HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1958Ottertail County Official Meetings 1958 ;:, ..., J.. ,· ., COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... Janwu.7 ... 7. ......................................... 1958 ... . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF l!OAliD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or OTTER TAIL COUNTYl MINNESOTA Pursuant to Statute the l!oard met at 10 o'clock A, M. January?, 1958, Present were Commissioners Henry Sieling, l!ennie J, Johnson, Otto Haase, Sam Nycklemoe and Harvey D, Morrill. The meeting was called to order by the County Auditor, who stated that the first business was the election of the Chairman for the year 1958. Upon motion llsnnie J, Johnson was elected Chairman and upon motion Otto Haase was elected Vice Chairman for the year 1958. Resolved by t~e l!oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the following days be,designated as the dates on which the County l!oard will meet during the year 1958: Adopted January?, 1958, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: February 10 and 11 March 11 and 12 April 8 and 9 May lJ and 14 June 10 and 11 July 14 and 15 August 12 and lJ September 2 and J October 14 and 15 November 12 and lJ December 9 and 10 l!·, J, JOHNSON Chairman. Resolved by the l!oard of County Commissioners of Otter fail County, Minnesota: That a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman of the lloard and two members of the lloard, be appointed by the Chairman to purchase all furniture and supplies excepting books, blanks and stationery, needed for the Court Houae and Jail during the year 1958, and provide for auch repairs as may become an immediate necessity. Adopted January?, 1958, Attest: S. l!, JOHNSON Clerk. l!, J. JOHNSON Chairman. The Chairman appointed Cormnissioners SE ling and Haase as his associates on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the lloard of County Commissionebs of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under provisions of Section 2154 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Dr. C.A. lloline , a resident physician of said county, and County Commissiorers !!2!:rfil and Nycklemoe, members of this lloard, be and the same hereby are appointed to constitute a County Board of Health of said County for the ,-ar 1958, Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following·resolution was adopted: B. J. JOHNSON Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commise:I. oners of OtterTail County, Minnesota: That a committee of three, con~isting of the Chairman and two members of the Board to be selected by the Chairman, be appointed to have charge of the Court House and Jail and grrunds for the year 1958, Adopted January?, 1958 • Atteat: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. B, J. JOHNSON Chairman, The Chairman anpointed Commissioners !2!:tlll and N~cklemoe to serve with him on this Committee. The fol!lowing reaolution, .. was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commiasioners of Otter Tail Councy, Minnesota: That the County Commiasioner of his reanective district, !l&lllely Henry Sieling, the First District; Bennie J. Johnson, the Second District; Sam Nycklemoe,-the Third District; Otto Haase, the Fourth District, and Harvey D, Morrill, the Fifth District, be and they hereby are each appointed Superintendent of Poor of his said district, with authority .. -.J COMMISSIONERS RECORD· 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... .Jamiai,y ... 7.., ...........•................•..•......... 1955 .. . to act in relation to the ~are.and.support of non-resident paupers, and to receive applications for relief or support by or for any reason in his district, as provided by Chapter 15, Revised Laws of 1905. Adopted January 7, 1958.· Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: B. J. JOHNSON Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of ten cents be paid out of the Revenue Fund of the County for every pocket-gopher am woodchuck killed in said County during the year 1958, in,cases where the townships in which pocket-gophers and woodchucks are so killed shall provide for the payment of an additional bounty of ten cents for each pocket-gopher and woodchuck so killed. Resolved further, that payment of such bounty shall be made.by the County Auditor upon certificates executed by the Chail-man of the Town Board of said Townships setting forth that the pocket-gophers or woodchucks were duly presented to the Chairman of such board and that the township has issued and delivered to each claiment a town order for twenty cents for each pocket-gopher or woodchuck so killed. Adopted January 7, 1958. · Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution Bas adopted: B, J. JOHNSON Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under the provisions of Section 739 General Statutes for 1932, the sum of $100.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red River Valley Development Association, said amount so appr.opriated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors for the year 1958. Adopted January 7. 1958. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The foll~ing resolution was ad0]1ted: B. J. JOHNSON Chairman. Resolved b_y the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota= That the sum of not less than $250.oJ\:.nd the same hereb7 is appropriated out of the County Revenue :fund of said County for Otter Tail County exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair for 1958 and the County Auditor and Chairman of the Bai.·rd are directed to issue a warrant forsaid amount in favor of Clarence Mielke. Adopted January 7, 1958. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: B. J. JOHNSON Chairman Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, Chapter 142, Laws of 1921, Mason's Minnesota Statutes 1927, Section 671 and Minnesota Statutes 1941, Section 375.30 provides ways and means for the control and eradication of rust-producing barberry, the following resolution was adopted: Be it hereby resolved, tha~ $50.00 be appropriated by the Board of County Commissioners of Ott~r Tail County, for the purpose of eradicating and removing rust-producing bushes and that a bounty of $3.00 be offere~ for t~e location of barberry bush or bushes on each property subject to the provisions as set forth by the BaTberry Office, University Farm, St. Paul, MiMeaota, on file in the office of the County Auditor, Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Adopted January 7, 1958, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. B. J. JOHNSON Chairman. Commissioner Nycklemoe voted 11No11 on the adoption of the above resolution. The following resolution was adopted: .) lllilsolved by the Board of County Commissiorera of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That there be and re rebj-is transferred from the Revenue Fund of the County to the Incidental Fund the sum of , "}'· ! • ' ... ~ . ' ,, •i' I .I' ,, ·1 I , ; ' ,, 11 'I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATIL ................ JanuaI"YL ........................................ 19 . .58 $750.00 for postage forthe use of the offices entitled thereto. Adopted January 7, 1958. Altest: S.B. JOHNSON Cierko RESOLUTION B. J. JOHNSON '1-tai rman. BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONlllRS OTTER TAIL COUN'rY, MINNESOTA BE IT BESOLVED, that the County Highway Engineer be authorized to issue payrolls for the purpose of salary~- ments to all maintenance employees, engineering employees, construction employees, and for the rental of trucks and mowers necessary for the maintenance of County State Aid Highways not to exceed $280,000 and County Highways not to exceed $60,000 for the year 1958. /.dopted this .2!!:!. day of January, 1958. Attest: S. B; JOHNSON Clerk. RESOLUTION li. J. JOHNSON Chail"IIISI. BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED, that prusuant to statutory authority the County Engineer for and on behalf of the County of OTTER TAIL is hereby authorized torequest and obtain from the Minnesota Department of Highways needed engineering and technical services during the year 1958, for which payment will be made·by the County uponreceipt of verified claims from the Commissioner of Highways. Adopted this ...1.Y!. day of January, 1958. (SEAL) RESOLUTION B. J. JOHNSON Chairman. S. B. JOHNSON Auditor. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commisel. oners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That because of deterioration due to rain, snow and usual spring climatic conditions the roads hereinafter described will be seriously damaged ~nles s restrictions are imposed as toweight of vehicles to be operated thereo~. NOW, THEREFORE: No person shall operate al\Y vehicle or combination of vehicles upon. any of the county roads in the County of Otter Tail and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to witl County State Aid Highways 1 to 77 inclusive, 79, 81, 83 and 90 to 99 inclusive, and 100. County Highways 110 to 144 inclusive and numbers 146 and 148, during the period from the first of March, 1958 to the first of June, 1958, where the gro·ss weight on any single axel, as defined in Minnesota Statutes 1945 Section 169.83, exceeds three tons (6,000 pounds) and the Engineer of said County is hereby directed and authorized to erect and maintain signs plainly indicating the prohibitions and restrictions above at each ellll. of that portion of any highway effected thereby, and these restr•iCtions shall be effective and this prohibition effective upon sucherection and maintenance of such signs. Adopted this Zlh. day of January, 1958. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. B. J. JOHNSON Chairman. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL A ID SECONDARY FORM NO. III J3e it resolved that pursuant to. Se.ction 161.03. Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes J.2.il. the Commissioner of Highways be appointed !AB agent of the County of OTTER TAIL to let as its agent, contracts for the const.ruction of portions of County State Aid Highways, specifically described as follows: County State Aid Highway No • ..J. from s.s.A.H. 22 to C.S.A.H. 24, 5 mi. East of Erhard. County State Aid Hij!pway No. :U. fr.om T.H. 59 to T.H. 52 at Dalton. County State Aid Highway No. 14 from C.S.A.H. 1, 2 Mi. East of Amor to ·c.s.A.H. 49 at Richville. County State Aid Highway No • .!!:Q. from T,H. 29, 5 Mi. North of Parkers Prairie to East line of Otter Tail County. County State Aid Highway No. g!!; from T.H. 59 in Erhard to C.S.A.H. 3. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ !l"~~!"Y. ... 7. ...................................... 1958 .. . H.CUIIH Pll■rUIIGCOIIPA■T, II, CLOUD11111111. S:ff County State Aid Highway No,...,i_ from C.S,A.H, 38, 4 Mi, West of Urbank to 3 Mi. North, County State Aid Highw~ No.~ from Ncrth Corporate Limits of Fergus Fails to C.S,A,H, 10. ~nd the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized am directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Comi::issioner of Highways prescribing the terms.and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in Minnesota DeJ:11rtment of High,rays Agency Contract From No. I·J", a cow of which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all the contractural obligations therein contained, Adopted this ~Day of January, 1958, (SEAL) Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk, . B. J, JOHNSON Chairman of County Board After discussion it was the unanimous opinion of the Board that Otter Tail C.ounty should cease thepayment of Fox, Bounties, and upon motion it was decided to cease such payment on all foxes killed. after January 11, 1958, Delegations from the Township of Tordenskjold, Township of Friberg, Township of Star Lake and Township of Aurdal appeared before the Beard regarding parts of old County Higbfays which had been turned over to the Townships. After listening_ to the statements of the various town boards it wasdecided that no action should be taken at this time, Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to call for sealed proposals for bituminous material comprising: Approximately 30,000 gallons SC and 50,0oOgallona MC to be delivered at any point in Otter Tail County by transport . truck e(!uipped with pump for unloading, Said bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. February 10, 1958, . The County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids to be opened at 11 o1clock A. M. ;February 26, 1958 on the following projects: County Sta~e Aid Highway 3 frcm(County State Aid Highway 22 to County State Aid Highway 24, 5 miles East of Erhard C,S,A.H. 35 from T,H. 59 to T,H, 52 at Dalton C,S.A,H. 14 from C.S,A.H,l, 2 miles East of Amor to C,S,A.H,49 at Richville C,S,A,H,4o from T,H,29, 5 Miles North of Parkers Prairie to East Line of Otter Tail County C.S,A.H,24 from T.H,59 in Erhard to C.S,A,H, 3 C,S,A,H.10 from T,H,59 in Elisabeth to li'or.ters Corner Seal Coat -County Wide -approximately 69.3 miles of County State Aid Highways, C,S,A.H. lO'from West County Line to T,H, 52 Grading and Graveling C,S,A,H, 4o from Vining to Almora Grading and graveling C,S,A,H,19 6 miles North of Bluffton to C,S,A,H. 8 Grading and graveling Graveling -County Wide, Bituminous Bituminous Bituminous Bituminous Bi tuminoua Bituminous The check made"! byi the Board of Audit of the funds in the hands of the out-going Treasurer, H, J. Henning, showing cash on hand, cash deposits in banks and amounts invested'.in U, S, Securities was approved, U~6n motion Merton Johnson was employed as Janitor at the Otter Tail County Court House beginning Janual,y 20, 1958 at a ;alary of $300.00 per month, Upon motion the salary of the County Attorney's clerk was fixed at $150.00 :i:er month for the year 1958, Upon motion the Clerk of District Court was authorized to continue the practice of paying 5¢ for each Drivers License Application taken by agents at various points in tbe County, Upon motl.on the Board approved the purchase by the Commissioner of Conservation of the following tracts to be used for water and wild-life conservation pruposes: Tract l:4?~02 acres more or leas of the SW½ of Section 21-132-44, Tract 2: 41.l acres of the NW½ Section 28-132-44. Also the Folden woods unit consisting of the S, SW½ Section 34-132-38 alli N½ swf.-of Section 34-132-38. The bond of George H. Nelson as Deputy Treasurer in the sum of $5000. with the General Casualty Co, of America as surety was approved. The bond of Virginia Dimke as Treasurer's Clerk in the sum of $1,000, with the General Casualty Co, of America as surety was approved, The appiication of Albert Turchin for license to sell non-intoxicating malt li(!uors at the Farmers Market in the Town of Almora was granted, Upon motion the Beard then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. January 8, 1958, W EDNESDAY 1S SESSION Pursuant to; adjournment the Board met at 10 o1clock A, M. January 8, .1958, "A and N 4o acres'. tif Lot l acres of Lot 2 .. 3ection 13-132,..114, be set The petition of Kenneth A. Kronemann asking that the NW½~ and West 4o .off from School District 1491 to District 1393 was taken up for final action. various interested parties the petition was rejected by unanimous vote. After listening to tbe statements of the -1 I I Ji , I I ,I I' I. I: -t COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... January. ... 8 ....................................... 19 . .58 .. The petition of Henry Sherbrooke asking that the NW¢ sJJt¼-and SW¢ NJlt and SW;t NW-¢-· of Section J5-1J8-1~J be set off from School District 40 Becker County to School District 548 Otter Tail County was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held. at 10 o'clock A, M, March 12, 1958 and that due notice of the ti. me and place of hearing be given as re~uired by law, County Superintendent of Sdloola Vernon E, Bachman filed notice of appointment of Mias Mabel Wenstrom as Assistant Superintendent and Mias Lorna Schmidt as Office Secretary, Upon motion the appointments were approved, A delegation from the Township of Newton presented a petition asking that the Brickyard Road south of New York Milla be graded and blacktopped. Said petition was placed on file a!ld the Engineer was instructed to make a survey of said road when time was available, The Board having previously called for bids for publishing minutes of the meetings of the Board of County Commissions a, and publication of the list of real property remaining delinquent on the first Monday in Januacy 1958, and publication of the Annual 'Statement of Receipta·and Expenditure, proceeded to open bids which were found to be aa follows: Fergus Journal, publication of the minutes of the County Board at legal rates. • Pelican Rapids Presa, and Northwest Publishing Co, of New York Milla, publication of the Annual Statement of Receipts and Expenditures at legal rates, Parkers.Prairie Independent, publication of the List of Real Property for the County on which taxes remained delinquent on the first Monday in January, 1958, at legal rates, were all accepted. 'rite following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Beard of County Conmiasionera of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the Parkers Prairie Independent be and the same is hereby designated as the newspaper in which shall be printed the list.of lands in Otter Tail County upon which taxes became delinquent on the first Monday in Januacy, 1958, Resolved further that the publiiihera of said newspaper be required to furnish a surety bond in the sum of $2,000.00 for the faithful performance of said publication, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: B, J, JOHNSON Chairman. WHEREAS, It baa been brought to the attention of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Otter Tei. l, a minicipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, that an.action has been commenced in the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota, Third Division, in which Daniel B. Magraw, John 0, Erickson, Ruth H, O'Dell and Arthur R. Swan are plaintiffs and Joseph L. Donovan, Secretary of State of the State of Minneaota,-Walter H. Borgen, Auditor of St, Louis County, Minnesota, Robert F. Fitzsimmons, Auditor of Hennepin County, Minnesota, Eugene A. Monick, Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, Frances L, Underleak, Auditor of Olmsted County, Minnesota, individually as auditors of their respective counties and as representatigea of all county auditors of the State of Minnesota, are defendants, the object of which action is, among other things, to have the law of the State of Minnesota apportioning the members of the House of Representatives and the members of the Senate in the Legislature of the State of Minnesota declared unconstitutional, and WBEBEAS, Said action pui,.ports to be a class action in which. said defendant county auditors are named as, representati ea of all county auditors in the State of Minnesota including the county auditor of said County of Otter Tail, and WHEREAS, The county auditors named as defendants in said action are not indeed represen.tative of the County of Otter Tail or counties similarly situated in the State of Minnesota, alll. WHEREAS, The Board of Commiasi onera of said County of Otter Tail are vitally interested in protecting the interest of all of the residents of said County of Otter Tail in their representation in the two Houses of the Legislature of the State of Minnesota and are fearful that the said defendants named in said cause of action will not protect the interests of the alleged class which they allegedly represent, including the County of Otter Tail and the residents thereof, and WHEREAS The Board of Commissioners of said County of 8tter Tail are informed that the plaintiffs and the defendants in said action are not adverse r.arties but are, in fact, friendly }'Brties, and WHEREAS, The subject matter of said action is not properly the subject of a class action with parties defendant such as are named in said action, and WHEREAS, Said Court is without jurisdiction in said action, and WHEREAS, It is the public interest of the people of 0tter Tail County that the said pending Court action and proceedings be vigorously and actively presented, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Biard of Commissioners of said County of Otter Tail as follows: (1) It is hereby determined and declared that the Board of Commissioners of said County of Otter Tail shall take such steps as lllaY be necessacy to cause the said County of Otter Tail to intervene in said pending action in said United States District Court for the purpose of taking such steps as may be necessary in the circumstances to protect the interests of the residents of said County of Otter Tail and of said Board and said County, ' (2) It is hereby determined and declared that S. B. Johnson as Auditor of said County of Otter Tail ia hereey authorized and directed to take such steps as may be necessary to intervene in said pending action in said United St ates District Court as the Auditor of said Otter Tail County for the purpose of protecting the interests of said County and its residents and of himself as such Auditor, ' (J) I-t is hereby determined and d.eclared that 0wen V. Thompson as County Attorney of said Ccunty is hereby authorized and directed to appear as counsel for said Board of Commissioners of said County ~f Otter Tail ard for S. B, Johnson aa the County Auditor of said County of .Otter Tail in such proceedings as may be necessary to cause said Beard of County Commissioners and said County Auditor to intervene in aaid pending action to protect the interests of said COMMISSIONERS REC~RD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. !T~~~!'!-.r.l .. 8 ............................................. 19.5§ ... . HCU T Pll■Tl■GCOIIPA■T I • CLOUD ■1111■• County Auditor, said Board of County Coffl!'JiSsioners, said County of Otter Tail Tail and to carry out the purpose and intent of this resolution. and the residents of said County of. Otter Adopted January 8th, 1958. BENNIE J. JOHNSON Chairman of the County Board Attest: ~~OHN=S"'O:::N,.____,_ __ _ S.B. Johnson, County Auditor (SEAL) SCALE OF WAGES OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT The_ salary of employees of the County Highway Department for the year 1958 were fixed. as follows: Bi twninous Lay-Out Operators $ 1.55, per hr. Heavy Equipment Operators 1.40 per hr. Truck Driver l;JO per hr. Second Man on Truck 1.25 per hr. Common Labor 1.15 per hr, Maintenance Foreman 400.00 per Mo. Shop Foreman 3.60.00 1st Mechanic per mo. 315.00 per mo. 2nd Mechanic & Blacksmith 290.00 per mo. Sign Foreman Jl0.00 per mo. County Engineer 790.00 per mo~ Cl:!.ief Engineer 520.00 per mo.✓ Instrument Man 485.00 per mo. Level Man J95 .oo per mo. Head Rodman 250.00 to Jl0.00 per mo. Rai!llan 220.00 to 270. 00 per mo. Off'ice Man 265.00 per mo. Bookkeeper & Chief Clerk J00,00 per mo. Secretary 250.00 per mo·. Clerical 160,00 to 220.00 per mo. Engineering Help (Misc,) ,90 to 1.60 pe·r hr. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Cibunty, Minnesota: ~t the following amounte are hereby set aside for clerk hire for the calendar year 1958 in the several County offices, to-Wit: j Auditor •.•••• Treasurer •.••• Register of Deeds. Clerk of Court In addition to $1500. allowed by Probate Court. special law • . • • • • • • • • • . • In addition to $J500. authorized by special law •.•• County Assessor .. , ••••• , ••• Deputy County Assessor. . • • , • Clerk, County Assessor. . • • • • • . Extra Clerk Hire County .Assessor •.• First Assistant County Superintendent of Schools. Office Assistant County Superintendent of Schools Vet·erans I Service Clerk . . • • • • • • , • • • • .$9900.00 • 9500,;00 .102JO.OO 5580.00 5300.00 4800.00 ::,600.00 • 2940.00 2800.00 J00.00 per mo. 220,00 per mo • ••• 4000.00 Adopted Jauary 8, 1958. Attest: S. B, JOHNSON Clerk. ~·- B. J. JOHNSON Chairman. The application of Edward V. Johnson asking for reduction of as"il·essed valuation on the !!Ek S:Ek of Section 16-1J5-4J on the grow,d that the land had been assessed as "Dermane°li"t Wf&.re, whereas it was actually. waste land, was read. Upon motion it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the ass~ssed valuation be· reduced from $154. to $61. The application of. Evelyn Leithe askinp. for homes~asiiifacation on the~ NW;} and Ni SW;} ;Section 8-1J2~4o was read. Upon motion one-third homestead was allowed, there being three heirs and .only one living on the place. The a~plication of the Department of Rural Credit, State of Minnesota, asking for cancellation of the 1956 tax on the Ni¥,: S:Ek Section 16-1J5-4J was read and upon motion it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said application be granted. The application of C. M. Olesen for reduction of assessed valuation on Lot lJ K-B Beach was read and upon motion the same was rejected on the recommend.at ion of the Town Bea rd. The application of Ben W. Miller for reduction of assessed valuation on Lots 58, 59,. 60 Kimber Beach was read and upon motion the same was rejected up_on recommendation of the Town Board. :·\ .j I .1) ii1 ~. ·1111 f .I, : I' '.!;' ',, 'I ~ . ~ 1•! :1 ·:! ,, ' ,, i' COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ·························J-!->nll1<·1' .. s .................................. l · 9 ... . The application of Burton Kimber for reduction of assessed valuation on Lots 41 through 48 Kimber Beach was read. Upon motion the same was rejected on recommendation of the Town Baard. The follo,ing names were selected to be placed on the annual Grand and Petit Jury lists of the County, GRAND JURORS Hilmer Hancock Dead Lake Cal Mielke Richville E. Dallgren Vergas John Mark New York Mills Jack Kampsula New York Milla Al Schoeneberger Perham Don Christi Perham Ruas Lepisto New York Milla Fred Lubberman Dora l\idy Hoffman Vergas Alfred Vorgert Bluffton Ben Klinnert Dent Jack Witt New York Milla Ed Bauck Perham Robert· Perey Perham Robert· Fick Dent Herman· Wassel Perham .Jienry Janke Butler Ole Toftely PeUcan Village Ernald· Tabbut Scambler Orville Sorum Norwegian Grove .,, Eddie ·Velo Trondhjem Albert· Solum Erhard Village Alvin Kvara Dunn Otto Peterson Maplewood. Oscar AJiiierson Friberg John Jenson Pelican Township C, H, Chatwood Maine Charles Scheer Erhard Township Arthur· Grunwald · Oscar Mrs, J·. S. Peterson Battle Lake Marvin" Hodnefield Eagle Lake Charle& A, Guth · Everts Ray Wastweet Clitherall Arthur Franze Tordenskjold John Swanberg Otter Tail 3 Oscar Johnson Nidaros Henry Lundberg Eagle Lake Otto Kester Underwood Henry Hanson Girard Willa,.-d Danielson Nidaros Mrs, Harold Duhn Leaf Mountal. n Mrs, Wal~er Haugarth· · Sverdrup Henry Johnson · · Dalton )e:nnan Cordes · Leaf Lake Township Peter Harthan Deer Creek Township Emu Nordin· Compton Max Klimek ·Inman Autu,at B1·anstner· Oak Valley Emil H, Saivog· Folden Clifford· Nelson · Elmo Carrol Boehland · Woodside Nocholas· Revering Effington Harry Olson · Eastern Wallace ~iijegren Parkers. Prairie TGIWnship Peter T. · Koep · Effirgton Albert Shanstrom Parkers Prairie Village Bert Gray Henning Village Harry A, Anderson City, d Fergus Falls John W. Swenson · City. of Fergus Falla John Utne City d. Fergus Falls Raymond Brause Western f Walter &widberg Fergus Falls Township Kelly Drey Aurdal H, J. Lareon Cit-y of Fergus Falls W, A. Skogmo · City of Fergus Falls John Jennen Carlisle John Scott Orwell Morris ·HalsneBB Dane Prairie John Di:eseth City of Fergus Falls Howard LaValley Ciey of Fergus Falls W, A. Ebersviller Ci 1ly' of Fergus Falls PETIT JURORS Mrs, Alfred Vorgert Bluffton Village Jack Boedigheimer Perham Village Mrs. Milo Vaughn New York Milla Albert Meyer Perbam Hugo Nara New York Mills Jim Mistelske Vergas COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ January .8 ..................................... 19.5.8 .. . HC ■In P■l■TIIIGCO■PA Y, IT, CLDUD, ■1111■, C-ia Henry Hanson Mina Schulz R. Schwandt Geo. Harthun Hildegard lluechler Lucille Kremer John Grissmer Herman Rosen Mrs. James Wallace Ed. Boss George Stebbens Otto Hoffman Anna Rehbein Mrs, Richardfllahls Matt Reiver Elsie 11.attfeld Wm. Happel Mrs. Vernon Flatau Milborn C. Lorenzen M. E. Holmes Arnold Liederbrandt Louise Turnice Mrs. Lucille Mattila Mary Wilkowlk i Milly Meyer Sylvester Truitt J. A.Johnson Delane Meyer Ruby Wright Henry Ament Julius Knutson Mrs, Ernest Olson Mrs. Ed, Toftely Sr. H. E. Belgum Palmer Backstrom Joseph Scott Clifford _Nelson Mrs. Myrtle Kenyon Kenny Kugler Bennie Jorgenson Severin Johnson Gilman Shirley Edwin Johnson Mrs. Ernest.Herting Lawrence Senn Alvin Johnson Alfred V. Trenne Jerome Schroeder •Robert Waasdmrp Mrs. Morris Hougrud Emil Matson George Grahn Mrs.Lawrence Thompson Arnold Haugrud Mrs. Howard Shaw Martin Christopherson Evald Sandstrom Oscar Huseby Henry Busch Melirin Nelson llurton Kimber Henry A. Clauson Mrs. Rudolph Lystrom Harry Larson Earnest Wiebe Ida E. Wallin Carl M. Murk Lawrence Rowe Roy Rolandson . Mrs. Bennie Johansen Orville Berg Mervin Hagen Julius Odden Gilbert Gunderson Wm, Rostedt Morris Kirkvold Nobel Huse Clifford Swendsrud Mrs. Alfred Hanson Warren Beckman Emil Salvag Mrs. Goodwin Rude Russell Bjorklund Joy Bondy Mrs. Rudolph Erickson Lauren Clark LeRoy Thelen Mrs. Maurice Harthan Vergas Richville Candor Star Lake Dent Dent Perham Corliss Corliss Dead Lake Dora Dora Edna Edna Gorman Gorman Hobart Hobart Homestead Newton Newton Otto Paddock Perham Pine Lake Rush Lake Star Lake ·Jlut1er Blowers Bluffton Eelican Village Pelican Village Pelican Village Rothsay Village. Maplewood Maplewood Norwegian Grove Friberg Friberg Erhards Grove Erhards Grove. Trondhjem Trondhjem Dunn Dunn Dunn Oscar Oscar Scambler Scambler Lida Lida Pelican Townshil.p Pelican Township Nidaros Nidaros Clitherall Clitherall Leaf Mountain Leaf Mo1µ1tain Girard Girard Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Otter fail Village Amor Amor Everts Battle Lake Tordenskjold Sverdrup Sverdrup Underwood Tordenskjold St. Olaf St, Olaf Tumuli Tumuli Dalton Village Sverdrup Nidaros Dalton Village Henning Village Henning Village Parkers Prairie Vi~lage Parkers Prairie Village Deer Creek Village Deer Creek Village 1' f ,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL.COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... Ja.nuar.y .. 8 .......................................... 19!;a .. . Mrs, Al Vorgert Gust Wendt Donald Nedreau . Harris Ring · Mrs. Herman Cordes Lester Beaman Mrs. Alvin Truu August Dahle Robert Stewart Selmer Sorkneaa Mrs. Lester Young Mr~ Leo Blaahal:k John Stocker Julius Holt Raymond Thomas Mra. LeRoy Nelson Elvin Arvidson Mra. Arthur Anderson Elmer A. 0at Nylea Nelson Arthur Koep Mta, lianry Huwe Robert Stenstrom Aaron Heaa Wm. Drechael Arthur Larson Mu Medaon Stanley Sha Carl Buckholz John B. Thompson Obert Holden Ada Dahlgren Robert Altner 0, H. Kuhn Wm. Beek Roy Lother Art Stock Fred Ro llina N. R, Auaeth C. W. Hitchkock Mrs. Frank Crays Joe Jacobson Leonard Piekarski John Roehl Ansgar Eide Merle Loomer Ambrose :Rriach H, W, D&Wey Marcus Soliah Frank S. ipillman The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Do Gary Nelson Sidney Nelson Marchant Calculators Addressograph-Mulitgreph Corp. Burroughs Corp. ToddCCo. Division Lightfoots Shop Mabel Wenstrom Henry Sieling Bennie J, Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Otto Haase Dr. Everett C, Hanson Kathryn Michaelson Phillip 0. ~hompson Theo. Hegseth Harry Burau Arnold W. Evavold W. H. Dewey ~heo. M. Thompson The River Inn Bertha Stortroen Hillyard Sales Co. Walter J. Loyd The Oscar C. Hixon Co, Marlin Reynolds N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Do Do Beal and McGowan Co. Norby Department Store Me rllin S . Rieman Wm. McCormick bca rd of prisoners expenses Deputy Sheriffs expenses II II II maintenance II signature plate ribbons and service mileage exp!!nses II II II coroners fees Urbank Village Compton Compton Leaf Lake Leaf Lake Deer Creek Oak Valley Oak Valley Inman Henning Township Henning Twp. Woodside Elmo Elmo Fo_lden Eastern Eastern Eastern Parkers Prairie Township Parkers Prai-rie Township Effington Effington Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Dane ~rairie Aurdal Aurdal Aurdal City of Fergus Falla City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus ·Falla City of Fergus Falla City of Fergus Falla Buse Buse Buse Orwell Orwell Orwell Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Western Western • Western Aastad Fergus Falla, Townsliip clerical work, Soil Cons. office services for Soil Cons. Office expense ~ail Cons. II II II II II II II II II 'II D II meals for Jurors clerical work in Co. Assessors office supplies lawn spraying repairs hauling ashes calls mobile service calls sweeping compound glaxo Deputy Sheriffs fees and expenses II II II II $800.00 97,50 270,20 27).60 1.i-1.00 30.15 28.00 35.00 2.17 16.04 15.10 10.90 16.00 10.00 61.50 213.00 20,42 16.50 31,50 16.20 8,70 47,25 120,00 96,75 18100 36,00 30.00 21.15 119.15 91,66 2,85 2,89 20.:,0 20.10 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Wendeiin Koep Jim Kimmes Nelson Bros. Printing Co. Panama Carbon Co. Vietor :Urndeen & Co. Coopers Office Supply Schoolcraft Co. Fergus Journal Co. N. W •. Publishing Co. Bameey Cowity Evelace G. Hanson Russell Brooberg Vernon E. :Bachman Arthur M. Kolle A. B. ·Neitzke Ernest A. Hauser Johnson Drugs State·Association of Co. Commissioners :Barke '& Allison Kronerilann Ins. Agency B. W. 'Glorvigen Esther G. Sell 'Do Philip M. Kjaglien Do Victor Lundeen & Co. Mildred Bruvold Public Utilities Dept. Strauo Estate · N. w. 'Bell Telephone Co. City of Fergus Falla Poor Dept. Minnesota State Sanatorium Dr. Everett C. Hanson Korda ·clinic Dre. Haugan & Grimes Swans "ReKall Drug LaSalle Convalescent Home Douglas Co. Wel:fare Board Village of Vining T~n of Inman Village of Elizabeth Town of Dora Bement-Cahill Eoui~ment Co, Ba-che°i-t-Ingersoll· Inc. Phillippi EQu.ipment Co. Public Works iouipment Co. Ruf'fri~ge-Johnaon E11.uipment Co. Geo, T. Ryan Co. Wm. H: Ziegler Col, Inc. Lake Region Motor Co. Super 'GMC Truck Sales Farm Center Welding ReBon CheYrolet Co. Teach LumberCo. Rude Giirage Sund.blade Sheet Metal Shop Ou.atom Machine Works Baubergs Blacksmith 'Shop Vaughn Chevrolet Co. Syversons Better Mileage Station Bennie Rossum Wm. Wanderi Anton Resset Ronald Isakson Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Park Machine Co. Empire Supply Co. Sigelman Hide & Fur Co, Fergus Lumber1:aful. Fuel Co. Everts Lumber Co. Matz & Greiff Henry Holmgren Coast to Coast Store Wilcox LumberCo. l!auck Hardware Vergas He.rdware Co, Sorem Auto Farts Ebersvillers Inc. Paper-Calmenaon & Co. Johnson Tire & Retread, Inc, Minnesota Motor Co. Gamble Store Knutson Beating Service Dillon Electd c Peavey Elevators Frank Hunter Village of Parkers Prairie City of Fergus Falla Fergus Oil Co., Inc. DATE .................... Ja-nuaq. .. 5-.......................................... 19.55 .. . Deputy Sheriffs fees & expenses II II II II printing and eDVelopes carbon Paper supplies repairing typewriters and supplies receipt books publishing minutes publishing tax notices expense mental illness postage postage II services analysis grips for revolver projection rental Association dues-1958 premium on bond bond premiums adv. commistions to ~gents expenses box rent and postage expenses postage supplies Secretarial· service water and sewage rent calls and service care of transients care of patients hospital blailka care of patient care of patient drugs for patient care of patient 11 II II care ofpoor II II II 11 II 11 II II II parts II parts and cutting edges parts II II parts, etc. repairs supplies snow fence posts tieea, etc. Ure recapp:iing furnace cleaning & repairs clean furnace service coal gravel water maintenance gasoline $ 14.oo 26.40 12.50 3.60 66.40 46.76 12.81 113.00 6,72 17,16 48.oo 15.32 34,oo 5.00 3.00 6.80 4.00 350.00 8.50 3,25 15.00 32.23 8.50 73.50 . 9.00 11,75 14.90. 1.40 50;00 ·14.30 131.11 ·552.42 9.00 '7.04 16.oo 3.90 122.ss 2386.95 . 314.72 2004.16 499.42 11.-70 74,70 9.52 359, 11 29.34 252.55 . 25.13 176,76 '369,43 108.07 3.90 25.4-S 39.58 25.75 43.90 27,00 9,85 20,61 9,40 9,70 7.80 15.80 11.50 285,00 39.18 217,57 28.00 9.32 144.54 3,71 3.70 '.3,25 -4,29 39.93 61.00 6.50 6.05 907,20 111.81 137,58 15.00 17.50 3.70 68,75 358,68 5.00 250.00 120,42 l ·1' "'-I' tf COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. i!!!!!!~r1. .. § ................................. 19..SfL Fossen Oil Co. Highway Company Bilts·Service Station Ray a·o11 Station Swenson Service Anderson & Sanberg· Oil Co. Arrow ·Petroleum Standard Oil Co. Tecl 1s·o11 Co. D.A. tubricant Co.~ Inc. The 0:1:l Store Minnesota State Highway Dept. H. A. Rogers Co. Otter 'Tail Power Co. Minneapolis Blue Prl. nting Co. Poucher Printing & Litho. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. N. w. ·Bell Telephone Co. East Otter Tail Telephone Co, N. W. Bell Telephone Co, Pelican Telephone Co. N. W, ·Bell Telephone Co. Wendell P, Huber George Olson WendellP. Huber Carlisle Comminity Hall Wm. Hennig Elmer·J. Larson Ida H. Trenne, etal Halvor M. Eide Kenneth Lein Frances A. Mobraten Nels T. Hegseth Oscar·L. Lein Hans Ronnevik Frank ·F·jestad Joseph Lill Town csf Paddock Margaret K, Miller Davolt-Presler & iherman Shinn Orris ·Torgrimson Service Oil Company Co-on ·Services, Inc. Road-Machinery & Supplies Co. Ruffridge Johnson Equipt Co, Larson Welding Coast ·to Cllll st Store 'Hoyt Hdwe. Anton Weis Wend.en P. Huber County Treasurers office gasoline II II II II gasoline and d•iesel diesel fuel die eel i\J.el fuel oil O·:l!l furnace oil testing prints II supplies II office supplies service and tolls II II II II expenses II II II II II cash advanced hall rental right of way hauling gravel gra:v-el II II gas, oil, etc. gasoline parts II repairs supplies II II II II II II pri:nted enveil:opes postage fuel Upon Motion the BQ!.rd adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Fe~ruary 10, 1958. Attest: s •. ~~­u. l'vc;_;;;_ Chairman. $ 56.65 39.00 3.11 37,89 64.53 207.07 585.95 38.48 45.00 135.85 114,58 21.34 62.40 4.26 ?8.6:, 75.01 2?.44 10.00 9.80 4S.4o 8.75 25,20 211.82 30.40 19.69 5.00 22.20 uo.40 104.60 33.25 7.55 171.95 64.07 lJ.60 80.65 24.20 31.60 100.00 513.73 266.90 406,?? 148.78 14·7. 70 564,79 28?,5? Jl,00 1.62 4.61 J.25 )96,00 22.50 COMMISSIONERS RECORD· 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 11cG■111P1111J1■•co11•i■, ST.CLOUD IIINII. iii DATE ...................... F.e.brwM:Y ..... l.0 ................................. 19S8 .. . MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEF.TING OF THE BOARD ClF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M., February 16, 1958, all members being present. The Board having previously advertised for bids for bituminous material received bids as follows: Richards Oil Co., Minneapolis, 30,000 gallons S.C. road oil, $.1326 per gall~,• and 50,000 -llons M.C. road oil at $.1426 per gallon, c o- Northwestern Refining Co., St. Paul Park, Minnesota, ~o 000 1• s c ~ d!, ., , ga -,ons •• road oil, ;p,1275 per gallon, and 50,000 gallons M.C • ...,_375 per gallon. Upon motion I:. the bid of the Northwestern Refining Co. was accepted • . . Upon motion, the C~unty Audi.tor .was instructed to advertise for bids for the season's reQuirements of grader blades, tires, ~ub~s and ~tteries and all sizes rf protable culverts and bridge lumberand piling to be delivered at various points in tter Tail Coun~y during the year 1958; also bids for e~uipment rental which shall be on a per hour basis and shal include operators am all expense of qperation, said bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A, M., March 11, 1958. Upon mot ion of Commissioner.-Haase seconded by Commissioner Sieling The following resolution was unanimously adopted: That under the provisions of Clllapter 200 Laws of Minnesota, for 1943, the County shall pay a bounty of $5.00 for each full-grown fox, red or gray, killed in said County, and $3,00 for each fox cub, red or gray, killed in said County from February 10, 1958 thru December 31, 1958: payment to be mlideron warrant of theCounty Auditor after compliance by the claimant withall provisions of said law. Be it further r.-esolved, 'fhat the resolution passed at the January session of the Beard discontinuing bounty be declared null pd void as of February 10, 1958. Adopted February 10, 1958. Attest: S. B. JOHf!SON lerk, RESOLUTION VACATING COUNTY STATE AID H~GH\l'.AY NO; 68 B. J. JOHNSON Chairman, WHEREAS, The provisions of Chapter 943 of the Regular Ses~ion Laws for Minnesota for the year 195? require the County Boards of thi_s lltate, by resolution and subject to the concurrence of the Commissioner, to establish a system of County Highways; and WHEREAS, The County Board of Otter Tail County, prusuant to the provisions of said Chapter 943, Laws of 1957, has located, established and designated by numberCounty Highways i~ the County of Otter Tail;. and WHEREAS, A. Detailed list am description of each of said County Highways, as la:ated and established and identified by number, is now on file in the office of ~he County Auditor of Otter Tail County; NOW,THERBFOU, BE IT RESOLVED, That the County State Aid Highway No, 68, as on file in the office of the County Auditor, be revoked as such and the Commissioner of Highways bef and is hereby, requested to approve sud!. revocation. BE IT ruRTHEB: RESOLVED, 'l'hat County State Aid Highways No. 68 be located as follcws: Beginning_ at a point approximately at the Southwest corner of Section 24, Township 136 North,qRa:nge 36 West; thence el.ong the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning extending Easterly along or .near the South ·line of Section 24 to approximately the Southeast corner of llection 24, Township· 136 North, .Range 36 West, and there termina~ing •. Adopted this .!Q!h day of FEl!RUAR".f', 1958. Attest: (SEAL) S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. RESOLUTION B, J, JOHNSON Chairman WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has submitted plans frr the construction of certain County-State Aid Projedts within minicipalities of less than 5,000 population, identified as follows: c.s.A.H. Project No, 56-628-02 Village of Elizabeth c.s.A.H. Project No. 56-618-02 Village of Erhard c.s.A.H. Project No. 56-615-02 Village of Dalton c.s.A.H. Project No. 56-610-01 Village of, Vining c.s.A.H. Pro:lect No. 56-601-02 Village of Richville WHEREAS, the construction of the above noted projects is estimated to cost $35,10?.82, all of which is a proper charge against the Minicipal Account;· of said County; and WHEREAS, there is not sufficient funds available in said Municipal Account1 to finance the construction projects as specified herein; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That we do hereby reouest that these projects be approved for construction with the specific understanding am agreement that the additional ~oat in excess of the available balance in the t-hnicipal ,•1' i r 1' : I , I ! I I' I J COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... febi,ua .. 10 ............................... 1938 .. . Account be accepted as an obligation against future Minicipal , Account allocatione. That said additional cost will be financed by the county fran its general Road and Bridge Funds and shall be reimbursed from its future allotments to the Minicipal Account, in amounts not to ~xceed 50~ ofthe annual allocation so made to their Minicipal Account in any one year. Dated this 10th day of J'ebruacy, 1958. Attest: (SEAL) S, B, JOHNSON Clerk. :B. J, JOHNS ON Chairman. Upon motion, the Highway Engineer was instructed to prepare a survey of Road No. Jl South of Strand1a Resort. Upon motion, the Board approved the appointment of Mra. Donald Barbor, Deer Creek; Mra. Melvin Lien, Battle Iake1 and Mrs. Norbert Hertel, Dent, asmembera of the Otter Tail County Nursing Board. A delegation f1·om the Townships of Maine and. Star Lake appeared before the board regarding roads taken off the county system and returned to the townships. No action was taken at this time. A ·delegation of citizens from the Township of Sverd·rup appeared before the Board protesting the inclusion in the county1.s road system of a road beginning at the inter.section of Sections 14, 15, 22, and 23 and running west 2! miles. No action waa taken. A delegation of citizens from Battle Lake and. vicinity urged that the Board improve the road running west from. Kimber1s Corner. Upon motion, the engineer was isntructed to make survey am !)rSpare plans for said road. The town board of the Town of Lida appeared before the Board urging that the County. Board include in the county's system a road lying on the east aide of the Town of Lida which would connect Trunk Highway No. 108 with the Vergas Road. They were instructed to prepare a petition asking for this change. Upon motion, Anton L. Ripka was instructed to renew the comprehensive liability insurance for the coming year. After discussion, it was decided that the county snow plo.-is would windrow all snow on village streets which are on the county's system. The annual statement of receipts and 4iabursements for the year 1957 as prepared by the County Auditor was approved. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o1clock A. M. Tuesday, February 11, 1958. TUESDAY'S SESSION A petition asking for the dissolution of Common School District No. 1400 was "Oresented to the Board.. Upon motion, it was ordered that a hearing be held on said peitition at 10 o1clock A. M. April 9, 1958, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. The petition of Edwin R. Schultz asking that the W} NJJk of Section 4-1J5-J8 be set over from School District No. 546 to adjoining School District No. 5"9 was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said peitition be held at 10 o'clock A, M. April 9, 1958, am that due notice of the timeand place of said hearing be given as provided by law. The petition of Lawrence Ternua asking that the Ji NW¼ of Section J-1J5-J8 be set over from School Distri.ct No. 546 to adjoining School District 5"9 was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said p, titian be held at 10 o'clock A. M. April 9, 1958, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. The petition of W. H. Albright, Sr. Asking that the NW,d-!. NW¼ of Section 1J-1J6-4J be set over from School District No. 142) to adjoining School District No. 548 was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o1clock A. M. April 9, 1958, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. The petition of Adrian and. Marjorie Beldo asking that the 5½ lfE!-and intervening la!ld. in Section 16-1J7-J6 be set over from School District No. 1519 of Otter Tail County to School District No •. 817 of Wadeoa County, was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 16 o'clock A. M •. April 9, 1958, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. The petition of Henry Sherbrooke asking that the NW;\-SEk and the SW½ NE¼ and intervening land in Section J5-1J8-4J be set o~er from School District No. 40 of Becker County to District No. 548 of Otter fail County, was read, and it was•orderdd that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. April 9, 1958, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. A delegation from the Township of Aurdal appeared before the Board asking for the improvement of the road running east from Koppang1a Corner. Upon motion, the Highway Engineer was instructed -to make a survey when time ■as available. Applications for dance licenses were apyroved as folla.ra: Eugene Pischke,, Park-Way Inn, Town of Leaf Mountai. n; Leona Swanson, Perry's Place, Town of Dora. A plat of Clearwater Beach located onLake Six in &action 6, Township 137, Range 40, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed bl' James. o. Ranstad, Attorney-at-law-, was approved. The application of Ed.win Johnson for one-half homestead exemption on the SW;t of Section 2-132-42, was read and, upon motion, the same was granted and the County Auditor was a~thorized to reduce the tax accordingly. The application of Emanuel Malmstrom for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Trmship of Dunn on the ground that he was not granted household exemption wasread am, upon motion, it was recoDDDended to the·Tax Commissioner that the assessed valuation be red.uced $100.00, being the amount of the household exemption. ...----COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...•.................. February,. 11 .................................. J 9 58 .. . IRUIJI'"■l!11HCD■PHT ST.CLOUD ■INII, 9:ilP! The applications of Gilbert Wessel, Carl Radunake, Mrs. LeRoy Atkinson, and John Weickert for reduction in assessed valua~ion of household g~ods in the Village of Perham on the ground that they were not granted household exemption to which_ they were entitled~was read and, upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that all these perso~s be given a reddction of $100.00 in assessed valuation, which is the amrunt of the household.exemption. The applicati~n of Rosine C. Elness for reduction of assessed valuation on blildin~s located onLot.3, Block 26, Lakev~aw Addition lo Parkers Prairie was read and, upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that a reduction of $100.00 true and full value be given on the buildings·as recommended by the village board. ;l'he application of Edwin C.Prescher for reduction of assessed valuation of 2/10 of an acre of Lot 31 We~t of Trunk:_H~ghway No. 78, Section 31-134-39 for the year 1956, from $553.00 to $437.00 was recommended to the Tax Conmissioner on th~ ground that this had been raised in the seme proportion aa other lakeshore property, the above tract not being lakes~ore property. The application of Edwin C. Preacher for reduction of·ae~esaed valuation on tract beginning on East side of Trunk HighwiLy No. 78 on south line of Lot 3, North on Hi1;hway 414 feet, East 150 feet, South 350 feet, West to beginning in Section 31-134-39 for the year 1956, from $974.00 to $877.00 was read, and upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Ccmmi~aioner that said application be granted on the ground that the abovetract waa not lakeshore property. the application of Harold H. Drews, City Clerk of Fergus Falls, for cancellation of a special assessment erroneously repor~ed by him on Lot 5, Block 1, Lakeside Addition to the City of Fergu.a Falls. Upon motion, it was recommended to the TllX Commissioner that the special assessment reported be stricken from the records and the tax reduced accordingly. The application of Margaret Hughes for reduction of assessment on~personal property in the Village of Richville from $250.00 to $81.00 was read. Upon motion, the application was reco!ll.mended: to the Commis'sioner of Taxation on the grourui. that the number of gallons of gasoline was listed instead of the value. The application of the Masonic Loige No. 157 of Perhem Village asking for cancellation of building assessed on the railroad right of wrq was read and it was recommended that said application ba granted on the gro~d that the lodge does not and never did own an;y building on the railroad right of w~. The application of Frank Leguil for cancellation of personal property tax in the Township of Leaf Lake on the ground that the road machinery was assessed where the corporation had its place of business, was read·" and, upon motion it was recommended to the Commissioner of 'faxation that said application be granted. · The application of Arnold Stock for settlement and abatement of delinquent taxes, penalties, interest and costs for the years 1952, 3,4,5,6 ori the SE;\-of Section 17-131-44 on the grr.und that said tax was excessive, waa read and, upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that he be permitted to settle the delinquent taxes for $i93.65, The application of Bert H. Odell for freduction of aseesement on Lot 1, Section 25 and ~ot 5 of Section 26-135-40 was read. Upon motio~, the same was ·rejected on the ground that it did not bear the approval of the town board.. !he apylication of Wm. C. Peasley for reduction of assessment on the~ NW½ of Section .1-134-43 was read. Upon motio~, the applia:ation waa rejected on recommendation of the ta.in board. The application of Oscar Nord,quist for reduction of assessed valuation on the NW½ of Section 16-136-36 was read. Upon motion, the applia1tion was rejected upon recommendation of the town board. The application of H. M. Sletkolen for reduction of assessed valuation of personal property in ~he Township of Dunn was read. Upon motion, the application was r,eje.cted upon recommendation of the town board. A delegation from the Township of Clitherall requesied that a road taken off the county system and returned to the t~wnship be reinstated as r-e,rt of the cou~ty highway system. A. delegation from the Township of Bluffton appeared before the Board requesting that a certain road be added on to the· county system and that another road returned to the t<Mnship be reconsidered and made a part of the county highwai, system. A. delegation fromthe Township of Gorman asked the Board to make a slight change in the realignment of the Devil's Lake Road. Thie waar agreed to providing that Mr. Teckemeyer would s \g n an easement for the new road and that it would b~ satjsfactory to the other P'lrties interested in this road. T~e following resolution was adopted: R~solved by the Board of County Conunissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That, Whereas, this Board has heretofore negotiated with Valerius Demmer et al for the purchase of a seven acre gravel: pit in Section 27, Township of Twnuli, for the sum of $8,000.00, Now, Therefore, be it resolved by this Board that the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor aee hereby authorized and directed to issue a check to Velerius Demmer et al for $7,990.00, being the amount due after deducting earnest money paid, when the grantors have delivered to the county a deed to the above premises, which in the opinion of the County Attorney conveys a good and sufficient title to the councy. ~opted February 11, 1958, Attest: S. B, JOHNSON Clerk of the board. T~e following bills were allowed: Ihl.sse 1-i Brooberg :i>o Sidney,Nelson Gary N~laon • I James Stewart Burroughs. Corporation boarding prisoners expenses II II II maintenance BENNIE J. ,,,JOHNSON. hainnan. $ 754.oo J80.74 217.00 274.40 62.55 316.80 I I , I J ,I I 'I , I '' :I ,, ,1. ,i I '1, COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE _______________________ February __ ll ___ ····--······-·-··--···········.1 IP.~ .... Marchant Calculators Whitings Office Equipment The Todd Co,, Inc, Monroe Calcuillition Machine Co,, Inc. Otter Tail Co. Welfare Board Vernon E, llachman Henry Sieling Bennie J, Johnson Otto Haase Sam Nycklemoe Dre. C,W.Iewis & J.L. Kevern Dr. Everett C, Hanson Frank Roberta Emil Boen Phillip O. Thompson Kathryn Michaelson Ruth E. Hannay Mason Publishing Co, John Kukowski Jr, w·. Earl WillialllB John L.Bixby Roger Gustafson N. W. Bell Telephone Co, Do Do Wm. Galena & Son Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Acme Chemical Co, Holten Hdwe. Hintgen Karat Fergus Lumber and Fuel Co, Myron Johnson Merlin S. Rieman John Hoff Do Ivan Johnson Duffy Rustad Clifford E. Pederson Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Miller-Davis Company Victor. .Lundeen & Co, Nelson Bros. Printing St. Paul Book & Staty, Co, The Pierce Co. Farnham Staty. & Supply Co, P.oucher Prtg. & Litho~ Co. Oswald Publishing Co, Remington !iand Fergus Journal Co, Do N. W. Publishing Co. Perham Enterprise Bulletin Pelican Rapids Preas Parkers Prairie Independent Henning Advocate Olga Torvik Evelace G. Hanson H. W. Glorvigen Vernon E. llacbman Park Region Medical Center Erickson Hdwe, Goodwin Joss Laboratories J, C, Penny Co. Robert E. Muske Holten Hdwe. Marshall-Wells Store Johnson Drugs Ebersviller Implement Beall & McGowan Co. Sheriffs Office Do H. W. Glorvigen S, B.Johnson Evelace G.Hanson Frank C. Barnes H. W. Glorvigen Minnesota Good Roads, Inc, Mutual: Serrice Casualty Ins. Co. Mrs, Gladys Lehman Koida Clinic Dre. N. R. Hougan ani P.T. Grimes Swans Rexall Druga Ripgdahl Drug Store City of Ferglia :Falla, Poor Dept. Minneaota State Sanatorium Town of Newton Do Village of Perham Town of Henning maintenance machine rental ribbon II irspection service expenses II II II II coroners fees II II exp. attended short course 11 II II II service Soil Conservation clerical work, Soil Cons. office transcripts subacription~to Minnesota Service Municipal Judge fees 11 11 II postage and expense expense calls mobile ealls and service labor & suppliea BU"D"Dlies -ii II supplies and labor eta 1 Dep. Sheriffs fees II II II II guard duty II II mileage expenses supplies II II signs II cabinets aupplies mounting boards supplies letterheads supplies publishd:ng publishing P. P. Tax Lists II II II II II postage II II II calls to Jail shells analysis II fl II II II sheets & towels film rental supplies shells supplies chain supplies freight expense II II II II II II II II II II adv. commissions paid agents attending tax conference II II II II II exp, attending Co. Officer& Convention membership premium refund on dance license care of patient II II II drugs for patient II II II care of transients care of patients care of poor II II II II II II 11 II II $ 41.00 66.00 9.00 2.80 27,75 J7,40 14.84 9,65 16.00 10.90 J6.45 10.00 48.86 54,60 247,08 49,00 42.40 20.00 25.00 148,00 14.99 12.6J lJ,90 61.65 105.58 1J9,J5 2.20 Jo.so 28.65 J66.6e 1502.40 10.00 lJ,20 114.40 240.oo 10.00 5,40 ·29,40 193.07 114.54 ·68.12 48.25 J8.20 14.12 40,00 158.76 17.59 2J7,l0 204,50 1083,75 J04.00 490.25 599,60 298,75 409.25 12.69 60,00 50,00 JJ,76 22.00 21.29 15.00 58,J2 20.00 2.19 5,20 1.05 lJ,00 7,74 J,00 11.90 12.55 J0,45 JJ,75 JJ,75 JJ.45 100,00 28.02 25,00 8.80 8.oo J0,00 4J,25 144,Jl 605,88 471,28 349.04 1420,79 309.~ • COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. sic ,.,., .. ,., .. Gco•••"'r Town of F.dna Town of Girard VillaP. of Dent Villag~ of Henning City of Fergus Falla F· W. ~ell Telephone Co, Publie.Utilitiea Dept. Victor Lundeen & Co, St~aub· Estate Cooper~ Office Suppby Philip. M. Kjaglien Do Maico ~earing Service East O~ter Tail Telephone Co, Esther G •. Sell i>o Henry ~ieling H. D.Morrill l!ennie· J. Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Grant ~ounty Treasurer :Borche_rt-Ingersoll Inc.~ Minneapolis Equipment o, Northwest Engineering Co, Phillip,pi Equipment Co. Public. Works Equipment Co, Geo, T. Ryan Co, Lake Region Motor Co, Suner GMC Truck Sales McCorm:ick Farm Equipment Store Olson Auto Electric Vergas Motor Service Minnes·ota Motor Co, Larson Welding Anton Rasset Harper·s 116611 Service Fergus Plumbing & Heating Co, Rivers:ide Repair Shop Ebersviller Implement Co, Jaenis.ch lndustries Park Machine Co, Rosenw~ld-Cooper Inc. Empire: Supply Co, Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Marsha·ll-Wells Store Coast 'to Cea st Stores Holten Hardware Federa·ted Store Walts :Repair Shop Carlso~-~rson Motors Erickson-Hellekson-Vye Co. Wilcox Lumber Co, Paper ·calmenson & Co, Wheele·r Lumber :Bridge & Supply Co, Firest.one Store Fossen 811 Co, Michae0l Todd & Co. Fergus· Falls Monument Co. Lykke~ Farm Supply Village of :Battle Lake Raymond Motor Transp. Co, Everts Lumber Co, Underwood Farmers Supply South Mill Standard Fossen Oil Co, :Bills ·service Station Arts se·rvice Station Service Oil Co, Nundahl Oil Co, Arnesons 116611 Service Mayo·•s Standard Service Henning Mobil Thomas Oil Co. Nundahl Oil Co, Twins Motor Co, Kraemer Oil Co, Wal ts Repair Shop Farmers Co-op Creamery Assn, An~rson & Sandberg Oil Co, Arrow Petroleum D. A. Lubricant Co; St~ndard Oil Co. Fossen Oil Co, H. K. Stahl Co, L. R. Lirdall Minneapolis :Blue Printing Co, Miller-Davis Co, Victor Lundeen & Co, Poucher Printing & Litho, Co, Dahms Photo Printing Co, Whitings Office Equipment DATE ................. .Fe.'cu:uar;v: .. l.l ........................................ 19.S8 .. . care of: poor II II 11 II II 11 II II 11 poor expense service and calls water and sewage supplies rent supplies expenses postage repairs service and calla expenses postage, etc. appraising lands II 11 II 11 II 11 repairs, Ditch #3 parts repairs II II II II II II II supplies supplies cutting edges bridge lumber tires tires battery sanilblasting Steam Jenny Rental water freight CCBl gasoline gas line & repairs gas and fuel oil gasoline and diesel fuel diesel fuel oil grease fuel oil oil gravel supplies II II II ~:rculator rental $ 1)1,49 755,68 324,B8 94),70 94J8.4i 16.85 1.34 )6.86 50.00 50.00 69,02 15.00 J8.ob 16.75 42.01 . 6.93 33.06 18.75 2?.01 21.55 ,510.35 -01.54 1.55 )9,34 194.33 946.86 )5,85 342.41 179.13 75:14 198.10 65,80 40.oo 7.50 7".70 5.02 68.35 20.43 33.98 11."00 2.60 141.47 )06.13 51.42 '6.50 41.84 6.72 3.05 33,38 4,75 8.61 2,64 ·511.aa 336.89 130.00 .76.19 34."95. 31.25 10.75 . 5.00 9,74 94.38 13),75 34,85 84.87 1.33 152.88 67,42 84.36 74.45 39,16 99.34 49,43 167,62 314.06 208.11 75.35 145.!}6 208.65 391,87 44.55 7,95 300.67 36.91 77.00 50.25 10.13 144.50 11.15 214.16 jj.oo I ,I .I I I I :1, .. i COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. East Otter Tail Telephone Co, N. W, Bell Telephone Co, Midwest Telephone Co, N. W. Bell Telephone Co, Pelican Telephone Co, N, W, Bell Telephone Co. Veegas· Telephone Co. Minnesota State Highway Dept. Fergus·Journal Co. Wendell P, Huber George· Olson G, D,Harlow Lawrence Danielson Joe M, Walz Alfred'N, Beach Jm Crabb Harry C. Wilidels Bieta Siverkangas Clifford ImllBI de Eino Limanen Rarey Goldie Heney Bengtson Orville Wallgren Oscar Nordouist Heney Wallgren Arthur· Wallgren Richard A. Aho, Adm. Martin· Nordquist Alma G', Aho Hans H·. Korva Joraine Crabb Milton D. Ehnert Ralph Peterson John G·.taber Carl Gustafson Emil Salvog Othelia Bjerketvedt Ole E,· Hei Leo F, Turchin H, The·odore Gunderson Alice .r_. Thoen Albin Sel:vaag Clara Mettel F.d.win ;J. Selvaag Edward· Oak Philip' Rakstad & Anna Rakstad Eugene Joerger Oscar Moen Anthb117-L. Fiedler Vincent Brunson Julius· A, Holt William N. Sangren John A·. Syverson Herman: Hollatz George· Kaufman Wm. H. · Ziegler Co,, Inc. Albinsbn, Inc. St, Paul Abstract Co, Minneapolis Blue Printing Co, Wm. H.Ziegler Co,, Inc, Farmer·s Co-op Ccy. Aiisn. H, A.Rogers Co. Al.tchie and Myrtle Northup Hoot Lake Pure oil Vergas· Oil Company Na.tional Bushing and Parts Co. Wendell P. Huber DATE .................... li'.e.bruary ... 11 , .................................... 19.5B. .. service and tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II It testing adv. for bids cash advanced expenses !! right of way parts supplies photostatic Copy supplies parts gas and fuel oil prints right of way gasoline · gasoline, etc. supplies expenses Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 11 o'clock A. M. Februacy 26, 1958. 07A / (J}JJ y~ Attest: ·~4 J. JOHNSON Chairman. $ 8.11 )1.05 19.45 12.10 7,80 45,75 1),25 1),24 10.50 26.9) 17,90 17,60 24.80 140,98 26.94 55,96 47,JO 42.)9 17.80 )4,7) )4.81 54,96 75,40 82.42 11,45 94,)4 18.20' 84,54 41.17 )2,.'.39 )1,0) 8).86 4.80 58,77 21,75 104.09 )1.)1 72,84 40.60 64,58 68.85 )2,75 1),20 40.60 6),20 J0,90 79,26 )7,2) 5),05 2)7.10 24,98 41,80 50,75 12.00 4).8) 972.46 60.45 2.50 54,.'.36 901. 79 127 .09 202.00 8.<io )46,JO 104,22 21,92 )17,94 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. l11r■■■11ll•C•■PAIIY,I ,CLG ,111111■• DATE ......•..........•.. F.e.brw,.r.ir ... 2.6. ..................................... 19.58: .. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOA1U) OF COUNTY COMMISSIONEBS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 11 o 1cloclc A. M. February 26, 1958, all members being.present. The Board having previously advertised for bids for a number of CSAH projects, the representative .of the State Highway Department proce!!ded to open bids which were found to be as follows: 56-601-02 (CSAH)lf)and 56-610-01 (CSAH 40) location CSAH 14 between CSAH land CSAH 49 in Richville and CSAH 4o between T.H. No, 29, 5,5 miles N of Parkers Prairie and Ees t COllnty line: W. Hodgman & Sona, Inc, Mark Sand arxl. Gravel Co. McLaughlin & Schulz Judd Brown Construction Co. Alexander Construction Co. Jay W. Craig Co., Anderson Bros. Roland M. Starry C. L •. Nelson Co,; Inc. Bituminous Surface Treating Co, McGarry Bros. Herbison Construction Co. Fairmont, FergusFalla, Marshall Mankato Minneapolis Minneapolis Brainerd Lo11g Prairie Brainerd Inver Grove St, ClOlld Brainerd $152,533.50 158,751.50 168,549,00 169,906,?5 17J,?54,00 177,690.50 179,04?,.25 181,816.10 182,2Jl,50 188, 620.:50 200,107.50 229,861.,00 Upon motion of Co11D11issioner Sieling, s•condedlby Commissioner Haase, it was voted by said board to recommend to the Commissioner of Highways that the contract be awarded to W, Hodgman and Sona, Inc,, in the sum of $152,5JJ,50. Bids on 56-615-02 (CSAH.J5) 56-618-02 (CSAH 24) 56-62J-02 (CSAH J) location CSAH J5 between T.H. 59 and T.H, 52 at Dalton, CSAH 24 between T.H. 59 at Erm.rd and CSAH J and CSAH J between CSAH 22 and CSAH 24 EAst of Erhard: Mark Sand and Gravel Co. W. Hodgman & Sona;~ Inc, Alexander Construction Co. Judd Brmm Construction Co. Bituminoud Surface Treating Co. Jay W. Craig Co •. C. L, Nelson Co,. Roland M. Starry, Anderson Bros. McGarry Bros. Grove City Surfacing Co., Inc. McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc. Herbison ConBtruction Co. Fergu.a Falla, Fairmont Minneapolis Mankato Inver Grove Minnea"Dolia Brainerd Long Prairie Brainerd St. Cloud Litchfield Marshall Brainerd $1Jl,528.~ci 14J,J5J,05 145,000.85 150,921.15 155,225.15 161,084.0? 161,'-'J?.O? 162,525.43 l6?1?J5,53 169,655,JO 174,J66.50 186,J24;;J.O 189,0J0.84 Upon motion made by Commissioner Nycklemoe and secondi!d by Commissioner Morrill, it was voted by said board to recommend to the Commissioner of Highways-that the contract be awarded to Mark Sand and Gravel Co., in the sum .of ~lJl,528.80. Bids on county jobs were then opened. which were found to be as follows: Project 58:19 location CSAH 19 between CSAH 8 and 5,7 miles south: J. G. Nelson and Son Sellin Bros. John Dieseth Co. Michaelson Bros. Kerns and Tabery Strom Construction Co. Kahlstorf Bros. Rajala Const. Co. Rust and Dahlman Fosston Hawley Fergu.s Falla Madison Sebeka Moorhead Lake George Cohasset Clarissa Upon motion, the contract was awarded to J. G, Nelson and Son for $72,441.62. Bids on Project 58: '-'O CSAH 40 between Vining arxl. Almora: Martin Fruth Ed Zimmerman Sellin Bros. Kem a & Tabery Stm m Coast. Co. Rust & Dahlman Kahlstorf Bros. Dan Conroy and Sona John Dieseth Co. Michaelson Bros. St. Cloud Berrett Hawley Sebeka Moorhead Clarissa Lake Geage Dumont Fergus lfalla Madison Upon motion, the contract was awarded to Martin Fruth for the sum of $1J6,190,60 Bids on Project 58:10 CSAH 10 between T.H. 52 -l mile North of Carlisle and West ·Ed Zimmerman · Jacobson Bros. Mi nnerath Const. Co. Strom Const. Co. Mahnomen Const. Co. Sellin Bros. Marvin E, Lund J, G. Nelson and Son Rust and Dahlman Dan Conroy andSons Barrett Ashby Cold Springs Moorhead Mahnomen Hawley Glenwood l!oaaton Clarissa Dumont $72,441,62 78,529,43 78,569.J8 80,724.20 82,011.22 86,059.82 89,753.04 93,813.84 90,04u,30 $1J6, 190.60 lJ8,801.06 139,329.06 141,198,48 143,950.20 148,192,9? 149,587,68 158,621.24 160,598.42 160,795.33 County line: $39,249.38 39,980.59 40,J88,94 40,506,55 41,68J.ll 41,995,95 42,153.30 4J,566,68 44,265.33 45,449,66 l ·~ ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... .F.eprJJ.ary. .. 26 .................................... 1958 ... . John Dieseth Co. Van DeRiet Bros. Gladen Bros. Kahlstrof. Bros. Fe rgu.B Falls, ~ond Bemidji Lake George Upon motion, the contract was awareed to Ed Zimmerman for the sum of $39,249.38. Bids on Project 58:lOB,CSAH No. 10 between T.H. 39 in Elizabeth am CSAH No. 3: W. Hodgman & Sona, Inc, Mark Saa!. & Gravel Co. Judd Brown Conat,-uction Co, Mclaughlin & Schulz Bituminous Surfa~e Treating Co. McG~rry Bros. . Alexander Const. ,Co. C. L. Nelson Co,. Fairmont fergus Fall a Mankato Marshall Inv.er Grove St. Cil:oud Minneapolis Brainerd $45,799.81 46,838.41 48,401.81 50,281.?6 $56,613.00 57,454.00 ,61,130.00 61,766.50 65,082.25 65,582.50 67,199-50 6?,677,50, Upon motion, the 0 contract was awarded to W. Hodgman and Sona, Inc. for the sum of $56,6i3.oo~. Bids for county wide ,graveling: Mahnomen Const. Co. Black Top Surfacing Co. Mc1".ughlin & Shculz Ahles & Lush Delmo C. Kompelien Rollo Lewis Mahnomen Detroit Lac BB Marshall. Foley Minneota Fargo $28,750.00 28,900.00 29,100.00 29,400.00 30,100.00 ,30,850~00 Upon motion, the contract was awarded to Mahnomen Construction Co. fo~ $28,750,00, Bid.s on county vide sand seal: McLaughlin & Scbulz C. L. Nelson Co, C. L. Stodolka . Minnesota Valley Improvement Co. Hi-Way Surfacing Co. Jenson & Krage . Bituminous Surf•ce Treat,:l;ilg Co. Jay W. Craig. Co, Marshall Brainerd Little Falls Granite Falls Minneota Sioux~IH:,ty, Io11a Inver Grove Minneapolis $34,113.30 37,43?,68 37,322.55 38,984.74 39,848.55. 41,264.?5 .41,844.50 45,202.85 Upon motion, the contract was awarded to McLaughlin & Schulz for ~34,113.30. Upon motion, the Board -then adjourned to 10 o1clocll: A. M. March 11, Attest: 1958. . a O fLl~,..,J J~h , ;~HNSON Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD-0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. Mar.c.h .. ll ............................................... 19 58 .. . HCUllnP■l■ll■ico■PAIIT ST.CLHD 1111111. c:,.zme MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUIITY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. March, 1958, al. l members being present: The follow~ng were granted 110ffll and 110n11 licenses to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors: Alex and Alva Sepchenko, Sau th end of Heil berger Lake, Fri berg, Township; Walter C. Shol, Friberg Township; A. 'E. lj:erfindahl, Herf' s 78 Cli.b, Town of Girard; Wilmar Roberts, Red Eye Tavern, Town of Butler; Gisle M. Froseth, Pleasure Park Resort, Town of Otter Tail; Eugene Pischke, tavern ai:id grocery, Town of Leaf Mountain; Herman Weickert, Section 2, Town of Perham; Franklin Olson, grocery store, Town of Inman; Loren E. Center, Minneha Camp, Town of Girard; Carlyle Reiter, Woodland Park, Town of Girard; Earl Coffman, Ethel Beach, Town of Girard; Wm. C. Taylor, Taylor's JLanding, Town of Everts1 Stanley.J. Butkus, Graystone Lodge, Town of Everts. Licenses for public dances were granted to A. T. Herfindahl, Herf's,7,8 Club, Town of Girard; Herman Weickert, Section 2, Town of Perham. Annual statement of salaries, fees and e~oluments received by the followlng officers was approved: Henry Sieling , $1523.70; Otto Haase, $1522.50; Harvey D. Morrill, $1490.65; Sam Nycklemoe, $1499.15; Bennie J. Johnson, $1518.50; H. W. Glorvigen, Clerk ct: Court, $5500.00.; S. B. Johnson, County Auditor, $5500.00; Frank C. Barnes, Probate Judge, $5500.00; Evelace G. Hanson, Register of Deeds, $5500.00 Owen V. Thompson, County Attorney, $4500.00; Vemon E. Bachman, Superintendent of Schools, $5500.00 . The Cau.nty Board of Audit submitted.a report of its cneck of the receipts and disbursements of the county treasurer covering a period from April 1, 1956 to Dec. 31. 1956. showing a balance in the treasury on April 1, 1956, of $2,381,403.25; collections, $4,707,577.53: disbursements, $5,402,290.60; and the balance at the close of business on Dec. 31, 1956 of $1,686,690.18. Also for a period covering Jan. 1, 1957 thr'augh Dec. 31, 1957, showing a balance onhand Jan. 1, 1957 of $1,686,690.18; collections, $7,430,618.76; disbursements, $7,499,709.30 ; cash on hand at theclose of business Dec. ,1, 1957, of $1,617,599.64. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commisl!.oners of Otter Tai 1 County, Minnesota: That, whereas, Sub Lot K of Government Lot 4 except flowage, Section 30-133-42, was forfeited to the State af Milll!,e&ota for taxes far the year 1933, and that the above tract remains unsold, Now, Therefore, pursuant to a petition for repurchase of the above forfeited lands pursuant to Chapter 832, 1957, executed by the Otter Tai 1 Pat er Co., it is the opinion of the Board that said repurcr.ase will be for the best J)1l'lilic interest of all parties concerned, and it is the unanimous opinion of the Board that said repurchase should be allowed, Adopted March 11, 1958. Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk of the :Bal rd. The following resolution was adopted: aotl~ Bl~a'HNSON Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn,esota: That, whereas, the East 378 feet of the Ncr th 181 feet of the West 805 feet of Lot 1, Section 12-134-41, was forfeited to the State of Minnesota for taxes for the year 1949, and that the above tract remains unsold; Now, Therefore, pursuant to a petition for repurchase of the above forfeited lands pursuant to Chapter_832, 1957, executed by Fred Washek, it is the opinion of the Bea rd that said repurci'a se will be for the best public interest of all i:arties concerned and will relieve undue haraship, and it is the unanimous opinion of the Board that said repurchase should be all cw ed. Adopted March 11, 1958. At.test: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk of the BClBi'd.. The following resolution was adopted: (j] (},. J ~~~-~ ✓-~:rnsoN Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of 0tter Tail County, Minnesota: That, whereas, Lot 6, sw,k NE¼ and ltl<le-sE;t-1-r'llt,-eM, the sE;¼-NW,& except ch1;1rch, Section 6-137-41,. was forfeited to the State of 1-!inneso\\ for taxes for the year 1950, and that the above tract remains unsold; Now, Therii'fore, pursuant to a petition far repurch~se of the above forfeited lands ~rsuant to Chapter 832, .1957, executed by Mary Green and others, it is the opinion of the Board that said repurchas~ will be :or the best public interest of all Tarties concerned and wi 11 relieve ur.due hardship, and it is the unanimous opinion of the Board. that said repurchase ~hould be allowed; Adopted March .11, 1958. Attest: Chairman. S. B. JOHNSON Clerk of the Bea rd. 'ii '' COMMISSIONERS RECORD O~ OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. .Ma.r.c.b .. .ll. .................................................. 195.8 .. . The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by th!' Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tai 1 County, l-!inneso-= That Olga Torvik and George H. Nelson, who are respectively county treasurer arxi deputy county treasurer., are hereby authorized to sign all county checks withdrawing funds form the FirstNational Bank of Minneapolis. Adopted March 11, 1958. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk of the Board. :B. J. JOHNSON Chairman. llE IT RESOLVED by the County Beard (County Commissionen) of Otter Tal:l County, Minnesota: That the duly established and designated County State Aid Highw~ N~. 40 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota which begins at a point approzimate[y at the intersection of Front Street and the East line of May Avenue in the Village of Vining; thence Southeasterly along theEaet line of May Avenue to a point ap~roximately lOO·feet North of the South line of Kimball Street: thence continuing Southeasterly through Section 12 ,.,~.l':!!ft-~3:i':i~ Township 132 North, Range 39 West to 270 feet •North of the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Coutheaet Quarter of Section 12,- Townehip 132 North, Range 39 West, a~.d the East limits of the Village of Vining, and continuing Southerly through Section 12-To,mehip 132 North, Ra~ 39 West and Section 7, Township 132 North, Range 38 \-feet, to a point approximately 375 feet East of the Southwest corner·of Section 7; thence continuing Easterly along the South lines of Sections 7 and8 to approximately the South quarter corner of Section 8, continuing Southeasterly through Sections 17,16, and 15, to a point app~oximately 700 feet West of The South quarter corner of Section 15, and continuing Easterly along or near the South lines of Sections 15, 14, and 13 to a point approximately 945 feet West of the Southeastcorner of Section 13; thence Northeasterly through Section 13 to a point approximately 945 feet Nor•th of the Southeast corner of. Section 13 and. continuing along or near theEast line of Section 13, to a point approximately 94o feet -South of the East quarter corner of Section 13, Township 132 North, Range 38 West; thence Northeasterly through Section 18, Township 132 Na-th, Range 37 West, to a point apprgl!Cimately 940 ~.eet East of the West quarter corner of Section 18 and continuing Easterly along or near the East and Weetquarter lines of Sections 18, 17, 16 and 15 to approximately the interior quarter corner of Section 15, Township 132 North, Range 37 West and there terminating, Beginning at a point aoproximately at the South Quarter cor.ner of Section 15, Township 132 North, Range 37 West; thence aong the North lines of Sections 22 and 23 to approximately 900 feet West of the Southeast corner of Section 14, thence Northeasterly through Sections 14 and· 13, Ta-rnehip 132 North, Range 37 West, and Southeasterly through Section 18, Township 132 North, Range 36 West to a point approximately 600 feet West of the Scuth ouarter corner of Section 18; thence Easterly along or near the North lines of Sections 19, 20, 21 and 22 to approximately the Na·theast corner of Section 22;thence Northerly along tbe East lines of Sections 15 and 10, to approximately the Northeastcorner of Section 10; thence Easterly along the North lines c£ Sections 11 and 12 to approximately the Northeast corner of Section 12, Township 132 North, Range 36 West, and the East county line, arxi there terminating: and whose general course in the NW¾, of the SE½ and the SE;½, of theSE;½, of Section 12-Tl32N-RJ9W, the SW;¼-of Section 8-Tl32N-R38W, the Si of the 5E½ of Section 16-Tl32N-R38W, ·the SW¢ of the SE½ ci' Section 15-Tl32N'-R38W, and the s,-of theNE½ of Sec ti on 18-Tl32N-R37W, is as follow B: beginning at the intersection of Front Street and the Fest line of May Avenue in the Village of Vining, thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point ·of beginning Southeasterly along the East line of May Avenue for a distance of 681.8 feet, thence deflect to the left on a 2° curve (Delta Angle 20°61 1) for a distance of 1,.000.8 feat to the point of beginning; thence South IJ8°32 1 East for a distance of 193 feet, .thence deflect to the right oi, a 2° curve (Delta Angle 13°23 1) for a distance of .669-2 feet, thence on tangent to said curve South 35°09 1 East for a diet,ance of •l, 791.4 feet, thence deflect to the left· on a 4° curve (Delta Angle 48°47 1) left for a distance of 832 feet and there terminating. beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 8-Tl32N-R38W, thence North 89°461 East along the South line of Section 8 for approximately 2,251.6 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 3° curve ( Delta Angle 23°50 1 ) for a distance of 237.6 feet and there terminating. beginning at the South quarter corner of Section 15-T1J2N-R38W, thence South 89°481 West for a distance of 694.6 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 1° curve·(Delta Angle 45°20 1) for a distance of 1,971 feet to the point of beginning, thence continuing on said curve fo~ a distance of 1,845 feet and there terminating beginning at the South quarter corner of Section 15-Tl32N-RJ8W, the nee North 89°481 East to the Southeast corner of the SW¾ of the SEk of Saction 15-T132N-R38W, and there terminatlng. beginning at the interior quarter corner af Section 18-TlJ2N-R37W, thence North 89°)1 East to the East quarter corner of Section 18-:TlJ2N-R37W, and there terminating. That it is necessary for the safety of the public travel and fortthe proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed: That an easement across add.itional lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so altering said County State Aid Highway No. 40 in said sections afore-said: That the general course af said County State Aid Highway No. 40 is not materially altered thereby: That the said Easement so to be procured is for public highway and road purposes, that thes1111e shall be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter described; That it is necessary for the construction and. maintenance of said read and for the safety of public travel that additional right of way be procured to enable the construction of proper slopes and that an easement be procured to construct certain slopes and to maintain the same after the construction as provided in the plans and specifications on fiil.e in the office of the County Highway Engineer at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls, Minneso1B, the specific places whire said slopes are to be constructed, being particularly ·herin . .after described, that such easment for such construction of slopes cease on-· or before December Jl, 1958: That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that an easement forthe erection of temporary snowfencee be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public highway pruposeli, and upon thelande· agd6ini.ng the same: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ March .. ll .................................... 19 SB. SRU■lffHl■Tl■ICO■PAIIT,H.CLOUO 111■11• c.a,a That the lands so to be teken for public highway allll. road purposes and subjected to easement as aforesaid, are situated in the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tai. 1 and described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL NO. ) A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The NW¼ of the Si:¢-, and the S~ of the SE;¼-of Section l2-TlJ2N-R39W • said strip being all that pirt lying within a distance of 50 feet on the Easterly and Westerly side of the following d~scribed centerline: beginnin~ at the intersection of Fro~t Street and the East line of May Avenue in the Village of Vining, thence along the established centerline of the public •road described as follows: From said point of beginning Squtheasterly along the East line of May Avenue for a distance of.681.8 feet, thence deflect to the left on a 2° curve (Delta Angle 20°01 1 ) for a distance of 1,000.8 feet to the point of beginning, thence Sdllth 48° J2' East for a distance of 193 feet, _thence deflect to the right on a 2° curve (Delta Angle 1J02J 1)for a distance of 669,2 feet, thence on tangent to said curve South 35°091 East for a distance of 1,791.4 f.eet, thence deflect to the left on a 4° curve (Delta Angle 48°471) left .for a distance of 832 feet allll. there terminating., excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highway. containing 7.32 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or ,before December Jl, 1958 on the following described tract: A strip of land 85 feet wide on the West side of the roadway beginning at a point 100 feet South of the point of beginning, thence Southerly 550 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be :rarallel therewith~ A Strip of land 75 feet wide on the East side of said roadway beginning at a point 150 feet South of the point of beginning, thence Southerly 450 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 25 feet in width on the East aide am West side of the roadway beginning at a point 1,150 feet South of the point of beginning, thence Southerly 150 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said-roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 60 feet wide on the East side of the roadway beginning at a point 2,650 feet South of the point of beginning, thence Southeasterly 400 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 70 feet wide on the West side of said roadway beginning at a point 2,650 feet South of the point of beginning, thence Southeasterly 350 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside of said raodway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. PARCEL NO, 8 A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The SW¼ ·of Section 8-TlJ2N-RJ8W, said strip being all that part .. lying within a distance of fifty feet on the Northerly side of the following described centerline: beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 8-TlJ2N-RJ8W, thence North 89°461 'East along the South line of Section 8 for approximately 2,251.6 feet, thence def~ect to the right on a J0 curve (Delta Angle 2l0 50 1 ) for a distance of 2)7.6 feet and there terminating. exceptinf, therefrom right of way of existing highway, Containing 0.94 acre, more or leas. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December Jl, 1958 on the following described tract: A strip of land 60 feet wide on the North aide of the roadway beginning at a point 429.2 feet Fast of the Southwest corner of Section 8-TlJ2N-RJ8W, thence Easterly 250 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith, A strip of land 25 feet wide on the North aide of the roadway beginning at a point 1,429.2 feet East of the South- west corner of Section 8-TlJ2N-RJ8W, thence Easterly 200 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjointhe outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land JO feet wide on the North aide of the roadway beginning at a point 1,779,2 feet East of the South- east corner of Section 8-TlJ2N-RJ8W, thence Easterly 550 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. PARCEL NO, 16 A strip of land over and across the• folla-iing described tract: The~ of the S~ of Section 16-TlJ2N-RJ8W, said .strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the Northerly am Southerly side of the following described centerline: beginning at the South quarter corner of Section 15-T1J2N-RJ8W, thence South 89°48' West for a distance of694.6 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 1° curve (Delta Angle 45°201) for a distance of 1,971 ieet to the point of beginning, thence continning on said curve fo~ a distance of 1,845 feet and there terminating. excepting therefrom right of way of existing highway, containing J.60 Acres, more or less, I ii 'I I· COMMISSIONERS RECORD·O, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... Mar.d::l. .. l.1 ............................................. 195.8 .. . Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December Jl, 1958 on the folll)/ing described tract: A· strip of land 12 feet wide on the North side of the ~oadway beginning at a point 21J feet Wjst of the point of beginning, thence Westerly JOO feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said. roadwa.v and the outer) line of said strip to be parallel th·erwi th, A strip of land ten feet wide on the S0outh side of the beginning, thence Westerly 125 feet and there ,terminating. outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. roadway beginning at a point 26J feet West of the point of Said strip toed.join the outside line of said ?oadway ani the A strip of land 60 feet wide on the South· side of the roadway beginning at a point 46J feet West of the point cf beginning, thence Westerly !JOO feet and there terminating, Said strip to-al.join the outside line of said roaiwa.v and the outer line of said strip to be par~llel therewith, A strip of land 25 feet wide on the South side of the roadway beginning at a point l,06J feet West of th·e point of beginning, thence Westerly 100 feet an!. there tenninating. ~aid atrtp to adjoin the outsideline of said roadwa.v and the outer line cL said strip to be parallel therewith,, A strip of land 20 feet wide on the North aide of the 1·oadway beginning at a point 1, 66J feet West of the point of beginning, thence Westerly 110 feet and there terminating, Said strip to adjoin the outside line of seid roadway and the outer line af said strip to be parallel· therewith, PARCEL NO, 20 A str.l. p of land extending over and across the following deacri bed tract: The SWf of the S:Ek of Section 15-TlJ2N-RJ8W, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the Northerly side of the following described centerline: beginning at the South quarter corner of Sect.ion 15-TlJ2N-RJ8W, thence North 89°481 East to the Southeast corner of the SW¼ of the SE;} of Section 15-Tlg2N-RJ8W, ard the.r.e tenninating, , excepting therefrom the right of Way of existing highway, containing 0,51 Acre, more or lees. Also an easement to construct elopes which shall cease on or before December Jl, 1958 on the following described tract: A strip of land 20 feet wide on the North side of the roe.'1-way beginning at the South ouarter corner of Section 15-TlJ2N-RJ8W, thence Easterly J70 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land J5 feet wide on the No th side of the roadwa.v beginning at a point 6?1.4 feet East of tte Sou th quarter corner of Section 15-Tl)2N-RJ8W, thence Easterly 5oor,feet and· there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the out- side line of saidrroadway and the outer line of said 'strip to be parallel therewith. PARCEL NO. JJ A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The 5i of the NE;¼-c£ Section 18-TlJ2N-RJ?W, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the Northerly side of the following described centerline: beginning at the interior quarter corner of Section 18-TlJ2N-RJ7W, thence North 89°03 1 East to the East quarter corner of Section 18-TlJ2N-RJ?W, and there terminating, excepting therefrom right of way af existing highway. containing 0.99 Acre, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December Jl, 1958 on the following described tract: A strip of land 20 feet wide on the ~orth side of said roadwa_y beginning at a point 900 feet East of the interior quarter corner of Section 18-TlJ2N-RJ?l1, thence Easterly 700 feet and there terminating. That"due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law: to acquire said ease- ment /il,Cross add.itional lands aforesaid for public road and(lii'gtlilay purposes; to acquire said easement and additional right of way for construction and slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said easement for erection of snow fences, and let the same forthwith duly be begun and prosecuted, Dated this 11th day of March, 1958 Attest: ~-/ S, :e; ~ , County Auditor By the Boiu;ct of County Commissioners of (]s ~ IP.,~ COUNTY :e. 'J. JOHNSON , Ghairman The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the B~rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under Chapter 715, Laws of 1957, prisoners can be sentenced to the county jail by a Cou.rt of Competent Jurisdiction to serve sentences with theprivilege of continuing employment as provided by thds chapter1 Now, Therefore , be it resolved tihat in all cases where such prisoners have been sentenced under the above law, COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ···················Naz:ch. .. lJ. .............. ····························19.!ja .. Hcu■ln ,■1■r1■•Co■ranr, ST.cLOuD, ■I-■• c.- who do not receive subsistence while confined to the countv J·ail the charge sh 11 b $1 00 • d th 1 ~ • a e • per night for lodging for such ays as 8Y are regu arly employed, and that du~ing such de.vs when they are confined in the subaiistence, the charge shall be the regular charge for the board of prisoners, crunty Jail receiving Adopted March 11, 1958, Attest: S. B, JOHNSON Clerk cf the B15 rd. The following resolution was adopted: a•Q.tLlv?-~-✓/.;o~oN Chai:nnan •. Resolved by the Board of County Co11DDissioners of Otter Tail County,. Minnesota: Whereas, certain charges properly p~able on the County Building Fund have been advanced from the R15d and Bridge Fund from time to time, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and the County Treasurer transfer from the County Building Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund the sum of $1331.50, and that they make proper notations on •their records. Adopted March 11, 1958. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk of the·Board. a B, J. JOJ!NSON "hairman. Bids for cutting edges to be furnished during the year 1958 were opened and read. As all bids were identical, upon motion, all bids were rejected. Bids for tires, tubes am batteries recei. ved were as follows: F.irestone Store, Geuinen Parts Co., Thomas Oil Co., Vining, Minnesobl Motor Co., Johnson Tire and Retread, inc. Upon motion, it was voted to pruchase the seasons supply of tires, tubes and batteries from the Firestone Store, Johnson Tire and Retread, Inc. and Minnesota Motors. Bids for the seasons supply of corrugated metal cul¥erts were read. As all bids were identical, all bids were rejected. The Elk River Concrete Products Co. submitted a bid for concrete culverts and apecial end sections and curb sections. Upon motion, .this bid was accepted, The Wheeler Lumber and Bridge Co. submitted a bid for plailking, piling and bridge lumber. Upon motion, this bid was accepted, Bids for equipment rental for the year 1958 were read and, upon motion, all bids were accepted. Upon motion, the County Auditor was instructed to advertise fer bids to be opened at 11 o'clock A. M. April 8, 1958 for the following equipment. 2 dump trucks, 21,000 pounds, G.V.W. nominal rating, bid.s shall include trade-in allowance on the following: County Unit No. 90 -1952 Dod.ge truck, 2½ ton Model J 152, located at Parkers Prairie;• County Unit No, 91 -1952 Dodge truck·, 2½ ton Model if 152, located at Erm.rd. 1 ½ ton pick-up, bid to include trade-in allowance on County Unit No. 82 -1950 Fard i ton pick-up. A plat of Art's North Shore located in Lot 1, Section 5-135-39, accompanied by a certificate of title executed by M. J. Daly, attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Sub Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Government Lot 4, Section 4-132-42 accompanied by a certificate as to title executed by Philip R. Monson, Attorney-at-law, was approved. A pl•t of Na.· thland Beach, First Addition, located in Lots 3 and 6 ci' Sec ti on 9-13'7-42, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by A. o. ~letvold, Attorney-at-law, was approved. · •Officers of the Pelican Lake Development Association appeared before the Board regarding speed boats on Pelicm Lake. Game Wa~den 01Brian was also present and agreed that the Game Warden should cooperate in controlling this nuisance. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M, March 12th. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M., all members present. A delegation from Deer Creek presented a petition :for.improvement of a road running South of Jaaska1$ Corner. Upon motion, the petition was placed on file. A delegation from Carlisle and vicinity asked that the road North of French running to Carlisle be improved. Upon motion, the Highway Engineer was instructed to make a survey when ti.me•· was available. A delegation from the Township of Eastern asked for the improvement of CSAH No. 71. Upon motion, the Highway Engineer was instructed to make a survey when time was available, A delegation from Henning and Folden appeared before the Board regarding bituminous surfacing on CSAH No. 65 ro.nning North from the Vining-Almora road about three miles. The watter was taken under advisement for more consideration by the Board. l ·f 'I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL GOUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... Ma,_r.cn.. .. 12. ........................................... 195.8 ... . Upon motion. the County Workmen's Compensation and Employees insurance was placed with the Employer's Mutual Li~bility Insurance Co. of Wausau, Wisconsin, for the coming year. Upon motion, the appointment of M. C. Kimber as fire arms safety director for Otter Tai. l County was approv.ed. The following names were submitted to the Department of Public Welfare from which to select one member of the County Welfare Board whose term expires on July .10, 1958: Mrs. Floyd McDunn, Pelican Rapids; Mrs. Ray Brown, Fergus Falls; Mrs. Leona Hemes, Dal ton •. The application of Urba.n J. Klimek for homestead classification on the E½ NE;½-~nd the NE;¼-SEf.-of Section 34 and the NW,!-SW½ Section 34-131-39 was read. Upon motion, the same was granted and the Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly. The application of Mrs: Julian Whiting for homestead classification on Sub Lots A, B, C, D and E of Lot 2 except church Section 12-132-40 was read. Upon motion, the same was granted and the Auditor was instructed to reduce th! tax accordingly. The application of LeRoy M. Torgerson for ho'1)estead classification on the El½ sEi} SW½ Sec ti on 7-133-37 was read. Upon motion, the same was grated and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly. The appl,ication of Wm. Nikkari for homestead claasification on th.e South 25 fe,•t of Lot 15 and el 1 of Lot 16, Block 1, Original Plat of New York Mills, was read. Upon motion, the same was granted.and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly. The application of Wilbert Nelson fo.r homestead classification on the NW,!-SJ%, Section 24-136-36, was read. Upon motion, the same was grant,ed and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly. The application of Fred Cole for homestead classification on Lots 15, 16and 17, Mike's Wall Lake B.each, was read. Upon motion, the same was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the. tax accordingly. The application of Geo. A, Sc!tultz for red.uction of assessment on Lot 4, Block 11, Way's Addition to Ottertail on the ground that the building had been removed in 1956 was read. Upon motion, it. was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted. The application of the Otter Tail County Agricultural Society and Fair Association for cancellation of assessment on Su.b Lot N of Lot 10 in Kalling1s Sub Division of the NE½ Section 35-133-43 on the ground that on the date of this assessment this property was owned by the Society and was exempt from taxation, was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of 'l)axation that t;he applica.tion be granted. The application of John Jessen for reduction of assessment on the West 50 feet of the North 680 feet of Lo·t 1, Section 32-137-40 was read and, upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commi.ssioner that this application be granted on the ground that this was a strip of land used for raod purposes to gain access to a number of lake lots. The application of John G, Krejci for reduction of assessment on Lots 3 and 4, Block-1, Marckel1s Addition to Perham for the year 1956 was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Corr.missioner of Taxation that said application be granted on the ground that the old building moved unto these lots was over-assessed. The application of John G, Krejci for reduction of assessed valuation on Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Marckel1s Addition to Perham for. the year 1957 was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be grented. The application of Carl R. Jlyberg for reduction of assessed valuation on L.ots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Second Addition to Sunnyside, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that a high sharp bank was located in front of these lots and. the beach was covered with il:arge rocks. The application of Vernon C. Reine for ca.ncellation of assessment of building on Lot 11 of Rosenouiet 1s Beach was read, Upon motion. it was recommended1to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that no cottage was located on this lot on-May 1, 1957. The applications of Dale Smith and Jerome J, Engleson for household exemptions on their household goods assessed in the Village of· Perham was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that these applications be granted. The application of Vernon C. Reine for cancellation of assessment on pers"nal property in Eagle Lake Township was read. Upon mot ion, it was recommended to the Colll!llissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the ground that the petitioner had no personal property in Eagle Lake on May 1, 1957. The application of Albert Fick for red.uction of assessed valuation on personal property in the Village of Elizabeth was fead. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the application be grented on the ground that this property was assessed in Class 2 and also in Class 3, making a duplicate assessment. The application of Roger Anderson for reduction of ass~ss~d valuation on personal property in the Township of Tumuli was read, Upon motion, the same was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation on the ground that 23 ·calves under one year had been assessed ae cowa. The application of Geo. L. Jensen for household exemption on personal property·.in the ToW!.ship of Clitherall, was read. Upon motion, the application was r~commended to the Commissioner of Taxation, The application of J. M. Saari for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Township of Otter Tail was read. Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation. The application of Grace Beach for reduction of assessed valuation of personal property in the Village of Dent was read. Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation on the ground that the trailer house had been assessed in the wrong classification. The application of Donald Bruns for reduction of assessed valuation of persnnal property in the Village of De,t was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ Ma.rch .. 12 ........................................ 19~~ .. . • u The application of H. J. Wilson for cancellation of tax on a trailer house for which he purchased trailer license for a full yea1· a few days after the assessment had been made. Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Tax CoDJmissioner. The application of Henry Parbhem for reduction of assessed valuation of personal property in.tqe'V~llage of P~r~ was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the IJJ)lication be grm ted cl>n the ground that household items were assessed higher than comparable assessments in the village. · The application of Mills Farmers Elevator for r,ad.uction of asseBBment located on the Railroad Right of Way was read. Upon motion, the. application was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation for approval. Tle application of S. C, Lykken for reduction of asse!5sed valuation on building loc~ted on the ilailroad Right of Way was read. Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Commissioner of_Taxation for approval on t.l:ie ground ihat the building was in very poor condition. The County Board appointed John Gronner, Underwood, and Ernest Herting, Route 4, Pelican Rapids, to serve as members of.the County Extension Connnittee for a three year term. Henry Sieling, a member of the Board, was appointed to serve with the Chairman as a member of this committee. The following bills were allowed: Ru~sell Brooberg . Do Gary Nelson Sidney Nelson Alfred Engen The Todd Co., Inc. Vernon E, Bachman Mable Wenstrom Bennie J. Johnson Hepry Sieling Sam Nycklemoe Otto Haase Dr: Henry A, Korda Dr: C. J. Lund . L Dr. C; W. ewis Dr. Rolf Daehlin H. ·w. Glorvigen s. ,B, Johnson John Kukowski Jr, N. W. Bell Tele. Co. . Do Do Dure-Test Corporation Acme Chemical Co. Soliah & Braatz ' Nofby Dept. Store Hi!ltgen Karst Else. Co. Fergus Lumber & Fuel Co. Fergus Glass and Paint Co. Merlin s. Rieman Jim Kimmes Wendelin Koep John Hoff Secretarial Service Victor Lundeen and Co. Indianhead Specialty Co, Borg Drugs The Pierce Co, De~t. of Administration· The C. A. Gregory Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Houghton Miffilin Co. Security Blank Book and Printing Co, Miller-Davis Co. Gaffaneys Office Spec. Oo., Inc. Co'?}lers Office Sup~ly Oswald Publishing o. PQ\lcher P1·inting and Lithographing Co. Remington Rand Battle Lake Review Pa~kers Prairie Independent Perham E~terprise Bulletin Fergus Journal Co. Battle Lake Review Ve~non E, Bachman Fi~ Extinguisher Service Wagners Surplus Store Goodwin Joss Labor~tories American Legion Auxi li_ar.y H. W. Glorvigen Frf,lnk C. Barnes Farmers & Merchants Agency Ea~t Otter Tail Tele. Co. Esther G. Sell Do Maico Hearing Service Vi~tor Lundeen & Co. Coopers Office Supply boarding prisoners expenses II II Dep, Sheriffs expenses maintenance expenses II II II II II coroners fees II II II II autopsy expense II Minicipal Judge fees mobile service calls II supplies II gasoline glaxo service coal supplies Dep. Sheriffs fees and exp. 11 II II guard duty at C. H. paper supplies II II II II II II II II II ribbons supplies II II II envelopes pbblishing 11· II II postage service ma tresses tests decorating graves adv, commissions paid agents mileal!;e Insurance premium service postage expenses repairs supplies II $ 858;00 136.)0 272,40 257,80 59.60 J6.00 24.i7 7.00 17.60 22.68 i8.40 26.08 24.15 10.25 11.15 15.00 100,;00 100.00 130.00 100.23 63.94 18.85 14.90 32.30 2.45 3.58 52,48 829.43 7.85 30.80 37,40 20.70 280.00 1.25 1664.39 7.04 2,04 37.85 7.80 6.50 9.50 193.91 38,52 65.03 5,78 5.54 132.28 64.49 74,40 30.65 6.00 8.40 1Li9.90 639,55 33.00 .75 29.88 15.00 25.00 9.75 12.40 323.86 8.oo ,4.00 25,88 45.00 28.00 4.72 i .11 ,, l COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. March .. 12 ................................. JQ 58. ·Secretarial Service Army Times Publ. Erickson Hdws. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. N. W. :Bell Ti!IJ:s. Co. Public Utilities Dept. Straub Estate Ruth C, Canpbsll Philip M. Kjaglisn City ofDjsrgus°Falle Poor Dept. Korda Clinic Stats of Minnesota Minnesota Stats Sanatorium Swan Rsxall Dr.ag Town of Dunn Town of Erhards Grove Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Phillippi Equipt. Co. Geo. T, Ryan Co. Wm. H, Ziegler Co., Inc, Sorem Auto Parts Super CMC Truck Sales Minnesota Motor Co. Olson Auto Electric Johnson Machine Shop W. · R, Brown Corp. Kimber Awning Co. Smokey's Machine Shop K. ·s. & K. Repair Shop F. ·R. Steuart Plbg. & Htg. Vaughn Chevrolet Co, Maine Raya ir SbOp . Paper Calmsneon & Co. Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc. SherwiJI-Williame Co, Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. Northern Sanitary Supply Co, Empire Supply Co. Fleet Diet. Supply Davidson Metal Shop Lampert Lumber Co. Crow Motors :Baucks Hardware Mceormick Farm Equip. Store Whitlock Weldore lilquip. & Hosp. Supply Wilcox Lumber Co. Coast to Coast Store Firestone Stores Lee Tire Service Fergus Glass and Paint Co. Fossen Oil Co, South Mill Standard Ken & Bob1s Sinclair Service Consumers Coop. Oil Co. Twins Motor Co. Thomas on Co. The Oil Store Bengtson Oil Co. Erwin Siegfried Swenson Service Anderson and Sa.~dberg Oil Co, Sinclair Service Service Oil Co. Otter Tail Coop. Oils, Inc. :Bauck Chevrolet Co. Consumers Coop. Oil Co, Vergas Oil Co. Langel.one Highway 210 Texaco West Otter Tail Service Co. D. ·A. Lubricant Co,, Inc, Staniard Oil Co, Perham Coop. Oil Co. Standard on Co, Foeesn Oil ~ompaey Railway Express Agency Fergus Journal Co. Constructi. on Bulletin Minnesota State Highway Department Whitings Office Equipment Miller-Davie Co. Pierce Company Victor Lundeen & Co. Poucher Printing & Litho, Co, East Otter Tail Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Tels. Co, Midwest Tele. Co. Pelic"'1 Tele. Co. supplies subscription supplies supplies calls, and service water and sewage · rent expenses II postage poor expense cars of patient cars of patients 11 II 11 drugs cars of poor II II II parts II II II II repairs II parts and!·rspa.ira repairs V II II II II II II cutting edges steamer supplies tire tubs paint gasoline II II II II II gasoline and fuel oil gasoline oil diesel fuel fuel oil II II fuel oil express adv, for bide II II II testing machine rental supplies II II II service and tolls II II II II II $ ti,95 7,87 1.)8 17.00 15.10 2.83 50,00 6ll6 80.22 28.25 101.43 ?,JO 3210,00 561.JJ 2.25 1192.72 404.87 20?.Jl 62.70 59,41 41).48 a.so 158,28 165,89 76,93 9,95 9.85 29,75 60.07 8.50 35.ao 6.20 1.00 166;9) 381.?4 26;00 285.00 45.00 178.16 7,39 1.75 17,00 7,8) 4.96 7,17 55.?2 1.10 2.29 65.00 14.40 23.56 182.48 156,90 114.88 )6.90 11,45 1)4.35 250.67 55,36 166.62 ·24.91 53,09 32,JB 41.71 .64 107, 73 lOlj.,47 16).18 ;J.65 93.60 134,75 39.37 102.80 106.?6 189.60 2.53 44,50 91.50 135,56 33.00 35.94 25.60 411.15 3.91 8.10 35.10 7,60 6,95 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN: HCUIIII ,111m••co■PH'f IT.CLOUD, ■I■■-C. N. W. Bell Tele. Co, Wendell P, Huber George Olson L. J. Fjosne G, D. Harlow Wendell P, Huber Candor Township Todd County Highw~ Dept. Larson Welding Theodore Bjerketvedt, Adm, Paul J. and Myrtle Stich H01tard M. Robertson Mrs, Ruth Jacobson Tekla ~ederson H. M. Robertson and Henry Nycklemoe Mrs. Selma Magnuson, Adm, Mrs. Lillian Barnack J. L. Rots Lena F. Larson Selmer Jacobson Helmer V. llaagenson Henry Jacobson Eddie Carlson Herbert E. Estberg Murray's land Office, Inc. Elmer Evavold V-ernon Edlund Alex B. Evavold Beda. Melsom Arnold Evavold Pasvig Swenson Arnold W, Evavold Kenneth Gunderson Phillip Lundberg Joseph Swenson Olaf Rogneby Joseph Swenson Earl W. Jacobson Mrs, Roy Nordlund Whilimina Koep August Cichy Elsie Robertson Theodore Bjerketved t Adm. Olaus Severson Anthoey F. Fiedl~r Laura Gil laley Public Wei-ks Equipt. Co,, Inc. Farmers Co-op Creamery Ass•n. Pelican Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Tele, Co. Village c£ Henning Peavey Elevators DATE .......•.................. Mat:ch .. 12 ...................................... 19,58. .. . service and tolls expenses II II II cash advanced township aid maintenance repairs right of w~ II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II snowplow gasoline service and tolls II II " garage rental coal Upon motion the Board adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. April 8th, 1958, Chairman. $ 13,45 167.37 17,50 36.18 54.65 4,58 100.00 62.46 29,50 17,65 13,4o 18,85 41.68 105.55 19,40 27,80 11.80 109.98 104,30 39,88 86.22 39,40 24.Bo 51.20 23.00 162.50 69,95 74,70 33,60 2.40 .98,65 104.75 98,JO 58,20 61.43 54,JO 21.20 115,45 16,70 150.70 36,75 33,28 149,40 45.99 118.80 29,20 781.87 27,98 8.40 ;2,05 150.00 59.15 1 ,_, ii ,, Ii I ,I 'I: I If COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCU■IT Pll■Tl■GCO■PAIH IT.CLOUD ■Ill■, c.zDI DATE ............... .Ap.r.il..B. ................................................... 19.,58 .. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTYJ MINN, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, all members being present: The Board having previously advertised for bids on trucks proceeded to open bide which were found to be as follows: Carlson-Larson Motors: . Unit No, 1, Ford 2~ ton truck with trade-in allowance on County Unit No. 90, $4128,00; Unit No. 2, Ford 2½ ton truck witn trade in allo'l-8nce on Councy-Unit No, 91, $4188.00• Ford~. ton pick-up with trade-in allowa.nce on County Unit No, 82, $1334,95, . ~ McCormick Farm-Eouipment Store: Unit No, 1, International 2½ ton truck with trade-in allowance $3894 81· U it N 2 International 2½ ton truck with trade-in allowance, t 384li,81; ½ ton International pick-up with trade-in allo~anc:, $13jo,oo Super ~.M,C, Tru~k Sal es: Unit No. 1, G,M.C, 2½ ton truck with trade-in allowance, $4082.25; Unit No, 2, G,M.C. 2½ ton truck with trade-in allowance, $4199,75; itton G.M.C, pick-up with trade-in allowance, $1398.75. Minnesota Motor Co.: Unit No. 1, Chevrolet?½ tan truck with trade-in allowance, $4798,00; Unit No. 2, Chevrolet 2½ ton truck with trade-in allowance, $4798400; ½ ton Chevrolet pick-up with trade-in allowance, $1265.00. f Skogmo Motors, Inc.: Unit No. 1, Dodge 2~ ton truck with trad~-in allowance, $Ln69.00; Unit No. 2, Dodge 2½ ton truck with trade-in allowance, $4319,00; ½ ton Dodge pick-up with trade-in allowance, $1295.00. After consideration, the bid of the Minnesota Motor Co, for i· ton Chevrolet pick-up was accepted and the bid of McCormick: Farm Equipment Store for two 2½ ton Internationalrtrilcksr-wascac9ep,ted, A delegation from the Town of Fri berg api:eared before the Board regarding the road that had been· turned back to the township from the county system. No action was taken. BE IT RESOLVED b3') the County Board (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the duly established and designated C011nty State Aid Highway No. 27 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota which begins approximately at a point at ~he intersection of Fir Avenue and Cleveland Avenue in the City of Fergus Falls, extending Northerly on Cleveland Avenue to the North city limits: thence continuing Northerly along or near the Easterly linesof Sections 27.,22, 15, 10 and 3, Township 133 North, Range 43 West, Sections 34 and 27 to aPProximately the Northeast co.rner of Section 27-Tl34N-R43W; thence Easterly along or near the Sou the rJ.i line of Sec ti. on 23 to approximately the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter d: the Southwest Quarter of S-ection 23; thence Northerly along or near the West Sixteenth lines of Sections 23 am 14 to approximately the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the NorthwestQuarter of Section 14; thence Northwesterly through Sections 14 and 15, to a point on the iforth line of Sec ti on 15 ap:r:r oximately 2,000 feet East of the Northwestcorner of Section 15; thence Norther.ly through Section 10; thence Northerly and Northeasterly and Easterly thrrugh Section 10, to the approximate Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter a: the Northwest Quarter of said Section 10; thence Easterly throli.gh Section 10 and Easterly and Northeasterly thr011gh Section 11 to approximately the Northwest corner of Section 12; thence Easterly along the South line of Section 1 to approximately the Southeast corner o'f Sect ion l; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of Section l-Tl34N-R43W, Sections 36 and 25 to approximately the Northeast corner of Section 25-Tl35N-RL!JW, and there terminating, and whose general course in Government Lot 4 (except the Southerly 33 feet) Section 26, and the Northwest Quarter corner of Section 26, Ta,,,nship 133 North, Range 43 West, is ae follows: beginning at a point thirty-three feet Ncr th of' the Southwest co mer of Gor ernment Lot 4:; Sect ion 26, Township 133 North, Range 43 West, thence North along the West line of Section 26 to the West Quarter corner of said Section 26, thence North, along the West line of.said Section 2iS to the Northwest corner of Section 26, Township 133 North, Range 43 West, and there terminating. That it is necessary for the safety of the public travel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed: That an easement across additio~.al lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so altering said County State Aid Highway No. 27 in said sections aforesaid: That the general course of said County State A id Higl'wey No. 27 is not materially altered thereby: That the said Easement so to be procured is for public highway and rQLd·· purposes, that the eame shal 1 be loCBted, lie, be and run as hereinafter described; That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and frr the safety of public -travail. that additional rightof way be procured to enable the comitruction of proper slopes and that ~n easement be procured to construct certain slopBI and to maintain the same after the construction as pr?vided in the plans an: specifications o~ :ile in the office a: the County. Highway Engineer at the Court Hause in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the specific places where said slopes are to be constiucted, being particularly hereinafter described, that such easement for such conatruction of slopes cease on or before December 31, 1958; That it is necessary for the Construction and mainterance of said road and frr the safety of public travel that an easement for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public highway pu-a!poses, and upon the lar.ds adjoiniJlg the same; . That the lands so to be taken fer 'Dllblio high.way and road purposes and subjected to easement as •aforesaid, are situated in the State of Minnesota, and.the County of Otter Tail and Described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL NO, 4 A strip of land extending over and across tre following described tract: Gorermnent Lot 4 (except the SOUJtherly 33 feet), Sectiion 26 and the Northwest corner of Section 26-T13JN-R43W, said strip being al 1 that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the Easterly side of the following deecri bed center- line: beginning at a point 33 feet North of the Southwest corner of Government lot 4, Section 26, Township 133 North, Range 43 West, thence North along the West line of Section 26 to the West Quarter corner of said Section 26, thence North along the West line of Said Section 26 to tbe Northwest corner of Section 26-Tl33N-R43W, and the~e terminating. Excepting there from the right of way of existing highway, ,i \' ·.I '! !, ''t' '!I i: ·! ,; ..A ;, •:I ! I 'I '.1 '' COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... .A:pr.il. .. 8 ............................................. 19,5.8 .. . containing 1.57 acres, more or leas, Also an easement to construct elopes which shall cease on or before December Jl, 1958 on the foilowing described tract: A strip of land 10 feet wide on the Fast side of the roadway beginning at a point 57 feet ffo:bith of the West Qµarter .corner of Section 26, thence Northerly 110 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said road.WR¥ and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. . . ~~lGl,µ1■11 ~.s....--qqg0p:q-q:qtmd'R:pPJ!llXR1!tt~rieab ~"t!w:xtias ._._ P111U11t d !l:~ ~ --~ •iFiif ~as~ tr~ ~ ~-lfll: ~ 8lliX-"'"112rd!P:xnse ~RJPtx11ba::xcrn:1rsa::xrriJBR'lnt•~IK\J•-u kldu A et rip of land 42 feet wide on the East aide of the· roadway beginning at a point 1,40? feet Ncr th of the West Quarter corner of Section 26, th! nee Northerly 1,050 feet am there terminating, Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roaiway and the outer line of said strip to be y.arallel therewith, That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire said easement across additional lands aforesaid for public rad and h:l:ghway purposes; to ac(!uire said easement and additional right of Wlfl ,for construction and slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said .easement for erection of snow fences, and let the same forthwith duly be ~egun and prosecuted. Dated this 8th day of April, 1958 Attest: S, I, JOHNSON ~aunty Auditor MimE SOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FCRM III-S :By the Board of County Commissioners of OTTER TAIL COUNTY """"'BE~NN""""I_E....;;.J;:..• .... Ja.aO_HNS=-O_N"-------• Chairman BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 161,0J, Subd, 26 thru 29, Minre sota Statutes 1953, the Commissioner of Highways be ap~~~d agent of the County of OTTER TAIL to let as its agent a contract for tre construction of that portion offt>tatl Aid Highway No. __lJ___ described as follows: From Fir Avenue to the Ncr th Limits df Fergus Falls which project shall be combined with OTTER TAIL. County Federal-Aid Secondary Project identified as S.P.. 56-625-01 and Minnescta S, 6420(1), and the Chairman and the Auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highway a prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form ae.t forth and contained in 11Minrseota DJ5partmen1; of Highways Agency Contract Form No, IV-S11 , a copy of which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the aunty all of the contractual obligations therein contained, Adopted this....fillL_ day of April, 1958, RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA B, J. JOHNSON Chairman c£ County Bca·i!d S, B, JOHNSON County Audi tor BE IT RESOLVED, that the Commissl.oner of Highways be and he hereby is authorized and requested to take such steps and perform such acts on behalf of the County o·f Otter Tail as may be necessary to have the conetructi on and improve- mellt of the reads hereinafter described properly approved by th! Commissionel' of Highways as a Federal-Aid Secondar,v Project eligible for the expenditure of federal funds thereon and eligible for present construction and the letting of a contract therefor, Road No. 6 . 20 65 Location from Junction CSAH 6 & 65 and East l,? miles from CSAH 9 to T.H. #59 from Junction CSAH 40 & 6? and North J.l miles Total Adopted this 8th d.ay of April, 1958, Attest: S, B, JOHNSON Clerk. l.? ...'.h.L.. 12,J Estimated Cost of Pro.1ect_ Bituminous Grading Bi tuminoue Bituminous B, J, JOHNSON Chairman $19,500. 85,000. 75,000. 10,000 • $209,500. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... April .. 8 ............................................ 19 . .5.6 .. R 11'1TP■1■r ■•co■,a11r,■1.CLOUD,■III■• 0,,2111 RESOLUTION :BY THE BOARD OF COUNl'Y COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUllTY, MINDSOTA W~REAS, the 1957 legislature established the legislative Interim c0 -1·ssion h i f ch · 11 i .. _ to study the reimbursement to utilities forte mov ng o su ut1 t es that may be located on road right of way, and WHEREAS, the payment for the moving.of any "DUbl1·c· utili'ties · h is t e diversion of highway funds which are vitally needed for the. improvement of r.cads, -. NOW, T~REFORE, BE IT RE~OLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County oppose any payment to public utilities when they are located on public right of way and have to be moved because of the reionstiuction of any County State Aid Highways, county roads, township roads or trunk highways. BE IT roRTRER RESOLVED;' that certified copies of this resolution be mailed to th! Commissioner of Highways and tm Interim Commission, on the reimbursement to utilities. Adopted this file.... drq: of April, 1958. Attest: S.B. JOHNSON Cle:ik: • The following resolution was adopted: B. J. JOHNSON Cnairman. Resolved by tl:e Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $1000,00 be appropriated for the use of the Otter Tail County Historical Society for the current year, Adopted April 8, 1958, Attes1;: S. B, JOHNSON Clerk of the Board. B. J, JOHNSON Chad man, Upon motion, the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 11 o'clock May 13, 1958 on the following_ grading and gravelling jobs: S.A,P, 56-682-01 C.P. 58:53 (CSAH 53) Leng.th 5,0568 Miles, located.from T. H. f.10 and North, comprising 243,973 CUbi.c Y~rds Class 11A11 excavation and 4,048 'eons Gravel Wearing Course, S,A,P. 56-603-01. C,P, 58:38 (CSAH 33) Length 5,0962 Miles, located. from T, H, #78 and East to CSAH 5, comprising 334,830 CUbic Yards Class 11A11 Excavation and 17,341 Cubic Yards Clase 11A11 Borrow Excavation, S,P, 56-604-01 S6439 (5) C.P. 58:05 (CSAH ,f/'5) Length 3,0090 Miles, located from Junction of CSAII #38 and Ncr th Comprising 151,874 Cubic Yar,ds, Class 11A11 Excavation, S.P, 56-625-01 S6420(1) C.P. 58:27 (CSAH #27) Length 5,0498 Miles located between Fir Avenue, Fergus Fills, M1nn. and Junction of CSAH #10, comprising 184,019 Cubic Yards, Class 11A11 Excavation and 35,663 CUbic Yards Class 11A11 Borrow excavation, Upon.motion, the appointment of Dr. Smestad, DrF, B~line, Mrs Geo. Lindstrom and Mrs. Philip Arfstrom as members of the Otter Tail County Nursing Board was approved, A plat of an add.ition to the EvangelisttLutheran Church Cemetery in tm Town of Elmo located in tllllll NW½ SW¾ of Section 34, and accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Philip R. Munson,Attorney-at-law, was approved, A complaint charging that the Town Board of the Township af I~ lewood has failed, neglected and refused to properly construct, open and maintain a township read between Sections 31 and 32 in such a manner that it was reasonably passable. The County Auditor was instructed to notify the Town Board to meet with the .'lloard of County Commissioners at 11:30 A. M. Mey 14, 1958 for an informal discussion as to what could be done to improve this road·, Licenses .for 110ff11 and 110n" sale of Non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted as follows: Gus Weiss Rufus Hull Arthur Abraham Geo. A. Obright Grant Jones James \!ejvoda Albert Turchin Joseph H. Fink Robert L. Carrison Joseph R. Neudeck Lloy.d Beaulieu Walter P. Klein Jack Hofland Geo. Pral 1 R, C, Smith Carrie Hendrickx Arnold Evenson Resort on Rush Lake Hull's Landing Abraham's Resort .Boat House Jones' Landing Rush Lake Resort I,uce Shady Ppint Resort Resort James' Resort Resort Country Side Grocery Evergreen Beach Rockey's Resort Butler Store Western Store • Rush Lake Girard Dora Star Lake Pine Lake Rush Lake Elmo Gorman Elizabeth Twp. Perham Twp. Rush Lake Rush Lake Corliss C orlias Da-a Butler Western COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... _________________ .Aµr.il .. 8 _____________________________________________ 1958 ... Dorothy L, Soward Carl Leaf Ernie Pedereon Fern Horvath Fritz Hjeltness Brian Shackelford Ralph Crewe John W. Rundle Albert Januezewaki Donald H, Bondy Carl Sundblad Jerry & Bob Schultz Arvid Tenney Kenneth Van Tassel Joe Dougherty Dance licensee were granted as follows: Arvid Tenney Carl Sundblad Donald H, Bondy Robert L. Carrison Wall Lake Resort Souaw Point E;nie Is Resort Wildwood Beach Resort Arrowhead Point Resort Resort Spruce Lodge Bob Creek Store Resort Leaf Lake Pleasure Grounds Sundblad1s Resort Ten Mile Lake Resort Highway Park Store & Pavilion Greenwood Resort Pleasant View Resort Highwa,y Park Pavilion Sund.blad Is Resort Leaf Lake Pleasure Grounds Shady Point Resort Aurdal Pine Lake Star Lake Dcra Leaf Lake Leaf Lake Star Lake Scambler . Perham Twp, Leaf Lake Elizab.eth Twp, Tumuli Elmo Otter Tai 1 Twp.• Dead Lake Elmo Elizabeth Twp. Leaf lake Elizabeth Twp. J)ance license was granted to James Vejvoda for mechanical music on;ty at the Lantern, Town of Rusij Lake. The application of Mrs. Ernest Halbakken for homestead classification on the SW¼ NW¼ and Lots 4 and 5, Section 35-135-44, was read, Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly, The application of Carter Mortenson for homestead classification on the E, 75 feet of Lots 9 and 10, Block 2, Original Plat, Underwood, was read. Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor waa instructed to reduce the tax accord~ngly, The application of Lloyd H. Blake for homestead classification of the SW;¼-SEf.-Section 27 and the W½ NE;t and NW¼ e:r.cept R. R., Section 31.i-135-36, was read. Upon motion, the application was granted and. the -County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly, Tl!! applicatl. on r£ Rose Godejohn for homestead classification oli the Frl. NE& of Section 10-132-42, was read. Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax arcordingly. The application of Marvin R. Moll for homestead cl..~ssification on Lot 1 except Leisure Camp and except tracts, Section 30-134-39, was read. Upon Motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordirgly, The application of W, I. Anderson for homestead classification on the W, 351 feet of the S. 115 feet of Out Lot 1, Wa,ys Addition to the Village of Ottertail, was read. Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor was.instructed to reduce the tax accordingly, The application of Arthur Falk for reduction of assessed valuation of personal property in the Township of Parhan was read. Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Tax Cornmisli.oner on the ground -that househola exemption had not been given to which.he waa entitled. The applicati~n of Randall Riedel for reduction of assessed valuation on ,60 of an acre in the Northeast corner of the SE;} BW¼, Section 8-133-36, was read. Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Tax Commissioner on the grrund that the buildings were assessed too high. The applic-ation of Merrill Beedle for reduction of assessed valuation on personal property in the Township r£ Oak Val Je y was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected on the recommendation of the Town Board, The anDUal report of fees received by Dr. Carl J. Lund as coroner in the amount of $270,00 was approved, A petition asking that a road beginning at a point on section line between Sections 34 and 35-,136-42 running in a general northerly direction until it intersects County Highway No, 4 was presented to the Board, Upon motion, the application was ordered placed on file, A petition asking that improvements to County Highway No, 52 beginning at U. S, Highway Nol 10 at Richdale, then North past the East end of Big Pine Lake, a distance of approximatel? five miles, be made, Upon motion, the petition .was ordered placed on file, A petition signed by residents living southwest of Ferl!,US Falls asking that the 11Stop Sign11 on the Wendell read, one mile West of Fergus Falls, be replaced by a "Yield Right of Way11 sigh, was read. No action was taken, Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. April 9th, WEDNESDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M., all members being present. T'ne petition for the diissolution of Col!DDon School District No~. 1400 was tai:enup for final action. After listening to the statementsof the various interested parties, the Board issued the following order: STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF Common S8HOOL DISTRICT NO, 1400 ~l) W{IEREAS, The dissolution of Common School District No. 1400 has been proposed by: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ······························AP.!'..t! .. 9. .................................. 195§ ... . (a) A petion signed by the rec~ir~d number of freeholders residing in said district: '. (2) .NOW ~HEREFORE IT. IS ORDERED, ~t said Common School District No. 1400 be diBBolved and that the territo embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts or unoraanizecft-:-it f 11 ry ·t ·e· c s h 1 D' , JL 4 ..-err ory as o ows, to-wit: All the terr1 ory compri ing ommon coo istrict vl 00 be attached to Independent School District #547 of Otter Tail County (3) IT IS ~THER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common as follows, to-wit: To Indepen~ent School District #547 the school Bite, school every kind, character and description including cash and taJCes for the year 1957 solution. School District ·No. 1400 be distributed buildings and all personal property of and collected after the date of dis- That any and all obligations of Common School District #1400 existing at the time of .d:issolution shall be assumeli by Independent School District *547. '-. (4) The outstand. ing bonded debt of said Comm~n School District No. 1400 is · Ndne Dollars, (5) The pr6posed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the ...1!..L day of July , 1958. Dated th•ia; 9th day of April , 1958. BENNIE J. JOHNSON Attest: Chairman Board of County Commissioners S . B. JOHNSON County Auditqr The petition o"f W. H. Albright, Sr. alking that the NW¼ NW¼ of Section 13-136-43 be set over from School District No. 1423 to District No. 548 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, the Board issued the final order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of W. H. Albright, Sr. a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 1423 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described,·.which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No.~ ani asking that he with his said lands miq be set off from said district No. ~ to said adjoining school district No, 548 was presented to the ·Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the ....!l!ih,..._ day of February A. D., 1958 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered 'Ir»' said board that a hearing should be had on said p,tition, at a session of said beard on tb! ~ day of Anril A, D., 1958 at the County Auditor1s office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice af the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said p,tition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said <rder at leaft ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and wher~s at the said session of the said Board df County Commissi. oners on said 2.Y!,__day of..!lll:!l.. A. D., 1958 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days .prior to said last named date, having been made arui/filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything w1 ich was said by said i;i.terested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be·granted, it is ·hereby ordered,-am determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands a..rned by him, to-wit: NW¼ of NW1'-of Section 13 1/'·!l!ownship 1361 Range 43. be and the same are·hereby set off from said School District No.~ to said adjoining School District No. ~am said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated t)le ~day of April A. D., 1958, (Auditor's lieal) · BENNIE J. JOHNSON Chairman of the Bee.rd of County Commissioners df. Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk d: Board The petition of Edwin R. Schultz asking that the W½ NiJk of Section 4-135-38 be set over from School District No. 546 to School District No. 549 was read. Upon motion, the Bea rd issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, !he petition of Edwin R. Schultz a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No.~ in this County, representing,that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District No. ~ and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No.~ to said adjoining ·school district No. ~was presented to the Board arCounty Commisdoners of this County at a session c£ said board held on the .ll.!JL_ day of February A, D., 1958 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board t~.at a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the ~da.v of Anril A. D,,1958 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus ialls in said County; and whereas it was further order,ed in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of eaid order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk d: each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the ti.me appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said Board of County Commissioners on said~day of Anril A. D,, 1958 due proof of the posting arxl. service of said order of hearing as therein di. rected and required, more ~han ten days prior to said last named date, having been made arxl. filed, said petition was pubicly read and considered by, the Board, with everything which.was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered am.determined, that the said p,titioner and the following described lams owned by him, to-wit: W¼: of Nll/;-1 Section 4, Township 135, Range 38 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 5.!!:2 to said adjoining School District No • .5!!:2, and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board (ff County Commissioners Dated the 2Jih...._day of ...!Ptll.,_ A. :D,, 1958. (Auditor's Seal) BENNIE J. JOHNSON Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. i':, Ii ... ('· .I I, r, I ' I. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ······················· Anril .. 9 ········································1958 ... Attest: S. B, JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board Tbs petition of Laurence Ternus asking that the N½ NW¼ of Section 3-135-38 be set over from School District No, 546 to District _No. 549 was read, Upon motion, the Beard issued tho following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition or Lawrence Ternus a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No.~ in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in sai~ School District, and adjoin School·District No, ....2!:2....and asking that he with his said lands wq be set off from said district No, ~to said adjoining school district No, ....2!:2.... was presented to the Bra rd of County Commissioners of this County atta session of said board held on the 11th dli\Y or February A, D, , 1958 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing shouil.d be had on said petition, at a session of said baa rd on the .....2!!L day of April A. D,, 1958 at the C ounty Auditor's office in tbs City of Fergus Falls in said County;and whereas it was further ordered in and· by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by, said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of eaeh of said School Districts, a COPY of said order at least tan days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the sald session of the said Board af County Commissioners on said :il!!.,_ day of April A. D., 1958 due proof of the posting and service c4: said order of hear.I. ng as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said lastnamed date, having been uade and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everj:thing which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following descri bed lands owned by him to-wit: Ni of NW¼ Section '3 Tcwnship 1'351 RazJge '38 _be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, ~to said adjoining School District No, 2!l:2. and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated tl:e..51.YL day of April A, D,, 1958, (Audi tor I s Seal) BENNIE J, JOHNSON Chai~n of the Board o;t'County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn, Attest: S, B, JOHNSON Cound;y Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Henry Sherbrooke asking that the NW;} SEf,-and the SW¼ NE;¼-of Section 35-i38-43 and the intervening land which is vacant and unoccupied and described as the SE;¼-SW;} of Section 35-138-43, be set over from School District No, 40 Becker Co, to School District No, 548 Otter Tai 1 County was read, Upon motion, the Beard issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Henry Sherbrooke a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 40 Becker County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in saidSchool District, and adjoin School District No. ~ Otter Tail Co, and asking that he with his said lards may be set off from said district No • ..!!.Q_ Becker Co, to said adjoining school district No. ~ Otter Tail Co, was presented ·to theBoard of County Commissioners of this County:at a session of.said.board held on the rn_day r£ February A. D., 1958 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered b1) said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said ·board on the -2.J!h day of April A. D, , 1958 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls,in said Bounty; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said....2.ll!. day of April A. D., 1958 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was pbulicly reai and considered by theBoard, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered il.ild determined, that the sa~d petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: ~"W¼ of·Si:k and the SW¼ of NE!;-of Section 35, Township 138, Range 43, containing 80 acres, more or less, together with the intervening land which is vacant and unoccupied and described as the SE;} of SW¼ Section 35, Township 138, Range 43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No.,__!!Q_Becker Co, to said adjoining School Dis.trict No, ~ Otter Tai l Co, and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for _all purposes ~hatever, By oi:cier of theBoard of County Commissioners Dated the ...fil... day of -~ A, D,, 1958, (Auditor's Seal) RESOLUTION m>NNIJT J. JOHNSON Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn, Attest: S, B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board BY THE 1!0ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOMERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners on January 2, 1951 agreed· by resolution to pay township aid according to the amounts levied by the townships, am which amounts are as follows: From 10 mills and up, but less than 15 mills From 15 mills and up, but less than 20 mill~ 20 mills and up $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 NOii', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the amounts to be paid to the respective townships according to their road and bridge levi~s for 195? shall be as follows: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IRV■ln P■IIITUIIICOIIH■Y sr. CLOV Township Aastad Amor Aurdal :Blowers :Bluffton :Buse :Butler Candor: Carlisle Clitherall Compton Corliss Dane Prairie Dead Lake Deer Creek Dora Dunn Eagle Lake Eastern Edna Effington Elizabeth Elmo Erhards Grove Everts Fergus Fal 11 Fodden Friberg Girard Gorman Henning Hobart Homestead Inman Leaf Lake Leaf Mountain Lida Maine Maplewood Newton Nidaros Norwegian Grove Oak Valley Orwell Oscar Otter Tail Otto Paddock Parkers Prairie Pelican Perham Pine Lake Rush Lake Saint Olaf Scambler Star Lake Sverdrup Tordenskjold Trondhjem Tumuli Western Woodside DATE ... ····················-·Apr.il .. 9, .............. _ .......................... 19.,5J.. • Total Milla Levied 14.60 12,00 20.00 Jo.oo 25.00 5.11 25.00 20.00 11"00 2J.46 6.7!3 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.28 20.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 2J.OO 22.00 20.00 18.71 25.00 18.00 16.00 25.00 24.84 J0.00 21.63 11.23 20.00 25.00 J0.00 15.00 J0.00 25.00 25.00 15.00 20.57 15.10 15.00 10.00 25.00 J0.00 25.00 2J.68 20.00 25.00 20.00 29.00 24.80 25 .• 00 24.?4 20.00 20.00 10.00 11,85 25.00 Adopted this~ dey of ADril, 1958. Amount 100.00 100.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 None 300.00 300.00 100.00 300.00 None J00.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 200.00 J0!).00 200.00 200.00· 300.00 300.00 300.00 J00.00 100.00 JOO.CO 300.00 300.00 200.00 JOO.CO 300.00 300.00 200.00 300.00 200.00 200.00· 100.00 300.00 300.00· 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 JOO.CO J00.00 300.00 Joo.oo . 300.00 Joo.co JOO.CO 100.00 100.00 300.00 $15,900.00 -=-:B._ • ..,J:..:•_.:;.JO=.:HN=Sc::O.:aN ____ Chairman. Attest: _s .... :....alla.a'-"J""OHNS=,..O..,N::__ ____ _,Audi tor. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by tre :Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Mihilesota: That· the sale of tax-forfeited lands appraised by this :Board be Held in the office of the County Auditor in the Court House in Jergua Falla in said County on Thursday, the 8th dey of May, 1958, cbmmencing at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Resolved further, that tracts may be sold under the following conditions: Each and every tract sold for$ 50.00 or less shall be paid for in full at the time of said sale. All tracts sold for more than $50.00 may'be paid for on the installment plan at the rate of at least 25 per cent of the purchase price, but in all cases the down-payment must be at least $50.00, provided that in all cases where tre appraisal by this :Board shows a value of wood on said tract the full amount of the appraisal value of said wood, together with 25 per cent of the balmce of the purchase price must be paid at the time of sale, The balance of the purchase price may be J::Bid in ten annual installments at 4 per cent per annum interest on the unpaid balance. ·11: i 1: ~ I, ! i I J COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ······················· April. 9 ........................................ 19.~~--- Title to land to be offered for sale is not guaranteed, Ween payment in full of the pul'chaae price has been made the a quit-claim deed' to the property, for which the Auditor is of $2,00. · ' either by Otter Tail County or the State of Minnesota. purchaser will receive from the State of Minnesota · required by law to collect and remit to the State a fee Adopted Apri~ 9, 1958, :BENNIE J. JOHNSON Chairman. Attest: S. B •. JOHNSON Clerk. A petition s~gned by resident freeholders of School District No. 1538 asking that this district be dissoived and attached to Distrlct No. 542 was read. Upon motion,' it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clcck A. M. May 14, 195~, and that due notice of the time:and·place of said hearing be given as required by law. A committee from the Library Board ofFergus Falis appeared before the Board stating that they had plans for enlarging the public library and that space cculd be made avaiiable for the county mobile libracy, if and when, established by the Board. · · The County Board inspected the brewery property' lccated in Fergus Falls ar.d ~praised the property at $40,000.00 for sale purpm es; Commissioner Morrill voting 11No11.: · The folladi~ bills were al lowed: Russell Brooberg Do . Gary Nelson · Sidney Nelson Harold Sagerhorn James Stewart Addressograph Mu.ltigraph Corp. Mabel Wenstrom Vernon E. Bachman Do Sam Nycklemoe Otto Haase ' Bennie J. Johnson Heney Sieling Dr. Everett C. Hanson Emil Boen · Phillip O. Thompson Do . Elsie Pederson Kathcyn L. Michaelson Do . Burnett Elli:igson West Publishing Co. John L. Bixby Roger Gustafson N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Do . Do Acme Chemical Co, Norby Dept. Store Beall & McG11i an Fergus Glass· and Pai. nt Ci>mpan.v C. W. Weialander Kimber Awning Simonson Linoleum Co, The Fuller Bi-ulh Co. Industrial Electronics Corp. Merlin S. Rieman Jim Kimmes Edwin Ala Herman Brasel W • B. Morris E, P. Getchell Nelson Bros, Prtg. Co. Frankel Carbon & Ribbon Co, Davenports Stationery Panama Carbon Co. Secretarial Service Remington Rm d Coopers Office Co. Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Do Miller-Davis Company ·Poucher Prtg. & Litho. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co~ Schoolcraft Co. Norman L. Johnson Henning Advocate N. W. Publishing Co, Parkers Prairie Im.ependent Fergiil Journal.Co. : boarding prisoners expenses II II · highwa_y patrol expense ' II . 11 II : inspection expenses II ' cash advanced expenses II II II coroners fees ' expense and salary 'services Soil Cons. for Feb. 11 11 for March ' stenographic work Soil Cons, · services in Soil Cons. office for Feb. II II II II for March. 'Justice fees statutes expenses II call; mobile service supplies · Glaxo 'supplies II services rai. lings 'supplies mop supplies Dep. Sheriffs fees and e~penses 11 II 11 11 constable expense Dep. Coastable fees expense supplies billhead.s supplies envelopes ribbons mimeographing supplies ribbons supplies II II II II II photo binders publ, tax notices publ. financial statement publ. del. tax lis:t · publishing Road and Bridge $1558.00 80.00 352.00 266.80 521.?4 577,63 30.75 73,36 35,55 10.00 19.30 23.00 15.10 26.02 10.00 69.11 45.44 . 11.36 60.12 60,50 60.50 5.00 40.00 118.28 6?,54 72,50 18 .. 35 109.98 75.05 6.4? ?,OS .42 ?J.20 1Li4.20 2.69 4.34 62.bO 5.80 15.50 10.00 3.00 18.~5 84.oo 29,?0 5.40 6.J6 14.95 9.20 23?,10 5.50 158,45 2380.00 106.2? 125,02 899.11 10?.48 420.00 4.80 1215.00 1209.01 21.00 -, COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Fergus J011rnal Co. Sheriffs office Evelace G, Hanson VP.rnon E: llacbman Mont~omery Ward Co2. Markstrom Drugs H, w·. Glonrigen Employer Mutual Liability 1118, . Do Brue~ Publishing Co. East' Otter Tail Tele, Co. Esther G. Sell .Do Secretarial Service Phillip M. Kjaglien ·no Per~m Enterprise Bulletin Erickson Our Own Hdwe. Victor Lumeen & Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co, N. w: Bell Teie. Co. Public Utilities Dept. Straub Estate Town· of Maine .. Village of Battle Lake Kordii Clinic Swans Reull Drugs City· of Fergus Falls Poor lept. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc •. Phillippi Equipment Co. Public Works Equip. Co. Read· Machinery & Supplies Co. Wm, ii. Ziegler Co, Minnesota Motor Co. Super GMC Truck Sales Fergus Nash Motor Co, Olson Auto Electric Larson Welding Skogmo Motors, Inc. ·Lykk~n Farm Supply Va~n Chevrolet Co, Auto Safety Service Tesch Lumber Co. Magnµs Pederson Carlson-Larson Motors Sorein Auto-Parts. Heney Holmgren Erickson-Hellekson-VyeeCo. Genuine Parts Co, Knutson Heating Service ;Empire Supply Co, National Bushing & Parts Co. Fleet Dist. Supply Sigeiman Hide & Fur Co, Everts lumber Co. Ben Franklin Store P, x: M. & Co. Vergas Hdwe •. Co, Henning Hdwe. Ebersviller Implement Co, Welter Boos. Wm. F. Smith Tire & Battery Northwood Specialty Co, Minnesota Mining & Mfg, Co, Northwestern Refining Co~ Fossen Oil Co. Ray I ii Oil Co, Baas·Oil Co. Farmers Co-op Creamery Assn. Arts.Service Station Perh~ Co-op Oil Co. Highway Bo. Service Station Beng~son Oil Co, Langdon& Highway IJ,210 Texaco Bauck Chevrolet Co. Herb~ Stao:l.ard Service Cons,µiers Co-op Oil Co, Service Oil Co. Ver~s Oil Co, Arrow Petroleum Penr~se Oil Co. D, A: Lubricant Co. Soli~ & Braatz Oil Co, Standard Oil Co. B. L. Firestone Stores Co-o~ Creamery N. Y, Mills Vill~ge of Henning Minn. State Highway Dept, American Road Builders Assn. DATE ... ···················A-oril .. 9 ·······································19.5.e. .. publishing postage, etc. postage envelopes work clothes supplies (jail) adv. commissione paid age~te liability Ins, Premium II II II health cards service postage expenses photostatic copies postage & mche. rental expenses supplies supplies II II service & calls water, etc, rent care of poor 11 11 II care pf patient care of poor 11 11 II parts parts II II II repairs II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II supplies II II II II II II II II II II II II II asphalt gasoline II II II II II II II II II II II II II diesel fuel II !I grease " tire recap rental " supplies dues $ 250.00 lJ,80 48.oo 69,20 26.89 J.95 14.25 7844.29 815,85 8.40 9.00 11.25 68,79. J.oo 12.00. 56~56 7.00. .45 28,18. 7,25 12.50 2,/,6 50.00 150.47 JOl,48 5.28 2,40 2J2,58 47,?J 47,51 1J7,06 272, 15. l09J,71 19l.90 4.41 ·l,40 io.82 47.90 1J6.;L2 15.00 J,10. 15-65 9.34 21.75 17,52 18.00 27,40 9,JlB 1,44 17.50 138.06 58,73 5.90 67,Q6 227.04 5.12 28.35 61.?4 15,lJ 10.21 .79 14.00 82,60 545.95 787,74 125.~8 46.97 108.JG 75.69 169.62 1.50 72.70 66.14 22,90 6J,94 2:).,28 44.46 66.JB 80,JO 610.94 .55,BJ 96,00 14.00 15.90 65.00 100.00 79.56 176.95 7.50 r.' I, I I' ,, I J. . COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ -A i\il. .. 9 ...................................... 19i8 .. . Monroe Calcualting Machine Co, Village of Parkers Prairie City•of Fergus Falls Compton Township Dead,Lake Township Miller-Davis Com~any Poucher Prin~·ing & Lithographing Co, Victor Lundeen & Co, Whitings Office Equipment Minneapolis Blue Printing Co, ImperUl Supply Co, East-Otter Tail Telephone Co, N, W, Bell Telephone Co. Midwest Telephone Co. N, W, Bell Telephone Co. Vergas Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Wendell P, Huber G, D. Harlow Wendell P. Huber Arthur Wicklund Mrs. · Emma Gehrke Mrs.· Ida Fabian Ira Dewey Edward Fabian School District #1405 Arnold Stock Western Township Elmer Munson Mrs,· Clarice Stock Arnold Stock A. A, :Boettger Abe Ewert H. H: :Baumgarten William L. Rust Earl·E. &,lyre Henry W. Rust Robert Moll.:ter Mrs,• Ncra A. Hanson Sunllerg :Brothers M, F, Jacobs Olaf·Eiik:ley George W. Duncm Th ea• i'ysdal Ida sahmidt Robert L. Barker Elmer Steinbach Wm. C. Hanneman :Ben :Brutlag Eugene Geese Alvin Merz Roy W. Nelson Herbert Richter Mrs. ·Dora Mahler Adoifhena Peters Melvin H. Nyhus Mrs, -Martha Tervola Mrs.-Catherine Ripg Mrs. ·Doris I. Cordes Eddie Peterson Wm, Svarvari Arva Kytonen Charles Op:,;egard School District #545 Mrs. Eva S. Nyhus Mrs, Mabel C, Oppegard Charles &Alice Oppegard Mrs. Ella J, Haugen Ernest Eckhoff Mrs, ·Leona Schultz Pine Lake Township Fred Lueders Arthur :Bauck. Mrs. •Violet Buechler Mrs. ·Marie R<B en Ed. G. Martin Mrs, •Minn4:e Gaenzle Mrs. ·Elaine B. Sieling Mrs. -Frances Bucholz Ethel Hoard Henry C. Johnson Carl-Hermann Ado'l:Jlh Ka, hler Mrs, Eva H. Jones Selmer Peterson Edward Brasel Bruno Koehler machine maintenance water am sewer maintenance township aid maintenance supplies II II II II II service & to Us II II II II II II II expenses II II II II II cash advanced right of way II II II 11 • II II II II $ 2).00 5,00 ' 250.00 · J00,00 537,00 52,99 )0~48· 7.54 )~75 12).89 32,20 9.50 48,90 7.55 9,10 10.55 27-25 116.82 6,J5 2.07 53;55 10,80 7J,OO 66.28 80.20 1.20 28.20 1.00 58,75 171.22 64.7) 27,20 21,80 7,20 n.40 9,60 42.25 116.90 24.50 )6,70 74,20 95.90 J0,80 n.40 27.JO 42,25 54.65 40.48 J6,05 65,40 29,00 4J,OO 1,00 72,80 63,70 11.00 ·26.J5· 42,28 58,25 14.20 18.80 48,85 22.73 2.00 2J.6J 44,50 27,40 2).20 16.60 16.00 1,80 1.00 189,20 52.70 1).20 26.00 4.20 24,00 46.80 102.oa 4).20 60,20 80.65 21.00 107,85 21.20 26,18 ,. COMMISSIONERS RECORD O,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCU■l11 11■11■• O■PAH r. CLOUD •1111111. DATE .......................... .A.p.i:i1 .... JJ ..................................... 19.,5.B .. Rose l!rasel Mrs. Lena l!rasel Mrs. Laura Sieling Alfred Engen John Hoff Pelican Bapids Press Ebersviller Implement Gecrge Mitt.elstadt right of way II II II I II eX"Oense guird duty publishing lawn mower right of way Upon motion, the· Board then adjourned to 10 o1clock A. M. I~ lJ, 1958. Attest: ~- .,.._.----,..~\ $ J6.1J 7).70 )2.75 J0.00 )10.00 1219.00 400.00 54.96 I '· I, i ! I ; II I j COMMISSIONERS RECORD O; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... ~ .. lJ ................................................ 1~~···· MINUTES OF .AD.TOURNED MEETING OF THK BOABD OF CClJNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COON'l'Y, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adJournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Mey 13, 1958, all members being present. A delegation appeared before the Board regarding the improvement of a road leading into the Lutheran Bible Camp on East :Battle Lake. After listening to the statements, the crunty engineer was instructed to look over the approach and mace an estimate as to the cost. I A petition for improvement of a road running north of Vergas was ordered placed on file. The engineer was instructed to write them what could be done, The County Auditor was irstructed to advertise for bids to be opened at 11·01clock A.M. June 10, 1958 for one motor grader equipped with snow plow and wing, el 1 bids to include trade-in-allowance on County Unit No, 76, Model 118, Galion with snow plow am wing, · Upon motion, the following resolution was adopted and the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board were instructed to issue warrants on the County Road. and Bridge Fund to the various townships as speci~ied in the resolution: RESOLUTION BY THE BOABD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTYJ MINh"'ESOTA WHEREAS, the County Board 6f Otter Tail County, by. resolution on December 10, 1957-, revoked the designntion of some County Aid Roads, which were returned to the townships, and WHEREAS, in some townships the County Board designated some new roads into its system of highways, am WHEREAS, the County Board has made a visual inspection and careful analysis of the system of revocation and redesig- nation of highways, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the amounts to be paid to the respective townships, because of the action tlk:en by the Board of County Commissioners 6n December 10, 1957, shall be, as follows: Township Bluffton Butler Newton Gorman Perham Star Lake Pelican Friberg Maine Sverdrup St, Olaf Tumuli Eagle Lake Clitherall Girard Folden Henning Elmo W oodside Compton Western Dane Prairie Aurdal Adopted thm 13th day of May, 1958, Attest: _s_.~B~•---J~O=HNS=--O~N ____________ Auditor Amount $3,500.00 900.00 1,800,00 1,557,00 1,935.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 750.00 500.00 1,000.00 2,160,00 500.00 4,950.00 900.00 1,700.00 900.00 1,700.00 700.00 1,920.00 1,500.00 500.00 1,000.00 _____ B~•---J~•-,IJ~O~HNS=c._ON ___________ Chairnan The Otter Tail County Centennial Committee appeared before the Board and requested an appropriation to tare care of centennial activities in the city and various villages. After discussion, the sum of $1750,00 was appropriated, Com- missioner Sieling voting 11No.11 It was the understanding of the Board that this amount should be appor-tioned by the Centinnial Committee among municipalities who plan on conducting celebrations, A·delegation appeared before the Board requesting the opening of the channel for boat passage between Lake Lizzie and Lake Lida, No action was taken, Upon motion, the County Auditor and Chairman were authorized to sign on bebal.f of the Board all agreements with villages relative to the responsibility of the ccunty am villages in maintaining streets in the County State Aid High.way System, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tai 1 County, Minnesota: That, whereas, the County Board of Otter Tai 1 County, Minnesota, has examined into the allegations of the ipplication of the Village of Park;ers Prairie dated AJ_l" i1 26, 1958, for the conveyance of certain lots therein described aa Lota 4, " COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ___ ----------------.MaY.-_13. _________________________________________________ 19_58. __ j and 6, Block 14, Lakeview Addition to th v-11a f p municipal purposes, e 1 ge o arkers Prairie, be conveyed by the State to said Village for Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the' County Board f Ott T i c o er a l ounty, Minnesota, application and recommends that the same be granted. hereby approves said Adopted Mey lJ, 1958. Attest S, B. JOHNSON, Clerk The following resolution was adopted: OTTO HAASE BENNIE J. JOHNSON SAU NYCKLEMOE HENRY SIELING HARVEY MORRILL Resolved by the Board of County Commissi. oners of Otter Tail County, Minre sota: That whereas, a petition signed by Harvey ·c. and El~nor J, Halvorson, owners of Lot 71 Block 2, Highland Park Addition to the Cicy of Fergus Falls, at the time said lot was forfeited to the State for Non-payment of taxes, re- questing that they be' given permission to repurchase said ·1ot under Chapter 832, Laws of 1957, by the pa,yment of al 1 taxes, penalties, interests and costs, Now, Therefore, be it resolved tl"Bt said application be app1·oved as it will relieve undue hardship and be for the best public interest to permit said repurchase. Adopted May lJ, 1958, Attest: B, J. JOHNSON S. B, JOHNSON Chairman, Clerk. Licenses for 110ff" and 11 0n11 sale of non-intoxicating malt 1.iquors were granted as follows: Ervin Keskinen Mrs. Mamie Shasky Leona Swenson Earl Nelson Blaine Brincefield Rose Diederick Thomas R, Schwientek Edwin C, Preacher Sadie R. Biltz Emil A.Madsen Lavila 01Haver Paul B.Fisher Harold Carpenter Glen Stamp Hai Reintsma O_tto A.Korp, Jr. & Cloyd E, Tliompson Duane F, Rayl Dance licenses were granted as· follows: Glen Stamp Edwin C, Prescher Oak Point Park RP.sort Perry Is P18£e Cozy Cove Re'sort Jungle Shores Sunrise Resort Mosquito Heights Balmoral Resort Resort Madsen's Resort East Silent Resort Pocahontas· Beach Resort Resort Play-Mor Beach Camp Napenee North Shore Resort Resort Camp Balmoral RESOLUTION AND NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE BY"."THE COUNTY, AND TEBJ,IS. "TBEBEOJ!Ft Be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otte-r Tei 1 County, Minresota: Town of Otto Town of Rush Lake Town of Dcra Town of Dead Lake Town ofCoi-liss Town of Dead Lake Town of Pine Lake Town of Otter Tail Town of Pine Lake Town of Everts Town of Dora Town of Deed Lake Townsof Rush Lake Town of Pine Lake Town of Corlias Town of Girard Town of Dead Lake Town of Pine Lake Town of Otter Tail That _Archie \'/hi ting has made an offer for the purchase from Otter Tai. l County by warranty deed the following described property situated in the Town ·of Deer Creek: Beginning at a point 264.4 feet North of the Southeast corner of ·the Southwest quarter of the southeas·t quarter (SW¼ S~) of Section 21, TlJ4N-R37W; thence run north for a distance of 435.6 feet; thence run west for a dis'tance of 200.0 feet; thence run south for a distance of 435,6 feet; thence run east for a distance of 200.0 feet to point of beginning, containing 2,0 acres, more or less, That if said sale is complet"ed ·otter Tei. 1 County will in said conveyance reserve all iron ore and other •mineral rights in and upon said real estate together wi,th the right, to explore for minerals e,nd remove the same, That the terms upon which Arch_ie Whiting wishes to purchase said property are as follows: $35.00 in cash. Notice is hereby given that on the 11th day of June 1958 at two o'clock P. M. at the Commissioners' Room.in . the Otter Tal County Court House in "the 'City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the Board of County Conunissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, will conside'r the terms of said offer and tke actfon thereon. Adopted May 13, 1958, B, J, JOHNSON A~:test: Chairman. S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. 1, ,,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,·MINN. DATE ..................... May .. lJ ................................................ 19 .. ~~ .. HCU■ T P■ ■II Cl CO■P r. OUD ■I A delegation from Parkers Prairie and vicinity presented a petition asking for the improvement of State Aid Road No. 42 which goes from Parkers Prairie to Woodside Store. The petition was ordered placed on fiil.e and ~he Highway Engineer was instructed to make a survey when time was available. Members of the Town Board of the Township of Otto asked for help in improving reed east of Rush Lake but no definite action was taken. The County Cooperative Agricultural Committee presented its budget for the year beginning July 1, 1958. After discussion, the anount of the county appropriation was fixed at $16,040.00. A complaint charging the Town Board with neglect in maintaining in a reasonably passable conditio.n a. township road located on the section line between Sections )1 am )2 of the Township of Maplewood was discussed by the County Board with the Town Board of Maplewood0 No agreement was reached and the petition was laid over until the June meeting. Upon motion, the Beard then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. Ma.v 14th. WEDNESDAYtS SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment theBoard met at 10 o'clock A. M. Ma.y 14th, all members being present. The ~etition for dissolution of Common School Disbrict No. 15)8 was taken up for final action. to the statements of the various interested parties andthe reading of a remonstrance which had been considered the facts in the case and, upon motion, the petition was rejec,ted. After listening filed, the Board The petition of Walter Neulieb to have the ~ BE;¼-of Section 27-1)5-44 set off from District No. 1IJ29 Otter Tail County to District No. 850 of Wilkin County, was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. July 15, 1958, and t~t ~ue notice of the time and plaoe of said hearing be given as required by law. The Beard having previously advertised for bids on a number of CSAH projedts, a representative of the State Highway Department proceeded to open bids on 56-625-01, located between Fir Avenue in Fergus Falls, and CSAH No. 10 approximately 4.549 miles, which bids 1'1ere found to be as follows: · Rust & Dahlman & Bain Bros •. Ed. Zimmerman Michaelson Bros. Kerns & Tabery John Dieseth Co. Haagensen & Tranby Const. Co. $64,294.7) 66,046.96 67,962.52 71,700.1) 79,810.89 90,987.20 Upon motion, the Board recommended to theCommissioner of Highways that thebid of Rust & Dahlman & Bain Brothers in the amnunt of $64,294.7) be accepted. Bids on 56-604-01 covering one mile west of Inspiration Peak State Park to 7.5 miles south of Clithe·rall, being approximately ).009 miles, were as follows: Rust & ~ahlman & Bain Bros. . Glen Feda, Inc. Evavold Bros. Gladen Bros. Ed. Zimmerman Kerns & Tabery Michaelson Bros. John Dieseth Co. Haagensen & Tranby Const. Co. $32,2?2.)8 32,659.85 33,495.60 34,006.07 35,757.0) )6,376.35. 37,342.17 ·44,686.88 48,771.26 Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of High.we.vs that the bid of Rust & Dahlman & Bain Bros. in the sum of $32,272.38 be accepted. Bids were received onCounty Pro~ect SP 56-603-01 (Cf 58:38) Grading from Trunk Highway No. 78 East five miles: Marvin Lund · Rust & Dahlman& Bain Bros. Michaelson Bros. Kerns & Tabery Ed. Zimmennan Martin Fru·th John Dieseth Co. Haagensen & Tranby Const. Co. $81,217.00 81,357.88 86,045.40 87,183.59 95,335.78 98,763,12 116,690.70 118,564.40 Upon motion, the ccntract was awaraed to Marvin Lund of Glenwood for $81,217.00. Bids on SAP 56-682-01 (CP 58:53) from Trunk Highway No. 10 north 5.6 miles grading were as follows: Kerns & Tabery Rust & Dahlman & Bai. n Bros. Ed. Zimmerman Michaelson Bros. Martin Fruth John Dieseth Co. Haagensen & Tranby Const. Co. $70,867.67 72,824.32 78,636.57 79,627.88 83,216.56 89,265.16 95,815.16 Upon motion, the contract was awarded to Kerns & Tabery of Sebeka for $70,867.67. - lll!J' COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IICUI ff Ill l■I D■PA■f ITol:LDU ■I■■• DATE ... ···········~·••l4.. ···············································19513 ... The following resolution was adopted: RESOLU'l'ION OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF OTTERTAIL COUNTY, ST.ATE OF MINNESDTA. WHEIBEAS, The legislature of the Stat f Mi Conservation to acquire Wildlife lands such e O n:ellO ta by Laws 1957• Chapter 644 did authorize the Commissioner of and stream bottoms; md as mars or wet1~nd8 Bl".d the margins thereof, including ponds, small lakss WBEBEAS, The purchase of such lends r_equir~s the approval by a majority of the Board of County the county where the land to be purchased is located; and Commissioners in W· HEREAS,tJ:ie Commissioner of Conse:1'ation through his authorized agents has requested the ip provel of the County Board for purchase of the follow~ng de~cribed land to be used for water and wildlife conservation purpos~s; and WBEBEAS, The Board of County Commissioners has had available to it the advice and 1 of Di.strict organized within the county; end counse the Soil. Conservation the ~REAS, !he acquisition and preservation of wat~r and wildlife conservation lands is in thepu~lic interest •. NOW, THEREFOBE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the approval be given to the purchase by the Commissioner of Conservation following described lanes, to-wits of Perham Unit Tract 1. All of tlie Ni of the NW½ and all of the ~ of the tiE¼ of Section 14, Township 137 N., R 38 w. ·containing _ 160 acres. Edwin Breitenfeldt, owner. Tract 2. All of the 5i-of the SW;} of Section 11, Township 137 N, R 38 w. owner.· Tract 3. All of the Ni, of the SW¢ of Section 11, Township 137 N, R 38 w. Containi~ 80 acres. Henry Bre~tenfeldt, Containing 80 acres. Louise Tober, owner. That said lands are to be acquired and preserved by the State of Minre sote. forwaterand wildlife conservation purposes. Adopted May 14, 1958. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON B. J. JOHNSON Clei:k:. Chairman. The application of Anthony T. Hofmann:•for homestead classification on the NB& NE¢ of Section 5-135-38 was read. Upon mo~ion, the same was granted and the County Auditor was inst1ucted to reduce t~e t~ accordingly. The application of Henry Frautschi for homestead classification on the SE;¼-SE¢ and the NE¼-SE;¼-South of road in Section'18-134-43 was read. Upon motion, the same was granted and the County Auditor was instructed. to reduce the tax accordi~ly. · T~e application of John I. Putikka for homestead classification on the West 125' of the East.2901 of the South 1631 of. the West 667.41 of the 1111¢ except street, Section 8-135-37, in the Village of New York.Mills, was read. Upon motion,, the same was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly. T~e application of Philip Wicklund for re4uc~ion_of assessed valuation on p~rsonal property in tl).e Township of Pelican.was read. Upon motion, the same was recommended to the Commissioner of 'l'axation on the_ground that he was assesse4 for articles in the township which he had sold before moving into the township. T~e application of M. J. Cosgrove for reduction of personal property in the Village of Felicai Rapids wa~ r~d. Upon mo~ion, the same was recommend.ed tothe Tax Commissioner on the ground the old household equipment w~s valued too high. The application of O. D. Tingum for cancellation of :i;ersonal property taxes in the Town of Fine Lake was read. Upon mo~1ion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the grOliUld. that Mr. Tingum 1?,ad no personal property in Otter Tai 1 County in tba t year. T~e application of E. J. Laqua for hcusehold exemption on personal property in the~own of Nidaros was read, and, upon motion, the application was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation. The application of James C.Huebsch for reduction of assessed valuation on the Nl"/ly 601 of Lo~·1, Block,2, _except the SWly 1501 in Wallace 1s Addition to Per• was read and, upon motiion, it was recol!lmended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said application be granted. T~e application of Fred Cole fo11~eduction of assessed valuation on Lots 15, 16 and 17, Mike's Wall Lake Beach was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the value of the cottage be raduced from $2600.09 to $2000.00. ~e application of Henry Halvorson for red.uction of assessed valuation on Lots 25, 31 and 32 of Kimber Beach was read. Vpon motion, it was recommended to the Co~.missioner of Taxation that theaoplication be granted on the ground that the ass~ssment was out of line with other similar ~ildings in the township. • Th~ atrolication of Bu~ton Kimber for reducti~n of assessment on Lots 41 thr9ugh 48, Kimber Beach, was read. Upon motion,: the· applicati· on was rejected on reoonunendation of the Town Board. Tpe following Mlls,were allowed: Rµssell Brooberg , Do sidney Nelson ~ry Nelson boarding prisoners expenses II II $ 960.00 . 104.20 382.50 371.80 I, ' I " :I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... May .. 14 ................................................ 19 .. ~~ .. SECVRITI PlllNr ■eCOIIH ' CLOUD •••• Harold Sagerhorn James Stewal't Gaffaney1s , Inc. Marchant Calcualtors M,-abel Wenstrom Vernon E, Bachman Do Henry Sieling Sem Nycklemoe Otto Haase Bennie J. Johason H. D. Morrill Emil Boen Franlt Roberts Phillip·o. Thompson Kathryn Michaelson Ruth E. Hannay Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. River Inn Coffee Shop West Publ. Co. John L. Bixby Reger Gustafson W. E. Toms J. Edgar Anllerson Clarence T. LUn N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Do Do Holten Hdwe. Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Modern Laundry West Chemical Products Co., Inc. Larson Welding Marlin Reynolds Wm. Galena & Son Empire Supply Co. Industrial Electroncis Corp. Holten Hdwe, Hintgen_.Karst Joe Mistelske Wendelin Koep Merlin S. Rieman ·Clifford E, Pederson John Hoff Edwin Ala Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Farnham Staty,. & School Supply Co. Schoolcraft Co. The Pierce Co. Poucher Printing & Lithe. Co. Miller-Davis Co. Free Press Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Remington Rand Security State Bank Nelson Bros. Prtg, Co. Fergus Journal. Co. Sheriff's Office Olga Torvik H. W. Glorvigen Vernon E, Bachrran Evelace G, Hanson H, W, Glorvigen Goodwin Joss Laboratories Secretarial Service Fergus Falls Clinic Federal Laboratories Inc. Wagners Surplus Store Erickson Hdwe. J. C.Penney Co. Cornell-Syverson Post #17 Am. Legion Do Olson Stitzel Post #219 11 11 Haimerl Post #148 11 11 Burelbach Post *61 11 11 Charles D, Center Post *J289 Vet. of Foreign \'lars highw~ patrol exp 11 ens~ 11 II maintenance II expenses II cash advanced exp, attd, meeting 11 II II II II II 11· II expenses viewing road salary & exp;L of weed iasp. 11 II II 11 time worked for Soil Cons, Dist. clerkical work in Soil Cons, office transcript court calendar meals for jurors Minn. Statutes expenses II Co, Assessor's assistant·: lakeshore survey 11 II mobile service calls II supplies fozpheriff supplies cleaning mop Kotex machine braces hauling ashes services supplies II II service services for sheriff Dep. Sheriff's exp. & fees II II 11 11 II guard duty at Court House constable fees & exp. record mounting board certificates of merit envelopes supplies II beer licenses supplies II rubber stamp envclopes,etc. publishing postage •II II II II adv. commissiones paid agents analysis copies of boating laws care of prisoners beacon lil#J. t 1N1.ttress covers shells suits for prisoners decorating graves 11 II II II II 11 II II. 1956 1957 Otto Haase appraisals Esther G, Sell expenses Do postage, etc. Do supplies Ugeblad Publ. Co. envelopes, etc. Minn. Tuberculosis & Health Assn. record cards E. Otter Tail Tele. Co. service Philip M. Kjaglien postage & machine rental Do expenses Do II Ruth C, Campbell 11 Secretarial Service Coopers Office Supply Co. Nelson Bros. ~rtg. Co. photos supplies envelopes, etc. $ 649,60 6J9.04 46.oo 41.00 60.49 87,94 5.00 J4.82 18.91 27,25 22.10 7-7~ 53.50 119,95 201.64 64.50 Jl.05 108.80 12.15 61.00 119,46 117,90 J0.00 17J,75 182.46 190.23 61.29 il.95 5,75 46.91 2.00 28.J5 1.50 J2.00 17.00 7,JB 58,20 J9,17 25,0J 5.30 J6.50 10.:50 20.00 JOO.CO 15.00 158.07 ~~--~~ 48.20 · 159,18 llJ,JB 15.J5 319.59 5J9,J4 2.9J 1J2.14 4J7-9J 15.50 25.00 60.00 J2.oo 60.00 10.95 5.00 22.50 8,00 50.4J JJ.75 8.80 14.94 25.00 25.00 25.00 lJ,50 25.00 25.00 Jl,80 119,:18 14,10· J,25 15,25 14.66 9,00 6.00 J0.68 107.24 8.12 1.00 J,JO 56,J8 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ICU■ITTPll■rl■•co■,.tH H.CLOID ., ••. DATE ..................• .Malf .1!1, ................................................ 1955 .. . N, W. Bell Tele. Co. Straub Estate Public Utilities Dept. Artz Camera Supply Co. City of Fergus Falls Poor Dept. State of Uinnesota Minnesota State Sanatorium Dr. H, H. Leibold Korda Clinic Equipment Rental & Sales Corp. .Northwest Engineering Co. P.hillippi Equipment Co. Road J.!achinery & Supplies Co. Ruffridge Johnson Equipment Co., Inc. Wm. H. Ziegler Co. McCOl"mick Farm Equip. Store Olson Auto Elec~ric Super G.M.C. Truck Sales Vaughn Chevrolet Co. ~iP.nesota Motor Co. Lake Region Motor Co •. Larson Welding Firestone Stores, F. F, Knutson Electric Smokey I s Mche • Shop Jaenisch lnd.ustries Fergus Oil Co., Ire. William Sauer Paper-Calme:nson & Co. L, N. Sickels Co. Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc. Streeter Amet Co. Michael Toed & Co. Empire Supply Co. National Bushing & Parts Co. Sigelrnan Hide & Fur Co. Holten Hardware Fergus Lumber & Fuel Co. Everts Lumber Co., Battle Lake A. E, Gullickson Dom 1s Hardware Lampert LumberCo., Wadena Cea st to Coast Stores, Henning Marshall-Wells Store, B, L. Trovatten & Schaap ~raff Implement & Hardware Northwestern Refining, Co. Armco Duainage & Metal Prod,, Inc. Elk River Concrete ?rod. Co. Raymond Motor Transpprtation, Inc. Olson Saw Shop Hans Rendahl John Braukman Village of Battle Lake H. A. Rogers Co. Minneapolis Blue Printing Co. The Pierce Co. Miller-Davis Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Poucher Printing & Li tho. Co. Marchant Calculators, Inc. Minresota State Highway Dept. Construction Bulletin Fergus Jour11&l Co. East Otter Tail Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co., F. F. Midwest Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co., F. F. Pelican Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co., Henning \·/endell P. Huber G. D. Harlow George Olson ll'e!Xl.ell P. Huber George M. Lind.strom Eugene Joerger R, W. Britt Otto Haugen Carl H. Radke South Mill Stamard Andy's 116611 Service Riverside Shell Fossen Oil Co. Hoot Lake Pure Oil Co. Gemlo Oil Co. Log Cabin La1¥;1l;ons Highway 210 Texaco service a!Xl. calls rent water, etc. supplies exp. transients card of mentally ill care of patients examination care of patient parts II II grader blades parts parts II parts a.~d repairs II II II II repairs supplies II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II asphalt culverts II freight sharpen gravel II saws water charge prints supplies ., II II II II ma:i n tenance suPPlies adv. for bids II service and tolls II II II II II exoenses i, II cash advanced right of w,q II II II II II II gasoline II II II II II II II II II II II II $ 25.08 50.00 2.8J 149.06 227.28 :n80.oo 2111.67 3.00 7.04 4.95 276.85 271.10 240.44 1949.73 . 384.63 72.36 74.45 51.8? l??.62 65.80 21.08 20.00 329-56 4.30 106.?2 I 1.50 22.45 40.15 895.36 1650.00 58.25 105.r5 4.48 36.80 366.56 1.90 119.16 6.40 3.60 72.71 21.25 7.95 10.00 10.44 75-79 2as 2.22 777,01 166,93 40.36 67,32 . 9.00 140.35 245.84 5.00 183,51 7.91 49.38 6.50 4,75 6,34 41.00 40.52 69,90 46.50 10.90 38.69 7,85 55,96 6,70 22.93 193.20 19.80 36,90 16.70 3.80 · 22.33 80~.?2 28:.40 13.20 70,74 63.99 124.26 129.68 48.94 2.49 138,0J 21.14 ... ) ,1 11 11, i' !ti , · !t 1 I' I ,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ May 14 ...................................... 1958. Dalton Oil Compan,y ~•s Oil Co, Service Oil Company, Underwood 'Phomas Oil Co, Swenson Service Henning Mobil Service Service Oil Co,, Battle Lake ParkrRegion Co-op Oil Co,, Pel. Rpcls, Perham Co-op Oil Co, :Bauck Chev, Co, Mayo Standard Service Farmers I Co-op. Creamel'y Assn., D, C, D. A. Lubricant Co,, Inc, Arrow Petroleum Penrose Oil Co, Standard Oil Co, :Battle Lake Cooperative Services, Inc. Hoot Lake Pure Oil Co, Service Recorder Co, Noethwest Engineering Co, ·Imperial Supply C0·, 01Mearas Pelican Telephone Co, :Bill1s Trucking Service Effington Township gasoline oil diesel fuel diesel fuel kerosens & diesel fuel II gasoline repr.Lirs parts supplies II service and tolls freight township aid Upon motion, the :Bea rd then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. June Attest: $ 418.06 48.65 26.6) 75,74 68,76 ?J.65 55,18 60,01 16.47 84.09 39.07 bt) .60 505.90 997,lJ ?2,50 80,94 l:2,9J 26,76 Jl,55 J67,47 .12.20 244.67 7.75 5,52 J00,00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ········-·······~~.~ .. ~o ............................................... 1958 .. . IC IHPII T 1,CO■PA■T IT.CLOU IIUI , MINUTES OF ADJOURNED J.!EETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA ~suant ~o adjournment the Board met at 10 o 1 c_lock A. M. June 10, 1958, all members being present. The Town Board of Girard appeared before the Boai•d aski f leading to Island C1111p. After discussion, the Count Board ~ e~r some as~istance. in constructing 1¼ mile of road of the township p11¥ing one-third, the Camp Associati~n one-t!~ 4d todp:~ti~ipate in this construction on the basis $3300.00. ' ir ' an e ounty Board one-third, up to a total of The Board having pr.evious:Ly advertised for bids on motor graders, · d d as fol.lows, all bids with trade-in· allowance on used units: procee e to open bids which were found to be Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Phi 11 ippi Equipment Co. The Geo. T, ~ Co. Road Machinery & Supply of Mpls. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Allis-Chalmers Galion Adams Austin-\'les11ern Caterpillar $18,655.00 15,844.00 16,070.00 18,999.00 18,000.00 After consideration the bid of Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. for one Caterpillar tractor in the sum of $l8, ooo.oo was ac;cepti!d for the reason that experience in this county shCJr1ed that the Caterp'_.illar had the longest operating costs. life and the lowest Upon motion, Anton L. Ripka was authorized to re~rite the fleet insurance policy. Upon motion, an additional $120.00 ·was appropriated to the County Extention Committee in order to comply with certain state regulations. A delega~ion of resort.and dance hall cwners appeared before the Bee.rd requesting longer hours for dancing on Saturday nigh,s alld permission t.o hold Sunday dances. The Board discussed the matter thoroughly from time to time during th~ dB¥ and it was decid.ed to make no change in the present regulations. ' Upon motion, the County Aud!itor was instructed to advertise for sealed bide to be opened at 2 o'clock P. July 14, 1958 on the following projects: M, GB'AVEL BASE AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE S.A.F. 56-611-01 C. P. 58:06B (CSAH.QLength l.~045 Miles, located between the :i:ntersection of 1CS\H *6 and *65 and F.ast 1.7 miles, comprising 14,100 tons of gravel base in place and 32,000 gallons of bituminous material, GRADING AND GRAVELLING S.A.P. 56-671-01 C,P. 58:15 (CSAH 15) Length 5,0117 miles, mocated cetween the South County Line and North to _ CSAH. #2, comprising 134,570 cubic yards excavation and 10, 625.tons gravel W!'aring CC!llrse. ,. S.A.P0 56-696-01) 56~697-01) C.f. 58:50 (CSAH 50)' Length J.3178 Mi•les, located from T,H. #108 and East to a point 4.25 Miles West of Deer Creek, comprising 74,270 cubic yards of excavation. 58:Gorman Twp. Devils Lake Road Length 1.06 Miles, located from Southwest corner Township and east 1.06 Miles. Lump sum price. The Board authorized the·state to call for bids on the following CSAH projects on behalf of Otter Tail County: GRAVEL DASE AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE CSAH No. 65 from CSAH No. 40, 5 miles South ofHenning to 2 m:nes South of Henning. CSAH No. 2 from West county Hne to 7. 2 miles Sou th'fest of Fergus Fal. ls. The following resolutions were adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the duly established and designated County State Aid Hi~wey No. 50 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota which begins at a point approximateizy at the Northwest corner of Section J4, Township 1311. North, Range J8 West. being a junction with Trunk Highway Ne,~ 108, thence extending Easterly along or near the North lines of Sect ions .J't, J~, 1 ~~.)§ ;~I}~~tPr,1'.fl ._ 1'P~~~ ... ~~.~e. 28._o/1!,S_l;,. J.?,..i:~P.. approximate Northeast corner of said iiection J6:1'1]'£'"tli~ Ea'str 'I "' 0 "''\- ~r'ter 'earner· o'r 's'ection 25-TlJ4N-fiJ8W; the nee EL.sterly along or near the East and West Q.uarter lines of Sections JO, 29 and 28-TlJ4N-RJ7W to the West limits of the Village of Deer Creek, which is the West line of Section 27, Township 134 North, Range 37 \'lest; teence continuing Easterly along Main Street througp Sections 27 and 26 to the East limits of said Village of Deer reek; thence continuing in an easter:J;y direction along or near the East and West Quarter line through Se ct ion 25, Township 134 North, Range 37 \"lest, and continuing Easterly along theEast and West quarter lines through Sections JO, 29 and 28, Township 1J4 North, Range J6 West, To approximately the East quarter corner of Section 28; thence Northerly along or near the East line of Section 28 approxiuately to the Northwest corner of t'he Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27 (SW¼ of NW¼ of Sec. 27); thence continuing Easterly along or near the North si:xteenth lines in Sections 27 and 26 to approximately the Southeast corner of the Northeast Q.uarter of tne Northeast Qw,.1·ter (NE;l-of NE;l-) of Section 26, Township 134 Nor1h, Range J6 West, and there terminating; and whose general course in the SE¼ of Section 25, Towns.1"i.ip 1)4 North, Range J8 \'lest, is as follows: beginning at the South Quarter corner of Section 25, Township 134 North, Range 38 West, thence along the established centerline of thepublic road described as follows: from said point of beginning Easterly along the South section line of Section 25, Township 1J4 North, Range J8 West, for a distance of 1,896.2 feet, thence deflect to the left on an 1'0 curve ( Delta Angle 90°5o') for a distance of 1,135.4 feet, thence North 0°13• F.ast for a distance of 1,265.1 fee~ and the~e terminating-. l '' ..... it I , I' I I I 'I :Ii I' ,, I' I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. -DA!r,E .... · ...................... Jum ... 10 .................... ,.,..: ....... : ..... 19 .. '-!t That it is necessary for the safety of the public travel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed; That an easement across additional larJis hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so altering said County State Aid Highway No. 50 in sa:id sections aforesaid: That the general course of said County State Aid Highway No. 50 is not materially altered thereby: That the said Easement so to be procured is for public highw&¥ and road purposes: that the same shall be located, lie, beard I'lln as hereinafter described; That it is necessary for the constI'llction and maintenance of saidroad and fol' the safety of public trave1 t'hat ac,ditional right of way be procured to enable the construction of proper slopes and. that an easement be procured to construct certain slopes and to maintain the' same after the construction as provided in the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Highw9¥ Engineer at the Court House in the Ci~r of Fergus Falls, Minnesott, the specific places where said slopes are to be constructed, being particularly hereinafter described, that such ease- ment for aich cons~I'llction of slppes cease on or before December Jl, 1958: · That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road mid for the safety of public travel that an easement for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the same lie upon the lands hereinafter described to be talcen for public highway pI"o.1poses, and upon the lmds adjoining the same;' Tliat the lands so to be taken for public highway and ·1·oad purposes and ·sulijected to easement as aforesaid, are situated in the• State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail and described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL NO. 15 A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The SE/; of Section 25-TlJ4N-RJ8W. said strip being all that part lying within the distance of fifty feet (50) on the Northerly and Westerly side and all that part lying Southerly and Easterly of the following described centerline: beginning at the South Quarter corner of Section 25, Easterly along theSouth section line of Section 25-TlJ4N-RJ8W for a distance of 1,896.2 feet, thence deflect to the left on an 8° curve (Delta Angle 90°501) for a distance of 1,1)5.4 feet, thence North 0°13 1 East ·for a distance of 1,265.1 fee\, and there terminating. excepting therefrom the Ii. ght of way of existing highway. containing J.68 acres, mo1·e or less. Also an easement to constI'llct slopes which shall cease on or before December Jl, 1958 on ·the following described tract: A strip of land 20 feet wide on the North side of the road beginning at a point 1,567.8 feet East of the point of beginning, thence Easterly and Northerly 1,200 feet and there tenninating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadw&¥ and the outer line of said strip to be parallel thei:ewi th. A stri-p of land 90 feet wide on the Westerly side of the road beginning at a point J, 167.8 feet Easter-ly and Northerly of the point of beginning, thence Northerly 800 feet and there tellllinating. Said strip to adjoin the ,outside line cf said roadWS¥ am the outer line _of_ said strip to be parallel _therewith. That due proceedings be condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law: to acqu~re said easement across additional lands aforesaid forpublic road and highway purposes; to acquire said easement; across additional µind~ aforesa-i~ for pu-l>l•i:~ road and highwaY p11;rpose11; to ac.quire: said ,easement and add.itional right of way for constructio and slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said easement for erection of snow fences, and let thesame forthwith duly be be, "and pro_se~~~~ .• .. ;• " ::.__ _ _ .. Dated this 10th. day of June, 1958. Attest: ----"S~•-=B~•~J~O~H~NS~O~N _____ , County Auditor By the Boord of CountyCommissioners of OTTER TA IL COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED By the County Board (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the duly established and designated Ccunty State Aid HighwaY No, 15 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota which begins at a point approximately at ~he Southeast corner of Section J4, Township 1)1 North, Rage 44 West, thence ext•· ;din,g Northerly along or near the East lines of Sections J4, 27,;?l.5 and 10 to approximately the Southeast corner of Section J, Township lJl North, Range 44 West and there terminating. Beginning at a 'point approximately at the Ea.st quarter corner of section J4, Township 1)2 North, Range l14 West, thence extending Northerly along or near the East lines of Sections J4, 27, 22, 15 and 16, Township 1~2 North, Range 44 West to the approximate Northeast corner of said section 10: thence Easterly along or near the North line of Section 11, Township 1)2 North, Range h4 West, to the ap•·-roximte Northeast corner of said Section 11; thence North along or near the East line of Section 2 to a point approximately on or near theEast quarter corner of said Section 2; thence along or near the Eastand West quarter line of Section 1, Township li2 North, Range Li4 West; thence continuing Easterly along or near theEast and West quarter lines of Sevtions 6, 5 and 4 to a point approximately 716 feet East of the East quarter conner of Section 5, Township 1J2 North, Range 4J \'lest, and there terminating; ard whose general course in the liortheast Qua1·ter of Section 15, Township lJl North, Range 4h West ·is as follows: beginning at the East quarter corner of Section 15, Township lJl North, Range 44 West, thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: from said point of begi.mir.g Hortherly along the section line of Section 15, Township lJl North, Range 44 11est for a distance of 2,638.9 feet to the Northeast section corner of Section 15, Township lJl North, Hange 44 West, and there terminating. ........., COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. iicUi1n•il•1111st .. ,a■, IT.CLGui,11l11■• C-W DATE ... ················,rur.a_.J.Q ................................................ l9 .. S8. That it is necessary for the safety of the public travel and f altered and changed: or the proper maintenance of said road that it be so That an easemNent across add.itional lams hereafter described is needed for the purpose of 80 alteri·,,.,. sai'd Countv State Aid Highway o, 15 in said sections aforesaid: ..., ~ That the general ccurse of said County State Aid Hi""hway No. 15 is b not materially altered thereby: That the said Fase~ent so to be procured is for publicnhliibway and read pruposes: lie, be and run as hereinafter described; that the same shall be located, That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said oad d • additional right of w,zy be procured to enable the construction of properrslo-r~ fdorththte safety of public travel that t t t · 1 nd t . . ,.e an a an easement be procured to cons rue cer ain s opes a o maintain the same after the constr"Uction as 'd d i the la nd . . . f ·1 · th ff" f th c · E provi e n P ns a specifications on i e in e o ice o e aunty Highway llP.ineer at the Cai.rt House in the Cit f F F ,, • ifi 1 h "d 1 b "' Y O er&us •alls, ,hnnesota, the spec c P ac~s w ?re Bai s opes are to e constructed, being particularly hereinafter described, that such easement for such cons.ruction of slopes cease on or before December Jl, 1958: That it ts necessary for the const1uction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public t.ravel that an easement for the erection of temporary s-nowfences be procured, that thesame be upon the lams hereinafter described to be taken for public highway pu1:poses, 1;1-nd upon the lands adjoining the ·same: That the lands so to be taken for. public· .li:l!ghway and road purposes and subjected to easement as aforesaid, are situated in the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail and described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL NO. 17 A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The Northeast Quarter (NE;}) of Section 15, Township lJl North, Range 44 West, said strip being all that part lying within the· distance of fifty feet (501 ( on the Westerly side of the following described centerline: beginning at the East .q~rter cor.ner of Section 15, Township lJl North, Range 44 West, thence North along the Section line 2,6J8.9 feet to the Northeast section corner of Section 15, Township lJl !forth, liange JJ \•/est and there termiIJa ting. excepting t1'.erefrom right of way of existing highway, containing 1,02 Acres more or less. Also an easement t o construct slopes which shall cease on or before December Jl, 1958 on the following described tract: A strip of land 12 feet wide on the \'lest side of the road beginni,.g at the point of beginning thence Northei-ly "'97 feet and there terminating, Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the .outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 10 feet wide on the West sia.e of the road beginning at-a point 897, feet North of the point of. beginning, thence Northerly 200 feet and there tell!linating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be p~rallel therewith, A strip of land 16 feet wide on the West side of the road beginning at a point 1,297 .feet North of the point of beginning, thence North 400 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 8 feed wide on the West side of the 1·oad begiiming at a point 2,397 feet North of the point af. beginning, thence North 210 feet and th:ere terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside lirie of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. 'llhat duei::proceedin!lS by condemnation ani eminent domain be had am prosecuted pw·suant to law: to acq-g.ire said easement across additional lands aforesaid for public rmd am highway puuposes: to acquire said easement and additional righb of way for construction and slopes, as aforesaid; and to acqui~e said easement for erection of snow fences, and let the same forthwith duly be begun am prosecuted. Dated this ~da;y of.June, 1958. Attest: ____ S~,-~B~•.....c.J~O~HNS~O~N'------• County Auditor The following resolution was adopted: By the Board of County Commissioners of OTTER TAIL COUNTY ___ ....::::B.:.._J=...;.., ...;;J:..:O_H .. NS=ON..._-___ Chairman Resolved by the Board of County Commissiore rs of Otter Tail County, Minre sota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Minnesota Motor Co. for one 1958 half-ton pick-up for the sum of $1265.00, and Whereas, the same has now· been delivered and accepted by this Board, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairw.an of the Beard and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant to the Min.'lesota ~\otor Co. in the sum of $1265.00, being the amount of the contract. Adopted June 10, 1958. B. J. JOHNSON Attest: S. B. 'JOHNSON Chairman. Clerk. l r ..... ,/.~,- I'' i "I . ' 'I ! _, ,, ., _,I, I' COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ················,T.1.1.11f1 •• .lQ ................................................ l9 .. 5B.. RESOLUTION FOR AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF FERGUS FALLS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAYS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS WHEREAS the City of Fergus Falls has requested $500.00 a mile for the maintenance of County State Aid Highways within the city limits, and WHEREAS, said agreement is for the maintenance of the center twenty-four (24) feet of the following raids: CSAH ll, 25,27 and 92, totalling 4,49 miles in length, and WHEREAS, said maintenance shall take care of all patching of bituminous surf.acing, sweeping, flushing and snow removal, and WHEREAS, seal-coating of said roads will be considered at the time the work is to be performed and approval by the County given as to the type of work, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County of Otter Tail pay to the City of Fergus Falls $500,00 per mile for the proper maintenance of the center twenty-four feet of said highways, Adopted this 10th day of June, 1958. Attest: S. B, JOHNSON Clerk Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. June 11th. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION. By the Board of County Commissioners B, J. JOHNSON Chairman Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o1clock A, M. , all members being present. The petition of Adrian and Marjorie Beldo asking that the 5½ NE;¼-of Section 16 and the intervening ~ Sl1i} of Section 16-137-36 be set off from School District No. 1519 of Otter Tail County to School District No. 817 c£ Wadena County·was taken up for action. After discussion, the petition was laid over to July 15, 19513 in order to secure some additional information~ The petition of Gordon A, Hanneman asking that the NW-.} of Section 6-]34-42 be set over from School District No, 1486 to School District No. 1494 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at lo o'clock A. M. on August 13, 1958, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing begiven as provided by law. The petition of Paul Jewell asking that the :EJi-NW¼-of· Section 32-131-:36 be set over from School District No. 1408 to School District No. 547 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. on August 13, 1958, and that due notice or· the time a.nd place of said hearing be given as provided by law, The petition of Leslie Smith asking that the SW}.-SE}.-of Sec 0 tion 29 and the nk of Section 32-131-36 be set over from School District No. 1408 to School District No. 547 was read and it was ordered tmt a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o I clock A. M. on August 13, 1958, and that due notice of the time andplace of said hearing be given as provided by law. The petition of G. Quaintance asking that the S~ of Section 32-131-36 be set over from School District No, 1408 to School District No. 547 was read and it was ord~red that a h~aring on seid petitton be held at 10 o'clock A. M. on August 13, 1958, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. The petition of Harris and Margareth Westad asking that t·he ·sW¼ and the 5l SE½ of Section 31-132-37 and the S½ SE¾ of_Section 36-132-38 be set over from School District No. 1534 to School ~istrict No, 547 was read and it was ordered that a hearing onsaid petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. on August 13, 1958, am that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be g~ven as provided by law. The petition of Lawrence Westad asking that the NW¢ ID%, ~· NW¼-and Lots l and 2 of Section '.31-132-37 be set over from School District No. 1534 to SchoolDistrict No. 547 was reed and it was ordered that ah earing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. on August 13, 1958, and that due:~notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. The petition of D. U. And Velma Porter asking tiB t the 5¼ SE½ of Section 31-134-36 be set over from School District No. 1432 to School District No. 543 was read, ond it was ordered ~hat a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock Al M. on August 13, 1958, am that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as pro- vided by law. A plat of First Addition to Birch .Haven in Lot 6, Section 35-133-41, accom!)Snied by an opion as to the title executed by Gerald S. Rufer, Attorney -at-law , was approved. A plat of Seifert Beach located in Lot 4, Section 29-137-42, accompanied by an opi/t;ar,as tqthe title executed by Henry Polkinghorn, Attorney-at-law, was approved. ,A plat of Coney Island Ac1·es being a .part of Govemment Lot 4 and Sub Lot B, · part of Government Lot 3 and Sub Lot A in Section 33-133-39, accnm-pr;.nied b-3 an opinion as to title executed by Thomas S. Donoho, Attorney-at-law, was approved. The apnlication of Willard L. Boushley for hone stead ci.assification on Lot 19, Block 5, Forest Lawn Addition, City of Fergus Falls, was read and, upon motion, was approved and the County Auditor was irs tructed to reduce tax accordingly. I " COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... .J.une. .. 11 ............................................ 19 ... ,;8 The application of Otto Moe for homestead classification on Lots 5,6, 7 8 Lake and , Block 2, Tlioraldson Is Second Addition to Battle , was read, Upon motion, the same was a,,·1-oved and h c reduce the tax accordingly, "" t e ounty Auditor was instructed to The application of Albert Enslin for homestead classification on the NW¼ NEf. and thet4 NW¼ of Section 8-137_39 w/J.s read and, upon mot.ion, the same was approved and the County Auditor was im tructed to reduce the tax accordingly, The application of Milo Haugrud far homestead classification on Lo· t,s 5 and 6, L 4 ot 2 except tract, Section 6, and Lot 1, Section 7-136-2, was. read• Upon motion, the same was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly, The application of Milo Haugrud. for homestead classification on the sE,l. N.&!-of Section 1-136-43 was read, and, upon motion, granted, The County Auditor was instracted to adjust the tax by giving him the bi.aance of hie homestead on this tract, The ayplication of Willie A. Bjornstad asking for homestead classification on the si,l. SE,l. lee½ rod, Section 9 1 and the NW;. NW-&, Section 15, and the NE¼ NE¼, Section 16.;:134-41 was read. Upon motion, the s~e was granted and the County Audi tor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly. · The application of Rudolph Barden for homestead classification on tbs Ni swi of Section 28-134--37 was read, and upon motidn, granted, anl. the County Auditor was instructed to reduce-the tax ac~ordingly. The application of Roger Leaderbrand for hanestead classification on the S]% S]% and Pt, NEf. SE¼ South of Railroad, Section 25-135-37 was read, Upon motion, the same was granted am the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly, The applicati. on of the Park Region Mutual Telephone Co, asking that taxes for the years 1953 through 1957 on · lots 1, 2; 3, 4, Block 2, Original Plat, Village of Erhard, was read and, upon motion, the application was ·recommended to the Cdmmissioner of Taxation on the gr,und that Grose Earnings tax had been paid by them for the years that the taxes were unpaid. The application of Omer Johansen far reduction of assessed valuation on the NW¼ of Section 2-131-42 was read. Upon motiori, the application was recommended to the Comm1ssioner of Taxation on the ground that the unfinished home was valued too high to be comi:arable with other farm homes in the township, The 1¥Jplicationof Gerald Courneya for reduction of taxes on Sub Lot C of Lot 8, Section 8-137-40 was rEBd. Upon motion, the applimtion was recommended to the Tax Commissioner on the ground·that said property received tlie county rai'.i1e on lakeshore properties, wher.eas, this is actually the farm home of Mr. Courneya. The application of Nels E. Nelson for cancellation ·or tax on coin operated amusement equipment located in Urbank Viil.age was read and, upon moti011, the application was recoir.mended to the Commissioner of Taxation on tlie ground that this 'machine was also assessed in Douglas County. Theapplication of Ernest Sii.l'vqg asking for cancellation of cattle assessment in the Township of Tordenskjold was read. · Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Tax Commissioner on the grcu.nd that the same cCM's were also assessed in Elmo Township, which was the home of the petitioner. The a:pplication. of Erwin K. Steiner fo1· homestead classification on Lots 3 and 4 and the ·SW;¼, SE;¼, and the Fractional· S½ S\·I;¼, of Section 18-132-42 was read and, upon motion, the application was rejected upon recommendation of the To~tn Board. The a:pplication of C, A. Boline and Warren Hunter for refund of taxes paid on Lots 13 and 1:4, Block 3', Bowman and Dunton·•s Addition to Battle Lake, for the tax year of 1952 was read and, upon motion; the application was rejected, The following Licenses for 110ff11 and 110n11 sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors were gra·nted: Russell I. Pederson Lee Rogert Clarence Koehler Leonard Saewert Franklin Larson Oscar Peterson Resort Pine Lakes Lodge Koehler 1s Resort Leonard's Resort Resort Star Lake Store Star Lake Township Corliss Township Pine Lake Township Corliss Township Pine Lake Township Star lake Township Upon ·motion, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County confers i:i a resolution i:assed by the Ci'ty of Fergus :Falls, on June 2, 1958, regardlng storm sewer of Fir Avenue from Lake Street to Cleveland Avenue in that the County will not participate in the cost of this project, Upon motion, the Sheriff was granted an extention of time until July 15th in which to collect delinquent personal property taxes for the year 1957, The ~allowing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board cf County Coremissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: l"lhereas, thie ·Board has heretofore advertised for the sale of a tract described as follows: Be~innfng Rt a . point 264.4 feet North of the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southe~s_t q~rter (SWr. S~) of Section 21-Tl34N-RJ7W; thence run north for a distance of 435.6 feet; ti:ience run west for a distan~e of _200,~ fee_t; thenc~ run south ·for. a distance of 435.6 feet; thence run east for a distance of 200.0 feet to poin't of ;!,eginning, containing 2,0 acres," more or less, Whereas, Archie Whiting having made a bid of ~5.00 and said bid has been advertised as provided by law, and Now, Therefore, no other bidders having appeared and no objections ha.'ling been made, it is hereby ordered that the C})airman and County Auditor be and they hereby are directed to issue a deed to Archie Whiting upon piey111ent of the bid price," excepting therefrom mineral rig.~ts, Adopted Jure 11, 1958. B. J. JOHNSON Attest: S. B, JOHNSON Chairman Clerk I ' \ I 'i ( I I . I I I , I 1.' i .:i' ii 11 11 COMMISSIONERS RECORD DATE ............... ~e~TTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN •••·•···········•··········1 ···································19 .. :~. • ~m,_Photo Print C i tings O l"fice E o. POUC(ler Pl'tg & L~ipment Vict9r Lund • itho. Co. N een & Co • W. Bell Tele. Ce• East.Otter Tail T 1• N. W. Bell Tl e e. Co. N W e e. Co. . • Bell Tele C Mrs Ma · n., Henning M i. rgaretta Dewey ap ewood Township Erhards Grove T Wendell p H ownship G. D. Hariow uber George Olson Weme 11 P. Huber . Midwest Telephone C Vergas Oil Co o. Con · mpany ~era Co-op Oil C Langdons Highw ,e 0 • Service o·i C ~ 210 Texaco s 1 om12ny yversons Bett • M" Tesc~ Lumber C~r ileage Station Coaa~ to Coast St Johnson Tir ores Elk R" e anc Retread , 1ver Concret p Olson Auto El t? roducts Co. Ma · ec r1c gnµs Pederson Clyd!' L. Rugg Antop L. Ripka supplies II II II service and tolls II II II right of way township aid ttW nship a id cash advanced expenses II II II II service am_ tolls gasoline II II II II supplies II tlr es culverts repairs II ~oving gas pump insurance policy Upon. motion , the Bai.rd th en adjourned without date. Attept: $ 54;75 144.20 129.00 1.75 32.25 10.55 67.15 17.90 55.43 50:0.00· . Joo.co· /J.7.06 19.80 18.70 2JJ.22 ~-15 . 213.98 49.26 J8.09 122.J0 169./J.7 12.88 4.J7 }61.61 141.J6 37-92 li.88 100.00 1506.70 .. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. KCU nP■IHIIIOC ., .... , sr.CLOUD ■11111, C, DATE .............................. J11ly 14 .................................. 19 .. 56. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEET nm oF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Pursuant to statutes the Board met at IO.o'clock A. M. July.14, 1958, all members being present,. . . 110ff11 and 110n11 licenses to sell nonintoxicating malt liquors was granted to M. J. Schlanger, Mallard Ba,y Lodge, Township of Nidaros. A petition signed by ~rs. Roland Kenyon ~nd twelve others r~questing the county board to establish a county library system was read. qpon motion, the same was placed on file. A petition aigned by !}arl Coffman and ot~ers asking for an improvem~nt o~ County Highway No. 5 from the end of the improved aection in th~ south half of Section 4, Girard Township, north to the Junction of Highways No. 5 all!. 128, west on No. 128.to connect.with State Highway .No. 78 was read. Vpon motion, the petition waa ordered placed on file. Pursuant to Section 1~2.24 M.S.A. there has been filed with'.theBoard of County.Commissionera of Otter Tail County a complaint charging that ~he Town Boards of the Townahips of Girard and Nidaros have failed and are failing to main- tain and repair a road beg~nning at the norttn.(est corner of Section 5, Nidaros, then continuing easterly, northeasterly and easterly to a point wh~re Camp Nirvana .is ,located. Upon motion, the County Auditor was instructed to notify the two town boards to meet:.wi~h the commisaionerl! at the court house in Fergus Falls at 10 o'clock A. M. August 12th for an informal discussion as to ~hat could be done •. . . The board having prev~ously ad~er,j}s~~~f~l, bids on CSAH projects, a representative of the State Highway Department proceeded to open bida on 56-601-0I focate~ south of Henning, wh~ch bids were found to be as follows: Mark Sa,nd and Gravel Co. Hazelme.re Co. C. L. :l!elson & Co., Inc. $77,697-50 93,601.00 94,772,75 Upon motion, the Board. recommended to th~ Commissioner of Highways that the bid of the Mark Sand and Gravel Co. of Fergus Falls, in the Billi! of $77,697.50 be ~ccepted. Bids were received on ,County Project No. 58, Gorman Township, Devil's Lake road as follows: John Dieseth Co. Russell McCarty J. G. ~elson & Son $2,743.60 2,961.00 6,479.60 Upon motion, the contr:act was awarded to .the John Dieseth Co .• for the sum of $2,743.60. Bids on County Project. 58 :15 CSAH 15 betw.een south county line and five miles north were as fo Hows: John Di.eseth Co. Strom Qonstruction Co. Gladen Bros. Marvin .E, Lund $41,163.80 41,494.05 43,455.69 45,-659.30 Upon motion, the cont~ct was awarded to ,the John Dieseth Co .• for the sum of $41,163.80. Bids on Project 58:50 :cSAH 50 between T. ~-No. 108 and 3.5 _miles E & N were as follows: Gladen ,Bros. J. G. Nelson & Son Russell, McCarty Marvin ;Lund John Dieseth Co. $19,858.27 21,207.45 21,329.89 21,786.10 26,248.50 Upon motion, the contr~ct was awarded to ~laden Bros. of Bemidji for the sum of $19,858.27. Bids on Project 58:06B: (56-611-01) gravel: base all!. road mix. East were,aa follows: C, L. N~lson and Co., Inc •. Mark Siµid and Gravel Co. Bituminous surface between CSAH 65 and 1.7045 miles $22,813.25 26,898.00. Upon motion, the contr~t was awarded to C, L, Nelson and Co., Inc. for $22,813.25. Upon motion, John L. ~ixby was appointed'.county assessor, his term to expire January 1, 1960. Upon motion, Wendell P. Huber was appointed highway engineer, his term to expire May 1, 1961. The County Board went pver with Sheriff Brooberg the list of:uncollected personal property taxes for.the year 1957 and made the following report: REPORT OF THE CClJNTY BOARD'. OF TBE CCIDl'l'Y OF OTTER TAIL, STATE OF MINNESOTA, OF UNCOLLECTED A.ll'D CANCELLED PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1957° Fergus Falls, Minnesota, July 14, 1958. BE IT KNOWN That the County Beard of Ott~r Tail County, Minpesota, did meet in session on the 14th day of July,1958, the same bein · the first ae~sion of said Beard:after the 10th day. of June, 1958: that at said session the County Treasurer f id C t g d 11 d t · riial Board the list of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1957, together with o sa oun Y e vere o, i d by 1 . nd that at said session the said Beard did duly consider said list of uncollected his certificate thereon as requ re aw• a · . . t b 11 ted That the following is a correct Ust of said taies, and did cancel auch taxes as they are 9!1t:i.sf1.ed canno e cp ec • .• uncollected persoml property taxes in said County for said year of 1957, as so revised by said Beard, to-wit, ..I I 1,, 'I. L I' I~ ',I 1. 1, I. I [.'. I i .II 'I j COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ___ ----------------------------July _ 14 ------·-------·-----·--------·---J 9 58 NAME OF PERSON ASSESSED Township or District Adams, Nathan Henning Akaeon, llslYmom. 2nd Ward Anderson, A, J. . 4th. Ward Anderson, R.C. & Co. let Ward Andrle, Earl Compton Austin,Augusta Perham Twp, Bannick, Francie Jrd, Ward Birch, Frank J. Rush Lake Blume, Warren N, Y, Mills Bodle, Gerald Par. :P ra. Vil l. Boiteau, Claude A, Nidaros Calin, Walter 3rd, Ward ,Carter, Marvin let Ward Dick'• Conoco,Map:nardJohnson Jrd. Ward Dickson, H, M, Dalton Dickson, Margaret Nidaros Dulski,Leonard Perbam,Vill, Edner, Orville Western Estlick, Floyd Dead Lake Evans, W, D, Everts Ewert, David R, Tordenskjold Farrington, Lawrence lat Ward Fergus Novelty, Karl Peterson4th Ward Firestone Store 3rd, Ward Green, Harry Edna Baalai'ld, Robert Deer Cr.eek Vill, Hall.vorson, William Nidam e Hanson, Louie R. St. Olaf Hayhoe, Bruce C, 2nd Ward Hechter, Sherman lat Ward Hellerstedt, Glenn N, let Ward Herk, Lyle J, Dunn Reuben Forde High Standard Station Houge, Leona Johnson, Morris Johnson, Ellard Johnson, Russell Johnson Tire and Retread Karjala, Hilda Kaufman Outdoor Adv, Co, King, W. A, Knighten, Loia Curtis Hamre, Mge. Knollwood Memorial Gardens Kopperud, Philip Kraft, Harold G, Larson, Dr. Chester Lee, Arthur Lein, Ber.t Mack, F. M, Mrs. Gladys Toso let Ward Candor Urderwood Eagle Lake . 4th Ward 4th Ward Pine Lake Tumuli Star Lake Richville 3rd: Ward Nor. Grove Perham Hobart Sverdrup Dead Lake Hobart . Maid Rite Samwich Shop 3rd.Ward Mai er, Jerome Par, Pra, Main, Allen 4th Ward Matson, Oscar Dalton Miller, Chris, 1st Ward Miller, J, E,or Anderson Geo.Dunn Miller, Lester lat Ward Mueller, Leo Clitherall Mundy, D, F. 2nd Ward McCarty, Gerald A. Everts . Naegeli, Dr. Fr.enk Eat. Eliz, Twp. Neese, J. D. Battle Lake Nshk, Louie Eliz. Twp, Nelson, Clifford 4th Ward Nelson, Mrs. Ruby Jrcl Ward Norman Rollag Norm's Webb Service. 0, R,S-.Displaye Okerson, Ed. Oltman, Lorenz Payne P.umice,'Inc, Peterson, Dale - Lumber Yaltd Peterson, Gus A. Peterson, Ifarl Pierce, Ralph Poppe, Fritz Press Sign Co. Banstrom, Grant Rasmussen, W,C, ~•• Variety, Ray Machulda Valley Red Rive:D'\Camp Fire Girls Reynolds, Don Soule, Bernard B, 3rd, Ward Par, Pra, Twp, Jrd.Ward Blowers 2nd Ward Pelican Battle Lake 2nd Ward Hobart Rush Lake Tumuli lat Ward lat Ward Jrd Ward Candor Rush Lake Dunn Tu Penalty, Fee Dollars Cts. and costs 5.86 3.50 12.60 29,40 38,51 e.aa 21.00 2,27 .7,02 .18 8,99 5,60 l,?9. 64.66 37,05 6,74 3.51 6,85 J,JS 7.08 23,41 13,53 187,12 17,50 24.42 22.54 33.60 9,JJ 20,JO 12.60 112,29 117,69 50,74 5,98 8,99 1,17 226.51 3,53 1,JO 18,54 24,?J 11.06 12-,76 2,90 3,58 6,69 6,J4 77,46 19,?9 12,13 57,41 3.50 6.14 1.87 SS,70 12.60 2.05 .58. 114.50 6,91 17.50 5,83 8J.76 1,42 3.50 24.62 398,98 50.16 133,58 17,27 Jl,45 3,78 1,63 29.6!) 2,10 572.57 38,77 2,08' 6,?J Dollars Cte, 1.04 ,72 1,93 4.18 5,41 1,44 3.06 ,SS 1.19 .r, l,IJ6 1.00 ·16,57 10 .. 25 5.21 1.15 ,72 1,17 ,70 1.20 6,?J 2.06 25,32 106.86 2,59 J,52 6.81· 4,75 1.50 2,96 1,93 15,29 17,22 ?,OS 1.05 12.18 .40 57,40 ,72 ,42 .84 2,?J J,57 1,73 1,96 .64 · ,73 1.15 1.10 10,63 2,90 1.8? 10.62 ,72 1.07 .so 7,71 l.9J -.52 ,33 15.59 5,19 2.59 1,04 11.47 .4J ,72 5,38 53,72 6,97 18.15 2,56 5,14 ,76 .47 4,22 .S4 76.97 5.44 ,52 1.15 Total Tax.Penalty and costs Dollars Cte, 6,90 4,22 14,53 JJ,58 4J,92 10,32 24.06 2.82 8,21· ,45 10.45 6,60 18.36 74,91 42.26 7,89 4,23 8.02 4,05 8.28 30.14 15,59 212.44 106.86 20.09 27.94 29,35 38,35 10.8.3 23,26 14,53 127,58 ]J4.91 57,79 ?,OJ 21,17 1.57 283.91 4,25 1,72 .84 21.27 28,JO 12,79 14,72 3,54 4,31 7,84 7,44 88,09 22.69 14,00 68,03 4,22 7,21 2,37 6J,41 14,53 2,57 ,91 130.09 12.10 20.09 6,87 95;2J 1.85 4.22 30.00 452,70 57.13 151,?J 19,83 36,59 4.54 2.10 33.85 2.64 649,54 44,21 2.60 7.88 REMARKS Collect , II II A II II II n II " II II H II n n OIi II n II n n II II II COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... JulY .. 14 ....................................... 19 . .Se. .. Sievert, Warren Jrd Ward 8.6J 1,41 10.04 Simons, A, D, Dora .6.Li5 1,12 Collect Sivertson, Bernie M, 'l'ordenskjold 7,57 16.59 2.47 19,06 Skogmo,Donald 'l'umuli 41.99 5.88 47,87 Smith, Gil Scambler 10.19 1.61 11,80 Seyder, George Hobart 8.15 l,J4 9.49 Stahl, J1,111es A, Orwell 17,75 2,6J 20,JB Stonelage, Ida Girard 1.48 .45 1.9J Strand, Leonard Au.tde.i" 18.73 Suchy, Florence Leaf Mru. ntain 2,76 21.49 2.51 ,59 J,lQ Thomas, JamesE, Amor 4,12 .80 4,92 Tillisch, Clayton I>iinn 16.J8 2,44 lB,82 Trosvig, A, A, Jrd Ward lJ,07 2.01 15,08 Vaughn, John R, Ottertail, Twp. 16.21 2.4J 18.64 Wahl, Herman Elizabeth Twp. 6.JJ 4,45 10,78 Wahl, Marlo Jrd Ward 10,0J 1.59 11,62 Words, John Pine Lake 9,42 1.50 10.92 Zosel, LaVore Everts 2,JJ .57 2.90 Mews, Erick E, 4th Ward 10.27 1.62 11.89 Lee, L, H, & Mabel Dunn 6,14 1.07 7,21 McGeary, c. v. Scambler 160.35 160.35 That the following is a correct list of the 11ersonal property taxes in said County for said year which said Beard are satisfied cannot be collected, and so cancelled by said Board, NAME OF PEBSON: ASSESSED Chris.Miller American Shoe Repair Collins, Albert Conricks, Jack Ehnbom, Juanita I. Floen, Martin Laugen, Peter McGeary, C. V, McGeary, C. V, Nelson, Henry Riddle, Eugene Attest: S. B, JOHNSON Township oi' District 2nd Ward Newton Everts Pine Lake Vining let Ward Scambler Scambler Maine 1st Ward Tax Dollars Cts, 72,80 21,45 ,75 1.40 1.40 4,42 2,2J 11,67 to:oWit: Penalty, Fee and costs Dollars Cts, 10,00 J,lJ ,J5 1,56 ,4J .4J .84 21,74 ~55 1.81 Total Tax, Penalty an:!. coats Dollars Cts, 82.80 2'-t,58 1,10 1,56 l,BJ l,BJ 5,26 21.74 2,78 lJ,48 THE COUNff BOARD OF OTTERTAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA, HENRY SIELING B. J, JOHNSON SAM NYCJ!l.EMOE OTTO HAASE HARVEY D, MORRILL County Auditor RESOLU'l'ION AND NarICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE BY THE COUNTY AND TERMS THEREOF, Cancel-bankrupt II unknown. penalty only deceased welfare case bankrupt penalty only deceased left state Be it resolved by th! Board of C011nty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that Perry Becker has made an offer for the pm!chase from Otter Tail County by warranty deed the following described property situated in tlia Township of Aurdal: Beginning at point 3J feet south and J50 feet West of center of said Section 19; thence run:.~south for a distance of 225 feet; then run west for a d.istance of 9J7,5 feet; thence run north 26 deg, J41 west far a distance of 7J feet; thence run north for a distance of 160 feet; thence run east for a distance of 970 feet to point of beginning; being part of NE! SW½ Section 19-lJJ-42, That if said sal~ is completed Otter Tail County will in said conveyance reserve all iron ore and other mineral rights in and upon said real estate together with the right to explore for minerals and remove the same, That tbe terms upon which Perry Becker wishes to purchase said property are as follows: $100,00 in cash, Notice is hereby given that on the lJth day of August, 1958, at 2 o'clock P, M, at the Commissioners' Room in the Otter Tail County .Court House in the City of Fergus Falls, MinneS> ta, the Board of County Commissioners will consider the terms of said of fer and take action thereon, Adopted July 14, 1958, Attest: S. B, JOHNSON Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved·by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: B, J, JOHNSON Chairman , That, whereas, this Board h_as heretofcre contracted with McCormick Farm Equipment Store forthe purchase of one Model A-182 International dump truck, and Whereas, this dump truck has been delivered an:!. accepted by this Beard, I 1· iii I' ;1· ; I ' i ' '' ',I ___ .L .COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. , ............. J.YlY. .. J..!;l: ........................................ 195.a .. . Now, Th! refore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the Jlcard and the County Auditor .are hereby authcr ized and directed to issue a warrant ·on the Road and Jlridge fund for $4,006.08, being the contract price, to McCormick Farm Equipment ltore. Adopted July 14, 1958. · Attest: S. JI. JOHNSON· Clerk, The following resolution was adotped: JI, J. JOHNSON Chairman, Resolved by the Board of County Coumissioners of OtterTTail ·County, •Minnesota: That, whereas, this lloarcl. has heretofore•contracted with McGormick Farm Equipment Store forthe purchase of one Model A-182 Internation dump truck, and Whereas, this dump truck has been delivered and accepted by this Jloard, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the Jloard andtheCounty Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant on the Road and Jlridge fund for $4,056.08, ~. being the contract price, to McCormick: Farm Equipment Store. Adopted July 14, 1958. Attest: S. JI. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolutiDD was adopted: JI. J. JOHNSON Chairman. Resolved by the Jloai'd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail•County, Minnesota: That, whereas, this Jloard has heretofore •contracted with the William H. Ziegler Co., Inc. for the ·purchase of one Model 12 Caterpillar motor grader, ard Whereas. this grader has been delivered and accepted by this Jloardl Now, Therefore, be it resolved ·that the Chairman of the Jloard and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to.issue a warrant on the Road and Jlridge fund for $18,000.00, being the contract price, to William H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Adopted July 14, 1958. Attest: S. JI. JOHNSON Clelk • RESOLUTION VACATING COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY NO. 83 JI. J. JOHNSON Chairman. WHEREAS, The provisions of Chapter 943 of the Regular Session Laws for Minnesota for theyear 1957 require the County Jloards of this State, by resolution and subject to the concurrence of the Commissioner, to establish a system of County Highways; and WHEREAS, The County Jloard of Otter Tail County, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 943, laws of 1957, has la:ated, established and designated by number County Highways in theCounty of Otter Tail; and WHEREAS, A detailed list and description of eaoh of said County Hi@Pways.as located am established and identified by number, is now on file in the office of theCounty Auditor of Otter Tail County; NOW, THEREFORE, llE IT RESOLVED, That the following portion of County State Aid Highway No. 83, as on file in the office of the County Auditor, wh:ich is as follows: lleginning at a point approzimately at the intersection of Ieke Avenue and Main Street inthe Village of llattlelake; thence along theestablished centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning extending Westerly along Main Street and th-~ontinuation of Main Street to the West corporate limits of the Village of Jlattle Lake to a point approximately JOO feet North of theSouth quarter corner of Section JJ-Tl33N-ROOW; thence continuing Southerly along or near theNorth and South quarter line through Section 33 and the Westlimits of the Village of Battle Lake to approximately theSouth quarter corner of Section33; · be revoked as such and the Commissioner of Highwa,ys be, and is hereby, requested to approve such revocation. JIE IT FURTHER· RESOLVED. That this portion of County State Aid Higbfa,y No. 83 be located, as follows; Jleginning at a point approximately at the intersection ofHoldt Street and Main Street in the Village of Battle Lake, thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows; From said point of begi·nning extending Westerly along Holdt Street and the continuation of Holdt Street to the West corporate limits of the Village of Jlattle Lake to approximately the.-"South Quarter corner of Section 33-Tl33N-R40W. and there terminating. Adopted this. 14th lay of July, 1958. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Cleik:. B. J. JORMSON Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, · OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ ~~~l .. ~.~·················· ......................... 19 .. ~.~. The County Auditor presented the following statement to the Board: The following estimate of expenses for the ensuing year ie herewith submitted: Salaries of C011nty Officials Clerks, janitors, etc. Deputy sheriffs & jailers County Commissi. oners salaries & expenaea Boarding prisoners . Sheriff's & deputies expenses. Witness District Court Justice Court Jurors District Court llailiffa & reporters Bnoks, Blanks & Stationery Expense with insane Court House ground.a Light, fuel etc. County agents & county nurses Printing and advertising Count~ assessor, assistance & expenses Attending assessors' meetings Veterans Service Office Miscellaneous Reverme County Welfare Road and Bridge Fund Poor Fund Dated July 14, 1958. TO THE COUNTY BOARD OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA $ 4J,ooo.oo 52,500.00 18,600.00 8,500.00 7.500.00 7,500.00 4oo.oo 1,500.00 8,000.00 4,500.00 18,000.00 1,800.00 1,500.00 18,000.00 J0,000.00 8,500.00 16,000.00 1,200.00 12,000.00 12,500i00~ 2s9.910.oo 375,000.00 145,000.00 Respectfully submitted, S. B. JOHNSON County,Auditor~ Pursuant to law I present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied forCounty purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with th9 actual cash balance remaining to the credit of each County fund at the close of business on the JOth day of June, 1958. .FUNDS County Revenue Fund Poor Fund, Road and Bridge Fund County Building Fwli County Welfare Fund Road and Bridge Bond Account Veterans Service County Fair Bonds County School Fund County School Transportation Amo',jnt levied for Current Year 150,165.81 155,184.72 J75,21J.76 20,075,64 28J,267.J2 182,086.08 12,045.38 l0,0J7.82 172,406.00 J6,5J7.67 S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor Amount Collected and Apportioned J9, 105.46 40,41J.J9 97,?lJ.62 5,228.12 ?J, 768.82 47,419.08 J, 1J6.87 2,614.06 48,981.76 9,515.18 Balance Uncollected or Unapportioned 111,060.35 114,771.JJ 277,500.14 14,847.52 209,498.50 1J4,667.oo 8.9oa.51 · 7,423.76 12J,424.24 Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows. FUNDS County Revenue Fund Poor Fum Road a ni Bridge Fund County Building ·Ditch Fund County Welfare Incidental Fund Veterand Service Fair Bonda County School Tax Fund County School Transportation Road and Bridge Bom Acccunt County Nursing Home Tube~culosis Sanatorium AMOUNTS BALANCES 86,674.45 55,710.71 J47,57J-66 J4,824.89 ll,42J,JJ 68,593.57 l,414.J9 8,646.J2 11,314.10 15,827.84 29,309.17 247,964.92 16,007.60. 5,766.60 The following is a statement of the accounts remaining.unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board. FOR WHA11' PUIIPOSE Road, and Bridge Fund Road and Bridge E~ipment Special Road & Bridge Construction Elevator Contracts BALANCE lXJE 407,7J4.J2 26,062.16 226,162.n 13,992.05 .t. . . .., i '•1 r I, I,. '. I II, :1 JI . COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, ·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ .July .. J.1' .......................................... 19.SS .. ■ssu.nneinunu,•ran, !IT cwue ••n■· c.ae The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the :Board of County Commissiore rs of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That there be levied upon the tBJlBble property of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, for the year 1958 the :ft>llowing amounts for the several county funds: Revenue Fund Road and :Bridge Fund Poor Fund :Building Fund County School Tax. Fund County School Transportation Welfare Fund Veterans Service Fund Fair Association :Bonds .. . ...,. Adopted July 14, 1958, Attest: S. :B, JOHNSON Cle:dc • $ 150.000.00 375,000.00 145,000.00 1 mill 221,538,00 22,000.00 289,910.00 6/10 mill 1/2 mill tlo5ooo .3 7 .::ro OD /Jooot!I :B, J. JOHNSON Ghainnan Upon motil.on, the :Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M, July 15th. TUEIIJ>AY•S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the:Board met at 10 o•'clock: A. M,, July 15th, allmembers being present, A plat of lim1s Jolly Fishermen located in tot 4, Section 29-137-40, accompanied by an opinn as to title executed by Thomas S, Donoho, was approved, A petition of Walter Neulieb to have the w¼ NEi\-of Section 2?-135-44 set off from District No, 1429 Otter Tail County to District No, 850, Wilkin County, was read, As no affidavit of posting had been filed in this case, the petition was laid over until 10 o'clock A, M, August 13, 1958, The petition.ofHerbert C, Wagstrom to have the Si:½ SW;¼, of Section l?-132-41 set off from District No, 1433 to District No. 1388 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A, M, August 13, 1958, and that due notice of the time ard place of said rearing be given as required by law, The petition• of Myrtle Lindstrom tohave the sE¼ of Section 28-134-44 set off from District No. 1503 to District No, 1540 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A, M, August 13, 1958, and that due notice of the time am place of said hearing be given as required by law, The petition, of: Adolph Olson to have the NEk except Railroad, Sect ion 29 and the ~ NW¼ and the NW¼ SEl, of Section 29-132-3? set off from District No, 1534 to District No. 54? was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A, M, August 13, 1958, and.that due notice ofthe time and place of said hearing begiven as required by law. The.petition ofAle and Mayme Levander tohave the Wt SW¼ of Section 15-131-36 be set off from District No, 1500 of Otter.Tail County to District No,i 81? of Wadena County was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A, M. August 13, 1958, and that due notice of the time and place of said h!laring be given as required by law. The application of Selmer E.Risbrudt for homestead classification on· the E½ NE¼ and Sub Lot A of Lot 6 am Sub Lot :B Section 21-131-41 was read. Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to adjust the tax accordingly, The application of John C, Goeden for homestead classification on the wj-SW¼ of Section 26..J.34-36 was read, Upon motion, the application was granted and theCoun t;y Auditor was ins true ted to adjust the' tax accordingly, The application of Arth~ Frederick forhomestead classification on the N,-SEk of Section 35-13;-38 was read, Upon motion, the application was granted and the Count;y Auditor was instructed to adjust the tax accordingly. The application ofRudolph :Barden forhomestead classification on the NE;} SW¼ and the NW¼ ~ c£ SectionlS-134-37 was read, Upon motion,the application was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to adjust the tax accordingly. The application ofRobert D. Knutson for homestead classification on theSru th two-thirds of Lot ?, :Block 47, Origina Plat, City of Fergus Falls, was read, Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auiitor was instructed to adJlist the tax accordingly. The application of Evely~ Erickson for homestead classification on the5¼ NW¼ of Section 25 and the~ NE¼ of Section 26-136-43 was read. Upon motion, the application was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to adjust the tax accordingly. The application of the Underwood Farmers' Supply for reduction of assessment of personal property in the Village of Underwood was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed.valuation be reduced from $6410,00 to $5330.00. The applination of: Edna Weld Kliwer for ca:icellation of persora 1 property assessment in thfo, nship of Leaf Lake was read, Upon motion, it was.recommended to the Tax Commissiorer on the ground that this was a duplicate assessment on the same property. The application of Donald.Stoneman for cancellation of personal property located in the Village of Ottertail was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commiasiora r that th"'pplication be granted on the ground that this property had been moved out of the Village prior to MS¥ lat. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......•....................... J:uly .. lS •······· .. ·························.19 .. SS.. The application .of :Bert .H. Odell fQrreduction of assessment on Lot 1 and cartway over L6t 7. Section ZS am Lot S of Section 26-lJS-40 was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that tpe application be granted on the grcund that old buildings w11re valued out of line with other buildings, · The application of Leonard A, :Soedigheimei: forred.uction of assessed valuation on Lots ? anl. 8, :Block 29. Newcomb1s 2nd Addition to theVillage of Perham was read, Upon motion. it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted on the grcund that when superstructure was built over the basement house ·there waa a duplication of valuation--basement waa figured twice, The application of Emil Wande~i for reduction of assessment on the 5i NW½ am the N½ SW¼ leas churc~ site Section 14-1)7-)8 was read, Upon motion. i~ was recommerded to the Commissioner .of Taxation that the apPlication be granted on the ground that an error was nade in tranaferrirg valuation fromthe assessor's book to the tax list, The application of John F. r<a:ufman fo; reduction of ·aa~essment o~ Lot 1. :Block 14, Original Plat. Village of Perham. was read, Upon .motion. itr.was recom~ended to theCommissioner ,of~axation that the application be granted for the reason that theold house had been moved off in 1956 but was not stricken fromthe 1957 assessment, The application of Melvin and Arthur Trosvik for reduction of assessed valuation on the ~ SW½, NW¼ SW½ and the NW¼ sE¼ of Section )2-1)6-44 was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to theCommisaioner of !axation that the application be granted forthe reason that the turkey barn was assessed out of proportionto similar structures inthe County. Upon motion, the entire :Board was appointed a committee to attend the Regional Commissioners' meeting at Fergus Falla on September 29, 1958. with expenses for actual and necessary outlay paid, Upon motion, the;•Coup.ty Auditor was authoi:-ized .to issue a check to the Minnesota Department of Civil Defense for th, amount necessary to defray one-half of .tl'e coat of tte civil defense and sheriff's radio., The following names were:selected to be placed on the Petit Jury list to replace those drawn at the April term of the District Court, Lawrence Kertcher Mrs. Dorotey Marckel Frank Paschke John Honer Albert :Bunkowski Anton Holzer Joe Wegscheid Oscar Nevela Anna Riepe Martha Palubicki John Muc'lcala Mrs. Hallet Weiss Mrs. Leonard Larson Al, Langlie Herbert Julsrud Oscar Stender Paul Fmzee Herman Mavis Ralph Schempp Wilbert Pierce Fernal Johnson Ray :Butcher Kenneth Aune Faunred N. Lineberg Arthur Paulson . Webster Torgerson Arnold Olson Arthur Ryen Mrs. Anton Thompson Albert :Brutlag Archie Whiting Mrs, Gena Herdman Pete Hink Peter Koep Wm. Ral. ekuhr Mrs. Harold Carew Mra. Jess Wynn Ada Dahlgren Joe FredricksDn Roy :Borowski Mrs. Alice M, Schroeder Joe M. Jacobson John Roehl Mrs, Leonard Newman Morris Halaneas Evelyn Haugen Homestead CorliBB Perham Village Edna Hobart :Butler :BlUftGI.D Paddock Perham Pine Lake Newton Erhard Village Maine Pelican Rapids.Village Norwegian Grove Oscar Pelican Friberg Trondhjem Lida Clitherall Girard Sverdrup Leaf Moun 1ain Tordenskjold St, Olaf Eagle Lake Tumuli Henning Village Henning Deer Creek Elmo Parkers Prairie Village Effington Deer Creek Village Deer Creek Village Woodside City of FergusFallB City of Fergus Fa~la Western Aastad Orwell Carlisle Elizabeth Dane Prairie Aurdal RESOtUTION DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS At a· regular meeting of the :Soat-d of County. Commissioners of Ott~r Tail County. Minnesota held on J:~o~i~wi:• all members being present. Commissioner Sam Nycklemoe introduced anl. Commissioner Hervey Morrill seconded resolu ti op: 0 T il C t Minnesota that except for the intersections -aE 1·T RESOLVED by the :Bee.rd of Ccunty Commissiorers of tter a oun Y, • D • ' h ts of the road as hereinafter set forth as are within thecorporate limits with Minnesota Trunk Highways and except,.suc par h by d • gnated as through highways: of villa~& ard cities,the following highways are ere esi 1 I Ii ,,, '1", I··, rl ·•', ,., I li 11 ,,. i I I I 1' COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATJL_ ------------------.JuJ.-y:--15----~--M•""'---=--------·-·--19,58--- County State Aid Highway No. 2-from West County line to Roberts Corner. Length J.8 miles. County State Aid Hi,mway No. 3-from CSAH #24 and South 4.0 miles. Coun117 State Aid HighwBY No. 6-from CSAH #65 and East 1.7 miles. ~·---· CountyState Aid Hi,mwq No. 10-From T. H. #59 at Elizabeth East t.o Porters Corner. Length 6,97 miles. County State Aid Highway No. 14-from CSAH #1 to CSAH #49, Length 7,78 miles. County State Aid Highway No. 24-from T.H. #59 ln Erhard and East 5.32 miles. County State Aid Highway No. a5-from T.H. #59 to T, H. #52, Length 5.82 miles. County State Aid Highway No.l:40-from T;:. H. #29 to East County Line. Lenght 10,41 miles. County State Aid Highway No. 65-from CSAH #40 and Nor th 3. 08 miles. And the Engineer ofthis county be, and he hereby, is instructed to construct and erect proper Stop 6igns at entrances :thereto as soon as practicable and when said signs are erected said Engineer shall file with the Auiitor his report thereon. Dated= July 15, 1958. Attest; S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Do Do . Sidney Nelson Gary Nelson James Stewart The Todd Co., Inc. Lightfoot1s Shop Dieboil.d, Inc. Burroughs Corp. Mabel Wenstrom Mrs.Max Stroschein Inga R. Pergande Laura Baumgarten Theone Pederson Mrs. Geo. Rossow Sam Nycklemoe Bennie J. Johnson Henry Sieling Otto Haase Homer J. Carlson (Korda Clinic) Dr, H, H. Leibold Frank Roberts Emil Boen Kathryn Michaelson Phillip 0, Thompson Theo • Thompson Harry Tl Burau. Theo. Hegseth Arnold Evavold If, H. Dewey Jeff H. Tikkanen .tohn Meyer Arnold W. Rosen Roy Fletcher Afton C, Smith Ruth E. HanruQ" John Kull:owske, Jr. Bert Gray John L. Bixby Ropr Gustafson N. W. Be. 1 Tele, Co, Do Do Soliah & Braatz J, S,HopPonen Wm. Galena & Sona Highway Greenhouses Hintgen-Karst Chemgro, Inc • Fergus Lumber & Fuel Co, Johnson Furniture Johnson Service Co. Fergus Oil Co, , Inc, Olson Auto Electric Jim KiDimes B. J. JOHNSON Chairnan. boarding prisoners expense~ (May) 11 (June) " II II !'ribbon repairs service on sale adding machine expenses clerical work in II Co, II Supt. office II II , II expenses II II " coroners fees II II II II exp. & saly. of weed insp. II II services soil Cons. · II ellpenses II II II II II II exp,nses Soil Cons. II H II II transcriptions mun, Jtd.ges· fees justice fees expenses II mobile service and.calls calls gas and oil repairs II planting on C. H, grOJnds repairs fertilizer coal supplies theromostata repairs and labor sealed beams Dep. Ste r.lffs exp. II II II $1304.oo · 80.10 65,70 253. 70 242.80 51.20 4.50 11.50 40.oo 25.5, 70 4.34 42.00 42.00 29,75 8,?5 35,00 12.02 21,54 10.84 24,00 21.40 10.35 173,94 299,68 77,05 234,30 20.40 11.25 9.90 37.50 34,58 15.00 6.90 14.92 19.55 26,85 38,10 35.00 5.00 141,80 102.91 174,23 86.80 26.45 7,90 3.50 53.00 145.00 28.00 40.!JO 640.64 1.40 49,38 24.oo 5,46 13,12 ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, · OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCU■ITYPll■IIN CO■H■T l1'oCLOUD,■l■II. Merlin S,. Rieman Wendelin Koep John Hoff. Clifford E,Pederson Oren Foese Wallace Jensen Oscar Neleon Leonerd Olson Otto J, Olson, Jr, Remington· Rand Cooper's Office Supply Miller DBvia Co, Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Poucher P'rtg. & Litho. Co, Schoolcraft Co, Victor Lundeen & Co, Nelson Bros, Prtg. Co, Fergus Journal Co, :Battle Lake Review The Henni"ng Advocate Vernon E,"Bachman Frank llarnee H. w. Glorvigen Office of"Sheriff Evelace G:Han11>n Police Supply andService Equpt. Clausen1s'T&ilor ;Shop Federal Laboratories, Inc. Fergus Oil Co,, Inc. La)!ode Shop Goodwin Joas Laboratories Johnson Di'llgs Er.I. cl:son Hardware Am. Legion Auxiliary, N. Y,M, Womens Relief CoDps Geo. Bergem Post #499 Auxiliany"Am, Legion Post #61 Buseth-Tusow Post #18 Disabled Am. Veterans H. W. Glotvigen Sidra y Nelson E. Otter Tail Tele, Co, Esther G. · Sell Do Philip M. "Kjaglien DO Secretarial Service Victor Lundeen and Co, Coopers Office Supply Straub Estate Public Utilities Dept. N, W. Bell Tele, Co, Glen Ieke·San, City of Fergus Falls Do Minneiota·State Sanatorium Dr. Thomas J. Kinsella Dr, Everett C. Hanson Swans Rexall Drug Korda Clinic Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Phillippi•Equipt. Co, Road Machinery & Suppl~es Co, Ruffridge~Johnson Eguipt. Co,, Inc. Geo. T, R¥an Co. Wm. H. Ziegler Co,, Inc. Minnesota·Motor Co, Olson Auto Electric Auto Safety Service Larson Welding Fergus Nash Motor Co, McCormick ·Fam Store Les Tire Service Jaenisch Industries Don's Auto Body & Paint ~hop ~arlson-Larson Motors Electric Supply Vaughn Chevm let Co, Keeyon Is Shea Bepair Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc, Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. Keegan Equipment Co, Empire Supply Co, Ebersviller Implement Co, Davidson Sheet Metal Shon Natio~l '.ai.shing & Parts" Co, Sigel nan Hide & I\J.r Co, Ebersvil ler I s Inc. Pel, Rpds, Coast to Coast Stores, Pel _Rpds, Lykken Farm Supply Erickson-Hellekson-Vye Co., Erhard DATE ... ______________________ Jul7 _ 15 ·---···········-·········----··--····--19.5.8 .. Dep, Sheriffs exp, II 11 II n II II II u II II assist, Dep. Sheriff' II II exp. air search supplies II II book supplies n II printing publications II II envelopes P. 0, Box rent II II II siren and postage repairing coveralls rota beam light install siren shoulder patches teats supplies II Decorating graves II II II II II II II II II II adv. coms. drivers lie. agents expense service bax rent, postage, etc. expenses II postage & ll'Achine rent cards and letters file and supplies supplies rent water, sewer, etc. seI"Eice and calls care of patient poor expenses II care of patient lobectomy examination medication for patient care of patient partli II H 7i II II repairs II II II II II II II II ·11 II II II supplies II II II $ J4,7o no.Jo 74.oo 18.00 38,90 24.40 5.00 5.00 8,50 350,54 8,00 :SJ.65 130.07 327,69 112.59 320,94 Jl,70 174,75 12,JO 4.00 49.60 9.00 12.00 24,00 48.oo 78,09 18.80 50.43 6.oo .. 31,50 30.00 5,64 , 5.98 25,00 15.70 25,00 25.00 25.00 25.00 13.00 128.20 9.00 7,35 42.28 62,72 12.00 J,70 ,68.40 16.00 50.00 . 2,69 20.10 233,95 :,.51.17 16,299.12 1568,J.6 100,00 J,00 4.60 7.04 69.41 60.07 746,08 17,99 23.69 2'.1.94,21 108,05 86.47 4,50 25.30 2,JO 68 •. 62 2,75 47.00 82.50 8,25 14,15 JJ,71 3.70 637,20 24,90 107,00 162.25 9,52 J,25 17,76 15.42 2,95 6,72 8.82 3,75 ti ,I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. :. DATE_. ····················.Ju·ly···-15········· ····························•1%g ... Sorem Auto Parts Coast to Coast Stores,B. L. Wilcox Lumber Co., Henning Dalton Lumber Co. Vergas Hardware Co. Elle River·Concfete Products Co. H. V. Johnston Culvert Co. Firestone·Store, Fer~s Falls Themas Oil Co. Johnson Tire & Retread Olson OilCo. Fossen Seed Co. C.& O. Farmers Gr, & Mere, Co, Martin Fruth Ed, Zimmerman Village of Henning Village of Parkers Prairie State of Minn. Div. of Boiler [nap, Minnesota· State Higlw ay Dipt. Railway Express Agency Fergus Journal Co, H. A, RogersCo, Imperial Supply Co. Victor lundeen and Co, Poucher Pr int ing & Lithographing Co, East Otter Tail Tele. Co. N. W, Bell Tele. Co. FergusFalls Pe licanTele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele, Co, Henning Midwest Tele. Co, N. W. Bell Tele, Co. Fergus Falls Vergi:,s Tele, Co. Wendell P: Huber George Olson G. D.Harlow City of FergusFalls Walter Davenport Western Immanuel lutheran Church Ruth Froslee MartinChristopherson E, M, Anderson Ke11JJ1th E. Hovland L, A, Olson To.r n ofAurdal ·Town of Dane Prairie Fossen Oil Co. Ant y I s 116611 Service Gemlo Oil·co-;.. Hoot Lake·Pure Oil Soliah & Br-tz OilCo. Fergus Oil Co., Inc. South Mill Standard Hi-Way Auto & Implement Co, Farmers Coop. Cry. Assn., D,C, Rays Oil Co. Sw'enan Service Consumbers Oil Co. B, L. DO.tch'a Standard Service Service Oil Co., Und. Dan's Texaco Service Park Region Co-op. Oil Co, Mayo's Standard Service . Service Oil Co, , B, L, Perham Co-op Oil Co. H. K. Stahl Co, Arrow Petroleum Standard Oil Co,, B,L, Penrose Oil Co. D. A, Lubri·cantCo,, Inc, Raymond Motor Trans,, Inc. Wero.ell P,· Huber Carl Haarstick, et al supplies II II II II culverts II tires II batteries kerosene grass seed seed equipment rental n II rent water charge insp, ction prints express adv. for bids supplies· II II II service and tolls II II u II II II II c!ash advanced expenses II maintenance right of way II U n " II H appraiser appraisal fee II II township aid II II gasoline etc. oil d:iesel fuel diesel fuel diesel fuel oil and grease freight II II H II II II cash adv. forRight right of way of way Upom·motion, the Board then adjourned to 4 o'clock P. M. July 22, 1958, Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Cle 1k:. BENNIE J. JOHNSON Chairman. $ 14.oo 6.64 3.00 71,97 52,86 312,36 1298.42 34,h2 108.22· 53.18 4.00 55.00 137.35 132.00 112.00 214.~2 . 5.00 2.00 5.22 5.77 37,50 183.98 12.50 1105.50 35.64 10.15 35.20 10.00 13.00 8.25 52.uo 18.95 62.69 19.50 152.08 319,16 82.98 2.110 . ~.gg 86;;55 25,99 25.99 27,39 500.00 500.00 251.45 112.71 73,00 112.37 875,13 5.69 6.88 ·279,70 182.46 65.91 48.23 293-?5 138,51 153. 76 138.55 57,84 165.94 7,5.41 10.38 74,48. 580.32 59,20 72,93 b56.45 2,73 25.00 67.70 mc..caa.,1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... JulY .... 22 .......................................... 19 58 .. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF :BOARD OF COUNTY CC>IMISSIONEBS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN, Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 4 P. M. July 22, 1958, all members being present. A plat of Pelican Ba.v' Shores located in Lota 3 and 4 and the SW¼ SE¼ Section 16-137-42 accompanied by an opinion as to the title executed by Henry Polkinghorn, Attorney-at-law, was approved, A nlat of Secom Add it ion to Sund bergs Point, located in Lot 4, Section 12-134-41 accompanied by an opinion as to title eiecuted by Henry Nycklemoe, Attorney-at-law, was approved, The following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman and clerk or Auditor forthwith enter into agreement with the State of Minnesota;. acting through its Commissioner of Highways, for the maintenance, except snow plowing, of the road described in said agreement as Temporary Trunk Highway No, 78, to-wit: Otter Tail Crunty S.tate Aid Highway No. 1 from its junction with State Trunk Highway No, 78 in the Village of Ottertail, thence westerly end sru.thwesterly 6.30 miles on said County State Aid Highw!cy No. l to its junction with County State Aid Highway No. 14 at or near the west quarter cor.ner of Section 14, township 134 north, range 40 west; thence northerly, northeasterly, northe:,lY and easterly 7.75 miles on said County State Aid Highway No. 14 to its ,Junction with County State Aid .Highway No. 49 at or near the east quarter corner of section 18, township 135 north, range 39 west at the Village of Richville; thence northerly, northeasterly and northerly 4,10 miles on said County State Aid Highway No. 49 to its junction with State Trunk Highway No, 108 at or near the northeast corner of section 32, town- ship 136 north, range 39 west; beginning again on Otter Tail County Raod No, 125 from its junction with State Trunk High- way No. 108 at or near the northwest corner of said section 32: thence northerly 3.00 miles on said County Road No. 125 to its junction with County State Aid Highway Uo, 34 at or near the northwest corner of section 17, township 136 north, range 39 west; thence easterly 2,55 miles on said State Aid Highway Ho. 3~"·to its junction with State Tru.nk Highway No. 10 at or near the north corporate limits of the Village of Perham; also beginning again on Otter Tail County State Aid Highway No, 14 at or near the east ouartcr corner of section 18, township 135 north, range 39 west in the Vil~e ar Richville; thence easterly 3,00 Miles on said County State Ai4 Highway No. 14 to its junction with State Trunk Highway No. 78 at or near the east quarter corner of section 15, township 135 north, range 39 west far a total distance of 26,70 miles, said municipality to be paid therefor at the rate of $75.00 and $100.00 per mile per month. Fractioll81 miles and fractional months, if any, will be used in comJ]Uting amounts payable. The use of said road as a detour by the State will terminate on or before December 31, 1958, Adopted July x5, 1958. S. B, JOHNSON County Audi tor Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 ·o'clock A. M, AU,!;llllt 12, Attest: B. J. JOHNSON Chairman. •I t. I I I' !,,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. J'l:IJ.y ... 21-.................................... 19._58. .. MINUTES OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUkLIZA:TION OF OTTEB TAIL COUNTY FOR THE year 1958. Pursuant to statu\es 6ounty Commissioners Henry Seiling, Bel_lJli~ J. Johnson, Sam Nycklemoe, Otto Haase and Harvey Morrill and County Auditors. B. Johnson, met as a County Board of Equalization on July 21, 1958, and after taking the customary oath of office, proceeded to examine with John L. Bixby, County Assessor, the assessment records for the year 1958. The Bee.rd adjourned f~om time to time and aftP.r careful consideration the following changes were ordered on rural lands and bu.ildings only for the reason that the assessors failed to take into ·consideration increases made in the preceding real estate assessment! Aastad Blowers Carlisle Clitherall Township Deer Creek Township Fergus Falls Township Folden Henning Township· Inman Leaf Lake Leaf Mountain Lida Maplewood _Norwegian Grove Orwell Otter Tail Township St. Olaf Trondhjem Western .Lands Increased 5~- Increased 10i Increased 5~ Increased 10~ Increased 5~ Increased 10~ Increased 12~ Increased 5~· Increased 10~ Im reased si Increased 5~ Increased 5~ Increased 5~ increased 1oi Buildings Increased 5~ Increased 10~ Decreased 10i Increased 5~ Increased 5~ The following individual changes were ordered after due notice had been given the va~ious ,arties, all.increases being true ·arxl. full value: Cottages on part of Lot 3 East of prolongation of :East line of alley in Block 25, Bowman and Dunton's Addition to Battle Lake, assessed to R. E. Kausler, increased $1920.00. The North 13.66 acres of Lot 3, Section 34-133-40, assessed to L. 0, Halvorson, increased $200.00. C and O Farmers' Elevator, TQwn of Carlisle, elevator on Right of Way lease, $2150.00. :battle Lake Fa~ers' Elevator Co., elevator on Right of Way, $900.00 Farmers' Equity Elevator ·Co,, eleve,tor on Right of ~(II',, 51000.00. Reger B. Jaenisch dba the French Alfalfa Dehydrating Plant, located on Right of Way at French in the Town of Carlisle, $4150.00. , The N. W½ SW¼ and Lot 4 except four acres east of ditch, Section 11-132-40 owned by Paul and Kathryn Deutch, turkey barns, ~3046.oo. The S~ of Section 29-lJJ-42, owned by the Fergus Mil 1 and Supply Co., turkey barns, $2317.00. - Lot 4 and the SW,¼-SWf lying East of state road, Section 10-136-43, owned by John R, and Herry Madsen, turkey barna,$6 9. Triangular tract in the S<'Uthwest corner of the SWf.-SE}.-, 43J feet on l"/est line and 372} feet on South line in Sec. 23-136-43, owned by Hilda Velo, turkey barns, $1086.00. . ~he SW¼ SW¼ of Section 12-135-44, owned by Eddie A. Velo, turkey barns, $4343.00. The N½ NWt,-and the NW¼ NE;¼-of Section 14-13S-44, owned by Eddie A. and Leola Velo. turkey barna, $J410.00. The 5i SW¼ of Section 11-135-44, owned by Eddie A. and Leola Velo, turkey barns, $4128.00. The ~ &Wt,-and the NWt,-iW¼ and the NW¼ Sik of Section 32-136-44 owned by Anton and Melvin Trosvik, turkey barn, $1302,00J T)Je fol]owing decreases were ordered, all figures being true and full value: The NEf.-and the Ni Sik of Section 16-133-40, lam $385.00, Peraonal property of Sinclair Refining Co. at Urbank, $186.00. Sub Lot 1 of Government Lot 6, Section 25-134-44, owned by Remer Turkeys, Inc., $750.00. Sik of Section 11-135-44 owned by Eddie Velo, buildings S274.80. The~ and South 60 rode of North 62 rods of East 43 rodi of Lot 3, Section 30-136-43, owned by Vivian Fritz, buildings $408.oo. The Sik NEk and SWf.-N~ except tract, Sec. 22-136-43, owned by John Utne, turkey barn, $2707.00. Exctpt Right of Way for spur track, all of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 26, Newcomb's Second Addn. to the Vilsge of Perham, owned by the Land O'Lakes Creameries, Inc., Milk Drying Plant, $10,000.00. Lot 2, Block 3, Gronner and Hagen's Addn. to Undenirood, owned by Iewrence and Betty,Bednary, was ordere1hanged to homestead classification. Upon motion, the Board adjourned to August 12, 1958. Attest: Chairnan. County Auditor. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ··················August __ 12 _____________ ······-············--------19 .. 58. HCUI HIIIII ICDII I f I .CLOUD 111•11. C, MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEET ING OF THE BOARD OF COUN'l'Y CCJ.IMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pul'Suant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M., A:u,...•st ~-12, 1958, all members being present. Pursuant to a request nade by the Board of County Comnissioners th T Boa • the Board regarding a complaint charging that the Town Board f G" e own rd8 of Girard and Nidaros appeared before a road between· the two townships and running North around the:n: of1~rd :nd Nidaros had neglected and failed to maintain to cooperate p·roviding Right of Way would be secured by the interestedua~rt~~-After discussion, both Boards were willing Upon motion, Bennie J. Johnson and Henry Seiling were annointed to serve on the election. • • Canvassing Boan[ followi~ the Primary License for "Off11 and 110n11 sale of non-intoxicating malt lic;_uors was granted to Eli b th A c i Bar in the Township of Girard. za e nn rag at the Glass Dance license was also granted to Elizabeth AM Craig at the Glass Bar in the Township of Girard. The bond of Roland F. ~interfeldt as Executive Secretary of the Otter Tail County Welfare Board in the sum of sio,ooo.oo with the Fidelity and Deposit Co. of Marylani as security was approved. A plat of Hoot Lake Acres, being a part of Lots~ and 5, Section J0-133-42, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by W. Earl Williams, Attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Okeson Beach, being a part of Lots 1 and 2, and of·the NW¼ m;}-, Section 11-131-40, accompanied by an opinion as to title, executed by Philip R. Monson, Attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Pebble Shore located in Lot 5, Section J6-1J5-J9, accompanied by.an opinion as to title executed by M. J. Daly attorney-at-law, was approved, A plat of Jacob's Beach, being a part of Lots 3 and 4, Section 11-136-43 accompanied by an opinion at to title executed by Henry Polkinghorn, Attorney-at-law, was approved. Upon motion, the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for JOO tons of coal for the coming season, bids to be opened on September 3, 1958, at 2 o'clock P. M, Upon motion, th~ Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M. August lJth, WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to B!ijournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. August 13, 1958, The petition of Gordon A. ·Hanneman asking that the NW¼ of Section6-1J4-~2 be set off from District No. 1486 to District No. 1491£ was reed. After listening to the statements of the interest~d parties, the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, l'he petition of Gordon A. Hannaman a legal voter, freeholder_ and resident of School District No. 1486 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 1494 and asking that he with his said land.a may be set of'f from said district No. 1486 to said adjoining school district No. 1494 was presented tothe Board of Councy Commissioners of this County at a session of said Board held on the 11th day.of June A, D., 1958 forthe action of said board thereon; and whe~eas, it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing shoulcl, be had on said petition.at a session of said board on the 13th day of August A. D,, 1958 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time a1d place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public· places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing tothe clerk of each of saii School Districts, a cow of S!!,id crder at least ten d,v s before the time appointed for such h earing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 13th day of August A. D,, 1958 due proof of the pas ting and service of said orderof hearl. ng as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last maned date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granti the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petiiton shwld be granted, it is hereby orderei and determined, that the said petiitoner and the following described lards owned by him, to-wit: NW½, Sectbn 6, Township 134, Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1486 to said adjoining School District No. 1494 allli said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 13th day of August A. D., 1958, (Auditor's Sel) BENNIE J, JOHNSON ChBirman of theBoard of County Ccbmmissioners of Otter Tail Ccunty, Minnesota. Attest: S. ». JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board The petition of Ale ani Ma:.me Levander asking that the Wi' SW,;¼-of Section 15-137-36 be set off from District No. 1500 Otter Tail County, to 817 Wadena County was read. After listening to the statements of theinterested parties, the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Ale and Mayme Levander a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 1500 in this County, representing that he is the 01 ner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District and adjoin School District No. 817 Wadena County and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No, 1500 to said adjoining school district No. 817 Wadena County was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of saidboard held on the 15th day of July A. D,, 1958 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said. board on the 13th day of Aug\11 t A. D,, 1958 at theCounty Auditor 1s office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; alll. whereas it was further Ol'dered in and by said order that notice of the time and plaH of such hearing be f,iven by posting copies of said order in I r '! ' .,l:,j 1, I.: COMMISSIONERS RECORD O~ OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. bA'.i'.E .. : .. : ..... :: .......... i!!-.e!-~.~ .... ~J. .................. ~.,:, ............. : .. 19.J.§ .. HCU,llr Pll!JING §G■NN' pt. CLpUD ■IN■• 5:f9I three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petiiton, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the saidBoard of County Commissioners on said lJth day of August A. D., 1958 due proof of the posting and service of said orderof hearing as therein clrected and required, more tl:an ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and f led, said petiiton was publicly read am m nsidered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner,and said Board being of opinion that said petition shruld begranted, it is hereby ordered ard determined, that the said petiitoner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: W! SW¢ Section 15, ~ownship 1)7, Range )6 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District "No. 1500 to said adjoining School District No. 817 Wadena CcunliY and said lands are here~ made a part of said last named School District for all pruposes whatever. By order of the BQ!.rd of County Commissioners. Dated the lJth day of August A. D., 1958, (Auditor's Seal) BENNIE J. JOHNSON Chairman of the Board of County Commisaione 8 of Otter Tail County, MiMesota, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor and ex-officio Cleitc: of Boe The petition of Herbert C, Wagstrom asking tl:at the SE!-SW¾ of Section 17-1)2-41 be set off from District No. 14JJ to District No. 1388 was read, After listening to the statements of the interested parties, the BQI rd issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Herbert C, Wagstrom a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 14JJ in this County, representing that he is the owner of the larxl.s hereinafter described, which are situate in said School .District, and adjoin School District No. 1)88 and asking tl:at he with his said lams may be set off from said district No. 14)3 to said adjoining school district No. 1)88 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a sessirn of said board held on the 15th day of July A. D., 1958 for the action of said Board th8reons and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petiiton, at a session of said board on the 13th da,y of Augts t A. D., 1958 at the County Auditor 1s office in• the City of Fergus Falls in said County; ·and whereas it was further ordered in and by saidorder that notice ofthe time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said ord.er in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition am by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at•least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of thesaid Be,, rd of County Commissioners on said 13th day of August A, D., 1958 dueproof of the posting ani service of said order of hearingas therein directed and required ; more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, saidpetiiton was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting theprayer of the petiitoner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition ehould be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the fol 'owing described lands owned by him, to-wit: SJ:¼ of SW½ Section 17, Townehip 1)2, Range 41 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No; 14)1 to said adjoing School District No. 1)88 and aaid lands are hereby mde a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, By order of the Bca rd of County Commissioners. Dated. the l)th da,y of August A. D,, 1958. BENNIE J. JOHNSON Chairman of theBoard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, •Mime sota, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, am ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of D, M. and Velma Porter asking that the 5i SE¢ of Section Jl-1)4-)6 be set off from District No. 14)2 to District No. 54) was read, After listening to the statements of theinterested perties, the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of D. M. am Velma Porter a legal voter, freeholder and residm t of School Distric.t 14)2 in this County, representing thathe is the owner of the lands hereinafter described which are situate in said School District, and ad.join School District No. ~J and asking that he with his said lanl s may be set off' from said district No. 14)2 to said adjoining school district No. 54) was presented to the Br.ard of County Commissioners of this Crunty as a session of said board held on the 11th da_v of June A. D., 1958 fo1·the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ord.ered by said board that a hearing should be had on saidpetition, at a session of said board on the 13th day of August A. D., 1958 at theCounty Auditor's office in the Civ, of FergusFalls in saidCounty; and where- as it was further ord.ered in and by saidorder that notice of thetime and place of •such hearing be given by posting copies of saidorderin three public places in each of the school dist.-icts tobe affected by saicj,i>etition, and by mailing to the clerk of eachof saidSchool Districts, a copy of saidorder at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; aJXI whereas at the SRid session of thesaid Board of County Commissioners on said lJth day of August A, D,, 1958 due -proof of theposting and service of saidorderofhearingas therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to saidlast named date, having.-· been made am filed, said petition warpublicly read and consid:ered by lhe Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and. said :Board being ofopinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined that the said petitioner and thefollowing described lands owned by him, to-wit: sj-SE!,, Section Jl, Township of Compton, County of Otter Tail be and the same are hereby set off from saidSchool District No. 14)2 to said adjoining School District No. 54) and said lards are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, By order of theBoard of County Commissioners. Dated -the,il.Jth day of August A. D,, 1958. (Auditor 1s Seal) BENNIE J. JOHNSON Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota Attest: S, B, JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN.- HEDihiPll•TliiiCi■H11f,1T.cLOUD,■1..W. 2ii DATE ...••••....... Auiru,st .. 13 ················································19 . .58. The petition of Adolph Olson asking that themµ exce t Bail d •t.1. 1 i off from District No. 1534 to District No. 547 was r~nd A¥te 1.r~: •7tNW~ ami BWu SE;¼-of Section 29-132-37 be set theBoard issued thefoila.ring order, to-wit: • r is ening O the statements of the interested parties, Whereas, The petition of Adolph Olson a legal voter freeholder d • · County, representing that he is theowner of the lands he;einaf an resident of School District No, 1534 in this and adjoin School District No. 547 and asking that he with hist:ri:e~cr~bed, which are situate in said School District, to said adjoini,:igFschool district No. 547 was presented to the B:ard :; s may be se~ off from said district No. 1534 of said board held on the 15th day of July A D 19· 58 f th t. fC~nty Commissl. oners of this County at a session · • , or e ac ion o said board th • Ill. h i upon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition t . er:on, a w ereas twas there- of August A. D., 1958 at the County Audi tor ,6 office in the Cit f ' a a se~sion. 0 said board on the 13th day ordered in and by said order that notice of the ti·me ..., 1 Y fo Fehrgu.s Fl_lllB in saidCounty; and whereas it was further a,u Pace o sue hearing be given by o t' i f id order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected bys .d t'ti p 8 dinbg copies O sa f h f id S h lD. t . t ai pe i on, an y ma ling to the clerk o eac o sa c oo is ric s,. a copy of !!aid order at least ten days before the ti e · t d f ch h • t th id i f he · . m anno1n e or su eanng· and whereas a e sa sess on o t said Board of County Commissioners on said 1~th d f -A-t A D 958 ' f th ti rd i f id d f • · -' ay O ugus • • , l due proof o epos ng a serv ce O sa or er. 0 hear.~ng as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last 111_\m~d date, having be~n made and filed, .said petition was· publicly read and considered by the Board, with every- thing which was sa~d by ~aid interested parties foror against granting the pra,-er of the petitioner and said Boa d bei of opinion that said petition should be e-:ranted, it is hereby ordered and determined ·th t th 'd' · t·t· _; the ng f 11 · d ib d l d d by h. ,._ . 1 · • a e sa1 pe 1 1oner a .... o owing_ escr e ans owne 1m, to--w1t: ~ ex. R.R. , Section 29, Township 132, Range 37, Ni NW1 and NWi SJ:k, Section 29, Township 132-Range 37 ~ ard the same are hereby set off from said School District No.15J4uto saidu adjoining School District No. 547 and said lanl.s are hereby made a part of said last named School District f 11 purposes whatever. · · or a By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 13th day of August A.D., 1958. (Auditcr 1s Seal) BENNIE J. JOHNSON Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, ard ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Iawrence Westad asking that the NW¼~.~ NW¼.a~.d Lots l·and 2 of Section Jl-132-37 be set off from District No. 1534 to District No. 547 was read. After listening to the statements of the interested parties, the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Iaw.rence Westad a legal voter, freeholder,alll. res;dent of School District No. 1534 in this County, representing tr.at he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 547 and asking that he with hie said lands may be s~t off from saiddistrict Ho. 1534 to said adjoining school districtNo. 547 was presented to the Bard af County 8ommiesioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 11th day of June A. D., 1958 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hear"ing should be had oneaidpetition, at a session of said boa rd on the 13th day of August A. D., 1958 at the County Auditor's office in the City of FergusFalls in saidCounty; and whereas it was furtherordered in and by saidorder that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of sai13f.rder ~n three public places in each of the school districts bo be affected by ~aid petition, ard by mailing to theclerk of eachof eaidSchool Districts, a copy of saidfi,rder at least ten days before the time appointed for.;such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the saidBoard of County Commissioners on said 13th day of Augu; t A. D., 1958 due proof of thepoeting and service of saidorder of hearing as therein directed andrequired, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said peti ti.on was public-ly read and a> neidered by the Board, with, everything which was said by_,eaid interest,•d parties foror against granting the prayer of the petitioner, am said Board being ofopinion that ssid petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined; that thesaidpetitioner and the following described lands owned by him, toi::wit: NW¼ NE¼ , Et NW½ and Lots l and 2, Section ;31-Township 1J2- Ra11ge 37 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1534 to sai,/adjoining School District No. 5!-1-7 and said lards are hereby mad_e a part ~f said last named School District for all purposes w11.atever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 13th day of August A. D., 1958. (Auditor's Seal) BENNIE J. JOHNSON Chairman oftheBoard ·of County Commissioners r£ Otter Tail County, Minnes'ota. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-offico Olerlc af ·Board. The petition of Marga.reth am Harri ~Westad asking that the SW;} and the S, SEJ-of Section 31-132-J?, and the 5½ SE: of Section )6-132-38, be set off from District No. 1534 to.District No~ 547 was read. After listening to the statements of the interested parties, the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Margareth & Harris Westad a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 1534 in this County, re~resenting that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter describ~, which are situate in said School District ii.nd ail.Join School District No. 547 and asking that he with his said lards may be set off fm m said district No. 1534 to ssid adjoining school district No. 547 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 11th day of June A. D., 1958 forthe action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ord.ered by saidboard tha'1~ hearing should be had on saidpetition, at a session of said board on the 13th day of August A. D., 1958 at theCounty Auditor's office inthe City of FerffUB Falls.in saicl,Coun);y; and whereas it was furtheiordered in.aid by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of saidbrdefin three public places ineach of the school_ districts tobe affected by saidp~tition, _an~ by mailing to theclerk ofteach of said School District, a copy of saidorder at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of thesaid Board of County Commissioners of said lJth day of August A.D., 1958 due proof of the posting and service of saidorder ofhearing as therin directed and r~quired, more than ten days prior to sai~s~ed date, having been made and filed, sai9·p!3tition wa~ publicly read and consi~e~ed by the Board, with everything which was siad by said interested parties foror against granting the pray.er of the pet1t1o~er, and said Board being ofopi!'lio_n that saidpetition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and i I . -!. 1' I .11 ',., "• COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ········-········.A.11r•.st .. 1J ... · .... -......... ., .•. -.............. -.. l9 58 .. the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: swi and 5½ SE;l,, Section 31, township 132, Range 37, Si SE!, Section 36, Township 132, Range 38 be ani the same are hereby set off from said School District No.·1534 to said adjoining School District No. 547 and said lan'l.s are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of th! Board of County Commissioners Dated the 13th day of August A. D., 1958. (Auditor's Seal) BENNIE J. JOHNSON Chainian of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Attest: S. B. JOHBSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Myrtle Lindstrom asking that the SE;¼, of Section 28-131.i--44 be set off from School District No. 1503 to District No. 1540 was read. After ·listening tothe statements of the various interested Jarties anl due considereti n by the Board, upon motion, the petition was rejected. The petitions of G. Quantance, Paul Jewell and Leslie Smith asking that certain lands be set off from District No. 1408 to District No. 547 were read. Upon motion, these petitions were tabled pending disposition of the petition for dissolution of District No. 1408. A resolution asking theBoard of County Commissioners to dissolve School District No. 1513 was presented to the Board. Upon motion, it was ordered that a hearing be had on said resolution at 10 o'clock Ao R. September 3, 1958, and ttat due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. A petition asking for the d.issolution of Common School District No. lli08 was presented to the Board. Upon motion, it wasordered that a hearing be held on saiftetition at 10 o'clock A. M. September 3, 1958, and that dueJl,otice of the · time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. Thepeti tion of Adrian and Marjorie Beldo asking that the SW¼ NW}.-of Se ct ion 15-137-36 be set off from· School District No. 1500, Otter Tail County to Schorl District No. 817 Wadena County was read. Upon moUon, it was ordered that a hearing be held on said petition at 10 o'clock A.M. September 3, 1958, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Ernest M. Erickson asking that thesEA, NE;¼,, SW¼ NE;¼, and Lo:l:s 2 and 3, Section 1-137-43 be set over from District No. 40 Becker County to District No. 548 Otter Tail County was read and it wasordered that a hearing on said petition·be held at 10 o'clock A.M. October 15, 1958, and that duepotice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of the Northlind Development Co. asking that part of Government Lot ~in Section 30-13;-42 described as follows: Beginning at an ironmonument on the South line of said Govt. Lot 4, located 37 feet West from the Southeast corner of said Govt. Lot 4; thence due North 58 feet, more or less, to the present Southerly shore line of Hoot Lake; thence generally in a Westerly, Northeey,_ and Southerly direction along the Southerly shore line of Hoo, Lake to a point where the present shore line of Hoot Lake intersects the South line of said Govt. Lot 4; thence East along the South line of said Govt. Lot 4, 1814 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, containing 5.9 acres, more or less, That part of Govt. Lot 5 in Section 30-133-42, described as follows: BeginP~ng at the Northeast corner of said Gtnt. Lot 5, thence West along the North line of said Govt. Ult 5 approximately 901 feet to the present shore line of Hoot Lake; thence ~-southerly along the shore line of Hoot Lake approximately 157 feet to an iron monument; thence South 33 degrees, 19 minutes East 460 feet to an iron monument located on the North right-of-way line of the highway; thence North 56 degrees 42 minutes East, and running along the North right-of-way line of the highway, 846.5 feet to an iron monument which is lorated at a point where the North right-of-way line of the highway intersects the East line of said Govt. Lot 5, thence North along theEast line of said Govt. Lot 5 75.5 feet to the point of beginning, containing 6.94 acres, more or less, be set off from District No. 1424 to District No. 54li was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. October 15, 1958, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as reQUired by law. The application of Ned Boyce asking tla t the S11¼ NE;¼-, SE;¼, NW¼, NE!, SW¼ and the NW¼ SE.½,of Section 28-131-38 be classified as homestead was read. Upon motion, the application was @ranted and the County Audi tor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly. The application of Edna L. Poppe for settlement ani abatemant of taxes, penalties, interest and costs on the m% SE;¼, of Section 35-135-38 for the years 1951-52-53-54-55-56 was read. After consideration the Board recommended. to the Commissioner of Taxation that she be permitted to settle these taxes for $298.06. The application of Ed.na L. Poppe for settlement and abatement of delin@uent taxes, penalties, interest and coats on the NE¼ NW¼ and Lots 1 ~d-2, Section l?r and Lots 1 and 2 Section 18, ani the~ SW,¼-of Section 7, all in Township 137, Range 37, for the years 1952-53-54-55-56, was read.and upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that she be permitted to settle these taxes on the payment of $853.36. The application of Alfred C. Berg forthe settlement and abatement of delinquent taxes, penalties, interest and coats on the NE.¼ and Ni SEk of Section 16-13;-40 for theyears 1952-53-54-55-56 was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Tlllli:ation that he be permitted ~o ~ettle~hese taxes for $1li60.78. · The application of Elmer T. Anderson for reduction of assessed value on the Ni S~ of Section 5-131-43 for the year 1957 was read. Upon motion, the same was rejected upon recommendation of the town beard. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Do Sidney Nelson Gary Nelson Alfred Engen Florence Hoivik Mrs. Geo. Rossow Boarding prisoners expenses Dep. Sheriffs expenses matrons fees cler'lcal work in Co: Supt. cf fice $ 807.00 133.50 342.90 358.20 16.70 5.00 161.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTI'ER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. i1:1;11lln P■IIHINI i.O■PAIIT, II. CLG11D, IIINN. C:.- Judi th Thompson Sam Nyck·lemoe Otto Haase Harvey D. Morrill Bennie J. Johnson Henry Sieling Dr. Earl•E. Bigler Frank Roberts Emil Boen Kathryn Michaelson Phillip O. Thompson Secretar-ial. Service Ruth E. Hannay Charles Grafft West Publ. Co. John L. l!ixby Reger Gustafson N. W. l!e,11 Tele. Co. Do Do Swenson Paint Co. Holten Hardware Hintgen-Karst Walter J .• Loyd Kewanee Boiler Diviston Kimber Awning Co. Larson Welding Olson furniture and Funeral Home Industrial Electronics · s. L. Ronning John Hoff Merlin S. Rieman Jim Kimmes Wendflin-Koep Robert Karst Wallace Jensen E. A. Toftely City Engineers Office Remington Rand Haugen Advt. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Schoolcraft Co. Poucher Prtg. & Li tho. Co. Gaffaneys Office Spec. Co. Security-lllank llook & Prtg. Co. Oswald Publishing Co. The Pierce Co. Miller-Davis Co. Panama Carbon Co. Dept. of.Administration Nelson l!ros. Printing The Parkers Prairie Indep~ndent J'ergus Journal Co. :Burroughs.Corporation Addeessograph-Multigraph Corp. Vernon E. llachman Olga Torvik H. W. Glorvigen Eve lace G. Hanson Goodwin Joss Laboratories Pelican Valley Health Center Johnson Drugs Erickson.Hdwe. AppliC'Bnce Service Center Fergus Plumbing and Heating Co. Carl J. Stadsvold V. F. W •. Post #4020 Womens Relief Corps, F. F. H. W. Glorvigen East Otter Tail Tele. Co. Esther G, Sell Do·, N. W. Bell Tele. Co. Artz Camera Su-pply Co. Ruth C. Campbell Philip M. Kjaglien Nelson llros. Prtg. Victor Lundeen and Co. Publl.ic Utilities Dept. F. F. Philip M; Kjaglien Straub Estate City of Fergus Falls Poor Dept. State of Minr.eso1a Swans Rexall Drug Glen Lale Sanatorium Minniesota State Sanatorium Martha Levine DATE ..................... A~pst .. lJ ...................................... 19!?.!t .. clerical work in Co. Supt. office expenses II II II II coroners fees saly. & exp. of Weed insp. / II clerical work in Soil Cons. office services for Soil Cons. Dist. tltanscript II witness fees & exp. Minn. iitatutes expenses calls calls II mobile calls and. service paint, etc. supplies bulbs spraying C.H. grounds supplies canvas bag welding supplies II lettering Dep. Sherfffs fees and exp. II exp. asel. st. Dep. Sherifff delivering Del. Tax warrants services Verifax copies for Probate Office supplies pens supplies certificates supplies supplies and cleaning typewriter • II register supplies II carbon paper, etc. record book printing publishing tax notices 11 minutes main. and carbon main.and supplies postage tests II II II hospital service for sheriffs office supplies II used washing mche. for jail services at jail labor am mated ala (jail) decoi:ating graves II coma. adv. to drivers license agents service expenses postage calls am service supplies expenses II letterheads, etc. supplies water, sewage and garbage po stage and Mche. rental rent care of transients care of mentally ill medication care of patient II transportation to sanatoDium $ 3.50 25.90 33.50 12,70 39,30 44.36 13.25 189.06 186.84 75.90 -193 .. 12 5.00 9.55 15.04 20.00 26.57 22.18 101.60 17.80 20?,98 44.28 109.49 35.85 27.00 5.91 10.50 2.00 2.64 13.7.06 10.00 20.80 43.00 16.20 39.00 10.00 14.~0 4.oo 2.40 53.20 17.55 ,194.94 76-71 112.97 49,77 228.57 132.21 . 4.91 78,30 12.85 40.60 80.75 9.60 306.50 16. 68 40.65 34.oo 21.00 56.00 60.00 5.00 15.00 15.15 9.20 35.00 33,12 40.84 23.50 25.00 12,25 9.00 40.40 7.54 23.15 54.81 17.36 62,30 50.25 5.80 2.61 9.99 50.00 ll7.82 3;10,00 31.50 126.55 2h32.00 10.00 ,i I' I' I I I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . . DA'tE ......... ····················· Au~st .. 13 ....... ~., ................... 19 .. ?.~ .. Kord.a Clinic C,I. Haa.se Borchert~Ingersoll, Inc. Northwes,t Engineering Co, Pierce Ooyerno:r Co,, Inc. Public Wprks Equipmert Co, Road Mac~ineey & Supplies Rllffridg"8Johnson Equipt. Co,, Inc. Wm. H. Z_iegler Co., Inc. Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Walts Repair Shop Super G.M.C, Truck Sales Verps Mptor Service Larson W~lding McCormiclk Farm Store Auto Saf~ty Service Matz & Greiff Bredahl Jmplement Co. Wm. W,uderi Northwl!stern Refining Co. Minnesota Motor Co. Johnson. Tire and Retread Co. Firestone Store, F. F. Les Tire. Service Northwestern Sash & Door Co. Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. Nat 11, Bu~ing & Parts Co. Home and.Farm Supply Fergus Plumbing & Heating Co, Al. Schmidt Lumber Co. Everts Lµmber Co, Whitlock. Welding Equip, Ebersviller IIDlllement Co,, F, F. Crane-Johnson Co. Knuttila, Implement Co, SigeUman. Hid.e and Fur Co, Holten Hardware Markstrol}I Drug Fleet Di,t. Supply Coast to Coast Store, Pel. Rpds Andy's "~611 Service Gemlo Oi:). Co, Soliah and Braatz Oil Co. Fossen Oil Co, Frazee Texaco Service, Pel. Rpds, Dan's Te~aco Service The Oil Store Farmers Co-op. Creameey Assn. D.C. Thomas Ofl Co. Henning ~oblleP-Service Apco Seryice Service 9il Co, Und. Bengtson.Oil Co. Jim's Service Station Arrcw Petroleum Standard.Oil Co,, B. L. D. A, Lu\>ri cantCo, H. A, Rogers Co, Poucher ~rinting & Litho. Co, Art Sign.Materials Co. Minneapo:).is Blue Printing Co. Construction Bulletin Minnesotr!, State Highway Dept. Railway ~press Agency F, F. Village 9f :Battle Lake East Otter Tail Tele. Co, N, W. Beil Tele, Co. F, F. Midwest Tele, Co, N. W. Bell Tele. Co. Henning Pelican Tele, Co, Wendell P. Huber Do G. D. Harlow George oison Ray Geiser Wendell P. Huber Lyle E. ~avenport Rosenwal4-Cooper Inc. Coast to Coast Store B. L. N. C. Neilson N. W. Bell Teie,Co.F.F, care of patient cash advanced parts II II II II II II parts II II and repairs II II repairs II II II II • as~I tires , battery tire and tube II truck sales supplies gas line die el fuel diesel fuel, oil, etc. oil ani grease repdrs supplies II II Ad. for bids services expr-ess water charge service and tolls II II II II expenses II II II cash advanced ril!/J.t of way posts supplies right of way se,r,yic.e .anq. 1t42.lls Upo~ moti. on, the Board. then adjounned to 10 o'clock A. M. September 2, 1958, Att~st: Chairman(/ (/ $ 7.04 5.00 109.52 21.96 11.~)6 289,12 512,31 5oi98 142,?7 66.74 11.70 563,57 105. 77 44.oo 103,62 25.00 12.55 34.82 6.50 2359.09 102.00 ?9,20 18).03 40.50 9.00 85,00 26.57 4,71 5.00 3.75 26,99 123.62 5,56 10.39 42.07 21.98 14.65 4.14 5,87 1.64 85,?l 30,69 921,13 302.56 116.73 91.67 83.15 44,50 15,23 44.22 133.06 152,31 315,06 191.94 ll~.-44 326.44 359,70 3.50 3,55 42.50 16.54 75.90 81.45 10?,99 5,00 12.25 30,70 9,75 16.40 . •,6~:?.5· 242.53 2311,59 211.35 19,70 8.00 9?,63 32.91 435,66 8.61 ??5l,95 6~:S.S 09....J COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 11cu11nPIINTl••c•••a11• IT.CLOUD IIINn. c.e DATE ...................... S.eptembe.r. .. 2. ................................... 19.~ .. . MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~lMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COONTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10:00 A. M. September 2, 1958. all members being present. Upon m?tion the entire Board was appointed a canmittee to view the various completed read projects on. September 22, 1958, b~giMing at 9:00 A.M. Mr, Enstad of the·firm, Olson, Enstad ard Larson was authorized to have an appraisal made of County Buildings for insuran~e pur.poses without charge or obligation toft;he County. The fo~lowing bills were allowed: Gary N~lson Russell Brooberg Sidney, Nelson Wilkin. County Myrtle, E. Cox Cooper~ Office Supply Gaffan!!Y1 s Vernon.E. Bachman Mabel \.l'enstran Harvey. D.Mor1i 11 Henry ~Heling sam· Nyrklemoe Otto Haase Bennie. J. Johnson Henry \Heling Sam ~pclemoe Otto Haase Bennie· J. Johnson Kathry~ Michaelson Dr. W. F, Schamber Secret~rial Service Nelson.Bros. Prtg. Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co, Do Do Soliah and Braatz Empire Su:!J!llY Remington Rand Indianhead Specialty Co. Panama Carbon Co. Security Blank Book & Prtg, Co. Poucher Prtg. & Lithe. Co. Mill! r-Davis Co, Addressograph-Miltigraph Beall& McGa.ran Co, Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Battle 1."l.ke Review Vernon E. Bachman Frank Barnes Spidahl Ski andSport Shop Ralph B.Johnson David 0. Ash Duane C. Sachs L. A, Auspos Roy Wickland Minnesota Motor Co. Acme Chemical Co, James Harmes Fergus Fails Clinic Robert Molter Ernest Herting Carlson-Benjamin Elizabeth S.Meyer Village of New York Mills Carlson-Benjamin Nelson Bros, Prtg. Artz Camera Supply Co. Indianhead Specialty Co, Straub Estate N. w~. Bell Tele, Co. Philip M. Kjaglien Do . Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Equipmen~ aental & Sales Corp. Northwest Engineering Co. Phillippi Equipment Co. Road Machinery & Supplies The Geo. T. l!,yan Co. Wm. H. ~iegler Co,, Inc, Skogmo Motors, Inc. Olson Auto Electric McCormick Farm Store Auto Safety Service Westacl: Motors Jensens Auto Wrecking Co. expenses II II boarding prisoners matron repairs on ty-pewriter cleaning & repair typewriter exp.and cash adv, expenses exp. Bd. of Equalization II II II exp. attd. meeting II II II clerical work in Soil Cons. office coroners fees transcripts ballots mobile service and calls calls H gasoline supplies II II typecleaner supplies II II ribbon supplies II prl. nting postace expenses equipment rental search for drowning victim II serving citations II service calls supplies use of car services exp. attd. Co. Agr. Com. II reoairs at C, H. services at Perham Fair expenses labor at brewery printing supplies II rent service and tolls postage and mche. rental expenses parts II II II II II repairs II II II II II . $ 251,40 90.20 226.20 10.00 5.00 3.00 26,55 15,9~ 7.37 20.00 31~20 26.00 30.00. 26.00 24.92 i6,35 24,65 15,70 . 56,35 11.85 34.90 460.65 195.88 93.80 30.45 2,20 2.02 415.80 · 4.46 1.85 122,51 33.39 152,35 4,01 12,98 38,75 9,15 34.00 12.00 17,25 40.00 15.00 45.00 4.80 1,80 9.00 96.30 18.50 19.00 .84 4,90 427-94 14.00 1oii-.1.r-0 154,75 104,20 5.51 29,89 50.00 25.80 11.00 68.46 246.18 36.26 ,43 37,22 179.49 11.45 867,28 88.S:, 32.89 96,33 21.80 7,39 10.00 , . .__,, ;,.,,t I I I i, I Hi .'-'1· 1, COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... Se_ptember .2 .............................. 19.58 .. Anton Resaet Northwestern Refining Co, Lloyd Paulson Monson & Langston Martin Fruth Firestone Store, F, F, Empire Supply Co. J. D. Lightfoot Knutson Electric Empire Supply Co, Schrader & Koehn Joe's Standard Oil Co, Henry Holmgren Bursch Rexall Drug, Henning Hoot Lake Pure Oil Vergas• Oil 60, Farmers Co-op. Creamery Assn. Arrowr• Petroleum · D. A. Lubrlicantl Co., Inc, Minnesota State Hi,!!ilway Dept, Miller-Davis Co, Panama-Carbon Co, N. W. Bell Tele, Co,, F, F, Pelican Tele, Co, N. W. Bell Tele, Co.Henning Mutual.Service Casualty Ins. Co, Berke & Allison Mrs, Hertha M. Stiyer Township of Lida C. J. Matthews Soliah & Braatz Oil Co, Sherin.& Meland E. M, Anderson Kenneth E. Hovland Fossen.Oil Co, Railway Express Agency F. F. repairs asphalt gravel & loading II culverts tires supplies II II II II gasoline . II II diesel fuel n services supplies II service and to Us service and tolle fleet insurance workmen Is Compensation Ins, damages township aid appraiser gasoline insurance appraiser II gasoline express $ 10.00 )187,94 17,25 41.04 384.08 406.20 441.21 2.10 39,70 157,02 5,20 3,75 27,75 7t40 35,15 179,60 88.15 483,86 415. 70 J:1.6,93 J5,JO 18,JO 48,20 lJ,95 15.35 134,89 2220.14 60,00 J00,00 29,06 571,38 1)5,30 25.00 25,00 334,08 40.92 Upon motion, the board then ad.journed to September Jrd., 1958, WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment theBoard met at 10:00 A. M, September 3rd. Present were Commissioners Sieling, Johnson, Haase and Nycklemoe, The petition of Adrian and Mar.jorie Beldo asking that the SW;} NW;}, Section 15-137-36-be set off from School District No, 1500·, Otter Tail County, to School District No. 817 Wadena County was taken up for final action, After listening to the statements ofthe interested parties, theboard issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Adrian and Marjorie Beldo a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 1500 in this County, representing that he is thefowner ofthe lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School.District, and, adjoin School District No. 817 Wadena Co. asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 1500 to said adjoining school district No, 817 Wadena Co, presented tothe Board of County Commissioners oft ds County at a session of said board held on thelJ day of August A. D., 1958 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said l:oard that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the Jrd. day of Sep1tember A. D., 1958 at the County Auditor's office in theCity of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by saidorder that notice of the time and. place of such hearing be given by posting copies of saidorder in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected bysaid petition, and. by mailing tothe clerlc of each of said School Districts, a copy of saidorder at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearl ng; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said Jrd. day of September A. D., 1958 due proof of the posting am.service of. said order of hearing as ther~in directed and required, more than ten da,ys prior to saidlast named date, havin~ been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everythihg which was said by said interested parties for or aiainst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Beard being of opinion that said petition should be granted it ie'ihereby ordered and determined, that thesaid petitioner andthe following described lards owned by him, to-wit: SW½ of BW½ Section 15, Ta,rnship 137, Range 36, be a??d the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1500 to said adjoining School District No. 817 Wadena County, '.and said lams are hereby made a part of said last named School DistJ::!. ct for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commfssioners lated the 3rd. day of September A. D., 1958. (Auditor's &eal) BENNIE J. JOHNSON Chairman of theBoard of County Commissioners of Otter Tai 1 County, Minnesota, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and -ex-officio Clerk of Board, The petition for dissolution of Common School District No. 1408 waa taken up for fira 1 •action. ·After listening to the statements of the interested parties, the board issued the following interlocutory order, to-wit: _COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. H ■lnP■lllfl CiCO■PA■I ST.CLOID.111111. C, STATE OF MIMNESOTA) )as Ccunty of Otter Tan) DA TE .................... Se.pt!::'1i:bc.t:J ........................................ 19.,58. .. IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF Common SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1408. (l~ WHEREAS, The dissolution of CoD1D1on School District No. 1408 has been proposed by: (b) A petition signed by the required number of freeholders residing in said• district: (2) NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said CoDDDon School District No. 1408 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other existing school districts er unorganized territbey as follows, to-wit: All the territory of said dissolved d·istrict ·be attached to Ind.ependent Consolidated School District No. 547 • . (3) IT IS FUR;HER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1408,be distributed as fol_ows, to-wit: All real and personal property including cash, and taxes for 1957 and prior years collected after the date of dissolution, to become th~roperty of Imependent· Consolidated School District No. 547. (4) The outstaming bonded debt of said Common School District No. 1408 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this ord.er is hereby fixed as the 20th day of October, 1958. Dated this 3rd. day of September, 1958_, Attest: S. :B. JOHNSON County Audi tor :BENNIE J. JOHNSON Chairman :Board of County Commissioners The resolution asking for the dissolution of School District No. 1513 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the interested parties, the board issued the following interlocutory order, to-wit: STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss County of Otter Tail) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF Common SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 151~. (1) 'WHEREAS, The dissolution of Common School District No. 1513 has been proposed by: (c) A resolution adopted by the electors of said district at a la gal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the County Auditor: (2) NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That Said Common School District No. 1513 be dissolved and that the territory embraced therein be attached to other uisting school districts or unorganized t"erritory as follows, to-wit: All the territa-y of said disso:l:ved district be attached to Independent Consolidated"Diatrict No. 549. (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1513, be distributed as fpllows, to-wit: All real estate and personal property including cash, and all taxes for 1957 and prior y£ars collected after date of dissolution to become the property of Imependent Consolidated District #549. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Colllllon School District· No. 1513 is None Dollars. (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fixed as the 20th. day of October, 1958. Dated this )rd. day of September, 1958. Attest: S. :B. JOHNSON County Aui i tor :BENNIE J. JOHNSON Chairman :Bea rd of County CoD1D1issionera Resolution forl,Bi~tsion of Assets of School District No. 76 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, between Independent Consolidated School District No. 44 of Otter Tail County.and Independent Consoli- dated School District No. 8 of :Becker· County. Pursuant to statutes of· the State of Minnesota, u:pon dissolution of school districts ard annexation of territory to other districts, it ia theduty of thellcerd of County Commissioners to divide the assets. The County :Board having on thelhth day of November, 1956, issued ita order dissolving am annexing the dissolved territoey to Independent Conaoli,ated School District No. ti4 of Otter Tail County and Independent Consolidated School District No. 8 of :Becker County. From this order an appeal wa~taken to the District Court. · Now, Therefore, the order of dissolution and annexation aa issued by the :Board of County Conmissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, has been affinned by the District Court. :Be it resolved by the llC'.8rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the assets of Common School District No. 76, including school site, school buildings, and all personal property of every·kind, character and description, including cash and taxes for 1957 and prior years collected after August 2, 1958, a~all be and they are hereby divided aa follows: ~ to Independent Consolidated District No. 4h of Otter Tail County, 52i to Independent Consolidated School District No. 8 of :Becker County. I. ,I i,' ' ,., .. .COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... · ... Sentember·.J ............................... 1958·. Be it further resolved that any and all obligations of School District Ho. 76 existing on August 2, 1958, shall be paid 48~ by Independent Consolidated District No, 44 of Otter Tail County and 52~ by Independent Consolidated School District Nn, 8 of Becker 8ounty; Upon motion, the foregoing resolution was ~dopted on the Jrd day of September, 1958, BENNIE J. JOHNSON Chairnan. Attest: S, B, JOHNSON Clerk, The petition of Richard Imsande; asking that Lota J and 4 SE¢-SWi and the SW~ SEb of Section Jl-1J6-J6 be set off from School District No. 1489 to School District No. 553, was read arxi it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. October 15, 1958 and that due notice of the time and place of ~aid hearing be given as required by law, The petition of Walter Neulieb, asking that the Wf Nik, Section 27-135-44 be set off from School District No, 1429 to School District No. 850, Wilkin County was rejected at the request of the petitioner. The petition of Lester Nycklemoe asking that certain lands in Section J4-1Jl-40 be set over from Consolidated School-District No, 57, Douglas County, to School District No, 144J Otter Tail County, was read, No action was taken'-~n) this petition as it did not b5r theapproval of the school board of District No. 57 and the County Cnmmieaonera were without authority to act. After consideration it was decided that the future policy of the b~ard regarding approache~. when needed, after a County road had been built and completed, the County would furnish the culvert but that the fill would be a· responsibility of the party desiring the approach. A plat of Grobe Beach located in Lot 1, Section 2-137-42, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Henry Polkinghorn, Attorney-at~law, was approved. The b9ard having previously advertised for JOO tons,lk inch stoker coal to be delivered at the Court House as n~eded, proceeded to open bide which were found to be as follows: Lampert LumberCo, CaJDpbell Coal Co, Nyman Fuel Co, $18,26 per ton 18.35 per ton 18.40 per ton Upon motion, the contract was awarded to the Lampert Lumber Co. for $18.26 per ton, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the BWD of $500,00 be and is hereby tran.sferred from the County Revenue Fund to theCounty Attorneys Contingent Fund and that the County Audi tor and County T~eaeurer uake th~ecessary entries on their records, Adopted September 3, 1958, Attest": S. B. JORNSO_N Clerk. The followi!'IC resolution was adop.ted: BENNIE J. JOHNSON ChairDBD, WBE~S, the alignment of. Interstate Route #94, as approved: at the public hearing on August 28th, is vez-,tood, and WHEREAS, there was no underpass or overpass proposed at the intersection of Interstate Route #94 and County State Aid Highwiq #25, approximately two and one half miles South of FergusFalle, and or overpass WHEREAS, if no underpassl\is constructed at this location, it will have a ve17 serious economic impact on all the'indtttduala living South of this intersection, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Beard of County Commissioners in sass ion on the Jrd day of September, respectfully request the ~illl'II sota State Highway Department and the Bureau of Public Roads to cause to be constructed an<underpaBB or overpass at the intersection of Interstate Route #94 ard County State Aid Highway #25. Adopted this Jrd. day of Sep.ember, 1958, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerlc. BENNIE J, JOHNSON Chairman of Board Otter Tail County, Minij~Bota Upon motion, the BCl!.rd then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. October 14, 1958. C~MMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ Oc.t.obe.c .. JJ,1 .................•.....•........•.•. 19:)8 .. . MINUTES ·or ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUN'l'Y, MINNESOTA . Pursuant to adjru.rnment theBoard me-t at 10 o'clock A. M. October 14, 1958, with Commissioners Si'elin,., Ny:cklemoe anil Haase present • ., Johns on, Members of the Blanche Lale Association appeared before the Beard asking for heln in building a public access road ~o Blanche I.eke and presented a plat srowing the proposed location, The Highway Engineer was instructed to view the Right of Way and.· report back to the County Board. A communication was received from the Great Northern Railroad regarding pa;yment for borrow permit and cost for moving one pole. The County Auditor was instructed to write and inform the railroad compa~y that the Board considered the benefits greater than the damages sustained by the railroad. A reouest from the highway employees requesting shorter hours with increased pa.v was presented to the Board. Upon motion, no ac~ion was taken atthis time. A committee consisting of the entire Board was appointed to view completed road projects beginning at 9 o'clock A,M, October 31, 1958. A petition requesting change in elevation of culvert placed in road between Sections 20 and 21, Town of Blowers, was read. Upon motion, the.matter was-referred to the County Attorney for a ruling. A petition for improvement of road beginning at the intersection of Sections 15, 16, 21 and 22, Bown or Butler, and running West l½ miles and also a petition for culvert on road beginning at intersection of sections 7,8, 17 and 18, North on~ile, were read. Upon motion, both petitions were referred to the County Attorney for an opinion. A petition for repair of County Ditch No. 4 in the Township or ~lmo, signed by Adolph 0lson and others, was read and it was-ordered that a hearing to be held on said petition at 11 o'clock: A. M. November 12·, 1958. The bond of Ione Richards, Deputy Clerk in the Prol:ate Court in the sum of $1,000.00, with the General Insurance Company or Americn, as surety, was approved. The bond of John L, Bixby as County Assessor, in the sum of $2,000.00 with the General Insurance Company of America, as surety, was approved. A report of theBoard of Audit·ahowin~ verification of tax collections for the years 1955 and 1956 was approved. Upon motion, Henry Sieling and Harvey Morrill were appointed to serve on the canvassing Board forthe General Election, The Highwa.v Engineer was authorized to attend the engineer short ccurse at the University of'Minnesota December 8th. through December 11th. The application of M.L. Harris asking for homestead classification on the W½ iJ½ Ni¥,-, Section 24-133-36, waa read. After consideration, the application was granted and the County Audi tor was inatl'ucted to reduce the tax accordingly. The application of Wm. J. Geiser asking fo~omestead classification.on Lot 6, Block 11, Bluffton, was read. After consideration, the application was granted and theCrunty Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly. The apPlication of Rose Marie Grundy asking for homestead classification on Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Rothpletz Addition to Perham, was read. After consideration, the application was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly. The application of Lawrence Senn, Sr. for reduction of assessed valuation on the5½ JiW¼ and La;s 3, 4, 5 and 6 except parts platted and except tracts, Section 5-1)7-42 was read. After consideration it was recommended to the Commissiore r of Taxation that said application be granted. The application of W, J, Johnson for reduction of assessed valuation on Sub Lot B of Lot 6, SE;¼-~. Lots 1, 2 and 5 except part platted an!. except tracts Section 6-137-42 was read. After consideration, it was recommended to the Cormnissioner of Taxation that said application be granted. The application of T. J. Theurer for reduction of assessed valuation on the Southeast 30 feet of Lot 8 and all of Lot?, Jonelsa Beach, was read.and, upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted at the figures recommended by the CounJy Assessor, The applicaticn of Kenneth Umlauf for reduction of assessment on the West ·10 feet of Lot 1 and al 1 of Lot 2, Block 15, Original Plat, Village of Elizabeth, was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected on recommendation of the Village Boa rd. TO THE COUN'l'Y AUDITOR OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTk: We, the UJJdersigned majority of the Count;y-Board of said county hereby certify that we have examined the road work done by l Marvin E. Lund · 2 John Dieseth Company 3 McLaughlin & Schulz 4 Industrial Builders 5 Rust & Dahlman & Bain Bros. 6 W. Hodgman ·& Sons, Inc. 7 Mark Sand & Gravel Company 8 Ed Zimmerman 9 W. Hodgman & Sons, Inc. on that certain road described as follows: Glenwood, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Marshall, Minnesota Fargo , North Dakota Clarissa, Minnesota Fairmont, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Barrett, Minnssota · Fairmant, Minnesota . ............ ..;.;_t I -- I (· .,. I 1:, I :/ j_ COMMISSIONERS RECORD· 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE,,. ,:····· .. ·············!kJ;p.'b.er ... l9 ............ , .. ,,, ................. 19.58 .. 1, C. P. 58:38 (S4A.P. 56-603-01) Grading -CSAH f~8 between T.H. *78 & 5.0 Miles East 2. Gorman Township Devils Lake Road. (Councy Project) Grading -'lwp. road between Southwest corner of ~rman Twp. am 1.06 Miles East 3. C.P. 58:SS Sand Sealing -County Wide 4. C.P. 57:01 Br. Bridge -Widening & Reconstruction 5. State Projec.t 56-604-01 ( C.P. 58 :05) Grading -CSAH #5 between CSAH *38, 1.0 Mil West of Inspiration Peak State Park, am 7.5 Mi. South ot Clitherall. · 6. State Project 56-601-02 (C.P, 58:14B) & State Project 564~Q~ol (C.P. 58:4oB) Gravel Base & Boad. Mixed Bituminous Surface -CSAH t14 between CSAH *l & CSAH 149 in Richville & CSAH *40 between T.H. *29, 5.5 Mi. N. of.ParkersPrairie am East County Line. 7. State Project 56-615-02 (C.P, 58:35), State Project 56-618-02 (C.P. 58:24B) & State Project 56-623-02 (C.P. 58: 03B) Gmvel Base & Rolicl Mi)!:ed Bituminous Surface -CSAH *35 betw,en T.H. fl59 & T.H. #52 at Dalton, CSAH f24 between T.H. #59 at Erhard & CSAH *J & CSAH *J between CSAH # 22 & CSAH *24, 5 Mi. East of Erhard. 8. C.P. ,58:10 (S.A.P. 56-620-01) Grading & Gravelling -CSAH *10 between T.H. IF52, 1.0 Mi. N. of Carlisle & We!!t County line. 9. C.P. 5-9":lOB (S.A.P. 56-620-02) Gravel.Base 7 Road Mix Bi~uminous Surface -CSAH *10 between T, H. *59 in Elizabeth and CSAH *3• together with contract for the same, an! that we find said work has been properly done and performed according to said contract. Dated this 14th Day of October, 1958, Attest: S, B. JOHNSON County Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: HENRY SI ELI NG B. J. JOHNSON SAM NYCKLEMOE OTTO HAASE Resolved by the Boa.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minlll!sota: That the sum of $330.00 be and the same is hereby allowed to Ca rence Mielke for services and expenses in preparing the Otter Tail County exhibit at the Minnesota State Fair for the year 1958, this being the amount of premium receh-ed for said exhibit, and that the Chairman and. the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant on the Revenue Fund for said amount. Adopted. October 14, 1958. Attest: S. B, JOHl~SON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: B. J. JOHNSON Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County CommissioErs of Otter Tai. 1 County, Minre set a: Whereas, there has been filed with this Board under Chapter 832, Laws of 1957, ·application for repurchase of certain land forfeited to the State of Mi nnes.ota for non-payment of taxes for the year 1951, which land was owned by Lydia A. Anderson and described as follows: m:/;-of NE½ of Section J, Township 134, Range 37. Now, Therefore, after due consideration by this Board it ·is hereby ordered that 4'dia A. Anderson be and she hereby is permitted am authorized to repurchase the abr.ve described property for the reason said repurchase will bs for the best public interest both financially and otherwise. Adopted October· 14, 1958. Attest: S. B, JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: B. J, JOHNSON Chairman. Resolved by the Board d. County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, there has been filed with this Boa.rd under Chapter 832, Laws of 195~, application for repurchase of certain lots forfP.ited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes for the year 1951, which lots wer.e owned by Julius Mueller and described as follows: The West JS fept of the North 26 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, of Mueller's Ad.d.i tion to the Village of Pelican Rapids, .... COMMISSIONERS RECORD O, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 11cu11n, ........ ca■PA■T Sf.CLOUD ■IN■, DATE ... ·················.Oc.tr..ba~ llJ. ....................................... 19.,SS .. Now, Therefore, after due consideration by this Board ·t i h is permitted alll. authorized to repurchase the above describ~ 8 ereby 0rdered that Julius Mueller be and he hereby best public interest both financially and otherwise. property for the reason said repurchase will be for the Adopted October 14, 1958. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. RESOLUTION VACATING COUNTY S'l!ATE AID HIGHWAY NO. 93 B. J. JOHNSON Chairman. WHEREAS, the provisions of Chapter 943 of the Regular Session Lawe for Mift-sota B ds f th· Stat b 1 t · nd '"~ for the year 1957 reouire the Court,,. car o is e, Y reso u ion a subject to the concurrence of the c · i · " Highways: and ommiss oner, to establish a system of County WHEREAS, the County Beard of Otter Tai. l County, prusuant to the provisions of Chapter 943, Laws ~f 19517, has located, established alll. designated by.number County Highw&¥B in the County of Otter Tail; and . WHEREAS, a detailed list and description of each of said County Hie,nways, as located and established and identified by number is now on file in the office of the County Auditor of Otter Tail County; and ~HEREAS, the Village of Henning, Minnesota, has requested that County State Aid Highwey #93 be revoked, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tl'at County State Aid -Hie,nway #93, as on file in the office _,,, th c A and which is as folla.,s: "~ e ounty uditor, Beginning at a point at the i~tersection of ~ecorn Street and Fergus Avenue in the ViliLge of Henning; thence along the established centerlin~ of th: public street described as follows; From said point of beginning extending Southeasterly along the centerline of ~ergus Avenue to where Bau.is intersects Front Street· thence Northeasterly on Front Street to the intersection with Holden Avenue; thence Northwesterly along Holden°Avenu.e to the intersection with Second Street• thence !5Qutl!westerly aior ·S. _., ··St .. ·· t"t • · · '·' . • . .· · ng ec0=-· ree • o-wh:er,e same,intersects Fergus Avenue in the Vi1la,..e of Henning, and there terminating. . -0 be revoked., as such, and the Commissioner of Highways be, and is hereby, requested to approve such revocation. Adopted this 14th day of October, 1958. Attest; S. B. JOHNSON Cle:tk:. ••••••••see end of October 15 Session. The following resolution was adopted: B. J. JOHNSON Chairman. Resolved by the Board of Crunty Commissioners of Otter Tail Councy, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the John Dieseth Co. for the construction of the Devils Lake road in the Town of Gorman and the majority of the Board having filed a certificate of completion and acceptance with the County Auditor, Na.,, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman 6f the Board and the County Auditor issue a check in the amount of $244.26, the balance due on said contract. Adopted October 14, 1958. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. October 15th. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION B, ~-JOIDTSON Chairman. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A,M. Wed.nesday, October 15th. The petition of Richard Imsande to be set off from School District No, 1489 to District·"No. 553 was read. After consideraticn, theBoard issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Richard Imsande a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 1489 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter descI'ibed, which are situate in said School District, and adjoi-n School District No. 553 ard asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No, 1489 to said adjoining school d.istrict No, 553 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said beard held on the 3rd, day of September A.D., 1958 for the action of said beard thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said pedition, at a session of said board on the 15th day of October A. D,, 1958 at the Councy Auditor!.s office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of thil·•time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three -public places in each c£ the school di stricta to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to.the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy.of said order at 1111.st ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Beard of County Commissioners on said 15th dB¥ of October, A,D, , 1958 due proof of the posting ard service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................................................................. 19 ....... . ten daye prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the pr~er of the petitioner, and said Board being of upinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined~ that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Lots 3 and 4 and SE,¼-SWf and SW¼ SE;½-, Section 31, Tcwnship 136, Range J6. be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. l!i89 to said adjoining School District No. 553 am. said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Bai.rd of County Commissioners Dated the 15th. day of October A.D., 1958. (Auditor I s Seal) BENJIIE J. JOHNSON Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of the Northland Devel~ment Co. to set over two tracts in Lot 4 and Lot 5 in Section J0-133-42 from District No. 1424 to District No. 544 was read. After consideration, the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, Tb! petition of Northland Development Co. freeholder of School District No. 1424 in th is County, representing that they are the owner of th~nds hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 544 and asking that they with their said lands may be set off from said district No~ 1424 to said adjoining school district No. 544 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 13 day of August A. D. , 1958 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said bai.rd that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said b01rd on the 15 day of October A.D., 1958 at the County Auditor's office in the .City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and bt said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three pu.-blic places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Beard of County Commissioners on said 15 day of October, A.D., 1958 due proof of the posting and service af said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed., said petition was publicly re ad and considered by the Board, with everything which was sa:ki by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and d.etermined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by them.to-wit: 5.90 acres of Govt. Lot 4 and 6.94 acres of Lot 5 platted as Hoot Lake Acres in Section JO, Tcwnship 133, Range 42. be am the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 1424 to said adjoining School District No. 544 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all pur.poses whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 15 day of October A. D., 1958. (Audi tor I s Seal) BENNIE J. JOHNSON Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board The petition of Ernest M. Erickson asking t!at the SE½ NEt and the SW;½-NE; and Lots 2 and 3 of Section 1-137-43 be set over from District No. 40 in Becker County to School District No. 5t,a, Otter Tail County, was taken up for final action. As tijis petition had been rejected by the Becker County Board it was also rejected by the Otter Tail County Boar.cl.. The petition of Clyde H. J~nson asking that the W½ of Lot 1, Lots 2 and 3, 5Ek NW¼, .SW;¼-~ and Lot 4, Section 19-132-41 be set off from District No. 1388 to District No. 1433 jas read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. ·on the 10th day of December 1958, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. The resolution asking for dissolution of Common School District No. 1410 was presented to the Board and it was ordered that a hearing on said resolution be held at 10 o'clock A. M. December 10, 1958, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. The County Engineer was instructed to make a survey of County Roads 21 and JO beginning on the Clay and Otter Tail County line. The appointment of Mrs. John Grundel as a member of the Otter Tail County Nursing Board was approved. A plat of Woodlake Beach located in the NE¼ SW;½-and Gort. Lot 3, Section 33-137-42 accompanied by an opinion as to title-executed by Henry Polkinghorn, Attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Second Addition to Outlet Beach of Lake Lida, being a pirt of Lot 1, Section 16,md Lot 6, Section 9-136-42 accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Henry Polkinghorn, Attorney-at-law, was approved. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Do Do Gary Nelson Sidney Nelson Alfred Engen James Stewart Addressograph-Multigraph Boarding prisoners (August) 11 11 (September) expenses II II exp. serving citations II II service inspection $ 816.00 5)8.00 111.40 315.40 306.00 23.30 14.00 J0.85 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IRU■IITP■l■tl■•co■H■Y ST.CLOUD ., ••• c.- llu.rroughs Corp, Mabel Were troni Vernon E, Bacliman Do . Inga R, Pergaride Judi th Thompson Mrs, Geo. Rossow Mrs, M. Stroschein Bennie J, Johrison Sam Nycklemoe · Otto Haase Hezr y Sieling · Dr. W. F. Scnamber Dr. Ivan E. Bigler Vernon H. Sprague H. W. Glorvigen S, B. Johnson · Bennie J, Johnson Henry Sieling Franl: Roberts Do Emil lloen Do Herry Burau Arnold Evavold Theo. Hegseth. W. H. Dewey Theo. Thom"Dson Phillip 0, • Thoinpson Kathryn Mict/i,1son Ruth E. Han.ra'y West Publishing Co, Mason Publishi'ng Co. Miller-Davis Co, John L. llixby · Roger Gustafson N. W.Bell Tele·. Co. Do Do Do Fergus Lumber & Fuel Co, Wm. Galena & s·on. Great Stuff Pr·oducts, Inc. United Chemical Co., Inc. Marlin Reynolds Larson Welding· Hintgen-Karst · Reger A. Anderson Beall & McGcwan Co, Holten Hdwe. Fergus Glass&; Paint Cq. Stemsrud & Emerson R, H, Busch F.d. Ryan Chas. Y, Pun ton Merlin S, Rieman Edwin Ala Wendelin Koep John Hoff Wm. McCormick Oren Fosse John Stine Jim Kimmes Clifford E, Pederson Leonard Olson · Wallace 0, Jeni en George Larson · Teddy D. Mahto' Alfred Wohlert· Malcom Nelson · Victor Lundeen·& Co, C. Neubauer Carbon & Ribbon Co. Security Envelope Co, Mpls, Blue Prtg. Co, Indianhead Specialty Co, Remignton Rand· Geffaney I s · Panama Carbon Co, The Pierce Co.· Mile r-Davis Co, Poucher Prtg, & Li tho, Co, Department of Administration Schoolcraft co; Ugeblad P.ubl, Co, Fergus Journal.Co, Nelson lb-os, Prtg. Co, Office of Sheri.ff Evelace G. Hanson DATE ..................... Oc tr be. r .. 15 ···········-··························lg58 .. rilbbons expenses cash advanced expenses clerical work in So, Supt. II II II II II II expenses II II II coroners fees II services Canvassing Board II II II II II Saly. and exp. II II II exp. West: 0,T. II II II II weed II II II Soil II insp. Cons, office ( Aug) (Sept,) (Aug.) (Sept.) Dist, exp. West 0, T. Soil Cons. Dist. II II Services W. O.T. Soil Cons. Dist, transcription statutes anno ta ti ons elect ion ·supplies exPenses • II service mobile service ·calls white sand faucet handle suppMes II hauling ashes, etc. services 11 & supplies janitor services supplies II II rubber gloves servi~ citation 11 II II II Dep, Sher.if~s fees and exp. exp, assisting Dep. Sheriff II II II supplies II clasp envelopes tracing paper supplies II service hand cleaner supplies II II II II II prtg. and supplies printing II postage II $ 11.60 25.90 25,00 48.71 21.00 14,oo 14.oo 21.00 10 .• 90 10.90 16,90 19,4J 21.85 10.25 10,00 10.00 10.00 14.20 25,68 187,0J 22J.4J 164,58 252,57 7,50 22,50 14,85 16.20 14.90 78.10 82.80 20.25 41.00 27.50 1070,50 J9,72 16.94 4.50 307,76 12.40 110.99 1(65 .90 31°.05 16.00 20.00 14.oo 4.50 40,00 55,95 104.4J 2!-1,.60 2.98 3,44 4.84 1.10 74,20 15,00 4{!.90 72,80 19.00 27,90 11.50 36,20 39,70 6,00 J2,00 25.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 940.42 12.10 47,02 8,45 12.05 21.20 25,00 1.50 43.05 27-93 232.21 1,79 227,07 435,92 479,93 204.45 22.20 95.00 I ;1 1 li1· ,, 11 ::~·'1-;; I 11:1 I !1!' ; I· 1: ' , .. I I I I: !I :!1 1, :111 !,,,t , .. '., I ·I :; i'\1 1,1 I, :1" I• ,II ,. 'p 1: :111 11 :'I I' I' I!!, . :,1:1i I ;!'1 !" l· ·,, .. 1 , .. 11 I ·;I fll ·I I I o1I \1•!1: '•i ·" 1! i,11 ;, I .! !' :'-I lj 1i I I I' !:.' It ' •I I~ ,,. 1. ~i l·I r 11 j I ' 1: I, 'I '1 I ji I! ,'· .,, J .COMMISSIONERS. RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... (k . .t;o.bn.,, .. J..j ............................ 19.§8-.. H. w. Glorvigen Olga Torvik Vernon E. :Bachman Fdw. Carlson ~oat 128.3 Am. Legion Auxiliary :Buaeth-Tuaow Poat {/i18 American Legion Post 1148 Cha rlea D, Center Poat 13289 .Hank Dailey Nelson Drug Co. Markstrom Drugs Erickson Our Own Hdwe. Coast to Coast· , B, L. Marshall Welle Store Gearharta Funeral Service Kroneman Ins. ~gency Farmers State ·Ins. Agency H. W. Glorvigen Do Frank C. Barnes Esther G. Sell· Do Do Do Do Eleanor M. Dybdal Do Do Do E. Otter Tail Tele, Co. Walter S,Booth' & Son Minn. Tuberculosis & Health Assn. Victor Lundeen-& Co. Philip M.Kjaglien Ruth C. Campbell Philip M. Kjaglien Straub Estate Erickson's Our Own Hdwe. Public Utilities Dept. Artz C::amera Supply Co Secretarial Service Philip M.Kjaglien N, W. Bell Tele-. Co. Vilbge of l•Yt.te.rtai:D..- Elmo Twp. City of Fergus·Falls Minn. State Sanatorium· Do Korda Clinic Drs. Lewis, Lewis,& Kevern Di·. Everett C. · Hanson Swans Rexall Drugs Ripgdahl Drug · Store Wi lli:in County · . Fergus Lwnber & Fuel Co. Al. Schmidt Lumber Co. Borchert Ingersoll, Inc. Farmotors, Inc. The McMullen ·Co. Northwest Engineering Co. Park Machine Co. Phillippi Equipment Co. Public Works Company, Inc. Road Mche. & Supplies Co. Ruffri dge Johnson Equipt. Co., Inc. Smith Inc. Wm. H. Ziegler· CoL, Inc. Olson Auto Electric Super GMC Truck Salee McCormick Farm· Store Ebersviller Implement Co., F.F. Larson Welding· Suhr Frod Sales; Inc. Smokey's Mche.·Shop Fergus Plbg. &·Heating C.H. Bjorklund Body Shop Larson Hdwe., Par. Pra. Walnofer Blacksmith Shop Knuttila Implement Co., Inc. Selmer Nyhus Don's Body Shop Magnus Pederson K. S. & K Repair Sijop Rude Garage Walt's Re"!Bira·Shop Meier Weil.ding Service Underwood Repair Syverson1s Better Mileage Matz & Greiff · Vfe~r'\.cfcl/i~i1ement postage II atampeif envelopes dP-corating graves II II II II plane medication for prisoners II 11 supplies rope supplies ambiJ:lance service bond ins. premium adv. cans. paid drivers lic.agP-nts II II exp. attend·. conference expenses August 11 September supplies postage box rental expenses II supplies August September postage and box rent service audiogram health suggestions supplies exp. attd. conference expenses II rent supplies water, sewage, etc. supplies mimeographing postage & mche. rental service and calls care of poor II II II II care of -oa.tients (Augustj 11 -11 (September) II II hospital forms II II medication ditch repairs materials for brewery bldg. II II parts II II II supplies parts II II II II II repairs II II II II II II repairs (Aug) )Sept) $ 5.00 60.00 49.60 23.50 4.50 14.50 15.50 12.00 . 6.90 7.20 10.07 7~23 9.80 4.oo · 11.51 218.J8 1i...25 10.15 33.75 72.08 108.11 8.08 10.05 2.25 31.69 50.32 5.89 8.85 9.00 10.49 4.64 39.90 56.80 19.46 50.96 50.00 r.45 5.55 103.12 6.10 11.00 17.25 507.60 . 373,90 203.70 2223.00 2023.50 10.82 9.00 3.00· 33.90 119.30 54.87 · 9.18 . 19 • .55 184.21 32.33 329.50 19.41 85.68 44.23 248.14 403,25 1.64.18 58.15 484.95 216.42 102.15 130.50 12.42 67.70 180.27 96-72 2.25 8.00 14.41 11.75 198.10 2.00 20·.23 12.35 28.00 31;05 7.00 ·27.45 2.50· 2.50 12.95 l~:~ ] ~ ~, 11 {i I COMMISSIONERS RECO~D 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. C 11n,111111A•c•• Hl,IT.CUIU ,IIIH. e,.w Brown I a lmplemant Oo. Empire Supply Co. National Buahing & Parta Co. Hoiten Rdwe. Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Fergus Lumbe1· and Fuel Co. Dorn I a Hdwe. Cm st to Ca st. Store, B. L. Henning Hdwe. Cordes Implement A. E. Gullickaon Hoyt Hdwe. Gamble Store, N. Y. M. Marshall Welle Store, B. L. P.K.M •. & Co. Erickson-He.lleckeo n-Vye Co., Erh. Knutson Heating Service Bredahl Implement Co. Lampert L~ber Co., Wadem · Cai. st to CiB st, Henning Vergas Hdwe. Co. Lampert Lumber Co. Par. Pra. Coast to Cast Store, Pel. Rpds. Al Schmidt Lumber Co. Wilcox Lumber Co., Henning, Paper, Calmenson & Co. H. V. Johnston Culvert Co. Elk River Concrete Prod. Co. \'/heeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Northwestern Refining Co. The Thomae Co. H. I. Stahl Co. D. A. Lubricant Co., Inc. Minre som Motor Co. Flom Grain & Feed I. S.Isaacson Village of Henning Village of Parkers Prairie Railway Express Agency, F. F. Minn. State Highway Dept. Minneaiolis Blue Prtg. Co. Imperial Supply Co. Pierce Co. Security Envelope Co. Rosenwald-Cooper, I-nc. Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. East Otter Tail Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co. F. F. Miowest Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co. F. F. PelicanTele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele.Co., Henning. VergP.s Tele. Co. Wendell P. Huber Do G. D. Hadaw. George Olaon Gemlo Oil Co. Bili's Service Station Soli~ & Braatz Oil Co. Hoot. Lake Pure Oil Twins Motor· Co. Swenson's Service Highway Co. Service Station Langi!on1a Highway 210 Texaco Jim1s Service Station Chester' a Super Service Service Oil Col, B. L. Rays Oil co. Co. West Ottertail Service Co., Und. Mayo I s Standard Service Perham Co-op. Oil Co. Service Oil Co., Unc1.. Consumera' Co-op. Oil Co. B. L. Twin's Motor Co. Consumers' Co-op. Oil Co., Henning. Paulson Tire Shop Twins Motor Co. Co-op. Services, Inc., N. Y. M. .Kraemer Oil Co. Vergas Oil Co. Ardys 116611 Service;· F. F. Foasen Oil Co. Farmers Co-op. Cry. Assn. Arrow Petroleum Standard Oil Co., B. L. Penrose Oil Co. South Mill Standard DATE .................... Qi:.t.~b~.'.· ... 15 ......................................... 195.8 .. . repair& supplies posts culverts II l,umber asphalt oil II tires grass seed equipment rental rent and lights water & aewer charge express services repairs supplies II II II II service and tolls service and 1<olls II II II II II II II II II cash advanced expenses II II gasoline etc. II II II II II c[iesel fuel II II II gasoline $167.63 148.34 75.28 20.93 89.25 3.75 1.90 .5.77 .53 6.22 25.00 23~.13 11.95 15.03 41.06 17.93· 5.25 4.34 18.45 30.43 38,46 6.20 13.88 11.25 18.19 465.86 77.68 79-98 850.42 794.89 201.00 37.01 234.85 194.99 919,40 313.75 200.67 5.00 58.78 525.39 2.18 23.54 9.40 12.65 46,50 285.00 14.60 55.45 8.90 74.75 9.50 14.75 15.95 65.34 202.58 23.62 19.50 22.16 57.02 42,35 165.44 217.00 53.96 38.54 'l:8,19 42.50 3.27 455.05 48.53 105.07 76,42 97.33 402.33 48.30 120.81 117.07 174.25 291.20 180.48 36.40 243.64 274.28 184.27 164.96 986.21 69.62 154.41 254.35 I; 1 I '',. I, I .COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. · DATE ............... : .. : ...... Qc.t-.nbe.r. .. 1.5. ................................... 19.Sa .. Town of Clitherall Folden Township Clifford Greenwood :Battle Lake Farmers Co, Thomas Oil Company Olson Auto Electric Rills Badiator.Shop Pelican Tele. Co, nad work twp. aid gravel seed tires repairs repairs sa~rice and tolls Upon mot ion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o I clock A. M, November 12, 1958, Attest: ••••••~• Part of October 14,Session, RESOLUTION EXTENDING THE DISIGNATION OF COUNTY STATE AID RIGRW11:Y NO~ 65 • $ 500.00 J00,00 164.16 .219 .8.5. 199,16 18J.48 16.00, 10.20 WHEREAS, theprovisions of Chapter 94J of the Regular Session Laws for Minnesota for the year 1957 require• the County Boards of this State, by resolution and subject tothe concurrence of the Commissioner to establish a system of County Highways; and • ~/HEREAS, the County Board of Otter Tail County, pi.1.tsuant to the provisions of Chapter 94J, laws of 1957, has located established and· designated by number County Highways in the County of Otter Tail; and WHEREAS, a-detailed list and description of each of said Councy-Highways, as located and established and identified by number, is na.1 on file in theoffice of the County Auditor of Otter Tail County; l.JOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following described route be an extension to the··present !;aunty State Aid Highway # 65, which terminates at a point approximately 1,508 feet !l'orth o f the Southeast corner of Section 22, Township lJJ North, Bange J8 West, being a junction with T. R. #210: Thence along the established: centerline of the public st reef described as follows: Extending• Northerly along Marshall Avenue to where-same entersects with Doug~as Avenue in the Village of Henning and there terminating, Adopted this 14th. day of October, 1958. Attest: S, B, JOHNSON Clerk, B. J. JOHNSON Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. SECU■ n,■11111■•c•■ .. IIT H.CLDUD ••••• DATE Nov.ember 12 58 ... ················································································19 ....... . MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE :SOARD OF COUNTY CGIMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MHl"NESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the·:Soard met at 10 o'clock A. M., all members being present except Commissioner Morrill who joined them at the afternoon session, Upon motion, Frank Roberts and Emil :Boen were appointed weed and seed inspectors for the year 1959, service to be rendered during a five month period of the year. fhey were also authorized to attend the short course at the University, The matter of repairs to County Ditch No. 4 in the-Town of Elmo was taken up for discussion, After a consultation with the Soil Conservation Department it was agreed that a hearing on a report as to what can be done by the Soil Conservation Department wruld be held at two o'clock P. M. December 9, 1958, A plat of :Sill's :Beach, First Addition, located in Lots 4 and 5, Section 18-1J6-4o, and accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by M. J. Daly, Attorney-at-law, was approved, The petition of Eino Limanen and others asking for alteration of level at which culvert was placed-on County Highway No. 19 in the Township of :Blowers was denied for the reason t'IBt there was no culvert ,placed onthe grade line of the old road and the present culvert was placed on the grade line of the old road, Upon motion, th~~levator, elevator shaft and penth(l\ise was accepted by the :Soard after careful viewing by the :Soard accompanied by the architect in charge, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the :Soard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minre sot.a: Whereas, this :Soard has heretofore contracted with McLaughlin am Schulz of Marshall, Minnesota, for bituminous work on rJJ 58:SS and Whereas, the same has now been completed to the satisfaction of the :Soard and certificate cf acceptance filed with the County Auditor, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the :Soard and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check on the Road and :Bridge Fund to McLaughlin and Schulz in the sum of $J,01J.65, being the fibal payment on this project, Adopted November 12, 1958, Attest: S. B, JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: :S. J. JOHNSON • Chairman, Resolved by the :Soard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this :Soard has heretofore contracted with Ed. Zin-merman of :Barrett, Minnesota, for work on CP 58:10 and Whereas, the same has now been completed to the satisfaction of the :Soard and certificate of acceptance filed with the County Auditor, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the :Soard and the Cwnty Auditcr are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check on the Special Road and :Bridge Constniction Fund to F.d. Zimmerman in the sum of i5,45?.?0. being the final payment on this project. Adopted November 12, 1958, Attest: S. :S. JOHNSON Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: :S. J. JOHNSON Chairnan, Resolved by the :Soard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Mirue sota: Whereas, this :Soard has heretofore contracted with Industrial :Builders of Fargo, North Dakota, for work on CP 57:01:SR and Whereas, the same has now been completed to the satisfaction of the :Soard and certificate of acceptance filed with the County Auditor, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the :Soard •and, the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check on the Special Road and :Sridg; Con~tructl. on Fund to the~dustrial :Builders in the sum of lt2,49?.4?, being the final payment on this project. Adopted November 12, 1958. Attest: S. :s. JOHNSON, Clerk, :S. J. JOHNSON Chairnan. ,, I·\ , .. IM I ,, f COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. ." ............ November .. 12 .............................. 19 58 .. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with C. L. Nelson and Company, Inc. of Brainerd for gravel bese and road mix bituminous surface on County Project CP 58:06B, and ' Whereas, the same has now been caopleted to the satisfaction of the Board and certificate of acceptance having been filed with the Councy-Auditor, Now, Therefore, it is hereby ordered that the Chainran of the Bmrd and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue .a check on the Read and Bridge fund to C. L. Nelson and Company, Inc. in the sum a $2,233.02, being the balance due on this contract. Adopted November 12, 1958. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: B. J. J0~1iON Chai:nnan. Resolved by the Bmrd of Crunty Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Haigman and Sona, Inc. af Fairmont, Mirua sota, for gravel base and road mix bituminous surface on County Pr6Ject 58:lOB, and Whereas, the same has now been completed to the satisfaction of the Bea.rd and certificate of acceptance having been filed with the County Auditor, Now, Therefore, it is hereby ordered that the Chainnan of the Beard and the Cainty Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a check on th~pecial Road and Bridge Constructien Fund to Hodgman and Sons, Inc., in the sum of $7,511.52, being the balance due on this contract. Adopted November 12, 1958. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adoptedt. B. J. JOHNSON Chairman. Resolved by the Bard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, thds Board has heretofore advertised for the sale of a tract described as foll&e: Part of the NEk SW¼ of Section 19, Town of Aurdal, Beginning 33 feet south and 350 feet west of center of Section 19, thence run south for a distance of 225 feet, thence west 937½ feet, thence north 26 degrees, 34 minutes, west for 73 feet, thence north 160 feet, thence east 970 feet to Point of beginning, containing 5.0 acres, and -... Whereas, Perry and Elsie Becker having made a bid. of $100.00 and said bid has been advertised as provided by law, and Now, Therefore, no other bidders having appeared and no objections having been made, it is hereby ordered that the Chairman and t~ounty Auditor be an~hey hereby a re directed to issue a deed to Perry and Elsie Becker on payment of the bid price, excepting therefrom mineral rights as provided by law. Adopted November 12, 1958. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. B. J. JOHNSON Chairmn. Upon motion, the BCB rd then adjourned to 10 o'cil.ock: A. M. November lJ, 1958. THURSDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment theBQI rd met at 10 o I clock A. M. -· and,-1-S'4 mJt' · The applicatio~ of Farmers' Hatchery, Inc. asking for reduction of assessed valuation on the Silk HEl-i,Aexcept tract in section 22-136-43 was read. After consideration it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $3223.00 to $2805.00. The application of Helen Krueger asking for reduction of assessed valuation on .Lots 27 and 28, Block 3, Pleaiant Addition to Deer Creek was read. After consideration and, upon recommendation of the County Assessor, the motion was made and carried that they reduce the assessed valuation from $450.00 to $412.00. The application d" Mabel Bryngelson asking for reduction of assessed valuation on Lots 9 and 10, Section 19-1)7-43, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed valuation be reduced from $202.00 to $95.00. The applicaton of Jasper J. Carter asking for reduction cf assessed valuation on the West .8 rods of the East 31½ rods of theSouth 10 rods of the SWf.-NW¼ cf Section 2-132-36 on the grcund that a new house and garage had been built · but that the old building had not been taken off fromthe tax rolls in the year 1957. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation tla t the assess:ed valuatl. on be reduced from $164.00 to 1h24.00. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......•.................... November. lJ ............................ 19 . .5.~ .. HCU■ITT PIIIJllliCO■PAIHp Sf.CLOUD ■11111, 9iffl The application cf Magloii'e Tobkin asking for reduction of assessed valuation on the NE,l. of Sec, .22-13?-39 was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed valuation bs reduced from $1446,00 to $121~6.00, it bei!)g the County AsseSB01•1s recommendation, The application of Mamnillian Von Ruden far homestead classification on the NE;} c£ S~cti~n 32-136-38 was read. Upon moti. on, the application was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly, The appli~ation cif Max D. Marple for homestead classification on the East !JJ feet of Lot 4, Block 9, Wright aid Mendenhall1s Aqdition, to the City of Fergus Falls was read. Upon motion, the applicaton was granted and the County Auditor was im.tructed to reduce the tax accordingly. The appli~tion of Adolph Funfar for homestead classification on Lot J, Block 1, Pauison1s Addition to Henning was read, Upol) motion, the application was granted and the County Auditcr was instructed to reduce the tax accord:ipgly. The appli~ati.on of Jerry Knu.ttila for homestead classification on the SWly 50 feet NWly 150 feet qf Unnumbered Reserve, Paine's Addition to the Village of Perham was read, was granted anq the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly, of the NEly 100 feet of the Upon motion, the application The appli~ati on of Her,chel H. McDaniel for homestead classification on the SE;¼-SW,h-, SI'/¼ SEA-and Lot 3 snuth and east of highwaY, except trac~n Section 4-135-40, was read, Upon motion, the appl:i£ation was granted and the County Auditor was in~tructed to reduce the tax accordingly. The application 19-135-42, was ,read. accordingly. of Henry 'l'cs o for homestead classification on the si;¼-SE;¼, of Section 18, a,xi the N½ ~ of Section Upon motion, the a:pplication was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax The follow,ing bills were allowed: Russell B~ooberg Do . Sidney Nelson Gary Nelson Crane-Johnson Gaffaney1s Inc. Marchant Calculators Div, Vernon E •. Bachman Mabel Wenstrom Olga H. Hoeft Sam Nycklemoe Otto Haase Henry Sieling Bennie J, .Johnson Carl J, Lunl Dr. Henry A. Korda Vernon H. Sprague Herry Sieling Harvey D •. Morrill s. B. Johl)SOn H. W. Glo~igen Frank Rob11rts Phillip 0,. Thompson Kathryn Mi_chaelson W. Earl Williams Nelson Brqs, Printing Co, Shepard's.Citations Mason Pub~ishing Co, Miller-Dav;is Co, Nelson Brq~. Prtg, Co, James We1$ John L, Bixby N. W. Bell Tele, Co, N. W. Bell Tele, Co, Hin tgen-Ka,rs t Acme Chemical Co. Holten Hdw.e, Dori Mauch. United Chemical Co., Inc. J. C, Penney Co. West Central Airways, Inc. Goodwin Jass Johnson Drugs Merlin S .. Rieman L. A, Puckett Remington .Rand Dept. rf Administration Monroe Calculating Mche, Co, Lakes Office Equip. Gaffaney1s Security Envelope Co, Pouc.~er Pr,tg. & Litho, Co, Milk-Davis Co, Victor Lundeen & Co. Olga Torvik H. W. Glor.vigen Vernon E. Bachman Evelace G. Hanson Nelson Bros, Prtg, Henning A~vocate Battle Lake Review Perham Enterprise Bulletin- The Indep~ndent br.arding prisoners expenses II II cabinet typewriter main. service expenses II clerical work in Co. Supt. office expenses II II II coroner Is fees II II servicas Canvassing Board II II II II II II II II exp. & saly. weed insp. services Soil Cons. aff:l:ce clerical work in Soil Cons. office muni-cipal Judges fees 1958 court calendars citations digest service election supplies prtg. ballots hauling ballots expenses calls II rep:,1.irs and supplies supplies supplies search supplies towels for jail survey analysis projector rental Dep. Sheriffs fees and exp, delivering death message supplies record 'lx>oks ribbon carbon ribbons supplies II II II postage II II II envelopes & prtg. tax notices tax notices and prublication of sch. notice tax notices $ 61?,00 10.,0 241.80 29'7,. 40 156.19 222.50 41,00 120,?6 53,22 143.50 J9,30 50,?0 35,02 }9,30 246,98 11.15 10.00 17,84 10.00 10.00 10.00 120.59 56,80 ?9._J5 162,00 147,20 28.00 30.00 1053,50 371,05 2.00 66.81 122,?0 -14,35 J.40 24.90 ?3,83 ?,25 39,90 43,60 30.00 10.00 4.50 66,30 5,50 329.95 304.29 2.80 7,50 8.Ss 33.09 318.?2 91.63 109.59 . 30,58 53,00 34,00 40,00 121.30 7,20. 8.82 lJ,98 4.80 ·-r."· . : .'£ . ,, ,,. ,•, COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... _ .............. .No,:_ember13 ·---······-···············19.!i~ .. . . Fergus Journal Co •. H. I'/. Glorvigen State of Mime eota East Otter Tail Tele. Co. Eleanor m. Dy~dal .Do Do Esther G., Sell Do Do Philip M, Kjaglien N, W. Bell Tele. Co. Philip M. Kjaglien Nelson Bros. Prtg, Co. Veterans Information Service Public Utilities Dept, Victor Lundeen & Co, Straub Estate City of Fergus Falls Glen Lake Sanatorium. Minn, &tate Sana tori um State of Minnesota Korda Clinic Swan's Rexall Drugs Village of Dal ton Do Red River Pattern Shop and. Alum. Fdry. Borclbiert-Ingersoll, Inc. Bement-Cahill Equip. Co. Phillippi .Equip. Co, Ruffridge .Johnson Equip. Co., Inc. Smith, Inc. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Larson Welding McConnick Farm Store Auto Safety Service Super G.M.E, Truck Salee Harvey Bullock Pelican Motors Moe's Repair Valnofer Blacksmith Shop Bf&s Oil Co, Service Garage Stan!s Garage Brown1e Implement Co. Empire Supply Co, Holten Hdwe. Ebersviller Implement Co. F. F, Whitlock Welding Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Jaeniech lndustries Cea st to Coast Store, B, L, Everts Lumber Co. L, J. Sand Coast to Cea st Store, Henning Bredahl Implement Co. Coast to Coast Stae, Pel,Rpds. Syversons Mileage ·station . Village of Battle Lake Reedsburg Hdwe, Co. Mim,e eota Mot or Co. Fanner Co-.op. Elevator Co, Battle Lake Farmers Co. Flom Grain & Feed Mills Farmers Elevator C, L. Nelson Co., Inc. Hodgman & Sons, Inc, L, A. Hansen. Joseph Swenson Cyril G. Barnack Mrs. Clarence Hoff Mrs. Martin Torgerson John Diese.th Co. Harry Hofland Jr, I. s. Isaacson Chester \'I., Kimball Ed. Sa1•kela Paper, Calmenson & Co, Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. N. W. Refining Co, Morton Salt Co. Lyons Chemical Co. , Inc, Fossen Oil Co, Hoot Lake Pure Oil Co. Riverside Shell Ande .-son & Sand berg Service Oil Co., B. L. S. & F, Oil Co. Twins Motor Co. Henning Mobil Service publications adv. cams. to Dr. license agents services of Public Examiners service and calls expenses supplies postage expenses supplies post cards expenses service and calls postage and mche. rent envelopes supplements water, sewer & garbage supplies rent exp. transients care of pati·ent ca.re of patients care of patients care of patient medic,~.tion exp. care of poor 195? II II 1956 parts Bldg, Fund II II II II II II repairs supplies II service water charge tire chains tires seed seed seed seed gravelling II gravel II II II II equipment rental llm II II II equipment rental II II steel lumber asphalt salt calcium chloride gasoline II II II II II II II $ .368.8.3 12.45 4.39.3,84 9.55 107 . .35 .3,0.5 6.oo 92,02 .50 1.50 ?5.18 25,?5 5,00 54.oo 9.00 2,?5 JJ.45 ·50. 00 ?5,04 12.44 1?6?,00 .3150.00 l,?6 · .34.6.5 .580.84. 4?5,49 110 • .50 118.6.5 90.00 11.25 190.61 ?J,90 121?,22 18,2.5 21.84 .3,00 14,4? 14.oo 6,?l 2?,25 12.90 6,00 ·48,60. 140.16 ?9,96 214.24 9,2? ?,.37 .36,88 9,.50 4.76 80.1.3 14.9.5 7,59 J,40 5,21 1.00 5,00 18.3,28 · 272,28 .3.32,5.5 50.0.5 109,70 21.7,4.5 60.3,?.5 '.391,50 81,5.5 8.5.80 9.3,90 1.352,88 215,2.5 85.00 90.00 .355,00 145.75 122,2.5 56,61 41i2.56 ?84,71 1088.00 167,01 59,9.3 219.27 124.89 29,80 651,4.3 58.86 96,92 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Ra,y 1a OU Co. Swenson Service Bill's Service Station Perham Co-op. Oil Co. Service Oil Co., Und, Klinnert Oil Co, Consumer's Co-op. Oil, Renning Kraemer EJe vator & OU Co. Arrow Petroleum Penrose Oil Co. D. A. Lubricant Co. Mirue sota State Highway Dept. Marchant Calculators, Inc. R. A. Rogers Co. Poucher Printing & Litho. Co. Victor Lumeen & Co. City of ,Fergus Falla N. W. l!ell Tele. Co., F. F. Midwest Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co., F. F. N. W. Bell Tele. Co., Henning Wendell P. Huber George Olson G. D. Harlow Wendell P. Huber Road Machinery & supplies Matz & Greiff' National Bushing & Parts Co. Everts Lumber Co. Fossen Seed Co. Minnesota Motor Co. East Otter Tail Tele, Co. West Central Tele. Assn. DATE ....................... November .. 13 .................................. 19 .. 2~!._ gasoline II II II II II II gasoline and diesel fuel diesel fuel II 11 diesel oil services service supplies II II maintenance service and tolls llw II 11 II service and tolls expenses II II cash advanced cutting edges repairs supplies II seed tires service and tolls work performed on read move Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. December 9, 1958. (/ ~man. Attest: $ 60.98 47.67 11.57 101.82 229.47 7.15 285.65 245.85 390.71 70.76 135,a5 108.01 41.00 1.97 45.13 6;11 561.25 43.20 8.65 42.50 14..20 144.01 19.)0 18.80 7.95 369.60 10.00 153.19 87.80 81.80 280.66 11.10 29.72 ·~~~- --.._£ ' I ' I ,, ' 1: . ' I\ 1' I I, 'I I 'I .COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IIFHIIJUIIIUISFIIUNY II UPMR NIii GZP DAT~ .......................... lle~~J!!~~.r_ .. 9 ...... , .. "·'···················)9.5.8. .. . MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEET ING OF :BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the :Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. December 9, 19.58, all membere being present. The Public Examiner's report on the examination of the financial affairs of the various County offices was presented to the :Bea rd and examined by them. Upon motion, the Contract for board of Federal prisoners in the County Jail was approved 111.d signed, containi~ the same condit•ions as previous contracts. The County. Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for bonds of all the officials and deputies whose terma begin on the first Monday tn Jarruary, 1959. Upon motion, thecon,tract for care and maintenance of the paBBenger elevator by Gust Lagerquist & Sona, Inc., was signed, covering theyear 1959. Upon motion, the• sum .of $200. 00 was set aside from the Revenue Fu.nd as additional clerk hi•re in the of'fioe of the County Assessor.. The application of Kenneth Umlauf for reduction of assessment on the West 10 ft. at Lot land all Lot 2 :Block 15 Original Plat of the Village of Elizabeth for the year 195? was read, Upon motion the application was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation on the grounds that building was removed before May 1, 1957, The follow-ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the :Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiruB sota: Whereas, this :Board has heretofore contracted with Marvin E, Lund for the construction of .CP 58:38, ant Whereas, the work has been completed to the satisfaction of th e :Board, and the~rd havi 0 ng certified to the County AUditor and acceptance of the work, now therefore :Be it Resolved, that theChairman of the :Board acd the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant to Marvin E. Lund on the Special Road and :Bridge Fu.nd of tl\9 County for the sum of $7,886.73, being the balance due on said work. Dated December 9, 1958. Attest: S. :e. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: :e. J. JOHNSON Chairman. Resolved by the :Board of County Commissioners at Otter Tail County, Minnsota: Whereas, this :Board has heretofore contracted with J, G,Nelson Company for construction of C,P,58:19, a!ld Whereas, the work has been completed to the satisfaction of the :Beard, and the :Board having certified to the County Auditor the acceptance of the work, now therefore :Be it resolved, that the Chairman of the :Beard and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant to J. G, Nelson Company on the Special Road and :Bridge Fund of the County for the"1m of $8,093.80, being the balance due on said work. Dated December 9, 1958. Attest: S. :B, JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: :e. J, JOHNS ON Chairman. Resolved by the :Board of County Commiaaioners of Otter Tail County, Mime sota: Whereas, this :Board has heretofore contracted with Martin Fruth for construction of C, P, 58:40, and Whereas, the work has been completed to the satisfactl. on of the :Board, and the :Board having certified to the County- Auditor the acceptance of the work, now therefore :Be it resolved, that the Chairman of the :Board and the County Audit~are hereby authorized arxi directed to issue a warrant to Martin Fruth on the Special Road and :Bridge Fund of the Ccunty for the aum of $22,974,54, being the balance due on said work. Dated December 9, 1958, Attest: S, :e. JOHNSON Clerk. :e. J, JOHNSON Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... P..~.~ember. 9 ................................ 19.!i§. .. HCll■ITTPIIN11a•c•■PAIIT IT.CLOUD ■11111, C. The following resolution waa adopted: Resolved by the :Board cf. County Commissioners or Otter Tail County, Minnesota:· Whereas, this.Board has heretofore contracted with Gladen Bros, for grading c,p,·58:50 , and Whereas, the work haa been completed to the satisfaction of the Board, am the Bea. rd having certifi·ed Auditor the acceptance of the work, now therefore to the Cm. nty Be it =lve~, that th:a C~irman of ~he Beard and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a ::;:,nt to en roa, on~ cad and Bridge Fund of the County for the awn of $3,342.68, being the balance due on said Dated December 9, 1958. Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: B: J, JOHNSON Chairman. Resolved by the Board cf. County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minmiota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the John Dieseth Compaey for grading and gravelling c.P. 58:15, and Whereas, the work has been complet~d to the satisfaction of the Beard, ai,d the Beard having certified to the County Auditor the acceptance of the work, now therefore B~ it Resolved, that the Chairman of the B?ard ard the Crunty Auditor are hereby authorized ard directed to issue a warrant to the John Dieseth Compaey on the Read and Bridge fund of the Ccunty for the awn 9f $4,372,84, being the balance due on said work. Dated December 9, 1958. Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: B, J, JOHNSON Chairman, Resolved by the B?ard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minre sota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Kerns & 'Tabery for construction of C.P. 58:53, and Whereas, the work has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board, and the Board having certified to the Ccunty Auditor the acceptance of the work now therefore Be it Resolved, that the Chairman of the Board and the County Audit~are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant toKerna & Tabery on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County for the swn of $11,120.32, being the balance due on said work. Dated December 9, 19.58, Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Cleik:. B, J, JOHNSON Chairman, Upon motion, the Bra. rd then adjourned to 10 o1clock A, M, December 10, 1958, \)'EDNiSDAY1S SESSION Pursuant to adjour!l!nent the Board m~t at 10 o I clock A, 1-1. Wednesd~, December 10, 1958, all memb-:,rs. being preaent. The petition of Clyde H, Jensen asking that the W½ of Lot 1, Lota 2, 3, SE;½: NW¼, SW¢ NE;t and Lot 4, Section 19- Township 132, Range 41 be set off from School Dist, 1388 to Dist, 1433, was read, and after listening to the statements of the various interested parties, upon motion, the petition was rejected. A resolution executed by the membera of the School Board of Common School Dist, 1410 following an election asking for the dissolutiom· of said district, was read, After listening to the statements of interested parties the Board isaued the following intertucutory order, to-wit: STATE OF .MINNES0TA) · )as COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL) IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1410, (1) W'[mllEAS, The dissolution of Common School District No, 1410 has been proposed by: tc) A resolution adopted by the electors of said district at a legal meeting and certified by the Clerk of said district to the 9ounty Auditor: (2) NQW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED, That said Common School.District No, 1410 be dissolved ~nd that the territoey, COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, · OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................. Decembu .. J.0 ........................ 19,58 .. . HcU■ITY Pll■TIH CO■PAN, H, CLOVa, ■INII, embraced therein be attached to other existing school dietricts or unorganized territory as follows, to-wit: All the territory of said dissolved Common School District 1410 be attached to and made a part of Independent Consolidated School District 549. (3) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the assets and liabilities of said Common School District No. 1410,be distributed as follows, to-wit:· · all real am personal property of every description, including·cash and taxes for the year 1958 am prior years collected after the effective date of the dissolution, to become the property of Independent Consolidated School District No. 549. (4) The outstanding bonded debt of said Independent Consolidated School District No. 549·is $280,000. Dollars, (5) The proposed effective date of this order is hereby fiY.ed as the first day of July, 1959. Dated this 10th. day of December, 1958. llENNIE J. JOID-.TSON Chairman Board of County Commissioners· S, ll. JOHNSON County Auditor The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail CoW1ty, Minre sota: That the concrete block garage owned by the County in the Village of Pelican Rapids be leased to the State of Minre sota from January 1, 1959 to January 1, 1961 at a rental of $50.00 per month. Be it further resolved that the Chairnan and Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to execute said lease. Adopted December·lO, 1958. S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. BENNIE J. JOHNSON Chairman, Upon motion, the County Audit~was authorized to call for bids for printing arxi publishing for the year 1959 to cover publication of the Annual Statement of Receipts and Disbursements; publication of the Delinquent·Tax List for the year 1958; publication of the minutes of the meetings of the CountyBoard, and also all legal·notices which are paid for by the County except notices of school dissolutions, said bids to be opened at 2 o'clock P. M. January 7, 1959, Pursuant to a request of the County Board, the Town Beard of Butler and other interested parties appeared at an informa:I. hearing on a petition charging that a road beginning at the corner of the Intersection c£ sections 15, 16, 21 and 22 of Butler Township has been negiected and was at times impassable appeared before the Bra rd. After discussion, it appeared that the Town Bea rd has attempted to repair the poor spot in this road, but due to unfavorable weather had not been able to do·so; but the Tcwn Board stated that they intended to do so when conditions were favorable for doing the work. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commies:!. oners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That, Whereas, Anna Maria Jabs, the wife of an American soldier formerly stationed in Gennan,y, is now desirous of coming to the United States to join her husband, and Whereas, the sai4 Anna Maria Jabs fomerly had tuberculosis, which is a bar to her entry into the United States unless action is taken'to provide forJ1er·care and treatment in case she should require it at some future time Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the :Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tai 1 County, Minnesota; that this Beard will provide treatment and care for ·:the said Anna Maria Jabs at the State Sanatorium at Walker, Minnesota, in case it should be required at some future date, Adopted December 10, 1958, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Do Gary Nelson Sidney Nelson Crane-Johnson Monroe Caluclating Machine Co,, Inc. Mabel Wenstrom Vernon E, Bachman Otto Haase Harvey D. Morrill Bennie J. Johnson Henry ~ieling Sam Nycklemm Emil Boen Kathryn L. Michaelson Phillip·o, Thompson John Kukowske, Jr. boarding prisoners expenses II II supplies ma int e na.nce expenses II II II II .11 II B. J. JOHNSON ~hairman. saly. & exp. weed insp. clerical work in Soil Cons, office Services Soil Cons. 11111n, Judges fees $ 676.00 68.00 271.80 210.40 28,58 J0.00 22.40 14.35 32.85 11.00 24.90 J6,32 25,10 lJl.78 6J,25 56.80 20.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. SICVIITrHIIIIIM.COIIPIIIT ST.CLOUD 1111111. C, Ruth E. Hanna,v Runningen 9afe Norman Craig Roger Guetf,fson M. W. Bell.'l!lle. Co. Do Do Holten Hd.w11. Fergus Gla!IB & Paint Co. Wm. Galena,& Son Erickson H\l.we. Empire Supply Co. Soliah & Braatz Costello Mfg. Co. Johnson Fufniture Co. Embert F. Larson Holten Hdw~. Industrial.Electronics Corp. Lampert Lwpber Co. Johnson Service Co. Hintgen-Ka;-st Bob Hanson Marlin Re~olds Leonard Olson Clifford E'. Pederson Wendelin Ki,ep Me:ill.in S. Rieman Donald H, Jensen Eugene L.~eon Roland Schaller St. Paul B~ok & Staty. Co. Milli r-Dav:i.a Co. Security Bie,nk Book a Prtg. Co. Poucher Printing & Lit..~o. Co. Vic tor Lun!ieen & Co. R, R. Yate!I Jones & Kr9Bger Co. American G,,1.idance Service, Inc. Fergus Jou:rnal Co. Eyelace G.,Haneon Vernon E~ :iie,chman Auxiliary 9lson Stitzel Post #219 Olson Stitzell Poat #219 Johnson D~a Federal 1aporatories, Inc. H. W. Gloryigen East Otter.Tail Tele. Co. Esther,.G. l?ell Do Do Philip M. *jaglien Do N. W.Bell tele, Co. R. A. Hennii:ig Public Utilities Dept. Straub Est~te Dr. Thoe, j• Kinsella Glen Lakes.Sanatorium Ba-rchert-I~geraoll, Inc. Bement-Cahill Equipt. Co. FARMotore, Inc. Phillippi *quipt. Co. Read Machinery & Sunplies Co, Ruff~idge-~ohnson Equipt. Co. Geo. T, ~an Co. Smith, Inc: Wm. H, Ziegler Co., Inc. McCormick Farm Store Suhr Ford Sales, Inc. Super GM~ ~ruck Salee Larson Welc!-ing Olson Auto.Elecbric Les Tire S~rvice Aui-o Safety Service Harvey Bullock Ebersviller Implement Co., F.F. Swenson Blac..1<:smi th & Welding Shop Nelson Wre~king Co. Riverside ~pai-r Shop Carlson-Larson Motors Vaughn Chevrolet Co. John E. Maki Knutson He~ting Service A,P. Schmitz Garage A, R. Meier Welding Service Nordlund. Service Stadum Re~ir Shop Don1s Body ,Shop Thelen Impiement DATE ............................. P.~<::~.~~.~.!c ... ~Q ............................ 19 5~ .. . transcriptions meals for jurors meals for jurors expenses calla mobile service supplies II repairs at jail supplies II gasoline supplies II bolt supplies bulbs coal service & supplies service charge assist. on road block assist. Dep. Sheriff Dep. Sheriffs fees and exp. II II II II II II II II mounting board supplies suppfies II II pens register test booklets publishing postage envelopes decoratini; graves II II supplies beam light II II com. adv. to dr. lie. agents service & calls postage supplies expenses postage expenses service and calls service and supplies water, sewage, etc. rent careof patient care of patients parts repairs II II II parts and repairs repairs II II II II II repairs $ 29.40 14.25 . 24.oo 10,80 22.00 123.40 203.33 2.14 14.85 5,9.5 1.19 7,25 1.35 11.01 .72 4.50 3.43 102.00 581,58 265.99 17.15 10.00 15.00 11.00 55,80 58.20 46.60 lQ.00 10.00 20.00 45.00 56.83 21z.52 187.81 li4.18 8,25 101. 72 18.19 ,100.75 60.00 39.60 18.00 25.00 6.99 2.95 .9.80 12.30 4.oo 2.20 31,60 1.00 51.52 24.20 9.a5 2.71 50.90 100.00 663.32 646.92 24.95 197,06 214.oo 102.54 ~8.05 · 627.40 . 5,79 1792.20 558.32 40.66 114.18 _30.75 51. 77 2.50 14.75 10.50 29.72 12.00 9.50 2.88 5.00 ,100,95 15.50 33.32 . 7.40 18.40 1~00 75-78 34.oo 2.42 I~ ,f ! I 1,, \.,•;:'-· .L~. ·, I I t e I• I. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... .De.c.mn.b.e.i: ... lP .................................... 195.8 .. . Sorem Auto·Parta Mundahl 0i1Co. Vergas Motat' Service Paper, Calrmnaon & Co. Minnesota Mining & Mfg, 80, Rm enwald-Cooper Inc. Sherwin Williama Co. J, G. NelaGn John Dieseth Co. Martin Fruth Gladen Brcs. i1k River Gone. Prod, Co, Karna and Tabery Marvin w.nd. Mark Sand & Gravel Co, Robert Bertunnen McLaughlin·& Schulz, Inc, Thomas Oil·Co., Vining Flom Grain·& Feed Rayni'ond Motor Transportation, Inc, Ifouglaa County Paddock Township Empire Supply National Bushing & Parts Co, N. W. Saab·& Door Co. Sigelman Hid.a & Fur Co. Holten Hdwe, Al Schmidt·Lumber Co, Beall & McGowan Co. Dorn I a Hdwe • Bauck1s Hdwe, Larson Hdwe. Wilcox Lumber Co., Henning Steuart Heating & Plbg. Co. Tesch Lumber Co, Northwood Specialty Co, Coast to Cea.st Stores, Henning Bauck Chev, Co, Co-op. Services, Inc, Minnesota State Highw,v Dept. H. A.Rogers,Co, Victor Lundeen & Co. 0 'Meara's Dept. Store N. W. Bell,Teil.e, Co., F. F, Midwest Tele, Co. N, W. Bell·Tele, Co,, Henning East Otter·Tail Tele, Co. N. W. Bell·Tele, Co,, F, F, Pelican Tele, Co, Vergas Tele, Co. Emil Salvog Ole Rel. Wendell P. ·Huber George Olson Wendell P. •Huber Anderson &·6andberg Oil Co, Fossen Oil· Co. Andy Is 1166 11 Service South Mill·Standard West End Texaco Log Cabin• An:dy1 s ''.66 11 Service Gemlo Oil Go, The Oil Stere Service Oil Co. B. L, Erv's East·Side Station Bengtson Oil Co. Mayo's Stamard Service Bluffton Oil Co, Dalton Oil -Co, Farmers Co-op. Ccy. Assn, D. C, Pete's Standard Service, Perham Joe's Standard Serv.ice, Pel. Rpds, Consumer's-Co-op. Oil Co. B. L, Langdon's 210 Texaco Service Jim1s Service Station Park Region Co-op. Oil' Co. D,A,Lubricant Co., Inc. Arrow Petroleum Service Oil Co., Und. Standard Oil Co., B. L, Ted Olson Gil Co, Fossen Oil ·Cc. Standard Oil Co., Perham Socony Mobii Oil co. lieming Olson Auto ·Electric Hansel Implement Co. Farm Center Welding Har:iy F. Buehler repairs II II supplies II II II equipment rental II II II II II II culverts II II gravel II bituminous material tires, etc, seed freight maintenance judicial road supplies prints supplies II service and tolls II 11 II II II II II right ofway II II expenses II cash advanced gas· line etc, etc. gasoline II II etc. etc. II II II oil diesel fuel II II II II fuel oil II II II II II II repairs II II II II II II II II $ 50.00 3,70 -' 45,63 · 88.46 10.50 203,30 27,66 246.25 63,00 185,00 92.95 275,70 19,58 1191,99 1350.00 98,52 76,96 1187,51 45,25 78,96 41,25 36,S0 339,16 33.05 9,S0 32,88 1.20 3,75 a.so 5.40 24.6J 12,78 11.50 30.aa 10.48 17.50 4.05 9,20 46,5~ 66,76 20.14 29,53 2,32 60.80 9.40 · 27,45 11.85 49,35 ll,10 · 10.75 46.oo 55.00 196.19 8.65 7,89 135.60 74.47 76.14 16.53 10.28 258,36 124.93 3,35 78,00 18.-JO 270.61 108.12 27,49 42.70 277,68 76,69 78,35 197,26 178,71 31,96 98.62 12.92 91,30 558.07 151";,'?J 60.lJ 75,00 189.60 119.20 21.50 59.69 10,40 2.00 15.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HC ■ITYPIIIIITIN•ca•• 111',II CLOII 1111111, Firestone Store, F. F. Holten Lumber Co. Olson Hdwe. & Plbg., Und. VP-rgas Hdw¢. Co. Kraemer Oil Co. Tony's Standard Service Monrce Calculating Mche. Co., Inc •. Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Henry H. Halvorson Johnnie H. Moen Fred Rohde Otto Strel811 Stce n Bros. Village of Deer Creek Village of Henning Village of uew York Mills Motor Patrol Assn. Lykken Farm Supply Smokeys Mche. Shop Sko~o Motors Keenan Welding Equip. Co. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Minneapolis Blue Prtg. Co. H. A.Rogers Co. Henning Hdwe. Erickson-Hellekson~Vye Co. Vergas Oil Co. . Mime sota Motor Co. Elk River Concrete Products Co. Village of Dalton DATE .......................... J>.~.~~!!1.~~.~.} .. 9 .............................. 19 . .58 .. tires supplies II II fuel oil gamline machine maintenance gravel II II II II II garage rental rent garage rental towing repairs II II II Farts supplies II II II gasoline, etc. tires culverts garage rental Upon motion, the Board then adjourned without date. Chairman./ $ 802.60 104.80 67,79 62.16 101.85 3.15 56.00 792.J0 138.46 165.55 93.40 23.25 51.17 420.00 150.00 660.00 11.50 10,72 83.17 135.63 5.85 211.98 32.20 4.67 10.21 7.93 142.22 679. 68 75.96 180.00 ! ' '. ',. ;, '' 'I I I I, i :f ·, I. I l I