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Board of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1952
Ottertail County Official Meetings 1952 t COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. . • • • ' •• .-. • • ~. r? I ~ ' • f'" DATE ............................. · ....... Jan• ... a., ............................. .19 . 62 • MI-:tfflT.ES , OF REGULAR MEETING 01!' THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO?IBRS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA• Pursuant to statute the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. Tuesday, Jan. 8, 1952 at the Commissioners• Room in the court -House. Present were commissioners Sieling, Jqhnson,Hanson, Stone and·snowberg. The meeting was called to order by the county Auditor who called for nominations for the office of Chairman of the county Board for the ensuing year. Upon motion, commissioner Sieling was elected Chairman. rrpon motion, commissioner snowberg was elected Vice-Chairman. /' The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the Board of county comrnissioner.s of otter Tail county, Minnesota: I / / That a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman of the Board and hvo members of' the Board, I to be appointed by the r.hairman, to purchase all furniture and supplies excepting books, blanks and , stationery needed for the court House and Jail during the year 1952, and provide for such repairs as \ may become an immediate neceslllity. \ .) Adopted Jan. 8, 1952. I HENRY SIELING chairman. clerk. l Atteet : WILLIAM LINCOLN The Chairman appointed commissioners ,.,-- Ranson and Johnson as hie associates on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: That a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman and two members of the Board to be selected the Chairman, be appointed to have charge of the Court House and Jail and grounds ·for the year 1952. Adopted Jan. 8, 1952. l Atteet: ___ .::,W~IL::.:L:I:.::AM::::..;L:;I:..:N::.::C:..:O:=L.::.N__,,_..~-Clerk. The Chairman appointed Commissioners The follo1ving resolution was adopted: HF.NRY SIELING Chairman, snowberg and stone as his associates on this committee. Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tall county, Minnesota: That under provisions of Section 2154 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Dr, c. A. Boline, a resident physician of said county, and county commissioners Hanson and Snowberg, m·embere of ,this Board, be and the same hereby are appointed to constitute a county Board of Health of said County for . the year 1952, Adopted Jan. 8, 1952. HENRY SIELING, chairman. Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN clerk. The following resolution was adopted:. Resolved by the Board ofcounty Commissioners of otter Tall county, Minnesota: That the County Commissioner of his respective district, namely, Henry Sieling, The First District; Bennie J. Johnson, the SecondDistrict; George Hanson, the Third District; Bert stone, the Fourth Dis- trict, and c. A. Snowberg, the Fifth District, be and they hereby are each appointed Superintendent of Poor of his said district with authority to act in relation to the care and support of non-resident paupers, and to receive applications for relief' or support by or for any reason in hie district as pro- vided by Chapter 15, Rev.lsed Laws of 1905. Adopted Jan. 8, 1952. Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN clerk. - The follov,ing resolution was ad.opted: HENRY SIBLING chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commiss.ioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under the provisions of Chapter 200 Laws of Minnesota for 1943, the county shall pay a bounty of $5,00 for each full-grown red or gray fox killed in said County and $3,00 for each cub red or gray fox killed in said County from January 1, 1952 to December 31, 1952; payment to be made on warrant·of the county Auditor after compliance by the claimant with all provisions oi' said law. r COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... J.~!'.!.L.~., ... J.'.:15 2 ............................ 19 ...... . Adopted Jan.a, 1952. ··-HENRY SIELitlG chairman. Attest: ··-·· · · · ·wtt"ttAM ·1Iriaotrr · · · ·· ··· ·· · · clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the sum of five cents be paid out of the Revenue Fund of the county for every pooket gopher and woodohuok killed in said county during the months of April, May, June and July, 1952, in oases where the townships in which pocket gophers and. woodchucks are so killed shall provide for the payment of an additional bounty of five oenta for eaoh pocket gopher and woodchuck so killed. Resolved further that payment for such bounty shall be mad.e by the county Auditor upon oertificates exeouted by the Chairman of the Town Board of said Townships setting forth that the pocket gophers or woodchucks were killed within the said townships during the said months, and that both front feet of auoh pocket gophers or woodchucks were duly presented to the Chairman of such board and that the townshi has issued and delivered to each claimant a town order for ten oenta for each pocket gopher or woodchuck BO killed, Adopted Jan. 8, 1952. HENRY SIELING chairman. Attest: WILLIAM LI?rCOLN c!erk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county .Commissioners of Otter Tail county, 1.nnnesota: L That the sum of $80,00 per month be and the same hereby is allowed for olerioal work in the office of the County Attorney from January 1, 1952, same to be paid at the close of each month on warrant of the County Auditor from the Revenue fund of the county. Adopted January 8, 1952. HEiffiY SIELING . chairman. Attest: VIILLIAM LINCOLN clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: rhat under the provisions of Section 739 General Statutes for 1932, the sum of $100,00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red River Valley Development .Association, said amount so appropriated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors for the year 1952. Adopted Jan. 8, 1952. HENRY SIELING chalrman. Attest: WILLIAl4 LIHCOLN clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of r.ounty commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of not less than a25o.oo be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund of said County for Otter Tail County exhibits at the Minnesota Ste.te Fair for 1952 and the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are directed to issue a warrant for said amount in favor of Clannce c. Mielke. Adopted Jan. 8, 1952. HENRY SIELING Chairman. Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN clerk. The following ·resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, Chapter 142, Laws of 1921, l\feson's Minnesota Statutes 1927, Seo. 671 and Minnesota Stat- utes 1941, Seo, 315,30 provides ways and means for the control and eradication of rust·-produoing bar- berry, the following resoluti.on was adopted: Be it hereby resolved, that $60,00 be appropriated by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county for the purpose· of eradicating and removing rust-producing bushes and that a bounty of $3,00 be offered for the location of barberry bush or bushes on each property subject to the provisions as set forth by the Barberry Office, University Farm, St, Paul, Minnesota. on file in the office of the County Auditor, Fergus Falla, M~nneaota. Adopted Jan. 8, 1952. HEMRY SH1LINO Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN chairman. Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N:· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Jan. 8, 1952. DATE .................................... • ....... · ........................................... 19 ....... . The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of aounty aommissioners of otter Tall aounty, ?.rinnesota: That the following dates are hereby fixed for meetings of the aounty Board during the year 1952: The second TUesday in March, April, May, June, August,·october, and December, and second Wednesday ·in February, and November and second MOnday in September. Adopted Jan. 8, 1952, HENRY SIELING. Chairman. Att_e_st: WII,LIAM LINOOLN · .. cierk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of aounty aommissioners of otter Tail aounty, Mirlllesota: That the following amounts are hereby set aside for clerk hire for the calendar year 1952 in the several county offices to-wit: Aliiiitor •.•.•....•....•••....•.....••.•......•.••••...••••.•.••.....•••.••••••••• $ 7800 • oo Treasurer ••••••••.•••••••••••••.•• , .••• •• •.• ,, •• ••.•,••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7600.00 Register of Deeds ........ , ... • .... • • • • • • • • • • •, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · • • • • :ooo. 00 Clerk of aourt .•••••••••.••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · • • • • • · • • • • • • • 100.00 in addition to $1500.00 allowed by special law. · Probate Court •••.•..•..•.••••.•••••..•••••••...••••••••.••••••.••.•.••••••.•.••• in addition to $3500,00 authorized by special law, sur1erv isor · of Assessmen·ts, •••••••• , ••••••.•••••••.••.•••.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • Deputy Supervisor of Assessments ••••••••••••.•••..••••••.••• ,•.•,•,•,,•••••,,••• Clerk Supervisor of Assessments •••••• , ••••••• · •••••••.. , •••••..••.•••• , •• • •...• • • aounty Veterans• Service Office, salaries etc ••••.•••••••••••• , •••••••••.••••••• First Assist. co. supt, of schools.$26Q.per.month. Office Assistant $175.00 per month · · Adopted Jan. 8, 1952. HENRY SIELING C'A'AIRUAN, Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN Clerk. 700.00 3600.00 2700,00 2200,00 8000.00 u-pon motion, county High1vay Engineer Huber and commissioners Hanson and Snowberg were appointed a committee to represent Otter Tail County at the State Water Conservation hearing in the City Hall in Fergus Falls at 10 o'clock A, Ill, Jan. 23, 1952. Mies Stondahl, Superintendent of Schools, submitted notice of reappointment of Miss Mabel Wenstrom as assistant county s11perintendent and Miss Lorna Schmidt as office secretary. Upon motion, these ap-pointments were approved~ Bids for county printing for the year 1952 were opened and found to be as follows: Northwestern Publishing co. of rrew Yor)i: Mille offered to publish the financial statement of the county in the New '16ork !!ills !Jerald at legal rates; the Pelican Rapids Press offered to publish the financial statement at legal rates; the ~arkers ~rairie Independent offered to print the delinquent tax list at legal rates and the Fergus Journal co. offered to publish minutes of all me~tinge of the county board and also all. legal notices which are paid for by the county, all of said publications to be at legal rates. Upon mot ion,. all of these bids were accepted. H. L. Allen, Supervisor of Assessments, presented his report of activities in hie office during the year 1951. The report was placed on file, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tall County, Minnesota: That the Parkers Prairie Independent be ~nd the same is hereby designated as the newspaper in which shall be printed the list~of lands in Otter Tail County upon which taxes becime delinquent on the first Monday in January 1952. !tesolved further that publishers of said newspaper be required to furnish a surety bond in the sum of. $2,000.00 for the faithful performance of said publication. Adopted Jan. 8, 1952. HENRY SIELING Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN clerk. Upon motion, the Board ad·journed to 10 o'olock A. M. Jan, 9th, WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Chairman. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clook A. M, Jan. 9, 1952,· all members being present~ Bids for state projects as advertised for by the Board were opened by A. o. Torgerson, representing the state highway department, and after examination the Board made the following recommendations to the aommissioner of Highways: That the bid of Gladen Broe. on s.0 • 56-515-01 (S.A.R. 5) being west of Hennin and 56-525-02 (S.A,R. 16), west and north of Henning, in. the sum of $26,782.59, being the lowest bid, be accepted. The bid of Alfred Evavold on S,P. 56-521-01, east of Parkers Prairie, in the sum of $32,012.21, b~ing the lowest bid received, be accepted. The bid of Kahlstorf Bros. on s.P. 56-517-0l north and east oi New York Mills in the sum of $49,958.06, being the lowest bid received, be accepted, COMMISSIONERS RECORD· N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... ..18:~ .~ .... ~ • ......................................... 19 ... 52 Bids for county projects were awarded to the lowest bidders as follows: No, 62:50 C,A,R,·No, 50 be- tween Little Pine Lake and Junotion of' C,A,R, •NO, 59, to uoen ~ros, of Moorhead f'or $19,673.10; No, 52:54H C~A,R, No, 54 south of' Renning, to ·H, D, Morrill and Son, Fergus Falls, f'.or $19,049.50; and No, 52:13 S,A,R, No, 13, between Junction S,A,R, 8 and north county line, to Moen Bros, of Moorhead, for $36,972.95, The bid of' the Braden construction co. of $1,101.25 f'or one B & G Sloper attachment for Adams Motor Greder was accepted. The ap_pl1cation of Perry Swenson for dance permit f'or the year 1952 at North Dora Store was granted. The application-of Wilshusen motor Co, of Fergus Falla f'o~ ~eduction of assessment on motor vehicles f'or 1951 upon which state licenses for said year were paid was read-and the Board recom~ended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of' personal property of said company for said year be reduced from $6991. 00 to $5339. 00 and the taxes from $1491. 44 to $1206 ·• 37. The application of Fellerer ~rewing co. for reduction of assessment for 1951 on brewery equipment in·· Perham Township was.read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of personal property o·f said company for said year be reduced from $3300,00 to $1100,00 and the taxes from t507. 72 to ~167,56. . . · The following applications for homestead classification were read and, upon motion, were granted: Glen R, Salts, on North 87,9 feet along T,H, of S, 992,7 feet of Lot 2, East of T,H, in Sec, 34, Town· of EVerts for the year 1951; John H, Wasson on SE¼ and E½ SW¼-except traot in Sec, 4, Town of Clith• erall, for the year 1951, and Clifford o. Engebretson on Lot 10, Block 2, Blyberg•s Third Addition to Pelican Rapids, for the year 1950. Upon motion, the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bid·s for grading and gravel surfacing S,P, 66-503-04, State Aid Road 5 south of Clitherall and S,P, 56-532-03, State Aid Road 5 south of Urbank, said bid.a to be opened at the meeting of the 13oard l<'eb. 13, 1952, at 10 o'clock A,M, Upon motion, the Auditor was instructed to advertise f'or bids for all types and sizes of' portable culverts and bridge lumber and piling during 1952; also far bids for construction of county garage at Vining and Erhard and for remodelling1 county garage at Pelican Rapids,:; also for 1952 seasons require- ments of grader blades, tires, tubes and batteries for the year 1952; also for equipment rental bids for all types of construction equipment; all of above described bids to be opened at the session of' the Board Feb. 13, 1952. commencing at ·2 o'clock P,!,{, -UPN -fllQtJ:oa, t-be A:n-cH-t0-,;.-we·s=1-ae:t-E-»e:1;ed 1m-ad.Y.e•l'-t-i:ftf'=1!e-r bl ii e f-t?:r e ll:=t-Jr:pes-ancbs·L-z:es=:a:f__ponab:1.e cml:verts end btidg.&-l.umb.el:-an.d-pi.ling_d.u.l:.ing..l9.52.;......als~..;fo.r......bids for oonstrt•ctioil of oo.unty sarase at Vi.R.I.R@ and Ea:l<!Hli a~0-i"-l'-&111o4-e-1-1-i-~1.H-l-t-f-g.a.r-&ff-~-e-1-igan Repicla; al.so-i:or 19s2 seeeo·Re H- 11:e.i.rements of are Iler 'blades, tires, tubes eod batteries fo.r the ;rear 1952 ;-also f:g I' eQ!iipraent reB:tel bids fo.r_aJJ ta;pes. o.f..oonat:cnoti.o.n_eq.u.4>ment.;--all of abl'-ve d.escrlbed bids tn_l)e-0.peJ1ed-at-the-aessJ.on. of tbs :aoerd. i'ab 1:1, 1952 00111188ROiABBt 2 o'glock-P.-H, The following resolution was adopted: RF.SOLUTION BY THE BOARD OP COUNTY COMMJSSIOITERS \ · OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNE·SOTA BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to statutory authority the county Engineer for and on behalf of the County of Otter Tail is hereby authorized to request and obtain from the Minnesota Department of High- ways needed engineering and technical services during the year 1952, for whioh pa,yment will be made by the county upon receipt of verified claims from the commissioner of Highways, Adopted this 9th day of' January, 1952. HENRY S IELI NG chairman. Attest: WILLIAlil LINCOLN c1erk. The following resolution was adopted: : RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of county a_ommissioners of the County of Otter Tail of the State of .Minnesota: That beaause of deterioration due to rain, snow and usual spring climatic conditions the roads hereinafter described will be seriously damaged unless restrictions are imposed as to weight of vehioles to be operated thereon, NOW, THEREFORE: No person shall operate any vehicle or combination of vehicles upon any of the county roads in the ·county of otter Tail and State of Minnesota described as follows, to~wit: State Aid Roads, l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; 15, 16, and 17, and County Aid Roads 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. 30, 31, 32, ,. 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, ~.,..151, J;~~54...,_56, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 and 62., durinE? the period from the let of March 1952,~wliire4:lfe"'~ro11s"We"ight on an,y single axle as defineci in Minnesota Statutes 1945 Seo. 169,83 ex: oeeds three tons (6000 pounds) and the Engineer of said County is hereby directed and authorized to erect and maintain signs plainly indicating the prohibitions and restrioticnR above at eaoh end of that portion of any highwa,y affec:ted thereby, and these restrictions shall be effective a-nd this prohibition effective upon such erection and maintenance of such signs, Adopted this 9th da,y of January, 1952, HENRY SIELING, Attest: chairman, otter Tail county Board. WILLIAM LINCOLN Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. J§ll 9, 52 DATE .......................................... ·· .......................................... 19 ...... . i'he following resol11t1on was adopted: . RESOLU'l'ION BY i'HE BOARD Oil' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Oi'i'ER i'AIL COUNi'Y, MINNF:SOi'A BE IT· RESOLVED, that the Chairman and Clerk forthwith enter into an a~reemant with the State of Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Highways, for the maintenance; except snow plowing of the road described in said agreement as Tempor.ary Trunk Highway No. 78, to-wit: C,A,R, No. 25 from.Jta junction with T,H. No. 78 at the southeast corner of s. 36, T 131, R 41, thence northerly 2.60 miles over said C,A,R, No. 25 to its junction with C,A,R, No. 44 at or near the east quarter corner of S 24, T 131, R 41, thenoe westerly 1.10 miles ov-er-sa,id C,A,R, No. 44 to the west line of saids 24, T 131 R 41, thenoe continuing northerly 2,36 miles to its west junction with O,A,R, No, 27 at the northwest oorner of .s 12, T 131, R 41, thence easterly 0.75 miles over said C,A,R, No, 27 to· its east junction wi.th •C,A,R, No, 44, thenoe continuing northerly 5,lo,.miles over said C,A,R, No, 44 to its junction with a Clitherall TWp. Road at the northeast corner_of S 19, T 132; R 40/ be- ginning again on C,A,R, No. 33 at the south quarter corner of S 16 T 132, ~ 40, thence east 0,50.miles over said C,A,R, No. 33 to its junction with •T,F, No. 78 at the southeast corner of S 16, T 132, R 40; beginning again on C,A,R. No, 25 at or near the west quarter corner of S 19·, i' 131, R 40, thence east- erly 3,50 miles over said C,A,R, No, 25 to its junction with T,'R, No. 78 at the northeast corner of s 21, T 131, R 40; beginning again on C,A,R. No, 27 at the south section line of S 1, T 131, R 41, thence easterly 3.25 miles over said C,A,R, f27 to its junction with T,H, rio. 78 at the southeast corner of s-. 4, T 131, R 40 for a total dista~ce of 19,15 miles, Adopted this 9th day of January, i952, HENRY SIELING, . chairman, Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN clerk. Bid.a for road machinery as advertised' for by the Board were opened and read and representatives of the various companies submitting bids were heard in regard to the merits of their machines. After due consideration, upon motion, the fo~lowing bids were accepted: Geo. T, R,Van co., for one power patrol in exchange for used patrol belonging to the county for the sum of 114,269,00; wm. 'R, Ziegler co., power patrol in exchange for used patrol, for $16,155.15; Minnesota F,W,D, co,, one four-wheel drive in exchange for used machine for $6,699.00, The following names were selected to be placed on the annual Grand and ~etit Jury lists of the county: Leo Geiser Sylvester J[Upher Walt. i',ikkanen Dave Tingum Pa:ul r,Uller E, A, Rosen R. J. 'Hanson John Score Jerome Hertel Arnold Harms Clifford Seeba Henry Poss · JO•bn Femling Francis Nelson Orlando Olson Emil Bentrud Alfred Evavold Anton ward Roy Jacobson Clarence A, Larson C, ,7, Sylte zenneth Aune Marvin Kester Earl Nelson John Strommen Don Bondy Art Boehne Oscar Moen R, Malmgren Alva Helmrioks Ted Fjestad Max Kronneman, Jr, H, E, Swenson E, C, Belmar Ralph Sinner Robert Allison Robert St, Clair Rasmus Rasamuaen Otto DUmont Edwin Paarala Paul Fredricks Erich DUaterhoff ·Mrs, Dewitt Kanne GRAND JURORS. Bluffton ,. New York Mills Vill~e rt " " tt Perham .. Vergas Village " ,. Dent .. " .. Maine DUnn Maplewood Pelican Pelican Rapids Village Norwegian Grove Eagle Lake Amor Leaf Mountain Olitherall i'ordenJ;ak jold Sverdrup Underwood Village , Parkers Prairie :rolden Henning Village Compton :rolden Eastern Deer Creek Carlisle Fergus Falla .City of .Fergus F.all~ " tt " " .. " " .. ,. ,. " ,. .. " .. " MarUn · ])i:unont . L Carl Selander EWald Jokinen Bernard Palub1ck1 ,Tohn Y.Ukowsk1, s·r. wm. Kemper E, A, Peterson Jerome 1'3ertel Robert Fick Ed. Peck, Sr • Fred Quamme Leo Harles Harmon Sillerud Ernest Herting Conrad Strinden William Zander Burton Kimber Martin Hanson Arthur Dryer Oscar Helle Oscar Thunaelle Thomas EVerta Edwin Mielke August Dahle narria Ring Charles Shaw Jack Myers Erwin Minge ff, R,Torkelaon M, E, Bergerud Ted Thompson Frank Crays .Kal Larson . Adolph Jello.son Ed. O'Meara . Henry Winther PETIT JUP.OP.S Newton Blttffton Otto Rush Lake Dead Lake Star Lake Olaf Pary Mrs, Wm, C:eiser Walter Jokela William Delaney '!I, E. Hanoo"Ck Eldon Blake Bluffton New York Milla Village " ~ " " Perham .. ... Vergas Vill~e Dent " " .. Scambler .Pelican Rap!l.ds Village Friberg Trondhjitm DUnn Trondhjem tlidaroa Girard Everts otter Tail St. Olaf Tumuli Battle Lake Village Effington Oak Valley Leaf Lake Elmo Parkers Prairie Village Deer Creek Village Henning Aastad Dane Prairie Orwell City of Fergus Falls " " " " " .. .. .. tJewton. Bluffton Otto Rush Lake ·Dead I,a.ke Star Lake .. " II COMMISSIONERS .RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Mrs. G. E.Griffin Math xremer Gregor Wegscheid Wm. !"aurus . Jl(rs~ Joe 1tlutten M'l'S. R. w. Sohatsohneider Dewe7 Antonsen Renr.v Becker Renr.v Brasel Henr.v Led ermq.n Paul Silbernaeel Herman Luebberman MTS. R. N. tTalvorson Ed. Jaoobs Clifford Dra.vton Alvin Johnson Mrs·. Edward Peck, Jr, Mrs·, Ed. Boe Alvin Da:iager Ole 'l', Ohe osoar Lien CharlieBengston T. A,Davis Emil Fenske RUdolph xrone Ra.v Butcher Perr.v•Trout :i:renry Busch Relmer Hult Alfred Berg Agner Hustad 1n-s. Elmer Hoff Mr&. :o'an Jo•rgensen Phillip Eggum Edmund Engebl'etson Mrs. Ra.V Jones :uonn.v.'l'ostenson Mrs, Russel Stenerson Mrs. Frank Quarnstrom Mrs. Norbert Cordes oscar Remquist Matt Lakso Arthur sarri ore. cook Mrs. Earl Watkins Elmer Le.vh stanle.v Haugdahl urs. John Traub 1,1at·h J. naemer Oscar Liljegren Mrs. H, 0, Carew Oscar L, Lindb:l:om.: Ingvold Bjore Julina Anderson Erwin w. Wegner Martin Ugstad urs. George Burau Vl'III, Dreohsel Walter Schoening Oliver 'l'ysve r Geo. Mittelstadt Ben E, Benson Mi's. Ed. Haller, Sr. Thoe. M, Robertson Pearl sweet Enoch Dahliri.g Mrs, c. o. Utne MJ"s. Harry Hoglund 'Ml's. Harold J. Nelson l,ll's. Albert J. Schmidt Mrs, Selmer Haugen DATE .......................... ~~.~ .... ~ .. ~ ........................................... 19 62 Perham Village Luce Bluffton Village Paddock Butler Corliss Hobart Blowers Pine Lake Perham Edna Dora Pelican Rapids Village " n n tida DUnn Scambler Pelican ?Jorwegian Grove Tronh4em Oscar Erhards Grove M:aine Friberg Otter Tail Girard l1idaros Leaf Mountain Amor EVerts Clitherall Sverdrup Tordenskjold st. Olaf Tumuli Ottertail Village Vining Village Battle Lake Village Comt,1;on Deer creek Elmo Inman Leaf Lake Oak Ve.lle.v woodside " Eastern Renning Village Parkers Prairie Village " " " Deer creek Village " "' " Aastad Aurdal BttSII Carlisle nane Prairie Elizabeth Fergus Palls Orwell Western 526 w. Linden 514 w. T,aul'el 525 1'.l, Channing · 533 n. tincoln 224 E, Alcott 122 E. Vernon 815 N. Vine 317 Oakland Place 524 E. Vernon 419 E. Vasa IN.rt Fankhannel Vergas Village Clarence Mielke Richville Village John Mark New York Mills Village Adoiph Ebersviller Candor· Peter Minten Butler Henry Jorgenson Gorman Mrs. Sylvester Hietala Blowers Fabian Rim-pela '!romestead Barne.v Flath P,ine Lake Aug. Guck Perham Leonard Schepper Edna Mrs •. Walter Engel nora Julius lO'lutson Pelican Rapids Village Mike Halloway Lida M, M. Haugrud DUD1l Ernest Langseth ~cambler Arthur Hovland Pelican Mrs. :irnute Peterson " Ul's, Arnold Jenson Norwegian Grove Herbert Wiess Erhard Village Henry L.vstad Oscar Eddie Knutson Erhards Grove Carl Trites riaine Theo. Palmquist Friberg Herb Reed Girard Frank 'Rardin Nidaros Ure. Harold DUhn Leaf Mo'ljntain Rudolph Holmgren Amor Mrs. Marvin HUstad EVerts M'rs, Ernest Rolandson Clitherall Mathfeld Gamelson Eagle Lake !\lrs. Selvin Garberg Sverdrup Mrs, Allen Hoff Tord~nskjold Chester Risbrudt st. Olaf l!rs. Ned Viger Tumuli Edwin Nelson Clitherall Village J,lrs. Gustav Dalseg underwood Village Irving Rustad Dal ton Vi.Hage T, s. Johnson co~pton R, Zimmerman Effington LlO,Vd Thomas Folden Walfred ~anberg Inman Albert Berggren Henning David Nodsle Parkers Prairie Mrs. Frank wood woodside Mrs.Edwin Skoglund Eastern r.trs. oecar Baglo Henning Village L. O. Nelson n " R, H. Holten Parkers Prairie Vill. Mrs. John Oet " " " Mrs. Marti'n Langemo Deer Creek Village Peter Revering Urbank Village 1ngvold Thorness Aastad Emil Boen Aurdal · H. L. Teberg Buse Andrew Haave Carlisle Bernard Larson Dane Prairie Carl Holthusen Elizabeth Walter Sundberg Fergus :rans Harold Keller Orwell · Mrs.Eugene Davenport Western Cit.V of Fergus Falls t " " " n n n " n n n " " n ,; n .ff " n " " " " n n " " n The following bills were allowed: J. c. Renkes M. c. Lee J. c. Henkes Donald Skripsy J. o. Henk11s western union Bennie J. Johnson George Hanson Henry Sieling Bert Stone Do. Louise stondahl W, R. ·Dewey Theo. Begseth Alfred pUtnam R, r. nuenow Harry T, Burau R. w. Glorvigen Frank C. Barnes Board·of prisoners Dep. sheriff's exp. expenses sheriff dep. sheriff's exp. expenses sheriff telegrams ex-p. attd. meeting " " " " n " " ,, " n ,. .. expenses exp. soil conservation n " .. " n n n II n II .. n Board of Attditors municipal judge's fees $ 133.50 164.30 91~74 97.79 6.60 9.16 10.20 8.52 11.64 10.40 · 14,00 6.95 16.60 24.50 31,60 23.20 19.00 130.00 · 35.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................................... ." ...... Jan• ... ~.! ................. 19 ...... ~2 Normand,v. Cafe · Burroughs Adding Mahe. co, Marchant Cal, Mche. co. Burroughs Adding ~!ahe. co. Miller Hdwe, Oswald Publishing co, Miller-Davis co. Security Blank Book~ Prtg, co. Viator Lundeen & Co, Seourity Blank Book & Prtg. co. Norman L, Jo•hnson J, D, Lightfoot Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Ad4ressograph Soles Agency Seourity Envelope co. The Pierce co. Sirchie Finger Print Lab. Art Printoraft N, W, Pub, Co, Jo·hn L,, Logan Oren Fosse M;Yron T, Duhn H, F, Hinze Carl ,Tahn ,. Joseph Rayner, SJ:, N, W, Bell Tel, do. Do Costello Mfg, co. Marlin Reynolds Larson Bros. Fer.P.us Plumbing ,\ !lea:ting Co, Hin~gen-xarst Elec.co, Lustra Corp, of America Beall & l\{cGowan J• S, Hopponen II, W, Glorvigen Evelaoe G, Hanson Louise Standahl west Pub, co, Johnson Drugs H, W, Glorvigen Perham Telephone co. Ann S. Jordan Do Elliott Film Co, Esther G, Sell Do Fergus Speoialties Co, Hintgen-Y.arst Elec. Co, Philip M, Y.jaglien Do Nelson Bros, Prtg. co. Gamble Store N, W, Bell Tel, Co. Katherine D, townsend Viator L:undeen & co, Fergus water&. Light Dept, Town of Homestead Village of Dent Town of Inman Village of Vining Minn. State San. Viator Lundeen & Co, Nopeming San. Su?IJI.Vrest San. City of Fergus Falls Fergus Falls Ambulance Servioe Olson Auto Elec, co. Larson Bros. Paulson Tire Shop gsoar Rude ighway Garage, Erhard Henry Engelke Wadena Generator & Motor Repair Toftely Bros, Lake Region l.{otor Co. A, B, X1lde Hintz Blaoksmith Shop Field Machine co. Maine Repair Shop Minnesota Motor Co, Minn. Mining & Mfg, co. Nicols, Dean & Gregg Ul'lited Electric Service, Inc, Moore Hardware Bill 1 !! .'Servi.&@ Station Wilcox Lumber Co, Dillon Electric co. coast-to-Coast, Pel,Rpds, Welter Bros. Kimber•s Awniilg co, Wilcox Lumber co., Vergas meals for jurors maln. " ribbon supplies blanks supplies assessment supplies supplies record books aupplies supplies & repairs printing ribbons envelopes supplies for schools " printing tax notice dep. sheriff's fees " " " " " " " " " " mobile service calls su.pplies hauling asheS' repe.irs " bulbs supplies repairs box rent postage " statutes supplies " " " drivers• license exp. phone nurse expenses " postage " film " postage " expenses " supplies repairs etc. itxpen.ees postage etc, envelopes & prtg, supplies services rent supplies light, water etc. care of poor ,, " " " " " " " " patients vet " " " " " " " " " supplies for welfare office co.re of patient " ,, " meals for transients transporting patient repairs " " " .. " " " " " " batteries etc. supplies " II " " " " " " " ser. " " " " " " " " $ 135,30 236,00 31.50 4,26 5.20 12.a~ 38,20 2048,42 55,96 254,84 21.15 26,15 15.30 3,68 56.55 21.24 17,97 14,00 1.68 15,20 66,00 26,00 18.00 77,80 139,20 107.85 37,66 25.80 81,00 11.75 3,75 115,21 30,24 11,25 6,26 2.00 47,00 32,00 61.00 20.01 11,16 6,90 51,06 5,52 1.04 3,00 33,12 10,36 19.00 65.59 7.34 44.38 3,81 17,46 45,00 4,50 16.61 305.26 521.42 2371,36 345,10 791,12 77,60 243,00 20;00 2.22 65,00 91,75 164.64 2,50 15.95 6.50 8,80 4,00 7,08 8.50 20.49 61.04 43.75 3.75 151.08 334,00 72,65 52,89 2,50 8,16 6,28 1.60 21,96 1,25 32,25 12,78 j .. , Fergus Falls, Minn. To----------------September ........ , 194 .. .. The annual installment on your confession of judgment for back taxes will be due next month and unless payment is made to the County Treasurer the confession will be defaulted and you can no longer pay on the installment plan, and penalty and interest will immediately be added to the taxes. This notice is sent you as required by 1941 law which also says "Failure to send or receive the notice shall not operate lo ·postpone any payment or excuse any default under the confession of judgment." The installment due on,----- --------------··········· ......... ----·-----· .................. is$ .. ___ _ Very truly youn, County Auditor. Taxes for----.. which should have been paid last year and now amount to $ ..................... . must also be paid at the same time with above installment. Please return this letter with draft or money order payable to P. M. Ree, County Treasurer. ' ' ' ' ' 7 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... ·-··-····'·····-··-··J.ll.P.., .... 9, ........................ 19 52 coast-to-coast, Henning L1ghtfoot•s Shop Raymond -sros, Uotor Transp, Motor Patrol Assn, City of Fergus ralle Teach Lumber co, p, H, Gust Elevator co. Utility Feed Mill, Inc. Henning Fuel co. The Farmers• Supply The Carew warehouse Winther Lumber & Fuel co. Fred A, EVerts Ernie H, Hoyhtya Eddie Jost Bill Nelson 011 Co, S, & "F, 011 Co, services-Oil co. Root Lake roe & Gas co. Erwin Siegfried Highway Company perham co-op ~11 co. Andersol1' 'I: Sandberg 011 co, Hagge on.co. Penrose 011 co. Henning Oil co. Victor Lundeen & co. O'Meara•s Fergus Specialties co. Minnesota State Highway Dept. H, A, Rogers co. Ernest Sandberg Pelican Telephone Co, N, W, Bell Tele, Co,, P,F, Village of Perham N, w. Bell Tele, co.,·Rennlng Wendell P, Huber W, L, Potter o: D, 'f!arlow Gerald Wold George Olson Wendell P, RUber supplies keys freight towing main. coal " " etc. gravel " gasoline, tires, etc, .. " " " diesel fuel " " " fuel oil supplies " " prints electric current services lon@: d.lstance water charge service expenses .. .. oash advanced. Right of \'lay Iver Enderson Henry Pederson " " " 'I: move fence John Starkey Isabel Cichy, Gdn, Stella Burns Catherine Moore Lloyd· Ott Frances R, Lang George Sanstead Bredahl Imple. Co, Natl, Bushing &Parts ao. ?l, P, Railway Co., B,L. Ra,v' s 011 Co. Fergus 011 co. Construction Bulletin Dorsey, Colman, Barker, Scott & Barber William Lincoln " " " " " " " " " " repairs " supplies freight gasoline " " " " " gas 'I: oil ad. for bide services expenses parts· " " " " " " " " " .. " " " " "" " " A, l'I, Co., Inc. of Minn. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Minn. F,W,D, co. Northwest Engineering co. Geo. T,· RYail Co, Wm, R, Ziegler co., Ino, Paper Calmenson & co. St, Paul Corrugating Co, Skogmo Motors, Inc. Bauok Chev. co. " & cutting edges " " metal--culvert1:1 repairs ReBon Chevrolet co. Fergus Nash Motor co. C, H, Bjorklund. ~ody Shop Oscarson Imple, co. Tichy's Shop " ., " " Monroe Cal cul at ing Mach. co. , Inc. Mcl)lmn "Farm Store · sup91ies Wichterman Implement co. " !Alnneapolis Iron store fre.lght D, A, Lubrioant co., Inc. oil Keuffel & Esser supplies A, & E, Supply Co,, Duluth " Minneapolis Blue Print. co. plan file F, A, Rogers Co, prints Vergas Telephone co. service N, w. Bell Tele, co, services Alvin Loop Right of ~Vay ,'I: move fence Mutual Service Casualty insurance Elsie N, Pederson transcript ~ N, W, Bell Tel, Co, calls / ",4~i-Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to Pell, 13, 1952 at 10 o'clock l, !l, . '). ~ J __ ?°_ ~~-At-t~st: a,v<RL~<¥1(~:~ $ 2,17 3,00 10.53 22.00 260,00 56,20 34,60 103,06 15,75 43,00 34.20 6.12 191,66 62,51 4,38 806,24 59,04 163.54 134,78 124,80 22,48 27,85 74.50 920,38 111.77 8.05 1,85 185,00 · 7.50" 143.76 20.24 4,40 6.95 66,80 16,00 12,31 127.25 45.78 3,35 57.67 18,55 14.44 10,40 41.10 4,55 111,95 2.20 95,25 16.70 24,80- 2,75 1.75 56.76 1,48 43,37 32,05 51.90 500,24 18,54 726,81 4,61 32,67 9.15 854.30 2895,36 3206,17 1775.61 816,49 13,70 9.02 3,74 36.70 Chairman. 2.00 16.40 27,05 · 6-~65· 11.49 2,46 223.93 82,24 2,98 184,59 62.60 15.40 34,95 12;10 18,85 41,58 85.90 COMMISSIONERS RECORD-N,• OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... .F,eb:ruar.v 13 ·····························19 ... §.g MINUTES. OF ADJOURNED MEETTNG OF THE BOA..~D OF COUNTY COMMISSIOliERS. OF OTTER TAIL CO,, M'IlrnESOTA, '.Pursuant to ad iournment the Board met at 10 o'clock !,!l, l'Tednesday Feb. 13, 1952, Present were commissioners Sieling, Johnson, Ranson, Stone and Snowberg, Bids for construction of F,A,S, roads ae oalled for by the Board were opened and referred to the highway engineer for checking, Upon motion, Emil Boen of the Township of Aurdal was appointed weed inspector for Otter Tail County for t~e year 1952 to fill vacancy caused by the death of Edward Johnson, A report of the Board of Audit of an examination of the accounts of P, ll, Ree, doun,_ty Treasurer, at the close of business Dec, 20, 1951 was approved, . A report of the veterans' S-erv ice Offlcer for the month of January was received and ordered placed on file. The bond. of Fred M, Syck, Deputy county Treasurer, in the sum of $5,000,00 with the .Anchor Casualty Co. , ~s surety was approved,.,, Cyril Barnack presented to the Board his application for reduction of assessment on personal pro-perty in the Township of Leaf Mountain for the year 1951 and ~fscusaed with the Board the various assess-ments in that township, The ~oard agreed to take action later in the session, The applioation of Walter Neulieb for reduction in assessed value of the SE¼ NWf and Lot l in Sec. 27, Township of Trondhjem, for the year 1951 was read and the ~oard·-recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $635,00 to $402,00 and the taxes from $85.37 to $53,94, The application of the Minnesota Motor Co. for reduction of assessment on motor vehicles in the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1951 upon which 1951 licensee were issued was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of personal property of said company for said year be'reduced from $13,659.00 to $12,136,00 and the taxes from $2,357,00 to $2,~~4.l~. The application of Fergus Nash Motor do, for reduction of assessment on motor vehicles in the City ~f Fergus Falls for the year 1951 ~pon which licenses for 1951 were issued was read and the Board re-commended to the Commissioner of raxation that the assessed value of ~ersonal property of said company be reduced from $5,424,00 to $4,321.00 and the taxes from $935,97 to $745,64, The application of Wayne St, Claire for reduction of assessment of personal property in the Village of New York 1.tl.lls for the year 1951 was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that ·the assessed value be reduced from $903,00 to ~$724,00 end the taxes from $111,85 to $86,92, The application of Iver Putikka for reduction of assessment of personal property in the Village of New York Mills for the year 1951 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of. said personal property be reduced from $1,577,00 to $944,00 and the taxes from $241.~0 to $137,94, The application of Burton Jorgenson for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Township of Erhards Grove for the year 1951 waa read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $428,00 to $328,00 after allowance of the house-hold exemption provided by law and that the taxes be reduced from $70,49 to $64,02, ~he application of Wilmar Schultz for reduction of·assessment of personal property in the Township of Hobart for the year 1951 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $564,00 to $464,00 after allowanoe of the household exemption provided by law a~d that the taxes be reduced from $85,96 to f10.q2, · The application of Amos Rood for settlement of delinquent taxes for the years 1948-49 and '50 on Lot 9 of Johnson's Beach, ~ownehip ofCorliss, on the ground that for each of said years an assessment was made for structures on said property, whereas, there were no structures for any of those years, was read !µId the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the IJ!titioner be allowed to pay the sum of $10,35 as full settlement of said taxes for said years. · · The application of Earl 11, EVenson for homestead classification of the NE¼ of Sec. 8 in the Town- ship of Aastad for the year 1951 was approved and the taxes ordered redueed accordingly,· The_~pplioation of Walfred Tumberg for homestead classification for the year 1951 of the Ni Sv,t and the SW¼ Swt of Seo. 34; Town of Newton, was read and, upon motion, waa granted anq the tax ordered re-duced accordingly, The application of Edward Rund for homestead classification for the year 1951 of the El of lett.ered Lot "Y", Sawbridge and Lowry•s Addition in the City of Fergus Falls, was ·read and, upon motion, the ap-plication was approved and the tax ordered reduced accordingly. A delegation of citizens from the Townships of ~rhards Grove and Maplewood appeared before the Boards to urge improvement of road on the town line between said townships, Bid~ for cutting edges, metal and concrete culverts: also tires, tubes ar.d batteries to be furnish-ed during the year 1962, were opened and read and referred to the highway engineer for checking. A Plat of R,Van's Beach in the Township of. Edna accompanied by a certifio~te of title executed by M, J, Daly, Attorney-at-law. was approved. A Plat of the Pirst Addition to Gossles's Beach in the Township of l)Unn, acoompanied by a certificat of title executed by Sharp~ Saetre, Attorneys-at-law, was approved, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... }ebruary _.13 •&, ... l.4' .............. 19 52 The following reports of ~ees received by oounty·officials during the calendar year 1961 were ap-proved: Henry ~iel1ng,,co1mty comm1Bsioner, $1,215,00; Bennie J. J9hnson, dounty. c,ommlasioner, $:J.,215,0 George Hanson, County Commissioner, $,1,215,00; .. Bert stone, county Commissioner, $1,2],5,00; J.Carl Snowber , county Commiasi"oner, $1,215,00; J, a. Henkes, Sheriff, $4,633.32; William LinoC?.ln, County uditor, $4,633.32; H, W,Glorvigen, Clerk of court, $4,333.32; Louise Stondahl, county Superintendent. of Schools, $4,333,32; J, N, Haagenson, Judge of Probate, $4,633.32, The application of Cyril Barnack for reduction of personal property assessment was again taken up an, upon motion, the same was rejected, Examination of the bids for F.,A,S, roads having been completed and reported to the Board, upon motion, the Board recommended to the commissioner of Highwe,v~ that the bid ofAlfred EVavold on F.A.S, Job 56-532-03 S,A,R, No, 5 in the s11m of $30,866.21 be accepted, The Bdard also recommended. to the commissioner of Highways that the bid of Bain, Roberts and Bain on Job 56-503-04 S,A,R, No, 5 in the sum of $22,586,04 be accepted. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted wtth Minnesota F,W,D, co, for Model H,R,F,W,D, truck 1l'ith Wausau one-way plow in exchange for used truck, and Whereas, same has been delivered to and accepted by the county, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county auditor and chairman of the·Board are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge fund of the county in the sum of $6,699,00, Adopted Feb, 13, 1952, HENRY SIELING Attest: chairman. WILLIAM LINCOLN clerk. The Board considered bids which had been called for and made the following awards: All bids for cutting edges, culverts and bridge material that were received were accepted; also all bid's for equipment rental- The Board also accepted the bid of Bill Nelson 011 co. for tubes, and batteries and also for tires. Bid o~~i:t».-~J~;,J!;u!? ~':W¥1~~1~pted. tfi,on motion, the Board then adjourned to Wednesday, Feb. 14, at 10 o'clock A,M, TP.URSDAY'S SESSION, PUrsuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, Feb. 14, 1952, all members being pr_esent. The petition of Thor rhorson to set over the SE¼ of Sec. 83, in the Township of Aastad, and the petition of Palmer, Clara, Roy E, and Morris Baasen to set over the SW¼ of Sec, 33, 'Pown of Aastad, from Dist, 119 to Dist. no. 5 ofGrant county was read and it was ordered that hearings on said petitions be had. at the session of the Board to be held Mar, 12, 1952 at 10 o'clock A,M, at the commissioners• Room in the court House, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearings be given as provided by law, . County Agents Nick weyrens and Alden Booren and County Home Demonstration Agents Judith Nord and Ruth Gustavson presented to the Board annual reports of their depar~menta, Upon motion, these reports were ordered placed on file, U·pon motion, the·Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for 25,000 yards of gravel and for hauling 125,000 cubic yard miles, said bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A,M, Mar. 11, 19~2. Upon motion, Highway Engineer Huber was authorized to attend the Mississippi Valley Conference of State Highway officials at Chicago on Mar, 6th, 7th and 8th. The foilowing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the sum of $1,000,00 be and the same hereby is appropri~ted out of the Revenue Fund of the ooun~· ty to the Otter Tail county Historical Society for the year 1952, Adopted Feb. 14, 1952, Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN clerk, The fo~lowing bills were allowed: J, c. Henkes Runningen Cafe M, c. Lee Ral,ph Rosenberg Donald Skzi.psy expenses Dep, sheriff's exp. 11 " " " " " " " HENRY SIELING Chairman. '$ 44.70 2,95 90.30 12,90 85.86 COMMiSSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... Ji'!ebr.uo.:r.y ... 14., ............................. 19 ..... 52 • Western union J. c. Henkes Dr. C!, ·J. Lund Dr,.H, 'R', Leibo-ld Bennie•J. Johnson George Hanson Henr.v Sieling Bert Stone Louise Standahl H.J. Henning Frank Roberts Albert Fritz Douglas county Carl Jahn Do. Do Oren Posse Geo. P. Schmitz John L, Logan Wilson Wimer Gust Lundquist Addressograph Sales Agency Marchant Cal. Mahe, co, 1)0 Monroe Cal, Mche, Co, Frank C, Barnes E, P, Getchell Farnham StRt,V, & School Sup. co. Victor Lundeen & co, Fergus Specialties co. Fritz-arose co. Ugeblad Publ, 00, Remin_gton Rand, Inc, Art Printcraft Nelson Bros, Prtg. co. Miller-Davis Co, Fergus Journal Co, lforth Western Publ. co, Perham Enterprise Bulletin Henning Advocate Battle Lake Review The Independent Pelican Rapids Press Fergus Journal co, N, W, Bell Tel, Co, Sout•h 11J.ll standard Service W, $, Darley Sears Order Office Norby Dept, Store N, '\Y, Bell Tel, Co, Do J, S, Hopponen Fergus Lumber & Fuel co •. Ferr.us Glass & Paint co. Hintgen-Xarst Beall & McGowan Co, Louise stondahl H, W, Glorvigen DO Do Johnson Drugs Estrem Clinic Mason Publ, co, Barke, Allison & Darby Perham Tele. co. Natl. Organization for ,Ublio Health Ann s. Jordan Do Do Esther G, Sell Do Do V·ictor Lundeen II: co. General Supply co. Fergus Oil co. Philip M, Y.jaglien The Henning Advocate Philip M, Xjaglien Katherine D, Townsend N■ w·. Bell Tel. co. Viator Lundeen & Co, City Water & Light Dept. Div, of Publio Institutions Nopeming Sanatorium Ramsey Oo, Welfare Board Dr, H, H. Leibold Nopeming sanatorium· sunn.vrest Sanatorium tlinn. State Sanatorium Dr. Thoe, J, Kinsella Village of Parkers Prairie Village of Henning telegrams-sheriff boarding prisoners coroner's· fees " " exp. attd, meeting " " •ff ff• .. " " expenses .. " exp. weed insp. short course " " " ff" " exam, of insane D~P• sheriff's exp, ,, " " " " " " " ,. . " " constable fees " " maintenance " rent of machine ribbon " " " " municipal judge's fees supplies files supplies " " letter heads supplies blanks supplies " pri.nting publ. P,P. ll'ax " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " mobile service lists ., " " " " gasoline for snow plow -s11pplies jail .. "· " " calls ,. labor & supplies jail coal 11upplies labor~ supplies supplies postage .. attd. convention drivers' license supplies exp. services jail subscription Dept, Treas, bond services subscription expenses nurse postage supplies ex·penses supplies postage supplies " fuel oil expenses subscription expenses rent services supplies " " " " " " Vt, Ser, " " " " " " " " water & light care of inmate oare of patient commitment Exp, examinations care of patient poor " " " " " services poor ex-penses " ,. " " " " " " " " " l.60 124,50 124,25 11.25 19.50 · 19,50 31.52 14.00 23.95 24.50 39,55 39,45 · 49,97 19,·oo 14.50 39,90 28,50 8,80 26,40 23.00 10.00 22.55 35,00 35,00 1.10 65,00 100,00 25,50 54.38 187.21 8,80 37.50 510,50 16,75 95,38 33,09 298,10 273,40 356.60 253,40 338,20 249.80 357,80 720,60 83,15 1,47 24,38 16.80 1.53 23.00 7Z.30 10,90 1703.80 14,75 28,04 11.25 31,72 77,00 37,99 33.30 46,66 66.00 52.50 51.00 6,65 4,00 67,86 6,36 4,86 38.27 1.95 4,96 5.66 2.00 6,60 83,93 2.00- 8.48 45,00 19,30 30.02 19.91 2733.32 25:blO 12,96 24.00 25:blO 25.00 118.28 100.00 142.76 49.95 ..: COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN: tebruary 14, 52 DATE ......................... · -·········· .. ······················ .................... -... 19 ....... . IRIIID NPll!IICP■r Town of Everts Town nf Pola.en Town of Eastern Village of dl1 therall Town of Perham Town of Pelican Town of Otto Village of Pelloan Rap1aa Town of Oscar Town of raaar·oa Village of New York Mill•a H. J, Henning X1nne•s Ino. Home & Farm Supply Larson Bros, A, B, Xilde Co, Field Machine co. Jaen1ah Induetriea Olson Auto Elec, co. skogmo Motors, Inc. Bjorklund Body Shop Farm Center We.ldlng VergfS Motor Service .Rea Arrow Carage Charles d. Olson Elec. Bauok Chev, do. Crow Motors T1chy's Shop Vaughn Chev, co. Wlok'a Garage Chaffee•s Garage Hintz&: Son Blaoksm1th Shop Re Bon Chev, co. Il1ools-1)ean &: Gregg H1ntgen-Karst . Fergus Falls Monument co. Toftely Bros. Hdwe. Olson ~dwe. & Furn. co., und. Thelen Implement Co, George Money Moore Jrardware Dillon Electric co. Minnesota Uotor co. Ernest Sandberg John Dieaeth co. Fergus Lumber Jc.Fuel co. Nyman Fuel co • P, H, Gust Elev., Vergas The Farmers• Supply Henning Fuel Co, The Carew warehouse Frea A, EVerts Bill Nelson Oil Co, ~arthun I Peterson Oil Co, Nunaahl Oil co. Twins Motor Co, Walt's Stanaard service Jennings Edman l!', L, ·Rairdln West Lincoln Shall Skelly·Serv1ce Station Hagge 011 co. Todd County Highway Dept. Geo. Frost A, J, Kaufman of Minn. Farms Co, Margaret coste'llo Wendell P, Huber George Olson w. L, Potter Wendell P, 'R'Uber Nortllern Bank' .Note •CO.· A, W, Oo., Inc. of Minn. Dakota Traotor &: Equ1pt. Co, Cummins Diesel Sales Corp, Klauer Mfg. Co, Minnesota l!',W,D, Co, Geo, T, Ryan Jc co. Rosholt Equipt. co. Ruffrldge-Johnson Equipt. co._ Win, H, Ziegler co., Inc. St. Paul Corrugating co. Paper, ·calmenaon &: co. Ottertail co-op Oils Empire supply co. Ehnbom Motor co, Duro-Test corp. Service Recorder Co. Y.:nuttila Imple, Co, r..,vle Signs, Ino. Olaf Eckley, ClRra Eckley\: Federal Land Bank poor expenses Poor " " " II " " II " " oa!'e of poor " " .. " " " .. " " " " postap.e " .. " .. " " " " parts R & B " repairs " " .. " " .. " " " " .. " " n· " " supplies . " " " " " " " batteries eto, elec. ourrent steel ooal " " " " " eta. gasoline eto. " " II ff " " " " diesel fuel snow removal & main. move fence Right of way " " " & move fence expenses " It cash advanoed servioes parts " " .. " " " " " Jc cutting edges oulverts cutting edges repairs " " supplies " " eigns gravel $ 366.43 308,12 319,87 1182.30 154.10 387.02 194.64 311.57 447.48 721.80 773,68 44.72 1493,68 1.89 116.05· 17.06 92.42 16.72 87,83 .9·:·55 60.60 12.65 19,14 11,65 2,50 20,41 3.96 15.76 3.57 5,10 10,50 50,35 7,19 172.99 1,65 79.25 13,16 18,00 4.46 7.00 5,60 63.22 276.81 6.00 6.12 58.22 32.80 89,90 100.15 17.50 30,39 121.49 442,79 96,59 83 .• 76 144.72 29,30 47.51 20 .• 04 4,93 44.86 685.61 95;00 19.80 20.80 21.60 113.56 19,20 35.28 13,22 414.49 389.76 6.33 148.79 12:81 3,67 226.49 32.75 320~78 1071.33 2285.80 618,00 13,40 3.24 49,67 47.28 76.62 1,90 24,55 277.20 COMMISSIONERS RECORD.N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN~ DATE ........................ · .. F'.ebruer.I ... 14, ....................... 19 ..... ~.2 D, A.·Lubrloent do., Inc. H. x.·stehl co.~ E. A.Blaese Beuok'Chevrolet co. A• '9. · Carpenter Penrose Oil co. Raymond Bros. Motor Tran,. co. Railway Express Agency, B.L. Minneapolis Blue P.rint co. Minnesota State Highway Dept. Keuffel & Esser ~o. Victor Lundeen & co. Panama C~rbon do. A, IE. Supply co. Tfonroe calculating iviBch. co. The Globe-Gazette co. R. A.· Rogers co. N. w. Bell Tel. Co. DO Peli.can Tele. co. N. w. · Bell Tele. c'o., Henn. construction Bu·lletin MUtuel S'ervioe Casualty F·ergus Journal co. L. J. Fjosne The county Auditor presented to the Board 1951. Upon motion, the statement was approved .. ,., The following resolution wee adopted: oil " gasoline " " &: freight express prints .. express supplies " " .. forms services etc. diesel fuel long distance services " ad. for bids insurance ed. for bids services $ 516.12 -32.23 •62.06 167.64 238.82 20.79 4.45 4.91 34.22 2.99 13.35 6.25 3.70 1.00 18.54 354.49 45.45 · 34.95 10.25 6.73 44.10 487.30 19.20 44.00 financial his-f~eer statement of the county for the calendar year and slgned by all mer.:'be::-s of the Board. Be it resolved that pursuant to CJ'}.epter 161.03, Subdivisiqn 26 .. through .. 29, Minnee,bte ·~tatnte.e 19.49, the CPP.1J11is15ioner of Highways be appointed es the agent of the C::ounty of Otter Tail to ·let es its agent a contre2,t for the construction of that portion of state aid road No. 12 described as follows: From 5.5 Miles-_s_ • .w_ •. __ o.f_DenL.t.oJent, __ and the ohai:11man and the auditor ere hereby i.eutho:cized and directed for and on behalf of the county to execute·enci enter into a contract with the commissioner of Highwa,ys prescrib- ing the terms end conditions of such agency in the form as set forth end contained in "Minnesota Depart- ment of Highways Agency Contract Form No. IV", a copy of whioh said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the county all of the contractual obligations therein contained, Adopted this 13th day of February, 1952., Henry Sieli~ chairmen of oouny Board • .Attest: . William Linooln ---------"'------.0•1--e--r"'k.,.-. -- The following resolution was adopted: Be it .resolved that pursuant to Ohepter 161.03, Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the commiBB loner of Highways be appointed as :the agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of State A-id Road ?Jo. 4 deacribed es follows: From C.A.R. #40 N,.E, of Pelican Rapids to 1 .2 Miles East, end the chairmen end the auditor ere hereby authorized . and directed for and on behalf of the county to execute end enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms end conditions of such agency in the form as set forth end contained in "Minnesota Department of High\Vll9S Agency Contract Form No. IV", a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming o-n behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 13 day of February, 1952. Henry Sieling chairmen of county Board. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. The follo\Ying re,eolution 1vas adopted: :se it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 161.03, Subdi.vision 26 through 29, Uinnesota Statutes 1949, the Commissioner of Highwo.,ve be appointed as the agent of the Oounty of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contr-act for the oonstruction of that portion of State Aid P.oed Ho. 7 described as follows: · From o.5 !,Ii. w. of Almore to T.R, #29, and the chairmen and the auditor are he~eby authorized end directed for and on behalf of the County to execute end enter into a contract with the commissirmer of Highways prescribing the terms end aonditione of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form No. IV", a cop~• of which said form was before the board, assuming on beha1f of the county all of the oontraot11al obligations therein contained. · · Adopted this 13 day of Febru.ery, 1962. Attest: Henry Sieling Chairman of ¢aunty Boera. William :r,incoln clerk.. The following resolution was adopted: COMMISSIONERS RECORD. N,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. February 14, 52 DATE .... : ................................................................................... 19 .,. .. . J Be it reaolvea that pursuant to Chapter 161.03, Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, The commissioner of HiBhways be a9pointell as the agent of the county of otter Tail to let as .lts af;ent a contract for the construction of that portion of State Aid P.oaa No. 2 described as follows: From West Co1.U1ty Line to 4.0 J,11. E. and 1.0 Mi. N., and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and di- rected for and on behalf of' the County to execute ana enter into a contract with the Commissioner,· of' Highways prescribing the terms and oondl tions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota l)epartment of Highways Agency contract Form Mo. IV, a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the county all of the contractual obligations therein oontainea. Adopted thl.s 13 day of February, 1?52. Attest: ·wnuam Lincoln clerk. The following resolution was aaopted: Renry S ieli11g chairman of county Board. Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 161.03, Subalvision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the commiss~oner of Highways be appointed as the agent of' the county of otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construct.ion of that portion of State Aid Road Ho. 9 aesoribed aa follows: From Trunk Highway #34 to north county Line, and-the chairman and the auditor a;re hereby authorized and direct ed for and on behalf of' the County. to execute and enter into a contract with the commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and condi tlons of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency contract Form No. IV", a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the county all of the contractual obligations therein containea. Adopted this 13 day of Februar,f,· 1952. Attest: Henry Sieli~ chairman Of aunty Board William Lincoln clerk. u-pon motion, the Board then edjournea to J,lar. 11, 1952 at 10 o'clock A, M. r ~Iraan. I" I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................................................................................... 19 ... . COMMISSIONERS .RECORD ·N, _OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... ).iaz:.• ... 6, .. 1952 ........................ .19 ..... .. ?.f.CNUTJ':S OP' SPTo:CIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COUI.ITSSIO~RS OF OTTER TAU COUNTY, MINlIBSOT A, Pursuant to call signed by all members of the county board a apecial session was held at the Commissioners' ~oom in the eourt House in Fergus Falls at 2 o'clock P. M. Mar. 6, 1952, all,members being present, The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMI.USSIONERS OTTEP. TAIL COUNTY, MINll, BE IT RESOLVF.D That the:commissioner of Highways be ,and he hereby is authorized and requested to take such steps and perform such acts on behalf of the County of otter Tail as may be necessary to have the' construction and improvem'!nt of the roads hereina:f'tP.r described properl,V approved b,v the Com- missioner of "Ublic Roads as a Federal-Aid secondary project eligible for the expenditure of federal funds thereon and eligible for present construction and the letting of a contract therefor, · Road No~ Adopted this 6th day of. March, 1952, Attest: William Lincoln · <?!erk. Description 1.5 Miles ?lest of Hillview to 4,0 Miles southwest of Hillview. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned. ~ , $25,000.00 Henry Sieling chairman. ~ ~, ·. 1'7f ~1rman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL CQUNTY, MINN. Mnroh ll, 52 DATE ..............•........................... •.·······-··························-·······19 ....... . MINUTES OF ADJOt:JRNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COhU,ITSSIO~RS OF OTTER TAIL COUN'l'Y MINNESOTA l'Urs~tsnt t.o adjo:urnment, the Board met at 10 o'olook A, M, Mar. 11, 1952. Present were Commis- sioners Sieling, ~ohnson, -Hanson, Stone and Snowberg, The following resolution w"'s adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail count;, Minn,: Whereas, this Board has heretofore oontracted with Braden construction Co, for one B & G. Sloper attachment, and Whereas, same has been reoel.ved and acce9ted b,v the county, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of' the Board are authorized and direoted to issue to said company a warrant on theRoad and. Bridge f'und of the oounty_in the sum of $1,101.25. Adopted uar. ll, 1952. HENRY J. ·stELING, At~~~t! WILLIAM LU1COLN clerk. A proposal of the Federal Department for rate for board of' united States prisoners in the Otter Tail county jail was oonsldered, Upon motion, it was rejected. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County,. 1'-inn,: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contraoted with Wm. JJ .• Ziegler co,, Inc. for one Caterpillar No. 12 with snow plow and wing, and Whereas, same has been received and aocepted by the county, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the countyAuditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant on the Road and Brtd.ge fund of the county. in the suni of $16,155.15. Adopted Mar, 11, 1952. HENRY g, SIELING chairman. Attest: WILLtAM LINCOLN cierk. A report of Charles L, Alexander, court Commissioner, showing fees received during the calendar year 1951 in the sum of. $366.70 was approved. . Applications for "On and Off''' sale beer licenses for the year commencing Apr. 1, 1952 were approved as follows: Perry SWenson, North Dora Store, in the Township of Dora; Roscoe Smith, at resort in Seo. 34, Town of Dora; William~• Taylor, at Taylor's Landing, Town of EVerts; Floyd Shel, at Shol's Resort, Town of Friberg; c. s. Jensen, at Glass Bar, in the Town of Girard; James Vejvoda, resort, Town of Rush Lake; Frank N, Quint and I(Usta E. Lind, resort, Town of Leaf Lake; Oliver Gravley~ Pine Haven Club, ~own of Inman; F. L, Rairdin, store, Town of Inman; .Gisle u. Froseth, Pleasure Park Resort, Town of Otter Tail; and Virgil Newborg, store, ~own of Friberg. Upon motion, it was· decided that the canvassing Board for the president isl primary election be held at 10·,o'clock A, M,, Friday, March 21st, and Commissioners Sieling and Johnson were appointed as the two members of the County Board to serve with the County Auditor, Clerk of Court and the Mayor of Fergus Falls, lifl>On motion, the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for ~rading and graveling surfaoe on certain county projects, bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board Apr. 8, 1952 at 2 o'clook P. M, The application of c. Murray 'R'Unt for reduction of assessment on personal property in the City of Fergus Falls for 1951 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $320,00 to $170,00 and the taxes from $37.96 to $x2,07, The application of Harold Windela for homestead classification for the year 1961 on the NE¼ SE¼ and the SE¼ SE¼ of Sec. 35, T,own of Homestead, was approved and taxes ordered reduced accordingly. The application of E, A, Vollmer for homestead classification for the year 1951 on the st SE¼ of Seo. 32, ~own of Leaf Lake, was approved and taxes ordered reduced accordingly. The appl1oation of Pred Stilabower for homeatead·classification for the veer 1961 on the Et S\fl and the SW¼ S,\'F¼-of Sec. 1, ':!,)ownahip of ~lizabeth, was approved and taxes ordered ·reduced accordingly. The applioation of the City of Fergus Falla for caneellat1on of taxes for 1950 and 1961 on the City airport in the Township of Carlisle were read ·and the ~oard recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that said taxes be cancelled as follows; Year 1950, ~203,98 and year 1961, $222,12. Bide for screening, crushing and hauling gravel as advertised for by the Board were opened and read and awarded to the lowest bidder, A. R. \'1inke·lman at $20, 750,00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... March .. 11, .................................. J9,. 52 The application ofG·eorge V. Ivers for settlement of delinquent taxes for the year.a 1948-49 and '50 on small tract in Lot 26 of San Dee cove·.-Beach in the Township of Lida was read and the Board recommend ed to the.Commissioner of Taxation that the taxes on Seid tract be settled for the sum of $2.00. The application of urs. Walter Beckos for cancellation of aseessment for piano in the City of Fergn Falls for the= y~ar 1951 on the ground that same ·was not owned by her and \Vas also assessed to the owner for the same year; was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Tuation that the personal property of said claimant be reduced from $153.00 to ~123;oo and the taxes from $9.15 to $3.97. ThtJ!. application of Harold Windels for homestead claseif'ication for 1951 on the Et~ of' Sec. 35 in the Township of Homestead was granted and taxes reduced accordingly. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to March 12, 1952 at 10 o'clock A. M. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. 11'[., v1ednesday, Mar. 12, 1952, all members being present. The application o·f Thor Thorson to be set over from Dist. l-l,-9 to Dist. uo. 5 of Grant County was taken up for f·inal action. After listening to interested parties and the' county superintendent of schools, upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit:· Whereas, The petitio~ of Thor Thorson. a legal voter, freeholder and resident of of School Distriot no. 119 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District. and adjoin School District No, 5, Grant Co, and asking that he with hls said lands may be set of.f' from said District Ho. 119 to BA.id adjoining school district Mo. 5, Grant Co, was presented. to the Board of county commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of February A. D., 1952 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was there- upon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 12th day of March A. D., 1952 at the Commissioners' Room in theCourt House in the City of Fergus Falls in said•Oounty; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in eaoh of the school districts to. be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of these.id Eoard of county Commissioners on·said 12th day of Maroh A. D., 1952 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petit:i:onwas publicly read and considered .b,v the Board, with everything which was said by BA.id interested parties for or against grant- ing the pra,.yP.r of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be gre.nted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that thP. said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him to-wit: S"E¼ of Sect ion 33 Township 131 Re.nge 43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School Distr.ict No, 119 to said adjoining School District No. 5, Grant co. and said -lands are hereby made a part of said last named School Distr,ict for all purposes whatever. BY order of the Board of countyCommlssioners. Dated the 12th day of March A. D,, 1952. (Auditor's Seal) Henr.y-Sieling chairman of theBoard of county com- missioners of Otter Tail county, !.Unn. Attest: William Lincoln county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board, The petition of Palmer Baasen et al to be set over from Dist. 119 to Dist. No. 5 of Grant County was taken up for flnal action. After listening to interested parties and the County Superintendent of School , upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Vlhereas, The petitoh of Palmer, Baasen, Clara Baasen, Roy E. Baasen ~ Morris Baasen, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District NO, 119 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 5 Grant co, and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said District No, 119 to said adjoining School District No. 5 Grant co. was presented to the Board of county Commissioners of this County at a session of said Board held on the 14th day of February A. D., 1952 for the action ofsaid board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 12th d.ay of March A. ']). 1952 at the Commissioners' Room in the Court ~ouse in theCity of Fergus Palls in said County; and whereas it we.sfurther ordered in and by said order thA.t notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts ~o be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said school districts~ a copy of said order at least ten days before the time ap- pointed for such hearing: and whereas at the said session of the said Board ofCounty Commissioners on said 12th day of March A. D., 1952 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as there in directP.d and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said in: terested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said p,ti tion should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determi_ned, that the said petitioner and the following described lands.owned by him, to-wit: SVT¼ of Section 33 Township 131 Range 43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 119 to said·adjoining School District No. 6 Grant co. and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of county commissioners, Dated the 12th day of !,{arch A. D., 1952, (Auditor's Seal) Henry Sieli!lf chairman ot~he Board of county com- missioners of Otter Tall county.Minn. Attest: William Lincoln county Auditor, and ex-officio clerk of Boar~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Mar. 12, 52 DATE ........................................• • .... ·····-···································19 ....... . Upon motion, the Board authorized en increase of salary of l)or.is Aldous, ol;erk for Veterans' Service Otfioe, of $10,00 per month oommenoing Mar. 1st. A delegat.ion of citizens from New York Mills. discussed with the Board the question of connection of storm sewer system of the Village with ao-unty Dit.9h, No. 38. No action was taken. Pursuant to due oall and notice thereof, a regular meetin5 of the Board of County Commissioners of otter ~ail'dounty, Minnesota, was duly held at the commissioner's Room in the court House in the City of PJe•rgus Falls, M1nnesota0 ·on March 12, 1952, all members being present. commissioner Johnson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR TRANSFER OF Fmms FROM S"ECIAL ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND TO ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND AND FROM S"PECIAL ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND TO REV- ENUE "FUllD. Expend! tures having been made by the' Road and Bridge Fund and Revenue Fund of Otter Tall dounty, ?.U.nnesota which are in fact true expenditures of the Speoial Road n~d Bridge Fund, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, BY the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota as follows: l. That exoenditures made of the Road and Bridge Fund of otter Tail County, Minnesota properly expendi- tures of the.Special Road and Bridge FundB, are as follows: ROAD AND BRTDOE: Eng1neer1n5 and Right of WB3 for 1951 Servioe Bond Election T. J. EVenson and associates yaps ~ngineers Expense with Election Jan. 1952 Jan. 1952 Mar. 1952 Dorsey, Colman, Barker, Scott and ~arber William Lincoln Expense Northern Bank rrote co. (Printing Bonds) TOTAL ROAD A1IID BRIDGE FUND. for 1951 fo:r 1951 $21,188.ll 2,000.00 253.57 156.56 23,598.56 500.24 18.54 414.49 24,5!31.51 NOW TltERF.FORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY the Board. of county commissioners of ot tei: Tail county, 1/linnesota that there shall be transferrea from the ~pecial Road end Bridge Fund t.he sum of $24,531.51 to the Road alld Briage Fund as reimbursement for such expenditures. 2, In like manner, expenditures have been made from the Revenue Fund of Otter Tall county, Minnesota properly chargable to the S'peolal Road and Brid5e Fund as follows, to-wit: REVENUE: 1951 Speoial Bond Election (Judges & etc,) 1951 Special Bond Election-Canvassing Board 1951 Speoial Bond Eleotton-Rent of Bldg. 1951 Special Bond Election-constables 1951 Printing Envelope~. Postaee; etc. 1951 Publishing of Minutes c11:Notlce of Bond Sale TOTAL REVENUE FUND ~4.506,35 10,00 5.00 15.60 472'~9(:)" 100,30 5,110.15 NOW1 TP.EREPORE BE IT R~SOLVF.D, BY the Board of. County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota that there shall be transferred from the Special Road and Bridge wund the sum of $5,110,15 to the Revenue Fund as reimbursement for such expenditures, The proper County Officials of otter Tall county, are hereby authorized and directed to take whatever steps may be necessary to complete the transfer of funds as designated by this Resolution. !.!arch 12, 1952 Attest:· William Lincoln county Auditor Henry Sieling Ch~irman of county Board The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolutl.on was duly seconded by commissioner Snowberg and on vote being taken carried unanimously and we.a directed duly passed and signed, and authorized b1 the Chairman and County .Auditor. The.following resolution was adoptP.d: .. RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSintIBRS OTTER 'J'AIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Since the county of Otter Tail has been unable to acquire 90 per oent or more of the sig~ers for right of way on the road project from 1.0 mile south of Vogel's Store to 4.0 miles northeast on State Aid Road No. ~2 (S.P, 56-5f2-04, S 690 (4)., NOW, TIJFJREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County that the F.A.S. funds allocated for this project be transferred to the project on State Aid Road No. 12 from Dent and southwest 5.5 miles ts.p. 56-502-05, s 690 (5), Adopted this 12th day of Maroh, 1952, Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. Renry Sieling Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... -: ....... Uar .•... l.2 ................. _ ....... 19 .... 5.2 .. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COtmTY COidMISS-IONERS OTTER TAIL COUI~TY, Mili"NESOTA Whereas, otter Tail County in the past had been operating its Road and Bridge Fund at a large defici and realized that such operation would eventually ruin its system of roads, there was presented to the voters at a special elect.ion the proposition of bonding the county for $2,500,000 for specified road and bridge improvements, and Whereas, this bond issue was aoprove~ by the voters and with government approval $1,500,000 of this money has become available, and Whereas, in order to carry out the roRd improvements under this bond issue, it is necessary for the County to acquire additional financial help from Federal Aid Secondary Funds, and Special Aid from the State Board of Allotment, Now, therefore, be it resolved, that a request be made to the State Board of Allotment for special aid in the amount of $15,000 to assist in the construction of a stabiilized bituminous base on the road listed below: S,A,R, # 1 -Length 12,6 mi~es. Total estimated cost of project: From 1,0 mile south of Porters Corner to Otter Tail Lake. $77 ,857.~35 Adopted this 12tq da,v of Tllarch, 1952. Attest:· William Lincoln Clerk, The following bills were allowed: J. C, Henkes DO Carl ,7ahn John L.Logan 1l, C, Lee Donald Skrlpsy Joseph Rayner, sr. \Veetern union Lightfoot•e Shop H, L, Allen J. d. Penney Co, R; F, Rinze Imperial Supply co. !label Wenstrom J,6uise Standahl . DO . Mable Roseow Evelace G, Ranson H, W, Glorvigen Dr. John G. Freeman N, W, Publ. Co, Battle Lake RJView ,ergus Journal co. The Independent Perham Enterprise Bulletin The Pierce co, E, R, Swenson Ins, co. Barke, Allison -~ Darby Fnank C, Barnes John Y.Ukowske Jr, Fergus Falls Rifle~ Pistol Club Bennie J, Johnson George Hanson Henry Sieling Wm. P, Ludwig P.useell Shipley F.dwin H. Skoglund Dr, H, H, Leibold J:i:. T. Langemo Stanley Moe Leonard Olson, Marshal Richard E, Kausler Fargo Rubber stamp works Odin Johnson Art Printcraft \I, L. Allen_ South Mill Standard Service nuro Test corp. Hillyard Salee co. Fergus Specialties co. DO DO Victor J,undeen -!I: co. Panama carbon co, J. s. P.oppon~n ~homas & Grayston Co, boarding:ptisoners expenses dep. sheriff's exp. " " " " " " " " " telegrams " .. " labor i supplies fare of Minneapolis supplies (jail) dep. sheriff's exp. supplies expenses cards & envelopes expenses clerical work postage oom. drivers licensee exam. of insane tax notices tax notices printing publ, del, tax list verified accounts supplies insurance " mun. court fees " judges " practice _a.'llllluni t ion exp. attd. meeting " " " .. " mun. court witness fees " " " " " .. " " constable fees " interpreter fees rubber stamps hauling supplies " gas for snow plow supplies " " supplies-sheriff typewriter ribbon supplies " labor supplies Henry Sieling Chairman. R /t:·B Rev. $ 285,00 24.94 12.00 11,50 53.50 59.65 33,00 11.14 65.20 9,l:4 137.25 6,50 6.76 28.87 42,32 72,09 10,00 45,00 28,55 20,00 3,36 9,60 8.40} 81,40 1004.40 36 .• 25 ,67 23.75 2,885.00 100.00 60,00 100,00 lOl.20 8.52 13,44 7,00 7,00 7,00 7,00 5,00 5-00 18,00 14.00 30,50 1,00 10,l;iO 38,62 1,18 17.88 124.85 27,45 140,30 2,75 162,22 6,25 23,45 12.34 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... -.....JJl'.ar • ... 12, ............................... 19. 52 Pouoher Printing~ Lithographing co. lliller ~ l)aViB co. Security Blank Book~ Printing co. Fritz-Croes co. Nelson Broe. Printing co. lf, vi. Bell Tel, co, · Do 1)0 Perham Telephone co. Ann Jordan Do Esther G, Sell 1)0 . Town of I,ida Town of Me.plewood Town of 'F'riberg Minnesota State sanatorium Sunn,vreet sanatorium · Glen Lake 8anatorium Y.lauer Mfg. co. R~lph Stark, Inc, Service Reoorder co. Le;rson Br-os. Skogmo Motors,, Inp. C, H, Bjorklund. Body Shop Rasset ,Broe, Olson Auto Eleotrio Johnson & Blaok R, J• Schmidt . RUde'e Garage Fortwengler F.Ieo, Shop Ohaffee•s Gar-age Nicole, Dean & Gregg co¼op servioes,·Inc, Natl. 'BUBhing .\-Parts. co. xn.ut.illa Impihement co. Bauok's Hardware Moen Truck Equipment,fnc, Bill's Service Station Brown's Implement P, X, Tl!, &-Co. Paper, Calmeneon & co, Raymond Broe, Motor Trans, Co, N, P, P.ailway Co,, B,L, Wilcox Lumber Co,, Henning Renning 011 Co. Villap;e of 'Battle Le·ke Minnesota Paints, Inc. Amer&ean Paint ~orporation Wilcox Lumber Co,, Vergas ·City Water & Light Dept. Ernest sand•berg Henning ·Fuel co. \?inthere Lumber & Fuel Center Fergus Lumber & Fuel Co. Tesch Lumber co. Dalton Lumber co. P, H, Gust Elevator, Vergas New York Mills co-op Cry. Assn. K, /1: B, 011 co. Ser:vice 011 co. Mills 011 Co, Law-renoe cook Cit.iee Service Station Pur-e Oil Co. 'Bob's Service station Thomas Garage Penrose 011 Co. And,ereon I-Sandberg 011 Co. R·, R:, Stahl Co,, E, A, 'Bloese D, A, Lubrioant co., Ina. Minnesota Highway De)t. Poucher Printing~ Litho. co. Globe-Gazette Print. co. ?1Pls. 'Blue Printing co. Albinson, Ina. .c1a.v county lf, W, Bell Tele. Co., Henning Pelican Telephone Co. N, W, Bell Tele. co. Heinola Tele. co. N, W, Bell Tele, Co. ·W, T,. Potter George Olson Wendell P. HUber DO DO John A, Syverson Rom.v Bros. Almora co-op Cheese Factory Gust A, Johnson o. A, Netland, Trustee supplies blanks supplies registers forms mobile service long distance .. " service (nurse) expense .. , postage .. " .. expenses poor expenses " .. .. .. care of patients .. " " " " .. parts repairs " " " " " " " " ,, .. supplies " " .. " " " " " outting edges freight " lumber fuel oil water paint .. " electric current " " coal " " " " " garage rent gasoline " " " " " " " etc. diesel fuel " .. oil supplies forms supplies " " road work services .. long distance sen.ices .. B,L, expenses " .. cash advanced postage right of way and move fence .. .. " " " " " .. .. .. " " " " " ... " " " ·.J' 259.01 ~ 84,03 53,06 141,85 76,23 83,58 8,30 63,10 .8.20 76,17 8,69 3.66 48.55 92,91 894.09 49,00 1167.54 20.00 207.44 260,32 279,60 5.86 164.05 5,16 5,00 51,56 19.55 7.00 26.36 24.65 1.00 34.35 42.42 12.10 130.50 4,49 22.37 6,15 8,30 6,00 8.26 5:10.53 7.25 16.68 8.72 08.06 3,25 100.42 193,80 10.40 165.72 6,60 14.00 1-14,63 6,12 170·.55 97.20 42,80 100.00 6.84 37,41 187.17 6.75 14.98 12.12 58.65 127.88 168.66 79•;•22~ 96,42 101.92 185.83 8.26 15,70 41.70 35.18 145.00 12.63 8.75 31.85 11,96 41.90 49,91 16,25 130.22 45,31 150.00 60.47 23,20 1.00 38,19 25.38 ·Fergus Falls, Minn. September ........ , 194 ... . o------------····················· The annual installment on your confession of judgment for back taxes will be due next month and unless payment is made to the County Treasurer the confession will be defaulted and you can no longer pay on the installment plan, and penalty and interest 'will immediately be added to lhe taxes. This notice is sent you as required by 1941 law which also says "Failure to send or receive the notice shall not operate to postpone any payment or excuse any default under the confession of judgment." The installment due OR··········-·····························------------·------- ----------------·····-····-······················-·----is $ .... ---- Very truly yours, County Auditor. Taxes for·-----'·••which should have been paid last year and now llJROunt to$ ..................... . must also be paid at the same time with above installment. Please return this letter with draft or money order payable to P. M. Ree, County Treasurer. : ' ' ' ' ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN~ DATE Mar, 12, 52 ························································································l9 ....•• George Oleon oeoar Greenwaldt John T, Wark Ralph s.vvereon L, R, ,DeJoohee Emma A, Gundereon & Allen D, Gund.ereon Russell Shipley H, v. Johneon aulv, ao. MiMesota Motor ao. s. II: F, oil ao. · Miller-Davie ao. ?lidwest Telephone ao. A, w. ao. Inc. of 1.11.nn. Borchert~Ingereoll, Inc. cummine i>iesel Sales corporation Geo, T,.Ryen ao. Minnesota F,W,D, ao. wm. H, Ziegler aompsn.v, Inc. Fergus Oil Co, tog Cabin service Ste.tion A, B, carpenter Bauok Chevrolet co. l!'ossen Oil co. TWin's Motor co. Bill Nelson Oil Co, Hagge Oil co. Kinne' s, tnc ~ · -· .. Roeholt Equipt, co. Bert stone DO Right of " " .. .. .. .. " .. " " " culverts tire Way and .. " " .. .. " " " " " " gasoline ato. ·~. supplies service parts " .. " .. .. gasoline .. .. " " " d.lesel fuel parts -~ re·paira " attd. meet. " .. move fenoe .. .. " " " .. ff " ... ... upon motion, the Board then adjourned to Apr. 8, 1952 at 10 o'clook A, M, 32,18 36.56 · 27,60 31.53 85.20 20.20 8,65 2237.72 127.90 90.34 27.89 . 5.oo 499.26 280.44 197.11 662,24 147.41 478.63 29.14 55.40 91.95 76.90 80,83 27.28 428.03 1061.70 129.45 219.36 10.40 14,00 itUI ~ CTX { l'.I IT."\J'ITill3...\1 ~ ------ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ · ...... APril ... 8 ................................ 19 .... ~? MINUTE~ 0F ADJOURNED ME~TING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTSR TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA • . PUreuant to Rdjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A· M, Tuesday, Apr. 8, 1952. Present were commissioners Sieling, Johnson, Hanson, stone and Snowberg. The Board having advertised for bide for constructing certnln state aid roads proceeded to open bids-which had been received. A. o. Torgerson, representing the State Highwa,v Dept., WRS present. Bids were referred to the engineer a.nd Mr. Torgerson for examination 'lnd report later in the eesslon. A larre delegation of' cltizene from New York Mille and nine to...mships in that vioinity urged im~ pr9vement cf' county roads. Citizens from the Township of Effington presented a petition for grading and graveling road from the south county line in t r.e Township of Effington, thence north and east. A delegation of citizens from £arkere Prairie and vicinity appeared to request additional im- provement on road east of' Parkers Prairie during the coming year. Members of' the Village council of' Perham appeared to offer to purchase county garage in thet village and to donate tract of' land in that vicinity to the county for a garage site. Delegations from the Townships of' St. Olaf' and also from Amor and the Village of'·Ottertail dis- cussed road improvements with the commissioners. "9ide for road construction having been checked and it appearing that "!Iarvey w. Nelson was the lo\yeet bidder on S.P. No. 56-511,l.06,northeaet of Pel.ican Rapids, the Board, upon motion.of' commis- sioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Snowoerg, recommended to the commissioner of Highways that said bid be accPpted, the amount being ~12,960.30. rt appearing that 1:he bid of Helson and Dani:ellion on S.!'. No. 56-527-0l, in the Township of Western, v.•as the lowest bid. upon motion of commissioner Sno•Nberg, seconded by Commissioner Hanson, the Board recommended to the commissioner of Highways that said bid in the sum of $31,618.49 be accepted. ]t a:ppearing that the bid of Gladen Broe. for c onstruct1ng S.P. 56-522-0l, from one half mile west 01' Almora to Tru.nk Highwa.v Mo. 29, was the lov,est bid, upon motion of commissioner stone, seconded by U,!)l!!Dlissioner Hanson, the Board recommended to the commiseior.er of' Highways that said bid in the sum of $17,212.14 be accepted. The application of' Raymond Alberg for cancellation of personal property assessment in the Town- ship of Clitherall for the year 1951 on the ground that he had no property whatever in said township on MS.V l, 1951, was read, and the ~card recommended to the r.ommissioner of' Taxation that the assess- ment in the sum of $353.00 and the tax amountinr. to $44.87 be cancelled. The application of Dr.~. J. Larson for reduction of personal property assessment in the Town of. Girard for 1951 was ordered returned to him for approval br the town board of' Girard. The application of' Ross Lyman for cancellation of oersonal property assessment for the years 1947-8-9 in the Town cf' western was read and, upon motion, was rejected. Applications for "ON" and "Off" sale beer licenses were granted as follows: Russell r. Pederson, Bayview Resort, Town of' Star Lake; Otto Moe, Rocky Bar Suµper Club, Town of' Hobart; Wm. Burau, in Seo. 33, Town of' Aurdal; Donald H. Bondy, Leaf Lake Pleasure Grounds, Leaf' Lake Township: Geraldine F. Kreme£. , Luce Store, Town of' Gorman; Wm. Tessendorf', woodland Park, Town of' Girard; Mamie Shasky, Resort, 'J.lown of' Rush Lake; Emil A. Madsen, oafe and store, Town of Everts; J.larvin D, Church, Church's Bent House, Town of' Stn.r Lake; Thomas R. Schwientek, Mosquito Eeights Resort, Town of Pine Lake; A. A. Nelson, resort at Grand View ~eights, Town of' Pine Lake; r.arl & Ina Leaf, Resort, Squaw Point, Town of' Pine Lake; Anton Sand, Resort in Sec. 31, Town of' Corliss; Grant ,Tones, Resort, Jones Landing, Town of' Pine Lake; Geo. n. llr Orah Prall., Resort, Evergreen :Seach, Town of' Corliss; Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Evenson, store, Town of Western; Albert-·Januszewski, resort in Seo. l, Town of Perham; Ralph J. Crews, resort, Spruce Lodge, Town of Star take; Jaoquest "!Iendriokx, store, Sec. 15, Town of Butler; Gustaf' o. Weiss, Shady Grove Resort, Town of Rush Lake; Arvid Tenney, Highway Park Store, Town of' Elmo; Jack Hagensiok, Resort, Ethel: Beach, To\vn of Girard; 'P. J. Melby, Graystone Lodge, Town of' EVerts; Rufus R'Ull, Resort, FTUll's Landing, '].lawn of Girard; John G, Krejci, resort, Sec. 25, Town of' Dead Lake; Alva Risley, Limmer's Resort, Town of' Rush Lake; Arthur Abraham, Abraham's Jesort, Town of' nora; Oscar Peterson, store, Town of' Star Lake; Jacob tiuebner, Babe's Resort, 1o,m of Candor; Mrs. Minnie Hender- shot, High'llay Cafe, '11own of' Elmo; Joseph Robert Neudeck, r.ot 2, Sec. 2, Town of' 1'erham. Applications fro dance permits for the year 1952 were granted as follows: J~plewood Farm Bureau unit at M/lplewood Town Hall; Jacob Fl'Uebner, at resort in Sec. 4, Town of' Perham: A. A. Melson, at Grand View ~eights, Town of' Pine Lake; Ralph i. crews, at Spruce Lodge, Town of' Star Lake; Donald H. Bondy, at Leaf Lake Pleasure Grounds, Town of' Leaf Lake; Arvid Tenney, at Highway Park Pavilion, Town of' Elmo, Dance permit using meohanlcal music only WRS granted to Otto 110.e at Rocky Bar suoper Club, Town of' rrobart. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to Wednesday, Apr. 9, 1952 at 10 o'clock A. M. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'olook A. M. Apr, 9, 1952, all members being present. The Village Council of' Pelican Bapids offered to purchase county garage in that village •• A number of land owners in theTownship of' St. Olaf' assessed for construction of' county Ditch No. 70 appeared to urge immediate repair of' part of' said dl.tch as many farms were badly flooded. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... _ ..... Apr " ...... 9.• ······-···························19 .... ~~ A pet1t'1oil to df1ssolve school Dist. No, 82 in the Township of Trondhjem and to attach the land to adjoining school district in Wilkin county in the Village of Rothsa,v, was presented ~nd after dis- cussion, Commissioner Johnson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING DISSOLUTION or· cmm:oN SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.· 82 OTTER TAIL C-OUllTY, MINNESOTA pursuant to section 122.28 Minnesota Statutes Annotated as amended there has been pl'esanted to the Board of county commissioners of Ot~er Tail County, Minnesota, a petition for dissolution of Common school District No. 82, Otter Tail county, Minnesota, which said petition is signed by a majority of the resident freeholders of the district who are entitled to vote at school elections therein and which said J?.etition bears the approval of the superintendent of Schools, otter Tail county, PUnne.sota, ?low, the ref.ore, bP. it. resolved, by the Boe.rd of county commissionP.rs of Otter Tail county, Minne-sota that said petition be and it is hereby granted and said school district be and it ls hereby dis- solved. Be 1 t further resolved, t: hat action by the Board of county Commissioners of Ot~er Tail County, Minnesota with regard to the annexation of the territory hP.rP.in involved, to Independent School District No. 11 of Wilkin County, Minnesota be and it is hereby postponed until such time as Independent School District No. 11 of Wilkin County and the Board of county commissioners of Wilkin County take -proper proceedings to annex the territory herein involved to said Independent School District No. 11, Wilkin county, Minnesota. · · Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLll county AudltoJ,' HENRY SI:ELING -c~h-a~i-rm.....:=an==o~r;;... county Board. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Snowberg, and on vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thoreof: commissioners Johnson, Snowbel'g, Hanson and Stone and the following voted against the same: None, whereupon said resolution ns de- clared duly passed and signed and attested by the Chairman and A11d.itor. commies loner Snowberg -introduced the following resolution and moved its e.doption: RESOLUTION TO AMElID SECTI0N 5 OP TlIB RE~OLUTION REGULATING THE S~LE OF NQll:l:INTOXICATING li!ALT LIQUOR IN OTTER TAIL COUNTY .. ,MIIHIBSOTA Be it resolved, by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota, that Section 5 closing hours of the resolution regulating the sale of non-intoxicating malt liquor in Otter Tail county, Minnesota, be amended so that henceforth it shall read as follows: Section 5 Closing Fours Jlo salee of any non-intox.lcating malt liquors shall be made between the hours of 1 o'clock A.M. and 8 A.M. Mondays through F'ridays and between 12 o'clock midnight on Saturday and 12 o'clock noon on Sunday or during the hours of voting on any Pr.imary, General or Special Election Day between the" hours of 1 A.M. and 8 P.!A. Premises wherein non-intoxicating malt liquor is sold under license herein shall be closed to the public bet1veen 2 o'clock A. M. and 8 o'clock A. 1,1. Mondays through Saturda,vs and be- tween l O'clock 1.111. and 8 o'clock A.111. on Sund.aye. April 9, 1952 HENRY SIELING chairman ofcounty Boa~d. Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN county Audlto~r------- The motion for the adoption was du.ly seconded by commissioner Hanson and on vote being taken carried unanimously. Whereupon, said resolution was declared duly passed and was signed by the Chairman ·and attested by the county Auditor. dommiesioner ,lohnson int:roduced the following resolution and moveil its adoption: RESOLUTION FTXTNC !U.TRS FOR BOARD .AND ROOM O'F PRISO?IBRS ie it resolved, BY the Board of county Commissione~s of Otter Tail county, that from and after May 1, 1952, the daily rate for ~he board and room of priso-ners in the Otter Tail County Jail, for all ex-cept otter Tail County prisoners, shall be $2.50 ·per day per .ierson and the Sheriff be and he hereby is directed to collect from the proper munlcipali ty said sum for the care of their prisoners. 4pril 9. 1952. Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN county Au·~aTr~t~or'------- Henry Sieling ch'"alrman of county Board. The motion for the adoption was dul.v seconded by Co'!lmissio.ner Stone and on vote being taken carried unanimously. Whereupon, said resolution was declared duly passed and was signed by the Chairman.and attested by the ~ounty Auditor. A plat of Gtif Link Tract in the Township of Buse. accompanied by a certificate of title executed by Field, Arvesen aiJ.d ,rionoho, at t orneys-at--law, v,as approved. : COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ ••·············-··-·······.!p :i: .•.... 9 .•................................ 19 ..... 5.~ '"""" PPl■11M9COIHII U CPOHI ■Ill ft m A report of the state public examiner of the financial affairs of Otter Tail County for the year ending Dea. 31, 1951 and also current period from Jan l to Jan. 19, 1952 was presented to and examined by the Commissioners. Upon motion, the Andi tor was instructed to advertise for bid.a for graveling state aid Road No. 13· north of ~erham and county aid road No, 50 north of Perham and county aid road No, 54 south of Henningi also for gravel base and bituminous surface on state aid road No~ 1 between Trunk Highway No. 78 and 3s miles west, and on county aid rood No. 27 between Dalton and two miles east, all of said bids to be opened at 2 o'clock p. M. Ma.v 20, 1952. A large number of citizens from the Town of Scambler, appeared before the Board at the request oft the commissioners to discuss a petition for county road in said township. After listening to all in- terested parties, the Board agreed to meet· at four o'olook p. 1l, May 14th at 'the south end of the pro- posed road at a point about forty rods south of the northeast corner of Govt. Lot l in Se.otion 4, Town- ship of •Pelican, for examination of the ·proposed route. · · The application of !)Uane Schultz for homestead classification on the SE¼ and the El SW¼-of Sec, 6, Town of Dora, for the year 1951 was read and, upon motion, the application was granted and !ax ordered reduced accordingly. · UP,on motion, the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for two one-way snow plows, two trucks, two highway mowers, and two 2t ton trucks, with dump boxes, said bids to be opened at a meeting of the Board Mey 13, 1952 at 10 0•01ook A.M. Upon motion, the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bide for two 001mty garages, one at Pelican Ragids and one at Perham, said bids to be opened at a meeting of the Board Mey 14, 1952, at 10 o\olook A. M. The following bills were allowed: . west,ern union J', C. Henkes 1\1. c. Lee DOn1¥:ld Skripsy J.C. Henkes 1tabel Wenstrom Louisestondahl 1,{able Rossow H. L. Allen Jo-hn L. Bixby R. L. Allen Bennie J. Johnson George Hanson• Bert stone Henry Sieling Bennie J. Johnson H. w. Glorvigen Gus. M. Kantrud Bert Stone \'lilliam Lincoln Frank Roberts Frank C. Barnes Ruth E. Han.'lay Joseph Rayner, Sr. Miller-navis co. The Pierce co. Panama Carbon co. Ugeblad Publ. co. Educational Test Bureau ·cooper's Miller-Bryant-Pierce Free Press co. Miller-Davis Co. security Blank Book~ Prtg. co. Viotor Lundeen & co, ~ergus Specialties co, Sohooloraft Co, Nelson Bros. Prtg, Co, Pelican Rapids Press Fergus Journal co. N. w. Publishing Co, Crant Co, 011 co. J. S, 'f!Opponen N. W, Be 11 ·Te 1. Co • DO Victor Lundeen & co. N, W. Bell Tel, Co. Larson Bros, Fergus Lumber & Fuel Co, Holten Hdwe. Lustra Corp. of America Hintgen-xarst Electric co, earl Jahn r,ouise Stondahl W, s. Darley & Co. Marchant Cal, Mohe. oo, Evelace G. ~anson Nat. Sheriff's Assn. Johnson Drugs R, W, Glorvigen DO telegrams boarding prisoners Dep. Sheriff's expense " n ,, sheriff's exp. expenses .. clerk -Co. Supt. expenses " ., exp. attd, meeting " " " " " " " •i " " " Senioes Canvassing Board " " " " " " " saly. Jc exp, \Yeed imipection municipal judge's fees transcript Dep. Sheriff's fees election supplies school supplies supplies " school supplies · supplies carbon ·paper supplies " binders Jc supplies supplies " school supplies printing & suppliP.S publ, financial statement etc. publishing publ.financial statement gas repairs calls " supplies mobile service repairs II: supplies coal supplies bulbs repairs II: supplies Dep, Sheriff's fees postage supplies main. boar rent insurance su.pplies bex rent drivers• license expenses $ 9.66 198,00 84.20 77,90 27,00 23.45 67.95 2.50 31.24 35.06 25.65 10,20 8.52 6,00, 17.48 9,20 5.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 117. 70 66.00 4.40 17,60 764,80 75.95 6,00 11,02 62.13 2.50 51,24 12~30 56,96 46.58 162.22 12.33 135,92 98.92 853.00 60,00 842.20 1.45 16.45 68,65 19.65 326,57 83.16 6.15 653.90 27.96 42.96 8. 78 31,60 28,60 4.18 35.00 2.00 28,84 3.53 2,00 28.45 .. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,' MINN: DATE ....... ················-·······A.P.:l., .... It._ .. l952 ············-·······19 .. '" .. . Ann S, Jordan · DO Esther G. s·en DO Perham Tel. co. N, W, Bell Tel. Co. Philip !A:, JCja~lien ]Catherine D, iownsend Fergus water & tiBht Dept. Miller-Davis Co. Adamson-Horman l'o_st A. L. American Legion Club Battle Lake Review Philip M, Y.jaglien cooper's llelson Bros. "Prtg. co. Victor Lundeen &: co. General· Supply do. Hintgen-Karst· Elec. co. Town of Newton university Hospital City of Fergus Falls Poor Dept. Nopeming sanatorium c~ty of Fergus Falls MiMP.sota State Sanatorium William Lincoln south Mill standard Service Carl E, &: John Sundstrom John .11, Edwin Sundstrom Floyd H~ Ros~ Ernest L, Brooks Gilbert Klatt Arthur Fankhanel Lillian 1Ursch RU.go Gruening Eddie J. Hirsch Mar.garet Schlicht Rudolph Bunkowski Elmer Trosdahl & D, B, Clevidence Wm, C, Wark P.arry Hoogveld Anton lfolzer Johanna Boogaard John !JI, Boogaard Ira 0, Stine orvel B, Soloman Norman Moses Lawrence !lick Alvin xvare Arthur M, Hanson Ernest Erickson Chester A, EVans Bert Sullivan Henry Isaaoson Vernon Nelson case Binkowski navid D, Severson Floyd Rob'!>ins Thomas L, Roberts Mrs. Marie~. Schaap FrP.ti B, Green Katherine Rutten ROSS Buohan A, W. co., of ?.(inn. Minnesota F, w. D, Oo, Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc. Rosholt Equipt, co. Wm, H, Ziegler co., Inc. Y.:inne•s Inc. D, A, Lubricant J.{lnnesota Motor co. Olson Auto Elec. co. Hintfen-Karst Electric Co, Bredahl tmplement r.o. Tichy's Shop Larson BroA, ReBon ChevrolP.t co. ~intz ~lacksmith Shop Henry Holmgren . Christianson Welding shop Empire Supply co. Hicols-Dean .!,: Gregg v,ilco:r Lumber co. , Vergas Toftelv Bros. HdWP., Natl. Bushing & Parts co. Holten Hardware Jacoues Hendrickx coast-to-coast, HP.nning The Carew warehouse p, H, Gust Elev, Co,, Ver~as Ernest S11ndberg Bill Nelso~ 011 Co, Jennings Edman postage expenses nurse " n· postage " telephone .. " &: calls expenses rent light, water etc. supplies rent of fur:ntture chairs subscription postage etc. supplies envelopes ,II: prtg. supplies repairs " care of poor special nursi-ng care of transient· care of patients poor expense care of patients services Board of Audit gasoline Right of way !I: move fence "' ,, '? " " " " " .. ,, " " " " '! " " " " " " " " " " ., " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " .. " " .. " " " " " .. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " parts " " " " " &: re·pairs oil " " " " " " " " " " ., ... " " " " repairs&: batteries " " " " " " ., " suppliel'.J " " " " " " " coal " electric ourrent go.soline ate. " n " " " " " ... " " " " " " " " " " vet. .. .. .. " " " " " " " " " Ser. " " " " " " " " II " " ., 7,70 78.48 46.02 6.00 6,35 38.34 139.79 90,00 36.28 40,85 25.00 50,00 2.00 14.13 39.45 97.52 2.20 1,65 .82 77,22 491.25. 6~00: 799,52 4211.04 1384,46 85,00 1.07 371,15 ' 8,00 4,40 61,60 .64 128,10 1.60 5.56 524,86 4,88 17.60 80,65 10,00 162,20 113,80 · 57.75 114,00 31,15 10,40 20,40 6,80 47,80 8.70 90,55 2.00 2,72 7.00 27.46 19.00 20,60 34,02 10,20 56.08 14,20 4,,80 61,80 4;09,55 16.50 3,33 755.37 186,47 61,59 970~70 33,80 29,57 7.10 4.81 A.25 86,48 ~.03 52.76 40,15 4,00· 13,65 212.56 4,09 17,32 49,31 121.04 1.20 16.ll 60,99 44,20 2.60 861,53 42,90 \ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER ·TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-······-······-··-····AP.r , .. 9.•···············-··········-·······19 5 2. Log -C'abin Service Station Fossen Oil c·o. Highwe.,y Company , Farmers• co-op. Oil co. P.ep•.a Standard service Bill's Service station Ray'-s Oil cro .. Bengtson Oil co. Coneumer's Oil co,, Battle Lake Tobins Oil co. Hagge Oil ao. Anderson~ Sandberg Strom Const. co. XVare Bros. M, o. Christi.Mson 8: A. c. Meland Construction Bulletin Dah~•s Photo Print co. H, A, Rogers co. Minn. State Highway Dept. Poucher Print • .!c Li th. c·o. Victor Lundeen ,'I: co. Minneapolis Blue Print. co. Miller-Davia do. O'Meara•s Monroe Calculating Mach. Co, N. w. Bell Tele. do. Pelican Telephone .co. N, W, Bell Tele. Co., Henning · Do 111ergus .Falls Wendell P. Huber W, L, Potter Geo·rge Olson G. D, Harlow Wendell P, Huber r,eo·n Hennagir Rosholt Equipt. Oo. Geo. T, R,Yan co. Armco Drainage 8: Metal Prod. co. St ; Paul do rruga ting Co. Coast~to-coast Store, Pel. Rpds. K, 's, B, 011 co. Midwest Telephone Co,, Par. Pra. cqy of Fergus lt'alla Ly4ia M, Babcock Ar~co Drainage 8: Metal Prod. Co, Raymond Broe. Motor Trans. co. The Farmer Supply Harthun & Peterson Oil Co. Bauck Chev. do. Penrose Oil co. Wilmar Roberta N, W, Bell Tele. Co. H.J. Henning gasoline ets. .. " " " .. .. " " diesel fuel " approach gravel .. " ad. for bids prints " " printed forms " " supplies .. " service long distance BP.rvice " " expenses " " cash advanced " .. parts " culverts " supplies gasoline service maintenance Right of Way culverts freight ·coal gasoline " eta. " & diesel fuel Right of Way & move fence long distance postage _10.11 18,25 34.16 23,lO 97.27 ... 27.89 40.27 57.27 165.72' 39.76 1063,27 74.50 845.40 31.57 166.81 48.30 174.27 6.98 "214.50 205.99 41.65 41.87 6,15 2:3.80 15.00 44.60 6,10 · 13,98 61.45 171.07 67.06 19.50 37.68 20.93 9.02 · 178,73 414.57 2771.40 453.56 6,61 3.75 4.80 250.00 18.60 9651.39 5.10 . 45.86 83.67 114.89 216.74 25.30 28.45 142.32 The· follo\ving-ti".esolutfon· was e)to:!)ted: ~--_· · · ---.. . .. Be it rP.aolved that pursuant to Chapter 161,03, Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the commissioner of Tiighways be aopointed as the agent of the county of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of State Aid Read No. 1 described as ~ollows: From 2.1 Mi. south of Arnor to Amor and the chai.rman nnd the audltor are hereby authorized end directed for and on behalf of the County toexecute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of P.ighwn.vs prescribing the terms-and conditions of such agency in the form as set fcrth a~_contai.ned_in_"Minne.a.o..t,Ue.p.a~.t.m.ent. of Highways Agency Contract Form No, IV", a oopy of which said f•orm was before the board, asa•urning ·on be- half of tne '-co-unt.v all of tb~ contractual obligations therein contained. Adop11.ed_tbJ.L..,1:·b .. 4J1.y_ of APri.l .... 19~~-...,.,..,- William r,1noo1 n Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Henry Sielint Chairman of county Board. -r, Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 161,03, Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the r.ounty of -Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of state Aid Road No. l described as follows-: From l Mile South of S.A,R, #10 to Otter Tail Lake and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and direct- ed for and. on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commlss ioner of Righwa.vs prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of llighweys Agency Contract Form No. IV", a copy of which said form was before the board ,as- suming on behalf of the county all of the contraotual obligations there in contained. Adopted this 9th day of April, 1952. Attest : .'1111am I,l naoJ n i · clerk. Henry Sieling Chairmen Of county Board TTpon motion, the Board then adjourned to Tuesday May 13, 1952 at Chairman Attest: _____________ ..,..,-=-,,,:r------ lJierk COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. nATE .............. ·-······--···········May 13 '·······-··-·····-·····-·····-·19 .. 52 IJilrnTES OF ADJOURNED MEETHTO OF THE BOAR:D OF COUNTY COMMISSIOliERS OF OTTER TAIL C'OtJNTY, MIIHIBSOmA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met e.t 10 o'clock A., M, J,4ey 13, 1952, Present were Oommissioners Sieling, Johnson, Hanson, stone and snowberg, . The Board having "called for bids for oounty garages and for t ruaks and other equipment proceeded to o~en the bids received. After examination of the bids the Board awarded to Anderson Brothers contract f'o constructing county garage at Perham, said building to be of' tile, for a total contract price of $10,582.12. The.Board 11-lso accepted the following bids for road machinery: Skogmo Motors, two 2½ ton trucks, ~7074,00; Ebersviller Implement co., one power motor, $1606.50; Rosholdt Equipq19nt Co,, one power motor, ~1624,00; Rosholdt Equipment co., two one~way plows, ,992.00; Geo, T, R,yan co., one tractor and front / end loader, $3190,00; \VIII. H. Ziegler Co., one tractor and front end loader, $3237,30, · A delegation of citizens appeared to ask for action in regard to water level of' Dead.Lake and the commissioners agreed to ask the Dept. of' conservation to have a public hearing on the matter. The bond of' Olga Torvik, Deputy county Treasurer, in the sum of $1,000.00 with Anchor casualty Co., es surety,was approved. Upon motion, the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for constructing C,P, 52:54, bridge c.A,R. •No. 54, said bids to be opened at a session of the Board June 10, 1952 at 2 o'clock P. ;.,:. Upon motion, the Auditor was instructed to advP.rt'ise for bida-for grading and gravel surfacing Job 56-511-07 on State Aid Road No, 4 southwest of' Vergas and 56-502-06 on state Aid Road No, 12 north of Underwood, said bids to be opened at a session of the Board to be held June 10, 1952 at 2 o'clock P.M. county Andi tor w'illiam Lincoln presented to the Board his resignation as au41 tor, ss.11e to take ef- fect July l, 1952, upon motion, the resignation was accepted and · The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by t•he Board of County Commissioners of' Otter Tall County, Minnesota: Thats. B, Johnson be and hereby is appointed as County Auditor of otter Tail County, Uinnesota, to fill the unexpired term of William Lincoln, County Auditor, ·commencing July 1, 1952, Adopted May 13, 1952, HENRY SIELING dhalrmsn. Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN Clerk. Commissioner Snowberg introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: P.ESOLUTION TO AMEND SECTION 6 OF THE RESOLUTION REGULATING THE SALE 01!' ll'ON-INTOXICATTNO MALT LIQUOR IN OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINIIBSOTA BE IT RESOLVED, BY the Boe.rd of' county Commissioners of' otter Tall County, Minnesota, that Section 5 closing hours of the Resolution regulating the sale of' non-intoxioatiIJl; malt liquor in ot~er Tail county, Minnesota, be amended so that henceforth it shall read as follows: Section 5 Closing Hours No sales of' .an,v non-intoxicating malt liquors shall be made between the hours o·f' 1 o'clock A,M, and 8 A.,M, Mondays through Friday~s and between 12 o~clook midnight on Saturday and 12 o'clock noon on Sun- day; or during·tne hours of voting on any Primary, General or Special. Election Day between the hours of 1 A. M, and 8 P, M, Premises wherein non-intoxicating malt liquor is sold under lioense herein shall be closed to the public between 2 o'clock A.M, and 5 010100k A,M, Mondays through Se.turd.aye and between 1:30 o'clock A, M, and 5 0 1olock A. M, on .Sundays. · May 13, 1952, Attest: WILLIAM LillCOLN county Auditor. HENRY S IE.LINO chairmn Of County ~oard. The motion for the adopt ion was duly seconded by Commissioner Hsri•son and on vcte being taken carried unanimously. W'!ERE'!Jl'ON, saii!, Resolution was declared duly passed and was signed by the Chairman am attested by the county Auditor. The complaint of' Clarence Venzke and others against the Town Board of' Elmo for ~glect of' 10 ad was taken up and ~aid over for f'u.ture consideration. The appl"ioation of' Alfred Englund for oancelitiQn of assesErment for perso-nal property in the City of: l!'ergus Falls for the year 1951 on the ground that se.id property was assessed twice for said year was read an4 the Board recommended to the ~ommissioner of' Taxation that this duplica~e assessment be cancelled, The application of' John S, Robertson for oanoelltion of' assessment for structures on Lot 5, Hoffman Bee.oh, in the Township of' Dora, for the year 1950 on the ground that there was no building on said pro pert was read end tpe Board recommended to the commissioner of' Taxation that the assessment for building in the sum of' $100,00 be ~anoelled and the taxes reduced from $21,26 to $6,07. The application of' Thomas·vorviok for homestead classification for the yenr 1951 on the· St SW¼ except 1. 12 acres in Seo. 16, Town of Maine, \vas approved and taxes ord ere·d recluced accord.ingly, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, ·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. J.{ay fl.z, 52 DATE ................................. ······-··············································· 19 ...... . The applioation of Orville E. Nodale for homestead olasslf1.cation for the year 1951 on the S~ SW¼, Seo. 19, Town of Maplewood, 1vaa approved and taxes ordered reduced aocordingly. The application of !ntlrew Heen for homestead classification for the year 1951 on the West 4 rods of the East 14 rods of the south 40 rod~ of the NEf sw:1-, S'eo. 15, in the Village of Parkers Prairie, was granted and taxes ordered reduced accordingly •. · The application of Melvin W, Rogers for oanoellation of assessme~t for structures for the year 1951 on the west 50 feet of Lot 4, iliirst !d.dn. to Broadwater '9each in the Township of Dunn, was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said tract be re~uced f!')m $94,00 to $30,00 end the taxes from $12.12 to !3,87. APPlioations.,for "On" and "Off,. sole beer licenses were approvedi.aa follows: Leonard Y.,,Saewert, resort, sec, 31·, Town of ~orliss; pranklin Larson, resort, sec, 15, _Town of l'ine_,Lake; 'R'.ai Rientsma, resort, sec. 32, Town of Corliss:,. !11'.arion Koehler, resort, Sec. 2~, TOil'TI ~f Pine J,ake; Mrs, ljl, M, Jepson, resort, Town of j)ora; Sylvester Shasky, ,Tungle Shores, Seo, 31, ~own of Corl.lea; Joe Beltz, Sand Beach Resort, Seo. 9,, Town of Pine Lake,; Walter J{lein, resort, Town of Rush Lake; li'red Schultz; Ten Mlle Lake Resort; earl $und~lad, resort, Town of Elizabeth; Lempy Lee, resort, Town of Leaf Lake; Paul B, Fisher, Pocahontas Beach, Town of Dead .Lake; M, J. Schlanger, Mallard Bay Lodge, ~om of Nidaros; Preacher and Wilson, 08.IIIP Balmoral; L, p. Engel, cozy Clove Cabins, Towri of Dead Lake; Ernie Pederson, resort, Town of star Lake; John w. Rundle,,Bob Creek Store, fown of Soembler. · The petition of Glen L, Peterson and Orin H, Peterson to repurchase st SW¼ of Seo. 3, ~ownship of Homestead, whioh had been forfeited to the ste.te for non-payment of installment of purchase prioe, was rea commissioner stone introduoed the following resolution end moved. 11.te adoption: RESOLUTION FOR RE-PURCHASE OF TAX Jt'ORFEITED LAND. On the 12th day of November, 1941 Glen L, Peterson and Orin H, Peterson purchased. oertain real estate under .A'Wilij:or•a Clertifioate of Purchase of tax forfeited land the following real estate' situate in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, to-wit: The South Half o~ the southwest Quarter rst of SW¼) of. Section Numbered Three f3), in Township Numbered one Hundred Thirty-six (136) North of Range Numbered Thirty-seven (37), in the County of Otter Tail and State of Minnesota. That Glen L, Peterson and Orin JI', Peterson failed to pey the final installment on said purchase of $18,00 due on or before Deoember 31, 1951. Undue hardship and injustioe 1vould result if' said property could not be re-purchased by Glen L, and Oriri. H, Pet.enon. BE IT THPJREFORE, RESOLVF.D, BY the 13oard of County Commissioners of' Otter Tail county, Minnesota, that Glen L, Peterson and Orin H, Peterson be authorized to re-purchase said land upon the payment of ~19.18, the total amount of the installment, ell 4~linquent taxes, penalties, interests and costs. May 13, 1952. HENRY SIEDING Chairman of Oounty Board. Attest:_~Wrt~I~,L~I~A_M~L~I~N~Cl~O~L~N _____ _ dounty Aud 1. tor. The motion for the ado·ption was duly seconded by Commissioner Snowberg and on vote being taken carrie unanimously, 1'1HEREUPON, said Resolution was declared duly passed and was signed by the Chairman and attested by the County Auditor, Commissioner Johnson introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR NOTICE OP SALE OF RE.AJ, ESTATE BY THE COUNTY AND THE TERMS THr-:REOF. BE IT R!!SOLVlID, B.V the Board of Oounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota that the Village of Perham, a municipal corporation, has made an offer for the purchase from otter Tail county, Minnesota, by Quit Claim Deed of the following described real estate situate in said Village to-wit: Lota one fl), Two f2) and Three f3), Block Twelve (12), Original ~lat of the Village of Perham ac- cording to the Plat thereof', on file in the office of the Register of Deeds of otter Tail county, Minnesct That if saicl sale is completed, Otter Tail County in said conveyance will reserve all iron ore and other mineral rights in and upon said real estate together with right to explore for mineral and remove the 981118 • That the terms upon which the Village of' 'Perham offer to purchase said pmperty are as follows: $6,000.00 in cash end the following described tract of land in Otter Tail county, Uinnesota, to~sit: A three acre tract of' land located in the Sou thee.st corner of the Southeast ouarter of the Southeast Quarter, Section Ten flO) Town.ship One HU.ndred Thirty Six (136) Range Thirty-nine.f39) west, more parti- oularly described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point fifty feet west of' the Southeast corner of Section ten flO) on the Soltth Section line which is the point of beginning, thence North and parallel to the East line of Section ten flO) for a distance of 300 feet, thence west and parallel to the South Section line a distance of 436,6 feet, thence South and parallel to the East line of said section ten flO) a dis- tance of 300 feet to the south line of said section, thence Easterly along the Section line a distance of 435,6 feet to the point of beginning. Title to Otter Tail County to the above described tract of land sh&ll b,e made by Warrant,1. .. ~eed ·ac- oompanied by an Abstract Bhowing marketable title. notioe 1a hereby given that on the 14th day of July, 1952 at 1:30 o'clock P, M, at the CommissionerS' Room in the otter Tail county courthouse in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, th(! Board of Commissioner of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, will consider the terms of said cffar and take action thereon. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 'l!BY t :1 f> E DATE ...... ·-······························ .......... ' ···························-·······19 ..... . Ma.v 13, 1952. ATTEST: WTLLI AM LINCOitr .. -.. -. county uditor. HE?~Y SIELHTG CHAIRMA~C~0r,UNTY .......... ~B~o~x~R~D-.---- The motion for the adoption was duly seconded by Commissioner Henson and on vote being taken carried unanimously. WEERE0I!', said. Resolution was declared duly passed and was signed by the Chairman and attested by the county Aliditor. The following resolution was adopted: 'BE IT RESOLVED., That the c·hairman and Clerk forthwith enter into an agreement with the State of ·Minnesota, acting through ite Commissioner of High?la,ve, for the maintenance, except snow plowing, of the road described in said agreement ae Temporary Trunk HighY(a,y Ho. 228, to-wit: State Aid Road No. 4 from ite junction with Trunk Highway No. 228 northeasterly of Vergas; thence northeasterly 5.oo miles over said State Aid Road No. 4 to ite junction with Becker county State Aid Road No. 4 at the 'Becker-otter Tail County line, said municipality to be paid therefor at the rate of e35.-00 per mile per month. Fraotlonal miles am fractional months, if any, will be used in computing amounts payable. The use of said road as a detour by the State will terminate on or before December 31, 1952. Adopted this 13th day of May, 1952 Attest: WILLIA.~ LINCOLN clerk. The following· resolution was adopted: HEHRY S IEL ING. Chairman or county Board. Be it resolved thRt pursnant to Chapter 161.03, Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the commissioner of Highways be appoi~ted as the agent of the county ofotter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construction of t,hat portion of state Aid Road· tro. 12 described as follows: From N,; corporate Limits of Underwood to State Aid Road 1, and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the county to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner o · Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such f!.genoy in the form as set forth· and contained in "Mil".nesota Department ·of Highways Agency contract Form No~ IV", a copy of which said form ·uas before the 'Board, assuming on behalf of the county all of the contrat:tual obligations therein o~ntained. Adopted this 13 day of 14ay, 1952. HENRY SIELING Chairmen Of county Board. Attest: WILLIAM LINCOT..N county Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: 'Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 161'.03, Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statu·tes 1949, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the constru.ction of that portion of state Aid Road ?lo,. 8 described as follows: From 1.0 Mile South of Butler to 1,25 miles w. of µillview, and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the county to execute and enter into a contract with the commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form ae_lU!t forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form No,· IV", a copy of whic~form was before the 'Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contracttial obligati.ohs therein con~ained, . Adopted this 13 day of May, 1952, Attest :\HLT,IAM LINCOLN c!erk. The following resolution was adopteo: HENRY SIDING Chairman Of county Board. Be it resolved that pursu.ant to Chapter 161.03, Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its age·nt a contract for the construction of that portion of State Aid Road Ho, l &: 8 described as follows: From 4,0 Miles South of Butler to 0,9 Mile south of Butler, and the Chairman and the Auditor are hereby ahthorized and directed for and on behalf of the county to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as s~t forth am. contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form Ho, Iv", a copy of whicli":1orm was before the· board, assuming on behalf of the C·ounty all of the contractual obligations therein contained, Adopted this 13 day of May, 1952, Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: !IBlffiY S IELING ~halrman Of county Board, Be it rsolved that pursuant to Chapter 161.03, Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota statutes 1949, the commissioner of Highways be appointed as the B@'ent of the county of otter Tail to _let as its agent a contre.at fo'·r the construction of that portion of State Aid Road No, 4 described as follow.a: From T,H,59 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. .l.J.1!1. ... ;\..~.i ..................................... 19 ... ~.~ N,E, of' Pelican Rapias to 6,3 Mile"' East, and the Chairman and the iuditor are ~P.reby autho7ized and directed f'or and on behalf of the crounty to execute ana enter into a contract with the ~omm1ssi?nAr of' Highways prescil'ibing the terms and conditions of' such agency in the f'orm as set f'orth ana conta·1ned in "Minnesota Denartment of' Highways Ae:ency /lontract P'orm rro, IV'", a copy of' wh i oh said f'or~ was before the Board, assuming on behalf' of' the county all o·! the contro.ctual obligations therein conta111ea, Adopted this 13 da.,v of' Jv!ay, 1952, Attest: \VILLIAM LINCOL?r c1erk, The following resolution was adopted: HEMRY SIELING chairman of county Board, Be it resolvea that pursuant to· Chapter 161,03, Subdivisiou 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the commissioner of' Highways be appointed as the agent of the County of' Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of State Aid Rend No, 4 aescribed as follows: From 1,2 Miles s.w. of Vergas to Vergas, and the chairman and the auditor o7e hereby authotized and ~irected f'or and on behalf' of' the county to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of' Highways pres- cribing the te!ltms and conditions of such agency in the f'orm as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Mency Contract l!'orm rro. IV", a copy of' which said f'orm was before the board, as-suming on behalf' of the county all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 13 day of May, 1952, Attest: WILLIAIJI'. LINCOLN Clerk. Upon motion, the Board adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M, Uay 14. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION REiffiY SIELING Cffi'"a1rman of Oounty Board. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A,M, Wednesday, I/lay 14, 1952, all members being present. • The following petitions to set. over land from.;oi'le school district to '1llOther were read::. Clara zuehledorf to set over the N½ SW¼, ·south f(O rds.of Lot 2, and the SW¼ SE¼ of Seo. lO in the Township of Auraal from Dist. 207 to Dist. 247; Alex Cavalier to set over the NE¼ of Sec, 8, i•ownship of Otto, from Dist. 13 to Dist. 47; Verle Martin to set over Lots 2, 3 and 4, SE¼ NW¼ and the Et SW¼, Sec. 19, 1own- ship of Eagle Lake, from Dist, 114 of Otter Tall Oountr to consolidated Dist, No, 8 of Grant County; Verno~ Bowman to set over the SEf ?IE¼, NE¼ SE¼, NVP.-NEt and the NF,¼ rm¼ in Se9, 19, TO\vnship of Eagle Lake, from Dist. 114 of Otter Tail CQunty to Consolidale! Dist. No, 8 of Grant County; Reuben Bahls to set over the Et SE¼, ·NW¼ SE¼, and the SW¼ NE¼ in Seo,_:, Township of Candor, from Dist. 149 to Dist, 121; Otto Haase to set over the Et SE¼ of' Sec, 25, wi ~~ Im¼ and the NW¼ NE¼ of' Sec. 36, in the Township of Oak Valley, from Dist. 91 to Dist, 68; August G, Egaorf to set over the NE¼.NW¼ and the Wi NW¼ of' Seo, 36, Township of Oak .Valley, from Dist. 91 to Dist. 68_- Upon motion, it was ordered that hearinrs on all of' said petiticns be had at the session of' the Board commencing at 10 o'clock A, M, July 15, 1962 nt the Commissioners• Room in the Court House and that due notices of the time e.nd place of hearings on said petitions be given as required by law. A report of the 13oara of Audit of an examination of' the books and accounts of H, J. Herining, County Treasurer, for the period from De~~ 21, 1951 to Mar. 31, 1952, showing a balance in the county treasury at the close of bm,iness on said last mentioned date of $1,839,668.72 v1as approved. A report of the Board of' Audit of an examination of cu'."'ri:?nt tax collections of the ~ounty Treasurer for the period·:'from U:ar, 18, 1951 to June 23, 1951, showing total collections of $1,092,339.49 was ap-proved, A plat of Oak Ridge 13each in the Township of Amor, accompanied by a certificate of title executed by Field, Arvesen and Donoho, was approvea. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of' Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $10,000,00 plus any balance from previous year be set apart from the general Revenue Fund or appropriated subject to the order of the Dean of the Department of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota for the support of county cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics in Otter Tail County for the year beginning July 1, 1952, in accordance with Chapter 423 Laws 1923 and acts amendatory thereto. I Dated MBJ• 14, 1952, HENRY SIELING chairman, Attest: WILLIAM LillCOLN . The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That under the provisions of the State Maternal ana Chila Heal th plan for participation I"Q. the benefit of the Fereral Social Security Act the ~oard of' County Commissioners of otter Tail county herewith requests the Minnesota State Board of' Health to r,re.nt the sum of $260,00 to be used as supplemental aid to add one nurse to the public health nursing staff in Otter Tail County f'or the fiscal period beginn4ng July 1 1952 and ending Sept. 30, 1952, · ' Adopted May 14, 1962, Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN lerll:. HENRY SIELING chairman, ::: COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Ma.v 14, 52 DATE .................... •······························-···································19 .....• 'l'he following resolution was 11,doptitd: BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board (county Commissioners) of Otter Tail county, :W.miesota: That the existing and duly established and.designated State Aid Road:No, 5 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, which begins at the Southwest corner of Section 35, Tl31N-R39W; and thenoe.Northerly and Easterly to the North quarter oorner of seotion 31, 'l'l31N-R3BW and there terminating and whose general oourse between Sections 34 and 35, Tl31N-R39W is as follows: ~eginning at the southwest corner of seotion 35; thence North along the west Seotion line of said Section 35 for a distance of 1329,0 f.eet to the North.line of the South one-half of the Southw'!st quarter (S½ SW¼), of Section 35, Tl31B-R39W; and there terminating. That it is necessary for the: safety of public travPl and: for the proper maintenance of Bald road that it be so altered and changed: That an easement across additional land.a hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so alter- ing said.State Aid Road No, 5 in said sections aforesaid; That the general course of said state Aid Road !fo. 5 ls not materially altered thereby; That the Seid easement so to be procured is for public hlgh~tay and road pur1»oses that the same shall be looated, lie, be an~ run es hereinafter described; That it is' necessary for the construction and me.intenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that additional right of way be procured to enable the oonstruct ion of proper slopes and that an easement be prooured to construct certain slopes and to maintain the same after oonstruction as provided in the plans and specifications on file in the office of the county Hlghw113 Engineer at the Court House in the City of Fergus l!'alls, Minnesota, the specific places where said elopes are to be constructed, be- ing particularly hereinafter described, tl,at such easement for such oonstruction of elopes cease on or before December 31, 1953; That it ls necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that an easement for the erection of temporary enowfencee be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter desoribed to be taken for public highway purposes, and upon the lands adjoining the same That the lands so to be taken for public hlghw"'f and road purposes and subjected to easement as aforesaid, are situated in the State of Minnesota, and the county of otter Tall and described as follows: to-wit: PARCEL NO,'! A strip 01 land extending over and across the following described tract: Parcel No, 2 -The South one-half of the Southwest quarter (Si SW¼), Section 35, 'l'l31N-R39W; said strip being the Westerly 50 feet of the above desorlbed tract; exoepting therefrom the right of WEl.f of existing highway; oontainlng 0.51 acres, more or less. Also an easement to oonstruot slopes whioh shall oease on or beforeDecember 31, 1953, on the :following described line: A strip of le.nd 25 feet wide on the 'East side of said roadway beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 35; thence North 120 feet and there terminating, A striP. of land 25 feet wide on the East side of said roadway beginning at a point BOO feet North of the Southwest aorner of Section 35; thence North 41)0 feet and there terminating, "Said strip to adjoin the 011teide line of said roadway and the outer line of ea.id-strip to be parallel therewith. That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; to aoquire said easement across additional lands as aforesaid for public road ahd highway purposes; to ac- quire said easement and additional right· of W"'f for· construction of slopes, as foreeaid; and to acquire said easement for er,eotion of enow:fences, and let the same :forthwith: duly be begun and proe7cuted. Dated this 14th day of May, 1952. Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN county Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: By the county Board of Otter Tall County HENRY SIEJ",ING Chairman. BE IT RESOLVED by the County ~oard (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, W.nneeota: That the existing and duly established designated State Aid Road No. 7 in Otter Tall County, Minne-sota, which be~ins at the intersection of Trunk Highway No, 3 end Soule Avenue in the Village of Vining; thenoe southeasterly and easterly to the southeast corner of Seotion 1, Tl32N-R37W; and there terminating, and whose -general course in Section 15, is as follows: Beginning at tlie West quarter corner of Sect.ion 15, Tl32N~7W; ii-thence East for a distance of 2439,0 feet: thence di!fiec·t to the right on a 29• ourve (delta angle 91'1l7') :!!or a distance of 314,B feet to a point where same lnterseote with the center line of Trunk Highway No, 29 and there terminating. That it ls necessary for ·the safety of public travel and for the proper maintenanoe of said road that it be so alt~red and changed; That an easement across additional lands hereafter described le needed for the purpose of so altering said State Aid Road No, 7 in ea.id sections as aforesaid; · Th-at the general aourse of said State Aid P.oad Ilo, 7 le not materially altered thereby; That the said easement so to be procured is for public highway and road purposes, that the saq1e shall be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter described; COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... l,IBY ... 14, ........................................... 19 ... ~.~ That it ls necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that additional right of way be procured to enable the construction of proper slopes and that an easemen·t be orocured to construct certain slopes and to maintain the same after construction as provided 1n the plans-and specidl'icat1ons on file 1n the office of the Coun~y R.lghway Engineer at the Court House 1 the dtty of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the specific places where said slopes are to be constructed, being particuiarly hereinafter described, that such easement for such construction of slopes cease ~nor before December 31, 1953, That it is necessary for the construction ~nd maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that an easement for the erection of temporary snowfence be procured, and that the same be upon the lands heretnafter described to be taken for public highway purposes and upon the ~ands adjoining the same. That the lands so to be taken for public highway and road purposes and subjected to easement as afore said, are s•tuated 1n the state of Minnesota and county of otter Tail and described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL NO. ll A strip o~ l~d extending over and across the following described tracts: Parcel No. 11 -The southwest quarter (SW¼). Section 15, Tl32H-R37W; sai.d strip being alil. that part of the above described tract which lies within a distance of 50 feet on the Southerly si~e of the follow- ing described oentrri1ne: Beginning at the west quarter corner of Section 15, Tl32N-R37W; thence East for a distance of 2439.0 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 29°curve (delta angle 91°17') for a distance of 314,8 feet to the center line of Trunk Highway No, 29 and there terminating, excepting therefrom the right of w93 of existing highway; containing 1.2 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31; 1953, on the follow- ing described line: A strip of land 25 feet wide on the South side of so.id roadway bee-inning at the \fest quarter corner o section 15; . thence 200 feet East and there terminating. A strip o.f land 15 feet wide on the South side o·t, sli.ld roadway beginning at a point 690 feet East af the vrest quarter corner o:1' Section 15; thence East 300 feet and there terminating. A strip of land 15 feet wide beginning at a point 1890 feet East 01' the west quarter corner of Section 15; thence East 600 feet and there terminating, Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway, and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith, That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire said easement aoross additional lands as aforesaid for public road and highway purposes; and to acquire said easement for erection of' snowfences, and let the same forthwith duly be begun and prosecuted. Dated this 14th day of !.{a.v,1952. Attest: l'IILLIAM LINCOLN county Auditor The ~ollowing resolution was adopted: By the Board of County o·om:ntssioners of Otter Tall Oounty ' HENRY SIELING Chairman. BE IT RE.SO~VED by the county Board (County commissioners) of Otter Tail eounty, Minnesota:' That the existing and duly established designated County Aid Road No. ·54 1n Otter Tail County, Minnes- sota, which begins at a point 776~0 feet South of the East qual'ter ·corner of Section 23, Tl31N-R38W; thence run Nor'therly for 3,6 miles; thence liorthwesterly to the South quarter oorner of Section 10, Tl32N- R38W; thenoe Northerly for 2.0 miles to the southeast corner of Section 34, Ti33N-R38W; thence Northerly on or near the section line between Sections 34 and 35, 26 and 27, 22 and 23, to where same intersects with Trunk Highway 3, and whose general co11rse in Section 23 ia as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 23, Tl33N-R38W; thence North along the Section line to the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter (SJI¼ SW¼) of Section 23, and there terminating. That it 1s necessary for the sa1'-ty of public travel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed; . That an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so altering said county Aid Road No, 54 in said sections aforesaid; That the general course of said County Aid Road No. 54 is not materially altered thereby; That the said easement so to be prooured is for public highway and road purposes, that the same shall be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter described; That 1 t 1s necessary for the construction. and maintenance of said roed and for the saMy of oublic travel that ad.d1t1onal right of way be procured to enable the construction o±' proper slopes and that an easement be procured to construct ·certs.in slo·pes and to maintain the so.me after construction as provid.ed 1n the plans and specifications on file 1n the o'ff.ice of the County H1ghwA3 Engineer at the Court House in t•he City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota; the specific places where said slopes are to be constructed, being particularly hereinafter described, that such easement for such oonstruction of slopes cease on or before December 31, 1953; · That it is necessary for the oon~truotion and maintenanoe of said road and for the· safety of publio travel that an easement for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public highway purposes and upon the lands adjoining the same; That the lands so to be taken for publio high111ay and road purposes and subjected to easement as afore- said, are situated in the State of Minnesota, and the County of Otter Tail and described as follows, to-wit COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN: . May 14, 52 DATE ....................... -.... · ························-·······-···-················-···19 .... . PARCEL 13 A strip of land extending over and aaroee the follow1l)g deeoribed traot: Parcel 13 -The Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter (SW¼ SW¼), Section 23, Tl33N-R38W; said lltrip ·being 8'11 that part of the above described tract which lies within a distance of 50 feet on the Easterly side of the following deeoribed center line; Beginning at the ifouthwest eection co=rner of Section 23, T133lJ-R38W; thence North ~long the West section line of said Section 23, for a distance of 1323,0 feet to the North line of the southwest quarter of the §outhweet quarter (SW¼ SV,t), Section 23,.Tl33N-R38W and there terminating, excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highways; oont11.ining 0,51 acres, more or lees, Also an easement to conetruct elopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1953, pn the followi described lini: A strip of la.'ld 20 feet wide on the East side of said roadway beginning at the Southwest Corn.er of section 23; thence North 280 feet and there terminating, Said etrlp to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said stri9 to be parallel therewith, That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had andpr0:111ecuted pursuant to law; to ao-quire Bald easement across additional lands as aforesaid for public road and highway purposes, to acquire said easement and add.itional right of way for construction of slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said easement for erection of snowfences; and let the same forthwith duly be ~egun and prosecuted, Dated thle 14th d·e.y of May 1952, Attest: WILLIAM LI-NCOLif county Iualtor. 1he following bills were allowed: Larson Bros. Olson Auto Electric Lake.Region r.totor Skogmo Motors, Inc. Minnesota Motor do,, Wadena Fergus Nash Motor Co, !,{ills Oil Co, A, R, Meier Oscar Rude Tich,y's Shop Chaf.fee's Garage F, W, & ~111 Gaedke Uselman Electric Service Thelen Implement co, Moore Hardware Stark's our Own Hardware Perham co-op 011 co. Fortwengler•s Elec, Shop National Bushing .\ Parts co, Fred·A, Everts Henning Fuel Co. Fred A, EVerts Village of He~nlng Motor Patrol Association R, A, Olson Fergus Oil Co, Ray's Oil Station Bluffton 011 co. Fergus Service Station Bob's Service Station A, B, carpenter TWin'e Motor co. Service 011 co, Baas Oil Co, Bill Nelson 011 Co, Penrose 011 co, Anderson & Sandberg 011 Co, Hagge 011 Co, Henning 011 co. Socon,v-vacuum 011 co. Minnesota State Highway Dept, Raymond Broe, Motor Trane, co., Franklin Fence Co, Fergus Specialties Co, Victor Lundeen & co, N, W, Bell Tele, do,,F,F, Pelican .Tele, Go, · N', w·, Bell Tele, do., F.F, Verg~e Telephone Co, N. W, Bell Tele, Co,, Henning Wendell P, Huber Do Ceo, Olson G, 1>, Harlow M.Vron D, Wechsler !!'red W. Steeves Gena L, Herdman Inc. By the County B_oard of otter Tail County HENRY SIET,ING chairman. repairs $ 68.77 " 4,00 II 61,26 " 77,85 " 18,90 " 3,91 " 7,95 " 47,10 " 17,50 " 15,75 " 37,35 " 9,00 " 25.52 supplies 10,70 " 2,85 " · 2,60 ,80 " 3.38 " & repairs 46,38 lumber etc, 377,21 coal 4.80 " 191,35 rent 154,03 towing 13,50 labor 60~00 gasoline 109,22 " 55,;95 " 51,36 26,87 101, 71 " 93,49 " etc, 72,42 " " 186,04 " & supplies 15,70 tires & gasoline 307,50 diesel fuel & gasoline 220,71 " II 74,50 " " 1040,84 fuel oil 8,05 grease 27,78 supplies 34,10 freight 5.55 stakes 504,37 supplies 13,20 " 3,43 service 54,30 " 9.35 " 37.40 " 28.75 long distance 11.02 cash adv9:nced 12.41 expenses 166.56 " 17.90 22,93 Right of way 8.08 II " " 5.8.4 ., " " 17,60 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................................... l.lB.Y .. 141 ........................... 19 .... ~.1? r ll.ililllfl:llilllJ:ilUJU.H'J1"1..:JL"[ Eugene x.. S-tr.aight A, R. Wije Lavera 'M. Lewin John.w. swanson Carl Edwin Swanson Alfred Lewin August F. x»,ooh s. L. Huey Ruth G. Swenson Paul B. Fisher Augusta 'Benke M,rna Euffington M'ondt Geo. d. xrstzl~e Theod.Q,re Hilde John F. Neu Eiiok G. I)Usterhoft Irvin C. Voight Peter Zawacki Gottlieb Silbernagel L. G. Abraham Pfc, Lester R, Johnson Julia Rotzien Clara L. Moltzan Ernest Wisohnac·k Albert L. Marek Harmil American Legion Post Frank Honer John o. Johnson Carlo A. Jaaska August Toppi Gust v. Henning Oscar Barden Olaf P, Frakie R. W. Salo Floyd :Forster 1,fargaret L. Fraki Andrew Y.astama Harry E. Boyhtya Fred Salo Anna Leslrinen earl o. Jaaska J. ci. Henkes T/1. c·. Lee Donald Skripsy Mabel \Venstrom Louise Stondahl T1{able Rossow H. L. Allfm John I,. 'Bixby Bert Stene Henry Sieling George Hanson Bennie J. Johnson Estrem Clinic Ivan E. Bigler c. J. Lund Dr. ·,i. \V. Will Albert Fritz Minnesota Bar Assn. Normandy Cafe Addressograph Soles Agency Burroughs Addinr, '!!o·he. co. Ebetsviller Imp. co. Beall\: McGowan Fergus Lumber II: Juel Co. 'Rintgen-Karst ?.lee, Co. Wright Electric Co. N. w. Bell Tel. Co. J. S. Hopponen Olson Furniture co. N. W. Bell Tel. co. 'Do Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Security Blank Book~ Prtg. co. Nelson sros. ?.rtg. co. Victor Ltmdeen & co. Poucher Printing .\: Lith. co. J.Uller-l)avis co. Panama carbon co. Victor Lund.een tc co. Remington Rand co. Panama carbon ~o. Art Printoraft Poucher Printing~ Lith. co. Miller-Davis co. Fergus _Journal co. Frank Barnes John L. Logan H. :r. Hinze Joseph Rayner, Sr. EVe~ace 0, Hanson H, VI. Olorv igen ?.ight of Way & move fence ff " " " " " " " " .. ;.· " " ff " n' ,.1 n .. " " ,. " &, move fence n " " " " " n ., ... " " " " " II: " " " .. " " " n " " " " " " " ,. " " " " " " " " .. .. " " " " " .. " " " " ., " " " " " " ,, " ., " " " " ,, " " " " , .. , " " " " " " " " " " " " ,, " " n " " " " " " " " " " " " n• " " " " " n " " " n " " " •! ,, " " " " " " " " " " " " " " .. " " boarding prisoners Dep. sheri.f.f's exp. '' " " exp. ,assist, Supt. Supt's expense " clerk expenses Sup. of assessors exp. exp. attd. meeting " ~ " " " " autopsy etc. coroner's fees " " ., " " weed inspection handbooks meals for jurors main. supplies repairs supplies CO Ill repairs " calls repairs supplies calls mobile servi.ca conrt oalendo.rs supplies printing .!,: staty. binders~ supplies books !le supplies blanks & supplies carbon paper sup9lies ,, carbon !?&Per printing to.x list sheets blanks printing -~ adv. municipal court fees Dep. sheriff's fees '' ,, " " postage " " '" " 434.40 107.35 .:,5;:ao _12;·so '29 .• Bo 7.80 ·-1.ao 169.80 .3.80 3.46 ·23.00 65.30 98.43 78.40 49.00 40,25 54.80 40.00 186.30 36,00 5.88 6.20 3.20 .so 2,80 1.60 6.70 5.16 35.05 28.61 47.11 23.72 23.29 29.32 42.21 32.82 42.41 4.00 9.40 34.00 5.20 205.50 163.95 107.35 89.28 85.41 17.50 36.57 96.77 6.00 13.24 8.52 10.20 52.00 10.90 34.25 12.05 108.69 10.00 60.80 23.83 .72 40.64 18.25 624.91 1.70 31.40 31.75 22.95 14.25 46.95 83.10 120.00 30.03 37.83 301.20 186.76 68.85 4.50 5.75 192.20 2.65 1.00 526.80 16,43 246-80 ao.oo 10.ao 37.00 75.50 45.00 55.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. !,lay 14, 52 DATE ........................................................................................ 19 .... . Louise s-tondahl south Mill standard Service St, Luke's Hospital Do Haimerl Post ~148 Simonson Linoleum do. H. W. Glorv 1.gen Odin Johnson Johnson Furniture Co, R, d. Anderson Well~ Pump Co. Louise .. stondahl A, A. Vollbrecht w. S. Darley&: co, Perham Tel, Co. .Ann• S, .To rd.an Esther G, Sell Ann• s·, Jordan -Do Esther G, Sell N. W. Beil Tel. Co. , Philip M~ X:jaglien Ruth C, Campbell cooper's Nelson Broe. Prtg, co. Army Times City \Vater :'I: Light Dept. Philip M, y.jaglien Katherine D, ~owneend Fe.rmeirs' Elevator Co, Chas. Me.largie Philip Carlson !Jopeming Sanatorium SJUU!Yreet Sanatorium Minn. state Sanatorium Nopeming Sanatorium univ_ers_ity Hospital A, W. Co., Inc. of Minn. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Rosholt Eq11ipt. Co, Geo. T, RYan Co, Ruffridge-JolmRon Equipt. co. Wm, H. Ziegler co,, Inc. Park Machine, Inc. Minnesota F.W.D, co, Paper, Calmenson &: co. Minneap~lis Iron Store Lyle Signs, Ino .- Minnesota Motor Co. Chaffee's Garage Vergas Hardware Co. Peterson-Biddick co. Peavey Elevators Rep's Standard Service Meyer's Service Station consumer's co-op. Oil Oo., Inc. D, A, Lu~ricant Co,, Inc. Minnee.polia Blue Printing co. H, A. Rogers Co, Midwest Tele, Co. W, L. Potter S • &: F. 011 Co, Bluffton co-op. Creamery Assn. Minn, State Higwa.v Dept. Wheeler Lumber !I: Bridge;.& Supply co. Geo. T, Ryan co. Minneapolis Iron Store Chas, Hite Natl. Bush.&: Parts co. Hoot Lake Ioe &: Gas Co, !!rs. Elsie ll, Ped er son A. &: E. Offioe Machine Dept, Schoolcraft co. Al wegscheid Jennings Edmari Otto Lange postage gasoline services for prisoner care of prisoner decorating graves supplies drivers• cash for supplies license exp. supplies jail cash advanced bond premium supplies sheriff service nurse expenses " postage " " " expenses " " " service /1, calls service -expenses " supplies printing subscrit>tion lights - expenses rent tile Di toh #70 repairs Ditch #70 " . " #70 care of patients n " " " " " " " special nursing pa.rte " " " " " &: repairs cutting edges " " supplies signs repairs " su~plies " coal gasoline " " oil supplies " servioe expenses gasoline etc, supplies snow removal creosoted iumber parts supplies " " " " " " .. " Bight of Wey&: move fence supplies gasoline transcript repairs school snpplies gra.vel grease repairs office " " ·" " " " " " Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to May 20, 1952 at 10 o'clock A. M, Attest: cierk. 26,72 1.47 27,15 5.oo 10.00 15,90 23.,10 1.25 75,00 1.50 19,00 5.00 47.50 7,35 78.48 4,02 7,38 3.50 82,21 i9,85 65,17 22,33 47,45 5,40 4.00 19,76 49,84 45.00 47,00 167.10 167,10 1232.40 50.00- 1512.06 863.86 173.00 705.21 143,82 150.58 297.,67 1(194.77 478,04 328,24 !)0,08 86.10 105.20 151.48 41.85 0.00 41.49 10.00 49.90 122.13 58.16 267. 70 255.24 l?,62 73.24 13.40 111.93 53.30 10.00 3621.51 1269,84 160.56 184.43 59.15 100.63' 86.37 8.32 37,81 175.34 ~35 2,40 1~50 lrman, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. -. . . -. . -. ' DATE ................................ Ma3-... 2.0. •.................................... 19.52 .. UINTJ'l'ES OF ADJOITT!NED MEETUIG 0!' THE BOA!'!D OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF O'l'TER TAIL COUMTY, l!INNF.SOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.!JI. :'1.ay 20, 1952. Present were commissioners Sieling, Johnson, Hanson, stone and Snowberg. "ON'• and "Off" sale beer licenses were granted to Ira Bowman at Marion Lake Lodge in the Township of Dead Lake. "ON" and "OFF" sale beer licenses and also dance permit were granted to Ura, A. E.·Campbel~ and I.Ira. Charles.Forsling at Rainbow Pavilion in the Township of: Girard. Bids for construction of s.P. Ho, 56-507-01, s. 821 fl), locateci between 0,25 Mi. N, of T .• H, #34 and North line of Otter Tail County, being approximately 5,2 miles in length. were opened and examined and the. Board found that H. D, Morrill and. Son submitted the lowest bid, being in the sum of $;48,785,88, and upon motion, the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Highways that said bid be accepted. . 56-501-08,S 33 (4) Bids for construction of ~.P, No, 56-501-12, S 423 (6), located between 1 ML S,. of S.A,R,. I ~O 5: Otter Tail Lipce and between 2,1 Miles South of Amor & Amor, being approximately 14,7 miles ;n length, we:re opened and examined anci the 11oard determined that Herbison Construction Co. submittl!d th!! lowest bid for. sai~ work being $87,713.54 and, upon motion, the Board recommended to the Commiesione-r of High-ways that said bid be accepted. P.ESOLU'l'ION BY TIJE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF. OTTER TAIL COUNTY~ ?lHINF.SOTA BE IT RF.SOLVED, that the Chairman and the Oounty Auditor are hereby authorized en~behalf of the county of ·.otter Tail to execute an agreement with the Village of Dent for the improvement of State Aid Road No., 12 from the south corporate limits M Third Avenue and rA'.ain Street in the Village of Dent, which said agreement bears the date of May 13, 1952, and approval of the State Highway Department on May 15, 1952, Adopted this 20th da,v of !A'.ay, 1952. BO.llRD OJ' COtnWY COMMISSIONERS Dy HEN~ SIELING . cnalrman. At.test: WILLIAM LIMCOLN Auditor. Upon motion, the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bide for the purchase and distribution of 180,000-gallons of bituminous material any point in Otter Tail county, said bids to be received until 10 o-'olock, A,!!, June 18, 1952 by the county Auditor. Upon motion, the Board adjourned to 10 o'olook A.M, rman. . ,. . .. " ·c~lij:jti .. :i~aito r. IIFPIIDD!IIIIIQU.UL.IL.C COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAI'L COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... .June .... l.'0 .•........................................... 19 .. Ji;il :MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUlfrY, MINll. PU.rsuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, U, June 10, 1962, Present were Commissl~ners Slellng, Johnson, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg, Bide for construction of Jobes, p, 66-602-06, IS,A,R, 12) between underwood and 6 miles north and S,P, 56-511-0B (S,A,R, 4) between T,H, 59 1 mile northeast of Pelican Rapids and 6,3 aalt, as advertlzed by the Board were opened and read and after oheoklng by the Engineer and by the representative of State Highwll,V Department, upon motion of C0'11111issioner Bennie Johnson, seconded by Commission~r Bert Stone, the Board recommended to the co~missloner of ijlghways that the lowest bid, being that of Herbison Conetructio company in the sum of $77,114,63 be accepted. I The Board also rejected bids for grad.lng and gravelling S,A,R, No, 4 southwest of Vergas 1,1 mile and also bide fo7 cons~ruction <;>f Leaf River.Bridge on C,A,R, ?lo, 54, The bond of S,'B, Johnson as county Auditor in the sum of $5000,00 effective July i, 1952, ·with Anchor Casualty company as surety was approved, The application of Robert F., Durkin for reduction in assessment of personal pro pert.v in the Township of Robart on the ground that he·was not allowed the household exemption was read and the Board recommend-ed to the commissioner of Taxation that the taxable value of 1his property be reduced from $107,00 to $7,00 and the taxes from $18,76 to $1,23, . The application of Geo. cordingly for cancellation of oersonal property taxes in the Township of Bluffton for the year 1951 on the ground that said property-was properly assessed in the Township of Compton and tax 9aid on same was read and the ~oard recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessment of $117,00 be cancelled, · · The application of Dr, H, J, Larson for reduction in assessment of personal property in the Town-ship of Girard for the year 1951 was read and, after consideration, the Board reoommended to the Commis- sioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $187,00 to $94,00 and taxes reduced accordingly, The application of Gustav Gorentz for reduction of assessment for 1951 on the NW¼ NW¼ and Lots 10. 11, 12 and 13 in Seo, 14. T-own of Dora, was read and the Board recommended to the Commiseioner·of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $1321.00 to $1221,00 and the taxes from,.$199,24 to $183,99, The application of Philip H, Langdon for cancellation of assessment for structures for 1961 against the North 403½ feet of Sub Lot A·exoept tract in Sec. 34. Village of Battle Lake, was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that eaid aesessment for struotnrea be oancelled and the assessed value reduced from $1160,00 to $240,00 and the taxes from $240,30 to $86,12, · The application of H, A, Thomson, Tax Commissioner, Soo Railroad, Minneapolis, for oancellation of taxes for 1949 and '50 and '51 on leaees··ror said years erroneously entered on. the tax list was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that taxes for said years be oancelled as follows: Year 1949, $9,98; year 1950, $4,76; year 1951, $8,74, · · The application of Right Rev. Richard R,· FJrnery, President of the Bishop, Chanoellor and Standing Committee of the Church tn North Dakota, for refundment of taxes jaid for the years 1950 and '51 was ~ead and 1t being the plioy of the county commissioners not to refund any taxes which hav'e actually been paid, upon motion, the application was re.1eoted·. The following applications for homestead classification for the year 1951 were granted and taxes ordered reduced accordingly: E, J, Wastweedt, P.Ursh's First Addition to Linden Park in the Town of Girard, Lota 1 and 2, JHook R; Bengt Cedar. on wt SW¼ and SE{ SW¼ of Sec. 33. Town of Elmo, and on the Nt MW¼ of Sec. 4, Town of ,Parkers.Prairie; Elmer Johnson, Frl, NWf and Lot 3 exoept tract in Sec, 30, Township of Trondhjem· Warrn Dubbels, SW¼ of Sec, 23, Town of Carlisle; c. A. Gustafson, SE¼ SEf and Lot 3, Seo. 26 and the Ni NE¼ and Lot l in Sec. 35, Township of Tor.denskjold; Philip H, Langdon, Sub Lot A exoept 403!" feet and except tracts in Sec. 34, Village of Battle Lake; Leonard D, Jobson, Lot 10,Blook 4, Cutler's 6th Addi tlon to Fergus .Falls. Reports of the Board of Audit of check of the current tax collections of the oounty treasurer· for the period from June 24, 1951 to Nov. 8th in the sum of $749,641,30. and from Nov. 9th to Deo, 3fst in the sum of $24,916.48, were approved, A plat of l'lsry•s North Shore Beech on Little Pine Lake in Sec,.26, Towuehip of Gorman, aocompsnied by a oertlfioate of title executed by M. J. Daly, Attorney-at-law, was approved~ Up.on motio:n, Sheriff J, o. Renkes was granted an adUtional thirty da,vs time for collection of 1951 personal property taxes. A petition signed by residents of Girard Beaoh in Girard Township asking for imppovement of road in the Townships of ~irard and EVerts we.a read and, upon motion, was referred to the county attorney, The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTIC)N BY T~ BOARD OF COUNTY, COM!v!I~SIONERS OTTER TAU. COUl~TY, MINNESOTA, BE IT RSSOLVED, that the Chairman and the county Auditor are hereby authorized on behalf of the county of'Otter Tall to exeoute an agreement with the Village of Vergas for the improvement of State Aid Road No. 4 from the west corporate limits to Pelican Avenue in the Village of Vergas. which said agreement bears the date of June 9. 1952, Adopted this 10th day of June, 1952, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Attest: By 'H:!.":NP.Y SIELING CHairman, WlLLIAll LINCOLN Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . .rune lo., DATE ............................................ .-........................................... 19 .... ~2 The'Public Health Nursing Service presented a financial statement for the twelve months ending June 30, 1952. upon motion, the statement was ordered placed on file. "ON" and "OFF" sale beer licenses were granted to Gust and Grace Coschka at Seclusion Point in Sec, 29, Township of Edna, List of names selected by the county Board to be submitted to the Director of Social Welfare was filed and copies were ordered mailed to the Director; said list to take the place of list previously filed • . lJl)on motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 O'clock A, U, June 11th. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A,M. Wednesday, June 11, 1952, all members being present. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn,: \Vhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Ebersviller Implement co. of Fergus Falls for one John Deere power mower, and Whereas, same has been received and accepted by the county, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board are hereby authori- zed and directed to issue to said compan,v a warrant on the county Road and Bridge fund in the sum of $1606,50, the contract price, Adopted June 11, 1952. Attest: WILLIA!! LINCOLN Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: JmlffiY SIELING Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners cf Otter Tail County, ·Minn.: Whereas. this Board has heretofore contracted with Wm, 'Ff, ZiP.gler Co., Inc., for one Moline In-dustrial tractor and Lull shovel-loader, and W~ereas, same has been reoeived and accepted by the county, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county .!udit or and Chairman of the Board are hereby author- ized and directed to issue to said company a warrant ·on the county Road ·and'Bridge f1md in.the"sum of $3237,30, the contract price. Adopted June 11, 1952. Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: HEllRY SIELING Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County 0ommissioners of Otter Tall aounty, Minn,: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Geo. T, Ryan co. for Case Model S,I, tractor loader, and Whereas, s·ame has been· received .and acciepted by the county, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the county Aud.itor and Chairman of the Board.are herebJ author- ized and directed to issue to said-company a warrant on the county R~ad and Bridge fund in the sum of $3190,00, the contract price. · Adopted June 11, 1962, Atteat: WILLIA!ll' LINCOLN c1erk. RES"OLTTTION CANOELLINC EASEMENTS, HENRY STELING Chairman. . On the 15th day of October, 1951, Winefred M, Gw,v, tulu A, Saunders and. Benjamin H, Saunders granted an,: Easement to the County of Otter Tail in writing which was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Otter Tail County, Minnesota on the 29t~ day of December, 1951 in book 21 of Miscellaneous on Page 251. That said Easement covered real estate in Otter Tail County, Minnesota described as follows, to-wit: The Northerly 60 feet of the following described tracts: Govt. r.ot 2· and the Southeast quarter of the Northv1est qua:r,er CS~¼ N'il¼), section 19, Tl3lN-Bl7W; The Northerl,V 60 feet of the followiDB described tract: The southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter (SWf trail, Section 19, T131H-R37W; excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highways; containing 1~62 acres, more or less. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER 'TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-···················· , ....• Tune .. 11.•····················-·······tg 52 On the 19th day of July, 1951, Emil l,!. Hanson and. Gertrude Hanson granted an Easement to the C"ounty of Otter Tail in writine which was recorded in the offioe of the Register ot' Deeds of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, on the 24th day of October, 1951 in book 20 of Uiscellaneous on page 326, That said Easement covered real estate in Otter Tail county, Minnesot.a, described as follows, to-vii t: 'l'he •Northerly 50 feet of the fol101ving described tract; The •Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest quarter (NW¼ SiV¼), Section 20, T;!.3ll1-R371'; excepting therefrom the right of w~y of exlst1ng highways; containing 0,6 acre more.or less. On the 19th day of July 1951, Henry Xamphake and Bernadine Xamphake granted an, ty of otterTail in writing which was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds Mlnnesota, on the 24th day of October, 1951 in book 20 of Miscellaneous on page 327, covered real estate in Otter Tall county, Minnesota, described as follows, to-wit:. A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract: The West one-half of the northwest quarter (W½ tm+. l, Section 20, Tl31H-R37W; said strip being 50 feet on either side of the following described center line; Easement to the Coun- of Otter Tall County, That said Easement Beginning at the Northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter (SW¼ NW¼), Section 20. Tl31H-R37W; thence south 958,5 feet; thence deflect to the left on a 15° curve (delta angle 88°45') for a distance of 591.7 feet; thence East to the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the North1vest quarter (SW¼ rm¼), Sec~ion 20, Tl31N-R37W; and there terminating. excepting therefrom the right of w~v of existing hiFhweys; containing 1.24 acres, more or less. On the 19th day of July, 1951, earl F. Carlson and ~ortense ~-Carlson ernnted an Easement to the County of Otter Tail in writinr which was recorded in the office of the Register.of Deeds of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, on the 24th day of OctoiJer, 1951, i.n book 20 of' !,iiscellaneous on .page 329. That said Easement -covered real estate in otter Tail county, Uinnesota, described as follows, to-wit: The southerly 50 feet of .the following described tracts; The North one-half of the Northeast quarter (N~ NE¼), Section 19, T,l31N-R3nv; excepting• therefrom the righ·t. of way of existing highways;, containing 1.02 aore.s, more or less, on ~he 19th dn~ of July, 1951 Albert C, Potratz and Elsie Potratz granted an Easement to the county of otti,r Tl!,11 in writing which •.ir11s recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds o.f Otter Tail County, Minnesota·, on the 24th dey of Octo'ber, 1951, in book 20 9f iitiscellaneous on page 330. That said Easement covered real estate in otter Tail county, Minnesota desorioeu as fol~ows: to-wit: The Southerly 50 feet of the follo\ving described tracts: Lot i and the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter (ll'E¼ lffl¼l, Section 19. Tl31N-R37W; A strip of land extending over and across the following described tract; The Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter (SE¼ NE¼), Section 19, Tl31N-R37W; said stri·P being 50 feet on ei·ther side of the following described center line; Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter (SE¼ NE¼l, Sec- tion 19, Tl31U-R3'7\V; thence East 958.0 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 15° curve (delta angle 87°47•) for a distance of 585.2 feet; thence South on Section line to the Southeast corner of the south- east quarter of the Iiortheast quarter (SE¼ ?IB¼l, Section 19, Tl3llf•R37W and there termina.ting. .. excepting.therefrom the rieht of way of existing highways; containing 2.37 acres, more or less • . That the descri.ption in all of said :J':asements is erroneous in that it is the wrong township. IT IS TTiEREFORE P.F:SOLVED. By the Hoard of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that said Easements are hereby in all things terminated, cancelled and of no further force and. effect and that a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the office of the Register of.Deeds and such recording.shall operate as a c~nellation in their entirety of all of said Easements. Dated June 11. 1952. Attest: \'IILLI.W LUlCOLN county Auditor. BEURY SIELING chairman. The foregoinf' resolution was off.ered by Commissioner Hanson who moved its adoption; it was seconded by commissioner Snowberg and upon vote, carried unanimously whereupon it v,ae. signed by the Chairman and the county ~.Auditor. The following bills were allowed: Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Minnesota Ii',W,D, co. N. w. Eneineering co. Rosholt·Eqttipt. co. The Geo. T. Ryan co. wm. R, Ziegler co., Ino. Park Machine, Inc. Paper, Calmenson ~ co. Armco DrainB{le ,"c Metal Prod. co. Larson 'Bros. Service Recorder co. parts " " " ,. !I: cutting edges supplies steel poets culverts repairs " $ 224.03 42,53 283,63 470,40 1428.27• 1339.78 140.04 283,20 2659.86 73.30 · 15.82 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... : ........ : ..... J'.Une_.ll .•.............................. 19 .... .62 Kinne•s. rno. Walt's R@pair Shop Westad Motors . Crow Motors Ehnbom J,{Otor co. Bob's service station Holten Hardware Minnesota Motor co. Fergus Lumber & Fttel co, ~enning Hdwe. co. Gamble Store. underwoo~ Vergas Hardware co. Bill Nelson Oil co. oatrus $nowfence ~ Cribbing Utility Feed Mill, Ino, . Raymond Bros, 11.otor Trans, co, Fergus service A, B. carpenter The Oil store Fossen Oil Co, Park Re6ion Oil Co, Log Cabin Service station Twin's Motor Co, ?ergus Oil Co. f.angren &: ifon 011 co. co-op Services, Inc. Service Oil Co, Harthun~ PP.teraon.Oil Co, Anderson & Sandberg Oil co. !Iagge Oil co. D, A, Lubricant Co,, Inc, Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc. Empire Supply co •. B11rrOU!_!!hS' Adding M9:chine co. Monroe Calo, Maoh. Co,, Ino. O'M:eara•s Minneapolis Blue Pr.inting co. l!:l.n!lesota State "fl'~gh, Dept. N, W,. Bell Tele. Clo,, "F',:P', Midwest Telephone Co, N, w·. Bell Tele, cro., Henning Pelics.n Tele. Clo. N, W, Hell Tele, ~o. construction Bulletin !!Utual Service Casualty co. ?I. ~. Potter · George Olson G. D,: Harlow Wendell P, Huber DO Ludwig Lange August Bruns · Ervin A, Stender George ~1 Wilson Gordon Holbrook Dewey AJlltonsen Florence G, Antonson G, L, .Antonson School Dist. #63 "Mary E, Oliver John Nicholson W, R, Butcher \'lesley Voge Evert R, Frobom Franlc Haparanta Baas 011 Co, Penrose Oil· co. J, C, Henkes DO oonald Skripsy M, C, Lee western union Louise Standahl Mabel Wenstrom Mable Rossow George Hanson Bert stone· Henry Sieling Bennie J~ Johnson Franko. Barnes John L. Bixby Herbert L, Allen Emil.Boen Frank Roberts Albert 1!'ritz Dr, Ivan E. Bigler ?larohant Caloulat ing Mohe. co. Burroughs Add 1n6 Mohe. Co. . ilo l)iebold Ino. Burroughs Adding Rohe. co. Norman L. Johnson Miller-Bryant-Pi eroe repairs " " " " .. sup!)lies .. .. .. tires, etc. lath coal f'reight gasoline " " .. " " .. " " .. " .. etc. etc. " diesel fuel .. oil supplies. . .. .. " .. .. culverts service .. .. .. .. .. ad. for bids ins. p remi urn expenses .. " .. cash advanced Right of' Way&: mo,e f'ence "' " " .. " " &: move ,, " .. " " " &: move .. " n n " " .. n " .. .. " " n " " " .. " .. " .. & move move fence " " Right of Way .'l-move " ., .. gasoline etc. diesel fuel etc. Hd, of prisoners postage Dep, Sheriff's exp. ff " " telegrams expenses " Clerk Oo, Supt. Exp. attd. meeting " " " .. .. " .. " .. fence f'enoe " " fence fence municipal judge•s.f'ees exp. Sup. of Assessors n n n n weed inspection " .. " " coroner's fees rent of' machine ribbons It main. service ribbons repairs on book supplies 483,31 ·,8;-50 4,50 5,00 21,04 55.78 39.69 160.10 3.75 -4.25 4,70 29.66 475.59 52.50 106.46 9.97 225.73 75,03 60,45 16,82 8,22 31.03 92,10 1:,7.56 46,40• 180,16 53.59 57.44 158.37 1332.69 127.62 125.41 51.52 1.05 1.00 43.28 13.40 22,98 51.65 5.55 9.10 7,00 39.70 47.70 23.15 140.91 19.65 18.55 301.97 19,23 23,00 1.00 45.16 5,40 36.23 20.00 39.9p 4,60 1.20 2,00 25.60 12.23 10.50 30.20 2.40 153.36 196,0l' 214.50 6.00 114,30 70,45 3,36 57.93 60.44 !)2,50 12;.:78 6.00 30,78 15,30 40.00 138.85 51.72 86,19 142.41 126.22 10.30 35.00 2,97 19.44 25.00 .12.00 125.00 21.36 I. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,.MINN: DATE .......................... : .......... J'.Une ...... 11., .......................... 19 .... .52 Franklin Carbon .1, Ribbon do. St. Paul Book & Staty. co. Nelson Bros. Prtg, do. Educational Test Bureau Seo. Blank Boo~ &•Prtg. do. Ugeblad Publ. Co, Pergus Specialties co, Sohooloraft co. Miller-Davie Co. Viator Lundeen & co. Pouoher Printing & Lith. do. Fergus Journal co. Battle Lake Review Jamee !JI. JJanson Joe ·Rayner, ~r. earl Jahn Beall & McGowan co. N. W. 3ell Tel. co. J. C. Penney co. Rol ten Hdwe. Fossen Seed do. illlnn. Main. Corp. International Chemical C.o. Costello Mfg. co. · N. W. Bell Tele. Co. no J. ~ • Ho pponen A, A. Vollbrecht Fergus Falla Ambulance Service H. w. Glorvigen State of !.U.nn. Dept. of Highways Louise irrtondahl EVelaoe G. Haneon Louise Stondahl H.J. Henning Esther G. Sell American Leglon Aux. Perham Tele. Co. Ann Jordan Esther G. Sell Walters. Booth & Son Ann s. Jordan City water & ~ight Dept. Katherine D. Townsend Philip M, Zjaglien N. W. Bell Tel. oo. Rintgen-Y.arst Elec. Co. Philip M. Y.jaglien Adolph Schmidt sunnyrest Sanatorium university Rospital 1'1111 Clinic Minn. State Sanatorium Holten lJardware H, V. Johnston Culv. co. w. L. Potter H. v. Johnston Culv. co. Larson Bros. \'Im. H. Ziegler Oo., Inc. William Lincoln Emil Boen Heinola Telephone Co. Jil,'llgebret.sQ?I! 13ros. Harvey w. Nelson Harvey \'7. Nelson Erick Hoyhtya Est. Wheeler Lumber oridge ~ Supply oo. Nicols, Dean & Gregg Cummins Diesel Sales corp. West Ottertail Service co. Star Shoe Repair ?41.nneapolis Iron Store consumer's co-op. 011 co. A. B. carpenter Stemsrud &: Emerson supplies freight on supplies printing school supplies records & supplies staty. &: prtg. supplies school supplies blanks eta. supplies .. publishing " Dep. Sheriff's fees " " " " " suppl1P.s mobile s09rvioe supplies"" jail supplies Ii repairs lawn seed SU!)plies "1 ,,. " calls " repairs jail bond premium service drivers license exp. plats cash advanced postage .. " expenses nurse decorating graves service & calls postage " supplies expenses water & light Vet. Ser. rent postage service repairs etc. expenses exp. with hospital patient care of patient s·pecial nursing examination oare of '.0atients supplies culverts cash advanced culvert Ccunty Ditch #70 storage tank Board of Audit weed inspection service & toi,ls Equipt. rental install cattle pass install culvert Right of way~ move fence bridge pl a."lkS bolts parts supplies repairs II gasoline II supplies 3.75 2.26 38.26 65.37 260.96 93.25 72.23 ·92.25 28.14 313.98 73.79 46,20 .4.80 29.20 28.60 22.10 16.75 ·81.55 29.88 10.26 7.35 36.85 20.48 31.20 59.35 38.95 22.80 5.00 4.00 25.15 LOO 20.00 45.00 46.72 104.58 80.11 25.00 5.50 8.38 9.00 4.29 97.62 10.51 45.00 9.09 13.10 7.30 79.31 36.34 :1:5.00 78,00 3.00 1501.88 5.60 67.60 5.80 177.06 1.25 122.00 135.00 175.60 16.55 103.50 120.00 203.50 50.34 1085.21 116.52 174.92 1.00 6.oo 24.08 91.54 · 106,96 1.78 The question of establishing county road in the 'l'owrn,,hips cf Scambler and Pelican as petitioned for by Oren F. Putnam and others was again taken up and, upon motion, the petition was rejected. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to June 18, 1952 at 10 o'clock A.M. Attest: ______ __,._ ...... ______ _ Clerk. arrniin1/ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN: DATE ........................... · ............ J,une ... 18 • ........................ 19 .... ~~ !IImJlllES OF A:DJOURNED MEETING OF THE :SOARD OF aOUNTY COMUISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUllTY I MINN. Pursu·ant to adjournment the Board met at ·10 o'clock Ji., M. June 18, 1952. Present were Commissioner Siel~ne;. Johnson. Hanson. Stone and s·no1vberg. :At the request of Sheri:t'f J. Q. Henkes and the entire Town Board of Leaf Lake th~ board revoked the ·•oN" .and "Off" snla bee;r licenses which he.d been issued to Lempi Lee. ·!lids i'or Road r.t:ix Bituminous Surf.aoe as advertised for b.v the Board were opened as follows: De- pendable Sur:f'aoing Company. st. Paul, $34.451.24 and c. 1. Stodolka. T,ittle Falls, $40,540.40, Upon motiqn the contract wa.s awarded to De!.)endable Surfacing Company, :~ plat of HolidB,Y Beaah in Town of Girard. acoompanied by certificate of title by -Bradford & X:enn~qy, Attorneys-at-ii.aw; was approved • . lTPon motion. the Board adjourned ;vithout date. clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... ?~~r .... ;~ .. ! .................... ·-···········19 ...... ~2 ?UNUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, !flllIIBS OT A, Pursuant to due oall and notioe thereof, a regular meetin~ of the Board of County commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota, was duly held at the com.~iesioners' ~oom in the Court House in Fergus Falls llinnesota, on JUly 14, 1952, at 10:30 o'clook A. M, The following commissioners were present: Henry Sieling, Bennie J, Joh~son, Bert stone, ,George Fanson !I: c. A, s·nowberg, ur. s·. B. Johnson, the county Audito!, and Mr, Owen v. Thompson, the County Attorney, were also present, commiSsioner Hanson· introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR PUBLIC SALE OF ROAD AND BRIDGE BONOO Be it resolved by the Board of county. Commissioners of Otter Tail county, W.nnesota, as follows: 1, This Board shall meet at the time and plaoe, ahd for the purpose·, specified in the form of notic of sale hereinafter set forth, and to take suoh other action relating to the bonds therein mentioned and as to any other matters as shall then be found desirable or expedient. 2, The County Auditor is hereby authorized and directeu to cause notice of said meeting and of the purpose thereof to be published in at least one issue of Fergus Falls Daily Journal, the official news- p,aper of said County, and in at least one issue of Co.mmercial \'lest, a financ.tal weekly published at Minneapolis, Minnesota, each of said publioations to be at least ten days prior to the date of said meet- ing, whioh.notice shall be in eubstantinl~y the following f.orm: NOTICE 0~ SALE OF $1,000, 000 RnAD AND BP.TDGE ~orms OF OTTER TAIL COIDITY, MI?INESOTA NOTrnE IS 11EREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of .Otter Tail coun.ty, ,Minnesota, will meet at the Commissioners• Room in the Oourthouse in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, on 13th day of August, 1952, at 11:00 o'clock A, M, (Central Standard Time) for the purpose of receiving, opening, and consider- ing sealed bids for $1,000,000 principal amount of negotiable coupon general obligation bond~ of said county (being the remainder of a total authorized issue in the amount of $2,500,000) to be issued for the purpose of grading, graveling, and bituminous surfacing and the erect ion and improvement of bridges on oounty roads in said county, Said bonds. will be dated as of July 1, 1952, in denomination of $1,000 each, numbei;ed serially from l to 1000, and will bear interest payable January 1, 1953, and semiannually thei;eafter on each July land January 1, at a rate or rates specified by the successful bidder. They will mature in numerical order of .serial n1tmbers on ,Ta11uary l, in the amount of ~60,000 in each o·f the years 1955 through 1970, and ·i10,ooo in 1971, Bonde numbered l through 720 (me.tnring in .1955 throug_h 1966) will be payable as aforesaid with- out option of prior payment; but bonds numbered 721 through 1000 (maturing in 1967 through 1971) will es.oh be EBq'b,~ec,t: to r.edemption and prepaym1rnt at the o·ption of the County on 30 days not ice of call, in inverse order of serial numbers, on Jenuary l, 1966, and on any interest due date thereafter, e.t par and aocrued interest to the date specified for redemption, Principal and interest will be made PQ:.i"nble at any suitable banking institution in the mJited States designated by the sucoeesful bidder, and the County agrees to pay the reasonable and customary charges of such institution for the receipt and disbursement of suoh principal and interest moneys. The bonds will be issued payable to bearer, but, if requested by the suocessful bidder, \Vill he made registerable as to prinoipal only on books to be maintained for that pur- ·pose by the Cotmty Treasurer. The county will furnish, without cost to the purchaser, the printed and executed bonds and the• un- qualified ar,proving legal opinion of Messrs, Dorsey, ~.olman, Barker, Scott J: Barber, of J;tinneapiHis, Minne sota, together with customary non-litigation oertificate, and deliver~ thereof will be made within forty days a·rter aoceptance of bid, without cost to the pu~chaser at any bank designated by him located in Fergus i;te.lls,. Minneapolis, or St, Paul, Minnesota, or in Chioago, Illinois; delivery elsewehere to be at the· a~penile !)f ·the··purohaser. Sealed bide marked "Bid for Road and Bridge sonds" may ·be mailed or otherwise delivered prior to the time of said meet.in@' to the undersigned County Auditor, Eoch bid must be unoonditional exo.ept as to the bonds being issued and delivered with said legal opinion and non-litigation certifioate in conformity with this notice, and must be accompanied by a certified check or oashier•s check on a responsible bank, payable to the order of the "The Treasurer of Otter Tail Oounty, Min;nesota," in the amount of $20,000, to be forfeited as liquidated damages in case the bid is accepted and the bidder shall fail to comply bhere- wlth. Bidders must specify the desired interest rate, or not to exceed four rates, each in an integral multiple of 1/4 or 1/10 of one per cent per annum, the rate to l!e uniform :l'or all bonds of a common mat- urity, The bid offer~ng the lowest,net inte!est cost. (total.interest to stated maturities less any pre- mium o.rf.ered) •vill be deemed the most favorable. No bid of iess than par plus.interest accrued from July 1, 1952, to the date of bo~d·deliv~ry·will be considered, Oral augtion bid~ will not be reoeived. Dated July 14, 1952, S • B. JOHNSON county Audi tor Fergu~ Falls, Minnesota 3. Each and all of the terms and provisions of the foregoing form of notice are hereby adopted and oonfirmed as the terms and oondi tione of said bonds and of the sale thereof. Passed july 14, 1952, Attest: S, B, Johnson county Auditor, Henry Sieling, Chairman, of County Board. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... , ............. :J]il,J. ... U .•.................... -....... 19 52 The motion for the adoption of the foregoing re~olution w~s duly eeoonded by Co~mieeioner Johnson, d t b · g tBken thereon the following voted in favor t11ereof: Siel;ng, Hanson, Johnson, Stone !Ill San bon vo e let:i.nh ·"'ollov,ring voted ·aaainflt the same: None; whereupon eaid resolution was deolared d~ly now erg, anc .e .L • ...., h . • , di tor passed and adopted, and was e.igned and attested. by the C a:i.nnan anc. ;,u • State of Minnesota ss county of otter Tail· I, the undersigned duly qualified and acting r.ounty Auditor ~i.' Otter Tail County, Minnesota, and as snob the Recording Off.icer o·? the Board of countJ• commissioners O.L said county, hereby cert.lf,v thet I have compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes and resolution therein set forth w1'th'".the or- iginal minutes and resolution adopted 11t a duly called meeting of said ~oard held Jul~ 14, 1952, and that said extract is a full:, true, and correct copy of all that part of the minutes of said meeting and of all resolutions e.dopteci thereat which relate to the issue.nae of bonds of said count,.• Witness my hand and official seal this 14th day of July, 1952. s. B. Johnson county Auditor. (Seal) S 126 Bids for construction of Job SP-56-504-03.i (41 located one mile S of Butler and west of Hillview, as advertised by the Board, was read•by the Engineer and representative of the State Highway Department. on motion of Commissioner earl A. Snowberg and seconded by commissioner 13e1mie J. Johnson the Board re-commended to the commissioner of Highways th~t the lowest bid. being that of ,John Dieseth Co. in the sum of $31,725.60, be accepted. The bids for construction of S56-504-02 Sl26 (2) located 4 ·miles S of Butler and 9 miles S of Butler, were opened and read, and upon motion of commissioner George Hanson and seconded by r10,:1missioner Bert stone it v,as voted to recocmend to the commissioner of .IU13hways that the lowest bid of Kahlstorf Bros. in the sum of $27,701.62 be accepted. The Board also re~ected the bid of John Dieseth Co. for improvement of certain section of County Aid Road rro. 54, Job 52:54B. The bid of c. L. Stodolka of Little Falls for bituminous surfacing Job 52:05 -!.'ram Parkers Prairie to Bluffton in the sum of $14,410 was accepted. Upon motion, the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for grading and gravel surfacing on SP 56-502-05 (SAR 12), Minnesota Project S690 (5) ·located between 5.8 miles SW of Dent and Dent; also on SP56-511-07 (SAR 4) Minnesota Project S669 (8) located between l½ miles SW of Vergas and Vergas. and SP56-5ll-09 -(S.,\R·4) Minnesota Project S689 (11) located· one mile Im of Vergas and 3,7 miles NE of Vergas; bids to be received u.ntil 10 o'clock A. ~r. August 12, 1952. T•he"On"and"Off"sale beer license of Virgil Newborg at Deist's Store was revoked. The petition srgned by Clarence Venzke et al in the matter of a complaint by residents of Elmo Town- ship against Elmo Township for·failure to establish and maintain a certain road was taken up li?ld it was ordered that a hearing be held by the Board of coumty commissioners at 2 a' cloak P, Ji{, on September 8, 195 , and that the county Auditor notify the Town Clerk of Elmo and the signers on the petition as required by 1 1v. Upon motion, the county Auditor was i!lstructed to cell for bids for 300 tons more or less of stoker coal for the coming season. 'L'he report oi.' the Board of Audit .showinr,: halances in the County Treasury at the close of business on June 21. 1952 was read and approved. The Register of Deeds was ·granted psrmission to ha,,e about twe-nty record books repaired. Pursuant to resolution adopted on May 13, 1952, the Highway Engineer was instructed to contact the authorities of the Village of Perham regarding the purchase by that village o·f the county garage in that village for $6,000 and a three-aure tract located. at the southeast corner of the SE¼ SE¼. ''Off" and ,.011" sale beer 11 censea· were granted to Wilmar L. Roberts at Red Eye Tavern, Town of Buililer, and ;to Fred Bellinger, Sunrise Resort, in the Town of Dead Lake; and to Lester A. Wilde at Deist's Store in the To1m of Friberg. Danae lioense was granted to Wilmar L, Roberts at Red .E,ye Taver~. Town of Bu~ler. The following applications for Homestead olassification for the year 1951 were granted and taxes or- dered-reduced accordingly: Harold Sherbrooke, Lot 3, Bipok 2, Blyberg's Third Addn., and Lot 4 Foster's Addition to Pelican Rapids; Robert Arvidson. SW¼ SW¼ Sec. 13, Lot 6, Sec. 14, Lot 1, Sec. 23, Ni NW¼, S-eo. 24, Town of Lida; John R. Perszyk, SW-¼ NW¼, Bl NW¼ ?1W¼ e.nd Ni Sl'f¼, Seo. a. Township of Perham; Myrl S. Barnes, st SE¼, SE¼ SW¼, Seo. 11, Oak Valley; Steve Buske, SE¼·, Sec. 6, Aastad; Frances Loerzel, Lots 10, 11, 12, Blook 4, Newcomb's Addition to Per-ham; Verna R. Drummond, SE 75 ft. of r.ots 4. 5 and 6, 13lk;l, of Newcomb'& Addition to Perham; Norbert Ebnet, on Lot 11, Block 11, Rothpletz Addn. and ::.c".~'. adjoining tr~ct !n Wallace i Jung's Addition to the VillSBe of ~erham; Gerald r.. Johnson, Lots 5, 6 and 8, repling-er s Aadn. to Deer Creek; George Y.arvonen, Lots 19 and 20, Block l, Soula's second Addition to Deer Creek; John E, Uaki, Ni SW¼, Sec. 22.,Town of Homestead; Curtis and Arvilla Brill, Et SW¼ ex. tract, Seo. 11, Town of Homestead; Leonard Kjono; Lot 7, Seo. 6,and Lot l of Sec. 7 Township of Elizabeth· Albert Sohmidt. NB-SE¼, Seo. 28, Township of Deer Creek. ' • The 4pplioation of Eddie P.ossen (Texaco Oil Station) for canoellation of assessment on personal pro-perty in the To1vnship of Carlisle on the ground tha.t he owned no property thP.re. was ap!)roved. ' . The application of E. E. McDaniel ·r.or cancellation of ·personal JIJ'Operty assessment in the Village of "Bluff.ton on the ground that the same property was assessed in Wadena county, was ap!)roved. The applioation oi.' H.oward !!erdman -!.'or reduction of taxes on w~ lll'!¼ and i'Tf sw1.., Seo. 20, Town of Elmo, ·was approved and the tax reduced to $223,64, being a reduction of $14.02, ~ ... COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,.MINN. DATE ........................... · ...... .TulY .. _!l.4, ···························19 ... 52 • HCPIID n1r11ero1u■1 R CUIHD .... l:m The application of Mrs. !!. P. RUbert :ror cancellation of personal property assessment in the Town of l)Unn was approved on the ground that the same propert,v was also assessed to her in the same townshl.p under the name of !.ll\ry P'ubert. The applioapon of .l!'loyd and Ruth E. Snyder for canoellation of assessment for cottage on S!J.b tot A Lot 3, Seo. 10, Town of bu.nn, was a1,proved on the ground that this cottage was also assessed 9n Sub Lot B The application of Harold w. tyksett for reduction of taxes on the SE¼, seo. 25, Town of Er~ards Grove, was rejected, The application of Elias Pesola, Jr,, and Walter Pesola for settlement or taxes on the NW¼ SW¼, Seo. 2, Township of Deer Creek, amounting to $130,82 for which an offer of $12,00 was made, was rejected.by the Board. The application of Matt H, xorkalo for reduction of.assessment on S\'I¼ NE¼ and NW¼ SE¼, Sec, 1, Township of Deer creek, was rejected, The.Board went over with Sheriff Renkes the list of uncollected personal property taxes for 1951, and after such examination.the Board made the following report: Report of the dounty Board of the county of Otter Tail, Ste.to of M:l.nnesota, of uncollected.and cancelled personal ·pr9perty taxes for the year 1951. Fergus Falls, Minnesota, ,Tuly 14, 1952. BE IT non, That the county Boo.rd of otter Tail County, Minnesota, did meet in session on t.he 14th day of ,TUly, 1952, the same being the first session of said Board after the 10th day of June, 195.2; that at said session the County wreasurer of said county delivered to said Board the list of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1951, together with his certifioate thereon as required by law; and that at said session the said Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, and diclcancel suoh taxes as they arP. satisfied cannot be collected, That the following is a correct list or said uncpllect- ed personal propP.rty taxes in said County for said year of 1951, es so revised by said Board, to-wit: Name of Person Assessed Townshin or Tax Penalty, fee District Dollars cents and costs Dollars Cents Andr ie, Earl Compton Amstice, Albert Vil,N,Y.Mills Balger, Patricia Dunn Beck, Kenneth Star Lake Berg, Orville Everts Birch, Garland 0111herall Bowers, Henry 2nd ward Brown, Mrs. Dale Ottertail Vil, ~ruening, Herbert 3rd ward Cook, Raymond L, N,Y.Mills Cox, John 2nd ward Cronin, JI, J, 3rd Ward Dickhoff, Alfred PinA-Leke Direct Service(Carl Land-2nd Ward Robert l)Urkin berg) Hobart Edmunds, Forest L, 3rd Ward Eggum, C, Y., St. Olaf Ellis, Irwing Vil.Battle Lake Erickson, Donald J, Clitherall Vil. ~erett, LeRoy 3rd ward Falls Brewertes (J.Pis-1st ward Fellerer Brewing .co.(tulka) Perham T, Fick, Harry Elizabeth Fiskari, John Newton Flae;g , Dean 3rd Viard Gablehouse, Wm. Tordenskjold Greenwood, R. r,. Girard Grundstrom, w. c. Parkers Pra.~il, Hanke , R. \'I, 3rd \'IF.Lrd Haneon, R. W, Leaf Lake Hauge, ~arold 2nd ward Hauge, Leona Candor Helland, Gil Scambler Herman, Ralph Fereus Falls Hauge, Winstann Candor Hovden, Laura A. I)Unn Ihnen, Reed woodside Johnson and Black Vil.Par,Pra. Johnson, Anton Clitherall Vil. Johnson, George Bluff.ton Twp. Johnson, Sylvia Dunn Johnson, \V, A, Dunn Kaohman, Marvin 4th Ward Kelley, Calvin E, Girard Kipp, M, E, Dunn Klimek, Willie 1st ward Land O'Lnkes Vil,Bluffton Langen, Peter C, 3rd Ward Lavalley, P, A. tordenskjold Lin~quist, Roy Folden .Ludwig, Wm,· Parkers Prairie Mack, u:erril Hobart Malone, Maurice Compton Markwardt, Lester Hobart McDonald, B,H, Pine Lake 23,17 4.25 5.11 3.58 6,22 10,10 9.15 9.03 4,31 273,60 4-49 5,00 3,12 42,28 1sn6 .1.73 32.13 . 8,01 26,09 B,11 645,55 507.72 26.09 39.56 11,56 .7,04 2,35 6.28 2,42 5,44 1.21 36,12 2.02 22,93 21,27 7.22 31,39 173,04 7,47 7,46 8,39 11,99 1.73 2.7ll, 8,99 4,49 89,97 1.90 148.49 17.68 57.86 3,61 40,05 49,80 4,83 3,36 .82 ,93 .72 1.09 1.61 1,47 1.46 ,82 36,91 .85 .• 92 ,67 5,91 2,76 .• 48 4.56 1.32 3,60 1,33 86,75 68,29 3,75 5,56 1,79 1.19 ;56 1.09 .• 58 ,98 ,42 5,08 ,52 · 3,32 3.10 1,22 4.46 23.43 1.25 1.25 1,37 1.86 ,48 ,62 1.46 .es. 12.31 ,51 20,15 2,61 7,99 ,74 5,61 6,92 .89 Total Tax, Penalty and costs Dollar Cents Remarks 26.53 5,07 6•,04 4.30 7,31 Collect 11.71 l0,62 10.49 5.13 310.51 5.34 5.92 3;79 48,19 21,52 2.21 36,69 9.33 28.69 9.44 732,30 576,01 29,84 45,11 13.35 8,23 2,91 7-37 3,00 6,42 1,63 41,20 2,54 26.25 24,37 8,44 35,85 196.47 8,72 8,71 9,76 13,85 2,21 3.36 10.45 5,34 lo2,28 2.41 168.64 20,29 65;85 4,35 45.66 56.72 5,72 " " " " .. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "abate~pend, " " " " " " " " " " .. " " " " " " " " .. " " " " " " " "11,00 pd, " " " " " COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................... .Tul314 ........................... 19 ... ?..g Total Ta:x,Pen. Name of person assessed Township or District Penalty,fees and costs D.Oil.HCents ,58 and costs Remarks. Miller, c. J, Jr, Moe, Hans Oltman, Lorenz Osterberg, R, M, Overby, Joseph Pieroe, Ralph Poranto, Ted Priebnow, Harvey Priebnow, HRrvey Ra,ir, w. G. Rice, 1'1m, Rollag, Norman Rose Letmond (Oafe} Roskopf, w. A, Rust, Rudolph Sacony Vacuum Oil do. Sieverson, A. J. Sigfred, Stnre Sigmeth, ,Toseph Smith, Jl'.sll Smith, Harow Stapel, Dick strand, Ji'. iii. Strong, A, .B, Suomela Gust Estate Swartz, Frede and Joe Tenneson, Edward Tobin, L, ]". Tobkin, Henry Troy Seed do. \'leisen, Joe west Point Gun Club Wiederiok, Herman wright, Cyril G, wrigley, Thayne Zimmerman, H, w. Peterson, Russell 3rd ward Scambler Blowers 3rd ward 2nd ward F!obart Star Lake Orwell Aastad Scambler Ottertail 2nd ward Par. Pr. Vil, 2nd ward 3rd ward Under1vood Vil, Dunn Vil.Parkers Pre.. Vil, Parkers Pra. 2nd Ward Dttnn Leaf Lake Rush Lake Girard Otto candor 1st ward Eastern Vil,Pel. Rpds. Vil.Bat.Lake vn. Perham Dead Lake Oak valley 2nd ward Orwell Vil, Battle Lake Girard Doll.Cents 2,42 1.51 42,25 8.63 6,21 34.19 3,28 13,81 115,14 2-90 2.76 1.38 18,85 5.52 21,05 61.97 9.36 4.24 58.46 6.38 126,03 29,70 .39.88 ,87 5,13 3.38 11,56 21.54 3.94 35.87 1.42 4,05 29,04 14,67 174.60 8.51 6;78 ,45 5.'1 1.41 1.09 4,84 .69 2.10 15,68 .64 .62 .43 2,78 ,99 3,07 8,56 1.51 ,82 A,09 1.10 17,14 4,23 5.58 .38 .94 .7.0 1.79 3.13 .78 5.06 ,44 .79 4,14 2.21 23.64 1,39 1.16 Doll.dents 3,00 1,96 48.16 10,04 7.30 39,03 3,97 16.91 UI0,82 3,54 3.38 1,81 21163:, 6.51 24.12 70,53 · 10,87 5,06 66.55 7.48 143,17 33,93 45.46: 1.25 6,07 4,08 13,35 24.67 4.72 t0.93 1,86. 4.84 33,18 16.88 198.24 9,90 7-94 Collect n " ,, n n n n " " n .. n " " " " n " " " " " II " " n " That the following is a correct list of the personal property taxes in said county for said year which said Boar-dare satisfied cannot be collected, and so.cBncelled by said Board, to-wit: Total Ta:r,Pen, Nil.IDB of person assessd Tow~ship or District Tax Doll.Cents Penalty.fees and costs and costs Remarks !Burleson, Charles *Carlson, Mabel A, Christenson, Carl ])Uda, wm. Erwin, R, W, **Fergus Falls Novelty Ga.vke, Mary *Goslee, Harold Hanson, Paul Leick, Emilia Girard Lida Star Lake Girard _;·:EVerts Co. Vil. Urbank Vil, Perham 3rd Ward Girard Pine Lake 2nd Ward Amor · .:,v:il .• uPar. Pra. 2nd ward Dunn lTU.cking, M, A. *Melby,-HRrrison Olson, Orville *Piepho, Dorothy ~Rhode~, :.L,D, Sharp, Marvin (gas steadley, R.R. Thorn, Gene station} Vil. Perham Dunn Winslow, James *Address unknown **Double Assessment Vil, Perham candor ,97 ,79 3,09 1.44 1.76 21.73 1.00 3.ll 3.73 .• 57 8.63 6,28 . .58 1,73 6.60 23.46 7.43 .• 67 7.26 Doll.Cents ,38 .35 .66 .45 .49 3.n6 ,38 .66 ,75 .33 .l.41 .l,09 ,33 .48 .l.13 3.40 1.25 .33 .1.22 Doll.cents 1.35 1.14 3.75 1,89 2.25 24,89 1,38 3.77 4.48 ,90 10,04 7,37 .91 2.21 7,73 26.86 8.68 ,90 8.48 THe oounty:·.Boe1:d of otter Tail county, id'innecota. ittest: S. B. JOHNSON co11nty Auditor. HEIJRY SIELING BENNIE J. JOHNSON GEORGE HAHSOll BERT STO?~ C, A. SN0\7B~1!0 MINNESOTA DEPARTtfENT OF HIG!r.VAYS FEDEP.AL AID SE001'1DARY FORM NO. III Cancel II " dece!).sed " n " .. " n " arrny army Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 161.03, Subdivision 26 throngh 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the commi"~ioner of F.ighways be appointed as the agent of the county of otter Tail to let as its asent a contract f~r. the conetruqtion of thBt ~ortion o:f. Ste.te Aid Road Ilo, 4 described as follows: ·FrQm 0,7 Miles N,!l, o .• 1ergas to 3,2 Miles N,E, o .. Vergas, and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of. the County to execute an~ enter into a contraot with the Commissioner of !Ue-hways prescribing th~ terms end condt tions of su.ch agenoy in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highwa.vs Asency CQntract Form No. IVP, a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. ·-·····················'"Uly .. 14., ................. · ......... J9 ..... ~2 _..IFPlfflD!IIIIIClwaL.IL.&LlllllJl&I Adopted thi.s 14 day of ,Jilly, 1952. At~est: s. B·; ·joRNsort clerk. chairman or county Boo.rd RESO!.L'TION 13Y T?F. BOA:!'!D OF CotJNTY COMMIS~IO?JEP.S OT~.E~ TAIL COUNTY, !1rrll'NF.SOTA RJ:1S(_)L1[ED, that_ the d~s~~na~ion of_ a cert~in county !J14 R~.ad be corrected as· follows: c·.-A1R. /137-The terminus of this road· shall be cil"iAnBEid · from tlie southviest ·corner of tlie Southeast quarter·of·the southwest quarter (SE¼-SW¼), section 17, Tl33N-R41W; thence East to a point on or near the so~~h. ~ua!te~ corner o:f said secti4?n 17 where same intersects with State Aid Road Il'o. 12. Adopted this 14 day of July, 1952. HENRY SIELING . chairman, Attest: S. B. JOHNSON clerk. UJ)on motion, the Boo.rd adjourned to 9:30 A, M, July 15, 1952. TUESDAY'S SESSION. PU.rsuant to ad,1ournment the Board met at 9:30 A. M. on '.l'uesday, July 15, 1952, all members being !)resent. The bond of Frank F. Vaughn, Executive Secretary of Otter TailGGounty Welfare Board, in the sum of $10,000 with the Hartford Accident and Tndemnity co, os surety, was approved. The petition of Verla Martin to be set over from School Dist. 114 of Otter Tail county to Consoli- dated Dist. 8, Grant county, was taken up for final action. After listening to interested parties and the county Superintendent of schools, upon motion, the petition wes granted and the·Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas,, The petition of verle Martin, a legal voter, freeholder nnd resident of School District No. 114 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described 1 which are sit- uate in said School District, and adjoin consolidated School District No. 8, Grant County, and asking that he with his said lends may be set off from said district No. 114 to said adjoining Consolidated School District No. 8 of Grant County, was presented to the Board of Oo1µ1ty Oommissioners of this aounty at a session of said Board held on the 14th day of Ma,y A-D•, 1952 for the action of said Board thereon; and whereas it was thereup_onordered by said Board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said Board on the 15th day of July A•D•, 1952 at the County Auditor's Office in the City of Fergus Falls, in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and by,said order that notice of the time and"pl3ce of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in eo.ch of the ~cnoo1·d1stricts to be affected by saiq petition,and by mailing to the clerk of each of said Schoo1·nrstricts; a oopy·or said order at least ten days bei'ore tho time appointed for such hearing; and whereiie at·the said session of ths said Board of county Commissioners on said 15th day of July·A.D., 1952 due proof "bf the posting"'and se·rvioe ·bf said· order of hearing as· tnerein directed and required, more than ten· days prior-to said last·named date, having lieen·made .and filed, said petition was publicly read and considerea··by· the Board-;·1t1th ever.vthiflg whioli-w-as said by said interested parties for or against grant- ing ·the pfayer-·of· tne·-peti tione·r, ·and· said Board being of opinion that said peti t•ion should be granted,. it ·is·nereliy ordered·and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands Owned by him, -t,r:.:wrt·: Lots· 2;· 3 and 4·; sEf, of Im!,, Bt of Sw¼, all in Section 19, Township 131, Range 40, be and the-sariie are hereby set off from said School District No. 114 to said adjoining consolidated School Dist-r.rct·Nb;·9 of Grant·county and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order.of the Board of co1mty commissioners, Dated the 15th day of July A.D., 1952. ( Auditor• s seal) '!IBNRY SIELING Chairman of the Board of Count1• Commissioners of Otter Tail 0ounty, Minn, · Attest: S, B. JOHNSON count.v ' -· The petition of Alex cavalier to be set over from Dist. 13 to Dist. 47 was taken up for final action. After-listening to the interested .parties and the county Sup~rintendent of Schools, upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the following orde•r, to-wit: whereas, the petition of Alex cavJier, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of Sohool District no. 13 in thia .oounty,representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin school District No. 47 and asking that he with his said lands ma,y be set off from said DistrictriNo. 13 to said adjoining .school District No. 47 was presented to the Board of county Commissioners of this county at a session of said Board h~ld on the 14th da,y of May A. n., 1952, for the action of said Board thereon; and Ythereas it was thereupon ordered by sai'd Board that a hearing should be had·on said petition, at a session of said Board uil the 15th d~• of ,1uly A.D,,~1952 at the county Auditor's Office in the City of l!'ergus Falls in said county; and ,:hereas it was fu~her ordered in COMMISSIONERS RECORD-~,-QTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE. .......................... .T.Ul.V. ... l.5 .•....................................... 19:!?_g .. and by said·--o·rder th lit notl ce oif the time and plo.ee. of: s.uoh Mar•illl$_ be_ g~~en by. po:S~ ing. o?Pl~~~-o:f _ ii aid· · order in three "'puolic· places in· eacih of' the· scliool d'istricts to be a·lif.e~ted.·.~Y s_aid pe!~ ti.~n_. a11d. by• mail i"ng ·to··the·c1er1t of each of said School ·Districts; a <iepy ·o-r said .?rde~ at l!)a~~. ~en days oef~re the time appoi:rited f<>"r such neeri~.; ·and v:~ei,~9:s. a~. the ~ald · sess~~n of· _th~. ~.aid B~.ar~: or. ~oun~y. co.mou.s~ !~ner~. ~n illiia I5'th·'.aily·of·,rui.v:·A:D.,·.10s~ d1!ep:'-"oof' ~f' the ~? .. 1:!•~lng ~d s.er.v~o~_?f.!3a!d ~:'-".~e:.o~'h!'a:~n~ !18 ~!!e~e.in directed and reqtiii'ed,·~o·re.·th~ ~e~ d~~.Pr~or~to s~;i;d l~st_named .~!l-t~. n.!~vin&. oe~n mad!' and filed, said peti tron was pulili"cly ·reild _ an~ o~ns.i~er~d ~Y. -~he ~o~rd1. :~~~h-eve~ytn_3:_~g w_~ioh wa~ ~~!a -~Y.: s~ld interested parties "for· of-against granting the pra,yer of the peti t.Loner, und said Bo~!'d bein~ of opinion that so.id petition· shoi1il.d""be ·granted;· it rs liereoy ordered· and ·detei,min~d; ttiat ·the. ~a.~d ~et~~Ioner :a,n~_ ~!ie-~:fdl!ow ing"'desc·:tibed 1·ands owned '6y him, to-wit: lra¼;sectJon B, !l'ownsh~p 1~. Ran&e .. 3.~. _b~ and the same are he·:teby set off."'f'rom··sa.id school Distrl"c"t" No; 13 to ·,said ad"joinfng School Dis~rict Ifo. 47 and said lands are hereby made a part .?f_ s~id last n~e.":. ~c~ool District for all purposes wnatever. Bf .. o•rd~r: of_ ~he_ ~?a:~ of ~ou~ty _ ~o~.1:s~ioners. Dated the 15th day of July A, D., 1952. 'I (Auditor's :seal) HENRY SliELING Chalrmen ·of the Boo.rd· of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minn. Attest: S. 1r. -JOHNSON -.. . . -. . .. . county Auditor, o.nd ex-officio clerk of Board. "The·petition· of vei'non Bowmen to be set over from Dist, 114 of Ot't'er Tail county to"Consolidated DiB'.t. No •. .-s of Grant county was to.ken tip· for· final act ion·. ".(fter · listening· ·to the interested parties ana tne·county Su'petiiitendent of schools, upon motion, the piltition was granted and the Board issued the fol~~l!_i~~ ~r:_d_e1:_. _ ~o:-wit:. · Whereas, the· 'pet it ion· of ·~erilon Bovhiien·; ·a: 1e·ga1 vo:t er, freeholder and resident· ·or· Scliool ":bistrfct rro; Il4 in this a6unty, represent1·ng that he is the-ownP.r of-the lands hereinafter ·described~ ·wliich··are situate in said ·school ·nistri'ot, o.nd .ad joing·.co·nso1id ated ··school "Di's·t:riot ·rfo •. a-, Gt ant ··county ,--and ·ask-ing tliat ·ne with his said lands ·ma.v be set ·o·-r:r ·rrom· sili-d-Disttict··No•.: 114 ·:to ~said ·ad.joining ·consolidated · -· S~h·ool · Dist riot ·No. · B .q! r.rant county il':as· presente·d t6 Ure Board of count,V-Cciinmissioners ·o-:r-this· cow'lty ·a a session of· said ··B'oe.rd· held. oi'!' the 14th day· of-May 1. D-;", ·1952 for· the action .o'f ·so.id B<>lird ·theriion;· ind. whereas it· was· thereupon ord'ered by said 136ard 'that· a hearing should be had Ori said ·peti tlon, at a session of so.id· Boiii'li on· tne · 15th· da,y"of' July A· n·; ,-·1952 at th·e county Audi tot• s · of:fice in the C'ity of Fergus Falla in said' county; and whereas :i.t was fu-rther ordered in· and by said order tliat not1c·e ·of the time· and· place·or·su.ch heariri'i lie given by posting·copies of said order in three public place·s in each 9~·tne scl'loo li:istrict·s to·oe·affected by said pe-t.ition;· and by mailing to the cli!!rk·of each o:f'said school"l)is'tricts, a· copy· of said order ·at least ten day ·oefore the tiioe appointed· for such hearing; · and· whereas· at the said sess.l:on:.or· Uie so.id Board ofcounty cormiliesioners ·on said 15th day of July A,n· •• ·1952·aue·proof""of· tile posting·and·service of said"orde·r of hearing·!!,s therein directed and requi:red,-·ijlore than ten"'lla.vs·prior· to sard-iast··rmmed·date, "having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read· and consio.ered by the Board·, ·with ·everything whioli·was said hy so.id interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the pet'i tioner; and said Board being of opinion that said pet ltion s~ould be granted, it is hereby ordered and·determined, that the said petitioner o.nd the following describe<\, !ands Ol\'ned by him, to-wit: SE¼ of nt;·nt--of·sEt; N\'lf of NE¼ and NE¼ of lJW¼, all in Section 10, T-owns.,ip 131, Range 40,. be and the same are hereby set· off fr·om said School District No, 114 to s·e.id ad joining Consolidated School Dist~ict No. 8 of Grant dount.v and said lands are here'by made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By ~rder of the Board of county Commissioners. Dated the 15th day of Ju~y A. D., 1952. (Audito.r•s Seal) HENRY SIELING Chairman of the Board of CountyCommissioners of otter Tail county, Minn. Attest: S. B, JOHNSON County Auditor, o.nd ex-o.f:fioio Clerk of Board. The petition of Clara Zuehl~dorf· to be set over from Dist .• 207 to Dist. 247 was taken up for final action. After listenin~ to the interested parties and the County ~uperintendent of Schools,upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the follol\~ng order to-wit: · Whereas, the -petition of Cl~ra zuehlsdorf, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 207 ~n this County representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, wpich are situate in said School District, and adjoin School Distriot No. 247 and asking that he with his said lends may be set off from said District No. 207 to said adjoining school district No. 247 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 14th day of Ma,y A.D., -195a_ for the action of said board thereon; . and whereas it was therf'!upon ordered by said board that o. he~ring should, be had on said petition, at o. session of said board on the 15th day of July A.D., 1952 at thercounty Auditor's of!ice in_the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas it was furtliDer ordere in and hy said order tnat notice of the time o.nd plaoe of suoh hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition and by mail- ing to the clerk of each of said School ~istricts, a copy of said crcer at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the s·aid session of the said Board of county Commissioners on said 15th day of July A.D., 1952 due proof of the -posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten da,ys prior to said last named date having been made and filed said oetition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with ever,vthing0 Ythich was said by said inte;ested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said p·et1tion should be gro.nted, it is hereby ordered and determined that the said petitioner and the following described l~nds owned by him, to-wit:. Nt of SW~ and S 40 rods ~f Lot 2. Sec, 10, Township 133, Range 42, and the SW¼ of SE¼ Seo. 10, Township 133, Range 42,. be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 207 to said adjoining School District· No. 247 and said lands are hereby made ·a part of said last name.d School District for o.11 purposes whatever. · BY order of the Board of county Commissioners. Dated the 15th day of July A. D., 1952. J . COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER' TAIL COUNTY, MINN. July 16, 62 DATE .......•.............................................................................. 19 ....... . IIUIWJI (Auditor's Seo.l) HENRY ·sIELING-. · chairmen of the·~.oard of·cou.nty coriunis-. sioner-s of Otter Tail County, Minn. . ' Attest: ·s. ·B· •. JOHNS"ON .. -. -- ccunty Auditor, and ex-offiolo Clerk 6f Board. -· "The petition ·of·.Reuben Balils to· be·set ·over from-Dist". 149·to .Disc· 121· was taken up for·fina1·· · action:··After liatehing·to the interested parties and the county Superintendent of Schools, upon motion, the petlt;_?:r:1.~':~. :e,11;o!e1L ...... __ ·-. _ .. __ , ·Tne applioanorl's of·otto· Jiaase and of'Aligust G. Egdorf to be ·set· over from Dist~··91 ·to Dist. 68 were taken ilp ·ro:r final ac,tion, and upon m<i·tion; both petitions were tl!bled, pending the results of consolida- tion proceedinBs involving these districts. . . . . --. - ·'i!he petltion""of· Elmer Benke to set over tlie SEf.· SE¼ sec. 22, T,ownship 136,· Range 40, from DiBt, 132 to Dist: 274 was read and•it was ordered that a hearing on ·said petition be i'lad at a""session of the· Bliard to"lie ·neld August 13, 1952 o.t 10 o'clock A·. M. in the Commissioners Room at tne Oourt House in Fergus ~al~s! and that due noti~e of the time and place be given as required by ~aw. ···The petition of Clarence H •. Pederson to set over the N!' SW¼ and NW¼ SE¼ Sec. 27, Twp. 135, Rge. 42, fi'oiil Dist.·145··to Dist. 161 was read and it was ordered that·a·bearing on said petition be had at f! se!:1- sioh-of·the·Boa-rd·to be held August 13, 1952 at 10 o'clock A.id, in the commissioners' Room· at the Oourt House i~ F~~~~s Falls, ~d that·.due no~ioe of the_ time and place be given as requ;·r4:1d b~ la~: Tlie petition of Theodore A. Paulson to set over the SE¼ NE¼ and st·NW¼·NE¼ Sec. ·14, Twp. 136, Rge.·43, lii'ld beginning 20 ft. north o;f SW cor; of ll'E¼ Ira¼, s 20 ft. E 20 ft· NW to beg., Sec~ 14, ·Twp. 136, Rge, 43, to be·srit·over·from Dist, 79 to Dist. 10 v,as ree.d and it was·ordered that a· .. hearing on said petition be liad at a, session of.the· Board to be held Aligust--13, -1952 at 10 o'clock A, M, in ·the ·commissioners• Boom· at the Court House in Fergus F.alls, and that due notice of the time and plaoe be given as required by law,· .. -·-. . ... '•. . . -. . . . 'J.!he petition of Carl Tweten to set· over the E½ NE¼ Seo. 13, Twit 136, Rge .• ·43, from Dist. 79 to Dist. 1o·was rend ·and it was·ordered that a hearing on said petition be han ~ta session-of the Board to be held August 13,-1952 at 10 o'clock A, !/1. in the commissioners• Room at·the Court House in Fergus Falls, and that du~-hotice of the .ti~e and place be given as requir~d ~Y ~aw~ The· p_etition of w. R, Goetzinger to set over Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S'1¼ SE¼ Sec. 33, and Lot 6, Sec, 27; Lot 8,. Sec .• 34, all in Town.ship 131, Range 42 ex. tracts conveyed as cottage sites, from D 1st. 139 Otter Tail County to Dist, 5 Grant County, we.s read and 'it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held August 13, 1952 at 10 o'clook A, M. in the·Commissioners' Room at the Court House in Fergus Falls, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board. of county commissioners of' Otter Tail Oounty, Minnesota: That the sum of $1,000 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of said Gounty, to· be divi.ded equally between the Otter Tail Oounty Fair Association of Fergus· Falls, and ·the Perham Agrioultural S-ooie.~y ~ being appropriation for th!' 1952 fairs. Adopted July 15, 1952. Attest: S, B, JOHNSOIJ Clerk. HENRY SIBLING Chairman. The county .Auditor presented the following statement to the Dc3rd: the following estimate of expens- es for the ensuing year is herewith submitted: SalJry of Oount:7 Officers •..•..•..•..•....••.•.••...•.•....•...••..••••......•• $43,000,00 / Clerks, ,Janitors, eta .• , ••..•..•••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••..•••..•. , •.•..•...•• 44,000.00"' Board of Prisoners •.•••••...•.••.•••••.•..••....•..••.•.••••••.•.••••.••• ,..... 2,500.00 ~ \Vi tness Fees, ••••.•.• , •••.••.•..•• , ••• , ••••.•••••••.•.•..••••••.•• ,............ 500. 00.,. Jurors, Justice court .••......••..•.......••.....••.•.•..•.•.•.••••••..• ,....... 100,00" Reptrt of Births and Deaths ..••....••••••••• , •••••...•• , ••.•. ,.,................ 1,200,00·/ Books, blanks and stationery.................................................. 19,000.00✓ Expenses with insane.......................................................... 2,000,0fl">'S''f'" Court House Grounds ...•..••••.•••....••.••.•..••....••••••••.•.••• ,........... 1,500,00 - AUsc •. Revenue................................................................. 12,000,00- Sanatorium. Fund .•••.. , ••• , •••• , .•.••.•••.. , •. , •.. , • , , .••...• , . , ...•• , .• , . , .. , • ~ •. 0.00_._oo- County nurses· and oounty agents .••••••..•..••...•..•.•..••••••••.••••..••••••• \l6,0_o.o.~ Salary oi' County commission-era.. . • . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . . • . . • • . . . • • . • . . • . . . • • • 6·;000. oo.✓ Jailers, Dep. Sheriffs, etc ..••••.....• , .••.....• ,, ••••....••• , •.• , •• , ••.. ,,,, 15,000.00· ,z,:;-0 , Jurors Fees ................................................................ ,,.. -5,000.00-6 .. oo Bailiffs, Reporters, etc ••...••.•..........•• ,................................. 7,500.00, t,,ooO ~71 tnesses, .Just ice O~urt.. . . . . • • . . . • • . . . . . . . . . • . . • • • . • • . . • . • • . . . . • • . . . • . • • . • • • 300. 00 Lights, fnel, ·etc............................................................. 16,000,00· Printing and Adv_ertisinr, .•.•....••.....••...••....•••.. ,...................... 6,500,00·1:voo County Welfare Fund, .....•.......•...•......•.••...•.•••...•. , •. , .•.••..•.•• , • ~r3·.-.Q.O Attending Assessors' r11eeting.................................................. 1,200,00.,, Road and Bridge Fund •••...•.•.•••.•.•••••••••..•.•••• ,,, •• , ••••••..••••••••••• 360,000.00 Electior1 Expenses •••..•••..•....•••••••. , ••.•.•.•.••.•• , ..• ,, ••• ,,............ 5,000,00,, Veterans' Service Office •...•.••••••..•••..• , .•...••. , , , , .. • •• , , , •. • • • • . , • •,,. 9, 000,.00 - Dated July 15, 1952, Respectfully submitted, S • B, JOHNSOii County Audi tor. COMMISSIONERS RECORD. N, Ol-T-E~ TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... · ................. ,1Ul.V. l?. .•....................... 19 ... J,?.2 IRUIIII t■IHIIN8CO■fXNl,ii,CWU.,■IW■,ML • The cfounty ludi tor presented the foll('.>winp. statement to the "Board: . 'FUNDS AMOUNT LEVIED FOR CURREHT YEAR countv-Revenue'Fund •• : •.•. : · .•. :.:::: :$160;197~04 P<ilfr Fund.·.-•. :· •••. : ·. ·. ::; ·~. :i·; ~-.:•;;: : : : : : ; ; ··6~~o9e; 4;1: •Read .a,nd::Brlldge=Fufld•:•:.:.,:::::.:::::: 360!l:55:'34 Coiinty School Ti'e.f\Sp~~~':l~~?~:::::::::: 4~ !OS2:6·2 county school Tui~ion.,.:·:·:··::···:: 23I!390:46 Roa·d· ana Brldge·. Bonda. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,587. l'2 veterans ·s·ervice; :: •• · •• ·.;: ·;; ;·.-::.:.::; ·9;31a;a5 county Tiib'ercul6sis ·sanatorium •• ;:;::; 35;011 ;44 county w~lfa:re;.::.:::.; .. : .... ;.;;. :: 125;303:92 county Buildings •••. ' .• _ •. ~ •.• _. •• _._ '. ••• : • '. 37_, 5~5. 98 S; B; -JOHNSON-·. county Auditor. AMOUN'r COLLECTED AND APPORTIONED Balances remaininB to the credit of each Fund are as follows: BAT,AUCE UNCOLLECTED OR UNAPPORTION3D FUNDS AMOIJMTS Debit . BAI.AUCES Coili'lt.v·Revenue Fund Poor Fund !'!OEicl'iind"B;ridge Fund county school Transpor.tation county School Tuition county. Bonds'Road ~ Bridge C<iliilty Bonds, veterans service ceunty Welfare · c.ounty · Buildings . Tuberculosis sanatorium Credit $27;559:aa 236, 711,28 Credit $ 35,170,91 22;165:oo 132;441;49 9;.943,77. 11~678.70 75,608,52 76,155.36 26, 797,68. The follewing is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board, FO!'! \'THAT PU!'!POSE Road -~ Bridge Equip, Contracts ·" '' ' " Construction Sp. Road, -'I: Bridge Construction Fund BuildingFund Amount uf contraet Amount Paid Balance due 9,690,00 45,897.35 296,500,59 35;877:l..24 The County Welfare Board filed budget recommending levy for 1952 in the sum of. $216,113,00, Miss Lo~ise Standahl, Oounty Superintendent of Schools, filed her estimate of the necessary levy fer 1952 of County School Tax Fund and County Transportation "Fund, The following resolution was; adopted: Resolvea by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: .,- That th~rP ~e levied u·pon the taxable property of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, for the year 1952 the fo~low~ng ampunts for the several ~ou~ty fund~: Revenue Fund ••.••••••••••.••••• ~ ••.••••••. '. ••••••••.•.••..••••••••••••• '. ••• '..'.'.: •• ,./ 150,000-,00 j Road and Br~dge ,Fund ................................................................ , 360,000,00 ✓ Poor Fund •• _ •••••.•••••••••••••.••••..•..•••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••• ., 90,000,00 sanatorium fund........................................................ • ••••••••••• -25,000, 00"' Building 'Fupd ••••• , ••••••••.••.••••.••••••.•••••..•.•••..•••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ., 2 mills ✓ county Schopl Tax ~und ••• : •••••••••••.•••••••••.••••••••.••••••••••••.••••••••••••••• •" 230, 000,00 ✓ county Schopl Transportation Fund •.••••••••••••.••••.•.•••••.•••••••••.••.••••••••• ,✓ 25,000,-00 Welfare Fun!l, ••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••.•..••.••••.••••••••••••••.••••••.••••• •" 216,113.00 ./ -·V.eterans' ~erv ice Fund. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . . • • • . • • • • • . . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • . • . • . • • • • • • , f mill ',; Fair Asaoci~t ions •••••••••.••••••.•••••••••••. ' ••.•••••••••••••••.••••.••••••••.•••• , . , t mill Adooted July 15, 1952, Attest: S. 'B, JOHNSON Clerk, HEllRY SIELING Chairman. Upon motion, the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for one Pioneer 24" x 40' portable con-veyor with No, 366 Buzzer Screen, said bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A, 1.1. August 12, 1952, •. Upon motion, the ©ounty Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for grading CP52:33 (CAR 33) 2,515 miles N of Battle Lake, and grading CP52:43 (CAR 43) length 4,138 miles, N of Deer creek, and county Job CP52:54BR (CAR 54) located 5 miles northwesterly of Deer creek, over Leaf. River, said bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A, M. Au~ust 12, 1952. The Board approved the plat of sunset Beach in Government Lot 4, sec, 28, and Government Lot 1, Sec_, 29,-T-ownship 137, Ranr,e 42, accompanied by a certificate of title executed by Henry Polkinghorn. COMMISSIONERS RECORirN; :oTtER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. JUlY 15, 1952 DATE ...................... ·-······················-··-··································· 19 ...... . IICPlffl Dlll!IICO-PIP U Cl IMP ■II■ · "Gustave nebii"of·the Tovmship of Effington·a'i>pearea-ueibre·tne-Boii.rd·regarding··a culvert in Sections ! 18 and 19 in Effington, Upon motion, -the matter .was referred to the-County Engineer. ------------. -·· ..... --. --.... -------......... •· -----------------··--···------.. ···· · -~(-diffegatl"ofi frorri ·the "Towniihlp· ci-f Diihn-appeared before the Board regarding improvement of the road runni!l8 past Fa.ir frills P.esort and was heard.. -· .. --. . ... -... ------. --. -· ----- · As ·reqiieiitiid liy thls ·Boai'd-~ your comliiittee nerewi th ·presents ·the follo\vln1r as· an of'f'lcial resolution to be made a part of the permanent mi~ut.'.:~-~! the ·!uly, 1952, reg':11~~-~es~ion_~!_lour. ~od~- . · · BE IT-RESOLVED ·oy · tlie ·Boar-d· of ,Coairiifssioner~ of ,,Otter 'Jlail dounty, ·i,,rrtinesot" a, ·that· due•nartd · proper recogfii ti.on· of ,he· serv ices""of· 1,rr: William "Lincoln·, count,y" Auditor· of otter Tai.l county. whose retirement ' as such coun~y ~~d_;~_or ~e~~e ef~ec~ ~~': ,!ul,r 1, 19~2.! ~e ~:.~served, . . _. _ · VRF;REAs~··wnliam·L1nco1n has cc,ntinuously been emplo,ved··oy.Ot;;/Tiiil c'oun'ty··1n the office of'the· county A,tidi1:or ,for Ii period of 53 years, ·cominencing on January 1. ·1099,,as ·clerk, and on February 29, :1.908 as the county Au~ i ~o.:, _ ~~ be;ng _ the!.e.a·fter. r~~ularl,v ':~ected .~o .. :'~1~ ~f:f'i~e. AND WPE~EAS, the said Mr,·wnliam Lincoln, for this· ent"ire petiod;·has oeeri the·clerk and·sectetary ·· of·this Board of"Coriunissioners; ·and in··tnat connection has· at all time·s, ef'f'icfently, ·hcne~tly, faithfully and with devotion~ · perf'oriiled··such duties·; Thfs ·Board·, t 6gether vii th all former Boaras of' Ci'lriunissi oners auring this period, have received invaluable• advic·e· andc.o.unsel from said Clerk' ii.rid ·secretary·, 'far and in excess o:f' the reqniremcnts·of his official duties, and that such"advice and co-pnsel have been a valuable part o:f' the work. of' this ·so!lrd, ~d the welfa:~ ~~ o~~':r Tail county. AND \VHEREAS;-ni like manner, this·Board recognizes that ciuring all this period, the said William Lincoln ·nas freely given advice and Oo\insel to all T-ovmship· Officers, school Officers·, ."Village· and City Officials and otl.1er ~ount~ O~fici!3-l~, far -~n.e~~i:ss of' the requireme!lts of his_.~.~f'~~~al dut!e~~ .. , .. ·JJm·iY!tEREAS, ·This Board, ·in· regular session. realizing the value of his services·and devotion··to his office as such. county Audi tor, . desires to preserve upon the -minutes of this Board~ s1:1~h recogn~ ~.~o~: __ "T'REREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED. That ·this.Board •of' Commissiohers of otter Tail county, Minnesota, in re- gurar session this 15th day of July, 1952, hereby adopts the -foregoing resolution and ciirects that t·he some be· recorded in the m-inutes of this meeting, to pr-eserve forever, the recognition due Ml'. William Lincoln;·retiring county Auditor of Otter Tail County and clerk of this Board, for·his invaluable anci un~ Uring services to the peop1e·or Otter Tail county as such county employee. Further, that a copy of this resolution be presented to M'r. W-illiam Lincoln by the Clerk of' this Board. Attest: S. B. JOH11SON Clerk. Carl A. Snowberg Member of the Board: hereby offers the Resolution and moves it·'s adoption HENRY SIET,ING . Chairman. BENIHE J. JOHNSON Member of Board, Second The following names were selected to be placed on the Petit Jury List of the County to take the place of the names ·drawn for 1:he April term o:!!' the District court: llame Norb Shasky Anton .Paulbicki Emil Mischke Art litatti John Goeden trorman :toller Adolph Glawe Albert Sonnenberg Edw. Stoll· Oscar ~hlke Mrs, Clyde-Reynolds ?1.?'s. Sylvester Hietala Mrs. Matt Y.remer Ralph A, Peterson lngvald Rund Mra. Lorimer Torgerson Y,enneth Clamb.v Anton Tungseth Albert Hexum Mrs. Helmer Anderson !4'rs. Oscar w. Peterson H. E. Oehler E, R, Gerlach ~s. Addison Stock Mrs. Clark 'Bell C. F. Loomer Harry Ranger Mrs, Clarence Tof'tely George Grahn Ernest Hert•ing Walter Seifert Ed Olson MTs. Robert· Tobert Rlmer Lfd en· Thomas Moore Carl Sethre Mrs. John Traub l !.frs. A·, I. '!Jasen To1mship Perham Pine Lake New York Mills Blowers Rush Lake New York !dills Candor · Dora Dent Vergas Perham Blowers Luce Paiidock Aastad ·Aurdal Aurdal :Buse Carlisle Carlisle Dane Prairie Elizabeth Twp. Orwell Western Elizabeth Vill. Fergus Falls City Vil. Pelican Rapids Vil. Pelican Rapids r,ida DUnn Scambler Erhards Grove Pelican Twp. Pelican Twp. !Kaine Oscar Henning Vill. Parkers Prairie Vill, ,._ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Mrs •. Thorpe Georg" J,11 Kraemer Mrs. R. ~. Ferdman Richard 13ev1ng ~arrls Rlng Orvle Gunderson Lester Young Peter J. xoep Emil Loren aerroll Boehland Td:rs. Roy Jacobson J, v. Johnson Mrs, Clifford J~nsen Mrs. Geo. Lueders Ole Stenerson Clifford Walseth L, b. Fogard Eddie Anderson Mrs. Marvin Hodenfield DATE ...... ·-·•············-··········July. .. J.5 .•..................... _ ....... 19 ...... .52 Deer Creek Vill, Urbank; Almora Oak ValleyTwp, Leaf Lake Tw-p, ]?Olden Twp, Henning Twp. Effington Twp. Compton Twp. woodside Twp. Leaf JA:ounto.in st. Olaf Tordenskjold Ottertail Vill, Battle Lake Vining Amor Girard Eagle Lake The.following resolution w~s adopted: ·\'IHEP.EAS, Mr, H, J. HeMing of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, is now the duly qualified and acting Treasurer of otter Tail County, and as such Treasurer has appointed Olga Torvik and ?red Syck as 1)eputies in said office of County Treasurer, and that said Deputies are duly qualified as such Deputy Treasurers • . AND l'fTIB?.EAS, The following nal!led bankin1_1: institutions have been duly designated as deposi tori.es of the funds of Otter Tail County and have assigned securities to ~aid county for any such deposits in said bank, to-wit: FIRST IIATIONAL BA?!X, 13attle Lake, Minnesota, THE FIRST STATE BAllK, Dal ton·, Minnesota, SECURITY STATE BANE:, Deer Creek, Minnesota, FARMERS STATE BANK, Dent, W.nnesota, ERHARD STATE BANK, Erhard, Minnesota, TIIE FIRST NATIONAL 'B,Urn: IJF HENNIUG, Henning, Minnesota, FARMERS &: MEROHAUTS STATE 'BANK, New York M1lls, Minnesota, l"I?.ST ~lATIONAL BANK, Parkers Prairie, Uinnesota, J. P. WALLACE STATE BA?!X, Pelican P.apids, Minnesot~, PERHA!,f STATE BANY., Perham, Minnesota, FARMERS' STATE BU!X, under\VOOd. Minnesota, VERGAS STATE BArrn:. Vergas' Minnesota, FTP.ST NATlONAL BA~!X, Minneapolis, Minnesota, FIRST NATIONAL BANE:, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, FERC-US FALLS NATIOUAL BAN¥.: 11: TRUST CO., Fergus Falls, Minnesota • . AND WHEREAS, The said H, J, HeMing, Treasurer of Otter Te.11 County, and Olga Torvik, Deputy Treasurer and rred Syck, Deputy Treasurer of Otter Tail County are authorized to sign checks and warrant on the County Funds of said banks. THEREl!'ORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, That H.J. Henning, Olga Trovik and Fred Syck, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurers of' Otter Tai 1 County, are hereby authorized to sign cheoks drawing funds of Otter Tail county from the above named banks, desie:nated as de·positories of the funds of said otter Tail County, J,Unnesota. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON l'!lerk. The following tills were allowed: J. ~-Henkes J. o. Henkes Donald R. Skripsy Carl Jahn Ral·ph Rosenberg Joseph Rayner, Sr. H. F., Hinze Alfred Drechsel M, c. Lee Donald P.. Stripsy Joseph Rayner, Sr. Peter Hink, Jr, John L. LOJtan Carl Jahn - Oren Fosse D, J. Leeper James T/1. Hansen Peter 13:ink Carl Jahn Louise Standahl Louise Standahl H_, L. AHen ,Tohn L, Bixby Henry Sieling Bennie J, Johnson George Hanson Bert Stone Bernice I. Jesme Elnora M. Esteb Mable Rossow HENRY SIELUIG Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. boarding prisoners expenses services, night jailer Dep, Sheriff fees " " expenses fees expenses sheriff. assistant Dep, Sheriff exp. " " " " " " " " " " serving notices " " " " " " " Dep. Sheriff fees It II " " casb·advanced expenses " " exp. attend. " " " " " " Supt. Clerk " " " " exp. " meeting " " " $ 207,00 86.90 75,00 9.00 19.80 16.80 18.00 5.00 213.90 102.40 9.80 17.40 28,10 35,50 31,10 3,58 56,00 ~.15;•00 18.10 12.00 36.42 129.22 141.54 13.69 10.20 8.72 6.00 37.50 37.50 92.50 J ::l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................. : ................ ·······.·······.···········195g Frank c. Barnes N,W. Bell Telephone Co. DO DO Perham Telephone ao. c. J. tund Estrem Clinio v111: Parkers Prairie Farnnam stationery & School Sup. co. Holten Hdwe. Geo. Robinson Women's Relief Corpe. women's Relief dorpe Albert Fritz Frank Roberts Emil Boen Fergus Journal co. Oswald pub 1. Co. Northwestern Publ. Co. Perham Enterprise Bulletin western union ?ergus·Floral Co. J)'Re.i.ne Udaeth Free.Press co. security Bla~k Book~ Prtg. Co. Fritz-cross Co. Wm. Galena & Son lUller-navie Co. J. s. Hopponen ,Tohn,eon ?.epai r Shop Great western Laboratories, Inc. P."int.gen-K'arst Elec. Co. Wiloox Lumber co. Burroughs Add, Mahe. Co, F:dwin J. Regen Fergus Specialties corp. Schooloraft co. M:erk'etrom Drugs Gaffaney•s Pouoher Printing & Litho, co. Nelson Bros. PrilltingCo. Victor Lundeen & co. Fuller Brush Co. Johrieon Drug H. w. Glorvigen DO EVelace Hanson Louise Stondahl Esther G. Sell . DO Ann Jordan . no lfopeming Sanatorium DO . Estrem· Clinio Dr. Thoe. J. Kinsella Minn. State Sanatorium Glen Lake sanatorium sunnyrest sanatorium City Poor D~partment A, w. co., Inc. of ~&inn. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Minn. F\'{D Co, N .\Y. Engineering co. Geo. T, P.,van co. Wm •. H. Ziegler co., Inc. Field Machine co., Inc, Truman Motors Minnesota ?4otor Co, r.e.r.son Broe. Olson Auto Elec. Kinna's, Ina. Skogmo Motors, Inc. Paulson Tire Shop Chr.ist ianson' e Welding Shop Res.set Bros. Yim, saner Blacksroi th Shop Hintz Blacksmith Shop Natl. Bushing & Parts co. Moen Truck Equipment 11:no. Lake Region Motor Co, A, B. Kilde Co. Park Machine co. Empire Supply co. r.yon Chemio~ls, Inc. Service Recorder Co. lfiools, Dean e,, Gregg Knoff's Hdwe. Toftely Bros. Hdwe. L, J. Sand P • Y., M. & l}O. Tesoh Ltunber Co. Midwest supply l!'rf!d A, 'EVerte A. T, Herfindahl Municipal Ct. fees mobile eervioe calls " service & calls coroner's fees surgery quarantine exp. supplies .. memorial day decorating decorating graves weed inspeutor n· " " .. publishing blanks tax notice " telegrams court ~ouse planting janitor blanks blanks blank books parts blanks rP.pairs .. supplies " .. supplies~ repairs .. " .. ;, " " blanks & supplies supplies " ,, " advanced license commissions box rent postage .. exoense poetr.gf! expenses postage care of patients .. " " ,. " " " " " " " " ,. " " exp. transient parts " " " " " repairs repuirs " " " supplies " ., " " " " " " " " 150.00 81.46 64.10 112.00 6.20 _4,3.05 40.00 68.OO 32.18 14.80 12,75 36.00 185.27 297.91 274·,39 302,50 11.06 '6.72 4,50 36.68 90.00 00.00 72.60 112.97 232.94 3.50 46,26 6.25 3,80 15.55 10.20 2.39 3.27 49.00 3,92 115.59 2.20 13.50 54.85 52,26 196.34 15,99 66.63 24.55 53.00 4'7..00 43.00 80,01 1.51 65.41 5.75 1283.75 1273.48 35.00 100.00 1149.98 162.39 25.00 1.85 710.23 113,08 535.50' 135.35 . 725.87 1039.61 16.81 155.OO 17.97 33.85 112.64 14,09 21.85 11.20 3.00 42,70 6,93 55,50 25.60 18.53 10.30 6.91 34.77 163.51 41.63 184.36 163.28 12.54 25,66 6.25 26.76 28.30 23.36 210,79 44.51 " I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. July 15, 52 DATE ................. ················••··•·····-······-···································19 ....... . co.-op, Servioes, Ino, Mo!/Unn Farm Store Paper, Calmenson &: co, M"inn. Paints, Inc, E1k River cone. Prod, do, Hoen B!rdS.,. Il'l:c,., Railway Express agency Wheeler r.br. Br idg·e ,'I: Supply co, Raymond Bros. Motor Transp. <Ji t~ of Fergus Fells R, A. Olson Fergus Falls Monument co, Vill. of Battle Lake Perham co-op. cr~amery Bill Nelson Oil Co, ?ergus OU Co. Ray's Oil Oo, A, B. carpenter Henning Oil Co. J!'OSll'en Oil co. Farmers Co-op, cry. 09-op, Services, Inc. Hagge on co. Penrose Oil Co, l). A, Lubricant Co., Inc, Victor Lundeen & Co, Panama Cerbon Co, Miller-Davis Oo, Poucher Prtg. & Litho, co. Keuffel & Esser I41>ls. Blue Prtg, do. R, A, Rogers do, construction Bulletin Minn. State Highway Dept, Mutual Service Oas, Ina, Co. NW Bell Tel. Co, Pelican Telephone Co, NW Bell Tel, Co, Midwest Tel, Co, Merchants Hotel, Perham Wendell P, HUber l)O George Olson G, D, ~arlow w. r.. Potter Norman Galloway Harry B, Lincoln Paul C. Je.cobson Richard P. McAllister Perry Jacobson, Jr, 1:Uuffton Twp. Paddock Twp. Blowers Twp, School Dist. 30 wm, H. Moltzan Harry D, Smith Henry H. Stender Adolph Ratz Rudolph Rheinlander Edwin Minge G, N, Ry, Oo, Phil Carlson Chas, Molargie Baas OU co. Vergas Motor Service H, ~. Stahl Co, Il!'erohan:ts Hotel John J, Schmidt, Jr, Xatherine D, ~ownsend Ruth C, Campbell Phoebe Johnson N, W. Bell Tel. Co, Philip M, Y.jsglien DO City water & Light Dept. supplies " cutting edges & vision plates paint Culverts equipment rental express freight ,. meintenanoe labor blasting water charges steaming unit tires, gasoline, etc. gasoline etc. " " .. .. .. " diesel fuel " " Oil supplies " service forms supplies " forms aci, ior bid::: blueprints insurance service&: calls " " Bettle Lake ,, rooms f'or crew cash ad.vanced expenses " " .. " .. " .. maint, detour " " " Right-of-way " " " & move fence " " " " ,, ,, Right-of-way move fence driveway freight labor " gas&: repairs repairs hycira1:1.lic oil rooms for orew gravel offioe rent expenses clerical work services expenses " water o,, light Upon motion, the Board adjourned to July 23, 1952. ·, Attest: 10.76 10,26 1214.26 45.20 56,16 158.50 1.57 ·13.69 17.58 250,00 5~.25 25.00 3.25 2.50 199.54 225,80 30,45 16.77 111.11 17.81 14.08 79.72 907,99 81,14 187.94 · 84,20 16.50 5,00· 27,15 13.33 151.70 64.00 48.30 3,60 1677.10 45.00 7,90 35.30 7.25 :31.25 32,36 281.50 19.45 13,45 142.73 6.69 16.80 40,60 10.22 17,29 50,00 100.00 100,00 1,80 33.10 45,90 59.90 23,80 1,35 25,00 11.11 123.00 123.00 86.25 51.04 32.14 16,00 282,66 45.00 8.12 21,75 21,45 5,90 80.99 ..9'.'81 JI COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Special change■ were made as foJ .. low■: lnternaLlonal Eleva.tor Co., Per-ham, truu and full valuo of attached machinery, ral.Red U,:i00.00: Edge. town Lumber Co., Fergu■ Fnll■, lruo and full ,·alue of ll~m 21 ralHd H,• 300,00; Item 27 rnlsed $1,G&O.OO: Jo"'armora' Elevator Co., Pelican Rap-id■, true and full value of Item J9, ralaed SG,000.00: Urbank creamer)" Co., true and full value of bulldlng raised ID,350.00 and equipment, 11,-uoo.oo. Tho following chnngea were made In the assessment of Cln1111 3, being ho~:~~:~~ ,:::!'i!aed J& ~ .Amor, Increased ZOCJ,, Blowers, lncrenl'led 10~ Clltherall \PIiiage, Increased &~ Compton, lncrea■f'd 15~ Corliss, decreased 1011, EnRle Lake, lncren■ed 5~ Erhard■ Grove, lncrenaed 40~ Folden, Increased 1SDCJ Friberg, Increased 5~ Lear Lnke, Increase &ta, Ll!'af !l,lounlnln, lncreaaod 1011!1, Lida, lncrea■ad 10 ~ llnlne, Increased 100~ llaplewood, lncrea■ed lOO'°XI Norwei;lan OroTe, Increased 20'1, Oak Valley, lncrea■ed He;:. Otto, Increased 5 ~ Paddock, Increased 30'r. Perham, Increased 40'% 8f:t, l,~~~::::d 101?~ lf'r, Increased 60':c, up, Increased 10'% denskJold, lncr1iased 20'1, dal.le, Increased 10~ The tollowln,r percentage chnngH were made on Class 3 or personal Dr;,rr1i;::~ or Clitherall, raised 10'1, VlllaR'e of Xew York MIiis. raised 5'11, VIiiage of Ottertall, raised 1011 Village or Parkers Prairie, ralaed 5,mlage of Underwood, raised 5~ Vlllnge of Vergas, rnlaed tor. Vlllo.R'e of VlnlnA', raised 20~ The tollowlng percenta,re chamire:ii wore made In the true and full vnlue of land■ and buildings on rural lnnds only: Land Bldgs. raised ralsf'd ("Ji,) ('I) Aastnd .• , • . • . •• •• . • & Amor •.••.•.•.•••.• & Blowers . • • • . . • . • . • . 5 Butler . • . • . • . • . • • . • . & Carllsle • . . . . • • • . • • • 5 CorllBS . • . • . . . . • . • • • .S c::; ~t':1~.: :: : : : : : ·, Deer Creek • • . . . • . . • 10 Dora • • . • . . • • • . • • •• . & Eaf:le Lake . • • . • • • • • 5 Eastern . • . • . • . • . . • • 5 Edna ••.•.••••••••.• 15 ii, & & 20 5 ii EtflnR'IOn . • . • . . • • . • • • & lfil!::b~~~ .. :::::::::: 1; 11 Erha.rda Orove • • • . . • :i 5 i:r::: ~~1•1~.:::::::: .g 10 g~;~:n .. ::::: :: : : : : ; iii : Lear Lake •.•..•.•.. 10 :ao l,tJI' lluuntaln ..••. lU 10 Lida •.....•.••. , , • • i 1& llalne • . . . . . • . • • • • • • S Ii lla plewood . . . . . . • . • IO I 0 ~i~~c;,~ :::::::::::: .~ .~ N'orWCll'la.n Grove , • • 10 10 Oller Tall ..•.. , .••• :; ,, ~!~~10C1c ·:::::::::::: iii U ~:~::!: ~~~•-r~~.::::: 1! iO l;!:~~:o.::: :: : : : : ; .5 5 :!.~~d~•:.~e.::;::::::: ~ •5 TUl"\ll!llakJod . . . • . . . . 6 '.1."rondhJe1n • . . . • . . • . 5 \\"1:atern . • . . • • • . • . . . " .. Woocl11lde ........... 10 10 Thuraday, July 24, 19:i!! the Board adjourned. Henry Slellng, chah·man. AtteNl: S. B. Johnson, Clerk. IIU.nuto■ of .&4Jonrne4 211:eet:lnar of t:be Boa.rel of coa.nty Cozu.mi■slo.ner■ or Otter "l!'o.l.l Coa.nty, Kbm, PurtiUllllt 10 adJourr,ment the oBard mtt July 23, 19:.2. The County Auditor was lnatruct-ed to nd\'erlh1e ror blda ror lhu rol- !~~1flf ,~{~.~ts~o.0~~1,'nf.en;th cit; mile& loc.1Led between Bu?.ler and o.u rnlle!ti tiouth Comprising 22,362 t'Uhlc yardH excavation. Grading -S.P. jG-50,i-03 (SAR BJ, lllnnesota ProJf'el s un (,I), lenffth 3.,1 miles, Jocatea between 1.0 llllo south of But-ler and 1.2:. mlha \\'ttst of HIiiview, cumprlalng G:i,iS9 cu. Yda. or exca-A~t~,~-f~~~ ~l.b1o~~~ned at 10 o'clock The Board th•n adjourned until 3 o'clock P.ll, Juli,· 2-1, 1952. Henry Slellng, Chairman. Attest: S. B. John■on. Clerk. IIU.na.te■ of A4Jonrnel •••ti.DI' of Cbe Boarl of couaty commJ■-loan■ or Ot:tor 'l'all Coa.nty, 11lbm, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met on Thursday, July :,1, 19!',2. The appllcatlon or tho Fellerer Brewing Co. tor reduction of person-al property a11■essment In the Town-11hlp of Perham was approved 11nd lbe valua1 Ion reduc1 d from 19,999.00 to s1.ooo.oo and the tnx reduced to $76.17 on the Rround thnt the value of tbe second hand equipment was Junk ,·alue. BBBOr. uno:s Al a special meeting or the Board of County Commlaslonera of Otter Tnll Coun1y, lllnn11■ota held on the 24th day of July, 1952 all members being present, Comml■aloner John-son otrered the following Reaolul1011. Bo It resolved by tho Board of Coun1.y C'ommlH11lonera or Otter Tall County, llln1102101a: lls~~:t .~:~. e:.~•t:.::a a~4!,. d:lfn ei~:; Tnll County, lllnneaota la In the pro-coas of Improvement. or T:!~1:! 1:r:,~:r•::~Y r~~r t\h: :~!:~~ mnlnlenance of the road that It bo so Improved. That It wu neaeasary for the con-struction of said rolld that an EaRe• :'sent~ r:~l:.:rr;:,:e~~!r~e J:~c~~e~0~~ struct amid road according to the r~:"':,rfi:: :re~~!c•J~o0n:tYonH.'l~uwJ; Engl net r at the Court House 'n tho Cl¥~:: ih-:.r~:~d~a~~B. t!11c:e~:~:i1 r.a Borrow Pit for 1he construction and Jmpro,·ement of said highway nre situated 111 the County of Oller Tqll and State of lflnnesotn nnd desc1·lbed uai: rollowa, to-wit: l'a.Nel II A strip or land 75 re, t wide on tho Weaterly side of the follow-Ing described line: Beginning at the contor of Sec-tion 2, T137.S--Rel3W: thence North 34• 30' East tor a distance ot 17,Z reel to point of beginning; thence North so• 30' West for a dlalnnct1 of 76.0 feel: thent'e :Sorlh ,u;• 0' West for a dlstaneo or 1200.0 feet; thence North 30• IS' West £or a distance of GU.0 feet, thence !llorth 45• 3&' WeNt tor a distance ot 221.0 feet, and there termlnotlng, In OUt-r Tall County, J.llnnesota. excepting therefrom the right of wu• or exlallnG highways; conlnlnlnJ: :.02 acres, more or less. naI1~~· adn~0 l~:=~~•n:os.n:rn cg:d~:-d and prosceuted according lo law so :s~: rhc!1~~:p!~[y ~o:::: d:~~r&~~: be:;:~ C:::•r;;:.~::tel,ro;:~~~':a~b.be Dat•d: July 24, 1902. Attest: Board of County Commis-sioner■ of Oller Tall County Heney Slell1J.R, Chairman. S. B. Johnaon, County Auditor OommlBHloner Stone aeoonded the foregoing Re11olut1on nnd upon vote It carried unanimously whereupon It was declared pnased and duly signed by the Chairman and attea1ed by the County Auditor, The Boa.rd then adjourned to Tue-111-day, Aug 12, 1952 at 10 o'clock A.M. Attest: Henry Slellng, Chnlrmnn. S. B. Johnson, Clerk, !· Ii"' ''f P■l"Pll,11"! CPHUn U Fl •v, 11!1 ,.;;; COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE.. _,n.t:~~----~-1,-~----... _ ........... 19~~--- BDecla\ change■ were made a■ fo\-lowa: International Elevator Co., Per--ham, true and full value of a.ttacbed machinery, raised U,liOO.OO: Ed1e-t mber Co., Fergus Falla, truo \'alue of Item 21 ral■ed $6,-: llem 27 rn.lHd Sl,&&0.00; rs' Elevator Co., Pellcnn Rap-ids,, true and full vnluo of It.em 19, ralYad $6,000.00; Urbank creamery Co., true and run value of bulldlng raised $9,360.00 and equipment, $1,-000.00. The followlnf;' changes were mau.te In the RIIBOSllfflChl of ClaBH 3, being hox::~::e ,::::~sad l & 'ro Amor, Increased 20°@ Blowers, 1ncre11sed 10 "I., Cllthernll VIilage, Increased 51ft, Compton, Increased 15'r. Corliss, decreased 10 .. EaJ(le Lake, Increased 5% Erhards Grove, lncren■ed 40r'o Folden, Increased 150% L!~~erli.k~~er~::::.e 5r',:, L~nf Mountain, lncrensed 10~ ~::rJie~n1~:~:::eJO 1'00 % :Maplewood, Increased 100., Norwegian Orove, lnorea.sed Z0~ Oak Valley, Increased Z& .. Otto, Increased 5 '?'o Paddock, lncrea11ed 30 '% Perham, Increased 40':St Pine Lnke, Increased 10':St Sa.Int Olaf, Increased tO'fo Scnmblf'r, lncreneed 50% ~::~:~~t:sorn~rr:~~:815~~ "A, 20 °i, Wood111,1e, lncre&Red 10"5 we~:· 0:-:~1:w~~gcr:::•~ta;fe :::a~~:~ vr~rii;:~-~ of Cllthernll, raised 10% VlllaGe ot New York lltlls, raised 5'11, ~m::: :~ i~~e~!:!1•p~:\~1: i~T:ed 5'11, 'Village ot Underwood, raised 5% Village of Vergas, raised 10~ VIiiage of Vining, ra1sed 20fli The following percentage chanRe■ were made In the true and tun vnlue of lands and buildings on rural lnnds only: Lll.118 Bldgs. raised ralsect Aa■lnd ............. (') (C§t) Amor ..••.•.•..•... Ii Blowers • . • • • . . • . • • • 5 Buller . • • •• . • . • • . . • • 5 Carlisle • . • . . • . . . • . • 5 Corliss . • . . . . • • . • • • . a B::: r:t~•~_:::::::: ·s Dec,,r Creek . • . • • • . • • 10 Dora • • • • • • • . . • • . . • • a Ea,cle Lake . • .. . • • • • 5 Eastern • . . . • • . . . • . . 5 Edna. •.. , ......•••.• 15 io 5 6 20 5 ~[[~:::~: : : : : : : : : : : ., f Elmo .. , .•.......•.• 10 15 Erha.rds Gro\'e • . • . • . ii 6 ~:r::: ~~1.1~.:::::::: 1~ 10 g~~~n":::::::::::: ii, : t~:~ ~~::ntBiri.::::: t~ ~3 ki~1':io ·::::: :: : : : : : : : ~ 12 lla1Jlewood .•...•..• 10 10 ~fcf:i'::,~ :::::::::::: lg 1: Norwegian Grove • , . 10 10 OLtar 'l'all . . ... . . . . • • . 5 •• ~~~°clock·:::::::::::: iO ~g ~:~t:::! ~~~1~~~.::::: 1~ iO (!:~t!~e.:::::::::: ·5 5 =~~~-d~:;o.:::::::::: : •5 Turd11nskjod •. , . . . • • . , 5 •rrondhJum . • . . . . . . . 6 ~;~~~":i~e ·::::::::::: 1~ 10 Thur;1duy, July z.a, 10;;2 tho Board ndJourned. Henry Slellng, chairman. Attest: S. B .• Johnson, Clvrk. m111utea or Ad.Jollrlled JIIH~ of tbe Bua.rd. of ooa.at.y Co:mmiaolaaar■ of Otlor ~all COIUltJ', Hlaa, PurHuunt to a.dJour1,mcnt the oBard mtit July 23, 19:-,z. The County Auditor was lm1lruct-t"d to 11dvdrllsu ror bids for lb~ fol-1~~1.ri! &r~~tsl-:o. a;~tlnlenith Ci,:9 mlle!I, locat~d belwt:en Butler a.ml 0,D rnlles Mouth Comprising 22,362 cubic yards excnvnllon. Grndlng -S.P. :iG-:iO-t-03 (SAn 8), .\llnnesota. rrnfoct S 126 (,I), lenf(lh 3.-1 miles, locnteo bt:tween 1.0 Milo south or But-ler and 1.2h mlhH \\'l!ISL of Hllh·lew, comprt~lnG 60,789 Cu. \"ds. o[ excn-X~l~~~'·/~~~ i~.bfo~r~ned at 10 o·c1ock The Board then adjourned unlll 3 o'clock P.ll. July 2-1, 1963. Attest: Henry Slellng, Chairman. S. B. Johnson, Clerk. Mbla.te■ or A4Joa.rnel Meetlq or O.e Boa.rd. or Coa.nlJ' coDUIWl■loa.er■ of Otter "l'all COIUll1', lllfm, Pursuant to ndJournment the Board met on ThuNduy, .July z-t, 19!',Z. The app1lcalion .or the Fellerer Brewing Co. for reduction of peraon-nl properly nssessment In the To\\"n-shlp of Perhnm was approved llnd Lhe vnlWLllon reduct·d rrom $9,999.00 to S1.soo.oo and the tax reduced to Si&.11 on the ground that the value of the second hand ec1ulpmont wa.■ Junk value, B11BOL'U'l'l0JI' At n special moellng of -the Board Atteet: __ •~~-~"'~='-,~M..::fA,..._J.::....;:====---7~~ or County Commissioners of Otter Tall County, l.UnnHota. held on the 24th day of July, 1962 all member■ being present, Commls!llonar John- MOD o[ferad the [ollowlng Resolution. l:Se It resolved by tho Board or County Co01mh1sloners of Otter Tall County, )llnnuMola: lh1~::t Ht:~a e:.~l::fa R~'!». d:lrn esr::; Tnll County, Minnesota ls In the pro-co111 nr Improvement. That It hi neces■a.ry fbr the atirec.y of public lrnvel nnd ror the proper m:llnlenanee of the roa.d that it be so Improved. Thal It was necessary for the con-struction of said road that nn Ease-ment for Borrow Pit be procured tm ne to obtntn necesMllrV dirt tu con-!!ilr11cl 11nld road u.ccordlng lo the pinna and specifications on til~ In the office or the County Highway Englnetr at the Court House In the c1~h:E ibC:~:~d~n!:oa, t!ub!e~:~:~. ~• Borrow Pit ror the construcllon and lmpro\·ement of said highway nN situated m the County of Otter 'l'nll and Stnlil1 of lllnnesola and desc1·lbed IUI rollowe, tO•\\·lt: :l'a.nel 1& A strip or land 16 fefl wide on the Westerly side of lha [ollow-lng described line: Beginning at the center of Sec-lion 2, T13i~-ROW: thence No:-1h 3,t• 30' East for n distance ot 17.2 feet to point of be&lnntns: thl!nce ~orlh 55• 30' WeBt for a distance or 16.0 foot: lhenee North ,15• O' West for a distance ot 1200.0 reel; thence ~orth 30• 15' West for a distance of GU.O feet, Lhence North -&&• 30' WHt for a dlatance or !Zl.O feet, nncl there terminating, In Ott1:r Tall County, lllnnesota. excepting thoretrom lha rtght of wu• of existing highways: contalnln!: =.02 acres. more or leHs. That duo proceedings hJ' condem-nallon and eminent domain be hnd and pro11ceuted a.ccordlng lo law aso a.s to ncqulre tor Borrow Pit pur-poses the properly above described. Let cundemnallon proceedings ba begun and proaecuted, forthwith. Dat .. d: July 14, 1952. Attest: Soard of County Commis-sioners of Otter Tall County Henry Slell11g, Chairman. S. B. Johnson, County Auditor rofe0R'~rn~•sK>:.:iu~l~annaa::c:;::d v~~= It carried unanimously whereupon It wa.s declared pnseed and duly slgnflld by tho Chnlrma.n and attested by the County Auditor. The Board then adjourned to Tue.111-day, Aug U, 19U2 a.t 10 o'clock A.)!. Attest: Henry Sleltng, Chairman. S. B. Johnson. Clark. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. JUly 23, 52 DATE ...................... ·-······················-·······································19 ......• ;,mruTES OF .'I.DJOTJRNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COt,IMISSTOrlRRS O"F' OTTER TAI~ COUNTY, Mil1NF.SOTA. PU.rsuant. to adJournment the Board met ,Tuly 23, l952. I The C'ounty Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids -ror• the following projects: Grading -·C.P. 52:54B (c.A..R. f54), Length.0.9 miles, looe.+.eci b'!tween Butler and o.9 miles ·south. Comprising 22,362 cubi yards exoavat.ton. Grading -s.p. 56-504-03 (SAR 8), MinnesotR Project S 126 (4), length 3.4 miles, locate between LO :-!1.le south of Butler .and 1.25 miles west of Tiillview, comprising 65,789 cu. Yds. of exoavation bide to be opened e.t 10 o'clock i... M, Aug. 27, 1952, The Board then adjourn~d until 3 o'clock P. M, July 24, 1952. Attest: MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF TH!: 'BOARD OF COUNTY 90~1ISSIO~IBRS OF OTTER TAIL COUl1TY, l;IINHESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met on Thursday, July 24, 1952. . The application of the Fellerer Brewing CQ. for.reduct~on of personal property assessment in the Township of Perham was ap11roved and the valuation reduced from $9,999.00 to $1,500.00 and the tax redu.ced t~ $76,17 on the ground .tho+. the value of the second hand equipment was junk value, RESOLUTION, At a epeciRl meeting of the Board of .co,~nty commieeioners of' OtterTail county, 141.nnesota, held on the 24th day of July, 1952 all members being present, Commissioner Johnson offered the following resolution. l3e it resolved. by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail <:iounty, Minnesota: · That tlie existing and duly established .state aid. road No. 9 in Otter Tail county, Minnesota is in the process of. improvement. 'i1l_a.t, p ~\~!l~cessary for the safety of puhlic travel ano. for the proper maintenance of the road that That tis necessary for the·construction of said road that an Easement for Borrow Pit be procured so as to obtain necessary d.irt to construct said road according to the plans and s·peoifications on file in the office of the county Highway Engineer at the court House in the City of Fergus FRlls, Minnesota. That the lands eo to be taken as Borrow Pit for the construction and improvement of said highway are situated in the County of Otter Tail and State of Minnesota and described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL 15 A strip of land 75 feet wide on the westerly side of the following descri.bed line: Beginning at the center o·r. Section 2, Tl37N-R43W; thence North 34°30' East for a distance of 17.2 feet to point of beginning; thence North 55°30' west for a distance of 76.0 reet; thence North 43°0' \Vest i'or a d.istance of 1200.0 feet.; thence riorth 30°15' VIP.Rt for a distanue of 645.0 feet. thence North 45°35' west i'or a distance of 221,0 feet, and there terminating, in Otter Tail County, ~Unnesota, ex- cepting therefrom the right oi' wav of existing highways; containing 2.02 acres, more or less. That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosec1ited according to law so as. to acquire for 'Sorrow PJ.t purposes the property above described. Let oondemnation proceedings be !Jegun and prosecu.ted, forthwith. Dated: July 24, 1952. Attest: s. B. Johnson count.v Auditor Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Henry Sieling Chairman. Commissioner Stone seconded th'! foregoin13 ?.esolntion and upon vote it oarried unanimously whereupon it was d'eclared passed and d11ly signed by the Chairman anrl attestec1 by the l'}ounty Audi tor. The Board then adjourned to Tuesday, Aug. 12, 1952, at 10 o'clock P, M. Attest: ____ __.._ M __ .,~~~·"""'f . ..:;.:.,.~-~-------_7?~ t COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... .".All.8.• ... 12 •.............................. 19 ... ~.~ Jl.[NU'l'F.S OF ADJOURNED 1m:TING or BOARD OF COUNTY cm.n.assrorn-ms OF OTTER TAIL C~UNTY. MINN. Pursue.nt to adjournment the -Soard met at 10 o'clock A, M, on Tuesday Aur,ust 12. 1952. all members bein~ present. The City Engineer appeared before the Board requesting aid ~or bituminous surfacing of State Aid Road No. l through the a'i ty. and it was agrP.ed that· he should bring in· more complete details and present them tq the Board at their September session. The applice.t1.on of Thorfin Paulson for homestead classification on the s½ SW¼-Sec, 20-132-39 and m-NW¼. s,~. NE¼ ex, school and Nt SW¼ Sec,·29 was taken up and upon motion, was approved and the tax reauoed accordingly, The a·pplication o·f Hugo Soderberg for homestead classificatl.on on the s½ SE¼, Et SW¼ and NW¼ SE¼ of sec. 15 and Nt N"E¼ of sec, 22 T·ovmship 135, Range 36, was taken up and upon motion, tl'ie Bar:(le was granted and the tax reduced accordingly, T·he application of orvey 17anson for homestel'ld c.lassi:fication on thP. SW¼-and Wi-SE¼ Sec. 30-132-37 was taken up and upon motion, the same was granted and the tax reduced accordingly, The application of Calmer Kjono for homestel'ld classification on the Ira¼ }ra¼ SE¼, Nt SE¼ ex. Et NEf SE¼ ex. parts platted and ex. trR.cts, Sec, 22:-136-43 and Lots_l, 2, 3: 4, 5, 17, 18, 19. 20, Block 4, Lacy's Addn. to Pelican Ra.aids was granted ana the tax reducea. accord1ngly. The application of s. T, Putnam for reduction of assessment on s½ SE¼ ands. 52 rods of N½ SE¼ Sec. 30-134-40 was taken up for final action and, upon motion, was approved and the tax reduced to $22.33. . . The application of Chester Martinson for reduction of assessment on St SE¼, SE¼ SW¼ ex. w. l rod, Sec. 16-134-40 was taken u·p, end upon motion, the se.me was granted o.nd the tax reduced to $15,62, The application of H, C, Otto for removal of cottae-e erronP.ously assessed on Lots 18, 19 and ao, Weimar take Resort, was granted and the tax reditoed to $34,55. The application cf the Rlg-ht Reverend Richard p. Emery, President of the Bishop Chancellor a.nd stond.ing Committee o:f' the Chn.rch of North Dakota i'or exemption from taxation of Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 of Midland :Rea.ch mAS taken up for a.c,tion nnd a9proved, e.nd was recommended to the Tax Commission for a.9proval. The following resolution was ado1,ted: . On the 12th day of Novem1>er, 1941 Glen L. Pete;-son and Orin ll'.. Peterson purchased certain rea.l estllte under Auditor's Certificate of Purchase of tax forfeited land the follovring real estate situate in otter Tail County, Minnesota, to~wit: The South ha.lf of the Southwest Quarter (st of SVJ¼l of Section Numbered Three (3) •· \n ~ownship numbered One HUndred Thirty-six (136) North of Range NUmbered Thirty-seven (37), in the County of Otter Tail, and State of Minneso~a. That Glen L. PetP.rson and Orin H, Peterson failed to pay the final installment en said purchase of ~18.00 due on or before December 31, 1951, . . That undue.,,hardship ~d in,iustice w~uld result ii' the Glen L. and Orin H. Peterson are not gr~nted an,, extension o.._ time in wnich to make final payment and apply for a deed to the Tax commissioner. Be it further resolved by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota, that Glen L, and Orin H. Peterson be granted an extension of time in which to make payment upon said land in the amount of $19.18, being the amount of the installment together with interest. Adopted Aug, 12, 1952. Attest: S. B. JOHNSON Clerk. The following bills were allowed: J. C. 'Henkes r.estern Union J. C ... Henkes M. c. Lee Donald. Skripsy Do P.alph Rosenberg LOuise Stondahl Elnora M. Esteb Ella Olson Slatten Mable Rossow Bertha ~toFtroen Bennie J. Johnson Bert Stone Henry Sieling George Hanson Frank Roberts Albert Fritz Emil Boen Frenk: C. Barnes Dr. c. J. Lund Dr. J. J. Kevern HENRY SIELING Chairman. boardinB of prisoners telegrams sheriff's exp. dep •. sheriff's exp. " It rt services as day jailer dep. sheriff's exp. expenses Clerk l')o. ~ut,j;. " !t " Supt's. Clerk nlerk Sup. of Assessments exp, attd. meeting " " '" It It It " ., weed inspector " " " ,, mun. judge's fees coroner's fees " " $ 268.50 4.69 100.65 44.10 178.10 100.00 1.70 56.65 5.00 5.00 112.50 73.50 15.30 14.75 26.27 12.78 214.42 148.32 117.49 125.00 25.50 12.88 ..! :l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... -.. :.AY.S., .... 1.~., ..................................... 19.Q_g .. Dr. Everett a. Hanso.n Fergus Specialties Co. Norman ·t •. Johnson '/ictor r,undeen ."c cfo. Ed11cati'onal Test Bureau security Blank Book£ Printing co. Free Press company Miller-Davis company Fritz-cross do, The Pierce co. noroth.v Thorson . Poucher Printing ·" Li thogr6phing Co. Schoolcraft co. • count.v of Martin Nelson Bros, Printing co. no· Art Printcraft Ugeblad: Publishing Co. Battle Lake Review s. Mill Standard Service Rintgen-xarst F,lec. do. N, w·. Bell Tel, co. Do' 1)0 John Frantz Kewanee Boiler Corp. united Chemical co. Miller ·rrdwe. Gaffane"y•s Office Specialties (!o. Addressograph Sales A~eno.v F.:rlwin Ala, Marshall Guy R. Phillips George J. Matson John L; r,ogan Oren Fosse JoReph Rayner, Sr. Carl Jehn James• Hansen Burrcughs Adding Machine ~o. lfason Publishing co. Paul Putnam, Post A, L. v. F, W. Rassmussen Sohwedowski Post touise stondahl Dill, G, 'J, Mouritsen H, W, Glorvigen Phoebe Johnson Ruth C, Campbell Victor Lundeen & co. Hintgen-Xarst City Water & Light Dept, Nelson Bros, Printing co. ~atherine D, Townsend Philip M, Y.jaglien Do N, W. Bell Tel. co. Bruce Publishing co. Perham.Tel. do.- Esther G. Sell Ann S. : Jordan Do Esther·G, Sell Ann S. Jordan Carl A~ Snowberg Bert Stone George.B:anson Henry Sieling Minnesota State Sanatorium FerP,UB Falls Clinic ·Glen Lake Sanatorium Sunnyr~st Sanatorium Philip_Carlson Chas. Malargie w. L. Potter Davidson Metal Shop Fergus· Journal Co. ~o ~q A, w. co. Inc. of Minn. N, \'I'. Engineerill@ co. Minnesota FWD co. Roshoit Equipment co. Geo.~-RJ(an co. wm. H~ Ziegler co., Inc. Paper, Calmenson & co. Elk River Cono. Prod. Co, Armco Drainage.\ Metal Prod. co. H, ~-Johnston Culv. Oo, SkogmQ Motors, Ino. r.nnnesota 1.i:otor co. Rinne • s, Inc. Service Recorder co. Wallnofer Blacksmith Shop Henr.v Holmgren coroner's fees repair typewriter book supplies school supplies binders~ records record book blanks & supplies blanks clasp envelopes school supplies " " " " " " printing printing blanks printing " printing~ ~ublichinf supplies renairs mobile servie calls " repairs gaskets su!)plies " maintenance ·.of equip. " rr n constable fees serving citation Sheriff's fees Dep. ~heriff's fees " " " ribbon digest " decorating graves ,, " postage " " services co. Jail drivers licenee exp. clerk (vet service) " ff " " " " expenses " supplies" repairs " service " supplies" rent " expenses" postage " s.ervioe " dental card.a telephone supplies " nurse .. postage e:xp. " " " " " " " Beard of Eq.ualization " " " " " " " . " " oare of patients examination care of patients " " labor on co. Ditch " ,, " " cash advanced pipe & labor printing " printing parts " " " " " cutting edges culvP.rts " " extra equipment batteries & tlrP.s parts ·repairs " " $26.70 ;:;5;00 995.QO 399.75 3.24 467. 76 99.OO 37.16 45.21 65.20 2.40 213.27 66.89 10.96 16.50 23.10 6.25 20.00 17.31 1U8 13.06 80.45 109.30 26.45 .76 21.89 4.89 3.27 65.00 22.55 10.50 1.80 1,50 32.90 52.50 12.60 47.60 13.10 1.05 5.00 25.00 25.00 81.72 10.00 27.-90 ·33,75 17.08 3.65 1.08. 8.23 39.75 46,00 73.92 6.04 14.40 18.77 5.25 ,85 2.99 3.50 66.47 82.09 20.00 20.00 24.80 31.20 1600.79 3.00 151.38 25.00 52.50 52.60 11.15 17.00 224.40 36 .• 00 13,.20 136.15 825.16 61,90 35.83 368.26 776.91 971.60 52.50 5513.85 96.28 90,50 133.70 458.99 14,18 27.45 31.25 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... _ .............. .tug .• -·12 ' .......................... 19 52 y8i~ge•e Brake service Lake.Region Motor Co. Thel~n Implement Co. Mill~ Mot ore, N. Y, Mills Jaen1ecb Industr1ee T1chy:'s Shop ~arscm Brothers 9kogmo Motors, Inc. Re·Bon Chev • co. Ehnbom Motor Co,, N,Y,M1lls Osca:r O!Lson Truman Motors O!Lson Auto Electric Wichterman Implement co. Field Machine Co,, Inc. Erie .8: Risbrudt Gembie Store, P, Pro.1r1e Greff Implement & Hdwe. Wilcox ~umber co., Henning He.on1,ng Drug store Y.nuttile Implement Co, Moore Hardware N1col.s, Dean & Gregg Eric~son-Rellekaon-Vye Co. O!Lson F.ardware & Furniture ?arm ~enter Weldinp. Co, Midwe.st supply Natl •. Bushing !'• Parts Co. A, T, Herfindahl Miller's 'Perdware Henn1.ng F1_1el co. ijlaoktop Surf.acing co. John.Dieseth co. Wm, J, Anderson uotor Patrol Assn. Ostrue Snowfence & Cribbing 1.1erohant' s Hotel Village of Deer Creek, Park,. Region 011 co. Henning 011 co. Service 011 co., Battle Lake Fossen Oil oo. Log Cabin Service Station Meyer's service etation Ottertail 011 Co, Farmers' co-op Oreamery Assn. ~engtson Oil co. Bill's Service Station, Elizabeth 1111 Nelson 011 co. Penrose Oil co. Anderson & Sandberg 011 do. Hagge Oil C:o. :i:). A, Lubricant co., Inc. N, W, Bell Tel, Oo. Midwest Tel. co. N, W, Bell Tel, Co, Pelican Tel. Co. N. 17. Be 11 Tel. do. , 'l!enning V.lctor Lundeen 'I: co. Gaffaney•s Miller-Davis co. H, A. Rogers Co. Poucher Printing & T.itho. Co. construction Bulletin Minnesota State H.lgh. Dept. w. M, Bollenoack DOn Crozier L, A, Olson c. J. Matthews John I, Bondy Barke, Allison & Darby Norman Galloway Perry .Teoobson, Jr, Richard P, McAllister. Gordon L, Peterson w. r .. Potter Geo. Olson G, D, Harlow Wen1ell l', Huber Village of Henning Harthun&: Peterson 011 co. Eagle Cafe, Perham Mrs •. Edwin Sczygiel Wendell P, HU.ber Vergas Tel. co. Henning Oil co. Village of Uew York !.!ills Bennie J, Johnson Nopeming Sanatorium repairs It .. " It n " " " " " .. " " .. supplies coal .. .. .. .. " " .. " " " " " bituminous material gre.vel towing lath " " rooms for crew garage rent gasoline It ., " .. " " n " " ~ tires & tubes " & diesel fuel diesel fuel '" " oil long distance and service rent .'I, tolls service & long distance services " supplies ., " prints form ad. for bids services Right of Way Right of' Wey condemnation and move fence proceedings " insurance expenses " " " " ., " er.sh advanced gar,ige rent gasoline ,•c oil board for crews " " board for gravel checker ex1Jenses service 11, tolls gasoline garage rent Board of Review care of patients The 'Board then adjourned to Wednesday, AUflUSt 13, 1952. 20,67 10.07 18.86 .·9.52 95.90 24,25 68.70 33.03 5:09 15,08 .75 35.56 48,76 13.65 18,00 9,78 3.52 4,97 10,69 3.25 20.98 8.28 109,91 5.00 35.80 26,47 6,26 5.75 5.6.60. 5.33 27,16 l:21.97 181.80 463.50 3.25 15.00 .23.00 210,00 6,05 25.99 145.36 33.18 122,53 118.71 20.80 ::83.24 84.64 18,93 354.19 259.99 149.00 926.25 429.16 46.75 9.10 32.65 10.40 20.85 7,75 7,00 9,00 5.32 45.70 44.10 61.02 6,00 8.40 31.32 36.72 32.40 1459.65 202.18 117,46 93.87 73,36 181.02 20.35 30,78 7.69 142.05 A8,94 53,55 25,90 346.10 15.20 22.83 330,00 26.00 . 1591.85 ,JW&IILDIIIIIII COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. ,tug .•... 1::5 • .................................... 19 .... 52 MI!ruTES. OF MF.ETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COJ,flfiSSIOMEP.S OF OTTER TAIL COUliTY, MUINESOTA. AUG._ :J:3~ :l,952~. Pursuant to due cell and ·not ice fhereof, and es ordered by its resolution o.dopted July 14, 1952, llll,•. adjourned meeting of the Board of' county commission~rs o.r Otter Teii cfounty, Minnesota, was duly held et the oornniissioriers' Room in the Courthou!'le in Fergus F'alls, Minnesota, on August 13, 1952, at 11:00 o'clock A, M, (Centr~l Standard Time), · The following /JOl!!!lllssioners were present: George Flanson, Carl A. Sriowbe1:e;, "Bert Stone, Bennie J, Johnson and the following were absent: none, ****** ***** The Chairman announced that the next order of business was the recelpt and consideration of blds for the purchase of $1,000,000 Road and Bridge Bonds of the County heretofore e.uthori"ze«i; by the electors and advertised for sale as ordered by the Board on July 14, 1952, The County luditor presented FOUR sealed bids and stated that they were the only bids which had been received by him prior to the time at which this meeting had convened, Said bids were then publicly opened, examined, and found to be as foll:ov,s: Name of Bidder or Manager of Bidding Group Halsey, Stuart~ co., Chicae;o John NU.Veen & co., Chicago Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis, Boston ~alman & company, Inc., Minneapolis ,Turan 'I: Moody, St. Paul Shaughnessy & co., St. Paul !Jorthern Trust Co., Chicago Harriman Ripley 'I: co., Chicago Blyth & Co., Inc., New York First of Michie;an corp., Detroit Dempsey & Company, Chicago . !'orthwestern 1,atl. Bk. of i,iinneapolis First National Bank. l!tinnespolis First National Bank, Saint Paul Allison-\'l'illiams co., Minneapolis J. M, Dain 'I: co. , Minneapolis Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood, Mim1.eapolis Harold E, wood & co., saint Paul l!arinheiroer-Egan, Inc., Saint Paul. C~ldwell-Phillips Co., Saint Paul. Woodard-Elwood & co., Minneapolis Clore Forgan .'I: Co. , Chicago William Blair & CO,,Chioago Stern Bros. \ co., Kansas City !} l l l l Interest Rate and Maturities l'/5S/t,'? 2.25%, 2.40% l96P/7 ✓ $14.00 3.Q~ 1955/59 1960/.69 2.25~ 1970/71 2,4o% 826.00 1955/6:4, 1965/71 2.25%. 2.50% 1300.00 The net interest cost on said bonds (being the total interest to the stated maturity dates, less any premium of'fered) according to the respective bids was then oomputed and announced. Commissioner B, J. Johnson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: R!-:SOLl'TION AIVARDIUG SALE OF ROAD AND BRIDGE BOlU'S. BE IT R..~SOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the bid of Haleey1 Stuart & co,, Inc., of the City of Chicago, Illinois, and the associates named therein, to rnr- chase fl,000,000 Road and Bridee Bonds of this.county to be dated July 1, 1952, and to be issued as·speci- f'ied in the official not ice of sale thereof, is hereby found and. declared to be the bid most favorable to the county received pursuant to due notice, and should be and .ls hereby accepted, said bid being to pur- chase the bo~ds at a price of ~ar and.accrued interest plus a premium of $14.00, for bonds bearing interest as follows: Rate of Interest Maturities 1955 thru 1968 1969 thru 1971 The Chairman and County Auditor a.re authorized and directed to endorse an acceptance of' said bid on a copy thereof and to return such copy to the bidder. The r.ounty Treasurer is directed to retain the good faith check of the sucoessful bidder pending oompletion and delivery of said bonds, and the good faith checks of other bidders shall be forthwith returned to them. Attest: S. B, JOHNSON county Auditor HElmY SIELHJG Chairman of Board of County Commissioners The motion for th~ adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Ge~Tge Hansop, and on vote be~ng taken thereon the rollowing commissioners voted in• favor thereof: Carl A, snow- berg, Bert Stone, Bennie J, Johns~n. George Hanson and· the following voted agaipst the same: None, where- upon said resolution was declared duly passed, and was signed and attested by the Chairman and Auditor. Commissioner B, J, Johnson t~en introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: P.ESOLUT!ON F!XU!G THE FORM AND DETAILS OF ROAD AlJD BRIDGE 'BONDS, CREATING A SIMY.IHG li'UND~ AND LEVYING TAXES FCP. 'l'HE!R P.4.YMENT ' ·, I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................................. AlJ&4 •••• l.3. •.................... 19 .. 5a BE IT !IBffOLVED by the Hoard of county commissioners of Otter Tail :county, Minnesota, as follows: 1. This county shall forthwith·lssue·and deliver to the purchaser thereof its negotiable general ob- ligation Road and -sr.idge 13onds in the total principal amount of $1,000,000, being the remainder of a total authorized issue in the amount of $2,500,000 authorized by the electors at the election duly and legally called and held in said County on August 21, 1951, Said bonds shall be dated as of July 1, 1952, shall be in d·enomination ·of $1000 each, numbered serially from 1 to 1000, and shall mature serially, in numerical order, on January 1 in the amount of $60,000 in each of the years 1955 through 1970 and $40,000 in l:971, Bonde numbered 1 through 720 (maturing in the years 1955 through 1966} shall be payable as aforesaid with- out option of •prior payment; ang. bonds numbered 721 through 1000 (maturi.ng in the years 1967 through 1971 shall each be subject to redemption and prepayment at the option of the county, in inverse order of serial numbers, on ,January 1, 1966, and on any interest due date thereafter, at par and accrued interest to the date s·peclfied for redemption. The county shall give thirty days prier notice of each snob call for re-demption by mailing the same to each institution at whioh the principal and interest are then payable and to the holder, if known, of each bond so designated for redemption. Said bonds shall bear interest pay- able January 1, 1953, and semiannu11.lly on each ,July 1 and January 1 thereafter, at· th& following rates: Nos. l through 840 O 2,25~ per annum " 841 " 1000 o; 2.40% " " Both •pri:!lcJ..~!;t.,and interest shall be payable at the main office of Northwestern National Bank of M•innea-polir,~Mfl'fnesota, or. at the option of the holder of the respective bonds and coupons, at Halsey, Stuart & Co,, in New York City, New York, and Chicago, Illl.nois, and the County agrees to pay the reasonable and customary charges of such paying agency for the receipt and disbursement of the 9rincipal and interest moneys. 2. Said bonds and the interest coupons to be attached thereto shall be in substa.nt.ially the follow-ing form, No. UNITED STATES OF AMERIC ! STA'l'R OF MUT!IBSOTA COUNTY OF OTTF.R TAIL . $1000 KNOW ALL M.Eli BY THESE l'P.ESENTS that Otter Tail County, Minnesota, whose :post&o:ffice address is Fergus Falls, Minnesota, acknowlenges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to bearer or, if thi bond is registered, to the registered holder hereof, the sum of ONE THOUSillD DOLLARS on the 1st day of January, 19 , or, if this bond is prep~yable as stated below, on a date prior thereto on which it shall have been dii'Iy""called for redemption, and to pay interest thereon, from the date hereof until said princi- pal sum is paid or, if prepayable, until duly called for redemption, at the rate of . .,.......,._..,....,_ ___ . _____ per cent '=-=--..,....-y=,-.,,,......,,,,......,,~l per annum, payable January 1, ~1~g~5w3-,-.-an-..d ___ s_e_m~l-a_n_n_u_a~1'1-y1 thereafter on each uuly 1 and January I, Interest fo maturity being payable in eccordanoe with, and.upon presentation end surrender of, the interest cou9ons appurteuant he:-eto. Both principal and interest are payable at the main office of northwestern Uational Bank of Minneapolis, in Minnea·polis, Minnesota, or, at the optlon of the holder, at Halsey, Stuart & co., Inc,, in New York, New York, and Chicago, Illinois, in any coin or currency of the tJnitP.d States of America which on the date of p~vment.is legal tenaer for public and privo.te debts. For the prompt and full pa,.vment of suoh principal and interest, the full faith, credit, and taxing powers of the County have been and. are hP.reby irrevocably pledged. . This bond is one of en issue in the total principal 11.Dlount of $1,000,000, all of like d.ate anc\ tenor exce,t as to serial numbers, maturity dates, (interest rate,) and redemption privilege, all issued by said county for the purpose of grading, gravelinp., e.nd bit11minous surfacing, and the erP.ction and improvem'!nt of bridges on county roads in said County:; and is r;,art ot' a total authorized issue of bonds for said pur- pose in the principal amo'dnt of $2,500,000, and is issued pursua.nt to.resolutions of the Board of County C~mm!.ssioners duly adopted and authority conferred by more th!Ul the requisite majority vote of the quali-fied electors of said County voting on the question at an elP.ction duly ,mil legally called and held there- in, and pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and. Laws of the State of Minnesota there-unto enabling. Bonde of this issue bee.ring serial numbers 1 through 720 arP. nayable at their res-oective stated maturity dates without ootion of prior oayment. Bonds-of this issue bearine; a serial number :!'rem 721 thro.ugh 1000.are each subjP.ct to·redemption and prepayment, in inverse ord!!r or serial numbers:_,.?n Janu~ry 1 1966 and on anv interest due d.ate thereafter, at P83' and accrued intP.rest to the date s~ec:i. .• ieil ~or r;dP.mntion, upon thirty days prior notice of call .for redem11ti0n rnailed. to the institution Is). a; v:hich principal e.nd interest are then ?ayable ui:id to t~1e holder, if known, of en?h bond_ so designs.ten '0 ~ re-demption. 11olders of bonds bearing a seru;l numoer from 721 throngh 1000 who des1.re to receive such notice may ho.ve their names, addresses, and the serial numbers of their bond~ reco7ded b~ the Coun~y . Treasurer for the purpose of receiving such notice, whether or not the bond is registeren as to principal pursuant to the next follOW'ing paragraph hereof. This bond is transferable by deliv'lry, except while registered as to principal in tile name of the holder on the re{llster kept for that purpose at the office of the County Treasurer in Fergus Falls, Minne- sota, such registration being noted hereon by the Trea~urer. Whiles~ registered, no ~ransfer h:reof shall b'.:l valid unless made on such register by the registered holder in person or by his at~orne~ duly authorized in writing and similarly noted hereon; but this bond may be discharged from registration by_ being in like manner transferred to bearer. and thereupon transfe:ro.':>ility by delivery shall be restored, but the bond may again end from time to time be_registered in the name of the holder or transferred to b'ln.rer, as before. Such regi.stration shall not affect the negotiability of the coupons appurtenant here- to, which shall always continue to be p~vable to be&rer and transferably by delivery. IT IS HE~EBY CERTIFIED AUD RECITED that all acts, conditions, and things required by the Constitntio and Laws of the State of Minne11otn to be done, to happen, to exist, and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, in order to make it the valid general obligation of the County according_to its terms, have been done, have happened, do exist, and. have be"n !)erformed in regular and d.ue form, time and manner as so required; that, prior to the issuance hereof, a direct, annual, irrepealable, ad valorem tax has been duly levied u9on all of the taxable ·property in said County for the years and in amounts at least 5% in exce11s of sums sufficient to pey the interest hereon and the ·principal hereof as they re- spectively become due, and additional taxes, if needed for such purpose, will be levied on all such pre~ perty without limitation as to rate or amount; fl.Dd that the issuance of this bond did not cause the in- debtedne11s of said county to exceed any constitutional or statu.tory limitation. IN WITNESS W~REOF Otter Tail County, Minnesota, by its Board of county Commissioners, has caused this bond to be executed in its behalf by the printed, engraved, or lithographed facsimile signature of COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE .tug. 13, 52 the Chairman of said Board and by the manual signature of ite County Auditor and sealed. with hie official seal, and the lntere~t coupons appurtenant hereto to be executed and anthentioated by the facsimile sig- natures of sal.d Chnirmnn and Auditor, and this bond to be dated as of July 1, 1952. (Place forjsignature) . county auditor (Seal) (Ji'aceimile signa-ture of Chairman} Chairme.n of Board of County Commieeioners (Form of Taxt and Grill for Registration) ( to appear on back of each bond ) The within bond has b~en ref istered,. as to ownership of principal only, on the bond register kept at the off'lce of the County Treasurer in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. MO ~ITING ~REON EXCEPT "BY TPE COUNTY T~EASURER ne.te Registered owner Signature of Treasurer (Form of Coupon) No, $ __ _ on the let day of January (July), 19 __ , Otter Tail Coun.t,r, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of-------,--,...----,,....,....~--....--...---.---.-...---..--~-~---------• in , or, at the ophon of' the holder hereof', at ------Tn==----_-------, the snm of DOLLARS t'or interest then due on \ ts Road and l'lri.dg-e--=-s-o_n..,.d ...... d.-r..t_e_d_J"'"u-1,..y-----1 ... ,---1'"'9"5'"'2 ... ,-N ... o-,----------- (Faseimile signature) county Auditor (Facsimile signatur~J Chairman, Board of county eommissioners coupons numbered 28 and upwards on bonds numbered 721 throufth 1000 shall also contain the words -"'!J'nless called :l'or _earlier redemption," 3. Said bonds•.ehall be prepared for execution under the direction of the county Auditor and attorney and when so prepared sha_ll be executed in behalf of the Ccunt_v by the printed, engraved, or lithographed facsimile signature of the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and by the manual signature o~ the county Audi tor, and each th·ereof shall have the County Audi tor• e o'ffi cial seal -impressed thereon; and the interest coupons-shall be executed and authenticated b,v the printed, engraved, or lithographed fac'- simile signatures of said Chairman and Auditor, When t.he bonds have been so executed, they shall be de- livered by the l}ounty Treasurer to the purchasertthereof, upon receipt of the purchase !)rice heretofore agreed upon, and the purchaser shall not be obligated to see to the application thereof. 4. The County Treasurer and his succeRsore in office are hereby authorized and directed to procure, establish, and maintain a register listing the names and addressee of the holders of the bonds of said issue which are prepayable by their terms and the aerial numbers of.the bonds held by such holder, and to enter on such register all information mniie known to hirn, or his sucoeesore in office, as to the ownershi:p of s~ch rede~mable bonds for the pur9ose of eiving mailed notices of calls for redemption. The county Treasurer, and hie successors in office, are also authorized and directed to procure, establish, and main- tain a register suitable for registering ihe o_wnership of bonds as provided in the foregoing text thereof. 5. There is hereby created a separate "Sinking Fund for $1,000.,000 Roao. and 13rici.ge Bonds", which fund shall be kept by t·he County Treasurer apart from all other funds of the County and used for no ·pur- pose other than payment of ·principal o.f;:and interest on said bonds; provided that, if any payment of p~inoipal or interest on the bonds shall become due when there is not sufficient money in said sinking fund therefor, the Treae11rer shall pay the same from moneys in any other fund of the County, and such other funds may be reimbursed for such advances out of the proceed3 of the taxes hereinafter levied. Into ea.id sinking fund shall be peid the proceeds of all taxes levied pursuant to this resolution end the ao-crued interest and any premium on said bonds receiveo upon deliv.ery thereof to the purchaser, and any other moneys from t_ime to time reoeived for or appropriated -to the payment of said bonds ·and interest. 6, For the prompt a.nd full payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds ns such PR,Yments respectively become due, the full faith, credit, and 1rnlimited taxing powers of the County shall he and , are hereby irrev·ooably ))ledged. To provide moneys for such payments, there ie hereby levied on all the taxable property in the Count.v-a direct, annual ad valorem tax, which shall be spread -upon the tax rolls and collected es a part of other general taxes of the County for the years fcclleotible in the respective ensuing years) and in the amounts as follows: Year A.mount Year Amount 1952 $35,900 1961 $75,500 1953 86,900 1962 74,100 1954 85,500 1963 72,7-00 1955 84,000 1964 71,300 1956 A2,6OO 1965 69;900 1957 81,200 1966 68,500 1958 79,800 1967 67,000 1959 78,400 1968 65,500 1960 77,000 1969 43,000 Said tax shall be irrepealable as long as any of said bonds are ou.tetanding and unpaid; eave and except that the County hereby expressly reserves the right and power to red1tce any of the above levies in the manner and to the extent permitted by subdivision 3 of Minnesota Statutes Section 475.61. 7. The Chairman of the County Board, the county Auditor, and the County Treasurer are hereby author- ized and directed to prepare and furnish -to the purchaser vf said bonds, and to the attorneys approving COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. . AU8f.l . 13 I 19 52 DATE ........................................................................................ ········ .,, t · :r.· d copies of all proceedings and records of the County relating to said bonds legality thereo .. , oer 1 .1.1'! • ·and 8 ... i' .. airs 0 .o the ".ounty, and such ot.her affidavits, certifidntes, and in and to the ftnancial condt tion L ,. '' k b 11 t f th b d f -b reqnired to sho·v the facts relating to the .legall ty lllld mar eta i Y o e on s as ormat ion as mav.o e th books nnd ~ecords under.th;ir custody and control er as otherwise kno~'TI to them; the same aopear Lrom e ..... · d. h t :r. •f. i h d h 11 a.nd all such certified oopiee, certific!'ltes, and a-?.fidovite, in;lu 1.ng an.v ere o .ore .urn s e .. s .e b d .. t .. ·one c.,, th,,. county a~ to the t.,..uth of' the .. acts purpo:rted to be shown therein. e eemP." re·presen o • i . • -" • , a. tTpon the filing or recording of a copy of this resolution in the office of the ?ounty Audit?r, he shall enter the bonds above described upon his bond register, and ~hall there~~on del~ver t? the p~r~. chaser of said bo.nds, ond to the said attorneys, his certificate :iho':"'ing that snia bond i.ss~e na.s been entered on his register, and tilat the tax for payment of said honas nas been levied as requ.1.red by law. Attest: S, B. JOH?ISOtl county Audi tor HENRY SIELING Chairman, Hoard of County Commissioners. The motion for the adoption of tile foregoing resolution wa~ uuly second.ad by Commissioner Georfle Hanson, and on vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Carl A. Snowberg, Bert stone, Bennie s·. ,Tohnson, G.eorge Hanson and the following voted against the. same: ?lone, whereupon said resolution was decler~d duly passed and adopted, and was signed by the Cha1.rman and attested by the Auditor. The petl tion of Theo. A. Panlson to be set ovP.r from :Di~t. 79 to Dist, 10 v1as t~en up for final action and upon motion, the same was granted. and the Board issuP.d the follovling order,to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Theoo.ore A. Paulson, a lee;al voter, freeholder and resident of School Dis- trict no. 79 in this county, repres~nting thr.t he is the 01vner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School Dis tr i.r.t, and acl join School District ?fo. 10 and asking that he with his ea.id lands may be set off from se.1.d District No. 79 to said adjoining school District Ho, 10 was presented to the 13oard of county Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th day of July A. D, 1952 for the action of said board ti1ereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a· hea;ing. should be had on Ba.id petition, at a session of said hoard on the 13th ~ey of ~ugust A.D., 1952 at !he County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and wr,ereas 1t was further or- dered in and by said order that notice cf the time and place o.f snch he!iring be given. by posting co9ies of said order in thrP.e ~ublic places in each of the school districts. to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of' said School Distriots, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time ap·pointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of county Commis- sioners on said 13th day of August A, D., 1952 due p,roof of the posting and service of sal.d order of hear- ing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named. date, having been made and. filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition s.hould be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following aescribed lands owned by him, to-wit: SE¼ of NE¼ and st of NW¼ of NE¼ of Section 14, Township 136, Range 43, and Beg. 20' N of SW cor. of NE¼ of NE¼ S 20' E 20' NW· to beg •. Sec. 14, Township 136, Range 43, be and. th~ same are here9y set off from said School District Ifo. 79 to said adjoining School District No. 10 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. · By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 13th day of August A,D,, 1952, (Auditorfs Seal) HErJRY SIELUIC Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. E. JOHNSOll County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Carl Tweeton to be set over from Dist. 79 to Dist. 10 was taken up for final action and upon motion, the same was grantP.d and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Carl Tweeton, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 79 in this County, re9resenting that he is the owner of the land.a her43inefter described, which are situate in said Soh~ol ~istriot, and adjoin School District No. 10 and asking that he with his said lands muy he se oU from said DlBtr.lct Ho, 79 to said ad,1oining School District No. 10 was ·pn•sented to the Board of Count CommisRioners of this gounty at a session of said Board held on the 15th day of July A. D,, 1952 for the action o·f. said. Board tnereon: and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said 13oard that a hearing shonld be had on said petition, at a session of said ~.oard on the 13th day of Angust A, JJ,, 1952 at the county Auditor's office in_ the City of ~ergus Falls in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notJ.ce of the, time and place of such he11ring be given b,v posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by sold petition and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days befo;e the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County commissioners on said 13th day of August A, D., 1952 due proof of the postinB and service of.said order of hearing as therein directed and re- quired,.more than t~n days prior to said lost named date, having been made and filed, said petition was pub- lic~y r~ad and oons.1.dered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against.granting the pr~er of the petitioner, ~nd said Board being of opinion that said !2tit.i.on should be granted! it is hereby ornered and determined, tuat the said petitioner and the following described lands g:1ads8lo8lm~i~~rY~t=N~! ~, Po¼s~!8·a!j~i~~;rngs~~Ro~r6~i~f¥f~t4N36 bleoananddthe,sda~e dare herheby beet odff from t f id 1 t d s I •· • • • sai .1an s are ere y ma e a par o sa · as name c 1001 1l1stri.ot · for all purposes whate'f~r. By•order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 13th day of August A, D,, 1952. (Auditor's Seal) HENRY SIELHIG ~hs.irmen of the Board of county Commissioners of Otte Te . .n County, Minn. Attest: S, B. JOHNSON County Auditor, and ex-officio clerk of B0 ard COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE............ ............... ,\ug • ... 13_, ···············----·-····-----··.19 52 lffll!IT n■■nll COMPIII " "The petition of Clarence F.. PP.derson to he set over from Dist. 145 to Dist. 161 was taken up for final act~on an~. upon motion, the same was granted and the Board issued. the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The peti tioT\ of Clarence H. Pederson, a legal voter, freeholder end resident of Sc~ool District No, 145 in this county, representing that he la the ovmer of the lands hereinafter described, whlcn Rre sl ttiate ln said School District, and ad ,1oin School Di.str lot No. 161 and asking that he with his said lends mey be set of.f from said District No. 145 to said adjoining achool District No." 161 was presentei_Jo. the i3oard of c·o1mty commissfoners of this county at a session of said Board held on the 15th dey of ~ .(. D •• 1952 ·for the action of said Board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said Board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said Board on the 13th day of "August A." D. 1952, at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and wherea it 1vas fur-ther ordered in and by said ord.er that not ice of the time and place of such hear"ing be given 'by posting copies of said o·rder in three public places ln each of the school districts to be affected 'Qy . , said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, e copy of said order at lea tend aye before the time appointed for such hearing; end wi,ei·eas at the said session of the said Board o county cominissioners on said. 13th day of August A• D., 1952 due proof of the posting a!'ld service of said order of hearing as therein directed end required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, hav- ing been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Bo~ rd, with everythi~ which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of tlie petitioner, and said Board be.tng of opinion that said pet 1 tion should be graQted, it is hereby ordered and determined. that the said pet~tioner and the foll~ing described lands owned ~Y him, tO-\'lit: N½ o-i; SW¼ and_NW¼ of SE¼ Section 27, Towr.1ship 135,. Range 42, he and the same are hereby set off from said School~ istrict No. 145 to said adjoining School District No. 161 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all "purposes whatever. By order of the Board of Cou..~ty Commissioners. Dated the 13th d.ay of August A. D., 1952. (Auditor's Seal) "HENRY SIELING Chairman of the Boe.rd of County Commi.ssione"rs of otter 'i'ail county, Minn. Attest: S. 13. JO"IUIB0l1 county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of 13oard. The petition of Elmer Benke to have the s~ SE¼ Sec. 22, 'l!ownsh_ip 136, Range 40_, set over ;from Dist. 132 to Dist. 274 1Vas taken up for final action, and upon motion, the same was granted and the Board issued the f"ollowing order, to-l'li t: Whereas, The petition of Elmer Benke, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District uo. 132 in this County, representing tnat he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are sit- uated in said School Diatrict, and adjoin School District 110. 274 and asking that he wl th his said lands may be set off from said District No. 132 to said ad .ioining School District Ho. 274 -.vas prasented to the Board of county co,r.missione~e of this county at a session of said Board held on the 15th day of July A.D,, 1952 for the action of said Board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said Board that a hearing should be bad on said petition, a: a session of said Board on the 13th day of August A, D., 1952 at the county Auditor's Office in the City of Fergus Falls iu said county; 1µ1d wheree.s it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of. se.:id orc1.er "in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by sai.d pet 1 tion, and b,v malling to the clerk of each of saic. School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten dP.ys before the time ap:i;,ofnted for snch hearing; and v1heraas at the soid session of the said Board of county Commis- sioners on said 13th da,y o:I' August A. 1)., 1952 due proof of the posting and service of said order of bear- ing as therein· directed end.required, more than ten days prior to said last n_amed date, having been made and filed, said J.)etition was publicly read a!'ld considered by the Board, v:ith .everything which was said by said interested ~arties for or against granting the prayer.of the petitioner,_Md said Board being of opinion that said petitio.n should be granted, lt is hereby ordered and determined., that the said petition- er and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: SE¼ of SE¼ Section 22-, Township 136, Range 40, be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 132 to said f!.djoinlng School District No. 274 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named Sohool District ;or ~11 purposes whatever. By order 6:1' the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the"l3th day of August A. D., 1952. (Auditor's Seal) HENRY S IEL ING Chairman of the Board of Oounty Commissioners o·f Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: S. B, JOHNSON county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of w~ M, Goetzinger et al .to have certain l·ands in tlie Township of St. 0iiaf set over from Dist. 139," Otter Tail County, to Dist. 5, Grant C·ounty, was taken up and, upon motion, was laid over to the meeting ~n September 9, 1952. The petition of Robert p. Sanford to set over that part of Lot 3 Sec. 33, Twp. 131, Rge. 42, dee-. crlbed as fol:· From a metal pipe on the southerly concrete gate post located near boundary line bet. Lots . 2 and 3, s. 39 aeg. East by compass, bearing 104.0 ft, to a triple elm tree, thenoe N. 56°deg.08' E 310 ft. to a hub, thence N, 19°deg. 35' E 28.5 ft. thence u. 48°_··. 30' \'I 136 ft. to the waters edge of Ten Mile Lake ae a point of beginning: thence S 48 deg. 30' E lau ft., thence N. ig deg. 35' E 128.5 ft., thence N, 13 deg. 29' \'lest to the 1v11ters edge of Ten Hile Lake, thenoe following the lake shore in an ap- proximate southwesterly direction to the point of beginning, from School District 139 of Otter Tall County to School District 5 of Grant County was read and it was orderen that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board on September 9, 19Q2 at 10 o'clock A. M., a.~d that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given ns required by law. The petition of Alvin Stavaas to eet over Lot 5, Seo. 33, To!'!lship 131, Range 42, from Dist. 139, Otter Tail co,mty, to School District _No. 5 o:i' Grant County, was read, and it was ordered tl:).at a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board on September 9, 1952 at 10 o'clock A. y., and that due notice of the t~me and place of said hearing be given as required by law. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. e pe on o ~ ary • o zer an n on o zer o se over e . 4 , eo •· 4 22, Township 137, Range 37, from Sohool Ilistriot 165 to Sohool Dist. 47 _ v1as read and ~ t 1·1as ordered a hearing·on said oetition be had at the session of the Board to be helo September 9tn, 1952, at .10 clock A, M, and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given as required by law, eo, that 5•_ The petition of Cornelius sw~ere to set over the SW¼· SE¼ of Sec; 22 anci. SW¼ and SE¼, Seo, 83, To?m- ship 137, Range 37, from Dist. 166 ~o ~1st, 47 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petit- ion be had at the session o·f. the ~oard to be held September 9, 1952 at 10 o 'cloak A, M, and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given as required by law. The petition of' Gertrude and crornelius SWeere to set over the N½ SE¼, SE¼ s17¼ and. Ni SW¼, Seo. 22, Township 137, Range 37, from School Dist. 228 to School Dist. 47 was read and it was -ordered that a hear- ing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held September 9, 1952 at 10 o'clock A,1.1, and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Marie vanErP and Theo. VanErp to set over the NW¼ Sec, 22, Township 137, Ranp.e 37, from School Dist. 165 to School Dist. 47 was read· and. it 1vas ordered that a hearing on said pet1 t:han be had-at the session of the Board to be held September 9, 1952 at 10 o'clock!, M, and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given as required by law, Bids for portable oonveyor screening plant were received as follows: RosholtEQuipment co,,$5,086,47· wm. H, Ziegler Co. $5,ll6,00,· upon motion, the bid of the wm. H, Ziegler c·o, was accepted. · ' A plat of Basswood Beach, accompanied by a certificate of title executed by Field, Arvesen,•• Donoho, was approved, RESOLUTION BY THE f-OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOtTERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MIIH-lESOTA WHEP.EAS, the Board of co1mty Commissioners on January 2, 1951, agreed by resolution to pay township aid according to the amounts levied by the townships in 1951, and which amounts are as follows: Fram 10 mills and up, but less than 15 mills From 15 mills and up, but less than 20 mills· 20 m1Us $100.00 200.00 300.00 NO\'f, THEREFORE·, BE IT :?.ESOLVED, that the amounts to be paid to the respective townships according to their roan and bridge levies shall be as,follows: Tovmehip Aastad Amor Aurdal Blowers Bluffton 'Buse But1er Ce.ndor. ·Carlisle Clitherall Compton Corliss Dane Prairie Dee.d Le.ks -Deer creek Dora ])lllln Eagle Lake Eastern Edna Effington Elizabeth Elmo Erhards Grove EVerts Fergus Falls Folden l!'riberg Girard Gorman Henning " Hobart Homestead Inman Leef' Lake Leaf Mountain Lida Maine Maplewood !fewton Nidaros Nor\vegie.n Grave 0 Ilk Valley Orwell Oscar Ottertail Otto Paddock Parkers Prairie iiUlls Regular Levy 16.77 15,0Q 15,00 18.74 20.38 13,57 15,00 15,00 13.64 15,00 14.92 15,00 15,00 20,07 13,15 15,00 15,00 14.70 15,00 15.00 15,00 15,00 18.13 15,00 15.00 16,96 15,00 15,00 13.00 19.87 18.84 17.95 15,00 24.69 15.00 15.00 15,00 15,00 16,00 15,00 15,00 15·,00 23,06 15.00. 15,00 4,66 15,00 15,00 15.oo J1tills Special Levy 5.oo 5,00 5,00 5,00 5.oo 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,oo 5,00 2,50 5,00 6,00 5,00 5·.oo 6,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 · 6,00) $Boo.oo) 5,00 5,00 5.oo 5.oo 5,00 Total i\Ulls r.ev led 16.77 15,00 15.00 23.74 20.38 13.57 15,00 20.00 13,64 · 20,00 14,92 20,00 20,00 20.01 13,15 20.00 15,00 19.70 20,00 20 .• 00 .,20.00 17,50 18,13 20.00 20.00 16.96 20.00 15.oo 13,00 19.87 23,84 2?,, 95· 20,00 29.69 15,0Q 20.00· 20,00 15.00 25.00 15,00 20.00 15.00 23,06 15.oo 20.00 4,66 20.00 20.00 20.00 Amount 200.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 100.00 200.00 300,00 100.00 300,00 100.00 300.00 300,00 300.00 100,00 300,00 200,00 200,00 300,00 300,00 300.00 200.00 200~00 300,00 300,00 200.00 300,00 200.00 100,00 200,00 300.00 300,00 300.00 300,00 200.00 300.00 300.00· 200.0111 300.00 200,00 300,00 200,00 300.00 200.00 300,00 300,00 300,00 300,.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER.TAIL COUNTY, .MINN. DATE ............................. i\llg .•.... 13.•····························-·······196 2 Township Pelican Perham Pine Lake Rush Lake Saint Olaf Scambler star Lake • Sverdrup Tordenskjold Trondhjem Tumuli western , woodside iKills Regular ~evy 14.42 15.00 15.00 15.oo 17.67 19.64 15.00 19.27 15.00 15.00 15.00 12.17 20,45 Adopted this 13 day. o.f .August, 1952, Attest.: S. B. JOHNSOli Clerk, Mills S'}ieoial ~evy 5.oo 5.oo 5.oo HEiffiY SIELING Cha·irmen. Total l\{illS Levied 14,42 20.00 20:00 15,00 17.67 19.64 15,00 19.27 15,00 15.00 20.00 12.17 20,45 Amount 100.00 300,00 300.00 eoo.oo 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 100.00 300.00 The Board having advertised for bids for construction oi oert~in State Aid Roads, proceede4 to open the bids 1vhich had been recei:ved. A representative of the State Highway Departnr.nt was !_)resent. Bids were referred to the Highway Engineer and the State Highway representative for examination and report lotsr in the session. "Sids for road. construction h1r:ing been checl::ed and it al_)pearine; that Gladen Bros. submitted the best bid on S'P 56-502-05 S 690 (5), upon motion.of C&mmissicner George Hanson; seconded by Commissioner Bert Stone, the Board recommended tc the commissioner of ~ighways that said bid in the sum of $45,868,05 be accepted, it a_'.)pearing.that the bid of LuehrBrOR. for constructing SP 56-511-07 (SAR 4) and.SP 56-5ll-09(SAR .. 4) near Vergas. was the lowest bid, upon motion of commissioner Bennie Johnson, seconded by Commissioner George Hanson, the Board recommended to the CommiaRioner of High;ve.ys that said bid in the sum of $45,657.93 be accepted. The bid of the John Dieseth Co, for construction of CP 52:43 was rejected. :9ids for constructing CP 52 :33 were received as follows: Gladen Bros. Ed Zimmerman Evavold &, Sons Sellin Bros. ,lohn Dieseth co. Olaf Kauppila 11814,04 12991.76 14055.56 14195,16 14669,04 10698.23 Upon motion, the contraot was awarded to Olaf Kauppila for the amount of $10,698.23. The County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 10 o'clock A, M, Septem-ber 16, 1952 for the following projects: Grading C,P, 52:43 (CAR #43), Length 4,138 Miles located between a point 2.5 miles north of Deer Creek on T,H, #108 and 4,138 miles west. Comprising 78,407 cubic yards excavation. Grading -C,P, 52:54:BR (CA..~. #54). Located 5,0 Miles northV1esterly of Deer. Creek over Leaf River, Com- prising 6260 cu'llic yards excavation and 7 lines of 48" corrugated 1.1etol plpe. Grading & Gravelling -C,P, 52:02 or (SAR #2), Length 0,416 Miles Located between a point 0,4 mile East of Junction of S,A,P., #2 and C,A,R, #28, and a point 0,816 miles eost of said.corner, comprising 34,000 cu'llic yards excavation, and 582 cubic .vards gravel surfacing. Bids ·for coal for the coming season were s.s fo1101'l's: ??yma.n Fuel co. Lampert Lumber Co, Fergus tu~ber and Fuel Co. \Vinther Lumber and Fuel Co. Campbell coal oo. $15.40 15,62 15.59 15.56 15.53 Upon motion, the bid of the Winther Lumber & Fuel Oo, was accepted. Resolved by the Board of"County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this :goe.rd has executed contract with the Rosholt Equipment Co. for one Model Super A International Tractor with :!:'o\ver Mower, and Whereas, the s~~e has been delivered to and acce9ted by the County, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Oount.v Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said Rosholt Equipment Co. a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the county in the sum of $1,624, the contract ·price. Dated August 13, 1952. Attest: 3, B, JOHNSON county Auditor. HEllRY SIELING, Chairman. Board of County Commissioners otter Tail County, W.nnesota. '.3 l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................... Aug .• _.13 .•... 1952···············19 ....... . Resolved by the Board of' county Commissioners of' otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretof'orP. oontraoted with Skogmo M:otors, Inc., f'or two Model J 152 Dodg·e Trucks, and WhP.reas, same have been delivered to and acoepted by the county, Noi,, therefore, be it rP.solved that the ·County ,4.u\li tor and ChairmM of the Board be authorized to is·aue to said Skogmo Motors, rno., a warrant on the Road and Brid.ge Fund of' the County in the sum of' $7',074, the contract price. Adopted August ·13, 1952. Attest: S. B. JQHNSON county Audi tor, HEMRY SIELING, Chairman Board of' conntycornmissioners, otter Tail county, Hinnesota, BE IT RESOLVED ·by the county Board fcounty commissioners) of Otte-r Tail County, Minnesota: That tile existing and duly established and designated Sta:te .!id Road Iio, 12 in Otter Tail Gounty, Minnesota which beginR at the west quarter corner of' Section 29, Tl31N-R42W; thence Easterly and North- erly to the Northwest Corner of' Section 34, Tl36N-R40W and there terminating; and whose general course in Govt, Lot 2 (except platted and tracts), Section 8, Tl35N-R40YI, is as follows: Beginning at a point 71 feet north of' the northwest corner of' Borup-Maple Beach on the West line of Govt. Lot No. 2 of' said Section 8; thence North 81'44' Ea.st f'or a distance of' 11131.8 :f'P.et; then~e deflect to the left on a 3• curve (delta angle 19°15') f'or a dista.noe of' 64.9 teet and there terminating; That 1t is neoessary for the safety of public travP.l and for tta proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed; That an easement across additional lands hereafter described ls needed f'or the purpose of so alter- ing said state Aid Road tro. 12 in said sections aforesaid: That the general course of' said state Aid Road No. 12 is not materially altered thereby; That the said easement so to be procured is ·for public highway end road purposes, that the same shall be located, lie, be e.nd run as hereinafter described: That i't· is necessary for the constructi.on and. maintenance of said roe.d and f'or the safety of' public travel that additional right o.r way be procnred to enable the construction af' proper slopes and .that an easement be procured to conRtruct oertain slopes and to maintnin the same after construction as provided in the plans and s?;>ecifioations on file in the of.floe of' the Count7 Highway Engineer at the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the specific placee where said slopes are to be constructed, be- ing particularly herP1.i!af.ter described, that such easement f'or such construction of slopes cease on or be fore December 31, 1953; That it is necessary for. the construction and maintenance o:f. said road and for the safety of' publio travel that an easement for t,hP. erection of' temporary snowfenoes be procured, that the same be U!)on the land.a hereinaf'.ter described to be taken for publio highway purposes, and upon the lands ad joining the same, That the lands so to be .taken f'or .9ublic highway and road purposes ano subjected to easement as aforesaid, are situate.a in the St ate of Minnesota, and the County of' otter Tail and described as follows: to-wit: PARCEL no. 12 A strip.of' land extending over and across the following described tract: Parcel ?lo, 12 -Govt. Lot 2 (except platted a11d tracts), Section 8, Tl35U-R40YT;; said strip being the Northerly 50 feet of' the above desoribed h'aot; excepting therefrom the right of' w93 of' existing highways; oontaining 0,81 acres, more or leas. Also an easement to oonetruct slopes which shall oease on or before December 31, 1953, on the follow-ing described line: A ship of land 15 feet wide on the Herth side of said roadway beginning at a point 1050 feet East of' the West lin~ of Govt, Lot No, 2, Section 8; thence F.ast 250 feet and there terminating, Said strip to adjoin the outside line of' said roadway and the outer line of' said strip to be parallel therewith. That due proceedings by oondernnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire sa1.d easement across additional lands as aforesaid for pnbli.c road. and highway purooses • to ao- qulre said easement and. addi tiona.l right of wa,v for constru.ction of' slopes, as af'oresa.id; and t~ acquire said easement f'or erection of snowfenoes, and let the s~~e forthwith duly be hegun and prosecuted, Dated this 18th d93 of' August, 1952, (Auditor's Seal) Attest: S. B. JOHNSON County Auditor By the Board of County Oommissioners of' Otter Tai county HEimY S IEJ, ING Chairman. BE IT :!IBSOLVED by the county Board (County Commissioners) of' Otter Tail County, Minnesota; That the. existing and duly established and designated county Aid Road No. 43 in otter Tail County, Minnesota, which begins at the Southwest corner of' Section 7, Tl34N-R37W; thence Easterly to where same intersects Trn.nk Highway No. 29 on the seotion line between Sections 9 and 16, f,134N-R36W and tb111re _, . COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,. OTTER .TAIL ,COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... · ..... _,;._ug •... 13, ............................... 19 ... 52 terminating; and whose e:eneral co11rse betweens Sec<:ions 10 and 15, Tl34N-R37W is as follows: Bee inning at the North quarter corr.er of Section 15; thence East along the North section line of said Sect:l.on 15 :eor a distance or 2610.0 feet 11nd there terminating: That 1 t is necessary for the safety of public travel and for the ·proper maintenance o·f said road that tt be so altered and chaneed; That an easemen't across o.dditi:onal lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so altering said county Aid Road No. 43 in Sections afor~said;; Thatethe ·general course of said ·county Aid Road No. 43 is not materially altered thereby; That the said easem,mt so to be procured is for public hiBhway and road purposes that the same shall • be located, lie, be and run aehu:e;inafter deaoribed; That it ls necessary for the construction and maintenance of said re.ad and for the safety of public travel that additional right of \'lay be procured to enable ti,e con:::truotion of pro·per slopes and that an easement be procured to"oonstruct certain slopes and to maintain the same e.fter construction as provided in the prans ·and s·pecificetions on file in the office of the County Higlmay Engineer a:t the court House in the City of Fergns Falls. Minnesota, the specific ploces where said slo9es are to be constructed, being particularly hereinafter aescribed, that such easement for such construction of slopes cease on or before December 31, 1953; That· it .i.s necessar,\T for the construction and me.intenance of. said rc,11,d encl. :for the safety of public trsvel that an·easement for th~ er'!ction of.·tem~orary snowfences be procured, that the same·be upon the le.nds hereinafter described to be taken for public htghway purposes, and upon the lands adjoining the SBl!I! That the lends so to be taken for public highwe.,_v and roa.d :purposes and subjected to easement as afore said, are situated in the State of Minnesota, and the county of Otter Tail and desc!'.ibed as follows, to-w.i An easement to constru.ct slopes in the Southwest q_uarter of the Southeast quarter fSVI¼ ~~¼) of Sectio 10, and the North one-half of the r;ortheast quarter fNf 1rnf), Section 15, which shall c-:iase on or before December 31, 1953, O"l t,,,. following described line: A strip of land 55 feet wide on the South side of said roadway beginnin~ at the North quarter corner of Section 15; thence East 430 feet and there terminating. A strip of land 55 feet wide on the South side of said roe.dway beginninf, at a point 660 feet East of the North Quarter corner of Section 15; thence East for 650 feet and thP.re terminating. A strip of land 35 feet wide on the South side of said roadway beginnin~ i.t the South quarter corner of Section 10 and ERst 130 feet and there terminating. A strip of land 35 feet wide on the IWrth side of said roadway beginning at the South quarter comer of Section 10; thenoe East 430 feet and t~re terminating. A strip of land 35 feet wide on the Horth side of said roadway beginning at a point 600 feet East of the South quarter corner of Section 10; thence East 560 feet and there terminating; said strip to adjoin the outside line of suid roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. That due proceeiiings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; to .acquire said easement across additional lands as aforesaid for public road and highway purposes; to ac- quire said easement and addititinal right of way for construotion of slopes, as aforesaid; · and to acquire said easement for erection of snowfences, and let the same forthwith duly be P.egun and prosecuted. Dated this 13th day of August, 1952. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: S. B. JOHNSOlf County Auditor. By the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail ~ounty HENRY S!ELING Chairman. Upon motion, the Veterans' Service Officer was authorized to move to office soace in the basement of Rovang's Jewelry Store, and he was also authorized to buy a dictating machine for the sum of $75.00 The ~oard then adjourned to August 27, 1952. Attest: __ _ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. -4.US.• ... 27., ................................. 195?_. MINUTES OF ADJO~NED MEETIHG OP T!'IE BOARD OF cotmTY COMMlSSIONEP.S. OF OTTER TAIL com~TY. MUINESOTA, Pursuant to adjournment, the ~oard met at 10 o'clock A• M, Aug. 27, 1952, all members being present The Board having advertised for bid.s for construction of County Aid Job 52:54B proceeded to examine the bid o:l'. Y.ahlstorf "Bros,, that being the only bid. Upon motion, said bid was rejected. The Board appointed Be•mie J. ,1ohnson and Bert stone as members of the County canvassing Board. owen Thompson having filed the appointment of Geralds. Rufer as assistant county ·attorney of Otter Tail County, said appointment was np·proved, and hls bond in the sum of $500,00, with Chester G. Rosen- gren and C. A. Fabian, as sureties, was a!)proved. Upon motion, the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for grading S,P, 56-504-03 (SAR 8), Minnesota Projects 126 (4), length 3,4 Miles, located between 1,0 Mile South of Butler and 1,2 t.tl.les west of Hillview, comprising 65789 cu. Yds, of excavation,· bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A, M, on sept, 30, 1952. Upon motion, the County ~ditor w~~ .. instructed to advertise for bids for grading C,P, 52:54B (C,A,R,#54), Length 0,9 Miles, located between Butler anci. 0,9 milca Sout)l, comprising 22,362 oubio yards excavation, bids to be opened at 10.o'clock A, M, on Sept, 30, 1952, upon motion, the Board then ad,1ourned to sept, B, 1952, Attest: : _ ___,:3P~~-...... · ~U,t4==-<.-:.~=---L- ~-U~ Chairman, ~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. S.ep.t .•.... , .. 6 .•............ i,Hiru'i'ES Oli' ADJOURNEI' :dEf.'!TU!C-O? TUE BOARD OF COUNTY COM:,IT.SSTON-.::RS OF OTT-.::R TA!t CO., MTMUESClTA. The Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Sept. 8, 1952, all members being present. The application of iiatt H. Y.orkalo for 1·eductlo~ of assessment on the Si'/¼ traf and the ?IV/¼ SE{-o·f Sec 1, Townshi·p 1,34, Range 37 was rejected, on the recommendation of the town board. Upon motion, the County Auditor and Chairman 1/lere inetructecl to i.ssue a county warrant to C'iarence illielke for $355,00 for putting on the state fair exhibit .which was the amount of premium received on said exhibit. The case of Mrs. Christ Olson, o. non-resid.ent who haa ai,pliee. for financial aia. to the Township of Sverdrup, was referred to the county at torne,v for act ion. The·,uetition of Orin H, and Glen J,. Petereon; for extension of ti-ne until Oct. 1, 1952 in which to make payment of the final inste.llrn1mt due on lends purchased bi• t.hem at the tax forfeited sale was gre.nte , A plat of Sanda's Thil(l Addi.tion to Sand.a's Bench, accompanied by a. certificate of title executed by Field, Arvesen and Donoho, was approved. A hearing on the petition signeil. by Clarence "Tenske and others entitled ·•tn the matter of a com- plaint by residents of Elmo To1mship against Elmo '.i.'ownship Board for failure to establish and rnaintain a certain road'' was taken up and the statements of the various parties interested were preeente<l to the Boar after which an agreement was reached whereliy Mr, Venske wes to po,y $100,00 and the Townshi11 of Elmo was to pay $500.00 for the improvement o·f' th:i:s road ·~rom the Vensl,e driveway to the main hlg~way with the agreement that i,ir, Venske was not to ask for any further aid on .this road for a period OJ. fiv.e years. A petition ·.signed by ,John i7eseman anci others asking the.t Count:; Ditch ilo. 39 be cleaned ·and r.e_psired and culverts altered on the county road wus presented. Upon motioh, the highwa.v engineer was instructed to sec•ire a drag linP. !!.nd have this work donP. as !'loon as practical, anci thP. Co11nty Anditor v,as instructed ·to make a levy of lo%. against the lands as originally benefitted by the construction of Ditch No, 39. Upon motion, the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for the purc:hase of one or more car loads of •1alcium Chloride ta he delivered to Otter Tail county, said bids to be re.oeived until 10 o'clock A, M, Oct. 14, 1952, by the Ciounty Auditor. Upon motion, the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for three overhead heating units for county garages at Pelican Rapids, Perham and Vining, said bids to be received until ilO o'clock A, Iii, Oct. 14, 1952 by the County Auditor, Upon mo0tion, the Andi tor was instructed to advertise for bids for the purohase of one 2i'-ton t:r;uck, sain bid to include trade-in allowance on county equipment as stated in proposal, bids to be received un- til 10 o'clock A, M, Oct. 14, 1952 by the County Auditor. The Board then adjourned to Tuesday, Sept. 9th, TUESDAY'S SESSION The petition of Cornelius SwPere to be set over from Dist. No, 165 to Dist. No. 47 was taken up for final action end after listening to interested riarties, n:ion motion, the petition Ytas rejected. T_he petition of' !ll'ary 1,1. Holzer end Anton lfolzer to ·be set over from Dist. 165 to Dist. IJo. 47 was .token up for final action and after listening to interested parties, u·pon motion, the petition was tabled, The petition of Cornelius Sweere to be set over from Dist. 228 to Dist. Ifo. 47 vtas taken u·p for .final ac~ion and after.listening to interested pilrties, upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the follmwing order to~wit: Whereas, the petition of Gertrude & Cornelius Sw-eere, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Di.strir,t J,lo. 228 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter des- cribed, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School ~istrict No. 47 and asking that he 1vith his said lands ma,v be set off from said District rro. 228 to said ad.,ioining school district IJo. 47 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 13th day of Auf.:ust A,D,, 1952 for the action of said board therP.on; and whereas it we.s thereupon ordered by said board that a hea.ring should be had on said oeti tion, at a session of said board on the 9th day of September A,D., 1952 ~t the county Auditor's office in the City of -Fer~us Falls in said County; and 1v~ereas it was furth~r ordered in ~nd ?Y s~id order. that noti~e of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said oraer in tnree public plaoes in eaoh of the school districts to be af- feoted by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each o-f said school districts,, .. & copy of said order st least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and wilereas at the said session of the said_Board of_Coun~y comm~ssioners mn said 9th d~y of September A,D., 1952 due proof of the posting and service of said ore.er of ne.a1·ing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said l~st named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered. ·by the Board w1 th everything which was said by .said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the ' petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the es.id petitioner and the following desoribeci lands owned by him to -i•:it. N.1. si;!¼ SE¼ Si7¼ and Nt SI'/¼ l>ection 22, Township 137, Range 37 be and the same are hereby set off from :aid~S-chool District No, 228 to said adjoining School District J;o, 47 auu sa.ic lands are hereby made a oart of said le.st named School District fer all purposes whatever. • By order of the ~oard of county Commiseioners. Dated the 9th day of Septemher A,D., 1952, (Auditor's Seal) P.'enry Sieling Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, l,rinn. Attest: s. B. iohnson county Audi tor, and ex-officio, Clerk of Board. I· I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, O?TER TAIL. COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... 3.!rn.t., ..... i., ................................... 19 .. 5.2. • The petition of i,Iarie van "E:rp and Theo. van Erp to be set over from DiSt. 165 to Dist. No. 47 was taken up for final action and after list:ning to interested parties, upon motion, the petition was grant- ed and the Board issued the following oraer to-wit: Whereas the p~tition of Marie van Erp and Theo, van ErP a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Dist riot No. · 165 in this county,· representing that he is the ownerb of. thet~ati:ids l1d1erte inbaftert descrit .- ed which are situate in said school District, ·and intervening land also eing pe i i?ne. o e se over h l Di t · t 11 "-7 and asking that he with his a.aid lands mey be set off from said dutrict ll"O, 165 ~~ ~~id a~h~~~ di~trict .No. 47 was presented to the Board of county commise~oner~ of. this cow1~y at ~. session of said board held on the 13th day of August A,D,, 1952 for 0the ac~ion OJ..said ?oard tnereon, and whereas it was thereupon ordereil by said board that a hearing si11:.ula. ~c ~ha~. on s!id _petition, at a sessio of said board on the 9th day of September A,D,, 1952 at the county Audi.ors offioe in the C;ty of Fergus Jl'alle in said coimty; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said ord.er that notice OJ. the time and place 0 ~ such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three publio places in each of the school districts to be affected by sold petition, a.nd by mailing to t.he clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said ~oard of County Commissioners on said 9th day of September A,D,, 1952 d.ue proof of the posting and serv.lce o-~ said order of hearing as therein dlre~~ed and required, more than ten days urior to 'said last named date, having been made and filed, said -petis1?n was publicly read and considered. by the Board, with ever,vthing which vraa said by said intereste~ partie~ for or ~ainst grant-ing the prayer o:t' tho Pl'/!ti.t:loner, end said Board b~ing of opinion that said petl tion shoulo. be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands ovmed by hilll to-wit: NW¼ section 22 Township 137 Range 37 be and the same are !1ereby set off from said school District No, 165 to said School District No, 47 and said lo.nds are hereoy made a part of said last ·named School District for all purposes whatever. By ord.er of. the Board of Co11-?1tY commissioners. Dated the 9th day of September A,D,, 1952, (Auditor's Seal) Renry Sieling Chairman of the Board of County Commissioner of Otter Toil County, Minn. Attest: s. B. Johnson county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Boar The petition of Robert p, Sanford to be set over from Dist. 139 of otter Tail County to Dist. No. 5 of Grant county was taken up for final action and after listening to interested parties, upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the follov11ng order to-wit: Whereas, the netition of Robert p, Sanford, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Dist~ict No, 139 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said school dietriot, and adjoin school d ietrict ffo. 5, C;:ant Co, and asking that he with hie said lands may be set off from said district No, 139 to said adjoining school district No, 5, Grant Co., was presented to the Board of r.ounty Commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 13th day of August A,D,, 1962 for the act.ion of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 9th day of Se.ptember A,D,, 1952 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Jl'ergus J;'alls in said county; and whereas it ws;s :l'nrther ordered in and b,r; said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said ord.er in three public places in each or the school ,ustricts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the olerk of each of said school districts, a cop~ of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for sucn hearing; ~nd whereas at the said session of the said Board of county Commissioners on said 9th day of September A,D,, 1952 d.ue proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and' required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board with everything ·11hich was said by said interested parties for or against grariting the prayer of the pet.itioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petition er and the following described lends ovmed by him, to-wit: That part of Lot 3, Seo. 33, Twp. 131, Rge. 42, d.escribed as fol: Pro~ a metal pipe on the southerly concrete gate post located near boundary line between Lots 2 and 3, south 39°F.ast by.com~ass, bearing 104,0 feet to a triple elm tree, thence north 56"08'East 310 feet to a hub, thence north 19 36' East 28.5 feet, thence north 48"10' west 136 feet to the waters edge of Ten Mile Lake as a point of beginning: Thence south 48"30' East 136 feet, thence north 19°35' East 128,5 feet: thence 11orth 13° 29' lfeet to the waters edge of Ten Mile Lake, · thence following the lake shore •in an pproximate southwesterly direction to the point of bel!inning, be and the same are hereby set off from said chool District No, 139 to said adjoining School llistrict No, 5 Grant ,10. e.nn said l1111ds are hereby made a art of said last nameo School .District :f.or all purposes WhP.tever. BY order of the Board of county Commiesioriers. Dated the 9th day of September A,D,, 1952. Henry Sieling Chairman of the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail Cou11ty, Minn. (Auditor's Seal) Attest: s. B. Johnson County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board, The petition o:l' Alvin• Stavaae to be set over from Diet. 139, OttP.T Tail county, to Diet. llo, 5, Grant ounty,,wae taken up for final action end. after listening to interested parties, upon motion, the petition as granted and the Board i~aueo the following order ~o-wit: Whereas, the petition of Alvin Stavaae, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 39 in this County, representing that he is the owner of. tl-ie lands her"!inafter described which are situate n seid School District, a.nil adjoin School District No. 5 Grant co. and. asking that he 'Iii th his sa"id lands ay be set off from said dist.rit!t uo. 139 to said adjoining school. district !io, 5 Gront co. was presE>nted 0 the Board of COWlty Commissioners of thjs co1mt.v at a sesaion o-f' sni f R.Otrd-.. e,iapSB S£-ll l-~ahbd.aga,d beard ugust A, D,, 1952 for the action of said 1>oare1 tnereon; ana wnereas I 1oa "'' e Y - COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA TE .................. Si,.P.t.., .... ~ .•.. ········-······ ........ ············-·······19 .. 9..?.. that e hea:,-ine should be had on seid petition, at a se3sion of said board on the 9th day of September A, D,, 1952 at the r.ounty Auditor's offiM in the r:11tl' of F'e-rgus F.alls in said County; end whereas ~t was further ordered in e.nd by soid order that notice of the time and plac:e of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in th~ee public places in each of the school districts to be nff~ot@d P.Y said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of sald School Districts, a copy 01' Bald order at leas ten days before the time appointed for suoh hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of county commissioners on said 9th day of September A,D,, 1952 due proof of ~he posting nnd service of se.id order of hearine; as therein directed e.nd required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said pet .i tion was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which \Vas said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said :9oe.rd be.lng of opinion that said petition ahould be granted, it is hereby ordered and d.etermined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands o\vneci by him, to-wit: Lot 5 Section 33 ro\'ln- ship 131 Range 42 be and the same are hereby set o rr from said school District No, 139 to said. !i.d- joining School District No, 5 Grant co. ~ind said lands are hereby •nade a part of said last named School District for all 9urposes whatever. BY order of the Board of county Commissioners. Dated the 9th cay of September A,D,, 1952. (Auditor's Seal) Henry Sieling Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minn. Attest: S. B, Johnson County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board, The netition of W, M, Goetzinger, E, J, GoetzingP.r anci Ru.th t::mge to be set over from •Dist. 139 of Otter Tali county to Dist. No, 5 of Grant County, was taken up for final action and after listening to interl'!sted ?arties, upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issuec the following order to- wit: Whereas, the :!)etition of 'fl, M, Goetzinger, E, J, r.oetzinf;er and Ruth Lo.nge, a legal votl'!r, free- holder and resident of School District uo. 139 in this County, representing 'that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described,, which are situate in se.id School Distrlct, and ad join School District No, 5 Grant co. and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said District No, 139 to said ad- joining school District IJo, 5, Grs.nt Co., was presented to the Board of county commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th dny of July A,D,, 1952 for the action of said .board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon_ ordered by said board that a hearing should he had on said petitio at a session of said board on the lSth day of August A,D,, 1952 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said school districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said ~oard of County Commissioners on said 13th day of Aup,ust A,D,, 1952 end adjourned to the !ilth day of Sept., 1952 at 10 o,'clock A,M, due proof of the posting and service o~ said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been mane and filed, saici petition was publicly read and considereci ~y the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or BEainst granting the prayer of the petitioner and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined that the said petitioner and the follO•Ring described lands owned. by him, to-wit: Govt. Lots 1-2-3 & 4 and S\7'¼ SE¼, Sec. 33, Township 131, P.ange 42; Govt. r,ot 6, Sec. 27, '.[township 131, Range 42, Govt. Lot B, sec. 34, Townshlp 131, Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said Behool District No, 139 to said adjoining School District No, 5 Grant Co, and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, · By order of the Board of county Commissioners, Dated the 9th day of September A,D,, 1952, (Audttor•s Seal) Henry Siellng Chairman o! the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn, Attest: s. B, ~ohnson County Auditor, and ex-officio Olerk of Board. Whereas, the Board having advertised for one Pioneer Portable Conveyor and the same having been de- livered and accepted by this Boarci, the Chairman of the Board and the county Audi tor ¥1ere authorized and ~irected to issue a warrant for $5,116.00 in 9~vment of said conveyor, Whereas, county Garage IJo. 17 e.t Erhard has been completed and accepted by th.is Board, the Chai rrnan of the Co1mty Board and the County Auditor were authorized and directed to issue a warrant :for $1,423.56, the balance due on said contra.ct, The 13oard having completed the vlewing and accepting of certain county jobs filed the following certil'icate with the Count,v. Auditor; ,?erti ficate of completion o·'f coun.t,v road work. TO THE COUNTY AUDITO~ OF OTTER TAU. ~OIJNTY, MINJ~SOTA: WP., the undersigned majority ot' the County Board of said county hereby certify, thst we have examin- ed the road \'lork done by (1) John Dieseth co., Fergus Falls, ilinn,; (2) Ose Bros., Thief River "!;'alls, :Ainn.; (3) Oladen 'Rros., Bemidji, Minn.; (4) Ra.rvey w. Nelson, Lake Park, Minn,; (5) Moen Bros, Inc., Moorhead, !.Unn;; (6) Ade.m Tuholsky, Little Falls, Minn.; (7) Herbison .~Construction co., Brainerd'. Minn. on that certain road described as ·l'ollows: Cl) (2) (3) (4) (5) (5) SAR #1 -North of New York I.Ulla to South and East of Hillview, S,P, 56-517-04, s 245 (5) SAR #19 -Bluffton }lorth, S, P, 56-51,-01, S 433 (ll SAil "lf,5 'I: SAR #16 -Henning l'lest, S, P, 06-515-01, S, 244 (2) and S,P, 56-525-02., S 506 (2) SAR 14 ~· Northeast of Pelican Rapids, S,P, 56-511-06, s 689 (6) SAR 13 -Big Pine Lo.ke llorth, C,P., 52:13 CAR 50 -Little Pine 1ake North,_ C,P, 52:50 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................... S:e.P.:!i.£ .. Jl.,, .............................. 19 .. Ji.1;"! (6) SAR 413 -Big Pine Lalce !forth, C.P, 52:13G (gravel) - (6) CAR l,50 -Little Pine •Lake North, r..P. 52:13G '·' (7) SAR #4 -T.H. 159 E, to take Lida, S,P, 56-511-08, S 689 (9) (bituminous} together with contract for the same, and that we find said work has been properly done and performed ac- cording to said contract. Dated this 9th day of September, 1952. Attest: s·, B. Johnson county Auditor The following bills were allowed: J. d. Henkes. Sheriff J. c. Renkes M. C, Lee Ralph Rosenberg western union Bert Stone Bennie J. Johnson Georee H11.nson Henry Sieling Violet Folmqnist 1.{rs. M:artin Moen Bernice I. Jeeme Elnora Esteb JA"able 'ROSSOW Mrs. 'Ffelen 'P.". ,Johnson ·Frank C, Rarnee John !,. Bixby · Berths Stortroen Jay L, Kevern William Lincoln Fra"lk Roberta Julius Sholberg Teg Hegseth Alfred Putnam YI, H. Dewey H·, Ji'·, DU.snow Harry Burau Remington Rand Department of Administration M, c. Kronemann Ins. Agency Oscar Olson R, c. Anderson Well & Pump Co, Swenson Paint·co. S, Uill Standard Service Tysver Landscape Service Larso-n Brothers N, W, Bell Tel. Co, DO DO Do Addressograph Sales Agency Bro1m-Blodgett, Inc. DOrothy Thorson Poucher Printing~ Lithographing Co; Norman L, Johnson Panama Carbon company Miller-Davis company Ugeblad Publishing Co, Fergus Specialties co. Nelson Bros. Printing co. ~ DO Victor Lundeen~ co. Security Ble.nk 'Book & Printing ~o. Fergus Journal Co. · James Welch Nelson Broe. Printing Merlin Rieman Marlin Reynold John L, Logan DO Louie'!! Stondahl Evelaoe G, Ranson Odin Johnson Mart in J. Moen ,Johnson Drugs .Disabled .Amero.fen Veterans H, \¥, Glorvigen .DO Service Equipment Mfg. co. Fergus Naah Motor co .• west PublishinB co. N,W, Bell Tel. Co. water -!I: Light "!)ept. Henry Sieling Bennie J. Johnson Geo. Hanson Bert stone earl A, Snowberg $her. expenses boardine prisoners de:9. sher, exp. dep. sher. exp. telefframs exp. att'd. ·meeting " " " " " " n ·" clerical •llork, co. Supt. " " " " " " " " " " municipal court f.ees e:x·penses clerical wor·k coroner's fP.es board of audit weed inspector exp. witness fees II " " soil conservation exp. " " " " " " " 11 I U add ing roao hine supplies premium supplies " " jail gasoline trimming trees repairs cnlls ., mobile·service sheriff ribbons supplies records certi ·r.ioates tabs supplies record •c supplies printing supplies printing booklets supplies " printing hauling election su9plies ballots constable fees dep. sheriff's fe~s 11 n n II " " postage " hauling· " supplies decoratinr, graves commissions on drivers licenses board of audit stop light labor N.w. re~orter· ~ digest calls & service, vet. ser, lights & garbar,e,· vet. ser. $121.65 ·115.50 83.25 3.00 .7,08 14.00 15,30 12,78 25,52 12.50 2.50 15.00 5,00 60,00 7.50 45,00 50,45 56.00 14.28 10.00 144,09 2.80 27.36 27.00 24,60 15.60 l0.80· 258.30 1,60 44.95 6,70 4,15 8.52 1.18 30,00 15.50 2.40 60,20 40,10 86.40 11,05 15.54 2,40 24.42 83,•70 5,00 98.01 G2,50 8,01 25.50 30.00 877.52 64.51 259.70 1.50 5R9.56 4,50 10.00 8.40 12.20 67.25 45.00 2.00 5:oo 25,78 25.00 21.15 50,00 !).50 17.50 42.00 17.15 7.64 .. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... ,S-t1."9-t .•... 9. ••..................................... 19 ... -5.2 ;!oy Olson I{eloiiy Shop Katherine D. Townsend Helson Bros. !.>Tinting Philip ;.r. Kjaglien DO Perham Telephone Co. Ann .lordan DO DO "Esther Sell Do DO rivision of Public Institutions ;r,innesota State Sanatorium university Hospital Sunnyreat Sanat~rium Glen take sanatorium sve.rdrup Twp. City of Ferg11s ?alls Poor Dept. P.H. Rockwood Mar,tha Hovland Miller-Davis co. N. ff. Bell Tel. Jo. A• '-:1. ".}o,npany Inc. of JJ.l 1'1Y1e1:tu1.:.. Borchert-Ingersoll. Inc. · Minnesota P.w.D. Co. Geo. T. :t.~an Rosholt Eqnipt. ao. W)D. H. Ziegler co •• Inc. Paper, ~almenson & co. Service Recorder co. Larson Brothers Field Machine co. C.H. ~jorklund Body Shop Moen Truck Equipt., Inc. Fortwengler Elec, Shop Lake Region IJ!otor co. Ebersviller's -Pelican Rapids Walt's ?.epo.ir Shop Cha!.fee's Go.rage Empire surrply co. Sherwin-Williams Co. Great western Lo.horatories, Inc. coast to coast. sattle Lake Toftely 13ros. Hnrdware llicols-Dean •• Gregg Battle r,ake ;:rardware Natl. Bushing i Parts co. Gamble Store, Henning coast to coast, Henning Fred A. Everts Vergas Hardware co. Wilcox Lumber co., Henning. Bauck Chevrolet co. - Hoot Lake Ice & Gas Co, Hi-way Auto 3, fmpilement co. Ra.v's 011 Stat.ion Fossen 011 Co, Hoot Lake Gas~ Ice co. Bob's Service Station Service Oil Co. Perham Co-op Oil Co. Fergus 011 Company Consumers 011 co. Penrose Oil Co, Hagge Oil Co. Anr.erson -& Sandbe1·g 011 Col H. K, Stahl Co., E. A. ~loese D, A. Lubricant Co., Inc. Lake Region co-op Elec, Assn. Motor Patrol Assn. :!ed River Milling co. Bill Nelson Oil Co. Minnesota Motor aom·[)any Erickson-Helleckson-Vye co, Oatrus Snow Fence l}o. Alvin Stavaas Edwin Sczygiel Elmer Hegen Clarence Betterman woodside Township liars ~T. Stoen Gust Pierson ?red Stinar Charles Rydie Adam !rliholsk,y City of Fergus Falls, ViJ.11.1.ae o'f Dalton Raymond Bros. J,lotor Trans. Co, water .fc Light j)ept. l'linnesota State !·Hgh. Dept, Corner Cafe recorder~ tape, vet ser. rent, \'~t. ser, reports, vet. ser. postRge. Yet. ser. expenses, vet. ser. service~ calls, nurse expenses, nurse posteee, nurse envelopes, nurse expenses, nnrss postaBe, nurse sui:,plies, nurse care of patients " 11 II II U If ,, " ti " " care of transient exam. cl~rical work election supplies calls parts " " " cutting edges recorders~ supplies repairs ,. " " " " II supplies " ,, ''" " " " " " repairs gasoline " tr " tr gas0Un0 & oil · " diesel fuel~ gas diesel i'uel ,, ,,. oil " poles towing weighing bituminous mix tires etc. batteries etc. lumber lath P,ravel " " " tr tr " gravelling bituminous garage rental freight elec. current supplies mes.ls i'or checker 80.50 45.()0 7 .50 6,59 4-2. 98 6.65 45.64 6.00 1.95 75.70 !l.06 !l.06 34G!l,33 1654.16 28L,50'" 20.00 89.18 11.35 6.00 3.00 6,00 910.80 2.40 350.40 16.76 3.17 286.85 87,58 349.40 984,00 88,01 49,52 9.00 2!).32 15.93 12.00 34.30 2.45 3.00 16.50 125,64 30,65 14.85 1.76 7 .26 5.20 52.94 16.58 25.42 2.99 99,89 40.19 14.76 4,90 100,47' 186.98 110,49 11.02 111.24 47.25 31.52 132,93 530.89 158.22 234.58 952.75 74.50 96,42 128.56 23.58 6.50 3.25 248.02 75.50 4.25 46.00 251.52 45.29 158.13 42.80 182,35 582,15 403.63 143.60 3J4,07 502,73 340.00 90,00 3,65 52.36 36.53 16,35 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... -......... _S.~.P-t. .•.... l!.~e.nd ... 16.., ....... 19 .. /ig. Mil"ls tJafe Parkers P.otel Pou.cher Printing !'< Lithographing Co. Minneapolis Blue -Printing co. A l't: E·. Supply do. Victor Lundeen&: co. N, W, Bell Tele. Co,, Henning Pelican Telephone .co. N. II'. Bell Tele. Co., Fergus Falls Construction Bulletin N. W. Bell Tele. co. , Fergus Falls Midwest Tele, co, Richard P. McAllister Gordon L, Peterson Perry Jacobson, Jr. Harr.I' "9, Lincoln George Olson w. L, Potter Wendell P, Huber G.D. Harlow Wendell P. ~uber DO Mutual Service casualty Lester Thompson T, G. Evensen & ASROciates, Inc, Adam Tuholsky Edwin Sczygiel .Armco Drain •• Metal Prod. co. Obert Weid Arnold "Bengtson . Obert ?Tola PhHip Carlson Cho·s. Malargie meals for survey crew room for gravel checker forms supplies n service&: tolls " " " " " ed. for bids local & long distance :!'ent &: tolls expenses n " " " " printeci envelopes .§: postage cash advanced insurance " services, sale of: honds gravelling grevei culverts Erhard Garage installation of furnace at Erhard floor drnins Erha.rd Garage labor on co. ditch #70 " " " · Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to Sept. 16, 1952. 12.75 9,00 7 .24 7.44 21.80 3.35 8,55 8,30 53.90 84,60 43.80 6,05 40.46 22.05 39.20 101.08 17.85 146,09 178.74 36.19 357.20 38.62 159.90 115.00 1875.00 268.09 18.88 23.06 310,06 Ge.rage 975.00 165 .,00 21.00 21.00 Attest: ~ 1-·. ~ ~ chairman. lfiNU'.!.'ES OF ADJOURMED M!IBTING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONEP.S OF OTTER TAIL CO,, MINN, Pursuant to adJournment the Roard met at 10 o'clock A, M. Sept. 16th, Commissioners lohnson, Snowberg, ijanson and Stone being present. The Board having heretofore advertised for bids for grading and construotion or county Jobs No, 52:54 BR and Job 52:43, said bids were opened and examined and, upon motion, all bids were rejected. The Board having advertised for hids for grading and gravel surfacing Job No, 52:02 OR a.nd the following bids having been reueived: John Dieseth Co. in the sum of $28,944.60 and the Johnson Con- struction co. in the sum of $27,401.00, the bid of the Johnson Construction Oo. of Litchfield. Minn., in the sum of $27,•101.00 w11s the low bid and, ur>on motion, the ,·ontract was ev!arded to them pending negotiations with the Unl.ted. States Arrey engineers in oharge of the dam in the Town of Orwell.' · Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to Se·pt. 30th. Attest: -. l. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... -. r.ent ... 30 ·······························.19 52 !ATNUTES. OF .IID,lOURNED M!•~i.:TrnG OF THE BOARD OF COUMTY COMMISSIOIIBRS OF OTTER TAIL COUllTY, MINNF.SOTA. The Board met at 10 o•olock A. M. Sept. 30th, all members being present. The Board having advertised for bids for the constru.ction of county Aid Job No, 52:54B and only one bid br.ing received, that beln~ fr:orri r:ahlstorf Bros. in the amount of $8,026.36, upon ~otion, the bid was rejected. · The Board having advP.rtised for the construction of S.P. 56-504-03 (SAR 8) received the followinB.bids: John nieseth co., $23,747,12; G, R, Haglund an~ Son, Inc., $27,115,78, Upon motion, the bi.d of the John Dieseth co, in the amount of $23, 747,12 was recommended to the · Commissioner of Highways as the most favoral>le bid. · Upon motion, the trip of A~bert V, Hartl, Civil Defense Director, for attending the Defense Directors' meeting at Bagley on Tuesday Sept. 23rd was authorized, the county agreeing to r,ay the expenses of this trip. ·A plat of .Inlet Beach we.s submitted to the Board ac'com9anied by a certl.fice.te of title exenuted by Henry Polkinghorn, Attorney-at-lav,, and, upon motion, the es.me was approved. The following resolution we.s adopted: '8e it resolved by the Board of county ·cfommissioners that the county Treasurer of Otter Tail County is hPreby authorized e.nd directed to invest the proceeds of the last bond issue of $1,000,000.00 in short time United States securities. Adopted Sept. 30, 1952, Attest: s. B, Johnson Clerk, Henry Sieling. Chairman, Upon motio.n, the Board then adjourned to Oct. 14, 1952. Attest: MJ,,,.,/ _ ./ -~~ i' COMMISSIONERS RECORD o~l. qJTER TAIL CRUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................................................................................ 19 ....... . T,mrUTES 01!' ADJOURNED MF.F.TJi.rn O:i' "['!-TE BOARD OF cotmTY CO:/im:J~Iatil!:~s OP OTTER J' ,\ TL COtnfTY, l.ITN!P.!:SOTA. Pursuant to acijonrnment thP. ~c:mrd met at 10 o'clock A, :I. Tuesday, October 14, 1952, ell membP.rs being present. The Board having advertised for bids for calciuin chloride, the followin!l! b_~ds were received: Merchants Chemical co., ·at $25,00 per ton f.o.b. Midland, inchigan; Lyon Chemicals, Inc., $25.00 per ton f,o.b, :.(idland Mich·igan; Material Suppl.'! co., $25,00 jler ton f.o.b. S,\•racuse, N, Y, with freight eq1;1al.:: ized to-Midland, Michigan, rrpon motiQn, the bids of the ut1.terial supply Co. for one carload of calcium chloride, and the LYon Chemicals, Inc. for one carload were accepted. · The Board having advertised. for heating unit in the county ga~ages at Pelican Rapids, Perham and Vining, the forlowing bi"ds were received: Arnold Bengtson, Erhard, a,t $975,00 for, each location. Toftely Bros., Pelican Rapids, $1024.70 for the Pelican Garage, $1075.25 for the P7rham garage, $.1110,15 for the Vining garage· Parson Plumbing & Heating co., Elbow Lake, $1049,50 per unit at each location, The Davidson Metal Sh~p. Fergus Falls, $1200,00 per unit at each location. Upon motion, the bid of Arnold Bengtson of E~h~rd was ·accepted. · The Board having advertised for 2½ ton truck, the following bids were received: Skogmo Ji!Otors, Fergus Falls, $3478; Lake Region Motor Co., Fergus Falls, $5825.00; Moen Truck Equipment co., Fergus Falls, 13423.27. rrpon motion, the bid of Moen Truck Equipment co. for one International two-and-one-hal. ton truck was accepted. · A petition filed by sixty-three landowners in Dead Lake Township recommending that the Supervisor of Assessments in otter Tail C:ounty be removed from office was read and placed on file for future con-sideration. The Board revoked the "On,. and "Off,. sale .beer licenses which had been issued to Flo-yd Shol at Shol's Resort. RESOLUTION FOR DIVISION OF ASSETS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 150 BETWEEN.SAID DISTRICT AND SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 38, BOTH IN OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to the statutes of the state of Minnesota upon consolidation of parts of school district·· with other districts, it is the duty of the Board of County Commissioners to divide the assets. Now, therefore, be i\_resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail dounty, Minnesota that the assets of School uistrict No. 150 be and they are hereb.V' divided as follows: I. The school site, school bu~lding and all personal property of every kind, character and desc::r;:iption except cash, shall be and remain the property of school District ~o. 150, II, Cash assets as of the date of consolidation, funds in the hands of the County Treasurer as of the date of consolidation, and taxes for 1951 and pr.tor years paid after date of consol'idation shall and the hereby are divided 44,30 % to District No, 150 and 55.70 % to District No, 38, The date of consolidatio herein was June 24, 1952 and no money shall be drawn from the Treasurer of Otter Tail CountY-unless and until the cash on hand in the sum of $1956,91 is divided 55.70 % to Dist. No, 38 and 44.30 J to Dist. No 150, In the event the cash is not divided before the November meeting of the county Commi.ssioners application may be made for an amendment of this resolution and a division other than here7provided. III. AnY and all obligations of District No, 150 existing at time of consolidation shall be paid, 44.30 % by District No. 150 and 55.70 % by ~istrict No, 38. The foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner Snowberg who moved its adoption. It was se-conded by Commissioner Johnson and on vote being taken thereon the following 1vas the vote: 5 Yes, None No, Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and was signed and attested bv the Chairman and Auditor. ., Henry Sieling, Chairman s. B, Johnson, Clerk. The Board having previously conditionally accented the contract of the Johnson construction oo. of Litchfield, Minn., for the grading and gravel surfacing of ,Tob 52:02:0R, the same is herebn-unoondition-•· ally accepted and contract ordered executed. " Upon motion, the Board ad,1ourned to 10.no o'clock A.~!. Wednesday Oct. 15, 1952. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION, Pursuant to ad,1ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A,U, Y/ednesday, October 15, 1952. Equt !~~tB~~~di~a~tng previously advertised for two 82A one-way snow plows, and the bid of the Rosholt by the County, the ~h:~~m~; f~9~h~a~~~tbe:~a~~o=~~e~hand the plow~ having b~en received and accepted issue a warrant in the sum of $992 to th! Rosholt Equi;m;~f~~-A~~i;~m:~:e0 ~n:~!u::.::.and directed to The application of H. D, Morrill & Son for an extension of time tract No. 52:54H was granted. in which to complete work on con- The application of Floyd Frederik fo h t Range 36 was granted, an~ the 0 r omes ead olassificat ion on the st S~4 Seo. 14 Township 133 u tax reduced to $99.20, The application of s. M, Moen for reduction 0 a I/Iain Street and Ril!ht of Way of Ga fi 1 '-assessment on tract 150 ft. East and West between r e d Ave., Seo, 4, Township 132, Ranr,e 40 on account of building COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, 'OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 6ct. 15, 52 DATE ........................................................................................ 19 ....... . lff Nl■IIIHIIU■I 11· which was removed in 1950 was granted, and the tax reduced to $10,01 plus special assessments. The application of Emma s. Irv1ine for reduction of taxes on Lot 9 and the East 9 rods of the South 9 rods of Sub Lot 13, Section 29, Township 134, Range 41, was rejected upon the recommendation of the Town Board, The application of Vendex, Inc,, of Minneapolis for cancellation of personal property asse_ssment on equipment located in the Fergus Theatre in the crity of Fergus Falls, was referred to the City As~essor. The petition of Eino Hendrickson and Mrs. Eino Hendrickson to set over the st SW¼-Sec, 5, Town o~ Otto, was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held January 7, 1953 at 10 o • clock A, IJI, at the commiss loners Room in the court House, and that due notioe of the time and place of said hearing·be given as provided by law. The.,petition of Herman M, and "Dorothy Martinson to set ov~r tot 4 and Lot 5 except the East 2 rods, Sec. 31, Township 136, Range 41 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said. petition be had at· the session of the Board to be held January 7, 1953 at 10 o'clock A, M, at the Commissioners Room in the Court House,, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. The petition of Ludwig Seifert to set 'over the NE¼ of' Sec, 25, Township 136, Range 40, was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petitfon be had at the session of the Board to be held January 7, 1953 at 10 o'clock A,M, at the commissioners Room in the court House, end that due notice of the time and place of' said hearing be given as provided by law. The petition of Chester E, Bothun to set over Lot 3 of Sec, 19, Township 131, Range 41, was read and it was ordered that a hearing qn said peti ti9n be had at .the session of the Board_ to be held January 7, 1953 at 10 o'clock A,M, at the dommissioners Room in the Court House, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as ~rovided by law. The petition of earl !:I, 13othun to set over Lot 4 of Sec. 19. Township 131, Range 41, was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the 13oard to be held January 7, 1953 at 10 o'clock A,M, at the Commissioners Room in the Court House, and that due notice of the time and plac of said hearing be given as provided by law. The petition of Clarence E, Frost to set over Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 (146,02;acres) of Sec, 18, Town- ship 135,· Range 36, was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held January 7, 1953 at 10 o'clock A,M:, at the commissioners Room in the Court House, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as provided by law. The application for "ON" and"OFF" sale beer licenses of Charles D, center, Veterans of Foreign '1/ars Post No, 3289, was granted. RESOLU'.l'I Oli BY Tm: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TA IL COUNTY, MINNESOTA 13E IT RESOLV'ID, that the Chairman and the A,uditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on be- half o·f the County of Otter Tail to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of High1vays for the removal of snow from the following described roads: Public highways under the jurisdiction of the municipality, all on the terms and conditions contained and set forth in "State of Minnesota, Departmept of Highways Maintenance Division Snow Removal Agreement Form No, l", a copy of which said form was before the·•Bo~rd, assuming on behalf of the County, all of the contractual obligations therein contained, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Wendell P, HUber, the County Highway Engineer of sa"id County of Otter Tail, be and he hereby is authorized to request and order from time to time men andquipment for the re-moval of snow in accordance with and under the terms of the foregoing contract. Adopted this 15th day of October, 1952, Attest: S. B, ·Johnson Clerk. The following bills were al.lowed: J. 0, Henkes, sheriff• J. 0, Henkes J. C. ·Henkes James M, Hansen M, c. · Lee Ralph Rosenberg Western union Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Imperial Supply Co, Educational Test Bureau The Clinton Advocate Louise Stondahl Mabel· Wenstrom Fergus Journal eo. Ruth Hannay .City of Fergus Falls Sirchie Fingerprint Laboratories Fergus Lumber._ Fuel Co, Johnson Drug Dr. c·. J. Mouritsen Dr, C, J, Lund Dr, Everett C, Hanson Magne Martinson Joseph Rayner, Sr, Boarding prisoners ·, expenses expenses Henr.v Sieling Chairman. Deputy Sheriff's expenses do do telegrams teachers lists supplies .. postage expenses publications transcript curb, gutter ._ surfacing supplies lumber supplies coroner's fees DO Do Deputy Sheriff's expenses Do $ 211.00 16,70 112,40 110,45 132.10 6,80 6,61 34,25 6. 76 66,34 37.23 51,72 105.60 4,40 8.50 1425.09 6·.28 5,72 8.70 l0,25 39,35 10.25 4,70 16.50 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, O'FTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. ••····-··-··""'·········· 0c t • ... 15.•-···················19 .. ?.~ Joseph Rayner-, ~r. Carlton Mortensen, Dep. S'herif'f Henry S'tenbach John L, Logan Miller's Hdwe. J Stemsrud & Emerson Drug Co. Bert stone Henry Sieling . Bennie J, Johnson George Hanson Geo. Bergem· f.ost 489, underwp_od veterans of' Foreign Wars, F.F. G. M, Xantrud Bennie J, Johnson Bert stone H, 'If• Glorvigen s. B • .:rohnson EVelace i,anson EVelace G. Ranson B', J. Henning Frank.Roberts Emil Joen Emil Boen H. w. Q.lorvigen H, W. Glorvigen H, L, Alleh Frank C, Barnes N, W. Bell Telephone do. Ed Ala Security Blank Book &: J:lrtg. do, Park Region ~redical Center Schoolcraft co. Nelson Bros. Prin ~.ing do. J.ohnsonFurniture 0o, Victor Lundeen~ do. Odin ,Johnson Toda,v' s Health Miller-Davis do. Poucher Printing 'I: Lit ho. Co. Louise Stondahl Remington Rand Security .Blank BOQk /I: Prtg. do. Winther Lumber & F.uel Center 1Juro Test corp. South Mill Standard Service Natl, Bushing & Parts do. Willer & Teisberg Drug Hint gen-Karst The Henning Advocate Perham Enterprise Crane-Johnson Beall~ McGowan Co, Miller-Davis co. Fergus Journal co. Holten Hdwe. Fergus Specialties co. N, w. Bell Telephone Co, Philip M, Kjaglien Philip M, Kjaglien Ruth C, Campbell \'lallace J. Meyer Mildred Bruvold Katherine D, T,ownsend water ~ Light Dept., Fergus Falls Ann Jordan Ann Jordan Ann .Jordan Esther G. Sell Esther s·ell Perham Telephone Co, Nopeming Sanatorium Nopeming Sanatorium Sunnyrest Sanator1um Minnesota State Sanatorium Sverdrup Twp. DO Thos. J. Kinsella, M,D, Albert Fritz Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. A, w. Co., Inc. of' Minn. Northwest Engineering co. Wm, H, Ziegler Co,, Inc. Geo. T, R,van co. Rosholt Equipment co. Paper, Calmenson co. Armco Drainage~ Metal Prod. co. Elk River Cone. Prod. Co, Kinne's, Inc. Skogmo Motors, Inc. Bredahl Implement co. Hintz Blacksmith Shop Wicklund Farm Supply Mi!18e Electric Sec. Brank Book &l'r!nt!:pg. co. I, Deputy S.herif'f''s expenses Deputy Sherif'f''s f'ees expenses · Deputy Sheriff's exp .• supplies supplies exp. attending meeting no 'DQ no decorating graves, 1952 decorating graves services, canvassing board no no DO Do postap,e box rent stamps, envelopes, etc, weed inspector expense Do Do advanced drivers license commissions box rent expenses court f'ees telephone service Marshal's ex pens es supplies services at jail supplies printing supplies " hauling mail subscription supplies " expenses supplies " " " gas supplies " supplies & repairs 'publishing " supplies " publishing supplies " calls !c service mHeage expenses postage & supplies moving office mimeographing rent light etc. postage expenses " postage expenses service 11, calls care of' patients " " " ,,. " " care of' poor veterans Service " " " " "2 " " " It " care of' non-resident pauper medical care weed inspector parts " ., steel culverts parts & repairs repairs " " " supplies 24.30 12.50 14.40 9,00 2.60 1,78 14.00 26.02 15.30 12.78 25,00 25,00 10.10 13,00 10.00 10.00 10.00 45.00 2.00 133,82 199.30 52.20 241.35 13.80 42.00 31.91 50,00 52.60 13.60 105,60 13.00 20.34 61.90 8,18 10.57 1.00 6.50 39.59 28.45 32.82 493,80 28.54 12.23 62.88 1.18 11.00 4,00 14,29 58.60 6.00 5.24 13.47 · 4.22 373.90 66.10 17.00 20,65 79.45 24,81 7,89 18.00 2.20 45.00 7.36 12.37 3.53 83.56 3.24 96.00 z.55 1540,50 1591.85 30,00 1600,80 138.00 175.50 100,00 256.43 407 .25 505.64 133.64 184,48 602,63 97.48 44.71 415.12 109.50 571.36 212.15 9,11 65,06 1.50 6.05 15,06 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINN. ' ' Ehnbom Motor co. Larson Bros. Skogmo Motors. rnc. Brown's hmplement Paulson Tire Shop J .• B, Kilde Co, Field Machine co. Mills Oil Co, A, R, Meier Service Recorder Co, Anton Wallnofer Oscar Rude Garage Arthur J, Hyrkas ifenry Holmgren _Minn •. Motor co. Lake Region Motor Co, Chaffee's Garage Olson Auto Electric Highway co. Carlson Oil co. Park Region Oil co. Walt's service Twin's Motor co. Bill's Service station Farmers• co-op Creamery Assn. s. 'I: F 011 do. Service Oil Co., Battle Lake Baas Oil co. , Consu~ers Co-op Oil co., Henning Perham co-op 011 co. Henning Oil co • Ottertail Oil do. Kraemer Oil do. The 011 Store Fergus Oil Co. Service Oil Co. Penrose Oil Co. Bill Nelson Oil do. Flagge Oil Co. Anderson 'I: Sandberg D, Al Lubricant co., Inc. Nicols, Dean & Gregg Edmund Hepola Waterhouse Co., Inc. Larson Hdwe. Coast-to-Coast Store, Perham underwood Lbr. co. Y.nuttila Implement co. Mc])UJln Farm Store Holten Hdwe. Y.noff's Hardware Natl. Bushing .'I: Parts co. Franklin Fence co. co~op Services, Inc. . Raymond Bros. Mt~. Transp. Farm Center Welding co. ostrus Snowfence .'I: Cribbing Erickson-Hellekson-Vye co. Fergus Falls Monument Co. Fergus Lumber 'I: ruel co. A, R, Meier Lake Region Co-op E~ec. Assn. Albert Shanstrom City of Fergus Falls Roy Evavold Chas. Fenske City of FergusFalls Grabarkewitz studio Stoll's Cafe Eagle's Cafe Merchants F!otel Midwest Telephone Co. N, W. Bell Telephone Co. Pelican Telephone Co. N, W, Bell Tel. Co. Heinola Telephone Co. N, W. Bell Telephone Co, Miller-Davis Co, Panama Carbori co. Free Press Co. Mpls.Blue Printing co. Fergus Journal co. Construction Bulletin Minn. Highway Dept. w. L .• Potter George Olson G, Ji). Harlow L, j. Fjosne Paul c. Jacobson Wendell p. Huber Henning Hdwe. Oct. 15, S:t DATE ........................................................................................ 19 .. . repairs " " " " " " " " " " " gasoline " " " " " " " " " etc. ", oil " & " " oil etc. grease 'I: supplies tires, gas 'I: oil :i)iesel fuel " oil supplies " " " " " " " " " " labor on tires freight steel lath " sand blast asphalt felt welding & supplies move power line boiler inspections maintenance cuts Sc fills crush, load 'I: haul gravel bituminous mix pictures meals meals :f.or crew room for engr. crew telephone rental service 'I: toll Do service 'I: long distance service 'I: toll local 'I: long distance supplies .. " " ads. for bids ad, for bids testing expenses " " mileage II: meals car mlleap.e expenses repairs 5.41 106.89 96.14 4.82 9.oo 68.15 8.59 13.03 29.25 11.73 75.45 20.10 3.25 39.10 16.95· 9.57 158.30 16.37 38.79 21.38 91.95 6.12 174.95 67.89 48.82 167.99 103.83 139.27 75.96 109,88 31.98 4.14 231.40 238.69 122.05 117.23 6.30 340.61 1151.31 74.50 127.62 52.12 12.20 3.75 40.53 6.97 3.75 25.26 42,89 97.26 1.20 45.67 28.75 6.50 7.20 5.40 47.50 1,25 38.25 3.75 16.00 66.61 216.00 250,00 700,00 1768.34 445.00 10.25 9.10 20.25 15.00 5.25 9.90 13.35 38.10 17.30 37.10 20.30 27.75 2.25 7.41 45.40 39.30 59.56 149.06 19.80 39.32 16.44 2.10 246.25 1.20 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, · OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Wendell p. Huber Weldon zaske Arnold Bengtson W"m. H. Ziegler co., Inc. Northern Bank Note Co.- S •· B. Johnson Hans M. Froslee 'DO Bert stone Henr.v Sieiing George Hanson ~ennie J. Johnson DATE ..................... ·-·············0c t .•... 1 ~ •........................... .19 5 2 cash adv·anced excavation l,abor tank at Perham Garage printing bonds expenses signing bonds highwe,y easement warranty deed exp. attend. meetin.; 'DO 'DO Do Upon motion, the Board adjourned to 10 o'clock A-M· Vfednesday Nov. 12, 1952. Attest: 6,36 156.25 24.97 152.94 295.98 52.81 50'.00 1450.00 14,00 22,13 17.04 20.40 1 chairman. ~ ll COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Nov. 12 62 DATE ............................................................................... -....... 19 ..... . MINUTES OF ADJOlffilfED MEETING OF BOA!lD OF COUNTY COJ,n.rrsSIONERS OF OTTER TA TL CO~Y. ?flNN. Pursuant to adjournment the ~oard met at 10 o'olock A. M. Wednesday, November 12, 1952, all members being present. A delegation,fro~ the Village of Henning appeared before the Board asking for improvement and oil- ing of old county !id Road No. 36 west of Henning. After considering the problem of weed and seed control for the county for the ens.uing year the following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That Frank Roberts, post •office Deer areek; Albert Fritz, post office Perham; and Emil Boen. post office Fergus Falls be and they hereby are appointed county weed and seed Inspectors for Otter Tail county for a period not exceeding fo¥.r months for each inspector. salaries being fixed at ·$150 per month, and mileage at 7,f per mile. They are also authorized to attend the Short Course held at the University during the week of January 19, 1953.at st. Paul, with expenses paid by the County. Be it further resolved. that a copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the commissioner.·of Agriculture, Dairy and Food. st. Paul. Adopted this 12th day of November, 1952. Attest: s. B. Johnson, Clerk. Henry Sieling, Chairman. The County Board authorized the c·ounty Welfare Department to trade in four old desks and to pur- chase four new ones from Victor J,undeen 'I: co. for $478. The County Board signed a contract with the Federal Government for board of prisoners at $2.50 per day, not including medical care. The bill against Leo Klimek for $16.00 for plowing driveway was cancelled as it was a public health measure. At the request of the Sheriff the following personal property taxes were cancelled: Mrs. Dale Brown Henry Bowers W. G. Ray A. J. Sieverson M. J. Cronin ·w. A. Roskopf Reed Ihnen in u.s. Army moved to south Carolina dead sold property two years ago. dead died two years ago moved to 1-.1ontana The application of Amelia and Ken Lyon at the Glass Bar for dance license and license to eell non- intoxicating malt liquors was laid over to the December ~ession at the request of the sheriff. The application of Floyd Shol for license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors at Shol's Resort was presented to the Board, no aotion being taken. The following applications for homestead classification for the year 1951 were granted and taxes reduced accordingly: Verney Bauman, w 30 ac. of NW¼ SW¼ sec. 14-134-42; Edw. Umland, SW¼ Sec. 30-131- 44; Oliver Gravley, 1 acre tract i~ NW¼ NW¼ Sec. 23-133-37; Clarence Kirkvold, SW¼ NE¼ and Wt SE¼ Sec. 8-131-40: John J. Sullivan, Lots 1-2-3-4, st SW¼,SW¼ SE¼ Sec. 32-135-40; Richard E. Dillon, St NWf SW¼ and SW¼ SW¼ ex. church, Sec. 5; SE¼ SE¼ Sec. 6, Im¼ !IE¼ Sec. 7, Lot 1 and NW¼ NW¼ Sec. 8~ 134-43;_ Alfred·~ovde, Nt SEf Sec. 16-134-40. · The application of Peter Revering for renuction of taxes on tract: Beginning NE corner Lot 1, Block 4, Urbank. E 49~ ft. S. 82t ft W 49t ft,f 1f 82t ft,!. Sec. 31-131-38 due to excessive valuation placed on structures, l'tas approved and recommended to the Tax Oommissioner, and the taJ\' reduced from $96.09 to $49.30 The application of Kenneth Samp for reduction of assessment on the st SE¼ and Lot 3 ex. S 2 rods of the SEf-SE¼ Sec. 23-136-41 due to an error.in excessive assessment of land was recommended to the Tax commissioner and the tax reduced from $190,46 to $170.13. · The application of the Vend ix, Inc., for cancellation of persom~l pr~perty taxes on fixtures in the Fergus and Lyric Theatres in Fergus Falls was rejected. The application of John J. Sullivan for reduction of assessment on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and st SW¼ and SW¼ SE¼ Sec. 32-135-40 was re,1ected. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clockA.M, Thursday, November 13,1952. Thursday's Session The petition of HUgo Veit to set over the st SE¼ and Et SWf Sec, 21 and Nt NW¼ Sec. 28, ~ownship 137, Range 37 from School Dist. 228 to School ~ist. 47 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be held at a session of the Board January 7, 1953 at 10 o'clock A. M,, and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given as required by law, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail Oounty, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has previously contracted with Anderson Bros. for County Garage No. 10 at Perham, and COMMISSIONERS RECORD· N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... -. Nov• ... 13 _____ ··--··--·------------------··--·--·19--5~ Whereas, same has been completed and accepted b,v this Board, 1Iow, the!"efore, be it resolved, that the c~unty Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized to issue to said Anderson Bros. a warrant in the sum of ~1587.32, being the balance due. Adopted this 13th day of November, 1952. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Henry Sieling Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county dommissioners of Otter Tail dcunty, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with A-H, Winkelman for a county-wide gravelling project, and Whereas, same has been completed and accepted by the Boar·d of county Commissioners, . Now, therefore, Be it resolved, that ~.he Count,v Audi tor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed tb issue a warrant to said A.H. Winkelm~n in the amount of $3092.76, being the balance due on said contract. Adopted this 13th day of November, 1952. Henry Sieling Chairman. Attest: S. B, Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was ado~ted: Resolved by the Board of count,v Commissioners of otter Tail dounty, Minnesota: Whereas, the Board of County ling: commissioners has heretofo-re l,CP 52:13G contracted with Adam Tuholsky for gravel- 2.cp 52:50 G and 3.Qp 54:H-G and the same have been completed and accepted py the County Board, and the certificate of approval of the Engineer being on file with the County Auditor, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they here-by are authorized to issue to said AdamTuholsky warrants as follows: l. $829.93; 2. $337.16; 3. $386.35, being the balances due on said contracts. Adopted this 13th day of November, 1952. Henry Sieling Chairman. Attest:~-B. Johnson Clerk. TO' THE COUNTY AUDITOR OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA: We. the undersigned majority of the county Board of said county hereby certify that we have examin-ed the road work done by (1) J. G. Nelson & CarlDanielson, Fosston (2) Bain, Roberts & Bain, Clarissa (3) &: (4) Alfred Evavold, Ashby (5) GladeYiBros., Bemidji (6) Johnson Construction con· Litchfield (7) H. D, Morril & Son, Fergus Falls (8) Adam Tuholsk,v, Little Falls (9) Dependable surfacing co., s.·st. Paul, on that certain road described as follows: (1,) SAR #2 -Bet. w. line of otter Tail co. &-4.8 ML NE (S.P. 56-527-01--grade &-gravel) (2) SAR $5 -Bet. 3.5 Mi. S. of Clitherall 'I: Clitherall ( S.P. 56-503-04--grade&: gravel) (3) SAR . 5 -"flet. T.'A'. #29 in Parkers "Drairie ~ 4.2 Mi •. E. (S.P. 56-521-01--grade -'I: gravel) (4) SAR .. 5 -13et. S. line of Otter Tail Co. ir: Urbank (S.P. 56-532-3--grade 'I: gravel) (5) SAR #7 ·-Bet. o.5 M1.w. of Almora 'I: T.'A'. ~29 (S.P. 56-522-01--grade 'I: graveli (6) SAR #2 -Section 35, Tl32N-R44W (Orwell Dam) (C.P. 52:020R--~rnde 'I: gravel) (7) CAR f54 -Bet. Henning & 2.7 Mi. S. (C.P. 52:54H--grading) (8) 'CAR #54 " " " " " (c.p. 52:54H-G--gravel) (9) CA.~ #27 -From Dalton to 2.0 Mi. E. (c.p. 52:27B--bituminous) (9) CAR #50 -From Perham to 2.9 Mi. N. (c.p. 52:·50B--bituminous) (9) BAR #1 -From l Mi. NW of Ottertail to 4.4 Mi. w. (C.P. 52:0lB-P--bituminous') together with contract for the same, and that we find said work has been properly done and performed ac-cording to said contract. Dated this 13 day of November, 1952. Attest: s. B. Johnson County Audi tor. Henry_ Sieling Bennie J. Johnson George Hanson Be·rt Stone Carl A. Snowberg COMMISSIONERS RECORD ·N; OTTER TAIL COUNTY,· MINN: Nov. 13, 52 DATE ........................ · ............................................................... 19 ..... . The following bills were allowed: J. d.-Henkes M, C, Lee james M. Hansen Ralph Rosenberg 1A"abel· Wenstrom Louise Stondahl Mrs. C'harles Anderson Beth Gar-berg John L. Bixby Emil Boen Dr. Cl', J. Lund Dr. EVerett c. Ranson Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Dr. Everett c. Hanson James J. warner, M. 1). Frank c. Barnes james Welch Miller-Davis co. Nelson Bros~ Prtg. co. Ed Ala Berton Skrove Peter Rink H. F, Hinze Remington Rand trarcliant Calculators, Inc. Marchant Calculators Nelson Bros. Prtg. Victor Lundeen .'I: Co. Security Slank Book & Prtg. co. Educational Test Bureau Remington Rand Pouclier Prtg. & Litho Co. Fergus Specialties co. Security Blank Book & Prtg. co. Miller-Davis Co, Indianhead Specialty co. Fergus Journal co. Battle Lake Review Perham-Enterprise Bulletin N, w: Bell Telephone Co. ·no DO United Chemical c·o., Inc. Olson-Enstad-Larson, !nc. United Chemical Co,, Inc. colo~ial Refining & Chemical co. Miller's Hdwe. Hintgen-Karst Louise Stondahl J. C. Henkes Odin Johnson Edward Carlson post 283 Louise Stondahl G. l,f. Kantrud s. B. Johnson H. w. Glorvigen Bennie J, Johnson Bert Stone ,Johnson Drugs H. W, Glorvigen Art Burnside & co. Perham Telephone Co. Ann ·Jordan Esther G. Sell Ann ·Jordan Do Brucie Publ. Co, Esther G, Sell Do . DO Nel~on Bros. Prtg, Co. Phi],ip 1,1. Y.jaglien Do Lig~tfoot•s Shop Fergus Specialties Straub Estate J-Kartha Hovland Sta~ Laundry 'I: Dry Cleaners City water 'I: Lig_ht Dept. Victor Lundeen & co. N, W, Bell Telephone Co. Beck Signs University Hospital Glen Lake sanatorium sunn,vrest Sanatorium Minn. State sanatorium Nopeming sanatorium City of Fergus Falls PoorDept. Drs. Lewis, Lewis .'le Y.evern Vill. Battle Lake Dr, Thomas~. Kinsella Boarding prisoners Dep. Sheriff's exp. 1)0 Do exp. Asst. c'o. supt. expenses clerical l'tork DO expenses exp. weed inspector coroner's fees DO court calendars care of patient medical testimony municipal court fees hauling election supplies supplies ballots constable fees Do Dep. Sheriff's fees Do t.vpewri ter maintenance service supplies Do Do Do 1)0 Do repairs~ supplies supplies blanks supplies printing tax notices • . Do calls mobile service calls supplies boiler inspection & insurance supplies Do Do repairs & supplies postage DO hauling decorating graves cash advanced canvassing board Do Do DO Do supplies advanced commissions~- supplies service expenses supplies DO postage supplies postage expenses supplies 1)0 expenses supplies ke,vs brief case rent clerical work cleaning service suppli!i!S service sign nurse " " " " " . " " care of patients DO DO Do DO care of transient services poor ex-pense cnre of patients $177.00 88.20 39.00 5,80 66.10 107.25 20.00 57.50 51.64 29.01 24.00 12.85 156.00 40,00 6,40 35.00 1.50 991.48 247.40 16.60 7.00 19.00 21.20 135.00 35.00 3.50 128.38 18.60 24.80 66.34 384.00 36.41 125.50 13.00 31.36 6.96 221.50 3.20 41.10 54.75 124.17 123.95 ll.00 131.00 30.60 20.00 3.08 5.48 51.72 81.00 1.00 20.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 13.00 10.00 38.05 16.90 3.57 7.90 82.36 5.49 3.45 7.86 2.12 1.63 110.·94 2.50 117.27 73.78 5.23 2.10 8.75 50.00 3.00 1.26 7.42 20.95 19.25 5.oo 13.00 57.10 15.00 1374.00 1591.85 4.73 48.00 433.96 100.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ····················-················Nov • __ 13 .•...................... 19 .. ?.~ rTITITTTTI1TTI7::'Tl'ITl'tnl1~, ------- Audog raph d1 0 • of' N. W. Larson 13ros. Skogmo Mo1'rs, Inc. John Helgeson Kinne•s Inc. Vergas 111otor servi.ce Tichy's Shop Oscarson Implement Ed. Hintsala Maine Repair Shop ID'lutson Electric Wallnofer Blacksmith Shop Hintz·Blacksmith Shop Mcl)Unn Farm Store Service Garage Swenson Blacksmith .'I, Welding Fortwengler Elec, Shop Field Machine do. Netl, Bushing & Parts Co, A, p,·schmitz Garage vaughh Chevrolet co. coast-to-coast, Henning C, H, Bjorklund Body Shop xnoff's Hardware Dal to·n Hdwe. do. Vergas Hdwe. Co. Erickson-Helleckson-Vye Ebers·viller's P, x: M, &: co. Nicois, Dean & Gregg Minn. Motor Co. Henning Fuel co. Blacktop Surfacing co. City of Fergus Falls FergJ!S Oil co. ReBon Chev. Co. Perham Co-op Oil Co. Farm~rs' co-op cry. Assn Arthur Sundblad Harthun&: Peterson Oil co. service Oil do., B.L, consumers Oil co. Johnson's Service Ray's Oil co. Bill Nelson Oil do. Twins Motor Co. s &: F Oil co •, Y.raemer Oi 1 Co. Anderson~ Sandberg Oil Co. co-op Services, Inc. Hagge Oil Co. John Dieseth co. G. i). Harlow w. L. Potter Vernon Onstad George Olson Arthur ·Heidorn Geo. Frost, Jr. Clemence Hammer John I, Bondy Ed. c. Peterson H. L, T.horndal A-W Co., Inc. of Minnesota Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. nauer Mfg. Oo. Minn. F.w.D. do., Inc. Northwest Engineering Co. Park Machine, Inc. RosholtEQuipment co. Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment co. Geo. T, RYan co. Wm, H, Ziegler oo., Ing. Armqo Drainage&: Metal Prod. oo. Elk River Cone. Prod. Co. Minneapolis Iron Store Lyon Chemicals, Inc. D, A, Lubricant co., Inc, Penrose Oil Co. ,ral t 's Repair Shop Rudolph "Barden Alvin Stavaas Elmer Schwartz Bert Kirckof' Fammer Bros, Louise Wilde Estate ostrus Snow:f.'ence oo. Douglas County Raymond Bros. Motor Transp. oo. llJnited Electric Servio,, Inc. Erickson-Hellekson-Vye co. Perham Farm Supply co. Toi'tely Bros. Hdwe, and·ograph. repairs Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do DO Do Do Do DO Do Do Db Supplies Do '.Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do anti-freeze tester radiator coal bitum. mix. Do gasoline DO DO DO DO Do Do DO Do Do etc. DO ,. gas, repairs etc. p.asoline ·"<-repairs gas, coal etc. diesel fuel 11: gas gas ... diesel fuel diesel fuel equipment rental expense Do car rental expense damages Do Do appraising right-of-way 1)0 Do parts DO Do DO Do Do Do DO Do DO culverts Do steel calcium chloride oil 11: grease diesel fuel etc. gasoline grnvel DO DO DO Do Do lath equipment rental freight supplies DO DO Do .643.06 111.51 25.56 10.00 502.25 26.22 6.95 4.14 1.65 6.15 10.00 50.33 37.25 14.76 34.75 9,00 5.70 14.75 17.20 5.62 2.25 21.72 23,36 5.55 8.15 5.34 38.53 3.46 29.56 7.90 39,03 9,40 37.40 16.25 · 224.11 35.18 236.94 34,70 26.21 35.80 62.44 86.27 51.20 83.66 366.49 77.24 93.74 73.65 47,06 96.27 772.17 1122.00 43.76 150,63 14.28 ·21.00 113,00• 59.00 65.00· 53.40 45.00 45.00 315,24 57,46 21,87 70,81 359.72 279.66 457.49 87.11 648.17 478.27 13.62 311.77 36.58 1747,96 1241,97 161.84 18,42 162.75 707,70 100,10 98,00 211.40 5,50 41.00 140,69 12.60 18.35 6.88 1.33 19.74 V COMMISSIONERS RECORD .N, OTTER .TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. DATE ...... ·-··············-···•lf-0.v .•.... i3. ····························-·······19.52 .. HCYIIRPIIIJ!H Victor Lundeen ·'= do. Fergus Specialties Co. Marchant Calculators, Inc. H. A. Rogers co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Pelican Telephone co. N. W. Bell Telephone co. Midwest Telephone co. N. w. Bell Telephone co. \'lend'ell P. Huber DO Chas. Molargie Philip Carlson Dillon Electric co. wm. µ. Ziegler co., Inc. Bert Stone Bennie J. Johnson Henry S~eling George Hanson EVelace Hanson Chaffee•s Garage A. R. Meier Harold's Standard Service Ervin Siegfried Armco. Drainage & Metal Products, Inc., \'Im. H.· Ziegler co.. Inc. Material Supply corp. Pelican Telephone Co. Miller-Davis co. Great Western Laboratories, Inc. Park Machine, Inc. supplies DO maintenance prints service & long distance Do Do· .»o DO expenses cash advanced cleaning county Ditch 70 DO wirinp. co. garage garage tanks expenses Do DO DO postage repairs DO gasoline, etc. DO culverts parts calcium Chloride service & toll:: supplies Do Do 4.46 8.85 35.00 1.01 9.45 10.55 57.70 · "6.80 51.95 208.79 34.64 207.00 207.00 199.02 295.44 14.00 14.40 23.00 11.88 45.00 24.90 25.75 . 184.71 390.65 3217.58 1347.38 1761.94 8.50 30.00 9.42 53.75 t7Pon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M, on i'Uesday, December 9, 1952. ~~. /Chairman. Attest: COMMISSIONERS RECORD ·N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. nee. 9, 53 DATE ........................................................................................ 19 .... . MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesc.;.~, December 9, 1952, all members being Present. The bond of Harvey w. Glorvigen in the sum of $1,000 with the St. Paul-Mercury Indemnity Co. as surety, was approved, The bond of J. N. Haagensen as Judge of Probate of the county in .the sum of $1,000 with the Hartford Accident~ Inde~nity Co. as surety was approved. The bond of Jeanette Haugrud as Clerk of Probate Court in the sum of $1,000.00 with the Hartford Accident & Indemnity co. as surety, was approved. The applications of Oliver Gravely at Pine Haven Club and C. s. Jensen at the Glass Bar for dance licenses for the year 1953 were approved. The application of Floyd Shol for "On" and "Off" sale licenses at Shol's Resort in the Town of Friberg was granted, The county Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for tv,o motor gra.ders equipped 1vith snow plow and wing. said bids to include trade-in allowance on four motor 9atrols used by the County, The application of D. w. ·orton for reduction of taxes dne to removal of building on the Et SE¼ Sec. ,13-133-37 was approved and the tax reduced to ~44.80, · The application of H. G. EVenson for reduction of taxes on Government· Lot 4 ex. Sub Lots 1 to 6 and except tracts, in Section 35 Township 134 Range 42 was taken up for action. After discussion with the Town Board and the Supervisor of Assessments the assessed value was reduced to $527 and the tax reduced to $88.82. · commissioner Johnson offered the following resolution which was seconded by Bert stone: That the check of the state of Minnesota issued to the county of otter Tail, Jacob Landman, and State of Minnesota (Department of social Security, Division of Social Welfare) be endorsed by the Chair- man of the county Board and attested by the county Auditor and sent to J. score of Vergas·with the con- dition that delinquent taxes in the sum of t6,62 for the year 1948 be remitted to the county treasurer. Adopted Dec.9.1952. Attest: S. B. Johnson county Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: Henry Sieling Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the Count,v Auditor be and he hereby is instructed to notify the publishers of• the several newspapers published in the county that sealed bids will be received by this Board for doing the follow- ing described printing: 1. The publications of the minutes of the meetings of the Board of County Commissioners including regular and special sessions, and the meetings of Board of Rqualization and while considering matters pertaining to ditches. 2, The publication of· the annual statement of receipts and expenditures of the county. The bids to cover the publication of the list ·set in "nonpareil" or six-point type without "leading" and the publication to be made as fequired by Section 295 General Statutes of Minnesota, 1913, as amended, 11,11d three complete copies of said publication to be furnished to the county Auditor in time to enab.le him to meet the requirememt of said section as regard the posting of copies'of said statement. 3. The list of real property for the county of otter Tail, Minnesota on which taxes remained de- linquent on the first Monday in January, 1953. The bids for this to cover the publication of the certificates, heading, etc. provided for by Sec.- tion 2098, General Statutes of Minnesota, 1913, as amended. Bids to be placed in the hands of the county Auditor and addressed to the Board of County Commis- sioners, to be marked "Bids for.Printing" and to be filed until Tuesday January 6, 1953, at 2 o'clock P.M The attention of the bidders to be called to the provisions of Sect-ions 907, 909, 912, and 913, Re- vised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, and acts amendatory thereto. Adopted Dec. 9, 1952. Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. Henry Sieling Chairman. The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Bennie Johnson, who moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Otter Tail county, that certain lease of garage building belonging to the County and located in the Villap.:e of Pelican Rapids from otter Tail County, as Lessor to the State of Minnesota, as Lessee, which has been heretofore signed and executed by the officials of this county, be s.nd is in all thinp.:s anproved and ratified, and that the terms of said le8:se are proper and COMMISSIONERS .RECORD N.-.OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... -....... J)e.a •.... 9.~···-·······························19.5.2.. satisfactory and the execution thereof is here~y ratified and affirmed, Commissioner Bert Stone seconded said resolution and upon vote it carried unanimously, whereupon it is duly wxecµted:. by the Chairman and attested to by the Auditor. Attest: s. B, Johns·on Auditor. Henry Sieling Chairman of Board, otter Tail County. RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COW:IISSIONE?.S. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, 1.HNURSOTJ.i., BE TT R~SOLVF.!l, that contractors on Federal Aid Secondary Highway Projects in otter ~~\l crounty be required to P~V not less than minimum wa~e rates required by the Department _of Highways on1 contracts in this county. Adopted this 9th day of December, 1952. Attest: s. B, Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Henry ~ieling Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:. Whereas, this Board has previously contracted with Obert Wold for construction of dounty Gravelling Job No, 18 at Vining, and Whereas, same has been completed and ac·cepted by the Board, Now, therefore, Be it Resolved, that the Chairman of the Board and the county Auditor be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said Obert Wold a warrant in the sum of $1498,71, being the balance due on said contract. on Adopted December 9, 1952, ' Henry Sieling Chairman.· Attest: s. B. Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,V the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, rnnnesota: Whereas, this Board has previously contracted with Dependable Surfacing Co, for bituminous surfacing 1, C,P, 52:50 B 2, C,P, 52:0l B-P 3. C,P, 52:27 » And the same· having been completed and accepted by the county" Board and certificate of approval of the engineer ·being on file with the County Auditor. Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the County Board and the County Auditor be and they hereby are authorized to issue to said Dependable Surfacing Co, warrants as follows: 1, $2,572.15; 2, $1,783,86; 3, $844,58, being the balances due on said contracts •• Adopted Dec. 9, 1952, Attest: s. B, Johnson Ol·erk, The following resolution was adopted : • Henry Sieling Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county Oommissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has previously contracted with the !{Oen Truck Equipment, Inc. for -one Inter- national truck, and Whereas, the same has been delivered and accepted by this Bomrd, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the County "Board and the Cou-nty Auditor be and they hereby are authorized to issue to the said Moen Truck E'!uipment, Inc. a warrant in the sum of $3598,27, being the contract price. Adopted Dec. 9, 1952. Attest: S, B, Johnson Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Henr.v Sieling Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board •has previously contracted w~th Arnold Bengtson for installing heating unit in the county garage at Perham, e.nd COMMISSIONERS RECORD N; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-·························l>.e.c: .•... i .................................... 19 .... 5.:, Whereas, the same has been completed and accepted by this Board. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board that the chairman of the County Board and the County Auditor be and they hereby are quthorized to issue to Arnold Bengtson a warrant in the sum of $975,00, being the contract price, Adopted Dec. 9, 1952. Attest: s. B. ,Tohneon · Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Henry Sieling Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has ·previously contracted with c. L, Stodolka for bituminous surfacing on C,P, 52:05 B-PP, Whereas. the same has been completed and accepted by this Board, Now. therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the county Board and the County Auditor be and they hereby are ~uthorized ti issue to said c. L, Stodolka a warrant on the Special Road and Bridge Con- struction 1>und in the sum of ~2.004,93, being the balance due, Adopted Dec. 9, 1952. Attest: S. B, Johnson Clerk. Henry s·ieling Chairman commissioner George Hanson introduced the following resolution.and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION TO CORRECT LEGAL TITLE BY CONVEYANCE dated October 9, 1952 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Otter Tail Count.v. !"1.nnesota, on October 28, 1952, in Book 298 of Deeds on Page l Hane 14, Froslee. and ·Ruth Froelee. husband and wife. conveyed to the County of Otter Tail the following described real estate sit- uate in Otter Tail County, to·;.wit: A tract of land lying in the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter (SE¼ NW¼), Section 12. Tl32N-R39W •• described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the right of way of Kimball Street and May Avenue of the Orig-inal town site of Vining; thence continuing So11theasterly on the East line of May Avenue for a distance of 300,02feet; thence running Southwesterly and parallel with the South line of Kimball Street for 1098,0 feet to the East line of Lund Avenue; thence Northwesterly 300,0 feet along the East line of Lund Avenue to the South line of Kimball Streetl thence Northeasterly along the South line of Kimball Street for a distance of 1098,0 feet to the point of beginning. containing approximately 7.55 acres. That said real estate includes a small tract of land not owned by Hane M, Froslee, and Ruth Froelee, husband and wife, and such conveyance will cause a defect in the title of Emma P, Peterson. and John M, Peterson, husband and wife, who own said small tract unless it is corrected. BE. IT lmEREFORE resolved b.v the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. rnnnesota that its chairman and County Auditor of otter Tail County shall forthwith make. sign, execute and deliver to Emma p, "Peterson, and ,John J,I, "J?eterson as Joint Tenants, a quit Claim Deed to th·e follo1ving described · tract of land situate in Otter Tail county, Minnesota, to-wit: A tract of land lying in the Northeast quarter of the southwest quarter (NE¼ SW¼) Section 12, Tl32N-R39W, described as follows: · Beginning at East line of Lund tance of 67 feet; of 119 feet where along the quarter the intersection of· the East and West quarter line of Section 12, Tl32N-R39W and the Avenue; thence continuing southeasterly along the east line of Lund Avenue for a die- thence Northeasterly and parallel to the South line of Kimball Street for a distance same intersects the East and West quarter line of Section 12. Tl32N-R39W; thence West line to point of beginning. Containing 0,09 acres, more or less. Such deed shall be delivered forthwith without any consideration therefore so that any error occur- ring herein may be coriected, Attest: s. B, Johnson County Audi tor Henry Sieling Chairman of Board of County Commissioners The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by commissioner Bert Stone and on vote being taken the following Commissioners voted in favor thereof: George Hanson, Bert Stone, c. A, Snowberg, &: Bennie J, Johnson and the following voted against·: None, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed, and was signed and attested by the ehairman and Auditor. Commissioner C,A,Snowberg introduced the followinB resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING ~XEC'TTTON AND DELIVERY o~ RELOCATION AGR~TIJMENT AND QU"IT CLAIM Dli!ED TO TFE UNIT~D STAT~S GOVERNMENT. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota, that the re- location aBreement of that Portion of State Aid Road No, 2 along the quarter line, of Section Thirty-five (35), Township One T-Tundred Thirt.v-two (132) North, Range Forty-four (41) WP.st, Otter Tail County, Minne- ----'-------·---------=======----=---COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... ••-··-·······'Dec .•... 9 • ................................ 19 52 aota between the United States Government and Otter Tail County is in all things fair, just and proper and the Chairman nf this Board and the county Auditor are hereby authorized anddirected to execute and deliver to the Un~ted States such relocation agreement on behalf of otter TailCounty. BE IT FURTHER resolved that the certain Quit Claim Deed from the county of otter Tail to the United States of America of all the County rights and interests in and to the land traversed by said State Aid Road on the Orwell Dam Project is likewise in all things fair, just and proper and the Chairman of this Board and the county Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the United States such Quit Claim 'Deed on behalf of Otter Tail County. Attest: s. B. Johnson count.I/ Audi tor December 9, 1952 Henry Sieling Chairman of Board of ~County commissioners The motion :f'or the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded b,1/ Commissioner Bennie J. Johnson, and on vote being taken the following Commissioners voted in favor thereof: c. A. Snowberg, Bennie ;r. Johnson, George llanson 'I: Bert stone and the follovting voted against: None, whereupon· said resolution was declared duly passed, and was signed and attested by the Chairman and Auditor. The Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M,, Wednesday, December 10, 1952. WEDNESJ?AY'S SESSION, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M. Wednesday, December 10, 1952, all members being present. The matter of the appointment of County Supervisor of Assessments was taken up for action, and after thorough discussion John r,, Bixby of Fergus Falls, was appointed supervisor of Assessments for the four-year term beginning January 1, 1953, The following bills were allowed: J. 'c. Henkes . DO Iii, c. Lee Jomes M, Hansen Ral°ph Rosenberg Carl Jahn r.ouise Standahl DO Mabel Wens-trom H, w. Glorvigen DO Frank ·c. Barnes Dr. C, J. Lund NW Publishing co. Fergus Journal co. Hi~tgen-Karst Johnson Drugs National Market Reports, Inc. R, c. Anderson Well 'I: Pump co. Fergus Glass 'I: Paint co. Miller-Davis Co, Poucher Prtg, & Lithe. co. Holten Hdwe, Co, Burroughs Add, Mche. Co, Ugeblad Publ. Co, Nelson Bros. Prtg, Co, Security Blank Book & Prtg. co. Poucher Printing 'I: Litho. co. Addressograph-Multigraph corp. Lightfoot's Shop \7estern Union N, W, Bell Telephone Co, Do DO National Sheriff's Assn. south Mill Standard Service Winther Lumber & Fuel Center Dorsey, Colman, Barker, Scott & Barber Bertha Stortroen Joe Rayner Joseph Rayner Perham Telephone co. Ann Jordan Esther G, Sell Do Ann Jordan Do Esther G. Sell Walters. Booth~ Son ijgeblad Publ, co. Philip M, ~jaglien Do Straub Estate City of Fergus Falls N, W, Bell Tel. Co, Miller's Hdwe. Victor ·G. Lundeen & co. Fergus Specialties ao. Boarding prisoners sheriff's expense Dep. sheriff's exp. DO Do Do expenses postage, Supt. of Schools mileage exp. drivers licenses postage municipal judge's fees coroner's fees tax notices printing supplies DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO repairs Do etc. service mobile service long distance calls calls insurance & directory gasoline coal bond expense clerk dep. sheriff's exp. Do service 'I: toll nurse's expenses DO postage DO slil.pplies DO Do letterheads postage, etc. mileage rent· water & light long distance calla supplies DO DO $ 216.50 55,07 144.05 32.15 6.40 144.50 34.88 48.50 20,13 11.35 75.00 65.00 29.13 3.36 3.00 2.20 22.59 5.00 3.20 13.25 40,37 8.20 34.69 .72 66.00 143.79 97.34 6.52 25.25 13.00 18.72 82.75 46.30 16.00 60,50 1.18 724.99 500,00 98.00 46.90 45,00 7.35 89.51 68.01 3.42 4.34 2,30 1.00 4.29 19.50 5.40 61.18 50,00 6.32 17.45 3.75 7,90 .90 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, -OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Victor Lun~een ~-co. Glen Lake Sanatorium Minn. State sanatorium City of Fergus Falls Village of Perham DO Blowers Twp. :i:lo City of Fergus Falls A. B. Kilde co. Vernie Jacobson M. A. 10.eiss Ehnbom Motor co. Christianson Welding Shop C.H. Bjorklund gody Shop wm. Galena & Son Lake Region Motor co. Stanley 111oe Resset Bros. Bennie Rossum crow Motors Larson Bros. National Bushing&: Parts co. Urbank Garage Walt's Repair Shop Farmers co-op creamery Assn. Fossen Oil co. Bill's service station Tobin Oil Co. Service Oil co. Bengtson Oil co. Park Region Oil co. Art's Service station Rarthuri & Peterson Oil Co. Service Oil Co. Henning Oil co. consumers Oil co., B.L, Baas ·on co. consumers Co-op Oil co., Inc. Bill Nelson Oil Co, Hagge 011 co. Ander·son &: Sandberg 011 Oo. Penrose Oil co, Erhard Oil do. Nicols, Dean & Gregg Local Gas Co. Lampert Lumber Co, L, J, Sand Welter Bros. xnutilla Implement co. coast-to-coast Store, Henning Wilcox Lumber co. Verg~s Hardware co. Holten Hdwe. Renning Hdwe. co. Tesch Lumber Co, Larson Hdwe. Ebersviller Implement Co. Moore Hdwe, Coast-to-coast,store, P, R, Toft~ly Bros. Hdwe. Vergas Motor Service Mills Motors Skogmo Motors, Inc, Olson Auto Electtic Co, Y.inne's Inc. Les' Tire Service H. B, Dilly Fergus Falls Monument co. .Olso.n Hdwe. &: Furn. Co. The Carew warehouse Fergus Lumber & FUel co. Nyman Fuel co. Dalton Lumber co. Y.raemer Elevator The Utility Feed Mill, Inc. The Farmers Supply co. Fred A, Everts Village of Deer Creek Village of Henning Minn. State Highway Dept. Vergas Telephone co. G, D, Harlow Harm Meester W, L, Potter George Olson Vernon Onstad Leon Hennagir A,W. co., Ino. of Minn. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Cummins Diesel Sales corp. Minn. F,W,D, Co. DATE ................................ .-.... nec ..... 9., ............................. J9 __ 52 desk 'I: .supplies care of oatient care of ~etients care o:f transient care of poor, 1951 DO 1950 care of transient care of poor, 1952 poor expense repairs DO , ;., .. DO DO DO Do DO Do DO DO DO Do DO DO repairs~ gasoline Do gasoline DO DO DO DO Do DO DO DO DO DO Do etc. no Do gasoline, tires, etc. diesel fuel Do Do fuel oil supplies Do Do Do Do Do Do no Do Do Do DO Do Do DO Do Do repairs DO Do Do DO tire 'I: tube tire -'I: tube blastinit signs d,vnami te coal DO DO DO DO DO Do Do etc. garage rental DO testing service Sc toll expenses DO Do 1'0 Do cash advanced parts DO DO DO poor .. R &: B 96.54 478,OO. 207.99 1082.15 3.29 387 .11 255,32 231.61 301.72 2156.34 40,03 63.OO 48.60 9,90 1,50 20,35 18.20 34.78 4,00 40.05 46.25 13.65 18.62 14.00 19.94 45.06 202,84 48.41 34.15 108,50 30,74 51.90 53.21 47.68 81.75 53.43 48,77 83.15 171,36 100,68 333.66 949,59 29.80 81.58 156.60 i29.4O 70.45 9.91 2.75 6,65 6,67 6.95 20.39 61,38 23.44 22,59 23.68 19,83 13,90 3.35 4.22 6.20 29,85 54.63 60,83 98,23 616,13 25,56 8,00 37.50 20.00 39.52 58,13 17,25 28.25 8.20 33,93 45.70 83.21 210,00 275.29 29.89 20.40 11,15 37.10 114,10 11,75 75.88 12,79 1058,98 159.73 4,13 231,25 .. COMMISSIONERS RECORD-N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINN. Dec. 9, 52 ·• · IImiT12..lLTTr:TiilIT.f'.11'1TI' 'cl~~ Rosholt Equipment Co. Ruffridge-Johnson·~quipt. co. Geo· •. T. Ryan Co. wm. H. Ziegler ~o., Inc. Service Recorder co. stan•s Auto Body Shop Wichterman Tmpl. co. R. J. Schmidt A.H. Rauberg Henry Holmgren William Sauer A. B. Kilde co • ReBon Chevrolet co. C.H. Bjorklund Body Shop Jaenisch Industries· Empire supply co. Fergus Specialties co. Thelen Implement co. A. T. Herfindahl Midwest supply co. Armc9 Drainap.e ~ Metal Prod. co. Elk River Cone, Prod. co. American Paint corp. Vlil. of Dal ton Vill. of New York Uills Railway Exoress Agency, B.L. Raymond Bros. Motor Transp. co. Peavey Elevator p· oucher Prtg. & Lith.~. August A. Nevonen Clemence Hammer Chas. Fenske Wendell p. Huber . 1)0 N. W, Bell Telephone co. Heinola Telephone Co. N. w. Bell Telephone co. Midwest Telephone Co. N. w. Bell Telephone co. A. B. Carpenter tog Cabin Service Station Mills 011 Co. Paulson Tire Shop Dalton Oil co, Fergus 011 co. standard Oil co., Battle Lake D. A. Lubricant co., Inc. Mutual service casualty co. Dependable surfacing co. DO Grundstrom Implement Oscar RUde Magnus Pederson Baas 011 co. ~arold's Service station ~ob's Service Station R. K. Stahl co. Anderson Bros. Bldg. contractors Larson Bros. F@rgus Plumbing & Heating co. w. L. po.tter Obert Wold DO DO DATE .................. •····························-··-··························-·······19 ...... . parts 1)0 Do Do repairs DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO Do DO supplies DO Do 1)0 DO culverts DO paint garage rental DO express freight coal printed forms damages DO gravelling cash advanced expenses services & toll, B.L. service & toll 1)0 Do Do gasoline DO gasoline etc. Do ])O Do diesel fuel oil insurance premium bituminous DO repairs DO DO gasoline DO Do etc. hydraulic oil labor~ materials on garages at ~erham and Pelican Rapids material for Co. Ditch pipe for Co. Ditch cash advanced change floor drain material for garage install fuel tank Upon motion, the Board then adjourned without date. Attest: 535.12 221.70 981.06 550.07 20.15 43.54 17.11 22.25 1.50 18.25 2.50 7.50 16.25 32.90 14.50 73.87 7.25 6.63 69.04 40.90 615.00 1404.18 272.40 90.00 330.00 4.94 23.89 22.95 50.80 128.00 21.00 622.03 19.96 96.19 47.15 17.30 9.00 6.40 51.35 18.82 80.79 103.98 91.61 657.46 149.28 72.00 215.51 1.10 767.95 646.16 15.65 30.75 9.50 16.28 55.12 93.29 64,28 Bldg .Fd. 405. 25 Ditch 17.35 " 3·:40 " 6.70 Bldg. Fd. 165.00 142.81 " " " 167.25 Chairman.