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Board of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1960
Ottertail County Official Meetings 1960 i I. COMMISSIONERS RECORDi:.~Q;•··-OTTER TAIL COUNTY -' DATE ... ················Januaey.5........... 19 ICUIIIIT Pll■ta•Ci CO■PA■T, IT. CUIOD 111111. C, •••··•···••u,.,................ ,, .. -60 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF l!OABD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONEBS OF OTTER TAIL Cotnl'l'r, MINNESO'l'A MINN. Pursuant to Stat~te the lloard of County.Commissioners met at lO o'clock A,M, · Johnson, Nycklemoe, Haase and Morrill present. January 5,1960, with Commissioners y: 'l'he County Auditor called the lloard to order and stated that the first business was the election of. a chairman. Upon motion Sam Nyclclemoe was elected Ch i and H D a rman, • • Morrill Vice Cbairnan for the year 1960. The following resol:ut~on was adopted: '( Resolved by the l!oard of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Mill!lesota: 'l'bat the following dates be designated as the dates on which the County Board will meet durino ..., the year 1960: February 9-10 March 8-9 April 12-13 Nay 10-11 June 14-15 July 11-12 August 9-10 September 6-7 October 10-11 November 1-2 December :q-14 Adopted January 5, 1960, Attest: S,l!, JOHNSON Clerk. 'l'he following resolution was adapted: SAM NYCKLEMOE ChairDBn, Resolved by the llc:ard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: 'l'bat a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman a~ two members of, the Board to be selected by the Chairman, be a-ppointed to have charge of t]:l.e Court House aml. Jail am o!!:rOW!ds for the year 1960,. Adopted January 5, 1960. Attest: S. ll, JOHNSON Clerk:. SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairnan, The chaiman appointed Commissioners Morrill and Johnson to serve with him on this Committee, f.-'l'he following resolution was adopt.ed: Resolved by the lloard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the ~ounty Commissioner of his respective district namely Henry Sieling, the First District: l!ennie J. Johnson, the Second District: Sam Nyck:lemoe, the Third District: Otto Haase, the Fourth District: am Harvey D. Morrill, the Fifth District, be and they are hereby each appointed .Superintendent af. Poor of hie said district·, with authorl. ty to act in relation to the care and support of non-resident paupers, am to receive applications for relief or support by or for any reason in his district, as provided by Chapter 15, Revised Lawe of 1905. Adopted January 5, 1960. A ttest: S, l!, JOHNSON Cleric. 'l'he following resolution was adopted: SAM NYCKLEMCJE Chairman• 'f._ Resolved by the l!oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: 'l'bai Wlder provisions of Section 2·154 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Dr, Hom, a resident J>b1'sician of said County, and County Commissioners Johnson and Morrill, members of this l!oard, be and, the same he~eby are a'PPointed to constitute a County Boardaf Health of sa~d County for tl:e year 1960, r Adopted January 5, 1960. Attest: S, l!, JOHNSON Clerk, 'l'he following resolution was adopted: SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman. Resolved by the l!oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: 'l'bat a Committee of three, consisting of the Chairman d the l!oard and tllo members of the l!card, be a-ppointed by the I' ! ,· I', I, I) I·, I, I I I I I ·,.' .I d I ! COMMISSIONERS RECORD--Of•0TTER TAIL-~C-~UNTY, MINN. DA'l'JL .................... Januaey, .. 5 ....................................... 19 ... 60. Chairman to purcha!! all f'urniture and. suppliee excepting booke, blanks and stationery, needed for the Court House and Jail during the year 195', and p!'Qyide for such repairs as may become an immediate necessity. Adopted Januaey 5, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk SAM NYCXLEMOE Chairman. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Sieling and Haase as hie associates on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commfseionere of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, Chapter 142, laws of 1921, Maeon!e Minnesota Statutes 1927, Section 671"; and Minnesota Statutes 1941, Section 375:JO provides ways and mmne for the control and eradication of rust-producing barberry, the following resolution was adopted: Be it hereby resolved, that $50.00 be appropr:lated by the County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, for the purpose of eradicating al'ld removing rust-producing b1Bhes and that a bounty of $J.oo be offered for ti:!! location of barberry buah or bushes on each property subject to the provisions as set forth by the Barberry Office, University Farm. St. Paul, Minnesota on file in the l'lffice of the Count7 Auditor, Fergus Falls, Minnesota. ·Adopted Januaey 5, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesd; a: That under the provisions of Chaphr 200, laws of Minnesota for 1943, that the County shall pay a bounty of $4.oo for each full-grown fox, red or gray; killed in said County.and S2.oo for each fax cub, red or gray, killed in said County after January 15, 1960, and the balance of the year; paymeht to be made on warrant of the County Audttor after compliance by the claimant with all provisions of said law •. Adopted January 5, 1960. Attest: S. l! •. JOHNS ON Clerk. The follow'ing resolution was adopted: SAM NYCXLEMOE Chairman. Resolved by the Board of Count7 CommiBBionere of Otter Tail County, Minne sot a: That the BlllD of ten cents be paid out of the Revenue Fund. _of the Count7 for every pocket-gopher and woodchu~k tilled in ea~d County during the year 1960 in cases where the townshi-ps in which pocket•gophers and woodchucks are so killed shell provide for· the payment of an additional bounty of ten cents for each pocket-gopher and woodchuck so killed. . . Resolved further, that payllient of such bountyshall be made by th! Count7 Auditor upon certificates executed by the ,. Chairman of the Town Board of said Townships setting forth tnalt" the pocket-gophers or woodchucks were duly presented to the Chairman of such board alll. that the township bas issued and deJ.ivered to each claimant a town order for twenty cents -for each pocket-gopher or woodchuck: so killed • .Adopted January 5, 1960. Attest: S. JI. JOHNSON Clerk:. The following resolution was adopted: SAM NYCK:LEMOE Chainian. Be solved by the Bea rd of County Conunissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of not leBB than $250.00 be and tlB same hereby is appropriated out of the County Revenu~ Fund of said County for Otter Tail County exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair for 1960 and the County Audi tor and chairman r£ the Beard are d.irected to issue a warrant for sa:ld amount in favor of Clarence Mielke. Adopted January 5, 1960. Attest: ,s. B. JOHNSON Clerk. SAM NYCXLEIIOE Chairman. --- "" ;s COMMISSIONERS RECORn·:~~T.!f-ER T-AIL· COUNTY D -· ' ATE ......•................. Jaimar,y .S IRl■lfl Pll■TIIIGCO■Hll1 IT.CLOUD ■INII. c-na ••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••H••••••nol9 ••••• 60 MINN. --f-The following resolution was adopted: Resolved bJ the Bard af County Commissioners of Otter 'l'ail County, Milll'llso&a: That under the 'Dl"OVisiona of Section 7.39 General Statutes f a11propriated out of the Revenue Fund for the County to the Rid R or 1932• tbe sum of $100. be an:l the same hereby i,i to be used in payment of premi~s to .exhibitors for the year·196~:er Development Association, said amount 80 appropriated Adopted January 5, 1960. Attest: S. B •. JOHNSON Clerk. 'F-The following resolution was adopted: SAM NYCICLEMOE Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count:,,, Minnesc:ta: That there be and hereby is transferred from the Revenue Fund of the Cou~ty to for postage for the use of the offices entitled thereto~ the ·Incidental-Fund the sum of $750,00 Adopted'Jamiary 5, 1960. Attest: S. B •. JOHNSON Clerk. RESOLU'rION SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman, BY THE B)ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TA IL COUNTY, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Engineer b.e authorized to iBBue payrolls fer: the purpose of salary payments. to all maintenance employees, engineering employees, constru.ct:l:on employees, and for the rental of tru.cks and mowers necessary for the maintenance of CC11nty State Aid Highways not to exceed $)10,000 and County Highways not to exceed $70,000 for the year 1960. Adopted this 5th. day of January, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON . Cle:rk. RESOLU'fION SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman. BE IT RESOLVEJFby the Board of County Commissioners of Otter ~ail County, Minnesota: beThat because 'of d~ter:l.oration due to rain, snow and usual B'Dring climatic conditions •the roads hereinafter described will,\seriously a&maged unless restrictions are imposed as to weight of vehicles to be operated thereon. NOW, THEREFORE: No person shall aper.ate any vehicle or combination of vehicles upon any of the county raods in the County of Otter Tail and State of Minnesota, described as follows, towit: County State Aid Highwe.vs 1 to 77 inclusive, ?9, 81, SJ and 90 to •99 inclusive, and 100. County Highways 110 to 144 inclusive an!. numbers 146 and 148, during the period from the first of March, 1960 to the first of June, 1960,where the gross weight on any single axle, as defined inMinnesot·a ·Statutes 1945 Sec. 1690 8'.3, exceeds three tons (6,000 pounds) and the Engl.riser ·of aaid County is hereby', directed and aut~orized ~o erect and maintain aigns plaii'l:ty indicating the prohibitions and restrictions above at each end of that portion of any highway affected thereby, and these restrictions shall be effective and this prohibition effective upon such_ erection and maintenance of ~h signs. · Adopted this 5th. da;y of January, 1960., Attest: S, B. JO~ON Clerk. RESOLUTION SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairnan. , BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to statutory authority the Caunty Engineer for and on behalf of the County of OTTER TAIL is hereby authorized to request and obtain frc:111 the Minnesota Department of Highways needed engineering a:nd. _technical aervices during the year 1960, for which payment will be made by the County upon receipt of verified claims from the Commissioner at Righways. Adopted this 5th. day of January, 1960. SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman. S. !B. JOHNSON AuditCll."o .. ~ '1 •t , I I ' ' ,., ,,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD•:.():-~0rrER TAIL COUNTY MINN. ' -. ' DATK .. ····················Jami1u:v. .. .!i ....................................... l9 ...... 60 Bl!ISOLUTION Br THE BOABD OJ' COUN'rY COMMISSIONERS OT!l'ER TAIL coum, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED, that contrac.tora on Federal-A.id Secondary HighWfllV Projects in Otter Tail County be required to pa, not leas than the following minimum wage rates on all 1960 contract~: Skilled Labor' ••. Intermediate Labor. Unskilled Labor $2.50 Perl:Hour 2. 00 Perl Hour 1.4Q Per Hour Adopted this 5th. da.r of January, 1960, .Attest: S. B, JOHNSON . Clerk. SAM NYCKLEMOE Cbai:nnan, Upon motion the Clerk of Distriit Court wa~ authorized to continue paying agents 5¢ for taking applications for dri~ers licenses for the year 1960, The following were named as members of the Otter ·Tail County E~tension Committee: Mrs. Elvin~rvidson, Town d Eastern alld Robert Molter, Town of Dane Prairie, ·for a period of three years. II. D. Morrill was named. as member from the County Board. Upon motio;11 d ders increasing t,he County Attorney's bond from $500 to $1000 and increasing the County Treasurer's bond from $35,000 to $50,000 were &l)proved, . . Dance licenses were granted as follairs: Eugene Pischke, Parkway Inn, Town of Leaf Mountain, and Leona Swenson, at Perry's Place, ~ownship of Dora. Upon motion it was decided to hold a joint meeting wi_th the Becker County Beard at Detroit lakes at 2 P, M. February J, 1960 regarding the building of the road north of Pelican I.eke, which lies on the County line, Upon motion the Councy AUditor was instructed to advertise for bids on the follolling projects, said bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A, M, Februar,y-9, 1960: BITUMIN<m SEAL COAT C,P. 60:SS (CSAH) -Approximately 67.6 miles of County State Aid Highwa.vs, comprising 14),200 gallons bituminous material for seal coat, 5,184 cubic yards of seal coat aggregate in stock piles by the county. GRAVEL l!ASE AND ROAD MIX BI'IUHINOUS SURFACBI S,A.P, 56-616-02 (60) C,P. 60:16:B Length J,l'i4J miles, looated between 2.5 miles East of T,H, *78 and, °CSAH #5, J miles Northeast of Clitherall, S,A,P. 56-650-01 (60) C,P. 60:50:B Length J,Jl78 mil~s. located approximately 4 miles West of Deer Creek to T,H, #108; S.A.P, 56-665-01 (60) C,P. 60:65B 0 Length 0,5J84 miles, la:ated in the village of Henning on Marshall Avenue between T,H, 1210 and T,H, #78; and Henning Village C,P. 60-HB Length o,7292 miles, located in Henning Village on streets and alleys, as shown on Sheet J of plans, The major quantities of wo.rlc are: J,770 Cubic Yards of Claas 11.&• Excavation, 5,000 Tona of Gravel Subbase In-Place,J7,65Q Tona of Gravel :Base In-Place, 154,700 Gallons of :Bituminous Material for Prime Coat and Mixture, 9,015 Tons of Aggregate, 4,230 Lineal Feet of Curb and Gutter, and 7,150 Square Feet of Sidewalk. GRADING S,A,P. 56-675-0J (60) C,P, 60:75 Length 1,0191 miles, located 2 miles west of Wad~na from T.H, #29 to T,H, #210, comprising 21,455 cubic yards ofClaas 11AU E&cavation, County Project 60:128 Length 1.9306 miles, la:ated 9 miles Northeast of B9:ttle Lake from T,H. •11?8 to CSAH #5, comprising 59,477 cubic yards of Claas 11A11 Excavation, Upon lljotion the County was instructed to call for bids to be received until 11 A,M, February 9, 1960 on behalf of the Commissioner of Highways as agent for said County for the construction of County Project -listed below. Sand-Gravel Sub-llase, Gravel :Base, and Road-Mixed :Bi tuminoua Surface S,P, 56-619-01 (CSAH 19), Minnescta Project S 6478 (J), length 9,0 miles, located between <;:ounty Stat.a'-··Aid Highway No. 76, 1 mile North of Bluffton, and County State-Aid Highw117 No, 8; SE!-56-667-01 (CSAH 67), Minnesota Project S 6966 (1), length 1,0 mile, located between County State-Aid Highwa.,-No, 62, 1 mile South of :Butler, and Counq Road No, 148 at l!a.tler and County Project 60:148:B, Length 0.4 mile, located between 0.4 miie·west of :Butler am County State-Aid Highwa,y No, 67 at :Butler, The major quantities of work are: J8,000 Tona of Gravel Sub-:Baae in Place, 4J ,J50 Tona of Gravel :Base bi Place, 201,1?0 Gala, of :Bituminous Material for Prime Coat and Mixture, and 11,540 Tons of Aggregate, Upon motion Gladen :Bros, were granted an extension of time for completion of Job 59:?J due to right-of-way di,fficulties, Upon motion two Deputy Sheriffs were authorized to attend the Law Enif'orc!\ment School at Detroit. Lakes beginning Januaey 11th to January 22nd.,,expenses to be paid for one driver, lunch alld the evening meal on da,ya when evening sessions are held, A plat of Harris Beach, located in Government Lota 1, 2, J Section 15-1J6-4o, accompanied b,y an opinion as to title, executed by M.J, Daley, Attorney-at-law,. was approved. A plat of Gulliver's Travels, located in Lot J o_f .. Section lO-lJ6-4o, accompanied by an opinion as to title, executed by M,J, Daly, attorney-at-law, was aJ>proved, - COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0;,·01}TE-R TAih 90UNTY, MINN. DATE ... 1ii:U1n, ........ co■PAIIY,H.CLOVD,■INN, a.-. ..... Jan:ua,tY ..... 5 ............................. 619.6.0 .. . A delegation amsisting of the City Engineer and several members of the City Council of Fergus Falls avpeared before the County Board eoncer~ing·partieipation in paving Union Avenue from Vernon Avenue to Alcott Avenue, and Vernon Avenue between Court Street and Union Avenue. The Board agreed to participate, by paying for the center 24 feet. The delegation also re- quested a-pproval for hiring a. consulting engineer for the East Lire oln Avenue .Bridge. As the Cit7 Engineer did not submit any figures showing the:length •~ width of this bridge, no agreement was reached concerning the hiring of a consultant. The a"Dplication of Ro'9rt M. Swedberg for homestead classification on Sub Lot 1 of Government Lots :, and 4 Section :, Township 132 Range 40 was read. Upon motion the BlJlllication was granted and the County Aud:i.tcr was instructed tomake the necessary changes. The a-r,plication of Martha_ Mickelberg for homestead classification on parts of Lota 1, 2 and 6 in Block 1J Stabeck's Addition to Clitherall was read. Upon motion the ·a1>plication was granted alld the County Auditor was instructed to lilake tbs neceaaa17 changes. The &'llplication of the Church of St. Edward for exe!IJPtion from·taxation on Lot 2 Block 2 Paulson & Milne's Addition to Henning, waa read. Upon motion it was recommended to the·Commissioner of Taxation that the l!Dplication be granted on tbs ground that the land was now used for a·parsonage. . ' . The a1>plication of Archie R. Crook for reduction· of aaaeaaed valuation on the ~ HE! alld Lo:t:s 1 and 2 Section 24-134-43 was read. Upon mot ion thea1>plication was · recomme Ilded to the CommiBBione r of Taxation on thegrou.nd that rental cabins on this property was assessed out•of line with similar cabins. · ' . The a-pplication of•D. !• Barnard·for·settlement an!. abatement of delinquent taxes, penalties, interest and costs on 7~77 acres ·in the SE¼, SEJ!-:15-13~39,·was read. ·Upon motion·it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the B'D'Plieation be granted on·the ground that buildi·ngs had·been erroneously ass~sssd on the property. The a1>plication nf Wilshusen Motor Co. for reduction of assesaed valuation on motcr ears assessed as personal property; in the CiQ" of Fergus Falla was read. Upoiim~tion•it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the a1>plication be granted on the ground that Minnesota auto licenses had been purchased for these cars •. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. Wednesday, January 6, 1960. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to ad.1ournment the Beard me,t at 10 o'clock: A.M., all member~ being present. A petition asking for the dissolution of Common School Dist. 1509 was read. After discussion the hearing was adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. February 10, 1960, Upon motion, County Engineer Wendell P, Huber was authorized to attend the Minnesota Safety Meeting on Januaey 12, 1960 at County expense. ;< i i ,_ ad ti d for bids for County printi""' for the year 1960 opened bids which were as follows: The County ha~ ng prev ous...., ver se ..., Northwestern Publishing Co., printing the Delinquent Tax List at legal rates. . The Henning Advocate publication of the Annual Statement of Beceipta and Disbursements at legal rates. Perham Enterprise Bui1etin;-publication of the An1111&l Statement of Receipts and Disbursements at lep:I. rates. Ferg11s Journal Co,, publication of Minutes of Beard of County Commissioners and all other legal notices alld publications excepting notice of school dissolutions, at the rates provided by law. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiDDllsota: That the Northwestern Publishing Co., New York Milla be and the a-e is hereby designated as the newspaper in whieh shall be printed the list··of lands in Otter Tail County upon which taxes became delinquent on the first Monda.T in January, 1960. '"li h f said newspaper be required to furnish a surety bond in the sum of $2,000. fer Beaolved further, that the puu s era o the faithful performance of said publication. Adopted January 6, 1960. Attest: S. B •. JOHNSON Clerk. . . SCALE OF WAGES SAM NYCKLEMCE Chairman.. OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENr The salary of employees of the County Highwe,y DeJBrtment for the year 1960 were fixed as follows: Bituminoua•Lay-Ou.t Operators Heavy Equipa,nt Operators (Shovel & Cat Motor Grader Operator Truck Dri-ver Second Man on Truck Common labor Maintenance Foreman Shop Foreman Mechanics & Blacksmith Sign Foreman County Engillller Chief Engineer Instrument Man Level Jlan · Head Rodman Rodman Loader) JOO.OD to· 290.00 to 2.50.00 to $1. 7.5 per hr. 1.60 per hr. 1,60 per br;;· 1 • .50 per hr. 1.4,5 per hr. 1.:,.5 perhr. 440.oo per.mo. 400.00 per mo. :,5.5.00 per mo. :,50.00 per mo. 840.00 per mo. 560.00 per mo. 52.5.00 per mo. 4:,.5.00 per mo. :,40.oo per mo. JOO.DO per mo. I 1, I,. I . I I I 1. I I .,' I l ·1 'I J I' " -COMMISSIONERS RECORD··--0;_:··OTTER TAIL CQUNTY;. MINN. DATE ................. Jamaey ... 6 ............................................. 19 ..... 60 Of'f'ice Man Bookkeeper & Chief Cleric: Sacretaey Clerical Engineering Help ( Misc.) $ 160.00 to • 90 to 305.00 par mo. 340.00 per mo. ·290.00 par mo. 250.00 par mo. 1.70 per hr • The maintenance employees I work ;veek will be 55 hours e:scept f'or December, Januacy and .Februacy, when it will be 50 hOllra par week and the time f'or reporting for such emplo1111ent is as directed by the Encineer. '-'l'ha following amounts are hereby set aaide f'or clerk hire for the calendar year 1960 in the several County, Of'ficea, to-wit: Auditor •..... Treasurer • • • • . . ••• • • • Register of' Deeds • . • . • . • • • • Probate Court, in addition to $3500. authorized by special law.or a total of' County Assessor •..••.... Deputy County Assessor ••••.•.• Clerk, County Asaeasor •.•.•••• Extra Cleric: Hire, County Aaseasor • . • : First Assistant County Superintendent of' Schools. of'fice Assistant, County Superintendent of Schools. Veteran1a Service Clerk. Probation 0f'ficer1s Clerk •••••••••••• $ io,aoo.oo 10,540.00 11,400.00 6,000.00 4,Boo.oo 3,900.00 3,240.00 • 4,500.00 .$Joo. per l!ID• • 200.per mo. _ 4,200~00 2,400.00 Adopted Januaey 6, 1960. Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk. SAM NYCJO.EM OE Chairman. Upon motion the •al.an' of' tbe County Attorney's ·clerk was f':lxed at $150. par month. Vernon E, Bachman f'ilad notlce of the a-ppolntment of' Mrs. ·aeo, Rossow as Assistant Superintendent of' Schools. Upon motion, the a-ppointmsnt was a-pproved. Upon motion the salaey of' Philip M, Xjaglien was f':lxed at $5300. beginning ,tanuary 1, 1960. Upon motion the Commissioners were authorized to attend the Counties and Tarns meeting a.t Farga,s Fa~ls at l P. M. Januaey 1'1, 1960~ The following names were selected to be placed on the Grand and Petit J'U.%7 lists f'or the year 1960: Mrs. Eino Liiliqu•ist Mrs. Rol!,'llr Hendrickx Hu,;o Guck . Nrs. Marjorie Baldo Mrs. Lawrence Becker Mrs. Carley Rasmussen Albert Tenter Mrs. Rose Riestenberg Geo. Walters 11~•• Algot Wal lgran Mrs. Edwin Schultz Mrs. 0 Emii Giese Mrs. Jeff Tikkanen .ldward Meyer Mrs. Johnny Johnson Mrs. Herman Steeke Adolph Wendt Nack Tobli:ln Mrs. Paul Matz Mrs. Steve Guck ·Joe l:r119ger -Wm. Beese . ·Grove Eckert Albert llunkowsld -Ruth Rosentrater ·Helen Sauer Leona Gorentz Esther Berend B,v-Moulter ·llerman .. Hartbun .Mrs. Paul Schultz •Mrs. Melvin Pavola Bernice Geiser Mrs. Johanna Benke Mrs. Army Dey Herbert Rea en John Madson x·.D. Johnson .&,lbert Schmidt Obert C. Nelson Mrs. Elmore Pladsen James Stanley ·B1owera ,Butler ,Bluffton ·Paddock -Newton Newton Edna Edna ~tler :Blowers Otto ·Homestead Homestead Pine Laa Pine Lake Corliss Corli,s German Gorman· Perham Perham Rush lake Dead Lake Hobart Candor CandQr Dora Dora. Star Lake ' ·star ·1a1c:n Pe~m Village New Tork Milla Vill. Bluf'f'ton Vill. Dent 'nu. VerP,s Vill. Perh,pa Vill. Peli911n l!apids Vill. Pelican Ba"Dids, VUl. Maplewod Map;J.~wood. Dwm Dlinn PETIT JURORS Mrs, J.v,. Rumla Mrs, Norman Moses Earl Groasman Max Colosky · Ed. Jacobs Mrs. Robe-rt Tolbert Joseph Dunham Orris Andersen Oscar Fjestad Mrs. Harry Toso Mrs. Alvin Sathre Mrs. q&orge Lindstrom Mrs, Orville Ne ttestad Elmer Olson Heney Splittgerber Hernan Ma via ·Beno Dahl FlCI" en Mullen Eddie Carlson Mrs. Estella Chambers Mrs. Wm, G. Luhning Heney E, Halvorson Ervin Rustad Albert G. Gl.e sne Mrs. Ben Bjorness Jul:ius E. Speer L, T, l!Jrstol Albert F. Laraon E.W. Finke Fred Bellinger Mrs, Leonard Young Fred Fable George Hartman Mrs, Clarence Kimber Hjalmer Au,;uataon o Ana.riw Knderso•~t.w•n ~ Joe Mounts Harold Winter James L. Bots Kenmore Cil.auson Mrs.Hans Froslie Geo. H. Lueders \ Scambler Scambler Lida Lida Pelican Twp, Pelican Twp, Norwegian Grove Norwegian Grove Trondhjem Trondhjem Oscar Oscar Erhards Grove Erhard a Gr017 e Friberg Friberg Maine Maine. Nidaros Clitherall Villo Girard Girard Dalton Vill. Tordenskjold Underwoal Vill. Leaf' Mountain St. Olaf' Sverdmp Vining Vill, Clitherall Vill, Amor Twp, Battle Lake Vill, Tumuli Underwood Vill, :cu ther.,jl:l A~l,.lL_ Everfs ~ Otter Tail Twp, Clitherall Twp, Leaf Mountain St. Olaf' Vining Vill. Otter Tail Vill, COMMISSIONERS RECORD O, OTTER TAIL COUNTY DATE .................... ja.nuaey. ii ' IIC■IIHP■l■T ••c ■P•"" If.CLOUD ■1■11. Ralph Riabru.dt Clarence Ellwanger George Cicb¥ Louie Downing Albert A. Olson Marvin Crogan Mrs. Alvin Truax Mrs. Dell Roberta Arthur Bolland Herman Meyers Mrs, Frieda Hallauer Mrs, Tony Carpenter Cha&. Schwant z Mrs, Arnold Koehn Mrs,Jeaa Wynn Mrs, He:b!n Fox Ed . Skoglund Mrs, Ruben A •. Malmgren Wallace Liljegren Henry Huwe Mrs, Oliver Hartman Hubert :Becker Lawrence Lindall Mrs, Carrol :Boehland Mrs, Will Hanebuth Olaf :Boe Mrs. Harold :Bendix Mrs, Urbin Oscarson Mrs. Maynard Ellenaon Rudolph Deckert ViQCe Drahman Paul Miller Jack Cavanaugh Jack Kampaula Emil Hanson Ed,Hintsala Ed.Dalgren Cal Mielke Robert Fick Nor.b. Heftel Geo • :Bau.ck Ed ,Hendrickx Roy, Fletcher Leo KliMert Hernan Rosen Rupert Schmitz Nick Fiedler ~ Klel.n Orlando Olson Albert Solum Hilbert Isaacson Edward Anderson Odin Jenson . Car.1 Fer sgren Orv.ille Sorum Eddie Grom eth Alf.red Trenna Ant.on Sundblad Cad Shol Che,ater Habberatad Ray Waatweet Wm •. 11. Eatea Erv.in Pet,'.erson Dav.id Swedberg Mrs. H. Duhn Henry Lunl. berg ... ··········································19.60 •.. Dalton Vill. St. Olaf' Leaf' Mountain Elmo Elmo Foll en Oak Valley Inman Henning Leaf Lake DeerCredc: Vill. Deer Creek 'fill, Parkers Prairie Vill. Parkers Prairie vn1. Parkers Prairie Vill, Eastern Eastern Parkers Prairie Twp. Parkers Prairie,Twp. Effington Effington Effington Woodside Woodside Deer Creek Twp, Compton Compton Henning Vill. Henning Vill. Henning Vill, GRAND JURORS Perham Vill, Perham Vill, Perham Vill, New York Mills Vill, New lork Mills Vill. New York Milla Vill, Vergas Vill. Richville Vill. Dent Vill, Dent Vill. Pefham Vill, :Butler Dora otto CorliBB Perham Twp. Hobart :Bluffton Vill. Pelican Rapids Vill, Erhard Vill, Dunn Scambler Pelican ~p. Lida Norwegian Grove Trom1hjem Oscar Erhards Grove Fri·berg Maine Clitherall Otter Tail Underwoal Tordenskjold Leaf Mountain Eagle Lake Theo, Klimek Frank Spilman J. Edwin Thompson :Aerm rd Schoening Walter G. Olson Wm. Johnson · Harold :Bye Albert Pederson Obert Hold en Carl :Bucholz Arthur Torgerson Ward Marshall Mrs. ~le Davenp!l' t Mrs, lle,y :Borowski Elmer Kjell Mrs. :Bessie Dumke Mrs. Lillian Johnson Fred Fjestad Gladys Vance Mrs. Esther Zill Henry Sund Alice M. Schroeder Earl W. Evenson Mrs. John Christenson Miss Ada Dahlgren Robert Altner Paul Stender Alice Morrill John Steen Mrs. Walter Haugart Elsworth Westman Henry Johnson Leona True Maynard Fosse James Fomo · Clifford E, Danielson Arnold Olson Herman ~yer Erwin E, Zaake Oscar Johnsen· Joyce Eastland Clinton McQuay Martin Lim rud Fred C. Vaughan Paul Aldrich Raymond Schmidt Leroy Nelson Walter Huwe Mat Kraemer Guy Clement Henry Holmgren John Dieseth Herbert DuenCII H. 11. Ness M. T. En,tad Anton Aas W. Albers Eivind Hlll.·t,m_ C. E. ~oe Albert .:Ba, ttger George Me,z Rob. Mittelstadt Geo. G. 1fels9n Albert Stein C. E. Drews . The following bills were allowed: Rua.sell :Brooberg :Burrou@Jls Corp. Monroe Calculating Machine Co. Gu.s.t Lagel'Quiat & Sons~-Inc. Sam Nycklemoe Har:vey Morrill Henry! Sieling :Bennie J. Johnson Otto Haase Kathryn L. Michaelson W. H. Dewey Arnold Eyavold Theo. Hegseth The.o. Thomspon Mel:9in Trosvik John L. :Bixby Dale Neubert River Inn Coffee Shop barding prisoners supplies main. and aupplies main, expenses II II II II clerical work in soil cons; office expenses, soil com. II II II 11 II II 11 II II 11 II H expenses am supplies expenses maals for jurors MINN. Urbank Vill, Fergus Falls Twp. Fergus Falls Twp. Fergus Falls Twp, Elizabeth Twp. Elizabeth Twp. Dane Prairie Twp, Dane Prairie Twp. Aurdal Aurdal Aurdal Western Western Western Orwell Orwell Orwell Carlisle Carlisle :Buse :Buse Aastad Aastad City cf Fergus Falls City of Fergus Falla City of :t'ergus Falls City of Fergus Falls City cf Fergus Falla City If Fergus Falla Sverdru.p Nidaros Dalton Otter Tail Girard Tumuli Sverdrup St •. Olaf' Leaf Lake Deer Creek Compton Inman Oak Valley Folden Elmo Woodside Effington Eastern ,Parkers Prairie Vill. Parkers Prairie Vill, Henning ,Vill, HeMing Vill, Fergus Falls City Fergus Falla City Fergus Falla City Je-rgus Falla City Fergus •Falla Ci ey Fergus Falla City Ferglis Fa-lla City Fergus Falla City Fergus Falls City Fergus Falls City Fergus Falla City Fergus Falls City Elizabeth Twp. Dane Prairie Twp. $977 .• 50 4.50 Jl,40 76,00 24.50 19.50 34,96 27,10 JO.JS 79,38 10.eo 22.50 ,.ao 8,70 19.ao 23,17 7,60 40.25 ·:I .' I ,, I I ··i: ,I I' ' " ., 'I 1 ; COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Municipal Court John s. Lindblom N. W. Bell Tele. Co. DO Campbell Coal Co. Costello Mfg. Co. Edgeta,,,n Lbr. Co. c.w. Weislander Stein Paint & Glass Co. Fergus Plumbing & Heating Co. Miller Davis Co. Securicy Blank Book & Prt1. Co. Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Co. Remington Band Cooper's Office Supply American Guidance Ser.. Inc. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Olga Torvik Vernon E. Bachman Barke & Allison Ca1·r & Hanson East Otter Tail Tele. Co. Esther G. Sell Eleanor M. D,Ybdal Do R. A. Henning Secretarial Service Strau'II Co. N. W. ·Bell Tele. Co. Rache:L Estrem Fargo Found:cy Artz Camera Bupply Co. Philip M. Kjaglien Da Public Utilities Department Fergus Glass and Pai•ntr-Co. Sam Nycli:lemoe Henry Sieling Harvey Merri 11 Lawr~nce Merz Town of Trandhjem Village of Vining Town of Folden Village of Vergas Cityof Fergus Falla Swan I s Rexall Drugs Stebl.ay Drug Store Dr.W. F. Schamber Hall in Rexall Drugs Minnesota State Sanatorium Bement-Cahill Equipment Co. Bar.cha rt-Ingersol], Inc. Ru1'.frd.dge-Johneo n Equipment Co. Geo. T. Ryan Co. Wm. H.Zieg],er Co.,Inc. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Elk River Concrete Products Co. The Zeco Com_pany Paper, Calmeneon & Co. Empire Supply Co. Minnesota Mining & mfg. Co. Morton Salt Co. Minnesota Motor Co. Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Super G.M.C. Truck Sales McCormick FarmStore Stan I s Garage Brown I s Implme nt Co. Rude Garage Hauberg1s Blacksmith Shop Vergas Motor Service Henning Mobi 1 Service John E. Maki Vaughn Chevrolet Co. Magnus. Pedersen Uselman Electric Service Henry Holmgren Treva t.ten & Schaap Gamble. Store, New York Mills Jim La.rson,Ford Henning Hardware Co. Coast to Coast Store, Henning Home and Fann Supply Vergas. Hardware Co. Everts. Lumber Co., Ba.ttleLake Peavey.Elevators, Dalton Andy's. 116611 Service DATE ......•....................... .JanuA-mr .. 6 .............................. .19 .. 60. fees justice fees calla II coal supplies materials repairs supplies services supplies II II II H II supplies and printing postage II insurance premium supplies service and calls expenses postage expenses typewriter repairs letters rent service aid calls freight services supplies expenses machine rental wator, etc. J)Bi•ilt expense appmising land " " " II ff II roofing and labor . care of poor II II U II II II II II II II II medication care of patient medication care of patients parts II II II II bridge lumber culverts cutting edges bllicles supplies II salt repairs supplies II II II II II coal gasoline $ 6J.oo 4.so 6S.18 41.10 S9?.14 2?.09 9.12 1s.60 13.42 a.oo S73.Bo 292.83 ?76.?l S19.?S 13.?2 12.19 210.00 28.00 Jl.00 102.13 2.94 10.10 24.45 J.S4 J6.88 2.00 7-.15 50.00 18.2S J.06 2?.41 41.2? 122.4J J.oo J.26 ?,18 6.60 14.14 22.60 B?.6S 214?.95 40?.82 280.24 J72.96 149.J? J.oo ?S. ?S 27.00 4o.so 915.84 46.14 60.89 J.IIO s12.5s 68.28 400.68 182.94 10.96 183,90 468.?8 285.00 136.00 82.24 28J.?4 l)0.94 J6J.56 7.15 . J2.66 26.80 f.JO lJ. ?S J.60 15.91 18.29 ?.BS 2.?S 18.00 6.51 10.7.0 7.45 2.60 22.42 1.5:5 52.90 191.79 53.75 81.9S I I I I I I I i lt , .. I COMMISSIONERS RECORD_ 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. H ■1HPll11ri■sco11,a111 I.CLOU0,11111■, C,.lnl West End Texaco Cities Service Station Jim's Servioe Station Conaumer1t1 Coop. Oil Co. l!attle Lake D. A. Lubricant Co., Inc. Standard Oil Co., Battle lake Standard on Co •• New York Milla Service Oil Co., Underwoai Ted 1s Oil Co. Fossen Oil co: ~oliah & Braatz Oil Co. Minnesota DeJBrtment of Highways H. A. Rogers Co. American Rad Buildel! 'a Assn. Albinaon, Inc. Burraigh1a Adding Mche. Co. Monroe Calculating Machine, Co., Inc. N. W. Bell Tele. Co., Henning Midwest Tele. Co. Pelican Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co.,Fergus Falla Village of Dalton Village of Pelican Rapids Village of Perham City of Fergus Falls Vergas State 1lank: Donald Luhhing Fritz Ohlrogge Herb Christensen Elsie Luhning . Lyon Chemicals, Inc. Wendell P. Huber G. D. Harlow Wem ell P. Huber The Zeco COlllp8llY Deer Creek Blacksmith Shop Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Alfred Engen John Hoff Wendelin Koep Merlin s. Rieman Clem Steinbach George B, Larson Vernon E. :Bachman Olga H. Hoeft Mrs.Marjorie Stenstrom DATE ........................... o!.~!!-~!1 .. 6 ................................... 19 60 .. . gasoline II II " oil . dieaal fuel II II fuel oil II II grease services prints dues supplies II machine main. service and tolls II .II 11 II 11 11 garage rental main. II II garage insurance right of Wli\Y 11 11 11 H II 11 II P II calcium chloride expenses II cash advanced asphalt kettle repairs Deputy shei,iff II 11 II II deputy sreriff fees and expense deputy sheriff II , 11 assisting deputy.sheriff II • II II expenses clerk, co. supt. ct' fice II II II Upon motion,the Bo~d then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. February. 9, 1960. SAM NY CKLEMOE Attest: s. B. 6..~~ $ 10.75 39.8.3 45.90 307.46 182.60 s5.2s 73.95 132.10 56.00 195.60 7.00 227.03 17.33 7.50 41.59' 3.00 56.00 12.os 17.00 10.85 56.30 90.00 109.54 ;38S.28 561.25 127.88 57.18 40.30 19.80 S6."20 707.30 169.78 S4.47 27.16 BOB.OS 21.90 208.3S 216.00 1.40 72.80 49.30 s.oo 9.40 37.90 46.49 74.oo 84.oo 'l I I j ... ' 1•' I I I I ; rl :I :! :·i ' I ,I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, ·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. Fe b!'Ua ry 9 ........................................... 19.J\Q. MINUTES OF ADJOUl!NED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or O'l'l'ER TAIL co., MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Bc:ard met at 10 o'clock A, M. February 9, 1960, all members present. The Commiasioner of Rl.pvays, having previously called for bids on behalf of the county for the construction of "From two miles North to eleven miles North ct Bluffton (between CSAH 76 and CSAR No. 8): frcm one mile South of Butler to Butler (between CSAH #62 and CR No. 148); and from o.4 mile West of Butler to Butler.11 Bids were opened by a representative of the State Highway Department and were found to be as follan: Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Landseidel & Son McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc. Jay W, Craig Co. Minnesota Valley Improvement Coil; Hazelmere Bituminous Co. Fischer Construction Co. Judd Brown Construction Co. Alexander Construction Co. John Dieseth Co. Anderson Bros. Herbison Construction Co. P.O. Pederson, Inc. C, L. Nelson Co., Inc. Roland M, Starry J. W. Alexander Co, $128,904.50 l3J,J41.60 1J4,J10.50 1J6,0JJ.85 137,609.50 l38,J60.90 139,584.10 14J,788,50 144,572,45 144,640.85 149,158,65 150,191.10 150,627.90 15J,J08,94 156,806.25 171.145.47 Vpon motion, it was recanmended to the Commissioner of Highways that the bid of Mark Sand and Gravel co. in the sum rt $128,9Q4,50 be accepted. '.t'he Ba rd having previouslY advertised for biis on gravel base and road mix bituminous surface proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follo,rs: On S,A,P. 56-616-02, S.A.P. 56-650-01, S,A.P. 56-665-01, and 0,7292 miles located in the Village of Renning: Mark Sand & Gravel Co, Minnesota Valley Improvement Co. Hazel.mere Bituminous Co, John Dieseth Co. McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc, Judd Brown Construction Co. Jay W. Craig Co, C. L. Nelson Co,, Inc. Roland M, Starry Herbison Construction Co. $102 I 457 o 00 101, 131,J0 10J,206.J6 104,814.00 107,309.70 107,189,70 111,122.45 120,159.25 146,863.89 110,931.35 After consideration, the contract was awarded to Mark Sand and Gravel Co, for the sum of $102,457,00 fer the reason that the la,, bidder, Minnesota Valley Improvement Co. hal. its bid tied with one)>ther project on which they were not la, bidder. On County Project 60:128 bids were received as follows: Ed Zimmerman Gladen Bros. M & M Construction Co. Ralph Stewart Kerne & Tabery Kahlstorf Constnz: tion Co. Rust & Dahlman John Dieseth Co, Spaulding Construction Co, Russell McCarty $ 13,909,76 14,155.60 15,J82.00 .15,806.86 17,495.95 l?,558,50 l?,6?8,20 18,226.21 20,z,9.50 21,412.20 After consideration, the contract was awarded to Ed. Zimmerman for the sum rt $13,909.76, On S.A,P. 56-675-0J C,P, 60:75 bids were received as folla,rs: Ralph Stewart Gladen Bros• Ed Zimmerman John Dieseth Co. Kerns & Tabery Kahlstorf Construction Co. Ru.st & Dahlman Russell McCarty $ 4,448.04 4,599.70 5,ll4,J5 5,501.35 5,90?,84 6,518,10 ?,278.J0 8,?97.J4 Upon motion, the contract was m,arded to Gladen Bros. for t:te sum of $4,599,70 for t:te reason tm.t the low'bidder, Ralph Stewart.had his bid tied to another project on which he was net low, On countywide Sand Seal bids were received as follair s: McLaughlin & Schulz Surma Construction Co, Hi-Way Surfacing Co. Minnesota Valley Improvement Co. C, L, Nelscm & Co., Inc. Jay W. Craig Co, $ 35,156.00 35,294.56 35,926.40 37,488.80 41,??2.00 47,l:>17.60 Upon motion, the contract was awarded to McLaughlin & Schulz for the sum of $35,156.00. COMMISSIONERS RECORD _O, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. S&CVII ' , •• , ••• ca••··· ... C UD 111111. e, DATE ... ··························F.e. br.uary 9 ······························19.60 ... Upon motion, the County Auditor was instructed to ca 1 f b bids to include trade-in allowance onCounty Unit No, 92 _ 1952 °;nt!::,:~r 1 -Dwnp TNck. 21,000 pound G,V,W. Nominal Rati , Ton Pick--up, bids to include trade-in allowance ·on County U it H 50 onat -Mal.el Ll72, located in Bluffton• also 'for 1~ Falls, bid to be opened at 11 o'clock A.M. March 9, 1960• n °• -195 GMC 1 Ton Panel -Model 253-24, l~cated in Ferg11a Upon !lotion, the appointment of Mrs. Dauglaa Haugen, Pelicm Rapids, Mr · members of the County Nu.raing Beard, was approved. am 8 • J.Amoil.4 Anderson, Nev York Milla, aa ~ two County Nu.raea were authorized to attend the Health am Nurse Conference at St. Paul at county expense. The appointment ot Pat D. Haak to serve as Probation am Parole Offi : salary fixed at $450.00 per month. cer, retroactive to Jan. 11, was approved, and the -I- Upon motion, the County Auditor was authorized to repurchase• $15,ooo.oo 100 plus accrued interest to time of repurchase. o-t Otter Tail+-County Road Bomia at $87008 per ➔• Upon motion, the sum of $800.00 was appropriated to the Soil Conservati--~ommitteea of Ott-,.er $400.00 for Ea.at and $4oo.oo tor West Otter Tail. "'t" Tail County, being divided The following repart of tees and emoluments received by county officials were approved: Frank C. Barnes H. W. Glorvigen Owen V. Thompson Dr, Carl J. Lund· Evelace G. Hanson Harvey D, Morr ill Henry Siellng Otto Haase : Sam Nycklemoe Bennie J. Johnson Vernon E, Bachman Olga Tcrvik S, B, Johnson Judge of Probate Clerk of Court County Attorney Comner Register cl. Deeds County Commissioner : County Commissioner County Commissioner County Commissioner County Commissioner Supt. cf Schools County Treasurer County Auditcr $8J66.88 5818,53 4818.50 270.00 5818.53. 1921.12 1991.12 1991.12 1951.12 1991.12 5818.53 5818,53 5813,5) The boa:l _of John L. Bixby, County AeseBBor, in the 811111 of $2,000.00 with tbe General Insurance Co, of America, ae surety was approved. The bond of C, M. Haase as Superintendent of the Otter Tail County Nursing Home, in the sum of $5,000.00 with General Insurance co. of America, as surety, was approved. · The bom of Virginia A. Rustad as Probate Clerk, in the B\DD of $1,000.00 with General Insurance Co. of Am~rica, a.a surety, was approved. Upon motion, the date cf the March adjourned meeting was changed to the 9th kd 10th and that of the April meeting to the l3 th and 14th• Upon motion, theCounty Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for bituminous material comprising approximately 30,000 gallons SC and 50,000 gallons MC· to· be delivered at any point in Otter Tail County by transport truck equipped with pump for unloading, bids to b~pened at 11 o'clock A. M. March 9, 1960. · _The following plats were approved: A plat of Silver Sh<r ee, located in llovt. Lot 6, Section 28-lJJ-40, accompanied by an abstract of title executed by Norman D. Arveson, Attorney-at-law, .6. plat of Haggatran•s Beach Addition, located in Lota 8 ani 9, Section 12-134-41, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Richard C. Hefte, AttorDSy-at-law. r A plat of Olson's Maplewood-Lida Beach, located in Govt. Lot?, Section '.32-136-42, and accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Charles L. Alexander, Attorney-at-law. BESOLUTION or O'l''l'ER '!!AIL COIDl'l'!' COMMISSIONERS WHEBBAS, Becker County by the Becker County Board of Commiuiollllra, anl otter Tail Cwnty by the Otter Tail County Board Commissioners desire to establieh and grade a countJ line road known and described as CSAH No. 20 by both Becker County, Minn., and Otter Tail County, Minm• f!!ota, and lying on a line between said counties, no, therefore IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, lit, the Becker County Bea rd of Commiesionera that Becker County anl Otter Tail CountJ HighwBT CSAB No. 20, which is more particularly described in the specifications of the Becker CountJ Engineer ae Project S.P. OJ-620-01, S 6469 (1) and by the engineer rt Otter Tail County as s. P. 56-620-0J, hereby be established and graded as specified in the specifications herein. -C:;j,, !_(.,: I 2. That perliminary engineering costs shall be ahare·dtf:ttt:, per cent (5~) by the County of Becker and fifty per cent (50%) by the CountJ ot Otter Tail between Station Numbered 85~00 to S~ation )?8197.4 at T.H. Numbered 59, J, That the construction engineering is to 'b¢erformed by tht: employees of the Otter Tail County Highway Department and the comtruction engineering costs and the construction coats betweei:i Station Numbl!red 85+00 to Station 378+97,4 at T,B. Numbered 59 are to be ate.red on a 50-50 bailia, the Cainty of Becker pa:,:tng Fi.tty per cent (5~) thereof am the County If Otter Tail ~ing Fit~ per cent (50~) thereof. : 4, That the contracts ahaJ,.l be let at Fergus Falls, Minnesota at a later date am both County Boards shall be present for the letting of said contract; and the1 majority of each County Ba rd must vote appro•l cl. said contract prior to acceptance thereof. 5. That the partial eatimatee shall be Bignell by the Otter Tail County Engineer :and the final eetimatea ehal l be signed by both the Otter Tail County Engineer and tl:11_ Beclmr County Engineer. · \'~\: ',, 'I ' ! :! : COMMISSIONERS RECORD·O, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. -., DATIL ....................... l(tbtWAX'Y ... 9 .................................. 19 ... ~Q. a o II • 6. The or·1,;°iml plana ahall be apJ>roved and signed by both the, llec!cer County and the Otter Tail Count7 Engineers prior to said plans being effective or legally binding upon their. respective counties. 7. The right ot wa,y ot the roadwe,y atoreaati which lies within the geographic limits of Otter Tail Count7 shall be obtained by Otter Tail Count;y, and,· the !,'ig!i.t ot way ot the above deucribed roadw.,-,r&.ich lies within the geographic limits of Becker Couney shall be di tained b7 Backer Count7, Each Count7 shall p&7. tor ita respective coata in obflainil!l; aaf4 right d wa,y. 8. The maintenance ·coats on the cDW1t7 line radWIII?' thereafter, ezcapt aeal coat projects or other major repaira, aha,11 be assumed b7 each count7 on. the following baaiaa A. Becker Count7 shall repair alld · maintain the portion ot said roadwa,y from Station Numbered 211+32 (ClWI *22) and east therefro!D to Station Numbered. J?8t9?.4 at T.H. Num}lered S9. B. Otter Tail Count;r shall repair and maintain the portion ot said rcadwa,y from Station Numbered 8S.00 am east there- from to Station Numbered 211+32 being Backer Count7 CSAH 122. Dated this 9th day of February,1960. The following reaolutioU:waa adopted: SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman. S, B. JOHNSON Count7 Auditor. Resolved by the Bra rd cf: Count7 Commia.aionera of otter Tail Count;y, Minnesota: That there be and hereby.is trmaterred from the Count;r Revenue Jund. to the Coun~yAttorne71a Contingent Fwid the aum ot $500.00 to be used as provi~ed by law; Be it turther resolved that the Count7 Auditor and the County Treasurer be and the7 ~er~by are authorized and directed t¢nak:e the neceaaary entries. · Adopted February 9, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk of the Ba rd. The following resolution was adopted: SAM NYCKLEMCE Chairman. Resolved by the Board cf Couney Commissioners ot Otter Tail Count7, Minneact a: . That there be transferred from the Vete·ran1a Service Fund the sum of $23,282.05, being the amount expended by the Veterani~ Service Office tor the years 1957-58, Be it further resolved that the Count;y Auditor and the Count;r Treasurer are he~by authorized and directed to make the necessary entries. Adopted February 9, 1960. Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerlc: of the Board. SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairnan. Upon motion, the Board then ad,1 our:ned to 10 o'clock A.M. Febrwin' 10th. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION, Pursuant to adjournment the Boan met at 10 o'clock A. M. February 10, 1960, A petition tor dissolution of Common School District No. 1509 was taken up tor final action. Rfter listening to the statements of the various interested parties, the 'Board issued the following interlocut<r7 order: STATE or· MINNESOTA) · (sa COUNTY or OTTER TAIL) IN TBE MATTER OF TBE DISSOLUTION or COMMON SCHOOL DISTRIOl NO. 1509 + I The above entitled matter crime on dul;y to be heard by the Count;r Board of Otter Tail Count7, Minnesota, at the Court Room in the CiQ" of Fergus Falla in aal4 Count;r, on the 10th day of Februaey-, 1960, ·at 10 o'clmk: A.M., pursuant to n~tice dul;y given as provided by lalf aqd the order of said Board; and the lloard having heard all persona interested in a~id matter, botli for and ligainat, finds as follows: • First --That said proceedings were instituted by: (b) A petition signed by the required number of freeholders residing in said district: Secom --That leas than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing an!. the Board being of the opinion,· from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient am will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territoey- to have said school district diaaolveda COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,MINN~-- 11ca■1" .......... ca■PAIIT IT.CLOID ■Ill , C4111 DATE ... ··········-············F"·brua171 ... tc. .............................. l9.60. .. NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That &aid Common Sdlool District No 1509 b di l 4 d i b tta heel t ..._ • e sao ve an tbat the ter it -b eel there n a a c o o ... er existing school districts or unor-nized tar it f 11 r o.,, em rac b-r oey aa o owe, to-wit, To District *1494, the W, NZt & Govt. Lota 1 & 2, Govt. Lota -. & 4 and Lota c, Section 15-134-43 ., G, H, L, M, To District *1385, Lota 2 -3 -4 -5 -12 -13 -14 _ 19 _ 20 _ _ Jll. of Section 16; SEt HW!, NE!-SW.l. &, N 2 rd.a of Wl-sy.l. S~ sv.l /.!i_ S~ -27N-28 -31 & 32 of 1~134-43 .. 2" ,., .. ,..,. '7 ''Ii" ex. 2 rd.a, Section To District f1444, Govt. Lot 4 -7 & 8, Section 22-134-43 The balance of District 1509 to district 1399. follow!~) to:i!~ FtJB.THER ORDERED, That the aasat a anll liabilities of aa~ Common School District No, l.509, be distributed ae 16,83~ to School District h494 l3,~ to 11 • II 1385 2,30~ to II II 1444 67,3~ to II U 1399 (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1509 is No Dollars. (5) The)>ropoaed effective date of this order ia hereby fixed aa the lat. d!Q' of July, 1960~ Dated this 10th dlQ' of Februa171, 1960, .AtteatS. B, JOHNSON County Auditor SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman Board of County Commissioners The application of Clyde Jensen asking that the Vi of Lot 1 and all of Lots 2, 3 and 4, and the SE1. NWl. and the SW.l NE,l. of Section 19-13 2-41 be set over from District No. 1388 to District No. 1433 was read and it was ordered \hat a hearing ~n s:14 petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. March 10, 1960, and that due notice of the time aml. 'Dlace of said hearing be given as required by law. • Upon motion, the wages of heavy equipment operators (shovel a~ caterpillar loaders) be fmd at $1,77.per hour effective March 1, 1960. A Delegation from Leaf Lake and Henning regarding theimprovement of County Road No. 61 North of CSAH No. 16, ap:i:eared before the Board. After discuaaion, it was agreed to make aome temporary improvements aa soon as possible, . Upon motion, the Workmen's Compensation Insurance was awarded to Barke & Allison. The County Highway Engineer ani hia First Assistant were authorized to attend the engineer's meeting in St. Paul, Feb, 22nd to 25th at county expenses. Philip R. Munso1h· Attorney-at-law, appeared before the board asking that a partial release of peraoral property tax judgment~ against Ver.non R. Bergerud in so far as this jud.gment covers the ~ S!:k and the NW¼SE4-of Section 16-131-43 ia concerned. Upon motion, it was voted to accept the $10,00 payment aa a partial release of Mr. Bergei"U4 1a l/84th interest. Upon motion, the following names were aubmitted to the Department of Public Welfare from which to appoint a llllf-member of the Otter Tail County Welfare Bea rd, whose term will exp:l:re July 5, 1962: Mm. Lavone Hertel, Dent; Mrs. Ferdinand Olson, Fergus Falls, and Mrs. Effie Ostrum, Pelican Rapids. The application of J. M. Wilson for correction of aaseasment on personal property in the Township oi Dunn was read. Upon motion, it waa recommended to the Comm:l:saioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that Mr. Wilson was assessed in the wrong school district, The application of Paul K. Pancratz, Attome;v ior the Red River Camp Fire Council, asking for cancellation of persoral property tax in the 'l'a.rnship of Candor was read. Upon motion, it .was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that tha application be granted on the ground that the real estate had already been declared exempt from taxation. The application of Robert M. Swedberg for homestead claaaification on the s½ NW,k d Section 3-132-40 waa read. Upon motion, the application was granted and the Couney-~uditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordiigly. · The application of Claude C. Price far homestead claasificatioq{,n tract beginning at northeast corner of Lot l, Birch Dale, Weat 217 feet, North 491 feet, East 300 feet to lake, southwest 414 feet to beginning, except South 25 feet thereof, Section 3-137-40, waa read. Upon motion, the application waa granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordirg ly. 'l'he application of Minnie M. Putnam for homestead classification on Lot 4, Sah-Xah~T!Q' Beach, waa read. Upon motion, the application waa granted and the County Auditor waa instructed to reduce the tax accordingly. The application of Theodore B. Hale for1.homestead classification on Lot 14, Liberty Beach, was read. Upon motion, 1he application was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly. The application of A. R. »ethke fo~.homestead classification on Lots 10 and 11, Liberty Beach, except the West 10 feet of Lot 11, was reall, Upon motion, the application was granted and theCounty Auditor waa instructed to reduce the UIX accordiigly. The application of Albin c. Selvaag for correction of assessment on the SE;¼-SW,k of Section 9-1)2-38, was read. Upon motion, it waa recommended to the Commiasioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the graurd. that an error was made by the Crunty Assessor's office in cowing the real estate figures. · The application of August Luhning for reduction of asaeasment on theEast 135 feet of the South 150 feet d the Weat 960 feet of the sl',k 5Ek of Section 28-134-39, for the years 1958 ar.d 1959, was read. Upon motion, it waa recommendecl to the 'l'ax Commissioner that the application be granted on the graind that the building assessed thereon is utterly worthieaa as the roof has caved in, \~I ,.-1~ '½· !'. j Ii I' ·'I ! I ,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD O,· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. H. W. Glorvigen Do s •. B. Johnson Mrp. Norbert Hertel Mr11_. Philip Arfatrom Mra. Elmer Peterson Mrp. Melvin Lien Mr!I.John Rundle Mr!'. Geo. Lindstrom Mr!'. Donald, Barber State Assn. of County Commissioners Frank c. Barnes Krpneman Ins• Agency Eapt Otter Tail Tele. Co. El!l&nor M. Dybdal El~anor M. Bybdal . Do Esther G. Sell . Do . Do Philip M.Kjaglien , Do Straub Co. , P,~~lic Utilities Dept. ¥ictor Lundeen & Co. Artz £amera & Supply Co. •• Erickson Hdwe. Se<:ratarial Service N,,W. Bell Tile. Co. Minn. State San •. Dr. W. F. Schamber Dr. Everett C, Hanson Korda Clinic Fergus Falla Poor Dept. Steblay Dmga Township of Clitherall ta.f nahip of Erhard a Grove T0111nBh ip of Edna To\ffiship of Girard To~nahip of Girard TO\lnahip of !111111111 T011nship of Pelican T~nahip of Sverdrup Viilage of :Battle Lake Vi~lage of Clitherall Yip.age of Dent City of Fergus Falla Bez: chert-Ingersoll, Inc, PhJllipj,i Ecuipment Co, Pioneer Rim & Wheel Co. Pu~lic Works Equipt, Co., Inc. Ru.ffridge-Johnson Bquipt. Co, Wm. H. Ziegler Co,, Inc. Larson Welding O1,on Auto Electtic Sul;lr Ferd Sales, Inc. Minnesota Motor Co. McCormick Farm Equipment Store Harvey l!ullock: Electric Supply, Perham Fortwengler Electrid Shop Hill's Radiator Shop, Wadena Milla Motors Perham Coop. Oil Co. Charles C. Olson Electric Be11,nie Rossum Wm. G. Schultz Sorem 6uto Parts Co. St4n1s Garage Uselman Electric SerTJ.ce Ve~gas Oil Co. Paper Calmenaon & Co. Morton Salt Co. Be~g Fargo Motor Supply Ar~ Sign Materials Co. Empire Suppll' Co. · National Bushing & P•rt• Co. Fl~et Diat. Supply Holten Hdwe. Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. WhJtlock Welders Equipt. Co. & Supply Hi~tgen-Karst lll<ilctric Co. Gaipble Store, Pelican Rapids Cor,.st To Coast Store, Battle Lake Hall's ,Hdwe. Coast t'o--'ccast Store,Perham Cordes Impiement Wilcox Lumber Co. Firestone Store Fergus Falls •.• Ne;tson Bros, Prtg. Co. DATE .................................... :&'~b., ... 10 ......... , .................... 19.60 .. adv.coma. to license agts. exp. attd. assn. of clerks 11 11 Auditors convention exp. attd.Nursing Beard meeting II II II H n n n n II n H n II n II H II n n H n n dues n n n n II II n II telephone call charges to home, place premium assessor's bond service and calla expenses postqe supplies, etc. expenses postage Reg, dues nun of Minn • p<B tage and machine rentii expenaea rent water, sewer, etc. supplies II n schedules service and calla , care of patients (Dec. & Jan.) care of patients n " n etc. " n poor expenaea (transients) drugs for T.B. P',tient c11re of poor II n II care of transients· poor xpenditurea parts n n n n II repairs grader ba des sait aµppliea tires ·;)-{Ol'JP lef"tera' 1958 19.59 $ 44.35 JJ.75 JJ.75 9.24 8.40 7.70 5-60 9,80 J.J6. ·12.60 525.00 2.Jo 5.00 20.45 50,JJ 2.00 J,35 45.oa ·4.oo ?,50 7.00 ?5,46 50.00 J.o 4?.85 23,91 -.J.85 2.45 21.90 1105.92 15.00 36.00 45.00 95.01 28.2S 496,56 926.12 25.00 S88.06 808.11. 11?6.98 14?.92 ?ll.25 520.09 273.24 105~~99 12925.61 119.47 42.48 ?7.88 16?.86. 627.90 10?9,8? 1,9.00 182.86 19.15 918.12 2~.92 79.00 4.45 10.56 6.oo 14.02 10.22 4.J6· 10.50 10.00 4?.00 8.?2 ?.BS 11.65 l'.34.02 248.00 61.00. 48.26 43,4.42 66.58 5.0, 26.Jl 25.06 55.1i 2.20 6.64 12.28 ?4.02 9.60 s.1ia 9.46 65,00 25.85 z..... ,... COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Hi;V■inP1i■11■ico .... , IT.cLDUD ■1N11. Evarts Lumbar Co., :Battle Lake Peavey Elevator, Dalton Horthwodi Spec. Co. DA Lubricant Co. ,. Soliah & »raatz Oil Co.· ,oaaen Oil Co. Standard Oil Co., Perham Ted Olson Oil Co. Standard Oil Co., Parkers Prairie Standard Oil Co~, Nlllf York Mills Arrow Petroleum Standard Oil Co., »attle I.eke Otter Tail Power Co. Construction Bulletin Village of Parkers Prairie Lewis A • llaaaen Odin »erg Bailway :&bcprasa Agency, :Battle Lake Ba.v"mond·Motor Transportation, Inc. Andy's 116611 Serviu Anderson & Samberg Oil Co. Fossen Oil Co. South Mill Standard Hoot Ialm Pure Oil Riverside Shell Langdon 1a 1'210 Texaco Ser. Henning Mobil Ser. Farmer's Coop. Cre-ery Assn., Deercreek Service Oil Co., »attle Lake .Dicks Standard Service, Parkers Prairie Conaumer 1a Coop. Oil Co., Henning Pete1a at111dard Service Otter Tail Coop. Oils, Inc., Fergus Falla Ray's Oil Co. Swanson Serfice Twin's Motor Co. Coop. Services, Inc., Oil Div. N.Y.M. Thomas on Co. Wendall P. Huber Marchant Calculators H. A. Rogers co. Minneapolis »lue Prl. nting Co. Pierce Co. Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Co. l3urrougha Corp. Panama Carbon Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Feat Otter Tail Tele. Co. N. W. »ell Tele. Co. Pelican Tele. Co. N. W. »en Tele. Co., Fergus Falla Midwest Tele. Co. H. W. »ell Tele. Co., Henning Village of Parkers Prairie Wendell P~ Huber George Ola on Wendell P• Huber Gottlieb Silbe·rnagel lawrence Krekelberg Eric G. Duaterhoft Andrew Lillia Mrs. Lucille Kawle1Jsld Leo »istrom Mrs. Nina LilUa Mrs·.· Pauline Lilli.la Henry M. Reaameyar Laurie Smitb Geo. C. Stewart Gustav Genoch Pearl Ellis Andrew Lillia and Clarence Mielke Di.le M. Whitney Rudolph »ass Florence Sanborn Claude »rown Paul Ellis Mrs. Louise Thom_!lon· Mike Schumacher Arnold R. Hemquiat Paul & Frank Wegner Albert ObrlgU G. M. Hemquiat Leon &Lloyd Miles Arthur Luhning Lloyd. Milea Vergas Oil Co Erhard on Co. DATE ... ·······················•Fe.b.:1-0 .......................................... l9.6(). .. coal II stak:BB motor oil grease· fuel oil II 11 n H 11 11 diesel fuel 11 11 keroaena prints adv. for bids mun. maint. gravel a freight n gasoline II n II • II • II II 2 n • II II II II II ff 11 etc. env&l!IPBS & postage machine maint. supplies II II II fl H II service and tolls 11 11 H II II II II II II II II II 11 11 ff water and sewer charge expenaaa u cash advanced right of wa7 II II II II II II fl • II U II I II gasoline fuel oil .., 71.66 1t1:90 . :,5.00 90 .• 20 14.oo 195.60 116.00 60.00 101.79 11.so 485.:,2 9.07 4·.62 92.10 :,25.:,2 :,ss.ea 154.91 2.64 11.75 a1.s:, 396,95 110.19 7.3.BS 135.62 76.60 54.83 49.98 :,9.:,9 165.87 100.26 47.57 162.09) 40.59 so.4s 68.44 128.74 195.26 607.21 496.00 41.00 20.09 108.20 19.50 4).67 :,.oo 4.5.70 202.80 18.30 48.10 8,90 62.40 10.lS 11.45 s.oo 189.07 32.25 a.so 6.60 25.:,0 80.55 261.75 17.40 55.80 26.00 17.60 14.80 8.20 419.0.5 119.05 1.60 82.20 :,a.so 122.00 69.:,0 80.65 1.00 32.37 41.a5 27 • .58 9.25 46.20 4.oo :,7.10 165 • .50 119,98 101.?3 98.00 ' I ,,1 I Ii : I 11' 111 '·1~ 'I ',, I :I 'I 111 , . I COMMISSIONERS RECORD O,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Village of :Battle Lake Midwest Telephone Co. Penrose Oll Co. Ci t7 of Fergus Falla Anton ~ipka DATE ................................. Je}l •... 10-............ , .................... 1960 .. . water charge service • toll■ gasoline etc. spec. aaaeasment -co. garage insurance · Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to March 9, 1960 • ....... :01.,.,,..,.~ , .. :Bldg. Fd. Tax. Fort. · I'd. (/ ' . • s.oo 10.as 151.60 2'1?8.96 29,94 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCV■nr , •• 11■• ca■PAH IT. C VD 111!111, C-=-e DATE ... ················Jw.i:ch .. 9 ................... ····························19.60. .. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OT'l'ER TAIL CO., MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment, the »oard met at 10 o'clock A.M. March 9, 1960, · all manb.ers being present. The following resolution was adopted: »e it resolred that pursuant to Chapter 500, Article II Se ti 36 ' be appointed as agent of the County of Ott~r Tail to let as its c on • Minnesota Laws 1959, the CommiBBton,r of Highw~a Highwa7s, specifically described as follows: agent, contracts for .the cons~l"\IC~ion of portions of State Aid County state Aid Highway No.~ from CSAH #25, 1.5 miles South of Dent, to CSAH #14, l.O mile West of Richville and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and di t d f -· a contract with the ·commissioner of Highwa.vs prescribing the;:~: ~r a::1~~ beha~f of the County to execute and enter into contained in 11Minnesota Department of HighW&¥B Agency Contract FormaN coIVH ions O suf ch agency in the fo:nn as set forth and i b h lf f th C t o. , a copy o which said form was before the »oard assum ng on e a o e oun y all of the contractual 0·oligations therein contained. • Adopted this 9th~ of March, 1960. S, ». JOHNSON Clerk. (Seal) Chairman of the Board SAM NYCKLEMOE Upon motion, the County Auditor was instructed to call for bids to be opened on April 13th at 11 o'clockA,M. for the following grading: SAP 56-645-03 (60) C,P. 60:45, length 2,576 miles, located from Phelps to Yaine. The Commissioner of Highways, as agent of Otter Tail County, was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 11 o'clock A,M, April 13, 1960 for the following project: Grade and Gravel Surface--S,P. 56-644-0l (C~AB 44), Minnesota Project S 6986 (l), length 5~3 miles, located between County State-Aid Highway No, 35, 1,5 miles South of Dent and County State-Aid Highw&¥ No. 14, l mile West of Richville. Th~ »oard having previously advertised for bids for a 0half ton pick-up and one dump truck bids were opened ard found to be as follows: Half Ton Pick-up with Trade-in, McCormick Farm Equipment Stor~, Fergus Falls, Intermtiobal Pick-up $1275.00 Super G,M, C. Truck Sales, Fergus Falls , $1394.95 Minnesota Motor Co., Fergus Falls, Chevrolet pick-up, $1584,00 Suhr Ford, Fergus Falls, Ford pick-up, $11196,63 Jim Larson, New York Mills, Ford pick-up, $1489.99 Dump Truck McCormick Farm Equ•ipment Store, International with trad~in, $4150.00 Super G,M,C, Truck Sales, International with trade-in $4,000.00 Minnesota Motor Co,, Chevrolet with trade-in, $5075.00 Jim Larson, Ford with trade-in $4,289,00 After consideration, the bid of McCormick Farm Equipment Store. fer half-ton pick-up for tte sum of.$1275.00 was accepted, The bid of the Super G,M, C. Truck Sales. for dump truck equipped with Garwood body and Vickers pump for the sum of $4000. was accepted. »ids for bituminous material were.received as follows: Northwestern Refining Co,, St. Paul Park, S.C. asp'!alt, 01027 cents per gallon; M.C. Cut Back asphalt, .1127 cents per gallon. Richards Oil Co,, Minneapolis, s.c. asphalt, .1215 ~ents per gallon and M.C, asphalt, ,1305 cents per gallon, Upon motion, the bid of the Northwestern Refining Co. was accepted. It was ordered that the engi~eer make preliminary survey on S.A.H. No, 18 between Sections 15 alld 22, Town of Aµrdal. It was ordered that the February minutes be corrected due to a typographical error in listing the pay of heavy equipment operators (Shovel and Caterpillar) at $1,77 per hour instead of the correct amount which is $1,70 per hour. Licenses for 110ff" am 110n11 sale of nonintoxicating malt liquors were granted as follan: Don »ondy Rui"us Hull Fritz HjeltneBB Alex Sepchenko Re inhold Koehn Arthur Abraham Mark »ierman Town of Leaf Lake Town of Girard Town of Leaf Lake Tew n of Fri berg Town of Everts Town of Dora Tow11-of Rush Lake Dance licenses were granted as follows: Don H. »ondy Town of Leaf Lake Stanley J. Butkus Franklin Olson 'Eugene Pischke Leona E, Swanson H, A. Weickert G, II, Froseth Carlyle Reiter H, A. Weickert Town of Everts Town of Inman Town of Leaf Mt. Town of Dora TCJ1 n of Perham T°" n of Otter Tail Town of Girard Town of Perham · ! _'I COMMISSIONERS RECORD O; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ Mar.ch .. 9 ....................................... 1960. .. . RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Dauglas County, by the Douglas Ccunty Board of Co11111issioners, and Otter Tail Ccunty, By the Otter Tail County Board of CommiBBioners, are planning th! letting of a grading Contract on Councy-State Aid Highw~ No. l in Douglas Count;v and County State Aid Hipa,y No. 64 in Otter Tail County on the North Dauglas Count;v line, and WHEREAS, It seems to be to the best interests of both Counties to consolidate these Contracts into one· workable Contract NOW, THmEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By theDouglas Councy-Board ,that County State Aid Highway No, l which is more particular described as S, p; 2i-601-0J, S64JO(ll) and by the Otter Tail Count7 Board that County State Aid Highway No, 64 which is more particular]Jr deicribed as S,A,P, 56-664-0l be graded as specified in the specifications herein, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,, That the cost of the gra. •ding of the aforesaid proJects shall be borne by Douglas Cc,unty according to the approved plans from Engineer's Station o/oo to Engire er 's Station 227/68.8 · anl the cost of gmding from Engineer's Station 227/68,8 to Engineer's Station 254/,Jo,9 shall be borne by Otter Tail County, ·and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the construction Engineering is to be performed by the Dcuglas Ccunty Engineering Depart- ment and that the costs of Engineering will be pro-rated according to the length of both proJects,' and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Contract shall be let at Alexandria, Minnesota, at a later date at which time both County Boards shall be preient at the date of the letting of said Contract and that"the maJority of each County Board must recommend the approval or disapproval of the award of the Contract to the Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota, and BE IT FURTRIR RESOLVED, That the original plans shall be approved and signed by both the Douglas County Engineer am the Otter Tail County Engine~r prior to said plans being effective or legally binding upon their respective Counties, and BE :IT F!JBTBlilll RESOLVED, That the partial estimates for payment shall be signed by the Douglas County Engineer and that the final estinate for p81111ent shall be signed by the County Engineers of both Counties, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the right of wa,y of the road-way to be constructed, which lies within the georgaphic limits of Dauglas County, be obtained by Douglas County and the right of w~ of the roadway to be constructed, whicli lies within the geographic limits of Otter Tail County, be obtained by Otter Tail County, and each County shall pay for its respective costs in obtaining the right of way, and · BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the maintenance coats of maintaini!!i: that portion along the County line will be done by Douglas County.at a rental rate per hour that is agreeable to both Counties, Dated at Alexandria, Minnesota, this 2nd day of March, 1960. .l!ttest: R, I, PllNNAR R. I, Pennar County Audi tor Clerk of the Board CERTIFICA~ION BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DOUGLAS COUNTY, MINNESOTA By CARL C, NELSON Carl C. Nelson, Chairman· I, R, I. Pennar, Ccunty Auditor in and for the County of Douglas, do hereby certify that the above is·a·true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County, Minnesota, •in special session assembled on the 2nd da,y of March, 1960, and so recorded on Page 294 in Book 10 of the Official Proceedings of the County Beard of said County, Given under my hand and seal this 2nd da,y of March, 1960. (SEAL) Dated at Fergu.a Falls, Minnesota, this 9th day of March; 1960. Attest: s. B, JQHNSOI S, B, Johnson Clerk of the Board CERTIFICATION R, I. PENNAR R. I. Pennar, County Auditor Douglas County, Minnesota BOARD OF COUNTY CCJ4MISSIONERS OO'TER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA By SAM' NYCKLEMOII Chairman, I, s. B, Johnson, Couney Auditor in and for the Ccunty of Otter Tai~ do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, MiMesota, in special session asaembled on the 9th da,y of March• 1960, and so recorded on Page 478: iii :Booli: 0 of the Official Proceedings of the County Board of said County, Given under my hand and seal this 9th day of March, 1960. s. B.-JOHNSON County Auditor 0tter Tail County, Minnesota (SEAL) COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... .Ma.'-.ch.9 ................ -.......................... 19 . .6Q.. 11:cU■1n,■1■riHca■••■,,ST.CLaVa ••••· c.ama BE IT BESOLVED by .the County Board (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the duly established and designated County State Aid Highway No. 75 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota which begins at a point approximately at the Southeast corner of Section J-TlJ2N-RJ6W; thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From eaid point of beginning Northerly along the Fast line of Section J to approximately the Fast quarter corner of Section J; thence Fasterly and Northerly through Section 2-TJ.32N-RJ6W, Northeasterly thraigh Section 2 to approximately the Southeast corner of the SW,k of the SE;¼-of Section J5-T1JJN-RJ6W, allll. contim1ing Northerly along or near. the Fast sixteenth line through Sections JS and 26 to approximately thffNotitheast corner of the NW½ cf the SJk of Section 26; thence Westerly along or near the East and West quarter line to approximtely the interior quarter corner of Section 26, continuing Northerly along or near the North and South quarter line through Sections 26 aml. 2J to approximately the North quarter corner of Section 2J-TlJJN-RJ6W, and there terminating. :Beginning again at a point apprmimately at the Southeast corner of Section 14-TlJJN-RJ6W; thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning continuing Northerly along the East line of Sections 14, 11 and 2-TlJJN-l06W, and continuing Northerly along or near the Fast lines of Sections 35, 26, 2J; 14, 11 and 2-TlJ4N-RJ6W, and continuing Norther.ly along or near the East line of Sections J5, 26, 23, 14, 11 and 2-TlJSN-RJ6W, and continuing Northerly along or near the East line of Sections JS, 26, 2J, 14, 11 and 2-T1J6N-RJ6W to approximately the Northeast corner of Section 2-TlJ6N-RJ6W, and there terminating, Beginning again at a point approximately at the Southeast cor111r of Section J5-TlJ7N-I06W; the nee along the established centerline of the public road described aa follows: From said point of beginning Northerly along or near the East line of Sections JS, 26, 2J, 14, 11 and 2 tlo a point on the Otter Tail-Becker County line, at approxinately the Northeast corner of Section 2; thence contin- uing Westerly along or near said County line on the North line of Section 2 to approximately the Northwest Corner c£ Section 2-TlJ7N-RJ6W, am there te:nninating, theEast half of said county line portion to be assigned to Otter Tail County anl identified. as Otter Tail County State Aid Highwa.v No. 75, and whose general course between Sections land 2-TlJ4N-RJ6W, ia as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Section 2-T1J4N-RJ6W, thence North o•oo• North along the North and South Section llne for l,J4o.8 feet and there terminating. That it is necessary for the safety of the public travel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be ao altered and changed. That an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so altering said Count7 State Aid Highway No. 75 in said sections aforesaid; That. the general course of. saifounty State Aid Highwiq No. 75 is not materially altered there),y; That the said Fasement so to be procured is for public highway and road purposes, that the same shall be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter described; That it is necessary for the,construetion and maintenance of said road am for the safety af public travel that additional :d. ght of way be procured to enable the construction of proper slopes and that an easement be procured to construct certain slopes and to maintain the same after the construction as provided in the:blans and specifications on file in the office af the County Highway Engineer at the Courthouse in the City of Fergus FafJB, Minnem ta, the specific places where said slopes are to be constructed, being particularly hereinafter described, that such easement for BUch comtruction c£ slopes cease on or before Decemiler Jl, 1960. That it ia nsceasary for the construction and maintemnce of said road and for the safety of public travel that an easement for the erection of temporary anowfences be procured, that the same be upon thefands hereinafter described to be taken for public highway purposes, am upon thefams adjoining the same1 . • That the lands ao to be taken for public highwa.v and road purposes and subjected to easement as aforesaid, are situated in the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail alli described as follllfB, to-wit: PARCEL NO. l A strip of lam extending over and acroBB the following described tmct: The si,k of the sE4-of Section 2-TlJ4N-RJ6W, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of fifty (50) feet on the West side af the following described centerline: beginning at the Southeast corner of Section 2-TlJ4N-RJ6W, thence North o•oo• North along the North and South Section line for 1,J4o.8 feet and there terminating. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highwq. Containing 0.50 acre, more or leas. That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be !\ad and prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire said ease- ment across additional lands aforesaid for public road and highwq purposes; to acquire said easement and additional right of wq for construction and slopes, as aforesaid1 and to acquire said easement for erection of snow fences,. and let the same forthwith duly be begun and prosecuted, Dated this 9th day of March, 1960. Attest: =.S:..• ..::B::.•-· ::,;JO::.:HN=S~ON.,__ _____ _., County Auditor Upon motion, the Beard then adjourned to 9:JO A.M. Y.arch 10th. By the Board of Cou.nty Commissioners of OTTER.TAIL COUNl'Y _,....::S::A'"'M,._...NY.:.;C::KLEM==OJil~----•• Chairman. Pursuant to adjourl!IDent, the Bcard met at 9:JO A.M. March 10, 1960, all members present. · The petition of Clyde Jensen asking that the W½ of Lot 1, all of Lots 2, J and 4 and thl sJ;¼-NW¼ ard the sw;t NE,k of Section 19-132-41 be set off from Piatrict No. 1388 to D/■trict No. 14JJ was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the variou.a interested parties, tte Bard. issued the following order, to-wit: COMMISSIONERS RECORD· 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... Jfar.ch ..... 10 ...................................... 1960 .. . Whereas, The petition of C~e Jensen a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, ]388 in this County, repreaeriting that he ia the owner of the lends hereinafter daacribed, which are situate in eaid School District, and adjoin School District No, 1433 anl. asking that ha.with his said lands ma,y be set off from said district No, ]388 to said adjoining school district No, 1433 was preaanted to the Bea rd of County Commisaionera ot this County at a aeaaion ~ said beard held on the 10th day of February A,D,, 1960 tor the actioh of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing ahculd ba had on said petition, at a aeaaion at said board on the 10th day ot March A,D,, 1960 at the County Auditor'• office in the city of Fergus Falla in said County; am whereas it was fu.rther ordered in and by said order that not.ice of the time and place ot such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten dqs before the tlma appointed for such hearing; and lib.areas at the said session of the said Board ot County Commissioners on said 10th d!Q' of March.A,D,, 1960 due proof of the posting and service cf aai~rder ot hearing aa the rein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly reed an'1 considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the p~er of the petitioner, and said Baud being of opinion that said.petition should ba granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the sa:ld petitioner and the follcwing described lands owned bJ', him, to-wit Lota 2 & 3, Section 19, Township JJ2, Range 41 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, ]J88 to said adjoining School District No, 14JJ and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissio.hera Dated the 10th dlQ' of March A,D,, 1960 (Auditor'• Seal) SAM NYCKLDCOE Chairman of the Bea rd of County CommiBBioners of Otter Tail County, Mihneaota. Attest: S, B, JOHNSOH County Auditor, am ex-officio Cle:dc of Board, A ,resolut1 on for the diasolution of Common School District No, 146?,was read and, upon motion, it was o niered that a hearing be held on said resolution at 10 o'clock A. M, April 14, 1960, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be -given as required by law. , A resolution for the dissolution of Common School District No. 1406 was read, arxl. upon motion, it was ordered that a hearing be held on said resolution at 10 o'clock A, M, April 14, 1960, and that clutJhotice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law, A resolution for the dissolution of Common School District No, 1402 was read and, upon motion, it was ordered that a hearing be held on said resolution at 10 o'clock A, M, April 14, 1960, and that due notice of the time anl place of said hearing be given as required by law, A resolution for the diasolution of Common School District No. l!J65 waa read and, upon motion, it was ordered that a hearing be held on said resolution at 10 o'clock A,M. April 14, 1960, and tlBt due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law, The reaignation of Albert V. Hartl as County Givil Defense Director waa accepted, Upon motion, Vernon Sprague was appointed County Civil Defense Director. A tentative agreement waa reached by the Willi:in am.Otter Tail County lloards regarding a road to be built on the bourd.ary line, the official agreement to be submitted at a later date, Upon motion, the brewery property was reappraised by the Board for tte coming forfeited sale at the sum of $16,000,00. The application of Harold H. Drews asking that special assessment amrunting to $41,65 be stricken from Lot 12, lllock 3, McLane~ Addition to the City of Fergu.sFalls, was recommended to the Commissioner ,of Taxation on the ground that this assessment was erroueously certified to the County Auditor. The following applications for homestead classification were approved: DeVaughn Anderson, Lot 5 and the NF¢ SE& of Section JO and Lot 2 SW¼ NW½ and ~ NW½, Section 29-JJ5-4J • Duane Lee, JJi of Section 14-lJ?-42. . Annie May Walch, Sub Lots l, 2, J, 4, 5 and ? of Govt. Let 5, Section 24-133-40, Norman E. Schulke, W. 6? feet ot part east of vacated highway lot. Lots 10, 11 and 12, lllock 4?, Lakeview Addition to Parkers Prairie,Village. Frank Lequil, Lot 6 of Leafside and Lot ? of Ba.lcer 1s Addition to Leafside, Township of Leaf lake. Arthur Merle Erlandson, NW½ and Wt W½ NJi:k, of Section JJ-:01-43! Clifford H, Hoff, SW½ of Section 2-131-43, · Ingeborg Hammer, North 160. feet of West 60 feet of Lot J and another part .of Lot 3, Section 14-134-43. B, W. Kiefer, Sub Lot 11111 of Ga,, t. Lot 2, Section 2-136-39, Esther Heggen, Lot J, lllock J, Original Plat,. Elizabeth Village, Minnie Funlt lloyd, NW½ and part NW½ SW½ northeast of river, Section 6-135-JS. The application of Peter J, Weller for reduction of assesament on personal property in the Township of Girard was recommended to theCommissioner of Taxation on tm ground that the trailer house included in this assessment was used on the highways and mot or vehicle license purchased, The application of George Melby for cancellation of personal property aBBessment in the !'c,w;nship of .St. Olaf on steam threshing engine was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation on the ground that said engine was assessed in Dalton Village. • · The application of Kenneth llratvold for cancellation of assessment on steam threshing engines in the Township of St. Olaf was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation on the ground that said engines were aleo assessed in Daltcn Village. The application of Ingeborg Harmner for household exemption on personal property in Elizabeth Township was read. Upon motion, it was-recommended to :the Commisaioner of Taxation that the application bt;grented. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA TE ..... _. ......................... March .. J.O ................................. 19.60 .. . The application of Leo Sue~ for reduction of aBBessment on boats in the Township of EffilV!'ton was read., Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissi. oner of Taxation that a reduction of $200.00 true am full value be granted. The application of R!ff mond T, Eiter for cancellation of personal property assessment on trailer house in tha Township of Everts, was read. Upon motion, it was recommerded to the CoDDDissioner of Taxation that said application be granted on the grounl that license has beeijpurchased for the year 1959, The application of Mrs~ Olaf Hanson for reduction of assessed valuation on personal property in the Village of Battle Lake was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation=that the application be granted on the ground tblt the valuation was excessive. The application of Fred Lunn for cancellation of personal property assessment in the Town of Dunn was read. Upon motion, it was recoDDDended to the Commissl. oner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that this is a dou~le assessment. The application of W, J, Perala for correction of assesament on personal property in the Tcwnship of Otto was read. Upon motion, it was recoDDDerded to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the grourd he did _not receive household exemption. The application of Wilbert Herzberg for reduction of asaeBBment on personal property in the Township r£ Leaf Lake was read. Upon motion, it was recommerded to theCommissioner of Taxation that tl:e application be granted on the ground of an excessive assessment on a 1949 combine. The application of Fred Darkow for correction of assessment on personal property in the Township of Pelican Was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the grOWld of an excessive assessment. The application of Dr, Donald E, Bentley for reduction of aBBeBBment on personal property in the 1llwnship of Gornan was read, Upun motion, it was recommended to the CoDDDissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the granm4 that speed boat and motor were not purchased until Ma.v 17, 1959, Tha application of Herman Wangerin for cancellation of assessment on house trailer in Parkers Prairie,was read. Upon motion, it was :recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the grouni that motor vehicle licens.e had been purchased during the year • . The application of John Sabbin, Jr, for reduction of assessment on persoral property in tl:e Township of Dead Lake, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commies!. oner of Taxation that the application be granted on the grounl. of ah excessive valuation on a trailer house • . The application of Mrs. Julia Scheer Zimmenmn for reduction of personal prcperty assessment on mobile home in the Village of Pelican Rapids, was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to th! Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that a motor vehicle license had bem .purchased during the yea:a. . The application of C, A, Seffina for reduction of assessment for the year 1959 on the Southeasterly 25 feet.of part lying northeast of State Road of Lot 11, Otter 'l'ail•River Park, was read, Upon motion, it was recommended. to the•Commissioner of Taxation that the applicatbn be granted on the ground that the b<at house was removed before May l, 1959 rut was not taken off the tax roll • . The application of P.A. Koennicke for reduction of assessment on Lot 6, Block 7, Paine's Addition to the Village of Perham, was read, Upon motion, it was reco111111en:l.ed to th! Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground tblt buildings were torn down in ·March, 1959, but were not removed from the 1959 assessment • . The application of Clarence Mielke for reduction of assessment on Lot 6; ilook 3, Origiml Plat of Richville Village was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner at Taxation • . The application of Clarence Mielke for settlanent and abatement of delinquent taxes, pemltiea, interest and coats on Lot 6, Block 3, Original Plat of the Village of Richville, for the years 1957-58 was read, Upon moticn,it was recommended to the Commissioner o~ Taxation that he be permitted to settle these taxes on the payment of $60.00 • . The application of Theo, Noeske for reduction of assessed value on the NW¢ of Section 19-132-37 was read. Upon motion, the application was reJected upon recommemation of the Town loard. The application of Vivian South for reduction of assessment on the Wt NW! of Section 17-133-36 for the year 1959 was read. Upon motion, the application was reJected upon recommendation of the County Assessor. : The application of William Hottakainen for homestead classification on the Wt SE½ r£ Section 16-136-36 was read. Upon motion, the application was reJected upon recommendation of the Town loard. • • . A delegation from the City of Fergus Falls appeared before the ioarcl regarding county partici:pation-in paving Vernon Ave, .between Court Street and Union Avenue, and Union Avenue from Vernon Avenue to Alcott Aveme which is part of the-County Highway system. After diacuBBion, it was agreed to participate.providing that no paving be done until after July 1, 1960. Resolved by the l!<a·rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Coun1;y, Minmsota: That the sale of tax-forfeited lands appraised by this ioard be held in the of:fice oi the County Auditor in the Court House in Fergus Falla in said County on Wednesday, the 20th d~ of Apri.l, 1960 commencing at lO•o'clock A,M. Resolved further, that tracts may be sold wder the folla.llling con:l.itions: Each and eveey tract sold•for $100,00 or leas· shall be paid for in :run at the t 1me of said sale. All tracts sold for more tl:Bn $100.00 11111¥ be paid for on the instlilment pla:i!. at the rate of at least 25 per cent of the purchase price, but in all cases the dlW upayment-must be at least $100.00, provided that in all cases where the appraisal by this Board shows a value of woCll on said tract the full amount of the appraisal plue of said wood, together with 25 per cent of the balance of the purchase price mu.st be:;pa1d at the time of sale, The balance of the purchase pric-,{nay be paid in ten annual installments at 4 per cent interest on. the• unpaid balance • . Title to land to be offered for sale ia not guaranteed, either by Otter Tail County or the State d -Minnesota, When payment in full of the purchase price J:aa been made the pUrchaser will receive from the State of Minnesota a quit-claim .COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................................... Mfl..r.i:b. .. lQ .......................... 19.60 .. . deed to the property, for which.the Auditor is required by law to collect and remit to the State a fee of $2.00, Adopted March 10, 1960. Attest: S, B. JOHN&ON Clem:. The following resolution was adopted: SAM NYCKLEMOJII Chairman. Resolved by the Bmrd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minia so1a: Thai, whereas, the Village of Parkers Prairie, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State r£ Minnesota, has presented to the Board of County Commiaaioners of Otter Tail Couney an application asking that except the Fast 49 feet and except the West 20 feet of the East 69 feet of the North 14 feet 9ndnches, all of Lot 11 and the West 80 feet of Lot 12, Block 23, located in Lakeview Addition to Parkers Prairie.which is unsold tax forfeited lani held in trust by the State of Minnesota, be conveyed to said Village fo~ousing fire fighting equipment. Now, Therefore, be it resolved that said application be approved and recoDDDencled to the Commissioner of Taxation for !IPProval and issuance of deed, Adopted March 10, 1960, Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clem:, ' The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Do Glen M• Melby Sidney Nelson Pat D, Mack Gust Lagerquist & Sona, Inc. Marchant Calculators Burroughs Addreaaograph-Multigraph Corp. Vernon E, Bachman Vernon E. Bachman Mrs.Marjorie Stenstrom Sam NycklBD Otto Haase Harvey Morrill Heney Sieling Bennie J, Johnson . Village of Parke11a Prairie State of Minn. Div. of Plant Ind, Kathryn Michaelson Marion R. Gill John L, Bixby Roger Gustafson N, W, Bell Tele, Co, Do Otter Tail Coop. Oils, Inc. Lustra corp, of America Olson Saw Shop Hartz Super Market Beall & McG1t1 an Allstate Sanitation & Main, Sup, Corp. Ecigetown Lumber Co, Hintgen-Karat Elec. Co, Johnson Service Co. Campbell Coal Co, J, S, Hopponen ~win Ala Merlih s. Rieman Oscar l!ergetrom St!!-nley A,.Ji,hua Mrs. Cliffol'll Nylma Security Blank.Boo~ & Prtg. Co. Do Miller7Davis Co, Poucher Prtg. & Li tho. Co, The Pierce Co, Schoolcraft Co, Victor Lundeen & Co. R. R. Yates Ini ianhead Spec. Co, Gafaneys, Inc, Ugeblad Publ. Co. Ferg11s Glass & Paint Co. Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. SAM NYCKLEMOJII Chairman. bearding prisoners expenses $ 1082.50 expenses expenses expmse of Probation Officer elevator main. main, service main, service dater plates expenses cash.advanced c~erical work in Co, Supt, office ei!penaes II II II II quarantine Sip ensea chemicals clerical work in W,O,T, Soil Cons. office services E, 0, T, Seil Cons, Dist. envelopes, postage, exp. expenses calls II oil supplies· sharpening saws salt II supplies n lamps repairing thermostat coal services, jail dep. sheriffs exp. dep, sheriffs fees guarding prisoner assist, sheriff trnaa, prisoner natcr ns fees· supplies attorney generals opinions supplies II II II II pens suppl• ribbons printing supplies 193,45 . 215.60 234.80 140.20 38,00 88.00 352,49 2,22 19.33 12,10 80,00 40,50 57,15 24,50 48.42 35,60 12.00 46,56 78,75 308,95 30.00 7,21 65.50 34,05 4,75 64.44 1.75 1,95 .75 3.50 7,92 1,38 9.00 1139,83 18.00 28,30 5,00 5,00 10.00 10.00 98~56 27,50 250,41 323.34 18,95 109,86 288,45 8.17 8,72 2,91 27, 7.3 4,29 COMMISSIONERS RECORD. 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. SKl■IIT .......... COIIHJH,H.CLOUD 1111111, Johnson Drugs Fergus Journal Co, The lndependent Battle Laka Review Perh$m Enterptise Bulletin Henning Advocate Vernon E, :Bachman Olga.Torvik Russell Brooberg Erickson Hdwe. Stan1.s Garage Olson Auto Electric Fede~al Ieboratories Stem•rwl & Emerson Karl .H, Clausen H, W, Glorvigen Kroneman Ins, Agency l!ark11 & Allison .Do Fra~ C. llarnea Esthsr G, Sell J,)o Philip M, Kjaglien Do Stra~b Co. Public Utilities Dept., F.F, N, W~ l!ell Tele. Co. Recoi::dak Corp. U, s. Pencil Co., Inc. Coopsra Office Supply Dr, ~erett c. Hanson Swan!a Rexall Drugs Stemarud-&nerBOD Korda Clinic Minnesota State Sanatorium City.of Fergus Falla Poor Dept. Township of Compton · Village of Parkers Prairie Village !If Perham Township of Dunn Otto.Haase Farmers & Merchants Agency Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Public Works Equipt. Co. Ruff,:idge-Johnaon E~uip t, Co. The ;eco Co. Wm, J!'., Ziegler Co., Inc. Minnssota Motcr Co. McCo,:mick Farm Equipt. Store Supe,: G.M.C. Truck Sales LarBQD Weldin,: Olson Auto Electric Eber~viller Implement Co,, Fergus Falls Stan~s Garage Lee Chevrolet Co. Per~m Coop. Oil Co. Thelen Implement J. s. & K. Repair Shop Berg-Fargo Motor SupplJ', Inc, Sigelman Hide & 1ur Co. Dnpire Supply Co. National Bushing & Parts Co, ErickBon-Hellekson-Vye Co., Erh. Fergus Lbr, & Fuel Co. Lykken Farm Supply Olson Hardware & Plbg. co,, Uncl. Cea st to Coast Store, Battle Lake Stalliard gil Co., Battle Lake Brown's Implement Coast to Coast Ster e, Pelican Rapids Vergas Hdwe. Co. Sherwin-Williams Co. L, N, Sickels Co. Paper, Calmenson & Co. Johnson Tire & Retread Co. Peavey Elevators, Dalton Raymond Mo tor Transp, , Inc, F<B sen Oil Co, South Mill Standard Fergus Oil Co., Inc. West Otter Tail Service Co, Jim's Service Station Service Oil Co,, Und, Nundahl OU Co, Bill's Service Station Henning Mobil Service DATE ........................... Ma.r.ch .. Ul.. .................................... 19.60. .. services in Reg. of Deeds office publishing publ, tax notifes publ, P,B. tax lists publ, tu notices publ, P•P• tax lists postage II II shells wreclmr service repairs keys for handcuffs prescription for prisoner repairs on priBontr s I clothing adv. coma. to license agents premium on Probate clerk bond workmen's compensation R&:ll workmen's compensation Rev mileage expenses supplies expemes postage and machine rental rent water, etc. service and calls supplies ball pencils repairs and supplies care of patient medication II dare of patient care of patients care of poor II II n II II II II II II II II II appraising tax forf, lalli insurance Tax. Forf. parts II I H n repairs supplies Bit. material. blades tires coal freight gasoline II a II II II II I " $. 7,00 207,00 5,04 I 792,27 8.40 4,80 40,00 28.00 45,52 . 10.39. 6.oo 2,21 ,9,18 1.25 .9,75 25,90 8,12 8295,52 663,10 16.00 43.68. .99 9J ,80. 5,00 50.00: .3,31 25,60. 15,92 12.31 u.oo 10.00 15.00 28.30 27,00 527,04 43,50 166.74 258.41 101.79 512.07 ·22.S4 323.86 167.20 177.15 ·141.43 53,59 18.89 57,lJ. 27.14 107.08 17.10 37,42 2,35. 22.68 5,25 4.95 6.oo 29,75 4J. 40 22,72 406.64 90J05 5,98 16.02 1,80 12.70 5.87 16.37 8.10 3.12 37,92 24~10 1100.00 343,39 67,14 43.75 8,75 80.22 71.40 46.95 155.91 SJ,95 159.40 58-72 5.09 111.49 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... Ma"Fch .. ;i,o ............................................. 1960 .. . Mayo 1a Standard Service Hallet1a Service ~•a Oil Co. Bluffton IDil Co~ Joe's Standard Service Farmers.Coop. Creamery Asen,, Deer Creek: Kraemer. Oil Co. Erhard Oil Co. Foaaen Oil Co. Arrow Petrolewn Thonas Oil 80, Minn, Dept, of Higm,~s Fergus Journal Co. Otter Tail Power Co, Eric J •. w. Johnson Minneapglis Blue Printing Co. Pierce Co, Poucher.Printing & Lithogrsphizg Co, Davenport's Stationery Miller-Davis Co, Victor Lundeen& Co. Midwest.Tels, Co, N, W, Bell Tele, Co,, Henni:ig Pelican-Tele, Co, N, W,. Bell Tele,· Co,, Fergus Falls Vergas Tele, Co. N, W, Ball Tele. Co,, Fergus Fallll Wendell ;p. Huber G. D.Harlow George Olson Alice Malstrom Wendell .P, Hu.ber Woodside Township Fred SP.err.r Luverne.U. & Patricia Whitman Arthur Thack:era,v William.Leslie Lillis Andrew & Willinda Hogan Jeanette L. & Norman H, Baker Mra, Gladys Hagen Malcolm.Cameron Ernest B,1cr go Mrs. Luella Phelps Alfred Bjorgo Mrs. Hanrah Lofthus Mra, Helen P, Davis Ernest Veazie Orrili A,, Skigen Leo Waahek M, D, Keefe Edmund Arvidson Bernhardt Hulstrand Arthur·E. Anderson Jubbie Tuil G, A, Antonsen Jamee Sanvik Delmer Wilkll ~ Sn,yder Poucher.Printing & Lithographing Co, gasoli:m " II " a 11 . etc. II II fuel oil . II a ,:. diesel fuel tires, gaa, etc. supplies adv, for bids prints supplies n " II II II II service and tolls II II II II II II II II II expenses II II mileage II II n II II II cash advanced special township aid ri ht r£ Wf9' II II supplies M. April ]3th, 1960. Chairman. $ 81,88 63,12 SB.BS 149.07 139,47 358,97 393.85 98,00 .195,60 208.41 265,61 24.59 33. 75 2,52 29,7S 4,29 13,45 ??,68· 6.60 90. 00 211.49 15.40 12,95 11.75 39,3S 19.75 49,SS l??,51 61.35 · 16.05 8,26· 30,03 300.00 2.00 3,80 4.oo 1.00 26.IIO 36.3S 1.IIO 1.00 3,60 35,IIO 63,50 46,90 4S,9S 42.80 16.00 83,95 ]3.20 48,10 40,30 53.28 18.30 12.00 24~40 38.30 83,60 ??,68 ... COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ ..Ap.ril...]J ........................................ 1960. .. MINO'.rlilS or ADJOURNED MDl'ING or THIii BOARD or COUJITY COMMISSIOIIIERS or ~TD TAID CCJl1N'l'Y, MINN. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M.'April 13, 1960, all members being present. Upon motion, the County Auditor w•s instructed to advertise for bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A,M. ~ 10, 1960 for the following projects: GRADING & GRAVELING S.A.P. 56-671-02 (60) C.P. 60:71 (CSAH #71) Length 4,20 miles, located between the South County Line ani CSAH #46, 5.5 miles Fast of Parkers Prairie, comprising 122,099 cubic yards exca- vation and 3,424 tons Gravel Wearing Course in Place. GRAVELING c.:r. 60:oJ (CSAH #3) Length 6.625 Miles, :located between 1.5 miles Southeast of Pelican Rapids to 5.0 miles East of Erbard, comprising 9,000 tons of Gravel Wearing Course in ;P.lace. 110ff11 am 110n11 licenses f9r sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted as follows: Arnold Evenson Ro~srt & Jerey Schultz Gust Weiss Albert Januszewski Brian Shackelford Lloyd Beaulieu Ernie Pederson Mabel F. Crews Waiter Klein Carl & Ina Leaf Grant Jones Ge~. D, & Orab Pralil. Jo.eph Fink Mrs, Carrie Hend-ricla Rose Diedriech Fern Horvath John w. Rundle Carl Sundblad \ Western Tumuli Rush Lake Perhan Tl,p. Leaf Laka Rush Lake Star Lake Star Lake Rush Lake Pine Lake Pine Ieke·, CmrUaa Gorman l!utler Dead Lake Dora Scambler Elizabeth Twp. ~ce licenses were grant~d as follows: Carl Sundblad Noflll&ll Craig Elizabeth Twp. Girard Mrs, Gl&\J.yB Lehman Norman Craig Edw:!,n C. Preacher Arv:!,d Tenney Art.& Annie Zinter Jacl!: Hofland Thoipaa R. Schwientek Roac;:oa Smith Elv:!,n Arntson Jam~a Vejvoda Far:1-Coffman ~iil.qlar Roberta Geo. A. Obright Paul-B. Fisher Rocli:ley Wenzel Joe .Dougherty Walter C. Shol Edwin C. Preacher Arvid Tenney Carlisle Twp. Girard Otter Tail Twp. Elmo Elmo Corliaa l'ine Lake Dora Scambler Rush Lake Girard Butler Stiar lake Dear Lake Edna . -Dead!;:tl.ake Friberg Otter Tail Twp. Elmo The CoDDDiaaioner of Highways, having prev:i,,ou,Jy advertised for bids on behalf of the county for grading and gn1veling surface on County Highway No. 44 S,P. No. 56-64lt-01l'\(l) located between CSAR #35, 1,5 mi,. S. of Dent, and CSAH #14, l mi. W. of ~ichville, being approximately 5.3 miles in length, bids were opened by a representative ar the Highway Department and were found to be as follows: James l!arsnsaa, Glenwood Marvin E. Lund, Glenwocd Ed. Zimmerman, Barrett Strom Construction Co., Moorhead Rust & Dahlman, Clarissa $58,356.60 60,052.11 60,416.12 64,314.24 64,872.24 Dan Conroy & Sona, Dumont Sellin Bros., Hawley Kerns & Tabery, Sebeka John Dieseth, Fergus Falls $65,809.44 ?0~168.34 72,207.82 7.3 ,342.97 Upon motion by Commissioner Sieling, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, it was voted by said County Beard of Commissioners to recommend to the Commissioner of Highways that the bid of JB1111a E. Baransaa, Glenwood, Minn., in the amount of $58,356.60 be accepted, Ji. . The County Board, having previously advertised for bicl.a on· Project No. s. ,P. 56-645-03 C,P. 60:45 on CSAR No. 45, Phelps to Maine, bids were opened and founi to be as follC11a: Marvin E. Lund Ed. Zimmerman Jacobson Brothers Rust & Dahlman $19,194.83 20,0)6.40 20,339.43 21,057.55 Sellin Bros, Inc. John Dieaeth Co, Spaulding Construction Co, Upon motion, the contract was awarded to Marvin E. Lund of Glenwood for $19,184.83. $24,087.18 25,011.lB 25;855.80 Upon motion, the County Auditcr w~a instructed to with-draw from the tax forfeited sale Lot 1, Block 4, Blyberg1s Second Addition and the West 29 feet of North 20 feet of the S, and of~· of Lot 5, Holen•s Addition to Pelican Rapids due to an error in appraising. · A delegation from Star Lake, Dora, Edna an!. Dead Lake preeenUd a petition f~r)ncarporating a r<ad between these to,n- ships i·nto the county system. Upon motion, the petition was placed on file for future consideration. Upon motion, the wages of the ccunty highwa,,v patrol members were fixed at $1,25 per hour for the 1960 season. A delegation from the Township c£ Western requested improvement d County Road No. 15, r.unning South from CSAH No. 2. No action was taken.at this time • COMMISSIONERS RECORD O; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. .April. lJ .............................................. 19. 60 RESOLUTION BY THI BOUDl'.01' COONft COMMISSIONEBS OTTER TAIL,Cotmff, MINHISOO!A WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners on January 2, 1951 agreed by resolution to pq township aid according to the amounts levied by the townships, and which amounts are aa follows: · From 10 mills and up, but less than 15 mills From 15 mills and up, but less than 20 mills 20 mills nni up $100.00 200.00 300.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the amounts to be paid to the respective townships according to their road and bridge levies for 1959 shall be as follows: Townahi:e Total Milla Lev&ed Amount Tawnahi:e Tit al Milla Levied Amount Aastad 13.95 100.00 Hobart 25.00 300.00 Amor 15.00 200.00 Homestead 16.05 200,00 Aurdal 25.00 300.00 Inman 7.93 None Blowers 25.00 300.00 Leaf Lake 20.00 300.00 Bluffton 21.60 300.00 Leaf Mountain 25.00 300.00 :atae 1.65 None Lida 30.00 300.00 Butler 25.00 300.00 Maine 20.00 300.00 Candor 21.00 300.00 Maplewood 26.00 300.00 Carlisle 10.60 100.00 Newton 25.00 300.00 Clitherall 25.00 300.00 Nidaros 25.00 300.00 Compton None None Norwegian Grove 15.00 200.00 Corliaa 20.00 .300.00 Oak Valley 20.76 300.00 Dane Prairie 20.00 JJ o.oo Orwell 14.80 100.00 Dead Lake 20.00 JJ o.oo Oscar 15.00 200.00 Deer C1·eek 15.00 200.00 Otter Tail 10.00 100.00 Dom 25.00 J()0.00 Otto 25.00 300.00 Dunn 25.00 300.00 Paddock 30.00 300.00 Fagle Lake 25.00 300.00 Parkers Prairie 24.oo 300.00 Eastern 20.00 300.00 Pelican 19.51 200.00 FAl.na 20.00 300.00 Perham 17.50 200.00 Effington 20.00 300.00 Pine Lake 25.00 ·300.00 Elizabeth 20.00 300.00 Rush Lake 15.00 200.00 Elmo 21.90 300.00 Saint Olaf 29.00 300.00 Erhard.a Grove 25.00 300.00 Scambler 25.00 300.00 Everts 20.00 300.00 Stai' Lake 25.00 300.00 Fergus Falls 18.58 200.00 Sverdrup 25.00 ·300.00 Folden 28.00 300.00 Tordenskjold 20.00 300.00 Friberg 25.00 300.00 Tcrondhjem 20.00 300.00 Girard 15.00 200.00 Tumuli 10.00 100.00 Gorman 20.00 300.00 Western ?.86 Nona Henning 2).81 .300.00 Woodside 25.00 Joo.oo $15,400.00 Adopted this 13th day of April, 1960. -=SAM ___ ..:;NY.:.,:a;CKLEM==OE:,_ __________ Chairman. Attest: _s~·~B~.'--='J_OH~NSaa=O~N;._ _ _,Auditor RESOLUTION WHJIREAS, Douglas County and Otter Tail County are awarding a project•on the county line between said counties, WHEREAS, Said project in Douglas Cr:unty is a Federal Aid Secondary project and in Otter Tail County is a State Aid project, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the wage rates, as established by Douglas County, shall aJiso govern on the portion of the contract in Otter Tail County. Adopted this 13th day of April, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON SAM NY-CKLEMml Chairman. RESOLUTION REVOKING CCXJNTY · STATE AID HIGHWAY NO, 45 WHEREAS, .Due to the reconstruction of a portion of County State Aid Highway No. 45, it becomes necessary that it bs revoked! ani redeaignated, NOW, THEREFORE, m: IT RESOLVED, That the following pr~tion of County State Aid Highway No. 45., as on file in the llffica of the County Auditor, which is as follows: From the North Quarter corner of Section 35, Township 1)4, Range 41; thence Northerly along or near the North and South Quarter line of Section 26 to the approximate interior quarter co£ner of Section 26; thence Westerly along or near the East and Wast quarter lines to approximately the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter d Section 26; thence Northerly along or near the West one-sixteenth line through Section 26 to approximately the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, and there terminating: be i·evoked as such and the Commissioner of Highways be, and is hereby, requested to approve such revocation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this portion of Councy-State Aid Highway No. 45 be located, as follows: Beginning at or near the North Quarter corner of Section 35, Township 134, Range 41; thence Northwesterly through the West one-balf of Section 26, Township 134, Range 41 to a point at or near the ?fortheast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quart COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ A:c.ri..l. .. lJ .................................... 19.60 .. 11ca■IITPllllll11•co■H.11r,sr.cLOUD ■1■11. C.ft of said Section 26, and the.re terminating. Adopted this l)th da,y of April, 1960. ;SAM NYCKLE-IOE Attest: S. B. JOHNSON, Chairman. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of CountyCommissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That, whereas, a netition signed by Janet L. Qlasby, formerly Janet L. Schmidt, owner of Lot 5 of Pahan's Addition to the City of Fergus F~lls. at the time for forfeiture, requesting ap:;:,rwal d her petition for the repurchase of this tract; Now, Therefore, .after due consideration, said petition is hereby granted upon condition that she pay up all delinquent taxes, penalties, interests and costs, and that said repurchase will result in relieving undue hardship, and be for the best public interest. Adopted April ]J, 1960. Attest: S, B. JOHNSQN Clerk. SAM NYCKLDIOE Chairmn. Upon motion, the llo,ard then adjourned ,to 10 o'clock A.M. April 14, 1960. THURSDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M.April 14, 1960, all members being present. The resolution asking for dissolution of Common School District No, 146? was taken up for fina,l action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties, the Bea rd issued the following interlucutoey order to-wit: STA'l'E OF. MINllESOTA) -· )as COUNTY or OT'l'ER TAIL) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOL'IP,l'ION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1467 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County. Minnesota, at Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 14th day o.f April, 1960 at 10 o'clock A.M. pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law am the order of said Beard; and the B<ard having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: First-That said proceedings were instituted by: (a) A resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted on the 10th day of March, 1960: : Second--That less than 90 days have ,elapsed since the date of Bai d hearing and the Bea rd being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabi:tants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1467 be dissolved and that the territory embmced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as fo,llows, to-wit: The entire district be attached tq Independent School District No. 542 Battle Lake. (3) IT IS roRTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 146?, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent School District Numbe:~ 542, On July l, 1960, all monies, funds, credits, property, bqth real and persooa,l, including taxes collected for the year 1959 and prior, and all obligations of ~aid. Common School District No. 146? shall become the ,obliptions of Independent School District. No. 542. (5) The proposed effective date of this om.er .is herebY. fixed as .the 1st ftay of ~uly, 1960. . . . Dated this 14th day .of April, .1960, . S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor. SAM NYCKLEMOE Chail'man Board of County CommissionE!l" s Th·e resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District No. 1406 was taken up for final action. Aftl!r listening to the statements of the various interested parties, the Beard issued the following interlocutory order to-wit: STAT:&: OJ'. .IIIKHESOTA) )sa COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1406 .: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, ·OTTER ·rAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... Apz:~l ... li. .............. : ............................ 19 ..... 60 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board r£ Otter Tail County, Minnesd.a, at Court House in the City of Fergus Falls,in said County, on the 14th day of April,1960, at 10 o'clock A,M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and. against, finds as follows: First-That said proceedings were instituted by: (a) A resolution of the Beard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted on ·the 10th day of March, 1960: Second--That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing'and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at sa:l.d hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said terri- to:17 io have said school district dissolved; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1406 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized ~erritory as follows, to-wit: The entire district be attached to Independent School District No. 542 :Battle Lake. (J) IT ·1s FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1406, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independ~nt School District Number S42. On July 1, 1960, all monies,-funds, credits, property, both real and personal, including taxes collected for the year 1959 and prior, and all obligations of said Common School District No. 1406 shall become the obligations of Independent School District No. 542. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the let. de,y of July, 1960. Dated. this 14th day of April, 1960 Attest: S. B, JOHNSON County-Audi tor. SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman Bea rd of County Commissioners The resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District No. 1402 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parites, the Board issued the following interlucutory order to-wit: STATE fJ1 MINNBSOTA) )BS COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL) Ill THE MATTlilR OF THE DISSOLU'l'IOI' OF COMMON SCHOOL DiSTRICT 110. 14o2 The above entitled matter came on du'ly. to be heard by the County :Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at Court House in the City of FergusFalls in s~id,County, on the 14th d~ of April, 1960, at 10 o'clock A.M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Beard; allll. the Board having heard all persons interested in said matter, both for and against,-·fiDds as follows: . First-That. said·_-procee\1-ings were instituted by: (a) A res~lution of the Ba rd of County Commi'BBioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted on the 10th day · of March,. 1960: · Second-That leBB than 90 dEVB have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, fram · the facts adduced at said: hearing. that it is expedient and will be to the best interest o.f the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district d•iasolved1 ' . NOW THEREFORE IT ~S ORDEREDy That said Common School District No. 1402 be dissolved and ttat the territory embraced therein be attached to other exisfing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: All of the following tracts.be attached to Dist. No. 1461; NW½ NW½ & Lot 2 ex. tracts, Sec. 5; Pt. Lot 2; Beginning at SE corner NWly on lake 500 ft., N 250 ft. E to E line, ,, S to beginning, Section 5-lJJ-40; Pt~ Lot 2: Beginning 1750 ft. W. & s. on shore from ' ) SE corner .tf. to Point E. c£ W. line, South to lake, Nly to beginning; A tract 250 feet wide beginning 500 ft. W. of E. line Lot 2 & extending along shore ot W. line Lot 2; Lots J & 4, North 9½ ac. of Lot 6 & NW 5.9 ac. of Govt. Lot. 5 ex. tract; Pt. Lot 5: Tract in rear of Lota 1 &\2, Maple Beach on Deer Lake; Beg. 600 1 s. J4° E. of meander cor. #75. Lot 5, N. 85°, E.-~21 ft., S. 5• E. 687t ft. to river, W. alol'jg river to liike, along lake to beg. be\ng Pt·. Lot 5 ex, t:i;act; h"Wly 120 ft. of Sly. 687.5 ft. of Wly. J04.5 ft. of Lot 5: Govt. Lot 6 ex. N. 9½ ac. &·Lot Sex. NW 5.90 ac. & ex. tr. The above tracts being all of the W½ of Sec. 5-lJJ-4o; Lot 1, Section 6; Lot 1, Section 8-l)J-40: All of Maple Beach on Deer Lake. All of t~e following tracts be attached to ~ndepelldent School District No. 542: , The lil1-of Sec. 5: all of Sec. 4-7-8-9-16-17-18, Twp. lJJ, Rge. 40; and the ~ of Sec~ 12, Ni-NW!, ~ SW¢, Sec, 12; and the NJk NW½ of Sec. lJ-lJJ-41. (J) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1402, be distributed as follows, to-witt On July 1, 1960 all monies, tunds, credits, property, both real and personal, including taxes collected for tlB year 1959 and prior, and all obligations of said Common School Dist. No. 1402 shall be apportioned on the proportion that the taxable value for taxation purposes in the terri~ory ~t~ached to any one district bears to the taxable valuation of all the COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ····························AP.r-il. .. l4 ................................ 19.60 .. 11cG111nP■IUIHCO■Pl■I n.cLiUo,■11111, ~ territory involved in the diseolution of Common School District No. 1402: To Common School District No. 1461 To Independent School Dist. No. 542 ~5) The proposed effectfve date of this order is hereby fixed as the let. day of July, 1960. Dated this 14th d&IY of April, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman B<ard of County Commissiorers The resolution asking for the.dissolution of Common School District No. 1465 was taken up for final action. Af~er listening to the statements d the various interested parties, the resolution was rejected. A resolution asking for the di~9olution of Common School District No. 1482 w~s read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said resolution at 10 o'clock A.M. June 15, 1960, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be &lven as required by law. A. petition asking for tie dissolution of Common School Dist1·ict No. 1534 was read. Upon motion, it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A.M. June 15, 1960, and Ua t due notice of the time and place of said head. ng begiven as required by law. The. JI! ti tion of Donald G. Sundblad asking that the SW¼ Nlf¼, Section 2, and the NE;t im.¼,, Section 3-134-4J be set cf f from School Dist1·ict No. 11194 to School District No. 1386 was read. Upon motion, it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A.M. June 15, 1960, and that due notice of the time and plac,e pf said hearing be given as required by law. A petition signed by the officers of the Northland Development Co. asking that several· small tracts in Section JO and Jl Township lJJ, Range 42, be setdf from District No. 1424 to School District No. 544 was read• Upon motion, it was ordered tha a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A.M, June 15, 1960, and that.due notice of the time and place of said hear,1-ng be given as required by law. The petition of Lawrence Severson asking that the SW¼ NE& and the~ SW¼ of Section 21-133-39 be set off from School District No·. 1465 to School District No, 14?9 was read. Upon motion, it was ordered that a hearl ng be held on B&id, petition at 10 o'clock A.M.June 15, 1960, and that due notice of the time andplace cf saidhearing be given as required by la,r. Vemon E. Bachman, Superintendent of Schools filed notice of the appointment of Geraldine Tjostelson as office secretary. Upon motion, the appointment was approved. The following resolution was adopted; Resolved by the Board of Councy CollDDi&sioners of Otter Tail County, Minneso'a: That, wlE reall, a pet it ion signed by Edwin Berg and Alma Berg. ownera of Except the North 125 feet all of Sub l.ot ? and tho la.at 19½ feet of Sub Lot 8 of the NW¼ SE;¼-, Section 35, Township lJJ, Range 4J, Unplatted Lands, at tre time of forfeiture, requesting approval of their petition for the repurchase of this tract: Now, Therefore, after due consideration, said petition is hereby granted upon condition that they pay up all delinquent taxes, penalties, interests ani cos ts, anl that said repurchase will result in relieving undue hardship, and be for the best public interest. Adopted April 14, 1960. -Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk RESOLUTION OF SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman. OTTER TAIL COUNTY COMMISSIONEBS WHEREAS, Otter Tail County by the Otter Tail Councy Board of Commiasioners, and Wilkin County by the Wilkin County Boa of Commissioners desire to establish and grade a ccunty line road kna.,n and. described as CSAH No. 11 by Otter Tail County, Minnesota, and as CSAH No, 21 by Wilkin County, Minnesota, and lying on a line between said counties, now therefore IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Wilkin County Board of Commissioners that Otter Tail County Highway CSAH Nol 11, Wilkin ·County Highway CSAH No. 21. which· is more particularly described in the specifications of the Otter Tail County Engineer as Project S.A.P, 56-611-02, and by the engin~er of Wilkin County as S,A.P. 84-621-0~, hereby be established anl. gmded as specified in the Specifications herein~ 2, That prelimir.ary e·ngineering costs shall be shared Fifty per cent (5~): by the County of Otter Tail and Fifty per cent (50%) by the County of Wilkin between T.H. No. 52 and T,H. No. 108. J, That the construction engineering iB to be performed by the empleyeea of the Wilkin County Highway Department and the ccns:iruction engineering costs and the cnnstruction costs between T,H. No. 52 and T.H. No, 108 are to be shared on a 50~50 basis, the.County of Otter Tail paying fifty per cent (50%) thereof anl. the County of Wilkin paying fifty per cent (50%) thereo 4, That the cons tract shall be let at Breckenridge, Minre sota at a later da~e and both County Boards shall be present for the letting of said contract and the majority of each County Board must vote approval of said contract prior to acceptance thereof. 5, That the partial estimates shall be signed by the Wilkin County Engineer and the final estimates shall.be signed by both the Otter Tail County Engineer and the Wilkin County Engineer. ., COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ··-···················AP?:il .. l.4 ...................... ~-············19 ... 60. 6. The original plans shall be approved and signed by both the Otter Tail County and the Wilkin County Engineers prior to said plans being effective or legally binding upon their respective counties. ?. The right of wrq of the roadway aforesaid which lies within the geographic limits of Otter Tail County shall be obtained by Otter Tail County, and. the right of way of the above deacribed.roadwrq which lies within the geographic limits of Wilkin County aha].l be obtained by Wilkin County. Each county shall ~eY for its respective coats in obtaining said right of way. 8. The maintenance costs on the county line roadway thereafter, except seal coat projects or other major repairs, shal be assumed by each county on the following basis: A. Otter Tail County shall repair and maintain the portion of sai~ roadwa_y from CSAH No. 28, Otter Tail County, to T.H. No. 108. B. Wilkin County shall repair and maintain the portion of said roadwa_y from T.H. No. 52 to CSA.H No. 28 in Otter Tail County. Dated this 14th day of April, 1960. SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman. S. B. JOHNSON County Audi tcr The application of Leonard X. Saewert for homestead classification on .97 acre tract in Section 31-13?-38 was read. Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to change the. tax list accordingly. The application of Martha H. Schmidt for homestead classification on Lot 1 and the Ni of.Lot 2, Keplinger1s Addition to the Village d Deercreek was read. Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor was inatructed. to change the tax list accordingly. The application of Roy C; Mattson for reduction of assessment on the East 21 rods of the South '7½ bods of Lot 12, Wm. V. Smith's Addll.tion to New York Mil~. was read. Upon motion, the application.was granted on the ground that a building had been removed from this property two years ago. The application of Mra.Maud Hoyt for reduction of assessment on Lot 1, Block 2, Soule1s Second Addition to Deer Creek was read. Upon motion, the application waa granted on the ground that the improvement had been assessed twice on this r. property. The application of Robert Dinkmeier for cancellation of personal property assesament in the Township of.Dunn was read. Upon motion, the application was granted on the ground that the wrong party was asaessed. The application of Jalmer Knuttila for cancellation of assessment in the Town of Corliss was read. Upon motion, the application waa granted on the ground that he had mov-ed all personal property from thia cottage in the fall of 1958. The application of Alfred Dertinger for reduction of assessed valuation on personal property in the Township d Perham was read. Upon motion, the application waa granted on the ground that a tractor was asaeaaed that was purchaaed after MS¥ 1, 1959. The apPlication of Lyle V. Huwe for cancellaticn of asseaament in the Village of Richville was read. Upon motion, the application was granted on the grcund that the house trailer which was aaseased later in the year purchased Minnesota vehicle department license. The application of Jack W. Strong for reduction of aaseaaed valuation on personal property in the Village of Parkers Prairie was read. Upon motion, the application was granted on the ground tla t the bill board wl).ich constituted this assess- ment was aaaesaed a great deli.:l. higher than similar property in the county. The application of Elwi11 Drechael for homestead classification on the W½ NW;}, NE;} MW¼ and NW¢ NE;} of Section 26-134--43 was read. Upon motion, the application waa rejected on the ground tla t the ownerahip did not begin until May 12, 1959. The :&.se Township Board appeared before the Board regarding a used cattle pass for a township road. No action waa taken. A delegation from Aurdal Tawnahip regarding the ataightening of County Road No. 18 discussed the 11Btter with the BQl.rd. After due consideration by the Beard the following resolution waa passed: RESOWTION REVOKING COUNl'Y STATE AID HIGHWAY NO. 18 WHEREAS, Due to the reconstruction of a portion of County State Aid Highway No. 18, it becomes necessary that it be revoked end redilsignated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the following portion of County State Aid Highway No. 18, as on file in the office of the County Auditor, which is as follows: From the approximate Northeast comer of said Secti~n 2il., Township 133 North; Range 42W; thence Northeasterly rand Easte 1Y and Southeaaterly through Section 15, to the approximate Southeast corner of aaid Section 15, Tow~ship 133North, lu!-nge 42W, and there terminating. be revoked as auch and the Commissioner of Highwa_ys be, and is hereby, requested to approve such revocation BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this portion of County State Aid Highway No. 18 be located, as follows: beginning.at or r..ear the Northeast corner of Section 21, Tot.nship l'.31 North, Range 42 Weat, thence extending Easterly along or near ~he North line of Section 22 to e point on or near the Northeaat corner of Section 22, Township 133 North, Range 42 Weat,and there terminating. Adopted this 14th of April, 1960. ATTEST: S.B. JOHNSON Clerk. SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman. .... COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ Ap.r.iL.l!!-.................................... 19.6!! .. . SIC ■llrP■ ■11■1iCO•HJ111 IT.CLO■O, ■1■11. The following bills were alla,r ed: Russell Brooberg Do Sidney Nelson Olen M.Melby John Hoff James Stewart Harold Sagerhorn Pat D. Mack Marchant Calculators Div. :airroughs Corp. Do Do Crane-J ohnaon Crow Wing Communications Atkinson-Robertson ~'Wo Way Radio Ser. Vernon E. Bachman Do Mrs.Geo. Roaaow Mrs.Marjorie Stenstrom BeMie J. Johnson Sam Nyck:lemoe Otto .Haase Henry 'Sieling Dr. C. J. Lund Kathryn L. Michaelson Theo. HegsAth Arnold Evavold w. H. Dewey Theo. Thompson Melvin Troavik Roy Fletcher Arnold Rosen Afton C. Smith Jeff H. Tikkanen John Meyer Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Public Relations Committee, Minnesota State Bar Assn. John L. Bixby Roger Gustafson N, W. Bell Tele. Co, Do Beall & McGowan Co. Duro-Test Corp. Larson Welding Holten Hdwe. Hintgen-Karst Elec. Co. John Frantz Edgetwon Lumber Co. Campbell Ccal Co. Merlin s. Rieman John N. Neela Kenneth Flath Edwin Ala Geo. Dickhaut State of Minnesota, Dept. of Administration Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Do Twins Motor Co. Henry W. Luther Poucher Prtg.& Litho. Co. Schoolcraft Co. Lakes Office Equipt. Co. Houghton-Mifflin Co. Victor Lundeen ar~ Co. Norman L. Johnson Miller-Davis Compaey Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Midwest Prtg. Co. Ugeblad Publishing Co. N.· W. Publ. Co. The Independent Battle Lake Review N, W. Publ. Co. Perham Enterprise Bulletin Fergus Jcurnal Co. Henning Advocate Evelace G. Hanson H, W. Glo!Vigen Park Region Medical Center Dre. Severn and Smestad Police and Sheriffs Assn. Police Supply Co. Goodwin Joas Laboratories Appliance Service Center boarding prisoners sheriffs expenses deputy Bher:i. ffa expenses II II II fees and expenses expenses II II maintenance machine supplies maintenance cabinet installing mobile Units radio services cash adv. expenses II clerical wor~ in Co. Supt. office expenaaa II II II coroners fees clerical work in w.o.T. Col;. Cons. services., w.o.T. Soil Cons. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II services, E.O.T. Soil Cons. II II II II II II II II II II II II printing of court calendars JOO Jury Handbooks expenses am.supplies expenses calla If- sweeping compound supplies we•lding supplies repairs sharpening mowers materials coal deputy sheriffs fees Dist. II II II II Dist. II II II II II II II and expers es assist. dep. sheriff expenses, deputy sheriff constable fees laws book assessment supplies supplies machinery supplements supplies II carbon paper supplies II index repairs and envelopes supplies clerk of district court, envelopes envelopes and prtg. supplies ~ax notices tax notices tax notices publ. delinquent tex lists publ. financial statement publ. pu·bl. financial statements postage office postage Jail calla dental care directory supplies tests services and repairs Dist. $ 1100.50 97.50 289.60 2)0.70 176.80 2)5.71 250.26 200.83 4?.00 4]J.10 16.71 44.oo 14?.7; 259.85 181.,50 15.90 11.)6 1H.?5 100.00 15.60 19.:,0 14.50 .17.oJ 18.50 92.,0 14.85 J0.00 16.20 21.75 26.40 15.75 12.J6 24.75 21.45 12.00 108.80 10.00 64.0J 44.J5 81.'.35 JJ. 80 ll.42 92.22 4.50 46.16 1.85 7.00 55.16 606.21 5.00 J2.80 5.00 50.20 12.00 45.00 98.29 2720.4'.3 5.50 Jo.oo 125.99 115.10 . 7.80 14J.69 766.44 2)1.00 264.60 118.00 JOJ.10 :,00.50 5.60 5.88 .5.88 991.50 14:37.50 tax.forf. l'.37.00 reve1111e 207. 75 14'.37,50 8J.oo 61.00 26.00 12.00 5.35 J.46 Jo.co 10.50 ..: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. l!u.relback Pm t f.61 H. W. Glorvigen State Treasurer Esther G. Sell Do Eleanor M. Dy~dal Do Do Do Do M~s. Melvin Lien Mrs. Elmer Peterson Mrs. Nor-bert Hertel Mrs. John Rundle Mrs. J. A. Anderson Mrs. Philip Arfatrom Mrs. Donald llarber Mrs lltrrtle Lindstrom East Otter Tail Tela. Co. Bra.ca Publishing Co. Philip M. KJaglien Do Straub Co. N. 11. Bell Tela. Co. Public Utilities Department Victor Lundeen and co. Artz Camera Supply Co. Recordak Corp. Henning Advocate Perham Enterprise :Bulletin Nelson Bros. Printing Co~ Secretarial Service Minnesota State Sanatorium Korda Clinic Steblay Drug Store Stemsrud and Emerson Drug Co. Township of Perham Swan's Rexall Drugs Township of Leaf lake Public Works Equipt. Co. P•per-Calmenaon & Co. Ruffr.idge-Johnaon Equipt. Co. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Super G.M. C. Truck Sales Larson Welding Skogmo Mot er a, Inc. Minnesota Motor Co. Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. McCormick Fann Equip. Store Olson Auto Electric Harvey l!u.llocl:: Matz & Greiff Home & Fann Store Walt's Repair Shop Toftely Plbg. and Heating O,.K. Tire Store Stan I a Garage ReBon Chevrolet Co. Hoyt Hdwe. Vaughn Chevrolet Co. Dick's Standard Service Adolph Wickstrom C •. H. Bjorklund Body Shop Minnesota Mining and Mfg. Co. Berg Fargo Motor Supply Empire Supply Co. Sigelman Hide and Fur Co. Holten Hdwe. Ev:erta Lumber Co. Snap on Tool Co.,Henry Lundberg 0 '.Meara Is Department Store Gamble Store, Henning P.K.M. & Company Elk River Concrete Products Co. Firestone Store, Fergus Falla Fergus Glass and Paint Co. Daltm Lumber Co. Peavey Elevatore Wilde Bros. Raymond Motor Tranap. , Inc. City of Fergus Falla Village of Henning Village of Parkers Prairie Village of Battle Lake Fossen Oil Company Hoot Lake Pure Oil Log Cabin D.S. DATE ....................... .Ap.r.il...l# ......................................... 19 .. .6.0. deco rating graves adv. commissions paid drl lie. agta. for month of March, 1960 P.E.R.A. Crunty Contribution postage expenses 11 March 11 Feb. postage and boa rent March postage Feb. supplies nursing service II II II II II II II service an calla Feb, and March dental cards machine rental expenses rent,. service and calla water, etc. supplies II II subscription subscription renewal supplies and printing services care of patients care of patient ,nedic:ation for T.B. patients medication for T.B. patient care of poor medicatibn for T.B. patient care of poor parts II II II repairs supplies cu verta tire paint coal n gravel freight maintenance rent en!. elec. service sewer and water charge maintenance gasoline II II 25.00 30.00 6161.70 9.08 45.72 48.55 52.66 11.10 9.00 1.a5 8.40 15,40 9.24 10,36 14.oo 12.60 12.60 3,36 20.30 3,99 3,00 111.44 50.00 14.]5 3,28 130,43 . 9,92 l'.37.64 2.50 . 4.50 23.50 4.70 336,96 27,00 30.40 28.30 223,52 4.50 264.13 29.77 64.48 5a:25 237,06 61.11 26.10 90.77 4.50 52.14 15.77 28.17 98.25 4.50 7,20 45.07 20.10 5.50 ]J,49 27.40 l,J. 02 16.35 6.30 11.20 67,14 24.90 111.00 157,95 74,57 27,57 230.32 19.31 . 1.60 35.65 37.89 35.24 ·65.·oo 12~02 93.77 39,30 216.20 3,00 561.25 232,09 6.50 630,15 45.18 24.79 58-21 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE April 14 60 ... ················································································19 ....... . H.CU■lltHIIHINCCO■P.IH II.CLOUD ■IN. Riverside Shell Service Oil Compaey, lattle Lake West Otter Tail Service Co.,Underwood Consumers Coop. Oil Co. Highway Co. Station Le.ngd on Is 210 Texaco Erv's East Side Service Nundah 1 Oil Company Mayo Standard Service Bengtson Oil Company S. & F. Oil Company Soliah & Braatz Oil·Co. Arrow Petroleum Penrose Oil Company· Standard Oil Company. N. Y. M. D. A. Lubricant Co. Olson Oil Compaey Ted Olson Oil Ccmpaey H. K. Stahl Company The Oil Store Fergus Journal Co. Construction Bulletin Minnesota Department of Highways Otter Tail Power Co. Minneapolis Blue Prtg. Co. Burroughs Corp. Monroe Calculating Mche. Co., Inc. Miller-Dav.is Co. The Pierce Co. H. A. Rq;ers Company Victor Lundeen aid Co. N, W. Bell Tele. Co. East Otter Tail Tele. ·Co. Pelican Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co., Fergus Falls Midwest Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele.Co., Fergus Falls Wendell P. Huber George Olson Wendell P. Huber Leonard R. Thompson Chas. F. Martin Chas. F. Martin, Pres. Martin Engineering Co. Cha::-les M. Hall Ruth E. Hanson Elmer M. Hoistad Mrs. Edna Isaacson · Lawrence M. Senn Arthur Skogen Edward Tietgens Chester Kaldahl John A. Johnson E. E. Kaiser Arvid L.Johnson Bert Thompson Wm. C. Wagner Alfred S, Johnson, Clerk School Disti-ict #1"375 Melvin Bartleson John V. SWanson Henry Tietgens Leonardo. Johnsoh Albert DeWitt Edwin Sundstrom & John Sundstran Don L. Richardson Gust A~. Strand Emil Gitz Joseph A. Walvatne Albert Skcgen Albert Skcgen and Federal Land Bank of St. Paul Leslie Nycklemoe Elvin Arvidson Andrew C. Hanson Irvin Woodworth & Philip Peterson I. G. Triska John Hawkinson State Treasurer gasoline n II II gasoline II II II II II II etc. grease diesel fuel II II II 11 II II fuel oil II II oil fuel oil adv. ·for bids adv. ·for bids services prints repairs mche. maint. supplies II II II II service and tolls II II II U II II II II II expeIJSes II II II n cash advanced right d way 11 II 11 right of way right of way right of way right cf way right of way right of way right of way right of way right of way right of way right of way right of way right of way right of way right of way right of way right of way right of way right af way right of way right of •way right of way right of way right of way right of way right of way right of way right of way right of way l'ight of way right of way right of way right of way II II " P.E.R.A. County Contribution Upon motion, the Board then 9:'1-Journed to 10 o'clock A.M.May 10, 1960. 69.96 69.49 54.60 125.80 BO.OJ 79.60 153.77 222.42 20.95 1.J0 J14.J6 7.00 564.43 67.?l 85.25 45.6.5 101 • .50 60.00 37.24 210 . .57 JO.DO 41.10 4.8.5 29-94 146.hS lJB.81 24.J0 9.JJ 6.73 90.75 4.89 14.60 21.45 9.30 17.10 12.45 JS.65 189.24 18.50 54.80 2.28 J.10 J.60 Jl.40 1.00 54.90 J6.oo .54.4.5 64.85 1.00 JS.JO 2.00 1.00 JJ • .50 14.20 2.5.40 1.80 2.00 275.10 10.20 .500.•00 J.60 135.70 J.JJ 271.15 37.00 l:8.·00 JJ6.90 163.10 07.20 351.00 382.J0 292.60 .56.90 36.50 12-167.55 ~ ~~ Sam'Nycklemoe, \ \ \ COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 1rn1 _______ , DATE ............................. MaY. ... lo ........................................ 19.6.0. .. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MElln'ING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Pursuant to adjournment the ~rd met at 10 o'clock A. M, May 10, 1960, all members being present. . The Board having previously aci.vertised for bids on two projects, proceeded to open bids which were fauid to be as :(ollows: Project No, S,A.P. 56-6?1-02 (60) grading on CSAH No, ?l between South county line and junction of CSAH No, 46: Glen Feda Rust & Dahlman Spaulding Construction Co. $29,584.J? Jl,925,44 29,85J,58 Marvin Lund Clifford Strom John Dieseth Co, Upon motion, the contract was awarded to Glen Feda for $29,584.J?. $29,955,75 Jl,9?5,J5 J?,261.06 . Bids for gravel wearing course on C.P, 60-0JG on CSAH No. J, 2.5 miles Southeast of PelicanRapids to 5 miles Easi: of Erhard: Megerdon Bros. Mark Sand & Gravel Co. $7,020.00 7,560.tjo W. T, Thorson John Dieseth Co. Upon motion, the contract was awarded to Megordon Bros. for $7,020,oo. $8,460.00 8,820.00 Licenses for 110ff11 and 110n11 sale of non\ntoxic~ting malt liquors we,re granted as follows: Charles Malmstrom Mrs.Mamie Shaak;}, Conrad W. Bruce Cloyd E, Thompson Roland Leedahl Duane Rayl A, A, Nelson Hai Reintsma Loren E, Centers Franklin Larson Joseph R. Neudeck: Kenneth Van Tassel Blaine Brincefield Dorothy Soward Clarence Keohler Henry E, Halvorson Ervin Keskinen Madsen's Store Resort Cozy Cove Resort Camp Napanee Seclusion Point Res. North Shore Resort G1·and View Heights Play-Mor Beach Minneha Resort Pine Lake Resort Neudeck1 s Resort Greenwood Resort Jungle Shores Wall Lake Resort Resort Hank's Haven Oak Point Park E;erts 'fyp. Rush Lake Twp. Dead Lake Twp, Girard Twp, Edna Twp; Dead Lake fyp •. Pine Lake Twp. Corliss Twp. Girard Twp. Pine Lake Twp. Perham Twp. Otter Tail Twp. Corliss Twp. Aurdal Twp. Pine Lake Twp. Girard Twp. Otto Twp, The application of Robert L, Carrison and Martha I. Carrison for "Off" and 110n11 sale of non-intoxication malt liq~ore was considered. Upon motion, this application was granted with Commissioner Morrill voting 11No11• Plats of Harris Beach, located in Lots 1, 2 and J, Section 15-136-40; Silver Sher ·es, located in Lot 6, Section 28-lJJ-40, and Haggstrom1s Beach Addn,, located in Lots 8 and 9, Section 12-134-41, having previously been approved by the ~ounty Board, but due to errors in form and size, it was ordered that the above plats be re-approved as they now comply wit~ the 1959 statute. Upon 1notion; an additional $200.00 clerk hire was granted to the Probation Officer. Upon motion, the Coun~uditor was instructed to advertise fer bids to be received until 11 o'clock A. M, Ju.ne 14, 1960'. for the following projects: S,A.:P. 56-631-01 (60) S,A.:P. 56-635-01 (60) GRADING C,P, 60:Jl (CSAH #31) Length 1.439 miles located between a point 8,0 miles to 9,4 miles Northeast of Pelican Rapids, comprising 80,386 cubic yards Class "A" Excavation, and 21,555 cubic yard.a Borrow Excavation -Claes 11A11• ~ Bridge #56505 (CSAH #35) 2 -25 ft, and l -31 ft. precast concrete channel spans, 32' 611 roadway, located over Otter Tail River ?,O miles !forth of Underwood. ( Plans $2.50). Upon motl. on, it was agreed that the county would pay for one weed notice in the r£ ficial paper, . Upon motion, Commissioner Morn 11 and Highway Engineer Huber were appointed to represent Otter Tail County at the .letting of a contract by the City of Fergus Falls for the paving of parts of Union and Vernon Avenues, : Upon motion, the appointment of Audrey Anderson as County Health Nurse for West Otter Tail County, at a salary of $~10,00 per month, beginning August 1st,, was approye~ •.. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commis.sion.ers of Ot.te·r Tail County, Minnesota: That, whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with McCormick: Farm Equipment Store of Fergus Falls for one Model B-110 Internatio~l half-ton pick up with trade in, and Whereas, truck: las been received and accepted by the Board, b..l COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...........•......• ..l:!?.f. .. JQ ................................................. 19. 60 .. HC ■I Pll■I ■HH,11.CLOUD,■la■• c;..ZDS Ntt1 • The re fore• be it resolved that t~ chair.man of the :Board ar:d · ti'e County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check on the Road and :Bridge Fund in the sum of $1275.00 to the McCormick Farm Equipment Store. Adopted ~.ay 10, 1960. Attest: S. :B. J0HNSBN Cleric. The following resolution was adopted: SAM lffCICLEMOE Chairman. Resolved by the :Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the County Treasurer has certain checks issued on the Excess Account and dated from Jan. ]3, 1943 through Sept. 14, 19.58, that have not been presented for payment, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that these checks, a copy of which in on file with the County Auditor, be and they hereby are cancelled, and the amount of these cancelled checks, amounting to $269,51, be credited to the General Revenue Fund of the ca:.nty. Adopted May 10, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clei,k. RESOLUTION REVOKING COUh"TY STATE AID HIGHWAY NO. 69 SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman. WHEREAS, The Town :Board of Eastern Township has passed a resolution requesting a c~ge in the location of CSAli #69, which resolution is signed by all the members of the Town Board and the Clerk, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the designation of CSAH #69, as on file in the office·of the County Auditor be revoked as such and the Commissioner of Highways be and is hereby, requested tQ approve such revocation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, fhat Count~tate Aid Highway No. 69 begin at a point on or near the Southeast corner of Section 32, Township 131 North, Range 36 West, theDCe Northerly along·or near the Fast line of Sections 32, 29 and 20 to a point on or near the East Quarter corner of Section 20-T]31N-R)6W, and there terminating. Adopted this 10th day of Ma,y, 1960. Attest: S. :S. JOHNSON Clerk Upon motion, the :Board adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. ~ 11th. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION. S.I\M HYCKLEMOE Chairman Pursuant to adjournment, the :Board met at 10 o'clock: A.M. May 11th. all members present. The following applications for homestead classification were approved: George o. Miller h°E!-~l Section 19-134-41 for the years 1958 and 1959. Rolland Hanstad Frl. SW~ Section 18-131-42 L. G. Chesborough All of Sub Lots E,E. & G East of Road, Section 34-lJJ-40 Austin A. Fisher N 60 1 of Sub Lot l! of Lot l except W 530 1 Section J4-1J3-4o Mrs. Olaf Hanson Lots 9 and 10, :Block 2, Lakeview Addn. to l!attleLake. William Eckhoff SE;¼-Section 27-lJJ-37 Russel. l Stave SE;} s:&,l-Section J6-1J4-J7 John H. and Hilma Ottoson All of Lot lJ W of creek and N of sloU&h, Sec. l; Onehalf Interest in Lot 10 Sec. 2, and S:&,l-NE!-of Sec. 11, all in Township 1,37, Range 42 The application of Geo. A. Thorpe for reduction of assessed valuation on perso nal property ill the Township of Parkers Prairie was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground ttat the t1-ailer house had been licensed by the Motor Vehicle Department. The application of _Julia lrangas for ca-rection of assessment on persoD&l property, Township d Otto, was reed. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the applimtion be granted pn,tpe_ground that she did not receive household exemption to which she was entitled. The application of the Artco Sign Co. for cancellation of assessment for personal property in the Township o"f Compton was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground t~t this sign was assessed in both lllufftm and Compton Townships. The application of Frank Tichy for correction of personal properey assessment in the Village of Deer Creek, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the 8P plication be granted on the ground that thiriquipment had been disposed of in 1958 and should not have been listed in 1959. The application of Robert and Myrtle Gabriel for correction of assessment was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the that they were assessed both in the City of Fergus Falls andPerhan Vill~e• on household goods.in Perham Village application be granted on the ground. COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. May 11 60 DATE .............................................................. , .................... 19 ....... . sgcuen, •1n11111 co■ ... nr, IT. cLauo, 111pH. 9:19! The application of Dr, R, D, Sto17 for cancellation of assessment on personal property in the Township of Dunn was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commie sioner ar Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that he had no household goods, owning a vacant lot, The application of Henry Moore for reduction of real estate assessment on the SJ:½ NE!-and NE¢-SE¢-ar Sectlion 10, and the W,\-SW¢ and Lot 5, Section 11-1311-41 waa read, Upon motion, it was recanmended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on tlB ground that the buildings that were assessed were of little or no value. The applicaticn of Fremont Frazee for reduction of assessment on Lota 4), 44, .i..5 and 46, Bainbow Lodge, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the applicatl.on be granted on the ground that the lots were swampy an¢iot worth as mum ae adjoining lots. The application of. Roy M, Sanborn for reduction of. real estate taxes on part of Lot 4, Section 9-137-42, ,27 acre, was read. Upon motion, it was recormnended to tl:B Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that the cottage on this lot had been assessed in 1958 and also added for 1959, oaking a duplicate aaaeaament. The application of Martha Schmidt for reduct:I. on of. real estate aaaeaament on Lot 1 Nf of Lot 2, and Lot a .11 and 12, Keplinger1a Addn. to DeerCreek, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground tlat the building was in very poor shape and valued too high. The application of Lyle Randall for reduction of aasessrnent on combim assessed in .Folden Township was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the grai.nd that the combine was sold for junk. The application cf David L. Lewis for reduction af personal property tax in the Township ar Dunn was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected on recommendation d: the county assessor. The application of Gordon i, Kersten for reduction of assessment on persoral property in the Village of l!attle Lake was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected upon recommendation of the Village »OIUNl. The application of C,,,rl A, Dursch for reduction of assessment on Lot J, Section JJ-13)-40, was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected upon recommendation of the Town »card. The application of Heruan Rosen for reduction of assessment on Lot 7, Section 28-135-40 was read. Upon motion, the appllc ation was rejected upon the recommend.at ion of the Town »card and the county assessor. Upon motion, the regulations anl. personnel policies as adopted by the County Nursing »card governing county nurses, was approved with two changes. Upon motion, theCounty Attorney was authorized to contact Fremont Frazee regarding the obtaining of a quit cl.aim deed totot 4, »lock 14, Original Plat, Village of Elizabeth. RESOLUTION REQUESTIID »RIDGE OVER INTERSTATE ROUTE NO. 94 WHERE AS, County State Aid Highway No, 21 serves not only a great many people locnlly, but could be considered a connectin~ink with Trunk Highway No; )2 am North at the junction with Trunk Highway No. )4, Northwesterly of Pelican Rapids, and . WHlilRJIAS, The Hedemarken Church, located in Section 27 of Osca~ownship, has thirteen families, fifty people in all liviz,g :Easterly of sa:ld interstate route No, 94, and WHEREAS, The Carlisle Elevator has thirty-e'-8ht patrons living Easterly of the proposed interstate route No, 94, a WHEREAS, If no bridge is constructed on CSAH ,f/,21, it wil cause a great deal more travelling to the church members and the patrais of Carlisle Village in their daily activities, Nc,,,f, THEREFORE, l!E IT RESOLVED, That the Mimesota Highway Department and the »ureau of Pu.blic Roads are hereby respectfully requested to have a bridge constructed over the Interstate Route No, 94, where it crosses CSAH #21. Adopted this 11th day of May, 1960. ATTEST: S, ». JOHNSON Cle:dl: MINNIBSOTA DEPARTMENT.OF HIGHWAYS FlllDERAL AID SECONDARY J'OBM NO. III (.9) SAM NYCKLEHOE Chairman, Otter Tail County »a it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 500, Article II, Section )6, Minresota Laws 1959, the Commissioner of Highwiqs be appointed as•the agent of the Counties of OTTER TAIL AND l!ECDR to let as their agent a contract for the construction of that portion of County State-Aid Highway No, 20 described as foll• s: From C,S,A.H. 9, 9.5 Miles Northeast of Pelic111 Rapids to T,I. 59 and the chairman and the: auditor of each County are hereby authorized ar:r:l. directed for and. on behalf of each County to execute anl. enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highwiqs prescribing the terms and conditions of audl agency in the form as set forth and contained in 11Minneaota Department of H~·ghways Agency Contract Form No, IVl311 , a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 11th day of May, 1960, S, ». JOHNSON Clerk, SAH NYCKLEMOE Chairman of the »card l COMMISSIONERS RECORD Q, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 11CUIIT1P1i■rliiito■PA11i,it.cLiU.,■1-■• c:-aa 'l'he following bills were allowed: Ruaaell Brooberg Do Sidney Nelson Glen Melby John Hott James Stewart Harold SagerhCll'n Pat D. Maclc Gaffaney1s AddreBBograph-1-!u.lt igraph Corp. Vernon E, Bachman Mrs. Geo, Rossow Mrs. Marjorie Stenstrom Bennie J, Johnson Otto Haase Sam Nycklemce Henry Sieling Frank'Roberta Katheyn L, Michaelson Duane Land berg John L, Bixby RQ!'. er Gustafson N,·W, Bell Tele, Co. Do Holten Hardware Stein Paint & Chemical So: Mill Standard United Chemical Co, Campbell Coal Co. Hintgen-Xarst Costello Mfg, Co •. Merlin S, Rieman Gaylord Mahon F.dwin Ala Gaffaney,1s Remington Ram Miller-Davis Co. Poucher Prtg, & Litho. Co. Schoolcraft Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co, R,·R. Yates Farnham 1s Johnson Dru.gs Cooper's Office Supply Nelson Bros. prtg. Co. Battle Lake Review The Independent Fergus Journal Co. Olga Torvik Vernon E, Bachma n Evelace G.Hanson Fleet Distributing Suppiy Erickson Hardware Goodwin Joss Laboratories General SUpply Co. Sargent-Sowell, Inc. Marwyn Co. H, · W. G lorvigeh Youth Service, Inc. Esther G. Sell Do Do Philip M. Kjaglien Do Pu~lic Utilities Department R, · A • Henning Straub Co, Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. N.·W, Bell Tele. Co. Secretarial Service Victor Lundeen & Co. Barke & Allison Viilage of New Yor~ Mil• Stemsl'Ud. and Emerson Stebl~ Dru.gs Korda Clinic Dr·. Ev~rett C,Haneon Minnesota State Sanatoriuta Park Yachine, Inc. Fergu.sPlumbing & Heating Co. Rayniolld Motor Trans., Inc. Fossen Oil Co. L,· R. Lindall Dead Lake twp. Minnesd; a Mining and Mfg. Co. Imperial Supply Co. H, A, Rogers Co. D~E ~11 ~ ... ················································································19 ..... . boarding prisoners expenses II II Deputy Sheriff fees and expenses expenses II II maintenance zinc plates expenses II clerk, County Supt. office expenses II II II expenses and saly. of weed inspector clerical work in W, O.T. Cons, office services W,O.T. Cons, Dist. expenses II calla II supplies sealer gasoline supplies· coal labor and supplies sealer Dep. sheriffs fees II 11 11 II II supplies and service II II II II II ball point pens supplies 11 am screen rental II II p,ibl. school dissolution notices n II II II publishing postage II II spot light shells tests range billie ff adv. coms. to license agents subscription postage expellBeB supplies expenses adding machim rental water etc. t7Pewri ter repab·s rent printing service and calls supplies II Ins. premiuai care cf po<r medication II care of patient 11UH Hospital blanks and care of patient care of patient parts repairs freight fuel oil gravel maintenance supplies II prints $1,222.50 67.40 280.90 248.10 n2.oo 706.71 606.14 118.20 .57.50 50.00 . 7.3 .94 25.:,2 . 76.00 10.90 19.24 12.85 25.9~ 148.2) 87.50 60.75 50.88 37.08 65.10 .JJ.10 .12.28 51.80 . 1.50 33,45 607.12 47,]3 J4.49 5.00 5.00 26.40 14.60 60).20 51.84 49,42 121.68 280,26 19.)6 .22.71 40.00 13 .oo 264.68 n.55 J.8.00 6.00 2:,2.10 J6.00 57,48 80.00 6.0J 9.20 10.00 250.00 6.55 2.35 26.35 5.59 . 8.00 95,70 3;,29 108.08 3,00 J.21 2,50 50.00 122.70 1).20 6.50 60.29 . 10.00 1759.57 28.JO 7.3. 00 21.00 9.00 259.20 53.76 1;3.75 5.75 189.60 201.74 537.00 285.00 J0,18 95.85 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . .. DATE .............................. Ma;y: .. J.l ....................................... 19 .. 60 .. Otter Tail Power Co. Fergue Journal Co. Marchant Calculators Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Co. Victcr I.undeen Ii: Co. Miller-Davis Co. N, W, Bell Tele. Co., F.F, Midwest Tele. Co. N, W, Bell Tele. Co,, F,F, Pelican Tele, Co. N, W, Bell Tele. Co., Henning Wendell P, Huber G, D. Harla, George Olson H, F. Wiese Otto F. Harthun William R. Dq Otter Tail County Welfare Board Claudius Bruhn Lloyd Paulson Louis Happ . Mrs, Anna Sapp Mrs. :Eel.1th Kuhlemeyer Stanley O, T'norpe Nellie Ebersviller F, J, Maneval Cbas, C, Foulk Detro-it Lakes School Dist. 1121 Mrs. Adeline McKenzie Peter A. Ebersvi1ler Adolph Glawe Edward Glawe Clyde Glawe Reuben Bahls Warren E, Wallace Alvin Rosent1·eter Harry Sauer Howard L, Westei:haig Vernon Torgusson Evlynd Haugen Markus Wallnofer Obert A, Holden Mrs. Edith Kvern ·A. E, Bergrud Au1•d!1,l Twp. Donald W. Oscarson Mrs. Margaret Boen Edward M. Ladding Mrs, Lillian Boen Melvin Wolden Pel mer 0, Wick Lauritz C, Peterson Selvin Klaksvik CUffo?d Sund.by Oscar Aas Leo Fretlarid Mrs.Nettie Sem Ca1·l J. Larsen Kenneth L, Aune Victor Torgerson Orville R. Berg Rindal Lutheran Church Mrs. Anne Nemzek Paul J. Hanson Cliff<r d H. Schutt Ella E, Metcal;[ Mrs. Ruth Henning Latimer Ernest M. Erickson Raymond H, Ackerman Ii: Horace Whitman Henry J, Johnson Charles M. Grobe H. G. Evenson Bernie Skoglund John I. Bondy J, C, Henkes · Kenneth Hovland Minnesota Motor Co. Larson Welding Super G,M.C, truck Sales Olson Auto Electric Worner Rambler Perham Co-op. Oil Co, Wm. Sauer Vaughn Chevrolet Co, Charles Malmstroms, Sr. Lykken Parm Supply prints adv, for bids maintenance supplies II service service and II II II II II II II II expem es II II right of way II II II II II II II II II II fl fl II II II II II repair II I fl fl II II II II ti fl II fl fl fl fl tollll II II II II $ 5,76 13.50 47,00 ll,35 8.25 6.50 37.80 8,35 Jl.20 5.90 ·14.85 172,35 15.65 17,55 i.oo 2.00 5.60 6.oo 224,30 27,80 47,30 48.oo 23.00 208.00 33.80 167.00 33,80 11.00 156,30 29:85 82,40 265.05 ll,95 14.80 23,95 11.70 29,50 14.60 27,85 56,50 53,60 16.60 17,80 35.00 2.40 45,00 81,90 37,40 72.10 :n.oo 44.90 73,25 32,75 11.20 45,85 25.20 41,90 38,00 61.90 27,40 15.60 . l,00 3,40 1.00 25.00 7,60 3,00 6,40 90.20 46,90 17,10 3,20 115.00 28.50 25.70 25,85 55,35 15,25 18,90 57,'1!2 9~18 3,.50 2,85 17,86 4,30 n.66 ... COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IRU■ln P■i•11H c-■••11r. sr. CLauD, ■1-■. ea. Jess Olds Bauck Chevrolet Co. Matz & Greiff Stan Is Garage National Bushing and Parts Co. Sigelman Hide anq Fur Co. Holten Hard.ware Lampert Lumber Co., Par. Pra. Coast to Coast Store, Pelicm Rapids Wilcox Lumber Co., Henning Coast to Coast Store,Perham Village of Battle Lake Peavey Eleva tor Everts Lumber Co., B,L. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Public Works Equipment Co.,Inc. Geo. T. Ryan Co. Wm,ij,Ziegler Co. Pheoll Mfg. Co. of Minn Fossen Oil Co. South Mill Standard Hoot Lake Pure Oil Gemlo Oil Co. Fergus on Co. Consumer's Coop. Oil Co., Henning Hallet1s Service Farmers Coop. Cry. Assn. D.C. Do Jim 1s Service Station Arneson 1s 116611 Service Service Oil Co. B.L. Vergas OU Co. Baas Oil Co. Bluffton Oil Co. D. A. Lubricant Co. Standard Oil Co., N.Y.M. &!ontla1i 9il Se., H.¥,11, Penrose Oil Co. Arrow Petroleum Minn, Good Roads. Inc. E. Otter Tail Tele. Co. Wendell P. Huber DATE ....................... M,v ... J.l .............................................. 19 .. 6G• repairs II II II supplies II 11. ·1 H II II II water charge coal II parts II II .. : a supplies gasoline II II II II ,i .u ... . ' etc. diesel fuel II II " II II dues " II II service and tolls cash advanced Upon motion, the Baa rd then adjourned to 10 o1cloclc A,M. June 14, 1960. Attest: Clerk, 4.oo 1.110 8.:,s 64.69 JJ • .51 19.12 J.JJ J.'80 4.os 17.JS 2.18 5.00 28.25 10:,.25 806.96 J4.46 16.41 40.20 29,lJ 10:,.15 5.5.22 65.LIB s1,69 140.62 105.59 48.62 189.05 .58.48 75".Js 97,86 147.23 69.17 142.58 117.99 SJ.JS 77.50 ~ 69.02 JJS.84 100.00 11.2 0 68.99 ..... r Uv--..---.... COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................. Jnna .. 14 ................................. 19.60 .. . MINUTES OF AD,JCJIURNED MlilE'l'ING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTr COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN, Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. June 14, 1960, all members•present, A delegation appeared before the Board requesting advice on a ta.,nahip road at Camp Nirvana am eastward, After•diacuaaion, no action was taken, The Board having previously advertised for bids for grading C.P, 60:Jl (CSAH No. 31) 1.439 miles located 8 miles•to 9,4 miles northeast of Pelican Rapids, proceeded to open bins which were found to be as follows: Kerns & Tabery M. E. lund Rust & Dahlman $44, 790,38 35,807.68 36,956,27 Upon motion, the contl'act was awarded to M. E. Lund of Glenwood for $35,807,68, he being the lowest bidder. Bids were then opened on Bridge No. 56505 County State Highway No, 35 over Otter Tail River seven miles north of Undenrood as follows: H, R, Foster Construction Co, J. B. Haglund & Sona, Inc. Industrial Builders, Inc, Korby Construction Co, · /.• Thorson Construction Co, $40,433,65 34,851,58 34,781.55 42,9(14~25 37,249,90 Upon motion, th,':ontract was awarded to the Industrial Builders, Inc. of largo to $34,781,55, It was decided that boys entering tempOl'ary military service while in the employee of the cou·nty would not receive payment for that period. Upon motion, the Boa1·d concurred withthe Citr,y Council in the letting of contracts for bituminous surfacing on Fir Avenue, the contract havin.g been awar-ded to the Northwestern Bitumious Construction Co. of Minneapolis, They also concurred in the letting of the contract for the paving of Union Avenue from Vernon to Aloott, a:nd, V-ernon Avenue from Court ,St, to Union Avenue, The following applications for honestead classification were approved: Robert Lannn Clarende Ziegler Mrs. Eunice Richter Eleanor Schneider Eugene Carlson Mrs. Kenneth Loser Della C. Haglund Stafford Leitch Robert A, Jahn Baldwin Hanson Alvin Ziegler Harold T. Marrcm l'li11ard G, I: eppera Mrs. Olaf Hanson Ervin J, Klemek Fred W. Keapproth Oscar W, Person W1 SW}-Section 1-136-112 · sJ NW! & N½ SW¼ ex.S 1 rd Sec. 17-137-39 1,n<1 W 17 3/4 feet of Lot 1 and all Lot 2, Block 4, McLane 's"Addn, to Fergus Falla N. 50 feet •Of Lots 10, 11 •and 12, Block 5 McLaneis 2nd. Addition to Fergus Falls SW¼ NW¼ and NWt,-SW¼ Sec. 35-136-4). E 2311 of S 150 1 of N 397¼' of W 2641 of SW¼ NJ:& Sec. 23-133-38 Lot lJ, Block 1, Soule1s Addn., Village of Deer Creek Half interest Lots 5 and 6 ard SEk SW¼ Sec 32-1J4-40 Lofa 23 •and 24, Little Pine Beach, Town of Gorman SWy NE;}, Lot 4 and ~ NE;!-Sec. 13-132 ... ~l SE½ and El SW¼ Sec. 16-l'.37-39 W 2901 of tot 1 Sec. 28-13~.-39 . . ~ ID% and ~-N,!; s]% Sec. 5-133-36 Lots 9 and 10, Block 2, Lakeview Addn. to Battle Lake W} SW¼ and W¼ E½ SWt,-Sec. 35-133-37 Pt, Lot 5: Tr, 1001 on lake x 250 1 deep ar:d beg, 11001 SWly from 1-lE corner Sec. 21-1;4-38 Sub Lot 1 of Govt. Lot? Sec. 34-137-42 The application of Arthur E. Brandell for correction of assessment on personal property in the VillBl/8 of :Battle Lake was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that a mo tor vehicle license had been purchased for the lj.ouse trailer, The application of Mrs. Myrtle M. Hoverson for correction of assessm·ent on personal property in the Township of Girard was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that theapplic,,.tion be granted on the ground that this property has been removed and she owned no personal property in this ta~nship. The applic:;tion of R. K. RasDIUB sen for correction of assessment on personal property in the Township of Gorman was read, Upon mntion, it was recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that a boat assessed to him was assessed out of line with similar property in the.county, The application of Alvin C. Anders~n, Jr. for cancellation of assessment on trailer house in the Ci~y of Fergus Falla was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that a motor vehicle license had been purchased for this trailer house. The application of Virgil Western for correction of assessment on personal propert7 in the Village of Rothsay was read, Upon motion, it was recommemed to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that a boat and outboard motor were assessed above schedule. · _ The application of Dr, Roger H, Sondag for cancellation of personal property assessment in the Township r£ (_ Funn_;was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that this was a double assessment, The application of Henry Ebbeson for cancellation of personal propert7 assessment in the Township of Dunn was read. Upon motion, it tiaa recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that this assessment was an error and Mr, Ebbeson owned no property in Dunn Township. The application of John Franklin for correction of assessment on personal property in the Township 6 Hobart was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. June ... 14 .................................... 19.60 .. SICO■ln HlllrlllG CO■PAH H C OVD ■IJIA. that an error was made by the aeeeeeor in the aBBeesme~t of four horses. The application oi Loren M. Norby for corr~ction of assessment on the following real estate int~ City of Fergus Falla was read: Amended Plat, Sub Division of Rea. 67, Tract 301 east and waot in rear of Lot 3 and all of Lot 3, Res. 67. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that this application be gfB,nted on the ground that the building had not been listed on the list of decreases on the 1959 assessment roll. Thia building had been removed.and should not have been assessed. The application of John W. Swenson tor correction of assessment on the following real estate in the City r£ Fergus Falls was read: Amended plat, Sub Division or Res. 67, Tract 30 1 east and west in rear or Lot 4 and all at Lot 4, Res. 67. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxatibn that this application be granted on the ground that the building had not been listed on the list of decreases cn the 1959 assessment roll. This building had been removed and should hot have·.tbeen assessed. The application of Harry Flatau for correction of assessment on the S~ ex, cemetery ar;id the:Nlli¼-or Section 35-137-40 was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Co:nmissioner of Taxatio~ that this application be granted on the ground that tillable land was valued too hir)i in comparison with adjoining land. The application of Carl Resset for correction or assessment on°the S~ and the S~ ~ of Section 18-136-44 was read. Upon motion, it was.recommendedto the Commissioner of Taxation that this application be granted on the grllllnd that an old building which had been removed had not been taken off the tax rolls. The application of the Interm ti~~l Harvester Co. for cancellation of assesB111ent on t;ractor erroneously assessed to them in the Township•of Parkers Prairie was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that this application be granted. The application of Otto Trovatten for correction of assessment on tract called Lot 41 Eldorado Beach, Section :,0-134--40 was read. Upon n;iot~on, this application was rejected .upo~ recommendation of tbs t111 nship assessor. The application of Andrew J. Brooker, Jr. for reduction of aBBessment on Lot 3, NE;}-Nit¼ and N 24.75 feet of the ~W½ NW¼ Sec. 20-137-40, was read. Upon motion, this application was rejected upon recommendation of the town ba. rd. Tb, application of Clarence J. Isaacson for homestead classification of Lots land 2 Whiting's Addn. to the Village of Clitherall, was read. Upon motion, this application was rejected upon recommendation of the Village Board of Review. The application at: Orris C. Widness fer homestead classification of Gov~. Lota land 5, Section 15-133-42, was read. Upon motion, this application was rejected because this party did not occupy this land as his homestead on ~ 1, 1959. The application of the Park Region Mutual Telephone Co. for cancellation of assessment on tract in the h""A'i} SW"i} of Section 12-131-42, was read. Upon ~qtion, this application was rejected by the Board because the aml,pt was ins igni ti cant . ' The County Aud'ltor was insti,ucted to refer the application of the City of Fer,gu.s Falls for aid in constructing bridge on Union Avenue to the County Attomey. The application of the Midwest;ern Gas Transmission Qo. of Houston, Texas, for permission to cross county High- wa;ys with their gas pipe line was referred to the .County Att.or,nay and the Highway Engineer with a request that they work out the details of the agreement. Licensee for 110ff11 and 110n" sale of non-intoxicatitjg malt liquor.a were granted as follo, s:." Arnold R. Hemouist Gilbi:rt Trana· Lavila 01B"aver Lee Rogert Ila,y & Louise Sock Russell I. Pederson Oscar P etereon Joe Biltz Art Bruna Dance License was gra!led as follows: A. Diamond Balmoral Golf Course Gib & Aggie's East Silent Resort Pine Lakes Lodge lfoodlalld Beach Resort Bey View Resort Star Lake Ster e Sunset Beach Brun Is Resort Grand View Heights RESOLUTION Otter Tail Twp. Leaf Lake Dora Corlias Everts Star Lake Star Lake Pine Lake Everts Pine Lake Whereas, the Otter Tail Power Compaey has applied fo~ a grant of easement to provide right of we,y for an electric transmission line over and across the following real estate in the State of Minnesota. and County or Otter Tail, described as follows: The South 560 feet of that portion of S, of Sub Lot C of N¼ of NW¼-of Sec 0 tion 17 Township 134 Range 43 lying West of the Westerly limits of the Northern Pacific Railroad right of way and East of the center line of U.S. Highwa;y #59, ae said highw9¥ now exists, prior to its proposed reconstruction. Whereas, the above described 1, ... nds are unsold tax-forfeited lands and under the terms. of Section 282.04 (4) of the ~linnesota Statutes, the County Auditor may grant such right of wa;y as applied for when the County Board pre- scribes thep::ice, tenns and the period thereof, and ll"hereas, it appears that the application of the said Otter Tail Power Compaey is in the proper form and it is the the best interest of the County and State to grant such easement, Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved, by the Board of Couney-Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the County Auditor be authorized and directed to grant an eas5ment for right of wa.v for an electric transmissl. on line over and across the above described lands in Otter Tail ou_nty, Minm sota under the followiDg terms am oonditions: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ·························.rune 14 ······································19 .. 60. 1. That theprice for such right of way shall be $1.00. 2. That the term of the easement granted shall be perpetual, subject to the right of the Cmnty BCBrd to cancel the same by resolution aa provided by statute. I • 3. That it ia a condition of the grant of such easement that said land may be sold subject to•auch ease- ment, bu.t that if such property ia sold, the County Board shall retain the r.il.ght to. cancel the same in the same manner and for the same reasons as it could have been cancel ltd before the sale. Dated at Fergus Falla, Minnesota, this 14th day of June, 1960. OTTER TAIL COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By Sam Nycli:lemoe, Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson; County Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Beard of County Commiaai onera of etter Tail County, Minnesota: That, Whereas, this Beard has heretofore contraqted with Super G.M.C. Track Sales for the delive17 of one 1960 Model V-4005 G.M, C. dump ·-truck, and Whereas, the same has been delivered and accepted bi: the Board, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairmm of the Board and the County Auditor be Bild they hereby are authorized,alll. directed to iaaue a warrant to the G.M.C. Truck Sales in the w.m of $4,000.00. being the contract price. Adopted June 14, 1960. .Attest: S. B, JOHNSON Clerk of the Board. RESOLUTION SAM NYCKLEMOE Che.irman. BE IT RESOLVED, That the Chairman and Clerk or A uditor forthwith enter into agreement with the State of Minnesota, acting through its CoDDDiasioner of Highways, for the maintenance, esceptsnow plcwing, of the road descr-i:bed in said agreement as Temporary Trunk Highway No.~. to wit: Approximately 3.0 miles of 0tter Tail County State Aid Hi11Jiway No. 69, beginning at its junction with Douglas County State Aid Highway No. 3 at or near the north quarijer corner of Section 5, Township-130 North, Range 36 West: thence continuing westerly approximately 0.50 mile am northerly approximately 2.50 miles to its junction with Otter Tail County State Aill Highway No. L16 at or near the east quarter coJ:ner of Section 19, Township lJl North, Range 36 West. said municipality to be paid therefor·at the rate of $100,00 per mile per month. Franctional miles and fractional months, if aey, will be used in computing amounts payable, The use of said ros"ltl aa a detour by the State will terminate on or before July 1, 1961. Adopted this 14th day of June, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Cleric. RESOLUTION SAM NYCICLEMOE Chairman. BE IT RESOLVED, That the Chairman and Clerk or Auditor forthwith enter into ag~eement with the State of Minnesota, acting tihrough its Commissioner of Highways for the maintenance, except snow plowing, of the road described in said agreement as Temporary Trunlt Higbiray No. 29, to wit: Otter Tail County State Aid Highway No. 46 from its intersection with Otter Tail County State Aid Highway No. 69 at or near the east quarter conner of Section 19, Township lJl North, Range 36 Wes-t, thence northerly and westerly approximately 4.0 miles t~ta intersection with Trunk Highway No. 29 (Otter Avenue) in the Village of Parlcera Prairie. said municipality to be JBid therefor at the rate of $125.00 f~r mile per month. Franctional miles and fractional months, if any will be used in computing amounts payable. Th~se of said road as a detour by the State will terminate on or before July 1, 1961. Adopted this 14th. day of June, 1960. SAM NYCKUMOE Chairman Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. BESOLUTION REVOKING COUNTY STATE Am HIGHWAY NO. 69 Wl!JilREAS, The Town Board of Eastern Township has passed a resolution requesting a change :l,n the location of CSAH #691 which resolution is signed by all the members of the Town Board and the Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the designation of CSAH #69 1 as on file in the office of the C011nt;y Auditor, am. the Federal Aid Secondary designation, be revoked as such and the Commissioner of Highways be, and is hereby requested to approve auch revocation. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. June ... l, ...................................... 19 ... 60. HCUIIQ HIHll!f co■rea• H CLOUP ., ... C. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; That County State Aid Highw&¥ No. 69 begin at a point ·on or near the Southeast corner of Section 32, Township l.Jl North, Range 36 West, thence Norther'.cy along or near the Fast line of Sections 32, 29 allll. 20 to a point on or near the East Quarter corner of·Section 20-Tl.JlN-R36W, and there termtnating. Adopted this 14 day of·June, 1960. Attest: S. l3. JOHNSON Clerk. REPORT OF THE COUNl'Y BOARD OF THB COUNTY OF OTTER-TAIL SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairmsn. STATE OF MIIDIESOTA, OF ·UNCXlLLECTED AND CANCELLED PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE YFAR 19~9• Fergus rans, ·IUnre soui., June 14, 1960. BE IT KNOWN, That the County :Beard of Otter Tail County, Minnesoia, did meet:in session on the 14th dB¥ of June 1960, the same being the first session of said :Board after the 10th day of June, 1960: tlat at aaid session the County Treasurer of said County delivAred to said 'Bia rd the list of uncollected personal property taxes f'a-the )"eBr 1959 together with his certificate thereon as required by law; and that at said session the said :Board d:id duly con- sider sa:id list of uncollectell taxes.am did cancel such taxes ·as they are satisfied cannot be colle·cted. That the following is a correct list of sa:id uncoll!cted personal property taxes in said County for said year cf 1959, a.a so revised by said Board, to-wit: NAME OP PERSON ASSESSED Ackerman, F. E. & Lucille Adams, F. :B. Aldrich, Millard P. Andersen, Martin F. Anderson, MrL Oscar Arntson, Johnie Aschnewitz, Earl Aschnewit2, Earl Becker, Al Bergen,,d, Charles Bergland, Carl A. Berke, Augustas B. Bisson, Robert Bjorgo, Sylvester Brandel, Arthur E. Burgard, Moritz Champion Oil Co. Ch,unplin Oil Co. Cities Service Oil Co. Cook, Raymond Crandall, Sam Cromwell, Lloyd Dahl, Henry Dan's Federat~d Store Dougherty, Luther Ella, George V. & Ella :B. Evenson Trai la-Sales Fergus Novelty Co. F & F Supply Froelich, Frank Garner, David w. Gudmundson, Floyd Guth E. W. Halvorson, I-Ira. Carola Hall Feed Mills Hebron, Chas. Reas, Dr. A. M. Hesse, Mrs. Victor High Standard Station Hillukka, Edwin Hinderoker. Clara Hinricks, Harland Houge, Leona Hudson, Ward Huwe, Duane International Harvester Co. Jacobson& Dwibar Jacobson, Ralph Jacobson, Sherill Johnson, Jerry Johnston, Dave Kersten, Gordon King, W. A •. King_. W.W. Kobbe, Arnold Kobbe, A. T. Larson, H. D. Laugen, Pe~er LaValley, ierley Lehr, Henry Lewis, David Township or District Dwm Pine Lake Elmo Pine Lake Deer Creek Scambler 3rd. Ward Edna Scambler Aastad Dunn Dunn lat. Ward 1st. Ward TAX J6.,52 3.26 197.99 1.4? h1,39 3.8? 8.19 3.31 5?,25 12.56 2.83 Bat tle Lake iffington · 'lhutfton Vill. · Hobart 34.86 4.98 ?,35 2.11 12.00 16.11 55.22 Urbank Otto 4th \·lard Maplewood Gorman Inman 1st. Ward Dunn Erha."<l. Vill. 2nd. Ward 1st Ward Scambler Scambler Oak Valley Everts 3rd Ward ll! t. Ward 3i!d. Ward Perllam Twp. Otter Tail 1st. Wartl Paddock Dunn 3rd. Ward Cam.or §cambler Effington Par, Pra. Twp. SverdNp Dunn Sverdrup Amor 3rd. Ward Batt:e Lake · Star Lake Nidaros Perham Peril.am Twp. 1st. Ward 2nd. Ward Clitherall Du.nn Dunn 6.25 1?~51 49.98 1.90 5,82 31.33 43.00 52.22 2?2.74 2.12 10.97 54.?3 7.54 376.82 6.89 22.35 7.19 16.4? 116.87 19.31 5.1? 79.79 11.8? 62.21 ?9.42 · 151.93 15.28 10.60 2.64 4.31 96.68 4.89 9.45 · 161.9? 16.02 4.96 2.15 · 152.44 7.33 37.36 Penalty, Fees .~nd Costs 7.74 .69 27.08 .45 5.79 .?7 l.J6 · .69 7,92 2.97 3 ,9'J .63 4.92 .92 1.24 7.39 .53 1.86 2.41 7.65 1.09 8.60 6.95 .jo 1.04 6.85 6.01 19.31 36.80 11.63 .53 3.32 7.59 1.26 · 50. ?5 1.1? 7,25 1.22 8.53 15.91 2.83 .94 20.94 1.84 8.59 10.90 20.60 2.30 8.37 .60 .83 ]J.20 6.51 3.52 21.96 2.40 ,92 .,54 20.68 J.64 5.26 Total Tax, Pen. and Costs 44.26 3.95 225.07 1.92 47.18 4.64 9.55 4.oo 65.17 2.97 16.49 J.46 39-78 5.88 8.59 7,39 2.64 13 .86 . 18.52 62.87 7.34 26.11 56.93 2.40 6.86 38.18 49.01 71.53 309.54 11.63 2.65 14.29 62.32 8.80 427.57 8.06 29.60 8.41 25.00 JJ 2. ?8 22.14 6.11 100.?3 ]J. 71 70.80 90.12 112.53 17.58 18.9? 3,24 5.14 109.88 11.40 12.97 183.93 18.42 5.88 2.69 1'73 .12 10.97 42.62 ·REMARKS CoUect n n 11- 11 II II COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ··························· June .. 14 .................................... 1960 .. . Lloyd, Donald H. & Adeline K. Otter Tail 34.21 4.84 39.05 Collect Lovelette, Donald Eastern 28.79 4.10 32.89 Mathie, Harold C. Perham 46.94 6.S.5 53.49 Meinecke, 'Kermit & Frances Dunn 2.72 2.62 5.34 Minneapolis Brewing Co. Leaf Mt. 4.51 .as 5.J6 Molacek, Ray!llond Perham 44.12 6.16 50.28 Morey's Fish Co. :Bluff. Vill. 2.11 .53 2.64 Morey's Surplus N. Y. Mills 45.21 6.31 51.52 ~ers, D. J. 1st. Ward 3.23 (69 J.92 ~ers, Glen Rivhcille 18.20 2.69 20.89 McCauley, Don Jrd. Ward 11.e5 1.84 1).69 McDeilmeit, Vern Paddock 12.82 1.97 1~.79 Newcom'lil, Robert Everts 1.60 .47 2.07 Nichols, Joseph & Vera Dunn 2.06 · .52 2.58 Norris, Robert · 1st. Ward 4.09 .80 4.89 Che, Herbert Trondhjem 10;74. 5..69 16.43 Olson, o. A. Dumi 11,59 1.81 1).40 Otter Tail Wool & Fur Co. 1st Ward 48,72 6.78 55.50 Papenfuss, Eiward :Butler 41.15 5.76 46.91 Perala, ClaytonO. N.Y.Mills 2).18 3.35 26.53 Perham Flying Clu'I) Perham, Twp. 18.84 6.78 25.62 Peterson, Fred o. Elmo JS.SB 11~05i 46.6J Peterson, Gor.don Dunn 3.98 ,79 4.77 Peterson, Gus Battle Lake 46.06 10.02 56.08 Pe~erson, Xarl 2nd Ward 14.87 2.24 17.11 Pixley, Charles Dunn 10.82 3.30 14.12 Poling, Walter A. F,,lden 22.65 3.28 25,93 Poppe, Fritz Rush Lake 3.45 J.71 7.16 Press Sign Co. Twnuli 2.97 .65 J.62 Rixman, A. B. Dunn 21.60 5.55 27.15 II Sander, Clifford 2nd Ward 3.66 .74 4.40 II Schaap, Otto & Morgan Corliss 3.54 .72 4.26 II Schamberger, Lewis Gorman 64.51 8.89 73.40 II Schliesman, Daniel 3rd Ward 12.50 1.93 14.43 II Schmidt, John J. Jr. Pelican Twp. 46.06 6.42 52.tia II Schrieber, Delbert J. 2nd Ward 2.15 .54 2.69 II Senske, W, E. Ga·man 42.70 5,98 tia.68 y Shure, Chas. Jr. Pe_liham Twp. 24.25 3.50 27,75 Sigelman, Reuben 3rd Ward 2.15 .54 2.69 Simons, A. D. Dora 4,57 .87 5.44 Simonson, Mrs. Flora 3rd Ward 1.72 .oo 2.20 Smith, Alden Torda nskj old 2.45 •. sa 3.03 Smith, Gil Scambler 10.17 1.61 11.78 Smith, James & Gladus Par. Pra. 120.42 16.J8 ]36.80 S:,yder, Geo. W. Hobart 4.9) 6.01 10.94 Springer, August III Maplewocd 8.57 1.40 9,97 Stensrud, Richard Aurdal 11.27 1.76 1).03 Strom, Harold Vergas 6.89 1,17 8.06 Thompson, George Dane Prairie 94.73 12.94 107,67 Thoi!:aon, Orville Dunn 4,70 2.88 7,58 Tillisch, Clayton Dunn 46.45 8.88 55.33 'l'rojan Seed Co. Henn, Vill. 17.89 2.65 20.54 Trudeau, Roy Underwood 25,23 5.43 ~0.66 Wait, Robert J. Everts 8.02 l.Ji! ,9.J4 Wentzel, Arthur 1st WaU<l 5.60 1.00 6.60 Wickstrom, Hulda Dunn 2J.5J 3.40. r_ 26.9J Wold, Art DO.rm 13,19 3,62 16.81 Woodard, Alvin Edna 5.98 1.05 7.0J Woods, Mrs. Alberta Pine Lake 4.17 .79 4.96 Zosel, LaVorj Everts 1.73 .48 2.21 Wamback, A. A. Dunn 9.70 2,95 12.65 !saacson, Olaf Dunn 53.96 ?.tis 61.44 ong, Johns. H. Y. Mills 4.57 .87 5.44 Grof & Taylor Home Dec. 3rd. Ward 172.31 56.84 229.15 Sines, L. K. . Jrd •. Ward 9,J8 2.61 11.99 That the following is a. correct list of :the personal property taxes ip. said Couney-fer said year which said Board are satisfied cannot be col~ected, and so c~celled by a~d Board, to-wit: Township or Pei:alty. Fee Toj;al Tax, , Pin;,, DMIII OF PERSON ASSESSBD District TAX a.Ill Costs and Costa .llEMABIS. Anderson, Alvin c. Jr, 1st Ward 40.72 5.71 46.4'.3 Cancelled Artco Sign Co, Compton 3,08 .67 3.75 Dinkmeier, Robert Dunn 5,25· .95 6.20 Eiter, ~ Bverta 9.99 1.59 11.sa Gabriel, Robert Porbam 3.93 .77 4.70 Hoverson, Mrs.~rtle M. Girard 4.26 .82 5.08 Huwe, IqJe Richville 20.12 2.95 23,07 Kangas, Russell Otto 7.02 1.19 8.21 Kundson, Helen B. Dunn .75 • 75 Knuttila, Jalmer Corliss 7.49 1.25 8.74 Larson, Carl 3rd Ward 1.01 1.01 Miller, Lester Elizabeth .16 .27 .43 !lash, Donald Lida .60 .60 Ragula, Sam 2nd Ward .86 .86 Scheer, Julia Pel. Rpds. 67.44 9.29 76-7' Sondag, Dorotey & Roger Dwane, 17.60 2.61. 20.21 Storey, Dr. R. D. Dunn 18.21 2.69 20.90 II ~?omas, L. f. Clith. Twp. .62 .62 II -·· COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCIIITTP■1■11■aca11P.1Nr Ir.CLOUD 1111111. 'l'horpe, Geo. Tichy, Frank DATE ................. .Ju.ne .. J.!1-.•.•.••......•....•.•.••.•.•.•...•.••••.••.•.•.•• 19.6Q .. . Par. Pra. Deer Creek 16.82 20.70 2.51 J .(1J 19.JJ 2J.?J The County l!m rd of Eltter Tail ()ounty, Minnesota. Attest: S, l!, JOHNSON County Audi tor HENRY S IELI NG :BENNIE J. JOHNSON SAM NYCrLEl•IOE OTTO HAASE HARVEY D, MORRILL Upon motion, the lloard then adjourned to 10 o'clock A,M. Wednesday June 15th, WEDNESDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment, the l!oard met at 10 o I clock A. M., all members presedt • Cancelled II After . The petition asking f'or the dissolution o~ Conanon School District No, 15J4 was taken up for fioal action. listening to tbr. statements ofiiilte~ested parties, the Board issued the following interlocutor., 0?"4-er, to-witl STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 11 )ss COUNl'Y OF OTTERTAI).) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF C()MMO!f SCHOOL DISTRICT. NO. i5J4 0 The above .entitie~tter came on duly to ~e hea~d by ~e C9unty B9ard of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at the Court House in the City of :rergus Falls, in s~id C9unty, on the 15th day of' June, 1960, at 10 o'clock A.M., pursuant to nc,tice duly given as provided by law ,µid. the ord!!r of said '.!)card; and the Beard having heard all persona i~tere'!'ted in said matter, both for and against, finds as.foll~a: First-That said proceedings were instituted by: (b) A petition signed by the reqi;.ired 11U1Dber of f'reeholdera residing in said district: Second-That lesa than 90 da,ys have elapsed since the,·date 9f' said hearing and the Board being of' the opinion, from the facts a'!p.uced at said hearing, that. it is expedient am will be to the best interest of' the inhabitants of' said territory to'1e,ve said school district dissolved; . NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 15J4 be dissolved and that the territor,y embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: The entire district be attached to Independent Consolidated School District No. 54? Parkers Prairie. . r (J) IT IS FURTHER ORDi.:RED, That the assets and liabilities cf said Connnon School District No, 15J4, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent Consolidated School District No. 54? On July l, 1960 all.monies, funds, credits, property, b9th real '°d personal, including taxes colledted f'or the year.1959, and prior,.and all obli!!9-tions 9f said Comm9n School District No. 15J4 shall become the obliga- tions of Independent Consolidated School District ~o. 5~?. · (4) The out~tandi~.g bond~d debt of' said Common Schooi District No, 1~4 is None Dol~rs. ES) The proposed ef'f'ec~ive date of' this ord!!r is.herel>y.f'ixed.as the 1st, day of' August, 1960, Dated this 15th. day of June, 1960. Attest: s. B. JOHNsmr County Auditor SAM NYCXLEMOE Chairman Ba,.:rd of' County Commissioners The resolution asking for the d.issolution of' Common School District No. 1482 was taken up f'or final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, the l!oard issued the.following interlocutory order, to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOl'A) )ss COUBTY OF OTTER TAIL) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 1482 The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minm sota, at thi Court House in the City pf Fergus Falls in Said County, on t~e 15th. day of June, 1960, a~ 10 o'clock A.M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of' said Board; and thi, Board having heard all persona interested in said natter, both for and against, finds as follows: First~That said proceed.ings were instituted by: (c) A resolution adopted by the electors of sa~d district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor. Second-That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearl. ng_ and the l!oard being of the opinion from the facts adduced at eaid hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants cf said territory to have said school district dissolved: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................. JGne••;i:5-................................. 1969 .. . NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said eommon School•District No. 1482 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts ~r unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: The entire district be attached to Independent School District No, 542 :Battle Lake (J) IT IS Fl.ffiTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No, 1482, be distributed as folldlllBI, to-wit: To Independent School District No, 542 On July 1, 1960 all monies, funds, credits, property, both real and personal, including taicee collected for the year 1959, and prior, and all obligations of said CommonSchool Dist1.-ict No. 1482 shall· become the obligations of Indipendent School District No. 5~2. (4) The ou.tstanding·bonded debt of said Common School DistPict No. 1482 is None Dollars, (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the let. day of July, 1960, Dated this 15th Day of June, 1960, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Audi tor SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman Board of County Commissioners The petition of the Northland Development Co, asking that Part of Lot 5 Sec, JO-lJJ-42 as folrows: Beg. at Iron moDWDent located at point where Sly R of W line of highw~ intersects East line Lot 5 & is 254 ft, S. of NE, dor. Lot 5; S. 56 Deg. 421 W, along S, R of W.821.4 ft, to Iron monument; S. 5 deg, E, )12 ft. to ?iron monument S, 55 deg, 2?1 E. 96,4 ft. to shore of reservoir; thence SEly alon~hore to Pt. where shore intersects S, line of Lot 5; E. along S. line of Lot 5 to SE cor, Lot 5: thence N. along E. line Lot 5 for. 1066ft. to pt. of beg., Parcel #8 -10.06 acres and approximately .18 ac. in NJ, cor, Lot 1, Sec. Jl-lJJ-42 l1ing between reservoir & N. & E. lines of sai. d Lot· l 'and a triangular tr. for road purposes located in SW. cor, of S~ SI•/½ Sec. JO-lJJ-42 as follows: Beg. a.tSW, cor, of SE;¼-SW½ thence E. along Section lire 140 ft.; t.11.ence N. 45 deg, W. 197ft. to E. line of SEt½-SW¼, thence S. 0 deg. 1?1 W. along the said E. line 140 ft. to beg. containing .2J ac. be set off fz·om District No. 1424 to District No. 544 was takerly.p for final action. After discussion, the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of NORTHLAND DEYELOP.MENT COMPAHY a freeholder of SchoolrDistrict No. 1424 in this County, representing.that they are the owner of thelande hereinafter described, whic~ are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 544 and asking that the:y..with their lands~ be set off from said district No. 1424 to S!!-id adjoining school district No. 544 was presented tothe Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of April A. D., 1960 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered. by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a se=<sion of said board on the 15th day of June A. D., 19~b at the County Auditor I s office in the City of Fergus Falls in said Coun);Y; and whereas it was furtherordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas lit the said sessionof the said Board of County Commissioners on said 15th day of June A. D., 1960 due proof of the posting and service of saidorder of hearing as therein directed !l!ld required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having beeb made ard filed,said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered e.r:d dete1'Dlined, that the said petitioner ani. the followinlg described lands owned by him, to-wit: Pt. Lot 5 Sec. JO-lJJ-42 as follows: Beg. at Iron monument located at point where Sly. R of W line of highway entersects East line Lot 5 am is·254 ft. S, of NE co1·. Lot 5; S. 56° 421 W. along S, R of W 821.4 ft. to 11,on Monument; S, 5° E. Jl2 ft. to Iron monument; S, 55° 2?1 E. 96,4 ft. to,shore ar reservoir; thence si1y along shore to Pt. where sqore intersects S. line of Lot 5; E. ,along S. line of Lot 5 to SE. cor, Lot S; thence N. along E. line Lot 5 for 1066ft. to Pt. of beg., Parcle #8 -10,06 acres ar:d approximately .18 ac. in NE, cor, Lot 1, Sec, Jl-lJJ-42 lying between reservoir & N. & E. lines of said Lot 1 and a triangular tr. for road purposes located in SW cor. of SE¼ SW½ Sec. J0-1JJ-42·as follows: Bef• at SW. cor. of SE¼ SW½ thence E. along Section line 140 ft.; thence N, 45 deg. W, 197 ft. to E, lineof SE;½-SW;., thence S. 0 pg. 1?1 W. along the said E. line 140 ft. to beg. containing • 2J ac. be and the same a:·e hereby set off fran slfd School District No. 1424 to said adjoining School District No. 544 and said lands are here by made 11 part of said\ast named School District for a 11 purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Df ted the 15th da.v of June A. D., 1960. (Auditor 1s Seal) SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of ·otter Tail Count:,-~~ Minn. Attest: S. E, JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Lawrence Severson asking that the ~4 NE¼ and the El SW¼ of Section 21-1JJ-J9 be set over from SchoolDistrict No. 1465 to School District No. 14?§ was taken up for final action. Afte1· discussion the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Lawrence Severson a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 1465 int.his Crunty, representing that he is the CMner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in uaid School District, and adjoin School District ll"o. 14?9 and asking tta t he with his said lands my be set off from said district no. 1465 to said ad.joining achool district No. 14?9 was presented to tie Boord of County Commissioners of this County ot a session of said board held on the 14th. day of April A. D., 1960 for the action rf snid beard thereon; am whe1·eas it was tie reupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said boa,·d on the 15th. da;v of June,A.D., 1960 at the County Auditor's office in the ¢Uy of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further orde,·ed in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected l COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...........•.......• .J'unr..J,5 ,. ............................................ 19 60 SICUlln P■IIITIIIG CO■HIIT I CLOUO ••N • by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each .of sa:id School Districts, a copy of said orde1· at least ten days befor~ the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said :Beard of County Commission·ers ·on said ~5th dayof June A.D., 1960 ~ue proof of the posti'ng and service of sa:id order of hearing as therein directed and reouired, more than ten days pnor to said last named date, having ·oeen made b-r.d filed, said petition was publicly :read and considered b~ ~he:Board, wi ti:i, everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said :Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ·ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by hime, to-wit: SW;} lnJ½ 1:>nd E½ SW;} Section 21, Township 133, Range 39 ·be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1465 to said adjoining School District No. 1479· and "Said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. :By order of the :Board of County Commissioners. ·»:ited the 15th. day of June A.D., 1960. SAi-i NYCXLEMOE (Auditor's Seal) Chairman of the :Beard of Crunty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON CountyAuditor, alli ex-officio Clerk of :Board. The petition of Donald G. Sundblad asking that the· SW;} NW;} of Section 2 and the NJ;¼-N:¥,-of Section 3, Totmship 134, Range 43 be set over fran School District Ho. 1494 to School District No. ]386 was taken up for final action •. After discussion, the :Boa1·d issued th~ following 01·der, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Donald G. Sundblad a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Di'Btrict No. 1494 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lams hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District,and adjoin School District No. 1386 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off fmm said district No. 1494 to said adjoining school district No. ]386 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this Cnunty at a session of said bQu-d held on the 14th day of April A.D., 1960 for the action of said bca rd thereon: and where~s it was the!'eupon ordered by saidboard that a hearing should bP. had on said petition; at a session of said board on tie 15th day of June A.»., 1960 at the County Auditor's office in the City of FergusFalls in saidCount~·: and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 15th day of June A.D., 1960 due pfoof of the posting and service of saidorder of hearing as therein directed wd required· more tihan ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed,said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by saidinterested parties for or against g1·anting the prayer of the petitioner, und said Board being of opinion that saidpetition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands mmed by him, to-wit: Section 2 Section 3 Township ]34 Township 134 Rarge 43 Range 43 be and the same are he?"eby set off from said School District No. 1494 to said adjoining School District No. 1386 a..~d said la.~ds are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By orde?" of the Board of Court y Commissioners tated the 15th day of June A.D., 1960. SAi-i NYCKLEMOE Chairman of the :Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota (Auditor's Seal) Attest: S. 3. JOHNSOif County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of :Board. The petition of Guy C. Shaw asking that the N! t1W;} of Section 28-132-36 be set over from Independent Consolidated School District No, 547, Otter Tail 9ounty, to Independent Consolidated School District No. 786, Todd County, was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A.M. August 10, 1960, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by l9w. Upon motion, the :Bard appointed itself a committee to view two completed bridges and one completed road contract on U.une 30, 1960. Upon motion, the budget for the County Health Nurses was fixed at $14,065.00. Upon motion, the budget for the County Extension Agricultural Committee was fixed at $18,600.00. · The Fergus Falls Town:Bcard appeared befcre the Commissioners rega1~ing a bridge over the Pelican .River. Upon motion, the County Engineer was authorized to make . su?"vey and report to the Commissioners. A delegation from Oscar Township regarding bridge o,ver the In~erstate Highway and asking for county assistance in getting the matter presented to the Highway Department was tabled until the July meeting. Upon motion,the County:Soard was authorized to meet .. with the Douglas County :Board on July 6th to concur in the letting of a contract for a road on the county line. . A.plat of !!'ulliver's Tra~els, located in Lot 3 of Section 10-136-40.and accompanied by an opinion as to the title executed by M. J. Daly, Attomey-at-law, was approved. The following bills were allowed: Russell :Brooberg Do boarding prisoners expenses $1019.50 · 36.60 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...•.................. J-.···l·,.;·············································19~ ... HSYIIIUIINTID&S9NPIIT U FIPVP !IP■ G ze Sidney Nelson Glen M, Melby John Hoff Alf red Engen Gary A.Nelson Jo.mes Stewart Harold Sagemorn Pat D, Mack . Gust Lagerquist and Sona. Inc. Mrs, Geo. Rossow Vernon E. l!achllan Do Hanry Sieling Otto Haase Bennie J, Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Dr. C. A, Boline Frank Roberta Emil Boen Kathryn L, Michaelson Marion R. Gill Duane Land berg River Inn Coffee Shop West Publishing Co. City of Fergus Falla :Burnett Ellingsrn John L. Bixby Roger Gustafson N, W, Bell Tele, Co, Do' National Mfg, Co. Stein Paint & Chemical Allstate Sanitation & Main. Supply Corp. Great !tuff Products, Inc. Beall McGowan Costello Mfg, Co. South Mill Standard Hintgen..Karst Elec. Co. Marlin Reynolds C. W,Weialander Fergua Glasa and Paint Co. Fred E. Deutschman Acme Chemi,cal Co. Carlson-Benjamin F.dwin Ala Merlin a. Rieman Marlin Reynolds Clifford E, Pederson Oreb Fosse Leonard Olson · L1oyd Engen Wallace O. Jensen Ione Richarda Mrs. Marlin Reynolds Miller-Davis Co, Security Blank Book aal. Prtg, Co. Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Co. Oswald Publishing Co. Free Press Co. The Pieiece Co. Schoolcraft Co, Panama Carbon Co. Browns Lithographing, Inc, Houghton l-lifflin Co. Davenport's Stationeey Victor Lundeen and Co, Norman L. Johnson Nelson Brea. Prtg. Co. 1-fidwest Prtg. Co. Fergus Journal Co, Perham Enterpd.se Bulletin Henning Advocate N. W. Publ. Co. The Independent· BattleLake Review Gearhart1s Funeral & Ambulance Ser. Vernon E, Bachman · Evelace G. Hanson H. W. Glorvigen Goodwin Joas Laboratorien Police Sup·rily Co. Erickson's Hdwe. Sta.n's Garage Johnson's Drugs Ols~n Auto Electric H, W.Glorvigen Vernon Sprague Fra rlc C. l!ornes Bark, & Allison Harold T. Swenson Post #6JJ.2 expenaea II Dep. Sh. Exp. md fees expense delinquent tax warrant a 11 tax co lle ct ions highw~ patrol II II expenses maintenance of elevator expenses II cash advanced expenses II II II coroners fees expense and saly, weed ·inap. II 11 11 aervices West Otter Tail· Conservation soil conservation work services W, 0, T, Cons, Dist. meals for jurors statutes appr. for1.,unicipal court justic~ feea expenses II calls II suppliea II II II n II gasoline, et.c repairs hauling ashes labor am supplies su:oplies wiring supplies repiirs and maferiala Deputy Sheriff expers e and saly. II 11 11 11 11 fees II II II II II II 11 11 II Sp.Eep. as Jailer Dep. Sh, Del. tax warrants matron II supplies II II blanks supplies II books suppliea inserts supplies II II blanks recej.pt books and post cards publishing II tax notices II II 11 II 11 11 d.iasolution notices etc, II II II ambulance Service postage II II teats fuses shells fent of pick-up supplies bulbs adv. coma. lie. agts. civil defense exp. mileage mental ill workmen's compensation premium decorating gJBves District JJB.40 308.10 2oa.oo 30.?0 ··70,00 480.60 4?0.68 150.20 202.45 5.25 ?l.J4 17.50 24.oo l?.00 10.90 19,30 ll.15 12?, 79 224.01 ?9,38 125.80 184.95 8),35 6),50 2000.ClO 5.00 115.85 9),24 37.15 46,35 1.24 Jo.20 .65 12.55 25.55 29.50 J,J5 ?,10 26.00 24,?0 J4,Jl 12.50 1J9,50 265.00 J8.00 4).60 5.00 19.00 24.70 10.00 20.00 2).80 5.00 20.00 ?Zl. 70 48.?6 lJ? .02 JJ.J3 15.40 J0,.87 125.00 29,40 140.oo 2,?J 13.94 699.94 16.43 10.50 98.?5 135.35 6.00 4.80 10.08 '-15.75 6.00 24.50 )5,00 40.00 80.00 11.00 16.20 9.20 10;.oo 5.12 7,56 27,00 23.16 13.60 926,92 25.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 11cu1rn Pllllll■6CO■HIH H. c,ovo ····- Auxiliary Harold T. Swenaon Post #612 Burelbach Post #61 Auxiliary D.A. V. #25 Auxiliary Admason-Nonnan Post#JO Paul Putnam Post .//-289 Auxiliary Paul Putnam Post #289 Disabled American Veter:ms ft25 Haug-Hammer Post if 508 Mn. Marilyn Siebels Shirley Krcuernann l>o E. O, T. Tele. Co. Philip M.Kjaglien Do Straub Co. Public Utilities Dept. N.. W •. Bell Tele. Co. Hintgen-Karat Elec. Co. Recordak Corp. Coorer' s Office Su,ply Victor. Lundeen & Co. Artz Camera Sup. Co. Rollie Schaller lawrence Merz Secretarial Service Township of Otto S ternenui and Emerson Drug Co. Hunter. D1"llgs Stebl~ Drng Store Minnesota Sta t"e Sanatorium Dr. W •. F. Schamber Dr. Ev.erett C.Hanson Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Phillippi Equipment Co. Public Works Eouint. Co. Road Machinery & Supplies Co. Ruffridgel!J°ohnson Equipt. Co. 'l'he ZP.CO Co. Wm. H. Ziegler Co. Minnesota Motor Co. Olson. Auto Electric Suhr F.ord Sales, Inc. Larson Welding super .G.M. C. T1"llck Sales River11ide Repair Shop Smokey's 1-!achine Shop Rude I s. Garage Walt Is Repair Shop Bills Service Station Graff Truck & Impl. Co. Mills .Motors Stan's Garage Bredapl Impl. Co. Verrae Motor Co. Elk River Concrete Prod. Co. H. V. Joh.~ston Culvert Co. Viking Steel Products, Inc. Peterson Biddick Co. the Carew Warehouse Dale Smith Firestone Store, F.F. Fra~.klin Fence Co. Agricultural Services, Inc. The Thomas ·~o. Farwelt, Osmun, Kirk & Co. Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc. liorthwood Specialty Co. Whitlock Weldors Equip. & Supply Sigelman Hide & fur Co. Dorn' s Hardware Al Schmidt Lumber Co. 1-iarkstrom Drug Coast to Coast Store, B.L. Erictson-Ilellekson-Vye Co. Erh. Olson lidwe. $ Plb5. Coast to Coast Store, Pelican Rapids Fossen Oil Co, Andy's 116611 Service Riverside Shell Co. Hoot Lake Pure Oil Co. South Mill Standard Bengtson Oil Co. Conswners goop. Oil Co., Henn. Farmers Coop. ereamery Assn., D.C. Hi-W~ Auto & Iwplement Co. Service Oil Co., Und. Consum ,rs Coop. Oil Co., B. L. ~im•s Service Staticllll DATE ...................... Jnne .. .15 ............................................. 19 ... 60. decorating graves II II II II II II ,, II II II II II II II expenses II postage service and calls exrenses mche. rt:>ntal rent water, etc. service and calls lamps supplies II II II water patrol exp. Water Safety re fund on rent Tax fer f. services Fire Arms Safety care of poor medicat-io:::i for T.B. pitient medication for T.B. patient medication for T.B. patient cure of patients care of T. B.patient !I II II parts II II II II blades parts repairs culverts II seed II gravel tires stakes su.pp:l:ies II II II " gascline 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25,00 9.50 25.00 21.50 18.06 4,76 8.00 10.10 98.98 J.oo 50.00 J,27 26.35 6.40 78.40 25.82 37.47 . 1..10 42.40 87 • .50 .10.80 627,15 ,56.60 8.20 JJ.75 604.80 11.50 . 8.00 147.76 150.27 102.83 51.00 24).)8 64.84 893 ,82 19.06 Jo.BJ 36,77 16.75 56-70 .75 150.6) 40,65 27,51 1.50 ?.JO JJ.20 77.18 ,90 32.84 12} .)4 86.82 121.66 28.JO 70.20 4.41 61.54 518.75 200.70 223.00 58.50 lOJ.)6 74.25 71.42 46.16 6.50 1.20 2.25 18.88 4,41 15.35 4.2] 106.JJ 1). 01 40.60 57,611 47.99 88.82 26.60 51.06 182.50 12).0J 50.21 46.92 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... ..Iu:ae. .. l.5 ......................................... 19 .. 60 .. Dutch's Standard Station Nundahl Oil Co, Ottertail Co-op. Oils, Inc, Ray's on Co. Syverson'& B~tter Mileage Thomas on Co,. Ver gas on c06 D •. A. Lubricant Co,, Inc, Ar.row Petroleum Standard on Co., N. Y.M. Penrose Oil Co, Stand.ard Oil Co,, B.fl. Soliah & Braatz Oil Co. Ra,ymond Motor Transportion, Inc. State of Minn, sota Div.of Bliler, Insp, Otter Tail Power Co. fe1·gus Journal Co, Const1uction Bulletin M:i:nneapolis Blue Prtg. Co, Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Co, Whiting's Office E(!uipt. Co, !l!lle Pierce Co. R., R, Yates Victair,LUriileen & Co. East Otte~ Tail Tele, Co. N,,·W, :Bell Tele. Co., F.F. Midwest Tele. Co. N •. W. Bell Tele. Co, F.F. Pe1. ican Tele, Co. N .. W. Bell Tele. Co., Henning Vergas TeJe • Co, Wendell P. Huber G.D. liarlow Wendell Pil Huber George Olson Herman Poss Vergas Creamery Co. Olof H. Hanson S!,lphus Kvern Harold Rovelstad Mr.s. Lavida Ness Mr.a. Marlys Beckman Mr.s. Alma. l-ioen Mrs. Jennie Kolstad Mra. Josephine A. Wold Roger o: Pitsenbarger Jacob M. Hummel Mr.s. Ida HalvorsGn Mrs, Theilma L. Lancaster ~enjamin F, Frazier & E.E. Frazier, Jr. Haas, Inc. A1fred F. Anderson A1fred E. Bjorgo ·Martin Golko'llliki gasoline " " " " " etc. II m:tor oil diesel fuel II II " II " II grease freight services prints adv. for bids " II II supplies ,, " " " II service and tolls II II " II II II " II II ,, " II II II II service expenses " cash advanced expenses right of way rightof wa,y right of way right of wa,y right of way right of wa,y right of wa::, right of way right of way right of way right of wa,y right of way right of way right of way right of wey ri~t of way right of wa,y right of way ri'ght ~f way 75,71 72,35 37,92 68,95 144.58 218.64 61.39 1517,10 62). 75 91.80 59.88 239,38 .7,00 7-53 10.00 26.28 13,50 27,00 61.81 36.,56 72.00 29,25 4.08 J3.86 9.80 30.85 9,10 45.05 16.80 12,70 15.90 ]J6.80 13,70 29.79 16.65 51.40 6.00 43.40 15.20 84,.15 1.00 1.00 106.00 2).10 4}1,15 4.40 2.IK> 65,40 87.00 581!,.Q~ 13.60 15.00 75,00 3. 1-3 Upon motion, theBoard then adjourned without date, ~/4~ 'c airman. // COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. •.&N ,I ,CL11ua,■ NN. DATE ......................... J'uly .. ll. ........................................ 19 . .60 .. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNl'Y CO}ll-lISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, 11IMNESOTA Pursuant to Statute the Boaitcl. met at 10 o'clock A. M, July 11, 1960, all members being present, Upon motion, a letter from the Department of Corrections recommending certain changes at the county jail was approved. Upon motion, the County Auiitor was authorized to extend the 1959 co~ty school tax rate on °all property in School District No, 541, located in the Township of Amor, as provided by Chapter 275,075 Minnesota Statutes Annotated, which authorized the inclusion of taxes which have not been extended due to an error or inadvertance by the County Auditor;. The County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids for the g~ading of CSAH no. 20 from CSAH Higb,r~ No, 9 to Highwiw No. 59,, bids to be opened at 11 o'c:lock A, M. Aug, 15, 1960. Upon motion, the salary of Merton Johnson, as court house janitor, was fixed at $400,00 per month, beginning July 1, 1960, Licenses for 110ff11 and 110n11 aale of non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted as foll11t1s: Melvin J.Schlang~r Leonard Saewert Mallard·Bey Lodge LeoMrd1s Resort Iance licenses, for mechanical music only, were gnanted as follows: l-lrs. Gladys Lehman Robert RasJ1R1ss~n Skyline Cafe Edgetown Arena Nidaros Corliss Carlisle Twp, Fergus Falls 'l'wp. REPORT OF THE COUMTY BOARD OF THE IDUNTY OF OTTERTAIL STATE OF M!iiNESCTA, OF UNCqLLECTED AND CANCELLED PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR TliE YEAR 1959. Fergus Falls, Minnesota, July 11, 1960 BE IT KNOWN, That the County llo:,,rd of Otter Tail County, l-linnesota, did meet in session on the 11th d~ of July, 1960, the same being the first session of said lloard after the 10th day of June 1960; that at said session the County Treasurer of sam County delivered to said lloard a supplemental list of uncollec~ed personal property taxes for the year 1959, together with his certificate thereon as required by Jaw; and that at said session the said l!oard did duly consider said.supplemental list of uncollected taxes and did cancel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the following is a correct supplemental list: of said tmcollected personal property taxes in said County for s:i.id year of 1959, as so revised by said lloard, to-wit: NAME OF PERSON. ASSESSED R, C, Anderson & Co. ATTEST: S, B, JOHNSON County Auditor, TOWNSHIP OR DISTRICT 1st Ward TAX 32.86 PENALTY, FEE AND COSTS 4.66 THE COUNTY l!CYLRD OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA, HENRY SI:.ZING BENNIE.'JOHNS ON SAM NYCKLEMOE OTTO HAASE HARVEY D, M(?RBI LL The following resolutibn was adopted: TOTAL TAX, PENALTY AND COSTS 37,52 Resolved by the lloard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: REMARKS Collect Whereas, this l!oard has heretofore contracted with the Korby Contracting Co. of Fergus Falls for constructing bridge No. 56503 on Project S. A, P. 56-651-01, and Whereas, the same has now bem completed to the satisfaction of the lloard and certificate of acceptance filed with the County Audi tor, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the lloard and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check on the Special Road and l!ridge fund to Korby) Contracting Co, in the sum of $5537,72, being the final payment on this project. Dated July 11, 1960, Attest: S. l!.JOHNSON Cilerk, The following resolution was adopted: SAU NYCiCL!MOE Chairman, Res~lved by the lloard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this :Seard has htil'etofore contracted with the Korby Contracting Co. of Fergus Falls for constructing bridge No. 56501 on Project S.A.P, 56-608-01, and Whereas, the saine\as now been completed to the satisfaction of the lloard md certificate of acceptance filed with the Count~udi tor, COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..............•......... J.,ilJl ... 11.. .............. ············-··············19 ... 6!.l. Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairnan of the Board and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check on the Special Road and Bridge fund to Korby Contracting Co. in the sum of $3121.78, being the final payment on this project. Attest: De.tad July 11, 1960, S, B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolut-ion was adopted: SAM NYCKLEMOE Chainnan. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Gladen Bros. of Bemidji for grading S.A.P. 56-675-0J C, P. 60:75, and Whereas, the same has now been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and certificate of acceptance filed with the County Auditor, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the ChairllBil of the Board and the County Auditor are hereby authol"ized and directed to issue a check on the Road and Bridge fund to Gladen Bros. in the •sum of $527.17, being tre final payment on this project. Dated July 11, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk of the Board. SAM NYCKLEM0E Chairman. RESOLUTION REVOKING COUNrY STATE AID HIGffi1AY NO. 20 WHEREAS, Due to the reconstruction of a portion of County State Aid Highway No. 20 it becomes necessary that it be revoked and r~designated. NOW, THEREFORE, llE IT RESOLVED, That the following portion af County State Aid Highway No, 20, as onfile in the office of the County Auditor, which is as follows: From a point approximately 1,800 feet South of the North ~arter corner of Section 6, thence North along or near the North and South Quarter line of S,-,ction 6 to a point on the Otter Tail-Becker Councy line at app1·oximately ·the North Qmrter corner of Section 6, thence Easterly along or near said county line on the North lines of Sections 6 and 5 to a point approximately 262 feet East8of the Northwest corner of Section 5-TlJ7N-R42W, and there tenninating, be revoked as such and the Commissioner cf Highways be, and is hereby, requested to approve such revocation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That tnis portion of County State Aid Highway No, 20 be located, as follows: Beginning at or near a point 1,800 feet South of the North Quarter corner of Section 6-TlJ7N-R~2W, thence Northeasterly through Sections 6 and 5, to a point approximately 262 feet East of the Northwest co1·ner of Section 5-TlJ7N-R42W, and there terminating. Attest: Adopted this 11th day of July, 1960. S, B. JOHNSON Clerk. 52-J-6 (2-59) SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FORM III-S BE IT RESOLVED That pursuant to Chapter 500, Article II, Section J6, Minnesota Laws lB.5.2 the Commissioner of Highways be appointed agent of the County of OTTER TiIL to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of County State-Aid Highway No, ll described as follows: County State-Aid Highway No. 17 from T.H. #228 in Vergas to N. limits of Vergas, which project shall be combined with Otter Tail County's Federal Aid Secondary Project identified as 5,P. Mo. 56-617-01 and Minn, s. 6&66 (11), and the chairman and the audi6or are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribi~-8 the terms and conditions of such agency in the form set forth and contained in 11Minr.esota DeJlll.rtment of Highw~s Agency Contract Form No, IV-S", a cow of which,aid form was before the Board,·assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 11th day of July, 1960. SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairll!Bn of County Boe rd S,B, JOHNSON CountyAudi tor (SEAL) (Submit in duplie.q te) COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'rE .................................. .J:u.l.Y-.. .ll. ............................... 19 . .60 .. Hi;u■n •• NTl■lil:D■H T,H.CL •••••• 46-3-13 (4-6a) MI'.:1.'ESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FORM Im. III . Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 500, Article II, Section 36, Mi!lllesota Laws 1959, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent, contracts for the construction of portions of County State-Aid Highways, specifically described as follows: County State-Aid Highway No, 17 from N. Limits of Vergas to North County Line, and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for ar.d on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Corrmissionerof Highways prescribing the terms and corllitions cf such agency inthe form as set forth and contained in 11Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form No, IVH, a copy of which ,said forrn was before th! Board, assumir,.g on behalf of. the County all, of the contractural obligations therein contained. Adopted this 11th day of July, 1960. ~13. JOffi.TSOH Clerk (SEAL) Chai1111an of the Board SA!-! NY CICLEMOE BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the dulr established and designated County State Aid Highway No. 20 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota which begins at a point approximately 3,080 feet south of the !fortheast corner of Gove1nment Lot 4, Section l-'l'l37H-R43W; thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows; From said point of beginning extending Southeasterly and lfo1·theasterly through Section l-T:07li-R43W and Northeasterly and Southeasterly through Section 6 to a point approximately 1,800 feet South of the Morth Quarter corner of Section 6, ihence No1·theasterly through Section 6 and 5 to a point approxirmtely 262 feet East oi::, the Northwest corner of Section 5-Tl37N-R4211, thence Easterly along or near said county line oli. the North lines of ·sections 5, 4, 3, 2 and l-Tl37N-R42W, to approximately the ?lortheast corner of s .. ction 1, the East half of said county line portion to be assigned to Otter Tail County and identified e.s Otter Tail County State Aid Highway No, 20; the nee Southerly along the Easterly line of Section 1 approximately 1,000 feet South of 'the Northeast corner of Section l-Tl37N-R42W, being a junction with ~runk Highway No. 34, and there te1minating, and whose general course through Section l-Tl37N-R43W, Sections 6 and 9-TJJ7N-R42W, is as follows: Beginning at a point approximately 3,080 feet South of the Northeast corner of Govennment Lot 4, Section l-Tl37N-R43W, thence 573°12 1 E for 465,6 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 1° curve (Delta Angle 2°401 )for a distance of 266,7 feet, thence on tangent t>o said curve 570°32 1 E fer 464.9 feet, ther.ce deflect to the left on a 6° curve (Delta A!!gle 6)0221) for a distance cf 1,056.1 feet, thence on tangent to said curve N 46°06 1 E for a distRnce ,of ~52,5 feet, therce def;lect to the right on a 4° curve (Del ta Agnle 10°37 ') foz, a distance of 195 feet and there terminating, Commencirg at a point 18 fePt South of the Northeast corner of Section 6-Tl)7N-R42\'/, thence S 84°31 1 W for a distance of 4o feet, the:1ce S 81°311 W for a distance of 100 feet, thence S 78°31' 1-1 for a distance of lQO feet, therx:e S 75°311 W for a distance of 100,feet,thence S 72°31'1'1 for a distance of 100 feet,therce 569°31 1 W for a distance of 100 feet, thence 566°311W for a distance of 100 feet, thence S6J0)11W for a distance of 100 feet, thenee S60°31'1'/ for a distance of 100 feet., thence s59°051 W for a distance of 48 feet to .point of beginning, th,,nce S57°3l'W for ,a distance of 52 feet, thence s54°311w for a distance of 100 feet, thence 552°13 •W for a distance of 53.5 feet, t,hence S51°2,6 1\·/ for a distance of849.1 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 3°curve ,(Delta Angle 45°371) for a distance cf 1,120.,6 feet ancl: there terminating, Beginning at a point 180 feet East of the Northwest corner of Section 3-Tl37H,:.R42W, thence 587°36' E for a distance of 1,151,9 feet andthere terminating, That it is necessary for the safety of thepublic travel and for the proper maintenance cf said road that it be so altered E!ld changed; That an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so altering said County State Aid Highwa_y No, 20 in said sections aforesaid; That the general course of said County StateAid Highway No, 20 is not materially altered thereby: That the said Easement so to be procured is for public highway and read purposes, that the same shall be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter described; That it is necessai-y for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the·safety of public travel that additionalright of way be procured to enable theconstruction.of pr~per slopes and that an easement be procured to construct certai. n sl·opes am to maintain the sameafter the construction as provided in theplans and specifications on file in theoffice of· the County Highway Engineer at the Courthouse in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the specific places where said slopes are to be constructed, being particularly her~inafter described~ that,such easement for such construction of slopes cease on.or before December ;l, 1961, That it is necessary for the cnnstjhiction and maintenanee of said road ar.d for t;1e safety of public travel that an easement for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public highway purposes, and upon the lands adjoining the same; That the lands so to be taken for public highway and road purposes a.~d subjected to easement as aforesaid, are situated. in the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail and described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL NO. 2 A strip of land extending over ,;nd across the following described j;-,ract:. Lot 1, Block 4, King's Addition to Clearview, Government Lot 6, Sectinn l-Tl37N-RIJJW, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the ,focth s.iae nf the following describe~ center- line; canmencir.g at a point 3.080 feet South of the Northeast corre r of Government. Lot 4, Section l-Tl37N-R43t,, thence S73012'E for a distance of 181 feet to point of beginning,thence S?J012'E for a distance of 60 feet and there terminating.· Excepting thei·eft-om right of way of existing highw.ey-. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, -OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... Jn 1 icll. ........................................... 19 .. 60 .. Cofftaining 0,02 acre, more or less. PARCEL NO. 9 A strip of land extending ove1· and across the following described tract: Govermiuant Lot 7, Section l-TlJ7N-R4JI'/, except platted and tracts, said strip bein.Jn that part lying within fifty feet on either side of the following described centerline; commencing at a point 3, 08dfeet Souti}6f the Northeast corner of Government Lot 4, Section 1-Tl37N-R4JW, thence S 73°121E for a distance of 465,6 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 1 ° curve (Delta A!:!'gle 2°40 1 ( for a · distance of 266, 7 feet, thence on tangent to said curve S70°321 E for a distance of 464,9 feet, thence deflect to the left on a 6° curve (Delta Agnle 63°22') left for a distance of J67,8 feet to th¢>ointof beginning, thence continuing on said ,curve for a distance of 65 feet and there terminating. Commencing again 3,080 feet South of the Northeast corner of Government Lot 4, Section l-Tl37NR!:J11, thence a73°121 E.for 465,6 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 1° curve (Delta Angle 2°401) for a distance of 266.7 feet, thence on tangent to said curve S.70°32 1E. 464.9 feet, thence ,deflect to the left on a 6° curve(Delta Angle 63°22 1) left for a distance of 1,056.1 feet, ,therce on tangent to said 01rve N. 46°061 E. for a distance of 452,5 feet, ,thence deflect to the r-i. ght on a 4° curve (Delta Angle 10°371 ) for a d.istance ofl5 feet to the point of beginning, thence continue on said curve for a distance of 113 feet and there terminating, Excepting therefrom the light of way of existing highway, Containing 0,21 acre·,. more or less. PARCEL NO. 10 A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: Portion of Government Lot 7, Section l-TlJ7N-R4J.W described as follows; Beginning at a point on the North line of Government Lot 7, Section l-'flJ7N-R4JW, which shall be 442 feet \fest of the point at which a line extending d.ue lforth from the liorthwest corner of Lot 6, Bloc~ 1, naJc Grove Swnmer Resort,~would enters,•ct !forth Line of Govt, Lot 7,, thence West to a point 100 feet West of a point whichis due North of the -~orthwest corner of Lot 6, Block 2, Oak Grove Summer Resort, thence South to the Felican to Detroit Highway,thence Northeast along highway to a point directly South of the point of beginning, thence North to point of beginning, said strip being all that part lying withina distance of 50 feet on either side of the following described centerline: commencing at a point 3,080 feet South of the Northeast corner of Government Lot 4, Section l~TJJ7N-ll43W, thence S 73°12 1E for a distance of 465.6 feet, thence deflect to the ri~t on a 1° curve (Delta Apgle 2°40 1) right for a distance of .266,7 feet,. thence on tangent to said curve s70°32 1E for a distance o:C 464,9 feet, _thence d.eflect to the left on a 6° c,urve (Delta Angle 63°221) left for a distance of ~24.8 feet to the point of beginning, thence continuing on said 6!1;·curve for a distance of 190 feet and there tenninating, . Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highway, Containing 0,29 acre,. inore or less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or befo1·e December 31, l!:)61 on the following described tract: A strip of land 10 feet wide beginning at a point 78 feet Easterly of the point of Beginning on the North side of the roadway in Government Lot 7, Sectionl-TlJ7N-R43W, except platted anci tracts, t henoe Easterly 112 feet and there terminating, Said strip to~djoin t-he outside line of said roadway andthe outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith, PARCEL NO. 22 A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: Government Lots 1, 2 and 5 of Section 6-TlJ?N-R42W, except ,platted and tracts, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the North ai::d South side of the following described centerline: Commence at a point 18 feet South of the Northeast corner.of Section 6-TlJ7N-R42W, thence S84°Jl'I'/ for a distance of 40 feet, thence S 81°Jl'W for a distance of 100 feet, thence S78°31'1-1 for a c'l.istance of 100 ,feet, thence s75°31 1W for a distance of 100 fQet, thence s72°31 'W for a distance of 100 fQet, thence S69°31 'W for a distance of 100 ,feet, thence S66°311w for a distance of 100 .feet, thence S6J03l 'W for a distance of 100 ,feet, thence S60"Jl 'W for a distance of 100 feet, thence S59°05 1w for a distance of 48 .feet to point of beginning, thence S57°Jl'W ,for a distance of 52 feet, thence S54°311W tor a d.istance of 100 feet, thence s52°1J 'W for a di stance of 53. 5 feet, thence s51°251W for a distance of 849.l ,feet, thence deflect to the right on a J0 curve (Delta Angle 45°371) for a distance of 1,120,6 feet and there teminating. Excepting therefrom rie,ht of w,q of existing highway. Containing 4.91 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or befo~e December 31, 1961 on the following described tract: A strip of land 70 feet wide on the North sid.e of the roadwe,y beginning at a point 252 feet Westerly of the point of beginning in Government Lots l, 2 and 5 of Section 6-TlJ7N-R42W, except platted and tracts, there e Westerly J00 feet and there terminating, Said Strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be paralle[ therewith. A strip of land 25 feet wide on the North siae of the roadway beginning at a point 552 feet Westerly of the point of beginning in Government Lots l, 2 and 5 of Section 6-TlJ7N-R'~2W, except platted a.Bi tracts, thence Westerly J58 feet and there terminating. Saids trip to adjoin the olit.side line of said roaciw,q and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 20 feet wide on the North side of the roadway beginning at a point l, 152 feet Westerly of the point of beginning in Government Lots 1, 2 and 5 of Section 6-TlJ7N,..R42W, exc,~t platted and tracts, thence l·lesterly COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... .T~ •• J.l .......................................... 19.60. .. 11cu11nn1•11■iC0•••11r sr.CLOuD ••••· £iiiii JOO feet and there terminating, Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith, A ~tr~p 0~ land 10 feet wi4e on the North side of the re&.dway begi 11ning at a point 2,002 feet 11esterly of thl point of beginning in Governmeht Lots 1, 2 and 5 of Section 6-T1J7N-R42W, except platted and tracts, thence Westerly 173 feet and there terminating, Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the enter line of said strip to be parallel therewith, A strip of land 8 feet point of beginning in Government 200 feet and there tenninating, strip to be parallel therewith. wide on the south side of the rcadway beginning at a point 652 feet Westerly of the Lots 1, 2 and 5 of Section 6-TlJ7N-R42W, except platted and tracts, thence Westerly Said Strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said A strip of land JO feet wide on the south side of the roadway beginning at a point 1, 152 feet Westerly of the point of beginning in Government Lots 1, 2 arxl. 5 o:I" Section 6-T1J7N-R42W, except platted and tracts, thence Westerly JOO feet and there tenninating, Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said road.way and the outer line of said strip to be parlalel therewith, PARCEL NO. 29. A strip of land exte,1ding over and across the foll())ling described tract; Lot J, Murphy's First Addition to Sunlight Hills, Government Lot 4, s~ction J-TlJ7N-R42W, said strip being all that part lying within a distance c,f 50 feet on the south side of the following described centerline: beginning at a point 180 feet East of the Northwest corner of Section J-T1J7N-R42W, thence S 87° J61E fora distance of 75 feet and there terminating, Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highway. Containing O.OJ acre, more or less, PARCEL NO. Jl A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: Government Lot 4, except platted, ar.d Lots 6 and the East 147 feet of Lot 5, Murphy's First Addition to Sunlight Hills, Go,•ernment Lot 4, Section J-TlJ7N-R42W, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of fifty feet on the South side of the following described centerline: beginning at a point J44 feet East of the Nnrthwest corner of Section J-TlJ7N-R42W, thence S87°J61E for a dis·tance of 987,9 feet and there terminating-. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highwa,-. Containing 0,)9 acre, more or less, Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December Jl, 1961 on the following described tracts: A strin of land 7 feet wide on the South side of the rce.dway beginning at a point 127 feet Easterly of the point of beginni~ in Government Lot 4 of Section J-TlJ7N-R42W, thence Easterly 260 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the rrutside line of said roadwa;y and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith, A strip of lard JO feet l':ide on the South sicie o-t" the rcadway beginning at a point 427 feet Easte,·ly of the point of beginning in Government Lot 4 of Section J-TlJ7N-R42W, thence Easterly 500 feet and there terminating, Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said rce.dway am the outer line of said strip to parallel therewith. . . . That due proceedings by condemnation anil. eminent domain be had am prosecuted pursuant to law, to acquire said easement across additional lands aforesaid for public road and highway purposes; to acquire said easement and additional right of way for construction am slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said easerLent for erection of snow fences, and ~tthe same forthwith duly be begun and prosecuted. · Dated this 11th day of July, 1960, ATTEST: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor By the Board of County Commissioners of OIDTER TA IL COUNl'Y SAM NYCKLEMOE , Chairman BE IT RBSOLVED by the CountyBoard (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota; That the duiy established and designated County StatP. Aid Highway No. 18 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota which begins at a point approximately at the Northwest cormr of Section 20-TlJJN-R42W, being a junction with County State Aid Highway ,io. 1, thence along the established centerline of thepu"!llic road: described as follows: From said point of beginning extending Easterly along or riear the North lines of said Sections 20, 21, 22,23 and 24-TlJJN-R42W, and continuing Eastrrly along the lforth lines of Secti <'ns 19-20-21-22 ard 23 to a point approximately at the North Quarter corner of Section 2J-TlJJN-R41W, ard there te1111inating, and whose gennral course between Sections 17 am 20 and 15 And 22- TlJJN-R42\"I, is as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corne1· of Section 17-Tl.J}ii-R42W, thence South 88°20 1 East along the East_ am W.est S'-lction line for 2,647,7 feet and there terminating, Beginning again at the South~est corner of Section 11-TlJJN-R42W, thence South 88"JJ I East along the East ,.nd ti est section line for 2, 664,8 feet and there terminating, 1'hat it is necessary for the safety of the public tmvel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changEd; That an easement across· additional lards hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so altering said County State Aid Highway No. 18 in said sections aforesaid; COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... J:ul.y .. J.l. ............................................ 19.60 .. . SECU ITrPRI COIIPA T S That the general course of said County State Aid Highway No. 18 is not materially altered thereby: That the said Easement so to be procured is for public higb.way and road purposes, that the same shall be located, lie, beard iun as hereinafter described; That it is necessary for the construction ard maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that additional right of way be procured teer.able the construction of proper slopes and that an ·easement be procured to construct certain slopes and to maintain the same after the construction as provided in the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Highway Engineer at the Courthouse in the City, of Fer~s Falls, Minnesota, the specific places where saidslopes are to be constiucted, being particularly hereinafter described,that such easement for such construction of slopes cease on or ~efore December Jl, 1961. That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that an easement for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the same ba upon the lands hereinafter described tobe taken for public highway purposes, and upon the lands adjoining the same;. That the lands so to be taken for public Highway and.road purposes and subjected to easement as aforesaid, are situated in the State of Minnesota, and the county of Otter Tail and described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL NO. 1 A strip of· land extending over am across the following described tract; The SW¼ nf the Swh of Section 17-TlJ;N-R42W, SP-id strip being all that pa.r.t lying within a distance of 50 feet on the Not·th side of th,e following described center- line; begin.'ling at the Southwest corner of Section 17-TlJJN-R421'1, thence South 88°20 1 East along the East and West Section line for 1,323,9 feet !<Iii there terminating. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highway, Containing 0,50 acre, more or less. Also an easement to const1uct slopes whichshall cease on or before December Jl, 1961 on the following described tracts; A strip of land 25 feet wide on the North side ,f the roadway beginning at a point 40 feet Easterly of the point of bPginning in the SWi} of the SW¼ r f Sec ti on 17-Tl3JN-R42W, thence Easterly 160 feet a.'ld there terminating, Said strip to adjoin the outside line of soid roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 22 feet wide on the North side of theroadw9¥ beginning at a point 500 feet Easterly of the point of beginning in the SWt,-of the SW;\-of Section 17-Tl3JN-R42W, thenc.e Easterly JOO feet and there. terminating, Said Strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadw9¥ and. the outer line of' said strip tobe parallel therewith, PARCEL NO, 4 A strip nf land extending over am across the following described tract: The NE½ of the NW} of Section 20-TlJJN-R42W, said strip being all that pa.rt lying within a distance of 50 feet on the south side of the following de11cribed center- line: beginning at the Northwest correr rf the NB;}-of the llW¼ of Section 20-Tl3JN-R421'1, thence Easterly along the East and \'/est sect inn line to the North Quarter corner of Section 20-Tl)J?l-R42W, ard there terminating. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highw9¥, Containing 0,52 acre, more or less. Also an easement to const1uct slopes which shall cease on or before December Jl, 1961 on the following described tracts: A strip of lend 23 feetwwide on the South side of the roadWBJ' beginning at a point 176, l feet Easterly of the point of beginning in the NE;¼-of the NWt,-C!f Sectinn 20-TlJJN-R42W, thence Easterly 135 feet and there teI111inating, Said strip to adjoin the au.side line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 10 feet wide on the South side of the roadway beginning at a point Jll.l feet Easterly of the point of beginning in the NE¼ of the NW¼ of Section 20!llTlJJN-R421'1, thence Easterly 565 feet and there teI111inating, Said. stl'ip to adjoin the outside lineof said roadway andthecuter line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of lam 40 feet wide on the South side of the rcadway beginnir.g at a point 876~ 1 feet Easterly of the point of beginning in the NE;¼-of the NW¼ of Section 20-TlJJM-R42W, thence Easter;ly 160 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. PARCEL NO. lJ A strip of land ex terr:!. ing over and across the following described tracts: The ~ of theS\'lf.-of Section 15-TlJJN-R42W, and the Nj-of the NW¼ of Section 22-TlJJN-R42W, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the North ar.d South side of the following described centerline: beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 15-Tl3JN-R42W, thence Fa.sterly along the East am West -section line to the Soubh Quarter corner of Section 15 andthere terminating, Excepting therefrom right •of way of existing highway •. Containing 6.12 acres, m"re ,,r less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease nn or before December '.ll, 1961 on the following described tracts: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... Ju.l.Y-.. J.l .............................................. 19 .. 60 .. ■ 1111■ ,a111,H.CI.DID,■IN■, e,. A strip of lalld J5 feet wide on the North side of the roadway beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 15-TlJJN-R42W, thence Easterly• 125 feet and the1·e terminating. Said strip to adjoin the 0utside line of said roadwS¥ and the ,uter lineof said strip to be parallel therewith. A str~p :f l~1d 4o fer,t wide oi the Nor~h side of the 1·oad.way beginning at a point 994.5 feet F.a.s~erly of the pointof beginning in the 5½ of theSW;, of Section 15-T1JJN-R42W, thi,nce Easte1•ly 4JO feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the nutside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip nf la...".1d 40 feet· wide ,on ti:te. North side of the roadw,..y beginning at· a point 1,824.5 feet Easterly of the point of beginning in ~he l?} nf ;he.SI·/¼ of Section 15-TlJJN-R42W, thence E...,sterly 400 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway andthe outer line of said strip to be paralleltherewith. A strip of land 15 feet wide onthe North side of.the roadway begiMing at~ point 2,524.5 feet Easterly of the point of beginning in the. 5½ of the S\·I¼ of Section 15-TlJJN-R42W, thence Easterly 140.J feet a"lid there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the qutside line of said roadway and theouter line of said ~trip to be i;aralleltherewith. A strip of land 25 feet wide on the South side nf the ro~dway beginning at theNorthwest corner of·S~ction 22- TlJJN-R42W, thence Easterly 124.5 feet and there terminating. ~aid strip to adjoin the outside lineof .said road.way and theouter lineof said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land JO feet wide on the S,uth side of the roadway begiMing at a po~nt 1,0?4.5 feet Easterly of the point of beg~nning in the Ni of tre NI-It,-cf Section 22-T1JJN'l'R42W, thence Easterly J50 feet and there teminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadw11¥ and the r.uter line c,f said strip to be paralleltherewith. A strip of !arid 13 feet wide on the sruth side of the roadway beginning ·at a point 1,524.5 feet Easterly of the point of beginning in the Ni of the Ni·~¼ of Section 22-T1JJN-R42W, thence Fasterly 600 feet and there te:r:m inating. Said strip to adjoin the au tside line of said rnadway and the outer lineof said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 10 feet wide on the South side of the roadway beginni~g at a point 2,424.5. feet Easterly of the pointof beginning in the ~ o,f the NW¼ of Section 22-TlJJN-R42W, thence Easterly 240.J feet andthere terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the , uter line of said strip to be paralle~therewith. That due proceedings by cordemation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted said easemenCl across addi ti.onal lands aforesaid for public road ard highway purposes: additional right of way for construction and slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said fences,and let the sam, forthwith duly r.e begun ali"d.-prosecuted. pursuant to law; to acquil"e to acquire said easement and easement for erection of snow Dated this 11th day of July,. 1960. Attest: S. B.· JOHNSON, County Auditor lly the Board. of County Commissioners of OTTER .TA IL Ct!lUNTY SAM NYCKLEMOE, Chairman Upon motion, the Board adj~rned tolO o 'c.lock A. M.July 12th. TtraSDAY 1S SESSION Pu.rsuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. July 12, 1960, all members present. Upon motion, it was decided that the Beard as a whole meet with the Becker County Beard at 2 o'clock P. M. Ju.ly 22, regarding improv~ment of the East one mile of road between Otter Tail ani Becker Counties. The Board at its June session having decided that county emplpy_ees, tr!!in.ing in the National Guard, were not to receive compensation for the time spent in .training, reconside1·ed andrevoked its decision on the ground that the law is mandatoiy and requires pe;yment for this period. After consideration it was decided to ccntinue the ~r.ntract with theBlue Cross and Blue Shield for the year beginning Sept. 1, 1960. A delegation from theCity of Fere,usFalls appeared before tp.e Board regarding an appropl"iation for the construction of the Lincoln Avenue bridge in FergusFalls. After consideration, the Board agreed to pay the cr-ntract price only, the City to take care of bills, right of WaY, engineering and aey other expenses. Under Chapter 16J.04 Minnesota Statutes Annotated it is mandatory that an appropriation be made at least equal to one-half nf the amountpaid into the county road and bridge fund by !1he city of FergusFalls. A platof Maple Lane Beach, located in Government Lot 1, (Frl. ~) of Section JJ-1)6-41, accompanied by an opinion as to title exec,uted by M.J. Daly, Attorney-at11law, was approved. A plat of Olson's Maplewood Lida Beach,, located in Lot 7, Section J2-1J6-42, accom:i:anied by an opinion as to title executed by Chas. L. Alexander, attorney-at-law,. was approved. A plat of East Shore, being a part of Government Lot 5, in Section 2J and Government Lot 1 in Section 26, all in Township lJ?, Range 4J,and accompanied by anopinion as to title executed by Chas. L. Alexander, Attorney-at-law,. was approved • . A plat of Klein am Adams Point, bei~ part of Lot 6, Section 1, and Lot 4, Section 12, Township lJS, 40, and of Lot 4, Section? Township 1J5, Hange ~9, accompanied by an opinion as to· title executed by M.J. Daly, at-law, was approved. Range Attorney- A plat of \·/est Loon Lake Beach, located in Gove-rnment Lot 11, Section 4-136-41, and accompanied by an opipion as to title executed by Oppenheimer, Hodgson, Brown, Baer and \"/olff, Attornieaeat-law,_ was approved. A petition asking for vacation of part ·of a county road lccated i.n Section 4-1J5-4J was read and it was ordered tl:-.at a hearing on said petition be held at the Commissiohers• Room in theCourt Houi e in the City of FergusFalls on August 15, 1960, at 2 o'clock P. M., and that Commissioners Sieling and Johnson be appointed as a committee to ey.amine said proposed vacation. Said committee will meet at the point of beginning of said vacation at 9 o'clock A. M. Aug. 15, 1960, for the purpose of examination of said proposed vacation; am it was further ordered that due notice af thetime COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE __________________ j"'1l¥---l2-------------·-------·----------------·-----·-···l9_,o __ and place of In aring be given as required by ii.aw. Applications for homestead claeeification were·-granted in the following cases: Thomas Kjos John Elaaesen Marvin M. Isaacson Arlen A, Anderson W. A. Johnson Orris C, Widness Balph H.Hoadley W¼ of Lot 2o, Inglewolll., Everts Twp. E 20 acres of W¼ SW¼ ~ _SW;¼_-ex, school Section 5-135--41 NW.!. swl. & ~ Sl'fl. Section 25-135-38 ~ swf, S!;, sE! & l'I½ SEk Sec. 5-134-43 am NW;. NE;¼-ex. R.R. Sec, 8-134-43 Lot 1 of Sub Lot A of G. L. lex, tr. Section J-lJ?-42 Gar t. Lots l and 5 Section 15-133-42 NW¼ SEk Section 27-137-43 -The application of Melvin J.Korsemorfer for reduction of assessment on Lots 5, 6 ~? and 8 and the NEf. SE½ except R.R. am Townsite, Section 2-13?-40 was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the applicr.tion be granted on the grcund that the pole turkey barn was assessed too high for that type of construction. The application of Ira Dewey for reduction of assessment on the NW¼ except gmvel pit and except tract, Section 28-131-44, ,was ·read. Upon motion, it was recanmended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the grw.nd that certain lands had been sold tiff but the assessment had not been changed, The application of Oscar W. Person for reduction of assessment on Sub Lot l of GCY t, Lot 7, Section 34- 137-42, was read. Upon motion, it was recommellied to the Commissioner of Taxation that the epplici->.tion be granted on the ground that cottage was moved ~fin f~ll of 195? but still assessed, The application of Richard T.Jahr et al for reduction of assessment on Lot ?, Silver View Park, Everts Township, was read. -Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the applicat~on be granted on the ground that hc;use tre,iler had been assessed onthis description through error. The application of Manfred Olson fcrreduction of assessment on the SE,¼-Nlf,!-, El 51'1¼ and lots l, 2 and J, Section ?-132-44, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that the break-down of tillable and non!'tiHable land was incorrect. The application of Wallace Uhlig for correcti-0n of personal pr.operty assessment in the TCJ,/nship of Elisabeth was read and, upon motion, ·it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground ttat the cattleand hey baler had been erroneously added by the Town :Board of Review. The application of Glendora Maire for correction of assessment of personal property assessment in the Village of New York Milla was read.and, upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner ci' Taxation that the application be granted. The application of Cities Service Oil Co. for forrection of personal property assessment in the· Yillage of Urbanla was read. and upon motionl· it was recommended to the Commissioner tf Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that the equipment assessed had bem sold in August·, 1958. The application of Mrs. J. O. Tarkington for correction of personal property assessment in the Township of Perham was read and, upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that most of the furniture an:l. boat had been rimoved at the time of sale in the fall c£ 1958. The appliootion of William Jackson for reduction of taxes on part of Lots 2 and 3 Fast of Trunk Highway No. 59 in Section 12-13?-L12 was rejec_ted upon recommendation of the Town :Board and CcuntyAsaessor. The application of Mrs. F. N, Lineburg for correction of personal property assessment in the Township of Nidaros was rejected upon recommendation af the Town :Board of Revie,,,. The application of Herman Wittamaki fo_r reduction of assessment on the SE& Nlf-l:, W½ S~ SE¢", Section 1- 134-3? was rejected upon recommendation of the Town :Board. Upon motion, the CClllnty Auditor was authorized to advertise for JOO tons, more 01· less, of l,! inch Commander stoker coal, or equivalent, for the 1960-61 season. The following names were selected to be placed on the peti t jury list to replace those drawn at the April term of District Court: Mrs, John Goeden Mrs. Emil Wa.nl. eri Mrs, August :Buechler Art llauck Sidney Nelson Carrie Hemiriclcx Emil Hanson Orin Peterson Nick Fiedler Mrs. Ralph Peterson Oscar L. Elkins Roger L. Hanson Alfred lljorgo Selmer Nord@:aard Mrs. Helmer OhnBn Henry Budke Mrs. Austin Jo~naon Albert Haxwn, ~r. · Mrs, Raymond Clauson Elmer Rud Roland Grahn Harry Siggerud Clarence Larson· Rush Lake ¢orliss Perham ~p. Pine Lake Paddock llutlel! New Yo:rl!: Mills Homestead Hobart :Blowers Dent Vergas Maine Trondhjen Lida Friberg Dunn Oscar Pelicm Twp. Erhards Grove Dunn Pelfean Rapids Village Clitherall Township Mrs. Law1·ence Cb! sborough John H, nardie Roy Jacobson :aliU'"-J. Jones Palmer Nyberg Edmund P. Helo Mrs. Oscar Rudh Mrs. Gerald Flom Mrs. Elmer Doll Clifford Sh1,1,w Mrs. Gem ld Zeise Herbert Politeske Arnold Larson Mrs, Lester Yaupg Joe Fiedler Elroy A. Anderson Merrian E. Anderson Thorvald R, Iverson Arthur L. Sundberg Lyle Davenport Julius Anderson Martin Ugetad Gir1,1,rd Girard Leaf Mountain Ottertail Vill. Vining Tordenskjold Dalton Henning Vill. Deer Creek Vill, Elmo Deer . Creek Twp. Effington Par. Pra, Vill, Henning Twp. Folden City of Fergus Falla City of Fergus Falla Bu.se City of Fergus Falla Wesjiern Aurdal Carlisle Twp. - COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... Jul;ii .. .12 .............................................. 19 .. 60. Htu,Hri .ai■rlHC&■P1.NY, ar.cLivD, Nin■, c.m. ORDER &ND RESOLUTION OF THE COUNl'Y BOARD·oF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA At a regular meeting of.the County Board of Otter Tail County, State of Minnesota, held at the Court House in ~ai~ Otter Tail_-.c:m~ty, on the 12th day of July, A.D., 1960 for the purpose of considering the application of the I-IIDIIES1ERN GAS TRAriS,-!IvSION COMPANY, Houston, Texas, for permission to lay one or more lines of pipe in certain high- ways in said County, all in accordance with the attached plat. There were present: Commissioners Sieling, Johnson, Nycklemoe, Haase and Morri 11. The County Board and County Auditor, after considering the application of said Company, the following Resolution was moved by Sieling and seconded by Johnson ard duly passed, all voting "Aye". BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Otter Tail County, State of Minnesota, that: Section 1. To the extent t;hat consent may be granted by said County Board, consent is hereby gra.nted by the said County Board of Otter Tail County, State of Minn'3sota to the MID\"IESTERN GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of 1:l:e State of Delaware and authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota, and its successors and assigns, to lay, maintain and o-oerate one.or more lines of· pipe for: the transportation of oil, gas, petroleum products or any other liquids, gases· or substances which can be transported through pipe lines along, through and across the several highwa,ys of s,'.l.id Otte·r Tail County, that may be traversed, intersected or cross by the following route: As shown by the attached plat and drawings. The proposed route drawir.gs and attached plat and drawings on the typical cased road crossing details are hereby incorporated by reference in this resolution and are made a binding part thereof. S2CTION 2. The above consent is granted upon the following expressed conditions: That the casing be located at a minimum depth of two feet below the lowest adjoining ditch ar.d that such depth .as thus determined be maintained throughout tre entire crossing from r~ght-of-,way line to right-of-wa,y line .so that there be no change in the level of the crossing. As said pipe lines or aey portion thereof are construct•d along or across any of the highways, the roadways, or place where the.same is constructed, they shall be at once restored to their original condition, at said Company's sole expense. Said pipe lines shall be so constructed and maintained.as not to interfere with, mdanger or impair the use of saidih~ghways and ditches, drains and culverts in connection.tberewith for travel by the public or for drainage and sewerage.• In the e•rnnt tl'a t any above g1·ound installation be made within a minimum distance of Fifty feet (501) from the now existing center of road involved., such above ground installation shall be moved at no expense to the County if mch change of location shall be necessary because of the expansion of Ii ght of way or reconstruction of present roads in the sameor expaa4ed loca. tion. There shall be no expense to the.County if the line and casing should have to be moved: because of the expansion of the right of way or reconstructi. on of present roads in the Billi! or expanded location; this provision shall apply to and existing township r0Ads1 which iray hereafter b~ designated as county or County State- Aid highway. This resolution and all its tenns.allll: conditions shall be and are hereby made binding and obligatory on the successcr s of said County Board or other officer or officers that may succeed in law to the cr.arge of said public highways or any part thereof, and .on the successors and assigns of said company and. all persona or corporations h"lding b,v, through or UJ!der it. S~CTION J. This resolution shall be inforce and effect from the date thereof. I hereby certify that 'the Resolution of which the foregoing is a co:,y, was duly passed by the County Beard of OTTER TAIL COUNTY, State of l•!innesota on the 12th day of July A.D., 1960 at a regular meeting thereof held in the said Ott.er Tai 1.Co11nty, Minnesota. S. B •. JOHNSON County Auditor The fQllowing resolution was adopted: SAM NYCKLEl•IOE Chairman, County Board Commissioner Sieling presented.tl1e follcwing resolution: WHEREAS, The legislature of the State of Minnesota by laws 1957, Chapter 61J4 did autho:tiize the Commissioner of Conservatiorl\o acquire wildlife lar.ds such as 11'.&rsh or wetlands an!. the margins thereof, including ponds.small lakes and. stream bottoms; and WHEPJ::AS, The purchase of such lands requirjs the approval by a majority of the Board of County Commissioners in the county where the.land to be purchased is located; and WHEREAS The Commissioner of Conservation thx·ough his authorized agents !:as 1·equested the approv:>l of the CotL'lty Board for purchase of the foll!owing rlescribed lar:d to b~sed for waterand wildlife mnservation purposes; and WHEREAS, The.Board of County Commissioners has had available to it the ad.vice aIJd counsel of the Soil Conservation District organized within the county; and WHEREAS, The acQuisi tion and preservation of water and wildlife conservation lar.ds is in th¾>ublic interest. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the approv.~l be given to the pucbase by the Commissioner af' Conservation of the followini described lands, to-wit: ...... COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . .. DATE ........................... J.ul;ir ... l2 ....................................... 19.6Q .. ELMO GAME UNIT Tract #2-AU of Government.Lots J and 4 of Section 4,T.1J2N., R. J7W, containing 89.J2 acres according to court- house records. The "ferl!)Jll Falls Area Save· the Wetlands Clull11 , owner. Tract fl-6,6a, 6b -All of Government Lots 6, 11, 12 and 14 of Section 4, T.1J2N, R.J71'/., mntainii:rg 79.45 acres according to courthouse records. The 11Fergus Falls Area Save The Wetlands Club11, owner. FOLDEN WOODS UNIT Tract #2 -All of the 5½ of the SW¼ of Section J4-T]J2N, RJ8W, containing 80 acres according toc•courthcuse cecords. "Fergus Falls Area Save the Wetlaais Club", owner. Tract f/-4 -All of the 5½ of the NW¼ of Section J4TlJ2RJ8W, containing 80 acres according to ccurthouse records. 11Ferg111 Falls Area Save the Wetlands Club", owner. That said lands are to be acquired and preserEed by the State of Minr.esota for water and wildlife Ollnservation purposes. The resolution was seconded by Commissioner ffaase and upon vote was duly adopted. Adopted July 12, 1960. Attest: S. 3. JOHNSON Clerk. SAMNYCKLEMOE Chairman. Tha following estimate of expenses for the ensuing year is herewith submitted: Salaries of County Off'icials Clelk: s, Janitors, etc. Deputy Sheriffs & Jailers salaries Co. Commissioners Salaries & exp. Boarding Prisoners Sheriff & Deputies expenses Witnesses District Court Justice & Municipal Court Jurors District Court :jjailiffs & Reporters Books, Blands & Stationery Expenses Mental Illness Cases Court Hmlle Groums July 12, 1960. $52,500.00 ·54,000/00 2J,OOO.OO 10,500.00 7,500.00 8,500.00 J00.00 J,000.00 9,000.00 5,800.00 21,500.00 4,500.oor 1,000.00 Light,Fuel, Repairs etc. Count;-Agents County Nursing Service Printing & Ad"'rtising Co. Assessor Is Saly., ass is tan,ts & expenses Atte!d ing Jiissessors I Meetings Veterans Service Office Miscellaneous Revenue County Welfare Road & Bridge Fund Poor Fund Road & Bridge Bond Account Juvenile Probation Office Saly. & Expense Respectfully submitted, S. B; ;JOHNSON County. Audi tor. $20,000.00 18,600.00 14,065,00 11,000.00 15,000.00 1,200.00 11,500.00 12,500.00 268,957.00 410,000.00 50,000.00 183,900.00 9.000,:00 TO THE CCXJNI'Y BOARD OTTER TAIL COUNTY, IHNNE.'SOTA Pursuant 1D law I present below a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for County purposes for the current year, the amounts collected am apportioned to date, and the balances unco1lected, together with the actual cash balance remaining to the credit of each County fund at the close d business on the JOth day of June, 1960. FUNDS County Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bridge Fund County Fair Bonds County :Buildings County School Transportation Veterans Service R & B Bonds & Interest County Welfare County School Tax Amount Levied for Current Year l65,0J8.04 llO,l?l.67 375,285.98 10,973.27 21,91£6.54 20,190.82 13,667-92 186,765.lJ Jll,640.99 2J5,98J. 72 S. B. JOHNSON County .Auditor. Amount Collected and A'cnortioned 66,020.49 27,828.22 94,79J.JJ 2,771.?J 5,54J.Jj7 5,099.99 J ,)26.08 47,174.9) 78,717.27 67,597.2) Balance Uncollected or Unapportionecl. 99,017.55 82,J4J .115 290;492.65 8,201.54 16,4oJ.07 15,090.8) 10·;J41.84 1J9,590.20 2J2.92).72 168,386.119 Balances renaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows. FUNDS County Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road am Bridge Fund County Building Fund Ditch fund County lfursing Home Incidental Fund Tube-rculosis San, Fund Road &: Brici.ge Bond Account County School Transportation County Fair Bonda Veterans Service Fund County Welfare Fund County School Tax fund CREDIT llALANCE 72;528. 06 166,840.15 152,618.16 55,729.Li.1 16, lOJ.16 22,005.39 699-79 6,0JB.80 70,210.70 22,2JJ.67 7,J7J-72 10,210.1£9 90,421.25 J,292.78 l COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. .Jul:, 12 ............................................. 19.-60-. llCl■lnPll■rl■GCO■HH lloCLOUD •1■11, The following is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the.Board. IOil WHAT PURPOSE Road and Bridge Fund Sp~cial Read and Bridge Fund The followi11g resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.; Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: BALANCE DUE 332,126.45 8,659.50 That there be levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, for the year 1960 the following amounts for the several ccunty funds: Revenue Fund Road am Bridge Fd. Poor Fund Building Fund Co. School Tax. Fd. Adopted July 12, 1960, Attest: s.B. JOHNSON County A\1ditor. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg . Do Glen M. l-lelby Sidney Nelson Pat D.Mack . Eui-rou~s Mrs. Genevieve Stroschein Joanne Rossow Sam l:!ycklemoe Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Henry Sieling !-!rs. Elvin Arvidson Ernest Herting Drs. Lewis, Lewis & Kevern Dr: Farl E. Bigler Dr, ·earl J. Lund Dr; Everett C. Hanson Gordon Schmidt Emil Boen Frank Roberts Kathryn L. 1-!icbaelson Duane Laruiberg West Publishing Co. Arthur H, Ackerson Jolin L. Bixby Roger Gustafson N. ·w. Bell Tele. Co. Do Do Dacotah Paper Co. Albert Ber,.ke Ebersviller Implement Co. Hoiten Hdwe. Wm: Galena & Son Lustra Corporation Hintgen-Karst Mei:!Lin ·s. Rieman Jolin Hoff Edwin Ala Jolin Stine Frank Finberg Lloyd Engen 01:i. ve V. Engen Clem Steinbach Poucher Printing & Lithe. Co, Security Blank Book & Prtg. Cr. !Hiler-Davis Co. Sclioolcraft Co. Victor Lu."!deen& Co, Gaffaney1s American Bindery & Sup. co. Remington Rand R. 'R. Yates · Jonnson Drugs, F. F. Nelson Bros. Printing co. Midwest Prtg. Co. Ferf,US Journal Co. Battle lake Review H. ·w. Glor\'igen Frank C. Barnes Vernon E. Bachman I ~t o • o 180,000~00 410,000.00 Co. School Transportation Welfafe Fund 50,000.00- 1 mill 327,137.00 Veterans Service Fund Fair Bonds fund boardingprisoners expenses II II • e:cp. probation officer acding machine paper SAi~ NYCKLEMOE Chai man. clerical work in Co, Supt. office clerical work in Co~. Supt. office expenses II II I! exp. estention comm. mtg. II II II II coroner 1s fees II II II II II II witness fees exp. and saly of weed insp. II II II II II clerical work in 1·1.0.T. Cons. office services in W.O.T, Cons. office nocket parts ~xpenses Probate Judge II II calls ~ dispenses cleaning boiler, etc. supplies II services at C.H. supplies lamp Dep, Sh. fees and II II II II II II II II II II II II assist. Dep, Sh. special jailer matron's fee constable fees supplies supplies II II II paper book repairs etc. supplies ball point pens supplies envelopes expenses II II II printing envelopes, etc. publishing notices box rent II II postage 20,000.00 268,957.00 6/10 mill ·1/2 mill · $ 516.00 56.50 345.60 130~00 148;00 24.96 48.oo .72,00 10.90 17.00 10.90 18.68 8./Jo 4.48 11.30 l;. 6.5 33-35. 10 • .50 20.88 317.46 262.72 90.00 183.60 51.50 -10.00 111.90 119.34 61.85 38.70 27.60 7,78 60.00 5.52 26.0l '8.60 90.90 .94 4;.60 197.60 71.20 14.50 5.00 25.00 -5.00 9.80 275.16 528.87 36.61 90.00 248.70 1.46 701.00 1096.10 ·4.09 1.39 119,96 64.eo -344.20 -5.88 12.00 ·9.00 25.50 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Evelace G. Hanson Acme Chemical Co. Holten Rd.we. Erickson Hdwe. Nelson Drug Co. Park Region Medical'Cent.er H. W. Glorvigen · Women's Relief Corps Geo. H. Robinson Relief Corpe Geo. Bergem Post #489 V, F. W. Past f~020 Adamson-Norman Post #JO W. W. h Barracks #922 Philip M, Kjaglien Do Straub Co. Public Utilities Dept. N. W. Bell Tele. Co. SecrPtarial Se1"Vice Reco1•dak Corp. Victor Lundeen and Co. East o. T, Tele. Co. Sidney Nelson Geo. Ackerman Rollie Schaller Everts Lbr. Co., B,L. City of F.F. Poor Dept. Dr. W, F. Schamber s•eblay Drug Store Stemerud & Emerson Drug Co. Swan's Rexall Dru.gs Dr." W. F. Schamber Dr,' Ever•tt C.Haneon Minnesota Siite San. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Phillippi Equipment Co. Ru.f'friqge Johnson Equipt. Co. Wm: H.-Ziegler Co. Fiour City Brush Co. Super G.M. c. Truck Salee Larson Welding Suhr Ford Sales Olson Auto Electric Us'elman Electric Service Wait's Radio & T.V. Dalton Minn. Mining & Mfg. Co. Em~ire Supply Co. Holten Rd.we. S i~elman Hide & Fur Co. National Bushing & Parts Co. Standard Oil Co., BU,. Pa~er, Calmenson& Co. M.& R. Sign Co. Railway Express Agency Korby Contracting Co. Gladen Bros. l. ·s. Isaacson Reuben R. Anderson Paul Schwartz Fossen Oil Co. Ray's Oil Co. Dari's Texaco Service ~.ayo 1s Standard Service Hailet1s Service DATE ... Corisumer1s Co-op. Oil Co., Henn. Farmer's Co-op. Cry. Assn. D.C. Kraemer Oil Co. Arra., Petroleum Bluffton Oil Co. Penrose Oil Co. Soiiah & Braatz Oil Co. 9' D. · A. Luvri~t Co. Viilage of Henning Farmers Co-op. Elevator Co., F.F. Peterson-Bidd.ick Co. Firestone Store, F.F. Les' Tire Service Minn. Dept. of Highways Otter Tail Power Co. Viilage of Parkers Prairie City of Fergus Falls H, 0A, Roaers Co. Miller-Davis Ci). VictorLu.ndeen and Co. N. ·w. Bell Tele. Co. F. F. East O. T. Tele. Co. N. ·w. Bell Tele. Co., F.F. Peiican Tele. Co. fl'• ·w. Bell Tele. Co., Hellil. Wendell P. Huber G. ·D. Harlor J.uly ... 12. .............................................. 19.6.0. .. postage supplies II II medication for prisoners jail calls adv. coma. to license agents decorating graves decorating graves II II 11 II 11 II 11 II expenses postage and mche, rental. rent · water, etc. services and calls supplies II II tele.rent expenses boat motor fuel expenses supplies care of t!'ansients university pa:r,ers drugs for t.B, patients 11 II II U II II II 11 care oft. b. patient 11 II II II II II parts II II " repairs l! II II II II supplies II II n " II blades signs freitht equipt, rental II II •n sodding & seeding gmvel borrow pit gasoline II II II ·11• II II grease, etc diesel fuel II II 11 II fuel oil diesel oil ga1"Bge rental. seed tires tires services prints water & sewer chfrges main. supplies II " service and tolls II II II 11 II II II expenses II II II 23.00 190.50 3.90 2.10 3.10 16.00 '.33.30 25.00 a.so 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 75.74 7.00 50.00 3.2.) 17.80 8.95 63.45 81.73 9.00 158.40 13.50 151.80 4.96 305. 77 41.00 41.25 56.60 2.75 2.00 26.50 570.24 13.08 1389.42 344.62 112.79 161.05 32.20 18.75 131.22 27.80 14.15 3. 75 350.24 571.55 72.85 .18.45 17,29 123.16 2;0.80 168.70 18.47 ·123.50 268.50 222.20 337,90 230.00 193,t.2 51.61 57.24 84.98 62.16 32-78 48.30 77,63 517.43 165.00 79,60 . 39.50 21.5.60 150.00 524.oo 249.30 37,00 141.90 88,51 61.50 6.50 561.25 13,49 19,71 18.69 31.75 14.05 .)6.45 22.45 12.35 212.93 182,43 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCUIITT •• • •co■• ' I OUD ■INII. llorrest Huse Ge<r ge Olson Aurdal Township, Emil Doen, Chm. Dr. & Mrs. Chas Foullt Vernon Torgusaon Mrs. Alice 13jergo Mrs. Elizabeth Sande Mrs. Floeence 13. Johnson Harvey R. Peterson l•lcCnrmick Fa1·m Equipt. Store South Mill Standal'd Wendell P. Huber Knuttila Implement Co., Inc. Hendrickx Implement Henry Hoimgren Vergas Oil Co. Service Oil Co. 13.L. A~ton Ripka DA'l'E ......•...........•.. JMJ.Y ... lZ .............................................. 1969 ... . expenses II special aid right of w~ 11 II 11 II II II II II II II 11 II II II parts f,"asoline cash advanced repairs II II tire gasoline insurance Upon motion, thel3oard then adjcurned to folfr o'clock P. M. July 19th. Chairman. Attest: Clerk. 16.03 18.oo 300.00 3.20 20.9.5 1124.90 17.80 108.0,5 148~63 100.10 69.68 47.81 105.43 6.42 18.84 26.19 102.48 1366.55 COMMISSIONERS RECORD.O, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... .Ju;i__,, ... 19 ............................................... 19.~ .. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF TBlil BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOl'A Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 4 O'clock P. M. July 19, 1960 all members being present. Upon motion, the County Commissioners contributed the sum of $700.00 to the Otter Tail. County Historical Society for use eor the year beginning July 1st,, 1960. A plat of Engs•trom Beach located on Govt. Lot 5, Section 24-136-41, accompanied by an· opinion as to title executed by M. J. Daly , Attorney-at-law was approved. A plat of S011th Point on West Battle lake being all of Govt. Lot 1 am part of the S:Ei-of NE;¼-of Section 31-133-39 accompanied by an opinion as to the title executed by Elliot O. Boe, attorney-at-law was approved. A plat of First Addn. to South Point on West Battle lake being all of Gott. Lot 1 and part of· the SE& UW;\-of Section 32-133-39 and accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Elliot O. Boe attorney-at-law·was approved, A plat of lle.y View Being part of Lot 5 and of the SEl;-NW½ of Section 36-133-41 and accanpanied by an opinion as to the title Executed by Gera 1d s. Rufer, attorneyj'S,t-law, was approved upon the condition tlBt Mr. Bu.fer file with the County Auditor a release of the mortgage against·these premises, Upon motion, the Beard then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. August 9, 1960. Attest: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ····················~H&, ... 9,· ···········································19 ... 60 ..... ·••ti ■ ■ I 1 MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEEI'ING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMIHSSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. August 9, 1960, all manbers being present. Upon motion, the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for grading jobs to be opened at 11 o'clock A. M. Sept. 6, 1960, as follows: GRADING. S.A.P. 56-618-03 (60) C.P. 60:18A (CSAH #18) Length 5.074 miles, located between CSAH #1, 5 miles northeast of Fergus Falls and 5 miles northwest of Underwood. The major quantities of work are 225,264 cubic yards of Class "A" Excavation and 6,100 tons of gravel wearing course in place. S.A.P. 56-618-04 (60) C.P. 60:18S (CSAH #18) Length 4,604 miles, located between 5.1 miles East of CSAH #1, 4.0 miles Northwest of Underwood and CSAH #45, 5,5 miles Northeastof Underwood. The major quantities of work are 177,017 cubic y;irds of Class "A" Excavation and 5,525 tons of Gravel Wearing Course in p.hace. Upon motion, the County Auditor was also authorized to re~eive bids until 11 o'clock A. M. September 12, 1960, on behalf of the Commissioner of Highways as agent of said county for grade and gravel surface on the following p?'Qjects: GRADE AND GRAVEL SURFACE. S.P. 56-617-61 (CSAH 17), Minnesota Project S 6466 (11), length 6.2 miles and S.A.P. 56-617-02 (CSAH 17), length 0.3 mile, located between 0.10 mile Northwest of the ounction with Trunk Highway No. 228 in Vergas (Main Street) and 0.06 mile North of the North line of Otter Tail Gounty. The major quantities of work are 446,046 Cu. Yds, of Class A Excavation and 7,700 Tons of Gravel Wearing Course in Place. Licenses for "On" and "Off" sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted to Elaine and Ruth Leedahl at Seclusion Point in the Town of Edna. The following resolution was adopted : Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $3,837.28 be transferred from the County Building Fund to tne County Revenue Fund, this being the amount of ~he ex;penditure from the County Revenue Fund for the construction of the elevator in the Court House, Be it further resolved that the County Auditor and County Treasurer make the necessary entries on their records. Adopted Aug. 9, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: SAM NYCKLEl-lOE Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners,.of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That there be transferred from the Road and Bridge Fund to the County Revenue Fund the sum of $12,664.80, this being the amount expended from the County Revenue Fund for County Highway Patrol Officers for the years 1955 through 1960, minus the amount received in fines collected for violations. Be it further resolved that the County Auditor and Col,lllty Treasurer make the necessary entries on their records, Adopted Aug. 9, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman. Be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County that there be transferred from the Veterans Service Fund to the County Revenue Fund the sum.of $11,491.08, being the amount expended from the Revenue Fund for the year 1959 for the Veterans Service Office, Adopted Aug, 9, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. SAM NYCKUMOE Chairman, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the duly established arxi designated County State Aid Highway No, 20 in 6tter Tail County, Minnesota, which be- gins at a point approximately 3,080 feet South of the Northeast corner of Government Lot 4, Section l=Tl37N-R43W; thence along the established centerline·of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning extending South- easterly and Northeasterly through Section l-Tl37N-43W and Northeasterly and Southeasterly through Section 6 to a point ap- proximately 1 SQQ, feet South of the North Quarter corner of Section 6, thence Northeasterly through Sections p and Stoa point appro~ately 262 feet East of the Northwest corner of Section 5-Tl37N-R42W, thence Easterly along or near said county line on the North lines of Sections 5, 4, 3, 2 & l-Tl37N-R42W, to approximately the Northeast corner of Section 1, the East half"of said county line portion to be assigned to Otter Tail County and identified as Otter Tail County State Aid Highway No, 20· thence Southerly along the Easterly line of Section 1 approximately 1,000.feet South of the Northeast corner of Sec- tion l~Tl37N-R42W, being a junction with Trunk Highway No. 34, and there terminating, and whose general course through Sec- tion l-Tl37N-R43W, Sections 6 and 3-Tl37N-R42W, is as follows: ---·- COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Aug. 9, 19 6V DATE ........... •-·--·································-'························•·"-·-· ·····--· Beginning at a point approximately 3,080 foot South of the Northeast corner of Government Lot 4, Section l-Tl37N-R43W thence S 73 deg. 121 E for 465.6 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 1 deg, curve (Delta Angle 2 deg. 401) for a distance' of 266. 7 feetl, thence on tangent to said curve S 70 deg. 32' E for 464. 9 feett., thence deflect to the left on a 6 deg. curve (Delta Angle 63 deg. 22 1 ) for a distance of 1,056.1 feet, thence on tangent to said curve N 46 deg. 06 1 E for a distance of 452.5 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 4 deg. curve (Delta Angle 10 deg. 371 ) for a distance of 195 feet and there terminating. · · · 'That it· is necessary for the safety of the public travel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed; That an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so altering ~~d ~ounty Stat Aid Highway No. 20 in said sections aforesaid; That the general course of said County State Aid Highway No. 20 is not materially altered thereby; Tnat the said easement so ·to be procured is for public 'highway and road purposes, that the same shall lie located, lie, be and run as hereinafter·described; That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for tne safety of public travel that ad- ditional right of way be procured to.enable the construction of proper slopes and that an easement be procured to construct certain slopes and to maintafn the same after the construction as provided in the plans and specifications·on file in the office of the County Highway Engineer at the Courthouse in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the specific places where said slopes. nre to be const)'ucted, being particularly hereinafter descri-bed, that such easement for such construction of slopes cease on or before December 31, 1961. '11hat it is necessary for 'tne construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that an easement for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public highway purposes, and upon the lands adjoining the same; That the lands so to be taken for public highway and road purposes and subjected to easement as aforesaid, are sit- uated in the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail and described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL NO. 17 A strip of land over and across the Easterly half of the following descripad tract: That portion of Government Lot 7, Section l-Tl37N-R4JW, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Public Highway running along the North line of Lot 3, Block 1, Oak Grove Surmner Resort, which point is directly North of the'Northeast corner of said Lot 3, thence North to the North line of Government Lot 7, Section l-Tl3:?N-R4JW, thence West on said line a distance of 100.0 feet, thence South to the North line of said Public Highway, thence Northeast along said'Northerly line of said Public Highway to point of beginning. Said strip being all that part lying within fifty feet (501) on either side of the following described centerline: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Government Eot 6, Section l-Tl37N-R4JW, thence S 01 deg. 59' W for a distance of 256,9 feet, thence S 73 deg. 121 E for a distance of 465,6 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 1 deg. curve (delta angle 2 deg. 401 ) for a distance of 266.7 feet, thence S 70 deg. 321 E for a distance of 464,9 feet, thence deflect to the left on a 6 deg. curve (Delta Angle 63 deg. 22 1 ) for a distance of 1,056.1 feet, thence N 46 deg: 06 1 E for a distance of 392.7 feet to point of beginning. Thence N 46 deg. 061 E for a distance of 59.8 feet, thence deflect tot he right on a 4 deg. curve (Delta Angle 10 deg. ~7•) for a distance of 26.2 feet and there terminating. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highway. Containing 0.11 acre, more or less. That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law,-to acquire said ease- ment across additional lands aforesaid for public road and highway purposes; to acquire said easement and additional right of way for construction and slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said easement for erection of snow fences, and let the same forthwith duly be begun and prosecuted. Dated this 9th day of August, 1960. By the Board of County Commissioners of O'ITER TAIL COUNTY SAM NYCKLEMOE, Chairman Attest: S. B. JOHNSON, County Auditor. RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS At a special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, held on August 9th, 1960, all members being present, Commissioner Henry Sieling introduced and Commissioner Harvey D. Morrill seconded the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that except for the intersections with Minnesota Trunk Highways and ·except such parts of the road as hereinafter set forth as are within the corporate limits of villages and cities, the following highways are hereby designated as through highways: County State Aid Highway No. County State Aid Highway No. County State Aid Highway No. County State Aid Highway No. County Highway #148 16 -from T.H. #78 to CSAH #5, 19 -from CSAH' #76 to CSAH #8, 50 -from T.H. #108 to North junction CSAHI #67, 67 -from CSAH #62 to Butler. -from Butler West approximately 0.4 mile. And the Engineer of this county be, and he hereby, is instructed to construct and erect proper Stop Signs at entrances thereto as soon as practicable and when said signs are erected, ,said Engineer shall file with the Auditor his report thereon. Dated August 9, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON, County Auditor. S~I NYCKLEMOE Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE . Aug. 9·, 60 ... ················································································19 ...... . RESOLUTION REQUESTING BRIDGE OVER INTERSTATE.ROUTE NO. 94, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Oscar Township have asked for the assistance of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County to assist them in having a bridge constructed over the interstate Route No. 94, between Sections 4 and 9 or 5 and 8 in ToWlship 134 North, Range 44 West, (Oscar,Township), and WHEREAS, this township road is a mail route, milk route, high school bus route, and WHEREAS, the menbers of School District #1450 are "ll'itally interested in the construction of said bridge, and WHEREAS, if no bridge is constructed on the township road, it will split School District #1450, which has a newer schoolhouse and ~dll continue:.to have school there for some time, and WHEREAS, if no bridge is constructed at this location, it will cause a great deal of inconvenience and more travelling to the public, NIDW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Minnesota Highway Department have a bridge constructed over the interstate route where it crosses the section line between Sections 4 & 9 or 5 & 8 in Oscar Township. Adopted 9th day of August, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. SAM NYCKLEMOE Chainnan, Otter Tail County. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Aug. 10, 1960. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Aug, 10, 1960, all members present. The petition of Guy C. Shaw asking that the N} of the NWt of Section 28-1J2-J6 be set off from School District No. 547, Otter Tail County, to School District No, 786, Todd County, was taken up for final action. The petition bore the approval of the school board of District No. 547 and there being no opposition, the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Guy C. Shaw, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 547 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 786 Todd Co., and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said District No, 547 to said adjoining School District No. 786 Todd Co, was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th day of June, A, D., 1960 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on .said petition, at a session of said board on the 10th day of August, A.D., 1960 at the County Auditorts office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by.said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places.in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 10th day of August A.D., 1960 due proof of the posting and service of said order.of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made·and filed, .said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: N} of NWt Section 28 Township 132 Range J6 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 547 to said adjoining School District No. 786 Todd Co, and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 10th day of August A.D., 1960, (Auditor's Seal) SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor & ex-officio Clerk of Board. A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District No. 1423 was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said resolution be held at 10 o'clock A. M, Sept. 7, 1960, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing·be given as provided by law. A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District No. 1514 was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said resolution be held at 10 o'clock A. M. Sept. 7, 1960, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law, A petition signed by Leo and Lorene Hought asking that •the W½ NW¼, W} SW¼ Section JO, and the N} of Section Jl, all in Township lJJ, Range 44, be set off from Common School District No •. 1506,.o~ter Tail County, to School District No, 849, Wilkin County, was read, and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A. M. Sept. 7, 1960, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law, Upon motion, the Chairman and County Auditor were authorized to sign an agreement tdth the Sioux Railway Co. granting Otter Tail Co. permission to perform grading operations on its Right of Way in Sections 11, 14, 15 and 23, Township 137, Range 41, Upon infonnation received from the Sheriff of Otter Tail County as to the illegal operation and the violation of law at the premises of Dorothy Soward at Wall Lake in the sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors, and the resolution of this Board in relation thereto for which she has heretofore received licenses from the county, and in the presence of the Sheriff and County Attorney,'it was moved, seconded and carried, that t~e beer licenses here~ofore is~ued.to Dorothy Soward are hereby re- voked.and the Sheriff is instructed to enter upon the prenuses and take possession of said licenses. The Board having advertised for JOO tons, more or less, Commander stoker coal for the 1960-61 season received bids as follows: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Aug. 10, 19612 19 DATE .......................................................................................... . Nyman Fuel Co. Lampert Lumber Co. Campbell Coal Co. $18.15 per ton 18,22 per ton 18, 29 per ton Upon motion,,' the ·contract was awarded to the Nyman Fuel Co. for $18.15 per ton. . . ·( \ · The application ·or Ronal!i .r,. Is~·son for homestead classification on the Wi NE¼ of Section 15-133-37 was read. After considerat~on,, the application•'was\granted·, 'and the County Auditor was instructed to alter the tax records accordingly. I ' . ·•· • . . \: ' The application of Glen C. Myers for •reduction of assessed valuation on household goods in the Village of Richville was read. Upon m~tion-, it was recomm~d~ to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that he had been given'no household exemption. _,,.....,,,. The application of E. H. Bombeck for redu.ction of assessed valuation on Lots 13, 14 and 15, Twin Oak Heights, on Big ~ine Lake, was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be.granted on the ground that the buildings were over-assessed. The application of Esther~-Jordan for reduction of assessed valuation on Lot 5 except the South 250 1, Section 20, and West 539 feet' of the North 1070 feet of the South 13201 of Lot 4, Section 21-136-40, was read, Upon motion, it was re- commended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that the property is not accessible, having no public o~ private roag. The application of Harl G. Massey for reduction of assessment on Lot 13, Bill1s Beach, was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that a building was added in 1959 which rightfully belongs on Lot 12, Th·e a~plication of Chris. L. Carlson asking for reduction of assessment on the W½ NW¼ except school and the SE¼ NW¼, NE! SW! and Wi SE¼, Section 34-132-37, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Ta,Xa.tion that the application be granted on the ground that the house burned down in the fall of 1958 and was not deducted on the following May ],.st assessment. _, 1 • The application of Ted Branden for reduction of assessment on Lot 14, Wall Lake Point, was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected upon recol!Ullendation of the Town Board, Th~ application of John F. Nelson for homestead classification on Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Claude Moody's Beach, was read. Upon moti~n, the application was rejected upon recormnendation of the County Assessor. A plat of River View Beach located in Govt, Lot 5, Section 34, Township 135, Range 39, and Govt,.Lot 1, Section 3, Township 134, Range 39, and accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by R. N. Nelson, Attorney-at-law, was approved. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Do Sidney Nelson Glen Melby Pat D. Mack R, A, Henning Vernon E. Bachman Joanne Rossow Mrs._Genevieve Stroschein Barbara Thompson Bennie J. 'Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Henry.Sieling Otto Haase Harvey D. _Morrill Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Henry .Sieling Otto Haase Harvey D. Morrill Dr. Everett C. Hanson Emil Boen Frank Roberts Arnold Evavold Theo. Thompson Melvin Trosvik W. H. Dewey Theo. Hegseth Harold Skistad ~:arion R. Gill Kathryn L. Michaelson Duane Landberg Afton C, Smith John Meyer· Arnold W, Rosen Jeff a. 'llikkanen Roy Fletcher Mason Publ; Co, Roger Gustafson John 1.. Bixby N. W. Bell Tele. Co, Do Dacotah Paper Co. Wm. Galena & Son Edling Electric . Fergus Plumbing & Heating Co. Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Alfred Engen Merlin S. Rieman boarding prisoners expenses II ,Dep. Sh. expenses Probation Officer expenses typewriter repairs expenses clerical work in Co, Supt, office II expenses II II II II II II II II II Board of Equalization II II II II II II II II coroner Is fees II exp. & salary of weed insp. II II II II II II expenses & fees fees II II II ~ II II II II II II soil conservation work E.O.T. Co. clerical work in W.O,T. Soil Cons. services W.O.T. Cons. Dist. attd •. Soil Cons. Meetings II II attd. 11 II II II II II II II police law manual expenses II calls II supplies labor repairs services at jail supplies Dep. Sh. fees&. exp. II II II II II II II II office $987.50 455.57 359,50 280,20 151.90 7,00 8.40 14.50 22.50 14.50 44.75 38.56 55,24 54.87 14,50 21.00 21.00 ;:26.20 25.00 15.00 10,30 237,45 293,94 39,00 16.05 13,20 10.80 14.85 3,CO 86.95 63.75 216.00 26.75 18.00 12.36 13.95 10,80 2.50 32.06 22.73 73.41 32.00 38.63 4.25 10.25 6,60 6.10 30.00 15,50 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCll■llrPll■r1111co••1.■r sr.CLOUD ■IN■• C-2m1 Paul Barcenas Clifford E. Pederson Gary A. Nelson Oren Fosse Edwin Ala Clem Steinbach Mrs. Marlin Reynolds Georgine Engen Parker Erickson Walter Gullickson Pelham McGee E. J. Wilson Roy R. Stewart Ed. Ryan James E. La·rson L. R •. Kerling Jameatown Police Dept. R. H •. McLane Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. Miller-Davis Co. Security Blank Book & Printing Co. '!!he Pierce Co •. Schoolcraft Co. Farnham1s Victor Lundeen & Co. Ugeblad Publ. Co. Midwest Printing Co. Fergus Journal Co. H. W •. Glorvigen Olga Torvik Vernon E. Bachman Johnson Drugs Poli~e Supply Co. Goodwin Joss Laboratories, Inc. Warren's Radio & T. V.. Andrews & Meister Drug Montgomery Ward H. W •. Glorvigen American Legion Auxiliary. N.Y.M. East O.T. Tele. Co. Shirley Kroneman Marilyn Siebels Mrs. Donald Barber Mrs. Melvin Lien Mrs. Elmer Peterson Mrs. Philip Arfstro~ Mrs. Douglas C. Haugen Mrs. Norbert Hertel Mrs. Geo. Lindstrom Do Philip It.. Kjaglien Do Straub Co. Public Utilities Dept. N. W •. Bell Tele. Co. Secretarial Service Victor Lundeen & Co. u Artz Camera Supply Co. Holten Lumber Co. Johns.on Drugs R. C •. Rolfson Coast~to-Coast Stores. B.L. RollB!ld Schaller Erwin. Baltes City of Fergus Falls Steblay Drug Store Swan '.s Rexall Drug Hallin Drug Store 1-!innesota State Sanatorium Korda Clinic Dr. Everett C. Hanson Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Co •• Inc. The Zeco Co. Wm. H. Ziegler Co •• Inc. Super G.M.C. Truck Sales Olson Auto Electric ~!innesota Motor Co. Larson Welding Auto Safety Service Worner Rt.mbler Vaughn Chevrolet Co. Harpe~ Electric. Stan I s Garage Jim Larson Ford Sorem Auto Parts Co. Paper, Calmenson & Co. Farwell. Ozmun. Kirk & Co. ~linnesota )iining & Mfg. Co. W.R. Brown Corporation -r'Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co, DATE ... ·······················_.······· Au~.st .. lo• ......................... 19 .. 60. Dep. Sh. fees & exp. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II constable fees trans. prisoner matron P.P.. tax services citations II II :'._;-'-;a: .. ·•+ .,/ service fees citation serving papers supplies . ' ,, II II II mounting board supplies prtg. envelopes. etc. supplies publ. minutes. etc. postage supplies dance police badges tests supplies prescriptions suits adv. corns. to drivers agents decorating graves service postage & cards postage & box rent ·' Exp. attd. Nursing Board meetings II II II II II II II II II II. telephone calls expenses II II II II II II II II II II II postage & machine rental rent water etc. calls mimeographing supplies II II slide mounts gas for water patrol supplies expenses water patrol gas care of poor medication for T.B. patient II II II II II II care of patients II office calls parts II II repairs posts & blades supplies II II II II II II II II / 8.50 37.30 10.40 ·-22.60 33.25 34.00 5.00 5.00 13.25 5.55 .• 95. 2.30 3.70 2.92 2.30 .60 2.00 1.00 269.34 38.43 18.43 56.77 89.93 20.00 610.54 106.47 252.00 341.75 60.00 41.52 12.00 18.49 47.46 5.00 10.30 10;40 98'.61 25.85 25.00 18.00 5.50 2 .• 10 18.90 8.40 23.10 12.60 10.92 8.68 4.62 4.15 54.32. 7.06 50.00 3,27 19.00 18.45 78.19 ;J.~:?l 16.85 24.00 3.25 1.2,. 149.50 Vl9 11.036.43. 4~.8,3 16.-50 87.90 552.60 3.52 4.00 36.30 280.65 947.45 64.78 81.43 16.26 26.75 25.80 24.35 13.64 15,35 2.30 8.95. 50.00 894.00 39.15 445,00 13.05 11.50 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Aug. 10, 9 60 DATE ................................................................................... 1 ....... . HCUIUJY PIUIII Ii ■•&Ill IT. C U 1111111. C. National Bushing & Parts Co, Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Holten Lumber Co, Coast-to-Coast Store, Pel. Rpds, Northwood Spec. Co, Standard Oil Co,, B,L, Ever.ts Lumber Co, Home.& Farm Supply Tesch Lumber Co. Vergas Hardware Co. E. J. Johnson Plumbing & Heating Northwestern Refining Co, Fergus Ready Mix Concrete Co, Megorden Bros, Melvin McGowan Les Tire Service Peterson-Biddick Co, Battle Lake Farmers Co, Raymond Motor Transp,, Inc, Polman Transfer Railway Express Agency, F.F, Village of Battle Lake Village of Henning Hoot. Lake Pure Oil Becklund-Rian Oil Co, Fossen Oil Co, The Oil Store Park, Region Co-op. Oil Co. Co-op. Services, Inc. Oil Div. N.Y.M. Service Oil Co., Und. Henning Mobil Service Dan's Texaco Service Service Oil Co,, B.L, Highway Co, Apco. Service Dent.Standard Service Walt.' s Repair Shop Arrow Petroleum Perham Co.-op. Oil Co, West.Otter Tail Service Co, Anderson & Sandberg H.K.. Stahl Co, D-A Lubricant Co. Fergus Journal Co. Otter Tail Power Co, Orr Engineering Co, Minn,. Dept. of Highways Il•,perial Supply Co. Davenport's Stationery Victor Lundeen & Co, N. W. Bell Tele. Co, East.Otter Tail Tele. Co, N. W. Bell Tele. Co., F.F. Midwest Tele. Co. N. W,. Bell Tele. Co., Henning Wend.ell P, Huber G. D,, Harlow L. J,-. F josne George Olson Ferr.est Huse Wend~ll P. Huber Town, of Dane Prairie Odin.Berg Mrs •. Clara J. Fmerson O, N,. Jenson Wm. H, Toussaint Mrs,. Gladys E. Holly Skogmo Motors, Inc. supplies asphalt concrete gravel equipt. rental tires seed freight II express water charge rent & power gasoline etc. etc. diesel fuel II II II II fuel oil .oil motor oil . adv. for bids prints services supplies II II service & tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II expenses II II II II cash advanced road 11-ork posting notices Right of Way II II II • !I II II II II II repairs Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Aug. 15, Attest: 11.70 22.79 8:'7,89 7.10 69,30 373,86 34,32 6,24 3,99 55,52 1,44 2,086,48 167.68 1,091.61 197.90 80,71 . 215,25 158,90 . 2,75 29,56 69,88 5,00 76,53 115.80 33,92 260,95 138.12 144,70 365.30 24.31 180,46 180,47 159,33 122.00 145,77 3,40 5,59 599.07 36.55 . 7:'7,05 56,31 38,34 90.20 22.50 7,56 1,875,00 91.84 14,48 · 4,53 123.60 47,80 10,60 37,05 24.05 12.00 229,51 231,3,, 32,75 17,85 69.16 29,62 500.00 1,50 2.80 6.80 16.80 7,50 164,08 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HC.ltlTT P■l■TI Ii CDMH■r 11. CLOUD MIJllt. DATE ... ·························~~~st .. 15, ·············· · ················19 .. ~o'. MINUTES,.OF RECONVENED BOARD OF F.QUALIZATION, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HELD AUGUST 15, 1960. The County Board of Equalization reconvened at 3 o'clock p • M. August 15, 1960, all members being present • . After considering ~he District Court decision regarding the chssification of boats J~hn L Bixby County Assessor was instructed to move individually owned boats used f 1 r 1 • ' ' f th 1960 . • or P easure, rom c ass 4 to class 2 on the personal property assess-ment or e year • He was also instructed to move commercial boats or resort boats from class 4 to class 3, Upon motion, the Board then adjourned. August 15, 1960. Attest: Clerk, MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMl-l!SSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 11 O'clock A, M, August 15, 1960, in joint session with the County Commis-sioners of Becker County, Minnesota. The Commissioner of Highways having advertised for bids on behalf of the two County Boards for the construction of· S.P. No: 56-62~-04 an~ 56-620-03 and 03-620-01 located between the junction with CSAH!No, 9 (N0 rth of Pelican Rapids) and Trunk Highway #59, Bids were opened by a representative of the State Highway Department and were found to be as follows: Qan Conroy & Sons, Dumont Kerns & Tabery, Sebeka Berghuis Const. Co., Prinsburg Sellin Bros,, Hawley Strom Const. Co., Moorhead Ed. Zimmerman & Marvin Lund, Barrett,Minn. Roy Benson & Son, Stephen $120,328.16 120,780.00 120,880.00 120,975.04 123,454,78 134,406.52 137,564,90 After.consideration, the bid of Dan Conroy & Sons, Dumont, Minnesota, in the amount of $120,328.16 was determined by the County Boards to be the lowest bid and it was voted by said County Board of Commissioners that it be recommended to the Commissioner of Highways that said contract be awarded to Dan Conroy and Sons, Upon motion, the Employers Mutual Insurance Co, was authorized to write the insurance on County buildings on which the time expires September 6, 1960 • . Upon motion, the entire County Board was authorized to meet with the Becker County Board, on road on North line of Paddock Township, the Becker County Board being authorized to advertise for bids to be opened September 20, 1960. STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss County of Otter Tail) WHEREAS, a petition signed by twenty-four freeholders of said County, praying for the vacation of a certain highway in said County, running into more than one town, and not within the limits of any incorporated city, as hereinafter described, was presented to this Board at its session on the 12th day of.July 1960, and this Board having determined by the judg- ment of a majority of its members that said petition is reasonable on its face, and having by its order made at said ses- sion, appointed Monday the 15th day of August, 1960, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the office of the County Auditor in the City of Fergus Falls, in said County, as the time and place for a hearing upon said petition, and havd.ng by said order appointed a committee of its members to examine said proposed vacation of said road, and designated Monday the 15th day of August, 1960, at 9 o'clock A. M., at beginning of said vacation in said County, as the time and place for said committee to meet on the route of said highway proposed to.be vacated for the examination of the same, and having caused notices of said hearing and said meeting of said committee embodying a copy of said petition, to be posted in three of the most public places of each town through which such highway is proposed to be vacated at least thirty days before the day of said hearing upon said petition, and being satisfied that said notices were so posted and proof of said posting duly made, and the said committee having met at the time and place designated in said order and said notices, and examined the same and made its report in writing to the Board, and recommended that said petition be granted, and said Board having met at the time and place desig- nated in said order and said notices, to-wit: at the office of the County Auditor, in the City of Fergus Falls, in said County, on Monday the 15th day.of August, 1960, at 2 o'clock P. M. and having duly heard all that anyone had to say in favor of or against the granting of said petition, and having considered said petition and the report of said committee thereon, and a majority of said Board havin~ agreed that said petition should be granted, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, That the prayer of said petition be and the same is hereby granted, and said highway is hereby vacated so as to run according to said committee's report, by courses,,and distances as follows, to-wit: Beginninrg at 132 ft. West of the quarter Section corner between Sections 4 and 9, Township 135 N., Ranre 43 West, thence Northeasterly across the SEt of SWt and the SWt of stj; to the N0rth line of said Southwest of Southeast quarte>t,f said Section 4, Township 135, Range 43. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND DETERMINED by the said Board that in all other cases the benefits are equal to the damages sus- tained by reason of the vacation of said highway. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Chairman of this Board has hereunto set his hand and affixed our seal at the City of Fergus Falls in said County, this 15th day of August A.D •. 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON, County Audito~. The Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. By SAM NYCKLEMOE, Chairman. Upon motion, the board then adjourned to 10 O'clock A. M. September 6, 1960. SAM NYCKLEMOE, Chairman. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON, clerk COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 11cu11trP■INJINGCOllpfBY1H SLOVD ••ne-=- DATE .... Sept •... 6• ............................................................ 19 60. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 6F OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Sept. 6, 1960, all members present. - The Commissioner of Highways ha1!ing been authorized.by the County Board to call for bids for grade and gravel sur- face on County State Aid road No. 17, located between 0,1 mile northwest of Junction with T.H. No. 228 in Vergas (Main Street) and 0,06 miles North of North line of otter Tail County, bids were opened by a representative of the State Highway Department and were found to be as follows: James E. Barsness Sellin Bros., Inc, Mahnomen Construction Co. Kern & 'l'abery Strom Construction Co, Ed, Zimmerman Barnard Curtis Co. Kahlstorf Construction Co, J0 hn Dieseth Co, Glenwood Hawley Mahnomen Sebeka Moorhead Barrett Minneapolis Lake George Fergus Falls $109,058.64 116,462,32 116,559,10 118,499,08 120,742.68 122,761.80 122,978,45 126,365,24 128,214,26 Upon motion of Conmissioner Sieling, seconded by Commissioner Haase, it was voted by said Board of County Commis- sioners to recommend to the Commissioner of Highways that said contract be awarded to James E. Barsness, Glenwood, in the sum of $109,058,64, The County Board having previously advertised for bids on grading and graveling Project No. S,A,P. 56-618-03, C.P. 60:18A, located on No. 18 between CSAH No. 1 and 5,07 miles East, bids were opened and found to be as follows: Ed, Zimmerman Strom Construction Co, Kerns & Tabery John Dieseth Co, Barrett Moorhead Sebeka Fergus Falls $ 55,607,94 61,726.24 65,902.61 66,680,31 Upon motion, the contract y1as awarded to Ed. Zimmerman of Barrett for $55,607,9ll,. Bids on Project S.A.P, 56-618-04, C.P. 60:18S, located on No. 18 between 5,1 mile East of CSAH No. 1 and Junction CSAH No. 45 were found to be as follows: Ed. Zimmerman Strom Construction Co. John Dieseth Co. Kern &. Tabery Barrett Moorhead Fergus Falls. Sebeka $ 44,769,48 48,993,00 53,198.01 53,721.76 Upon motion, the contract was awarded to Ed. Zimmerman of Barrett for $44,769,48. Upon motion, Commissioners Johnson and Haase were designated as members of the County Board to serve .on the County Canvassing Board following the Primary Election, Upon motion, the sum of $100,00 was appropriated to the East Otter Tail Soil Conservation District, Upon motion, the entire County Board was authorized to meet with the County Board of Becker County to let contract on road between the two counties and lying N0rth of the Township of Paddock, said meeting to be held on Sept. 20, 1960. Th~ Board was d·esignated as a committee to attend the District County Commissioners meeting in Fergus Falls Sept. 27th at 10 o'clock A. M. A plat of Cha-Rosa Beach located in Govt. Lots 1 and 2, Section 12, Township 137, Range 43, and accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Henry Polkinghorn, Attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Miller Beach located in Lot 1, Section 22, Township 135;, Range 39, and accompanied by a certificate of title executed by R. N. Nelson, Attorney-at-law, was approved. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Co11U11issioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That, Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc, of Marshall, Minnesota for C.P. 60:SS County Wide Sand Seal, and Whereas, the contract has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and said Board having filed their certifi- cate of completion with the County Auditor, Now, Therefore, It is hereby ordered that the Chairman and County Auditor issue a check on the Road and Bridge Fund to McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc, in the sum of $3,468.94, being the balance due on said contract, Adopted September 6, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: SAM NYCKLEMOE Chai:rman. Resolved by the Board of County Conunissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That, Whereas, This board has heretofore contracted with Megorden Bros,.of Lake Park, Minnesota, for C.P. 60:0JG Gravel We~ing Course, and Whereas, the contract has been compl~ted to the satisfaction of the Board and said Board having filed their certifi- cate of completion with the County Auditor, l COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,· MINN. DATE ... Sept. 6, 61 ····························································19 ....... . Hu■1n,i1■1IJlll,COIIPA■I H.CLOUD,IIUIII. c:-araa Now, There~ore, It is hereby ordered that the Chairman and County Auditar issue a check on the Road and Bridge Fund to Megorden Bros, in the sum of $741,78 being the balance due on said contract. Adopted September 6, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: SAM NYCKLEMOE Chainnan. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That, Whereas, this board has heretofore contracted with Ed. Zirr.merman, Barrett, Minnesota, for C,P. 601128 Grading, and Whereas, the contract has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and said Board having filed their certificate of completion with the County Auditor. Now, Therefore, It is hereby ordered that the Chairman and County Auditor issue a check on the Road and Bridge Fund to Ed. Ziounerman in the sum of $1,543.16 being the balance due on said contract. Adopted September 6, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Audi tor. The following resolution was adopted: SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That, Whereas, This board has heretofore contracted with Marvin E. Lund, Glenwood, Minnesota, for C.P. 60:45 S.A.P. 56-645-03 Grading, and Whereas, the contract has been completed to the satisfa~tion of the Board and said Board having filed their certificate of completion with the County Auditor, Now, Therefore, It is hereby ordered that the Chairman and County Auditor issue a check on the Road and Bi'idge Fund to Marvin E. Lund in the sum of $2,080.94, being the balance due on said contract. Adopted September 6, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor. SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Sept. 7, 1960. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Sept. 7 th, all members present. I · The petition of Leo and Lorene Hought asking that the W! NWi and the W} SWt of Section JO, and the Ni of Section Jl, all in Township 133, Range 44, be set off from School District No. 1506 to District No. 849 Wilkin County was read. After discussion, the Board voted to set over the W} NWi and the W} SW¾ of Section 30-133-44, and issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Leo and Lorene Hought, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 1506 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 849 Wilkin Co. and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said District No, 1506 to said adjoining School District No. 849 Wilkin Co. was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 10th day of August A. D., 1960, fort he action of said board thereon; · and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 7th day o September A.D., 1960 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas, it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said school districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas, at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 7th day of September A.D., 1960, due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said in- terested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the follo~ing described lands owned by him, to-wit: w} of NW¾ and w} of SWt Section JO Township 133 Range 44 be and the same are hereby set off from said School Dis:trict Mo. 1506 to said adjoining School District No. 849 Wilkin Co. and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of t~e Board of County Commissioners Dated the 7th day of September A.D., 1960. (Auditor's Seal) SM-; NYCKLEMOE Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor & ex-officio Clerk of Board. The resolution for dissolution of C01r.mon School District No. 1423 was taken up·for final action. After consideration, the Board issued the following interlocutory order, to-wit: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Sept, q, 60. DATE .......................................... · ........................................ 19 ....... . !Hcballr•11.• .. ••• .. c11■ STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1423. The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at Commis- sioners' Room Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 7th day of September, 1960, at 10 o'clock A.M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons in-· terested in said matter, roth for and against, finds as follows: First--That said proceedings were instituted by: (c) _A resolution adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said dist:rfot to the County Auditor. · Second~-That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW, ~RE IT IS ORDERED, That sai_d Common School District No. 1423 be dissqlved and that the territory em-. braced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: The entire district be attached to Independent Consolidated School District No. 548 ~f Pelican Rapids. (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1423, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To Independent Consolidated School District No. 548 on July 1, 1961, all monies, funds, credits, property, both real and P-ersonal, including taxes collected for the year 1960 and prior, and all obligations of said Conunon School District No. 1423 shall become the obligation of Independent Consolidated School District No. 548, (4) Th~ o~tstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1423 is none Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the first day of July, 1961. Dated this 7th day of September, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor. SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman Board of County Commissioners .• The resolution for dissolution of Common School District No. 1514 was taken up for final action. After consideration, the Board issued the following interlocutory order, to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF CO~ll~ON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1514, The above entitled inatter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at Commis- sioners' Room Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 7th day of September, 1960, at 10 o'clock A. M., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons in- terested in said matter, both for and"against, finds as foilows: First--That said proceedings were instituted by: (c) A resolution adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor, Second--That less than 90 days have elapsed since the date"of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will.be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW, THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1514 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: To Common School District No.' 1524 the NEe Section 23, Township 135, Range 40, All of the balance of said district to Independent School Dis~rict No. 551 at Dent. (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1514, be distributed as follows, to-wit: On July :L, 1961, 3,94% to Common School District No. 1524 and 96.06% to Independent School District No. 551. (4) The.outstanding bonded debt of said Common Sch~ol District No. 1514 is none dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the first day of July, 1961. Dated this 7th day of Septanber, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor. SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman Board of County Commissioners. "The resolution for the dissolution of Common School District No. 1416 was presented to the Board and it was ordered that a hearing on said resolution be given at 10 o'clock A. M. Oct. 11, 1960, and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given as required by law, Upon motion, the appointment of Genevieve Dahl as West Otter Tail County Nurse's clerk, at a·salary of $160.00 per month, beginning Oct. 3, 1960, was approved. l COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Sept. 7, 60. DATE ......•.......................................................................... 19 ....... . HCUIITT PIIITIIIICO■PIII, IT.CLODD, 111111, C.:tal . The application of Leonard Messer for reduction of assessed valuation on the West 60 acres of the SEi, Section 1-134-36, was read. Upon motion, it was reconunended to the Coounissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that the dwelling assessment was excessive. The application of the Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Church of Fergus Falls for exemption of taxes on Lots 4 and 5, Block 19, in Lakeland Addn. to the City of Fergus Falls, was read. Upon motion, the application was referred to the Commis-sioner of Taxation • . The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg . Do Glen Melby Sidney Nelson Russell Brooberg Pat D. Mack Mrs. Marlin Reynolds John Hoff Paul.Barcenas Leonard Olson Vernon Kielmeyer Ed. Ryan Merlin S. 11.ieman Ed. Ryan Clem .Steinbach George Dickhaut Dr. C. J. Lund Dr. Everett C. Hanson Larry Niess Henry Sieling Sam Nycklemoe Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Henry Sieling Harvey D. Morrill Otto.Haase Bennie J. Johnson Otto Haase John L. Bixby Roger Gustafson Kathryn L. Michaelson Duane C. Landberg Frank Roberts Emil.Boen NW Bell Telephone Co. . Do Highway Greenhouse Olof.Anderson American Standard Industrial Div. Pittsburg Mills Holten Hdwe. South Mill Standard Holten Hdwe. Super G.1-1.C. Truck Sales Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. Miller-Davis Co. Gaffaney1 s The Pierce Co. Markstrom Drugs Midwest Printing Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. .Do Gaffaney' s,Inc. Vernon E. Bachman West . Publ. Co • Do Diebold, Inc. Hintgen-Karst Elec. Co, Dorn.Hdwe. Holten Hdwe. Burroughs Corp. . Do Olson-Stitzel Post Auxiliary Olson-Stitzel Post 219 Ladies Auxiliary V.F.W., N.Y.Mills Charles D. Center Post, V.F.W. American Legion Post #18, Henning American Legion Auxiliary, Henning PubliCFmployees Retirement Assn. H. W. Glorvigen Bruce Publ. Co •. Mrs •. John Rundle Mrs •. Geo. Lindstrom Mrs •• N0rbert Hertel Mrs •. J. A. Anderson Mrs •. Philip Arfstrom Mrs •. Elmer Peterson Mrs •. Donald Barber Mrs. J,elvin Lien boarding prisoners Sheriff's expenses expense Dep. Sheriff postage, etc. expenses, Probation Officer Matron, insanity case Dep. Sheriff's fee & exp. II II II II II II II II II assisting sheriff serving citation deputy sheriff's fees serving summons constable fees deputy sheriff's fee & exp. coroner's fees II II witness mileage attending meetings attending special meeting II II II II II II II II II attending meetings II II assessor's expense II II II deputy assessor's expense soil conservation clerk 11 11 worker weed inspection exp. & saly. of weed insp. longdistance calls II II II plants for C.H. grounds C.H. janitor boiler gaskets supplies, C. H. II gas for mower supplies, C.H. drilling garage door, C. H. printing cards etc. Sheriff assessment supplies, etc. blank books, etc. supplies 11 Supt. of Schools II Jail ballots, etc. stamped envelopes typewriter ribbons . postage law books Minn. Statutes inspection service repairs supplies, jail II II service ribbons, etc • decorating graves II II II II II II II II II retirement assessment adv. corns. drivers license agents dental cards attending nursing board meeting II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II $ 655.50 83.10 213.90 278.70 59.27 174.60 5.00. 31.20 16.00 9.•00 5.00 2.60 19.70 2.32 9.40 12.00 112.00 12.00 10.00 29.18 5.45 5.45 24.36 10.32 1.50. 8.00 26.20 30.31 38.39 18.07 78.13 162.00 162.16 136.19 42.20 124.85 140.00 90.00 10,43 16J25 28,39 1.62. 3,71 7,00 20.00 118.84 309.66 9,87 29,65 6,15 186,50 451.70 108,95 4,35 48.16 32.00 24,50 50,00 9,46 1.98 5.72 8.45 21.15 12.00 25.00 25,00 20,00 25.00 5.50 414.30 25.30 8,89 5,46 1.68 4,34 7,00, 4,20 7.70 6.20 2.80 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Audrey Anderson East Otter Tail Tele. Co, Secretarial Service Philip Iii. Kjaglien Do Paul Stender NW Bell Tele. Co, Str.aub Co, Thomas O, Nelson Co, Cooper's Office Supply Public Utilities Dept, Artz ,Camera Supply Reco11dak Corp, Coast-to-Coast Store, Battle Lake Everts Lumber• Co, Geo. ,Ackennan W. H,· Andresen Rolland Schaller Dr. W. F. Schamber Swan 1,s Rexall Drug City.of Fergus Falls Minnesota State Sanatorium Herschel Mfg, Co. Farmotors, Inc, Suhr,Ford Sales, Inc, McCor.mick Farm Equipment Store Larson Welding Worner Rambler A. P,. Schmitz Garage Ebersviller Implement Co., F,F, Uselman Electric Service Electric Supply Co. Deer,Creek Blacksmith Shop Henry Ament & Son 0. K. Tire Store, Pelican Rapids Johnson Tire & Retread Firestone Store, Fergus Falls Minnesota ~.otor Co, Farmers Co-op. Elev, Co, Peter.son-Biddick Co., Wadena Northwestern Refining Co, McLaughlin & Schulz Monson & Langston Ray P.erala National Bushing & Parts Co. Holten !Jardware Lampert Lumber Co., Wadena Hintgen-Karst Elec. Co. Wileox Lumber Co., Henning Hall',s Hardware Snap...on Tools C. D,. Chaffee Velo.Waterworks South Mill Standard Hoot.Lake Pure Oil Farmers Co-op. Creamery Assn. Consumers Co-op Oil Co., Henning Ray's Oil Co, Andy!s 66 Service Vergas Oil Co, Gemlo Oil Co. Jim's Service Station Bluffton Oil Co. Bengtson Oil Co. Fossen Oil Co, Soliah & Braatz Oil Co. Penrose Oil Co, Service Oil Co,, Underwood Railway Eicpress Agency Vill. Pelican Rapids It.inn, Dept. of Highways Construction Bulletin Minneapolis Blue Prtg. Co, Poucher Printing & Litho, Co. Davenport's Stationery Cooper's Office Supply Pierce Co. NW Bell Telephone Co, Vergas Telephone Co, Midwest Telephone Co, NW Bell Telephone Co, Pelican Telephone Co, NW Bell Telephone Co., Henn, Wendell P. Huber 6. D. Harlow L, J, Fjosne George Olson Wendell P. Huber Mrs. Justine Patterson Mrs •. Iva M. Fillebrown Kenneth Hill E.W. Humphrey, M.D. . Sept. 7,, 6i0, DATE ................................................................................... 19 ....... . expense, nurse service forms, Vet. Servic.e expense machine rental exp. Vet. Service Office telephone service rent plat book supplies service supplies II II supplies, water patrol II II II gas for water patrol boat safety officer service, T.B. patient, Poor supplies, T. B. Patient poor expenses care of patients parts; II repairs retreads tire tires seed ' II asphalt no-strip gravel fill supplies II II II II II II II II gasoline etc, grease diesel fuel fuel oil express. maintenance & special aid testing advertising for bids supplies II II typewriter supplies service & tolls II II II II II 11 1,1 II II II II II II II II expenses II II II cash advanced Right of Way II II II II II II II II II 38.85 9.00 11.40 55,72 4,00 .12.88 18.05 50,00 20.00 8,50 3.21 70,75 58,55 4,42 41.69 22.08 2.50 194,20 2,00 16.50 673,02 478.92 95,64 26.09 82.05 775,71 15,75 11.75 8.08 58,J.3 22.81 3,06 22.10 3,00 3,75 30,J:6 15.89 177,89 790.90 123.20 .2023.64 18.00 987,98 25.00 26.81 798.45 14,30 3,50 17,56 146,68 3,50 1,60 2.60 .70.20 162,52 27,09 74,04 47.95 127,47 94,15 5,25 63.12 301.97 ' 65.18 .255,84 14.00 72,93 50,31 26.27 409,54 448,54 48,90 69,63 68,93 10,43 350.00 9,08 J6.85 17.90 10,75 54,40 11,65 16,75 .2J6.39 243,Jl 75,85 18.40 6.27 4,00 1,00 1.00 10,60 ............... COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCll■1n••nn1■•c••••■t II.CLOUD ■111111. Eutectic Welding Alloys Raymond Hotor Trans. , Inc. Elk River Concrete Prod, Co. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. D. A. Lubricant Co. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Paper-Ca.lmenson & Co, Mrs. F:red Nelson• Mrs. F.ddie Johnson Leland Amundson Walton Wilson Vern Charest Bernie Roberts Sept. 7, & Sept. 20 6©. DATE ............................................................................ 19 ....... . supplies freight culverts parts diesel oil parts . blades jury duty II II II II II II II II II II Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Oct. 10, 1960, Attest: County Aud" SPECIAL MEEl'ING September 20, 1960 2 o'clock P.M. 338,85 9,00 1827,78 420,il.8 136.95 20.56 231.CO 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1,12 The County Boards of Commissioners for Becker and Otter Tail c';mties and the Town Boards of Runeberg Township, Becker County, and Paddock Township, Otter Tail County, met in joint sessici'n. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Helge R. Anderson of the Becker County Board, Bids for the construction of 1,0 mile of township road llocated along the Becker-Otter Tail County line on the south side of Section 36, Township 138 N. Range 36 W. (Runeberg Township) were opened per the advertised call for bids. One bid was received from Russell McCarty in the amount of $6,400.06. A motion was made by Co11unissioner Seely to reject all bids, seconded by Commissioner Korrill and duly carried, A motion was made by Commissioner Morrill, seconded by Commissioner Nycklemoe and duly carried to spend not more than $100.00 to gravel the aforementioned road, the cost to be divided four ways. A motion was made by Commissioner Morrill, seconded by Collll!lissioner Seely and duly carried to readvertise for bids for the construction of said road at a later date. On motion the Board adjourned sine die. Dated at Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, this 20th day of September, 1960, Signed, Attest: Carl A. Randolph County Auditor Helge R, Anderson, Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. . . Oct. 10, 60. DATE ................................................................................... 19 ...... . HfHITJPltlNIINGCCIIIPHT IJ CLpUp IIINI· Ei!P9 .MINUTES OF ADJOORNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Oct. 10, 1960, all members bei~g present. Upon motion, the entire Board as a coJ1U11ittee was appointed to view completed road projects on Oct. 25, 1960. Upon motion, Fmil Boen and Frank Roberts were appointed seed and weed inspectors for a period of five months during the. year 1961 at the same salary as provided in 1960. They were also authorized to inspect seeds on a per diem basis if necessary. A plat of Nelson's Perfect Beach, located in Reserve A of Govt. Lot 5, Section 32-137-38, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by M. J. Daly, Attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Olson's North Shore, located in Lot 5, Section 3, and Lot 5, Section 2-131-40, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Richard C. Hefte, Attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Arbor Lane, being a part of Lot 5, Section 21-134-38, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Richard C. Hefte, Attorney-at-law, was approved. A complaint signed by ten freeholders charging a road described as follows: A strip of land four rods in width ex- tending to a width of two rods on either side of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the section line be- tween Sections 1 and 2, Township 133, Range 40, on the north edge of State Highway No. 78, and extending northerly along said line to a point 56 rods in distance north of the northwest corner of the SWt of the SWt of Section 1, Township 133, Range 40, is not properly maintained, and because of the lack of such maintenance and such neglect said road is not reason- ably passable. This complaint is made as:provided for by 163.16 M.S.A. This complaint was presented to the Board and, after consideration, the Board fixed Nov. 2, 1960, at 11 O'clock A. M. as the time at which they will hear evidence from all interested parties. The Board provided that due notice of said hearing be given as provided by law. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota: That the sum of $355.00 be paid Clarence Mielke for services and expenses in preparing the Otter Tail County booth at the Minnesota State Fair, this being the amount of the premium paid on the exhibit. The County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant to Clarence Mielke in the above amount. Adopted Oct. 10, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: SAM NICKLE.MOE Chainnan. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That, whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Mark Sand and Gravel Co. for grading, curb am:: gutter, sidwalk, baseand road mix bituminous surfacing on C.P. 60:16B, 60:50B, 60:65B and 60:HB, and Whereas, the same has been completed and the Board having filed its certificate of acceptance with the County Auditor Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant on the Road.and Bridge fund to the Mark Sand and Gravel Co. in the sum of $10,533.14, being the balance due on said contract. Adopted Oct. 10, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. Upon motion, the following public utility permits were approved: PUBLIC UTILITY PERMIT. SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman. The application herein, Public Utility Permit is hereby granted to Village of New York Mills to place, construct and thereafter maintain 2 inch main on, across, or under the right of way of County State Aid Highway No. 67 in the loca- tion shown on the sketch or plat which is a part of said application, or in such location as may be specified by the County Highway Department in the Special Provisions hereof. Special Provisions: BegiMing at the Meter Station in Section 17, T135N, R37W, the pipe line shall be placed in the bottom of the ditch to Station 558 approximately, and from Station 558 to Station 570, it shall be placed 26 feet from the centerline of the present road. Recommended for approval, September 22, 1960. WENDELL P. HUBER County Highway Engineer Approved by Board of County Commissioners Dated this loth day of October 1960. by SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman, Board of County Commissioners. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ···•····•······•··•········ Oct, .. 10, ··································19 ... ~~_. P.INY, f,CLOVD NINN, e,:zmo euBLie UTILITY PERMIT !he ~ppli~ation ?erein, Public Ytility Permit is hereby granted to Village of Frazee to place, construct and there- after maintain 2 inch main on, across, or under the. right of wa.y of County State Aid Hi·ghway No. 4 i·n the locati·on shown on the sketch or plat which is a part of said 1 partment in the Special Provisions hereof. app ication, or in such location as may be specified by the County High~ay De=- Special Provision;; It shall be constructed in the bottom of the ditch or 4 feet beyond 1. t "I t s the toe of the fill slope from the Nort,h County ine o ~e er tation in Section 4, TlJ?N, R40W, Recommended for approval Sept. 22, 1960, WENDELL P. HUBER County Highway Engineer Approved by Board of County Commissioners Upon motion, the Board D;i.ted this 10 day of Oct. 1960. By SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairm~, Board of County Commissioners. then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Oct. llth. TUESDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o 'clock A, M. Oct, llth, all members present. Resolution for the dissolution or Common School District No. 1416 was taken up for final action •. After listening to t~e statements of the various interested parties, the Board i~sued the follo~dng interlocutory order, to~-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF.COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1416. The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Board of Otter Tail County Minnesota at Commis- sioner's Room in the City of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 11th day of October, 1960, at 10 o~clock A. M:, pursuant to notice duly given as provided by law and the order of said Board; and the Board having heard all persons interested in said matt~r, both for and against, finds as follows: First--That said proceedings were instituted by: (c) A resolution adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said dis- trict to the County Auditor. Second--That less than 90 days have elapsed since ,the dat~ of said hearing and the Board being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said territory to have said school district dissolved; NOW, THE.REFORE, IT IS ORDERElil;, That said ·common School District No. 1416 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing "school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: The entire district be attached to Independent School District No. 542 of Battle Lake. (J) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1416, be distributed as follows, to-wit: To !~dependent School District No. 542 on JulY 1, 1961, all monies, funds, credits, property, both real and personal, including taxes collected for the year 1960 and prior, and all obligations of said Common School District No, 1416 shall be- come the obligation of Independent School District No, 542. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No, 1416, is none dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st day of July, 1961. Dated this llth day of October, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor. SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman Board of County Commissioners. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sale of tax-forfeited lands appraised by this Board be held in the office of the County Auditor in the court house in Fergus Falls in said County on Monday, the 14th day of November, 1960, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M., Resolved further, that tracts may be sold under the following conditions: Each and every tract sold for $100 or less shall' be paid for. in full at the time of said sale. All tracts sold for more than $100 may be paid. for on the installment plan at the rate of at least 25 per cent of the purchase price, but in all cases the downpayment must be at least $100., pro- vided'that in all cases where the appraisal by this Board shows a value of wood on said tract the full amount of the appraisal value· of said 'WOod, together with 25 per cent of the balance of the purchase price must be paid at the time of sale. The balance of the purchase price may be paid in ten annual installments at 4 per cent interest on the unpaid balance. Title to land to be offered for sale is not guaranteed, either by Otter Tail County or the State of Minnesota. When payment in ·full of the purchase price has been made the purchaser will receive from the State of Minnesota a. quit-claim deed to the property, for which the Auditor is required by law to collect and remit to the State a fee of $2,00, .COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Adopted Oct, 11, 1960, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk, ·DATE ............. October. ll.1 ... · ............... · .... _ ................... 19.9.Q,. SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman, The following homestead classifications were granted: George Jensen, Lots 1 and 2, Section 1-131-36, for the year 1958; George Jensen, Lots 1 and 2, Section 1-131-36, for the year 1959; E. G. BaU111an, S 6 rds, of N 34 rds of Lot 1, Section 26-135-39; Russell Stave, NE! of SE! and Ej_ of NE! of Section 1-133-37, T,he application of Julia Kangas for settlement and abatement of delinquent taxes, penalties, interest and costs on the NWi of Section 26-135-38 was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that she be per- mitted to pay the taxes for the years 1954-55-56-57 for $784,64, which is the amount of the tax without penalty, interest or costs, The application of Agnes Thoreson for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Township of Perham was read Upon motion, the same was rejected upon recommendation of the Town Board. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Do Do Glen Melby Sidney Nelson Pat D, Mack Robertson-Atkinson Two-Way Radio Service Warren's Radio & T.V. Elder's Radio-T,V. Service Gust Lagerquist & Sons, Inc, Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. Gaffaney's, Inc, Vernon E. Bachman Mrs. Geo. Rossow Genevieve Stroschein Inga Pergande Mrs. Harry Fretland Joanne Rossow Henry Sieling Harvey Morrill Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Dr. Everett C. Hanson Dale Bjork John S, Lindblom Leonard Olson F.mil Boen Frank Roberts Vill, of Parkers Prairie Kathryn L. Michaelson Duane Landberg Eddie J, Rindahl Theo, Thompson Melvin Trosvik Theo, Hegseth Arnold Evavold Harold Skistad Arnold W. Hosen Jeff Tikkanen Afton C, Smith John Meyer Roy Fletcher Arnold Rosen Jeff Tikkanen Afton Smith John Meyer Roy Fletcher Security Blank Book &Prtg, Co, JBJ11es Welch H. J. Hermanson Bennie J, Johnson Otto Haase H. W. Glorvigen S. B, J0 hnson Roger Gustafson N. W. Bell Tele, Co. Do Beall & McGowan Wm. Galena & Son Stein Paint & Chemical Co. Great Stuff Products, Inc, Larson Welding Holten Hardware Erickson Hardware F~rgus Glass & Paint Co. United Chemical Co., Inc, Dacotah Paper Co. Costello Mfg. Co. Fargo Foundry Co. boarding prisoners meals & transportation expenses II Dep. Sh, expenses expenses services repairs checking on base station main, ser. on C.H. elevator labor in probate office service contract expenses II clerical work in 60, Supt. office II II II expenses II II II II II II II II II II II II II coroner's fees photos court hearing justice fees sUJJ1111oning jurors exp, & saly, of weed II II II quarantine expenses " II insp. II II II II clerical work in W.O.T, Soil Cons, office services W.O.T. Soil Cons. Di t. II II II II II II II II II II II II E II II. election supplies hauling ballots services on Canvassing Board II II ~ II II II expenses calls II II II II twine services floor finish supplies labor supplies II II II polish gears II II $ 536.co 64,62 122,JO 286.10 298.20 169,70 263.96 4.40 J0.00 JS.CO 254.00 25.co 26.25 42.63 16.00 16.00 96,00 16.CO 38,47 14.75 35,35 26,35 26.60 10.00 5,00 8.50 5,00 231,64 146,13 6l8.00 55,63 75.60 76,70 26.10 13.20 9,90 22,50 10,50 12.36 9,JO, 16.50 18.00 15,75 12,39 lJ.95 16.50 12,00 15,75 1222.23 2.00 10.00 14,20 17.00 10.00 10,00 16.59 25,15 73,50 2.00 15,00 19,90 11.78 6.75 3,59 .69 J,15 57,77 14.64 14.97 14.63 - COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCU11n .. ,.11■&COIIH■Y. sr.CLOVD, ...... Co291 Empire Supply Co, Otter Tail Co-op, Oils, Inc. Merlin S. Rieman Edwin Ala Gary· A. Nelson Ione Richards Geo," Larson Maurice McCollar Kermit Hedman Park·er· Erickson I'½_ lier-Davis Poucher Prtg, & Lith. Co. Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. l-iildred Bruvold Panaina Carbon Co. Davenport's Farnham 1s Cooper's Office Supply Thomas 0. Nelson Simplex Specialty Co. Schoolcraft Co, Nelson Bros, Fergus Journal Co. Midwest Printing Co. Vernon E. Bachman H. W. Glorvigen Evelace G. Hanson Olga· Torvik Johnson Drugs Goodwin Joss Laboratories H. W. Glorvigen Frank C. Barnes Employers Mut, Fire Ins, Co. Vernon Sprague Cornell-Syverson Post No, 17 Pel. Rpds, Legion Post #283,D. C, Audrey C. Anderson Do Do Do Mari1yn Siebels E. O".T, Telephone Co. Philip M. Kjaglien Do Straub Co. N.W. Bell Telephone Co. Public Utilities Dept. Victor Lundeen & Co. Erickson Hardware Artz Camera Sup. Co. George Roerig Army" Times Publ. Co. MiM•, State San. Stemsrud & Emerson Drug Co. Swan's ReXall Drugs Steblay Drug Store Kord·a Clinic Dr. H. H. Leibold City of Fergus Falls Poor Dept. Township of Sverdrup Olmsted Co. Welfare Board Twins Motor Co. Roland Schaller \-/heeler Lumber Bridge & Sup, Co. Elk River Concrete Products Co. I. s·. Isaacson Super G.M.C. Truck Sales MiMesota Motor Co. Olson Auto Electric Co. Larson Welding Bertelson Welding Service Dewey Ford, Inc. Velo Well Works & Plumbing Main•e Repair Shop Genuine Auto Parts Worner Rambler A. R·. Meier Welding Service Baas Oil Co. Bauck Chevrolet Co, Auto Safety Service So rem Auto Parts Co. Millsl-lotors Penrose Chevrolet Co. Empire Supply Co. National Bushing & Parts Co. Sigelman Hide & Fur Co, Erickson-Hellekson-Vye Co. Coast-to-Coast, HeMing Lampert Lumber Co. • Wad. Ebersviller, Inc;, Pel. Rpds. Peterson~Biddick Co., Henning Oct_. 11, 60 DATE......... . ....................................................... 19 ....... . graphite oil Dep. Sh. fees II II II & exp. expenses matron Dep. Sh. fees serving notices II II services & mileage supplies II canvas covers supplies services ribbons supplies II atlases supplies II II publ. minutes & sample ballots envelopes postage II II II supplies tests adv. corns. to license agents mileage premium exp, civil defense decorating graves II II exp, attd. Health Conf, expenses supplies postage postage & box rent service expenses exp. & machine rental rent service & calls water etc, supplies II II subscription care of patients medication for T.B. patient II II II II II II care of patient 11U11 Hospital papers care of transients care of poor II 11U11 care of patient paid by error labor & parts expenses bridge lumber culverts equipt. rental repairs supplies II II II II II 1.45 7,40 17.40 13.00 25.00 5.00 20.80 4,30 2,70 19,00 67.11 146,96 91.99 590,64 6,75 20,50 10.05 4,65 100,75 750.00 25,42 119,76 97,75 288.28 145-30 43.96 55,00 149,00 36,00 i.9,48 i.0.00 17,30 10,00 388,90 14,33 25.00 22.50 17.05 83,72 i..83 4,00 5·.10 9,00 ·90,58 38,50 50,00 15,40 3."21 118.75 l.96 36,28 11.19 6.00 331.56 56,60 2,75 2,75 60.00 18,00 93,14 1301.26 14,02 15,90 24,00 154,91 ::35."24 362,50 397,42 140,15 48,36 25,90 5,70 i.0.11 . 2,45 2.00 7,80 45,61 42,75 37,18 6.15 15.10 50,00 72,73 4,00 521.68 25,06 24,00 15.05 8,30 11.75 3,05 3,04 (._,, ,_I 0 V COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...•.. ·•··•·•·•··•············ Oc.:~ .. ll, ····························.··_19 60 .. Perham Mfg, Co, Guilek Gullekson Wilcox Lumber Co., Vergas Hoyt Hardware Dent Farmers Equity F'armers Elevator Co., Pel, Rpds. Northwood Spec, Co, J. · & C, Express Village of Henning Art-ow Petroleum Servi oe Oil Co., Und Standard Oil Co,, N.Y.M, Soliah & Braatz Oil Co, South Mill Standard Log Cabin D.S. Fossen Oil Co, Consumers Co-op. oil Co., Henn, Farmers Co-op. Creamery Assn., D.C, Tony's Standard, D. C. Erv's East Side Service Consumers Oil Co,, B.L, Swenson's Service Perham Co-op. 6il Co,, Inc, Thomas Oil Co. Construction Bulletin Fergus Journal Co, Victor Lundeen & Co, East OtterTail Telephone Co, N. · W. Bell Tele. Co., Henn. G. · D. Harlow Red River Valley Council, Camp Fire Girls, Inc. Claber Moen Walter J. Johnson Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Bement-Cahill Equipt, Co, Phillippi Equipment Co, Road Machinery & Supply Co. Ruffridge-Johnson Equipt. Co,, Inc. Geo, T. Ryan Co. The Zeco Co. Wm", H. Ziegler Co., Inc, Paper, Calrnenson & Co. itdnn. Mining & Mfg, Co. Arinco Drainage & Metal Prod, Co. Northwestern Refining Co, Firestone Store, F. F. p,· K. h, & Co, Holten Hardware Coast-to-Coast Store, Pel. Rpds. Mark Sand & Gravel Co, Ad~lsman Boiler Co, Todd-Wadena Electric Co-op. Railway Ex.press Agency, F, F. Railway Express Agency, B.L. Village of Parkers Prairie City of Fergus Falls Andy's 116611 Service Riverside Shell Hoot Lake Pure Oil Heilning Mobil Service Dalton Oil Co, Service Oil Co. Becklund-Rian Oil Co. Twin's Motor Co, D. A. Lubricant Co., Inc, Anderson & Sandberg Oil Co, Penrose Oil Co, Miilneapolis Blue Prtg. Co, Cobper's Office Supply 'Otter Tail Power Co. Paul Phillips Mihn. Dept. of Highways N,'W, Bell Tele, Co,, F. F, Pelican Tele. Co. Midwest Tele. Co, Northwest Bell Tele. Co., F. F. Wendell P. Huber Do George Olson L,'J, Fjosne McCormick Farm Store Bluffton Oil Co, Park Region Co-op. Oil Co, supplies • II II seed stakes express rent & elec. services diesel fuel II II fuel oil grease gasoline etc. adv. for bids supplies service & tolls expenses Right of Way • II 11 11 II II II parts II II II II II II II steel posts supplies culverts road oil tires repairs supplies equipt. rental & gravel material repairs lowering poles express II water charges maintenance gasoline II 11 etc. II II II etc. 11 etc. oil & grease fuel oil dies.el fuel supplies II prints services service & tolls II II II II II II II II II cash adv, expenses II II repairs gasoline etc. 11 & fuel oil Upon motion, Attest: the ~~~olook A, cierk M. Nov. ' 5,75 8.00 8.32 16.36 366.25 121.74 20.00 38,81 209,37 1162,32 32,98 19,75 7,00 40,80 24.04 195,40 36,29 174,69 2,77 2.35 90,59 36,50 22:,.30 362,76 41.70 37,50 13.65 13,20 18.15 35,42 32,60 64.40 300.00 109,87 69,15 6,74 377,83 47,45 14,50 4,45 610,40 1040,58 354,70 115,82 2085,63 166.43 68,38' 1.35 9,19 1565,40 523.23 100.00 27,81 5',81 6.50 561.25 151.81 64,86 372,78 144,64 405,39 182,99 14,75 614.68 319,55 101.95 72,50 93,98 4.10 100,44 177,75 774;95 42.10 8,35 10.10 38,10 8,86 218;19 16.70 28.15 15,43 202.08 72,31 I E COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. SICUt1n•■11111■•co■ .... ST.CLOUD ■11111. DATE No~. l 60. ················································.·································19 ....... . MU!IJTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF CDUNTY CONMISSIONERS OF CYI'TER TAIL COUN'IY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. November 1, 1960, all menbers being. present. A communication from the labor department purporting to represent the workers on the county highways was tli<en up and, upon motion, the proposal was turned over to Owen Thompson, the County Attorney, for answer and attention. Upon motion, County Assessor Jnhn L. Bixby was granted $2CO,OO additional clerk hire for the year 1960. Upon moti.on, John L. Bixby was appointed County As;essor for a tenn of four years beginning January 1, 1961. Vernon Sprague announced the appointment of James Seashore as Deputy Civil Defense Director. Upon motion, the appointment was approved. Upon motion, County Engineer Huber was authorized to attend the highway engineer's institute at the University of ~;innesotaon December 12, 13 and 14, Commissioners Johnson and Haase were selected to serve on the Canvassing Board for the November election. The following resolution was ado~ted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That, Whereas, This Board has heretofore contracted with James E. Barsness of Glenwood for grading of C.P. 59:03 S.A.P, 56-603-02 and, Whereas, this contract has beenncompleted to the satisfaction of the County Board, and the County Board having filed their certificate of acceptance with the Councy Auditor, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check to James E. Barsness in the sum of $15,451,59, being the balance due on the contract. Adopted November 1, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: SAM NYCK LE.MOE Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, l•iinnesota: That, Whereas, This Board has heretofore contracted with Marvin E. Lund of Glenwood for grading and structural plate pipe arch C.P. 60:31 S.A.P. 56-631-01 and, Wherea~, this contract has been comp+eted to the satisfaction of the Councy Board, aid the County Board having filed their certificate of acceptance with the County Auditor, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check to Marvin E. Lund in the sum of $5,988.67, being the balance due on the contract, Adopted November 1, 1960, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resoluti~n was adopted: SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman, Resolved by the Board of County CollDnissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That, Whereas, This Board has heretofore contracted with Industrial Builders,Inc. of Fargo for bridge No. 56505 S,A,P. 56-635-01 and, Whereas this contract has been completed to the satisfaction of the County Board, aid the County Board having filed their certificate of acceptance with the County Auditor, Now Therefore Be it Resolved that the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor are hereby aut·horized and directed to'issue a ch~ck to Industrial Builders, Inc. in the sum of $10,360.82, being the balance due on the contract. Adopted November 1, 1960. Attest: S. B.JOHNSON Clerk. SAM NYCKLEMOE Chainnan. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Sam Nycklemoe Dr. C.J. Lund Dr. C. W, Lewis Kathryn L. Michaelson Eddie Rindahl Nason Publ. Co. Shepard's Citations Roger Gustafson Po~cher Printing & Lith. Co.· Gaffaney' s, Inc. ~iiller-=Davis Co. Fergus Journal Co. ' Do Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Vernon E. Bachman Evelace G. Hanson Park Region Medical Center Fergus Oil Co. Jean J0 hnson WalterGullick son Audrey C. Anderson E. Otter Tai 1 Tele. Co. Philip M.. Kjaglien Do Paul J. Stender Straub Co. Public Utilities Dept. N. W. Bell Tele, Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Recordak Co¢. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Dr. W. F. Schamber Dr. Everett C. Hanson Phillippi E.quipment Co. Rbad Machinery & Supplies Co. Ruffridge -Johnson Equipt. Co. ~1m. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. fi,innesota Motor Co. Olson Auto 1lectric t,cCormiclk Farm Store K. S. & K. Repair Shop Brown• s Implement Co. Paulson Tire Shop Wicklund Farm Supply Lykken Farm Supply Stan I s Garage Service Garage, Par. Pra. Knuttila )Implement Co., Inc. Jesse Olds Bennie Rossum Empire Supply Co. Bjorklund Body Sho-·P Graff Hardware & lmplement Whitlock ~eldors Equip. & Supply Farmers Union G.T.A. Firestone Store, F .F. ·· Dick's Standard Service Northwestern Refining Co. Elk River Cone. Prod. Co. Gladen Bros. Ray Perala Gerald Alferness Co. Mayo's Standard Service Frazee Texaco Vergas Oil Co. Kraemer hlevator & Oil Co. E hard Oil Co. D: A. Lubricant Co. !•!inn. Dept. of Highways hiller-Davis Co. Imperial Supply Co. 1ast Otter Tail Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co., F. F. Pelican Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele.Co., Henn. John 1. Bondy J. C. · Henkes Kenneth Hovland Benjamin E. & E. E. Frazier Aurdal Township Wendell P. Huber Nov. 2 60 DATE ................................................. -.. -'-.......................... 19 ....... . expenses coroners fees II II clerii.cal work in W. O.T. Cons. office services W.O.T. Soil ·cons. Dist. subscription II expenses supplies ribbons supplies publishing II ballots postage II services at jail etc. install siren etc. ammunition citation supplies service exi;i .. enses machine rental expenses rent water, etc. service and tolls supplies prtg. and supplies examination 11U11 Hospital blanks etc. parts II repairs supplies II II II seed tire tube bit. material culverts equipt. rental gravel II gasoline II gas etc. fuel oil Oil services supplies service and tolls II II II II II II II II II right of way condemnation II II II II II II II II II II II II township aid expenses Upon motion, the Board then adjourned until 10 o'clock A. M. December 13, 1960. Chainnan, Attest: Clerk. 43.30 22.70 12.20 58.75 27.30 20.00. JO.CO 49.43 13.21 5, 79 41.63 105.00 145.60 3,56.80 33.80 24.00 35.50 9.50 27.00 1.85 1.57 9.00 55,30 3.00 6.44 50.co 3.31 19.15 42.83 84.20 113.95 2.00 5.00 64.82 7.76 69.76 1122.85 71.20 98.94 59.35 41.05 144.55 3.00 5,94 4.69 4.55 56.30 4/i.51 3.75 18.65 2CQ.05 14.75 J.80 95.36 16.00 29.26 4,75 1386.21 35,24 93.00 259.42 221.90 7.79 148.42 89.69 470, 13 112. 70 179,30 318.57 21.06 17.88 lG.05 41.20 lG.05 13.15 58.86 52,00 51.00 94.00 5GO,OO 157,37 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... Jl.lil.C.a ... 6 .................... : .......................... .19.60 .. . MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF 'IHE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to call the Board met at 10 o'clock A. ~i. December 6, 1960, all members being present. Through its Division of Conciliation Departmentof Labor having ordered a hearing on December 6, 1960, giving all interested persons, whether Union employer or employee an opportunity to be heard regarding the representation ar employees who have joined municipal drivers, helpe-s and public employees Union Local No. 664 met with the Board of County Commissioners County Attorney, Highway Engineer, Count~ Auditor and a union representative. After a full discussion, Commissioner Haase made a motion that thecounty consent to an election~ This was seconded by Commissioner Johnson and carried.· The County Attorney was authorized to sign the consent to ·hold the election pemitting tr£ truck drivers, heavy equipment operators, and helpers and assistants whose names appea.JI' on the county list submitted by the county to the Conciliation Board be permitted to vote as to union membership and representation. It was moved and seconded that Wendell P. Huber act as Challenger on behalf of Otter Tail County at said election• Dated December 6, Attest: Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Dec, 13 60 DATE ...........•...................................... • ............................... 19 ....... . MINUTFB OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUN'IY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the board met at 10 o'clock A. ·J~. ·December 13, 1960, all members. being present, Upon motion, the County Auditor was authorized to call for bids for printing and publication for the year 1961 to cover publication of annual statement of receipts and disbursements, publication of the delinquent tax list for the year 1959, publication of the minutes of the County Board and also all legal notices which are paid for by the County except notices of school dissolution, said b±ds to be received until 2 o'clock P, M 0 January 3, 1961, The bond af Harvey Glorvigen as Clerk of District Court in the sum of $1,000,00, with the Anchor Casualty Co, of St. Paul, was approved, The bonds of Myrtle E. Logas and Doris A. Hanson as Deputy Clerk of Court, each in the sum of $1,000,00, with the Anchor Casualty Co., St. Paul as surety were approved. A plat of First Addition to Klein and Adams Point being a part of Lot 6, Section 1~135-40 and accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by M. J. Daly, Attorney-at-law, was approved, A plat of Oakland Beach located in Lots 3 and 4 and the SW:/; of the sw¼ of Section 1-136-39 and accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by M. J: Daly, Attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Jerry-Marge Beach, First Addition and Jerry-Marge Beach, Second Addition located in Lots 10 and 11 in Section 7-137-40 and accompanied by an opinion as to title, executed by M. J. Daly, Attorney-at-law, was approved. R E S O L U T I O N BE IT RESOLVED, That the Chainnan and Clerk or Auditor forthwith enter into agreanent with the State of Rinnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Highways, for the maintenance, except the applicction of calcium chloride in locations where the State considers it to be necessary and except snowplowing, of the road described in said agreement as Temporary Trunk Highway No. 59, to wit: Beginning at the junction of Otter Tail County State Aid Highway No. 24 and State Trunk Highway No, 59 near the northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast ~uarter (NE¾ NE¾) of Section 28, Township 135 North, Range 43 West, in the Village of Erhard; thence westerly, southerly' and westerly on said County State Aid Highway No. 24 for a distance of approximately 9,583 miles to its junction with State Trunk Highway No, 52 at the intersection of First Street and Lower Street in the Village of Rothsay, and there tem1inating. Said Municipality to be i:aid therefor at the rate of $125,00 per mile per month. Fractional miles and fractional months, if any, will be used in computing amounts payable. The use of said road as a detour by the State will terminate on or before December 31, 1961. Adopted this 13th day of December, 1960, ATTEST: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk R E S O L U T I O N SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman OTTER TAIL COUNTY WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail has obtained the Commissioner's approval of the plans for the following County State-Aid Highway Projects: S.A.P. No, 56-631-01 C.S.A.H. No, 31 Located From CSAH #4 and 2,4 miles North, approximately 6.0 miles Northeast of Pelican Rapids. Consisting of Grading & Structural Plate Pipe Arch S.A,P, No. 56-635-01 C.S.A.H. No, 35 Located 7,0 Miles North of Underwood. Consisting of Bridge #56505 over Otter Tail River, S.A.P. No. 56-645-03 c.s.A.H. No. 45 Located From Phelps to 1",aine. Consisting of Grading, AND, wllEREAS, said County has proceeded with the construction of said projects by providing local funds to supplement the availaQle funds in the Regular Account of its County State-Aid Highway funds, and WHEREAS, repayment of the funds so advanced by the County is desired in accordance with the provisions of Article III, Section 8, Subdivisions 5, 6 and 7, Chapter 500, Laws of 1959; - ----------------------------~==~=e-====~=~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ .0~.c. •... .1.3 .... : ....•.......•......•.....•........... 19.6/J. .. lttulnfFihhliiiCD■►-■Y,ii.cL6UD,■111N. Eiii . NO~, TH~EFORE, BE I~ RESOL~ED, That the Commissioner of Highways be and is hereby requested to approve this balds for financing said. con~truction proJects i.nd .to authorize repayments from subsequent accruals to the Regular Account of the Cpunty St at~-A7d ~ighway fund for said County, within the limitations provided by law and at the times and in the amounts as herein indicated: On or after February 1, 1961 -$91,862.38 from 1961 Allotment. Adopted this 13th day of December, 1960. SAM NYCKLEMOE CHainnan, A'l''l'EST: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: fund• ,. That the sum of $127,594.32 be transferred from the Special Road and Bridge Construction fund to the Road and Bridge Be it furtt2r resolved that the County Auditor and the County Treasurer make the necessary entries on their records to effect this transfer. Adopted December 13, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman, Resolved by the Board of County .Commissioners of Otter ~ail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $7293.62 be transferred from the Special Road and Bridge fund to the Road and Bridge Bond Account.;· Be it further resolvecl that the County Auditor arrl the County Treasurer make the necessary entries on their. record_s to effect this transfer, Adopted December 13, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHliSON Clerk, RESOLUTION REVOKING .l'NIJ.REDESIGNATING COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY NO. 77 SAJ,1 NYCKLEMOE Chairman, WHEREAS, Due to the present location of County State Aid Highway No. 77, there is not sufficient distance between the Nortr~rn Pacific tracks arrl T.H. #10 to get the proper gradient as there is a difference of 13.5 feet in the elevation and they are only 2LO feet apart, . IlfOW, TllliREFCJU,,BE IT RESOLVED, That County State Aid Highway No. 77, as on file in the office of the Courty Auditor, and the Federal Aid Secondary designation, be revoked as such and the Commissioner of Highways be, a-id is hereby_, requested to approve such revocation. BE l'l' FUR'l'I-IE.R REOOLVED, That County StateAid Highway No. 77 then be located as follows: BegiMing at a point approximately 1,000 feet South of the Northeast corner of Section 9, Township 134 North, Range 36 West, being a junction with T.H. #29, thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning extending Northerly along or near the East line of Sections 9 and 4, Township 134 North, Range 36 West, to the South and East limits of the Village of Bluffton, and continuing Northerly along or near the East li.Jnits of the Village of Bluffton and the East line of Section 33 to a point at or near the EastQuarter corner of Section 33, Township 135 North, Range 36 West, 1hence Westerly, Sout-hwesterly and Northwesterly through Section 33 to a point on or near the.intersection of Front and Center Streets in the Village of Bluffton, being a junction with T.H. #10, and there terminating. Adopte~ this 13th day of December, 1960. A'I'TEST: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: SJI.M NYCKLEMOE Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the rights acquired by Otter Tail County to a certain easement Numbered 34755 dated June 5, 1919 between the Northern Pacific_ Railroad Co. and Otter Tail County is hereby relinquished and surrendered. Adopted December 13, 1960. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Do Sidney Nelson Glen M. Melby Pat D.Madc Do A. B. Cottar Atkinson-Robertson Crow Wing Communications Gust Lagerquist & Sons Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Burroughs Corp. ~ionroe Calculating M.che. Co., Inc. Vernon E. Bachman Otto Haase Harvey Morrill Bennie J. Johnson · Bennie J. Johnson Henry Sieling Sam Nycklemoe Sam Nycklemoe Dr. Everett C. Hanson Dr. c:• W. Lewis Dr. C. J. Lund Dr. Wm. C. Dodds River Inn Coffee Shop Nelson Bros. Prtg. Mason Publ. Co. Alfred Schmid Burnett l!.llingson Frank Roberts Einil Boen Kathryn L. Michaelson Eddie J. Rindahl Theo. Thompson ~ielvin Trosvik Arnold E.vavold 'Theo. Hegseth Harold Skistad James Welch Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Carl A. Snowberg Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson S. B. Johnson H. W. Glorvigen Earl N. E enson David Thy~e Arnold R. Johnson L. M. Young Palmer Aas ~iorris Halvorson Julius Anderson Eino Lillquist Alphonse J.Primus Raymond B. Ament Martin R.Hanson Lester R,.der Herbert B ske ~land A.PB~rgsten Clarence A. Larson Nels Hanson W. M. 'R behn Ferd Deikey Fred A. Rinas Einil Wanderi Harry Burau Theo. Delzer W. E. Westover \oiesley Voge Dan Jungels Otto A. Hoffman Edwl!,rd Homan Ellsword Grahn E nest Herting Phillip Lundberg Mauritz Sjobeck l!. •• bin Keelin John Honer Steve Revering Robert S+enstrom Clifford Shaw Oscar Hemquist Nickol Masdal Fritz Lenke Andrew Anderson Ingvald Viland DATE ................... Dec ember ... 13 ................ , .................... 19.9.Q .. . boarding prisoners expenses II II 11 November 11 October serving citation service elevator Hain. main. II II expenses II II II ~ II II coroner's fees II II II meals for jurors court calendars Digest Service witness fees mileage expenses Justice of Peace Saly. and exp. weed Insp. II clerical work In W.O, T. Soil Cons. Office services.W.O.T. Soil Cons, Dist. experee W. 0. T. Soil Cons. Dist, II II II II hauling ballots election supplies Canvassing Board II II II II II II II II II II II II carrying ballots and returns II II II II II II $ 576.00 62.40 272.10 249.30 167.90 182,57 1.35 119.05 14.40 38.00 225.60 402.30 34.00 42.58 32.50 16.00 27.10 61.40 34.62 27.10 60.58 1c.25 11.85 114.90 12.85 49-70 153.60 35.00 5.60 4.00 150.96 176.81 107.50 .104.00 8.70 19.80 27.00 14.85 10.50 2.00 1153.16 10.00 17.0© 14.20 10.00 10.00 2.54 3, 10 4.50 4.50 2.35 3.00 2.89 20.90 2.00 11.87 1.42 9,40 5,08 4.36 3.82 4.36 8.00 3.68 8.00 8.00 1.70 2.12 10.40 1.84 8.00 12.64 J.54 5.90 5-90 10.40 9. 12 7,90 5.90 14.04 5.22 1.00 a.co 6.60 3.24 4,50 4,50 ------. ·-COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... -············-····l)60., ... .tJ ...................... : ..................... 19.6Q. .. HC'a■IIT•IIHIIIGCO•••H S ,CLOUO •11111, Frank Hc,bcz-ts carrying ballots and rctum s 16,32 -Walter Wildung carrying ballots and returns 1.49 Herbert W. Schroeder II I II -2.98 Laural Gunderson II II 5.9c Oscar MoEn II II 5,90 M. B." Linrud 2.00 Harold ScBnleske 2.40 Ray Butcher 10~1l0 ~iac Tobkin 3.68 Henry Jorgenson 18,80 Vern Flatau 12.80 Richard C.Wilbur 8,00 1-!ilburn Lorenzen 2.CO Jake Vandermay I I 9.40 Fabian S. Rimpila II 9.40 Charles Oppegard I II 6.60 Frank Daas II 6 .• 25 Swan Benson II 5,90 E.ugene Pischke II 5,08 II 5,92 I•iilo Haugrud II 5.20 Emil l!,atson T. A. Davis I 2.70 3,80 Sam Sandberg 3.80 Arlie Adams I II 3.80 Grovtr Saurldecs 3.80 Carl l·eterson II Thorfin Paulson II 2,84 Carl ~indquist II 5,20 II 5.20 Leslie ~1ilson 2.00 Orris Anderson I I 5,20 Victor Osten 5.20 Carl Resset 4,80 Richard Simmons 8.00 Harold Witthuhn a.co Randall Riedel Elmer Kjell I 4,10 Howard Eide 3.10 3.10 Leonard Kjono 16.00 Emil L Mielke 10.80 Clifford Bel.do J. Harold Peterson I 8.00 Albert Wilke 8,00 Leonard Larson 2.42 II II 2.56 Nonnan Restad II 4,29 Arnold Haugrud II 4.08 Louis Berndt II 2.35 Rupert Schmitz Jos. S. Krueger II 14.60 Wm. Reese II 2,70 Raymond I. Alberty 6.60 I!.dward Meyer 8.00 Louis Matz I 8.00 Joe Greenwood 6.60 Paul Lee 3,80 Dale Akennan I 1.00 Jay Hagen I 5.20 1-lelvin Haglund 5.20 George E. Feoiling 4,80 Eldon Blake 12.08 Warren E. Beckman I 2,70 Elmer G. Pederson 2,96 K. L. Aune 2.96 Gilbert Gunderson 3.10 Henry R. Larson 3. 10 Orville Trosvik I I 8,44 Noble.Holte 2,75 Nobel Huse I 2.00 James Formo 2.75 Ira Dewey 6.20 Leslie Schwantz 3,40 Harley Leeseberg 17.40 Clayton Pederson 2,0© Julius M. Nelson 7,60 L. R. Whiting .I 8.16 Audrey Weiby II 5,92 dernice Rodekuhr II I .CO II 1.00 Harold A. Parduhn . George C. Kratzke II 5,55 Eugene J. Stoll II I I 7.69 Kenneth Umlauf 4.24 Eugene Wilde I 2.CO Rose Stadum 3;24 1::m. P. Rodman 2.00 Oren Fosse 11.80 • lLrnest Niskala 17,40 James E. Ahlfs 13.80 Josephine Wilkinson a.co w. C. Huwe 2.00 Oscar Ostrus 4,08 Gotlieb Janke 14.88 A. M. Stoll 2.00 L. W. 0Sundberg I 2.00 Lois I. Sundberg II 5,90 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Dec. 13 60 DATE .............................................................. , .................... 19 ....... . Hugh A. Fuller Fern Bjoralt ),rs. Hillard Nord, Jr. Carl A. Braun Allan. }', . Hoff Ewin Stai wi. E.Messer Fred Meyer Rodney D.Hanson Glen Thomas P. C.Miller John L. Bixby Roger Gustafson Larson Welding N. W., Bell Tele. Co, Do Nyman. Fuel Co. Dacotah Paper Co. J. S. Hopponen Adelsman Boiler Co. Wm. Galena & Son ~\arlin Reynolds Luxor,Lighting Products, Inc. Acme Chemical Co. Stein.Paint & Chemical Co, Johnson Service Co. Johnson Repair Shop Ebersviller Implement Co. Fcrgu~ Glass & Paint Co. So. 1,;in Standard Holten Hdwe, Edgetown Lumb er Co. Beall.& McGowan Edwin.Ala John Hoff lvm. Sadusky ~1erlin S. Rieman Poucher Prtg. & Lith. Co. I•;iller-Davis Co. Gaffaney1s American Guidance Service, J.nc. Victor Lundeen & Co. Fargo.Rubber Stamp Works R. R.Yates Coopers Office Supply ~elson Bros. Prrg. Co. t-.idwest f-rtg, Co. Fergus Journal Co. ,~orthwestern l'ubl. Co. Perham Enterprise Bulletin Henning Aavocate Battle Lake RP.view Vernon l!.. Bachman l!.velace G. Hanson H. 1,. ,Glorvigen Sheriff Is Office Olga 'Xorvik Lity P.harmacy Gearhart's Funeral & Ambulance Ser. Holten hdwe. Park Region Medical Center Police Su1-•ply Co. 1•1at'l. Sheriff's Assn. Johnson Drugs R. L . .Folk & Co. H. W. ,Glorvigen Winifr.ed J. C~sey Vtrnon ,Sprague lil.J'sing Outlook Audrey C. Anderson Genevieve Dahl Marilyn Siebels l!.. O. T. 'l':ele. Co. iiyrtle, ::, . Lindstrom !•,rs. Geo . -"ind strom ~irs. D. L • Haugen 1·,rs, 1-'.hilip Arfstrom hrs. Donald Barber )irs. ~,el vin Lien Krs .Jo,hn Rundle Philip M, Kjaglien Do, Straub_ Co. Public Utilities Dept. N. W. Bell Tele. Co. Victor. Lundeen & Co. Nelson Dros. · Prrg·, Co. R. L.P_olk & Co. Veterans Information Service Hichard A. Henning Carrying ballots and returns II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II expenses and supplies II rep. filing cabinet calls II coal supplies repairs II services C.H. hauling ashes supplies II II repairing thermostats Christna~ tree for C.H. repairs supplies gasoline supplies II paper Dejbuty Sh. fees and exp. II II II II II serving citation Dep. Sh. fees and exp. supplies II tests supplies rubber stamps pens supplies correction of assessment slip envelopes election supplies, etc. tax notices II II II II printing postage II II II II prescriptions for prisoners service supplies office call prisoner badges Sheriff's Directory supplies directories adv. com. to license agents typing civil defense instructions expenses subscription expenses postage postage service expenses mileage Nursing Board II II II II II II II expenses postage and mche, rental rent water etc. service and calls supplies fonn Letters directo1'Y book and supplements repairing typewriter .5.90 3,80 3,80 2.00 2.40 2.40 2.00 6.60 7,60 4,92 6.92 5,24 8.13 4,75 21,90 62.85 748.69 28.20 72. 14 10.50 4,25 20.00 82.64 60,00 2,40 26.00 5,00 43,70 59.21 3,40 ,l6,46 4.00 21.60 32,70 145.60 1.45 35.00 113.79 15C.92 12.17 6.14 432.10 2.29 26;79 29.10 8.00 657,40 21.41 38C.85 4.80 8.40 4.80 69. 18 44.04 80.00 50.00 25.50 36.00 13.10 7.CC 4.CO 3.00 45. 18 12.50 22.32 80.00 34.15 10.00 2.59 6.50 59.76 8.00 2.00 18.75 18.45 1.68 3.64 4.20 6.30 2,80 5.46 82.04 7.co 5c.oo 3.17 22.85 1C.1.02 25.85 25,00 9.00 3.t,O l i= COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Paul Stender Service Oil Co: Twin' s ¥.otor Co • Village of Clitherall Dr. l!.yerett C. Hanson Dr. lfenrl A. l\orda Swan's R xall Drugs Stemsbud· l· imierson St.eblay Drugs i;innesota St.ate :ianatorium Do FARNotors, Inc. Harvey Bullock Fortwengler Uectric Shop Harper's 1lect.ric Hill's Radiator Shop Knutson Htg. Service Larson \·1elding John 1. i,aki 1•,atz & Greiff i;c Connick Fann !!.quip. Store Olson Auto hlectric Olsu1°1.ubo Liccbtic A. P. "Schmitz Garage Smokey's Machine s., op Stadum Repair Shop StaN's Garage Stuntebeck's, Inc. Suhr tord Sales, lnc. Super G J,;. C. Truck Sales Vaughn Chevrolet Co. Vergas Motor Service Westad 1-iotors, Par. Pra. Firestone Store, F.F. Minnesota 1-iotor Co. Northwood Specialty Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Viking Steel Products, lnc. James"!!.. Barsness International Salt Lo. Lyons Chemical Co. Adelsman Boiler Co. Pheolr i,ifg. Co. of !-'.inn. Coast to Coast Store, Henning Empire Supply Co. Coast to Coast Store, rel Rpds. Bauck''s S. & 0. Hdwe. Coast to Coast Store, PLrham lricks·on-Hellekson-Vye Co. lrh. Everts Lumber Co. B. L. Ftrgus Plumbing & Heating Co. Gamble Store, henn. Holten· Hdwe. Home and Farm Supply, Henn. Lykken Farm Supply Harvey Aasness K. A. Fitch Lewis A. Hansen Lloyd f'aulson Ray Perala Devolt' Presler & Shennan Shinn Fred Rhode Otto Strelau Phil Wicklund Wilde Bros. l·.elvin bcGowan J,;arvin· E. Lund Glen Fe<.la I. S. Isaacson City of FErgus Falls Douglas County Village of Battle Lake Village of rarkers Prairie Village of PelicanRapids Village of Perham Viilage of Bluffton Village of Dalton Village of Deer Creek Villagcof New York 1-'.ills Village of Battle Lake ~,inneapolis Blue Printing Lo. Otter Tail Power Co. l·.innesota l.Jepartment of Highways Burroughs Corp. ~iarch ant Calculators, lnc. o•~itara's Dept. Store The Pierce Co. Victoii "Lundeen &. Co. E. Otter !ail Tele. Co. DATE ....... ~~.~.: .... !L ......................................................... 1!f.?. ... . expenses gasoline prop. care of poor care of patients II II II medication for T.B. patient II II II care of patients parts repairs ......11,_ II II II II " II II II " tires II stakes bridge lumber culverts culvert salt calcium chloride oil burner su, r,lies gravel " II " II II " II equipmcnt rental ',' II II construction maintenance II II " " II II garage rent al II II II II II II water charge prints services paper machine maint. supplies supplies II s~rvice and tolls (October) (November) 11.20 64.12 20.00 608.95 5.00 27.50 17.75 28.30 67.25 46.05 303.93 3.89 43.90 7.00 6.4C 6.50 14.95 15.75 10.69 2.80 48.86 73.23 • 'i'J.23 1.74 93-36 43.10 46.19 6.81 269.60 lC.08 3.00 61.42 6.58 34.74 315.95 13.50 1262.05 963-70 58.40 243.00 1258.97 3CC.OC 63.40 21.31 69C.72 4c.07 18.70 5.98 7.45 34.75 15.19 33.57 4.12 3.20 10.27 223,.93 35.42 5.81 29.26 65::52 419.30 33.00 19.15 4c.74 63.30 ;98.00 368.50 884.47 118.20 35,364.10 24c.93 581.68 325.32 1c9.54 385.28 549.70 180.CO 42c.oo 786.00 5.00 44-48 6.48 .331.04 5.90 47.co 177.96 19.90 36.55 20.40 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. N. \~. Bell Tele. Co. F. F. ~Jidwe11t Tele. Co. N. W., Bell Tele. C.:o., Henn. Pelic/!,n Tele. Go. N. W .. Bell Tele. Co., F. F. Vergas Tele. Co. Mutual Service Casualty Ins. Co. rJendell P. Huber G. D.Harlow Georg!=! Olson Townspip of Paddock Township of Paddock Township of Blowers Township of Bluffton 'l'ownshij:> of butler ·~ownship of l.andor 'l"ownship of Corliss •rownship of Uead Lake 'lownship of 1ctna 'l'ownship of i•obart tp1i'll.s):llip of Homestead 'l'ownship of Newton Township of Otto Township of Perham Townsl:dp of Pine Lake Township of Rush Lake Townsqij:> of Star Lake Village of Bluffton Village of Dent Village of Richville Village of Vergas Townsqip of Maine Townsqip of Amor Eagle Lake Township Townsl1ip of Eve::rts Townsh;ip of Girard Townsqip of Leaf },ountain Township of Nidaros Township of St. Olaf Township of Tumuli. Village of Battle Lake Village of Clitherall Village of Dalton Bement_-Cahill E.quipt. Co. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Phillippi Equipt. Co. Road Machinery & Sµpplies Co. Geo. T_. Ryan Co. rim. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. The Zeco Co. Firestone Store Henry ~olmgren Jim Larson Ford Gamble Store, Par.Pra. Andy's. 66 Service Secklund-Rian Oil Co. Cities Service Station D. A, ~ubricant Co., Inc. i,; end ell P. Huber National Bushing and Parts Co. Ted Orpen Sigelm~ Hide & Fur Co. hilcox,Lumber Co., Henn. Tesch Lumber Co. Vergas Hdwe. Co. Wilcox Lumber Co. , Vergas Raymon9 Motor Transp. Co. Bengtson Oil Co. Conslllntrs Co-op. Oil Co., B. L. Conslllners Co-op. L,il Co., Henn. Erv's East Side Service Farmers Co-op. Cry. Assn. D. C. llen11ing l•,otiil Service Hi-way Auto & Impl. Co. highway Co. Ser. Station Hoot Lake Pure oil Jim's S11rvic e Station, l!.rh. J..a;·o• s Standard Service Olson Oil Co. P.P. Pete's Standard Service Ray's Oil Co. So. Mill Standard Swenson Service, Erh. Andy's ·66 Ser. Fossen Oil Co. S & F Oil Co. Ve.rgas Oil Co. Service Oil Co., Und. Fossen Oil Co. Service Oil Co. B. L. Dec. 13 60 DATE ................................................................................... 19 ....... . service and tolls II II II II II II II II II II insurance expenses II II special aid II II II II II II parts II II II II tie wires tires repairs II II gasoline II II oil II II II II cash advanced supplies II II II II II freight gasoline II II II II II II II II gas, etc. gasoline II II II II II II II II 81.40 28.05 12.45 7.30 40.80 14.85 57.02 225.55 51.84 27.35 5C8.17 432.72 300.00 100.00 100.00 100,00 100.00 100,00 10C;OO 1co.oo 1CO.CO 100.00 200,00 100.00 100,00 100,00 100.00 100.00 lC.C,00 1co.oo 100.00 150.00 200,00 200,00 100,CXi) 200.00 200.00 3CO,OO 200.00 200.00 . 189,57 1oc.oo 100.00 195.37 52.07 669,42 18.88 397,34 371.10 781.46 436.00 37,75 6.70 31.00 89,94 77.09 186.55 273.90 29,72 112.65 1.68 111. 28 12,84 5,90 34,47 2.05 5.75 157,66 167.27 32.04 193.02 48.91 38.57 132,75 47,39 104.62 144.13 61. 50 151.55 97.97 68.76 82.30 42.22 85.22 124.41 351,82 142.09 175,96 209,89. 221.66 l COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Ir P111■1 ... D■P .,.n.CLOU0,■1■11. e,.a,a Gemlo Oil co·. Arrow Petroleum Anderson-Sandberg Oil Co. Penrose Oil Co. Perham Co-op. Oil Co. Standard Oil Co., B. t. Co-op. Services, Inc. N. Fossen Oil Co. The Oil Store Olson Oil Co., Henn. 'l'homas Oil Co. H.K. Stahl Co. ~oliah ~ Braatz Oil Co. H. D. Morrill Henry Sieling Otto Haase Henry Sieling H. D .Morrill Henry Sieling Otto Haase Bennie J.Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Y. American RoadBuilders, Assn. Monroe Calculating Mche. Co. Fanners Coop. Creame;ry Assn. Paulson Tire Shop Standard Oil Co • Bluffton Oil Co. Pelican Tele. Co. Holten Lumber co·. Arthur Pierson, Adm. Fergus Oil Co. Charles Malmstrom, Sr. Holten Hdwe. Vaughn ~hevrolet Co. M. DATE ............... Dec •... 13 .................. · .............................. 1960. gas, etc. diesel fuel II II II II II II II II fuel oil II II II II II II II II oil grease appraising tax forf. land attd. medings attd. meeting attd. comr. meeting, St. Paul attd. Co. meeting and state meeting attd. co. meeting, St. Paul attd. co. meeting and St. Paul meeting attd. meeting attd. meeting dues maintenance gasoline, ttc. gasoline diesel fuel diesel fuel strvice and tolls supplies gravel gasoline repairs supplies repairs Upon motion the Board adjourned to 10 o'clock A. 1·1. December 14, 1960. Pursuant to adjournme~t, the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M. December 14, 1960, all manbers present. Upon motion, the Cmunty Assessor was granted $150. additional clerk hire for the year 1960. 9.50 803.42 133.60 72.50 136.8(: 294.26 1.90.24 189.60 105. 75 45.60 10G.58 43.94 14.00 15.25 J6.60 · 14.50 48.51 49.75 44-91 62.97 10.90 10.90 7.50 62.00 42.66 102.04 69.00 210.97 13.95 33.00 191.40 111.34 4.50 .95 5.00 The complaint of freeholders that a certain road beginning at a point on section linelbetween Sections 1 & 2-133-40 on the North edge of State Highway #78 and running thence North, was not properly maintained and because of such lack of maintenance and such neglect said road is not reasonable passable, was taken up for action. After considerable discussion the complaint was laid over until thematter could be discussed with theCounty Attorney. Upon motion the appointment of Mrs. Yvonne Johnson of Dent and Mrs. Clarence Salmonson of Underwood as members of the County Nursing Service Boa.rd was approved. Upon motion the County Treasurer, County Auditor and the Welfare Director were instructed to confer with Fergus Falls banking officials regarding the investment of $15,000. County Nursing H0me funds. The County Auditor was instructed to submit the State of Hinnesota proposal to acquire the following land; Dead Lake Unit, All of tte following described lands lying within T. 135N., R. 4CJii. in Otter Tail County. The North 660 feet of Gov. Lot J, Sec. 20; the sw¼ of the SE¼ of Sec. 21 an:l Gov. Lot 2 of Sec. 21; theE½ of the SW¼ of Sec. 22; Gov. Lot 1 and Gov. Lot 2 of Sec. 22; Gov. Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Sec. 28 containing a total of 602.8 acres more or less. Robert Hacking Sr., Robert Hacking Jr. and Joseph Morvak owners. All of the N½ of the SE~ of Sec. 21, T. 135N., R. 40.~. containing 75-55 acres more or less. Dr. Norman Baker, owner. All of the s½ of the NW¼ of Sec. 21, T. 135 N., R. 4CM, containing 80.00 acres more or less. Belle Garber, owner. as a wild life management area to the East Otter Tail County Conservation Committee for opinion and approval. The petition of George C. Walter asking that the NE¼, 21-13~39 be set over from School Distr:it #1396 to Independent Consolidated School District #549, was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A.M. February 15, 1961, and that duenotice of the time and place be given as provided by law. The application of Florence Haukos asking for homestead clas~ification on Lot 7, Block 6, North Division of the City of Fergus Falls was read. Upon motion the application was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly. The application of Hulda Wickstrom for reduction of assessed valuation on personal property in the Township af Dunn was read. Upon motion it was recoll!lllended to the Commissioner of T9xation that the application be granted. The application of Orville Ugstad for reduction of assessed valuation for 1958, of Lot 18, Sater Humphrey Ranch Camp, was read." Upon motion it was reco1mnended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that a cottage had been assessed on this vacant lot. The application of Orville Ugstad for reduction of assessed valuation for 1959, of Lot 18, Sater Humphrey Ranch Camp, was read. Upon motion it was recommended to the Col!Dlissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that a cottage had been assessed on this vacant lot. The application of the Villageof Battle Lake for cancellation of taxes on a~ undivided½ interest in the NWly. 224 1 of Lot 4, Section 34-133-40 was read and it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that this was Village property. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Dec. 14 60 DATE ... ·--·····--·····-·-····-···································~············· ...... 19 ....... - RESOLUTION REVOKING AND REDESIGNATING C.H.· #116 WHEREAS, due to the interstate Trunk Highway, Interstate Route #94, crossing County Highway #116, it becomes necessary that it be revo.ked and redesignated. NOi, THEREFORE, BE IT. RESOLVED that County Highwey #116, as on file in the office of the C'ouncy-A:ud.itor, be revoked. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Councy-Highway #116 be designated as follows: Beginning at a point approximately at the Southwest corner of Section 23, Township 133 North, Range 44 West; thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning extending Easterly along or near the South lines of Sections 23 & 24-T1JJN-R44W, and continuing Easterly along or near the South line of Section 19, thenc~ South along or near the East line of Sections 30 and 31, Township 133 North, Range 44 West, to where same intersects with Trunk Highway #210, and there te:nninating. Adopted this 13th day of December, 1960. ATTEST: S. B. JOHNSON SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman Clerk (SEAL) 46-3-,13(4-60) MINNESOTA DEPARTMl!NT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FORH NO. III Otter Tail County Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 500, Article II, Section 36, Minnesota Laws 1959, the Cominissioner of Highways be appointed as· agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent, contracts for the construction of portions of County State-Aid Highways; specifically described as ·follows: County State-Aid Highway N0 • 40 from South Limits of Vining to County Highway #131. and the chainnan and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed forand on behalf ,.of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the tenns arrl conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Fonn No. IV", a copy of which said fo:nn was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractural obligations therein contained. Adopted this 14th day of December, 1960. S. B. JOHNSON Clerk 52-3-6(2-59) MINNESOTA DEPARTI-ENT OF HIGHWAYS FORM IU~ SAM NYCKWIOE Chainnan of the Board BE IT RESOLVED That pursuant to Chapter 500, Article II, Section 36; Mirll'E sota Laws 1959, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of County State Aid Highway No. 40, described as follows: from T.H. #210 in Vining to the South limits of Vining. which project shall be combined with Otter Tail County Is Federal Aid Secondary Project identified as S.P. No. 56-640-0.1 and ~,inn. S. 6472(5), and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form set forth am contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Fonn No. IV-5", a <D py of which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractural obligations therein contained. Adopted this 14th day of December, 1960. 'SAM NYCKLEMOE Chairman of County Board (SEAL) S. B. JOHNSON! County Auditor Upon motion the Board adjourned without date. /