley, Minn. Moorhead, Minn. Frazee, Minn. ·sebeka, Minn. Ada, Minn. Lake George, Minn. Dumont, Minn. $74,117.45 78,413.72 79,061.68 83,793.86 85,995.30 86,034.90 79,479.81 87,195.91 94,436.50 99,499.64 118,665.79 88,047.12 After Consideration the contract was awarded to Ed Zinunerman for the sum of $74,117.45. The Board having previously advertised for approximately 50 thousand gallons SC oil and 120 thousand gallons of MC proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Northwestern Refining Co. W. H. Barber Oil Company Standard Oil Hydrocarbon Specialties, Inc. Western Oil & Fuel Co. Richards Oil Company St. Paul Park, 1-qnn. Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn• Joplin, Missouri Minneapolis, Ninn. Minneapolis, Minn. SC .117Oper gal. • 1177 per gal. .1207 per gal. .1197 per gal. . n 75 per gal • .1175 per gal. MC .1270per gal. .1277 per gal • .1282 per gal. .1297 per ga.. .1275 per gal_. .1275 per gal. Upon motion the contract was awarded to the Nnrthwestern Refining Company of St. Paul Park, Minnesota. The Board authorized Wendell P. Huber to become a member of the Advisory Study Group for function of highway patrol supervision and services on Minnesota highway traffic study. A petition bearing numerous signers asking for the construction of County Aid road #140 beginning at State Highway #29 and one 8fte and one half miles South of Deer Creek, thence due west, was read and upon motion it was ordered placed on file. The statements of fees and emoluments received by Carl J. Lund, corDner, and Selvin W. Deckman was approved. The following were granted licenses to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors: Robert & Jerry Schulz Fritz Hjeltness Clarence Campbell Albert L. Nelson Carlyle Reiter Stanley Butkus Leona Swenson Clifford Haukos Ten Mile Lake Resort Arrowhead Point Resort Hilltop Supper Club Woodland Beai:h Woodland Park Graystone Lodge Perry's Place Last Resort ToM1 of Tumuli Town of Leaf Lake Town of Hobart 'l'o~m of Everts Town of Girard Town of Everts Town of Dora Town of Elizabeth Dance license was granted to Clifford Haukos, Last Resort on Long Lake, Town of Elizabeth. The following applications for homestead classifications were approved: Ernest Rantala Dottie Jell:ll Haack Walter A. Quiram David Keppers Dale Lyden Dale .. J. Peterson Margaret Matbwick & Laura Medenwaldt SEt; SEt; Section 36-136-38 and the SEt; NEt; and the NWt; SEt; except part South of RR and the w½ NEt; Section 1-135-38 N½ NEt; Section 32-131-39 s½ SEt; Section 5-135-40 Ni SWt; Section 21 and the E½ E½ of the SEt; Section 20-134-36 SEt; SEt; and the NWt; SEt; and the S} NEt; SEt; of Section 30-136-43 SEt; and the sv:1; or" the NEt; Section 24-133-44 One half exemjltio!fn s½ NEt; and ll.ots 1 and 2, Section 4-131-44 ~ 3271 I, I i I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, M.INN. DATE....... March 9 ..................................... , ................. 19 ..... 9.5 a n1 11■-co■,a■, a.CLOUD ■r■ E-Dii The application of George C. Mullen for reduction of assessment on building on the W} Nit¼ of Section 8-134-41 was granted. The building had been removed several years ago. The following applications for correction of assessment on personal property were approved: D. II. Culver Knutson Outdoor Advertising Co. Harold Meeck Alfred Moltumeyer Roy Crossfield To~m of Dunn .'l'own of 'l.'ordenskjold Town of Oak Valley Town of Lida Town of Everts No Household exemption given Sign for which they were assessed haij been removed before. assessment time. Was assessed for milking machine sold at auction in 196J. Not given household exanption Assessed for boat and motor which was assessed in Hobles Co. . The following applications for correction of real estate and personal property assessraents were approved and it was recommended to the Corrinissioner of Taxation that they be granted: Axel Soderlund Agi.l ve M. Larimore Pat.cliff Gravel Inc. Reuben R. Anderson ~,alter Goedel Lei:lue Adelsman Helge Carlson Floyd Stenerson Howard Hintsala Arthur Carow Alvin Seifert Part of Lot 7, Block 5, All of 8 through 12 Frazee's 1st addn. to Pelican Rapids Town of Dunn, s½ of Lot 17 and the N½ of Lot 18, Block l, Pelican Point. Town of Aurdal Town of Maine, Lots 4 and 5 except tracts Section 14 Town of Oak Valley NW¼ NE¼ and the NE¼ Nii¼ Section 12 Personal property Village of Elizabeth Personal Prope~ty Town of Star Lake Personal Property Towri o"f St. Olaf Personal Property 'l.'o~m of Otto Personal Property Tm·m of Gonnan 'l.'own of Dunn Buildings previously reduced but not taken into consideration on this.year's assessments. Remocjeling out of line with other cottages. Gravel pit on Ni W½ swi; of Section Jl over assessed. Too many acres assessed as nursery stock. Error irl\listing past~re and waste land. Over assessments. Dairy Cq,J-/S over assessed. Too many young cattle assessed. Household exemption not allowed. Seventeen head of cattle assessed twice. Taxes figured at non-agricultural instead of agricultural rate. Hobert \·!ellbrock Town of Aurdal Cows grossly over-assessed through error. stf-, The applications of LeRoy Peterson for reduction of assessment on the SE¼~and Lot J Town of Tordenskjold was rejected upon recommendation of the Town Board. The application of Edwin Boese, 'l'own of Oscar, for reduction of assessment. on Lot I,, NEi; NE/; Scclion 25 wes rejected upon recommendation of the Town Board. MINNJ:.SOTA DEPARTJ.IEN'l' 01' HIGHWAYS .,,fl Fl:.DERAL AID SECONDARY FORM NO. III Be it resolved that pursuant to Section lbl.Jb, Subdivisions l through 6, Minnesota Statutes l9bl, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent, contracts for the construction of portions of County State-Aid Highways specifically described as follows: County State-Aid Highway No. 59 from 2.8 Mi. S. of CSAH 40 to CSAH 40, l.O ~:i. E. of Vining, and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the tenns and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department. of Highways Agency Contract Fonn No. IV, a copy of which said fonn was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractural. obligations therein contained. · James Bucholz Chainnan. Attest: s. B. Jotmson Clerk -= COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ March .. 9 ·························································19 .. 65. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that, Whereas, the sum of $7653.58 in pa~,nent of repairs of Judicial Ditch #2 Otter Tail and Wilkin Counties was transferred from the County Revenue fund on February 15, 1954, Whereas, all the installments of taxes for the repair of Judicial Ditch #2 Otter Tail and Wilkin Counties have been extended, It is hereby ordered and directed that there be transferred from the accrunt of Judicial Ditch #2 Ot:ter Tail and Wilkin Counties the sum of $7653-58 to the County Revenue fund in repayment of the loan. Dated this 9th day of March, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that, Whereas, the sum of $9159.83 in payment of repairs of County Ditch #48 was transferred from the County Revenue fund on September 7, 1954, Whereas, all the installJnents of taxes for the repair of County Ditch #48 have been extended, It is hereby ordered and directed that there be transferred from the account of County Ditch #48 the sum of $9159.83 to the County Revenue fund in repayment· of the loan. Dated this 9th day of March, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boarci of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That, we: are in favor of legislation to set aside five per cent of the net highway user tax fund to be apportioned as follows: 80% to the trunk highway fund. 15% to a separate account in the County State-Aid Fund, identified ~s the County 'l'urnback Account. · 5% to a separate account in the Nunicipal State-Aid Street Fund, identified as the Municipal Turnback Account. Be it further resolved, that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the senator and representatives from Otter Tail County for their consideration. Adopted this 9th day of March, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10:00 A. M. March.10, 1965. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. March 10th, 1965, all members being present except Commissioner Haase. 329 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .. March 10 ········································.]9,65. I· 11 A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School Uistrict #1449 was taken up for final action, After listening to the statements of interested parties, the Board issued the following interlocutory order to-wit: I, STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss County of Otter Tail) I I I IN THE 1-!ATTEH OF THE msSOLU'l'lON OJ-' Common SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1449 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard. by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 10th day of March, 1965, at 10 o'clock A. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First--That said proceedings were instituted by: (c) A resolution adopted by the electors of said district at a legal ~eeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor. Second-That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1449 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: Independent School uistrict #545 (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDER1D, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1449, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #545 all monies, credits, funds, property both real and personal including taxes for the year 1965 and prior years collected after July 1, 1965, and all obligations of Common School Uistricl #1449 shall beoome the obligations of Independent School District #545, (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1449 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixe<! as the 1st day of July, 1965, Dated this 10th day of March, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman tloard of Clbunty Commissioners Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School Uistrict #1525 was taken up for final aclion. '/ After listening to the statements of interested parties, the Board issued the following interlocutory order to-wH: ',j ,I, I I 1 ,1 ,I' I I ·1, If STATE OF ~lINNl!.SOTA ) )ss Coi.nty of Otter Tail) lN Tllli MA'fTl:Ji OF THE DISSOLU1'ION OF Common SCHOOL DISTRIC1' NO. 1525 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at Court !louse in the City of l'ergus Falls in said '-aunty, on the 10th day of ~:arch, 1965, at 10 o'clock A. ~:., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and lhe Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First--That said proceedings were instituted by: (c) A resolution adopted b~, the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor. Second--That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being or the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and wi.11 be lo the best interest of the inhabiLants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; I NOh THl:J1l~F'Ol?E IT IS ORDEnW, 1'hat said l.ommon School District No. 1525 be dissolved and lhal the terrilory '. ~; embraced therein be attached lo other existing school districts or· unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: 1), • St of the SWr; of Section 5 Township 132 Range 40 to Conur,on School Uislrict f/1383; ·I\ ;:,ii The entire balance of said Common School "istrict //1525 to Independent School Dislrict //542. I 1111 ,, ~--(3) IT I!.i FUICTHEI! ORUWlliD, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School Uistrict No. 1525, be '1'·,''' I distributed as follows, to-~~t: il'.-11\ ~:~ i~~~;:n~~~~ 0 !c~!:ir~~!t~I~~ 3 ;;~il~7.30.C of all monies, credits, funds, properly both real and P, . I personal including laxes for the ,year 1965 and prior years collected after July I, 1965, and lhal all 11 .J!1 ,, _______ _,_ __________ o_b_l_i_e_a_t_i_o_n_s_o_f_c_·o_rnm_o_n_s_c_ho_o_1_U_i_s_t_r_i_c_t_N_1_5_2_5_s_h_a_1_1_b_e_co_m_e_t_h_e_o_b_l_i_ra_t_1_· o_n_s_o_f_C_o_mm_o_n_s_c_h_o_o_l_Uist rict ~..... Hl38J and IndepEndent School Uistrict #542 by the same percentages. 5 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. ~~:ch .. 10 ................................................ .lD .65 . .. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common Schoql District No, 1525 is None Dollars, (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of July, 1965, Dated t.his 10th day of March, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Board of County Co1I111issioners Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor A resolution askihg for the dissolution of Common School District //1464 was t.aken up for final action. After listening to the statema,t of interested parties, the ·Board issued the following interlocutory order to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF Common SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1464 The above entitled matter crune on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at Court House in the City of Fergus Falls, in said County, on the 10th day of March, 1965, at 10 o'clock A. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First--That said proceedings were instituted by: (c) A resolution adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the clerk of said district to the County Auditor. Second--That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the fac:t,s adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW. THEREfORE IT IS OHDERED, That said Common School District N0 • 1464 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: Independei;it School District f545 (J) IT IS f'URTIIER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District N0 • 1464, be distributed ~s follows, to-wit: To Independent School.District #545 all monies, credits, funds, property both real and personal including taRs for the year 1965 and prior years collected after July 1,.1965, and all obligations of Common School District #1464 shall become the obligations of l~dependent School District #545, (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1464 is N0 ne Dollars. (5) The propqsed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of July, 1965. Dated this loth day of March, 1965, James Bucholz Chainnan Board of County Commissioners Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1448 was taken up for final action. After consid~rable discussion and careful consideration by the Board, the petition was rejected. A petition asking for the dissolution of Comma~ School District #1404 was read and upon motion it uas ordered that a hearing be had on said petition at 10 l'clock A. M. May 12, 1965, and that due notice of the time and 'place be given as required by law. A.Fesolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1419 was presented to the Bmrd. Upon motion it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M. May 12, 1965, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The County Superintendent of Schools was authorized to hire a secretary when required at a salary not to exceed $225,00 per month. The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids for one four-wheel I~ternational Scout or Equal, bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. April 7, 1965, Th~ followi11g names were submitted to the Department of Public Welfare from which to select a lay member of the County lfolfare Board: Mrs .• Douglas Haugen, Pelican Rapids, Minn. Helen Hillstrom, Vergas, Minn. Mrs. l•lerle Loomer, Haute 4, Fergus Falls, Minn, I 11 :I . I I I l I ,f I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... March .10 .................................. . 19 .... 65 1a:■■1n n1■11■• CO■MH, n,CLODD,■I■■• E-DIW The fol,lowing resolution was .adopted: llliSOLVED by the Board of County 1,;ommissioners of Otter Tail County, i:innesota, that WHEREAS there is now pending before the House and Senate of the State of Minnesota, legislation intended to create a state-wide systen of public defenders, being House File 640 and Senate File 706, and 1-/Hli.!lliAS, this legislation would place the control of said public defender in the hands of a so-called Judicial Committee and thereby deprive the people of this community of the safeguards and control they now have through their County noards and through election, and \·,"HEREAS it appears this proposed system will definitely increase the cost of public defenders for indigent persons without an increase in the quality of that service as is now provided by local attorneys. NOi-/, THEREFOHE, BE IT RESOLVED that this legislation, now pending, which provides for a judicially appo,inted, created and controlled public defender system be rejected. Dated at Fergus ~·alls, Minnesota, this 10th day of March, 1965. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. OTTER T1UL BOARD 01' COllJ.:ISSIONERS James Bucholz Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Harvey Morrill The following bills were allowed:· Russell Brooberg Do Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Hussl;lll Brooberg Gordon H. Larson James Bucholz Sam Nycklemoe Bannie i. Johnson Otto Haase l!.verett C. Hanson, M. D. River Inn Coffee Shop Carlton E; Mortenson Theo. Hegseth Homer Sen Melvin Trosvik Edw. Hamsay Arnold l!.vavold Theo. Palmquist Eugene Dava,port Robert Shaw Donald 1-lonk Anton N. Glesne N. \·:. Bell Telephone Co. Do Vernon E. Bachman Do Gustafson Oil Company Do Gust Lagerquist & Sons, Inc. Hintgen-Karst Johnson Service Co. Wm. Galena & Son Holten Hardware Stein Chemical Co. General 'l'rading Co. Gamble's F. F. Merlin S. ltieman Cliff Pederson Edwin Ala \•,alter Barden Henry Lubitz Donald Lee Key Laboratories, Inc. Nunicipal Supplies United Chemical Co. l'ergus Plumbing & Heating General Supply ~o. SCM Corporation ~.iller-Davis Company Victor Lundeen & Co. Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. Nidwest. Printing l,;o, Davenport's Board of Prisoners expenses II II film expenses II II II II coroner's fees meals for jurors Serv. W.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. Sal'y & Exp. W. O. T. Soil Cons. Dist. II II II II II II II II II II II Attd. Extension meeting II II II expenses II II II II II II Extra help & mileage Co. Assessors' office II II II. II II II II Calls II expenses postcards, stamps & envelopes fuel oil II II maintenance & repairs repairs in Jail valve sten packing kits repairs supplies II II filters for humidifier Sp. Dep. Fees 11 11 mileage 11 11 11 & fees guard Sp. Dep. fees & mileage 11 11 mileage services badges Jail supplies 11 repairs at jail II II II maintenance supplies II II II Honorable discharge cards supplies $988.CO 104.70 195.20 177.10 53.70 112.30 17.70 11.70 11.50 15.50 10.25 24,65 236.80 15.90 18.30 19.20 9.38 4.50 2.33 137.15 l,7. 75 195.50 90.00 90.97 94.97 14.40 46.80 710.29 710.29 59.00 94.06 9.co 5.C() 2.6r/ 10.00 9.15 4,40 5.00 40.00 17.50 5.00 20.10 56.40 20.85 11.15 25,94 949.13 3.25 /,7.00 328.22 332.51 619.CO 317.40 6.50 6.85 =---- COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. March .. 10 ..................... . . .. 19 .. .6.5. ,., ... ,. ...... -..... The Henning Advocate Fergus Falls Daily Journal Perham Enterprise Bulletin Battle Lake Heview Pelican Hapip.s Press N9rthwestern Publishing Co. Helen I!.. Skramsted Myrtle E. Logas Helen E. Skra:rnsted Myrtle E. Logas Assoc. of Clerks of Uist. Courts Allison & "'ompany Mathison Insurance Agency Assoc. of Minn. "'aunties Helen E. Ben.sheaf Ruth Huether Ruth Huether E.a.st Otter Tail Telephone L:o. Philip M. Kjaglien Do Straub Company Public Utilities Dept. \·,m. Galena & Son Cooper's Office Supply Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Secretarial Service Victor Lundeen & Co. Century Camera Inc. Northwestern Bell Tele. Co. Mason Publishing L:o. West Publishing Co. Anderson Bro~. Const. Co. South Mill St;andard · International Harvester Co. Kemper Drug Stensrud & Emerson Drug. Co. Kemper Drug . Fergus Falls Clinic Drs. J. J. Warner&?. B. Schoeneberger Everett C. Hanson. M. D. Charles W. Lewis, M. D. Jay L. Kevern Township of ~eer Creek 11 11 Girard 11 • 11 St. Olaf Village of Henning City of Fergus Falls Village of He!1f1ing City of Fergu~ Falls Borchert-Inge.rsoll, Inc. Hall l!.quipment Inc. Northwest Engineering Co. Public ~,arks Equipment L:o., Inc. Road Machinery & Supplies Co. The Geo. T. Ryan "'o. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Handy Uovernor Sales Bertelson \o,elp.ing Harvey Bullock Don's Body & paiht Shop Hendrickx Imp~ement International Harvester Co. Jim's Garage~-C. Jim Larson Ford, Inc. Knutson hlectric Marlo Motors Matz & Greiff Minnesota Motor Co. Olson Auto Electric Schroeder & Koehn Stan's Garage Super GMC Truck Sales Uselman's Inc. Vergas Plumbing & Heating Wiµt•s Repair Paper, Calinenson & "'o. F. R. Steuart Plbg. & Heg. Warner Hardware Company M-R Sign Company The Bernard Company Roy Bruhn Coast-to Coast Store P.R. Everts Lumber Company General Trading Co. Holten Hardware Holten Lumber Company Otter Tail Grocery Co. Sigelman Hide & Fur-~o. F. R. Steuart Plwnbing & Htg. Co. Welders Equipment \olilcox Lumber Co. Henning publ. pers. prop. tax list publishing Tax notice publishing tax notice publ. pers. Prop. tax notice II II II II 11 convention to St. Paul II II II II II postage Adv. Corns. pd. driver's lie. agts. association dues workmen's compensation liability & auto co~erage information manuel expenses II postage services expenses postage & mche. rental rent utilities repairs supplies II letters supplies letters calls & services Minn. Annotated & Cur. Dig. Serv. 11 11 11 N. W. Reporter materials & labor gas repairs medication T. B. patient II II II II II II II II II II II care of T. B. patient University Hospital papers II II II poor expenses II II II II II II II II care of transients II II II parts II II II II II repairs cutting edges furnace supplies R & B Revenue $ 412.50 210.65 8.40 8.40 7.20 8.40 43.55 4').70 50.00 11.65 1.0.00 8897.50 1829.56 4356.72 2.00 86.52 38.58 5.71, 14.09 95.85 8.00 50.00 4.15 5.50 62.65 132.70 4.85 15.45 42.50 25,76 32.50 19.50 71.90 3.47 7.89 6.85 31.30 15.25 9.00 5.00 3.co 3.00 3.00 250.27 648.40 204.91 1802.38 6513.82 108.94 308.09 497.01 42.14 21.53 56.16 18.00 36.16 177.16 57.40 4.60 56.00 35.00 2.76 349.52 5.00, 9.50 27.00 6.50 2.70 22.32 19.60 3:75 8.60 178.05 ·1.43 5.00 46.36 1667.0l 950.00 70.71 458.50 11.44 13.48 14.07 13.15 348.64 11.99 27.34 55.85 55.96 3.00 25.84 4.63 '-'I \, 334 I I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. \lilkin '-ounty ~'irestone Store Dalton Grain & ~'eed Raymond Motor Trans. Inc. Moen Realty Walter Butler l!.ngineering l:o. Otter '!'ail Power Company Fergus Falls Daily Journal Victor Lundeen & '-o. Davenport I s N. ~1. Dell Telephone l;o. L F. E.O. T. Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone l;o. F. r'. Pelican Telephone l:o. DATE N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Henning Vergas Telephone l:o. Wendell P. Huber G.D. Harlow Wendell P. Huber H. W. Britt l!.ino Lillquist Alfred )icPeck A. E. Persson Signe Lillquist Charles E. Nikkari Albin J. Nikkari Elizabeth Nikkari Arthur G. Schwartz Laurie F. Salmela Arthur l',attie Aug. Juntunen Doris Putikka Edwin R. Putikka Art Blom · Lauri Pauna Charles Ljungren Reuben Leydens Clair J. Stone Bluffton Oil l.o. Consumers Co-op Oil Co. B. L. Conswners Co-op Oil Co. Henning llave's Standard Service l!.rnie's Pure Farmer's Co-op Cry. Assn. D. C. Fergus Oil l:ornpany l'ossen Oil L:011,pany J.m's Service Station John's 7-0 Service Narv's 116611 Meyer's Servii: e Station Olson Oil Co., Par. Pra. Otter Tail Co-op Oils, Inc. Perham l:o-op Oil Co. Ray's Oil Gornpany Twin's Motor Company Vergas Oil l:ompany Wold Mobil Service D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Arrow Petroleum Penrose Oil Co. Service Oil Co. Und. Bengtson Oil Co. l!.rhard Oil l.ompany Foo;sen Oil l;ompany Rinas Oil Company Soliah & Braatz Oil Co. March.10 .................................................... 19 65 .. maintenance tires coal freight insurance pl:ans prints ad for bids supplies service & tolls II II II II II expense II II II II II II II II II cash advanced Right of \,ay II II gas, etc. II II Gasoline II gas, etc. II II gasoline gas, etc. gasoline II II II II II gas, etc gasoline II gas, etc. gasoline oil diesel fuel II II II II fuel oil II II II II II II grease $ 799.67 350.44 35.00 J.75 49.00 371.73 11.84 22.51 11.91 lC.45 62.92 10.60 36.58 11.72 18.97 18.~l 175.78 12.50 30.33 lJJ.90 99.10 67.JO 53.90 25.80 142.40 34.80 1.60 61.30 66.65 135.25 40.JO J.85 79.60 27.70 77.10 J5.JO 44.00 20.20 264.93 283.39 105.43 1J6.87 · 65.05 181.58 71.45 52.97 132.02 251.45 79.65 98.36 159.75 112.03 309.90 90.74 121.74 274.84 88.75 97.90 502.18 68.54 75.00 139.50 18b.90 189.60 llJ.1,0 ?.CO The following bills were rejected by the County Board as not being legal charges against the eounty: Perham J.:emorial Hospital Drs. Bigler & Bigler Dr:, Chilrles1 ·W-. Lewis Dr .. Jay 1'.-·.Kevern $22.00 JO.CO 5.co 5.0(; Upon mo~ion the Board then adjourned to 10:00 A. M. April 6, 19b5. Attest: rchairman 5! COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... Am:il .. 6 ........................................................... 1965. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE OOARD OF OOCNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, ~IINNFSOTA. The Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. April 6th, 1965, all members being present. The doard having previously advertised for bids on Bridge #56509 located 6½ miles northwest of Battle Lake proceeded to open bids which wer~ found to be as follows: Korby Contracting Company Fergus Falls, Minnesota Thorson Construction Company Tracy, Minnesota Otto J. Eickhof & Sons Crookston, Minnesota Waa.ter Prahn Slayton, Minnesota Swingen Construction Co. Grand Forks, North Dakota Industrial Builders Inc. Fargo, !:North Dakota $32,557.60 36,8:74-70 39,670.18 39,910.30 41,724.00 47,107.40 After recomputing bids, a motion w~s made, seconded and carried that the contract be awarded to Korby Contracting Company of Fergus Fallsfor $32, 557.60. The Board having previously advertised for four Industrial Wheel tractors with half C. Y. loaders proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: International Harvester Sales & Service Fergus Falls, Minnesot. a Ebersviller Implement Company Fergus Falls, Minnesota Perham Farm Supply .Perham, Minnesota $3125.00 each 4226.25 each 3196.00 each After consideration a motion·was made, seconded and carried that the bid of International Harvester Company. of Fergus Falls be accepted in the amount of $3125.00 for each tractor. The Board having previously advertised for bids for one International Scout or equal proceeded to open bids. During discussion the equipment and accessories wanted were very confusing and it was decided to reject all bids. Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to re-advertise for bids for this equipnent, said bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. May 11, 1965. The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids for the following projects, bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A. M. May 11th, 1965: GRADE S.A.P. 56-675-08 (65) C.P. 65:75 Length 4.75j Miles, located from T. H. 210 12 Miles iadt of Henning and N~rth 4.753 miles to the junction with CSAH #50. GRADE & GRAVEL SURFACE S.A.P. 56-668-01 (65) c.P. 65:68 Length 0.999 miles, located from junction CSAH #75 10 miles northeast of Bluffton, East one mile to Wadena County line. S.A.P. 56-675-09 (65) C.P. 65:75 Length 4.374 miles, located from 9! miles Northeast of Bluffton, North 4.374 miles to CSAH #8. Upon motion the County Board authorized the Co11D11issioner of H~ghways to call for bids on behalf of the County for the construction of CSAH #59 from CSAH #40 south 2 and 3/4 miles. Upon motion made, seconded and carried the County Board agreed to pay for the Concord Bridge in the City of Fergus Falls to the extent'of $67,0CO.OO to be paid by the County Auditor on the City's engineer's estimate approved by the County Highway Engineer. Members of the Town Board o.f,' the Town of Everts appeared before the Board regarding a township road in Section 33. The Board authorized the Engineer to make a check. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, Wendell P. Huber was appointed County Engineer pursuant to statutes 163.07 sub-division 2. Upon moti;n the Highway Engineer ~s authorized to attend the meeting of the National Association of County Highway Engineers in Minneapolis on April 22, 23 & 24, 1965. . ~ ,I ,. ,, 'I ·I I ,,· COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ......... .Api:il. . .h ............ . ......................... 19 .. 6-j. E-- Licenses to hold public dances were granted as follows: Norman Craig Donald L. Schroeder Herman A. Weichert Arvid Tenney Donald H. Bondy "78" Club Town of Girard Schroeder's Resort Town of Elizabeth Babe's Resort Town of Perham Hi-Way Park Pavillion Town of Elmo Leafs Lake Pavillion Town of Leaf Lake Licenses for off and on sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted as follows: Earl Coffman Elvin Amtson Melvin Baas Gisle M. Froseth Franklin Olson Arnold Hemquist Robert D. Lasswell Gust Weiss Arthur Abraham Jim Vejvoda Rufus Hull Joseph H. Fink l!;mie Pederson Albert Januszewski Jack Hofland George Obright Wilmar Roberts Nonnan Craig Donald L. Schroeder Hennan A. Weichert Arvid TeMey Donald H. Bondy Alex Sepchenka Robert Carlson Eugene Pischke Kenneth Van Tassel Walter Klein Sr. Walter C. Shol Grant E. Leek Frances Conrad Floyd Collins Kenneth McNabb Fritz M. Otterson Jack L. & Edna Thompson Ethel Beach El's Resort: Triangle IM Pleasure Park Res, Frank's Place Balr.ioral Golf Course Pebble Lake Municipal Golf Course Shady Grove Resort Abraham's Resort The Lantem Hull's Landing Luce Ernie's Resort Lake Resort Countryside Grocery Boat House Red Eye Tavern 117811 Club Schroeder's Resort Babe's Resort Hi-Way Park Store Leaf Lake Resort Heilberger Resort Rocky's Resort Park Way IM Greenwood Resort Klein's Resort Walt's Tavern Maple Beach Resort Pine Lakes Lodge Collin's Landing Crystal-Lida Store Resort Heavenly Days Resort Town of Girard Town of Scambler 11 11 Rush Lake 11 11 Otter Tail 11 11 Inman Town of Otter Tail Town of Buse Town of Rush Lake Town of Dora Town of Rush Lake Town of Girard ToWI of Gorman Town of Star Lake Town of Perham Town of Corliss Town of Star Lake ToWI of Butler Town of Girard Town of Elizabeth• Town of Perham Town of Elmo Town of Leaf Lake Town of Friberg Town of Dora Town of Leaf Mountain Town of Otter Tail Town of Rush Lake Town of Friberg Town of Lida. Town of Corliss Town of Star Lake ToWI of Lida Town of Everts Town of Leaf Lake The application of Eva Jones for off and on sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors in the Township of Pine Lake was rejected upon recommendation of the Sheriff, The following applications for homestead classifications were granted: Howard Braton Hjalmer D. Shonblom David Holm Stanforii· Malcolm Gary D. Eckley NE/; NEt Section 24-136-1,3 Tract in Gov. Lot 3, Section 24, Township 132, Range 43 S\-1/; Section 32-133-38 Tracts in Section 34 and 35 Township 135 Range 40 Part of Lots 13 and 14, Block 5, Forest Lawn Addition. The following applications for reduction in assessed valuation of real estate were reconunended to the Commissioner of Taxation for allowance: Joel Jacobs Herbert & Olive Rostad Andrew westerback Mrs. Helen Gniffke Tract in Lot 7 lying South of Lots 2 & 3 Subrosa Beach in Sec. 11-136-43 Lot 6 and St SWt Sec. 27-134-41 NWt NWt and Nt of the SW/; Sec. 13-133-36 Tract in Gov. Lot 1 North of Lot 17 Sand Beach in Section 9-136-38 Over-valued Building assessed in error Too many acres of tillable land assessed. Assessed out of line with adjoining property. The following applications for correction of personal property assessments were recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for allowance: Leo Hendrickx Lester Mischke Donald V. noberts Gordon McDonald Town of Paddock Town of Newton Town of Otter Tail Town of hagle Lake Error in assessment Error in assissing Truck equipnent which was licensed. Clerical error in addition. All property sold before May illst, 1964. --~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ April_ 6 .................................................... 19 ... 6.5 Clarence Sundberg Town of Dora 135 stands of bees assessed which were also assessed in Richville where he lives. Edwin Stai M. L. Jenson Village of Battle Lake II II II II Household goods moved before May ·1, 1964. Did not receive household exemption. The petition of Hennan Bucholz for homestead classifications on land in Section 10, Town of Aurdal, was rejected upon recommendation of the Town Board, The petition of Ronald C. Sunmers for reduction of assessed valuation of personal property in the Township of Corliss was rejected upon recommendation of the Town Board. The application of Kenneth Richter for cancellation of personal property assessed in the City of Fergus Falls was recommended for allowance to the Commissioner of Taxation on the ground that it was a double assessment having also been assessed in Buse Township. Upon a motion made, seconded and carried the Chainnan of the Board and the County Auditor were authorized to sign a contract with the Federal Government for care of their prisoners at the County Jail. BE IT RESOLVED BY the County Board (County COIIUllissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the duly established and designated' County State Aid Highway No. 75 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, which begins at the approximate Southeast corner .of Section 3-Tl32N-R36W; thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning NortherlY, along the East line of Section 3 to approximately the East quarter corner of Section 3; thence Easterly and Northerly through Section 2-Tl32N- R36W, N0 rtheasterly through Section 2 to approximately the Southeast corner of""the SW! of the SE! of Section 35-133N-R36W, and continuing Northerly along or near the East sixteenth line through Sections 35 and 26 to approximately the Northeast corner of the NWt of the SEt of Section 26; thence Westerly along or near the East and West quarter line to approximately the interior quarter corner of Section 26, continuing Northerly along or near the N~rtp and South quarter line through Sections 26 and 23 to approximately the North quarter corner of Section 23-Tl33N-R36W, and there terminating. Beginning agian at a point approxiamtely'at the Southeast corner of Section 14-Tl33N-R36W; thence along the established centerlin~ of the public road described as follows; From said point of beginning continuing Northerly along the East line of Sections 14, 11, and 2-Tl33N-R36W, and continuing Northerly along or near the East lines of Sections 35,26,23, 14, 11 and 2-Tl34N-R36W, and continuing Northerly along or near the East line of Sections 35, 26, 23, 14, 11 and 2-Tl35N-R36W, and continuing Northerly along or near the East line of Sections 35, 26, 23, 14, 11 and 2-Tl36N-R36W to approximately the Northeast corner of Section 2-Tl36N-R36W, and there terminating. Beginning again at a point approximately at the South- east corner of Section 35-Tl37N-R36W; thence alohg·the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning Northerly along or near the East line of Sections 35, 26, 23, 14·, ll and 2 to a point on the Otter Tail-Becker County line, at approximately the N~rtheast corner of Section 2; thence continuing Westerly along or near said County line on the N rth line of Section 2; to approximately the Northwest corner of Section 2-Tl37N-R36W, and there terminating, the East half of said coutny line portion to be assigned to Otter Tail County and identified as Otter Tail County State Aid Highway No. 75, and there terminating; and whose general course on the West line of the W½ SW! of Section l-133N-R36W, is as follows: beginning at a point approximately on or near the Southwest corner of Section l-Tl33N-R36W, thence N0 rth 2°49• West 1401.9 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 2° curve (Delta Angle 109 391 ) for a distance of 532.5 feet, thence on tangent t.D said curve for a distance of 716.J feet and there tenui.nating; and whose general course along th~ West line of the NW! NWt of Section l-Tl33N-R36W is.as follows: beginning at a point approximately on the Northwest corner of Section l-Tl33N-R36W, thence South 00° 14' West along the West line of said Section la distance of 1127.9 feet, thence deflect to the left on a :ll curve (Delta Angle 5° 12') for a distance of 129.9 feet and there tenninating. That it is necessary for the safety of the public travel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed; That an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so altering said County State Aid Highway No. 75 in said sections aforesaid; That the general course of said County State Aid Highway No. 75 is not materially altered thereby; That the said Easement so to be procured is for public highway and road.purposes; that the same shall be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter described; That it is. neces~ary for th!e construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that additional right of way be procured to enable the construction of proper slopes and that an easement be procured to construct certain slopes and to maintain the same after the a>nstruction as provided in the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Highway Engineer at the Court House Annex in the City of ~·ergus Falls, Minnesota, the specific places where said slopes are to be a> nstructed, being particularly here- inafter described, that such easement for such construction of slopes cease on or before December 31, 1965; That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that an easement for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public highway purposes, and upon the lands adjoining the same; That the lands so to be taken for public highway and road purposes and subjected to easement as afore- said, are situated in the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail and described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL NO. 10 A strip of land extending over and across the ibllowing described tract: The West Half of the Southwest Quarter (W} SW!) of Section l-Tl33N-R36W, except tract, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of fifty feet on either side of the following described csi:iterline: Beginning at a point on or near the Southwest corner of Section 1-Tl33N-R36W, thence Northerly 2 49' West 1401.9 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 2b curve (Delta Angle 10° 391) for a distance of 5?2.5 feet, thence on tangent to said curve for a distance of 716.3 feet and there tenninating; -~---[ 338 I I· ,, 1' I 'I ( I ! I ,I •:1 ,1111 ,, . . I! ''I r,·, ' .. d. 'I· · 1 I" 1· 'I i-~, ''t ! ,., I I' lil :.ii'. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IICHffl n1m■-ca■P.a■I n.CLOID ..... excepting therefrom right of way of existing highway, containing 1.07 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before Decanber Jl, 1965 on the following described tract: A strip of land 12 feet wide on the East side of ·the roadway begiMing at a point 1880 feet North of the Southwest corner of Section 1, thence Northerly for 600 feet and there terminating, said strip to adjoin the outside line of said right of way and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. PARCEL NO. 12. A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NWi NW¾) of Section l-TlJJN-RJ6W, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of fifty feet on either side of the following described centerline: Beginning at a point approximately on the Northwest corner of Section l-TlJJN-RJ6W, thence South 00° 14 1 West along the West line of said Section la distance of 1127.9 feet, thence deflect to the left on a 2° curve (Delta Angle 5° 121 ) for a distance of 129.9 feet and there tenn:i.nating. excepting therefrom right of way of existing highway, containing 1.05 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before Decanber Jl, 1965 on the following described tract: A strip of land 22 feet wide on the East side of the roadway, beginning at a point 970.01 South of the Northwest corner of Section l-TlJJN-RJ6W, thence Southerly for 287.8' and there tenninating, said strip to adjojn the outside line of said right of way and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire said easement across additional lands aforesaid for public road and-highway purposes; to acquire said easement and additional right of way for construction and slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said easement for the erection of snow fences and let the same forthwith duly be begun and prosecuted. Dated this 6th day of April, 1965. A'ITEST: S. B. Johnson County Auditor By the Board of County Commissioners of OTTER TAIL c;UNTY __ J~am=-e_s;;....;;B_u_c~h_o~l~z ___________ Chainran RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM>iISSIONERS OF OT'l'ER Tl.IL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. WHEREAS, there is now pending in the Legislature of the State of >:innesota a bill designated as H.F. #1299, entitled "A Bill for an Act Relating to Moneys in the State Treasury; Abolishing D!!dicated Funds Bxcept in Certain Cases;" and WHEREAS, said Bill is designed to abolish certain dedicated 1\Jnds with the proceeds to be transferred to the General Revenue Fund; and WHEREAS, the provisions of this Bill would make it possible to transfer all of the investment earnings from the various Highway Users Tax Funds into the General Revenue Fund; and wHhREAS, it is felt that such provisions are undesirable and that the Bill as propose<! is ambiguous and would not serve the best interests of Otter Tail County; and WHERE.AS, if this bill were to become law it is estimated that Otter Tail County would lose in excess of $20,000.00 per year in interest from the County State Aid Highway Fund; NOW,· THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, do hereby oppose the passage of H. F. #1299 entitled "A Bill for an Act Relating to Moneys in the State Treasury; Abolishing Dedicated Funds Except in Certain Cases'!. BE IT ~lJRTHER RESJLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be sent to Hon. Roy Dunn, Hon. H. J. Henning, and Hon. Clifford Ukkelberg, Representatives and Senator, respectively, from Otter Tail County. Dated April 6, 1965 • James Bucholz Chainnan, Board of County Commissioners S. B, Jopnson County Auditor Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. April 7, 1965. Attest: Chainnan ~~~-~-----'------------------------------------------ 5 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. A1n:il .7 ................................................ 19 .. 65 WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. April 7, 1965, all: members present. A petition asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1471 was read and it ~as ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M. May 12, 1965 and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law, A petitio~ of Orville Je~sen. asking that Lots J and 4 and the W½ of the E½ of the NE-1; Section 23-132-42 be set off from Common School District #1387 to Common School District #1401 was·read. Upon motion it was ordered that a hear~ng be held ?n said petition at 10 o'clock A. M. May 12, 1965, and that due notice of the time and place be given as provided by law. A petition of C. A. Ukkelberg asking that the Et; of Section 5-132-39 be set off from School District #1488 to District #542 was read. Upon motion it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M. May 12, 1965, and that due notice of the time and place be given as provided by law. Upon motion the sum of $800.00 was appropriated to the Otter Tail County Historical Society for the year beginning July 1, 1965. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION OF The County of Otter Tail BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The County Board of Otter Tail, hereafter known as the governing body, of the County of Otter Tail, hereafter known as the Community, hereby requests that the Department of Business Development, State of Minnesota, make application for an urban planning assistance grant from the Federal Housing and Home Finance Agency, as authorized under Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, as amended, for the purpose of providing planning assistance to the collllllunity. The governing body of the community hereby agrees to contribute $16,JOO.OO in cash and $Q.OO in services of employees of the community to the Department of Business Development, when it is required, for the planning purposes as hereinafter set forth. The community contribution, as herein specified, represents one-third of the cost of the proposed planning work. Clarence W. Peterson is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the community to enter into an agreement with the Departmeht of Business Developnent, State of Minnesota, in furtherance of its request for federal matching funds for planning purposes. The money so contributed and the services so pledged shall be available for expenditure and use by the Department of Business Development, State of Minnesota, when they have secured a matching federal grant. The money. so deposited shall bear no interest and shall be returned to the ·community if federal matching funds are not secured. Adopted this 7th day of April, 1965 (SEAL) Signed: James Bucholz Cha.±nnan of County Board Attested: s. B. Johnson County Auditor & Clerk of the Board. RESOLUTION OF THE a>UNTY BOARD OF Otter Tail County, State of Minnesota. Commissioner Otto Haase presented the following resolution: WHEREAS, The legislature of the State of Minnesota by Laws 1957, Chapter 644 did authorize the Commissioner of Conservation to acquire wildlife lands such as marsh or wetlands and the margins thereof, including ponds, small lakes and stream bottoms; and w~EREAS, The purchase of such lands requires the approval by a majority of the Board of County Com- missioners in the county where the land to be purchased is located; and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Conservation through his authorized agents has requested the approval of the County Board for purchase of the following described land to be used for water and wildlife conservation purposes; and WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners has had available to it the advice and counsel of the Soil Copservation District organized within the county; and w~EREAS, The acquisition and preservation of water and wildlife conservation lands is in the public interest. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the approval be given to the purchase by the Commissioner of Conservation of the following described lands, to-wit; INMAN WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT UNIT -(All lands located in T .lJJN. ,R.J7W.) Tract 1 -s½ SE/; Sec. 21, swi-SWt; Sec. 22, W½ NW¼ & SE¼ NWt; & w½ NEt; NW¼ Tract 2,2a -SWt; Sec. 27. NE! Sec. 28, N JO rds of NW¼ SE¼ Sec. 28, SW¼ NEk Sec. 33 (Tax Forfeit) Tract 3 -S. 30 rds. of NW¼ SE¼ Sec. 28 (J. H. Marketon) Tract 4 -E~' SE; Sec. 28 (Frank Eastland) Tract 5 -S N'ilt; & sw¼ & SWt; SE¼ Sec. 28 (Arnold Swanson) Tract 6 -N NE¼ Sec. 32 (Jacob Hursh) Tract 7 -S NE¼ Sec. 32 (D. L. Swedberg) Tract 8 -N'i/f; & N'ilf; N'ilt; Sec. 33 (Fergus Falls Wetlands Club) Tract 9 -E NEt; & NWt NWt; Sec. 33, NWt Sec. 34 (A, R, Bennett) Tract 10 -Ei SW¼ & SW¼ NW¼ Sec. 33 (F,dwin Hofferbert) Tract 11 -N½ SEt; Sec. 33 (John Eckhoff) Sec. 27 260.00 375.00 25.00 80.00 280.00 80.00 so·;oo 120.00 280.00 120.00 80.00 acr. yr-.. ,."-~-----------------------------------------340 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... J\,p.r.il. .. 7. ...................................•.............•........ 19 .. 65 .. ID ■••• E•ZICIII Tract 12 -Si swi Sec. 33 (Albert I. Anderson) Tract 13 -W SWt Sec. 34 & SEt SE¾ Sec. 33 (MiM. Conserv. Dept..) Tract 14 -E SWt; Sec. 34 (W. W. Stone) Tract 15 -W \•ii SW1; NE¾ & Wt; SW! NW¾ NEt Sec. 34 (Mabel Gribbon) Tract 16 -W Wt W½ SE¾ Sec. 34 (Walter VanEvery) Tract 17 -SW/; SE!; Sec. 33 (Hattie Myklebust, et al) so.co 120.00 80.00 15.00 20.00 40.CO Total acreage 2,135.00 That said lands are to be acquired and preserved by the State of MiMesot~ for water and wildlife a> nservation purposes. Adopted April 7th, 1965 James Bucholz Chainnan. At.test: s. B. J0hnson Clerk. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF <DUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER 'l',UL <DUNTY. MINNESOTA wHEREAS, there is now pending in the legislature, designated as Senate File #826, a bill WQich would extend the jurisdictional limits of municipalities in planning and zoning matters from 2 miles to 3 miles beyond the incorporated limits of the municipality; and WHEREAS, the extention of such authority would conflict with county planning and zoning; and tlHFREAS, it is felt that where county planning is in progress the county planning cormnission should have jurisdiction of such areas; NOW, THmEFORE, be it resolved that the Board of County '-ommissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota, opposes Senate File #826 to the extent that it extends the jurisdiction of incorporated municipalities from 2 miles to 3 miles. Dated: April 7, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman. Attested: S. B. Johnson Clerk Resolution of the Board of County Collllllissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: WHEREAS, West Central Turkeys, Inc. of Pelican Rapids, Otter T11il County, MiMesota, is planning an expansion of their present plant facilities; And, Whereas, such expansion will necessitate the construction of a railroad spur track to coMect with the Great Northern Railroad tracks in Pelican Rapids, Minnesota; And, Whereas, it appears that the track of such spur track will necessarily be across certain tax for- feited land as hereinafter described; Now, Therefore, in consideration of the future expansion of the West Central Turkeys, Inc., and the erection, construction, maintenance and operation of a spur track from the Great Northern Railroad tracks to the West Central Turkeys, Inc., plant and other good and valuable consideration; BE IT RESOLVED that there is hereby granted to West Central Turkeys, Inc. of Pelican Rapids, MiMesot.a, a perpetual easement and Hight of Way for the construction, erection, maintenance and operation of a railroad track over and across the following described tax forfeited land in the Village of Pelican Rapids, Minnesota: A strip of land 75 feet in width and being 37.5 feet on either side of a central line described as follows, to-wit: BegiMing at a point 46.0 feet. West and 80 feet South of the S. W. corner of Lot 15, Jacob's Addition to the Village of Pelican Rapids, thence South and parallel to West line of the above described Lot for a distance of 34,0 feet, thence deflect to the left on a 12 deg. 30' curve (delta angle 69 deg. 33') for a distance of · 556.0 feet, thence continue on tangent to said curve for a distance of approximately 650 feet and terminating within the limits of West Street, Frazee's 3rd Addition to the Village of Pelican Rapids, and being in the Ni of the NWi of Section 27, Township 136N, Range 43W of the Fifth Principal Meridian according to the United States survey thereof; Said easement to remain in full force and effect so long as said property is being used for railroad purposes in the expansion of a railroad track. Adopted April 7, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman. -- --COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNT-Y,-M-I~N-. ----·------·=-3-4~1~·, DATE .......... ~.P.r.~l-.. 7 ....................................................... 19 6S. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Russell Brooberg Sidney Nelson Glen M. Melby Richard N','ulieb Gordon H. _ Larson James Bucl)olz Bennie J. J~hnson Sam Nycklemoe Carlton E. Mortenson Roger M. Heidorn Roger M. Heidorn Arnold Evavold Harold Skistad Edwin Skoglund Jeff Tikkanen Mac Tobkin John Meyer Herb Woods Eugene Davenport Fmil Boen Donald Monk Anton N. Glesne Robert Shaw Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Do Do Vernon E .. Bachman Mrs. Arlen H. Wahl Gustafson.Oil Co. Wm. Galen~ & Son Johnson Service Co. Costello Manufacturing Co. Ebersviller Implement Co. Do Do Dacotah Paper Co. Duro-Test Corporation Roger L. ijanson Henry Lubitz, Sp. Dep. Gary Nelson Village of Henning Mrs. Elizabeth Cook Key Laboratories, Inc. Mobile Radio & T. V. Serv. W. S. Darley & Co. Swanson Equipnent Fergus Plumbing & Htg. Fergus Jobbing, Inc. Western Cbemical Co. Markstrom Drug City PhanI)acy Village of Perham SCM Corpo:i:ation Burroughs.Corporation Miller-Davis Company Victor Lundeen & Co. Daniel Franklin Secretari~l Service Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Poucher Prtg. & Lith. Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Monroe International, Inc. Gaffaney's Houghton-Mifflin Co. Farnham1s. Johnson Drugs Conmercial Art Service The Independent Pelican Rapids Press The Henning Advocate The Indep~dent Battle Lake Review Fergus Falls Daily Journal Vernon E. Bachman Helen E. Skramsted Myrtle E. Logas Myrtle E. Logas Helen E. Benshoof Ruth Huether }-lrs. Douglas C. Haugen Mrs. Ed Skoglund Mrs. Otto Fjestad Mrs. Art Bakke Mrs. Robert H. Johnson Helen E. Benshoof Gaffeney1s Cooper's Office Supply Boarding Prisoners expenses II II mileage expenses II II II Sal1y w.o.T. Soil Cons. Dist. II E." II II II II Serv. w II II II II II E II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II expenses Sal'y & Exp. Weed Insp. Mileage & Extra help Assessor's office II II II II II II expenses services calls calls cash advanced clerical Wk. Co. Supt. office fuel oil repairs II cleaner 11J51hn Deer" riding tractor service repairs supplies II Sp. Dep. fees & exp. II II II II II road patrol mileage for police car matron fee services II flashing stoplight rental of snow-mobile repairs bleach supplies Med. for prisoners II II II care of prisoner maintenance service suJ!plies II II schedules copies of schedules supplies II II ribbons supplies Iowa tests mounting boards . gloves service publishing tax notice II II 11 11 11 & Sch. Diss. Publ. financial statement II II publishing postage & envelopes postage II II Adv. corns. pd. driver's lie. agts. expenses mileage & exp. Exp. Attd. Nursing II II II II II II II II II II II II postage dictaphone belts Supplies Bd. Mtg. II II II II II II II II $1212.50 452.30 177.70 226.90 7.00 122.02 95.03 31.06 11.50 288.00 149.60 54.40 31.50 33.60 39.15 42.45 13.80 18.00 16.96. 90.82 65.30 274.12 153.90 118.80 85.12 52.70 67.75 8.95 16.00 710.29 16.00 20.10 51.70 975.00 16.36 35.09• 21.50 137.73 7.50 66.30 ·389.33 8.30 .5.00 12.62 61.45 10.87 20.00 222.89 32.00 94.35 20.15 2.25 79.15 47.00 2.15 · 74~76 591.14 107.75 21.60 74.76 2187.58 485.30 3.00 35-98 112.90 40.00 (;.16 3.60 6.60 li.40 12.00 20/ll,.85 2038.25 172.50 48.-80 25.00 75.00 12.-65 62.-02 57.41 8.80 9.15 1.80 .3.30 5.10 6.CO 7.40 80.65 II I· ,, ., ,1 ,, ·1 ' ,,. ·,1 j '1, I (11 I .,, '' !: 342 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ Apri1 7 .................................................... 19 65. 1. 0. T. Telephone Co. Philip M. Kjaglien Do Straub Company Victor Lundeen & Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Public Utilities Dept. Cooper's Office Supply Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Century Camera Shop Secretarial Service Bettenburg, Townsend, Stolte & Comb Bucholz Drug Korda Clinic Kemper Drug Co. Stemsrud & Emerson Co. Drs. Warner & Schoen"eberger Village of New York Mills Borchert-Ingersoll Inc. Northwest.Engineering Co. Road Machinery & Supplies Co. Geo. T. Ryan Co. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Paper, Calmenson & Co. M. S. Cooper & Co. Orlyn Pederson Co. Bauck Chevrolet Co., Inc, Ebersviller ImplElllent Co, Electric Supply Int. Harvester Co. Marlo Motors Minnesota .Motor Co. Erickson-Hellekson-Vye Co, General Trading Co, Hoyt Hdwe. Vergas Hdwe. Co. Minn. RR & Warehouse Comm. Dept. of Wgts. & Measures Dalton Grain & Feed City of Fergus Falls Village of Henning Dutch's Standard Serv. N.Y.M. Fossen Oil Co. Hoot Lake Pure Oil Mayo's Standard Serv. Park Region Coop Oil Co. Riverside Pure Service Oil Company, B. L. Thomas Oil Co. Twin's Motor Co, D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Arrow Petroleum Co-op Services, Inc. t'ossen Oil Co, The Oil Store Penrose Oil Co. Standard Oil Co, Standard Oil Co •• P. P. Ted's Oil Co., Henning Fergus Falls Daily Journal Minn. Dept. of Highways Minneapolis Blue Prtg. Co. H. A. Rogers Co. Monroe Calculating Mche. Co,, Inc. Burrough's Corporation Monroe I"ternational Inc, O'Meara's Dept. Store Davenport's The Pierce Company Victor Lundeen & Co. N.W. Bell Telephone Co., Henn. Pelican Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. F. F. E. O. T. Telephone Co. ~iidwesl Telephone Co, N. W. Bell_ Telephone Co., t•. F. Wendell P. Huber G. D. Harlow J. E, Wheeler Wendell P, Huber ~lend ell P. Huber Norwegian Grove Twp. Johnny I. Melaas Hoy l!.vavold Howard K, .Uhren Adm. Thorval H. Uhren !!:st. Thomas Sandahl Elmer L. & Lorraine T. Sandahl ~:alt.er Mattson Calls & Service mileage & expenses Mche. rental & Postage rental rental services Utilities typewriter rental Supplies II service fees Med. T. B. patient II II II II II II II II II care 11 11 poor expense parts II II II II II cutting edges steam thawer New equipnent repairs II II II II II Supplies II II II Inspection Coal Maint. II II II II Rent & Elec. Current Gas, etc. II II gasoline gas, etc. II gasoline gas, etc. II II gas oil diesel fuel II II fuel oil II II II II II II II II II II Ad for Bids services supplies II machine maint. It II supplies II II II II Service & Tolls II II II II II expenses II II II II II II II cash Adv, II II II II II 11 11 & post.age Spec. aid Right of w~ II II II 11 II II II II II II II II II II II 19.94 90,75 7,00 50.00 12.04 28,92 J,70 JO.CO 20.75 86.00 ll.05 547.75 15.06 14.00 5,80 JI.JO 7.00 1701.01 39.90 71.04 24,47 82.0J 1012.Jl 123.27 909,95 490.00 46,86 11.54 32.10 1.91 595.89 5.25 7.59 2.22 294,28 4,87 21.40 48,00 94.80 561.25 239.96 164,90 46,51 lJ.99 161.28 5.24 88.34 518.88 420.90 15,38 203,50 588.40 151.60 189.60 129.45 168.81 98.02 44,49 60.80 19.51 223.1,4 68.61 18.42 J6.00 150,00 1.50 2.61 1.56 7.36 911.78 11.43 10.63 66.84 12.00 9,40 47,70 159,55 44.85 26.25 6.00 601.00 39:1..01 11.20 22.20 47.78 39,90 42,90 18.90 i;,\ ~"\l,._,. _____ __, _________________________________________ _ - = COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... Apt:il.7 ................ . Richard Nelson Helmi Laine Mrs. Richard Simmons Bobby O. Robbins Edwin Lundquist Violet R. Meis Stafford Leitch Vernon L. Jensen S. A. Zimmerman Adm., Waller Schroeder Est. C:l.emens Cichy Einar Kvern Ole Juven Dale T. Thunselle School Dist. #1424 Maurice Thompson Bennie A. Johansen Merle E. Johansen Marie N. 'Pederson Inga Lein Clarence Johansen Alfreda Johansen Alfreda Johansen Arnold M. Todahl Carlisle Co-op Oil Ted Johnson Isabelle Klimek Mrs. Ted Johnson' Roger Gilberg Joe Gilberg Right of Way .. , gasoline witness fees II II II II II II II It . ........... 1965_ $ 37.10 44.85 250.co 66.88 80.35 47.50 5.40 71.60 53.60 25.20 14.70 209.25 14.70 9.00 81.60 15.60 36.55 62.00 53.05 31.40 782.75 682.00 94.95 20.95 4.24 5.80 4.24 2.80 2.80 The bill of Minnesota Motor Company in the amount of $7.25 for service call was rejected. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. May 11, 1965. F, Chairman Attest: , C r 1: I: 1: !i I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... April .. 26 ...................................................... 19 .. 65. MINU'l'ES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF 'l'HE BOARD OF COUNTY CDMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL CDUNTY, MINNF.50TA. The Board met al tow o'clock P. M. April 26, 1965, all members being present.· The Board listened to representatives of the Otter Tail CollJ"!tY Economic Opportunities Council to consider support and heip set the policy of the Economic Opportunities Act. After considerable discussion, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, The GDngress of the United States has enacted an Economic Opportunity Act to eliminate the paradox of poverty in the midst of plenty in this Nation ~ opening to everyone the opportunity for education and training, the opportunity lo work and the opportunity to live in decency and dignity; and WHEREAS, the Economic Opportunity Act intends to stimulate local communities to mobilize their own reso~ces and anticipates local community participation in planning, establishing and carrying out· local community programs; and WHERllS, there has been established for the purpose of carrying out co111111unity action programs in Otter Tail County, MiMesot.a a non-profit corporation organized under the Minnesota non-profit corporation act named "Ott.er Tail County Act.ion \;ouncil, Inc. "and, WIJEREAS, it is the purpose of said corporation to set policy and advise Community planning com- mittees and to designate the appropriate officials to receive and disburse funds for the various co11D11unily programs. NO\-/, THEREFORE, BE l'f RESOLVED BY THE.Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That the above named non-profit corporation be and I.he same hereby is authorized and designated as the officiail. agency to manage I.he activities in Otter Tail County as provided for under the Economic Opportunities Act. BE IT FURTHER RESOL Vli.D that said non-profit corporation shall be the sole and exclusive agency to so act in Ott~r Tail County, Minnesota. ·, BE IT FUHTHER RESOLVED that said non-profit corporation shall be independent of and separate from the Board of County CODUTJ.ssioners and the Board of County Commissioners shall in now~ be responsible, financially or otherwise, for the activities of said non-profit corporation. BE IT FUHTIIER RESOLVED That this authority hereby granted may be rescinded or with-drawn by the County Board upon proper written notice. BE l'l' ~'URTHEH RESOLVED That the Board of Directors of said non-profit corporation shall have the sole and exclusive responsibilities of handling all monies and all property provided for under the terms of the Economic Opportunities Act and shall designate appropriations deposited for said funds. Adopted this 26th day of April, 1965. Attest: :i. B. Joiu1:.on Clerk. James Bucholz Chairman. The above resolution was offered by Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Nycilemoe and carried by unaninous vote. Upon motion the Board I.hen adjourned. -~-...._ ____ __._ __________________________________ _ ::....:s COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... l:il!..v. .. ll ............................................................ 1965 MINUTES .OF THE ADJOURNED MEE'l'ING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSI. ONERS Ot~ OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Beard met at 10 o'clock A. M. May 11, 1965, •all members being present. The Board having previously advertised for bids for one International Scout or equal preceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: International Harvester Company Fergus Falls, Minnesota $2360.00 Perham Fann Supply \;ompany Perham, Minnesota 2365.00 After checking and consideration the bid was awarded to International Harvester Company, Fergus Falls, in the sum of $2360.00 Upon motion the Chainnan and County Auditor were authorized to sign a right of way-agreement with the Otter Tail Power Company at the Parkers Prairie garage. The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids for one half ton pick-up, bids to include trade-in on County unit #80 1959 Chevrolet half ton pick-up located in Battle Lake, bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. Uune 8, 1965. The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be opened at 11:00 A. M. June 8, 1965 for the following projects: GRADE & GRAVEL SURFACE S.A.P. 56-683-05 (65) C. P. 65:83 Length 1.534 miles, located from a point 6-1/2 miles Northwest of Battle Lake to the junction with CSAH #1, comprising approximately 51,625 cu. yds. of Class A. Excavation. C. P. 65:lll (65) C. P. 65:122 (65) C. P. 65 C. S. Length 2.ll9 miles located in the City of Fergus Falls beginning at CSAH #1 and N0 rth 2.119 miles, comprising approximately 96,308 cu. yds. of Class A Excavation and 2,615 tons of gravel wearing course in place. Length 5.741 miles located in Underwood at the junction with CSAH·#35, thence running in an easterly direction to where same intersects with CSAH #83, comprising approximately 237,948 cu. yds. of Class A. excavation, 740 feet of curb and gutter, 5,750 cu. yds. of gravel base, and 6,835 tons of Gravel Wearing Course in Place. CENTER STRIPING Approximately 142 miles. of County State Aid Highways to b~ center striped and approximately 1150 gallons of yellow paint. The County Board having previously authorized the CollllDissioner of Highways to call for bids on the following projects: .FASH 56-659-06-07 these bids ~ere not opened but were turn~ over to a representative of the State Highway Department to be returned to the bidders for the reason that a new law governing increases in prices to be paid for labor has been passed and signed by the Governor previous to the date set for opening bids. New bids will be called for by the Comm:j..ssioner of Highways to be opened at 11:00 o'clock A. M. June 22nd, 1965. ·The Board having previously advertised for bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A. M. May 11, 1965 proceeded t9 open bids which were as follows: .Grading S.A.P. 56-675-08 Length 4.753 miles located from T.H. 210 twelve miles East of Henning and Nnrth to junction with CSAH 50 which were found to be as follows: .Russell McCarty Frazee $27,730.01 Bain Bros. & Dahlman Clarissa 35,470.69 .Kern & Tabery Sebeka 36,542.78 Clarence Drewes Detroit Lakes. 39,115.37 Minerath Construction Co. & Martin Fruth Cold Springs • 47,804.42 After checking and recomputing a motion was made, seconded•and carried awarding the contract to Russell McCarty for the Sum of $27,730.01 • . Bids for grading and gravel surface on S.A.P. 56-668-01 N.E. of Bluffton East one mile and S.A. P. 56-675-09 located 9! miles N. E. of Bluffton North 4.374 miles to CSAH #8: .Russell McCarty Frazee $86,515.77 I .; :I J I I j I 'I ·i 'I 'I I:• (i 11,; /1 i ii 11 l· 'l l·· I I ' I ) I• 1i, I :l ,I; :Ii•\ " i ~ 'I i ,i .1. ,II• 'I i; f ,I' ,,, 11 f i, :i ~t COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . Kern & Tabery Strom ~onstruction Co, DATE ...... May .. J.1. ..... -................................. . Sebeka Moorhead $95,558,88 97,772,46 .. 19 .. 65.. After checking and recomputing a motion was made, seconded and carried that the contract be awarded to Russell McCarty for the swn of $86,515.77, A motion was made, seconded and carried that the Highway Engitneer make a survey for Everts township on a road on the South aide of Silver Lake. A motion was also made, seconded and carried that the County Board meet with the County Assessor at 10 o'clock A. M. May 19, 1965 to review assessment procedures. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County l.ommissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, WHEREAS, this board has heretofore contracted with Jim Lareon Ford for one sign truck, and, Whereas it has been delivered and accepted, payment is hereby authorized, Adopted May 11, 1965, Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. James Bucholz Chainnan. RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS O'l'TER TAIL COUN'l'Y, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Board of County ~ommissioners on January 2, 1951 agreed by resolution to pay township aid according to the amounts levied by the townships, and which amounts are as follows: ~·rom 10 mills and up, but less than 15 mills From 15 mills and up, but less than 20 mills 20 mills and up $!CO.CO 200,00 JOO.CO NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RF.'DLVED, that the amounts to be paid to the respective townships according to their road and bridge levies for 1965 shall be as follows: Township Aastad Amor Aurdal Blowers Bluffton Buse Butler Candor Carlisle Clitherall Compton Corliss Dane Prairie Dead Lake Deer Creek Dora Dunn Eagle Lake Eastern Edna Effington Elizabeth Elmo Erhards Grove Everts Fergus Falls Folden Friberg Girard Gonnan Henning Hobart Homestead Inman Leaf Lake Leaf Mountain Lida Maine Maplewood Newton Njdaroa Norwegian Grove Oak Valley Total Mills Levied 12.80 15,00 25.00 20.00 4,90 9,10 20.0C 20,00 11.90 J0.00 5,15 20.00 20,00 20,CO 15,40 25.00 25.00 J0,00 20.00 15.00 20.00 21,55 20.00 22.00 20.00 12.80 28,00 2J.OO 25,00 15,00 24,70 24.70 10.50 10.00 20.10 JO.CC 20.00 25.00 25.CO 25.CO JO.CO 15.70 25.CO ~ 100.00 2CC.OO JC0.00 JOO.CO none none JOO.CO J00.00 lW,00 J00.00 None JC0,00 J00.00 JC0,00 200.CO JC0.00 JOO.CO JOO.CO J00.00 200.00 JCC,OC JCC.00 JOO.CO J00.00 JOO.CO 100.00 JC0.00 JOO.CO JOO.CO 200.00 JOO.CO JC0,00 100.00 100.CO JOO.CO JCO.<.O J00.00 JC0.00 JOO.CO JC<..00 JOO.CO 200.CO JLO.CO COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Township Orwell Oscar OtterTail Otto Paddock Parkers Prairie Pelican Perham Pine Lake Rush Lake Saint Olaf Scambler Star Lake Sverdrup Tordenskjold Trondhjem Tumuli Western Woodside DATE .......... M.a •• il. ......................................................... 1965 .. . Total Mills Levied 12.00 25.00 10.00 25.00 25.00 15.00 25.00 lJ.00 20.00 18.00 24.00 15.80 25.00 J0.00 25.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 25.00 Adopted this llth day of May, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: ---=-S~•~B~•:....;:J~o~hn=so~n:.:.... ___ Auditor Upon motion the Board then adjourned to May 12, 1965. WEDNESDAY IS SESSION ~ $100.00 JC0.00 100.00 300.00 Jl.0.00 200.00 300.00 100.00 300.00 200.00 JOO.CO 200.00 300.00 300.00 300.00. None 100.00 J00.00 JOO.CO Pursuant to adjournment the Board· met at 10 o'clock A. M. May 12th, 1965, all members being presert. A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1419 was taken up for final action. After discussion and listening to various interested i:e,rties, the Board issued the following interlocutory order to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) )ss County of Otter Tail ) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISfRICT NO. 1419 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at Court H0 use in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 12th day of May, 1965, at 10 o'clock A. M., Pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First--That sa_id proceedings were instituted by: (C) A resolution aiiopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor. Second-That less thap. 90 days have elapsed since the date pf said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be· to· the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1419 be dissolved and that the territory mbraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: NE:¾ of SWt;; Si of SWt; and SEt; of SEt;; SWt; of NWt;; NW} of SWt; & Lot 4 of Section 4 and E½ of NEt; Section 5-135-44 to Independent School Uistrict #548. · The balance of Common School District #1419 to Ind. District 850 Wilkin County. (J) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1419, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Ind. Consolidated School District #548 Otter Tail County 5.11% To Ind. Consolidated School District #850 Wilkin County 94.89% of all monies, credits, funds, personal property both real estate and personal property including taxes for the year 1965 and prior years collected after July 1st, 1965, and that all obligations of Common School District #1419 shall beex>me the·obligations of School District 1/548 Otter Tail County and School District 850 Wilkin County by the same percentages. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1419 is No Dollars. (5) 1he· proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of July, 1965. . -=----=-=-==--=-=-=---=-~-.--- 'I I I ,, ' 1.· I~, l'' 'ii I •t i•I '•1. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Dated this· 12th day of >lay, 1965. James Bucholz Chamrman Board of County C011DDjssioners At.test: s: B. Johnson _County Auditor A petition asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1404 was taken up for final act.ion. After listening to the statanehts of the various interested parties, the Board issued the following inter- locutory o~er to-wit: STATE OF MiNNESOTA, ) )ss County of 9tter Tail) IN THE MAT'i'ER OF THE DISSOLUTION Or' COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1404 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at Court H0 use in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 12th day of May, 1965, at 10 o'clock A. M., pursuant to notice fuly given as provided by law and the order of said Board:; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First ---That said proceedings were instituted by: (b) A petition signed by the required number of freeholders residing in said district: Second---That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, frim the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NO\'J THEREFORE. IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1404 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing sc~ool districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: All territory of Common School District #1404 to be attached to Ind. School District #548. (3) IT I~ FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Co11DJ1on School District No. 1404, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Ind. School District #548 all monies, credits, funds, property both real and personal including any taxes for the year 1965 and prior years collected after July 1st, 1965, and that all obligations of Co~mon School Dist.rict #1404 shall become the obligations of Ind. School Dist.rict #548. (4) The outstanding bounded debt of said Common School District No. 1404 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of July, 1965. Dated this 12t.h day of May, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Board of County Commissioners Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor A petition asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1471 was taken up. After list.ening to the st.atements of numerous interested parties, action on the petit.ion was laid over until 10 o'clock A. M. June 9, 1965. The petition of C. A. Ukkelberg asking that the E! of Section 5-132-39 be set off from District #1488 to Dist.rict #542 was taken up for consideration. After listening to the statements of various int.erested parties, action was delayed until 10 o'clock A. M. June 9, 1965. The petition of Orville Jensen askihg that lots 3 and 4 and the Wi of the Ei of the NE! Section 23-132-42 be set off from District #1387 to School District #1401 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties and careful consideration, the Board rejected the petition. A resolution asking for the dissolution of School Dist.rict #1476 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be had on said resolution.at 10 o'clock A. M. June 9, 1965, and t.hat due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. A petition asking for the dissolution of School District #1438 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held at 10 o'clock A. M. June 9, 1965 and the due notice oft.he time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. A petit.ion asking for the dissolution of School District #1422 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M. June 9, 1965 and that due notice of the time and place of hearing· be given as required by law. A petition of ~rvin Rix asking that the SW! of the NWt and Lot. 4 in Section 8-132-39 be set off from District #1408 to District #542 was read. It was ordered that a hearing be held at 10 o'clock A. M. June 9, 1965 on said petition and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... lla.)( .. 12 ............................................................ 19 .. .nS. A petition of Harold Weiss asking that the North 310 feet of the West 168 feet of the NWi of the NW¼ Section 3Q-135-42 be set off from District 1470 to District #1386 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. June 9, 1965 and that due notice of the ti.me and place be given as required by law. The petition of Arvid ard Arlene Haugrud asking that Lots 8-9-10-11 and the SWi NW¼ in Section 1-134-44 be set off from Distric~ #1411 Otter Tail County to District #850 Wilkin County was read. It was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M. June 9, 1965, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. A nwnber of Town Board and other delegations appeared before the Board on various road matters. The Board listened to the statements but no actions were taken. A delegation also appeared regarding Ditch #50 in Orwell Township regarding fl~od conditions b~t no action was taken. Geneva Tweten appear~ 9efore the Board on both May 11 and 12 urging the County Board to purchase the Phelps Mill and convert the adjoining grounds into a County park. No action was taken. Dance licenses were granted as follows: Marian F. Bangs Edwin C. Prescher nodney A. Kilde (Universal Acceptance Corp.) Shady Point Resort Balmoral Skyline Cafe Elizabeth Township Otter .Tail 11 Carlisle 11 Licenses for the off and on sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted as follows: Mabel Crews Ida T. Panek nodney A. Kilde (Universal Acceptance Corp.) Edwin C. Prescher Marian F. Bangs Evva Jones !'mil A. Madsen Eddie Coppin Kenneth Hunter Henry Scheuble Esther A. Neudeck Albert Turchin Hai Reintsma John Bierwirth Paul B. Fisher OscarPeterson Agnes )I. Trana Reinhold Koehn Lila M. Keskinen Duane C. Frost Carl Leaf Perham Lakeside Golf Club Inc. E.G. Anderson Joe Dougherty Elsie L. Centers Anna V. Stoll Mary I. Thompson August Heinrich Clarence Koehler Hay C. Pfeifle Lee J • 11.ogert Hockley Wenzel Herb Limmer Joe Biltz Lloyd Beaulieu Franklin Larson Spruce Lodge Hiliday Havin Skyline Cafe Balmoral Shady Point Resort Resort Madsen's Resort Resort Wagon Wheel Resort Wildwood Beach Resort Neudeck Resort Al's Place Play-Mor Beach Resort Pocahantas Resort Star Lake Store Aggie's Resort Resort oak Point Resort Supper Club Resort Golf Club Mosquitoe Heights Pleasant View Resort Minneha Resort North Shore Resort Camp Napanee Cozy Cove Resort Resort Log Haven Colonial Motel Lazy Acres Resort Herb!s Camp Resort James Resort Resort Township of Star Lake 11 11 Girard · 11 11 Carlisle Otter Tail Elizabeth Pine Lake Everts Friberg Otto Dora Perham Elmo Corliss Rush Lake Dead Lake ·Star Lake Leaf Lake Everts Otto Newton Pine Lake Perham Pine Lake Dead Lake Girard Dead Lake Girard Dead Lake Pine Lake Lida Perham &Ina Rush Lake Pine Lake Rush Lake Pine Lake The application of Rose Diederich, Sunrise Resort, Dead Lake, w~s rejected upon recommendation of the Sheriff. Homestead classifications were granted as follows: Mrs. Oscar Halvorson Mrs. Hubert Anderson Earl Nelson M. J. Reynolds Lawrence Brack J. E. Geiszler Alvin Uhlig Gladys Estlick 1204 Lincoln Ave. W., City Luce Addition, Village of Perham Lots 3 & 4, Block 6, Village of Vergas NW¼ Section 10, N½ NEl; Section ·10-135-38 Lot 24, Camp Nirvana, Nidar~s .TWp. Tract in Lot 1, Section 4-135-41 Lot 4, Section 3-134-43 Lot 4, North of Township line in Freeman Beach, Dead Lake Township The following applications for correction of personal property assessments were recommended to the Collllllissioner of Taxation for allowance: · Elizabeth LaPlante H. K. Brown Alfred C. Rester Feed Producers Assn. Error in addition Wrong figures used to assess refrigerator and range. Error made in carrying figures to assessmint sheet. Part of main elevator was assessed as personal property and also as real estate, Machinery listed as personal property also City of Fergus Falls ·Town of Dead Lake Town of Dead Lake Vi.l],age of Perham ~ 350 ' ·,. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. E·- A. B, Schmidt Mendelson Egg Company Bob Ray Wallace Weiss DATE ......... J1!Y.J,~ .. . assessed as attached machinery or real estate. Property sold in 1963 Egg cooler assessed in Elbow Lake with his business Bees assessed at plant in Traverse Co. Market Value used instead of true & full-. Town of Everts Town of Pelican Town of Trondhjm Village of Underwood The following applications for reduction in assessed value in real estate were recoDDDended to the Commissioner of 1'axation for allowance: Mildred Graham (M0 ney) Farmers Mercantile Corp. Alice M. Rossmiller Victor Trusler Grady E. Mann Northern Development ~o. Morris J. Ness Erick Leiz J. E. Geiszler Robert Hammers John Boen Old house over assessed. Reduction in previous assessment not considered Farmland. Classed at 40'/,, should have been 33 1/3%, Assessed out of line with other property Bare lot assessed as improved lot Bare lot assessed as improved lot Bare lot assessed as improved lot Farm buildings very poor House unfinished at time of assessment Sixty foot lot valued Sl¥Jle as 75 foot lot adjoining. Correction made at Township meeting but erroneously left off town board proceedings. Village of Perham Village of Underwood Town of Hobart Town of Star Lake Town of Aurdal Town Qf Aurdal Town of Aurdal Town of Aastad Town of Star Lake Town of Edna Town of Norwegian Grove The petition of the Village of Battle Lake for cancellation of assessment on 84.60 acres in Section 23 was rejected on the ground that the Village of Battle Lake did not acquire same until September 21, 1964. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, Whereas, this Board has heretofore advertised for bids for one dump truck with trade-in, Whereas, this truck has been delivered and accepted by the Board, The Ohainnan and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant to Stan's Garage of Battle Lake in the sum of $4850.00 being the full contract price. Road ~ 75 77 50 136 6 119 110 114 15 11 Adopted this 12th day of May, 1965. Jai1,es Bucholz Chainnan Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF WUNTY CO~iMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL <DUNTY, MlNNFSOI'A Surveys are to be made on the following roads by the County Highway Engineer as time is available: Location From CSAH 8 to N. Co. Line and West 1/2 mile From T.H. 29 to T.H. 10 From CSAH 73 to CSAH 25 From CSAH 40 to T.H. 29 From CSAH 5 to CSAH 65 From T.H. 210 & South 3.0 Miles From CSAH 1 to T.H. 59 From CSAH 15 and South li Miles From C.H. 114 to N. Junction 114 From Ji Mi. S. of CSAH 10 to CSAH 21 Length 6.5 Miles 2. 5 Miles J.25 Miles 5.0 Miles 9.0 Y.iles 3,0 Miles 5.0 Miles 3,0 Miles 4,5 Miles 4.5 Miles C~MMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ !'.1.~1. .. J~ ............................................................ 19 .. 65 ,SCtclff MP■T!II CONPID ff CIO Road ~ 21 32 24 u 48 125 F 36 60 60 146 29 Location From T.H. 108 and So. 2-3/4 Miles From CSAH 14 Basswood Store and West 3.0 From CSAH 3 to CSAH U From CSAH 4 and So. 2.0 Mi. From CSAH 42 to East C::o. Line From T·. H. 108 to CSAH 34 From End Tar to T. H. 228 From T.H. 10 to CSAH 51 From East Junction 51 to CSAH 13 From CSAH 13 to CSAH 53 From T.H. 210 and South Adopted this 12th day of May, 1965. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Length 2.75 Miles 3.25 Miles 7.5 Miles 2.C Miles 3.0 Miles 3.0 Miles 4.5 Miles 3.5 Miles 2.0 Miles 3.0 Miles 4.5 Miles 84.25 Miles James Bucholz Chairman ResolV:ed by the Board of County Co[!D!issioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That we are opposed to H.F. 1267, S. F. 1275; H. F. 1361, S. F. 1299, which bills divert the County share of cigarette tax to the townships, for the reasori that the County Revenue fund will lose in excess of $50,0CO per year, resulting in a substantial increase in the County Revenue levy, and that Governmental functions for the townships are generally on the decline and by comparison County services and functions have increased greatly~ Adopt':11 this 12th day of Nay, 1965. Attest S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Russell Brooberg Richard Neulieb Gordon H. Larson James Bucholz Otto Haase Sam Nycklemoe Bennie J. Johnson Geo. E. Jensen Otto Haase Frank Alstadt Nels Hanson Hilbert lsaacson Arthur M. Espeland Dorothy Fletcher · •1arvin Moske Floyd Flom John Lindblom Chauncy R. Martin Albert Solum . Arthur B. Berg Roger Gilberg David J. Weiss Walter E. BardEri Boarding Prisoners expenses Attd. Planning Comm. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Bailiff Witness fee Mtg. II II II II II James Bucholz Bennie J. Johnson Otto Haase Sam Nycklemoe Harvey Morrill $1707.50 196.30 209.70 87.90 29.00 113.65 22.95 26.02 34.50 51.25 18.07 8.62 12.00 14.24 27.45 16.50 18~30 3.40 5.80 5.56 3.88 J.88 5.08 2.80 6.40 7.48 351 ~ I=' I ,1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ............ M@Y .. 12 .......... . ................ 19 .. 65 .. Edwin Ala Ernest E. Neuvonen Dean McNal.ly River Inn Coffee Shop Lake Region H0 spital. Park Region Medical Center Carlton E. Mortensen Roger M. Hedidorn Fmil Boen Frank "-oberts Eugene Davenport Robert Shaw Northwestern Bell Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Vernon E. Bachman Do Mrs. Mable Rossow Gustafeon Oil Co. Nil. Galena & Son Holten Hardware Airkem Upper Midwest Sales Co. :E.bersviller Implement Co. The SUllllller 1s fertilizer Co. Davidson Metal Shop Roger L. Hanson Henry Lubitz Donald Lee Gary Nelson Donald Lee Key Laboratories Mobile Radio & T. V. Serv. Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Fergus Plwnbing & Htg. Oscar Alstad Stan's Garage International Harv. Sales & Serv. Gene & Clem's Cities Serv. 'Western Union Telegraph Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. City Phannacy Park Region Medical Center Burroughs Corp. Gaffaney's Indianhead Specialty Co. Thenno-Fax Sales Inc. White Drug John B. Haach Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Co. M1 dwest Printing Co. American Bindery & Supply Co. Schoolcraft Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Miller-Davis Co. Davenport's Davenport's Houghton-Mifflin Co. Vernon E. Bachman Russell Brooberg Helen E. Skrarnsted Olga Torvik .,yrtle E. Logas ••yrt.le E. Logas Fergus Falls Daily Jnurnal The Henning Advocate Helen E. Benshoof' Ruth Huether · Helen :E.. Benshoof· Ruth Huether E.O.T. TeJ.ephone Co. 1/hite Drug Co. Ruth Huether Andrews & Meister Drug Philip M. Kjaglien Straub i.ompany Philip M. Kjaglien Rachel J. J,.stren Public Utilities Dept. N. W. Bell 'felephone Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Nelson Bros. Prt.g. Co. Andrews & Meister Drug Stensrud & .llfllerson Fergus Falls Clinic Bucholz Drug Henry A. Korda, M. D. Dr. :E.. C. Hanson, M. D. Drs. Lewis & Kevern, H. D, Township of Leaf Lake \~itness fee II II II II meals for jurors autopsy coroner's calls Serv. W.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. II II II II II Weed & Seed lnsp. II II II II expenses & Mileage expenses cal.ls cialls cash advanced expenses II fuel oil supplies II II II fertilizer II II filters for air conditioner Eng. Sp. Dep. fees & Mileage II II II II II II II II II II road patrol II II services II supplies repapering house at jail repairs jail II II fix Sheriff's car battery Sh. office gasoline & Service telegram envelopes med. for prisoner Misc. calls ribbon for check writer service carbon paper supplies·for mche. photography supplies plat hangers supplies supplies II envelopes & supplies repair books supplies II II II envelopes Iowa tests postage postage, supplies & exp. postage II Att.d. •:tg, in St. Cloud Adv. Corns. pd. Driv. lie. agts. publishing Publ. Financial Statement expenses II postage tolls & service supplies II II epxenses rent mche. rent.al, post.are & fees mileage utilitj es tolls & services supplies II Med. T. B. II II II II II II II II II II II II care of T. University patients II II II II B. patients & Univ. H,,sp. papers Hospital papers poor expenses $ 7.48 7.48 22-.-i2 ll3.70 25;00 186.05 249.6o 148.CO 133.75 339.95 146.89 141.45 38.77 100,29 30~00 91.54 45.86 710.29 50.70 5.69 48.60 4.60 19,60 63.cc 36.00 90.20 5.00 8)8.80 1396.98 10.40 103.23 288.99 47,04 31.78 203.50 27,30 12.07 6.07 4.25 184.85 4.20 60.00 6.00 52.00 5.34 20.14 15.95 337.50 149.96 438.81 205.23 83.90 494.50 129.ll 544.40 226.49 33-48 5.66 78.6o 21.35 100.40 50.00 65.00 18.6o 14.45 205.01 1305.75 99,70 45.47 5,e,o 7,88 16.83 4,33 15.co 2.00 82.80 50,CO 7.50 12.CO 3.72 Jl.21 3.10 9.75 12.28 31.30 21.00 4.75 18.00 9,50 9.00 1380.JI. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Township of hrharQ.s Grove Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Equipment Parts & Serv. Klauer Manufacturing Co. Public t,orks Equipnent \;o. George T. Ryan Co. l·•m. H. iiegler, Co., lnc• Bertelson Welding. Harry F. Buehler. Fergus Dodge, Inc. International llaryester Co. Jaenisch Industri~s Knutson Electric Larson Welding Matz & Greiff . Olson Auto hlectric Paulson Tire Shop. Schrader & Koehn Stan's Garage Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Super G.M.·c Truck. Sales Thelen ImplE111ent L. N. Sickels Co •. Paper Calmenson & Co. National Chemsear~h Corp. hinnesota Mining ~ Mfg. Co. Coast-to-Coast Store P.R. Davidson Metal Shpp Erickson-Hellekson-Vye P.R. General Trading Cp. Genaine Parts Co •. Holten Hardware . Home & Fann Supply N.W. Sash & Door Co. Sherwin-rlilliams Co. Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Welders F.quipment Roy J. 1-,ichtennan Firestone Stores Village of Battle Lake• City of Fergus Falls Reno Ziesemer Engebretson Construction Myrbo Interprises Elmer Trana Polman Transfer . Raymond Bros. Trans. Inc. Railway Express-Agency"B. L. Bengtson Oil Co. Co-op Services, Inc.,N.Y.M. Dicldl Standard Serv. P. P. Farmers Co-op Cry. Assn. D. C. Fossen Oil Company Highway Co. Service Station Jim's Service Station Erh. Joe's Standard Serv. Harv I s 66 ;:,ervic e Mayo's Standard Serv .• Nundahl Oil l..ompany Otter Tail Co-op Oils, Inc. Penrose Oil Compamy · Perham Co-op Oil Co • Ray's Oil Company Service Oil Company B. L. Service Oil \;ompany Und. Thomas Oil Company Twlbn1s Motor Co. Underwood Lakeside Serv. Co. Vergas Oil \;ompany Arrow Petroleum Bluffton Oil Company The Oil Store Standard Oil ~ompany B. L. Standard Oil Co. P. P. D-A Lubricant \;o. Otter Tail Power Co. Construction Bulletin Fergus Falls Daily Journal Minnesota Dept. of Highways Minneapolis Blue Prtg. Co. H. A. Rogers Co. Dahm's Photo Print \;o. Poucher Prtg. & Litho, Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Davenports Johnson Drugs N. W. Bell Tele. Co. F. F. E.O.T. Telephone Co. Midwest Telephone \;o. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Henn. Pelican Telephcn e Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. F. F. DATE ......... ~!~.¥ ... 1~ .......................................................... .196 5 .. poor expenses parts II II II II :._n repairs Bit. 111aterial grader blades supplies II II II II II II II II II II II II II tires water charge snow removal tow service install culvert II II gravel freight II express gasoline gas etc gasoline. II gas, etc. gasoline II II II gas, etc. II II gasoline gas, etc. II II II II II II II diesel fuel II II fuel Oil II II II II diesel illil prints Adv. for llids II II II services supplies II II II II II II service & tolls ti II II II II II II II II II II II II II II $ 36.44 53.56 59.06 148.15 9?-48 739,93 143.77 3.50 21.25 51.56 516.66 24.99 3.90 2.50 1.50 41.13 6.50 3.75 4.57 2.31 .94.08 14.25 1935.00 1498.2;3 419D9 53.25 17.30 1.50 3.30 387.76 104.06 . 80.12 12.07 77.61 4.78 79.78 60.76 85.00 67.50 5.00 451.50 10.00 60.00 42.00 64.90 3.75 15.50 4.00 59.29 340.30 237.32 508.75 112.85 66.52 134.25 203.82 89,41 57-70 180.09 98.84 119.21 103.26 77.88 197.38 216.85 181.86 50.41 165.35 34~.03 470.24 181.02 30.00 131.21 62.93 162.25 90.62 40.50 34.51 375.13 48.03 7.80 130.95 61.79 437.90 27.46 164.93 66.35 10.47 20.76 26.65 12.70 82.44 353" COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . Wendell P. Huber G. D. Harlow 1-.endell P. Huber Do Enstad-Larson, Inc• Town of r·oldm •1elvyn W. Townsend Erick Lietz C, W. Fuller Bill Christensen S. F • Swenson Richardo. Zaayer Boyd G. Swarts Orville Bladow Harold G. Haugen Linwood Beck Thorvold & 111a Grandhoi Hjalmer C. Pederson Fergus Mill & Supply Co. Merlin V. Thompson Willie Klimek Elida 1-'oss O. C. Nelson Co. - •Irs. Arthur Bakke Mrs. Charles Lewis Mrs. Otto Fjeste,d· Mrs. Douglas C. Haugen •:rs. Alva Helmrichs Mrs. J. A. Anderson Mrs. Ed. Skoglund- Mrs. Robert H. Johnson Stanley Peterson DATE ......... K.f.l!'. .. l?. ..... . expenses II cash adv. postage cash advanced bond spec. aid Right of Way II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Right of l·:ay Attd. urs. Bd. Mtg. II II II II II II II II II II II II " " " II " " II " II " II " II " " " gravel Upon motion the Board then adjourned to May 19, 1965. (/ Attest:- -),:fer. . ................ 19 .... 05 370.45 JO.CO 292.00 J.84 Jll.00 JQ0.00 14.00 25,CO 56.70 J.80 J0.20 2.20 40.50 12.70 50.40 5,bO 21.90 46.00 27.CO 100.20 47.95 67.20 114.80 J.JO 4-95 1.80 J.90 6.75 7.35 9.15 5.10 39.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. May .. 19 ................. . ·················19 ... 9.5. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE OOARD OF OOUNTY COMMISSI. ONERS OF O'l'TER TAIL CD UNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment· the Board mer, at, 10 o'clock A. M. May 19, 1965, all members being present. The ~ounty Assessor and his deputy met with the County Board for a considerable period discussing assessment valuations to be established covering the 1966 assessment. The Board agreed that a number of changes were necessary in order to make all assessments equitable for both real and personal property. A motion was made, seconded: and carried that ~~11.1).eth Bjorgum and Dean S. Di~smore be employed to establish section corners on T. H. #2~0 from T.H. #78 to T.H. #29 during the next three months and agreement having been made with the State Highway Department that they will reimburse Otter Tail County for this service. Geneva Tweton, the Town Board of Maine and a number of others appeared before the County Collllllissioners and spoke in favor of the County acquiring the Phelps Mill property for a County Park. Upon motion made seconded, and carried the County Board agreed to purchase Phelps Mill :with the adjoining acreage for the sum of $3500.CO when evidence of a good, marketable title has been presented to Harlan Nelson, County Attorney, and approved by him. The County to take title and assume possession upon delivery of a deed and abstract accompanied by Mr. Nelson I s approval of the title. Payment to be, made by a resolution of the Board at the first meeting of the Board after the delivery of deed and opinion. Upon motion the Board adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. June 8, 1965. Attest: 355 l1 I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ June .. 8 ........................................................... 19 .65 MINUTE'S OF-' THE-kD"J.0URNED MEET-iNG; OF THE BOARD OF COONTY OOMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment. the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, June·a, 1965, all mEmbers present, The County Board having previously advertised for bids for one half ton pick-up truck with trade in allowance on one 1959 Chevrolet half ton pick-up proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Stan's Garage Fergus Dodge Inc. Minnesota Motor Co, Battle Dake, Minn, Fergus Falls, Kinn, II II . II $1380,00 1479,77 1665.00 Upon motion the bid of Stan's Garage of Battle Lake was accepted in the sum of $1380,00, The Chairman and County Auditor were authorized to sign an agreBDent with N~rthem Pacific Railway Company granting th!ll Ccaunty, upon the payment bf $50,CO, right of way for construction of County Road 122 over parts of the Northern Pacific Railway's rightof way. Upon motion made, seconded and carried Anderson Bros, Construction Company were authorized to repaint the brick and coping on the upper pa~t of the Court House building on a time and mat~rial basis for payment. The County Board appointed Dean S, Dinsmore, a registered land surveyor, to do certain surveying along Trunk Highway #210 and adopted the following resolution: R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Highways for the State of Minnesota acting through District Engineer, Mr. Frank Pawlak of Detroit Lakes, desires to have land survey work performed in Otter Tail vounty; and WHEREAS, the work desired to be performed is of a nature that, prior to January 1, 1961, would have been the duty or the county surveyor; and WHEREAS, the office of county surveyor is vacant in Otter Tail County; and WHliREAS, under Minnesota Statutes 189,011, Subd, 21 paragraph 41 the Commissioner of Highways will retain Mr. Dean S, Dinsmore, a registered land surveyor of Fergus Falls, to perform the work at the compensation set by the county board, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: Compensation to Mr. Dean S, Dinsmore, registered land surveyor, for doing the requested w,rk in connection with T,H. 210 in Otter Tail County be set at the following rates: 1, Two man survey party ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2. Three man survey party ••••••• , •••••••••••••••• 3, Drafting and Research Service (1 man) ••••••••• 4. Transportation mileage •••..••.•••...•..•..•... Adopted this 8th day of June, 1965, Attest:_---'S"-,~B~.'-"J~0~hn=s~o~n ____ _ Clerk. $ 13.00 per hour 16.50 per hour 6.50 per hour 7.5 cents per mile James Bucholz Chairman. The ~oard having previously advertised for bids for grading and graveling Project C,P. 65:11 from CSAH #1 N~rth 2,1 miles, bias were opened and found to be as follows: Michaelson Bros, Inc. Clifford Strom Clarence Drews Roy Evavold & Son Bain Bros, & Dahlman Strom Construction Co, John Dieseth Co. Stan Morrill Inc. Dan Conroy & Son Ralph Stewarl Kern & Tabery lid. Zimmenun Madison, Minnesota Brandon Detroit Lakes, M1nn. Fergus Falls, Minn. Clarissa, Minn, Moorhead, Minn. Fergus Falls, Minn. Fergus Falla, M.nn. Dumont, Minn. Starbuck, M.nn. Sebeka, Minn, Barrett, Minn. $26,504.30 27,537,82 28,458.54 29,741.66 29,386.10 29,824,74 29,964.63 30,993.94 31,050.78 31,636,91 32,378,56 32,492.44 After recomputing and upon mo Lion, made, seconded and carried, the contract was awarded to Michaelson Bros. Inc. for $26,504.30. Bids for grading on S.A.P. 56-683-05 Job 65:83 from CSAH #1 South li miles were as follows: Michaelson Bros. Stan Morrill Inc• Clifford Strom Clarence Drews Kern & Tabery SLrom Construction Co. Ralph SLewart $ 11,280.37 11,774.15 13,018.18 13,730.28 16,034.17 16,804.08 18,555.02 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... J.un.eS ............................................................. 1965-. "'•■--•I' .. _,...LOUD ■1■■-E-2108 After checking and recomputing a motion was made, seconded and carried that the contract be awarded to Michael.son Bros, for $11,280,37, Bids for grading and graveling on C.P, 65:122 C.H. #122 from CSAH N35 to CSAH #83 were as follows: Michaelson Bros, Kern & Tabery Bain Bros, & Dahlman Clarence. Drews Strom Construction Co. Dan Conroy & Son Ed. Zimmerman Barry Construction Co, Roy Benson & Son $ 67,694,35 71,867,80 72,597,25 71,870,46 74,525.69 77,750,57 _ 78,466.43 82,520.87 .88,649,04 After checking a motion was made, seconded and carried that the contract be awarded to Michaelson Bros. for $67,694,35, Bids for County wide stripihg were as follows: Traffic Marking Service Inc. Swanston Equipment Co, dba Traf~c Marking & Striping Co, Red Rfver Painting & Striping Co, Buffalo, MiM, Fargo, North Dakota Fargo, North Dakota $ 8,856,50 9,378,94 10,513,40 Upon motion made, seconded and carried the contract was awarded to Traffic Marking Service Inc,, Buffalo, Minnesota for $8,85b,50, Upon motion the County Auditor was ihstructed to advertise for sealed bids to be received until 11 o'clock A, M. July 13, 1965 for the following projects: GRADING .,. GRAVEL SURFACE S,A,P, 56-629-()3 (65) C.P. 65:26, Length 3,420 Miles, located on the South County Line from CSAH· S,A,P, 26-626-02 #1 and East 3,420 miles, comprising approximately 87,172 cubic yards Class "A" Excavation and 4,750 tons of Gravel Wearing Course, S.A,P, 56-625-05 (65) C.P. 65:25, Length 0,265 Miles, located from the South County Line at the ~unction of CSAH #26 and North 0.265 Miles, comprising approximately ll,057 cubic yards Class "A" Excavation, and 365 tons of Gravel Wearing Course in Place, GRADE -GRAVE.'L BASE AND ROAD MIX BITUMINOUS SURFACE S,A,P, 56-601-05 (65) C.P. 65:01, Length 1,059 miles, located from the junction of Interstate #94 and northeast to the City Limits of Fergus Falls, comprising approximately 26,322 cu. yds, of Class 11A11 Excavation, 31,000 ton Gravel Base in Place (Class V), 7,500 gal, of Bituminous Material for Prime Coat, 27,500 gal. Bituminous Material for Mixture, 21,075 ton of Aggregate. A petition was received asking for improvanent of a road between Wadena County and Otter Tail County ruMing North from T, H. #210 for approximately li miles, A motion was made that the County Board meet with the interested governing bodies on July 1st, 1965 at 2 o'clock.P. M. Several parties appeared before the Board regarding some improvement on County Road #140, It was agreed that some gravel.ling was to be done as soon as practicable. After discussion with the Civil Defense Director, a motion was made and carried that proper wiring be installed and Auxiliary gas motor to operate the Sheriff's radio in the basanent in case of an emergency, the County to be reimbursed by the Civil Defense Department. Upon motion made and carried the Nursing budget was fixed at the sum of $22,218,00 for the year begiMing July 1st, 1965, The By-laws as presented were approved, · Upon motion made and carried th~ County Agricultural Extension Committee's budget for the year beginning July 1st, 1965 was fixed at the sum of $27,080.00. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County qommissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That the sum of $50,00 b~ paid the N-rthern Pacific Railway Company for road right or way over part of the railroad right of way in construction County Highway #122 East of Underwood ana That the Chairman and Auditor are hereby authorized to issue a warrant on the Road & Bridge Fund for that purpose, Adopted June 8, 1965, Janes Bucholz Chainnan. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk, 357 358 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... !l'.w.ie 8 ································19 .. 65 .. BE IT RE'!ilLVED By the County Board (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the duly established and designated County State Aid.Highway N~. 26 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, which begins at the Southwest corner of Section 31, Township 131 N rth, Range 43 West, thence along the established center line of the public road described as follows: thence along the established center line of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning ext!eilding easterly along or near said county line on the south lines of sections 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36, township 131 north, range 44 west, and continuing easterly along or near said county line on the south lines of sections 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36, township 131 north, range 43 west, and the south line of section 31, township 131 north, range 42 west to approximately the southeast comer of said section 31, township 131 north, range 42 west, and there tenninating, the west half of said county line road to be assigned to Otter Tail County and identified as Otter Tail County State Aid Highway No. 26; and whose general course-in the South•half (S}) of Section Thirty-three (33), Township One Hundred Thirt{-one (131) North, Range Forty-three (43) West, and the South- east Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SEt SW~) and the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SWt SEt) of Section.Thirty-four (34), Township One Hundred Thirty-one (131) N rth, Range Forty-three (43) Wesi, and the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE¾ SEt of Section Thirty-four (34), Township One Hun:ired Thirty-one (131) N<?rth, Range Forty-three (43) West, is as follows: beginning at the southwest corner of Section 33, thence along the established center line of the public road described as follows: from said point of beginning easterly along the south line of Sections 33 and 34, Township 131 N~rth, Range 43 West, to the southeast corner of Section 34, and there tenninating. That it is necessary for the safety of the public travel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed; That an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed fort.he purpose of so altering said County State Aid Highway No. 26 in said sections aforesaid; That the general course of said County State Aid Highway N0 • 26 is not materially altered thereby; That the said Easement so t.o be procured is for public highway and road purposed, that the same shall be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter described; That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said read and for the safety of public travel that additional right of way be procured to enable the construction of•proper slopes and that an easement be procured to construct certain slopes and t.o maintain the same after the construction as provided in the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Highway hngineer at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the specific places where said slopes are to be constructed, being particularly hereinafter described, that such easement for such construction of slopes cease on or before December 31, 1965. That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety·of public travel that an easement for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described t.o be taken for public highway purposes, and upon the lands adjoining the same; That the lands so to be taken for public highway and road purposes and subjected t.o easement as aforesaid, are situated in the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail and described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL NO. 1 A str.ip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The Southwest Quarter (SWt) of Section Thirty-three (33), Township o··e Hundr\ed Thirty-one (131) Ngrth, Range Forty-three (43) West, · said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the northerly side of the following described center line: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 33, Township 131 North, Range 43 West., thence east along the section line to the quarter corner of said Section 33 and t.here tenninating; excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highway; containing 1.00 acre, more or less. Also an easement to construct alopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1965, on the fol.lowing described tract: A strip of land 10 feet wide on the North side of the road beginning at. a point 100 feet Eust. of the point of beginning, thence Easterly 400 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the out.side line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 10 feet wide on the north side of the road beginning at a point. 2,300 feet East. of the point of beginning, thence Easterly 324.8 feet and there termjnating, said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. PARCEL NO. 2. A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The Southeast Quarter (SE/;) of Section Thirty-three (33), Township <>r,e Hundred Thirty-one (131) N0rth, Range Forty-three (43) West, said strip being all that lying within a distance of ~O feet on the N. rth side of the following described center line: Beginning at the South quarter corner of Section 33, Township 131 North, Range 43 West, thence East along the section line to the Southeast corner of Section 33, Township 131 North, Range 43 West, and there tenoinating. excepting therefrom right of way of existing highway; -----------.s.......--- COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE·-------~-~~-~--~---······-······--····-·-·····------·····-··-·······-··--····19 .. b~ _ contai.ning 1.01 acre, more or less. Also an easEment to a>nstruct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1965 on the following described tracts: A strip of land 8 feet wide on ~he ~orth si~e of the road beginning at the point of beginning, thence Easterly 125.2 feet and there teI'lll.l.nating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. . A stri~ o~ land 16 feet wide on the N~rth side of the road beginning at a point 125.2 feet East of the point of beginning, thence Easterly 350 feet and there tenninating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 15 feet wide on the North side of the road beginning at a point 1,325.2 feet East of the point of beginning, thence Easterly, 350'feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 34 feet wide on the North side of the road beginning at a point 1675.2 feet East of the point of beginning, thence Easterly bOO reet and there tenninating, said strip to adjoin the outside line of s_aid roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. PARCEL NO. 4 A strip of land extending over and across the following described \ract: The Southeast Quarter of the Southw~st Quarter (SEt Sitt), Section Thirty-four (34), Township One Hundred Thirty-o~e (131) Nnrth, Range Forty-three (43) West, and the Southwest Quarter 0£ the Southeast Quarter (SW¼ SE¼) of Section Thirty-fqur (34), Township One Hundred Thir.ty-one (131) North, Range Forty-three (43) W~st, . said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the Northerly sid~ of the following described center line: Beginning at the Southwest corQer of the SEt SWt of said Section 34, thence East along the Section line to the Sogtheast cor~er of the SWt SE¾ of said Section 34, and there terminating. excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highway, containing l.OJ acres, more or less. Also an easEment to construct slopes which shall cease on or before Decanber 31, 19b5 on the following described tracts: A strip of land 8 feet wide on the North side of the road beginning at a point 135.7 feet East of the point of beginning, thence Easterly JOO feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 2b feet wide on the NUrth side of the road beginning at a point 1535.7 feet East of the point of beginning, thence Easterly JCO feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 46 feet wide beginning at a point 1835.7 feet East of the point of beginning, thence Easterly 400 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line o·f said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 10 feet wide on the North side of the-road beginning at a point 2335.7 feet East of the point of beginning, thence Easterly 289.9 feet and there tenninating. Said strip to adjoin the out- side line of sllid roadway an~ the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. PARCEL NO. 5. A strip of land extending pver and across the following described tract: The Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SEt SEt;), Section Thirty-four (34), Township One Hundred Thirty-one (131) N0 rth, Range Forty-three(43 ) West. said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the N~rtherly side of the following described center line: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of the SE¼ SE¼ or Section 34, Township 131,. North, Range 43 West, thence East along the section line to the southeast corner of said section and there tenninating, excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highway, containing 0.51 acre, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before DecEmber 31, 19b5 on the following described tracts: A strip of land 10 feet wide on the Nor~h side of the road beginning at the point of beginning, thence Easterly 110.l feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 8 feet wide on the North side of the road beginning at a point 1010.l feet East of the point of beginning, thence Easte~lY. ~68.l feet and there terminating: Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel thermo.th. That due proceedings by condannation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire said easement across additional lands aforesaid for public road and highway purposes; to acquire said easement and additional right of way for construction and slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said 359 I j I , I u 360 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ......... ..l.l!n~.JL ....... . ............................. 19 .. 65 .. easanent for erection of snow fences, and let the same forthwith duly be,begun and prosecuted. Dated this 8th day of June, 1965. Attest: S. B. Johnson, County Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: By the Board of County Commissioners of OTTER TAIL COUNTY James Bucholz Chainnan BE IT RESOLVED, That the Chai•nnan and Clerk or Auditor forthwith enter into agreement with the State of tlinnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Highways, for the maintenance, except the application of calcium chloride in locations where the State considers it to be necessary and except snowplowing, of the road described in said agreement as Temporary Trunk Highway No. 210, to-wit: BegiMing at the junction of Otter 'l'ail County State-Aid Highway No. 35 and State Trunk Highway No. 210, just south of Underwood; thence northerly approximately 6.68 miles on said County State-Aid Highway No. 35 to County State-Aid Highway No. 1; thence easterly approximately 5.75 miles on said County State-Aid Highway No. ,1 to County State=Aid Highway No. 72; thence southeasterly and easterly approximately 2.26 miles on said County State-Aid Highway No. 72 to State Trunk Highway No. ·78. Total mileage being approximately 14.69 miles. said Municipality to be paid therefor at the rate of $175.00 per mile per month. Fractional miles 111d fractional months, if any, will be used in computing amounts payable. The use of said road as a detour by the State will tenninate on or before October 1, 1966. Adopted June 8, 1965. Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: James Bucholz Chainnan. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota, That, Whereas, this Board has heretofore advertised for bids for one dump truck, the bid ofStan1s Garage of Battle Lake was accepted and, Whereas, the same has been delivered and accepted, Now, therefore, Be it Resolved that the Chainnan of the Board and County Auditor are hereby authorized and instructed to issue a warrant to Stan's Garage in the amount of $4650.00 on the Road and B ridge fund in payment thereof. Adopted this 8th day of June, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman. Attest: S., B. Johnson Clerk. RESOLUTION-OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Whereas, Otter Tail County by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners, and Grant County by the Grant County Board of Commissioners desire to establish and grade a county line road known and described as CSAH No. 26 by Otter Tail County, Minnesota, and as CSAH No. 26 by Grant County, MiMesota, and lying on a line between said counties, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RF.50LVED, By the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners that Otter Tail County Highway CSAH No. 26 and Grant County Highway CSAH No. 26, which is more particularly described in the specifications of the Otter Tail County Engineer as project·S.A.P. 56-626-03, and by the Engineer of Grant County as S.A.P. 26-626-02, hereby be established and graded as specified in the Specifications herein. 2. The preliminary engineering costs shall be shared Fifty per cent (50%) by the County of Otter Tail and fifty per cent (50%) by the County of Grant between CSAH #1, known as the Wendell Road, and approximately 3-i miles east. I I 1 I l I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 7JI! -=:::::=: ~ll.dlallU..Cuou...n SYIP 11■1 E-2808 DATE .......... ,b.lDlt . .8 .......................................................... 19 .. 6.j. ;.;.. - J. That the construction engineering is to be perfonned by the employees of the Otter '!'ail County Highway Department and the construction engineering costs and the construction costs between CSAH #1 known as the Wendell Road, and approximately J-½ miles East are to be shared on a 50-50 basis the County • of Otter Tail paying fifty per cent (50%) thereof and the County of Grant paying fifty per c~t (50%) thereof. 4. That the oontracts shall be let at Fergus Falls, Minnesota on July lJ, 1965 at ll:00 A.M., and both County Boards shall be present for the letting of said contract and the majority of each County Board must vote approval of said contract prior to acceptance thereof. 5. That the partial estimates shall be signed by the Otter Tail County Engineer and the final estimates shall be signed by both the Otter Tail County Engineer and the Grant County Engineer. The partial estimates and the final estimates shall be paid by Otter Tail County and then a bill will be presented to Grant County for one-half of the cost of the project. o. The original plans shall be approved and signed by both the Otter Tail County and the Grant County Engineer, prior to said plans being effective or legally binding upon their respective counties. 7, The right of way of the roadway aforesaid which lies within the geographic limits of Otter Tail County sha..U be obtained by Otter Tail County, and the right of way of the above described roadway which lies within the geographic limits of Grant County shall be obtained by Gra, t County. Each county shall pay for its respective costs in obtaining said right of way. Dated this 8th day of June, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman. s. B. Johnson Auditor Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. June.9, 1965. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. June 9, 1965, all mE111bers being present. A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1476 was taken up for final action. Interested parties presented their arguments and after consideration the Board issued the following interlocutory order to-wit: S'i'ATE OF MINNESOTA ) )SS County of Otter Tail) IN '!'HE MATTER OF 'lliE DISSOLUTION OF COMI-ION SCOOOL msTRICT NO. 1470 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 9th day of June, 1965, at 10 o'clock• A,M., pursuant to notice duly given as providecl by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First---That said proceedings were instituted by: (C) A resolution adopted by the .electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor. Second--That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said CCJ.IMON School District No. 1476 be dissolved and that the territpry embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized terri toryas follows, to-wit: The entire territory comprising Common School District #1476 be attached to Ind. District #548. (J) IT IS FUR'l'HER ORDERED, That the assets and liablilites of said Common School District #1476, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Ind. District #548 all monies, credits, funds, property both real and personal including taxes for the year 1965 and prior years collected after July 1st, 1965, and that all obligations of Conunon School District #1476 shall become the obligations of Ind. Dist. #548. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1476 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of July, 1965, Dated this 9th day of June, 1965, James Bucholz Chairman S. B, Johnson County Audi tor 3611 I T .,...-.,,..--------------------------------------f/362 I 1 · i I .~ I ' ,, I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ......... Jllll§. .. Q .............................. 19.6.5 .. A petition asking for the dissolution of Common School District #U.22. was taken up for final action, After listening to the statements of various interested parties and upon consideration the board issued the following interlocutory order to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTER 01'' THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRIC1' NO. 1422 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Mj Mesota, at Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 9th day of June, 1965, at 10 o'clock A. M., Pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First--That said proceedings were instituted by: (b) A petition signed by the required number of freeholders residing in said district: Second--That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW THEREFORE 11' 15 ORDERED, That said Common School District No, 1422 be dissolved1 and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized terr~tory as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #850 Wilkin County Lots J-4-5-b NEt; of swl;, SEt; of SEt;, Wi of sw¼, SEt; of swl; and Lots 7 and Wi of NWt;, Section 15 Township 135 Range 44, To Independent School District #548 Otter Tail County The balance of Common School District #1422. (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1422, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #850 Wilkin County 8,32%, and To Independent School District #548 Otter Tail County 91,b8% of all monies, credits, funds, property both real and personal including taxes for 1965 and prior years collected after July 1st, 1965, and that all obligations of School District #1422 shall become the obligations of Independent School District #850 Wilkin County, and Independent School District #548 by the same percentages, (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No, 1422 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of July, 19b5, Dated this 9th day of June, 1965, James Bucholz Chairman Att!lst: S, B. Johnson County Auditor A petition asking for the dissolution of Common Schooi District #1438 was taken up for final action, After listening to the statements of various interested parties and after due consideration, the Board issued the following interlocutory order to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MA1'TER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1438 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at the Court Hnuse in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 9th day of June, 1965, at 10 o'clock A. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested. in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First--That said proceedings were instituted ·by: (b) A petition signed by the required number of freeholders residing in said district: Second-That less than 9C days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it' is expedient and Will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have _said school district dissolved; NOW THEREFORE IT 15 ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1438 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #819 Wadena County. Wl of NEt; and Sj of SEt; Section 4; s½ Section 9; Ni Section lb and Ni of SE! and SEt of SE~ Section 16, Township 134, Range 3b, COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... J.une __ 9··-··----·-···-·· ··-··--····--·-···-·-····19 __ To Independent School Distric~ #543 Otter Tail County. The bal.ance of Common School District #1438. (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDEUED, That the assets and liabilities 01" said Common School District No. 1438 be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #819 Wadena County lb% and to Inaependent School District #543 Otter Tail County 84% of all monies, credits, funds, property both real and personal including taxes for the year 1965 and prior years collected after July 1st, 19b5, and that all obligations of Common School District #1438 shall become the obl.igations of School District /1819 Wadena County and School District #543 Otter Tail County by the same percentages. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Conunon School District No. 14)8 is None Dpll~rs. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of July, 19b5. Dated thi.s 9th day of June, 1965. James Bucholz Attest: Chairman Boaro of County Commissioners S. B. Johnson County Auditor The petition asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1471 was taken.up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interestea parties and due consideration, the Board issued the following interlocutory order to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) ))ss County of Otter Tail) IN 1'11E MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF Cl.MMUN SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1471 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at <::o~t,-HoHile in the City of Fergus Fal.ls in said County, on the 9th day of June, 1965, at 10 o'clock A. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both ~or and against, finds as follows: First---That said proceedings were instituted by: (b) A petition signed by the required number of freeholders residing in said district: Second--That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said.hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW THERERJRE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District N0 • 1471 be dissolved and that the territory . embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows,• to-wit: To Independent School District #542 at Battle Lake Lots 5-b-7 and SEt of SE¼ Section 12 and ~Wt NEt and E½ NEt and Lot 4 Section 13, Township 132 Range 41. To Independent School District #550 at Underwood The entire balance of dissolved District 1471. (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1471, be distributed as follows, to-wit: !l To Independent School District #542 Otter Tail County 10-5'/%. To Independent School District #550 Otter Tail County 89.43% of all monies, credits, funds, property both real estate and personal property including taxes for the year 1965 and prior years col.i.ected. after July 1st, 1965, and that all obi.igations of Common School District #14'fl. shal.l. become the obligat:ions of School Uistrict #552 and School District #550 by the same percentages. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1471 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of July, 1965. Dated this 9th day of June, 1965. James Bucholz Attest: Chainnan Board of County Commissioners s. B. Johnson County Auditor The petition of Harold Weiss asking that 1.2 acres tract in Section 30-135-42 be set off from District #1470 to Common School District #138b was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of various interested parties, a motion was made, seconded: and cari:-ied to re.ject the petition. The petition of Arvid and Arlene Haugrud asking that certain lands located in Section 1-134-44 be detached from Common School District #1411 and attached to !~dependent School District #850 Wiltin County I' ' : I 'I I, i 'I ', :, i l I i · I ii ! i. '' '' ,I I ·, 1 f :1 I •I ,, I II 'f . I .. --···---------------- 364 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ Jun~ ....... 9 ..t •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l!P.S ... . was taken up for final action. After listening to the statenents of various interested parties and due consideration, the petition was rejected. The petition of C; A. Ukkelberg asking that the Et of Sect~on 5-132-39 be set over from Common School District #1488 to Independent School District #542 was taken up for final action •. It appearing that the detachment of this land from District #1488 would leave less than four sections·of land in the district, upon motion made and carried, the petition was rejected, The petition of Ervin Rix asking that the SW¾ NW¼ and Lot 4 Section 8-132-39 be set off from District #1488 to Independent School District #542 was taken up for final action. It appearing that the detachment of this land from District #1488 would leave the district with less than four sections of land, upon motion the petition was rejected. The petition of W. B. and Avis E. Zimmennan was presented to the Beard asking that certain lands in Section 1 and Section 2 Township 134 Range 44 be set off from Distridt #14ll to !~dependent District 850 Wilkin County. It appearing that this land did not adjoin District #850 .Wilkin County, Upon motion no hearing was ordered on this petition, The petition of Gerald and Margaret Zeise asking that the Ei of the SEt of Section 32 and the NW¾ and the N½ of the SW¾ Section 33 all in Township 134 Range Jo be set off from District #1541 to Independent District //543 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A.M. July 13, 1965 and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law, Upon motion made, seconded and carried the salary of the Parole and Probation officer was fixed at $485,00 per month beginning July 1, 1965. The bond of Wendell P. Huber in the sum of $25,000.00 with the Hartford Accident and lndennity Company as surety was approved. The County Engineer was instructed to confer with the owner of the SEt Section 19 Township of Inman regarding the removal of a culvert which was abstructing the flow of water on County Ditch #oS. The following criteria for County aid on bituminous surfacing on township roads was adopted by the Board with Commissioner Morrill voting "no". CRI'l'ERIA FOR W UNTY AID ON BITUMINOUS SURFACING TOI/NSHOP ROADS When a Township requests ·aid for bituminous surfacing, the following criteria shall be used: 1. The bituminous mat shall not be less than 20 feet in width. 2. There shall be at least a 1-foot shoulder on each side of the mat, J. The speed design shall not be less than JO miles per hour and preferably 50. 4, The bitwninous surface shall be send sealed at least every sixth year. 5, The County will not participate in any of the grading costs or sand seal operations. 6. All bituminous surfacing shall be designed for a 5-ton limit. 7, Request by the Township for participation and assistance from the County shall be made from one to two. years in advance of the time that the work is to be mnstructed. 8. The County will participate in the cost not to exceed forty percent. 9, The County will stand all the expense of engineering involved_. BE IT RESOLVED By the County Board (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Mjnnesota: That the duly established and designated County State Aid Highway No. 25 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, which begins at the approximate Southwest corner of Section 35, Township 131 North, Range 43 West, thence along the established center line of the public road described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south county line approximately at the southwest corner of Section 35, Township 131 North, Range 43 West; thence along the established center line of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning extending northerly along or near the west lines of sections 35, 26, 23, 14, 11 and 2, township 131 north, range 43 west ar:id continuing northerly-along the west line of section 35, township 132 north, range 43 west, to approximately the northwest corner of section 35; thence easterly along the north line of section 35, to approximately the north quarter corner· of section 35; thence northerly along or near the north and south quarter line through section 26, to approximately a point 5CO feet north of the interior quarter corner of Section 26; thence northwesterly to a point approximately 500 feet south of the northwest corner of section 26; thence northerly along or near the west lines of sections 26, 23 and 14, to a point approximately at the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 14; thence westerly to approximately the northwest corner of the southeast quaEt.er of the southeast quarter of section 15; thence northerly to a point approximately at the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 15; thence westerly to a point approximately at the interior quarter corner of section 15; thence northerly along or near the south quarter lines through sections 15 and 10, township 132 north, range 43 west, to a point on the south limits of the City of Fergus Falls, said point being on the center line of State Street; thence the center 24 feet of the public road described as follows: Continuing northerly on State Street, to approximately a point where Gustaws Avenue intersects State Street; thence northwesterly at the intersection of Everett Avenue and Cascade Street; thence northerly on Cascade Street, to the intersection of Cascade and Vernon Avenues, in the City of Fergus Falls, and there tenninating; and whose general course in the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (Ei SE¼) of Section Thirty-four (34), Township One Hundred Thirty-one (131) N0rth, Range Forty-three (43) West, is as follows: beginning at the Soµtheast corner of Section 34, Township 131 North, Range 43 West, thence along the established center line of the public road described as follows: from said point of beginning northerly along the east line of Section 34, Township 131 North Range 43 West, for a distance of Fifteen Hundred (1500) feet and there terminating. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... , June .. 9 ,. ..................................................... 196-§. .. . E· 08 That it is necessary for the safety of the public travel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed; That an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so altering said County State Aid Highway No. 25 in said sections aforesaid; That the general course of said County State Aid Highway No. 25 is not materially altered thereby; That the said Easement so to be procured is for public highway and road purposes, that the same shall be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter described; That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of publi•c travel that additional right of way be procured to enable the construction of proper slopes and that an · easement be procured to construct certain slopes and to maintain the same after the construction as provided in the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Highway Engineer at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls, MiMesota, the specific places where said slopes are to be constructed, being particularly hereinafter described, that such easement for such construction of slopes cease on or before December Jl, 1965. That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travelthat an easement for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the same be upon the lands here- inafter described to be taken for public highway purposes, and upon the lands adjoining the same; That the lands so to be taken for public highway and road purposes and subjected to easement as aforesaid, are situated in the State of MiMesota, and the County of Otter 1'ail and described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL NO. J. A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The East half of the Southeast Quarter (E! SE¼), Section Thirty-four (J4), Township One Hundred Thirty- one (lJl) N0 rth, Range Forty-three (4J) West, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of fifty (50) feet on the westerly side of the foll- owing described center line:· BegiMing at the southeast corner of Section J4, Township 131 North, Range 43 West, thence north along the section line a distance of 1,500 feet and there terminating, excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highway, containing 1.21 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December Jl, 1965, on the following described tract: A strip of land 25 feet wide on the west side of the road begiMing at a point 600 feet north of the point of begiMing; thence northerly 200 feet and there tenninating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 10 feet wide on the west side of the road begiMing at a point 1,000 feet north of the point of beginning, thence northerly 200 feet and there terminating; said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer Line of said strip to be parallel therewith. That due proceedings by condemnation .and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire said easement across additional lands aforesaid for public road and highway purposes; to acquire said easement and additional right of way for construction and slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said easement for erection of snow fence~, and let the same f9rthwith·duly be ~egun and prosecuted. Dated this 9th day of June, 1965 Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor By the Board of County Commissioners of OTTER TAIL OOUNTY James Bucholz Chairman Upon motion made and carried the County Board was authorized to attend a1legislative meeting at Thief River Falls on June 23, 1965. A request was made for County aid in experimental work in improving Drumlin formations. Upon motions made, seconded and carried the request f,or appropriation was not approved. A.plat of Preston's Lakeview Beach·being part of Government Lots 1, 3 and 4 Section 23, Township 134, range k3, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by David F. Lundeen, Attorney at law, was approved. Licenses to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted as follows: Myra Lewis Lavi.la O I Haver Ralph Richter Leonard Saewart Grand View Heights East S~lent Resort Resort-Store Leonard's Resort Pine Lake Township Dora Township Candor Township Corli:ss Township 365 ,, I· 366 i I I I \ ! l' COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MIN-N. Mrs. Marguerite Bellinger Blaine Brincefield Mrs. Mike Shasky Art Bruns Russell Pederson DATE ...... June 9 ........................................................... 19 .65 Sunrise Resort Jungle Shores Cal's Rainbow Point Resort Bruns Resort Bay View Resort Dead Lake Township Corliss Tol«!ship Rush Lake Township Everts Township Star Lake Tpwnship The following applications for homestead c~assifications of real estate were granted: Paul Brandirk Raymond Every Richard J. & JoAnn Tschetter Jesse D. White Paul Husfeldt Lot 11 Trigg Beach (South 38 acres of the Ei NEl; Section 23) NWt NW! except RR Section 12 s½ NEl; Section 20 Tract in Section 22 Pelican Township Maplewood Township Hobart Township Homestead Township Village of Henning The application of Adolph .Kaste for correction of assessment on personal property in Clitherall Township was approved on the ground that no household exElllption was granted to which he was entitled: The application of Marvil Mykleby for correction of real estate assessment on Sub Lot 1 of Government Lot 4 and five acres off East side of Sub Lot 2 of Government Lot 4 Section 34 Tordenskjold Township was approved due to error in assessment. The application of J.C. l!.mery for correction of real estate assessment being a part of Lot 2 Section 5 Everts Township was approved in order to make the assessment comparabLe with adjoining property. The following applications for correction of real estate assessments were read and a motion was made to recommend to the Cormnissioner of Taxation that these applications be approved: Henry M. Veldey Alma Johnson Henry and Ida Klovstad George H. Parson A. R. Gross Albert Thun, Jr. Fred Hochert J. J. Warner Raymond-Jacobson N} SE¼ East of Highway #94 except tract, Section 5, Buse Township, 13.10 acres included in Super-highway not included in making assessment. SE¼ NE¼ Section 24 Erhards Grove Township Lots 5,6 and sw¼ NW¼ Section 27, Norwegian Grove Lots 6, Block 4, Juvruds Addn. to'Rothsay NE¼ NE¼ and Lot 1 Section 34, Tumuli Township N} SEt and the SE¼ SEt Section 2, Effington Township SEk NW¼, Ni s} NE¼ and•NEi sw¼ Section 31 Effington Lot 10 Oakland Beach Town of Perham Personal property assessment Town of Paddock Too many acres were assessed as tillable Building in very poor shape, barns falling down. Too much value added for minor improvem!=llts. Cabin burned fall of 1963, not deducted on 1964 assessment. Not assessed comparable to other property. Buildings have been removed before assessment. Over assessed. Dairy cows assessed at $119 per head instead of $70 per head. The application of Connor F. Schmid for reduction of assessment on Lot 11 Harts Beach Town of Dead Lake was rejected upon recommendation of the Town Board. The application of Harry C. Schnid, Lot 15 Borups Mable Beach, asking for reduction of assessed valuation was rejected upon recommendation of the Town Board. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Russell Brooberg Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Gordon H. Larson Sam Nycklemoe James Bucholz Harv.ey Morrill Bennie J. Johnson Otto Haase John Kukowski Floyd Flom Isabelle Klimek James Wark Marvin Moske William Layman Thomas Bowman Dorothy Fletcher Mrs. 'l'ed Johnson John Lindblom Ted Johnson Edwin Ala Willard Graunke Beatrice Wisted Municipal Court F. F. River Inn Coffee Shop Osterberg•s Cafe W. F. Schamber, M. D. r~ r1 trt,n Ti: .. t-,nrt.eru~en Boarding Prisoners Expenses II II II II Attd. special meeting expenses II Expert witness witness fees II II II II II II II II II II Bailiff witness fees II II II II Dep. Sh. witness fee witness fees transcripts municipal court jurors meals for jurors II II coroner's fees ~111ary W.O.T. Soi/Cons. Dist. $ 1076.00 1.40.40 265.20 273.30 146.30 38:50 39.50 10.00 36.65 39.85 25.00 7.96 15.96 19.56 16.68 5.50 5.80 110.70 18.48 6.64 18.48 15.00 19.36 32.20 114.00 28.60 32.10 10.55 '7n.,.,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... ,h.me ... 9. ......................................................•... 19 .. 6.5.. -. Roger M. Heidorn Arnold Evavold Theo. Palmquist Mrs. Arnold Stocll: Sal'y E.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist, Attd. Extension Mtg, H II 11 Mrs. Elvin Arvidson Emil Boen Frank koberts Eugene Davenport Robert Shaw " " " " " Sal'y & Exp, Weed IQsp. II II II 11 11 expenses " Northwestern Bell Tele Co, F, F. Calls Do F. F. " Vernon E. Bachman Mrs. Mable Rossow Gust Lagerquist & Sons Deutschman Electric Co, expenses " Allstate Sanitation & Main Corp. Otter Tail Grocery Co. repairs & Main. Serv. service call & Parts dust-mop & head supplies Dacotah Paper Co, Johnson Service Co, Edling Electric Co. Holten Hardware Merlin S, Rieman John Halvorson Donald Lee Gary Nelson Donald Lee Key Laboratories Inc, Mobile Radio & T. V. Serv. supplies supplies Lamps supplies Sp. Dep, fees & exp. Sp. Dep. fees & exp. Sp, Dep. fees & mileage Road •Patrol Road.Patrol tests service install siren etc. Sales & Serv. International Scout Stan's Garage International Harv. United Chemical Co, Holten Hardware Sargent-Sowell Inc. Hintgen-Karst Elec, Co. Inc, supplies for jail supplies for jail supplies for jail Western Union Telegraph Commercial Art Service Northern Sch, Supply & Equip. The Pierce Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Davenport's Stationery Miller-Davis Co. Victor Lundeen & Co, Poucher Prtg. & Lith. Co, Panama Carbon Co. Schoolcraft Co. Cooper's Office Supply R. L, Polk & Co, R. L. Polk & Co, Farmer's Co-op Elevator Johnson Drugs Julian Tollerude Vernon E. Bachman Helen E. Skramsted repairs telegram show.card Inc• Mounting boards envelopes supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies furniture for Probation four ,directories one directory weed.killer repairs janitor postage " Off. Myrtle E. Logas Battle Lake Review Northwestern Publ, Co. Perham Enterprise Bulletin Fergus Falls Daily Journal Helen E. Benshoof Adv. Coms. pd.Driv.lic. agts, publishing tax notice Ruth Huether Helen E. Benshoof Helen E. Benshoof Andrews & Meister Drug Perham Enterprise Bulletin E.O,T, Tail Tele Co, Mrs. Robert H, J0 hnson Mrs. Ed Skoglund. Mrs, D. C. Haugen Mrs. J, A. Anderson Mrs. Alva HelJnrichs Mrs. Arthur Bakke .. Mrs. Bill Dewey Philip M. Kjaglien Philip M. Kjaglien Straub Co, Public Utilities Dept. Artz Camera Supply Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. R, L, Polk & Co. Secretarial Service Victor Lundeen & Co, Hintgen-Karst Elec, Co. N0rtnwestern Bell Tele Co, M. J. Daly City of Fergus Falls ViJ . .1.age of Henning Village of Henning Mineral Springs Sanatorium Louise Kimball Drs, Warner & Schoeneberger Korda Clinic Stemsrud & Emerson Drug. Co. " " publishing expenses " " " postage shipping charge syringes onion skin & service " tolls Attd. Nursing Bd. Mt;g, " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " mileage & expenses postage & Mche Rental rental utilities Matrix sheets supplies city.directory printing forms supplies tube calls & services rent .contract care.of transients " " " ·" " " ·" T. B. patiem.s Trans. T,B. patient care •Of T .B. patiEnt Med. ,T,B. patients II II II II 'l:a.x. Forf, $ 157,25 4.50 2.33 1.13 9.00 250;55 310.00 170.87 166.95 81.oJ 76.19 59,95 16.00 59,00 25,65 17.52 49,75 17,25 50.20 3,90 5-84 20.90 5,00 58.80 428.70 571.50 23.15 53.08 27,30 2360.00 31.91 4,65 9,06 18,50 2.90 2.00 16,50 30,94 351.40 750.56 74,57 151.67 209,86 37,70 241.83 598.45 80.C,0 20.00 12.00 9,00 150.00 45,00 50.00 13.65 8,40 8,40 9,24 254,03 115.02 64,20 5.00 2,87 3,82 2.50 17,63 11,40 9,15 3,90 7,35 6.75 3,30 6.00 101.20 6.00 50,00 3,67 52,00 21.20 35,00 9,95 75.00 5,50 JS,77 3.00 876,42 40,29 · 63,85 621.00 20.00 4,00 12.00 31,JO r/j- 368 'I I I , I I: ,! ; I ' : l: I I ' f I ., i· I ii', f' '. I I· I IL:,I ..._) LU COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . Arnold Koski Borchert-Ingersoll Inc. Equipment Parts & Serv. Co. Public Works Equip. Co., Inc. Roaa Machinery & Supplies Co. The Geo. T. Ryan Co. Wm. H, Ziegler Co. Inc. Harvey Bullock International Harvester Co. Larson Welding Minnesota Motor Co. Olson Auto hl.ectric Riverside Repair Shop Seedorf Repair Smokey's Machine Shop Super GMC Truck Sales Coast-to-Coas~ Store Henn. Crane-Johnson Lwnber Co. Erickson-Hellekson-Vye Co. Erhard Earl N. Evenson General Trading Co. Harper Brush Works Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Tesch Lumber Co. Wilcox Lumber Co., Henning Paper Calmenson & Co. M-R Sign Co., I c. Mark Sand & Gra~el Co. Raymond Motor Firestone Store Les Tire Service East Otter Tail Tele Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co. F. F. Midwest Telephone Co. N. vi. Bell Tele Co. Henn. Pelican Telephone Co. N. W. Bell TBle. Co. F. F. Vergas Telephone Co. Otter Tail Power Co. F. F. SCM Corporation Fergus Falls Daily J0 urnal Minneapolis Blue Prtg. Co. H. A. l!ogers Co. Minn. Deptp of Highways Wendell P. Huber G. D. Harlow Wendell P. Huber Allison & Comp_any Mrs. Ole M. Hanson Mrs. Olive Knutson Marie Benhardus Hoff Olaf Juvland Julius Hanson Charles S. Erickson Dennis E. Samuelson School Dist. #1378 Reuben Braud, Clerk Andy rrud Clarence O. Kirkvold Harry F. Larson Julia Farden Ed. T. Erickson Ed. T. Erickson Fannie A. Joki Fannie A. ,!oki Clifford N rgren Charles E.~Teigen) Leatrice J. Teigen) Marvin R. Kosteri Bengtson Oif Company Bluffton Oil Co. Dalton Oil Co. Dan's Texaco Service Farrners Co-op Cry. Assn. D. C. Fergus Oil Co., I c. Fossen Oil Co, " Gene & Clem's Cities Serv. Hoot Lake Pure Oil Jim's Service Station John's 1-0 Service Mayo's Standard Service Orie's Pure Perham Co-op Oil Co. Thomas Oil Co. Underwood Lakeside Serv. West End 'l'exaco \fold Mobil Serv. . D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Arrow Petrolewn " Becklund-Rian Oil Co. Penrose Oil Co. DATE ....... June .. 9 .................. . Trans. T.B. patient parts II II . II II II repairs supp.l,ies II II II II II II II II steel posts signs gravel freight tires II servj,c e & tolls II II II II II II II II II serv:l,ce & tolls II II II II II II prli:nts maint. service Adv. for bids supp],ies II II expenses II cash.advanced workn!en' s comp. right, of way II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II It II II II II II II II II gasol,ine gas, .etc. II II gasol,ine gas, .etc. gasoline gas, .etc. gasoline !.! II II II gas, _etc. II II II II gasoline gas, etc. gasol,ine gr~se & Oil diesel fuel fuel oil diesel fuel Ins, ................. 19 .. 6.5.. .$. 12.15 3bb,46 llb.34 219.81 24b,90 146.lb 86,4b 114.00 3b,35 7,50 62.27 114.90 21.50 15.00 499.30 299,99 18.33 3.50 3.09 6.88 303.59 .b9,3U .54.80 3,JO 20.14 1909.88 2135.00 1474,b7 4.00 b5.lJO 607,38 12.05 3b.b0 9.90 11.82 lb,3~ 79,0/.,. 22.51' 205.22 47.00 51.02 1.10 8b.89 14.·;o 237.00 9,15 l5,J2 b47,08 51.98 13.75 48,90 117,58 11.80 53.10 22.15 7,00 62.45 20.80 57,50 91.85 8.20 24.00 32.bO 27.70 500.00 1.80 10.00 77,b3 176.76 168,5b 47,13 4b.23 48,35 125,73 156,9b 108.92 74,75 52.b8 45,85 49,4b 89.13 138,37 25.b7 21.75 70,42 140b,b0 356,32 31.59 86.77 ---------------------------------------~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ J.\llle. 9 ....................................................... 19 65. Upon motion the Beard then adjourned to 11 o'clock A. M. June 22, 1965. Attest: Clo~ Jeir,,./3....14 Chainnan MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CDMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL CDUNTY, MINNESOTI The Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. June 22, 1965, all members present. A delegation regarding the sale of "set-ups" under the Bottle Club law·met with the Board. After oon- siderable discussion a motion was made and seconded that the original resolution passed by the Board of County Commissioners fixing the fee at $100.00 be amended so as to fix the fee at $50.CO per year, Commissioner Morrill and Jo)!nson voting "No", Haase and Nycklemoe voting "yes", whereupon the Chainnan declared the motion carried and the County Auditor was instructed not to release any signed and approved applications for pennits to the Liquor Control Commissioner until the fee of $50.00 had been paid to the County. The Board having previously authorized the Commissioner of Highways to advertise for bids on behalf of the County for S.P. 5b-b59-06, S.A.P. 56-659-07, a representative of the State Highway Department proceeded to open and read bids which were found to be as follows: Clifford Strom, Brandon,· Minn. Michaelson Bros., Inc• Madison, Minn. Joe Halstensgaard, Ferlil:9,i .I-Jinn. Clarence Drewes, Detroit Lakes, Minn. Sellin Bros., Inc., Hawley, ~!inn, Roy Benson & Son, Inc., Stephen, M1nn. Kem & Tabery, Sebeka, Minn. - Bain Bros., & Don Dahlman, Clarissa, Minn, Strom Const, Co,, Moorhead, Minn• Barry Const. Co., Lake Wilson, Minn• Kahlstorf Const., Lake George, Minn. $47,879,14 49.b39.b3 50,864.09 52,708.77 54,286.72 55,411.02 57,000,74 59,192.04 b0,857,59 65,370.64 65,b09.0b It was found that the bid of Clifford Strom in the amount of $47,879,14 to be the lowest bid received, subject to final audit, and after due consideration on motion of Commissioner Haase and seconded by Commissioner Nycklemoe, it was voted by said County Board of Commissioners to recommend to the Commissioner of Highways that said contract be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, A delegation of residents of dissolved school district #1471 and their attorney appeared before the Board objecting to the disposition of the territory, After consideration :j.t was ordered that there 1i0uld be no change from the original order_. A delegation from the township of Nidaros came before the Board regarding a bridge over Vining Creek which had washed out, Fngineer Huber was authorized to check and see what could be· done, A motion was made,· seconded and carried authorizing the Chainnan and County Auditor to sign an easement with the Otter Tail Power Company for the placing of one pole and guy wire on tract owned by the County in Kalling1s Subdivision in the NE~ of Section 35-133-43. Upon motion, made, seconded and carried the County Engineer was authorized to hire a back hoe to open and drain water on the SEi SJEt of Section 19-133-3b: - A motion was made, seconded and carried that due to the vetoe by Governor Rolvaag of the bill author- izing bounty payments, no payments of bounties on foxes, Lynx, and wolves to be made after July 1st, 1965, It having been called to the attention of the Board that a law passed by the 19b5 legislature providing that a portion of the County Attorney's salary anil~-Cl'erk 1s' salary· could'be· paid''61,1t of Welfare funds, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried that after July 1, 1965, that two-thirds of the County Attorney's and clerk's salary be paid from County Welfare funds, A motion was also made and carried that the County Attorney's clerk receive up to $300.00 per month beginning July 1st, 19b5. After discussion a motion was made, seconded and carried that the Field Abstract Company pay the sum of $150.00 per month for office rent and use of facilities in·the office of the Register of Deeds beginning July 1st, 19b5, Licenses for "Off and On" sale of Non-intoxicating malt liquors was granted to Mrs. Lowell Ambuehl, Bob Creek Store, Township of Scambler, The Board then adjourned. Attest: Clerk. 369 J ~ 370 I '! COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... July. 12 ·······················································19 .. 65. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEE.TING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER 'fAIL COUNTY, MINN. Pursuant to Statute the Bard met at 10 o'clock A. M. July 12, 1965, all members present. The resignation of Mrs. William Dewey as a member of the Public Health Nursing Service was accepted and the appointment of Mrs. Russel Jedlund to take her place was approved. Upon motion the Vefrerans Service Officer was authorized to attend the Minnesota Veterans Service Officers Association meeting September 13, 14 and 15 at Ruttger's Lodge on Bay Lake near Deerwood. The Chainnan and the Auditor were authorized to sign an,agreement with the U.S. Anny Engineer District, St. Paul; Corps of Engineers, for the +ocation of the Otter Tail County Warning Point. Protected Area, in case of necissity. Applications for On and Off Sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted as follows: M. J. Schlanger, Mallard Bay Lodge, Nidaros; William H. Lively, James Resort, Rush Lake. Dance licenses for mechanical music were granted as follows: Mrs. Melvin Baas, Triangle Inn, Rush Lake; Mrs. Edna Thompson, Heavenly Days,. Leaf Lake. Upon appiications filed, the salary of the Sheriff, Clerk of Court, Register of Deeds, Treasurer and Auditor were fixed at the minimurn alit.owed by the 1965 Statutes. Upon mot:!-on made, seconded ~d ~arried, Otter Tail County wiil contribute $Joo on the South i mile and $200 on the North 1 mile for rep~ir of the road between Wadena and Otter Tail County lying North of Trunk Highway 210, provided that Waden~ County and the townships involved will make the proper appropriations towards the repair. . . The County Board having preyiously advertised for bids 9n behalf of Otter Tail County and Grant County for grading and gravelling SAP 56-625-05, SAP 56-626-03 and 26-626-02.Job 65:25 and 65:26 met in joint session with the Grant County Board and proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Michaelson Bros., Inc. Madison, Ralph Stewart, Starbuck, Dan Conroy & Sons, Dumont $35,973.95 39,517.68 37,705.11 After checking bids a motion was made by Commiss:ioner Nycklenoe, seconded by Commissioner Sand, and carried, to award the contract to Michaelson Bros., Inc. in the sum of $35,973.95. The Otter Tail County Board having previously advertised for bids for grading, gravel base, and road mix bituminous surface on SAP 65-601-05 located between Interstate H;ghway No. 94 and south corporate limits of Fergus Falls proceeded to open bids, which were as follows: Mark Sand and Gravel Co. John Dieseth Co. · $62,306.90 70,654.15 After CD>nsideration these bids were rejected. Members of the Town Board of Pelican Township appeared before the Board regarding a bill from Wilkin County for hospitalization and care of a former resident of Pelican Township. The matter was discussed, but no definite action taken. The Gounty Board appointed the following Voluntary Committee to study and recommend what is required to rep~r Phelps Mill as follows: C.H. Ghatwood, Dr. Anton Thompson, Floyd Hoff, Geneva Tweten, E. H. Buerkle, H. D. M0 rrill and James Gray, who is also to act as temporary cha±rman. The following estimate of expenses for the ensuing ye~r is hereby submitted: Salaries of County Officials Clerks, Janitor etc. Deputy Sheriffs & Jailers Collllllissioners Salary & Expenses Board of Prisoners Sheriff & Deputies expen~es Supt. of Schools expenses District Court Jurors Bailiffs & Reporters Miscellaneous.Court Municipal & Justice Court Books, Blanks"& Stationery Mental Illness Appropriations $69000.00 68000.00 35000.00 13800.00 12000.00 10000.00 500.00 Equipment & Maintenance Court Hw se Grounds Election expenses Light, Fuel, Repairs & Supplies County Agents County Nursing Service Printing & Advertising Co. Assessors Salary, Assts, Expenses Attending Assessors Meetings $ 5oco.oo 2000.00 6000.00 27000.00 275co~•oc>1 22500.00 120CO.OO 18000.00 17000.00 6200.00 5000.00 4500.00 30000.00 4000.00 2200.00 Veteran's Service Salary, Clerks & Esp. Retirement, Blue Cross & Blue Shield Co. Planning Commission 1200.00 16000.00 17000.00 6000.00 125co.oo 35000.00 465075.00 Probation Office Miscellaneous Co. Welfare Co. Road & Bridge County Poor Fund Co. Road & Bridge Bond Respectfully submitted S. B. Johnson County Auditor Acct. 495000.00 120,000.00 173,900.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... -!J!!Y. .. ;l,.~ ................................................... 19 .... 6~ SSCPl!D H!■IIH CONU!I P Cl OMI TO THE COUNTY BOARD OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOl'A Pursuant to law I present below, a statenent showing the amount of taxes levied for County purposes for the current year, the amount~ ~ollected and a~portioned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with t.he actual cash balance remaining to the credit of each County Fund at the close ~f bus:ine~s on the 30th day of June, 1965. FUNDS County Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bridge Fund County Buildings County School Transportation R & B Bond Acct. Veterans Service County Welfare County School Tax County Fair Bonds Amount Levied for Current Year $300,166.88 uo,229.36 490,104.41 50,448.21 35,061.51 176,820.99 17,656.87 465,132.55 463,755.28 12,bl2.05 S. B. Johnson County Auditor. Amount Collected and Apportioned 87,508.39 29,794.14 153,908.02 17.jQ2jji22:1. 12,939.17 62,908.20 5,958.82 145,395.41 151,756.16 4,256.JO Balance Uncollected or UnaPPOrtioned 212,658.49 80,L.J5.22 _ 339,196~39 33,422.99 22,122.34 llJ,912.79 ll,b9ts.05 319,737.14 Jll,999.12 8,355. '/5 Balances renain~ng to the credit of each Fund are as follows: FUNDS County Revmue Fund Poor Fund Road & Bridge Fund County Building Fund Ditch Fund County Nursing Home Incidental Fund Turberculosis Sanatorium County Road & Bridge Bond Acct. County School Transportation County Fair Bonds Veterans Service Fund County Welfare Fund County School Tax Fund Debit 13,316.90 4,652.79 4,415.84 BALANCES Credit 602,ll5.54 21,043.72 2,722.52 12,476.62 360.95 6,096.21 1J7,78J.OJ 19,381.08 20,493.JJ 13,468.87 148,760.78 The following is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board. For What Purpose Unpaid equipnent.Road & Bridge Unpaid Road & Birdge Contracts The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commiss:il!»ners of Otter Tail County: Balance Due lJ,880.UO . 654,873.16 That there. be levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, payable during the year 1966, the following amounts for the several County Funds. I Revenue Fund : ,. iloiid:i.&gBradge Fund Poor Fund Building Fund County Schoql. Fund Co. School Transportation · · Co"tintyaWelfare Veteran's Service County Fairs Planning & Zoning Shelter Workshop Adopted July 12, 1965 Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk7 $350,000.00 495,000.00 120,oco.oo 2 mills 450,726.99 18,648.00 465,075.00 .70 mill .25 mill .50 mill 14,688.00 James Bucholz Chainnan ~ 371 17 372 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. Jul_y .12 ................................................... 19 65 The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $12,000.00 be transferred from the County Fair Bond Account to the County Reva,ue Fund, and Be it further resolved, that the County Auditor and County Treasurer make the necessary entries to accomplish this. Dated July 12, 1965, James Bucholz Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That there be appropriated to the Otter Tail County Fair Association the sum of $6,000.00 and to the Perham Agricultural Society the sum of $6,000.00 from the County Revenue Fund, and that the County Auditor and County Treasurer make the necessary entries on their records to accomplish this. Adopted July 12, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk The Board adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. July 13, 1965, TUESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, July 13, 1965, all members present. The petition of Gerald and Margaret Zeise, asking that the El of SE¾ Section 32, NW¾ and Ni of SW¾ Section 33 'i'ownship 134 Range 36 be detached from School Dist. 1541 and attached to School Dist. 543 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, 'l!he petition of Gerald and Margaret Zeise, legal voters freeholder and resident of School District No. 1541 in this County, representing that they are the owners of the lands hereinan.er described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 543 and asking that they with their said lands may be set off from said district No. 1541 to said adjoining school district No. 543 was presented to the Board of County Commissidners.of this County at a session of said board held on the 9th day of June A, D., 1965 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 13th day of July A. D., 1965 at the tounty Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of Couhty Commissioners on said 13th day of July A. D., 1965 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days.prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by than to-wit: E! of S~ Section 32 NW! and Ni of SW¾ Section 33 Township 134 Range 36. be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1541 to said adjoining School District No. 543 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 13th day of July A. D., 1965. (Auditor's Seal) James Bucholz Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. ~~y. :;i_J ••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••• 19 ... 65 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss County of Otter Tail) I, S. B. Johnson, Audito: of Otter Tail County, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the foreg~ing paper writing with the original thereof, which is in my custody as such auditor, and that such copy is a correct copy of such original, and of the whole thereof. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Fergus Falls, on this 13th day of July A. D., 1965. Auditor The petition of Henry and Elmer Larson asking that the SE¼ Section 35 Tuownship 131 Range 42 be detached from District 1379 Otter Tail County and attached to District 261 Grant County was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M. August 11, 1965 at the Commissioners Room in the Court House, and that due notice of th~ time and place be given as required by law. Upon motion made, seconded and carried the interlocutory order dissolving School Dist. 1438 in Otter Tail County was amended and corrected so that the E½ of NE¼ of Section 4 Township 134 Ranp.:e 36 be attached to Dist. 819 Wadena County instead of Dist. 543 Otter Tail County as the original decree stated. The question of the dissolution of the remaining nonoperative common school districts in Otter Tail County was taken up for action, and after discussion 'l'he following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That pursuant to Chapter 122.32 M.S.A. as amended, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County will on August 20, 19o5 dissolve and make an order annexing to other existing school districts the territory of the following non-operating ~chool Districts: 1397) 1412) at 10 o'c.lock A. M. 1415) 142!7·) 1432) 1435) at 11 o'clock A. M. 1443) 14631 1479) 1516) at 2 o'clock P. M·. 1521) 15301 1532 and 1~38 at J o'clock P. M. and that.the County Auditor give notice of the time and· place os such hearing, as provided by law. Adopted July 13, 1965. James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk Members of the East and West Otter '!'ail County Soil Conservation Committee appeared before the Board regarding an appropriation. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the sum of $800,00 was appropriated to each of the two Soil Conservation districts, Upon motion Bennie J. Johnson was appointed as a member of the Resource Conservation Development Committee. · ·· The Board was informed that the major portion of School Dist. 1493 had been attached to the Barnesville school district leaving a number of fanns to be attached to some district by the County Board. Upon motion the Auditor was1to prepare the necessary notices as required by law. A plat of Timber.lane Beach, located in Government Lots 7,8 and_9 Section 5 Town of Everts, accompanied by an opinion as to the title executed by Richard C. Hefte, attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of crystal Hills, 1st Addition, being a part of.Lot 1 in Section 11 and pc,.rt of Lot 9 in Section 2 Town of Lida, accompanied by an opinion as to the title executed by W. B. Dosland, attorney- at-law, was approved. A plat pf Engstrom•s Beach, Third Addition, ?eing a part of Lot l Section 19 and Lot 6 Section 18 Town or Edna, accompanied by an opinion as to the title executed by M. J. Daly, attorney-at-law, was approved. ~ 373 I! I l:l COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ July 13 ..................................................... 19.65 The following applications for homestead classifications were granted: Carl Prischmann Kenneth A. Anderson Gary M. Jones Wi of the NE¼ and the North 2 rods of the NEt; SEi Section JO, Elizabeth West 59 feet of Lot 1 Block 6 Cutler's 1st Addition to Fergus Falls SE'ly one half of Sub Lot C of Gov. Lots 4 & 5 Section 30 Town of Corliss The application of C. J. Albrecht for homestead classification on .39 acres tract was rejected The application of Luverne Whitman for correction of personal property assessment in Dead Lake was approved on the ground that no household exemption was givm. The following applications for reduction in assessed value on real estate were granted by the County Board: L. G. Chesborough M. P. & Alma Haga Alvin Nelson Sub Lot C of Lot 1-except tract in Section 34 unplatted·lands, Battle Lake. Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Block 15, Bowman & Dunton's Addn. to Battle Lake. Tract called Lot 1 of Inwood Additon #2 Section 17 Town of Dunn, error in assessment. The application of J.C. Emery for reduction of assessment on lots 3 and 4 and the Nortn 9 acres of Lot 6 and part of Lot 5 Section 5 Town of Everts was rejected upon recommendation of the County Assessor. The following applications were approved and it was reconmended to the Commissioner of Taxation that they be granted: Douglas C. Haugen Aaron Hultstrand Eddit M. Johnson G. C. Flom Clarence M. Samson George Nelson Carl L. Nelson A. W. Frederickson Willard G. Suhr Oliver & Virginia Layman Stanley Moe NW¾ of the SE¾ except tracts Section 27 unplatted lands, Village of Pelican Rapids., assessed as 20.53 acres instead of 7.49 acres. South 75 feet-of Lot 2 Block 27 Lakeview Addn. to Parkers Prairie Sub Lot 1 of Reserve A Original Plat Henning North 12! feet of Lot 6 and all of Lot 5, South 15 feet of Lot 4, Block 1 Brandborg's and Paulson's Addn. to Henning West 71 feet of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and 6, Block 3-Lakeview Addn. to Battle Lake Lot 16, Block 3 Bownan & Dunton•s Addn. to Battle Lake. Lot 5 SW¼ except RR and SEt; NW¼ Section 32 Town of Everts Lots 3 and 4 except tracts Section 23 Town of Amor Lot 6 Hoot Lake Acres Lot 11 Okeson Beach Lot 4b Kimber Beach House valuation increased $400 in 1964 in error. Error in assessment. Over assessed. Assessed out of proportion to other property. Buildings of no value. Over assessment on pasture land. Building of very little value. Assessed higher than other property in this area. Cottage assessed on this lot where none exists. Cottage assessed on this lot where none exists. The following names were selected to be placed on Petit Jury list to replace those drawn at the spring term of court: Mrs. John Riepe Carl Rosenthal Mrs. Ben Matz Mary Ann Paavola Charles Johnson Marlys Sandau Orland Menze •1a!ion Lunkinen Mrs. Edwin Dittman Evelyn Bistrum John Roehl Arnold Lother Mrs. Erwin L. Bakken Clifford Sateren Perham Hush Lake Pine Lake New York Mills Vill. New York Mills Vill. IJora Twp. Otto Paddock Homestead Dead Lake Carlisle Fergus Falls Twp. Scambler Oscar Milton Buss •:rs. Raymond Haugrud Mrs. Myron Olson Anton Ward Oliver Hovland Ralph Paulson Al Brenden Mrs. Floyd Dalman Mrs. Clayton Larson Jon Jonsen Albert Glesne Orrin Christenson John Ekkeberg Anton Hansen Leroy Back Maplewood Norwegian Grove Erhards Grove Amor Trondhjen Lida Pelican Rapids Vill. Dunn Twp. Pelican Rapids Vill. Battle Lake Vill. Tordenskjo!d Twp. Nidaros City Fergus Fails 1st Ward Buse Twp. Orwell Twp. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........•.. July. lJ ······················································19 •.. 65 lrtlllP Pl!■-rl.r Clara He!lekson Mrs. Arnold Stock Erling Finseth Theo, Delzer Stanley Estes Howard Dirlam Ray Ament >lrs·. Marion Windels City Fergus Falls 1st Ward Western Twp. Sverdrup Twp. Dane Prairie Twp. Girard Twp. Ott.er Tail Twp, Bluffton Twp, Blowers Twp. The:following resolution was adopted: Be it Resolved That: LeRoy Nelson Paul Kotz Jennings Edman Abe Shamp Rudolph Johnson Walter Young Ada Dahlgren John Stenstrom Mrs. G6rdon Rasmusson Eastern Parkers Prairie Vill. Urbank Vill, Deer Creek Vill. Eastern Twp. Henning Twp. City of·Fergus Falls 803 Suns et Dr. City Fergus Falls NE. City limits City Fergus Falls 409 E. Fir Ave, Mrs. Arthur Christopherson City Fergus Falls Jl 7 N. Broadway The County Board, hereafter known as the governing body, of the County of Otter Tail, hereafter known as the County, hereby requests that the Department of Business Development, State of Minnesota, make application for an urban planning assistance grant from the Federal Housing and Home Finance Agency, as aughorized under Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1944, as amended for the purpose of providing planning assistance to the following villages, the governing body. of the County hereby agreeing to contribute the following amounts opposite their respective names, in cash, to the Department of Business Development, when it is required, for the planni-ng purposes as hereinafter set forth. The County contribution, as herein specified, represents a sum equivalent to one-third the cost of the proposed• planning work, less an amount equal to two tenths of one percent .applied to the 1964 assessed valuation,of the Village. The remaining amount of the Village's one-third of the cost of the proposed planning work will be paid by the ViJ.lage·. VILLAGE VILLAGE COST COUNTY CDST Pelican Rapids $ 1,62:5.04 $ 424,9b Perham 1,326,95 973,05 Vergas 202.89 397,11 Dalton 171.85 328,15 Underwood 195,95 404,05 Henning 620. 71 579,29 Parkers Prairie 593,51 606,49 New York Mills 548.29 651.71 Dent 122.54 377,46 Battle Lake 609,49 590,51 Deer Creek 176,34 42J,6b Richville 40.26 459,74 Elizabeth 74,lJ 425,87 · Clarence W, Peterson is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the County to enter into an agreement with the Department of Business Development, State of MiMesota, in furtherance· of its request for federal matching funds for planning purposes, The money so contributed shall be available for expenditure and use by the Department of Business Development, State of Minnesota, when they have secured a matching federal grant. The money so deposited shall bear no interest and shall be returned to the community if federal matching funds are not secured, ·Adopted this 13th day of July, 1965 James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S, B, Johnson Clerk. REPORT OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF THE COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL, STATE OF MINNESOTA, OF UNCOLLECTED PERSJNAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE YEAR 19~5. Fergus Falls, MiMesota, July lJ, 1965, BE IT KNOWN, That the County Board of-Otter Tail County, MiMesota, did meet in session the 13th day of July, 1965, the same being the first session of said Board after the 10th day of June, 1965; that at said session the County Treasurer of said County delivered to said Board the list of uncollected personal·property taxes for the year 1965, together with his, certificate thereon.as required by law; and that at said session the said Board did duly consider said list.of uncollected taxes, and did cancel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the following is a correct list of said uncollected personal property taxes in said County for said year of 1965, as so revised by said Board, and that the Clerk of District Court is ordered to issue citations thereon, to-wit: Name of Township or Tax Penalty, Fee Total Tax, Penalty Remarks Person Assessed District and Costs and Costs Abbott, Randolph Pine.Lake $ 9,18 $ 1.48 $ 10,66 Collect Alexander, C. L. Wd,J, F. F, 25,82 J,72 29,54 Collect Anderson, Nonpan Lida 12.90 1,98· 14.88 II Aschnewitz, Earl J. Wd,l·F. F. ·10.66 1.68 12,34 II ~- 375 ( 376 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ............... July .13 • ·············--··········· ...... 19 65. Name of Person Assessed Township or Tax Penalty, Fee Total Tax, Penalty Remarks District and Costs and Costs )3agl~y, Ra,y A. Vining Vill $ 64.42 $ 8.88 73,JO Pd $25,00 Bake;r, Manville Gorman 8.88 1.44 10.32 Collect Bake_r, Robert Wd,2, F. F. 12.10 1.88 lJ.98 Baker, Thomas R. Gir!U'(i 8.18 1.34 9.52 Ba~ts, Albert Wd,J, F. F. 16.70 2,50 19.20 Benhardus, George Amor 53-78 7.45 61.23 Bradley, Lawr_ence Star Lake 14,68 2.22 16.90 Brasil, Ervin Otto 12).78 lb.SJ 140.bl B;rink, Bernard Uonnan 6.16 1.07 7.23 Bruns Radio & T. V. Wd.l, F. F. 41.84 5.87 47.71 Cargill, J. B. Wd.4, F. F. 4.60 .87 5.47 Cliff's Truck Equipment Wd.4, F. F. 211.78 28.63 240.41 Dahl, Marvin Par. Pra. 11.46 1.79 lJ.25 Dornbusch, Harry Butler 7.68 1.27 8.95 Dotzenrod lmplanent Everts 17.54 2.60 20.14 Duerre, Evan Wd.4, F. F. lJ.08 2.01 15.09 Dumont Sign Co. Wd.4, F. F. 29,70 4.23 JJ,93 Pd $19.26 Dumont, Vincent Bluffton Twp. 103.:~9 14.13 117.69 Pd.$50,00 Dumont, Vincent Bluffton Vill. 11.84 1.84 lJ.68 Collect Dunham, Henry Nor. Grove 8.06 1.JJ 9.39 DuPont, Alan Deer Creek Vill, 56.92 7.87 64.79 Empire Plumbing & Heating Wd.2, F. F. 34.60 4.89 39.49 Ewert, David R. Tordenskjold 15.80 2.37 18.17 Fibber's Bar· Wd,2, F. F. 147.20 19<;'97· 167,17 Fredrickson, Larry Wd.J, F. F, 5,32 ,96 6.28 Frovays, Delores Tumuli Twp. )6.76 5.17 41,93 ~'yhrie, Sophus Fri:berg 69.46 9.56 79,02 Garberg, Robert ~Jd.l, F. F. 8.96 1.45 10.41 Gillispey, Lester Maplewood 27.02 J.87 J0,89 Gopher State Business Opp. Vining 25,58 J.7.1 29.29 Gorne, Lon Dunn 1.98 ,52 2.50 Gunkel, Wayne Otto 19.48 2.87 22.35 Harvey, Robert Oak Valley 70.24 9.66 79,90 Heifort, Geo. W, Nidaros 52.92 7.34 60.26 Helsem, H. O. Mrs. Amor 4.58 . .87 5,45 Hendrickson Art Sign Blufft.on Vill. 2.16 .54 2.70 Hiway Shell, J, Syvertsen Wd,l, F. F. 139,96 19.01 158.97 Hieber, Wilber New York ~ills 4.04 .• 79 4.SJ Hillukka, Edwin Paddock 18.94 2.80 21.74 Holte, Astor Wd.l, F. f. 8.96 1.45 10.41 ! Homeyer, H, H. Otter Tail Twp. 7.54 1.26 8.80 I' Howard, Harold Corliss 18.50 2.73 21.23 1: Hunsaker, Kenneth Perham Twp. 18.44 2.73 21.17 Johnson, Arlen Underwood 7.24 1.22 8.46 Kamphake, Henry Par. Pra. Twp. 90,88 12.43 lOJ.Jl ,, Karlstad, Dennis Wd.2, F. F, 5.82 1.03 6.85 ,, Keller, Martin C. 1-Jd.J, F. F. 5.08 .02 6.00 1. Kenyon, Arlon Dane Prairie 22.68 J.29 25.97 I Kilgore, Allan Rush Lake 4,28 .82 5.10 I Kjone, Astrid Wd. 1, F. F. J.J8 .·10 4.08 Koski, Oliver •1rs, Pauduck J.22 .69 J.91 Kubitz, William Jr. Oscar 112.58 15.33 127,91 Lankow, Jess Dane Prairie 5.58 1.00 6.58 La Valley, Perley A, Clitherall Vill. 75.16 10.32 85.48 Leaf, Laurel Pelican Rapids 25.74 J;,70[; 29,44 Collect Pd. $15 co Loerzel, Barney Underwood J6.94 5.21 42.15 Lordman, Bernadine Everts 27.64 J.96 Jl.60 Lynne, Robert N. Corliss 8.26 1.36 9.62 Mahler, Herman Wd,4, F. F. 14.04 2.13 16.17 Malcolm, Eugene l.lora 11,48 1.79 lJ,27 Malone, Maurice Compton 47.26 6.59 53,85 Melland, Orvil.le E, Wd.2, F. F, 4.12 .so 4.92 Middlanas, V. R. Mrs. Amor 14.74 2.23 16.97 Midwest Atlas Co. I-Id. 1, F. F. 21.70 J.16 24.86 Miller, John Vergas Vill. 7,78 1.29 i9,07 Moffet, O. R. Dunn 4,60 .82 5,42 II •:ushier, Huber Hoba-rt Twp 7.98 1.32 9.JO Nelson, A, A, Pine Lake 8.'/4 1.42 10.16 Nelson, Rudolph Nor. Grove 8.88 1.42 10.)2 Nyberg, Ardis Nidaros 4.72 .89 5.61 Olson, Ernest Perham Vill. 45.52 6.)5 51.87 ·1 Olson, L.A. Underwood 397.62 53-~2 4)1.14 Pd. $1C0.~0 & 250,49 Oltman, Lorenz Blowers Twp. 75.24 18)~ 34 85.58 Collect 1· Oman, Virgil Leaf Lake 86.40 11.8;3., 98.23 Opsahl, Russ Eagle Lake 5.72 1.02 6.74 Peterson, Gus Battle Lake 13,24 2.0J 15.27 Pierce, ~•rank Wd.J, F. F. 7.02 1.19 8.21 Prauener, Elmer or huby Edna 8.68 1.41 10.09 ~uernemoen, Harlan Wd.2, F. F. 7,50 1.26 8.76 I i Rehkamp, Joseph I. Girard J.8J .77 4.59 I Reppe, Milo Hobart 14.62 2.21 16.SJ Riedel, Otto Eastern 24.JS J.52 27.90 Pd. $10.00 Riley, Thomas, Adm. Girard 5,96 1.04 7.co Collect I I Rinas Oil Co. Dent. Vill. 176.22 2J.86 202.08 Pd. $102.58 Sarff, John M. Candor 'l'wp. 10.54 1.6<? 12.20 Collect Schaap, Otto & Sid Morgan Corliss 6.10 1.07 7.17 II , I Schiffler, Wilfred Wd. 2, F. F. 6.06 1.06 7.12 II ~ Schroeder, Marlow M. Wd. 2, L F. : 4,l2 .81 4,93 II COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ July l.3 .................................................. 19.6. .. Township or Tax Penalty, Fee Total Tax, Penalty Remarks Name of Person Assessed District and Costs and Costs. Collect and Schwartz, Maurice Everts 4.12 .81 4.93 Shorty'& Cafe Wd.2, F. F. 88.32 12.08 100.40 Simonson Linoleum Co •. Wd. 3, F. F. 43.90 6.14 · 50.04 Svare, Herbert Dane Prairie 29.74 4.24 33.98 Tillisch, Clayton Dunn 24.08 3.48 27.56 Torgusson, KeMeth Wd.3, F. F. 2.90 .64 3.54 Tweedon, Ellen Scambler 5.04 .93 5.97 Unzicker, Edgar & Quincy Corliss 6.10 1.07 7.17 Usimaki, David Wd.l, F. F. 8.72 1.42 10.42 Wahl, Marlo K. Wd.3, F. F. 13.08 2.01 15.09 Western Outdoor Adv. Co. Tumuli 12.84 1.98 14.82 Will, Mildred Underwood 13.18 2.-01 15.19 wilshusen, Motor Wd.3, F. F. 276.32 37.29 313.61 \·/indels, Walter New York Mills 3.42 .70 4.12 Withnel, Robert C. Dunn-8.16 1.34 9.50 Wolters, Glen Henning 3.94 .79 4.73 Wolford, Jake Dent Vill. 31.88 4.53 36.41 That the following is a correct list of the personal property taxes in said County for said year which said Board are satisfied cannot be collected, and so cancelled by said Board, to-wit: Eggen, Bernard McGowan, Mae Wallin, Richard Peterson, Merlin \-ld.l, F. F. Rush Lake Wd. 3, F. F. Wd. 4, F. F. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Russell Brooberg Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Gordon H. Larson Sam Nycklemoe Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson James Bucholz Harvey Morrill Walter E. Barden Ernest Neuvonen Ed. Ala Thomas McLaughlin Audrey Steinkraus Robert Swanson W. F. Schamber M. D. Jeff Thompson Nonnandy Cafe River IM Coffee Shop. Homer J. Carlson, M. D. Leong, Y. Hom, M. D. . Henry A. Korda, M. D •. Homer J. Carlson, M. D. Roger M. Heidorn Arnold Evavo.L<1 Mrs. Arnold Stock Emil Boen Frank Roberts Eugene Davenport Robert Shaw Harris W. Iverson Anton N. Glesne N. W. Bell Tele Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co. Mrs. S. P. Adams, Jr •. Myrtle E. Logas Myrtle E. Logas Hoffman Glass Co. Fergus Hardware Wm. Galena & Son Wm. Galena & Son Donald Lee Henry Lullitz Merlin s. Reiman John Halvorson Sidney Nelson John Stine Duane J. Mccrossin Merlin S. Reimsn Richard Neuleib- Jesse G. WYMe George Larson John S. Lindblom Olga Peterson Key Laboratories, Inc •. Mobile Radio & T. V. S.ervice St. Mary's Hospital Drs. Lewis & Kevern 1.22 .22 2.90 2.66 Boarding Prisoners Mileage & Expenses II II Mileage expenses II, II II II II witness fee II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Meals for ~urors II II II 1,;oroners Fee II II !I II II II Sal.'y E.O.T. Soil Cons. Att'd extension mtg. II II II .42 .28 .64 .60 Sal'y & Exp. Weed Inspection n n n Seed " n Expenses & Mileage II II Extra help Co. Assessors Office II "i"olls II II II II Stamped Envelopes for Planning Comm. Expenses Clerk of Court Seminar Two Fans Brackets & Glass for Comm. Room Supplies Repairs Labor Checking boiler Room Sp. Dep. Fees & Mileage 11 II II II II Dep. Sheriff fee & exp. Jailer mi.Leage Mileage Sp. Dep. fee & Mileage Mileage Sp. Dep. fees & mileage Mileage Sp. Dep. fee & mileage II II II II II II II Matron fee Tests Service Alcohol Determination Test Ofc. call for prisoners 1.84 .50 3.54 3.26 $ 1131.00 321.60 160.20 266.30 146.67 58~15 59.90 53.50 62.90 ·22.50 7.00 (>.OO· 7.00 · 7.84 ·7.00 2J.16 15.44 11.00 21.35 29.45 11.55 22.60 13.25 10.25 162.80 4.50 2.25 363.20 368.95 ll.8.84 ·115.10 ·435.85 343-47 76;04 88.34 30.05 47.50 28.98 9.25 1.63 14.30 85.50 325.50 · 99.80 20.-40 9.40 123.00 16.00 12.00 85.70 3.00 12.20 · 5.00 8.00 10.00 64.87 143.45 · 2.00 10.00 Cancel II II II 377 Paid $100.00 9.09 I' ; i i! 1 '•.'I I· 1 I • I '378 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ July .13, ·-······················-·················-············1965 .. Farnham's Schoolcraft Co, Davenport I s Miller Davis Company Poucher Prtg. & Lithogr~phing Co. Security Blank Book & P_rtg. Co, Oswald Publishing Co, Victor Lundeen & Co, Nelson Bros, Prt,g. Co, Carl Norgren Russell Brooberg Myrtle E. Logas Owen V. ThompJlon Helen E. Skramsted Vernon E. Bachman Myrlte E. Logas Helen E.' Skramsted Myrlte E. Logas Pelican Rapids Press 'l'he Henning Advocate . The Parkers Prairie Ind, Fergus Falls Daily Journal Insurance Service Agency American Legion Aux, #289 Paul Putman Post #289 Am. Legion Edward Carlson Post #283 Haug Hammer Post #508 Am. Legion Geo, Robinson Corps. #b9 Helen E. Benshoof Ruth Huether E.O,T. Telephone Co, Helen E. Benshoof Helen E. Benshoof Helen E, Benshoof Huth Huether Philip M, Kjaglein Rachel J, Estrem Philip M. Kjaglein Public Utilities Dept: Straub Company · N. W. Bell Tele, Co, Victor Lundeen & Co, Nelson Bros, Printing.Co, Errol Schintz · Hintgen Karst Elec, Co, Village ol' HeMing · Everett C. Hanson, M.·o. Everett C. Hanson, M. ·o. Ors, Lewis & Kevern · Fergus Falls Clinic Minera.1. Springs Sanatc;,rium Andrews & Meister Drug Co. Bucholz Drug Hintgen Karst Electri~ Co, Twin's Motor Co, North Union Texaco St~tion Dean R. Koutsky Les Tire Service Stan's Garage Int. Harvester Sales & Serv. Hamilton Welding Shop· Craft Shop Genuine Parts Co. North Star Fiberglass ·1nc, Coast to Coast Store F. F. Sargent Sowell, Inc. Kimber Auning Co, Inc: Auto Safety Service · Fergus Dodge, Inc. Friesen's George's Brake Service Genuine Parts Co, · International Harvester Joe's Standard Service Maine Repair Shop · MiMesota Motor Co, •ioe Garage Perham Fann Supply l:o ,' Riverside Repair Shop Stan I s Garage Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Super G.M.C. Truck Sales Worner Rambler · Art Sign Material Co, MiM, Mining & Mfg, Co, Johnson Drug Bucholz Rexail Drug Smith Inc. Erickson-Helleckson-Vye Co, P.R. General Trading Co. Welders Equipnent Les• Tire Service Mounting Boards Supplies II II II II Blanks Supplies Printing of Envelopes Labor . Film & Box.Rent P. O. Box Rent II II II II Postage II II II II II II Adv, Canm. Paid to Ori, Lie. Agts. Publ. Tax Nntice & Dissolutions Publ. Tax Notice II ,II II Publishing Insurance Decorating Graves II II II II II II II II expenses mileage Calls & Serv. Box REnt Cleaning Nurses Office Supplies Postage Mileage & expenses Mileage Postage & machine rental Utilities Vets Serv. Rent 11 · 11 Calls 11 11 Supp.Lit,S 11 11 II II II Soap Cleaner Repairs Vets Serv. Care of transients Univ. H sp. Papers Univ. Hasp. Papers II II II Care of T. B. Patient II II II II II Med. for T. B. Patient II II II II II Install Air Conditioner Gas & Oil II II II Boat, M0 tor & Trailer Tubes & Wheel Repairs Boat Repairs Welding Stern Cleats Supplies II II F"lashing Lights Cushions for Boat Repairs II II II II 1111 Supplies II II II II II II II Tires $ 20.00 192,55 26.07 270,29 161,05 91.15 25.42 1488.94 204.55 216.00 41.22 12.00 9,00 12.0U 44,85 28,00 50,00 19,45 18.20 6.00 6.60 292.01 243,00 12.00 25,00 25,00 25,00 7,4b 133,72 69,31 14,59 6.00 3.00 5,50 5,00 78,15 12.15 7,00 J,70 50,00 30,5b 10.10 41.25 4,00 17,15 36,50 9,00 b.00 3.00 136.50 58,b5 4,45 17,55 141i1,00 129,36 24,32 850,00 38,50 48.50 74,80 6.40 J.00 1.29 2.)0 3,44 138,'18 10.50. 56:54 14,59 2.15 2.00 28,91 19b,63 19,85 8,00 55,34 10.70 12,58 22,55 ,77 2.30 2lb,02 9,40 12.ISU 302.20 19,29 ll,25 27.00 2,-)0 279,24 42,59 65.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... ~ILJ.:Y. .. lJ .................................................. 1965 Lyle Signs Inc. L. N. Sickels Co. Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Myrbo Enterprises E.O.T. Soil & Water Cons. Dist. Northwood Specialty Co. Roger Hendrickx Raymond Motor Trans., Inc. Village of Deer Creek Village of Dalton Village of Bluffton Village of Henning State of Minn. Div. of Boiler Insp. Otter Tail Power Co. Fergus Falls Daily Journal Minn. Dept. of Highways Construction Bulletin Poucher Printing & Litho. Co. Davenport I s Miller Davis Co. E.O.T. Telephome Co. N. W. Bell Tele Co., Henning Pelican Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co. F. F. Midwest Tele Co. N. W. Bell Tele Co. F. F. Wendell P. Huber G.D. Harlow Wendell P. Huber Mathison Insurance Agcy. Allison & Co. Andy's 11bb11 Service Consumers Co-op Oil Co., B. L. Consumers Co-op Oil Co., Hennilng Fanners Co-op Cry. Assn. D. C. Fossen Oil Co. Hank's East Side Service Henning DX Service Hoot Lake Pure John's 7-0 Service The Oil Store Otter Tail Co-op Oils, Inc. Perham Co-op Oil Co, Ray's Oil Co. Riverside Pure Oil Twin's Motor Co. Vergas Oil Co. West End Texaco Wold Mobil Service D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Arrow Petroleum Co-op Services, Inc. N. Y. M. Service Oil Co., Underwood Standard Oil Co., B. L. Erhard Oil Co. Agnetta Lillemon Julia Herness Henry M. Erickson Orville J. Stras Henry M. Erickson Peter Skjegstad L. C. Rubink Public Works Equip. Co., Inc. Road Machinery & Supplies Co. Rufferidge Johnson Equip. Co. The Geo. T. Ryan Co. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Ebersviller Implement Co. Ruth L. Brenden Janes D. Jensen Ruffridge-Johnson Equj,p. Co., Inc. Vergas Motor Service Northwestern Refining Co. Northwood Spec. Co. Genuine Parts Co. Holten Hardware Vergas Hardware Co. Andy's 116611 Service Station Pairose Oil Co. Knuttila Irnpl. Co. Gerald C. Hamilton Corliss Twp. Signs Bit. Material Gravel Install Culvert Tree Planting Stakes Tow Charge Freight Garage Rental II II II II Rent & Elec. Service Inspection Prints Notice to Contractors Guy Rods Notice to Contractors Supplies II II Service & Tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Expense II Cash Advanced Insurance W. C. Insurance Gas, etc. II II II II II 11 etc. Gasoline II II II II II Gas, etc. Gasoline II ·Gas, etc. II II Gasoline II Diesel Oil II II II II II II II II etc. Fuel Oil Right of Way II II II II II II II II II II II, II II II II II II II Parts II II II II Repairs Right of Way II II II Parts Repairs -Asphalt Supplies II II II Gasoline, etc. II II Repairs Gravel Special Aid Upon motion the Board adjourned to 9:30 A. M. July 20, 1965. --Chainnan Attest: $ 53,40 645.00 1999.98 119,00 109.30 77.50 5.00 4.00 210.00 90.00 240.00 23b.OO 10.uu 42.29 22.51 21.69 48.30 6.40 17.10 23.47 11.10 14.bl 13.75 37.lU 9.90 202.55 239.40 50,75 20.80 186.09 647.08 43,30 437,84 164,53 64.9U 148.91 146.30 67,93 47,38 31.23 110.18 227.12 75,UU 83.17 58,27 98.06 170.90 8,96 77,50 386.85 450.14 1~4.27 80,02 21'/.ll 118.00 2,500.00 74,23 26.60 200.62 11.20 500.00 210.00 40fl,84 179,62 45,49 307,14 985,63 17.50 30.40 36.80 3,435,18 34.70 721.74 32.50 35,89 13.07 48.50 80,52 287.51 10.09 71.40 500.00 r I '! , I . i I ,l'i I I 'I• I I i ·11 I I I' I! ,. J ,.I ,, 380 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ July l9 ......................................................... 19 6.S. MINIJI'ES OF THE BOARD OF F.QUALIZATION OF OTTER TAIL OOUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to-statute, County Commissioners James Bucholz, Bennie J. J~hnson, Sam Nycklemoe, Otto Haase and Harvey Morrill and County Auditor S. B. Johnson met as a County Board of F.qualization at 10 o'clock A. M., July 19, 1965; and after taking the customary oath of office, James Bucholz was elected Chairman and S. B-. Johnson clerk. They then proceeded to examine, together with Eugene Davenport, County Assessor, the assessment records for the assessment made as of May 1st, 1965. The Board adjourned from time to time and after consideration the following changes were made: Increase Fergus Falls township on Farm Machinery 25% Increase Amor Township on Dairy Cows 5% Increase Everts Township on Dairy Cows 10% Add $50CO True and Full value to the Fanner•s Co-op Elevator in Fergus Falls for omitted property •. to The Board adjourned at J o'clock P. M. August 11, 1965. Clerk Chairman MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF O'l'TER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9:30 A. M. July 2oth, 1965, all members present. Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids for 50 thousand gallons #2 fuel oil to be delivered to the Court House as needed. Upon motion·made, seconded, and carried, the Chairman was authorized to sign the application for Otter Tail County for funds from the Economic Opportunities Act on the Phelps Mill County Park. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota: That whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the International Harvester· Co. of Fergus Falls for four· industrial wheel tractors with one-half cubic yard front end loaders, and Whereas, the same have been delivered and accepted by the Board, it is hereby ordered that the Chairman and Clerk issue a check in the Sl.DD of $12,500.00 in payment thereof. Adopted July 20, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. B. J'nhnson Clerk· The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Stan's Garage, Battle Lake, for ·the delivery of a one-half ton pickup truck, and Whereas, the same has been delivered to and accepted by the Board, It is hereby ordered that the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor issue check payable to Stan's Garage in the amount of $1,380.00, being in payment. Adopted July 20, 1965, James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. B. .nShnson Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... ~.!!;\x.3Q ................... t/: .......... /o .............. 19 ... 65 IICIIIILUlallllJiUbllL.D.di Upon motiom the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. August 10, 1965, Attes.t: MINlITES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY~COMMISSIONERS OF 01'TER TAIL CllJUNTY, Ml.NNE.SOl'A, Chainnan Pursuant to call the Board met at 9:oo o'clock A. M. Friday, July JO, 1965 to consider a passing of a resolution for the purpose of obtaining certain Federal financial assistance under the Federal Disaster Act, It was moved, se~onded and carried that no application be completed asking for Federal relief due to flooding, the County to reimburse townships to the extent of $1460,50, being the amount established by the review team. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned, Attest:------=.;....@~~~=:c...,i==...__ ~ C_hainnan. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CDMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOl'A. Pursuant to adjournment the Boa.rd met at 10 o'clock A. M. August 10, 1965, all manbers present. Upon motion the Chairman and County Auditor were authorized to sign an agreement with the Otter Tail Power Company for placing a light pole on the Nursing Home Grounds. Upon motion the County Engineer was authorized to make a survey for the Town of Gonnan on a road beginning at the intersection with County Aid Highway #51 in Government Lot l, thence Northerly and Easterly to the Gonnan and Corliss town line, A copy of a road petition to Everts Township for a four rod wide road in Section 25 was order.eel placed on file, The Girard Town board appeared regarding a road they are ready to build in Section JO. No action was taken at this time. Upon a motion made, seconded, and carried the County Auditor was instructed to notify the Evert's town board to meet with the County Engineer on September 14, 1965 at 2:,00 p, M. regarding a road in Section 25, Upon motion the sum of $1000,00 was appropriated to the County Assessor for clerk hire, A plat of Jerry--1-\arg Beach Fourth Addition being part of Lots 6 and 7, Section 8-137-40 accompanied by an opinion as to the title executed by M. J, Daly, Attorney at law, was approved, A small delegation from the Town of Inman appeared before the Board regarding a heavy infestation of walking-sticks, Af~er discussion they were referred to the .County Agent. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, M1,Mesota, That, Whereas, the Otter Tail County Welfare Board recognizes the benefits the Lake Region Sheltered Workshop is providing this community and said Board having recommended to the •Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County that they participate and accept a part of the financial responsibilities for the operation of the Lake Region Sheltered Workshop. Now, therefore, Be it further Resolved, that there be levied on the taxable property in Otter Tail County the sum of $,JO per capita to be paid by the County of Otter Tail on a matching basis with the City of Fergus Falls, whereby Otter Tail County will pay $2.00 for every $11.1.00 paid by the City of Fergus Falls up to an amount not to exceed $.JO per capita for the County. Adopted August ib, 1965, James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson C:lP.rlt 381 I I I i: I i ' .1 .1 .I ,! I .1• 1. ' 'I I J ~ 382 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ August .. 10 ..................................................... 19 .. 6 5 Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o.'clock A. M. August 11, 1965. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Aug. 11, all members present. The petition of Henry and Elmer Larson asking that the SE¼ of Section 35-131-42 be set off from Common School District #1379 Otter Tail County to District #261 Grant County was taken up for final action. After listening to the statanents of the various interested parties and careful consideration, the petition was rejected. A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1440 was presented to the Board. Upon motion it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M. September 15, 1965 and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Ethel Gribben et al asking that the NE¼ and the NWf; South and East of ditch in Section 34-133-37 be set off from Common School District #1431 to Independent School District #545 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be had on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M. Septanber 15, 1965 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. Three Compton residents whose school district was recently dissolved and who were attached to the District of #543, Deer Creek, made objections to the County Board stating that they preferred to be attached to District #819 Wadena County. A method whereby this could be accomplished was explained to the objectors. A part of the committee in charge of restoration of the Phelp's Mill met with the Board and after discussion it was decided to secure from several contractors bids which will be considered at a session of the Board on August 20, 1965. A motion was made, seconded and carri~d that a partial payment of $1500.00 be made on the purchase price of the Phelp's Mill to the owner. A representative of the Blue Shield met with the Board and it was decided to continue the same coverage as carried during the p~eceding year. The Board having previously called for bids for 50 thousand gallons more or less #2 fuel oil for the Court ttRuse during the coming season opened bids which were found to be as follows; Gustafson Oil Company, Minneapolis •••••••• 0978 ¢ per gallon Midland Cooperatives, Inc., Minneapolis •••••• 1069 ¢ per gallon Upon motion the contr.act was awarded to Gustafson Oil Company at .0978 cents per gallon. The application of Stanley Peterson in the Town of Norwegian Grove for partial homestead classification on the Ni NW/; and S½ NWt; Section 24-136-44 was granted. The application of George M. Cuff for reduction of assessed valuation on the West 60 feet of Lot 7 Silent Acres due to over assessment on old bus body used as boat house was granted. The following applications were considered by the County Commissioners and upon motion it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the applications be granted: George E. Willhite Linwood A. & Jocelyn Beck R. E. & Alvera Armstrong Francis Nelson Marain Eckstein et al 1964 Personal Property 3.57 acres in Sect:ill»n 14 Town of Maine W. 240 feet of Lot 7 No'rt.h of High~y Section 9~~6~42 . S½ NE! & N½ SE! West 25 acres of the SEf; SEt Section 29-136-43 1 acre in the NE:; SE¼ West of R.R. Section 11- 131-42 Total inventory used as true and full An unimproved, wooded lakeshore area assessed as improved and platted Lakeshore lots. Over-assessed. Error made when adding a township raise in 1964. Old home almost unlivable over assessed. The application of Carl Christensen for settlement and abatement of Delinguent taxes, penalty, interest and costs on the SWf; SEt; and the NEt; SEt; of Section 35-132-39 for the years 1959-b0-bl-b2 & 1964, total due $555.24, offers to settle for $500.00, was recommGnded to the Commissioner of Taxation. The application of R. E. and Alvira Annstrong for settlement of delinquent taxes, penalty, interest and costs on West 240 feet of Lot 7 North of read in Section 9-136-42 covering the years 1958-59-62 and 1964, total amount due $725.74, offers to settle for$568.91, due to over assessment. It was recommended to the Conunissioner of Taxation that the application be granted. The County Board of Auditors presented proposals of the various banks for deposit-of County funds for the coming two years together with assignments of securities from said banks in the following amounts: U.S. Treasurer Bonds Municipal Bonds First National Bank of Fergus Falls $61,0_.eyo.oo 620,000.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... Aug_ust .. 11 .......... . . .................... 19 .. 65. Fergus Falls National Bank U. S, Treasurer Bonds $1,758,000,00 Security State Bank of Fergus Falls U. S, Treasurer Bonds Municipal Bonds $300,000.00 200,000.00 First National Banlc of Battle Lake U, S, Treasurer Bonds $15,000.00 First State.Bank of Dalton U. s. Treasury Bonds $41,500.00 Security State Bank of Deer Creek U, S, Treasury Bonds $25,000.00 Farmers State Bank of Dent U.S. Treasury Bonds $25,000.00 Erhard State Bank U, s. Treasury Bonds $25,000.00 First National Bank of Henning U, S, Treasury Bonds $12,000.00 Farmers & Merchants State Bank of New York Mills U.S. Treasury Bonds Municipal Bonds Perham State Bank U.S. Treasury Bonds J, P. Wallace State Banlc Otter Tail County Road Bonds $15,000.00 _5,000,00 $65,000.00 $15,000.00 Farmers State Bank of Underwood U. s. Treasury Bonds Vergas State Bank U. s. Treasury Bonds $21,500.00 $42,500,00 First National Bank of Minneapolis Municipal Bonds $820,0CO.OO All of these securities and assignmentsr-were approved by the County Board. The follmd,ng bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Russell Brooberg Glen Melby Sidney Nelson Gordon H. Larson Bennie J. J0 hnson Sam NyclUemoe Ct.to Haase James Bucholz Harvey Morrill Everett C. Hanson, M, D. Roger M. Heidorn . Carlton E. M0 rtenson. E.O. T. Soil & Water.Cons. Dist Theo. Hegseth Arnold Evavold Finil Boen Frank Roberts Eugene DavEl'lport Robert Shaw Anton N. Glesne Harris W. Iverson Vernon E. Bachman Joann Rossow Mrs. Harry Fretland N. W. Bell Telephone Co. N. W, Bell Telephone Co, Boarding Prisoners expenses Corcner's call Serv. E.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. II w.u II II II II Worlanen1s compens~tion Serv, W.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. II II II II Weed Insp. II II expenses II II II II Extra .lielp Co. Assessor's Office II II II expenses clerk Co. Supt. office II tolls II II II II II $1233-75 462.25 222,30 243,10 102.96 54.25 33.00 33.08 43,45 18.25 10.00 155,40 269.60 40,00 11,55 J4,72 321.42 353.00 229,69 179,85 360.25 490,17 34.88 85,00 48,00 118.25 60,41 383 .I ,II I I ,, ·' f' 384 I ' ! COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... Aug_ust .. ll ................................................... 19 .. 65. James H. Gray Holten Hardware Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. General Trading Co. C. W. Weislander DeL Chemical Corp. Anderson Bros. Const. Co, Donald iee Henry Lubitz Walter E. Barden Edwin Ala Leonard Olson Clifford Pederson Merlin S. Rieman Roger L. Hanson Olga Peterson John Halvorson John Hoff Key Laboratories Inc. Fergus Glass & Paint Co, Mobile Radio & T. V. Serv. United Chemical Co,, Inc. Holten Hardware Russell Brooberg City Phannacy Fergus Falls Clinic Victor Lundeen & Co. Thenno-Fax Sales, Inc. IBM Corporation Nelson Bros, Prtg. Co, Do Gaffaney's Johnson Drugs Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co, The Pierce Compan,y Schoolcraft Company Miller-Davis Company Mason Publishing Co, Poucher Prtg. & Litho, Co, Davenport• s l-'iidwest Printing Co, Bill Christenson Vernon E. Bachman Helen E. Skramsted Myrtle E. Logas Perham Enterprise Bulletin Pelican Rapids Press . Fergus Falls Daily Journal Geo, Bergem Post #489 Adamson-N0 nnan Post #JO Adamson-Nnnnan Post #JO Aux, F, F. D,A,V, Chap. #25 Aux, Harold T. Swenson 1/612 Harold T. Swenson #612 Aux. F. F. Barracks #922 Auxiliary F. F. ,, ,, ~.w.w.1 William Larson Post #6b Burelback Post #61 Am. Legion Amer. Legion Aux, Unit #61 Womens' Relief Corps Aux. G,A.R, Post #18 Buseth-Tusow Legion Helen E, Benshoof Ruth Huether E.O.T. Telephone Co,. Helen E. Benshoof Ruth Huether Helen E. Benshoof Fargo Hearing Aid Clinic, Inc, Mrs, Edwin Skoglund Mrs. Art Bakke Mrs. Otto Fjestad ~!rs. Bill Dewey Mrs. Alva Helmrichs Mrs. Charles Lewis ~;rs. D. C. Haugen Mrs. Robert H. Johnson Philip M, Kjaglien Do Public Utilities Dept. Straub Company N. W. Bell Telephone· Co. Artz Camera Supply Co, Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Secretarial Service · Cooper's Office Supply Perham E.nterprise-Bulletin Fergus Falls Clinic · Drs. Warner & Schoeneberger Mineral Springs Sanatorium mileage to Phelps Mill supplies repairs supplies Repairs-blinds at C.H. glitter & magic glide bombs repair & rebuild window screen & cabin et table Sp, Dep. fees & mileage II II II II II II II II II & mileage II II II II II II II II II II II II matro fee guard jailer tests supplies -jail services -jail supplies -jail scrapers -11 film for jail med. -for prisoner calls to jail supplies photo-copy paper typewriter supplies II II II II postcards & pri. ntbng ribbon labor & supplies supplies envelopes certificates & notices supplies service supplies stationery printing dozing dump grounds postage II Adv. Corns, pd driv. lie, agts. notice to lakeshore owners publ, notice of hearing publishing decorating graves expenses II II II II II II II II II 'II II II calls & services supplies subscription postage audiometer Attd, Nursing Bd. mtg, II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II ,, II II II II II II II II II expenses postage & Machine rental utilities . rent calls & services matrix & copy paper envelopes etc. forms machine rental subscription care of T. B. patients II II II II II II II II II II $ 5,40 62,53 10.35 6.66 29,70 174,60 124,57 86,40 32.10 5.00 15,00 41.60 J0.90 34,70 18.20 15,00 JO.CO 50.co 54,47 83,45 108.25 29,65 .90 26.85 8.40 14,00 46,52 21.25 427,50 475,25 219,50 1.60 8,25 151.65 11,04 102.00 50,87 15.00 21.82 11.65 18,50 97,75 73,65 58,00 19,20 9,10 4,20 295,38 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25,00 25.00 25.00 25.00 7,50 25.00 15.00 25.00 25,00 102.78 45,70 10.92 5,25 6.00 5,96 348,85 9,15 J.JO 1.80 J,00 6,75 ,,.95 5,25 5.10 78.45 7,00 J.64 50,00 26.89 72,50 208.JO 6.20 20.00 5,00 15.00 · 13,50 851.25 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Village of Henning Sternsrud & Emerson Drs. Lewis & Kevern . Everett C. Hanson, M,, D, Anderson Bros. Const, Co. Anderson Bros. Const. Co. Kimber Awning Co., Inc. Olson Furniture Richard Enstad Les' Tire Service Froelich' s Marine International Harv. Sales & Serv. International Harv. Sales & Serv. Sigelman Hide & Fur Co, Coast to Coast B. L. Twins Motor Co. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. CUll!lllins Diesel Sales, Inc. The Malsbary Mfg. Co, Public ~Jorks Equipt. Co., Inc, Road Mach, & Supplies Co, vim. H. Ziegler Co,, Inc' Bertelson Welding Fergus Dodge, Inc. International Harvester Co, Minnesota Motor Co. Olson Auto filectric Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Thelen Implanent Uselman Electric, Inc, Vaughn Chevrolet Co, Paper, Calmenson & Co, National Chemsearch Corp. Del Chemical Corp, Farwell, Osmun, Kirk & Co. Coast-to-Coast Store P.R. Everts Lumber Co. General Trading Co, Genuine Parts Co, Holten Hardware Hoyt Hardware National Bushing & Parts Co. Sigelman Hide & F'ur Co. Welders Equipment Wilcox Lumber Co. Henning Wilcox Lumber Co, Vergas Doc's Tire Service Les' Tire Service Firestone Store National Fleet Serv. Northwood Specialty Co, Farmers hlevator Co. Erhard Elk River Concrete Prod. Co. Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Norris Krog Guggenos Constr. Co. Otter Tail Power l;o, Village of Battle Lake Railway Express Agency F. F. Minn. Dept. of Highways l•iidwest Printing Co, Minneapolis Blue Prtg, Co, Davenport's Stationery Panama Carbon Co. The Pierce Co, E.O. T. Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Tele, Co, F. F. Midwest Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. F. F. Pelican Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Henning Wendell P. Huber G. D. Harlow Wendell P. Huber. Louis Grimley Andy Is 66 Service 1-'armers Co-op Cry: Assn. D. C • Fossen Oil Co. Hillview Store Hoot Lake Pure Mayo's Standard Service Meyer's Service S & F •. Oil 1..ompany Service-Oil Co, B. L. Service Oil Co. Und. Vergas Oil l.o, West End Texaco D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Arrow Petroleum Soliah & Braatz Oil Co. Penrose Oil Co, DATE ............... ~ugust. n ............................................. 19 65 care of transients med for T .B. patient .Univ. Hospital papers II II II Install trash chute repair brick wall & coping stone .boa,t cushions carpet expenses wheel labor, material repairs mats floor plates supplies gas & oil parts II II II II II repairs II 1111 II II II II II II steel posts supplies II II II II II tires II II stakes seed culverts Bit, material gravel gravel base prints w~ter charge express services printing & envelopes supplies supplies II II service & tolls II II II II II expenses II II II II II cash advanced Right of Way gas, etc. II II II II gasoline II gas, etc. II II II II II II II II II II II " oil diesel fuel fuel oil grease II II II II $ 32.82 31.JO J.00 J,00 214,52 1:300,00 8.00 7.50 48.JO 4,50 J86.9J 82,7? 5,42 5.40 5,94 69.57 210.17 8,44 68.25 1301.80 19.00 331.74 29,25 127.27 127.54 55.22 28,43 18.61 8.25 11.08 6.28 1503.40 44J.62 296.80 107.Jl 7,74 34.61 241.09 5,28 25.09 7.00 44,35 146.)6 17,35 7.05 1.90 167.12 86,52 358,99 119,48 52,50 JJ8.4J J7.J8 295,02 1872.76 1396.50 26.28 5,14 25.84 70,20 25.00 82.08 J0,08 J6.00 J,25 10.60 91.78 11.20 29,08 12,99 lJ,11 296.70 167.08 34,92 J.80 124.Jl 55,98 197.19 11.32 55.72 14~.28 150.09 816.11 208,52 121.00 183,93 2.~1 48,95 317.25 Jl.60 16.00 385 I I I I ,, r I i ,. ;r 386 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ August .. 11 ................ k .· .... /1 .............. 19 65 Minnesota Tractor Co, Public Works Equipment Co,, Inc, Ted Nymoen Bituminous Surface T•reating (;o, Handy Governor Sales, Perham Twp. parts II gravel prime supplies special aid Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M. August 20th, 1965; Attest: Cle.rk. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOI' A Chainnan $ 185,32 378,04 234,06 }.8.00 -160.80 · 300.00 Pursuant to call the Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. August 17, 1965, all members presEl'lt, Upon motion qr Commissioner Morrill, seconded by Commissioner Haase, the following resolution was adopted beginning condemnation proceedings on Partial #1 C. R. #75 Project 56-675-09, Grading C.H. #8 4.374 miles: BE IT RF.SJLVED By the County Board (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the duly established and designated County State Aid Highway No, 75 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, beginning at the approximate Southeast corner of Section 3-T132N-R36W; thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning Nnrtherly alohg the East line of Section 3 to approximately the East quarter corner of Section 3; thence Easterly and N0rtherly through Section 2- T132N-R36W, Northeasterly through Section 2 to approximately the southeast corner of the SWe of the SEe of Section 35-Tl33N-R36W, and continuing northerly along or near the East sixteenth line through Sections 35 and 26 to approximately the N0 rtheast corner of the NW¼ of the SEt of Section 26; thence Westerly along or near the East and West quarter line to approximately the interior quarter corner of Section 26,· continuing Northerly along or near the N0 rth and South Quarter line through Sections 26 and 23 to approximately the North Quarter corner of Section 23-T133N-R36W, and there terminating, Beginning again at a point approximately at the Southeast corner of Section 14-T133N-R36W; thence along the established CEl'lterline of the public road described as follows.: From said point of beginning continuing Northerly along the East line of Sections 14, 11, and 2, T-133N-R36W, and continuing Northerly along or near the East lines of Sections 35, 26, 23, 14, 11 and 2-T134N-R36W,.and continuing Northerly along or near the East line of Sections 35, 26, 23, 14, 11 and 2-T135N-R36W and continuing Nnrtherly along or near the East line of Sections 35, 26, 23, 14, 11 and 2-Tl36N- U36W to approximately the N0rtheast corner of Section 2-Tl36N-R36W, and there tenninating, Beginning again at a point approximately at the Southeast corner of Section 35-Tl37N-R36W; thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning Northerly along or near the East line of Sections 35, 26, 23, 14, 11 and 2 to a point on the Otter Tail-Becker County line, at approximately the Northeast comer of Section 2; thence continuing Westerly along or near· said County Line on the N rth line of Section 2; to approximately_ the Northwest corner of Section 2-Tl37N-R36W, and there terminating, the Ea.st half of said county line portion to be assigned to Otter Tail County and identified as Otter Tail County State Aid Highway No, 75; and whose general course in the E½ NEt of Section 26-Tl36N-R36W, is as follows: Beginning at the Northeast comer of Section 26, thence 1768,1 feet along the East line· of said Section 26 and there terminating. That it is necessary for the safety of the public travel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed; That an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so altering said County State Aid Highway No, 75 in said sections aforesaid; That the general course of said County State Aid Highway No, 75 is not materially altered therepy; That the said Easement so to be procured is for public highway and road purposes, and that the same shall· be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter described; That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that additional right of way be procured to enable the construction of proper slopes·and that an ease- ment be procured to construct certain slopes and to maintain the same after the construction as provided in the plans and specific~tions on file in the office of the County Highway Engineer at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the specific places where said slopes are to be constructed, being particularly hereinafter described, that such easement for such construction of slopes cease on or before December 31, 1965, That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that an easement for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, and that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public highway purposes, and upon the lands adjoining the same; That the lands so to be taken for public highway and road purposes and subjected to easement as afore- said, are situated in the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail and described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL NO. 1 A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The N0 rth 1768,1 feet of the East Half of the N...,rtheast Quarter (E! NEe) of Section Twenty-si.1t (26), Township One Hundred.Thirty-six (136) North, Range Thirty-six (36) West, COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... Al!ml.i[l.t..J,.7. ................... J... . ..... ~9.., ...... 19 ... 1,.S E· 01 Said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet of the Westerly side of the following described centerline: Commencing at the N0 rtheast corner of Section 26, Township 136 North, Range J6 West, thence South along the section line a distance of 1768.1 feet and there terminating; excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highways; containing 0.69 acre, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December Jl, 1965, on the following described tract: A strip of iand JO feet wide on the West side of the road beginning at a point 168.1 feet South of the point of beginning, thence Southeasterly 200 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the out- side line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 50 feet wide on the West side of the road beginning at a point J68.l feet South of the point of beginning, thence Southerly 600 feet and there tenninating. Said strip to adjoin the out- side line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be .parallel therewith. A strip of land 25 feet wide beginning at 968.1 feet South of the point of beginning, thence southerly 100 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. ... ·•-•'l, That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; acqui~e said easement across additional lands aforesaid for public road and highway 111>urposes; to acquire said eas'einent and additional right of way for construction and slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said ment for erection of snow fences, and let the same forthwith duly be begun and prosecuted. Dated this 17th day of August, 1965. --~S;;;.:..•~B~•:....;:J~o~hn=s~o~n'--------''County Auditor By the Board of County Commissioners of OTTER TAIL COUNTY -~J=am=e~s::...:B~u=ch=o~l~z'---________ Chairman Upon motion the Board then adjourned. Attest: Chairman ~/~ !Cler. .MINUTF.S OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF CDUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL CD UNTY, MINNF.SOTA. to ease- Pµrsuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. August 20, 1965, all members present. According to a notice fuly given by the County Board the Board proceeded to attach the territory remaining of School District #1493, after a consolidation had taken place. After consideration the Board issued the following order to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTER 'or· THE ATTACHMENT OF THE BALANCE OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1493 LEFT AFTER CONSOLIDATION WITH DISTRICT 146 CLAY COUNTY. The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the 6ounty Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, 'on the 20th day of August, 1965, at 10 o'clock A. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both.for and against, finds as follows: ·First --That said proceedings were instituted by: (a) A resolution of theBoard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted on the 13th day of July, 1965: 387 . I I! r i,j 1, ' ,, ,I I !i ;I I I, 1' ...i ·'· ' I .,. 388 I' COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... A us:t.. .. 20 .................................................. 19 .. .6. NOW THERE.FORE IT IS ORDERED, That the balance of School District No. 1493 and the territory embraced therein consisting of the F'rl NW,e Section 19; s½ SE¾ Section 8; Ni NEt; Section 17; W½ NWt;, NE-e SWt;, and the NWt; S~ Section 20 and Ei SEt;, SEt; ffEk except West 17 rods of Nor.th 50 rods Section 17, all of the above land located in Township 1J6 Range 44 be attached to and made a part of School District #548 Otter Tail County. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and 1iabilities of said territory comprising 15.7% of the assessed value of fonner School District #1493 be distributed by that percentage of all property of every nature and description and assumes the same percentage of the liabilities of said District #149J. The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 20th day of August, 1965. Dated this 20th day. of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chainnan Board of County Commissioners Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor Pursuant to notice given, a resolution of the Board of County Commissioners dissolving Non- operating school districts #1397, 1412, 1415 and 1427 was taken up for final action in the above order. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties, and careful consideration by the Board, the following orders were issued to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) . )ss County of Otter Tail) IN TH~ MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL D]STRICT NO. 1397 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter 'l'ail County, Minnesota, at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 20th day of August, 1965, at 10 o'clock A. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided cy-law and tlie order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First --That said proceedings were instituted by: A resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted on the 13th day of July, 1965: Second-That the district is a non-operating district being dissolved under Chapter 547, Laws of 1963 as ~ended. NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Comrrion School District No. 1397 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts, to-wit: To District #1437 the NWf; of the NEt; and the NEt; of the NWt; Section 23, Township 132, Range J9. To District #542 the entire balance of the district. (J) IT IS FURl'HER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School Distrkt No. 1397, be distributed as follows, to-wit: 2% to District #1437 and 98% to District #542 (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1397 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 20th day of August, 1965. Dated this 20th day of-August, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Board of County Commissionser Attest: S. B. Johnson Comity Ali.dd. tor ~ The within aid foregoing interlocutory order became final and effective on the 20th day of August, m965, by order of the Board of County Commissioners, adopted on the 20th day of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: s. B. J0hnson County Auditor COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... A~ust ·•20 ................................................... 19 ... 65. ucn■nn n,,,.., co■, STATE OF MINNE.':DTA ) )ss County of Otter Tail ) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1412 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the eounty Board of Otter Tail County Minneso~a, at the Court H~use in the.Oity of F~rgus Falls ~n said County, on the 20th day of August, i965, at 10 o clock A. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; a,d the Board having heard all person interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First --That said proceedings were instituted by: A resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted on the 13th day of July, 1965: Second -That the district is a non-operating district being dissolved under Chapter 547, Laws of 1963 as amended. - NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1412 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts, to-wit: To District #819 Wadena County the territory comprising the entire district. (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1412 be distributed as follows, to-wit: All assets and liabilities of said School District #1412 shall be awarded to said Independent School District #819 Wadena County. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1412 is none Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 20th day of August, 1965. Dated this 20th day of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Board of County Commissioners Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor The within and foregoing interlocutory order became final and effective on the 2oth day of August, 1965, by order of the Board of County Commissioners adopted on the 20th day of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Board of County Commissioners Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss County of Otter Tail ) IN THE MA1'TER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1415. The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by'the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at the Court Huse in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 2oth day of August, 1965, at 10 o'clock A. M., pursUant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First --That said proceedings were instituted by: A resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted on the 13th day of July, 1965: Second -That the district is a non-operating district being dissolved under Chapter 437, Laws of 1963 as amended. NOW 1'HEREFORE 11' IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1415 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school district, to-wit: To District #208 Douglas County: sw¼ Section 25; S} of Section 26; NE¼ SW¼ and E} NW¼ & SW¼ NW¼ Section 35 and NE¼ NW¼, NWt NEt, S} NE¼ and E½ SE¼ Section 34 all in Township 131, Range 40 To District #542 the entire balance of the district. (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Conmon School District No. 1415, be distributed as follows, to-wit: All assets and liabilities are assigned in the following percentages: ' I 389, I I , 390 ll COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... Augu_s_t_ __ ~Q. __________________________________________________ 19 ... 2.5. To District #208 Douglas County -- To District #51.2. Otter Tail County - --21% 79% (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Comm~n School District No. 1415 is Nnne Dollars (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fiJced as the 20th day of August, 1965. Dated this 20th day of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Board of County Conmissioners Attest: S. B. Johhson Gounty Audi tor The within and foregoing interlocutory order became final and effective on the 20th day of August 19b5, by order of the Board of County Commissiorers adopted on the 20th day of Augus~, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. B. J0 hnson County Auditor STATE OF MINNFSOTA County of Otter Tail ) )ss ) IN THE MA'l'TER OF THE DlSSOLU'l'lON OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1427 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at the Court Hnuse in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 20th day of August, 1965. at 10 o'clock A. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both,for and against, finds as follows: First --That said proceedings were instituted by; A resolution of the Board of County Corr.missioners of Otter '!'ail County, Minnesota, adopted on the 13th day of July, 1965: Second --That the district is a non-operating district being dissolved under Chapter 547, Laws of 1963 as amended. NOW THEREl-'OREIT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No, 11,2.7 be dissolved and that the territozy embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts, to-wit: To District #547 the territory comprising the entire District (3) IT IS FURTHER , ·•JRDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District N,.,. 1427, be distributed as follows, to-wit: All assets and liabilities of School District #11,2.7 shall be awarded to said Independent School District #547, (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District N0 • 1427 is,None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fiJced as the 20th day of August, 1965. Dated this 20th day of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S, B. Johnson County Auditor The within and foregoing interlocutory order became final and effective on the 20th day of August, 1965, by order of the Board of CountyCommissioners adopted on the 20th day of August, 1965, James Bucholz Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor Pursuant to notice given, a resolution of the Board of County Commissioners dissolving non- operating school districts #1432, 1435, 1443 and 1463 were taken up for final action at 11 o'clock A. M. in the above order, After listening to the statements of various interested parties and due consideration by the Board, the following orders were issued to-wit: COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... Auguat .. 20 .................................................. 19.6.S .. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTER OF THE ffiSSOLU'l'ION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1432. The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County Minnesota, at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County on the 20th day of August i965 at 11 o'clock A. M., pursuant to-notice fuly given as provided by law and the order of said Board· ~nd th~ Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows:' First-~ That said proceedings were instituted by: A resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted on the 13th day of July, 1965: Second -That the district is a non-operating district being dissolved under Chapter 547, Laws of 1963 as amended. NOW 'l'HERE~URE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1432 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts, to-wit: To District #819 Wadena County E½ of Section 20; Ni of N½; s½ NW¼; N½ SW¾ Section 21; W} NW¼ aid SE¾ NW¾ & W½ SW¾ Section 28; E½ Section 29 all in Township 134 Range J6. To Independent School District #543, Otter Tail County, the entire balance of District #1432. (J) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assest and liabilities of said Common School Di.strict No. (4) 1432, be distributed as follows, to-wit: All the assets and.liabilities of District #1432 shall be awarded by the following percentages: To. Ipd. District #819 Wadena County To Ind. District #543 Otter Tail County 29% 71% The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1432 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 20th day of August, 1965. Dated this 20th day of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor The within and foregoing interlocutory order became final and effective on the 20th day of August, 1965, by order of the Board of County Commissioners adopted on the 20th day of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN '!'HE MAT'l'ER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1435. The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at the Cwrt House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 20th day of August, 1965, at 11 o I clock A. >I., · pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board: and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows:· First --That said proceedings were instituted by: A resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted on the 13th day of July, 1965: Second --That the district is a non-operating district being dissolved under Chapter 547, Laws of 196J as amended. NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1435 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts, to-wit: To Independent School District #819 Wadena County all Section J, Township 134 Range J6; s½ SW¼ and SE¼ Section J4; W½ and N½ NE! Section 35 all in Township 135 Range J6. To Common School Uistrict #1462 Otter Tail County the balance of School District #1435. (J) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1435, be distributed as follows, to-wit: 391 i·· .; ,, ·; 'i' I I •\I i· ' ,, I 1r ,I J :r,,------392 ... Ul COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, O'fTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ A\lf,J,1.at .. 20 ................................................. 19 .. 65.. All assets and liabilities of said District #1435 shall be awarded by the following percentages: To District #819 Wadena County 18% To District #1462 Otter Tail Co. 82% (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1435 is None Dollarsl (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 2oth day .of August, 1965. Dated this 20th day of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: ______ s .... -=B=l -"J-"o_hn_s_o.an:.... __ _ County Auditor· The within and foregoing interlocutory order becam'.e final and effective on the 20th day of August, 1965, by order of the Board of County COllllllissio~ers adopted on the 20th day of August, 1965. Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMUN SCHOOL DISTRIC'l' NO. 1443. James Bucholz Chairman The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the 6ounty Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 20th day of August, 1965, at 11 o'clock A. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First --That said proceedings were instituted by: A resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted on the 13th day of July, 1965: Second-That the district is a non-operating district being dissolved under Chapter 547, . Laws of 1963 as amended. Nm1 THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1443 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be ~ttached to other existing school districts, to-wit: To Independent School District #261, Grant County all the territory comprising School District #1443. (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1443, be distributed as follows, to-wit: All assets and liabilities of said School District #1443 shall be awarded to said . Independent School District #261 Grant County. (4)-The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1443 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 20th day of August, 1965. Dated this 20th day of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor The within and foregoihg interlocutory order became final and effective on the 20th day of August, 1965, by order of the Board of County Commissioners adopted on the 20th day of August, 1965. Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss County of Otte r Tail ) IN THE MATTER OFTHE DISroLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 146J. James Bucholz Chainnan a:.. --··--------------------------------------...~ ~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 393 ; DATE ............. August .. 20 ............................................... 1965 HC■IPD ,-p■11■1 CONPIIW . The above entitled m~tter c~e on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County on the 20th day of August 1965 at 11 o'clock.A, M., pursuant· to no~ice duly given ~s provided by law and the order of said Board; ~nd ' the Board haVl.Ilg heard all persons 1nterested in said matter, both for and ~gainst, finds as follows: First --That said proceedings were instituted by: A resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted on the lJth day of July, 1965: Second-That the district is a non-operating district being dissolved under ehapter 547, Laws of 1963 as amended. NOW THEREFORE I'l' rs· ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1463 be dissolved and that the territory e111braced therein be attached to other existing school districts, to=wit: To Independent School District #543 all the territory comprising School District #146J. (J) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1463, be distributed as follows, to=wit: All the assets and liabilities of said School District #1463 shall be awarded to said Independent School District #543, (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said COIIDIIQn School District No, 1463 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 20th day of August, 1965. Dated this 20th day of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. B. Jghnson County Auditor The within ·and foregoing interlocutory order became final and effective onthe 20th day of August, 1965, by order of the Board of" County Commissioners adopted on the 20th day of August, 1965, James Bucholz Chairman Attest: s. B, Johnson County Audi tor Pursuant to notice given, a resolution of the Board of County Commissioners dissolving non-operating school districts #1479, 1516, 1521 and 1530 was at two o'clock P. M. taken up for final action in the above order. After listening to the statements of various interested parti~s and due consideration by the Board the following orders were issued to-wit: S'l'ATE OF MINNESO'l'A, ) )ss County of Otter Tail ) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COl-lMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1479 The-above entitled matter· came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 20th day of August, 1965, at 2 o'clock P. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First --That said proceedings were instituted b;y:: A resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted on the 13th day of July, 1965: Second --That the district is a non-operating district being dissolved under Chapter ~47, Laws of 1963 as amended. NOi-i THEREFOfil. IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1479 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts, to-wit: To Independent School District #545 N½ NW¾ and Lots J and 4 Section 22 Township lJJ Range J9. To Independent School District #542 the entire balance of School District #1479, (J) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. _1479, be distributed as follows, to-wit: All assets and liabilities of sl!,id School District #1479 shall be awarded to the above School School ilistricts by the following percentages: To Independent School District #545 -J%; To I"d. School District #542 -97%. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1479 is None Dollars. ,,, :I ·'' .I I I, I I ., I ., ,, 'i ,I I I', ·,, (7"~-----·=---- 394 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER ·TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... Augy.at .. 20 .................................................. 19.6.S .. JuuaaLCOIII! .aLCLIUlle (5) 'l'he proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 20th day of August, 1965. Dated this 20th day of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor The within and foregoing interlocutory order became final and effective on t~e 20th day of August, 1965, by order of the Board of County Commissioners adopted on the 20th day of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson County_Auditor S'J'ATE OF MINNF.sOTA ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTER' OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COO!ON SCHOOL DIS'l'RIC'l' NO. 1516. The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 20th day of August, 1965, at 2 o'clock P. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First --That s~d proceedings were instituted by: A resolution of theBoard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adop~ed on the 13th day of July, 1965: Second --That the district is a non-operating district being dissolved under Chapter 547, Laws of 1963 as amended. NOW THEREFO!lli IT IS ORDERED, T-hat said.Common School District No. 1516 be dissolved and that the· territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts, to-wit: To School District #541 Lot 6 Section 6 and E½ SEi of Section 7 Township 134 Range 40. To Independent School District #542 the entire balance of District #1516. (J) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School Uistrict No. 1516, be distrihlted as follows, to-wit: All assets and liabilities of said district #1516 shall be awarded by the following percentages: To District #541 ---------------1.2% To Ind. School District #542 ---------98.8% (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1516 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 20th day of August, 1965. Dated this 20th day of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. B. J0hnson County Auditor The within and foregoing interlocutory order became final and effective on the 20th day of August, 1965, by order of the Board of County Commissioners adopted on the 20th day of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor -= COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. August .. 20~ ......... . . ............ 19.65 .. STATEOF MINNESOTA County of Otter Tail 55 IN THE MATTER OF 'l'HE DISSOLU'fION OF CDMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1521 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the Coi:nty Board of Otter Tail County Minnesota, at the Court House in theCity of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 20th day of August, 1965, at 2 o'clock P. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First --That said proceedings were instituted by: A resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted on the 13th day of July, 1965: Second~ -That the district is a non-operating district being dissolved under Chapter 547, Laws of 1963 as amended. NO~J THERliYORE IT IS ORDERE.D, That said Common School District N0 • 1521 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts, to-wit: (3) .To #542 Lots 8 and 9 Section J; NE-l; Sec. 9; All Sec. 10 excepts} sw¾;,All Sec." 11 including platted portions; E! of Section 15 & SE¾ SWt Section 15. To #1390: SE¾ Section 9; s} SW-l; Section 10, Wi Sec. 15 ex. SE¾ SW¾; E J/4 of Sec.16 To //1451: W½ SWt & Lot 5 Section 2; All Sections J except Lots 8 & 9; E½ of Sec: 4 All in Township 1J4, Range 41 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities· of said Common School District No. 1521, be distributed as follows, to-wit: All assets and liabilities are assigned to the above districts in the follow:i ng percentages: 64.6'1, to !''dependent School District 542; 19% to School District #1J90 & 16.4% to School District #1451 (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1451 is None Dollirs. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 20th day of August, 1965. Dated this 20th day of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Board of County Commissioners Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor The within and foregoing interlocutory order became final and effective on the 2oth day of August, 1965, by order of the Boarld of County Commissioners adopted on the 2oth day of August, 1965. Attest: S. B. Johnson Co\jnty Auditor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss County of Otter Tail) James Bucholz Chairman IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSiLUTl ON OF COOION SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 15JO. The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said county, on the 2oth aay of August, 1965, at 2 o'clock P. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board;, and the board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First --That said proceedings were instituted by: A resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted on tti.,e lJth day of July, 1965: Second~ That the district is a non-operating district being dissolved under Chapter 547, Laws of 196J as amended. NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 15JO be dissolved and that the territory 395 :, I i . • I I ·' !j ,, ,. J I' ' I ,I . :I j COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... Au_gust .. 20 ....... . ························19 ... 65 D·Pl!lll■I CONMII U CLOMIIIJ.••• embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts, to-wit: To Independent School ~istrict #850 Wilkin County the entire territory comprising School District #15JO. (J) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1530 be distributed as follows, to-wit: All assets and liabilities of said School Uistrict #loJO shall be awarded to said Independe~t School District #850 Wilkin County. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 15JO is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 20th day of August, ·1965, Dated this 20th day o.f August, 1965, James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S, B. Johnson County Auditor The within and foregoin•g interlocutory order became final and effective on the 20th day of August, 1965, by order of the Board of County Commissioners adopted on the 20th day of August, 1965, James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: S, B. Johnson County Auditor Pursuant to notice given a resolution of the Board of County Commissioners dissolving non- operating school districts #1532, 1538 was at three o'clock P. M. taken up for final action in the above order. After listening to the statements of various interested parties, and due donsideration by"the Bol\rd, the following orders were issued to-wit: · STATE OF MINNESCJI' A ) )ss- County of Otter Tail ) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF (X)MMON SCHOOL DlSl'RICT NO. ],5J2 The above a,titled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at the Court H0 use in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 20th day of August, 1965, at J o'clock P. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the board having heard a-11 persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First --That said proceedings were instituted by: A resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Taii County, Minnesota, adopted on the 13th day of July, 1965: Second--That the district is a non-operating district being dissolved under Chapter 547, Laws of 1963 as amended. NOW THEREIO RE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School Uistrict No. 1532 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school disti~cts, to-wit: To Independent School District #542 the entire territory comprising School _District #15J2. (J) IT IS FURTHER ORDEnED, '!'hat the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1532, be distributed as follows, to-wit: All 9ssets and liabilities of said School District #1532 shall be awarded to !!'.?dependent School District #542 . ." · (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1532 is None Dollars. ( 5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 2oth day of August, 1965. Dated this 2oth day of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... August .. 20 .................................................... 196.S .. The within and foregoing interlocutory order became final and effective on the 20th day of August, 1965, by order of the Board of County Commissioners adopted on the 20th day of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor STA'l'E OF MINNESJTA ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MA'l'TER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF CCJ.IMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1538. The.above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 20th day of August, 1965, at 3 o'clock P. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First --That said proceedings were instituted by: A resolution of the.Board of County Commissioners of Otte•r Tail County, M;nnesota, adopted on the 13th ,day of July, 1965: Secpnd --That the district is a non-operating district being dissolved under Chapter 437, Laws of 1963 as amended. NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, T.hat said Common School District Nn. 1538 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts, to-wit: To Independent School District #542 the entire territory comprising School District #1538. (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Conunon School District No. 1538, be distributed as follows, to-wit: All assets and liabilities of said School District #1538 shall be awarded to said I"dependent School District #542. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School Dist»ict N0 • 1538 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 20th day of August, 1965. Dated this 20th day of August, 1965. ATTEST: ---------'S. B. Johr,son County Auditor James Bucholz Chairman The within and foregoing interlocutory order became final and effective on the :20th day of August, 1965, by order of the Board of County Co~missioners adopted on the 20th day of August, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, M1.nnescta, That the sum of $1000.00 be transferred from the County Reve,ue fund to the County Attorney's Contingent fund. Adopted this 20th day of August, 1965. James Bucnolz Chairman· Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor· 397 " i: ,. I I I I I ! 1 I .I I l I I ' I I I ".I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. l}.11g.ut1.t. •• .20 ................................................ 19.:.6.S ILULIIIH.UIDIL.ILCJ.IUI The follo~ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, tq_nnesota, WHEREAS, The Veteran's Service fund is indebted to the County Revenue Fund for expenses incurred during the year 1964 for payments made from the Revenue Fund, · Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved that the sum of $15,939,83 be ~ransferred from the Veteran's Service Fund to the County Revenue fund and the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to make the proper entry to accomplish this transfer. Adopted this 20th day of August, 1965, James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. 13, Johnson Clerk. The Board having previously called for bids on cErtain repairs on the Phelp' s Mill property proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Anderson Bros. Construction Co. ·vernon L. Jensen $ 3715,00 6415,90 Upon motion the contract was awarded to Anderson Bros. Construction Company in the sum of $3715,00. Upon motion the Chairman and the County Auditor .were authorized to sign an agreemBnt with the Lake Region Co-op Electrical Association for road way letting at the Phelp's Mill. Upon motion the Chairman of the Board and the County Audi tor were authorized to execute an easement to the Otter Tail Power Company for placing one pole and attached anchors on Lot 1 Block 11, Dahl & Kallings Addition to the City of Fergus Falls this being tax forfeited property. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. September 14, 1965. Chairman Attest: COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... S.i:pt.m.er. .. ll ............................................... 19 .. 6,5.. 11cn■m 1111111• ~.a.CUUIL MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESCYI'A Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. September 14, 1965, all members being present. Upon motion Bennie J. J0 hnson was authorized to r~ove structures on Lots 1 through .5, · Block 7, Original Plat, Village of Elizabeth as per order of the State Fire Marshall, this being tax forfeited land property. Upon motion the dates of the October Meeting of the Board were changed to October 11 and lJ due to the Regional Welfare Conference held on October 14. The bond of Owen V. Thompson as Probate and Juvenile Judge in the sum of. $1000.00 with the General Insurance Company of America as surety was approved. The proposal of the First National Bank of Parkers Prairie as a depository for county funds with $15,0CO U.S. Treasury bond as surety was approved~ An additional amount of U. S. Treasury notes in the sum of $J0,000 deposited by .the Fanners State Bank of Dent as surety for County deposit was approved. A letter from a Reverend Nelson regarding a bridge on river between Walker Lake and Otter Tail Lake was read and ordered placed on file. Delegations from old school district #1435 and school district #1462 appeared before the Board regarding the dissolution of School Uistrict #1435 and attaching the territory ~o #1462 was discussed and other methods of changes by different proceedings were ·discussed and suggested. · The Town Board of Girard and Everts met with the Board regarding a township road in Section JO of Girard and Section 25 of Everts, After discussion the Everts Town Board agreed to cut brush and maintain their portion of the road. The County Auditor was authorized, upon advice of the County Attorney, to pay 5/8 of the costs on highway patrol fines withheld by the two municipal courts in Otter Taii County, the Supreme Cwrt having decided that payment must be made, A plat of Crystal Hills Second Addition being a part of lots 1 and 2 and the E½ NEl; of Section 11, Township 1J6, Range 42 accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by W. B. Dosland, Attorney at Law, was approved. RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COUUSSIONERS OF O'l'TER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. BE IT RESJLVED, that effective as of September 14, 1965, that a portion of old T.H. 210 beginning at the junction wit~ T.H. 52 and running east on the North side of new T.H. to Station 53+46.J, which connects with the new trunk highway, is hereby vacated as a County Road, returning the same back to the City of Fergus Falls. Attest: Adopted this 14th day of September, 1965. S. B. Johnson Clerk James Bucholz Chairman RESOLUTION BY 'l'HE BOARD OF COUNTY ·COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA BE IT REID LVED, That the Commissioner of Highways be and he hereby is authorized and requested to take such steps and perform such acts on behalf of the County of Otter Tail as may be necessary to have the construction and improvement of the roads hereinafter described properly approved by the Commissioner of Highways as a Federal-Aid Secondary Project eligible for the expenditure of federal funds thereon and eligible for present construction and the letting of a contract therefor, Road ~ JJ 41 47 49 61 67 Location CSAH J5 to T.H. 210 T,H. 108 to CSAH 4 CSAH 12 to 4. 9 Mi. North No. Corp.' Linits of Richville to T.H. 108 From CSAH 16 to 5. 7 Mi. North · From Butler to No. Co. Line Totala Lenght Grade & Bitum- Gravel inous 8,5 8.5 6.9 6,9 4,9 4,9 J,6 J.6 5-7 5,7 J,4 J,4 JJ.O ~ JJ.0 Est. Cost of Project Gliacle & Bitum-:· Gravel 1J6,000 96,600 88,200 54,0CO 74,200 51,600 500,600 inous l0J,088 71,JJ5 59,246 79,524 58,930 41,2JJ 41J,J56 399 I /I : I :-, I' I : i I,· .,, ,, I( I I j ' , I I I' I i i ! I I: I ,ii • I I' '1! '' I ' I ,, I I ,I I 1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... .Sep.t.ember .. J.4. ............................................... 19.6. .. Adopted this 14th day of September, 1965. James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: H.esolved by t;he Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That, Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Hi-Way Surfacing Company, Minneota, for County Wide Sand Seal and, Whereas, said contract has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and the Board having filed its certificate of acceptance with the County Auditor, Now, therefore, be it resolved, That the Chainnan and County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check for $5847.84 the balance due on said contract. Adopted this 14th day of Septenber, 1965. James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. September 15, 1965. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. September 15, 1965 all members present. The petitiop of Ethel Gribbon et al asking that the NE¼ and NW¼ south and east of ditch in Section 34-1J3-37 and adjoining vacant and unoccupied land being the NW¼ lying West and Northwest of ditch, Section 34, be set off from Common School District #1431 to Independent District #545 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties, the Board issued the following order to-wit: ORIJER SETTING OF'F LEGAL VOTER FROM ONE SCHOOL DISTRICT TO ANOTHER. Whereas, The petition of Ethel, Clarence & Russell Grebbon, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 1431 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 545 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1431 to said adjoining school district No. 545 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 11th day of August, A. D., 1965 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 15th day of Sept. A. D., 1965 at the County Auditor's Office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of_ the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Uistricts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 15th day of Sept. A. D., 1965 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said p petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested p parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the foil:lowing described lands owned by him, to-wit: NE! and NWt South and East of Ditch Section 34 Township 133 Range 37 and the adjoining vacant and unoccup:i:ed land being the NW¼ lying West and Northwest of Ditch. be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1431 .to said adjoining School District No. 545 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 15 day of Sept. A. D., 1965. (Auditor's Seal) James Bucholz . Chainnan Attest: · s. B. Johnson County Auditor COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... !?.!:P.~.~~.!:r..J..~ ........................................... 1965 .. A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District $1440 was taken up for final action and after listening to the statements of the various interested parties the Board issued the following interlocutory order to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISS:>LUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DlSTRICT NO. 1440. The above ~ntitled.matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 15th day of Sept. 1965, at 10 o'clock A. M., pursuant. to notice ~uly ?iven as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First--That said proceedings were instituted by: A resolut~on adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor. Second-That less.than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best irtterest of the inhabi~ants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That .said Common School District No. 1440 be dissolved and that the territory embraced ~he~ein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: The entire territory comprising School District #1440. (J) IT lS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1440 be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District #550 all the monies, credits, funds, property both real estate and personal property including taxes for the year 1966 and prior years collected after July 1st, 1966, and ~hat all obligations of said School District 1440 shall becane the obligations ofSchool District 5,50 on July 1st, 1966. · (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1440 is None Dollars. (5) The propos_ed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of July, 1966. Dated this 15Ph day of Sept. 1965. James Cucholz Chainnan Board of County Commissioners Attest: s. B. Johnson. County Auditor A communication from the County Superintendent of Schools calling attention to the fact that Common School District ~1454 in the Township of Star Lake is not maintaining a classified, elementary school under the statutes, this district should be dissolved and the County Board passed the following resolution to-wit: The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That pursuant to Chapter 122.)2 MS.A. as amended, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County will on September 15, 1965 dissolve and make an order annexing to other existing school districts the territory of the following non-operating school district: #1454, and that the County Auditor give notice of the time and place of such hearing, _as proviped by law. Adopted September 15, 1965. James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk The'application of Alma Guttonnson asking for reduction of assessment on Lot 12 Block 5 Trowbridge Point on tee ground that a building was assessed on this vacant lot in error. Upon motion the application was granted. The following applications for correction of assessment on real estate were approved and recommended to the Tax Commissioner for his approval: Florence Hausauer Lot 1 and part of Lot 5 in Albrecht's Addn. to Nirvana Building assessed in error. 401 •I I I ,I I' 1· I t l COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ........ ---- Ingvold C. Grefsrud DATE ......... se.P.t.~ber .. 15 ............................................. 19 .6.5. Si SW¼ and the SE¼ SE¼ of Section 35-136-44 Building over-assessed. 28, 1965, A motion was made, seconded and carried that the County Board view completed roads on September The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Russell Brooberg Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Gordon H. Larson Bennie J. Johnson Harvey Morrill Sam Nycklemoe Otto Haase James Bucholz James Bucholz Sam Nycklemoe Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Harvey Morrill Roger M. Heidorn Carlton E. Mortensen Theo. Hegseth Arnold Evavold Homer M. Sen Melvin Trosvik Harold Skistad F.tlwin Skoglund Mac Tobkin Herb Woods Jeff H. Tikkanen John Meyer Emil Boen Frank Roberts Robert Shaw Harris W. Iverson Anton N. Glesne Vernon E. Bachman Mrs. Harry Fretland Joanne Rossow Mrs. Arlen H. Wahl Geneva Halstead Northwestern Bell Tele. Co. Do Holten Hardware Wm. Galena & Son Johnson Repair Shop F.tlling Electric Inc. Swedberg's Henry Lubitz, Sp, Dep. Merlin S. Rieman Edwin Ala Donald Lee Roger L. Hanson Olga Peterson John Hoff Key Laboratories Lakeland Mobile Radio Serv. Fergus Jobbing, Inc• Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Andrews & Meister Drug S & L Company Park Region Medical Center Dr. Frank W. Veden White Drug Barney A, Boos, Sheriff C. L,Cherry, Sheriff Walter T. Quam, Sheriff F.tl. Hyan, Sheriff Darrell L. ~iolff, Sheriff L. C. Boies, Sheriff Adolph S. Olsen, Sheriff Maurice McCollar, Sheriff Charles W, Lewis, M. D. C, J. Lund, M. D. Everett C. Hanson, M. D. Ernest Neuvonen Walter R. Barden Victor Lundeen & Co. Burroughs Corp. Todd Division Battle Lake Heview Midwest Printing Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. ~iiller-Davis Company Poucher Prtg. & Lithe. Co. Security Blank Book & Prtg, Oswald Publishing Co. Board Prisoners expenses expenses expenses expenses II II II II II Board of Equalization II II II II II II II II II II II II Serv. E,O,T, Soil Cons. Dist. II lf.O.T. Exp. II II II II II II II E II II II Sal. & Exp Weed Insp. II II II II -~ II Expenses Extra help Co. Assessor's 8ffice II II II II Expenses Attd. conference Clerk Wk. Co. Supt. Office II II II II II II II II II II II II toll charges II II supplies labor & valves Repair Mower Labor fill flower beds II II Sp, Dep. fees & mileage II II II II II II II II II II II matron fee Jailer tests II II II II II II II II II install siren & checking tower bleach supplies -jail supplies -jail clothes calls -jail dentist work for prisoner med. for prisoner serving citations II II II II II II II coroner's fe s II II II II witness fees II II supplies .ribbons blanks & envelopes envelopes & Prtg. printing & supp,ies fonns blanks supplies book $ 1074,00 378,10 229,50 244,90 257,83 Revenue R&B 26.00 11.50 31,75 38.85 46.03 22.50 19,50 23.60 19,50 15.00 74,00 209,00 21,90 48,00 43.27 19,20 24,75 39,15 20.70 16.96 22.95 27,00 251.52 158,42 119,75 513,60 397,25 26.15 56,00 54,00 44,00 25.00 63,18 105.69 5,80 26.82 17.20 5.50 150,00 31.60 34,80 15.00 128,70 9,00 J0,00 40,00 35,97 55,15 16.00 98,26 2.72 7,95 16.00 7,00 3.90 5,00 7.10 9.00 4,08 6.50 8,05 2.30 2.00 11.65 299.15 11.2$ 7,00 7.00 481.28 3.39 12.00 323,25 63.60 476.25 29.6o 19.39 396.46 3,99 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IVII The Pierce Company Do Schoolcraft Company St; Paul Book & Stationery Co. State of Minnesota Diebold, Inc. •Addressograph-Mul tigraph Corp. Davenport's Stationery. The Geo. D. Barnard Co, Cooper's Office Supply Cooper's Office Supply. Myrtle E. Logas Cooper's Office Supply Lystad's Julian Tollerude Helen E. Skramsted Olga Torvik Vernon E. Bachnan Myrtle E. Logas Henning Advoca~e . Fergus Falls Daily Journal Olson-Stitzel Am. Leg. Aux. #219 Buseth-Tusow Am. Leg. Aux. Harold T. Swenson Post #612 Ruth Huether Helen E. Benshoof Ruth Huether Ruth Huether E.O. T. Telephone Co. >lrs. R. H. Jedlund Mrs. Arthur Bakke Mrs. Edwin Skoglund Mrs. Alva Helmrichs Mrs. J. A. Anderson Mrs. Robert H. Johnson Mrs. Otto Fjestad Mrs. Charles Lewis Mrs. D. C. Haugen Philip M. Kjaglien Rachel J. Estrem Philip M. Kjaglein Northwestern Bell Tele. Co. Straub Company Public Utilities Dept. Richard A. Henning Artz Camera Supply Victor Lundeen & Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Cooper's Office Supply Century Camera, Inc. Secretarial Service . Mineral Springs Sanatorium Fergus Falls Clinic Andrews & Meister Drug E. C. Hanson, M. D. Otto Paavola Richard Enstad Bob Karst Coast to Coast B. L. International Harvester Co. Froelich Maring Everts Lumber Co. Hamilton lvelding Village of Pelican Rapigs Charles Geeenblatt Gene & Clem's Cities Sei;-v. Lund Metalcraft, Inc• 'l'win I s motor Company North Union Texaco Cy' s Pure Oil Anderson Bros. Const. Co. Public Works Equip. Co., I c. The George T. rtyan Co. . " .. Ruffridge-Johnson Eq. Cq., I c. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc.. "" Bauck Chevrolet Co., Inc. Harvey Bullock 1!.bersviller Imp_],ement co·., F. F. Ebersviller's Inc., Pel." Rapids International Harvester Co. Larson tlelding A. R. Meier Minnesota M0tor Co. Olson Auto hlectric Paulson Tire Shop · PE11rose Chevrolet Co. Perham Co-op Oil ~o. Riverside Repair Shop Smokey Is Machine Shop Stan•s Garage . Suhr Ford Sales, I c. Super GMC Truck saies DATE .............. September .. 1.5 _ ..................................... 19.65 _ mimeograph envelopes reports & envelopes mounting board record books inspection on safe plates & ribbons supplies book furniture for Dist. Judge's Office supplies Clerk of Court printed checks for trust Acct. supplies pest control Janitor work postage post.age II Adv. coms.pd.dri. lie. agts. notices for dissol. of sch. dist •. publishing decorating graves II II II II expenses II II II tolls & services Attd. nursing Bd. mtg. mileage & expenses expenses mche. rental & postage calls & services rent utilities repair & clean typewriter Photo-Copy paper supplies bulletins repairs & Supplies services Mimeographing care of T. B. patients II II II II II Med. II II II Univ. Hosp. papers Transp. T. B. patient mileage & expenses demonstrations supplies repairs II II labor lumber welding use of siren siren siren on scout repair of boat gas & oil II II II II II II material & labor parts II II II Rejmirs II II II II $ 365.00 22.59 62.29· 28.88 487.50 50.00· 74.03 19.68 171.54 2491.50 153.67 4.14 2282.40 75.00 100.00 50.00 20·.oo ·58.-61 14.20 ·8.10 163.25 20·.oo 17.50 25.00· 18.28 25.45 48.45 5.00 15.56 3.00 3.·30 9.15 ·6.75 7-35 5.10 3.60 6.00 10.70 68.85 12.60 · 12•.CO 35-35· · 50.co 3.67· 6·.00 43.89 34.75 19.50 98.28 50.00 10.95 1478.04 109.00 62.15 3.00 12.50 82.10 120.00 2.70 28.65 8.95 9.92 2.00 15.00 201.46 9.07 2.50 49.37 124.01 12.14 957.00 5.00 9.85 282.26 173.08 26.95 -54.00 3.40 1.00 70.39, 3.50 5.00 27.98 36.06 12.25 3:25 3.00 36.45 384.67 56.16 35-40 16.06 . I ', '· •, I I' f404 I I . ,j I I.I I'' 11 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... Septi:lllber .15 ............................................. 19 65 A. J. Gerrard & Co. Pheoll Mfg. Co. of Mini') Hi-way Surfacing ~o. M-R Sign l.o., Inc• Bretz Hardware Coast to Coast B. L. Coast to. Coast Pel Rpd~. Cran~• Johnson Lbr. Co, Pel. Rpds. Fergus Lwnber & Fuel General Trading Co, Hall111 Hdwe. Holten Hdwe. . Lampert Lwnber Co, Par, Pra. Standard Oil Co. B. L. Tesch Lwnber Co. Welter Bros. Wilcox Lwnber Co, Henning Wilcox Lwnber Co. N. Y •. M. Arrowhead Culvert Co. N. rthwestern Refining ~o. Bitwninous Surface Tre~ting Co. Leo V. Doll Frank Freeman •Guggemos Constr. Co. Melvin Mc Gowan Farmers Union GTA Flom Grain & Feed Co. Doc's Tire Service Jo'irestone Store Ludwig Kangas . Northwood ~pecialty Co. Plman Transfer .. Raymond M0 tor Trans. In.c. Minn. Dept of Highways- Otter Tail Power Co. H. A. Rogers Co. The Pierce Company . Poucher Printing & Lithp. Co. Davenport's Stationery E. O. 'I'. Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. F. F. Pelican Kelephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co .• F. F. Midwest Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Henning Vergas Telephone Go. Wendell P. Huber G. D. Harlow Wendell P. Huber Township of Blowers Township of Bluffton 'l'ownship of Butler Township of Compton Township of Deer Crea< Township of Effington Township of Henning Township of Inman Township of Oak Valley Township of Paddock Lois Putnam Hayes Gladys D. Vlach John I. Bondy Kenneth E. H0 vland Joseph Rayner Baas Oil Company Dent Oil Company Fanners Co-op Cry. Assni Fossen Oil Company . Highway Co. Serv. Station H ,illview Store Hoot Lake Pure Jim's Service Station Kraemer Oil Co. Mayo's Standard Service Mischke Oil Station Q~ter Tail Go-op Oils, Inc. Dalton Otter Tail Co-op Oils, IHc• F. F. Park Region Oil Co. Ray's Oil Co. Service Oil Co. Und. Standard Service N. Y. M. Theodorson Mobil Twins )lotor<'Co. West End 'l'exaco Arrow Petroleum Bluffton Oil Co. D-A Lubricant l.o., Inc. Conswners Co-op Oil Co. Henn. Mobil Oil Gompany Dent Soliah & Braatz Oil Co. Scambler 'fownship Repairs supplies II II II II II II supplies_ .culverts Bit. material Bit Material gr~vel II II Equip. rental seed II tires II tow charge stakes freight II services prints supplies II II II service & tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II expenses II cash advanced flood relief Rig,. t of Way II II II II II II II II II gas, etc. gasoline gas, etc. II II II II gasoline gas gas, etc. II II II II gas II II II gasoline etc. II gas II gasoline II gas, etc. II II diesel fuel II II motor oil Oil fuel oil II II special Aid $ 48.12 141.ll 176.19 1854.50 22.16 65.06 9.49 19.65 3.84 201.28 110.71 154.34 19.16 17.44 19.50 5.18 2.09 5.55 258.44 2154.81 564.50 7.28 ·91.35 2199.13 272.50 461.10 13.50 238.31 68.10 3.00 119.00 7,75 3.75 737.82 44.83 17.35 51.91 50.6j 16.12 11.25 36.66 -12.34 94.22 7.60 12.22 22.52 296.95 201.75 3.59 210.50 200.00 165.00 100.00 45.00 20.00 180.00 20.00 2S5.00 365.00 10.00 2.00 92.54 78.55 86.30 142.93 23.62 82.17 169.41 43.35 15.00 104.78 60.58 204.37 97. 75 · 209.82 162.25 65,75 . 153. 76 59.16 52.00 1.72 59.00 168.19 44.56 262.24 191.56 48.9-5 2.40 7.65 47.40 346.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... S.e t..anwar. .. l. ............................................. 19.6. .. . Tpe bills of Stensrud & Emerson Drug Company and Fergus Falls Veterinary Clinic were reject.ed. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M. October 11, 1965. -Chairman Att~t, ~ Clet-k I I 405 :I ·1 I I I 1· I: ,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... .Uctoher .. .ll... ............................................. 19.6.~ .. ................... MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUN'l'Y COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M, October ll, 1965, all commissioners here except Harvey Morrill. Upon motion the Highway Engineer was authorized to make a survey for the Township of Hobart on a road in Section )2 when time was available. Upon motion Russell McCarty and Mark Sand & Gravel Company were granted extension of time for completion of contracts previously awarded them, This was due to the excessive rain-fall during the month of September, Upon motion James Bucholz was appointed as a member of the Board of Directors for the Lake Region Sheitered Workshop, Inc. Upon motion James Bucholz was appointed delegate to the Association of Minnesota Counties on the planning and zoning committee and Otto Haase on the welfare committee. Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to sign a statement of assurance that their would be no descrimination exercised by the Federal Government in order that the County may receive its share of proceeds on sales of surplus wildlife and wildlife products. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota; That the sale of tax forfeited lands appraised by this Board be held in the office of the County Auditor in the oourt house in Fergus Falls in said sale, All tracts sold for more than $100,00 may be paid for on the installment plan at the rate of at least 25 per cent of the purchase price, but in all cases the downpayment· must be at least $100,00 provided that in all cases where the appraisal by this Board shows a value of wood on said tract the full amount of the appraisal value of said wood, together with 25 per cent of the balance of the purchase price must be paid at the time of sale, The balance of the purchase price may be pa.id in ten aMual installments at 4 per cent interest on the unpaid balance. Title to land to be offered for sale is not guaranteed, either by Otter Tail County or the State of Minnesota, When payment in full of the purchase price has been made the purchaser will receive from the State of MiMesota a quit-claim deed to the property, for which the Auditor is required by law to collect and remit to the State a fee of $2,00, Adopted October 11, 1965, James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S, B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Ta.i,l County, Minnesota, That matching contribution on buy back for sick leave in the amount of $69,68 for· John Milton Eckman as authorized by Chapter 715-Laws of 1965 be made. Adopted this 11th day of October, 1965, James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the lloard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That, Whereas, this l:ioard has heretofore contracted with the Traffic Marking Service Inc. of Buffalo, Minnesota, for center striping C, P. 65 and, Whereas, the same has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and the Board having filed their certificate of acceptance with the County Auditor, Now, Therefore, Be it Further Resolved, that the Chainnan and County Auditor are hereby ordered and directed to issue a check to Traffic Marking Service I~c. in the sum of $87),49 as the final payment on said contract. Adopted this 11th day of October, 1965, James Bucholz Attest: __ -----'s"-'-.~B~•'-"J~o~h~n~so~n:.:.... __ _ Chairman Clerk, COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. 0.Ctoher ll. .... · ........................................ 19 65. BWD...Ullll&U E·2808 BE IT RESOLVED, That the Chairman and the Auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County of Otter Tail to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of High- ways for the removal of .snow from particular portions or all of the roads and highways under the jurisdiction of the County of Otter Tail all on the tenns and conditions contained and set forth in "State of Minnesota Department of Highways Maintenanc~ Section Snow Removal Agreement Form No. 111 , a copy of which said fonn ' was before the Boar.d, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Wendell P. Huber, the County Highway Engineer of said Otter Tail County, be and he hereby is authorized to request and order from time to time men and eqdipment for the removal of snow in accordance with and under the tenns of the foregoing contract. Adopted Oct. 1, 1965, James Bucholz Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. Cpmmissioner Nycklemoe offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION LOCATING AND ESTABLISHING CSAH #82. WH[CH IS OLD T.H. #52. Whereas, The state of Minnesota is contemplating the turn-back of T.H. 52 because of the construction of the Interstate from Dalton to Evansville: and WHEREAS, A description of said County State-Aid itoad as located and established and identified by number is now on file in the office of the County Auditor of Otter '!'ail County; · NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, pursuant to the provisions and requirements of Chapter 943 of the Regular Session Laws for Minnesota for the year 1957, designate as CSAH #82 upon-official notice from the Commissioner of Highways that said T.H. #52 has been revoked, which is located as follows: Beginning at a point on present T.H. 59 at or near the northwest corner of section 6, Township lJl Nor.th, Range 42 West; thence easterly along or near the Nn_rth Line of Sections 6 and 5 to a point approximately JlO feet east of the north quarter corner of said Section 5; thenc.e in a general southeasterly direction through Sections 5,4,9,10 to or near the East-West quarter line through Sections 10 and 11 to a point at or near the center of said Section 11; thence in a general southeasterly direction through sections 11, 12, lJ and 24, Township lJl North, Range 42 West and continue southe~sterly through Sections 19, JO, 29, J2 and JJ, Township lJl North, Range 41 West to a point on the South County Line at or near the south- east corner of said Section JJ, and there terminating. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion for the adoption of the Resolution. then on the adoption of th.e Resolution and upon roll call was duly passed and adopted; Chainnan declared said Resolution duly passed and adopted and ordered the same entered the Board. Adopted this 11th day of October, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: The question was whereupon the in the minutes of Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That \·/hereas this Board has heretofore contracted with Michaelson Bros., Inc. for grading S.A.P. 56-bSJ-05 and, Whereas, the same has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board, and certification of acceptance having been filed with the County Auditor. NOW, THEREFORE, Be it Further Resolved that the Chairman and County Alilditor are authorized and directed to issue a check to Michaelson Bros., Inc. in the sum of $1535-72 as final payment in contract. Adopted this 11th day of October, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. ·1'1 'I 11 . I I I I j COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... Q.~.t.9.Q.\ilr. •. ll ................................ 19 ... hS •••• E-1808 The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That the S\1111 of $31,553,73 be and is hereby transferred fr0111 the County Building fund to the County Road and Bridge fund as reimbursement for two garages paid for from the Road and Bridge Fund, Be it Further Resolved that the County Auditor ma~e appropriate·entries to accomplish this transfer, Adopted this 11th day of October, 1965, James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S, B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Cmunty C0111missioners of Otter Tail County; Minnesota, Whereas, Provision is made in the Minnesota Statutes 1961, Section 18,231, Subdivision 1, the Board of County Commissioners when requested by the commissioner of agriculture, shall appoint a county agricultural inspector, who shall meet qualifications prescribed by the commissioner, and WHEREAS, Russell G. Schwandt, Commissioner of Agriculture, has requested on September 28, 1965, such appointment by the County Board of Otter Tail County, NOW, 'l'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That ~•rank Roberts whose address Deer Creek and Emil BoEl'l, whose address is Fergus Falls, be and he is hereby appointed County Agricultural I spector, for a period of full time five months,·1966 and seven months at per diem, 1966, at a salary of $185,00 per month and per diem for seven months. BE IT FUR'l'HEfi UNDERSTOOD that Frank iioberts and Fmil Boen• may attend the Annual County Agricultural Inspectors' Short Course held at the St. Paul Campus, University of Minnesota, and two one day district conferenced during the year. BE IT FUHTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to the Conunissioner of Agriculture, State 6ffice Building, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55101. Adopted this 11th day of Octob~r, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. Upon motion the Boand adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. October 13, 1965. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. October 13, 1965. Pursuant to notice given a resolution of the County Board of Commissioners dissolving non- operating school district #1454 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties and careful consideration by the Board, the following order was issued to-wit: STATE OF MINNJi.SOTA, ) )ss County of Otter Tail ) IN THE MATTER OF 'l'Hli. DIS!DLUTlON m• COMMON SCHOOL DISTRIC'l' NO. 1454 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Mi1111esota, at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 13th day of October, 1965, at 10 o'clock A. M., pursuant to notice .'.duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and· the board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First --That said proceedings were instituted by: =-- COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... Qcto.bl!!" l'.L ................................................ 1965 IVll!~.COI.DIL.D.&UU. A resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted on the 15th day of Sept. 1965: Second --That the district is a non-operating district being dissolved under Chapter 547, Laws of 1963 as amended. NOW THEREFORE I'l' IS ORDERED, That said Common School IJistrict N • 1454 be dissolved and that the territory enbraced therein be attached to other existing school districts~ to-wit: The entire District #1454 be attached to and made a part of Ind. District 548. (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1454, be distributed as follows, to-wit: All to Ird. School District #548. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1454 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 13th day of October, 1965. Dated this 13th day of October, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Board of Gounty Commissioners Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor The within and foregoing interlocutory order became final and effective on the 13th day of Oc~ober, 1965, by order of the Board of County Commissioners adopted on the 13th day of October, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Board of County Commissioners Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor A petition of R. A. Stuntebeck (City Oil Company) asking that the SW¾ SE¼ Section 27 and the W½ NE]; and NW]; except railway in Section 34, all in Township 135 Range 36, be set off from District #1462 to Independent School District 819 of Wadena County was read and it was ordered that a hearing·be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M., November 3rd, 1965 and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. A plat of Wegner's Oakdale being a part of the SE¼ NE¾ of Section 1-133-40 accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Herman F'. Wegner, Attorney at Law, was approved. The application of Otto and Clara E. Hoffman for homestead classification on South 2.6 acres of Lot 1 Section 5 Town of Dora was granted. The following applications for reduction of assessed valuation on real estate were recommended by the Board to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval: Frank T. Heirons Ira T. Bowman Lynn Veikley L Lot lJ Pleasant Grove Gov. Lots 1 and 2 of Section 1, Dead Lake Twp. Lot 11 Viken Bay Beach • Building assessed·as being 40 by 40 feet instead of 24 by 110' Over assessment on 1200 feet of Lake Shore. Tu.~1 cottages assessed on this lot where only one existed. Application for settlement and abatement of delinguent taxes, penalties, interest and costs upon Lot 18, 19 and 20, Block 2 Bowman & Duntan•s Addition to Battle Lake on which the total amounted to $J86.J9, offered to pay $315.33 being the amount of the original tax was recommended to the tax Commissioner. The application of Raymond Trudeau for reduction of taxes on E'ly 4.81 acres of Lot 8 except tracts in Section 35, Township of Sverdrup, was rejected upon recommendation of the County Assessor. The.application of Willard G. Suhr for reduction of assessed valuation of Lot 6, Hoot Lake Acres which had erroneQusly been granted at the J.uly session of the Board was corrected ·as recommended by the County Assessor and the application was rejected The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Russell Brooberg Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Boarding Prisoners expenses & mileage II II II mileage $ 1947.25 254.31 251.60 137.80 . I r,110 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... October .. 13 ................................................... 1965 E-2808 Gordon H. Larson Harvey Morrill Otto Haase Sam Nycklemoe James Bucholz Bennie J. Johnson Roger M. Heidorn Carlton E. Mnrtensen Melvin Trosvik Theo. Hegseth. Arnold Evavold Homer San Harold Skistad Emil Boa, Frank Roberts Eugene Davenport Eugene J:/avenport Robert Shaw Harris Iverson Anton N. Glesne Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Do Arthur M. 1speland Geo. E. Jensen Hilbert Isaacson Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Wm. Galena & Son Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. Montgomery-I-lard Company ~\arkstrom Drug Fergus Hardware Merlin S. Rieman Donald Lee John Stine Henry Lubitz Key Labor~tories, I c. United Chemical Inc~ Mobile Radio & T. V. Serv. Western Union Teleerapp Co. Lake Region Co-op 11ec. Ass'n. Vore's Gun Repair & Surge Store Hintgen-Karst Elec. Co. City Phannacy Otter Tail Grocery Co. Sternsrud & Fmerson Co. White Drug Ors. Warner & Schoeneberger Orville Fenske Donald Meels Alfred J. Meyer Richard M. Enstad Victor Lundeen & Co. Miller-Davis Company Davenport Is Panama Carbon Co. Poucher Printing & Litho. Co. Gaffaney•s Security Envelope Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Oswald Publishing Co. Thenno-Fa.x Sales, Inc• Cooper's Office Supply Cooper's Office Supply Cooper's Office Supply Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. IBM Corporation Walter S. Booth & Son Schoolcraft Company Secretarial Service Myrtle E. Logas Helen E. Skramsted Vernon E. Bachman Russell Brooberg Nyrtle E. Logas Pelican Rapids Press Fergus falls Daily Journal American Leg. Aux. Unit #116 Am. Leg. Olson-Stitzel Post #219 Helen E. Benshoof · E.O.T. Telephone Co. Helen E. Benshoof Walter S. Booth & Son Mrs. Otto Fjestad ,1rs. Arthur Bakke Mrs. Edwin Skoglund Mrs.Alva Helmrichs Mrs. J. A. Anderson Mrs. D. C. Haugen . Mrs. Otto Fjestad Mrs. R.H. Jedlund Philip M. Kjaglien expenses II II II II II $al'y E.O.T. Soil Cons. Distr. II W II II II II 11 II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Exp. & Serv. Weed Insp. II II expenses II mileage & exp. Ext!ra help Co. II Calls II II II ,i II Attd. Conf. Assessor's II Attd. planning Comm. Exp. planning Commission II II II II II Office II Exp. Attd. Planning Commission supplies check control valve lamps sprinklers tri-sodium phosphate step ladder Sp. Dep. fees & Mileage II II II tests II II II II II II II supplies -jail service -jail telegrams II II II membership fee & annual fee repair gun repairs -jail medication for prisoner cotton twine medication for prisoner II II coroner's call witness fees & mileage II II II II II II II II II supplies II II carbon supplies II II teachers lists supplies photo-copy paper II II II supplies -Probation office Chair for Red Cross office repairs & supplies supplies Maintenance on typewriter records Attendance Register books farm schedules postage II postage & film Adv. Coms.Pd.driv.lic. agts. publishing tax notice II decorating graves II II mileage & expenses tolls & services postage pupils health record cards Sal'y setting up immun. clinics Attd. Nors. Bd. mtg. Attd. Nursing Bd. mtg. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II mileage & expenses II II II II $ 174.45 21.75 60.30 39.20 56.25 37.75 111.00 167.20 9.60 15.90 42.00 18.30 8.25 191.55 331.70 78.85 197.89 190.80. 359.25 371.05 72.77 97.17 7.95 17.25 12.16 195.62 , .. oo 3.60 18.04 4.25 11.45 13.60 32.30 22.60 52.40 23.12 50.50 44-50 7.95 55.00 3.00 25.15 14.l!O 2.co 4.70 9.00 11.85 · 3.40 3.40 3.40 11.80 348.54 515.43 21.76 . 23.16 113.86 22.70 52.67 29.50 89.32 12.88 750.89 33.00 28.50 489.25 47.05 11.10 10.40 17.00 75.00 75.00 24.00 89.80 11.45 4.80 331.00 25.00 25.00 95;20 11.20 5.00 3.29 15.00 3.30 9.15 6.75 7.35 3.90 1.80 3.00 165.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL . COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... Qct.aber .. .lJ. ................................................. 19 . .65 .. lffM■ID Pl!IIIH "8111&11L.11d.lll• Philip M, Kjaglien Rachel J. E.strem · ·• N. W. Beibih Telephone Co. Public Utilities Dept, Straub Company Cooper's Office Supply Victor Lundeen & 1,;ompany Anderson Bros. Const. Co. Anderson Bros, Const, Co. International Harvester Co. Rolfson's Riverside Resort Village of Henning Stemsrud & l!iners6n Robert Boedigheimer Mineral Springs Sanatorium Mrs. Wallace Kimball Fergus Falls Clinic Drs. Lewis & Kevern Hayden-Murphy Ji4uipt. Co. Road Machinery & Supp. Inc. Ruffridge-Johnson Equip, Co., The Geo. T. Ryan Co, Wm, H. Ziegler Co;, Inc. Cummins Diesel Sales, Inc, Equipnent parts & Serv. Co., Handy Governor Sales Dick's Standard Service Ebersviller Implement l.o, Fergus Dodge, Inc, Genuine Parts Co. International Harvester Co. Jim's Garage Knuttila Implement Co. Larson ti elding Marlo Motors Matz & Greiff Minnesota Motor Co, Olson Auto hlectric Paulson Tire Shop Penrose Chevrolet Co, Perham Fann Supply Co, Mrs. Adolph Schattschneider Stan's Garage Super GMC Trmck Sales Wicklund Farm Supply Worner Rambler Paper, Calmenson & Co. Michaelson Bros., Inc, M & R. Sign Company Elk River Concrete Prod. Co, Northwestern Refining Co. Arthur P. Pierson Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. Coast-to-Coast Store P.R. I c. ,, Inc. Crane-Johnson Lumber Co. Pelican Rapids Everts Lumber C6, Fleet Fann Supply Gamble Store N. 1. M, General Trading Co. Holten Lumber Co. Perham Manufacturing Co, Al Schmidt Lumber Co, Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Standard Oil Co, B, L, Wilcox Lumber Co, Henning Firestone Store Les' Tire Service Village of Henning City of Fergus Falls Minn. Dept. Of Highways Railway Express Agency F. F. Otter Tail Power Co. Stemsrud & Emerson Drug Co. H. A. Rogers Co. Davenport's Stationery Victor Lundeen & Co, The Pierce Company E. 0, T. Telephone Co. N. W. Beil Telephone Co, Henning Midwest Telephone Co, N. W. Bell Telephoae Co, F. F. Pelican Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. F. F, Wendell P, Hube~ G. D. Harlow Wendell P. Huber · Butler Twp. Folden Twp. Inman Twp. H.Richard Harrigan Andy's 66 Service postage & Nche. rental mileage calls & services utilities rent Machine rental supplies repair on screen repairing Brick wa,11 & coping stone repairs gas & oil care of transients med. for T. B. patients transp. 11 11 n care T. B. patients Transp. T. B. patient T, B. patient tests University Hnspital papers parts Parts parts II II repairs n II II II II cutting edges equipt. rental signs culverts Bit, material Gravel supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies ti es II Rent & Water Chg. maintenance services express prints supplies II II II II service & tolls II II II II II expenses II II II II II cash advanced special aid II II II II Right of Way gas, etc. II II II II II 9,00 5,85 27'.37 . 3.67 50,00 10.00 23.67 19.05 666.21 54,74 52,28 4,67 31.30 39,53 10.00 20.00 13,50 3,00 892,38 143,17 754,79 401.51 183,01 60.40 66.65 276.88 6,50 74,73 148,53 69,77 247,38 8.25 51.37 12.00 7,00 10.85 40,62 123.12 3,50 3,30 ,85 8.00 40,015 461.ao 3,50 5.8,01 487,20 74,00 1545,65 112.14 1448,94 419.60 263,30 29,96 27,85 46,84 5,50 6.62 222,93 24,45 5,50 3,60 53,96 36,72 59,29 349,20 7,00 208,23 561.25 604,84 48,49 21.42 1.80 1.99 25,24 69.25 190,00 12.00 12.27 10.10 30,39 15,42 77,91 265,30 147,95 ll,77 400.00 2CO,OO 300,00 100.00 171.73 411 .I I. .1 I I I I I 'ii I: I: i '; COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... 0.c.tab.er: .. 1.3 ................... . Consumers Co-op Oil Co, Henning Fanners Co-op Cry~ Assn. D. C. Fergus Oil Co,, I c. Fossen Oil Company Gene & Clem's Citgo Serv. Hank's East Side Service Hmning DX Service Hoot Lake Pure Oil Jim's Service Station John's 7-0 Service Nundahl Oil Co, Otter Tail Co-op Oils, Inc. Service Oil Co. D. L. Service Oil Co,, tlnd. Twins Motor Co. Underwood Lakeside Service Vergas Oil Company West End Texaco Arrow Petroleum Penrose Oil Co. Fossen Oil Co, Ted' s Oil l;ompany · D-A Lubricant Co.; Inc. Gasoline gas, etc. gasoline gas, etc. gasoline gas, etc. gasoline II gas, etc, gasoline gas, etc. II II II 'II II II II II gasoline gas, etc. II II diesel fuel II II fuel oil II II oil ······19 65 Upon motion the Board adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. November 2, 1965. Chairman Attest: $ 37,28 93.95 63,10 189.19 40.15 177,29 79,62 16.98 "i24,83 71,89 266,46 234.93 620.93 111.83 29,71 29.28 124.81 36.65 j82.47 75.69 189.60 60.80 162~25 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..... !°!.'?.!~.~~:1'.' ... 2 ...................................................... 19 .. 65. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUN'l'Y COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESCJI'A. Pursuant to-adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Noyember 2, 1965 with Conunissioners Bucholz, Johnson, Nycklemoe and Haase present. Upon motion Michaelson Bros. Construction Company was granted an extension of time to 1966 to complete S.A.P. 56-626-0J; 56-626-02; 56-624-05, They were also granted an extension of time for completion of 65:111 and C.P. 65:122. Upon motion Eid Zimmerman was granted an extension of tilne in which to complete 56-621:.05. Upon motion Philip M. Kjaglien, Veteran's Service Officer, was authorized to attend the County Veteran's Service Officer's meeting at Fargo on November 8, 1965. Upon motion Gordon Larson's salary was fixed at $487.00 per month to comply with Chapter 886, Laws of 1965, Section 2J. A delegation from the township of Dora regarding a road to be taken over by the County.as part of the County system was presented their arguments. No action w~s taken. Upon motion the County COl!llllissioners as a Board were authorized to view completed roads on November 2J, 1965 and to meet at 9:JO A. M. at Fergus Falls, County Engineer Wendell P. Huber was authorized to attend the annual County Highway Engineer's Institute on December 6 to 9 Inclusive. A plat of Anderson's Beach being a part of Lot 1 Section Jl Township 134-39 accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Nonnan Arveson, ~ttorney at Law, was approved. A plat of Delaney's Beach being a part of Government Lot 2 Section 23 and Lot 2 of Section 24 in Township 136, Range 41, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by M. J. Daly, .Attorney at Law, was approved. The application of Robert Whitney asking for homestead classification on Lot 2 and the SEt SE¼ of Section JO and the SEt; NEt and the NEt NE¾ in Section Jl, all in Township 135, Range J9 ~as considered. Upon motion the application was rejected. RESOLUTION. The following Resolution was offered by Commissioner BeMie Johnson: BE IT RESOLVED, That the following described road, being approxilnately .12 mile in length, be added to the County State-Aid Highway System of Otter Tail County: BegiMing at the intersection of Villard and Grant Streets in the Village of Pelican Rapids, which is the westerly tennini of present CSAH #lCO, thence southerly on Grant Street to where same intersects with Otter Tail Street, thence easterly along Otter '!'ail Street to wher!, same intersects Broadway and T.H. 59, and there tel'lllli!nating, and that said addition to the County State-Aid Highway System be known as CSAH #100. The above Resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Sam Nycklemoe, and unanilnously adopted by the Board. Attest: Dated N0 vember ~, 1965, S. B. Johnson Clerk James Bucholz Chainnan ORDINANCE OF OTTER 1'.kl. L COUNTY A:N· 0RDiNANCE PROHIBiTiN<;;' THE ESTABLISHiNG" AND CHANGE OF LOCATlON OF JUNK YARDS FOR A FERIOD OF ONE YEAR Tne Board of Commissioners of the Cw.nty of Otter Tail, does hereby ordain as follows: Section i. PREAMBLE. On the 15th day of April, 1964 the Board of Commissi?ners of Otter Tail County duly established the agency known as the Otter Tail County PlaMing Advisory Commission. One of the functions of this conunission is to study present land uses and to make reconunendations to the Board of County Com- missioners for needed regulations in the area of zoning and land use. This conunission is presently study- ing the advisability of zoning regulations and is expected to report to the County Board by November of 1966. I ' I I I Ji ~ /i i j, 1414 J COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ November .. 2 .................................................. 19 6 . .5 SECTION 1 2. DEFINITION. Junk yard shall be defined as any buildings, structures, yard, land, or place for keeping, storing, buying, selling, or piling in commercial quantities any old, used or second hand materials, supplies, equipnent, motor vehicle or farm equipment where the same is not now existing. SECTION J. Until December 1, 1966, no junk yard shall hereafter be created or started within the unincopurated areas of Otter Tail County. SECTION 4. No junk yard now in existence shall be moved from its present location nor shall any existing business owning a junk yard establish any new branch location or-expand existing locations beyond their existing locations. SECTION 5. PENALTY. Violations of this ordinance shall be punishable as a misdemeanor. Adopted this 2nd day of November, 1965. James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: s. J. Johnson Clerk. ORDINANCE OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY The Board of Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail, does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. PREAMBLE. On the 15th day of April 1964, the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County duly established the agency known as the Otter Tail County _Planning Advisory Commission. One of the functions of this commission is to study present land uses and to make recommendations to the Board of' County Commissioners for needed regulations in the area of zoning and land use. This commission is presently studying the advisability of zoning regulations and is expectedto report to the County Board by Nnvember of 1966. Section 2. No dwelling, structure or building shall be erected, placed or moved to within forty feet of the right of way line of any existing public road within the unincorporated areas of Otter Tail County until Decemberl, 1966. Attest: Section J. PENALTY. Violations of this ordinance shall be punishable as a misdemeanor. Adopted this Jrd day of November, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman s. B. Johnson Clerk RESOLU'l'ION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 01' OTTER 'l'AIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. BE IT RESOLVED, That effective as of N0vember 2, 1965, that portion of old T.H. "210 beginning at the northeasterly line of the state highway right of way of Trunk Highway No. 210 as it is now constructed, said line is on the right hand side of the center line and is opposite engineer's station 259+10 and approximately 740 feet northeasterly of the south quarter corner of section JJ; township lJJ north, range 42 west in Government Lot 5 of said section JJ; thence northeasterly through said section 33; thence continue southeasterly through the southwest quarter or Government Lots 7 and 8 of section 34,-township 133 north, range 42 west to a point approximately 400 feet north and 50 feet east of the south quarter corner of said section 34, at or near a permanent barricade and there terminating, it hereby vacated as a County Road in accordance with MiMesota Statutes 1965, Section 161.16, Subd. 4 (and acts a.mendatory thereto), returning the same back to the Townships of Aurdal and Dane Prairie. Dated this 2nd day of N0 vember, 1965. James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Mj_nnesota, =---- WHEJtEAS, The Board of Directors of Otter Tail County Community Action Council, Inc., on the 21st day of October, 1965, duly passed a resolution requesting the approval of the addition of Wadena -----'-T, ____ c_'o_un_ty_t_·o their Community Ac_t,ion_Co11nr_;_.__ _________________ -=-=-=-=-=-=====.:::===----iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. ~!?.Y.!:"lber. 2 .......................................... 19 .. 65. isc111n•,■1■r.1U.U111,U, NOW, T~EREFORE( BE IT RhSOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County hereby appz:ove such action contingent u~on the written approval by the office of the Economic Opportunity, Washington, D. C. for a supplanentary commum.ty action program development .grant to pay the additional administrative expenses necessa-ry to conduct prog~ams on a bi=county basis. Adopted this 2nd day of November, 1965. Janes Bucholz Chainnan Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: . . BE IT ~LVED by the B~ard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the original resolution adopted by this Board on July 12, 1965 fixing the tax levy for the year 1966 be altered and amended so as to increase the levy for poor purposes from the sum of $120 000.00 to the sum $145,000.00 due to greatly increased expenses for University Hospital service;, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County School Tax levy be decreased from $450,726.99 to $425,726.99 due to a devreased number of non-resident high school pupils, resulting from a substantial number of districts dissolved and· attached to schools maintaining secondary Schools. Adopted this 2nd day of November, 1965. James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. Upon Motion the_ Board adjli>urned to 10:00 A. M. November 3, 1965. W~DNESDAY 1S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. N0vember 3, 1965, all manbers being present except Commissioner Morrill. The petition of R. A. Stuntebeck asking that the W½ NE¼ and the NW¼ except railway in Section 34, Township l35, Range 36, be set over from Common School District #1462 to I dependent School District $819, Wadena County. After discussion, the Board agreed to set over the SWk o1 the SE! of Section 34 from district #1462 to District #819, Wadena County. After discussion, the Board agreed to set over the SW¼ of the SEk of Section 34 from district #1462 to District #819 and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from O~e School.District to Another. WHERl!.AS, The petition of R. A. Stuntebeck (City Oil Company) a l:egal voter, freeholder and resident of School Dis\rict No. 1462 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, wh:i,ch are situate in said School District, and ad'join School District No. 544, and asking that he with his s~id lands may be set off from said district No. 1462 to said adjoining school district No. 544 was preseQted to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 13th day of October A. D., 1965, for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 3rd day of Novanber A. D., 1965 at the County Auditor's Office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be gi~en by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affecteq by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 3rd-day of Novanber A. D., 1965 due proof of the posting and eervice of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said mnterested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition shoula be granted, it is hereby ordered and detennined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: SW¼ ofN~¼ Section 34-135-36 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1462 to said adjoining School District No. 819 Wadena. Co., and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes what~ver. 415 ,I .I ,I! I. I : I' !1 J r 410 ! l l I : I I ; I I. il COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... Ha:v.emb.er. .. l ................................................. 19 .. 25. .. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the Jrd day of November A. D., 1965. James Bucholz Chainnan of the.Board of County Commissioners Of Otter Tail ~ounty, Minn. (Auditor's Seal) Attest:· S. B. Johnson County Auditor, & ex-officio Clerk of Board A petition of James M. Lemen asking that a .44 of an acre located in Lot 5 of Section 20-133-42 be set off from Common School District #1424 and attaching to Independent School District #544 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be had on said petition on the 5th day of January, 1966 and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Conunissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That the resolution covering the Lake Region Sheltered Workshop as passed by this Board on August 10, 1965 be altered and changed so as to read as follows: That, Whereas, the .Otter Tail County Welfare Board recognizes the benefits the Lake Region Sheltered Workshop is providing this community and said Board having recommended to the Board of County Co111111issioners of Otter Tail County that they participate and accept a part of the financial responsibilities for the operation of the Lake Region Sheltered Workshop. Now, . therefore, Be it Resolved, That there be levied on the taxable property in Otter Tail County the sum of .JO cents per capita as the County's financial contribution for the operation of the Lake Region Sheltered Workshop. Adopted November J, 1965. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Mrs. Russell Brooberg Russell Brooberg Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Gordon H. Larson James Bucholz Sam Nycklemoe Bennie J. Johnson Otto Haase Harvey Morrill Jeff H. Tikkanan Herb Woods Mac Tobkin Edwin Skoglund Dennis Greenwoaldt Dennis Greenwaldt Mac Tobki·n Jeff Tikkanen Ed. Skoglund Herb Woods _Arnold Evavold Theo. Hegseth Melvin Trosvik Harold Skibstad Emil Boen Robert Shaw Harris W. Iverson Vernon E. Bachman Mrs. Mable Rossow Vernon E. Bachman Anderson Bros. Const. Co. Mrs. S. P. Adams, Jr. Carl N0 rgren Gustafson 0.1 Company Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Dacotah Paper Co. Adelsman Boiler Co. James Bucholz Boarding Prisoners Ma.tr on I s fees Expenses II II II II II II Viewing roads Chainnan Mileage & Exp. E.O.T. Soil Cons. II w II II II Agr. Insp. Sal'y Mileage Expenses Extra help Co. Assessor's office Expenses II Cash Advanced Repairs Phelps Mill Exp. Planning Commission Washing windows at C. H. . fuel oil supplies II water treatment '$ 1069.25 935.00 139-70 132.40 267.70 97.12 56.55 27.25 27.25 40.50 11.60 15.30 25.44 20.70 39.15 27.CO 27.00 20.70 22.95 26.10 25.44 10.50 7.95 9.60 8.25 76.77 115.80 462.28 55.85 102.70 15.00 3715.00 6.85 180.00 713.94 129.11 · 46.77 67.20 =--- COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ J!2.vember .J ................................................ 19 .. 65 lffDl!D ll!■••aL™i..a.a,a.u. -. General Trading Co. Stein Chemical Co. Holten Hardware Donald Lee John Hoff Richard Enstad R. R. Holland Olga Peterson John Halvorson Luxor Lighting Products, I c. Mobile Radio & T. V. Servite Fergus Ambulance Service Steinsrud & Emerson Drug Co. Fergus Falls Clinic W. F .Schamber, M. D. Lake Region Hospital Susan Knutson Betty Kolstad. Gary Amund SOI'\ Cooper• s Office Supply Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. Poucher Printing & Li th. Co. Miller-Davis Company Davenport's Nelson Bros. Printing Co. SCM Corporation Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. The Henning Advocate Perham Enterprise-Bulletin Russell Brooberg Vernon E. Bachman Helen E. Skramsted Helen E. Skramsted Myrtle E. Logas Helen E. Benshoof Mrs. Donnis Fjestad Fargo-Formn Moorhead News Mrs. Otto Fjestad Mrs. R. H. Jedlund Mrs. Arthur Bakke Mrs. Otto Fjestad Mrs. Ed. Skoglund Mrs. J. A. Anderson Mrs. Alva HelJnrichs Mrs. Charles Lewis Mrs. Douglas C. Haugen Mrs. Robert H. Johnson Philip M. Kjaglien Rachel J. Estrem Philip M. Kjaglien Public Utilities Dept. Straub Company Cooper's Office Supply N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Otter Tail County Treasurer Borchert-Ingersoll, I""c. Public Works Equipt. Co., I c. Ruffeidge-Johnson Equip. Co~, Inc. The George T. Ryan Co. Wm. H. Ziegler Co. Ebersviller Implement Co. International Harvester Minnesota Motor Co. Olson Auto Electric Pelican Motor Sales, Inc. Service Garage Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. General Trading Co. Genuine Parts Co. Holten Hardware Holten Lumber Co. Lanpert Lumber Co. F. F. National Bushing & Parts Co. Welders Equipment Wilcox Lumber Co. Henning Firestone Store, F. F. Les• Tire Service Paper, Calmenson & Co. Elk River Concrete Products Swanson Equipment Railway Expeess Agency F. F. Raymond Motor Transp. Inc• Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Michaelson Bros. Inc. Gaylord Olson Arthur P. Pierson Norris Krog Norris Krog Bluffton Oil Co. Frazee Texaco Service Fossen Oil Co, Joe's Standard Service Supplies II II Sp, Dep. fees & exp. Jailer Jailer (Relief) Jailer matron guard bulbs (jail) Service Ambulance Service medication. for prisoner office call for prisoner coroner's call coroner's autopsy witness fees II II II II service on typewriter supplies II II II II service maintenance envelopes tax notices postage II postage & box rent Reg. dues for Reg. of Deeds Assoc. Adv. Corns.pd. driver's lie, agts. postage II ad for Nurse Wanted Sal'y & mileage Attd, Nursing Bd. )ltg, mileage & expenses expenses postage, mche. rental & exp, utilities rental repairs & paper calls & services Insurance parts II II II II repairs II II II II II II supplies ti es II grad er Blad es culverts mower express freight Bit. material Equipt. rental gravel II gravelling II gas, etc gasoline gas, etc. gasoline $ 34.43 10.00 7 .• 86 131.60 20.00 . 10.00 90,00 5,00 5,CO 77,64 118.85 48.CO 23.80. 5.50 11.65 160.00 4,00 2.65 4,00 39,75 20,79 24,63 74.12 29.14 484,75 47,00 248,16 37,CO 8.40 13,50 9,00 29.50 50.00 10.50 11.00 4.31 23,52 31.80 3,00 3,30 1.80 9,15 7,35 7,35 6.00 8.05 6.30 59,40 6,90 15,00 3,72 50.00 34,35 27,59 23.12 906.68 93,59 26,50 182.11 1143,82 118.62 79,38 55,50 107.38 3.55 25,49 4.46 336.55 7,92 13,90 1.60 18.00 138.35 34,76 3,52 340,50 36,40 681.79 202.40 250.00 11.06 7.50 130.18 216,CO 111.71 7.30 906,56 1399,20 197.05 196.Jl 104.46 109.56 I ,,i •I I : l . i .' l ,. , I ; I ·1· I I i1 I I I 1! I! I I i- COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... November "3 ..............•••...••..••.................. 19 . 65 Orie' s Pure . Riverside Pur.e Thomas Oil Co .• Arrow Petroleum Co-op Services, I c. D-A Lubricant.Co.; Inc, Minn. Dept. of Highways The Pierce Company R. R. Yates . N. W. Bell Telephone Co. F. F. Pelican Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Henning Wendell P. Huber G.D. Harlow Dead Lake iownship Eastern Township Richard Zaayer Sverdrup Township Aurdal Township The Pierce Company gasoline II gas, etc. diesel fuel II II II II services supplies supplies serv:j.ce & tolls II II II II II II expenses II special aid II II ltight of Way special aid II II supplies Upon motion the Board adjourned to 10:00 o'clock A. M. December 7, 1965. Chainnan. Attest: 7,85 52,89 52.52 240,32 293,53 146.85 122,72 6,38 4.08· 92,51 15,72 11,36 149,15 181.00 400,00 300.00 197,00 300.00 500.00 6.38 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. D Decanber 7 ......................... 19 6~ MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF 'l'HE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Decanber 7, 1965, all members being. present. Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids to be opened at 11 A. M. January 5th, 1966 for the following equipment: 2 Dump Trucks -25,000 pounds G.V.W. Bids shall include trade-in allowance on the following units: Co, Unit #20, 1937 -7½ Ton F.W.D. -M0 del M6, with V Snowplow and Wing, Located at Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Co. Unit #21, 1937 -7½ Ton F.W.D. -Model M6, with V Snowplow & Wing, Located at Vining, Minnesota. Upon motion made, seconded and carried the order setting off R. A. Stuntebeck (City Oil Company) from District #11.62 to District #819 Wadena County be amended to read that the swl; of the NE/; of Section 34-135-36 be set over to District #819" instead of "SW/; of the SE/; of Section 34-135-36." . . Upon motion Cl~rence Peterson was reappointed as a manber of the County Planning Board for the term beginning January 1, 1966. Upon motion the Clerk of Court was authorized to continue the practice of paying five cents for each app- lication for driver's licences taken by agents and forwarded to her. The following resolution was adopted: BE IT HEs:lLVED That Vern E. and Agnes McDermeit, former owners, be pennitted to repurchase Lot 1 and 2 Section 15-137-36 by the payment of tax, penalty, interests and costs for the reason that it would be to the best public interest and will relieve undue hardship. Adopted this 7th day of Decanber, 1965. James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: HFSJLVED by the Board of County· Commissioners of Otter Tail County, M,nnesota, THAT, \~HEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with Korby Contracting Company for Bridge C.P. 65:83 and, \vllEREAS, the same has been completed and the Board having filed their certificate of completion with the County Auditor, NOW, THEREl-'ORE, BE IT REa>LVED that the Chairman and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check to Korby Contracting Company in the amount of $5,944.19, being the balance due. Adopted this 7th day of Decembe~, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: s. D. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: HESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter .Tail County, MiMesota, That, Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Michaelson Bros., Inc. for grading and graveling C. P. 65:111, and WHEREAS, the same has been completed and the Board having filed their certificate of completion with the County Auditor, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT REffiLVED that the Chairman and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check to Michaelson Bros., I~c. in the amount of $3,017.29, being the balance due. Adopted this 7th day of Decanber, 1965. James Bucholz Chairman Attest: S. B. Johnson 419 .. I d :1 J ! I 'I ! '1i : I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... D.ec.em.ber ... 7 .................................................. 19 ... .65 The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That, Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Ed Zimmennan for grading and graveling C. P. 65:21, C. P. 65:24, and WHEREAS, THE same has been completed and the Board having filed their certificate of completion with the County Auditor, NCli, 'l'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and the County Audi tor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check to Ed Zimmerman in the amoynt of $7,806.10, b'eing· the balance due. Adopted this 7th day of December, 1965. Attest: S. B.-Johnson Clerk James Bucholz MINNESCJl'A DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS RESOLU'l'ION FORM lll-S Chairman BE IT RES)LVED That pursuant to Section 161.36, Subdivisions 1 through 6, Minnesota Statutes 1961, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of County State-Aid Highway No. 12, described as follows: CSAH 12 From CSAH 47 to T.H. 78, 7.0 Miles South of Battle Lake, which project shall be combined with Otter Tail County's Feder-al Aid Secondary Project identified as S.P. No. 56-612-03, and !-iinn. S 6464(5), and the chainnan and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways pres- cribing the tenns and conditions of such agency in the form set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract fonn No. IV-S", a copy of which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted December 7th, 1965. James Bucholz Chainnan of County Board s. B. Johnson County Auditor MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHEAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FORM NO. Ill (SEAL) Be 'it resolved that pursuant to Section 161.36, Subdivisions l through 6, Minnesota Statutes 1961, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent, contracts for the construction of portions of County State-Aid Highway No. 12 described as follows: CSAH #12 from CSAH 47 to T.H. 78, 7.0 Miles south of Battle Lake, and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authori"zed and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the tenns and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in ''Minnesota Department of Highways·Agency Contract Fonn No. IV, 11 a copy of which said fonn was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractural obligations therein contained. Adopted this 7th day of December, 1965. James Bucholz Chainnan Attest: s. B. J0 hnson Clerk. Upon motion the Board adjourned to December 8, 1965. COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ llec.ember .. .8 ............................................... 19 .. 6. . v/EDNESDAY IS SESSION Pursu~nt to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. December 8th, 1965 all manbers being present, A petition asking for the dissolution of Common School District #1452 was read, Upon motion cit was ordered that a hearing be had on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M. February 9th, 1966 and that due notice of the ti.me and place of said· hearing be given as provided by law. A plat of Reserve 11G11 Haggstrom' s Beach, being a part of Lot 2 Section 12-1)4-41, acm mpanied by an opinion as to title executed by Richard C. Hefte, Attorney at law, was approved. An application for settlement and abatement of delinquent tax, penalty, interests and costs on Lot 4, Block 2, H. Pickett's Addition was read and after discussion the application was rejected. A large delegation from Maine and Amor appeared before the Board and presented a petition and urged improvement of C.A.R, #32, After discussion a motion was made that the Engineer make a survey on said road when time was available. Upon motiom Mrs. John Stebley of New York Mills and Mrs, Phil Wicklund were appointed as members of: the County Nursing Board to replace Mrs. J. A. Anderson and Mrs. Douglas Haugen. The County Nursing Board met with the County Board to discuss the fee system for County Nursing Service, After discussion the County Board approved the program as established by the Nursing Board, The following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of ·Otter Tail County, Mjnnesota, THAT the sum of $325,00 be paid to Clarence Mielke for making up and displaying at the Minnesota State Fair the Otter Tail County exhibit, this being the amount of the premium earned. Adopted this 8th day of December, 1965, James Bucholz Chainnan. Attest: . S, B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: REOOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota,. THAT they .concur with a resolution passed on May_4, 1964 by the Fergus Falls City Council changing the name of Stump Lake to Wright Lake, This approval of the change is given pursul!llt to Minnesota Statutes 378.01 to 378,06, Adopted this 8th day of Decanber, 1965, Attest: . S, B. Johnson Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Russell Brooberg Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Glen Melby Gordon H. Larson Sam Nycklemoe . Otto Haase Bennie J. J0 hnson James Bucholz Roger M. Heidorn Roger M. Heidorn Carlton E. M0 rtens,!!n Carlton E. Mortensen Frank Roberts Eugene Davenport Eugene Davenport Robert Shaw Harris W. Iverson T. L, Clark Vernon E. Bachman James Bucholz Chainnan Boarding Prisoners Expenses Inc. tax exempt plates expenses & mileage mileage Expenses trip for forgery case expenses II II II II Serv. E.O.T. Soil Cons, Dist, II II II II II II II w II II II II II II II II II II II II Weed & Seed Insp. expenses II II Extra Help Co, Assessor's office II II II II II expenses & mil~age $1462.00 47,10 240, 50 206,00 154,20 117,90 11.50 18.85 , 11,50 25,20 133,20 111.00 133,76 225,72 173,80 128,56 131.66 79,90 332,47 72.00 22.59 421 COMMISSIONERS ·RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. DATE ....... O.~!:fflll9.JU' ... IL ................................................. 19 .. 65 .. -. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. II II Nels Hanson Frank Alstadt Bernard Palubicki Holten Hardware Johnson Repair Shop Larson Welding II Wm. Galena & Son Hintgen-Karst Elec. Equip. Johnson Service Company Hoffman Glass Company Donald Lee, Sp. Dep. Merlin S. Rianan Henry Lubitz John Stine John H0 ff R.R. Holland Kenneth Bratvold Arthur A. Walker Mrs. Don Lee Martha Wee Key Laboratories, Inc, . Duro-Test Corporation II Motorola Communications & Electronics Inc• Uniforms Unlimited United Chemical Co. G. S. Products, Inc. Hillcrest Safety Equipment Co. Richard A. Ness, M. D. Fergus Falls Clinic Stemsrud & Fmerson Drug Co. White Drug Co. Everett C. Hanson, M. D. Ernest Neuvonen Edwin Ala James Schiley Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Russell Brooberg Anderson Bros. Const. Co. Fergus Hardware Victor Lundeen & Co. H. A. Rogers Co. Oswald Publishing Co. Poucher Printing & Litho. Co. Miller-Davis Company Davenport's .Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Coop~r•s Office Supply Victor Lundeen & Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Stenographic Machines I~c. Gaffaney_',s .. Monroe International Inc. State of'"Minn-Documentil Section Thomas O. Nelson Co. American Guidance Service Inc. State of Minnesota-Documents Section Perham-~nterprise Bulletin Harlan L. Nelson Sherin & Meland Agency Helen E. Skramsted Vernon E. Bachman Myrtle E. Logas Fergus Falls Daily J0urnal Fergus Falls Daily J0urnal Pelican Rapids Press Northwestern Publishing Co. The H~nning Advocate The Independent Battle Lake Review. Helen R. Benshoof . Helen E. Benshoof . Mrs. Donnis Fjestaµ H elen E. Benshoof. E. 0. T. Telephone. Co. Walters. Booth & Son Duluth Herald & Neys Tribune Northwest Publications I"c. Helen E. Benshoof. Mrs. Donnis Fjest&!i Mrs. Robert H. Johnson Mrs. Otto Fjestad . Mrs. Charles Lewis. Mrs. Ed. Skoglund . Mrs. Arthur Bakke Mrs. Alva Hellnrich!I Mrs. R.H. Jedlund Mrs. J. A. Anderson Mrs. Douglas C. Haugen calls calls Attd. planning commission II II II II supplies repair mower II II cutting weights for tractor repairs parts services ventilators Sp. Dep. Fees & expenses II II II II II II II II II Jailer II guard matron fee II tests lamps monitor II II II II II tear gas & holder supplies for jail spray sets & sponge Radar repairs II II care of prisoner's care of prisoner med. for jail eye infection 11 11 Prisoner coroner's call witness fees II II II II Sheriff's telephone tolls II II supplies for District caulking at C.H. stepladder Wobble blocks pens blanks II II supplies II II supplies for Oct. supplies II maintenance service 1965 Laws of Minnesota Atlas & print tests contracts envelopes Attorney's Insurance postage,,,. II annual dues II Court Bldg. Fd. $ 51.75 47.24 11.70 36.00 26.25 10.80 2.00 4.50 71.70 22.58 154.63 41.62 136.90 16.80 48.60 7.60 50.00 . 120.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 12.62 75.14 102.00 6.50 51.80 10.35 124.79 6.co 9.00 14.69 67.-59 25.50 14.00 22.00 49.20 69.68 118.44 17.96 567.00 13.75 163.80 9.71 6.43 42.07 81.20 20.68 519.65 843.61 970.95 67.24 38.70 25.00 37.00 15.00 25.00 15.30 3.50 21.00 60.00 . 1047.00 50.00 Adv. corns. pd.driv. lie. agts. publishing 93.05 15.75 107.00 II tax notice publ. tax notices II II II II publications expenses II postage II cleaning & expenses calls & Servmces audiogram ad. for.nurse wanted ad for nurse 11 postage salary & mileage Attd. Nursing Bd. meeting II II II II Attd Nursing Bd. meeting II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 163.2s 4.50 8.40 6.00 6.60 B & W. Saf.En1l 89.65) Revenue 17,40) 129.65 137.47 5.00 5.67 12.63 12.54 28.35 27.72 5.00 39.65 5.70 5,40 4,95 9,15 3.30 7.35 3.00 7.35 7.80 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... llec.Elllb.ar. .. 8 .................. . . ............. 19.6,5. .. ~BU•I! NII!!■-COiia■! U CLIM I. Philip M, Kjaglien Philip M. Kjaglien Rachel J. Estrem · V. A. Ryan Northwestern Bell·Telephone Co, Public Utilities Dept. Straub Company Cooper's Office Supply Victor Lundeen & Co. Nelson Bros. Printing Company Secretarial Service Davenport's Stationery Fergus Hardware Richard Enstad Battle Lake Review International Harv, Sales & Serv. Twin's M0 tor Company Froelich Marine Village of Bluffton Village of Bluffton To1.nship of Folden Kemper Drug Company Drs. Warner & Schoeneberger Drs. Warner & Scheeneberger Bucholz Drug Fergus Falls Clinic Davis Clinic Mineral Springs Sanatorium Memorial Hospital•& St. James Home 1verett C. Hanson• Drs. Lewis & Kevern H all Equipment Co., Inc. .. Public Works Equipt. Co., Inc. Ruffridge-Johnson Eq. Co., Inc. The Geo. T. Ryan Go. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Adelsman Boiler Co. Baas Oil Company · Bauck Chevrolet Co., I c. Harvey Bullock .., Ebersviller Impl. Co. 1bersviller's Inc. Fergus Dogge Inc. Fortwengler Electric Shop Henry Holmgren Larson W~lding Meier Welding Service Minnesota Motor Cci. National Bushing & Parts Co. Nundahl Oil Co. Olson Auto hlectri·c Charles C. Olson, Elec. Penrose Chevrolet Co. ReBon Garage Riverside Repair Shop Roger's Sinclair s·ervice Schrader & Koehn · Smokey's Machine Shop Stan's Garage Suhr Ford Sales, Inc• Super G\C Truck Sales Swanson Equipment · Coast to Coast Stores B. L. Coast to Coast Store Henning Coast to Coast Store P.R. Coast to Coast Store Per. Edgetown Lumber co·. Fergus Plumbing & Htg. Co. General Trading co·. Genuine Parts Co. · F. F. Holten Hardware H oyt Hardware Larson Hardware Otter Tail Grocery· Co. Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Vergas Hardware co·. Welders Equipment · EutE-ctic Welding Alloys Natl. Chemsearch Corp. Paper, Calmenson & Co. Viking Steel Products The Zeco Company Lyon Chemicals, Inc. Morton Salt Co. · Dalton Grain & Feed Natl. Fleet Service Les' Tire Service· Firestone Stores Northwood Specialty Co. mileage & expenses postage & ~,che. rental mileage II calls & services utilities rent supplies II envelopes & printing mimeographing supplies cleaning supplies check out water-craft postcards boat licenses repairs on "Scout" gas and oil II II II poor expenses II II II II med. T. B. patient II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II service for T. B. patient care of T. B. patimt X-Ray T. B. patient med T. B. patient University Hospital papers parts parts parts parts II repairs Supplies cu ting edges culvert bands snowfence ties calcium chloride salt coal tires tires stakes $ 79.65 10.00 ).45 l(i.60 31 .• 00 3.67 50.00 15.60 51.92 125.60 3.10 12.75 3.47 10.00· 87.20 3.;20 4,62 17.66 144.28 214.53 550.79 27,95 3.00 3.00 ·18.81 7.00 15.00 130.00 24.00 5.00 9.00 18.35 96.65 170.01 131.56 1281 .• 47 89.98 3.00 5.35 38.00 33,83 1.50 108.54 3.48 57.05 4.50 3.3,95 56.23 19.99. 3.56 54.90 . . 3,J6. /i.95 1.00 .52 •. 06 13.po 4.75 84.98 41.85 35 .• 21 523.19 . 2.16. 28,35 28.42 11_.53 10.31. 18.pO .1.25 ."550:ll.O 38.~2 17.10. 4-f37 61.48 46.00 60.32 32.90 18.04 193.20 :J,.68.18 555.20 126.66 676.15 1326.32 500.00 44.00 416.00 99.00 68.10 82.50 , I ,I J I I I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... December .. 8 ................................................... 19. 6~ Farmers Co-op Jilev; Co. F. F. Flom Grain & Feed Raymond Motor Rans. Inc. Railway Express Agency Village of Battle Lake Village of Parkers.Prairie Village of Pelican Rapids Village of Bluffton Village of Dalton · Village of Deer Creek Village of Henning· Village of Battle Lake Michaelson Bros,, ~nc' nussell McCarty Clifford Strom Ed. Zimmerman Norris Krog Norris Krog Mark Sand & Gravel ·co. Darol C. Butcher · Kermit G. Rund vJadena Silo Company Fred Walz · Mark Sand & Gravel ·co. Norris Krog Bengtson Oil Co. Andy's 116611 Service Consumers Co-op Oii Co, Henning Dan's TexacorrService Farmers Co-op Cry, "Assn. D. C, Fergus Oil Co,, Inc, Fossen Oil Co. · Gene & Cleins City Service Hank IS East Side Service Hoot Lake Pure Joe's Standard Service Mayo's Standard Service Norm's Mileage Otter Tail Co-op OHs, I~c. Dalton Otter Tail Co-op Oils, Inc' F. F. Paulson Tire Shop Perham Co-op Oil Co, Perham Shell Station Ray I s Oil Company · S & F Oil Company • Service Oil Company B. L. Service Oil Co. Und, Theodorson Mobil Twin's Motor Co, Arrow Petroleum Penrose Oil Co. Standard Oil Co. B,· L, Standard Oil Co. Henning The Oil Store Standard Oil Co, P,· P. D -A Lubricant Co,·, 1nc, O'Meara•s Dept. Store S,C.M. Corporation ~linnesota Dept, of Highw~ys Mpls. Blue Prtg, Co·, H. A. Rogers Co. Panama Carbon Co, Davenport's Poucher Printing & Lithe, Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Miller -Davis Co. N. W. Bell Tele Co,·F. F. E. O. T. Telephone Co, Midwest Telephone Co, N. v:. Bell Tele Co. F, F, Pelican Tele Co. N. Vj. Bell Tele Co, Henning Vergas Telephone Co. · vlendell P. Huber G.D. Harlow Wendell P. Huber Nidaros Twp. Township of liush Lake Todd W~dena Elec. Corp. Glen Nedreau Mrs, Louise Heinis Mrs. Martha Miller Eileen Fosse George Kimber Amos Vought Lawrence Helander Arthur Bolland C. Luverne Johnson Arthur Bolland seed II freight express maintenance II II garage rental II II II II rent & current water charge Equipt. rental II II II II II II gravelling gravel in stockpile gravel etc, II II II II II gravelling gas, etc. II II gasoline . II gas, etc gasoline gas, etc. gasoline II gas, etc. gasoline gas, etc. gasoline gas~ etc. gasoline gas, etc. II II gasoline II gasoline gas, etc. II II gasoline gas, etc, diesel fuel 11 11 etc. diesel fuel II II fuel oil II II oil supplies machine maintenance services supplies II II II II service & tolls II II II II II II expenses II II II II II II II cash advanced special aid II II Higl:it of Way " II II II II II $ 390. 50 170,25 13,02 3,48 .581.68 325,32 219,08 272,00 90.00 210.00 67,20 5,00 255,00 560,58 140,50 80,50 538,31 702,90 1431.45 168,00 121.25 452,10 282.60 209,00 916,51 77,33 119,37 105,90 116,76 164,37 39.68 242,79 .38,57 l?0,15 174,89 2.96 189,15 186,96 25.46 24,29 77,94 59,77 82.89 81.38 118,70 159,93 109,45 45",12 114,12 377,28. 106.06 . 61.65 '55,70 118.82 54,23 48,95 20.01 47,00 275,74 138,28 95,50 3.01 2,84 56,09 3,68 37,76 76~25 21.25 25·.05 94,07 11,67 12,69 19,46 205,03 "182,40 30,88 500.00 1254,49 384,00 78,00 6,00 1.20 5,40 16.90 20,80 12.80 5,00 7.10 52,70 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. Dec~ber .. 8 .......................................... 19.il .. Walter Young ilMa C. Young Beatrice Thompson Arthur M. l3enti Henry Neels Walter Bolland Herbert Bolland Wendell P. Huber Coast to Coast Store Pel. Rpds. George Crabb Donald Moen Melvin McGowan Northwestern Refining Co. International Harvester Co. International Harvester Co. Public Works Equipt. Co. ~Jm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Standard Oil Company Battle Lake Ories ·Pure Paulson 1'ire Shop John's 7--0 Service F'armers Co-op Creamery Assn. D. C. Service Oil Company B. L. Vergas Oil Co. D-A Lubricant Co., Inc• Village of Henning Firestone Store Right of Way II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Tax Exempt License Plates supplies gravel II seeding & sodding Bit. materail repairs II parts II diesel fuel gasoline II II gas, etc, gas, etc. II II oil garage rental tires Upon motion the Board then adjourned sine die. Attest: Chairman $ 4,00 62.80 87,95 109.90 70,05 76,75 74,85 55,25 28.20 390,60 368.20 267,10 722.32 236,80 427.71 72.95 949,47 247.82 ' 4·2.99 97.72 46.06 151.97 232.39 225,14 56.65 150.00 35,84 425 COMMISSIONERS RECORD P, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . .......................................... 19 .. 65. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOMERS OF OTTER TAIL CDUNTY, MINNESOTA. The Board assembled at 3 o'clock P. M. December 10, 1965 and, after having signed a waiver of any notice as provided by law, proceeded to consider making their application to the Federal Housing Administration for funds to build a i..ounty Nursing Home, After discussion and upon motion made by Cowmissioner Nycklemoe and seconded by Commissioner Morrill, the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor were authorized and directed to sign an application to· the Federal Housing Administration requesting funds for that purpcse, Dated Dec·ember 10, 1965, James Bucholz . Chairman Attest: S. D. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman and two members .of the Board to be selected by the Chairman, be appointed to have charge of Court House and Jail and grounds, and Court House Annex for the year t/ 1966. Adopted January 4, 1966. B. J, Johnson Chairman ..... ,,~ ? Cl