HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1953Ottertail County Official Meetings 1953 3 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,• OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. •·········-·····' !ran .•... 6., ................................ 19 53 HCHl!D .,,,,,,ec ... ,11 U c■OHD NII■ I ffl MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE 130A'HD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF .OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA . Pursuant to statute the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Jan. 6, 1953. Present were Commissioners Henry Sieling, Bennie J. Johnson, Bert Stone and c. A. Snowberg. Commissioner-elects. w. Beckman filed his.oath of office and took his seat with the Board. The meeting was called to order by the County Auditor who stated that the first business was the election of a chairman for the year 1953. Upon motion, c. A. anc~bcrg was elected chairman. Upon motion, Bennie J. Johnson was elected Vice-Chairman for the year 1953, / The following resolution was adopted: / 1 Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: That a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman of the Boa~d and two members of the Board, to be appointed by the Chairman, to purchase all furniture and supplies excepting books, blanks and stationery needed for the Court House and Jail during the year 1953, and provide for such repairs as may . become an immediate necessity. ' \ AQ_opted Jan. 6, 1953. · C. A. Snowberg Chairman. Attest: s. B. Johnson ' Clerk. The <fhairman appointed Commissioners ,Johnson and Beckman as his associates on this committee. The following resolution was ado·pted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the following dates are hereby fixed for.meetings of the County Board during the year 1953: The second Tuesday and Wednesday of February, March, April, ·May, June, August, September, October and December and on the second Monday and Tuesday of November. Adopted Jan. 6, 1953. Attest: s. B, Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: c. A. Snowberg Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners o-r. otter Tail county, Minnesota: That a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman and two members of the Board to be selected by the Chairman. be appointed to havq charge of the Court House and Jail and grounds for the year 1953. · Adopted Jan. 6, 1953. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk, c. A. Snowberg Chairman. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Stone and Sieling as his associates on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota, That under provisrons of Section 2154 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Dr, c. A. Boline, a resident physician of said county and county commissioners Sieling and Johnson, members of this Board, be and the same hereby are appointed to constitute a county Board of Health of said county for the year 1953, Adopted Jan. 6, 1953. Attest: S,B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: c. A, snowberg Chairman. Resolved by the. Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail. count,v, Minnesota: That the county commissioner of his respective district, namely, Henry Sieling, the First District; Bennie J. Johnson, the Second District; S. w. Beckman, the Third District; Re·:t;,;'ll.,,t;_:lio-n,, the Fourth District, e.nd c. A. Snowberg, the 'Fifth District, be and the,\' here'IJy are each appoin:i!i!'d superintendent of Poor of his said district with authority to act in relation to the care and support of non-resident paupers, and to receive applications for relief or support by or for any reason in his district as pro- vided by Chapter 15, Revised Laws of 1905, Adopt~d Jan. 6, 1953, Attest: s. B, Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: C. A. Snowberg Chairman. _j J COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Jan_ 6, 53. DATE ........ •··············-··-······················-··························-·······19 .... . Resolved by the ijoard of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under the provisions of Chapter 200, Laws of Minnesota for 1943, the County shall pay a bounty of $5.00 for each full-grown red or gray fox killed in said county and $3.00 for each cub red or gray· fox killed ~n said County from January 1, 1953 to December 31, 1953; payment to be made on warrant of· the County Auditor after compliance by the claimant with all provisions of said law. Adppted Jan. 6, 1953. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. The following re~.9lution was adopted: c. A. snowberg Chairman. Resolved b,v the 13oard of count,v Commiss toners of Otter Tail county. Minnesota: That the S\lm of five cents be paid out of the Revenue Fund of the County for ever.v pocket gopher and woodchuck killed in said county during the months of April, May. June and July. 1953, in cases where the townships in which pocket gophers and woodchucks are so killed shall provide for the payment of an additional bounty of five cents for each pocket gopher and woodchuck so killed. Resolved further that payment for such bounty shall be made by the county Auditor upon certificates executed by the Chairman of _the Town Board of said Townships setting forth that the pocket gophers or woodchucks were killed within the said townships during the said months, and that both front feet of such pocket gophers or woodchucks were duly presente4 to the Chairman of such boar.d o.nd · that the town- ship has issued and delivered to each claimant a town order for . .t,e-n cents for each pocket gopher or woodchuck so killed. ~~ Adopted Jan. 6, 1953. At test: S. B. ·Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: ;, c. A, Snowberg Chairman. Resolved by the Board-of county commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: That under the provisions of Section 739 General Statutes for 1932, the sum of $100,00 be S!'ld the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the county to the Red River Valley Development Association, said amount so appropriated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors for the year 1953. - Adopted Jan.6.1953. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: C. A, Snowberg Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesmta: *' That the sum of not less than ·j250,00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of.: the County Revenue Fund of said County for otter Tail county exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair for 1953 and the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are directed tojssue a warrant for said amount in favor of Clarence c. Mielke. Adopted Jam. 6, 1953. Attest: s. B, Johnson Clerk. The following resolution vras adopted: c. A, Snowberg Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of. otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, Chapter 142, Laws of 1921. Mason's Minnesota Statutes 1927, Sec. 67l'and Minnesota Statutes 1941, sec. 375.30 provides ways and means for the control and eradication of rust-·producing barberry, the following resolution was adopted: Be it hereby resolved, that $50,00 be appropriated by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County for the purpose of. eradicating and removing rust-producing bushes and that a bounty of $3.00 be offered for the location of barberry ~ush or bushes on each property subject to the provisions as set forth by the Barberry Office, University Farm, st. Paul, Minnesota, ._?n· fHe in the office of the county Auditor, Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Adopted lan. 6, 1953. Attest: s. B, Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: C. A. Snowberg Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the sum of $750,00 be transferred from the Revenue to the Incidental Fund./--.... ;~ ,.,_.,--{..,t, .• '-- COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . .Tan. 6 DATE ........................................................................................ 19 .... Q.~ Adopted Jan. 6, 1953. Attest: s. B, Johnson Clerk. · The following resolution was adopted: C, A, Snowberg Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the sum of $1,000,00 be transferred from the Revenue to the Sheriff's Contingent Fund. Adopted Jan. 6, 1953, Attest: s. B, Johnson Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: c. A, Snowberg Chairman. Resolved by the Board ofcounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Beverly Peterson be admitted to Glen Lake Sanatorium for surgery and' that the County of Otter Tail will be responsible for the expenses in this case, · Adopted Jan. 6, 1953. Attest: S, B, Johnson Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: C, A, Snowberg Chairman, Resolved by the Board ofcounty Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: .-1&~ •.. , )t 0-~\.. That the Henning Advocate be and the same is hereby designated as the newspaper in which shall be printed the list of lands in Otter Tail County upon which ta~es became delinquent on the first Monday in .ranuar.v 1953. Resolved further that publishers of said newspaper be required to furnish a surety bond in the sum of $2,000,00 for the faithful performance of said publication. Adopted Jan. 6, 1953, Attest: s. B, Johnson -,..__ ________ Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: C. !A, Snowberg Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has previously contracted with Moen Bros., Inc. of Moorhead for grading 1. State Aid Job NO, 52:13 2. State Aid Job NO, 52:50 a-nd the same having been completed and aco.epted by the county Board and certificate of approval of the engineer being on file with the county Auditor, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the county Board and the county Auditor be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said Moan Bros., Inc., warrants as follows: 1. State Aid Job No, 52:13 2. State Aid Job NO, 52:50 being the balances due on said contracts. Adopted Jan. 6, 1953. Attest: s. B, Johnson Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: $6,378.73 3,013.59 I C, A, Snowberg Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has previously contracted with H, D, !,{Orrill and Son of Fergus Falls for grading county Aid Job No, 52:54H and the same having been completed and accepted. by the county Board and certi-ficate of approval of the engineer being on file with the CQ,unty Audi tor, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the county Board and the county Auditor be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said H. D, Morrill and son of Fergus Falls, a warrant in the amount of $4,548,23, beinp. the balance due on said contract, Adopted Jan. 6, 1953. Attest: S, B, Johnson Clerk. c. A. Snowberg · Chairman. l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY~ MINN. DATE .............. ·-·················•Tan .•... 6 •······-···························19 5'3 The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of crounty crommissioners of Otter Tail crounty, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has previously contracted with Anderson Bros. of Erhard.for the construction of county· garage at Pelican Rapids, and, Whereas, the same has been completed and accepted by the Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the chairman of the Board and the crounty Auditor be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue a warrant to said Anderson Bros. in the sum of $1574,52, being the balance due on said contract. Adopted Jan. 6, 1953. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: C. A. S-nowberg Chairman. Resolved by the Board of crounty Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has previously contracted with Arnold Bengtson of Erhard for the installation of heating unit in the county garage at ~elican Rapids and, Whereas, the same has been completed and accepted by the Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the chairman of the Board and the county Auditor be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue a warrant to said Arnold Bengtson in the sum of $975.00, being the contract price. Adopted Jan. 6, 1953. c. A, Snowberg Chairman, Attest: s. B, Johnson Clerk. RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COivil,l'IS~IONERS OF OTTER TAIL cotmTY, I.ITl-TNESOTA. BE IT RF.SOLV~D. that the county ~ighway Engineer be authorized to issue payrolls for the purpose of salary payments to all maintenance employees, engineering employees, construction employeesi and for the rental of trucks and mowers necessary for the maintenance of State Aid Roads not to exceed ~95,000, and county Aid Roads not to exceed $160,000 for the year 1953. Adopted this 6 d~V of January, 1953. Attest: s. B, Johnson Clerk. RESOLUTION c. A, Snowberg Chairman. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of the county of Otter Tail of the State of Minnesota: That because of deterioration due to rain. snow. and usual spring climatic conditions the roads hereinafter described will be seriously damaged unless restrictions are imposed as to weight of vehicles to be operated thereon, NOW, THEREP'ORE:No person shall operated any vehicle or combination of vehicles upon any of the county roads in the county of Otter Tail and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to-wit: _ state Aid Roads 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 19, and county Aid Roads 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, during the period from the first of March, 1953, to the first of ,lune, 1953, where the gross weight on any single axle as defined in Minnesota statutes 1945 Sec. 169,83 exceeds three tons (6000•pounds) and the Engineer of said County is ~ereby directed and authorized to erect and maintain signs plainly indicating the prohibitions and restrictions above at each end of that portion of any highway affected thereby. and these restrictions shall be ef- fective and this prohibition effective upon such erection and ra~intenance of such signs. Adopted this 6 day of January, 1953. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. c. A, Snowberg Chairman, OtterTail County Board, RF.S0LUTION BY THE BOARD O'P_, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to statutory authority the County Engineer for and on behalf of the county of otter Tail is hereby authorized to request and obtain from the Minnesota Department of High- ways needed engine~.,ring and technical services during the year 1953, for which pa,vment will be made by the county upon rec~pt of verified claims from the commissioner of Highways. Adopted this 6 day of January, 1953. Attest: s. B, Johnson Cler.k. c. A, Snowberg Chairman. j COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . • ran. 6, 1953. DATE .............................................................. · ......................... 19 ....... . RESOLUTION BY T'FIE BOARD OF COUNTY COt~iIS~IONERS OTTER TATL COUNTY, YvITNNESOTA. BE IT RESOLVED, T.hat the Chairman and Clerk forthwith entE:lr into an agreemei:it with the ~tate of Minnesota acting through its commissioner of Highways, for the maintenance, except snowplowing, of the road desc;ibed in so.id agreement as Temporary Trunk Highway No. 228, to-wit: state Aid Road No. 4 from its• junction with Trunk Highway No. 228 northeasterly of Vergas; thence northeasterly 5.00 miles over said State Aid Road No.4 to its junction with Becker County State Aid Road No. 4 at the Becker-Otter Tail County line, ~aid municipality to be paid therefor at the rate of t35.00 per mile per month, Fra?tional miles and fractional months, if any, will be used in computing amounts pa,l'able, The use of said road as a detour by the State will terminate on or before December 31, 1953. Ado~ted this 6 day of January, 1953. Attest: s. B, Johnson Clerk. ~he following resolution was adopted: C. A-s'nowberg Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: (fr.,,,_,:./( That the sum of $80,00 per month be and the so.me hereby is allowed for clerical work in the office of the county Attorney from Jenuary 1, 1953 so.me to be paid at the close of each month on warrant of the county Audi tor from the Revenue Fund of theCount,v. Adopted Jan. 6, 1953. Attest: s. B, Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: C. •I.A, Snowberg Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the following amounts are hereby set aside for clerk hire for the calendar year 1953 in the several county offices to-1vi t: Auditor ..•..•....................•....•........... ; .......•......•......•........ $8600,00 • Treasurer ....•.......•....•...••.•.....•....••..........•.••••....•....•........•• 8100,00 Register of Deeds ...........•..•.•...........••....•......... ; ..•••...•..........•• 9000,00 Clerk of Court ..••.....•.....•... : . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 2100. 00 in addition to t15oo.oo allowed by srecial law. Probate Court...................................................................... 700,00 in addition to $3500,00 authorized b.v s·pecial la1v. Supervisor of Assessments .................•.•................................. , .• ,. 3600.00 Deputy Supervisor of Assessments .........•••..........................••••.... , .... 2700,00 Clerk Supervisor of Assessments ................•.....•.............................. 2320.00 First Assist. co. Supt. of Schools $260,00 per month. Office Assistant $175,00 per month. Adopted Jan. 6, 1953. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. c. A, Snov,berg Chairman. Upon motion; Anton Ripka, agent :for Mutual Service Casualty co. was instructed to il'ewri te the equip- ment insurance on the various highway· units. A delegation·consisting of residents living along County Hip.hway·No. ·12 betwfen the Barnhard School House and Dent presented petitions and oral arguments in favor of grading and harsurfacing this ·stretch of road. The.v requested that this work be done as soon as ·possible. ·The petitions were ordered placed on file. Bids for county printing for the year 1953 were opened and found to be as follows: The Parkers Prairie Independent offered to publish the financial statement of the county in the Parkers Prairie Independent at legal rates; The Battle Lake Review offered to publish the financial statement at legal rates; The Henning Advocate offered to print the delinquent tax list at legal rates and the Fergus Journal co. offered to publish minutes of all meetings of the county Board and also all legal notices which are paid for by the county, all of said publications to be at legal rates. Unon motion, all of these bids were accepted. · Upon motion, the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for grading S~ 56-504-03 (SAR 8) lo-cated between sutler• and µillview and grading CP 53:43 (CAR 43) north of Deer Creek and grading CP 53:54B (CA~ 54), said bids to be opened at a meeting of the county Board to be held on Peb. 10th at 10 o'clock A,M, upon motion, the county Auditor was instruc~ed to advertise for bids for all types and sizes of portable culverts and bridge lumber and ·piling for the year 1953; also bids for the 1953 season's re- quirements of grader blades, tires, tubes and batteries; also for equipment rental bids for all types of oon~truction equipment, all of the above described bids to be opened at a session of the Board Feb. 10, 1953 at 10 O'clock A,M, Bids for motor patrols as advertised for by the Board were opened and read and representatives of the various firms submitting bids were heard in regard to the merits of their machines. After due con- l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... _ .......... Jan •... 6 •············-···················1953, sideration, upon motion, the following bids were accepted: Borchert Ingersoll, Inc,, for one motor patro with snow plow and wing in exchange for two used patrols belonging to the county for the sum of $13,370,00; the Geo. T, R.van Co, for one motor !)atrol with snow plOYl and wing in exchange for two used motor patrols for the sum of tll,780,00, Upon motion, the r.lerk of the District r.onrt was authorized to continue his present practice of pay- ing five cents each to agents .for taking motor vehicle drivers' license applications. Upon motion, George Hanson of Clitherall was appointed a member of the otter Tail county Sanatorium Commission. to fill the unexpired term of Alfred Putnam. iupon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M, Jan. 7, 1953. " ..... ,,. ,J( .,o·,..i4 WEDNESDAY' SESSION. u<' y -to "' The applioat ion of t.{ary M, and Anton Holzer to be set off f:-orn Diet. No. 165 to Dist, No. 47 whioh was laid over from the Sept. 9, 1952 session was taken up and, after discussion, was laid over to some future date. The applioation of I.ud.wig Seifert to be set over from Dist. No, 132 to Diet. No, 32 was taken up for final action. After listening to the interested parties and the county Superintendent of Schools, upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the followinr, order to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Ludwig Seifert, a legal voter, freeho1der and resident of School District No. 132 in this county, representing that he is the_ ovmer of the lands hereinaf.ter described, which are situate in said School Distriot, and adjoin School Distriot No, 32 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said District No, 132 to said adjoining School District No, 32 was presented to the Board of County commissioners of this county at a session of said Board held on the 15th day· of October A,D,, 1952 for the action of said Board thereon; and whereas it was t-hereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 7th day of January A,D,,1953 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of sr,id order in three publio places in eaoh of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days be- fore the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County commissioners on said 7th day of ,1anuar,v A, D,, 1953 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein direoted and required, more than ten davs prior to said last named da~e. having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything whioh was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit.: NE¼ Section 25 Township 136 Range 40 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 132 to said. ad joining Sohool Distriot No, 32 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, BY order of the Board of countycommissioners. 1)ated the 7th day of January A,D,, 1953. (Auditor's seal) C~rl A, Snowberg Chairman of the Board of county Commis- sioners of Otter Tail County, Minn,. Attest: s. B, Johnson county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. Tlie petition of Herman M, and Dorothy !lartinson to be set over from Dist. No. 189 to Dist. No. 166 was taken up for final action. After listening to the interested parties and the county Superintendent of Schools, upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Herman M, & Dorothy Martinson, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 189 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter des-cribed, whioh are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 166 and asking that he with his said lands may be· set off from said District No, 189 to said adjoining School District No, 166 Yras presented t'o the Board of County commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th day of October A,D,, 1952 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 7th day of January A,D,, 1953 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Ferf.!US Falls in said County; and whereas it \'l'as further ordered in and b.v said order that notice of the tim·e and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be af- fected b.v said petition., and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of. said order at least ten da.vs before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said ~card of County Commissioners on said 7th day of January A, D,, 1953 due proof of the posting and service of said order o:!.' hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days ·prior to said last named date, having been made and fil.ed, said ·petition was publicly read and considered. by the Board, with everyt_hing which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Lot 4 and Lot 5 except E, 2 rods Section 31 Townshi•p 136 Range 41 be and the same are hereby set off from said School Dist7,ict No, 189 to said adjoining School District llo. 166 and said lands are ,hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purp.oses whatever. By order ·of the Board of county Commissioners. Dated the 7th d:ay of ,January A,D,, 1953, (Auditor's Seal) Carl A, Snowberg Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S, B, Johnson County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Boa.rd. The petition of Carl M, Bothun to be set over from Dist. No, 4 to Dist. No, 8 was taken up for final action, After listening to interested parties and the county Superintendent .of Schools, upon motion, the peiition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. Jan .... 7 .,. · ................................... 19 .. !?.~ • Where,s, the p~tition of earl M, Bothun a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No 4 in this ciounty, representing that he is q1e O1vner of the lands hereinafter ~:scri?ed, 1•1hich are si tuo.te in said ·school District, and adjoin School District N"o, -8 and asking thnt he v,ith his said lands may be set off from said District No, 4 to said adjoining School District .No, 8 was presented to the Board of County commissioners of this county at a session of said bo~rd held on the 15th d~ of Octo"?er A,D,, ~952 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was tnereupon ordered by said board tnat a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 7th day of Janu~ry A,D,, 1953 at the County Auditor's office in the c'ity of Fergus F2lls in so.id county; and wh:reas it was furthe7 ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given b,¥ post~ng.copies of said order in three public places in each of the ~~hoo~ districts to be ~ffected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said school Districts, a copy.of said orde7 at least ten days bef~re.the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the ~aid Boar~ of County Comm~ssioner on said 7th day of January A,»~. 1953 due proof of the posting and servi9e of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date: having been made and filed, said petiton was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which w~s said by said interested parties for or ~gainst granting the pr~yer of the petitioner, .and ·said Boar~ being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined_,, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Lot 4 Section 19 Township 131 Range 41 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 4 to said adjoining School District No, 8 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of county commissioners. Dated the 7th day of January A,D,, 1953. (Auditor's Seal) earl A, Snowberg Chairman of the Board of County commis- sioners of otter Tail dounty, Minn. Attest: s. B, Johnson County Auditor and ex-officio Cll!rk of Board. . The petition of Chester E, Bothun to be set over from Dist. rio. 4 to Dist. No. 8 was taken up for final action. After listening to interested parties and the county Superintendent of Schools, upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Chester E, Bothun, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Dist- rict No, 4 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 8 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said District No. 4 to said adjoining school district No, 8 was presented to the Board of county commissioners of this County at a session of said Board held on the 15th day of October A, D,, 1952 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 7th day of Janu- ary k, D., 1953 at the county Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such ~earing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of Gounty Commissioners on said 7th day of January A,D, 1953 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days .prior to said last named date, having been .made and filed, said petition was publicly read end considered by the Board, with ever.vthing which was said by said interested parties for o·r against granting the prs.ver of the petitioner and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Lot 3 Section 19 Township 131 Range 41 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 4 to said ad- joining School District No, 8 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, By order of the Board of County commissioners. Dated the 7th day of January A,D,, 1953. (Auditor's Seal) earl A, Snowberg Chairman of the Board of County commis- sioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: s. B, Johnson county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Clarence E, Frost to be set over from Dist. Ifo. 198 to Dist, Ifo, 47 was taken up for final action. After listening to interested parties and the county Superintendent of Schools, upon motion, the peti~ion was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Cla1·ence E, Frost, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Dist. No, 198 in this Countu,_representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School .1.1istrict, and adjoin School JJistrict No, 47 •and asking that he with his said lands may be set. off from said District .No, 1.98 to said adjoining school district No, 47 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 15th day of October A, D,, 1952 for the action of said board thereon; and ~hereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 7th day of Janu- ary A, D,, 1953 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it w~s further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School. Districts, a copy of said order at leas ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said board of County Co~missioner~ on said 7th day of January A, D,, 1953 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, hav lng been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which wa~ said by.said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that . the sa~d petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Lots 1-2-3 &: 4 section 18 Township 135 Range 36, be and the same are hereby set off from said School Distriot No, 198 to said ad- joining School District No~ 47 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School ~istrict for all purposes whatever. ,. ' .!, ' J COMMISSIONERS RECOR~ N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ________________________ :fan_. ___ 7 ,. ____________________________________ J9 ___ 53. By order of the Board of dounty dommissioners. Dated the 7th day of January A. D., 1953. (Auditor's Seal) earl A. Snowberg Chairman of the Board. of County Commis- sioners of Otter Tail dounty, Minn. Attest: s. B. Johnson county Auditor. and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Eino Hendrickson to be set over from Dist. Ho. 13 to :i)ist. Ho. 47 was taken up for final action. After listening to interested parties and the county superintendent of Schools, upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas. the p~tition of Eino Hendrickson and Mrs. Eino Hendrickson, a legal votet~,freeholder and resid.ent of School District No. 13 in this Count,y •. representing that he is the. owner o-f the lands herein- after described, which are situate in said School District. and adjoin School District No. 47 and asking that he \Vi th his said lands ma.v be set off from said District No. 13 to said ad joining School District No. 47 was presented to the Board of county commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th day of October A. D., 1952 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 7th day of January A. D., 1953 at the county Auditor's office in the Ci t,v of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and b.V said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be af-fected by said petition. and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order. at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 7th day of January A. D. 1953 due proof of the posting and service of so.id order of hearing as therein directed ·and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted. it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned b; him, to-wit: Si of SW¼ Section 5. Township 135, Range 38, be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 13 to said ad- joining School District No. 47 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District fo all purposes whatever. BY order of the Board of County commissioners. Dated the 7th day of Ja·nuary A. D., 1953. (Auditor's Seal) Carl A• Snowberg Chairman of the Board of County commis- sioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: s. B. Johnson county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Hugo Vait to be set over from Dist. No. 228 to ~1st. No, 47 was taken up for final action. After listening to interested parties a.nd the Count.v Superintendent of Schools, upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to4wit: Whereas, the petition of ~ugo vait, a ler.al voter, freeholder and residP.nt of Soho~ District No, 228 in this county, representing that he is the own~r of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 47 and asking that he with his said'l:ahds may be set off from said District No, 228 to said adjoining Schoql District NO, 47 was presented to the Board of county Commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 13th day of November A, D,,' 1952 for the action of said board thereon; and Y:hereas it was thereupon ordered by said-board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 7th day of January A,D,, 1953 at the county Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of so.id order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days be- fore the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the_said Board of county Commissioners on said 7th day of January A, D., 1953 due proof cf the posting and service of sa1d order of hearing as therP.in directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said • petitiioner and the following described lands ovmed b.v him, to-wit: st SE¼ Section 21; Et SW¼ Section 21, & Nt NW¼ Section 28, Township 137, Range 37 W, be and the same are hereby set off from said School Dis- trict No, 228 tq. said adjo!l.ning School District No. 47 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. BY order of the Board of county commissioner's. Dated the 7th day of January A, D,, 19'53. (Auditor's Seal) Carl A, Snowberg . Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of otter Tail county, Minn. Attest: S, B, Johnson county A 11ditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The following names were selected to be placed on the annual Grand and Petit Jury lists of the county ,John Mark Walt. Tikkanen H, J. Hanson Nev: York Mills New york Mills Vergas Grand ,Jurors Dave Tingum Cal Mielke Eci Franklin New York Mills Richville Vergas COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Ed Stoll Ray Klein Norb Shasky Ed Lemkuhl Jake H"endrickx Wffl •. Westover Edwin Strom Gust Anderson John Jenson Elmer Olson Herbert "R:augrud Oscar Fossen Anton Ward r.a,trence Rowe Anton Rots William Estes Elvin' J. Holm Edwin Thunselle Thelin Moen M. E. Bergerud Theo. (Ted) Thompson Albert Mobroten Adolph Johnson Robert Allison Carl E• Willer Vernon Arneson A. T. Anderson Mrs. Lawrence Wolters J,'[rs. Paul Aldrich Mrs. R. V. Smith Mrs. Ora cook E. E. Moats Art Wiebe William weappe Andrea Wesela 'F!Ugo Soderberg wm. r.:oehler Arnold Hoythe Emil Mischke MTS, r.ouis X:Unze Ed. Meyer Albert Bierwagen H"enry Tobkin Gotlieb Janke E-A, Rosen Carl Rosenthal Theo. Bangle Wm. R.Van Cyril Grover Mrs. Army Dey Gust Gorentz Donald Peak Sigvald rorare "Berthel Johnson Lawrence Ophus Julius !l{U.eller James Osten X:ermi t Grefsrud Mrs. earl Sethre Roberts. Johnson Mrs. Floyd Mcnunn Mrs. Chas. Spies M-rs. Lester Thompson George Lei tc·h Olaf Thorstenson Mrs. Roy Runingen Gordon Gunderson Burdette Benson Eddie Carlson Mrs. Cleve Johnson Mrs. Melvin Thormodson Olaf Elshaug David Swedberg s. M. Moen Richard Nelson Paul Reese Mrs. Clarence Kimber Ingvald Bjore Kenneth Clamby Erwin Wegner M.rs. Geo. Burau H, E• Oehler v. E. Pierson Pearl sweet Ed,sander Mrs. Telford Osmon Mrs. Chas. Loken Mrs. Neely 'ft. Cray Mrs. Leonard Lanp,en ~d. 'B: Olson DATE ........................................ :£~n-, ... 7 .............................. 195 3. Dent Bluffton Perliam Perham Butler Dead Lake DUnn 1'elican Rapids Pelican Erhards Grove Norwegian Grove Erhard Amor EV-erts Leaf Mountain Otter Tail TWP, Sverdrup T,umuli Vining Aastad Dane Prairie Elizabeth TWp, City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus Falls Parkers Prairie Urbank Wrightstown woodside Oak valley Inman -Leaf Lake B, Hertel Ray Geiser Norb Ebnet Math Kremer Art Matti Al Booren Walter Nelson Leonard Lee John Stmdstrom Conrad strinden Sam Sandberg Henry r,.vstad 'Arthur Bakke Philip Arfstrom Joe Trosdahl Webster Torgerson George Jensen Lewie Bondy Albert Finseth Conrad Peterson Max Kronneman, Jr. H. E, Swenson · Ralph Sinner Henr.v Winther Cuy Olson Loren Norby Henry Holme,:ren Mrs. Julius Holt 'Fierman Cordes c. J. Gribbon Mrs, Ra.V Thelen Ed. 'Brauch Ed. Goodfellow Petit Jurors Paddock John Tolppi 'Blowers Louis Wegsoheid Bluffton Mrs. Wm, Brasel Homestead Fred Windels Newton !.{rs. E, w. Buerkle New York Mills Wm. Rosen Corliss Mrs. Chas. Schultz Pine Lake Mrs. Henry Westhoff Otto Mrs. Aug. Wilkowski Gorman Aloia Gerber Perham Village Mrs. Henry Grimm Perham Village Henry Hannabuth Rush Lake tJlrs. Erwin Teske Ho"art Edward Schultz Edna Mrs. Marg are th Meyer Dead Lake Peter Ebbersv ill er Vergas Herman Luebberman Dora Eldon Blake Scamoler Swen Tweeton nunn Mrs. James Stanley Lida Mrs. Leslie Pierce Pelican Mrs. Erwin Jacobs Pelican Adolph Y.oller Norwegian Grove Lars Trosvik Trondhjem :·11e1s.'.Hegseth Oscar Severn Faldalen Maine Henry Nelson Pelican Rapids Albert Anderson Pelican Rapids Timan Lund Efhard ~n-s. Kenneth Shay Amor Arnold Johnson Clitherall Twp. Henry Winther Eagle Lake John o. Thompson :averts Abner Walvatne Girard · Mrs. Carl Sanda Leaf Mountain Ed·vin Anderson Nidaros Ernest Cordes st. Olaf Edvin J, wold Sverdrup Edward l'eilerson Tordenskjold Arthur Anderson· Battle Lake Mrs. Carl Formoe Clitherall Villape Mrs. Vernon Hames Ottertail Village Bennie Pederson Underwood Hans Throndsen Aastad, City R-i 1ngvald Rund Aurdal, city R-3 Anton Tungseth ·Buse, City R-4 Henry H, Halverson Dane Prairie City R-1 Wm, Drechsel Elizabeth ~«p.,City R-3 Walter Schoening Orwell, City R-2 w. H. Dewey City of F.F, 533 W,Lincoln Mrs, Harry Hoglund City of F,F,1001 E,Vernon Mrs. L, D, Cole City of F.'F,409 s.union M1·s,Bar1l:ira swanson City of F.F,640 seventh AVe,w. A, H-Bredahl City of F.r.312 Oakland Place Mrs, Herman Drews city of F.F,521 E,Alcott Mrs, E· R-Johnson City of F,~.413 E,Vernon Mrs. Embert "&',Larson Dent Bluffton Perham Luce Blowers Perham Scambler Pelican Rapids Lida Trondh,1em Maine Oscar Clitherall Twp. Eagle Lake Nidaros St. Olaf Tordenskjold Battle Lake underwood Buse ~ergus Falls TWp. City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus Falls Henning Almora Leaf Lake Inman Deer Creek· Oak Valley Effington Paddock 'Bluffton Butler Homestead New York Mills Corliss Pine Lake Otto Gorman Pe.rham Perham Village Rush Lake Richville Hobart Dent Candor Dora Star Lake Scambler. nunn Lida Pelican Norwegian Grove Trondhjem Oscar Oscar Friberg Pelican Rapids Erhards Grove Erhard Amor Clitherall TWP• Eagle Lake Everts Girard Nidaros 0t.ter Tail Twp. Sverdrup Tordenskjold Tumuli Battle Lake Dalton Vining Underwood Aastad, City R-5 suse, City R-2 Carlisle, City R,'F.D• Elizabeth Twp.,City R- Fergus Falls Twp.CityR 3 western, Campbell R-~ City of F.F. 815 N,Vln City of F,'F,217 Church St, City of F.F. 101 conco _d st City of F,F,422 W. Lau el City of F,'F,530 E, Vas t City of F.F, 110 W.Alo t CitY of F.F,121 E,sano oft .. e ( I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Jan. 7, 53 Mrs. ffelmer Haugen w. r.i:. Rebehn ·· Dan Jungles Oscar Lindblom Charles Y.asma Iver Iverson Arne Rortvedt Mrs. George Brockopp 111:rs. Peter Revering Mrs. Peter Aune Mrs. Morton Wegener Mrs. Harley Leeseberg Math ,T, Kraemer Charles Oppegard Mrs. L.vle Farrow DATE. ......... •············-··································-···························J 9 ...... . City of F.F.419 E.Vasa Compton Deez, Creek Deer Creek Leaf Lake Elmo Henning Effington Urbank Folden woodside woodside parkers Prairie Leaf Lake Parkers Prairie Mrs. 'Cf. .r. Henning Mrs. i:roward Hoyt Axel Benson Alfred Anderson Art Benti 1,1rs. Oren Bjorklund wm. Rodman Joe Kraemer Otto Haase Mrs. George Brauch Mrs. Harr,v 1100d Albert Wilke Mrs. RUdolph Johnson Mrs. Glen i:rall Art Boehne City of F.F.545 W.Lincol Deer Creek Deer Creek Inman Leaf La·ke Henning Henning Effington Oak Valley Oak Valley woodside Parkers Prairie Eastern Parkers Prairie Compton Miss Standahl, Superintendent of schools, submitted notice of reappointment of Miss Mabel Wenstrom as Assistant Cotmty Superintendent and Miss Lorna Schmidt as office secretary. Upon motio~, these ap- pointments were approved. The bond of John L. Bixby as.supervisor of Assessments, in the sum of $500.00 with the Anchor casualty co., as surety, was approved. The following reports of salaries and fees received by county officials during the calendar ,\'ear 1952 were approved: Henry Sieling B. :r. Johnson Bert Stone c •. A. snowberg Chnrles L. Alexander Evelace G. Hanson P'. ,1. Henning s. B. Johnson . J;,· .N.,; Haagensen H·· W. Glorv igen J. c. Henkes county commissioner .. " court Commissioner Register of Deeds county Treasurer Auditor for Judge of Probate Clerk of District Sheriff the last six months (of 1952 Court 1231.50 1226.00 1220.00 1220.00 551.90 4800,00 4800.00 2400,00 4800.00 4500.00 4800.00 The application of Wilmar Roberts for dance license at Red Eye Tavern in the Towmship of Butler and the application of Perry·Swenson for dance license at North Dora Store was granted. T·he application of Ida V,atson for settlement of delinquent taxes on part of Lot 46. Provan Beach, on the ground that a building which had been assessed on this tract was non-existent was approved on the condition that she pay the full tax on the bare lot for the years involved amounting to $32.62. The application of H. G. Evenson for reduction of assessment for the year 1952 on Govt. Lot 4 ex- cept Sub Lots 1 to 6 and except tracts, Section 35-134-41, was approved and the tax reduced accordingly. The application of the Lake Region Motor co. for reduction on motor vehicles in the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1952 upon which licensesfor the year 1952 were issued was read. and the Board re-commended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed valuation of the personal property of said company be reduced from $4748.00 to $4304.00 and the taxes from $894.10 to $810.49. The application of DUdgeon Motors for reduction of assessment on motor vehicles in the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1952 upon which 1952 licenses were issued, was read an~ the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of the personal property of said company be re- duced from $3817.00 to $2747.00 and the tax from $718.78 to $513.53. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: T-hat the sum of $800,00 be appropriated from the County Revenue Fund for the use of the Otter·Tail County ~istorical society. Adopt~d J~n.7, 1953. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. TO THE COUHTY AUDITOR OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA: C. A. Snowberg Chairman. We, the undersigned majority of the county Board of said county hereby certify, that we have ex- amined the road work done by/1) H. D. Morrill 8c son, Fergus Falls, Minn.; (2), (3), (4) Herbison con- struction co., qrainerd. Minn.; (5) c. 1. Stodolka, Little Falls, Minn. on that certain road described as follows: (3) SAR. 1 -Ret, 2.1 Mi. s. of Amor and Amor (s.p. 56-50l-l2--bituminous) /1) SAR 19 -Bet. o.25 Mile Jf. of T,H. #34 'I: H. Line of Ot1;,er Tail co. (S,P. 56-507-0l--grade (2) SAR 1 -BP.t. 1 Mi. s. of SAR #10 and otter Tail Lake (s.P.56-501-08--bituminous) (4) SAR, 12 -Bet. Underwood and 6 Miles North (S.P. 56-502-06--bituminous) (5) SAR , 5 -Bet. T.f!. 29 in Parkers Prairie /It: 4,2 Miles East (c.p. 52:05B--bituminous) ,'c gravel) together with contract for the same, and that v,e find said \\'Ork has been pro·perly done and ·performed 1:1.c:- cording to said contract. :Dated this 7 day of January. 1953 Attest: s. B, Johnson county Aud.Hor. Henry Sieling Bennie J. Johnson s. w. Beckman Bert stone C. A. SJ.?OWberg COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. jan. 7, 53 DATE ......... ••············-·······················-----------·······----·················· l 9 ...... . dJ ITT r.l rn rrH U7J'U'I. H'I i r l Fl'l'..1 r: ---~- 'l'he .folJ:owing bi.lls were allowed: Louise S"tondahl DO Evelace G. Hanson John L. Bixby H. w. Glorvigen DO !,velace Hanson Carl ,Jahn George Hanson Bert Stone Bennie J. Johnson Henry Sieling klbert V. Hartl Dr. Everett c. Hanson Joseph Rayner. Sr. D•r • C • J, Lund Wendelin Koep N. W, Bell 'l'elephone co. Ruth Hanna,v Hennepin Oounty Swenson Pa.int co. Fergus Glass & Paint co. Miller-Bryant-Pierce Miller-Davis co. Imperial Supply co. ~oucher Printing~ Lithe. co. Hillyard Sales Co. Schoolcraft co. liintgen-r.:arst Panama carbon co. Beall & McGowan co. Burroughs· Add. Mche. co. Nelson Bros. Henning Aavocate Burroughs Add. Yllche. co. Halvorson's E. P. Getchell State Dept. of Highways Am. Lep.ion Aux. Post 116 Olson-Enstad-Larson Marlin Reynolds Victor Lundeen~ co. Perham Telephone co. Ole Y.Ulstad Dr. H. H. Leibold Underwood corp. Nopeming sanatorium Town of . .:Buse Town of Fold.en Sverdrup Twp. Larson Bros, Charles c. Olson Dillon Electric co. M. J.Schmitz ~ Son Larson Bros. A. w. Co,, Inc. of Minn. Klov er Mfg • Co • Minnesota F.W.D, co. Rosholt Equipment co. Ruffridge-Johnson Equipt. Co, Geo. T. R,van co. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Moen Truck Equipt. Inc. Garrison Mfg, Co, Co-op. Services, Inc. Y.inne's, Inc. Bauck Chevrolet co. Anton Wallnofer Don~s Standard Service A. B. Y.ilde Co. Schrader & Koehn Larson Bros. Bnkken's Auto Repair Henry J. M.Engelke Lake Region Motor co. Tichy• s Shop Field Machine co. Olson Auto Electric co~ Wick's Garage Bob's Service Armco-Drain & Metai Prod. co. D. A, Lubricant co., l'nc. H. Y.,Stahl Co,, Nicols-Dean & Gregg Vergas Hdwe. co. P. X. M •. , co. Graff Impl. Erickson-Helleckson-Vye Wilcox Lumber Co., Henning expenses postage DO expenses commissions advanced box rent mileage exp. attendinp. meetinp.s " " .. ''" civil defense expense deputy coroner's fees deputy sheriff's fees coroner's fees special police mobile service transcript expense with insane sponges supplies " " .. II " " printing etc. advertising maintenance floor machine readyprint service plats decorating graves bonds hauling etc. supplies telephone service ·labor examination typewriter care of patients care of poor, 1952 •• " ", 1952 care of non-resident pauper repairs wiring garage " " new garage county Ditch #70 parts " " II II " " repairs " parts and repairs repairs " " .. II " culverts grease&: oil oil supplies II II " nurse " " poor " " " .. " f $ 9.17 44.00 45.00 25,02 10.00 2.00 2.00 36.00 ll.88 14.00 10.20 13.89 17.45 30.75 53.20 19.25 8.oo 83.20 14.85 105.00 4.78 31.30 25.75 13.61 1.28 55.45 107,10 28.56 11.79 14.65 6·.65 2.10 33 .• 25 3.20 236.00 325.00 120.00 1.00 23.50 53.28 88.50 290.9~o5.7 14.8 6.10 0.00 3.00 .. 125.00 1263. 21 ll00,44 186.09 136.40 9.90 303.24 199.02 21.42 6.50 162. 34 41.93 316.13 93.69 750.33 275.59 280.97 18.14 27.50 26.75 429.00 22.90 24.75 1.50 21.60 .4.90 34.60 6.64 12.15 12.42 ll.25 12.00 2.50 3.15 2.50 43.26 334.94 32,23 70.72 7.62 27.42 2.28 21.58 11,93 • l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, 'OTTER .TAIL COUNTY, ·MINN: Natl. Bush. ~ Parts co. Bauck's Hardware Camble Dealer, Dalton Henning Fuel Co. The Farmers Supply Northwood Spec.co. Local Gas co. S • II: F, Oil Co • Service Oil Co, B,L, FerBUS Oil C9 1 Service Oil Oo., underwood Bill Nelson Oil Co, Thomas Garage The Oil Store Mills Oil Co. Hegge Oil Co. Henning Oil co. Donald B, Winkler Ernest C,Wilkins John J; Schmidt, Jr. Mrs. t{ay· Okeson Village of Perham Fergus Journal co. The Globe-Gazette co. Monr-oe Cale. t.tach. co. , Inc. Burroughs Adding Machine Co, N, W, Bell Tele. Co,,He:nn. Pelican Telephone Co, N, W, ~ell Tele, Co, Victor Lundeen~ co. City of Fergus Falls Minn. state High. Dept. Wendell p, F.uber Do G, D, Harlow George Olson W, L, Potter Vernon Onstad Harold's standard Service Otter Tail power co. Twin's Motor co. Ray's Oil Station Klein Fairway Store Davidson Metal Shop J •. c. Henkes Do M, C, Lee Leonard C, Olson James M, Hansen Frank c. Barnes Battle Lake Review Mason Publ, co. Bert Stone S. W. Beckman Henry Sieling Bennie J. Johnson EVerett C, Hanson Bertha stortroen western Union Johnson Drugs Minn •. state sanatorium Esther G, Sell DO DO Ann Jordan · DO DO Mut. Service casualty co. DATE ....................... _ ............... Jan ' ... 7.• ···················-·······19 ~.3 supplies~ repairs " coal " steam patr_ol gas gasoline .. " " " " tires, etc. sup. II: rent etc. .. " diesel fuel i gas fuel oil damal!eS Right of way gravel " water~ sewer ad. for bids supplies main. supplies service '~ toll rental II: toll services supplies main. services cash adv. expenses . " " gasoline moving poles gasoline etc. " sup·plies .. boarding prisoners sheriff's exp. Dep. Sheriff's exp, " " ,,. " court fees warrants Minn. Digest exp. " .. coroner's fees salary telegrams supplies care of patients supplies expenses stamps exnenses stamps etc. exoenses premium " nurse .. .. "" Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'cloak A,M, Feb. 10, 1953. Attest: 27,85 29,24 5.34 20.95 47.30 6,00 1.80 71,88 128.55 57,95 181.35 1°27.03 57.81 256.51 93,48 448,63 17.71 51.00 10.20 89.35 136,05 13.50 9,60 22.08 48,00 4.09 9.45 9,80 43.55 i.90 250,00 215.45 13.85 190,44 7.45 14.75 28,07 19.25 46.11 730,00 33,11 38.34 34.67 15.36 310,00 17.60 116,45 3,80 38,85 85.00 20.50 20.00 14.00 5,72 20,73 14.40 13.25 105,00 6,13 32.59 917.12 .29 44.95 5,00 .50 4.75 55.65 442,63 l(fl11T17Tr.TTTTI{T'.~t,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................. J:e.n •... .24,., ................................ 19 .. S.3 MINUTES o:r ADJOURNED MEETING o:r THE..:BOARD OP' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY. ?IlNNESOTA. pursuant to call the Board of dounty commissioners of Otter Tail County met at 11 o'clock A-·M. Jan. 24, 1953. Present were county commissioners Johnson, Beckman, Stone and Snowberg. The bond of Frank c. Barnes as JUdge of Probate of Otter Tail County in the sum of $1,000.00 with the Aetna casualty and Surety co. as surety was approved. Attest:· ~ ~ r --7 ~~i.--- COMMISSIONERS .RECORD N, OTTER .TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... -.... 1.e.b., ... J..O ...................................... J 95 3 MINUTES Oli' ADJOUR1IED W.ETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Oli' OTTER TAIL CotJNTY·, MIN?IBSOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock JI., M, F.eb. 10, 1953, all members ·being present. rrpon.motion, the Board authorized Beulah Olson to enter Glen take Sanatorium at county expense. Upon motion, Mrs. William carlund of Iiew York Mills who has been released from the sanatorium was authorized to have proper treatments administered by Dr, Ranson of New york Mills at county expense. The county Auditor submitted his statement of receipts and di~bursements for th~ y~ar 1952. Upon motion, the same was approved by the Board, Bids for cutting edges, metal and concrete culverts, also tires, tubes and batteries to be fur- nished during the· year 1953 were opened and read and referred to the highway engineer for checking. . . . F.xamination of bids on county Job No, 53:43.East of Ottertail having been completed and bids hav- ing been received as follows: John Dieseth co. in the amount of $35,857.10; Weldon Zaske of Danube, Minn. i~ the amount of ~30,747,65, upon motion, the bid of Weldon zaske was accepted. . Examination of bids for grading county Job 53 :54B having. been completed and the following bids having been received: H, D, Morrill and son, $6366,06; John Dieseth co., $7288,62; Simon Kern, $74i4.16; Kahlstorf Bros., $7072,00; Brisk Bros., $6092,40, upon motion, the bid of Brisk Bros. was accepted, · ~ Examination of the bids for construct.ion of SP 66-504-03 (SAR 8) S 126 f4) Post War Sec. having been completed and reported to the Board as follows: Brisk Bros., $20,008,70; H, D, Morrill and Son, $20,610,43Y-ahlstorf Bros., $21,967,36: John Dieseth co., $23,395.49; Simon Kern, $23,666.98; The bid of Brisk Bros. in the amount of $20,008,70 was determined oy the noard to be the lowest bid received and after due consideration, upon motion of commissioner Sieling, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, it was voted by said Board of County Commissioners to recommend to the Commissioner of Highways that said con- tract be awarded to the lov1est bidder. Upon motion, all bids for ~quipment rental were accepted as well as bids for bridge material and cutting edges. Upon motion, the bids of Bill Nelson OilCo, and the Minnesota Motor co. for tires, tubes and batteries for the year 1953 were ~ccepted. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of pounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners has heretofore contracted with Arnold Bengtson of Erhard for installation of heating unit in the Vining Garage, and ihe ~ame having be~n completed to the satis- faction of the !oard, Now, be it hereby resolv~d that the Chairman of the County ijOard and the county Auditor be hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant to said Arnold Bengtson in the sum of $975,00, the amount of said contract. Adopted Feb. 10, 1953. Attest: s. B, Johnson Clerk. The following.resolution was adopted: C, A, Snowberg Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, the County Board has heretofore contracted with Olaf Kauppila of 'l'hief River Falls for the grading of CP 52:B3, and Whereas, the same has been completed and accepted by the Board, NO\V, therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the Co1mty Board and the County A:uditor be here by authorized and directed to issue a warrant to snid Olaf K~uppila in the sum of $1025,42, the balance due on said contract, · Adopted Feb, 10, 1953. Attest: S, B, Johnson Clerk. The followinr,.res9lution was adopted: C, A, Snowberg Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county Commies loners of Qt ter Tail Count,v, Minnesota: Be it resolved that the Board of count.v commissioners of Otter Tail Oount.v, !,Unnesota, ·will not see reimbursement from the Anchor casualty co. for wap.es paid James M, Hanwen, neputy Sheri-ff, during his re cent disability. Adopted Feb, 10, 1953, Attest: s. B, Johnson Clerk, C. A, Snowberg, Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ ••·············-········F.e.b .. , ... .l.l .•................................ 19 ..... 6.3 Upon motion, the Board then 9.?journed to Wednesday Feb, 11th, 1953, WEDNESDAY' s sms.S!O!l The a_pplic11tion of John w. Rundle for ,.On" and "Off" sale non-intoxicating malt liquor licenses at Bob ~reek store was granted, The annual report of fees and emoluments received by William Lincoln, County Auditor, from Jan. 1st to Ju-ne 30, 1952, in the amount of $2400,00"was approved. Upon motion, Wendell p, Huber, Highway Engineer, was authorized to atten,d the meeting of the Missie sippi .valley con1·erence of state Highway engineers to be held at Chicago on Mar. 5, 6 and 7, 1953, The a-pplication of the Gospel Tabernacle of Fergus Falls for the abatement of penalty in the amount of $15,76 on the 1951 taxes on their parsonage was approved, The applications of Lee Fletcher, R, L, Barr, Roger Gust~fson, and E, M, ~u(her, all of the Village of Clitherall, for household· exerpption was approved, the assessor hot having noted on the tax list that they were so entitled, . . . The application of Hector Olson of the Village of Yining and Gottlieb Honer uf the Village of Dent and Magnus Lund of the Township of Oscar, for householl exemption on personal property was.granted, the assessor not having made proper notations on the ta·x book., . . . The application of Duane Estlick of the Town of Amor for reduction of assessment on personal pro - perty was approved, the amount of the reduction being $8,87, The ap,p;Lication of Leland·.Amundson for reduction of excessive assessment on machinery assessed in the Village· of Battle Lake was approved and the tax reduced $61_. 81,. . . . . The application of Warren; Erickson of the Town of Western for reduction of assessment on personal :i_>roperty due to using the wrong average in assessrng•high grade cows was approved and the tax re~uced ~o-~. . The application of Roy Evavold of the Township· of Aastad for reduction of assessment on machinery, due to an error in listing. was a,:iproved and the tax reduced $230, 28. · . The application of M, F. ijredahl for reduction of assessment on motor il,ehicle in. the Village of Pelican Rapids for the year 1152, upon which 1952 license was issued, was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed valuation of 9ersonal property be reduced from $4401,00 to $4021,00 and the tax from $733,23 to ~668.45. The application of the Minnesota Motor co. for-reduction of assessment on motor vehi·cles in the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1952, upon whd:ch lice!'lses for 1952 were issued, was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that theassessed valuation of personal properJy of said com- pany be reduced from $13,360,00 to $11,920,00 and the tax from $2515.83 to $2244,66, The application of the A, B, Kilde Co. for-reduction of assessment on motor vehicles in the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1952, upon which licenses for 1952 were issued, was read and the Board recom- mended to the-commissioner of Taxation that the assessed valuation of personal property of said company be reduced from $11;529,00 to $8994.00 and the tax from $2171,03 to $1693,66, The application of A, P, Schmitz for reduction of assessment on motor vehicle in·the Village of Perham for the year 1952, upon which licenses for 1952 were issued, was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed valuation of personal property of said company be reduced from $1267,00 to $1045,~0 and the tax from $183,31 to $151,19, The application of Herman 0, Steinkraus for homestead classification for the year 1952 on the West 10 feet of Lot 7 and all of Lot 8, Block 4, Cutler's 4th Addition to the City of FergusFalls, was read and, upon motion, was granted and the tax ordered reduced accordingly, The application of Mary Breitenbauoh for homestead classification for the year 1952 on·Lot l, Sec- tion 36-134-41, was read, and upon motion, was granted and the tax ordered reduced accordingly, The application of Y.:enneth Keane as agent for settlement and abatement of taxes on the Si SE¼ and the si=:SW¼ of sec, 30-135-42, bearing the approval of John L, Bixby, Supervisor of Assessments, and ask- ing that t·axes for the years 1949-S0-51 be settled for the amount of $150,42 was approved• and recommended to the Tax CommissioneI~ The application of Gilbert C. Wagner, owner of Lot ~2. Blue Heron ~each, asking for correction of assessment on Lot 12 due to the fact that a cottage was assessed on this lot where'none existed, was read and recommended to the Tax Commissioner for anproval, Upon motion, the county Audi tor was instructed toadvertise for one half ton pick-up, bid to include trade in allowance on county Unit 57, a 1948 Dodge half ton pick-up, bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A,g, March 10, 1953. Upon motion, the County A:udi tor 1vas instructed to advertise for production and stock-piling of minenal aggregate in the following approximate quantity: CP 53:GS -crush, screen, load, stockpile 15,000 cubic yards mineral aggregate, bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A, M, Mar. 10, 1953. H, W, Glorvigen appeared before the Board requesting a rehaaring on his January application for clerk hire, Upon motion, the sum of $240,00 additional was allowed his office as clerk pire. Upon motion, the salary of H,·1. Allen as Assistant Supe:r,;izor of Assessments was increased at the rate of $180,00 per year beginning Feb. l, 1953, RESOLOTION BY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS~IONERS OF OTTER TAU COUNTY REQUESTING THAT THE STATE BOARD OF ALLOTMENT GRANT TO OTTER TAIL COUNTY S"PECIAL AID FOR TT-f!.l: IMPROVEMENT OF A CERTAIN ROAD. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER ·TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. !.'.~b • ... 11. • ···········-···································19 .53 . WHEREAS, Otter Tail County in the past has been operating its Road and Bridge Fund at a large defici and, realized that such operation would eventually. ruin its system of roads, there was presented to the voters at a special election in 1951 the proposition of bonding the county for $2,500,000 for specified road and bridge improvements, and WHEREAS, this bond issue was Rpproved by the voters, and ~R~AS, the cost of road construction has risen the past year, and WRER'>:AS, in order to carry out the road improvements as specified. under this b·ond issue, it is necessary for the County to acquire additional financial help from the state Board of Allotment,, NOW. T'lEREFORE, BE IT R~SOLVED, that a request be mnde to the State .Board of Allotment for Special Aid. in the amount of $15,000 to assist in the construction of a bituminous surface on the .road listed be- lovt: State Aid Road No. 1 -Length 10,0 miles From He1v York Mills south through Heinola; thence to a point where said road connects with Trunk Highway No. 78 east of Ottertail. Tota1·estimated Cost of Pro- ject: $80,000.00. Adopted this 11th day of February, 1953. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk, C. A, Snowbe:r:g Chairman. RESOLUTION ~y THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO!.(!HSSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Highways is requested to recommend to the Commissioner of public Roads the selection of the road hereinafter described as e part of the system of secondary and feeder roads eligible to receive Federal Aid: Beginning at the ~unction of a present Federal Aid Primary Road in OtterTail county at a point 1833.0 feet west of the southeast corner of section 27, Tl34ll-R44W; where said road intersects with Trunk Highwa,y No, 52; thence running in an Easterly direatlon and through the Village of Elizabeth on Broadway; thence running southeasterly to the southeast corner of Section 32, Tl34N-R42W, where said road intersects with a Federal Aid Secondary Road and tile1•e te:-r.:iinating. This route is anproxi~ately 11.3 miles in length. Addlpted this 11th da,v of February, 1953. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. The following bills were allowed: J. c. Henkes James l/1. Hansen M. c. Lee ;r. , C. Henkes Albert Fritz Frank Roberts Lip,htfoot•s Shop Monroe Calculating Co. lta•rchant Calculators, Inc. Do Be~tha stortroen George Hanson Be-nnie J. Johnson S •. W. Beckman I,o.uise Standahl Pe•rham Telephone co. Ann Jordan Es,ther G. Sell Do Frank c. Barnes Dr, G, J. Mouritsen Do earl Willer George Miska Donald C. Darby Bill Nelson Charles Underwood Donald L, Iliff Normandy Cafe Dr. Frank Naegeli H, F. Duenow Harry Burau w. H. Dewey Ted. Hegseth Wendlin Koep John L. Logan :?eter Hink ,7oe Rayner John L, Logan Merlin Rieman c. A, Snowberg, Chairman. Boarding prisoners expenses " " " att'd, meeting " " pa.vma~.ter machine main. ., rental of machines Clerk Sup .• of Assessments Exp. att~. special meet: " " " " " " " service expenses nurse " " postage municipal court Fees deputy corone~•s fee~ " " " " " municipal court jurors " " ,, " .. .. " " " meals for jurors call to jail Exp. attg. soil cons. meet. " " " " " " " " " " " II .. " expenses Dep. Sheriff's exp. ,, " " " " conste.ble f Pes r 235.50 46.60 107,90 83.47 49.49 49.25 70.00 2.7.00 35.00 70.00 9LOO 7.62 5.10 2.46 15.46 6.oo 93.24 37.15 2.10 140-00 17.05 31.25 1.00 LOO LOO 1.00 1.00 LOO 36.10 20.00 18,60 17.40 27.60 25.80 16.00 9.40 53.00 3Q.80 8,70 11.40 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Feb, 11, 53. DATE ................................................. · .......... ·-················-·······19 ...... . Lester Thompson S'outh !,fill S'tandard Service Hintgen-r.:aret Electric co·. R, C. Anderson-Wel·l .",; Pump co. Winther Lbr. ",; Fuel Yard Ronning Signs N, w. Bell Tele. c'o. Do Do Costello Mfg, Co, Victor :Lundeen 'I: Co. R, W, Glorvigen ,,ohnson Drugs Frankel Carbon,. Ribbon ed. Pierce Co, Ugeblad Publishing Co, Schoolcraft co. Dept. of Administration Miller-Davie Co. Poucher Prtg. ",; Lith. co. Free Press co. Security Blank Book & Prtg. co. Art Printcraft The Syndicate Prtg. co. Fefgus Journal Do Perham Enterprise Bull·etin Fergus Journal co. Battle Lake Review Northwestern nubl. co. The Independent Louise Stondahl EVelace G, ~anson H. J. Henning · S'traub Estate City water .",; Light Dept. Mildred Bruvold Philip M, Ejaglien DO N,W, Bell.Tele, 0o. Cooper's Office Supply Co, Fergus Specialties co. Cooper's N. W, Bell Tele, Co, Miller's Hardware Straub Estate Water .'I: Light Dept. Veteran's Information Service Roy Olson Melody Shop Phil-ip M, Y.jaglien DO • Perham-Enterprise Bulletin Henning Advocate R. J. Renning National Market Reports Mason '?Ubl, co. Western union Odin Johnson J. P, Johnson Barke, Allison !I: Darby -A, A, Volbrecth no Walter Spidahl R, W, Glorvir,en Do rrownship II of Perham 11 Pelican 11 Leaf Mountain 11 " Homestead Village of Dent Township of EVerts Village of Clitherall " 11 Nidaros-Dr. Thoe. J. Kinsella University Hospital Nopeming sanatorium Glen Lake Sanatorium Do Minn. S'tate Sanatorium Fergus Lumber ",; Fuel Co. -Arnold Bengtson Service Oil Oo., und, .Jo hp.son• s service Twin's Motor co. -Harthun .!I: Peterson Oil co. · Baas Oil co. Paulson Tire Shop Baas Oil co. Harthun-Peterson Oil co. D, A, Lubricant co., Inc. Hagge Oil co. Vining Oil co. Erhard Oil Co, Tmr:n~ o-f Amor constable fees supplies parts coal lettering on doors -tolls mobile service supplies .. office check blanks supplies .. " books etc. blanks atty. general's o·pinions supplies " printing publishing publ, P, P, tax lists " '" " " " II II " " " " " ,, " " " postage " stamped envelo_pes rent Vet, Serv. service " mimeographing " " expenses II post.age !I: machine rental service supplies " .. service .. tolls supplies rent light, water etc, book wire recording postage ,. machine rental-n expe~ses subscription expenses publication annotation telegrams hauling mail appraisal &witness f'ees bond, Sup. of Assessments " Clerk of Court 11 Judge of Prot::tc snowshoe sandals Exp. attd. meeting com. on driver's licenses care of poor " " " " II " " II " " ff II " II II II surgery " care of patients " II II .. .. .. •• II " II " .. cash advanced gasoline " " .",; repairs oil ",;repairs etc. " " II 11 & fuel oil oil diesel fuel fuel oil " " care of poor Vet. Serv. .. " II II " II II II ". .. .. II II II " II II II .. .. 2.20 2.36 2.10 2.90 748.BO 4.25 40,80 124.65 80.55 26.00 140.47 3.63 1.79 36,00 26.69 8.73 53.77 132,00 64.85 298.61 4.25 25.00 11.50 6.20 259.10 176.60 343.80 745.40 375.30 274.20 257.30 43.72 45.00 10.00 50,00 6.08 1.50 66.85 5.20 16.10 119,60 3.50 80,41 15.75 5.91 50,00 6.08 6.00 2,75 6,00 88.20 3,50 2.50 14.49 5.00 . 5,00 1.12 1.00 20.00 8.50 15.00 7.50 3.00 34.66 9.55 379.81 542.10 350,96 100,04 470.75 371. 72 l!;l4.5 .• ,7_4 232.80 100,00 91,00 1279.38 130.80 238.70 880.44 29.25 30.54 142.16 89.10 122.96 48.30 61.31 10.7 .50 69,82 120.36 258,06 744,45 150.00 79,75 97.71 l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... P_ll.:!! ..•... JJ., ........ -··················-···············l 9 53. Bill Nelson Oil Co. George ll"arth Fergus Falls t.{onument co. Willer~ ·Teisberg F. W. 'I: Bill Gaedke E. A. Toftely Henning Fuel co. Fred f... EVerts The Carew Warehouse The Farmers' Supply Winther Lumber & Fuel Yard Utility Feed Mill, Inc. Raymond Bros. Motor Trans. co. Railway Express Agency, B.L. Alfred Evavold Obert Wold New tork Mills co-op Cry. Mrs, Betsey Johnson Kenneth Rostad Frank Roers Leonard E, Schepper Monroe Cale. Mach. co. H. A. Rogers co. Minneapolis Blue Prtg, co. Panama carbon co. Fergus Spec. Co, Poucher Prtg. 'I: Litµ. co. Victor Lundeen & co. N. w. Bell Tele. do. Pelican Tele. co. N. w. Bell Tele. Co., F.F, Midwest Tele. co. N, W. Bell Tele. Co., Henning Fergus Journal co. construction Hulletin Minnesota State !Ughway Dept. Wendell P. Huber DO VI. L.Potter George Olson H, K. Stahl Co. Olson Oil co. Farmers' co-op. Cry. Assn. Highway Company coast-to-Coast Store, Pel. Rpds. Ruffridge .& Johnson Equipt. Co. Bauck Chevrolet L. c.st:einke Empire supply co. crane Johnson co. Graff Implement Olson Hardware & Furniture Erhard Oil co. A· W, co., Inc. of Minn. Minnesota F.w.n. co. Northwest Engineering cc1 Geo. T, Ryan co. Rosholt Equipt. Co. wm. H. Ziegler co., Inc. Service Recorder co. Tichy's Shop Larson Bros. Magnus Pederson Vergas Motor service Hints Blacksmith Shop Chaffee's Garage Boyer's Thelen Impl.Co. Lake Region Motor co. Natl. Bushing & Parts Skogmo Motors, Inc. Olson Auto Electric Field Machine co. Empire Supply Co, A. B, P.:ilde co. Penrose Oil Co. C. H, Bjorklund Body Shop Battle Lake Hdwe. Toftely Bros. Hdwe, Wilcox Lbr. co., Perham Erickson-Rellekson-Vye co.,Erhard Tesch Lumber co. Wilcox Lumber co., Renning Moore Hardware Fergus Lbr. & Fuel co. Local Gas co. Frazee Texaco Service Art's Service station Hoot Lake Ice & Oas Co, Dan's Texaco service Farmers' co-op Ory. Assn. Basswood store Fergus Oil C:lo. tires, tubes 'I: gas haul tire blasting signs paint straighten posts door glass coal " 'I: supplies " freight express culverts electricity garage rent gravel " " " ribbon prints supplies " " " service " " & tolls rental & tolls services /1: long distance ad. fo.r bids " testing uo.sh advanced expen3es oil diesel fuel gasoline " etc. supplies parts repairs supplies " " II furnace oil parts .. .. " snowplow 'I: parts parts repairs " II " " II " " .. " II .. supplies .. " " " .. II .. " " gas p.asoline " " II $ 1030.94 2.00 :31.25 8.60 14.00 ·• 9,50 18.90 237.77 76.07 48.90 62,80 35.58 5,40 2.23 77.83 19.20 100.00 60.55 181.95 79.45 37.87 1.00 54.06 7.44 6.25 14.30 2.60 7.85 48.15 16.45 32.90 6.55 8.95 25.70 39,30 144.10 5.53 I 115.77 59.50 18.30 32.59 129.03 47.79 46.30 9.81 124.20 5.91 2.50 183.35 132.82 4.34 5.16 58.00 79.42 304.73 23.05 245.10 1127 .26 472.18 19.95 22.50 169.36 12.35 93.04 40,60 23.48 51.89 32,02 19.35 44.67 14.55 92.75 17.07 69.92 0.00 4.95 1.50 11.20 10.56 G0.83 58.99 7.54 37.07 3.33 2.83 1.10 25,30 74.24 318.30 66.30 27.52 3.85 8.87 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. Fe b •.... ll .•................................... 19 .5 3 Upon motion, the Board then ad,journed to 10 o'clock A, M, tr:ir. 10, 1953. Attest: l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, O'FTBR T~tt ·c:OUNTY, MINN.· DATE ................................... · ......... Mar .•... 10 ..................... 19_.53 MtNUT!:':S OF AD~OURIIBD T.m:ETHJG OF THE BOAffD OF COUNTY C0!,11\IISST!)lffiRS 0F OTTEP. TAIL COUNTY. 'l,!IIHW.SOTA. ·Pursua:nt··to o.ajournment, the Board met,o.t .10·01 clock A, r,1. 1v10.r. 10, 1953, all members being present except ~ommi~sio~~1:. ~ t~n:: _ _ . .. . . . .... .. . . . . ····· ·· Tlie · BOard· having· prev i611.s1y· called· :f.or· bids· for stock-piling mineral aggregate, _bids were opene~ ~nd dis_".uss~.~ .. an~: _u~o~-1!1Cl_~~~~• .. a~~ .. b~d_s 1°'.~Z:~ z:ejected. . ...... _ J •.• ; ···.Thi'.! -Soard-. naving-adveYtised· :fer or:ie · half ton •i>ick-up · the ·fo1lbw:trig bids ·we:te received: · ~kogrilb • '·· Motors, $715."Qb; ·Mirines6ta. Mo·t·or; ·$1076•,0·0;· Super G·,M;c: Trucif.·sares, $990;00;. Lake'Regioil l'lotor·~o,,, $95"Q.O"Q.·-·i\fter discussion, a inotion was made tliat·the bid of the Lake Region Afotor co. be accepted, Beckman o.nd Johnson voting ?Yes" and Sleling voting "!TO". Upon motion, the County Auditor was instructed to call for bids for grading: C.P. 53:04 (SAR f4l -Length 0,378 miles located between a point 5.5 miles northeast .of Vergas and the north county line. comprising 18,058 cubic yards excavation. c.P. 53:10 (SAR /10) -Length 3.854 miles located between T. H, /52 and Elizabeth. com- prising 126,243 cubic yards excavation. c.P. 53:54BR (CAR #54) -Length Q.3977·miles located 5.Q miles northwesterly of Deer creek over Leaf River. Comprising 6,260 cubic yards excavation and 7 lines of 48" C,M or s.c. pipe. Removal of 1 bridg.e, bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A,M, April 14, ,1953. Upon motion, the County Auditor Yla~ instructed •to advertise for bids for grading: s.p. 56-501-14 (SAR 1), Minnesota Pro,jeut s 423 (2). l:mt;1::h 5.5 miles, located between Amor and 3.5 miles west of Ottertail, comprising 119159 cu. Yds. of excavation. bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A,M. April 14, 1953. The following resolution v,as adopted: Resol:ved b,v the Board of Cbunt.v Commissioners of .. Otter Tail county. Minnesota: That, whereas, this Board has heretofore contro.cted with Borchert-In8ersoll, rnc. for one Allis Chalmers Model A-40 motor grader and Whereas, the same has been delivered and accepted by the Board, Be it hereby resolved that the Chairman of the Board and the county Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant to said compuny for $13,370,00, being the contra~t price. Adopted Mo.r. 10. 1953. Attest: S. B. JOIDfSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: C. k, SNOl'/BERG Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter To.il county. Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Johnson construction co. of Litchfield, Minn. for grading and graveling·CP 52:02 OR, and Whereas, the same hc.s been completed to the satisfaction of the Board, Be it therefore resolved that the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor ere hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant to said company for $2619.98, being the balance due on said. contract. Adopted Mar. 10. 1953. Attest: S. B. JOl!NSON Clerk. C • A. SlJOl'/BERG Chairman. RESOLUTION FOR TRA!ISFER OF FUNDS FROM THE SPECIAL ROAD AIID BRIDGE CONSTRUCT ION FUUD TO THE ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND, WllEP.EAS, expenditures having been made ~ram the Road and Bridge Fund of Otter Tail County, Minne- sota, are proper expenditures of the SPECIAL ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION FUND, and are as follows: Preliminary Engineering~ contingencies Construction--Engineerin~. Rip.ht of way, etc. $8,277.96 55,086.69. 63,364.65 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVF.D. by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail County, Minne- sota, that there shall be transferred -from the S"ECIAL ROAD AMD BRIDGE CONSTRlJCTIOH FUND the sum of $63,364.65 to the Road and Bridge Fund as reimbursement for such expenditures. ldopted this 10th day of March, 1953. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON, Clerk. C • A • SlfOVIBERG CH:t.i.tm§n COMMISSIONERS RECORD N-,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... Mar • ... 11., ................................. JQ 53 Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. IA. Mar. 11th. WEDNESDAY'S.SESSION pursuant to adjour~ment,.the Board met at lO•o•c~ock, all members b~ing present except Commis- sioner stone. A delegation. of residents along the Doran road appeared and urged immediate construction of said road. NO action was taken. Upon motion, the City poo~ Commissioner was authorized to transfer Eddie Wicklund, a non-resident transient, from the Vfright Hospital to some hospital in Minnesota fqr physical therapy. A petit.ion signed by Weldon R. Scott and others as·king for the vacation of a portion of the county read running along the south side of Sec. 35, in the Township of Pelican, was presented and it was or- dered that a hearing .on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held on June.__10, 1953 at 10 o'clock A. M:., and that all th-e commissioners be appointed a committee to examine said road and Tues- day !Jay 1.9, 1953 at 3 o'clock p. M. at· the south quarter corner of Sec. 35 be designated as the time and 'place for· the meeting of said committee and the .county Audi tor 1vas instructed to prepare the necessary notices and fo1ward them by mail to Weldon R, Scott of l'elican Rapids for posting. The application of Archer-Daniels-Midland co. of Minneapolis asking for the can_cellation of assess- ment on flax straY1 in the Township of Buse was recommended to the• Tax commission. The applic.ation of \'1al ter !Aatz for aieduction of assessment on mot.or vehicle assessed in the Village of Perham for the year 1952, .u·pon which licenseu for the year 1952 vras issue.d, was read, and the Board re commended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value o:f' personal property be reduced from $510,00 to $297,00 and the tax from $73.79 to $42.97. The application of F,cl·,mrd R, :aauck for .r·eduction of assessment on mo.tor vehicle assessed in the Village of Perham for the year 1952, upon which 1952 licens.e :-,:i: been issued, was read and the .Board re- commended to the Commissioner of TaxatiOn:"that the assesse.d value of the personal property be reduced :~rom $316,00 to tl58,00 and the tax. from $45.72 to $22,86. The opplication of Albert F. Engfer of Vining for reduction of assessment due to the fact that he was nbt given household exempt.ion for the year 1952 vras recommended to the Tax Commissioner, the tax be- ing reduced accordingly, The application of Chauncy R, Martin for homestead classification on the south 30 feet of Lot 7 of Outlet ~each was approved and the tax ordered reduced acco~dingly, The application of the B-ishop· Chancellor of uorth Dakota asking for cancellation of personal pro-perty assessment located in the Township of Dunn was recommended to the Tax commissioner on the ground that this property is church property and exempt from taxation. The application of E. J. Whitehead for reduction of assessment in the Townsh,ip of Amor was takenup but it a·ppearing that this tax had been paid, the application was re,jected. The Board granted the following "Off" and "ON" non-intoxicating malt liquor licenses: Fred Schultz, T ovm of Tumuli: Wm. C. Taylor, Town of Everts; 11 •• J. Melby, Town of Everts; Oliver Gravley, Town of Inman; F, L. Rairdin, Town of Inman; Perry Swenson, Town of Dora; -Preacher 'I: Wilson, Town of Ottertail Gisle M. ~roseth, Town of Ottertail; Lester A, Wilde, T-OY.'Il of Friberg; Floyd Shol, ~own of Friberg; Jack Hagensick, Town of Girard; r.ucoille Haremza, Town of Perham. The Board granted the following dance licenses: Luccille Haremza, Town·of Perham; Preacher&: Wilson, TOY.'Il of ottertJl.il;. The application of Robert and Geneva Simmons asking that the st INT¼ of Seo. l and the NE¼ of Sec. 2, Township 133, Range 36, be set off from school District No, 77 to School District No, 84 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at 10 9'olook A, 1-4. on Apr. 15, 1953 and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The County "9oard suiimitted to th~ Director of social Welfare the names of Mrs. G, E. Griffin, Per- ham; Mrs. Orville Berg, Underwood; .i!rs. Walter Haugarth, Unde::-•::ootl. and A, H, Bredahl of Fergus Falls from which to make a selection. to serve on the otter Tail Cotmty Welfare Boa.rd. · R~SOLUTTON ~OR ImTICF. OF SALF. OF RP.AL ESTATE BY THE COUNTY AND THE Tl<":Rlv!S TlIBREOF, Be it resolved, by the Board cf County commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota that the United States of America has made an-offer for the purchase from otter Tail county, Minnesota by Q.uit Claim Deed of the following described real estate situate in otter Ta.il county, !1tinnesota, to-wit: That part of section 35, Township 132 worth, Range 44 west of the 5th principal Meridian, described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a point on the east and west¼ line through said section 35, 920 feet west of the east¼ corner thereof; thence west along said¼ line 150 feet; thence S 52 deg 51' W 54, 6 feet more or less to the i:q.jee.sect ion wi tha line 33 feet south of and parallel with said ¼ line; thence west along last describe, 10 feet more or less to the east line of the NW¼_of SE¼ in said Section 35; thence south along said east line 17 feet to the intersection with a line 50' south 9f and parallel with said¼ line; thence west along last described line 1320 feet more or less to the north an4 south¼ line through said Section 35; thence north •along said¼ line 17 feet to the intersection with a line 33 feet.south of and parallel with the east a~d west¼ line.through said section 35; thence west along last described line 195 feet more or less to the intersection with a line which bears S 28 deg, 51' W from a point on said east and west¼ line, 2455,0 feet east of the west¼ corner of said Section 35; thence N 28 deg, 51' E 37,7 feet more or less to said¼ line; thence N 3 deg. 31' E 60,l feet more or less to the intersection with a line 50 feet north of and parallel with said¼ line; thence east along • last descr~oed line 1898,1 feet more or less to a point due north of the point of beginning: thence due south 50 fEfet to the point of beginning, containing 4,02 acres more or less. That if said sale is completed, otter Tail county in said conveyance will reserve all iron ore and other mineral righta in and upon so.id real estate together with right to explore for mine and remove the same. l COMMISSIONERS RECORD·.N-,-.-OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MlNN. DATE ...................... Mar •... ll_.··-·······································lg53 .. That the terms upon which the-united States of-America offer to purchase said property are as fol- lows; One Dollar (-$~.-00) and other valuable consideration. Notice is hereby given that on the 12th da.v of May, 1953 at 1:30 o'clock p.JJI, at the ¢ormnissioners' Room in the Otter Tail county court House in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the Board of commis- sioners of Otter Tail county, l,{innesota, will consider the terms of said ofil!'er and take action thereon. Dated: March 11, 1953. }\ttest: S. B. JOffifSON county Ai.iaitor. C. A, SNOV/BERG, Chairman of county Board. MIHNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGlll'/AYS FEDERAL AID S:'!CO!<DARY FORM 110. 111 Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 161.03, Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the co~missioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the County of otter Tail to let as its agent a cont.ract for the construction of that portion of state Aid Road rro. 1 described as follows: From: Amor •. TO: 3,5 Miles ;vest of Ottertail, and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and direct.ed for and on behalf of the C aunty to execute and enter into a contract with the commissioner of F.ighways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "JAinne.sota Department of Highways Agency contract Farm No. ''lV", a copy of which said form was before the board,. assuming on behalf of the county all of the contractual obligations therein contained. A.dopted this 11th day of March, 1953. Attest: S. 13. JOHllSOH Clerk T~e following bills were allowed: j. c. ·uenkes DO Joseph Rayne~. Sr. James !If. FJansen M. c. Lee Bert Stone Henry Sieling Carl A, Snowberg s. w. Beckman Bennie· ,7. ,Tohnson Bert Stone Louise Standahl Emil Boen Alfred Putnam Estate Ralph Estrem M. D, G, ;r. J.{ouritsen Gaffaney's Office Specialties co. . DO Marchant Calculators, Tnc. Monroe Calculating Uche. Co., Inc. ·Addres.sograph Sales Agency Elsie Pederson SQepard's Citations Mason Fublishing Co, VI. Earl Williams DO · 'Tillag.e of Parkers Pi:ai rie Ugeblad 'Puhl. co. !'!emington Rand Dept. _o·f Administration Schoolcraft Co. Fergus Specialties 'Tictor Lundeen~ co. Miller-Davis co. Educational Test Bureau Art Printcraft DO Security Blank Book & Prtg. co. Free Press Co, The Ge.a. D, Barnard co. Pelican Rapids Press Henning Advocate DO Fergus Journal Co, H. D, s·malley, ,Tr. N. 1'1, '\ell Telephone co. DO DO Kolies Plumbing~ heating co. south .Mill s·tandard Service Boen Bros. Grocery W·itlther Lumber ~ Fuel Yd, Barke, Allison~ Darby Eve~ace G, Fanson H, J,·Henning Louise Standahl H, ·w. Glorvigen Johnson Drug .Odin johnson C. A. SNOV/BERG Chairman of county Board. boarding prisoners sheriff's expenses Dep. Sheriff's expenses " ,, " exp. attd. meeting ,, " " " ., Attd. supervisors' meetings coroner's fees .. typewriter .. maintenance transcript citations annotations municipal court fees ,, " " quarantine expense supplies & printing supplies School Clerk Records suppl~es ., blanks supplies book~ supplies books " p, p, Pro·perty tax list " " ,, n " Publishing tax notice mobile. service toll repairs SU'lplies book matches coal insurance postage .. ., " supplies hauling mail $ 67.50 212,00 27.30 71,40 249 .15 24.89 2Q.78 5.00 9,82 19.40 14.00 48,05 52.71 16.20 10,25 22.70 140,00 132.50 35.00 27,00 22.55 10.00 84.00 17 .• 50 20,00 20,00 14,50 29.24 20,60 366 ,00 65.49 39.50 330,10 70 •. 38 58.82 7,00 6.25 389.72 361.00 96.41 357.35 251.80 779.40 1-18.80 2.00 79.35 16.90 76.95 18.27 1.18 5.20 685.06 2885,00 4.15 .•• oo · 154 •. 04 41.72 30,00 4.48 1.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. i:r. w. n-1orvi11P.n Perham Telephnne Co, T,:sther r.: SP.11 DO Mrs . Ann Jordan DO DO Phili11 1,1, !{jaglien N. w. Bell Telephone co. Miller's Hardvrare Straub Estate water & Light Dept. Victor Lundeen & co·. Bud Noyes' woodworking S-hop Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Phtlip M. Kjaglien M.ildred Bruvold Parkers Prairie Ind. Minnesota State Sanatorium Nopeming s·anatoriuni Glen Lake Sanatorium DO Dr. w. w. Will Ringdahl Drug store City of Fergus Falls Poor Dept. DO Village of Parkers Prairie Village of Battle Lake Town of Maine Town of Inman City of Fergus Falls N"OpP.ming Sanatorium Town of Otto A. W. co. , Inc. of Minnesota Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Klauer Mfg. co. Minn.•· w. D. co. Rosholt Equipt. Co, Geo, T. Ryan Co, Wm. H. Ziegler co., Inc. Paper, Calmenson ~ Co, Farm Center Welding co. Moen Truck Equipt., Inc. The Black 11: Decker Mfg. Co, Sherwin-Williams co. Paulson Tire Shop Fortwengler·Electric Shop Schrader & Eoehn Lund Sheet Metal A. B. Kilde Co. Oscar '.Rude Farm Center \Velding Co, Dap.gett Tmplement Co. Lake Region Motor Co. Bauck Chevrolet co. Larson Bros. Magnus Pederson Henry ~olmgren Field l.fachine co. Star Shoe Repair Red Ar.row Garage A. R, Meier Skogmo· Motors Bob's Service Vaughn Chevrolet Co, Minnesota Motor Co, Toftely Bros. Tich.v'.s Shop The Farmers' Supply Fergus Lumber 'I: Fuel Co, The Carew warehouse Erhard Oil Co, Local Gas co. Villag_e of Battle Lo.ke \Veter -'I: Light Dept. F,F, Gladen "Bros. Herb is.on Const. co. ose Bros. Clarence Hoff Effinp,ton Township Dora Tovmship Todd county Highway Dept. Minn. 1vrining 'I: Mfg. co. Service RP.corder Co, Natl, Bushing 'I, Parts co. Erie 'I: !H!!orudt t!dwe. Wilcox Lumber Co. , Vergas ~enninR 1.1ardware co. Empire· Su·ppl,V Co. Wiloox Lumber Co., 1renning Ringdahl Drug Store F,rickson-Hellekson-Vye co. Gamble Store, Battle Lake DATE .................................... Mar •... 11, ............................. lg .. 53 ilri.ver•s license cc!?!, serv1r-e· expen°0 s post.a,;. expenses pos:tage " supplies expenses sen•ice supplies Vet, Service rental service supplies repairs suppl,ies ·• postage ,'I, rP.ntal of " mimeographing (machine " publ.· financial statement care of patients " examination supplies care of transient poor expense for 1952· " " ,, care of poor " "patients "poor parts " " /I: snowplow " ~ cutting edges ,, '" " steel used truck loadOmeter paint supplies tire repair repairs coal " " " " " " " " " " " furnace oil gas water charges current culverts bituminous material equipment rent!tl gravel mo.in. tractor & scraper rental snow removal 'I, main, supplies " ,, " " " " " " " poor ., "•' " " 7Jl0 6.85 60.17 7,55 107.91 6.00 1.70 69.51 16,75 3. 25 50.00 6.11 55.98 50,00 23.10 6.28 3,00 961.80 933,80 1204;48 143.55 301.47 3.oo 21.00 294,-98 3.28 93.46 1155.89 181,79 2962.05 . 8126.13 1195,04 . 224.90 86.56 56,09 8.7:L 47,32 735.17 62:L.69 155.61 152.61 29.35 375.00 792.44 15,80 6.00 2,00 1.50 12.25 13,50 42.16 24.34 5.42 6.96 9.91 312,12 27,30 18,50 6.66 12.00 7.55 63.40 32,83 .70 15.59 17.87 24.00 8.25 43.20 60,54 39.59 50. 75 2.00 9. 75 38.54 386,10 320.00 321.12 142.24 77.50 60.50 85.00 461.45 245.47 60.94 1.85 3.63 2 •. 64 104.79 8.54 1.50 12.64 1.30 l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, -QT~ER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Riitne. Lalce -F.rar.d1va.re Rayni<ln"d"Bros.-·1.,otor Trans. ·co. Corisumers'.co~a~ Oil Co., B.L. FOssen·oil ~o •. !:rei'infli.g ·on· co·.--_ Harold! s··stnndard· /'!erv ice Rep·•s·st:nndard Service SyverSO!'l.i.s Milea.ge Sta. Fergus Oil co. '3ob's Service Sta. Bill Nelson Oil Co. Har.Be Oil Co. D, A; Lubricant co., Inc. H.K. Stahl Co., E. A, Bloese Wendell .?, JiUber VI, L. Potter G. D, Harlow George Olson Wend.ell P, Huber N, w. Bell Tele. co. F.F. Vergas·Telephone Co. N, w. '3ell Tele. ·co., Henning Pelican Teleplione co. N, W. Bell Tele. Co. Marchant Calculators, Inc. ~-A, Rogers co. Minn. State T?ighwa.v Dept. Poucher Print. ~ Lith. co. Panama ·carbon Co. Ditto, Inc. Victor Lundeen~ Co. Mutual Service Casualty E. R. Swenson Jns. Agency ll[oen P.eal ty ITintz Blacksmith Shop Lampert Lumber co., p,p, Winther Lumber~ Fuel Center Standard Oil Co., B,L. Farmers' Co~op C.reamer.v Assn. C, 13. Weber Tns. A~ency Dan's Texaco ~-e~v:ic~ ~einola Telephone Co. Chaffee Garage Frazee Texaco Service DATE ..................................... Mar .•... 11, .......................... 19 .. 53 supplies freiglit gaso~ine etc. etc. tires. repairs diesel fuel Oil expenses " cash advanced service tc tells· ... " " rental " II supplies~ prints " forms supplies " Insurance repairs supplies coat diesel fuel' gasoline insurance P.as'oline etc. service o,, toll repairs gasoline etc, Upon motion, the "'3oard then ad.iourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Apr. 14, 1953. Attest: _ _,_:~=.,.a=zo·~=-.;......,....__.=:.--·--~~ Clerk. cha1rman. 4;05 7;79 12a:s1 ·10; 70 144;31 · 5:5"3 198.74 64.72 6.38 71,30 516.33 607.16 93.50 32.59 153;92 52.78 4.70 15.30 3.59 34.65 13.45 10,70 10.00 44.10 10.00 189.96 66.U. 3,20 6.85 4.85 2.05 57.95 23.75 63.76 41.70 l0.80 107.22 .. 254.40 99.86 121.00 70.41 12.60 60.50 29.12 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTE~ TAIL C~UNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... .-............. AP.!:., ... J.1., ......................... 19 .... ?.:3 MINUTES OF ADJOURIIBD MEETniG OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY Cffiiil.USSIOilERS OF OTTER TAIL ·COUlf.llY•; MilHlESG!J1A. Pursuant d;o o.d,journment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A. r,r. Apr. 14, all members being present, A•delegation from Star Lake appeared for a hearinr-on the route to be followed by county Aid Road No. 42. The matter wu~ discussed but no definite action was to.ken. Applications for "On" and "Off" sale beer licenses for the .\'ear commencing Apr.·1, 1953 were ap- proved· as follows: A. A. Nelson, Grand 1fiev1 Heir,hts, Tovrn of Pine Lake; Arv id Tenney, High\\'a,V Park store and Pavilio~. Town of Elmo; earl Sundblad, Sundblad's Resort, Town of Eliza.beth; Ralph J. crews, Spruce Lodge,· 'liown of star Lake; Albert uanus zewski, Lake Resort, Sec. 1, Tovm of Perham·;· Anton Sand, sand• s Resort, Town of Corliss: Leonard I(. saewart, Leonard's Resort, Town of Corliss; Chas; D. center; Post 3289 1f,F.W Club Room, T,own of Newton; Carl Leaf, Leaf's Resort, Town of Pine Lake; Clarence Koehler, summer resort, Sec. 23, Pine Lake; L. P. Engel, Cozy cove Tavern, Dead Lake; Wm. Burau, Burau•s·Resort, Town of Aurdal; John G. Krejci, summer resort. Sec. 25, Town of Dead Lake; wm. Tessendorf. woodland Park, Tovm of Giro.rd; Ar.thur Abraham, Abraham's Resort, Tovm of Dora, Marvin D, Church, Church's Boat Rouse, Tovm of Star Lake; Gustaf Weiss, summer resort. Tovm of Rush Lake; I~sta E, Lind, Frank's Resort, Town of Leaf Lake; Fred -Sellinger, Sun Rise Resort, TO\ffl of Dead Lake; Mrs. Minnie Hendershot, Highway Cafe, Town of Elmo; Arnold Evenson, western store, Town of Western; Roscoe c. Smith, resort. T,own of Dora; ,Tacques Tiendrickx. Butler Store, Town of Butler: ,James VP.jvoda, Rush Lake ·Resort, Town of Rush Lake; ·Ernie "Dederson. Ernie's Resort. Town of Star Lake; Walter l'.lein, Sr., resort, Town of Rush Lake; Rufus trull, PUll's Landing; Town of Girard; Geo. D, and orah Prall. Evergreen Beach, ·Town o·f Corliss; Grant Jones, ,,ones' Landing, To~m of "ine Lake; Wilmar Roberts, Red Eye Tavern, Tovm o.f Butler. Applications for do.nee licenses for the year 1953 were granted as follows: Robert J. Crews, Spruce Lodge, ·Town of Star Lake; Carl Sundblad, Sundblad' s resort, Town of Elizabeth;· Arv id ·Tenney, Highway Park Pavilion, Town of.Elmo; A, A, Uelson, Grand View Heights, Town of Pine Lake. Upon motion, Pintgen-Y.arst was authorized to replace electric conduits under the paving in the rear of the court house for the sum of ·$960,00. Bids for construction of SP 56-501-14 S 423 (2) were received and opened as follows: Kahlstorf Bros. $31,288·.31; Alfred F,vavold and Sons, $31,994,02; John Dieseth co., $32,459.76; Moen Bros,, Inc., $32,566.23; Luehr Bros,, $34,153.71; Gladen Bros,, $35,132,53; Dan Conroy & Sons; $36,473.50; Ja.mes E. Barsness, $37,208.20; uartin Fruith, $38,436,05; Simon :i:ern, $39,978,6~; Farrell contracting co., ,40,670,21; Mllrphy Const, co., $48,958,45, The bid of I'.:ahlstorf "3ros. in the a.mount of ~31,288,31 vtas determined by the Boo.rd to be the lovtest liid received and it was voted to recommend to the commissioner of Hi.glma.vs that said contract be 1•1arded to Kahlstorf "3ros. Bids for construction of State Aid ,:rob· Ho. 53:04 Grading·\·tere received a.s·follows: ·Kahlstorf Bros., $-4-4·8L·14; Alton sterns. $4902.78; Rlissell McCarty, ·$5021.16; · Rust ~ Dahlman, $5786.78; Moen 1'ro1L, ·rnc $·6160,68; John Dieseth·co·., $6245.18; Weldon zo.ske, $6996.40; E, L. Uen construction co., $7680.10; Ferrell contracting co., $8162,72, Upon.motion, the contract was awarded to l'.:o.hlstorf Bros., the,v being the lo\·:est bidders. Bids having been reoeived for county Aid Job no. 53:54 BR bridge removal, culvert installation and grading were opened and read as follows: Rust 'I: Dahlman. $7491.60; Alton Sterns, $7830,90; Weldon zaske, $8109,88; Moen Bros,, Inc., $8569,66; Ed. Zimmerman, $8908,12; E-L, Lien Const. co., $9537.61·; John ~Dieseth Co,, $9535.70; Upon motion, the contract was let to Rust and Dahlman, they bein1_1: the low bidders. Bids for [':ro.ding of state Aid ,iob 53:10 were opened and. read, the following bids having been received: Jorgenson 'I: Son, $31,152.95; F,d. Zimmerman, !!'s31,267,30; Moen Bros., Inc., $31,933.35: Alfred Evavold and·sons, ~32,757.30; Sellin ~ros., ~33,033,45; E. L, Lien construction co;, $33,595;38; Gladen Bros., $31,106.67;· Kahlst~rf Bros, $34 ,618.78; Dan Conroy~ sons, ~35,822,18; John Dieseth co., $36,127.61; Luehr Bros., $36,196.10; Weldon Zaske, $39,991.70; James E, Barsness, $40,379,00; Don Gray.&: Glen Feda, $42,203,50; Ferrell contracting co •• $42,212.40; Jvrurphy construction co., $43,719.46. Upon motion, the contract was awa~ded to Jorgenson&: son, they being the low bidders. The County Audi tor presented to the Boardr-o. report of the Board of Audit of an examination of the county treasurer's accounts beginning June 21, 1952 through March 1, 1953. Upon motion, the report was approved. The. petition of IV!D, A. King to repurchase property in Petlch's '!!e1>.ch was read and the following re-.,;olution was adopted: ~esolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail r.ount,\', Minnesota. Whereas, this Board has this day considered the petition of wm. A, King for repurohase of lands for- feited for non-payment of taxes under date of Aug. 30; 1952 and the Board being advised that so.id real estate is not located within any restricted area established b.l' the Board of county commissioners of Otter Ta~l Count,v and that said real estate has not been sold b,v the State and is not under any mineral prospecting or lease and is not under any condemnation b.v the state or any of the political sub-divisions or by the united States: IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED By the Boo.rd of county commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota that undue hardship or injustice would result if the forfeiture for the non-po.,vment of taxes was not corrected and that therefore Ylln, A, Y.:ing shall be permitted to repurchase for a sum, eq·ual to the aggregate o:f all d:elinqu!lnt taxes and assessments together with penalties, interest and costs the following described real estate situate in Otter Tail county, !.!innesota, to-wit: All that pairt of r,ot 11 in Peach• s Beach lying South of Township line. Adopted April 14th, 1953, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk, C • A • S NOYT13F.RG Chairman. .... COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, QJ'Ti~ .. TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... •·······-··················· Resolved b,v the Board of county com,nissioners that urs. Tola lfelson be and hereby is authorized to enter Glen Lake sanatorium for surgery and that the County of Otter Tail will be responsible for the cost of said surgery. Adopted Apr. 14, 1953. S,B. JOHMSON. Clerk. C •. A. SNOWBERG. IAINNESOTA DE'l?ARTMENT C'!"F' TTIGJ:TWAYS FEDER.Ar. AID SECONDARY .FORM rm. 111-S Chairman. Be it resolved that pursuant to section 161.03. Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the commissioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the county of otter Tail to let as its agent a contraqt for the construction of that ·portion of county Aid Road No. 43 described as follows: From SAR 1. 6 ·Mi. E. of Ottertail to T.H. 106 v1hich project shall be combined witp Otter Tail county Federal- Aid secondary project identified as s.p. 56-524-04 &, Minn. s. 245 (7) and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the c9rrunissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesot~ Department of Higlmays Age:tic.v Contract Form No. IV-S', a copy of which said form was before the bos.1·d, llSsuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein con tained. Adopted this 14 day of April 1953. ~ C. A. · Sll01'TBERG . Attest: S. 'B. JOHifSOif Cler!~. Chairman of county Board. MIIHIBSOTA DEPARTl.fl':NT OF HTGIW/AYS FEDERAL AID SECONl)A.."rr FOR!/1 NO. 111 Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 161. 03, subdivision 26 through 29, M•innesota Statutes 1949, the commis.sioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the county of otte.r Tail to let as it.s agent a contract for the construction of that portion of State Aid RoadsNo.l, 7, 9, 12 described as fol- lows: SAR •/11--From 5.5 Mi. s. of Fergus Falls to Fergus Falls (S.P.56-506-06) SAR 41--From T.H. 108, 3 Ui. E· of Ottertail to Hew York Mills (s.p.56-524-0.4) SAR 41--From !few York Mills to 2.7 Mi. North (S.P.. 56-517-05) . SAR /7--T-'rom 0.5 Mi. I'/. of Almora to T. H. #29 (S.P. 56-522-02) SAR f12:::From 5.5 Mi. s.w. of Dent to Dent (s.p. 56-502-07) SA.~ f9--From T.H. 34 w. of ])Unvilla to north county line and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the county to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highw~vs prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and containe~ in "Minnesota Department of High1vays Agency• contract Form !Jo. IV". a copy of which said form was before the b9ard. assuining on behalf of the county all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 14th day of April, 1953. Att~st: S. B. JO'fllfSON Clerk, C. A. Sll0l'/BERG Chairman of county Board. Upon.motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M, Apr. 15th. vr;:mmsDAY' s s~ss TOlf. '?Ursuant to a~journment the Bo~rd met at 10 o'clock A, M,, Apr. 15, 1953, all members being present. The county Treasurer was authorized to have bonds issued covering all his help. I The petition of Richard and Geneva Simmo.ns to be set off from School District No, 77 to School Dis- trict No, 84 was taken up for final action. Upon advice of the county Attorney this petition was reject- ed for the reason that the petition was not in legal form as this land has become a part of T,odd County Ifo, 51. A petition containing 45 signatures· askinf! that improvement be mad.eon C,A,R. No, 44 from T.H. 3 to C,A,R, No, 27 was read and ordered placed on file. The application of Orville 'Berg for homestead classification on the SF,¼ NE¼, Sec. 17, and th.e st NW¼, Sec. 16, Town of Scambler, v1as aoprcved and the tax ordered reduced accordingly. The application of Eugene A, Straight for homestead classification on the Ei SW¼, NW~ SEt, Frl. Et NE4 and the NE¼ SE.+. sec. 22, Town of Sambler, was approved and the tax ordered reduced ac:cordingly. The application of s. R. Frendin for household exemption on personal property assessed in the Village of ?elican Rapids was approved and the tax ordered reduced to $11,9~. The application of the Wadena Amusement Co. for uancellation of personal property assessment in the Village of Dent'was approved and the tax ordered cancelled, The application of Carl Sundblad for household exemption on his personal property taxes in the Tovm- ship of Elizabeth was approved and the tax reduced to $50.18. l the The application of Richard~-Peddycoart for reduction of assessed valuation of personal property in village of Vining was approved and the tax ordered reduced to $44.78. : I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N;:-OT'FER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................. --A:pr _. ____ 15_ • -----·----····--·------·----··19 .. _53 l{ilJllll.lJ \fl lii□H'U"ITl'l-fl:11El'l:.Jr.T.lll'.~ --"The""appl1cation o·r -:r:nnaa --paftain for cancielH1Uon of ·personal· property asseaame-nt -in t·he -cny· of F"ei'gus·-Falls for -the reasb-n that this is a duplicate assessment, this same property having also been assessej ~-~.-Y?~!~~':_1_11: Partain: ·-:-::· :·_:-.;.-:_· . ---·-·---__ : -~ :, _ _-__ ::;:.-;:_ --·---- : .. · -the·-appti-catio~-cit. Minn;.· F~r-~~-; -fn~:. ~fbt -;r,ed uot ion: ·:of--U..x-es •·~i?-:-~lie~-;l'!l¼,:::::i;ot.~.: _T~a~d.-:8 :.e~oep~ :t-r~~t to u:s:1: in-sec:··30,·:'l!own··o:ll'-Buse-,· woe-approved beoause-37;?" acres-·naa been transferred to t~e Ufi1.ted states ·govei'hinefit -a:na ·.was not· taken into consideration wh-sn the assessment was made, the amount of re- duction in taxes being $22.32. The application of Floyd G. Martin for settlement and abatement of delinquent taxes and penalties for the year 1946 through 1951, inclusive. was approved for the :::-eo.so!l that a building which was removed in 1945 ha4 been assessed for e~ch one of the above years. The application of Floyd G. Martin for reduction of taxes for the year 1952 was approved for the reason that a building wee assessed on this land. This building had been removed in the year 1945. T he application of Y.. Milton "augrud for homestead classification on the If½ NE¼ and the SW¼ NEt of sec. 21, Town of Pelican, was rejected, for the reason that he held-no written contract for the-pur- chase of this land. upon motion. the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for one half ton pick-up, bid to a.How t_rade-in allowance on county-unit Ho. 81, 1950 Ford half ton pick-up, bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. May 12, 1953. · Upon motion, the county Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for gravel base and road-mixed bituminous surface-C.P. 53:33B (CAR #33). Length 2.5 miles, located between 2.0 miles north of Battle Lak on T.H. #78 and 2.5 Miles ~ast. Comprising: 5,938 tons of gravel base in place 47,029 gals. of bitumin- ous material. Gravelling ~~c.P. 53:G i State Aid and cou~ty Aid Roads. comprising: 25,000 c.y. Screenin Crushing •• Loading 125.000 c.y. miles hauling. Roadil!.tixed bituminous surface--C.l'. 53:B-State Aid and County Aid Roads, Comprising: 60,000 gals. bituminous material, bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A, M. rvra.v 19, 1953. TTpon motion, the County Auditor was instructed to receive bids for Road-mixed bituminous surface s.p.-56-522-02 (SAR;·7), Minnesota Project S 360 ,4), length 2.5 miles. located between 0,5 mile west• of Almora and T. H. 29, c.omp.ris.ing 48143 Gals. of bituminous material. Gravel Base and Road-Mixed Bituminous Surface s·.p. 56-502-07 (SAR 12), Minnesota Project S 690 (7), length 5.8 Miles, located between 5.8 miles south v:est of Dent and Dent. co111prising 10815 tons of gravel base in· place and 109044 Gals. of bituminous material. S.P. 56-506-06 (SAR 1), Minnesota Project S 189 (7), length 5.2 miles. located between 5.5 miles south of·Fertus Falls and Fergus ~alls, comprising 14812 tons of gravel base in place and 99184 gals. of 9it-uminous material. s.p; ·56-507-02 (SAR 9). Minnesota Project s. 821 12), length 5.2 miles, located between T. H. #34 west of Dunvilla and the North Line of otter Tail County, comprising 16'00 tons of gravel base in place and 93927 gals of bituminous material. S.P, 56-517-05 (SAR ~l)~;' Minnesota Project S 245 /6), length 3.0 Miles, located between T. H. 10 in New York Mills and 3.0 Miles North, comprising 11145 tons of gravel base in place and 60750 gals. of bit-uminous material. · s.P. 56-524-04 (SAR 1), Minnesota Project S.245 (7), length 9.8 miles, located betv1een T.H, 108, 3.0 Miles East of Ottertail and New York Mills; and county Project 53:43B, length 4.1 miles. located between SAR 1, 6,0 miles East of Ottertail and T.H. 106, comprising 32464 tons of gravel base in place and 260,020 gals. of bituminous me.terial, bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. Ma..v 19, 1953. A plat of Anderson's l'!each oomprisinF: a part of Govt. T,ots 4 and 5, Sec. 9, Tovmship 132, P.ange 42 and accompanied by a certificate of ti~le executed by Claude R. Field, Attorney-at-law, was a·pproved. RESflT,UTION BY T~ BOi\RD fl'!" COUNTY COMMISSIONF.RS OTTER TA TL C otmTY , MIN NF.SOT A • . ~REAS, thP. vot~rs~of ottPr Tail county at a special election in 1951 appr~v~n a bnnn issue fnr $2,5no,noo inr !'!'l)eci:f'i.~d road and: br.\d~!? imnrovenients, Whereas, approximately $2,000,000 of this bond issue fund will be spent .cm Federal Aid secondary routes, and W'IBREAS, the program. Zor specified road improvements is to be completed in approximately 7 years, and W'1EREAS, costs have risen since the original draft for improvements was dravm, and \'IUF.REAS, the amount of r'ederal Aid Secondar.v funds available for Otter Tail 0ounty at· this time will be approximately ~840,000. which will leave a balance of $1,160,000 unmatched by '!"ederal Aid Secondary fund.a out of the $2,000,000, and \'fl{F.P.P.AS, a majori t,v of the counties in the State are meeting Federal Aid Secondary funds on a 50-50 b~sis while Otter Tail• County will be meeting Federal Aid Secondary funds on a 70-30 basis, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a request be made to the Commissioner of Highways for a special allotment in the amount of $50,000 from the Federal Aid Secondary funds to apply on current program of construction. Adopted this 15th d~y of April, 1953. Attest: S. ~-JO'FfNSON, Clerk C • A. SNOVIBERG Chairman. IICHIIDDHPl!l9COIMII U CIOYD HIii lzn COMMISSIONERS RECORD:-N-; ·OTTER TAIL ·Ct>UNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... Apr .•.... 15 • ......................................... 19 5-3. RESOLTJTIOtr- BY T'lfl': BOAP.D OF "OilllTY COl,IMISSIO?JP.RS ·. · -OTT'!i:R TATL COUNTY, l•f.INW::SOIPA •.. · ·-·---· . -- · BE IT W.SOLVl'ITl. tl'lat tl'le ·r:hairiliii.n ·ana · the ·couflt:V Aud ft or are hereby· authorized on behalf of the co1mt.1• of otter Tail to execute o.n agreement with the Villap.:e o·f New yrork Mills for the improvement of State Aid Road tfo. 1 on Broadway Street from T. H. 10 to Horth city limits, which said agreement bears the date of April 14, 1953. Adopted this 15th Day of April, 1953. Attest: S. B. JOHNSOH Clerk. The following l'es.:.lution \'las o.dopted: C • A. SNOV/BERG Chairman. Whereas. there has been presented to the Boo.rd of county commissioners of otter Tail county a re- solution of the City of Fergus Falls requesting that a claim for the cost of bituminous construction fo~ the center 24 feet be made b.Y the County of Otter Tail and/or the State of Minnesota or both including the intersections bet1veen the follo1•1ing points: On Cascade St. 'J'.rom the Northern Pacific tracks to Verna Ave., and on Alcott from Fremont St. to Leven St. The estimated cost of construction of this project is $1306.48. Now, therefore, be it resolved b.Y the "Board of Count.v commissioners of otter Tail county that the re quest.be granted and upon motion of commissioner Sieling and seconded by Commission°r Johnson the re- solution wo.s carried by unanimous vote. Adopted Apr.15.1953, At test : S. B. ,10HUSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: C • A. SNOV/'BERG Chairman. Resolved b.v (he 13oard of county commissioners of ntter Tail Count.v, Uinnesota: ;,/hereas, the count.v Board has heretofore contracted· with the Geo. T, R,\•an co. of Minneapolis for one Galion Diesel motor grader in the sum of $11,780,00 and, Whereas, the so.me has been delivered and accepted by the Boo.rd, \ • • I ---NO%' tj_1er«£ore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the Board and the county Auditor are hereby ordere.~'tt issue o. warrant to the Geo. T, Ryan co. for the amount of the contract price, Adopted Apr. 15, 1953. Attest: S. B. ,)<"'ffifSOll Clerk The followinr, resolution was adopted: C • .'!.. SNOVTBERG Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: \7hereas, the County Boo.rd has heretofore contro.cten with the Lake Region Motor co. for one 1953 Fora half-ton pick-up in the sum of $950,00, and, l'!hereas, tile same has been ~elivered and accepted by the Board, No1v, therefore be it resolved that the Chairman of the Board and the county Auditor are hereby or- dered and directed to issue a warrant to the Lake Region Motor Co. ·for the amount of the contract price. Adopted Apr. 15, 1953. Attest: S. B. J'lf'NSOlf Clerk, '.l'he fol ln•"ing bi 1 ls were allovted: J, C, Henkes DO !,!. c. Lee James U, Hansen Joseph Rayner, Sr, Ivan E, Bigler, M,D, Dr, G, J, Mouritsen Carl Jahn DO W, Earl ~illin~s EVelace G. Ranson DO H, w. Glorvigen DO ,lohn J,. "Bixby 'Ff, r,. Allen 111'.abel Wenstrom C. A. SNOVJBB'RG Chairman. boarding prisoners expenses Dep;. Sheriff's EXpenses " " " " Dep. coroner's fees ,, " . " .. sheriff's expenses " municipal court fees postage box rent comm. on drivers' licenses expenses $ 245,00 61,39 75.40 92.10 20,30 10.00 12,45 52.90 21.60 10,00 45,00 2,00 2.00 9,05 44,82 28,14 41.05 COMMISSIONERS RECORD-:N,·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN .. . Apr. 15, 53 DATE .......................................... · ............................................. 19 ...... .. Louise Storidahl Do Winther Lumber&: Fuel N. l'f. Bell Telephone co. DO Do Western Union Marchant Calculators Battle Lake Review Northwestern Publ. co. Fergus Journal co. The Independent Ugeblad PU.bl. Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Security Blank nook 'I: Prtg. co. Fritz-cross co. Poucher Prtg. 'I: Lith. Co. Miller-Davis co. no Free !'ress co. south Mill Standard Service Johnson Drug ~argo Food & ~quipt. co. Miller Hardware Farnham Stationery&: School Supply co. Indianhead Specialty co. Hillyard Sales co. i::rintgen-Y.:arst .Beall .'I, McGowan Holten Hardware r.affaney's Office Spec. co. Beall &: McGowan Schoolcraft co. Victor Lundeen & Co .• Indianhead Specialty co. Poucher Printing .li: Lith. co. Remington Rand Ronning Signs Aasness Brothers Henry Sieling Bennie J. Johnson s. w. Beckman \'fest nublishing co. ~sther Sell DO Ann Jordan Do Do Nursing outlook Indianhead Specialty co. Perham Telephone Co, Philip M, Y.jaglien DO Ruth C. ~ampbell Ci t:v 1'7ater •• :r,ight Dept. R. L. Polk~ Co. Straub F,state Johnson Drug Victpr Lundeen 'I: co. N. W":,"'~elephone Ca. Glen·Lake sanatorium Nopeming sanatorium Minnesota Stat:e Sanatorium \Vesley ll'OSpi tal City of Fergus Falls Poor Dept. Town of Maplewood nr. Everett c. Hanson DO Ringdahl Drug Store Division of Public Institutions Town of Sverdrup A, w. co., Inc. of Minn. Klaue·r Mfg. Co. Minnesota F.w.n. co. N, \'I, Engineering co. Rosholt Equipt. co. Geo. ·T· Ryan Co. wm. H. Ziegler co., Inc. Kinne•s Inc. Cummins Diesel Sales corp. Service Recorder co. wm. Galena~ Son Minn. Motor co. Vergas Hdwe. co. Chaff-ee' e Garage Larson Brothers Lake· Region !,to tor co. 11'er~us Na.sh Motor co. Tich,v' s Shop stadum Repair Shop Field Machine Co. postage expenses coal mobile service tolls " service . 111ain. publ. financial statement " printinr, " " !: supplies envelopes 'I: prtg. books 'I: supplies book blanks supplies " . blanks gasoline .'I: snow plow supplies .. 'I: repairs " " assessment supplies supplies lettering door repairs e~pense attending meetings " " " " Northwest Reporter expenses postage supplies postage expenses subscription supplies service nurse " " " expenses Vet. Ser. postage 'I: rentol expenses service director,v rent supplies " service care of patients " " " " " .. " " " poor " patients " " " care of transient parts ., " " " •&: cutting edges " " repairs repairs " " " & tubes " " " pnor " " " ·n " " 39.00 74.91 619,01 88.15 30,90 109.15 8.20 35.oo 961.80 1.96 113.10 45,00 58.84 35,73 79.91 172.00 117 .18 48.09 45.60 6.55 10,25 1.18 25.69 . 35.73 2.90 . 32.18 4.96 95.60 9,06 28.25 19.33 1.88 11.25 88.25 333.15 16.35 1566.90 380;25::- 2 .oo 32.04 25.52 15.60 5.88 43.00 60.53 .. 6,00 1.60 0.00 89.21 6.50 4.96 l0.65 75.88 7.38 9.10 6.16 20.00 50.00 2.13 6.05 13,05 359.44 1323.08 1033.85 12.50 292.05 1013.68 9.00 48.85 35.95 3240.64 · 168.45 267.72 155.04 1255.39 2:ro.47 532.20 465.35 795. 71 788.73 95.86 5.20 12.30 35.91 32.10 60.50 130.02 5.44 5.83 3.75 3.55 106.60 l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Bef.lni.e Rossum·· -S"ta.n·rs Ad.to: BOdy:.: .. skogmo Motoi's;.Inc;- verga:s Motor.service Perham Co~6p Oil-Co. !r.--J:-schriiiiit ·· Paurson-Tire Shop Porlc"JA:acli.iile· Inc. -· · · Natl ~--13usnirig 'I: ·pa.rts co. Empire suppiy·co. F101t·e-i'i .,n1rdware .. --· Bill~s-serfi6e Sf~tion Toi!-hly · -qro.s; !'!dwe. coo.st-to-coast store. 13.r,. uome 'I, "Parm Supply Fergus Glo.ss 'I, ~aint co. Olson Ante Electric co. Aehley~Quixign co. Davidson !lletal Shop coast-to-coast store, P.R. Thomas Garo.ge w.G. Schwarz Oil co. Harold's Standard Service co-op. Services, Inc. Farmers' co-op Cry. co. Frazee Texaco Service Service Oil Co., B. t. Bengtson Oil co, Harthun~ Peterson Oil Co. Tobin Oil Co. Fergus Oil co. Johnson's Service Renning Oil Co. Art's Service Station R~v•s Oil Station nan's Texaco Service Service Oil Co., und. S /I: F Oil co. Bill Nelson Oil co. Hagge Oil Co. D. A. Lubricant co., Inc. The Oil Store Standard Oil co. Vining Oil co. Olson Oil co. Villap.e of Renning Peavey ~levators Railway Express Agency, B.L. ;la.vmond Bros. Motor Trans. co. John Dieseth co. Chest er i·,r• rt ins on Vaughn Chev. co. Dan c. Ness Agricultural Services, Inc. 1,1utual Servioe ,casualty Anthony o. Johnson American Paint corp. City of Fergus Falls rr. w. Bell Telephone co. Midwest Tele. co., Par. Pra. N. w. ~ell Telephone co. Pelican Telephone Co. N. w. Bell Tele. co., Penning Victor !,undeen •c Co. Monroe Cale. Machine co. Marchant Calculators, Inc. Nelson Bros. Printing co. Tndianhead Specialty co. Minneapolis Blue Print co. H. A. Rogers co. Poucher Print. 'I: Lith. co. Panama carbon co. G. D. Rarlow Wendell p. Huber w. L. Potter George Olson r,. J. Fjosne Wendell p. !'!Uber Minnesota state r/ighway Dept. construction Bulletin rergus Journal co. Lenora Nelson Soren o. Bjorgaard Jack D. Leaders John E.--Barner Asa Cort6' Lewis R, Bertelson Earl Harrie Chester M, Martinson Dr, Thomas Tjornhom Rudolph Holmgren Harold M, Cary Apr. 15. 53 DATE ............. •·········-······················-··-···································19 ..... . repairs nte ·repairs Hghts: · -· · ·· · repaf:ti!" ·'I: supplies supplies gasoline " " " " " gas 'I: oil gasoline etc. " " gas 'I: o:i:l gasoline tires 'I: tubes diesel fuel oil fuel oil .. diesel fuel etc, rent 'I, electricity coal express freight culverts lath wire fire extinguishers & fillers weed sprayer insurance hauling tire paint & supplies main. se:i;vice /I: service & service 'I, service 'I: " supplies inain. calculo.tor supplies II long distance tells long distance toll & prints " expenses " cash· advanced testing ad. ·for bids notices Right of Via..'{ " " " .. .. " " " .. " " " " " " " " " " " " " 'I, move fence ., mov@ f@flCCI " " II " " " .. " .. 40:·25 20:60 11:32 24:09 39·:10 2·1:40 ·5;75 35;47 ·46:21 3:1.1:58 54;55 9;10 7;95 !L33 9.54 60.32 46.90 33.19 24.15 4.18 45.33 6.95 3.71 80.09 67.60 44.68 76.03 44.17 106.61 51.64 14.36 53.75 61.97 55.66 72.35 63.25 96.25 320.30 597.38 840.38 344.08 142.55 376.39 75.00 67.07 150.75 41.35 1.57 4.00 398.32 18.00 .75 292.55 772.12 9.55 3.00 10.00 250.00 38.30 11.40 36.75 14.85 12.95 16.80 18.00 503.50 8.80 6.66 170.0l 83.43 7.25 6.25 22.26 210.40 45.43 18.50 6.33 25.05 13.23 38.70 26.40 a.oo 155.20 3.60 2.00 87-.93 40,80 52.55 53.72 28.00 29,70 89.05 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, "'OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... · ........... Apr_-... 16 ' ........................... 19 .... ~~ ./, { fence Chas, .F. Ditzler Right of Way & move 226.75 Zion Lutheran Church ... .. " 2.-20 Vernon E. Johnson .. .. 48.28 F. P:. .:r.aiser. Adm. .. " . .. 32.60 Michael !:aroloznak ,; " .. 210.90 E. s. Gaynor " " 4 •. oo Harold, C, MUrk " " " 6.oo Albert. Hexum " " .. 40.80 Carl Sethre " .. " 19 •. oo Peter .sethre ·" " " 10.40 Orlin Moen .. .. .. 32.oo Clara -0, Sletvold " " .. .'I: move fence 38.40 Henry L,vstad .. " 11,00 Martha Poynter 'I: Clifford r,yngstad .. " " 11,60 Gunda Dahl " " .. 3,30 Robert Lill " .. " .e., move fence 39.75 H, A, vanCleef " " " 4,40 Vernon Carleen " " 4-7,20 Church of St. Elizabeth " .. 4,20 Lena s. MCCullooh .. .. .. 'I: move fence 138.50 "Esther• J. Nehk " .. " .. 29.70 Louis •Iiehk " .. " " 32,6.0 Adoiph Mortenson ,20 Raymond Boese " 11,00 Er ickson-.Hell~kson-Vy~ co. supplies -11,59 Upon motion. the Board then adjourned to 10 o'olook A. !vi, May 12, 1953. A-ttest :-'-=-------'"-~ __ ._a'" ___ ,_~ __ _ '7cierk. l COMMISSIONERS RECORD.··N-,-OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... _ May .. 12., ·············-···························19 .. 53 IA:INUTF.S OF AD,701JRNED !AF.F.TTNG OF Tf'E BOARD OF COIBJTY COMJHSSHltIBRS OF OTTER TAIL CO,, MTHNF.SOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A,M,, M~V 12, all members being present. The Board having advertised for one half-ton·· pick-up. bids to be opened· at 10 o 'cloak, the Boa-rd proceeded to examine the bids which were received as follows: Lake Region Motor Co., $700,00; Super G,M,C, Truck Sales, $732,04; irinnesota Motors, $710,00; Skogmo Motors, $736,00, all the above figures being the net price after deducting the trade-in. Upon motion, the bid of the Lake Region Motor co. was accepted. A delegation appeared before the Board and asked for improv~ment of road north of Pelican Lake on county line. A delegation from st. Olaf TO\vnship appeared before the Board regarding the cost of installing cul- vert and work on road near Lake Sewell, rrpon motion, otter Tail county will participate.with Tansem Township, Norwegian Grove and Clay County in improving 2¼ miles county road on the north side of nor- wegian Grove in an amount not to exceed $2,000,00, A delegation appeared before the Board and presented a petition and oral arguments for the improve- ment of a road leaving Richville, going west one mile in Rush take Township, then south through Townships of' Rush Lake, Dead Lake and Amor to Charley'Ditchler's corner, a distance of 7½ miles. upon motion, the county Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids to be received at a special meeting at 2 o'clock.p. M, June 30, 1953 on the work listed below: Bituminous Surface -S,A,R, #4, from 1,1 miles s.w. of' Vergas to C,A,R, #44 in Vergas Gravelling -S,A,R, fB, from 1,0 miles. of' Butler to 1,25 miles W, of Hillview Gravelling -G.A,R, f54, from Butler and 0,9 miles. Gravelling -S,A,R, #10, from T,H, #52 to T,F, f59 MIH!!ESOTA DF.PAP.TMENT ()F t1T(}P'WAYS FEDF.RAL AID SF.C OIIDA!rl !"ORM rm. 111 ~e it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 161,03; subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the county of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of state Aid Road No, 8 described as follows: From 1 mile south of Butler to 1,25 miles w. of Hillview, and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency contract Form IJo, IV", a copy of which sa~d form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the county all of the contractual obligatiqns therein contained, Adopted this 12 <'lii.,V of uay, 1953. !Seal) C, A. SNOWBE~G Chairman of County 3oard, Attest: S. B. ,JOHHSON Clerk, i,iIIHffiSOTA DEPARTV.NT OF HTG"WAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY F'0RY:I tm~ I!I . . -Be it resolved that pursuant to Section 161.03, Subdiviaion 26 through 29, l,linnesota Statutes 1949, the commissioner of' High¥1ays be appointed as the agent of the county of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of State Aid Road No, 4 described as follows: From 1,1 Miles SW of Vergas to C,A,R, #44 in Vergas, and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed ~or and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highwa.vs prescribing the terms and cond i tlons .of such agency in the fa.rm as set forth and contained in ~Minneso-ta Department of Highways Agency Contract Form Uo, IV"m a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the county all of the contractual obligations therein contained, Adopted this 12 da.v of uay, 1953. (Seal} C. A. SN0\'1BF.RG Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. Chairman of County Board RESOLUTYON FOR SALF. OF. P.EAL F.STATE . TO UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND FOR CONTRACT WITH UIHT~D STATES OF AMF.RIGA on the 11th day of !\larch, 1953, a resolution was adopted wherein and ,._.hereby notice was given ·that on the 12th day of' May, 1953, at 1:30 o'clock P,M, at the commissioners' Room in the Otter Tail coun-ty court House, in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota-, the Beard of Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota, would consl<'ler an offer of the U'lli ted States of America to purchase by a Quit Claim Deed the real estate hereinafter described, The Board of Commissicnc~s were in session on the 12th day of May, 1953, at the time specified in said notice. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota, that the offer of the 'Tni ted. states of America. to purchase by a Quit Claim Deed for the sum of one Dollar and other r-ood and valuable consideration is hereby accepted as to the following described real estate to-:-fl1 t: That part of section 35, Township 132, North, ~ange 44 west of' the 5th Principal Meridian, described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a poi"lt on the east and west ¼ line through said sect ion 35, 920 feet west of the east+ corner thereof; thence west along said¼ line 150 feet; thence S 52 deg 51' w 54,6 feet more or less to the intersection with a line 33 feet south of and parallel with said¼ line· thence west along last described line 210 feet more or less to the east line of the NVI¼ of SE¼ in said.Section 35; thence south along said east line 17 feet to the intersection with a line 50' south of and parallel with said¼ line; thence west along last described line 1320 feet more or less to the north COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, Q?TER ~AIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................................... Ma.v .. 12., ... 1953 .......... 19 ....... . ancnliouth ¼"-nne tli;tougi.:.:sa~d·-seoHoR" 35; theniie=-l'ioY:t:h ~~~ng.-~ai~-:t -~r~!-~r;~et:-t<? :~ne_. in~ersect !~!.1·:w1 t a:···une-33-:fee:t-8out"h of::ar-id 'pataner-wna::t}ie:.east ahli .west":¼ line tn,r.ougli liiaid-section 35.; thence west along·:ust ::deso:fi'.bea.--11r1e-195-.f'eet.--iiiore :or···1ess·-tci-the· in:~e-zes~ct~o~~ ~!t'h-~ ~!~~--w~'ioli-be~~s:-~.-~a-_~e~:· 51 w.:froiii a· point·-on said east ·and· Y1el1t· ¼ Umf,:'"2455 ,.o:-feet-east:. o_~-Yi!!. l'.:8:s~ f-ooi:r-ie!: of· s~I~. S:.c.!~o~-~5·; 1:Hence · u; ·2a-aeg~·-sl! :E~·37; 7-·f'eet_ :mijre-or·-~ess :to ·se.1d ~-¼~ ;1~·;· 1:_li~~ci: !i: ~-a.~g. :n : .. ~ _ 50~ ~ _ !ee! mo!':. ~r ress -tl:l· ·tne::-rntetseonon 'wi th""ii Iine 50 feet nort·h :or ar-id '!5ar-allel v:ith said t Ilne; thenoe east along- Iist-descfil>ed-lifie-·1aoa~1 feet-m6re·or·1ess-t·o·a·point dtre··n:ort·n of·the""point of beginning; thence due south 50 feet to· the -point of beginning. containing 4,02 acres more or less. The Gr~ntor, ·otter Tail County, a municipal corporation, reserves all iron ore.and other mineral rights in and upon said real estate together with the right to explore for, mine and remove the same. Be it further resolved that Contract No, DA-21-018-Eng-667 between the county of Otter Tall end the united States pf America ls in all things approved and accepted, Be it further resolved that the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, here by authorize and direct the Chairman of this Board and the county Auditor of Otter Tail County, Minne- sota, to sign, execute, and deliver the Quit ~laim Deed and the contract herein refei:red to forthwith, Attest: S. ~. JOR.NSON count,v Auditor C • A , S!10VTBERG Chairman of the Board of county commissioners The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution v:as made by Commissioner Henry Sieling, end seconded by ¢ommissioner B, J, ~ohnson, and on vote being taken thereon the following.voted in favor thereof: Henry Sieling, B, J, Johnson, Otto Haase, S, W, Beckman, C, A, Snowberg, and the following voted against the same: None. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed, and was signed and attested by the Chairman and Auditor. Upon motion, the Board then ad·joLJ.rneci to 9 :30 {°A: M, Mey 13th, WEDNESDAY'S SESSIOr., PU.rsuant·· io ad·,1ournment the Board met et lo o ~ clock A, M, May 13th, A petition was presented to the BoaTd to clean the so-oalled Poor Farm Ditch. This petition was re,1ected as no.t being in proper form. "OFF" and "ON" s~le lioenses were granted as follows: Otto Moe, Hobart; Mrs. A, E, Campbell and Mrs. Chas, Forsling, Girard; Donald H, ."Bondy., Leaf Lake; Edward Schomberg, Dead Lake; Melvin J, Sch- langer, N~daros; c. s. Jensen, Girard; Fern Horvath, Dora; Russell T, Pederson, Star Lake; Alva Ris- ley, Rush Lake; Mamie Shaske, Rush Lake; Oscar Peterson, star Lake; Joseph Melvin Biltz, Pine Lake; Joseph Robert Neud~ck, Perham Township; Thos, R, Schwientek, Pine Lale~; Paul B, Fisher, Dead Lake; Sylvester Shasky, •Corliss; Joseph H, Fink, Gorman; Hai Reintsma, Corliss; Emil A, Madsen, Everts; Franklin Larson, Pine Lake. Dance licenses were granted as follows: Donald H, Bondy, Leaf Lake; Mrs. A, E, Campbell and Mrs. Chas. Forsling, Girard, and dance license· using mechanical music only, was granted to Otto Moe of the Township of Hobart. The petition of "P.dwin Dillerud to set. off the N½ NW~ except town hall and the rm¼ NE¼ of Sec. 22, Township 136, Range 44, from Dist. 48 to Independent School District No, 10 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said -petition be had at the sessi.on .of the "!'!Oard at 10 o'clock A, M, on July 14, 1953 at the Commissioners' Room in the court House in Fergus "Falls and that due not ice o·f the time and place o.f said hearing be 13iven as required by law, The petition of Orville J, Stras to set off part of Lo·t 2 lying south and east of S,A,R, No, 12 exoe»t the W lf acres in Sec, 29, Township 134, Range 41, from Dist, 120 to Dist. No, 182 was read end it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board at 10 o'clock A,M, on July 14, 1953 at the commissioners• Room in the court House in Fergus Falls and that due notioe of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The. petition of Carl Soheffert to set off the st of Seo, 34, Township 134, Range 38 from Dist. 135 to Independent Dist. Uo, 106 Yfas read and it was ord•ered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board at 10 o'clock A, M, on .July 14, 1953 at th~ commissioners' Room in the court Ho.use in Fergus Falls and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Mabel Johnson for correction of assessment on the st SW¼ and the Im¼ SW¼ of sec. 11, Towmslb!ip 133, Range 38 was read and, upon motion, was appr·oved and the tax reduced from $92.23 to $52,09, The applicat•ion of Stanley Haugdahl for homestead classification on the Et NW¼ sec, 11, Township 133, Range 38 was approved and the tax reduoed accordingly, The application of Mamie Mattson for homestead classification on Lots 9 and. 10, Block l, F.arvonen's Addition to New York Mills was approved and the tax _ordered reduoed accordingly, The application of Blanche A, and Fritz E, Anderson for homestead classification on the SW¼ SE¼ of Sec. 15, Township 135, Range 37 was approved and the tax ordered reduced accordingly, . The application of Lauretta Fisk for homestead classification on the st SE¼ except sohool.and except traot in Seo. 23 and·the NW~ NE¼ and the NE¼ NW¼ Sec. 26, Township 134, Range 41 was rejected as it did not bear the approval of the township board, The. application of ]!'rank !{rause for homestead classification on the wt NW¼ of sec, 31, T,ownship 135, Range 37 ·was rejected as he did not acquire title to the premises until July 29, 1952, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: l COMMISSIONERS RECORD:·N~:i>TTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... May ._ 13 • ···········································19 53 HCIPPD ft!■IIII COMH■r H t That :wendeU,·p:·Huber·. be and he tiereby_ is appointed as county highway engineer for Otter Tail County for the ,vear·comme.nci-ng !,fay 1, 1953 "at a salary of $6500.00 ·per year payable in monthly installments at the close of each month on warrant of the county Auditor. Ado·pted May 13, 1953, C, A SIJOIVBERG Chairman, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. RESOLUTION BY Tl-TE BOAP.D OF COUNTY CQl.(!AISSIONERS·;" OTTER TA'IL COU!lTY, MIIHlESOTA, RESOLVED, that state Aid Road 110, 13 in otter Tail county be and the same hereby is revoked as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Section #29;.: Tl37N-R38W; thence r-un North on section line for a distance of 2,0 miles; thence run East on section line for a distance of 0,5 mile; thence run North on quarter section line for a distance of 1,0 mile; thence run West on section line for a distance of o.5 mile; thence run i,crth on section line for a distance of 2,0 miles; and there terminating, at the Northwest corner of Section 5, Tl37N-R38W, a total of G,O miles. Adopted this 13th day oi' May, 1953, C. A, SNOWBERG Chairman, At test : S. B. JOHllSO?l Clerk. RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, OT.TER TAIL COUlfTY, MHHIESOTA, l!l e~ds 10 b(Z_ f I ct ( I' rJ t'f_ f beo IV11,1 IV\ tf oF •.. ' __ , __ !__!_ , • • • • 1_ 14, C, Lee Carl Jahn The Uormandy St. Clair~ Gunderson N, W, 'Bell Tel. co. Hanson ,,ontiac Johnson Drugs 1•restern Union Panama Carbon Co, Poucher Prtg, ~ Lith, co. Victor Lundeen~ co. Fritz-cross Co. Sohoolcraft Co, The Pierce co. Louise Standahl DO DO tlabel·wenstrom H. L, ·Allen John I:., Bixby Free Press co. Miller-Davis Co, Otto Haase S, W, Beckman Bennie J. Johnson Henry Sieling described road in Otter Tail county be and the same hereby is designate ar the southwest corner of Section 17, Tl37N-R38W; thence East 0,5 mile d section 17 and there terminating. Approximate Length: 0,5 Mile, 1953. C. A, SNOWBERG Chairman. BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOlIBR, OTTER TAIL . COUltTY, MINNESOTA, described road in Otter Tail county be and the same hereby is redesig- ar the southwest corner of Section 29, Tl37N-R38W; thence North to a ner of sect ion 5, Tl37U-R38\Y, and there terminating. Approxl:mate 1953. -wed: C, A, SUOWBERG Chairman, Boarding prisoners sheriff's expenses Dep. Sher. expenses " II " " " meals for jurors work clothes (jail) mobile labor ~ parts supplies telegrams carbon blanks records~ supplies supplies " labor i supplies envelopes cash adv. expenses " " blanks ,. expenses ., $175,00 83.89 75.15 82.55 21,90 32.95 36.70 80,95 99.76 28.37 5,06 l0,75 115.20 568.49 61,27 89~47 15.53 35.72 20.00 115,95 87,90 · 29,58 -95.78 8,25 197 .43 15,80 5,72 10,20 20,40 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, ·otTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. llll.V 13, 53 DATE...................................... ······-,·-········-··-·····················19 ..•. • c .• -A,· :s-nowber~~~-· - Jr; ·w;· GU5tvigen· · · Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Amerioan Legion Aux. H. F, ])Uenow w. R. Dewey Harry Burau Ted Regseth \'T. F.arl Williams C. ,T. Lund G. J. Mouritsen Mildred Bruvold R. L, Polk Co. Fergus Journal co. Missouri-Y-a•nsas Chem. Co. Le.rson Bros. Wm. Galena~ son 'fintgen-Karst Duro Test Corp. Hintgen-Karst Elec. co. City of Fergus Falls Poor Dept. Nopeming s·anatorium Glen Lake ,. Minnesota s·tate Sanatorium Perham Tele. co. Esther Sell DO Do Ann Jordan DO DO Roy Olson's Melody s·hop Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Straub Estate Fergud Falls water & Light Dept. Imperial Supply co. Ruth C. Campbell Philip J,f •• I{jaglien Do N. \'I. Beill Tele. Co, Miller-Davis co. H. ~. Rogers co. Borchert-Tngersoll, Inc. N. w. Engineering co. Rosholt Equipment co. Geo. T. Ryan co. . Wm, R. Ziegler co., Inc. Emi:>ire Su-pply co. Natl. Bushing & Parts Co, F.bersviller's Toftely Broe. HdWe. Erickson-Hellekson-Vye Co, Vergas Hardware Fergus Falls Monument Co. Marshall-Wells Store, Battle Lake Erickson-Relleckeon-Vye co., Eth. Farm Center l'leld ing Knoff' e Hardware . ostrus Snowfenoe Factory Dalton Lumber co. Renning Fuel co. ?red A. Everts The Carew warehouse Bill Nelson Oil Co. Chaffee'e Garage A, B, ,Y.ilde Kinne•.s Inc. Field Machine co •• Inc. Skogmo Motors, Inc. Larson Broe. Magnus Pederson Olson.Auto Electrio Minnesota Motor co. Lake Region Motor Co. Armco Drl!,inage & Islet al Prod. co. Alfred EVavold & Sons Howard Lavalley Louise Wilde Estate Raymond Bros. Motor Trans. Mutual Service Casualty Minnesota State !Ughway Dept. Keuffel !: Esser Poucher Printing & Lith. co, Victor Lundeen!-co. Fergus Specialties Co, N, W. Bell Tele. co., F,F. Do Henning Midwest Tele, co. · N, W, Bell Tele, Co,, F,F, G, D. Harlow· Otto Stender w. L. -Potter 134·.-o· · Auar com. drivers' licenses prtg, decorating graves soil cons. expenses " " " " " " " .,, " munioipal judge's fees coroner's fees transcript directories printing \Vax pins for stoker labor~· supplies " " " supplies service care of transient " "patien~s " service expenses supplies postage ... sup·plies " expenses recor4ing wire envelopes~ prtg. rent water !c light supplies postage mileage expenses service supplies prints parts " " supplies " " " " " " " stakes coal " tires~ repairs repairs " " " " " " " " " culverts " Right of Way gravel freight insurance prints supplies printing supplies " service !c tolls " " " " " " " " ex·penses mileage expenses Poor " " nurse " " " Vet.Ser. " " " " " " ?' -·95:"c 0 ~ ---7~:1.5 1"39.50 25.00 6,24 4,92 10.ao 13.32 140,00 29.50 12,65 27.60 120,00 137.30 24.97 1.80 10.10 179.62 51.12 960.00 149.65 1186.91 528,05 833.75 5.Bo 87.74 .40 7.24 3.00 5,80 105,03 2.75 124.90 50.00 6.84 14.59 5.89 73.50 44.BO 10.ao 40,25 45.44 170,35' 25,63 47.89 241.65 866.99 178.74 100.11 7.50 5.82 9.43 8.05 34,50 8.71 16.08 26.50 16.95 45.00 98.30 15.35 145,66 8.48 606,97 30,95 19.75 763.87 30.52 24.28 17.15 6,50 58.54 66,69 272.47 128.88 23.16 60,00 3.oo 4,00 2.20 23.40 68.35 191.71 19.50 17,65 70.55_ 12,30 5.55 34.35 12,90 9.10 51.10 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N;· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Geo·. -orson-.. -·-· 1vendell ·p-,-·~ber ·· n-;-'. M:-·Wheeler····· \Veiiden· p·;· 'P.Uber I.eon Hennagir consumers co-op Oil co. Norb's Shell Service co-operative Services, Inc, Ra,v's Oil Co, Syverson Mileage Station Service Oil co., B, L, Twin's Motor Co. · Johnson Service Sta, Hoot Lake Ice~ Gas co. Breneman Service Service Oil Co, Farmers' co-op creamery Assn Henning 011 co. Fossen Oii co. · Penrose Oil Co, Fergus 611 Co, D, A, Lubricant Co,, Inc. Bighwa,v co. Service Sta. Hagge Oil Co. . Krob~ Olson Road Const. co. MS.V 13, 53 DATE .............. ·-······-··-··················································-·······19 ... . expenses .. ----· ., .. -. cash adv, " " gasoline .. " " " .. " " ;, " etc. oil etc. oil ·'= grease " " " diesel f'uel " " Upon motion, the Board then a~jour~ed to 10 o'clock A, M, Ma,v 19, 1953, 15;20 107:26 w:18 6.19 9,47 34.58 59,86 95,24 55.70 61.61 59,51 'il0,01 42;18 124.15 2.20 .16,00 37.50 40,87 40,69 72.76 109 ,47 1157:27 17.25 900,25 8.85 COMMISSIONERS RECORD·:N~·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... May.·.19 • .......................................... 19 ~3 MilrnTES OF ADJOTJRNEl) MEETING OF TtIB BOARD. OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL Co. MIUNE)SOTA, The county commissioners -~!'t at !<:':.~' ~!o':l~. ~~ :~· :~~ ~?. ~ -~~~~·• all members being present, . si,.i~ The Board having advertised for bids on various jobs proceedeo to open and inspectAblds. The following bids were received on S,P, No, 56-502-07 s 690 (7) ~ooated between 5.8 miles SW of Dent and Dent: c. L, stodolka, $33,119,67; Judd Brown construction co., $33,980,46; Dependable Surfac- ing·co •• $35,675.71; Mark sand and Gravei co., $36,841.99; Jay vr. Craig co.; $36;948,09; c. L, Nelson co., Inc.; $37,624,42; Herbison Const. Co,, $39,265.37; Minn. Valley Improvement co., $39,925,06; How- ard Ganley Inc,, $44,807,11; Clement F, Sculley Const. Co,, $62,280,00, Upon motion of Com.~issioner Sieling, seconded by commissioner Haase, it was voted by said Board to recommend to the commissioner ot Highways that the bid of C, L, stodolka in the amount of $33,119.67 be accepted. The following bids were received on S,P, No. 56-507-02 s. 821 (2) located between T,H,.#34 west of ])Unvilla and north line of otter Tail county 5.2 miles:in length: c. L, Nelson co., Inc.; $23,299,93; c. L, stodolka, $23,383.72; Dependable S~rfacing co., $23,587.59; Judd Brown Const. co., ·$23,795.76; Mark sand & Gravel co., $24,617.27; Jay w. Craig co., $24,750,08; Minn, Valley Improvement co., $25~217.88; Herbison c·onst. co., $27,083.72; Howard Ganley Inc., $30,707,09; Clement F, Sculley Const. co., $41,242.35. upon motion of Commissioner Johnson, seconded by commissioner Sieling, it was voted to recommend to the commissioner of Highways that the bid of C, L, Nelson co., Inc., in the amount of·$23,299.93. be accepted. The following bids were received on S,P, 56-522-02 s. 360 (4) located between 0,5 mile west of Al- mora and T,R. #29 2.5 miles in length; Dependable surfacing co., $10,763.73; c. L, Stodolka, $11,473.22; c. L, Nelson co., Inc., lll,068.09; Judd Brown Const. co., $11,842,17; Herbison Const. Co., $13,029.02; Minn. Valley Impro:vement·co., $15,106,.31; "Pov,ard Ganley Inc~. $17,488,02; Clement F, Sculley-Const. co., f20,50l.Ol, Upon motion of Commissioner Haase, seconded by commissioner Beckmen, it. was voted by said Board to recommend to the commissionP.r of Highways that the bid of Dependable Surfacing co. in the amount of $10,763.73. be accepted. The following bids were received on S,P. No, 56-517-05 s. 245 (6) located between T, H,· #10 in New York Mills and 3 miles north 3 miles in length; Judd Brovm Const. co., $23,682.70; c. L, Nelson&: co., Irie, $24,341.83; Dependable Surfacing Co., $25,044,03; Jay v,. Craig co •• t25,665 .• 84; Mark sand&: Gravel co., $25;735.22; w. Hodgman&: sons, $26,083.27; Herbison Const. co., $27,283,03; M»nn. Valley Improvement co., f27,943,65; Alexander Const. co., $29,257,04; Howard Ganley Inc.,$ 30,616.57; Clement F, Sculley Const. Co,, $42,802.70, Upon motion of commissioner Sieling, seconded by commissioner Johnson, it was voted by said Board to recommend to the commissioner of Highways that the bid of' Judd Brown Const. co. in ~he amount of $23,682,70 be accepted. The following bids we,e received on S,P, 56-524-04 and C,P, 53:43B s. 245 (7) located between T,H, fl08 3 miles east of Ottertail and New York Milla and between S~R 11, 6 miles east of Ottertail and T,H, f106, being 13.9 miles in length: Judd Brown Const. co., $90,447.79; c. L, Nelson&: co., $91,306,63; Minn. Va~ley Improvement co., $9~,416.26; Dependable surfacing co., $9~,832,67; w. Hodgman&: Sons, $95,554.'26; wtark Sand !I: Gravel co., $99,049,47; Alexander Const. co., $100,235.78; Jay w. Craig co., $101,430.16; Howard Ganley Inc,, t.105,135.20; µerbison Const. co., $105,619.86; Clement F, Sculley Const. co., $1~1,200,55. Upon motion of commissioner F.aase, seconded by commissioner Sieling, it was voted by said Board to recommend to the commissioner of ~ighways that the bid of Judd Brown Const. co., in the amount of $90,447.79 be accepted. The following bids were.received on S,P, 56-506-06 s. 189 /7) located between 5.5 miles south of Fergus Falls and Fergus Falls, being 5.2 miles in leDElth: Judd Brown canst. eo., $38,163.57; Mark Sand &: Gravel co,, $39,237.86; Dependable surfacing co,, $40,934.15; c. L, Nelson !c co., Inc.$ 42,641.29; Minn. Valley Improvement ·Co., $43,904,26; J. w. Craig co., $44,425.15; Herbison Const. Co,,$46,204,47; Alexander Const. Co,, $47,281.26; HowardGanley Ina., $49,091.75; Clement F, Sculley Const. co., $63,902,55. Upon motion of commissioner S ieling. seconded by Commissioner Haase, it was voted by said Boa-rd to recommend to the commissioner of Highways that the bid of Judd Brown Const. co •• in the amount of t38,163.57, be accepted. 'Bids for graveling Project [10. 53:G were received as follows: Ness Const. co., $16,270.00; Adam Tuholsky, t16,950,00; Chas. Fenske, $17,450,00; Ray Werner, $18,950,00; Mark Sand !c Gravel Col, ~22,570,00, Upon motion of Commissioner Siellng, seconded by commissioner Johnson, it was voted by said Board to accept the bid of the Ness Const. co. in the amount of t.16,270,00, Bids for construction of gravel base and bituminous surface on C,P, 53:33B were received as follows: Judd 'Brown Const. co., $15,946.71; Mark sand and Gravel co., $16,189.79; Adam Tuholsky~ $16,415.71; Jay W. Craig Co., $17,171.43; c. L, Nelson !c co., Inc., $18,409.92; Herbison Const. co., $21,472,06, Upon motion, of Commissioner Beckman, seconded by Commissioner Haase it was voted by said Board to accept the bid of Judd Brown Const. co. in the amount of $15,946.71. Bids for Project No. 53:B for road mix and bituminous surfacing v1ere received as follows: Dependable Surfacing Co,, $13,919.00; Highway surfacers, Inc., $14,579.00; Herbison Const. co., $15,376,00; Jay w. Craig co., $16,730.00; Juod Brown Const. co., $18,564.00, Upon motion of commissioner Sieling, se- conded by Commissioner Johnson, it was voted by said Board to accept the bid of Dependable surfacing co. in the amount of $13,919,00. The "Off" and "On" beer sale licenses of Wilmar Roberta at Red Eye Tavern in the Township of Butler was revoked. The e.-pplioat ion of Ira Bov,man for ~oi'f" and "On" sale beer 1 icenses at J.tar ion Lake Lodge was granted. RESOLUTION BY BOARD Ol!' COUNTY COMMISeIONERS, OTTER TAIL COUNTY FOR REVOCATTON AND REDESTGNATTON OF A PORTION OF. STATE AID ROAD fl ABD AGP.EEMENT BETYIEEN COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL AND VIT,LAGE OF NEW YORK MILLS. RESOLVED, that the portion of state Aid Road No, 1 running through the Village of New York ilills in the County of Otter Tail be and the same hereby is revoked as follows: COMMISSIONERS RECORD N;. 0TTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... •············-········ May .. 19 • ·················-···············19 53 . . Beginning at the intersection of Main Street and Front street 1n the Village of New Yotk Milla; thence rrorth on l.tain Streett~ tne intersection of Gilman Street; thence East on Gilman Street to the southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter (SW¼ DE¼) of section 8, Tl35N-R37W: thence uorth to the uorthwest corner of the rrortheast quarter of the northeast quarter (NE¼ NE¼), Sec- tion 8, and there terminating. Approximate length: 0,96 mile, ~ESOLVF.D, that the portion of State Aid Road No, 1 running through the Village of New.York Mills in the county of Otter Tail be and the same hereby is redesignated as follows: · Beginning at the intersection of Broadway Street and Front street in the Village of New York lrlills; thence North on ijroadway Street and thence continuing Northerly and Eastlery to the Northwest corner of the llor:thenst quarter of the Northeast quarter OJE¼ NE¼). Sect ion 8, Tl25N-R37W, and tliere terminating. Approximate length: 0,8 mile, Adopted· this 19th day of May, 1953, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Audi tor. (Seal) C. A, SNOWBERG Chairman, otter Tail county Board. Thie agreement, made this 19 day of May, 1953, by and between the municipality and the county, is for the revocation and redesignation of state Aid Road No, 1 in the foregoing resolution. Now, therefore, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto that all provisions of the Resolution are herein accepted and made a part of this agreement and shall be come binding upon the said parties. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be duly exeoutea as of the day and year above written. Attest: (Seal) S, B. JOHllSON County Auditor. Attest: JACK Y.AMPSULA VILLAGE CT.ERK, (Seal) COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL BY C, A, S!JOVl13ERG county Board Chairman. VILT.AGE OF NEi'I YORK MILLS BY JORN MARY. Chairman of Village council. upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M, June 9, 1953, Chairman. Attest: COMMISSIONERS RECORD~~.r-OTTER TAIL GOUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... June ... 9, ........................................... 19 ... ?..~ MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY ·cm,11.USSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL co. MIIJNESOTA~ Pursuant to· adjournment the Board.met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, June 9, 1953. all members being present. upon motion. the ·sheriff was gr,nted thirty days additional time in which to make collection of delinquent personal property taxes for the year 1952. upon motion, the Sheriff was authorized to regulate parking on the county parking lot in the rear of the court House, upori motion, the Chairman o.f the Board and the County Auditor were authorized and directed to issue a deed to the Village of Perham for the old garage located in the Vil~age of ?erham, the village having made p~vment in full for sale, The county Auditor was instru·cted to advertise for bids for gravelling c.p. 53:G-l State Aid and. county Aid Roads comprising 25,000 c.Y. Screening, crushing and loading; 125,000 c.y. miles· hauling, said bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A. M, July 13, 1953. Upon motion, the Mutual Service casualty Co. through its agent, Anton Ripka, was authorized to re- write the insurance carried on county equipment. ~:ijilip Kjaglien, county service Offi'cer, submitted his annual report to the Board, and upon mot ion, the same was approved and ordered filed, The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINlIBSOTA. Be it resolved, that the Chairman and Cl~rk forthwith enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Highways, for the maintenance, except snow plowing, of the road described in said agreement as Te~porary Trunk Highw~v No, 108, to-wit: county Aid. Road Ifo. 47 from its ·junction with Trunk Highway No. 59 on the east and west· quarter line of section 10, Township 135, Range 43, thence westerly 9,60 miles over said county Aid Road No, 47 to the otter Tail-Wilkin county Line, said munioipali~y to be paid therefor at the rate of $50,00 per mile per month, Fractional miles and fractional months. if any, will be use9 in computing amounts payable. The use of said road as a detour by the State·will terminate on or before December 31, 1953. Adopted this 9th day of June, 1953. Attest: s. B. JOHNSON . Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: C. !l. SNO,TBERG Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Philip Kjaglien be and he hereby is appointed county veterans Service Officer for the period of two years beginning July 1, 1953 at a salary of $350,00 :per month. Adopted June 9, 1963, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor CARL A SNO\'IBERG Chairman. The County Agricultural Extension committee having filed with the Board a recommended budget for the year beginning July 1, 1953, after consideration and discussion, the budget was approved in the sum of $12,050.00 A delegation appeared before the Board regarding the cleaning and opening of county Ditch No, 21 in the vicinity of Lake Anna. Arguments were presented for and against .the proposition, but no action was taken. · The County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for painting the interior of the Otter Tail county Cou.rt House, said bids to be received until 11 o'clock A. M, ob Monday, July 13, 1953. The application of the Fergus Co-op Creamery Association for abatement of penalty on part of Reserve 69 in the City of Fergus Falls was approved and recommended to the Tax Commission; the amount of penalty involved is ~32,96. The application of H, E, Zabel for homestead classification on Lot A of Y-epler's Addition to the Village of Deer Creek was approved and the tax ordered reduced accordingly. ' .\ ., I l. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,-·OT:fER TAIL 90UNTY, MINN. DATE ................................... :,T~!t~ .. Jl ., ................................. 19 53. -Tlie-apptice.t ion· <ff Lawrence-arid-Ragiia-Hiiffter-for ·nomestead classification on Lot 7, Block 3, Village of Vining, was -app.roved and the .tax -reduoed-aooor-dingly. -----... -_ -· -· --·------·----··-.. -----· ---··---·--·-·--------··•-------. ---- ·Tne applicatfon-or-:M;-A, -tuck~ng for homestead classification on E 25 ft•, of tot l and w 25 ft of Lot 2, Block 20, North Division, in the City of Fergus Falls was approved and the tax reduced accordingly, The application of Arnold Bengtson for homestead classification of Reserve Lot 1, Thompson's Addition to Erhard was approved and the tax reduced accordingly, The application or Harvey L, Moake for homestead classification on SYf¼ S¥J¼,, NW¼ SE¼ and Nr SW¼ Sec, 19-131-37 was approved and the tax ordered reduced accordine;l3. The application of R. W, zosel for cancellation of personal property tax assessed to him in the Town- ship of Girard was approved and recommended to the Tax Commission on the ground that said personal pro- perty had also been assessed against his wife and paid by her, The application of nuane E. Donley for reduction of personal property assessment covering combines assessed, to him in the Town of Sverdrup vras approved and recommended to the Tax commissioner, the assess- ed value being reduced from $500 to $140. The application of George G. Nelson for reduction of assessment on tot 3, Segar Beach, in the Town of EVerts on the ground that building was erroneously assessed on vacant lot was a·pproved and recommended to the Tax commission, the assessed valuation being reduced from $96 to $48, The application of W, G. Rosel for correction of assessment on tract 65 ft, wide by 185 ft. long ad- joining Lot 31 of Clearmont Beach was approved and recommended to the Tax commissioner, the assessed valuation being reduced from $236 to $108, The application of Hjalmer s·helstad for reduction of assessment on r,ot 24, Deer Lake 'Beech, on the ground that no building exists on this lot, was approved end recommended to the Tax Commissioner, and the assessed valuation reduced from $320 to t48. The application of Joseph F. Walz for reduction of assessed valuation on the SW¼ N of ?.,R, section 10-136-39. on the ground that house, granery and garage had· been removed from this property, was approved and recommended to the Tax commissioner, the assessed valuation being reduced from $526 to $372. The application of Kennetta F, Miller for reduction of assessment on Lot 2, Sylvan Point, on the ground that the building on this lot was removed in 1949 was approved and recommended to the Tax Commis- sioner, the assessed valuation being reduced from $80 to $20. The application of Peter Revering for reduction of assessment on tract beginning at HE corner Lot 1, Block 4, E 49f ft. S 82r ft, W 49r ft, H 82r ft in Section 31-131-38 in the Village of Urbank was ap- proved and recommended tu the Tax Commission, the assessed value being reduced from $836 to $676 •. The application of Genevieve R. Estrem for reduction of assessment on a small tract in Government Lot 4 Section 31-133-39 was approved and recommended to the Tax commissioner, the assessed valuation being reduced from $344 to $184. The application of Kenneth v. wested for reduction of personal property assessment covering new cars on which the license had been paid, was approved and recommended to the Tax commissioner. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to Vlednesday, ·,June 10, 1953. 1'/EDIIBSDAY'S SESSION. ~.-r Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M,, all members being present. A'petition and resolution asking for the dissolution of common School District·No, 231 of otter Tail County was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held in the Commissioners' Room in the court House at 10 o'clock A, M, August 12, 1953, and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Melvin E, Cordes to set over the sv,.;. NW+ and tlWf SE¼ of Sec. 18, Township 133, Range 37, from School Dist. 113 to School Dist. 106 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board August 12, 1953 at 10 o'clock A, M, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of LeRoy M. Torgerson to set over the Nt HW¼ of Section 18, Township 133, :!ange 37 from School Dist. 113 to School Dist. 106 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held August 12, 1953 at 10 o'clock A. M., and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law, The petition of $.Tyler and Mary c. Putnam to set over a triangle 20 ft. N ~ S by 20 ft E & Win SE corner of the SE¼-SF.&, and St NE¼ and S 52 rds of Nt SE¼ Sec. 30-134-40 from School Dist. 22 to School Dist. 69 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held August 12, 195Z at 10 o'clock A.M,, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of s. Tyler and Mary c. Putnam to set over the™-rnvt of Section 31, Township 134, Range 40 from school Dist. 146 to school Dist. 69 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held August 12, 1953 at 10 o'clock A,M., and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of !4rs. Alfred putnam to set over the N½-SVI{·, St HE¼ and N 28 rods of Nt SE¼ Sec. 30-134-40 from School Dist. 22 to School Dist. 69 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board August 12, 1953 at 10 o'clock A.M, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Alfred B. Peterson to set over the SE¼-of Seo, 33, Township 134, Rall8t~ 38 from School Dist. 117 to School Dist. 106 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held August 12, 1953 at 10 o'clock A, M., and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N;-:oTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. June ro, 63 DATE .................................. · ············································-······.19 ....•... ---·The·petiti~n of Walter J. Dahn to set over the 8Wt· SWf Sec. 18-133-37 from Sohool Dist. 113 to School Dist. 106 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had ot a session of the Board to be held August 12, 1953 at 10 o'clock A,M,, and that due notice of the time and ploce of said hearing be given as required by law. The• petition ~f E. A., & Mathilda Vollmer to set over the st SE¼ sec, 32-134-38 from School Dist. 117 to Sohool Dist. 106 was read and it was ordered t.hat a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held August 12, 1953 at 10 o'clock A,M,, and that due notice of the time and place of sai hearing be given as requ~red by law. The petition of sophus G, Anderson to set over the Et of Et of NE¼ of N:E¼ Sec. 32, Township 133, Ran~e 42 from School Dist. 80 to School Dist. 143 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held August 12, 1953 at 10 O'clock A,M,, and that due. notice of the time and place of said heorip.g be ~1 ven os required by law. The petition of Carl F. Imsand-e to set over the st SE¼ and E½ SW¼ of Sec. 13, Township 136, Range 37 from School Dist. 186 to School Dist, 220 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a· session of the Board to be held August 12, 1953 at 10 o'clock A,M,, and that due notice of the ti~e and place of said hearing be given as requir~d by law,· The petition sj,gned by Weld.on R, Scott et al,, praying for the vacation of a part of county road situated in Section 35, Town~hip 136, Range 43 and Section 2, Township 135, Range 43 was taken up and all interested parties who were present were heard, both for and against the proposed vacation. The commit- tee who had examined the proposed vacation recommended that the petition be granted. upon motion, an or- der was issued gr~nting the vacation. · A delegation from Vergas and vicinity appeared before the Board asking for improvement of part of State Ai~ Road No, 4 was heard. No action was taken. A communication from Henry Delzer of Pasadena, California, regarding the flooding of certain lands in the Township of Buse ~os read and ordered placed on file, The following bills were allowed: J. C, Renkes J. o. Henkes, Sheriff M, c. Lee · -· Roy H, NovotnySP.~•rting Goods James qansen . Carl Jahn 1,estern union Bennie J, Johnson Henry Sieling s. W, Beckman Otto Haase Emil Boen Albert Fritz Frank Roberts Mabel Wenstrom Louise Standahl H. L; Allen John L, Bixby Normandy Cafe Ed, Rodekuhr Herbert Leidahl The Pierce Co, Oswald Publishing Co, Schoolcraft co. Remington Rand, Inc. Fritz-cross co. · !Uller-Davis Co. Pouch~r Printing & ~ithographing co. Viator Lund•een & Co. Mo•nroe Calculating !lobe. Co. Nelson Bros. Printing co. Fergus Journal co. Edwin Ala H, F, Hinze Lustr-a corp. Holten Hardware Hintgen-rrarst Elec, co. James Litohfield N, W, Bell Telephone Co, DO ·no Louise Standahl H, W, Glorvigen EVelaoe G, Hanson Johnson Drug Hanson Pontiac H, W, Glorvigen Louise Standahl Hanson ~ontiao co. J. c. ·Henkes F.sther sell :po Esthei::• ·G, Sell Ann Jordan Do DO N, W, Bell Telephone Perham Telephone co. boarding prisoners sheriff's expense Deputy sheriff's expense revolver deputy sheriff's expense " " " telegram e!P• atte~ding meet~ng " .. weed inspector " " " " expenses " meals for jurors bailiff expense witness fees supplies supplies .. " blanks " " etc. " & supplies ribbons printing publishing constable fees " deputy sheriff's expenses supplies " wiring boiler room painting flagpole tolls " mobile service postage " supplies " adva•noed commissions oash advanced service cash advanced postage expenses supplies- postage supplies expenses toll,s service $369.00 97.17 89,50 59.55 106,00 l0,25 3.00 10.20 17.68 5.62 15.80 137.28 161.43 216.17 42.70 53,74 109,05 101.97 35.30 9,00 8,70 1.90 17.01 66.0l 22.50 65.24 85.05 161,56 386,60 9,90· 155.93 121.90 15.60 14.40 14.52 5.95 420,00 10,00 50,15 32,65 154,35 35,00 30,00 45.00 23.05 2. 75 8.25 18.00 11.40 4,00 9.00 79,26 .45 9,00 3.99 64,59 2.75 6,30 JI l. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. · .............. JUne. 'D • ·······················l9 ...... 53 Sti'iub··.Ea.ta.te ::..:. •=--·:: ~.-._ c1 t.v ·water·, L1glit -De.pt·.· w. R. rrordby trpholstering co. rr. w. Bell Te le phone co. Viator Lundeen~ co. Philip !!• Y.:jaglien Do Ruth C. Campbell Miller-Davis co. Ringdahl Drug store Minnesota State Sanatorium Fergus Oil Co. City of Fergus Falla Dr. Thoe. J. Kinsella University Hospital Boen Broe. N, W, Bell Telephone Co, DO Fargo Food&: Equipment co. A, w. co;~. Ina. of Minn, Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc, Cummins Diesel Sales Corp. Northwest Engineering co. Wm, H, Ziegler co., Inc. RUffr1dge-Johnson Equipment co. Geo, T, R,Van co. Y.inne•s, Jno. l,foen Truck Equipment. Inc. Field Machine co., Inc. Larson Bros. Minn. uotor co. A, B, Kilde Co, Hintz Blacksmith Shop E, A, Toftely Sandin's Radiator Shop Westad Motors Mills Motors Oscar Rude 4von Chemicals, Inc. The Kampa co. Empire Supply co. Natl. Bushing & Parts co. L, J, Sand Saunders co. Thelen Implement co, Yergaa Hardware co. Holten Hardware Paper, Calmenson ~ co. L, N, Sickels Co, Sigelman Hide & FUr co. Gamble Store. Henning Pred A, Everts Bill Nelson 011 Co, Franklin Fence Co, Armco Drain 'I:-Metal Prod., Inc. Elk River concrete Prod. co. Alfred Evavold ~ Sons Fergus Oil Co. Art's Service station :r.en's Standard Service consumers co-op Oil co., Inc. Fossen Oil co. Erhard Oil Co. Service 01r co., underwood Highvtay co. Service Sta, Olson Oil Co. Hagge Oil Co • !J, !:, Stahl Co. D, A, Lubricant co., Inc, Minn. state Highway Dept. H. A. Rogers Co. Service Recorder co, O'Meara's Miller-Davis co. Poucher Printing !c Li tho. co,• construction Bulletin Fergus Journal co. H, w. Bell Telephone co. Vergas Telephone Co, Pelican Telephone co. Midwest Tele·phone Co. N, \11, Bell Telephone Co, Heinola Telephone Co, N, w. Bell Telephone co. of Henning Wendell P. HUber. George Olson W, L, Potter Wendell P. Huber Otto Stender G, D. Rarlow Ra,rmond Bros. Motor Trans., Inc, Mutual Service Casualty Henning 011 co. rent···· service repairs service file, etc. expenses machine rental postage supplies medical supplies care of patients. t.[B,Y ambulance care of pauper surgery oare of patients supplies tolls " jail suppli cs parts " repairs parts " " " " etc, repairs " .. " .. " supplies .. " .. .. " steel posts tar iron store co.al, etc. tires, etc, stakes culverts .. gasoline, etc. " " diesel fuel .. .. oil supplies prints, etc, repairs material service forms ad. for bids " " service !c tolls " " " " &: tolls cash advc.ncod expense " mileage expense freight liability insuranc~ gasoline 5o:od 4.47 10,00 .18.45 54.80 68,04 3.20 3,25 12.83 10,95 920,46 65,00 250.00 100,00 62.00 6,00 46.75 98.30 59.31 24,92 322.75 58.32 117.30 123.46 192,41 71,83 196.44 29,52 55.24 39;77 80.55 15.00 30,\)0 8,00 7,50 1.30 4.00 22.56 40.47 58.68 43.79 27.59 5,50 5,03 7.61 29.51 35.17 381,50 137.25 7.70 15.00 69,91 90,19 477.25 293.18 129.71 138.75 134,41 64.31 46,57 164.19 18.83 27,60 · 33.69 49,66 159,58 1303.11 55;10 85,08 173.37 92,72 18.82 231. 76 5.00 18,85 63.30 37,20 76,91 14,55 8.25 5,55 28.55 13,35 9.95 18.67 17.80 87.43 207,85 16.80 14.75 15,85 1501.43 43,51 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N", ·OTTER .TAIL .COUNTY:, MINN. " Peni'osi,••ou. · cro. -· · cronsumers·oi1·co., Battle Lake TWins Motor cro. Olson Auto Electric Elton Hardware Perham Farm Supply Penrose Chevrolet co. Farmer~ c~-op. creamery Asan. Fergus Lumber .i Fuel . ,Tune,o, 53 1 DATE ........................................................................................ 19 ....... . gasoline. etc. .. repairs supplies repairs .. gasoline lumber T~e Board then adjourned to 2 o'clock p. u. on Tuesday ,1,Une 30, 1953. Attest: Chairman. r.;;, 94:14 82.99 49.06 34.15 5.84 1.41 3.95 67.46 76.45 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, 0tTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. . . . DATE .............................. June 30 •................................... 19.53 MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETI!lG Oii' BOA?.D OF. COUNTY COMlHSSIOMERS OF OTT"ER TAIL COUNTY. MIN?l. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 2 o'clock p, M, Tuesday, June 30, ~953, all members being present. The Board having advertised for bids for several road jobs proceeded to open and consider bids re- ceived as follows: Job 53:54G, Adam Tuholsky in the amount of $1164, Charley Fenske, in the amount of tl032, AB Mr. ~enske had tied his bid in with another bid upon which he was not the successful bidder, the matter was discussed and, upon motion, the contract was awarded to Adam TUholsky for $1032, Bids were received as follows: 53:lOG, Adam Tuholsky, in the amount of $3496,02; A.H. Winkelman in the amount of t3654.93; Ray Werner in the amount of $3654.93; Charley Fenske in the amount of e3919.78. Upon motion, the contract was awarded to Adam Tuholsky for the amount of $3496.02. The following bids were received on SP56-5ll-ll (SAR4) S689(13) located betwe~n 1.1 .miles SW of Vergas and Vergas, being 1.1 mile in length: Mccree .!c, Co,. $9024.41; Judd Brown construction co., ~9281.71; Clemen~ F. Sculley construction co., $14,716.65. Upon motion.of Commissipnere Johnson, seconded by Commiss.i_oner Sieling it vras voted. to recommend to the commissioner of Highways that the bid of Mccree &: Co. in the sum of $9024.41. be accepted. . . The following bids wer·e received on SP56-504-04 (SAR8) Sl36 (5) located ·between" 1 mile south of Butler and 1.25 mile west of ~illview, being 3.4 miles in length: Adam Tuholski, $3323,69; Charley Fenske, $3323.69; .Ray W_e.rner, $4143,23; Clement F. Scull_ey construction co •• $,12;22_3.10, . Upon motion of commissioner Sieling, seconded by commissioner Johnson, it was voted to recommend to the Commissioner of Highways that the bid of Adam Tuholsky in the sum of t3323,69 be accepted, he being the winner of the lo~tery held in the presence of th~ County Board, Charley Fenske and Adam Tuholsky, Upon mot ion, the Board then adjourned v,ithout date. Chairman, // Board of Countr Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minn, Attest: COMMISSIONERS REOQRD. N,,..QT~ER~TiAJL :~O.UNl'Y,, MlNN; DA'J.lE ........... ·--······' ········-.Tulv _13.~.·-···························19,_".5.3 MIIJUTES OF REGIJJ,AR MEETING. OF BOARD OF ,COUifPY CQM!dISSIONERS OF OT,TER TAIL.COUNTY, MINNESOTA, Pursuant to statute the Board of county Commissioners of_.-otter Tail county, Minnesota, met at 10 o'olook A,M, .:r-uly 1~. 19·53, all membe-rs being present. The bond of wendell p, Huber. in the sum of $3,000,00 with the Hart~ord Accident and Indemnity co • . as surety was approved. Jo·hn Stroscheim appeared before the Boal'd l'egarding a drain on the highway near Hoot Lake. The Board promised· to inspect and make rec~mmendat ions .. for illipr-qvement. The Board having previously advertised f'or bids f~r gravelling Job 53:G-l •received bids ·as follows Charles Fenske, t15,450; Ray warner, $16,550; A, H, Winkelman, $16,770; ·clement F, Scully construc- tion co~. $34,750, upon moti~n, the bid of Charles Fenske .in the sum of $15,450 was accepted. · . ··-The Board having previously called fo,r bids -for painting t_he interior of the Otter Tail county Court House received bids as follows: Swanson~ youndale, $8860; H, L, Grohne co., $9473: John Miller !f: Son, $9511: H, J, Becker & son, $842@; Joseph Manderfeld co., $813-7; s,,enson Paint ·co;, $8485; J, H, Bye Paint co., $7380, upon motion, th,e oontract was awarded to the J. H, Bye co. for $7380, A petition to clean and repair C;ounty Ditch No, 48· in the Township of Leaf Lake\.~ 'filed with the Board, and upon moti.on.of. Commissioner Haase, seconded by comml'ssioner Beckman, county Eng.ineer Wendell P, Huber was authorized to contact and locate an engineer for the preliminary survey on this'-j-0.b, ---A petition to clean. and repair county Ditch No, 10 in the Township of Tordenskjold was presented to the Board, and upon motion of Commissioner Beekina~. seconded by Commissioner Haase, County Engineer Wendell P, Huber was authorized to locate and contact anCengineer for the preliminary survey of this job, It was moved and seconded that Odin Johnson may take a position as Boiler Inspector for otter Tail County providing the work is done during his off time. The ~ighwa.\T Engineer was authori.zed to repair and correct the slope of county Aid Road-No. 31 11outh-west of Dewey Bridge. Upon motion, the County Auditor was instructed to call· for bids for 300 tons more or less of stoker ooal for the ensuing season, bids to be opened at 2 o'clock P,M, August 11, 19?3, A petition from M, C, & Helen G, Anderson to close a portion of county Ditch No, 55 in Section 33 Town of star Lake was read and, upon motion, was referred to the county Attorney for a legal ·opinion. A letter asking for permission to alter a drain in the northwest quarter of Section 29, T,ownship 133, Range 44 was referred to the Highway Engineer, The County Board er, covering a period February 28, 1953 Collections of Audit submitted its report of Receipts and Disbursements of the county Treasur- from March 1, 1953 through June 2,-1953, as follows: Balance in County Treasury $1.575,686,47 Total Disbursements Balance in Treasury June 2, 1953 Total upon motion, the report was approved, 1,568,977.26 3,144,663.73 1,363,477.85 1,781,185.88 3,144,663.73 The Board.went over with Sheriff Henkes the list of uncollected personal property taxes for 1952 and, after such examination,made the following report: REPORT OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF THE COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL, STATE OF MINBESOTA. OF UN- COLT,ECTED AND CANCELLED PERSONAL PROP~RTY TAXES 'F'OR THE YEAR 1952, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, ,July 13, 1953. Be it known, That the county Board of otter Tail c·ount.v, Minnesota, did meet in session on the 13th day of July, 1953, the same being the first session of said Board after the 10th day of June, 1953; that at said session the county Treasurer of said County delivered to said Board the list of uncollected perso - al property taxes for the year 1952, together with his ce:rtificate thereon as reqi1ired by law; and that a said session the said Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes. and did cancel such taxes a they are satisfied cannot be collected. The following is a correct list of said uncollected personal property taxes in said county for said year of 1952. as so revised by sai~ Board, to-wit: Name of person assessed Anderson Realty Co-, Anderson, Merle Anarie, Earl Benson, Henry Boll, Del ton Bonn, ,1ohn \V. Burke , Rev. o,,en Burelson, Charles Cavaiier, Alex Christenson Sporting Goods Collins, Albert cook, Raymond L, Corrigan, M, F, Costain, Jifartha Township or Distric:t 3rd ward Hobart Compton Henning 3rd ward flidaros 1st Ward Girard Otto ~nd Viard Newton New York Mille 4th ward Scambler Tax Doll, Cts, 14,50 15.70 25,0B 3,41 16.76 6,15 6,40 3,81 11.78 154.23 11,53 50,60 7,91 2.46 Penalty, Fee and costs Doll. eta. 2.19 2.16 3,60 ,70 2,50 LOB 1.11 .76 1.83 20,92 1.79 7.02 1.32 .68 Total Tax, Penalty and costs Doll. Cts, 16,69 18,14 28.68 4.11 19.26 7.23 7.51 4.57 13,61 175,15 13,32 57,62 9.23 3,04 Remarks Collect II " " " It " bank-"(rupt " • It " COMMISSIONERS RECORO·N·:'.OTTER TAJL COUNTY, MINN. ,TUly 13, . 53 DATE ..... _ .................................................................. -........... 19 ... . C!>"unt·r.vman;· ·-Max Daifiels-,·.:'Il•toy S, Dean; George,. Ede·e·, :Ralph·w •. Enderson. t. e. EVanson, P. A. Ferch, Herman Fergus Novelty Co. Fergus Novelty co. Fick, Harry R, Fiskari, John Goshorn, Arthur E. Greenwood, H. L, Hai j, Clayton Hanson's Plumbing Harshberger, Fred Holly, Earl J. HolJ,y, ,Rex R. Holmgren, Mrs, Averill Rouge, Leona Rouge, Winston Jahnke, Edward Jennings, Robert Johnson Bee Farms Johnson, Cliff.ord R, Johnson, George Johnson, Oscar ,Johnson, Oscar Kauppi, Bertha Kelley, Calvin E. Kilde, A, B, Co, J:ilde, A,. B, co. Klimek, Willie Langston, Ray Larson, Clayton Laurie, H.J. LaValle,v, l'. A• J,ockhart, James tog-Cabin Cafe 3rc1-·:vrafd ... -.. Henning::vilL Pi f.J.e .. Lil-Ice woc>d srde -. 3:ra· ·1'1ard -· · Perham Vil, 4th ward Dent New York ttills Elizabeth· Newton Lida Girard 3rd \'lard 4th ward ;i.st ward AIDOr Scambler Lida Candor Candor Effington 1st Ylard Newton Edna Bluffton Park. Pr. Vil. Park. Pr. vn. Perham Vil. Girard 4th \'lard Fergus Falls 1st ward Dead Lake Pel. Rap. Vil. Perham Vil. Tordenskjold Pelican 3rd ward 3rd ward 3rd Viard Log Cabin Service Sta. T,,vngst ad. ciarence Moen, Sam Everts Morey, A. c. New York Mills Morro, Therese Dunn Malone, Maurice R. Compton Marsh, Delos ?ark. Pr. Vil. McCally, N. F. 3rd ward Nelson, Clifford 4th ward Nelson, Glenn Oscar Nordby Upholstering co. 2nd ward Norton, Robert 3rd ward Olson, R. A. Battle Lake Oltman, Lorenz Blowers Peddycoart, Richard Vining Peterson, Carl Rothsay Peterson. F.lda EVerts Peterson, ~arl 2nd ward Peterson, !(arl 4th ward Pierce, Ralph Hobart Riverside Concrete 2nd v1ard Rosengren, Mrs. Robert 2nd ward Rust, Rudy New York Mills Sande, Emil Sverdrup Satre, jl·.-Fl. 3rd vrard Saunders, John T. Nidaros Schmidt, Francis Hobart Schmidt, Janet L• 3rd Ward Seegar, Francis Aurdal Shorter, Vernon 3rd Ward Sigmuth, Joseph Park. Pr. Vil. Silverson, Chas. Dora Skulrud, Herman Maplewood Smith. Hall 2nd ward Smith, Mrs. Sarah .\:Donald Elizabeth Solberg, Mrs. Ida A. Amor Soliah, c. A. 3rd ward Sprinkle}f, Floyd New York Mills· Stine, Jack 2nd ward Stocker, John, sr. Elmo Strand, Frank E, Rush Lake Stopel, Dick Leaf Lake Swanson, John A, Everts Swenson, Carl 3rd ward Thorn, Walter New York Mills TOSO, ~enneth 2nd Ward Trojan Seed co, Battle Lake Vast, Margaret B, otter Tail Wadena.Apiaries Bluffton weaver, Charles 2nd Ward weaver, Charles 2nd ward l'/eiderick, Herman Oak Valley Westerhaug, Ernest Sverdrup 12:05 39;49 2:04 24:ia ,1;;90 7.23 1.88 13,35 16.19 22.27 62.09 4.93 ·2,59 9.60 183.79 1052~65 3.95 5.99 5.91 50.00 49.23 41.04 9;42 20,22 40.-99 7_-95 10.76 135.69 .72 3.03 1693.66 1247.28 5.08 38.46 9,89 4.34 67.88 78.69 82.48 183.79 5.27 8.90 81.61 5.25 49.69 2.27 11.68 2.07 20.48 29.56 1.13 2.83 58.14 44. 70 8,14 2.97 32.76 200.11 120.23 394.32 6.03 · 5.96 4.51 4.71 1.86 5.78 6.40 18.70 3.20 63.68 6.87 3.32 3.20 7.91 6.33 '1-.53 10.22 8.66 9.08 50.31 33.59 6,84 6,40 3.24 5,65 43,44 6,03 2,81 94,16 86,28 42,99 98.25 :1.:06 5;41 ;52 3;57-·;92 1.22 ,50 2,03 2.42 3.23 8,56 ,91 .59 1.53 24,87 141.30 .78 1,05 1.04 6.95 6.86 5. 75 1.51 2,96 5.74 1.32 1.69 17,43 .35 .65 67,74 167.38 ,93 5.41 1,57 ,03· 9,36 10,80 11,30 24,8!1' .95 1.44 11,18 .95 6.91 .55 1.81 ,52 3,00 4.21 ,40 ,63 8.04 6,26 1.35 .65 4,64 27.07 16.36 53,09 1.06 1,05 .85 .88 ,49 1.02 i.12 2,76 .68 8.78 1.17 ,70 .67 1.32 1,10 1.26 1.62 1.41 1,46 6,99 4,75 1.17 1.12 ,69 1,01 6,08 1,06 ,62 12,86 11,81 6,01 13,42 13;91 43;90 2:£16 2e;35 5;92 8,45 2,38 15.38 18,61 25.50 70,65 5,84 3.18 11,13 208,66 1193,95 4,73 7.04 6.95 66,95 56.08 46,79 l0,93 23.18 46,73 9,27 12,45 154,12 1.07 3,68 1761,41 1414.66 6,01 43,87 11,46 5.17 77.24 89.49 93.78 208,66 6.22 10.,34 92.79 6.20 56·~·60( 2.82 13.49 2.59 23.48 33.77 1,53 3.46 66,18 51.04 9,49 3.62 37,40 227,24 136.59 447.41 ~ 7,09 7,01 5.36 5,59 2,35 6,80 7,52 21.46 3,88 12:,45 8,04 4,02 3,87 9.23 7.43 8,79 li,84 10,07 10,54 57,,30 38,34 8.01 7.52 3,93 6,66 49,52 7,09 3.43 107,02 98,09 4:9,00 111,67 Collect "' " ·" " " " "Pd.$73.04 "· " " " " " ". " •IT " " II .. " " .. " " " " " " " " .. " ... " " ... " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "Pd.$55.83 ' .. I COMMISSIONERS RECORD -N.-O~TER TAIL ~OUNTY, MINN. Wlieele~;-·nana:-::· WHdifiiion, -Jaiiles w. Wrig!l!"y, TH~ne zauoha, Harry Zimmerman, A, H. Zinter, Edwin zolmosky. Ed. DA '.r_]l: ....... -••-··········-······J.uJ.1-... l3.4 •••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••• 19 .. 5.3. Henninjf Vil• 3:rd-:·wal'd orwen- corliss Elmo Effington Pine Lake -,11,;9r , ··8; -1'1 191;75 53.21 2.06 103.-17 59.33 -r:18 :1,;39 25;94 7.38 .52 14.1'2 8.20 --s:09 ·g-:86 2¼7:69 60.59 2.58 117~59 67.53 aollect " " . " . " "Pcl.$5 .79 " That the following is a correct list of the personal property taxes in said County for said ,ear whioh s•aid Board are satisfied cannot be collected, and so cancelled by said Board,. to-wit: Name of Person Township or Tax Penal~y.Fee Total Tax, Penalty ~em~rks D~strict Doll.Cts. and costs and costs Doll.Oits. DOll,Cts, Beckos, Walter 3rd Viard 2.82 • 63 3.45 Cancel moved to Calif • Clymer, G. L, 4tn Via-rd 11,30 1,76 Flynn Sign co. Pelican ,67 .35 Hanson, Marien v. 2nd ward 5.46 .99 Ness, Arnold 3rd \Vard .94 .38 Schmidt, Adolph Perham Vil. 1.61 .38 Swenson, R. L. Everts 5.19 1.02 Uselman, G, J. Ot1:er Tail .90 .38 Weisen, Joe Perham Vil. 1.45 .45 Winslow, James candar 11.07 1:13 LaPlante, George 2nd' ward 7.72 1.29 Tietgen, Harry A, DUrin 22.8'4 3.31 The County Board of otter Tail county, Minnesota, Attest: ·s. B. JOHllSON county :Auditor. HEMRY SIELING BENllIE J, JOfillSON S. w·. BECXM,u; OTTO HAASE CARL. A. SNOWBF.RG 13.06 " " west 1.02 " 6.45 " " to Colo, 1.32 .. left oity 1.39 .. moved 6.81 in California 1.28 .. sold in 1951 1.90 " 12.80 .. in air force 9.01 .. erroneous assessment 26.15 " erroneous assessment The County Welfare ~oard filed its budget recommending levies for 1953 in the sum of $195,115. Miss Louise Standahl, county Superintendent of schools, filed her estimate 9f the necessary levy for 1953 for the Oounty $chool Tax Fund and Oounty Transportation Fund. The Oounty Auditor presented the following statement to the Board, To the aounty Board Otter Tail Coun~y. Minnesota. Pursuant to law I present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for Oounty purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date,.and the balances uncollected, to- gether with the actual cash balance remaining to the credit of each aounty fund at the close of business on the 30th day of June, 1953, FUNDS county Revenue 'J!'und P oar Fund Road and Brid:ge Fund County Welfare Tuberculosis Sanatorium R & B, Bond Account aounty Buildings Veterans Service County Transportation Fund county School Tax Fund · county Fairs Amount Levied f'or aurrent Year 150,730.93 90,052.06 360,015,02 216,240.90 25,121.82 138,363.26 38,648.95 9,662.24 25,121.82 230,060.56 9,662.24 S, B, JOl'!NSON County Auditor. Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows: FUNDS County Revenue Fund Poor Fund ~oad and Bridge Fund county welfare Tuberculosis Sanatorium R & B Bond Account county Buildings Veterans Servioe aounty School Transportation county School Tax :Fund · county Fairs Debit 41,913.33 Balances credit 50,BB+.55 12,128.20 38,241.38 42,351.13 98,794.18 69,118.45 21:077.67 20,233.44 The following is a statement of _the accounts remaining unpaid on the 149,598. 39· 2,812.43 contracts already For What Pur.pose entered int_o by the Board: Road i Bridge uncompleted contracts sp. Road & Bridge Const. Fd. uncompleted contracts Equipqient Balance Due 37,837.74 249,865.41' 100.00 l. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,. OtTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... ~ ...... J-u,1 ... ;i,3 ..................................... 19 .. 53 ·-· ···The·coun:ty··l.uditor·pr·eseiited·'the·foll6wing··statement to the Board: The following estimate of ex- penses for the ensuing year is herewith submitted: · Salary of County Officers, ••..••.•.•....••...••..•..•....•• , •••......•..••••••.• $13,000.00 Clerks. Jan.ito1·s. eta •.•.....................................................•... 44,000,00 "Board of Prisoners •.•••••..•....••.••••••••••••••.•••••••• ,, .•.••••.••••••••••.• , 2,500,00 W:i:tllleas. reea...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500, 00 Jurors, Justice court............................................................ 100.00 Report of ~irths and Deaths...................................................... 1,200.00 Books, blanks and stationery, ••••.•.•..•.•••••..••••..••.•••.••.••••••••••••.•.•• 19,000,00· Ex pens es with insane. • . . • • • • • • . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2. 500. 00 Court House Grounds.............................................................. 1,500.00 Misc. P.evenue •••••.••••••••••••••••••.••••.••.•••••••••.•••••••••••.•.••.••••••..• 12,000,00 Sanatorium Fund ••.••••.•••••••••••.•••••••.••••...•.••••••••••••••••••••.•••.•••• 35,ooo.oo County nurses and county agents ••••••.•.•••..•••••.••••••••••.••••.•••••••••••••• 24,363.00 Salary of county Commissioners................................................... 6,000.00 Jailers, Dep. Sheriffs, etc .................................... ., ••• ••••••••••••• 17,500.00 Jurors Fees...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 8,000, 00 Bailiffs, Reporters, etc .••••••••• , •••••••••..••••••• , •••••••• ,., •. ,, ••.••. ,.,... 6,000.00 Witnesses, Justice court ••••••• ,, ••• ,., .. · •••••••• , ••••••• , ••• ,................... 300,00 Lights, fuel, etc •••.•.•••••••••••••••••••• , ••• ,,, ••••••••••• ,, ••• , ••.••••••••• ,. 16,000•.00, Printing and Advertising •••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••• , .••••••••••••••• 7,200,00 County Welfare Fund, ........ , .. , ................................... ,., .......... ,195,115.·oo Attending Assessors' Mr>eting .•••• _. ................................. ,............. l,200.-00 Road and Bridge Fund •••••••••.•••..••.•••...••••..•.•..••••••••••.••••.••••.•••• ,360,006.-oo Election Expenses ••••..••....••••••••••.••. ,,,,, .•• ,,,.,,,.,, .• ,,, •• ,,.,, •.•• ,... 5,0Q0.-00 Veterans' Service Office •••.•••••••••••• , ••• ,, •• ,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,, •••• ,., .. ,.. 9,000.90 Dated July 13, 1953, The following resolution was adopted: Respectfully submitted, S, B. JOHNSON county Audito-r. Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter.Tail county, Liinnesota: That there be levied upon the taxable property of otter Teil eounty, Minnesota, for the year 1953 the following amounts for the several county funds: Revenue ?und •••••..•..•• , .•..•••••••• , ••••••••.•••.••.••....••••••••.•••.• , •.• , , 150, 000, 00 -Road and Bridge Fund,,,,, •••• ,, •••• , ..••••••••••.••.•••..••••••• , ••••••••.•••••• 360,000.00 Poor Fund •••..••••..••••..••.•••••••.•.••••.•••••••••. , ••••..•••••••••••••.•••• ,100!;000,00 Sanatorium Fund •• , ••. ,, •••. , .. ,, •••••.•••.•••• , .••••••••••.•.••••.•••...••••. , .•• 15,0QO.OO -Building Fund •.•••••• ,,., •••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.............................. 1 mill county School Tax Fund ••..•.•••.•..•..•••••....•..•••.•••••••••••••••.••••••••• ,230,000.00 County School Transportation ?Und •••••.••.•••••••..•• ,--;-;-;·, •••••••••••••.••..•.•• 42,312.00 lllelfare Fund., •• ,,,., •.•. , .. , •.••••••••.•. , ••..•••••• ~ ••..••••••.••...•••••••••• 195,115.00 Veterans' Service Fund, ••••••.••.••••••••••.•••••.••. , •••••••. , •••• ,., ••••••• ,.. ½ mill Fair .Associations ••••••••.••••••••••••.•.. ,., •••••• ,............................ t.-!llllill Adopted July 13, 1953. Attest: S, B, JOHNSON Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: C, A. SNOWB~RG Chairman, qe it resolved by the Board of county commission,ers. of Otter Tail county, Minnesota, that the sum of $19,098.99 be transferred from the veterans Service rund to the county Revenue Fund to cover cost for years ·1951 and 1952 pai_d from the ·~evenue P-und. Dated July 13, 1953, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County ,iuditor The following resolution was adopted: II. A, SllOWBERG . Chairman Board of County Commissioners, otter 'l'ail Oounty, Minnesota. IVhereas, t-he ~ounty Board has previously-advertised for a Ford Pick-up, and Whereas_, the same has been delivered to and accepted by this Board, r1ow, therefore, be it resolved, that the Chairman of the Board:·anci County Auditor be authorized and directed to issue a warrant on the ~oad and l3ridge rund of the C_ounty to the Lake ~egion Motor co, in the sum of ~700,00 in payment thereof, being the amount due, less the trade-in allowance, Dated A~gust 13, 1953, Attest: S. B. JOffilSON County Auditor. upon mot1c:in, the following resolution was adopted: C. A. SHOWBERG Chairman Board of county Commissioners, Otter Tail county, Minn. Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. July 13, 53 DATE ........................................................................................ 19 ... . That there be levied against the property benefitted by· the repairs of County Ditch No. 70 an amoun eq·ual to 6% of the amount of the original assessments for the cost of said ditch. Dated July 13, 1953. Attest:. s •. B. JOHNSON count,v Auditor. Upon motion. the following resolution was passed: C. A. SNOWBERG Chairman Board of eounty Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota, Resolved by.the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail county that there be levied against the property benefited by the cleaning and repairing of county Ditch -#39 an.amount equal to lo% of the amount of the original assessment for.the cost of said ditch. Dated July 1~. 1953, Attest: S •. B, ,1,0HNSON Cou-nty Auditor. c. A. SI-IOWBERG Chairman Board ·of county Commissioners, otter Tail county, Minnesota. Upon motion, the Board ad,1ourned to 9:30 A,M. Tuesday, July 14, 1953. TUF.SDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 9:30 A.U, on Tuesday, July 14, 1953, all members being present; The petition of Orville J. stras to set over that part of Lot 2 lying south and East of state Aid Road No. 12 except the west lf acres in Section 29-134-41 from School Dist. 120 to school Dist 1 182 was taken up for final action, and after listen.ing to all interested parties it was· voted to reject said petition. The petition of Edwin Dillerud to set off the Nf NW¼ ex. Town Hall, and NW¼ NE¼ in Sec. 22-136-44 from School District 48 to Independent Dist. 10 was taken•up for final action,' and after listening to the statements.of all interested parties it was voted to table the petition for one year. The petition of Carl Scheffert to set over the Sf of Sec. 34-134-38 from School Dist. 135 to Inde- pendent School Dist. 106 was taken up for final action. After listening to statP.ments of the various interested parties the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of earl Scheffert, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 135 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter desoribed, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin Ind. School Dist. No, 106 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 135 to said adjoining school district No. 106 was presented to the Board of county C ommissioners of ,~his coµnty at a session of said board held on the 13th day of May A,D,,·1953 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 14th day of July A,D., 1953 ajr the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said qounty; and whereas it was furt- her ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time,,.appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the ~aid session of the said Board of County Commissi-oners on said 14th day of July A,D,, 1953 due proof of the posting and service of said cm-der of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and· determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Sf of section 34, Township 134, Range 38 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 135 to said adjoining School District No. 106 and said ~ands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes what- ever. BY order of the Board of county Commissioners, Dated the 14th day of July A,D., 1953. C. A, SNOWBERG Chairman of the Board of County.Commis-sioners of otter Tail county·, Minn. Attest: S. lL JO"F!NSON (Auditor's Seal) County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Emil MUnsen to set over the NWt of Section 29 Township 132, Range 36, from School District 141 to School District 290 of Otter Tai4 county and 51 of Todd county was read and it was order- ed that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board on September 9, 1953 at 10 o~clock A,M., and that due notice of the time and place b6 given as required by law. The petition-of Delbert N, Cavalier to set over the Sf SE¼ and Sf SW¼ of section 31, Township 136, Range 38 from School District·l30 to District 13 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of. the Board on September 9, 1953 at 10 o'clock A,!/1., and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The petition of ~enry Bursken to set over Lot 3 of Section 2, Township 132, Range 39, from School District 168 to Dist. 103 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board on September 9, 1953 at 10 o'clock A,M., and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, 0-'fT-ER TAIL Q0UNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... ·-················-"ul,.v .14 .__ ···-···············19 53 -· ·· -The .petition -of. tfillila ;-rot-geneoni-:E:J.eanor~ "J': !if.Id· Seniire--Traeda}j"l t-o •set-.. ovet:.,tne -Et-NEt; · Ni SEf -·· · - S-ecnon -24 ;-Tovmeh.ip 132~ , Range ·39·; v,as 'fead--a.ncf rt was ·ordered ·that -a""liee.ting. ori -saia 'j>etiti"cin be· had· at a ·sesslon""of·-the -Bo ii.rd -on:··-september 9, 1953 at 10 o 'cloc:k A,f,{.. and that due notice of the time and place be given ae required by law. A petition for dieeolution of Common School Diet, 170 of Otter Tail county was read and it wae or- dered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held in the Commissioners Room in the court House at 10 o'clock A, 14, September 9, 1953, and that d,ue notice of the time and place of hearing be given as required by law. A petition for dissolution of Common School Dist. 104 of otter Tail county was read and it was or- dered that a hearing on eaid petition be had at a session c~ the ~oard to be held in the Commissioners Room in the court House at 10 o'clock A,M, September 9, 1953, and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given as required by law, ·•on" and "Off" sale beer licenses were granted as follows: Gilbert r.ovro in the Township of Elmo; Adolph Funfar at Woodland Pflrk in the Township of Girard; and R9ee Johnson, at Red EYe Tavern in Butler To1•mship. The application of Enola and Harold L, Martin for reduction of assessment on Reserve Lot Bin Martin's Perfect Beach, located in the Township of Corliss, was rejected, The application of the Good Samaritan Home at Pelican Rapids for cancellation of personal property assessment located in the Village of Pelican Rapids was rejected, The application of William J. Teberg for homestead classification on the st SW¼ Section 32-135-43 was approved and the tax ordered reduced accordingly. · The application of Gaylor Brunson for homestead classification on the n½ SW¼ and NW¼ SE¼ Sec. 8-131-37 was approved and the tax ordered reduced accordingly. The application of John~. Rundle for homestead classification on that part of sub Lots A, B, C, D, E and F of Government Lot 1 in Section 11-137-43 used as living quarters, was approved and the tax or- dered reduced accordingly, The application of ~essie Lund for homestead classification on the wt Lot 2, Block 1, Blyberg's 3rd Addn. to Pelican ~apids was approved and the tax reduced accordingly, The application of Lawrence R, wright for correction of assessment of Lot 7 of Thomas Addition to IUrvana on the ground that the cottage was erroneously assessed on this lot, was approved and the tax re- duced to !·3,35, being a reduction of $14,62, The application of M, F, Bredahl for reduction of ass·esemenj; on building located on the Nf NW¼ of Sec. 27-136-43 wae approved e.nd the tax reduced to $108,77, being a reduction of $46,71, ' ·The application of Milton R, Pearson for correction of assessment on buildings on the wt NE¼ of Sec. 1-133-36 was aoproved and the tax reduced to $150,01, being a reduction of $15,94, The application of l"'rank L, McKean for cancellation of assessment on building located on the U 4 rods of W 24 rods of tot 1 in sec. 12-132-40 on the ground that no building exlste on this tract, wae approved and the tax reduced to 82¢, bein~ a reduction of t6.53, · ·The application of Harry C, Olson for correction of assessment on building located on Lot 1 of Segar 13each was approved and the tax reduced to $12.63, being a reduction of $7,47, / The application of John Sheppard for settlement and abatement of delinquent taxes snd penalties for the yeare 1946 through 1950 on that part of Reserve C lying llorth of Lot 4, Block 5::-. Leaf Lake Pleasure Grounds ~7as approved, as this garden lot was assessed the same as lakeshore property, and the Commissioners recommended to the commissioner-of Taxation that said taxes be settled fo.r $.3.80, The application df Adamson-Norman Post No, 30 of the American Legion in Fergus ralls for cancellatio of penalties, interest and costs on part of Government Lot 8 and part of Government·Lot 1 in Sec, 35-133- 43 for the years 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950 and 1951 was approved and recommended to the Tax Commis- sioner, The application of American Legion ~ost of Dalton :ear cancellation of penalty, interest and costs on the N 50 ft. of 11 150 ft. of s 508 ft. of W 150 ft. of the !': 333 ft. of the, sEt NE¼ Seo, 11-131-42 was approved and recommended to the Tax commissioner. The Chairman of the Nursing Advisory committee submitted to the Board the estimated budget for the year beginning July 1, 1953 to June 30, 1954, After discussion the Board voted to allow the same amount as was appropriated for the year beginning July l, 1952 and ending June 30, 1953, A plat of Falk's Bench located in section 1-136-39 was presented to the Board but was referred to the Engineer for omrrection. At the request of the county Law Enforcement authorities the Board suspended the "On" and "Off" sale beer license issued to c. s. Jensen at the Glass Bar for a pe=ioc of sixty days, The county Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for one new or used Bros Model R67 straight wheel.pneumatic roller or equal, bids to be opened at 10 o'oloclr A, M, August 11, 1953. With ~ennie ~. Johnson, Vice-Chairman, presiding, a motion was made by Carl Snowberg, seconded by Commissioner Haase, to call for bids on C,P, 53:02 (SAR f2), C,P, 53:11 (SAR fll), and C,P, 53:28 (CAR f28), the vote being: commissioners F.aase, snowberg, and Beckman voting "Yes", commissioner Sieling "NO" and the county Auditor 1.,.as instructed to call for bids. on the following projects, said bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A, M, August 11, 1953: Grading -C,P, 53:02 (SAR #2) -length 4,53 miles, located between a point o,5 mile south of junction of s·AR #2 and CAR /28 and the Wendell Road (SAR #1). comprising 92,576 cubic yards excavation. Grading -C,P 53:11 (SAR #11) -lengnh 3.91 miles. located between a point 3,5 miles west of Deer Creek and Deer Creek, comprising 70,032 cubic yards excavation. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N;··0.T1'ER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. JUly 14, 53. DATE ....................... · ............................................................... 19 ....... . Grading -c,P, 53:28 (CAR #28) =length 1,4 mileo, located between a point 0,25 mile north of junction of SAR f2 and CAR /28 and a point 609 feet north of junction of CAR #28 and CAR #31, Comprising 44,163 cubic yards excavation. The following names were selected to be placed on the Petit Jury list of the county to take the place of the names drawn for the A pri1 term of' the District court: NAME Mrs. Alary Wient,ies Edwin Lenius Gilbert 'Ant•oneon Mrs. Alfred Wendt Mrs. Gotlieb Sabin Fred Pantsari Mrs. Jo·hn Riepe J, C, Schmidt Mrs,~. H, Ralverson Clarence Netteetad Ellis Wagstrom Andrew Anderson Ed Ward Selvin Garberg Mrs. Clifford Jensen Chae. Schwantz Adol-ph Olson Edv,ard Peterson Turner Askew Mrs. Oscar Aakerhue Mrs. Enoch Dahling Mrs, Ed, Hagen ""'re. Earl·Engan Mrs, Eekil E, Bostrom ~rs. M, O, Anderson TOW!-ISHIP Butler Edna Hobart Corliss Dead Lake Blowers Perham Perham Vill, Pelican Rapids Vill, Trondhjem Maplewood Dalton Vill,· Clitherall Vill, Sverdrup Tordenskjold woodside Elmo Eastern 1001 Friberg Ave. City 316 E, vas~,City 224 E, Alcott, City 613 E, Vernon, City 901 W, Lincoln, City 308 S, Mill, City 803 w. Cavour, City NAME Glenn Peterson Emil Lind Mr~. Henry RoggenkB,\llp Mrs.· Glenn Hoard Hermon Ehnert Chris !Paulson ID'S, Fred Lueders !,!rs. Obert wold Arnold Shores Elmer Ltahlert Mrs. Ernest Rolandson Anton EVavold Chester Risbrudt Spencer Forsberg Anton Dunham Albert Shanstrom Richard Beving ID'S, Henry Holmgren Mrs. Henry sorben Olaf Dahlen Mrs. Telford Osmon Mrs. wm. E, Miller John A, Y.nof'f D, 0, Rustad. Mrs. Addison stock The following bills were allowed: J, c. Henkes DO. Do Ralph P.osenberg James M, Hansen M, C, Lee Otto Haase S, W, Beckman Otto Haase Bennie J, Johnson Henry Sieling H, L, Allen J•ohn L, 'Bixby Frank Roberts Emil Boen Albert Fritz Matiel Wenstrom Louise Stondahl Ella Stondahl Elnora Esteb Bernice Jesme Ivan E, Bi·gler, M, D, Dr, Henry A, Korda · Dre. Lewie~ Kevern C, J, ,Lund,. M, D, The Pierce Co. Nelson Bros. Printing co. Ugeblad Publishing Co, Fergus S,pecial ties Co.· Schoolcraft co·. Victor Lundeen~ co. Poucher Printing .'I, Lithogra·phing Co. Oswald Pu·bli ehing Co, Miller-Davis Co, Perham Enterprise Bulletin Northwestern Publishing co. Pelican Rapids Press Battle Lak~ Review Battle Lake Review Fergus Journal Co, Gaffaneyie 0, M, Sholberg Johnson Service co. johneon Service co. south Mill Standard Service Fossen Seed co. Lnmpert Lumber Co, Northwestern Bell Telephone co. western union Northwestern Bell·Telephone co. Highwa.v-.Greenhouse construction Bulletin Fargo Forum Peter Hink DO Board of prisoners " expenses dep, sheriff expenses " " " expenses exp. attending meeting n " n . n " expenses " " " n weed inspector n " expenses " " clerical work .. " .. " " " " Dep, coroner's fees " " .. " coroner's fees supplies " printing sµpplies " " blanks publishing .. " printing~ publishing publishing .. repairs " ., parts & repairs supplies " service telee:rams mobile service planting court house grounds advertising for bids " " " Dep. sheriff expenses .. " .. TOWUS'PIP New York 1,rills: :v.11:1:. Newton Bluffton Pine Lake Homestead Paddock Gorman Erhard Vill, Pelican Norwegian Grove Clitherall Eagle Lake St, Olaf Tumuli Underwood Vill. Parkers Prairie Vill, Oak Valley Henning Vill, 516 Hampden E,, City 632 E, Gustavus, City 409 s. onion, City 125 E, Vasa, City 320 W, Spruce, City 601 S, Mill, City western, City R-4 $ 371,50 37,00 139,45 8,30 51,70 97,05 7,00 10,74 24,60 34,05 27,52 68.98 168.58 307,22 289.16 187,73 7,00 , 24.94 30,00 21,50 27.50 10,15 10,25 10,25 23.30 62,45 6.50 136.65 3,02 40,82 168,06 7.12 3,87 45.56 3.60 3.20 45.20 4.80 1.60 109,90 24.50 10.10 98,80 285.29 2.16 11.80 5.63 62.25 35.69 84.30 98.50 12,00· 3,75 9,00 12.10 COMMISSIONERS RECORD -N; QTTER TAIL C9UNTY, MINN. DATE ........ •··············-·····.r·l!.!Y. .. J.~.A ........................... _ ....... 19 . 53 sut-take· Towtrahip Claude--Goodtoaa ... H;--vr;· :1no:tv-igei'l. · - EVeiace c;;-ran:son Louise Stondahl Womens' Relief Corpe, Richville veterans of Foreign \Vara Disabled American Veterans women's Relief Corpe, Fergus Falla Bureau of Field studies .11, surveys Johnson Drugs Diebold, Inc. R, W, Glorvigen Clarence Mielke Conklin saw Shop Esther G. Sell DO Ann s. Jordan DO Perham Telephone co, Walters. Booth & Son Philip M, Kjaglien DO Ruth C, Campbell Otter Tail Power co. DO Do Nelson Bros. Printing co. Straub Estate Northwestern Bell Telephone co. Minnesota State sanatorium Nop~ming Sanatorium Glen Lake Sanatorium Do Dr. E, C, Hanson Drs. Lewis~ Kevern Glen Lake Sanatorium City tbf Fergus Falla Poor Dept. Dr, Thomas J, Y.insella Whiting's Office supply Lig}).tfoot Shop N, W, Bell Telephone Co, Richard Saurer A, W, Co. of Uinneeota Rosholt Equipt. co, Geo. T, R,van co. Ruffrid~e-Johnson Equipt. Co, wm •. R. Ziegler Co., Inc, Wheeler Lumber Bridge 'I: supply Co, Armco Drainage&: Metal Products co. Elk River concrete Products Service Recorder co. Larson Brothers Minnesota Motor co. Olson Auto Electric Lee Chevrolet Co, !'ield Machine Co., Inc. Skogmo's Motor's Inc. Lake Region Motor Co, Bauck Chevrolet co. Fosse-Larson Motors Tichy's Shop Fortwengler Electric Ed, Hintsala Wallnofer Blacksmith Shop Henry Holmgren Magnus Pederson Farm center Welding co .• Ostrus snowfence .'I: Cribbing co. Renning Fuel co. Empire supply co. The Goggle Parts co, O'Meara's Imperial supply co. Natl, Bushing II: Parts co, Beall 'I: McGowan co, Marshall Wells Store. Battle Lake coaat-to~coaet, Battle Lake Wilcox Lumber co., Henning Saunders company Brown's Implement Tesch Lumber co, Erickaon-Hellekson-vye Co, Crane-Johnson Co, Whitlock Welding supply Eriokaon-Hellekaon-Vye co. Toftely Bros. Hardware Miller' a our own Hardware south Mill Standard Hoot Lake Ice 'I: Gas co. Brenaman Service Hi-way Inn service Bill's Service Station fliJie.rlil :expense (transient) jus·.uoe-fees liox·:r-ent postage " decorating graves " .. " " .. maps supplies service commissions to drivers license· constable ·service on mower expenses, postage expenses postage service supplies expenses machine rental expenses service .. " supplies rent service care of patients " .. .. .. .. " examinations care of patient drugs surgery adding machine repairs long distance calls digging offtake ditch 'I: damage parts " " .. .. box culvert culvert bands culverts repairs .. " " " " lath coal supplies " " .. ., " " .. ... ,. gasoline .. .. 77 36 5 00 -3 00 45 00 35, 72 8,60 25,00 25,00 35,00 10,80 5.99 25.00 7,25 5,00 7,00 72,42 9,00 59,59 4.10 6,45 4,29 75.46 3,00 3,22 1.20 5.92 4.10 8.50 50,00 19.40 1167.25 1120,35 361,07 131,00 40,00 15,00 28,50 9,10 100.00 115.00 9,00 89,45 75,00 211.21 29,21 249,04 577.41 460,32 1945.52 90,54 225,20 23,82 101,76 34,65 28,"57 10,19 6,27 76,64 75,21 2,50 1.75 5.35 10,81 7.54 8.45 18,60 7.25 9.45 7.50 16.65 116.18 18,12 46,00 4.96 8,40 5,.95 11.55 9.58 16.08 9,21 7.75 1.86 37.37 3.37 13,15 12.78 5.30 22,61 3,00 142,08 11.68 7.49 21.68 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, -OJ'T~R TAIL ~qUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................................... : .. J.ul.V-... U.,._ ....................... 19 ... 5.3 Ray's Oil Station Highway Company, Henning Farmers Co-op creamery Assn, Bob's Service station Fosmark Service Bill Nelson Oil Co, Norb's Shell Service Thomas Ga-rage Service Oil Co, Fergus Oil co, Fossen Oil Co. • Harthun ,II: Peterson Oil Co. Olson Oil co., Parkers Prairie Hogee Oil co. Penrose Oil Co, D. A, Lubricant co., Inc. H, K. Stahl Co., E, A, Blaese Kraemer Oil Co. Construction Bulletin Fergus J·o-urnal co. H. A, Rogers co. Minneapolis Blue Printing co. Fergus Specialties co. Nel.son Bros. Printing co. Victor Lundeen~ Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. , Fergus Falls Midwest Telephone co. N. w. Bell Telephone co., Henning Pelican Telephone co. Norman Galloway Paul Jacobson G. D, "A:arlow George Ol~on w. t.. Potter Wendell P. RU.ber Olson-Enstad-Larson, Ina. Delzer~ Clauson Fergus concrete Products Co. Home & Farm Supply City of Fergus Falls Skogmo Motor's Inc. Miller-Davis Co. N. YI. Bell Telephone Co., F, Falls Wendell P, HUber Do Richard McAllister Natl• • Bushing !'i: Parts co. City of Fergus Falls Village of Henning Turne~~ Darlene Askew gasoline " " " tires, etc. etc. " " gas~ diesel fuel diesel fuel grease Oil " ad for bids " " .. prints & supplies supplies " printing supplies service ,II: tolls .. " .. " " " " " expense ,. cash advanced engineer's bond labor drain tile co. ditch #56 electric wiring Vining Garage notices of hearing repairs ,nptar.v stamp service~ toll f3649 expense postage expense supplies maintenance rent garage site 57.34 61.16 56.16 25.66 70.13 892.37 234,87 38,03 173.45 230.98 51.96 · 65.38 91.88 1037.65 4,25 277.09 32,59 4.25 45.30 26,40 60,55 13.48 5.15 4,00 13.70 35.80 6,85 8,95 13.40 57.82 59.36 S7.26 20.55 132.72 50.88 27. 75 20,00 174,00 431.80 14.00 60,38 3.69 58.65 225,24 357.20 10,85 34.77 250.00 143,05 7000,00 Upon motion, Attest: then adjourned to Tuesday the 11th day of August at 10:00 o'alock A,111, AU or. chairman. I L. .. COMMISSIONERS RECOR~ N;·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . .:ruly 21, 53 DATE ........•..................................................................... .19 ... ' ' ) Minutes of Meeting of the County Board of Equalization of Ott,r Tail County, Minn., for Year 1953 Pursuant 10 ■to.lute County Com-, cuatomnry onth of ottlce, procreded I be-en RHRetn1ed In Class-S Instead or I grounds that tho properly wu.11 iia .. , The Board adJourned from Ume to T~=:~0o~ts. i,_0'ifec:~~:~·o~:0i.'.:n~e ~1.:~•r;;:neA.:.1::a;"en~S.81~!':· I~~~=: ~:,s:~!ic~0to ·~.~:0,ii.r e1::~:.r \HH I:-;::;: ,\:'e ~0°m:~1[y c::.:i~~:~[Rlls t!-:vn:0:h:~;e:~1 .:~:1 r~t::..~~o J::: and Carl A. Snowberg, llDd County ment rucord.11 for the yenr 19:'i3. I Thu Count)· Audllor waa lmnruc.·ted L. Pnrker·■ yearling collie In the centage Chnngea were made In the as-Auditor s. B. Johnson met as tho Mr. Dhby reported thnt ~orinnn to romo,·'-" the DMMeHmant of tho Din-Township of Girard were reduced sessment of Clnas 3-D, covering cat-~:f;''fo, ~::;~ .:J h::rn•~1•::.~:: t:: f::.1::~~pta:r~n~0~\~~~~:1dnh~~= ;::-~afu;rn~~ur:eri~'!'p=-~r./rcin ~~~ I :~~h. 1101.00 each full value to 1-10.00 1 Ue, 11heep and hogs: A a C D TOWNS . . .5 ~ . .!: -----------Anstnd . . • . • • . • . . • . . . • . . . • . . . . 15 .A111or . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . • . . Bluffton.................... •. .. VII. of Bluffton ...• , . , .... , . .. Buse •.....•.•..•.•......••. Buller ..•....•..•...•....... CnrllHle •.........•......... Cllthvroll ....•.•. , ...•..... , Compton ....•..•.•.•......•. g~~1~11~k8":::::::::::::::::: :H Del"r Croek .•...... , ...... , . . . . . VII. of lJeer Cr1 ek ......... . vn.1:rL~:;t_:::::::::::::::: iii 40 20 i. tern . . . • . . . . • • . . • . . • . . . • 20 ;o on •..•....•......•.. Ellznbeth .. , ...•..... , , l~-'::i?i .. ·:::::::::::::::::::::: is ~f[l':,~ 'i:.~~=u·,; 1o,:1i1i~.:: : : : : : : :iU .. J,•olc1en •..•.......... , .. •, • • • ~rt~:~ .. :::::::::::::::::::: · · i~ Gorman . . • • . . . . . . . . • . . . . • • • lj rz~1b1::.~ •-~~~~~~~-:::::::;::::: iO l-lo1ne~tend .......•....•.... Jnninn .....••.•.••...•....•• Le;1f r.nke .....•....•....... Lent Mountain .•.••.....•.... 1.11111 . , , , , .. ·., .. · • · · · · · · · · • · · lllLlne .....•...............• l1Hp1l \\"OOd ............ , , .. . N'e\\'ton ................•...•. \'II. of !Iii:, \" llllla •....... , ... :'lrl:ldnrns ............•...•••• :,,:'or""· Dro,·o ..........••...• <>nk Valley ......•..•.•...•• Or"·ell •........•....•....... ~~:_l!~fT~~tei-lftl1":::::::;:;::: :iU Otto ..•..•... , •...•......• Puddoek •.......... , .•..•... r. Prairie ............•..... \'II. of Parkers Prairie •.•.•• Pelican .•.......•.•.••...... VII. of Pelican H.11plds •. , .•.. Perham ....•.........•...•. \'II. of Porhllm .•......•....• ~lne Lake ...•••..•.....•... Vil. of Rlchvlllo ..•..•....•. Rush l,ake •.•..•...•...•.•. Stnr I.nko •............•...• ~::~~~tJQ1;1·.::::::::::::::: h Trondhjem .......•..•....•. VII. of Underwood •..•...•.. ~~st~~nV~~~~~.::::::::::::;: •s \\'oodalde ...•..•...••...•.•. The fll"lowlng cbnna;es woro made In tho a■seH!!lment of Class-2, btlnR household goods: Blower■ Increased Ii 'Jo Bluffton, Increased 5"8 Buse, Increased 20 % Candor, decreaaed lO'Jo '-°"rllsle, Increased r. % if. ... ;. iO i:i 30 10 iO iO iO iO 10 iO 10 20 i.i Cornplon, lricre&sed 10% Dolton V1lln;;e.-deorenHed 5~ Dnne rrn.lrle, Increased I0'Jo Dead Lake, lnereasod Hi'I, Deer Creek, Increased 15'1o Dunn, Increased 10~ Edna, decreased 10"7,. 1---:rflngton. lncrlRHd !DOIi;. Closa S-D. Cattle Sheep-37 Hoga-38 A B A B E 20 .!l ill 16 iO iO i5 iO iO 20 ifi 5 10 F iO ·;. lu iS iO i,1 G ii, 1., iO Ellzo.both, Increased 20'%1 E1rno, lncrenl'led 20 ~ . .!: iO 5 10 iO 40 iii i:i • 2n 5 10 H ErhardM Gro,·e, Increased SO'K, J,"erguK Falls, Increased 35'1o Foldcm, l11cren11ed 30% Friberg Increased 10% Lear llountnln, lncrensed 20'° llalno, decreased 5~ . .!: ·s 35 i5 .;n io ·, io iO iO • •• iO K . .!: i:i 20 ii 2o 30 50 GO . .!: iO ii, iO iii ZS . 2l 20 10 . .!: ·5 iS 20 40 iO 20 0 ! iO 10 20 5 30 iO 20 20 0 .!: 35 11 0 iO 10 iO 30 20 I ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD-N, -OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . . --. DATE ............................ .AUB.L ... ll .•..................................... 19 ... 5.3 MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUI-ITY, MINN, Pursuant .to a~journment the Board met at lO o'clock A,U. August 11, 1953 all members being present. The Board having advertised for bids for the construction of county Aid Jobs listed below proceeded to open and examine said bids. Bids were received on county Aid Job 53:28 as follows: Si~on Y.ern, tl4,453.27;r' Brisk Bro·s., ~14,305,86;/ E, L, Lien Construction co., .. $13,688,78; ✓ Dan Conroy 'I: Sons, $12,503,23:•v Enebak construction co., $12,131.17; ( Don Gray 'I: Glen Feda, $11,599.05;.,, John Dieseth co., tio,158,88; ✓ Alton Stearns, $10,125,38;/ Ralph Stewart, $9,501,63;✓ Gladen"Bro·s; $9;426-,53:•✓Sellin Bros. ::119,119,42; /Ed Zimmerman $8,941.14;✓ Alfred EVo.vold s,. sons, $8,256.Q9/ Upon motion, the contract v1as awarded to Alfred EVavold ,e,, sons..-::,. county Job 52:02; Simon Kern, $33,928.34;"' .A;rnel T, Erickson, $26,361,85;, Bain, Roberts 'I: Bain, $25,510,32;1 Enebak construction co., $24,956.76;....-John Dieseth co., $23,794,2.l;.,Don Gray & Glen Feda., $2:,,602,70;/ Dan conro,r &: sons, $22,201.04;✓ Vernon Hanson, $22,060,90;✓ Gladen Bros., ~20,440,97;/ E, T, Lien·construction Co,, ~20,379,97;✓Sellin Bros., $19,716,32;....-Ralph st-ewart, $19,639,81.;✓ Ed Zimmerman, $18,417,06; / Alfred Evavold !:,,Sons, $16,819.95.·✓ rrpon motion, the contract was awarded to Allred Evavold & Sons, . . . county Job 53:11: Simon ~ern, ~18,410.14;✓ John Dieseth co., ~17,991,55;/ Enebak Construction co., $1•6,709,00; (Arnel T, Erickson, $15,725.98;.-Rain, Roberts!: Bain, -$15,141.04;..-Dan Conroy .'I: Sons, $14,669 ,90; ✓ l)on Gray 'I: Glen Feda, $14,210, 70;;,, F.d. Zimmerman, $14,135.22; ..--vernon Hanson, $14 ,028,98; .....-- X:ahlstorf Bros., tl3,964.Q6;v Brisk Bros., $13,843,58;...--Gladen Bros., $13",682,59;✓E, T. Lien Constructio co., $13,069.77;✓-Ralph Stewart, $12,385.32; ✓Alfred Evavold 'I: sons, $12,372.91; "'Sellin Bros., $12,062.6 ~ Upon motion, the co-ntrnct was awarded to Sellin Bros. The Board having called for bids for one pneumatic-tired r.ol~e~, received bids from: Ruffridge-John- son Equipment co• • ., $1,645,0(); Rosholt :J!!quipment Co .• , $1,550,00; 1vm. H. Ziegler co,, $1,520.00; Upon motion, the bid of wm,; H. Ziegler Co. we,s accepted. The plat of Falk's Beach, located in Lot 3, sec. 1-136-39, accompanied by a certificate of title exe outed b,v M, J. Daly, Attorney-at-law, was approve!l, The County Board of Audit presented proposals of varicus ~anks for deposit of county Funds for the coming two .vears, together with assignments of seour.ities by said bank in the following amounts: First National Bank, Minneapolis, $250,000,00; Minn-esota state Bonds; Fergus Falls National Bank~ Trust co., $1,4·80,000.00 u. s. Treasury Notes and Bd>nds; First National Bank of Fergus Falls, $700•;ooo.oo in u. s. Treasury notes, bonds of State of Minnesota, and bonds of Otter Tail county: First National Bank of Parkers Prairie, t25,000,00, u. s. Treasury bonds; J. p, Wallace State Bank, $50,000,00 U, s. Treasury bonds; First National Bank of Henning, $10,000,00 u. s. Treasury Bonds; First National Bank, Battle Lake, $10,000.00 covered by Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, guarantee of deposits: Erhard State Bank, $8,000,00 U, s. Treasury Bonds; Security State Bank of Deer Creek $25,000,00 U,S, Treasury Bonds; Perham State Bank $50,000,00 u. S, Treasury Bonds; Farmers State Bank of Underwood, $25,000,00, u. S, Treasury Bonds and Notes; Farmers State Bank of Dent $35,000,00 United State Treasury Bonds; First state Bank of Dalton $39,700,00 u. s. Treasury Bonds; Vergas State Bank $17,500,00 u.s. Treasury Bonds; and Farmers State Bank of New York Mills $15,000,00 u. s. Treasury Bonds, $5,000,00 City of ElCentro, California bonds. A petition for cleaning and repair of county Ditch uo. 12 was filed with the Board after a thorough discussion of the matter by a delegation of interested parties; a preliminary survey to be made when the County secures the services of a competent engineer for that purpose. The following certificate of completion of county Roadwork was filed with the county Auditor: No, 2612 -Certificate of Completion of county road work. TO THE COUNTY AUDTTOR OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MIJHlESOTA: we, the undersigned majority of the county Board of said county hereby certify that we have examined the road work done by · · (1) Xahlstorf ~roe., Lake George, Minn. 12) Gladen Bros., Bemidji, Minn. /3) Weldon zaske, Danube, Minn. /4) Rust -~ Dahlman, Clarissa, Minn. 15) Dependable Surfacing co., so. st. Paul, Minn, on that certain road described as follows: 11) SAR #1 -N1ew York Mills North -S,P, 56-517-0l (Grade -~ Gravel) (1) SAR #1-1/:8 -~utler south -s.p. 56-504-02 " ,. " (2) SAR #12 -Dent southwest -S~P. 56-502-05 (Grading) (3) CAR #43 -T,H, 1/:106 \Vest 4.1 Miles -C,P. 53:43 " (4) CAR #54 -Leaf River -Henning N, -C,P, 53:54BR (Bridge P.emoval & culv. Installation) (5) SAR #7 -Almora East -S,P, 56-522-02· (Road Mix 'c Bituminous surface) together with contract for the same, and that Yte find said work has been properly done and peTformed ac-cording to said contract. Dated this 22 day of July, 1963, Attest; S. B, JOHNSON County Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: HENRY SIELING BEHNIE J. JOHNSON S • l'I. BECKMAN OTTO FH.SE C, A. SNOWBERG Whereas, a resolution by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota, on Janu- ary 2, 1951 agreed to pay Township Aid according to the amounts levied by the Towmships, and which amounts were as follows: COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,. QT:TER TAIL ~OUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................ A"g., .... l.l. •.................................. 19 .... ?..~ From 10 mills up to but less than 15 mills 15 mills and up to but less than 20 mills 20 mills and up 1}100 $200 $300 How, therefore, be it resolved that the amounts to be paid to the respective townships in 1953 based on the Road and Bridge levies made in the yeor 1952 shall be as follows: Aa~tad 200.00 Amor 200.00 Aurdal 300,00 Blowers 300.00 Bluffton 300.00 Buse 100.00 Butler 300.00 candor 300.00 Carlisle 100.00 Clitherall 300.00 Compton 200.00 Corliss 300.00 Dane Prairie 300.00 Dead Lake 300.00 Deer Creek 300.00 Dora 300.00 Dunn 300,00 Eagle Lake 300.00 Eastern 300,00 Edna 300.00 :F!f'fington 300.00 Elizabeth 300,00 Elmo 300,00 F.rhards Grove 300,00 EVerts 300,00 Fergus ~alls 300.00 Folden 300.00 Friberg 200.00 Girard 300.00 Gorman 300.00 Henning 200.00 Hobart 300.00 -r:romestead 300.00 "::-----~-=-~~-=~ Inman 300-00 Leaf Lake 300.00 Leaf' Mountain 300.00 Lida 300.00 Maine 300.00 Maplewood 300.00 Newton 300.00 Nidaros 300.00 Norwegian Grove 200.00 Oak Valley 300,00 Orwell 200.00 Oscar 300.00 Otter Tail Otto 300.00 Paddock 300.00 · Parkers Ptairie 300.00 Pelican 300.00 Perham 300,00 Pine..,Lake 300.00 ~ush Le.ke 100.00 st. Olaf' 200.00 Scambler 300.00 Star Lake 300.00 Sverdrup 300.00 Tordenskjold 300,00 Trondhjem 300.00 Twnuli 300.00 western 100.00 woodside 300-00 Adopted August 11, 1953. c. A. SUOWBERG Chairman, Attest: S. B, JOHNSOH Clerk Upon motion, Frank c. Barnes, Judge of Probate, was authcrized to purchase f'orty-f'ive volumes of Minnesota Statutes Annotated, through Philip P.. Menson for the sum of $125.00 The following resolution was passed: Whereas, this Board has. hreetofore contr~cted with Rust~ Dahlman for the construction of county Aid Job f53:54~R and, whereas, the same has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board, now, therefore, the Chairman and county Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund for the ·sum of' ~1708 .16, the balance due on said contract. August 11, 1953 Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk C. A. SNOWBERG Chairman. The Board of county commissioners of otter Tall county, Minn. hereby authorize the admission of August Anderson to Ah-Gwah-Ching for care and treatment and agree· to assume the expense fo.r such care and treatment. August 11, 1953, S. B. JO'RllSON Clerk, C. A. SNOVTBERG Chairman. The Board of County commissioners of otter Tail County, Minn. hereby authorize the admission of Adolph Bjergo to ah-Gwah-Ching for care and treatment and agree to assume the expense for such care and treatment. August 11, 1953. s • B • .rnmrnoH Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: C • A, S HOl'IBERG Chairman. Be it resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail Oounty. that the sum of $3288.99 be appropriated to the -Perham Agricultural society and that the sum of $3288.98 be appropriated to the otter Tail county Fair Association, and that the Chairman and County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants on the County Fair Fund to the above fairs, August 11, 1953. Attest: S. B, JOHHSOH, clerk C. A, SUOWBERG Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N;··OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Aug 12, 53 DATE ........................................... · ......................................... 19 ....... . Upon motion, the Board adjourned to 9:30 A.M. Wednesday, August 12, 1953. WEDNESDAY I s SESS IOij PUrsuant to adjournment the Board met at 9:30 A•M• August 12, 1953, all members present • . A petition for dissolution of Common School District 231 .came up for final hearing. After listen- ing to the arguments of all interested parties it was decided that more information should be submitted, tTPon moti.on, the petition was laid over to September 9, 1953. The petition of Mrs. Alfred Putnam asking that the N½ SWf., sl NE¼ and N 28 rods of N½ SE¼ of Sec- tlo-n.30-134-40 be set off from Dist. 22 to Dist. 69 was taken up'for final action. After listening to the arguments of the various interested parties the petition was rejected. The applioation of Tyler Putnam and Mary c. PUtnam ~sking that the NE¼ NW¼ Sec. 31-134-40 be set off from Dist. 146 to Dist. 69 was taken up for final action and, upon motion, the same was rejected. The petition of Tyler PUtnam and Mary c. Putnam asking that a triangle 20 ft. north and south by 20 ft. east and west in the southeast corner of the SE¼ SE¼, and the st SE¼ and S 52 rods of the Nr SE¼ Sec •. 30-134-40 be set off from Dist. 22 to Dist. 69 was taken up for final action, and after listening to the statements of the various interested parties the petition was tejected • . The petition of s·ophus G. Anderson asking that the~½ E½ NE¼ NE¼ Sec. 32-133-42 be set off from School Dist. 80 to Dist. 143 was taken up for final action. The Board issued the following order to-wit: .Whereas, The petition of Sophus G, Anderson, a legai voter, freeholder and resident of School Dis- trict No. 80 in this c.ounty. representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin school D~~trict No. 143 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 80 to said adjoining school district No. 143 was presented to the Board of county commissioners of this county at ~ session of said board held on the 10th day of June A.D., 1953 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at~ session of said board on the 12th day of Aug- ust A.D., 1953 at the county Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said Scheel Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed fer such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of county commissioners on said 12th day of August A•D•, 1953 due proof of the posting and service ·of sai order of hearing as therein directed and required, ~ore than ten days prior to said last named date, hav- ing been made and filed, said petition was publicly ·read and considered b,v the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it ls hereby ordered and determined, that th said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: E½ of E½ of NE¼ of NE¼ Section 32 Township 133 Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District no. 80 to said adjoil:ni~ School District rro. 143 and said lands are, hereby made a part of said last named School Distric for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 12th d·ey of August A.D., 1953, (Auditor's Seal) C. A. SNOWBERG Chairman of the Board of county Commissioners of Ot.ter. Tail County, Minn. Attest: s. B •• rmmsoN county Auditor, and ex~officio Clerk of Board. The petition of LeRoy M. Torgerson asking that the N½ MW¼ Sec. 18-133-37 be set off from School Dist. 113 to Dist. 106 1vas taken up for final action. The Board issued the following order. to-wit: Whereas, The petition of LeRoy M. Torgerson, a legal voter, freeholder and resident ofSchool Dis.- trict No~ 113 in this county, representing that he is the owner cf the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said school district, and adjoin school district No. 106 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 113 to said adjoining school district No. 106 was presented to the Board of county Commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 10th day of June A.D., 1953 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing shonld be had on said petition, at a seas ion of said boo.rd on the 12th day of August A.D •• 1953 at the county Auditor's office in the Cit; of Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and by suid order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be af-fected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said school districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the board of countyC ommissicners on said 12th day of Au~ust A,D,, 1953 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days pr~or to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner and said qoard being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him,-to6-wit; Nt of NW¼ Sec. 18 Township 133 Range 37 be and the same are hereby set off from said school district No. 113 to said ad- joining school district No. 106 and said lands are hereby made a part of s~id last named School District for all purposes whatever. BY order of the Board of county commissioners. Dated the 12th day of August A.D., 1953. (Auditor's Seal) C, A. SifOWBF.RG Chairman of the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail county, t.rinn. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON county Auditor, and ex-officio olerk of. Board. i l. COMMISSIONERS RECORD.~N,,_OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-················AW!:·•··••l2•,-··-···································19 .. 5:3 -The-petiti~n of ~alter J. Dahn, asking that the svd. SW¼ Sec. 18-133-37 be set off from School Dist. 113 to Dist. 106 was taken up for final action, The Board issued the following order: to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Walter J, Dahn, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 113 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District uo. 106 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said District NO, 113 to said adjoining school District NO, 106 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this county at a session of said Board held on the 10th day of June A,D,, 1953 for the action of said Board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said Board on the 12th day of August A,D,, 1953 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas it was furt- her o.rdered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of. said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said peti- tion, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of. said order at least ten days before. the time appointed for such hearing; and wl'Jereas at the said session of the said Board of county commissioners on said 12th day of August A,D,, 1953 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by tne Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it· is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: SW¼ of SW¼ Section 18 Township 133 Range 37 be and the same are hereby set off from said school District uo. 113 to said ad- joining School District No, 106 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of county Commissioners. Dated the 12th day of August A, D,, 1953, (Auditor's Seal) C, A, SNOWBERG Chairman of the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail county, Minn, Attest: S, B. JOHlfSON county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of 11,!elv,in E, Cordes, asking that the SW¼ NW¼ and NW¼ SW¼ Sec. 18-133-37 be set off from School Dist. 113 to Dist. 106 was taken up for final action, The Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of ~elvin E, Cordes, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of Sohool District No, 113 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said school District, and ad.1oin School District !lo, 106 and asking that he v11th his said lands may be set off from said District No, 113 to said adjoining School District No, 106 v,as presented to the Board of county commissioners of this county at a session of said Bo~rd held on the 10th day of June A,D,, 1953 for the action of said ~oard thereon; and whereas it was thereupon order~d by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said ~oard on the 12th day of August A,D,, 1953 at the county Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said peti- tion, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said school districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Soard of County commissioners on said 12th day of August A,D,, 1953 due pre.of of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having be·en ~made and filed, said petition was publicly read and. considered by the Board, with everything which·was said by said interested parties for or against granting the p~ayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands c~ned by him, to-wit: SW¼ of NW¼ and NW¼ of SW¼ Section 18 Tovmship 133 Range 37 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, •113 to said adjoining School District rro,·106 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. ~Y order of the ~oard of County commissioners. Dated the 12th d~V of August A,D,, 1953, (Auditor's Seal) C, A, SNOWBERG Chairman of the Board'of county Commissioners of O~ter Tail county, Minn. Attest: S. B, JOHNSON County Audttor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board, The petition of Arthur 8, Peterson, asking that the SE¼ Sec. 33-l34-38 be set off from School Dist. 117 to Dist. 106 was taken up for final action. The Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Arthur B, Peterson, a lep,al voter, freeholder and resident of School Dist- rict !fo. 117 in this county, represent in!! that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said school District, and adjoin School District No, 106 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said District No, 117 to said adjoining School District No, 106 was presented to the ~oard of county Commissioners of this aounty at a session of said Board he1d on the 10th day of June A,D,, 1953 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said Board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said Board on the 12th day of August A,D,, 1953 at the county Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said county, and where- as it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public _places in each of the school districts to be affected by said II! tit ion, and by mailing to the clerk of each of satd School Districts, a oopy of said order at least ten days becfdre the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of county commissioners on said 12th day of August A,D,, 1953 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with every- thing \Vhich was saio. u.v said interested parties for or against granting tile prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be g::-::mted, it is hereby ordered and determined that the said petitioner and the following described lands ovmed by him, to-wit: SB¼ Section 33 Town- COMMISSIONERS RECORD N;-01'-TER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'fE ................................... Aug." ... 12,··-···························lD .. ~~ ■rtn11n·n1NnNero■,evr n crone-e,e■-e m sfi.ip ·r34 ":.Range. 38 · \5e· ·ana tne .. sanre··are··nereliy· set li"ff fronr saia s1rnoor·Dts:tri1it No. 117 to said ad·jotning Sch661""-DisO'ict-N6. 106 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named school District for all purposes whatever.· By order of the Board of county Commissioners. Dated the 12th day of August A. D. 1953. (Auditor's Seal) C. A. SNOYIBERG Chairman of the Board of county Commissioners ·of otter Tail County, Minn. ~ttcst: S. B. JOHNSON county Auditor, and ex-officio clerk of board, The petition of E. A.~ Mathilda Vollmer, asking that the s½ SE¼ Sec. 32-134-38 be set off from school Dist. 117 to Dist. 106 was taken up for final action. The Board issued the following order, to-wit Whereas, The petition of E. A. Vollmer and Mathilda Vollmer, legal voters, freeholders and residents of School ·ntstrict No. 117 in this County, representing that they are the owners of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said school District, and adjoin School District No. 106 and asking that they with their said lands may be set ·off from said district No. 117 to said adjoining School District No. 106 was presented to the Board of county commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 10th day of June A.D., 1953 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon or- dered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said Board on the 12th day of August A•D•, 1953 at the county Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be g!ven by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affect- ed by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said ·s·chool Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of co.unt.v commissioners on said 12th day of August A. D., 1953 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named dat , having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or a~ainst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said pet1 tioners and the following described lands owned by them, to-wit: s½ of SE¼ Section 32 Township 134 Range 38 be and the same are hereby set of.f from said School District No. 117 to said adjoining School District No. 106 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last hamed School District for all purposes whatever. · · BY order of the Board of county commissioners. Dated the 12th day of August A. D., 1953.· (Auditor's Seal) C. A. SNOWBERG Chairc:m of· the Board of Co·unty commissioners of otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: s. B. JOHHSON county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Carl F. Imsande, asking that the s½ SE+ and E½ SW¼ Sec. 13-136-37 be set off from School Dist. 186 to Dist. 220 was withdrawn at the request of the petitioner. The petition of J.lfred Honrud to set over the iv½ NEt E½ NW¼ and NW¼ NW¼ of Section 6, 'Downship 134, Rang,·44 and the SW¼ SW¼ sec. 31, Township 135, Range 44 from Dist. 127 otter rail county to Dist. 11 Wilken county was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board on October·14, 1953 at 10 o'clock A.M. and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given as required·by law. The petition of Oliver watterud to set over the N½ SE¼ Sec. 18, Township 135, Range 44 from Dist. 73 Otter Tail County to Dist. 11 Wilkfn County was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the .Board on October 14, 1953 at 10 o'clock A.M and that due notice of the time and place o.f hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Anton Sogn to set over the s½ SEf and S~ NE¼ Sec. 18, Township 135, Range 44 from Dist 73 Otter Tail county to Dist. 11 ~lilken Count.v was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board on October 14, 1953 at 10 o • clock A.M. and that due not ice of tl:ie•· "t-:1:me and place of hearing be given as required by law. with RESOLUTION FOR DIVISIO!l OF ASSETS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 134 BETWEEN SAID DISTRICT AND SCHOOL DIS- TRICT NO. 47. BOTH IN OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to the statutes of the state of Minnesota upon consolidation of parts of school district other districts, it is the duty of the Board of county Commissioners to divide the assets. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail Countr, Minnesota that the assets of Sohool District No. 134 be and th·ey are hereby divided as followa: I• The sohool site, school building and all personal property of every kind, character and description, except cash, shall be and remain the property of School District No. 134. n. Cash assets as of the date of oonsolidation, funds in the hands of the county Treasurer as of the date of consolidation, and taxes for 1952 and prior years paid after date of oonsolidation shall and they here- by are divided 11.20'% to Distriot No. 47 and 88.Bc,% to Di~trict No. 134. III. Any and all obligations of District No. 134 existing at time of consolidation shall be paid, 11;2c,% by District No. 47 and BB.Be,% by District No. 134. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,··O.T!f-ER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................................... Aug ..... 12 • .......................... .19 .. 53 TTTT7TTT.7J7TCTTITJ7JTl'IIJ1l[TIJ1f'l'l"1Tr:1'1'~, ---~ --- U1?~1!-_'!10-~i~n•~ :t-h~ Zoregoing resolution v1as adopted: August 12. 1953. Attest: S. B. JOHMSON Clerk. C • A. SllOVTBERG Chairman. RESOLUTION FOR DtvISIOll OF ASSETS OF SCHOOL DI STRICT NO. 271 BETWEEN SAID DISTRICT AND SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 47. BOTH Itl OTTER TAIL COUNTY. MIIHIESOTA, Pursuant to the statutes of the state of Minnesota upon consolidation of parts of school district with other districts, it is the duty of the Board of county commissioners to divide the assets. How, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of oounty commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minne- sota that the assets of School District No. 271 be and they are hereby divided as follows: I. The school site, school building and all personal property of every kind, character and description. except oash, shall be and remain the propert.v of School District No. 271. n. Cash assets as of the date of consolidation, funds in the hands of the County Treasurer as of the date of consolidation, and taxes for 1952 and prior years JB id after date of consolidation shall and they hereby are divided-36.70% to District Ho. 47 and 63.30% to District No. 271. III. Any and all obligations of District No. 271 existing at time of consolidation shall be paid, 36.7o% by District llo. 47 and 63. 3o% by District No. 271. upon motion, the Zoregoing resolution was adopted: August 12, 1953. C. A. SNOl'IBERG Chairman Attest: S. B. JOffilSON Clerk. RF.SOLUTION FOR DIVISIO?l OP ASSETS OF SCHOOL DISTRir:T NO. 165 BETWEEN SAID DTSTRTCT AND SC!'IOOL DISTRICT UO. 47, BOTH rn OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. . Pursuant to the statutes of the State of Minnesota upon consolidation of parts of school district wtth other districts, it is the duty of the Board of county commissioners to divide the assets. now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of county commissioners of' Otter Tail county, Minnesota that the assets of School District Ho. 165 be and they are hereby divided as follows: I. The school site. school building and all personal property of every kind, character and description, except cash, shall be and remain the !)roperty of School District uo. 165. TI. cash assets as of the date of consolidation, f'unds in the hands 'of' the County Treasurer. as of the date of consolidation, and taxes for 1952 and prior .v-ears paid after date of cQnsolidation shall and they hereby are divided B.oo% to District No. 47 and 92.oo% to District No. 165. III. Any and all o~ligations of District no. 165 existing at time of consolidation shall be paid a.oo% by District no. 47 and 92.oo% by District no. 165. Upon motion, the foregoing resolution was adopted: August 12, 1953. Attest: S. B. JC1HNSON Clerk. C. A .• SNOWBERG Chairman. ?.ESOLTJTIOH FOR DIVTSTON 0.,., ASSETS OF SCHOOL DIST!HCT HO. 263 BETWEEN SAID DISTRICT AND SCHOOL DTSTRTCT llO. 47, 90TH HT OTTER TAIL COUNTY? fHNNESOTA. ?ursuant to the statutes of the State of Minnesota upon consolidation of parts of school district vr-i'th other districts, it is the duty of the Board of county commissioners to divide the assets. Now, therefore. be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of' Otter Tail County, Minnesota that the o.ssets of School District no. 263 be and they are hereby divided -as follows: I. The school site, school building and all personal property of' every kind, character and description, except cash, shall be and remain the property of .s·chool District uo. 263. II. cash assets as of the date of consolidation, funds in the hands o;f the county Treasurer as of the date of consolidation, and taxes for 1952 and prior years paid after date pf consolidation shall and they here- by are divided 2 .54% to District Uo. 47 and 97 ,46% to District llO. 263. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N;·~O'FrER-TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................... Aug , 12, ... 195~ .................. 19 ....... . III, Any and all obligations of District rro. 263 existing at time of oonsolidetion shall be paid 2.54% by District No, 47 and 97,46~ by District NO, 263, Upon motion, the foregoing resolution was adopted: August 12, 1953, Attest: S. B, JOHNSON Clerk, C, A, SNOWBERG Chairman. RESOLUTION FOR DIVISION OF ASSETS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 253 BETWEEN SAID DISTRICT AND SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 47, BOTH IN OTTER TAIL COilllTY, MINN, pursuant to the statutes of the State of Minnesota upon consolidation of parts of school district with other districts, it is the duty of the Board ofcount,r cor.1missione1·s to divide the assets. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail County, !llinne-sota that the assets of s.chool District No, 253 be and they are hereby divided as .follows: I, The school site, school building and all personal property of every kind, character and description except cash, shall be and'• remain the property o:t' School District No, 253, II, cash assets as of.the date of consolidation, funds in the hands of the county Treasurer as of the date of consolidation, and taxes for 1952 and prior years paid after date of consolidation shall and they hereby are divided B.03% to District uo. 47 and 91,97,:l;.to District No, 253. III, An.v and all obligations of District No, 253 existing at time of consolidation shall be paid, B.03% by District No, 47 and 91.97% b,v District No, 253. Upon motion, the foregoing resolution was adopted. August 12, 1953. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. C • A. Sl'l"OWBERG Chairman. RESOLUTION FOR DIVISION OF ASSETS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 175 BET\'TEEN SAID DISTRICT AND SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 47, BOTH IN OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINU, Pursuant to the statutes of the state .of Minnesota upcn consolidation of parts of school district with other districts, it is the duty of the Board of County commissioners to divide the assets. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota that the assets of School District No. 175 be and they are hereby divided as follow.a: I, The school site, school building and all personal property of every kind, character and description, except cash, shall be and remain the property of School District uo. 175. II, cash assets as of the date of consolidation, fund~in the hands of the county Treasurer as of the date of consolidation, and taxes for 1952 and prior years paid after date of consolidation shall and they hereby are divided 15.6o% to District rro. 47 and 84,4i,%. to District No, 175. UI, An.P' and all obligations of District No, 175 existin~ at time of consolidation shall be paid, 15.,6o% by District No, 47 and S4,4o% by District No, 175. ·· Upon motion, the foregoing resolution was adopted, Augqst 12, 1953, Attest: S, B, JOHNSON Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: C • A. SNOV/BERG Chairman. Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted to purchase a garage sit described as Lot 3 of Kallings Sub Div of Iraf of Sec, 35-133,43 and, whereas. a deed has been delivered and accepted. now therefore, the Chairman and the County Auditor are he1·eby .;.utho!'iz'!d and directe<i to issue a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund in the sum of $6462,50.to Turner & Darlene Askew in payment thereof. August 12, 1953. Attest: S. B. JOHWSON Clerk, C, A. SNOWH~RG Chairman. The County Board having previously advertised for bids for coal for the ensuing ,vear received bids as follows: COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ Aug• ... 12 '·············-············----·······19 53 Lampert Lumber co. Fergus Lwnber &· Fuel co. Nyman Fuel Co, $15. 66 per ton 15,77 per ton 15.74 per ton Upon motion, the contract for delivering 300 tons moT~ or less of stoker coal was awarded to the Lampert Lumber~-Fu.el co. for $15.66 per ton. The application of Arnie Saarela for homestead classification on the NE¼ SE¼ sec. 1-136-36 was a9proved and the tax ordered reduced accordinp.ly, , The application of Olga c. Olson for homestead classification on thew½ SF,¼-and SW¼ ID*. Sec. 13-131-37 was approved and the tax ordered reduced accordingly, The application of Philip M, and Mabel Rudd for homestead classification on Lot 20 Broadwater Beach was approved and the tax reduced accordingly. The application of Burton Felstet for correction of personal propertf tax assessment for the year 1952. was read and it was ordered that the assessed value be reduced from $445, to $370 making a reduc-tion in taxes of $13,77. The petition o·f E, J. Bowman. agent for D, A, Peterson. for reduction of assessment on buildings on the S~· Seo. 26-131-40 was read and approved. and, upon motion. the assessed valuation was reduced from $2763 to $2289 and the tax reduced t25,09. The anplice.tion of Dr. ,7ohn S, Deering for correction of assessment on· the SW 65 ft. of the NE 325 ft. of NW 185 ft. of Lot 2 lying S"' of Lot 31, Clearmont Beach, in Section 1-133-40 on the ground that a building was assessed on this lot where no building existed at that time, The tax was ordered reduced accordingly. The application of c. A. Boline and Warren Hunter for reduction of assessment on Lots 13 and 14, Block 3, Bowman and Dunton's Addition to Battle Lake was read and it was ordered that the assessed valuation ·be reduced from $4708 to $4142 and the tax reduced $99.95. The Board approved the bond of Julian H, Bye with the Hnrtford Accident and Indemnity co. as surety for painting the inside of the county court House. Upon motion. the county Auditor was instructed to advertise for sealed proposals for the construc- tion of a County garage at Fergus Falls, bids to be recei,ee. un'!: 11 Tuesday at 2 o'clock P, M. September 8, 1953. The following bills were allowed: J, c. JJenkes Do Peter P.ink, Jr. J.C. Henkes M, C. Lee James M, Hansen Leonard Olson Ralph Rosenberg Joseph Rayner, sr. Otto Haase Bennie i. Johnson Henry Sieling S, W, Beckman Do Otto ·Haase ~ennie J. Johnson Carl A,Snov1berg Henry Sieling Ella Standahl Mable Rossow Elnora Esteb Bernice I, Jesme Frank Roberts Harry Burau H, F. Duenow Ted Hegseth \'I, H, Dewy Mrs. P. L, Wagner George L, conn Emma M, Olson John Y.ukowske. Jr, W, Earl Williams John Y.U.kowske, Jr, Dr • C • .~ • r.und Do Dr. Robert D. Estrem Dr, Ralph L-, Estrem Do American Legion Poet NO, 489 Edward Carlson Post Ho. 283 American Legion Post !fo. 508 J, a. Hopponen Poucher Prtg, ~ Lithographing Co, Miller-Davie co. Victor Lundeen~ co. Henning Advocate Fergus Journal co. Ugeblad Pub, Co, Nelson ~ros. Printing Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. r.o. Norman r,. Johnson Boarding praeoners " " Dep. sheriff's fees expenses Dep, sheriff's exp, " ~ " ., " " .. " " exp. attending meeting " ., " " " " Board of Equalization " " " " ., " exp. attending meeting clerical work " " " weed inspector soil conservation " " " " It witness fees " " " municipal judge's fees " " " " coroner's fees " " deputy coroner's fees " w " " " Memorial Day expenses " " " " " repairs blanks " supplies tax notices publi.shing printing printing " book binding $ 15.50 596,50 24.20 107.15 209.95 '66,50 10,00 24.40 22.10 15,80 10.20 21.20 5,62 12.80 20,00 16,00 10,00 26.22 47.50 42.50 62.50 62.50 256.68 10,80 9,36 13,68 9,84 7.36 7.24 7.66 45.00 75,00 10,00 30.75 44.15 15.00 37.75 37,35 25.00 20.00 24.50 7.80 32.99 56.36 123.18 4.20 217.90 40.25 12.50 12.50 100.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD -N .. -~TTER TAIL C0UNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. Aug ... 12 •...................................... 19 53 Lew1s··B:-·st"i'ass; Jr •. Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. Do DO s. Mill Standard service The Pierce Co, Schoolcraft co. Miller's ~ardware Imperial Supply co. crane-Johnson Oswald ~Ubl. co. united Chemical co. Hintgen-Y.arst Kewanee-Ross Corp. Otter Tail co-op Oils. Inc. Remington-Rend. Inc. DO Indianhead Specialty Co, Fergus Specialties Co, Johnson Drugs Beall J:· McGowan Co, Hintgen-Karst Johnson's Repair Shop Wm, Galena~ son Cooper's ·office Supply & Gift Shop Evelace G. Hanson lJ. J. Henning Louise Stondahl TI. w. Glorvigen Esther G, Sell DO . Ann ,Jordan Do Bruce Fublishing co. Ann Jordan Walters. Booth & son Perham Telephone co. Straub Estote Northwestern Bell Tel, co. Philip M. Kjaglien Do Cooper's Ruth•C, Campbell Do Imperial supply Co. wateT Dept. Victor Lundeen~-Co, Dr, Ralph L. Estrem western union Insurance Service Agency Louise Stondahl H. w. Glorvigen Gaffaney•s Minn. State Sanatorium Glen Lake Sanatorium DO Nopeming sanatorium A-W co,, Inc, of Minn. Borchert-rngersoll, Inc. Rosholt Equipment co. Geo. T, Ryen co. Wm, F, Ziegler Co,, Inc. Northwest Engineering co. Penrose Oil Co. Wallnofer Blacksmith Shop Fred's Motors Vergas Uotor Service Minn. Motor Co. Skogmo Motors, Inc. Whitlock Welders 11c Eq. Supply H.auberg's Blacksmith Shop Chafee' s Garage Lake Region Motor co. Moen Truol;: co. Field Machine Co. Oscar Ruq,q, .... ..,_ super GJ&dlsales ~aulson Tire Shop Larson 'Bros. :rortwengler ~lectric co. Erickson-~elleckson-Vye Co. Knuttila Tmplement co. Cordes Implement co, H.enni ng Drug Marshall-Wells Store Vergas Hdwe. co. Empire Supply co. Bengtson Oil Co, The Oil Store Tony's Standard Service Bill's Service stutiou Art's Service Station janitor services mobile service tolls " mov:er gasoline supplies " " " covers blanks supplies electrical supplies supplies " .. towels supplies repaiTs & supplies " " P,O, box rent postage .. office postage expenses postage .. expenses & supplies supplies expenses supplies service rental service expenses machine rental supplies postage expenses supplies service supplies services at jail telegrams insurance cash advanced advanced commissions supplies care of patients " rt " " " " " " parts " " .. etc. Repairs " " " " " .. " " .. supplies " gasoline " " 80;00 87.90 36.95 48.65 1.18 3.97 58,07 8,94 15,90 85.91 5.90 7.69 19.92 5.04 5.25 269,44 27.50 l.60 165.75 21.53 4.75 30.65 7.40 7.15 23.60 3.oo 175.20 34.00 40.00 86.97 . 10.84 6,00 15.25 16.~l 103.66 4.84 8.oo 50,00 . 13.65. 79,59 3,00 111.15 3.37 11.20 9.81 1.59 l.70 5.00 9,64 266.71 9,00 9,75 3,70 1647.24 426.73 362.39 960,30 1359.90 92.32 77.36 169.93 1274.39 6i.23 2.24 5.40 7,00 39.99 26.18 67,00 34.20 16. 79 39.21 40.41 16.38 . 31.29 19.20 98.23 10,80 121,75 3,50 7.14 48.90 12.02 3,00 ,59 9.50 58.79 150,10 7.45 2.54 13.51 99.32 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,-OTX.ER TAIL CQUNTY, MINN. . . -. DATE ...................................... .Jtug.L.-12 •........................... 19.53. ITT171ilTTT:TTTTlTITITI~1TJ7Jll'ICTl'f., --~--~ S't"ana:ard d-11-Co., N. y ,Mills Vergas on-c-o-; · · Don's Standard ~il Henning D-X Service Bill Nelson Oil Co, Fossen Oil co. A 'I: L Oil Co, Olson Oil co. D, A, Lubricant Co, Inc, H, K', Stahl Co,, E, A, Bloese Black Top surfacing co. Ruben Lubitz · Clarence !,fartinson Vill, Pelican Rapids John Dieseth Co, Vill, of Deer Creek Service Recorder Co, Twin-City Fargo Freight, Inc, R~vmond Bros, Motor Trans. co, The Thomas co. Minn. State 'Tighway Dept, Merchants i:i:otel, N,Y, Mills Mills Cafe .Poucher Pr.tg • .!I: Litho. Co. Victor Lundeen~ co. \Yendell!', Huber Do G, D, Harlow w. L, Potter Richard McAllister Norman Galloway Georp.e Olson Paul Jacobson Mayn~rd Dunker Russell Evjen . N, W, Bell Tel. Co, Do. Midwest Telephone Co. Pelican Telephone Co, Vergas Telephone co, Barke, Allison & Darby Fergus conctrete Products Co, Alfred Shirley Delzer 'I: Clauson Helen B'reeman P,X,I&, & Co, Fosmark Service Fossee-tarson Motors Ervin Siegfried Nundahl Oil Co, Penrose Oil Co, Park Region Oil co. F, · Saunders .'I: Son City of Fergus Falls ~err.us Lumber & Fuel N, W, Engineering Co. N, w. Bell Telephone co. G, Q. Pure Oil Co, Olson Auto Electric Bob's Service Dahms Photo Print Co. Northwestern Refining Co, standard Oil Co., Battle r,ake Robt, L, Olson, Clerk 'tarm J • l'!uls ~red Zeise Ernest Eckhoff Harold Zeise C, C, ~edfield Geo, l'I, Rebehn Oscar Barden Erwin F., zaske Walfred Johnson w. F, Rowe Rudolph Hannuksela All:iei;t Fritz Park Machine, Inc. Fergus Oil co. Hagge Oil Co. Upon motion, the Board then ad.journed Attest: ______ -' la"',9--=f], /r=-:=-------~ gasoline ,. etc. " ., diesel fuel .. " oil " ,, bituminous mix gravel loading blooks street surfacing Co, Garage 2 rental of roller garage rental repairs freight " chains supplies rooms meals for crew forms supplies expense cash advanoed expense " service,., tolls, B, Lake .. " .. " " ,,., tolls notary bond drain tile rele,y ditch tile laying tile right-of-v,ay supplies repaprs ., gasoline, etc. " repairs bituminous mix supplies parts serv lee 'I: tolls gas·oline repairs gasoline, etc. prints bituminous material diesel fuel Right-of-Way ., " " " " " " " II II .. II II II " II II II II II weed inspector supplies gasoline, etc. diesel fuel to Tuesday at 10 o' •'Jlook A, M, September 8, <::tUJ. ...4,1 1953. 108;56 143,11 150,66 46.61 190,92 87,90 12.23 48.38 129,50 32.59 31.57 19.25 55,00 874,•20 63,00 210.00 15.30 22.50 10,77 44.11 141.66 8,00 54.65 112.86 48.25 245,37 21.10 103,16 147,63 57.68 60,56 21.95 70,70 36,05 8,40 40.25 11.00 8,70 10,05 14.80 10.00 27,50 15,00 200,00 58,88 45.24 10,50 l.70 439,69 188,39 10,13 3,20 2.92 2265,18 1.32 59.85 36.70 84.77 24,44 55,62 41.45 496.36 401,70 2,00 13,04 39,22 42,09 25.36 89.33 30,50 31.93 65.96 29.31 22,95 17,05 177,25 174,87 158,08 1150.72 Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD--N. O;fTER TAIL C~UNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... Sept • ... 8 ......................................... 19 ..... Q;3 • MINUTES OF ADJOURHED MEETING OF BOARD OF COlmTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUllTYi !lrn'NESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. September 8, 1953, all members being present. . A delegation asking for the cleaning and repair of ccunty Ditch No. 38 was heard. They were in- structed to prepare the necessarr petition and submit the same to the Board • . A delegation of citizens on Co1mty Ditch No. 10 appeared before the Board and withdrew their petition for cleaning and r.epairing. A communication from the Department of c·onservation relative to cleaning the channel of the Peli- can River was referred to the County Attorney. The Board having advertised for bids for the construction of a county garage in Fergus Falls pro- ceeded to open and examine said bids, which were received as follows: swedborg construction co. Nasvik Construction Co. Eian /I: Ness Edling Electric • Inc. Hintgen-Karst Electric co. Davidson Metal Shop GENERAL COUSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL WORK TIBATilfG 'c 1:'LID.IBING Local G~s Co •• Fergus Plumbing & Heating co. $50,950.00 48,400.00 45,973.00 1.396,00 1.580.00 5,750.00 4,489.00 After discussion all bids were laid over to September 9th. The countylllllelfare Department was authorized to purchase .an· adding machine for the amount~1of $244.00, The Board then ad,journed· to 9:30 A. M. September 9, 1!153, W":DNF.SDAY'S SESStoN pursuant to ad,journment the Board met at 9:30 A.M. September 9, 1953, all members being present. The petition of Emil Munsen, asking that the tl'W¼ of Section 29-132-36 be set off from School Dis- t:1':l:ct 141 Otte•r Tail county to Dist. no. 51 Todd r:ounty was,:taken• up for final action. The Board is- sued the following order, to-wit: · Whereas, The petition of Emil Munsen. a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 141.in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said school District, and adjoin School District N9, 290 o.T. & 51 Todd asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 141 to said adjoining school district No. 299 m.T. ~ 51 Todd co. was presented to the Board of county Commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 14th day of July A.D •• 1953 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said.board that a hearing should be had on said petition at a session of said Board on the 9th day of September. A. D., 1953 at the County Auditor's O~fice in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in e~ch of the school districts to be affected by said petition and by mailing to the clerk of each of said schoolldistricts a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said,session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 9th da,v of September A,D. 1953 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considere by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the pray er of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him. to-wit: It is 5 3/4 miles by nearest road to District no. 141 and whereas the School Bus of Dist. No, 290 Otter Tail and Uo. 51 comes right to his door. One of the tenant's children will be attending 9th grade and one just starting school. They would like to keep the children together and the bus service would not only provide this convenienee but would be a financial sa,ing to the the District as well, the descrip- tion of the land being as follows: NW¼ of Section 29,-Towhsliip 132,-· Range 36 and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 141 to said adjoining School District No, 290 O,T. & No, 51 If-odd and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named school District for all purposes whatever. BY order of the Board of County commissioners. Dated the 9th day of September A,D., 1953. (Auditor's Seal) CARL A. SNOWBERG Chairman of the Board of county· Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minn. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board -·· ... COMMISSIONERS RECORD ·N; -OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Sept. 9, 63 DATE ....................... ·······················································-·······l9 .....•. The petition of De~bert N, Cav~lier, asking that the s~ SE¼ end st SW¼ Section 31-136-38 be set off from s·chool Dist.; 130 to Dist. 13 was taken up for final action. The Board issued the following order, tb-wi t .: Wbereas, the petition of Delbert N. co.valier, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of Scho~l District No, 130 in this County, representing tho.the is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District NO, 13 and asking that·he with his said lands may be set off from said district No, 130 to said adjoining school district No. 13 was present ed to the Board of county commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 14th day of July A,D,, 1953 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said Board on the 9th.day of Sept- ember A,D,, 1953 at the r.ounty Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas, it was furthe~ ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by.posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts·to be affected by said petition, and by mailin!', to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County commissioners on said 9th day of September A,D,, 1953 due proof of the posting and ser- vice of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against grantirtg the prayer of the petitioner and said Board being or. opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hPreby ordered and determine that the said petitioner an9 the following descr-ibed lands owned by him, to-wit: The school buildings in said District 13 are 1.3 miles from the farm name of the petitionP.r located on the above described land. Whereas the school building of District 130 are better than 2 miles from said farm home, The school facilities of District 13 are more easily accessible to the children of petitioner and can be reached by travel over better maintained road than are the school facilities of said School District No, 130, the description of said land being the s"½ SE-¼-and the s½ SW¼ of section 31 '!lownship 136 Range 38 and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 130 to said adjoining School District tro, i3 and said lands are hereby mo.de a part of said last named school district for all purposes whatever. 3Y order of the Board of county commissioners. Dated the ~th day of September A,D., 1953, (Auditor's Seal) CA.'?L A, S!JOWBERG Chair~en of the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minn. Attest; S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of P.enry Bursken, asking that ~ot 3 of section 2-131-39 be set off from Dist. 168 to Dist. 283 was taken up for final action, and after listening to all the statements of interested parties the Board rejected the petition, The petition of Filma Jorgenson, -O:leanor ,1. and 3ertnie Trosdahl asking that ·the El-NEt and Nl-SE¼ of Section 24-132-39 be set over .from Dist. 33 to Dist. 103 was taken up for final action, and after listening to the statements of interested parties the Board laid the petition over until October 14. 1953. The petition dlor dissolution of common School District No, 231 was taken up for final action, and after discussion the petition was rejected, The petitions asking for the dissolution o·r Common School Districts 104 and 170 in Otter Tail county were taken up for final action, and after listening to the statements of the various interested parties the Board issuP.d the followin~ orders, to-wit: co~missioner Beckman introduced the following resolution and movea its adoption: Reso·lution ordering dissolution of common School District No. 170, otter Tail county. Minnesota. Pu~suant to Minnesota statutes annotated there has been presented to the Board of county Commis- sioners of otter Tail county; Minnesota, a petition for dissolution of common School District No, 170, Otter Tail county, Minnesota. Which aaid petition is signed by a majority of the resident-free holders of the district who are ent~tled to vote at ~school elections therein and which petition bears the ap- prov~l of the Superintendent of Schools, otter Tail county, Minnesota. now, therefore, be it resolved, by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnee- sota that said petition 'ue and it is hereby granted and said school district be and it is hereby dis- solved. Be it further resolved, that said common School District No. 170, Otter Tail County, Minnesota be and it is hereby annexed to common School District r,o. 69 for all school purposes whateo·ever;·. C. A. SNOW!lERG Chairman of County Board, Attest: S. B. JOHilSON county Auditor. The motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by commissioner Johnson, and on vote the same was declared carried. Whereupon said Resolution was declared duly passed and signed and attested by the Chairman andAuditor.· commissioner ~eckman introduced the following resolution and moyed its adoption: Resolution ordering dissolution of Common School "District flo. 104. otter Tail count,v, Minnesota. i>ursuant to Minnesota Statutes annotated there hns been presented to the Board of couijty commis- sioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota, a petition for dissolution of Common School District No. 104, Otter ~ail county, Minnesota, which said petition is signed by a majority of the resident-free holders of the district who are entitled to vote at achool elections therein and which petition bears the approv- al of the superintendent of the Schools, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. 110111, therefore. be it resolved, by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail· county, Minnesota, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, Q.T-TER TAIL QOUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................................... Sept ' ... 9 • ....................... 19 53, that said petition be and.it is hereby granted and said school district be and it is hereby dissolved. Be it further tesolved. that said common School District No, 104, Otter Tail County, Uinn~sota. be and it is hereby annexed to common School District NO, 69 for all school purposes whatsoever, Attest: S. B, JOHNSON county Auditor. C , A • SllOWBERG Chairman of county Board. The motion. for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner ~ohnson, and on vote the same was declered carried. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and sign- ed '!_lld attested by the Chairman and Auditor. upon motion, Glenfo•rgerson was employed .as engineer to make the preliminary survey and estimate the cost for cleaning count'y Ditch No. 48. ' A resolution by the City council of the City of Fergus Falls asking that the County participate in the cost of improvement of Northern Avenue between Summit Ave. to the South, and the entrance to the Fair Grounds to the north. was presented to' the Board. this being a part of State Aid Road no. l the county agreed to partiuipate in the improvement to the extent of twenty-four feet in width between these points. · The application of Matt H, Korkela for settlement and abatement of delinquent taxes. penalties. interest and oosts upon the SW¼ NE¼ and NW¼ SE¼ Sec. 1-134-37 was taken up and.upon motion. the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the sum of $50,00 be accepted in full payment of taxes for the years 1949, 1950. 1951 and 1952. The application of William Haberle for homestead classification on Lot 3, ~ollins ~ Wermager's Addn. in the Township of nunn was approved and the tax ordered reduced accordingly. The application of John Femling for homestead classification on the Si SE¼ of Sec.land Nf NE¼ of Seo. 12-135-42 was approved and the tax reduced accordingly. Upon motion, the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the county Board (county Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the existing and duly established and designated County Aid Road No. 28 in Otter Tail Oounty, Minnesota, which begins at the southwest corner of Section 35. Tl31N-R44W; thence northerly and ea~ter- ly to the east quarter corner of Section 5, Tl32N-R43W and there terminating, and whose general course in the south one-half of the northeast quarter and Govt. lot 6, Section 34, Tl32N-R44W, and the west one-half of the northwest quarter of Section 35, Tl32N-R44W. is as follows: Beginninf_{ at the sontheast corner of the northeast quarter of Section 34 Tl32N-R44W; thence North 2077,9 feet; thence d.efaect to the right on a 5 deg. curve (delta angle 14 deg. 33•) for a distance of 291,0 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for a distance of 320,0 feet and there terminating. That it is necessary for the safety ·of public truvel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed; That an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so alter- ing said County Aid Road No, 28 in said sections aforesaid; That the general ocurse of said County Aid R oad uo. 28 is not materially altered thereby; That the said easement so to be procured is for public high1vay and road purposes. that the same shall be located, lie, be and run as he·reinafter described; That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that dditional right of way be procured to enable the construction of proper slopes and that an easement be procured to construct certain slopes and to maintain the same after construction as provided in the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Highway Engineer at the court House in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota. the specific places where said slopes are to be constructed, be- ing particularly hereinafter described•, that such easement for such construction of slopes cease on or before December 31, 1953; That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that an easement for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public highway purposes. and upon the lands adjoining the same, That the lands so to be taken for public hifthll'IS.V and road purposes and sub,jected to easement as afore said. are situated in the State of Minnesota. and th~ County of Otter Tail and described as follows. to-wit: l'A:!'!C:EL NO. 1 A strip of land extending over and across the following described tracts: The south one-half of the northeast quarter !St NE¼) and Govt. Lot 6. Section 34. Tl32N-R44W. except school; The west one-half of the northwest quarter (Wf NW¼l, Section 35, Tl32N-R44W; said strip being all that part lying within a distance of 50 feet on either side of the following des-cribed eenter line: Beginning at the southeast corner of the northeast qi;.c.rter (NFA·l. of Section 34, Tl32N-R44)'t; thence north 2077.9 fP.et; thence deflect to the right on a 5 deg. OO' curve fdelta angle 14 deg 33') for a distance of 291,0 feet; thacce on tangent to said curve for a distance of 320,0 feet and there terminating. exceptin~ therefrom the right of wa,v of existing highways; containing 2,2 acres. more or less. ,, , ·;,\ COMMISSIONERS rRECORD-N',:1QTTER TA]L COUNTY, MINN~ ' Sept. 9, 53 DA 1.lE ...... ·-··································································-···········J 9 ...... . Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1953, on the following described line: .A strip of land 25 feet wide on the v:est · side of .said roadway beginning at a point 1400 feet north of the :::ast quarter corner of Section 34; thence.'rro·rth 450 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadw9¥ and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith, A strip of land 50 feet wide on the .east side of said road~a.v beginning at a point 1400 feet north of the west quarter corner of Section 35,; thence north 550 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin th outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith, A strip of land 40 feet wide on the east side of' said :ro:iil.we!' beginning at a point 2250 feet north of the west quarter corner of Section 35; thence northeaster~y 400 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadwav and the outer line of said strip to be parallel there- with, . ' · ,• .. · ,-.,' .... ·, ·.·. That due pro;ceedings by condemnation arid emlnent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire said easement across additionai lands as aforesaid for public road and highway purposes; to ac- quire sa-id easement and additional right of v1a.1• for construction of slopes, as aforesaid; and to .ac- quire said easement. for erection of snowfences, and let the same forthwith duly be begun and prosecuted. Dated this 9th day 9f September, 1953, . : By the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail county C. A. SNOVIBERG Chairman, Attest: S. ~-JOHNSON Count.v Audi tor The following resolution 1._.as adopted: Resolved by the Bo·ard of county commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $355. 00 be and the same hereby is allowed· to Clarence ~riell:e for services and ex- penses in preparing ~he Otter Tail county exhibit at the L!innesota state Fair in 1953, this being the amount of the ·premium • . Adopted September 9, 1953. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON, Clerk. The follov:i:ng resolution was adopted: C. A. SllOVIBERG, Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, the Board of county Commissioners has heretofore contracted with Wm, H, Ziegler co. for one .Model· 67R Bros Roller for the sum of $1520, and Whereas, the same has been delivered to and accepted by the Board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the c.hairman of the Board and the county Auditor are authorized and d-irected to issue a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the county in PS¥ment thereof. Dated September 9, 1953. Attest: S. B, JOlfllSON Clerk, The following bills were allowed: J. c. Henkes 14, c. Lee James Hansen J. c •. Henkes John r.. Bixby H. L,· Allen Henry Sieling Bennie J, Johnson s. w. Beckman Otto Haase Mabel• 17enstrom Louise Stondahl r.rrs. RUSS Matchinsky Elmora Esteb Violet ~olmquist Mrs, Elizabeth S. Meyer !4able· Rossow Bernice I, Jesme Helen N, Johnson Alber,t Fritz ;rank Roberts Emil Boen ,no Minnesota state Reformatory Dr, Ivan E, Bigler John .J{'Ukowske, Jr. C, A, SHOWBERG Chairman. board~of prisoners expenses Dep. sheriff expenses expenses " " exp, attending meetings " " " " " " " expenses " clerical v:ork " ,. " " " " " " " " weed inspector II 11 " Aug. II JU!l.y transporting inmate Dep. coroner's fpes municipal judge's fees 418.00 59.10 168.00 105.95 92.49 . 8. 75 19.58 15.30 5.92 24.90 20.76 41.11 7.50 17.50 12,50 10.00 60.00 40.00 7.50 156.33 7Q •. 33 50,10 133.24 31.60 12.00 10,00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD ·N, ~Q1;'T~R TAIL cqUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... _ ............. :SgP.:t .. , .... ~ ..•.......................... 19 ........ 5 3 Addressograph MUltigraph Agency Addressograph Multigraph co, Dept. of Administration Ugeblad Publ. co. Nelson Bros. Printing Art Printoraft · Victor Lundeen \Co, Security Blank Book -'• Printing co. RemingtonRand Poucher Printing & Lithographing co. Schoolcraft co. Miller~Davis Co, Oswald Publi~hing Co, Fergus Journal Co, ~ampert Lumber co. Marl:in Reynolds E, Otter Tail Telephone Co, N, W. Bell Telephone co. DO DO Holten Hdwe. Fergus Plumbing & Heating Irvin Buchholz Hintgen Karst Electric co. Carl Jahn Do Do H, F. Hinze Carl Jahn DO Joseph Rayner, Sr. Peter Rink Louise Standahl M, J. Moen Fer~us Jobbing Co, A, c. !,amp H, W. Glorvigen Boen Bros. w. S.· Darley & Co. Do Haimerl Post #148 American Legion Burelbach Post #116 Miller-Davis co. cooper's Office Supply & Gift Shop Straub Estate R. A, Henning Ruth C, Campbell Philip M, Kjaglien DO Miller's Hardware Johnson Drug Co, N. W. Bell Telephone Co, water Department Art Holecek Esther Sell 1)0 . DO DO Ann Jordan Do 1)0 Nopeming sanatorium Minnesota state Sanatorium Glen Lake Sanatorium Ri-ngdahl Drug store Fergus Co-ncrete Products co. Alfred Shirley Delzer~ Clauson City of Fergus Falls A, IY. Co., Ihc. (!f Minnesota RosholtEQutpment co. Geo. T,, R,van co. Wm. H. Ziegler co., Inc. Kinne.• s Inc. Minnesota Motor co. Bredahl Implement co. 13akken 'I: Sleen Repair Skogmo Motors, Inc. co-op. Services Inc. Oil Division Farm center Welding co. Moen Truck Equipt. Ino. Whi til:oo·k Welding Mills. Mo.tors A, B,, Kilde Co. Ed. Hintsala Walt's Repair Shop Larson Brothers Chaffee's GarB{l:e Service Recorder co. Park Machine, Inc. Empire Supply Co. Midvtest Supply co., Battle Lake Marshall-Wells Store service .. supplies printing " .. supplies " ., " blanks " " publishing ooal hauling tolls .\ service n n mobile service supplies .. repairs .. Dep. sheriff expenses serving personal propery notices Dep. sheriff expenses " " " " " " II postage ., II II hauling exhibits set of law books " II ,, " use of boat by sheriff advanced commissions to agents supplies " " decorating graves " " supplies II rent supplies expenses ., postage~ machine rental supplies " tolls ~. service service decorating fair booth repairs supplies postage expenses decorating fair booth postage expenses oure of patients n n n " " " supplies drain tile co. Ditch #56 relay tile· Co. Ditch #56 laying tile\ backfill Co, Ditch watermain connection charge . parts " n " ., etc. 11 !I: repairs repairs " II " n II " " " II supplies " 11· " 25.25 25.25 1.44 49.40 52,00 11,00 168,31 16 •. 66 646.65 318,18 20,63 11.86 4·,27 280,.10 671,03 17.50 7,80 57.15 71.95 ,30 43.69 1.00 5,00 3.15 25.70 45.10 21.22 48,00 14.60 30,10 16.80 11.10 42.00 10,00 125,00 5,00 6.90 6.61 32.76 16.77 10.50 25,00 10,36 23.84 50,00 3.00 14.42 44,.94 6,50 1.95 2.50 14,05 1.20 12.00 12.10 .54 9.00 13.54 2.97 3,00 19.52 853.60 1328.67 386.82 24.20 27.50 15.00 200,00 1095,00 64,15 272.56 311,47 1413.55 1166.05 74.50 6.40 8.98 43.53 2.80 8,70 2.35 5,00 31.12 20,50 12.90 12.47 33,45 14,60 14,78 38,13 171,40 89,76 5,33 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, O.TTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. . . . DATE .......................... , .............. se t,, .... 9 ......................... 19.5:3, A; -T·;-·Het·frnd:ahl Ho"'l terr ·1ta•r-d1vare · NaHon·a1 "B"ilsning · .'I: !'arts· co. Wilcox Lumber co., Henning Lampert Lumber Co. Ostrus Snow.Fence 'I: Cribbing Julian Perszyk l,.. A. Hanson Edwin Sczygiel RUdolph Barden Herbert Brasel Leonard E. Schepper Chas. !A. Hall Peder & Henry Hendrickson Leonard Saurer underwood co-op creamery Roy Evavold Rust & :Dahlman Northwestern Ref~ning co. Lyon ChemIDoals, Inc,• "Sengtson Oil Co. Bills Service station Fossen Oil Oo. Bob's Service Fosmark's Service TWin;s Motor Co, P.~v•s Oil Station S. ,'I: F, Oil· co. Perham co-op Oil co. Fergus oil· co. Bill Nelson Oil co. Hagge Oil Co. D• A. Lubricant co., Inc. Art's Service Station Herb's Texaco Service Mills Cafe Merchant's Hotel 1-li-Ten Motel Fergus Journal co. Minnesota State Highway Dept. Dahms Photo Print Co. Ditto, Inc., R-. J. !,ntlrph,v Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. Imperial Supply co. Panama Carbon co. N, W. Bell Telephone Oo. , F~.Falls Pelican Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co •• F. Falls Do Henning Wendell P. Huber Do Paul c. Jacobson Richard P. McAllister w • .t. Potter LeRoy Thelen Mart in S. Langemo, .~r. Lil:oyd Anderson George Olson G.D. Harlow Harold Zeise Railway Express Agency, F, Falls Tobin Oil eo. Service Oil do., Battle Lake Graff Tmplement co. Eugene A, Straight Bauck's Hardware co-op Service, Inc. Orris Widness Wallnofer Blacksmith Shop Railway F.xpress Oo., F, Falls Re.,vmohd Bros. Motor Trans •• Inc. K:vare Bros. tuehr Bros. sup·plies ., " le.th grovel " II " " " " garage rental equipt. rental equipt. rental asphalt brush killer gasoline " " " •c etc. " " ,, " tires etc. diesel fuel oil gre!se meals for crew room rooms for crews ad for bids prints " supplies forms supplies " service & tolls #39 Battle Lake " ,, " " II " #3649 City " " cash udv a.need expenses ex_pense .. " " " moving fence express gasoline gasoline 'I: etc. sup·plies clay supplies " usecl rake repairs express freight stripping culverts 168:85 29:02 6.59 18.91 1.00 30,00 55.00 382.93 354.45 261.44 690,07 33.75 96.60 32.55 284.70 100.00 1048.00 175.00 594.25 357.00 25.60 14.69 · 38.56 48.54 76.46 75.00 77.14 204.41 33.96 127. 75 494.63 970.98 343.14 4,90 8.oo 87.10 6.00 83.33 18.00 18.00 82.63 3.70 66.50 16.74 21.50 32.00 9.60 64.40 10.80 35.92 155.09 73.71 69.09 99.96 12.88 9.94 51.10 20.95 20,05 19.56 11.88 126.99 258.65 14.08 20.00 15.92 39.96 10.00 l:0,70 8.05 4,00 25.00 94. 78 Upon motion, the bids on the county Ge.rage were le.id over untii 7 :30 P, M, September 1.7, 1953. The Boe.rd then e.d .1ourned to 7: 30 P. M, September 17, 1953. Attest: COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,--Q'J'TE.R TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................................... S.!ll.P.·~ .. ~ .. J,.?.., .......................... 19 ... !?.~ • MINUTES OF .rnJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOA?.D OF' COtnfTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY •. tmm; .. ---. . ~. -.. -.. Pµrsuant to adjournment the Board met at 7:30 p, M, sept •. 17, 1953, all members b~:i:ng present. The Board took up the ciscussion of the bids received on Sept. 8, 1953 for the construotion of a county' garage in the City of Fergus Falls, After a thorough discussion, several alterations and chang.es were m~de and, upon motion, the bid of Eian & Ness in the sum of $37,366,00 was accepted and the contract awarde!i to them. The bid of 1ooal Gas co,, Fergus Plumbing and Heating, for heating equipment in the sum of $4,309,00 was accepted and the contract awarded to them. The bid of the Edling Electric, rno. for the electrical work in the sum of $1,141,00 was accepted and the co~traot awarded to them. Upon motion, the following resolution was ~dopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the county Board (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail Oounty,_Minn~sota: T):J.at the existing and duly established and designated State Aid R oad tfo, 2 in Otter Tail ~ounty, Minnesota, which begins at the southwest corner of Section 6, Tl31N-R44W; thence run east.4.0 miles; thence run north 1.5 miles; thence run east 2,0 miles; thence run north 0,5 miles; thence run east 2,0 miles and there terminating at the southeast corner of Section 29-132N-R43W, and whose general oourse,in the southwest quarter of Section 35, the East one-half of the southeast quarter of Seoti9n 35, the \'lest one-haif of the northwest quarter of sectio-n 35, the \Yest one-half of the southwest wuarter of Section 36 (ali in Tl32 N-R44W), and the northeast quarter of Section 36 and Govt. Lot 5, S~ction 30, the south- east quarter of the southwest 11PUarter of Section 30, Tl32U-R43W, is as follows: Beginning at the south- west oo~ner of Section 35, Tl32N-R44W; thence north 2281.9 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 14 deg curve (delta angle 90 deg. 55') for a distance of 649.4 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for a dis-tanoe of 2213,7 feet; thence deflect o deg. 05' to the left for a distance of 2644,8 feet; thence de- flect to the left o deg. 11' for a distance of 1311,6 feet; thence deflect 1 deg, ~5• left for a distanc of 985,7 feet; thence deflect to the right on a O deg 30' curve (delta.angle 1 deg, 50') for a distance of 366,6 feet; thence on tangent to said ·curve 2177,0 feet; thence deflect to the left on a 14 deg. curve :<delta angle 90 deg, 57') for a distance of 649,6 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for a dis- tance of 1815,0 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 14 deg, curve (delta angle 89 deg 54') for a dis- tance 9f 138,3 feet and there terminating, Tpat it is necessary for the safety of public travel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed; That an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so altering said state Aid Road No, 2 in said sections aforesaid; That the general course of said state Aid Road uo. 2 is not materially altered tilereby; T}).at the said easement so to be procured is for public highway and road purposes, that the same shall be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter described; That it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and .for the safety of public travel that additional ri8ht of way be procured to enable the construction of proper slopes and that an easement be procured to oontstruct certain slopes and to maintain the same after construction as provided in the plans and speci float ions on file in the office of the County tfighwa.v Engineer at the court Hous.e in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the specific places where said slopes are to be constructed, be- ing particularly hereinafter described, that such easement for such construction of slQpes cease on or be- fore D~oember, 1953; That it is necessary for the construct ion and maintenance of said road and for the safety o·f public travel:that an easement for the erection of,temporary snowfences be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public highway purposes, and upon the lands adjoining the same: 1 That the lands so to be taken for public highway and road purposes and subjeated .to easement as afore- said, are situated in the state of Minnesota, and the county of otter Tail and described as follows, to- wit: PARCEL no. 22 A:strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The southwest quarter, Section 35-Tl32N-R44W; said strip being all that part lying within a distanoe of 50 ,eet on the southerly and easterly side of the following described center line; ·B~ginning at the center of Section 35-Tl32N-R44W; thence south 88 deg 54' west for a distance of 2213.7 feet; thenoe deflect to the left on a 14 d.eg. 00' curve (delta angle 90 deg. 55') for a distance of 649 ,4 fe~t; thence south 2 d·eg 01' east for a distance of 2045 ,3 feet; thence deflect to the left on an O deg 30' curve (delta angle 2 deg. 22') for a distance of 236,8 feet and there terminating, Excepting therefrom the right of WB.\' of existing highways; oontaining 2,58 acres, more o·r less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1953, on the following described line; A strip of land 15 feet wide on the south side of said roadway beginning at a point 546.0 feet east of the west quarter corner of Section 35; thence east 100 feet and there terminating. Said strip to ad- join the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said s+rip to be parallel therewitp. n AP.C'EL NO • 23 The southerly 50 feet of the.following desoribed tract: The west one-half of the northwest quarter (Wt NW¼l, seotion 35, Tl32!-l'-R44W; Excepting there from the right of way of existing highwa,vs: containing 0,49 acres, more or less. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,·.QlTER TAIL QOUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-·····--····--·-······Sept .• 17, ······················19 5~. A strip of land over and across the folloV1ing .described tract: The northeast quarter CNE¼l, Section 36, Tl32N-R44W; said strip being all that part lying within 50 feet on the northerly and westerly side of the following described centerline: Beginning 22.5 feet North of the center of section 36, Tl32N-R44W; thenoe north 89 deg 13' east for a distance of 2223,9 feet; thence deflect· to the left on a 14 deg,OO' cu~ve (delta angle 90 deg. 57') for a distance of 649.6 feet; thence North 1 deg 44' west for a distance of 1815,0 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 14 deg 00' curve (delta angle 89 deg. 54') for a dis-tance of 138.3 feet and there terminating. Excepting therefrom the right of was of existing highwess; containing 3.02 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slones which shall cease on or before December 31, 1953, on the fol- lowing described line: A strip of land 20 feet wide on the No~th side of said roadway beginning at a point 1955.0 feet East of the \'lest line of the IJortheast quarter of Section 36; thence East 200 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. PARCEL NO. 25. The·northerly 50 feet of the following described tracts; The East one-half o:f.' the southeast quarter CE½ SE¼), Section 35, Tl32Jf-R44W; The Vlest one-hal:f.' o:f.' the Southwest quarter (Ylt SW¼), Section 36, Tl32}1-R44W; Excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highways; containing 1,02 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or be:f.'or_e December 31, 1953, on the follow- ing described line: A strip o:f.' land 25 feet wide on the South side of said roadwes beginning at a point 200 feet East of the west line o:f.' the East one-hal:f.' of tho southeaat quarter o:f.' Section 35; thence East 600 :f.'eet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line o:f.' said strip to be parallel therewith. A strip o:f.' land 25 feet wide on t-he south side of said roadv,e,v beginning at a point 674,0 :f.'eet East o:f.' the west line of the West one-bal:f.' of the southwest quarter of section 36, thence East 300 feet and there terminating. Said strip to ad,1o-in the outside line of said roadway and the cuter line o:f.' said strip to be parallel therewith, That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had ana prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire said easement across additional lands as·aforesaid for public road and highwe,v purposes; to ac- quire said easement and additional right of way for construction of slopes, as aforesaid; and to ac- quire said easement :f.'or erection of snowfences, and let the same forthwith duly be begun and prosecuted. Dnted this 18 day o:f.' Sept,, 1953. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: S. B. JO~NSON county Auditor By the Board o:f.' county commissioners of otter Tail County, C • A. SNOV/BERG Chairman. The Board then adjourned to 10 o'clook A, M, Oct. 13, 1953. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. · oat. 13 53 DATE ........................................................................................ 19 ...... . llINUTES OF ADJOURIIBD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONE~S OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MrnNESOTA0 Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met on Tuesday Oct. 13, i953, all members being present. The sheriff appeared before the Board asking for the cancellation of the 1952 personal property taxes against the following parties for the reasons shown: John T. Saunders H. L. Greenwood Glenn Nelson H. J. Laurie Walter Thorn Bertha I~auppi Flo,id Sprinkle Chas, Silverson Merle Anderson C. A. Soliah Margaret B. vast M. F. ·Corrigan James W, Wilkinson Herman 'l'erch Carl Swenson Janet L. Sohmidt Kenneth TOSO · .. Robert Norton A. H, Satre George Johl!son Wadena Apiaries Therese Morro Mrs, Averill ~olmgren Calvin E. Kelley Delos !,{arsh J'idaros Girard Oscar Perham Vill New York Mills Perham Vill New York iv! i.lls Dora Hobart City OtterTail City City City City City City City City Bluffton " Dunn Lida Girard Par. Pra. Vill, $ 2.35 3.18 23.48 5.17 3,93 1.07 11,84 8.04 18.14 8,79 7,09 9,23 9.86 2.38 7.52 7.52 6,66 1.53 5.59 9,27 3.43 6,20 6,95 3.68 2.82 no address .. moved to·Ji"argo no address " .. moved no address " " " " " " " assessed to wrong party moved to N, Dak, no address It H II " " ,, " " " " " address unknown assessed to wrong party double assessment sold year ago sold 2. yrs. ago cannot locate " " Upon motion, these personal property taxes were ordered cancelled, The petition for closing and abandoning a part of. County Ditch #55 was presented to the Board and, upon advioe of the r.ount.v Attorney, said petition was rejected. Upon motion, the petition for cleaning of the Pelican .. River was ordered returned to the petitioners. The County Auditor presented repo.rts of the ~ublic ~xaminer on the financial affairs of Otter Tail county for the year ending Dec. 31, 195_2 and of the otter '!'ail Count.v Sanatorium for the period ending Dec. 31, 1952, and after examination, the same was ordered placed on file, The application of Walter c. Ost for reduction cfassessed valuation on the Wt SW¼ and the East 15 acres of the SE¼ SE¼ section 31, Township 132, Range 36 asking that the assessed valuation be reduced from $575,00 .to $447,00 was read and; upon motion, the same was recommended to the commissioner of· Taxation. RESOLUTION REGARDIIIG GAME AND FISH VIOLAi'IOtlS BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota, that fines col-lected for the violation of laws relating to wild animals shall be handled as in the past and this Board ratifies the procedure wherein one-half of the fines for such violations are kept by the county and one- half are paid to the State Treasury and as provided by law otter Tail Oounty shall keep and maintain prisoners for violating laws relating to wild animals without payment from the State. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON county Auditor. C, A, SNOWBF.RG C'·TA T~IAN OF THE BOIRD OF COUNTY cor.n.n SSI OlrEP.S. The motion.for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was made by Commissioner Johnson, seconded by. Commissioner s·eiling, and upon vote ·being taken carried unanimously, whereupon said resolution was de- clared duly passed and was signed by the Chairman and attested by the Auditor, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the County Auditor be and he hereby is directed to file a lien with the Register of Deeds of Otter '!'ail county for the cost of construction of Judicial Ditch No, 2 of otter Tail and Wilkin C ounties in the amount of ~7973,00, being Otter Tail county's share of the cost of construction of said ditch, said lien to be extended and collected in ten annual installments with interest at 4% on the unpaid installment Dated Oct. 13, 1953. Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: C, A. SNOVIBEP.G Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the application of Edwin J, Adler to repurchase r.ot 17, Block 3, Corliss second Addition to the city of ,..ergus li"alls, for the reason that it would work a severe hardship on the family if they were not permitted to repurohase their home \Vhich has been forfeited to the state for nonpayment of taxes for the years 1945 to 1952, inclusive, was approved. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N·; •OTTER TAIL. COUNTY, MINN. IIFll!U DIii■■■ CIIU■:: I' Cl-AMP IIH +m Adopted Oct, 13, 1953, Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk, Oct. li, 53 DATE ....................... _ ................. · ............................................. 19··-··· C. A. S!lOWBERG Chairman. Upon motion, tlie noard then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M, Vlednesday Oct. 14, 1953, WEDlIBSDAY'S SESSION, The petition of Alfred <!onrud to set over the w½-HE¼, Et rm-?;-and the NW¼ NW¼ of Sec. 6; Township 134, P.ange 44, and the SW+ SW~ of Sec. 31, ~ov,nship 135, Range 44 from Diet. 127 of otter Tail county to Ind. School D istrict no. ·11 of Wilkin c o. was taken up for final action, and. after listening to the statements of the various interested parties, the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Alfred Honrud a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District NO, 127 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin Tnd, School District No, 11 Wilkin co. and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said District HO, 127 to said adjoining Ind. School District No, 11 Wilkin Co, was presented to the Board of county commissioners of this County at a session of sai~ Board held on the 12th day of August A,D,, 1953 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by sGid board that a hearinB should be had on said petition, at a session of said board en the 14th day of October A, D •• 1953 at the c·ount,v Auditor's office in the City of 111ergus Falls in said County; an d whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clPrk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten d!1-,V'B before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of county commissioners on said 14th day of October A, D,, 1953 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as thPrein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed. said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted. it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: WI'" of NE¼: Er of NW¼ and NW¼ of NW¼ Section 6 Township 134 Range 44; SW¼ of SW¼ of Section 31 Township 135 Range 44 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District Ilo. 127 to said adjoining Ind, School District Ho. 11 Wilkin co. and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School~ District for all purposes whatever. ·By order of the Board of ~ county commissioners Dated the 14th day of October A, D,, 1953, (Auditor's Seal) C. A, SllOl'TBERG Chairman of the B oerd of aounty Commiesione·re of otter Tail county, Minn~ Attest: S. B. JOHUSON county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board, The petition of Anton Sogn asking that the st SE¼ of Sec. 18 and the s½-NE¼ of Sec. 18, ~OWlll.ehip 135, Range 44 be set over from School District 73 in Otter Tail county to school Dist, No, 11 in Wil- kin c. was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the various interested parties the Board decided to set off the st SE+ of sec. 18 from Diet. 73 of Otter Tail co~nty to Diet. No. 11, \'Tilkin co., and issued the followinr, order to-wit: 1vhereae, The petition of Anton sogn, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of school District No, 73 in·thisCounty, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate · in said School District, and adjoin School D istrict !lo, 11 Wilkin Co. and asking that he with his said land e may be. set o~f from said Di.strict No. 73 Ott er Tail 110. to said o.d joininr, School Dist riot 110. 11 Wilkin co. was presented to the Board. of county Commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 12th day of August A. D,, 1953 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said Board on the 14th day of October A. D ., 1953 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in saidCounty; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that not ice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said Sohool Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said sessio·n of the said Board of C ounty commissioners on said 14th day of octob.er A. D,, 1953 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein ·directed and required, more than ten days prior to saiG last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and coneide.red by the-"Board ,with everything whioh was said by said interested parties for or against grant- ing the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: st SE?, Section 18 Township 135 Range 44 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District 110. 73 Otter Tail Co. to said adjoining School District No. 11 Wilkin co. and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School Dietriot for all purposes whatever. BY order of the Board of county commissioners. Dated the 14th day of October A • D., 1953. (Auditor's Seal l C. A. SNO\VBERG Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B. ~OHNSON County Auditor, and ex-offioio Clerk of Board. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,-·O'FTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................. ·.out • .... 14 •............................. 19 ..... ~.3 ···· Tlie petitron of· 011ver··watterud-iisll:lng·that tlie"Nt SEf·of Seo~· 18 and 10;75··aates 1n· thewt·swt o·f sec. 17, T'ownship 135, Range 44 be set off from "Dist. No. 73. of Otter Tail County to Dfstrict No. 11 of \Yilkin County, and after listening to the stateme.nts of the various interested partie.s the Board decided to set off the Nt SEf of Sec. 18 from School Dist. 73 Otter Tail County to Dist. No. 11 of Wilkin County and issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Oliver watterud. a legal voter, freeholder end resident of Sohool District No. 73 in this county representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinaft"er described. which are situate in said School District and separated by lends ofAnton Sogn whose petition has been granted from School District tfo. 11 Wilkin co. and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said District No. 73 o.T. co. to said school district No. 11 W ilkin co. was presented to the Board of county Commis-sioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 12th day of August A. D., 1953 for the actio of said board thereon; end whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 14th d~v of October A. D .• 1953 at the county Auditor's office in the City off ergus F ·alls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said orde,r that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to·be affected by said petition, end by mailing to the·clerk of each of said school Districts. a copy oi' said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; · and whereas at the said session of the said Board of county commissioners on said 14th day of October A,D., 1953 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed ahd required, more than ten days prior to said last named date. having been made and filed.·said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the pr~•er of the petitioner. and said Board being of opinion that said petition s·hould be granted. it is hereby ordered and determined. that the said 'l!)etitioner and the following des- cribed lands owned by him. to-wit: Nt SE¼ s ect ion 18 Township-135' Range 44 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 73 Otter Tail co. to said School District Ho. 11 Wilkin co. and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of county commissioners. Dated the 14th day of Octo.ber A. D •• 1953. C. A. SNOIVBERG Chairman of the Board of county c.ommissioners of otter Tail County. Minn. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Mabel HU.rni and Jake L. Hurni asking that the Et NE¼. SW¼ NE¼ and Lots 2 and 6, Sec- tion 14, Township 135. Range 42 be set off from school Distriut No. 145 to adjoining school district:Noi 189 Ylas taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, the Board issued the following order to-wit: · Whereas, the petition of Mabel qurni and Jake L. Hurni, legal voters freeholders. and rPsidents of School D istrict No. 145 in this County, representing that the.v are the owners of the lands hereina-f'ter described. which are situate in s•aid School District, and adjoin School District no. 189 and asking that they with their said lands may be set off from said district Ho. 145 to said ad joining school district 110. 189 was presented to the Board of county commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 9th day of September A.D •• 1953 for the itction of. said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 14th day of October A.D., 1953 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Fa-lls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that not ice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting co•pies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be· af- fect!!d by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said school Districts, a copy of said or- der at least ten days befdre the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of county Commissioners on said 14th day of October A.D., 1953 du~ proof of the posting·and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required. more than ten days prior to said last named date. having been ma.:.e and f'iled. said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board. with everything which was said by said interested parties for or agnir..st .granting the prayer of the petitioner. and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered end determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him. to-wit: E½ NE¼, SW¼ NJi:¼ and Lots 2 .I§: 6 Section 14 Township 135 Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said school Dis- trict No. 145 to said adjoining School District tfo. 189 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, BY order of the B card of County commissioners Dated the 14th day of October A. D •• 1953. C. A. SNOWBERG Chairman of the -Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail OOunty. Minn. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: S. B. JOHUSON Cou-nty' Auditor. and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of ~elma ~orgenson, ~leaner~. T rosdahl and Bennie Trosdahl asking that section 24, Township 132, Range 39 be set off from School Dist. tfo. 33 to School Dist. No. up for final action and. u·pon motion. the ~·card issued the following order to-wit: ·-,-1 ,,,,,, /Jrj, ... the F.l-NE¼ of 103 ~las taken Whereas. The petition of "elma ,Torgenson. F.leanor J. Trosdahl and Rennie Trosdahl, legal voters •. free- holders and residents .of School District No. 33 in this aount,v representing that they are the owners of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District. and adjoin School District No. 103 and asking that they with their said lands may be set off from said dist riot No. 33 to said ad joining school district No. 103 was presented to the Board of county Commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 14th day of July A.D •• 1953 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said 9oard that a hearing should be had on said petition. at a session of said voard on the 9th day of September A.D •• 1953 which was laid over to Oct.14.1953 at the county Auditor's office in the City of FergusFalls in s~id oounty; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER '.TAIL COUNTY, MINN. -·-----···--i-.. DATE · Oct . 14, 53 ........................................................................................ 19 ....... IIFPIIDN!IUIICINPIII O CIPMP ■I tnat notice o:r sne time and place or sucn nearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said school districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing: and whereas at the said session of the said Board of county commissioners on said 14th day of October A.D., 1953 due proof of the posting and service of said order of bearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the pet~ tioner, and said Boo.rd being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the followi~ des- cribed lands owned by him, to-wit: Et NE¼ and rr½ SE¼ Section 24 Township 132 Range 39 .be and the same are hereby set off from said school district No. 33 to said adjoining school district No. 103 and said lands are hereby ,aade a part of said last named school district for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of county commissioners. Dated the 14th day of October A.D., 1953. ( Aud.itor's .seal) C. A. SNOWBERG Chairman of the Board of count'y Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minn. At test: S. B. JOIDISON county Aud it or, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Ervin 'F!:endershot asking that the NW¼ NE¼ and the NE¼-NW¼ and 22 .• 30 acres of the NWf NW¼ of Section 13, Towmship 132, Range 37 be set off from District No. 124 Otter Tail county to District uo. 51 of Todd county, vras taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the interested parties, the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Ervin 'fl'endershot, a legal voter, .freeholder and resident of School Dist- rict No. 124 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District rro, 51-290 Jt. and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district 110. 124 to said adjoining school district No. 51-290 Jt. was presented to the Board of county commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 9th day of September A.D., 1953 for the action of said board thereon: and vrhereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition. at a session of said bc~rd on the 14th day of October A.D •• 1953 at the county A uditor•s office in the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and.by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school distri~ts to be af- fected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said school districts a copy of said or- der at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the. said session of the said Board of County commissioners on said 14th day of October A.D., 1953 due proof of the posting and service of·said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date., having been made and filed, said petition vras publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was Sto.id 'JJ• said interested parties for or against gral'lting the pr~yer of the ·petitioner and said Board being of opinion that said petition should ta sranted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: NWf of NE¼ and NE¼ of NW,._ end 22.30 acres of the tlW¼-of tlW¼ of Seotion 13 Township 132 Range 37 be and the same are here- by set off from said School District ITO, 124 to said ad,1oining school district Mo. 51-290 Jt. and said lands are·hereby made a part of said last named school district for 811 purposes whatever. By order of the Board of c.ounty commissioners. Dated the 14th day of October A.D,, 1953, C. A. SNOIVBERG Chairman of the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minn. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: S. B. JOffilSON county Auditor, an~ ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of trene Murray and urs. Y.:atherine r~adel asking that the st NW¼, NEf SW¼ and SE¼ SE¼ and Lots 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 of Section 1, Tovmship 134, Rang•e 42 be set off from School District 193 to School District No. 24 was taken up for f'i nal act ion. After 1 istening to the statements of the various interested parties the Board rejected this petition as all of this land did not adjoin school district Ilo. 24. A petition asking for the dissolution of co~mon school District No. 152 of otter Tail County was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had st a session of the Board to be held in the commissioners' Room in the court House at 10 o'clock A.M. Y/ednesday, January 6, 1954, and that due notice o·r the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. A petition asking for the dissolution of common School District No. 241 of' Otter.Tail county was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held in the commissioners' Room in the Court House at 10 0 1 clock A.M. V/ednesday, January 6, 1954, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. 1·.petition asking that theroad on the north side of Pelican La}:e be designated as a County Aid Road vias tabled until the road study being made by the State '.Jigh'.'1!1!' De_partment has been completed and filed. A plat of Shady Nook l3eaoh in C:ovt. Lot 8, Section 15, Tovrnship 134; Range 41 acoompanied by an opinion as to title executed by Thomas s. Donoho, Attorney-at-law, was approved. RESOLUTION RY TlJE BOAP.D OP COUNTY com.USS! O~RS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, Miml!':SOTA, BE IT RESOLVF.D. that the Chairman and Auditor are hereby authorized.land directed for and on behalf of the 'county of otter Tail to execute and enter into a c~ntract with. the commission~r of Highways for the snow plowing from the follo1.•1ing described roads: Various state aid and county aid roads, all on the terms and conditions contained and set forth in "State of· Mini:iesota! Department of Highways !li:i11- tenance Division snow n1ov1ing Agreement Form No. l'', a oopy of winch said form was before the Board, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. . Ocit. 14, 53 DATE ........................................................................................ 19 ....... . assuming on behalf of the c'ounty all of the contractual obligations therein contained. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Wendell P, HUber, the county Highw113 Engineer ,.:--..::.: j . ...:;;.~"'.,;; of said county of otter Tail, be and he hereby is autborized to request and order from time to time men and equip ment for the removal of snow in accordance with and under the terms of the foregoing contract. Adopted this 14th d113 of October, 1953. ·c. A. SNOVffiERG Chairman Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was ado pt ed : • Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tail count,\' has heretofore contracted with the Ness Construction Co, of Mahnomen, Minn. for surfacing of C.P. 53:G, and Whereas, the same has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board. Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and instructed to draw a warrant payable to the Ness construction co. for $2,432.10, the balance due on said contract. Adopted Oct, 14~ 1953, Attest: S, B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: C • A. SNOWBERG Chairman. Resolved by the B oard of county commissioners of btter Tail county, Minnesota: ., Whereas, the Board of county commissioners of' Otter Tail county has heretofore contracted with the ·Dependable surfacing co. of St. Paul for surfacing of C.P, 53:B, and Whereas, the same has been com·pleted to the satisfaction of the Boar_d, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the Board and the county Auditor are hereby authorized and instructed to draw a warrant payable to the Dependable Surfacing Co, for $3,0B0,69, the balance due on said contract, Adopted Oct. 14, 1953. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Cler-k. The follow.lng resolution 1vas adopted: C. &. SNOVIBE:RG ·· Chairman, Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: .Whereas, the : county Highway Engineer has, in response to requests on hand, recommended that the State Highway Department be requested to make a study of the speed zoning problem and a recommendation in regard to the following roads: SAR #4 -Around the west end of Rose Lake. SAR #7 -From Sao Line tracks to 1500 feet t:ast. SAR f9 -From a point 3.0 miles North of T•unk Highway #34 to 4.65 miles north. SAR #12 -~rom the-narrows between North and south Ten Mile Lakes to a point 2000 feet East. CAR #40 -From a point 600 feet South of Pelican River to 0.25 miles south of the North county Line, CAR .f50 -"From a point 1000 feet South of otter Tail River to 300 feet riorth of otter Tail River. Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the State ~ighway Department be and it hereby is requested to make a study and recommendation of the speed zoning on the above listed roads, and Be it further resolved, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Safety Division of the State Highway Department. Adopted Oct. 14, 1953, Attest: S •. 13. Johnson Clerk • . , The following bills were allowed: J~\,.C.; Henkes James M, Hansen Emery Otnes M, c. Lee J, C, Henkes H, L, Allen John L. Bixby Louise Standahl JOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONEHS by c. A. Snowberg Chairman. I boarding prisoners deputy sherif'!'s expenses " ,,_ " sheriff's expenses expenses " ~ 250.00 60,90 42.20 76.10 61,95 7.49 32.24 75.40 • l COMMISSIONERS RECORD· Nr.O'flER TAIL COUNTY MINN. ■ • -' DATE ···-···· .. ·········.·····.··.-oe! •. _.14.A .............................. 19 .... 53 Mabel w.enstrom . _ r.tt's; Russ---=Mat•ch'insll:y Mis •. · ,Tuih:rf-'Guddi.ng s·. vr;-necikmlir'i" · · · Bennie J. Johnson Hen-ry Sieling Otto l'Taase Dr. C. J. Lund Dr. Rverett C. ~anson Dr • C • J • Lund Dr. G. ,T. 111ouri tsen Emil Boen Frank Roberts Marchant Calculators western union Anton !,I. Bonnicksen w. Earl Williams F,f. Sqdn. Civil Air Patrol William E. DeBruyn underwood Insurance Agency N. w .. mell Telephone co. Do Virgil Olsen Hintgen-R:aret Bjerke-Edlund Co. Fergus Glass ~ Paint The Parowax C'o. Algot Carlson Olson Auto Electric '!Jintgen-Karst J. s. Ropponen Beall .I§: McGowan N: w. Bell Telephone Co. -Victor Lundeen & co. .Perham Enterprise Bulletin Educational.Test Bureau Syndicate Printing Co. C, Neubauer Carbon & Ribbon co. Poucher Printing & Lith. co. Miller-Davis co. Nelson Bros.Printing Gaffaney' s Fritz-Croes Co. security Blank Book~ Print. co. Oswald Publishing Co. sc'hoolcraft Co. Fergus Journal Co. E, o. H amil ton Pete Woodard George Dickhaut . DO R_-w. Glorvige,n . DO Louise Standahl EVelace Hanson Fiank c. Barnes H. J. Henning Eastman Kodak Stores Frank O. Barnes st. Clair~ Rovang J, 0, Penney co. Val Bjornson H, w. Glorvigen Louise Standahl F, J. Sirchie· West Publishing co. N. W. Bell Tele. co. Philip M, P::jaglien DO The Independent Army Times Ruth c. Campbell Victor Lundeen~ co. Fergus Falls Utilities Dept. Straub Estate !!)ether G. Sell Ann Jordan Esther G. Sell Ann Jordan Esther G. Sell Ann Jordan Bruce PUblishing co. East otter Tail Telephone co. T·own of Pelican Glen Lake samatorium c1 ty of Fe:rgus Falls Minn. state sanatorium Nopeming sanatoriwo DO H. D, Morrill .'I, son A. w. co., Inc. of Minn. N. w. Engineering Co. Rosholt Equipment co. expenses clsr,i.oa1 v1ork -. -" --. -"" expenses " attd. meeting ., coroner's fees deputy coroner's fees coroner's fees deputy coroner's fees weed inspector " maintenance telegrams witness fees municipal court fees flight searches flag insurance mobile service " . " "-supplies .. " " floor wax remodeling supplies " repairs supplies tolls supplies printing supplies· " " blanks service contract book blanks supplies publishing sheriff's fees marshall's fees constable fees " " office postag~ box rent postage " box rent postage photo supplies exp. attending meeting supplies coveralls examination of accounts comms. drivers• license cash advanced fingerprint supplies subscription· service &: tolls expenses postage & expenses subscription expenses star.age file service rent expenses .. poe!age supplies " " service care of poor " "patients meals for transient care of patients " " " " " equipt, rental parts .. " 1.1.11 10:00 37;50 12,78 10,40 17.68 16.00 13.BO 10.25 16.95 :1:3.25 150.00 ·159.40 35.00 B.42 11.12 119.00 54.00 4.50 198.76 82.65 92.15 1.20 3.95 1.38 39.00 17.50 149.30 .83 15.27 !I.BO 12.00 36.BO 243.24 65.00 111.61 29.75 7.45 84.17 56.60 57.65 65.00 100.16 134.86 8,35 49.87 148.10 4.60 10.60 4.90 4.90 46,00 3.00 70.54 48.00 6.00 30.00 97.06 34.66 22.31 ·44.90 1881.32 9.25 13.00 9,38 32.00 12,60 75.11 33.92 2.50 5.00 6.86 5.28 1.58 50.00 68.89 60,01 13.25 17.10 1.74 1.18 4.48 8.05 205.50 448.99 1.90 1833.72 661.54 672.21 3098.50 32.17 24.16 634.96 COMMISSIONERS RECORD ·N:··otTER TAIL· COUNTY, MINN. Oct. 14, 53 DATE ............................... · .......... : ......................................... 19 ...... . Geo. T. Rye.n Co. Wm. H. •Ziegler C o., Inc. Armco Drainage "c Metal Prod, Co, Minnesota Motor co. Field Machine co. Larson Bros. Olsori Auto Elec. Co, Skogmo Motors, Inc. Kinne's Inc. Hanson Pontiac co. Vaughn Chev. Co, Stadum Repair Shop Thelen Implement Co, Fergus Nas·h Ji!otor co. Magnus Pederson Tichy's Shop Graff Implement Co, Westad r,,otors Moen.Truck Rquipt,, Inc. George's Brake Service McDunn Farm Store Paulson Tire Shop A, R: Meier Thelen Implement co. F, Saunders & Son Lake· Region Motor co. JO·hn E, Maki Hintz Blacksmith Shop Bakken & Sleen Repair Chaffee's Garage Wallnofer Blacksmith Shop Welter Bros. Super G,M,C, Truck Sales Bennie Rossum Oscarson Implement Olson Hdwe. ;"c Furn, Toftely Bros. Hdwe, Larson Hardware Empire Supply co. Natl. Bush ;"c Parts co. Park Machine, Inc. Wilc·ox Lumber Co., Vergas Coas:t-to-coast store, Henning Fred A, EVerts Dillon Electric Co, Ebersv ill er' s Vergas Hdwe, co. Nystrom Hardware WilQOX Lumber Co,, Henning Eriqkson-Hellekson-Vye co. Lampert Lumber Co, :r.nuttila Implement co. Vergas Motor Service Bill Nelson Oil Co, Fergus Oil co. Hi-Wey Auto i Implement co. Fossen Oil co. Art;s Service station Consumer's Oil co. Battle Lake S, &: F. Oil Co • Farl!lers co-op cry. Assn. G, 0, Pure Oil. Pel. Rpds, w. G. Schwarz Vergas Oil Co. Olson Oil Co. Highway co. Bill's Service station Twin's Motor Co, Service Oil Co,, underwood Mills Oil Co, Klinnert Oil co. Penrose Oil Co, Hagee Oil Co. B, A, Lubricant co., Inc. Village of Battle Lake City of Fergus Falls Kermit G. Rund Odin Johnson !'lob.art Berttunen Clarence Hoff Fernando J. lllaneval Ed. ,T, Siebels N, W, Bell Tele, Co,, F,F, Uidwest Telephone co. N, W, Bell Tele. Co,, F,F. Pelican Telephone co. Heinola Telephone Co, N, .w. 'Bell Tele, Co., Henning Miller-Davis co. Victor Lundeen & co. Marchant Calculators, Inc. H, A, Rogers co. parts " etc, culverts parts ,"c repairs repairs " " n " n " " ., " " " " " " .. " J: supplies supplies " " " " " " " " " "· " .. .. .. gasoline "c repairs ,.. "tires etc, " etc. n " " .. ., " .. diesel fuel " " v:ater charges maintenance F.quipt; Rent al boiler inspection gravelling gravel .. borrow pit service "c tolls " " ". .. " " " " " " " .. .. " " supplies " service prints 314.15 1131,81 721.67 80,65 23,24 il5 ,00 130.41 38.84 990~66 '11.81 1~00 4.oo 24.80 1.00 20,55 5.85 5.35 6,26 1.62 1.75 7.31 2,80 33.20 23.30 11,09 59,07 7,81 20,75 2,91 22.70 18,60 12,19 29.64 11,25 4.15 6.32 1.65 45.25 49,.85 1.68 5.79 3.65 4.59 16.96 .98 24,00 1.25 · 6.67 32.31 11,14 3,80 21.56 48,60 371.89 109,59 344,86 19;11 57,26 102,15 140,29 146,61 86.50 3,00 145.30 175;27 84.95 31.28 79.85 5.87 2.29 8.86 10,13 694,64 127.62 6.70 250,00 20.00 11,00 81.22 354,80 117,00 8.50 34,05 12.05 37,05 s.oo 13.75 10,40 27.90 8,35 35,00 4,92 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, .QJTER TAIL C9UNTY, MINN. DATE ........................................ O.c.t .•... li., .......................... 19 ..... Q3 Irifperral Stl.fit;>l"y ·CO •. rergus Jo·urnal -co-;-· ?Kinn. State Highv1ay Dept. Hi--'Ten Motel Wendell p. Huber DO w. L. Potter Jack Buckley Lloyd Anderson George Olson G. n. Harlow Anna F.. Roberts Emma Schroeder Albert Schmidt Leonard E. cordee Chas. A. Lund Eastern Township Fritz Carlund N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Clerk of court. JacksQn Co., s. nak, mark,e r-s--. . na·. · fer bids service lodging cash adv. expenses .. " " Right of way & move fence " " ff " " " " " .. " insurance " " " " " "damages town share of culvert expense expenses--court tolls certified copies The Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A,!.{. Mov. 9. 1953. Attest: ..21;,99 10:00 24.00 24.00 14.81 249.14 117,53 305.90 9.94 1ne5;; 15.25 71.69 39.90 90.60 101.20 130.00 365.13 41.63 36.45 7.50 "-'-1111•.LlI.lLl:.u.u.:..J/.l:.ll'CTI'l-Rl'Dl..:..lr.::r. ------- COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COU:N-TY-,-.-MIN-N~·· DATE. ........................... oct ..... 21 ...................................... 1953. and Nov. 9, 1953 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OP COUN'l'Y COLlldISSIOUERS HELD OCT. 27 AT 9:30 A. M. 1953. pursuant to call the Board met at 9:30 A,M,. all members being present. . . A petition by ~aul Uelson asking to repurchase the NE¼ NE¼ of sec. 33, Township 137, P.ange 37 was ~ead and, upon motion, the same was granted. 1he Board then took up the matter of fixing a date and notice of hearing on engineer's report for repairs on county Ditch uo. 48 in the Towmship of Leaf Lake. Upon motion, it iYas decided to hold a hearing et 10 o'clock A, M, on the 9th day of ~ovember, 1953, and that all interested parties be given notice as required by law. Upoh motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, !.{. uov. 9, 1953. Attest: --~-----,c'"'hic-a~1,...,r"'m""a,..,n=-.- UTlruTES OF AD,10URNED MEETING or TIIB BOAP.D OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINtIBSOTA. PUrsuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A,M, Monday Mov. 9, 1953, all members being i:,resent. The Board having called a hearing at 10 o'clock A. M, for the consideration of the engineer' s re-port on cleaning and repairing county Ditch I'JO. 48 located in the Township of Leaf Lake, the project was thoroughly explained by Mr. Torgerson, the engineer in charge, and the various parties interes·ted were allowed to make their statements, and after due oonsideration, upon motion of Mr. Jtaase that the work be done, seconded by commissioner Beckman, the county Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for the cleaning and repairing of said ditch, said bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A,M, on the 28th day of November, 1953. A de!l.egation appeared before the Board concerning the lowering of ?,IUd Lake in the Township of Aur- dal but no action was taken at this time. The County Auditor submitted a report of the county ~oard of Audit of a check of the County Treasur- er for the period from June 3, 1953 to Oct. 6, 1953, inclusive, showing a balance on hand on June 3, 1953 of $1,781,185.88; collections during this period, $2,348,752.48; disbursements, $2,186,947.83; leaving a balance in the ~ounty Treasury at the close of business on Oot. 6th of $1,942,990.53. The application of Herman Wiitamaki for reduction of assessment on the SE¼ NW¼ and the wt SE¼ SE¼ of Sec. 1-134-37 was read and, upon the recommendation of Mr. John L, Bixby, supervisor of Assessments, said applica~ion v,as rejected. The application of sani IJelvold asking for homestead classification on Lot 26 of Reserve Block "D" of Henning Village, was read and, upon motion, said applicaticn ·::o.s ~ranted and the tax ordered re- duced accordingly. The application of James~-Love for homestead classification of the st SE¼ and Lot 5 of sec. 8 and the wt SW¼ of Sec. 9, Township 133, P.ange 39, was read and, upon motion, said application was granted and the tax ordered reduced accordingly. The application of Lloyd Penrose for reduction of assessed valuation on "Except the East 30 feet of Lot 17, Block 34, and the west 100 feet of Lot 18, Block 34, in Lakeview Addition to narkers Prairie, was read and, upon motion, the recommendation of the assessor that the aasessed valuation be reduced $385,00 was approved and the tax reduced from $358.71 to t335.36. The application of George Hanson for Eeduction of assessment on Lot 18, Block 3, of Bowman and DUnton•s Addition to Battle Lake, was read and, upon motion, it was reoommended that the assessed value be reduced $396,00 and the tax reduced from $554,64 to $484.71. The application of Clifford H, Irons for reduction of assessment on the Et rffl¼ of Section 29-133-36 was read and, upon motion, a reduction of $150,00 true and full value as recommended by the Tovm Board wasp.ranted and the tax reduced from $88.25 to $82,68. The application of Wlorence r. Hall for reduction of assessed valuation on Lot 8, Rose Lake Beach, was read and, upon motion, said application was rejected as it had not been approved by the Town Board. The application of ~va Kirchner for settlement and abatement of delinquent taxes, penalties, in-terest and oosts on the SEf Swf-and the SW¼ SE¼ Sec. l0-133-36 for the year 1949 was read and it was re- commended to the Tax commissioner that the tax be reduced from $112,62 to $7!1:.90. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: That, whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the J. H, Bye Paint co. for the painting of the interior of the otter Tail County court House, and Whereas, said contract has been partially completed, be it resolved that the Chairman of the county Board and the r.ounty Auditor be and they her~by are authorized to issue a warrant on the County Building Fund for $7,000.00, as partial payment of said contract, Adopted Nov. 9, 1953. Attest=:---------n4-,,,.1r-:--cle1k, . '' ........ . chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N;· .OtTER TAIL QOUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................. Nov .•... !)• ................................... 19.53 No. 2612 -Certificate of completion of county Road work •. TO T~IF. COUNTY AUDITOR OF OTTER TAU COIJUTY, !lfINll'RSOTA: We. the undersigned majority of the county 13oard of said county hereby certify that we have examin- ed the road w.ork done by.l) r.uehr Bros., Vergas, Minn; 2) rrahlstorf Bros., Lake George, Minn.; 3) Alfred EVavold 'c Sons, Ashby, Minn.; 4) !3risk Bros., "?ierz, !,!inn.; 5) Jorgenson .",:Son, CallaYtay, !,!inn;; 6) Sellin ~res., "!awley, Minn.; 7) Adam Tuholsky, Little Falls, Uinn.: 8) Judd Brown construction co., Mankato, Minn.; !)) Mccree 'I: company, st·. Paul, Minn.; 10) c. L, ?Jelson &: co., Brainerd, Minn.; 11) C. L, stodolka .• Li ~tle Falls, Minn. on that certain road described as follows: 1) SAR #4 -Vergas sw; SP 56-5Il-o7; S 6-89 (8)' Graalhg 1) SAR #4 -Vergas JIB, SP 56-511-09, s 689 (11) -Grade 'c Gravel surface 2) SAR #1 -Amor East, SP 56-501.-14, S .423 (2) -Grading 2) SAR #4 -Vergas tIB, CP 53: 04 -Grading 3) SAR #2 -From Q.5 !-.U~S• of Jct. CAR #28 E. to SAR -fl, CP 53:02 -Grading 3) CAP. #2A -From 0.2 !Ii. u. of Jct, SAR ,f2 11orth 1.4 Miles -Grading 4) SAR #8 -1 !.fi. S. of Butler to 1.25 Mi. w. of "illview -SP 56-504-03, S 126 (4) -Grading 4) CAR 154 -Butler South, CP 53:54B -Grading 5) SAR #,10 -F.lizabeth \'/. to T, H, #52, CP 53:10 -Grading 6) SAR fll ._ Deer Creek V/est 3.!) !;files, CP 53:11 -Grading 7) SAR fa -1 Mi. s. of Butler to 1.25 Mi. w. of Hillview, SP 56-504-04, S, 126 (5) -Gravelling 7)· SAR #10 -Elizabeth W, to T, H. #52, CP 53:lOG -Gravelling 7) CAR 154 -Butler South, CP 53:54G -Gravelling 8) SAR 1 -Fergus Falls S, 5.5 Miles, SP 56-506-06, S 189 (7) -GravelBase & Bitum. surface 8) SAR 1 -Bet, T.H. #108 & H.Y,Mills, SP 56-524-04, S, 245 (7) -Gravel Base 11: Bi tum, Surface 8) SAR 1 -N,Y,Mills North 3 !,tiles, SP 56-517-05, s 245 (6) -Gravel Base "i: Bitum, surface 8) CA.it 43 -T.H. #106 "i: 4.0 Miles west, CP 53:43B -Gravel Base.§: Bitum. Surface. 8) CAR f33 -T,H, f7G i: 2.5 Miles East, CP 53:33B -Gravel Base & Bitum. Surface 9) SAR #4 -Vergas SW, SP 56-511-11, S 689 (13) -BitumiliC'l:.::: St!!'face 10) SAR~!) -13et. T.H, 34 'c N. county Line, SP 56-507-02, s 821 (2) -Gravel Base "i: Bi tum. surface 11) SAR #12 -Dent SW 5, 8 Miles, SP 56-602-07, S 690 ( 7), Gravel Base ~. Bi tum, Surface together with contract for the same, and that we find said work has been properly done and performed ac- cording to said contract. Dated this 9 day of Hovember, 1953. Attest: S, !3, Johnson ~County Auditor Henry Sieling Bennie J. Johnson s. VI. Beckman Otto Haase C, A, dnowberg TJpon motion, the Board then ad,journed to 10:00 0 1,clock A,M, Wednesday, November 10, 1953. TUESDAY'S SESSION The Board met at 10 o'clock A, f,I., all member, being present. The matter of releasing the quarantine on the Svenneby farm located in the Town of Sverdrup was taken up for discussion. After listening to the statements of the owner and the Supervisor of weed Control the Board concurred with the state department on this for the release of this quarantine. After considering the problem of weed and seed control for the ensuing year the following resolution was adopted: · Be it resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: ·That ~rank Roberts, post-office, Deer Greek; Albe~t 1=it=, ~est-office, Perham; and Emil Boen, post-office, 'll'erBUS ;'alls, be and they hereby are appointed \'teed and seed inspl!ctors for Otter 'i'ail County for a period not exceeding five months each in~peotor's salary being fixed at $150.00 per month anit mileage at seven cents per mile. The,v are also authorized to attend the short course held at the tTniv~rsity during Janµary 1!)54 at st. Paul with expenses paid by the county. Adopted NOV. 10, 1!)53. ATTEst: S, B, Johnson Clerk, The following resolution was ado~ted: c. A, Snowberg;· Chairman. ~esolved by the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: ·That, whereas, this Roard has heretofore contracted with Judd Brown construction co. of Mankato for the bituminous v1ork on Job No. 53: !33B , and l7hereas, said contract has been completed to the satisfaot ion of the Board, ·riow, thP.refore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the Board and the count,v Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to issue a waz:rant to the ,1udd ijrown Construction co. for $2,509·,47, being the amount due on said contract. Adopted NOV, 10, 1953. Attest: s. B, Johnson Clerk, c. A. Snowberg Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, .. pTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................. Ji".a:v. .•.... 10 .•............................... 1953 .. The .. followinr, bills were allo1ved: ,T. C. 'Jl"enkes DO M. c. Lee James 1\1. Hansen John L. Logan Bennie J. Johnson s. w. Beckman Henry S;!.eling Otto Haase H. L. Allen John L, Bixby Mabel Wenstrom Louise Stondahl Olga uoeft Mrs. Julian Gudding Ted Thompson Albert Fritz Dr. (}. J. L11nd Schoolcraft co. Dept. of Administration The Pierce Co. Remington Rand Victor Lundeen & co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Thomas o. Nelson eo. l\filler-Davis co. Poucher Printing~-Lithographing co. Do. Perham-Enterprise Bulletin Battle Lake Review. Fergus Journal Co. ~velace G. Hanson r.ouise Stondahl Fergus F~lls woolen !,lills co. Beall -~ McGowan Winther Lumber & Fuel Barke, Allison~ Darby N. W. Bell Telephone co. Do DO Do \Vestern Union Bjerke-~dlund co. Hanson P-antiac w. S. Darley & Co. Fergus Falls Daily Journal !1. \7. Glorvigen Faurot Inc. Shepard's Citations. I~c. Dr. A. C. Bloomquist Ruth E. Hannay Mason Publ. co. Do Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. East otter Tail Telephone co. Ann Jordan Esther~G. Sell DO Ann Jordan Esther Sell Ann Jordan Philip :A. !~jaglien Do N. W. Rell Telephone Co. Miller"s our own P.dwe. Victor Lundeen~ co. Straub :!':State water Department Village of New York Mills Thos. J. rinsella, M,D. Drs. Lewis, Lewis &: Kevern Department of Public V/elfare Minnesota.State Sanatorium Dr. F.veretLC,Hanson Glen Lake Sanatorium City of. ~ergus Falls A. w. co., Inc. of !Kinn. Borchert-Ingersoll, Tnc. Geo. T. Ryan co. wm. P.. Ziegler co., Inc. Elk River cone. nrod. co. Olson Auto Electric A. B. !~ilde Skogmo Motors, Inc. R:inne•s. Inc. Larson Bros. Fortwengler Electric Shop Resset Bros. Rothiger Impl. co. Service Garage boarding-prisoners sheriff's expenses dep. sheriff's expenses " exp. attending meeting " " " expenses " " " clerical work " soil conservation weed insP,ector coroner's fees supplies " " printing plat books blanks books publishing " postage supplies imturance tolls service tolls mobile service telegrams fingerprint c~o~ labor supplies subscription drivers' license comm. supplies subs er ipt i.on certified ~opy transcript !Aas on' s Dunnell printing service expenses " postage " supplies ., ,, posto.r-:e expenses service II,; tolls supplies .. rent on water service etc. care of poor "patient examinations care of inmates care of patients " " " " " poo.· parts .. "'' culverts repairs Minn·. practice digest nurse " " " " Vet. Ser. " . " $ 167.oo 261.65 111.45 144.00 6,00 36.80 9.22 4;2,20 23.00 9.54 57.26 98.71 71.15 97.5.0 72.50 12.24 165.39 13.35 20.75 .72 61.58 34.00 177.94 42.50 500.00 54.46 17.66 90.18 5.40 1.40 161.10 45.oo 66.54 45.60 2.75 217.52 1984.99 58.30 5.75 14.70 82.65 2.70 45.00 8.05 5.58 9.00 9.05 6.18 24.00 1.50 24.60· 15.00 20.00 36.50 6.65 105.90 77.39 9.oo· 12.26 .53 1.50 5.35 65.94 17.00, 5.71 36.67 50.00 1.20 217.88 100.00 21.00 3396.65 1763.79 12·.oo 573.56 2337.71 6.09 46.14. 958.37 ·2410.28 43.06 36.38 2.00 315.30 «.6.11 40.50 13.35 54.30 8.05 65.10 .J1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, orrER:-TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE. ..................... •-·····················:N.a.v. .•... l0 •.......... _ ....... 19 ... .5.3 IUIIIUUll'IIISP■rlll U'FLPID Re-eon· Chev ; co·.· Service Recorder Co. Vergas Oil co. Moen Truck Equipt. , Inc. E, A, Toftely Star Shoe Repair Lake Region l/lotor co. Gambles Store, N,Y,Mills ~lalnofer Blackermi th Shop Tichy's Shop Penrose Chev. 00. Carl Lindeman Baas Oil co. µintp.en-~arst Elec. ~mpire Supply Co. ~oast-to-coast, Henning Hatl. Bushing 'I; Parts Co. \'leldors Equipt. 'l: Supply Coast-to-coast Store, Perham Lyle Signs, Inc. Berg Supply Co. Paper, Calmenson & co. Henning Oil co. Raymond 9ros. !,lot or Trans. Perham Co-op creamery Fred A, Everts rrundahl Oil co. The Oil Store Service Oil co. . Rep's Standard Service Hoot Lake Ice 'I: Gas co. Seven-a-service Service Oil Oo,, B,Lake Twin's Motor co. Farmers' ~o-op Creamer Assn. Standard Oil co., Par. Pro. Ken's standard Service Log Cabin Service Station Fossen Oil co. Fergus Pure Oil Service south Mill Standard Hundahl Oil Co. Bill's Service Station, Elizabeth Bill Helson Oil Co, llagge Oil Co, D, A. Lubricant co. ""Reldo Bros. :!!:d. Lundin George Neuman Fred Stinar Mark Sand .!I, Gravel Co. Adam Tuholsley Carlson Construction co. Mccree & co. Judd Brown Construction co. Dependable Surfacing co. John L. Gander Andrew cnovning Mills ca?e -'ree -Press co. Miller-Davis Co, N, W, Bell Tele. Co., F,F, Pelican Telephone Co, N, W, Bell Tele, co., F,F, Vergas Tele, Co, !l, w. Bell Tele. co., Henning Wendell P, Tlllber Do w. L, potter George Olson G, D, Harlow Olson-Enstad-Larson, Inc. Oak Valley Township Town of Nidaros ~. D, Nelson Trucks City of Fergus ~alls Sherin 'I: Meland Ar;ency repairs ... ... & su·pplies .. ,, motor supplies " signs ,1elding rods steel fuel oil freight steaming unit coal e:tc. gasoline " ,. " " etc. 'I, tires diesel fuel oil gravel ,, gravelling .. bituminous surfacing " " " rental of land for stock pile Right of Way & move fence meals for engir.ccrine orew forms supplies· service 'I; tolls at " " " " cash advanced expenses .. ins. on Elizabeth garage approaches · grading fillinp: ditch new garage building ins. on garage r:80 7.23. 35,00 14.27 12,77 9.50 36.17 3.84 60,27 10.50 1.00 2,50 22.90 71.55 258.79 18.32 21.71 24.94 14.97 26.80 29,00 142.80 10.47 5.86 1,50 37.27 150,99 436.62 '.'75:Go 258.05 7. 06 7.70 135.95 72.80 53.41 27.95 57.65 186.85 23.31 12.99 10,59 81.95 109,12 372.17 1073.35 43.48 41,65 240.00 288.40 45.68 143.55 219,09 622.56 381.27 893.18 139,00 25.00 15.10 17.05 3.25 10,00 50,00 11.20 27.10 23.65 10,25 25.22 232.87 114,17 HJ,70 35.30 40.60 25.00 150,00 7.50 189.19 123.00 Upon motion, a plat of sundberg's Point located in Sec. 12, 'J.!own of l!aine, accompanie.d b,V an opinion as to title executed b,\' Claude R, Field, attorney-at-law, was approved, The bill of Y.en Anderson for subscript ion to the Ba··tle Lal:e Review for the V eterans Service Office was rejected. The bill of uagne ..tartinson of Parkers Prairie for building approach in the sum of $10,00 was re- jected, commissioner Haase voting "NO". upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10:00 A, II{. uovember 26, 1953. Attest: ~ cha1nnan., 90M~ISSI0NERS R;coRD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'l'E ....................... -................ !fov .• -·· 28 ' ......................... lg .. 53 MUTTJ!l'ES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE "BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION"P.P.S OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY. MIUNF.SOTA, The "Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. Nov. 28, 1953, all members being present. The Board having previously advertised for bids for cleaning and repairing county Ditch No. 48 proceeded to op·en and examine said bids which were received as follows: Anderson and Swenson, Bagley, $9609.6e;, John Dieseth co., Fergus Falls, tl0,945.lO;' Bradbury 'l: Hansen, Detroit Lakes, $9518.31; ./ r.i:onson II: Engebretson, Fergus F!llls, tio,251.56; ✓Leon E, Green, Detroit Lakes, $11,111.22. J . After consulting with the petitioners it wus moved and seconded that the contract be awarded to Bradbury 'l: Hansen of Detroit Lakes for $9,518.~l. tiler being the lov1est bidders. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by th:e "Board of county commissioners of Otte;: Taa cotmty, :Minnesota: Ylhereas, this "!3oard did on the 28th day of Novembe.r 1953 let a contract for the repairing and cleaning of connt.1• Ditch a/!48 to 13radbury 'I: Hansen of Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, and -.i,.,JLq~r~§~, .. Tr~n~L~~~hway ¥108 crosses this ditch at two ptints, the flow bein~ takencare of by cul- verts-:joe!i-'rgp!L~-n11fller than the plans and specifications called ror in the construction of the orig- inal ditch, and Whereas, the repairing and cleaning of said Ditch f48 require that the bottom grade be lowered to the level of the original plans and specifications, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the State Highv1e.y department be requesteu. to lower these cul- verts to conform with the original grade of' said Ditch #48 and that the cost of this work be carried an borne by the State of Minnesota in lieu of any assessments for benefits accruing from the cleaning and repairs of said ditch. Adopted llov. 28, 1953. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: s. B, Johnson Clerk. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned. At test: c. A, Snowberg Chairman. cna1rman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,·aO.Tr-ER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................................... "bec • .... 8 • ............................. .19 ..... 53 MINUTES OF ADJOURNEr. MEETTtlG OF BOARD OF COUNTY co1,n,i:rnsro11ERS OF. QTTER TAIL COUIITY. irINN•· · · ••r • • ---• •• • • ,_ • • PU.rsuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesdo,y. December 8, 1953, all members being present. Upon motion, the Sheriff was authorized to install a radio for receiving messages from the State radio broadcasting system. •rpon motion. the county Audi tor was instructed to refer to the Righway Engineer the notice of assessment for curb. Butter, and bituminous surfacing against a small tract located in the SW¼ NE¼ Sec- t ion 8-135-37 in the Village of uew York Mills, ovmed b,v the -county. The application of Oliver Gravely for holding public dances at Pine Haven Club in the Town of Inman was granted. The application of c. s. Jensen for permit to hold public dances at the Glass Bar in the Towmship of Girard was rejected on the recommendation o·f the county Law Enforcement Officers. The petition of o. L. Wahlgren and others for a public hearing on a township road in Section 22, Elizabeth Township, was laid over to the January meeting. · The application o~ P.econstruction ~inance Corporation for settlement of taxes on part of Government Lots 2 and 3 in Section 4, Tovmship 132, P.ange 43, in the City o·r Fergus palls and on tots 9, 10, 11 and 12 in ~lock 19, Original Plat, of Fergus ~alls was referred to the City council of Fergus Falls for actio1. The application of Perbert Wellbrock for reduction of assessment on the wt SE¼, Section 29-133-44, was rejected as it did not bear the approval of the local township officers. The application of William call for reduction of assessment on Northeasterly.half of Lot 3, Blanche Lake Beach was rejected as it did not bear the approval of the local township officers. The application of. George RUther for homestead classification on part of Lot 6 lying west of road, and east of tots 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Pleasure. Beach in section 31-137-38 v:as approved and the tax ordered red 11ced accordingly. The application uZ ~arl Peterson, dba Fergus Novelty co., for cancellation of personal property assessment in the Village of New York Mills vms approved :::'c:::-the r'!ason that this property was also assessed in the City of Fergus Falls, where said applicant resides. The following resolution was adopted: P.esolved by the ~card of county Commissioners of 0tter Tail county, Minnesota: That the county Auditor be and he hcreb.v is instructed to notify the publishers of the several news- papers ·published in the County that sealed bids will be received by the Board for doing the following described printing: I / 1. The publications of the minutes of the meetings of the Board of county commissioners including regular and special sessions, and the meetings of Board of Equalization and while considering matters pertaining to ditches. · 2, The publication of the annual statement of receipts and expenditures of the county, The bid.a to cover the publication of the list set in ••nonpareil" or six-point type without "leading" and the publica- tion to be made as required by Section 295 General statutes of Minnesota, 1913, as amended, and three complete copies of said publication to be furnished to the county Auditor in time to enable him to meet the requirements of said section as regards the posting of copies of said statement. 3. The list of. real propert.v f.or the count.v of Otter Tail, J.linnesota, on ~1hich taxes remained de- lin,,_uent on the first A{onda.v in January, 1954. The bids for this to cover the publication of the certificates·, heading, etc. provided for by Sectior 2098, General statutes of Minnesota, 1913, as amended. Bids to be placed in the hands of the c.ounty Auditor and addressed to the Board of county commis- sioners, to be marked "Bids for Printing" and to be filed until Tuesday, January 5, 1954, at 2 o'olock P.r,. 'f ,1r.r The attention of the bidders to be called to the provisions or Sections 907, 909, 912, and 813, Re- vised Laws of t.{innesota. .for 1905, and acts amendatory ti,ereto. !dopted December a, 1953. . Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk, c. A, snowberg Chairman • RT'!SOL'.JTION DF.SIGUATTNG TqROUGH HIGITilfAYS, At a regular meeting of the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota held on December 8, 1053 all members being present, Commissioner Sieling introduced the following resolution: BE i:T R~SOLVED by the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota, that except for•intersections with Minnesota Trunk Highways and except such parts of the roads as hereinafter set forth as are within the corporate limits of villages and cities the following hi@hwe,ys are hereby desig- nated as through highways: State Aid Road !lo, 1 from ,runction of State Aid Road !(o. 2 and state Aid Road No. 1 to junction of State Aid P.oad !Jo, l and r.'ounty Aid P.oad !lo. 53, State Aid Road 110. 4 from junction of. State 'J'runk P-i!lh'llay lfo. 59 and St ate Aid Road !{o. 4 to a point 6. 5 miles ~est. COMMISSIONERS RECORD-N., QTTER TAIL ~OUNTY, MINN. ·nATE ............................ Deo .•... 8., ... -.. , ................................ 19 .. Ji.~ State Aid Road No: 4; from a p~~!1! l.l: Mile-southwest of __ V:~~gas_-_~? _!e~~as~ :. --· State Aid Road No, 5 fro:n a point 4.3 miles East of ?arkers Prairie· to State Trunk rrighway No. 29. State Aid Road No, 7 from S:tate Trunk Highway No. 29 west 2.5 miles. State Aid Road No, 8 ·from State Trunk l'!ighv:ay No. 10 to intersection with County Aid Road rro. 52. State Aid Road rro. 9 from State Trunk High\vay r:io. 34 to !lorth county line. State Aid Road IJO. 10 from state Aid Road No. l and west 1500 feet. State Aid Road !fO. 12 from State Trunk Highway NO, 3 to State Aid Road uo. l. State Aid Road uo. 12 from state Trunk Highway uo. 108 and south to Star Lake Creek. State Aid Road NO, 14 from State Trunk Highv:ay HO, 78 to State Aid Road NO, l. State Aid Road. No. 1.;, from State Trunk Highv:ay No. 78 to intersection ~vi th county Aid Road No. 48. State Aid Road NO, 16 from State ·Trunk ':!ighway No. 108 to state Aid Road No. 5. County Aid Road !JO• 27 from State Trunk Hir.h way r,o • 52 to intersection with county Aid Road No. 42. county Aid Road 110. 50 from State Aid Road uo. 8.and north1·:est 3.3 miles. and the Engineer of this county be o.nd he hereby is instructed to construct and erect proper stop signs at entrances thereto as soon as practicable and when said sip,ns are erected said Engineer shall file with the Auditor his report thereon. Dated December B. 1953. Attest: s. B, Johnson County Auditor. C. A, snov:berg Chairman. The motion for the adoption of the forep,oinf. resolution was duly seconded b,\' commi1:1sioner ,'ohnson and on vote being taken carried unanimously and was thereb.v declared passed and signed b,\' the Chairman and attested b,v the ~ount.v Auditor. The Board then adjourned until lo o'clock A. M. Wednesday, December 9, 1953. WEDI!ESDAY'S SESSli©N. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A,M. Wednesday, December 9, 1953, all members being present. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boui:.c. of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That, v:hereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the ~-H, Bye .Paint co. for the painting of the interior of the Otter Tail County.court House, and l'lhereas, said contract has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the c liJ:airrrian of the count.1• Board and the county Auditor be authorized and instructed to issue a v:arrant on the r.ounty 'Building 'f'und for $320,00, this being the amount due on said contract. Adopted Dec. 9, 1953. Attest: S, B. Johnson Clerk, The follov.•ing resolution v:as adoptPd: C. A, Snowberg Chairman. P.es'olved by the Board of count.v Commissioners of o~tPr Tail ~ount.v, ~!inneso_ta: That. whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted v:i th Alfred r-:vavold and sons of Ashb,v ~or the grading of count.v Aid ,Tob Ilo. 53: 28. and Ylhereas, said contract has been completed to the satisfaction of the Soard, and the engineer having filed his final certificate. Now, therefore. be it resolved that the Chairman of the county Board and the county Auditor be authorized and instructed to issue a warrant on the special Road and Bridge construction Fund for ~957.24, this being the amount due on said contract, Adopted De.c. 9, 1953, Attest: s. B, Johnson C lerk. C. A, Snowberg 'l hair roan • L COMMISSIONERS RECORD N;-OTTER TAIL Ct>UNTY, MINN. Dec 9 53 DATF. ··················-········•···········•········· .. ·······························19 ..... T~:. ~??:low!n~ !eaolution was.-adopted .. : --.... Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail county, ninnesota: That. whereas. this 13oard has heretofore contracted with Vleldon zaske of Danube, lllinnesota. for the con·struct ion o·f~ounty Aid Job no. 53 :43. and Whereas. this contract has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and the engineer having filed his final certificate, How, therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the county Board and the County Auditor be authorized and instructed to issue a warrant on the soeciul Road and Bridge construction Fund for t59.21.04, this being the amount due on said contract. - Adopted Dec. 9. 1953. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted : C. A. Snowberg Chairman. Resolved b,\' the '!\oard of county commissioners of otter Tail c ount,v, ~Unneso ta: That, whereas. this Board has heretofore contracted with rahlstorf Bros. of Lake George for the grading of State Aid Job Ho. 53:04, and Whereas. said contract has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and the engineer having filed his final certificate • . Now. therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the County Board and the county A ud itor be authorized and instruotad to issue a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund for $857.38, this being the amount due on said contract. Adopted Dec.9.1953. Attest: S. B. Johnson Clerk. The follovring resolution was adopted: c. A. Snowberg Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: That, whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted 1v i th Chas. Fenske of Fergus Falls for the gravelling of 53:G-l, and Whereas, said contract has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board and the engineer having filed his final certificate, uow, there·f'ore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the co,mt.v Board and the County Auditor be authorized and instructed to issue a warrant on the county Road and Bridge F"und for /!;18.,651.29, this be- ing the amount due on said contract. Adopted Dec, 9, 1953, Attest: S, B, ,Johnson Cler!:. The following bills were allowed: w. Earl Williams I/lrs. ,Julian Gudding Lampert Lumber Co. H. L, Allen American Legion Post &219 Paul ~utnam.Post #2A9 J. C, Henkes \'festern Union Carl .'.'ahn .~. C. Henkes M:, C. Lee : . James './1. Hansen Mabel Wenstrom Louise Standahl Olga H. Hoeft s. Vf. Beckman Bennie J. Johnson Otto 11aase B'en.r,v Sieling Carl A. Snowberg The Todd company Mason :?t1blishing co. Marvin w. Mitchell Roger.-. Clarke united Chemical co. N. w. ~ell Telephone co. Hintgen-Y.arst Luxor Lighting Products, Inc. c·. A. Snov:berg Chairman. municipal ,1udge' s fees clerical help cool expenses !,lemorial Day decorating graves ~ ,, " ,, boar ding prisoners telegrams deputy sheriff's expenses expenses deputy sheriff expenses expenses " clerical help expenses attending meeting ,, ,. " ~Oard of Audit check signer Dunnell Digest serving citations transcript supplies tolls labor~ supplies supplies " 10.00 27.50 76·8.12 8.87 49.00 25.00 38!1.50 4.36 22.00 76.46 139.10 113.00 58.27 40.20 27.50 7.88 18.80 27.90 31.38 65.00 290.00 10.00 6.00 5.00 64.60 15.40 46.37 95.04 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N/ OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. beo. 9, 53 Hint"gen-Y.a:tst .. Bjerke'.-Ed.Iimd co.--.- Miliift-Br.yarit -,pierce Holten· Hdwe. · · tig"lit-foocshop Julian B.ve N. W. Bell Telephone Costello Mfg. co. Carlson-Benjamin contractors Oscarson Implement Sirchie Finger nrint Lab. Wm. Galena· i, Son ,Johnson Furni tnre Co. Beall 9c M0Gov1an Security Envelope Co, Victor Lundeen 9c co. Miller-Davis Co, Poucher Printing 9c Lithe. co. Schoolcraft Co. Fritz-Cross Co. Dept. of Administration Gaffaney's Nelson Bros. Printing Joseph R~vner, sr. ~velace G. Hanson Louise Stondahl F.velace G. Hanson H. W. Glorv igen Johnson Brug Natl. Sheriff's Assn, Esther G. Sell DO no Ann Jordan DO no East Otter Tail Telephone co. Philip !,{. Kjaglien Ruth C. Campbell Philip M, I~jaglien Straub Estate Fergus Falls Utilities Dept. Victor Lundeen~ co. Veterans Tnformation Service Nelson Bros. ?rinting Mildred "qruvold N. w. Bell Telephone co. Fergus Journal co. Do G. C. Torgerson Carl A. Snowberg Bennie J. Johnson S. VI. Beckman· Otto Haase Henry Sieling construction Bulletin Nopeming sanatorium University 1·7ospitals City of Fergus Falls Township of Rush Lake Minn. State Sanatorium Glen r,ake Sanatorium .:rohn Dieseth Co, Foss 9c co. Leitch construction co. Marvin c. carter Saure Builders Supply Otto Luedeke City of Fergus Falls Lake Region !.{otor Co. A. B. Y.ilde Skog mo Mo to rs, Inc. Larson Bros. Olson Auto F:lectric Mat ional '3ushing 'c· 1>arts ~o. ll'anson nontiac ll'ield Machine co. , Inc. Jaenisch Tndustries Conklin SaY! Shop Lee Chevrolet co. Vergas h{otors, Tnc. Cha·ffees Garage V/icklund Farm su·pply ReBon Chevrolet co. rnuttila Implement co. custom Machine works Resset Bros, ~arper's Electric Matz 9c Greiff Perham Farm Supply co. R. J. Schmidt Stan's Auto ~ody Shop DA'])l!J ....................................................... -............................... 19 ...... . repairs· supplies -... '! . .-. "'!--- r.epa"irs 1000:r tolls supplies labor repairs supplies parts supplies blanks supplies manuals book supplies " printing iieputy sheriZf. c::qie !1.ses postage .. drivers license exp. su:pplies indemnity policies expenses postage sup·plies expenses postage supplies servioe expenses " postage rent service supplies printing .. service publishing .. engineering services attending ditch meeting " " ... " " ,, " advertising care of patlantz " " transporting transient poor expense, 1953 care of patients " ,, " work on lot, new garage architectural services, v1ork on ,l'ard, garage ditch excavation, garage drain tail, new garage curbing, new garage v1ater repairs " " garage .2:85 ;49 28;4.3 16:60 241:50 154;90 49,'15 24.35 161.02 4.25 9.38 6.50 109.50 8.50 31.41 56.69 26.08 59.65 67.47 131.11 1.22 1.90 344. 79 23.10 45.oo 64.54 45.00 11.95 2.63 60.50 53.19 3.oo 1.65 55.44 3.oo 3.20 6.35 65. 73 8.12 13.00 50.00 1;59 27,84 6,00 44.16 2.95 18.85 12.00 80.20 975.00 5.oo 9.20 6.96 12.00 12.84 27.00 682.88 159,00 8,79 150.71 1820.68 321.74 3200.38 2074.32 495.00 304-00 29.90 20.40 1.65 30.32 74.55 9. 26 5.oo 66.20 35.76 16.26 11.50 93.86 3.50 9.01 72.31 53.17 6.82 3,31 65.15 17. 25 28.10 2, 25 4.60 1.49 20.25 78.61 ··1 ! JI COMMISSIONERS RECORD-N,,~OTTER TAIL QOUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... Jl!1.Q., .... ~.•···································-·······19 53 A. R. Meier Marshall Welle Store Henry itolmgren Dillon F.lectric co. Arnold Bengtson Welter Bros. William Sauer Fergus Oil co. Fossen 011 co. Log Cabin Service Station Service Oil co., Battle Lake Twins Motor co. Bengtson Oil co. Carlson 011 co. Bill's Service Station Perham co-op Oil co. Krae·mer Oil co. Bauck Chevrolet co. Daniels Service Station P.sy'B 011 Co. Harold's Standard Oil S .I§: F Oil Co. Fosmark Service Art's Service station Daniels Service Westad Motors Bill Nelson Oil co. Fergus Pure Oil Service Sta. Fergus Oil co. ? enroee Oil Co. vagge Oil co. Olson Oil Co. Erhard nn co. A 'I: I .. Oil co. C. B. Clarke Vining Oil co. Park L!achine. Inc. F,mpire s·upply co. Holten Hardware Uid•Nest supply Wilcox Lumber co. coast-to-coast. Henning Wilcox Lumber co. Toftel,v Bros. Lampert Lumber co. t!cl)Unn i"arm Store Vergas Hdwe. co. Fergus Falla l.lonument works Erickson-Pellekson-Vye co. Crow l,lotors Thelen Implement Co. Graff Tmplement co. Fosse-Larson hlotors Tesch r,umber Co. Olson lldwe. 'I: Purni ture Cordes Implement co. The Farmers Supply McCabe Bros. co. Hintgen-r.:arst Elect~ic Raymond BrOS\ •. Motor Trans. Co. Lyle Signe, Inc. Morton Salt co. Ed, Hanneman Olaf Eckley, Clara Eckley 'I: Federal Land Catherine !.{oore Bank r,. A. Hanson Louise Wilde Estate Fergus Palls ~ownehip Weldon zaeke Mark Sand 'I: Gravel co. Bradbury 1§: Ro.nson Vill. of New York Mills Village of Henning Village of Battle Lake N, w. Bell.Telephone co. Pelican Telephone co. N,W. Bell Telephone co. Midwest Telephone co. N, w. 9ell Telephone co. Minn. State "ighv!ay Dept. Victor Lundeen 'I: Co, Poucher Printing .e,, Lith. co. Wendell p. HUber George Olson G.D. llarlow Wendell!.', Huber P,Y..M, 'I: co. Whitlock Weldore Equipment 'I: supply Fergus Specialties co. co-operative Services. Inc. Park Region co-op Oil co. Hoot Lake Ice~ Gae Co. Henning D-X Service repairs ., gasoline .,. ,, ,., etc. diesel fuel fuel oil ., supplies .,. coal bulbs freight signs rock salt gravel " rental of equipment parts grading garage rent n II v,ater service&: tolls " " " " " " " laboratory testing supplies " expenses .. cash advanced supplies " " gasoline " 33.05 21.0l 75.95 9.46 6.85 3.19 6.10 64.79 20.48 26.45 19.08 21.77 95.70 14.15 53.70 6.33 ..87 .29 106.17 61.22 62.36 3.73 249.81 78.26 38.60 72.86 ll0,54 368. 71 11.16 70,85 16.56 635.34 77.50 139.90 19.34 1.90 74.71 11.55 109.47 29.79 34.02 1.23 8.16 25.09 2.32 7.70 34.55 43.89 15.00 lQ.35 18.95 4.52 17.41 1.80 12.63 3.00 4.00 48.80 2.97 6.50 2.00 177.21 768.00 128.80 185.60 85.05 116.88 48.50 26.25 615,16 150.00 269.81 660,00 139.03 3.25 9.70 9.60 42.50 6.35 35.50 38.34 106.81 4.12 116.56 13.40 7.80 13.36 53.63 15.76 7.50 111.06 39.24 55.93 . 44.88 COMMISSIONERS RECORD ·N; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. J, Score, Agent A, W. Co., Inc. of Minn, Minnesota F,W,D, co. Geo. T, Ryan co. ~osholt Equipment co. \'1111. H, Ziegler co., Inc. Henry Holmgren Maine Repair Shop Gamble Store, Battle Lake A, T. Herfindahl Ebersviller Implement Co. Toftely Bros. Ebersviller's Fred Stinar John J. Schmidt, Jr •. · Vergas 011 Co. Farmers ao-op. Creamery Assn. Dalton Oil Co. n. A. Lubricant co •• Inc. Heinola Telephone co. Alfred EVavold & Sons ostrus Snow Fence & Cribbing '])ec, 9, 53 DATE ...................................................................................... 19 ...... . insurance parts· " repairs " parts~ supplies supplies " gravel " gasoline, etc. " oil service \: tolls installing cattle pass lath 145.oo 504.59 14.89 219.70 238.62 403,71 18.35 9.81 1.29 344.59 7.49 2.18 7.76 354.80 83.93 152.62 159.27 526.80 133,23 14.05 321.00 40,00 The bill of the otter Tail Power co. for moving pole line from Carlisle to Elizabeth in the sum of i440,06 was rejected, Upon motion, the BO~~d then adjourned without-date. ---~-""' chairman. Attest: ~ -7~- STATEMENT Showing the amount of' Unpaid Delinquent Taxes on the foUowlng described 1-eal pro-pert.y situated tn Otter Tall County, Mlnneaota Sec. Town SUBDIVISION or or RNG. YEAR TAX TOTAL ol section, Lot or Block Lot Block j Errors and Omissions Excepted Inte1·est flgnred to .....•............•...................•.................•••..••...•.•................• Return this statement when you remit and make all drafts payable to County Treasurer, Otter Tall County, l\llnnesota. Auditor ----rl ntr r nP un,ti.rmfu .. Ut: Q;DJ,11,;,:.1::l"J.1.C'U. '"'\;I' 1·.a._.,-, . ..., -wa.,... ... C..., . ..., ... ---~ ~ ~ ~ No.13 G. B. 11.lller-Davla Co., Mlnncapolla Memorandum and Certificate of Defective Ballot, General Election WE HEREBY CERTIFY, That at the GensraZ Election, held, i,11, the Election, Di.stri,ot of --------·········· ............. Cou,n,ty of ...................... _____ ----, ,Mi,11,MBota, on, the f/n.d, day of November, 1954, Ballot No ........................................... aa can,vaBBea by u.s waa fou,n.d, a,efecti.vs i,11, this: That ..... ____ ....................................................................................... ________________ _ .............................. -----.......................................................................... ·--------------__________ ...................................... __ _ -------······· .. • ............... ____ _ and, that said, ballot waa .......................................... 0011,nted, as to .............. _______________ _ ...................................................................................................................................................................... _____________ _ ........................................................................................................................................................ ________ , _____ _ _ ................................................................................................................................. _______________ _ ___________ ..................................................................... _______________ _ ---------·----......................... -................... _____________ _ _____ ....................................................................... ------------------- Dated, ........................... ____ ..................... , 1954. See Section 206.51 Minnesota Election Laws. I I _ . ,. ,. ...,~ • • _