HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1959Ottertail County Official Meetings 1959 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... Jan:ua.rJr ... 6 .................................... 19.5.9. .. . MINUTES OP MEETING OF BOARD OF : -COUNTY :coMMliSS.IONERS ·:. OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY1 MINN, PurB114'nt to statute, the Beard met at 10 o'clock A. M, January 6, 1959 •. Present: .Commissioners Sieling, Nycklemoe,.and commissioners-elect Haase and Johnson, both of whom having filed their oath of office took their places on ~he Board. The m,eting was called to order by the County Auditor, who stated that the first business was the election of a Chail"Jll&n for the year 1959. Upon motion, Otto Haase was elected Chairman, Upon motion, Sam Ny.ci:lemoe was elected Vice Chairman for 1959, The following reeo lution was adopted: Resolved by the Beard of County Commissioners at Otter Tail County, Mime sota: That ~he following days be designated as the dates on which the County Board will meet during.the year 1959: Attest: Adopted January 6, 1959. S.B. Johnson Clerk. / The following resolution was adopted: February March April May June July August September October November December 10 & 11 10 & 11 14 & 15 12 & iJ 9 & 10 lJ & 14 11 & 12 8 & 9 lJ & 14 9 & 10 e & 9 Otto Haase Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners af Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That a committee of three, consisting of the Chairnan and two members of the Board to be selected by the Chairman, be appointed to have charge of the Court House and jail and grounds for the year 1959, Ad.opted January 6, 1959, Attest: S, B. JOHNSON clerk. OTTO HAASE Chairmar.. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Morrill and Johnson to serve with him on this Committee, ✓ The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Bi:a rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That a Cammi ttee of three, consisting of the Chairman of the Board and two members of the Bea rd, be appointed by the Chairman to purchase all furniture and supplies excepting books, blanks and stationery, needed for the Cwrt House and Jail during the year 1959, and provide for such repairs as may become an immediate necessity. Adopted January 6, 1959, Attest: S, B, JOHNSON Clerk, OTTO HAASE Chairman. The !il>.airman appointed Commissioners Morrill and Nycklemoe as his associates on this ~ommittee. / The fol lowing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under provisions of Section 2154 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Dr, Boline, a resident physician of said county, and County Commissioners Sieling and Johnson members of this Board, be and the same hereby are appointed to constitute a County Board of Health of said County for the year 1959, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerlc • ✓ The following resolution was adopted: OTTO HAASE Chairman. Res,ilved by the Bi:a rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: IC' 111111 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ··························January .... 6 .............................. 19.?.~ .. . IICU■ITT PIIATIIII COIIHIIT n. CLDUDr IIINN. Ei9 That th~ Co~t~ Commissioner of his respect~ve district, namely Henry Sieling, the First District; :Bennie J, Johnson, t?e Second District, Sam Nyck~emoe, the Third District; Otto Haase, the Fourth District, am Harvey D. Morrill, the ~ifth Di~trict, be and they are herepy each appointed Superintendent of Poor of his said district, with authority t9 act in relation to ~e care.and support of n?n-reaident paupers, and to receive applications for relief or support by or for arr:,· reason in his district, as provided by Chapter 15, Revised Laws of 1905. Adopted January 6, 1959. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. ✓The following· resolution was adopted: OTTO HAASE Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tai. 1 County, Minm aota: That the sum of ten cents be paid out of the Revenue Fund ·or the Crunty for every pocket-gopher and woodchuck killed in said County during the year 1959, in cases where the townships in which pocket-gophers and woodchucks are ao killed shall provide for the payment of an additional bounty of ten cents for each pocket-gopher· and wood.chuck ao killed. Resobr ed further, that paym!!nt of such bounty shall be made by the County Auditor upon certificates executed by the ChR.irman of the Town Board of said Townships setting forth that the pocket-gophers or woodchucks were duly presented to the Chairman of such bca rd am that the township has issued and delivered to each claimant a town orde_r for: twen._ty cents for each pocket-gopher or woodchuck so killed. Adopted January 6, 1959. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clezk:. ✓-The following resolution was. adopted: OTTO HAASE Chairman. Resolved by the Bea rd c£ County Co11D11issioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, Chapter 142, Laws of 1921, Mason's Minnesota Statutes 192?, Section 6?1 and Minnesota Statutes 1941, Section 3?5:30 provides ways and means for the ccntrol am eradication of rust-producing barberry, the folloyiin~ re,solution was adopted: Be it hereby resolved, that $50.00 be appropriated by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, for the purpose of eradicating am removing rust-producing bushes and that a br.unty of $3.00 be offered fo::: the location of barber IY bush or b\J.shes on each properl:y subject to the provisions as set forth by the Barberry Office, University Farm, St. Paul, Minre sota, on file in the liffice of the Crunty Auditor., F.ifrgus Falls, Minnesota, Adopted January 6, 1959. Attest: S •. B. JOHNSON Clerlc. _,/ The following resolution was adopted: OTTO HAASE · Chairmm. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Cou~ty, Minnesota: That under the "Provisions. of Chapter 200, Laws of Minnesota for 1943, that. the County shall pay a bounty of $5. 00 for each full-grown fox, red or gray, killed in said County, and $3,00 for each fox cub, red or gray, killed in said County during the year 1959; payment· to be made on warrant of the County Auditor after compliance by the clainant with all provision.a of said law. Adopted January 6, 1959. Attest: s. B. JOHNSON Clerk. /The following resolution was a,d.opted: OTTO HAASE Chairnan. Resolved by the Board of Councy Commissione1·s of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of not less than $250.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Cainty Revenue Furd of said County for Otter Tail County exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair for 195? a~ the County Auditor. a."lli Chairman of the Board are directed to issue a warrant for said amr-unt in favor of Clarence Mielke, J Adopted January 6, 1959. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: OTTO HAASE Chainnen. I I '.I J ~- II r f ~ I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ------·---·-··-···----·-•.JBJILlEl.r,y. .. 6 ................................. 19,5.9 .. . R~aolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under'the provisions of Section 7)9 General Statutes for 19)2, the sum of $100.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red River Valley Development Association, said amount •o appropriated ·to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors for the year 1959. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Cle rlc. ✓ The following resolution was adopted: OTTO HAASE Chairman. Resolved by the Board ar County Conuniasionera of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That there be and re reby is transferred from the Revenue Fund of the County to the Incidental Fund the sum cl $750.00 for postage for the use of the offices entitled thereto. Adopted January 6, 1959. Attest: s. B. JOHNSON Clerk. RESOLUTION J3Y THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA OTTO HAASE Chairman. llE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Engineer be authorized to issue p~rolla for the pru.poae of salary payments to all maintenance employees, engineering employees, construction employees, ard for tha rental ar trucks and mowerD necessary for the maintenance of County State A id Highw~a not to exceed $290,000. and County Highw~a not to exceed $60,000. for the year 1959. Adopted this 6th. day of January, 1959. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. RESOLUTION OTTO HAASE Chairman. ·n IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to statutory authority the County Engineer for and on behalf of the County of OTTER TAIL is hereby authorized to request and obtain fran the Minnesota Department of Highways needed engineering and technical services during the year 1959, for which payment will be made by the County upon receipt of verified claims from the Commissioner of Highways. Adopted this 6th. da,y of January, 1959. (SEAL) RESOLUTION OTTO HAASE Chairnan. S. B. JOHNSON Auditor. llE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That because of deterioration due to rain, snow and·uaual spring climatic conditions the roads hereinafter described will be serioualy damaged unless restrictions are imposed as to weight of vehicles to be opeTated thereon. NOW, THEREFORE: No person shall operate any vehicle or combination of vehicles upon any of. the county roads in the County of Otter Tail and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to-wit: County State Aid Highw~s 1 to 77 inclusive, 79, 81, 8J and 90,to 99 inclusive, and 109. County Highwrcy-s 110 to l'-14 inclusive and numbers 146 and 148. durl. ng the period fron\the first of March, 1959 to the first of June, 1959, where the groBB weight on any single axe 1, as defined in 'Minnesota Statutes 1945 Sec. 169.8), exceeds three tons (6,000 pounds) and the Engineer of said County is hereby directed~d authorized to erect and maintain signs plainly inlicating the prohibitions and restrictions above at eaph end of that portion of any highway affected thereby,and these restrictions shall be effective and this prohibition effective upon such erection am maintenance of su~h signs. Adopted this 6th. day of January, 1959·. At~est: S. B. JOHNSON Cleric. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGIDiAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FORM NO, III OTTO HAASE Chairman. Be it resolved that pPI:suant to Section 161,0J, Subdivision 26 thrrugh 29, Min111 sota Statutes 195), the Commissioner COMMISSIONERS RECOR!) 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE _______________________ ,I~!!~~y ___ § ________________________________________ l9 59 _ '-ICUIITT Pll■T IIG COIIPHT ST, CLOUD ■Ill • C, of Highways be appointed as agent of the County of OTTER TAIL to let as its agent, contracts for the construction of County State Aid Highways, specifically described as ~ollows: of portions County State Aid Highway No. 5 from C.S.A,R, 38, 4 Mi. West of Urbank to 3 Mi. North. County State Aid Highwey No. 16 from a point 2 Mi~ North ard 2.5 Mi. East of Battle Lake to C.S.A.H. 50 County State. Aid Highway No. 27 from North Corporate Limits of Fergus Falls to c.S.A,H. 10. County State Aid Highway No. 38 from T, H, 78 ani East to T. H. 235 in Urbank and to South County line. County State Aid Highway No. 59 from South County Line to 3 Mi, North of Urbank. ~nd the chairman ~nd the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract.with th~ Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form 88 set forth am contai?ed in Minre sota Department of Highways Agency Contract Fo1·m No. IV11, a copy of which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all the contractural obligations therein contained. Adopted this 6th, de.v of January, 1959, (SEAL) OTTO HAASE Attest: S. JI, JOHNSON Cle:d!:. Chairnan.of County Board Upon motion, the County Assessor and his assistant were authorized to attend the'conference on January 8th. called by the Commissioner of Taxation, Upon motion, deeds covering a right-of-way to the access area on Blanche Lake were accepted by the Board, Upon motion, the Clerk of District Court was authorized to pay drivers license agents 5¢ each for applications for drivers licenses taken and forwarded to h:s office. Upon motion, the County Audit.or was im.tructed .to .call .for equipment rental bids on an h<11rly basis including operators and all expense of opera.tion, bids. to .. be .opened at .. 11 .o 1 clock A.M. February 10, 1959. He also. was instructed to call for bids for. .30,.000 gallons of .SC,,and 50,000 gallons MC bituminous road oil, to be delivered at any point in Otter Tail County ,by .transpor.t .truck equipped wi.th .pump for unloading. Bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A. M. February 10, 1959., Upon motion, the County Audi tor was instruc.ted .to .call for -bids .on appr.oximately 7.0 miles of bituminous sand-seal on County State Aid Highways, bids to be opened at -2 .o'.clock P. •. M. February 17, 1959. The County Auditor was inst1ucted to adverti-se .for. bids ,for .the construction of County State Aid highways as follows: Bituminous surfacing CSA #5 f.rom 4 miles West .of .Ur.bank to .3 miles Nor.th. Bituminous surfacing CSA #38 .from Trunk Highway f.78 and \'lest .to TMlllk Highway #235 in Urbank and South to County line. Bituminous surfacing CSA #27 .from north corporate limits cf. Eergus Falls .to CSA #10. . . . Bituminous surfacing CSA #53, from Tron.le Highway fho .Nor.th 5 .miles, All of said bids to be opened at 2 o'clock P. M •. February. .17, 1959, Bids fer surety borda cor ering the County officials and their deputies were received as folla1 s: A. A. Vollbrecht ICJ,.onemann Insurance Agency Barke & Allison $ 87?.98 761.12 693,08 Upon motion, the bid of :Barke & Allison .in the sum of $693_.08 was ac.cepted, Upon motion, the Highway: Enginee~ ~S:s ~U:tho;i~ed to 'uiaice: ,;, a"ur:vey :on· c:~ty Highway No .•. l]J ·f;~ T 0 runk Highway 108 North, approzimately lt miles, when time was available for said work. . Upon motion, the payments for care of mentally. ill persons was transfer~ed f.rom the .County Auditor's office tb the County Welfare office, who are in a better posi.tion to investigate _the financial cordition of relatives who are able to pay for this care. , . . , . . . . • . • • • A resolution was .received from the.City of Fergus Falls relative to the County's participation in the cost of bituminous surfacing and other improvements, o~ Eir Avenue fr.om Park Street to Clevelard Avenue. The County Auditor was instructed to write the City Clerk asking for a break-down of the cos.ts of each item for said-improvement. Upon motion, the Board adjourned to 9:30 o'clock A. M. January 7, 1959, WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Bea rd met at 9:30 A, M. January 7, 1959. Off and On licenses for sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors was granted to Reinhold Koehn at T~lor1s Larding, Town of Everts. Vernon E. BachmaI'.n, Super in tenden t of Schools, aubmi tted the appointment of Mabel Wers tram as Assistan-t Superintendent and Lorna Schmidt as Office Secretary, Upon motion, the appointments were approved. The ~ounty Board having previously advertised for bid.a for County printing fortheyear 1959 opened bids which were as follows: Henning Advocate, publishing the Delinquent T~x List, at legal rates, BattleLake Review, publication of the Annual Statement of Receipts and Disbursements, at legal rates. Parkers Prairie Independent, publication of theAnnual Statement of Receipts and Disbursements, at legal rates. Fergu.sFalls. Daily journal, publication of Minutes of l!ca rd of County Commissioners and all other legal notices and publications, except notices of school dissolutions, at the rates .I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. January 7 59 DATJL ................................................................................. 19 ....... . HCUIITI PIIINT N CO■PA■T T. C UD 111•11. provided by law, Upon motion the bids were accepted and the following resolution was adopted: ✓ The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County CoUDDissioners of Otter Tail County. Minresota: That the Henning Advomte be and the same is hereby designated as the newspaper in which shall be printed the list of lands in Otter Tai 1 Coun.ty. upon which taxes became delin(!Uent on the first Monday In January, 1959. Resolved further, that the publishers of said newspaper be required. to. furnish a surety bond in the sum of $2,000.00 for the faithful performance of said publication. Adopted Jarru.ary 7, 1959. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. OTTO HAASE Chairnan. Upon motion. F.dward Ramsey and Mrs. Elmer Stock were appointed members of the Otter Tail CountyAgricultural Extension Committee for a term of three years. Henry Sieling, County Commissioner, was appointed from the Board of County Commissioners as a member ofthe Committee. . . . A plat of Schermerhorn Beach, located in Lot 1 am the~ N]% of Section ]J-1J6-41 and accom,panied by a certificate of title executed by M. J. Daly, attorney-at-law. was approved. A plat of Little Pire Haven Beach, loca.ted in Govermnent Lot 1, Sec ti on 2-1J6-J9, accompanied by a certificate as to title executed by M. J. Daly. attorney-at-law, was approved. THE FOLLCMING SCALE .QF WAGES WAS ADOPTED The salary of employees of the County Highway Department for the year 1959 were fixea as follows: Bituminous Lay-Out Operators ••..•...••...• $1.65 per hr. Heavy Equipment. Operators .•.••••••.......•.• 1.50 per hr. Truck Driver •... ·. • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • 1. 40 per hr. Second Man on Truck ......................... 1.35 per hr. Common Labor ............................... 1.25 per hr. Maintenance Foreman ••.••••••......••••••••• 420.00 per mo .• Shop Foreman .............................. J80.00 per mo. 1st. Mechanic ...................... ; .• ., .,JJ5.00 per mo. 2nd. M.echanic & Blacksmith .................. Jl0.00 per mo. Sign Foreman ............................. JJO. 00 per mo. County Engineer .......................... 810.00 per.mg. Chief Engineer •••.•......•••.•••••••••.•• 540.00 per mo. Instrument Man •••••..•••••••••••••••••••• 505.00 per mo. Level Man ................................ 415.00 per mo. Head Redman ••.•••••..•....•••••• 250.00 to JJ0.00 per mo. Rodman .......................... 220.00 to 290.00 per mo. Of.fice Man ••••••....•.....•......•..•.••• 285.00 per mo. l!ookkeM)er & Chief Clerk ••..••••.....•..• 320.00 per mo. Secretary ................................. 270.00 per mo. Clerical ........................ 160.00 to 240.00 per mo. Engineering Help (Misc.) •••••••.•.• 90 to 1.70 per hr. The maintenance employees• work week will be 55 hours except for December, January and February, when it will be jO hcurs per week. ✓ The following amounts are hereby set aside fo:i,t:lerk hire for the calendar year 1959 in the several Ccmnty offices, to-wit: Audi.tar ••••• 'treasurer •.•• Register of Deeds . • . . • Clerk of Court, in addition to $1500. allw ed. by special law o.,.. a total of Probate Court, in addition to $J500. authorized by special lawoi-a total of County Assessor Deputy County Assessor Clerk, County Assessor Extra Clerk Hire, County Assessor .$10,200.00 10,200.00 10,860.00 5,820.00 5,600.00 4,800.00 3,720.00 3,060.00 J,000.00 First Assistant County Superintendent of Schools Office Assistant, County Superintendent of Schools Veterans I Service Clerk . . . . . . . ~ . 315,oo per mo. 230,00 per mo. 4,200.00 Adopted ·January 7, 1959. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON 'Clerk. OTTO HAASE Chairman. The following names were selected to be placed on the Grand and Petit Jury lists of the County for .the year 1959: Art Bondzin Henry Ament Anton Holzer Mrs. Gustie Ramsey Oscar Nevala Marjorie Beldo Art Mattie Bluffton Twp. l!lufft on Twp. Butler :Butler Paddock Paddock Bl~'lfe1,'li., 1·11\ ... Mrs. Ruby Wright Dorotby Marck(!l .:.:Mrs. Fred Rinas Mrs. Evelyn Matz Mrs. Minnie Sieling Mrs. Louise Ternus Wendel Ellefson Blowers Corliss Corliss Pine Lake Pine Lake Otto lbsh Lake COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. •ECU■llfPll■TIIIICO■P.l■Y H,C OUII 1111111. C,-191 Mrs. Sylvester Truitt Ethel Inez Sabbin Eldon Blake Esther Berend Mike Manlm Ruth Rosentreter Verner Borkkonen Lawrence Ker.tscher Albert Bunkowski Mrs. Vernon Flatau Mrs. Hildegard :Buechler Mrs. Elsie Mattfeld Mrs. Jim Bucholz Joe Langer llbert Meyer Mrs. Ernie Laurila Ed Karsn:La Aloia Gerber John Honer - Ed Franklin- Mrs. John Riestenberg Anthony :Bujarski Norman Rested Mrs. Anton ·Resset Mrs. Arnold Nettestad Harry Siggerud Herbert Hau11;rud Theo. Rosholt Sigvald Kvare Ivan Davidson Mrs. Elton Dillon Mrs. Francis Jacobson Melvin Haglund Bennie Seidell !-!rs. Bert Dahl Paul Danielson Oliver Hovland Ernest Jacobson Mrs. Walter-Wallace Herbert Rell tad Mrs. Morgan-Plowman George M<r tenson Howard Eide- Fritz Lemke- Howard Motz- G. A.Wigdahl Mrs. Engvo]d Hagen Mrs. Ida Kimber Archie Overgaard Selmer Highdale Anton \'lard - David Severson _Nels Hanson· Clifford Runningen Mrs. Steve Deresch Malferd Christianson Mayna!.'d Fosse Dick Ohlrogge Ole Hodenfield Arthur Bakke Raymond Hoff Joseph Frigaard Morris Clauson Melvin Salvevold ll'. J. Mielke Hilmer Hancock Cal Mielke - Ed Dalgren - John Mark - Jack Kampsula Al Schoeneberger Don Christle Russel: Lepisto Fred Luebberman Alfred Vorgert Aug. Klinnert Ed Bauck Rd> ert Fick- Herman Wessel Wm. Delaney- Herman Rm en John Kangas- Verner Anderson Ole Toftely- Ernald Tabbut Orville Sorum Eddie Velo DATE ... ________________________ J'!L.!!:!Mla.r.Y. ... 7 _________________________________ 19_5.9. __ Rush Lake Dead Lake Star Lake Dora Can:lor Candon Newton Ho:nestead Hobart Hobart Dent Gorman Gorman Bluffton Twp. •Perham Vill. New York Mills Perham Twp. Perham Twp~- Edna Vergas EdJJ& Otto P elican Twp. Pelican Rapids, Vill. Pelican Rapids,Vill. Pelican Rapid~ Vill. Norwegian Gro~ Norwegian Grove Dunn Dunn Lida Lida Scambler Scambler Friberg Friberg Trondhjem Trondhjem Maine Maine Maine Maplewood Oscar Erhards Grove Erhards Grove Rothsay Vill. Sverdrup Un:lerwoai St. Olaf Tordenskjold Amor Everts Clitherall Twp. Eagle ·Lake Leaf Mountai. n Nidaros Girard Otter Tei 1 Twp. Battle leke Cli the nil. 1 Twp. Tord.ensltjold Tumuli Tumuli St. Olaf Otter-Tail Twp. Dead Lake Richville Vergas New York Mills New York Mills Perham Perham New York Mills Dora Bluffton Dent ?erham Dent Perham Twp. Rush Iake Corliss Butler Otto GRAND JURORS Pelican Rapids Vill. Scambler NOl'Wegian Grove Trondhje:n Ray Thelen Lloyd Wilson Swan Benson Wm.F. Schmidt A-rnoiI.d Evavoli Ada E. Wallin Kenneth Adams C. M, Synstelien Wm. C. Ta,v-lor Henry Teisberg _ Kenneth Clam"tv Henry M. Velde Arthur \:I. Miller Carl N. Youngberg Steve J, Bu.ska W. H, Fabian : Ted Fjestad Gladys Vance Louise Schmidt Hulda Halsness Cornelius Mark Arnold Schachtschneider Leo Harles Robert Stenstrom Wm. Drechsel Max C. Kronemann, Jr. Edwin Haarstick George Duncan El.Der Kjell Ernest Bartels, Sr. Nanning Nissen Mrs. Ira T. Dewey Ambrose J. Frisch Ada Dahlgren Mrs. Cleo Sanco Elmer Larson '.]'ed Fossen ~rs. Hjalmar Hilgren Lennert Res enquist Kenneth Berouist Mrs. R. A. 14&1mgren Henry Hardekopf Mrs. Irgon Lenz William Johnston Mrs. Gena Herdman Roy Olson Al Guck Oscar Moen Are; Rosie Olson Robert -Stewart Matt Lakso Oliver Samuelson Louis Bendickson Francis Goeden Alva H, Helmrichs Archie Whiting John Meyer Ru.dolph Haugen Lloyd Madson Mrs. Harry Newhouse Mrs. Anton Thompson Mrs. Wally Eide Mrs, Harold Carew Geo. Rebehn Paul Koep Albert Solum Alvin Kvare Otto Peterson Oscar Anderson John Jenson C. H. Cha twood Charles Scheer _.Arthur G1'\lnwald Mrs. J. S, Peterson Marvin Hodnefield Charles A. Guth llay Wastweet Arthur Franzee John Swanberg Oscar Johnson Henry Lundberg Otto Kester Henry Hanson Willard Danielson Mrs. Harold Duhn Mrs. Walt-er Haugarth Henry Johnson Girard Nidaros Leaf Mountain i.'verts Eagle Lake Amor Amar St.-Ollaf Ever-ts Aurdal Aurdal Buse Buse Buse Aastad Aastad Carllsle Carlisle Carlisle Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Elizabeth twp. Elizabeth Twp. Elizabeth Twp. Fergus Falls Twp. Fergui Falls Twp. Fergus Falls, Twp. Orwell Orwell Oi.•well Western Westem City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus Fal. ls · City c£ Fergus Falls Eastern Twp, Eastern Twp·. Parkers Prairie, Twp. Parkers Prairie, Twp. Effington Twp. Wooilside Twp. Wo·ai side Twp.-Hewitt Elmo Twp. Elmo Twp. Folden ~. Folden Twp. Oak Vaile y Inman Twp. -Inman Twp. Henning Twp. Henning Twp. Compton Twp. Deer Creek Twp. Deer Creek Twp. Leaf Lake-Twp. Leaf Lake Twp. ?arkers Prairie,Vill. Parke~s Erairie Vill. Henning Vill. Henning Vill. Deer Creek Vill. Deer Creek Vill. Urbank Erhard Village Dunn Maplewood Frtlberg Pelican Twp. Maine Erhards Grove Oscar Battle Lake Eagle Lake Everts Clitherall Tordenskjold Otter Tail Nidaros Eagle Lake Underwood- Girard Nidaros Leaf Mountain' Sverdrup Dalton ,j :1 ,.r ,;j 1, I I: I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL .COUNTY, MINN. Harry A. Anderson John W. Swenson· John Utne Raymond Brause Walter Stlilld berg Kelly Drey H. J. Larson W. A. Skogmo John Jennen John Scott • Morris HalsneBB John Dieseth H• ard L a Valley W. A. Ebersvill.er DATE ........................ January .. 7 ...................................... 19~?. .. . City ar Fergus Fall! City ar Fergus Falls City ar Fergus Fall.e Western Fergus Falls Twp. Aurdal City ar Fergus Falls City cf Fergus Falle Carlisle · · 0rwell Dane Prairie City of Fergus Falle City r£ Fe'rgus Falls Ci:ty af Fer~• Falls Herman Cordes Peter Hartban Emil Nordin Max Klimek Aug. Branatner Emil H, Salvog Cliffcrd Nelson Carol Boehland Nicholas Revering Harcy Olson Walk ce Liljegren William Thun Albert Shanstrom Bert ~ray i'he following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Do Gary Nelson Sidney Nelson Burrougl!.s Corp. Otto Haase Sam Nycklema, Henry Siel ing Benn'ie J. Johnson Carl J. Lund Dr. Earl E. Bigler br. Jay L. K evern Kathryn Michaelson Phillip o. Thompson Harry Burau John Meyer Arnold W. ROI en Afton C. Smith Jeff H. Tikkanen West Publishing Co. Eleanor Leidal Ruth E". HanllllY' River Inn Coffee Shop Runningen Cafe Normandy Cafe W. Earl Williama M. w; Bell Tele. Co. Do Do Hintgen-Karst Lampert· Lumber Co. Lara on Bros. Solieh & Braatz Oil Co. Hillyard Salee Co. Marlin Reynolds Carlson-Benjamin John Hoff George' Larson Dan°ie 1 Mucijow Merlin s. Rieman Burrough.a Corp. Panama Carbon Co. R & B Panama Carbon Co. Revenue Security Blank Book & prtg. Co. Miller Davia Company Poucher Prtg. &· Litho. Co. Co0opers Office Supply ¢0. Reinim;ton Rand Norman L. Johnson Ugeblad Publishing Co. Evelace G. Hanson Vernon E, Bachman H. W. Glorvigen Park Region Medical Center Fergus Falls Clinic C, A, Halmrast Co. Mrs. Win. Fuel.er Montgomery Ward Indianhead Specialty Co. H. W. Glorvigen Nursing Outlook Coopers Office Supply Esther G, Sell Esther G. Sell Eleanor M. Dy;!,dal Do Do Philip M, KJaglien Philip M, KJaglien Artz Camera Supply Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co. Strau'fll Estate Townof Foll. en Town of Sverdrup boarding prisoners expenses Dep. Sheriffs expenses n maintenance expenses II II II coroners fees' II II clerical work in Soil Cons, office services Soil Cone. District exp. Soil Cons. District II II II II Minn. Statutes annotated transcripts transcriptions meals for Jurors II Dinner for Jurors and Bailiffs Mun. Judges fjes calls mobile service and calla calls repairs coal stoker Pins oil for stoker supplies hauling ashes repairs Dep. Sheriffs fees and exp. Dep, Sheriffs exp. assist. in Jai. l Break Dep. Sheriffs exp, supplies postage II office postage jail call II supplies nursirg care sheets and t<Mela supplies Commissfons adv. to Drivers Lie. agents subscriptions supplies box rent expenses II supplies postage, etc. expenses postage ani mche. rental supplies service and calla rent care11of poor Leaf Lake Deer Creek Twp·. Compton llllllBD Oak Valley Folden Elmo Woodalde Ef.fington Eastern Parkers Prair(e Tlilp. Effington Parkers Prairie Vill. Henning Vill. . $ 436.00 87,00 27.5.90 228 • .50 337.60 16.00 10.90 18.68 10.90 41.00 14.2.5 10.2.5 69,.58 124.96 11.2.5 16.9.5 13.80 27.00 14 • .57 22 • .50 4.7.5 24.80 ll.8.5 14.2.5 17.1.5 ,66.oo 19 • .50 14o.28 112. 1.5 2.83 1.504 • .5.5 4 • .50 .60 30.7.5 12.00 376,.53 249.60 15.00 10.00 39,60 17,92 1.60 1.2.5 369.03 17,07 29,60 18.3.5 74.40 246,.59 534.oo 40.00 34.oo 44.oo 4.00 10.00 30.02 24,00 10,!i.7.5 7,.59 9,.50 6.,50 2.00 2.2.5 31,16 99.76 6 • .58 5.10 73 • .50 11.00 46.77 20. 6.5 .50.00 1~9:~~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. fiEDIJii hiitlACtGiNlf, ft. t(&Ub, ■INN. e:sa Village of Vining Ringdahl Drug Store Fergus Falls Clinic Swans Rexall Drugs Minnesota State Sanatorium City of Ferg'l?-B Falls Poor Dept. . Dre. Lewis, Lewis & Kevern :Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Northwest Engineering Co, Phillippi Equipment Co. Public Works F.quipt. Co,, Inc. George T. Ryan Compaey Wm, H. Zi!lgler Co~.. Inc, Paper Calmenson & Co. Larson Welding Super GMC Truck Sales McCormick Farm Eouipt. Store Knutson Electric Auto Safejly Service ReBon Chevrolet Co. Co-on. Services, Inc. Oil Div,. Henry Holmgren Rude Garage Westad Motor Stans Garage Wm. Warderi Anton Rasset Schrader & Koehn Magnus Pederson Olson& Saw Shop Sigelman Hide & Fur Co, Beall & McG1111 an Co. A, P. Schmitz Garage Walts Repair Shop Wickst.rom Garage Perham Co-op. Oil Co. Hv.ubergs filacksmith Shop Farmers Pro.duce Coast to Coast Store~, Henning. Graff Implement & Rel.we. Erickson-Hellekson-Vye Co. Bluffton Hd.)11.e • Coast to C<a st Store Johnson Tire & Retread Co, Firestone Store Peavey Elevators Rust & Dahlman & Bain Bros, Reno Ziesemer Village of Henning Village of Parkers Prairie Arthur C, Neuman Mrs, Martin Torgerson Devolt Presler & Sherman Shinn Log Cabin Service Ruggs Store Henning Mobil Service Mayos Sta.ndard Service, Henning. Service Oil Co. Fossen Oil Co. Farmers co-op. Cry. Assn. Standard Oil .Co, The Oil Store Fossen Oil Company Olson Oil Co. D. A, Lubricant Co,, Inc. Soliah & Braatz Oil Co. Mathison Drafting Co. Minneap~lis Blue Prtg, Co. Pelican Tele. Co, N. W, BelL Tele. Co, F, F, N. W. Bell. Tele, Co. Henning. G, D. HarLow The Americ~n Road Builder.a Assn, Otter Tail, Power Co. George W. Pu,ncan E. M, Ande.rson L. A. 01so1J. Kenneth E •. Hovland Wendell P,. Huber Village of Parkers Prairie Village of Perham Villlge of Pelican Rapids Whitlock Welders Equipt. Service Blowers Township East Otter. Tail Tele. Co, Pelican Mo.tors Harper Ele.ctric Er!a rd Oil. Co. DATE ___ -------------------Ja rua ''Y 7 --····-··-······-···--·-··----19. __ ~-~ care of poor medic11tion examination care, of, patient care of patients care of transients polio shots parts II II II II II posts and blades repairs " II II supplies II repairs II II II II supplies II II II II II tire II coal equipment rental II rent water and sewer charge gravel II II p.soline II II II II gasoline and etc. gasoline and fuel oil diesel fuel f1.iel oil fuel oil fuel oil oil and grease grease supplies II service and tolls II II expenses dues reset poles . right of wq service as witness in raod case II II expenses maintenance II II supplies township aid service and tolls repairs II fuel oil .he Jjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. February 10, 1959. "f_tt£-t7Yi Clerk. Chai·rman f 807.98 96.35 5.00 1,65 1271,23 119.95 6.oo 248.69 88.40 231.83 : 38,75 44,62 182,98 737.64 !,1-0.00 221.25 39,83 4.25 10.00 16.93 25.-91 20.18 38,05 1.70 122.00 5.50 3.00 .50 9.55 1.25 30.12 5.70 ,58 52.96 9.15 3.00 12,85 2,00 7.38 1.08 8.88 15.01 1.09 30~76 65.00 42,25 115.00 200.00 60.26 5.00 110.32 2,80 19.35 6.53 1.45 142.11 85.95 77..70 82.03 150,31 112.00 93,38 189,60 148.50 830,60 1/l-.OO 17.01 31.44 12.20 59.75 20.45 48,3.7 7,50: 263.60. 20.50 29,.90 26,54 25,0Q 278,26 27,11 32,10 18,26 23,98 100.00 10.30 9.36 8,77. 126.00 r ,·. 'i : 1 II, 'i, J ,,! .'I \ ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... Feb,uar,v ......... 10 .................... _.19 59 MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONli'..RS ClF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to·a.d.Jour111Dent, the Bra rd met at 10 o1clock A, M. February 10, 1959, Present Commissioners Sieling, Johnllon·; Nycklemoe· and Haase, A delegation from the Town of Otter Tlil appeered before the Bca·rd urging the'improvement of County HighwS¥ No. 26 from. Trunk Highway·78 and two miles east. Upon motion;the County Auditcr was instructed to a.dv~rtise for bids to b& received until 11 o'clock A,M, March 11, 1959 for the folla, ing: BRIDGES, SAP Bridge No. 7267 (CSAH 15) J-Jl precast concrete spans 29 feet 4 inch roadway, located over Otter Tlil River nine_,miles southwest of Fergus Falla. SAP ,56-645-02 :Bridge 7266 (CSAH 4,5) illaewed JO deg. 3-Jl ft. precast concrete spans 29 ft, 4 in. roadway, located over Otter Tail River one mile southeast of Phelps. SAP .56-67,5L-01 :Bridge 7273 (CSAH 75) 1-Jl ft. precast concrete span 29 ft. 4 in,. roadway,. located over Leaf River 2' miles east of :B;Luffton. GRADING. SAP 56-645-01 CP 59:45 (CSAH 45) length 1.16.5 miles, located between a point~ miles noI"theast of Unden.-oal anl. Phelps comprising 54026 cubic yards excavation. SAP ,56-675-02 CP 59:75 (CSAH 75) length 2,9494 miles, located between~ miles scutheast of :Blufftcn and 5 miles nortl-. east of :Bluffton, comprising 100582 cubic yards of execavation. I • The Commiss•ioner of Highw,iys was also aut~orized to call for bids on behalf of thecounty for grading on CSAH No. 16 for 2i miles North of T, H, 78 and CSAH No, _->.3. mile's northmst of Clitherall. :Bids will aiso be re~eived until 11 o'clock A. M, March 10, 1959 for one dwnp truck, 21,000 lbs. G,V,W. nominal rating, bids shall· include tI"ade-in allowance on County Unit No. 88 1951 Dodge Truck ~ tons, located at :Bluffton. Two -½ to~pick-up bids shall include trade-in allcwance on the following unite: County Unit No. 24 19.56 Dodge half ton pick-up and County Unit No. 9J 1953 Ford half ton pick-up, both located at Battle lake. Upon motion·, the Chairman and Auditor were authorized to sign agreement with the State for maintenance of detour on Trunk Highway 78 on the same conditions as that of the agreement on the same project executed in 1958, Upon motion•, Highway Engineer Huber end Commissioner Johnson were authorized to attend the hearing in St. Paul on the meeting to consider the labor bid. The :Bra rd having advertised for bids for equipment rental received bids fro m Ed, Zimmerman, Denni&, Madsen, Mark Sand and Gravel Co., Roy Evavold, Leitch Construction Co., John Dieseth Co. Upon motion, all bids were accepted. The County •:Board having previously advertised for bids for road oil received the. bid of the N9rthwestern Refining Co, for SC asphalt• .12.51 per gallon anl MC cutback asphalt at ~lJ.51 per gallon. The bid was accepted, The County :Board having previously received from the City of Fergus Falls a request for aid on that part of County Highway passiqg over Fir Avelll18.·from Park Street to Cleveland, considered the matter and agreed to p,.rticipate in the construction of the centez· 24 feet of said road providing that the work willbe done by calling for bids am awarding of contract. Upon motion, the Engineer and Assistant Engineer were authorized to attend the Engineers• Conference Feb, 2J-L1-5 at Minneapolis at ccu nty expense. The County Nursing :Board submitted the appointment of Dr. Arthur Sethre as a member of the:Board. Upon motion, the appointment was approved. Upon motion., the following names were submitted to the Department of Public Welfare from which to appoint a lay member of the Coun.ty Welfare :Board whose te1111 will expire July .5, 1961: Mrs, Ray Thelen, Henning.; Mrs. Martin Langemo, Deer Creek: and Mrs. Don Ch:d stie, Perham. The following report of fees and emoluments for theyea1• 1958 was approved: H. W. Glorv•igen s. :e •. Johnson Evelace G, • Hanson Frank C, l!e.•rnes Vernon E. l!e.chman Owen V. Thompson Dr, Ce.rl J ,· Lund Otto Haase• :Bennie J, Johnson Heney Sieli-ng S!llll Nycklemoe Clerk 0r Court Auditcr Register of Deeds Probate Judge Supt, of Schools Councy,'Attorney Coroner County Commissioner County Commissioner County Commissioner CountyCommissioner $ · 5.500.00 · 5500.00 5500.00 .5.500.00 .5500.00 4--.500.00 190.00 1.5JO.OO 1.526.00( 1.5Jl.20 1.526.00 The following bonl.s written by the •nchor Casualty Co. r£ St, Paul co1rering the following officials to Jan .5, 1963 were approved,: Olga Margaret Torvik George H, Nelson Louise c. Schmidt Owen V. Thompson s. :e. Johnson Ronald R, Sta bnCM Treasurer Deputy Treasurer Dep-JW Treasurer CountyAttiirney Auditcr Deputy Auditor . $ J.5, 000.00 .5,000.00 2,000.00 -,see.oo-/ ,If) p,,,, -~ .5,000.00 2,000.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE __________________________ )'.~EE~_t¥._10 ________________________________ l9 5_9 __ IC ■ T1 ■l■Tl■ICD Pl•T 11. C ID ■1■11. earl J. Lund L8verne A. Schmidt Verna S,Johnson C, L Alexander Frank C. Barnes Norma Gearhart Ione Richards Evelace Hanson Eve:Ja ce Hanson Margaret H. Gamber Helen E. Skranstad Ru; sell E. :Brooberg Margaret H. Gamber The following resolution was adopted: Coroner T-reasursr Is Clerk Treasurer's Clerk Court Commissioner · Probate Judge Probate Clerk Proba.te Clerk Register of Deeds Registrar of Ti-tles Deputy Reg. c£ Deeds Deputy Reg. of Deeds Sheriff Deputy Registar of Titles $1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 :Be it resolved that the Chairman cf this :Soard be authorized and directed to sign on behalf' of the County :Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County! Minnesota, an applicatl. on directed to the United States Secretary of Agricultural for federal assistance under the Watershed Protection a!ld Flood Prevention Act (Public Law 566 83rd-Congress) in pre:i;aring and carrying out plans and works of improvement for the Deerhorn-:Bu\falo Creek watershed. Adopted Feb, 10, 1959, Attest: S. :B, JOHNSON County Auditor. Upon motion, the :Board then adjourned to 10 o I clock A. M. Feb. 11th. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION OTTO HAASE Chairman, Pursuant to adjournment, th~ :Boai•d met at 10 o1clock A. M. Feb. 11, 1959, Commissioner· Morrill absent. A petition for the dissolution of Common School District No. 1382,· signed by a majority cf the resident freeholders therein, requesting that said district be dissoi-ved a.~d that the territory be attached to School District No. 1458, was read and, upon motion, it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. Mar. 11, 1959 in the · Commissioners• Room in the Court House iii the City of Fergus Falls, and that due notice '6 the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The application of Peter E. Q;ualley for homestead classification on Lot 15 and part c£ Lot 16, :Boweey :Beach, was read. After consideration, the rp plication was granted and the Coun-cy-Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordirgly, The application. of Austin Ferguson for homestead classification on ,the Et SW½ and W½ sPJ! except R. R. Section 31-133-44 was read. After consideration, the application was granted and the CountyAuditcr was inst1'Ucted to reduce the tax accordingly, The application of Frank Koplin for homestead classification on Lot 12, :Block 9, :Blybeigs 1st Addn. to Pelican lqpids, was read, After consideration, the application was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the. tax accordingly. The application of Wm. S. Story for.homestead c!l.asaification on the West 10 feetof Lot 11 and all of Lot 12, Liberty :Beach, was read, After consideration, theapplication was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly, The application of Cyril E •. Grefsrud for homestead classification on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Section 1-135--li4, was read. After consideration, the application was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tu accordingly. The application of Donald and Evelyn Gillaspey for homestead classification on the5i SE;¼-, Section 27-135-42, was read. After co·nsideration, the application was granted and the County Audi tor was instructed to -red,ucs the tax accordingly. The applicati. on of Francis J. Guiliani for homestead classification on tract along shore 198 feet North am South on East end and 165 feet North and South on West end except tracts, and on Lot 11K11 except tract, Section 21-137-40, was read. Afteilfonsideration, theCounty Auditor was instructed to ma.~e changes allowing homestead on th~roperty •occupied by the petitioner as his home but not to include lake cottages. The application of Nick Hofland for homestead classification on Sub Lot 11:811 d Govt. Lot 3, Section 1-136-39, was read. After consideration, the application was granted end theCounty Auditor was inst~ted to reduce the tax accordingly. The application of Theo. A.Paulson for homestead classification on the North 25 feet of Lota 7, 8 and 9, :Block 3, and Lot 10, :Block 3, Lacy's Addn. to Pelican Rapids, was read. After consideration, the BpPlicati. on was granted and· the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly. The application of Henry M. Sletkolen for cancellation cf JB rsonal property ta5t in the Township of L!l.da, was read, and it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said tax be cancelled on the ground that the same property was assessed in the Town of Dunn, where it was located, The application of Dean W, :Barr far reduction of assessed valuation on personal property in the Town cf. Scambler, was read. Upon motion, the appMca tion was recommended to theTax Commissioner on theground that the applicant did not receive household exemption to which he was entitled, The application of Ida Chaffee for reduction of assessed valuation on personal property in the Village of Dent, was read, Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Tax Commissioner on the ground that the applicant did not receive household exemption to which she was entitled. The application of Raleigh Jensen for reduction ·of assessed valuation on personal property in the Townof Henning, was read. Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Tax Commissioner on the ground that the applicant did not receive h!lllsehold exemption tcl\lhi~h he was entitled. The application of Clarei:x:e Bjorklund for reduction of persoral property assessment in the Vill1€e of Richville was . -· :1 I I i , I 111 ,_ COMMISSIONERS RECORD-0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .....•............... .Ee.btuacy: ... 10 ............... , .................... 19,5-!,L. I cu ITr P■l■flll■ co■, ........ rLouo MIN • read. Upon motipn, ~he applicatimn was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation on the ground that Item J6, with an assessed valuation of $298.00 had been added in twice on the assessment roll. The applica.tion of Darrell Trau.mbauer for cancellation of assessment on minnow nets asseesed in the Township of Nidaros was read, and it was recommended to the Commissio~er of Taxation that this assessment be cancelled on the ground that said nets were asseesed in the To,.nship of Folden which was his place of bulinsss. The application of the Elizabeth Manufacutring Co. for reduction of assessment on flowage rights on the Ei SE-k, Section 20-1)4-43, was read. Upon motion, the application. was recommer.ded to the Tax Commissioner on ther·gr-o,µid that the rights are no longer used. The application of Nick Hofland for correction of assessment on Sub Lots A and B of Govt. Lot J, Sectior l-]J6-J9, was read. After Consideration, the application was recommended to the Tax Commissioner on the ground that the tracts had been assessed as 11all 0ther11 instead of 11rural non-agricultural"-"land. 11 Theapplication of Henry M. Sletkolen for cancellation of assessment for buildings in the Township of Lida was read, Upon, .. motion, the application was granted on the ground that said buildings were located in the Township of Dunn instead of the Township of Lida. The application of Alois Wegs~heid for reduction of assessment on Lot 7 and 20 feet of Lot 8, Block 1, Wallace and Jung's Addn. to Perh8111, was read. Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Tax Commissioner on the ground that the buildings were valued out of line withother similar buildings in the village. · · The application of Donal.Ii G. Nash for cancellation of assessment on buildings on the Ely. 50 feet of the Wly. 100 fee1 East of am adjacent to Lot 7, Lucky Horse Shce Bay, Section 27-136-42, was read. Upon motion, th!! application was granted on the ground that a building had been assessed on this vacant lot. The application of Ralph Pierce for reduc~ion o.f ass13aa!Dent on :Lot 2 except tract, Lota 3 and 4 and the NEf NW¼, Section 7-]J7-40, was read. Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation on the ground that due to a:•cit.iir:1:cal error the land had been put on the assessment roll twice. The application or Geo. R. Bonewell asking" for. redupti.on of aeaessed valuation on the EJ! of Lot 15 and all d Lot16, Block 6, Orig. Plat of Pelican Rapids, was read. Upon motion, the application was recommended to the fax Commissioner on the ground that the building was over-valued. · The aplication of Alna R. Kastet for r~duction· of assessed valuation on the Frl. ~ ~ except R. R. Section 6 and the SW..-NW¼ Section 5-134-44 was read. Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Commissioner d: Taxation on the ground that :ia rt d the land had been valued too high in comp:ar!son with sim.ilar land in the township. The application or Walter Januszewski for cancellation of a building assessment on_ the Southeast 60 feet of the Northwest 70 feet of Reserve D of Wallace and Jung's Addn. to the Villge of Perham, was read. Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation on the grcund that the building was also assessed on the other part of. the ~ot owned by Mr. Januszewski, An application for settlement and abatement of delinquent taxes, pel!B-~ties, interest ar.d costs upon part of the NW¼ Si~ I of sE1y. line of Block 7, Section 17-135-39, and Lots 4-5-6-7-8 and 9, Block 7, Original Plat, Village of Richville, was read. Upon motion, the aPJ?liration was recommended to the Tax Commissioner providing the petitioner would pay the sum of $100.00 instead of the $75.00 offered. . The application of the Super G.M. C. Truck Sales for cancellation of tax on a truck assessed on May 1st". was read. Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation on the ground that Minnesota license had later been purchased to cover-this truck. The application of Harold H. Drews, City Clerk, for cancellation of special assessment on Lot 3, Block' 9, Corliss Second, Addn. to the City of Fergus Falls, was read. Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Commissioner of, Taxation on the ground that said special assessment had been paid to the City Clerk's office and had been erroneous:cy certified to the County Auditor. The application of J. W. Janecky for homestead classification on Lots 13 and 14, Lakeview Beac~, was read. After consideration, the application was rejected. Upon motion, the Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the year 1958 as prepared by the CountyAuditar was approved. A petition for increased pay signed by Highway empioyees was tabled. 110n11 and "0ff11 sale licenses for the sale d: non-intoxicating malt .liquors was granted to Art Zinter at Art's Place, Aimora, and Herman Weickert, Resort, Township of Perham, Dance licenses were granted to Hernan Weickert at Ba:t>e 1s Dance Halls, Town of Per~m; Leona Swenson, Perry's Place, Town of Dora, and Eugene C. Pischke, Park Way Inn, Town of ~eaf Mountain. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg boarding prisoners $ 550.00 d o expenses 32.01 Gary Nelson II 269.80 Sidney Nelson II 254.20 Charles Godel adding nachine 70.00 The Tod.d Compan,y Div. main. & ribbons 45.00 Whitings Office Equipt. rent of calculators 66.00 Marchant Calculators nain. 82.00 Addressograph Multigraph Corp. main.and ribbon 32.80 Vernon E. llachnan expenses 14.15 Otto Hasse exp. attd. meetings 15.00 Bennie J. Johnson II II 10.90 Sam Nycklemoa II 10.90 Henry Sieling II 14.84 otto Haase II conference 29.85 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. '" ■ITT. UHl■eco■PAIIY, H, CLOUD ■IN • DATE ... ········-············ Fe br-ua cy .. 10 .... ····························19 .. ~~ .. BeMie J, Johnson Sam NJl:cklemoe Hency.Sieling Dr. W. F. Schamber Dr. ·Everett C. Hanson Drs, Lewis, Lewis,& Kevern Dr. Carl J. Lund Dr. Leslie A. Syverson Dr, L. Y. Hom Emil l)oen Frank .Roberts Phillip o. Thompson Kathey.ii: L. Michaelson Theo •. Hegseth Arnold Evavold Theo. ,'l/hompson W, H. ,Dewey Mason.Publ. Co, G. D, ,Harla,r Donald Mokler John L, Bixby Roger ,Gustafson N, W, ;Bell Tele. Co, .Do ,Do ,Do Johnson Service Col , · Lamnei:t Lbr, Co. Hintgen-Karst Holten Hdwe. Fergus Glass & Paint Co, Wm, McCormick John Hoff Edwin Ala Merlin S, Rieman William :Bahls Frank Finberg Calvin Ferber Vernon Shorter Donald R, Johnson Oswald Publ, Co. Free ~ress Co, Sec'Clrdty Blank:·Book & Prtg. Co. The Pierce Co, Miller,,-Davis Co, Haught,on~Mifflin Co, Victcr. Lundeen & Co, Fargo .jm,9.oer Stamp Works llu.rroughs Corp. . Remington Rand E.P. 0:etchell Fergus, Journal Co. Henning Advoc~te Eattle. Lake Review New· YQI'k Mills Herald The Independent Pelican Rapids Press Perham. Enterprise llu.lletin Lightf.oot I s Shop Ugeblad Publishing Co, Nelson. Bros, prtg. Co. Evelace G. Ranson Vernon E. Eachman Olga Torvik Park Region Medical Center Fergus 'Ralls Clinic Johnson Dl'ugs Olson Auto Electric Erickson Hdwe. Fergus once. The National Sheriff's Assn. Goo"dwin Joss Laboni.tories P.olice. & Sheriffs Assn. Acme Chemical Co. Holten Hdwe. Fergus, Glass & Paint Co. H. W, ,Glorvigen s-. :e. Johnson Frank Barnes Evelac~ G, Hanson H, W. .Glorvigen Barke and Allison Olson-Enstad-Larson, Inc. Frank ;Barnes State Aisn. of County Com,rmissioners R. L, Polle & Co, Esther. G, Sell Do Eleanor M. Dy:t,dal Do exp. attd. conference 11 11 II II coroners fees II II II II II II II II II II exp. attd. short cwrse II II services in W. 0, T. Soil Cons, office clerical work in Soil Cons. office exp. & fees attd. Soil Cons, meeting. II II II II II II II Digest deliver jury onrroad case witness fees and mileage expenses II calls service mobile service valve coal supplies and labor II II Dep. Sheriffs fees and Blip. II II 11 II 11 II assist. Dep. Sheriff 11 II assist. in jail bregk 11 II II supp lies II II II II charts supplies mbber stamps ribbons supplies II Prtg. P. P. tax lis.ts II II II II II II II II II II II II supplies and repairs letterheads rate sheets postage, etc, II II jail calls II projector rental etc. labor on signal light • shells batteries directory analysis handbook supplies II II adv. coma. to agents exp. at';;ended ·conference 11 II 11 II .bond etc. Ins. premium attd.hearings at St. Hosp. dues directories expenses postage expenses postage $ 37,95 35.00 .29.85 12.25 10.50 10.as 21.20 15.00 12.55 63.50 5?,16 l]J,60 .86.80. 9.80 22.50 8.?0 16.20 50,00 ?,SO 22.60 58,10 48,28 25.75 68,8S 4.50 116,S3 2.s1 566.06 99.52 :35,88 8.18 6.80 1?6.80 .30.00 33,30 5 •. 00 · 5.00 10.00 10,00 10,00 5,96 5,80 182,4? 40,35 125,42 7,9S 406.45 15, 12 21,96 540.95 84.oo 1393.00 415,75 633,7S 383,04 299,75 616.60 517,25 28,50 7,15 36,7S · 63,00 49,60 38,46 55.00 8,00 7,39 2.00 3,25 1.00 12,50 5,00 1,00. 73.00 4,95 9,85 11,75 31,75 33,75 33,75 32,55 714,52 131,00 7 .• 20 525.00 100.00 37,19 5,6/1, 81.l? 6.oo ''I " ,,, ,, ,._ COMMISSIONERS. RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. .' ............ Februa1.-y .. 10 ........ ~ ................... 19.~t. ■p••• ·•• C OU ■I Eleanor M. Dybdal East Otter Tail Tele. Co. Today-1.a Health Philip M. Kjaglien .Do Straub Estate N. W. ,Bell Tele. Co. Artz Camera Supply Co. Erickson Hd.we. Public Utilities Dept. Victor. Lundeen & Co. Minn •. State San. Glen Lake San. Dr. Thoe. J. Kinsella City af Fergus Falla Medical Center, Bertha Swans .Rexall Drugs Township cf l!uae Township of Compton Township of Erta rd,!I Grove Township of Girard Townah:ID of Inman vn1agi of Battle Lake Village of Dalton Villga of Dent Vila ge of Henning Village of Parkers Prairie Mutual Service Caaualty Ber chart-Ingersoll, Inc. Bement.-Chaill Equipt. Co. l!utle:i: Mche. Co. Northw.est Engineering Co. Phill:l,ppi Equipt. Co. Public Works Equipt. Co., Inc, George. T. Ryan Co, The Zaco Co, Wm. H •. Ziegler Co. , Inc, Wheelar Lumber Bridge & supply Co. Paper,. Calmenson & Co. D. A. Lubricant Co., Inc. Larson Welding Olson Auto Electric Super .GMC Truck Sales Suhr..F.ord Sales, Inc, McCormick Farm Store Jaenie.ch Industries Ferguz Plumbing & Heating Co. National l!ushing & Parts Co. Matz&. Greiff Don I a . Body Shop Snap-an Tools Perham, Co-op. Oil Co. F. R. Steuart Plbg. and Heatjng Co. A.P Schmitz (¾trage Lee Chevrolet Co. Anton .Resset Vaughn Chevrolet Co. Baas Qil Co, Rude .Garage Lee Chevrolet Co. \'/alt 1a, Repair Shop George,' s Brake Service K. s •. 8: X. Repair Shop Empire, Supply Co. Sigelman Hide and Fur Co. Holten, Hdwe. Hintgen-Karat Elec. Co. Marshall Wells Store, B. L, Coast .to Coast Store, Pel. Rpda. Henning Hdwe, Wilson Lumber Co., N. Y. M, ¢oaat ,to Coast Store, B. L, Erickaon-Hellekaon-Yye Co., Erh. Wm. Galena And Son Lampert LumberCo. P. P. Teach Lumber Co, Dalton Lumber Co. Everts. Lumber Co, Minnesota Motor Co. Elk River Concrete Products Co. Leo Stroot Lund Metalcraft, Inc. John Dieseth Co. Raymond Motors Trana. Inc, J. & c. ixpreaa Minnaao,ta State Highway Dept, City of Fe rgua Fal 11 Village of Bettle Lake H. A.Rogers Co. The Pi.erce Co. supplies service and calla subscription expenses postage & machine rental rent service and calla supplies supplies water, etc. supplies care of patients 11 II surgery care of poor preparing papers of 11U11 Hosp, patients drugs care af poor insurance premium 111rta II II II II II II parts II bri~ge lumber .steel posts and guard wings motor oil ,repairs supplies coal ,II tires culverts bridge braces furnace installation equipt. rental freight II services maintenance Water cm rge repairs ~ Supplies aupplies $ .87 .15.00 6,50 72.24 , 8.00, 50.00. 17.95 25. 72, 2.09' · 5 •. 52 · 48.84 2992-50 · 51.42 100.00 259l.22 6.oo 1.65 302.11 · 319.02 ,22.91 1180.16 1981.53 232,44 213.60 702,39 725.49 979.54 29.60 264.91 3.34 31.38 29.75 29.58 , 61.83 15, 07 .51.55 441.34 446.40 2303.20 44.55 -19.00 93.17 147.94 18."00 200.37 10.00 3,75 21.86 3.95 22.00 56,lS 1.50 1,15 26.90 10.60 6.50 14,65 23,55 55,55 7.09 51.20 1.90 . 15.50 425.88 91.14 11.60 1.68 116.68 13.10 3.15 4.18 2.98 5.52 18.15 10.60 1.85 125.41 186.00 l9J.OJ 48,l!O . 10.00 868.4.:5 55.00 14.-39 33.21 8?.19 561.25 . 5.00 156.45 ·JJ.70 - COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ Febr-ua:-x .. 10 ............................. 19 59 HCU■l11Pll■TIIIICG■PA■T SToC UD ■l■N. - Victor Lundeen and Co. Burroughs Corporation Miller-Davis Co. Moen Realty East Otter Tail Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co. F. F. Midwest Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co., Henn. Pelican Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co~ F. F. Vergas ·Tele. Co. Wendell 'P. Huber Do : George Olson Wendell P. Huber Solon Somers W. F. Schmidt . Minmpolis Tribune & Star Journal Anra I. Hardie · Bthel Clauson Simpson Wm. J. Spanswick Henry W. Vinz Grace E. Kimber Mrs. Martha Twete Harry G. Hanson Mary Pederson Mae Okeson Fritz Lauber H. G. Bjergo Hennan Weickert B. F. Neuerburg Joseph Gaeden, Jr. Mrs. Pear A. Skalisky Emma S. Schwartz Robert W. Kovar Richard E. Kovar Roman Mohs Mrs. Elsie Kovar SchoolDist. 1"1483, Jerome Keppers, Treas. Frank Tigges Phyllis Vorderbruggen Fergu.s Oil Co., Inc. West End Teaaco South Mill Standard Genlo on co. Hoot Lake Pure Oil ·Riverside Shell HenniM Mobile Service Dan1s Texaco Service Arneson 's 1166 11 Serfice Consumers' co-op. Oil Co., B. L. Jim's Service Station ·Langdon1s 210 Texaco Swenson Is Mobil Se!",•ice Service Oil Co., Bl L. HiWay Auto·& Implement Co. Glen L. Peterson Swenson Service Olson Oil Co. Dick's Standard Service Highway Company Erhard Oil Co. Service Oil Co., Und. Thomas Oil Co. Fossen Oil Co. Ray's Oil Co. West Otter Tail Service, Und. Thomas Oil Co. Arrow Petroleum Blufftam Oil Co. 1 Ted Is Oil Co, Fossen Oil Co, Vergas OilCo. Standard Oil Co., f,. P. Standard Oil Co. supplies II II insurance service and tolls II 11 II II II II II 11 • II 11 II ·expenses cash advanced expenses cash adv. for postage right of way II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I! 'II II II II II II II II II gasoline· II ' !I n II II II II II II II II II II II II II ·11. etc, II II II II II II II II gas and fuel oil fuel oil etc. diesel fuel fUel oil II II II furnace oil II 'D-rd then adjourned to 11 o'clock A. Upon motion, the D- Attest: V Clerk. Chainoan, $ 89.50 5-78 18.84 53-36 9.70 55.50 20.30 11.55 9.25 45.00 8.95 223.50 35,9-6 33.45 596.80 9,55 130.20 108.40 105.45 68.15 78.85 55.00 :35.20 18.90 33.05 35.10 77.15 104.55 1.00 69.00 76.21 109.BJ 69,30 34.75 84.00 61.91 24.11 22.60 4.80 73-98 5.60 281.94 13.18 106.04 5,79 58,87 73.80 30.29 13,74 164.64 47.53 119.45 65.96 75-32 68.43 254t.54 171.64 92-74 107.44 199.64 45.87 132.46 253,83 51.00 101.57 73,67 149,64 162.43 715 .07 115.90 60.00 195.60 119.00 113.62 120.00 I• COMMISSIONERS RECORD ·O, -OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... Fe.b •.. .1'7. ..................... ~ ................... 19.S.9-.. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE l!OARD OF COUNl'Y COMMISSIONERS OF Oi'l'ER TAit COUNTY, MINNESOTA . Pursuant ~o adjournment the commissioners met at 11 o'clock A, M, Feb, 17, 1959; Present were Commissioners Sieling, Johns~n, Nycklemoe and Haase. The Board 'having previously advertised for bids for varicw.s road projects proceeded to open bids which·were found to be as follows on S.P. 56-605-02 Sf4J9 (6) CSAHsbet. CSAH J8, 4.o Mi. W. of Urbank to 7,5 Mi. S. of Clitheral. l, S,P. 56-627-01 56420 (2) CSAH 2? from N.Lts. ofFergus Falls to CSAH 10 S.P. 56-6J8-0l S64J9 (7)· CS/i.H J8 bet, S. Line Otter Tail Co. & CSAH {f5, S,P. 56-6J8-02A 56464 (2) CSAH J8 bet. T.H. 78, 10 Mi. S. of Battle Lake & W. ·Jct.of CSAH 5,, S.P. 56-6J8-02B CS~ J8 bet. 2.4 Mi. w. of Urba.nli: & Urbank, beif¥1" approxinately 18.8 miles ·in lengths · · Mark Sand & Gravel Compaey Hazelmere Bituminous Co. Judd Brown Const, Co. Alexander Const. Co. Jay W. Craig Co. Anderson Bros. Duininck :Bros. & Gilchrist P. O. Pederson, Inc. Megarry Bros. McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc. Herbison Constl. Co. C.L.Nelson Co., Inc. Roland M. Starry Howard Ganl!IY, Inc. $17J,542.60 181.0J6.90 199,516.60 202,484.75 205,716.65 2 08,2J2.80 209,12.5.60 212,376.9.5 216,122.00 216,385.45 218,497.25 221,451.00 2Jo,2.51.05 2J2.2J9.10 After due·consideration, upon motion of Commissioner Sieling, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, it was ·voted by said County Board of Commissioners to reCXJ mmend to the Commissibner c£ Highw~s that said contract be awarded to the lowest bidder., ·the Mark Sand and Gravel Co. for $173,542.60. Bids were ·received on County Project S.A.P. ,56-65JT01 gravel base ard bituminous mix between Jct. T. ·H. 10, 6 miles southeast of Perham and 5 miles Nly. as follows: bid. Mark Sand & Gravel Co., Fergus Falls Anderson Bros. , Brainerd McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc. Marshall Alexander Construction Co, Inc. Mpls. · Hazelmere Bituminous Co~.Fairmont C.L. Nelson & Co., Inc., Brainerd Jay W. Craig Co, Mpls. Herbison Const. Co. Brainerd Judd Brown Const. Co., Mankato $ .51,927.00 55,039.50 .55, 156.05 56,367.00 .57,941.50 60,180.00 62,175.25 6J,804.7.5 6.5,024.25 After consideration, the· contract was awarded to Mark Sand a.~d Gravel Co. of Fergus Falls for $51,927.00. Bids were·received as follows on cOUIIty wide sand seal cevering 68.9 miles: McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc, , Marshall Jay W. Craig Co., Mpls. Armor CoattFinishing Co., Inc. St.Paul Hi-\•/ay Surfacing Co., Mi,nneota $ J.5,2JJ.OO 47,893.75 !¾.5,69,5.JJ 36,842.22 Upon motion, the contract was aw a1-d.ed to McLaughlin and Schulz , Inc. for the sum 'of iJ.5,"2JJ.OO, being the lowest Upon motion, Barke and Allison were awal'ded the Workmen Is Compensation insurance policy for the year beginning Mal'ch 1, 19.59 •. Upon motidn, the Beard the adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. Mar. 10, 19.59. Chainnan. · Attl!st: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .... HC ■IIIPIIRTIN■CDIIPA■T 11.CLOUD,IIIIIN. C..-Mar ' .. J..9. ........................................... 19 5.2. MINUTES OF AnJOURNED !-IE].'TING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COIMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY I MINNESOTA Pa.r.suant to adjournment the Boa1·d met at 10 o'clock A,M, Mar, 10, 1959, all members present, Upon motion, the County Auditor was instructed to c:>11 for bid c p of Fergus Falls from Trunk Highway No, 210 to Trunk High;ay No 52 ;14n ·i · 59:21 located between a point 6 miles West to be received until 11 o'clock A, M. April 14, 1959• • mi es northeaet of Carlisle, 6.·0878 miles, bide The County Auditor was also instructed to call f bid f with l 5/8 cubic yard front and side dnmn bucket, or or s or one Caterpillar Traxcavator No, 955, 70 horse power, -•y equal,bida to be opened at 11 o'clock A, M, April 14, 1959, The Highway Engineer waa inatructed to make survey on County Highway No, 65 from Trunk Hi~"way No, 210 to Tru~,... Highwa_y No, 108_, Village of ~ennihg, Also on C ty St t A·d H ,... •= Lake to Trunk Highway No, 7£3, oun a e J. ighway ~o, BJ• Weat corporate line of Villi ge cf Battle The statement af. fees and emoluments received by Olga TCll"vik aa County Treaaurer, waa approved. Upon motion, Gary Nelson was appointed fire arma instructor supervisor. The bond of Dr, W. F. Schamber as deputy coroner was approved. The BIB rd having previously called for bids for trucks proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follCM a: Carlson-Larson Motors, New York Mills, dump truck, $4499,00 which included tfade-in allCMance on County Unit No, 88. McComick Farm Equipment Store, $3950,00, including trade-in ·allowance. Super GM C Truck Sales, $4439,50, including trade-in allowance. Upon motion, the bid af. McCormick Farm Equipment store in th~um of t3950,00 was accepted. Bids for two pick-up trucks were received as follCMs: Carlson-Larson Motors, Unit No. l $1899,00: Unit No. 2, $1799.00, bo.th bids including trade-in allowance on County Units No. 93 and 24. Stan's Garage, Unit No. l, $1576,06; Unit No. 2, $1283.00, Both bids including trade-in allowance on County Units No. 93 and 24. Super GMC Truck Sales, Unit No,, l, $1699,95; Unit No. 2, $1299,75, both bids including trade-,in allowance on County Units No. 93 and 24. Minnesota Motor Co , Unit No, l, $1300.00; Unit No. 2, $945.00, ·both bids including trade-in allowance on County Units No, 93 and 24, Upon motion, the bid. of 1-linnesota Motor Co. in the sum of ·tl300,00 for Unit No. land $945,00 for Unit No, 2 was accepted. r A plat of Klein's Beach First Ad.dition located in Lot 3, Section 7-135-39, and ·accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by M. J, Daly, Attorney.-at-law,was approved. Licenses for 110n11 and 110ff11 sale of N on-intoxicat!°ng malt li11uors were g1·anted as folltt1 s: Alex Sepchenkci, Resort, Heileberger Lake Stanley J. Butkus, Graystone ~odge Jilugene Pischke, Parkway Inn Earl Coffma:,., Ethel Beach Don H. Bondy, Leaf Lake Pleasure Grour.ds Franklin Olson, Frank's Place Leona E. Swenson, North Dora Store Fern Hcrwath, Wildwood Beach · Rose Diederich, Sunrise Resort Walter C, Shol, Walt I s Tavern Elizabeth Ann Craig, 117811 Club Charles Malmstrom, Madsen's Store Fritz Hjeltness, Arrowhead Point Resort Gisle M. Froseth, Pleasure Park Resort Reinhold Coehn, Taylor's landing Town of Friberg Town of Everts Town of Leaf Mt, Town af. Girard Town of Leaf Lake T(l,ln of Inman Town of Dora Town cf Dora Town cf Dead Lake Towh of Fri berg Town of Girard Town of Everts Town of Leaf Lake Town r£ Otter'fail Town of Everts License for public dance was granted to Ponald H, Bondy;. Leaf lake Pavilion, Tadn of Leaf Lake. Upon motion, a resoltui~ was passed asking the Comm~ssioner of Highw~s to designate road from Dunnvilla thrcu gh Vergas to Sebeka as Road 11D11• The ~plication of A nra Maikke for homestead classification on the ~ NEt, Section 13-;I.34-38, was rjtad, Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor was inst1ucted to reduce the tax accordingly, The application of John M. Wilson for homeste>:d classific-, tion ·on Lot 2 and :part r£ Lot 4, Bowery Beach, was read. Upon motion, the application was granted and th-e County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly, The· application of Thomas Vorvick for homestead class ific· tion on the SW¼ SE;} and thel~ SW¼, Section 32-133-37, waji read, Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingily, The application of John R.Harmsen for homestead classification on Lots 6 and 7 of Haggstrom's Sub Division of Reserves E am F wa; read, Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor was· instructed to reduce the tax accordingly. ) --COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... March .. lo ...........•.................... 1959 .. . The application of Edward A. Neumann for settlement and abatement of delinquent taxes, penalties, interest and costs on the SW¾ SW¾ except the N. 20 rods of the W 46 rods, Section 19-135-41, was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that he be permitted to settle accumulated delinquent taxes ani penalties amountjng to $112.74 by the ~ment of $75.00. The Prairie, reduced • \.-0,u ... ..:.,"(\ application of Lauren H,Clark for reduction of taxes on Lots 10 and 11, Block JO, Lakeview Addition to Parkers was read and, upon motion, it was .riicoRDDended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed valuation be $547.00 •. The application of John Hardie for reduction of assessed valuation on personal property in the Town of Girard was read. Upon motion, i~ wa~ recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that h~ was entitled tq h~sehold ·exemption which was not given him. The appliCB;tion of John L. Bixby for .correction of personal property assessment of Raymond Zuehlsdorff in the Town of Elizabeth was read. Upon motion, it was z:ecommended to the Commissl.oner of Tax~tion that the personal properj;y be listed in the proper school district and the tax computed adcordir.gly. The applicatiqn of M. J. Ebner for correction of assessment on the 5i of Lot 49, Pleasure l!ark Beach, was read. Upon moticlm, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that tre application be granted on the grcund that the Lot had been assessed as having 50 -'feet fro.Dtage instead of 25 feet. The application of Donald D.Mcintyre far corr~ction of assessment on Lots 9 and 10, Mo~ni~gs~de Beach, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the fl> plication be granted on the ground that an er;ror had been amde by the assessor ~n assessing said Lot. . The application of R. D,Story for correction of ass~ssment on a tract in Sub Lot B, Sei;tion 6-l:}7-421: was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the applicatio4be granted on the ground that a cottage had been assessed on this lot whiclf.is vacant. . · The application of Evroul A. Rieland for cor~ection of assessment on the West ,25 feet of Lot 4 and the~ of Lot 5, Block 2, Basswoa!. Beach, was read. Upon mot ion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxatl. on that the application be ~ranted on the grou~ that an error w_as made in transferring valuations from the assessment book as $800.00 instead of $Joo.co. The application of Frank Hedlund for cori:ection of assessment on the ~-of Lot 45, Deer Lake Beach, was read. Upon motion, it was recommellied to the Commissioner of Taxat~on that the application be granted on the grmmd that a bca t house was erroneously assessed on· this lot. The application of Doris Klingle for correction of ass.essment Of\ the NW¾ NE!, Section .27-132-37., was read. Upon, motion, it was recommended to the Commis!'d. oner of Taxation that the application be granted on the groulld that. it had been assessed as tillable and permanent pasture instead of swamp. The application of Russell R. Busch for correc'tion of as.sessmant on personal property in Otter, Tail Townsp.ip was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of TPxation ti-at the application be granted on the ground that a boat had been erroneously assessed to him. The application of Aaron Persons for correction of personal property assessment in Irur-.an Township was r.eail.. Upon motion, _it was recommen.ded to the C,ommissioner of _Taxation that the apP,lication be granted on the grmnd that he was assessed in the wrong school district. The application of Mrs. C. A. Gustafson for correction of assessment on personal property in the Township of Tordenskjold was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the gr01 nd that household exemption was not g:-anted towiich sh·e was entitled. · · The application of LeVcrn Sandahl for correction of assessment on personal property in the Township of Buse was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that the house trailer was assessed higher than comparable trailers. The application of Henry Hagen for cancellation of tax on house trailer in the Township of Amor was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissiomr of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that the house trailer was not purchased until May 24, 1958. The appliration of E. C. JuTrud for correction of assessment 011 persoral p1:operty in the Township of Lida was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the CommissionP.r of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that house- hold exemption was not granted to which he was entitled. The application of Murl McGrane for corz-ection of persoral property assessment in the Township of Bluffton was read. Upon motion, it was recommended tothe Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that a clerical error was made in transferring figures by the assessor. The application of Jacob Perala for correction of personal property assessment in the Township r£ Otto was read. Upon motion,it was ,recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation th.at the application be granted on the ground that two tractors had been over-assessed. The application of Elizabeth La Plante for correction of assessment of persoml property in the Township of Amor was read. Upon motion,it was recoDDDended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that the ~Jori ty of this prope•·ty was not at the lake on Nay 1st. The application of Jay D. Bain for cancellation of assessment on persoanl property in the Township of Girard was read. ypon motiin, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that ~wo assessment.a were uade for the same property of which one has been :·paid. The application of Kurt Rapatt for correction of assessment of personal property in the Township of Corliss was re!l(l.. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that this application be granted on the gr~nd that household exemption had not been granted to which he was entitled. The application of Mrs. Geo. Reiter forcorrectinn of personal property assessment in the Township_ of Otter Tai. l sas read. Upon motion, it was recommelll.ed to the Gommissioner of Taxation that this applicat:lo~e granted o~ the groulld that most of theproperty was not at the lake on May 1st. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... .March .10 ...................................... 19 .. 59 .. Hca11nn1■Tl■ICO■PA■I H.CLOID ■I •• The application of Mark's Grill for correction of personal property assessed in the City of Fergus Falls was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the appli·cation be granted en the ground that they were not the owners of the sign of May 1st, 1958, The application of G, C. Brand, Tax Representative fer the Standard Oil Co, for cancellation of assessment on oersonal property in the City of Fergus Falls, was read.· Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation t~t the application be granted on the ground that the property had already beenmsessed in Dane ,rairie Township for·1958. The ~ppl~cation of Robert E, Armstrong for reduction of assessment on tract~n Lot 7, Section 9-136-42, was read. Upon motion, it was reco11D11ended to ~he Commissioner ofTaxat_ion that the application be granted, The application of E:iward A. Neumann for reduction of assessment 011 the SW¼ SW½ except the N 20 rods of the W 40 rods, Section 19-135-41, for the year 1958 was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected on recommendation of the town board. The applica.tion of Rose M, Corcoran for reduction of. assessment on Sub Lot ),of Govt. Lot 1, Section 13-134-40, was read, Upon motion, the application was rejected on recommendation of the town board. Upon motien,the Bord then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M. March 11. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o.'clock A. M., all members being present. The petition f.or dissolution of. Coonnon School District No, 1382' was· taken up for final action, After listening to the statements of the various interested parties, the Beard issued the following interlocutory order to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY·OF OTTER TAIL) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF· COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 1382, · (1) WHEREAS, The dissolution of Coonnon School District N6, 1382 has'been proposed 0 by: (b) A petition signed by·the required number of freeholders residing in said district: (2) NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No, 1382 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing shcool districts or·unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: All of. the territory of Common School District No. 1382 be and it hereby is attached to Common School District No, 1458.; (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of. said Common School District·No, ·1)82, :be distributed· as follows, to-wit: That the real estate and personal property of. every nature, kind and description including cash and the proceeds of taices levied by District No. 1382 for 1958 anl. prier years, and a> llected after July 1, 1959, be and they hereby are declared a part of District No. 1458; · (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1458 is No dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 1st. day of July, 1959, Dated this 11th. day of March, ·1959. S, B, JOHNSON County Auditor OTTO HAASE Chairman Board of County Commissioners The petition for dissolution of CoDDDon School Dist. No, 1472 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A,M. ·April 15, 1959, and that due notice of the time and place of. said. meeting be given as required by law. · · ' The petition for dissolution of. Common School District No. 1438 was read and it was ordered that a nearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M~ April 15, 1959, and that due notice of the time and place cf said meeting be given as required by law. The petition of. Reuben Ost and Others asking that the 5Ek, Section 25-132-38, be set off f.rom District No, 1534 to District No. 547 was read but no action cau.ld be taken on this petition as it would reduce the acreage in District No, 1534 below the legal limits of fau.r sections. S.P. were The Board having previously called for bids for construction of part of County Highw~ No, 16, otherwise known as 56-616-01, S6463 (2) located between 2,5 miles F,ast of T.H. #78 and CSAH #5, three miles n?rtheast~af' Clitherall, opened by,•a representative of. the State Highwa;y-Department and were frund to be as follows, Ralph Stewart, Starbuck Minnerath Const. Co,, Cold Spring Kerns & Tabery, Sebeka ·Marvin E. Lund, Glenwood Ed ZillDDerman, Barrett Bain Bros., Clarissa James E. Barsness, Glenwood John Dieseth Co, FergusFallB Strom Const, Co., Moorhead Joe Halstensgaard, Fe rti:S Russell McCartyr. Frazee Ruset Const. Co., Elbow Lake $37,475.44 39,148.92 41,164.72 41,442.04 41,617.60 42,889.08 43,268.72 45,921.14 46,389,58 49,075.70 52,766.38 49,916·,74 bids ---COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ___ ------------------------Mar.c.h--11----------------~-------------------19.$-9-- ■ CU■nl Pl IITIIIGCOIIPANI. H. CLIIUD 111 ■, . The bid of Ralph Stewart inthe amount of $)7,475.44 was determined by the County :Board to be the lowest bid,and, upon motion of Commissioner Nyck:lemoe, Seconded by Commissioner Johnson, it was voted by said County :Beard of Commissioners to recommend to the Commissioner of Highwa,ys that said ~ontract be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. :Bids on County Projects were rec~ived as follows: Project No. S.~.P. 56-675T02 CP .59:75 located on CSAH *75 betw~en T. H. *10 and CSAH *76: Rust & Dahlman, Clarissa Marvin ·E. Lund, Glenwolll Kerns & Tabery, Sebeka Ed Zimmerman, :Barrett John Dieseth Co., FergusFallB $ 41,217.22 42,915.18· 43,284.14 43,733.86 50,652.78' Upon motion, the contract was awarded to Rust & Dahlman for $41,217.22. Project CP 59:45 CSAH *45 be~ween CASH #1 and Hielps: Ed Zil!lmerma.n, ~rrett Marvin E. Lund, Gienwocd Ralph Stewart, Starbuck: :Bain :Bros., Clarissa John Dieseth Co., Fergus Falls Leitc!h Const, Co., Underwocd Spaulding Const, Co., Elba-i Lake Kerns & 91abery, Sebeka · Upon motion, the contract was awarded to Ed Zimmermn for $12,019.20. $ 12,bl9.20 12,033.18 12,116.45 12,675,93 13,951.46 16,861,16 18,439.34 17,374, 73 Project S,A.P. 56-645-02 :Bridge No, 7266 on CSAH No. 45 over Otter Tail River one mile southeast of Phelps: Thorson Const. Co., Tracy Walt Prahm, Slayton· ' Industrial :Builders, Inc,, Fargo Acme Const. Co,, Glenwood Kerns & Taber,y, Sebeka J, D, Haglurd & Sons, Inc., Isle Jardin, Bridge Co,, Fargo Korby Const, ·co., Fergus Falls Wm. Collins & Sons, Fa1·e;o $31,248.22 33,994.05 3#,311.05 35,108.02 35,284.33 36,129,08 38,190.33 38,551.75 39,813.20 Up6n motion, the contrat!t was awarded to the Thorson Constmction Co. for thesum rL $31,248.~2~ Project No. S.~.P. 56-615-03, Bridge 7267 loca_ted on CSAH #15 over Otter Tail River nine miles southwest of Fergus Falls& Bob Cook Construction Co!, Redwoccl. Falls Walt Prahm & Son, Sla,yton Thorson Const. Co., Trll_'Cy Acme Const. Co., Glenwood J. :e. Haglund & Son, Isle Korby Const. co:, Fergus Falls Kerns & Tabery, Sebeka Jardin, Bridge Co., Inc., Fargo Industrial :Builders·, Inc,, Fargo $ 29,842.72 29,901.15 27,924.55 30,142.66 31,476,58 33,230.70 32,608.10 33,390.61 3~,152.40 Upon motion, the contract was awarded to Thorson Construction Co. for the sum of $27,924,55. Project S,A,P. 56-675-01, Bridge No. 727'.3, located on CSAH #75 over Leaf River 2¼ miles East of Bluffton: Thorson Construction Co., Tracy Kerns & Tabery, Sebeka Walt Prahm & Son,Slayton Bob Cook Const. Co,, Redwood Fails Korby Const, Co,, Fergus Falls Acme Const. Co., Glenwolll J. B. He.glund & Sons, Inc., Isle Jardine Bridge Col. Inc. Fargo Industrial :Builders, Inc., Fargo $ 12,391.00 12,796,34 12,920.45 13,569.30 14,Jn;jo< 14,442,98 14,663,69 15,396.51 15,436,'60 · Up~n motion, the contract was awarded to the ThorsonConstruction Co. for the sum of $12,391.00, Upon,.motion, it was ordered. that a survey be made when time was available _on CSJ.H f/75 beginning on Highway No. 40 at Wrightstown, north to #210, Upon motion, it was d.ecided to postpone building of addition, to the Otter Tail Ccunty Nursicg Home due to possibllity of nursing homes being .built ih Perham, Henning, New York Mills,and possibly Parkers Prairie, and due to the unfavorable · interest rate on bonds, Upon motion, the sum of $600,00 was appropriated from the Revenue Fund for the use of the SoilConservation Committees for both east and west Biter Tail, · · Upon motion, it was ordered that all offices in the court house be governed by Chapter 495, Laws of 1955, as to holid~s. The following bills were allowed: RuBSell Brod> erg Do G1Ary Nelson bca:rding prisoners expenses II f 852.00 26.60 278,50 COMMISSIONERS RECOR~ 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IRDilh Piiiih,i Ei■Piif, IT. ecau •. ■Uin. e::w Sidney Neleon Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Harry Hsmmond Vernon E. :Bachman Mabel Wenstrom Henry Sieling Sam Nycli:lemoe Otto Haase Bennie J •. Johnson Edward Rams~ Mrs. Elvin Arvidson Robert Molter Dr. C. J •. Lund Dr. Ivan•· E. Bigler Kathryn L. Michaelson Phillip o. Thompson Afton C, . Smith John Meyer Arnold W,. Res en Jeff H. Tilclcansn West Publ. Co. Duffy o. Rustad Burnette Ellingson Ruth E, Hannay N. W. Bell Tele. Co. Do. Do. Lampert Lbr. Co. Allstate Supply Corp. Marlin Reynolds Holten Hdwe. Beall & McGowan Co. Hintgen-Karst Elec. Co. Wendelin Koep Leonard Olson Merlin s •. Rieman Edwin A la Robert Kampsula Ralph H. Pel to Security Blank Boole & Prtg. Co, Poucher Prtg. & Lithe Co. Miller-])e.vis Co. Oswald Publ. Co. Gaffaney1s Office Spec. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co Nelson Bros. Prtg, Co. R.R. Yates Fergus Journal Co. Perham Enterprise Bulletin The Henning Advocate H. W. Glorvigen Vernon ·E •. Bachman Office of.Sheriff Fergus Falls Clinic Johnson Drugs Police Supply Co. Goodwin Joss Laboratories l-larlcstrom.Drugs Karl H. Clauson Ericlcson Hdwe. Montgomery Ward Co. H. W. Glcr. vigen Barke & Alli&on Public Bmployeei Retirement Assn. Fergus Lumber & Fuel Co, Farmers &.lterchants Agency, N.Y.M, Esther G •. Sell Do. Eleanor M. Dybdal Do. Do. Walter s •. Booth & Son E. Otter Tail Tele. Co, N. W, Bell Teae. Co, Philip M •. Kjaglien R. L, Polll: & Co. Straub Esta.Ge Publi:: Utilities Dept, Artz Camera Supply Co, Bruvold Secretarial Service Er iclceone. Hdwe. Philip M •. Kjaglien Flpyd Kadel City of Fergus Falls Do. Swans Rexal.l Drug Dr. w. F. Schamber Glen Lake Sanatorium Dr. Thoe. J. Kinsella DATE ..................... M,,rch __ ll ___________________________________________ l959 ... . expenses service inspection services C.D. Radio expenses II II II II 11 exp. attd. Agr, Extension mtgs. II II II coroner's fees II clerical work in SoilCone. Office services W. o. T. Cone. Diet. exp. SoilCone. meetings II II II statutes escorting jury justice fees transcripts calls II mobile service coal supplies hauling ashes supplies II labor and supplies Dep. Sheriffs fees & exp. II II II II Assist. Dep. Sheriff assist. in jail break search supplies II II II II prtg. am supplies pens printing tax notices tax notices & subscription postage II II ;jail call supplies II test supplies repairs8 mpplies II adv. feee to agents workmen Compensation retirement supplies insurance premium expenses postage . expenses supplies postage supplies service service and cal 11 expenses directory rent water, etd!. supplies wimeographing supplies postage & mche. rental repairs care of poor poor eapenses medication pa:i;ers for 11U11 patients c~re of patient surgery R&B Reveuue Tax Foii'. Tax. Forf. $ 237.80 30.75 26.50 25.12 8,75 .17.13 19.30 19.17 8.40 8.40 8.40 .84 12.05 14.25 6j.55 68.16 11.82 9.00 11.24 21.30 116.50 7,50 5.00 27.35 17.05 71.45 124.58 548.71 23.50 14.oo 17.58 8.83 31.75 99.00 14.oo 1.80' 26.00 3.00 10.00 407.38 154.40 97.26 .117.54 -13.10 104.50 · 49.15 -24.88 181.25. 6.oo 7.30 40.00 32.00 -20.98 4.oo 1.59 41.85 5.00 10.27 7,25 21.95 15,81 10.25 7756.40 ·619,70 4973,86 4.06 323.86 72.24 8.00 31.74 6.30 2.00 9.54 18.00 24.75 75.47 25.00 .50.00 2.80 41.09 2.90 · 2.55 7.00 5.00 174.64 8558.04 16.50 18;00 346.62 100.00 /, I ,. I ., I' ,, ., ' ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... March ... 11 .................................... 19 .59. ■o:U T ·• ■ G ■P Yen_ CLOUD IIIN■• Minra sota State Sanatorium Township r£ Henning Township fJf Otto 'l\.1p. of Perham Village of Perham Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc, Sweeney'Bros, Tractor Co, The Zeco·Co, Wm. H., Ziegler Col, Inc, Paper, Calmenson & Co, Rosenwald.Cooper, Inc, Larson Welding Olson Auto Ektric Les Tire Servi: e Davidson Sheet Metal Shop Super GMC. 'l'ruck Salee CharlEB~·Malms;trom, Sr, Stan 1s Auto Baiy ·Knuttila Implement Co,, Inc. Ebereviller Implement Co,, F, F, McCo:nnidk. Farm Store Anton Ree!let Don 1e Boey Shop Matz & Grieff Bennie Ro13aum Stadum Repair Shop Streeter 4'm, t Co, Empire Supply Co2 National :iiu,shing & Parts Co, Sigelman ~ide & Fur Co, Hintgen :ir.rst Holten Hd~e. Cea st tj• Cea.st Store, P, R, Vergas Hd~e. Eberevill~r•e Inc, P. R, Olson Hdw~. & Plbg, Dokken1s Qar Own HdBe, Rq-ger L. :jlroberg Cea st to Cea. st Store, Henning, L. C. Steinke Northwoal..Specialty Co, Brustuen Grocery Minnesota.Motor Co, Foesen Oil Co, Gemlo on. Co, Jim 1s Service Statton Penrose OilCo, Farmer Co7 op. Cry Assn, D, C, S. & F. Oil Co, Cy 1s Pure.Oil Standard Oil Co., NJM Swenson Service Henning Mobile Service Ray's Oil.Co, Twins MotQr Co, Service Oil Co., B, L, Vergas Oi+ Co. West Otter Tail Service Co. Bluffton Qil Co, Standard Qil Co. B. L, Arrow Petroleum Soliah & ~raatz Oil Co. Erhard Oi+ Co. The Oil Store Fossen Oi'.!, Co. Peavey El.E!vatlll!"S Everts LUl!lber Co,, B, L, Raymond MQtor Transp. Co. Minn. State Highw~ Dept, Minn. Good Roads,Inc, Fergu, Jo~rnal Co, Construction Bulletin Otter Tail Power Co, H. A, Rogers Co, Public Employees Retirement Assn, Dahms Photo Print Co. Victor Lw:xleen& Co. Miller Davis Co. Poucher Prtg. & Lithe. Co, N. W. Bell Tele, Co,, F. F, East Otter Tail Te:Lil, Co, N. W. Bell 'Ile, Co, F, F, Midwest Tele, Co. Pelican Tele. Co. Wendell P. Huber G.D. HarlGII L,J, Fjos~ George Ol!)on Wendell P, Huber care of patients care of poor II II care of patient parts II II II steel poets signs repairs II supplies . II II II II II 1! tires gasoline II II j .11 etc, gas, oil etc, gas & fuel oil gasoU:ne and fuel oil diesel fuel II grease fuel oil. II coal freight prints sub, for services ad, for bids prints II emplryers contribltion supplies II II ~ service and calls II II II II expenses II II II cash advanced $ 1615.00 232,JJ 1176,19 149,28 ·8'28.98 76,36 5,94 42.29 1089,68 1182.12 1041.50 47.50 26.28 J.jO 1.10 198,21 2,25 17.80 25,2? JO.SO Jl,94, 8,oo J,jO 7,80 12.35, 25,06 4.18 474,50 Jl,66 19,80 106,63 .5.73 11,65 76,41 1,80 246,79 1.00 1.12 31.90 J.00 25.00 . 6,75 104.29 59.86 95,94 2,69 151.15 150.73 458.52 75,11 77,90 51,94 23,89 48.89 393.74 20.37 139,14 176,88 124.09 51.23. .121.80 7,00 94,J6 132.45 195.60 49.25 104,24 6.00 10.26 100.00 57.00 112.60 6.48 57.96 9153,61 54.75 27,40 9,16 24.15 39,80 9.70 35,45 12.20 9,60 222;70 72,70 45,64 14,75 7,04 == COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Hi:Glin ,11■n■1 ea., ... , 11. cLoUo. 1111,11. c.zme DATE ... ··················l-larch .. 11 ........................................... 19.59 .. John E. Jennen Warren E. Dubbele Andrew Haave \-1. A. Helflf · Fred J. :Beeke Edward A. Eide Christ Kastet Jorolf T.Ronnevik Alvin Sethl·e Mrs. Marguerite Miller Harry Poll:ird . Elk Ri veit Concrete Prod •. Co. A.P. Schmitz Garage Dicks Standard Service Henning Hdwe. Wilcox Lumber Co •. ,Henn. Vil:lage of Henning Swans Rexai1 Drug Upon motion, the :B12 rd the.n adjourned Attest: right of way II II II II II II II II culverts repairs II supplies II rent car.e of pa•t:ient to 10 o'clock A. M. Apr. ·14, 1959. $ Chairman. J0.4o 68.10 46.60 43.45 76.70 62.70 67.15 729.50 50.40 250.00 22.00 26.88 16.38 3.00 6.:05 1.76 150.00 16.50 .I " . I' I :11:i ,r I II . i• ; I i r I I. I ' 1: ,I ii COMMISS-IONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. Anril .. lli• ............................................. 195.9. .. . MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEElTING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMiSSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY,MINNESllTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. April 14, 1959, all members being present. CSAH No· 21 The :Beard having previously advertised for bids for grading and graveling S.A.P. 56-621-01 Job No. 59:21, preceded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Ed. Zimmerman J. G. Nelson & Son John Dieseth Co. Dan Conroy & Sons Sellin :Bros., Inc. Marvin E. Lund Rust c!l: Dahlman & :Bain Bros. Berns & Tabery Huset Construction Co. Mahnomen Construction Co. Parrett Fosston Fergus Falls Dumont Hawley Glenwood Clarissa Sebeka Elbow lake Mahnomen $57,512.85 62,069.05 ~2.210.05 63,550.02 63,654.89 62,353.25 63,737-38 67,083.73 67,547.75· 67,573.03 Upon motion, the contract was awarded to Fd. Zi-mmerman of Parrett for $57,512.85, he being the lowest bidder. The :Board having advertised for bids to be opened tlor tractor loader or Traxcavator, opened bids which were found to be as follows: Borchert-Ingarsoll Phillippi Equipment Co. Wm. H. Ziegler Co,, Inc. After consideration, the Board reject:ed all loader bids. 15,525.00 16,223.00 18,500.00 Upon motion, the County Au.d.itor was instructed to call for bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A. M. May 12, 1959 for one Crawler Tractor, 70 horsepower minimum with 1½ Cubic yards bucket or larger. Upon motion, the entire Board was appointed a committee to ·view the operation of Crawler type loaders. Upon motion, the resolution passed by the\:)ouncil of the City of Fergus Falls regarding stonn sewer on Union Avenue fran Alcott to Vernon Avenue was approved by. the County Board, the City of FergusFalls assuming the entire c.ost of the project. Upon motion, the resolution :i;assed by the council of, the City of FergusFalls regarding storm sewer on Fir Avenue from Park St. to Cleveland·Avenue was approved by the County Board, the City of Fergus Falls assumi1ll!; the entire cost of the project. Upon motion, the resolution of the City Council of the City of FergusFalls with reference to bituminous base and bitumin ua surfacing on Cleveland Avenue from 1,000 feet North of Fir Avenue to 2,640 feet North of Fir Avenue was approved, the County agreei1ll!; to assume the entire cost of the center 24 feet r:J: said improvement. The foliowing resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION REVOKING COUNTY HIGH11AYS NOS. 133 and 139 WHEREAS, the County :Board of Otter Tail County, on the 10th day' of December, 1957, pursua:it to the provisions of Chapter 943, laws of 1957, located, established and designated County Highways No. 133 and No. 139. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County :Board. of Otter Tai. l County /lo hereby revoke said County HighwO¥s No. 133 and No. 139 effective as of May 15, 1959. Adopted this 14th. dli!Y of April. 1959. Attest: S. :B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: OTTO HAASE ChairDl8ll. Be it resolved that present County Highway No. lJl be revoked and the same be renumbered 136 with addit-ions as follows: Beginning at a point at approximately the~orth1<est corner of St>ction 32, Township 132 lforth-Rarlffe 37 West, thence alo1ll!; the established centerline of the public road described as follows; From saidpoint of beginning extending Easterly along or near theNorth line of Sect ions 32 and 33 to approximately the Hortf,eest corner of Section 3;-Tl32N-RJ7W, being a junction with County Highwa,y No. 136 and there terminating. Beginning at a point approximately at the North Quarter conner of SecLion 10-T131N-R37W, being a junction with T.H. #29, thence along the established centerline of th~ublic road described. as follcws: From said point of beginning extending Easterly along or nnar theNorth section line of Sections 10 and 11 to apnro.rlmately the northeast corner of Section ll-Tl31N-R37W, being a junction with County Highway #136 and there terminating. Adopted April 14, 1959. Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk. OTTO HAASE Chairman. BE IT RESOLVED by theCounty Board (Ccunty Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ .A:pr.il .. 1-4. ....................................... 19 .. 5,9 .. IRiillTI p ■ C .,. , ,. CLO D, 1111111. That the duly es~ablished and designated County ~tate Aid Highway No. · 51 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota which begins approximately at a· point on County. State Aid Highw,v ·No~. lJ at the intersection of Seventh and Main Streets in the Village of Perham; thence along the esta?lis~ed centerline of.the public road described as foll~s: From said point of beginning in the Village of Perham,, ~:xtendin~ l!esterly alo_ng Main Street where same intersects with Lake Avenue: thence Northerly on Lake Avenue to the North V·1,llage-limits of Perham at approximately the Sou1heast corner of Section 10-T136N-R39W· thence along or near ~~e East lines. of Sections 10 and 3-Tl36N-R39W; thence Ncr thwesterly through Sections 35 end 26-Tl'.3'7N-RJ9W to a point approx1111&tely 0.25 miles South of the West quarter corner of Section 27; thence Northerly along or near theWest lin6s. of'~ections 26.and 23 to appro~imately the West quar~er corner of Section-23: thence Easterly along th~st and West quarter line of Section 23 to approximately theEast quarter corner of Section 23: thence Northerly along or near the East lines of Sections 23, 14! 11 end 2-Tl37N-RJ9W, torthe approximate Northeast corner of said. Section 2 and the North County line, and there terminating, and whose general course in Government Lot 6, Section 35-Tl37N-R39W is as follows: beginning at a point 180 feet West of th~ortheast corner of Section 3-Tl36N-RJ9W, which also is on the Southerly line of Government Lot 6, thence North 8°08' West for a distance of 253.9 feet, thence deflect to the left on a 2° curve(Delta Angle 16°351) for a distance of 829.2 ~eet and there terminating. That it is necessary for the safety of the public travel and for the,proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed; That an easement across aftditional lands hereafter described. is needed for the purpose of so altering said County State Aid Highway Mo. 51 in said sections aforesaid: That the general course of said County State Aid Highww No. 51 is not materially altered thereby:. fhat the said Easement so to be procured is for public highway and road purposes, that the same shall be lccated, lie, be and run as hereinafter described: That it is necessary for the construction and mai nter.ance of said. road and for the safety af public travel that additional right of w~• be procured to enable the construction of proper slopes and that an easement be procured to· construct certain slppes and to maintai. n the same after the construction as provid:ed in the plans and S'Jll)ecifications on file in the cffice of the County Highway Engineer at theCourt House in th~ity of Fer~us Falls, Minnesota, the specific places where said slopes are to be constructed, being particularly hereinafter describeg., that such easement £or such construction of slopes cease on or befcre December 31, 1959• That it is necessary for the cnnstructir>n and maintenance of said road and for the safety af public travel that/an easement for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public highway pruposes, and upon the lams ap.joining the same: That the lands so to be taken for public highway and road purposes and. ,;ubjected to easement 'as aforesaid, are situated in the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail and. described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL NO. 2 A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: Governll'.e'rit Lot 6, Section 35-TlJ7N-RJ'7\'f. said strip being all that part ly1ng within a distance of 50 feet on the Easterly and i·/esterly side of the following described centerline: beginning at a point 180 feet. ti est of the Northeast coY'l'.er of Section 3-Tl36N-R39W, which also is on the Southerly line of Go,•emm,ent Lot 6, thence North B0081 \-lest for a distance of 253.9 feet, thence deflect to the lelft on a 2° curve (Delta Angle 16°351) for a distance of 82~.2 feet and there terminating. Excepting therefrom right of way of. existing highway;. containi-ng 1.33 acres, more or less. Also an easement t6 construct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1959 on the following descl"ibeci. tract: A strip of land 40 feet wide on the West side of th¢"oadway beginning at the point of beginning i:il Ga, ernment Lot 6 r:t Sectiozi 35, thence Northerly 640 feet aI'.d there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said rm dway ar..d the outer line of said strip to be pare.llel (l'fierewith. A strip of land approximately 100 feet wide on the East side of the roa~way bee-ii:min~ at Government Lot 6 of Section 35, and. tapering to a point 345 feet North and taere tenninahn~. lying between the old road right of way and the new road right of way. Said strip to adjoin am the outer line of said strip to be the right of way line of th~resent road . thepoint of beginning in Said strip being that part the ,,utside line of said roadway . That due "Droceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecu€ed pursuant to law; to acouire sa.id easement across addi tio~l lann.s aforesaid for public road and highway ~':.poses; to acouire said easment and. addtional right of way for construction and slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said easement for e;ectinn of snow fences, and let the same forth- with duly be begun and prosecuted. Dated this 14th. day of : AprH;·Jl959•· Attest: S. B. JOID<'SON, County Auditor. By the Board of County Commissioners of omTER TAIL COUNTY OTTO HAASE; Chairman. :BE IT RESOLVED by the County Brax·d (Cr,unty Co1rmissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the. d.uly established and designated County State ~id Highway.No. 59 in Otter Tail Cuunty, Mi,mesota which begins at a point a"Dproxima tely at the South County line at approximately the 7nuth Quarter. corner of Section,3:1., .. IJ:o:wilship 131 North, Range 38 \-fest; thence along the es.tablished centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning 'I I I I I· Ii! I 1· I,: I ) I" , I ,11· ,' ,, I \, -COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. April 14 59 DATE ... ·········-·················-································ ................... 19 ....... . f•I ■Tl ■ --. OUD ■I■■, extend.ing Northerly along oi· near t.he North and South ouarter line through Secticn Jl to approximately ·the South limits of the Village of Urbank at approximately the Southwe~t Corner of. the Northwest quartel' of the Northeast quarter or Section Jl; thence continuing along the extension of ¢antral Avenue in the Village of Urbank to a point approximately 800 feet North of the intersection of Central Avenue and Main Street; thence Northwesterly through Section JO to approximatel• the Southeast corner of the SW;} of the NW;} of Section JO, being the Northwest corner of the corporate limits of Urbank; thence Northerly and Northwesterly through Section JO: thence Northeasterly ai:id Northerly thrcugh Section 19 to approximately the Southwest corner of the N\1;} of the~ of Section 19; thence Northe!l,y along or near the North and South quarter lines through sections 19, 18, 7 and 6-TlJlN-RJSW; thence continuing Northerly aiong or near the North and South quarter lines through Sections Jl, JO, 19 and 18 to approximately the North quarter corner of Section 18-TlJ2N-RJ8W, being a junction with Courty State Aid Highway No, !lo, and there terminating, and whose general course in the NEf; of the swi, the Si!-of the NW¼ of Section JO-T1JlN-RJ8W, is as follows: :Beginning at a point 297.6 feet West of the Southeast corner of the MEt, of the SW;l;-of Section JO-TlJlN-RJ8W; thence North 48°281 West 80 feet, thence North 51°411 West 07.4 feet, thence North 51~541 West for a distance of 5J4.6 feet, thence de£lect to the right on a 5° curve (Delta Angle 5J0J11) for a distance of; 1,070,J feet, thence North 01°371 East for a distance of 89J,O feet, thence deflect to the left .on a 2° curve (Delta Ar>.gle 15°J61) fo1· a distance of .280 feet am there terminating. That it is necessary for the safety of the public travel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed: That an easement ac1-oss additional lams hereafter d.escri bed is needed for the pur..pose of so altering said County State Aid Higraiay No •. 59 in said sections aforesaid: That the general course of said County State Aid Highway No. 59 is not materially altered thereby: That the said Easement so to be procured is for public highway and road pu-rposes, that the same shall be located, lie, be and. run as hereinafter described: I That it is necessary for the ccnstruction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that additional right of way be procured to enable the construction of proper slopes and that an easement be procured to construct certain slopes and to ~intain the same after the constiuction as provided in the pla.,s ard epecificatic-ns on file in the office of the County Highway Engineer at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the specific places where said slopes are to be constructed, being pa,·ticnlarly hereinafter described, that such easement for such construction of slopes cease on or before December J 1, 1959 •. That it is necessary for the constructi• n and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that an easement for th~recti. on of tempore.ry snow fences be procured, that the sam,~ be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public Highway purposes, and upon the lands adjoining the same: That the lards so to be tah.-en for public highway and road purposes and subjected to easement as afar esaid, are situated ir.. the State of Minnesota, and the Coun~y of Otter Tail and described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL NO, 8 A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: ';f_he NE;} of the SW;! and the SE½ of the NW¼ of Section JO-T1JJN-RJ8W, : said strip being all that part .. lying within a· distance of 50 feet on each sid.e of the following descl"ibed cente!'line; ard also all that part of the .SE;} of ~he NW¼ of Section JO, lyil\li; \·/esterly of the described tract: beginning at a point 297.6 feet West of the Sontheasi corner of the NE% of theSW¼ of Section JO-TlJ1Nli'RJ811', thence North 48°281 West 80 feet, thence North 51°411 West 07.4 feet, thencjj Marth 51°541 1·:ast for a distance of 534,6 feet, thence deflect to the Ii ght on a 5° curve (Delta Argle 53°311 ( for a distance of 1,070,J feet, thence No1·th 01°371 East for a r1i.stance of 89J.O feet, thence ,deflect to th~eft on a .2° curve (Delta Angle 15°J61) for a distance of 280.feet and there terminating. Excepting therefrom righ t of way of existing highway, containing 4.06 acres, more or less. • Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1959 or, the following described tract: A strip of land 22 feet wide on the Easts ide of the rcadway beginning at the point of begi1ming in the ~ of the SW¼ of Section JO-Tli3lN-RJ8W, thence Uorthwester]j-for a distarce of 670 feet and th.ire terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and. the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A st !'ip of la.mi 45 feet wide on the East side of the roadway begi!llling at a paint ii,, 1J5 feet Northwesterly of the point of bcgi nning in the NEt,-of the SW¼ of Section JO-TlJlN-RJ8\f, thence Northwestei'!. y 1J5 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer li~e of said strip to be parallei therewith, A strip of land 20 feet wide on theEast side of the rcadwa,y beginnir.g at a point 1,570 feet ~lorthwester;l.y of the point of beginning in the NE¼ of the s11¼ ani the SEi\-of the NW¼ of s., ct ion JO-TlJlN-RJBW, and Northerly for a distance of 150 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip cf land 20 feet wide on the Fasterly side of the roadway beginning, at a point 1,910 feet Northwesterly of the point of beginning inthe SJ.-t. of the NW½ of Section JO-TlJlN-RJBW, thence Northerly 110 feet and tlere terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said stl'ip to ·ne parallel therewith. ~ strip of land 25 feet wide on the F.ast side of the roadway beginning at a point 2,520 feet Northwesterly of the point of beginning in .the SE;} of the NW¼ of Section JO-Tl31H-RJ8W, thence Northerly 420 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside lir..e of said roadway ard the u~ter line of said strip to be parallel therewdth. That due proceedings by condemnation anu eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; to acouire said easement across additional land.s aforesaid for public road and highway purposes; to acquire said easement ar>.d additional right of way for constructirn and slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said easement for erection of sno~: fences, and let the sane forthwith duly be '.begun and prosecuted. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE April 14 59 ... ······················································-·························19 ....... . HCIIIITTPI ATI ICDIIPA■Y T DUD 111 N. C. Dated this 14th Day of April, 1959. Attest: S. ll, JOHNSON. County Aud.itor l!y the llcard of County Commissioners d OTTER TAIL COUNTY OTTO HAASE I Chairman BE IT RESOLVED by the County llca rd (Ccu r,ty Commissioners) of Ottei· Tail County, l-linnesota,: Th~t the dul~ establi~h~~O and d.e;ignated Cnunty State Aid Highwey No. ;i~~ in Otter Tail County, Minnesota,which begins at a point. appr~ximately ~, feet outh of thE.Worthea.st corner of Section· 34, Tcwnship 133 North, Range 44 West, being a junction with Trunk Highwa,y No, 210; thence along the established centerline of the 1JUblic read described as follows· From said noint of be~innin~ extend.ing No,rtherlf aloni,, or nea.r t.heEast 1 ·9 s ,f' S ,t.· i4 27 22 15 10 ., Tl'>'>N R44° W · ~onr1214!t'!q ~o.-thf;,!-I" "'t'" 1f r --' ... a.r t"he eA~1" .J ,.,~ 0 ~~c:.~~.,,.s :.til:.:J1-::, -=r--,.s-.; ~ ~o,,,,.,:J iPr,¼~~'-~~· , I I I and _,-.JJ -• Th(!n.C.C. 1conunuing I.Iler ner Y a.1ong or near tne J!aas line 01 Section 3'-i-Tl35N-R44W to approzimat;;'i'.y the Northeast co·rner of said Section 34; thence We~terly a.l~ng ?r near t?e ~orth line ?f Sect ion 4 ~o approximately the Northwest correr-/Jf said Section 34, Tl3?N-RJ.i.4W, and tnere termu.atrng, Beginning at a point at approxinately the Sm1theast corner of Section 21-Tl35N-R44W· thence iilor~herly along_ or near the east lines of Sec:ions 21, 16, 9 ard 4-Tl35lf-R44W, and continuing Uortherly along or =iea; the J!ast lines _of Sections 33, 28, 21, 16 and 9-TlJ61'1-R44W to a point approximately 1,000 feet Sou.th of the East Q.uarter c°iner of S~cti.on 9; t~en~e Northwesterly through Section 9 to a ·point a],lproximately at the Southwest corner of theS* cf the S~ of Sec hon 4, continuing Northerly along or near theEast sixteenth line to approximately the Northwest corner of the NE!,-of the NE;½-of Sec-tion 4-T136N-R44W, and the North counj;y line, and there termhating, and whose general cairse along or near the West line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 35-Tl33N-R44W lying North of T.R. #210, the NW¼ of Section 35, ard the SW/.-of Section 26-T133N-R44W, is as follows: · beginning at a point 2,964.21 South of the Northwest section corner of Section 35-Tl;3N-R441·/, thence North along the West Section line of Sections 35 and 26 to the\\'lest quarter corner of Section 26-Tl33l-l-R44\'/, and. there terminating. That it is necessary for the safety of the public travel and for the proper maintenar.ce of said road that it be so altered.and changed: That an easement across additional lands hereafter discr'ibed is needed for the purpose of so··altering .sait'!. County iitate Aid HighWIIY No. 21 in said sections aforesaid; That the general course of said County State Aid Higl:r,lay No. 21 is not materially altered thereby; That the said Easement so to be procured is for public Highway and road pur.poses, that the same shall be lccated, lie, be and run as hereinafter described; That it is necessr-iry for the constiuction and maintenance of said road ard for the safety of public travel that additional right of way be procured to enable the ccnstruction of proper slopes and that an easement be procured to construct certain slopes a.'ld to maintain the same after the construction as provided in the plans and specifications on file in theoffice of the County Highway Engineer at the Court House in the City of Fergu.sFalls, Minnesota, the specific places where said slopes are to be constructed, being particularly hereinafter described, that mch easement for such construction of slopes cease on or before December 31, 1959. That it is necessary for the const1uction and maintenance of said road. and for the safety of public travel that an easement for the erection of tempora,-y snowfences be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public highway purposes, and upon the lands adjoining the same; That the lands so to be taken for public highway and road purposes a=id subjected .to easement as aforesaid, ar·e situated in the Statie of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail and described as follo-1 s, to-wit: PARCEL NO. 2 A strip of J.a_-,d extending over and across the follo.-1ing described tract: The h1'1¼ of the SI'/½ of Section 35-Tl33N-R44W, lying North of T.H. #210, the NW¼ of Section 35 a.rd the SW¼ of Section 26-Tl33N-R4!M, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the Easterly side of the fol}owing described centerline: beginning at a point 2,964.2 feet South of the: Northwest section corner of Sec ti.on 35-Tl33N-R441'1, thence North along the West s.ection line of Sections 35 ard 26 to the West quarter cor.ner of Section 26-Tl33N-R44W, a.'ld there terminating. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highway, containing 2 •. 17 acres, more or less, A]s o an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1959 on the foll,:w ing described tract: A strip of land 15 feet wide on the Fast side of the roadway beginning at a point 2,914.2 feet South rC the Northwest corner af Section 35-Tl33N-R44W, thence Northerly 250 feet and ther.e terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of sai roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land apnroximately 20 feet wide onthe East side of the roadwq beginning at a· point approximately 1,964.2 feet SO\l.th of the Northwest ~orre r of Section 35-Tl33N-R44W, thence Northerly 600 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside lin~ of said roadway a!ld the outer line cf said strip to be Jarallel therewith. A 6 ttip of land 20 feet wide on the East side of theroadway begiruf'ing at a point approximately 136 feet North of the Southwest corrEr of Section 26-Tl33N-R44W, thence Northerly 400 feet and there terminating, Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said rcadway and the outer line of said str.ii.p to be parallel therewith. A strip cf land 20 feet wide on the East side of the rradway beginning at a point 1,036 feet North of the Southwest corp.er of Section -26-T133N-R4LAi, thence Northerly 200 feet ard there teminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the O\l.ter line of said strip to be pa1·allel therewith. !/ \,1 I I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ___ ---------------------------April -14 ____________ .. ___________________ 1959 __ _ A str~p of land JO feet wide on th!\East side of the roadway beginning at a point 1,536 feet North of the Southwest corner of Section 26-TlJJN-R44W, thence Northerly 600 feet and there trzminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadwa,v and the outer line of said strip to be ?-rallel therewith. That due proceedings by condemnation am eminent domain be had ar.d prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire said ease- ment across additional lands aforesaid for public road and highway purposes; to acquire said easement and additional right of way for construction and slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said easement for erection of snow fences, and let the 881111 forthwith duly be begun and prosecuted. Dated this lll•th day of April, 1959. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON, County Auditor 13y the Board of County Commissioners d. OTTER TAIL COUNTY OTTO HAASE, Chairnan BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minre sota: That the duly established and designated County State Aid Highway No. 72 in Otter Tail County, Minne so ta which begi na at a point approximately 1,465 feet East of the South quarter corner of Section J2-TlJ4U-R4oW, being a junction with County State Aid Highway #1; thence alon§ the established c~nterl ine of the public r01 d described as fol11t1 a: From said point of beginning, extending Southerly a:mi Southeasterly thrrugh Sections 5 and 1~-TlJJN-R4oW, to approximately a point 9GO feet North of the South quarter corner of Section 9-T1JJN:..R4CJ\'i; thence· Southerly along or near the North and South quarter line through Sections 4 and 9 to a point aJlProximately the interior quarter of Section 9: ther.ce Easterly along or near tjle East and West quarter line to a point approximately at the East quarter corner of Sec ti on 9-TlJJN-R40W, being a junction with Trunk Highway No, 78, and there termimting, and whose g~neral course in Govdrr.ment Lot J, except Segar Beach, of s~ction 4-TaJJN-R40W, is as follows: Beginning at the South Quarter corner of Section 4:.:T1331:-R40W, thence North ooa71 East for a distance of 2JJ.9 feet, theme deflect to the left on a 7"00 1 curve (Delta Angle 62°071) for a t'listarce of 887,.4 feet, thence North 62aoo• West fer a distance of J20,l feet, thence deflect to the right qn a 7aoo1 curve (Delta AP.gle )4°22') for a dista.'lcEI of 491.0 feet, thence North 27a381 West for a distance of 150 feet to the ,Otter Tail River and therE1 termi1u ting. That it is necessary-fer the safety of the public travel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed; That an easement across addi timal lands hereafter described is needed for the purpcs e of so altering said County State Aid Highway No. 72 in said sect!Lons aforesaid; That the general course of said County State Aid Highway No. 72 is not materially altered thereby; That the said Easement so to be prccured is for\public high1·1ay and road purposes, that the same srall be located, lie, be and run as hereinafte:· described; That it is necessary for the\constiuc.tion and maintenance of said road and fo,-the safety of public travel that additions right of way be procured tc er.able the construction of proper slopes and that an easement be procu:-ed to construct certlin elopes and to maintain the same after the construction as provided in the plans and specific•itions on file in the office of the County Highway Engineer at the Court House in theCity of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the specific places where said slopes are to be co11structed, being r.articularly hereinafter described, that such easement for such construction of slopes cease on or before December Jl, 1959. That it is necessary for theponstruct ion and maintenance of said read and for the safety of public travel that an easement for the,\erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public highwa,y purposes, and upon the lands adjoin~ng the same: That the lands so to be taken for public highway and read pu1-poses arul subjected to easement as aforesaid, are situated in the State of Minnesota, am the County of Otter Tai.land described as follcws, to-wit: PARCEL NO. J A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: Government Lot J, except Segar Beach, of Section 4-T1JJN-R40W, said strip being all that p1-rt lying within a distance of fifty feet on either side rf the,following described centerline: beginning at the South Q.uarter corner of Section 4-T1JJN-R40W, thence North 00°071 East for a distance of 2JJ.9 feet, thence deflect to the left on a 7aoo1 curve(Delta A!,gle 62°071) for a distance ,of 887.4 feet, thence North 62°00' West for a distance of )20.1 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 7°001 curve (DPlta Angle 34a221) for a distar.ce of U9l.O fc'et, thence ?forth 27°:JB' WPst for a dista!!Ce of 150 feet to the ,Otter Tail River and there terminating. Excepting ther;from theri~t of way of existing highway. Containing J.J acres, more or less. Also an eascmert to com truct slopes which she 11 cease on or before December Jl, 1959 on the following described tract: A strip of land 25 feet wide on the East side of the roadway beginning at a point 625 fe«t Northwesterly of the point of beginning in Government Lot J of Section 4-T1JJN-R40\'/, thence Northwesterly /125 feet and there terminoting. Said strip to adjoin the outside. line of said rcadwa,y and.· the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 25 feet wide on the West side of the roadway beginning at a point 2CJ feet !forth of the point of beginning in Government Lot J of Section 4-TlJJN-R40W, thence Northwesterly for a distance of 400 feet and there tc"rminating- Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'l'E .......................... A1Jl:i.l .. J.4 ...................................... 1959 ... . •Ri■ITJPll■TINICD■PAIH,11,CLOUD Nia■• o-za A strip r£ land 50 feet wide on the West side of the\rcadway beginning· at a point 60J feet Northwesterly of the point of.pegin~ing in ~o~errunent Lo~ Jo! Section 4-TlJJN-R40W, thence Northwesterly for a distance of 400 feet a~d there terminating Said strip to adJoin the outside line of said r.cadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A. st:1 p of land 20 feet wide on the 11est side of the roadway begi11ning at a' point 1, OOJ feet Ncr thwesterly of beginning in. Gove;11ment Lo~ J of Section 4-T1JJN-R40W, thence Northwesterly 200 feet am there tem inating. adjoin the rutside line of said roa4way and the. a·uter line of said strip to be parallel therewith. of the point Said strip to That ~u~ proceedings by co~de1rantion ~nd eminent domain be bad and prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire said easement across additi?na.l lams aforesaid for p1:'bl1c read and highway purposes; to acquire said easement and additional right of wrq for construction and slopes, as aforesaid: and to acquire said easement for erection of sna,1 fences, and let the same forth- with duly be begun and prosecuted. Dated this 14th. day of April, 1959. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON, County Auditor By the Board of County Commissioners of OTTER TAIL COUNTY OTTO HAASE, Chairman Upon motion, tr.e County Engineer was instructed to survey CSAR No. 75 from T.H. 129 to T.H, *10. Upon moti9n, th~ Board then adjourned to April 15th. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION. ?ursuant to adjcurnment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A: M., April 15th. all members being present, The Board having previously arranged to visit the brewery· with the State Fire Marshall, after discussion, it was agreed to clean up and remove the badly dilapidatP.d buildings and 4ebr.is as inst1ucted by. him, Lawrence Merm was instructed to do the woi·k of demolishing the\old buildings. Commissioner Morrill was instructed to have the J, J. and M. Milling Co. take care of the fire hazard due to the alfalfa hay stored around the buildings as instructed by the Fire Marshall, and have charge of the removal of the 014 buildings and see t~t all conditions as laid down by the Fir¢ Marshall were complied with. The petition for: the• dissolution of Common School District No. 1472 wa.s taken up for final action. All interested parties were gi van a c.1'1ance to ma.lee statements after which the Bea rd issued the following interlocutory order, to-wit: STATE OF MINNESO'L\) )ss COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL) IN TH:il MATTER OF THE DIS~OLUTION OF COMMO~ SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 1472. (1) WHEREAS, 'The dissolution of Common School District.No: 1472 has been proposed by: (b) A petition signed by the required number of freehplders residing in· said district: (2) NOJI THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1472 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follffl s, to-wit: .Sections 21-22-2J-24-27-'26 in whole Also the NW½ of Section J5 Also Section J4, being all of the terl'itoz-y ccmprising Conunon School District No. 1472 All tlie above territory be attached to Indeperdent Consolidated School District No. 545 (J) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1472, be distributed as follows, _to-wit: That the real estate and personal property of every nature, kind and desc1iption, including cash and the tlroceeds of taxes levied by Common School District No. 1472 for 1958 and prior years, and ~ollected ~fter July 1, 1959, be and they hereby are dec:la.red a ·pa.rt of Independe11t Consolidated School District No. 545. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1472 is None Dollars, (,5) The 'proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as t.1-ie 1st, da;y of July, 1959, Dated this 15th day of April, 1959, Attest: S, B. JOHNSON County Auditor OTTO HAASE Chairman Board of County Commissioners The petition for the dissolution cf Common Sdlool District Wo. 1428 was taken up for final action, All interested parties were given a chance to make statements after which the Board. issued the following interlocutory ord.er, to-wit: STATE OI' MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF OJ!TER TAIL) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1428, (1) WHEREAS, l'he dissolution d' common ·School District No, 1428 has been propcs ed by: ,· ,,, 'I ,, -COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ·························April .. 15 .................................. 19 .. ?..~. (b) A petition signed by the required number of freeholders residing ia said district: (2) NOii THEREFORE IT IS ORDEREDj That said Common SchoolDistrict No. 1428 be diesolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: The following territory be attached to Common School District No. 1540: Sections 10-11-12 N 3/4 Section 13 ~ of NW¼ Section 14 NEi¼-of Section 14 N½ of SE¢-Section 14 Tairnship 133 Range 44 The following territory be attached to 8ommon School District No. 1506: NE;¼, Section 15 W½ of NW¼ Section 14 SE:q:-of NW,! Section 14 SW,. of Section 14 s1-of SE;¼-Section 14 ·St of Sectlon·lJ Township 13J Range 44 (J) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That th.fo,ssets am liabilities of said Common School District No. 1428, be distributed as follows, to-wit: That the real estate and personal property of every nature, kind and description, including cash, and the proceeds of taxes levied by Common School District·No. 1428 for 1958 and prior years, and collected after July 1, 1959, be and they hereby are divided as follcws: 73.?0'f, to CoDDDon School ·26;30'f, to Common School (4) The out standing bonded debt of said (5) The proposed effective date of this Dated this 15th. day of April, 1959. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor District. No. 1540 and District No. 1506 Common School District No, 1428 is None dollars. crder· is hereby fixed as the 1st. day of July, 1959. OTTO HAASE Chairman Board of County Conunissioners A resolution signed by the school officers of· Common School District No. 1515 asking for the dissolution of Coir;JJon School District No, 1515, punsuant to an election held for that p11rpose, was presented to the Board, Upon motion, a hearing was ordered on said resolut.'ion at 10 o'clock A; M. , May 13, 1959, and that due notice of the time and pl.ace of said hearing be given as provided by law. The following resolutio¾,as adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, Lot 5 of Block 5, Corliss Secom Addition to theCity of Fergus Falls has been forfeited. to the State of Minnesota for non~pay.ment of taxes for 1950 and subsequent years; that the property has not been sold under the installment plan, or otherwise, ·by the State of Minnesota; that the County Beard has received an application for repurchase of this ta.x forfeited property u:nder Chapter 832. Laws of 1957 from Tella Glorvigen, who was the owner at the time of forfeiture, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that Tella Glorvigen be permitted to repurchase said property by the payment of taxes, pehalties am costs ·as provided by statute; that the repurchase will relieve umue hardship and be to the best public interes Adopted April 15, 1959. Attest: S, B. JOHNS ON Clerk of the Board. OTTO HAASE Chairman. Upon motion, the insurable value of th.,6ourt house, jail and sheriff's residence was increased $539,100.00. Upon motion, the entire Board was appointed a committee to meet with other counties at Pine Rivti:r regarding ustablish- ment of a state hi'ghway f1·om Duluth via Cloquet, Pine River, Sebeka, Vergas, to Barnesville, and on to meet North Dakota Highway No. 46, at a date to be later set by the Sec,·etary of the Cross State Highway Association, Licenses for the 110ff11 and 110n11 sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted as follows: Jack Hofl.alli Lloyd Beaulieu Carrie Hendrickx Arthur Zinter James Vejvoda Gustof Weiss Arnold Evenson Brian Shackelford Carl Sundblad Joe Daugherty Geo. D, & Orah Prall Ernie Pederson Arvid Tenney Wilmar Roberts Comr.t~yside Grocery 1·esn1·t Butl•'r Stn-e Art 1s P:iace Rush Lake ·Resort resort Western Store rescr t Sundblad Is Resort Pleasant View Resort Evergreen Beach Ernie's Resort Highway Park Store Red Eye Tavern Town of Corliss T<W II of Rush Lake 'T'a,,n of Butler Town of Elmo Town of Rush Lake Town of Rush Lake Town of West~rn Tcwr, of Leaf Lake Tc:wn of Elizabeth Town of Dead lake Town of Corliss Town of Star lake TtW n of Elmo Ta-, n of Butler COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... A"RX'.P, .. :!-5 ......................................... 19 .. 59.. Arthur Abraham Geo. Obright John W. Rundle Carlyle Reiter Roscoe C. Smith .Ja; eph R. Neudeck Rufus Hull Lcren E. Centers Gerald & Robert Schultz Grant Jones Kenneth Van Tassel Edwin C. Frescher. Dorothy Soward Thomas R. Schwientek Walter Klein Joseph H. Fink Albert Januszewski ·Dance licenses were granted as follows: Edwin C. Presd1er Arvid Tenney Carl Sum blad Abraham's Resort :Beat House :Bob Creek store l)'oodland. Park Rccky1 s Rescr t Neudeck1s Resort Hull Is Landing Camp Minneha Ten Mile Lake Resort Jones' Landing Greenwood Resoz·t :Balmoral Resort Wall Lake Resort Mos qui to Hei:gh ts Klein's Resort LuceService Station resort Balmoral Resort Highway Park Pavilion Sundblad1s Resort Town of Dora Town at. Star.Lake To, n of Scambler Town of Girard Town of Dora Town (f Perham Town of Girard Tcwn of Girard T<W n of Tumuli Town of Pine Lake Town of Otter Tail Town of Otter Tail Town of Aurdal 'fown of ?ine Lake Town of Rush Lake Town of GOI"man Town of Perham Town of Otter Tail Tcwn of Elmo Town of Elizabeth The application of Robert L. Carrison for dance license with mech.anical music only at Shady Point, Town of Elizabeth, was not granted upon recom_mendation of the sheriff. The application of Joe Dougherty for hcmestead classification on tract in Govt.· Lot 9, Section 25-1J5-40 was read. Upon motion, the application was granted, for one-half e:,,.emption on the grc.und that 1.1.Ccording "to the records he has only one-half interest in the property. The applicati,m d: Theodore Stang for homestead exemption on tract in the northeast corner of Lot 4, Section 4-1J2-42 was read. Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly. The application of Anna Simonson for homest~d classification on the NW¼ NW¼ and. the Si NW½ of Section 27-1Jl-4J was read. Upon motion, the application was granted ard the County Audi tor was instructed to reduce the tax accordi!'Jgly. The application of Richard Jarvis for cancellation of personal property tax in the Town of Perham was read. Upon motion, the .application was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation on the ground that th is property had been assessed to Mr. Jarvis twice. The application of Geo. Strout and Myron Skoglund. for correction of personal property assessment in the Town of Lida was read. Upon motion, the application was recommended. to the Tax Commissiol'!er on the ground. that the two trailer h,·uses assessed as personal property were also assessed on r~al estate. The anplicatir.m of Edmund A. Everts for cancellation of assessment on persor.al property in the Township t1if Everts was read, Upoii motimn, the application was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation on the gr ,und that t\-10 separate .assess- ments had been ma.de covering the same property. , The application of ti. H. Toussaint-for correction of-assessment of perso.al proJ:erty in the Tcwnship of Scambler was read. Uoon motion; the application was recow.mended to the Tax Commissiol'!er on the grrund that soue furniture and equipment did not belong to him. The a :;:olication of Mrs. Deryl Ditch f01' correction cf. assessment on persoral property in the Township cf, Pelican was read. Upon motion, it ,1as recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the application be granted en the gound that the trailer house was valued too high in comparison w,:i.th similar trailer houses. The application of l•larguel'i te Garrison for correction of personal pl'Operty in the Town cf Di:.nn was read. Upon motion, it was recommended• to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be grBl'!ted on the ground that the1·e was no cottage or personal property in said tc.~mship on I-lay 1st. The application of Mrs. Oliver Hoover for cancellation of persoral property assessed in the Town of Effington was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that the above prnperty was also assessed in the Village of Richville. The annlication of Stanley Moe for correction of assessment on the S. 93½ feet of the E. 158 feet of :Block J, Original Plat, :Battie Lake, .was read. Upon motion. it was recorrmerded to theCommissioner of Taxation that tm, application be granted on the ground that. the buildings were grossly over-assessed. The applicati,m of Pearl Nelson fov correction of assessment on Lot 20, Lundquist's Ad.dition to Clitherall~ was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation. that the ~plication be granted on the ground that a cottage had been erroneously assessed on this Lot which is withnut buildings. The application of Thomas H. :Barry for correction of assessment 011 tract called Lot 27, :Beverly :Beach in Section 26-lJJ-40 was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the application be granted on the ground that a building had been erroneously assessed on this lot. The applie3. tion of A,·thur E. Nelson for correction of assessment on Lots 11 a~.d 12, Luudquist I s Addition tc the Village of Clitherall, was-read. Upon motion, it was reco11,mended to theCommissi. ol'!er of Taxatic.n that the application be granted on the ground that a boat house had been assessed on this property and that the house and garage.measurements were incorrect. The applicati~n of Nick Thoennes for correction of assessment on the SWf S~ except tracts an~ ex~ept part platted, Section JO-l~l-J8 was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to th•? Tax Comm1ss1oner that th,e amlicatum be granted on the ground that several tracts had been sold off but the acreage had net been reduced. The application of Jayne Thiele for correction of assessment on Lot 1 except the S JJ rds, Section 15-132-40, was read. Upon motion·, it was recomme!'.ded to the Tax Cormnissioner that the application be gra.l'!.ted on the ground that a new cottag!! erected. on an adjoining tract had been erro neou.s ly assessed on this lot• ,1 ,/ ·,, --COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... A-p.r.iL.l5 ........................ .' .................... 19.5!L !I CU fPII I Gi;a■H,Nf ST.CLOUD ■IN•. The ap~lication of Charlie F. Pahls for correction of assessment on Lot 12, Block 5, Newcomb's Addition to the Village of Perham, was read, Upon motion, it was recommem.ed to the Tax Commissioner that the application be granted on the ground that additional value had erroneously been added to this basement home. The application of John Stocker for settlement ard abatement of delinquent taxes, penal ties, interests and costs on the N 10 rds of the S Jl rds, of the W 8 rds, of the SWf SE;\-, Section 8-1JJ-J6, amounting to $191,82 was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissio~er of Taxation that the ipplication be granted on the ground that the wilding on th~ tract was of little or no value. The application of Glenn C. Myers for household exemption on personal. property in the Village of Richville was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the tax Commissioner on the ground that he had not been given any household exemption, The application of Arlie Adams for correction of assessment on personal property was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the application be granted on the ground tm t grain stored under government loan had been assessed to him, The application of the John Dieseth Co. for correction of personal property assessment on road equipment was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that an excess'ive increase had been placed on said property by the Commissioner cf Taxation at the State Bea rd of Equalization, The application of Glenn C. Myers for homestead exemption on the East half bf Block 2, ~oelke1s Addn, to Richville was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected upon recommendation of the Village Board. The application of Hai·ry H. McLaughlin for reduction of personal property assessment in the Town of Everts was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected on recommendation of theCounty Assessor, The following bills were alla,,,ed: Russel 1 Brooberg Do Gary Nelson Sidney Nelson Harold Sagerhorn James Stewart Addressograph-Multigraph Gust Lagerquist & Sons, Inc, Marchant Calculators Mabel Wen·strom Vernon E, Pachman Do Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nycli:lemoe Henry Sieling Dr. C, J, Lund Dr, L. A. Syverson Kathryn L. Michaelson Phillip o. Thompson Ray Fletcher Jeff H. Tikkanen John Meyer Arnold W. Rm en West Publ, Co, Mrs. B. J, Hannay Secretarial Service N. W, Bell Tele, Co. Do . Do Acme Chemical Co~ Wm. Galena & Son Lampert Lbr, Co; Holten Hdwe. Hintgen-Karst Ebe-rsviller Implement Co. So. Mill Standard Service Hillyard Sales Co. Allstate Sanitation& Main. Sup~ Coi-p. Beall & McGtw an Co, Cooper's Office Supply Edwin Ala Wm. McCormick Wendel in Koep John Hoff MeiUin s. Rieman A. R. Bergantine Helen Skramstad John L, Bixby Reg er Gustafson The Stardard Register Co, Ugeblad Publ, co. Henry W. Luther Syndicate Prtg, Co. Gaffaney Is Inc. Victor Lundeen& Co, Indianhead Spec. Co. The Pierce Co. Farnham Staty. & School Supply Co. boarding prisoners exp,nses II II highwey patrol II plates main. for elevator (Feb.&Mar.) main. exi::enses II cash advanced exp. attd. meetings II II II coroner 1s· fees II clerical work in W,O.T,Soil Cons. Office services w.o.T. Soil Cons, Dist. attd. W,O.T. Soil Cons. Mtg, II II II statutes transcripts II calls calls mobile service supplies labor at jail coal supplies repairs rental o~f leaf mulcher gasoline supplies II twine repiirs Dep. Sheriff's fees and exp, II II II Sheriff's Assistant matrom expenses II blanks prtg. & supplies P. P. Schedules sunpl:le s -II I! II mounting board $ 906,00 172,40 299,50 325.20 258.21 226.67 24.6J 76.00 41;.oo 81.73 55,80 10.00 22.60 2J.50 19.JO 16.88 59,10 15.00 78.78 llJ,60 10.50 JJ.45 .18.00 12.J6 22.50 87,40 25.00 2J,15 79,70 219,53 91.50 111.15 657,36 20.22 28.06 12.00 1,60 7J.68 lJ,89 2.09 4,00 15.00 7,70 61.JO 1J5,20 27.80 5,00 j,00 114.62 54,19 18.67 449,50 100.00 4.25 8.7J 762.J6 54.J9 48.66 Lio.oo '""'- COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. SIECll:ll■IT1 Pll■TIIIGCO■PAH, Sl', CL UD ■INII. DATE ......................... AJlri 1 .. 15 ..................................... 19 . ..5.9. .. Crane-Johnson Secur.ity Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Miller-Davis Cb. Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Co. Free Press Co. NelsonB!lo>s. Prtg. Co. Henni,ng Advocate Do Parkers Prairie Independent Battle Lake Review Do The lndependen t Perham Enterprise :Bulletin Fergus Journal Co. Vernon E. Bachman Evelace G,Hanson Selmer F. Olin Ted Ereed Pauly. Jail Bld8• Co. , Goodw,in Joss Laboratory Marshall Wells Store, ll. L. Erickson Hdwe. Police Supply Co. Johnson Drugs H •. W •. Glorvigen Eleen.or M. Dybde.l Do Esthe.r G. Sell , Do E, Ot.ter Tail Tele. Co. Philip M. Kjaglien . Do Public Utilities Dept. Strmih Estate N. W •. Bell Tele. Co. Erickson's Hdwe. Nelson llros. Prtg. Co. Minn., State San. Fergus Falls Clinic State. of Minnesota City .of Fergus Falls C. M •. Haase Ed.w. Homan Glen .Lake San. Twp. ,of Maplewood Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Publi.c Worlcs Equip. c, .. Wm. H. Ziegler, Co,l Inc. FARMotors, Inc. Smith., Inc. l•!inne.sota Mining & l-!fg. Co, L. N •. Sickels Co. Eco, .Inc. Northwestern Refining.Co. Minne.sots Motor Co. Olson Auto Electric Super. Gl•IC Truck Sales Suhr~Ford Salesl Inc. Skogrno Motors, Inc. Smokey1 s Machine Shop Don's, llody Shop Fergus Plumbing & Heating C9. Trovatten & Schaap 1-latz _& Greiff Georgel s llrake Service Ralph Prum llerg ;Fargo Motor Supply, Inc. Empir.e Supply Co. Larsan l·/elding Natio.~al llushing and parts Co. Holten Hardware Whitlnck 1s l'/eld.ors Equip & Sup!)lY Sigeilman Hid.e and Fur Co. Ebersviller Implement Co., F. F. Bverts LumbPr Co., B. L. Wilcox Lumber Co., Henning Snap-.op.-!rools Keanan Welding Equip. Co. Henni,ng Rd.we. Coast to coast Store, Henning Erickson-Hellekson"-Vye Col., Erh. llluff'.ton Hdwe. Under.wood Lbr. Co. Villa~e of Henning Village of Parkers Prairie City .of Fergu.sFalls Dead .. Lalc6 Twp. Todd.County Highway Dept. Fergus Journal Co• Minnesota State Highway Dept• mending tape record supplies II beer licenses trial balance sheets pi:.bl. dissolution notice publ, Del. Tax list publ. financial statement II tax notice II printing and supplies publishing postage II use of car screen rental etc. keys analysis shells supplies tear gas pen supplies adv. coms. to license agents expenses postage expenses .postage service and calls expenses postage water, etc. rent service and calls supplies,:... prtg. am mpplies care of patients examination reimbursement for 11U11 Hosp. care care of pocr cash adv. for t1·ans. to San. care of transient care of patient care of poor parts II II II II supplies II asphalt renairs • II repairs supplies " ~ " II lumber rent and elec. service water and sewer che.rge maintenance adv. for bid.s suppl"ie·s· • $ 5,48 ,150.31 608.83 249.90 20.40 298 •. 75. 6.00 1092.13 1524.25 1524.25 5.,88. 4.77 72 .. 50. 169,25 53.60 83.,00 13.20 5.00 25.07 lOtOO 4.40 18.40 9.50 4.36 1~.05 49.43 9UO 38.19 10.44 11.90 88.41 3.80 2,66 50.00 33.00 1.39. 110 •. 70. 1624.50 3.00 256.JJ 282 • .56 10.00 28.10 . 78,33 306.94 672,48 41.90 159.17 193,85 . 29.36 452.90 1650 • .oo . 123.57 822.62 9,83 9'4.)(4 17.9,9 18~.25 104.01 99,67 .12.00 19.00 ,9.60 2.60 .98 20.25 . 77.00 155.31 6.60 15. oo 1.25 88,5-7 28.20 . 9.75 273--22 . .75 7.50 28.80 J-95 2J,31 7.46 17.18 179.19 79.06 ,5.00 561.25 537,00 81.68 69.00 11.1.04 ,I II I' COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...•....................... ~~~·~·=···=~······································19.~?. ... ..:Cu11n ,11■11■1 co•,a1n ■T. cL .. UD 11111■• Robert E. Erickson Engr. Co. Do Do !Jahm'.s Photo Print Co. H. A.· Rogers Co. Monroe Calculating Mche. Co,, Inc. Burroughs Corp. Victo.r Lundeen and Co. lndianhead S:iiecialty Co. N. W,. Bell Tele. Co,, F.F, East .Otter Tail Tele. Co. N, W •. Bell Tele. Co. F,F. Midwest Tele, Co. Pelican Tele. Co. N. W •• Bel 1 Tele. Co. , Henning Wendell P. Huber George Olson Wendell P. Huber Fcs sen Oil Co. Service Oil Co. B. L. Bluff.ton Oil Co. Langdon 1s 210 Texaco Cy I s Pure Oil Consumer's Co-op. Oil Co,, Henning Jim's. Service Station Henning Mobil Service Farme,rs I Co-op. Creemery Assn. , D. C. Dutch's Standard Service Thomas Oil Co/ South-Mill Standard SeI"Vice Oil Co., Und. Nundahl Oil Co. Arrow Petroleum Fossen Oil Co. D,A. LubricantCo,, Inc, H. K •. Stab. 1 Co. Soliah & ,-.Braatz Oil Co. Peter. DeGrate & A.M. Christianson Stella Wifall Central Lutheran Church Herman Scott Clarence Knutson Edward A, Grunewald Gabriel Stenstrom Bernard Rollie Melvin Hovla!Cd Carl M. Peterson N. Qt.to Peterson Wallace W. Larson Carl \·/estby M, A •. Wahlstran Edna Satter Sevander Johnson Henry. :Bakken Helmer R. Larson Mre. Jennie Backstrom Elroy. Beckstrom Caspe~ T. Tollefson De 11 Kenyon: Hele,. M. Nelson Peter, DeGrote & A. M. Christianson John W. RO!hl John .E, & Theona W. Jennen Steve-n Piekarski Ansgar Eide Edward J. Webber Kenneth Skogen Edward Suchy Mrs. Emma Faber Clemens Suchy Mrs. Clara Roers Wm. J, Terfehr Harold A. Roers G. J. Kraemer Elizabeth Koep Elizabeth Dom Jostph Lamberts Karl Seeger Mrs. Helen Otto Reinhold Fridgen Harvey Becker Mrs. Adell Hartman Union Corners Church Myrl A. Crouse . Mrs, Mable South Ida Cook John Stocker Harry Lietz Roy Wender f plans l!irdge #7266 II #7267 II #727J II prints maintenance equipment supplies 011 serv.ice and ~olls II II II II II expenses II cash advanced gasoline etc. II II II and fuel oil diesel fuel fuel oil oil grease rightof wey $ 1249.92 837,74 371.73 Jl.70 40,98 23.00 1990.25 530.99 18-.50 29,40 ll.10 50.25 10.50 J.10 28.15 173.71 16.35 10.77 lJ,97 18.06 55,53 68.Jl 58.69 76 •. 10 49.51 288.27 . 55.51 138.25 135,24. 25,08 92,95 262.02 718,92 195,60 270.60 J6.91 7.00 10.20 J.00 7,50 56,.05. 12.40 25.20 l.60 JS.JO 153.10 55,,35 lOJ.60 77,40 54.80 14 •. 00 25,05 46.40 171.50 46,20 4J,20 49.20 35.40 37.00 66.10 194.50 86,00 29.80 85,40 45-78 25,25 llJ.70 14.40 lJ,!K> Jl,50 24.50 29.05 202.20 8.20 J.45 4.80 121,40 66.20 61.45 8J.20 11.80 95,75 1.00 11).00 4J.10 109,60 1.20 15.80 28,78 -=--,- '• , COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCu11n,1111r1x&CO■PANT t.CLOUD •• •· Marvin o. Seenan Albert Sachan L. Lavern Crosgrove Rudolph T. Boe Olaf Boe Hugo Krey School District #1432 Amos ·w:Jobe Leo R. KerBBen Emil Nordin Emma Anda rs an ·Harold Bendix Mrs. Agnes Bend ix Wallace Lorin Mrs. Matilda Babcock American Legion Mrs. Emma E. Ohman F. R. Steuart Plbg. & Htg. Peli~an Tele. Co. Matz & Greif Minreapolis BluePrtg. Co. Otter Tail Coop. Oils, Inc. Hoot Lake ~re Oil DATE ................... April .. .15 ............................................. 1959 .. . right of wa_y II II II II II .II II II II II n II II II II II II II II II II II II II II u II II II II II II II II II II II II II 11· II II rental of hall right of way repairs services supplies supplies gasoline II Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o 1clod!: A. M. ~ 12, 1959. Attest: Chairman. . Clerk. $ 38.20 15.98 35.00 67.JO 93.BJ 24.30 1.00 24.oo · 37.05 59.00 29.50 10.00 79.80 · 57.00 79.60 2.00 40.75 18.30 7.75 1.75 71.00 91.61 46.65 " I: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................. ~ ... 12 ................................... 19,5.9. .. . SECUIIIII PIIINJl■GCO■ .. ■T H CLODD ■11111. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETIID OF 'l'BE l!OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNl'Y, MINN. Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. May 12, 1959, all members preseit. Upon motion, the Chairman and the Auditor were authorized and directed fa and on behalf of the county to execute and ente1 into a contract with the Commiaaioner of Highways pursuant to Section 161.03, Subdivisions 26 through 29 M.S. 1953, appointing the Commissioner 6f Highways as agent for the County Of Otter Tail to let as its agent contract for construction of portions of C,S.A.B. No. 29 located between the South line of Otter Tail County, 0.75 miles SClllth of Urbank and C.S.A.H, No, 6 includini t~t part running 'through the Village of Urbank, The County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids to bli opened at 11 o'clock A.M, June 9, 1959 as follows: Grading C.P. 59:72 (CSAH 72) Length 0.5303 mi •. located approximately five mi. Northwest to five anl. lne half mi. Northweat of Battle Lake; : · · Grading and Gravelling Minnesota Project S6416 (2), Length 3,3 mi., located between the scuth line of Otter Tail County, 0. 75 mi, South of "Urbank, and County State Aid Highway No. 6, including that portion running through the Vill. of Urbank, Upon motion, the entire Board waa appointed a committee to attend a regional meeting of County Commiasioners at Fergua Falls on May 18, 1959, Upon motion, ~-C. Neaa waa granted an extension of time to October 1, 1959, to complete gravelling con.t·ract 58:G, The Board having previ011sly advertised for bids for one crawler leader, were opened and found to be as follows: Bement-Cahill Equipment Co., one Oliver 0C 126, $13,494.00 · , Ba-chert-Ingersoll, Irx:., Minneapolis, 1 Allis-Chalmers, Model BD6G $15,52.5,00 Myhra Bquipment Co., Fi!,rgo, one Case.M00;el 800 C, $14,256.00 John Peterson Eouipment Co., Willmar, 800 Case Terratrac Loader, $11,975.00 Phillippi Equipment Co., Minneapolis, oneMaiel TD-9-424, International Drott Leader, $15,248.00 Wm. B. Ziegler Co., Inc., Minneapolis, one Caterpillar No. 955 Traxcavator, with heavy duty undercarriage and 1 5/8 cubic yard si4e dump bucket, $18,371.00 Upon motion, the bid of Wm. H. Ziegler Co, for one Caterpillar Traxcavator in the sum of $18,3?1.00 was accepted for the reason that thi'8 machine would best serve the purpose for which the cauilty intellded to use it. Mr. Lucking, Atto11ney-at-law, appeared before the Board concerning culvert between Section 20 and 21 in Blowers 'lvp. Upon motion, the matter•was referred to the Ccunty Attorney. Upon motion, the entire Beard was appointed a.committee to view roads returned to townships in the 4th Commissioners District, said viewing to take place on June 1, 1959. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board ar County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,y, Minnesota: Whereas, this Beard has heretofore contracted with the Minnesota Motor Co. af Fergus Falla for one 1½ ton pick-up Model 3234 and Whereas, the same baa been delivered and accepted by the Board. Na,,, Therefore, Be it resolved that the Chairman of the Board ard tb! County Audi tor are hereby ordered ani directed to issue a check to the Minnesota Motor Co, for j1300.oo inJ)IQ'ment of said contract. Ad.opted May 12, 1959■ Attest: S. B, JOHNSON Clerk of the Bia rd. The following resolution was adopted: OTTO HAASE Chairman. Resolved by the Ba rd c£ Cau.nty Commiaaioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore ccmtracted with the Minn. Motor Co. of Fergus Fall! for one l½ ton pick-up Medel 32J4,and Whereas, the same has been delivered and accepted by the Board, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor are hereby ordered and directed to issue a check to the Minnesota Motor co. for $945,00 in paymeht of said contract. Adopted Ma,y Il2 , 1959■ Attest: S, B, JOHNSON Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: Ol'T0 HAASE Chairman. Resolved by theBoard d County Commissioners of Otter TaiiL County, Minnesota: That Chapters 37?, Laws of 1959, regulating salaries of the Otter Tail Co. official• is hereby approved as required by Chapter 368, laws of 1959, Adopted May 12, 1959. 0'l'T0 HAASE Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Chainuan. Clerk of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board c£ County Commisli. oners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Chapter 136, Laws of 1959, regulating payment of members of the Ofter Tail as required by Chapter 368, Laws of 1959. County Welfare Board is hereby approved Ad.opted Ma,y 12, 1959 ■ S. B, JOHNSON Clerk of the Board. Upon motion, the Beard then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M, May 0th. Ol'TO HAASE Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. f.CL UD NI • DATE .............. &;ii ... ].J., ..................................................... 19 .. ,59-. WEDNESDAY 1S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment, the:Board met at 10 0 'clock A. M, May 13, all members present. The resolution for the dissolution of Commo 0 n s·chool Dist · · t N 1515 parties were given an oppoi;tuni ty to speak after which the :sO:.~; .1. 8 °u· ed th wafsllt~n up for final action. All intereated • s e o owing order., to-wit: STATE 01 MINNESOTA ) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 1515 (1) C WHEREAS, The dissolution· of Common School Di· strict "o. 1515 h b u as een propoaed by: (c) A resolution adopted by the electors of said ilisti•ict at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the County ~uditor:. NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School Di~tri~~ No, 1515 be dissolved 8Jld that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: The SW½ & N 9,47 acres of Lot 4 Sec. 29 and 5½ SE¼-: Lot 5 and S 40 acres rJ: Lot 4 Sec, 29-135-39 to Common School District *1531 All Section 6-135-39 being part N of Marion Lake to Common Schoel District *1396 s; S~ction 13; all Section 24; SE¼ Section 23; Lots 3-4 & m:;} NEf.-Section 26 ond Lots 2-J-~5 & NE¼ NE;}. Section 25-135-40 and S-l SW¼ Section 18; NWl. & SW¼ 5u, ti ::J;i3 in;' 1 ff·' w½ sEJ. d siJ¼-s~ Section 19-; Lot l & W~ NE¼ 8Jld NW½ Section J0-135-39 \o Common School Di~t~ict *152.4, " 8Jl ~ s} SW¾ s·ection 7; ~ N11'¾, W¼ NW¼ & N\'it SW¼: ~ SW¼ & s~ NW¼ except and Lots 5 & 6 Section l; Section 12 except the NW¼: ~ of Section 13 . 135-40 to Independ.ent School District #552 tract to Village ~action 18-135-39 and W½ NE¼ and ~~Section 14- (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That assets and liabilities d: said Common School District No. 1515, be distributed as follows, to-wit: ' On July 1st, 1959. all monies, funds, credits, property both real and personal including taxes collec;t;ed for the yea7 1958 and prior and all obligationa of said Common School District ,ff,1515 shall be ppportioned on the pr0portion that the taxable value for taxation purposes in the territory attached to aJ1Y one district ·bears to the taxable value of all the territory involved in the dissolution of District #1515. It is further ordered that the Count:, Auditor shall make the division and apportion them .to .the following school districts in the. foll!owing percentages and manner: To Common School District #1531 -------------------8.68% To Common School District #1396 -----------,--------6.77% To Common School District ,ff,1524 ~-----------------~0.20% To Independent School District #552 ---------------24,35% (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1515 is No Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this crder is hereby fixed as the 1st. day of July, 1959, Dated this 13th. day of May, 1959, Attest: S. :S. JOHNSON County Audi tor OTTO HAASE Chairman of the :Soard of County Commissioners. The Otter Tail County Agricultural Extension Committee met with the Board after having preaented their budget. Upon motion, the budget foe tie year beginning July l, 1959 was fixed. at $18,000, 00, Commissioner Johnson voting 11No11 ·to the increase, The County :Soard of Audit submitted its report d: collections and disbursements by the County.Treasurer covering the period from Jan, l, 195B, to Beptember JO, 1958, shoiing a balance in the treasury on Jan. l~ 19~, of $1,617,599,64: collections during the period, $6,41~-.676,11; total, $8,032,275,75, Disbursements for the same period, $5,909,901.33; balance at clcse of business Sept. JO, 1958, $2,122,374.42, Upon motion, the report was approved. The application of Alvin C. Brasel was read asking for refund of personal property tax~s assessed to him on Apr. 13, 1956, in the Township of Homestead, on the ground that on Apr. 17, 1956, he moved to Wader.a County where the same property was assessed and the ta.x paid. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation tlat $26,411 be refunded to ijim, The application of G. A, Christensen for homes.taad classification on Sub Lot G and the North 25 feet d: Sub Lot H ar Government Lot l, Sec ti c,r, 11-137-43, for the year 1958, was read. Upon motion, the application was granted and. the County Auditor was im.tructed to reduce the tax accordingly, The r;pplication of M, S. McCrea for homestead classification on Lot l, Block 2, Leaf Lake Pleasure Grounds, for 1958, was read, Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordipgly, The appl:i:c~tion of N. Evf'lyn Leith'.e for homestead classification on tl:!e SE;!. NE¼ of Section 7, and the sf!-N\'I¼ and. the ~ SW¼ of Section 8-132-40 for 1958, was read, Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor was in- structed to reduce the tax accordingly, The appli~tion of M1•s, F. 0, John.s.on f~. settleme~t 0 an~~tem~nt of delinquent taxes, penalties, interest. and costs for the years 1953-4-5-6-7, on three small t.racts .in Section l?-i32-J7 was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of. Taxation that the accwnu.lated ,taxes, penalt.ies and interesj;, amounting to $331.57 be settled f.or $219.98. --COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... Ma.YU ........................................... 19.59 -· The application of Walter Monson for reduction ,in assessed valuation on the Sl:T-;} of Section 22, the h1-I¼ NW¼ except tract, S ¼ NWf.-West of County road, Sec. 17 and the E½ NE;} of Section 28-132-37 for the year 1958 on the ground that some c£ !he waste land had been assessed as tillable land was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed valuation be reduced from $1075.00 to $1035.00. The application of Donald L. Mortenson for reduction in assessed valuation on a small tract in Government LOt 2, Section 32-136-42, on the ground that much of this tract is so narrow that it has little or no value as compared to other la.keshore, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $191.00 to $125.00. The application of ,l"ohn W, Weiss for rjduction of assessed value on Lot 1, Block 2, Midway Park, on the ground that three cabins and a garage were assessed or. this Lot am also on. a back lot, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Ta..~ation that the assessed value be reduced from $10~6.00 to $603.00. The application of Mary A. Phillips for reduction of assessed valuation on Lot 17 of Hoffman's Beach, on the grow:xl that a cottage was assessed on this lot where no cottage exits, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed value be reduced from $1,q8.00 to $40.00. Th~ application of the Vergas Creamery fa reduction af assessed valuation on the~ of Lof 3 and all of Lot 4, Block 3, Original Pla,f of Vergas, for the year 1958, on the ground that the well house was assessed grossly out of lir.e, was read. Upon motion, it was reconunended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed value be reduced from $1317.00 to $1077.00, The ap-pllcati.on of Chas, W. Hite for reduction of assessed valuation on the NW¼ NW¼ and Lots 2, 3 and 4 of Section 26-1)3-40, for the year 1958, on the gI"OUlid that a clerical error cf $1000.00 was made on the field Hook carried by the assessor, was read. Upon motion, it was 1·ecOJn1Dended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed value be reduced from $3453.00 to $3120.00, The~plication of Adeline S, Nurse for reduction of assessed valuation on Auditor's liub Lot 25 c£ Govt. Lot 5, Section 1(.-137-42, for the year 1958, on .the ground that a building was erroneously assessed on this land, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed valuation be reduced from $276.00 to $60.00. The application of M rs. F. o. -Johnson for reduction d assessment on three small tracts in Section 17-132737 for the year 1958, on the grc:und that the buildings were not assessed com·,arable to similar buildings ii;i Elmo Township, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissiorer that the assessed valuation be reduced from $294.00to $208.00. The application of Robett Swenson for reduction of assessed value of ;:e rsoal property for theyear 1958 in the Township of Inman, on the grc:und that a 22 year old motor grader was assessed g1·ossly out of line, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed valuation be teduced from $333.00 to $40,00. The application of Bennett Sorum for reduction c£ assessed valuation on persoa 1 property for 1958 in the Village d Pelican Rapids, on the grow:id that the. road machinery was assessed too high in comparison to other assessments fer this class of property, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissi. ora-·that the assessed valuation be reduced from $1316.00 to $1020.00. The application of G. A. Christensen for cancellation of pers011al property taxes in the Town of Scambler for the year 1958, on the ground that he did not receive household exemption, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessment of $51.00 for household goods be cancelled. The application of LeRoy Kresien for cancellation af personal property fmr the year 1958 in Gornan Township on the ground that this is a double assessment, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to tl-e Commissioner c£ Taxation that the tax be cancelled. The application of H. D. Morrill for reduction c£ assessed valuation on road machinery for the year·:1958 in the City cf Fergus Falls on the ground tla t the assessment was out of line with other assessments in 6tter Tail County for the same class of property, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of TQX&tion that the assessed vaue be reduced from $5335.00 to $4035.00. The application c£ Alma '· M. Ti111111 for refund of penalty paid on tax on property in the Township of Ma.in was read, The application was rejected. The application of Lucille B, Lysne for reduction of assessed valuation on Lot 11, Paridale Beach, in the Town of Dane Prairie, for the year 1958, on the grounil. that th!\,ld building was valued too high to be comparable with other buildings on the beach, was read-. Upon motion, the application was rejected on the recommendation of the tcwn board. •••!!!•• see !Ind of month for "on" and "off" sale of non-i:1toxicating malt liouor licenses The foJ.lowing bills were alla.red: Russell Brooberg Do Gary Nelson Sidney Nelson Harold Sagerhom James Stewart Gaffaney1s Bettenburg, Townsend, Stolte & Comb. Vernon E. Bachman Mabel Wenstrom Henry Sieling Otto Haase Bennie J; Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Dr. C. J, Wlld Dr, Everett C. Hanson Fronk Roberts Afton C. Smith Marion R. Gill Matthew G. Sterns . Kathryn L. Michaelson Ronald Hintermeister Ruth E. Hannay bca rding prisoners expenses II II highway patrol II main. ovemauling typewriter & supplies architects fees on C.H. elev. expenses II exp. attd. mtgs. II II II coroners fees II weed insp. exp. attd.mtg. E,O,T, Soil Cons. Dist. services E,O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. work forW.O.T. Soil Cons. Dist. services W,O.T, Soil Cons. Dist • II transcripts $ 948.00 120.50 336.60 307.00 646.70 638,42 82,23 767.46 55,59 50.07 23.50 24.62 12.86 17.90 76,25 13,60 187.45 14,10 242,35 26.40 74.75 184.80 17.25 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. sr.Clll■lffP■l■TI 5COIIPA■T sr.c OUD 111■11 C,, Roger Gust~fson N, W, :Bell Tele. Co, Do . Do . Lampert Lb.r. Co. Holten Hdw.e. Swedberg Nµrse17 Marlin Reyp.olds Hintgen-Ka,st The Oscar p. Rixon Co. Wendelin Kpep Geo. Dickhaut George !arson John Hoff. Merlin S. Rieman Cliffad E,. federson Florence Horvik Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Co. Do Schoolcraft Co. Security :Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Remington ~nd Victor Lundeen ani Co. Nelson :Bro~. Prtg. Ugeblad Pu.pl. Co, Fergus Jou,rnal Co, Do . H. W, Glc,vJgen Evelace G •. Hanson Vernon E. Bachman Olga 1orvi~ Korda Clin~c Park Regio!l Meciical Center Erickson Our Own l!dwe. Fergus on: Co. United Chemical Col, Inc. Bergus Gla~s & Pant Co. Olson Auto. Electric Goodwin Jo~s Laboratories Fed.eral Iaporatories, Inc. H, W. Glorvigen Sherin m Meland. Agency Public Utilities Dept, Frank C • ;Barnes Eleanor M •. Dybdal Do . Esther G •. Sell Do N, W, :Bell Tele. Co, Artz Camera Supply Co, Secretarial Service Straub Co, Public Utilities Dept. Ruth C, Camp be 11 Philitl l•i, Kjaglien flo Adelsman Boiler Company Swans Rexall Drugs Fergus Falls, Clinic Mineral Springs Sanatorium Minnesota State Sanatorium Glen Lake Sanatorium Dr, Thos. J, Kinsella Dr. Everett C. Hanson Township r! Dunn Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Co, Geo. T. Ryan Co. The Zeco Co, Wm. R, Ziegler Co,, Inc, Minnesota Motor Co, Suhr Ford Sales Super GMC Truck Sales Larson Welding Olson Auto E1e ctric Uselman Electric Kersten Electric·, :B,L, Vaughn Chevrolet M -R Sign Co, Paper-Calmenson & Co. Minnesota Mining & Mfg, Co, State of l-!iru!!. Div. of Boiler Insp, Raymond Motor Transp, Co, Empire Supply Co, Holten Hdwe. Sigelman Hide & Fur Co, Knutson Elect·ric ~lilcox lumber Co,, Vergas Firestone Store, F. F. Village of :Battle Lake DATE....................... • .. ;i:3 .............................................. 19.-5 .. expenses mobile service and calls calls II coal supplies planting roses on c.H. grounds hauling ashes services closer Dep. Sheriff's fees and exp. II II II II II matron's fees assessment supplies supplies II register supplies II II tax wari-ants & letterheads publishing II postage II II II blood teat jail calls shells remove siren supplies II bulbs tests supplies adv, coms, to agents ins. premium hauling r:ubbish mileage expenses pea tage expenses postage servilce and calls supplies mimeographing rent water, etc. expenses II postage and mche. r"ntal service care of patient II II II II .patients .patient hospital blanks care of po<r -oarts • II II repairs II II II II signs supplies II boiler insp, freight supplies II II II II tire·s..._ wa.ter charge R & :e Revenue, Tax Forfeited $ 70.94 64.43 4,6.5 73-83 602 • .58 63.35 J4 • .50 20.00 .5.5.97 36.00 39,.50 19.00 22.40 . 312.00 . 38,30 27 • .50 .5.00 1629.81 . 20.43 .. 94;2.5 1,58.,56 324,54 613.60 68.90 . 29.00 6.00 300.93 .50.00 40,00 31.,50 28.00 .5.00 8.00 Lio ,/l-0 3,00 78,1? 9,8.5 ,5.04 10.00 4.86 11 • .5.5 389.62 106,2.5 14.oo .54.42 6.,50 82.93 7.00 1,5.70 41.09 1.8,5 50,00 2.80 8.40 99.0.5 7,00 293,65 1.2.5 20.00 79 . .50 1263,.50 .599.63 100.00 3,00 607,90 26.25 ll3,28 31.41 41.i-7,94 11.20 4,5,66 46,01 4.10 144.l.i9 8,30 2,70 35.67 907,.54 878,86 286.40 2.00 6.00 149,90 8,3.5 47,36 15,30 1.65 7.5,8.5 .5,00 ,,: ,· COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. -DATE .......................... MaY. ... JJ ........................................... 1959. .. . Fossen Oil Company West End Texaco Hoot Lake Pure Oil South Mill, Standard Bengtso.n O.il .Co. Beas Oil Co. Langdon I s Highwiv 210 Ray's Oil Compaey Service Oil Co,, Und, Mayo's Standard Service Swenson Service Cooperati~e Services, Inc. Henning Mobil Ser'lice Standard Service, Dent. Vergas Oil. Co. Nundahl Oil Co. FarmersCo-op, Creamery Assn. Soliah & Braatz oil Co;. Arrow Pet~oleum Penrose Oil Co. Kraemer Oil Co. Consumer's.Oil Cn. B.L. D. A, Lubricant Co., Inca _Mathison Drafting Supply Co. l•anneapol:l.s Blue Prtg. Co. 0 1Mearas Dept. Store Victol' Lundeen& Co. Burroughs Adding l-lche. Co. N. W, Bell,Tele. Co., F.F. East Otter.Tail Tele. Co. N. W. Bell.Tele, Co. Henn. Midwest Tele. Co. K· W. Bell-Tele. Co. F.F. Vergas Tele. Cn. Wendell P .. Huber Do Geol'ge Olson Lake Lida Eaptist Chruch Mrs. Elvira Nelson Leonard W. Sundberg Mrs. Fern. Becker Vivian South Ben Oldenettel Oscar Johnson Township of Tordmskjold Roy Bra,m and Richard Swenson Olson Auto.Electric Marchant Calculato1·s, Inc. gasoline etc. and fuel oil gre se diesel fuel II fuel oil and gas II II oil supplies repairs supplies II II sel'vice am tolls II II II II l! expenses cash advanced expinaes right cf way II II II II II II special aid right of woy repairs mai. nt. ser\•ice $ 62.09 7.06 19.79 11.52 48,94 11'7,10 13.28 49.50 35.01 47,52 52,36 106.03 46.63 4.37 83.57 75.02 383.82 7.00 290.65 58,81 · 210.65 19.59 237,65 17.01 6.79 242.bO 962.19 22.59 77,60 10.35 15,85 8.60 18.15 15. 60 95.10 ·22.60 11.00 2.05 46.50 3,45 26.55 7.80 16.80 51.65 500.00 600.00 98.55 41.00 Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M, June 9, 1959 • Attest: Licenses for 110ff11 and "On" sale of MRbel F. C:cews Harold CarpPnter M:·s. Mamie ,Shasky Paul B. Fisher Hai Reinsyma Carl Leaf Spruce LodgP Resort Limmer I s Re so rt Resort Pocahontas Beach Playmor Beach Squaw Point .{Pr4: e£.-~-· --Chairman cf the Board. non-i:1toxicating malt liquors were g!'anted as follcws: Star lake Twp. Rush Lake Twp. Rush lake Twp. DPad Lake 'Iwp. Cnrl:is s Twp, Pine Lake Twp. Glen Stamp Duane Rayl joseph Melvin Biltz Lavila O'R"v r Blaine Brincefield Cloyd E. Thcmpson G ·and View Heights North Shore Resort Sunset Beach F.ast Silent Resort Jungle Shores Camp Napanee Pine Lake !l'w,, Dead Lake Tw ,. Pine Lake Tw Da-a Twp. Corliss Twp, Gi,·a!'d Twp. r COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ■PAN ,H,CLO D,■1■11. DATE .................... /~~ ... 9. ................................................. 19.59 .. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE l!OARD OF COUll,'TY COMMISSIONERS r:ir OTTER TAIL COUNTr, MINN. Pursuant to adjournment the Board e·t t 10 • 1· k. . m a o c oc A,M. June 9, 1959, all members being present. Upon motion, Anton Ripka was authorized to renew the fleet insurance policy for the coming year. John Nelson "? peared before the Board. aaki~ for compe n:sation for moving a cottage built on the Ri t CSAH No. 9. The County Attorney ruled the county had no authority to make such· payment. gh of Way of The State of Minnesota having previously ad.vertiaed located between South line of Otter Tail County 0075 mile of Urbank andNorth line of Urbank. Bids were opened by a be as follows: Dan Conroy & Sons Sellin Bros,, Inc. for bids on behalf of Otter Tail County for constructing read South of Urbank, and CSAH No, 6; end lo~ted between South line representativeof the State HighwS¥ Department. a~ ~ere found to Rust & Dahlman-Bain Bros. 1-'arvin E, Lund $57,980.25 60,078.45 66,{!J;0.50 67,250.94 68,258,62 76,218.63 Ed Zimmerman John Dieseth Co. Upon motion by Cow.missioner Nycklema,, and seconded by Commissioner Johnson, it was voted to recommend to the Commissioner of. HighWS¥B that the bid of Dan Conroy & Sona, in the amcunt of $57,980.25, be accepted. T"ne Bea rd having previously advertised for grading Project No. 56-672-02, bids were opened and found to be. as follows: Ralph Stewart John Dieseth co. Mosbeck, Bros. $5,224.28 5,648.01 9,297,24 Upon motion, the Contract was awa,rded to Redph Stewart for tre sum cf $5,224.28. Upon motion, the Ccunty Auditor was authorized· to advertise for bids on gmding Ccunty Road No. 73 from Trunk Highway ,f/,210 to No, 29 and also bridge over the Otter Tail River two miles Nor th of Perham, balds to be opened at 11 o'clock A,M, July 13, 1959. 110ff11 and 110n11 licenses to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted as folle11 a: Russell I, Pederson Lee Reg ert Franklin Larson Oscar Peterson. Leonard Saewert A. M. Kalil Clarence Koehler Erwin Keskinen, Bay View Beach Pine lakes Lodge Big Pine Resort Star Lake Store Leora rd I a Resort Park Ridge Resort Resort, Sec. 23 Oall: Point Park The application of Art Bruns was reject!'d upon recommendation of the sheriff, Star Lake Twp. Ccr lies Twp, Pine Lake Twp. Star Lake Twp. Corlias Twp. Parkers frairie Twp. Pine Lake Twp. Otto !l.'wp. Upon motion, the salary, of Philip M, Kjaglien as County Service Officer w~s increased $200.00 per year beginning July 1, 1959. Upon motion, theCounty Nursing budge~ was approved at $14, 770,00. Upon motion, it was decided-to do the necessary roofing repairs at the brewery and s~ip, · Upon motion, all hired trucks were to receive $2.10 per hcur beginning June 1, 1959. A petition signed by a number of citizens asking the County Board to declare a hay emergency due to the freezing out of alfalfa·'.dwiing the past winter was read and, aft4ir discussion, the Board decided to take no action. Frank C. Barnes, Judge of theJuvenile Court of Otter Tail County filed notice of the appointment of Gary A. Nelson as Probation Officer for the Juvenile Court of Otter Tail County. The appointment was approved and the salary fixed at $5,000.00 per year. A plat of Second Addition to Inlet Beach on Lake Lida, and bei~ Gp art of Government Lo,t I!, Section 14-136-42, accompanied by an opinion as to title by Henry Polkinghorn, Attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Ballard's Cozv, Bay, being a part of Lot 2, Section 7-137-42, and accompanied. by an opinion as to title by Charles L. Alexander, At~orney-at!'law, was ~pproved. Upon motisn, the Sheriff was granted extension of time for the collection of delinquent personal property until the July meeting 1959. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board. of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the McCormick Farm Equipment Store for one dump truck, Medel B-176, and Whereas, the a~me has been del~vered and acceptild by this Board, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant to the McCormick Farm Equipment Store for $3,950.00, being the contract price, · Adopted June 9, 1959. Attest: S. B. JOHNSONl Clerk, OTTO HAASE Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ·························•JUllfl••-9-····················.-···················19 .. j9. The following resolution was adopt~f Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of' Otter Tai. l County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Wm. H. Z~egler Co., Inc. for one Traxcavator Model f955, and Whereas, the same has been delivered and accepted by this Board, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Cliaii-man of the Board and the County AUditor are hereby; authorized and directed to issue a warrant to the Wm, H. Ziegler Co., Inc. for $18,371.00, being the contract price. Adopted June 9, 1959. Attest: S. B • JOHNSON Cle:di: af the Board. OTTO HAASE Chairman. Commissioner Johnson offered the follow'ing resolution and moved its' adoption: RESOLUTION LOCATING AND ESTAJ!L!SHING COUt.'TY-STATE AID HIGHWAY 85 IN OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA· WHEREAS, the provisions af Chapter 943 of the Regular Session Laws far Min.,esota for theyear 1957 require the County Boards of thib State, by resolution and subject to the concurrence of the Commissioner, to establish a system of Ccu nty-State Aid Highways in accordance with the rules and regulations made and promulgated by the Commissioner cf Highways; NOW, THEREFORE, l!E IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Otter Tail Councy, Minnesota, prusuant to the provisions and requirements of Chapter 943 of the Regular Session laws for Minne bota for the year 1957, does hereby locate, establish and designate County State Aid Highway 85, as· follows: Beginning at a point approximately at the iast Q.uarter corner of Section 34-Tl36N-R42W, thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: Fr0111 said point of beginning extending Northerly along or near the East line of Section 34 to approximately the Northeast corner of Section 34, thence Easterly along the North line of Section 35 to approximately the Northwest corner of the NE;¼-of the NE;¼-of Section 35, thence Northerlf, along or near the East forty line thr~ SP.ctions 26 @Dd 23 to approximately a point 3~0 feet East of Lake Lida, thence Northeasterly around the shorP. of Lake Lida to a point approximately 700 feet West of the Southwest corner of the NW¾ of the NW¼ af Section 2h, thence Easterly along or near theEast and West Sixteenth line to a point approximtely at the Southeast cormr of the NE&· of the NW¼ af Section 24, thence Northerlt, on or near theNorth and Sc.uth quarter line thro'!J4ih· Sections 24,· 13 and 12 to a point approximately 732 feet South of the interior quarter corner of Section 12-Tl36N-R42W, where same intersects with CSAH #4, and there terminating. Approximately 5.2 miles· 14ngth. l!E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Highways be, and he hereby is, requested to approve the above description as a County-State Aid Highway as filed with the Councy Auditor. Commissioner Moi'rill seconded ttle motion for the adoptilln Qf the resolution. The question was then on the adoption of the resolution and upon roll call, was duly passes and adopted: whereupon the Chairman declared said resolution duly passed and adopted and ordered the same entered in the minutes of the Board. Adopted this 9th, d~ of June, 1959. Ai.test: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. OTTO HAASE? Chairman. WHEREAS, the County Board ct: Otter Tail County, b,yresolution on April lh, 1959, revoked the designation of sorre County Aid Roads, which were returned to the tow11ships and villages, and WHEREAS, in some townships the County Board designated some new roads into its system of highweys,ard ·WHEREAS, the County Board has made a visual in~ection ard carP.ful analysis of the system of revocation and redesignation of highways, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the amr,unts to be paid to tm respective townships and villages, because ~f the action taken by; the Board of County Commissioners on April 14, ·1959, shall be, as follcw e: Townships Deer Creilk Elmo Inman P~rkers Prairie Village Deer Creek Parkers Prairie tmount !t450.oo 270,00 2700.00 675.00 ~ 900.00 900.00 The Councy Audita-is hereby authorised to issue checks in pll¥Jllent:of the above. Adopted this 9th. day of June, 1959, Attest: s. B. JOHNSON Auditor. OTTO HAASE Chainnan. ..... ~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... i!.une ... 10 ....................................... lg.5.9 .. . PAIIT, ,C D,11 1111, Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clpck A. M, JUJle lOtb; WEDNESDAY IS SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, All members being presert. The petition of Peter T. Lien asking that t-he s} NE,l of Section IJ..l -4 • . District No. 1446 was t'ead and it was oroered that a hearing on said !tit~l ~ be set off 1ro'!l District No, 1413 to and that due notice of the time Bild place of said hear in..-be ,.iv n p :0n e held at. 10 o'clock A.M, ,Julyl4, 1959, . ..., 0 e as required by law. The petition of Palm,~r Haarstad asking that too NA ,,..,.1. of Sect· 21J..1., , .. D. t · t N 1446 ad nd · 2" ,,.,. ion -· J1-.. 3 be set off from Distri'ct N 141'> t is i·ic o. was re a it was ordered that a hearing OTJ said pet• t • b h 0 • J 0 and that due notice of the time andplace of said hearing be g;ven as re~u::d ~ ~e. at lO o'clock A, M, July, 14, 1959, I,t appearing to the satisfaction cf th :e 1 t • th F F · He · ~ard that the plumbing at the county jail was in need of extensive repairs, upon mo ion, e ergu.s alls Plumbing and eating Co, was ordered to make the p.ecassary repairs, The Crunty Auditor was authorized to advertise far boat, motor and trailer to carry boat and water safety equipmeht, specifications to be furnished him by the Sheriff, Upon motion, the sheriff and d.epu.ties were' authorized to buy sUDillier trowsers and shirts, A petition signed by n number of officials asking for Saturd~ closing was presented to the Board. u Bea rd denied the petition. pen motion, the i:-ead, The applicl:ltion of George E. Wienbar for homestead classification on Upon motion, the application was granted a~.d the County Auditor was Lot 9, Block 3, Cutler's 4th. Addition, was instructed to reduce the 0 tax accordingly. The application ?f John B. Tho~nnes ~or homestead clti ssifica tion on the South 75 • of the North 1501 of Let 2. Block 10, Lake~iew Addi~ion to the Vill.'lge of Parkers Prairie, was 1·ead. Upon motion, the application was granted and the Ccu nty Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly, · · The_ application of \·/arren Krueger for homestead classification on Lots 6 & 7 .and the SE 15 • of Lot 8, Block 16, Original Plat, Pert-am Village, was read, Upon motion, the application was granted 'and the County Auditcr was instructed to reduce· t~ tax accordingly. The application of Lloyd C.Nelson for homestead classification on the \-lest 60 acres of Lot 4 and of the HEt excep; flowage and:the North 25 rods of the NWt,-:and of Lot 3, Section 29-i34-42, was read. Upon motion, the application was granted and. the County Audi tor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly. The a~plic~tion of Alma H. Kastet for homestead classification on the SW;} NW¢ of Section 5-134-11-4, was l'.ead• Upon motion, the _application was granted and the CountyAuditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly, The application of Donald D. Elshaug for homestead classification on Lot 4, Block 10, Finkle & White's Addition to the City of :Fergus Falls, was read. Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Audi tor was instructed to reduce the ~ax accordingly, · The application of Harold Kiminke for homestead classification on the of' the North 2291 of Lot 11, Wm. V. Smith's Addition to New Yorlc Mills, was granted and :the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly, The application of Mrs.J. H. Strandjorc! for ·reduction of assessment on Upon Motion,· the application was recommended to the Commissioner of' Taxation exemption ha:d been allowed. East 85 1 of the West 135 1 cf the South 1231 read. Upon motion, the application was ' . perosnal property in the Town of' Dunn was read. for approval on the ground that no household The application of Morgan Jorgenson for correction of persol'.al property assessment in the Town of NOl'wegian Grove, w~s read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissione:r of Taxation that the application be granted for the reasoh that too la~ge a number of cattle hwi: been_assessed 't~ h~m. The 'application of George Logas for reductfon of assessed ·.val'.uation on the South 501 of' Res. C of A~ended Plat of Haggstrom1s 'Beach was reed.. Upon motion, it ·was recomme'ncfed to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application _be granted on t_he ground that the cottage was not starteil i11~til aff:er ~-ay 1, 1958. The application of Herman 1-la.'!gerin for reduction of assessed value on Lot 1, Block 1, exedpt the East 401, S,McW. LoeJ!1n1s Addftion to Parkers Prairie Village was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxat_ion that the ap~lication 1e granted on the ground that the building was out of line with other buildings in the village. The application of Giant Iii. Jensen for reduction of assessed value on Lot 26, P1easa.n t Grove, in the Town of Amer, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application.be granted on the gro'und that an er o.r· was uade in tI·ansferring va~uation from resurvey sheet to field book. The application of' Leonard E dahl i'or reduction of assessed value mn Lot 1, Section 23-134-38, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissibner ofTaxation that the application be granted on the grru. nd that a house had been erroneously :assessed on this property. The. application <!Harold 0, Lyng for reductioD: of assessed valne on Lot 3 of Burau Beach,, Township of Dane Prairie, was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the applicationpe granted due to an excessive as:sessed value on a lron-tp boat house, The application of Gust Hogberg for reduction of assessed vaiue on Lot 1, BrcBdwater Beach, Township of Du~n, was read. Upon motion, it was 1-ecoinmended to the Commissioner of TaXation that the application be granted on the ground that the cot.-tage was assessed on this description as well as on an adjoining tract in Section 7 a-i ned by him, The application of Robert 1-r.Johnson for reducti. on cf _assessment o~ tlie NE¢ SW½ cf ~ecti..on 3-136-36 for the y_ear 1957, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of' TaXation that the application be granted on the ground that buildings, not existing, were erroneously assessed on this property • COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... •·•·••••••••••.jUft&••lQ.••·•••••••••··••••••• ••••·••r···········•••····•l9.i;9 ... The application ar Robert 11. Johnson for reduction of asseBBment on the ~ SW¢ of Section J-1J6-J6 for the year 1958, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the grcund that buildings, not existing, were erroneously assessed on this property. The application of Art l'lalvatnJror reduction of valuation on Lpt J am! 4, Section J4-1J4-41, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the CoDDissioner of Taxation tlhat a reduction or $loo. 00 true and full value be granted. The applica1tion of W. B. Baars tick for homestead classification on Lot 4, Sec ti. on 23, · and Let J and the Wi NJ:k SW!, Section 24-135--43, was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected on recommendation of the town baird and bhe County Assessor. Tha applicatl. on of Clarence Miller for cancellation of a protion of the 1958 assessment on land sold by him to the State of Minnesota in No~ember, 1958, was rejected. The application of the Underwood Farmers' Supply for reduction of assessed valuation or personal property in 'the Village of UIXierwood was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected on the recommendation of the Village Council. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Beard of County Commissioners r£ Otter Tail County, Mirue sota: That the sum of $300.00 be hereby paid from a former appropriation to the East Otter Tail Soil Conservation Committee, and that the Auditor and Chairman are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant to the treasurer of said di. strict. Adopted June 10, l959• Attest: S. B. JOHNSON CleJk: of the Board. The following bill~ were allo, ed: Russell Brooberg Do Gary Nelson Sidney Nelson Harold Sagerhorn James Stewart Cooper's Office Supply Ga ffaney1s Addressograph-Multigraph Gust Lagerquist & Sons, Inc. Vernon E. Bachman Do He1)17 Sieling otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Sam Nyci:lanoe Mrs. Elvin Ania.son Erne st Herting Robert Molter Dr. Earl E. Bigler Emil Boen Frank Roberts Kathryn L. Michaelson Ronald Hintermeister Harry Burau Marion R. ftill Afton C, Smith West Publishing Co, Ru th E, Hen.nay i. ·Earl' Wi11liams John L. Bixby '.Do ~ger GusiP.. fso n N. W. Bell Tele. Co. Do Do Erickson Hdwe. Holten Hawe.· Industrid.Elec6ronics John Frantz So. Mill Standard Oren Fosse John Hoff Jim Kimmes Edwin Ala Harold V. Nelson aulius Peltoniemi Mei!in S. Rieman John G. Stine Allen D. LaValley Rollie Schaller OTTO HA.ASE Cheirnan. boarding prisoners expenses Dep. Sheriff's expenses II II II highwa,y patrol II II overhaul ty-pewri ter II II inspection service 11 Court Hol:S e elevator jxpenses cash advanced expneses II II II exp. attd. agr. ext. com. II II II II 11 II II II II II coroner's fees exp. & salary weed 4' seed insp. II 11 11 II II clerical work in w.o.T. Soil Cons. services W. ·o. T. Soil Cons. Dist. exp. W.O.T, Soil Cons, Dist. services E,O,T, Slil Cons. Dist. attd. meeting E.O.T. Soil Cons. statutes, etc. transcripts Mun. Judge's fees expenses (April) II (~fv) II calls II mobile service supplies II II sharpening lawn mower gasoline, etc. Dep. Sheriff's Exp. & Fees II 11 11 II II II II II II " " " II II II II II II II assist. Dep. Sheriff II II II . II II " II " " Office $1049.00 1.52. 10 371.20 330.70 210.93 299.81 10.50 2?,50 30.75 38.00 16.85 17.50 55.54 Jo.so 31.10 10.90 8,L1Q 4.48 .84 12.66 238-5? 202,99 80.63 173.80 7.50 146.15 14.10 39.50 40.20 2z,.oo 114.83 91.02 109.47 64.45 18,55 · 115,76 1.50 1:3.26 53.50 4,00 J.11 18.40 145.60 11.00 13.00 5.00 J.00 · 21.00 10.00 .5.00 5.00 · -- : 0 COMMISSIONERS RECORD O,· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Mrs. Irene Erickson Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Co. Miller-Dav·i:B Co, p SPcurity Blank Book & rtg. Co. The Geo. D.· F.arnard Co. The Pierce ·Co. Schoolcraft· Co. Roughton Mi·fflin Co. Remington Rand Panama Carbon Co. Indianhead ·Specialty Co, Farnham Sta•ty. & School Supply Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Da.venpart1s· Stationery Nelson Bro&, Prtg. Co, Perham Enterprise Bulletin Vernon E. Bachman E·,elace G. Hanson Johnson Drugs Goodwin ,Jos•s· Laboratories Elizabeth Dueker H. W. Glar vigen . Olson-Enstad Larson, Inc. Farmers & Merchants Agency, N.Y.M. Anderson Ins. Co. Am. Legion Post f508 Am. Legion Aux. Paul Putn11n Post 11289 Paul Putnam· Post /"289 Aux. Adamson-Norman Post #JO Adamson--1brman Post #JO fUX• Disabled Am.Veterans 125 Disabled America Veterans f25 Aus. Harol,d· T. Swenson Post #612 Harold T. Swenson Pcs t 11612 He.ilmerl Pm t *148 Chas. D. Center Ptat fJ289 Esther D. Sell Do El,,ancr M. Dy:bdal Do E. Otter Ta·il Tele, Co. Philip l-1. Kjaglien Ruth C Campbell Philip Mr K~aglien Straub Company N. \'I, Bell IJlele. Co. Public Util•ities Dept. United States Pencil Co., Inc. Rintgen-Karst Elec. Co. Victor Lumeen & Co. Lawrence Merz 1-linnesota S·\lte Sanatorium City rf Fergus Falls Poor Dept. Mineral Springs Sanatorium Fergus Falls Clinic Swe.ns Rexall Drugs Village cf New York Mills :Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. The McMullen c~. Phillippi!· Equ:i-pment Co. Read Mac:1 inery & Supplies Co. Geo. T. R;y-an Co. Ruffridge-Johnson Equipt. Co. Wm. H. Ziegler Cc,, Inc. The Zeco Co. Paper, Calmenson & Co. Suhr-Ford Sales, Inc, Minneso'a Met or Co. McCormick Fann Store Larson Welding Agricultural Services, Inc. A. J. Ma11uen Co. Empire Supply Co. Hintgen-Karst ilec. Co. Natioral Bushing & Parts Co. Holten Hdwe. Bredahl Implement Co, Cea st to Cut Store, B. L. Wilcox Lumber Co. North~ooi Specialty Co, Bauck Chevrolet Co, lllatz & Greiff Sigel.man Hide & Fur Co, Firestone Store, F. F, Fossen Oil Co, South Mill Standard Hoot Lake Pure Oil Leg Cabin Sertlce DATE ... ···················•jQ,ne ... 1p ............................................ l9.~9 .. matron blanks supplies II register clasp envelopes supplies II II II II mounting board supplies clasp eiwelopes envelopes & prtg, tax notice postage II supplies test special rmrse for prisoner adv. come. to l:ic. agts, insurance premium II 11 II II decorating graves II II , II II. II II II II II expenses postage exi;enses pO'lltage calls & service expenses postage 11 & mche. rental rent service and calls water, etc. penciU hot plate. supplies tearing down: bldg. on brewery site care cf patients care of poo· care of JBtient 11 11 II 11 II care of pocr parts II II II II II cut ting edges repairs II II II supplies II II II tires gasoline II II II $ 5.00 '5,77 131.77 · 18.22 151.46 · J6.62 113.10 141,73 8J,45 · 36,70 6.24 20.00 · 60.64 6.20 52.40 6.00 67.10 60.00 2.10 · 5.00 24.oo 13.90 52.44 1c.J2 73.73 20,00 9.50 25.00 25,00 25,00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 16.00 20,50 74.42 12.00 75.27 8.00 10.65 · 92,68 5.00 4~00 50.00 17.40 2.69 8.08 9.95 11.75 458-34 1862. 00 P.9,51 272. 18 16.50 1.50 2061.90 101,54 54.72 15.53 J48,76 311.22 25.72 1255.75 10.~ 102.70 354.42 18.10 6.J4 19.75 201.90 42.02 148.98 29.62 7,41 21,58 3.10 16,72 2.!i,79 4J.20 28,95 lJ,60 35.28 189.19 92,.97 106.14 56,63 61.65 I: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. JUJB 10 59 DATE .............................................................. , ........... · ....... 19 ...... . u ".. co■•AIIT ,. C ova. ■INII, Gemlo Oil c·o .. Jim 1e Service Station Service Oil° Co., Und. Henning Mob:il Service Nundahl Oil Co. Highway Campa~ Consumer's _Coi,op. Oil Co., B. L. Dan•a Te11&co·~rvice Service on: Qo., B. L. gasoline ! II II II II ! II II Standard Oi;L,'Co., B. L. 11 and diesel fuel Arr~ Petro,l:"8UIII Penrose Oil Co. Bluffton Oil Co. D, A, Lubl;'_i.cant Co. H, K, Stahl, Compaey John Delaney · Obert Woll Village of-~eMing State of Mi~n. Div. of Boiler Insp. Minn, ,Stat~ Highway Dept. Const~uctiop. Bulletill!' Public Utillties Dept. H. A. Roge;s Co. Minneapolis.Blue Prtg. Co. Indianhead Specialty Co. Poucher Prtg. & Li tho, Co, Victor Lur.deen & co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co." Pelican Tel~. Co. F,F. N •. W. Bell Tele. Co., Henn. Do, . F. F. Wendell P. Huber G, D,Harl aw· George Olso;, Wendell P. Huber Emma A. Stortroen Mrs. Martha. Lill Ferd Hockert John H. McGrane . James G, Dr~chsel Charles Mal~strom Lee Chrvrol~t Co. Vergas Rd.we: Co. Brown's Imp~~ment Co. Zeco Compaey,: \'Im, H, Zieg;J,P r Co., Iri.c. Dahms Photo Print Co. Midwest Tele. Co. East Otter Tail Tele. Co. Village of ~eer Creek Village of palton Vergas Oil Co. Langdon's 210 Texaco Ser. Twpl of Au~al diesel fuel II II oi_l andgrease II II gravel garage rent inspection services etc. ~·. for b.ids garbage disposal supplies · II II printed forms supplies service and tolls expenses II II II II 11m cash advm ced right of way 11 11 II 11 II II • 11 II repairs II auppll.!)S II II parts prints II II II II service and tolls II 11 11 garage rental II 11 gasoline II aid Upon fiotion, "':,::~. "'"" ~'J:;; withwt dato. ,BJ~\. Cl '--- OTTO HA.ASE Chainnan. $ 9.18 61.10 26.34 h2 •. 67 . ~1.20 . 89.75 110.50 ?2.66 255.15 215.62 1056.57 l!;0.60 137,17 32~-90 37.24 34.20 195,8.6 150.00 8.00 57,68 41,70 7,50 12.44 29.14 9,78 ,l.26.05 226,45 36.65 8,05 _ 17,00 47,20 151.58 :..2g.53. 1i9.75 8.46 28.40_ 59.75 70,30 21.00 1.00 3,75 10.40 30Hl7. 6.00 . 176.60 312.87 33.15 9.25 11.97 210.00 90.00 153.02 11,64 500.00 ---- ,_ COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . HcUIITTPlll■IIHEoG,&111,n.cLOuD.111R11.@ . DATE ..................... J.uly ... 13 ......................................... 19 .. 59.. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF Ol'TER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pu.reuant to statute the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. July ]J, 1959, all members being present. Upon motion, i~ was decided to require the approval of the Soil Conservation Committees on all applications made by the State cf Minnesoa fer the acquiei tion of lands for wild life purposes. A plat of Comstoc~ Beach, being a part of ~ct 1 of Section 26-i33-39, including Look-away Lidge, a reviously recorded plat, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed bv Thomae S Donoho Attorney t 1 p d • . • . , .,.a -aw, was approve • A plat of Wenonga Beach Addition located in Lot 3, Section 27-133-40, accompanied by an opinion as to title, executed by Elliott O. Bee, Attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Madison Beach, la: ated in the NW¼ Sl% and Gar t. Lots 1, 2 and 3, Section 10-132-40, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Thomae S, Donoho, Attor.ney-at-law, was approved. A plat af Linda Beach located in Lot 1, Sec ti. on 15-132-40, and accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Thomae S. Donoho, Attorney-at~law, was approved. BE IT RESOLVED by the County BCJ&rd (County Commissioners) cf Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That th? duly es~blished and designated Coun.ty State Aid Highway No. 73 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota which begins at a point approximately at the Southwest corner of Section 17-Tl32N-RJ6W, being a junction with COJ.nty State Aid Highway No. 40; thence along the established centerline af the public read described as follows: From said point of beginning extending Northerly along or near the West lines of Sections 17,, 8 and 5 to approximately the Southwest corner of the wi of the NW¼ of Section 5: thence Northeasterly to approximately the South quarter co1·ner of Section 32-T133N-R36W; thenc: Northerly along or near the North and South .quarter line through Sections 32, 29, 20, 17, a· and 5-Tl33N-RJ6W, Sections 32, 29, 20, 17-T134N-RJ6W, to approximately the interi~r qu~:t:~er corner of Section 17-T134N-RJ6W, being a junction with Trunk Highway No. 29, and there-terminating, and whoa~ general -~ourse in the South Half of the Se!, of Section 17-T133N-R36W, the NEk-cf the SE;} aud the S*-rf the NW¼ of Sec ti onB-TlJ3N-R36W. except tract, the SW¼ of the 1ml cff Section 8-T133N- R36W, The East 165 feet of the North 165 feet of the SE¼ of the NW}-cf Section 8-T133N-R36W, the NW¼ of the NE¼ and the ~ of the NW¼ of Section 6-T133N-RJ61"1, the NW;} South of Ti.··H. ,JJ,29 arr:l Section 17-T134N-R36W, is as follows: .. Beginning at the South Q.uarter corner of Section 17-T13JN-R36W, thence North 0°001 Ea.st along the North and SOJ.th Quarter 1-ine for 1,285.3 feet and the re terminating. Beginning at the Southeast corner of the NWi of the SW¼ cf Section 8-T13JN-RJ6W, thence. Northerly along the Nort):I. and Seu th Quarter line of said Section 8 to the North Quarter corner of Section 8 m.d there terminating. · That it is necessary for the safety of the public travel and for the proper mainienance of said -road that it be so altered and changed; That an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed for the purpc.se cf so altering said County State Aid Highway No. 73 in said sections aforesaid; That: the general course of said County State Aid HighwS¥ No. 73 is not materially altered thereby; That the said Easement so to be procured is fa· public highway am road pru.poses, that the same shall be lreated, lie, be and run as hereil".after described; That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road al".d fer the safety of public trS11el that additional right of way be procured to enable the construction of proper slopes and that an easement be procured.to construct cel'tai. n slopes ai:d to maintain the same after the construction as provided in the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Highway Engineer at the Court liouse in the City of Fergus Fal le, M:l:nre sota, the specific places wl:ere said slopes are to be constructed, being particularly here. nafter described, that such easement for such construction of slopes cease on 01• before December Jl, 1960. That it". is necessary for the construction aid maintenance of said road and far tre safety of public travel that an easement for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public hi&lway pruposes, and upon the lands adjoining the same; That the lands so to be taken for public highway and road P"ll'poses and subjected to easement as aforesaid, are situated in the State af Mir.neeo,ta, and the County of Otter Tail and described as folliw s, to-wit: PA·RCEL NO. l A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The S, of the SE¼ of Section 17-T13JN-RJ6W, said strip being all that part lying i,lithin a distance df 50 feet on the East side of the following descriiled centerline: beginning at the S½ corner of Section 17-T13JN-R36W, thence North 0°001 East along the North and Saith Quarter line far 1,285.3 feet and there terminating. Excepting therefrom right af way of existing highway. Containing 0.47 acre, more ar lees. Also an easement to coistruct slopes which shall cease.on or before December Jl, 19£:0 on the following described tract: A strip of land 50 feet wide on the Fast side of the 1·cadw~ beginni~ at a point 100 feet Nor~herly d. f b · · · the c:,_l of the sE,!;. of Section 17-T1JJN-R36W, thence Northe~"ly 900 feet and there terminating. o eginning in '7 ,, . . 'th to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the out.er line af. said strip to be parallel therewi • the point Said strip --· COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................•............. J.ul;y. .. l.J ............. ;····················1~9 ... . PARCEL NO. 12 A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The NE;¼-of the SW¼ and the ~ of the NW¼ of Section 8-TlJJN-RJ61f except tract,q said strip being all. that part lying within a distance of .50 feet .on the West aid~ of the following described centerline: beginning at the Southeast corner of the NW¼ of the SW¢ of Section 8-TlJJN-RJ6W, thence Northerly along the North and South Quarter line to the Northeast corner of the sE;¼-of the NW¼ af Section 8 and there terminating. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highway. Containing 1 acre, more or leas. PARCEL NO. 14 A strip of land extending over am across the following described tract: The SW¼ of the NE!. of Section 8-TlJJN-RJ611, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of .50 feet on the Easterly side of the following described centerline beginning at the interior Quarter corner of said section 8, thence North on the Na-th and South Quarter line to the Northwest corner of the SW¼ of the NEk-of Said Section 8 and there terminating. Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highway. Containing 0 • .52 acre, more or less. PARCEL NO. 1.5 A strip of land extending over Wld across the following described tract: The Ea.st 16.5 feet of the North 16.5 feet of the S~ of the NW¼ of Section 8-T1JJN-RJ6W, f'! said strip being all that part lying within a dietance df .50 feet on the Westerly side of the following described center- line: beginning at t~ Nortl;teast corner of the SJ:k of the NWf af Section 8-TlJJN-RJ6W, thence South on the North am South Quarter line a distance of 16.5 feet and· there terminating. I Excepting theref_rom right of way c£ existing highway. Containing 0.06 acre, more or leas. PARCEL NO. 16 A strip of landextending over and across the following described tract: The NW¼ of the NEk-and the NE;¼-of the NW¼ of Section 8-T]3JU-RJ6W, said strip being all that part lying within a distal".ce of .50 feet on each side of the following described centerline: beginning at the Soart;hwest corner of the NW¼ c£ the Nli:k, of Section 8-T-lJJN-RJ61'1, thence North on the Na-th and South Qp.arter line to th! North Quarter corner of said Section 8 and there terminating. Excepting therefrom right of wa7 of existing highway, Containing 1.02 acre, more or less. Also an easement to construct al~pes which shall cease on or befcre December Jl, 1960 on the foll0ting described truct: A strip of land 2.5 feet wide on the \'lest side of the road.way beginning at the point of beginning, thence Northerly l,J4.5 feet and tl'e re terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said radway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 2.5 feet wide on the East sid.e of. the 1"oadw9¥ beginning at a poi nt 6JO feet North of the point af beginning, theix:e Northe:il;y 71.5 feet and there teim inating, Said strip to adjoin the au tside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be paralle 1 therewith. That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire said easement across ed.ditj)onal lands aforesaid for public road and highway puw.poses; to acquire said easement and 1&dditional right a way for construction and slppes, as aforesaid: and to, acquire said easement for erection of snow fences, end let the sane forthwith duly be begun and prosecuted. Dated this 13th. day of July, 19.59. Attest: S. :B. JOHNSON, Ccu nty Auditor By the :Beard of. County Commissioners of OTTER TAIL COUNTY OTTO HAASE, Chairman. :BE IT RESOLVED by the County :Board (Crunty Commissioners) rJf Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the duly established and designated County State Aid Highwa,y No, J in Otter Tail County, Minnesota which begins at a po"int approximately 1,452 feet South of the Southeast corner of Section J2-TlJ4N-R42 W; thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of begiMing extending Northerly along or near the East line ct: Section .5-T1JJN-P.42W and Sections J2, 29 am 20 ti1 the East Quarter corm r of Section 20-TlJ4N-Rli2W; thence Northwested y th-Dough .Section 20,and continuing Northeasterly thrcu.gh Section 17, Northeasterly and Uorthwesterly through Section 16 to approximately the Northwest corner of Section 16; thence Mortherly along or near the East lines of Sections 8 and .5-T1J4N-R42t1; thence to approximately theEe,st QJarter corner of Section 5.tT1J4N-R42tl; thence llorthwesterly through i. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IRdllff F■ilfiii HUNN♦• it. ecaua, iirNR. ea,, DATE ................ i!)tl,Y. .. J.J. ................................................... 19 . .5.9. .. Section 5-T134N-R42W; thence Northwesterly and Northeasterly throu h s · ti · T east correr of Section J2; thence continuing along or near the East li~~s ~; ~:-~35N-R42W to approximately the North- the Northeast corner of the Southeast Q.uarter of the Southeast Q.ua t f S _ctions 29, 20, 17 and B to approximately Westerly through Section B, and Northwesterly through Sections 7 a:de6 ~ ectio~ B-Tl35N-R42W; ·thence Northwesterly anl Section 6-TlJ5N-R~2W; thence continuing Westerly along or near the East ~?~;~x mately thl: ir.tei·ior quarter corner of thence continuing Westerly thrc:u.gh Sections 1, 2 ard J, TlJ5N-R4JW to a ~ . t Quarter line. through Section 6-TlJ5N-R42W: J-TlJ5N-R4JW, and there terminating, and whose general course in the S~~tho~~;teiy the .interior quarter corner of Section 2-TlJ5N-R4JW, except tract, and the Sru therly one hur.dred rods of the South t oQuatre. North ea.st Quarter !)f Section Sub Lot 1, is as follows: eas rterof Section B~TlJ5N-R42W, except Beginning at the East Quarter corner of Section 2-T1J5N-R4JW, thence South a90 51 ·, .• deflect to the right on a 1 °. curve (Delta Angle 6050·1) for a distance of 683 ·:/ f ~es\ fa-a dis.ance of 455. 6 feet, thence a:,•451 West for a distance a1: 4!19.2 feet, thence deflect to the left on a o• ee D \ ence on tangent to said curve North 429,h feet, thence on tangent to said curve South 1330221 West for a distan~ c:-v;5: ;1ra ~ng~ 12°53') _for a \lisJ;ance of on a 1 o_ cur:ve. (Delta Angle 6039,) f/liJ•r a distance of 39 feet and the re termi:ating. • ee ' ence deflect to the right ' . Beginning at the Southeast corner distance of 1,215.1 feet,. thence there tenninating. of section 8-TlJ5N:i;,R4211, thence North aJ.ong the section line North 20:,71 We~t f~r· a deflect to the left on· a 6° curve(Delta Angle 57°38,1) for a distance ;er 465,8 feet ard That i!, is necessary_ for the safety of the public travel and for the pr,oper. maintenance f id altered end changed; o sa road that it be so That an easement acr.oss additional lands hereafter described is needed for .the purpose at so altering said County State Aid Highw3¥ No. J in said sections aforesaid; That the general course of said County State Aid Highway No. 3 is not materially altered ther~by That the said Easement so to be procured is for public highway and road pu~poses, 1hat the s~e shall be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter described: That it is necessary, for the construction and maintenance of said road·~ fo-; the safety of public travel that addd.tional. right of W3¥ be, pro.cure~ to .enable the constructi.on rf proper slopes ~nd ,that an easement be procured to construct certain slopes and to maintain the same after the constr~ction as provided in the plans am specifications on file in, th.eoffice of the County Highway Engineer aj; the Courthouse in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the specific places where said slopes ai'e to be constructed, being parti.cularly hereinafter described, that such casement for such construction of. slopes cease on or before December 31, 1969. That it is necessary for the construction and naintenance of said rca. d and for the safety of public travel that Bl easement for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public highway p1uposes, and upon th_e lands adjoining the same; That the lands so tp be taken for public highway and road purposes and subjected to e~sement ~s· aforesaid, are si~mted in the State of Mi!!Ill sota, and the County of otter Tail and described as foll.a-Is, to-wit: PARCEL NO. 2 A strip of land ext_ending over and across. the follow.i:ig described tract: The ~ of the NEt of Section 2-TlJ5N-R4JW, except tract: said strip being:•all that part lying within a d.istance of 50 feet on each side of the following described centerline: beginning at the Fast Q.iarter corner of Section 2~135M-R4JW, tt\ence South 89°251 West for a distance of 455.6 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 1° curve (Delta Ar,e;le 6°50') for a distance of 683.3 feet, thence on tangent to said curve North 83°451 West for a distance of 4~.2 feet, thence deflect to the left on a 3° curve (Delta A,gle 12°531) for a distance of Li29.4 ,feet, thence on tangent to said curve South 83°22.!· West for a distance 0£ 559, 7 fe~t, j;hence detlect to the right on a 1 ° curve (Delta Angle 6°381) for a distance cf 39 :Ceet end the re tel!!I ira ting. Excepting therefrom right c£ way of existing highway, containing 2. 7 acres, more 01· less. Also an easement to com truct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1960 op the following described tract: A strip of lard 15 feet wide on t\l.e North side of the roadway beginning at a poin,t 1,668 feet Westerly of the point of beginning in theSoubh Ralf of the NE;¼-of Section 2-T1J5N-R43W, and Westerly for a d.istance of 140 feet and there terminating, Said strip to adjoin the o\llt:lidc line of said rcadway and tpe, outer line, of said strip t·o be parallel therewith, PARCEL NO. 2J A strip of lam extending over and across the following deBcribed tract: The Southerly one hundred rods of the· SE;} of Section 8-T135N-R42\·/, except Sub Lot 1, said strip being all that part lying within fifty feet on the Westerly side of the following described. centerline: beginning-at the Southeast correr of Section 8-Tl35N-R42W, thence North along thesection line Morth 2°371 \'/est for a distance of 1,215.1 feet, thence deflect. to the left on a 6° curve (Delta Angle 57°38 ') for a. dist~ce of h65.B feet ard there termirating, and also all of the above described t1·act lying Eastel'ly of ,the above nescribed centerline., Excepting therefrom right of way of existing highway. containing 1.18 acres, more-of less. Also an easem,mt to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1960 on the following described tract: A strip of land 60 feet wide on the West side of the roadway beginn.ing at a point 1,256 feet Northerly of the point Of b · • · th s th ,,.. n hundred rods cf the SU of Section 8-T1J5N,.Rh2W, excep,t Sublot 1, thence Northerly and eginning in e ou e1..., o e i. • th t 'd 1 . f 'd rca. dway and the Northwesterly a distance of 350 feet and there ter.minating •. Said strip to adjoin e ou s1 e ine o sai COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... Ju..1-~ .. JJ-............................... , .................... 195-9-.. . outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had allil prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire said easement acroBB additional· lands aforeaaid for public 1road and highway ~r.poses: to acquii'e sal. d easement and additional right of way for construction anci. slopes, as afcresaid; and to acquire said easement for erection cf sncw fences, and let the same.forthwith duly be begun and prose€uted. Dated this ~-day cf July, 1959. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON, County Auditor By the Bea rd of Crunty Commissioners of OTTER TAIL COUI~Y OTTO HAASE, Chairman. The Board having previously advertised for bids for grade and gravel on CS.il.H No. 7J located between T.H. No. 210 and T,H. No. 291 proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Glad.en Bros. Hust & Dahlman-Bain Bros. 1-!ar,,in E, Iund Kahlstorf Const. Co. Russet Const. Co. John Dieseth Co. Minnerath Const. Co. Bemidji Clarissa Glenwoad Lake Gecrge Elbow Lake Fergus Falls Cold iipring Upon motion, the contract was awarded to Gladen Bros. for the sum of $~,226.91.1. $64,226.94 66,6Jl.?6 69,177.04 76,092.)9 79,201.i.70 79,44J.)4 a2,692.e6 The Board having previously ad·rertised for bids far bridge at inlet of Little Pine Lake, opened bids which were found to be as fella.rs: Korby Contracting Co. Thorson Const. Co. Hurley Const. Co. Fergus Falls Tracy St. Paul $ 44,932.97 47,208.99 51,719,)6 Upon motion, the ContTact was awarded to Kerby Contracting Co, of Feegue Falls for th! sum of $44,932.97. Upon motion, the County Auditor was instructed to call for bids to be received until 11 o'clock A,i.,, August 11, 1959, for the following projects: GRADIJ-lG S.A.P. 56-60)-02 C,P, 59:0J (CSAH J) Length 6,625 Miles, located between a point 2 miles southeast of Pelican Rapids to 5.0 miles East of Erhard, comprising 5Jl, 760 cubic yard.a excava.tion. BRIDGES S.A.P. 56t,608-0l Bridge #56501 (CSAH *8) 2 -Jl ft. precast concrete chanul spans, )21611 rcadway, located over Otter Tail River J miles Northeast of Perham. (Plans $2.50.) S,A.P. 56-672-02 Bridge #56502 (CSAH 72) J -Jl ft. precas:t concrete channel spans, )2 1611 roadway, located over Otter Tail River 5.5 miles North of Battle lake. (plans $2.50.) RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THRWGK HIGIDiAYS At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota held on July lJ, 1959, all members being present. Commissioner Henry Sieling intrnd.uced arxi Commissioner Harvey D, Morrill seconded the following resolut!. on: l!E IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Co!lllilissioners of Otter Tail Countg, Minnesota, that except fer the intersections with Minnesota Trunk Highways and except such parts of the road as hereinafter set forth as are within the co~orate limits of villages and cities, the following highways are hereby designated as thrrugh highways: County State Aid Highwa.y No. 5 -from CSAH #J8 and North J miles. County State Aid Highway No.27 -from Fir ~venue in Fergus Falls to CSAH No. 10. County State Aid Hi.ghwa~ -from T.H. #78 to Urbank and to South County Line. County State Aid HighWllV No.53 -from T,H, #10 and North approximately 5 miles. And the Engineer of this county be, and he hereby, is instructed to construct and erect proper Stop Signs at entrances thereto as soon as practicable ail!.when said signs are erected said Engineer shall file with the vAuditor his report thereon. Dated: July lJ, 1959. A:ttest:· S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor. OTTO HAASE Chairglah. Upon motion, the !oard accepted the Conservation Department's conditional permission to fill edge of Arken lake for ria d and ordered the engineer to record same with the Register of Deeds. Upon motion, the County Engineer was authorized CSAH No. 45 CSAH No. 8J CSAH No. 59 to .-ke the following surveys when Phelps to Maine Battle lairs to railroad from No •. 6 to ?lo. 40 time was available. =--- COMMISSIONERS RE~~D 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DHE Y3 ~ itEU■lhAlifiNIEiihif,if.Hiu&,illl'ii. t.Rii --· ---------------,---------·--------------------------·----·------------·---------19 _______ _ Upon motion, it was decided that where vill.a~es desire directi'onal i di h i ., s gns on county re. ds the H' ~,.. D would rect sue s gns but the cost to be assumed :iiy the villages. · i&,way epartment Upon motion, the salary of the Court House janitor was fixed at $4 • , 200, 00 -beginning July 1, 19!9 , The application of Trowbridge Camp for Camp F-ire Girls for• exemption from real estate County Attorney for an opinion, taxes was referred to the Upon motion, the awn of $800.00 was appropria-ted for the use of. the Otter T il c year beginning July 1, 1959. a ounty Historical Spciety 'for the Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o-'clock A.M, July 14, 19590 TUESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the ioard met at 10 o'clock A, M,., All members being present. The bond of Roland F. Winterfeldt as Executive Secretary of the Otter Tail County Welfare Ba rd with the Fidelity and Deposit Co, of Maryland, as surety, in the sum of $10,000.00. was approved. . The bond of Verna S, Johnson-as Deputy Treasurer in the sum of $2,000.00 in the Anchor Casualty Co, of st. Paul, as surety, was approved. The application of Earl Nelson for 11off11 and -110n11 license :to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors at Cozy Cove Resort, Town of Dead Lake, was granted, The application of l•i, J, Schlanger for 110ff11 ard 110n11 licen-se to sell non-intoxicating maJ. t liquors for a perioa of six months was rejected. . . . . _The _petition of Peter T. Lien ~sking t~t the-5¼ NE½_of Section 24-131-43 be set off from 0 Di~t;ict No, 1413 to District No. 1446 was t~en up for f~nal action, Upon motion, the petition was laid over to August 12, 1959, for the reason that he had not filed his a-ffidavit of posting as required by law. The petition of Palmer Baars-tad asking that the N¼ NE½ of Section 24-131-43 be set over from District Mo, 1413 to District No. 1446, was taken up-for final action, Upon motion, tl!e petition was laid over to August 12, 1959, for the reason that he had not filed Ms affidavit of posting as required by law. A petition asking for the dissolution of Common School Dis,trict No, 1478 was read and it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A,M. August 12, 1959, ard, that due notice of the time and place of said hearini be given as requii-ed by law. The petition of Walter Neulieb asking th!.:!, the W½ 1'll¢-of Section 27-135-44 be set over from Common School District No, 1429 to Independent School District No. 850, Willtin County, was read and it was er dered that a hearing be held on saici peUtion at 10 o'c:!Jock A, M. August 12, 19!9, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law, The petition of Albert Tmm,, Jr •. asking that, the SE;} SE;:-of Section 2-131~38 be set off from District No,1501 to District No, 547 was read and it was ordered that a-hearing be held on said ~ tition at 10 o'clock A. M. August 12, 1959, ard that due notice of the time andplace of said hearing be given as required by law. The following names were selected to be placed on the Petit Jui~ list to replace those drawn for the April term of the District Court: Thelma Derlcey Alvina Ziegler Julian Perszyk Leona Gorentz Geo, Berg Mrs, Armin Dey llrs, Art Carro,, Ray 1-lolter Mrs, Harry Sauers John Tolppi Ralph Holbrook Arlie Adams Roland Kenyon James Jacobson Cla1·ence Knutson Corliss Per:t>.am Edna Dora Blo:t1ers Vergas German Star Lake Candor Paddock Dunn Maine Friberg !for. Grove Erhards Grove Melvin-Hovland Maplewood Albert, Hexum, Jr. Oscar Eennie-Brenden ~rondhjem Arthur Hovland Pelican Christ,, Westby .. Pel, Rpds. Mrs. Kenreth Johnson Pel. Rpds. lfm, Ha,lvorson Nidaros Tom Spansvick Evertst, Eddie Carlson Leaf Mt. Martin• Huggett St, Olaf Mrs. Helmer Langlie-Eagle Lake Bert G-ray Henn. Vill. Theo, Klimek Effington Marion, Trana Henn, Vill. Mrs, H-,J. Westlund. Par. Pra, Vill. T,J. Tidemanson Oscar Bergstrom Fred Rollins . Jee M. Jacobson Martin Woli en Merle Loomer Mrs, P.8¥ Borowski. Alice M.Schroeder Herb Stroschein Louis Hehk Frank Spilman $.'mil Boen , Robert Altner Wm. Boele City 1£ F•f• rc1ty a F,F. Buse Orwell Carlisle Western Western Aastad Elizabeth Dane Prairie F, F. Twp. Aurdal City of F, F. City of F, F. The County Board went over with Sheriff Brooberg the list of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1958 and made t!E following report: :BE IT KNOWN, That the County-Beard of Otter Tail Cow1ty, Minnesota, did meet in session on the 14th, day of July, 1959, the same being the first session of said Beard after the l0tlj.. day of June, 1959; that at said session the Counw Treasurer of said County delivered to SBid Beard the list of uncollected persnnal property taxes fer the year 1958, to- gether with his certificate thereon as required by law; and that, at said session the said Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, a.~d did-cancel such taxes as they are-satisfied cannot be collected. That the following is a correct list of said uncollected personal property taxes in said, County for said year of. 1958, as so revised by said Board, to-wit: T0\'/NSHIP. OB: PENALTY1FEE T0TJ.L TAXl PE}'ALTY NAME OF PERSON ASSESSED DISTRICT ~ am COSTS AND COSTS REMARKS Adams, F. B, & Arua A. Pine Lake 3.42 7,71 11.1) Collect Albertson, Don-T,V, App, 2nd, Ward 366,99 -50. 76 417,75 II Al's Boating Center Scambler 400,70 · 53,95 454,65 II Anderson, Marvin Dora ,79 ,35 1.14 II Anderson, R_. C. 1st. Ward 33.20 4.70 37.90 II a.13 1.34 9,47 II Andrews, Leu Rush Lake Benhardus, Geo. & Eileen Amor 81.22 . 11.14 92:36 II 2nd, Ward 1.44 1.44 II Berge, Julian _,J. ,, ,· II I: ,I. I i. I' Ii i11 I' lj, 1,· Iii 1.: I' I:' COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, ·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ Jll.lY. ... l~ ....................... ,. ................... 195.9. .. . NAME OF PERSON.ASSESSED TOl'/NSHIP OR DISTRICT Bisson, Robert 1st, Ward Brooks, Lee F. Scambler Burns, Lois·~. Pel. Rpll.s. Carter, Marvin 1st. Ward Cavalier, Alex Otto Crow, C. H, Henning Dahl, Oren Girard Dan's Fede~ated Store Inman DelB ney, Joe Gorll'.an Duea, Stell!. G. Maine Dulaki, Leonard Peiham . Engebretson, Oscar Henn. Tpp. Engebretson, Oscar Henn. Vill. Engel, Reinhold & Erna Star Lake Erwin, E, ~. Everts Fergus Novelty-Karl Peterson 4th. Ward Forbes, Orville Pe~ham 'l'\,lp, Foshau,g, Mrs. Lenny 1st. Ward Huseth, Arnold 3rd, Ward Gen~ral Diesel Equip. Co, Par. Pra. Vill, Gee tz, Jame•S R. OtterTail Twp, Gunkle, l'le.yne Otto Hall, John.F, 3rd. Ward Hanson, Leroy 2nd, Ward Harris, Harold E. Dunn Hart, Joel · Everts Heifort, George W, Nidaros Heisler, Mrs. J, C, Leaf Lake Herk,. Lyle Dunn Hickey, Delmont--__ (Reuben FordeJr--lst, Ward High Standard StationJ l&i. Ward Hillukka, Edwin Paddock Hinrichs, Harland 1st. Ward Holden, Carl Perham . · Horner, lk.rell Parkers Pra, Ilsen, GeCI' ge R, Perham Ives-Vander Bies, Inc, Urbank Johanson, Gust & Marie Dunn Johnson, Carl Otto Johnson, Charles Underwood .. Kelly, Robert Je1·ome 3rd, Ward Kenma,r Advertising 1st. Ward Knutson, Elmer A, Dane Prairie KvaDDDe, Bert Dunn Larson, Carl 2nd. Ward Laugen, Peter. let, Ward LaValley, Perl~ , Clitherall Lincoln Cafe, Edith Blount 3rd, \'lard Lustila, Waino Blo,, ers Machulda, Rey 4th, Ward McCarty, Gerald Everts McCauley, Denis 2nd. Ward McDermeit, Vern Paddock Meath, James. L. Dunn Midwest Realtors · (Ray Machulda) !tiller, Lester Mord 11, H, D. & Son Murphy, Leo B, & Beatrice Neese, Jack D, Melson, Clifford Okerson, Ed, Payne Pumice, Inc. Peterson, Elda Peterson, Karl Peterson Meat Market Pfaff Sewing Exch. Phillips, Paul PiPrce,Ralph Poling, Walt er Poppe, Fritz Preas Sign Co, Red River Valley Camp Fire Council Sander, Cliff er d Sams, Dunn Barr E, Schober, Mrs, L, F, &hearer, Jamee Sievert, Warren Smith, Sarah Smith, W. M, Snethen, Harold Sneva, Robert L, Snyder, Gecr•ge Staff a-d,l-lary Ann Stensrud, Richard Trojan, Seed' Co, I 2r.d. Ward Elizabeth 2m, Ward Scambler Everts 4th. Ward Perham 2nd, Ward Everts 2nd. Ward Carlisle . 2nd .• \·lard 1st, 11ard Hobart Oak Valley lru.sh Lake 'l'umuli Cam or 2nd, Ward Lida 4th. Ward 2m. Ward 3rd, Ward ·Eliz. Twp, Ottertail M. Y, M, Sverd1'llp Heb art Otto 2m. Ward Henning TAX 6.88 56.24 83,95 39 • .56 6.61 1,.54 1,27 6,94 14,26 3.4,5. 31.74 32,1.5 4.12 5 • .50 . 1,58,32 6,27 4.64. 4.64 42.5 • .59 1.,4,97 ,71 13.00 10.68 4.99 9,02 21.43 3,60 29.45 10.68 2.5,97; 62.21 .5.11 29.98 15.14 27,2.5 13.9.5 .5.95 4.39 31.12 10191 Lq,95 33.41 9 • .52 1.62 240.30 40.39 23,78 25,30 1.96 11.14 16,37. 7,08 8,16 6,59 6J8,47 10.97 19.73 3,27 19.50 2,56 16,9.5 2.17 19,4.5 18,34 21.84 54,15 3,2.5. 2,65 34,70 3.95 7.83 5.80 8.36 1.91 , 15,97 5,.56 7.~7 9.81 1.95 8.36 . 18,37 PENALTY,FEE am Costs ,5.44 1.17 7,78 16.86 8.,54 1, 13 2.4.5 1~42 7,04 2.16 5',92 4.,50 4.,56 4.80 2,99 21.47 6,09 .87 .87 .57,28 6.28 3,3.5 1.99 1.68 3,6.5 3,46 5,12 ,73 4,20 1.68 :8.~1 8,.59 .94 9,lf6 6.28 9.10 2.12 1.0.5 .5,84 4.42 l,?l 11,24 2.86 4,72 1.52 .46 32,4.5 .5,66 3.43 3,64 2.,2 1.74 2.44 1.20 ·1.'$7 1.14. 166.21 . 2.55 J,72 2.89 5,89. 2.86 ,59 2.53 .,54. 6,88 2.71 3,18 7,.50 3.749 .60 4.90 ,78 3,JO 1.15 1.02 1.37 .so 7,39 8,99 5,44 1.,56 5.92 1.37 3.71 TOTAL TAX,PE}l'ALTY And Costs ,5.44 8.os 64.02 100.81 48.10 7,74. 3.99 2.,69 13.98 16.42 9.37 36.24 J6.71 8.92 8.49 179, 79 12,36 5.51 .5 • .51 482.87 51,2.5 4.06 14.99 12.36. 8.64 12.48 26.5.5 4,33 J3,65 12.36 J4,38 70,86 6.05 39,44 21.42 36,3.5 16.07 1.00 10.23 35,.54 12.62 53.19 2.86 38,l3 .11.04 2,G8 272,7.5 46.0.5 21.21 28.94 4.48 12.88 18.81 8.28 9-.:"t.3 7,73 804,68 2,55 14.69 22.62 9.16 22,36 J.15 19.48 2,?l 26,J3 21.05 25.02 61.65 6.74 3,25 39.60 4,73 11,lJ 1.1.5 6.82 9,73 2.41 2J,36 14.55 12.81 11.37 7,87 9,73 22.08 -------------. REMARKS Collect II II II II II II II 1. I COMMISSIONERS RECORD O, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. aaU11n , •• ,n ........ u. naL, .•.••. a-DATE ... ···················.iuJ¥-.. ll.l,,. .......................................... 19 . .$9 .. . Teyggaseth, Byron Jrd. Ward 10.45 1.65 Vaughn, John .R. Otter Tail Twp. 16.95 12.10 Collect 2.53 19.48 Weber, Leom~d A, Everts 10.53 5.66 16.19 Wentz, Tony 1s·t. :Ward 16.48 2.46 Wentzel, Arthur 1st. Ward 6;27 1.09 18.94 \'lest, Keith Henning 7.J6 Whippll, Mrs; Elmer 44.09 9.16 53.25 l; t. Ward 24.14 3.49 Whitman, H,T, Dunn 1,39 27,63 Wilcox, Lester Star Lake 228.69 J!l-.25 1.39 weals, Albertll Pine Lake 4.06 262.94 Worden,HHarlen Ottertafl 7.59 11.65 2.73 J,62 6.35 Zosel,LaVore Everts 1.94 2,52 4,46 Halvorson, William Nidaros J8.6o 7,42 46.02 Monson, Manv,ilJe 1st. Eard 215.19 29.09 244.28 That the following is a ccr rect list of the persora l property taxes in said Coup.ity fer said year which are satisfied cannot be· collected, and so canceJI.le4 by said Bea rd, to-wit: said Bca rd NAME OF PERSOH ASSESSED Frobom, Erick Hjelter, Glen Jahnke, Edward Petersi ii, E. H. Stege, Walter 'fO'lfNSHIP 01 DISTRICT Otter Teil Twp. Edna Effington Perham.;·•·: Corliss Lida Eastern 3~. \'lard TAX .JJ Sunby, Howard L. Yepson, Glen Randklev, Orv~lle The C011nty Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, Attest: S. B, JOHNSON County Audita- PENALTY, FEE am costs .JO .J6 .91 .so ,74· .29 ,87 ,,39 TOTAL TAX, PENALTY and costs HENRY SIELING B. J, JOHNSON SAM N¥CXLEMOE OTTO HAASE HARVEY D, MORRILL REW.BXS cancelled II II II II • II II ,II The Board having advertised for bids for boat, motor and trailer, opened bids which were fc.und to be as follows: Fossen Oil Co.-1 Shell Lake Dart, fiberglass, $675.00; l 4o HP Scott Electric motor, $650,00; l Model 912 lalko trailer, $J40,00; total-$1,665,00. Fergus Oil Co,--L Larson boat, All American a.rd 1,35 EP Evinrude Lark, combined bid $1,199.00; ail.so 1, 417 Gator trailer, $262.00. · Hintgen-Karst Elec. Co. l Pipestone beat ar:d l Johnson Super SeaHorse 35 HP motor, combined t1,120.00; l Tee-Nee trailer, 900 lb. capacity, $241.00, l Tee-Nee trailer, 1200 lb. capacity, $281.00. After considerable discussion by the Board and a statement by Sheriff Brooberg that the equipment offered by the Fergus Oil Co. was preferable, upon motion, the bid of the Fergus Oil Co, for beat and motor in the sum of $1,199.00, and the Model 417 Trailer at $262, 00 was accepted. The application of Stanley !!, and Theo. M. Vo:i:ght for homestead classification on Lot 1, Block 2, l•!iihl Addition to Dent, was read, Upon motion, the application for om-half homestead was granted and the Ccunty Auditor was insturcted to renuce the tax accordingly. ' The application of Jay Dufty for homestead classification on Lot 6, Inlet Beach, was read, Upon motion, the applicati. on was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordirgly. The application of Fred Oldenburg for homestead classificatiBn on the North 125 feet of the E. 16 feet of Lot land the West h6 feet of lot 2 except tract, Block 1, Soule •·s Addn. to Deer Creek, was read, Upon motion, the application was granted ard the CountyAuditor was inst1"Ucted to reduce the tax accordingly, The applici.>tion of Marvin Haugrud for homestead classification on the W} sJJ½, Section JJ-137-43, was read. Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor was instiiu-cted to reduce the tax accordingly, The application of Aina Tenhunen for homestead classification dn the \'lest 50 feet of the East 94 feet of tl1e North 177 feet of Lot 18, Wm. V. Smith's Addn. to New York Mills, was reed, Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accord1.'ngly. The application of Henry Toso for homestead classification on the SE¼ SJJ½, Section 18 and the N~· NEk of Section 19-135-42, was read. Updn motion, the application was granted and the County Audi to1· was il".st1'llcted to reduce the tax accordingly. ' Tha application of Lydia Puttika for homesteiid classification on the West 125 feet of the East 200 feet of the South 18~ feet of the West 667.4 feet of ~e NW¼ ex. tract, Section R-135-J?, was read, Upon motion, the appiication was granted and the CountyAuditor was instructed t:o reduce the tax accordingly. The !lPPlicatfon cif craytcin ·A; Seffe'nli· for h:omestaad classification ·on theSoutheasterly 25 feet ·of part lying Northeast of road of Lot 2, and all cif ·Lot ·20, ·ot·ter 'Tail River Park,' was read." ·Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor was 'ins1l1uc'lied fo ·reduce t"he" l;ai accoroi·ngl.y. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · o I I o I • o o O I • o o o o I o o O I o I • I I • o • ' • 0 The applic:,tion of WS:Uer G, 'Trolli:er. for l:ionielitead c':laeliifim.t:icin ·on Part ·of Reserve •HEH 'lying llorth of Lot 21 and all of Lot 21, Block 7, Leaf.Lake Pleasure ·orainds,' was read; 'Upon motion; the appltcatipn was granted and the County Auditor was ins_tru~ted to ~e~u~e :t~ ·.t~x :a~c~r~i~3:Y•: : . . , .... Ii j COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................. J""J.f··.J.4 ............. _. ................... 19~ ... . The application of Pearl F.Conklin for homestead classification on Lot?, Block 2, Leaf Lake Pleasure GrQlnds was read. Upon motion, the applicatl. on was grante~ and the Cou~ty Auditor was instructed to redu~e· the tax ~ccordingly. · · The application of Mrs. Jim irickson for homestead classification on part of the W¼ NE!, NW¼, Section J4-1JJ-4J was 1•elld., Upon motion, the applic~tion was grante( and the Conn~y Auditor was i~structed to r~duce the. tax accordi~ly. The application of Harold M,· Madsen for settlement and abatement of delinquent taxes, penalties,· interjst and costs for the years 1953-5 4-55-56:-5? ~n the st ~:and the~· ID:¼ of Section 12-1J2-J8, amounting to $?J6.80 was read. Upon motion,it was recommended to the ~ommissioner of Taxation that the sum of $598.01, which is the original tax with- out penalty or interest, be accept~d inpaymeh·t ther~of. · The application of the Pure Oil Co. for canceilation of personal property tax in the Village of Pelican Rapids on the ground that this constitutled a double assessment, was t'ecommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for cancellation. Tie application of Grace Hewitt for reduction of assessment on Lot 9, Block 1, Baker's Addn. to Sand Bea.ch Park, was read1 Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the gnound that the buildi~ere assessed at an excessive rate. The application of Alice G. Lund for reduction of assessed ,•aluation on Lot 9, Bleck 1, Blower's First Addn. to New York Milla, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground of excessive: assessment on bu~ldings. · · The application of Mathilda tkluni for redui:t:l.on of asse11sed valuation on the Wly. ?O feet of the Ely. l?l fe,,t of the Sly. 160 feet of Lot 25, tlm. v: Smith 1s Ad.dn. to New York Mills, wa.s read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the ~pplication be g~nted on the ground that buildings were assessed out of line with cnmparable buildings. The application of Dorot)ly 1,1; Jacobson for 1·eduction of assessment on Lot 9, Mrugala1s Beach, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the ComrnissionGr of. Taxation that the tax on the trailer muse located on this lot be cancelled on the ground that 1958 license had been pa:ld. The application of Bet'nard Kelley for reduction of assessment on the North !J.O ac1·es of Let 1, Section 2-132-)6, was: read. Upon motion, it was recoll'.mended to the Commissioner of Taxation t1'.at the application be granted on the grourd that a clerical error had veen made by th1; e.s.sessor. Th,, applic:,, tion of Margaret Fellerer Huebsch for reductii.on of assessment on the Swly 50 feet of Biocli: 11C11 , \·lallace and Jung's Addn. to Perham, was read. Upon motion, it was recommellled to the Commissioner of Taxation that the app~ication be granted on the grou.'ld that a dwelling llad been assessed on this vacant lot. T~e application of Walter Ost for reducti':)n of assessed valuation on the W½ SI.ft and the East 15 acres of the SE;!- S~, Section Jl-1J2-J6, was rea~. ,Upon motion, it w~s 'recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the g1·ound bf: an erroneous break-down of the land value. The application of T.A. Hawkes for reducti?n ?f assessed value on the ?·n·i-&, Secticn J--1J7-4J, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that the .assessment was higher than compaI"able lard in that pirt of the county. The, application of the Rothsay Camp Assn. for reduction of assessed value on Lot J, Section 2)7-1)6-42, was read. Upon motion, it was I"ecommended to the Commissiomn· of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that land and buildings were valued too high to be comparable with othe1· land and buildings. Tli.e application of E.R.Gerlach for reduction of assessed value on persoral propert7 in the Town of Orwell t1as read, Upon motion, the application was rejected upon recomm,miation of the Town Board, The application of Wm.R. Jaeger f'or homestead classification on Lot ·7 am 6 ex. tract, ,Section Jl-lJ~-41, was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected upon recommendation of the Town Beard. The applic .. tion of Oren F. Putnam for homestead classification on Lots 1-2-J, Sect ion l!.-lJ6-LfJ, was read, Upon motion, the appli<:i.~tion was rejected upon .recommendation of the Town Board. The application of Arland W. Elton for homestead classification 011 Lot 10, Subrcsa Beo.ch,was read. Upon Motion, the application was rejected upon 1;ecommendation of the Tow". :aca rd. Th,· application of Stanley L. Truax for 'homestead classification on the SF).:, Section 14-1Jl-J6, was read. Upon :notion, t~eapplication was rejected upon recommendation of t."1e Town Board, The applicat;ion of Ives-Vander-Bies, Inc, for cancellation of personal property taxes in the Village of Urbank, wo.s read. Upon moti.on, the application was rejected. ~ application of Edward L. Vessel for re<luc.tion of assessed vlauati on on Lot 10, Otter Tail River Parle, was read, Upon motion, the application was rejected upon recommendation of tlj.e town board. The application of Edward A. Newnar.n for reduction of assessed valuation on the SW¼ sw-ai ex. tract, Section 19-135-41 was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected upon recoll!ll!endaticn of the town beard. The CaintyAuditor presented the following statement to the Beard: The following estimate of expenses for the ensui~g year is herewith submitted: Salaries of Co. Officials Clerks, Janitors, etc •• Deputy Sheriffs & Jailers • , Co, Commissioners salaries & e~. Boarding Prisoners •••• Sheriffs & Deputies exp, Witnesses District Court Justice Court •••••• • $51,000.00 53,000.00 20,000.00 10,600.00 ?,soo.oo 9,000.00 4oo.oo 1,000.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ·······························jUcy .. J).i. .......•................•.......• l9 59-.. Jurors District Court ••• :Bailiffs & Reporters Books, Blo.r.ks & Stationery. Expense with mental illness cases . Court House Grounds. • • • • • • • • • • • • , . . . $9,000.00 • • , 4,500.00 . 18; 5 00"00 • • 2,800.00 . Light, Fuel, Repairs, etc. . . . • . • • • • • • . • • •• 1,000.00 18,000.co 1a,ooo.oo , • • • • 14,770.00 10,000.00 16,000.00 1,200.00 . County Agents • • . • • . • • , • , • • • , • • . • • • • • • . County Nu.rs ing Service. . • . . . . • . . , , . . Printing & advertising •••••••• , , , •• .County Assessor 1s salary, assistants & expenses .Attending assessors• meeting . Veterans I Service Office • .Miscellaneous Revenue .County Welfare. . R<a d & Bridge • • • • . Poor Fu.pd •••••• . Deted July 14, 1959. \ . TO THil: COUJiTY BOARD OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA •••••••••• ■ •• 12,500.00 12,500.00 Jll,??J.00 • • • 375,000.00 110,000.00 Respectfully submitted, S. B, JOH:NSON Count7 Audi tor . Pursuant to law I present below, a sta:l:em13nt shewing. th!! 11mount of taxes levied for County purposes for the current year,. the amount• col~ected and appo:tioned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with the actual cash :balance remaining to the credit of each Counl;y fund at the close of business on the JOth, day of June, 1959. · · FUNDS . County Revenue Fund . Poor Fund . Road and Bridge Fund . County Fair Bonds . County Buildings . County School Transpor.tation . County Road & Bridge Bond A cct, . Councy Welfare . County Vetera."ls Service . County School IDax Amount Levied for Current Year 150,164.92 144,958,09 375,099.89 10,413 .• 65 20,82?.31 22,076.95 189,736,81 289,916.18 12,496,38 221,5J8.00 S, B. JOHNSON County Audi tor. Amount Collected and apportioned 39,785.24 38,407.00 99,JBJ.6.J 2,759.12 5,518.25 5,849,34 50,271.23 76,813,99 J,310.95 64,495.24 :Balance Uncollected er Unappor~ioned 110,379,68 196,551.09 275,716.26 ?,654.5.J 15,309.06 16,227.61 1J9 I !16.S. 58 21J, 102.19 9, 185,4J 157,042,?p Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows: MIDS . County Revenue Fund . Poor Fund . Ra d & Bridge Fund . County Buildings Fd. . Ditch Fund . Co. Welfare Fund. . Incidental Fund • .$42,272,48 • 111,612.25 .201,060.62 J8, ?96.48 13,701.52 •• 72,948,9? 511.6.J Veterans Service ..• Fair Bonds •• , ••• County School Tax Fund Co. School Transportation . Road & Bridge Bond Acct, County Nursing Home • Tuberculosis Sanatorium • •• $20,938.39 2,006.21 1,191.8? • 31,?17,13 • 2?0, 224,.J4 • 21,144,30 5,843,?2 The following is a statement of the accounts remaining up.paid on the contracts already entered into by the Boar.d., . FOR l•fHAT PURPOSE . Read & Bridge Fund Contracts . Special Road & Bridge Fund Contracts • . The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the Board. of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: BALANCE DUE $J58,,714.0.J 59,1?2,?? . That there be levied upon the taxable property af Otter Tail County, Minra sota, for th• yea1· 1959 the follcw ing amounts for the several county funds: Revenue Fund Read & Bridge Fund. Poor Fund •• Building Fund. , . County School Ta.x Fund. County School Transpoz·tation. Welfare Fund . • , , , Veterans Service F-~nd. Fair Association Bonds . . Adopted July 14, 1959. . Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk, .$165,poo .• oo 375,000.00 110,000.00 l mill 242,72J,OO 20,000.00 Jll,77J.OO 6/10 mill 1/2 mill OTTO HAASE Chairman • -,·. \, ll• . I I 1, I I I I I I A. I. I,' ...__ COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................... July_ 141.. ...... , ........... m ..... 19.69 . The follo~ing bills were•allowed1 Russell Brooberg Do Gary A. Nelson Sidney Nelson • . • . , ,. • , . The Todd Co. Cooper's Office Supply Co.• Mrs. Genevieve Stroschein Inga R. Pergande , Mrs. Mable RoesOI • Olga H. Hoeft Otto Haase Sam Nycklemce Henry Sieling Harvey D. Morrill Bennie J. Johnson Dr. L. A. Syverson Dr. C. A. Boline Dr. Everett C. Hanson Frank Roberts Emil Boen Kathryn L. 1-!ichaelaon Ronald Hintermeister W.H. Dewey Arnold Evavold Theo. 'fhnmpaon Melvin Trosvik Theo , Hegseth Marion R. Gill Secretarial-Service John Kukowake, Jr. John L. Bixby Roger Gustafson N. W. Bell Tele. Co. llo Do Larson 1-/elding C. W. \'leislander American Standard-Division South Mill Standard. Highway Gfeenhouse Holten Hdwe, • Fergus Plumbing & Heating Oscar Alstad Carlson-Benjamin John Stine W.endel in Koep Leonard 0:1.son Allen Bjergo F. H. McArdle L. a. Puckett Myron Johnson Oren Fosse \·/allace a.Jensen James Stewart Merlin S. Rieman Alfred Engen Remington-Rand Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. The Pierce Co. Miller-Davis Compaey Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. Schoolcraft Company Victor Lundeen& Company The Henning Advocate Battle Lake Review Fergus Journal Compnay Do Frank C. :Barnes H. w. Glorvigen Do Evelace G. Hanson Vernon E. Bachman Acme Chemical Company Olson Auto Electric Stan's G-,1.rage Fergus Oil Co. L.R.Jensen Holten Hardware Go~dwin-Jnss Laboratories Johnson Drugs Nelson Drug Cn. Fergus Falla Clinic H. W. Glcrvigen Frank c. Barnes S. B.Johnson ffomea-'s Relief Corps (Richville) •boarding prisoners • expenses .• II • • ' II. • ' •ribbons• • • · , · 1rachine · rental · clerical work, in II u II · expenses u II II II .11. • II. • II. coroner's fee , 11 II II 11 " II Co, ,II, 'II' • II. Supt. office- II ,II. 11 ·"· II II exp. & salary weed inspectof· II 11 11 II clerical work in W. o. T. Soil Cons. office service, W.O. T, Soil Cons. Dist,ict II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II transcripts municipal judge's expenses II calls II II II II II fees mobile service and calls calls welding repair venetian blind supplies , gasoline II II II II II II II II planting on court house grounds supplies repairs redecorating sheriff's residence enclosing room for Red Cross Deputy Sheriff's fees and expenses II II II II II II II • II II assisting Deputy Sheriff Deputy Sheriff's expense expenses II expense personal pro1;erty tru.: ser:v-ice. II supplies II ,, II tax notices 11 II publishing II II P.-. O. Box -rent• • II postage II • II supplies speed ome te-r -'' . ins tall ing. s,irens - II 11 11-• etc. repairs supplies tests supplies medication for prisoner jail call II II II II II (:tlovenue) (Road & Brigge) adv. commissions paid drivers license agents mileage .expense and. mileage d.eco1'1l ting graves $ 802.00 184.60 333.90 246.4o 9.00 20.00 100.00 44,oo 160.00 12.00 46,74 37,20 51.57 22.50 40.55 15,00 10.25 11,20 275,88 3ll,2J 76,25 202.4o 33.80 78.20 44.50 29,4o 35,95 160.95 15.50 20.00 138,75 115.42 101,65 86.40 33,75 3.50 5,60 10.34 1,45 135,00 7,75 43,71 250,00 404,,55 111.80 33,60 9.00 5.00 9.10 5.00 5.00 33.00 61.i..20 57.00 85.80 27,00 259;88 130,81 26.57 li6.28 367.93 153.97 34,58 4.80 5.88 2r.o.50 1.!5,00 9.00 12.00 50.00 63.00 28.75 116.,50 4.00 29.66 7.25 27.25 5,30 10.00 17.42 2.40 4,00 14.15 15.40 12.74 12.;o COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCu■1TY ,iiNr1ai Co■,.111., .11. c1.11H. ■111■. Eaii Women's Relief Corps (Fergus Falls) American Legion Post #283 Rasmusson-~chedow ski Post #4020 Geo. 'Bergem Post IL:89 Olson-Stitzel Post #219 Awciiiary Olson-Stitzel Post #219 Juseth-Tusow Post #18 Awciiiary Busilth-Tusow Pos·t #18 Sidney Nelson Carlson-Benjamin Al Schmidt Lumber Co. Elea1ior M, Dybdal . Do Esther G. Sell East 'Otter Tail Telephone Co. Ugeblad Publishing Co. Bruce Publishing co. .Public Utilities Department Artz ·camera .Supply Co. Victor LU!ldeen & Co. l'hilip M,Kjaglien Erickson's Hardware Straub Company Ruth ·c. CalllPbell Philip M. Kjagl ien North West BellP Telephone Co. Dr. Everett C,Ha.nson Swen'0s Rexall Drug Glen °Lake Sanatorium Minnesota State Sanatorium City · of FergusFall s Bement-Cahill Equipment Co. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Pierce Governor co,, Inc. Agricultural Services, Inc. Ruffrudge-Johnson Equipment Co. Zeco Company Wm. H Ziegler Elk River Concrete Products Paper, Calmenson & Co. Olson Auto Electric Super G.M.C. Truck Sales Larson Welding McCormick Farm St8re Minnesota Motor Co. C, H, Bjorklund Bed y shop Carlson Larson Motors Sarem Auto Parts Stan Is Gar,i_ge Pelican Motors; Iiic. Usleman Elettric Hills P.adiator Shop Henry Holmgren Fossen Oil Co.- Holten Ha.rd.ware SigelllBn Hide & Fur Co., Inc. Al Schmidt Lumber Co. F. R. Steuart Plumbing & Heating Everts Lumber Co. (Battle Lake) lampert Lumber. ~-'(Parkeri Prairie) Premier Antoware Co. Northwood Specialty Co. · _ Standard Oil Co., Battle J..ake I. S. Isaacson Fm sen Oil Co. South Mill Standal'd Rivel'side Shell Gemlo Oil Co. Hoot Lake Pure Oil RS¥ 1s Oil Co. Langdon's Highway 210 Texaco Farmers Co-op, Creamery Assn. Henning Mobil Service Dan's Texaco Service Swenson Mobil Service Park Region Co-op. Oil Co, Amerson & Saml:berg Oil Co. Ar,·e1,1 ·Petroleum D.A. Lubricant Co,, Inc. Soliah ~ Braatz Oil Co. Minnesota State Highway Department H, A. Rogers Company Otter Tail Power Co. Raymond Motcr Transportation Co. City of Fergus Falls Village of Henning Village of New York Mills Village of Parkers Prairie DATE ... ··················•·J·¼ly14 ............................................ 19 50 .. decorating graves II 11 II II II II 11 II II II serving notice of ex. of redemption repairs at brewery materials (brewery) expenses postaeie 13Xpenses service and calls envelopes supplies ,~ater, sewerage, etc. supplies II postage and ma.cnine rental supplies rent expenses H service and calls nun Hospital bla. nks medication care of patient care of Lpatients care of poor parts II II II II II II culverts blades repairs II II II II ?i II II II II II ~ires supplies sodding gasoline II y gas end diesel fuel diesel fuel II II greaBe services prints II freiiht maintenance rent arxi light garage rental rent and sewerage charge $ 25.00 24,00 25.00 25.00 25.00 18.00 25.00 5:50' 150.20 478."28 · 21.06 C-7:47. 4,00 78.70. 11.50 . 10.25 9.05 3:;,20 67.12 7,02 7,00. 1.96 50.00 5.04 59-92 18.90 r2.oo 16.50 40;.89 1710,00 9768.66 38,11 39.30 9.18 41.44 269.06 4.90 J.355-30 1366.48 237,6o 26.67 24.13 32.65 26.7'.3 57.91 1.50 2.08 5.00 69.20 1.86 l4al8 4.50 30,85 172,00 7.27 ;35,96 11.77 3,70 47,33 3.60 20.88 41.4o 219,00 466.24 233.31 45.27 68.24 65.32 8,63 84.06 74.39 62.68 34.66 79.39 56.25 52.17 196,44 796.95 431.55 7.00 187,91 180.16 f.6o 10.70 561.25 59.37 390.00 5.00 j .. 1' I I I . ' ! I '' :1 ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'l'E ............................... .iuli'f-··.J)l .............. , .................... 19.59 .. . S U rY IIIIC ■PANIS LOU 11111. Minneapolis Blue Printing Co. India'nhead Specialty Co. Mille·r-Davis Co. Vicbcr Lundeen & Co. Fast ·otter Tail Teleph6ne Co. N. W." Bell Telephone Co., Fergus Falls Pelican Telephone Co. N, W." Bell Telephone Co., Henning Midwest Telephone Co. N, W. :Bell Telephone Co., Fergus Falls Wendell P. Huber G. D." Harlow George Olson Wenderl P. Huber Mutuar Service Casualty co. Franlc P rim Thea "rweeten Gullek Gulleckson Arnolii Johnson Elenius lke Gilbert Wendt Emil "Drayton Mary ·c. Springer Alma ·Johnson John A". Koep Cy I s l'-.i.re Oil Empire" Supply Co. Knutson Heating Service Construction Bulletin' Vill.a.88 of Pelican Rapids supplies II II II service and calls II II II II expenses , II II II II II( 1111 II vash advanced insurance II II II II II lease of land for stock pile ri ht ·of wrq gasolire supplies II advertise for bids Mun, maint. : Upon motion, the Bard then adjourned to 4 O'clock P.. M. July 23, 1959. -~~ . OTTO liA ASE Chairman. · Attest: $ 57.01 19.45 10.09 53.00 9,50 53,95 10.80 11.95 10.95 26.10 . 26'♦,77 141.44 17.50 11?.60 1432.74 15.00 114.85 15.20 1.00 92.90 10.00 2?.40 89,65 n.20 51.6.60 8.00 210.94 19.00 27,00 109.54 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. July 20 59 DATE ................................................................................... 19 ....... . 1 TY I llfllG II WT,H.CLOUD,1111111. 0411!11 ) .) Mon., July 20, 1959 Board of Equalization m.lnuto■ or the Co1111.t7 Board of Zquallzlatlon or otter !!rail Co11Dt:, for tho Year 1959. Pursunnt to statutes Count)" Com-missioners Henry Selling, Bennto J. Johnson, Sam Nycklemoe, Otto Hnnse n.nd Har,·ey :\[orrlll, o.nd Count>· Aud-Y~~r=· o,. ~~:;r.~:d~~t a~8 1i ~~c~~~ A.:u., Jul)• 20, 1959 and, arter taking the customary oath of office proceed-ed to examine, with John I ... Bixby, County Assessor, the assessment re-cords for the :,,ear 1959, The Board acIJourned from time to time and nf'tel" careful consideration the fol-lowing changes were ordered. It wns found that Class 3A In the following nssessm~nt districts con-sisted entlrel>· ot producer owned grain which b~· virtue of the 1959 laws Is exempt trom taxation: Amor, Bluffton, Buse, Buller, Compton, Corliss, Deer Creek, Dora, Elizabeth, E,·erts, Fergus Falls, Henning, Gor-mnn, Hobart, Inman, Leaf Lake, Lida. ~e,"'·ton, ~ldaros, Orwell, Otter Tall, Otto, Pnrkors Prnlrle, Paddock, Pelican, Rush Lake, St. Olaf, Sverd-rup, Trondhjem, Tumuli, Bluf'tton Vlllage, Eliza.beth VIilage, Ottertail VIiiage, Pnrkers Prnlrle Vllage, Pell-can Rapids, Urbank nnd Vining. Upon motion, all the Class 3A as-sessments were ordered cancelled and stricken Crom the records. Upon motion, Class 2, Personal Property, wlll continue to be assess-ed and householders allowed the S 100.00 exemption. Item U consisting of mink In tbe Town11hlp=5 of Dunn, Cando1· nnd Pell-cnn weri& lncreued so as to make a full ,·alue of U0.00 per anlmnl. After due noltce and hearing the assessment of Joe Fossen for beef cnttle assessed under Item 36A was Increased $1,600.00 u·ue and run vnlue. \\•arren Holt, Item U, mink, In the Township or Henning, wns Increased 33%%. French Alfnltn Dehydrating Plant, Town of Carlisle, was lncreaaed Sl,· -1.75.00 true nnd full ,·nlue. Upon motion, the Board then ad-journed. Dated July 23, 1909. Otto Haase, Chnlrmnn. Attest: S. B. Johnson, Clerk, Thurs., July 23, 1959 lll.lnute■ or Adjourned mootlq or the Board or Count7 Commis■loner■ or Otter '1'1111 County, llllnn., Pursuant to adjournment t'he Board met nt -I o'clock P.ll., July 23, 1959, all members being present. Upon motion, It was decided to increase the charge of boarding pris-oners from outside governmental units tifly centR per day, of UtJ~r!'l0~~~:on~rc;>~~ri~\&0~e:0s::: was slgnod. Upon motion, the County Auditor Chairman. wns nuthorlzed to advertise for 300 tons, more or less, of stoker coal for the coming season. The folowlng resolution was ndopt0<l: Be It resolved by the Board of Count)· Commssioners of Otter Tall County, lllnnesota: Thnt Clnss 2, Peraonnl Property, be continued to be nssessod and taxed thnt the $100.00 household exemption bo continued to be grnnted. Aclopted JUI)· 23, 1959. Otto Haase, Ohnlrman. Attest: S, B. Johnson, Clerk. The f-ollowlng resolution was adopted: Resol\'ed h)· the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall County, lllnnosotn: That, whereas, this Board hns heretofore contracted with the Fer-gus 011 Company for one Larson All-American boat and one 35 HP E,•inrude Lark motor n.ncl one boat trnller for tho comblnecl sum of Sl.~ -161.00, aDll \Vherens. tho sn.me bas been de-lh-ered and nccepted, ~ow Therefore, he It resolved that the Chairman and Auditor are hereby nuthorlzed nnd dlrecte<I to draw a warrant to the FerKus Oil Co. on the Re,·enuo Funcl for the sum of St,--IRl.00, belnR' the contract price. Adopted July 23, 1969, Otto Hnase, Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson, Clerk of the BonTd. Upon motion, tlhe Board then ad-Journecl to 10:00 o'clock a.m .. August 11, 1959. Otto Hnase, Chairman. Attest: S. B. Johnson, Clerk. l I I I i'1 :.t 11 i COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ltCu■ I PIIN N 011 .. T IT CLOIID ■l•N- August 11 59 DATE ___ ····------------------------------------------------·------.--------------------19 _______ _ MINU'l'EI OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE :BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF O!l'TER TAIL OOUN'l'I, MINNF.SOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the County Beard met at 10 o'clock A,M, August 11, 1959, all members being present. The Board having pl'eviously cal led for bids on a number of County projects, proceeded to open bids which were found to be BB folla-i B: GRADING: S,A,P. 56-603-02 6,625 located between a point 2 mil srutheast af Pelican Rapids to 5 mi, East of Erhard, James E. Barsne_BB Glenwood $114,549.50 Strom Const, Co. Moorhead Marvin E, Lund Glenwood 116,309.38 Kahlstorf Const, Lake George Moen Bros,, Inc. Moorhead 119,148.oo Dan Conroy & Sons Dumont G, A. Olson 8onst, Co. 1-larshall 121,792.86 John Dieseth Co. Fergus FaJ. ls Berghuis Const. Co. Prinsburg 122, 877. _06 Kerns & Tabery Sebeka Duininck Bros. Olivia 123,950.72 J,K, Hodgman Const, Co. Hutchinson Ed Zimmerman Barrett 124,265,62 Joe Halstensgaard Fertile Rust & Dahlmen, Bain Bros, Clerissa 124,551,52 Harvey \'I. Nelson Lake Park Sellin Bros. Inc. Hawlq 128,7Zl,16 Upon motion, the contmct was awarded to James E. Barsness, Glenwood for the sum of $114,549.50, BRIDGE: S,A,P, 56-608-01 located over the Otter Tail River, 3 miles Northeast of Perham, Corby Constracting Co. Thoreson Const, Co,, Inc. Schulz & Lind.SIi' Const, Co. H, R. Foster Const, Co, Fergus Falls Tracy Fargo St, Paul $ 31,465.80 Jl,643,80 33,880.90 36,582.60 $128,739.69 134,738.40 135,758,42 137,001.23 138,219,82 140,930.60 1~1,403,32 141,639.60 Upon motion, the contract was awarded to Corby Contracting Co,, Fergus Fe.lls, for the sum of $31,465.80. BRIDGE: S,A,P, 56-672-02 at the outlet of the Otter Tail River 5,5 mi. North of Pattle Lake, H, R, Foster Const. Co. Corby Contracting Co, Thoreson Const. Co, H. W, Bridge "Co, Schultz & Linds~ Const, St, Paul Fergus Falls Tracy Cotton Co. Fargo $ 36,558,45 36,740.25 37,111.45 37,840,28 39,791,86 Upon motion, the <D ntract w.,s awarded to H, R, Foster Const, Co,, St, Paul, for the sum cf $36,558.45, A plat of Van Santens Beauty Beach, being a part of Lot 3 in Section 11, Township of Eagle Lake, accompanied by an opinion as to title, executed by Henry Nycklemoe, Attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Crystal Beach located in Lots 4, 5 & 6, Section 24-136-41 accanpanied by an opinion as to title, executed by Heney Polkinghorn, Attorney-at-law, was approved, A plat of Maple Lane Beach located in Lot 10, Section 2-137-42, accompa!lied by an opinion as to title, executed by Henry Polkinghorn, Attor~y-at-law, was approved. RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY BOA.RD OF OTTER TAID COUN'l'Y, STATE OF MINNESOTA Commissioner Morrill presented. the following resolution: WHEREAS, The legislature of the State of Minnesota by Lawe 1957, Chapter 644 did authorize the Commissioner of Conservation to acquire wildlife lands such as marsh or wetlands and the margins thereof, including ponds, small lakes and stream bottoms; am WHEREAS, The pu1·c.'1.ase of such la.nds requires the approval by a majority of the Board of County Commissioners in the Count7 whell'8 the land to be purchased la located; and WHEREAS, The Commissio!ler of Conservation t)lrough his authroized agents has requested the approval of the County Board for purchase of the following described land to be usod ±'or water and wildlife conserve.tio::i. purpose; and WHERF.J.S, The Board of County Commissioners has had available to it the advice and counsel of the Soil Conservation District organized within the county; end WHEREAS, The acquisition and preservation of watel' and wildlife conservation lands is in the public inte!'est. NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the approval be given to the purchase by the Commissioner of Conservation of the following described lands, to-wit: ALMORA UNIT 1. Tract 1h -NE;¼, of Section 18, l'l32li-RJ7W (Elmo Township), containing 160 acres, Mr. Cad Johnson, owner, That said lands are to be acquired and preserved by the State of Minnesota for water and wildlife co!lservation purposes, The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Johnson and u.pon :vote was duly adopted~ The following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved by the Board of County ~ommissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesot~: COMMISSIONERS .RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Heu11n,11■uA1ca.."",,ST.cLivD,■1N11. ea DATE .............. li.YE..\l.ll.t.iJ.J ................................................ 19 .. 59 That the. sum of $580.43 be and hereby is transferred .from the :Game & Fish Fund the County Auditor and Treasurer make the necessary entries on their records. to the County Revenue Fund, am th&t Adopted August 11, 1959. Attest: S. :B. JOHNSON Clerk of the Board,. RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD Cllr COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL CO~Y, MINNESOTA orTO HAASE Chili ma;,_. WHEREAS, the ],a rd of County Commissioners on January 2, 1954., agf'eed by resolution to pay township aid acc,:irdina to the amCJ11nts levied by the townships, and which amounts are as folla-is: . .., From 10 mills and up, but less than 15 mills $100.00 From 15 mills and up, but less than 20 mills 200.00 2o mills and up 300.00 NOW, THEREFORE, l!E IT RESOLVED, that the amounts to be paid b:·idge levies for 1958 shall be as follows: to the respective townships according to their road and Township Total Mills Levied Amount Township Total Mills Levied Amount Aastad 14.50 100.00 Hoba1•t 30.00 300.00 Amor 15.00 200.00 Hoo:estead 16.43 200.00 Aurdal 20.00 300.00 Inman ll.50 100.00 Blowers 30.00 300.00 Leaf Lake~ 23.00 300.00 :Bluffton 25.00 300.00 Lea:( Mountain 30.00 300.00 :Buse 1.60 None Lide 30.00 300.00. :Butler 25.00 300.00 Maine 15.00 200.00 Candor 21.00( 300.00 Maplew6al. 26.00 300.00 • Carlisle 10.70 100.00 Newton 25.00 300.00 Clitherall 25.00 300.00 Nidaros 25.00 300.00 Compton 6.Li-0 Mone Norwegian Grove 15.00 200.00 Corliss 20.00 300.00 Oak c~alley 21.42 300.00 Dane Prairie 20.00 300.00 Orwell 14.76 100.00 Deed Iake 20.00 300.00 Oscar 15. 00 200.00 Deer Creak: 20.00 300.00 Otter"Tail 10.00 100.00 Dora 25.00 300.00 Otto 25.00 300.00 Du.nn 25.00 300.00 Paddock J0.00 300.00 :Sagle Lake 25.00 300.00 Parkers Prairie 24.oo 300.00 Eastern 20.00 J00.00 Pelican 24.50 300.00 Edna 20.00 300.00 Perham 16.43 200.00 Effington 20.00 300.00 Pine Lake 25.00 JOO.CO Elizabeth 20.00 300.00 ~sh Lake 15.00 200.0.9 Elmo 21.90 300.00 Saint Olaf 29.00 300.00 Erhards Grove 22.00 JOO.CO Scambler 25.00 300.00 Everts 20.00 300.00 Star Lake 25.00 300.00 Fergus Falls 18.80 200.00 Sverdrup 25.00 300.00 Folden 28.00 300.00 Tordenskjold 20.00 300.00 Friberg 19.00 200.00 Trortd.hjem 20.00 300.00 Girard 15.00 200.00 Tumuli 10.00 100.00 Gormn 20.00 300.00 \'/est em 12.00 100.00 Henning 25.00 -3.00.00 . Wocdside 25.00 J00.00 $ 15,600.00 Adopted this 11th. day of August, 1959. OTTO HAASE, Chairman. Attest: S. :B. JOHNSON, Auditcr. Upon motion, the Beard ;then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.l-1. August 12, 1959. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the :8111 rd met at 10 o'clock A.M., tilugust 12, 1959,. all members being present. The petition for dissolution of Common School District fh478 was taken :!lP :!;01· fir.al action. Afte1· listening to the statements of the interestPd parties, the Board issued the following order to-wft: STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUWTJ OF OTTER 'TAIL) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF OOMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO •. 1478. The above entitled matter came on duly to be heard by the County Boar 'd of Otter Tail County, IHnre so ta. at the Commissioners ·room in the Cicy of Fergus Falls in said County, on the 12th. day of Augu.st, 1959, at 10 o'clock A.D., pursuant to notice duly given as provided by la11 and the order of said Board; and. the Board having heard all persolill interested. in said matter, both for and against, finds as follows: "! ,, 1· ,, \ COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... A.ul.imli .. J.2 ... , ..........•.................... 19.59 .. . ........ First--That said proceedings were instituted by: (b) A petition sigrsd by the required ·nwnber of freeholders residing in said district: Second--That less tlmn 90 days have elapsed since the date of said hearing and the Bc11."rd being of the opinion, from the facts adduced at said hearing, that it is expedient and will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said terri t.o ey to have said school d is.tri ct dissoived; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School District No. 1478 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unorganized ter:;:itory as follows,· to-wit: All to Common School District #1478. (J) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 147a be distributed as follows, to-wit: On August 12, 1959, all monies, funds, credits, both real and personal including taxes collected for the year 1958 and prior and all obligations of said common school District #1478 shall become the property of Common School District #1500. (4) The outstanding bonded debt c,f said Cormnon School District No, 1,500 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of th~s order is hereby fixed as the 12th. day of Augast, 1959. Dated this 12th. day of August, 19.59. OTTO HAASE Attest: Chairman Boa.l'd. of ~aunty Commissionel.'B S. l!JOffiIB ON ' County A ud!tor 'The petition of Pel.'ruer Haarstad asking that the N·! . #14-rJ to District ffl446,' was taken up fol' final action. the ~ard issued the fo~lowing order, to-wit; of the ·~"El;-, Section 24-131-~3 be set off from School District After listening to the statements of the interested parites, Order Setting Off Legal:Voter from One School District to Anotlier. "Whereas, The petit:l'.on of Palmer Haal'Stad a legal voter, freeholder an:l. resident 'of School Distl.'ict No. 1413 in this ·county, representing that he is the Qolner of the lands hereinafter described, wliich are situate in said School District, and adjoin Scliool Dis~rict No. 111-46 a.'ld asking tr.st lie with his said lands ·may be set off from said district No~. 1413 to said adjoinfng school distl'ict No. 1446 was presented to tre Board of Cciunty Cbmmissioners of this County at a ·session of said board held on the to da,.v of Jum, A.D., 1$159 fo1· the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by sa:i'.d board that a hearing should be had ori said petitir-n, at a session of said board on the 12th. d!ilY of August,A.D., 1959 at the County Auditor's office in the ·city of FergusFalls iri said County; and whereas it was further ordered in an by said order tib.at notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public piaces in each of the school districts bo be affected by said petition, and by amiling to the clerk of eac~ of said School nistricts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the iime appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 12th. day of August A.D:, 19.59, due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein ·directed and required," more that ten days prior to said last ·named date, having 'been made and filed, said petition was ·publicly read. ard cons"lcl.e1·ed ·cy the Board, with every- thing wliich was said by 'said interested parties for or against 'granting the prayer <llf the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined., that the said petitioner and the following descr~bed lands a1ned by him, ta,.-wit: · Ni of the NJ%,: Section 24-131-43 be arid tha same are hereoy set cf f from said School District No, 1413 to said adjoinfng School District No, 1446 and said :1ands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissione~s Dated the 12th. day of A~at A.D., 1959, (Auditor's Seal) OTTO HAASE Chairnan of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota Attest: S, B. JOilNSON County Auditor and ex-officio Clellt of Board, The petftion of Peter T, Lien, asking that the s-} NE-;1-: Section 24-131-43 be set off from School Eistl'ict i¥l4l!J to District #1446, was ta.lcen up for final action. Afte1· listening to the statements of the interested parties, the ljoard issued the following order, to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, The petition of Peter T. Lien a legal voter, freeholder and reside1t of School District No. 14]J in thi s County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 1446 and asking that he with his sa.:id land.a may be set off from said district No. 1413 to said ad.joining school district No. 1411-6 was presented: to tlie :Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said Board held on the 10th. day of June A.D., 1959 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition. at a session of said board on the 12th. day of .A:utu,st A.D, 1959, at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time am place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, a~.d by mailing tb the clerk of each of said School Dietricts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 12th, day of August A,D,, 1959, due proof of the postinil!I ard service of said order of hearing as-therein directed ard required, more that ten days prior to said last COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINN DATE Augu.St 12 59 ' • tEU■hr •ii■11NI CD■PH, I 51. C1.IIUD •••••. ···················································································19 ...... . ll8med date, having been made and filed, said -cetition w bl. was said by said interested parties for or a~inst gran:: puthicly read and conside:ed by the Board, with everything which that said petition should be granted, it is hereby orde er:: d edp~~yer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion described: lands CW!led by him, to-wit: r an e ermined, ti-at the said petitioner and the following 5½ of }JE.k, Section ·24-1Jl-4J • be a:,.d the same are; hereby set off from·said School District·No 1413 • • . · lands are hereby made a part of said last named School Dist •i t.f 11to said adJoining School District No. 1446 am said 1 c or a purposes whatever •.. By order·of the·Board of ·County Commissioners. Dated the 12th, day of-August A.II,; 1959• (Auditor's Seal) OTTO HAASE Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Attest: S, B, JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio clerk cf Board, The petiti?n of Walter· Neulieb; . ask~ng that the W½ of ~h~ lm,¼-, Section ~7-135~li/J. be set ~ff :from School District ,fh/J.29,. Otter Tail Gow:ity, to School ·District f:850, Wilkin County, was read. Aft:er consideration the Board issued the following order, to-wit: • Order Setting Off Legal Vot~r:f~o~ ~n~ Sc.~ool District to 1nother. ~'/hereas, The.petition of:Walter Weulieb a legal voter, freeholder and !-es.ident of School IJistrict No. 1429 in this County,_ :epresenti~ t~t he :i:s the ?wn7r of the lands hereil".after described, •which•a1·e·situate in said School District, ar.d adJoin Sch?ol Dis~r~ct Mo, 850 1:ilk~n Co, and a 1 sking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No, 1429 to said _adjoini~ school·distr:i:ct lfo, ·850 1/ilkin Co. was prese?t ed to the Boe.rd of County Commissioners of this County a~ a session of said·board·held on·the 10th. d~• of J=e A.D., 1959 foe the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was the~eupon ordered by·said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said beard ?n the 12th. day 01 Au.e~st A.ll.; 19~ ·at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in-said County; and whereas it wa? further. ordered in a~d by said. order t.hat notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order i~ th:ee public ~lac~s in each of the ~chool districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each Oi said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; a?'1 wbereas_at the said.session?! th~ said Boar~ of County commissioners on said 12th. day of Alli!,ust A,D., 1959 due proof 01 the po~t1ng and service of sain orner of hearL~g as therein directed and required, more than ten deys prior:to said last r.amed date, having been made and filed,said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was aaid by said interested parties for or against granting the pr9¥er of the petitioner, and said Board. being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said' petitioner and the following described lar,.ds owned by him, to-wit: W½ of the NE&, Section 27-135-44 be am the sane are hereby set-off from said School District No. 1429 to said adjoining School District No. 850, Wilkin co. and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for e.11 purposes whateve1•0 By order of the Board of Bounty Commissioners Dated the 12th. day of August A.D., 1959, (Auditor's Seal) OTTO nAASE Chairman of the Board cf County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio clerk of Board. T'ne petition of Albert ~un, Jr., asking that the s:E& SE;}-, ex. tr. in Section 2-1)1-38 be set off from School District #1501 to School District #547, rwas read. After consideration, the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, The petition of Albert Thun, Jr. a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 1501 in this County, representing that he is t.he cw!".er of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, arrl adjoin School District No, 547 ard asking tmt he with his said lands may be set ofr fran said district No. 1501 to said adjoining school district No. 547 was presented to the• B<B rd of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th. day of July A.D., 1959 for the action of said be~ rd thereon; am whereas it was thereupon ordered by said beard that a hearil".g should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 12th. day of August A~D., 1959, at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said Crunty; am whereas it was further ordered in and by liaid order that notice of the time ar!d place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school r'li stricts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County eommissi.oners on said 12th. day of August A.D., 1959, due proof of the posting ·and service of said order af hearina as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed., said petiti~n was publicly read and cransidered by the Board, wit.h everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting tho prayer of the petitio!l,er, and saidBoard being of opinion that said petition shoudl be g1anted, it is hereby ordered and d.etennined, that the said petitioner and the follewing described lands owned by him, to-wit: SE% of SE¼ ex. t-ract, Section 2-131-38 be and the ·sam,1 are hereby set off from said School District No. 1501 to said adjofoing School District No. 547 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named SchoolDistrict for all purposes whatever. By order of the Bea rd of County Commissioners lated th.: 12th. day of August A.D., 1959, (Auditor's Seal) OTTO RAISE Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Attest: S. Bo JOHNSON County }.uditcr , and ex-officio Clerk of BQl. rd. , ,, I I I ,I,, '., i '1 11 ·•· •:I!, Ii!•, ; ., ' 1 ·;•· ' !' I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ Augus.t ... 12 ..................................... 19.551... The County Board of Auditors presented proposals of various banks for deposit of County Funds for the coming two years together with assignments of aecw·itiea for said banks in the following amounts. First Nat 11. :Bk:., Fergus Falla Fergus Falla Nat11 Bk. & T1uat Co. Security State Bk., fergua Falla !irat Nat 11. :Bk:., Minneapolis J.P. \•/allace St. Bank, Pel. Rpda. Security St. :Bk:., Deer Creek Erhard St. :Bk:. Perham State Bank First Nat'l :Bk:., Henning First St. :Bk:., Dalton Vergas State Bank First Nat 11. BIi:., Parkers Prairie Farmers & Merchants S.!,. :Bk:., N.Y.M. Farmers State Bank, Dent First Nat 11 Be..~k, Battle Lake Farmers St. l!ei!k, Underwood u.s. Treasury :Bonda. U.S. Treasury Notes O.T. Co. Read & Brid.ge Borda. v.s. Treasury Bonds. U.S. Treasury Borda •. School Building Bonda, . Cook Co'11,11ty, Illinois • High School Dist. Bonda, Loa Angeles ••• , School Dist. Bonda, Loa Apgelea ..• Ind. School Dist. Bonda, Kandiyohi Ci!lunty, l•linnesota State of Ohio Maj or Thoroughfare Construction Bonds. U.S. Treasu1y Bonda U.S. Treasury Bonds U.S. Treasury Bonda U.S. Treasury Bonda U,S. Treasury Bonda. U.S. Treasury Bonda U.S. Treasury Bonds U.S. Treasu1y Bohda U.S. Treasury Bonda City of El CP.ntro, ~mperial Co. , California Bonda . . . u.s: Treasury ,Boni ii U.S. Treasury Bonds u.s.-Treasury Bonda All of these secu1·ities am assi~ments thereof were approved by the board. • $ 773 , 000. 00 384,000.00 50,000.00 1,6J6.ooo.oo 350,000.00 . 50,000.00 75,00Q.OO 35,000.00 • : 100, ooo. 00 105,000.00 50,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 5Q,OOO.OO 12,000.00 41,,500.00 17,500.00 15,000.00 15; 000.00 5,000.00 25,000.00 15,000.00 26,500.00 The Bea rd .ba,ving previously ~dvertised .for the coming seasons supply of coal, opened bids which were four,d tobe aa followe: Lampert tumber co. Campbell Coal Co. $ 18.)8 $ 18.15 per tan per ton Upon motion, the contract was awarded to the Campbeil:l Coal Co. for $18.15 per ton. The application of Anna S. Johnson for settlement and abatement of delinquent taxes, penalty, interest ard costs for the years 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957 and 1958 on the ~ ~e¼ of SP.ction 1-136-)6, was read, Upon motion, the application was 1·ejected on recom111endation of the Town Board. The application of F.Merrill Ma.ck for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Township of Hobi.rt, was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected upon recommematio11 cf the To~m Board, The application o-Y F. Merrill I-lack for reduction of assessed valuation on Lot 1, Section 21-137.:liO, was read, Upon motion, the application was rejected upon recommendation of the Town Board. The application of Anna C. Haag,mson for homestead classification on Lot 6, Block 1, Paulson's & Milne's Addn. to Henning, was read. Upon motion, one half homestead was granted am the County Audi ta-was instructed to change the recorqs accordingly. The application of Donald Gillaspey for home~teaq classifim.tion on the 5¼, SE?. Section 27-135-42, was read, Upon motion, the applicatinn was granted. The County Audi tor was instructed to changl! his records accordingly. The application of M.R. Roderick for reduction cf .assessed value.ti on on part Lot 2 South of road in Section 2-136-40, was read. Upon motion, the application was recommer.d~d to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be. granted due to an er~or in classification of land. The application of Gerald Courneya for reduction of assessment on Sub Let C of Lot8 in Section 8-137-40, was rwd. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner cf Ta:.ation ti'at the application be gral).ted on the ground c:£ erroneous classification of land am buildings. 0 The application of ·1. ~. McGrane for reduction of assessed vlaue on the ~"P,k, Section 36-134-)6, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the applici. ti on be gi:L nfed on the ground of over value of barn. The application cf the Rlld River Valley Campfire Council for exemption of taxation of Lot 2, Section 15 am that part of the NE;¼-SW¼, NW¼ SE¼ am Lot 2 which lies South of the _p11,blic highway in S11ction 10-137-41, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted provided that it was a legally cor:sti tuted charitable corporation. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board. of County Commissioners bf Ott,~r Tail County, Minnesd; a: That the .sum of $1,961.00 be am it liereby is transferred from the Boat & I-later l:.~forcement Fund to the County Revenue Fund, being repaYJ!ient of funds paid on the Revenlie fund for Beat & \-later tilforce1nent. Adopted AUEIJ.St 12, 1959. Attest: S. B, JOHNS ON Cle rlt. OTTO ~!AASE Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Hdil1i,i1■111UiC6■PA11t,■r.cLoUD ■1u. C4al DATE ............... .Allgw;.t. .. J2 .............................................. 19.52 .. The following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved by the Board cf Caunv Commissioners d Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS, The A.B.C. Funds fer the County and State Highwey Conetfu,ction have not been allocated for the yea1·e 1960 and 1961, and WHEREAS, Such delay in allocation of A.B.C. Fume Will cauee a serious economic impact to the County in addition to causing a heavy unemplo)lillent problem. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That "this iloard urges that everything prossible be done to provide funds -for this work and that copies of this resolution be forwarded to both Minnesota Senators and all Representatives in Washihgton •. Adopted August 12, 1959. Attest: S,B, JOHNSON Clei:k:. The following resolution was adopted: OTTO HAASE Chaim-an. Be it resolved. by the Boa rd of County Commissionns of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. That both Minnesota Senators and all Representatives be urged. to support the Landrum-GrifHn Labor Bill. Be it further resolved that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Senators am Representatives. Adopted AU@l.St 12, 1959• Attest: S. B. JOHNS ON Cl~rk. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Do Gary A. Nelson Glen M. Melby Sidney Nelson Gary A. Nelson Roland. Schaller Twins ·Motors Co. Epko Film Service, Inc. Fingnrprint Eouipment Laboratory Sargent -Sowell, Inc. Weesre r, Ihc. Beck & Signs Henry ·Sieling Sam Nycklemoe Otto Haase Bonnie J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Henry-Sieling Harvey•D, 1-Iorrill Otto Haase --Bennie J. Johnson Olga Hoeft Mable -Rossow Addressograph-Multigraph, Cor. Ui llel'-Davi s CompA.!".Y Poucher Printing & Lithographing Col The Pierce Company Schoolcraft Compa.,iy Helson Bros. Printing Co. Do Victor Lundeen& Co. Norman L,Johneon Perham Enterprise Bnlletin Fergus Journal Co. Bo Gust 1agerquist & Sons Home Becorators Fergus Glass & Pa:in.t Co. Johnson Drugs Do Farmers State Insurance Agency Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. Simonson Linoleum Co, W.L. Rust Frank· Roberts Emil Boen Roger• Gustafson Kathryn L. 1-lichaelson Ror.ald Hintermeister Marion R.Gill §~c~~ity Blank Book & Prtg, Co. O~TO HAASE Chairman. boarding prisoners expenses Deputy sheriffs exoense I! II • II II II II expenses, probation officer mileage, water safety gas & oil, water safety binoculars, watex· safety supplies revolvers Uniforms, Sheriffs Department lettering police patrol beet attending meeting 11 II II II services, Bard of Equalization II II II II II II II II Clerk, County Superintendent II ribbons supplies II II school Supplies II stamped envelopes printed supplies II II II publish minutes, etc. II II II services_ suppli!? s wallpaper fo1• dail eouipment rental r;pairs to equipment Court Reuse Insurance repairs repairs to desk II weed. inspector II II (Reed & Bx,idge) (Revenue) expenses• assistant a~seseor clerk, soil conservation_ services, soil conservation II supplies $1181.00 149.50 .:,9.30. 192.80 345.70 125.00 165,00 J6.29 79.00 28.58 97-65 74.40 5.00 30,58 15.10 24,00 15.10 18.50 23.60 12.50 22,25 18.50 28,00 1(:8.00 10.97 111.53 234.66 52.44 93,87 104.20 22.50 743.5~ 510.50 75,00 15.00 330.58 38.00 3.12 130.13 10~50 2.50 160.42 20,47 . 11.10 1.50 263.28 190.69 30.18 75.62 202.40 70.30 72.72 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. · August 12 59 DATE .............................................................. _. ................... 19 ... . Ruth E.Ra!lllay John L. Bixby N, W, Bell Telephone co, Do Do Do William Bahls M,•rlin S. Rieman Edwin Ala George Dickhaut Cliffcrd E,Pederson Dr, E, C,. Ranson Dr, C,J, Lund H. \'I. Glorvigen Insurance Service Agency Olga Tcr vile Vernon E, Bachman Russell Brooberg Evelace G. Hanson Park Region Medical Center Goodwin Joss Laboratories Charles Godel M -R Sign Co. Normandy Cafe Esther G. Sell East Otter Tail Tele, co. Do Esther G. Sell Artz Gamera Supply Co, Secre·tarial Service Philip M, Kjaglien ·Do Army Times Public Utilities Dept, Straub Co, N. W. Bell Tele. Co. Minnesota State Sanatorium Dr.E. C. Hanson Swans Rexall Drug Mineral Springs Saratorium Steblay Drug Store Dr. R .. H. Liebold City of Fergus Falls Poor Department Erickson Hardware Borchert -Ingersoll, Inc. Public Works, Equipment Co, Wm. R •. Zieg1s r Co,, Inc. Park Machine Co. Hintgen -Karst Electric Co. McCormick Farm Equipment Store Olson.Auto Electric Larson Welding Auto Safety Service Norman Kragerud Baas Oil Co, Perham Coop, Oil Co, Anton .Rasset Sorem.Auto Parts Co, Pete Erickson Ronald Isakson K. S.& K Repair Shop Pete's Standard Service Paper,. Calmenson & co, Minnesota Mining and Mfg. Co. Northwestern Refining Co. W. R .. Brown,Corp, Empire Supply Co, National Bushing & Parts Co, Sigelman Ride & Fur Co, Cordes Implement Co, Northwood Specialty Co, Renning Hardware Rall 1s Our Own Hdwe, Andy Is 1166 11 Service Station Gemlo.Oil Co, Cities Service Station Jims Service Station Farmers Coop, Creamery Assn, Deer Cfeek Vergas Oil Co, Park Region Oil Co, Langdon1s 210 Texaco Ervs Esstside service Renning D.X. Oil Station Syverson's Better Mileage Station Renning Mobil Service Dan's Texaco Service Bengtson Oil Co, Hoot Lake Pure Oil Fossen Oil Co, transcript expenses, co. assessor services services, sheriff mobile service, sheriff telephone, probation office assist constable deputy sheriff fees ,ar,d ,expenses constable fees and mileage 11 II II Deputy sheriffs expenses coroners fees II II commission paid to drivers license agents burglary insurance postage II II II services at jail tyPewritel! stencil for uniforms meals for jurors expenses services telephone reri; postage supplies, vet, ser. office services supplies expenses subscription services rent services care of patients services T.B. uatient sup~lies T,B,patient care of patient drugs for T:-B, patients care of patients expense with transients supplies parts II repairs sign, posts, etc. · supplies asphalt supplies II II II II II II II gasoline etc. II $ J.60 51.52 28.85 111.60 126.55 8.6J 5.00 J0,60 15,00 4).00 J0.60 28.40 )6,58 lJ,95 255,86 46,00 27,75 59,83 40.oo 17,00 10.00 97,50 I .6,00 8.JO 37.,94 9,00 11.00 1.10 67,12 1.85 5,00 62.86 6.00 Jn7 50.00 23,35 1097,28 40.00 16,50 219.50 220.61 9,00 27..74 46.80 32,73 23:18 1000,08 · 84.24 4,90 69.08 33,51 8,00 10.60 50,80 JO.JS .10.85 2.00 52.00 J,.0,00 13.50 53,95 2,75 16)9,80 275,40 1529, 16 12,95 328,05 22,25 50.44 5.42 20.00 14.15 123,82 22),19 5,80 56.80 44.16 53.20 124.98 5!3,93 154,92 lOiL,44 111.50 164,36 44.69 142,23 59,86. 104,41 352.10 COMMISSIONERS RECORD..Q~. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 11cU■in,11■TINICDIIPA■T ST.CLOUD IIINN. Arrow Petroleum Soliah & Braatz Oil Oo. Anderson & Sandberg Standard Oil Co., Battle Lake D,A.Lubricant Co., Inc. Firestone Store Raymond Mo tor Traneportati. on Co. Village of Battle Leke Farmers Union G.T.A. Battle Lake Farmers Co. I. S. Isaacson Art Jacobson Chas. E. Neuman Arthur &, Marie Larson Dale Smith Fred Trcbsdahl , Mae Okeson Poucher Printing & Lithographing co. Victor Lundeen &, Co. Pie:r:ce.Company Midway Printing Co. Minnesota State Highway Department H. A. Rogers Co. Otter Tail Power Co. Construction Bulletin N. W. Bell Telephone Co., Henning Pelican Telephone Co. Midwest Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephon.e Co., Fergus li'alls East Otter Tail Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co., Fergus Falb Ver.gas Telephone Co. Wendell P. Huber ~.D. Harlow George Olson Wendell P. Huber Olson Enstad -I.arson, Inc. Reuben Peterson Harry L. Mortenson Dell Kenryon Dollie Krenz E, M. Arderson John I. :Bondy Kenneth E. Hovland Town of Folden Town of Dane Prairie Graff Hardware &: Implement FARMotors, Inc. Pelican Telephone Co. llinnesota Motor Co. Robert 3. Erickson Engineering Co. M -R Sign Co. South Mill Standard Lloyd Hl Blake W, R. Strand DATE A 0 "'1B-t-••12···············································19. diesel fuel II 11 fuel oil II II I oil tires freight. water charge seed sodding e~uipment rental gravel pit gravel II II II supplies II II II services prints II advertise for bids service.and tolls II 11 11 II ll -. expenses II II II 11 II II II II , cash advrn ced b·01>nd right right II of way of wey II II 11 appraiser II II township aid supplies repairs serviee and tolls repairs plans signs gasoline gravel painting fla:g pole The bill of Ralph Risbrudt, in the sum of $.5~·00, was rejected. $ 922.47 43.00 131.78 47.40 116 • .5.5 .570.07 13.18 5.00 25.20 48.7.5 469,90 3.5.00 666.oo 226.02 79.24 78.96 34 • .50 11.81. .51.30 19.40 32.00 774.49 97-32 .5.76 29.40 12.20 9.;,.5 9.90 25.30 13.·80 52.20 14.2.5 202.98 212.6.5 18.4.5 68.04 231-2.5 11~20 32.40 30.10 20.40 25.60 31 • .50 25.90 300.00 .500.00 , 1.24 6;.•0l 7.15 10.47 .1200.00 1487.00 90.37 9.73 37 • .50 Upon motion, the sum of $1.500•.00 was appropriated to the County Treasurjirs Change Fund as provided by Chapter 502, Laws of 19.59 and the County Auditor was auth11rized to issue a warrant on t:he County Revenue Fu.ndof the County, pay.able to the County Treasurer for the establishment of this fund. Upon motion, the Bea rd then adjourned to 10 o 1cilock A.M., September 8, 19.59. _(V_/7;p £;ff Chairman. Attest: Clelk:. I" I 'I· I•• I, COMMISSIONERS RECORD~·o,· ·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... September .. 8 ··········································l959 .. . MINU'l'ES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COIMISSIONERS OF OTTER ~IL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M,, September 8, 1959, all members being present, Sheriff Russell Brooberg wae authorized to superviee the erection of the housing of radio equipment.on the Court House.roof and Block hbuae at the tower site. Vpon motion, the entire :Boa.rd was appointed a committee to view completed roads on Sep~ember 29 alld JO, 1959, the Board.to meet at 9 A.M. The application o~ W, E. AJ;kinson for cancellation of certificate of forfeiture erroneously issued by the County Auditar, covering the years 1926, 1927, 1928 am 1929 on tract beginning at intersection of E. line of R.R. of W, wif,h S, line of Lot 2, thence E. JO rds., N, 16 rds., thence W. parallel to S, line, Lot 2 to E, line of R.R., then S, along R.v. ·to beginning in !Callings Sub Division of the NEh-• section 35-lJJ-43, was read, It wae recommended to the Tax Commis- sioner that said certificate of forfeiture be cancelled on the ground that the City of Fergus Falls acquired title to this property on the 20th. day of September, 1926, and was therefore exempt from taxation and was purchased by W. E, Atkinson on January, 1945, A plat of Clear Water Beach, 1st, to title, executed by James A. Ramstad, Addn. located in lot 1 and Lot 5, Section 6-1J7-40 and accompanied by opihion 88 Attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Jrd, Addn. to Burau Beach being part of Govt. Lota 1, 2 & 3 in Section J-132-42, .accompanied by apinion as to.title, executed by Norman D, Arveson, Attorney-at-law, was approved, A plat of Jrd. Addn. to Suneyaide being a part of Government Lot 3, Section 1-1)2-39 and accompanied by an opinion as to.title, executed by No~n D. Arveson, Attorney-at-law, was approved, A plat of Hillcrest Beach located in Lot 2 , Section 26-137-40, accompanied by an opinion a~ tot.title, executed by; Gerald S. Rufer, Attorney-at~law, was approved. The attention of the Commissioner of Highways and County Highway Engineer is respectfully called to the following Resolution of the Board dl' County Commissione1s of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, adopted at the meeting held on the 8th. d.ay of September, 1959: ~HEREAS, The County HighWeY Engineer bas, in response to requests on hand, recommended that the State HighWfl¥ Department be re~uested to make a study of the speed zoning problem and a reco11DDendation in regard to the follcw ing roads: C.S.A.H, # 16 -Junction with T.H. #78 and North 1/2 mile. C.S.A.H, # 35 -Junction with T.H. #52 & 59, 1.0 mile Fast to 2 Miles East. C.§.A.H, # 51 -Junction with T.H. #10 to 2,5 miles North. C,S.A,H. I 7,2 -from C,S.A.H. ·lh to 1/4 mile South cf Otter Tail River. NOW., THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the State Highway Department be and it hereby is, requested to make a study and recommendation of the speed zoning on the above listed roadp, and BE IT FURTHER RESOL'llED, That a copy· of this resolution be forwardei to the Safety Division of the State Highway Department. Adopted September 8, 1959, Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: OTTO HAASE Chainnan. Resolved by the Board of County Co1111Dissione rs of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Cyrus G. Wright of Fergus Falla, Lyndon Johnson of Henning and Dr. Henry Korda of Pelican Rapids be aml. fhey hereby are appointed as members of the Mental j:lygiene Clinic Board retroactive from July 1, 1958, Adopted September 8, 1959, Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution w~s adopted: OTTO RAISE Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Otter Tail County will participate with Becker Co,, Wilkin Co. alld Grant Co, in the suppor.t of a Mental Hygiene Clinic, and that :ehe Chairmah of the Board of Commiasl. oners is hereby authorized to sign any agreement,. Adopted September 8, 1959. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk, OTTO HAASE Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECOR]) .. 01• OTTER TAIL -COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ·········-· -S ,'llt ... ,. D r,,;:Q ·· e. em.,e .. --.., ......................................... 1~~~··· SECIIUTIPll■TIIIICOIIP Hr IT.CLGIID 111 11, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That there be and is included with the 1959 levey for Welfare purpos 8 th $ aupport of the Mental ~giene Clin•ic from October lst., 1959 to June JO, e 1960_ e sum of 9,380.50 for tlE maintenance and Adopted September 8, 1959. A,iteat: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: O'P.'110 .HAASE Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioner of 0tter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum offJJ0.00 be and the same is hereby allCMed to Clarence Mielke for services and expenses in preparing the.Ot~er Tail County exhibit at t~e Minnesota State Fair for the year 1959, this being the amount of premium received for.said exhibit·, and that the Chairman and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and d. et d t · ton the. Revernie Fund for said am011nt. ir c e O issue 8 warr~n Adopted September 8, 1959. Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Cle:dc • OTTO HAASE Chairman. Upon motion, the Board then adj r.urned to 10 o'clock A.M. September 9, 1959. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board.met at 10 o'clock A.M. September 9, 1959, all members being present • . The petition of Arnoid Schacthschneider asking that Lots 5, 6 & 7 except the W. 56 rds., Section 2J-1J2~42, be set off. from School District ,f/,1J88 to School District #]J87, was read and it was er de red that a hea,ing on aai d p, ti tion be held at 10 o'clock A.M., October 14, 1959, and that .vhe notice of the time and place uf' such hearing be given as reQuired by law • . Upon motion, it was decided that all plats of Lakeshore property must be filed with the C011nty 0Auditor or Highway Engineer on or before the 1st. dlllf of each month if they are to~ acted upon by the Board dur~ng that month~ . Upon motion, theCounty agreed to share 20% of the cost in eradicating Leafy Spu,ge on approximately 20 acres on the John W. Beynold far111,,township of Everts. Upon motion, it was decided that no more unifol'llls for the Sheriff or his Dep~tiea will be paid for by. the County. The application of Leslie B. Ford for reduction of assessed valuation on tract 27 1 by 1001 in LQt 2, Section 7-137-42, was.read. Upon motion, it was recommended to.the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground of excessive valuation • . The application of Chas. Swinford, asking for reduction of assessed valuation on Lot 51, Min~ie H.·Barry1s Addn. to Killarney Beach, was read and it was recommended to theCommissionerof Taxation that the application be.granted as recommended by the County Assessor, . The applicq_tion of James Meath, asking for cancellation of personal property in the Township of Dunn,was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the Applic·-tion be granted and the ta11: canc~lled on the gro1,lild that this property was sold in 1957 and the purchaser had paid taxes on the same property. . The application of R.D. Smiley for settlement and abatement of delinQuent taxes, penalties, interest and coat, on. the W½ .. NWi} of Section 25-137-42 for the years 1954, 1955, 1956 and 1957, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted and that he be permitted to settle ~i, taxi,s for $150.00, as the land is very poor. The application of R.D. Smiley for reduction of assessed valuation for the year 1958 on the Wi, NW4-, Section 25-137-4·2, was. read. Upon ••otion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Te;xation that the application be granted upon recommendatior of ~he County Assessor • . The application of Oren Putnam for homestead classification on Lots 1, 2 & J, Section ~-1J6-4J, was read. Upon motion, the.application was rejected upon recommendation of the ~own Board. : The application of Arthur A. Vuori for reduction of assessed valuation on Lot 14, Block 4, ~lowers 2nd. Addn., wa, read. Upon motion, theapplic-' tion was rejected upon recommemation of the Village Board. . The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg . Do Sidney Nelson Glen Mell¥ Gary A.Nelson Diebold, Inc, Coopers Office Supply Addressograph -Multigraph corp, boarding prisoners expenses Deputy Sheriffs expenses II II II probation officers ixpenae services equipment tental services $. 1208.00 117.SQ J2EL70 249.70 129,10 50.po 20.00 Jo.75 1: II 'I I 11 ! ..... COMMISSIONERS RECORB-·0t~0TTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... September 9, ................................ 19 .... 59 Gust Lagerouist & Sons, Vernon E. Bachman Anna M. Obowa Olga R. Hoeft Elizabeth S. Meyer Sam Nycklemoe Henry Sieling Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Dr. Ivan E. Bigler Jim Goudreau Alfred J. M~yer Reuben S. M. Nyhus Emil Boan Frank Roberta Kathryn L. Michaelson Ronald Rintermiester llarion R. Gill E. J. Wilson Ed Ryan, Sheriff George Larson Gary A. Nelson John Roff Clifford E. Pederson Merl in ~. Rieman John N. Neels Wallace Jensen N, W. Bell Telephone Co, Do Do Holten Hardware Duro -Test Corp. Lustre Corp. of America Industrial Electronics C. W. Weislander Wm. Galena & Son Fergus Plumbini & Heating Rintgen-Karst Electric Co, Rol ten Hdwe. Ebersviller Implement Co. South Mill Starulard Terry Keane Suhr Ford Sales, Inc, Olson Auto Electric Nelson Bros. Printing, Co. Do Poucher Printing & tithog~aphing Co, Schoolcraft Co, Security Blink Book & Pr1 nt ing Co. De:i:artment of Administrati. on Remington Band Victor Lund.een & Co. Miller-Davis Company Burroughs Corpora ti. on Coopers Office Supply ~geblad Publishing Co, Fergus Journal Co. R, W, Glorvigan Vernon E. Bachman Goal win joss Laboratories Wessner, Inc. Wessners, ll!nc. La Mode Shop R, W, Glarvigan Farmers & Merchants Agency American Legion Aux. N,Y.M. EstherG. St!!. 1 Do Eleanor Dybdal Do Minnesota TubPrculosis & Health Assn. Victor Lundeen & Co. East Otter·Tail Telephone Co~ Philip M. Kjaglien Secretarial Service N, w, Bell Telephone Co, Straub Estate Public Utilities Deptl Victor Lundeen & co• Recordak Corp. Philip M. Kj:,glien R. A. Renning Minnesota State Sanatorium City of Fergus Falla Poor Department Swans Rexall Drugs Dr,•Everett 6. Ranson Lawrence Merz Public Utilities Department Roland Schaller services expenses clerliJ; 60W1ty Superintendent II II II expenses II II II coroners fees witness fees 11 II 11 II II weed inspection expense 11 II II clerk, soil conservation services, soil crnservation soil conservation work serviJlt citation !! II constable fees deputy sheriffs expenses deputy sheriff deputy sheriffs fees II II 11 II II II II services mobile·service services garbage can, jail supplies II II repairs II ,II. II supplies II II janitor work ins tal. 1 siren repairs printing II II printing and envelopes supplies school sup plies ruled blanks SGrhool supplies supplies equipment am supplies books, blanks, etc. supplies II II publishing poatag e II services uniforms for sheriff uniforms for deputy sheriff sheriff emblems advance coDDDissions paid to drivers license agents insurance, county bldgs, decorating graves expenses postage expense postage suppUa II services e:spenses forms telephone and toll rent services supplies, vet. ser, supplies postage repair typewriter care of patients care c£ poor care of poor nun Hospital exami?'.ation blanks wrecking old buildings hauling rubbish expenses 38.00 19,67 is.so 12.00 16.00 13.42 19,08 17,00 10.90 10~'25 8,00 11.60 11.60 232,55 150.19 81.25 172,50 220.15 2.30 4,56 17,00 65,4o 93,60 28.4o 60,20 20,60 41.00 28.50 102.00 120.45 15.00 64.85 95.70 26.50 16.4o 9,4o 12.85 21.65 16,Sl 6.68 10.66 .90.00 12.22 4.oo 47.75 104.20 6:,~.91 .68.19 150.43 2.~ 259,88 1011.27 379.95 33,42 80.,1 497,15 248,0S 50.00 39,60 15.·oo 75,19 62.90 31,69 18.05 388,90 25.00 43.46 4,00 13,?8 4.00 15,71 J.6, 9.00 40,32 1,85 33.45 50.00 3.21 33.80 44.10 6.00 2.50 924.48 89,68 . 24.00 3.00 557,20 6.00 l??,70 COMMISSIONERS RECORo-··ot-OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. llc611111Hi■11HEi■,aNT,ll,CL UD ■INN, DATE ... -······················~=·~~~!!1 ber .. 9 ............................... l 9 .... 59 Fergus Oil Co., Inc. Coast to Coast Store Hunter Drugs :Borcher-Ingersoll, Inc. George T. R,ye.n Co, Wm. H. Ziegler, Co., Inc. Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Skogmo Motor.a, Inc. Minnesota Motor Co, Olson Auto Electric Larson Welding Super GMC Truck Sales McCormick Farm Store Mills Motors Knut•tila Implement co. ,"Jnc. :Brown!s Implement Hendricks Implement: Empire Supply Co. National :Bushing & Parts Co. Ebersvill er Implement Co. Sigeleman Hide & Fur Co. Holten Hawe. Fergus Plumbing & Heating Co. Davenport's Stationery Service Oil Company, l!attle Lake Northwood Specialty Co. Everts Lumber Co. Vergas Hdwe. Co. Graff Hdwe. & Implement Erickson-Hellekson-Vye Co., Erhard Henning Hdwe. Bauck1s Hdwe. Cea st to Coast Store, Battle Lake N. W. Refining Co. Mills Farmers Elevator :Bluffton Coop. Creamery Firestone Store, Fergus Falls A. E. Gu.llicksoh· Gemlo Oil: Co. Log Cabin -D.S. Otter Tail Coop. Oils Fergus Oil Co. Hoot Lake PureOil Fossen on Co. Swenson Service Perham Coop. Oil Col Frazee Texaco Service Apco Service :Bengston Oil Co. Co:1sume:rs coop. oil Co., Henning Henning Mobil Service Standard Oil Co., :Battle Lake Arrow Petroleum Salish & :Braatz Oil Co. D. A. Lubrfc~.nt co. Minnesota State Highway Department Robert E. Erickson Engineering Co. Do Otter Tail Power Co. Mbneapolis :Blue Printing Co. Imperial Supply Co. The Pierce Company Indianhead Specialty Co. Victor LUI'.deen & Co. Pheoll Manufacturing Co. of Mbnesota Lustra Corporation of America Armco Metal & Drainage Products Co. Morris & Dcr.nh Stoen · Otter Tail C~. W('lfare :Bd. & Mrs. :Bertha Stensrude :Bernie Skoglund Melvyn W. Townsend Rangvold Christopherson :Beldo :Bros. Mrs. Julia Hoff N. W. :Bell Tele. Co. East Otter Tail Tele. Co. We!"dell P. Huber N. W. :Bell Tele. Co,, Henning N. W. :Bell Tele. Co., Fergus Falls Midwest Tele. Co. G. D, Harlcw George Olson Wendell P. Huber Upon motion, the Attest: Clerk. repair motor & supplies supplies first aid supplies parts II cutting edges repairs supplies asphalt seed II tire stakes gasoline etc. and diesel fuel diesel fuel oil II services plans, :Bri~e No. 56502 bridge pilil.ns blue prints supplies II II II II II steel gravel gravel II II II II II service and tolls II II II expense service and tolls expenses II 11 II cash advanced October 13, 1959, ~ ~.~u Chariman. ,1 f· -~ 111. ,s..-... 1;· • 1 • $ 118.75 : I 4.39 'I I,, I ll.11 If 10.19 53,68 237.60 J 26.26 : I•, 225.77 I 'I' . 30.18 I•, ' 86.33 ' I 22.25 I 23.50 I;., 62.04 I. 62.00 1,: 56.18 43.36 . j.·,o 131.31 1;, 33,53 !I:' 87.44 31.92 I. 5.90 li!i 1.11 1:;'. 4.57 42.70 ·I 17.50 I''' I" 72.29 I 17.04 "' 2.44 f: 7.16 6.80 15.90 I''· i-, 8.55 ,;., 860. 90 I' 255.80 I I ,, 11.70 I: 176,94 20.00 ,, 19.00 1: 33.45 !I 53.44 54.13 i: 114.96 224.09 58.08 i·· 153.90 I: 107.89 166.78 11: 111.34 10'.3 .25 I 43.63 130.42 479,64 6.00 182.60 513.44 1462.34 965.76 6.48 23.75 25.95 34.16 19.45 34.84 92.41 89.09 796.80 717-57 496.86 86.00 250.46 304.22 496,93 599.84 68.40 12.10 188.44 18.25 :r3.9,- 8.75 228.53 17.70 7;3.28 COMMISSIONERS RECORD..,O;··-OT-fER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... September .. 21, ................................ 19 .... 59 5l§U9IJJ r■lftJINf Fl!PfNJ IJ fLODp HI!! Qft MINUTES OE SPECIAL MEETING OF 'DIE BOABD OF COUN'l'Y COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNl'Y, MINNESOTA Pu.rauant to calli the Board met at 4:JO P.M., September 21, 1959, all members being present. · The Board havi1141: previously discussed the possibili t7 that certa:I. n portions of Federal Aid Secondary Funds may be decreased by the State Highway De:iartment. Affer consideration, the Board took the follcwing action. The following resolution was adopted: • Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners af Otter Tail County, Mime set a: • That this Board is unalterably opposed to any action by the Minre set a State Highway Department decreasing the allocation of Federal Aid Secondary funds to the counties. ' ,, · . -Be it further reso·lv,ed the. t copies of this resolution be sent to the Commissioner of Highways for the State of Minre sota and the state senator and represert atives of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Adopted September 21, 1959. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk of the Board. Upon motion, the board ,then adjourned. Attest: / OTTO HAASE Chairman. Chairl!8n. ' r COMMISSIONERS RECORD'-·o,--·oTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE Octobe.r )3, 59 Hr.D1:11i Plll■TIND co■, .. ,, IT. CLduo •••• , "··· ··················································-·····························19 ....... . MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL CWNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuan~ ~o adjournment,, the Board ~et at 10 o'clock A.M., October 13, 1959, all members being present• A plat of Shady Nook Beach Addn., located in Lot 8, Section 15-JJ4-41, accompanied by an opinion as to title,· executed by Richard C. Hefj;e, Attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Jerry-Marg Beach, located in Lots 10 & 11 of Section 7-137-40, acm mpanied by an opinion as to title, executed by Charlas G. Satterlee, Attorney-at-law, was apProved. Upon motion, the Highway E~in~er was instructed to prepare survey and plans for the Deer Lake Brid~e. A petition asking for the improvement of a read between higlmwey-#78 and Inglewood Plat, was read. Upon mot ion, the Councy Auditor was instructed to notify the Town Board to meet."with the County Board at 11· o'clock A.M, November 10, 1959, for a discussion on the matter. U pon motion, Commissioner'• s Sieling and Morrill and Highway Engineer Huber were authorized to aj;te¢ t:ti,e National meeting of the County Division of American Road Builders Association. Upon motion, Emil Boen and Frank Roberts were appo"inted Seed & Weed Inspectors for a period of five months during the year 1960. Upon motion, the Highway Engineer was authorized to attend the University of Minnesota County Highway Engineer.1e Institµte,.D~cember 7 through December 10. The Mark Sand & Gx·avel Co. requested an extension of time in which to complete S.A.P. 56-653-0l CSAH 53. Upon· motion a 20 day extension was granted. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Beard of Coµnty Commissioners .of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $210,750.09 beard it hereby, is transferred from the Rad and Bridge Bond Account to the Special Road & Bridge Construction Fund (This being the amount of interest collected onSpecial Rca9-& Bridge funds invested in United States Securities.) and that the County Auditor and County Treasurer make the necessary entries upon their records to accomplish this transfer. Adopted October 13, 1959. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted;_ OTTO HAASE Cpainnan. Resolved by the Bra rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minneso1a : Whereas, This Board has heretofore contracted with Mahnomen Construction Co, of Mahnomen, Minnespta, for work on C.P. 58:G and Whereas, the sam~ bas now been complet~d to the satisfaction of the Beard and certificate of acceptance filed with the County Auditor, Now, TherefaI"e, Be It Resolved trat the Chairman or the Bea rd an!. the County Auditcr ai;-e hereby authorized and directed to issue a check on the Road & Bridge Fum. to Ma.tinomen Construction Co. in the sum of $),607,95, being the final pay.med. on this project. Adopted October 13, 1959. Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: OTTO HAASE Chairman, Resolved Where~s, by the Bea rd of Cou."llty Commissioners i>f Otter Tail County, Minnesota' this Bea rd has l:E x-etofore contracted with McLauglin & Sl!.n'lllz of Marshall, MiI111Bota1 for work on C,P. 59:SS and Whereas, the s~e has now been completed to the satisfaction of theBwd and certificate of acceptance· filed with the County Audi tcr, Now, Therefore, Be It Reso]v ed that the Chairman cf. the Bwd and the County Auditcr are hereby authorized a~d directed to issue a check on the Read and Bridge Fund to McLauglin & Schulz in the sum of $3,508.80, being the final payment on this project. Adopted October 13, 1959. Attest: S, B,. JOHNSON Clerlc. , OTTO HAASE Chairman. , ·. I• I; ,,. ; II_ I ,., COMMISSIONERS RECORD-·e>/·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... October ___ l3_• .................................. .19 .... !9 The following resolution w~s adopted: Resolved by the :Board of County CGJD1D1issioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: Whereas; this Eoard has heretofare contracted with Ed· Zimmerman of :Barrett. Minre sota. for work on C,P, 59:45 - S,A,P, 56-645-01 and Whereas, the same has now been completed to the satisfaction of the :Bra rd am certificate of ~cceptance filed with the County Audi tar, NOi • Therefore. be it resolved that the Chairman of· the :Bard and the County Auditcr are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check on the Read & :Bridge Fu.al to Edl•·Zimmerman in the sum of $1.928,41. being the final payment oh: this project. · Adopted October 13, 1959, Attest: S, :B, JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: OTTO HAASE Chairnan, I , Resolved by the :Board of County Cowmissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this :Board has heretofore contracted with Ralph Stewart of Starbuck. Minnesota, for work on C,P, 59172 - S,A,P, 56-672-02 and Whereas, the same has now been completed to the satisfaction of the :Beard amd certificate of acceptance filed with the County Auditor; Now, Therefore. lle it Resohr ed that the Chairman of the :Bea rd and the County Audi tar are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check on the Read & :Bridge Fund to Ralph Stewart in the sum rt ~-19,70, being the final payment on this project. Adopted October 13, 1959, Attest: S. :B, JOHNSON Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: OTTO HAASE Chairman, Besolved by the :Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Mime sota: Whereas, th'1e :Board has heretofore contracted with Mark Sam & Gravel Co. ,ar Fergus Falls, Minnesota, for work on C,P, 59:53:e, S,A,P, 56-653-01 a.~d Whereas, the same has now been completed to the satisfaction of the :Beard and certificate of acceptance file~ with the Co=ty Auditor. Now, Therefore, Be it ResolYed that the chairman of the :Board and the Bounty Audita are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check on the Road & Bridge Fund to Mark Sand & Gravel Co. in the sum of $4.928,09 being the final payment on this project. Adopted October 13, 1959, Attest: S. :B, JOHNSON Clerk. RESOLUTIOB' :BY THE :BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS omTER TAIL COUNTY. MINNISCJl'A OTTO HAASE Chairnan. l!E IT RESOLVED, that the commissioner of Highways be and he hereby, is authorized and requested• to take such steps and perform such acts on behalf of the County of Otter Tail as may be necessary to have the construction and improvement of the roads hereinafter described properly approved by -tre Commissioner of Highw~s as a Federal-Aid Secondary P reject eligible·for the expenditure of federal funds thereon and eligible for present construction and the letting of a contract therefor, Length Est. Cost of Pro,1ect Grade & :Bit um-Grade & :Bitum- Road No, Locatign Gravel inous Gravel inous 10 w. Co, line to T.H, 59, 1.5 mi. N.W. Carlisle 3.6 48,000 12 1.5 Mi, E. of Dalton to T.H. 78 a.s a.5 130,000 120,000 17 Vergas to North Co, Line 6,7 140,000 19 2 Mi. N. Bluf' fton to CSAH 8 9,0 132.000 19 Hillview to No, Co. Line 2,5 35.000 Road 20 21 27 40 l.t4 47 6? ?l COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0,--·0TTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. Oct.abe:c .. ]J. ............................... 19 .. ,52. No. Location CSAH 9 to T.H. 59 Ftench to 1/2 Mi. NE Carlisle 5 Mi, N. Fergus Falls to 10.0 Mi. N. Vining to 1/2 Mi. W. Almora 1. 5 Mi. SW Richville to CSAH 35 1 Mi. N. of Ashby to CSAH 12 :Butler & So. 1 Mi. So, Co, Line to CSAH #46 Adopted this 13th. day of OctobeT, 1959. Attest: S,. 1l. JOHNSON Clerk. Total. s Length Grade & 1litum- Gravel inous 7.5 1.5 6.1 5.5 !J.5 8.6 5.4 6.o 0.5 1.0 !±-5 4.5 46.6 62,8 OTTO HAASE Chairman. Upon motion, the JlQl.rd then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M., Wednesday .Ocoober 14, 1959. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Est. Cost cf Grade & Gravel 105,000 66,ooo ?l,.ooo 80,000 38,000. --- 665,000 Pursuant to adjournment, the :Ila.rd met at 10 o'clock A.M., October 14, 1959, all members being present, Project 1li tum- inous 80,000 80,000 66,000 90,000 84,090 14,000 50,000 764,ooo The petition of Arnold Schachtschneider asking that Lots 5 -6 & ? ex. the W. 56 rds., Section 2)-132-42, be set off from School District #1388 to adjoining School District #1387, was taken up for final action; After discussion, the :Ile.rd issued the following order, to-wit: Order Setting Off Legal Voter from One School District to Another. Whereas, The petition of Arnold Schachtschneider a legal voter, freeholder and residert of School District No, 1)88 in thi·s County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 1387 am asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district_ No. 1388 to said adjoining school district No. 1387 was presented to the 1loard of ~aunty Commissioners,·of this County at a session of said. board ·held on the 9th.day of September A.D., 1959 for the action ·or said b<Brd thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hea ring should be had on said petition, at a session of· said b<Brd on the 14th. day of October A.D., 1959 at the CountyAuditor1s office in the city of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts .to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of sa1d crder at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; am whereas at the said 1loard of County Commissioners on said 14th. day of October A,D, 1959 due proof of. the posting and service of said order of hsring as therein directed and required,morj than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read am considered by the 1lcard,with everything which was said by said inte-rested pa•rties for~·or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said 1la rd being of opinion that said petition should be granted,: it is hereby er de red and detennined, that the said petitioner and the folla.i ing described lands owned 'By him, to-wit: ;Lots 5 -' 6 & ? ex. the W. 56 rds., Section 23Tl32-42 be and the same are hereby set off from said-School District No, 1)88 to said adjoining School District No. 1387 and said lands are hereby amde a part of said last named school District for all prupoees whatever. 1ly order of the 1loard-of County Commissioners Dated the 14th. day of October A.D,, 1959 ■ (Auditor 1s Seal) The following resolution was adop-ted: OTTO HAASE Chairman cf the 1loard of Count)" Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Attest: S. 1l. JOHNSON County A'uditor, and ex-officio Clerk of 1lcard. Resolved by the 1loard ·of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Tm.t whereas, a petition signed by Carl Johnson, owner of Lot 4, 1ll?ck 1, Al'?ora Townsite, at the t~me said lot was forfeite~ to the State for Non-pay~~nt of taxes, requestir.g that he be given permission to repurchase said lot under Chapter 8)2, Laws lf 1957, by the paywent of all taxes,penalties, interests and costs. Now, Therefore, 1le it resolved tl:at said application be approved as it will relieve undue hardship and be for the best public interest to permit said repurchase, Adopted October 14, 1959. Attest: S. Jl. JOHNS«>N Clerk. OTTO HAASE Chairman, I'. I , I •j ,, f 111 COMMISSIONERS RECORD ·o, OTTER-fAIL.,COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ !lc:tol>.er .. J.~ ................................................ 19 .. 59.. SIECU.11 PIINIING cOaHNY sr. CLOUD 111111. The following resolution waa adopted: Resolved by the Board of Coun~ Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That, whereas, a petition signed by John Stocker, ~mr of the SE¼ SW¼, Section 5-132-J?, at the time said tree~ was f,orfeited to the State for non-payment of. taxes, requesting that he .be given permission to repur.cha.se said tract under Chapter 8J2, Laws of 1957, by the payment of all taxes, penalties, interests and cosfls, Now, Therefore, Be it Resoived that said application be approved as it will relieve urdue hardship apd be fer the best public interest to pennit said repurchase, Adipted October 14, 1959, Attest: S, B, IOBNSON Clerk, !he following resolution was adopted: OTTO HAASE Chairman. Resolved by the Bca rd r/. County Commissioners cf. Otter 'l'ail County, Minn, sota: That Whereas, a petition sig111d by Charles L, Alexander, owner of the 5! of the NE;¼-, Section 12-136-37, at the time said tract was fCn'feited to the S.tate for non-payment of taxes, requesting that he be given permission to 1•epurchase said tract under Chapter 832, Laws of 1957, by the payment of all taxes, penalties, interests and costs. NIIIW, Therefore, Be it Resolved that said application be approved as it will relieve undue hardship and be for the best public interest to permi~ said repurchase, Adopted October 14, 1959, Attest:. S. B, JOHNSON. Cle :dl:o The following resoluti.on was adopted: OTTO HAASE Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissii.oners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That, Whereas, a petition signed by Arnoo.d am Norma: Luklcen, cwners r-f Lot J, Block 4, Original Plat of Clitherall Village, at the time said lot was forfeited to the State for non-payment of taxes, requesting that they begi"en nermission to repurchase said lot under Chapter 832, Laws of 1957, by t.'1.e payment of all taxes, penalties, interest ard,·costs. Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved that said application be approved as i.t will relieve undue·. hafdship and be for th!! best public int,,rest to permit said repurchase, Adopted October 14, 1959, Attest: S, B, JOHNSON Clerk, OO!TO HAASE Cljairman, The Board listened to a delegation from the Elizabeth Township territory, urging the completion of Co, Road No, 27 beginning about 5 miles North of FergusFallll and continuing North 5,5 mi, No action was taken as this road ia on the building prog.ram, The application of Russell I. Pederson, asking for homestead classification on a tract 1701 E. & W; by 464,J' N, & S, lying W. of Road and JOO' more or less S, of N, line of Lot 1, Section 4-135-41. Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor was instt"ucted to re~uce the tax accordingly, The application of Marie A. Phillip for cancellation of personal property assessment in the Township of Doza, was read. Upon motion, it was recommero.ed to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that she owned no personal property in that township, The applica.tion of Reno Ziesemar for permission to pay the 1958 personal property tax in the original amount of $425,59 without penalty or interest, was read, Upon motion,it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted for the reason that the assessment was made against the General Diesel Equipment Co. of Fargo, The application of George H. Nelson for reduction of assessment on Let 17, Block J, Bowman & Duntan's Addn, to Battle Lake, was read. Upon motion, it was rrcommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the gr,cund that the assessment covered a 2fi 1 lot of which Mr, Nelson owned only 20 1 , The application of Minnie J, Johnson, asking fo1· red.uction of assessment on Lot 5, Block 1,of Almora, was re ad. Upc!m motion, it was recommel".ded to the Comrr.issioner of faxation that the taxes for the year 195? ar.d 1958 be reduced on the ground ti-at the building had been unoccupied over 14 years ard was of little or no value, The application of I.J. Iverson, asking fot:duction chf aseessmen-t for the year 1958 on Lot 12, Block 2, Original Plat, Battle Lake, was read. Uuon motion, it w s recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be grant d on the ground that an error i+easuring the building had been made, The application of Russell I. Pederson asking for reducti rn of assessment on sev~ral SJJ'all t:6actB for the year 1958, located in Section 4-135-41, was read, Upon motion, it was recomme,ul.ed to the Commissioner of Taxation that the a]IIJplication be granted and that the assessment be reduced from $2128,00 assessed value to $1992,00 assessed value. COMMISSIONERS RECORD-~O,-•.OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. SIECUl11'fP■l11tl••ca11,,.., SI.CL UD 111■11. DATE ......•.......... O.cta:b.e11 .. .Jh ........................................... ~9 ... J>9. Tre application of A, S.Mu.eller, asking for reduction of assessment for the year 1959 on Sub Lot 1 of Gov 1t .• Lot 2, Sec'tion lr•-132-40, was read, Upon motion, the application wlis rejected upon recommendat!l:on of the Town lloard, · The applic:, tion of Horace M. Rosenquist for reduction of assessment for theyear 1958 on Sub Lot 1 of the S;E¢-of the NW,& Section 11-135-43, w~s read. Upon motion, the application was rejected upon recommendation of the Town lloard, The following bills were allowed: Russell llrooberg ' Do Sidney Nelson Gle'm Melby Al ired Engen James Stewart John Hoff Gary Nelson Gary Nelson . Do Addressograph -Multigraph Corp. Marks Sa!rl & Gravel Co. Hint@en-Karst Electrict Co, Die.bold, Inc. Co~per Office Supply Vernon E, Bachman Gen°evieve Stroschein Ing,., Pergande Joanne Rossow Mable Rossow 01@ H. Hoeft l!ennie J. •Tohnso n Sam' Nycklemoe Henry Sieling Otto Haase Arth;,_i. N. Larson, M.D. Dr.' E. C. Hanson Dr.· C.J. Lund Emi0l lloen Frank Roberts KathrynL. Micah els on Marion R. Gill Ronald Hintermeister Arnold W. Rosen Afton C. Smith Roy· Fletcher Jer'f H. Tik.;..anen John Meyer Mason Publishing Co, Muificipal Court, Fergus Falls . Do W. Earl Williams Rog_er Gustafson N. W. Bell Telephone co. Do Walter J. Loyd The· Oscar C. Rixon Col Allstate Sanitation & Maintenance Supply Co. United Chemical Co., Inc. Edge.town Lumber Co. Acme' 6hemical Co, Holten Hard.ware , Do L,.theran Brethren Schools Acme' Chemi~al Co. Fergus Plumbing & Heat~ng Hintgen -Karst Electnc Co. Mer.lin S. Rieman Oren Fosse Werdelin Koep , Do Donald A. Hanson E~1/in Ala Vern Rairdin,Sheriff John J. Hartigan Miller -Davis Co. Victor Lundeen and Co. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co, Security Blank Book & Printing Co. R. R. Yates Minneapolis Blue Printing Co. Stemsrud & Emerson Nelson Brothers llrinting Co, Parkers Prairie Independent Fergus Journal Co, Evelac~ G. Hanson Vernon E. Bachman Police Supply Co. Jo~~son Drugs boarding prisoners expenses deputy sheriff expenses II II II expenses deputy sheriffs expenses services, deputy sheriff deputy sheriff Is fees probation officers expenses II II II plates service radio tower wiring for police radio safe inspection machine rental expense county superintendent clerk county supP.rintendent II II II II II 11 II atter.ding meeting II II II II II autopsy coroner Is fees 11 II weed insoection -II clerk, soil conservation 11 II soil conservation work expense, soil conservation II II 11 II II II east Otter Tail County Soil Conservation expenses law books fees, September fees,July and August minicipal court fees assistant assessor's expense toll service, sheriff II II spraying lawn door closer supplies janitor supplies supplies janitor supolies supplies II soap supplies repairs at jail: II deputy sheriff expenses 11 II II II & pay assisting deputy sheriff services, she:Hff services serving citation supplies II record suoolies • i1 II II publication publishing postage II badges projector rental 1202.50 131.po 309.00 265,80 11.!J,o 21.00 72.80 70,20 123.60 ·16.20 21.70 26.00 26:,.34 50.0.0 204.65 41.73 18.50 18.00 n.o.o 11.00 83,00 10,90 10.90 18.66 17,20 15.00 21.00 37.JO 221.35 1)6.82 107.50 310.80 151.ao 32,40 31.60 21.60 27.90 30.00 20,00 43,00 127.00 82.00 20,68 146.80 20.50 28.00 38.40 53.25 16.81 1.43 16.25 21.47 7.60 58.00 61.!..50 13,30 89.84 20.20 30.80 57.90 41.60 5.00 16.00 3.20 4.oo 75,25 ?28',7j 5;7.17 151. 04 12,44 8.45 2.98 111.00 5.04 112.50 83.00 60.60 52.46 4.oo ,! I I I .1 I ·, ,,. ,, 'I!' ,,, I' ,, ,. i.' I: COMMISSIONERS RECORD O;.,·OfTER · TA-IL· -COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. October ....... 14 ........................ 19 .. ~9. .. Goodwin-Joss Laboratories Frank C. Barnes H. W. Glo'l'Vigen Minnesota Tuberculosis Health Association Esther G. Sell Do Do East Otter Tail Telephone Co. Eleanor M. Dybdal Do Davis Clinic Dr.· E. C. Hanson Mineral Springs Sanatorium Korda Clinic Minnesota State Sanatorium City of Fergus Falls Pooo-Department Ste'blay Drug Co. Swa111 s Rexal l Dr~gs Dr.· E. C. Hanson Al Schmidt Lumber Co. Carlson Benjamin Construction Co. Fergus Lumber & Fuel Co. Twlns Motor Co., Battle Lake N. l'I. Bell Telephone Co. Straub Co. Public Utilities Department Sec~etarial Service Hi ntgen-Karst R. A. Henning Vic-tor Lundeen and Cr. NelsonBros. Printing Co. A1·tz Camera Supply Philip M. Kjaglien , Do Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Elmer Geig!!r Phillippi EQuipment Co. Geo·. T. Ryan Co. Ruffridge-Johnson Ecuipment Co. Smith, Inc. The· Zeco Co. Wm.·H. Ziegler Co.,Inc. Hardy Governon Sales Flour City Brush Co. Super G~M.C. ~ruck Sales McCormidc Farm Store Smoky Is Machine Shop Lars n Welding Minnesota Motor Cr. Les·Tire Service Jaenisch Industries Suhr Ford Sales , Inc. Olson Auto Electric Bredahl Implement Co. Baas Oil Co. Lee·Chevrolet Co. Nordlund Service Vaughn Chevrolet Co. Pelican Motors, Inc. Fortwengler Electric Shop Northwestern Refining Co. Paper, Calmenson & Co. Farwell, Osman, Kirk&, Co. Farmer Coop. Elevator Co., Fergus Falls Roseo,,ald-cooper, Inc. Empire Supply Co. Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Erickson Hardware Whitlock Weldors EQuipment &, Supply Service Ebersvillers illmplement Co. Holten Hardware Coast to Coast Store, Pelican Rapids Northwood Specialty Co. IH lcox Lumber Co. , Perram Central Petroleum Co. P.K:M. &, Co. Coast to Coast Store, Henning Wilcox Lumber Co., Henning Pelican H,a.rdware Standard Oil Co., Battle Lake Ccast to Coast Store, Perham Riverside Shell Gemlo Oil Co. Hoot Lake PureOil Fossen Oil Co. Andys 66 Service Perham Coop. Oil Co. Service Oil Co., Battle lake Rays Oil Co. testing for sheriff a&tended juvenile judges meeting advance commissions to drivers license agents supplies, Nurse eXpAnses postage supplies services postage expenses examination T.B. Patient, Poor service T. B. care of patient services T.B. patients care of patients care of transients T.B. drugs care of patient University hospital exam. rra terial for repairs Tax Foi'fei ted repairs at brewery for repair material gas and oil and supp.ies services and tolls rent water, swwer, etc. services lamps supplies II envelopes and prtg. supnlies expenses II parts II II II II II II II repairs II II II bit material grader blades paint seed supplies gasoline II II II II II II $ 20.00 58.Bo 21.40 1.55 ?9.J2 12.00 4.88 9.60 5.42 69.22 10.00 46.oo 26J.!J0 6J.oo B55,J6 12.15 65,50 1.50 J.oo 149.29 B?0,00 152.?J JB.12 lJ.J0 50,00 J.2J 1.85 6.40 J.50 54.10 104,20 20.58 39.50 9?.02 J61.?? 9.12 J.80 12.J2 19.s. 79 ?.BJ 26,BJ · 105?,Jl 68.9J 61.?1 · 218.98 l0J,JJ 129.J2 JJ.25 22,99 29.90 12.00 J5.60 J0.JJ l?.82 16.05 B.BJ 4,25 · 9,15 10,5J ?-?5 1669;02 247.50 119.34 251,08 39.00 l?J.9? 18.26 5.55 88.98 4.?? J,?5 l?.?2 5?-25 4,00 lJJ.00 49,53 6.95 6,0J 1.28 2J0.J4 l.JB J2.2J 18,95 69.58 99.79 82.0J 112.BB 146,49 95.4? ,· COMMISSIONERS RECORD .. 0,·-OTTER TAIL-C(?UNTY, MINN. H.C:U■ITT PAIAII■• O■Htn r.CLO D ■IN • C, DATE ................... C.c.t.-,he:i;, .. 14 , ....................................... l~Jj ... . Mayos Standard Service Otter Tail Oil Co, Hi-way Auto & !Dmplement Co. Swenson Service Farm z·s Coop. Creainery Assn. Henning Mobil Se>rvice Consumers Coop. Oil Co., Henning Langdons Highway #210 Texaco Twin 1s Motor Co, The Oil Store Thomas Oil Co, Andys 66 Service Station ArrCM Petroleum Anderson & Sandberg Oil Co, Standard Oil Co,,New York Mills Bluffton Oil Co, Penrose Oil Co. D. A. Lubricant Co., Inc, H. K. Stahl Co, . Mark Sand & Gravel Co, 9aymond Motor Transportation, Inc, Pelman Transfer Fergus Falls Bottling Works Otter Tail Power Co, Ed Zimne rman W. T. Thorson Ralph Stewart Village of Henning Village of Parkers Prairie Village of Perham City of Fergus Falls Minnesota Department of Highways Minneapolis Blue P-rinting Co, Burroughs Adding Machine Co, Pierce Co. - Victor Lundeen and Co. East Otter Tail Telephone Co, N. W. Bell Telephone Co., Fergus Falls l•lidwest Telephone Co. W. W. P.ell Telephone Co., Fergus Falls Pelican Telenhone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co., Hen.riing Wendell P. Huber L.J. Fjosne G.D. Harlow Wendell P. Huber Rose Hartman Estate M. \·/. Gaslin E. J. Wangsness, Agent, Austin Mutual Insurance Co, George Olson Wilcox Lumber Co., Dent Perham Farm Supply Co, Northwood"Specialty Co,, Parkers Prairie Henning Mobil Service Harry Buehler Phillippi Equipment Co. Frazee Texaco Service Cities Service Station V.ergas Oil Co, John I. Bondy J. C.Henkes Kenneth E. Hovland Roy Evavold Town of Clitherall gasoline etc, II II d.ie el fuel II II II II oil II II bituminous material freight II refund of overpayment moving poles equipment rental II II II garage rental wate1· .and sewer 'charge loading gravel maintenance services supplies II II II service andtolls service and tolls 11 II exnenses -II II cash advanced right of way 11 II ll premium expenses supplies II II repairs parts gasoline II II appra:~s~r II II grading a id OJ} qld 36 The bill of Halph Risbrudt in the sum of $10.0Q was rejected. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M., November 9, 1959, ~ (?;a Chait"IIIBn, Attest: Clerk. 7 71,32 25.57 197.96 3.69 102.29 98,58 6.26 38,16 528,98 167,89" 475.55 103,40 706,76 140,29 232, ll 224.05 174.87 226.05 35,90 266.38 6,00 7.60 25.'-18 56,37 156.25 343,"oo 204,88 201.30 5,00 9,00 561.25 1438,00 7.91 2.48 6.65 11.46 12.40 61.90 11.90 37.15 12.85 11.20 19'7-,82 42.20 102.95 14.46 27,80 16.05 135,85 17.65 ·2.69 5.20 41.85 2,85 16.00 439.94 99.36 37.96 62.86 28.85 26.00 26,00 308.84 500.00 ~~\-,"' I 11 ! . ' , • I I •·1' ,·· 1, I " I .:: ll '' ' ! COMMISSIONERS RECORD.:..0;-OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... :hlovembe r .. 9 ...................................... 19 59 .. MINUBS OP THE ADJOUBNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 9 o'clock A.M., November 9, 1959, all members bei•ng present, A ·communication by Henry Nycklemoe, Attorney-at-law, regarding an increase in the award for damages on the Arthur o, Hai by land due to the construction of County State Aid -/IJ, was read. No action was taken as· this is now in the hands of the Court, Th·e Fergus Dairy Coop, was authorized to install a milk vender in the Court ~use, RESOLUTIOll AND NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE BY THE COUNTY, AND TERMS THEREOF, T~at, Herbert E. Hartfiel has made an offer for the purchase from Otter Tail County of a quit claim deed in order to perfect ~itle on thefollowing described property situated in Douglas Cc.unty, Minnesota. Lots 1 & 2, Section J, Tuwnship lJO, Bange 37 situated in Douglas County, Minnesdta. That if said sale is completed, Otter Tail County will in said conveyance reserve al1 iron ore and other mineral right& in and upon said real estate, together with the right to explore for mineral and removei the same, That the terms upon which Herbert E, Hartfiel offer to purchase said property are as follows: One-hundred dollars ($100.) in cash,' Notice is hereby given that on the 8th. day of December, 1959 at 2 o1clock P,M, at the Commissioners Room in the Otter Tail County Court House in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the Board of County Commissions.rs of Otter Tail County, Minnesot will consider the terms of said c£ fer and t.ake action thereon, A~opted Nov~mber 9, 1959, Attest: .• S, B, JOHNSON County Auditor and clerk of Board, OTTO HAASE Chairman, Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, A plat of Lakewood Addn. located in Lot 5, Section J0-13J-42, accompanied by an opinion as to title, executed by ~ormn D. Arves·on, Attorney-at-law, was approved, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County CollDDissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnescta: That, Whereas, a petition signed by Zelpha K.ing, owner of the S} of theNJil¢ of Section 10, Township 137-Range 41, at the time sai:d land was forfeited to the State for non-payment of taxes, requesting that she be given pezmission to repurchase said lot unde·r Chapter 832, Laws of 1957, by the pa;yment of all taxes, penalties, interests and costs. Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved that said application be approved as it will relieve· undue hardship and be for the best public i:nterest to permit said repurhcase. ~dopted November 9, 1959, Attest: S, B, JOHNSON Clerk, OTTO HAASE Cha.irman. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A,M. November 10, 1959, TUESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, theBoard met at 10 o'clock A.M, November 10, 1959, all members present, A petition asking for the dissolution of Common School District No. 1509, was read a.nd it was o.rdered that a hearing be had on said petition on Wednesday, January 6, 1960, and tl'at due notice of the tim and place of said hearing be given as required by law. A plat of Elwil.l Beach located in Lots 2 and J and the E½ NW½, Section 5-1JJ-J9 and accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by, Henry Nycklemoe, Attorney-at-law, was approved, Upon motion, the Co11D11issioners as an entire body were appointed to view completed road contracts and bridges on November 23, 1959 and to meet at 10 o'clock A.M, at llattle Lake, Upon motion, the County Highway Engineer was authorized to attend the meeting of the Minnesota Good Roads Assn, The application of Emma Ohma.n for homestead classification on the W½ of the E½ of the NE;½-, Sectiion 29-1J4-J6, was approved and the County Auditor instructed to make th!lf,.ecessary changes, The application of Rena M. Willard for homestead classification on tract adjoining Lot 8 Sah-l{ah--Tay Beach, was approved and the County Auditor was instructed to make the necessary changes, The application of Leonard G. Gruenhage~ for homestead classification on the NE½:.NW½ and tre NW½ ~ and the NE;½-SW¼, Section Jl-1J4-J6, was approved and the County Auditor instructed to make the necessary changes, The application of Julia Kangas for settlement and abatement of delinquent taxes, penalties, interest and costs on the COMMISSIONERS RECORD--Q,-O'fTERTAIL COUNTY, MINN. HcV11n ,11111111•coi,a1H, H.CLiuD Ill 11. DATE ......................... l!JOY.em.ber ... 10 ................................. 19.59 .. NW¼.of Section 26-135-38 for the years 1954-55-56 & 5? offering to settlethese taxes for $678.4?, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of TaJCation that the application be granted on the grouIUl. that the soil was very light and sandy. The application of Julia Kangas asking for reduction of assessed valuation·on the NW¼, Section 26-135-38 fer the year 1958, was read. Upon motion, ~twas recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that the .soil was very light and sandy. The application of J. l:wight Hull for reduction of assessment on Lots l am 2 Battle View Park in the Township of Girard, was .read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted .on the ground that the. ,county highway used up practically all of these lots. . The application of Clarence J. Matthews for reduction of Assessment on Lot lJ, Midway Park, was read. Upon motion, it was re~ommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that this cottage had also been assessed in Everts Township. The ~pplication of Amos W. Jobe for reduction of assessed valuation on the 5Ek of the NE;¼, Section 30-134-36, ,was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation tlBt the application be g111nted on the grOW'ld that this 4o had been assessed as tillable land whereas it was entirely brush and wood. The application of Jos. A. Mandelke for reduction of assessment on Lots l, 2 & 3, Block 3 Bonita Beach, was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected upon recommendation <£ the County Assessor • . The application of Louis J. Gruse for reduction of assessment on Lot 8, Section 9-135-41, was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected upon recommendation of the Totm Board. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board· of County Commissioners af Otter Tail County, Minnesota: and• Whereas, this Beard has heretofcre contractedwith Rust·;& Dahlman of Clarissa, Minnesota, for grading on S.A.P. ·56-675-02 Whereas, the same has now been completed to the satisfaction of the Beard and certificate af acceptance filed with the County Audi tcr , . Now,-Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the Bm rd and the County Auditor are hereby author•ized and directed to issue a check on the Road & Bridge Fund to Rust & Dahlman .in the sum of $4404.86, being the final payment on this project. Adopted November 10, 1959. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brocrberg . Do Sidney Ne1.son Glen Melby Gary. A. Nelson Carlson-Benjamin Gust Lagl"rquist & Sons, Inc. Gaffaney 1s Marer.ant Calculators Cooper's OfficP Supply Johnson Drugs Vernon E. Bachman Olga• Hoeft Ama, Obowa Harvey D. Morrill , Do Otto Haase Sam Nycklemoe Benn,ie J. Johr,son H'-"nJ:W Sieling . Do Dr .. Carl J. Lund Mrs •. Elwin Arvidson Edw .. Ramsey Robe.rt Molter Kathryn L. Michaelson Marion R. Gill Duane C. Landberg Frank Roberts John L, Bixby Roge.r Gustafson Shep!l,Td~s Citations Mason Publ. Co. . Do Secretarial Service Municipal Court, F,F. John-S. Lindblom Geer ge Larson N. w .• Bell Tele. Co. . Do . Do . Do Do boarding prisoners sheriff's ex~enses OTTO HAASE Chairman. dP.puty. sheriff's expenses II II II probation officer expense radio bldg. & repairs n:aintenance • ,II II repair-s • service on lens expense, Supt. of Schools Clerk, Co. Supt, II expenses attd. comns. conference mileage expenses II II exp. attd. Rd. Bldg, Conf, c orone r:1 s fees mileage extension mtg. 11 II II soil consl clerk 11 II seed. and weed inspector espense Co. Assessor 11 assist. assesscr citations law book Dunnell1s Digest transcript fees justice fees officer 1s fees special charges on mobileunit service Sheriff 3 G.M, l mobile Service toll charges sheriff II $1,051.50 87,70 297,00 233 .10 17.7. 1C 65-7,87 76,00 16.27 41.00 20.00 5,00 65,76 108,00 ,~.oo 25,55 :J9,43 52.80 25.10 41.80 . 46.61 80.8) 55.60 10.50 8.40 .84 82.50 325,60 220.-00 97,77 80,30 15.77 28.00 10.00 32.50 16,75 61.00 5,50 3.50 20.45 13.75 100.45 126.20 24.25 "'l~ : I I .. , r ~ 1 L 11, !' I :1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD.:,0;--0:fTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... ;,;r,v..,-111b$;r, .•. 10 ................................... 19 .... §9 Soliah & Braatz Oi~ Cp. Otto A. Tjaden Hillyard Salee Co. Johnson Service Co. Lampert Lwnber Co. Campbell Coal Co. Hintgen-Karst Elec. Co. Norby Department Store Industrial.Chemical Div. EdgetO\,/n Lumber· Co. State cf Minnesota Div. of Boiler Insp. Holten Hdwe. Beal 1 & McGa,ian . Fergu·s Glass & Paint Co. George Larson Edwin A la ~erlin S. Rieman Paul F. Knochenmus, Sheriff Vernon L. Seiple Ione Richards Miller-~avie Co. . Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Co. The Pierce Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Davenport1s Stationery Farnham1e Pe.rham Enterprise :Bulletin Evelace G. Hanson Vernon E. ;Ba,chpia.n H. W. Glorv:l&en Park Region Medical Center Stemerud & Emerson Goodwin-Joss Laboratories Applic111 ce Service Center Interstate Bed Co. B;. W. Glorvigen Esther G. Sell Do Do Eleanor Dy.bdal Do Do N. W. Bell Tele. Co. Philip M. Kjaglien Do Recordak Corp, Straub Co, Viet.or Lundeen & Co, Public Utilities Department Veteran's Information Service Dr. H. H. Liebold Dr. E, C, Hanson Dr. Lewis, Lewie & Kevern Korda Clinic Dr. ;E. C. Hanson Swans Rexall Drugs Township of Edna Minnesct a State Sanatorium Bennett Sorum Rolland Schaller Battle Lake Review Minn.esota Motor Co, McCormick Farm iquipment Store Suhr, Ferd Sales , Inc, Lars.on We 1d ing Super G.M.C. !J.lruck Salee Eber.eviller Implement Co,, F.F. Service Garage, P.P, Schroeder & Koehn Brown I a .Implement Jim Larson Fcr d Gemlo on Co, Olson Auto Elx:tric Empire Suppl.9 Co, Hal ten Rd.we, National Bushing & Parts Co, Northwoai Specialty Co, Coaa:t to Coast Stores,Henning WU:cox Lumber ¢0., Henning Si1,:elman Hide & Fur Co, Standard Oil Co,, B,L, Al ~chmidt Lumber Co, Cea s:t to Cea at Store, Pelican Rapids Fire.stone Store, Fergus Falla Farmers Coop. El/evator Co. Fergus Falls Village of Battle Lake Hoot. Lake Pure Oil Serv,ice Oil Co,, Und. gi·eaae lettering ~ffice door supplies C.H. repair thermostats supplies C.H. coal supplies C.H. II floor finish supplies inspecting pressure tanks supplies . II II constable fees II II II II services constable juvenile case services II del. suppii,iee books, blanks, etc, supplies II II printing and supplies file folders school supplies publishing postage II II services jail drugs jail services repairs jail supplies, jail adv. come. to license agents expenses postase supplies expense, Co, Nurse postage supplies service and tolls machine rental. expenses copy paper rent supplies water etc, supplies prepare University papers II II II services T,B. patient 11 11 II d-rugs T.B. patient medical care af transient ca.re rf pa tienta . covering culvert expense boat safety supplies repairs supplies tires seed water cha rge gasoline II · Ditch B & W Safety. $ 2.25 12.00 38.16 27,oo 14.39 · 608.93 5,20 4.68 60,78 3,16 4,oo 17.64 32,56 80.58 25,00 15,00 49,40 10.10 12.60 5,00 74.67 322.40 69,90 37.04 151,88 70,75 20.70 40.00 7,20 40,00 39,00 60,00 J2.oo 6,00 15.00 5,10 59,70 23,35 77,94 4.oo 3,94 97,66 7,88 2.68 18.80 3,00 64.40 49,00 50.00 20,JO J.20 9,00 . 6.00 J,00 9,00 J0,00 J4,oo 16,!iO 177.42 898,56 24,oo J0.80 54,28 26.41 9J.66 25.20 6,00 27,81 21.75 80.25 10,70 79,J8 21,28 J.00 17,5J . 50.93 61,92 .17,50 15.00 7,97 40,76 23,74 16.J6 7.20 6,57 J?-9,88 172,90 5.00 26.67 40.06 COMMISSIONERS RECORD-:0,-0TTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Hculin P■INT111G co ..... ,. !IT. ctau •. IIINII, c.zaa Log Cabin D.S. Bay Is Oil Co. Swans on Service Highway Compaey Service Service Oil Co., Battle I.e.ke Jim's Service .·station Henning Mobil.Service Soliah & Braatz Oil Co. Stan Is Garage A:ndy.1a 116611 Service Fergwi Falls Perham Coop. Oil Co. Fossen Oil Co. Arrow Petroleum Handy GOJ'ernor Sales Elk River Concrete Product.a Co. Lyon Chemicals, Inc. Dale Smith Monson & Langston Rust & Dahl.nan Const. Co. Raymond Motor Transportat·ion Co. Mutual SP.rvice Casualty Ins~. Co. Olson-Ens.tad-Larson, Inc. Otter Tail Power Co. H. A ,J;!ogers Co. Minneapolis Blue Printing Co. Burroughs Corporation Miller-Davis Co. Victor lundeen & Co. Poucher Printing & Litho; Co. East Otter fail Tele, Co. N. W. Be 11 Tele. Co., Fergus Falls Pelican Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele, Co., Henning Midwest Tele. Co. N. W, Bell Tele. Co,, Fergus Falls Wendell P, Huber G. D. Harlow George Olson Wendell P. Huber Anna K. Wahlstrom Bement-Cahill Equipment Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. ·Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Co., Inc. Wm. H. Ziegler Co,, Inc. Paper, Calmenson & Co. D.A. Lubricant Co. Holten Lumber Co. Minnesota Department of Highways Thorsnn Construction Co., Inc. Olson Oil Co. Fossen Oil Comp~ Penrose Oil Co. Bluffton Oil Co. Vaughn Chevrolet Co. DATE ...................... hl.a.yembe.r l.Q ................................... 19 ..... .5.9 gasoline II II gasoline II II 11 etc. fuel oil ·repairs ·gasoline II II diesel fuel supplies culverts calcium chloride gravel II equipment rental freight fleet insurance insurance prints II supplies II II II II service and tolls II II II expenses II II II. II II II cash adv11nced right of way parts II II II cutting edges oil II II II II II supplies services equipment rental gasoline fuel oil diesel fuel II II repairs Upon motion, the board then adjourned to 10 o1clock A ,M. December 7,, 1959. Chairman. "'\,. \''f' ! . "-·t ~ _' ~ $ 4o.69 ' I ~ 79.19 I I; 46.16 ' 85.94 ;q I' 152.17 I 74.01 ,,~ 69.08 14.67 335.69 ' ,. 108.?2 ' ,, 81.45 ' 255.41 'I 466.41 204.75 35.24 I 703.26 161.91 .. I 174.38 595.00 I 10.39 58.81 I 43.85 ., . " 2.16 107.24 ,86.79 4.89 '·t, 32.00 83.18 30.90 !,,, 10.75 Jo.so I; 9.00 1:,1 12.10 , .. 14.70 l" " 54.55 ll'. 207.03 \I·' 'I 27.JJ 18.85 ·I 28.18 1: 3.40 :1 312.29 481.00 I ,. 40.10 ·, 111' 445.73 ,!: 231.00 -I 136.95 ,I 51,76 :i: 422.40 301,00 I' 145.43 I 183.60 72,50 189.61 59.50 COMMISSIONERS RECORD.O;··.01'TER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IHUIIJI Nlntl!GCOHU:IJ IT S\IUD •!NI Si:fflt DATE ... ·········-···········D-'-0€'ml>e¾'•··'l-········ ·····--············· ........ 19 ... §9.. MINU'lES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pureuant to ad.Journmentp the board met at 10 o1cloc~ A,M. December 7, 1959, all members being present. Arnold A.Kern appeared before the board requesting refund of $20.00, Attorneys fees, paid by him in securing release of personal property tax Judgement. Upon motion, request was rejected. i . A letter from Philip R. Monson requesting a release of a. personal property tax Judgement against Vernon _B~rgrud docketed NoV'E!mber 24, 1954, for $57,83 by the payment of $10.00, was r~ad. No action was taken. I Upon motion, the County Auditor was authorized to call for bids for printing and publication for the year 1960 to qqx~r publication of annual statement of receipts and disbursements, publication of the delinquent tax ~ist for the year 195~, publication of the minutes of the County Board and also all legal notices which are paid for by the County except notices of school dissolution, said bids to be received until 2 o'clock P,M., January 6, 1960. 1 .i 1'"alrl Upon motion, the County Board agreed to pay one-third of the salary of the municipal ~udges in Fergus Falls and Perham, A plat of Pleasnat View Beach of Girard Township, being a part of Gar t. Lot 1, Section 24..:I3~-J9, accompanied by an opi~ion as to title, executed by Richard 6, Hefte, Attorney-at-law, was approved. The application of Antonia Peterson for partial homestead classification on lots 18, 19 & 20, Block 2, Bowman Is and Dun~an•s Addn, to Battle Lake, Was read. Upon motion, the applicati. on was granted and the tax"ordered reduced acccrdingly. The application of Randall Riedel fer reduction of assessed value on .60 acre tract in theNE corner of the SE% NWl., Section 8-133-36, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to tl:E Commissioner of Taxation that the application be g~anted ont~he ground that the old school building and garage were valued out of line with other build!ngs:in ~he townsh~p. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of C aunty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Ed Zimmennan, Barrett, Minnesota, for grading.and ·graveling on C. P .: 59 : 21 S .A.P. 56-621-.•0l and Whereas, the same has now been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and certificate of acceptance file.d with the :county Auditor, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the Beard and the C ounty Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to ~ssue a check on the Road & Bridge Fund to Ed Zimmerman in the sum of $7,344.07, be_ing the_ final 0payment on this project, Adopted December 7, 1959, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: OTTO HAASE Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesoti: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with H, R. Fm ter Com truction Company, St, Paul, Minnesota, for bridge construction on S,A,P, 56-672-02, Bridge ~5650~ and Whereas, the same has now been completed to the satisfaction of the Board md certificate of. acceptance filed with the County Auditor, Now, Therefore, Be it resolved that the Chairmm of the Bm rd and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check on the Special Read and Bridge Construction Fund to H. R. Foster Construction Company in the sum of $6728,64, being the final payment on this project. Adopted December 7, 1959, Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: OTTO HAASE Chairman. ResolYed by the Beard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesoa: Whereas, this :Board has heretofore contracted with Thorson Construction Co,, Inc., Trac,, Minnesota, for bridge construction on S,A,P. 56-675-01 Bridge 17273 and Whereas, the same has now been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and certificate of acceptance filed with the County Auditor, Now, Therefore, Be it resolved that the Chairman d' the Boa1-d and the County Auditcr ~re hereby authorized and directed to isl!lle a check on the Road & Bridge Furd. to Tho1·son Construction Co., Inc, in the sum of $1141,76, being the final pa.rment on this project. Adopted December 7, 1959, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Cle rlc. OTTO HAASE Chairmm. COMMISSIONERS RECORD o,.·Ol'TER TAIL COUNTY, M.iNN. sau■1n ,i1Nri■&co■PA11, sr. cLiuo 111211• c-DATE ... ················ .. ········D.1:!.<:r,mb.e.r. .. 'Z ........................... 19.52 .. . The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Bai.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Th ~onstruction on S.A.P. 56-615-03 Bridge #7267 and orson Construction Co., Inc., Tracy, Minnesota, for bridge · Whereas, the same has now been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and certifi·cate the County Auditor, of accep,tance filed with Now, Therefore, Be it resolved tlBt the Chair~ directed to issue a check on the Spec:lal Road & Bridge of $366B.21, being the final PfQ'lllent on this project. Adopted December 7, 1959. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Cle rlc. The following resolution was adopted: ~f the Board and the County Auditcr are hereby authorized and onstruction Fund to Thorson Construction Co., Inc, in the sum I OTTO HAASE Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, This Board has heretofore contracted with Thorson Co~truction Co construction on S,A.P. 56-645-02 Bridge #7266 and •• Inc,• Tracy, Minnesota, for bridge Whereas, the same has now been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and certificate f t the County Auditor, o accep ance filed with Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved that the Chairman of the Board and the Cru.nty Auditor are hereby authorized and directed ,to issue a check on the Special Road & Bridge Construction Fund to Thorson Construction Co., Inc, in the sum of $5760.2,), being the final pB¥111ent on this project. Adopted December 7, 1959. Attest: S. B •. JOHNSON Clerk. RESOLUTION OTTO HAASE Chairman, Be it resolved: That we do hereby request the CoDDDissioner of Highways to release the remaining balance of county state-aid funds in the amount of$ 390.21, held to the credit of Otter Tail County on State Project No, 56-63B-02B for use on aey subsequently approved County State-Aid Project in Otter Tail County. Adopted this 7th. ~ of December, 1959. Attest: S. B, JOHNSON County Audi tor OTTO HAASE Chairman. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A,M., December B, 19!9- TUESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M. December B, 1959, all members Present. Petition~ asking for the improvement of County Road #35, beginning at a point of intersection of the Soo Line RR af W between Sections 9 & 16, Township 136, Range 40, .thence W. about 4 mi.1was presented by a delegation, Upon motion, the petitions were placed on file fOI' future consideration, • RESOLVED BY THE BOARD 01 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COtnm', MINNESOTA Whereas, the Board has heretofore advertised for the sale by quit claim deed, Lots l & 2, Section 3, Township ]JO, Range 37 ai tuated in Douglas County, Minnesota. Whereas, Herbert E, Hartfiel baa made a bid of $100.00 and said bid has been advertised as provided by law and now, therefore, no other bidders having appeared and no objections having been made, Ir is hereby ordered that the chairman and the County Audi tor be and they are hereby directed to issue a quit claim deed to Herbert E, Hartfiel upon payment of the bid price, excepting therefrom mineral rights and tracts in existing highways. Adopted December B, 1959. Attest: S, B, JOHNSON Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: OTTO HAASE Chairman. BE IT RESOLVED That pursuant to Section 161,03, Subdivisions 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1953;-the CoDDDissionsr I' ,· Ir-. ~ LIL ' : I I 1·, ,,. I I',· I I :, COMMISSIONERS RECORD'.--0r--OT-TER TAIL CQBNTY, MINN. DATE ......•.............. .Uecember. .. 8 ....................................... 19 .. 59.. SECUII UPIIIN NG OMPANr T.C OUD 111111"'. of Highway& be a-ppointed as agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent, contracts tor the construction of portions of State Aid Highways, specifically described as follows: County State Aid Highway No. 19 from CSAH 176, North of Bluffton to CSAH 18. County State Aid Highwa.v No, 67 tram ·CSAH #62 to Butler, ... and the chairman and the auditor are hereby BUthorized and directed for am on behalf of the County to execut~ and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highwaye prescribing the terms and c<11ditiona of such agency in the :t;or111aa set fCl'th and contained in 11Minneaota De:iartment of Highways Agency Contract Form No, IV, 11 a copy of which said form was before the Board, aa11W11ing on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted thi~ 8th." 0 day of December, 1959, S , B •. JOHNSON Cleric, The following resolution was adopted: OTTO HAASE Chairman of the Board. BE IT RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 161,0J, Subdivisions 26 through .29, .Minnesota Statutes 1953, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent a ·contract for the construction of that portion of County Highway No, 148 de~cribed as follows: C,H. #i48 fr~m o.4 mi. West of Butler to CSAH 167 at Butler, which·project shall be combined with Otter Tail County's Federal Aid Secondary Project identified as S.P. No. 56-667-01 and Minne act a s. 6966 ( 1), and the cliail'lllllll and the audit or are herebj' authorized and directed fCl' am on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form set forth and contained in 11Minneaota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form No, IV-S, 8,a copy of which .said form was before the BQard, aaauming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Dated December 8, 1959, The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Dq Glen Melby Sidney Nelson John Hoff Gary Nelson Gust Lagerquist & Sona, Inc. Addreasograph-Multigraph Corporation Vernon E. l!achman Do . Mrs.Marjorie Stenstrom Olga H. Hoeft Anm Obowa Helll'y Sieling Sam Nycklemoe Bennie J. Johnson Otto Haase Emil Boen Kathryn Michaelson Marion R. Gill Duane C. Landberg River Inn Coffee Shop Mildred Bzuvold Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Lake Region Hospital N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Do Fe~gu.a Glass & Paint Hintgen-Irarst Electric Campbell Coal Co. Acme Chemical Co. South Mill Standard Service Hintgen-Irarat Electric Merlin s. Rieman Oren Fosse Oscar Bergstrom Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. Miller-Davia Company Security Blank Book & Printing Co. Victor Ilundeen!l, Co. Cooper's Office Supply Gaff'aney I a Burrough1a Corporation Security Envelope Co. C7rTO HAASE Chairman of the Board S, B. JOHNSON County Auditor boarding prisoners expenses . Depucy Sheriffs expenses II H H H II II & tees expenses, probation cf ficer services maintenance expenses cash advanced clerical work, II n II II expenses II II II superintementa office II II " n salary and expenses., weed inspector clerical work, W. o. T. Soil Conservation cffice services, E. Q. T. Soil Conservation District work for W, 0, T. Soil Conservation District meals for jurors transcript November 1959 Court Calendars witness tees calla II supplies repairs, jail coal supplies gasoline labor and supplies deputy sheriff fees and expenses 11 11 II II II aBBi&t sheriff supplies II II II II ribbon supplies II $ 12Jo.oo 56.90 228,90 2)8.00 187.20 140,50 2.87 225.60 56.15 15.00 56.00 88.00 6,SO 29,08 10,90 11.40 17.00 '75, 13 61,50 66.'75 140,00 46.SO 20.00 14?,20 2.00 8'7,55 27,45 Jo.68 J,50 584.4J 21.50 2,95 44.24 11,40 12.00 5~00 269.67 49.79 J46.51 155,54 J?,01 1.J5 14.00 J0,118 COMMISSIONERS RECORQ4,,0r-TER TAIL·-GOUNTY, MINN; 11 T .... 1•• CO■PA■r H. CLDIID •• DATE ................... .De.cemher .. .8 ........................................ 1$9 .... . Remington Rand Curtis 1000, Inc. Ugeblad Publishing Co, Nelson Bros. Printing Fergus Journal Co, Henning Advocate Evelace G.Hanson Federal Laboratories, Inc, Olson Auto Electric W •. s. Darley & Co. Erickson Hardware Uptown Hotel Markstrom Drugs Johnson Drugs Frank C. Barnes H •. w. Glorv:lgen State rf Minnesota Mrs.Henry A. Korda Mrs~ Elmer· Peterson Mra, Norbert Hertel Mrs. Donald Barber Mrs. Philip Arfatrom Mra, John Ru.ndle Mrs, Melvin Lien Mrs. Geo, Lindatran Eleanor M. Dybdal . Do . Do Esther G. Sell . Do Maico Hearing Service East Otter Tail Telephone Co. Philip M. Kjaglien Straub Comp~ Philip M, Kjaglien Secretarial. Service Erickson Hdwe. Recordak: Ccrporation Public Utilities Department N •• w. Bell Telephone Co. Edling Electric, Inc. Al.Schmidt Lumber Co. Haney D. Morrill Dr, Everett C. Hanson Korda Clinic Steblay Drugs Swans Rexall Drugs Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Phillippi ~quipment ColllplUl1" Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Company, Inc. Smith, Inc. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Paper, Calmenson & Co, The Zeco Co~ Skogmo Motors, Inc. Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Olson Auto Electric Larson Welding McCormick Farm Store Jess Olds Blackami th Baas Oil Compaey Consumer's Coop. Oil Compaey, Henning Matz & Greiff Nundahl Oil Compaey A, .R. Meier Welding Service Kotz Bros, Blacksmith Walts Repair Shop, New York Milla Vergas Motor Service Wicklund Farm Supply Minnesota Motor Co. M & R § :lgn Compaey Northwood Specialty Co. C & 0 Farmers Grain & Mere. Co, Kraemer Elevat<r D. •A, L ubricant Co., Inc, Dan Conroy & Sona Korby Contracting Co. Ed Zilllllll! rman Northwestern Refining Co, Douglas County, ~il G. Hanson, Co. Engineer Orris Torgrimson Mrs. Olaf Eckley Aastad Township City of Fergus Falla Village of New York Milla Village of Deer Creek Village of :Bluffton Minnesota Department of Highways Burroughs Corporation supplies clasp envelopes statements printing and supplies publishing tax notices postage supplies spot light targets shells supplies supplies, jail supplies for sheriff mileage adv. commission paid driver license agents audit mileage, Co.Nursing Board n II II II II If 11 H 11 11 II II 11 11 exp nsea postage, etc • supplies expenses postage, etc • services tolls and service expenses rent postage and machine rental letters supplies II water, etc. service and calla repairs supplies for brewery job supervising work at brewery care of patient II II II medication for T.B. patients medication for T.B. patient parts H n II II cutting edges tie wires repairs H II H II n II tires signs lath seed II oil equipment rental H II culvert asphalt maintenance gravel II II street improvement garage rental H II 11 II services supplies $ 343,33 38.18 23.50 46.40 261.00 4.80. 40.00 3.55. 1.00 10,81• :0 .60 7,80· 10,88 39.80 12.00 16.55 4104.07 12~32 15.40 9.24 18.90 12~60 13.44 11.20 3.36 45.12 5,85 4.01 46.97 1.00. 50.00 10.35 65.10 50.00 7.00 2,25 5.45 17,64 3,17 28.15 4.10 44;00 l!O.oo 26.00 18,00 120!65 2.25 '24.59 55.90 378!10 81,88 415.17 735,61 755,30 219,58 120.28 86.22 9.15 148.69. 22.10 11.75 1.50 28.36 7.00 36.50 2.25 87,33 105.51. 2.00 243.90 12.80 15.00 258,02 89,73 279,40 140.10 287,50 18.12 829,78 568.40 307.93 57.40 41.80 5952,46 390,00 210.00 480,00 1465,86 2.40 '', I a'. ,j :I I, I' '' COMMISSIONERS RECOR~.(;)r .. ·OT-TER TAIL C,OUNTY, MINN. DA TE ..................... .D,,.cember .. a ...................................... 1959 .. . Dahma Photo Print Co. Mlnneapolia Blue Printing Co. Victor Lund.een & Co. Sec1""ity Envelope Co. N.W •. Bell Telephone Co., Fergu.a Falla Pelican Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co., Benning Verga.a Telephone Co. N. W. 'Bell Telephone Co., Fergus Falla Wend.ell P. Bubar G. D, Harlow George Olson Wend.ell P. Huber Joe Lambertz National Buahing & Parts Compazcy- Sigelman Hide & Fur COlllpBll7 Dorn! a Hardware Whitlock: Weldora Equipment & Supply Fleet Dist. Supply Larson Hardware Hall! a Hardware Kl'IUtilla Implement Co., Inc. Eberaviller1a Inc., Pelican Rapids Stan!a Garage Coast to Coast StOl"e, Pelican Bapida Boyt .Hardware Olson Hardware & Plumbing ~ken Farm Supply F. R. Steuart Heating & Plumbing Fossen Oil COIIIJIBll7 Hoot.Lake Pllre Oil Gemlo Oil Co~ South Mill Standard 'Bengtson Oil ColllpllnY" Benning Mobil Servime Langdon'• Highway 210 Texaco Farmer's Coop, Creamery Assn. Deer Creek Petea Standard Service, Perham Dalton Oil Company Dutch1a Standard Service Twin~• Metor Compa!l1' Kraemer Oil Company Ottertail Oil CompB01' Dent .Oil Company Berb!a Standard Service Park.Region Coop.Oil Company Paulson's Tire Shop, Pelican Rapids S & F Oil Company To01"!• Standard Service Arrow Petroleum Standard Dil Compa01', New York Milla Service Oil Company, Underwood Soliah & Braatz OilCom~ Erhard Oil C01DpBD1' The Oil Store Standard Oil Company, Perham Coop. Services, Inc., New York Milla C, H. Bjorklund Body Shop Thomas O il ColllpBDl", Vining · Vergas Oil Company Henning DJC Service Paulson's Tire Shop "!!'armers Coop. Creamers Assn. Bluffton Oil Compazv Enderson & Samberg Co. Olson Oil Compaey H. X. Stahl C01DpBD1' East.Otter Tail Tele. Co. Harry F. Buehler Mills Motors Erickson-Hellekson-Vye Co. Holly's Camp Village of' Henning Townahip of Aastad supplies II II II service and tolls II II " II expenses II II II II II II cash advanced right c£ Wtq' supplies gasoline diesel fuel II II fuel oil n n " II II II supPlies repairs II H n II ti n gasoline, tires, etc.• gasoline, etc. II II II fuel oil II II II n oil service and tolls repaira II supplies boat rental rent road work tJpon motion, the Board then adjourned without date. Chatnnan. $ 189.?S 44,36 19.6? 25,96 SJ.90 6.50 14,70 21,40 40,25 194.ao 14,?S 12,40 J,SJ J0.4o 93-61 SB.06 1.65 ?2,07 6.45 J2.68 J.6? J9,J6 .41 11.48 1,28 1.18 1,60 6;9a J.oo 201.52 1?;66 48,0J 208.6J 1!>5,JO 4J.9S 6J.29 94,0? 68,23 SJ0,44 202.20 62.Jl J4,JJ 21.99 2.69 2.20 11.15 64.so JBS.BI J,50 JS9,S6 .?2.SO 18,00 4?.75 124.20 ?J.50 84.oo 14.lio J,50 ?4J~o4 214.46 ?0,81 S?.OO 41;86 190.66 124.28 128.52 J?.24 11.so 26.00 49.32 6.00 4,00 209.62 200,QO