HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1951Ottertail County Official Meetings 1951 ·COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OlTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..... ··················-··-···t~!°).~.~.!,Y. ........ _ .. _ .............. _ ....... l!IP 1 .. MillUTES OF REGULA!l l~TIUG OF TIIB 'BOARD OF ,rnuNTY C:OMMISSTO!JE~S OF OTTER TAIL co •• MUl!ll~SOTA. Pursuant to statute the Boa.rd met at 10 o'clock A. M. Jan. 2. 1951. :Present were commissioners Henry Sieling, George Hanson, Bert Stone end c. A. Snowberg. Commissioner-elect Bennie J. Johnson filed his oath of' office and took his seat with the 'Board. The meeting was called to order by the County Auditor who stated that the tirst business was the election of the chairman f'or the year 1951. Upon motion, 'Bert stone was elected chairman. Upon motion, Kenry Sieling was elected vice-chairman f'or the year 1951. County Agent A, M. Booren and County Home Ar,:ent F.uth Gustavson, County Jlome Agent f'or East Otter Tail county presented to the -qoe rd re!)orts for the pe!'iOd from Oct. 1, 1949 to Oct. 1, 1950. county M?ent Carl R, Gustafson and Judith Jiord, County Pome Agent for West otter Tail county, presented reports for the calendar year 1950. Fay L. Botts, 4/R Club Agent, lJresented report for ti1e calendar .,ear 1950. Upon motion, these reports were approved and filed. 1·1ith the County Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o! County commissioners of Otter Tail county, Uinnesota: That a cornmittee o:1' three. consisting of' the Chairman o:1' the :aoard and two members o:1' the BOH1rd, to be appointed hy the Chairman, to pruchase all f'nrni ture and s11pplies excepting books, blankR, and stationery needed for the Court House and Jail dn:r,in!,l the year 1951,and provide r.or such repairs as may become an immediate necessity, Adopted J,m. 2, 1951. Bert Stone chairman. Attest: William Lincoln er • The Chairman ·a1,1pointed Commissioners Ranson and Sieling as his associates on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o~ Coutlt,v Commiss loners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman and two members of the Board to be selected by the Chairman, be appointed to have charge of the Court House and Jail and grounds fo:r, the .vear 1951. Adopted Jan. 2, 1951. 'lert Stone Chairmen. Attest: Williar.i I,inooln er. The Chairman appointed Commissioners SnowbP.rg and ,lohns::n as his associates on this committee. The following resolution ;•,as adop;ted: Resolved by the Board of Count.v CornmissionP.rs of ottP.r Tall county, Minnesc.ta: That under urovisions of. Section 2154 of the Revised I,a•r.s of M.lnnesota for 1905, Dr, C, A. Boline, a resident ·ph_ysi~iam of said county, ana Ccunt,v Commissioners SiP.ling and Snowberg, member of this Board, be 11ncl thP. samP. hereby are aopointPd to constitute s t:-ount.v Boarci of liealtil of said Count,v for the year 1951. Adop_ted Jan. 2, 1951. Bert st .. ne chairman. Attest: V/illiam Lincoln Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of' county commissioners of' otter Tail r::ounty, Minnesota: That. the r:ounty Comml.ssioner of his respective di.strict, namely Henr.v Sieling, the 'First District; Bennie .7. Johnson the second nis-t:rlct · Georl!P. Hanson, the Third District; Bert Stone, the Fourth District; and c. i. snowberp:, the 'Fifth District, be and they hereby are each appointed Superi1:1tentlent of Poor of his said d.istrict with au-t:hor.i ty to act in rel at ion to the care and support cf non-res id P.nt pe.upers, and to receive applications for relief or sup·port b~' or for any reason in his district as prov.ided by Chapter 15, P.ovised La.we of 1905. Adopted Jan. 2, 1951. '3ert stone r.fiairman Attest: William J,incoln r::1erk. -;i. l, 0 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... Je.nuu1•y ·······································19.?..! .. The i'ollo,:inr, resolution Y!SS adopted: ReRolveo b.l" the Doe.rd of r.ounty Commiss!.oners of Otter Tail count.1•. ivlinneoote.: That the following dates are hereby fixed for meetings of the Co1mty Board during the Year 1951: 9!he aec:oncl '!'uesda,v in Februar,v, March, April, Me..v, June, Ane:ust, September, October, Uov. and Dec, Adopted Je.n. 2, 1951, Bert st,rne Attest: Ylillie.m Lincoln clerk. The following resolution was e.do-pted: Resolved by the ·soe.r.d of coant;r commission<:!?'!l of otter Tail county, Minnesota: That under the provisions of Chapter 200 :r.a1·1s oi' Minnesota for 194~, the County shall pay e. 1>om1ty of $5.00 for ea,:h full-grown red or gra.v fox killed in said County and ,;3.00 for eac:h cub red or gray fox· killed in said count:r from J81!1:uary 1, 1951 to December :n, l!J51; payment to be me.de on v,arrant of the county Auditor after oom!)liam:e by the claimant ;•1ith all provisions of said law. Adopted Jan. 2, 1951. Bert Stone Chairman Attest: \7illiam Linooln Clerk, The following resolution vras adopted: Resolved b.v the Board of count.1• Commissioners cf Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the siu:i of t"ive cents be paid out of the Revenue ru-nd cif the· Count,\' for every pocket gopher and wooncr.uc:k killed in said count.v during the months of ~.pril, Ma.v, ,iune and July, l!J5~. in caRes where the towhships in which pocket gophers and woodc:hnclcs are so killed shall provide for the payment of en add it ionol bount~• of :f. ive cents for eac:h pocket gophe?" o.nd woodchuck so k:i!lled. Reeo),ved further that payment for suc:h bounty shall be made or the County Auditor upon certificat<>s executed by the Chairman of the Town Board of said Townships setting forth that the pooket gopher or ~,oodchucks were killed within the said townships during the so.id months, and that both :fromt feet of such pool:et gophers or woocchuoks vtere duly presented to tile Chair:nan of such board and that the towhship has issuer. and delive:?.'ed to each claimant a town ordP.r for ten cents for each pockPt gopher or ~toodchuck so killed. Adopted Jen•, 2, 1951. Attest: William Lincoln c.1erk, The following resolution.was adopted: 13ert Stone Chairman Resolved by ti,c Board of county Commissione1·s of Otter Tail Co;mty, Minnesota: That the sum of not less than $250.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of tl~e County Revenue Fund of said county for Otter Tail County exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair for 1951 and the County Auditor and Chnirman of the Board are direoted to issue e. warrant for said amount in favor of Clarence C, Mielke. Adopted Jan. 2, 1951. Bert Stone Cho.1rman Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln C.1eric The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the '8oard of County Commissioners of otter Tail cou.nty, Minnesota: l'lheree.s, Chapter 142, r.11v1s of 1921, Mason's Minnesota Statutes Hi27, Sec, 671 end Minnesota Statutes l!l•U, Seo. 375.30 provides ways end means for the control and eTndication of rust-produoing barberry, the rollowing resolut.lon was adopted: '8e it hcreb.v resolved, that t50.00 be op!lropriat<>d b.y the "loord of co,mt,\• com,,lssi.oners o~ Otter Tall County :P.or the ourpose of erailicatin~ and rP.movinr. rnst-·producing bushes and that a bount,v of $3.00 be offereil for tlrn. location of barberry bush or bushes on eaoh ·pro1JP.rty-sub iec:t to thP. nrovisions as set for th by the 'Be.rherry Of·fioe, Univers i. t.v ll'arm, st. naul, Minnesota', on' file·· in the ofUoe oi: the count.v Auditor, Ferr.us Falls, Minnesota. jdopted Jan. 2, 1951. Attest: William Lincoln Bert Stone Clerk. Chai1•man. II. ·COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................................... .lH.!1.1HUY ·············-·······l951 .. The following resolution wo.s adopted: Resolved b.v thl! Board o·r County commissioners o-r Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the sttm of $40.00 pl!r month be and the same hercb., .ls allowed for clerical work in the effice of the County Attorney -from January 1, 1951, so.me to be paid at the close of each month on warrant of the Count.v Audi tor from the ~evenue Fund o!' the Coun t.v. Adopted Jan. 2, 1951. 3ert. Stone Chairman. Attest: V/illia.m Lincoln C er .. The following resolution vtas adopted: Resolver, by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Co1mty, Minne sots.: That the following amounts are hereby set aside for clerk hire for the calendar year 1951 in the several county offices to-wit: Auditor ••.•••••••••••••••••.•••.•••.••••••••• S 7800.00 Treasurer ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. -"'70"'0"'0..-,..,o"o.--- Regi st er oi' Deeds............................ 9000.-.00 Clerk of Court............................... 2100.00 in addition to· $1500.00 allowed by special law. Probate Court •••••••••••••.•••••.•••..••••••• in addition to $3b00.00 authorized by special law. supervisor •••••••.•••••••••••.•.•.••••.•••••• Deputy •••••.•••••••••••••••.•....••.••..•••••• Clerk •••••••••••••••••.••.••• , ••.•••••••.•••• count.v Veterans' Service Of-floe.Salaries etc. First Assist. Co.supt. of Schools A 250.00 ~er Office Assistant$ 165.00 per month. Adopted Jan. 2, 1951. 700.00 3200.00 2500.00 1900.00 Booo.oo month. 3ert Stone chairman Attest: William Lincoln clerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolved. •by th!l Board of County Commiss.ioners of otter Tail County. Minnesota: That Dr. A, ,1, Lewis of Henning be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Otter Tail County Tuberculosis sanatorium Boo.rd for the term endine Jan. 1, 1954. Adopted Jan. 2, 1951, !3ert Stone chairman Attest: A plat of Fossen woods in Sec. 5, Town of Dane Prairie, was approved by the Board. The question o-r allowances to townships for road construotion was fully discussed and, after full consideration, upon motion, it was ordered that the following amounts be allowed to townships out of the connty road and l)rid!!e fund: Townships voting town road and bridp:e levies from 10 mills up but less than 15 mills, $100,00; those voting from 15 rn.llls up but less than 20 mills, $200.00; those voting 20 mills, $300.00, Dance permit ancl al.so ciga.rP.tte license ·fc,r the .vear 1951 were granted to Oliver Gravley at ti1e Club in Sec. 23, To"l'n of Inman. Cigarette licensP.s for 1951 ,·,ere granted to Arnold Evenson, Western Store; Gisle M, Frosetb, Pleasure Park ~eRort, Town of Otter Tail; Lester B, Mischke. oil station, Town of Uewton; Jack llagensiclr, resort, Tov.'TI. of Girard, 11.nd F. L, Rairdln, store, Town or Inman. Dance permit for the year 1951 was granted to Clarence s. Jensen o.t Glass Bar, Town of G i r11.rd. The following resolutlon was adopted: Resolved by the Boarci of Cottnty commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under·the provisions of section 739 General statutes for 1~32, the sum of $100.00 be and the same hereby ia o.ppropriateci out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red River Valley Development Association, said amount so appropriated to be used in payment of ·premiums to exhibitors for the year 195 Adopted Jan. 2, 1951. Bert stone Chairman Attest: l'lil l.lam Lincoln cierk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................ J.anu.a.ry ..................................... 19.~.! .. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. A{. Jan. 3, 1951. Pursuant to adjo11rnment the Board !)resent. The retition of Wm, Wallace to be County v1as tak,m up for final action. of Schools and no one being present to issued the follow.lng order to-wit: WEDNESDAY' S SESS IOU met at 10 o'clock A,il,. ;·1edncsday, ,Jan.3,1951, all members being set off from Dist, 2G9 of otter Tail County to"Dist. 25 of Bec~er After listening to the p'etitioner and thP. County Superintend,mt oprose the petition, upon motion, it was granted and the 'Soard Whereas, The petition of. William \'la.llaoe a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No 269 of otter Tail County, representln~ that he is the owner of the lands h~reinafter described, which are situate in said School Distrl.ct, and ad.join School District No 25 of necker Connty and: asking that he vti th his said lands may .be set off from soid district No. 269 Otter Tail Count,y to said Ad ,jo ininr. scho, 1 district Ho, 25 Becker Count!' v10.s prP.sented to the Board o-J'. county Commissioners of this County at o. ,. session of' said board hP.ld on the 14th da.v of )lovember .. 4., D,, l\150 for thP. act.ion of' said board thereon; and v1hereas it was thereupon ordered by so.id board that a hear in{! should be had on said pet it ioa, at a session of said board on the 3rd da~• of ,January A, D,, 1951 at the County Auditor's office in the CLt,v of Fergus Falls in said County; o.nd whereas it was further ordP.recl in and by said order tho.t notice of the time and plaoe of such hell.ring be iziven uy posting copies of said order in thrP.e publi.c places in eacl of the school districts to be affP.cted by sa.id petition, ami b,\' ma.ilinp. to the clerk of each of said School Districts. a copy o.f said 01·der at least ten days before the time appointed for such heo.rin!?: and wherP.as at thP. snid session of the se.ld ~oard of Co1mt,y Comr.iissioners on said 3rd day of January A. D,, 1951 due ·proo~ of the oosting and ser;-ice ot said order of h!!ari.ng o.s therP.in directed and required, more than ten doss prior to snid last na..,ed date, hav.ing heen mndP. and filP.d, said petition ~ms !)ublicly read and considered b,y the Board, with everythini;? which was !J!l.i.d by said interested [)arties fer or agains granting the prayer of the !)et it ioner, and said 'Board lJPing of opinion that said ·petition should be f.!rant1 cl it is hereb,v ordereii and determinPd, that the said petiti.oner and the following described lands o;·:ned b,v him, to-wit: SVI¼ of SE¼&: st o:f' SVI¼ in Section 31 Tovmship 138 Range 40 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District Ne. 26\1 of Otter Tall Count,v to so.id ad,join- lng School District No, 25 of Beaker County !l.nd said lands are hereby ,nake a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, By order of the :aoard of county commissioners. Doted the 3rd day of Janu!l.ry .. 4., D,, Hl51. (Auditor's Seal) Bert Stone Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail cou.nty. Minn. Attest: William Lincoln r,ount.v Auditor. and ex-off.tclo clerk of Board. The petition of Geo, ,1. Strauch, fr. to be set over from Dist. 260 to Dist. 274 was tal:en up for fi.ml action. After listening to the County SuperintendP.nt of Schools and no one appearing in O[)position to the petition, upon motion, it wns granted o.nd the 'Board issued the following order to-1vi t: Whereas, The petition of CP.o. ,J. Strauch, ,1r, a·legnl voter, freeholder and resident o:.I' School District No. 260 in this count,y, representing that he is the owner of the lands herei.naner described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 274 and asking that he with his so.id lands may be set off ·from !'laid district No. 260 to snid s.djoininp: school district no 271 W!l.S presented to the Board of county commissioners of this l)onnt.v ot a session of said board held on thP. 15th clo,v of r,ro,·ember A,D., H'1i0 :for the 11ction o'f. said beard· therPon; ar.d whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearinr, □hould be had on said petition, at a session o~ said board on the 3rd da,1• of .:ionue.ry a. D,. 1951 at the Connt,v Auditor's of.,.ice in ti:P. ~ity of io'erirns Falls in said Ccunty; and whereas it v10.s further ordered in and by said orcl':!r tho.1: nctice of the time and place o~ such hearing begiven by po3~i~I!'. copies of said order in threP. puhlic places i.n each of the school distridts to be aff- ectec.' b,v said petition, and b,r mailil'J{!. to the clerk c·" each of se.ici School Districts, a cop,v ot suid ordei al: leo.st ten days before the time appointed for such heurinf-; und whereas at the said session of the said Board. of County Commiss io1.ers on said 3rd da,y of January A:, D,, 1951 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein dd!rected and required, more than ten days ~rior to said last named date, ~~ying been made '!-:'ll file~, said petition ·11as publicly read and oonsidered by t·he Board, with everyt1u.ng which was said by su1d interested parties for or o.go.inst grunting the prayer of the petitioner, a!1d said Bo~rd be ~ng of opinion that said petition should be grw1ted, it is hereby o•rdered and determined, tnat the saLd petitioner and the fol.lowing described lands ovmed by him, to-wit: Lot 2 except R,v R, of V,. in Section 28 Township 1:~6R11nge 40 be and the same o.re hereby set off from said School District Mo. 260 to sold ad,join.ln13 School District No. 274 enn said lands are hereby ma.de a part of' said le.st. named School District for all purposes whateve?. B,v order of the Board of r~ount,y Commissioners. Dated thP. 3rd. day cf ,January A, D,, 1951. (Auditor's Seal) Bert Stone Chairman of the Board of County commissioners of otter Tail County, Mil'l.n, AttP.st: Vlllliam Lincoln County Auaitor, and ex-ofticlo Clerk of Board. u ·- COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER ·TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................ J@JJ.g..!!-.r.Y. .. : · .............................. .19 51. The petition·of Leonardo. Johnson to set over the NE¼ sw+. the S\'1¼ S~· and the SE¼ SW¼ all in sec. 36. Township 138. Range 42. in Becker county from school Dist. No. 23 of Tlecker County to ,1oint Sci!ool District No. 1 of Otter Tail anc. '9ecker CountiP.S was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had nt the session of the Boord to be held Mar. 14. 1951 at 10 o'clock A. J,,J. in the Commisaio - ers' Room in the Counrt Fouse at Fergus 'Falls. and that d 11e not ice of the time and place of a aid hearing be ~iven aa required by law. The petition of Arthur 1-!aase to set orr. the s½ SW¼ of Sec. 28. Town of Deer creek. from sbhool Dist. 101 to school Dist. Ho. 38 was read and it •.voa ordered that n hearing on said petition be had et the session of the Board to be held Mar. 14. 1951 at 10 o'clock a. M. in the Commissioners' Room in the court House at Fergus Falls. end that due notice of the tirne and place of said hearing be given as re- quired by law. The appl.lcntion of Norman "3e.l:er for cancellation of assessment for stru.ctu.res for the year 1949 on Lots 22 and 23, Fi.rat Addition to Aup.ustans '9each, to thP. rrownship of. Amor. on the ground no structures existed on S!lid lots was read and the Boe.rd recomm1mded to the Commissioner o:~ Taxation that said assess- ment for structures be cancelled and the assessed velne be reduced from $254.00 to $74.00 end the taxes ~rorn ~25.90 to t7.54. The application of Wilshusen Motor Co. for reduction of personal tlx for 1950 on motor vehicles in the ~ity of Fergus Falls upon which 1950 licenses were issued was read end the Board recomlflended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of personal property of said company be red11ced from $3965.00 to $3620.00 and the taxes from $685.47 to $625.82. The application of Truman Motors for reduct.ion of personal tax for 1950 on motor vehicles in the Ci. ty of Fergus Falls upon which l~fiO lioenses were issued was read end the Board reoommended to the commi - sioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said motor vei1ioles be reduced from $1873.00 to $1474.00 end the taxes from $323.AO to $254.85. The appllcotlon of J. D. Kinne !or reduction of nssessment on motor vehicles in the City of Fergus Falls :l'or the year 1950 listed in the name of Hoff and I:innP.. upon which 1950 licenses were issued was read !ll'ld the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation the.t the assessed value o·l' said motor vehicles be reduced :from $11,877,00 to ~9796.00 end the taxes from $2053.30 to $1693.54. · ThP. ~O!lrd ap·proved the bonds of the 1'olJ.owinr-count,v of-J'.icers and deputies •. said bonds being issued by the Anohor Casualty Oo. in the fol.lowing amounts: ,eter M. Ree. treasurer •••.••••••....••••.••••• e35,000.00 William Lincoln, ~1ditor ..•••••••••.••••.•••••• 5,000.00 Norman Nunn, Register of Deeds................. 5,000.00 liorman Hunn. ReBiBtrar of Titles............... 1.000.00 J. C. ¥.enkes, Sheriff.......................... 5.000.00 Betty Johnson, Deputy Tre!lsurer................ 5,000.00 Fred M, Syck, Deputy Treasurer ••.•••••••••••..•• 1.000.00 S. B. Johnson. Deputy A.nditor .................. 1,000.00 Evelace Gerberg. Dep11t,v Register of Deeds...... 2,000.00 Evelaoe Gnrberg. Deputy Ref:iRtri;.r of Titles .... 1,000.00 Owen v. Thompson, Attorney ..................... 1.000.00 Paul c. Phillips. Surveyor..................... 500.00 r.arl Lund. Coroner. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1,000.00 Herbert L. Allen, Snpervi.sor of As~essments.... 500.00 Bids for public printinB to be paid for by the county for the year 1951 es advertised for by the Board were opened and found to be as follows: ~elioen R!lpids Press offered to publish the list of real property for Otter Tail County for the year 1949 upon which taxes remained delin1uent on the first Monday in ~anuary 1951 at legal rates; The Perham Enterprise-Bulletin offered to publish the statement of re- ceipts and expenditures of the county ·f'or the calendar .vear 1950 et legal rates; The Henning Advocate offered to publish the statement of receipts and expe?Jditures of' the county for the calendar year l!l50 at legal rutes; The ::.;'ergus Joarnal Co. o:f~ered to publish the minutes c,f the meetings of the Board of Count,v Commissioners including regular and special sessions held as the Board of EqualizQ,tion and 1vhile considering matters pertaining to ditches dnring the ye&.r 1951 in the dally Journal et legal rates end al3o to publish such not.lees as are p11blished in the paper ciesigneted as the of~icial paper in the daily ,1ournal et rates specified b.y-law. Upon motion. all these bids werP. accepted. The following resolution vras adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail Count~.•. Minnesota: That the Pelican Rapida l?ress be and the same is hereb,v designated as the newspaper in which shall he ~orinted the list of lands in Otter •rail count,v upon which taxes became delinquent on the :first Monday in .:ranuar,v 1951. Resolved fnrthP.r that publishers of said newspaper be required to furnish a surety bond in the sum o·l' t2,ooo.oo for the :feith.ful perr.orme.nce of said publicr,t i.on. Adopted Jan. 3. 1951. Bert stone Chairman. Attest: Vfilliam Lincoln ~ ~ler!i:. (f(. 1 ~_0 ~! .56-i~111 111~ th ~~7Av~uf ~----~~~~ Qt ter Tai 1 Co1mty At e. duly authoriz·ed meeting of the Ville.fie counc.ll of Rothsay. Minnesota, the :following resolution was moved and adopted: R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS Lewer street from Trunk Highway ./F52 to East City Limits within said Village has heretofore COMMISSIONERS RECORD· N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. _ .. :ranuar,v ......................................... 19 .. ?..~. been designated as state Aid Road uo. 3; End Wfl"A:R":AS the connt.v l3oerd of the r:onnt.v of Otter To.il is des irons of constructing, recomstructinr, and imoroving said st1i.te Aid Road No.3 through Rothsa,v. 11nd thronp.:h its count,v en1,tineer has prepared ol11ns for said ccnstructl.on. reconstrnction, and improvemernt. a copy of which plans arP. presented here- with and made a part of this resolution; and W.W::REAS the .construction, reconstruction and improvemP.nt o.f said State Aid Road No. 3 requires a change in grade of the streets in said Villaf,e of Rothsaf along and upon which said State Ain Road passess, said change of grade being designated 11nd shown on said plans; and WHi;:REAS it is to the best interests of said Village of Rothsay that Sil.id State Aid Road Ho. 3 be constructed. reconstructed and im1,n·oved throue:h said Village in accordance with said plans and u!)on the grade designated therein; and WF.F.RF.AS ns a part of the cons lderation of the construct icn, reconstruct ion and improvement ·of said state Aid Road tlo. 3 wlthin said Village the Cou.nty req11ires the assurance and covenant that the 'lill11r,e of Rothsay will not license or permit hereafter an.v encroachmP.nt of any nature, inQluding curb gas pumps or gas stations, or billboards, or other structurP.s of aey kind whatsoever within the extended limits of the right of way of said State Aid P.09d Nio ... 3. witb.i~ tJ:i.e gorp.9.,pitJ:..0 i i.!M 1;.§ .... 9J.Al~J.~ ... ull,age or Rothsay. as shown urion th" plnns hereto a1:teched; and'lifP.slriioI'~fm_~·~el:f'iiiTf1'iit~.L-lC hazards by eliminating a.n,v encroe.chmP.nts 1·thatsoever inclmling e:as pumpb or gas stations or billboartlsor other structures of any l:ind whatsoever, now or hereafter existing in or upon the said State Aid Road right of wa;v, and . 1"'FTF.P.":AS', the l3nreau of Public Roads requires as a condition !)recedP.nt their approval, in the int- erest o·J' public safety, that all parking of. vehicles on said Stete Aid Road be !)e.rallel with the curb and at lee.st 20 ·feet from en.v crosswalk .nt all )>u.hlic streP.tS intersectinr; so.in State Aid Road with in the corporate limits of said Village, and W'FIF:RF.AS, it is to the best interests of snid Village that nll parlting of vehicles be parallel to the curb; NOW, j'l,"":RJ':FORE. RT•: tT R"!SOLv1m, that said plans and specifications for the construct ion. rec ens t- ruc t ion and improvement of said State Aid Road throuflh so.lei Village, be an<,i the same il.P.reb,v .are approved, and said Village hereb,v consents to the chanp.e in grade o·f. the streets along which said State Aid Road passes, as shown in said ·plans, and 1'11': T'i' "'"~'!'"i'!~ ~":SOT,'l;::1), the.t said Vi llap;e does hereby nr-ree and covenant that it will never permit or suffer, l'tithin its corporate limi.ts,an.1, 1mcroach11P.nt o:-' ,in,y kl.no whatsoever, includinr, cnrh gas pumos and gas stations, bl.lll>oa,rds or other structures of any kinil whatsoever, irpoi'I the ·r'i:ght of··way o·f State ,Aid Road No. 3 as shown on said plans and that to the o.'1ove nnd said Village hereby ap:rees that i.t 1·till never issue an,v licensP., permit, or grant, or p,ive B'l,V leave or libert,v or any other consent of whatever form for the construution or maintenti.nce of ru1.v encroachment whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations, billbonrds or other structures of. an.v kirw:: whatsoever, upon said right of' way; and that said Village will cooperatP. insofar es possible to eliminate existinB encronuhments constituting traffic hazards end w.ill further take any necessary action to eliminate any encroachment that ma.;, hereafter exist on said State Aid Raod right of vtay, and ~F. IT FIJP.TH~R 2ESOL'IF.D, that said Village does hereby o.gree to require the parking of all vehicles on said state Aid Road to 'Je pa1·al.Lel with the curb and· at least 20 feet from any crosswalks on i:,.11 public streets intersP.cting said state Aid Road within the corporat~ limits of sain Villa~e. Dated at Rothsa,v, Minnesota, this 28th da,v ·of Dec, 1950. STATF. OF MTtHffiSO'l'A COUNTY OF otter Tail Villate of Rothsay ss. ___ v_i_l_l""a..._P.._P. ____ of ___ ""R;.;.o_t..;;h;.;s;_;ayc,:_ ___ _ BY Fred w. Peterson Me.var President Attest Carl&. l3rann ---..c,..l""e""'r"'k=------.R ... e_c,..•o,..r-o""e.,...r _____ _ !':ERTl:FICATE J do hereb,V CP.ti"l'.,v-that at a rerular meetinp.: (at a soecial meetin!!-of which nue and legal notice was f?lven) of thP Village Council of. 'Rothsay, Minnesota, on the 28th dn,v of Detiemher, 1950, at 1vilich a ma,1ority o-l: the members o·.r said Villep.e council were prP.sent, the rorep.:oing resolution was unani1J1011sly adopted. Given und,..r m.v hand end seal this 28th da,y of December, 1950 Cnrl A. ~raun CJ.P.rk ~ecorder U9on motion, the Oonnty 'floard made the following agreement: The County Boarcl of the County or Otter Tail Agrees to the reso:i.12tion as ,iassed by the Villo.~e Council of the Villae;e of Rothsay o.n the 2fith day of December, 1950, relative ,to the construction, reconstruction, and irnprov ement of State Aiii Rood tlo. 3 through the 'I illuge of Rothsay, Minnesota OTTF.R TAIL CO!nlTY BOA.'1.D OF CO!lu,i!SS[Ol·P!:RS Henr,v Sieling l3ennie ,1, .Johnson Geo. H11nson Attest: William Li.nooln -------;C;,.;o;.;;u.;.,fl~ti"'y:a;.;;.,lt,...u""'.c:1,...,.i,...,t-0-r--Carl A. Snowberg ,:;: Ill. ---·----------------COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................. J".an:uar..v: .................................. 1951 The following resolution was e.dopted: R1>;SOLIJTION '3Y T~~ BOARD OF CO'n!TY COM!H S~IOilY.:RS OTT~R TAIL COlJMTY. MrnT·'F.SOTA ~~ TT R~SOLYED, that the County Highway Engin~er be authorized to issue time checks for the purpose of salary payments to all maintenance employees, engineering emplpyees, construction employees, and for the rental of trucks and mowers necesso.r.v-for the m'linteno.nce of State Aid l!oads not to exceed $95,000, R!ld county Aid Roads not to exceed $160,000 for the year 1951. Adopted this 3rd. day of Januury, 1%1. Bert Stone Attest: Chairman_ }'tillia;n Lincoln clerk. The followinp. resolution was adopted: R?':SOLUTION. BY 'l't:i~ ~OA!lD OF C:OlT!ITY ~OMI.HSSIC'U~R8 ·OTTl-~R TAIL COHJ-ITY, MINlf=:SO'i'A B~ T'!' F.l'~Sfl•.VF,1, ti,at the County Hignway engineer be a.uthori1.ed to use ..:ount;; equipment and employees for emergency v10rk not on the County l'!ighv:ay System, this emergency work to consist of snowplowing ro.!l<is in cases of sickness and funerals. Adopted this 3rd. day of January, 1951. Bert Stone chan:rman AttP.st: William Lincoln clerk The following resolut i-on v,ns adopted: Be it Resolved by the Board of count.v commissioners .of th~ County of ('tter Tail of the State of !,!inn That lJecause of deterioration due to rain, snow, and usual spring climatic conditions the roads hereinafter descr.i.beci will lie sei:iousl.V damaged unless restrict ions are imposed as to ,veight of ,•ehicl':!S to be operated thereon. NOW, Tl:!ERF.FO:lF.: Ilo person shall operate any vehicle or oombino.tion of ,•ehioles upon an.1• of the county roads in tr.e Count,v of .Otter Tail a.nd State of Minnesota described e.s follows, to wit: State Aid Roads l,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,and 17 and count.v Aid Roads 24, 25, 26. 27, 28, 29. 30, 31 32, 3;5, 34, 35, 36, 37, 3A, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 0·1, 58, 59, 60, 61, Ii.rid 62. during the period from the 20th of March, 1951, to the 15th of ?,lay, 1951, where the p.ross weight on a.n:r sipgle axle as de.ained in Minnesoto. Statutes 1945 Sec. 169.133 exceeds three tons (6000 pounds) end the Engineer of said Count.1• is hereby directed and authorized to erect and r:ie.intaln signs ·plainly indioatinr, the p-rohibi tions ar,d restrictions alJove at each end Qf that portion cf any highway affected thereb,V, and these restricti ono shall be effective end tliis prohibition effective upon such erection o.nd maintenance of such signs. Bert stone Chairman of Otter Tail County Board Attest: William Lincoln Cl.erk __[ids for constructinr, part of CountJ· Aid P.oad No. 28 between Tl'unk Pighway #52 in Rothsay and north juncticm._ of county Aid Road f{o. 28 as advertised i'or by the Board we!·e opened by A. 0, Torgerson, repre- senting the state ui!!h"lfl.\' Com•nissioner and found tQ be as fcllow11: Ed. Zimmerman, $28,141.77; Alfred Evavold, $30,518.85; John Dieseth Co., $32,338.00; Don Gray, $32,446.64; Glen Feds, $38,637.46. Upon motlon, the ~card recommended to the Commissioner of ~ighways that the bid of F,d. Zimmerman be accepted. Upnn motion, the Anaitor WR.fl inst-rncted to ll.dvertise for the follm·:ing bids to be received until 10 o'clock A,M, Fe41:. 13, l\151; Item 1 -Lull Shovel Grader: Item 2 -Pneumatic: Tire Roller; Item 3 - Four Wheel Drive Truck with snow plow: Ttem 4 -Two 2 wheeled drive trucks; Item 5-one or more one way snow plows. Upon motion, the Auditor was also instrncted to advertise for bids to be received until li'eb. 13, 1951 at 10 o'clock A. JI!. for 1951 season's requirements of grader lJle.des, tires, tubes and batteries; also for &.11 types and sizes of portable culverts, bridgP. l:1mber and poling and also for the rentalof all types of construction equipment. !-l. i::. s1•1enson and F.. T. "Barnard presented to the "Board the financial report of the Ott er Tail County J:!ietorical Societ.1• Crom Nolf. 30, 1949 to Uo'1. 30, 1!)50 a.nd T!c'quested an appropriation l:'01· the .vear l!l!H, The followinr. r,.solution wo.s adopted: Resolved b,\' th"" "Roard of r:ount.v-commissioners of otter Tail Connt.11, Minnesota: Tnat the sum of :':1 000.00 be anci th"" same herPhy is appropri&.ted 011t of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Otter Te.ii county Historical Society for the year 1951. Adopted Jan. 3, l!l51 Bert Stone Attest: William Lincoln Chairman clerk I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................................• Januarx ..................... _ ....... 19.?..* .. The followinp: names were plaoed on the Grand and Petlt jury lists of the oonnty: Carl Selander Walter Tikksnen Vnce Drahman F.d • T,emkuhle Geo. Bauck H. ,l. ~a.ns1m Clarence Mielke Ray !'.:lein Ted Buechler Math Kremer Norb Shaskey Ed. Fisner Melvin Paavola i;:d Franklin Panl Fredrichs ,lohn Rintsala John wormas Henry Tenter i:renry Poss Van 'B. Trites Fred Quamme Herman Seeba John Femling Harmon Sillerud Francis tlelson Erick Grahn Orlando Olson Conrad Strinden Emil Bentrud Ed Peok, sr. Felix Vennerstrom Earold Sagerhorn ~!onn.v Tostenson William Luhning Otto ~ester Milton Minge James Hauck Herb 'Bengston Ed. Rams~, Jake Hendrickx Mrs. Mabel Schmidt Mrs. Alfred Wendt Mrs. Eo. Ziegler Mrs. Paul Matz Al. ~, Soland Mrs. Gust Gorentz Geo Strauch H, A. Diedrichs Wm. Seedorf Mrs. Ambrose Altstadt l'lalter Sielinp. Thf!O Matz Roald Rasmussen Carl Gropper Geo. 'Berg Ed. Walgren Mrs. Clara Ament Henry Rogp.enko.mp Reino Lappi !.!:rs. Lizzie Dorrow Martin Berringer Erick DustP.rhoff Adolph Quiram G, c. Eckert Oscar Kuhn Alex Dulski Mrs. G.E. Griffin Russ ,lacobson m.trt FankhanP.l John Harms Gilbert Antonson Niok Fieciler Theo. F jes tad Emil Olson Mrs. c.~. Gilmore Alfteci Svare Dayton Jacobson Artnur Trosvik Gilbert Olson Mrs. Amos sevP.rson A, ,1. Erickson Ole Brodalen Mrs. J,filo Stephson Ingram 11anson Mrs. Thomas Tabbnt Mrs.~. ~-Isaaoaon Edward Foman r,n-s. Orville Sorum GP.AND New York !Aills Villap,1! ,, " " " Perham Village ,. " .. " Vergas Village Rici1ville Village Bluffton Village Dent Village Lu.oe Perham Village Homestead Me~: York Mills Village Vergas Village Rush Lllke Otto Ne;·,ton Edna Lida .Moine Pelican Rapids Village Friberg Maplewood Trondh,iem Pelican Dunn Pelican Rapids Village Trondhjem Norwegian Grove Scambler Battle Lake Village Clitherall Village Vining 1Tillage Ottertail Village Underwood Village Dalton Vil19Be Paddock " Butler " Corliss " Gorman " Car;dor Dora ,, Edna Perham Pine LakP. " ,, Homestead Blowers " Bluffton Newton Otto R11sh J,ol~e Dead Lake " " star I,ake " " Perham Villaf:!e ,, " New vork Mills Vergas Vi llagf! DP.nt Village Uobart " Oscar Erhards Grove " " II H Trondhjem " Norwegian Grove Pelican Pel.lean Lida " Scambler Dunn Norwegian Grove Villar-e P":TTT .JtJP.Y \Villi am I,ei tch Cleo'n T. s.~•11:te Tom Flratv'lld r.:enneth E. !'?tmd Phillip Lundberg Leo JrIUiller Andrew Anderson Leonard Youne Ray r.:atzke w. A. Johnson Mrs. Clinton Tuhn George J. Kraemer Ben Koetohcl Leonard Zuehlke i:lenr,v Hardekopf A, T. Anderson Hue;h Cameron Bob Ftsher D, D, wood o.rd Mrs. \Vm. Wilkinson F.arl ,enrose Mrs. R. w. Herdman M, F,. Bergerud Henry l>e<ierson Harry Buran ?.Obert Molter Lorimer 'l'orgerson Albert Hexnm Albert G, Mobroten Andrew Rnnningen H, E. Swenson E. c. 'Beimer IV. s. .~enkins Ben Benson Ralph Sinner Swerid T,arson ,lUP.Y Urs, G. F. Knutson P.:. ,J. Henning l,trs. 011 ie Erickson Carl 'Bere J.lrs. John Granstrom Patrick Moore. ,Jr. Ure. Albert Solum Alvin Sethre Ernest Wilkins Mrs. Estella Chambers Mrs. o. T. teim Mrs. Hjaliner Gronner Leona True Fred Lystrom Ed Mortinson Mrs. Vernon ,lohnson Mrs. rrenry Ohlrogge Henry Hanson Clifford N"!lson s. F,. ~erp;sten Fred 'l'rosdahl llrs. He.nry P'aagenson Theo. l'l,1erl[etvedt Oscar Johnson Mrs. Joe Mandelke E. VI. Raddohl Wi.lliam Zander ~rs. Hilmer Langlie Mrs.'John Torgerson I::enneth Aune Mrs, Evun Moa John Furreness Mrs. Dann,v Jorgenson Orin Dahlager Nels Fossen George Mr.lby Mrs. Angust Dahle Otto ll"anse August 1:!ranstner T,tra. 'If. ~.!. Rebehn J:!mil Loren !.trs. ~-:1. Lindrud Mrs. Clifford Shaw Mrs. ,l'le r:raemer Arthur Palan Mrs. Floren Vaughn Mrs. Sheldon tverson ,l. c. Tetens John Stueve Ferman Hue Mrs. Ivtanle.\' Johnson Mrs; Emil Le pis to Sverdrup Tordenskjold St. Olaf' Tumuli Eagle Lake Clitherall EVerts Amor Deer Creek Village Compton Effington Urbank Village Woodside Eastern Effington Parkers Prairie Village vtoodside woodside Oak Valle.v Parkers 0 ralrie Village Parkers Prairie Villege Almora Aastad 'Buse Dane Prairie Fergus Falls Aurdal Carlisle Elizabeth City of Fergus Falls " " " " " .. Pelican Rapids Village '' " " IJ111plewood Maine " Erhard Village Oscar " Battle Lake Village Clitherall Village Dalton Village - Underwood Village Ottertail Village Vining Village Amor Otter Tall Gira.rd tHdaros Leaf Mountain 0 II .. Clitherall Eagle take " ,, Sverdrup " Tordenskjold " Tnmuli St, Olaf Oak Valley ,, II Compton " Folden Elmo Urbank Village Inman II Elmo Henning ,, Henning Village " " It .. j r.hsrles ~ltquist J. W, Wilson Re,vmonf Oppee:ord Mrs. Arthur Wiebe Rlohsrd Tervols l'/m. Larson Mrs. John Ost A, ,J, Abbott C, J, Gribbon ·COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... _.?..~~~.~.!.¥.. .... ·-······-··················-·······1951 .. i!enning Village " " Leaf Lake " " " Parkers ~rairie VillSf,e ,, " " " Inman " !Ars. Geo. 'Burau Dane Prairie Mrs. Ed, Preston Elizabeth Mrs. Anton Saurer " Wm. Y.nackendoffel Fergus Falls Urs. Victor R, Petterson . " " Frank Crays Orwell Leonard Piekarski " Mrs. Eugene Davenport western ltrs. Adflison stock '' Mrs. Ed1vin H, Skoglund f!l'S , R • V , Srni th Eastern Woodside Mrs. Albert J. Schmidt City of Fergus Fe.lls Mrs, !'lsrley Leeseberg Mrs. E, W, Erlandson Ralph Dahlen Palmer ABS Art Anderson Odin Back Eddie "Fl", Peterson A, w. Rasmussen Edwin Eide Max Madsen Aastad ., Aurdal Buse CsrliSlP. Dane i?rairie The following bills were allowed: J. C, Henkes . M. C, J,ee Edward c. Drews Carl Jahn J, C, Henkes Esther G, Sell Maybelle J, Lee !'lenr,v Sieling Bert stone GeorP.e Hanson Bennie J. Johnson Geo. B. Gnnd er son P.. W. Glorvtr.en Runningen Cafe Carl ,1shn A?'t Printcrsft American Binder.v &: Supply co. The Geo. D, Barnard Co. Miller-Davis co. Burrou~hs Add, Mche. Co, Geffeney's Fritz-cross Co, 'Poucher Prtg, ",; !,lth. Co. Nyman Fuel cc. iergus Flees",; Paint co. Larson ~ros. Marlin Reynolds n. w. Bell Tel. Co, N. W. Bell Tel, Co, Maybelle J. J,ee Norman uunn Do H, w. Glorvigen Louise stondahl Berke, Allison & Da1·by Burroughts Add. 111che. co. Mild red Bruvo ld. Johnson Drugs F.'. W, Glorvip.en NPlson Bros, Prtg. Co. N. ~. ~ell Tel, Co, Coopers Office Supply Shop Philip M, ~jaglien DO Y.athP.rine D. Townsend Vill. of Parkers Prairie Town of Eagle Lake Vill. of Parkers Prairie City of Fergus Fells Do University Hospital Town of Perham Universit;v Hospital Prenk NaeP.eli, M, D- Anton L, Ripka N. W. Bell Tele. co., ~ennin~ 1!:d. S. Graff \Yendell p, •tuber Wendell p, Huber I.Unn. State Highway Dept. Construction Bulletin Miller-Davis Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co. M.pls. Blue Print. Co, Monroe Calculating Mec:he, co. Fenning Oil co. Standard Oil co. H, Y., Stahl Co, l..~1)~ 1~ Mrs, R. R, Holland '' " '' expenses " " YI, E, Tbms Ole M, Minge Albert J, Helson E, ,,. Whitehead Urs. F'. ,\'I, "Bertelson, Jr. Robert Altner urs. '::le.rence Lee Mrs. "Fl"arr.v Hoglund dep. sheriff's fees Bd, of prisoners expensP. " exp. attd, meeting expenses " " Board of Anai.t II II n menls for jurors dP.p, sheriff's fees printing binding books rec:ord book blanks ribbon repairs ,janitor supplies blanks cos.I su-opl ies repairs haulinr, ashes etc. mobile service calls poste.ge " box rent postage end box rent postage bond premiums main. mimeographing letters supplies adv, Com, printing vet. ser, service\: calls supplies postage er.pens es rent care of poor ., " care of. non res. pauper exp. with transient II n U spec:ial nursing c:are of poor special .nursing exam. premium services insurance ex~enses C(il.Sh adv. SU pplies ad. for bids supplies long distance supplies ,nain. fuel oil gas oil .J...ai, ~ " ., $ 23.40 46,66 14.58 9,73 93.00 23,78 44,55 16,84 11.25 7.56 9.24 55.00 45.00 17.35 9.69 7.25 27(),50 94.85 24.14 .69 16,75 15,38 27.95 667,19 3.18 6,75 44.50 81.41 13.00 2. '15 45.00 2.00 17,00 35,72 928. 94 236.00 1.50 32.80 4,10 10.00 10,40 12,08 6.00 62.82 15,00 12.90 137.81 283.77 3.60 4.75 99.25 455.68 72.00 3.00 334,10 12.21 11.12 97,44 10,69 35.48 39.30 39.50 26.65 35.07 39.00 17,81 78,79 35.99 /~.trl ., COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... Junuary -··············-·······················19 .. Q.l. Fred A, Everts Bill's Service station "Rosholt Eq_uipt. Co. Hagr,e 011 Co. D, A, Lubrioant Co., Inc. Railv:ay l!lxp, Age!"lcy !! • A, Rogers Co. '!Jenning Twp. N<nton Two, George Olson Minn. Highway De?t, Bill's Service Station S, l: F. Oil Co. Berns.rel Downing Thomas Garage Higl:.wuy Co, Fergus Oil Co, N.icols, Dean & Gregg Victor Lur,deen ,'I: Co. Olson Auto Electric A, R, Meier National Bushing 'I: Parts Gamble Sito;re, <renninp, Park Region co-op. 011 The Care,, Werehonse W. L, Potter Yim, H, Ziegler Co,, Inc, Geo. T. R.van Co. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Service Recorder Cc, Paper Calmenson & Co. Hintz & Son Blacksmith Shop Henry ,1, M. Engelke Rude Garage Lelce Region Motor Co, Resset Bros. Mim:1, '..!ini.n~ r., J.lfp.. Co. Larson Bros: · Wadena Cene:!'ator 'I: l.lotor Repairs Tesch Lumber Co, The Farmers' Supply ooal ~asoline parts diesel fuel oil express prints grading grading expenses supplies gasoline etc, ,, uasli adv, gasoline etu. " " supplies " repairs " SU!_l!>.li P,S gasoline coal expenses oarts i>arts parts 'l: cut ting edges repairs cut tin·g edges repairs repairs " supplies repairs repairing Starter coal \ The bill o:f' the Township of Eastern in the sum of $300.00 was, upon motion, rejected. $ 65.68 26,03 17.R~ 1033,30 1-0.20 1.19 74,05 300.(l))Q 300,00 14.95 31.11 53,23 62.33 7.26 34.19 :U,36 34,77 50.21 27,45 80,08 24.75 58. ~55 2,56 12.98 22.:n 12,84 322.94 20,65 281,67 15,l2 15G.38 22.65 18,50 8,00 lG,09 30,25 162.-16 112.98 7,75 70.2;3 46.85 A report of the public examiner of ti1e financial af·Zairs of Otter Tail County fer the year ending Deo. 31, 1949 lll'l!d current perioa from Jan., 1, 1~50 to Sept. 11, 1950 was presented to the Board, and after examination, was ordered placed on file, Upon motion, the Boai·d acl.joui·ned to Jan, l.'7-, 1951 at 10 o'olook A, M, ..... j COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. ·-·····j·un.uru.Y. ... l'.L .......................... -··-···19. 51 OF CC'lJNTY COl1iMISSIOlIBRS OF OTTER TAit COUNTY·, MHIUESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. J,!. Jan. 17, 1951. Present were Commissioners Sieling. Johnson, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg. Bids for motor patrol-a and pick-up trucks as advertised for by the Board were opened and read and all representatives of firms submitting bids were heard in regard to the merits of their machines. After consideration. the following bids ~,ere acoepted: The bid of Wm. H, Ziegler Co, for one oater pillar pstrol in exchange for used patrol belonging to the county for the sum of $16,923.00; the bid of the Geo. T. Ryan Co., f.or one Ge.lion motor patrol in exchanp.e for used patrol belonging to the county for the sum of $14.969.00. The Board accepted the bid of the M.innesota Uotor Cn, for Chevrolet pick-ip ih exchange for used pic}:-u.p b<?lonp.ing to the connty ·ror the sum of $925 ,00; alFJo the bid of Skar.mo Motors, Tnc, · for one Dodr.e pick-up in exchange for used pick-up belonginf. to the count.\' f.or the surn of $971,35. The following resolution was anopted; P.esolved by tho Bo1ird of count,\' commissioners of Otter Tail county. Minne so ta: That the monthly salaries of the count,1• Supervisor of Assessments and assistants for the calendar year 1951 be and the same hereby ore fixed as follows: county Supervisor, ~275. 00; Deputy su·perv isor, $216,66; clerk, $175.00. Adopted Jan. 17, 1951. Bert Stone Chairman. Attest: \'/lilliam Lincoln Clerk. Upon motion. the Board accepted the offer of J, D, Lightfoot, Jr. for Marchant calculator in exchange for used nonroe calculator in the county treasurer's office Oor the sum of $513,00. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to Feb, 13, 1951 at 10 0 1clo~ &--kd ' Chairman. Attest: MirflJT!]S OF ADJOURifr~D ME".:T IN"G n~ T~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMlHSf>IOH~RS OF' OTT~~R TATJ, CIJl!1TTY, rHNPESOTA. 1?Urs•1ant to ad,1ournment the BoRrd met at 10 o'clock A. M, Tuesday, Feb. 13, 1951. Present were commissioners Sleling, ,Tohnson, qR11son, Stone and snowbPrg. Bi.de for gradP.r blades, cmlverts, bridr.e ma.tP.ria.l, tires, tubes, batteries, etc. as called for by the Boord were opened and rP.ad. Upon motion, the Board authorized the transfP.r of Freda ClRnsen to Nopeming Sanatorium for examinati n and necessary treatment. The bond of Charl.P.B L, Alexander, Court Commissioner, in the surn of $2,000.00, with Ahchor Casualty co., as surety, was approved. A petition signed by district judges, county officials and attorneys asking for the installation of an elevator in the cou11t house was read and placed on file, The Board having consioered bids which had ·been read made the following aviards: Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. and Paper, CalmP.nson co. for season's su.o·ply of grad er blades were accepted; also bid of Ziegler Co. ror Lull Model 4 -A Shovel Loader for $1?.36.97; the board also accepted the bid of Bill Nelson Oil co. for season's sn::,!)ly of tires and of the .. Minnesote. Uotor Co, for season's sui>ply of tubes and batteries. All 'bidR for equip11ent rental were accepted as well as bins for culverts anci bridge material. The ~Oard opened ~ids for trucks a.s adVPrtisP.d Por and also for motor ~atrol pneumatic packer. 'ReprP.sentatives of ve.rlous companjes submitting bldR WP.rP heard in ref!nr/l to the merits of their machines. AftPr full consideration, the Board accPpted the hid o~ Skar.mo uotors, Inc. for two 2½ ton Don~e trucks in excha.11ge l'or h:o usc<l trucks ownr-!d h;; the count,\' for the snrn of ~64!15,84. The Boord s.lso accepted the bid of :r.w.D. co. r.or four-wheel drive truck and olow in exchange for used machine belonginp, to the county for the sum of t7541.50; The Board also accepted the bid of· Ruf·~ridge-,1ohnson co. for pneumatic packer for the sum of $1745.00. The Board hav.l.nP. considered bids for furnishinB fi~e typewriters for the Welfare Department in exoila~e for five used machines accepted the lowest bid, beinf that of J, D, J,ightf.oot for a total sum of $650.00. .., () ?-. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... "E'.e.b.r.u.a..r..v. .... ---··········-···················19 .. 5.l. The bid of Rosholt ~quipment ~o for two one way snow plows with power controlled jacks for $1210.00 was accepted, ThP. :following reports of Relaries. and :fees received ~y ,·arions coun:,V of'1:i:ials v1erP. appro!ed; p. !,!. RP.e, county 'l'reasurer, $4300.00; ,;. n. -irenkes,Bheri..-r, $4300.00; t,o:man_t·iunn: RegiRter ~• Deeds and Deput.v Register, $4119,07; J, n. H"aueen:on. probate ?udge, ~4300.00; llill;arn J.rncolnA Aud1tor, $4300.00; H, w. Glorvl!!en. Clerk o! court, •p4000.00; Louise stondahl, SUP!.: o,. Schools, ,.,4000.00; Charles r,, Alexander,. court Commi seioner, .~137. 80; Carl J. T,und. Coroner, :,,,;,40, 84, Cigarette licenses for the calendar year 1051 were granted as follOl\'S; 111, C, Ogard, store at Carlisle; Leornard Barker. store at Almora; Ejnar A, Rvtkoncn, servicie station, Tovm of B'omestead; l'fm, c. Taylor, Taylor's Landing, Town o:f .P.verts; F,d. F. ?Aartinson, Amor GaraBe: .,A. C. aSchmiJt, Tony's Resort, Tovm of Amor; Leonard Forgard, Amor Store; Lawrence Cook, J",,vman Store, .._own o .• Oak i/alley; Hane Que.ale store at Almora; Albert Turcbin, station at Almora: Clarence S, Jenson, Glass Bar, Town of 9irard: 'Virgil Newborg, store, Town of Fri br.rg: _llrvid Tenne.v, ?.ighwn.v Pa.rk Store, Town of Elmo. The followin~ resolution was adopted: Resolveii b.v the Board of County commissionP.rs of Otter Tail Count,v, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board did on ,lan. 17, 1951 accept ti1e bid o.r Vim. H, Ziegler Co., Tnr:. for one Uodel 12 Caterpillar motor grader, and V/hereas, said machine has been received anci accepteci. by the County, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Connty Audi tor and Chairman of the Board be anci they here- ny are authorized anu directed to issue to said company a warrant on the Road an<l Bridge Fund of the county in the sum of $16,9~.oo, the contract price. Adopted Feb, 13, 1951. Bert Stone Chairman. ·Attest: William T,incoln CJ.erK, Upon rnC"tion, the Board then ad,jo11rn~ci to li"eb, 14, ,at 10 o'clock A, M, W":DNF.SDAY' S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment tile noard '!let o.1; 10 o'clock A. :,!, Wednesday, Peb. 14th, all memhers br.inp: present. Ar.ents :for insurance companies with proposals for liabilit.l' insurance for year co,nmencing M"ar. 13, 1951 were heord anci the matter woe laid over to be takP.n np :!'.or c:onsideration later l.n the dny. The following reports o!' salaries and fer-,s of co11nt,v commissioners for the .vear 1950 were approved: Henry Slelin@ , $1236.20: George Hanson, ~1234,60; Bert Stone, ~1234.40; Carl A, Snowberg,$1225.00. The application of Oscar T, Olson for reduction in valuation of Lot 12, Block 15, cutler's Third Adiiition to Fergus Falls for the ,\'ear l.950 ,·1as rend anci the Board recommended to the ~tJmmissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said tract be reduced from 0750.00 to $624 ,00 nnd the taxes from $126.36 to $105.13. ·· The application of Harold unci. Emma Ranstad for classification of Lots 1,2,3, and 4, Block 15, Bowman and Dunton's Aciciition to Battlf! Lake for the year 19i:i0 at homestead rate was read and the Board ordered that said land lie so class if'led anci the assessed v ulue reci uc:f!o from $B88. 00 to $~55. 00 and the taxes from $141.21 to ~92.53. The appliootion of Oscar Haukos_ :!'or rP.ductlon in valnc of Lots 5 anci 6 in Seo. 32, TOl'lnship of Maplewood 1'or thP year 1950 wo.s read anci the Bourd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reclucPd rrom t.395,00 to $374,00 and the taxr.s from $5Fl,70 to $55,58, The aoplicat ion of Amando IJorck et al for reduction of valuatj on of the s?t m'H-ond tee Nt s~ of Sec. 13, Tovmship of l'lorllslP, for the .vear 1950 wos read and the Bol.lrd recornrnended to the Com•nissioner of Taxation that the asaesseii value be reduced from ~2:-'.3!:1.00 to ~1995.00 and the taxP.s from ~343.80 to t294.64. The application o-f Harrison .,. Uelb.v :for t'Pciuction in valuP. of personal property in the Township of Amor for the year 1950 was read and the ";3oard recomr.iended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value cf said personal pro·pert.v be reduced from ::'!413,()0 to ::!)213,00 and the taxes from $53.14 to $27,40. The application of Chester Y.a.ldahl for concel lat ion of aseiessment for structures on r.ot 24 or "Barry's Addition to Y.ellurne.v's !;ea.ch in the Township of Dunn for the year 1950 \'las read anci the noord recommendP.ci to the commies Loner o·r Taxation thot said assessment be cancel led and the assessed value oi sajn tract he renuced from t270,00 to ~50.00 and thP. taxes from C27.<Dl to $!LOO. The ap[llica tion of P.rv in l.iengP. for allowanoe of' householcl P.7Pmot ion on personal pro pP.rt.v for the year 1950 in thP. Village of Deer ~rePk was rP.ad and the Board recomm~rided to thP commtssloner of Taxatjon that the assessed volue o:!'. said personal yr<,oert.v be reduced from ino9.00 to ~;9,00 and the taxes from ~25.20 to ~2.0R. The application of the Minnesota jyjc,lor Co. for rednct~on of' assessed val11e of motor ..,.ehicles j_n the Cit.v or Fergus Falls upon which 19ti0 licenses were issuecl v1us read unci the Bourd recommendeci. to the commiss~uner of Tax!tic.u tl,at th<: a~!:lessed value of tiie persor,al property of said company be reduced from $1,.:,,078.00 to ;pll,224.00 ana tne tuxes fror.1 i22u0,\12 to ~1921.3\I. _JJ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. 1.JJ:U;'.l!!l-J'Y ................................. 19.~l. The appl i.cat ion of Rlcho.rd E. Kansler for cancello.t ion of assessment for structures on N 3 ft. of Sub. Lot A of' Lot 5 Blnclt 25 Bowman 'I, Dunton's o.ddi1:ion to nattle Loke for the year 1950 was read o.nd the boo.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said assessmP.nt be cancelled and the assessed value of said traut be reduceii from $1216.00 to $16.00 ami thP. taxes .from tl93.37 to ('2.54. The following resolution was a~opted: · ~~sor,11':' ION 'BY Ti!E BOARD OF :":OUN'i'Y co1,u.nss IO!fF.'RS OTTER TATL COUNTY, MIIHiESCTA WHEREAS, Otter Tail county has one of the largest roud mileages in the state of !.:linm!sota, and WEEP.EAS, Otter Tail county has 200 miles of' county Reado carrying an average traffic of 150 to 600 cars per day, and ·aHEREAS, the existing road surfaoe on a great man!' miles of ti1ese 200 mile~ are in the primi t.ive state, an~ \'llfEREAS, Otter 'l.'ail County is poor in valuation, having an average of $200,.295 per tovmship, and Vfl{ER".:AS~ Ottf!r Tail county has been levying the limit on thn Roa.cl and 'Bridge !.evy the '.oast several years, and l'/HE:!~Af;, this E!ection of'11.crad betwe'!n Perham, New Yor]I: Hills, and Sebeka was under water for six YIP.eks last spring, and whenever there is a hee.•ry :rain·fall d url.ng thP. summer flood conditions develop, e.nd V/H'!-:R"!AS, this section c! rond is an iriportant road for school, mail l!.nd milk routes operating out of the arJOVe mentioned villages, and t'li~rn!.\S, the construction of tnis seot!on of road ia ver.r costly and cannot be done with present fun s NOi'/, 'l.'FF.P.EFORJ~. 9"! rrr RESOLVED, that a reouest .be made to the State Board of Allotment for soecial Aid in the construction of tnis road in the amount of ~15,000 to assist in the reconstruction o.nd surfao- ln~ of the followinB desoribed projeot: S,A,R, #1 -Length G.9 miles. From the Southwest corner of Sec:tlon ::,4, Tl37U-R37W to a point approximately l?IJO fe0~ Ee.st of the Jforthwest: ocrner of Sectiol'! 3, T1,16W-R36W, Tottll E:;:timated Cost of Projeot: · $60,000.00 Adopted this 14th day of February. 1951. Bert Stone chairman, Attest: l'filliam Li.rwoln Clerk, 'l'he follol"ling resolution vras adopted: RESOLU'l'IOI{ BY rtrt.; SOARD O!i" COIJr1~•y (;i"~U.HSSTa:IB~S OTTr.:R TA tL CCU11TY, Ml NUF.S 01' A WHEREAS, puTsuont to Subdivision 12 of Section lul.03, M:innP.sots Statutes 1949, the Cc•mmissioner of iji~hws,vs is authori1.ed to undertai.:e such stud~• and survey providing that the co11nty rei•oburse the Trunk P.ighway F1.1.'ld for the cost thereof, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, '1.'hat the County of Otter 'l'o.il dnl,v req'lests the Commjssioner of High1·,ays to stud,\r and exo.minc the road system of otter 'l'ail County for the purpose of making swzgestions or recommendations as to changes, alt9rntions or additions within or to said S,\'Stem. Adopted tHa 14th da,\' of February, 1951. !3P.rt Stone Attest: William Lincoln clerk. The following resclution was adopted: RESOLUTION BY THE: BOARlJ OF CO:JM'l.'Y COW.!ISSIONimS OTTER TAIL COUUTY, i,IIHNESOTA IVHEREA.'L Otter To.il County has been allotted $4,000.00, .for ocnstruction tma sui-1:aoing uf certain POTtions o·f State Aid Parlnray #1, and VIRER:P.AS, Ctt er. Tail county expenditures ar11ounted to $5,487 ,04 for said impro,•err.ent, NOIV, 'l.'lffi!?EFORE, 'BE IT R)'!SOL'IF.D, that a request be mane to the Sto.te Board of Allot'!lent to reimburse the count.I' in the sum of $1,487.04 for the construct icn ann surfaci-c1r-on said State Aid Earkway #1, AdoptecI tiiis 14th 6.a.v of February, 1951. Bert Stene Attest: William Lincolm chairman clerk COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ ll'.e.b.x.uo.r.:r .......... :._ .. _ .......... -....................... 19 .. 5.1. Tbe county Auditor presented to the Board thr. onnual statement of receipts and disbursements of the county for the calendar yeo.r 1950. Upon motion, the statement was approved and signed b,v the county commissioners. Upon motion aarJt.e, Alli eon and Darbi• r1ere authorized to renew the public liabill ty poliuy of the county for the ye~r commencing Mar. 13, 1g51. Upon 'llOticn, the Board a·ppro1•ed the appointment of !'Oris Aldous ns clerk in the office of the Veterans• Service Officer for the 9eriod commencing Feb. 1, 1951. The Board also approved the appointment o-f Ruth Campbell as t:emporary clerk in said office at the rate of $1.05 per hour dnri.ng time actnra.11.v employed. The following resolution 1·1s.s adopted: Resolved by the Board That the Chairman and through its commissioner of said agreement as a detour, is described ae follows: of Connt.\' Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Clerk forth1•1ith enter into !l.n llBreem1rnt with the State of Minnesota, e.utlng TT ighways, :for the maintenance, except S!10W plowing, of the road described in Thedescription of the road to he as set forth in the agrer-,ment refP.rred to, county Aid Road No. 2R from its junction v:ith Tru:,J; T'if-hway J1o. J.08 at or near thP. Southwest uorner o'i: Section 27, Township 136, Ranp.e 44, tl:l,mce norther.il.,V 5.00 miles over said uounty Aid !'load No. 2R.to the Otter Te.il-Clay Connt.v line, for a total distance of:' 5.00 milP.s. said munic:ipalit.v to be p,dd therP.- for at the rate of :¥.\35. 00 per mile p1?r month. Fractional ~d.les and fractional months. if an,v, wi 11 be need in com,mti.np, a~onnts pa,,,able. 'l'he use of said road as a detour by the State will terminate on or before December 31, 1951. Adopted Peb. 14, 1951. Bert Stone chai.rmnn Attest: \'lilli11111 Linuoln 01er1C, The following resolnt.lon was adopted: Resolved bir the Hoard of aonnty Commissionrs of.' Otter Tail Connty, Minnesota: That the Gho.irman end throlll~h its commiss.ioner of said ap:reement as a detour. ie dP.scribed as follows: Clerk 1'orthwi.th entP.r into ,rn ap.reement with the State of Minnesota, acting 11ip.hwe.ys, for the maintenance, except snow r>lov1ing, o·e the road described in The description of thP. roRd to be as set forth in the agreement referrP.d to, County Aid Road No. 52 from its jnnction vii.th Trunlr t:l'ip.h,1a.v No. 235 iri tile Village of Urban~. thence northerly !3. 20 miles over said Count,v .4. id Ro nd Jfo. 52 to State Aid ~oad NO. 6 at or near the sout.h :iuarter corner of Sect ion 7, To1mshi p 1!31, Range !38, thence ee.sterl,v 4. 55 miles over suid State Aid Road No. 6 to connty Ai.d Road No. 25 at or nP.er the Northwest Corner of Sect ion 13. i•ownshi p 131. Range 38, thenue continuing easterly 4.25 miles over snid County Aid Road !lo. 25 to its ,junction with Trnnk Hir,h1,•e.1• !Jo. 29 on the north linP. of' Sect ion 16, Township Vil. Ran13e 37, for a total d istanue of 12. 00 miles. said municl:oality to r,P. pnid therefor at the rate of' t35.00 per mile per month, li'racticnal miles and fraction- al months, it any. will be used in computing amounts pa,vah.le. The nse of se.id road as a detour by the State wi 11 terminate on or before Decernber 31, 1951. Adopted ;,P.b. 14, 1951. 'fler.t Stone Chairman Attest: \Villiam Lincoln Clerk. The engineer presented to the Board copy of bill against the Township of Scambler for snow-pl011ing in 1948. It appearing thnt an enor had been me.lie in billing said charge, upon motion, it was ordered cancelled. A IJill or $159.~5 agninst thP. Township o"!' St. Olaf coverinp. charges in 1949 and '50 was also cancP.lled by the Bonrd. · Upon motio11, thP hi.e-lwmy env.ineer vrns m:thor1.zeci to obtain estimatP.S on uost of county garages in various parts of the county. The followinr. bills were allowed: 1. ,7. C. 11'enl~es 2. Do 3. Carl ~ahn 4. Ed. C. Drews 5. M. c. Lee 6. Jos. Rayner, Sr. 7. Archie Emer.v 8. Albert Tenter 9. ,Tohnson Drugs 10. Do 11 • C • J • r,und 12. DO 13. Ivan E. Bigler noarolnP. nrisonP.rs sheri.ff;s· exp. dep. sheriff's exp. ,, " " services equipment sn oplies coroner's fees " ,, " " ., II $ 115.50 154..40 41.80 16.70 55.70 20.91 9.00 6,30 367.33 1.10 20.50 11.05 11.85 _IJ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN: DATE ................. W.~-~-"!'.~~!.,'{ ________________________________________________ 1g5 ~ .. 14. Marshall Wells Store 15. Albart Fritz 16. Frank Roberts 17. H.F. Duenow 18. Harry T. Burau 19. Alfred putnam 20, Theo. Hegseth 21. Kolies Plumbinp. and Heating Co. 22. American Legion Aux. N.Y.!11. 23. American Legion Post. B.L. 24. Lampert .Lbr. Co • 25. q. w. GlorviRen 26. T,onise Stondahl 27. Norman Wunn 28. 0 • M. Ree 29.-Beo. B. Gunderson 30. ij. A. "orgars Co. 31. N, W •. Bell Tel. Co. 32. Do. 33. DO 34. Do 35. Do 36. N, W, Bell Tel, Co, 37. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. 38. Eian ~c Uess 39. Sec. Blank Book~ Prtg. Co. 40. The Fuller Brush Co. 41. If, w. Sash 'I: Door Co, 42. "R'.Olten Hdwe, 43. Remlne:ton Rand, Inc, 44. Frankoviz Hardware co. 45. E, P. Getchell 46. cooper's Office Supply 47. St, Paul Hook• Stat,v. 48. rsorhy Dept. store 49, Cal Hegetrom 50. The Geo. D. Barnard Co. 51, ?aucher Prtr,. ~ Lith. Co. 52. ~urrougha Addine; Mche. co. 53. TJgeblad '>ub. Co. 54. Odin Johnson 55. Art Printoraft 56. Remine:ton Rand, Inc. 57. Victor Lundeen~ co. 56. Do 59. Miller-De.vis Co. 60. Schoolcraft Co. 61. Monroe Calculating Mar.nine co. 62. Frank c. Barnes 63. Perham Enterprise Bulletin 64. Fergus Journal Co. 65. If. W. Pub. Co. 66. Marjorie Stenstrom 67. If.vme.n Fuel Co. 68. A. R. Erickson 69, Edwin ij. Skoglund 70. Al. Schamber 71. H. H, Liebold 72, Arvid Johnson 73, Lou.is Zinter 74, Paul C. Phillips 75. Becker County 76, ~ouise Standahl 77. 'Rurroughl! Adding ivlch<>. co. 78, Hint~en Karst Elec. co: 79. s. L, Ronning 80 µ_ w. Glorvigen 81. Normandy Cafe 82. E. Lavtrenson 83. W. W, Bell Tel. Co. 84. Philip J,,f. Y.:jaglien 85. Victor Lundeen i: co. 86. Delson Bros. Prtg, co. 87. City water, Light Dept. 88. Katherine D. Townsend 89. Philip M. l~.1ae:Uen 90. Rnth C. Camphell 91. Western Unioh 92. Perham Tel. co. 93. Esther G. Sell 94, Ma,vbell J. Lee 95. Do 96. ~ether G. Sell 97. Bert stone 98. Do 99. George Hanson 100.Bennie J. Johnsop 101.Henry Sieling 102,Dr. R. R, Hendric:kson 103.Nopeming Sanatorium 104.Parkview Hospital , 105.Minn. State Sanatorium ~~-- supplies weed insp. " exp. soil com1. II ti II repairs deoorat ing graves " " supplies postar-:e .. ., telephone calls prints calls " II servioe & c:alls mobile service printing re·pairs books ·• supplies supplies " eo_uipment record book blanks paper'° ribbons printing ~ supplies hauling mail printinf.: • supplies supplies " ~ printing ribbon municipal judf.:e's feP.S pub. p.p, tax lists ., " " co. supt. clerk coal w l tuess fees " " ., " witness fees " plats exam. inebr iety P.xpenses ribbons repairs~ supplies services adv, co~. to driver's license agents meals for ,Jurors material~ labor call 'I: service (service office) postage supplies stamped env. & Prtg. water, light etc. rent e:xpense " tP.le!_Zrams telephone~ calls (nurse) expenses ., posta~e " e:,penses P.xpenses ., " care of patient " " " II " $ 148.50 47 .19 44.72 9.30 7.00 5.00 12.90 2·,. 29 23.50 47,00 2.15 50.00 /,7 .oo 45.00 103,11 1.14 3.77 53.35 3.90 104.85 13.80 5.19 79.55 48.00 9.77 138.53 10.13 1.18 35,17 534.80 5.48 100.00 5.29 87.50 18.57 63.50 80.04 7.25 25.61 169.35 1.00 56.75 1.50 2A.66 632.38 159.93 151.97 1.10 102.80 359.80 329.90 273.40 5.00 671.77 7.00 7,84 7.00 7,00 8.20 7,00 73.00 54.93 27.136 2.61 44.63 2.00 8.25 65.90 292.31 9.05 22,40 63.75 83,27 28.81 45.00 20.64 18,63 16.14 6.95 38.51 51.62 4 •. 34 4.50 15.80 11.25 11.34 13.50 18.84 u5.QO 241.18 62.50 331.08 r I 107. 106. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 12P.. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 1!31. 132. 1!33. 134. 135. 13G. 1!37. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. lcO. 181. 162. 183. 184. 105. 186. 187. 1Af3. 189. 190. 191. 192. 19!3. 104. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... Februar,v ···-·············-········-···········19.;i.l .. Div. of public Institutions Universit.v P.ospital Vill. of Parkers Prairie Estrem Clinic Town of Hldaros " "Aurdal Vill. of Clitherall Town of Everts Vill of Deer Creek Town of Pelican Tichy's Shop Renning Auto&: uach. works R. J. Schmidt Hintz & Sun Blacksmith Shop LaMay Auto Parts Mills Motors Larson Bros. A. 13. Kilde co. Dav id son ShePt Ue'.fll Shop Henry Holmgren lUectric Su.pply r.haffee's Garar,e Thelen Implement Co. Skog mo r.iot ors , Tnc • Bennie Rossum ReBon Chevrolet co. Rnde's Cerap.e N. w. Engineering Co. Olson Auto Eleo. co. Field Machine r:o., Inc. Dag~ett Implement ~o. Anton l'fallnofer Service P.ecorder Co. ff. A. Rogers co. ? • X. U. '!e Co • Battle Lake Hardv:are The Globe-Cazctte Co. Toftl?l,I' Bros. TJdwe. Knoff' s ~!Rrdware Nicols-Dean I Gregg Farm Center Welding co. uoore's Hardware Wichterman Implement Co. r:atl. Bush. & Ports co. i,finneapolis Iron store Minneapolis Blue Print. eo. Bostitch-McClain co. Viator Lundeen 'I: co. Holten 1l'ardv1are Hintp.en-Karst Elec. co. Empire supply Co. Naz-Dar co. Miller-Davis Co. Erickson-qelleckson-Vye Oo. Wilcox I.umber Co., Henning Ray's Oil Co. Ferp:us n.il co. i-:rvin step.fried Henning Oil Co. Harthun I ?eterson Oil Oo. Bill's service station \'la:me's Texacc Service Robben-V/ebb station Log Cabin Service Poot Lake Ice I, Gas Co. Service Oil Co., B. Lake Farmers co-op. Oil co., Carlisle Antone~-Carpenter Cities Service Oil co. Fossen Oil co. T{. 'I: T, 1,1otor Sales Truman J!l,tcrs D, A. ~ubricunt co., Inc. Kinnes Inc. Ru:t'fridge-,iohnson Equipt. Co. Rosholt ~quipt. cc. Min~~ccta F.w.D. co. Tesch Lumber co. Fred A. Everts The Farmers Supply, Par.Pra. P. tr. Gust :::!lc•r. , \"ere as FerflUS Lumber~ Fuel Co. ~ennlng Fuel co. Winther I,nmher 'I: Fuel '!enter Geo. T. R.van Co, Louise i"Tilde Thomas Garage P"agr,e Oil Co. 'P.enrose Oil Co. P~rhsm co-op. Oil co. Penrose on co. .Anderson ._ Snndberr, Oil co. i.rtnuesoto. Motor co. c:are ot' inmatP.S special nursing care of transient cxaminatlon poor expense " !' U II ,, " ,, " " " repairs " " " " " ., " " " 'I: supplies II " " supplies gasoline etc. " oil " parts " ., coal " " ,, " ,, " & lurnbcr " II ports 'I: cutting cci~es !!rRVP.l elPctric:i.t.11 etc. Ii iesel 1'11,:il ., .. " '' etc. " ,, serv i c:c call ·$ 2333.34 24.00 74.26 6.00 1!30.37 36G.75 433.68 359.02 171.41 !397.24 27.55 23.75 l•i.50 50.40 1.30 11.50 213.55 48.60 3.50 36.05 2.50 45.30 16.34 16.70 15.50 2.15 60.29 40.91 126.90 35.12 2•L53 15.50 81.29 118.07 21.74 7.30 28.54 5.84 u.58 7.01 24.GO l.uO 5.51 352.90 337.72 27.70 3.06 70.95 40.29 15.55 390.17 26.19 24.66 4.36 5.28 53.07 3?.4.07 116. 61 94.78 122.05 51.74 113.72 67.43 51.51 53. 71 ~5.41 40.£11 166.76 20.08 3·, .04 l"/.60 l3.1CJ 37b. "f8 616.~l 188.17 40.28 517.36 80.20 54.34 54.10 11\1.00 141.28 37. '10 100,35 1152.131 4.00 35.48 1114.40 100.29 121.:s0 225.66 72.00 3.00 - COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ~WW 200, Wendell P. HUber 201. Clifford Ollie 202. Leon ~ennagir 203. LPs Tire Service 204. Bill Pelson Oil Co. 205. W, 'F. Smith Tire ~ ~att. Co. 206. Poucher Prtg. ~ Lith. Co. 207. ~orchert-Inp.ersoll, Inc, 208, N, w, Bell TP.le. Co., B.L, 209. Paper, Cal~enson ~ Co. 210. American Paint Corp, 211. IVrn. Bros. Boiler ~ l/lfp. Co. 212. J411on Chemicals. Inc. 215. Nonroe CalculotinB Mach. Co. 214. H, W. Bell Tele, Co., Henninr.; 215, Village of Bottle Lake 216. Tweet'a Garase 217, Wendell P. Auber 21A. ~enry Annerson 219. w. L. Potter 220. Minnesota. state nigh. Dept. 221. )l11lphs Dra.v 222. Railway E.xpress AP.,ency. B, L, DATE ...................... F..e.\l.tl.\/i,"t$ ...... -.. ························-·······19 ... P.J oash advanced " " " " tubes 9~ re pairs tires etc. stationer,\' praclP.r blad.es ser\'ices cuttine,: edf!es ·pa.int grates potash ribbo.n servi.ces water elec. 6urrent eto. expenSP.'3 .. " 223. Ro.,vmond 'Rros. Motor Tra.nR. Co. supplieR etc. dra,'ff.lf!P. 0 xpress t'reif!ht 224. City of Fergus Falls 225. Fergus Journal Uo, 221i. Todd county Highway De pt. 227. Free Press Co. 228. Banek Chev. Co, 229. ·pe Hean Te le phone 1.!o. 230. George Olson 231. V/m. R, Ziegler Co., Ino, 232. A, VI. co., Inc. of Minn. 233. J. Score, Agent 234. Klauer Mfg. Co. 235; Bill Nelson Oil Co. 236, The Carew warehouse main. pub. Rdv, main. I snoo rem, forms wrecker serYice services expenses parts " insurance parts tires~ batteries coal Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to Mnr. 13, 1951. . Attest: $ 13.66 1.89 4,64 37.39 429.14 99. 96 34.50 91.53 7ti.65 556.1!4 41.20 26.10 55.32 LOO 10.78 3.25 Ao.70 139.00 12.96 38.16 C,2.23 8.75 15.<JO U.85 250.00 27.W 60.00 4.00 14.00 5.45 18.05 674.92 679.33 141.00 282.02 169.75 56.70 1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. ••····-··-··Maroh ·-··········-···-·······················19 ... ~.~ MIHUTES OF ADJOURil:F.D MEETIHG OF '!'!IB BOARD OF COlWTY COM!.!ISSIOI-11-:RS OF OTTF.R TA IJ, r.OUMTY, l,ITHII • Pursuant to adjournmP.nt the Board met at 16 o'olock A, i:. Mar. 13, 1951. Present were Commissioners s lellng. ,1ohnson ,. Jfanson, stone and Sno11tberg .• ',lelvin ouse Treasurer of ':'elioan VallP.y i>eolth Center, 1:'TeBented to the Board ap!)llcation for cancellation of a~sessment for 1949 on the west 370 feP.t of the south 400 feet of Sub Lot A in Frazee's Addition to Pelican Rapids on the ground that said property ia for pu~lic use and not for profit. Upon motion, the Board reoommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said asFJessment be oanoelled, "On and Off" sale beer lici,nses were granted to the followihg: F, r.. Rairdin, store, Town of J:nmen; Oliver Gravley, Pine 'Haven t::lub, Town of Inman; Gisle u. Froseth, Pleasure Park Resort, Town of Otter Tail; wm. c. Taylor, 'i'aflor's Landing, Town of l~verts; Jaok ll'afensick, Ethel Resort, Town o-f Girard, c·rant ,1ones at Jones• eigarette licenses were granted to the followlnr: ~. J. Kremer at ~uoe; I.andinP., Town of "ine Lake; A. D. Wickham, Basswood Store. Tovm of. Dead Lake; Star L~ke store; Ernie Pederson, ~rnie's Resort, Town of Star Lake. Mr. ~Mrs.Oscar ~eterson "On and Off" sale beer licenses and also oip.arettP. liuP.nses were granted to the following; Arthur Abraham, resort, town of Dora; Perr,v Swenson, store To,·m of Dora.; Roscoe S•nith, resort, Town o·f. Dora; Ru.fus Hull. Pull's T,andinp., '!'own or Girard; J,em!l,'!' T,ee. resort, Town of J,eaf take; Ployd r,. Shol, 'li'ribert Store; 'F'red BelU.nger, resort, Town of Dead La.ke. Dance permits and "On and Off'" sale beer liuenses and cigarettP. licenses were granted to Ja..:ob Huebner, Tesort, To1·mship of ·eerham; Leroy F. Wili...in and E. C. Presuher, Camp Balmoral, Town of Ottertail Report of salary receiveo by Chester G. Rosengren, county attorney, tor the year l!l50, in the sum of $~:O~:L,s ap!)roved. ~ ,,. f:;_·_J~ 0 ~,. ti .d,.4~:l!::~;J..7+.:~ ·-i,..,;,.,J#.......,_x,_ .n..,..,.... I!.,-,;;;..__,, oc;a;.,. ~.,, .... :z:.,,-~,., ... ,, _.._ . :zJ.. ,,,..,,,.. • ,..,.d,,,...J,,..:,f.~-,1..:,,.. , ~~••,""·''--. ,._ A report of the i/oard of Audit of ll.Il examinatiin of the current tux oollections of the county treasurer t6r the period from July 1, 1950 to Nov, 13, 1950, both~inolusive, showing total·collections of S672,221.87 was approved. A reoort of the Board of Audit of an examination o:f the current tax colleutions of the county trP.asurer for the per lod from Jlov, 14, 1959 to Jan, 1, l!l51, both inul us ive, showing total collect ions for said period of $22,503.22 was approved. The following resolution vms adopted: Resolved by the l3oard of co1mt.v commissioners of otter Tail county. J;!i.nnesota: Whereas, this '13oard has heretofore contracted with wm. H, Ziegler co. for one Lull Moc11e Shovelloader, and Whereas, same he.s bee.ri received and acce!)ted by t i1e county, Now, There-fore, be it resolved ,that . the .. County Ai.Id i to:r: · tuld Chairman of ~he Board are authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant on the ?.oad and Bridge fu.nd of the county in the sum of $1,236.97. the contract price. Adopted naruh 13. 1951. Attest: William Lincoln The following resolution was aduj)ted: ~ert Stone Chairman. Resolved b,r the Board of County com.rnissioneri. of Otter Tall C:cunty, Minnesota: V{hereas, this ·soard has heretofore oontruoted vtith Ruf:fridge-Jolmson Equipment co. for one Tampo Roller, and Whereas, some has been recelverl and auoepted by the uounty, t!ow, Therefore, h.l'l i.t resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Bee.rd are authorized and ~ lrec~ed to issue to said company a warrant on the Road and Bridge fund of the county in the sum of ~1,740.00, the contract price. Adopted March 1::1. 1951. Bert stone cna1rma11. Attest: William Lincoln clerk. The following resolution ,,:as adopted: Resolved i>y the Board of r.01mty ~ommissioners of Otter Tail Connt.v, Ml:nnesoto: Whereas, this Board has hereto fore contracted with SJ.:op.mo Motors 1·or one half ton Dodge pick-up in exchanp.e for used picik-up, and · 1/hereas, same has been received and accepted by the connt,v, . Now, T~ererorii, be lt resolved that the r.onnt,v Auditor and r:hairman or the :9o.:ird are authorized directed to issue to said company a l'tarrant on the Road and Brid"'e ''und f •1 cou· nty 1·111 t·ne sum of $9'/1.35, the uontract price, 1: -0 .1e s.nd Adopted !ilaruh 13, 1951. Attest: William Linuoln, t::lerk ijert Stone, Chairman ij COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... .J!?.:!..~.~········································-·······19 -51 The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Corrunissioners of Otter Tail County, i.tim1esota: 1'/hereas, ·this Board has heretofore contracted with the Minnesota !.{otor co. for one half-ton r.hPvrolet pick-up in exchange for used 9ick-up, and V/hereas, Rame has been received and accepted bs the count.I', Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the floard are authorized md directed to useue to said compan,v a warrant on the Road and 13ridp,e fund of the county in the sum of fg?.5.00, the contract price. Adopted Marui1 13, l !151, Bert Stone Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln The follow.in!_! resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of r.ounty Comrnissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: l'lhereas, tl,is Board has heretofore controcted v:i th the Geo. T. R.van co. for one Gal ion Motor Grad er and snow plow. in exchange for usi!d caterpillar, and Whereas, same has been received and accepted. by the county, Now There-L'ore, be it resolved that the Count,v Audi tor end Chai rmon of the Board are authori:i:ed and directed to issue to saiu company a warrant on the Road and Bridge fund of the county in the sum of :~14,069,00, the contract price. Adopter Mar. 13, 1951. Bert Stone Chairmar, Attest: William Li llCOl n C.LerK The :following reu,lution was adopted: RESOLUTION "BY TEE BOARD OF COUll'rY COMM!SSIOtfF:RS OT1rER TAIL 80Ul·ITY, MINN.lt:SOTA WTIEREAS, Otter Tail County has requested the Commissioner of Highways for the State of Minnesota, to establish a State Aid Parkwa,y on certain roads which service the publio at Inspiration Peak State Park, and WHERr.:AS, state funds are available f'or the maiatenance of state aid parkvtays, rrn~,. 'l'HF.REF'OR~. B<: rr. R~SOJ.VC.:D, that a request be made to the State Board of Allotment for the maintenance of said State Aid ParkY1ay in the amount as set forth below: For Maintenance -1951 $1,500.00 Adoptec:'I this 13th da.v of March, 1951. ~ert Stone chairman. Attest: ~lilliam Lincoln C.lerJc. The following resolution was adppted: '.'/HEP.EAS, it is necessar.v in order to receive Ji"P.deru.1-Aid to1'!fl.rd. tilP. construction of thfl.t portion of State Aid Road No, 19 describeri as follows: From T,'9", No, 10 at BluHtcn TO 5.5 Miles }Jorth for the county. its.elf and throuR,h thf' ~omrni.ssioner o·f J-Hghways as its agent to ar,ree to maintain said road after it shall have been construl•ted, Hl1\V THEN a_r,; I'l' P.F.SOLVF.D, that the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed ::'or and on behalf of the county of Otter Tail to e.xec:ute a contract concerning the maintene.noe. cf si;.id portion of Statr Aid Roed no. 19 in the form as set forth and contained in "L4im~esota ])epartrnent of Hi11,hways .- ~'ederal-Ai.d Muintena.nce contract Form tro. VI'', a copy of wiiic•h said form •11as before the board, assuming on behalf of the county all of the oontra.::tual obligatlons therein set forth, Adopted this 13th da;; of I,,larch, 19ol. Bert Stone Chairman Attest: Vlil U am Lincoln ~lerk, ll .I I• ., - COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. bl DATE ....................... Il.arcn .................................................. 19 ....... . The following resolution was adopted: ee it resolved that pursuant to Uhapter 161.03, Sub<i.lvislon 2o through 29, _Minnesota Statutes 1949, Th,. Commissioner of Jligh~:a..vs be appointed o.s the agent of the county of Otter Tful to let as its agent a contract for the oonstrnotlon of that portion of State Aid Roaa Uo, 1 described as follows: 8.75 Miles North of Nen Yort Mills 3.5 Miles South & 2.25 ~iles E. of r111view and the Che..\ rman and the and i tor arc hereby authorized snci dire ct ea for and 011 IJehalf of the county to exermte r.,:1 enter into a contrE.ct •·:ith thP. Commissioner of Hir,hwa.vs p1·escribing the terms am.d conditions of such afi!ency in the form as set forth o.nci conteinei' in "l,linnP.sota Department o:C Hif!hways ar.enc.v Contract Form No. IV", e copy of which said form W!lS be-fore the board, assnminr, on behalf of the Count,v o.11 of the contractual obligations therein contained. AdoptP.d. this 13th day of March l!J51. Bert Stone chairman Attest: William Lincoilm C.lerK 'r}1e follll>winp, resolution \\'as adoyted: Be it resolved that pursuant to 1'.:hapter ltH,03, Subdivision 26 through 29, J.linnesota Statutes 194!J, the Co111missloner of Hip.h•rrnys bl' appointed RS the agent of the county of Otter 'l'ail to let as its ap.ent a ccntract for the ccnstrnction of that portion or State Aid Road No. 19 described o.s follows: From: T. H. #10 o.t Blufft.in To: G.5 Miles Notth and the chairman and the auditor are i1ereb~• authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with ahe Commissioner of nighways 1,1resuribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form ns set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of IHBhways Agency Contract li'orm !lo, IV", a copy of which su id form was befc.re the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of tiJF! contractual obligations therein contained, Adopted this 13th day of March, 1951. 13ert Stone Chairman AttP.st: Willirun Lincoln ¢!erk. The follownr-resol11tion was adopted: VIHE?.F:AS, it i.s neceessr,y in order 1·0 receive Federal-Aid townrd the construction of that portion of State Aid Road No. l described o.s 'follows: From: fi, 75 Miles irorth of i'iew vor}: Mills To: 3.5 Miles south 'r. 2.25 '-{ilP.s r.:ast of t:rilJ.view for the Count,v itself and throueh the Commissioner of t:rip.hwa,vs as .its afent to af!:ree to mainta.in said road af.ter it shall hav,. been constri1cted, W'l'I rr~M ~r.: T·11 Rr.:~OT,VF.D, thn1· the chairman and the anditor are herel>,17 anthorized and directed !'.or a.n, on behalf. of the Ccunt.v of (lttl"r Tail to execute a contract concerning the maintenance of said portion o·.I: State Aid Road No, 1 in the ?orm as set forth and contained in "ivilnuesota Depo.rtrnent o:f Highways Fedezal-Aid Maintenance Contra.ct Porm Ilo, VI", a copy of v:hich so.id form was bef.,>re thP. board, assum.ing on behalf of the Cojnty all of the contractual obligations therein set forth. Adopted this 13th dey of March, 19il, .Bert Stone cna1.rman of County Boar<i Attest: William Li.ncoln Clerx The following resolution was adopted: !'l":SOLU'l'T(IN '3Y Tµr.: ~Q.~RD n1" ~"nwrv ~f'M!IHH'> Tnl'rr.:Rs QT'l'r.:R TA TJ, ~C'UN'l'"/, M!!·li""::1•"\TA RJ:;SOLVED, tho.t a port ion of county Aid Rood Ito. 58 in Ot t:er Tail county be and the same ilereb,v is revoked as :follows: Beg~nning at o. point on ~r ne11r the intersection o~ Center street and u.s. nighway ,¥10 ln Blu~fton; thence North along or near Center Street in the Village of ijluffton tc, a point on or nee.r the sect .ion 1 i ne between Sect ions 28 and 33, Tl35N-R36W; tiie1-.ce o.lon{£ or near said section line to a r,oint on or nenr tl,e Soutlwest corner of Section 28, Tl35i1-R36W; thPnce run Iiorth on or near the section l.ine bctween Sections 2A-29 20-21 16-l 7 8-9 4-~. Tl35H-R3£W1, and SP.ctions 32-33, ?.R-29, 20-21, lG-17, H-9, 4-5, 0 Tl36!l-R3Mi, ·to a • µ01nt on or near the north1·:est corner o·r Srction 4, T1:;6N-R3GV/, R.nd theTP ter•ninatlr'lf.. Approximate ten~th: 11.5 "iles • ·COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... March .............. ·-··-············· ...................... 1951 .. a,v o Marc , 1!151. Rert Stone Attest: Y/illia.m Lincoln C er The following resolution was adopted.: RF.!',OT,lJ'J' TON qy T~ ROI.RD OF r.n111,rr-y C'1ll!-!ISSIOl'ERS OTT:!':?. 'l' A r :!', r. 0'HITY , '.fIIFl)'; fl OT A Choirmnn R"'~f'TN"1D, that the followinp: described roud in Otter Tail county be and the same hereb_y is desip.nate as state Aid Road No. 19: Beg inning at a pell int on or near the intersect ion of .-~enter street and rr. 8. '9:ighway No. 10 i"t, Blu'l'fton; thence North along or near Cei1ter Street in the Village cf Bluffton to a point on or near the section line betv1eeu Sections l:.8 and !33, Tl35N-R36W; thence along or nearsaid section line to a point on or near the southwest uorner of Seetion 28, Tl35i.l-R36i7; thence run north on or near the section line between Sections 26-29, 20-21, 16-17, 8-9, 4-5, Tl35N-R36W, and Sections 32-33. 28-29, 20-21, 16-17, 6-\/, 4-5, Tl3u[-i-R36\1, to a point on 01· near the Northwest corner of S1:ct ion 4, Tl36N-R36W. and there termir,at ing. Approximate .Length: 11.5 Miles. Adopted this 13th dny of March, 1951. Bert Stene Chairman. Attest \1/illiam J,incoln Upon motion the board ac!;lourned to 10 o'olocl: A. iJ. r,tarch 14. 1951 WEDNESD,1Y' S SESS IOU. Pursuant to adjournment the Board r:Et at 10 o'c1.ock A.M. Wednesday, Mar. 14, 1951, all members being present. The petition of Arthnr G. 1-laase to be set over from School Dist. Uo. 101 to School Dist. No. 36 \'las taken u-o for final action. Af'ter listenim: to the statements of l,lr. Paa.se and Supt. Karvonen of the Dist. 38 school and also the Connt.v Sllf)Printendent nno after consi<ierinp. remonstrances si.,:tned b,1/' the residents o·f List. 101 and, ai'ter r.ull uc,P.si.dP.ra.tion, upon motion, 1:hP. l)p• it ion WLlS p.ranted and the Board issued the followin~ order to-wit: Whereas. The petition of Arthur G. 1-!aase a lep:al voter, freeholder and residP.nt of School Distric,t No. 101 in this Count.\', representing that he is the o;·:ner of the lands hereinafter described, .vhich are situate in said School District, anci ad.join Schoel District No. 38 and asking that he wi"':h his said lands '118.V be eet oif frcm said distrid N·o. 101 to said ad.joining sohool ciistr.ict No. 36 wus presented to the Board of Cou11t,v Coumlssioners of this County as a session of said board held on the 3rd da,v of January A, D,, 1951 for the action of said board thereon; and ,.•hereas it was thereupon ordered b.1/' said board that e hearing shculd oe had on said. petition, at a session of sa.id hoara. on the 14th day of March A. D,, 1951 et the County •-ud i tor' a off ice in the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and where as it was further ordered in and b,y said orlier that notice of the t.ime and plaue os such hearing be p:iven b,\" pcsting copies of sal.d order in three public places in each of the suhool districts to be affected by said pet.ition, end b,v mailing to the clerk of eaci, ot said Schoel Districts, a copy of said order at least ten dass before the time appointed for such hear in!!; and whereas at the said session oZ the said Board of Count,v Commission- ers on ea.id l•\th da,v of March A, D., 1951 clue proo:r of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed ani:'I required, more than ten da,1rs -prior to said last named date, having been made and filed. said petition was publicly read ad considP.red hr the Board, with e-.-erything which was said bf said inter- ested !)e.rties for or ap:ainst p.rantirlf. the pra.ver of the petitioner. ancl said Board being of opinion that said petition should be !"rented, it is hereb;,, ordered a'1d determined, that the said petitioner and the followinp: describe/I lands ovmed b,1/' him. to-wit: St of SW-!,-of Section 28 Township 134 Range 37 be and the same are herr.by set off from said School District No. 101 to said odjo.ining Sohool District No. 38 and saio lands are hereo~ mode a part of sniu last named School District for all purposes whatever. B.Y order of. the Boord of County Ccmmiss ioncrs, Dated the 14th da,y of March A. D,. Hl51. (Auditor's Seal) Rert stone Chs.ll'mon o·r. the Boord o t C1Hmty l1ommissloners of OttP.r Tail Con"!t,Y, Minn. Attest: William T,inooln c:ounty Aua.1 tor, and ex-o:t-::'1010 Clerk o·I" Board The pet it ion of Leonard o. ,1olmson to set over land frvm Sd,c,ol Dist. Mo. 23 in Becker County to Joint Dist. 110. l of Otter Tail ano Becker Oount,i:es, was taten up for finul act .ion, but it appearing from the statement of county superintendent of Schools Louise stondahl ti,at said pet l t ion oould not be legally granted unless the intervening property bet;veen tl,e two districts ?:as first tre.ns:f'erred to Joint Dist. iofo. 1, upo'1 motior,, the pe· ition was laid over to the Julf meeting of ti1e County Board. ,. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ ,,ra~·u h ............................................... 19'?.! .. . ISCPPIU HIIIIII cn■- At torn elr c11eater <,. :Rosengren presented appllcations of F.d. c. Peterson as presiaent or. Fereus Dair,v co-op, r.or settlernent o~ delinquent taxes e.gainst said comren.v on r.,al ,md personal pro·pert,v in the Cit.\' of Fer£!US Falls -P.or the .vears 1946-47~48-and '49, The rnR.tt1;r WR; 1Usci~1ssed ~t len!!th ond member~ of the city counc.il and other interestr-•d pnrt1.es were orec:ent and inter .ull d1.scuss1on the Board too~; tne matter under advisement ·J'or action later in the de,v. The applici;tion of T,eonerd Lee r:or reducti.on of licenses on trucks in the Village o·Z Pelican Rapids for lil50 unon which 1950 licenses were isHued was read and the Board recommended to the Cornmissioner of Taxation that the assessed valne be reduced from $7199.00 to $6183.00 allCi the tazes from ,$857,28 to$734,58 The applioetion of. A, 13, Y.:ilue '.!o. for reduution of taxes for 1950 on truoks in the Cit:; of E'ergus Falls uoon 1vhiuh 1950 licenses were issued was reed anci the Board recommended that the assessed value of said oompany be reduced from $14,812,00 to $14,348.00 and taxes from $2L60.70 to $2482.63. The applicatlon o:::' Ervin wells for reduction of 19:..0 tax on automobile in the Village of Perham uuon 11:hich 1!150 license was issued was read a.lid the Boa1·d re::ommended tiiut the assessed vulue of personal property be reduced from $1430,00 to $967.00 anu the taxes from $1B9,46 to $128,12. The e.9plicetion of. Donald Adams for reduction of assessment :!'or p_ersonal propert:1 in the Villtagc o! Dalton for 1950 on the Rrouuci that no house-hold exemntion v1as allov:ed nim V!!lS read end tile Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessP.d value be rPduoed f:1·om $115.00 to $15.00 and the ta~P.E from tl6,66 to $2.17. The ap1>liollt ion of Rolland l'fester1>erp. :i:or reduct ion of R.ssese:mnnt on pe1·sonal property in t'he Town- s hip of Carlisle fo1 1!150 on the r-round that no house-hold exemp1:ion w1.ts 11llo··1cd him v1as read and the Boar1 recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the allsessed va.l.ne be reduc:ed from $135,00 to $35,00 and the taxes from $16.73 to $4,34. The e.pplicntions of Theodore Bakken .for l'Pdu.oti9n of assessm1mt on personal proµert.•1 in Vininr- Villar,e and of F,dword McDonald for reduction of. real estate in the Township of Candor \-:ere read aod 1'>'ere ordered returned to the o.pplicsnts for aoproval b,v thP. village e.nc! to·:mship boa.1·ds. The application of Irving F.llis !'or reduc,tion of ussP.sement of perec.nul property in the Village of ~attle !.ake for 1950 was reed and the !3oard rec:ommcmded to the Commise:ioner o.f Taxation that the assessed value be reduced :f.rom Cl86.00 to 9150,00 und thP. taxes fro~ fl3.66 to $7.95, ThP. application of F.lmer A. Vip.en for redi101:ion of assP.ssrnent -r-or lt'f,() 'l~Ri.t1st the NW¼ IHV¼ and thP. E½-NW~ of Sec. 13, Towhship cf :::rrr,ndh.~F!m, ~.'as l"P.'!.d and the '3oard l"P.oomrnended to the Com:i1lssiornu of Taxation that tlie essessP.d valnaticn br> rt?dnoed from ~1259.00 to :~909,00 and the taxes .from $151.17 to tho9,14. The epplicntion of C. A, Browh for reduction o! assessment rar 19~0 ago.inst Sub Lot Bin Saation 25, Towns hi I? of Dora., was read and the Board rec.,o!m:tended to the Cammi ssioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $817.00 to $u74.00 e.nd the taxes fl'or:i $140,71 to $98.83. The applic.,ation of Arnold Weegman for renuct.ion of assess,nent for 1950 against the El NW¼ of Seo. 29. Tovm of Dora, v1a.s read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner o·f TaxL.tion that the aasessed value be reduced from $601.00 to $515.00 and the taxes frorn $82,30 to $70,52. '.l.'ne follov:ing resolution vius advpted: RESOLUTION FOR Lil,iIT::D PA!l;:rnc Various oompaints have been made to the o·f.eicials of the connty by many citizens of the County as to the parking conditions surrounding the court House and after observation, said c,ornplaints have been found to be true; TT IS TP'!l:R~ORE RESOLVED 8Y the board o:r. Count.v (lomrnissioners of Otter '.'ail r.ounty, MinneRota that there should be parking ree:trictions on the streP.ts surrounding the Court House ond the DOR.rd of Count~• (lommissioners does therefore sincerP.l,y request of the Mayor and City Council o·f FerBUS Falls, Minnesctu that parking be Umitecl to 1 hour on the followinr-: streets: On t.he east side of Court Street betl'!een overhead br ldge and Junius Avemte; On both sides of ,1uni.us Avenue between court StreP.t and Mill Street; On the west sine of Mill Street between the Northern Padlific traoks and Juni11s Avenue; IT IS i!''JP.TP•·:R R!!:SOLVF.D '.'hat the· Count.v Auditor present to the Ma;,'or ana City vonnoll of. Fergus Falls a copy o·r. this Resolution. Adopted March 14, 1951. Attest: V/illiam• tinuoln Cler, BP.rt Stone Chairman Wage rates, effective !,larch 1, 19ul, for Clounty Highway Department employees, were agreed upon us follo~,s: Patrol Operators Truulc Driver 2nd. l.ian on Truult common Labor l.Ol:i per hour .95 II II .90 .05 " All monthly emvloyees raised t,10.00 µer month, The follov:in~ resol11tion was adopted: Re: Senate File 704 companion House file 776 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... ··············-··-··!!!~!:.~.~ ........................................... lff 1 .. For an Act relating to amending Minnesota statutes of 1~49, Section 125.065, subdtvision 2 relative to school buses having a capacity of 33 pupils or more. such buses shall be equipped with tandem rear axles, T he o.bo'Ge bill is before the Minnesota legislature to eliminate the ~andem rear axles for school buses. Tt is Resolved b,v the Board of Collnty Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota that to enact this amendment would be injurious to Connt,v hii:,:hwa,vs and also iltsregarcl safety ann the 'B oard of' County r,ommiss loners of Otter Tail County, Minm!sot a there fore res pee: t ~1111.v request the otter Tail County delegation tn the ~1innesota State Ler,islature to vote "no" on sai.d amendment. Adopted March 14, 1951. Attest: William Lincoln C er The fQllowin~ bills were allowed: ,1. C. Henkes DO Ed, C, Drews M, C. Lee Western Union George Hanson Bermie J. Juhnson Bert stone Lot1ise stondahl Mabel Wenstrom C. J. Lnnil Mild red Bruvold :.le.uritz Sjobeck Dr, Be.rl E, Bip.ler Merchant Cal. M-Jhe. co. Gef.f.ne.v' s r,iPhnld Tnc. Adnressogro.ph So.les A~ency Frank C. Bo.rnes Gef:f',me,\·' s OfficP. Spec. Pierce Co. Tm per i al suppl,i' Co. Po11cher PrtB, to Lith Co. Ii. YI, Pub. Go,, N,Y .!A, Poucher Prtg. , Li~h. Co, Miller-Davis Uo, Security Blank Book~ Pr~f-. Co. Free Press Co. Schoolcraft Co. Tne r.eo. D, ~o.rne.rd Co. Nelsoll Bros. 0 rtp.. Co. Victor tundeen, ~o. Pelican Rapids ~ress ~attle Lake Review Pelican Rapids nress The Tnilepender,t Par. Pre.. lfenning Advocate Fergus Journal Co. Perham Enterprise Bulletin Winther Lumber & Fuel Frenkovtz Hardware Hillyard Sales Co. !:lenr,v H. Smith Nyman Fuel Co. Odin Johnson N. W. Bell Tel, Co, Do 1'anson's Plu,nbinp: -. ll"eating co. Norman Nunn Louise stondahl Esther G, Sell Do Maybelle .l, Lee Nat. Organization for P,ll".N, Ma.vbelle J. Lee N, W, ~ell Tel. Co. Y.atherl.ne D, Townsend Pnil:ip !JI,: Y.;ieglien Water~ light Dept. N.w. ~ell Tel. co. Ruth C. Campbell Victor Lundeen '<: Co. BarkP., Allison ·'I: Darb.v l!. ;1. caorv igen Mason Pub. Co. B11rroughs Add. Mche. Co. N. W. Stamp works eli"penses HPnr.v Sieling Bennie J. Johnson CeorBe IJ'.anson Bert stone Carl A, Snowberg noard of Co1mty Commissioners boarding prlAoners expensP.s expenses telegrams expenses II II II II coroner's fees tram1crlpts witness fees II main. mnnicipnl ,1ndf!e' s fees supplies " ., :lllhlishine; rubber stamps blanks etc. record hook so pplies school supplies sniipl ies p:rintinf.Z sn1pplies pub, dr,l tax list 11 P.. D, tax lists " " " " ., " publishing supiJlie·s " II repairs coal cash paid for repairs mobile service calls repairs postage " expense nurse postar.e expense nurse s ubscr i'pt ion posta.p.e services (vet.ser) fent cash advanced water -. lif',ht calls expenses supplies workmans Tnc. license exp. annotations .. dipest ribbon supplies $ 136.17 117.00 11.10 26.30 7.19 11.76 10.80 lB,75 09,85 10,99 10.25 21.45 7.3(, l!., iD 35.00 40.00 25.00 23.95 5R.90 4.98 ll.A7 4.55 2.25 2.40 1.05 62.0•l 99.46 G.fi5 117 .05 31.95 14.50 123.25 53:L25 302.20 3~;8.40 227.40 215.60 730.20 1.130 19.!:i5 9.!36 82.25 20.30 664,14 1.00 79.55 20.45 33.25 45.00 88.16 35.92 3.00 67.63 4.00 2.00 12.25 45.00 4.50 12.65 37.05 33,134 5,76 2885.00 6.70 57.50 .69 9.53 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ Mo.rch ............................................. 19 ... ~.! Fargo Rubber Stamp Co. Estrem Clinic Police ~ Sheri ff' s Assn. Lampert LumbP.r Co. 11it.V of FerBUS Falls Village of Par. Pra. Victor Lundeen~ Co. Dr, ~P.ndrick DeKruif Drs. Lewis, Lewts ~ Y.vern Dr, n. R. LiP.bOld No·peming Sanatorium !,!inn. stnte·san. Uni vers i t,v 110,pi ts.ls Snnn,vrP.st San. Vi 11 ap.e o·r. tTnd er,•1ood Town of tJev:1 on Tov:11 of Otto Town or. Lida Vill. o·f. Underwood Tmm of Inman City of Fergus Falls Peper, Calmenson & Co. Borchert-Tnsersoll. Inc, Wm. H. Ziegler Co. • Inc. Geo. T, Ryan Co. Klauer Mfp.; co. IJ!inn. F,VI.D. Co, N, w. Rquipment. Inc. A. w. company, Tno, of !;!inn. ~intp.en-Karst t1ec. co. National aush. ~ Parts Co. Mi.nnP.epolis Tron Store Gaffaney's Office Spec. Co., Inc. Victor Lnndeen ~ co. Albinson, Incorporated Minneapolis Blue Print. Co. l1!1ller-Davis co. Nelson Bros. Print. Co. H. A, 'Rogers co. Knoff's Hardware Ebersviller's Imple~ent co. Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc. Emp1re Supply Co. Moore's B:ardl'lare Toftely Rros. Hdwe 0 elicnn Tele. Co. N,W, 'Rell ')'ele. co· •• 'l'enn.ing Vergas Telephone Co. A, B. Kilde Co, Larson Brothers DavldRon Metal Shop Smith .i, ll'erweda Fergus Plumbing II: Heating Co. J~inne' s Inc. Olson Auto Electric Renning Auto & Mach. \?arks Field Machine Shop Hintz & Son Blacksmith Shop Jeenish Industries Mllls Motors Paulson Tire Shop .11.nton Wellnofer "F:rvin Siegfried Ray's Oil station Service Oil Co, D, A, Lubricant, Inc. And er son 3: Sandberg Oil co. !:l'aggP. Oil Co. Service on co., T.Jnderwood ~engtson 011 Co. Bills Service station Walt's P.epair Shop Bi.11 Nelson Oil no. Thomas Garage Twins Motor Oo. Bob's Service Station Comsumers co-op. Oil Co •• B.T,. Cities Service Station ll'erp.us Oil Co. 13aas. Oil co • ,anther Lnrnher 'l, 1-'nel r.enter H.vman 'Fnel Co. Fergus tumber !Pc Fnel Go. P,ff. Gust Elevators, Vergas The Farmers' Supply Tesch Lu.rnber co. The Carew warehouse Dalton Lumber Co. George Olson Wendell P, Huber-w. L, Potter '!P.nr,v Anderson Raymond Bros. Motor Trans. Inc. rubber stamps services (jail) d.irectory supplies " for transients care of transient f'i l.ing equip. exam. " ,. earn of pn tient It ,, a pecial nnrsinr, care of patient poor exp. .. " " cutt lng edges parts " " II " supplies " II II " ., services II II gasoline II oil diesel fuel dieRel fnel gasoline~ supplies " etc. "etc. gas, oil~ elec. cur. gasoline coal " II " " etc. expenses " II mileage freight -:' $ 10.42 8.00 3.00 2.15 14,00 ?.27.12 A6. '/5 3.00 9!).00 27.00 3!)6.90 149.52 181.00 20.00 !J0.39 60:1.15 99.64 65.25 18.52 315.82 4834.85 409.32 31.15 1105.07 465.06 270.61 208.67 104.99 765.93 3.45 58.06 19.17 24.50 4.80 71.47 7.35 14.61 10.05 156.95 !L05 4.69 15.17 145.2A 1.15 6.60 6.80 11.38 16.05 100.28 199.45 2.00 2.02 4.80 4•~7 .68 49.49 10.15 177.67 20.20 92.60 9.50 5,00 19.50 99.46 41.88 56.25 392.08 76.50 977.06 11,,.,4 70.92 56.64 28.00 1285.84 27.41 73.91 64.04 141.15 30.75 186.38 50.15 83.13 33.20 44.90 52.85 76.70 39.28 25.50 61.70 12.20 153.63 62.16 6.48 4.38 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... .l!~."!:.Q.h .................... -··················-·······l 9. 51 Heinola Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co., F,F. poncher ~rint. ~ Llth. Co. E, R, Swenson Ina. Agency Wendell ·p. Huber Minn. State Highway Dept. Mutual Service casualty Ernest Sandberg !I'weet'a Garage Parson&: Brown s. w. Beckman N, W, Bell Tele. Co. Monroe calcnlat ing Machine Go. \'I. ]!'. Smith Tire Sc Battery co. rental •• tolls lonR distance forms insurance cash adv. services insurance elec. current elec. current etc. atoi:er to·::ing services main. tlrP.S Upon motion, the Auditor was instructed to advertise for the following projects: l. Grading -,Tob J/,51:60, C.A,R, ¥50, 1.83 Miles tocated b?.h1een Perham and Little Pine Lake. 39,348 cubic yards excavation. 2. Bituminous Seal coat -Approximately 36 mi.les o:f. ~onnty Roads and Village Streets. 76,032 gallons Blturninous Material for Seal Coat, 2,765 cubic yards Mineral Agp.egate ·eor sand seal, bids to be opened Apr. 10, 1951 at 2 o'clock P. M. 15.70 26.45 119.96 23.75 4.47 11.96 38.50 9.40 41.55 105.00 4.00 60.95 15.00 777.51 The Boa:rd resumed d iscusslon on the applications of the Fergus Dairy Co-op. fc,r settlement of delinquent taxes and after full discussion a motion was made by Corn.111iasioner Snowberg and aecondeo by com111issloner nanson that the applications be recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation. The question being put to vote Commissioners Snowberg and l-fanson voted ",yes" and CommiF1sloners Sieling and ,Tohnson voted "no". After further discussion, the Chairman refused to vote on the proposition and, upon motion, the BOard adjourned to Apr. 10, 1951 at 10 o'clocl: A. M, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... April._ ....................................... l!P..! .. . MUl"TJTES OF ADJOU"RIIE1) UEETIIJG OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS~IOIIBRS OF OTT1':R TAU. COUNTY, t,tTH!IBSOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Boa.rd met at 10 o'clock A.M. Apr. 10, 1051. Present were Commissioners Sieling, Johnson, Hanson and stone. No. the The bid of Anton Orpen of $25,00 for p;ra,·el pd!t advertised for salf! by the county was accepted. A delegation of residents of Dane Prairie 8l'ld vicinity asked for improvement o"f. part of old highway 36. "On and O'ff" sale beer licenses and dance pP.rmit 1:ere grantecl to Arv id Tenney at Highway Park in Tovms hi po f Elmo. "On and Off" sale beer licenses and cigarette licenses and dunce permits were granted to ·nm. E. Lee at Grand View· Heights in the Town of Pine Lake, Ralph •• Crews at Srir11ce Lodge, Tovmship of Star Lake, &.nc Donald H, Bondy at Leaf L&.ke Pleasure Grounds. "On and Off" snle beer licenses and also ci.ga.rettP. licenses vrere e:ranted to Frank Quint and Y.usta Lind at Leaf T,ake: Carl and Tna Leaf nt Squaw l'oint, Tovm of 0 ine Lake; Franklin Larson e.1: Big Pine Resort, Torm of Pine toke: Herbert JJ.nd T,eRo,v Limmer at Rush T,ake Resort: \'Im, Tessendorf. Wood land Pnrl:, Town of Girard : Jauques i:r,rnd riclrx, Ru tler St ore; ,James Ve ,ivoda, !lush T,ake Resort. "On and Off" sele beer licenses were grenteci to ,r. J. ::•1elb.l' at Gra.vstone Lodge, Tc:-wr1 of Everts; Ernie Pederson, at resort, Tovm of star Lake: Mr, aiid Mrs. Arnold ~venson, Western Store: Wolter IUein, resort, Town of gush La.lee; Sylvester Shasky, Jungle Shore:,, ToY:n of Corliss: Albert Januszewski, resort Town of Perham: Leonarcl Barker, store, Almora; Geraldine l!'. Kremer, Luce: Virgil llewborg, store, '!'own u.l: Friberg; Albert Turchin, service station in Alrnora; C, S. Jenson, Glaso Bur, 1rown ·of Girard; John G, Krejci, resort, Town of Dead Lake: Anton Sand, Pines i::auins, Tovm of Corliss. t::lgarette li.oenses were gi·anteo to the tollowing; Harold aud Marie Brenaman, store, Town of I.fai. ne; Gust A. Strand, resort, Tovm of Lida: Gustaf O, Yleiss, Shady Gruve Resort, Town of Rush Lake; Art Remus resort, 'l'OVln of Rush Lake: C. H. Chat wood, Phelps store. Towr! of Muine. The Board ap·pr,:,ved resolution by the village council of Bluf'ftun in regard to improver.ient of road ln said villae;e ani\ auth,ai:;eCI the Chairman cf the county board and the County Auditor to si.gn agreement wit rt the villugf! counci 1 of ~ln~fto11 on part of state Aid Boad !Jo. 19 l,li.nnesota F'ed eral Aid Project s 4~~ (i} ~s follo~s 1-.BSOLUTIOII PY MUNir:TPALITY !d'ID AGREEMF.UT BETYIEJ'!N MmJTCIPALITY AtID COUNTY FOR FEDERAL-AID '!HGHl'IAY Il,l''ROVEMEtJT IlESOLUTTOif \'ll·!EP.EAS, the countl· Boord of the County of Otter ~ail hereinafter designated as the county proi)eises the constructtllon, reconstruction or improvement of a street or highway ic!entined as S.A.R. No 19, Minnesota Federal-Aid Project S 433 (1) State Project No. 56-519-01 hereinafter designated as the Project in the Villar,e of '3luffton, Otter Tail count,\', Minnesota, hereinafter des icnated as the Municipality. which Pro,jP.ct is located ancl further described as follows: '!3er,inning at a point 1307 .8 feet East of the Northwest corner of Section 33, Tl35N-P.36W; thence llfesterl.v and Northerl.\· to the North limits of the Village of Bluffton; and W"T'P.REAS, the count.v is desl rous of receiving Federal !"unds for the improvement of said street or hlghWP,,V; and WHEREAS, the r.aws of Minnesota give assent to the 'Provisions cf the I!'ederul-Aid Highw~• Act !l'ld acts amendatory therof or supple:11e11tar.v thereto and regulot ions iatmed prusuan t thereto hy the Bureau of Public Roads, Department of Ccr.uner~e. United States of ~~erlca.. ·which hereinafter collectively will be designated as the Act, and charge tb.e County tc, do ull things necessur,r fnlly to carr.v out the oooperatioi contemplated and provided for b:, the Act; and WHEP.EAS, the project ~,ill be subject to the provisions of the Act; e.nd WHEREAS, all or certain portions of the streets or highwa,1•s upon whicn this project is located ore within the corporate limits of the iiunioipality and it hus to some extent legal jnrisdiction over traf'.l'i1 regulations, and the control of builDinF,s and other structures; and WHER-0:AS; the constn1ction, reconstruction, or improvement uf the Pro,1ect is conditioned npon the fulfillment of the obligation of the M1.micipali t.v in a manner aatisfaotory to the county and the Com'lliss- ioner of Public Roads, or both, or their a.uthorized representatives; uo~,. T!~J'!RF.1i'0R~? B!'.: TT RESOLVE!• FOR AllD IN GONSTD"]RATION Oli' 'J'HF. county's tmcicrtaking of <.:his 'Project under the requirements o.f the Act, that insofar as its ler,al jurisdiction O'ler the projec:t is concerned the Mtmicipali t,v ass eats to the reqnirP.111ents of the Act and pledges its good faith in oarrying out the purposes stipuluted 111 the Act, and to this end the Municipality hereby agrees: 1. That all signs and traffic control devices and other protective structures erected on or in connect ion with the Project, incluu irig suc:h of these as are installen at hhe sole cost s.nd expense of' the Municipali t,r or by others, will be in conformity with the i,ianual en Uniform Tra :fie control Dei'ioes dated August 1!148 and 9repared b.V th'! American Association of State Hip.hway Offlci.als, approved b,\' the State of Minnesota, and conourred in by thP. Cor.l'llissicner of Pn.blic Roads or any subsequent revisions. 2, That the ri~ht of ,rev available or !)rovided for the nro,iect r1ill be hP.ld and maintained inviola. e for onblic hip.hvm.v or street purposes, and 110 sip,ns, other than those descr.iiJed above, post!'!rs, billboard: roadside standR, cm.rb.v pumps encl other curb service devicPs or other pri,·atP insi:e.llations \'lithin the exclusi~e ;lnr~sdicti•:rn ~f thP. 1,111riiclpallt.r v:ill be perrnitted within the rilfht o".' ~•1a.v lirnits of the Pro.1ec The 1,1un1clpnl1t.v v1il.l w1.th respect to such items as arc l'lithin Ps jurilidic:tion, which mn.v be or cause an obstruction or .lnter·J'ere with thP. free flov: of traffic, or which rnoy be or cause a hazard to traffic or whiuh ma.r vitiate or impair the nsefnlness of the µro.1cct and v1hich may be requi.ren to be removed 'o,'/ the County at its own election or at the re quest cf the Commissioner o:C' Publiu Roads, remove or cause re- moval of the same. 3. That it 1vill not designate a speed limit of less than 30 miles per hour. J...I · COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY; MINN. DATE ........................................ : ...... -....................................... 19 .... . 4, That it will carr.'; out the parl~ing restrictions generally rer:ommended by the Commisaioner or t!ip.hways of Minnesota and the Commissioner of Public Roads for use under similar cond l t ions. 5, Tha~ having examined the plans for the ,roject and identifieo as sheets mumbered 4, 5, 6, the al ii;:nment, grade, drainap.e and cross sect ions ns shown thereon be and hereb:v approved. 6, That the l·•tunicipali t.v will enact such necessar.v ordinancea to pro·perly en·forc:e an.v of the above provisions 7, That the lep.ally designatea o?.~icials be and they are herPby authorized and directeo to enter lnto n li1utual aBreement with the County proYidinB fer the undertaking of tills pro,ject under the consider- ations described above, - Resolution presented by Joseph Kluenenberg adopted April 2, 1951 Approved Sylverter !('Upfer Title Presid,mt uf Council This is to certify that the above resolution was adopted and pussed ut a Special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Bluffton, State of Minnesota on the 2 day of April 1951 Ray Y.lel11 Village Clerk THIS AGRRP:Mf,NT, made this 2 day of April, 1951, by and between the Municipality and the County, is for the undertaking of the l?roject described in the foregoing "qesolution. NOU/, T'fP.REFOR~. in consideration of this undertaling, it is af!:reed by and between the parties hereto that all provisions of the Resolution are herei:1 acce!)ted nnd made a part of this aBreement and shall become binding upon the said parties, H' l\'H~NF.SS '"!:r,;]RF,OF. the ;,ertles hereto have caused this ae,:reeme:nt to be duly executed 11.s of tile da,v and ,vear above written, ATTEST: Village of Bluffton Ray Klein Villege Recorder -Polihcal subd lv 1sion William Lincoln 13Y county Andif.or Otter Tail county BY Bert Stone , Title Chairman of county Board The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commis"1ioners of. Otter '.Pall County, Minnesota: l'f'JF.RJ.]AS, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Rosholt Equirment Co. for two \Vlsccnsin Special one-way snow plows, and ,,,u~?."!AS, sa:id have b'!en a ell vered to e.nrl accepted b,v the count.\', rrow, There1:cre. be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized e.nd directer to issue to said compan.v o ~·:arrant on the Roarl and Bridge fund of the county in the sum of $1?.10.00 the contract price. Adopted April 10, 1951. Bert stone Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln Cler IC, The highway enp.ineer reported expend.! tnre 'l,'T the higimr,y de-riartment of $369.53 repairing Count,v Ditch 1,0. 64 and, 1rpon mot i.on, the a11cli tor was instructed to trans fer that sum from the Di tc:h 64 account to the County Ro.ad and Rridge Fm1d. The application of the Ferr,us Dairy Co-op. ~·:as a.gain taken up and l!lotlon wasmade b,v Commissioner t!anson and seconded by commissioner Snowberg that the real and personal property taxes in the City of Fergus Falls for the years 1946 and '47 be reduued to tll,2b0.00. commissioners H.~ns~n and ~nowberg voted "yes" and commissioners Sieling and Johnson Voted ''Mo". A motion was made by Commissioner s1eling and seconded by Cumrnissioner Johnson that the taxes be reduced to $12,5DO.OO, Commissioners Sleling and Johnson voted "yes'' and Commissioners Hanson and snovrberg voted "No" and the Chairman refused to vote on either of these motions. A bid of the ,'ohn Dieseth Co, for constructing a certain section od! County Aid Road Ho. 50 ln the Tor.nship of oerham as ad.vertised by the Board, said bid !Jeinp: in the sum of $10,678.92, was read and this being the onl.v bid received, upon motion, it •·:ns rejected, The bid of c. r,. stodolka f.or fnrnishinp. and appl,yinr, bituminous materail as advertised b.Y the Soard was read, said bid beinp. in the sum of ~21,842.62, but this beine: the onl,v bid received, ·upon motion, it \•!e.s rejected. ! I COMMISSIONERS RECORD .. N,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE......................... A11ri.l .............................................. 19 .. lil. Upon motion, the Auditor was instructed to advertise for construction of certa.i!') county projects, said bids to be opened by the commissioner cf Highways or his representative at the Count House in Fergus Falls at 2 o'clock P, i4, lvlo..Y 8, 1!.l51. Upon motion, the Auditor wa.s instructed to re-advertise for bids for grading Job 5150 on Count,11 Aid Road No, 50 and also for bituminous seal coat on county roads and village streets, said bids to be opened at 2 o'clool: P. Ill, l..iay 8, 1!151. Upon motion, the Board ad,jonrned tu 10 o'clock A, M, April 11th, vrr.:DNF.SDAY' ~ SE:SSIOJI Pursuant to ad,journment, the Board :nP.t at 10 o'clocl:: A, !,i, Apr. 11, 1!151, all members present. The Town Boord of St. Olaf d .iscussec' with the CommissionP.rs the request fer impro,• ing Connt,v Aid ~cad No. 42, The 13oard explaine~ to the Tovrn Board the laok of f.unds for construction work at the present time. The followinr; petitions to set over land from one school district to another were read: Leon Green to set over the wi SYH· of sec. 36, TWP, 138, RgP.. 42 in Becker r::ounty from Dist. 23 of 'i'iecker co. to Joint Dist. No. 1 of Otter Tail and 13ecker r::ol.lllJ;j.g§ · .,_, the petition of HP.rman Huebsch to set over the sw,t of Sec. B and the s,!;-f1\V~ of Sec. 17 in the ¥'~!ttp d"f Ottit°f-£:&m Dist. 1:s; the petition of Rupert M. ,Johnson to set over the NE1 NE+ of sec. 35. Town of Pine Lake~rom Dist. 178 to Dist. 181 and the petition of Roy Martin to set over the v,l:-If\'/'.'-of Sec. 35, ToYtn of "inP. r.a.ke from Dist. 178 to Dist. 184, and the petition of Thor ~T. Thorson to set over the SE? of Sec. 33, Town of .Aastad from Dist. 119 Ottr,r Tail Count.v to Dist. r•o. 5 of Gra.nt count.I', and the petition of r.:enneth a.nd Petn Cla.mbe~• to set over the E~ SE;of Sec. 10, Tovrnship of Aurdal, from J;'ist. 207 to !'ist 247. Upon motion, it was ordered that hearinr,s on all of so.id pP.titions he ha.d at the session o·r the Boa.rd ,iulJ• 10, 1951 at 10 o'clock A, M, at the commissioners' Room in the court House and that due notice of the time and place of said hearings be givP.n as providP.d h.V luw. "On and Off" sale beer licenseR and cigo.rettP. license were granted to L, 1?, Engel at cozy cove Cabins, Town of Dead Lake, on motion, Commissioner Henry Sieling was appointed as ccunty board member of the Otter Tail county Extensio·n committee for the year 1951. The application of The9. Bak.ken for reduction of the assessed valuation of personal property in the Village of Vining for the year 1950 1·:as read as well as stntement of the count,\' su.pervisor of assessments recommending the application. Upon motion, the ,3ourd recommended to the Cornmissioner of T axation thut the assessed value of the personal propert.11 be reduced from $228,00 to $37 .00 including household exemptio1 and that the taxes be reduced fro'll ~18.76 to ~5.42. The application of U,omer Allison f.or reductio~ of assessment on motor vehicles in the Village of Pelican Rapids for 1950 npon v:hich 1950 trinnesota licenses vrerP. issued v:as read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation thr-.t the assessed value of th" personal propert.v of the applicant-be reduced frorn $4650.00 to $4020.0() and the taxel'l fro'!l $519,46 to ~473,38, The application of L.vle Farrow for ret'uction of assessment for 1!.l50 in the Village of Perkers Prairi1 on 'llOtor vehicle upon 1·:hich 1950 license was issued was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of taxation that the assessed value o:1' the personal property of. suid applicant be reduced from $958.00 to ~$670.00 nnd the tuxes f'ro·n ~\117.77 to ~189.36. The application of Edward J,!cDoniild for reduction of assessrnent on real estate in Sections 26 and 35 in thf' To1vnship of Candor for the year 1950, said apolication beinr accompanier b,y a statement signed by the Co11nt.v S1rnervisor of. Assessl!lents reco'.llmendinF. reduction of. valuation, wo.s read but the 13oard beinp. inf.orned h.v H, T,. Allen, Supervisor of Assessments, thnt the nssesscr and tovmship board of candor Town- ship refnsed to recomme!'ld the aoplicati on, upon motion, th<> said apnlicat ion 1·:ns rejected. The application of. Georp.P. .,. l'rnP.•111!r fo:r rPdu.ction of the assessed valuation of personal propert.v in the Villap.e o.r Urbank for the yenr 1950 was rend and discussed and, 'lpon motion, the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed valuP. of said personal property be reduced from ~4272.00 to $3506,00 and thr? taxes from t372,60 to $304.19. " Discuss ion of the applicat i'on cf Fere,us Dairy Co-o i:,. !'.or settlement of delinquent real estate and personal property taxes for 1946 und 1947 was resumed. t;Iotion wus made by Comrnissionl!r Hanson and second- ed by Commissioner Snov,berg that these tuxes be settled for the total sum of $11,250.00. commissioners uanson and Snowberg voted "a..l'e" and Co:nmissioners Sieling und ,1ohnson voted "no". 1'he chairman then announced thut the motion was curried. This settlement is a reduction of $19,030.5). from the full amount of taxes, penalties, interest and cost. The following bills were allowed: J. c. Henkes Ed, c. Drews M, C. Lee Wi?stern 'Jnion !f, L. Allen ,,ohn :t,, Bixby .Esther G. Sell Ma.vhelle ,1. T,ee Do W. 0 • DP.•·iey Marlin Re.1rnolds Frank c. Barnes ;\ddressograph Sales Ap.enc.v Monroe Cal. Mche Co. Oswald l>U.b. Co. The J.)ierce Co. Schoolcraft co. bd. of prisoners deputy sheriff exp. P.x-penses tP.lee:rams e:xpP.nses expenses nurse ,, ,, " Soil conservation exp. dep. sheriff fees municipal judges fees main. · machine hlanl:s envP.lones school·supplles $ 84.00 6.00 13.90 4.30 38.75 30.98 31.09 26.52 47,25 13.80 3.00 27.15 22.55 513.50 24.37 6[i.50 28.39 .JJ COMMISSIONERS RECORD -N-, .. OTTER TAIL <;3OUNTY~ MINN. Educational Test Bureau NP.lson Bros. Prtg. co. Poucher Prtg. 'I: Lith.Co. Re~ington Rand Inc. I.filler-Davis co. Do Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. N.vman Fuel co. N. w. Bell Tele. co. Fergus Journal Co. Perham Enterprise ~ulletin N. w. Bell Tele. Co. Do Holt en Hd,re. Aasness "3ros. Ronnin!l: Sir,ns Leonard Olson 11. J,. Allf-n P. :,!. Ree l7orman Nunn J. c. !'l'enkes Archie Erner,v H. V/. Glorvigen Fargo Rubber stamp Vforks Marshall-Wells Store Norman Nunn Philip M, Kjaglien DO Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Service Dept. Army times PUb. Co. Victor Lundeen .'I: Co. N. W. Bell Tele. co. Coopers Office Suppl,\• City Water 'I: Light Dept. Katherine D. TO''tnsend Town of Maplewood Tovm of star Lake Town of Deer Creek university Hospital DO Villa~e of Parkers Prairie Nopeming Sanatorium Minn. state Sanatorium Vill. of Parkers Pra~rie Christ Frost, Adm. Melvin Frost GeorP.e Frost, Jr. 'f'erme.n Aholo. i'lm. Vlarner, Jr. \Vm. Vlerner, Sr. Wm. ,"J •• Janke l'/illiam E. Jaakola Toivo Jaakola ,John o. Tolppi Mary Ranta Frank K.vola Vernon B. Tolppi Frank\'/. Tolppi Hugo-Hietala Reynold Martini Hilda I.I. Koski Ben Siirila Hilda M. Koski Herbert E. Bengtson Sylvester Hietala Carl·Gustafson 17alfred ui et ala Robert L,jungren Carl ¥1. I.jungren Adolph L,1ung:i-en Joseph M. Olson Wilfred Turnbladh Glen And er,son Ra.vmond ~-Geiser !,!rs. Sylvester Sch\':artz Sylvester Schwartz Wm. Vorderbruggen Ludwig l'/egscheid Anton Ylalz George J. Goeller Theo. J~aufman Ra.vmond B. Ament Anton J. Y.:auf'man R'up.o •.!. Guck Frank E. Breher School Dist. #198 Hubert Scl111artz, Jr. lJorbert 11el temes Martin s. Olson Chester Olson Reuben R. Simpson Raymon o. Erickson Katherine Hanian DATE ...... ·-··············-····~\JlrJ .. l ............................................. 19D.l. school supplies printing 'I: supplies binders 'I: supplies supplies record book supplies •• blanks supplies coal calls pub. pub. financial statement mobile service calls suppli!es r~pairs ~ alterations lP.ttering doors etc. constable fees postage .. services drivers license exp. stump supplies box rent expenses postage printing supplies vet. ser. " " " .. !,)hone calls ·• supplies vro.ter 'I: light" rent (ser. off.) poor expense " " special nursing ., " co.re of transient care of patient " ,, " " quarantine expenses Right of \'la.v move fence ~ight of wa.v 'I: move fence ., ., " " " " ., " " " " " " serveranc:e costs &: &: " 'I: " 'I: " " " " .. " move fence move fence " move fence move fence " ., ., •• serverance f U9.trn 123.00 313.00 534.80 2l:4.0l 72.'12 21.3G 623.73 39.60 255 ,50 810.60 79.85 25.45 6.31 216.09 12.60 7.00 21.50 129.16 45.00 4.50 9.00 11.00 .73 25.91 2.00 55.80 5.00 7.50 4. 25 5.65 17.65 7.50 15.14 45.00 186.25 150.89 247.07 161.00 53.50 124.29 534.60 165.54 21.00 10.20 19.74 60.78 55.43 31.1>4 30.14 60.44 500.00 44.39 52.60 10.20 10.20 500.00 38,38 6.20 26.86 27.80 73.28 19.60 20.00 9.80 58.45 10.20 29.10 121.93 28.01 63.99 61.36 30.33 l88.8i 31.93 64.25 l?J3 .10 10.20 91.30 57.35 29.05 47.03 30.00 65.94 209.30 1.80 97.70 64.17 23.30 28.10 38.51 38.48 3,94 II COMMISSIONERS RECORD-·N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... -1.Pril ....................................... -....... 19 .51 Herman A. Haman Helen Anderson Evelyn \'/eicl~ert Henry Rusche "Fred W. Ho hr Susan "Frisch Ann lvlohr. Adm. Jrinne' s Inc·. Sko~mo !/lo tors, Inc. Larson Brothers Hendrickx Implement co. A. R. MeiP.r A. B. Killie co. Wadena Generator & iilotor Repair Ebersvlller Implement Co. Olson Auto Electric Tichy's Shop Alden Petersot\ Fortwengler Electric Shop Hintz&: Son Blacksmith Shop Park Rep:ion Oil Co. Y.nuttila Implement Co. Henning ~arcimire Nicols, Dear~ Grep.f. r,rldt\'es t Suppl.v co. Natl. Bnshing ~ Parts Co. A .• T. Herfindahl Lampert I.umber Co. Wadena Henning Seed&: Grain Co. Fred A. Everts Henning Oil Co. Fergus Glass~ Paint Co. School Dist. #47 Ernest Sandberg lvlills Oil Co. Hoot Lake Ice~ Gas. Co. Ray's Oil Station Service Oil Co. B. t. Baas Oil Co. Bill Nelson 0il Co. Fergus Oil Co. Anderson~ Sandberr-Oil Co, l'lagge Oil Co. W. L. Potter A. W. Co., Ino. o! Minn. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Cummins Diesel Sales Corp. Dauer Mfg. Co. Minnesota F. w. D. co. Geo. T. R.van Co. Rosholt F.quipt. co. Wm. I'[. "iep:ler Co. , Inc. Paper, ~almenson &: Co. Wm. D. Bristol Distributing Oo. Great Western Lab. Inc. Empire Supply co. Holten 1.Tardware lvlcDunn Fa.rm store Toftely ~ros. Hardware Co-op. Services, Tnc. P. !(. Iv!. & Co. Resset Bros. Rude' s Garage 1.Tenry Holmgren City of Fergus Falls Vern Rodekuhr Raymond Bros. Motor Trans. Co. Dalton Lumber Co. Cities Service station S. -~ F. Oil Co. Baas Oil i::o. West otter Tall Service D. A. T,ubricant co •. Inc. 1.T. Y. Stahl Co., E. A. Bloese Wendell p. ~1nber !!inn. State TJigh. Dept. Minneapolis Blue Print co. The Pierce Co, The Poucher Print •. ~ T,ith. Co. Free Press Co. Panama Carbon Co. H. A. Rogers Co. N. ff. Bell Tele. Co. F. F. George Olson N. W. Bell Tele. Co. F.F. Pelican Telephone Co. N. \'1. Bell Tele. co. Henning \'!end ell P. '-Tuber \'Im. 1r. Ziegler Co. Inc. Villa~e of Perham Village of Dalton Tonya standard Service (Anton r.arpenter) Bills Service Station Right of l'l11 00 y &: move fence " " &: severance parts repairs " ., " BUPP.lies . " " coal "etc. fuel oil etc. p.;lass garage rent elec. current r-asol ine ,. " etc. diesel fuel expenses parts ., " cutting edges supplies " " repairs ., maintenance labor freight coal gasoline " etc. 1'1.iesel ·~nel oil cash advanced services supplies forms supplies " ,, " services #3~ Battle Lake expenses Long distance #3649 F.F. services expenses snow blower Right of Vlay garap.e rental p.asoline gasoline etc. i;;l 53.72 225.00 27.85 88.43 55.04 66.61 15.40 498.119. 22.89 161.25 1.00 32.75 19.54 8.90 6.72 145.76 43.20 7 .21 12.81 37.85 8.50 17.32 21.15 163.76 .. 77.39 52.59 25.13 7.45 18.50 181. 22 15.75 16.83 100.00 8.60 180.21 47.16 32.14 75.9'J 133.21 1148.77 297.29 72.00 1905.46 66.74 754.23 ~7.14 248.11 305.30 488.56 1955.21 832.84 55.75 250.38 181.72 35.46 406.91 16.72 13.78 A.19 7.71 21.99 62.40 14.50 21.20 250.00 1.50 9,69 2A.56 43.55 58.27 29.80 5.81 343.14 160.23 16.44 59.913 101.13 3.70 3.15 8.20 25.25 72.37 55.55 15.90 29.40 10.30 11.70 117. 72 826.12 20.40 45.00 230.06 125.31 Henning Fuel Co. Costello Mfg, Co, Leon Hennagir Henning Advocate R, B, Fink COMMISSIONERS RECORD-N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... ~.P..~.~~········:········-······-···························19. 51 0081 iiweepers cash advanced Pub, financial statement ex. check protector Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M, ll{o.y 15, 1951. Attest: $ 13.15 19,38 11,31 810,60 111.50 c;o Hfll.l.i.l.l..lLliLt COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-·······························Ma.v ....................................... l9~~ .. !UllUTES OF ADJOURIIBD !,fP.ETTIJG 01" TllE BOARD OF COUNTY COl,11,!ISSIOlffiRS OF OTTER TATL COUNTY. 1mHIEft1TA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. 1.1. !,fay 8, 1951. Present were Commissioners Sieling, Johnson, Ho.neon, stone and Snovtbere;. A delegation of citizens from Henn.i.ng appeared before the Board to express their approval of the proposition to call an election !:or the purpose of voting bonds for improving roads in the county, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o·f County Commissioners o·f Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Odin Johnson be and he hereby is appointed as enp,ineer ani. custodian of the court house at a aalar,\• of $350. 00 per month commencing Ma.v 1st. Adopted !,lay 8, 1961. Attest: William Lincoln er • Bert Stone Chair.nan Members of the village council of underwood appeared to express their approval of the proposition to issue bonds for improving of county roads. Beer and cigarette licenses v:ere grunted to the following: Carl 'l',Sundblud, resort, F.lizabeth Tovmshi p; Clarence !~oehler, resort, 1>ine Lake Township; VI. tf. -~ Bethel Jaeger, boat house, Star Lake TOl'.'hship; ,Joseph Biltz, resort, l?ine Lake Township; ,Joseph R. Ueudeclt, resort, Perh~m Township; Mrs. :.lamie Sha■k.v, resort, Rush J.ake Tov1hship; F., F, Schomber!I;, resort, Dead Lake To1•:nship; Fred Schultz, resort. Tu:nuli Tov:hship; Otto I:,foe,resort, "obart To~mship; !.!rs. F:, ~f. ,Jepson, resort, Doro. To1·:nship, Da·nce perm.it for the year 1951 was eranted to thP. :,raple'-':ood Farm Bureau at the to~m hall in Maple;i:oo Township. Dance permit, usinf? mechanical music onl.v. for the .vear 1951 was granted to Otto !·.toe •at resort in th Township of tfobart. On and Off sale beer licenses were granted to" the following: Grant Jones, resort, Pine Lake Townshi M, J, Schlanger, resort, Nidaros Tovmship; Leo11ard I'.:, Saewert,resort, Corliss Township; Oscar Peterson, store, Star Lake Tov:hship; Thomas H. Schv:ientek, resort, Pine Lake Township; Geo. D, &: Orah Prall, resort, Corliss Township. Cigarette licenses 1vere granted to the following: G, Iii, Ryle, resort, Everts Township; Mrs. R,C. Craig, resort, J,ido. To1mship; u11.rra,v Burns.store, Maine Township; Chester !Iabberstad, store, Maine Township; ll:arrison ,T. i,lelby, store, Amor Township; E. YI, Hausv:ald, resort, Amor Township; E, J,Machenzi , resort, Amor Township; Roland F. Peters, rnsort, Pine Lake 'l.'ownship; :!<'red Evo.nder, resort, Eagle Lake Tov:nship, Inp.wala Gulbranson, resort, Lida To11:nship: !,lalvin ~all, resort, Lidii. Township: Grant Jensen, resort, Amor Township; Vernon !'imber, resort, Clitherall Township; Conrad Har,r,:strom, resort, Maine TOW!'lshi p; Chas. l?. :.terten, resort, Clitherall Township; T-Tubert Thompson, resort, Dunn rpovmship; Martin .1ensen, resort, Tordensl,jold Towns.hip; Allan !.I, P-off, resort, Tordensk,jold Tovmship; Robert Rolfson, resort, Everts Townshio; r.;d. t:iolen, resort, D11nn,To11rnship. •rhe following resolution vms adoptP.d: Y!O:SnT, '·'"'T ()If BY Tl!!'E ~OARD OF C"UN1'Y CQ!.-1!,!TSSMIP.-:RS OTTER TAIT. COUNTY, !AI!:lifE:-'OTA 13E TT Rr.JSOTN~D. That the following described road situated in the County of Otter Tail be hereby revo~ed as a State Aid Parkl':ay, effeutive June 30, 1951: Ten Thousand. Three HundrP.d (10,300) reet of raadway SP.rving the main buildings of the Fergus "Falls sto.te "t!ospital, said roads lying ad,jacent to and v:ithin the property khov:n ns the Fer!!US Falls State 11ospital: said roads also l,ving with the South one-half fs.t) of section 27, Tl33N-R4!3W, and :the Northeast quarter (N,E,1/4) o·l' Section 34, 'rl33ll-R43VI ani:I as shown on the plat prepared b,\' the r.ounty l"ighv:a,v EnginP.er. The aforesaid revocation is made subject to the concurrP.nce and consent, as required by la,~. of th"' commissioner o:r TTighways tirid thP. commissioner of '.:onservation. Adopted this 8th day of May, 1951, oert stone Chairman, Attest: •,rnliam Lincoln -------~--Clerk "Bids for r,rading as advertised :for b,\' the "Board were opened by A. o. Torgerson, representing the State "!'ighway Dept. and after examination, upon motion, all bids were r1-1jected as being too high, "9id s for bl tuminous sur~aclng as advertised for b.V the Board v:ere read and, upon motion, the bid of 13ituminous Surface TreatmPnt '10. in th(.) sum of. ~10,619.80 wo.s accepted. . Dr, ijer!lqui~t. from the Otter Tail '1ounty sanatorium reported to the Board thnt -five patients at the 1nsti tut ion would w1 thin the n.ext few months need chest surl!er.v and he v:as authorized to send these patients to outs lde ins ti tut ions e11_uipped to per-rorm this surger.\', Upon motion, the "Soard then adjourned to I,la.v 9th at 10 o'clock A, M, I. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, ·oTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN: DATE ...................... U~.Y. ........... : ............................................. 19 51 WEDlIBSDAY I s SESSION pursuant to adjournment the board met at 10 o'ulock A, M, Vlednseduy May 9. 1951 all members beinB prese·nt. · Representatives of village counuils and commercHal clubs of the Villages of Dent, Perham, Peliuan Rapid•s and Vergas appearP.d to urge the issue.nee of bonds -?.or improving county raads. A plat of North Star Bench in the Township of ])U.nn, accompaniP.d by an abstract and by a certificate of tit•le executed b,V a. r,. Alexander, attorney-at-law, vias approved. The bonds of EYelace GarJ;,erg Hanson as de}>uty Rep.:ister of Deeds in the sum of $2,000.00 and as l)epllt;\' P.ep:istre.r of Titles in the sum of $1,000,00 hoth with Anchor aas11alty co., as surety, was approved. The resolution of the Vergas Commereci:al Club o.11proving proposed bond issue was received and ordered placed on file •. Upon motion, the Board fixed the sum of ~1.85 per hour, without driver, for .use of tr·uck~ when rentecl b,V .the county. The application of !Uchard Vfallin for classificot ion of Lot 10, Block 6. sawbridge and Lowry' s Addition to the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1950 v:as rP.ad and, upon motion, it v,as ordered that said tract be so classified and the taxes redueed from ~143.46 to $91.38. The application of Mrs. Julia M. Haup.1m for· cle.ssification of the s~ NVI¾ of Sec. 36, Town of Leaf Lake, ·t'or the yP.ar 1950, at homestead rate, was read and it was ordered t.hat the land be so classified and the taxes reduced from $128.06 to $74,23. •' The application of Donald Lindberg for classification· of Lot 11, Black 5, in sawbridge and .Lowry•s Addition to the r.it.v of Fergus Falls, for th.e year 1950 at hornesteud rote was reud o.nd, upon motion, the Board o rcl.ered that said land be so cle.illsified and the taxes be reduced fre,m $140. 72 to $85. 59 The application of the i~. P, Railroad Co, of st. Paul for cancellation of taxes for 1950 on ri~ht of 1•:ay of said company in ·the Villae,e of Hew Yorr. !,!ills was read and, upon motion, the !!Oard r~commended to the commissioner of Taxation that said taxes be cancelled, · The appl:i:cation of Lowell D, Forrno for reduction of tuxes on personal property in the Vill,age of Deer Creek for thP. year 1950 on the eround that he l'.'as not allo~!ed the household reduction of $100.00 v1as read and the Board reuomrnendP.d to the Commissioner of Taxation that -t:hP. assessed value be. reduced from $127,00 to t,27,00 o.nd thP. taxP.s :f'rom ~29,36 to $6,21. The application of Palmer !I, Valder for rP.duction of assessment on personal propert.v in the City of 'fi'erp.us ralls for thP. 1•ear 1950 was read and the ~oard recommended to the commissicner of' Taxation that the assessed value be red11c,,.d t'rom ~55.00 to ~27,00 and the taxes from ~9.51 to ~4.66, The e.pplicution of Leora 'Ii', Tovmsend and t>nth F, Ginp.rioh for full homestead classification for 1950 on the south 50 feet of r,ots Fl and 11 in ~lock 1, r.;c:r,a.nes AdcHtion to the Cit,v of 1i'er!',us Falls, VfaS read and it appearing from examination of thP. records that the said ?.Uth C:ingr ich did not acq1,1ire title to said propert.v until after '.!ta,v l, 1950, upon motion, the application was rejected. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the '!3oard of County commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. That Wendell 'D, i:ruber be and he hereb.v is appointed county high1•,a_y-engineer of Otter Tail Count.v for a period of t\·to years commencing Ma.v 1, 1951 at a snlar.r of ~6,500.00 per year payable ih monthly install- ments at the closP. of ea.oh mo!lth on warrant of the count.v auditor. · Adopted Jv!a.v !l, 1951. Bert stone Chairman Attest: William Lincoln C.Lerx. Upon motion, the auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for gravelling state and county air roads in otter Tail county, said bids to be opened at 2 o'clock P, 1/1, June 12, 1951. A, petition signed by Earl ,,. and VI, r>, Fabian and M1•s, Ole LillF!moen and Verner and Fre~da Mittel;- stadt to set over certain lands from Dist. ll!l l!Jf Otter Tail County to Consolidated Dist. No 5 of Grant Co, 1vas read and, upon ad,•ice cf the count.v atiborne,v:, the same v:as returned to the petitioners v:ith a statemimt the.t separate petitions must be maae b.',I' the ownP.rs ot' thP. diff.erP.nt tracts. · The P"tition of 'Palmer, Morris, Ro,v and Clara 13aasen to set over the SY!~ of Sec. 33 in the Township of Aastad frcm Dist,'iJo, ll!l of otter Tail count.v to school Dist. lfo. 5 of Grant count,v l'las read and it 1vas ordP.red that a hearing on f'laid petition be had at the session of the Board July 10, l!J51 at the Commissioners• noom in the ~ourt HoueP., in Ferr,us 'li'alls. and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as reriuired b.'I law. The petition of T,Y., anc5 Grace Raasch to set over Lot 1 and purt of Lot 2 in Sec, 4, Township of Everts, from Dist. No, 45 to Dist. No, 177 v:as read and it 1vas ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board July 10, l!l51 at the commissioners' Room in the Court House, in Fergus Falls and that due notice of the time and ·place of said hearing be given as required by law. The fellowing bills were allowed: J; c; 'Flenkes M, c. Lee Jim Drews Ed. C. Dre1vs Fredric A, Henkes boarding prisoners dep·, sheriff's expenses ., " $ 247.50 70,55 6,00 119.40 3.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Esther G. Sell Maybelle ,T. Lee Louise Standahl no MabP.l l'/enstrom J. L. Bixby H. L. Allen Bennie J. Johnson George Hanson Bert.Stone Do Henry Sielinp, Frank C. Barnes Dr. c •. , • r.und Alfred 1:'Utnam Theo. Hep:seth H. F. Dnenow Harry Burau \V. H. Dewey Gaffaney's Office Spec. Co. Nelson Sros. PrtB. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Miller-Bryant-Pierce Fritz-Cross Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Miller-Davis Co. Schoolcraft Co. Art Printoraft Seo. Blank Book 'I: Prtg.co. Poucher ~rtg. 'I: Lith. co. The Pierce Co. Imperial supply Co. N. W. Bell Tel. Co. Do. Marchant Cal. Uohe. Co. Johnson Drug South !,{ill Standard Station L.B. Fink Beall 'I: McGowan Co. Dura Test Car 9. Larson Bros. J. n. Lighfoot una erwood Corporation -r.. w. Glcrvip,en Norman Nunn F:sther G. Sell Ma,vbelle ,; • Lee Louise Standahl P'. L. Allen Carl Jahn no Joseph Rayner Sr. Merlin Rieman H. IV. Glorvigen Louise Standahl Markstrom Drugs ,Johnson Drugs· w. s. Dailey .!I, Co. Katherine M. Townsend City vrater !I.: LiFht Dept. N. w. ~ell Tel. Co. Coopers Offi oe SUPI>l,V Philip l\t. K,1a(!lien P.u.th C. Campbell Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. 'Philip !.{. Y.jap.lien Township of Maine Nopeming sanatorium Sunn.vrest sanatorium Fair Oaks Lodge San. q. J. Lundell Treas. City of Fergus Falls Pelican Telephone Co. N. W. Eell Tele. Co. Fossen Oil co. 17endell 'P. Huber Ray's Oil station w1tual Service casualty Hoot Lake Ice~ Gas. co. Clifford Ollie l'T. 1. Potter A. '{(. co., Inc. of r.tinn. Motor Patrol Assn. T,veet Garn.ge Victor Lundeen Co. F.rie 'I: Risbrudt 'Rdv1e. !,tarkstrom Drug Field Machine Co. Stanley Moe O'Meara's Rude Carap,e Olson Auto Electric Larson Bros, DATE ............ ' .................. Ua.l! .............................................. 19 5~ axpense nurse .. " expenses " " " exp. attd. meetinB ., " " expenses telephone oharp,es exp. attd. mectinp.s municipal judge's feell coroner's fees expense soil cons. ,, ,, ,, ,, " " " " .. " .. ., supplies printing blanks supplies " record books & supplies court calendars blanks JI, reoepts school supplies printing record books covers 'I: supplies supplies .. calls main. supplies sheriff .. repair check writer supplies lamps repairs repairs 'I: supplies 5 t,vpewri ters pos~ap,e and box rent " nurse des;,. sheriff's fees " " exp. " tt~ fees uonstable fees driver's license exp. oash adv. sup!)lies ., jail " rent Vet. ser, light.water etc. services supplies expenses " i:,rintinr, postaize etc. poor exp. oare of patients Vet. " " " " " " Ser, " " " " " " " " " at u. Heep. meal for transient services ,, p,asoline expenses ii;asoline insurance gasoline cash. adv. expenses parts towing eleo. current supplies re pairs supplies re1mirs " supplies repairs " :ii, ,u.;)tl 69.86 84.78 30.47 82.36 27.16 4.00 9.00 7.56 11.25 3.50 15.44 75.00 53.52 15.00 12.90 12.40 14.00 ·-....._ 13.80 10.47 11.50 51.20 4.75 470.91 114.00 136.42 152.35 21.25 341.78 98.95 9.83 9,50 3.35 38.15 35.00 45.23 2.55 27.50 2.60 75.84 4. 75 19.75 592.17 52.00 45.00 7.00 3.10 41.22 5.14 31.40 11.60 16.70 10.40 8.60 15.00 :~.30 1.85 4.37 45.00 15.76 13.55 8.05 70.02 14.16 9.50 7.10 :3.94 502.20 30.00 23.00 18.03 .55 7.60 70.90 45.35 92.24 53.59 23.75 76.70 2.00 30.02 657.35 13.75 32.60 11.65 LOO 8.00 40.66 2.50 3.60 65.15 70.02 27.65 .,. .-IJ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. }.. B. Y.:ilde Co. qintz Blacksmith Shop Garrison :,tfg. Co. J{luer J,Ifg. Co. N, W. Equipt., Inc. centaur Corporatioh service Recorder co. Rosholt Equipt. Co. Lake Region uotor Oo. ReBon Chevrolet Co, Borcheri=Ingersoll, Inc, Wm, H. Zielger Co,, Inc. Minn. F. W. D. Co. construction Bulletin Jensen's Auto Wrecking Co. Henry 'F!olmp.:ren Skogmo Motor's Inc. ·Erickson-Helleckson-Vye Toftely Bros. Hdwe •. Natl. Bushing~ Parts Co. Fergus Oil Co. Thomas Carse; e Oman supply Field Machine Co,, Inc. Ebersvillers, Pelican Rapids Codon Chaffee Rosholt Equipt, Co., Inc. Ernest Sandberg The Corew warehouse Tesch Lumber Co. Pe~vey Elev.Co. Winter !,ur.iber •• Fuel Center south Mill Standard Dalton Lumber Co, Railway Express Ap.:ency service Oil Co., B, L. Tobin's worthwhile station Nyman F11el Co. lAiLlls Oil Co. Harry Marquard Knoff' s Hardware Oman Supply co. Thelen Implement Co. lJinneapolis Iron Store Harthun 'I: 1:'eterson Oil Co. Larson Hdwe. Coast to aoast,Store Pel, Rapds. Bauck Chev. Co. P.enninp; Oil Co. Village of New York Mills Bill Nelson 011 Co. J,finnesota Ho tor Co. Geo. T. R.van co. Minnesota state T-Tigh. Dept. P.agge Oil C o. I~. 'I: B. Oil Co. Amor Garage Geo. q. Lueders Wendell P. Puber D. A, tubricant Co. Anderson 'I: Sandberg Oil Co. N. W. Bell Tele. co •• Henning Penrose 01 l Co. Aifin Leabo !Jenning ·Auto 'I: Hach ine works Farrov, Chev. Co. DATE .............................. Mll!-.Y. ... : .... _ ....••..............•...•..•.••....•... l!P+ .. . parts repa.lrs " parts " repairs parts repairs " parts " ad. for bide repairs " supplies " gasoline " etc. supplies repairs " perts elec. current coal p.asoline coal express gasoline " coal f!!i.Soline etc. supplies supplies n chains gasoline etc. supplies " wrecker service etc. r,asoline garap.e rent tires tubes 'I: batteries pe.rts supplies diesel i'uel gasoline etc. oil co.so adv. grease •• Oil diesel fuel services diesel fuel plO\'linp.: snOV/ repairs .. Upon motion, the Board adjourne<' to :,rune 12, 1951 at 10 0•01001~ A. !,!. Attest: $ 5.38 21.00 36.91 51.17 247. 22 14.05 15.33 2!H.ll · 58.-31 10,05 54.'16 171.18 201.06 47 .10 2.10 33.25 196.08 1.74 1.93 38.08 38.39 28.27 14.94 76.30 17.30 21.95 1109.32 2.00 35.70 65.00 30.35 42.42 158.3!) 8.09 l.84 119 .'19 44.55 18.45 47,06 9.53 6.35 24.00 9.01 253.29 102.47 23'.43 11.97 14.97 89.82 122.00 1627.84 151.39 406.95 9.09 1011.23 13.l'HI 1.80 1.00 30.21 1079.49 12.00· 17.68 ·418.08 14.00 13.35 4.55 • I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD--N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. 1.fll.V .22 ................................................... 19 51. I.UNUTF.S OF SPEC !AL !IF.ETING Of TJIE BOARD 0~ COUNTY COMMISSIOFERS OF OTTER TAIL COl'IJTY, ll!INrr,;:soT .1.. Pursuant to call sil!!!ned b.V all members of the county board the county commissioners met at the Commissioners' Room in the Court B'ouse ot 11 o'clock A, I,!. Tuesday '.,lay 22. 1951 to take necessary act lon relative to pre paring for a connt,v election for issuing bonds in the sum of $2. 500. 000. 00 for improving roads in the county and to transact an.v other business which may come before the meeting. Pursuant to said call the BCJard consulted vrith T, G, Evensen in regard to the procedure for calling for bond election and for sale of bonds and issuance of same if bond election carries, and, after full discussion, Mr. Evensen presented a written proposal for fiscal agency services in connection with proposed p~oc:eed inr,s. Upon mot ion, the Board by unanimous vote accepted the proposal. Dance permit ·for the balance of the year 1951 was granted to Perry svrenson at Horth Dora store in the Township of Dora. on and o·~·r sale beer licenses were granted to Jra B01vman at uarion take Lodge in the Tovmship of Dead Lake, and O:mil a !Jadsen at 'Iads1m's ?.esort in the Tovm of l':verts, ond Andre111 Pcrala at Ook Point Park in the Town of Otto. Cigarette licenses were r,rante/1 to Tro Bowman at Marion T.ab~ J.odp.e and Alberta Lien at Lien's Resort ln th,.. Town o·r Amor: R, ?.. 11ollinp.s11•orth at uolly's Ca'IIP in the ToVln of Amor: :,;:dward ,1. Simmer, Nite-Q- Rest Cabins in To1-:n o.r t:;verts; JJenr.v C. F,ricJ:son at "!rickson•s Ca:nn, Tovm of Amor: M, .J. GOi"lS a.t resl!>rt in Town of Rush Lake: F.mil Madsen, at Uodsen's Camp, Tovm of 1-!verts, Yenneth Adams at Amor 0 ark store, in the Tovm of Amor: A, T .. "ilcoslce at River ?.anch, TO\'Tn of otter Tail and Hilman ., . Melby at Graystone,. Lodge. TOl\'11 of Everts. There being no further business. upon motion, the Board adjourned without date. Attest: COMMISSIONERS RECORD-N,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... JM!!.E:. ... li? .. .-.................. : ........................ 19 51. MUTIJ'l'ES QTo' ADJ0lffi!~D }~"'TING 01" 'l'u . .: '9OJ\_'qD OF COUNTY COM!,!T.BST'1!fl!:RS OP OTTER TATL COUNTY, l,HNN'P.SOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M., June 12, 1951. prsent were Commissioners Sielinp:, ,Johnson, t:ranson, Stone and snovrberg. A delegation frc:n Deer Creek Village appeared to express their approval of the coming bond issue for roads and bridges, A delef!ation from NOI'l'-'P.f!ian Grove and from Akron Townshi!l in V/ilkin co. appeared to request road im!)rovement on the count.v line. Upon motion, the sheriff wa.s allowed until July 9th to file list of 1950 personal property taxes still unpaid. Two bids for graveling as advertised for by the Roard were opened anti read and the contract awarded to the lowest, bidder. Chas. Fenske, at $3'/ ,500.00. Upon motion. the Auditor was instructed to notify the V/adena County sanatorium that otter Tail county vrill be responsible for treatment of Lorna Peterson of B:omestead Township for Xray and air treatment for t irne to time as necessary. Upon motion, the Board then ad,jonrned to .'une 13th at 10 o'clock A. u. lHI-JUTt>;S OF llf":r.:TTW', ~OA~n (11" r.omlTY C0!.1'!IS''H0lf1l!~S OT':.'~:q TATT, ':()TTNTY, [;!Illl!~SOTA vr.;r,n ,11JJ,TT.1 12 1951 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, an adjourned meetinp. of the '3oard of count.v Com,nissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota, was dul.\T held at the Commissioners• Room in the Courthouse, in Fergus J;1alls. Minnesota, on ,7une 12, 1951, o.t 1 o'clock p. J;I. The followinB C0mmissioners were present: Henr.v Sieling. Bennie. J. Johnson, George Hanson, '3ert Stone and Carl A. Snowberp. and the f:ollowin!! vrere absent: None Mr. William Lincoln. the Count.v Anditor, and :ir. 011•en v. Thompson, the r:ount.v Attorney, were also present. *·* *** *** Cmrnmiss toner ,Jarl A. Snowberg introduced the foll01ving resolution and moved 1 ts ado pt ion: RESOtUT TOIi l?ROPOS H,TG rlOIID ISRllE 'FOR ROAD AUD 'BRIDGF, Tiv!"ROVJ%ry:NTS 'B~ TT P.:::SOLV!'JD by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. This Board has investigated the necessary facts in order to 6.etermine, and hereby finds and declares, that ht ere is immediate and urgent need for the improveroent of many portions of the system of county roads in this County by the grading and graveling of certain portions thereof and the installation of bituminous surfaoing other portions and by the erection and improvement of bridges on several of such roads; that it is not feasible or suitable to pay for all of suoh improvements outof the current receipts of the county Road and Bridge Fund; and that the sum of $2,500,000 over and above such current receipts is presently needed therefor, and can be and should be obtained by issuiug the general obligation road and bridge bends of tn.e nounty if the same be approved by the voters of the County. 2. That among the road and bridge improvernents so ne,,ded. and v:hioh are contemplated to be made if such bonds be issttP.d. are the follo~ring: Road No. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 T,ooat.ion r'ergus 'F'alls S. to Doran Road 1 Mi, s. of Porters Corner to Qt ter Tail T,alce Amor and South 2.1 Miles Amor 'I: Ee.st to Dead River Bridge Amor to T.~. #78 T.H. #108 to New York Mills Ne~ York Mills~ N. to Jct of C.A,R. #53 From 2.5 tU. tl. of New York Mills to A. '/5 Mi. N, of lleW York Mills Butler corner Horth to Jct. of SAR #8 Widen BridRe over OttP.rtail River Jct. of r.AR ,53 N. of iJew York Mills to East '1ounty line "!utler Corner to Jct. of SAR #8 1 ML Doran Raad. Porters Corner and North Rothsay to Erhard Erhard East Vergas and southwest T.P.. #59 to Vergas T,H, #22Fl to North County Line Northeast of Vergas Parkers Prairie to East county Line Parkers Prairie F.ast Urbank to South County Line 2,5 i;iL IV, of Urbank to Jct. of SAR #5 and C,A,R, #25 Clitherall and South Clitherall~ North to Jct. of SAR ~16 Length in Miles Grade~ Gravel Bituminous 5.00 6.00 1.00 9.50 8,00 5.00 9.00 2.50 10,50 3.50 3,00 3.50 6.00 6.50 12,75 2.10 10.00 10.00 2.50 15.00 1.00 9,70 13,21 5.00 6.00 Bridges 1 Road No, 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 16 16 19 25 27 28 28 33 40 42 42 42 4?. 43 50 50 50 52 54 54 54 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... _,Tune. ........................................... _ ....... 19 .. 51 J,ooat ion Clitherall~ North to Jct. of'SAR fl~ Between East 'I: west Battle Lake Junction of' SAR #16, west .r.. !forth Almora and East to T,H, #29 Almora and East to T,H, #29 , Vinin~ and s.E, to Jot. of CAR #54 Junotion of. CAR #52, East ,iunotion o:r ~AR ~154, 2 Mi. S,&: l ML E, outlet of tittle Pine Lake Pelican Rapids nncl N, to T.H. #34 T.H. #34 and Uorth to Connty Line Pelican Rapicls .e., North to T,u, ,,34 WPst County tineto F.lizabP.th F,li1.abPtr. ~ F., to Jct of SAR #1 T.u. #5?. and F., to Elizabeth Elizabeth and E. to ,]ot. of SAR #1 DeP.r r.reek and ~P.at 3.5 Miles Dalton I s.w. to T,H, #59 Dalton to Underwood Barnard School and North Dent and South D;0nt and South Dal ton to Underwood . Underv,ood N, to Jot. of SAR 4/1 .Junction o·f. S.A.R, fl to 15 !,Ii. N, Junction of SAR -!l-ri 1'I. to County J,ine Junction of S • .LR. fl, North Outlet of Ottertail J,a.lce Henninp, west From 3.5 MLW. of Hen>1ing, w. to ,Jct. o·r SAR -IJ,5 From 5. 5 Mi. N. of 13luf:ft on to ,Jut. of SAR #1 T,H, #78 and East Dalton and East 2,0 Miles Orwell Bridge i;, Junction ·sAR #-2, North From T, H. #78 &: East 2,5 Miles T,H, #59, Uorth l Mi, S, of Phelps T,l!, #108 and South T,H, #108 and South star Lake T,P. #106 west to S.A.R. #1 Babe' a Resort N. to .Jct. of CAR f59 "Perham and i:Iorth Little Pine LakP. SAR #8 and North 2. 75 Miles HenninR and South .Junction of SAR #-7 and Uorth L'!'af. River Totals, i,enp,i;n 1.n i,11.1es Grade 'I: Gravel Bituminous 5.50 1.00 2,50 6.50 3.00 5.00 5.00 7.50 7.00 3.50 6.50 9.00 10.00 5.50 5.00 6,00 2.50 5.75 5.00 1.00 5.50 4.00 2,80 2.75 2.50 3.50 !!JO.Ao 2.50 5,00 5,00 5,50 ~.75 7.00 3.00 9.00 6.00 15.00 5.00 6,00 2.00 2,50 3,00 2.00 4.00 3.00 2.75 191.26 :,riagea 1 1 1 l 1 1 l 1 3, The.t the question of authorizing such bond issue shall be submitted to the voters of' the County at a special election to be hereafter called and whioh shall be held on August 21, 1951, Paesed J11.ne l?., 1951 Attest: Bert Stone Chairman. Connty 'Roe.rd William Linooln County Aud 1 tor The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution wua duly seoonded by Commissioner George Hanson, and upon vote being taken thereon the follv:•1ing voted in favor thereo~: Henry Sieling. Bennie J. Johnson. George Hanson and Carl A. snowberg and the fol1.0~1ing vcted against the aame1 Hone whereupon said resolution was deulared d1;.ly passed, ane. 1ve.s signed b,\' the Chairman and attested 'iy the Auditor. *** WEDTl"'rnDAY' S ST'.:SS10U Pursuant to adjournment the ~oard met at 10 o'c,lock A. I.I, June 13, 1951, all members being present. AdelP.gation or citizens of citizeno ~rom ?IP.iv York Mills and vioinity were present to approve the callinp: of. the Road and ~ridge Rond election and presented a resolution b.v the village council e.pprovini: same, which reaolut ion was ree.d and !)laced on file. - The Otter Tail County Co-operative Extension Committee !)resented to the Board budroet for the ,vear commenuing ,July 1, 1951 and requ.ested an appropriation of .~10,000.00by the oount.v and the following resolu tion was adopted: RP.SOLIJ~TON or,, BO!!.RD OF ~"UlfJ'Y COMMlSSI0!1K:~S' ,\"PPRO!>RTATTOH "FOR C0lJj;•n .::)OP":RATTVl!: r.:xTENSt0ll WORK OT'l'F.R 'r AT t COllllTY COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. £'Tune ·················-· ..... 19 .. 9.J.. HCRIPD nl■UIIC '"EAR 1F1CTH!HliG JUY,Yl, 1951 Br.: Pr m:'lOLV'i1D: Tho.t the sum or ,;;'10,000.00 plus an,v balance from previous year be set apart from the j;eneral ~~venue Fund, ?r ap['ropriated sub,ject to the or<ier of the Dean of the Department of Agr lculture of the University of Minnesota for the RU!)port of county cooperative extension wort in ap;ric11lt11re and home eoonomics in Otter 7ail co,mty, for the year h~girmlng July 1, 1351, in accordance 1·:ith Chapter 423, Lo.ws 1923 and acts su~plementary thereto. Adoptea ,June 13, 1951. Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln Count;, Audi tcr. Bert Stone Cnalrman. Complaint by six residents of the Township of Clitherall setting forth that roau in the township has been 11eglected by the town board was read and the following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County r:ommissior1ers of Otter i'ail County, t.rinnesota: Whereas. complaint has l>een madP. to L1e Board o.i: Count,v CO'll"'.!issioners of Otter 'l'ail County, ii!innescta, that the road hereim::'.:"ter described to-wit: Beginning at the southeast corner of section 2:3, Township 132 N, Range 40 \'lest whicil point i.s the center of an estahl ished p1;bl i.c road and running west, northwesterly and no1·th through Lot 4 of saici 1Jection for a.pproxiam!'tely 100 rods or more following as near as practical the route o~ an old trail used as a publ.lc hip.hway for the last 50 years le.st pest fmd terminatinr, at the intersect ion of an est'3.blished road one rod •11P.st of ;:he southeast cc. rner oi' Govt. Lot 3. Seucion 23, Townshj.p 1:32, Ranp.e 40, has bP.Pn neglected by ~he town be!ird of the Townshp of Clitherall, No1·1, Therefore. it is herehy orderr;id that a hearing on se.id complaint be had at the commissioners' Room in the court "t[ouse ih "5'erf;US ],'alls in snid count.v at t,70 o' c.:lo,,k p. J.I. Aug. 14, 1951 at whion i:ime a~n plece th,.. ~o·•!'c "'l.~l t,( u':" ~aid complaint and all testimony ,vhich :na.v be offered 1·elative to se.icl rno.tte:r Adopted June 13, 1951. Bert ~tone chairman. Attest: William Lincoln C.Ler Upon motion, ~he Auditor was instructeo to advertise for grl).ding and graveling county projects as outlined b.V the engineP.r, said bids to oe opened ,luly 9, 1951 at 10 o'clock A. M. Upon motion, the 'Beard fixed the salary of Phi.1.ip Y.jaglien, Veteu.n Service Officer, at $4200.00 per year commencing L'uly 1st, paye.'Jle in monthly installments at the close of tle.'-'i.. n,onth. The Board also f.ixed the salary of the office clerk at $135. 00 per month anciauthor ized an additional wace of fice cents pe hour for part tir.ie work in the 1leteran's Service Office. A resolution of the village council of Erhard approving proposea bona issue was placed on file. en and Off sale beer licenses were grant ea to tl~e following: Hai ileintsma nt Play-!l{or Beach in the •_rown o:!: Corliss and Paul 13. Pd.sher at Lake resort on cou:1.t,v Highway No, 12 in the Township of :Jee.d Lake. Cigarette licenses WP.rep.ranted as follows: ,:to.ck Solinger, resort, Town of Lida; V/alter Klein, resc-rt, Town of R1.1sh Lake; w. 'fl, Andresen, Wr..ite 'flaven. Town o·f Dead T,eke; ,Tohn VI. Rundle, Bob Creek Store, Town of Scambler; 'Barton c,ros, resort, Town of Dead T,ake; Gilford Olson, Fish Lake, Town of Dunn; Ra.v Boyington, Park Inn Resort, '!'own of Dunn; Paul B, 'li'isher, Town of Dead Lake and Mrs. ~,. w. Dyer, Town of :nunn. A report of !:hf' Boari'I o-1' Audit of an e.lta,.i:.r,ation o~ the accounts o-f ?. M. Ree, Count,v Treasurer, -for the period from Feb. 1, 1951 to Ma.I' 3, 19;:;1, inr:111.sive, si1ow.ing balance in the treacur.f at the close of business on saicl last ~1enticned d.ote of $1,384,857.74 we.s approved, The petitions of lep:al voters to set oi'. · lands from 0ne school district to another were read and it was orciered that hearings on allof. said ·petitions be had at the session of the Board Jul,v 10, 1951, commencing at 10 o'clock A. j,j. and that due noth:e of the t.ime e.nd place be p:iven as required by lB\'!. Sa.ici petitions are as follows: Leaonard W, o.nd Helen ;1alle.ce to set oi/er the S3+ or Si!c. 36. ';.\vp. 1:37, Rge •. '38 -Prom Dist. 47 to Dist. 228; Tterman Wanderi to set over the SW¼ of Seo. 31, Twp. 137, R@e. 37 f'l'orn Dist. 4 7 to Dist. 228: Walter VI. Brasel to set over th~~J'li-Se½-of Sec, 31 ~ Twp. 137, Rge. 37 from Dist. 4 7 to DJ.st. 228; ~hr is Gropper to set over the n:E3.-NWfy·•~J,¼-!lE;l;-and -the S,r SE¼ of Sec. 6, Twp. 136, Rge. 37 from Di.st. 47 to Dist, 22R; Oscar ,J. Sanoahl to set over the y.rJ.. SF,¼ of Sec, 18, Twp, 1:32, Rp:e. 38 from Dist. 265 to Dist. 103; Anton J. Roers to set over the north 17 acres of Lot 4 of Sec, 2. Twp. 1:30 Rge, 39 from Dist. 215 of otter Tail county to Dist. 34 of D ouf;las County; Wilmar G. Glebe to set over Lot 3 of sec. 2, Twp. 130, Rge. 39 from Dist. 215 of Otter Tail County to Dist. 43 of Douglas County. The follo'"ing resoltJtion ~ras ad.o 9ted: Resolved by the Board of County ¢01mnissioners of otter Tail county, Miunesota: COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN: DATE ........................ .:rune........................................... 19 51 unaer tne provisions OI the state Maternal and Child H:alth plan for participation in t~e benefits of the Federal social security !\ct the '3oard of Connt.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County herewith requests the • t' st t Board of-~ealth to grant the sum of $1,000.00 to be used as supplemental aid to add 1 nu~~~n~~o t:e· p~bf ic heal th riursinf! staff. in otter Tail r.01mty for the fi.i;scal period beginning July 1, 1951 and endirl{!: June 30, 1952. Adopted ,June 13, 1951. "!3ert st one Board of county ~ommissioners Attest: William Lincoln The follovling a·oplications for homestead classification for the .vear 1950 were read and, upon motion, granted and taxes ordered reduced to-~·:it :In,qri J,e.rson, SIV¼ SW¼, Lot; 3 and :4_;, SE¼ SW.; ~e~. 2 and N½ NW¼ of sec. 11, all in the Township of Cli there.11: Max Gehrke, E?i-s½ o~ Lot V o~ Sub Lot .: in Sec. 34, Twp. 133, R~e. 43, in the City of. Fergus Falls; Bennie J, Johnson, w½ SE~ Sec, 2~. Township of Scambler; Harold T,y:ng, Lot 3 of Burau Bea.ch in the Towhshi,:, of Dane P.rair ie. The application of P.e.rk Region Conf. Ce.mp Assn. for cancellation of taxes for the year 1950 on Lots 3 e.nd 4 in sec. 25, Lot 5 in seci. 26. and part of SF,¼ SW¼ and Go11t. Lot 4 in Sec. 26, e.11 in the Township of Girard, on the ground that said p;roperty is used b.V the corporation for religious purposes and without profit w11s read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the said taxes be cancelled The application of Alfred w. Ste.ngeness for cancellation of assessment for struct~res on p~rt of Sub, Lot B. sec. 4, Tmvnship of Dora, for the year l!J50 on the ground that no structures exist on said tract but structures owned by applicant ~re assessed on the ad joining tract, was read and the" Board recommended to the ~ommissioner of Taxation that said assessment for structures be cancelled and the assessed value of said property be reduced fro111 $183,00 to $150,00 and the tRxes from $24.24 to $6.62. The application of Carl Bodecker forreduction of assessment on part of Lot 3 of Govt. Lot 8 in Sec. 3, Tovm of Nidaros, for the year 1950, was read and it appearing that the assessment .for structures was_ b,v error entered on two tracts owned b.v applicant\· whereas, onl.v one structure exists, upon motion, the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Te.xntion the.t the assessed value of said tract be reduced from $108.00 to $16.00 anrl the taxes ·from ~16.87 to ~2.50. The application of ~e.rold ~. Tho~pson for reduction of assessment for 1950 against Easterly 290 feet of northerl,\' 208 feet of Snb Lot B of Lots 10 and 11 in Sec. 4, Township of Dora, for the ,veer 1950, was ree.d and it appearing to the no ard from statement of John L, Bixby, Deput.v Supervisor of. Assess!llents, that the assessment for structures was a duplication <fif assessments ,oi11 ad ,jblningc-tre.ct owned b,v applicant, upon motion, the Boe.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of se.id property be reduced from $161.00 to ~23.00 and the taxes from ~23.97 to $3.05. The application of Me.rt he Raattama :for reduction of assessment for 1949 ae:ainst the IIEf SW¼ of Sec, 1 in· the Township of Deer Creek was read e.nd the Deput.v Supervisor of. Assessment having recommended that the abatement be approved, upon motion, the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of se.id propert,v be reduced :from tll23,00 to 862,00 and the taxes from $19,19 to $9,67. The application o-t' Mrs. ,, . ~. "'e.11 for reduction of assessment ":or l\JoO against Lot \J ot ttose Lake Bee.ch in the Township of Hobart was read torether v:ith recommenoi,t.i.on of John J,. Bixby that the e.pplice.t- ion be e.pp,·ovea anu, upon mot ion, the Board recommended to the Gommiss ioner of Te.xat ion that the assessed value of se.id property be reduced from $320.00 to $140.00 and the taxes -t'rom $56.a9 to $~4.89. 1 The application of o. E. Anderson for reductipn of assessment on personal property for the year 1950 in the Village of Deer Creek we.s read together with recommendation of H, t. Allen, su·pervisor of Assessments that the abatement be ap·proved, Upon motion, the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Te.a:e.tlon the.t the assessed value of the personal property of said applica:JJ.t be reduced from $2054,00 to ~1102,00 and the taxes from $451.69 to $324.09, · The e.p·plication of Erwin E, zaslce for reduction of assessment for 1950 a.r,ainst the !iE¼ of Sec. 28, Township of Deer Creek, was read toe:ether with recommendation. of H, L, Allen that the application be approved and the Boe.rd recommenlied to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said tract be :reduced from $1787.00 to ~1387.00 e.nd the taxes from $257,52 to $;199.09. The petition of S, M, Moen., also kn01vn e.s Selmer M, Moen to repurchase propert.v in the Village of Battle Lake v1as ree.d and the following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Boe.rd of r.onnt.v Gommissioners o·f Otter Tail Connt,v, Minnesota; Ylhereas, this Boo.rd has thi!'! da,y considered the netition of s. M, Moen, e.lso kno,,m e.s Selmer M, Uoen, for repurchase of lnnds :forfeited for non-payment of taxes under date of Aug. 22, 1950 and the Board being advised the.t said real estate is not located within an.v restricted e.ree. esto.bl.ished by the "lloe.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Te.il county and that said real estate has not been sold by the state and is not under ·an,,\' mineral prospecting or lease e.nd is riot under e.n.v condemnation by the State or e.ny o·f the polit-ical sub-divisions or by the United States: TT IS T"R'"1RP.li'O~T-1 ~~SOJ,Vl':D 13,V the Board of Count.v Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota the.t un- due hardship or in,iust1ce l'lould result if the forfeiture for the non-payment of taxes was not corrected and that therefore s. M. Moen, also known as Selmer M, uoen, shall be permitted to repurchase ·for a sum equal to t~e ag!(regat e of all delinquent taxes and e.ssessrnents tor-ether with penalties interest and costs the follovang, described real estate situate in Otter Te.il Count.1•, Minnesota, to-.wit: The N~ of Lot 8 in "Block 2 e.!;!d t11e West ~o feet o! the south 70 feet of Lot 8 in Block 2 e.nd the F,ast -10 feet gf _the south 70 feet o~ Lot 8 !3locl, 2 and the Sf of the Yf;I;-Lot 9 o! Block 2, all being in the Orip,inal Plat in the Village o ... Battle Lal:e, Minnesota Adopted June 13, 1951. Bert Stone Attest: Che.uman. Ylillie.m Lincoln clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. DATE ...................... :~~~~:·······································-···············19 51. ■rPPIIU N!■!l■!COIPIU U CIP■I · The follo1'l.inp.: resolution was adopted: Resolved by thP. Board of count.v Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the pa,vment for use of car on count.\• business excepting sheriff's office be fixed. at seven cents for each mile necessaril,v travelled in connection with said business. Adopted ~une 13, 1951. Bert stone chairman. Attest: .William Li!lcoln C er. The following resolution wns adopted: Resolved· b,'I the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted 1\•ith Luehr Bros. for gr.ading Job 50:C,O,-T,S, {l) and Whereas, said work has been f'11lly completed according to the certificate of the highway engineer, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and the Chairman of the Board nre authorized and directP.d to issue to thP. contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridp,e Fund of the county in the sum of $1885,13, the balance due, Adopted June 1~. 1951. Bert stone chairman. Attest: \Villiam Lincoln C er • After discussion thr. question of certif~rinp.: pntiP.nts to the University Hospi.tal, upon motion, it was dece.tded that commP.ncinr, ,lul.V 1, 1951 applications for admission to the Universit,v Hospital shall be referred to the Count.v \Velfare Board, The following bills were allcved: J. c. HenkP.S Do 1,1, C, Lee Ed, C. Drews Western Union Ed, C, Drews Louise Standahl 14abel \9enstrom Beatrice M, Will John r .. Bixoy 9:, I,, Allen Frank c. Barnes Iven E, Bip.ler, U,D, Dr, C. ,1, Lund Roy H, Berg Esther G. Sell Me.,vbelle ,, • Lee Do Perham TelP.phone Co. M.vrtle R, Barnes Mi.la red Bruvold Runninp.:en Cafe Fergus Journal Co. Do Battle Lake ReViP.W Under1~ood Corp. The Pierce Co, l'lenning Advocate Fargo Rubber stamp Wl:s. Bostitch-McLean Inc. Chas.. ll'. "fiord N, W, Bell Tel, Co, Caffane.v' s Do Poucher Printing~ Lith, Co. Do Free.Press Co. The Ceo. D, Barnard co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Schoolcra.~t co. Miller-Davis Co. UgP.blad Pub. Co. Poucher Prtg. ~ Lith. co. Victor Lundeen, co. FerP.us Glass 'I: Paint Co. N, ~-Bell Tel, co. Costello Mr.g. co. Minn. Maintenance corp. R. c .• Anderson Well 'I: Pump Co. 8eall McGowan co. ~intgen Karst F.lec. co. boarding prisoners expenses expenses dep. sheriff dep. sheriff's fees telegrams services as nightman expenses " supt. ClP.rk expenses II mun.icipal court fees coroner's fees " juror expenses nurse " " postage service I calls nurse transcript meals for j Lirors publishing · ., Typewriters supplies statements :rubber stamp suppl les work at sheriff's residence mobile servicP. supplies nurse " assessment supplies tnx list sheets blanks supplies printing school sup-plies binders '1c b·lanks prtg. '1c stat,y. books blanks etc. binders :'1c supplies suppliP.s calls sup-pll.es " •• 'I, repairs supplies rP.palrs $ 381.00 52.50 92.60 11.10 15.56 56.00 96.45 69.43 95.00 153.36 73.48 40.00 11.50 76.40 3.00 88.38 73.27 1.08 13.90 9.00 6.90 37 .• 65 128.90 82.40 16.80 109.73 22.82 8.00 2.93 2.50 13.20 125.45 14.50 2.00 1601. 61 512 .• 61 4.20 65.91 11.00 57.58 285.15 65.50 426.40 821.61 20,90 34.90 37.50 66.45 2.30 17,00 22.74 .2.. '10 ! ' ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... June ·········-··-··············-·······················l!Jl?.;l. ..• Joseph Rayner Sr, Leonard Olson M.vron Duhn John L, togan Archie Emery Ralph V. Rosenberg Russell S, Knudtson Vernon H, Lee H, F, Hinze Oren E, Fosse Myron T. Duhn American Legion Aux, spanish American Yfar Veterans Womens Relief corps Burelbach Post f61 Louise stondahl P, M, Ree Louise stondahl N, W. "Pub. Co. H. w. Glorvisen st. Luke's ~ospital west.Bub. co. Markstrom Drugs National Market Reports Inc. Philip !vi, Kjaglien City water~ Light Dept. Victor Lundeen~ co. Katherine D, Townsend Philip M, Kja~lten ~attle Lake Review N, W, Bell Tel. co. City Poor Dept. Universit.\' Hospital Village of Parkers Prairie Sunnyrest Sanatorium Minn. state San. No·peming San. A, W, co., Inc. cf Minn. Geo. T, Ryan Co, ·w. R, Ziegler co •• Inc. N, W, Engineering Co. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc, Ruffridge-Johnson Equipt, co. Kinne's, Inc. A, T, Herfindahl tJnited !,lectric Service Inc, Northwestern F.quipt., Inc. Olson Auto Electric Larson Bros. 'Penning Auto and Mach. V/orks Skogmo Motors, Inc. 1.vichterman Implement Co. M'.innesota Motor co. C, H, Bjorklund Body Shop .Fo rtwengler F:lec. Shop Empire Supply co, National Bushing & Parts co. Coast-to-coast store, uenning Perham Farm Supply Co, Midwest Supply Co, Bauck Hardware co. Nicols-Dean & Gregg Wilcox Lumber Co., Renning Home~ Farm Supply George 1/fiklia Mills Oil Co. Fergus Oil Co. Bill Nelson 011 Co, Twins Motor Co. Hoot Leke Ice & Gas co. Highwa.v Co. co-op Services, Inc. A. B, carpenter Fossen Oil Co, Cities Service Station Hagge Oil Co. Anderson~ Sandberg Oil co. Penrose Oil Co, D, A, Lubricant Co,, Inc, Paper, Calmenson & Co. Rosenwald-Cooper, Imo. Elk River Cone, Prod, co. Ra.vmond Bros, Motor Transp., Inc. Village of Henning Free Press co. H, A, Rogers The Globe-Gazette co. Viotor Lundeen & Co. Keuffel II: Esser ?l, YI, Bell Telephone Co, Pelican Telephone Co. N, w. Bell Tele. co., Henning N, YI~ Bell Tele, Co. Wendell p, uuber dep. sheriff's fees constable fees dep. sheriff's fees ., " " ., services at jail " " sheriff's assistant deputy sheriff deputy sheriff's fees n ,, '' decorating graves " '! " ., postage " cash advanced II sp. school election exp. drivers' license expenses care of patient jail N, w. Reporter etc. supplies " expenses water. light etc. letter file rent postage supplies service care of patient special nursing care of transient care of patient ,, " " " parts " II " &: repairs " repairs " supplies " II " II II gasoline etc. " gas, oil & tires gasoline " II " " " diesel fuel " ,, " " oil cutting edges tie wires culverts freight vet. ser. " " " rental~ elec. current maps supplies " services " long distance expenses 1 .90 7.00 12,00 5.70 18,00 20,00 15,00 3,00 22.65 71,00 10,90 25.00 10.00 25.00 25.00 41.72 104.88 ~9.50 21.40 8.25 29.04 38.00 4.47 4.00 76.68 11.60 56,00 45.00 7,00 11.50 13.45 224.05, 129.00 27.48 50,00 325.74 340.20 634.41 1049.62 1503.78 66.20 473.83 1473.84 787.38 44.94 80,84 73.09 31,28 68.35 14.26 79.11 4.60 60.65 31.65 9.10 211.47 28.54 31,17 18.00 28.42 5,90 11.38 18.52 7.00 29,60 5.32 46.83 216.52 96.05 122,99 25,23 86.54 70.62 9,63 11.57 1276.30 144;00 113.05 127,62 232.35 238.88 179.76 31.67 196,86 593.30 93.60 .26 2,135 89,04 15.55 15.95 7.50 113,30 156.88 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... ,T.~n.~ ......................................................... l!Pl .. . G. D,. Harlov, Wendell P, Pilber Iver Sanden Minn. State ~igh. Dept. Laila~. Anstice, Admrx. IV, L, Potter Cyril G. Wright Co. Do Bill's Service station Tich.V' s Shop Bengtson Oil co. Mars~all-Wells Store Eian ',; !less co. Chester Habberstad Vergas Telephone Co, Bob's Service Station The Oil store Heinola Tele. co. !l!Utual Service Casualty Ins. Co. Bennie J, Johnson Henry Sieling Bert Stone Do George Hanson expenses .cash advanced Right of \7ay snow rem. costs Right of Vfay expenses redecorating sheriff's residence labor',; material at jail gasoli{l.e repairs oil & repairs supplies equipment rental mowing services gasoline " etc. service insurance R. & B. exp. attd. meeting It It II The Board then adjo11rned to June 22, 1951 at 16 o'clock A, M, Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. Bert Stone Minutes of t,reeting Board of County commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota Held June 22, 1951 Chairman. $ 14.90 25,97. 100.00 2350.95 112,94 95.71 712. 95 145.00 12.95 5,00 7,00 7.48 171.82 5.00 23.05 ·55,97 30.48 17.05 1290.16 9.00 23.56 11,25 15.80 11.34 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meetinr-of.the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !ft.innesota, Vias dnly held at the Commissioners' ~oom in the Courthouse, in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, on June 22, 1951 at 10 o'clock A, !,!, The following Commissioners were present: Henry Sieling, Bennie J. Johnson, George Hanson, Bert stone and earl A. Snowberg. and the following were absent: Ur. \'Lilliam Lince-l:n, the ________ _ county Auditor, and Mr, Owen v. Thompson, the County Attorney were also present. *** *** Commissioner Henry Sieling introduced the following resolution and moved its adoptien: R":S!"'LUTTf'IN r. .\LLINr, S-P~r, TAL ~LT-:r.Tl:OU "'OR ROAD AlfD BRTDG~ BONDS WW.:RF.AS this Board has heretofore determined the necessity and expedency of issuing bonds of this County for the im9rovement of roads therein by p.rading, ~raveling, and bituminous treatment and by erecting and improving bridges theron, and aoproval nereof b.v the voters of the county is required for the legal issuance of such bonds; NOW, TlfERB"'ORF., BE IT R~SOLVED B,\• the "Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Ml-nnesota, as follows: l. A special Count_y election is hereb.V cnlled nnd directed to be held in and for Qt ter Tai 1 County, Minnesota, on Tuesday, August 21, 1951, at ~,hich there shall be submitted to the qualified voters o-1' the County the following question: Shall Otter Tail county, !;finnesota, borrow mone.11 f.or grading, graveling, and· bituminous surfacing and the erection and improvement of brid~es on its County roads by issuing its negotiable coupon bonds in an agsregnte princinnl sum not exceeding $2,500,000, bearing interest at the lo1ver.1t rate or rates obtainable upon a public sale thereof? 2. T.he voting districts and polling places for said special election shall be the samP. ns those for the regu[ar election held in the county in NOVP.mber 1950, except as the same have been or ·shall be changed in acoordancP. ~:1th lav:. The polls for said election shall be opened in the respective voting districts at 7:00 o'clock A. JA. in each cit.r or village und nt 9:00 o'clock A,M, in each town, except where a different time for opening shall be prescribed accordinB to law by the c:i ty or village governing body or by the town board. The polls in all districts shall be kept open continuously until 8:00 o'clock P.M., and no longer, except as otherwise specified in Minnesota Statutes Section 206.01. 3. The election judges for t·he respective districts shall be the same as those for the reguilf!.r election held in the county in November 1950, except as the same have been or may be legally changed. I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... :rune··············-··-············-·····-···············19 .. 5.~. 4'.> The .. county Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to cause notices to be posted and published, ballots to be -prepared, and all equipment, su·pplies, forms, and materials and facilities to be furnished and distributed ond other arrangements made for the propter call and conduct of said election and for the makinr, of returns thereof, Bert Stone Passed June 22, 1951, Chairman of County Board Attest: ___ ~~w1i~l~l~i~a~m"-T:'L~inn~c~o~l~n __________ _ county Audltor The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Bennie J. Johnson, and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Henry Sieling, Bennie J. Johnson, Goerge Hanson, and earl A. Snowberg and the following voted against the same: None whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed, and was signed by the Chairman and attested by the Audi tor. *** *** MTl1UTF.S O"!i' AD,10lffilIBD l<IF.":TIUG Ol" THE 130A..·1m OF COUNTY COJ,DUS~TOtW.P.S OF OT'rE~ TAU. COlnlTY·; MilfHF.SOTA Pursuant to adjournment the board met at 10· o'clock A. 1,1. June 22, 1951 -for the purpose of appoint- ing a !iegister of Deeds for Otter Tail County. PrP.sent were Commissioners Sieling, Johnson, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg. Written a9plications for a·ppointment were read as follows: Randolph Araskog. Geo. B. Gunderson, EVelace Garber Hanson, GP.o. H. Haskell, J. F. Iverson, Phillip J. Moe, Harry NoJes, Liala ?,I. tiunn and D, r.,. Willson. Written recommendations of CEl.rtain candidates were rP.ad and candid ates 1·1ho were present v:ere heard in rep,ard to their experience and qualificntions. ,13allots were taken and Ji;velace Garber/>, Hanson wss appointed. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail connt.v, Minn. That Evelace Gar:t>erg Tianson be and she hereby is appointed Register of Deeds of Otter 'l'ail county to fill the unexpired term of Norman Nunn, deceased. ......_ Adopted June 22, 1951, B"!rt stone Chairman Attest: William Lincoln C er. Upon motien the board adjourned 1•1ithout date. c airman Attest: ; ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD· N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE. .............. ~J..Y.._.~·'·················································-···195.l. MINUTES OF R:3GULAR ME~TING OF T!IT. BOARD OF COUlfTY CO!,tMISSIONF.RS OP OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MIImESOTA. Pursuant to statute the Board met at 10 o'clock A. u. J.(onday July 9, 1951. Present were commissioners Sieling, ,Johnson, Flanson, stone and snowberg. The bonds of EValace Hanson, Register of' Deeds, in the sum of $5,000.00 and as Registrat of T.itles, in the sum of $1,000.00, bothrwith Anchor Casualty co., as surety, were approved. . . The bond of \'lendell P. Huber, County Highway Engineer, in the sum of $3,000.00, with Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co. , as suret.v, was approved. The Board went· over with Sheriff. µenkes the list of uncollected personal property taxes for 1950 and, e.fter such examination, the Board made the following report: Report of the County Board of the Count.v of Otter Tail State of Minnesota, of Uncollected and Cancell- ed 1>ersonal Prooerty Taxes for the Yea:r 1950. F'ergus Falls, Minnesota, July 9, 1951 Be it known, That the County Board of Otter Tail Count.v, Uinnesota, didmeet in session on the 9th day of July, 1951, thP. same being the first session of said Board after the 10th da,v of June, 1951; that at said session the •County Treasurer of said County delivered to said Board the list of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1950,together ,-:ith his certi:ficnte thereon as required by law; and that at said session the .. said Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel such taxes as they · are satisfied cannot be collected, That the following is a correct list of said uncollected personal propert:,7· taxes in said county for so.idyear of 1950, as so revised by said Bo a.rd, to wit: Name of Person Assessed Township or District Anderson, Ole A, Butler Ang fan, Geo. 2nd Ward Arns1-:ald , Arnold Compton Backdahl, Mar.v Lou 1st ward Berg, Albert A, Tordenskjold Bonev:ell, G, R, Pel. Rpds, Botz, Simon P.: EVerts Burdick, earl 1st ward Burris, Quinby 2nd \'lard cavallar, Alex. Otto Champlin Refining co. Buse Chermard, A, s. dt'al Girard Christianson; Anton Sverdrup Chut, Fred star Lake Clark, Robert B, Scambler Cole, B. c. •& Inez C, Dunn Collins, Albert newton cook, Raymond L, N,Y,Mills cronln, M. J. 3rd Ward Davis, Ira L, Lf. Ut. Direct Service/Fl.Jorgenson) 2nd ward Duncan, L. H, 4th Ward Dunham, Henry Mor. Grove Dybdahl, Orlando Tumuli Edes, W. Rt(Lph ~ Alto L. l'loodside Edmon, Aaron Clitherall F.dmon, Olof Clitherall Enderson, Lloyd 3rd Ward Erickson, Margaret · Dunn EVans Sign co. Perham Evans, Steve Perham Vill. Fiskari, John newton Gillette, Orrin 1st Ward Graupman, Lyle 2nd \'le.rd Greenwaldt, Walter Oak Valley Grewe, William Oak Valley Raagenstad, r..D, Perham Vlll. Raagenstad, L,D, Perham Vill, Flalverson, Wallace Oak Valley H0 lland. Gilman Scambler Rou11-e, Leona Candor Rouge, Winston candor Ireland, E. R, Pine Lake Jenkins, Allen Dunn Johnson, George 'Bluf-rton Johnson, Sven Sverdrup Jones, Walter otter Tail Juen, John Bluffton Vill. Knutzen, Herman H. · Rush Lake K~ono, F:mil Nid a.ros Lai ho, ~azel N. Y .Mills Landber11, Carl 3rd Ward Lavalley, P.A. Tordenskjold Leaf, Laurel Pel. Rpds, Leathert, Charles 3rd \'lard Leaseberg, Flo.1•d lle\-:ton JJewis, Vial ter Scambler Liewerinz, Gust Par. Prairie Lindquist, Roy Folden Lockhart, James Pelican Log Cabin Cafe(V.Shorter) 3rd Ward ~ Log Cabin Serv. st. (V .Shorter) 3rd \Vard Tax Dollars ~ Cts. 29,53 2.25 15.11 7.43 54,83 36.95 4.14 1.38 20.57 9.50 2. 73 2.80 1.84 5.40 3.12 · 3,85 11.00 286.43 4,84 33.44 72.44 18.84 17.20 13.19 66.24 3.91 4,11 5.01 4.82 9.54 2.12 51.55 2.25 3.11 18.04 70.29 1,32 7.95 35. 7·2 2.11 31,75 26.25 4.45 23.89 9.76 1.59 1.70 .77 46.73 3.37 77.68 4.49 84.73 13.04 7.09 26.33 6.05 5.26 18.60 61.59 63.27 166,66 Penalty, Fee and Cbsts Dollars !: cts, 4.20 .55 2.38 1.16 7,60 11.91 .• 80 .43 3.01 3.53 .61 .62 .50 ,97 • 67 .77 1.42 38.63 .90 4.7~ 9,96 2.78 3.90 2.02 9.13 .77 .80 .92 .90 1.53 .53 7.15 .55 .67 2.66 9.67 .43 1.32 5.04 .53 4.50 3.84 .85 3.45 1.56 .48 .48 .35 6.51 .70 10.65 .85 11.61 1.99 1.20 3.78 1.06 ,95 2.74 8.51 8.73 22.58 Total Tax, Penalty and costs • Remarks Dollars &: eta, 33.73 2.80 17.39 8.67 62.43 48;86 4.94 1.81 23.58 13.03 3.34 3.42 2.34 6.37 3.79 4.62 12.42 325.06 5.74 38.18 82.40 21.62 21.10 15.21 75.37 4.68 4,91 5.93 5.72 11.07 2.65 58.70 2.80 3.78 20.70 79.96 1.75 9.27 40.76 2,64 36.25 30.09 5.30 27.34 11.32 2.07 2.18 1.12 53.24 4.07 88.33 5.34 96.34 15.03 8.29 30.11 7.11 6.21 21,34 70,10 72.00 189,24 Collect " " " " .. " " " " " " " " ., " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " I I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-··············-·········.Jul.Y' ................................. _ •...... lg5 l .. . Name of Person Assessed Lundgren, Melvin Maiki, Veikko Malone, ll[aurice Marjamaa, John Sr, Mathison, Ernest Mauk, wm. McDonald, l.f, H. Moberg, Elmer Neff, Melvin Nelson, Theo. Heumann, Geo. \'I. Nilson, Louis I, II: Mary tlorthern Motors, Inc. Township or District i::na. ward Pine Lake Compton NeV!ton Perham Vill. Fenning Vill. Pine Lake Lida 1st ward Perham Lida Dunn ( J. B • Skogmo ) 2nd \Yard Northern Paint !v!fg. co. 3rd ward Norton, Kenneth E, Blowers Oltman, Lorenz Blowers Olson, \Yeldon Maine Overby. Joseph 2nd ward Parrow, \'lil fred Ott er Tail Paulson, c.o. 4th ward Peterson. Karl Elizabeth Peterson, Carl E, Perham Vill. Peterson, Carl E, Perham Vill. Peterson, Edla K, EVerts Peterson, Karl 3rd ward Peterson, x;arl 2nd \'lo.rd Peterson, T,vler 3rd ward Piepho, Dorothy 2nd \'lard Pikop, Marvin 4th ward Priebnov,, Harvey western Price, Henry 4th ward Quine, G,F. II: wm. c. Girard Raun, James J. 3rd ward Revering, ~ugo Eastern Robertson, H. M, 4th ward Roed, Loyd Star Lake Rust, Rudolph \'I. 3rd ~lard Rutten, L,T. Perham Vfll. Sannes, M.c. 'I: Anna.v. DUnn Schonecker, \Vm. Otter Tail Shuman, Ed. Par.Pra.Vill. Shamp, Kenneth !I: Dora Woodside Shorter, Vernon H. 3rd i'/ard Simon, Donald Perham Vill. Skillicorn, C,T. Perham Vill. Skillicorn,C,T, (14che.Shop) Perham Vill. Skirek, J ,M •. !I, Anna Dimn Smith, Jackson II: Emma Everts Sorenson, Roy c. 3rd ward Sprague, Kenneth 3rd Ward states Supply(C.C.Burdick) 2nd Ward Steen, Marshal Battle Lake stock, John western stocker, John F. Elmo Stapel, Dick Leaf ~ake Strand, Frank E. Rush Lake svomela, Gust Otto Sween, Geralding,Gailll:Hazel Dunn S1vitzenberg, M.J. Star Lake T app, Arve I Par,Pra,Vill. Teeman, R,W • ._ Uary Everts Tetens, John E, Henning Timm, C.T. & Kerr, L.H. Everts Traxel, Kenneth Everts Underwood Independent Underwood Wallin, ~arry Battle Lake Weisen, Mrs. Joe Perham Vill, Wiley, Robert Tordensk~old \'Ii rtanen, Geo. G. N. Y. Mills wr igley, Thayne Orwell York, Anna Scambler Zanlch, Mike Pine Lake Batkke, Theo.M, & Inez Dunn MoDermeit, Vern Paddock Segar, Archie Everts Sprinkler, Floyd E, N.X.Mills Tax Dollars II: cts. 4.40 2.29- 14,5~ 19.09 5.30 25.10 4.09 2.06 16.25 4,20 13.96 1.00 87.30 57,74 21.67 16.93 30.48 8.82 3.39 18,67 14.80 6.62. 1.32 4.14 209.88 27.49 7.09 1.21 6.40 57.18 36.82 3.94 18.50 8,87 6.40 2.85 20.75 2.65 10.64 4,04 47.08 26,97 1.73 1.32 1.32 l\l,87 5.93 4.14 29.22 18.67 59.30 5.41 84.65 19,55 25,17 39.02 19.89 13.01 2.96 23.61 6.57 31.40 11.36 3.28 20.26 5.72 1.32 9.33 3.09 253.45 3.12 2.29 6.28 32.67 79.66 11.27 .85 .55 4.88 2.81 ,96 3.62 .80 .52 2,43 .84 2.12 1.19 11.94 7.99 3.15 2.51 4,34 1,44 .70 2.75 2.23 1.14 .43 .80 28.37 3.93 1.20 .42 1.11 7.91 5.19 ,78 2.73 1.44 1.11 .63 3.03 .60 1.67 .79 6.56 3,87 .48 .43 .43 2.91 1.04 .so 4.17 2.75 R,19 ,97 1L59 3,54 3.62 5.48 2.91 1.99 .65 3.42 1.14 4.46 2.18 ,69 2,96 1.02 ,43 1.50 .67 34.22 ,67 .55 1.09 4.62 10.92 l.'(6 5.34 2.84 i9,44 21.90 6.26 28.72 4.89 2.58 18.68 5,04 16.08 8.19 99.24 G5.73 24.82 19,44 34.82 10.26 4,09 21.42 17.03 7.76 1.75 4.94 238.25 31.42 8.29 1.63 7.51 65.09 42.01 4.72 21.23 10.31 7.51 3.48 23,78 3.25 12.31 4.83 53.64 30.84 ·2.21 1.75 1.75 22. 78 6.97 4.94 33.39 21.42 67.49 6.38 96.24 23.09 28.79 44.50 22.80 15.00 3.61 27,(03 7.71 35.86 16.54 3.97 23.22 6.74 1..7.5 10~83 -;· 3.'76 W7.67 3.79 2.84 7.37 37.29 90.58 13.03 Remarks " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " II " II " " " " " " " " " " " II " " That the following is a correct list of the personal property taxes in said county for said year l'lhich said Board are satisfied cannot be collected, and so cancelled by said Board, To-wit: Ackerman, Hugo(deceaeed) Girard *Adams, Richard 2nd ward *Biedesman, Joe Nidaros *Danielson, A,T. 4th ward *Hanson, Paul Girard *Hend in, Bernard J. Pine Lake Sohwartz,Freda ~Joe(in Army) Candor *Swanton, Giibert 2nd ward *wahlin, D,W. 3rd ward *Moved away and address unknown 19.50 1.73 19.33 8.99 3.49 11.65 3.61 5.36 9.68 2,81 .48 2,84 1.46 .72 1.81 .74 .97 1.54 21.96 2,21 22.17 10.45 4.21 13.46 4.35 6.33 11.22 Cancel " " " " " " " " ----------------------------------------------------COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. l.~~l··········-···································19 ... 51 ~ The County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, Henry Sieling gennie J. Johnson Geo. Hanson Bert Stone Carl A, Snowberg on and o·rf s,.1le beer licenses were grqnted to Suzanna Abel at Shady Point Resort in the Township of Elizabeth and to Gust and Grace cosohka at resort in Section 29, Tovmship of Edna, Dance permit using mechanical music onl.v was granted to Carl Sundblad at resort on Long Lake in the Tovmship of Elizabeth, Cigarette licenses were granted to the following: Edwin Nelson, Crystal Lida ~each, Town of Lida: Arthur LeBaube at Sparky' s Resort in the To1-mship of Everts: Chester A, and. 13lanohe Evans at Follywood 'l'oint Resort, Town of Scambler. Bids, for constructing State '!>ro~eot 56-519-01 from Bluffton Village north were received from 'Fl, D, Morrill and Ed, Zimmerman for $56,829,03 and the Farrell Contracting co. for $65,348.80 and John Dieseth co. for $64,347,90, Bids for .oonstruotin'g S.P. 56-517-04 betvieen 8.75 miles north ofllew York Mills and 3.5 miles south and 2.25 miles. east of Hillview were received from John Dieseth Co. for $59,533.28 and Farrell Contract-. ing co. for $62,447.06 • . Upon motion, all these bids were r.ejeoted. Upon motion, the auditor was instructed to readvertise for bids on above jobs, said bids to be open- ed at 2 o'olool: i>. M. Aug. 14, 1951. . The Auditor was also instructed to advertise for the followinr, bids to be opened at 10 011·01ook A.M. _4.ug. 14, 1951: Bids for construction of two county garages, one at Vining and one at Erhard; also bid ·for one B-G Sloper attachment for r,iotor grader or equal; also bids for the sale of south concrete abut- ment of the old Pleasure Park Bridge on the south bank of the Otter Tail River; also for sale of one or more snow plOY/S as marked "For Sale-" at county lot at Deer Creek. Bids for grading County Aid Road Uo. 50 in the Township of Perham as advertised for by the Board 1vere opened and read as follows: R. D. Morrill and Son, $11,409.90; John Dieseth co., $11,555.88. Upon motion the bid of H, D. Morrill •~ Son was accepted. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the "Board of county commissioners of .otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with klinnesota F.V/.D. co. for one F.\V.D. H.R, truck with l'/ausau one-way plow in exchange for unit owned by the county and, Whereas, the contract has been fully completed and accepted by the county, How, Therefore, be it resolved that the county auditor and the chairman of the Board be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the county in the sum of $7,541.50, the contract price • . . Adopted ,July 9, i951. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. BERT STONE Chairman. _The Count.v Welfare Board filed budget reoommendin;;: lev.v for 1951 in the sum of $125,272.pO The county Auditor presented the following statement to the Board: The follov1ing estimate of expenses :for the ensuing year is herewith snbmi t ted: Salary,of county Officers •.......•.... ~43,ooo.oo Clerks, Janitors, etc •.•..••.•••.•••.• 44,000.00 Board of ~risoners .•...•.•...•......•• 2,500.00 Witness Fees.......................... 500.00 Jurors, Justice Court................. 100.00 Report of Births and Deaths •.•..•••••• 1,200.90 Books, blanks and stationery •...•••••• 19,000.00 ~xpenses with inse.ne. • . • . • • . . • . . . • . • • • 2,000.00 court House Grounds.... • . • • . . . • . • . . • • • 1,500.00 Misc. Revenue •.•.••....•.••..........• 12,000.00 Sanatorium Fund .•••••••••.•.........•. 35,000.00 County Nurses and county Agents .••••.• 16,000.00 Dated July 9, 1951, · .salary of county commissionersy,;······$6,000,00 Jailers, Dept. Sheri:ffs, eto.t.e,~~ .. 13,000.00 Jurors Fees ••••...••.••••••••.•••••.•• 5,000.00 'lailiffs, Reporters, etc ••.•••.•.••.•• 7,500.00 Witnesses, .:rustioe Court.............. 300.00 Lights, fuel, etc ••...•....•••......•• 16,000.00 Printing and advertising •••.••..•.••.• 6,500.00 County \'/elf.are Fund •••..•••.•..•.•..• 125,272.00 t>-e.i---<-<,lc "'Tl'__,_ Attending Assessors' Meeting ••• ~.c..... 1,200,00 Road .'I: '!ridge Fund ••....••..........• 360;000.00 ve...~, "1J'«A"--- Election Expenses ••.••.••....• '91'~ ...• · 5,000.00 veterans' Service Offioe .•••••• o/.r. ..• 9,000.00 Respectfully submitted, V/ILLIALt LINCOL!f county Auditor. ,- (The County Auditor presented the following statement to the Board\-\ · ~ TO TlIB COUNTY BOARD OTTER TAIL COUllTY, IlINIIESOTA 1>ursuant to law I present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for county purposes for the current year,· the amounts collected and appprtioned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with the actual cash balance remaining to the ore/lit o·f each county fund at the close of business on the 31st day of December 1950. WILLIAM r,nmor,N, county Auditor Funds Amounts· iev le/I ·l!O'.!: current year county Revenue ~und .•........•.•.................. Cl40,058.18 Poor Fund, ••.•••••.••.• ~ .•.•••...•.•..•••.....•.•• 10,017.25 Road and P.ridge Fund •••...•.....•.......•.•.....•• 273,196.72 Welfare Fund. : • . • • • . • . • . . • . • • • . . • . . • . . • . . . • . . • . • • • 59, 921.10 Veterans' service Fund............................ 9,106.60 co. School Transportatlon Fd...................... 44,986.34 county School Tax Pund •••.......•..•.....•.......• 208,033.90 County Sanatorium Fund ........ ··•· .. · .. • .... ··.... Jl•4~6•ft county Building. • • • • • • . • • • . • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... •--········· :•ul,v _···--··-······················-·······19 ... ?J Balanoes remaining to the credit of each Fund as follows: BAL.AUCES Debit FUNDS county Revenue Fund. , , , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · · · · · • · · • • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · :~~~ !~~dB;idg~ ·;.~;d::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :$211,964.15 Veterans' Service Fund.,.••••••••••••··•••··•··•·••••·•···•••• Ditch Fund ••..•••..•.•.•.. •,·•••••··••••·······••·········•··· Incidental 1und ••••..•. •. •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · · • · · · • · • • county Welfare Fund •••..• •.••••••••••••••••••·•••············· county Sanatorium Fund ••••• • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · • • county Building Fund •••• , ••.. •,.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••··• county School Tax Fund~ ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · · · • • county Transportation Fund •••.••....•.•.......•••.•.•.....•••• Credit $25,620.78 5,775.27 2,514.05 4,575.64 1,834.74 151,031.19 12,116.55 44,130.88 104,882.05 22,273.17 The following is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already .entered into by the Board. FOR WHAT PURPOSE BALAlm:S DUE Unpaid on Road .contracts •......... •.•.• .. •••••,,••••• • • • • • • · · • • • · · · · · · · · ··· · · · · • · • · · Unpaid Equipment Purchases •••..••....•...••......••... , •••.. • ... ••••••••••••••••••••• $68,889.38 14,037.34 Upon motion, the 1'oard adjourned to 10 o'clock A. lil, July 10, 1951. TU~1SDAY'S S":SSIOlf. "Pursuant to adjournment the ~oard met at 10 o'clock A, !vi. ,July 10, 1951, al; mem?ers being present. Petitions 1:o be set over J'rom one school district to another 1·:ere taken up .• or f1.nal hearing and the Board listened to the County Superintendent of Sohools and. to all persons 111ho were present and wished to be heard either for or against the various petitions. . The petition of Leon Green was p.ranted and the 13onrd issued the following order to-w1. t: Whereas, The petition of Leon .. Green, a legal voter, freeholder and resident. of Sc:ho~1 District 110. 23 or Becker co. , representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter descr1.bed, wh1.ch are situate in said School District, and ad join S.ohool District Ifo. Jt. 1, Otter Tail & Becl;:er Co. and asking that he wit his aaid. lands may be set off from. said District !lo, 23 '3ecker co, to said adjoining School District 110. Jt. 1 ott'er· Tail -~ Becker co. was presen.ted to the Board of county commissioners of this county at a seesi~n of said board held pn the 11th day of April A,D,, 1951 for the action of said board thereon; and 1vhereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said ·petition, at a ses- sion of said board on the 10th day of July A,D,, 1951 at the county Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that.notice.of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in eaoh of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said.School District~, a copy of said order at least ten days before tho time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of county Commissioners ,on said 10th d~V of July A,D, 1951 due proof of the post:l!ng and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interest Pd parttes for or ap:ainst granting the prayer of the 9eti.tioner, and said Board being of opinion that said oetition should be granted, it ls hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the follov:ing described lands ol'lned by him, to-wit: IV ½-of SVI¼ of Section 36, Township 138, Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 23 13eclrer co. to said adjoininp, School District No, Jtt 1, Otter Tail and Becker co. and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named Scijool District :for all purposes whatever, By order of the Board of County commissioners. Dated the 10th d~v of July A,D., 1951, ( Aud.it or.' s Seal) BF.RT STONE Chairman of the Board of County eommissioner of otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: V/ILT,I A!-.! LIHCOLl1 Count.v Auditor, and exf..of-ficio Cler!: of "Board The petitton of Leonard 0, Johnson was granted and the·-aoard issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, 'The petition of Leonardo. ,iohnson, a legal voter, :freeholder and r"sident of school District No, 23 Becker~o. representing that hc·is the owner of the land~ hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, Jt, ·1, Otter Tail.~ Becker co. and asking that he with his said lands ma.v be set off from said District No. 23 ~ecl:er co. to said adjoining School District No, Jt. li, Otter Tall &: Becker Co, was presented to the Board of county commissioners of this county at a session of said Board held on the 3rd doy of January A,D,, 1951 for the action of said board thereon· and where~s it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a s~ssion of sa1.d board on the 14th day of !,larch, A,D,, 1951 at the county Auditor •s office in the City of Fergus Falls in so.id county;and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and olace of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school d.i.stricts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days befcre the time appointed for snch hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County commissioners on Be.id 14th day of March A,D, 1951 due proof of the posting and service of said order of heari~ as therein directed and rF?quired, ·m~:re than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the oard, with ever.vthing 1vhich was said by said interested narties for or ar,a.i.nst granting the prayer of the .etitioner, said_petition was laid over to July 10, 1951 and snld Board being of opinion that said petition should be grantea, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described ands owned by him to-wit: NE¼ of SW¼, SW¼ of SE¼ ~nd SE¼ of SWf of Section 36, Township 138, Range 42 be nd the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 23 1ecl:er co. to said adjoining School Distric o, Jt. 1, Otter Tail~ Becker Co. and said lands are hereby made a part of sold last named School District or all purposes whote-rer. By order of the ~oard cf county commissioners Dated the 10th dey of July A,D,, 1951 (Auditor's Seal) BERT~lSTONE Chairman of the Board o:f county commissioners Of Otter Tail County, Minn. At test: VTILLIAl,f LINCOLN County Audi tor, and ex-officio Clerk of 11oard COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... -.. ;tul,'1•···~ .. ·······························-·······195J. .• The petition or Roy 1.fart1.n was grantea and tne Boara 1.ssueil the :rollowing order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Roy 148-rtin, a lep,al voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 178 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter d.escribed, which are sit- uate in said school District, and adjoin School District No, 184 and asking that he with his seid lands me.y be set off from said District No. 178 to said ·adjoininr, school district No. 184 was presented to the Board of County commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 11th day of April A,D. 1951 for the action of said board thereon; and \"1hereas it vms thereupon ordered by es.id board that a hear- inr, should be had on said petition, et a session o-? said board en the 10th da.y of ,July A.D., 1951 et the county Auditor's office in the City of Fer~us Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order thet notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said orcler in three public pl11ces in each of the school di~triote t_o be affected by said petition, and by mail- ing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten do,ys before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the·said Board of county Commissioners on said 10th day of July A.D. 1951 due proof of the posting ·and service of said ord.er of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten deys prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, ·said petition vras publicly read and considered by the Board, with everythine; v,hich was said by said interested parties for or against granting the ·prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the follow- ing described lands owned by him, to-wit: \'Ii" of N'n¼ of Section 35, Tovmship 136, Range _38 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 178 to said adjoining school District No. 184 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. BY order of the Uoard of County Commissioners, · Dated the 10th day of July A,D,, 1951, (Auditor's Seal) BERT STOlfE Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, !;!inn.- Attest: \'IIT,LIAl4 LI-NCOLil COtnlTY AUDITOR, and ex-officio Clerk of Board, The petition of Rupert !.I • .:iohnson was granted and the Board issued the follov1ing order to-vii t: Whereas, The petition of Rupert !.l. Johnson, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District !lo. 178 in _this county, representing thn t he is the owner of the lands hereinafter d·escribed, · which are situate in said School District, and adjoin school District No. 184 and asking tr1at he with his said lands may be set off from said District No, 178 to said adjoining School District no. 184 was presented to the Board of county commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 11th day Aof April.A.D, 1951 for the action of soid board thereon; and 1-,hereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hear- ing should be had on said 9etition, at a session c~ said board on the 10th day of .:iuly A,D., 1.951 at the county Audi tor• s of:!.' ice in the Ci t.v of Fergus Falls in snid count,v; and whereas it was further orderPd in and by saicl order that notice cf the time and nlace of snch hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each o-r the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mail- ing to the clerk o~ each of said School Districts, a copy or said order at least ten days before the time a9pointed for au.oh hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 10th day of ,Tul.v A.D,, 1951 due proof o:'.' the !')Osting and service of stiid order of hearing a.s therein directed and required, more than l:en duys prior to said last named date, having been made 'and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the noard, \Vi th everything which was said by said. interested parties :for or against granting the pra.·er of the petitioner,' and said Board being of o·pinion ttat said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the follow- ing desert.bed lands owned by him,to-wit: NE-¼-of HE¼ of section 35 To-.mship 136 Range 38 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District Uo, 178 to said adjoining School District No. 184 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of' the Board of' County commissioners. Dated the 10th d~V of ~uly A•D•, 1951. (Auditor's Seal) BEP.T STOUE Chairman of-the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, I,linn. Attest: VIILLIAtt LHICOL!l county Auditor, end ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petttion of T, r.:. and Grace Raasch to be sP.t over from Dist. 45 to Dist. 177 wns taken up for final aotio.n and it appearing to the '3oard llhat the parties no lonBer owned the land described in s11id petition and that·there are no children o~ school ap.e residing on said land, upon motion, the petition was rejected, The petition of Xenneth and Peter Clambey was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The pet i 1:ion of Y.enneth !I: Peter Clambey, ler,al voters, freeholders and residents of School District llo. 207 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter de~cribed, which are situate in said School D is,rict, and adjoin School District No. 247 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said District Ho. 207 to said adjoining School District mi. 247 was pre- sented to the '3oard of County Commissioners of this county at a session of -said Board held on the 11th day of April A.D., 1951 for the action of sa.id 13oard thPreon; and \Vhereas it was thPreupon order,.d by said board that a hearlni;: should be had on sa.id peti '"lo.n, at a session of said board on the 10th dey of ?uly A.D,, 1951 at the county Auditor's office in the City of ~ergus Falls in said County; and \Vhereas it was fnrther ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place o-f' such hearing be ,ziven by past- ing copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by seid petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said school districts, a copy of said order at least'ten days before the time appointed· for such. hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of ~aunty commissioners on said 10th day of ,Tuly A.D., 1951 due proof of the posting and servicP. of said or- der of hearing as therein directed and req_uired, more than te:r_i days prior to said last named date, hav.ing been made and filed, said pet it ion was publicly rend and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or eeainst granting the prayer of the petitioner, end said Board oeing of opinion that said petition should be 1:1ranted, it is hP.reby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by hi.m, towwit: Et of SE¼ of Section 10 Township 133 Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District llo. 207 to said ad joining School District No. 247 and said ·1ands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, By order o:!.' the Board of county Commissioners. Dated the 10th da.v o~ ,1uly A. D,, 1951. (Auditor's Seal) 'BP.RT ST OllE Chairman of the 'Board ofCounty commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minn. Attest: WILLIAM: LIImOLN, County Auditor, and ex- officio C1.,rk of Board, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... ·-···J'.\!l.V. ............ _ ................................... 19 .. 5.l. . . The petition of Herman iVunderi vta.s granted and, the Board a issued the follov,~i_:ig ord;r 1;0"'.'1vi t:. . . Whereas, the Petition of Herman \Vanderi, a lP.gal vot:-r, :.recholde7 a~d resio.ent q ... Scho~l Distr~ct 110. 47 in this county, representing that he is the owner of tne lands h~re1.n!L.1.t~r de~oll!ib!d, w~ioh are situate in said School District, and adjoin School Dfstrict Ira, 228 ~nd 1:1sking tuut he with his said lands may be set off from said District rro. 47 to said adjoining school distr~ut Ho, 228 !as presented to the Board of ~ounty commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the l~th da,v of June A.D., 1951 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said beard that a hearing should be had on said petition, at 11 session of said board on the 10th d.11,1• of ,1ul,¥ A,D,. 1951 at the County Auditor's office in the city of Fergus Falls in said county; 11nd.v1l:ere11s it was fur~her ~rde:ed in and by said order that notice of the time and olace cf such hearing be given by posting copies o .• said order in three public· places in each of the school d·istricts to ~e. affected b,v said petition, and b,v. mailing to the clerk of each of said Schcol Districts, a copy of sald oro.er at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and ~hereas at the said session of. the said Boa7d of County Com~issioners on sa.id 10th day of .'ul.V A.D., 1!>51 due proof of the !)Ost~ng and servlce of said order of hearing a~ therei~ dire~!ed and reguiJ.,ed more than ten do,vs prior to said last named date, ha··inr, been made and filed, said peti Lion was publicly' read and considered by the '3oa2·d, with ever.vth.ing which ,,as so.id by said interested parties for or against granting the rrayer of the petitioner, and said ~oard being of opinion that said petition should be gra.nted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the follov:ing describ ed lands owned by him, tp-wit: SW¼ of ·section 31 Tow~ship 137 ~nnge 37 be and th~ same are hereby set off from said School District Ho. 47 to said ad,joining School District 110. 228 and said lands are hereby mad.e a part of said last named School District ·for all purposes whatever. By order of the '3oard of county commissioners. Dated the 10th day of .,uly A,D., 1951. (Auditor's Seal) 'BERT STOllE Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minn. Attest :WTLLIAM'. LINCOLU county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of ~/alter '3rasel was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The 9etition of Walter Brasel, a legal voter; freeholder and resident of. School District No, 47 in this ~ounty, representing that he is the owner uf the lands nereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin Su\10001 Distriut ?Jo. 228 and asking tl.1,.t he with his said lands may be set o:ff from said district Ho, 47 to said adjoining school district Ho, 228 was presented to the Board of county commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 13th day of June A.D., 1951 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it Y111s thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should , be had on said ·petition, at n session of said board on the 10th day of July A.D., 1951 at the County Audi tor's office in the C:i ty o.e Fergus Falls in said County; and vrhereas it was further ordered in and by said order that noticP. of the time and place of such hearinp: 1:>e :;iven 'hy posting copies of said orcier in three public places in each of the school districts to be affP.cted b.V said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of sold School Districts, a copy o:~ said crder at least ten dc..rs before ,the tirne appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the snid Boord of county Commissioners on said 10th day of July A.D,, 1!>51 due proof o·f' the oostinp, and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and re'1•uired, more than ten days orior to said last named date, having been rnacle and filed, said -oetition ,.,as publicly read and considered b,\' the ~oard, 1vith everything vrhich 1vns said b,v said interested parties for or ap,ainst granting the orayer of the petitioner, and said 13oard bP.ing of o·pinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereb.y ordered and· determined, that the said petitioner and the follo1vine: described lands cvrned b,v him, to-wit: W~ of SE¼ of Section 31 Township 137 Range 37 be and the same are hereby set ol'f from said ~chool D lstrict No. 47 to said adjoining School District no. 228 and said lands are hereby made a part of suid last named School District fer all purposes whatever, By order of the Board of county commissioners. Dated the 10th daJ• of July A,D., 1951. (Auditor's Seal) BERT STONE Chairman of the Board of county:Commtssioners• of Otter Tail county, !,!inn. Attest: l'IIJ.LIA!A LINCOLH count,\• Audi tor, and ex-officio t:::lerk of Board. The petitton of Wilmar G. Glebe asking to be set over from Dist. 215 of Otter Tail county to Dist. 43 o:f' Douglas County and the petition of Anton .l. Roers asking to be set over from Dist. 2il:5 of Otter Tail ounty to Dist. 34 ·of Douglas County were taken up and the County Superintendent reported that .she did not ave sufficient information~from Douglas county. Upon motion, both petitions were laid over to the Aug. 15t meeting of the County Board. The petition of Oscar J. Sandahl was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Oscar J. Sandahl, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School lJistriut Uo 265 in this County, reprcse!lting that he is the ovmer o-e the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District Ho. 103 and asking that he with his said lands may be et off from said District No, 265 to said adjoining School District No. 103 was presented to the Board of Jaunty Cornr:iissioners of this County at a session of said boa::-d held on the 13th da,rof June A.D. 1951 for he action of said boa:z:d thereon; and WiJP.reas it was thereupon ordered btr said board that a he~ring should e ~ad ~n. said petition, at a ~P.ssion or. said. board on the 10th day of .:iuiy A.D., 1951 at the connt.v audil- or s o.f1ce in theCity of Ferp,us Falls in said county; and v1here11s it was further ordered in and by said rde7 thot notice of th; time and pla~e o: such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three ubllc places iu each o • the school d istr 1cts to bP. a ~~ected V,\' said :>et it ion, and by mailing to the clerk r each of ea.id School ""istricts, a C01J,V of said order at leo.st ten da,vs before the time allpointed for au.ch earing; and whereas .a at a the said session or tl;P. said B~ard o_f Coun t.v co·mnissioners on said 10th day of ,luly , D.,.1!>51 due proo .... o. the posting and service o! sa.Ld order of hearing as therein directed and required, ore tnan ten_ d,ays prior to said la~t named date, having been made and ~iled, said petition was publicly ead ~!ld cons~dered b,v the Board, with everything which was saia by said inter.,sted rarti es '!'.or or a.gainst ra.~t ing the prayer of the !leti tioner, nnd said ~o_ard ?:ing of opinion that said peti tlon should be granted, t i~ hereby ordeied and d7termined, that the said peti cloner and the following described lands owned b.V him ~-wit: N~ of ~E., of Secti~n 18 Towr1ship 132 Range 38 be and the same are hereby set off from said Suhool 1 strict no. 26., to said ad,,oining School District Ho. 103 and said lands are hereby made a part of said ast named School District for all purooses whatever. BY order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 10th day of ~uly A.D., 1951. (Anclitor•s Seal) COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, .MINN. July !i DATE ........................................................................................ 19 ....... . The petl tion of Leonard w. and l'l'elen \'Tall ace was gran.ted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas. The petition of Leon-e:rd w. & Helen Wallace, a lep.al voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 47 in this County, representinp. that he is the owner of the lands hPreinafter descriQed, whic1 are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District 110, 228 and asking that he with his said lands may be ·set. off from said district No. 47 to !:laid adjoininB school district rro. 228 v,as presented to the Board of county commissioners of this count,v at a session of said board held on the 13th day of June A.D., 1951 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it wal:l thereupon o:i:dered by said board that a hearing should be had on said oeti ~ion, at a sessi.on of said board on the 10th day of July A,D. 1951 at the county Auditor's office in the City of "'ergus Falls in said county; and v,hereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of snch hearinB he given by posting copies of said order in three public ·places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mail- ing to the clerk of each of S1'.id schol d istr lets, a copy o.l' said c rde,· at least t1m days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said board of county co:nmissioners on said 10th day of July A,D,, 1951 due proof of the posting and service of said order ol' hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, hsving been made and filed. said petition ,·,as publiol,y read and oonsidered b,y the Board, l'tith ever,vthinr; v,hich was said by said interPsted. parties fQr or ap.ainst granting the pra,v-er o~ the pet l. t ioner, and said Board being o:l' opinion that. said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the follow- inp, described lands owned by him, to-l'lit: SE¼ of Section 36 Township 137 Range 38 be and the some are hereby set off from said Sohool District Uo. 47 to said ad.ioininr,: School District No, 228 and said la.VJ.de are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order ol' the Board of county commissioners. Dated the 10th day of July A,D,, 1!151. (Auditorfs Seal) BERT STONE. Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners o Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: VII.LLIAM LIUCOLN CQunty Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition o·l' Chris. Gropper was granted and the Board issued the following order to-1vi t: Whereas, The petition of Chris. Gropper, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 47 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are •situate in said School Dist riot, and ad .1oin School Dis-'-rict Ho. 228 o.nd askinp.: that he ~,i th his Bald lands may be set o:"-f from said district No. 47 to said adjoining school district No, 228 was presented to the Board of county Commissione::-s o:" this county at a session of sa.id board held on the 13th day of June A.D., 1951 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it 1,as ther,..upon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 10th day of JulyA.D,, 1951 at the Gounty Audi- tor's office in the City of li'ergus Falls in said county; and wherea it was further or.dered in ond by said order that notice of the time and place of such hear.ing be given b.r posting copies of said ord.erin three public places in e3ch of the school districts to be a~fected by sold petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said school districts, a copy of said crder at least ten days before the time arpointed for such hearing; and .-,hereas at the ail.id session of the soid Board of County Commissioners on said 10th day of JulyA,D,, 1951 due ·orool' of the posting ond service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten do.ya prior to said last named date, hi:wlng been :no.de und filed, said petition was nublicly read and oonsldered by the Eoard, with everything v:hioh was said by said interested. parties for or ar.ainst grantinp.: the pra.v-er of.the petitioner, and said Boa1·d being of opinion tho.t said petition should be !'!ranted, it is lrnreby ordered and deti!rmined, that the said petitioner and the "l:ollowinr-described lands owned by him, to-wit: IIB¼ of NW¼; Nt of NE¼ and the SE¼ of NF.½ of Sect ion 6, Township 136, Range 37 be and the same are hereby set off frum said School D is tr ict No. 47 to said ad joining School Dis tr iot 110. 228 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, By order of the ~oard of County r.ommissioners. Dated the 10th duy of July A;D,, 1~51, (Auditor's Seal) BERT STONE Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, 1/linn. Attest: VIILLIAM LINCOLN County Auditor, and ex-officio •Clerk of Board, The petition of Herman Huebsch was granted and the Board issued the following order te-wit: Whereas, The petition of Herman TTuebsch, u legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 284 in this County, represent i1J8 that he is the ovmer of the lands hereinafter desc•ribed, 1vhich are ·situate in said School District, and. adjoin School District No. 13 and aski?lf? that he v:i th his said lands may be set off from said district No. 284 to said lid ,1oining school district Ho. 13 1vas presented to the Board of county Commissioners ot this c ounty at a session of said board held on the ll:6h day of April A,D,, 1951 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was·thereupon ordered b,v said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 10th day of July A,l),, 1951 at the County Auditor's office in the City of ll'ergus Falls in S"id Count,v; and v:hereas lt was further ordered in and by said order that notice o·~ the time and place o-r· such hearinp. be f.iven by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the s'chool districts tobe affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of' each o:l' said achool districts, a copy of sold order at least ten days befor'! the time ap- pointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of thP said Board of county Commissioners on said 10th do.y of ,1u1y A,D,, 1951 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therrin direct ed and required, more than ten days prior to s-;id last named date, having been made and filed, said petltio1 was publicly read and considered by the Board, with ever.vthing which was said by said internsted parties fo or against grant inp: the orayer of the petitioner, ond said Board he i.ng of opinion that said pet it ion should be p;ranted, it is heren.y ordered and determined,that the said petitioner and the following described lands ovmed by him, towi t: Sl'T~ of section 8 and the Sl of NW¼ of Section 17, Township 135, ~ange 38 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 284 to said adjoining School District No. 13 and said lends are hereby made a oart of said last named.School Dis•·rict for all purposes whatever, "!3,v order of the Board of county commissioners, Dated the 10th doy of ~uly A,D,, 1951, (Auditor's Seal) 13F.RT STOIIB Chairman of the Board of County Commd1ssi;oners o Otter Tail Count~. Minn. Attest : 11/"IlLIAM LIUCOLN countyAuditor, and ex-orflcio Clerk of Board ' COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ,TUly 51 DATE ...... ·-··-······-··-··-··-··············-······························-·······19 ...... . e r • orson o se over e E, o. ec. n e Tovm.s ip o Aastad from School ])1st. 119 of otter Tail county to Dist. 5 of Grant county vms talcen up for final act ion. ~.tr. Thorson was present and Attorney wm. Goetzinger appeared in support of. this petition. Attorney Chester G. Rosengren appeared on behalf of Dist. 119 in opposition to granting the ·petition. After full consideration, upon motion, the uetition was rejected. · The petition of Palmer, Morris, Roy andClara Baasen to· set over the SW¼ of Sec. 33 in the Township of Aastad from Dist. 119 of Otter Tail county to Dist. No. 5 of Grant county was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of interested parties, including Attorneys Goetzinger and Rosengr~n and, after full consideration, upon motion, the petition was rejected. The petition of Glenn w. Fluegel to be set over from Dist. 244 to Dist. 144 and the petition or L. E. Samuels to be set over from Dist. 244 to Dist. 144 f:ere both rend and it was ordered that hearings on both of said petitions be had at the session of the Board Oct. 10, 1951 at 10 o'clock A.M. at the Commissioners' Room in the court House and that due notice of the time and place of said hearings be given as re~uired by law. A large number of land owners around Dead Lnl,e were present to urge lov,ering the v,ater of Dead Lake by change in the dam at the outlet of county Ditch rro. 28. Attorney Philip R.· l'.Ionson appeared on behalf of the land owners and filed writ-ten argument 9li th the Board. county Attorney Thompson reported to the Board that he wished time to check the la1v before rendering a.11 opinion to the Commissioners and, upon motion, the matter waR laid over until the Aug. 15th meeting of the county· Board. A large number of st. Olaf residents presented to the Board a petition for improving County Highway No. 44. The petition was ordered placed on file. The following resolution was adopted: RF.SOJ,UTIOlf BE IT RF.SOLV!ID, that the county of otter Tail as a condition of its receipt of federal funds for the construction, reconstruction or improvement of certain State Aid Roads v,ithin the County agrees with the Commissioner of Highways as follov,s, to-wit: For the maintenance of all portions of roads on which federal funds have been or will be furnished and the keeping of suitable records thereon; for the erection of those types .of traffic control devices and other protective structures on such roads as have the approval of the commissioner of !Hghwa,y-s, and for the prevention and removal of sir,ns, posterQ, billboards, roadside stands and other private install-ations within the right of way of such roads, and other miscellaneous provisions; BE IT li'URTHER RESOLVED, that the chairman of the county Board and the county Auditor be and they here by are authorized to execute such an ap;reement knovm as l/linnesota Federal-Aid Secondary Highway Me.intenanc 1 Agreement for and on behalf of said ~ounty. · Adopted this .10 dey of .7uly, 1951. Atte.st :·WILLIAl/1 LIIfCOLll Clerk. . County o: Otter Tail By BP.:lT STONE Chairman of the County Board Louise Stondahl, County Superintendent of Schools filed her estimate of the necessary levyfor 1951 of county school tax fund and county transportation fund. '-t-v.) .1J.~r• •__,. The following resolution was adopted: Resolv~d by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: That tnere be levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, for the ,veor 1951 the following amounts for the several county funds, Revenue Fund •••••••..•••••••..•••.••.••••. $160,000.00 • Road and Bridge Fund ...................... 360,000,00• Poot Fui:id., , , , ..••••••••••••.•• ; ••.•••• , • • 40, ooo. 00 :-·8.c.a. 0.--,L.a..( .e,,?j "'"" ~ Sanatorium Fund........................... 35,000,00· Building Fund.................. . . . • . . • • . • • 2 mills. County School Tax Fund ••.••••••••...•.••.• 230,000.00. Count,v School Transportation Fund ••••••••. 47,000.00, Welfare li'und .............................. 125 272,00. Veterans' service 'li'und.................... &-mill, Adopted July 10, 1951, Attest: \VU.LIAM Lrnr:OLN' Clerk. BERT STONF. Chairman. R. L. Allen, Supervisor of Assessments, filed a report of six assessors• Schools of Instruction. The following bills were allowed: ,T. C. Renkes DO M. c. Lee, Ed. c. Drews . DO Archie Emery \Vestern Union · Louise Stondahl Ella Stondahl Beatrice !.{. VTill Johnson Drugs Battle Lake Review Esther G. Sell Maybelle J. Lee Esther G. Sell !llaybelle J. Lee Perham Telephone co. Pierce co. Village·o:r. ~arkers Prairie Edw. J. Johnson Albert Fritz li'rank Roberts Dr. C. A. Boiine Frank C. Barnes H. L. Allen John L. Bixby Fergus Ambulance Boarding pr~soners expenses deputy sheriff. expenses services at jail expenses deputy sheriff's fees telegrams expenses Supt's Clerk " sound pro~ector & screen(nurse) booklets postage It expense " service supplies quarantine expenses 1veed inspector " " .. coroner's fees judp:e's fees expenses .. se rv 1 ce insane $211,50 20.50 108.10 40.00 18.70 5.00 14.28 47.51 62.50 90.00 400.00 29.75 9.19 2.25 51.22 54.75 3.00 20.31 52.50 269.34 236.31 284.46 11.05 40.00 83,26 106.43 8.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................. JuJ..v: .......................................... 19 ... 5-1 ~.:.lllllU:fliWJ11Ul'l.:l.~l'111.:..l/Tl'L':> ------- Art Printcraft Dept. of Administration The Pieroe Co. Schoolcraft Co. Jv!1lier-Davis co. Poucher PrintinB & Lithographing co. Free Press Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Midland Pnper 'I: Stnty. co. Pelican Ro.pids Press Nelson Bros, Prtg. co. N, W, Pub, Co, Henning Advocate rergus Journal co, N, W, Bell Tel, co. DO Beall /le McGowan co. Darrel Schutze Hintgen Karst Rigliway Greenhouses Holten Hdwe. co, J, D, Lightfoot Gaf:f'aney's Mche. Dept, Addressograph sales Agency r.ouise Standahl Jim'"Flanson Marlin Reynolds Jim Drews earl Jahn H, F, Hinze ,Joseph Rayner, Sr. women's Relief corp. American Legion Post, Par,Pra. Johnson Drugs Johnson Drugs 0, H. Voight Ralph v. Rosenberg Russell S, Knudtson H, 11, Glorvigen Do RVelace G, Garberg Elliott Transfer Estrem Clinic City Water /le Light Dept. N, ff, Bell Tel, Co, Nelson "Bros. Prtg. co. Philip ll, Kjaglien Ru.th c. Campoell Philip M, Kjaglien Katherine D, Townsend Joe Reyner, Sr, Village of Battle Lake City of Fergus Falls Nopeming Sanatorium sunnyrest Sanatorium !4inn. State sanatorium A, W, Co., Inc, of Minn. ~orchert-Ingersoll, Inc. RU.ffrldge-Johnson Equipt. co. Geo. T, Ryan co. Vim, H, Ziegler co., Inc. Northwest Engineering co. Cummins Diesel Sales corp. A, B, Kilde Skogmo Motors, I•nc. Larson Bros. Armco Drainage & Metal Prod. co. H. v. Johnston Culv. co. F.bersviller Implement co. AlbinBQn~ Inc, Knoff's ijardware Battle Lake l'faril.ware Holten Hdwe. co, Raymond ~ros. Trans. co. International Rust Proof corp. Matl. Bush •. 'I, Parts co. Carlson-BenjamYn Chester "F!abberstad S. \'I, Beckman H. D. 1,1orrill 9• Son Reno H, Ziesemer Star Lake Twp. Penrose Oil Co. Anderson & Sandberg Oil co. Kraemer 011 co. D, A, Lubricant co., Inc. VT, L, Potter Wendell P, HUber G. D, i:rarlow Wendell p, Huber r.ronroe Cale. Mach, Co,, Inc. Gaffnne,v 'a printing envelopes sohool supplies supplies school supplies supplies " p~inting & supplies supplies printing pub, tax notice notice to taxpayers pub. cnlls mobile service supplies services at court House repairs plants at court House supplies repairs 'I: supplies typewriter main. postage Dep. sheriff's fees " " " " " " decorating graves " " supplies " Jail telegram services at jail ,, ,, " box rent " " " drivers' license exp. box rent moving services st jail water~ light Vet. Serv. services & calls printing - expenses " service officer rent services notice of rede~ption poor expenses suoplies transient ce.re of patient supplies care of patients parts " " " repairs " " culverts " supplies It " " freight paint thinner labor 'I: materie.l equ~pt. rental " pulling unit pull motor patrol diesel fuel " " oil " expenses " cash adv. supplies " $ 22.00 55.01 10.00 25.63 58.16 62,95 29,65 107,27. 10,47 32.80 27.10 1.20 7,00 75.30 15.96 118,13 17,00 eo.oo 12,54 97,50 40,45 65.40 165,00 24.35 39.00 11.00 26.20 20.00 14.51 21.30 40,50 10,00 25.00 12.'48 5.12 2.52 25,00 20.00 2.00 8,90 2.00 41.80 30,00 6.87 12,25 13.50 50,68 6,60 46.98 45,00 150,65 748,60 4,80 251.10 20.00 192.24 60,78 103.77 759,13 76.25 305,48 156.52 136,64 23,50 3,72 41,64 85.14 60,06 20,11 25.22 33.42 43.30 15.42 4,95 50,09 8.25 442,72 3.75 13.75 198, 00 8,00 4,50 90,87 72,00 6.46 129.50 102,78 122.81 9,85 7,81 1.10 3.67 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. J'Uly 51 DATE ................ ••·········-·······-··--·····-······························-·······19 ....... . !lliller-Davis r:o. N. W, 13ell Tele, Co,, ~enning Pelican Telephone Co, N. IV, '3ell Tele, Co, Minn, ll'.ighwa,v Dept. Olson-Enstad-Larson, tnc. F.dward Olson N, W, Bell Tel, Co, ,:rim Hansen ~ennie J, Johnson George "R'ans011r. "Bert.stone Henr,v Sieling Olson Auto Electric Hintz Blacksmith Shop Les Tire Service Paulson Tire Shop Field Jdachine Co,, Inc, Walt's Repair Shop Vaughn Chevrolet Co. Bart Supplies, Inc. Wilcox Lumber Co,, Perho.m Fred A, Everts Wilcox Lumber Co,, Vergo.a Utility Feed l.rill, Inc, Ostrus Snow Fence & Cribbing Bill Nelson 011 co. · Minnesoto. Motor co. Villap.e of Dalton Village of Battle Lake Harthun Peterson Oil co, Cities Service Stotion Ra.Y'S. Oil Sto.tion Bill~s Service Station S & J!' Oil Co, f!"oot Lake Ice .!, Gas co. Co-op Sertices, Inc, Service 011 Co., B.L. Consumers co-op. Oil co., Henning Highway Company Hagp,e Oil Co, H. A, Rogers Co, George Olson Resset Bros, Minnesota F,W,D, co. services .. suoplies bond drivewa,v calls derut.v sheriff exp. attd. meetings " " " .. " " repairs .. " " .. " & supplies supplies " " coo.I · lath tires, etc, " " garage rental water gasoline " .. .. .. .. etc • " diesel fuel repairs expenses repairs hoist 'c body $ 5,00 8,42 5,85 31,85 22,86 27.75 10-,00 111,00 13.00 14,70 ~12.78 17,75 29,02 46,56 17.35 3,75 15.25 100,56 32,70 20.'33 18.20 2,70 121.07 0.20 171.83 49,00 111.19 88.86 45,00 4,85 65.87 3,52 47.22 9,15 95,41 96,97 62.40 58.29 18",98" 45.60 1035.40 4,50 13.10 15.50 687.00 The bill of Otto R. Richter for snow plowing was re,jected because of not being authorized, Upon motion, the board adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE , ... uiy 16 51 •-......................... -...................... -...... _ ... 19 ,. .. ,,c111111l11111111.llti"~L.1JILkm. Minutes of Meeting of the County Board of Equalization of Otttr Tail County, Minn., for Year 1951 Purauant to ■tatute· Counly Com-, Ing takon 1ho c11a1omury onth of of-1 undor ns11essmenta of the Wllrox I thesu parlle■ that the Board woa1Jcl changes: The followlng percentage mb1.Hlom•r■ Honry Slelln1r, Bennie J. llco proceeded to exnmlno with H. L. Lumber Co., In the vlllasre of ourr-be In ausadon nt I o'clock p, 11., July I cha.ns;ea W@ro mode In tho a.11,e11sment Johmmn, Gt•or,=:o, Han■on, Berl Stono Allen, SUpl•rvl11or of A:IH4!'11HmenlH, the L:111 anil the \'llhlRI!' of Ver,::aa nnd of 20th In cAHo they wlahed to app .. nr In of CIBBR :I D covering cnllle, Bllt•op and Carl A. SI\GlW'bel'~ and County p1•raonnl property nHHCBRment r1 turnR ll.ay Kleln In the VlllnKe nf IJlufflon 111tld matter. nnd hoa;s: ~::~\;r .l:~~•r:r·'l.9:1~uO:iinn:t t~g ~:. the vnrlou11 R8!1C!l80rM of the t'OUII• ~min~~,· o~lu~~~f"rto'i.~t'arTi,'l ~:u~~; u~:e..::io~~,y·~,~~r~=~·l~~o~o~::.:,!3 o'cJork A. l,( •• July 111, 1951 and hav-llr. Alll•n rP.porlrd to 1ho Unnrd Au,lltor wna ln"ltr11cted In 11ollf>· 1hr ·••:immlnnllon mnde tho folJo~lnR _______ :,:C,::IRe::,tl!I 3-JJ, 111•,n 3fi r.11u1r -------------Sheep C' D II" Jo"' 0 B K ft r, Hogs A D TOWNS ABHtlld •••••• ••••• ,,, ••••••• Amor••••·····•·•·••••··•·•• Aurdal •..••••..•••..•••••.. U.luWl•r■ •••••••••••••••••••• 1:Hurtton •..••.•.••••..•.... , VIIJDRe of Bluffton ........• Du11u ,,., ...••..•••...•••••. Bul.Jer .... , ..• , . , . , , . , , ,, , , . rnrllai:Jo ..•••.•••.....••...• t•Jlthurall •... ,, , ... , , ... , , , , VIUDA"e uf Cllthernll , . , , .•. , t .. ompto11 ,,. ·•••••·•·· ••••·· l"orllMH ••.••....•......•...• IJ.llll!' Prnlrle •••.••.•....•.. IJ1•nd l..nko .•..•.• , ... , ..•. • lJt•. r Creuk .....•.... , ..•.•. Vlllnge of Deer Creek ..... . Vlll11Ku of De11t .. . . • . • . . .. . Dorn ...•••..•.•.••......••• Dunn •··••••··•· •·• •···• ··• i5 • ii lt.1glo J.nke .•... , .......... , 0 ~~j:W~~rn .. ::::::: ::::: :; : : : : ; : Ht •5 F.fl'ln,:-ton • , , ..• , ;-•.••.....• l~llzn.beth •• , •.• , .. , , .. ,, , .• , Rln10 .•.•..•.••.•..•••.••.• \'IIIRA'O of Erhard .......... . Rrlmrdt1 Oro,·o ....... , , •.•. 1;:vorts •.......•...••. ~,, .. , PorJ,CIIII Fall!I •...•••..•....• f"lty of 1-"'orRUR Fnllt1 ••..•.•• :~:c::'f ·::::::::::~::.::::: .. : f:lrnrd ,.,...,· ........... _ .......... . t:orm11n ·•~•··•·-;-••·•··•·••· lf,•nnlnK , •.• , • . , , , • ... • ••• • • • VlllnKt-or Hcnnlnll' , ••.•••..• llnhnrt ..•..•.• , •.••.•.... , • J-lomeatead ..•.......• , . , , , • lnm11n ··•·····•••·••···• ...... Lenf l.nke ....•....•... ,..,·, r, 1~1•.if llountnln .•.•• , •.• ',..,\., Lldn •.••.•..•.••••...••.•.• :\IHlne •...•.••...•••••.•••.• .!\.lnph•wood •...•. , •... , . • •, • ~iii'.:-:: oi ·:,:o-._: '\"Oi-ic' liil1M·:: 40 30 iii ·3 Shlnrr,a ......... , .. , • • .. • • • • • Orw1U ···•·•···•········•·• i:i ()11rnr •.•••••.••...•........ • • \!Ui:,;::~ ·otlOr' TR1i O :::::::: ~.~~~1nC1c ·::::::: :: : : : : : : : : : : : ~: j~ rnrkora Prnlrlo •.••.•.•.•..• ~iU:: oi' P~1iCrill · iiaii,iciB ·:: Prrhnm . • . . • • . . . • . • . . . . • . •• .• iii ~:~l:RI~at~ ~~~~~~-:::::::::: _'iQ ,•111as;r of Rlchvlllo . . ...•. , n.11Mb J.nko •.......•......•. ~rnn1hJer .•..•....•.. , • ..•. , Stnr l .. nkl'I •.•... •, • • • • • • • • • • · · ~~~~~~'!tJ01~i.::::::::::::::: ;::~';;;:r.Je~ .. ;;:; :; ; : ; : ; ; : ; : ; : .. . 4 ,•marrC" nr Umlerwood . • . • . . • . . Vllln,:-e of Urhnnk .•..•.. , . . , . . . ,•111n1rr of Ver~• , • • • • • • • • · · · VlllnKe of Vining •.....• , • • . , • \VPRlCrn •••..••.•.•....•.••••• Woodside ••...•.••.••.•.••.• i:O " 10 Ill i7 3 ,, D ·2 ii 5 ii, iO 10 • '" iU ii, •• iii ii iii iii u C if. 10 ii i2 20 iO to!~~cwn:=:nte:mt:~· d::4~r:: !':.1d in lhP Dtll'IC!ll4fflrnt of CIRNfl 2. h<"ln,: full vnluo of lumber, etc .. belnM Item :i•. l~~!~~~!.:~~~geo~.nli:.'"d1:!•0:1i: ~~:~ if1,v~~=-1\"o':,~0&1,n!n~u:iu:a~':i4:i [ul{a;11~i:1:fo/t~.!: :Iilo1;:o.;~0B1urr- ton n.ppenred boforu the Board to dl•-:-.~;t tl~~cf.r'::}~::d r1:.\•°..ia'::uh):1:1~~e::; Boord rn.l11ud tho true 11nd full vnlue of ILem n, beln,;-Oooda nml llrr-~!~~:•~-:W 1l;~:0i!':ci f~t.0 v:W':.1~n:»r nl~:. Blufrton Crenml'rY In Bluffton Vlll-ngo Sl.300.00 under Jlem 11 aml Sl~g:•0f01r::r:/~i:n~?:11 werr mnrlr Household OoodM: Ant1tnd, rnb1ed :i perrrnt. Amor, rnb11 d 3;. purcent. Aurdal, rnl111ed ;'j perl•ent. Dullt'r, rnlMecl 30 percent. C"lllhernll VIiiage, rnlsed ii prreent. C"nmplon, rnl■ed 20 1>ercl"nt. Dnm• Prnlrle, ralKecl l:i prrrPnt. Jl• nd l..nke, rahmrl 20 pCrt"t•nl. Dnrn, rnll"C'd :m prr<"enL F.n.J:IP. l,nln•, rnli,ircl 1ft poreenl. Rllxnh••th Twp., rnlKrrl 9n perN•nl Erhnrdfl Orov<", rn.l11e1I 30 porel'nl. Fr•rgua F:11111 T"·p .• rRIKecl 20 ptar-ront. Folrh n. mlRr1I 100 prrrrnt. Frlht'rA", ralf•rcl 1:. perrPnt. Olrnrd, mlf1ecl 30 prrcent. r;nrm~n. rnlMPtl 2n pPrc:-rnt. u = ii 10 ill •• ,. . ,n iii 10 ill iS • 30 i:O 20 ,. • iO I 1~ r, ,. u . C 25 10 ill Ja •• ii, 10 10 ID ' ,. r, ·s 20 • 60 1n 2:; i~ 20 20 .i 100 17 ,a t C 50 Hennlna; ,·mnge, rnlRe1l 2fl pl•recnt !n lh~ nMsesMmont nf C'ln11s 3: llohn:-t, redueecl 10 11errl•nl. Cllthrrall Vllla,;e, rnlsecl a percent. l,,•:af l .. 'lk'!-, rnlsed 10 perC'l!'Dt. F.rhnr,1 VIIIIIA'O, rub:1rd S perrent. l.e:.f )lountnln, r11lsed J:i prrl'ent Oll,,rtnll Vllla,:P., mlRPd Hi p<"rt'rnl. Udn, rRIKe1I 100 perC'l'lll. PPllran Ro1lld11, rnlMl'CI :i pr r~•lll. !\lnlno. rnlsed 100 11erc:-ent. l'nderwood, ral11rd 10 pereenl. ll:1p!ewoml, r11lll'lrd r,q prrt'enl. Vori:n11, rnlRod 21J pl'rcent. :r-,l'••w \'ork :\lllb11, rnlMed 20 por1•enl The rnlln\\'IRA' ehnnA"PS werr nmclP Sld11rm1, ralH cl 30 11rrel•nl. 1 In 1hr HRIICMMm,•nt of Fnrm )lnc:ohln• nrwl!'II. rnb1ecl 1 n perrent. I "r>·: llllPr Tall Twp., ralMl'CI 1:. pPrer111 ITE!\1 -1-1 Prllrnn nnpl1la, rnlMrrl :; pereenl Am••r, rnl"cr1I 2n prrrent. ~=;•r::-•~1~t':::i1~:!i'~~ r.:e~::,~~-nt. I ~::::.b\1,~1~'';.n'i:!~t:01:t'~~~:~~•- ti:rnmhh·r, rnla· d 100 perrenl. Tor1lem1kJold, rnlflecl Ii prrrrnt, !Unr 1,nke. rnl111•1I 10 per<"<"Rl , ITF.!\I -Id Tordt'nMkJohl, rttl"t'II 10 pPrC"C'nl. I ,\mnr, rnlRetl a perrrnl. -rrnn•lhJPm. l"PrhlPPd lf'I pPrC"Phl. F!ftln,:lun. rnltt1•cl 30 p,•rt'C'hl \V1•MlPr11. rnl:!lrd sn p1•rrrnl. F.rhnrd!'I n:-ov•·• rnlRPrl 2n prrrent. Th" fnlln\\•lnir rhnn!l'• o; wrrP mnrlr Olrnr1I, rnl111P1I 3P 11rrPPnt. ill ., GO i5 •• • 30 10 10 iii 10 20 iO iQ ID IDO in • iO U :111 is 40 i5 10 20 if. 20 i,i nn ,iii •• 25 20 20 .,n iO 10 II iO l& iii 5 • iA · 10 •• iO ii ii JO •• ii 1n ,. in Oormnn, raised 30 peret"nt. l~enr lloun1al11, rolaed 20 percent Otto, ralaed 20 percent. • ITEl1 41i Amor, raised Io percent. BIOWl•rs. ralaed 5 poreen L D1 n.d Lnke. rnlsed 2:; percent. Door Crerk Twp., rnl11ed 5 percent rr:~~r,;u11 Fnlls Twp., rnlud 5 Per: normnn, rab1ed 3 percent l.,lcln, rnlsed ,1 percrnt. · Otter Tall Twp., rnhwcl S pnret•nl Otto, rnhn•d 20 percent. . · rlnfll l,11k;c. rnl11ed 10 pcrCMt. ;~r.;~;.11"J~\~• ~i1ti:'dt~: w:=abad-Journed. • ·, .. • RC"rl Bton ... Chnlrmna AIIPl'II: W1111nm l.lnroln, rnunty .. \ndllnr ,. -+ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ •-·····--···-·········-..tug., .... l.¾._ ............. ·-·······19 .... ~.l MINUTES OF ADJOURlfED MEETUlG or THE BOARD OF comrTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY",llINll. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'olock A, M, Aug. 14, 1951, Present were commissioners Sieling, · Johnson, Hanson, Stone and Sno,.,bei"g. Upon motion commissioners Bert Stone and George Hanson were appointed as members of the County Canvassing Board 1for the road and bridge bond election to be held Aug, 21st. The Board fixed Friday Aug. 24th at 10 o'olock A. M, as the date for the meeting of this canvassing board. The Audi tor was instruoted to oall for bids for ooal for the oourt house and jail for the ooming season, said bi4,. to be opened at 2 o'clock P. M:, Sept. 12. 1951. Sheriff Henkes appeared before the Board to report violations at the Virgil Newborg Beer Tavern in the Township of Friberg and, upon motion, the Board revoked the on and off sale beer licenses for 1951 -issued. to said Virgil Newborg. The town board of St. Olaf appeared in regard to claim of the township· in oonneotion with t•he so-oalled OVergaard road in that tovmship whioh matterhas been under controversyfor years. Upon motion, , the Board agreed to pay $650. 00 as final settlement and the follov!ir.g resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the sum of $650.QO be and the same hereby is allowed the Township of St. Olaf in final settle~ ment of claims of said township in connection with .. the so-called Overgaard road in sai9-' township. Adopted Aug, 14,,1951, Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN ' .. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: BERT STONE Chairman. RESOLUTION BY THJ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, '•OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. J WHEREAS, the Board of county Commissioners on January 2, 1951, agreed by resolution to pfJif township. aid according to the amounts levied by the townships in 1950, and whioh amounts are as follows: From 10 mills and up, but less than 15 mills From 15 mills and up, but less than 20 mills 20 Mills $100.00 200.00 300,QQ· NOW, THERl:l:FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the amounts to be paid to the respective townships acoording to their road and bridge levies shall be as follows: TOW!JSlUP MILLS 'LEVIED AMOUNT Aastad 17.09 200.00 Amor 15.00 200.00 Aurdal 14.22 100.00 Blowers 20.00 300.00 Bluffton 20.00 300.00 Buse 14.07 100.00 Butler 15.00 200.00 Candor 15.00 200.00 Carlisle ,. 13.76 100.00 Clitherall 20.00 300,00 Compton 20.00 300,00 C orli•BS 13.13 100,00 Dane Prairie 20.00 300,00 Dead Lake 19.52 200,00 Deer Creek 15,00 200,00 ::,ors. 20.co ~00,('0 Dunn 15.()Q 200.00 Eagle Lake 19.41 200.00 Eastern 20,00 300,00 Edna 20.00 300,00 Effington 20.00 300,00 Elizabeth 15,00 200,00 Elmo 11.88 100.00 Erhards Grove 20.00 300,00 Everts 15,00 200,00 Fergus Falls i:-5.56 100.00 :a'olden 20.00 300.00 Friberg 18.80 200.00 Girard 13.00 100.00 Gorman 19.89 200.00 Henning 20.00 300,00 Hobart 21).QQ 300,00 -P.omestead 20,00 300,00 Inman 20.00 300,00 Leaf Lr:i.ke 15.00 200,00 Leaf Mountain 20.00 300,00 Lida 20.00 300,00 Maine 15.00 200.00 1/Iaplewood 20.00 300.00 Newton 15,00 200.00 Nidaros 12.47 100.00 Norwegian Grove 15.00 200,00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. iithiffhllllliti■f Oak Valley Orwell Oscar Ottertail Otto Paddock Parkers Prairie Pelican ::r>erham Pine L11ke Rush Lake Saint Olaf Scambler Star Lake Sverdrup Tordenskjold Trondhjem Tumuli Western woodside DATE .............................. 1.\):1.~ ... ~:.1., ...................... _ ............... 19 ..... ?.;I. 20.00 15,00 20.00 4,94 20,00 20,00 20,00 14.92 20,00 20,00 15,00 20,00 20,00 20.00 20,00 20,00 15,00 20,00 16,60 20,00 Adopted this 14th day of August, 1951. Attest: WILLIAM LIIlCOLl.r Clerk. , BERT STONE Chairman. 300,00 200.00 300,00 300.00 300.00 300,00 100;00 300,00 300,00 200.00 300,00 300,00 300,00 300,00 300,00 200,00 300,00 200,00 300,00 county Weed Inspectors Edw~rd Jo~nson, ~rank.Roberts ana Albert F.ritz discussed weed eradication with the coun~v Board, ut>on motion, the Bonrd took a recess.to 2 o'clock p, M, Bids ·for road construction as advertised for by thl;! Board were opened by A, O, Torg~non.,, represent- ing the State nnd found to be as follows: Job 56-517-04 s 245 (5) S,A,R, No, 1 West of Sebeka, John Dieseth co., ~59,533.28; G. H, Hoglund and son, Inc., $,62,157,89, The Board recommended to the Com- missioner of uighways that the bid of the John Dieseth do. be accepted, Job 56-fil9J-Ol S 433 (1) S,A,R, Uo, 19, north cf Bluffton, Ose Bros., $52,516.65; John Dieseth Co., $64,347,90; G, q, ~o.p.:lund and son, Inc., $65,008.95, upon motion, the boa~d recom~ended to the commis- sioner of uighways that bid of Ose ~ros. be accepted, The complaint of Wm. Hunter and others ap.ainst the TOWTEI' hip :goard of Clitherall TO\V~hip for neglect and refusal to construct road in said township was read and the Board list.ened to statements of petitioner1 ·1ho were oresent and also Attorney -Philip P., Monson, ns attorne,v for th;e oetitioners, and members of the Town Board o·f Clitherall Township and others who were present and the matter was laid over until later in the session. Upon motion, the Board adjourned to Aug. 15,th at 10 A,1,1, WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A., M, Aug. 15th, all members. being present, The petition of Wilmar G, Glebe to set· over Lot 3, Section 20, Township 130, Range 39i in Douglas county from school Dist. No,. 215 of' Otter Tail County ;to Dist. No, 43 air DOuglas County, which petition was laid over at the July meeting, was a~ain taken up. The Board listened to the statements of the in~ terested partlP.s s.nc'I considered w:rri tten ,. remonstrances Which had been filed.. Owing to the fact that the Count,v Superintendent of Schools wa.s absent from the city the Board af,ain laid the petition over to the meeting Sept. 12, 1951 at.10 o'clock A, M, The p~tition of Anton J, ~oers to be set over from Dist. No, 215 of Otter Tail ~ount~ to Dist, No, 31 o~ Douglas Co. was also taken up and laid over until the meeting of Sept. 12th at 10 o'clock A,M, The following petitions to set over lands in Deer Creek Tovmship from Dist, 47 to Dist. 1!36 were read: Harryand 'ffilma Fiskari, S\'T¼ NWf of Sec, 18; Arvo and Katherine. Peldo, NW¼ SW¼ and.SW¼ Iffl¼ of Sec. 9 end the S~I¼ NEf. and the mrt SE¼ of.Sec. 16; Carlo A, Jaaska, IIW¼ NW¼ of Sec. 18; Rayno Lahti, the St of st of SW¼ of SE¼-of Sec. 18; Oscar Liikamaa, wt NE¼ SW¼-of Sec. 9; Herman Paatalo, the NW¼ SW¼ of Sec. +6; Albert Lahti, the SE¼ SE¼ of Sec. 18, and the Wf Slf¼ of Sec, 17; Harry E, Hoyh.1;ya, the S\'J¼-~ and the NW¼ SE¼ of Sec. 17 and the SW{· S\IT~ of Sec, 7. ut>on motion, it was ordered that hearings on all of' said petitions be had at the sesRion of the Board Oct. 10, 1951, commencing at 10 o '.clock A, M, and th11t due notices of.the time and place of said hearings be ~iven as required b~ law, The appl1c11tion ofChris. Gropper toset over the Nt SE¼ of Sec. 6, .:ownship of 'flomestead from Dist. 47 to Dist. 228 and the petition of Vera Qlson to set over .J,ots 3 and 4 in Bee. 1,. ,.ownship of Folden from Dist. 234 to Dist. 212 and the petition of Elmer !,!. •~oistadto set over Lot 4 of Sec. 6, Town of Dunn, frol!I Dist. 65 to Dist. 88 and the petition of Olaf Isaacson toset over Lot 3 of Sec, 6, Town of DUnn, from Dist. ' 14 of Becker co. to Dist. 88 of Otter Tail County, were all read and it was ordered that final hearings on all of saidpetitions be had at the session of the Board Oct. 10, 1951, commencing at 10 o'clock A,M, and that due notices of. the time and place of said hearings be given as r~quired by lav,. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved bythe Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Engebretson Bros, for graveling Job NQ, 50:C,O, - T,S, (2), and Whereas, said work has been completed and accepted by thecounty, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and the Chairman of the Board are authorized COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... ••················-··········Aug .•... l5..,.._ ....................... 19 .... 5l and d.lrected to iesiie to eaid contraotor a warrant on the Road and Bridge fund of the County in the awn of $48.45, the·balance due. Adopted Aue;, 15, 1951. Atteet: \'IU.!.IAM LINCOLN, Clerk, The following resolution wae adopted: BERT STONE, chairman. RESOLUTIOif BY THE BOARD OF COUilTY COMMISSIONF.RS OP OTT-0:R TAIL COUIITV1 MINH• BE IT RF.SOLVED, That the Chairman and Clerk forthwi;h enter into an agreement with the State of minneeota, acting through i ta commieeioner of lUgl\ways, .a.or the maintenance, except snow plowing, of the road deeoribed in said agreement ae a detour. The description of the road to be as set forth in the agree ment referred to, is described ae follows: C,A,R, /25 from ite junction with T,H. No. 78 at the Southeast corner of S36, Tl3l, R4l, thence not1Jherly 2;60 miles over said C,.A..R, #25 t•o its junction 1vith C,A,P., !-TO, 44 at or near the east quarter corner of S24, Tl3l, R4l, thence westerly 1.10 miles over said C,A,R, #44 to ~he weet ~ine of eald S24, Tl3l R4l thence continuing northerly 2.35 miles over said c,·A,R, No, 44 to its west Junction with C,A,R, 110. 27 at 0the northwest corner of Sl2, Tl31, R41, thence easterly 0,75 miles over said C,A,R, No, 27 to it east junotion with C,A,R, No, 14, thence continuing northerly 5,10 miles over said C,A,R: No, •14 t~ its junction with a Cli th er all Township Road at the northeast corner o.f Sl9, Tl 32, R40; Beginning again on C,A,R, No, 33 at the south quarter corner of Sl6, Tl32, R40, thence east 0,50 miles oversaid C,A,R. No, 33 to its junction with T,H, No, 78 at the southeast corner of Sl6, Tl32, R40; Beginning again on C,A,R, No, 25 at or near the west quarter corner of Sl9, Tl31, R40, thence easterly 3,50 miles over said C.A,R, Ifo, 25 to ite junction with T, H, No, 78 at the llortheaet corner of S21, Tl31, R40; l'leginning Bf,ain on C,A.R, No. 27 at the south section line of Sl, Tl31, R41, thence easterly3,25 miles over eaid C,A,R, No, 27 to its junction with T, H, No, 78 at the southeast corner of S4, Tl:31, R40, for a total distance of 19.15 miles. said municipality to be paid therefor at the ra,e o·r $35,00 per mile per month. Fr!!-ctional miles and fractional -months, if an.v will be used in computing amounts payable. The use o.f said road as a detour by the State will terminate on or before December 31, 1951. Ad.opted this 15th day of August, 1951. Attest: WILLIAM LilfCOLN, Clerk, 3ERT STOllE, Chairman. Upon motion, the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for the construction of one county garage at Vining, one at Erhard. and for remodelling county garage at Parkers Prairie. sald bids to he opened at 10 o'clock ·A,M, Sept. 12, 1951, The Auditor was also instructed to advertise for bids for oneDomor snow Plow attachement and for the sale of county equipment as follows: all 1 -One-Way Snowplow at the County Garage at ~attle Lake 1 -Caterpillar 4-wheel Trailer Grader on rubber, Serial T8805, with 12 foot blade, at the County Garage at Battle Lake, 1 -Frink V, Plow, Model 148SP) 1 -Frink One-Way Plow, J.{odel 25SP l· -Vlaueau Wing, Model SXTl · of said bids to be received until 10 ) l ) Located at county Garage at Vergas o!clock A,M, Sept. 11, 1951, A request from Rudolph Keskitalo and Einar Fiskari for rock was read and, upon motion, the same was rejected, The application of Lester M, Peterson for homestead classification for the year 1950 of the 11. 5 rods f the S, 21 rods of the 117. 8 rods of the S"rf SE¼ of Sec. 8, Tovmship of Oak Valley, \Vas read and the same hov ing br.en approved b.v the assessor and the l3oord o·f P.ev iew of said toymship and hl' .1ohn L. Bixby. De r,uty County Superviso·r of Assessments, upon motion, the application was granted and the tax ordered reduced ac-cordingly, · . The applicotien of Edwin E, Carlson for homestead classification for the year 1950 of the Et SW¼ and Lots 1 end 2 of Sec. 11, '»own o·f Leaf l.{ountaln, was read and the same being approved by the assessor and the Town Board of ROview of said township and by John L, Bixby, Deputy Supervisor of Assessments, upon motion, the application was granted and the tax ordered reduced accgrdingly. The application ~f Herman Johanson for re~uction of assessment for 1~50 against the SE¼ of Sec. 31, To1vn of Parkers Prairie, was read and the Boara •recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assess. ed valnue of said tract be reduced from $I573.00 to $1406,00 and the taxes from $238.23 to $212,94. The application of R, Pappe for rP.duction of assessment /or 1950 against the E, 175 feet of thew. 425 feet of that part of Lo~ 9 south of ~oad in Sec. 2, Town of sambler, wae read and the Board recommended to the Cornm.lssloner of .Taxation ti;at th·e assessed value o e said p1•opert,;· be reduced from $288.00 to $148.00 and the taxes from $32,05 to $16.47. . The application of John :!::ckhof'f' .for reduction of assessment for the ,vear 1950 on the Nl SEt and the Et SW¼ of Sec. 30, Township of Inman, was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of.Taxation that the assessed value of said property be rr.dnced from tl590,00 to $1257,00 and the taxes from $192,32 to $151.31. The application of the Great Lakes Pipe Line co. for correction of assessment for 1950 against the !• 660 feet of thA s. 330 feet of then. 363 fe~;.of. thew. 990 fe~t of the NF,f.of' sec. 30, Township of • ergus Falls, on the ground that same was classi sled as urban nroperty instead of rural oropel'ty was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be re-duced from $21,227,00 to $19,206,00 and the taxes from $2077,49 to $1879.69. A petition si~ned by Or:n F. Putnam and others for a county road in the Tovmships of Pelican and Scam- bler was read and it was decided not to take action on said petition until the next meeting of. the county Board, ..... COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... _~UB •• .. 15 ................................. _ ....... 19 51 Thi! county Board of Audit presented proposals of various banks for deposit of county funds for the coming two years together vrith assignments of security b,v said banks in the following amounts: First IJational 'Flank of Minneapolis. $2501000,00, M1.nnesota State bonds i!"ergus Falls Iiatlonal ~ank ~ Trust Co,. ~1,485,000,00, TJnited States bonds First National Bank of ~ergus Falls, ~475,000,00, United States bonds First National Bank of 'Flattle Lake, $5,000.00. united states bonds First National ~ank of Parkers Prairie, $25,000,00, United states bonds First National Bank of HenninR, $10.000.00. united states bonds Perham State sank, $50.000,00: United States bonds Farmers' s·tate Bank of Underwood, $18.500,00. united States bonds Erhard State Bank. $8.000,00, united Stutes bonds First state Bank.of Dalton, $39.700,00, united States bonds security State Bank of Deer creek, $25.ooo.oo, United states bonds Farmers' State Bank of Dent, $35.000,00, TTnited States bonds ,T, P, V/allace State Bank, $10,000,00, _United States bonds Farmers' ~erchants' State Bank of Nev, York Mills, $20.000,00 United States bonds Vergas State Bank. $17.600,00, United States bonds All of these securities and assignments thereof were ap·p:roved. The Board having advertised for sale of used snow plow belonging to the county and·stored at Deer Creek received three bids and accepted the bid of 1/alter r·:eu·ppi in the sum of $35,00, Cigarette license for the period from June 15th to Dec. 31st was issued to Chester Kaldahl at Fair Hills Resort in the Town of Dunn. Dance ·permit using.mechanical music only was granted to Suzanna Abel at Shady Point R,eaort in the Township of Elizabeth, Thecomplaint of 1•1m. Hunter against the Town Board of Clitherall was againt taken up and. upon motion. the complaint was dismissed without-action against the town board, The auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for the season's supply of coal. said bids to be opened at two o'clock P, M, Sept. 12. 1951. The following bills were allov,ed: J, C. Henkes Do Oren Fosse H, F. Hinze Ralph V, Rosenberg M, c. Lee James Hanson Joe Rayner. Sr, M. C. Lee William L, Martin Carl Jahn Peter 'P,ink John L, Logan Archie Emery Johnson Furniture Co, Alfred Putnman Herbert nuenow Theo. Hegseth Harry Burau Frank Roberts Albert Fritz Edvt, J, Uohnson Ann Jordan DO EsthAr G, Sell Perham Tel, Co, Philip M, Kjaglien F.atherine D, Townsend N, W, Bell Tel. Co, Ph~lip M, Kjaglien City water~ Light Dept. Fargo Rubber Stamp Works Remington Rand. Inc. ·Poucher ?rinting ~ Lithographing Co, Victor Lundeen & co, Panama Carbon co. Hintgen-Karst N, W, Bell Tel, Co, Dr, A, J, Lewis ~ergus Specialties Co, Louise Standahl DO N, W, Bell Tel, Co, Bert Stone Carl A, Snowberg Bennie J, Johnson Henry s ieling Beatrice M, Will Bernice Jesme . Violet Holmquist Ella Stondahl Nelson Bros. Prtg, Co, Miller-Davis ·co. Fergus Specialties Co, Curtis 1000 Inc. boarding prisoners sheriff's expense dep. sheriff's exp. " " " " " "' " ., " " " II " " " " 1, .. " II " services ,jail supplies sheriff's residence soil conservation " " " II " weed insp~ction " " " ,, postage (nurse) expense " " ,, service expenses rent II services & calls cash advanced water "c light stamp supplies " " " repairs calls coroner's fees supplies postage expenses mobile servj.ces Board of Equalization II !P " " " " "" Supt's clerk II II II " " printing~ supplies blanks & supplies supplies envelopes (Vet.) II II " " " $136.50 77,90 49,00 6,00 3,45 52,60 40,40 69.20 24,40 12,40 181,00 49.40 39,70 17,90 5,18 20,00 15,50 17,20 14.00 291.47 51.24 125,89 4,00 32,39 86,·45 5,25 70.28 45.00 9,20 6,05 6,35 9,01 53,40 95,72 53,15 28,56 67:57 120.15 10.25 1,80 38,72 15.97 83.30 25,00 15,00 21.00 36.24 72,50 65,00 5,00 115,00 152,22 183,38 1.60 24.04 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .. -··············-······Aug ..... 15., ... 1951, ................. 19 ...... . G, E, Tullgren western Union Ugeblad Pub, Co, University Hospitals Nopeming Sanatorium Sunnyrest Sanatorium Minn. State Sanatorium Nopeming Sanatorium South Mill Standard station normandy Cafe Disabled A1Derican Vet. Chap. Veterans of Foreign \Vars, F,F. The Geo. D, Barnard Co, Bjerke-Edlund Otter Tail County \Velfare 3oard Village of Dent M, M, Williams r.-1, D, Victor Lundeen II: Co. Fergus Falls Clinic City of Fergus Falls Division of Public Institutions Fritz-cross co. Johnson Drug co. H. w. Glorvigen Do Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Hanson Plumbing II: Heating co. Hennepin county To1m of Oak Valley Town of Compton Henry Sieling Halvor u. Eide Art Printcraft Frank c. :3arnes P, M, Ree The Pierce Co. United Chemical co. Pengelly X-ray co. Ralph.V. Rosenberg Benni!! J, :.Ti.lhnso.n Fergus Journal Co, N, W,. :3ell Tel. Co. Panama Carbon co. N, W,. Bell Tel, Co,, F,F. Pelican Tel. co. Wendeil P, Huber 'Baas Pil co. Ander.son II: Sandberg Oil Co. Kenneth Rostad City ,of Fergus Falls Do Wm, Sauer Wiloox Lumber Oo,, Vergas Penrose Oil co. Hartliun .'I: Peterson Oil co. Bengtson Oil co. 'R'enni.ng Oil Co. Park .Region Co~·op Oil Co. A, B,. Carpenter Hoot .Lake Ice .'I: Gas co. Skeliy Service Station Fossen Oil Co. w. 1.: Potter Bill Nelson Oil Co. Moore Hdwe. Alfred Maahs ElkRiver Cone. Prod. co, H, A,. Rogers co, Miller-Davis /Jo. Whiting's Free 'Press Co. Poucli.er Pri.nt. 'I: Lith. co. City of ~ergus Falls Erhard Oil Co. Minn: State l!ighway Dept. Barke, Allison 'I: Darby construction Bulletin Railway Express Agency, B,L. City of Fergus Falls George Olson Village of New York Mills Vill~ge of Deer Creek, G, D, Harlow P.aympnd Bros. Motor Transp. co. I~raemer Oil co. D, A. Lubricant co., Inc. William c. Storsiee Fergus Oil Co. Hagge Oil co • Fer;:us Oil Co. L. J. Fjosne FergusFalls \'later ~. LiRht 'Dept. Minneapolis 'Blue Print. oo. services -sheriff telegrams " printing 'I: supplies special nursing care of oatient 'n ,; ' " ,; " " supplies . . meals for juro~s _dec.ora.t,ing graves " " record,s suppli,es . care of pati,ent " " _poor services desk -welfare.Board examination transporting transient care of inmates supplies " drivers' license exp. postage election supplies repairs -jail examination mental illness bridge road work expenses " (Sup. of ~ssessments) printing judge's fees postage supplies " fluorescent illu.minator services -jail expenses publishing calls carbon coupons services cash advanced gasoline etc·. diese_l fuel gravel bituminous mix prints repairs paint diesel iuel et~. gasoline " .. .. " " expenses tires supplies expenses culverts supplies " file forms forms main, S,A,R. fl gasoline pri.nts insurance ad. for bids ex1Jress bituminous mix expenses garage rental " " expenses freight oil expenses gasoline etc. diesel fuel gasoline eto. expenses pump rental supplies $ 16.00 24.37 75.25 141.25 243,00 20.00 663.52 251.10 3,80 63.05 25.00 25.00 121.19 ,98 . 5,00 38.12 15.00 50,00 3,00 12.95 2678 ,00 3,70 26.23 6,55 30.00 95.70 8h40 30.00 200.00 200,00 24.24 17,57 8,00 75.00 19.58 31.97 2.85 24.75 86.00 10.20 395.60 102.45 27,00 39.70 5,30 33.07 24,31 75.75 1135.40 145.00 3.oo 6.00 12.80 105,23 78.69 32.78 61.10 16.84 73,0l 186.84 37.91 37.18 109.40 528.76 1.85 9.17 100. 74 16.50 7,76 84,25 4.15 75.95 250,00 16.51 17,13 292.36 96.60 13.97 100,00 6.40 .135.DO 210.00 13.75 9.83 10.71 214.58 77.41 171.89 1209.73 147.57 21.70 5.00 12.93 Fergus Falls, Minn. To----------------September ........ , 194 ... . The annual installment on your confession of judgment for back taxes will be due next month and unless payment is made to the County Treasurer the confession will be defaulted and you can no longer pay on the installment plan, and penalty and interest will immediately be added to the taxes. This notice is sent you as required by 1941 law which also says "Failure to send or receive the notice shall not operate to postpone any payment or excuse any default under the confession of judgment." The installment due on--•-·-······----- ----···-··-·············-··········------,----:-. -is ;p$----- Very truly yours, ---------■■■■■H■H-■■■■H■HO■■---- County Auditor. Taxes for·-----which should have been paid last year and now amount to $ ....................•. must also be paid at the same time with above installment. Please return this letter with draft or money order payable to P. M. Ree, County Treasurer. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY~ MINN. N. \'/. Be 11 Tel. ao. • Henning Louis Larson Minnesota. Mo tor Co. Cities Service Station Danm's Photo Print co. Nord's Auto Clinic w. 1,1. Moltzan Hoz-Dar co. Fortwengler Elec. Shop Olson Auto Electric Lake Region Motor Co. L, J. sand Prodice coast-to-coast A, T. llerfindahl Lyon Chemicals. Inc. ~ mpire Supply co. Knotf's Hardware Truman Motors Service Recorder co. Midwest Supply Co, Natl. Bushing~ Parts co. N, W. Bell Tel, co. C. H, Bjorklund Body Shop Vergas Hdwe. ~o. Toftely Bros. Ruffridge-Johnson Equipt. co. Wendell P, Huber Cummins Diesel sales Corp. Dakota Tractor ~quiot. co. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. A. \'I. co., Inc. of !,!inn. wm. R. Ziegler co., Inc. Geo. T. Ryan co; Rosholt Equipt. co. Chaffee's Garage Electric Supply, Perham P.erham Farm Supply Co, Nicols, Dean & Gregg P., c. Anderson Well& Pump co. Skogmo Motors Inc. Farm Center Welding co. Larson 13ros. Mills Motors, H.Y.Mills Walt's Repair Shop Tichy's Shop Wm, Galena .!le son ReBon Chevrolet co. DATE ....................... _.\ug .•.... 15 .•. -l.!15.1... ........................ 19 ..... . services grader blade batteries etc. gasoline prints of county map gasoline gravel paint repairs " " re·pairs on garage supplies " recorders, renairs ~ sup. repairs~ supplies supplies long distance repairs supplies .. parts expenses parts " " " repairs " II supplies repairs II II II " II II " " Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to Sept. 11th e.t 10 o,' cl:ock A. M, 7.84 6.16 140.38 8.84 253.57 20.29 54.25 21.05 3,00 24.84 11.89 129.00 10.10 40.71 321.72 318.82 11.35 1.60 155.04 25.06 24.25 54.65 16.75 124.36 3.28 308,36 191.67 9.40 1.61 446.71 127.95 1411.53 679.28 8.81 38.95 3.08 3.68 27.30 44.60 43.61 3.78 95.35 28.92 51.63 15.00 3.00 6.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... •-···---------·-----··-·5e)tember __ .ll __ .. ____ . ______ .. _lg .. _.~~ MINUTES 0-P ADJOURUEID iAEETHIC o~• -1'lra BOARD OF COUllTY c0r.n.ussi"0N;;i.~3 OF OTT.l!lH ~AIL COUib:Y, MIIn!.!'JSOTA0 . :.>ursuant to adjournment the B~ard met at 10 o'clock A· r,t. :sept. 11, 1951. Present were Commis- sioners Sieling, Johnson, Hanson, stone ana Snowberg. The bid of wm. Ziegler co. for snow blo1ver attachments at a prioe of $1306.00 each •::as _read e.nd th~ Board ordered one from said company. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count:, commissioners of otter 'i'ail County, Minnesota: . Thatthe sum of $1,000.00 be and the so.me hereby is appropri~ted out of the Revenue Fund of said county to be divided equally between the Otter Tail county Fair Assn. of l!'ergus Falls and the Perham Agricultural Society, being appropriations for the 1951 fairs. Adopted Sept. 11, 1951. Attest: WILLIAM LnlCOLN Clerk. The following resolution vms adopted: BERT STCNE Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $355, 00 be and th,e same hereby is o.llov,ed to Clarence Mielke for serv ioes and expenses in preps.ring the Otter Tail County exhi.bi t a.t the Minnesota State Fair in 1951.. Adont ed Se pt. 11, 1951. At test: WILLIAM LillCOLN Clerk. BERT STOHE Chairman. The August report of Philip JCjaglien, Veterans' Service Officer, was received and ordered placed on file. The application of Walter o. Johnson for dance permit, using meohanical music only, at Edgetovm in.the Township of Fergus Falls, was read and no action was taken as the application was not approved by. the sheriff. 'Bids for used snow plows owned by the county were opened and reed and the Board accepted the fol- lowing: Raymond A. Hoff, for county snow plow at Battle Lake, fo. the sum of $16.00; Francis J. Gu.i-liani, for snow plow and win!' at Vergas, for the sum of $400.00. The following resolut_ion was ado,pted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, :,rinnesota: W·hereae, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Breden Construct ion Co. for one B-G eloper attachment for motor grader, and Whereas, same has been delivered and accepted by the county, Uow, Therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor o.nd the Chairman of the Board are author- ized and directed to issue to so.id company a viarrant en the Road nna Bridge Fund of the county in the sum o·~ $1095.00, the oontract price. Adopted Sept. 11, 1951. Attest: l'IILLIAIJI L TNCOLN Clerk. BERT STONl': Chairman. The application cf Anna Lesl:inen for classi·rication cf the Iii rm in Seo. 13, 'township of Leaf Loke, ·for the .veer 1950 at homestead rate wa.e read and, upon motion, the application v:aa granted and tax ordered reduced accordingly. The application of Uold Mohrentfeieer for classification of the SI'/¼-of Sec, 35, in the Township cf Blo1vers, for the year 1950 at homestead rate was read and it appearing from the oounty records that the applicant he.d. title only to the \'If SW¼ of said section whioh is already classified as homestead, upon motion, the application was rejected. Upon motion, the Board then ao journed to 10 o' olook A. M. Sept. 12th. l'IEDHESDAY'S !;JESSIOU. Pursuant to adjournment, the 'Seard met at 10 o'clock A. r.r., Sept. 12, 1951, all members being present. The Board having advertised for bi.de for construct ion of county p:aro.ges in Erhard and Vining, opened the only bid received, being the bid. cf Eian e.nd !lees in the sum of ~11,900.00 for Erhard garage and $12,064.00 fer Vininp: garage. Upon motion, the bids were re~ected as being too hi~h. A plat cf Sunset Beach in the Township of Girard, accompanied by a certificate of title executed by Field, ~ield, and Arvesen, attorney-at-law, was approved. Rids for coal for the coming season were received as fellows: Campbell Coal co., for $15.03 per ton; Fergus Lumber and Fuel co., $14.95 per ton; Lampert Lumber Co., $15.30 per ton and Myman Fuel Co. $15.00 per ton. Upon motion, the bid of Fergus Lumber and Fuel co. was accepted. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. ~.~:~.~ .. ~~~.:.~ .. 12 ··············-···.···l9 51. The petition of l'Tilmar G. Glebe to set over .Lot 3 11') Sec. 20, Township 130, lfflnge 39, from Dist, 215 of Otter '!'ail County to Dist. 43 of Douglas Co. and ti1e petition of Anton J. Roers to set over the rrorth 17 acres of Lot 4 in Sec. 2, Township 130, Range 39, from Dist. 215 of otter Tail countyto Dist. 34 of Douglas County, which petitions had been laid over from the August meeting of the Board, were ap.ain taken up and both petitioners were present and made thei:::-:::tetements to the Board. The County Superintendent ot Schools not being present, upon motion, the petitions were again laid over to Oct, 10th at 10 o'clock, A representative of T. G. Evensen and Associates, Inc. was present and discussed with the Board the details with reference to calling for the sale of ~2,500,000.00 road and bridge bonds of the county authorized by the voters at the election held Aug. 21st. Upon motion, the Auditor was instructed to readvertise for bids for constructing county garages at Vining and Erhard, said bids to be opened by the county commissioners at their meeting at 10 o'clock J. M! Oct. 9, 1951. The following bills were allowed: J. c. Henkes DO M. C. Lee, Deputy Sheriff Donald Skripsy ~alph Rosenberg western Union Louise Standahl I.label Wenstrom Louise Standahl M. J. Moen Bernice r. Jesme Violet Holmquist Ella.Standahl Beatrice M. Will J. c. Henkes George Hanson Bert Stone George F!anson Halvor r,r, Eide !i'rank Roberts Dr. C. J. Lund w. H. Dewey Frank C. Barnes Esther G. Sell Ann ,Tordan DO Esther G. Sell Perham Telephene co. Burroughs Adding Mche. Co_. N-w~ Bell Tel, co. Grea•t western Laboratories, rnc. uat. Bushing !I: Parts co. La~pert Lumber co. Fran-koviz Hdwe. Hintgen-Karst Elec. co. N. W. ~ell Tel. co. Fergus Specialties r,o. !,filler-Davis co. The Syndicate Prtg. co. The Pierce co. Helson Bros. nrtg. Free Press co. Poucher Pr.lnting .?c Li thop,:raphing co, Dept. of Administration Schoolcraft co. Miller-Davis Co. Victor Lundeen !I: co. Fergus Journal Co, Edwin Ala G •. E. Tullgren M.Vron T. DUhn Henry s. ~alvorson Johnson Drugs Amertean Legion Post, B.L. Star Grocery q. \'I. Glorvigen Stafe Treasurer Katlierine D. Townsend u. n. Bell Tel. co. Wat~r 'c Lip.ht Dept. Cooper's Melson Bros. Prtg. co. "hllip 1,1. Kjaglien DO Ruth C. Campbell City of Fergus Falls Fergus Falls Clinic Adolph Schmidt Minnesota State sanatorium Merlin S. Rieman F.Velace G. Hanson James \Velch C. J. Lund Tm~erial Supply Co, boarding prisoners sheriff's expenses expenses Dep. sheriff's expenses " " ,, telegrams,! exoenses " postage hauling exhibits Supt's Clerk " " " " supplies exp, attd, meetings " . " " services Bd. of Equalization assi.ssting Sup. of Assessors weed inspeotioll coroner's fees exp. soil conservation municipal judp.e's fees ex pens es nurse " tt postage " telephone repairs calls supplies " " " repairs calls supplies .. " " C.R.· Jail soecial election supplies school supplies supplies printing blanks · school supplies " " II books and blanks files, blanks, etc. publishing constable fees sheriff's fees dep. sheriff's fees " " supplies jail decorating graves supplies jail driverR' license expense countv share retirement rent • serttoe of.f.ice phone ,'I: calls " water 'I: li~ht " supplies w prtg. !I: supplies : expenses " " expenses transient examination transportin~ patient care of oatients constable fees posta11e hauling coroner's fees supplies " poor " " II II $127.50 68.30 34.80 95.60 9.70 8.43 6.86 1.82 69.00 5.00 20.00 7,50 15.00 10.00 20.00 12,78 14.00 19,60 374,24 133.87 13.05 18.40 10.00 35.53 67.99 4,00 4.27 5.60 178.82 140.lO 6.18 11.00 8.90 .99 2.00 43.95 38.85 326.60 10.30 22.80 7.75 4.20 189.15 1.92 62.24 356.04 198.73 26,7 .85 12.70 1.30 13.50 1.10 43.26 25.00 7.54 11.30 2683.74 45,00 12.70 6.17 30.1.7 58.63 55.09 16.16 6.30 29.20 3.00 46.68 599.72 4.40 45.00 3.00 14.85 6.67 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... Se pt ember .. 12 .• ······················-·······19 .. ~.:i: Art Printcraft Bruce Pub. r.-o. Dr. M, r,r. wllliams N. W. Bell Tel. co. Edward-Johnson A, VI. co., Inc. of Minn Cummins Diesel sales corp. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Centaur Corporation Minnesota F. w. D, r:o. Ruffridg~-Johnson Equipt. co. Rosholt Equipt. co. Geo. T, Ryan co. \'7m, "A". Ziegler., Inc. l(inne•s Tnc. coast-to~coast store, Wad. ~rcnunn Farm Sltore Lake Region 1v1otor co. Ilational Bush.&: Parts.co. co-op·Servioes, Inc. Le.rson Bros. Olson·Auto Electric Field Machine co., Inc. Vergas 111otor SerYice Maine Repair Shop Service Recorder co. Elk Ri~er cone. Prod. co. Louise Wilde Catherine 1/loore American Paint co. Lyle Signs, Inc. Bill Nelson Oil Co, Toftely Bros. <Tdwe. Federated Store ~ill Nelson Oil Co, Lampert Lumber co., Wadena Minnesota 111otor co. Lampert Lumber co., N,Y.M, John Dieseth co. Bob's Service Station Bill's Service Station F.rhard Oil Co. L. D. 'Fogard Skelly Service t.fagge · Oil Co. Anderson & Sandberg Penrose Oil co. D. A,·Lubricant,co., Inc. Minneapolis Blue Print co. Minnesota State Highway Dept. N, W,"Bell Tele. co., Henning Pelican Telephone co. Reinola ·1·ele. Co. Vergas Tele·phone co. Wendell P. Huber L, J. Fjosne G. D,· Harlow Claytoni. Hai,1 George Olson \'Tilliam C. storslee W, L, Potter Park Machine Co, Em,ire Supply Co, Victor Lundeen -~ co. Stark's Our Own Hdwe. Nicols, Dean 'i: Gregg Larson Pardware !,fills· !,rotors Skogmo ll[otors, Inc, Field Machine Co,, Inc. Village of t.fenning Raymo.nd Bros. Motor Trans. co. Edgetown T,Q~ber co. 1>, H,. Gust Elevators, Vergas Frank Hensch 'li"ergu_s Oil co. Ray's OilStation Service Oil r.o. Hoot Lake Ice & Gos co. Walt's Repair Shop Henning Oil co. N. W, Bell Tele. Co, DO V/endell -P, HUber DO City Engineer, F,F, John-Dieseth co. Ludwig Roen Elvin J, Holm selvin A, Garberg H, L, A1me s. YI·, Beckman snpplies " nurse care of patient mobile service weed inspect ion parts " " II II " ,, " ~ repairs 11 &: supplies II repairs " II " " culverts grovel It paint signs calcium chloride supplies It tires, etc. lumber tubes '}; batteries lumber rento.l wo.ter pump gasoline " II diesel fuel " " oil supplies II reduction of plans services II postage expenses II II parts supplies " .,. ,, repairs It rental of garage freight lurnber coo.I mowing gasoline II II etc. fuel oil long distance serv:i:ces cash adv. expenses prints rental ofequi prnent election expense ., " " " $ 45,00 17.32 25,00 83,66 262,77 23,47 650,99 272,02 12,64 879.07 10.66 288,03 350,13 462.37 474.95 11.49 30.61 8.47 37.80 7.35 59.70 61,07 264.76 26,39 18.75 10.09 359.52 19.80 337;40 65,25 8.72 630,00 1.75 3.36 280,33 23.00 74.84 7,30 55.00 52.04 10.10 40.04 19.22 37,92 1240.23 72.00 107.39 212.70 25,68 2.00 10,42 8.46 12,65 23,90 150,00 12.11 16,85 86.87 13.45 79.35 140,35 463,92 317.86 23.25 38.45 223.55 67.50 41.49 34.32 84.13 111,93 16,99 34.80 92.10 29,25 204,10 66.83 173.55 124,35 131,82 8.58 27 ... 40 35.25 30.20 134,80 3,00 184.50 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 1h40 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. B, D. Larson Arnold Haur,rnd llenr,v Ruud John J. Mesna John B. Jenson Jaines Rokes Ed. K. Evanson Clarence A. Lorson Erland Bergsten Art Bakke John. T. Kangas Louis J. Hendrickx Henry Janke Gotlieb ,Janke Jacques Hendrickx Kenmore Clausen ,J. V.. ,Johnson Chester Risbrudt Dale Akerman Nels Fossan A. JI. uaukebo Conrad Sjordal r.eo. E. ,Jensen Ben.Bjorness E, B, Schneider Arnold Lukken DeEtte Sagerhorn Ra.v • Wastweet Carl .J. Stras C, .Arthur Fosse Fred \'ligd ahl r.arl B. \'lick Wilfred Lee Oscar Kittelson W:mH Bentrud "flerbert Haugrud Clifford Ae.s Oscar Anderson nerme.n B• Schmidt .Justus Zi!lilmer Leland Anderson Philip T. Fjeste.d Martin Ugstad Me.rt in Arneson c. A. Hanson Lillian Sjogren Roy V. "fie.neon · Maurice Toftely H. · F.. nuenow .Theo. Palmquist Geo. F, Duenow Emil T-'enske Leo Harles Herman stock We.rd Marshall Raymond Bra.use· ·L. !,I. Young i.lrs. E, w. Wallin Anton We.rd . A." J. Johnson Arnold R, Johnson Halvor Gulleckson Marvin Gille.spey -Palmer Backstrom .earl Waldow Grover se.1mders Spencer Forsberg osoe.r Thunselle Kenneth Rund Palmer Bergerson Nobel Buse Mrs. Alice ~arson Arthur ~en Howe.rd Y.nudseb. John T, Olson Mrs. Harry T. Burau Aibert G. Mobraten James G. Drechsel Mrs. Fred Homann Vim. Drechsel Roy Marquardt Charles Searles F.ilme. Pehrson Uire.nde. nuse Ue.bel Melby Esther Ugstad Hilde. Searles Eugene Wilde Frank Wilde Harold G. Ripley \Vm. i:rome.n C, S. Bell DATE ................... · ...... S"e.plbernber·····-· 12 .•.................. lg 51 0 election returns " " " " " .. " " " " ~ II ,, rt· II " II " " " 11 " " " .. " "" ., " .. " " " " II .. " " II II II " .. " " ,, ,, " " " " .. II " " .. " " II ., II " " II '° .. II " II " II " II " " II " II .. .. .. II II II " II II II " " " .. .. II $ 9,00 12.30 9,00 9.oo 9,00 9,00 9,00 9.00 9,00 12.00 9.00 9.oo 9,00 9,00 16.00 12.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9,00 9.75 9,75 9,75 9.75 11,75 12.40 9,00 9,00 12.55 9.75 9.75. 9,75 9,75 9.00 9.00 .. 9.00 13,00 9,00 9,00 9.00 9.00 9.00 11,05 13.'IO 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 11,50 9.0Q. 9,00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 11,40•· 9,00· 9.00· 9.00· 9.00· 12.25 9.00 9,00 9,00 J.9. 00 12.00· 11,25 9,00 9.00 9,00· 9.00. 9.oo. 9.00 9,0Q. 9.00. 10.60· 11,00· 9.oo. 9.00. 9.oo. 9.00 2.20. 9.00· 9.00 9,oo. 9.QQ. 9,00· 9.00· 9.00· 9,00 9,00 10,80 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. eorge • ._ e son John I. Bondy Lewis w. Bondy Henry Robertson Ed. Ledd ing Sophus Anderson Oscar Bere:erson Lorimer 1Torgerson, Palmer Aas· B'.arold Hole Elizabeth Sundblad. Y.enneth Sha Albe·rt Solum Je1vell Stadum Elmer T. Anderson Theo. "Rjorka Alvi"n o. Evenson EarI N.Evenson James Vigen Clarenc'!! so.r11.11elson Edward J. uohnson Alma :!.fat t son Wm. ·nanielBon Mar-fin J~antrud Sidne.v Sether B:enry L,vstad Raymond Dohrer !Holi.el Masdal Clifford Shaw Adolph Olson Aldp Olson Osc~r Hemquist Ant9n Honer John J. Harms Jes!:! Strader P.obi,rt Fick Cho.!,1. Hay Ernest Herting Edw,. Homan Ellsworth Grahn S ig:v.ald KV are .Uvin Johnson T, A, De.vis Roberts. Johnson Ce.rl Trites Sam Sandberg Joe t!egerle Vial ter Engel Fred Luebberman Erwiri Winkler Otto A, Hof'f'man \'/alter Sundberg Herbert JCronemann Herb W. Schroeder Herman F. Schmidt Adolph Le;nge Eldon Blake George Femling Bexnard G. Kennedy Fred Stoering Ole Toso Conrad strinden Oscar F .~est ad Jose·ph S. .iiovlend Nels Gref'srud L.· J. Wolters Mrs. Frank Terf'ehr Mrs. Gertrude Ulmen Mrs. A, F, Vorgert Harold J, Y-iminki Al ~red Oll ikain Mabel Mischke Robert Kampsule. Peter mbersviller Henry Moltzan Maurice E, Rudolph 3r, Fred "Fruetel R; Sch1,and t Mabel Yleston Alvina Dey Gladys Richter \'1111. Sauer Fred l,Ieyer Gene G. watnaas J, B. Nelson M; 13, Linrud Oscar Moen :!", G • Thompson Phillip Lundberg Henry Lundberg H', A, Torgrimson µ~almer Augustson Sam N,vcklemoe DATE ................... -............. s·ept ember ... 12-'··················19 ... 5.1 e ec " " ... " " " " " " " .. " " " ,, " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ., " " " " " " ,, " 1.on ., " " " " " " " " " " " ,, " " " " " expense " " " " .. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " It " " " " " " It " " " " " .. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ,. " " " " " " " " " 9,75 9,75 9.75 9.oo· 9,00 9.00 9,00 10.BO 9,00 11,60 9,00 9,00 9,00 9.00 9.00 9,00 11.00 9,00 9,00 9.00 12.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 11.50 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 15.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 13.50 9.00 9,00 9.00 9.00 13.00 9,00 9,00 9,00 12.00 !l.00 9,00 9,00 9.00 14.00 10,40 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 14,00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 12.20 5.00 8.25 8.25 8.25 l0.50 10,50 10,50 16.60 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 14,00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 14.00 9.00 ·9,00 9.00 9,00 13.50 9.00 9.00 9,00 9.00 13.00· COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN: George Noreen \f. r11. ~ebehn Frank Quarnstrom Emil.Lorin T, S, Johnson James Davis Albert Mondt John H, Galland Cyril Grover w. E, Westover ~Im, H, Reese Paul .Frederick Joe Greenwood Ben J, Truitt John Goeden Henry. J/lenie J/lrs • ~dward Y.asma Ahto .Rui-kka Walt er Jokela John Hintsala Geo •. A, Jensen D, R, Swedberg Francis A, Hanson Carl .J, Larson Louis A, Larson l'/alfred Kanberg Ro·ber.t Stewart Henry-Grefe "'rank-P.oberts Ben r}hase ,lohn wand eri Henry~. Fiedler l"red A, Rinas Erwin· F., Johnson \Vm, 0groske l'lertilia Geiser Ray Klein Joseph Klunenberg :.~art in DUJ.Iont Ls.wrencf! \'lard George Berg li'red Pantsari Alga t Wallgren Dale Wright J. A,· Wasche ,Jos. S. Y.rueger ?rank Lackowitzer Herman Wessel Henry Flatau Parry W, Peterson Ed, Fischer Milbur Lorenzen Edw. Rassmussen Jeff H, Tikkanen Edward Meyer M, J,"Hemmelgarn Anton Palubicki Emil Matz Glenn·"f!oard Clinton Thun Henry Hardekopf Gordon Ruckheim Peter T, Koep A, i:r. Hanberg Martin Christopherson Glen Thomas Chas, A, Lund. P, C."r.tiller f!P.rman Lueders Geo. -q, Lueders H, c."BurmeistP.r Ernes"t Luhning Fred~; J, Wiebe Wm, B, Estes Carl ·Thalmann Vim, F:, Anderson Charies H, Heschke Joe R, Mounts Fred ·n-aus i:renry Ensli n Edwin H, Carstens Henry ,Jorgenson Emil Kratzke Arthu.r Grahn Louie Jacobson Leslle Davis Earl" Grossman 0, L·, Lindblom Ann L, Menge Fern A, Lindblom Kati"e E, Vlheeler Clara E, ,Junkin Charlotte J/1, Brunko DATE ................ ···········-De pt emh er .. 12 '·········-··-······.19 .. 51 election expense ., " " " " " " " " " " ., " " " " " " " " " " " " ,, " ., " " " ., " " " " " " " ., " " " " " " " " ., " " " " " " '·' " ,, " " " " " " " " " " " " " $ 9,00 9,00 9,00 15,00 9.00 9,00 14,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 14.00 9,00 9,00 15.00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9.00 9.00 9,00 9,00 9,00 11,50 14.50 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 15.50 9,00 9,00 9.00 ~f.oo 9, 75 16.75 9. 75 9.75 9,75 9,00 9,00 16,50 12.00. 9,00 9,00 9,00 14,60 9,00 16.00 9,00. 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 15.50 9.00 9 .• 00 9,00 9,00 14,30 10,50 10,50 10,50 14~30 10.50 9·,00 13.50 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9.00 2.25 9,00 9,00 9,00 9.00 15.00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 13,00 6.00 9,00 9.00 9,00 9,00 9,00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. mok Fied.ler Wm. :r. Rappel il/ay.ne ll'oolce tt Rlohard C. Wilbur Dewey D, Antonsen Da,niel ,')'ungels Mar,tin Brasel i'Tesley Voge Alva H'elmr ioks T. •E. Perna Art Saari ,\rthur Wiebe '!I. ·A. Cordes Nestar Fiskari Charles Oppegard Jo.y L. Moses Jo.y Hagen \'falter Nelson Ernest Restad Edward Anderson, Jr. 'C!e.rold Witthuhn Aug-. Dahle Aug·. -sranstner '1/iHiam T. Ross Otto ll'aase R. :R, Torkelson RO,V" ·R. Bjorklund Olo-f Gilbertson Lester Young Cari R, Johnson James C, Larson ,Tohn w. Wilson Osoar -O:llingson Herman Hue John T<', Traub Edward Schmidt Henry G, Sund T, R, Iverson Frank Obowa Erwin Wegner T, r-1. Anker lfe.rtin M, Olson Vernon 'Bergsten Joe·Trosdahl Fred 111. Paulson J. ilooen Carrol Boehland Ed.gar Na,vlor Elmer Leyh Charles Sohwantz H, E. '!lengtson E. J. Melson 1'1111, • Paurus Ralph A, Peterson James E. P-auck Emil .:;aoobson Fernal c. Johnson Tsadore De.as Frank Daas Frank x. l!'reske Ray.Butcher Eddie Anderson Carl Sanda M, E, Fosse Anton Witt Mrs: Della Peterson Mrs·. Edythe \'Testad Mrs~ toena Krahn!'eldt Fried a lJuwe Mrs. Dolores Meyers w. 'C. Huwe Gen·eva Peterson Jennie M, Peterson Vio0la A, Wilke~• Jud·i th M, Melson Dagney ll', Lindall Geo'rge F. Jungels Alphonse Primus Rai.mond B, Ament Otto DnMont Hugo Soderberg Mrs, Minnia Schulz Mrs. Leonard \V. Sundberg Liilie Fithen Mrs. Gladys Chapin E, 0, Melson Re.J•mond Sjostrom Pearl r .. SkOflund Reva Anderson Mauritz Sjobeck Floyd L, Jamieson Ke·i th Garber John 'C!oner DATE ............... -...... · ··-·······September ... 12, ............... 19 _.51 election ex~ense .. " " " " " " " " " " ,, It " " " " " " ,, " " ,, " " " " " II It II .. " II .. " ., " " .. " II " " " " .. " " " .. " " " .. " " " " " " " " " $ 9,00 15.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 15.00 9.00 9,00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.oo 9.00 14.50 9.00 13.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 .9.00 15,00 13.50 9,00 9.00 9.00 9.00 10.50 10.50 lP,50 10.50 15.00 10.20 9.00 9,00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 .9.00 13.00 9.00 15.06 9.00 9.00 9.00 17.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 14.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 13,00 9.00 9.00 9·,00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9,00 15.00 9.00 6.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9·.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9,00 9.00 16.00 9.75 14.25 9.75 9,75 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 15.70 9.00 13.30 9.00 ..ii Fergus Falls, Minn. September ........ , 194 ... . The annual installment on your confession of judgment for back taxes will be due next month and unless payment is made to the County Treasurer the confession will be defaulted and you can no longer pay on the installment plan, and penalty and interest will immediately be added to lhe taxes. This notice is sent yciu as required by 1941 law which also says "Failure to send or receive the notice shall not operate to postpone any payment or excuse any default under the confession of judgment." The installment due o,n-------,-------------------- ---is$ ....................... . Very truly youn, County Auditor. Taxes for·----....:which should have been paid last year and now amount to, ..................... . must also be paid at the same time with above installment. Please return this letter with draft or money order payable to P. M. Ree, County Treasurer. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER .TAIL -COUNTY, MINN. IICPIIU,,.,,,,,allda Albert J, Tenter Elmer Benke Edwin Keskitalo Melvin Ollila Wilmar Jetenberg E, L, 'Iagel Andrew _a.nderson Lawrence Rowe Clarence l>nnson S. F. S1venson VI, "P, Schmidt Ruth Anderson Usie c. Doss Agnes Speer r.aura H, Duriiap Elsie E,Bertelson Loura Olson Beulah Uorton Pearl Messenger Mary r. illoley Walter o. Ekness Emma Hanson Edna Wright Josephine Zenner Helen Zimmerman Laura Steen Martin Saure Hilda J. Arneson !,{yrtle Schmidt Grace C. Bjerke Ella M, Larson Ellen Gudding Uabel Daven·port Theo, Westerhaug Mery T, Boe Emma Rosvold Adeline Hartman Lutheran Bible School & Seminary Ole B j.erkaas Anton tas All>ert'P, Matson r,arl Benson t~thilda J. Willett P., L, l'1bbighauscn Ethel M-ilton ~re.rgaret Wilshusen J. 0, Carlson · Lake Region Motor Co, Marie hlichealson Louise Salness Adeline F, J~arst Jennie Budack Gena "P.erglund Salvat.i.on Army J,i, T. Melson Mabel Erno Agnes HuReby F.fi'i e "Freed 1 and Elsie Larson Lucille Rustad Mabel Schempp c. 0, Utne Klara .:iaugen A, N, Haagensen Hilda ~ustad Clara Ylhi tehead Hilda Moen Doris L, Josephs Ruth Sundre A, M, Stoll Martha Foerstner George Drummond Zion Lutheran Church William Lincoln George .i:ranson G, 1,1, E:antrud H, \V, Glorvigen Frank Y., Crays Harold J~eller Henry Pecierson Clarence Gawiil Glen Scott DATE ...................... $.e:D.t.embe.r ... .l.2. •............ _ ............... 19 ..... 5.l election expense " ,, " " " " .. " " " " " " .. " " " .. " " " " " " .. " .. " " .. " " " " " " " " " " " " ,, " " " " " " " " " " " ,, " " ,, " ,, " " " " " " " " " " " " " Upon motion, the Board adjourned to Oct. 9, 1951 ut 10 $ 9.00 9,00 9.00 9.00 9.00 15,00 12.00 9.00 9,00 9,00 9,00 10.50 10.50 10,50 10.50 11.50 10,50 10,50 10.50 10,50 U,50 10.50 U.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 2.00 10,50 10.50 10.50 10.50 11.50 10.50 10,50 10,50 10,50 11.50 5.50 2.00 4,00 2.00 2.00 10,50 10,50 . 10,50 10,50 11.50 7.50 11.50 10.50 10,50 10.50 10.50 7.00 11,50 10,50 10.50 10.50 10,50 10.50 10.50 11.50. 10.50 10.50. 10.50 10.50 10.50 10,50 11.50 15.25 9.75 9.75 7.50 5.00 7.40 5.10 5.00 10.40 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 o'clock A, M, J . · ~-fA/r' ~man. Attest: COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTT~R TAIL COUNTY, MINN. . DATE ........... •·························-Oet-·,····9····-··-·······················19. 61 r,mrtJTES OF MEETING OP BOARD OF COtnfrY COl,IMISSIOlfERS OF OTTF:R TAIL CO., . MIIn~SOTA, Pursuont to d!le call end notice thereof, a regular meetinp. of the Board of County Cornmissione-rs of otter Tail count,\', l,'1nnesota, 1vas d ul.v held e.t the commissioners' Room in the Conrt Honse in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, on October 9, 1951, at 10 o'clock A.u. The f.ollo1ving commiss toners were present: Henr.v Sieling, Bennie J: ,Johnson, George P'anson, Bert stone and earl A, snowberg o.nd the following were absent: None. Mr, William Lincoln, the County Anclitor, and Mr, owen v. Thompson. the count.v Attorney, were also present, *** commissioner Henry Sieling introduced the following resolution o.nd moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR PUBLIC SALE OF _·ROAD ANTI BRTDGE BONTIS BE IT P.ESOLV~D by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesote, as follows: 1. This Board shall meet at the time and place and for the pur1>ose S!)eci:r.ied in the form of notice of sale hereinaf.t~r set forth and to take such other action rP.latinp. to the bonds therein mentioned and as to any other matters as shall then be found desirable or expedient. 2. The County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to canse notice of said meeting and of the purpose thereof to be published in at least one issue of Fergus Falls Daily Journal, the o:fficial news- paper of said. county, and in at least one issue of commercial west, a financial weekly published at Minneapolis, Minnesota, each or· said publications to be on or before October 27, 1951, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF SALE OF $1, 500•, 000 ROAD AUD BRIDGE BONDS OF OTTER TAIL COIB~TY, MilHIESO'i'A NOTICE IS ttr-:RF.BY GTV1a:N That the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, will :neet at th!! commissioners• Room in the court House in Fergus Falls, Uinnesota, on r7ednP.sday, November 7, 1951, at 1 :00 o'clock "f'. M, (Central Standard Time) for the riurpose of receiving, opening, and consider- ing sealed bids for $1,500,000 principal amount of negotiable coupon general obligation bonds of said ~ount.v .to be issued for the purpose of r,rai! lng, r-raveling, and bl tuminous surfac inp. and the erect ion and improvement of bridees on county roads in said county. Said bonds will be dated as of November 1, 1951, in denomination of $1,000 each, numbered serially from 1 to 1500, and will bear intP.rest payable semiannually on each May 1 and November 1 a.t a rate or rates specified b,V the successful bidder. They will mature in numerical order of serial numbers on November 1, in the years and amounts as follows: $70,000 in each of the years 1954 through 1956, :;;75,000 in each of the years 1957 through 1959, $85,000 in each of the years 1960 through 1962, and $90,000. in each of the yes.rs 1963 throngh 1971. Bonds numbered 1 through 1050 (maturing in 1954 through 1966) will be -payable as aforese.id without option of prior payment; but bonds numbered 1051 through 1500 (maturing in 1967 through 1971) will each be subject to redemption and prepayment ~t the option of the county on thtrty de.vs notice of call, in inverse order of serial numbers, on November 1, 1961, and on any interest due date thereafter, at par e.nd accrned interest to the date specified for redemption, plus a oremium.of. $20 per bond called for redemption on or between November 1, 1961, and Uay 1, 1966, but with- O'llt premium on or after NovembP.r 1, 1966. Principal Rnd intP.rest will he made payable at any suitable banking institution in the 'lnited States designated by the successful bidder, and the county agrees to pay the.reasonable and customary charges of' snch institntlon -?or the receipt and disbursement of such. principal and interest moneys. The bonds will he issued payable to bearer, but, if requested by the successful bidder, will be made re~istcrable as to principal only on books to be maintained for such pur- pose by the county Treasurer. The county will furnish, without cost to the p1i,rchasers, the printed and executed bonds and the un- qualified approving legal opinion of Messrs. Dorsey, Colman, Barker, Scott & Barber, cf Minneapolis, Minne sota, together with customary non-litigation certificate, and delivery tnereof will be made without cost to the purchaser at any bank designated by him located in Fergus h'alls, Minneapolis or St. Paul, Minne- sota, or in Chicago, Illinois; delivery elsew;.ere to be at the exµense of the purchaser. Sealed bids marked "Bid for Road and Bridge Bonds" may be mailed or otherwise delivered prior to the time of said meeting to thP. undersigned county Audi tor. '!!Jach ui.d mu:::t l)e unconditional ( except as to the bonds being issued nnd delivered 1•fi th said legal opinion and non-litigation certificate in conformity with this "lOtice) and must be accompa.nied by a certified check or cashier's check on a responsible bank, pay- able to the order of "The Treasurer o-f.' Otter Tail County. Minnesota" in the amount of $30,000, to be fQr- feited as liquidated damagP.s in case the bid is accepted and the bidl'l,e·rshall fail to comply therewith, 'Bidders must specify the desired interP.st ra.te, or not to exceed four ratP.s, each in an integral multiple of :t,/4 or 1/10 of one -per cent per annum, the rate to be uniform for all bonds of a common maturity. The bid offering the lowP.st net interP.st cost (total inter.,st to stated matnrities less any premium offered) will be deemed the most favorable. NO bid of less than ·par plus interest accrued from HoVP.mber 1, 1951, to the date of bond de.livery will be considered. Oral auction bids will not be received. The rir,ht to reject any and ell bids and to waive in Pormali ties is reserved. Dated October 9, 1951 WILLIAM LillCOLN county Auditor Fergus Falls, Minnesota 3. Rach and all of the terms and. provisions of the foregoing :form of notic:e are hereb,v adopted and confirmed as the terms and conditions ot said bonds and of the salP. thereof, Passed October 9, 1951 Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN count.v Audi tor '8~?.T STONE Chairrnan o·f count.v Board The Johnson, Johnson, solution motion for the adoption of the foregoing reF.1ol11tion was duly seconded hy commissionP.r Bennie ,1, and on vo~e being taken thereon the followin? voted in favor thereof: commissioners Sieling, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg and the_following voted against the same: !lone, whereupon said re- was declared d·uly passed and was signed and attested by the CnuH·,u&.i:. W!CI. .l udi tor. .· I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN: October 9, 51 DATE ............................................ : ................................. ·-·······19 ... . JudB7 Haagen~o~ presen:ed to the Board bond_o:f' Jeanette Paugrud, newly appointed clerk of probate court, said bond oeing in tne sum of $1,000,00 with the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co, as surety. Upon motion, the bond was approved, EVelaoe Hanson, Register of ~eeds, called attention of the soard to the condition of abstract books in her office, many being in need of rebinding. A representative of Crane-Johnson was present and dis-cussed with the Board the need of -rebinding books ancl explained the method of his company. After dis- cussion, the Board aooPpted the bid of this company for rebinding twenty abstract books in the Register o~ needs' office at a ~harge of $49,00 per book. earl J, Lund, county coroner~ filed notice of ~ppointment of Dr, Ralph Est~em as deputy coroner, A large delegation from the Town of Orwell appeared before the Board to urge improvement of county road in said township kno1Vn as thP; De1vey 13ridp,e rond. The applicati.on of Lav:renoe ilerg for reduction of assessment on the SVI¼-SE¼ and the st SW¼ of Seo, 5, Tow~ship of Scambler, for the year 1950, was read and the ~oard. recommended to the com~issioner of Taxation that the assessed valu.e 6f said prO!Jert,y be reduced from $519,00 to $280.00 and th~ tax~s from $91,36 to $49,29. The application of John !'I, Rundle for classification of Lots A, B, c, D, E, and. F in Seo, 11, Town of Scambler, for the year 1950 at"homestead rate was read and the Board granted the application and or- dered the taxes reduced aocording~y. The followin!! resolution was:aaopted: Resolved b.Y the Bo·ard of coun_ty commissioners of Otter Tail r.ounty, !Ainnesofa: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Skogmo Motors for two Dodp.e trucks in exchange for used trucks o.f the count.';, and: Whereas, same have been received and accepted b.11 the 001mty, Now, Therefore, be· it resolvea that the county Auditor and the Chairman of the Board be ~d they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant on the Road and Bridge 9und of the county in the sum of $6495,84,:the contract price, Adopted Oct. 9, 1951, Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN Clerk, The followin~ resolution was ~dopted: BERT STONE Chairman. Resolved by the Board of i:::oun(v Commissioners of otter Ta.il county. Minnesota: 17hereas, it has been made to appear to the Board of County commissioners that the Poor Fund of the county is ex_hausted and _that the leyy f_or the coming .vea·r as made by this Board is inadequate, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the sum of $25,000,00 be levi~d against the taxable rroperty of the county for 1951 in addition to the amount specified in the resolution adopted at the July session. Adopted Oct, 9, 1951. Attest: 11/ILLIA:A LINCOLN Clerk, BERT STOHE Chairman. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION 'BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONi;:RS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, !XINWES'OT A. BE IT RESOLVED, That the commissioner of Highwa.vs be and he hereby is authorized and requested to take such steps and perform such acts on behalf of the County o! Otter Tail as may be necessary t? h~ve the construct ion and improvement o.f the roads hereinafter described pr?perly approved by the Commissioner of Highways as~ Federal-Aid secondary Project eligible for the expenditure of federal funds thereon and eligible for rresent construction and the letting oftl,;;contract therefor. Length Est. Cost of ':'rojeot Grade Grade Road !I: Bi tum-c!'c Bi tum- No-:· -Location Gravel 1 inous Brl.d~e Gravel inous :9ridge l Fergus Falls s.to Doran Road 6,50 45,000 l l 1111.S, of norters Corner to ott"r 87,250 Tail Lake 12.75 l Amor and south 2,1 miles 2.10 ll,550 1 Amor and ia:ast to Dead River '!ridge 5,00 35,000 l T,'f?, #108 to Mew York Mills 10.00 70,000 l New York Mills 11: Il,to ;ict.ofC,A,R,#53 2,50 16,000 l Ji'rom 2.5 :MLN,of New York Mills to 6.00 8,75 Mi. N, of New York Mills 48,000 l Butler Corner N, to Jot. of S,A,R, #8 LOO 1.06 8,000 7,000 l Widen Bridge over Ottertail River l 10,900 l ,Tot, of C,A,_R, .//53 ~r. of uew ~ork 105,000 Mills to East County Line 15.00 2 Doran Road 9.50 77,000 ~L 3 Porters Corner and North 8,00 80,000 :C COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Oo-t. 9, 51 DATE ...... ·-··············-·······························································19 ...... . Road ~ 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 16 16 19 54 54 Location Rothsay to F.rhard Erhard East Vergas and southwest T.H. #59 to Vergas T.H. f/228 to north county Line Ifortheast o·f Vergas ~arkers ?rairie to R.County tine Parkers Prairie East Urbank to South County Line 2.5 Mi.W. of. Urbank to ,Jct.of S,A,R, #5 & C,A,R, #25 Clitherall Md South 01 i therall !I: Horth ·to ·,Jct. of SAR Between East !I: West Battle Lnke ,Jct.of S,A,R, /16, west & North Almora & East to T,H, #29 Vining and S,E, to Jct.of CAR #54 Jct.of C,A,R, #52,East ,Jct.of c .• A,R.1:~ie lv!i.S, &: l Mi.E, Outlet of Little Pine Lake Pelican Rapids and N, to T,H,#34 T,H,#34 and N, to County Line Dalton !§: S,\'I, to T,H, #59 Dalton to underwood Barnard School and North 6,8 Mi. 6.8 Mi.If,of Barnard School&: N,E, 6,0 Miles Dent and South Dalton to underwood Underwood M, to Jct. of S,A,R, fl Jct. of S,A,R, #1, North Outlet of Ottertail Lake Renning \Vest From 3.5 J,ti.\'l, of Henning,V/,to Jct. o:f S,A.R. #5 From 5.5 Mi.N.of Bln:ffton to Jct. of S,A.R. #1 Henning and South ,1ct,of. S.A.R, f7 ·and North Totals Grade '-: Bitum-Gravel t&ous-~ridp,e 5.oo 9,00 2.50 10.50 3,50 3.00 3.50 -¥16 6.00 1.00 2.50 6,50 3,00 5,00 5,00 6.50 9,00 6,80 5,00 5,50 6.00 2.50 5,75 2.50 3,50 9.70 13.21 5.00 6,00 5.50 2,50 5,00 5.oo 5,50 6,80 5.00 5,50 9,00 6,00 6,00 148:55 145.56 1 l 1 4 Jdopted this 9th day o:f October, 1951 Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN Clerk. Grade "' Gravel 50,000 78,000 15,000 80,000 30,000 30,000 24,000 42,000 8,000 18,000 52,000 27,000 30,000 45,000 50,000 90,000 68,000 50,000 44,ooo· 48,000 21,000 50,000 20,000 32,000 1,250,000 BERT STOIIE Chairman. Est. Cost of Project Bi tum: :inoue 68,000 82,470 35,000 30,000 28,000 13,000 30,000 25,000 35,000 50,000 35,000 35,000 7-0,000 12,000· 30,000 95,027 -Bridge 7,000 20,000 22,000 59,000 Sheriff. J. c. Henlrns submitted to the Board certain district court citations covering unpaid 1950 personal property taxes. Tilese could not be served as the parties could not be found. Upon motion, the taxes were ordered cancelled as follows: , John Marjamaa, Sr, , -~tary Lou 'Baclcdal • Theo, B. '-: Inez 13a tkke • Henry Price • M. J, Cronin • 'A'. Jorgenson •Roy c. Sorenson , L. N. Dlmcan ,Carl F.. Peterson ,Carl E, Peterson • Orrin Gillette ,Tyler Peterson , ,Joseph Overby • Geo. Angfan • Charles J,eathert • States Supply (C.C,'3urdick) , Carl Burdick , \'!alt er Jones • George ,1ohnson. ' • L, D. Eaagenstad , E, ?., Ireland . , L, D, Haagenstad , ThP.O, Nelson , Kenneth J-1, Norton , Fazel Laiho , Geo.· G. V/irtanen • ~erman R. Y.nutzen • Ole A, Anderson , Geraldinr,, Gail 'c Hazel Sween • Allen Jenkins Nev1ton TownshiI> City 1st Viard Dunn Township Ci t.v 4th Ward City 3rd 170.rd C it.,, 2nd l'/a rd City 3rd Viard City 4th ward 'Perham Villar,e Perham Villoge City lat ward Ci t.v 3rd \'lard City 2nd Ward City 2nd ~lard City 3rd Ward Clt,1/ 2nd Viard Cit,v 1st Ward Otter Tail 'Bluffton Perham Villap.e 'Pine LnkP. To~mship 'Perham VillBf-e 'Perham · Blowers Township New York Mills· NP.W York Mills Rush Li;ke '.J.'ownship Butler '.ilowmship DUnn To1vnship Dunn Township $ 21.90 8.67 7.37 42.01 5.74 82.40 33.39 21,62 1.75 7.76 2,80 8.29 10.26 2,80 8,29 67.49 1,81 :'2.18 11.32 9.27 5.30 1.75 5.04 24,82 88.33 3,76 53.24 33.73 15,00 27.34 ·1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Oct. 9, 1951. iii ft. Eliii iii • Gilman ll'elle.nd • q. c. ~ Inez C. Cole • ~obert '!3. Cla.rk • r.eo. \V, Heumann , !,!argaret Erickson , Jf•mneth Tl'axel . , l,Iarshal StP.en • S'imon P, Botz , Edla Y., Peterson ,Jactson & Emma Smith , Wm, Mauk • r,yle Graupman • John E, Tetens , Arnold Arnswald • Erl. Shuman • Ira L, Davis DATE ........................................................................................ 19 ..... . Scambler Township Dunn Township Scambler Tovmship Lida Tovmship Dunn Township Evert Township nattle take Villa.p.e Everts Townshin Everts To~mship Everts 'l'ownship Henning Villap,e City 2nd Viard Henning Compton Tonnship :•ar}:ers Prn.irie Village Leaf i.!ounta.in Tovrnshi:p $ 2.64 4,62 3,79 16.08 5.72 3,97 6.38 4.94 4.94 4.94 28.72 3.78 35.86 17.39 53,64 38.18 Reports of the public examiner of Uinnesota or exarninations of the county officers for the calendar yea.r 1950 and also o~ the Otter Tnil Co~nty Sanatorium were presen'.:ed to the Soard and, after exar.,ina- tion, nere ordered placed on file. The b.ltl of' Anton Rots of !:l:75.00 -for useii grader O\":ned by the coutj.ty was, upon motion, accepted. Upon motion, the l'loard then ad.1onrned to 10 o'clock A, u. Oct. 10th. VfF.Dr!RS DAY Is SESSION. P~usna.nt to 11-djournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, Oct. 10, 1951, all members being present. The petition of Elmer M, ~oistad to be set over from Dist. 65 to Dist. 88 was taken up for.final action. Upon motiol), the petition was granted and the Board issued the follov:ing order to-wit: Whereas, The petition o-!' Elmer 1,1, ll'oistad, a lep.al voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 65 in this County, repreRentinp. that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, whi.ch are situate in sa l1l School District, and ad join School District No·. 88 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said Disi:riot Ho, 65 to said ad,ioininp: School District No, 88 was presented to the Boord of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th day of Aup.ust A,D,, 1951 for the action of said. board thereon; nnd w·,1ereas it was thereupon ordered by said Board that a hearing should be had on said petit~on, at a session of said board on the 10th day of Oct- ober A,D,, 1951 at the count.'! Au<i.itor•s o·ffice in the Ci t,y o·e Fergus Palls in said count,V1 and w,here- as it was further ordered in and b,\' said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by postinB copies of said order in three public places in each of the school distriots to be af- fected by said pet.ii'ion, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 10th day of October A,D, 1951 due proof of the J?OSting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been ma.cie and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, 'llith everything 1•:hich was said by said interested parties for or against granting tlJe prayer of the petitioner, and suid Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that :the said petitioner and the following uesc1·ibod ia.nds owned by him, to-wit: Lot 4 Section 6 Township ·137 Range 42 be and the same arehereby set off from said School District No, 65 to s• said adjoining School District No. 88 and said lands are hereb,y made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By orderof the Board of County Commissioners, Dated the 10th d~y of' October A,D,, 1951. (Auditor's Seal) BERT STOllE Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of' Otter Tail County, f,finn. Attest: l'IILLIAM LINCOLN county And itor, ond ex-o-f·Hcio · Clerk of Board. The petition of Olaf Isaacson to be set over from Dist. 14 of Becker County to Dist. 88 of Otter Tail County was taken np for final action. Upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the followln~ order to-wit: Whereas, :Phe petition of Olaf Tsa.a.cson, a lep:al voter, freeholder and resident of' School District Mo, 14 ~ecker County, representing thut he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said school Disi:rict, and ad~oin School District Jio, 88 of Otter Tail co. and askinp. that he with his said lands may be set off from said District No, 14 of. Becker Co. to said ad~oining School Llstrlct Mo, BA of otter Toil county was presented to the Boo.rd of County Commissioners of thil.s County at a session of said board held on the 15th day of August A,D,, 1951 for the act ion o ~ said board there- on; and wlrereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, ot a session of said board on the 10th day of October A,D,, 1951 at the Uounty Auditor's office in the City of Fereus Falls in said county; and whereas it was furti1er ordered in and by said order that notice o·f the time and plaoe o.~ such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three publio places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, a.nd by mailing to the clerk of each of said school Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days befo7e the time app?inted for snob hearine: and whereas at the said session of the said Board of county Commis~ioners on s01d 10th day of October A,D, 1951 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named, date, havillt; been made and .filed, said petition v1aspublioly read and considered by the Board,. w~th everythi1:1g whlch wa~ sai~ hy said i!1teres~ed part~es for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner and said Board.being_o!. opinion tnat said petition shiluld be e:ranted, it is hereby ord.ered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following des- cribed lands ourned bv him to-wit· Lot 3 Section 6 Township 137 Range 42 be and the same are here- b:, set off from .. said. Scho~l District No, 14 "ecker co. to said adjoining S~hoo~ District No, 88 Otter Tail co. and said lnnds are hereby mnde a oart o-!'. said lnst named School District for all pnrposes whe.t- ev .. r. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. ·--····---09.t_, ____ l,_Q_~-------------------··---------··---·-----19. ___ ._9 l By order of the Board of county Commissioners. Dated the 10th dny o-f October A.D., 1951. (Auditor's Seal) BERT STOllE Chairman of the Board of County Commissi.on- ers of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attes:: WILLIAM LINCOLN county Andi tor, and ex-officie Clerk of Board. The petition of Arthur A, Larson to be set over from Dist. 19 to Dist. 20 1vas taken up for final action.-Upon motion, the pet! tion was granted and thf! Board issued thP. fo:).lowing order to-wi1:: Vlhereas, The petition of Arthur A, torson, a lc1_1:o.l votP.r, freeholder and resident of. Sch?ol Dis- trict Ilo, 19 in this county, r-epresenting that he is the owner_ of ~he lands hP.reinaf!er deser.Lbed: which arP. s.itue.te in said School Di.strict, and adjoin School uistn.c! ~lo, 20 and a~k1nf-that he with his said lands may be set off from said District No, 19 to said adjoinii:ig school_District No, 20 was oresented to the. Board of County commissioners of this Count.v at a session of said ~oard held on the 12th da.i• of September A,D, 1951 for the action of sai.~ boar~ ~herP.on; and 1:Lereas i.t was thereupop or- dered by sa.i.d board that ahearin17, shonld be had on so.1d peti t:i.on, at a. SP.ssi.on of. so.id board on. the 10th day of October ,\.D,. 1951 at the county 1\uditor's• office in !he Cit.v of F;rg~1s F1;1-lls in sai.d county; and whereas it wo.s further ?rdered i1'.1 and b.v said order ch~t notice ?"-tne time ~nd place o! such hearing be f?iven by post i.np. copies o:: said ordP.r in thref! publlc ~places 1n e~ch of tne ~cho?l ... d 1s- tricts to be affected by said petition, and by mailinp: to the clerk OJ. each o-f said SchoiH DistrJ.ccs, o copy of said order at least ten da.vs ~P.fore the time appointed for such hearing; a.nd whereas at the said session of the said ~oard of r.ounty r,ommissionei-s on said. 10th da,y ofOctober A,D, 1951 due proof of the postinp: and service of sold order of hearinR as therein directed and rP.quired, more than ten da,vs prior to said last named date, havinp: bP.en made and filed, said petition was publicly read and. considered by the ijoard, with ev~ryt}:Jing which was said by said interested parties for or age.inst granting the pra.ver of the petition er, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should· bf! granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Lots 1 a.nd 2 Section 26 Township 132 Range 42 be a~d the same ar~ here- by set off from said School District No. 19 to said adjoining School District !lo. 20 and so.id lands are hereby made a part of said last named_Schuol Distric~ for all purposes whatever. By order of -the Boe.rd of County Commissio_ners, Dated the 10th day of October A,D,, 1951. (Auditor's Seal) BEl~T S'l'ONE Chairman of the Board of CountyC.ommissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: YTILLIA!,r LINCOLN county Audi tor, and ex-o=ficio Clerk of Board. The petition of r.-lenn 111. Fluegel to be set over frorr. Dist. 241-to Dist. 144 was taken up fo1· final action. Upon motion, the petition.1vas granted and the T!oard iss11ed the following order to-1vit: . V/hPreas, The petition of Glen I'/, Fluegel, a. lep;al voter·, freeholcler and resident of-School District •ro. 244 in this co,mty, representing tliat he is tl,e 01vner of the lands heTeinaftP.r described, which are s.ituate in so.id School District, ana ad.ioin Suhool District No, 144 and asking that ae with his said lands may bP. set off from said district !lo. 244 to said adjoining School District !lo, 144 was yresented to the Board of count,v Commissioners of this County at a session of said bc.ard held on the 10th day of July A,D,, 1951 for the action of said board thereon; e.nd whereas it Vias thereupon ordered by said board that a hearinr. should be had on sa.id petition, at a session of said board on the 10th da,v of Oct- ober A,D,, 1951 at the County Auditor's Office in the City of "Pergus 'B'alls in said county; and where- as it was further ordered in and by said order that not ice of· the time and pla.ce of such hear i.ng be p.iven by postinp: copies o~ said order in three puhlic places in ~acl?, of the school districts to be af- fected by said petition, e.nd hJ• malling to the clP.rk of each o·': snid School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten de.vs before the time appointed ror such hearing; and 1vhereas at the said session o·f the said. '3oard of. co~nt.v Commissi?ners on said 10th day of October A., D., l!Jbl due proof of the posting o.nd service of said order of hearin17, a.s therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to so.id last named do.te, having been made and filed, said pet i.t ion wo.s publicly read ancl considered by the B?ard, l'.1ith everything_which was ~ai_d ~y s~i~. interested parties for or age.inst granting the prayer of tne petJ.tioner, ~nd said Board_be~ng o~.0~1nion that said petition should be granted, it is her~by or- dered and dP.terq11ned, that the sa1i! petLti.oner and the follo·;{ing descTibed lands owned bv him to-wit: Sub Lot A of Lot 2 Section 9· Townshi_p 135 Range 41 be and the s'E'E-~L~re hereby set off fro~ said . };-h~>-4~~-~~--~'l'/-·-t;;~""r7-4.~lft~~.l,l,</-'~~ ....... --u--.... P-1..-;J...4..,l--..t~~ ~Y order of the Board of county Commissioners. Dt>.ted thf! lOt~ da.1· of' October A,D,, 1951. (Auditor's Seal) BERT S~'OlrE Chairmo.n of the Board of County Commissioners oi' Otter Tnil county, Minn, Attest: WILLIAM LI!ICOLN County Auc1itor, and ex-officio Clerk of Boo.rd The oetition o-f L. F:, Samuels to be set over from Dist. 244 to Dist. 144 was tal~P.n up for final action. U~on motion, the oeti.tion was ,ranted and the Board issued the followin~ order to-wi.t: \Yhereas, The petition of L, E, Samuels, a legal voter, freeholder and rPsident of school D 1s1·rict N?· 244 ~n th~s County, 7epr7senting t~t;t he is the OWTIP.r of the lands hereinafter dP.scribed, which are situate 1n said School District,_and aoJoin School District No, 144 o.nd asking that he with his said lands may be set,. of'f from said d 1st let Uo. 244 to said ad join inr-School District No. 144 was oresented ;o the Board of' -P Jounty Com':1issloner~ of this county at a session of. said board held on the 10th day of .uly A,D, 1?51 -0r the action of s~id bo~r~ thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said boa.rd that a hearing should be had oi:! said petition, at a session of said bc.u.rd on the lOth do, of October A.D, i:;; ~;d!~:d C~~n~~d A~ydi !~r~ s 0~~:~c~h~~ ~h~. City,. ofthFert:»11s Falls in said County; and wh ~r~as it was fur--· o ice o., e 1me and place o:f "Uch hearing be givPn by posting ccp~es o·f said order ~n three pnb~ic places in ea.ch o-~ the school districts to be affected hv said l'.lf!t1tion, and b,1• malll.nP to thP. clP.rk o-': each o-f said School Dist .-t . • · ten da17s b for th t· · i · · r 1c ·8 , a copy 0° said order at least , e e e ime appo nted for such hP.aring; and whereas at the ea.id session o·r. the said Board COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. 9.~.~ .. ~ .. }.9.i ... : ............................... -........... 19 .... 51 ~IUPIIIJIHC91PIII II CIRUJIUI of i::onnty CommisRionere on said 10th day of Ootober A.D., 1951 due proof of the postinB and service of ea.id o;der of hearinP-as therein dir7cted an~ reriu.ired, more than ten da,\'S prior to said last named date, uav!ng been made and riled, said petition V1as onblicly rend and considered by the Boe.rd., with evP.rything which was ~ai.d ~y said intereste~ •iartiP.~ for or llf.ainat grant.i-ng the pra,ver of the petition- er, and said Board be1n!l' o·,. opinion the.t sa1d petit:i.cn should be granted, it is hereby ordered and de- termined, that the Said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Lot 6 Sect ion 10 Township 135 Range 41 be and the same are hereby set o •~f from suid S'chool District No. 244 to said adjoining !'lchool District !l'o, 141 and said l1rnds are hereby rnade a oart of s·uid last named school district for all purposes whatever. · By order o.l' the Board of county commissioners. Dated the 10th day of October A. n., 1951! Andi tor's Seal) BERT STOIIB Chtiirman. of the Board o·f Count,v Commis- 1:1ioners of ottP.r Tail county, Minn. Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN· count,v Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Vere Olson to set over Lots 3 and 4 (Nl; Im¼) of Sec. 1, Tow11ship of Folden, from Dist, 2~4 to_ Dist. 212 was taken up for final action. After listening to statemirn-ts of membe:rs of the school board of Dist. 234, upon motion, the pet.ition was rejected. The petition o·f Anton J, Roers to be set over from Dist. 215 o·f otter Tail county to Di st. 34 of Douglas county and the petition of Wilmar G. Glebe to be set ove1· from Dist. 215 of Otter Tail County to Dist. 43 of Douglas County, which had oeen laid over from preoedipg sessions, were again taken up and, upon motion, both petitions were rejected. The petition o·f Chris. Gro !)per to set off' the Nt SE¼ oi Sec. 5, Town of Homes ts.ad, from"-Dist, 47 to Dist, 228 was taken up for final action and, upon motion, the petition was rP.jected, The Board then took up the petitions of llarry and Hilma li'iska.ri, Oscar I-iikamaa, Herman Paatalo, Al'bert Lahti, Carlo A. ,laaska, Harry F.. ~oyhtya, :!a~•no Lahti, and Arvo R. and r~atherine H. Peldo to be set OVP.r from Dist. 47 back to Dist. 136. After a -full discussion of the matter, upon motion, all of these petitions were rejectP.d. The Board then took up the question of division of funds of certain districts in Otter Tail County partially joined to Consolidated Dist riots No. 4 7 · and !38 of Otter Tail r,ounty and No. 57 of Douglas coun- ty. The follo...,inr, resolutions were adopted: RESOLUTION FOR DIVISION OP ASSETS O!" SCl'IOOL DTSTRIGT NO. 160 9F.'l'WEEN SAID DTSTUCT AND SCHOOL DTSTRTCT rm. ,p, t\OT"1 Ill OTTEP. TAIL COUNTY, !,Hll'l!l-1SOTA, Pursuant to the statutes of the State of Minnesota upon consolidation of parts of school district vri th other dist riots, it is the duty of thP. Board of Count,\' CommissionP.rs to divide the assets. No1v, thP.refore, be it resolved by the Board of County Commies ioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota that the assets of·School·District No. 160 bP. and they are hereby divided as follows: L. The school site, school 'building and all oersonal property of every kind, character and description, except cash, shall be and remain the property of School District uo. 160. n. cash assets as of the date of consolidation, funds in the hands of the County Treasurer us of the date of consolidation, and taxes for 1950 and prior years paid after date of consolidation shall and they.hereby are divided 90.15 % to District No. 160-and 9,85 % to District Ho. 47, ' -. III. Any and all obligations of District No. 160 existing at time cf consolidation shall be paid, ~0.15 % by District No. 160 and 9.85 % by DiE?trict No. 4~. The forer,oinp.: resolution was offered by Commissioner SiP.ling who movP.d its adopt.ion, conded by Co~missionP.r Johnson and on vote being taken thereon thP. following was •the vote: ?lone llo. It was se- 5 Yes. \7hereupon said r<>solnt ion was declared duly passed and was signed and attP.sted ?Y the Chairman and Auditor. BF.RT STONE, Chai rma.'l. YIILLIAM LINCOLN, Clerlt:.· R!!:SOLUTION FOR DIVISION OP ASSETS OF SCHOOL DTSTRTCT NO. 175 BETWEEN SAID DTSTRICT At!D SCHOOL DIS- TP.TOT NO. 47, 'BOTl'f IN OTTER TAIL COUNTY~ IAINMESOTA, P.ursuant to statutes of thP. state o·~ Minnesota upon consolidation of ·parts of school districtswith other districts, it is the duty of the Board o"f' county commissioners to divide the assets. Now Therefore, 'be it resolved by the ~oard of county CommissicnP.rs of Otter Tail County, Minnesota that the assets of School District No. 175 be and they are herel•y divided as follows: I. ThP. school site, school building and all personal property of every kind, character and description, except cash, shall be and remain the [lro·perty of School District Uo • 175. II. cash assets as of the date of consolidation, funds in the hands of thP. County Tree.surer. as of the date of consolid.ation, and tuxes for 1950 and prior reo.rs pa-id after date of consolidation shall and they hP.reb,v are divided 20.46 % to District No. 47 and 79.54 % to District ll'o. 175. - COMMISSIONERS RECORD· N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Oct. 10, 51. DATE ................................................ ··-········ ........................... 19 ....... . HCG■iitfllilii.-?'blrilf H.tUUi liNN,A-U2 III. Any and all obligations o~ District No. 175 exisUrtg at time of consolidation shall be paid, 20.46 % by Die"tri.ct No, 47 and 79,54 % by DJ.strict No. 175. The foregoing resolution was offered by commissioner Henry Sieling who moved its adoptio.n. It was seconded by commi ss foner nennie ,1. ,Johnson and on vote being ta.ken thereon the follo1vinf was the vote: 5 HS, None NO. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and wus signed and attested by the Chairman and Auditor. BERT STOUE, Chairman, WILLIAM LINCOLN, Clerk. RESOLUTION 1''0R DIVISION OF ASSSTS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 184 BET,IEEN SAID !JISTR[CT Al!D SCHOOL DtSTJ.HCT NO, 47, BOTH Uf OTTER TAIL COTJlfTY, Mifll'IBSOTA, Pursua.nt to the statutes of the State of Minnesota upon consolidation of parts of school district with other dJ.stricts, it is the duty of the Roa,rd of county Commissioners to divide the assets, Now, Therefore, be it. resolved by the Boo.rd of coun.ty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Mipne- sota that the assets of School Distr.ict No, 184 be and they are. here bl' div id~d as follov.•s: I, The school site, school buildinp. and all personal property of every_ kind, uha.racter o.nd description e:rnept cash, shall be and remain the· property of school District No. 184. II, Cash assets as of the date of consolido.tion, funds.in the hands of the county Treasurer as of the date of consolidation, and taxes for 1950 and prior years paid after date of consolidation shall and they hereby are divided 30,63 % to Distri<;:t uo, 47 and 69,37 ~ to Distri<;:t Mo, 184, III, Any and all obligations of District No, 1A4 existing at time of consolido.tion shall be paid, 30,63 % by District No, 47 and 69,37 % by District No, 184. . The foregoing resolution was o-ffered by Coll'.missioner Henry Sieling who moved its adoption, It was seconded by Commissioner Bennie ,J. Johnson and on vote being taken thereon the following 1vas the vote: 5 YES, None NO, Whereupon said resolution wus declared duly passed and 11!a.S signed and attested by the Chairman e.nd Auditor. BERT STONE, Chairman, VIILLI A!,I LINCOLN, Clerli:. RBSOLU'l'ION ,;,OR DfVISIOli OJi' A 'lS.1'JTS OF SCHOOL DTST,UCT NO, 228 BETWE!-:li SA ID JHS~'R!C'l' A!ID sr.v.ooL DTST!HCT NO, 47, BOTH IN OTTER TAIL COUNTY, 1:!INHESO'l'A. Pursuant to ·the stat11tea of the State of. Minnesota upon consolido.tion of _oar~s of school district with othP.r districts, it is the duty o" the Board o-!: count,11 Coe1missioners to di,•ide the as~ets. Now therefore, be it resolved by the Board Q~ county Cor:1missioners of otter Tail Co1mty, Minnesota that thP. assets of School District No. 228 oe and the,v. are hereby divided as follov,s: J. . The School site, school building and all personal property of everr !~ind, character and descriptio , except cash, shall be and :uemain the property of School District No, 228, II, Ca.sh asse.ts as of the date of ·consolidation, funds in the hands of the County Treasurer as of the date or consolidotion, and taxes for 1950 and prior years lls.id after date of 00T1solidation shall and. they hereby o.re di~ided 34,15 % to District No, 47 and 65.85 % to District Do, 228. nI. Any and all obligations of. District !lo, 228 existinr-at time of consolidation shall be paid, ~,/-.1S-% oy District No,. 47 and: 65,85 % by District 110. 226. The foregoinB resolution Y1as offered by commissioner Henr.v Sieling 11ho move1l its adoption, It was seconded by Commissioner Bennie J, Johnson and on vo.te being taken thereon the following ··:.o.s the vote: 5 YES, None NO, . Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and was ·signed and attesteo by _the Chairman and Auditor, BERT STOliE, Chair01an, WILLIAM LINCOLN, Clerk. RESOLUTION FOR DIVISION OF ASSETS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 27.7. BETVIEEI-1' SA ID DISTRICT AUD SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 47, BOTH rn .O'PTER TAIL COUNTY, MIN!iESOTA, Pursuant to the statutes of the State of Minnesota upo.n consolidation of parts of scho.ol d.istric:t with other districts, it is the dnt,I' of the "9oard. oi' county Co!llmissioners to divide the assets, Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail county, ?Jinne~ sota that thP. assets of School District Mo, 277 be and the,v are hereby divided as. follows: COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... ·-···· . -t-.•.... 1.0 ... J..!lSJ. •........................... 19 ....... . I. The school site, school bnildinf a.nd. all nersonal property of every kind, chnracter and description, except cash, shall be e.nd remain 1:he pro.,erty of School 'District lfo. 277, II. Co.sh assets as or the date o·~ consolidation, funds in the hands of the county Treasurer as·of the date of consolidation, a.nd taxes for 1950 and !)rior .VeA-rs paid after de.te o:" consolidation shall and they hereby ar'! divided l.63 % to Dis1:rict Mo. 47 and !)8,37 % to Di.strict No, 277. rn. Any and all obligations of District No. 2"/7 existing at time of consolidation shall be paid, 1.63 % by District NO, 47 and 98.37 % by District NO, 277. The foregoing resolution vies offered by Commissioner Henry Sieling who moved its adoption. It v1as seconded by commissioner Bennie J. Johnson and on vote being taken tliereon the following was the vote: 5 YES. uone NO. Whereupon saitl resolution was deoil.ared · duly passed and was signed and attested by the Chairman and Auditor. B'lilRT STOllE, Chairman, 111ILLTAU LINCOLN, Clerk, ?.ESOLUTION 'FOR DIVISICN C'F' ASSETS 01!' SCH0'1L DISTRICT no. 136 9ETWEEN SAID DISTRICT AUD SC'fiOOL DIS- TRICT .1rn. 47,'3CT'F! rn OTTER TAIL couuTY·, r.rrrmESOTA, Pursuant to the statutes cf the State o·f Minnesota upon consolidation of parts of school district v:ith other districts, it is the duty of the Board of county ·commissioners to divide the assets. now, therefore, be it resolved by the ~oo.rd of county commissioners of otter Tail CoUDty, !,Unnesota the.t the ass .. ts of School District Mo. 136 be and they are hereby divided as follows: I, '!'he school site, school 'buildine and all personal property o"f every kind, character and· description, except cash, shall be and remain the property of school Dis~rict No. 136. II, Cash assets as of the date of consolidation, funds in the hands of the county Treasurer as bf the date o!. consolidation, and taxes for 1950 and prior years pald after date of consolidntion. shall and they hereby are divided 52,6 % -td District No, 47 and 47,4 % to District !fo. 136. III. Any and all obligations of District No, 1~6 existing at time of consolidation shall be p~id, 52.6 % by District uo. 47 and 47,4 % by District 1-10, 136. The foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner Henry Sieling who moved its adoption. It was seconded b,v commissioner -qennie J. Johnson and on vote being taken t11ereon the fol-lowing was the vote: 5 YES, !lone NO. . Whereupon se.id resolution was declared duly passed and v:as sip.ned and at"tested by the Chairman and Auditor. B~RT STONE, Chairman. WILLIAU LHJCOL!f, Clerk. RESOLUTION FO:! DTVISIOM O'F' AS~ETS 01" SCHOOL DTSTRI'!T rm. 67 OTT~?. TAIL co. B:!::TW.EEN SAID DISTRICT AUD SCHOOL DTSTRTCT NO, 57, DOtfGLAS CO,, MINNESOTA, Pursuant to the statutes of the Sta.te of Minnesota upon consolidation of ·parts of school district with other districts, it is the duty of the Board of county Commissioners to divide the assets. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tall county, Minnesota that the assets of School District No, 670tter Tail co. be and they are hereby divided as follows: I, The school site, school building and all personal property of every kind, character and description, except cashT, shall be and remain the property of School District No, 67 of Otter Tail Co. II, Cash assets as of the date of consolidation, funds in the hands of the County Treasurer as of the date of consolidation, and taxes for 1950 and prior years paid after date of. consolidation shall and they hereby are divided 4.39 % to District uo. 57 Douglas co, and 95,61 % to District No, 67, Otter Tail co. III. Any and all obligations of District No, 67 otter Tail co. existing at time of consolidation shall be paid, 4.39 % by District No, 57 DOuglas co. and 95.61 % by District No, 67 Otter Teil Co. The foregoing resolution was offered by commi.ssioner He11ry ~ioline; who moved its adoption. It was , seconded by commissioner Bennie J. Johnson and on vote 'being taken thereon the following Ylas the vote: l 5 Y"!S, None 110. Whereupon SRid resolution was declared duly passed end was signed and attested by the Chairman and Auditor, BERT STOHE, Chairmfln. \PIILLIA?4 LINCCL!l, Clerk, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ ••·----·---·--------------·-·-··--·---6c to be r __ 10.•. ________ 19 ~~. RESOLUTION l"OR DIVISION.OF ASSETS OF SCHOOL DIS'l'~ICT NO. 94 BE~TE~N SAID DTSTRICT Arm SCHOOL DIS'-' T~TCT .4.ND SC~OOL DISTRICT ~O. 38, BOTH IN OTTER TAIL ·CTOUNTY, !.!UnlESO~A., pursuant to the statutes o·e the·state of !.Unnesota upon consolidation of parts of school district with other districts, it is the duty of the ~oard of county commissioners to divide the assets, Novt, therefore, be it resolved by the "BO'!,rd of county comrni.ssioners of Otter Tnil County, Minnesota thnt the assets of School District No. 94 be and the.v are hereby div.ided as follows: r. The school site, school building and all personal property of every kind, character end description, exce:i,t ~ash, shall be and remain the propert,v of School D.istrict No. 94. rr. cash assets as of the date of consolidation, funds in the hands of the r.ounty Treasurer as of the date of consolidation, and taxes for 1950 and prior years paid after date of consolidation shall and they hereby are divid.ed 16 % to Distri.ct No. 38 and 84 % to D.istrict no. 94. III. AnY Md all obli~ations of District No. 94 existing at time of consolidation shall be paid, 84 % by District No. 94 and-16 % by District No. 38. The foregoing 1resolution was offered by Commissioner Henry Sieling who moved its adoption. It was seconded by commissioner Bennie J. Johnson and on yote being taken thereon the following was the vote: 5 YES. None ?10. · · Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and was signed and attested by the Chairman and Auditor. BEn~ STONE, Chairman: WILLIA!/! LIN'JOLN, Clerk. RESOLUTION "f'OR D!YIS!ON OF AS~ETS np SCHOOL DISTJffCT NO. 206 BF.TWEEN SAID DISTRICT AND SCHOOL DIS- TRICT NO. 38, BOTH IN OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to the statutes of the State of '.•Unnesota upon consolidation of parts of school" district with other districts, it is the duty of the Board of county commissioners to divide the assets. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota that the assets of School District uo. 206 be e.nd they are hereby divided as follow~: IL The school site, school building and all personal property of every kind, character and description, except cash, shall be and remain the property o :e School District Mo. 206. n. cash assets as of the dote of consolidation, funds in thP. hands of thP. County 'J~reasurer as of the date of co~solidation, and taxes for 1950 and prior years paid after date of consolidation shall and they hereby are divided 46 % to Distriot No. 38 and 54 % to District Ifo. 206. III. Any and all obligations of District No •. 206 existing at time of consolidation shall be paid, 54 % by District No. 206 and 46 % by District No. 38. The foregoing resolution was offered by ·commissioner Henry Sieling who moved its adoption·. It was sec:onded ny commissioner Bennie ,1. Johnson and on vote being take thereon the following 1vas the vote: 5 YES, None Nd. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and was signed and attested b:V-the Chairman and Auditor. The f'ollowinl;! hills were allowed: J. c. Henkes M, c. Lee Donald Skripsy J. c. Henkes \llestern union Louise Stondahl lJn.bel Wenstrom Mrs. Me.ble Rossow "Beatrice M. Will Henry Sieling GeorRe 1-l'anson B~nnle J. Johnson Bert Stone DO Albert Fritz John L. Bixby 1-l'o.lvor !,!. Eide Frank c. Barnes Earl E. Sigler, M.D. Olson Furniture co. Perham Telephone Co, BERT STOIIB, Chairman. l'IILLIA:,! LIUCOLN, Clerk, bonrdinR prisoners expenses " " telegrams expenses " Supt's. clerk 11 " ,, " " .. services on cnnvassinP-board weed inapector expenses assist. Sup. of Assessors municipal ju.dee's fees inquest expenses supplies nurse telephone " $ 246.00 64.85 90.00 47.55 3.12 96.86 96.1-4 7!il,00 58,75 17,68 8.52 10,20 1-4.00 10.00 258.27 -45.66 123.83 55.00 32.0l 24.95 5.75 ... COMMISSIONERS RECOR!) N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINN Oot. 10, ' ' DATE ...... ·-··············-··-··:··················-···································19 ........ 51. :val ter S. Booth 3: Son Esther G, Sell iYalter A, Sell Fergus Specialties Co, r:sther G-, Sell Ann Jordan · no Arthur J, Harurn Joseph RaynP.r, Sr. Elsie N, Pederson P.uth E, Hannay Marohant Calculating r.~che. co. Addressograph Sales corp. Remington Rand, Inc. cooper's Ugeblad Pub. Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Imperial Supply co. Educational Test Bureau 1)0 Poucher ~rinting £ Lith. co. The Geo, D, 3arnard co. Victor Lundeen 3: co. crane-Johnson Fritz-cross co. Poucher Print.ine: 3: Lith. co. Security Blenk Book & Printl!!.p co. Gaf·t'.aney • s l.lil ler-Davis Co. Victor Lundeen"" co. Free Press co. Fergus Journal co. Holten Hdwe. Ti1e6. Aasness . F.d, Vlalvatne M, C. Y.ronnemann N-W, Bell Tel, Co, DO DO Jiintp,en-Ka.rst Ferp.us Plnrnbinp: II,: 'F!eating co. Dure'> Test corp. JHcols, Dean '1c: Gregg J. I, F'Olcomb 1!fg. Co. Fergus Lumber & Fuel co. United Chemical co., Inc. Larson Bros. N, t. Bell Tel, co. . DO Louise Stondahl Evelace G, Hanson . DO H, YI, Glorvigen Thomas o. Nelson Co, State of ?Ainn, Sch'ool Dist. ~14'1. Joh,nson "Drugs H. VI, Glorv igeh Odin Johnson Ln~pert Lumber co. :,Ir~. Fred Copeland Minn, State Sanatorium Su~nyrest Sanatorium To•m of Dead Lake v. o. K, Swenson Fair Oaks Lodge sanatorium Dr, Ir{, M, Williams !lOJ:?eming Sanatorium N, .VI, 13ell Tel. co. ~hilip M, Kjaglien 1lictor Lundeen "" co. Arey Times llelson ?.ros. Prtg. co. Cit~ V/ater •• ""'il:lht '!)ept. Ruth C. Campbell Philip M, Kjaglien Hintgen-Y.arst Ele~. tatherine D, 'L'ownsend Miller-Davis Co, Fergus Lumber 3: Fuel co. Frank Roberts Bert stone Miiler-Davis co. A, w. co., Ino. of Minn. Minnesota F,Vl,D, co. Geo, T, R,y'an Co. Rosholt Equipt. co. Cummins Diesel Sales corp. Borchert-Inr,ersoll, Inc, \Vlll. ~-Ziegler co., Inc. northwest EnglneP.ring co. LeP.oi co, centaur Corp. blanks expenses supplies " nurse postae-e exoenses posta!!e sheriff's fees dep. sheriff's fees transcript main. "· " supplies " printing " supplies Supt. sohool supplies II II n II record book files flU!JPlies birth record blanks blanks blank record books supplies blanks receipts 11,: supplies record bock & su·pplies publishing supplies bulletin board -sheriff hauling garbage insurance mobile service calls " labor su!)plies " " coal supplies V1elding chair calls " postage hox rent postage box rent & postage directories examination of accounts rent for bond election SU[>pliP.B drivers' license exrenses hauling for Supt. supplies decorating fair booth cAre of oatients It II II care of poor supplies for transient~ carP. of patient services oare of patient cal ls 'I: service postap.e supplies subscription prtg. envelopes water, l~ght etc. exnense supplies rent supplies " expenses Vleed insp. exp, attd. meeting blanks parts " " " " ,, " " Vet. Ser. " $2.46 94.14 17.43 11,94 16,54 78,70 10.75 4.35 28.00 .8.88 12.00 35.00 .17.51 668.50 2.00 33.00 29.50 3.95 73.95 22.46 40.60 79.36 2211.00· 5.50 26.75 48.45 467.81 2.55 5.89 849.75 117,10 11,70 126.32 50,69 6.25 37.57 131.09 2.25~ .35 1.55 3.50 85.32 1.25 7.15 630.89 54.70 2.25 104,00 35.75 54.72 2.00 45,00 36.50 33.00 1446,42 5,00 18,24 22,80 LOO 10,55 7.50 829.40 30.00 552,78 3,59 5.00 10.00 251.10 13.85 6.00 6,60 5.00 21.66 7.64 16.52 63.07 7,71 45.00 6.64 ,60 147.38 10,40 4.21 259,80 l'/1.74 177,90 187,87 656,89 86,22 410,69 56,42 24.12 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Diesel Service Co, Skogmo P.{otors. Inc. A, B, Kilde Truman Motor co. Olson Auto Electric Nord's Auto Clinic Oscarson Implement Crow Motors Hintgen-Karst Eleo. co. Paper~ Cnlmenson & co. Elk River cone, Prod, co. Empire Supply co. ¥iools. Dean & Gregg ~inneapolis Iron Store National Bushing 'I: Parts co~ L, J, Sand Eb,;,rsv illers Brown's Imolement Henning Hardware Oscor W. Lil j igren Edward Franklin The•1armers Supply Erhnrd Oil co. Walt's standard Service Mills Oil Co. Highway co. Baas Oil co. Tweet's Garage J~antrud' s Service Anderson .'I: Sandberg Oil co. D, A, Lubricant co., Inc. H, K, Stahl Co, P.aymond Bros. Motor Trans. co. ~ailway Express Agency, R,L. Minn. State HiP,hway Dept. N, W, Bell Tele. co., qenning Pelican Telephone Co. N, W, Bell Tele. Co •• F,F, Keuffel .'I, Esser Victor Lundeen ,.'I: co. N, W, Bell Tele. co •• F,F, Poucher Print. & Lith, co. Wendell P, Huber Geore;e Olson 1), M, Wheeler Gerald \'/old G, D, Harlow \'I, L, Potter Alfred Maahs B'nrm J. Meester Wenilell 'P, Huber Kinhe's Inc. Chaffee's Garage Tichy's Shop Larson Bros. Rnde Garage A, T, Herfindahl A, R, Meier C, H, Bjorklund Body Shop i'lad'ena Generator Motor Repair Hintz Blacksmith Shop Minnesota Motor co. consumers co-op Oil co., Inc. A, 'B. Carpenter C.l ties Service Station ~arthun 'I: Peterson Oil co. ~oot Lake toe & Oas co. Hi .:1•1ay Auto Serv lee ~ill Nelson Oil Co, lc!agge Oil Co. Fred A, Everts Holten Hardware co. Perham Farm su·pply co. Toftely Bros. Hdwe. Midwest Supply co. Globe-Gazette Print. co. Hildine Pearson City of Fergus Falls Julius Rohde Alvin F, Anderson A~drew c. Anderson Glenn Leeman Oscar Peterson Floyd Collins Ray A, Bice Otto l'J, Stender Roy r.:. Parkers Anton H, Olson E, \'I, Erickson .John \1/eseman school Dist. #264 DATE ................................... ocit .•... 10 .•.............................. 19 .... ~.~ repairs " " " " " cutting edges culverts supplies " " parts & supplies supplies " " stakes " coal gasoline " " ,, " etc, " " gas •• oil diesel fuel oil freight express services " " ff supplies " long distance sup1:ilies expenses " " " ff mileage " ff cash adv. parts repairs " " " " ... · " etc. gasoline " " " .11, tires diesel fuel supplies " " " " " towing main, Right of \Vay ,, " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " &: " " ,, move fence " ,, " " " " " " " " " " " ..; $ 250,31 ·- 150,85 52,45 2.00 9,Rl 17.66 ·6~55 6.36 3,00 1040,72 95.22 31.64 225,90 152,90 511.43 34,80 2.20 5,25 23,46 23,00 119,00 41.70 55,00 18,33 3,16 38,20 23,43 4. 25 12.01 76.97 171.10 6!3.85 28.53 3.72 7.11 10,40 5.75 45,05 11.88 5,20 28,05 15.25 176,87 · 17,45 29.66 67,06 13.80 143.99 8,2:;25, 16,80 12.67 61,47 15.25 11.50 27,18 75.85 99.86 67,70 4·5.35 6.90 37.45 224.98 277,65 46,55 6.75 713.99 32,37 156,06 140,13 736,06 95.64 98,17 ,60 3.82 16,64 99.70 1.50 250,00 7.20 2,40 21;00. 26.40 3,50 35.00 33.75 2.40 1.00 5,60 63.35 .7.7,65 3,40 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, ,OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. "(arvey ,J. Bro.use uorman IVP.reon Ove ,1. ,Jorg!lneon•, Laurence Schulz ".lharles Loomer llerle R. Loomer Henry Pederson i,l'l's. Gerhard D. neu.man Oscar!,,{. AndP.rson Floyd R. Botts Henry G. Runa r.eo. L. Johnson Joseph I!. Jacobson ~en X1rnber Richa~d~ N. Peterson ~urdette o. Benson Burton Kimber Anton i'fitt Martin Torgerson Raymond F. Thomas Edwin s. .Jauobeon Ellen Brogard Dell v. Dahn Obert u. Olson Oscar A. Sandahl rreil M. Paulson James "F'. Stewart Thorfin A. Paulson J,lul f'rf!il Christianson C•eO. W. l!enson Sven G. Brooberg ~lara S. Trosdahl ~ussell BroobP.rg Chas. J. Shoemaker, Sr. F.dwin E, Nel'30n Raymond "F'. Do.nelke ,1ohn T. Klimek August DanP.lke Alfons P, Post Anton Theusch Frank Theusch Eugence C. '.'foida George Cichy Edmund Roers Henry Diedrich, Sr. qulda Freudenberg Marnie B. M"OQeng Elmer E, Johnson Reuben C, P.olm Ed, Thorp c·. H. Burger RuebP.n Me.lmgren J::dw. Boettcher School Dist. #40 H, L. Inwards Albert c. Potratz Carl F, Carlson Henry Kemphake Emil M. Hanson Charles H, Shure l,lichs.el A, MalikO\VSki !,!, H. Gilomen Joseph J. J,{artodam Arnold w. Minderman George A. Rick Andrevr ,J. Johnson !'!arry ·zaucha John Dombeck uartin DUlski Victor J. Dombeck Edwin Sczygiel \'lilliam Ruther Cecil Y.imball H, w. Schatschneider Augusta Schatschneider Eldor p. Schave A, G. Neuman Emil Hanson Emil Walter August A, Nevonen Ben ?lelson Claude Kifi' Edward F. Martin Donald Davie :&artin Damlo John Reger Ernest Sydow Edwin Flecher Anna Rudolph Hilding F, Pearson Ray Israelson Lawrence Yandermay Melvin Frost Oct. 10, 51 DATE ..................... , ............................. -................................... 19 ... . Right of' Way & move fence •• n " " " " " " " " " II ., II " II " " II " II II " " " " ,, " " " " " " II n " " " ,, II " II II II " II " ,, " II " II II II " II " II " II II " " " II " " II " II " II II II II II II " " " .. " " II " " " II II II " " " " II II II It II ti II " " II II II ,, II .. " " " " ,, II II ,, " " II •I n " ,, " " II II ,, " ,, ,. II " II II II " . , " " "-" " , . ., " " n " " ,, II II H II " II ,, " " " " " " " " " " " ., n It II 11 II " ., " " " " " " " " " " " II " II II II " IIU .,, " " II II " " " " " " " " II II " " II II " II " " II II " " " II " ,, " " " " II ,, $ 54.00 57.45 44,20 71.10 20.40 52,.iO 71.45 60.30 43.50 17.80 52.20 37,40 50.70 80,85 33.90 60.50 20.60 85.90 I 44.63 I 22.30 71.65 58.50 59.70 2.30 5.40 16.00 10.20 10,40 29.05 71.25 88.60 30,80 32. 75 30.20 7.95 30,18 108.30 73.25 59.30 43.55 43.70 100.85 39.45 85.25 5.60 57.90 27 .80 22.20 68.25 23.13 33.48 98.55 61.20 1.60 40.10 92,85 20,40 66.85 10.00 9.60 79.95 32,40 66.30 47,73 64.25 64.25 35.75 30.40 30;10 92.60 10,30 29,58 126.65 125.40 16.60 60,05 27.80 78.20 38.40 22.60 29.40 28.80 23,85 39.15 32.75 10,40 20,40 77,75 25.20 40,60 45.10 41.80 129.60 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. George J. DeBruyn Geo·rge Frost Herman Ahola Wilbert c. !{adolph John Braukman Paul v. Nelson John w. Schmaus William warner, Sr. The:o. Van Erp Louis Schik Harry Hoogveld Cle,ra Brasel Mil.ford p. Johnson He71ry Leske Jaques Hendrickx co~~elius Booguard :E •. A, Riddering He~ry Scholte Cornelius Sweere Garrison r,U'.g, Co. Service Recorder co. Jonnie Moen West Ottertail Service co. service Oil co., underwood Penrose Oil co. rncols, Dean & Grep,g Sal.\nders co. DATE ................................... : ......... Qet•••··••l-0•······················19 .. §:l, Right of Way & move fence .. " " ,. II ., " " " " " " " " ., ., " " " " " rr " .. ., " " " " " rr " " " " " " " " " rr rr " " rr " n " rr " " " " " " " " " " " " " rr " rr " " " ., " " " rr " " " " rr " " " " " " n\. " repairs .. gravel gasoline " etc. !t: diesel fuel supplies " Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to llov. 13, 1951 at 10 o'clock A. M, ~L \ t . 8.7,88 37.00 20,35 16.80 Chairman. 151,80 12.15 50.60 .20 122,07 99.21 29.28' 19.90 28.90 10.00 37,95 30.15 91.80 60,20 32,98 37,50 10.83 438.20 66.83 9.98 86.00 30.27 1.41 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINN. J,l'OV. 7 51 t __........_ ................ DATE .............. ·-·····················~···········-······-···························19 ....... . !11IIWTES OF' i.-!E1-::'l.'IHC OF BOARD OF COUU'.l'Y t::Ol:11,!ISSIOiurns OF OTT"~1R '!'AIL COUUTY, :HNH?.SO'l'A. rrovem:Jer 7 l'J51 Pursnant to due call o.nd notice thereof, and o.R ordereil b,y its resolution adopted October 9, 1951, an adjourned meeting of the l;loard of county Commissioners of otter Tail count,v, t,tinnesota, was duly held at the Commissioner.a' Room .in the court !'louse in Ferg12s Falls, Uinnesota, on uovember 7, 1951, at 1:00 o'clock P. !,{. (Central Standard Time). . . · The follow.ing co,nmissioners wer~ present: Bennie J. Johnson, George Ranson, Henry Sieling, Carl A. Snowberg, and Bert Stone, and the followinf, '.'lere absent: uone. The Chairman announced that the next order of business •.vas tile rece.ipt and consideration of bids for the purcha.Re of $1,500,000 Road and Bridge bonds of the county heretofore authorized by the electors and advertized for sale as ordered by the Board on October 9, 1951. The county Auditor pre- sented 4 sealed bids, and stated that they were the only bids which had been received by him prior to the time at which this meeting had convened. Said bids were then publicly opened, examined, and found to be as follows: Name of Bidder or uana_ger o·:.' Bidding Group Northwestern Natl, Bank First Natl. Bank First llatl. 13ank Piper, Jaffray & F[opv,ood J. 'l• Dain e, co. Allison-Williams co. Harold R· wood & co. Mannheimer-Egan, Inc. Caldwell~Phillips Co. Woodard-Elwood co. Northern Trust co. Harriman Ripley & Co. First of :,tichigan Corp. Harris Trust & Savings Rank Chas. National Rank ~alsey, Stuart~ co. John Nuveen & Co. Paine, Vfebber, Jackson 'I: Curtis ~filwaukee Co. Kelman 'I: co. Juran 8i: Moody, tnc. Shaughneaay &-Co. Glore, Forgan~ co. WLllitUll Blair & cu. Stern oros. & co. Inte:l'est TI::.te ana? U!turi ties !Ainneapolis) 1.{inneapolis) Saint Paul ) MinneSJlOliS) Minneapolis) 1954/66 1.75% !,rinneapolis) Saint Paul ) 1967/71 2.0CJ% Saint Paul l Saint Paul l W.nneapolis) Chicago ). Ne\7 York ) Detroit ) Chi.ca.go ) 1954/65 1.75%. ?Jew York ) 1966'/71 2.odf. r,hicago ) Chicago ) 1954/63 2.00%. Boston ) •,tilwaukee ) 1964/71 1,90% :.iinneapolis) Saint .Paul ) Saint Paul ) <::hicago ) 1954/5& 2. 5o%, Chicugo ) .1957/62 1.75% Kansas City) 1963/71 2.00% Premium $2118.00 $ 77.0Q. * 592.50 $1559.CC The net interest cost on said bonds, being the total interest to the stated •maturity dotes less any premium offered, according to the respective bias ;--:as tiien cc::i'put,id and announced .• Commissioner Bennie J. Johnson introduced the followine; resolution and moved its adoption:• RESOLUTION ·AWARDING SALE 0~ ROAD Alm BRIDGE BONDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Hoard of. county co~missioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota, that the bid of Northwestern 1fationa1.·p,ank. p:f. tile City of Minneapolis, !,tinnesota, and associates named therein, to purchase $1,500,000 Road and Bridge Bonds of this county to be dated November 1, 1951, and to be issued as specified in the official l)Otioe of sale thereof, is hPreby found• and declo.rec. to be the bid most favorable to the county received pursuant to due notice, 8IlQ should be and is hereby accepted, said bid being to purchase said bonds at a price of par and accrued interest plus a premium of $2118.00, for bonds bearing interest as follows: l.75~ per annum for those maturing in 1954 through 1966 2.oc,% " " " " " ·• 1967 " 1971 The Chairman and County Auditor are authorized and directed to endorse en acceptance of said bid on a copy thereof end to return such copy to the bidder. The county Treasurer is d.irected to retain the good faith check of the successful bidder oen~ing completion of delivery of said bonds, and the good faith checks of. other bidders shall be forthwith returned to them. Attest: William Lincoln county Auditor. Bert Stone Chairman of Board of county Commissioners The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution 1vas duly seconded by Commissioner Henry Sieling, and on vot.e being taken thereon the following commissioners voted in favor thereof: Bennie J. Johnson; Henry Sieling; earl A. snowberg; George Hanson and Bert Stone, and the following voted against the same: uone,whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed, and was signed and attest- ed by the Chairman and Audi tor. commissioner earl A· Snowberg then introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................. Nov ... 7 ., . ····································19 ..... P.l RESOLUTION FIXING THE FORM AND DETAILS OF ROA:D AN]) BRIDGE BONDS, CREATUlG A SINKING FUND, AND LEVYING TAXES FOR TIIBIR PAYMENT •. BE IT RESOLVED by the :9oard of county comrnissione1·s of otter To.il county, Minnesota, as follows: T.his county .shall fortind•th, issue and ci.P.liver ·to the purchaser. thereof i ts"negot~,:1ble eeneral bi' 1tion Road and·Bridge ~onds in the total principal amount of $1,500,000, being_part o~ the bonds 0 ipe. · d i i rincipal amount of •~2 500 000 by the electors at the election duly and leg.ally authorize n a mo.x mum P ·· ·,· ' ' h' h ·a 61 500 000 o'° bonds have been duly 11 a nd held in snid f'ount~• on Aup:ust 21 1951 and of w ic so.i r,, , , ~ • ~:ve;ti:ed e.~d sold at p;blic· so.le.. said b~nds shall be dated as of trovember 1, 1951,. shall b! l:n de- nomin"ation of ~1000 each, numbered serially from 1 to 1500, and shall mature serially in numerical order on November 1. "in the yell.rs and amounts as follows: 1 70,000 in each of the years 75,QQQ H II n II n 85,QQQ II ff II II tt 90,000" " " " " 1954 1957 1960 1963 through II " 1956 1959 1962 1971 Bond.a numbered 1 through 1050 (maturing in 1954)through 1966) shall be payable as aforesaid without option of' prior payment· and bonds numbered 1051 through 1500 fmaturing in 1967 through 1971) shall each be subject to rede~ption and prepayment at the option of the county, in inverse order of serial numbers, on November 1, 1961, and on any intP.rest due date thereafter, at par and accrued interest to the date specified for redemption, plus a premium of $20.00 per bond called for_redemption on or be- tween November 1, 1961, and JJ!ay 1, 1966, but without premium on or after November 1, 1966. The county shall give thirty days pri.or notice of ea.ch such call for rede~ption b,V mailing th! same to each in- stitution at which the principal a.nd interest are then payable and to the hold.er, if known of each . bond so desi.gnated for redemption, Said bonds shall bear interest payable semiannually on. each 18.ay 1 a.nd November 1 at the follO'i'ting rates: Nos. 1 through 1050 at 1.75% per annum Nos. 1051 !! 1500 " 2. 00% " " Both principal and interest shall be payable at the main office of Horthwestern National Bank of Uinne- ~polis, in Minneapolis, 111innesota, or at the option of the holder of the respective bonds and coupons, at The Nortli.ern Trust company, in Chicago, Illinois, and the cou1_1ty hereby agrees to ~ay. the reasonable and customary charges of such paying a.gent for the receipt and disbursement of the princ1pal and interes moneys. 2. said bonds and the interest coupons to be attached thereto attached shall be in substantially the following form: UNITED STATJ':3 0li' AIIPi:RICA S'l!ATE OF !AINIW.SOTA comrTY OF OTTER TAIL ROAd AUD BP.IDGE BOND No. $1000 "'lal'CW ALL J,IEtr BY THESE P:IBS~IITS that Otter Tail county, Minnesota, whose post office address is' Fergus Falls, Minnesota, acknowledges itself' indebted and for value received promises to 1pay to bearer or, if this bond is registered, to the registered holder hereof, the sum of ONE Tl:IOUSAND DOLLARS on the 1st day of' Notember, 19 , or, if this bond is prepayable as stated below, on a date prior th~reto on which it shall have been7Iii1y called f.or redemption, and to pay interest thereon fr.om the date hereof until said principal sum is paid or, if prepayable, until duly called for redemption, at the rate of' per cent '-~~~~~,....'fol per annum, payable semiannually on each lltay I and November I, interest to maturity being payable in ~ccordance 11tith and upon nresentation and surrender of th~ interest coupons appurtenant hereto. Both principal and interes\ are p~yable at the main office of Northwestern ~rational Bank of !,!pls •• in J,Iinneo.polia, m.nnesota, or at the option of' the holder,· at the Northern Trust company in Chica.go, 7'IITnois, in any coin or .currency of the United States of America which on the date o·e payment is lP.gal tPnder for public and pri•,ate debts. For the prompt and -!:ull payment of such principal and interest, the fu.ll faith, credit, and taxing powers of the County have been and are hereby irrevocably pledged • . This bond is one of an issue. in the tot.al principal amount of. $:J,,500,000, all of like date and tenor except as to serjal nu~bers, maturity dates, interest rate, and redemption privileges,. all, issued by said county for the purpose of' grading, graveling, and. pi turninous surfacing and the erection and improvement of bridg~s on County roads in said c·ounty, and, is part of o. maximum authorized issue of bonds for said purpose in the yrincipal amount of $2,590,000, and is issued pursuant to resolutions of the Board of' County commissioners duly adopted and authority conferred by more than the requisite majority vote of the qualified electors of said County voting on the question at an election duly and legally called and heil.d therein, and !>Ursuant to and in ·full conformity with the Constitution and Laws. of the State of ltinnesota thereunto enabling. Bonds of this issue bearing aerial numbers 1 through 1050 are payable at their-respective stated maturity dates without option o~ nrior payment. Bonda of this issue bearinp: serial numbers 1051 throui;h 1500 are ea~h subject to redemption and prP.payment, in in~erae order of serial numbers, on November 1, 1961, and on any interest due date thereafter, at par and accrued interest to the date specified for re- demption, plus o. premium of $20.00 'j)er bond called for redemption on or betl('l'een November 1, 1961, and May 1, 1966, but without prPmium on or after November 1, 1966, upon thirty days prior notice of' call for redemption mailed to the institution at whichprinoipal a.nd interest are then payable and to the holder, if knol'm, of ea.ch bond so designated for redemption. Holders of bonds bearing n serial number from 1051 through 1_500 who desire to receive such not ice may have their names, addresses, and the serial numbers of their ~onds 7ecorded 1:/Y the County treasurer for the purpose of receiving such notice, whether or not the bond l.s registered as to principal pursuant to the next following paragraph hereof. Thia bond is_transfe~able by delivery, except while registered as to pr.inoipal in the nam; of the holder on the register kept.for that purpose at the office of the county Treasurer i.n Fergus Palls, I\Onnesota, such registration beinr, noted ilereon by the Treasurer. l'lhile so ree,istered, no transfer here~ of shall be vali~ 1;1nless ma~e on such rer-ister b,v the registered holder in 1Jerson or by his attorney duly authorized in writing and s1.:nilo.rly noted hereon; but this hand may be discharged from registration by being in like manner_transferre~ to bearer, and ther~upon transferability by delivery shall be restored; but the bond ma,v again .and :!-rom time to time bP. registered in the n 11me of the holder or transferred to be~rer as before. Such registration shall not effect the negotiabilit.v of thn uou·pons appurtenant hereto, Wlllch shall always continue to be payable to hearer and transferable by delivery. :: COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-······················-····"t0v•• .... (J ••••• _ ••.••.••••••••••••••••••••• 19 ... fil IT IS lIBREBY (!ERTH'TED .UID RECITED that all acts, oondi t ions, and thine-a required by the Cons ti tu- t ion and Laws of the Stute of Minnesota to be done, to happen, to exist, and to be iierformed precedent to end_in the issuance of·this bond, in order to make it the valid general obligation of the County according to its terms, have been done, ha,e happened, do exist, and hav.e been performed in regular and due form, time, and manner as so required; that, pr.tor to the issuanoe hereof, a direct, annual, ir- repealable, ad valorem tax has been duly levied upon all of the ta"leable property-in said County fer the .vee.rs and in amounts at least 5% in excess of surns sufficient to pay the interest hereon and the princi- pal hereof as they respectively become due, and adc1itional taxes, if needed for such purpose, will be levied on all of such pro·perty without limitation as to ra.te or amount; and that the issuance of this bond did not cause the indebtedness of said county to exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation. TN ~!ITIIESS YP.f1':!IBOF otter Tail county T,tlnnesota., by its !3oard of County commi.ssioners, ho.a ·caused this bond to be ex~cuted i~ its behalf by the rrinted, engraved, or ll.thographed facsimile sinnature of the Chairman o~ saJ.d Boo.rd and b.)" the manual signatnre of its county Audi tor end sealed with }I.is official seal, and the 1nterest coupons appurtenant· hereto to be executed and authenticated by the fa.csimile sig- natures o.f sa.td ChRirman and Audi tor, and this bond to be dated as of lfOVember 1, 1951. (Place for signature) -county AUd1.tor (SEAL) (Facsimile signature of Chairman) Chairman, Board of county Commissioners. (Form of text and grill for registration to) appear on back of. each bond. The within bond has been re('listered, es to O\\'Tlership of principal only, on the bond register kept at the office of the count.y Treasurer in Fergus Falls, Minne-sots. ffO Vl:U'I'HiG T'ER"";;ON EXCEPT BY ':'HE COUNTY 'l!REASJRER Date Registered 01>mer Signature of Treasurer (FORM OF COUPON) :tio. ___ _ $. ___ _ on the 1st day of May (Uovernber), 19 __ , otter Tail count.v, ?Jli!'!nesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of in _____________ , or, at the option · of the holder h_e_r_e~o~r~.-a~t---------------, in ----~~~-~---~-•the~sum of __________ DOllars tor interest then due on its Road and Brid~e Bond dated November 1, 1951, -------·· (Facsimile signature) Chairman, Board of county commissioners. (Faosimile signature) county Auditor. co11pons numbered 19 and upwards on bonds numbered 1051 to 1500 shall also contain the words "Un9 less called :l'or earlier redemption," No, 3. Seid bonds:·shall be prepared for execution under the direction of the county Auditor and at- torneys, and v1hen so ;,repareil shall be executed in behalf of the County by the printed, engraved, or litho~raphed facsimile sir-nature of the Chairman of. the Eoard of County Commissioners and by the ~anual signature of the count.v Auditor, and each thereof shall have the county Auditor's official seal im- pressed thereon; nnd the interest coupons shall be executed and authenticated by the printed, engravecj., or li thographeti facsimile signatures of said Cha.irman and Audi tor, \llhen the bonds have been so executed, they shall be delivered b_y the county Treasurer to the purchs.ser thereof, upon receipt of the purchase price heretofore agreed. upon, and the purchaser shall uot be obligated to see to the applicatil:.cl,n thereof. 4, The county Treasurer and his successors in offioe are hPreby authorized and directed to pro- cure, establish, and maintain a register listing the names and addresses of the holders of the boncls of snid issue which are prepayable by their terms and the seri.al numbers of the bonds held by such holders, and to enter on such register all information made known to him, or his successors in office, as to the ownership of such redeemable bonds for the purpose of giving mailed notioes of calls for redemption, The county Treasurer and his suocessors in office a.re also authorized and directed to procure, establish, 11.nd maintain a. register suitable for registering the ovmershii> of bonds as provided in the foregoing text thereof. 5. There is hereb,,;r cre11ted o. separate "Sinking Fund for $1,500,000 Road and. Bridge Bonds", which fund shall be kept by t.he count.v Tree.surer apar~ from all other funds of the count.v, and used for no pur·pose other than rayment of principal of end interPst on said bonds; provided that, if any Pa.vment of ·principal or inter,..st on :llhe bonds shall become due when there is not sufficient money in said sinl:ing fund therefor, the Treasurer shall pa.v the same from mone.vs in any other ·fund of the County, a.nd such other funds ma~• be reimbursed for su.ch advances out of the proceeds of the taxes hereinafter lev led. Into said sinking fund shall be paid the proceeds of all taxes levied pursuant to this resolution and the accrued interest and any premium on said bonds received upon delivery thereof to the purchaser, and nny and all other moneys from time to time received for, or n9propriated to, the payment of said bonds'· a!ld interest. 6. For the prompt and full payment of the principal of an~ interest on said bonds as such pay- ments respectively become due, the full faith, creci.it, and unlimited taxing pov:ers of the County shall be and are hP.reby irrevoca.bly pledeed. To provide moneys for such payments, there is hereby levied upon all of the taxable pro·perty in the county a direct, annual ad valcrem tnx, which shall be spread upon the tax rolls and collected as a P.art of ~hercfue~eral t.fo,'1.8a.JJs~ the county for the years (oollecto.ble in the res !)ect ive ensuing years) 8nd in t e am n s as · · ·i 1951 1952 1953 i954 1955- 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. A!liount $ 57,500 102,300 101,000 99,700 103,~00 102,300 100,900 110,000 108,400 106,900 DATE ....................... No.11 .•.... 7. .•.... -....................................... 19 .... 61 Year 1901 19&2 1963 1964 196-5 1966 1967 1968 1969 Amo.imf $110,600 109,000 107,300 105,600 104,000 102,000 100,200 98,300 ·96,400 Said te.x shall be lrrepealable as ·1ong as any of se.id bonds are outstanding and unpaid, save and except that the county hereby expressly reserves the right and power to reduce any of the a:bove levies in the manner and to t.he extent permitted by subdivision 3 of Min71:esota Statutes Section 475,61. · 7. The Chairmen of the county Board, the County Anditor, ~nd the County Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to pre!)are ond .furnish to the pnrchaser of se.id bonds, and to the attorneys approving legality thereof, certified copies of ell proceedings A.nd records of the County re let ing to said bonds end to the financial condition end affairs of the County, and $Uch other affidavits, certi- ficates, and informo.tion as may be reouired to show the facts relatinr-to the legal.i ty and marketahili tv o-f' the bonds A-S the so.me aopeo.r from the books e.nd records under their custody a.nd control or as other-• 1vise Jrno"m to them; a.nd ol.l su.ch certified copies, cert i ficntes, and af:f.idavi ts, includ infZ any hereto- fore :furnished, shall be deemed representations of the county as to the truth of tile facts purported to he shown therein. 8. Upon the filing or recording of a copy of this resolution in the office of the county Auditor, he shall enter the bonds above described upon his bond register and shall thereupon deliver to the pur- chaser of said bonds, and t"o said attorney, his certificate sh·owing that said bond issue has been en- tered on his register and that the tax· for said bonds has been levied as required by la~,. Attest: WILL IA!,{ LINCl0Ltl county Audi tor. BERT STOUE Chairman of the County Board. The motion for th~ adoption of the f.orer.oinp.: resolution was dnly seconded by Commissio.ner Gea,rge ~anson, and on vote being taken thereon the f.ollowinp.: voted in favor thereof: Bennie J. Johnson, Henry Sleling, ce.rl A, Snowberg, Georee Hanson and 'BP.rt Stone, and the following voted a,c;:ainst the same: None, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted a.nd vtas siirned by the Chairman and attesteci by the Audi tor. ' {}. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned. . ~ ~ Attest /\p~ ,Y? ~ ~ ·--~--~'-"---="--,c;,.,h-a--.I_r,...m=a'-n-. ----~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-·············N.aY ..•.... l.3. •........................................... l9 ... 5.l SPIP■r II FYMP 1111 · UIIIDTES OF Aj)JQURHED MEETii-lG OF '!'HE AOA:tD OF COUlf'!'Y COMMISSION.ERS OF O'l'TER TAIL CO. , l,lINNESOTA Pursuant to n.djonrnment the Board met o.t 10 o'clock A. J.{. Nov. 1~, 1951. Present v:ere Comm.issioners Sieling, Johnson, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg. "On and Off". snle beF-r licenses for the neriod ending r.-rar. 31, 1952 were granted to tv1arvin 1), Church and Betty B. Church at Boat Honse in the Town of Star Lake, and to Virgil J'l'ewborg at Neighborhood Tavern, Town of "Friberg. A report of the Boe.rd of Audit of verification of the county tree.surer• s cu.rrent tax collections for the March settlement 1951 showing total collections of .~727, 123. 77 was approved. A report of the Board. of .a..idi t of an examinat.ion of the accounts of ?. !,I. Ree, county Treasurer, for the period co!llmenc:ing Uay 1, 1951 to Sept. 30, 1951, inclusive, showing a balance in the county trevsury e.t the close of business on said last named date of $1,204,495.72 was approved. The applica.tion of Albert Stroh for homestead classification for the year 1950 on the E½ NW¼ of Seo. 6, Township of Oak Valley, was approved and ta:v:es rednced accordingly. The application of Gilman E, Harnmer for cancellation of assessment for structures 011 tract in Lot 3, Seo. 14, Township of Elizabeth, was read and the Board recommended to the co~rnissioner of Taxation that such assessment be cancelled and the assessed value of said tract be reduced from $lf30.QO to $40.00 and the t,-.xes from t,21.00 to $5.!33. · The application of Agnes Bettin for oo.noellation of assessment of structures on tract in Seo. 31, in the Villap.e of Urbank, was read and the Boe.rd reoommend~d to the Conunissloner of Taxation that said assessment for st.ructures be cancelled and the valuai:ion of said [)roperty ue reduced from ~138 .oo to $4.00 and the t~es from $11.72 to $.34. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTIOlf Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tail cc~nty, Minnesota: That A. v. Hartl of the City of Fergus Falls be o.nd is hereby appointed Director of Civil Defense for Otter Tail county, ;,Unnesota. Adopted Nov. 13, 1951. BERT STOIIE ana1.rme.n. Attest: V/ILLIAM LIWCOLN county Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: P.F.S OLUTION BY THE BOARD. OF COUNTY COJ,11,USSIONJ-:RS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman and the A•idi tor are hereby authorized and directed for and on be- half. of the county of otter Tail to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways for the plowing of ,mow from the followinft described roads: Public highways under the .1urisdiotion of the mlllnicipali ty, all on the terms and oondi tions contnined and set forth in "State of Minnesota, De~ partment of 'Highways :,{aintenunoe Division Snow Plowing Agreement Form 1", a copy of l'.'hich said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the connty all o.f' the contractual obligations therein contained. BE IT F:JP.THER RESOLVED, the.t Wendell P. Huber, the r:Jounty Highway Engineer of said county of Otter Tail, be and he hereby is authorized to reqnest and order from time t,o time men and equipment for the plowing of snow in accordance with and under the terms of the foregoing oontraot. Adopted this 13th day of No•,ember, 1951. Attest: \'TU.LIAI/1 r.nrcOLN_~--c ierk. The followinp. resolution was adopted: BERT STONE d'"'H-a~l-r_m_a_n-.-- Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 161.03, Subdivision 26 through 29, l.tinnesota Statutes 1949, the commissioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the county of Otter Tail to let as its aBent a contract for the construction of that portion of State Aid Road No, 16 described as follows: From 6. UL w. of T. H. #108 at Henning to 3.6 Mi. W, ot T. H. #108 and the Chairman and the Auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the county to execute and ~nter into e. contract with the commissioner of Highways preso!l'ibing the terms and. oond.i tions of such agency in the form as set forth .and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highl'tay Agency contract Form No. IV", a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on uehalf of the county all of the oontractual obligations therein con- tained. Adopted this 13 day of november 1951. 131':~T STONE chairman.of county B Oard. Attest: WILLI AM r.nrnow clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, "OTTER TAIL CdJ}NTY, MINN. uov. 13 ol DATE .................... •··-······················································--······19 ....•..• The fol!O~!n~..::':''!S.~~t~~~~W~f!:.~~~.P.~e~·: _ . --· .. _ 'Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 161.03, subdivision 26. thr,ough 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, 1 i f Hi.ghwa~s be appointed as the aaent of the county of Otter rail to let as its agent the comm ss oner o ..,, · · " o.d ... 5 d i" d follo a• F 7 2 a contract for the construction of that portion of. State Aid Ro nO, · escr ue as w. rom • Miles w. & N, of T, H, #108· at Henn~ng to 6 Mi, w. of. T, H, #108 and the Chairman an~ the Auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the cou~ty to execute and enter into a contract with the aommissioner .of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in ~he form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency contract Form No, IV, a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on pehalf of the county all of the contractual obligations c..· therein contained, Adopted this 13 day of November 1951, BERT STOIIB chairman or county Board. Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN. , clerk, The following resolution was adopted: 'Be it resolved that pur~uant to Chapter 161,03, Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the commissioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the county of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion o:~ State Aid Road Mo. 1 descri;,t>ed as follows: From 2.7 Miles North of New York Mills to 8.76 Miles North of New York Mills, and the Chairman and t~e Auditor a~e hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the county to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of su~h agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Hi!ghways Agency Contract Form No. IV", a copy of which said forni was before the board, assuming on behalf of the county. all of the contraotual obligations t-here in contained. Adopted this 13 day of November 1951. 'BERT STONE chairman or county Board Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 161.03, Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the Commissioner of Highwa.vs be appointed as the agent of the county of Otter Tail to let as itsagent a contract for the const~uotion of that portion of State Aid Road No. 5 described as follows: From 3.5 Miles South of Clitherall to T,H. #3 at Clitherall and the Chairman and the Auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the county to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form No, IV", a copy of which said form was before the bnard, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained, \ Adopted this 13 day of November 1951. 'BF.RT STONE Attest: chairman or dounty Boardl W!l!LLIAM LINCOLN clerk. Upon motion, the Chairman of the Board and County Auditor were authorized and directed to sign agree ment vti th the Village of Clitherall concerning the improvement of this road, The following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved that pursuant to ·chapter 161,03·, Subdivision26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of State Aid Road No. 5 described as follows: From South County Line to T, H. 235 at Urbank and.the Chairman and the Auditor are hereby.Bttthorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways pres- cribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Ar.ency Contract ~orm No, IV", a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 13 day of November 1961. BERT STONE Attest: chairman or County Board. WILLIAM LINCOLll clerk. uPon motion, the Chairman of the Board and County Auditor were authorized abd directed to sign agree-ment with the VillBf!e of Urbank concerning the improvement of this road. The following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 161,03, Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the Commission~r of Highways be appoint~d as the agent of the County of otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of State Aid P.oad No, 5 described as follows: From Parkers Prairie to 4,0 Miles East, and the Chairman and the Auditor are hereby authorized and di'rected for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the commissioner of Highways pre- scribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. Nov .•... 13.,_···································19 .... 51 HPPIIDDPBl!IIFO■PIII H C!OPI II■■ tzn Department of Highwqs Agency Contract Form No, IVff, a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained, Adopted this 13 de,\' of November 1951. BERT ST6:tiE Attest: chairman or county Board. WTLLIA}l LINCOLN clerk. Upon motion, the Chairman of the Board and County Auditor were authorized and directed to sign agree, ment with the Village of Parkers Prairie concerning the improvement of this road, The following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED',' that contractors on Federal Aid secondary Highway Projects in 01:ter Tail County be reqni~ed·~Q.:p,;i,y nqt_less than minimum wage rates required by the Department of Highwa.vs on 1952 contracts in this county, · ·4~~P'!~, _-t~!~. l~~h-;·d,~y ,Qf lf6Veljlber,. 1•~51 · . 33ERT•. STONE,,-,chaii'man..... · , , •·., , .. . . . . Attest: l'l'Ir,LIAM !.INCOLN, c1'!rk• ··.trPon;l!l~Hqn, -.t~~: ·!H>ar.d:then~o.g~e~:rned to 10 o'clock A,~l. Nov. 14th , ., 1-x./.o.~---'••""o•a,.1,.om-. The following resolution •1:as udc pted: . WEDNESDAY'S SESSTO~{l2wi•• +::-."""t.,.J...._..-.a..--,,...-· Resolved by the Board of dounty commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Bituminous surfaoe:,Treating co. for bituminous work on state aid and county aid roads, and Whereas, said contract has been completed and accepted by the county, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the county auditor and chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant ·on the Road and Bridge fund of the county in· the sum of $2624.73, the balance due. Adopted Nov, 14, 1951. BERT STO!fE ehairman. Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN county Auditor. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION POR DIVISION OF ASSETS or SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 101 BETWEEN SAID DISTRTCT AND SCHOOL DIS- TRICT NO. 38, ~OTH IN OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MiNNESOTA. Pursuant to the statutes of the state of Minnesota upon consolidation of parts of school district with other districts, it ls the duty of the Board of county commissioners to divide the assets. Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota that the assets of School District No, 101 be and they are hereby divided as follows: I. The-school site, school building and ·all personal property of every kind, character and description, exc•pt oasij, sH~ll be and remain t~e property of School District No. 101. u. cash assets as of' the date o·r consolidation, funds in the hands of the county Treasurer as of the date of consolidation, and tares for 1950 and prior years ·paid after date of consolidation shall and they hereby are divided 40,79% to District No, 38 and 59.21% to District No, 101. III, Any and all obligations of District No, 101 e:ristlng at time of consolidation shall be pa14,,, 4.0!79% by District No. 38 and 59.21% by District rro. 101. The foregoing resolution was orfered by Comm~ssloner Carl A, snowberg who moved lts adoption. It was seconded by commissioner Bennie J~ Johnson and on vote being taken thereon the following was the vote: 5 Jes. None NO, Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and was oigned and attested by the Chairman and Auditor. Adopted Nov. 14, 1951. The following bills were allowed: DOD!!-ld Skripsy M, C, Le'e J. C, Henkes DO Ralph Rosenberg Western union Mabel Wenstrom Louise stondahl ?I.able ROSSOW Beatrice 1.r. Will John L. Bixby 'F.I. L. Allen expenses n postage BERT STONE, Chairman. WILLIAM LINCOJ.N, Clerk, boarding prisoners expenses telegrams e:rpenses n Supt's Clerk n '! exp. Sup. of Assessors " " " n $ 127.00 127,25 5.00 160.50 4.60 12,22 . 96.87 98,97 120.00 12,50 37.54 40,99 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ ••·············-········· lJ:ov • ___ 14.' ---········--·················19 51 Bert Stone Bennie J. Johnson George Han·son T:Tenri theling Dr, E, c. Hanson· Dr, Earl E, Bigler Dr, Robert D, Estrem l)r. C., J, Lund DO Dr, H, H, Leibold Edward J. Johnson Albert l!'rih Hennepin count.v ·l!'., F. Ambulance co. l!'rank c. _,.Barnes John Kllkoske, Jr. Chae. J, unde-rwood X, L, Gunderson Alex Freedland Iver Mickelson P, L, Sample Frank J, O'Meara Village of Ottertail Rut~ E, Hanna,v H, l!', Hinze Renr,v WUrl l!', B, Simpson Carl Jahn DO Joseph Ra,vner, Sr, Ed-win Ala Louis Renner Educational Test Bureau Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Krane-Johnson 1)0 Miller-Davis co, Victor Lundeen !le co. securi t,v Blank Boo·k &: Prtg. co. Poucher Prtg. & Lith. co. Fergus falls Journal Battle Lake Review Johnson l)rugs Faurot Inc. Burroughs Adding Mahe, Co, N, W, Bell Tel. Co, South !.U.11 Standard Service Johnson·servioe co, Campbell coal co. western Chemical co, Oscarson Implement Co, Walter J, Loyd Johnson Furniture co. Fergus Falls woolen Mills co. N, W, Bell Tel, Co, P, M, Ree Louise Standahl H, w. Gloryigen Odin Johnson American Legion Post, D,C, Ann Jordan Esther G, Sell DO Ann Jordan Philip M, ~jaglien H!ntgen-xarst Eleo. co. Viator Lundeen & co. N, W, Bell Tel, Co, Cit,v·water &: Light Dept. Katherine D, Townsend Thomas O, Nelson Co, Phi.lip M, Y.:jaglien Nopeming sanatorium SU!l?ITrest sanatorium Dr, M, M, Williams Minnesota State sanatorium Nopeming sanatorium Cit,v of Fergus l!'alls Drs. Lewis, Lewis & xevern university Hospitals Cit,v of Fergus Falls Cummins Diesel Sales Corp. Minn. l!',W,D, Co, Northwest Engineering co. Park Machine co. R11:;ffridge-John"on Equipt. co. Kinne•s, Inc. P, K, M, &: Co, Diesel Service Co, ·service Recorder co. Resset Bros, Enhbom Moto-r co. Jaenish Industries exp. attd, meeting .. .. .. -" " " coroner's fees .. " autopsy coroner's fees w " " .. " .. weed inspection .. .. examination service municipal judge's fees .. .. ff quarantine expenses transcripts l)ep. Sheriff's fees service exp, O,T, Co, resident Dep. sheriff's exp. " " " .. " " constable special election ff' " " school supplies printing etc. binding books " book supplies !le blanks supplies .!le printing post binders record books etc. publishing pub. notice supplies " sheriff ribbon mob1li service supplies · repairs repairs to stoker supplies repairs spraying lawn supplies jail " .. calls postage ,., license exp. hauling mail decorating graves postage nurse " expenses " postage II: exp. repairs supplies service •• calls light, water eta. rent plat book expenses core of patients " .. " " " " " " .. " " " care of transient care of patients special nursing poor expenses parts ff " " " ~ repairs " " " " " '! .. Vet " ff " .. " " .. service n n ff .. " .. " $ 14,00 10,20 8.62 17.48 12,05 13,75 30,00 46,88 41,87 10,35 141,0l "113,79 30,00 4,00 85,00 9,00 1~00 l,00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 10,40 22.00 3,85 245,53 55.10 73.60 5,00 8,40 . 7,20 1,22 124,66 980,00 60,46 55,26 129,66 35.54 165.84 216,70 8,40 7.77 12.04 .69 63.67 1.60 12.36 76.33 46,00 ,60 36,00 122.13 90,40 36,75 123,26 49,60 20,60 1.00 20.00 7,24 8.41 111,26 111,84 24.26 2.75 39,06 14,26 7,64 45,00, 6,60 97,65 477,90 40,00 5,00 623,36 380,70 13,95 39,00 86.50 3672,10 25,80 69,66 105,07 24,75 948,43 107,26 28,56 193,15 6,33 30,10 24,05 107.65 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Edward Pinke Hintgen-xaret Henry Holmgren ReBon Chevrolet co. Magnus Pederson A, B, Xilde Co, Fortwengler Elec. Shop Bredahl Tmple. do. A. R, Meier Nylund Body Shop Mille Motors F, Saunders II: Son Service Garage Chaffee Garage Tlielen Imple. co. Minn. Motor co. Empire Supply co. Allied P,laetioe Minneapolis Tron Store Teeche Lumber co. Ebersviller Imple. co. McDUnn Farm Store Bauck'B Hardware Brown's Imple. : Markstrom Drug Erickeon-Helleckeon-Vye co. coast-to-coast, Henning Stark's our Own Hdwe. coast-to-coast, Pel. Rpde. coast-to-coast, Battle Lake Wixcox Lumber co., Vergas Dalton Gamble store Keystone Envelope co. Jo·hn M, FUrlong co. H, ·A, Rogers co. Miller-Davis co .. :: . Fergus Specialties Co, Victor Lundeen .IJ: Co, Wilcox Lumber Co,, Henning lfYman Fuel co. Henning Fuel Co, cutler-Magner co. Lawrence Ohe Henry Halvorson H,'D, uorrill 11: son Elk River Cone. Prod. co. iaymond Bros. Motor Tranep. co. O''Meara'e N,"W, Bell Tele. do,, F,F. Pelican Tele. Co, N, W, Bell Tele, co., Henning JlillB Oil Co. Bengtson Oil co. Chester Habberetad Rajr'e Oil Station Fossen Oil Co. Ci'tiee service S.tation Service Oil co. Herb's Shell service Bill's Servic'e Station Bill Nelson Oil co •. xraemer Oil co. H. K, Stahl co. Vergas Tele, co. Village of Battle Lake Village of Henning Alfred Maahs W, L, Potter Wendell P. HUber Harm J. Meester Alan snowberg G, D, Harlow Gerald WoU George Olson Wendell P, HUber Leon Hennagir He·nry 'Br.aukman John Will Albert A, Boettger Bertha Gander · Herbert E, Rossow Mrs,. Sarah Mccargar Ernest Xlmber Edward J, SiebelB Edward Hendrickx Joe Rutten Jacques Hendrickx Graft Impl. co. The First National Bank, P,P~ A, w. Co., Ino. of Minn. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Geo. T, R,an co. Wm, H. Ziegler co., Inc. wov 14 51 DATE .............. ·-·········.-·····························································19 ....•.. repairs n .. .. n " .. .. .. " " .. " " " " II: supplies supplies It It .. .. It " .. " " " " " n " n " .. " " n n lumber coal " rock salt clay gravel equipt. rental culverts freight material service " " gasoline " " " .. " " .. n " etc. oil hydraulic oil services " water rental expenses " " .. [:~---. " " " cash adv, " " Right of \Yay " .. " " " n " " " " " " II: move fence .. " .. " " .. II: move fence " n " .. " " II: move fence .. n n " " " " " n " " " insurance n parts " " .. 21.94 11.90 24.85 2.00 ,75 60.28 .I 10.00 ,.1 24.31 'i 27.20 ,, 5.00 20.74 8.84 8.60 2.50 10,71 141.ll 7 ,84 56.75 301.20 7.58 27.90 52.51 9·.90 1.44 2,50 .75 8.53 12.70 .85 .44 ll,34 ll,44 31.68 12.00 365.00 7.65 22.50 55.31 7.99 35.05 20,60 284,05 20,35 2.10 99.00 67.60 4.60 193.63 46.35 10.35 8.13 94.97 54.33 5.05 44.48 37.76 15.82 26.25 84.21 3.88 230,04 15.96 224.27 16,70 3.25 137.90 117.95 93.31 166.39 39.90 5,95 13.15 133.77 16.45 15.80 7.30 6.00 69.30 41.90 28.40 23.20 85.60 50.50 42,20 18.40 73.57 63.46 11.12 164.00 129.89 3.97 10'1.7.72 2127.92 COMMISSIONERS RECORD ·N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Nov, 14 51 DATE ............................ -· ..... ··············-·························· .. ·······J9 ...... . Rosholt Equipt. co. Paper, Ca.lmerison i Co, Skogmo Motors, Inc. Olson Auto.Electric Lake Region Motor co, Larson Bros, Davidson Metal Shop Crow Motors R, J, Schmidt Paulson Tire Shop · Red·Arrow Garage Natl, 'BUshing i Parts co. ol,11' son Hardwa·re !I: Furniture co. , Ul'ld. Vergas Hardware co. Coast-to-coast, Henning Co-op. Services, Inc. L, .J, Sand coast-to-coast, Perham Nicols, Dean & Gregg City of Fergus Falls Bituminous Surface Treating co, Mrs·. Betsey Johnson wrn. J, Anderson TWin·•s Motor Co, Skelly Service Station Walt's Repair Shop CQI1sumer•s Oil Co, F.il"hard Oil Co, l!'ossen Oil co, Cit'ies Service Station consumers' co-op Oil co,, Inc., Henning Bernard ])Owning Bengtson 011 do, S , 8c l!', Oil co , Fergus Oil co. DO consumeil"'B co-op Oil co., B, L, Perham co-op. Oil co. Penrose Oil Co, Anderson & Sandberg Hagge 011 Co, D, A, Lubricant Co,, Inc. N, W, Bell Tele, Co,, 1!',F, Jo·hn Starkey Mary Lenz Laurence Aune Clair Reams Anders Granrud Little !!'alls Machine Shop Bennie Rossum Pelioan Tele. Co, Fl9yd Fisher Ml's, Martha Peterson Addie Boeck Paul Lewin John X'llkowske N,· W, Bell Tele, Co, P, B, Schoeneberger, M,D, parts - cutting edges repairs .. " " .. .. " " " supplies " " " " procluce supplies supplies & equipment bl tuminous· mix hauled sand gravel " gasoline " " " " " " " ... n etc, " n " " n n " " n n " & dtesel fuel diesel fuel " " Oil long distance right of way & move fence " .. " .. " .. .. .. " .. " " " " " damage repairs " services right of way & move fence " " " " " " " " " & move fence municipal judge's fees calls teetimon.v Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to Tuesday Dec. 11, 1951 at 10 o'clock A, M, .J 2413.62 J 184,50 55,04 57,08 "27.42 102,05 2.00 12,25 34.75 22.00 -l,65 22,05 27,20 36,33 ll,42 15,34 6,40 2,33 431,05 20,50 412,00 428,40 190,00 103,05 76,40 65,69 43.13 11,66 10.09 8,92 22.51 1,25 52.92 214,52 186,76 216.37 276,31 270,94 157,73 144,00 1108,50 1209,29 19.70 23.-85 2.00 12,65 10,20 20,00 60,30 27,30 8,90 15,15 1,40 1,40 33,05 26.20 76,40 6.52 lo. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE __________________________ J)!~.! ... J.J _______________________________________ t 9 ... 51 MINUTES OP ADJOU1lNED MEETING OF THE "BOARD OP COUNTY COUMIS~IONERS 01" OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA, Pursuant to adjournment t~e "Board met at 10 o'oloci~ A, 1,.-Dec. 11, 1951, Present were ·commission- ers Sieling, Johnson, .Hanson, Stone and snowberg. George Hammerbeok, District Supervisor of Weed Control, together with county. Weed Inepec"tors Frapk Roberts, Alber~ Pritz and county Agents Alden Booren and Nicholas weyrene were present to dis-ouee the question of weed oontrol for the coming year, weed Inspector Edward J, Johnson was unable to be present on aooount of illness. Upon motion, the Board authorized ·all of the 1951 weed inspectors to attend the state meeting Jan. 21-25, 1952 at St, Paul, with expenses paid by t_he county, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of coun~y commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: That Prank Roberts, post~offioe Deer Creek, Albert Fritz, poet·-offioe Perham, and Edward J, John- son, poet-offioe, Erhard, be and they hereby are appointed county .weed inepeotcirs fcilr Otter Tail county for a period not exceeding a total of 12 months for the three inepeotore combined, salaries being fixed at $150,00 per month and mileage at ,07¢ per mile, · · Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the Commissioner of Agriculture, Dairy ahd Pood, st. Paul, Minn, Adopted Dec, 11, 1951, BERT STONE chairman. At~eet: WILLIA?.! LINCOLN clerk. nanoe permits for the oalendar year 1952 were granted to Clarenoe S, Jensen at Glaee Bar, Town of Girard, and to Oliver Gra~ley at Pine P.aven Club, Town of Inman. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minn,: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contraoted with Chas. Fenske for graveling C9unty Job 51:G, and Whereas, said work has been fully completed according to the certificate of the highway engineer filed with this board, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and direoted to issue to Chas. Fenske a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the county in.the sum of $6695,94, the balance due. Adopted Dec, 11, 1951, · &tteet: WILLIA!.I LINCOLN clerk. The following resolution was adopted: BERT STONE Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minn.: chairman. Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Wl!i, H, Ziegle~ Co,, Inc. for Qne Domor snow bfower attaohment, and · Whereas, same has been received and acoepted by the county, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of ,the Board are au,horiz~d and directed to ieeue to said contractor a warrant ori the Road and "Bridge l!'Und of the county in the sum of $1306,00, Adopted Deo, 11, 1951, Attest: W'!LLIAM LINCOLN clerk. The following resolution was adopted: BERT STONE chai_rman. Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Utter Tail County, Minnesota: That the county Auditor be and he hereby is instructed to notify the publishers of the several newspapers published in the County that se,aled bids will be received by this Board for doing the following deecrib"ed printing: l The publications of the minutes of the meetings oi the Dcard of County Commissioners including regular and special sessions, and meetings of Board of Equalization and while considering matters per- taining to ditches, 2, The publication of the annual statement of receipts and expenditures of the county. The bide to cover the publication of the list set in "nonpareil" or six-point type without ,.leading" and the publioation to be made as required by Section 295 General Statutes of Minnesota, 1913, as amended, and three complete oopiee of said publication to be furnished to the County Audi tor in time to enable him to meet the requirement of said section as regard the posting of c~pies of said statement, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, .OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................................ Dea .•.... ll •......................... 19 ...... 51 30 The list of real property for the county of Otter Tail, i.dinnesota on which taxes remained del- inquent on the first i1ond119 in January, 196!• The.bids for this tocover the publiaation of the aertificates, heading, etc., provided for by Sec- tion 2098, General statutes of Minnesota, 1913, .as amended. Bids to be plaaed in the hands of the county Auditor and addressed to the Board of County Commis- sioners, to be marke·d "Bids for Printing" and to be filed until TUesday January:• 195J, at 2 o'clock P.M The attention of the bidd ere to be called to the prov is ions o! Sections 907, 909, 912 and 913, Re- vised Laws of Minnesota for 1906, and acts amendatory thereto. idopted Dec. 11, 1951. BERT STOME chairman. Attest; WILLIAM LINCOLN clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $660.00 be and the same hereby is allowed out of the Revenue Fund of the county for additional clerk li.i':re in the office of the county treasurer of said county for the calendar year 1951. Adopted Dec. 11, 1961. BERT STONE chairman. Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commisaioners of otter Tail count~. Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with R. D, ll!orrill end Son for grading county Aid: Project No, 51:60, and Whereas, said work has been fully completed according to certificate of the highway engineer filed with the Board, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and·they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $2420.06, the balance due. Adopted Dec. 11, 1951, Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN .-------Clerk. BERT STONE chairman. T]l>on motion, the county Auditor was directed to advertise, on behalf of the Commissioner.::of High-ways as agent for said county, for construction of County Project s.~.56-515-01, State Aid Road No. 5, west of Henning, and S.P,56-517-01, State Aid Road No, 1, North of New York Mills, and S,P,56-521-01, State Aid Road No, 5, betw~en Trunk Highway No, 29 aild Parkers Prairie Village, said •bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A.M. Jan, 9, 1952. Upon motion, the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for grading county projects as follows: C,P.52:13, North of Perham, and C.P.62:50. North of Perham, and c.P.52:54H, South of Henning, ·said bids to be opened at the commissioners• meeting Jan, 91,1 1952 at 10 o'cloak A.M. t:1Pon motion, the county Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for the following: Item 1, One B-G Sloper attachment for Adams motor grader or equal, and Item 2, one or more motor patrols equipped with snow plow and wing, bids to inolude trade in allowance on county equipment as stated in proposal, and Item 3, four-wheel drive three or four ton rated truck with chassis and ca~ with v plow and one-way snow plow, bids to include trade in allowance on county eq.uipment as stated in proposal, all of said bids to be open-ed at the meeting of the County commissioners at 10 o'clock A. M. Jan. 9, 1952. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to Dec. 12, 1961 at 10 o'clock A.1,1. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M. Wednesday Dec, 12, 1951, all members being present. The following bills were allowed: J~ c. Henkes M. c. J,ee Donald Skripsy Johnson Drugs w. s. Duley~ co. The National Sheriff's Assn. Louise stondahl boarding prisoners expenses " supplies -sheriff .. .. directory expenses $144,00 190.40 140.40 2.63 4.86 12,60 54,20 Fergus Falls, Minn. To-••·········---------····················· September'. ....... , 194 ... . The annual installment on your confession of judgment for back taxes will be due .next month and unless payment is made to the County Treasurer the confession will be defaulted and you can no longer pay on the instalhnent plan, and penalty and interest will immediately be added to the taxes. This notice is sent you as required by 1941 law which also says "Failure to send or receive the notice shall not operate to postpone any payment or excuse any default under the confession of judgment." The instalhnent due on------------------------- -------------·················································································•is $-...•.....•............. Very truly yours, n( Sur,. County Auditor. ~!t~es for---·····••which should have been paid last year and now amount to$ ..................... . Dr,~~ paid at the same time with above installment. Minne~ .. P'ergue I'ii'l!um this letter with draft or money order payable to P. M. Ree, County Treasurer. A, ·R, r.!ei'e. __ Eberev illers ,-Per; Rpa:s·.-., Red Arrow Garage "R•n-rv l'lol1111Zren -,- . ' I ! . . COMMISSIONERS RECORD N; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 1)eo. 12. 51 DATE .................. ·-··-··············'···········'····································19 ...• 'Mable ROSBOW Henry Sieling George Hanson Bennie J. Johnson Bert stone Frank c. Barnes Charles Sohmit Nelso~ Bros. Prtg. co. ?&archant cal. Mohe. co. U'nde~ood corp. Addressograph Sales Agenoy Security Blank Book & Prtg. co. Pouoher Prtg. i Lith. Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Boen Bros. Sohoolcraft co. st. Paul Book\ staty. co. Panama C.arbon Co. Ugebl~d Pub. co. Vioto.r Lundeen .9: co. J. s. Hopponen Holten Hdwe. The Pierce Co. The Syndicate Prtg. co. Costello Mfg. co. Hillyard Sales co. Fergtls Electric Ino. Hintgen~xarst Elec. co. N. W. Bell Tel. Co. south Mill Standard Station N. W. Bell Tel. co. Anderson Ins. Agency Fergus Journal co. Lyn 'P'. Johnson Oren B. Fosse Peter Hink Ann Jordan Esther G. Sell DO Ann Jordan Perham Telephone co. Louise Stondahl H. w. Glorvigen EVelaoe o. Hanson western union H. W.Glorvigen l,laSOn Pub. Co• L. o. EVensen &Associates, Inc, western union Thomas O, Nelson Co, Fergus Falls water .e,, Light Dept, N. W. Bell Tel, Co. Katherine D.Townsend coo·per' s Office Supply veterans Information service Philip M. Kjaglien Fergus Speoialties co. Philip M, ~jaglien university Hospital Sunn,vrest Sanatorium Minnesota State sanatorium City of Fergus Palls Dr,· W. w. Will 'Minnesota Motor co. rergus Nash Motor co. A. ·R. !leier Ebersvillers, Pel. Rpds. Red Arrow Garage Henry Holmgren Charles Nikkari Bauck Chevrolet co, c. H, Bjorklund Body Shop Cha:ffee•s Garage Wal~nofer Blaoksmith Shop PeHcan Motors· Hintgen-xarst Elec, co. Vergas Motor Servioe service Garage, Par. Pra. Nicols, Dean & Gregg Holten Hardware Mo])Unn F.arm Store Midwest supply co. Wilcox Lumber co., ~enning Farm center Welding Co,, F.F. Penrose Oil co. Larson 'ft'ardware co-op. services, Ino. D!>n's Standard service Foi'twengler's Eleo, Shop Toftely Bros. Hdwe. p,. x. u. !: co. Battle Lake Hardware Henning Seed·-~ Grain Supt's Clerk exp, attd, meeting " .. .. .. " " .. " municipal· judge's fees transcript court oalendars main. typewriter (nurse) main. supplies school supplies supplies " jail school sunplies " " supplies " rep11irs supplies school supplies " .. supplies " install fixtures supplies oalls supplies c. H. mobile service insuranoe publioations pub. notices dep. sheriff's fees " " .. expenses " post.age " telephone postage " " telegrams nurse " " " " drivers' license exp. digest services bond issue telegrams vet ser. directory " " light, water, etc. service i calls rent supplies " postage eto. vet. " " " " " " " ser. " .. n " " n " supplies expenses special nursing care of patient poor " " ·" help for transient examination repairs• supplies " " " .. " " n " " " " " " supplies " " " " " " " .. " n " " " 00111 60.00 29.57 11.88 14,40 14.00 50,00 3.oo 120.00 24.00 .137.50 25.43 3,70 2.20 13.75 4.81 18.37 78.75 ·-7.40 u.oo 23,96 21.40 44.12 75,42 20.50 12.83 ·121.82 60.00 6.25 4.55 1.04 85.85 202.16 282.70 1.00 40.00 9.60 92.78 49,03 3.59 5.oo 12.35 44.72 55.50 45.00 11.92' 17.20 20.00 2000.00 1.22 3.00 16.34 :1.4.50 45.00 20.75 6.00 4.90 20.00 76.51 . 42.00 30.00 880.44 15.48 3.oo 244.25 27.04 27.55 1.00 5.09 24.75 2.00 . 7.20 34.66 22.65 35.00 13.89 2,50 24.98 34.30 41.20 62~70 11.70 37.93 3.71 27.00 7.80 10.36 2.60 8.95 8.75 24.73 13.31 44.59 13.53 COMMISSIONERS RECORD·N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... -.. Deo • .... 12, ...................................... 19 ..... /?.l P, H, Gust Elevator, Vergas The•Farmers• Supply, Par. Pra, The Carew warehouse Teach Lumber co. Bill Nelson Oil Co, Battle Lake water Dept. Ray·• s Oil CO• A, B, carpenter Walt's standard Servioe Bengtson Oil co. Skelly Service Station Bluffton Garage Kraemer 011 co, The Oil Store NUndahl Oil Co, Walt's Repair Shop Bill's Service Station, Eliz. Thomas Garage Harthun & Peterson 011 co, Hagge Oil co. :irenning 011 co. Nor"thfield rron co, Fergus Specialties co, Ste"phena-Adamson Jl{fg. co. H, ·A, Rogers .co. Minnesota F,W,D, co. Minneapolis Iron Store st: Paul Corrugating Co, Diniglas co. Al~ert Shanstrom V11lage of Deer creek Vlilage of New York Mills Ot~er Tall county Fair Assn. Ra~lwsy EXpress Agency Raymond Bros, Motor Transp. Co, John Grismer Ra;tgvald Christopherson, Clarence & teroy Aune Eckley ·'= Federal J,and Bamk Frank HU.nter Ol~f Eckley. Clara Gaylor Scott Al:vin Stavaas Vernon Otteson The Service Recorder Marchant Calculating Machine co. Minneapolis Blue Printing Co, Lake Street Dental Laboratory Albinson, Inc, Panama carbon co. Poucher Printing & Li.th. co, N. W, Bell Tele, CO,, Henning Heinola Telephone co. N, W, Hell Tele, co., F,F, Wendell P, H'Uber Do .• W, !L, Pl>tter G, i:l., Harlow Gerald Wold Minn. state Highway Dept. Town of Nor, Grove Alfred Maahs George Olson Mary Tikkanen, Jeff,H,Tikkanen & w. H, Edward'= F-lorenoe Schram (Tikkanen Henry C, & Julia Primasing Clemenoe & Margit Hammer Ed, Schroeder Elnar P11ppo Harold E, Edmunds C, F. Hoeft A. J. Jrisch Ralph Lillemon (Heve Johnson Benjamin H. Saunders Karine E, Sppin Harry Barnack Edward 1.lischke Joe Baloer V, E. Pierson John M. Strommen Ben 'N, Albright Kenneth M. Haugen Raynard W, Nelson Donald B, Winkler Kinna's Inc. Larson Bros. Olson Auto Electric Skogmo Motors, Ino, Henry Holmgren Empire Supply co. Natl. Bushing & Parts co. Erickson-Helleckson-Vye co. Renning Hdwe. co. A, T, Herfindahl ooal " .. " eto. tires, aasoline eto. water charge gasoline " " " " " gas !c oil gasoline etc. .. " " " " .. " .. " " diesel fuel .fuel oil supplies repairs " .. parts supplies culverts equipment rental boiler inspection garage rental " " .. .. express freight gravel " " " " " repairs service table ditto machine supplies " forms services " .. cash adv. expenses " .. .. prints ·grading expenses " Right of Way and move fence " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " .. " " " " " " .. " " .. .. .. " " " " .. " .. " " " " n " n " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " parts '= repairs repairs " " ,, sn·pplies " " " " .. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " .. .. " " " " " " " " " $ 60.86 47,20 26,16 56.26 2598.15 3,25 33,07 51.77 1,37 47.66 16,76 16.86 41.86 1-73.17 65.78 59.80 10.30· 45.05 84.57 829.46 8,05 85,19 19,50 22.95 9,16 1064.77 662.43 1228.81 80,00 10.00 245,00 330.00 300,00 3,40 5,39 257.20 408,10 215.60 432.25 306.60 444.00 234.16 5,20 35.00 72.42 125.00 10.91 6,25 84.65 14~63 13,36 41,55 8,06 109.93 97,79 14.15 56.70 23,23 300.00 18.99 17.70 30.20 61,00 30.00 21.16 69.50,. 34.70 25.00 35.60 70.40 40.46 46,70 43.25 20.00 30.00 10,20 30.80 7,40 60.76 48._95 61.80 69.00 29.70 399.46 162.15 50.61 42,61 34.15 47.74 75.54 1.30 1.89 20.22 COMMISSIONERS RECORD· N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. , DATE .............. ·-······-·~~-~ .. '. .... ~.~.~ ............................... _ ....... l9 .... 61 Fergus Lumber & F-uel co. D. A. Lubricant co., Ina, Park Region co~op. Oil co. Fossen Oil /Jo. Bob's service station Cities Service station consumer's Oil co., B.L. J.l'ergus Oil Co. Herb's Texaco Station Vergas Hardware co. Peavey Elevator co. Dalton Lumber co. Rosholt Equipt. co. Cummins Diesel Sales corp. RUffridEe-Johnson Equtpt. co. A, w. compan.v Inc. of Minn. Park Machine, Inc. Borohert_-Ingersoll, Inc, Geo. T. R,Van co. Wm, H, Ziegler Co,, Inc. Paper, Calmenson II: co. Village of Dalton Geo. T, RY&n co. Cummins Diesel Sales corp, Johnson Machine Shop Christianson•s Welding Shop Bauck's Hardware Winther Lumber£ Fuel co. Village of Henning Ne·nton Township Arnold Menge Nundahl Oil co. Dalton Oil Co. Monroe calculating Mach. co.- George E, Harthun Jesse D, White Stanley l)Ulski Arthur Heidorn Melvin w. Ruther wm. J. R.Van Aug. L. Wilkowski Fergus Lumber·., Fuel co. N, w. Bell T"el". co. William Lincoln Miller-Davis co, Baas on co. supplies grease _., oil gasoline .. " " " " eta. sup-i;,lies coal .. " " snowplows~ parts repairs parts " " " II: cutting edges cuttil!,g edges garage rental parts repairs " " supplies coal garage rental towing grnvel ~asoline " eto. main. Right of' Way " " "· & move " .... " " " " ff n· " " " " " " " " " " " II " " coal calls Board of' Audit supplies .'I, blanks supplies Upon motion, the Board then adjourned without date. fence " " " " $ 2.70 401.68 33.63 23.47 76.50 11.82 83.28 157.27 96.98 66.03 22 •. 96 27.60 987.94 218.73 137.07 924.39 32.86 440.56 320.35 651,39 1714.32 90,00 298.89 42.53 72,07 10.00 12.16 99,44 144,32 6,00 15,09 44,16 368.32 42,00 14,00 58.10 12.40 10,30 20,60 18.80 16.76 585.29 109,30 75.,00 62.63 12.60 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ :nec .• ·, l 9 •..................................... 19 ... !ll MTNUTES OF SFECIAL "MEETING O"P Tm::· BOARD OJ!' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS QF OTTER TAIL CO, MJ;NMESOTA, PUrsuant to oall signed by all members of the Board the County commissioners met at the Commis- sioners' Room in the court House at 2 o•olock -p. M, Dec. 19. 1951, "Present were Commissioner·s Sieling, Johnson. Hanson. Stone and Snowberg. the was The meeting was called to disouss the question of investment of surplus funds.· After discussion, following resolution was introduced by commissioner Sieling who moved its adoption. This motion. seconded by commissioner Johnson and the resolution submitted as follows: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail county: That surplus funds of the Special Road and Bridge construction fund of Otter Tail County shell be invested from time to time in securities of the united States government and the office of the County Treasurer of otter Tail county, Minnesota, be and it hereby is• authorized and directed to make immediate investment and to continue with such investment of. surpluses as shall appear available for investment from time to time, all of said investments to be made in securities of the United States government, which securities shall be deposited for safe keeping with the Midland National Bank of Minneapolis by the county treasurer. Adopted Dec. 19, 1951. BERT STONE chairman. Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN clerk. The resolution was thereupon adopted by unanimous vote. The Board then took up the question of certificates to be purchased and, upon motion.of Commis- sioner Sieling, seconded by commissioner Johnson, the following resolution was submitted and. adopted by unanimous vote: Resolved by the Board of.county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the office of the county Treasurer buy the following united States Treasury certificates of indebtedness: Series A, due Apr. 1, 1952. par value $150,000,00, rate 1.78%; Seri.es B. due July 1, 1952, par value $200.000.00, rate 1,78%; Series E, due Oct~ 1, 1952, par value $1,100,000,00, rate 1,78%, all of said purchases to be made at the market price. Resolved further that said purchases be made through the Fe;-gus "'Fulls National. Bank and Trust Com- pan,v. Adopted Dec.19.1951, Attest: WILLIAM LINCOLN clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION . AUTHOR! ZING TERMINATION OF EASEMENT, BERT STO!JE Chalrman. on the 18th day of July 1951, Henry Pederson and Mildred M, Pederson granted an easement to the county of OtterTail in writing which said Easem,mt was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of 9tter Tail county, Minnesota on the 24th day of October 1951. in book 21 of Miscellan~ous on page seven (7). That said ~asernent covered real estate i::i Otter Tail County, Minnesota. and described as follows to-wit: A strip of land ext.ending over and ac,:oss the following described tract: The Southeast quarter (SE¼), Section 34, Tl32N-R44W; said strip being all that part lyin{!: within a distance of 50 feet on the westerly side of the fol}owing d-escribed center line: Beginning at the East 1/4 ·corner of Sectio 34, Tl32N-R44W; thence south 2 01' East for a distance of 2462,0 feet; thence deflect to the left on a 0°30' curve (delta angle 2"22') for a distance of. 236,8 feet and there terminating, excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highways: containing 1,05 acres, more or less. The southerly ?0.feet of the following described tract: The East one-half of the Northwest quar- ter (El NW¼), Section-35, Tl32N-R44W; excepting therefrom the right of way of existing higbwa.vs: con- taining 0,52 acres, more or less. That there is a question a·f ownership regarding said land above describecl and there is no necesilit for such Easement continuing. IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED BY the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota that said Easement should be in all things terminat~d and the Chairman of the Board of.County Commissioners and the county Auditor of otter Tail county be and they are authorized and directed to make, sign. execute and deliver to Henry Pederson and Mildred M, Pederson a proper instru::ient to terminate the Easement here- in described in its entirety without any compensation therefore of any kind from Henry Pederson and Mil- dred~Pederson. Adopted Deo. 19. 1951. BERT STONE, Attest: wrr.r,IA?.f LINCOLN, Clerk. Upon motion, the Board adjourned without date. Attest, a,L~ er • COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Deo. 26 ~ Dec. 31, 51 DATE ............•...........•......... ·············-··-······-··-··············-·······19 ....•.. MINUTES OF SPECIAL M:F:ETING OF Tl-IE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MtNNESOTA, Pursuant to call signed by all members of the County Board the commissioners met at 11 oiclook A,M. Dec. 26, 1951, all members being present • . The meeting having been called to appoint a county treasurer to fill the unexpired term of P.. M. Ree, deoeased, the Board oonsiderec:i written applioations and personal applications and after full dis-cussion and consideration, ~pon motion, the following resolution was adopted: . The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That ~enry J, Henning be and he hereby is appointed county treasurer of otter Tail County to fill the unexpired term of P. M, ~ee. Adopted Dec, 26, 1951. BERT STONE. dbelrman. HEURY SIELING GEORGE HANSON BE!!TNIE J. JOHNSON CARL A. SlJOWBERG Attest: l'IILLIAM trncor,N clerk. Upon motion, the Board then s.djourned without date. 13-L· ~ ·cbairman. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETillG OF THE BOARD OP COUNTY COMMISSIOllERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, !.fiNNESOTA, Pursuant to call signed by three members of the county Board the commissioners met at 2· o'olook P.M. Deo. ·31, 1951. Present were Commies ioners Stone, Hanson and Snowb.erg. The bond of Henry J. Henning, County Treasurer, in the sum of $35,000,00 with Anchor casualty Oo., as surety, was approved. There being no further business, upon motion, the Board adjourned without date, ,P.?J:~man,