HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1957Ottertail County Official Meetings 1957 X f X COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. ~~: ... ~ ....................................... 19.5?.__ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF :BOARD' OF. COIJllTY ·coMMISSIONEBS OF OTTER 'l!AIL COONTY,MINNESOTA Pursuant to Statute the :Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. January 8, 1957, Present were Commissioners Henl7 Sieling, :Bennie J, Johnson and Otto Haase. Commissioner-elect Sam N:,cklemoe and Barvey·D. Morrill having filed their oath of offic t ok their seats with the :Board. e 0 The meeting was called to order by the Count:, Auditor, who stated that the first business was the election of a Chairman for the year 1957, Upon motion, Heney Sieling was elected Chairman. Upon motion, :Bennie J, Johnson was elected Vice-Chairman for the year 1957, The following resolution was ad.opted: Resolved by the :Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the following days bs designated as the dates on which the County lloard will meet during the :,ear 1957: Adopted Janua17 8, 1957, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: February 1J and 14 March 11 and 12 April 9 and 10 MS¥ 14 and 15 June 11 and 12 Ju.17 8 and 9 August 13 and 14 September 10 and.·11 October 8 and 9 November 12 and 13 December 10 and 11 HENRY SIELING Chairman. Besolved by the :Board of Count:, Commissioners of Otter Tail Count:,, Minnesota: That a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman of the :Board and two members of the ,:Board, be appointed by the Chairman·to purchase all furniture and supplies excepting books, blanks and statione17, needed for the Court Bouse and Jail during the year 1957, and provide for such repairs as ira:,become an immediate necdBBit:,. Adopted January 8, 1957, Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk. HENRY SIELING Chairman. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Johnson and Morrill as his associates on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the :Board of Count:, Commissioners of Otter Tail Count:,, Minnaaota: .That under provisions of Section 2154 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Dr. C. A. lloline, a raaident physician of said count:,, and Count:, Commissioners Morrill and N:,cklamoe, members of this :Board,, be and the same hereby are appointed to constitute a Count:, :Board of Health of said Count:, for the :,ear 1957. Adopted Januaey 8, 1957, Attest: S. ll, JOHNSON Clerk. The following raaolution was adopted: HENRY SIELING Chairman. Resolved by the :Board of Count:, CommiBBioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman and two members of the :Board to be selected by the Chairman, be appointed to have charge of the Court Bouse and Jail and ground!! for the :,ear 1957. ·Adopted January 8, 1957. Attest: S. ll. JOHNSON Clerk. HENRY SIBLING Chairman The Chairman appointed Haase and N:,cklemoe to serve with him on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the :Board of Count:, Commissioners of Otter Tail Count:,, Mi~nesota: That the Count:, Commissioner of his respective district, name!:, Heney Sieling, the First District: Bennie J. Johnson,· the Second Diatri.ct; Sam Nycklemoe, the Third District: Ott_o Haase, the Fourth District, and Harvey I>;· ·Morrill, the Fifth District, be and the:, hereby.are each appointed Superintendent of Poor of his said district, with authority to act in re- lation to the care and support of non-resident paupers, and to receive applications for reUef or support by or for an:, reason I '( f 'f COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE. .................................... Jan, .. 8, ............................. 19 .. ~7.. siccu•1n Pll■IIIIGCO■H■r I • CLOUD ••••• in hia district, aa provided ·by Chapter 15, Revised Laws of 1905, Adopted JaDWU7 8, 1957. Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk. 'l'he following resolution waa adopted: HENRY SIELING Chairman Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under the provisions of Chapter 200, Iawa of Minnesota, for 194), th~ County shall~ a bounty of $5,00 for each full-grown fox killed in said County, and $).00 for each cub, red or gr,q, fox killed in said County from January 1, 1957 to December )1, 1957; ~ent to be made on warrant of the County Auditor after compliance by the claimant with all pro- visions of said Law. Adopted January 8, 1957. Attest: S, ·B, JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution waa adopted: HENRY SIELING Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of ten cents be paid out of the Revenue Fund of the County for every pocket-gopher and woodchuck killed ii said county during the months of April, May, June and July, 1957, in cases where the townships in which pocket-gophers and woodchucks are ao killed shall provide for the payment of an additional bounty of ten cents for each pocket-gopher and wood- chuck BO killed. Resolved further, that payment for such bounty shall be made by the County Auditor 11pon certificates executed by the Chairman of the Town Board of said townships setting forth that the pocket-gophers or woodchucks were duly presented to the Chairman of such board and that the township has issued and delivered to each claimant a town order for t:wenty c;ents for each pocket-gopher or woodchuck ao killed, · Adopted January 8, 1957. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. 'l'he following resolution was adopted: HENRY SIELING Chairman. Resolve~ by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under the provisions of Section 7.39 General Statutes for 19)2, the sum of $100. 00 be and the same hereby ia ap- propriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red Rher Valley Development Aaaociation, said -ount ao appropriated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors for the year 1957. Adopted January 8, 1957, Attest: S, B, JOHNSON Clerk, The following resolution waa adopted: HENRY SliSLING Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: ---- That the sum of not lesa than $250,00 be and the s-e hereby ia appropriated out of the County Re-venue Fund of said County for Otter Tail County exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair for 1957 and the County Audit.or and Chairman of the Board are directed to issue a warrant for said -aunt in favor of Clarence c. Mielik:e. Adopted January 8, 1957. Attest: S, B,JOHNSON Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: HENRY SIELING Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commiaaionera of Ott~r Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, Chapter 142, laws of 1921, Mason's Minnesota Statutes 1927, Sac. 671 and Minna_aota Statutea 1941, Sec. )75,)0 provides way-a and means for the control and eradication of rust-producing barberry, the following resolution waa adopted: Ba it hereby resolved, that $50.00 be appropriated by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County.for the purpoae of eradicating and removing rust-producing bushes and that a bounty of $).00 be offered for the location of barberry bush or bushes on each property subject to the provisions aa aet forth qp" the llarberry Office, University Farm, St. Paul, Minnesota, on file in the office of the County Auditor, Fergus Falla, Minnesota. Adopted January 8, 1957, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. HENRY SIELING Chairman. " I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................... · Jan, . 8, ............................. 19 S~. H l■ln P 1■11•• ■H■I SI. CLOUD ■I■■, c,ama 'l'he following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter 'l'ail County, Minnesota: That there ba and hereby is transferred· from the Revenue Fund of the County to the Incidental Fund. the sum of $750.00 for postage for the use of the offices entitled thereto, Adopted January 8, 1957, Attaat: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. HENRY SIELIHG Chairman. RESOLUTION U THE BOARD ·OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER&, OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA. llE IT RESOLVED, that contractors on Federal-Aid Secondary Higw&¥ ProJecta in Otter Tail County ba required to pay not leas than minilllll!D wage rates on 1957 contracts in the county as follows: Skilled Labor ••...•••.•..•.•.•.•.••• Intermediate Grade labor .•.......••..••.• Unskilled Labor .•.•.....••..•••••.•.•• $1.ao 1.60 1.20 Adopted th1a 8th dB¥ of January, 1957, Attest: S. B. JO!UISOH Clerk. RESOLUTION. HENRY SIELIHG Chairman, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commiaaionera of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That because of deterioration due to rain, snow, and usual spring climatic comlitiona the roads hereinafter described will be seriously damaged unless restrictions are imposed as to weight of vehicles to be operated thereon, HOW, TBEBIFORE: No person.::ahall operate any vehicle or combination of vehicles upon any of the county roads in the County of Otter Tail and the State of Minnesota, described as follows, to-wit: State Aid Roads: 1, 2, J, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, lJ, 14, 16, 17, and 19; and County Aid Roads: 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, JO, Jl, 32, JJ, J4, JS, J6, 37, JS, 39, 40, 41, 42, 4J, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, SJ, 54, 55, 56, 57, SB, 59 60, 61, 62, during the period from the first of March, 1957 to the first of June, 1957, where the gross weight on any single axle, as defined in Minnesota Statutes 1945 Sec. 169,SJ, exceeds three tons (6000 pounds) and the Engineer of said County ia hereby directed and authorized to erect and maintain signs plainly indicating the prohibitions and restrictions above at each end of that portion of any highw&¥ affected thereby, and these restrictions shall be effective and this prohibition effective · upon such erection and maintenance of such signs. Adopted this 8th day of January, 1957, Attest: S, B, JOHNSON Clerk. HENRY SIBLING Chairman. RESOLUTION BI; THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. l!E IT RESOLVED, that the County Highw&¥ Engineer be authorized to issue payrolls for the purpose of aalaey payments to all maintenance employees, engineering employees, construction employees, and for the rental of trucks and mowers necessaey for the maintenance of State Aid Roads, not to exceed $].J0,000 and County Aid Roads, not to exceed $215,000 for the year 1957, Adopted this 8th day of January, 1957, Attest: S. B, JOHHSOHi Clerk. HENRY SililLING Chairman. RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUN'rY OF OTTER TAIL, MINN. BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to statutory authorit7 the Count7 Engineer for and,on behalf of theCount7 of Otter Tail is hereby authorized to re~ueat and obtain from the Minnesota Department of Highways needed engineering and technical services during the 7ear 1957, for which payment will be made by the County upon receipt of verified claims from the Commissioner of Highw&7a. Adopted this 8th day of Jam,,ar7, 1957, HENRY SIBLING Chair111111. Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk. MINNESOTA DEPAimo!ENT OF HIGHWAY& FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FORM NO. III. Be it resolved that pal"&uant to Chapter 161.0J, Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1953, the Commissioner of Highwqs be appointed as agent of the County of OTTER TAIL to let as its agent, contracts for the construction of portions of State Aid Roads, specifically described as follows: State Aid Road No, 7 from 2 mileaWeat of East County Line to East COllJlty Line. State Aid Boad No, 12 from 10.5 miles• swtb.weat of Dent to 5.5 miles southwest of Dent. State Aid Boad No. 12 from Dalton to Underwood, and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorize4 and directe4 for and on be~lf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commiaaioner of Highw&¥B prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and coritained in 11Minneaota Department of Highways Ageney Contract Form No. IV11, a cop7 of which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractural obligations therein contained. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ································Jan •.. a• .............................. .19 ... 57. ■UUlllrPIIIIIINSCO■PAH SI.CLOUD IIINN. C,Hal HENRY SIELING Chairman of 8ounty :Board. (SEAL) S. :e. JOHBSON County Auditor MINNESarA DBPARTMEN'l' OF HIGHWAYS FOllM III-S BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 161.QJ, Subd. 26 through 29, Minn. Statutes 1953, the 9ommiaaioner of Highways be appointed agent of the County of OTTlllB TAIL to let aa its agent a contract for the construction of tha~ P?rtion of County Aid Boed No. 42 described aa follova: From S·.A.B., 12, Weat of Dead Lake to ). 7 milea North which project shall be combined with Otter Tail County Federal-Aid Secondary Project identified aa S.P. 56-502-04 and Minn. & 6466(1), an4 the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commiaaioner of Highways prescribing the terms and condition■ of auch agency in the form aet forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highway■ Agency Contract Form No. IV-S", a copy of which aaid form waa before the :Board, aaauming on behalf of the County. all of the contractual obligation■ therein contained. HENRY SIBLING Chairman of County :Board. S. :e. JOHNSON County Auditor MINNESOTA DBPARfMEN'l' OF HIGHWAY& FORM III-S BE IT RESOLVED that .purauant to Section 161.0:,, Subd. 26 through 29, Minn. Statutes 1953, the Conuniaaioner of Highwa,ya be appointed agent of the COUDty of OTTER TAIL to let aa its agent a contrac,t for the construction of that portion of State Aid Roed Bo. 12 described aa followa: From Main Street to North end of East Street in Underwood, which project ahall be combined with Otter '!'ail County Federal-Aid Secondary Project identified aa S.P. 56-615-01 and Minn. S 6466(9), and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commiasioner.of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form No. IV-S 11 , a copy of which said form was before the :Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. HENRY SIELING, Chairnan of Co S. :e. JOHNSON;' County Auditor. :Board The following resolution was adopted: ,. · .. : ·. Resolved by the :Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: • . .. ·-· .. . That the sum of $10).00 per month be and the same hereby is all9wed for clerical work in the office of the County At- torney from January 1, 1957 to December 31, 1957, same to be paid from the Revenuefund of. the County at the close of each month on warrant .. o.fu,!;!1,e.IC~~ AudU!!J;• Attest:S.:B.JODSON, Clerk . -· . . .. HENRY SIELING, Chairman. ffti'll'&Y'ra:~lig8~rllrodsly advertised for bids on one pneumatic-tit:ed roller, said bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A.M January 8, 1957, bids were received as follows: all of the above being for new equipment. :Borchert-Ingersoll Rllffridge-Johnson Equipment Co., Inc. William H. Ziegler Co., Inc. $ 1900 1580 1920 William H. Ziegler Co., Inc. also submitted a bid for one used roller in the sum of $840.00. Upon motion, the contract was awarded to Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. for one used pnewnatic roller for $840.00. A plat of ~u :Beach Addition No. 2 located in Lot.) Section 3 Township 132 Range 042, accompanied by an opinion as to the title executed by Thomas s. Donaho, attorney-at~li.w, was approved. 'l'he following were namad as members of the Otter Tail County Extension Committee: Mrs. Elvin Arvidson, Town of Eastern Robert Molter, Dane Prairie, both for a period of three years. Otto Haase was appointed as a m,mber frOl!I the County :Board, ·Upi>.i!.,motion, the County Auditor was directed to ask the Federal Communications Committee for aaaignment of frequency for short-wave radio for civil defense and law enforcement purposes. Upon motion, the C01111ty Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for the 1957 season's requirements of grader bl.ad.ea, tires, tubes and batteries and for equipment rental far all t;vpea of construction equipment. All of the above bids to be opened at a session of the :Board held on February 13th at 10 o1clock A. M. · The County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids to be opened at 10 o1clock A. M. February 13, 1957 for bitum- inous material comprlliiggapproxinately of 30,000 gallons SC and 50,000 gallons M~. to be delivered at aey point in Otter Tail County by transport truck equipped with pump for unloading. Upon motion, the Clerk of District Court was authorized to continue the practice of ~ing 5¢ for each drivers license application taken by agents at various points in the Count.T. · · The County Auditor was authorized to call for bids for grading and construction and bituminous treatment on Boad No. 52 ~:-t!il Co. Roade 12 42 12 12 12 27 Location :Base and bituminous surfacing SAR 8 to North County Line t:t.•fz& l*tflf '8Xifi~•t•s/J/el.pad• CCIWlty & SAR Roeda :Bituminous aard seal :Baee and bituminous surface from 5.8 Mi. to 10.6 Mi. SW of Pent :Base and bi tuminoua surface SAR 12 W Dead l.ake to ). 71 Mi. N, :Base and bituminous surface Dalton to Underwood :Base and bituminous surface Main St. to N. end• East it., Underwood llaae and bituminous surface f.H. 52 & North o.4451 llase & bituminous surface SAR 12 East & West in Dalton Co. Proj. No. 57:SS 57:HSS 57:52 :S1rn-Q 57::B 57:12ll 57:42:e 57:12DU:B 57: 12u:e 57:l.2D:B 57:2?D:B 7 10 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COU~TY, · MINN. DATE ....................... · ...... Jan.8, .............................. · ...... 19 ... .S7 IIC 11n 1■11 •ca■ ... , C UD ■I •• Base and bituminous surface Dalton Village Streets Grading from T.H, 29 and East to F.aat Co. Line Grading t'rom T,H. 59 to Portera Cor. SAR 3 Said bids to be opened at 1~ o'clock A.II, February 26, 1957. Upon motion, the Board adjourned to 10:00 A. M. Jan. 9, 1957. WEDNESDAY'S ;lESSIOH. Pursuant to adjourment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. January 9, 1957, all members being present. 57:DB 57:C17 57:10 The petition of Ervin Woldahl asking that the S 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec. 18, Township 131, Range 40 be set off from $chool Dist. 6 of Otter Tail Count7 to School Dist. 8 of Grant County was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said. petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. March 12, 1957, and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given aa provided by law. The petition of Erwin Woldahl asking that the NE 1/4 NE 1/4 of Section 19, Township 131, Range 40 be set off from Dist. 114 8tter Tail County to Dist. 8 Grant County was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'cloc A. M. March 12, 1957, and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given aa provided by law. The petition of Robert Brolin asking that Gover111Dent Lot 7 and a portion of Government Lot 6, Section 5, Township 137, Range 41, be set off from School Dist. No. 8 of Becker County to School Dist. ·No. l of Becker County was read and it was or- dered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. March 12, 1957, and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given aa provided by law. A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School Dist. 36 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said re- solution be held at 10 o'clock A. M. March 12, 1957, and that due notice of the time and. place of said hearing be given aa provided by law. Resolution for the Division of Assets of School District No. 181 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, between Independent Con- solidated School District No. 8 of Becker County and Independ- ent Consolidated School District No. 44 of Otter Tail Count7. Pursuant to the Statutes of the State of Minnesota upon dissolution of school Districts and annexation of the territoey to other districts it is the dut7 of the Board of County Commissioners to divide the aaaeta, Now, Therefore, be it resolved by.the Board of County Commiaaionera of Otter Tail Count7, Minnesota, that the assets of Common School District No. 181, including the school site, school bu.ildings and all personal property of every kind, charac- ter and description, including cash and taus for 1955 and prior years collected after ·date of dill!solution shali be and they hereby are divided aa follows: 4~ to Independent Consolidated School District No. 8 of Becker County, and 6~ to Iml.ependent Consolidated School District No. 44 of Otter Tail Count7, · Be it further resolved that aey and. all obligations of District No. 181 exiati~ at the time of diasolut~on shall be paid 4~ bJ Independ.ent Consolidated School District No. 8 of Becker County and 6~ by Independent Consolidated School District No. 44 of Otter Tail County, Upon motion, the foregoing resolution was adopted on the 9th da,y of Jan1JB1T, 1957. Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk. HENRY SIBlLING Chairman. Resolution for Division of Assets of School District No. 121 of Otter Tail County, Minneaota,between Independent Consolidated School Diati'.ict No. 44 of Otter Tail Coun- ty, Independent Consolidated School District No. 8 of Becker COWlty and Independent Consolidated School Dis- trict No. l of Bicker County. Pursuant to Statutes. of the State of Minnesota upon dissolution of school districts and annexation of the territory to other diatri.cta it is the duty of the Board of County Commiaaioners to divide the assets, Now, Therefore, be it resolved by tpe Board of County Commissioners of Otter 'l'ail County, Minnesota, that all the assets of School District No. 121, including school. site, school buildings and all personal property of eve17 kind, character and description, including cash and taxes for the year 1955 and prior years collected a•fter date of diaaolution, shall be divided aa follows: 8.4~ to Independent Consolidated School District Ho. 44 of Otter Tail County; 35.9~ to Independent Consolidate School District Ho. 8 of Becker County and 55.7~ to Indepeddent Consolidated School District No. 1 of Becker County, Be it further resolved that any and all obligations of School District No. 121 existing at the time of dissolution shall be paid 8.4~ by I.llllependent Consolidated School District No. 44 of Otter Tail County, 35.9~ by Independent Consolidated School District No. 8 of Becker County and 55,7~ by Independent Consolidated School District No. 1 of Becker Count7~ Upon motion, the foregoing resolution was. adopted .on .the. 9.t.he .d.BY .. o.f. ,Jr,.'!l!J!A',:"J., _1957. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON .. . Clerk. . . . . . . . . . . ............................. HEDY ·s·IEL1NG . . . . . . . , , ...... , . , . . . . . . . . . . .... Cbai0J':~- : .... .ReaaiU:i1~~ .i.~; .·Divia1~~ :~:( As:~~t~ :~t: :sciq'oo:i; District Ho. . . . .. 149 .of .Otter. .'l'ail, Count7, Minnesota, between Independent ,Consolidated.School District No. 1 of Becker Count7 and ·-.independent.Consolidated .~chool Dis~~~~t .~o. 8 of Becker· County. Pursuant to Statutes of the State of Minnesota upon dissolution of School Districts and annexation to other districts it ia the duty of the Board of County Commissioners to divide the assets, COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................... · ...... Jan •. 'l • ........................ 19 .. '-1.. llll'IY .. lllll■lliCO PAH H.CLOIID ■I■■• C4QI Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the assets of School District No. 149, including school site, school buildings, and all personal property of every kind, character and des- cription, including cash, and tues for 1955 and pr~or years collected after date of dissolution, shall be and they are here- by divided as follows: 5.a~ to Independent Consolidated School District No. l of !Beker County and 94.2o.' to Independent Consolidated School District No. 8 of !Beker County, !a it i'urther resolved that a~ and all obligations of District No. 149 existing at the time of dissolution shall bs paid 5.Bo.' by Independent Consolidated School District No. l of !Beker County and 94.2o.' by Independent Consolidated School Dis- trict No. 8 of !Beker County. Upon motion, the foregoing resolution was adopted on the 9th day of January-, 1957• HENRY SIELING Chairman. Attest: S. B. JORNSON Clerk. Bids for county printing for 1957 previously called for were opened and found to be as follows: The Perham-Enterprise-Bulletin offered to publish the Financial Statement of the County for 1956 at legal rates. The Henning .Advocate of Henning offered to publish the Financial Statement of the County for 1956 at legal rates •.. The Farga.s Journal offered to publish the minutes of the meetings of the County Board and also all legal notices which are paid for by the County, except notices of school dissolutions, all such publications to· be at legal rates. · The Pelican Bapids Press offered to publish the delinquent tax list for the year 1955 at legal rates. Upon motion, all of these bids were accepted. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the Pelican Bapids PreBB be and the same 1B hereby designated as the newspaper in which shall be printed the list of lands in Otter Tail County upon which taxes became delinquent on the first Monday in January, 1957, Resolved further that the publishers of ■aid newspaper be required to :f'llrnish a surety bond in the sum of $2,000.00 for the faithi'ulperformance of said publication. Adopted Jamiary 9, 1957. HENRY S IELING Chairman. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. SCALI OF WAGES, OTTER TAIL CWNTY HIGHWAY m:PARTMENT. The salary of employees of the CountyHiprq Department for the year 1957 were fiJ:ed as follows: Bituminous Lay-Out Operators ·Heavy Equipment Operators Truck Driver Second nan on truck Common labor Maintenance Foreman Shop Foreman let Mechanic 2nd Mechanic & Blacksmith Sign Foreman County lilngineer Chief·Engineer Instrument Man Level Man Head Rodman Rodman Office Man Bookkeeper & Chief Clerk Secretary Clerical $1.40 per hr. 1.25 per hr. 1.15 per hr. 1.10 per hr. 1.00 per hr. 365.00 per month 325.00 per month 290.00 per month 265.00 per month ~o.oo per month/ 1725. 00 per month , 485.00 per month 450.00 per month 360.00 per month 280. 00 per month 235.00 ~ 240.00 per mo. 240.00 per month 270.00 per month 215.00 per month 160.00 -190.00 perm~. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: That the following amounts are hereby set aside for clerk.hire for the calendar year 1957 in the several county offices. to-wit: Auditor .•.. · .•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••• $ 9400.00 Treasurer.............................................................. 9000. 00 Register of Deeds................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9270. 00 Clerk of Court ••• In addition to $1500 allowed by special law •..••.•.••• 3600.00 Probate Court •••• In addition to $3500 authorized by special law •.••••.• 1400.00 County A sees sor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 4500. 00 Deputy County Assessor............................................. . . . . 3000. 00 Clark, County Assessor................................................. 2700.00 First Assistant County Superintendent of Schools....................... 285.00 per mo. Office Assistant County Superintendent of Schools...................... 200.00 per mo. Veterans I Service Clerk. • . . • • • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3600, 00 .Adopted January 9, 1957. Attest: S, B, JOHNSOll Clerk. BENRY SIELING Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... · ..... ·Jan •. 9, ......................... 1957. HC■■ln .. ,■11■1 co■••·' ■r. CLOVD ••••• The petition of Vernon Flatau and others asking for the alteration of a part of County Road beginning at the southwest corner of the SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 36, Townehip 137, .Range 40, running thence East on the town linee and. northeasterly along the ~orth shore of Devils i.ke to where the same intersects County Road No. 48 was read and it was ordered that a·heari~ on said.petition be had at the CODDDisaioners Roam at 2 P. M. March 11, 1957, and that H. D. Morrill aJld. Sam llly-cklemoe.meet ·at 2 o'clqck P. M. Marqh 4th, 1957 at Vernon Flatau1s plac, in t~ southeast corner of the Town of Hobart to view eaid ·c~~- :The application of Ed. Estlick for homestead classification of the NW 1/4 and W 1/2 Nlil 1/4 SW 1/4 Section 4, Township 134, Ran~ 40, was read and,upon motion, the same was granted and the tu ordered reduced accordingly. . . :The application of Marvin l'ullhem for cancellation of tu on 1955 Prairie Schooner House Trailer aseessed in the City of Fer~ Falla on the ground that license had been purchased for the year 1956 covering this trailer was read and., upon motion, the ~ame was recommended to the Tax Commissioner. :The application of A.G. Kalland. for reduction of personal property assessment in the Township of Amor was read ami, upon motion, the same was rejected upon recommendation of the County Assessor. :vernon Bachllan, Superintendent of Schools, filed notice of appointment of Mabel Wenstrom as First Assistant·, and. Lorna A. Schmidt as Second. Assistant. Upon motion, the appointments w~~e approved • . The. following bills were allowed: Russ~ll Brooberg Gary.Nelson Dona'.!-4 H. Schaap Jim J!:immes Merlin S. Rieman Fer~• Falls Clinic R. B. Featherstone John,on Drugs s. w. Beckman Bennie J. Johnson Henry Sieling Otto.Haase JohD.L.Bixby Wesley G. Torgerson Theo. Hegseth W. H• Dewey Theo. Thompson Arnold W. Evavold H. T: l!urau W. H~ Dewey Theo• Thompson Arno~d W. Evavol4 Harry llurau Theo• Regseth llurr?Ughe Corp. Victor Lundeen & Co. Security Blank: Book: & Printing Co. The Pierce Co. Miller-Davis Co. Co~rs Office Supply Se~ity Blank: Book: & Printing Co. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. Ugeb}.ad Publishing Co. J. S, Hopponen ~ Fuel Co. Marlµi Reynolds N. W, Bell Telephone Co. Do .Do Hintgen-lCarst Johnson Service Co. Grea~ Western Laboratoriee !arson Bros. Sout~ Mill Standard C. W. Weislander Monrpe Calculating Machine Co. llurroughs Corporation Remipgton Band W. ~l Williama El&i!I Pederson The !l,iver Inn Lake.Region Hoepital Bob ~offman Maynard Fletcher Elmer llullock ICellll!lth L, WidneBB Howai:d Trosdahl Glen. M. Melby Levon Chriatopheraon Minn~sota Motor Co. Ruas~ll llrooberg Levon Christopherson Orri.s Speten Leol'l!lrd Nelson Ral~ Sinner Glen Fletcher Harold Ukkelberg Vern Arneson Clark Bell boarding of prisoners Dep. Sheriff's fees 11 II II U II II II II II jail calla tooth extraction (prisoner) supplies exp, attending meeting II II II II II expensee soil conservation paper supplies II clasp envelopes blanks service call files supplies,_ printing & supplies labor at jail coal hauling ashes calls & service calla II repairs labor & eupplies mats stoker pins gasoline repairs maintenance II supplies municipal Judge's fees taking testimony meals for jurors services jury fees searching for weapon H II II 11 U II II II II II II II dep. sheriff's fees storage & service call postage searching for weapon 11 11 H 11 II II jury fees searching for weapon II II II jury fees II II $ 972,00 237-60 162.80 17,15 7.10 26.00 3.00 6,?6 8.13 14.60 23,78 21.50 25,27 174.66 4.56 9,84 4.08 · 13.20 7.20 26.10 17.82 34.50 15.90 28.86 16.07 31,32 21,44 35,70 74.04 2.50 530.25 '46 •. JJ 109.52 64.47 674.80 52.00 100, O'J 89,10 21,65 4.80 196.54 .13,95 4.00 1.60 49.00 29.00 274.60 314.55 86.00 63,80 38,75 30.15 1.12 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 13.00 4.84 10.00 10.00 5.00 1.12 5.00 5.00 1.12 1.12 i, COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. T:>ATE ...••••.......••..•.............. Jan •.. 9 •.................................. 19 ... ~?.. Vincent O I Meara Vernon E. llachman FJ:~tf, l!ar_pn..,..._. Dlebol,.. 'Inc. Frank c. llarnea H. W. Glol"V"igen :Barke & Allison Jllaat Otter Tail Telephone Co. Ugeblad Publishing Co. :&lather G. Sell Do Do Ann Jordan Do Do Philip M. X,1aglien. Do N. W. llell Telephone Co. Coopers Office Supply R. A. Henning Fergus Falla Utilities Department Straub Estate Olson's Furniture & Funeral Home Mildred Bruvold Ruth C. Campbell Victor Lundeen & Co. Xemper Drugs Martha Levine Village of Vining Township of Girard Village of Vining Maine Township Rill8dahl J>rU& Store Township of Newton Swans Be:mll Drugs Nelson Drugs Xorda Clinic Fergus Falla Clinic Drs. Warner & Schoeneberger Glen Lake Sanatorium The Itasca Clinic Minnesota State Sanatorium Township of Oak Valley Township of Inman Township of Girard Bursch Be:mll Drugs City of Fergus Falls Township of Folden Butler Machinery Co. Borchert-Ingersoll. Inc. Northwest Engineering Co. Phillippi Equtipment Co. Pu.blic Works Equipment Co. Road Machinery & Supply Co, George T. Ryan Co. Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Co. Wm. H. Ziegler Co •• Inc. Genuine Parts Co. McCormick Farm Equipment & Store Sorem Auto Parts Co. Larson Bros, Minnesota Motor Co. Hem"7 Holmgren A. T. Herfindahl A. H. Hauberg Mats & Greiff Besaet Bros. Charles C. Olson Electric Vaughn Chevrolet Co. Custom -chine Works A, P. Schmits Garage F. R. Steuart l!lumbing & Heating Rude Garage Ronald Isakson. Blacksmith BeBon Chevrolet Co. Paulson Tire Shop Johnson Machine Shop Al Marschke The Thomas Compa~ Empire Supply Co. National Bushing & Parts Co. Fleet Wholesale Supply Co. ·coast-to-Coast Storaa, Battle Lake Eberavillera, Inc •• P.R. ·coast-to-Coast Store. P. R. ~enaen1a Auto Wrecking larson Hardware. P. P. ·coast-to-Coast Store, P. P. Hoyt Hardware Wilcm Lumber Co,, Henning ·coast-to-Coast Store. Perham 'l'he Carew Warehouse jury fees postage m_!l_~_ fiiijiiffing of safe flag adv. coma, paid to drivers license gents Dec.1956· premium on bond. calls & sel"V"ice letterheads & envelopes box rent postage expenses supplies postage expenses postage & machine rental expenses calla & Sel"V"ice paper repairs water & sewage rent picture framing mimeographing expenses supplies drugs expenses cars of poor (for 1955) H II II (for 1955) • 11 11 11 (for 1956) care of transients drugs care of poor dro.gs u care of patient II II II II II II II H II II II II II II II care of poor 11 II II II II H drug care of poor care of transients parts n n II II n n II parts & snowplow parts II II repairs supplies 1.12 28,00 l~.9Po 40.oo 22.32 10.85 17.00 8.10 16.00 2.25 3.00 29,91 1.25 5,00 56.79 7.34 59.,22, 5.80 15.00, 4.00 1.42 50.00 1.75 2.65 6.16 10.25 32.34 9.71 122.58• 181.50 333,35. · 74,53 77,75 764.14 16.50 23.10 16.50> 10,00· 8,00 1373.73 16;00· 2756.00 275,31 1900,99 697.72 20.05 17.317.96 10.00 136.82 9,37 9.58 142.68 lJ.60 105.05 35.72 63.30 1.005.06 8.40 10.64 10.00 34.65 93.36 27,15 2.50 12.40 38.15 23.00 12.65 10.53 18.75 2.94. 140.43 28.05 4.00 9.76 3.00 17.88 1.50 201.00 311.96 12.80 3.60 6.16 .88 11.55 3.00 57.63 1.09 7,76 22.26 4.10 1,25 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 11cv■1n•••• .. ••co■H1H 11.1:1.ouo •••. Baucka Hardware Erickaon-Hellekaon-V:,e Co. Teach Lumber Co. Paper, Calmenaon & Co. Jacobaon Bro■• Michaalson Bro■• B. M. Starry !Cahladorf' Broa. Eino Ojala Home & Farm Supply Everett Winana & Co.- Village of Dalton Village of Parker■ Prairie City of Fergua Falla • Flom Grain & Seed Weat Otter Tail Service Co. Bailvay Expreaa Agency, B. L. ~ond Motor Trana., Inc. Fergua Journal Co. Boot lalce Pure 011 Co. Earl1a Temco Service Oil Comp!U11', B; L. Bill1a Service Station Carlaon Oil Co. Danialaon Service, Erhard Ray1a Oil Station · Verga■ Oil Co. Bill Nelaon Oil Co. Foaaen Oil Co. Perham Co-op Oil Co. Conaumera Co-op 011 Co. S. & F. Oil Comp!U11' Service Oil Co., Underwood Arrow Patroleum Standard Oil Co., B. L. A. & L. Oil Co. Art'• Service Station Olaon Oil Co. Foaaen Oil Co. Anderaon & Sandberg Oil Co. D. A. Lubricant Co .• , Inc. B. X. Stahl Co. Monroe Calculating Machine Co., Inc. Dahm■ Photo Print Co. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co; Victor Lundeen & Co. H. A. Boger■ Company N. W. Bell Telephone Co., F. F. East Otter Tail Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co., F. F. Midveat Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co., Benning Wendell P. Huber .DATE ... Jan •... 9, .· .......................... 19 57 auppliea II II cutting edges culvert■ aaphalt equipment rental gravel heating inatallation cleaning garage garage rental water charge maintenance coal II expresa freight· ad for bida gasoline II II u ff II gaaoline, tire■, etc. 11 etc. II II II II dieael fuel ff II fuel oil fuel oil etc. II D II ~ II II II grease & oil hydraulic oil maintenance printed form■ form■ printed forms II II aervice & toll■ 11 II II II e:s:penae II II II George Olson Wendell P. Bubar caah advanced John Muggli, Agent of Ethel C., Evelyn & Margaret Muggli right of way Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. February 13, 195?. Attest: :::. 4.20 5.oa 33.31 736.53 52.20 291.06 90.16 900.50 10.50 525.00 223.50 .. 90.00 5.00 250.00 1.95 75.19 1.93 21.18 16.80 2.70 3.27 147.76 70.93 60.01 57.77 44.05 128.45 488.95 109.39 87.20 28.90 234.96 51.09 450.12 72.50 94.37 ??.04 104.12 l??.60 30.60 789.78 36.37 52 •. 00 112.#0 6.35 99.40 108.56 38.55 9.65 50.60 8.05 11.90 175.24 14.35 15.00 13.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ .lllb ..... lJ .•................... : ............................. 19 .. S7., MINU'l'ES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF T.IIE BOARD OF COU!ITY COMMISSIONERS OF CHER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adJournmant the Board mat at 10 o'clock A. M. Feb. 13, 1957, all members being preaant. Bids for cutting edges to be furnished during the year 19S7 ware read. Aa all bids ware identical, upon motion,. all bids.ware reJactad. Bids for tires, tubas and batteries received ware aa follows: Bill Nelson Oil Co., Minnesota Motor Co., Johnson Tire and Retread Co., Laa Tira Service, all of Fergus Falla, and Anderson's Super Service, Inc. of Montevideo •. Upon motion, all bids -ware raJectad. Bids for equipment rental for the year 19S7 ware read and, upon motion, all bids ware accepted. Bids for SC Asphalt and MC Asphalt ware received as follows: Western Oil and Juel Co., SC type .1397 per gallon: MC type •• 1497 par gallon. Northwestern Bafining Co., SC type .1375 par gallon; MC type, .1475 per gallon. Upon motion, the bid ef the Northwestern Refining Co.• St. PaUl. Park:, Minnesota, was accep\ed •. The following statement of fees and emoluments received during the year 19S6 was read and approved: John Bixby Evelace G. Hanson s. B. Johnson H, w. Glorvigen Frank: C, l!arnaa Varnon E. l!achman Dr. Carl J. Lund H. J, Hanning Heney Sialing Otto Haase Bennie J, Johnson County ABBeaaor Regis tar of Deeds County Auditor Clerk: of Court Judge of Probate Superintendent of Schools Coroner County Treasurer County Commissioner County Commissioner County Commissioner $3914.60 4800,00 4800.00 4800~00 4800.00 ':1-500,00 224.04 4800,00 122),20 1222.00 i21a.oo Upon motion, the salary of the county attorney's clerk was fi:md at $130.00 par month beginning Feb, 1, .1957. A representative of the County Historical Society appeared before the Board regarding an •ppropriation.for the year 1957, Upon motion, the sum of $800.00 was appropriated for the year 1957. Pursuant to Section 393.01 Subdivision 2, Minnesota Statutes 1953 as amended, the Board submitted the· following.names to the Welfare Department from which to select a member of the County Welfare Board for the term .beginning July 4, 19S7 and anding July 9, 1959: Mra. ~ Thelen, Dear Creak:: Mrs. Philip Arfstrom, Ashby; Mrs. i. H. Buerkle, New York: Milla. Upon motion, the County Auditor waa instructed to advertise for bids for all types and sizes of portable culver~s •nd bridge lumbar and piling to be delivered at various points in the county during the year 19S7, said bids to be opened a~ lQ o'clock A. M. March 11, 1957. A delegation from the Township of Erhard.a Grove regarding improvamant:,on County Road No. ·34 ~pp~arad before the ·Board, After listening to their statements it was decided that the engineer should make a survey when time ,.as available ~ iD!_pr«?v•- mant .would be made when funds were available, A delegation from the Township of Dead lake appeared before the Board asking for improvement on County Aid.Road No. 44 between Roads No. 14 and 12, It was .. H;read that improvement should be made on this road as soc;>n as it was. practicable. BE IT RlllSOLVED by the County Board (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the dUly established and designated State Aid R~ No. 7 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, which bagina at the intersection of Trunk: Highway No, 3 and Soule Avenue in the Village of Vining; thence southeasterly on Soula Avenue; thence follow the present route of State Aid Road No, 7 to the center of Section 15-Tl32-R37 at Trunk: Highwe,y No. 29. Beginning again at Trunk: Highway No. 29 at the south quarter corner of Section 15-Tl32-R37; thence east and follow the present route of State Aid Road No, 7 to the southeast corner of Section l-Tl32-R36, and there terminating; and whose general course in the NE 1/4 of Section 19-Tl32N-R36W, the W 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 14-Tl32N-R36W, the N 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Section ll-Tl32N-R)6W, the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section ll-Tl32N-R36W, the S 1/2 of the SWl/4 of Section 2-T13(-I06W, the S 1/2 of t~e s, 1/4 of Sec- tion 2-Tl32N-R36W, is as followai Beginning at the north quarter corner of Section 19-Tl32N-R36W, thence east to the northeast corner of Section 19-Tl32N -R:,6W and there terminating. Beginning at the north quarter corner of Section 22-TlJ2N-R36W, thence north 89°S81 east for a distance of 1,928 feet, thence deflect to the left on an 8° curve (Delta Angle 90°261) for a distance of 1,130,4 feat, thence on tangent to said curve North 0°281 west for a distance 0£ 4,562.2 feet, thence north 0•32 1 east for 4,560,2 feet, thence de- flect to the right on an a• curve (Delta Angle 89°50') for a distance of 1,124,4 feet, thence on tangent to said curve south 89°381 east for a distance ,of 1,914.8 feet, thane• south 89°34 1 east for a distance of 2,683,l feet and there terminating. Tb.at is is necessary for the safety of the public travel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so al- tered and changed: That an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so altering said State Aid Road No, 7 in said sections aforesaid•; . That the general course of said State Aid Road No. 7 is not materially altered thereby; That the eaid easement so to be procured is for public highway and road purposes, that the same shall be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter described: That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that ad- ditional right of way be procured to enable the the construction of proper slopes and that an easement ba procured to construct certain slopes and to maintain the same after the construction as provided in the plans and specifications on file in the of- fice of the County Highway ingineer at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the specific places where said slopes are to be constructed, being particularly hereinaffer described, that such easement for such construction of slopes cease on or before December 31, 1957: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. .F.eb., ... lJ .•. : ................................. 19.5.7. .. That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that an ease- ment for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the ·•ame be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public highway purposes, and upon the ~nda adjoining the same; · That the lands so to be taken for public highway and road purposes and subjected to easement as aforesaid, are aituated in the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail and described as follows, t0-wit1 PARCIL NO, 1S. A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The BJ: 1/4 of Section 19-Tl32N-RJ6W. said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the southerly aide of the following described cente line: Beginning at the north quarter corner of Section 19-Tl32N-R36W, thence east to the northeast corner of Section 19-Tl32N- RJ6W and there terminating, BXCepting therefrom .the right of way of existing highwrq, containing 1.02 acres, more or leas, Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1957 on the following described tract: A strip of land 12 feet wide on the south Bide of the roadwrq beginning at a point 826.3 fast east of the north quarter corner of Section 19-Tl32N-R36W, thence east 350 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith, A strip of land 10 feet wide on the saith aide of said roadwiq beginning at a point 2,326.3 feet east of the north quarter corner of Section 19-Tl32N-RJ6W, thence east 282 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadwiq and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. PARCEL NO. 26. A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The W 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 14-Tl32N-R36W, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the easterly aide of the following described centerline: Beginning at the west quarter corner of Section 14-Tl32N-R36W, thence south 0°28 1 east for a distance of 1,905,5 feet, thence deflect to the right on an•8° curve (Delta Angle 90°261) for a distance of l5Q feet &!id there terminating, ' ' excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highw!II', containing 0.78 acre, more or leas. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1957 on the following described tract: A strip of land 2S feet wide on the east aide of said roadwiq beginning at a point 867.9 faet south of the west quarter corner of Section 14-Tl32N-R:,6W, thence south 500 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadw!II' and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. ' PARCEL NO. 32. A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The N 1/2 of the lrt/1/4 of Section ll-Tl32N-R36W, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the easterly and ·southerly aide of the following described centerline and all that part lying on the northerly and westerly aide of the following described centerli~e: Beginning at the southwest corner of the N 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Section ll-Tl32N-R36W, thence North 0•321 east for a distance of S84,8 feet, thence deflect to.the right on an 8° curve (Delta Angle 89°501) for a distance of 1,12~.4 feet, thence on tangent to said curve south 89°381 east for a distance of .1,914,8 feet and there ,terminating, excepting therefrom the right of WIii' of existing highwq, containing 3.50 acres, more or leas, Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 19S7 on the following described land: A strip of land 2S feet wide on the south aide of said roadW!Q' beginning at a point '424 feet west of the north quarter corner of Section ll-Tl32N-R:,6W, thence west 500 feet and there terminating, Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said road~ and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. PARCEL NO. 33. A strip of land extending over and acroee the following tract: The S 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 2-Tl32N-RJ6W said strip being all that part lying within a distance of SO feet on the northerly aide of the following described centerline: Beginning at the southwest corner of Section 2-Tl32N-R36W, thence south 89°38' to the south quarter corner of Section 2 and there terminating, excepting therefrom the right of wq of existing highw91', containing 1.02 acres, more or leas, Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1957 on the following described land: A strip of land 14 feet wide on the North aide of said roadW!II' beginning at a point 324 feet west of the south quarter corner of Section 2-Tl32N-R36W, thence west 600 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadw!II' and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith, PARCiL NO, 34. A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'fE ....................... Feb •.. .11,. · ...................................... 19 . ..5'.Z., The NW 1/4 or the NE 1/4 or Section ll-TlJ2N-RJ6W, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the southerly aide of the following described centerline: :Beginning at the north quarter corner of Section ll-TlJ2N-RJ6W, thence south 89°J41 east to the northeast corner of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 11 and there terminating, excepting therefrom the right of w,q of existing highway, containing O,SJ acre, more or leas, PARCEL NO. JS, A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The S 1/2 of the SID 1/4 of Section 2-TlJ2N-RJ6W, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the northerly aide of the folla.ting described centerline: Beginning at the south quarter corner of Section 2-TlJ2N-RJ6W, thence south 89°J41 east to the southeast section corner of Section 2-TlJ2N-RJ6W and there terminating, excepting therefrom the right of w,q of existing highw,q, containing 1.04 acres, more or leas. That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to 1-1 to acquire said ease- ment across additional lands aforesaid for public.road and highw,q purposes; to acquire said easement and additional right of w,q for construction and slopes, aa aforesaid; and to acquire said easement for erection of anowfencea, and let the same forth with duly be begun and prosecuted. Dated this lJth day of' February, 1,957. ll)' the Board of County Commissioners of OTTER TAIL COUNTY HENRY SIELING, Chairman, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON, County Auditor. BE IT RlilSOLVED by the County Board ( County Commissioners) of Otter ~il County, Minnesota: That tqe duly established and designated State Aid Road No, 10 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, which begins at the southwest corner of ,Section JO-T1J4-R44; thence east along the present route of State Aid Road No. 10 to the intersection of State Street in the Village of Elizabeth; thence south on State Street to Broadw,q; thence east on Broadw,q throu.gh the Vil- lage of Elizabeth; thence easterly along the present route of State Aid Road No, 10 to the southeast corner of Section J2-TlJ4 -Rh2, and there terminating, and whose general course in the Village of Elizabeth, the Slil 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section J2-TlJ4N-R4JW, the SW 1/4 of the NI 1/4 of Section J2, the S 1/2 of the NI 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section J4-TlJ4N-R4JW, the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section J4, Government Lota J allll 4 in SecUon J4, the SJil 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section J4,, the north 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section J-TlJJN- R4JW, ia aa follows: Commencing at the center of the NW 1/4 of Section J2-TlJ4N-R4JW, thence south 24J feet, thence north 89° J61 east for a distance of J60.S feet, thence deflect to the right on an 8° curve (Delta Angle 19•121) for a distance of 240 , feet, thence on tangent to said curve south 71•12 1 east for a distance of 44.S feet, thence deflect to the left on·an 8° curve (Delta Angle 17°281) for a distance of 218.J feet, the~ce on tangent to aai4 curve south 88°40' for a distance of 205.6~. thane deflect to the :eight on a 5• curve (Delta Angle J6°S61) for a diatanceof 7J'8.7 feat, thence ,on tangent to said curve south 51• 441 east for a distance of 7.87,9 feet, thence deflect to the left on a 5• curve (Delta Angle J9°39') for a distance of 79J feet thence on tangent to said curve north 88°J7' east S,1J2 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 2• curve (Delta Angle 44°221) for a distance of 2,218,J feet, thence o~ tangent to said curve south 47°011 east for a distance ,of 2,lJJ,9 feet, thence def!ec to the left on a 4°501 curve (Delta Angle 44°3J') for a distance of 921,8 feet, thence on tangent to said curve north 88°26! · east l,91J,7 feet allll there terminating. ~at it ia neceaaary for the safety of the public tra'l91 and. for the proper maintenance of .said road that it be so al- tered and changed4 That an easement across additional lands hereafter described ia needed for the purpose of so altering said State Aid Road No. 10 in said sections aforeaaid;· That the general course of said State Aid Road No. 10 ia not materially altered thereby; That the said easement ao to be procured ia for pub~ic highway and road purposes, that the same shall be located, lie, ·be and run as hereinafter described; That it is necessary for the construction and lll!lintl!nance of said road and for the safety of public travel that additio - al right of way be procured to enable the construction of proper slopes and that an easement be procured to construct certain slopes and to maintain the same after the construction aa provided in the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Highway Engineer at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falla, Minnesota, the specific places where said elopes are to be constructed, being particularly hereinafter described, that such easement for such construction of slopes cease on or before December Jl, 1957: That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that an easement for the ~ection of temporary anowfencea be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be take for public highway purpona, and upon the lands ad.Joining the same; That the lands ao to be taken for public highway and road purposes and aubJected to easement aa aforesaid, are situated in the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail and described aa follows, to-wit: PARCilL NO. 2 That portion of the following Lota 1, 2 and J, except the westerly 8 feet of Block 1, Lestikow 16·Addition in Elizabeth: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Lot 1, thence southerly along the east line of said Lot 1, for a distance of thirty-nine feet, thence northwesterly to a point 8 feet ea~t of the west line and 18 feet south of the north line of sai4 Lot J, thence norther:cy-and parail.J.el to the west line of said Lot J for a distance of 18 feet, thence easterly along the north lot line 67 feet to the point of beginning, excepting therefrom the right of way of existing high.way, COMMISSIONERS· RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ... .... Feb •... lJ, ............................. lg .. 5!._ I CU■lnP■IHI■ co■, .. , n.uouo ■IN■- PARqilL NO, J, A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: ~e ·SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section J2-TlJ4N-R4JW, except pl,atted and except tracts, said strip being all that part lying within 50 feet on either aide of the following described centerline: Commencing at the northwest corner of the SE 1/4 of the mll/4, Section J2-TlJ4N-R4JW, thence south 24J feet to the center of :BroadWS¥ Street in Elizabeth, thence north 89°J6' east for a distance of J60,5 feet thence deflect to the right on an 5° curve (Delta Angle 19°12~) ;or a distance of 240,feet, thence south 71°12 1 east for a diat~nce of 2?,8 feet to the point of ,be- ginning, thence south ,?l 12 east for a distance of 16,? feet, thence cl,eflect to the left on an 8° curve (Delta Angle 17°28') for a distance of 218,J feet, thence on tangent to said curve south 88°401 east for a distance of .205.6 feet, thence deflect to tha right on a 5° curve (Delta Angle J6°561) for a distance of 268,8 feet and there terminating, excepting therefrom the right of w,q of existing highway, containing 0,58 acre, more or leas. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December Jl, 195? on the following described line: A ·strip of laml JO feet wide on the north aide of said roadw,q beginning at a point 231 feet west of the east line of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4, Section J2-TlJ4N-R4JW, thence west 50 feet and there terminating, said strip to adjoin the outside line of said road•&¥ and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith, A strip of laml 50 feet wide on the south aide of said roadway beginning at the east line of the SE 1/4 of the Wl/4 of Section J2-TlJ4N-R4JW, thence vest 251 feet and there terminating, said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. PARCEL NO. 4 •A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section J2-TlJ4N-R4JW, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the southerly and northerly aide of the following described centerline: Commencing at the northwest earner of the southeast corner of the northveatccorner of Section J2-T1J4N-R4JW, thence south 24J feet to the center of Brcadw,q Street in Elizabeth, thence north 89°J61 east for a distance of J60.5 feet, thence deflect to the right on an 8° curve (~elta Angle 19°121) for a distance of 240 feet, on tangent to said curve south 71°12 1 east for a distance of 44,5 feet., thence deflect to th~ left on an 8° curve (Delta Angle 17°281) £or a distance of 218.J feet, thence on tangent to said curve south 88°401 east for a distance of ,205.6 feet, thence deflect.to the right on a 5° curve for a distance of 268,8 feet to the point of 'lleginning, thence continuing on said curve for a distance of 469,9.feet, thence on tangent ·to said curve south 51°441 east for a distance of ?8?,9 feet, thence deflect to the left on a S0 curve (Delta Angle 39°391 ) for a distance of J42,2 feet and there terminating: Excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highways, containing J,58 acres, more or leas. Also and easement to.construct slopes which shall cease on or before December Jl, 195? on the following described line: A strip of land 20 feet wide on the south aide of said roadway, beginning at· the west line of the SW i/4.of the NE 1/4 of Section J2-TlJ4N-R4JW, thence east JO feet and there terminating, said strip to adjpin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith, A strip of land 25 feet wide on the north aide of said roadway beginning at a point 919 feet east of the west line of the SW 1/4 of the Q 1/4 of Section J2-TlJ4N-R4JW, thence east JJ8.8 feet and there terminating. Said strip to ~djoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. PARCEL NO. 11, A strip of land over and across the. following described tract: The SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section J4-TlJ4N-R4JW, southerly of State Aid Road 110, except the.west two rods and the N 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section J-TlJJN-R4JW, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the southerly and northerly aide of the following described centerline: Commencing at ·the southwest corner o~ the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section J4-TlJ4N-R4JW, thence east 21J.? feet to the point of beginning, thence south 47°011 e~at for a distance of 1,391.5 feet, thence deflect to the left on a 4°501 curve (Delta Angle 44°JJ 1) for a distance ,of 921.8 feet, thence on tangent to said curve north 88°261 eaet for a diet.ance of l,91J.? feet and there t.erminating: · · excepting therefrom right of way of existing highwa.,, containing 2,24 acree, more or leas .. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December Jl, 195? on the following described land: A strip of land 20 feet wide on the south aide of said rolidway beginning at a point J?5,5 feet southerly of the nort~ line of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section J4 and extending southeasterly 600 feet, both distances measured along the center- line. Sai~ strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadw,q and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 12 feet wide on the southerly aide of said roadw,q beginning at a point 101.5 feet west of the northeast corner of Section J-TlJJN-R4JW, thence west 600 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said ·roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land JO feet wide on the south aide of eaid roadway beginning at a point l,?86,5 feet east of the northeast corner of Section J-TlJJN-R4JW, thence west 215 feet and there terminating, Said strip to adjoin the outa\de ,line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. PARCEL NO. 12. A strip of land extending over and acroaa the following described tract: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ Feb.lJ • ..................................... 19 .. 57. 91:CU■ITI , ......... COI .. AIIT IT. CI.OUD. ■11111. The S 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4, and that part of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 lying northerly of the exieting State Aid Road #10. and lovernment Lote J and 4, of Section 34-T~J4N-R43W. Said etrip being all that part lying within 50 feet of the northerly am southerly aide of the following described centerline. except that part lying in the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4. northerly of existing state Aid Road flO, and Govermm,nt Lot 3. where said right of way line on the eoutherly eide shall ez- te!ld. to the northerly right of way line of the present State Aid Road #10, beginning at the southeast corner of Section J4- Tl34N-R43W, thence south 88°26• weat for a distance of 1.913.7 feet. thence deflect to the right on a 4°50'curve (Delta Angle 44°J3') for a distance of 921.8 feet, thence north 47•01 1 vest for a distance of 1,694.4 feet and there ,terminating: ' excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highway. containing 3.1 acres. more or leas. Also an easement to conatillct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31. 1957. A strip of land 50 feet wide on the north aide of said roadW&¥ beginning at a point 51.5 feet west of the southeast corner of Section 34, thence west 800 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adJoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said a.trip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 16 feet wide on the north aide of said roadway beginning at a point 1,831.5 feet west of the southeast corner of Section 34. thence west 220 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adJoin the outside line of said roadW&¥ and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 8 feet wide on the north aide of eaid roadway beginning at a point 2,401.5 feet west of the southeast cor- ner of Section 34 and measured along the above described centerline. thence westerly 200 feet ·and there terminating. Said strip ~o adJoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 18 feet wide on the north aide of said roadway beginning at a point 2.901 feet west of the southeast cor- ner of Section 34, measured along the above described centerline. thence westerly 150 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adJoin the outside line of aald roadway· and the outer line of aald strip to be parallel therewith, A strip of land JS feet wide on the northerly aide of said roadway beginning at a point 3.186,5 feet west of the southeast corner of Section 34, measured along the above described centerline. thence northwesterly 225 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adJoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 10 feet wide on the southerly aide of said rcadw&¥ beginning at a point 4.351.5 feet westerly and measure along the centerline of the above described line of the southeast corner of Section 34, thence northwesterly 180 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adJoin the outside 11~ of said roadway am the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. That d~e proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to lalf. to acquire said easement acroaa additional ·lands aforesaid for pubiic road and highway purposes: to acquire said eaaer:ient and additional ri@ht of wiq for construction of slopes. aa aforesaid; am to acquire said easement for erection of anowfencea. and let the same forthwith duly ~ begun and prosecuted. · Dated this 13th day of February. 1957. Attest: S. !. JOHNSON, County Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: By the !oard of County Commiaaionera of . 0'.l"l'ER TAIL COUN'l'Y. HENRY SIELING. Chairman. Resolved by the !oard of County Commiaaionera of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That John L. !b:'117 be and he hereby ia appointed County ABBeaaor of otter Tail County, Minnesota. for a period of four years beginning January 1, 1957. &lopted Feb. 13, 1957. Attest: S. !. JOHNSON Clerk. HENRY SIELING Chairman. The following resolution was adopted: Reaolv~d by the !oard of County Commiaaionera of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the aale of tax-forfeited lands appraised by this !oard be held in the office of the Count;y Auditor in the Court Houa in Fergu.a Falla in said County on Frld.lQ'. the 5th day of April, 1957, commencing at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Resolved further. that tracts may be sold under the following conditions: Each and every tract sold for $50.00 or leas aha 11 be paid for in full at the time of said sale. All tracts sold for more than $50.00 may be paid for on the installment plan at the rate of at least 25 per cent of the purchase price. but in all caaea the down-payment must be at least $50.00, provided that in all caaea where the appraisal by this !oard ahowa a value of wood on said tract the full -ount of the ap- pra_iaal value of said wood, together with 25 percent of the balance of the purchase price must be paid at the time of sale. The balance of the purchase price may be paid in ten annual installments at 4 per cent per annum interest on the unpaid balance Title to land to be offered for sale ia not guaranteed, either by Otter Tail County or theState of Minnesota. When_ piq- ment in full of the purchase price has been made the purchaser will received from the State of Minnesota a quit-claim deed to the property. f.or which the Auditor is required by law to collect and remit to the State a fee of $2.00. Adopted Feb. 13, 1957. Attest: S. ~. JOHNSON Clerk. HEHNRY SlllLING Chairman. RESOLUTION !Y THE !OARD OF .COUll'l'Y COMMISSIONERS, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOFA. D IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman and the County Auditor are hereby authori1ed on behalf of the County Of Otter Tail to execute an agreement with the Village of Eli11&beth for till improvement of State Aid Road No. 10 from the intersection of Trunk COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ___ · ---------Feb • .-13, _& __ 14 ___________________ 19 __ .5.7._ Hdinf P■l•11■ico■•H' ■T. CLOUD ■1■11. c.- Highw&l' No, S9 and Broadwa;r to the east corporate limite of the Villa~e of Elizabeth, which i Februar,v 11, 1957. ~ aa d agreement bears the date of Adopted this 13th day of February, 195?. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Feb. 14th. BOARD OF cotllft'Y COMMISSIOBERS By HENRY SIELING Chairman. THURSDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock: A. M., all members being present. The petition of Alvin Rosentrater asking that the NE 1/4 NW 1/4 and the NW 1/4 Dl/4 of Section 9-137-41 be set off from District No, i of Becker County to District No. 8 of Becker County was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said peti- tion be held at 10 o'clock A. M. April 10, 195?, and that due noti9e of the time and place of said hearing be given as pro- vided by law. The petition of F. J,· Maneval asking that the dl/4 SEl/4 and Lot 1 except R. R. of W. in Section 10 and Lot 1 of Section 15-13?-41 be set over from District No. 1 of Becker County to District No, 8 of Becker County was read, and it was orde~d that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A:. M. April 10, 195?, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law, · The petition of Adolph Glawe asking that the W 1/2 SW 1/4 of Section 3 and the E 1/2 SE 1/4 of Section 4-13?-41 be set off from District No. 1 of Becker County to District No, 8 of Becker County was read, and it was ordered that a hearing ~n said petition be held at 10 o'clock: A. M. April 10, 195?, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law, -The petition of Balph H. Schlagel asking that the W 1/2 NW 1/4, NW 1/4 SW 1/4 and the SE -a./4 NW 1/4 of Section 22-132-38 be set off from Sd:lool District No. 265 to School District No. 106 was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'cloclc A. M. April 10, 195?, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. -A resolution for the dissolution of Common School District No. 116 of Otter Tail County was read and, upon motion, it w'aa orderad that a hearing on said resolution be held at 2 o'clock: P. M. March 11, 195?, and that due notice of the time. and place of said hearing be given l!la provided by law, · A resolution asking for· the dissolution of Common School District No. 151 of Otter Tail County was read and, upon motion, it was ordered that a hearing on said resolution be held at 2 o'clock: P, M. March 11, 195? and that due notice of the time a:ml place of said hearing be given as provided "IV law, . - -The application of Odin J, Olsen asking for homestead classification on Sub Lot 3 of N 1/2 D 1/4 of Sec. 14-135-43 was raad. Up':)D motion, the same was orderad granted and the County Auditor was in•tructed to reduce the tax accordingly, -The application of Arthur Haga for homestead claasificaton onLot ?, Block 2; Tharaldson'• First Addition to Battle Lake, was read and, upon motion, the same was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingq, -The application of Levi Peterson for reduction of aaaeaaed valuation on restaurant equipment in the Village of New--¥ork Mtlla, bearing the approval of the village council and assessor was read and, upon motion-, it was recommended to the Tax Com- mi:aaioner that the aaaeaaed valuation be reduced from $980,00 to $530.00. . -The application of Bert C. Hanson for cancellation of personal property in the Township -of I>wm on the grounds that this property had also been aaaeaaed to Louise G. and Bert Hanson was read. Upon motion, the same was recommended to the Tax Com- missioner for cancellation. -The application· of Julia KronB' for correction of assessment of personal property in the Tow1111hip of Otter Tail on tha ground that·no household exemption was given, to which aha was entitled, was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the 'l'u Commissioner that the assessed valuation be reduced from $149.00 to $49,00. The application of H, L, lrnudson for cancellation of personal property in the Township of Du.nn on the ground that Mr. J[nud.- aon sold out and moved out of Otter Tail County two years ago was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the 'l'u Com- missioner that the tax be cancelled, The application of John W. Loomer for reduction of assessment on personal pro:i;ierty in the Village of Clitherall, bearing the approval of the village council and assessor, was read, and, upon motion, it was recommended to the Tex Commissioner that the aaaeaaed valuation be reduced from $397.00 to $220.00. . , ---'lb.a application of Geo. Meder for correction of aaaeaament of personal property in the Township of Aurdal on the grOUZld that no household exemption was allowed, was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed valuation be reduced from $143.00 to $43.00. The application of Fillmora Laurila for correction of assessment on personal property in the Township of Newton on the ground that no household exemption was given, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed valuation be reduced from $??.00 to no dollars. · The application of J, W. Frick asking for correction of aaaeaament on the SW 1/4 of Sec. 9-133-36 'bearing the approval of the Town Board and the assessor was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the 'l'u Commissioner that the aaaeaaed valua-. tion be reduced from $?01,00 to $621.00. · The application of Earl I. Bigier for reduction of assessed valuation on Lot 21, X-B Beach in the Town of Corliaa, on the ground that an error was made in aaaeaaing the said property, was read and it was recommended to the Tax Commiaaioner that the aaaeaaed valuation be reduced from $469.00 to $286.00, · The application of James E. Franze, President of the Battle Lake Shipping Association asking for a reduction of assessed valuation on part of the SW 1/4 SE 1/4 south of railroad right of w,q in Section 33-133-40 bearing the approval of. the village council and the county assessor was read. Upon motion; it was recommer:ided to the Commissioner of Texation that the assessed valuation be reduced:fron: $1?2.00 to $?2.00 ,I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... Feb •... 14, .................................... -19 ... 57 HCHllrPIINJINlliCO■PAIH Ir.CLOUD ■1111. 5:1PP: The application of Warren H. Carlson asking for correction of assessment of personal property in the ~nahip. of Elmo on the ground that he was aaaesaed for 4500 turkeys instead of 2490 and bearing the approval of the town boa.rd and county assessor was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Tuation that th~ assessed valuation be reduced from $1525,00 to $922.00. The application of G, A. Wigd.ehl, administrator of the Helge .lfaatet estate for reduction of personal property assessment in the Township of Oscar was read. Upon motion, the application was reJectecl on recommendation of the town board. The application of G, A, Wigd.ehl, Administrator of the Helge .ll"aatet estate, asking for reductio~ of assessed valuation on the E 1/2 Nlll 1/4 ucept railroad Section 6-1)4-44 was read. Upon motion, the application was reJected on recommendation of the town board. The application of lluane Leth for reduction of assessed valuation on the W 1/2 HE 1/4 and the N. 1/2 NW 1/4 except railroad in Section 9-1J2-J9 was read. Upon motion, the application was reJected on recommendation of the town board. Upon motion, the Great Northern.Railroad Co, was authorized. to. remove wooden bridge over railroad track in Sections 19 and 2~132-'~J. Upon motion, the highwa,y engineer was authorized to attend the engineers 1,meeting in St. Paul on Feb. 18th. The annual financial statement for the year 1956 as prepared by tha County Audi tor was approved. A report of the Public llaminera covering the calendar year 1955 was presented to the Board bt t~ _COW1ty' Auditor. Upon motion, the same was accepted. 'l'he following bills were approved: Russell Brooberg Donald H. Schaap Gary A. Nelson Jim Kimmes Edwin Ala Roy E. Anderson Otto Haase Henry Sieling Bennie J, Johnson Dr. Carl Imm. Dr. I. E, Bigler Vernon E. Bachman Bertha Stortroen State of Minnesota H. w. Glorvigen Frank C. Barnes s. B. Johnson Evelace G. Hanson Frank Boberts Emil Boen Albert Fritz Wesley G, Torgerson Ugeblad Publishing Co. Victor Iundeen & Co. Miller-Davia Co. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. PaD&DB Carbon Co. Nelson Bros; Printing Co. Security Blank Book & Printing Co. 'l'he Pierce Co. Monroe Calculating Machine Co. N. W. Publishing Co. Henning Advocate Parkers Prairie Independent Battle Lake Review Fergus Journal Co. Perham Bnterprise llulletin Pelican Rapids Presa Oscar Olson N, W, Bell Telephone Co. Ronning Sign Bettenbllrg, Townsend, Stolte &Comb N.W. Bell Telephone Co, Do Adelsman Boiler Co, Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Nyman Fu.el Co, Swedberg Nuraerf. West Publishing Co. Mason Publishing Co, Johnson Drugs Fergus Falls Clinic Nelson Cate J ,· C, Jenney Co. Ne laon Drug Co, Stemarud & Emerson Drug Co. Eberaviller Implement Co, Coast-to-Coast Stores Marshall-Wells Store Costello Mtg. Co, Vernon E, Bachman llvelace G. Hanson Burrou@l1s Corp. boarding of prisoners ezpensea . Dep. ~heriff1a expenses " . " " " " II " " " .exp, attending meeting " " " U H U coroner I a tees " " expenses clerical work in A~aeasor•s office services of Public Jilxaminera e:xpense attending conference H U U " n ·" II " exp, attending short course H U U a " " work for soil conservation printing supplies " " coupon book printing supplies " ribbon publishing " II II " " " repairing stools calls lettering door architects' fees mobile .service calla stoker repairs supplies coal sodding statutes annotations supplies . care of patients at Co. Jail lunch for crew who searched for mul'.(l.er weapon sheets for Jail drugs for prisoners II II II Maytag agitator shells " cleaner envelopes postage & box rent maintenance $ 750,00 269.60 89,40 4.00 15.40 15,40 14.50 15,23 10.65 87,10 12.J5 ll.49 128,00 2345.05 _., 28,95 34,25 28.35 30.00 51,63 5J,l0 ·50,51 204.48 J7,50 54,31 58,06 87.40 25.95 51.95 1046,34 2,12 1.40 257,40 JJ9.90 245.40 552,60 1137.90 399,00 4J6.60 6.00 25.00 4,00 700.00 64.28 52,65 262,27 16.28 642,25 86.00 54,00 17.50 8,J7 28.85 2,75 41.28 22.44 11.50 5.00 8.20 14.40 14,75 J9,60 6J,OO 5.6J COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . I CIIIITP■ ri■ico .. A ' • CUIUD ., .... Marchant Calculator■, Inc. The Todd Co., Inc. R. t. Polk & Co. WhitigaOffice Supply Diebold State Aaaociation of Co. Commiaaionera H.J. Henning H. if. Glorvigen Eather Sell . Do Ann· Jordan . Do Do E. Otter Tail Telephone Co. Nursing Outlook: Public Utilitiea Dapt, Mill.er-Davia Co, Cooper■ Office Supply Straub Eatate !ru.vold Secretarial Seryice Nelaon !roa, Printing Co. Bil th C. Camp bell Philip M. l:Jaglien . Do R. ·1. Polk: & Co. N. W. !ell Telephone Co. State of Minneaota o. c. Nelaon Co~. Glen lake Sanatorium Dr." G. W. Ireland Parkview Nursing Home, lnc. Dr." Henry A. !Corda Fergua Falla Clinic Dra. Warner & Schoeneberger City of Fergus Falla Poor Dapt. Dr." Everett C. Hanson Minnesota State Sanatorium Township of Amor Township of Everts Township of TordenakJold Township of Otto Viilage of Dent Township of !lowers Viilage of New York Milla Maine Township Township of Erhards Grove Viilage of Parkers Prairie Viilage of New York Milla lluiler Machinery Co.· Northwest Engineering Co. Phillippi Equipment Co, Public Works Equipment Co, Geo. T. !\van Co. Wm~ H, Ziegler Co., Inc. Larson !roa. . Lake llegion Motor Co. Minnesota Motor Co. Olson Auto Electric Fergus Plumbing & Heating Super GMC Salee Auto Safety Service Westad Motors Sclirader & Koehn A. ·p. Schmitz Garage Di1ll!ln Electric Sundblad I a Sheet Metal Shop Carlaon-Laraon Motors A. "T, Rerfindahl Uselman Electric Service Paper, Calmenaon & Co, Minneaota Mining & Mfg, Co, Empire Supply Co, Natiooal lluahing & Parts Co. Sigelman Hide & Fur Co, Genuine Parts Co, !eall & McGowan Eberaviller Implement, F. F. WilcOlt Lumber Co., Henning Matz & Greiff 4'kken Farm Supply Vergas Hardware Co. Coast-to-Coast, P. R, Erickaon-Hellekson-Vye, Erhard Mills Motors Everts Lumber Co., !, L, Dalton wmber Peavey Elevator Village of !attle Lake !ill Nelson 011 Co. Fossen Oil Co. Art's Service Station Thomas Garage . DATE ___ --------------------·-----Feb. -_14, ____________________ -----------. __ 19 _____ ?.7 maintenance" ribbons directories machine rental maintenance 19S7 Association dues ez:penses delivering tu lists adv, coma, to driver's license agents e:z:penaea postage expenses postage & box rental supplies service & calla subscription water & sewage forms supplies rent mimeogr&phing forms expenses II postage directory service & calls care of mental!y clothing care of patient II II II II II H II II II II II II II II II ill care of transients care of patients II II II care of poor parts II II II n 11 etc. repairs cutting edgea supplies lumber & coal · coal II ·water · gaaoline, tirea etc. · gasoline etc, 11 :f'Uel oil 11 II II for Jan. 19S7 82.00 9.00 100.00 66.00 40,00 350.00 16.10 ll,9j SJ,41 4!.oo 84.42 7.10 4.76 a.ss 6.so :i-;31 9,94 4,22 so.oo J.lS 4.1s J.22 74.62 10.1s 2s.oo 14.95 3150.00 16.50 564,74 6.00 Jl,00 19.so 2s.so 8.00 103.13 -8,00 ·JlOS.80 187.83 J48.6J 140.29 1150,JB 447,JO 24.02 412.41 103,22 J44.66 969.0S 851.81 74.JB 40.44 so.BJ 12.Jl · 5a.5s 1465.01 26.90 9.72 218.41 76.5S 2.00 JJ.79 37.16 1.5s 14,93 .50 JJ.SO 6.so 5.20 408.14 9,80 457.94 349.15 148.0l 171.91 121.4J 18.00 a.so 5.19 22.sJ 8.J5 2,70 19.so 28-39 11.45 2.64 96.87 87-9S 48.85 J.2S 242.65 95.77 161.ao 114:93 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Perb41111 Co-op 011 Co, MIQ,o.'a Standard Service The Pil Store Standard Service, P.R. Vergas Oil Co. Stahl & Severson Conaµmer'a Co-op Oil. Co., Benning Arne,on1a 66 Service Bill.'• Service Station High~~ Auto & Implement Co. Farmer's Co-op Creamery Aasn. Arr~ Petroleum Citi~• Service, P. P. FoBB!BD Oil Co. Andel.BOD & Sandberg Oil Co. Stan$!.ard Oil Co,, B. L. D. A.. Lubricant Co, H. ~. Stahl Co. Otter Tail Power Co, Amerjcan Road Builders Assn. Minn,eaota State Bighwq Dept. Todd County Dead, Lab Township Eff~ngton Township Fergus Falla Journal Co. Bailwq Expreaa AgellCJ', B. L, ~ond Motor Trana., Inc. B. A,. Rogers Co. Panama Carbon Co. Cooper's Office Supply Minl!llapolia Blue Printing Co. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Mil~er-Davia Co. Albinaon, Inc, The .Pierce Co. N, ~. l!ell Tel~phone Co., F. F. E. Qtter Tail Telephone Co, N. ~. llell Telephone Co., F. F. Mid~e•t Telephone Co. Pelican Telephone Co. N. I'(. Bell Telephone Co., Benning Geoi::ge Olson Wendell P. Huber Goni;on Supernoia Otto Dreachel He!ll"y Rocholl Phillb: ldoatue Margaret X. Miller Virgil Grant Clyde L. Rugg Heney c. Nelson Gord,on C, Haaratick M. W. Muckey Job.J!, Gulleckaon Bar~ M. Jorgenson Pal~er A. llackatrom Wil],iam F. Boese Obert C, Nelson Gu.liek Gu.lleckaon Wen(!.el P. Buber . Do Tod4-Wadena Co-Operative Earl 1a Texaco Service Farmers I Co-op. Creamery Assn. Mel~in & Clara Muckey DATE ............................... Feb •. 14, ................................. 19 57 gasoline fuel oil gasoline & diesel fuel diesel fuel II H fuel oil II II II II oil eyclrau.lic oil move pole services teats & prints maintenance ads II II for express freight prints coupons rental supplies II II II II II II bids service & tolls II II II II II II II II 11 n II 11 II II II expense cash advanced right of w~ cash advanced expense moving poles gasoline 11 etc. right of' wq The following 11S111ea were selected to be placed on the Grand and Petit Jury lists of' the county f'or the year 1957: PETIT JURORS J~ Tolppi Paddock Mrs. Guy Clark Paddock La~ie F. Samala Blowers Walter Gunn Bluf'f'ton Rub Her111og Bluffton Village Mrs. Joe Witzke Butler Ed. Hendrickx Butler Barry W. Peterson Homestead Verner Porkonen Newton Rasmus Rassmussen Newton Cari Selander New York Milla Berman Rosen Corliss Mrs; Dorot)cy' Marckel Corliss Mrs. Ada Hartwig Pine Lake Mrs, Battie Bergman Pine lake Lao· Xliil.nert Otto Art.Koplin Otto Ed. Ziegler Gorman Edw~n Carstens Gorman Mrs. Inza Wilczak Perham Jo~ Grismer Perham Village Carl Johnson Perham Village John Belmberger Rush lake Mrs. Geo. Rosenthal Rush.Lake Ver~on Flatau Hobart Dewey Antonson Hobart Gu.at Moenkedick Edna Mrs. Anna Rehbein Edna Lawrence Xreckelberg Dead Lake Mrs. V. A, Sundberg Richville Barry Sauers Carxl.oi-Mrs. Verlin McKenzie Candor Mrs; Richard Shepper Vergas R07 Fletcher Dora Herman Luebberman Dora Eldon Blake Star Lake 191.21 41.61 164.52 55.77 172,14 277,04 63,90 154.47 176.41 119.71 144,78 391.39 83.43 237.00 44.63 50.25 225.34 34,48 92,15 7.50 161.41 · 60.22 537,00 125.00 20.40 1.93 11,77 47,84 14.95 · 4.00 101.44 15.·55 18,39 4:.60 14.29 1.48 10.01 61.35 8.05 20.05 6,55 8,35 10.85 18.80 8.01 13.63 72.50 21, OJ 17.00 60,40 8.2) 7.70 10.60 135.·80 16,5.88 70.95 69.78 37.90 88,65 28.00 21.4) 43,00 261,)0 600.00 2.68 171,95 110.57 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Lenora Siggerud. Ervin Sherbrooke Mrs. Ellis Peterson William Jacobe Mrs. Norman Moaee Mrs. Francie W. Jacobson Carl Peterson Albert Moen B. E. llel.p . Arthur .Sundblad Mrs. M,vrtle Ke~on Walter Wallace Mrs. Clarence Johnson Oscar Hulstrand John Thoennes R. B. Judson Mrs. Carl Wallevand Frank Roberta Thomas G. Welch . Mrs. Charles Oppegard Ernest A. Turnquist Mrs. Walter Kotz Mrs. Ruth Ellenaon Christ Eckhoff Mrs. Marlin Langemo Mrs. Harold Carew Mrs. Chas. Foulk Frank Prazak Neuman Huae Sidney Skrove Loren E. Smith Clyde B. Jensen Paul R. lloaen LB.wrence Rowe, Jr. Mrs. Truman Torgrimson Carl G. Gilbertson Milton Pederson William Leitch Eddir R. Olson Ingvald Helle Walt Albers lolra. Pete Fjeatad Elmer Larson Herb Duenow Ingvald Quam Elmer Kjell Mrs. Ray llrauae H. I. Skiatad Emil lloen Ed, M. Ledding Mrs. Ruth Peterson Philip Johnson Wm. Moller Albert Stein Hilmer Hancock G. Dalgren jack Kampaula Don Christie Fred luebbarmann Alfred Vorgert Jack Witt Robert Perry Herman Weaael Ole Toftely Orville Sorwn Albert Solum Otto Peterson Vernon Larson Charlea Scheer Herman Cordes Emil Nordin August llranatner Clifford Nelson Nicholas Revering Lester Young Mrs·. J. s. Peterson Marvin Hodnefield Chas. A. Guth Ba,y Waatweet Arthur Franze John Swanberg Oscar Johnson John w. Swenson Wallace.Lilje~n John Roehl DATE ... . ........ Fe.b •... l!!:, ................................. 19.,57.. Pelican Pelican Rapids Pelican Rapids Dunn Scambler Lida Maplewood Oscar Rotha,q Erhard Village Friberg Maine Eastern Parkers Prairie Effington Elmi> Folden Inman Compton Mrs. Phil, Wicklund. . Mrs. lldward Sjogren William Anderson Allan Siem Mrs. Carl Forsgren Harold Wahlstrom Morris Stoen Mrs. Ralph Ralbakken Clifford Weis Mrs. Arthur Miller Kermit Grefarud. Albert Skogan Bjalmar Helgren Mrs. Earl E. Nelson Mrs. Harley Laeaeberg Gunder Watnaaa Mrs. Joe Stokes Henry Torkelson R. W. Salo Hernan Clasen Leaf Lake Parkers Prairie Parkers Prairie Henning Village Benning Village Village Harry lloehne Village Fred Gaedtke Deer Creek Village Deer Creek Village Eagle Lake Leaf Mountain St. Olaf Tumuli Girard Tordenskjold Nidaros Everts Otter Tail Clitherall Underwood Sverdrup Tordenskjold. St.·1.01af City of Fergus Falla City of Fergus Falla City of Fergus Falla City of Fergus Falla Fergus Falla Twp. Orwell Western Aastad Aurdal Aurdal Bu.se Carlisle Dane Prairie . Elizabeth Mrs. Phil Amundson Mrs. Frank: StB1Jart Ed. Rodekuhr lien Roers Frank Freake Mrs. H.J. Langlie Thomas Osmon Thoralf Lien Julius Thorson Swen Larson Mrs. Hana hoalie Helen E. Putnam Henry W. Markle Earl Aakerootl;j Kenneth Aune Glen Johnson James Formo Grant Rokea Robert Al tner Mrs. Geo. Fredrickson Elmer Monson Wi 11 iam Kemmer Lewis Tomhave Mrs. Nancy Hanson Mrs. Walter Fabian Alvin O. Evenson Arthur Torgerson Mrs. Laura Anderson Martin Ugatad Mabel Bu.rau Misa Hulda Wahlgren Mrs. Anton Saurer GRAND JURORS, Dead Lake Vergas New York Milla Perham Village Dora llluffton New York Milla Perham Perham Pelican Rapids Norwegian Grove Erhard Village Maplewood Pelican Erhards Grove Leaf Lake Compton Oak Valley Elmo Effineton Henning . llattle Lake Eagle Lake Everts Clitherall Tordenskjold Otter Tail Nidaros City of Fergus Falla Parkers Pra~rie·Tvp; Fergus Falla Twp. Cal: Mielke John Mark Ai. Schoeneberger Russel Lepisto Rudy Hoffman lien Klinnert Ed. llauck Robert Fick Henry Janke Ernald Tabbut Eddie Velo Alvin Kvare Oscar Anderson c. H. Chatwood Arthur Grunewald Peter Harthan MaJt Klimek Emil H. Salvag Carol :Boehland Harry Olson Mrs. Vernon Hames Otto Kester Henry Hanson Willard Danielson Mrs. Harold Duhn Mrs. Walter Raugarth Henry Johnson Harry E. Anderson John Utne Walter Sundberg Kelly Drey Pelican Pelican Rapids Dwm Scambler Lida Maplewood Norwegian Grove Oscar Erhards Grove Friberg Trondhjem Maine Eastern Parkers Prairie Woodside Folden Oak Valley Henning Deer Creek Leaf Lake Parkers Prairie Village Parkers Prairie Village Henning Village Henning Village Deer Creek Village Urbank Leaf Mountain Eagle Lake St. Olaf Tumuli Girard Tordenskjold Nidaros Amor Otter Tail llatt·le Lake Sverdrup llattle Lake Tumuli Clitherall City of Fergus Falla City of Fergus Falla City of Fergus Falla Fergus Falla Twp. Fergus Falls Twp. Orwell Western Aastad Aurdal Buse Carlisle Dane Prairie Elizabeth Elizabeth Richville New York Milla Perham Village New York Milla Vergas Dent Perham Dent llutler Scambler Trondhjem Dlmn Friberg Maine Oscar Deer Creek Inman Folden Woodside Eastern Dalton Underwood Girard Nidaros Leaf Mountain Sverdrup Dalton City of Fergus Falla City of Fergus Falla Fergus Falla Twp. Aurdal COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. iL:Uilh Ai■il■CtiiPANf, ir.ctiUD ....... e• H.J. Larson John Jannen John Scott John Diaaeth Albert Shanatrom DATE ... -··························Feb, ... l4_. .................................. 19 .. .!i'J Cit:, of Fergus Falla . W. A. Skopo Carlisle Chas. Hitchcock Orwell Moria Halaneaa Cit:, of Fergus Falla . Arnold Stock Parkers Prairie Village Peter T. Koep Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Feb. 26th. Attest: City of Fergue Falla Orwell Dane Prairie Western Effington _, _JI! COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..............•............ 1.!!:t>., ... ~.6. ....................................... 19.5.7. .. IICDI IIHl■•co■nH IT.CLOUD ••••. C4ml MINU'rES OF ADJOUBNED MEm'ING OF THE :BOARD OF COUN'l'Y COMMISSIO!IERS OF OTTER TAIL C~UNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the .Board met at 10 o'clock A, .M. Feb. 26, 1957, all membere being present. The :Board having previously :advertised for bids 'ror •·number of FAS Pr~jecta, a representative of the State Highw1q De- partment proceeded to open bids ~hich were found to be as follows: SP 56-615-01 and CP 57:12 tr.B located between Dalton and the N corporate limits of Underwood: · Judd :Brown Construction Co. Mark Sand and Gravel Co. Hazelmere :Bituminous Co. C. L. Nelson Co,, Inc.· Herbison Construction Co. Alexander Cons~ruction Co. Asconite A~phalt Co. Ulland :Bros., Inc. John Dieaeth Co. .$ 92,8J7.J4 95,021.65 99,120.99 101,068.24 104,096.78 105,700.25 116,992,Jl 120,012.61 124,682.40 Upon motion, it was recommended to the Highway Commi,sioner that the bid of Judd Brown Construction Co. in the sum of $92,8J7.J4 be accepted. :Bids on SP 56-502-04 (SAR 12) S Jct. of CAR 42, 10.6 miiea SE of Dent and 5.8 miles S of Dent and on CAR 42 between the N Jct. of SAR 12 and 2 miles S of ~.H. 108, 6 miles Wand J miies S of.Dent: Mark Sand and Gravel Co. C. L. Nelson Co. Judd :Brown· Construction Co. Hazelmere :Bituminous Co. Roland M. Starry Alexander Construction Co. Mclaughlin & Schulz, Inc. John Dieseth Co. :Bituminous Surface Treating Co. Jay w. Craig Co. · Herbison Construction Co. Ulland :Bros,, Inc. .$ 78,414.50 82,25J.25 8J,578.25 8J,79J.6J 84,124.75 86, 152,25 88,J07.00 90,147.50 91,72J.OO 95,015.00 97,768.50 100,227.00 Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Highways that the bid of Mark Sand and Gravel Co. in the sum of $78,414.50 be accepted. On Project SP 56-5J4-0l Trunk Highway 59 in Elizabeth and SAR J,6,9 miles: Gust Strom and ~ons Michaelson :Bros. Oscar Jones Ed. Zimmerman Rust and Dahlman K'ahlatorf :Bros. Kerne and Tabery John Dii,seth Co, Correll Construction Co, Gladen Bros. c. H. Ziegler Co. J. K, Hodgman Conatructio~ Co. Anderson :Bros. Construction Co. Raagenaon & Tranby Co.nstructio_n Co. Verdie J. Valden Arne .. Anderson and Son $ 69,499,60 69,798,72 70,422.45 70,847.24 71,261.J2 ?J,249. 15 . 74,81J.J4 81,185.20 81,216.J6 82,617,70 87,?J2.44 87, 7J9, 05 89,114.02 90,047.78 90,444.42 '90,731.10 Upon motion, it was recomme,nded to the Commissioner of Highwa.ya that the bid of Gust Strom and Sona in the sum of $69,499.60 be ~ccepted. On 56-52J-Ol located bet:wee,n T.H. 29, 5.J miles N of the N limits of Parkers Prairie and E line of Otter Tail County 9,7 miles: Evavold :Bros. ICahlatorf :Bros, Gust Strom&. Sona Bain :Bros." Marvin E. Lund Martin Fruth Gladen :Bros. John Dieseth Co. Rust & Dahlman Kerns & Tabery Carl Danielson Ed, Zimmerman Elmer Anderson Haagenson & Tranby Construction Co. J. K, Hodgman Correll Construction Co. Rajala Construction Co,, Inc. J.P. Sinna & Sona, Inc. $ 58,544,91 65,J56.00 65,784,26 67,004.66 67,684.64 67,809.79 68,J82,64 68,706.12 69,986.0J 70,J88.00 71,498.?J 71,985.44 72,202.99 72,J7J.14 74,017.JO 76,Jl4.18 77,115.32 77,185.14 Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Highways that the bid of Evavold :Broe. in the sum of $58,544,91 be accepted. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... Feb •... 26, ................................. 19 ... 57 Hs■-nr•1•uu■,FP•t""' H-s ProjectB*y5~i County joba were then opened which were found to be aa follows: Gravel l:aae and road mix bituminous surfacing Mark Sand. and Gravel Co, Judd Brown Construction Co. McLaughlin & SchulB, Inc, AleDnder Construction Co,, Inc, John Dieaeth Co, Roland M, Starry Jrq-W. Craig Co, C, L, Nelson & Co,, Inc, Bituminous Surface Treating Co, Herbison Conatruction·Co, Hazelmere Bituminous Co. Ulland Broa,, Inc, $ 44,705.50 45,940.75 46,034,00 47,348,70 47,717,25 48,398,50 48,715.50 49,067.00 49,082,75 49,319.59 51,878,50 ·.54,086,50 Upon motion, the contract waa awarded to Mark Sand am Gravel Co, for $44,705.50. Bida on Olirb and Gutter, gravel baae and plant mix bituminoua·aurfacing, Dalton Village, No~ 57 DB and 57:12 DB and 57:27 DB: Judd Brown Construction Co. Herbison Construction Co, Mark Sand and Gravel Co, Hazelmere Bituminous Co, John Dieaeih Co, C. L, Nelson and Co, Alexander Conatruction·Co, Ulland Broa. $ 40,059.10 44,585,20 44,606.45 47,039.05 47,900.75 48,.520.45 50,260.40 · 64,341.40 Upon motion, the contract waa awarded to Judd Brown Construction Co, for the aum of $40,059,10, Bida for county wide graveling Project 57G: Fairw~ Construction Co, Mahnomen Construction Co, Curtis & Streeter John Dieaeth Co. Roland M, Starry H, K, Loveall $ 51,890, 00 51,950.00 60,850,00 62,625.00 68,625.00 72,075.00 Upon motion, the contract waa awarded to Fairwrq-Construction Co. for the aum of $51,890,00, Bida for county wide bituminous Project 57B: Bituminous Surface Treating Co, McLaughlin and Schulz, Inc. Jrq-W. Craig Co, C, L. Nelson & Co. John Dieseth Co. C, L, Stodolka Co,, Inc. $ 40,780,74 40,856,40 41,613.00 42,874.00 42,874,00 50,440,00 Upon motion, the contract waa awarded to Bituminous Surface Treating Co, for the aum of $40,780,74, Bids for aand aeal county wide: Hi-Way Surfacing Co, McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc, John Dieseth Co, C, L, Nelson and Co. Amoa He lgeaon Bituminous Surface Treating Co, C, L. Stodolka Co, Jay W. Craig Co, · $ · 51,566,71 52,748,55 52,965,02 55,513,36 59,121,38 60,874,08 62,425.29 66,679,02 Upon motion, the contract was awarded to Hi-Way Surfacing Co, for the aum of $51,566, 71, Upon motion, the County Board authorized the County Auditor to make a number of repairs on the roof and ntairway of the dwelling located on the former' brewery premiaea in the City of Fergus· Falla, thie property being tax forfeited property. Upon motion, the Board then: adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M, March 11th, Chairman. Attest: ·••'- COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. D • 11•, DATE ___________________________ March __ 11, __________________________________ 19 -57 - MINUTES OF ADJOURJIED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUll'rY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o1cl9ck A. M. March 11, 1957, all members being present. The »oard having previously advertised for bids on corrugated metal culverts, pipes, concrete pipe ~nd bridge planking and timbers proceeded to open bids. Bids for corrugated metal culverts were received from Viking Steel Products Co., Armco Drainage and Metal P~oducts Co., Duluth Culvert Co., Fargo Tank Co., H. V. Johnston Culvert Co., Northfield Iron co., St. Paul Corru~ating Co. and Wheeling Corrugating Co. All bids were the same except that the Fargo Tank Compaey's prices were subject to 20,, discount on corrugated metal culverts and 15~ discount on corrugated metal pipe arches. Upon motion, the bid of the Fargo Tank Co. was accepted. The Elk River Concrete ?roducte Co. submitted a bid for concrete culverts and special end sections and curb sections. Upon motion, this bid was accepted. The Wheeler Lumber and Bridge Co. submitted a bid for planking, piling and bridge timbers. Upon motion, this bid was accepted. The so-called Devil's Lake Road located in the Towmships of Hobart, Gorman, Perham and Edna was taken up for final action, ond after listening to the statements of the various interested parties together with their attorney, and a. thorough discussion, it was decided to defer action on this petition pending an agreement to be reached with the Town Board of Gorman. Upon motion, the County Auditor was instructe~ to transfer the sum of $4,551.46 from the County luilding Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund covering expenditures made on the parking lot in the amount of $3,529.36 and bituminous surfacing at Garage No. 5 in the amount of $52J.26 and fixtures and plumbing at Garage No. 12 in the amount of $498.84, all of which had been paid for au.t of the Road and Bridge Fwui. ORDER OF DISSOLUTION. The resolutton asking for dissolution of Common School District No. 151 of Otter Tail County was taken up for final act ion. : After listening to the various interested parties, the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, a resolution adopted by the electors of Common School District No. 151 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at a legal meeting held on the 4th day of February, 1957, and properly certified to by the Clerk and Chairman qf said district, was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, on the 14th day of February, 1957, praying for the dissolution of Common School District No. 151 and duly approved b~ the Superintendent of Schools of said county, and that notice of hearing on said resolution was duly given as provided by law, Now, Therefore, it is hereby ordered by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that said re- solution be and it ie hereby granted, and said school district be and it is hereby dissolved. Adopted Mar. 11, 1957. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk, HENRY SIELING Chairman. ORDER OF ANNEXATION. Following the dissolution of Common School District No. 151 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, the ir.atter of the a~tach- ment of the territory of said district to some other district was then discussed. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties the following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved that Common School District No. 151 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, ha~ing been dissolved and a certifi- cate having been presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, by the Clerk of said former School District No. 151 to the effect that a special election had been called and held in said Common School District No. 151 or the 4th-day of February, 1957, and the legal voters thereof by majority vote had toted to assume and become liable for their proportionate share of the bonded indebtedness heretofore incurred by Independent Consolidated School District No. 44 of ~tter Tail County, Minnesota, in the event said Common School District No. 151 should be dissolved and the area thereof attached to said Independent Consolidated School District No. 44, and all·euch proceedings having been had and conducted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Annotated Section 122.28, Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that all the area of Common School District No. 151, be and it hereby ie attached to Independent Consolidated School District No. 44 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, for all school purposes whatsoever and all properties and assets of said Common School District No. 151 are hereby transferred to and made the property of said Independent Consolidated School District No. 44. Be it further resolved that all the land and properties formerly comprising Common School District No. 151 shall be and they are hereby made subject to their proportionate share of the bonded indebtedness of said Independent Consolidated School District No. 44 of Otter Tail CCIIJ.l:j.ty, Minnesota, and the County Auditor shall hereafter levy a tax on all such pro- perty to JllliY such bonded indebtedness and interest in the same manner and amount ae such tax is levied on all other property comprising Independent Consolidated School District No. 44 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. . . Adopted r.ar. 11, 1957. Attest: S. B, JOHNSON, Clerk. HENRY SIELING Chairman. ORDER OF DISSOLUTION. The resolution asking for dissolution of Common School District No. 116 of Otter Tail County was taken up for final action. After listening to the various interested parties, the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, a resolution adopted by the electors of Common School District No. 116 of Otter Tail C~ty~ Minnesota,· at a legal meeting held on the 11th day of February, 1957, and properly certified to by the Clerk and Chairman of said district, was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, on the 14th day of February, 1957, pray- ing for the dissolution of Common School District No. 116 and duly approved by the Superintendent of Schools of said county, COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................. March ___ ll ............................. 19 51. HCUIITI PIINrl■GCO■P.IIH ST. CI.OUD. ■I■■. and that notice of hearing on said resolution was duly given aa provided by law, Now, Therefore, it ia hereby ordered.by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that said resolution be and it ia hereby granted, and said school district be and it ia hereby dissolved, Adopted Mar, 11, 195?, Attest: S. B, JOHNSON Clerk, ORDER OF ANNEXATION. HENRY SIELING Cha,i.rman. Following the dissolution of Common School District No, 116 of Otter Tail County, ~i~eaota, the matter of the attach- ment of the territory of said district to some other district was then discussed. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties the-following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved that Common School District No, 116 of Otter Tail County, MiMeaota, having been dissolved and a certi- ficate having baen presented to the Board of County Commiaaionera of Otter Tail County, MiMeaota, by the Clerk of said former School District No, 116 to the effect that a special election had been called and held in said Common School District !lo, 116 on the 11th d!QI' of February, 195?, and the legal voteI"B thereof by majority vote had voted to assume and become liable for their proportionate share of the bonded indebtedness heretofore incurred by Independent Consolidated School District No. 44 of Otter Tail County, MiMeaota, in the event said Common School District No. 116 should be dissolved and the area thereof at- . tached to said Independent Consolidated School District No. 44, and all such proceedings having been had and conducted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Annotated Section 122,28, Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiMesota, that all the area of Common School District No, 116, be and it hereby ia attached to Independent ·Consolidated School District No, 44 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, for all school purposes whatsoever and all properties and assets of said Common School District No, 116 are hereby transferred to and made the proper.ty of said Independent Consolidated School District No. 44. Be it further resolved that all the land and properties formarly comprising Common School District No, 116 shall be and they are hereby made subject to their proportionate share of the bonded indebtedness of said Independent Consolidated School District No. 44 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, and the County Auditor shall hereafter levy a tax on all such property to PIQT such bonded indebtedness and interest in the same manner and amount as such tax is levied on all other property com- prising Independent Consolidated School District No, 44 of Otter Tail County,. Minnesota, Adopted Mar, 11, 195?, Attest: S, B, JOHNSON Clerk. HEllRY SIELING Chairnan, The follawing licenses for 110n11 and 110ff11 sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted: Loren E, Center, Town of Girard; Wm. c. T1QTlor, Town of Everts: A, T, Herfindahl, Town of Girardi Earl H, Coffman, Town of Girard; Stanley J, Butkus, Town of Everts; Giale M, Froaeth, Town of Otter Tail; Wilmar Roberta, Town of Butler; ~fu.a Hull, Town of Girard; Eugene C. Pischke, Town of Leaf Mountain: Perry Swenson, Town of Dora. The following were granted licenses for public dances: Perry Swenson, Town of Dora, and A. T. Herfindahl, Town of Girard, The application of Robert :Bu.ache of the Town of Compton for reduction of aaaeaaed valuation on personal property waa read and, upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner on the grounds that Mr. Busche did not receive household ax- emption to which he waa entitled, The application of Julius B, Lokken for reduction of asaeaaed valuation on personal property in t~e Town of Otter Tail waa read and, upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the asaeaaed valuation be reduced from $40.00 to $10,00 on the ground that the separator was obsolete, The application of Harlan Beach for cancellation of aaaeaaed value on certain items in the Village of Urbank was read, and upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that this application be .granted on the ground that this same equipment had also been asaeaaed in Schafferin1a Cafe in Alexandria Township, The application of Mrs. Marvin Hopewell for reduction of aaaeaaed valuation on personal.property in the Village of Perham was read and, upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commiaaioner that the application be granted on the ground that she received no household exemption to which she was entitled, The application of Wilfred M, Johnson for reduction of aaaeaaed valuation on personal property in the Village of Par- ham wae read and, upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the application be granted on the ground that no household exemption waa allowed to which the applicant was entitled. The application of J, A, Erickson for reduction of assessed valuation on garage located on the Soo Right of W!QT in the Village of Ottertail was read and, upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the valuation be reduced from $265,00 to $201,00, The application of Gordon Lee Xing for reduction of aaaeaaed valuation on Lot 2 of Sunset Beach in the Town of Girard was read. Upon motion, it was recommer..ded that.the asaeaaed valuation be reduced from $351,00 to $143,00 on the ground that the wrong cottage had been asaeaaed on this lot. The application of Orlando Olson for reduction of asaeaaed valuation on Lot 12, Block 3, Original Plat, Pelican Rapids was read and it was recommended to the Tax Commiaaioner that the aaaeaaed valuation be reduced from $735.00 to $603,00, The application of Laslie R, Estes for reduction of asaeaaed valuation on the N 1/2 SE 1/4 and the S 1/2 NE 1/4 of Section 8-133-39 waa read and, upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the valuation be reduced from $1388,00 to $1188,00, The application of Roy Brawn for homestead classification on Govt. Lot 3 except tract, Govt. Lot 4 of Sec. 4 and the NW 1/4 of Sac. 9-133-40 was read. After discussion, the same was rejected. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ·DATE .............................. ~~ch .. 11 •............................... .19 ... .5'7. 11:CIIIIT P■l■TIII CO■HH H. C OUIII ■I 11. The application of L, C. Stearns for reduction of assessed valuation on personal property was read and, after··diacuaaion, the same was rejected, in the Township of Compton The application of Wm. Duda_for reduction of assessed valuation on building on Lota 2J and 24, Girard l!each was read, Upon motion, the same was rejected on recommendation of the Town Board, · ' · The application of Fred Bellinger for reduction of assessed valuation on certain personal property i th Village of Clitherall on the ground that he did not own it on May 1, 1956 was read, Upon motion, the petition was rej:cte: on the ground that all the evidence seemed to indicate that this property was purchased by him on April 29th, RESOLUTION B:V THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. BE IT RESOLVED that the CommiBBioner of Highways be, and he hereby is, autharized and requested to take such steps and perform such acts on behalf of the County of Otter 'l'atl as may be necessary t6 have the construction and improvement of the roads hereinafter described properly approved by the Commissioner of Highways as a Federal Aid Secondary project eligible for the expenditure of federal funds thereon and eligible for present construction and the.letting of a contract therefor. ROAD SARf? Adopted this 11th day of March, 195?, Attest: S, B, JOHNSON Clerk; LOCATION East County Line and West 2 miles HENRY SIELING Chairman, Upon motion, the board then adjourned to March 12,195?, TUESDAY'S SESSION, GRADJil &, GRAVEL 2,00 Mi, Piir.ifua!it to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M, March l,2, all members being present, EST.COST 16,000 The petition of Robert Brolin asking that Govt. Lot? in Section 5 and that piu-t ·of Govt. Lot 6 in Section 5 described as follows: l!eg, on S line of said Govt. Lot 6 where the S line of said Lot 6 intersects the NE cor, G.L. ? Sec, 5-lJ?-41, N to Twp. Road, NWly following road to N line G. L. 6, W on N line of G, L, 6 to shore of Hand Lake, SI ly along shore to S line G,L, 6, Eon S line to beginning, be set off from District No, 8 of Becker County to School District No. 1 of Becker County was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties the Board issued the following order, to-wit; Whereas, The petition of Robert Brolin, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 8, Becker&, O.T. County, representing that he is the owner of the lar:da hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 1 l!ecker &, Otter Tail and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said District No, 8 Becker&, Otter Tail to said adjoining school district No, 1 Becker&, Otter Tail was presented to the Board of County Commis- sioners of this County at a session of said Board held on the 9th day of January A. D,, 195? for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 12th day of March A, D,, 195? at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls·in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copie of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said school districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such µearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 12th day of March A. D,, 195? due proof of thJ posting arid service of said order of.hearing as therein directed arid required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board.being of 9pinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered arid determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Govt. Lot ? in Sec. 5 and that portion of Govt. Lot 6 in Sec. 5 described as follows: Beg on S line of said Govt. Lot 6 where the S line of said Lot 6 intersects the NE cor, G,L,? Sec, 5-lJ?-41, N to Twp. Road, NW1ly following road to N line G,L, 6, Won N line of G.L, 6 to shore of Hand Lake, S'ly along shore to S line G,L. 6, Eon S iine to beginni be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 8 Becker&, Otter Tail to said adjoining School District No, 1 Becker&, Otter Tail and said lands are hereby made a.part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, By order of the Board of County CommiBBioners, Dated the 12th day of March A. D,, 195?, (Auditor's Saal) HENRY SIELING Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn, Attest: S. B, JOHNSON . County Auditor, arid ex-officio Clerk of Board! The petition of Erwin Woldahl asking that the NE 1/4 NEl/4 of Section 19-lJl-40 be set off from School District No. 114 of Otter Tail County to School District No, 8 of Grant County was taken up for final action. ~fter list~ning to the statement of interested parties, the Board issued. the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Erwin Woldah, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 114 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 8 Grant Co. and asking that he with his eaid lands may be set off from said District No. 114 to said adjoin ing School District No, 8 Grant Co, was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 9th day of January A, D., 195? for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 12th day of March A, D., 195? at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falla in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of auch hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days befor,e the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 12th day of March A, D,, 195? due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as th~rein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... March __ 12., ..................................... 19 57. SECHITr PIIIN'IIJIGCO■PA■fp "Jo CLOUD ■IN■-5:1!9 the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted-, it is _hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: NE 1/4 of !ff;'·l/4 Section 19 Township 1)1 Range 40 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 114 to said adjoining School District N·o. 8 Grant· Co. said lands are hereby made a part of said last named school district for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 12th day of March A. D •• 1957. (Auditor's Seal) HENRY SIELING Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, alld ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Erwin Woldahl asking that the S 1/2 SE 1/4 of Section 18-1)1-40 be set off from School District No. 6 of Otter Tail County to School District No. 8 of Grant County was taken up for final action. After listening to the state- ments of interested parties the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Erwin Woldahl, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 6 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 8 Grant Co. and asking that he with his said lands ma.v be set off from said District No. 6 to said adjoin- ing School District No. 8 Grant Co. was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 9th day of January A. D., 1957 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 12th day of March A.D., 1957 at the county auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said school districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissione1•s on said 12bh day of March A. D., 1957 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition shou.ld be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the •following described lands owned by him, to-wit: S 1/2 of SE 1/ Section 18 Township 1)1 Range 4o be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 6 to said ad.Joining School District No. 8 Grant Co. and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named school district for all purposes what- ewr. By order of the Board of County Commissioners, Dated the 12th day of March A. D., 1957 (Auditor's Seal) HENRY SIELING Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn: Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. ORDER OF DISSOLUTION, The resolution for dissolution of Common School District No. )6 of Otter Tail County was taken up for final action. After listening to the various interested parties the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, a resolution adopted by the electors of Common School District No. )6 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at a legal meeting held on the 13th day of December, 1956, and properly certified to by the Clerk and Chairman of said district was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, on the 9th day of Januaey, 1957, praying for the dissolution of Common School District No. 36 and duly approved by the Superintendent of Schools of said county, and that notice of hearing on said resolution was duly given as provided by law, Now, Therefore, it is hereby ordered by the Board. of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that said resolution be and it is hereby granted and said school district be and it is hereby dissolved as of June 1, 1957. Adopted Mar. 12, 1957. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Cleric, HENRY SIELING Chairman. ORDER OF ANNEXATION. Following the dissolution of Common School District No. 36 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, the matter of attachment of the territory of said district to some other district was then discussed. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties the following resolution was adopted: Ba it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that all of the area comprising former School District No. 36 of Otter Tail County, MiMesota, be and it hereby is attached to Common School District No. 115 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, for all school purposes whatsoever, and all properties and assets of said Common School Dis- trict No; )6 as of June 1, 1957, are hereby transferred to and made the property of said Common School District No. 115 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Adopted Mar. 12, 1957. Attest: S, B, JOHNSON Clerk. RESOLUTION HENRY S IELING Chairman. BY THE BOARD OF COUllTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. WHEREAS, Otter Tail County believes in home rule as this country was established on that principle, and WHEREAS, there is before the legislature, at the present time, a bill wherein wage rates on all county projects or federal aid secondary projects would be established by the Industrial Commission, and WHEREAS, the wage rates that would be established by the Industrial Commission, most likely, would not be realistic with the wages that are paid in the rural sections of the state. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ___ --------------------March __ 12, ---------------------------------------19._?.?.. IIC ■ITTPll■Tl■liCO■H■, SI.CLOUD ■1•11. c.;aa NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we hereby oppose Senate File No. 193 and Rouse File No, 468, which eatabl1ah the wagea to be paid for laborers and mechanics employed on public work contracts. . BE IT ruRTIIER RESOLVED, that a copy of said resolution be forwarded to Representatives Aune, Dunn, Ukkelb~rg and Wind- miller and Senator Nycklemoe, requesting that they oppose the above bill. Adopted this 12th day of I-larch, 1957. Attest: S, B, JOHNSON, Clerk. HENRY S IELING Chairman, The petition of Reuben :Bahls asking that the SW 1/4 °SE 1/4, SE 1/4 SW 1/4, SE 1/4 NWl/4 and Govt.Lot 6 e'xcept tract to Br.olin in Section 5-137-41 be set off from District No. 8 of Backer County to District No. l of Becker County was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held by thia board at 10 o'clock A, M. May 15, 1957, and that due notice of the time and place of said hea1•ing be given as required by law, · Tha petition of Roger B, Jaenisch asking that all North of N. P. R, R, of the E 1/2 of Section 35-133-44 be set off from District No, 222 to District No, 96 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held by thi~ Eoard at 10 o'clock A, M. May 15, 1957, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by_ law. The petition of Roger B, Jaenisch asking that the SE 1/4 of Section 26-133-44 be set off from District No. 226 to Dia- t~ict No, 96 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on ~aid petition be held by this Board at 10 o'clock A, M. May 15, 1957, and that due notice of the time and place of said heai:ing be given as required by law. · · · A petition signed by Marvin Hink and others asking for the vacation of a road running as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of the SE 1/4 of Section 27-131-38, thence N'ly 1 mile, was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at the Commissioner's Room at 11 o'clock A. M. May 15, 1957, and the Board appointed a committee consisting of Commissioners Haase and Nycklemoe to meet at 2 o'clock P. M. May 6, 1957 to view said proposed vacation, said committee to meet at the southwest corner of the SE 1/4 of Section 27-131-38. . A report of the Board of Audit covering receipts and disbursements by the County Treasurer for the period from Dec. l, 1955 to March 31, 1956, wa!I submitted to the Board showing a balance on Dec. 1, 1955 of $2,441,661.89; collections during this period of $2,629.660,18 and disbursements of $2,689,918.82, leaving a balance in the County Treasury at tne. close of busi• nesa on Mar. Jl, 1956 of $2,381,403,25, Upon motion, the report was approved, · A report of the Board of Audit showing a verification of current tax collections for the period from Jan, 3, 1955 through Dec. 31, 1955 was read, Upon motion, the same was approved, · · A plat of Shaffer Beach on Pickeral Lake in Section 11~134-41 accompanied by an opini~n as to the title executed ~y Robert 0, Blatti, Attorney-at-law, was approved, . The City of Fergus Falls, a mu.nicipal corporation, through its City Council presented an ~pplication by governmental subdivision for conveyance of tax forfeited lands asking that Lota 1, 2, J, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, Block 16;. Lot 14, Block 17; Lota 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 24; Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 25 of Finkle and White's Addition to the City of Fergus Falls be acquired by the City of Fergus Falla as a reservoir and natural water shed and use fo~ an_outfall for drai~s and storm sewers in the adjacent area, Aftel' consideration, the Board passed the following resolution: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota has examined into the allegation of th~ application of the City of Fergus Falls dated the 12th day of March, 1957, for the conveyance of certain lands therein described, Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the Board of Cou..~ty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that it hereby ap- proves said application and recommends that the same be granted, Dated March 1, 1957, Attest: S. B, JOHNSON, Clerk, The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Donald H, Schaap Gary A, Nelilon Russell Brooberg Marchant Calculators The Todd Co, Vernon E. Bachnan Mabel Wenstrom John L, Bixby Bennie J, Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Harvey Morrill Otto Haase Henry Sieling West Pu.bl, Co, Ruth E, Ha~ W, Earl Williams Burnett Ellingson Fergus Glass & Paint Co, Oscar Olson HENRY SIELING OTTO HAASE BENNIE JOHNSON HARVEY MORRILL SAM NYCKLEMOE County Boa1-d of said County. boarding prisoners expenses II II main, service expenses II II II exp, attend, meeting registration fee exp, attend, meeting & registration fee 11 II II II II II atatutea transcribing testimoey municipal judge I a fees justice f'ees supplies repairs $ 648.00 131.70 120.20 180,90 41.00 18.00 61.46 19.05 32.69 21.24 10.40 . 4;00 20.00 21.98 35.00 28,20 82,05 5.00 5,50 2.00 _________________________________________________ __Jc__ ____ ~.& COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, -OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. SIECU JIP■ flNliC ..... r.c Hintgen Ka,rst Electric Olson Auto Electric So, Mill Standard Service Carlson & 1!enJamin Nyman Fuel Co. N. W. l!ell Tele. Co. Do Do Fdwin Ala Charlie R. Kiff Jim Kimmea Fdwin Ala Victor Lundeen & Co. Schoolcraft Co. Remington Rand Perham Enterprise l!ulletin The Pierce Co. The Geo. D. :Barnard Co, Cooper's Office Supply Ugeblad Publ. Co, Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. Miller-Davi·s Co, Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. . Do . N. W, Publ.· Co·, Battle Lake Review Perham Enterprise l!ulletin Fergus Journal Co. Evelace G. Hanson Vernon E. :Bachman Russell Brooberg H. W. Glorvigen Stemsrud & Emerson Nellion Drug Co. Erickson Hdwe. Undertakers Supply Co. Solberg1s Grocery Fergus Falls Clinic Minn. Motor Co. Barke & Allison H. W. Glorvigen Minn. Tuberculosis & Health Assn. Ann Jordan Do Do Esther G. Sell Do E. Otter Tail Tele. Co. N. W. l!ell Tele, Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Straub Estate Erickson Our Own Hdwe. Public Utilities Dept. Phi:!:ip i.:. Kjaglien Do Town of Maine Kemper Drugs Swans Rexall Drugs Everett C. Hanson Minn. State Sa11&torium Glen Lake Sanatorium The Itasca Clinic Parkview Nursing Home. Inc. Drs. Hau«a,n & Grimes Dr. H. H. Leibold Drs. Lewis. Lewis & Kevern Korda Clinic Drs. Warner & Schoeneberger Township of Dunn Township of Rush Lake Township of Lidb Township of Maine Village of Henning Village of :Battle Lake Mutual Service Casualty Co. Borchert-Ingersoll. Inc. Northwest Engineering Co, Phillippi Equipment Co. Public Works Equipment Co. Geo. T. Ryan Co. Wm. H. Ziegler Co, I.arson Bros. Super G.M.c. Truck Sales Lake Region Motor Co. Minnesota Motor Co. Olson Auto Electric Smoky1s Machine Shop Fleet Dist. Supply. Inc. Service Oil Co •• Battle Lake Bennie Rossum Vaughn Chevrolet Co, F. R, Steuart Plbg. & Htg. DA'l'E ................................ March .. 12 •.............................. 19.27. .. supplies & labor bulb gasoline labor & supplies coal calls mobile service Dep. sheriff's exp, assist. deputy sheriff Dep. sheriff's exp, 11 II II supplies attend. certificates supplies envelopes supplies records supplies printing books & blanks supplies order book mortgage records publ. prtg. II publication postage II. . II II drugs for prisoners II . II II shells red ·light for car supplies Jail calls labor workmen's compensation adv. coma. to drivers license agents health record cards Nurse expenses supplies postage II expenses service service & tolls supplies rent supplies water & sewage postQge & machine rental expenses care of transient drugs II examinations care of patients care of poor II II II II II II II II II II II II II II H ins. premium tax forf. 1'1.nd parts II II II snow plow & parts parts repairs "' Vet. Ser. Poor R&B _ .J7.10 J.50 1.57 197.64 706,55 8.85 67,70 18.86 10.50 J.00 4.85 25.00 114.25 106.10 792.05 25.00 42.85 247.47 5. 7.3 1JJ.J5 161.J7 96.91 1J7,49 287.18 104.99 22,80 6.84 2J9,10 JO.CO JJ,77 15.00 50.00 1.65 J.7J 4.45 50.24 ,87 35.00 18.55 J600.00 9.70 14.66 7J.20 1.80 J.J6 J.00 49.02 8.00 27.05 18.29 50.00 2.82 1.46 10.50 62.72 69.54 4J.09 16.50 12.00 218J.60 72J.89 lJ.00 68.00 8.00 9.00 51.50 9.00 8,00 626.42 16J.J7 JS.JO 154.72 664.J7 1022.70 JJ.60 47.48 120.94 21.73 415.42 747.55 604.89 75.85 11,60 19.62 89,55 54.87 418.88 5,5J 24.55 J2.60 19.29 8.25 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL ·coUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. March .. 12 ................................. 19..5.7.. iHUlirf HhniH tiiPa■i I IT. CloUD ....... Carlisle Co-op. Oil Stuntebeck1a, Inc. Rudolph W. Holten Knutson Electric Electric Supply Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc. Sigelman Ride & J\ir Co. Whitlock Welders Equipt. & Supply Coast-to-Coast Stores, Renning Erlckaon-Hellekaon-Vye Co., 'Erhard Vergas Hardware Co. Everts Lumber Co. Perham Mfg. Co. Underwood Farmers Supply Village of Parkers Prairie Fossen Oil Co. 'South Mill Standard Hoot Lake Pure Oil aay, a on co. Bill's Service Station Service Oil Co., Underwood Mobile'Service Twin 'a Motor Co. Dan's Texaco Service Bill Nelson Oil Co. Kraemer Oil Co, Baas Oil Co. West Otter Tail Service Standard Oil Co., Battle Lake Arrf1tl Petroleum Standard Oil Co,, Par. Pra. City of·Fergua Falla Raymond Motor Tranap., Inc. Railway Express Agency Minnesota State Highway Dept. Construction lulletin Fergus Journal Minneapolis Blue Prtg. H. A. Rogers Miller-Davia co; The Pierce Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. East Otter Tail Tele. Co. Vergas Tele. Co. Northwestern Bell Tele, Co., F. F. Pelican Tele. Co, N, W, Bell Tele. Co,, Henning Midwest Tele. Co. ll. W. Bell Tele, Co., F. F. Wendell P. Huber George Olson G. D. Harlow Ed, Thom, Chm. Dist. 18? Radio Station W.M.R.o. Amor Garage Vergas Oil Co. Dutch's Standard Station Park Machine Co. Monroe Cale. Machine Co., Inc. Wendell P. ·Huber Fossen Oil Co. .. Perham Co-op. Oil Co. Toftely Plumbing & Heating repairs II II II II supplies II II II II II II II coal service gasoline etc. & tires & fuel oil ,oil etc. & coal die el fuel & oil II II fuel oil curb, gutter, Bit, work freight express supplies ad. for bids II supplies printed forms II II supplies II service service & tolls II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II cash advanced exoenaea -II Right of Way cables gasoline etc. II II II II supplies machine service expenses fuel oil II II furnace Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. April 9, ·1957, Attest: ~ Bldg. fund J,90 2.00 3.35 J.00 6.JO 839,56 J0.66 56.64 20.75 53,45 50.69 277,61 10.40 90.25 9.00 65.15 12.58 84.JJ 51,?J 81.J8 125,42 28;2J 253,49 214.75 114.67 212,49 166,90 199.50 -62.?5 199, 18 114.05 3097,50 5.00 6.60 92,06 62.70 49.20 169,?J 18,94 J0,76 24.6? 10.20 7.50 11.80 40.70 ?,JO 14.55 6.45 35.15 8.49 17,35 7,.6J 4.90 20.00 5.75 147.90 177,70 106,56 2J.OO 20). 77 189,60 141.11 -.9311..a2 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ........ . ..... April .. 9, ................................ 19 ..... 57 • MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE· BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. April 9, 1957, all members being pr~aent. Licensee for 110n11 and 110ff11 sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors were granted as follows: Carlyle Reiter, Town of Gira:t;'d: Dorothy Soward, Town of Aurdal; Thomae R. Schwientek, Town of Pine Lake; Walter C. Shol, Town of Friberg; Arth'1,1" Abraham, Town of Dora: Grant Jones, T0o1n of Pine Lake; John W. Rundle, Town of Scambler; Joseph H. Fink, Town of Gormrµi; Guatof o. Weiaa, Town of Otter Tail: Herman Weickert, Town of Perham; Kenneth Van Tassel, Town of Otter Tail; Floycl Shol, Town of Friberg; Carl Leaf, Town of Pine Lake; Carl Sundblad, Town of Elizabeth; George Obright, Town of Star.Lake; Geo. D. & Orab Prall, Town of Corliss; A. M. Carlson, Town of Elmo: :Edwin C. Preacher, Town·of Otter Tail; Fred.Schultz, Town of Tumuli; Fern Horvath, Town of Dora; Arnold Evenson, Town of Western: Ernie Pederson, T0o1n of Star .Lake; Roscoe c. Smith; Town, of Dora; Nick Hofland, Town of Corliaa; Albert Januszewski, Town of Perham: Mre. Carrie Hendrickx, Town of :Butler; Joseph D. Dougherty, Town of Dead Lake; Walter P. Klein, Town of Rush Lri.ke; Ralph J. Crewe, Town of Star Lake; Brian Shackelford, Town of Leaf Lake; Donald H. Bondy, Town of Leaf Lake; Jamee VeJvoda, Town of Rueh Lake: Emil A. Madsen, Town of Everts; Arvid Tenney, Town of Elmo. Licensee to hold public dances were granted aa follows: Arvid Tenney, Town of Elmo: Donald R. Bondy, Town of Leaf Lake: :Edwin C. Preacher, Town of Otter Tail: Carl Sundblad, Town of Elizabeth; Herman Weickert, Town of Perham. License to hold public dances using mechanical music only was granted to Jamee VeJvoda. Statement of fees received by Chae. L. Alexander ae Court Commissioner was approved. A petition asking for improvement of road.which commences at the Village of Bluffton and running north to County Aid Road.No. l on Paddock and Blowers township line wae presented to the Board. Upon motion, the petition was ordered placed on file. · . A delegation from the Township of Gol'l!IBn appeared before the Board regarding the so-called Devil1e Lake road. Later a delegation from the Townships of Hobart and :Edna appeared on this same road and after discussion it was agreed that the en- gineer should make an estimate of the coat of cons~ructing the road and notify the town boards, and the County Board will hear these results at 2 o'clock P. M. June 11, 1957 • . A delegation from the Township of Otto appeared before the Board asking that the road between S~ctiona 5 and 6, and 7 and 8, be added to the county road system. No new roads are being added to the eyatem at this time • . Upon motion, the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. May 14, 1957; for the followinggrading Jobs: C.P. 57:0JE (SAR #J) -Length 5-2516 Miles, located between T,R. #59 and C.A.R. #47, compri!ing 410,042 Cubic Yarde excavation C.P. 57:14 (SAR #14) -Length 7.7804 Miles, located between S.A.R. #1 and C.A.R. #48, Comprising 32~,25? Cubic Yarde of excavation. C.P. 57:32 (CAR #32) -Length 0.5208 Mile, located 6.5 Miles Northwest of Pelican Rapids ~o ?•O ~ile~ Northwest, com- prising 22,235 Cubic Yarde of excavation. C.P. 57:42 (CAR #42) = Length 0.6439 Mile, located between a point 4.1 miles southeast of Dalton to 3.5 miles southeast of Dalton, comprising 18,172 Cubic Yarde of excavation. · Upon motion, the County Auditor was instru~ted to advertise for bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A. ·M; May 14, 1957, for the following equipment: 2 -Dump Trucks, 21,000 pound G.V.W. Nominal Rating Bids shall include trade-in allowance on the following units: Co. Unit #86 -1951 Dodge, Model Jl52 Co. Unit ISO --1950 Ford, Model 98 RTR 1;.-New Bros Model R67 !,traight Wheel Pneumatic Roller, 13 tires and wheels, or equal. l -New Industrial Tractor, front tires 10:00 x 20, road type; rear tires 18:00 x 26, road type; draw bar horsepower - 50 or more. l -1250 to 1500 gallon Bituminous Distributor, mounted on truck with dual real axle, approximately 190" wheel base, front and rear tires 11:00 x 22.5 tubeless, piston displacement -not less than JOO cubic inches. BE IT RESOLVED by the pounty Board ( C~ty Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the duly established and designated State Aid Road No. 3 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, which begins at the Southwest corner of Section JO-Tl35N-R44W, thence Easterly and Northerly and Easterly along the present route of State Aid Road No. 21 to the Southeast corner of Section 20-Tl35N-R42W, thence run South to the Southeast corner of Section 32-TlJ4N- R42W. and there terminating; and whose general course in the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 9-TlJ4N-R42W and in Government Lot ene (1) of Section 2?-T1J5N-R4JW, is as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 9-T1J4N-R42W, thence North 0°53 1 Eaet for a distance of 274.4 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 3° curve (Delta Angle 17°311) for a distance of 58).,9 feet, thence on tangent to said curve North 18°241 East for a distance of 300.5 feet, thence deflQct to the left on a 3° curve (Delta Angle 32°05 1) for a distance of 211.g feet and there terminating, and Beginning at the Northwest corner of Government Lot 1 of Section 27-TlJ5N-R4JW, thence North 89°291 East for a distance of 1,332.1 feet and there terminating. That it is necessary for the safety of the public travel and for the proper maintenance of said• road that it be so altered and changed; That an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so altering said State Aid Road No. 3 in said sections aforesaid; COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ :.:~11:':'.g ... ?..i ...................................... 19 ... 5?. Tl■I CO■Pl■T IT. CLOIID ■1■11. That the general course of said State Aid Road No. 3 is not •materially altered thereby: That the said Easement eo to be procured is for public highway and road purposes, that the and run as hereinafter described: same shall be located, lie, be That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that additional right of way be procured to enable the construction of proper slopes and that an easement be procured to construct certain slopes and to maintain the same after the construction as provided in the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Highw&¥ Engi~eer at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falla, Minnesota,, the specific places where said slopes are to be con- structed, being particularly hereinafter described, that such easement for such construction of slopes cease on or before Decem-ber 31, 1958; That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that an ease- ment for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the same be upon.the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public highw&¥ purposes, and upon the lands adjoining the same; That the lands so to be taken for public highway and road purposes and subjected to easement as aforesaid, are situated in the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail and described ae follows, to-wit: I PARCEL NO. 2 A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 9-Tl34N-R42W. said strip being all that part ~ving within a distance of fifty feet· on the Easterly side and all that part lying on the Westerly side of the following described centerline: beginning at the Southwest corner of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 9-Tl~~N- R42W, thence North 0°53 1 East for a distance of 274.4 feet, thence deflect to the right on a 3• curve (Delta Angle 17•31•) for a distance of 583.9 feet, thence on tangent to said curve North 18°241 East for a distance of 30Q,5 feet, thence deflect to the left on a )0 curve (Delta Angle 32°05') for a distance of 211.9 ~eet and there terminating, excepting therefrom the right of W&¥ of existing highway, containing 2.52 acres, more or less. Also on easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1958 on the following described tract: A strip of land 57 feet wide on the East aide of the roadway beginning at a point 68,7 feet North of the Southwest corner of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 9-T134N-R42W, thence North 650 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the out- side line of said roadW&¥ and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip of land 50 feet wide on the East side of said roadw&¥ beginning at a point 1,148.7 feet North of the Southwest corner of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 9-Tl34N-R42W, thence North 222 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin th outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith, PARCEL NO, 8 A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: Government Lot One (1) of Section 27-Tl35N-R43W, said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on the Southerly side of the following described centerline: beginning at the Northwest corner of Government Lot 1 of Section 27-Tl)5N-R43W, thence North 89°291 East for a distance of 1,332,l feet and there terminating, excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highway, containing 1,15 acres, more or less, Also an easement to construct slopes which" shall cease on or before December 31, 1958 on the following described tract: A strip of land 25 feet wide on the South side of the roadw&¥ beginning at a point 580 feet East of the Northwest corner of Government Lot 1 of Section 27-Tl)5N-R43W, thence East 145 feet and there terminating. Said strip.to adjoin the outside line of said roadw&¥ and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith~. That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire said .easement across additional lands aforesaid for public road and highway purposes; to acquire said.easement and additional right of W&¥ for construction and slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said easement for erection of snowfences, and let the same forthwith duly be begun and prosecuted, Dated this 9th day of April, 1957, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON, County Auditor, By the Board of County Commiaaioners of Otter Tail County HENRY SIELING, Chairman, MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FOl!M NO, 111. ·Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 161.03, Subdivision 26 through 29,. Minnesota Statutes 1953, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent, contracts for the construction of portions of State Aid Roads, specifically described as follows: State Aid Road No, 3 from 785 1 N of C.A,R, #41 to C,A.R, #47, 5 Mi, E, of Erhard, and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for an on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Con-trac-t Form No, IV11 , a copy of which said fo.rm was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractural obligations therein contained. Adopted this 9th day of April, 1957, Attest: S. B, JOHNSON, Clerk, (Seal) HENRY SIELING Chairman of County Board, COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, -OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ___________________________ .,A_pril __ lO, ________________________________ 19 57. HCUIIITr PltlNTINGCO■•A■T sr. CLOUD IIIN■• Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M. Ap~il .10, 1957, WEDNESDAY'S SESSION, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, April 10, 1957, all members being present. The petition of Alvin Rosentrater asking that the IIE 1/4 NW 1/4 and the NW 1/4 NE 1/4 of Sec, 9-137-41 be set over from District No. 1 of Becker County to Dietrict No. 8 of Becker County, After listening to the statements of the various interested parties the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Alvin Rosentrater, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, Jt, 1 in Becker County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District and adjoin School District No. 8 of Becker Co, and asking that he with his adid lands may be set off from said District No, Jt, 1 Becker Co, to said adjoining School District No, 8 of Becker Co, was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of Feb, A. D., 1957 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupn ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 10th day of April A,D,, 1957 at the County Auditor's office in th~ City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said ord.er in three plblic places in each of the school districts to be affected by said peti tiori, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said school districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County.Commissioners on said 10th day of April A. D., 1957 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, hav- ing been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ord.ered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: NE 1/4 NW 1/4 & NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec, 9-137-41 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. Jt. 1 Becker Co, to said adjoining School District No, 8 Becker Co, and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. lly order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 10th day of April A, D., 1957, (Auditor's Seal) HENRY SIELING Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail .County, Minn, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Adolph Glawe asking that the S 1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec, 3 and the E 1/2 SE 1/4 of Sec, 4, Township 13?, Range 41, be set off from District No. 1 of Becker County to District No, 8 of Becker County was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties, the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Adolph Glawe, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. Jt. 1 in Becker County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 8 of Becker Co, and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said District No, Jt. 1 Becker Co, to said adjoining School District No, 8 of Becker Co, was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of F.eb, A. D,, 1957 for the action of said board thereon; and whereaa it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of aaid board on the 10th day of April A. D,, 1957 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said orde in three public places in each of the achool districts to be affected by said petition, an4 by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the ti1ne appointer for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 10th day of April A. D., 195? due proof of the poating and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days priQr to said last named ~te, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which waa said by said in- terested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: W 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec. 3-137-41; E 1/2 of SEl/4 Sec, 4-137-41 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, Jt. 1 Becker Co, to said adjoining School District No, 8 of Becker Co. and said landa are hereby made a part of said last muned School District for.all purposes whatever, lly order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 10th day of April A, D,, 1957, (Auditor's Seal) HENRY SIELING Chairman of the Board' of County Commissioners of . Otter Tail County, Minn, Attest: S. B, JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of F, J. Maneval asking that the NE 1/4 SE 1/4 and Lot 1 except R. R. of Way in Section 10 and Lot 1 of Section 15, Township 137, Range 41, be set off from District No. 1 of Becker County t9 District No. 8 of Becker County was taken up for final action, After discussion, the petition was tabled for future action pending the outcome of the court de- cision involving that part of Becker District 8 adjoining this tract, The petition of Ralph H, Shlagel asking that the W 1/2 NW 1/4, NW 1/4 SW 1/4 and SEI/4 NW 1/4 of Section 22-132-JB be set off from District No, 265 to District No, 106 was read; also a remonstrance signed by the freeholders of Dist. 265. After listening to the discussion of the various interested parties a motion was made and seconded that the petition be rejected, A resolution aski11g for the diBBolution of Common School District No, 111 of Otter Tail County was read and it was or- dered that a hearing upon said resolution be had.at. 10 o'clock.A. M., Wed.need~.~ 15, 1957, and tha~ due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District No, 158 of Otter Tail County waa read and it was or- dered that a hearing on said resolution be held at 10 o'clock A, M., Wednesday. 1-la,y 15, 195?, and that due notice of the time and place of sa~d hearing be given as provided by law. The petition of Sidney O. BasDn1ssen asking that the S 1/2 NEI/4 of Sec. 36, and the El/2 SEl/4 and the SW 1/4 SE 1/4 .of Sec. 36, Townahip 1J4, Range 45 and the NE 1/4 NE 1/4 of Sec. 1, Township lJJ, Bange 45, be set off from District No. 24 of j COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... •Anril .. 12, ...................................... 19.5.?. .. Wilkin County to District No. 221 of Otter Tail County, was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. May i5, 1957 and that due notice of the time and place of aaid hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Wm. Sandau asking ~hat 1Lot 4 on the e~st side of road and all of the SEl/4 NE 1/4 of Section j6-137➔1 be set off from District No. 268 to District No. 44 was read.and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at lO o'clock A. M. May 15, 1957, and that due notice of the time and place of the hearing be given as required by law. The petition ·of \·falter W. Sandau asking that the S 1/2· SE 1/4 of Section 25 and the N 1/2 NE 1/4 of Section 36, Township 137, Range 41 be set off from District No. 268 to District No. 44 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. May 15, 1957, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given a, required by law A delegation of freeholders from the Township of Leaf Mountain appeared before the board regarding the improv~ment of a stretch of road begin11ing at the southeast corner of the NEl/4, thence on the section line between Sections Jl, 32 and 29 and JO, be improve~ and made passable as a mai~ r~te. The County Board agreed to request that the township board of the Township of Leaf Mountain meet with the county commissioners.at 2 o'clock P. M. June 15, 1957 for a discussion regarding the improve-ment.of this road •. Upon motion, a resolution was ordered drafted to oppose Senate File 1689 and House File 1864 relating to payment by the county towards the cost of installing of safety devices at railroad crossings and that a copy be sent to the Otter Tail Coun- ty delegation. The application of the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society asking for exemption from taxation on the N 1i2 and the N 2/3 of the S 1/2 of Lota 6, 7 and 8, Block 8, Original Plat, of the Village of Pelican Rapids on the ground that it was a charitable non-profit institution was read. After discussion, the application was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxa- tion. The allplication of L. D. Richards for settlement of taxes on the \f 1/2 SEl/4 of Section 34-132-j8 for the years 1953-54-55 totaling $168.83 and offering to pay the sum of $94.58 in full settlement of these taxes on the ground that the land was of little value, was recommended to the Tax Commissioner. The application of L. D. Richards for reduction of assessed value on the S 1/2 SE 1/4 of Section 3~132-38 fo~ the year 1956•waa read and it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed value be reduced from $288.00 to $144.oo. The application of E. M. Lemieux for cancellation of personal property asaeasment for the year 1956 in the TCMnship of Dunn-was read. Upon inotion, it was recommended to the Tu. Commiasioner on the ground that I-Ir. Lemieux sold out his property in the fall of 1955. The application of Mrs. Sam Schloesser asking for correction of assessment on Except NE 110 feet and except the SW 90 feet.all of Lot 1, in Recreation Beach, and part of Government Lots 1 and 4 northwest of same extended. to road, on the ground that-a cottage was assessed on the above property in error, was recommended to the Tax Commissioner •. The application of the Park Region 1-!u.tual Telephone Co. for cancellation of taxes on Lot ii., Block 1, Gronner and Hagen's Addition to Underwood for t'he year 1956 on the ground that this property was used for storage of telephone equipment, was re- commended to the Tax Commissioner. The application of An..11& L. Loock for reduction of.assessed valuation on trailer house assessed as personal property in the Township of Leaf Lake for the year 1956 on the ground that the trailer house was assessed too high. After consideration, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed value be reduced from $128.00 to $94.00. The application of L, C. Stearns for correction of assessment on personal property in the Township of Compton for the year 1956,was read. Upon motion, the same was recommended to the TaX Commissioner on the ground that the turkey poults had been assessed as hens, making a reduction of assessed value from $1690.00 to $722.00. The annlication of Matt E. Bernu for reduction of assessed valuation on the SW 1/4 NW 1/4 except the we~t 10 feet of the south one· ~od~, Section 2-134-37 was read, and it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed Y&lUBtion be re- duced from $181.00 to $137.00. ~ The application of L. H. Hafner for reduction of assessed valuation of personal property in the Village of Vining for the year· 1956 was read and, upon motion, it was recommended .to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed value be reduced from $639.00 to $396.00. The application of Mildred R. Thompson for correction of personal property assessment in the Township of Leaf. le.Ice for the year• 1956 was read and, upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed valuation be reduced from $J9.oo to $29.00. The application of Fred :Bellinger for correction of assessment of personal property in the Village of Clitherall for the year· 1956 was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that theassessed valuation be reduced from $565.00 to $n2.oo on the ground that Mr. :Bellinger did not own the property on May 1, 1956. The application of Helen L. Lincoln for reduction of assessed valuation on Lot 1, Block 1, Bonita Beach, and. Lot 1, Block 1, in Baker's Addn. to Sand Beach Park, was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed value be reduced from $260,00 to $224.00. The application of Sidney E. Peterson for reduction of assessed valuation on the E 660 feet of the S 264 feet lying North of road in Lot 4 except tracts Section 25-133-43 for the year 1956 was read. Upon motion, the same was rejected. The application of James Allen asking for homestead classification on the E 1/2 SE 1/4 of Section 26-136-42 was re~d. Upon-motion, the same was rejected. The application of John Helgeson for reduction of assessment on a tract 70 feet by 150 feet in the soutnwest corner of the SW 1./4 SW174 of Section 23-136-43 was read. Upon motion, the same was rejected. The application of Mildred R. Thompson for homestead classification on tract 52 feet north and south by 102 feet east and west. lying 45 feet northerly of Lot 10, Block 1, Leaf Lake Pleasure Grounds was read and, upon motion, the same was rejected upon recommendation of the town board. The application of Emna Grabarkewitz for reduction of assessed valuation on Lota 1 and 2, Block 16, Original Plat, Village of Elizabeth, for the year 1956, was·read. Upon motion, the same was rejected. The following bills were allowed: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................... April .. 12 •......................... 1957.• SECUIIIY PII Tl■G CO■P•■T S" CLOUD 111 ■• Russell Brooberg Do. Donald H. Schaap S, G, Nelson Alfred Engen James Stewart Do Harold Sagerhorn Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. The Todd Co. Gaffaney1s Mabel Wenstrom Vernon E. Bachman Do Henry Sieling Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Harvey Morrill Sam Nycklemoe Dr. Everett C, Hanson Dr. G. J. Mouritsen Frank Roberts John L. Bixby Roger Gustafson Bertha Stortroen E. Otter Tail Tele. Co. Ann Jordan Do Do Esther G. Sell Do . Do N. W. Bell Tele. Co. Do Nyman Fuel Co. Great Western Laboratories. Inc. United ~Chemical Co. Marlin Reynolds N, W. Bell Tele, Co. Simonson Linoleum Co. Hintgen-Karst 'Sidney Nelson Erickson Hdwe. Lake Region Motor Co. Clifford E. Pederson Leonard Olson Jim Kimmes Victor Lundeen & Co. NelsonBros, Prtg. Cooper's Office Supply Co. Miller Davis Co. Poucher Printing & 1ith. Co. Do. Schoolcraft Co. Farnham Sta,ty. & School Supply Co. Oswald Publ. Co. Fergus Journal Co. Perham Enterprise Bulletin Henning Advocate Perham Enterprise Bulletin Philip M. Xjaglien Rintgen-Karst Elec. Co. Philip M. Xjaglien N. W. Bell !I'ele. Co. Public Utilities Dept. Straub Estate Vernon E. Bachman Russell Brooberg Evelace G. Hanson Kronemann Ins. Agency H. w. Glorvigen Farmers & Merchants Agency University of Minn. Minn. State Sanatorium Glen Lake Sanatorium Dre. Lewis. Lewis & Kevern Fergus Falls Clinic Xorda Clinic Dinyer Drug Co. Nelson Drug Co. Ringdahl Drugs Hunter Drugs Swan I a aexall Drugs Burach Rexall Drugs Town of Maine Do The Piercj Co. City of Fergus Falls Poor Dept. Town of Buse Town of Clitherall boarding prisoners exp. of sheriff Dep. sheriff1s exp. 11 II II exp. transp. prisoner Dep. sheriff's exp. Co.highway patrol II II II .plates main, II expenses II cash advanced exp. attd.. meetings II II II expenses viewing road exp. attd. meetings coroner Is fees II II salary & mileage weed insp. expenses II clerical work in assessor's office service & calls Nurse supplies postage & box rent expenses box rent postage expenses calls mobile service coal mat supplies hauling ashes calls labor on desk supplies labor on car supplies install equipment exp. Dep. Sheriff II II II 11 II II supplies II ribbon supplies assessment supplies supplies books mounting boards supplies publishing publ. financial statement publ. tax notices supplies postage & machine rental supplies expenses calls wa tar & sewage rental postage II postage & box rent bond Rev. Tax Forf. Vet. Ser. adv. coms. for driver's license agents ins. premium Tax Forf. Fd. care of patients Poor II II II examinations care of patients II II II drugs II II II II II care of transient care of poor supplies care of transient care of poor care of transient Rev. Poor $ 852.00 93.00 186,50 57,80 59.90 81.70 246,47 235.21 49.00 18.00 46.oo 24.58 32.22 32.65 27.27 24.25 1.5.60 9.60 17.61 10.25 18.65 112.80 94.14 70.48 56.00 9.15 3.14 7,10 82.22 2.25 13.20 9.48 u3.20 29-78 ?04.11 14.80 40.25 30.00 l?.20 16.1.5 34.94 1,00 8.40 12 • .52 9.00 5.00 2.20 171.0.5 1 • .50 .50.23 1?72,l? .5.5.h4 96 • .56 3.5.00 14?.?0 l??. ?0 13 • .50 1046.60 . 2.40 4?,.50 ?.89 9.90 ?0.84 16.40 1 • .54 50.00 32.00 9.90 33.00 12.00 10.?0 30.5.30 120.00 2416.80 1239,89 162.00 32 • .50 21 .• 00 132.6.5 h3,20 4?.2.5 21.90 1.6.5 18.35 34.61 69,6.5 ?.08 14.10 202,.53 411 • .50 -- COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... ~P.;:tJ.: .. 12, .................................... 19 .. .5.7., Bprchert-Ingereoll, Inc. Nprthwest Engineering Co. Phillippi Equipt. Co. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Lykken Farm Supply Jphn Dieseth Co. Sko~o Motors, Inc. Minnesota Motor Co. Larson Bros. Lake Region Motor Co. Olson Auto Electric Super G.M.C. Truck Sales Fleet Wholesale Supply Johnson Tire & Retread Wm. Galena & Son Per~ Co-op. Oil Co. Matz & Greiff Per~ Custom Shop S.tadum Repair Shop A. P. S~itz Garage Les Tire Service Paper, Calmenson & Co. Village of Henning Co-op. Creamery, N. Y. Mills Raymond Motor Trans., Inc. Village of Parkers Prairie Ci°ty of Fergus Falls Effington Township Empire -Supply Co. Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. · S.igelman Hide & Fur Co. C.oast-t~Coailt'sStore, Perham Crane-Johnson Lumber Co. M,.rshall Wells Store E~ickeon-Hellekson-Vye Co., Erhard G~aff Implement Co. Underwood Lumber Co. C,oast-to-Coast Store, Henning Dale Smith & Frank Breher Fred Trosdahl D.. L. Lubricant Co. H.. K. Stahl, Co. B.ill Nelson Oil Co. F.ossen Oil Co. Bill's Service Station Highway Co. S.inclair Service, Henning Dan's Texaco Service Bengtson Oil Co. Mobil Service Station, Erhard South Mill Standard S.ervice Oil Co., Underwood Vergas Oil Co. Hoot Lake Pure Oil S.ervice Oil Co., Battle Lake Thomas Garage Farmers Co-op. Creamery Aeen. Cities Service Oil Co., Par. Pra. Arrf1111 Petroleum S.tandard OU Co., Battle I.aka A. & L. Oil Co. Minn. State Highway Dept. H. A. Rogers Co. ~rroughe Corporation ~e Pierce Co. Miller-Davie Co. ~ou.cher Printing & Lith. Co. ~ictor Lundeen & Co. lf.endell P. Huber . Do Northwestern Bell T~le. Co., F.F. Pelican Tele. Co. Northwestern Bell Tele. Co., Henning Midwest Tele. Co. Northwestern Bell Tele. Co., F.F. Eaet Otter.Tail Tele. Co. G. D. Harlow George Olson Wendell P. Huber Pelican Rapids Co-op. Warehouse Aeen. Erhards Grove Township J. L. Peterson Wm. J. Mattson Alvin Roefe Alfred Toeo School District #17, Rosalind Sunblad, Clerk C. E. Weies Bernie Bakken Clifford Weiss William Weies Frank Lehn, Adm. Harold Weiss parts II II II II reP.irs tires & tubes cutting edges garage rent rent freight water charge maintenance township aid supplies gravel II oil gasoline etc. fuel oil, etc. & diesel diesel fuel II 11 II II fuel oil prints supplies II II II forms desk etc. cash advanced postage service & tolle tolls & service 11 11 II II II II II II II II II II expenses II II Right of Way 900.15 532.71 216.70 386".37 70.26 16.64 176.96 6.50 20.00 60.99 11.07 9.10 24.31 16.69 12.00 2.00 11.40 11.00 60.68 2.00 209.01 380.52 . 234.11 100.00 2.50 5.00 250.00 200.00 248.0J. 8.40 28.32 3.61 60.86 58.17 5.87 1.40 4.27 11.65' 104.09 118.51 261.80 35.63 11.18 58.12 77.52 57.61 6·7,85 92.56 66.86 48.72 3'o.72 1()_5.68 48.48 146.58 66.70 153.80 51.13 78.50 521,?°5 5'4 • .51 45.00 103.26 . 13.94 1.20 6.25 22.0J 106.04 ·223.90 19.08 396.00 49.55 8.60 12.15 6.35 29.95 8.65 29.15 25.30 249.52 3.28 3.20 37.50 108.40 277.00 19.00 3.40 112.ao 79.40 59.10 65.ao 2.00 21.ao COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . . DATE ... -····························· April .... 12, ......................... 19 57. HCUIIUP■l■TIIIIGCO■Pl■I IT.CLOUD 111■11. Melvin Clausen Anna X. Wahlstrom Mrs; Julia Noel.ale Ludwig Severson Lennart Backstrom Albert Swanson Joseph Scott School Dist. 1161, Barry Jorgenson, Clerk Elsie Hurst Obert C, Nelson Palmer Backstrom Harold C, Murk Carl Murk Miss Clara Murk Nelson Davis R. G. Nelson John G. Estlick A. D, Wickham Maude Ritche7 Alvis s. Xnodle Frank Hunter M. E. Malcolm Elroy D. Gladback Frances Somerfield School Dist. f240, Emma Whitne7, Clerk Fred Motz Floyd Brown Nellie M. Wright Owen Larson M. J. Dal7, Gdn. for Ella White Leo· Bistrum Nathan Lillis Eugene Dale Ernest Wagner Mike Shaak;\, Oscar Helle Guy Thompson Arnold A. Iverson St.· Olaf's Church, Noble Risbrudt Daisy Peach Edward Gorentz William Fick Adolph Sonnenberg Edwards. Rebholz Sch·ool Dist. {h51, Edward Gorentz, Chm. H. -J. Henning Right of W9¥ II postage Pelican Bapids Press Arn·old W. Evavold publ. delinquent tax list etc. expenses Soil Cons. H. T. Burau Theo. Hegeeth W. H. Dewey Theo. Thompson Drs·. Warner & Schoeneberger Leo· Diederich Hilma Lien Fuller Vergas Motor Service Genu-ine Parts Co. A. 'l'. Herfindahl W. ·G. Schwarz Oil Co. Farmers Co-op. Creamery Assn. Art·• s Service Station John B. Grismer Ste'lla Jorgenson Anderson Olson Auto Electric Ind:ianhead Specialty Co. Tesch Lumber Co; S, -& F. Oil Co. Consumers Oil Co. Pelican Telephone Co. II II II II II II care of patient Right of Wq II II II repairs II supplies gasoline & repairs gasoline & diesel gasoline & fuel oil gravel Right of Wq repairs supplies II gasoline etc. II service & tolls Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Mq 14, 1957. iL Attest: ~~ Clerk. Poor R&B 12J.60 JO.BO 11.20 56.10 44.60 15.40 42.20 9.60 JB.50 J4.oo 54.95 75.05 148.40 J.20 12.20 56.4o 32.50 27.40 39.00 46.85 900.00 6.20 104.15 37.53 1.40 69.10 31.55 42.20 42.20 46.00 JJ.80 214.45 lJJ.40 19.30 J4.10 lJ.60 17.4o 48.JB 4.20 12.95 ·188.66 . JS.BJ J4.40 29.60 1.60 31.50 735.ao J6.00 14.40 18,24 Jl.41 15.24 9.00 47.20 1.80' lJ0.18 6.9J lOJ.29 7.,58 201.35 lOJ.87 205.52 40,70 62.47 9.29 15.01 459.25 114.J9 10.10 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE. __ ----------··············~·-l..4 ....... ____ ·····---------·--······--·--···19_5-7 .. . IICUI Pl I &CO■fAH I .C 011 ■Ill MINUTES OF ADJOURllED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TA IL COU?ITY ,-MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. May 14, 1957, all members being present. The County Board having previously advertised for bids for various courity projects and various items of highw~ equipment proceeded to open bids which were found to be as folla.1s: On State Aid Job No. 57:03E East of Erhard, bids were received as follows: Michaelson Brothers Rust and Dahlman Kahlstorf Brothers Ed. Zimmerman Mahnomen Construction Co. Sellin Brothers Strom Construction Co. John Dieseth Co, On State Aid Job 57:14 near Richville bids were received as follows: Dan Conroy and Sons Rust and Dahlman Strom Construction Co, Kahlstorf Brothers Gladen Brothers Mahnomen Construction Co. John Dieseth Co. $ 102,626.16 105,698.96 .112,300.83 113,263,03 115,153.11 115,474,0;3 115,480.36 120,083.12 $ 81,046,30 87,993,74 88,466,37 88,833,89 89,171,07 90,383.42 92,552.08 On County Aid Job No. 57:42So Southeast of Dalton bids were received as follows: Evavold Brothers Mahnomen Construction Co, Jacobson Brothers Ed. Zimmerman John Dieseth Co. After consideration, bids were awarded as follows: On Job 57:03E On Job 57:14 On Job 57:42So Michaelson Brothers Dan Conroy and Sons Evavold Brothers Bids for Pneumatic tire roller were received as follows: $ 3,657-43 3, 776,80 3,854,24 3,964.76 5,154.04 $ 102,626.16 81,046.30 3,657,43 Ruffridge-Joh:ison Equipment Co., Inc., one Rosco Model -CR-13 Pneumatice roller, $1530,00; Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc., one Bros Model R67, $1995.00; Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc., one Tempo Model R-1l,,1 $1850,00; Upon motion, the contract was awarded to Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Co., Inc. for $1530,00, Bids for industrial tmactor wer~ received as follows: Ebersviller Implement Co., John Deere Model 80 diesel. Bement-Cahill Eouitlment Co., Moline UTI · -with $760.00 additional for diesel McCormick Farin Equipment Store, International W-456 gas tractor $4,435,00 4,061.50 Upon motion, the bid was awarded to Ebersviller Implement Co. for $4,435.00. Bids for dump trucks were received es follows: All bids included trade-in allowance on the used Verges arxl. Perham Units: Super G.M.C, Carlson-Larson Motors Minnesota Motor Co. McCormick Farm Equipment Store Skogino Motors Upon Motion, the .following trucks were purchased: Skogmo Motors, Inc. McCormick Farm Equipment Store Vergas Unit Perham Unit Vergas Unit Perham Unit Vergas Unit Perham Unit Vergas Unit Perham Unit Vergas Unit Perham Unit Vergas Unit Perham Unit Bids for truck mounted bituminous distributor were received as follows: $4,543,95 4,568,95 4,499.00 4,499.00 4,135.00 4,320.00 4,177-77 4,277.77- 3,962.00- 4,362.00 $3,962.00 4,277.77 Wm. H. Ziegler Co.,Inc. $8,611.25 Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. 8,685.50 Phillippi Equipment Co. .8,752,00 Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Co. 8,506.00 This bid did not include the additional items required. Upon motion, the bid of Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. for $8,611.25 was Accepted. COMMISSIONERS RECORD O; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...............•..•...•.......... May ... 111-. ................................... 19fj.7-.. . SECURITI Pll.111'1■• CO■PA■T S CLOUD ■111■• l!E IT RESOLVED By the County :Board (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the duly established and. designatec!,,State Aid Road No. 14 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, which begins at the East one quarter corner of Section 9-Tl33"fR4oW; thence runs West and North along the uresent route of SAR #lA to a point on the North line of Section 5-TlJJi?-R40W,where the present SAR #lA intersects SARt#i and there terminating, and Extension-SAR #14 :Beginning at the East one ouarter corner of Section 15-TlJ4N-R4oW; thence run along the present route of SAR #1 to the Southwest corner of the SEl/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 17-Tl35N-RJ9W; thence run through the · Village of Richville thus: Deflect to the.left on a 4° curve (delta angle 18°541) for a distance of 472,5 feet: thence North 71°061 East for a d.istance of 527,8 feet; thence .deflect to the right on a 6° curve (delta angle 38°57') for a distance .of 649,2 feet; t'aence South 69°571 East for a distance of 471.8 feet; thence deflect to the left .on a 5°J01 curve (delta angle 18°451) for a distance of 340,9 feet; thence run East to the East quarter corner of Section 15- T1J5N-R39W and terminating on T.H. #78; and whose general coursein the SW 1/4 of the SW i/45of Section 18-Tl35N-RJ9W, is as follows: beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 18-Tl35N-R39W, thence North 0°23 1 West for a distance of 1,333.1 feet to the Northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Q;uarter of ~ection 18-Tl35N-R39W, and there terminating. That it is necessary for the safety of the,public travel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed; Ttat an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so altering said State Aid Road No. 14 in said sections aforesaid; That the general course of aaid State Aid Road No. 14 is not materially altered thereby; That the said Easeme~t so to be procured is for~ublic highway and road purposes, that the same shall be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter described; That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that additional right of way be procured to enable the construction of proper slopes and that an easement be procured to construct certain slopes and to maintain the same after the construction as provided in the plans ~nd specifications on file in the office of the County Highway Engineer.at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the specific places where sai4slopes are to be constructed, being particularly hereinafter described,that such easement for such construction of slopes cease on or before December 31, 1958; That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public tra,•el that an easement for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public highway purposes, and upon the lands adjoining ·the same; Tia t the lands so to be taken for public highway and road purposes and subjected to eaee·ment aeaforesaid, are situ- ated in the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail and described as follows, to-wit; PARCEL NO. JO A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: SW 1/4 The SW l/4Aof Section 18-Tl35N-RJ91'/. said strip being all that -cart lying within a distance of 50 feet on the Easterly side of the following described center- line: lieginning at the Southwest corner of Section 18-Tl35N-RJ9W, thence North 0°23 1 \·lest for a d.istance of 1,333, 1 feet to the Northwest corner of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 18-Tl35N-RJ9W ,. and there terminati~. excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highway, containing 0,52 acre, more or less. That due proceedings by condemnation and eminel')t domai:n be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire said easement across additiozial lands aforesaid for public road and high11ay purposes; to acquire said easement and additional right of way for construction and slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said easement for erection of snowfences, am let the same forthwith duly be begun a!lll, prosecuted. Dated this 14th day of May, 1957, Attest: S. :B. JOHN~ON, County Auditor. STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL) SB By the :Board of County Commissioners of OTTER TAIL.COUNTY H!i.'ll'RY SIELING, Chairman. REFERENCE (S.P. 56-62J-Ol) Federal Project S6428 (4) I, s. :B. Johnson, the duly elected, qualified and acting County A,lditor of the County of Otter Tail, and State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that at a regular meeting of the County :Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County held on the 14th day of May, 1957, the following named contractors: Michaelson Bros. ($52,892.58), Dan Conroy & Sons ($54,579,?0), Strom Construction Co. ($57,913,41), Glnden :Bros. ($59,778.45),.,Sellin :Broe. ($60,312.65), Mahnomen Const. Co. ($61,261,51), John Dieseth Compaey ($61,302.14), Pfeiffer Const. Co. ($64,352.01), Marvin E. Lund ($64,580.70), Kahlstorf Bros. ($66,170.56), J .. G. Nelson & Son ($68,057.39) and C. H. Ziegler ($7J,227,l0). submitted bids for the furnishing of all labor, tools, materials and equipment necessary for the construction of the wo,·k pl'ovided for under plans and specifications for that improvement on State Aid Read No. 3: o~~erwise known as S.P. No. 56-623-01, S.6428 (4), located between CAR #41 and. CAR #47, 5 Miles East of Erhard being approximately 4n miles in length. The bid of Michaelson :Bros. in the ampunt of $52,892,58, Fifty-two thousand, eight hundred ninety-two & 58/100 was determined by the County :Board to be the lowest bid received, subject bo final audit, and after due conoideration, on motion by Commissioner :Bennie J. Johnson and seconded by Collllbissioner Sam Nycklemoe, it wae voted by said County :Board of Commissioners to recommend to the Commissioner of High.ways that: said contracts be awarded to thellowest responsible bidder. Attest: S. :B. Johnson County Auditor IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official Henry Sieling Chairman, :Board of Commissioners eeal this 14th day of May, 1957, ....,,j COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE.. ···········-······•J.lay ;i.l.! •••••••..•••••...•.••••••••••••••••••..•••• 19.§7 ... GCO■P r C OUD ■I • Th o T 11 C County Auditor e tter a ounty Agricultural ·Extention Committee brought before the Boord their recommended budget for the year beginning July 1, 1957. After discussion, the county's share of this budget was fixed at $15,650.oo. The County Auditor was inatructed,to advertise for bids for widening of concrete near Otter Tail Lake. bridge on State Aid Road No. 1 The County Auditor was also instructed to advertise for bide for one motor grader equipped with snow low and wing, said bid to include trade-in allowance on County Unit No. 74 -1949 Galion Model 116 with snow plow and wi~; also for one half-ton pick-up; all of the above bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. On June 11, 1957, Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. May 15th. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. May 15th, all members being present. A resolution asking for the dissolution of Common School District No. 111 was taken up for final action and after listening, to the statements of the various interested parties the :Board issued the following order: ' ORDER OF DISSOLUTION. _Whereas, a resolution adopted.by the electors of Common School District No. 111 of Otter Tail•County at a legal meeting held on the 5th ciiq of April, 1957, and properly certified to by. the clerk and chairman of said district, was presented to the 13oard of County·Commisaioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, on the 10th day of April, 1957, praying for the dissolution of Common School District Noi. 111 and duly approved by the Superintendent of Schools of said county, and that notice of hearing on said resolution was duly given as provided by law, Now, Therefore, it is hereby ordered by the :Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that said resolution be and it is hereby granted and said school district be and it is herebyr·diasolved. Adopted M'ay 15, 1957. HENRY SIELING C hairman Attest: S. 13. JOHNSON Clerk ORDER OF ANNEXATiON. Following the dissolution of Common School District No. 111 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, the matter of the at- tachment of the territory of said district to some other district was then discussed. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties the followiilg•·resolution was adopted: J3e it resolved by the J3oard of County Couimissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the area comprising former Common School District No. 111 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, be and it is hereby attached to Common School District No. 221 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, for all school purposes whatsoever, and that all properties am assets of said Common School District No. 111 are hereby transferred to and made the property of said Common School District No. 221 of Otter Tail County. Adopted May 15, 1957, Attest: S. 13. JOHNSON Clerk. ORDER OF DISSOLUTION J3y the :Board of County Commissioners af OTTER TAIL COUNTY MI-NNESOTA HENRY SIELING, Chairman ~e reso.lution asking fo~ the dissolution of Common School District No. 158 of Otter Tail County was taken up for final action. After_listening to the statements of the various interested parties, the :Board issued the foll11r1ing order: Whereas, a resolution adopted by the electors of Common School District No. 158 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, at a legal meeting held oil the 19th day of March, ·1957, and properly certified to by the clerk and. chairman of said district, was presented to the :Board of County Commiasioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, on the 10th day of April, 1957 praying for the dissolution of Common School District No, 158, and duly approved by the Superintendent of Schools of said county, and that notice of liearing on said resolution was duly given as provided by law, Now, Therefore, it is her~by ordered by the :Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that said resolution be and is hereby granted and said school district be·and. is hereby dissolved as of July 1, 1957, Adopted May 15, 1957. Attest: S. 13. JOHMSON Clerk. ORDER OF ANNEXATION HENRY S IELING Chairman. Following the dissolution of Common School District No. 158 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, the matter of.the attach- ment of the territory of said district to some other district was then discussed. After listening to the statements af the various interested parties the following resolution was adopted: J3e it resolved that Common School District No. 158 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, having been dissolved and a certificate having been presented to the :Board Of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, by the clerk of said former School District No. 158 to the effect that a special election had been called and held in said Common School District No, 158 on the 19th day of March 1957, and the legal voters thereof by n-.ajority vote had voted to assume ar.d be- come liable for their proportionate share of the bonded indebtedness heretofore incurred by Independent Consolidated School District No, 44 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, in the event said Common·School District No. 158 shoul~ be diasoived UUMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......•.................... )la¥ ... L_5. ........................•............... 19S.7 .... and the area thereof attached to said Independent Consolidated School District Nq; 44, and all such proceedings having been had and co~u~ted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Annotated.Section 122,28, Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that all the area of.Common School District No. 158, be and it hereby is attached to Independent Consolidated School District No. 44 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, for all school purposes whatsoever and all properties and assets of said Common School District No. 158 are hereby transferred to and uade the property of said Independent Consolidated School District No. 44 on July 1, 1957, Be it further resolved that all the land.and ~roperties formerly comprising Common School District No. 158 shall be and they are hereby made subject to their proportionate share of the bonded indebtdness of said Independent Con- solidated School District No. 44 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, and the County Auditor shall hereafter levy a tax on all BUch property to ray such bonded indebtedness and interest in the aame manner and amount as such tax is levied on all other property comprising Independent Consolidated"School District No. 44 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Adopted May 15, i957. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. BENR1 SIELIN(} Cha:l:rman. The petition of F. J. Maneval asking that the NE 1/4 SE 1/4 and Lot 1 except railroad Section 10-137-41 and Lot l of Section 15 be set off from District No, 1 of Becker County to District No. 8 of Becker County and bearing the con- sent of the school board of District No. 1, Becker County, was taken up for final action. After due consideration, the Bai.rd issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of F. J, Maneval a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. Jt. l in Becker County, representing that he is the owner of the lands herinafter described, which are situate in said School ·District, and adjoin School District No 8 of Becker County and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. Jt. 1 Becker County to said adjoining school district lfo. 8 of Becker County was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of February A. D. 1957 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing Bhoulcl be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 10th day of April A. D., 1957 at the County Auditor1s office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; acd whereas it was further ordered in nnd by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Conmissioners on said 10th day of April A. D., ·1957 on which day the hearing was adjourned to Mey 15, 1957 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein d.irected and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made an~ filed, said :i;etition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said r.etitioner and the following described lands owned by him. to-wit: NE 1/4 SE 1/4 & Lot l ex R. R. of W. Sec. 10-137-41 Lot l Sec. 15-137-ln be and. the same are hereby set off from said School District No. Jt. l Becker County to said adjoining School District No. 8 Becker County and said lands are hereby made a part of se.id last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Bea rd of County Commissioners Dated the 15th day of May A. D., 1957, (Auditor1s Seal) HEURY sn:LING Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of OttHr Tail County, MiM. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-offi~io Clerk of Board. The petition of Sidney o. Rasmussen asking that the S 1/2 NE 1/4 of Section 36, E 1/2 SE i/4 and SW 1/4 SE 1/4 of Section 36-134-45 and the NE 1/4 NE 1/4 of Section 1-133-45 be set over from Distl'ict No, 24 of \'/ilkin County to District No. 221 of Otter Tail County was taken up for final action. After consideration, this petition was laid over to the June 12, 1957 session. The petition of Reuben Bahls asking that the SW 1/4 SE 1/4, SE 1/4 SW 1/4 and SE 1/4 NW 1/4 and Government Lot 6 except tract in Section 5-137-41 be set over from District No. 8, Becker County, to District No. 1, Becker County, was discussed and, upon motion, the petition was laid over until June 12, 1957, The petition of Roger B. Jaenisch asking that the SE 1/4 of Section 26-133-44 be set over from District No. 226 to District No. 96 was taken up f~r final action. After discussion, this petition was tabled. The petition of Roger B, Jaenisch asking that all north of the U.P.R.R. of the E 1/2 except Right of Way Section 35-133-44 be set off from District No. 222 to District No. 96 was taken up for final action. AftPr discussion, the petition was tabled. The petitions of Wm. Sandau and Wal tar W. Sandau asking that certain lands be set over from District No. 268 to District No. 44 were taken up for final action. The County Attorney ruled that the County Board was without jurisdiction to act on these petitions." Licensee for 110n 11 and "0ff11 sale of non-intoxicating melt liquors were granted as follows:·· M. J, Schlanger, Town of Clitherall; Mrs. Mamie Shask;y, Town of Rush Lake; Rose Diederich, Town of Dead 4.ik:e; Joe Biltz, Town of Pine Loke; Lee Rogert, Town of Corliss; Hai Reinstma, Town cf Corliss; Clarence Koehler, Town of Pine Lake; Glen Stamp, Town of Pine Lake; Don Hohenstein, Town of Dead Lake; Leonard K. Saewert, Town of Corliss; Paul B. Fisher, Town of Dead Lake; Joseph R. Neudeck, Town of Perham; Harold Carpenter, To,,n of.Rush Lake; Blaine Brincefield, Town of Corliss; Otto A, Korp, Jr,, Town of Girard; Fritz Hjeltness, Tcwn of Leaf Lake; Russell I, Pederson, Town of Star Lake; Franklin Larson, Town of Pine Lake; Earl Nelson, Town of Dead L,.ike; Vernon M. Zarling, Town of Girard. Dance licensee were granted as follows: Vernon M. Zarling, Rainbow Pavilion, Town of Girard; Eugene Pischke, Purk Way Inn, Town of Leaf' Mountain. The petition asking for vacation of a ~art of a certain county road running north and south through the middle of Section 27 was. taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties and ~ L.· COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAI-L·COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ ~ ... l,5. ........................................ 1957 . I HIHPIIH1a•c ... ., T,CLOUD ••••· considering the arguments of the attorney and the remonstrance that had been filed with the board against the granting of said petition the board, upon motion, granted the petition vacating that pr~tion of the road. A plat of Spruce Lod~e located in Government Lot 3, Section 14-1)5-41 executed by Ralph James~~:sr,:ac!~cg~=ied by an opinion as to the title executed by Heney Polkinghorn, Attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Sunset Beach Addition located in part of'Government Lot 4, Section 28, and Garernment Lot 1, •Section 29-13?-42, executed by Ed.win N. Peterson and Linnie L. Peterson and accompanied by an opinion as to the title executed by Hen Polkinghorn, Attorney-at-law, was approved. r:, A plat of Mrugala 's Beach located in Government Lots 1 and. 2 of Section 28-133-39 and executed by Robert H. and Dorothy E. Mrugala and accompanied by an opinion as to the title executed by Thomas s. Donoho, Attorney-at-law, was approyed. A "Dlat of Steuart•s Beach located in part of Government L'ot 1 'of Section 28-133-39 and ex'ecuted by Pearl H. and Clarence A. Behrens and accompanied by an opinion as to the title exe.cuted by Thomae S. Donoho, Attorney-at-law, ~~-~ A plat of Birch Haven located in Lot 6, Section 36-133-41, and executed by Alfred and Joyce Leitch Borgos and ac- companied b-j an opinion as to the title executed by Gerald S. Rufer, Attorney-at-law, was approved. A petition accompanied by a delegation from the Township of Sverdrup asking for the improvement of 8 county road along the north side of Sou th Turtle Lake was considered. After discussion, the petition was ordered placed on file. The application of Knute E. Bredeson for homestead classification on the W 1/2 SW 1/4 of Section 9-13Z-39 was read and, upon motion, the same was granted and it was ordered that the tax be reduced accordinglY, The application of Rose E. Ken,yon for homestead classification on the F.aet 50 feet of Lot 12, Block 23, Lakeview Addition to the Village of Parkers Prairie was read. Upon motion, the same was granted and the tax ordered reduced accordingly. The application of Peder A. Asbjeld for homestead classification for the year 1955 on Lots 3 and ·4,· Section 18-1J?,-J6, was read. Upon motion, the same was granted and the tax ordered reduced accordnigly. The application of Arvid L. Larson for homestead classificatfon on Lot 13 and the west 10 feet of Lot 14, Block 6, Original Plat, Pelican Rapids, was read and, upon motion, the same was granted and it was ordered that the tax be reduced accordihgly. The application of Norman E. Nelson for reduction of assessed valuation of· personal property in the Vil'ige of Clitherall for the year 1956 was read and, upon motion, the ·same was recommended to the Tax Commissioner for consideration. The application of Fred H. Geisen for cancellation of personal property assessment in the ·Township of Perham was read. It appeared to the satisfaction of the Board that this same property has also been assessed in llurlington Township of Becker County at which place the tax has been paid. Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Tax Commissioner. The application of Mrs. V. T. Spoth for cancellation of personal property assessment for the year 1956 in the· Township of Hobart on the ground that the personal property had all been moved out·of said township in August, 1955, was read. Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Tax Commissioner, · The application of Mrs. Wm. (Helen) Johnson for cancellation of personal property assessment for the year 1956 in the Township of Corliss on the ground that the same property had also been assessed to Harr:, M. Johnson to whom she has sold the property. Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation. The application of A. M. Rusten for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Village of Pelican Rapids on the ground that this property was not assessed comparable to similar property in the village was read. Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed valuation be reduced from $1545.00 to $1345.00. The application of Selmer J. Nelson for reduction of assessed'°valuation on the SW 1/4 SW 1/4 and Lot ?, Section 1~132-41 on the ground that an error had been made in the acreage of tillable land ar.d. excessive assessment on pasture lands was read. U"Don motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed valuation be reduced from $757.00 to $662.00: · The application of Arvilla Puff for cancellation of personal property taxes for the year 1956 in the Village of. Underwood was read. Upon motion, the same was rejected on the ground that this property was in storage in the Village of ·Underwood on~ 1, 1956, The application of Ervin Uaie·r for. reduction of assessed valuation on Lot 21, Bay View Beach, was read. Upon .motion, the same was rejected upon recom111endation of the village board. The application of Mar:, V. Smith for reduction of assessed valuation on part of Government Lot 10 south of road and. northerly of Lots 65, 66 and 67, Pleasure Park l!each, was r~ad. Upon motion, the appl:l.cation was rejected on recommendation of the town board. The application of J. J. Warner for relluction of assessed valuation on Lots 11 and 12, Block?, A. A. White's Addition to the Village of Perham, was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected upon recommendation d£ the county assessor. Upon motion, the County Auditor, was instr.ucted to notify Bettenberg, Townsend, Stolte and Comb to proceed with plane and specifications for the elevator in the Otter Tail County Court House. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Do Gar:, Nelson Sidney Nelson Alfred Engen Harold Sagerhorn Jamee Stewart Lightfoot1s Shop boarding of prieonere sheriff expense expense of Dep. Sheriff II II II II II II II II highw~ patrol expense 11 II II typewriter machine rental etc. 778.00 ·l?0.30 61.90 191.10 59.40 525.97 543.26 237,50 UUMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ········-···············-MB¥-··l..5 ........................................ 19,$?. .. . Mabel Wenstrom Vernon E. :Bachman Sam Nycklemoe Henry Sieling Otto Haase :Bennie J, Johnson Dr. C. J. Lund Do Dr. G. J. Mouritsen Dr. Henry A. Korda Dr. ~. E. Bigler Dr. Rolf Daehlin Park Region Medical Center Albert Fritz Emil ·Boen Elsie N. Pederson P'nilip 0, Thompson Russell Brooberg West Publishing Co, The lformandy Burnett Ellingson .Roger Gustafson John L. Bixby Bertha Stortroen Fergus G]a ss & Paint Co, Olson Auto Electric Duro-Test Corporation C, W. We islander Holten Hdwe. J, D. Nelson N, W • Bell Oo. Do Do Holten Hdwe. Costello Mfg, Co. Erickson Hdwe. Clifford E. Pederson Edwin Ala Jim Kimmes Merlin S • Rieman Victor Lundeen & Co. Minneapolis Blue Printing Co, Indianhead Specialty Co. Security Blanli: Book & Printing Co. Miller-Davis Co, Security Blank Book & Printing Co. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. Schoolcraft Co, The Pierce Co. Free Presa Co. Ugeblad Publishing co: Nelson Bros, Printing Co, Fergus Journal Co. Perham Enterprise Bulletin Henning Advocate Edwin Ala Russell Brooberg· Vernon E. Bachman Evelace G. Hanson Ann Jordan Ann Jordan Do Esther G, Sell Do Do E, Otter Tail Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Philip M. ~jaglien Victor Lundeen & Co. Mildred Bruvold Nelson Bros. Printing Erickaona Hdwe. Philip M. Kjaglien Public Utilities Dept. Straub Estate City Pharmacy Park Region Medical Center Foss-Welander Coast-to-Coast Store Stemsrud & Emerson Drug Co, Fargo Rubber Stamp Works Frank C. Barnes H. W. Glorvigen John Frantz Hintgen-Karat Oswald Publishing Co. Mildred Bruvold expenses exp. attending conference in St. Paul exp. attending meeting " " " " " " " " " coroner's fees " II " " " II " II inquest expenses (autopsy) jail weed inspector salary & expense " " " " " clerical work for soil conservation soil conservation labor supplies for district Court Minnesota Statutes meals for Jurors justice fees expenses " clerical work Asessor 1s office supplies " II repair bl ind, supplies hauling brush to dump mobile service calls " supplies II shells expense Dep. Sheriff delivery of prisoner Dsp. Sheriff expense tt tt II supplies tracing pa:i;er supplies II " supplies II certificates envelopes licenses printing II publishing publishing of notice of dissolution publishing financial Statement delivery of mental patient envelopes postage II expanses postage supplies expenses postage batteries services & call l\ervice expenses supplies mimeographing envelppes & printing supplies postaFe & adding machine rental water & sewage rent prescription (prisoner) jail calls safety catch revolver holder drugs (prisoner) badges mileage advanced commissions paid to driver's lie. agents during month of April, 1957 mowers sharpened repairs bla.nks transcript 79,56 89,42 17,54 24.56 18.88 12,J8 lJ.05 hJ,li5 10.25 2J,70 10.25 J4.4o 20.00 197,74 106.0l 54.87 2J2.J2 li.20 20.00 16.05 5.00 liJ.14 97,59 16.00 25,88 6.J8 ?2.69 J,00 14.15 8,00 91.66 5J,55 15. 15 7,14 4J,l0 9,40 ll.4o 10.00 49,JO 6.20 218.7? 8.41 6.14 147,57 56,J5 58?,28 487,?9 80,?9 15.57 10,JO 126,20 145, lJ 164.20 ?,20 1046.60 17,70 J?,20 5J,6o 60.00 6J.28 10.04 ,74 6J,99 7.00 .so 8,45 22,65 ?8.82 Jl.7? !;,45 li4.J8 1,5? 9.00 l.4o 50.00 1.00 15.00 ,?S J,69 1.10 ?J,OJ 6.40 9,45 9.50 66.15 lJ,00 5.40 '· COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. H UI I■ I ■PA■ S CLOUD ■I II, C. Swan, Rexall Drugs Dieyer Drug Co. Kemper Drugs Severson Drugs Dr. E. H. Smith Dr. Everett C. Hanson Dr. Everett C. Hanson Drs. Warner & Schoeneberger Fergus Falls Clinic Korda Clinic Park.Region Medical Center University of Minnesota Minnesota State Sanatorium Glen.Lake Sanatorium Village of Perham State of Minnesota Howard Roofing Co. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. McCormick Farm Equipment Store N. W,. Engineering Co. Phillippi Equipment Co. Geo. T. Ryan Co. Wm. ~-Ziegler Co., Inc. Paper, Calmenson & Co. D. A. Lubricant Co., Inc. Les Tire Service Johnson Tire & Retread Edwin Strom Village of Battle Lake Larson Bros. Super G. M. C. Truck Sales Minnesota Motor Co. Flee~ Supply, F. F. Auto.Safety Service Jaenisch Industries Henry Holmgren Magnus Pederson \"Ii 11 j.am Sauer Stans Garage Fortwengler Electric Shop Electric Supply, Perham Vaughn Chevrolet Co. Schrader & Koehn Carlson-Larson Motors J ohnson Machine Shop Bauck Chevrolet Co., Perham Matz & Greiff Knutson Heating Service Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc. Empire Supply Co. Holten Hardware Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Wilcox Lumber Co., Henning Coast-to-Coast Store, P. R. Graff Implement Co., Per. Coast-To-Coast Store, Henning Wilcox Lumber Co., Vergas Erickson-Hellekso11-Vye 6g. Everts Lumber Co. Andy I s 1166 11 Service Swenson's Service, Erhard Bill's Service Station Dan's Texaco Service Ken & Bob 1s Sinclair Service Herb's Standard Station, Per. Farmer's Co-op Creamery Ass•n. Ray's Oil Station Mayo's Standard Service Hoot Lake Pul'e Oil Fossen Oil Co. South 1-1111 Standard Station Bill Nelson Oil Co. Cooperative Services, Inc., N. Y. M. Service Oil Co,, B. L. Perham Co-op Oil Co. Consumers Co-op Oil, Renning Park Region Co-op Oil Co. Service on Co. , Underwood Standard Oil Co., B. L. Arrow Petroleum Otto S trelau Catherine Moore Railway Express Agency, B. L. Raymond Bros. Motor Trans, Inc. Twin City-Fargo Freight, Inc. Sherwin-Williams Co. Fergus Journal Co. Construction :Bulletin H. A. Rogers Co. DATE ... ··············-·······l-lay ... l5 ........................................... 19.S2 .. . drugs care of patient drugs II examination care of patient 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11U11 Hospital entrance examinations care of patients II II II II II II care of poor care of mentally ill repairs on roof on brewery parts II II II parts etc. steel oil & grease tires tires, repairs etc. haul tire water charge repairs II II II II supplies II II gasoline II II II II II II II II gasoline etc. die el fue II II gravel II express freight freight supplies ad for bids 11 II II prints 16.65 11.00 24.34 .59 5.00 9.00 4.00 17.00 20.50 19.50 5.00 297.50 2067.00 1199-72 1709.96 3195.00 500.00 167.98 120.25 537.08 462.48 ;L)0.26 1?39-23 662.43 384.02 50.70 255-28 . 2.00 5.00 65.35 33.67 22.56 10.90 4.80 6.00 · 27.75 12.45 14.25 156.76 2.50 2.40 5.74 9.15 9.68 10.74 4.oo 6.40 24.85 43.00 209.74 21.70 13.6!, 12.80 7.24 2.36 6.99 4.10 6.66 124.68 49.38 58-51 56.22 105.90 9.61 .89 48.53 53.26 62.59 4.32 59.67 73.91 258.85 154.70 55.10 10.80 40.68 56.82 174.45 46.82 652.48 90.80 92.40 2.60 4.69 11.56 25.50 26.40 39.30 305.20 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... --·····················.M~ .. J.5_ ..............•...............•.......•. 19,5.'7. ... H.CU■ltlPll■ll■•ca■PAln ST.CLOUD,■111■• C,.2ml Imperial Supply Co, Dahms Photo Print Co. Minnesota Mining & Mfg, Co, Minnesota State Highway Dept. Minnesota Good RCB-ds, Inc. N. W. Bell Telephone Co., Henning East Otter Tail Telephone Co, N. W, Bell Telephone Co., F. F. Midwest Telephone Co, N, W, Bell Telephone Co., F, F, Anton Ripka, Agent, Mutual Service Casua.lty Ins. Co, Barke & Allison Wendell P. Huber George Olson Wendell P. Huber Obert Wold Howard Motz Elizabeth Co-op Creamery Ass 1n., Soren 0, Bjorgaard Alice L. Murk Mrs, Emma Bixby Kenneth Nargren, Sec'y. Mrs. Viola A. Anderson Thomas E, Pulford John B. Gladback Mrs. Helen Metcalf Mrs. Ida Sherman E. M. Anderson John I. Bondy Kenneth E. Hovland Vergas Ha!'dware Co. Hoyt Hardware Berg Fargo Motor Supply Inc. Pelican Telephone Co, Vergas Telephone Co, Syverson's Mileage Station Anna Swenson, Hilda Swenson & Maria W·. Swanson Frank Luebke supplies II II supplies subscription service & tolls service & tolls II II II II II II II II II insurance premium add'l premium on workmen's expenses II cash advanced right of way (57:0J) 11 11 II II II II II (57:10) II II II (57:14) II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II right of way (57:14) II II II II II II II II appraiser II II supplies II II service & tolls II II II gasoline right of way II II II Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to ~.ay 28th at 9 o'clock A.M, Attest: Clerk compensation 29.71 27,75 690,40 10,JO 100.00 15,10 10.35 J0,20 a.co 104.40 J7,56 1804.62 192,JO 18.15 14,JO 42.00 62,20 1.00 107,40. 16.00 14.35 87,65 14.20 129,40 JJ,20 J6.40 25,75 28.55 25,75 ·JJ,24 12.02 108;20 7,25 10.95 118.68 2J,40 175.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HC f ■ ICO■ A II CLOUD ■I DATE ............................... l,l~ .. :?B .......... _ .......................... 19$?-.. . J.IINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTYI MIN?IESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board meet at 9:J0 A. M., ~ 28, 1957 all members being present. A discussion and study of the County State Aid Highway System as the same was affected by new legislation was gone over by the Board and the County Highway Engineer, Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. That, Whereas Chapter 659 Lawe of 1957 entitled "An act relating to the rate of wages for laborers and mechanics employed on Public Works of the State of Minnesota and its political Subdivisions", has become a law. Whereas, the distance to be traveled by many persona connected with public works in the various political Subdivisions of this state is very great and time consuming. Now therefore be it resolved, That a request be .nade to the Industrial Commission of Minnesota that hearings be held in each of the 9 Conatruction'diatricts of the State Highway Department in order to give more public officiale and othere an opportunity to attend and~ heard on this important piece of legislation. Be it fUrther resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Minnesota Industrial Commission. Adopted~ 28, 1957. Attest: S.B. JOHNSON Clerk· Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10:00 o'clock A. M, JUDII 11, 1957,- Attest: I ' ,/ 'i ' HENRY SIELING Chairman COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ J ... une ... ll. ........................................ 195.7 ... . MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF BOARD qF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTYl MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjourllll!ent the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. J~e 11, 1957, all members being present. The County Board having previously advertised for bids for bridge work and several items of highway equipment, proceeded to open bids, which were found to be as follows: Widening Bridge #2880 on the Otter _Tail Lake Road were received as follows: Industrial Builders, Inc., Fargo Korby 'construction Co., Fergus Falls Twin City Engineering Service, Inc. $ 24,831.65 28,)78.80 39,957.05 Bids for Motor Grader with trade-in allowance on County Unit *74 were received as follows: Phillippi Equipment Co., Minneapolis The Geo. T. Ryan Co., Minneapolis Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Road Machinery & Supplies Co., Minneapolis Borchert-lngesoll, Inc., St. Paul Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Co., Minneapolis $16,814.00 15,720.00 16,305.00 ✓ 16,885.00 17,000.00 18,000.00 Bids for one half-ton truck with trade-in allowance on County Unit No. 84 were received as follows: Lake Region Motor Co. MiMesota Motor Co. Super G.M.C. Truck Sales Carlson-Larson,Motors, New York Mills Skogrno Motors, Inc •. After consideration bids were awarded as follows: $1,493.59 1,398.00 1,770.07 1,394.00 1,390.00 Bridge No. 2880 on Otter Tail Lake Road, contract awarded to Industrial Builders, Inc., for $24,8)1.65. One motor patr~l, the contract was awarded to Wm. H. Ziegler, Inc., for $16,J05.oo. For Half Ton Pick Up Truck, contract awarded to Carlson-Larson Motor Co., Inc., New York Mills for $1,394.00. ••••• See end of June 12 session. The application of John L. Hagen for partial homestead classification on the SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. J6-1JJ-42 was granted, and the County Auditor was instructed to give Mr. Hagen the balance of his homestead on this tract and reduce the tax accordingly. The application of Arlie W. Christenson for homestead classification on the W 71 ft. of E.142 ft. of Lots 5 and 6 of Hans Olson's Re-Arrangement of Block 19 Bowman & Dunt6n1s Addition to Battle Lake was read, and upon motion the same was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly. The application of the Village of Henning for cancellation of tax on Lease 1/4953 on the Soo Line Railroad Right- of-Way in Henning was read and upon motion it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner this application be granted. The application of Carl E. Swenson for reduction of assessed valuation on the SW 1/4 Sec. J4-1J2-44 was read. Upon motion the application was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation on the ground that the buildings were re- moved in 195) but were still assessed in 1956. The application of Roy Hermanson for reduction of assessed valuation on Sub Lot A.of Sub Lot lJ of Reserve D Village of Henning was read. Upon motion the same was recommended to the Tax Commissioner on the grcund that the building moved in was not on a foundation or remodelled on May 1, 1956, and the valuation was excessive. The application of Mrs. Thorfin Sandahl for reduction of assessed valuation on Lot 4 Section 6-1)1-)8 w1.1s read and upon motion the same was recommended to the Commissioner •of Taxation on the ground that the barn blew down in a wind storm three years ago but had not been taken off the tax ro.lls. The application of Arthur Hagen for reduction of assessment on the W 17 1/2 ft. of Lot 5 Block J Southside Addition to the City of Fergus Falls was read. Upon motion the same was recommended to the Tax Commissioner on the ground that the assessor erroneously assessed this as a J7 1/2 ft. wide lot instead of 17 1/2 ft. The application of Norman Bruneau for cancellation of personal property assessment in the Third. Ward of the City of Fergus Falls was read and upon motion the same was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation on lhe ground that the same property had been assessed in Pennington County before May first, and the tax raid. The ap!)lication of Arthur Haga for settlement and abatement of delinquent truces, penalty, interest and cost on Lot 8 Block 2 Thoraldson's Second Addition to Battle Lake for the years 1950 through 1955 amounting to $97.61 was read. Upon motion it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that Mr. Haga be permitted to settle these taxes for $75.99, which is the original amount of tax without the penalty and costs. The application of Joseph S. Hauge for settlement and abatement of delinquent taxes, interest, penalties and costs upon the E 1/2 NE 1/4, Lots 1 and 4 Section 12-1)7-41 was read and upon motion it was recommended to the TAX Commissioner that taxes fer the years 1951 through 1955 amounting to $760.00 be settled for the sum of $450 on the ground that this was very poor pasture land. The application of E. N. and L. H. Cuff for settlement and abatement of delinouent taxes, penalty, interest and costs on the S 16 acres of a 20-acre tract in the W 1/2 SW 1/4 of Section 19-132-44 amounting to $112. 51 was upon motion recommended. to the Tax Commissioner, that he be permitted to settle these twces upob p~ent of $55.77. The application of Henry E. Halvorson for reduction of assessed valuation on Lot 25 Kimber Beach, Town of Girard, for the year 1956 was read. Upon motion the same was rejected on recommendation of the Town Board. The application of ol1oseph. S. Hauge for reduction of assessment for the year 1956 on the E 1/2 NE 1/4 ~nd Lots COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... .J.une ... l.l ........... . ········19,5.'7. ... HU■lnPIIHIIIGCO■ ... Nt.11.CL0UD ■1111, C4a 1 and 4 Section 12-137-41 was read and upon motion the same was rejected upon recommendation of the Town Board, The-·application of DeEtte •Hartwig for reduction of assessment for the year 1956 on Lot 15 t N 6 excep ortherly 25 ft. and all Lot 1 Wimar Lake Resort was read and upon motion same was rejected upon motion of the Town Beard. Upon motion the Board adjourned to 10 A. M, June 12, 1957, WES!lESDA YI S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the :Bea rd met at 10 o'clock A, M. Jure 12, 1957, all members being present. The petition of Sidney 0. Rasmussen to be set off from Dist. 24 Wilkin County to Dist. 221 Otter Tail County was taken up for final action. The Beard .. issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, a petition has been presented to the County :Boards of Otter Tail and Wiikin Counties by Sidney O. Rasmusson asking that the S 1/2 l>l""E 1/4 and JI 1/2 SE 1/4 and SW 1/4 SE 1/4 of Section J6-1J4-L15 and NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. l-lJJ-45 be ' set over from Dist. 24 Wilkin County to Dist. 221 Otter Tail County, and whereas the Board of County Commissioners of Wilkin County did on the 6th day of June 1957 grant the petition setting over the above-described lands fi·om Dist. 24 Wilkin County to Dist. 221 Otter Tail County, Now, therefore, Be it Besolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that this Board concurs with the Wilkin County :Board in setting the above land over from Dist. 24 ltilkin County to Dist. 221 Otter Tail County, and that said land be and hereby is declared a part of Common School Dist. 221 of Otter Tail County for all school purposes whatsoever, Adopted June 12, 1957, Attest: S. :B, JOHNSON Clerk, HENRY SIELING Chairman,, :Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesot:a·. Dist.The petition of George H,~rthun, asking that Sub Lot 1 of State Sub Lot J Section J0-135-40 be set over from Dist. J2 to 129 was presented to the Board, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M, July 9, 1957, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by. law, The petition of Rubert R, and Pauline A. Wallace, asking that th! NW 1/4 NW 1/4, S 1/2 NW· 1/4 and NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Section 22-132-38 be set off from Dist. 265 to Dist, 106 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at 10 o'clock A. M. July 9, 1957, and that due notice of the tinje and place of said hearing be given as required by law,• Philip Kjaglien, Veterans Service Officer of Otter Tail County, appeared before the :Bee.rd reviewing the duties· of his office. Upon motion his salary was fixed at $4800 per year, beginning July l, 1957, ' A petition was presented to the Board by freeholders a-ining land oJi Heidelberger Lake in Section 10 Friberg Township, asting that Heidelberger Lake be lowered, Upon motion by the County Board it was recommended that the Division of Water acd Drainage of the State of Minnesota be requested to establish water levels on Heidelberger Lake. A petition having been presented to the :Board charging neglect in constructing a road in Se~tions 29, JO, Jl and J2 Leaf' Mountain Township, at the request of the County Board the Town :Board am other interested members appeared for a conference with the :Bea rd, and. after discussion the Town Board of Leaf Mountain agreed to repair and improve the road in question~ A ·plat of Fir-st Addition to Lone Pine Beach located in Lot 8 Section 1-136-41 and accompanied. by a certificate as to title executed by M. J, Daly, attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Bill''s Be!l,ch, located in Lots J, 4, .5 of Section 18-136-40 accomre,nied by 11. certificate as to title executed by 1-1. J, Daly, Attorney-at-law, was approved, Sheriff Russell Brooberg was granted an extension of time until July 9, 1957 in which to collect delrnquent Personal Property taxes for the year 1956, Wendell P, Huber was appointed to act on Committee of Cpunty-State Aid Rules and Regulations as provided by Chapter 943 Law-s 1957, The question of radio for Civil Defense and police work was discussed, and upon motion the :Beard agreed to order its con,struction, provided the City of Fergus Falls would assume 50% of the cost, The following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved by the :Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: i,.!JO/• \ Ttat, Whereas this county has been offered the opportunity to redeem $20,000.00 of 2~ Road & Bridge Bonds(due, /November 1, 1970/at 10~ discount and whereas there is •sufficient funds in the R<ad and Bridge :Bond accoun~ to re- purchase same , Now, Therefore, Be it resolved that the County Auditor and County Treasurer are hereby authorized to redeem said bonds. · Ad·opted June 12, 19.57, HENRY S IELING Chairman. Attest: s B. JOHNSON Clerk, j COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...•..•...........•..... Jua ... 12 ........................................... 19,S?. .. . The ,follcwing resolution was adopted: Be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That, Wh~reas this Board has heretofore contracted with the Eberaviller Implement Compaey, Fefgua Falla, Minnesota for one John Deere Model 80 Diesel Tractor and whereas t~ia tractor has .been delivered and accepted by this Beard. Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the Board and the Grounty Auditor hereby are directed and authorized to issue a check to Ebersviller Implement Company for $4,435.00 being the amount of the contract price, Adopted June 12, 1957, i!EZ.:~Y S IELING Chairman. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved by the Board _of ·county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That, Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted with the Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Compaey, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota for one Rosco Model CR-13 Pnewnatic Tire Roller and wh~reas this roller has been ~elivered and accepted by this Board. Now, Therefore; Be it resolved that the Chai!-uan of the Board and the County Auditor hereby are directed and authorized to issue a check to Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Co., Inc., for $1,530.00 being the amount of the contract price. Adopted June 12, 1957, At.test: · S , · B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Hubbard County Russell Brooberg Sidney Nelson Gary Nelson Alfl'.ed Engen Harold Sagerhorn James Stewart Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Vernon E. Bachman Mabel Wenstrom Otto Haase Sam Nycklemoe Henry Sieling Bennie J. Johnson Henry Sieling Bennie J, Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Otto Haase Dr. G. J, Mouritsen Dr. C. J. tund Dr. Earl E. Bigler Albert Fritz Franll: Roberts Emil Boen Elsie Pederson Phillip O. Thompson W. H. Dewey Annold W, Evavold Theo. Thompson Theo. Hegseth H, T. Burau W. Earl Williama John Kukowske, Jr, John L. Bixby Roger Gustafson Jennie Budack Ruth S11rxl.berg Idell G. Jacobs Bertha Stortroen Fossen Seed Co. Fergus Plumbing & Heating Hintgen-Xarst N, ·w. Bell Telephone Co. HEliRY S IELING boarding of prisoners 11 11 11 for month of April expenses Dep, Sheriff expense II II 11 highway patrol expense II II II insi:ection expenses II attending reg. mtg. & road viewing II II II II II II attending regular meeting II II II spec~l meeting II II II II II II coroner1s fee II 11 II II Chairman. 1/2 month s,1lary weed inspector & mileage 3/4 II II ~ II II II 1/2 II II II II II clerical work for soil soncervation Dept. soil conservation exp. II II II II II II II II municipal Judge's fees II II II expenses II assessor's Clerk II II II II II seed for Court Hou.se Lawn supplies new lights calla $ 604,.oo 2.50 64,30 330.60 395.50 73.50 295,88 353,32 27,75 17,66 3J,J2 1!1,22 12.18 12.84 10.40 12,70 7,25 7.35 11,35 10.25 JJ.15 12.65 100.J4 16J.18 112.24 60,18 232,32 14,76 19.80 12.24 13.68 10.80 159.00 5.00 77,22 SJ.62 104.oo 120.00 104.00 176,00 35.55 1.41 2JO.OO 9.40 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... J.une 12. ............................................. 1957 .. . IICUIIHPllllflllCD■PAIT ST.CLOU 111111. N ., W. Bell Telephone Co. Do Allstate Sanitation & Maintenance Supply Corp. Marlin S, Rieman Jim Kimmes Wendelin Xoep Ge.o, Larson Ho.ughton-l-lifflin Co. Schoolcraft Co. The Pierce Co. Farnham Stationery & School Supply Co. Co.op er I s Office Supply Fr.ee Press Co, Miller-Davis Co. Vi.ctor Lundeen & Co. Security Blank Book & Printing Co, Remington Rand Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. Fergus Journal Co, Henning Advocate l!a.ttle Lake Review Perham Enterprise Bulletin H •. J. Henning Evelace G. Hanson H •. W, Glorvigen Russell Brooberg Vernon E, Bachman H •. W. Glorvigen Johnson Drugs Markstrom ·Drug Park Region Medical Center Coast-to-Cea st Store Americah Legion Auxiliary Unit f39 American Legion Post ho Disabled American Veterans Chapter #25 Veterans of Foreign Wars Harold T. Swenson Post #612 American Legion Post #289 East Otter• Tail Telephone Co. Es.ther G. Sell Do Ann Jordan Do Do Johnson Drugs Philip M, Xjaglien Do lndianhead Specialty Co. Public Utilities Dept. Mildred Bruvold Victor Lundeen & Co. Ericltson Hdwe. N •. W. Bell Telephone Co. Straub Estate Dinyer Drug Kemper Drugs Swan Is Rexall Drugs Dr.a. N, R. Haugen & P. T. Grimes Xorda Clinic Dr.a. Warner & ' Schoeneberger University of Minnesota Hospitals Glen Lake Sanatorium Minnesota State Sanatorium Bemidji Clinic Lutheran Hos~ital Anoka County Welfare Bea rd City of Fergus Falls Poor Dept. farmers & Merchants Agency, N. Y. Mills Phillippi Equipment Co. Rad Machinery & Supply Co. Geo. T. Ryan Co. Wm. H. Ziegler Co,, Inc. Paper, Calmenson & Co. Elk River Cnncrete Products Co. D, A. Lubricant Co., Inc. Larson Bros. Lake Region Motor Co. Olson Auto Electric Johnson Tire & Retread Super GMC Truck Sales Sorum Auto Parts Co. Palmer Paulson Rude Gagage Westad Motors Ronald Isakson Matz & Greiff Malmstrom Shoe Repair mobile service calls supplies Dep. Sheriff expense II II II II II supplies II II II II II supplies & rental record book supplies II books supplies II publishing II 11 & Printing tax notice postage II postage II II advanced commissions paid to driver's license agents during wonth of May, 1957 supplies II calls to city jail revolver Holster decorating graves II II II II II II II II calls expenses postage expenses II long distance calls & envelopes blades expenses postage supplies water & sewage mimeographing supplies II calls rental drugs II drugs, care of patient care of patient drugs d.l"ugs, f01• patients special nursing care of patients II ·11 II 11 11 patient care of patient care of Riaart Streich care of transients insurance premium parts II Steel culverts oil & grease repairs repairs $ 78.38 ae.20 16.50 63.50 18.60 29.20 j,; Ii ,, 18.00 195-32 100.24 24.54 17.50 11,24 135.60 79.18 891.47 283.20 5.27 192.89 214.40 2,40 133,60 6.00 24.00 45.00 60.00 3.77 45.00 14.05 39,56 7.87 10,·oo 3,69 25.00 25 •. 00 25.00 25.00 25 •. 00 9.45 43.17 6.00 .80,20 10.00 2.63 •. 60 71.96 6.00 3.04 1.31 1.85 37-76 6,52 23,65 50.00 5.50 15.60 16.50 30.00 · 11.50 7,00 657,50 997,38 1855.00 200.00 181.55 5.00 35.55 109.90 254.39 92.07 43.04 505 .• 67. '7?8:62 421.17 612.40 15.00 25.95 88.21 7,70 3.50 15.00 17.95 73.10 1.60 9.50 10.35 2,75 / COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... Ju.ne .. 12 ......................................... 1957. ... . SljCURITr HINfJHC S,■ .. ,, ff D 11 , Empire Supply Co. Whitlock Welders Equipment & Supply Genuine Parts Co. Ebersviller Implement Co. Fergus Plumbing & Heating Sigelman Hide & Fur Co. Home & Farm Supply No.rthwood Specialty Co. Minnesota Motor Co. Oust Genoch Crow Motors Ar.thur O. Offley ViJlage of Henning Se~vice Oil Co., Underwood Log.Cabin D. S. Bi,ll1a Service Station Mayo Standard Service Fossen Oil Co. Bill Nelson Oil Co. Webb Oil Co., iFrank A. Schmidt West Otter Tail Service, Underwood Penrose Oil Co. Pa·rk Region Oil Co. Henning Mobil Standard Oil Co. Perham Co-op Oil Co. Arrow Petroleum Village of New York Milla Villega of Deer Creek Construction Bulletin Fergus Journal Co. Minnesota State Highway Dept. 0 1Mearaa Minneapolis Blue Printing Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. H,, A. Rogers Co. Miller-Davia Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co., Henning Eaet Otter Tail Telephone Co. N •. W. Bell Telephone Co., F. F. Midwest Telephone Co. N •. W. Bell Telephone Co., F. F. Wendell P, Huber G •. D. Harlow Geo-rge Olson Olaf Elahauc E •. M. Anderson John I. Bondy Kenneth Hovland Township of Oak Valley Olson Auto Electric Township of Lida Mu•tual Service Casualty Co,, Anton Ripka, Agent Wendell P, Huber Pelican Telephone Co, Teach Lumber Co. Henning Hardware National Bushing & Parts Vergas Oil Co. A ndy1a 116611 Service Hoot Lake Pure Oil Consumers Oil Co,, B. L. Art's Service Station supplies II II II II supplies II lath tires & I'epairs cl.ai service hauling rent gasoline II II II gasoline, oil, etc. II 11 , battery gasoline etc. II II gasoline & diesel fuel gasoline & oil gasoline & grease diesel fuel & oil diesel fuel II II garage rent II II ad for bids 11 II 11 testing supplies repairs supplies II services service & tolls II II II service & tolls, Battle Lake #8-2271 service & tolls II II 11 cash advanced expense II right of way appraiser II II aid repairs township aid equipment insurance expense service & tolls supplies H II gasoline II II II gasoline etc. II Upon motion the Board then adJourned without date. June 12, 1957 378-,82 JS.SJ 7.90 19.ll l04.J4 32,78 7.50 45.00 128,16 16.,5 J.40 2.00 150.00 44.50 48.19 89,32 J5,2J 75,98 4J.04 106.12 12.?l 84.51 86.91 60.85 111.54 · J.85 1281.41 JJ0.00 210.co 17.40 20.20 12.94 23.79 7.82 1.39 10.88 6.50 9,75 9.15 28.60 6.25 50.455 49,50 23.10 20.50 200.00 25.00 28.70 25,00 J00.00 25.83 400.00 1521.50 202.J6 9.70 2,32 5.68 J6,]J 96,90 4J,65 44.oo J2.J5 62.35 .,---COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. Jllne ..... 12 ............................................... 195.?. .. . I CUIIIT .. l■T IIGCO••AN' II.CLOUD ■INA, c..zaa ••••• Part oLJ..une 1l SeQ.iQ,Q_, The following licensee for Off and On Bale of non-to~ica~ing malt liQuors were granted: Robert L, Carrison, Shady Point Resort, Town of Elizabeth; Ira Bowman, Marion Like Lodge, D~a~ Lake; •Franklin Olson, Store, Tcwnship of Inman; Alex and Alva Sepchen.~o, Heilberger Lake Resort, fown of Friberg, License for public dance with orchestra was granted to Glen Stamp at Grand V'i_ew Heights_, Town of P.ine Lake. Dance permit for mechanical music only was granted to Robert L. Carrison, Shady Pof·nt Resort, Town of Elizabeth, A delegation regarding the Devils Lake 0road appeared befo~e the Board. County Engineer Wendell Huber submitted an estimate ~s t.o theccost of constructing this road, After discussion, action was laid over toggive the Town Board of Gorman an opportunity to send a statement as to what thoy were willing to spend for constructing this road, A delegation from Aurdal and Sve1·drup appeared before the Board and filed a petition asking that improvements be made on Road NO,J7 runn.ing East and West through the center of the Townships of Aur~al ~nd Sverdrup, Upon motion the petition was ordered placed on file. A request of the Town Board of Township of Aurdal to make a bridge survey of the Otter Tail River in Sections 21 and 28 was granted., After listening to representative6of the County Nursing Committee and. discussion by the Board, the budget for the County Nurses was fixed at $12,597,70 for the year beginning July 1, 1957, Anton Ripka appeare~ before th,e Board regarding renewal of the fleet insurance carried by the County. motion he was instructed .to re-writ:e the policy becoming due on June 16, 1Sl57, Upon SE· 1/4 SW 1/4 The application of Bruce A. R~.berts for homestead classification on the Wl/2 SEl/4,,._NEl/4 SEl/4 Section 14 and 'NEl/4 Ntll/4 and mn/4 NEl/4 Sec. 2J,-1J6-J7 was read:. Upon motion the same was granted orl the ground that this property is homestead, ~e owner :l,s serving in the Armed Forces, and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly, The annlication of Qarl F. Zi~ter for homestead classification on the Sl/2 NWl/4 Sec. 15-lJl-JB was granted, and the C~ty Auditor w~s instruc~ed to reduce the tax accordingly, I'! I I I• I! . I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ___________________ -_______ .July Q, _______________________________________ 19 57- MINUTES OF REGUIAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COIDlTY cor-nUSSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL co.' MINNESOTA, Pursuant to statutes, the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M., July 8, 1957, all members being present except Commissioner Johnson who,,joined the Board at one o'clock P. M. Upon motion, County Engineer Huber and Commissioner Morrill were authorized to attend a meeting with the Commissioner of-Highways at St. Paul at 9-:30 August 7, 1957 to confer with the Commissioner on rules and regulations for :i::ayment of allott- ments and apportionments made fr_om the State Road and Bridge fund pursuant to Chapter 943, Laws of 1957, The salary of Roger Gustafson, Assistant Assessor, was fixed at $300.00 per month beginning July 1st.· Upon motion, the County Auditor was instructed to advertis~ for bids for coal for the coming season. The bond of \'/endell P. Huber, County Engineer, in the sum of $3,000.00 with the Hartford Accident and Indemrrity Co. as surety, was approved. A communication from H. w. Glorvigen, Clerk of the District Court, for the sum of $250.00 for elerk hire for the re- maining six months of this year was read. Upon motion, Commissioners Johnson and· Haase voted "Yes" and Sieling, l-lorrill and Hycklemoe voted 11No11 • SCALE OF WAGES OTTER TAIL COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. The salary of employees of the Coun-ty Highw~ Department as of July 1st, 1957, were fixed as follows: Bituminous Lay-Out Operators Heavy Equipment Operators Truck Driver Second Man on Truck Common Labor Maintenance Foreman Shop Foreman lstc-Mechanic 2nd Mechanic & Blac~smith Sign Foreman County Engineer Chief Engineer Instrument Man Level I-Ian Head Rodman Rodman Office Man Bookkeeper & Chief Clerk Secretary Clerical Engineering Help ( Misc) The following resolution was adopted: $1.45 per hr. 1.30 per hr. 1.20 per hr. 1.15 per hr. 1.05 per hr. 375, 00 per mo. 335, 00 per mo. JOO. 00 per mo. 275.00 per mo. 290. 00 per mo. 750. 00 per mo. 495,00 per mo. 460. 00 per mo. 370,00 per mo. 250,00 to 290,00 per mo. 220.00 to 250,00 per mo. 250,00 per mo, 280. 00 per mo. 225.oe per mo. 160.00 to 200,00 per mo. .90 to 1.40 per hr. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that whereas, this Board has hereto- fore contracted with The Wm. H, Ziegler Co., Inc., for the purchase of one Caterpillar #12 Motor Grader, Whereas, the same has been delivered to and accepted by this Board. Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairu.an of the Board and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said company a check on the Road & Bridge Fund of the County in the awn of $16,J05.oo being the contract price of said motor grader. Dated July 8, 1957, Attest: S, B, Johnson, Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Henry Sieling Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that whereas this Board has heretofol'e contracted with \'/m, H. Z iegler Co., Inc., for the purchase of one -oituminous distributor, Whereas, the same has been delivered to and accepted by this Board, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the Board and the Coi:nty Auditor are hereby authorized and direct ed to issue to said compan,y a check on the Road & Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $8,611.25, being the contract price of said bituminous distributor. Dated July 8, 1957. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. Henry S iel ing Chairman. The following names were selected to be placed upon the petit jury list to replace those drawn in the April term of District Court: Veronica Hofland Perham Township Elsworth Zitzow Perham Village Rudolph Wishnak Candor Chas. 1-/ick Ne'4'.ton Ray Welter Mewton Loyd Ott Stnr L alee Fred Steeke Perham Village Mrs. Russel Lepisto New York Mills Mrs. Pearl Perala Otto Mrs, Louis O. Sieling F.dna Mrs. Ve1-non Soderberg Bluffton Mrs. Ellen Raa.tikn Paddock J.lrs. Ed. Franklin Vergas Ml"B, Arnold Harms Dent Mrs. Hilbert Isaacson Dunn Oscar Tollerud Norwegian Grove Arnold Haarstad Peli.can Rapids Ida Kimber U nderwood Henry Lundberg Eagle L alee Kenneth Aune Sverdrup COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, -OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... !~!J.Y. .. ~., ................................................ 19 ..... 5.? ' Tl■•c••· r IT OUD ., ••• Orlin E. Moebius Evald Sandstrom Oliver Tysver Ear11est Kort Mrs. W. H. Dewey Wm. Doek John Jennsn R, H, Dahlen A. M. Knudson Harry Mewhouse Rubin Arvidson 1.:i•s. Erwin Ehlke Tumuli Clitherall Orwell Elizabeth Weste1·n City of Fergus Falls Carlisle Aastad Henning Village Parkers P1·airie Village Eastern Oak Valley 1-irs. 11. J. Dowling Arnold Olson Amund H. Johnson Mrs. Ferdinand Tollefson Carl Sundberg Ada Dahlgren A •• A. Larson John Traub . Mrs. Phil Amundson Mat Kraemer Bernard Kelley Lee Finn Battle Lake St. Olaf Aurdal Elizabeth Fergus Falla City of Fergus Falls Dane Prairie Henning Village Henning Village Parkers Prairie Villag Woodside Oak Valley Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M. July 9, 1957. 'TUESDAY'S SESSION. The Board met at 10 o 1clock A. M., all members being present. The petition of George Harthun asking that Sub Lot l of Government Lot 3, Section 30-135-40, be set over from District No. 32 to District No. 129 was taken up for final action. After listening to the interested parties, the Board issued the following ol'<l.er, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of George Harthun, a legal voter, freeholder a.~d resident of School District No, 32.in this Coun- ty, representing that he is the owner of the lands liereino.fter described, which are situate in said School District, and ad- join School District No, 129 and asking that he with his said lands ~s.y be set off from said District llo. 32 to said adjoining school distz,ict lilo. 129 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 12th day of June A.D., 195?, for the action of said board thereon; and whereas, it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 9th day of July A.D., 195?, at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said Counry; a~.d whereas, it was :t'u.rther ordered in and.by said order that notice of the -time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said :r,etition, a~.d by mailing to the clerk of each of said school districts, a copy of said order at least ten< days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas, at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 9th day of July A.D., 195?, due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as there in directed•am required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was pub- licly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owr.ed by him, to-wit: Sub Lot l of Govt. Lot 3 Section 30-135-40 be a~.d the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 32 to said adjoining School District No. 129 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last -named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 9th day of July A.D., 195?, (Auditor's Seal) HENRY SIELING Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn, S. B, JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio .-clerk of Board. The petition of Hubert R,and Pauline A. Wallaa, asking that the NW 1/4 NW 1/4, S 1/2 J:;1'/ 1/4 and the N\'I 1/4 SW 1/4 of Section 22-132-38 be set over from School District No. 265 to School District No. 106 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Hubert R. & Pauline A. Wallace, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 265 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 106 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 265 to said ·adjoining School District No. 106 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this county at a session of snid board held on the 12th day of June A.D., 195?, for the action of ,said board thereon; and whereas, it was thereupon order- ed by said board t~.at a hearing should·be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 9th day of July A.D., 195?, at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of •the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of •said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas, at the said session of the said Board oi County Commissioners on said 9th day of July A.D., 195?, due ,proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten dS¥s prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against grant- ing the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered a~.d determined, tha t the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: h·w 1/4 NI·~ 1/4, S 1/2 HW 1/4 & h1'1 1/4 SW 1/4 Section 22-132-38 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 265 to said adjoin- ing School District No. 106 and said lands are hereby ~de a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 9th day of July A .D., 195?. (A udi tor I B Se,11) HENRY S IELING Chail·man of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Eugene Joerger asking that the N 1/2 NE 1/4 and the NE 1/4 h1'1 1/4 of Section 22-132-38 be set off from District No. 265 to adjoining District No. 106 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A, M. Aug. 14, 195?, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. The petition for dissolution of Common School District lilo. 189 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petitio be held at 10 o'clock A. M, Aug. 14, 195?, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. d '· I I ! COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ J"-1,J.y .•• 9 •....................................... 19 .. 5.7-. A delegation appeared before the Board concerning the establishment o( a traveling mobile library in this county. Various speakers were heard, both for and against the establishment of this service, Upon motion, the proposition was tabled by unanimous vote of the Board. The question of establishing a short wave radio system in the county for the sheriff!s office and police w.ork was dis- cussed. Upon motion, it was established with the understanding that the Federal Civil Defense Department would assume one-half of the cost and the City of Fergus Falls one-third of .the cost of construction of the base station, tower, antenna, short wave radio link between court house and transmitter. This service to be available to the police departments in all the villagea of the county upon agreement with the Board. The County Auditor presented the following statement to the Board: The following estimate of expenses for the ensuing year is herewith submitted: Salary of County Officers Clerks, Janitors, etc. Boarding Prisoners Witness fees District Court Justice Court Jurors Books, Blanks & Stationery Expense with Insane - Court House Grounds County Bu.rse & County Agents Sa"lariee County Commissioners Jailers, Deputy,Sheriffs, etc. Ju1·6rs District Court Bailiffs & .Reporters Justice Court Witness Light, fuel, etc. Printing & Advertising Attending assessors' meetings County Assessor and Assistants Veterans Service Office Miscellaneous Revenue County Welfare Road & Bridge Poor Fund Dated July 8, 1957. -,<._ TO THE COUNTY BOARD' OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINIIESOTA: Respectfully submitted, S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor. $ 4),000.00 52,500.00 6,000.00 500.00 100.00 18,000;00 J,000.00 1,500.00 · 2S,OOO.OO 7,500.00 20,500.00 8,000.00 4,500.00 2,000.00 17,000.00 9,000.00 · 1,200.00 12,500.00 11,500.00 12,000.00 282,)10.00 )75,000.00 155,000.00 Pursuant to law I present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for County purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with the actual cash·oalance re- maining to the credit of each county fund at the close of business on the )0th day of June, 1957, FUNDS County Revenue Fund Poor. Fund Road and Bridge Fund County Building Fund .County, .Welfare Fund Road & Bridge Bond Acct. Veterans Sirvice County Fair Bonds County School Fund County School Transportation FUNDS County Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bridge Fund County Building Fund Ditch Fund County Welfare Fund Incidental Fund Veterans Service Fair Bonds County School Tax Fund County School Transportatian Road & Bridge Bond Acct. Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fd. . Amount Levied for Current Year 150,070.JO 165,1)6,81 )75,076.64 9,912.17 261,681.)8 184,961.15 11,894.61 9,912.17 2)7,805,00 )7,269-77 S.B. JOHNSON County Auditor. Amount Collected and Apportioned )8,241.29 42,08l.42 95,579.89 2,525.90 66,68).64 47,lJJ.21 J,0)1.07 2,525.90 66,055.12 9,497.37 Balances remaining to the credit of each fund are as follows: Debit 7,960.47 Balance.Uncollected or Unapportioned lll,829,01 12),055,)9 279,496.75 7,)86.27 194,997.74 1)7,827.94 8,86J.54 7,)86.27 171,749.88 27,772,40 Credit 77,077.50 246,459.79 55,044.51 9,0J5.oa 65,)46,97 1,124.95 18,604.17 8,417.69 10,6)7.68 2),)88.Jl 2)1,444.8) 5,675.)7 The following is a statement of the accounts reil'.aining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by .th!! B011rd. '----. ..L---------------------------------------------------~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COPNTY, MINN. HCUIIIT PIIAIINDCOIIPA■T1 H. CLOUDr 1111111. 9i9 FOR WHAT PURPOSE Road & Bridge Fund · Road & Bridge Equipment Special Road & Bridge Construction DATE ... ························.J:JUY-. 9, ·····································19 ... .51. 1--The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boar_d of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: :Balance Due 273,722.79 J4,550.02 J88,2'.34.88 That there be levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, for the year 1957 the following amounts for the several county funds: ~~E~~-=====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==i~==~==--:--::---=-------------------:: i!i:~;5 County School Tax Fund---:------------------------------------------------------------------------172,406.00 County School Transportation Fund-----------------------------------------------------------------J6.52a;oo ~:!!::s~rvice Fund---------~--------------------------------------------------------------------··2:,i~1~i~~ Fair Association Bonds--------~--------------------------------------------------------------------1/2 mill Adopted July 9, 1957. Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk. HENRY SIELIMG Chairman. The application of Hazel Sha,nk·for homestead classification on Lot 2, Block 1, Basswood Beach, was read • .After con- sideration, it was ordered that said ·•pplication be granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax according- ly, . The application of Mrs, Max Miller for homestead •classification en Lots F and G of Blocks 1, 2 and J, Rearrangement of Reserves 1-2-J, Bonita Beach, was read and, afte1· consideration, the application was granted az,.d the G::ounty .Auditor was in- structed to reduce the tax accordingly. The application of Calvin Preston for homestead classification on the SW 1/4 SW 1/4 and Lot 7 except 4.41 acres on the east side, Section 14-l'.34-4J, was read. The application was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to.reduce the tax accordingly. 'The application of John Harris •Lowe for cancellation of personal ,property taxes in the Township of Dunn was read. It appearing to the satisfaction of the •Board that this property had also-been assessed under the name of Harris, .upon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the application be granted. The application of Carl P. Bergren for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Township of Scambler was read. Upon motion, the same was recommended to the Tax Commissioner on the ground that the old tractor for which he.was assessed had been traded in on the new one. The application of Henry \'I. Nelson for cancellation of personal property taxes in the Township of Dunn was read. Upon motion, the same was recommended to the Tax Commissioner on the ground-that this was a double assessment. ·The application of Hazel Shank·for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Township of Everts was read. Upo motion, the same was recommended to the Tax Commissioner on the ground-that she had not received household exemption to which she was entitled, ·The application of the City of·Fergus Falls for cancellation of real estate taxes en the SE 1/4 of Sec .. J6~1JJ-44 and part of Sub Lot A in the NE 1/4 of Sec. 36-133-41~ was·read. Upon motion, the same was recommended to the Tax Commissioner on the ground that this·is a municipal airport. The application of Fdla F. Pesola for reduction-of assessment on the N 100 feet of the S 170 feet of.the W 183 feet of the NE 1/4 !R'/ 1/4 of Sec, 17-135-37 was read. Upon motion, the same was recommended to the Tax Commissioner on the ground that the residence was assessed out of line with other-buildings. ·T'ne application·of Simon J. Schloesser for reduction ofassessed valu.ation,on the SW 1ly 45 feet of the NE 1ly 95 feet of Lot 1 in Recreation Beach was read, ·Upon motion, the same was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation on the ground that the assessment had· been made for 105 · feet frontage, ·The application of Ralph H. Skinner for reduction of assessed valuation on Lot 2 of Lund's First Addition to New York Mills was read, Upon motion, the same was recommended, to the Tax Commissioner. The application of Victor A. Saurer for reduction of assessed valuation on all of Block 7 in the Village of Elizabeth was read, Upon motion, the application was recommended to the Tax Commissioner. The application of Gus, A. Petersen for reduction of assessed valuation on the South 139 feet of the north.297 feet of the West 142 feet of Block 3, Original Plat, Battle Lake, was read. Upon motion, the same was recommended to the Tax Commis- sioner. The application of Joseph Larson for homestead classification on, the SW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Sec. 2 and Lot 3 except E 900 feet and all of Lot 4, Sec. 2, and N 1/2 NW 1/4 of Sec. 11-133-40 was read,· Upon motion, the application was rejected, The application of Justina Falis for homestead classification on· the E 1/2 '1:M,1/4 of Sec. 20, Town.of.Deer Creek, was read. Upon motion, the same was rejected upon the recommendation of the County Assessor. , . . Licenses for "On" and 110ff11 saie of non-intoxicating malt li(!_uors were granted to Oscar Peterson, Star Lake Store, Town- sh:l,p of Star Lake, and Allan L. Silbernagel, Rocky Bar·, Town of Hobart·, Dance license was granted to A:l.lan L. Silbernage•l, Rocky Bar, Town of Hobart. The County Board went over with Sheriff Brooberg· the list of uncollected personal property taxes for. the year ~956 arul. made the following report: , I l ,· ·1, l j: .. I' I :!1 jll I ;11 I! I I i I i ·, I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... July 9, ....................................... 19 ... 5? HCUIITUIUNTl■Gea■r•in SJ neue, ..... =- REPORT OF THE CetnlTY :BOARD OF THE COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL, STATE OF MINNESOTA, OF UNCOLLECTED Ah1> CANCELLED PERSONAL PROP:&..'RTY TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1956. Fergus Falls, Minnesota, July 9, 1957 .• :BE IT KNOWN, That the County :Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, did meet in session on the 9th day of July, 1957, the same being the first session of said :Board after the 10th day of June, 1957; that at said session the County Treasurer 0 said County delivered to said :Board the list of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1956, together with his certi ficate thereon as required by law; and that at said session the said :Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the following is a correct list of said uncollected personal property taxes in said County for said year of 1956, as so revised by said :Board, to-wit: NAME OF PERSON ASSESSED Adams, Emma Adams, F. ll. Adams, Nat.ban Adams, Noe.l Adamson, Arthur A,(Chris American Shoe Repair Miller) Anderson & Thomas Clothing (Edwin Anderson) Township or District Pine Lake Pine Lake Henning Inman 1st Ward 2nd Ward -2nd Ward Anderson, A. J. 4th Ward Anderson, R, C. & Co. 1st \'lard Anderson, Randolph \'I. Pelican Rpds. Anderson, Robert Jrd l'lard Andris, Earl Compton Arneson, Wm. N. Eagle Lake :Bear, George T. 1st Ward :Bellows, Chas. V. 1st Ward :Belmont, Mary Leaf Lake :Bjerken, Alpha Dunn 0arpenter, F, C, 2nd Ward Ceynowa, Wm, Perham Vil, Conricks, J~ck Everts Edner, Orv.'i:lle. Western Elliot, Wm. D. 1st \'lard Engel, Reinhold Star Lake Evans, \'I, D. Everts Evert, David R. Tordenskjold Fat :Boy (F.C.Carpenter) 1st Ward Fergus :Boat Works(F.C.Carpen~ Fergus Novelty Co. ter) 4th \'lard (Karl Peterson) F,F.Cold Stor.& Locker Plant 1st Ward (A.A.Adamson) Ferguson, l'lillis Fletcher, Lyle Fran's Cafe(Frances Johnson) Fritz, Carlton Glaim, Helmer M. Green, Harry H. & ll :Bar (Harry Dakar) Haa:land, Law1·ence Hoffner, A, W •. Hagen, Clifford Halvorson, \'Im. Hanson, Carl G. Hanson, Leroy W, Harris, J, Lowe Harshberger, Fred Haugen, Olaf Hellbusch, Emil Herk, S, I, Hlavnicka, Jerry Hopfner, Francis D. Hystad, Carl Jacobson, R, Johnson, Russell Johnson, \'I, A. Karjala, Hilda Kilde, A. ll, & Co, Kilde, Mrs. :Ben King, l'f, A. King, W. I'/, Kirby, Darrell K1IUdsen Sign Service Lewis, Walter Litchfield Produce Co. Lodgord, Echo M. Y, Ludwig, \'Im, P. LW1dblad, Lewis K. Mack, F, M. Maloney, Richard C. Melvold, John Michaelson, Carroll L. Nelson, Henry W, Nelson, Norman E. Okerson, Ed. Carlisle Clitherall Twp. Jrd Ward Eliz. Vil, Amor Edna 2nd Ward Compton Clith. Twp, Henn. Vill, Nidaros Leaf Lake Pel. Rpds. Dunn 2nd \'lard Leaf Lake Otter Tail Twp. Dunn Perham Vill, 1st Ward Henning :Bluff, Vill. 2nd l·/ard Dunn Pine Lake 4th \'lard 4th Ward Star lake Nidaros 1st Ward Pine Lake :Buse Battle Lake . Perham Twp. Par, Pra, Twp, 3rd Ward Hobart 1st Ward Inman 1st 1-/ard Dunn Clith. Vill, 3rd \'lard Tax Penalty, Fee Dollars Cts. and costs 7~_15 J,22 9.16 208,51 10.99 71.21 27.47 9,67 94,29 7,88 14.07 64,73 5,51 12.Jl 15,16 2,79 5,47 15,82 137,45 ,76 17,20 10.11 4.11 10.15 67,68 18.46 49,23 176,26 117,J6 1.15 18.18 47,0J 7,51 40.93 7,14 106.59 14.J2 56,48 53,81 40,JJ 6.14 24.04 6.50 21.10 2.17 1JJ,7J J6.0l 50.44 4.40 111.84 .80 1.10 15,12 3,76 69.67 33.19 4.24. 9,81 6.59 2,14 11.62 72,85 6,52 54.77 J.08 9,19 2.61 43,29 15.82 9,59 14.58 4.40 Dollars Cts. 1.21 .68 1,47 28.19 1,72 9,80 3,93 1.54 12.88 1.31 2.14 8,93 ,99 2,55 2.28 .62 ,99 2,37 18.67 ,35 2.56 1.61 .80 1.61 9,Jl .2,73 6.85 23,87 15.98 .40 2,68 6,55 1.26 5,73 1.21 14.54 2,17 7,82 7,45 5,66 1.07 J,47 1.12 J,08 .54 18~.17 5,07 7.01 .84 15.24 .JS •. 40 2.28 ,75 9.58 4,70 ,82 1.56 1.14 ,54 1.81 10.01 1.12 7,59 .67 1.49 1.61 6,05 2,37 1.54 2,69 .84 Total Tax, Penalty and costs Dollars Cts, 8.J6 J,90 10.63 236,70 12,71 81.01 31,40 11.21 107,17 9,19 16.21 73,66 6,50 14.86 17,44 J.41 6.46 18.19 156.12 1.11 19.76 J,1.72 4,91 11.76 76,99 21.19 56,08 200, lJ 1JJ.J4 1,55 20~86 5J,58 8,77 46.66 8,J5 121.lJ 16,49 64.JO 61.26 45,99 7,21 27,51 7,62 24.18 2,71 151.90 41,08 57,45 5.24 127,08 1.15 1.50 17.40 4.51 79,25 37,89 5.06 ll,J7 7,73 2,68 lJ.43 82.86 7,64 62.J6 3,75 10,68 4.22 49,J4 18.19 11.13 17,27 5.24 REJ.I.ARKS. Collect II II Pd.225.19 ca11.11.51. II II II Pd. 10,92 Coll •. 80 II II Pd. 40.00 Coll.J6,99 II II Pn.100.00 Co11.100.13 II II Pd, 8,11 Coll .• 66 Pd,J0,00 Coll.16.66 II II Pd.10,00 Coll,54,JO II Pd,2J,00 Coll.22,99 II II II II Pd. 2, 17 Coll, ,54 Pd.144.43 Coll. 7,47 Pd. 10,00 Coll.47,IJ.5 Pd, 50,00 Coll,77,08 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCVl1n,11■11111■Co■PHT st.CLOUD ■1■11. Olson, Eugene Olson, Larry Peterson, Ous A, Peterson, Karl Peteraon, .Mra. Mildred Pier·oe, Ralph Snyd·er, Geo, I'/. Sommerfield, R. E, Soul"e, Bernard B, Storo, Alf Tiede, Erneat Triebenback, El.mer Truax, William L, Turm·o, C. E, Umhoefer, Theodore Von,· Arthur l'larbal, Chester l'/ard·, Sylvester l'leies, l'lallace !'/eat·, E. A. Wilbormac Turkeys, Inc. Woods, John YOUl" Date l•!atel'l}ity Sh~ Salhua, John J,tPearl :Bye) DATE ...... , ............................... ~J.Y. .. 9., .............................. 19 .. 2.?.: 3rd Ward 3rd Ward Battle Lake 2nd Ward Erh. Grove Hobart Hobart Rush Lake Dunn Scambler Candor Compton Oak Valley Lida Perham Twp. 1st \·lard Otter Tail Twp, Corliss Clith. Vill. Dead Lake Pine Lake Pine Lake 3rd 1-/ard Amor 8.13 5-27 · 150.66 16.92 37.87 21.44 5.32 13.42 6.62 13.44 6.91 9,70 64.80 5.85 6.52 7-47 6.25 63.50 22.04 28.05 195,89 8.93 220.44 4.43 1.34 .96 20.44 2.51 5.33 3.]J .97 2.05 1.14 2,06 1.18 1.55 8.93 1.04 1.12 1.26 1.09 8,76 3.20 4.00 26.50 1.44 29,79 .84 9,47 6.23 171.10 19.43 43.20 24.57 6.29 15.47 7,76 15.50 8,09 11.25• 73,73 6.89 7,64 8.7) 7.34 72,26 25,24 32.·05_ 222.39 10.37 250.23 5.27 Collect· II Pd.150.66 Col~. 20.44 II• That the following is a correct list of the pei·sonal property tBJCes in said County for sa_id year which said Board are satisfied cannot be collected, and so cancelled by said Board, to-wit: NAME· OF PERSON ASSESSED Anderson, Ronald Bove·, Peter Crompe, L.A. Johnson, Mrs. Lewis Laugen, Peter Lemienx, E. U. McCa·llough, George Weeks, Ed, Township or District 1st Ward Lf. Mt. 3rd Ward Amor 1st Ward Dunn 3rd Ward 4th Ward Attest; S. B, JOHNSON County .Auditor. The foll<111ing bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Do Gary·A. Nelson Sidney Nelson Alfred Engen Monroe Calculating Me.chine Co. llu.rroughs Corp. Mrs.· Geo. Ros sew Alma· Baumgarten Mrs.· i:ax Stroschein Inga· Pergande Henry Sieling Bennie J.. Johnson Otto• Haase Sam Nycklemoe Dr. Arthur E, Sethre Ivan· E. Bigler Albert Fritz Frank Roberts Emil· Boen Urs.· Elsie Pederson Phillip O. Thompson West· Publishing Compau§ John: Kukowski, Jr, Bertha Stortroen Ruth· Su.'ldberg Jenni.e Budack Idel'I. G. Jacobs Carlson-Benjamin N. W·. Bell Telephone Co. · Do · Do United Chemical Co., Inc. Highway Greenhouse So. Mill Standard Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. C, W·. Weislander Eric~:son Hdwe. Donna Bormann Tax Dollars _Cts. 5,05 5.41 12,97 9,92 2.42 8.54 13,85 4,62 Penalty, Fee and Costs Dolrars Cts. .92 ,97 1.99 1.58 .57 1.39 2.ll .87 Total Tax, Penalty and Costs Dollars Cts. 5.97 6.38 14.96 11.50 2,99 9,93 15,96 5,49 THE COUNTY BOARD OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA HENRY SIELING BENNIE J. JOHl~ON SAM NYCKLEMOE Boarding Prisoners expenses II OTTO HAASE HARVEY D. MORRILL Dep. Sheriff's expenses ·serving tax war ran ts ribbon ribbons clerk in Co. Supt 1s office II II II II II II II II II expenses II II II coroner Is fees II expenses weed inspector 11 II 11 II II II clerical work for Soil Cons. District work for Soil Cons. District Minnesota Statutes Municipal Judge I s fees Clerk in Co. Assessor's office II II II II II II II II II II II II repairs calls calls mobile: service & calls supplies flower planting gasoline supplies & labor repairs supplies accompanying prisoner to Sauk Center REMARKS. Cancel· II II II, II $ 780.00 ' 71.40 361.20 171.40 48.40 -1.40 5,25 70.00 3.50 · 7·,00 31.50 49,40 25.60 22.50 I 14,50 l$.OO 25,50 241.21 193,14 224.62 42.48 211.20 41.00 30.00 96.00 88.00 96.00 96.00 59.86 25.75 -·77;·40 69,46 34.80 135,00 2.03 1-16.81 . 4.20 · 5.94 5.00 s 'l ' I! I 1: Ii COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. July 9, 19 57 ·DATE .......................................................................................... . Myrtle E. Cox Oren Fosse Robert B, Hanson Clifford E. Pede~son· John Ii. Hoff Jim Kimmes f.!erlin S. Rieman Mildred Bruvold Schoolcraft Co. Security Bla11.k Book & Printing Co, Oswald Publishing Co. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co, Nelson Bros, Printing Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Miller-Davis Com:i;:ar,y Ferg.is Journal Co. lT. W. Publishing Co, Vernon E. Bachman Evelace G. Hanson Frank C, llai·nes H, W. Glorvigen Russell Brooberg Olson Auto Electric Veterans of Foreign l·/ars Auxiliary Disabled Amer.ican Veterans Auxiliary Spanish American War Veterans Women's Relief Corps, Richville :. Women I s Relief Corps, Fergus Falls Stan's Auto Body Shop & Garage Fergus Glass & Paint Co, Federal Laboratories, Inc. Minnesota Motor Company Stemsrud-Emerson Lake Region Hospital H, W. Glorvi6-en Sidney Nelson Dr, Everett Hanson Dr. Henry A. Korda Drs, N, R. Haugen & P. T. Grimes Glen Lake Santorium Nopeming Sanatorium Minnesota State Sanatorium University of Minnesota City of Fergus Falls Poor Dept, Bernard Renaud Martha Levine :Bruce Publishir..g Company East Otte1· Tail Telephone Co, Ann Jordan Do Esther G, Sell Do Victor Lundeen & Co, Puplic Utilities Dept. Cooper's Office Supply Straub Estate Philip 1-1. Kjaglien Do N,. W. Bell Telephone Co, Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc, Ph;i.llippi Equipment Co. Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Co, Wm_. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Nelson Wrecking Co, Crpw Motors La;son Bros. 1-!ip.nesota Motor Co. Smpkey1s Machine Shop McPormick Farm Equipment Store H, A, Rogers Co. A._P. Schmitz Garage Au:to Safety Service Johnson Tire & Retread Fl~et Wholesale Supply Co., Inc. Ve;gas Motor Service \'/h~eler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Elk River Concrete Products Co. Fargo Tanlc Co, Paper, Calmenson & Co, Johnson Tire & Retread Paulson Tire Shop St!'Wart Plumbing & Heating Co. Fergus Lumber & Fu.el Company Co~st-to-Coast Stores, Henning P •. K. M. & Company Pe;ham Co-op Oil Co. Armco Drain & Metal Prod,, Inc. Ro~enwald-Cooper, Inc. W., R. Brown Corporation Min.'l. Mining & l-lanufo.cturing Co. L. N. Sickels Co. Empire Supply Co. services as matron ~erving P.P. warrants services pep. Sheriff's e~enses & fees u u n n n " n n " boating laws for' sheriff ·school supplies · birth reco1-d forms 'blanks . blanks :supplies " printing :tax notices "nvelopes postage pox rent . postal box rent . box rent, pasta~ repairs . ~ecorating grave~ H II II H II H II II installing siren supplies for. jail Rota-Beam light service calls p.rugs for p1•ison~r service ~rivers license ~ommissions '9Xpe11ses . µniversity Hospital blanks ~re of patient II II H " " " H II H 11 11 patients 11 11 patient care of transients care of patient transportation to San. dental health cards service postage & cards expenses " box rent scotch tape wate1· & sewage supplies rent expenses postage etc. service parts II " " " II repairs bridge planks culverts culverts cutting edges tires tire repair supplies " " ' .... ii/it' 5.00 36.oo 10.00 135.80 74.20 18.10 18.80 11,25 25.57 78.81 32,75 1.73 32,50 417,70 . 54.]J 144,80 6.72 39,60 48.oo 9,00 12.00 14.34 4.34 25.00 25.00 10.00 13,00 25,00 23.45 59,21 50.52 16.50 2,25 2.60 12.10 169.50 6,00 13,50 24.00 550.02 96.23 1685.40 337,00 52,06 15.00 10.00 15.00 8.00 7.00 19,95 70.]J 2,25 1,84 1.42 22.70 50.00 74.41 7.50 21.95 1.54 31.96 703.10 330.~7 10.00 112.16 28.25 191.45 80.99 1.86 3.50 . 4.25 16.10 14.67 8.19 93,28 550;43 1147,68 500,72 211.40 lOJ,57 6.00 4,90 7.05 22·.95 33,84 4.80 47.14 44,50 5.30 285.00 1650,00 118.91 Jal COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. llCV 1nn1111■•co■HIIY H.CLOUD ■111■• Dalton Lumber Co, Village of Parkers P1•airie Fossen OU Co, South Mill Star,.da1•d Hoot Lake Pure Oil Swenson Service i"8yo Standard Service Bill's Service Station Service Oil Co., Underwood Apco Service Ray• s Oil Co. Farmers Co-op Creamery Assn. Bill Nelson Oil Co. Webb Oil Co. (Electric SupplY) Fa1•mers 'Co-op Gi·eamery ·Assn._ The Oil Store Arrow Petroleum D. A. Lubricant Co. Fergus Journal Co. W. K. Johnson Engineering Co, Village of Dalton City of Fergus Falls Ma1·chant-Calculators, Inc. Minnesota State Highway Dept. 0 1Meara 1s Imperial Supply Co, Victor Lundeen & Co. Olson-Enstad-Larson N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 1-!idwest Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. East Otter Tail Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Wendell P. Huber G, D. Harlow George Olson Wendell P. Huber Cyrus Stewart Sander Lien DATE ............................. J':ulY ... 2 •...................................... 19 ... 5.?. coal water charge gasoline diesel fuel oil ad for bids engineering services rent maintenance machine maintell8nce services supplies II II bond se1·vice & tolls II II II expenses expense II II cash advanced right of way 11 II II Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. August 13, 1957. Attest: ------=,Cl::-e--,,~,-.-"71'--'-'-~-U-~_¼7-4 __ ~ ___ ·_ 84,57 5.00 168,09 100.94 29.10 62.88 41,72 78,29 31.49 195.87 196.28 53,52 242.70 83,12 53.33 262.84 693,11 44.55 9,60 1808.60 90.00 250.00 41.00 50.91 232,27 14.86 2.65 27,75 43.15 7,85 24.10 10.45 11.90 265.33 13.92 19.75 47,75 20.60 225.00 ' i It COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................... July. l.5, ............................. 19 .. .52 MINUTES OF THE COUNTY :BOARD OF EQ.UALIZATION OF OTTER TAIL COUllTY, MINNESOTA, FOR THE YEAR 19.57 Pursuant to statute County Commissioners Henry Sieling, Be~.nie J. Johnson, Sam Nycklemoe, Otto Haase and Harvey Morrill and County Auditors. B. Johnson met as a County :Board of Equalization on July 1.5, 19.57, and, having taken the customary oath of office proceeded to examine together with John L. :Bixby, County Assessor, tha assessment records for the year 19.57. The Board adjourned from time to time and, after careful consideration, the following changes were ordered on personal property consisting of Mink 42; :Beef Cows J6E; Herd Sires J6F and Beef Cattle in feedin& J6G. Asseeement District Item Increase Decrease Viliage of Pelican Rapids 42 7of, Viliage of Henning J6F 20'!, Viliage of Henning J6E JO% City of Fergus Falls J6F 20~ City of Fergu.s Falla J6E 16of, Town of Perham J6E .53% Town of Perham J6G Town of Oscar J6E 62% Town of Compton J6E 62'!, Town of Carlisle J6E It was ordered that Lota 11-12-lJ & 14, :Block 8, Original Plat of Village of Vergas be removed from the tax list on the ground that these lots were used for telephone purposes and subject only to gross earnings tax •. The following resolution was adopted: ,esolved by the Otter Tail County :Board of Equalization that this Board request the Tax Commissioner of the State of Minnesota to fix the True and Full Value of the West Central Turkeys, Inc., building at $76,960.00 and machinery at $25-,655,00, located on N 677 ft. of E 440 ft. of NE 1/4 SI'/ 1/4 22-1J6-4J. Be it further resolved that this :Board request that the CoD11Dissioner of Taxation to fix the true and full value the· obsolete turkey plant assessed to Farmers Co-o~ Creamery of Pelican Rapids at $15,000.00, said plant located on Great Northern Railway right-of-way Lease #5716 & f.56741. Adopted July 15, 1957, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. Upon motion, the :Board adjourned at JP. M, July 16, 1957, Attest: ~Mid~~~ Cler~~ HE~lRY S IELING Chairman. ~i-· ......e .- Chairman. 4c '• ,-. .. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCV11rr,11■11•1c••···' IT.CLOaD ■ NII. C4ml DATE ................... :,·.,QJ.et 1J .......................................... 1957 .. . MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUlffY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, August 13, 1957, all r.rembers being present, Upon motion Evavold :Bros. were eranted an extension of time to October 1, 1957 in which to complete Job 57:42 SO. A petition signed by Andrew Soland and 48 others, asking that the following road be taken into the County Aid Road system: All that pa1·t of a County Ro."3.d beginning at the West end of CAR 57 West of Vergas am running westerly until it strikes CAR 40, running on the East side of Lake Franklin. Upon motion the same was ordered ] laced on file, A petition was received siened by \'/allace Wicklund and others. stating that road beginning at the no1·thwest corner of the SW 1/4 NW 1/4· Section )6-132-39, running thence due north 1/2 mile to the section line, thence running due west on section line to intersect north ancl south road is not reasonably ,:assable. :The County .:Board agreed to reouest the Township :Board of the Township df Nidaros to meet with the County Commissioners at their session at 2 o'clock P, M. September 10, 1957 for a discussion regarding the improvement of this road. Upon motion the County Audi tor was instructed to advertise for one Highway 1,:,ower, said bid to include trade-in allowance on County Unit 1h5, 1994 Interr.atione.l Tractor Mower, bids to be opened at 10 o1 clock A. M, September 10, 1957. The following resolution was adopted, :Be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, that, Whereas this :Board has hertofore contrac-ted with Skogmo !fotors of Fergus Falls, Minne§ota for one 1957 Dodge Truck, Model K8-D600, with St. Paul ·Garwood Hoist & Dump :Body and whereas, said truck has now been delivered and. accepted by this board, !iow, Therefore, be it r.esolved that the Chairman of the :Board and County Auditor be and they are he.reby ordered and directed to issue a check to Skogino Motors Company for $3,962.00 on the Road & :Bridge, being the contract price, Adopted August lJ, 1957, Attest; Heill'Y Sieling Chairman. s. :B. Johnson Clerk, Tre following resolution was adopted, Be it resolved by the :Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, that, whereas this :812. rd. has heretofor.e contracted with Carlson-Larson Motors of Mew York Mills for one 19.57 Ford F 100 Pickup and whereas, said pickup has now been delivered and accepted by this board, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the. Boa1·d and County Auditor be and they are hereby ordered and directed to issue a check to Carlson-Motors for $1,394.00 on the Road & :Bridge, being the contract price. Adopted August lJ, 1957, Attest He!ll'Y Sieling Chairman. S. B. Johnson Clerk, The follCl-1 ing resolution was adopted, :Be it resolved by the :Bce:rdof County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, That, pursua.ht to Chapter 77-H,: F. No, 47 Laws of the·.State of Minnesota 1957", the Register of Deeds of Otte1· Tail County, Minnesota is hereby a.utp.orized to destroy certain instruments filed in said office and described as follows: (a) (b) Dated August lJ, 1957, Attest s. :B. Johnson Clerk. all satisfactions of chattel mortgages and releases of conditional sales contracts filed for record more than ten years, all unsatisfied. chattel mortgages and w1releasf'd cond.itional sales contracts ten years after maturity; if no maturity date is shown, then t1rn years after the date of. filing. Henry Sieling Chairman. RESOLUTION On the 17th day of April, 1957,,a highway easement was obtained from Mrs. Viola Anderson in favor.of the County of Otter Tail, which said easement was recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Otter Tail County, Mi~neso!a on May :?2, 1957 in :Book J? of i:iscellan!lous on page 179, It now appears that part of the real estate includ.ed in said " ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD O; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... Auguit ... l) .•....................................... .19.,5.7. .. easement was not at the time of the execution of said easement the property of Viola Anderson and that the tract hereinafter described and authorized to be released from said easement belong to another. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved· :by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota that the Chai.rman of this Board and the County Auditor of Otter Tail County, Minnesota be and they are hereby authorized. and directed to release from said easement the lands not owned by Viola Anderson and situate in Otter Tail County, Minnesota ~nd described as follows. to-wit: A strip of land over and across the following oescri bed tract: The SW 1/4 of the NW l/4 of Section 2-TlJ4N-R40W. said strip being all that part lying within fifty (50) feet on either side of the following described cen•terline: Beginnint; at a point 41.5 feet East of the Northeast Corner of the SI·/ 1/4 of the NW l/4 of Section 2=-'i'134N.-R4pW, thence South 2°161 :•lest for a distance of 741.l feet. thence deflect to the right on a 5° curve (Delta Angle 52°40 1) for a distance ,of 610.9 feet and there term:i.nating; Dated the lJ day of August. 1957, Attest: S, B. Johnson County Auct.itor RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COi-!MISSIONERS By the :a<a rd of County Commissioners of OTTER TAIL COUNTY ---==H~e~n~ry,i....;S~1~·e~l~i~n~g._ ____ , Chairman BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman and the County Auditor are hereby authorized on behalf of •the, County of Otter Tail to execute an agreement with thij Village of Underwood for the improvement of State A•id R<aii. No. 12 from the sruth corporate limits to the north corporate limits in the Village of Underwood. which said agreement be1:1rs the date of August 6. 1957. Adopted this lJth day of August. 1957, BOARD OF COUNTY cor.fMISSIO}l"BRS BY Henry Sieline Attest: Chairman. S. B. Johnson RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COI-IMISSIONERS WHEREAS. the Boa1·d of County Commissioners on January 2. 1951 agreed by resolution to p1:1y township aid according to the amounts levied by the townships. and which amounts ere as follows: From 10 mills and u». but less than 15 mills From 15 mills and up, but less than 20 mills 20 mills and up $100.00 200.00 J00.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the amounts to be paid to the respective townships uccording to their read ancl bric'ge levies for 1956 shall be as follows: Township Aastad Amor Aw·clal Blowers Bluffton Buse Butler Candor Carlisle Clitherall Compton Corliss Dane Pi-1:1.irie Dead Lake Deer Creek Doi-a Dunn Total !-!ills 14.64 12.00 15.00 25.00 25.00 5,21J 25.00 20.00 10.81 21.10 IJ.50 15.00 20.00 19.00 25.00 20.00 25.00 Levied Amount 100.00 100.00 200.00 J00.00 JOO.OD None J00.00 J00.00 100.00 J00.00 None 200.00 300.00 200.00 J00.00 J00.00 J00.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... f.!~~:l.~ ... !I, ........................................ 19.5.ll-.. II v•nr Pll■IIIIICO■PIKT IT, CLOUD ■1■11. Township Eagle Lake Eastern !d11a Effington Elizabeth Elmo Erhards Grove Everts Fergus Falls Folden Friberg Girard Gorman · Her.ni"ng Hobart Homestead Inman Leaf Lake Leaf Mountain Lida Maine l-laplewood Newton Nidaros Norwegian Grove Oak Valley Orwell Oscar Otter Tail Otto Paddock Parkers Prairie Pelican Perham Pine Lake Rush Lake Saint Olaf Scambler Star Lake Sverdrup Tord.enskjold Trondhjem Twnuli Western ifoodside Adopted. this lJ day of August, 1957, Attest: __ s __ B_.-·_J_o=h=n_s_o_n.__ ____ Auditor The folla,: ing resolution was adopted: To,tal Mills Levied 30.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 22.50 21.94 22.00 20.00 18.80 29,00 18.00 16.00 30.00 27.80 25,00 21.50 14,73 25.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 30.00 25.00 25,00 15,00 20.60 14.'43 15.00 10.00 25,00 30.00 25.00 25,00 19.00 25,00 20.00 25,00 23,52 J0.00 J0.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 12.01 25,00 J00.00 J00.00 J00.00 J00.00 300.00 300.00 J00.00 J00.00 200.00 300.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 J00,00 300.00 300.00 100.00 300.00 J00.00 300.00 300.00 J00.00 J00.00 300.00 200.00 300.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 300.00 300.00 J00.00 300.00 200.00 ·300.00 J00.00 J00.00 J00,00 300.00 300.00 300.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 J00.00 15,400.00 __ H_e-n_r~v.__S_i~e~l~i~ng.,_ ___ Che.irman Whereas there has been filed with this Board under Chaptjjr 832 Laws of Min.'1.esota, for 1957, application for re- purchase of certain lots .forfeited to the State of !!iinnesota for non-payment of taxes for the year 1948, which lots were owned by Mary 11itt, at the time of forfeiture, and described as the N 28 1/2 ft. of I·/ 150 ft. of Block 17 ·Lakeland Addition, City of Fer6us Falls. Yr.w, Therefore, after due conside1·ation by this board it is hereby ordered that Mary \•!itt be and she hereby is per- mitted and authorized to ~epU:rchase the above described property for the reason said repurchase will be for the best public interest and will relieve undue hardship caused by said forfeiture, Attest: Henry Sieling Cbairman. S, B, Jo__l,inson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: 1'/hereas there has been filed with this Bea rd under Chapter 832 Laws of 1-linnesota, for 1957, application for re- purchase· of certain lots forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes for the year 1949, which lots were owned by Fred Older,burg at the time of forfeiture, and d.escribed as the N 125 ft. of E 16 ft. of Lot land the W 46 ft. of Lot 2 e:,:cept tract, Block 1 Soules Addition to Deer Creek. Now, Therefore, aft~r due consideration by this board it is hereby ordered that Fred Oldenburg be and he hereby is· permitted and iuthorized to repurchase the above described property for the reason said rep~rchase will be for the best public interest and will relieve undue hardship caused by said forfeitui·e. Attest: Heney Sieling Chairman. S, B, Johnson I I i i COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ··············-······A.UE:U.!!.t. ... U ..................................... 19 . .5.7. .. Stcll■ln P■INIING co11,a■1, ST. CLOIIDr 111■11. Ei9! The following resolution was adopted: Whereas there has been filed with this Board under Chapter 8J2 Laws of Minnesota, for 1957, application for re- purchase of certain lots forfeited 1Jo the State of Minnesota for non-Payment of taxes for the year 1948, which lot was owned by Charles L, Alexander ab the time of for.feiture, and described as Lot 18, Block 2 of Lakeside Addition to the City of Fergus Falls. Now·, Therefore, after due cons:i:deration by this board it ·is herelr.r ordered that Charles L. Alexander be and he hereby is permitted and authorized to repurchase the above described property for the reason said repurcMse will be for the Rest public interest and-will relieve undue hardship caused by said forfeiture. Attest: Henry Sieling Chairman. S. B. Johnson Clerk, · Upon motion the P.oard then adjouxned to 10 o1clock A. M. ·Aug1.1st 11.!., 1957. 1/EDNESDA YI S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the :Board met at 10 o1clock A. 1-:.- ] , ~e. peti tior, of Eugene Joerger ·asking that the ;: 1/2 NE 1/4 and NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Section 22-132-JB be set off from Dist. 265 to ·Dia.t,; 106 was taken up for final -action. After listening to the statements of various interested parties the Beard issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of l'ugene Joere;er a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District lfo~. 265 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands herei::1after descl"ibeci., which are situate in said School District, and ad.join School District Ho. 106 and as::ing that he with hh said lands may ".le set off from said district No. 265 to said. ad.joininf· shc-ool district No. 106 was presentad to tie B01.rd of C01mty Commissioners of th-is County at a session of said bca:::-d held on the 9th day of July A. D., 1957 for tr.e action of saic board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said boa:rd that a heal·ing should be had on said petition et a session of said board on the 14th day of August A. D., 1957 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by sai-d order t,1at notice of" the-time and place of such hearing be e;iven by postin& copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said pot' tion, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said: School Districts, a copy of said order at least te11 days before the tiiue appointed for such }I.earing; an~ whe,·eas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 14th day of Allf,"Ust A. :r.., 1.957 due proof of the posting and service of said order of he .. ring as therin directed anc'I re~uired, mo1·e than ten·d~ys prior to said last na.~ed da:te, haviag been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Boa1-d, with everything which was said by said interested 1arties for or against granting the prayer of. the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be gnanted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands cwned by him, to-wit: N 1/2 of liil 1/4 and ~lE 1/LJ. of NW 1/4 Section 22 Twp. 132 Range J8. be and the same are hereby set off from said School Distl"ic-t NB. 265 to said adjoining School District No. 106 and said lands are hereby made a part af said last !18.IDes School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the II.Ith day of August A. D., 1957, (Auditor's Seal) ORDER OF DISSOLUTION Henry Sieling Chainaan of the Board of County Commissioners of Ott .. r Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. Johnson Cr,unty Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of llo111·J. The petition for dissolution of Common School District No. 189 of Ottex· Tail County \tas tw.:en up fox· final action. After listening to the various interested parties the Board issued the foll01in~ order,to-wit: Whereas, a petition signed by a majorit!' of the freeholders of Col'lmon School District No. 189, end ;:roperly certified, was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, 1-li:meeota, on the 9th day of July, 1957, praying for the d.iseolutir:1 of said school distl'ict ar.d duly appx·o,•ed by the Superintendent of Schools of said County, and that notice of hearing on said petition had been duly L·iven as provid'.ld by law. Now, Therefore, be it resolved. by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that said petition be and it hex·eby is grant,•d, and said school district No. 189 be al'.d it is hereby dissolved. Adopted August 14, 1957. Attest: Henry Sieling Chairn:an. s. B. Johnson Clerk. i j COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... All-~!!.t .. J .. ':': ......................................... 19 . .57,. SICU I H ■Tl■ CO■HH S C OUD ■INN. OP.DER OF A~!l-f.li.:JCATION. Following the dis~olution of. Common School District No. 189 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, the matter of the attachment of the territory of said district to some other district was then discussed After listening to the state- ments of the various interested parties the following resolution was adopted: ' . B~ it reso:ved that Common School Distdct No, 189 of Otter Tail County, Minnesota,. having been disso~ved and. a certificate having b~en ~resented to the Beard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, 1-!innesota, by the clerk of said former School District No. 189 to the effect that a special• election had been called and held in· said Common School District NoJ 189 on the )1st day of July, 1957, and the legal voters thereof by· majority vote had voted to aseume and become liable for thei:r proportionate share of the·· bonded indebtedness heretofore incurred b·· Independent Consolidated SchooJ District No. 10 of Otter Tail County, Minre sota, in the event said Common School Dist~·ict No. 189 should be dissoived and the area thereof attached to said. Independent Consolidated School District. No. 10 and all such proceedings· having been had and conducted pursuant to l-iinr.e sota Statutes Annotated Secqon 122, 28. Now, The1·efore, be it resolved by the Beard of Countll, Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minresota, that alil. the area of 'Common School District No. 189 be and it hereby is, attached to Independent Consoli4ated School District No. 10 of Otter Tail County, Minnem>ta, for all school purposes whatsoever and ail.1 properties and assets of said Common School District No. 189 are hereby transferred. to and made the property of said Independent Consolidated School District No. 10. Be it further resolved. that all the lands and properties formerly comprising Common School :Cistrict No. 189 shall be am they-are hereby made subject to their proportionate share of. the bonded indjbtness of said Ind.enend.ent Consolidated School District No. 10 of Otter Tail County, 1-!innesota, and the County Auditor shall hereafte1· le:vy a ta."C on all such property to J:8-Y such bonded indebtedness and interest in the same manner and amount as such tax is levied on all other property comprising Independent Consolidated School District No. 10 of Otter Tail County, 14innesota. Adopted August 14, 1957·, Attest =---=-s.:... -'B=-=-. -'J'"o""h"'n"'s.,o'""n"'----Clerll:. Heney Sieling Chairman. The petition of Harry F. Dornbusch asking that Lots 5 and 6 in Section 18-1)7-37 be set off from School District 47 to District ill.•. was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. September 11, 1957 and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given as required by law, The petition of Bernard Shaw asking that the W 1/2 SE 1/4 Section J0-1)5-39 be set off from School District 256 to Schoo:!. District 267 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. 1-1. September 11, 1957, and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given as required b~ law. The petition of Herbert Hanneman asking that the SW 1/4 Si'/ 1/4 except part southeast of r<Rd. and part of the SE 1/4 SW 1/4 northwest of road, Section 27-1)4-4) be set off from School D:is trict 115 to School District )7 was read and it was oFdered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o1clock A. M. September 11, 1957, and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given as required by, law. The petition of Herbert Hanneman asking that the 1,il'/ 1/4 NW 1/I~ except N 10 rods East of road, Section J4-1Jl.!.-4J be set off from Disrrict 208 to District 37 was read and it was 01·de1·ed that a hearing on se.id petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M, September 11,· 1957, and that du.e notice of the tir.e and place of hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Robert E. Ford asking that the S 1/2 h";·/ 1/4, Lot i) and Nw 1/4 SE 1/4 except S 22 6/7 rods of West 14 rods Section 8...-1)1-)6 be set off from School il:listrcit 41 to School District 25 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. September 11, 1957, and that d.ue notice of the time and place of hearing be given as req_uired by law. The petition of l'allem VanSanten asking that the SW 1/4 NE 1/Lo. and Lots 1, 2, J, Secti. on 6-1)1-)8 be set off from District 154 to District 106 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on.said :r:etition be held at 10 o'clock A, M. September 11, 1957, and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given as required bjPJ law, The petition of Elmer Bre.it.enfe.ldt asking that the S1J) 1/.4 .Section 25-136-)8 be set off' from District 44 to District 47 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. September 11, 1957, and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given as required by law, The petition of Arthur R. Ervasti asking that· the 0 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Section 1-1)7-36 be set off from District 216 Otter Tail County to District JJ Wadena County was read and i-t .was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 o1cl.ock A, M. September 11, 1957, and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given as required by law, The Board having previously advertised. for bids for the season's supply of coal received bids as follcws: Campbell Coal Co .. $17,60, Lampert Lumber Co. $17;61: N~n Fuel Co. $17,79: Fergus Lumber & Fuel $17,48, Upon motion the contrac.t was awarded to the Fergus Lumber & Fuel Co. for $17.il8. per ton. The County Audi tor was instruct.ed to advertise for bids for installation of a passenger elevato1· in the Otter Tail County ,Court House, said bids to be opened at 2 o 1clock P. !L 0.ctober 8, 1957. Ph,ilip M. Kjaglien, Veterans' Service Qff"icer, presented a request for $200. additional clerk hire to take care of Veterans bonus applications. Upon motion the request was granted. A plat of Dunned.en Beach in Lot J Section 29-137-42, accomr,anied. by a certificate of title executed. by Henry Polkinghorn, attorney-at-law, was api:,1·oved. A plat of Sater-Humphry Ranch Camp, located in Section 27 Town of Tumuli, accomr,anied by a certificate as to title executed. by I, L. Swanson, attorney-at-law, was approved. The application of Mrs. Calmer Kjono for hmnestead c~assifici,.tion on the N 1/2 Slil 1/4 except tracts and except parts platted, in Section 22-1J6-4J ~•as read and upon motion the same was granted anc1. the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accor~.ii:c;ly for the •years 1954 and 1955, ' ,· ., . COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ························· August .. 14 ·································19?..7. ... StCU■I 1 P■IN l■Gca■PA■1. !II'. CLOUD ■11111, The applicP.tion of Sam Flink for homestead .classification on Lots 6 and 7 Ackerrran' s First Addition and Lots 11 through 20 Block J Ackerrnan 1s Second Addition was 1ead, Upon motion the same was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to reduce the tax accordingly. The application of John Me).vold for reduction of assessed valuation on personal property assessed in the Township of Inman was read. Upon motion it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed valuation be reduced from ~248. to $50. on the ground that 200 sheep instead of 35 had been assessed. The application of John Stocker for settlement and abatement of delinquent taxes, penalties, interest and costs amounting to $559,65 for the years 1950· thrcugh 1955 on the North 10 lots of the South Jl rods of the !·/ e rods of the St! 1/4 SE 1/a Section 8-133-36 was read. Upon motion is was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that these. ta..xes be settled for the SUJL of $100. on the groi.;nd that there was very little value there except the lot on which the building stood. The application of Manley stigep for reduction of assessment on Lot 9 Block 25 Horth Division, City of FerfUs Falls, was read. Upon motion it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner t:1at the .Assessed valuation be reduced from $1550. to $1230. The application of Charles W. and Olga 1-/. Ebel for reduction of assessed valuation on Lot 5 south af road except tr~ct and the nor"theaslerly 10 ft. of Lot 16 Camp Hatton was read. Upon motion it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed valuation be reduced from $100. to $50. The appl:k:ation of S. J. Backer for reduction of assessed valuation of Lot 13 of Camp Nidaros was read. Upon motion it was recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed valuation be reduced from $602. to $292. The application of Nancy McGee for reduction of assessed valuation of S 383 ft. exce:,t I·/ 816 ft. of Lot 8, E 25 ft. of Lot 8 and E 25 ft. of Lot l South of road· in Section IJ-136-41 was read. Upon motion it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed valuation be reduced from $742. to $628. The application of the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society of Pelican Rapids for refund of personal property taxes :.a.id. for the years 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955 and 1956 was read. Upon motion the application was rejected. The application of Doris E. Larson for reduction of assessment on Lots l, 2, 3 Block 10 Original Plat in the Village of Underwood was read. Upon motion the application was rejected. The aVi;lication of Erwin l•laier for reduction af assessed valuation on Lot 21 Bay View Beach was read. Upon motion the same was rejected. The folloi ing resolution was adopted: Be it resolved by the Bra1·d of County Commissioneru of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That, Whe1·eas this county has been offeI·ec) t-he opportunity to recleem $9,000.00 of 2.L:o:( Read & Bridge Bonds at 10% disccunt and whereas there is sufficient funds in the Road and Bridge Bond accw.nt to repurchase Sal!le. Now, Therefore, lle it resolved that the County Auditor and C911nty Treasurer are hereby authorized to redeem said bonds. Adopted August 14, 1957. Attest: Heney Sieling Chairll'.Bn. s. B. Johneon Clerk. The County Board of Auditors presented proposals of val"ious banks for deposit of County funds for the coming two years .together with assignments of securities by suidbanks in the following amounts. Fergus Falls National Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank, Fergus Falls First iiational Bank, Minneapolis First National Bank, Parkers Prairie Erhard State Bank Farmers State Bank, Underwood Farmers State Bank, Dent Vergas State Bank . First National Bank, Henning Farmers & Merchants State Ban.le, N. Y. !-!ills Perham State Bank J. P .. Wallace State Bank, Pel. Rpds. Security State B,.mk, Deer Creek . Secu1·ity State Bank, Fereus Fells First State Ba~.k, Dalton First National Bank, Pattie Lake U.S. Treasury Bonds U.S. Treasury Bonds $593,000.; U.S. Treasury Notes ~4a6,000.; Otter Tai. l County Read Bonds, $50,000. ll: Minn. Bonds, $20,000. !-!inn. State Vet J.dj. Compensation Bonds U.S. Treasury Bonds II II II II II II II , II II II II II II II U.S. Treasury Bonds $15,000. & City of El Cent1·0 Calif. Bonds $5000. U.S. Treasury Bonds II II II II II II II II II II II II II II All of these secui-ities and assignments thereof wei-e approved by the Board. RESOLUTION DESIGl!ATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS $1,636,000.00 1,109,000.00 250,000.00 15,000.00 2-5,000.00 31,500.00 25,000.00 17,500.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 25,000.00 J00,000.00 41,500.00 5,000.001 At a regular meeting of t~1'-1oard of County Commissione1·.s of fitter Tnil Coun'iy, Minneuoto held on Aucust 14th, 1957, all members being present, CommissionPr Otto Haase introduced the folla-.-ing resolution: 1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, ·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ····•••···•• Augus t .... .14 ···········································19 . .57. IRl■ln P■1■ri■•co11P1■T .,_ CLOUD 111■11. Seconded by Harvey D, Morrill. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board. of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that ex9ept fo1· the intersections with Minnesota_ Trunk Highways and except such parts of the i-oad as hereinafter set forth as are within the corporate limits of villages an~ cities, the following highways are hereby desigr>.s.ted as through highways: State Aid Road No. 2 -From a point J, 75 miles East of the West county line to a point 2. 5 mile11 West of SAR #1. State Aid. Rrad No. 3 -From a point approximately 2. 0 miles North of the intersection of ~AR, il'J and SAR #10, to a point through the intersection with CAR ,ff 41. State Aid Road No. 5 -From CAR #JJ and North 1.75 miles, State Aid. Road No. 12 -From the South junction of CAR #42 to 5.0 miles Northeast. State Aid.Road No. 12 -From T.H. #52 to the North C~rporate Limits of Underwood. State Aid 0 Road No. 19 -Beginning at the jw1ction of CAR #19 and CAR#49 and South approximately.two miles. County Aid Reed No. 42-From the junction of SAR #12 and CAR #42 and North approximateiy J,72 miles. County Aid ·Road No. 44-From the junction of T. H. #210-\1-nd ~ ,JI, 44 and South 2. 75 miles. County Aid Road lfo. 44 From a point approximately 2,0 miles South of the junction of C.I\R #44 and CAR #57 and Sa.i.th ap,roximately 1,5 miles. County Aid Road No, 50-From the junction of CAR #50. and CAR #59 and East 1.0 miles. County Aid Road No. 5,2-From the junction of SAR #8 and CAR fl,52 and to the N01·th County lipe. County Aid Road No. 55-From the junction of CAR #48 and CAR #55 and \•fest approximately 1. 75 miles. County Aid Road No. 60-From T. H. #29 and. South 2.75 miles. Ar.tl the Engineer of this county bd and he hereby is instructed to construct and erect proper Stpp Signs at. entrances thereto as soc~ as practi~cable ancl when said signs are erected said Engineer shall file with the Auditor his report thereon. Dated: ~ugus t 14, 19 57 Attest: S. B. Johnson County Auditor The foll~ing bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Alfred Engen Gary A. Nelson Sidney Nelson John 1. Bixby. Roger Gustafson J. Edgar Anderson Vernon E. ·Bachman 1-ia.bel Wenstrom Mrs. Geo. Rossow Mrs. Alex Meyer Otto Haase Harvey Morrill Bennie J. 'Johnson Sam N"ckil!emoe Her>.ry" Sieting Do Bennie J. 'Johnson Otto Haase Sam Nycklemoe Phillip o; Thompson Mrs. Elsie !'edersnn Dr. G. J. 0 Mouritsen Dr. C. J. ·Lund Dr. E. E. 0 Bigler Frank Roberts Emil Boen· Albert Fritz Remington· Rand. The Todd Co. Feder~l Sien & Signal Corp. Terry Keane Monti;-omery Ward a,nd Co. J, S. Hopponen Olson Furniture Co. S. 1. Ronning Empire Supply Bo. Otter Taii Power Co. N. W. ~el; Tele. Co, Boarding pr i sone x·s Dep. Sheriff1s fees & exp. 11 II expenses II II expenses II Assist. Sup: of Assessors expenses II clerical work in Co. Supt. office 11 II II II II exp. Bd. of Ecualiza.tion II II II II II II II II II II II II II II expenses II II work for Soil Cons. clerical work for Soil Cons. coroner's fees 11 II II exp. weed iis pector 11 II 11 II supplies ribbons sirens for sheriff janitor work coveralls for prisoners labor & supplies shades for jail stencils suprlies tolenhor.e cnlls (civil c'efe,1se) , ol>iie service & calls Henry Sieling Chairman. $ 918.00 59.40 J8J.40 J2J.10 178,59 135,64 90.00 J0,74 7,17 154,00 7.00 22.50 10.00 18.50 18.50 2J,70· 24.70 14.50 22.56 14.50' 187,44 54.87 '20.50 46,95 13.25 119.59 109.09 247.02 521.95 9.00 134.34 90.00 40.J4 68.JJ 27,00 1.!,50 I.J-,41 '.).69 158.60 ., ,;1 j ,, I I: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ··-··············A.u..'.!1lAl ..• Ltl .... ·········••·························19 .. 5-7 .. N. \'/. Bell Tele. Co. Do Mildred Bruvold Fergus Journal Co. Pelican Rapids Press Nelson Prtg. Co. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. Schoolcraft Co. Bept. of Administration Victor Lurd een ··&. Co; Miller-Davis Co. Norman L. Johnson Cooper's Office Supply Co. Jim Kimmes Merlin S. Riellian L.A. Puckett Vernon E. Bachman Am. Le.-·ion r:o.w. Carlson Post #28J~ Am. 1egion Auxiliary 1289 Geo. Bergem Post #489 Am. Legion Gearhart's Funeral Service Park Regio!l Medical Center H. W. Glorvigen Do. Ann Jordan Do Do Esther G. Sell Do East Otter Tail Tele. Co. Glen Lake Sanatoriu.~ Minn. State Sanatorium Parkvie,-1 Nursing Home, Inc. City of Fergus Falls Do Drs. Lewis, Lewis & Keve.·n Korda Clinic Drs. N, R. Ha.ugan & P. _T. ·Grimes Dr. W, Robert Schmidt Ringdahl Dr,ig Store Swan's Rexall Drug State of Minn. Straub Estate Public Utilities Dept, Nelson Bros. Prtg. N, \·/, Bell Tele, Co. Philip I-!, Kjaglien Do Cooper's Office Supply Erickson1s Ou1· Own Hdwe. V~ctor Lundeen & Co. Mildred Bruvold Swenson Paint Co. Town of Friberg Montror,ery ::ard & Co, Stanley Moe South Mill Sta:,t1.ard Ken & Bob's ·Sinclair Service Berthe Stortroen Ugeblad Publishing Co. I-Ire. Bertha Stensrude l!orchert-Ingersoll, Inc, Bement-Cahill Eouiument Co. N. w. ~ne;ineering Co. Park Maci:ine, Inc. Phillippi Equipt. Co. Pu"olic \·iorks Eouipt, Co. Road Mach. & Supplies Co. George T. Ryan Co, \'Im, H. Ziegler Co. Inc. Service Record!'r Co, Minn. Motor Co. Olson Auto Electric Larson llros.- Skogmo Moto1·s, Inc, Super G. l!I. ·C, Truck Sales Fereus Plumbing & Heating Auto Safety Service Lake Region·Motor Co, McC01-mick Farm Eouip. Store Johnson ,ire & Retread Matz & Greiff A. T. Herfindahl 1-!ayo Stu.!ldard Service Carlson-Larson Motors Pelican Motors A. :e. Kilde ·co. Schrader & Koehn Henning h-ori &: l-letal Co. calls II boating laws publications II supplies II II II blanli:s vinyl en•,elc,pes supplies Dep. Sheriff's fees & expenses II II II II postage, etc. decol'ating gr:.i.ves 11 II " ambulan~e service calls at jail Adv. Corns. to lice:,se agents exp. drivers license law expenses ?fo rse sui:,plies postage, etc, postage expenses service care of patient Poor " 11 patients 11 11 patient poor exuenses care of-transients renewal of hospital papers care of patient surgery drugs for T. JI. patient 11 II II 11 care of mentally ill rent Vet. Service water & sewerage letters service & calls postage, etc. expenses supplies wa.x sapplies mimeographing calcium chloride poor expenses Supplies, Jail assisting She1•if'f supplies C.R. supplies C. H, county assessors clerk ·supplies gravel parts II II II :i:u1·ts & cut ting edges parts II II II l'epairs II II II II II $ lJ0.85 21.L.45 11.25 251.76 6,75 8,95 371-99 98,37 2.69 61.L.02 118. 60 126.97 3,118 35.60 JJ.10 7,00 39.00 2J.OO 4.00 25.00 4.00 18.00 14.35 JO.JO Jl.JO 1.05 f:.40 5.00 78-75 8,70 622.8J 1095,93 i5.50 7208.88 95,66 J.00 15.00 14.00 100,00 62.2.5 17.50 J1•90. 00 50.00 1.28 22.50 18,50 . 7.50 84,56 6.03 .4o· 50.05 2.85 1.J9. 1094.19 l!.Q.J4 5.00 l.0 5 J.16 611.00 141.10 90).84 290.79 21.85 llJ,07 20,76 327,55 10."5 21.lJ 145,34 1093.65 32.-14 86.64 /J,2J 10.75 277,45 54,12 1.20 24.20 17.8J 27.16 2J,94 3.50 55.18 J.60 2,55 .50 3.50 111,G9 5.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCllllffHlllll■ICOIIPA 1 ST.CLOaD 1111111. C4D8 Vaughn Chev. Co. , Uselman Electric Anderson Welding Sliop Baas Oil Co. Northwood Specialty Co. Sigelman Hide & Fur' Co. Les Tire Service I. S. Issaacson Henning Village Vil-lage o:' :Battle Lake Raymond l•lotor Trans. Inc Western Oil & Fuel Co. }latl. Bushin1' & Parts. Co. Empire Sup],ly Co. Pea,,ey Elevatars, Dalton Vere;as Hdwe. Co. Erickson-Helleckson Vye Co. Home & Farm Supply Gamble !;tore *5222 Underwor.d Coast to Coast Dorn Is Hardware Wilcox Lumber Co. StancBard Oil Co. Andy Is 116611 Service Frazee Texaco Service Bill1s Service Station Perh:im Co-op Oil Co. Service Oil Company, Battle Lake Dan 1s Texaco Service, Perham Bengtson Oil Co. Standard 0~1 Co, Electric Supply (Webb Oil) Verga.sOil Co. Art 1s Service Station The Oil. Store Sinclair Service Highway Compa:ey Service Oil Co. Fossen Oil Co. Bill Nelson Oil Co. Hoot La.~e Fure Oil . Penrose Oil Co, Service Oil Co. The Pierce Co. Ervs East Side Service Arrow Petroleum Standard Oil Co, D. A, Lubricant Co. Inc.· · ~/bitings Office Supply Minneapolis Blue Prtg, 60. Victor Lundeen & Co. Minn. State Highway Dept. East Otter Tail Tele. Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co. Pelican Telephone Co. Vergas Telephone Co, N. l'i. Bell Telephone Co. Midwest Telephone Co, N. W. Bell Tele. Co. G. D. Hai-low L. J. Fjosne George Olson John. I. Bondy E. !•I, Anderson Keme th C. Hovland · Sorem Auto Farts. Co. Ken & Bobs Sinclair Service Andys 1166 11 Service l1endell P. Huber South Mill Standard Road Machinery & Supplies Syversons Mileae:e Station Farmers Co-op Cry. Assn. Mpls. Blue Printing Co. Pelican Telephone Co, Wendell P. Huber Ruffridge-liohnson ·Eg. Co. Inc. Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc, McCormick Farm Equipt. Store Valerius C. Demmer Holten Hdwe. DATE ......................... .Au1tust 14 .................................... 19 . .57. .. repairs II II II lath & stakes steel tire sodding 1·ent water Charges freight supplies , ~soline ,;II II II II supplies gasoline, etc. diesel fuel diesel fuel, etc. oil service supplies II testing service & tolls ser vice & II II II II expenses II· appraiser II II repairs gasoline II II II II tolls II II II t! II cash advanced gasoline parts gasoline gasoline supplies service & tolls . expenses parts supplies repairs gravel supplies Upon motion ti1e Board then adjourned to 10 o1clock A. 1-1. September 10, 1957, Attest: $ 2).25 J.40 49,80 J?.50 290.00 125,36 41.88 978.88 1,5,99 5.00 7.59 570.70. 115.91 94.22 22.60 62.20 14.J4 J,80 J.J4 27,57 5.49 5,76 35.00 45.90 196.98 170, 17 4.22 235-50 36.23 107.32 7,02 113.07 222,83 84.96 174.51 48.49 42.21 40.34 145.89 82.06 60.45 258.19 263.22 18.70 131. 18 1277.67 438,51 318.45 18.30 40.53 12.60 8.75 13.20 40.55 7.60 13.90 14.80 7.70 59.15 20.~o 28,00 19.80 28.65 25.50 25,85 25.00 7.09 45,83 66.17 39.46 81.J-0.51 4.84 33,92 21.36 9.40 328.94 386.82 679,30 u3.50 287,21 28.50 ,I 11 I I ,j I I I I, I I'. I ' I : ,, I ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. stCVI "'·. I G ••• ' !I au • • DATE ......•....... S.pt-ber. ... 10 ......................................... 19 .. 57 .. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOABD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNT!', MINN. Pursuant to adjournment, the :Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. September 10, 1957, all members being pres~nt. The bond of Myrtle R. :Barnes as Clerk of Probate Court, in the sum of $1,000.00 with theGe~eral Insurance Colll}llley of America as surety, was approved. At the reQue~t of the Board of County Commissioners the Town Board members of the Township of Nidaros met with the Count1 Boa.rd regarding the improvement of a road between Sections 26 and 35 am Sections 35 and 36 in the Town of Nidaros. After discussion, it was agreed that Commissioner Nycklemoe and the Town Board and all interested partie~ meet on September 17th at 2 o'clock P. M. to t:ey to work out a satisfactory arrangement. The Board issued the follao,ing order, to-wit: Whereas, a~,p~tition aigned 'IV twenty-four freeholders of said count:, pr9¥ing for the alteration a¢ r!9-establishment of a certain highway in said Count:, running into more than one town and not within the limits of an,y incorporated cit:, as here- inafter described, was presented. to this Board at its session held on the 9th day of January, 1957, and this :Board having deter mined by the judgment of a majority of its members that said petition is reasonable on its face and having by its order made at said session appo!nted Monda¥, the 11th dB¥ of March, 1957 at 2 o'clock P. M. at the 8ourt House in the City of Fergus Falls in said Count:, as the time and place for a hearing on said petition, and having bj> said order appointed a committee of its members to.examine said proposed alteration am reestablishment of said road and designated M9nda.v, the 4th da:, of March, 1957 at 2 o'clock P. M. at Vernon Flatau1s place in the southeast corner, To, n of Hobart, in sa~d county as the time and place for said committee to meet on the route of said highway proposed to be altered and re-established, for the exam - ination of the same and having caused notices of said hearing and said meeting of said committee embodying a copy of said petition to be posted in three of the most public places of each town through which highway is proposed to be altered am re~established, at least thirty da:,s before the date of said hearing on said petition and, being !'atisfied that said noticea were ao posted and proof of said posting duly made, and said committee having met at the time and place designated in aaid - order and said notices and examined the aame and made its report in;writing to .the BQl.rd, and having recommended that aaid petition be granted, am said Board having met at the time and place designated in said order, and sai~ notices to-wit: At the Court H6use in the City of Fergua Falla, in said. County on the 11th da:, of March, 1957, at two o•ciock P. M., and having duly heard all that anyone had to aay in favor of or against the granting of said petition, and having considered said petition and the report of said committee thereon, was upon motion, deferred until some future date. On Tuesday, September 10, 1957, at three o'clock P. M., upon motion of Harvey Morrill, seconded bi''Bennie J. Johnson, am duiy carried,.the petition was taken up for final action, and it being the opinion of the majority of said Board that said petition shmld be granted it is hereby ordered that the prayer of said petition be and the same is hereby granted, alli said highway is hereby altered and re-established so as to run according to said committeas report w, courses and distances as follows to-wit: Beginning at the scmtheast corner of Section 36, Township 137 North, Range,40 West, thence East on the township line between the Townships of Edm and Gorman 33.7 feet, thence deflect to the, left on an 8 degree curve, Delta Angle 22 Degrees 481 for 285 feet, thence on tangent to said curve for a distance of 263.5 feet, thence on an 8 degree curve. to the right Delta Angle 23 degree 27 1 for a distance of 280.6 feet, thence on tangept to said curve 429.6 feet, thence on a 4 degree curve to the right Delta Angle 8 degree for a distance of 200 feet, th~nce on t111gent to said curve for a distance of 511.4 feet, thence on an 8 degree aurve to the left Delta A114!'lG 45 degree 31 1 for a distance of 569 feet, thence on tangent to said curve North 44 degree 30 1 East for a distance of 110.4 feet and there terminatin,; including a width. of two rods on each side of the above described line, am all that portion of said highway:.Iying between the point of beginning and the point of ~ermination of the avove described road be, am hereby is vaca~ed, and the names of the owners of the lands as far as known through which the same may pass when altered and re:-esta:t,liahed are as. follovs: Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot l Section 31 Section 31 Section 31 Section 32 Township 137 Township 137 Township 137 Township 137 Range 39 Range 39 Range 39 Range 39 Vernon Flatau A. D •. Kennedy August Teckemeyer William Ziegler_ It is further ordered and determined by the said Board that in all cases the benefits are eoual to the damages sustained by reason of the alteration alli re-establishment of said highwa,y in witness whereof the Chairman" of this Board has Hereonto set his hand and affixed our seal in the City of Fergus Falla in,said co~ty on the 10th da.v of September, 1957. _ Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor and Clerk. The Board of· County Commissioners of Otter Tail County·, MiMesota". . By Henry Sieling Chairman. A petition was received signed by Ralph Richter am others stating that a road beginning at t~e West end of C.A.R. No. 57, thence West to township line, is not reasonable passable. The County Boa0d agreed to re~uest the Tn,n Board of the Township of Candor to meet with the Ccunty Commissioners at their session on ~tober 8th at 10 o'clock A. M, for a discussion regarding the improvement of this road. The Board having previous113 called for bids for one tractor and mower proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Mccormick Farm Equipment Store, $1550.41, including trade-in ;._.llowance; Ebersviller Implement Co., $1869.00. including trade-in alla.r~nce. Upon motion,. the bid of the McCormick Farm Equipment Store -s accepted in the sum pf $1550,41. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by;rthe Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That, Whereas, this Board has heretof,ore contracted with ,the.' :McCormick Farm Equipment Store of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, for one 1957 Model A-182 Internation truck with houst and uump body for the sum of $4,277.77, am Whereas, the same has now been delivered and accepted tGr, this Board, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the Boar4 and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ·······-······Se.ptem.ber ... l.0. ..................................... 19.S.7 .. . ICUlllT Pll■TIIHiCO PAH H. CLOUD ■111■• e,.:za to issue a check on the Road al!d Bridge Fund ~ble to the McCormick Fann Equipment Store for $4,2??.?7, being the -ount of the contract price. Adopted September 10, 1957. Attest: Henry Sieling Chairman • . S, B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of t330.oo be and the.same is hereby allowed to Clarence Mielke for services and expenses in preparing the Otter Tail County exhibit at the Minnesota State Fair for the year 1957, this being the -ount of the premium reeUved for said exhibit. Adopted Sept11111ber 10, 1957. Attest: S, B. Johnson lerk • . Upon motion the Board adjourned to 10 A; M. September 11, 1957. WEDNESDA Y1 S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clpck A. M. Henry Sieling Chairman.· The petition of Robert E. Ford asking that the 5t NW¼, Lot J and the NW½ SE½ except South 22 6/7 reds of the West lit rods of Section 8-131-36 be set off from School District No. 41 to District NO. 25 was taken up for .final action. After listening to th~ statements of the various interested parties, the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Robert E. Ford a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Vistrict No. 41 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District. and adjoin School District No. 25 and asking that he with his said lands.may be.set off from said district No, 41 to said adjoining school district No. 25 was presented to the Board of County Commisliioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of August A. D., 1957 for the action of said board thereon: and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on tre 11th day of September A. D., 1957 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County: and whereas it was further ordered in and bj> said order that notice of the time. and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three -public places in each of the school districts to be affected by;·said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, awcopy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 11th da.v of September A, D., 1957 due proof of the posting and service of said a-der of hearing as the rin directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was pub-liciy read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner; and said Board Being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned.by him, to-wit: 5i NW½ and Lot 3 and NW;i-S~ except S 22 6/7 rods of W 14 rods Section 8-131-36 be and' the s-e are hereby set off from said School District No. 41 to said adjoining School District No. 25 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of tJ-e Board of County Commissioners Dated the 11th day of September A. D., 1957, (Auditor's Seal) Hen1iy Sieling Chairman of t!J! Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S, B, Johnson County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Boar~. The petition of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hanneman asking that the NW¼, NW;¼-except the North 10 rods East of road in Section 34-134-43 be set off from School District No. 208 t6 School District No. 37 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties, the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Herbert Hanneman a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 208 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described which are situate in said School District, and aijoin School District No. 37 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 208 to said adjoinitjg school district No. 37 was presented to tJ-e Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board hiild on the 14th day of August A. D., 1957 for the action of said board thereon: and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing shaild be had on said petition, at a session of said board on thil 11th day of September A. D.,. 1957 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three nublic places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each said-School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing: and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 11th day of September A. D., 1957 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as .tlherein directed and required, more than ten .days prior to said last named date, having beem made and filed, said petition was pu.bliciy read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner arid the following described lands cwned by his, to-wit: NW¼, NW;\, except N 10 rods E of Road Section 34-134-43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 208 to said adjoining School District No, 37 and said lands are hereby make a part ., ,t. a COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...............•. $en.i.emoei, ... u ...................................... 19j',t .. . of said last named School District for all pruposes wl,latever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 11th day of September A. D., 1957, (Audi tors Seal) HENRY SIELING Chairman of the Board of County Commissioner of Otte, Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Boa The petition of Mr. anl. Mrs. Herbert Hanneman asking that the SW½ SW½ except part. southeast of road and part of SE½ SW¢ northwest of road in Section 2?-1J4-4J be set off from School District No. 115 to School District No. 37 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties, the board issued the ·following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Herbert Hanneman a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No •. 115· in thiB County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District and adjoin School District No. J? and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 115 to said adjoining school district No. 37 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 11.Lth day of. August A. D., 1957 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 11th dB¥ of September A. D., 1957 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; aml. whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting· copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected b;, said petition, aey by mailing to the clerk of each of said School District, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 11th day of September A. D., 1957 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as iherein directed and required, more thab ten days prior to said last named date, having been made an~ filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the p~er of the petitioner; and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands Qo/n&d by him, to-it: SW¼-SW,k except part SE of road and part &Ek-SW,k NW of road, Section 2?-1J4-4J be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No 115 to said agjoining School D:ls trict No. 37 and said said lands are hereby made .a ,:art of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of. the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 11th day of September A. D., 1957. (Auditor's Seal) HENRY SIELING. Chairman of the Baard of County Commissioners of ~tter Tail County, Minn. Attest: s. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio.8lerk of Board. The petition of Elmer Breitenfeldt asking that the S~ of Section 25-1J6-J8 be set off from School District No. 44 to School District No. 47 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of ti'e various interested parties, the board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Elmer Breitenfeldt a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 44 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 47 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off fran said district No. 44 to said adjoining school district No. 47 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of August A. D., 1957 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas·it was thereupon ordered. by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 11th day of September A. D., 1957 at the County Auditor's office in the City of -Fergus lalls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the sch6ol districts to be affected by• !II.id petition, an,y be mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the eaicl session of the said Board of Ccunty Commissioners on said.11th day of September A. D., 1957 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date,, having been made and filed, said petitdon was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by sail.d. interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Beard being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following descrtbed lands cw ned by him, to-wit: S:Ek, Section•25-1J6N-J8W (Pine Lake) be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 44 to said adjoining School District No. 47 and said lams are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order.of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 11th day of September A.D., 1957. (Auditor's Seal) HENRY SIELING Chairman of the Board of County CoDDDissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board The petition of Harry F~. Dornbusch asking that Lota 5 and 6 of Section 18-137-37 be set off from School District No. 47 to School District No. 44 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties, the board issued the following order, to-it: COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... Septem.be.r ... ll ................................... 19,S?-.. . HCUllff Pll■TIIII CO■H■Y H. CLOUD ■INII. Whereas, The petition of Harry F. Dornbusch a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 47 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the laDds hereinafter described, which are situate in said School Dietrict, and adjoin School.DiBtr~ct ~o. AA-and asking that he with his said land.s nay be set off from said district No. 47 to said adjoining school district No. 44 was presented to the Board of County Commissi 8 f th· c t rd h d h 4· h oner o 1s oun y at a session of said boa •~ on t e 1 t day of Aug~st.A. D., 1957 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordere~ by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 11th day of September A. D,, 1957 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falla, in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that noticeof th~ ti~e and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order· in three public place; in each of the school. d.istricts to bl! affected b y said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School istricts, a c~py of said o~er at le~st ten days before the time.appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County ~omm~ssioners on said 11th day cJ: September A. D .. , 1957 due proof of the posting and service of said order of h~aring a? therein directed am required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having b?en.made and fi~ed, said peti~ion was p~blicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prqer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered alld determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Lots 5 and 6, Section 18-1J7N-J?W (Butler) be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 47 ,to said adjoining School District No. 44 and said lands are hereby made a ~art of said last named School District for all purposes whateY,flr, · By order of the Board of Ccunty Commissioners Dated the 11th day of September A. D., 1957. (Auditor's Seal) HENRY S IELING Chairman of tll! Beard .of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk ofBoard The petition of Willi~n• and Lorraine Van San ten asking that the SW¼ NE¼ and Lo.ts 1, 2 and J of Section 6-131-JB be set off from School District No. 154 to School District No. 106 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested :i;:arties, the board issued the following order, to-wit; with Sam Nycklemoe voting HNoH: . . Whereas, The petition of William & Lorraine Van Santen a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 154 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands herinafter described, which are situate in se.id School District, and adjoin School District No. 106 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 154 to said ~joining school district No. 106 was presented to the Bard of County Commissioners of this County At a Session of said Board held on the 14th day of August A. D., 1957 for the action· of said board .. thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered bJ, said board that a hearing sh uld be had on _said petition, at a session of said board on the 11th day of September A. D., 1957 at the Councy Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falla in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of. such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected bj'. said petition, and by amiling to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a.copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of Coutjty Commissioners on said 11th day of September A. D., 1957 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therin directed and reQuired, more than ten days prior to sa-id'.last named date, having been:mad.e and.filed, said. petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said bb said interested parties for o r against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said pititioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: SW;l, NE¼ and Lots 1-2 and J, Section 6-1Jl-J8 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District_No. 154 to said adjoining School District No. 106 and said lands are hereby amde a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated tlla 11th D,q of September A. D., 1957. (Auditor's Seal) HENRY SIELING Chairman of the Board of County Commissionera-of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board The petition of Arthur R.Ervasti aaking that the SE;\-SE¼ of Section 1-137-36 be set off from School Diatrict No. 216 of Otter Tail County to District No. JJ af Wadena County was taken up for final action. After listening to the various interes,ed parties, the board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, 'fhe petition of Arthur R. Ervasti a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 216 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described,which are situate in said School<'District No. JJ Wadena Co. and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 216 to said adjoining school district No. JJ Wadena Co. was presented to the Board of Councy Commissioners ·of this County At a aessl.on of said board held ori the 14th day of August A. D., 1957 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on •Baidpetition, at a session of said board on the 11th day of September A.D., 1957 at the.Councy Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls, in said County;and whereas it was further ordered in and bysaid order that notice of the time and place ofsuch hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in~aach of the echool districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk Of each of aaid School Districts, a copy of said arder at least ten d&YB before the tine appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the aaid. Board of County Commissiont'l" s on said 11th day ofSeptemher A. D., 1957 due. proof of the posting and service of said order of bearing as there.in directed and required, mor!i than ten de.vs prior to aaid last named date, having been made and fieled, said mtitinn was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said·interested parties for or againat granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition ahould be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the fol11J111ing described lands. owned by him, to-wit= S~ S~ Section 1-1J7-J6 be and the same are hereby set off from said School Diatrict No, 216 to said ad.joining School District No. JJ Wadena Co. and said lands are hereby amde a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board ofCounty Commissioners Dated the 11th day of September A. D., 1957. I j COMMISSIONERS RECORD O; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. (Auditor 1a Seal) DATE ..................... .S~tember. ... J.l ............................... 19 ... .57. HENRY S IELING Chairman of the Bee.rd of County Commlaaionera · of Otter Tail Gounty, Minn. Attest: S. Bt JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk ofBoard • 'l'he petition of Joachim Schmidt am wife asking that the ~ llWt, NE;½: SW¢ am Lota .5, 6, 7 am 8 in Section 6-131-38 be set off from School District No. 154 to School District No. 106 was read and it was ordered that a heariJlg on said petition be held at 10 o'clock A. M. October 9, 1957, and that due notice of the time and place of said heariing be given as required by law. License for conducting a pilblic dance at the Skyline Cafe iQ the Township of Carlisle was granted to Mrs. Gladys Lehman. 'l'he application of Leslie A. Nelson for Homestead classification on Lota 17 and 18,.Block 3, Bonita Beach, was read. Upon motion, the same was granted and th! County Auditor was ordered to reduce the tax accordingly. The application of Joseph Larson by George Hanson, Agent for partial homestead classification on the SW;¼-·SW;¼-of Section 2; Lot 3 except East 900 feet and all of Lot 4 of Section2, and the Ni NW;¼-of Section 11, all in Township 133, Range 4o,waa read. Upon motion, the same was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to compute homestead for one-sixth ownership and reduce the tax accordingly. A, plat of Trigg Beach, being a part of Government Lota land 2, Section 11-06-43, accompanied by an ppinion as to title executed by Thomas S, Donoho, Attorney-at-Law, was approved. A. plat of ·Ironwood Beach on Pickeral Lake in Lot l of Section 11-134-41, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by W. Earl Williama, Attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Rollins Beach in Lot 2, Section 13-132-43, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by W. Earl Williams, Attorney-at-law, was approved, Members of the Village Council of the Village of Vining appeared before the board regarding some improvement on a road lying East of Vining. After discuasio~, Mr. Nycklemoe, County Commissioner, agreed to meet with the members of the council and work out SOJ!HI solution. A delegation in favor of a county Mobile Library, together with a representati:v.e of the state department, appeared :llefora the Board regarding the establishment of a Mobile Libra:ey system in this county. No action was taken.· Resolution for division of assets of Common School District Nn. 268 of Otter Tail County between districts to which said district·was attached. Pursuant to the Statutes of the State of Minnesota upon dissolution of districts and attaching the territory to other districts, it is the duty of the Board of County Commissioners to divide the assets. Now, Therefore. be it resolved by the Board of Couney Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that the assets of Common School District No, 268 of Otter Tail County be and they hereby are divided as follows: I. 'l'he school site, school buildings and all personal property of every kind, character and description including all cash assets, funds in the hands of the County Treasurer as of date of consolidation and taxes for 1955 and prior year collected after dissolution shall be and they are hereby divided 99.o~ to Joint Independent Consolidated School No. 8 of Becker and Otter Tail Counties, and 92/100 i to Common Sdlool District #116. II. Afr¥ and all obligations of Common School District 268 existing at the time of dissolution shall be paid 99.08i by Joint Independent School District #8 Becker & Otter Tail Counties and 92/1ooi by. common School District No. 116. Upon motion, the foregoing resolution was adopted on the 11th day of September 1957. Attest: S. B.Johnaon Clerlc:. Boaitd of County Commisstionera of 0tter Tail County, Minnesota By ____ ---=H,.eaanry=----=S=-ie~l=,i"'ng=-------Chairman. Commissioner Johnson offered the following resolution am mar ed its adoption:. RESOLUTION LOCATING AND ESTABLISHING SYSTEM OF COUNTY-STATE AE> HIGHWAYS IN•. OTTER TAIL COUNTY~ MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the provisions of Chapter 943 of the Regular Session Laws for Minnesota !,or ·the year 1957 require the County, Boards of this State, by resolution and subject to the concurrence of the Commissioner, to establish a system of CiW.nty-State Aid Highways in accordance with the rules and regulations made and promulgated by the Commissioner of Highways; am WHEREAS, the County Board of Otter Tail County, pursuant to the provisions of said Chapter 943, laws of 1957, has located, established and designated by number County-State Aid Highways in the County of Otter Tail; and WHEREAS, a detailed list and descEription of each of said County-State A•id Roads as located and established and identified by IIWDberis now on file in the office of the County Auditor of Otter Tail County: NOW, THEREFORE, l!l!l IT RESOLVED that the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, pursuant to the provisions and requirements of Chapter 903 of the Regular Session Laws for Minnesota for the year 1957: 1. Does hereby locate, establish and designate by number a system of County-State Aid Roads in Otter Tail County, Minnesota. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......•....... .Se:p.t.emb.e.r .. .ll... ...................................... 195-7 ... . HCO■l 1P■llltlllaCOIIPAIIT T.CLGOO ■11111. C, 2. That a complete list and detailed description of said County-State Aid Roads as· located, established ard designated by number is on file in the office of the County Auditor of Otter Tail County, MiMe&ota. 3. That said list and detailed description of said County-State Aid Roads as established, located and ·numbered. be and it is hereby ap!)roved and confirmed and by reference thereto oade a part of this resolution as though f'ully set out herein. ·4. That the designated number and routes of said County-State A id Roads hereby established and located in Otter Tail County and specifically described in the ·complete list and detailed descriptions of said roads as filed with the County _Auditor of Otter Tail County, are as follows: County-State.Aid Highways Noa. 1 to 77 inclusive, and 79-81-BJ and 90 to 99 inclusive. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVJilD: 'l'lilat the Commissioner of Highways be, and he qereby is requested, to approve all the County-State Aid Highways as filed with the County Auditor as a part of the Federal-Aid Secondary System. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the following parts of County-State Aid Highways, as on file in the office of the County Auditor, be revoked as auch, and the Commissioner of Hi'ghways be and hereby is requested to approve such revocations: County-State Aid Highway No. 7 beginning at the intersection, of Trunk Highway #J (210) and Soule Avenue in the Village of Vining, thence Southeasterly on Soule Avenue, thence follow the present route of State Aid Road No. ? to a point approximately 375 feet East of the Southwest corner of Section?, T-1J2N-RJ8W, and there terminating; and Countv-State Aid Highway No. 11 beginning at the Southwest comer of Section 29, TlJ4N-RJ8W thence Ea1i'terly along the preae;t route of State Aid Road. No. 11 to approximately the Southeast corner of Section 28, TlJ4N-RJ8W, and the·re terminating. Commissioner Nycklemoe seconded the motion for the adoption of the resolution. The cueation was then on the adoption of the resolution and upon roll call was duly passed and adopted; whereupon the Chairman declared said resolution duly passed and adppted and ordered the same entered in tee minutes of the Beard, Adopted this 11th day of September, 1957. Attest: S. 13. JOHNSON Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg . Do· Gary Nelson Sidney Nelson Alfred Engen James Stewart Remington Band, Div. of Sperry Band Corp. Addressogra'Dh-Multigraph Co. John L. Bixby Roger· Gustafson Bertha Stortroen James Strochein Mrs. Max Stroschein Mrs. Inga Pergande Mrs. George Rossow Laura·Baumgarten J. Edgar Anderson Clarence T. Lien H. D. · Morrill Henry ~ieling Sam Nycklemoe Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Frank Roberta Emil Boen Albert Fritz Kathryn Michaelson Elsie Pederson Phillip O. Thompson John Kukowske, Jr. N. W.·Bell Telephone Co. Do Do Do United Chemical Co., Inc. Kewanee Boiler Division Holten Hdwe. Allstate Sur-ply Corp. Holten Hdwe. Jim Kimmes Clifford Pederson Oren Fosse Levon Christopheraon Merlin s. Rieman F. H. McArdle · John Hoff Thomas J. Gibbons Mildred Bruvold Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. Victor Lundeen & Co~ Nelson Bros. Printing HIINRY SIELING boarding prisoners sheriff's expenses Dep. Sheriff's expenses 11 .11 II 11 II II 11 II II supplies II expenses Chairman. expense lake shore survey clerical work in Co. Assessors office clericail. work in Co. Supt. office II II II • II II n II II II " II II II II services on lake ahor.e survey II II II expense o~ trip to cities expense attended meeting 11 11 II II II " " II II II II II II II expense & salary of weed inspector 11 11 II II 11 11 II II clerical work for Soil Conservation 11 II II II Soil Conservation services minicipal judge's fees calla mobile service calla n supplies gaskets supplies II II Dep. Sherliff1s Expenses 11 II II II II II II II II II II II II serving citation mimeographong BUp!)lieB II clerks lists II II II II II $ 916.00 . 276,60 . 388,20 299.60 11.80 61.45 7'.19· 12.83 97.63 126:62 40.00 7.00 14.00 21.00 14,00 . 7.00 150.00 85.00 12.50 2J.48 10.90 17.00 10.90 112.8? 95.44 222.24 45.00 35.40 191.40 10.00 8J.96 118.28 1.65 24.00 3.25 1).85 22.54 31.65 15.00 19.95 11~00· 7,40 35.00 19.40 5.00 76.80 3.40 2.65 24.44 189.40 25.25 .. ,I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. September .. n ...................................... 19~? .. . UD ■ ■II, Security Blank Book & Printing Co, Gaffansy1s Schoolcraft Co. Ths Pierce Co. Mil ls'r Davis Co. Burro11yhs Coopers Office Supply Fergus IJ'ourml Co. Hanning Advocate H. W, Glorvigsn Russell Brooberg Do Johnson Dliugs Stsmsrud & Emersoi Buseth-Tuscw Am. Legion #18 Buseth-Tusow Aux. Unit #18 Am. Legion Post #508 H, W. Glorvigen Drs. N.R. Haugan & P.T. Grimes Drs. Lewis, Lewis & Kevern Korda· Clinic Parkers ~~irie Twp. Everett C. Hanson Swan I s Rexal 1 Drug Dinysr Drugs Minn. Stats Sanatorium Glen Lake Sanatorium Mrs. Ann Jordan Do Do Esther G. Sall Do Do E. Otter Tail Telephone Co. N. W. Ball Telephone Co, Victor Lundeen & Co. Philip M. Kjaglisn Public Utilities Dept. Straub Estate Ruth C. Campbell Philip M. Kjaglisn Philip M. Kjaglien Bement-Cahill Eouint. Co. Lull Engineering C~. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. N. w·. Engineering Co. Ruffridge-Johnson Equipt. Co. George T. B¥an Co. Wm.H; Ziegler Co., Inc. Flour City Brush Co. Service Recorder Co. Lake Region Motor Co. Larson Welding Minresota Motor Co. Super G,M.C. Truck Sales McCormick Farm Equipment Store Larson Electric Co. Sorem Auto Parts Co. Stadum Repair Village Blacksmith 'Shop Paulson Tire Shop Lykken Farm Supply Bredahl Imnlement Co. Carlson~.La~son Motors Fleet Distributing Supply, Wadena Ru.ds·garage Chas: ·-Malstrom Fortwengler Electric Shop Elmer Seedorf Gsorge1s Brake Service Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Empire Supply Co. National Bushing & Parts Co. Whitlock Weldors Eq. & Supply Sigslman Hide & Fur Co. Coast-to-Coast Stores, Henning Dan's Federated Farmers Elevator Co., Pel. Rpds. Ebersvillsr Impl. Co. A. T.Herfindahl Erickson-Hellekson-Vys Co. Armco Drainage & Metal Prod., Inc. Elk River Concrete Products Co., Inc. · Fargo Tank Co. Paper, Calmsnson Co. Ebersvillsrs Imnlement Co. Northwestern Refining Co, Johnson Tire & Retread, Inc. supplies II II II blanks, ate. paper supplies publishing minutes printing Pl P. notices postage II ammunition supplies rubber Gloves decorating graves II II II II adv. coma. to agents cars of· patients II II II 11 emergency operation on transient University Hosp. blanks · drugs II care of patients 11 II II expenses supplies postage II expenses paint calls & service II 11 supplies postage & machine rental water & sswags rent expenses expense attended conference expenses parts · II II II II II II repairs supplies & repairs culverts II II grader blades seeder asphalt tire $ 142.)2 41.60 15,?l 52,49 2),)3 24.84 50,94 190,?5 5·0.00 50.00 1.35 10.00 l?,90 2.98 2s.00 J.so l?.00 9.05 18.00 22.00 10.50 6?.00 6.00 2.40 128.40 908.82 SJ8.64 86.66 4.09 3.21 3.00 23,SS 1.69 12.?5 19,6S 16.?0 8J.49 1.42 so~oo 1).86 25,4S 4?.04 2?,SS 226.6? .so 32,0? 392,20 143.45 ??7,22 5S,42 l?.6S 50,71 32,60 61.81 36.98 36,12 17.80 ss.oo 13.10 4.50 3·6.S2 6,85 4,94 J.40 3.20 35.20 1.25 18.50 28,35 2.00 lJ0.42 193.23 0.94 127.12 102.34 J.?J 6.25 46,90 151.09 120.11 23.80 27,80 J.1.80 68.40 211.40 68S.OO 2319.59 118.8li. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HC• I •• ■1111•co .... , ST. CLOUD ...... Bill Nelson Oil Co. (Winston Nelson) Fargus Falla Mounwnent Co. Northwood Spec. Co. Whiting's Office SuPJ>ly Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Raymond Motors Trans., Inc. Odin Johnson Otto Strelau F.dwin Sczyfiel Mark Sand Gravel Co. Fossen Oil Co. South Mill Standard Pure Oil Co. Consumers Oil Co. Service Oil Co. Bil11s Service Station Mayo•a Standard Service Highwa.v Company Bengtson Oil Co. Dan I s Texaco Service Perham Co-op Oil Co. Arrow Petroleum Co. Standard Oil Co., B. L. D. A. Lubricant Co., Inc. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Midwest Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. East Otter Tail Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co •• Henning Gaffaney1 s Inc. Miller-Davia The Pierce Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Wendell P. Huber G. D.Harlow Geer ge Olson Wendell P. Huber Mutual Service Casualty Ins. Co. Elvin Risbrudt Eugene Dale TwpJ. of Dane Prairie National Bushing & Parts Co. Hoot Lake Pure Oil Farmer1s Co-op Cry. Assn. Service Oil Co., B. L. Graff Implement Co. Anderson & Sandberg Oil Co. Gordon Haarstik W. H. Dewey Arnold W. Evavold H. T. Burau Theo. Thompson Theo. Hegseth DATE ................... S.ep.t.amhe.r .. .11... ................................. 19,5.?. .. . tires blasting signa stakes files eouint. -rentd. freight boiler inspections gravel II graveling gasoline, etc. gasoline 1 etc. diesel fuel diesel fuel oil service & tolls service & tolls II II II II service supplies II expenses II cash advanced, insurance right of way • II II road building supplies gasoli!ne II 11 etc. repairs gasoline & diesel fuel damages exnenaea • II II II Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10:00 o'clock A.M. October 8, 1957. Attest: UJJ}_ ~d~~ $ 345.57 22.50 111.50 410.45 201.60 18.68 8.00 218.10 122.10 317.52 119.93 18.00 ll4.38 221.09 56.56 42.75 54.74 62.85 137.84 22.29 19.44 1047.62 80.34 302.75 46.45 .10.90 61.55 13.60 12.45 4.50 9.24 10.03 15.09 190.73 20.75 20.65 53.48 148.93 10.40 34.10 500.00 127.30 104.33 78.12 119.39 6.15 54.80 200.00 16.20 40.50 11.25 8.70 14.75 1 I: I, I I I I' \· I, . COMMISSIONERS RECORD O; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. 01:tt.Q.1).u..JL ........................................... 195.7 ... . MINU'l'ES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE JIOARD OF COUN'l'Y COMMISSIONERS o:r OTTER TAIL COUNTYl MINN. Pursuant to adJourmnent, the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. October 8, 195?, all members being present. A petition charging the Town Board of the Townshi~ of Candor with neglect in maintaining a road beginning at the west end of ~AR No. 57, thence west to the township line ha;ing previously been filed with the County Board, and pursuant to a reques~ by the County Board, the Town Board of The Township of Candor met with the commissioners to discuss what could be done to. improve this road. After discussion, the Town Board of Candor agreed to make some improvements oli this road. A plat of First Addition to Sune Rise View lleach being a part of Lots 1 and 2, Section 29-1J6T42, accompanied by an opinion as to t~e title executed by Henry Polkinghorn, Attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Leisure lleach, being a part of Lot 1 in Section 2J-1JJ-J9, accompanied by an opinion as to the title executed Thomas S. Donoho, Attorney-at-law. was·approved. A plat of Pike Beach located:in Lots 7 and 8, Section 2J, and in the El SE;¼, of Section 22-1J7-4J, accompanied by an opinion as to the title executed by Heney Polkinghorn, Attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of Highway Terrace located in Government Lot 5, Section JO-lJJ-42, accompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Nol'lll!IJl D. Arvesen, Attorney-at-Law, was approved. Up.on motion, the highway engineer was insti:-ucted to request the Division of Waters in the State of. Minnesota for permission to install a culvert at the outlet of Heilberger 1ake at an elevation of 1J45.5 as established b) the Division of Wate.rs. Th~ Board having previously advertised fer bids for the installation of an elevator in the Otter Tail County Court House p~oceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Otis Elevator Co. elevator only s29,14o.oo Rand O Elevator Co., Inc. II II 28,066.00 Lee and Hoff Elevator Co. II 27,947.00 S. Heller Elevator Co. II II 29,992.00/ Gust Lagerquist and Sons II II 26,876.00 Westinghouse Elevator Division II II 28,495.00 Noyes Construction Co. Complete installation 52,647.00 Uppn motion, the bid of the Boyes Construction Co. was rejected and the County Auditor was instructed to hold all bids for ele:,rator only for a period of thirty days. He was also instructed to advertise for bids for construction of hatchwQ" and. pen_thouse, said bids to be opened at 2 01clock P. M. November 7, 1957. The bond of Norma Tanhoff as,probate clerk was approved. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the McCormick Farm Equipment Store of Fergus Falls for one International tractor with mower and cutter bar for the sum of $1550.41, and Whereas said tractor and mower has been delivered and accepted by this Board, Now, Therefore, it is hereby ordered and directed that the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor issue a check to the McCormick Farm Equipment Store in the above amount on the Raad and Bridge Fund. Adopted October 8, 1957. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: HENRY SIELING Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minncscta: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Hi-Way Surfacing Co. of Minnesota, for sand seal on C.P. 57:SS- Sand Seal county wide and 57:HSS Sand Seal Henning Village, and Whereas, this work has been completed and has been examined and accepted by this Board, Now, Therefor, it is hereby ordered that the Chairman of the Board and theCounty Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant for $5,376.73 on theRoad and Bridge Fund as final payment on this contract. A Adopted uctober 8, 1957. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerl!:. The following resolution was adopted: HENRY SIELING Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Mark Salld and Gravel Co. of Fergus Falls for gravel base and COMMISSIONERS RECORD ·O, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ·······Qr.t.o.ber ... a .................................................... 19,5.7. .. . road mix bituminous surfacing on C.P. 57:52B CAR No, 52 -SAR No. 8 to north county line, and Whereas, this work has been completed and has been examined and accepted by this Board, Now, Therefore, it is herebj: ordered that the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant for $8,804.33 on the Special Road and Bridge·Construction Fund as final payment on. this contract. Adopted October 8, 1957. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote: HENRY SIELING Chairman. Resolved by theBoard of County Commissioners of 0tterTTail County, Minnesota:. Whereas, th~re has been filed with t~is Beard under Chapter 8)2, Laws of Mi:mesota for the year 1957, an application requestil!g· the right to repurchase certain lands forfeited to theState af. Minne set a for non-payment of taxes for 1950, which lands were owned by Charles L. Alexander at the time of the forfeiture and described as Sub• Lot 2 of the Nf 5Ek excepttthe West 8 rods of the North 4 rods of said Sub Lot 2 Section 35, Township 133, Range 4J, and located in the City o~"Fergus Falls, Now, Therefore, after due consideration by this Board, it is herebjl ordered that Charles L. Alexander be am he is hereby permitted and authorized to re-purchase the above described property upon the p~ment of all taxes, penalty, interest and costs as pr6vided. by law. Said re-purchase will be fo·r the best public interest and will relieve any undue hardship caused by the forfeiture. · Adopted 0ctober 8, 1957. Attest: S, B, JOHNSOI C owi. tyl.:-Aud i tor. The following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote: ijENRY SIELING Chairman. Resolved by"the, Board of Cobty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, there has been filed with this Board under Chapter 8)2, Laws of Minneso.ta, for the year· 1957, an ap!)l.ication for re-purctase of certain lands forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes for the year 1950; which lands were owned by William F. Moore at the time of forfeiture and described as Lot 9, Section 33, Township 135, Range 41, Now, Therefore, after due consideration by this Board, it is hereb;:, ordered that William F. Moore be and he hereby is permitted and authorized to re-purchase the above described land uponppayment of all taxes, interest, penalty and costs as provided by law. Said re-purchase will be for the best public interest and will relieve any undue hardship caused by said forfeiture, Adopted October 8,11957. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: HENRY S IELING Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of 0tter.-:•Tei 1 County, !'finnesota: Resolved that \?e following agreement between Otter Tail County, Minnesota, and the Burau of Reclamation be adoptedl- Whereas., a contract and grant of easement to the United States was presented to the Board of c;oUD.ty Commissioners at a session of the Board this 8th day of October, 1957 covering a strip of land in the E½ SW½ of Section 21, Township 1)1 North, Range 44 West 5th Pl. M. for the construction of a transmission line to be located on the adjoining property of Lyle E, Davenport, all located in Otter Tail County, Minrescta, for the ·payment of the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) to be paid to Otter Tail County arxl. Wilkin County, Therefore be it ·resolved by the Board and all its members being present to-wit: Hanry Sieling, Chairman, Bennie J. Johnson, Sam Nycklemoe, Otto Haase, and Harvey Morrill that approval be given to the execution of said contract anl grant of easement, and that the Chairman of the Board and"the County Auditorare hereby authorized to execute the same on behalf of Otter Tail County, Minnescta. Adopted October 8, 1957, Attest: S. B, JOHNSON Clelk. The foll-owing resolution was adopted: HENRY SIELING Chairman, Resolved by theBoard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnes~ta: That there be transferred from the Veterans Service fund to the County Revenue Fund the sum ·of $21,937,63, being the amount expended by the Veterans Service Office for the years 1955-56, Be it further resolved that theCounty Auditor and the County Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to make the \ • I : i I ,., '. : I ., r I' COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN.· DATE ....•................... Q!t~.9.P.!!T. ... 8 ...................................... 1957. .. . proper entries upon their records to effect the above transfer, Adopted 0ctober 8, 1957, Attest: S. B, JOHNSON Cle:ik:. HENBY SIELING Chairman, Upon motion, the Board adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. 8ctober 9, 1957. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M, October 9th, all members being present. The petition of Joachim and Rannelave Schmidt asking that the SI% NW¼, NE¼ SW¢ and Lots 5,6, 7 and 8 Section 6-1Jl-J8 be set off from School District No. 154 to District No. 106 was takenup for final action. After listening to the statements of all interested parties, a motion was made and seconded to grant the petition, the vote being Nycklemoe and Morrill "No11 ; Johnson, Haase and Sieling, 11Yes 11 , whereupon the -motion was declared carried and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Joachim and RaMelave Schmidt a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 154 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands herinafier described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 106 ard asking that he with his said lani s may be set off fromsaid district No. 154 tosaid adjoining school district No. 106 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 11th day of September A. D., 1957 forthe action of said board thereon; and'whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 9th day of October A.D., 1957 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls In said County; and whereas it was further ordered in a~ by said order that notice of the time and.place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order inthree public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commis~io?ers on said 9th day of0ctober A. D,, 1957 due proof of the nesting and service of said order of hearing as therin directed·aiill reciuired , more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed; said p, titian waspublicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said 111: said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: SJ! IW;t, ~ SW;¼-and Lots 5-6-7 and 8 Section 6-1Jl-J8 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 154 to said adjoining School District No, 106 and said land.a are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all1purposes whateger. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 9th day of October A. D., 1957, (Auditor's Seal) HENRY SIELING Chairman of the iloard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, MiM, Attest: S. B, JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-offi~io Clerk of Board. Upon motion, Philip Kjaglien, Veterans Service Officer, was allowed $100,00 additiolU!,l clerk hir~ for the balance of the year 1957. Tiie application of A.G. Wilkowski asking that theSE.}-of Section 27 and the N½ ~ NI% of Section J4-1J?-J9 be giV'Bn homestead classification was read. Upon motion, the application was approved and it was ordered. that the tax be reduced accordingly, The application of William O. Strand for homestead classification on certain small tracts in Lot 5, Section 19-137-40, was read. Upon motion, the application was granted and it was crdered that the tax be reduced accordingly, The application of R.C. Benedict for honestead classification on Lots 5 and 6, 11 and 12, Block 1, Danner1s Addition, in the Village or:Deer Creek, was read. It wae ordered that same be granted and the tax reduced accordingly, The application of Lyle E.Davenport, for reducti6n of taxes on the West 16½ feet of the north 2)50 feet of the south 2J8J feet of the east 1166½ feet and the west 216, feet of the north 274 feet of the west 216,5 feet of the south 2607 feet of the SW¼ in Sect ion 21-1)1-44 was read. Upon motion, it was 'recommended to the Tax CommiBBioner that the value of this tract be reduced to aai fixed at the sum of $10.00. The application of Carl G, Hanson for cancellation of perso~l property tax in the Tcwnship of Leaf Lake was read. It appeared that Carl G, Ranson died seventeen years ago alll. that Mrs. Hanson had been assessed for this personal property and paid the tax, It was recommended to the Tu Commissioner that the tax be cancelled, The application of Paul A. Koennicke for reduction of assessed value on Lot 6, Block 7, Paine's Addition to the Village of Perham, was read, Upon motion, it was recommended to the Commissioner d Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $512,00 to $92.00. The application of Mabel Crosby Schmitz for homestead classification on Lot 14 of Otter Tail River Park was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected upon recommendation of the Tawn Board. The following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved that the Chairman and County_Auditor are hereby authorized on behalf of the County of Otter Tail to execute an agreement with the Village of Dalton for the improvement of a Federal-Aid Highway running through said mwiicipality, which said agreement covers signs, traffic control devices or ,tother protective structures, bill boards, COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... Oc.tohe.r .. !} .•..........•......................•...•.....•.. 19.S'l-.. . s a 1• ■T a11 1, roadside stand.a, cur~ pumps etc •• a:nd bearing date of October 7. 1957. and ia on file in the office of the County Auditor. Adopted October 9, 1957. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg . Do Gaey A. Nelson Sidney. Nelson Alfred Engen Marchant Calculators Vernon E. Bachman Do Mable .Wenstrom Otto Haase Bennie J. Johnson Sam Ny.cklemoe Henry .Sieling Dr, Jay L. Kevern Dr. C •. ~. Lund Dr, G •. J, Mouritsen Frank .Roberta Emil Boen Kathryn Michaelson Phillip O. Thompson Mason Publishing Co, W. Ear.l W il Uama John L, Bixby, Roger .Gustafson Bertha Stortroen J. Edgar Anderson Clarence T, Lien Holten Hdwe. Dorne Hdwe. Carlson-Benjamin Norby .Dept. Store Fergus Lumber & fuel Fergus Glass & Paint Co, South .Mill Standard N. W. Bell Telephone Co, . Do , Do Constr.uction Bulletin Lewis .Tysdal Tim McCullough Wallace 0, Jensen William McCormick Thomas E, Nelson Wendelin Koep Clifford E. Pederson Synd:l:cate Prirt ing Co, Department of Administration Oswald Publishing Co. Coopers Of:fi ce Supply Victor. Iundeen & Compa:o,y Nelson Bros, Printing. Co. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. Gaffaneya. Inc. The Pierce Co. Battle Lake Review Fergus Journal Co, Evelace G,Hanaon Do Vernon E. Bachman Frank .c. Barnes H. W •. Glorvigen Erickson: Hdwe, E. Otter Tail Telephone Co. Ann Jordan Do Do Esther. Sell Do Do Philin M. Kjaglien Do Ruth C. Campbell Mrs. Ruby Torkelson Cooper.Ii Office Supply Co, Straub Estate Victor Lundeen and Co. Nelson Bros, Printing Co, Mildred Bruvold Public Utilities Dept, board of prisoners expenses 11 Deputy Sheriff II H 11 Bep. Sheri ffa fees service expenses cash advanced expenses HENRY SIELING Chairmah. expense attended meeting II II 11 expenses II coroners fees II II II 11 expense weed inspector II II II clerical work for W. O.T. Soil Cons. Services Soil Cons. annotations Municipal Judges fees expenses II clerical work in Co. Assessors Office services on lakeshore survey II 11 11 supplies II repair cabinets supplies II II gasoline mobile service & calla calls II advertising Dep. Sheriffs fees She riffs expenses serving citations Dep. Sheriffs expenses jailer Dep. Sheriffs fees 11 11 11 & expenses supplies II II service call & supplies supplies cards & letter heads supplies service contract supplies statements printing post~e II H expense attended Judges meeting adv. commissions paid agents shells service & calls postage cash advanced expenses cash advanced postage 11 and machine rental expenses 11 and postage clerical work supplies rent supplies envelopes & printing secretarial services water & sewage $ 988.00 94.50 358.90 299.90 4.80 41.0,0 69.65 25.00 27.78 · 16.30 11.20 · 13.00 21.28 10.35 55.50 30.75 129.53 126.17 60.00 147.84 27.50 133.00 106.48 139.40 36.00 180.00 165.00 28.17 6.33 3.00 7.47 3.00 91.03 2n2 125,93 81.35 29.70 40.80 10.00 5.20 55.40 6.80 10.00 ;a.so 18.00 8.50 225.00 139.28 37.06 254.7S 99-7S 252.10 25.00 41.05 19.20 231.00 45.00 33.00 45.60 33.75 10.40 17.80 9.ao 11.10 3.17 47.72 99.61 2.25 9.25 15.00 54.-74 19.42 34.SO 49.30 50.00 7.77 127.65 10.55 1-;28 i '! ! I I. i I I I t'' \ I I 1· ti 1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... O~tobei, ..... 9 ..................................... 19 .. ~7-.. Hintgen-Karat Electric Co, Erickson Hdwe, N. W. Bell Telephone Co, Dill Minnesota State Sanatorium Swan Rexall Drug Kenia Clinic Drs. N. R.i'Baugan & P.T. Grimes City of FerguaFalla, Poor Dept, University of Minnesota Fergus Lumber and Fuel Co, Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc, Bement-Cahill Equipment Co, Northwest Engineering Co, Ruff.ridge Johnson Equipment Co. George T. :R¥an Co. Wm, H.Ziegler Co., Inc. Lake Region Motor Co, Lea Ti re Service Minnesota Motor Co. Hinbgen-Karat Electrif Co. Super GMC Truck Sales Vaughn Chefrolet Co. Mil la Motors Ligh.tfoot Shop Crow. Motors Wallnofer Blackami th Shop Perham Farm Supply Co. John's Welding & Repair Empi-re Supply Co. Michael Todd & Co, Northwood Specialty Co. McCo-rmick Farm Eoui'cment St ore Olson Auto-Electric. Fleet Wholesale Supply Knuttila Im~lement Co. Willcox Iwnber Co, Seedorf Implement Co. Olson Hdwe.& Plumbing Dorn I a Hardware Teach Lumber Co. Service Recorder Co, Burr-ougha Adding Machine Co, Arneson & Larson Indianhead Specialty Imperial Supply Co, Victor Lundeen & Co, Northwestern Refining Co. Far~o Tank Co, Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc. Peteraon-Bidd.ick Co. Raymond Motor Trans, Co, Bil1 1s Service Station Madsen' a Resort Frazee Texaco Service Highway Company Swenson Service Herbs Standard Service Ray's Oil Station Klinnert Oil Co. Dick's Standard Service Farmar• a Co-op Creamery Assn. Mayo's Standard Service Herb's Standard Service Paulson Ti re Shop Highway Auto & Implement Co. Blu~fton Oil Co, Standard Oil Co, D. A. Lubricant Co., Inc. Fergu.a Journal Co, City of Fergus Falla Village of Parkers Prairie Village of Henning Minnesota State Highway Department N. W. Bell Telephone Co, Midwest felephone Co, N. W. Be 11 Telephone Co, Henning N. W .• Bell Telephone Co, F. F. Wendell P. Huber George Olson Wendell P. Huber G. D. Harlow Larson Welding A. T. Herfindahl Fergus Oil Co., Inc, South Mill Standard Consumers Co-op Oil Co, Art •.a Service Station Fossen Oil CompaJ1¥ supplies & service supplies service & calls service care of patients drugs care of patients II II groceries for transients room & board for patients repairs on brewery bldg. parts II II II II II repairs II tires and repairs repairs repairs repairs II II II II II II supplies as'Dhalt cuiverta signs seed freight gasoline etc, II II II II II diesel :l'uel oil ad. for bids maintenance water rent testing service & tolls II II II II 11 II expenses II cash advanced expanses repairs supplies gasoline II II II gasoline, oil, etc, $ 8.10 2.35 21.35 10.45 819,72 18.15 48.40 16,00 150.03 24,50 146.51 26.03 25,54 109,95 281,96 58.18 820.95 143.61 3.50 347,33 3.00 · 2,75 21.61 35,76 12.50. · 3,75 .13,34 3.10 16.00 441.93 49,16 90.00 179,79 55.82 9.44 97.53 1.so 12. 16 44,25 .. 3.95 2.42 143.48 5,45 25.90 13.80 15.00 27.60 2488.35 132,45" 637.20 37,50 4.28 20.17 4.59 7,35 38.51 48,00 124,07 74,79 3.29 138.84 87,95 60.81 159.02 103.19 240,89 17,09 48.10 280.50 6.00 250.00 5.00 54.45 610,39 l.i8.80 8.05 15.35 27,70 197.00 18.95 14.86 18.65 30,85 134,31 370,91 20.68 171.62 62.98 156,81 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 1 Cl T I TIii DIP ■TIT.CLOUD IIIN, Penrose Oil Co, Perham Co-oll Oil Co, Pelican Tel~o~e Co, Thomas Oil Co, Arrow Petroleum Co. H, A. Berue tt The Pure Oil Co. Urban J. Boehland Village of Henning Service Oil Co. B. L, Service Oil Co. Underwocd Olson Oil Co. Vergas Oil Co. Wallnofer Blacksmith Shop McCormick Farm Equipment Store Bredahl Implement Co. Village of Vining DATE ..................•.... October .... 9 .............. : ····················19~_?. .. . gasoline m d diesel fuel gasoline, tires and fuel oil . service & tolls gasoline & diesel fuel diesel fuel lease· land for stockpile gasoline, etc. seed rent gasoline II II 11 etc. repairs extrax on mower supplies aid Upon motion the ~oard then adjourned to 2 o'clock P.M. November 7, 1957. Attest: rlt.\ $ 12:,.01 54,17 6.00 121. 16 1094.?5 15.00 ?J.05 67.10 150.00 106,98 11,6? 22,56 270,73 10.:,0 :,1.75 .80 200.00 r; I', I I I' . ,· ii I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD O;. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HFYlfTrPftlNUNCUIINIJ IT HIHP DATE ...................... .November .. 7 ................................... 19.5.7. .. MINU'l'.ES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF TBlil BOARD OF CODNTY COMMISSIONEBS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTYJ MINN. Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at two o'clock P. M. November?, 195?, all members being present. The Board having previously advertised for bids for the construction of passenger eleyator hatchway·and pant-house in the Otter Tail County COUllt House proceeded'to open bids which were found to be aa follows: Noyes Construction Co. · Anderson Brothers Vernon L. Jensen $21,090.00 21,900.00 22,4,75.00 After diacuaaion action was laid over until Tuesday November 12, 1957. Upon Motion, the Board then adjourned to Tuesday, November 12, 1957. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk HENRY SIELING ~ 2 .. ~[ Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... November .12 .................................... 19.5.Z .. . 11.CVllff Pll■TIIII COIIPA■Y H, CLOV 111■■. C,aa MINUTES OF TIIE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Pursuant to adjournment, the .Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. November 12, 1957, all members being present. Upon motion, the County Auditor and County Treasurer were·instructed to set up a fire .arms training fund with the received from various county organizations. money The following resolution was _adopted: Resolved by theBoard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board bas heretofore contracted with Bituminous Surface Treating Co. for county wide bituminous work C. P. 57:B, and Whereas, this contract has been co~leted and has been examined and accepted by this Board, Now, Therefore, it is hereby ordered that the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor issue a check for $4,4:1.8.77 to the Bituminous Surface Treating Co. on the Road and Bridge fund as final pa.vment on this contract. Adopted November 12, 1957. HENRY SIELING Attest: Chairman. S. B, JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail .County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Fairway Construction Co, for graveling County Project 57:G. and Whereas, this Contract has been completed and has been examined and accepted by this Board, Now, Therefore, it is hereby ordered that the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor issue a check for $5,525.71 to Fairway Construction Cc. on the Road and ]!ridge fund as final payment on this contract. Adopted November 12, 1957, Attest: S; B, JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was acl:opted: HENRY SIELING Chairman. Res·olved by the. Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Evavold Brothers for grading C. P, 57:42 SO CAR #12 -Southeast of Dalton, and Whereas, this contract has been completed and has been examined and accepted by this Board, Now, Therefore, it is hereby •ordered that the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor issue a check for $411.26 to Evavold Brothers on the Road and Bridge fund as final payllient on this contract. Adopted November 12, 1957. Attest: S. B. iJOHNSON Cleric. The following resolution was adopted: HENRY SIELING Chairman,. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Beard has heretofore contracted with Judd Brown Construction Co. for curb and gutter, gravel base, plant mix and bituminous surfacing C.P. 57:12DB, 57:27DB and 57:DB SAR #12, CAR #27 and Dalton Village, and Whereas, this contract has been completed am has been-examined and accepted.by this Board, Now, Therefore, it is hereby ordered that the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor issue a check for $5,730.96 to Judd Brown Construction C9,·. on the Road and Bridge fund as final payment on this contract. Adopted November 12, 1957. Attest: S. B, JOHNSBN Clerk. The following resolution was adopt~d: HENRY SIELING Chairman. Resolved by the Board of c·ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Ed. Zimmerman for grading and graveling C. P. 57:42 CAR 42-Northeast ,. I, I I I• ,,. ., I COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... Rair.e.mbi,:r. .. l2 .................................... 1951 ... . of' Underwood, and Whereas, this contract has been completed am has been examined and accepted by this Boaril, Now, Therefore, it is hereby ordered that the Chairman of' the Beard and the County Auditor issue a check f'or $1751,35 to Ed. Zimmerman on the Bead and Bridge fund as f'i,nal: payment on this contract, Ad.opted November 12, 1957, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: HENRY S IELING Chairman, Resolved by the Board of' County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Dan Conroy and Sons f'or grading C.P. 57:14 between SAR 1 and Richville, and Whereas, this contract has been completed and has been examined and accepted. by this Board, Now, Therefore, it is herebt ordered that the Chairman of' the Board and the County Auditor issue a check f'or $10,676.46 to Dan Conroy & Sons on the Special Road and Bridge f'und as final payment on this contract. Adopted November 12, 195i. Attest: S, B, JOHNSON Clerk, HENRY SIELING Chairman. A representative of' the State Department of' Weed and Seed Control appeared bef'ore the Board to discuss the weed and seed control problem for the year 1958, Af'ter discussion, the f'ollcwing resolution was adopted: Be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that Frank Roberts, whose post-of'fice is Deer Creek, and Emil Boen, whose post-office is Fergus Falls, be and they hereby are appointed weed and seed inspectors for Otter Tail County for a period not exceeding f'ive months during the year 1958, each insJJI ctor 's salaey being fixed at $165.00 per month, and mileage at seven cents per mile. 'liiey are also authorized to attend the short cairse on weed control given at the -University during Januaey, 1958, with ex,.enses paidby the County, Adopted November 12, 1957. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote: HENRY SIELING Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of 0tter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, there has been filed with this board under Chapter 8)2, Iews of 1957, an application requesting the right to re-purchase certain lands forfeited to the State of' Minnesota for.non-payment of' tates for ihe year 1950, which lams were owned by Morgan Johnson at the time of the forfeiture and described aa Lot 10, Block 1. of Wilson 1B Additdion to the Village of Pelican Rapids, Now, Therefore, after due consideration by this board, it is heret,y ordered that Morgan Johnson be and he hereby ia permitted and authorized to re-purchase the above described property upon payment of taxes, penalties, interest alll. coats as provided by law. Said re-purchase will be for the best public interest am will relieve. any undue hardship caused by the forfeiture. Adopted November 12, 195?,· Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Cleric, Tbe following resolution was adopted by uninimous vote: HENRY SIELI:t.'G Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, there has been filed with this Board under Chapter 8)2, Laws of 1957, an application requesting the right to re-purchase certain lands forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes for the year 1950, which lands were owned by Mrs. Bena Straus at the time of the forfeiture and described as West 50 feet of Lc,t J, Block 10, Cutler's Jrd• Addition to the liity of Fergus !'alls, Now, Therefore, after due consideratl. on by this beard, it is hereby ordered that Mrs. Bena Straus be and she hereby is permitted and authorized to re-purchase the above described property upon payment of taxes, penalties. interest and costs as provided by law, Said re-purchase will be· for the beat public interest and will relieve any undue hardship caused by the forfeiture. Adopted November 12, 1957, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk, HEHR! SIBLING Chairman, COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ lfoir.embs.r. .. 12 ......................................... 19.57 ... . The fqllowing resolution waa adopted by unanimous vote: Resolved by the Board of County Comm~aaionera of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, there has been filed with thia board under Chanter 8)2 La: f 1957 re-purchase certain lands forfeited to the State of Mi ct -f -• wa O • an application requesting the right to d by Ed & Iu ill Na 1 . nnea a or non-~ment of taxes fer the year 1950, which lands were owne gar c e ge at the time of the forfei thre and.·deacribed aa Waat 75 feet of the South 150 f t f Bl k 17, lakeland Addition to the City c£ Fergus Falla, · BB o · oc Now~ Therefore, after due conadderation by thia board, it ia hereby ordered that Ecl4!ar & Iucille Nagel be and they hereby are permitted and authorized to re-uurchas! the above described property upon pa¥,ment of taxes, penalties, interest n.nd costs as provided by law. Said re-pur~baae will be for the bast public interest and will relieve aey un4!a_ harlllship cauaed by the forfe i thre. Adopted November 12, 1957. Atteat: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. HENRY SIELING Chairman. Upon motion. the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. November 13, 1957. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. The petition.of Kenneth K. Kronemann asking that the 5½ SE½ except flowage and the NW¼ SE;} of Section 12-1J2..Ji4 be set off from School District No. 1491 to School District No. 1393 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on aaid petition be held on Jarruary 8, 1958, and•that due notice of the ti~e and place of said hearing be given aa requi~ed by law. Mr. H. J. Henning, County Treasurer; presentedto the Board hie resignation, aa county treasurer to take effect December Jl, 1957. Upon motion, the resignation was accepted with regrets. Upon motion, Olga Torvik was appointed county treasurer to fill the unexpired term of H. J.Henning, County Treasurer~ The Board then took up the matter of elevator bide which had been laid over from their session on November 7th. Upon motion made by Harvey Morrill and seconded by Sam Nycklemoe that the contract for the construction of the hatchway be awarded to-the Noyes Construction Co. of FergusFFalls for the sum of $21,090.00 and that the contract for th! installation of the elevator be awarded to Guat Lagerquist and Sona of Minneapolis for the aum of $26,876.00. Upon roll call, Commissioners Morrill, Nycklemoe, Haase and Johnson voted "Yea", Commissioner Sieling voting 11No11 • The motion waa declared carried. The bond of Roland F. Winterfeldt as Executive Secretary of the Otter Tail County Welfare Board for a term of one year beginning July 1. 1957 and ending July 1, 1958, with the American Bonding Co., as surety, was approved. The application of Clarice M. Whitney for homestead classification onthe 5½ SW¼ of Section 18-135-39 ~as read. Upon motion, the same was granted and the County Auditor was instructed to change the tax list accordingly. The application of Carl O. Sundling for reduction of assessed valuation on a small tract in Government Lot 2, Section 1-133-41 waa read. Upon Motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner on'·the ground that thia tract was aaaessed higher than adjoining tracts. The application of Edwin N. Peterson for settlement am abatement of delinquent taxes, penalties, interests and costs on the South 5 feet of Lot 11, Sunset Beach for the •years 1954 and '55 waarrecommended to the Tax Commissioner on the ground that this five foot strip had been assessed as a full 50 foot lot. The application of Edwin N. Peterson for reduction of assessed valuation for the year 1956 on the South five feet of Lot 11, Sunset Beach, was recommended to the Tax Commissioner on the ground that this five foot strip had been assessed as a full 50 foot lot. The application of Elmer Borgman for reduction of assessment on a small triangular tract without lake frontage adjoining Lot 11, Beauty Beach, was read. Upon motion, it was rec·ommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the aaseased valuation be reduced· from $50:·oo to $10.00. The application of DeEtte Hartwig for reliuction of assessed valuation on Except the Nly 25 feet all of Lot 15 and all of Lot 16,-Weimer Lake Resort was read. Ucon motion, it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the assessed valuation be reduced-from $319.00 to $266.00 on the ground that the building was assessed out of line with adjoining lots. The application of R. A. Wickersham for reduction of assessed valuation on tracts called Lots 4,5 and 6 of Eldorado Beach in Section 2J-1J4-40 was read. Upon motion, the application was rejected upon recommendation of the, town board • . The application of Truman J. Theurer for reduction of assessed valuation on the southeast JO feet-of Lot 8 and all of Lot 7, Jonelsa Beach, was read. Upon motion, the application was fejected upon recommendation of the town board. . The application of Alvin C. Brasel for refundment of personal property taxes paid in Otter Tail County was read anl, upon motion, the same was rejected. Commissioner Johnson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION LOCATING AND ESTABLISHING SYSTEM OF COUNTY STATE-AID HIGHWAYS IN OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the provisions of Chapter 943 of the Regular Session Laws for Minnesota for the year 1957 require the County Boards of this State, by resolution and subject to the concurrence of the Commissioner, to establish a system of County State- Aid Highways in accordance with the rules am regulations made and promulgated by the Commissioner of Highways; and WHEREAS, the County Board of Otter Tail County, ~ur.auant to the provisions of said Cahpter 943, Laws of 1957, has located, established and designated by number County State-Aid Highways inthe County of Otter Tail; and WHEREAS, a detailed liat am description of each of said County State-Aid Roads as located and established and identified ·' L ' It COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... November .. 13 ............................... 19.5.7. .. by number is now on file in the office of the County Auditor of Otter Tail County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, pursuant to the provisions and requirements of Chapter 94) of the Regular Session Lews for Mi11.119sota for the year 195?1 1. Doee hereby locate, establish and designate by number a system of County State-Aid Reads in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, 2, That a comp.lete list and cletailed description of said County State-Aid Roads as located, established and, designated by number is on file in the office of the County Auditor of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, J, That said list and detailed description of said County State-Aid Roads as established, located and numbered, be and it is hereby approved and confirmed and by reference thereto nade a part of this resolution as though fully set out herein, 4. That the designated number and routes of said County State-Aid Roads hereby established and located in Otter Tail County and specJfically described in the complete list and detailed descriptions of said roads as fill!(!. with the County Auditor of Otter Tail County, is as follows: County State-Aid Highway No, 100 Commissioner Nycklemoe seconded the ~otion for the adoption of the resolution. ~e question was then on the adoption of the resolution and upon roll call was duly passed ani adopted; whereupon the Chairman declared said resolution duly passed and adopted and ol!dered the same entered in the minutes of the Board, Adopted this 12th day of November, 1957, Attest: S. B. John11on Clerk. The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Pope County Gary Nelson Sidney Nelson Do Russell Brooberg Vernon E. Bachman Mabel Wenstran Olga H, Hoeft Bennie J; Johnson Sam Nycklemoe Otto Haase ienry-Sieling Harvey D, Morrill Dr. E. E. Bigler Dr, Everett C, Hanson Dr. Hendrik DeXruif Roger Gustafson John L. Bixby J. Edgar Anderson Clarence T. Lien Bertha Stortroe~ Kathryn Michaelson Phillip O. Thompson Emil Boen Albert Fritz John Kukowske Jr, Gaffaneys Inc. Lightw'oots Shop Fergus Lumber & Fuel Ericlo;son Pur Own Hdwe. Marshall Wells Store Ken & Bobs Sinclair Service Duro~Test Corp, Adelsman Boiler Co, Hintgen Karst Elec. Co. N.W. Bell.Telephone Co, Do Do8 Nelsotj Bros. Printing Co, Mildred Bruvold Frankel Carbon & Ribbon Co, St.Paul Book & Staty. Co, The Pierce Co, Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. Free Press Co, Victor Lundeen & Co, Securtiy Blank Book & Printing Co. Miller-Davis Company Remington Rand Construction Bulletin Fergus Journal Co. The Henning Advocate Battle Lake Review Myron Johnson Parham Enterprise Bulletin Henr:y Sieling board of ~risoners 11 11· II expenses II express charges advanced expenses II II Chairman. clerical work, Co.Supp. office experses II If II II coroners fees II II II II expenses II services on lake shore survey II II II II cler'ical work, Co. Assessors office clerical work, Soil Cons. office services for Soil Cons. Dist. saly, & expense, weed inspector II H II II minicipal court fees t7Pewriter machine rental & repairs coal supplies II gasoline supplies . stoker Repair & materials rep!lirB mobile Service call! II supplies & printing forms · stencil coupons supplies envelopes supplies bound book supplies II blanks supplies advertising publishing printing tax notices II II II Dep. Sheriffs fees publishing tax notices $ 796,00 56,00 )25,70 )24,80 2,0? 102.60 97,61 57,46 108 .. 50 25,10 25,10 26,85 J6,J2 12.50 10.25 10,00 15.00 1)8.66 1)6.14 180.00 60,00 16.00 70.00 242.88 57.59 2JO.J6 J0,00 18?.,50 28.90 8JJ,68 J0,47 10.15 1.79 110.73 21J,J5 23.57 88.7) 24.60 72.80 2118.07 5.50 36,00 12.49 26,77 91.69 171.00 105.27 259.60 72.69 272,?J lJ.60 14.?,40 2.40 6.00 5.00 1.20 t' COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. I U 11111 a O PAIIT I .CLGU ■IN • John N. Hoff Merlin S. Rieman Grant .Cox Wendelin Koep Jamee .Stewart Leonard Olson Clifford E. Pederson F.H. McArdle Markstrom Drugs Dorne Hcl.we. Lake Region Motor Co. Police Supply Co. Masons -Publishing Co. Sheoard's Citations Eveiace G.Hanaon Vernon E. Jlachman H. J.Henning H. W. -Glorvigen Ruase11 :Brooberg H. W. -Glorvigen Frank ,C. Barnes Lawrence Merz Esther G. Sell Do Do East Ottef Tail Telephone Co. Glen Lake San.· Dr. Thos. J. Kinsella Drs. N. R.Haugan & P.T. Grimes H.A. Korda Ringdahl Drug Store Swans -Rexall Drug City of Fergus Falls Poor Dept, Philip M. Kjaglien Do Do Ruth C. Campbell N. W •. l!ell Telephone Co. Viftor. Lundeen & co. Mildred Bruvold General Supply Co. Hintgen Karst Electric Co. Public Utilities Dept. Straub Estate Andy's 116611 Service Fossen Oil Co, Hoot Lake Pure Oil Ken & .Bobs Sinclair Service Swenson Service Dalton Oil Co. Service Oil Company Herb's Standard Service Bill's Service Station Consumer Coop. Oil Co. Twins Motor Co, Rays Oil Co. Herbs Standard Service Henning Mobil Service Perham Co-op Oil Co, Service Oil Co, Farmers Co-op Creamery Assn. Olson Oil Compaey Kraemer Oil Co. Soliah & Braatz Oil Co, Arrow -Petroleum Penrose Oil Compaey Standard Oil Co, Fossen on Co. Teds Oil Compaey D, A .. Lubricant Co., Inc, Bement-Cahill Equipment Co. Northwest Engeneering Co. Phillippi Equipment Co, Public Works Equipment Co,, Inc, Road Machinery & Supplies Co. Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Co. Gelll"ge T. ~n Co. Wm. H •. Ziegler Co., Inc, Olson .Auto Electric Minnesota Motor Co, Jaenisch Induetries Larson Welding Mike Sandau Wm. G •. Schulz Perham Mfg. Co. Henry-Holmgren Walnofe~ Blacksmith Shop Knuttila Implement Co. DATE ................. November .. lJ ..................................... 19.57· .. Deputy Sheriffs fees & e;x:penees II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Deputy sheriffs feea supplies for jail shells installing siren batons subscriptions citations postage postage II II freight advanced Adv. commission paid agents mileage labor expenses postage supplies service care of patient II II II II II II II II drugs for patient II II 11 eX}lense with transi•nts postage expenses II II call1 supplies photostatic copies bulbs supplle s water and sewage rent gasoline II II II II II II gasoline & diesel fuel psoline and fuel oil II II· II !! 11 11 II II diesel fuel 11 H 11 II fuel oil II II oil parts II II II II II II II repaiios II II II II II II $ 83.20 38.50 5.00 38.00 60.40 15,00 22.30 5,00 · 3.71 9.00 10.20 10.00 ·30.00 26.00 60.00 30.00 18.00 55.00 3.00 10.30 · 14.80 61.00 101.10 11.00 1.49 8.00 317.61 100,00 16.00 ·10.56 64.25 4.05 155.12 4,98 49.75 77.42 18.41 29.00 9.24 1.75 3H5 6.60 1.52 50.00 132.04 95-23 217.50 ·22.02 78.38 531.05 247.85 110.15 175-98 53.28 491.76 86.52 2.96 34.59 93.54 105.83 72.4) :U8.19 160,65 Jl.59 864.08 · 72.50 · 58.46 )40.17 57.00 136.95 144.96 · 147.)4 14).56 1829.82 78.62 285.45 39.58 · 1091.46 182.71 · 55.07 14,50 · )4.85 67,50 119.25 1.80 19.45 9.20 84.oo , I :I : ' '' ,; ), I I I I, ·, i i J ·1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... November .. 13 ..................................... 19. 57 .. Ronald I.sakson Magnus P.ederson Walta Be;pair Shop Service .Garage Stan's Garage Vergas 1-\otor Servi ca Electric. Supply W. G. Schwarz Oil Co. Ebersviiler1s Inc. Sorem Auto Parts Dons Body Shop Fortwengler Electric Shop A. R. Meier Paper-Ca).menson & Co. . Elk River Concrete Products Co. Fargo Ta°nlc Co, Dan Conroy & Sona Gust Strom & Sona John Die'aeth Co. I. S, Isaacson Michaels0on Bros. Evavold 0Bros. Fergus Utilities Dept. Baymond Motor Traas. Co. Dale Smith John B. ·Grismer Morris~ Dorph Stoen Lyle Dav.enport Northwes.tern R,,.fining Co. Rosenwa~d-Cooper, Inc. Lea Tire Service Fireston~ Tire & Rubber Go, Charles ·Nikkari ,. Arne Rot~kainen Edward Koep Fergus Elu.mbing & Heating Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Park Machine Co. Reedsbu~g Hardware Co. St.Paul .Book & Stationery Co. Empi rs S,upply Co. Nationa~ Bushing & Parts Co. Wijitlcc~ Welders Equipment & Hosp. Supply Fossen Seed Co. · McCormi~k Farm Equipment Store Al Schmidt Lumber Co. Sigelma~ Ride & Fur Co. Fleet D~st. Supply Wilcox lumber Co. Franklin Fence Co. Co-OD S~rvices, Inc. Coast to Coast Store Marshali-Wells Store Erickson~Hellekson-Vye Ca,, st tci Coast Store Crane Johnson Co. Westad Mctors Gamble Store Coast to· Coast Store Northwoqd Specialty Co. Vergas H_ardware Wilcox ~umber Co. o.K. Rubber Welders Lampert ,Lu.mber Co. Everts ~u.mber Co. Henning J{dwe. Welter Bros. Village of Battle Lake Minnesot;a State Highway Dept. Marchant Calculators, Inc. R. A. Rogers Co. Minneapolis Blue Printing Co. Pierce Co. Poucher _Printing & Lithographing Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. East Ott.er Tail Telephone Co. N. W, Bell Telephone Co. Midwest Telephone Co. N. W.Bell Telephone Co. Pelican .Telephone Co. N. W, Be,ll Telephone Co. Vergas Telephone Co. Wendell P. Huber George Olson G.D.Rarlow Wend.el 1 P. Huber The Weber Agency Nidaros Township Sverdrup township Dutchs Standard South Mill Standard repairs steel culverts II II II equipment rental 11 II II 11 II 11 II freight gravel II II II asphalt signs tires tires towing tractor towing pulling unit install oil tank supplies II II water testing service supplies II II II II service & tolls II II II II II II• expenses II II II II II II II II cash advanced Insurance township aid 11 II gas~line II II II II II II $ 14.50 9,83 8,70 42.25 66.99 117.53 13.35 1.50 ,98 46.50 24.00 2.00 41.05 16.56 . 63.60 246.68 562,92 392.75 79.00 283.00 185.00 180.00 .42.50 13.01 1021.30 396.05 622.37 124.04 . 846.80 82,50 336,84 51.88 5.00 1;25 1.50 442.34 67.63 114.24 51.00 17.71 350.84 58.05 33.07 437.50 89.88 3.75 340.15 10.26 282.32 830.00 37.96 6.89 93.89 5.57 6.58 18,88 2,25 4.74 14.43 10.00 13.71 17,54 4.00 3.60 52.00 2,35 2.:50 5.00 87,00 41.00 43.00 9.19 10.03 103.23 11.?? 21.05 34.90 8,60 36.65 9.85 12.15 16.85 161.36 12.60 21.50 17,52 137.50 200.00 200.00 lUJA COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Pelle an Telephone Co. A, P. Schmitz Davidson Metal Shop Boes Imp,1:ement Flour City •Brush Co. Farmers Co-op Elevator Co. Johnson Tire & Retread, Inc. Elk River Concrete ~rod. Co. Kenneth E. Hovland John I. Bondy DATE .......................... HovElmber .. l1 .............................. 1957 ... . service & tolls repairs II II. seed tires cattle pass appraiser II Upon Motion. the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. December 10, 195?. Attest: $ 8.05 14.40 8.00 13.64 110.61 96,35 193,89 1073.28 43.50 44.90 ~rman. q ·, I I~ I 1' i' I ' ,, ;I :II COMMISSIONERS RECORD· 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... December .. 10 ...................................... 1957 .. . MINU'l'ES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOABD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNT!' I MINN, Pur.suant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. December 18, 1957, all members being present, A delegation from the Northwest School of Agriculture at Crookston appeared before the .Board sxpiaining their Winter. Show program. Upon motion the aim of $100 was appropriated to the school for that purpose, Upqn motion duly mads and seconded, it was unanimously a,reed to purchase the Demmer Gravel Pit in the Township of Tumuli for the sum of $8,000, The Bond of Olga Torvik: aa County T~saaurer in the sum ·of ·$35,000. with the General Casualty Go, of America aa surety, was approved. The bill of the Todd-Wadena Electric Co-Operative in the sum of $613.14 for moving poles on four miles of line in Section 21 Town of Eastern was rejected, Harvey Morrill moved that the following resolution be adopted, Bennis Johnson seconding the motion, which carried unanimously: R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Highways bas prepared proposed Order No, 27148, approving the establishment, location, designation and numbering of the County-State Aid Highway System:in OTTER TAIL County aa previously located, sstablishad, designated and numbered by resolution of the Councy-Board dated SEPTEMl!ER 11th, 1957, except that said proposed order revises the centerline descriptions of certain County-Stats Aid Highwe,ys contained in said resolution, and WHEREAS, Said revisions of the detailed descriptions on County-State Aid Highw11¥s No. 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,14,15,18,20, 21,22,23,25,26,27,28,30,35,38,45,50,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,64,66,67,68,69;71,75,77,81,92 (Rev. 7) and said proposed Order are on file with the County Auditor and are mads a part hereof by reference, and WHEBlilAS, Saii r.uisions have been reviewed by the County Board of OTTER TAIL County, and it has been determined by said County/\ iifd"lt has been determined by said County Board that said revisions are proper and desriable; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; By the County Board of OTTER TAIL County that the descriptions as to County-'Stats Aid HighWB¥S No. l,3,4,5,6,7,8,ll,14,15,18,20,21,22,23,25,26,27,28,30,,5,38,45,50, 53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60, 64,66,67, 68,69,71,75 77,81,92 (Rev. 7) as contained in the Commissioner of Highwe,ya 1 proposed 8rder No. 27148 be substituted for, and take the place of the descriptions for said County-State Aid Highways contained in said resolution dated SEPTEMBER 11th, 1957. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; That all the records of said County-State Aid Highways aa herein noted, be amended so as to harmonize with the descriptions thereof contained in CoDDDiasioners 1 proposed Order No. 27148. Adopted this ill,!! day of DJICEMBlilR, 1957, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk, HENRY SIELING Chairman, The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION LOCATING AND ESTABLISHING SYSTEM OF COUNTY HIGHWAYS INOTTER TAIL CWNTY, MINN. WHEREAS, The provisions of Chapter 943 of the Regular Session Laws for Minnesota for the year 1957 require the County Boards of this State, by resolution and subject to the concurrence of the Commissioner, to establish a system of COllllty Highways; and · WHEREAS, The County Bosrd of Otter Tail County, pursmnt to the provisions of said Chapter 9b3, 1-ws of 1957, has located, established and designated by number County Highways in the County of Otter Tail; and WHEREAS, A.detailed list alli description of each of said County Highways, as located and established and identified by number, is now on file in the office of the County Auditor of Otter Tail County: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Board of 0tter Tail County, Minnesota, pursuant to the provisions and requirements of Chapter 943 of the Regular Session 1aws for Minnesota for the year 1957: 1. Does hereby locate, establish and designate by number a system of County Roads in Otter Tail County, Minnesota. 2. That a complete Hat all!. detailed description of said County Roads, as located, established and designated by number, is on file in the office of the County Auditor of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. 3, ~t said list and detailed description of said County Roads, as established, located and numbered, be and they are hereby approved and confirmed, and by reference thereto, made a part of this resolution as though fully ast out herein. 4, That the dea~gnated number and rmutea of said County Roads, hereby established alli located in°0tter Tail County and specifically described in the complete list and detailed descriptions of said roads as filed with the County Auditor of Otter Tail County, are as follows: County HighWB¥B No. 110 to 14LI• inclusive. and Noa. 146-148. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the following parts of County State-Aid Highway, as on file in the office of the County Auditor, be revoked aa such, and the Commissioner of Highways be, and hereby iB, reoueated to approve such revocationaa: County State-Aid Highway No. 45 beginning at a point approximately at the Southwest corner of Section 28, Township 133 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. .De£.amhlu: .. 10 ........................................... 195:? ... . llCUIIH .. INlllliCOll,A■T I .CLOUD II ■II. North, Range 41 West, being a junction with County State-Aid Highway No. J5; thence along the established centerline of the public road described as follows: From said point of beginning extending Easterly along the ~outh line of Section 28 to approximately the South east corner of Section 28;-thence Northerly along or near the East line of Section 28 to approximately the Northeast corner of Section 28; thence along or near the South line of Section 22 to approximately the Southeast corner of Section 22; thence Northerly along or near the East line of Section 22 to approximately the North- east corner of Section 22; thence Easterly along or near the. South line of Section 14 to approximately the South Quarter corner of Section 14, and there terminating, WHEREAS, The County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, on September 11, 1957, and November 12, 1957, designated, by resolution, County State-Aid Highways No, 1 to 77, inclusive, and Nos. 79-81-83, and Nos. 90 to 100, inclusive, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Highways might not be able to ~esignate all the above. numbered roads as County State Aid Highways because of the mileage allocated to the County, and WHEREAS, All new designations on the County State Aid Highway system and the County Highway system will become effective on January 1, 1958. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: Teat any road number, or portion of sa-id road number, that is not designated as a County State-Aid Highway will be a ounty Highway, effective upon the Commissioner of Higb.WIQIIS 1 order designating the County State-Aid Highway system of the County, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the system of County State Aid Highways am County Highways has necessitated a realignment of the system of higllways in the County, which system will be more beneficial to the traveling public than the present system, and Wl!EREA. S, The County Beard of Otter Tail County has designated the County State-Aid Highway system, effective by resolutions on September 11th and November 12th, 1957, and WHEREAS, The County Board-of Otter Tail County has designated the COW1ty Highway system, which will ~ecome effective on January 1, 1958. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That any road that has been a State Aid Highway or County Aid Highway and has not been<designated in the new system is revoked as of December Jl, 1957, Adopted this 1Q!l!. day of DECEMBER, 1957, Attest: S. B, JOHNSON Clerk, The following resolution was unanimously adopted: HENRY S IELING Chairman, Resolved bj; the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that Whereas, an application fer cancellation of forfeiture on the East 64 ft. 7 inches of the Saith half of Lot 1 Block 2 Baker's Addition to Deer Creek has been filed with t.li~s Board by Leo C, Fischer, Sec:l:etary ~f the Deer Creek Telephone co., stating that the Deer Creek Telephone Co, acquired title to the above described property 1n the ye~r 1927, and that this property was erroneously listed by the County Auditor for taxation, said proper;lly being used by the telephone exchange Rnd was subject only to Gross Earnings taxes, now therefore . Be it resolved that.this Board recommends to the Commissioner of ·Taxation that he authorize the County Auditor of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, to make and file for record a Certificate of Cancellation in accordance with iec. 279:JJ and 2i9:J4, Minnesota Statutes. Adopted December 11, 1957, Attest: S, B, JOHNSON. clerk_. Th,e following resolution was adopted: HENRY SIELING Chairman. REsolved by the Board of County Commissioners of 0tter Tall County, Minnesota, that Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with: ·Michaelson Bros. of Madison, Minnesota, for grading County Project No, 57:0JE, and Wher,as, the same has been completed and certificate of acceptance by the Board having been filed with the County Auditor, Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved, that the Cl'Birman of the Board alli the County Auditor are hereby authorized and instructed to issue check to Michaelson Bros, in the sum of $12,450,58 on the Special Road and Bridge fund, as final ,ayment on this contract, Adopted December 10, 1957. Attest: S. B. JOHN~ON lerk, HENRY SIELING Chairman, Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M. December 11, 1957, ,, ,i ,; I' ,· i I' COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... December .. 11 ................................. 195..7. .. . WllDNESDAY1S SESSIOB Pursuant to adjournment the Board me~ at 10 o1clock A, M., all members being preeent, A plat of Northland Beach, located in Lota 4 and 5 of Section 9-137-42, accompenied by a certificate as to title executed by 0, A. Sletvold, attorney-at-law, waa approved, A plat of First Addition to Stenatrom1s Beach, located in Lots 2 and 3 of Section 12-134-43, accompanied by a certificate aa to title executed by Geralds. lurer, Attorney-at-law, was approved on the condition that a partial release of a mortgage given to the Lutheran Brotherhood be released before. this plat be filed for record, The application of Harvey L. Biaek for correction of aaaeasment on the SE 277,25 ft. of Government Lot 1 North of old road, except tracts, in Section 29-134-40 be cancelled on the ground that this tract had been sold to adjoining lot-owners, upon motion waa recommended to the Tax Commissioner, The application of Harvey L. Bisek for correction of assessment on the Southeast 200 ft. of Go:vernment Lot 4 North of road, except tracts in Section 28-131.1-40 was read and upon motion it was recommended to the Tax Commissioner that the aaaeased valutation be reduced from $78. to $12. The applicati8n of Milton Haugrud for settlement and abatement of delinquent taxes, penalties and interest and coats fer the yaar 1955 on the West 13 acres of Sub Lot 2 of NE;¼-SE;t 14-136-44 waa read and. upon motion the application waa rejected on the recommendation of the Town Board. The apulication of Milton Haugrud for reduction of aaseasment for the year 1956 on the West 13 acres of Sub Lot 2 of the ~ SE;½-Section 14-136-44 was read, Upon motion the application was rejected on recommendation of the Town Board, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the County Auditor be and he hereby is instnicted to notify the publishers of the several newspapers published in the County that sealed bids will be received by the Board for doing the following described printing: 1. The piiblication of the minutes of the meetings of the Board of County Commissioners including regular and special sessions, and the meetings of the Board of EQualization and while considering matters pertaining to ditches, except the publication of notice of hearing for the dissolution of school districts. 2. The publication of. the annual statement of receipts and expenditures of the County. 3, The list of real property for the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota on which tu:es remained delinQuent on the first Mood~ in JaDUary, 1958. The bids to cover the publications of the list set in 11nonparei111 or six-point type without 11 leading11 and the publication to be made aa reQuired by Section 295 General Statutes of Minnesota, 1913, as amended, and three complete copies of said publication to be furnished to the County Auditor in time to enable him to meet the reauirements of said section as regards the posting of copies of said statement. · The bids for this to cover the publication of the certificates, heading, etc. provided for by Section 2098 General Statutes of Minneaot~.. 1913, aa amended. Bids to be placed in the hands of the County Auditor am addressed to the Board of County Commissioners, to be marked 11Bida for Printing" and to be filed until Wednesd~, January 8, 1958, at 2 o1clock P. M. The attention of the bidders to be called to the provisions of Sect!. ona 907, 909, 912 and 913, Revised Laws of Minm aota for 1905, and acts amendatory ·the11eto. Adopted December 11, 1957, Attest: S. · B. JOHNSON Clerk, The following bills were allowed: Russell Brooberg Popa County Sidney Nelson Gary A. Nelson Alfred Engen Monroe Calculating Machine Co. Mabel Wenstrom Bennie J,-,Johnaon Sam Nycklemoe Harvey D. Morrill Otto Haaaa Henry Sieling John L. Bixby Roger Gustafson Bertha Stortroen Dr. C. J. lund Dr. G. J, Mouritsen Dr. C.J. Lund Fergus Falls, Clinic Dr. Robert R. Ivers Village of Parkers Prail"ie Frank Roberts Kathryn Michaelson board of prisoners II .f! 11 Deputy Sheriff's expenaea expenses transporting jurors maintenance expe BBB HENRY SIELING Chairman. clerical work, assessors office coroners fees 11 II II II 11 II II II 4uarantine expense expense and salary, weed inap,ctoi,1. clerical work, Soil Cons, office $ 882,00 60.00 257,20 281.00 5.40 30.00 20.44 26,35 29,30 12.50 33.70 33.07 19.83 13,05 104.00 10.25 10.50 10.25 15.00 11.85 133.50 124.35 63,50 •• COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. I 1■1n P■lllrl S co•••■Y, ST. HOiio ■11111. Phillip o. Thompson Waat Fubliahing Co. John Kukowski Jr. Acma Chemical Co. N. w. ·Bell Telephone Co. . Do Do Holten' Hardware Hintgen-Karat Electirc Swedberg Nursery Bettanburg, Townsend, Stolte and Comb Merlin S. Rieman John Hoff Jim Kimmes Keim it Stine Victo~ Lundeen & Co. Do Remington Rand Ugebl.84 Publishing Co. Miller-Davis Company The P:i,erce Eo. Pouch~r Printing & Lithographing Co. Fergu~ Journal Co. The Inde11en4ant Russell Brooberg Varno~ E. Bachman ·Do Fergus Falla Clinic Efick~on Hardware Goodwin Josa Laboratories W. S. ·Darley & Co. L.B. 'Hartz Market Johnson Druga C. M. ·vore National Sheriffs Association H. W. Glorvigen Straub Estate R. A. ·Henning Erickson Our Own Hardware Public Utilitlea Department Jaenisch Induatriea Veterans Information Service Victor Lundeen & Co. N. W. ·Bell Telephone Co. Philip M.Kjaglien 'Do Esther G. Sell Do Do Do Eaat Otter Tail Telephone Co. State of Minneaotaa Village of Parkers Prairie Town of Ruah Lake Korda · Clinlc Dra. N. R. Haugan & P.T. Grimes Everett C. Hanson City of Fergus Falla Poor Dept. Minnesota State Sanatorium Gorman Township Swana"Rexall Druga City of FergusFalla Poor Dep·t. Fergus lumber & Fuel · Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Bement-Cahill E~uipment Co. EQuipment Rental & Sales Corp. Phillippi Equipment Co. Ruffridge-Johnaon E~uipment Co. Inc. George'"T. Ryan Co. Cummins Diesel Sales, Inc. Larson Welding Skogmo Motors, Inc. McCormick Farm Equipment Store Lake Region Motor Co. Minnesota Motor Co. Olson·AutorElectric Suner·G.M.C. Truck Salea Smokeya Machine Shop Fergus Nash Motor Co. National Bushing & Parts Co. Genu•ine Parts Co. Dons '.Body Shop Knutaon Electric Walnofer Blacksmith Shop StadlJ.!II Repair Shop Fleet Dist. Supply Perham Coop Oil Co. Ebersvillers Inc • DATE ... -···············p·~·£!!!!1P.~! .. )}:. ..................................... l9.!!1 .. . services for Soil Cons. aupplies minicii:al Judges feea supplies calla mobile service calls supplies repairs services services Deputy Sheriffs fees & expenses II II 11 11 11 11 expense a services supplies repairs supplies printing supplies II II printing II postage II expenses jail call supplies test supplies II II repair gun directory Adv. commiaiona to agents rent service & supplies supplies water and sewage labor a~.d materials book supplies service & calla expenses postage and machine rental expenses postage expenses post cards service care of Inmates care ofpoor • II II II care of patient 11 II 11 examinaticllns care of transients care of patients care of poor care of patienta care of transients supplies parts II II II II II repairs $ 190.08 58.50, 95.00 51.50 ?4.58 82.11 20.35 5.18 ·10.33 158.4o 2369.82 25.60 BJ.20 63.'-14 60.00 46.68 1.85 338.38 114.09 426.32 25.4o 49.48 135.00 32.4? 13.50 50.50 21.58 6.00 14.'-14 5.00 9.28 15.82 l.89 3.00 12.50 12.45 50.00 6.25 1.09 i.37 19.00 9.00 57.j3 14.90 59.50 7.98 82.82 8.00 2.69 .50 8.35 3250.00 1441.97 1209.71 12.32 10.00 9.00 42.65 989.01 725.49 16.50 94~171 9.dO 379.86 6.95 318.99 277-53 ?00.64 34.28 68.06 46.75 532.97 49.70 "124.96 25.23 69.i8 51'-.4o 94.25 3.50 91.82 15.62 46:oo 3.00 13.50 15.70 20.90 3·.00· -02.41 l . ! I ,, •I .• i I "\ •I ·1 t, I.: t 1 1] d j COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Auto Safety Service Er!I. ckaon-He llekson-Vye Co. Graff 1mplement Co. A. T. Herfindahl Ronald: Isakson Perham Mfg. Co. Baas Oil Co. Eco, J:nc. Berg-,,Fargo Motor Co. Empir• Supply Co. Larson Hardware Dorns ·Hdwe. Sigelman Hide & fur Co. Davidson Sheet Metal Urbank Garage Coast to Coast Store Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. Coast ·to Coast Store Schrader & Koehn Holten Lumber Co. South ·Mill Standar4 Log Cabin Service Hoot Iiake Pure Oil Ral"lJers 116611 Service Ser;ice Oil Co. Hanson Conoco Bills Service Station Farmers Coop Cre111pecy Assn. Tonya Standard Service Ken & Bobs Sinclair Service Andys ·116611 Service Henning Mobil service Arts Service Station Bengtson Oil Co. Consumer Coop Oil Co. Nundahl OU Co. Joes Standard Service Service Oil 80. S. & F. Oil Co. Fossen Oil Co. Thomas Garage & Oil Co. D. A. ·Lubricant Co., Inc. H.K. Stahl Co. Arrow ·Petroleum Penrose Oil Co. Anderson and Sandberg Oil Northwestern-Refining Co. Lyone·Chemlcals Co., Inc. Morton Salt Co. Hi-Way Surfacing Co. Judd Brown Construction Co. Elk River Concrete Products Co. Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Ira Iyereon Raymond Motor Trane; Village of Deer Creek Effington Township Lee Tire Service Johnson Tire & Retread., Inc. Village of Henning Fossen Seed Co. Whitings Office Equipment Monroe Calcutlation Machine Co. Miller-Davis Co. Minnesota State Highway Dept. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. East Otter Tail Telenhone Co. N. W. ·Bell Telephone.Co. DATE ... -.... N.W. Bell Telenhone Co. Henning Wendell P. Huber G. D.Rarlow Rueeell Evjen Wendell P. Huber Midwest Telenhone Co. H. A. Rogera·co. Dokkens Our Own Hclwe. Fortwengler Electric Shop Welders Equipment & Supply Village of New York Mi 1. la Village of Dalton s.& F; Oil Co. Olson· Oil Co. Vergas Oil Co. Road Machinery & Supply Co. Public Works-Equipment Co., Inc. Wm. R. Ziegler Co., Inc. Ruffridge-Johneon Equipment Co. Skogino Motors, Inc. Def\ember. .. ll ................................ 1~'7-... . renairs • II II II II II ,, supplies gas line gas and oil gasoline and fuel oil oil and grease hydraulic oil diesel fuel 11 II gasoline and diesel fuel asphalt calcium Chloride rock salt bitwainous material bituminous final culverts tank equipment rental: freight garage rent maintenance tires II rent seed chair maintenance office supplies testing service & tolls II II II II II H cash advanced expense II II II service and tolls nrints supplies II II garage rental II 11 gasoline II n parts II u_ i, repairs $ 6.50 6.40 3.33 50.98 · 9.50 2.30 21.20 50.81 74.00 364.29 57.24 4.25 5.32 3.25 3.85 32.83 2.00 19.54 3.85 63.70 33.59 80.33 51.81 175.63 184.55 3.11 31.35 55.20 3.62 35.59 20.19 25.00 1;8.59 123.55 118.24 186.39 152.87 23.62 846.20 108.37 91.93 688.30 37.14 296.80 80.75 351.46 693.40 495.11 281.60 754.31 128.70 118.44 402.33 315.00 5.00 210.00 75.00 204.52 764.15 210.12 314.00 62.75 56.00 49.76 269.08 43.30 9.20 67.70 9.60 17.85 5.85 3.22 79.75 12.95 73.14 6.?5 4.40 69.16 330.00 90.00 46.38 126.23 105.18 199.99 18.76 400.30 1134.77 33.35 COMMISSIONERS RECORD 0, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCII IT ■I r1■•co■ .. ., ST.CLO D MUIII. Magnus Pederson A. R, Meier Browns Imnlement A. T.fierfi.ndahl DATE .....•........•.... December .. ll ...................................... 1957 _ repairs II II II Upon motion the Board then adjourned without date, $ 9.6) )O,illO 4.40 .32.10 A~~est: ~ S. B, JOHNSON. ~~-t'~ HENRY SIELim: -,,/..:" ... -_j) /7 . Chairman:· -:q ~ Clerk, I' ' I I 'i ii 1.