HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1950Ottertail County Official Meetings 1950 t- COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-····Januar-, ... 3, .......... -.. -·•·····························19 .. ?.9.. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEJ.1TTNG OFT~ BOARD OF COUHTY COM?4ISSIONERS OF OTTER TAU. comrTY MIIDIBSOTA. Pursuant to statute County commissioners Geo. B·. Gunderson, George Hanson, Bert s·tone, Carl A. snowberg and Henry Sieling met at the commissioners Room in the court House at 10 o'clock A, M., Jan. 3, 1950. The meeting was called to order by the county Auditor who stated that the first business would be the election of a chairman for the coming year. upon motion. duly seconded, George B. Gunderson was elected and took the chair. The question of election of vice-chairman for the year 1950 was then taken up end Bert stone was elected. The following resolution was adopt·ed: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota. That a oommi ttee of three, aonsisting of the chairman and two members of the Board to be selected by the Chairman, be appointed to have aharge of the court House and Jail and grounds for the year 1950. Adopted Jan. 3, 1950. Geo. B. Gunderson, chairman. Attest: William Linaoln, clerk. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Snowberg and Hanson as his associates on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of aJtter Tail County, Minnesota: That a commlttee of three, consisting of the Chairman of the Board and two members of the Board, to be appointed by the Chairman, to purchase all furniture a!ll: suppliP.s excepting books, blanlts, and stationery needed for the Court ~ouse and Jail during the year 1950, and provide for such repairs as ma.v become an immediate necessity. Adopted Jan. 3, 1950. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Sieling oommi ttee. · The following resolution was adopted: Geo. B, Gunderson chair~n. and stone as his associates on this Resolved by the Board of county Commlssioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under provisions of Section 2154 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Dr, c. A. Boline , a resident physician of said county, and County Commissioners sleilng and -snowberf , members of this Board, be and the same hereby are appointed to constitute a coun y '!3oard o:r ll'ealth of said Count.v for the year 1950. "dopted Jan. 3, 1950. Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. , COMMISSIONERS RECORD .N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. :r11nuary . 3., ...................................... 19 ~Q. tlPPl!DNl■Dll~...n..c,uu&LJIIAeffl The follov1 lng resolution was adopted:, Resolved by -the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That und-er the provisions of Section 739 General Statutes for 1932, the awn· of $100,00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red River Valley Development association, said amount so apporpriated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors for the year 1950. Adopted Jan. 3, 1950, Geo. B. Gurid'.erson chairman. Attest: Will.lam Lincoln clerk. County .Agents Carl Gustafson and Alden Booren and Home Demonstration Agents Judith Nord and Margaret A, Thorson presented to the Board annual reports of activities for 1949 and discussed various items in their reports, The reports were ordered placed on file. Sig. Bjerken of the state Agriculture Dept, County Agents Carl Gustafson and Alden Booren and County weed tnspectors Albert Fritz, Frank Roberts, Edwin Anderson and Eddie Johnson discussed weed control for 1949. Inspector Anderson notified the Board that he would be unable to continue that work in 1950 and after, full discussion, the other three inspectors agreed to take over the entire county between them. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota; That Frank Roberts, Albert Fritz and Eddie Johnson be and they hereby are appointed county weed inspectors for Otter Tail County for the period of three months during ;t950 at a salary of $150,00 per month and mileage at ·six cents per mile, Adopted Jan. 3, 1950, Geo. 'B, Gunderson chairman. Attest: William Llncol,n clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $40,00 per month be and the same hereby is allowed for clerical work in the office of the County Attorney from January 1, l~bO, same to be paid at the close of each month on Warrant of the County Auditor from the revenue fund of the County, Adopted Jan 3, 1950, Geo. B. Gunderson . chairman. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commi!!sioners of Otter Tai.1. Counly, Jv1inne1:1ota Whereas, Chapter 142, La1vs of 1921, Mason's Minnesuta Statutes ll:12'/, sec. 071 and Minnesota statutes 1941, Sec. 3'/f>,.30 provides wa,ys ami means for the control end eradication of rust-producing barberry, tile f'ollo1ving resolution was adopted: Be• it hereoy resolveci, that $50,00 oe appropriated by the Boatd of County Commissioners of Otter Tall county for the purpose of eradicating and removing rust-producing oushes and that &'bounty of ~3.00 be offereo for the location of' oaroery bush or bushes on each property suoject to tae provisions as set ·forth by the Baroery Office, University Ji'arm, st. ':'aul, Minnesota on file in the office of tne county AUdi tor, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, Geo. B, Gunoerson, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, ., i J COMMISSIONERS RECORQ·N,· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..•..... _. ......... 2anuar.v ... ;) .............................. ·-·······19 .. ~Q. The t~l~ov1~I1B::resolut1on wae adopted; Heeol.ved by •tn!! Board of C"ounty•,COl!llllieeionere of otter• Tail crounty, Minne::1ota1 That the awn of not lees the.11 $250.00 oe ana the same hereby ie appropriated out of the County Revenue tund ot said crounty for otter Tail County exnioit::1 at tne Minnesota State Fair for 1950 and the county Audi tor and Chairman Cif the Boar.d are directed to issue a warrant for said amount in favor of Clarence C". tfielke. Adopted Jan. 3, 1950. Geci. B. Gunderson· chairman. Attest: William Linaoin The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commieeionere of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the eulli of fl•e oente be paid out of the Revenue FU.nd of the county for every poc·ket gopher and woodchuck killed in said county during the months of April, May, June and July, 1950, in caeee where the townships in which pocket gophers and woodchucks are so killed shall provide for the payment of an additional bounty of five cents for each pocket goph~r and woodchuck so killed. Resolved further that payment for such bounty shall be made by the county Auditor upon certif- icates executed by the Chairman of the Town Board of said Townships setting forth that the poaket gophers or woodchucks were killed within the said townships during the said mo.nthe, and that both front feet of such pocket gophers or woodchucks were duly presented to the Chairman of such board and that the township hae issued and delivered to each claimant a town order for ten cents for each pocket gopher or woodchuck so killed, Adopted Jan. 3, 1950, ·Geo. B. Gunderson chairman. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk, The foltowing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: ·That the county commissioner of his respective district, namely. Henry Sieling, the First District; Geo, B, Gunderson, the Second District; George Hanson the third District; Bert Stone, the Fourth District; and c. A, Snowberg, the Fifth District, be and they hereby are each appointed Superinte·ndent of Poor of his said dist riot with authority to act in relation to the care and support of non-resident paupers, and to receive applications for relief or support by or for an.v reason in his district ae provided by Chapter 15, Refised Laws of 1905. Adopted Jan, 3, 1950, Geo, B, Gunderson chairman, Attest: William Lincoln clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under the provisions of Chapter 200 Laws of ?,Unnesota for 1943, the County shall pay a bounty of $6,00 for each full-grown red or gray fox killed in said county and $3,00 for each cub red or gra,v fox killed in said County from January 1, 1950 to December 31, 1950; payment to be made on warrant of the County Auditor after compliance by the claimant with all provisions of said law, Adopted Jan. 3, 1960. Geo. B, Gunderson chairman. Attest: William Lincoln . clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OfTER · TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... January .. 3 •..................................... 1950 .. _alClllm.uan The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail cow;ity, J/1'.innesota: That the following dates. are hereby fixed .fo·r meetings of the County Board during the year 1950: The second Tuesday ~n February, March, April, }.fay, June, August, October, November, and December and the third Tuesday in September, Adopted Jan, 3, 1950, Geo. a ;··ciiridersori Attest: William Lincoln clerk, The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTIOH "BY THE BOARD OF comlTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL comJTY. MilmESOTA dha{rman. ·BE IT RESOLVED, that contractors on Federal-Aid Secondary ~ighway Projects in otter Tail County be required.to PS.V not less than minimum wage rates required by the Department of Highways on 1960 contracts in this county, Adopted this 3rd. da.v of January, 1950, Geo, B, Gunderson Attest: William Lincoln clerk. The following resolution w~s adopted: RF.SOLUTION 13Y THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO!,Nt8SIONT-JRS OTTER TAIL COTITJTY, MIHl~SOTA chairman. W!IBREAS, the County of Otter Tail is desirous of obtaining during the year 1950 from the Commissioner of Highways such technical and engineering services and assistance as may be from time to time necessary and advisable in the conduct of the county's work. now Tq]JM BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Pursuant to Section 161,03, Subdivision 12 (b) Minnesota Statutes 1945, the County of Otter Tail does hereby request t4e Commissioner of Highways to furnish to the County of Otter Tail from time to time during the year 1950 such technical and engineering services and assistance as may be requested of him for and on behalf of the County by the county Highwa,v Engineer, The County Highway Engineer is hereb,v authorized for and on behalf of the County to request the Commlssioner of Highv,ays to furnish from time to time during the year 1950 such technical and engineering services and assistance to the county of Otter Tall as the County JUghway Engineer shall dee.m necessa.ry or advisable in the conduct of the county's work, In the ev~~t that a request for engineering or technical assistance ar services b~ made pur.su'1}t hereto it is mad·e with the understanding that if granted and services or assistance are ~rnished pur.suant hereto that the County of otter Tall will, for the purpose of reimbursin~ the Trunk Highway Pund, pay to the Commissioner of Highways when demanded by him the entire and total cost and expense of furnishing any or all of the services requested or furnished pursuant hereto. Let a certified copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Commissioner of ~lghways by the county ~lghway Engineer as the request by the governing body of said County of Otter Tall for the furn- ishing by the commissioner of Highways of any and all engineering aid and assistance furnished ·pur.suant hereto during the year 1950, Adopted this 3rd day of January, 1950, Geo. B, Gunderson Attest: William T,lncoln clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTI011 BY THE BOARD OF COUlJTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MIUNESOTA chairman. BE IT R~SOLVED, that the County Highway Engineer be authorized to issue time checks for the purpose of salary payments to all mainteno,nce employees, engineering employees, construction employees, 19( COMMISSIONERS RECORD ,N, -OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. J'.amla..r..v: ... ;5. ................................. 19.5.Q .. and for the rental of tr-uoks o.nd mowers necessary for the manintenanoe of State Aid Roads not to exceed !86,000, and ~aunty Aid Roads not to exceed ~145,000 for the year 1950. Adopted this . 3r-d.·· de,v of January, 1950. Attest: ... William Lincoln erk, The following resolution was adopted: R'P.SOT,!JTTON ~y TJ!T': BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSTONE~S OTTER TAU. COUNTY, MINl..,.F.~OTA Chairman. BE IT R~SOLVED, that the county Highway F.ngineer be authorized to use County Equipment and Employees for emergency work not on the County P.:ighwa.v System, this emergenc,v work to consist of snow plowing roads in cases of sickness and funerals. Adopted this ~day of January, 1950. Ceo. B, Gunderson Chairman. Attest: .,,, iV!lliam Lincoln cierk. Dance permits for the year 1950 were allowed as follows: Perry Swenson at North Dora Store in the Township of' Dora, and c. s. Jensen at Class Bar in the Township of Girard. Cigarette licenses for 1950 were granted as follows: C, s. Jm.sen, Glass Bar; Virgil Newborg, store, Town of Friberg; Geo. Olson, store at Almora; F, L, Rairden, store, Town of Inman; Arnold Evenson, Western store; Gisle M, Froseth, Pleasure Park Resort, Town of Otter Tail, Bids for county printing as called for by the Board were opened and read and awarded as follows: Perham EJ:lterprise-Bulletin, publishing delinquent tax list for 1950; Battle Lake Review, publishing financial •statement of 1949; underwood Ind-ependent, publishing financial statement of· 1949; Fergus Journal co., publishing minutes of all meetings of the County Board and also publiBhing offictal notices by the county, all of said publications to be at legal rates, Upon motion, the Board adjourned to Jan. 4th at 10 o'clock A, M, WEDNERDAY'S S~SStON Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, Jan. 4, 1950, all members being present, The petition of Harry Roehl and the petition of Leonard Luther to be set off from Dist. 54 to 96 were taken up and all interested parties who were present 1,ere heard both for and against the granting of said petitions. After listening to all interested parties and to the statements of the county superintendent of schools, upon motion, it was ordered that both of these petitions be laid over to the session of' the ,-county board July 11, 1950 at 10 o'clock A, M, The petition of Hartwick 'P,'anson ·to be set over from Dist. 176 to Dist. 72 was taken up for final action and, after listening to the county superintendent of. schools and after full consideration, upon motion, the petition was rejected. The petition of Wm. H, Y.Ubitz to be set over from Dist. 159 to Dist. 193 was taken up for final action and, upon motion, the petition was granted and the board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Wm, H;· Y.U·bltz a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District 110 159 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 193 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No, 159 to said adjoining school district No, 193 was presented to the Board of' County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the lith day of October A, D,, 1949 for the aotion of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 4th day of January A, D,, 1950 at the County Auditor's offioe in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of suoh hearing be given by posting oopiea of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing: and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 4th day of January A,D,, 1950 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more that ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of' the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petltion should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Lots 4,5 i 11, SE¼ of SW¼,; NE¼ of SW¼ Section 13 Township 134 Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 159 to said adjoining School District No, 193 and said lands are hereby COMMISSIONERS RECORD.N, .orrER TAIL COUNTY, MINN~ DATE .... , .. , .............. ·-···J.anuar-3 .. ,,!l •..................... , .......... 1l.flQ 11ffl■mn1n11aco■u11 u.u.au made a part of aaid last named Sohool Distriot for ~ll purposes vthatever. ·-By order. of tt1e Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 4th da,v of Jarmary A,D,, 1950. (Auditor's Seal) Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman of. the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota. Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petit"lon of Vernon c. 17entzel to be set over from DiBt. 80 to Dist. 143 was taken up for final action, and, upon mttion, the petition waa granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Vernon c. Wentzel a legal voter, freeholder and resident of Sohool Dist. No, 80 in this county, repre sentlng that he ia the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in aaid Sohool District, and adjoin School District No. 143 and asking that he with his aaid lands ma,v be set off from said district no. 80 to said adjoining school district No. 143 was presented to the ~oard bf County Commiesiomers of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of October A. D,, 1949 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon.ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petitiom, at a session of said board on the 4th day of Jan. A, D •• 1950 at the county Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County: and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing b~ given by posting copies of said ord.er in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a ccpy of aaid order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of county commissioners on said 4th day of January A, D., 1950 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein direoted and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publioly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was aaid by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion t-hat aaid petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, tm t the aaid petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: South 80 ac. of SE¼ Section 30 Township 133 Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said Sohool District No. 80 to said adjoining School District No. 143 and said lands are hereby aade a part of said. last named School Dist. for all purposes w~atever. ~ .BY orner of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated.the 4th day of January A,D,, 1950. ·(Auditor's Seal) Geo. B. Gunderson . . Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln county Audi tor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Herman napenfuss to be set over from Dist. 228 to Dist. 277 was taken up for final action. Upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the following orter to-wit: Whereas, The petition of lferman napenfuss a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Dist. No. 228 in thia county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described which are situate in said School District, and ad join School Dis tr let tJo. 277 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district no. 228 to said adjoining school district No. 277 was presented to the Board of Coun~y commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th da,v of October A, D,, 1949 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas· it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 4th day of Jan. A, D,, 1950 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by post-ing copies of said order in three public places in each of the school distriots to be affeoted by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of suid School Distrlots, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 4th da,v of January a. D,, 1950 due proof of the posting and servioe of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to aaid last named.date, having been made and filed, said petition was pulbicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it i"s hereby ordered and d·etermined, that the sai~ petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Gov•t. Lots 3 & 4, Et SW¼ and wt SE¼ Section 19 Township 137 Range 37 be and the same· are hereby set off from said School District No. 228 to said adjoining School District No, 277 and said lands are hereby make a part 01.' said. last named School District f.ot all purposes whatever. BY order of the.Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 4th da,y of January A,D •• 1950, (Auditor's seal) Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman of the Board of county Commi-ssioners of otter Tail county, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln county Auditor, and ex-offioio Clerk of Board. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-··············.T.anu.ar.v.-·!1,-.......................... _ ....... 1_9Ii8 .. The petition oi' Joseph A. Siebe ls· to be set over from Dist. 228 to Dist. 277 was taken u-p f'or final action·. Upon motion. the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-\vlt: Whereas, The petition of' Jose-ph A. Slebels a legal voter, freeholder and resident of' School Dist. No. 228 in this county, representing that he ls the owner .of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 277 and af!king that he with his said lands may be set off from said 11-istrict No. 228 to said adjoining school d~strict No. 277 was presented to the 'Board of county· Commi'ssloners of this· county as Ii. session of said board held on the 14th day of October A.D., 1949 for.the action of said board thereon· and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at'a session of.said board on the 4th day of' Jan. A.D., 1950 at the county Auditor's office in the City of Fergus ~alls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of' the time and place of such hearing be given by post- ing copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said school Districts a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such. hearing; and whereas at the said s~ssion of the said Board of' County commissioners on said 4th day of January A, D., due proof of the posting and service of said order of' hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days pr,1:or to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the pra.yer of the petitioner, and said Board being.of'·opinion that said petition should be granted, it ls hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit; NE¼ of Section 19 Township 137 Range 37 be and the same are hereby ·set off' from said School District No. 228 to said adjoining School District No. 277 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last nomed School District for all purposes whatever. By order of' the Board of county Commissioners, Dated the 4th day of January A, D,, 1950, (Auditor's Seal) Geo. B. Gund0 rson Chairman of the Board of County Commisslo~er Of otter Tall county, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of' Boar The petition of Mrs. Rarry Snook to be set over from Dist. 234 to Dist. 212 was taken up for final action. Upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the following orller to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Mrs. Harry Snook a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Dist. No. 234 in this county, repre sentinr, that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 212 and asking that he with his lands may be set of'f from said district Ho. 234 to said adjoining school district uo. 212 was presented to the Boar-d of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of October A,D., 1949 f'or the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 4th da.y of January A,D.,1950 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus F,11s in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that.notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school district to be affected by said petition, and by malling to the clerk of' each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commiss- ioners on said 4th day of January A.D., 1950 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and ~aid Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Lot 2 & SW¼ NE¼ & NW¼ SE¼ Section 1 Township 132 Range 38 be and the same are hereby set off from said Sohool District No. 234 to said adjoining School District No, 212 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School Dist, for all purposes whatever. By order of the aoard of' County commissioners • . Dated the 4th day of January A.D,,1950. (Auditor's Seal) Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman of the Board of County commissioners of otter Tail county, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln County Audi tor, and ex-officio Clerk of Boord. The petition of E. R, MUnsen to be set over from Dist, 141 to Dist. 173 was taken up for final action and, upon motion, the petition was laid over to the January meeting inl951, The petition of Clemence and Albert ID.tnza to be set over from Dist. 248 to Dist. 204 was taken up for final aotion. Upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Clemence & Albert Kunza a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 248 in this county, repre sentlng that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described. which are situate in said Sohool District, and adjoin School Distriot ?lo. 2.04 and asking that he with his said lands me,y be set off from said dlstrlot No. 248 to said adjoiniQg sohool district No, 204 was presented to the Board of county Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of October A.D,, 1948 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon order- ed by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 4th day of January .A,D,, 1950 at the county AuditOlt''.s offioe in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................. January. ... 4., .......................... 19 ... 5.0 HCP■m Dl■U■ICONPIIPP n C!OHD .• ,,, f m given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the euhool districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the.clerk of each of said Sohool Districts, a copy of said order at least ten da_vs before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said sesaion of the ~oard of county commissioners on said 4th da_v of January A.D,, 1g50 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing ae therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having ~een made and filed, said petition was publioly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was eaid by said·intereeted parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it ie hereby ordered and determin- ed, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Sf SE¼, NE¼ SE¼ & Govt. Lot 3 in Section 33 Township 137 Range 38 be and the same are hereby set off from said School Diet. No 248 to said adjoining School District No, 204 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of county Commlssionere. Dated the 4th da,y of January A,D •. 1950, (Auditor's Seal.) Geo.~. Gunderson Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count~. Minn. Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of ·aoard. The petition of Charley Thompson to be set over from Dist. 87 to· Dist. 288 was taken up for final action and after full consideration upon motion, the petition was rejected. The petition of Edward A. Vogt to be set over from Dist. 53 to Dist. 103 was taken up for final action and, upon motion, the same was laid over to some future date. The petition of Clifford Speck to be set over from Dist. 225 to Diet. 277 was taken up for final action and, upon mot1on, the petition was granted and the Board isl:lued the following order to-wit: l'lhereas·, The petition of Clifford Speck a legal voter, freeholder and resident of school District No, 225 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lends hereinafter d.escribed, which ere situate in said school District, end adjo1.n school JJistrict rio. 277 end asking that he with hie lands ma.v be set off from said district uo. 225 to said adjoining school district No, 27·/ was presented to tne Moerd of county commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 14th day of October A.D., 194g ror the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, et a session of said board on the 4th da,y of Ja,. uery A.D. ,19o0 · at tne County Auditor's office in the city of Ferp.us Fells in said county; and whe~eas iL was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten da,ys be-fore the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the saia session of the said Board of county commissioners on said 4th da,y of January A,D., 191>0 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as·therein directed and required, more than ten da,ys prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the pra,ver of the petitioner, end said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered end determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Nf SW¼, NWt sE¼ and NE¼ SE¼ Section 13 Township 137 Range 38 and SW¼ of Section 18 Township 137 Range 37 be end the same are hereby set off from said scnool District No. 225 to said adjoining School District No. 277 end said lends are h,reby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 4th da,y of January A,D., 1950. (Auditor's Seal) Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail.County, Minn, Attest: William Lincoln county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Hubert Saari to be set over from Diet. 176 to Diet. 47 was taken up for final action and it appearing to the Board that the land embraced in said petition does not join Dist, No. 47, upon mot ion, the petition ws.s re ;!ected. The question of an allowance to be made to the otter Tail County Historical Society for the year 1950 was discussed and it was agreed that the sum of $250,00 would be allowed at the close of each quarter upon approval by the County Board of a statement showing expenditures made d~ring that quarter. H. w. Glorvigen, Clerk of Court, re9uested authority to pa,y five cents toagents in various parts of the oounty for each drivers license application made by such agents, the clerk of court to be reimbursed by the county upon submission of bills showing details of payments to agents, Anton Ripka, Agent for M11tua1 Service-Causualty Insurance co. filed a bid .for furnishing fire, theft and wind storm insurance covering co.unty road maohenery as listed in said bid at a total premium of $644.51 was presented to the ~oard and, upon motion, the b1' was accepted, The County Auditor presented the following statement to the Board: TO T"FfE COUNTY "!!OARD OTTP:R TA !L COUNTY'; AHID-TESOTA Pursuant to law I present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for county plinposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, to- COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-··················-·•Tanuar.,v: ... 4. •.............................. 19.5.0 .. gether with the actual cash balance remaining to the credit of each county fund at the close of business on the 31st de,v of December 1949 FUMDS County ~evenue Fund "Poor li'und Road and Bridge Funi,, Welfare Fund · Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund William Lincoln County Auditor. Amount Levied fo:r current Year $108,963.19 40,119.84 250,455.52 190,191.78 30,047.88 Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows. FUNDS county Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bridge Fund Ditch Fund Incidental Fund county Welfare Fund Sheriff's Contigent F·ttnd Tuberculosis Sanatoruim Fund BALAtrnES $ 289,233.86 Credit $ 38,821.87 59,534.80 2,656.58 2,697.13 181,686.23 1,215.67 8,862,11 The following is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board. FOR WP.AT PUR~OSE Unpaid on Road Contracts The following resolution was adopted: BALANCE DUE $18,073.60 Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter .Tf/-il County, Minnesota: That the Perham Enterprise-Bulletin be and the same is hereby designated as the newspaper ln which shall be printed the 11st of lands in Otter Tall county upon which taxes became delinquent on-the first Monde,v ln January 1950, Resolved further that publishers of said newspaper be required ·to furnish a suret,v bond ln the sum of $2,000.00 for the ~aithful performance of said publication. Adopted Jan, 4, 1950. Attest: \Yilliam Lincoln Clerk. The following resolutio? was adopted: Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the following amounts are hereby set aside for clerk hire for the calendar year 1950 in the several county off.ices to-wit: Auditor -Treasurer Register of Deeds Clerk of Court in ad·dltlon to $1500.00 allowed ~Y special law. Probate Court in addition to $3500.00 authorized by special law. supervisor Deputy Clerk county veterans' Service 0ffloe, $ 7800.00 6000.00 9000.00 2000.00 600.00 3200,00 2500.00 1900.00 Salaries etc. 8000.00 First Assist. Co, Supt, of Schools $225.00 per month. Offloe Assistant $130.00 per month. Adopted Jan. 4, 1960 Attest: William Lincoln Clerk, Geo, B. Gunderson Chairman. The following names were selected to be placed on the annual Grand and Petit 3ury list of the county: Alex Dulek! Geo. Bauck Mrs. Wm, Bahls Dave Tingum Perham " New York Mills " " " GRAND JURY Mrs. i:i:enry Grimm Vino. Drahman Walter Tikkanen ~nry Tobkin Perham " New York Mills Perham ' J COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IRP!"D PIIP!IICIIIUUJL.aAILJIUI r.rrs. Ted. Buechler Mrs. v. Sundberg Oscar Ehlke Ray Klein Hugo Hammer Art Hendrickson Melvin Boe Gabr,ial Wigdahl G. R, :P.lcKeever Mrs~ Ted "A"er,seth Oscar Y.ittelson John Bondy Grant Cox Aaron Edmon Arthur Dryer Clarence Jensen Sam. Uycklemoe T, M, Anker Paul Aldrich Henry "S"olmgren William Rodekuhr D, D, Woodard John strommen Mrs. Fred Hibbard Richard Terv<ila M, E, Bergerud Harry Burau Lorimer Torgerso.n Albert c. Mobroten "fl. E. Swenson w. ~. Jenkins Ralph Sinner, Robert Lougren Mrs. Henry Ament Theo. Van Erp Mike.Sandau E, G. Dusterhoff Fred Luebberman Mrs. John Pers,vck 'A'enry Siebels Walter Glawe Mrs. Louise Kertscher Walter Peltoniemi Verner Anderson Wm. Seedorf' Edwin Hartwig Lawrence Delaney Hilmer Hancock Ambrose Kaminski Ed Hintsala Mrs. Joseph rnovstad Mrs. Amelia Bakken Mrs. Wm, Jaco Its Mrs. !,awrense Thompson Lewis Jacobson Mrs. Oscar Fjestad Alfred Fossen Mrs. Obert Nelson Henry Lystad Mrs. Reinhard Thom Christ Uelson John i,laasjo Mrs. Lester Olson Agnes Hammer Mrs. Ray Nyberg J. E, Current Fritz Ohlrogge Oscar Benson Alfred Johnson Georg!! Skinner Evald Sandstrom Henry J. tanglie John Anne Arthur ThO•rson Cordon Uorby Edward Rund Louis Uselman Mrs. Daniel Jungels ~enry Misegades J. c. Tetens Andrew Isakson George Brauch !;!rs. William swantz Oley Ranson Peter Hink Oscar w. Olson B, R, F.:erssen Mrs. ~enry Dilly Charles Hultquist 111rs. Ilana Schrader DATI/L .......................... , .• T8.1-luar-.v .... 4. •.................... _ ....... 19 .. QQ Dent Richville Vergas Bluffton New York Mills Lida Dunn Rothsay Village Pelican Rapids Vill. Oscar Norwegian Grove Battle Lake Village Vining Village Leaf' Mountain Twp. Otter Tail Twp. Girard Twp. Eagle Leke TWP, Uidaros Twp, VToodside Tvrp. ~enning Village Deer Creek Village Oak Valley Twp. Folden TWP, ~arkers Prairie Vill. Leaf Lal:e Twp. Aastad Twp, Dane Prairie TWP, Aurda.l T111p. Elizabeth Twp. City City City John Lange Ed. Franklin Mrs. Alfred Vorgert Joe P:rueger Geo. Y/irtunan Le\vis Arntson Tom Knutson Dr. H, R, Borg Mrs. Severin Baglien Mrs. Wm. Haarstick Sam Sandberg ,Tames Wilson w. M, Burmeister A. J. Finseth J. W. Bixby ?aul Deutsch A. c. Berg Stanley Leitch Harris Ring Alfred T, Anderson George Kraemer .~. w. V/ilson Arvid Johnson Roy Bjorklund "fl. s. Berg Henry Pederson Ed. c. Peterson Albert J:Texum Andrew Runninr,en E. c. Beimer Ben Benson Swend Larson PETIT JURY Blowers Tvrp. Bluffton Butler Candor Dead Lake Dora Perh~m Corman Hobart Homestead Nei7ton Otto Perham -oine Lake Rush Lake star Lake Perham Uew York Mills IJorwegian Grove Scambler Dunn Pelican Lido. Trondh,iem Erhards Grove Maplewood Oscar Maine Friberg Pelican Rapids Vill. Battle Lake Village Dal ton Village Vining Village Girard Twp. Otter Tail Twp. !Udaros Tvrp. Amor Twp. Everts Twp. Clitherall Tv,p. F.agl e Lake Twp. Sverdrup 'l'wp. Tordenskjold Twp. st. Ola-t' Twp, Tumuli Twp, Compton Twp. Deer Creek Twp_. Leaf' Lake Twp. 'Penning Twp. Inman Twp. Oak Valley Twp. V/oodside Twp. Elmo Twp. Ef'f'irlgtOn Twp. Eastern TWp. Deer Creek Village Henning Village ~enning Village Parkers Prairie Vill. Algot V/algren Henry Roggenkamp Mrs. John Braukman Mrs. Edwin Breitenf'eld John Harms Mrs. Gust Gorentz Louis Sieling Mrs, Paul Matz Fred Flatau Verner Porkonen Elmer Selander 'R'erb Bengston 'Fterman Wessel Mrs. Norb Matz Martin ijerringer G. c. Eckert Herb Wallace James 'Ftauck Henry I shaug Jay Moses Olof' Isaacson Orville Monson Arthur Grahn ·Anton Toso Frank Boese Gullek Cullekson Mrs. Ole ?felson t-:rnest ,,P.azie '!l'erbert Duenow Mrs. Ted Rue B. T. Steen Ben Bjorness Mrs. Edgar Brutlag Eddie Anderson Perry Trout Anton Rotz L. D, Fogard Mrs. David Severson Clarence Larson Maurice Kirkvold -Peder Ossander Anton M, Clesne tlels Fossen Sidney Skrove Frank Carlson Peter ll'arthan John Meyer ll'erman Bolland Arthur !l'eard· August Branstner Mrs. Ivan Boehlo.nd Raymond Thomas J, Rarold Peterson Herman 'l'esch Mrs. Jack Bursette Celestine Busch Mrs. George Revering Peter Revering Perham Vergas Bluffton Perham New York Mills Scambler Trondhjem Pelican Rapias V~llag " " " Erhards Grove Maine Clitherall Village Ottertail Village underwood Village Amor TWp. Clitherall Twp. F.Verts Twp. Sverdrup TWp. Leaf' take TWp. Parkers Prairie 11:111. Urbank Village Henning Village Eastern Twp. Henning Twp. Henning Twp. Buse T1'1p. Fergus Falls, Twp. Carlisle Twp. City City City City Blowers Twp. Bluffton Butler Corliss Dent Dora Edna Gorman Hobart Newton New York Mills Paddock Perham -Pine Lake Rush Lake Star Lake l;'erham Paddock Norwegian Grove Scambler Dunn Pelican Lida Trondhjem Erhard Village Maplewood Oscar Maine Friberg Pelican Rapids Vill. Clitherall Village Unerwood Village Ottertail Village Girard Twp. Nidaros Twp. Leaf Mountain Twp. Amor Twp. Everts Twp. Clitherall Twp~ Eagle Lake Twp. Sverdrup '.L'Wp. Tordenskjold Twp. st. Olaf' Twp. Tumuli Twp. Compton Twp. l)eer Creek TWp. Leaf' La)ce Twp. 'R'enning TWp. Inman Twp. Oak Valley Twp. Woodside Twp. Folden Twp. Parkers Prairie Twp. Effington Deer Creek Village Henning VillBf!e Urbank Urbank Village COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Alvino. Evenson Mrs. Sophus X'Vern Odin Baak Mre. John w. Roehl, Jr. Max Madsen Lloyd llelson urs. Geo. Grabarkewitz Wm. Y.naakendoffel Leonard ~iekareki Mrs. Elmer Munson Fld. Nelson !.!rs. Ed. s. snowberg Mrs.~. w. 'Rertelson. Jr. Albert J. Nelson DATE ...................... ·-·······J'.anuar.y_ .. l\.~ ............................ 19~Q .. Aastad Aurdal Buse Carlisle Dane Prairie Elizabeth TWp. Elizabeth Village Fergus Falls. TWp. Orwell Western City Cit,v City City Earl l!'abi an Einar Hendrickson Eddie H. Peterso~ Julian Quam John Tjostelson Mrs. Ed. Preston Mrs. Albert Schmitz Ernest Bartels. sr. Harvey Brause. Sr. Eric Smith Clara Sholberg 1"eter Set hi:e E. J. Whitehead Mrs. John Clausen Aastad Aurdal Buse Carlisle Dane Prairie Elizabeth Twp,. Fergus Falls TWp. Orwell Western City City City City City The application of Emil c. Pesola for homestead classification for 1949 on the SW¼ SW¼ in Sec. 35. Town of Otto, was read and approved and the Board ordered the taxes reduced accordingly. The application of 1?eter J. Y.owe.lski for homestead classification of Sub Lot 1 of Govt. Lot 3 in Sea. 9, Town of Dunn, was read and approved and the Boe.rd order·e!l, the taxes reduced accordingly. The application of Sherlock Jtouge for reduction of assesRment for 1948 on T,ot 9, S ec. 26, Town• of Friberg, containing l½ acres was read and the Board recommended to the aommissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $114 to $ 5 and the ·taxes from $ 14 •. 51 to $ .67 • The· application of the Perham co-operative Creamery for reduqtio~ of assessment for 1949 on tract in '!?aine's Add"ition to "erham Village was read and the "Hoard recommended 'to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said tract be reduced from $ 25660.00 to $ 22660 •. 00 and the taxes from $ 3518.76 to $ 3107.37 v v 3 of tlon to The appljcation of s. A. Zimmerman for reduction of assessment for 1948 on Lots 16 and 17 in Block Cutler•si'Xddition to Fergus Falls was read and the Boe.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxa-that the assessed value be reduced from $ 180 to $ 80 and the taxes from $ 16.83 $ 13.46 • The application of Skogmo Motors. Ino. for cancellation, of tax for 1949 in the City of Fergus Falls on automobiles and truc·ks upon whiah 1949 licenses were issued was read and the board recomended to the commissioner of taxation that said tax amounting to$ 319.69 be cancelled. The application of Wllshusf!n Motor Co. for cancellation of tax for 1949 in the City of Fergus Jl'alls on automobiles and trucks upon which 1949 licenses were issued ,,as read and the board recomended to the commissioner of taxation that said tax amounting to$ 356.04 be cancelled. The following bills were allowed: J. c. Henkes Do Do Carl ,le.hn M. c. T,ee Edward Drews Midland Paper~ Staty. co. Runningen Cafe G. c. Jaaobs, M. D. C. J. Lund, M. D. Hotel Barkley Olson-Enstad-Larson, Inc. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. E. Le.wrenson ~re.nkovi1. Hardware Ro, Lo ;1 tnc • Nelson Welding Shop M. s. Rieman William Buse Anton Poli tiske John Sperr Chas. A• Lund Mason Pub. co. Poucher Printing & Lith. co. ~nderwood Independent Miller-Davis co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. G. J. Mouritsen. M. D. N. W. Bell Tel. Co. ~. A. Rogers co. Fritz-Cross co. Ad.d ressograph Sales Agency !Aarkstrom Drugs Free Press Co. The Pieroe Co. Oswald ~blishing Co. Countryman Drug Co. Security Blank Book Ye 1'rint1ng Co. Paulo. Peterson Pelican Rapids Press N. W. Bell Tel. Co. ~likstad-Y.ilde co. Norman NUnn Victor r.undeen 'I: co. N. W. Bell Tel. Co. Lola V. Mehl Natl. Or~e.nization for l?ublic ~ealth Frankoviz v.ardware western union boarding prisoners expenses--sheriff cash adv. dep. sheriff exp. " f9 " supplies meals for witness exam. " room for witnesses insurance ribbons eta. rirpairs supplies " repairs const·able fees ~,1 t ness f'ees " ., " digest blanks blanks books&: blanks blanks ,Ye supplies exam. oalls supplies record books main. supplies record sheets supplies blanks supplies assessment binders cabinet publ. mobile service coal box rent 'I: postage supplies calls expenses /nurse) subscription /nurse) sup·plies telegrams $ 177.00 50.87 8.04 38.90 65.18 31.62 8.89 8.30 10.00 10.00 3.50 103.00 6.48 192.50 19.59 9.93 1.40 13.02 7.60 · 5.56 5.20 4.36 20.00 36.02 12.50 116.86 68.50 10.00 37.30 7.65 170.68 20.50 2.35 114.85 .81 7.74 5.88 578.50 75.00 8.20 169.75 745.80 47.00 1316.50 14.28 59.65 4.00 3.93 8.00 1 COMMISSIONERS-RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, . .MINN. Jlarjorie Stenstrom Mildred '3ruvold Village of Battle Lake Town of western Town of Folden General Supply Co. Monroe Calculating Mche. co. C. J. Lund. M. D. H; w. Glorvigen DO. Normandy Cafe Missouri-Kansas Chemical co. Fergus Pl1tmbing 'i: '!!eating Beall .',: McGowan Co. 'Fergus Journal Co •. Bjerke-Edlund Co. united c·hemical Co. Kathrine Buse Patricia· Sperr Geo. B. Gunderson Do Bert stone George Hanson Henry Siellng University Hos pi tale Mrs, Cleo Garrison Drs. Lewis, Lewis .!I, i{evern Ferg~s Falls 9linic Nopeming Sanatorium City of Fergus Falls Philip Kjagllen Do . Nelson Bros, ~rinting Co. Y.atherine D, Townsend Otto Olson N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Service Garage Dal ton Oil Co. Fergus Oil co. Bill Nelson Oil Co. T.awrence Cook Do Underwood Oil co. 'Flagge Oil Co. Geo. T. Ryan Co. Minn. F.w.D. co. A. w. Co., rnc. of. Minn. :!roffridge-Johnson Equipt. Co. N. W. Bell Telephone co. Town of Trondhjem Town of Dora Town of or~!ell TOVl'll of Oscar Town of Pine Lake Pelican Telephone Co. Town of Aurdal City of Fergus Falls Fergus Lumber & Fuel co. The Carew warehouse Henning Fuel Co, P. H, Gust Elevators, Vergas Wm. F. Schwantz Paper, Calmenson !I: eo. Service Recorder Co. Lampert Lumber Co,, Wadena Wm. P. Ziegler Co., Tnc. A. B. Y.ilde Co. M-lnnesota Motor co. C. 'FT. 'Bjorklund Body Sho·p John E. Uaki Ehnbom Motor co. Ebersviller•s R. J. Schmidt Larson Brothers F. Saunders !I, Son Rolo 'i: Trosdahl ~intz ~ Son Blacksmith Shop Henry J. !.{. Engelke Farrow Chev. Co, C. 'R'. Bjorklund Body Shop Anderson !I, Tichy Farmers' Co. Operative P,Y..M, 'i: Co. George Olson Poucher Printing & Lith. co. Minneapmlis Blue ~rint. co. H. A. Rogers Co, Panama Carbon Co. N. w. Bell Telephone Co,, Henning Wendell P. Huber Do, Do. W, L. Potter DATE ................................. Jlamt&r¥ .... 4. ........................... l!P.Q .. . clerk cro. Supt. transcripts care of poor ., bulbs main. " " coroner• s fees postage drivers license exp. meals for jurors supplies repairs supplies publ. supplies " witness fees exp. attd. meeting II " " " " " " " ,, special services care of child exam. services care of patient supplies transients Mileage postage printing (county service office) rent " · " hauling service repairs gasoline " " tires, etc. " " diesel fuel parts " " long distance grading II " " road work services grading bituminous material coal II " " move fence posts repairs Lumber parts repairs repairs " " " " " " " " " " expenses supplies " " services postage cash adv. expenses " " ., t 85.00 ·21.45 169.09 1099.10 413,28 28.00 19.50 66.14 20.00 4.80 32.65 53.30 3.32 11.00 158.60 3.18 41.30 7.60 5.20 5.64 45.24 10.50 7.56 11.37 50.00~ 45.00 75.00 79.00 199.50 5.5Q_ 61.50 ·1.15 135.27 45.00 2.00 7,85 2.80 55,57 40.04 240.45 10.22 1.02' 25;00 311.65 346.86 23.27 51.45 26.26 15.25 300.00 300.00 300.00 300,00 300.00 6.75 300.00 75.78 58.40 48.82 22.00 63.30 30.00 272.39 20.03 20.50 340.18 59.64 24.54 43.50 2.80 15.25 4.74 14.85 123.65 15.65 14.00 10.00 8.50 11.11 61.30 12.90 1.30 7.39 18.30 45.44 81.54 2.58 12.88 7.08 150.00 . 34.01 99.66 22.98 • ' ' I . • • ' .. - • . . . -·-·· -· tlli"U.~• ~-__ ,,, . ;);"tJ. &i.Df'i4 ,COMMISSIO)NiBRS, Ri!OOiRD ·N~ .. onER ''f:Al)L :OOU.tfFY,. ~IL lf/5 . . . -. . --· ... -. . ' . ,50 :l,j:l'p'l/fn'I/T; !LYIUJ!.J!-,11,!. ' • ' • I • I • . ' . . • • • • • ' ' • ' ' ' ' . I • I • I ' ' . ' I • : ' • ' • • .. ! l>~T£ _____________________ 1f,ail~fJ:~1':..~.-t ........ -... -... -------··--·--·------ili9~.-----· --~ M8•1\\'l'O•e C'al-ouia1t Ing Mach'ilne · · ·o .• ]!).. A,. T.rwbri,c·ant Clo·. , fnc ~- Ma-11r :I! o e Rudio it p'h , J•r • .'J•ess ·st • C·l!·a4! re • • • • . -mailln,. .. o.ilil · ·R l'•av,e it ., I • V.eib;r.u:ar y -• ll.9'.60 · 4!3.·00 244 •. 5·2 2 •. 31 -88. 4;1 • • • -.. • ;r,man · . ' .&tt,e.st • -,, • • -. . . • • • - • '• - MIJJ·T:JTER OF.' ADJ.Olfil.(•J.'i:Eil:> MT'.ETING OF. THE BO:A~ OF CO·Y·JNTY COMM:·IS!-3ION'ERS OF OTTER TAIL CO., MI M4:E:3 OT A • . • PUrsuant to ad·j.0u-rnmen1i the Bo•a-r-d met at 10· 0'olock· A. M. Tue.sda,v. l!'e•brual'y 14, 1950. w.e-re e·01m11-lssioners Sleiling, G.u,ZJ.d•el'so-n, ff,anso•n. ston,e and s·-nowberg. P;r e.s.e-nt ' c·tg,a'l'ett-e l;Lo.en-se.s to•l' the c·o.1e•nd-ar · ye·ar 1950 were gl'onted as follo.ws: Barton B;i.,os., Res0rt, · --· :Dead ia,e; r..eo,ZJ.ard: 'l!'ogard:, Amer S:t-~re; Pe:rry sw-enso-n IJerth »0-ra stor-e; MU.r·r&3 Burns, Bum's Store, ['ow,1,.1· 0f' Mame.; A. l) .• W·loikham, Bassweed ste'l'e; Wln·• c. 1 Taylor, T&3ler's Landing, T0w-n ef Ev-ertp; ·A, C· so·h~t1i, T0ri,1 s Re·se;rt, 'tow·n ef Ame:r: M-rs .• .An-na B•e,:Fup, star Lake stare; Elnar A. R;vtlle-nen, Hbmeate·ad se,;rvi-ce G.8.;J;'age: Albe:rt Turoh4·n., se~vioe stat ion., Almer a: Ernie Pedie-rsoR, Resort, Star Lake: IIareld B·r:e-naJllan,, aervioe s1ia,ti0,:n., T-ew.r,i ef Mfil.l-ne;. Arvid Te-nney, Hi-Way Park ster·e, Elmo; l)e,nald L,. Eate,nso,n, Riv-e:rs,1;41e Resert, Derts; Lester B, M·ia,c•hke, oil at.at:l,o,n, Town ef lJewt.en: J,aw.r·ence C,ee,k, J;,,y.ma.n Store; Rarriae,n :J. Melb:r, ce,rnel' Ste<r-e, Amer; Ed. R. Martinson, Amer Garage; Jl. c. Ogard~ Carlisle Stare • ;l!)anoe pe:F-m,1t f8'l' t'lil•e y-ea;r: 19·50 was granted to Mapleweed Farm 'Bureau unit in the town hall of Ma•plll-ewe o d' • • ,4-nnuiml ;re,pe:F·ts e,!f' s,ait,arle.s Md fe.es reoeived bg oo,u,nt.v off'icers fer the cale•ndar year 1949 were r:e•ad; and ap,p;rev-ed as fellews: J •. g. F-Iaa:gena·en, Jud,ge of Probate, $413.3.28; 1:l. w. Glervige,n, Clerk ef ,oeu.rt, $3833,.28-; P. M, Ree, Q·e·Wllty T:11e·asu::re;r, $4133.28; J. c. Henkes, Sheriff', $4133.28;_ William i.,.;1..-noelJil•, Cou,n,ty .AludiLter, t4133.28; C•heste;r G. Resengre·n, County AttorRey, $3366.60; c·harles L, A..ile]fand•er, ce,u-rt eemm.tasl·o•n:e;r, $-91.60;. e. J. Lund, Ce:fo-ner, $184.5·9 • • 'l;lipe,n-mot ie,n-, th-e .Aiudi tar w.as ;LnatrU!oted t-e aavertis·e :fer bids -to.r ce•U,nty gl'aV·el pi:t in S·eo. 16, Town ,of l!Rman, bids te be e·pe-nec'i at 2 o' cleok p. 111 .• Ma:r. 15, 1950 at the Cemmis•aie·ners Roam in t-he ce,u:Ft U(;).use • • •l!Jpe•n. metie·n., the Co,u,nty Audi te:r w-aa instructed t·e advertis,e for t·he se·ase,n' s r-eq.uirements ef' 1il!res, 1i,u~es and' batter·ies le:r the ye,ar 1950. bids te be r-eceived until 10 e'olo,c•k A.. 14 .• Mar. 14, .1950. ' .. •['lie Aud-it-e,r waa also instructed to advertise for t·he a-easo,n•s requirements ef' gl'ader blade.a and all types and aiz,es -ef' -portaible culverts and b'l'id:ge lumber, bid·s to be received u,ntil 10 0'cloooc ,A. M. M:ar. 15•, 1950 • • • • • ·T•he· Aud;Lt·e·;r was alae instructed to adve~tia·e for e·11:uipme,nt re:r-rtal bed!s :fel' all types ef' oeRstruct- ie,n-·eq,u:;J.pme•Aili, s•aid bl!·d!a te be receiv-ed u.ntll 10 o'ol·bck A .• M ■ Mar. 14, 1950. · -Upe,n me1i;Le-n, the bill elf Otter Tail Co,u,nty ag·ainst the Towns,hi.p of st. Olaf' in the f.e.;r a,now plew;Ln,g in .:!-mi1111ary and February 1949 o,n the secalled OV.ergaard read w.as ord-ered o·omm1s-s·ie,ne, S,ielt~ Vettng 11,N,e''. a.um e :r $'7 0 • 00 cancelled, • • ·\;;,pe•A metien t·he board adje.urned te Feb. 15 at 10 e'clock A. M. • • ' • • I • • WEDN:ES!DiYS SES.SION • Pu;rswim,t ilie ad jeweune,n.t t ne board met at 10 A:. M. -r·e·b. 15 all membel'a be;Ln,g ,present • • l!J4)en mot;l.ie,n the be•ard auther;Lzed the r.~mmisaio·ne:r ef F-Iighw,e.vs te advertize fo-r bida for the ·O·tt·ei' ['a:11 J,8:ke re·ad :frem the so,utheast oerner et S\\'¼ SW¼ Seo. 34 t·own of' Maine then east Tail J;,8/ke aald 'bid•a te, b·e e,pe,nec1 ait ll o• oleo•k A. r,1. April 11 1·95·0. -. . grading t.e Otter T•he qu;eat;Le,E, ef il'-eimibuis,eme·nt t0 tew,RSh;L;pa e,n ao•count of' ro,ad ce,nstructio-n during 1950 was dii,- o;u,a~ed_ ·and ~,pon ·moti.en 1-~ w,a:a ,.greed te allew the_ sum:1ef •300.-00 t·e ~-~ch towns-hip w,hioh expends $900.00 -er ·mere _•en :read oenatil'uo~l-e,n., pa;y-~ent te mad,e :a:pe-n itemiz.e.il and veril·1.ed statements s-howing a·uch , ·e·:z:,pe-ndit,wres, all a,uo•h olatms te b·e filed with t·he ce-u,n,t_y be,ard bef'ere Apr·il 1, 1951. Citit7 ment a·ame • • ·g,t•he applic-at ten et· 0·• x:. Rubbe;r W.eldeil'a te/r reductien ef' assessment fer personal pro·perty. in the ef 1·e,r-g,ua Falla Yi.as read 8:Jld the oe,u,nty ·s-uperv 1aer ef' Asseaaments, H. L. All-e-n, pre.se,nted a state- t·e the oe,~-1-1,t.v be·ard ·and his r-ecemme·ndatio,n ·fei il'e jeot ien of' the o.:p·plicat io-nand. upon metio·n, th·e w.as r-e j;eot ed. • • - -T'h·e ap.pJ..1ce.tien of Mines~ta M~t-er Ce. f.G:F canp·ellatio,n f'e taxes en a1ltomobiles al'ld trucks asaeaa- e.a t•e si,;~d _oemp0:1-1,v for the year 1949 and· ~po,n whic=hJ 1949 lioe-nses were iss-ueil was read and the B·oard reo.emmend.ed _te th~ comm!ssie.mer et Tax-atie,n that t~ aaseasment e:r· $8282.00 and tax ef' $1393.52 be . abat'.ed a!-1d t·he tetal value eilr pe-rsonal property ef/$a1-d c0mJ>a1-1,v be redwced te $10,681.00 and taxes te $1797.1~-_. t I.' .. • ['he •ap.p;ii.oa:t ion ef Frank ,"!-. .!•ese-no·a•~e, Jr. ,er olassifioat ;Le,n of the S"'¼ sw+ ef' s·eo. 1 md the BEt. NIE¼ of' s·ec. 11 and, t:he Ni NW¼ ef s,eo. 112, ·Tow,ns:hip of J,eaf' Me-untaln, for the ye·ar 1949 at hemestead - • • • • • --- • . . • ' ',I I I I •· • • • • • •• Ill, ~TES OF ADJOURNED MEETL'lG OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL CO., MINNEOOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10. o I clock A. M. Wednesday Feb. 13, 1952. ·Present were Conunissioners Sieling, Johnson, Hanson, Stone and a-iowberg. Bids for construction of F.A.S. roads as called for by the Board were opened and referred -to the highway engineer for checking. Upon motion, Emil Boen of the Township of Aurdal was appointed weed inspector for Otter Tail County for the year 1952 to fill vacancy caused by the death of Edward Johnson. A report of the Board of Audit of an examination of the accounts of P. M. Ree, County Treasurer, at the close of business Dec. 20, 1951 was approved. A report of the Veteran!' Service Officer for the month of January was. received and ordered placed on file. The bond of Fred M. ·Syck, Deputy County Treasurer, in the sum of $5,000.00, with the Anchor Casualty Co.,as surety, was approved. ,, .... .. Cyril Barnack presented to the Board his application for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Township of Leaf Mountain for the year 1951 and discussed with the Board the various assessments in that . . township. The Board agreed to take action later in the session. The application of Walter Neulieb for reduction in assessed value of the SEz: NW¼ and Lot 1 in Sec. 27, Township of Trondhjem, ,for the year 1951 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $635.00 to $402.00 and the taxes from $85.37 to $53.94. The application of the Minnesota Motor Co. for reduction of assess- ment on motor vehicles in the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1951 upon which 1951 licenses were issued was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of personal property of said company for said year be reduced from $13,659.00 to $12,136.00 and the taxes from $2,357.00 to $2,094.19. The application of Fergus Nash Motor Co. for reduction of assessment on motor vehicles in the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1951 upon which licenses for 1951 were issued was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of personal property of said company-be reduced from $5,424.00 to $4,321.00 and the taxes from $935.97 to $745.64. The application of Wayne St. Claire for reduction of assessment of personal property in the Village of New York Mills for the year 1951 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $903.00 to $724.00 and the taxes from The application of Iver Putikka for reduction of assessment of person- al property in the Village of New York Mills for the year 1951 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said :·,personal property be reduced from $1,577 .OO to, $944.00 &nd the taxes from $241.40 to $137.94. The application of Burton Jorgenson for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Township of Erhards Grove for the year 1951 was read and the Board reconnnended to the Connnissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $428.00 to $328.00 after allowance of the household exemption provided by law and that the taxes be reduced from $70.49 to $54.02 • .. The application of Wilmar Schultz for reduction of assessment of personal property in the Township of Hobart for the year 1951 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be re- , duced from $564.00 to $464.00 after allowance of the household exemption provided by law and that the taxes be reduced from $85.96 to $70.72. The application of Amos Rood for settlement of delinquent taxes for the years 1948-49 and '50 on Lot 9 of Johnson's Beach, Township of Corliss, on the ground that for each of said years an assessment was made for structures on said property, whereas, there were no structures for any of those years, wes read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxa- tion that the petitioner be allowed to pay the sum of $10.35 as full settle- ment of said taxes for said years. The application of Earl N. Evenson·, for homestead classification of the NE¼ of Sec. 8 in the Township of Aastad for the year 1951 was approved and the taxes ordered reduced accordingly. The application of Walfred Tumberg for homestead classification for the year 1951 of the Ni Silt and th~ Sol¼ SN¼ of Sec. '3 4, Town of Newton, was read and, upon motion, was granted and the tax ordered reduced accordingly. The application of Edward Rund for 'homestead classification for the year 1951 of the El of lettered Lot 11Y11 , Sa:wbridge and Lowry-'.'s Addition in the City of Fergus Falls, was read and, upon motion, the application was approved and the tax ordered reduced accordingly. A delegation of citiz~ns from the Townships of Erhards Grove and Maplewood appeared before the Board to urge improvement of. road on the town line between said townships. Bids for cutting edges, metal and concrete culverts;. also tires,. tubes and batteries to pe furnished during the year 1952, were opened and read and referred to the highway engineer for c~ecking. A plat of Ryan's Beach in the Township of Edna accompanied by a ' certificate of title executed by M. J. Daly, Attorney-at~law, was ap- proved. A plat of the First Addition to Gosslee 1 s Beach in the Township of Dunn, accompanied by a certificate of title executed by Sharp and .Saetre, Attorneys-at-law, was approved. The following reports of fees received by county officials during the calendar year 1951 were approved: Henry ffieling, County Commis- sioner, $1.,215.00; Bennie J. Johnson, County Connnissior.er, $1,215.00; George Hanson., County Commissioner, $1.,215.00; Bert Stone, County Commissioner, $1.,215.00; Carl Snowberg, County Conmdssioner, $1,215.00; J. c. Henkes, Sheriff., $4,633.32; William Lincoln, County Auditor, $4,633 .32;; H. W. Glorvigen., Clerk of Court 1 $4,333.32; Louise Ston- dahl, County Superintendent of Schools, $4,333.32; J. N. Haage~son, Judge of Probate, $4,633.31. The application of Cyril Barnack for reduction of personal property assessment was again taken up and, upon motion., the same was rejected. Examination of the bids for F.A.s. roads having been completed and reported to the Board, upon motion, the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Highways that the bid of Alfred Evavold on F.A.S. Job 56- 532-03 s.A.R. No. 5 in the sum of $30.,866.21 be accepted .. The Board also recommended to the Commissioner of Highways that the bid of Bain:~. Roberts and Bain on Job 56-503-04 S.A.R. No. 5 in the sum of $22,586.04 be accepted. The t~llowing resolution was adopted: Re~olved by the Board of County Coiµmissioners of Otter Tail County., ' ·· · Minne so ta: · WhAreas, this Board has heretofore c~ntracted with Minnesota F .w .~. Co. for )ilodel H.R.F.W.D. truck with tiausau one way plow in exchange for, used truck.,. and WJiei-eas, same has been delivered-to and accepted by t, he county, No1.1 ~ tr,erefore,• be it resolved that ·the county auditor and chair.... man of.•· the Eoard are authorized and directed to issue to s a.id contr.iictor a wnr,re.nt on the Hoa.d :.~d Bridge fund of the coW1ty. in the sum of. $6.,699 .• ("JO. Adopted Feb. 13, 1952. Henry· Sieling .Chairman. 'Attest: William Lincoln 'Clerk. The Board considered bids which had been called for and made the following awards: All·bids for cutting edges, culverts and bridge material that were received were accepted; also all bids for equipment rental. The Board also accepted the bid of Bill Nelson Oil Co. for tubes, and b~tteries and _also for tires. Bid of the Minnesota Motor Co. for tires .was also actrepted. U~n motion, the Board then adjourned to Wednesday, Feb. 14; at i. 10 o'clock A. M. THURSDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Feb. 14, 1952, all members being present. The petition of Thor Thorson to set over the SE¼ of Sec. 33, in the Township of Aastad, and the petition ?f Palmer, Clara, Roy E. and Morris Baasen to set over the Sil# of Sec. 33, Town of Aastad, from Dist. 119 to Dist. No. 5 of Grant County was read and it was ordered that hearings on said petitions be had at the session of the board to be held Mar. 121 1952 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Connnissioners' Room in the Court House, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearings be given as provided by law. County Agents Nick Weyrens and Alden Booren and County Home Demon- str.ation Agents Judith Nord and Ruth Gustavson presented to the Board annual reports of their departments. Upon motion, these reports were ordered placed on file. Upon motion, the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for 25 1000 yards of gravel and for hauling 1251000 cubic yard:-: miles, said bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A~ M. Mar.11, 1952. Upon motion, Highway Engineer Huber was ati.thorized to attend the Missis- sippi Va11,yConference of State Highway officials at Chicago on Mar. 6th, 7th and 8th. The following resolution was adopted: Reso;ved by the Board ot County Commissioners ot Otter Tail County, . Minnesota z That the .sum of $1,000.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Retenue Fund of the county to.the· Otter Tail County Historical ~e~ety for the year 1952 • ... -~,! • Adopted Feb. 14, 1952. Henry Sieling. Chairman. Attests Willjern Lincoln Clerko The following bills were allowed: expenses J. c. Henkes Runningen Cafe M. C. Lee Dep. sheriff's exp. Ralph Rosenberg Donald-Skripsy Western Union J. C:. Henkes Dr. C. J. Lund Dr. H. H. Leibold Bennie J. Johnson George Hanson Henry Sieling Bert Stone Louise stondahl 11· II II 11· II 11; II II II telegrams sheriff boarding prisoners coroner 1a fees II If' exp. attd. meeting II II II If' II II 11· II II expenses 11: H.J. Henning Frank Roberts Albert Fritz Douglas Count~ Carl Jahn exp. weed insp. short Do Do Oren Fosse n· exam. Dep. II II II' II 11: II 11: of insane sheriff's II'. II II II II Geo. P. Schmitz John L. Logan. Wilson Wimer Gust Lundquist constable fees II II Addressograph Sales Agency maintenance Marchant Cal. Mche. Co. 11 Do rent of machine Monroe Cal~ Mche. Co. ribbon II exp. II II II II II Frank c. Barnes municipal judge 1s fees E. P. Getchell supplies Farnham staty. -& School Sup. Co. files Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies $ 44.70 2.95 90.30 12.90 85.85 1.60 124.50 124.25 11.25 19 .. 50 19 .. 50 31.52 14.00/ 23.95 24.50 course 39.55 II' 39.45 49.97 19.00 14.50 39.90 28.50 8.80 26.40 23.00 10.00 22.55 35.00 35.00 1.10 65.00 100.00 25.50 54.38 .... ~ergus Specialties Co. Fritz-Cross Go. Ugeblad.Pub'i. Co. Remington Rand, Inc. Art Printcraf't Nelson Bros •. Prtg. Co. Miller-Davis Co. Fergus Journ8:l Co. North Western Puhl. Co. Perham.Enterprise Bulletin Henning Advocate Battle lake Review The Independent Felic~ Rapids Press Fe~gus Journal Co. N.W~ Bell Tel. Co. South.Mill standard Service w. S.;, Darley Sears Orrler Office Norby Dept. Store N. W. Bell Tel. Co. ... Do J. s. Hopponen Fergus Mllllber & Fuel Co. Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Hintgen-Karst Beall & McGowan Co. Louise Stondahl H. W. Gloi;-vigen Do Do Johnson Drugs Estrem Clinic Mason Publ. Co. Barke, Allison & Darby supplies 187.21 II 8.80 letter heads 37.50 supplies 510~50 blanks 16.75 supplies 95.38 II 33.09 pr~ting 298.10 publ. P.P. T~ lists 273.40 . II II II II II 356.60 II II II II II 253.40 II II II " II 338.20 II II II II II 249.80 II II II II II 357.80 -II -II II II II 720.60 mobile service 83.15 gasoline for snow plow 1.47 supplies jail 24.38 rr II 16.80 11· II 1.53 calls 23.00 "· 73.30 labor & supplies jail 10.90 coal 1703.88- supplies 14.75 labor & supplies 28.04 supplies 11.25 postage 31 .. 72 II 77.00 attd. convention 37.99 drivers license exp. 33.30 supplies 46.65 services jail 66.oo subscriptions 52.50 Dep. Treas. bond 51.00 Perpam Tele. Co. Natl. Organization for Public Health Ann S. Jordan Do Do Esther G. Sell Do Do Victor Lundeen & Co. General &lpply Co. Fergus Oil Co. Philip M •. Kjaglien The Henning Advocate Philip M. Kjaglien Katherine D. Townsend N. w. Bell Tel. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. City Water & Light Dept. Div. of Public Institutions Nopeming Sanatorium Ramsey Co. Welfare Board · Dr. H. H. Leibold Nopeming Sanatorium Sunnyrest Sanatorium Minn. State. Sanatorium _Dr. Thos. J. Kinsella Village of Parkers Prairie Village of Henning Town of Everts Town of Folden Town of Eastern Village of Clitherall Town of Perham Town of Pelican services nurse subscription n expenses II postage II supplies II expenses II supplies II postage II supplies• !f II Vet fuel oil II expenses II subscription II expenses II rent II services II supplies " water & light 11 care of inmates care of patient connnitment exp. examinations care of patient II II II II II II services poor expenses II II• II II If, II II II II II II Ser. II . II II II II II II II Poor II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 6.6·5 4.00 67.86 6.35 4.85 38.27 · l:.95 4.96 5.65 2.00 · 6.60 83.93 2-.00 8.48 45·.oo 19.30 30.02 19.91 2733.32 251.10 12.95 24.00 251.10 25.00 718.28 100.00 142.75 49.95 366.43 308.12 319.87 1182.30 154.10 387.02 Town of Otto ·Village Bf Pelican Rapids Town of Oscar Town of Nidaros Village of New York Mills H.J. Henning Kinne's IncJ Home & Farm Supply !Arson Bros. A. B. Kilde Co. Field Ma.chine Co. Jaenish Industries Olson Auto Elec. Co. Skogmo Motors, Inc. Bjorklund Body Shop Farm Center Welding ) . Vergas Motor Service Red Arrow Garage Charles C. Olson Elec. Bau ck Chev. Co. Crow Notors Tichy' s Shop . . . Vaughn Chev. Co. Wick's Garage Chaffee 1s Garage Hintz & Son Blacksmith Shop . . •' Re Bon Chev. Co. Nicols-Dean & Gregg Hintgen -Karst Fergus Falls Monwnent Co. Toftely Bros •. Hdwe. Olson Hdwe. &·Fum. Co., Und. Thelen Implement. Co. George Money Moore Hardware care of poor Poor 194.64 11· II II ·If 311.57 II II II II 447.48 II II II II 721.80 II II II II 773.68 postage 44.72 parts R&B 1493.6S II. 1.89 repairs 115.0·5 II 17.0t> II 92.~ II 15.72 II 87.83 II 9.55 II 60.60 II 12.65 II 19.14 II 11.,65 II 2.50 II 20.41 II 3.95 II 15.75 II 3.57 II 5.10 II 10.50 II 50.35 II 7.19 supplies 172.99 II 1.65 II 79.25 II 13.16 II 18.00 II 4.46 II 7.00 II 5.60 Dillon Electric Co. Minnesota Motor Co. Ernest Sandberg kohn Dieseth Co. Fergus Lumber & Fuel Co. Nyman Fuel Co. P.H. Gust·Elev., Vergas The Farmers &lpply Henning Fuel ,Co. The Carew Warehouse Fred A. Everts Bill Nelson Oil Co. Harthun & Peterson Oil Co. Nundahl Oil Co. Twins Motor Co. WaltsStandard Service Jennings Edman F. L~ Rairdin West Lincoln Shell Skelly Service Station Hagge Oil Co. Todd County Highway Dept. Geo. Frost . A. J. ·Kaut man of Minn. Farms Co• Margaret Costello Wendell P. Huber George Olson W. L. Potter A. w. Co., Inc. of MinnJ Dakota Tract.or & Equ_ipt.. Co. Cummins Diesel Sales Corp. Klauer Mfg. Co. Minnesota F .w-.o. Co. supplies batteries e~c. elec. current steel coal II II II II II 11 · etc. gasoline etc. II II II II II 11; II II II II diesel fuel snow removal & main. move fence Right of Way II 11 11 & move fence expenses II II cash advanced services parts II n· 11, II :., 63.22 276.81 ,6.oo 58.22 32.80 89.90 100,.15 17.50 30.39 121.49 442~79 95.59 83.76 144.72 2' • .30 47.51 20.04 .4.93 44.86 685,.51 85.00 19.80 ,'.20.80 21.60 113.56 35.28 1.3.22 414.49 .389.76 5.33 148.79 12.81 .3.67 Geo. T. ~ & Co. Rosholt Equipt. Co. Ruffridge-Jonnson Equipt. Co. Wm. H~ Ziegler Co., Inc. St. Paul Corrugating Co. Paper, Calmenson & Co. Ottertail Co-op Oils · Empire Supply Co. Ehnbom Motor Co. Duro-Test Corp. Service Recorder Co. Knuttila Imple. Co,. Lyle Signs_, Inc. Olaf Eckley,Clara Eckley & Federal Land Bank ·n. A. Lubricant Co., Inc. H. K~ Stahl Co. & E. A. Bloese Bauck Chevrolet Co. A. B. Carpenter Penrose · Oil Co. RaYD1ond Bros.· Motor Trans. Co. Railway Express Agency. B.L. Minneapolis Blue Print Co. Minnesota State Highway Dept. Keuffel & Esser Co. Victor Lundeen & Co •. Panama Carbon Co. A. & E.·Supply Co. Monroe Calculating Mach. Co. The Globe-Gazette Co. H. A. Rggers Co. N.W. Bell Tel. Co. Do Pelican Tele. Co. _ N. W. Bell Tele. Co., Hem. Construction·Bulletin Mutual Service Casualty parts II II & cutting edges culverts cutting edges repairs II II supplies II II signs gravel oil II gasolin~ 11 · etc. 11 & diesel fuel freight express prints 11. express supplies II II II II forms services long distance services II ad. for bids insurance 226.49 320.78 1071.33 2285.80 .. 618.00 13.40 3.24 49.67 47.28 76.62 1.90 24.55· 277,20 516.12· 32.23' 62.06· 167.64 238.82 20.79 4.45 4.91· 34.22 2.99 13.35 6.25 3.70 1.00 18.54 354.49 45.45 34.95 Fergus Journal Co. L'!. J. Fjosne ad. for bids services 19.20· 44.00 The County Auditor presented to the Board his final statement of the County for the calendar year 1951. Upon motion, the statement was approved and signed by all members of the Board. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to Mar. ll, 1952 at 10 o'clock A.M. Attest:· WilllAM LINCOLN County Auditor. HENRY SIELING, Chairman.· • I I • {" •. I ''"i 'i ! '\_J ~ .........__ ----\..1.) ~ }J ........... ~ ,~~~ RESOLUTION ~ ~ :SY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNT?, MINN. Since Otter Tail County in the pa.st had been operating its Road and Bridge Fund at a large deficit and realized that suoh operation would eventually ruin its system of roads, there was.presented to the voters at a special election the proposition of bonding the County for $2,.500,000 for specified road and bridge-improvements. This was approved by the voters, and with ··._Government a.piiroaa.l $1,,500,000 of tbat money has become available. It is contemplated to grade, gravel and bituminous surface a large part -of the Fa.rm to Market Roads in the County. In 1952 it is planned by the County to expend approxi- mately $450,000 of the funds available in the µnprovement of roads in the County to which F.A. s. funds are alrea.d;y programmed and will be under contract soon. The County would like to make the following additional improvements in 1952 at a cost of $100,000 i.f additional F.A.S • .,,, funds are made available: S.A.R. #4--Bituminous Surface -From 2.0 Miles N.E. of Pelican Rapids to 7.2 Miles N.E. $25.000 S.A.R. #4--G:rade and Gravel -From Verga.a and Southwest l. 1 Miles 20,000 S.A.R.#14~Grada & Gravel from :Butler Corner to 1.25 Miles W. of Hillview 55,000 NOW• THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota.. the.t application be forthwith made for additional F.A. S. funds in the a.mount of $50,-000 for the improvements above mentioned. Adopted this I c.+~y of February, 19.52. ssioners l .'/ /· . ii r, o I 11 _i,,,~ , I 'ihe following resolution was adopted: MU.TNESCTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY F~BM N\:. !I! Be it resolved that pursuant t~ Chapter 161.03, Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the Ccmmissioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as ,its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of State Aid Road No. ___ 9,.__. --'--described as follows: From Trunk Hig.hway #34 to North County Line. and the chairman and the auditor are --------,,,---------- hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the CoLJmissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form ~s set forth and contained in 11Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form ifo. IV", a copy of whi;;h said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this _!2_ day of ___ F_e_b_ru_ar.....,._y _______ , 19-2£_, (Submit in du~licate) 46-3-13 i .\ v / 11 ~ The following resolution was adopted: MINNESOTA·DEPA.RTME1TT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAl, AID SECONDARY FORM NO. III Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 161.0J, Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statut·es 1949, the Cammi ssioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the County of ___ o_T_TE_R_T_~_I_L __ to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of State Aid Road No. 2 descri 'bed as follows: -----..,.,.....- From West County Line to 4.0 Mi. E. and 1.0 Mi. N. and. the chairman and the auditor·are -------------- hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a·contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms ar.d conditions of such agency in the form as set ' forth and contained in 11Minnenota·Department of Highways Agency Con- tract Form No. IV", a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 13 day of ___ F_e_b_ruar_-.a..Y__,,-------• 1952 o countY,Boaf Submit in . / The following resolution was adopted~ MINNESCTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FORM N0. II! Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 161.03, Subdivision 26 through 1 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of State Aid Read No. described as ---~-,--- follows: From 0.5 Mi. W. of Almora to T.H. #29 _________________ and the chairman and ~he auditor are hereby authcrized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a ccntract with the Commission_er of Highways prescribing the ter!!Js and condi tiomi of such agency int he form as set fo:i;-th and contained in 11 Minnesota Department of E:ighways Agency Contract Form No. IV11 , a copy of whi.:-:h se.id form wa::i before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the ·contractual ·obligations therein contained. Adopted this _!'L_ day cf ----=-Fe ___ b __ rua_____.=cy~------• 19._g__. Attest:~~ a . Cl _rk (Submit in duplicate) '\ t I/// 1--, ____ 46-3-13 tr~ ien, The f9llowing resolut i o_n. was aa.opted: MINNESOTA DEPARTiffiTT OF HIGHWAYS FEDE:?AI, AID SECONDARY FORM NO. III Be it resolved that-,pursuant to Chapter 161.0J, Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the County of _,......, __ OT_TE_R_T_'A_I_L _ __,.. to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of State Aid Road No. 12 described as follows; From 5,5 Miles s.w. of Dent to Dent. -----'----------and the chairman and the auditor are ~~- hereby authorized and directed fo:::-and on behalf of the. C'oiirity to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the.terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in 11Minn,esota Department of Highways Agency Con.;;. tract Form No. IV", a copy· of which said. form was before the board, assuming on behalf of. the County all of the contr~ctual obl_igations therein contained. 'Adopted this 13th day of February, 1952. •(Submit in duplicate) j__.i r1 r: I 1-1 ----------· ~on me 'fJ;;h,oft,the followj_ng resolution was adopted: MINNESCTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID S:CCO:NDARY, Fr'lRM NC'. II! Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 161.0J, Subdivision 26 through 29, Minnesota Statutes 1949, the Ccmmissioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as it~ agent a contract for the construction of that portion of State Aid Road No. ___ 4 ____ described as follows: From C.A.R. #4o N. E. of Pelican Rapids to 1.2 Miles East and the chairman and the au..ditor are ----------------- hereby authorized ~nd directed for and on behalf of the County ~o execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and condi tiolls of such agency int he form as set forth and contained in 11 Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form Uo. IV11 , a copy of wh5,~h sa.id fo:!'m was before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this JJ.__ day of ____ F_e_b_r_u.a._r"'-y....-_____ , 19_,g_. (Submit in duplicate) ') COMMISSIONERS RECORD-N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... F.e.b.r:iuu.v. ... llL .............................. 19 . .6..Q. rate was read and the Board ordered the taxes reduced accordingly, The application of Thea Lund Fredrickson for classifiQation of the N~ NE-¼ of Seo. 12 in the Village of Vining for the year 1949 at homestead rate was read and, upon motion, the application was granted and taxes ordered reduced accordingly. The application of the Vining co-op, Creamery Co, for reduction of assessment of personal property for the year 1949 was read together with statement of H, L, Allen, Supervisor of Assessments, and, after oonsideratlon, upon motion, the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $2296,00 to $1103,00 and the taxes from $369,06 to $177,30 The application of Earl Askerooth for reduction of assessment of personal property in the Village of Battle Lake for 1949 was read and, after full consideration, upon motion, the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $411,00 to $211,00 and the taxes from $ 64,36 to $ 33,04 ~he application of Carl A, Berg for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Township of Maplewood for 1949, aooompanied by a recommendation of H, 1, Allen, supervisor of Assessments, was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $466 .• 00 to ~404-.00 and the -taxes from $53.04 to $44.05 · · The application of Oliver nagen for cancellation of personal property taxP.s in the Village of Henning for 1949 on the ground that he was not allowed the household deduction ~as read and, upon motion, the assessed value of t,58,00 and the tax of ~10,91 were cancelled, The application ~f the Star Lake Bible Camp Asen., Inc. for cancellation of tax for 1949 on Lots l, 2,3,4,.5 and 6 in First Addition to Elysium Park, Sec. 11, Township of Star Lake, was read and, upon motion, the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of $120.00 and tax of $18.39 be cancelled. -=-e=~---- The applioation of the Parkers Prairie co-op. Creamery Assn. for reauction of assessment of real estate in the Village of Parkers Prairie fur tile year l!l4':1 was read and discussed at length with H, L, Allen, ~upervisor of Assessments and, after consideration, upon motion, the application was rejected. The follo~ring resolution was adopted: H!':SOLUTIOll BY BOARD OP COUHTY COMMIS- SIOllERS OF OTTER TAIL COIJN'TY l<l'JQUESTING T.HAT THE STATE ~OARD OF ALLOTAIBNT GHANT TO OTT~R TAIL ~OUNTY SPECIAL AID FOR 'l'HE IW?HOVEMEN'l' OF A CERTAIN ROAD, WHE!tEAS, Otter Tail county has one of the largest road mileages in the state of Minnesota, and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has 200 miles of county roads carrying as average traffic of 150 to 600 cars per day, and Wlil'~!iEAS, the existing road surface on a. large part of these 200 miles of road is inadequate, and WHEREAS, funds now available to otter Tail County are not sufficient to provide improvements necessary to carry the large volume of traffic on certain roads, .NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HY.SOLVED, That a request be made to the State Board of Allotment for special aid in the amount of $15,000 to assist in the reconstruction and surfacing of the followin~ described project: S,A.R. #1 -Length 7,48 Miles From the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the southvrest quarter (SW¼ SW¼), Section 34, Tl34N-R411'1 to Amor. Adopted this 15th day of February, 1950. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman. RESOLUTION BY Tlffi BOAP.D OP' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTE:!! TAU COUNTY, 1/lINNESOTA WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has requested the Commissioner of Highways for the State of Uinnesota, to establish a state aid parkway on certain roads which service the public buildings of the Fergus Falls State Hospital, and .WHEREAS, State funds are available for the construction and maintenance of state aid parkwa,vs, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That a request be made to the State Board of Allotment for the construction, surfacing, and maintenance of said state aid parkway in the amounts as set forth below: For Construction & Surfacing For Maintenance -1950 Adoptea this 15th da.v of February, 1950. Attest: William Lincoln clerk. $4,000 $1,000 Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman = COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. li'ftbruar.v .. 15 ..... ·-······-····-·-·······-···19 50 _ The following bills were allowed: J, C, Henkes Edward c. Drews M, c. r,ee J. c. Henkes Mabel Wenstrom Louise stondahl Albert Fritz Edward J. Johnson Frank c. Barnes Do C, J. Lund EsthP.r V. KOp!,)e Lola V, Mehl Maybelle J. Lee Renington Rand co. . DO Do E, P, Getchell Viator Lundeen & oo. Do Ugeblad Pub, Co, Poucher Prtg. ·'= Lith. Co, Schoolcraft co. Nelson Broe, Prtg. co. Free P,ress co. Sec, Blank Book & Prtg, Co, Miller-Davie Co, New York Mills.Her.old underwood Independent ,ergue Journal co. Pelican Rapids l?rees H, D, Smalley, Jr. Henning Advocate Fergus Journal Co, Parkers Prairie· Independent Fergus Service Station N, W, Bell Tel, Co, Ebersviller Imp. Co. J. D, J,ightfoot Fergus Lumber & Fuel Co. Nobel !: Triepke Rintgen-Karst Elec. Co. N, W, Bell Tel, Co, Beall Re McGowan Hintgen-Karst Elec. Co, Marlin Reynolds Bliketad-Kilde co. N, W, Bell Tel, Co. Jos. Rayner, Sr, Do Juli us Beach Otis Caughey H, F, Hinze Norman Nu,nn Louise stondahl P, 14, Ree Lola V, Mehl Theo. 'R'egseth W. "Q, Dewey Alfred Putnam Ha.rry T. Burau Herbert Duenow L, B, Fink Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Kfg, Co. Marchant Cal. Mche. Co. Monroe Cal, Mahe. Co, Johnson Drugs W, s. Darley~ Co. Western Union 11. A, Stortr-oen Agency H, W. Glorvigen Gaff.aney•s City Transfer Co. rAason P'!lb. Co • Thomas o. Nelson st. Luke's ijospital A, A, Vollbrecht Nelson "Bros. "r Lnt ing Co. 'R'ennings City water & Light Dept. Katherine D, Townsend Victor Lundeen'= Co. N, W, Bell Tel, Co, Hintgen-xarst Elec. co. Alllerioan Legion Post #30 Philip M, Kjaglien Do Holten Hdwe. Minn. State San, Town of Lida Vill, of Pelican Rapids expenses dep. sheriff's exp. " " " boarding prisoners expenses " exp. weed insp, weed exp. municipal judge's fP.es " " " exam. for court transcript expenses nurse " " supplies " " school supplies supplies & prtg. It " n printing binders & blanks school supplies prtg. binders & blanks records & blanks books & blanks pub. per. prop. list ,, ., " " pub: pub~ per. prop, list n H ... n pub. notices· publishing pub, tax lists supplies mobile service snow plow repairs supplies hauling rubbish supplies calls supplies " hauling ashes coal calls dep. sheriff's fees " " " constable fees " " dep. sheriff's fees postage " " etc, " exp. soil conservation .. " ,, " " " " s11pplies ribbons main. ribbon supplies II telegrams " " II II bond premium drivers license exp, main. drayage annotations !: d.igP.st plat book care of patient bond premiums printing (vet,) supplies " light & water (vet.) rent " supplies service supplies II II II bulletin board & chairs (vet.) expenses postage supplies care of patients oare of poor " " " II " II $ 53.77 9.00 23.86 127 .50 26.25 26.77 35.90 43.55 38.75 82.20 5,00 6.87 33.58 53.96 537,00 49,50 67,97 100.00 523.03 627,74 45.00 164.32 42.38 100.02 263.85 108.60 233.18 263.00 118.20 219,40 322.40 327.80 7,50 79.40 210.80 1.59 80.30 679.00 6.75 33.46 12.00 43.75 51.60 8.49 6.00 30.50 599.25 13.98 8.76 3.36 17.34 16.24 7.50 45.00 69.72 35,76 - 10.19 12.90 13.80 15.00 10.50 9,20 1.00 5.64 35.00 1.10 7.71 7.60 8.30 6.05 6.90 35.00 2.00 45.00 5,00 29.10 35.00 27.00 7.65 19.00 45.00 35.20 12.75 11,95 10.00 57.30 3.00 23.42 299.46 403,09 186.55 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN'. DATE ............................... f.eh.ruar.,v .... 15 .•....................... 19 .. 5.Q __IBIP1PNl■l!IICONPIH D C!Ol!P Town of Perham Vill, of Parkers Prairie Vill, of Clitherall Town. of Oak Valley Town of Dora Town of Corliss Town of Gorman 'llown of Pelican Dr, F.Verett C, Hanson Harry W, Smith Co. Vill, of Perham City of Fergus .Falls Mrs. Cleo Garrison Minn. State San. W, Jay Janecky, D,D,S. City of Fergus Falls The .Parkview Hospital Nopeming San. Div. of l_>Ublic Institutions Fergus Falls Clinic City of Fergus Falls Service Recorder Co, w. R. Brown Corporation Empire Supply Co, Y.noff-Peterson P.dwe. Co, Service Oil Co. wa.vne' s Texaco Service Farmers CO-op. Creamery Hi-W~v Auto service Bill' a S.ervice station Bengtson Oil Co. S, & F. Oil Co, Service Oil Co. Farmers co-op 011 Co. Jorgenson Direct Service Henning Oil Co. Fergus Oil Co. Thomas Garage Farthun -!c Peterson Oil co, Ray's 011 Station Bill Nelson Oil Co, Hir,hway Co, T'r:eet Garage D. A. Lubricant Co., Ino, Y.raem.er Oil Co. 'fiagge. Oil Co. Penrose Oil Co. Anderson,. Sandberg The Farmersis Supply Fergus Lumber & Fuel co. Wilcox Lumber co., Perham Nulph.' s Dray Fred A. Everts ~enning Fuel Co. The Carew warehouse P, H. Gust Elev., Vergas Erick A. N.vman Tweet Garage Paper., Calmenson ,. Co. Fergus ~lumbing & ~eating Central Scientific Co. W. F. Smith Tire,. Battery Co. Republic Creosoting Co, Naz-Dar CO, Geo, Nusbaum's Diesel service Co. Raymond Bros. Motor Trana. John Mark Ile Anton Moe Leo B., Miller Arthur Y., Larson Sterling Lock co. Monroe Calo, Mach. Co, The Globe Gazette Co. Panama Carbon Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Blue Print, Supply Co., Ino. N, W, Bell Telephone Co,, F, F, Pelican Telephone Co. ll, W, Bell Telephone Co,, F, F, Dal toh Village Village of New York Mills Perham Village tl, YI. Bell _Telephone Co., Henning Poucher print. II: 11th, co. Miller-Dav is Co, H, A. Rogers Co. Minn. State ~ighway Dept. Wendell P, Huber . Do W, L, Potter George Olson Mutual Service Casualty Todd County ~wy. Dept. Insurance Ser. Agency care of poor II II " II " " " II II II II ,11 II II ., " " " . , .. care of oat1ent Ile exam. Ambulance service exp. with pauper expenses transient care of child care of patient services to child help to transient care of patient ,, " " care of inmates .exam. poor exp. supplies II " r,asoline II II II " II " etc. II II " II ., " II Oil r.rease diesel fuel diesel fuel coal " hauling Coal coal II elec, current cutting edp,es nsed furnace auger tires crack filler paint tools freight • gravel II II supplies ribbon supplies " long distance•• services aervices rent ,. water charges services forms supplies prints services expenses cash. adv. expenses II insurance main. Ile snow rem, insurance 218,78 110.79 773,16 21.41 85,66 45.08 1252.27 601.19 111.00 94,00 18.43 7.68 45.00 186,37 8.00 11,50 321.50 206,15 1714.68 3.00 7023.73 61.08 9.28 601.10 21.90 140.87 136.22 27,53 154.60 12.3!1.. 13.04 44,73 9.15 5,17 129.22 .122,17 106.10 31.52 155,12 38,62 135,15 20.32 20.40 201,44 4,95 1280.73 24.65 57.20 128.70 64.02 79,35 14.40 249.04 20.70 63,67 66.15 113.74 41.72 830.45 _75.00 28.02 264,43 55,08 11.8'1 129.00 11.50 80,36 66.64 29.75 6.85 1.00 7,31 6.25 2.50 22.44 25.80 5. 75 54.70 30.00 80,00 16.00 5.27 7.19 23.04 17.31 108,20 90.17 14.08 44.76 18,40 672.11 58.28 12,38 .,. COMMISSIONERS RECORD. N,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY,.MINN: DAT•E ......................... F..ab.r.m1,tY ... ll2., ............................ 1r/!..Q .. . Perham Township Town of Eagle Lake Town of Elizabeth Minn. F.W.D. Co. Town of Everts Geo. T. Rvnn Co, A, VI. Co., "[no. of !.!inn. Rasholt Equipt. Co •. Borchert Ingersoll, Inc. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Hoff Bros. Bkogmo Motors, "[nc. Aune Bros. National Bush. ~ ~arts Co. A. B. Kilde Co. West Ottertail Service Co., und. Larson Bros. Quern's Auto Service Olson Auto Electric Henry J. M, Engelke Electric Supply Minge Implement Co. F, W, & Bill Gaedke Thelen Implement Co, Grundstrom Implement Vergas Motor Service Hintz~ Son Blaoksmith Shop Rude Garage Paulson Tire Shop Res set Br.os • .-Smith tnc. · Maine Repair Shop Charles Malmstrom Field Machine Service F, R, Steuart Plumbing .'le Heating Lee Chevrolet Co. Davidson Metal Shop Hintgen-Karst Elec. Co. A, T, Herfindahl Nicols-Dean & Gregg Co-op Services, Inc. Holten Hardware Ebersviller Implement Co. P. I~. M. \: co. Dan's Texaco Service Coast-to~Coast Store, Pel. Rpds. Ebersviller's ~ark ReBion co-op Oil Co. Coast-to-coast, Perham Battle take Hardware Town of Leaf Mt, Western Union School D:ist. #47 Aastad Twp. Town of Otto Frank Roberts Burroughs Adding Mach. Co. Service Oil Station Lightfoot's Shop A, R, Meier . Henning Auto & Mach. Wies, Jaenisch Industries Hoff. "Bros. "!'!:enry Sieling George Hanson Bert Stone Do Geo B. Gunderson Town of Inman r-rading " " parts main. " II " " " etc. parts"<: repairs parts " repairs & parts " " " II " " " .'le supplies supplies & parts " .. " " " care of transient telegrams rent grading " weed expenses services gas supplies repairs ,, " expenses " poor expenses Upon motion, the Board adjourned to Mar. 14, 1950 at 10 o'clock A, M, $ 288,67 300,00 300.00 330.97 300.00 125.47 146.59 59.24 391.83 775.02 214.78 15.85 18.30 418.54 9,20 31.60 460,10 4.00 135.08 26.00 LOO 5,70 18.60 2.40 6.62 47,03 79.35 66.40 4.30 90.62 144,96 4.15 5.25 127.81 4.34 1.55 3.00 65.90 44.94 140.35 3.80 35,11 11.09 25.51 11.50 18.16 10.21 4.00 9.98 16.40 353.05 8.04 100.00 300.00 300.00 35.76 194.90 19.32 3,10 51,25 14,95 73.00 181.03 11.17 11.34 7.00 15.80 11,28 620.84 llw~ an. l COMMISSIONERS RECORD.N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ F.e b.r.U.fl.l'Y. .... iL& . ..lL ............................. l!P.9. .. . Minutes of Special Meeting of the Board of County Commiesiobers of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Pursuant to oall si'1"1-ed by all members of the board the aounty Commissioners met at 10 o'clock A. M. ll'eb. 6, 1960 at the commissioners Room in the court house in Fergus l!'e.lls to cansider the appoint- ment of a Register of. Deeds to fill vacancy caused by the death of P. A, Anderson. Present were all members of the county board. Motion made and carried that Norman MUnn be appointed. The following resol11tlon was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minn. that Norman llunn be and he hereby is appointed Register of Deeds of Otter Tail county to fill the unexpired term of P.A. Anderson, deceased. Adopted Feb, 6, 1950. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman Upon motion the meeting adjourned to Feb. 9, 1950 at 10 o'clOck A. u. man Attest: Minutes of adjourned Meeting of 'Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Pursuant to adjournment the board met at 10 A. M, Feb, 9, 1950 all members being present. Bonds of Norman Nunn as Register of Deeds in the sum of $5000 and as Registrar of Titles in the sum of $1000 with Western Surety Co, as surety were approved. Upon motion the board then adjourned. ~(3~ arman Attest: (f/p COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... Mar.ah, ... 1.4 .•........................................... l!liO .. . MINUTES OF' ADJOURilED ltEETtHG OF THE BOARD Oli' COU!!TY COMMISS TONERS OF OTTER TAIL comWY. IUN?l'ESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, Pit. Tuesday liar. 14, 1950. Present were ctommisaloners Siel ing, Gunderson, i:ranson Stone and s·nowberg. Bids for rental .of road equipment as advertised. for b.\' the board ._.,ere recelved fr-om the following contractors: John Dieseth co., Mark s·and and Gravel co. , Haup:en and Mark and Roy Evavold all of Fergus Falls; Anthur Evavold, Ashby; Leitch Construction Co., underwood; Thief P.iver construction Co, of Thief River Falls; Ralph F,. Stewart, Starbuck; Arthur and orvllle Jacobson, Ashby; Ed Zimmerman, 3arrett and Donald B, Johnson, Ashby.· ~ Bids of season's requirements of cuttlng edges for road machines were received from Wm. 'Fl. Ziegler co.; Paper, calmenson and Oo, and Borchert-Ingersoll Inc, The following bids for portable culverts as advertised for by the Board were read and found to be indentical in price: WheP.ling Corrugating Co, Armco Drainage and Metal Products, Inc.; northfleld Iron co,; ~. J, Johnston Culvert Co. and st. Paul Corrugatin~ Co. Bid was also received from Wheeler Lumber and Bridge Supply co. and bid for Concrete culverts vras received from Elk River Concrete Produots Co Bids for season's supply of tires, tubes and batteries as advertised for by the Board were opened as follows: Les. Tire Service; Bill Helson Oil Oo,; r~at'l Bushing and 1:'arts Co. and Minnesota Motor Co, of Fergus Falls and w. F. Smith Tire and Battery co. of St, Paul, on and of·:• sale beer licenses for the year commencing Apr. 1, 1950 1,ere granted to the following: Arvid Tenney. Highway Park Store, To11m of Elmo: Wm. j;,. Lee, Grand View Heights. '.l.'own of Pine Lake; Wm. c. Taylor, Taylor's Landing, Town of Everts; Wilson and Preacher, Camp Balmoral, Town of Otter Tail; Gisle M, Froseth, Pleasure Park, Torn of Otter Tail; Virgil ileuborg, store, 'i'own of Friberg; Carl Haufle resort, Tovm of Friberg; •im, Tessendorf, woodland Park, Town of Girard; Lind /le Quint, Leaf Lake Resort, Torn of Leaf Lake; Jack Hagensick, resort on Ethel Beach, Town of Girard; Arnold Evenson, Western Store; Lempy Lee, resort in Sec. 23, Tovm of Leaf Lake; Rufus Hull, Hull'~ Landing, Town of Girard, The application o·f Herman \'/eickert for dance permit, cigarette license and On and Off sale beer license at resort in Seo. 2, Town of Perham was, upon motion, rejected. Dance permits for the year 1950 were p.ranted to Wilson and Preacher at Camp Balmoral; Wm.~. Lee, Grand View Heights; Arvid Tenney, l'lip:h111ay 'Park and Otto Moe at Rock,1• Bar, town of Hobart, Cigarette lic1rnses for the year 1950 were e:ranted to Geraldine F, Kremer at Luoe; P.ilman J, Melby at Gray stone Ladge, Town of EVerts: Obert c. Uelson at Eggum's Service station, Town of Maplewood; Rufus l'!ull, Rull' s Landing. Ci~arette license for the period from Feb. 1st to Dec. 31 was granted to Otto Moe at Rocky Bar. Cigarette licenses for the period from ~tar.1st to Dec. 31st were granteci to Jack tlagensick at Ethel Beach and earl Raufle at Resort in The Town of Friberg. Cigarette licenses for the period from Apr. 1st to Dec. 31 were granted to I.ind anci ~uint at Lea·r.. Lake; Lemp.v Lee at Leaf Lake; Vim, E, Lee, Grand View Heights and Vim, Tessendorf. '.l.'own of Girard. Cigarette lic,mse for the period from May 1st to Dec. 31st was granted Wilson and Preacher at Camp Balmoral. Upon motion, the Board approved advertisement by the Commissioner of P.'ighwa,vs for bids for con- struction of part of' Otter Tail Lake road fromWeggeland east to Otter i'ail LaJ:e, bids to be ope~at 2 o'clock P, M, Tuesday, Apr, .18, 1950, at the Commissioners.' Room in the Court Rouse and the Chairman and the county auditor were authorized to sign agreement forms on said project. Upon motion, the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for old county road machinery, said bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board Apr. 12, 1950 at 10 o'clock A, M, After consideration of beds received the Board accepted all bids for cutting edges; also all equipment rental bids and all bids for culverts. The bid of the Bill Uelson Oil co. for batteries and tires was accepted and the bid cf u, .p, Smith Ti~e and Battery co, for tires was also accepted and the bid of Les. Tire Service for tubes was accepted, The following resolution was adopted: MIN~SOTA DEPARTW.HT OP l'IIGID•AYS li'P.DERAT, A TD SECOJ-TJ)ARY Tl'OP.M NO. TH Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 90, Laws of Minnesota 1943 the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the County of OTT~R TAIL to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of State Aid Road No, 1 described as follows: From 4. 75 Miles East of i'leggeland to ~'.l.'a.ll Lake and the chairman and the auditor·are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of 'Flir,hways ·prescribing the terms and conditions of such agenc,v in the form as set forth and contained in "l,tinnesota 1:>e·partment of Highways Agency Contract form Ifo. IV", a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all o·f' the contractual obligations therein contained, Adoptea this l~th day of March, 1950 Attest: William T,incoln Clerk OTTER TAIL COUNTY BY Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman of County Board 1 .... COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... IS~ !'.Qfl ... li., ..................................................... 19 50_ The following resolution v,as adopted: RESOLIJTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail of the State of Minnesota: That because of deterioration due to rain, snow and usual spring climatic conditions the roads hereinafter described will be seriously damaged unless restrictions are imposed as to weight of vehicles to be operated thereon. 110111, THEREFORE: No person shall operate any vehicle or. combination of vehicles upon any of the county roads in the County o·r Otter •rail and State of Minnesota described as follows, to wit: state Aid Roads l,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.10,11,12,13, and 14, and County Aid Roads 24.25,26,27,28,29,30, 31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38.~9.40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61, and 62, during the period from the 20th of March, 1950, to the 15th of Ma.v,1950, where the gross weight on any sinRle axle as defined in Minnesota Statutes 1945 Sec, 169.83 exceeds three tons (6000 pounds) and the Engineer of said county is hereby directed and authorized to.erect and maintain signs plainly indicat- ing the prohibitions and restrictions above at .each end of that portion of any highway a~fected thereby, and these restrictions shall be effective and this prohibition effective upon such erection and maintenance of such signs. Adopted this 14th day of March, 1950. Geo B, Gunderson Chairman of otter Tail county Board Attest: William Lincoln Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M, March 15th. YIEDNESDAY'S SESSl:OM pursuant to ad,1ourn'Tlent the Board met at 2 o'clock P. M. Mar. 15th. all members being present. The Board having advertised the sale of gravel pit in Sec. 16, Town of Inman, opened the only bid received, being that of Donal owen Heard, his bid being ~25.00. Upon rnotion, the bed was accepted. The application of Harry E. Wheeler for reduction of taxes on personal property in the Township of Evetts for the year 1949 on the ground that he had not been allowed the household exemption provided by law was read and the Board recommended. to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $171.00 to $71,00 and the taxes from $26.66 to $11.07. · The application of st. Clair and Gunderson for reduction of assessed value in personal property in the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1949 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of taxation that the assessed value· of said property be reduced from $13,158.00 to $12,158.00 and the taxes from $2.213,97 to $2,045.71, The application of Elda K, Peterson for cancellation of assessment for structures on lot 18 of Clearmont Beach for th~ year 1949 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said application be granted and the assessed value on said property be reduced from $198,00 to $38.00 and the taxes from t25.67 to $4.93. . The application of Zion Lutheran Church for cancellation of taxes for 1949 against Lot 3, Block 6 of Cutler's 4th addn. to the r.it,v of Fergus Falls was read and the Board recommencled to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of $1304.00 and taxes of ~219.41 be cancelled. The application of IVm. A. ::n1ckala for reduction in the assessed value of personal property for the year 1949 in the Township o:f' Uewton was read and the ~oard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be red.need from $449.00 to ~213.00 and the taxes from $58.90 to $30.96. The application of T, K, Raasch for reduction in the assessed value of personal property in the Township of Everts for the year 1949 was read and the Board recommended to the Oommissioner of Taxation that the assessed valuo of said property be reduced from $199.00 to $103.00 and the taxes from $30.45 to ~15.76 The application of Bauck Chevrolet co. for cancellation of assessment against trucks in the Village of Perham upon which 1949 licenses were paid was read ana the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said assessment be cancelled and the assessed value of the personal property of said company be reduced from $855.00 to ~463.00 and the taxes from $117.25 to t,63.49. The application of S. ,J. Lucas for reduct ion o·r assessed value of personal property in the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1949 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $102.00 to $56.00 and the taxes from $17.16 to $9.42. The following reports of salaries end fees received by county officers during the calendar year 1949 were approved: Henry Sieling, county commissioner, $1192.84; Geo. B. Gunderson, county commissioner, $1185.04; George Hanson, county commissioner, $1186.44; Carl A. Snowherg, county commissioner, $1181.64; Bert Stone, county commissioner, $1191. 24; Lou.lee stonedahl, Supt. of Schools, $3833.28. . A report of the Board of Auait of an,examination of the current tax collection of the county !i1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... March ... 15., ..................................... 19 50 treasurer for the neriod from Jan. 1, 1948 to Jan. 4, 1949 showing total collections of $2,150,284.50 and balance of 1947 taxes uncollected at the close of said period of $89,664.17 was approved. A report of the Board of Audit of an examination of current tax collections of the county treasurer for the period fr-om Jan. 5, 1949 to Dec. 31, 1949 showing total collections of $2,304,913.21 and un- collected taxes amounting to $75,967.63 was approved. A report of the Board of Audit of an examination of the accounts of the county treasurer for the ·period from Sept. 1,· 1949 to Feb. 8, 1950, inclusive, showing a bali.anoe in the county treasury at the ciose of business on said last mentioned date of $883,005.98 was approved. '!'he ap·pl !cation of Harry Wheeler for classification of .45 acre tract in Brooklands, '.i'ownship of Everts, for the year 1949 at homestead rate was read and the Board ordered that said tract be so classified and the tax reduced accordingly, The application of George Rice for classification of the N, 16 rods of thew. 20 rods of the SW¼ NE¼ and SE¼ NW¼ and the NE¼ SW¼ of Seo, 14, Township of Homestead, for the year 1949 at homestead rate was read and.the board ordered that said land be so classified and taxes reduced accordingly. The application of t:rerbert R, Borg for classification of Lots 22, 23 and 24 in Block 7 of Blyberg's 1st addn. to ~elican Rapids for the year 1949 at homestead rate was read and the Board ordered that the said lands be so classified and tax reduced accordingly. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That fhe sum of :,500.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated outof the Revenue l!'und of tne . County to the otter Tail County Historical society. Adopted Mar. 15, 19b0. Attest: William Lincoln Olerk ueo. H, uunderson Chairman. The following resolution was adopted: HESO'LU'l' [OH BY 'l'H.I'~ BOAfl.D OE' CUUH'l'Y COMMISSIONJ!:RS OTTER TAIL GOUN'l'Y, M!NNESOTA Wl'IF.REAS, Otter Tail County has requested the Commissioner of Highways for the State of Minnesota, to establish a state aid parkway on certain roads which service the public at Inspiration Peak State Park, and WHEREAS, State funds are available for the maintenance of state aid parkways; NOW,·TIIBREF.ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That a request be maxe to the State Board of Allotment for the maintenance of said state aid parkway in the amount as set forth below: For Maintenance -1950 $1,500.00 Adopted this _!£_day of March, 1950, Attest: William Lincoln Clerk Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman ,· The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOUERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY', MINNESOTA RESOLVED, that a portion of state Aid Road /!5 in Otter Tail Count~• be and the same hereby is revoked as follows: Attest: .Beginning at the Southwest Corner of Section 21, T131!1-R39W; Thence to the Southeast corner of Section 21, Tl3111-R39W and there terminating. Approximate Lell{?th: 1,0 ?.f.ile, Adopted this 15 day of March, 1950. William Lincoln Clerk Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... M~!..~.~ .... ~~.!·······································-·······19 110. The following resolution was adopted; RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY cor.:mssIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MUU!ESOTA BE 1T RESOLVED, That the following described road situated in the County of Otter Tail be hereby designated as state Aid Parkway no. 15: Beginning at a point on or near-the Southwest corner of Section 22, Tl3UJ-R39W; thence East to a point approximately 2000 feet east of the southwest corner of Section 22, Tl31U-R391'1 which is located in Inspiration Peak State Park Attest: and there termination. Approximate length: 6,38 Miles. Adopted this ~ay of March, 1950. William Lincoln Clerk Geo. B, Gunderson Chairmen The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF CCinlTY COMl,llSSIOIIERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, UIHNESOTA RESOLVED, that a portion of county Aid Road #25 in Otter Tail county be and the same hereby is revoked as follows: Beginning at the south\·test corner o:i:' Section 22, Tl31N-R40W; thence in an Easterly direction on or near the section lines to the Southeast corner of' Sect ion 20, Tl3UJ-R39V/ and there termi_nat ing. Approximate Length: 5,0 Uiles. Adopted this 15 day of March, 1950. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk The following bills were allowed: J, c. l!enkes, Sheriff Do M, c. Lee · · .. _ Louise Standahl Maybelle Lee Lola Mehl C, A, Boline Everett C, l!anson c. J. Lund, i,I, D, Dr, E, C. Hanson Dept. of Agr, Dairy & Food Frank C, Barnes Art Printcraft DO Fargo Rubber Stamp \'larks Educational Test Burau Miller-Davis Co, Victor Lundeen & co. Schoolcraft co. Miller,.;;Davis Co, Free Press Co. Miller-Davis Co. Poucher Prtg. ~ Lith, Co. Do Do Security Blank Book & Prtg. co. Remington Rand co. Marvin E, Strissel Clarence Cich.v N.W. Bell Tel. Co. Blikstad-Y.ilde Co. Dure Test Corp. Frankoviz ~dtv. Missouri·-~ansas Chemical Co. Wm, Galena expenses Geo, a. Gunderson Chairman Bd. prisoners mileage Dep, ~heriff expenses " " dep. coroners fees " " " " " weed control r.run. Judge Fees cards envelopes etc, stamp school supplies blanks filing cases .& supplies school supplies blanks book blanks etc. blanks school supplies binders assessment supplies supplies plaster repairs eto. plaster tender calls coal light bulhs supplies " $ 44,69 48.00 23.49 15.12 50.15 42,05 10.55 10.65 45.30 13.25 5.90 18.35 5.50 21.25 ~73 60.46 24.79 389,26 44,71 10.77 109.00 39.23 2·.62 7.22 17.85 1945,11 19.74 124,4!0 60.00 20,50 630.15 41.40 3,84 27.50 1.65 I I j COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. l.1.LLJLLJl.:.LH:ll1 l1JU~J; N.W.Bell Tel. co. Do Hintgen-Karst N.W.Bell Tel. Co. Fergus Journal Co. Henning· Advocate Fergus Journal Co. Battle Lake Review Do James M, Hanson Marlin Reynolds Louise Stondahl 1=1, 1'1, Glorvigen Maybelle Lee Lola V. M!!hl P, M, Ree Katherine D, Townsend Philip M. Y.jaglien Do Henning's City. Water i light Dept. Victor Lundeen & Co. N. W, Bell Tel, Co, West Pub. co. w. S. Darley & Co. Odin Johnson Estrem Clinic Berke, Allison i Darby H, w. Glorvigen Rudolph Nikula Nopeming Sanatorium City of. Ferr.us Falls Poor Dept. Estrem Clinic Mrs. Cleo Garrison Town of. Girard Uopeming Sanatorium Town of Maplewood Wm. H, Ziegler Co. Inc. Minnesota F,V/,D, Co. Northwestern Equipt, Inc. A, W, co. Tnc. of Minn. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Klauer Mfg. Co, Geo, T, P.yan Co. Rosholt Equipt. Co, Cummins Diesel Sales Corp. - Paper, Calmenson ~ Co. Garrison Mfg. co. Diesel Service Co. Erickson Brake Service Christianson's Welding Shop Anton·Wallnofer Hintgen-Karst Electric Co. Henry Holmgren Bennie Rossum Wadena Generator & Motor Oo, Minnesota Motor Co, Midwest Supply Co, Smitn, Inc, Vergas Hardware Ebersviller Implement Co, A, T; Herfindahl F.:emper Drug Co • The Farmers Supply P, H, Gust Elevators, Vergas Ottertail Oil Co. Wayne's Texaoo Service Ray's Oil Co. Tweet Garage H, K, Stahl Co. E,A, Bloese D, A, Lubricant Co., Inc. The Globe-Gazette Print, Co, H, A, Rogers Co. Viotor Lundeen~ Co. N, W, Bell Tel, Co, ~einola Tel. Co, N, W, BP.11 Tele. Co, ~enning Pelioan TP.lephone Co, w. L, Potter George Olson Minn·. State Highway Dept, E, R. Swenson Ins. Agency Wendell P, quber Town of Nidaros Town of Pelioan Tovm of Oak Valley C, H, Bjorklund Body Shop R, J, Schmidt A-, B, Kilde Co , Larson Brothers S kor.mo Motors, Inc, E. J. Johnson National Bushing & Parts Co, DATE .............................. Ma.r.cb ... l5 .•................................ 19 .. li0. Mobile service oalls repairs calls Puh. ?er. Prop. Tax " ,, " " publications Pub. Per. Prop Tax list PlJ.b, notice dep. sh. fees " " " postaite " II II II rent exp. (Vet Ser) " " postage 11 " supplies 11 '" water & light (Vet Ser) supplies 11 11 oalls &: supplies statutes supplies II hauling mail to P.O. jail physiclam Liability Insurance driver's license exp. transporting patient osre of patient P.Xp, with transient exam. care Verna Nygaard exp. Non. Res, Pauper care patient poo-r exp, parts etc. parts " ·II .. " II " " cutting Edges re-pairs " " II " " " 11· II tire & Tube supplies " " .. " coal gasoline II " ~ etc, gas, oil&: electricity hydraulic oil oil -~ grease supplies " supplies service, long distance services " " expenses II supplies insurance expenses road work grading " repairs " " " " " parts & supplies " $ 83,62 6.15 5.25 4.50 683.00 218.20 121.40 199.80 6,30 11.85 4,68 63.72 11.25 1.40 6,00 15,00 45.00 52,26 3.50 20.11 12.83 28,20 10.65 10.00 11.40 1.00 21.00 2876 .04 5.85 20.00 23.34 8.50 3.00 45.00 71.98 241.18 337 ,28 284.86 101.88 17.26 117,80 418,51 34,01 726.85 86.09 130.62 244,82 3.84 124.31 19.31 4,00 6.50 38,05 75.15 135,55 3.70 106.32 93.11 28,80 40.,20 3.32 5.50 2.40 37,70 73.10 90.93 78.06 45.69 47.30 60.98 420.41 20.89 19.55 2.80 51.95 14,15 11.88 5.20 85,38 12.95 30.24 31,25 72,03 300,00 300.00 300,00 5,75 21.50 28.70 332,95 32.08 30.21 43.27 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL -COUNTY, MINN. Les Tire Service Cities Service Statton Fergus Oil Co. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Highwa,v Garage Empire Supply Co, Wilcox Lumber Co. Vergas Monroe Cale.-Machine Co,, Inc. Wendell P, Huber Pelican Telephone Co, Fossen Oil Co. llln•tz & Son Blacksmith Shop Minnesota State Sanatorium Village of Renning Vergas Telephone Co. ~oucher Print. & Lith. Co. N, W. Bell Tel. Co. F,F, N, P, Raiiway Co. Battle Lake 'F'ergus Lumber~ Fuel co. Dalton Lumber Co. Great Western Laboratories Tnc, Bill Nelson Oil Co. South Mill Standard City Henning Oil Co. Penrose Oil Co. Ebersvillers ?el, Rapids llicols-Dean & Gregg Williams Hardware Co. Sigurd Dahlen Minge Implement Perham Enterprise-Bulletin Town of Maine Service 011 Co. Bengtson Oil Co. l'!agge Oil Co. Grundstrom Implement Hoff Bros, Olson Auto Electric Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. Henry Sieling Geo. B. Gund'erson Bert Stone George Hanson DATE .................... 1'4'arch .. 15 .•........... ······················-·······1950. tire !c repairs gasoline " parts repairs supplies " Maintenance cash advanced serv ic:es gasoline repairs care of patient rental services supplies~ forms long dist. freight lumber coal soap tires & tubes gasoline gasoline etc. diesel fuel etc. supplies supplies II furnace repairs pub. real property tax list road IVOrk gasoline " diesel fuel repairs parts & repairs repairs supplies expenses " II n $ 58.50 27.74 425.58· 12.68 16.75 428.01 32.92 15.00 15.78 8.05 85.03 34.50 270.48 164.65 15.75 113.28 :n.55 30.80 19.59 184,59 39.79 167.68 53.91 52.91 29A,05 18.20 17.57 57.83 70.00 9,00 559.80 243.09 13.85 82.13 932.48 8.57 279.03 14.23 .65 28.46 6.54 16.50 U.34 Upon motion, the board adjourned to April 3, 1950 at 10 o'clock A, M, to acquire right-of-way on State Aid Road no. l from Otter Tail Lake north to Amor Store and to meet at 2 O'clock~. M, to acquire right-of-way on State Aid Road No, l from Weggeland to Otter Tail Lake, Attest: .).0 I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ,. ......................... April ....................................... 19 50. Minutes of Adjourned Meeting of the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail COIUlty, Minnesota. PUrsuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'olook A• M. Apr. 3, 1950, all members being present. Highway easement on state Aid Road No~l from Otter Tail Lake to Amor Store were signed by various land owners along the route1 The chairman of the Board was authorized to sign the easement on the Otter Tail County Sanatorium site. ~On and Off" sale beer licenses were granted to the following: Carl Johnson, store in Almora; Ernie ~ederson, resort, Town of star Lake; Anton ·sand, Pines Cones, Town of Corliss; Perry SWenson, North Dora Store; Wm, A. Harris, resort, Sec. 15, Town of Edna; Albert Januszewski, summer resort, Sec. 1, Town of Perham; Albert Turchin, service station, Almora; u. J. l\lelby, Graystone J,oa.ge, Town of Everts: Jacaues Hendrickx, Butler Store: F,L, Rairden, store, Town of Inman; Jacob Huebner, resort, sec. 2, Town·of Perham; Oscar Peterson, star Lake store: on county road No. 14; Wm. Jaeger. Boat House, Town of star Lake: Fred Bellinger, resort, Town of Dead Lake: Fred Hunter, Pleasant View Resort, Town of Dead Lake: James Vejveda, Rush Lake Resort, Cigarette licenes for the period from May 1st to Deo. 31, 1950 were granted to Art Remus, resort, Town of Rush Lake: C-has. p, Merten, Bonnie Beach Resort, Town of Clitherall: James Vejvoda, Rush Lake Resort; ~rank Runter, Pleasant View Resort, Town of Dead Lake: Fred Bellinger, Sunrise Resort, Town of Dead Lake, CiEtarette lice.nses for the period from .II.pr. 1st to Dec. 31, 1950 were granted to E, ,J. Mackenzie, Shore View Resort, Town of Amor; Hans Huaale, Almora; Nelson Bros., resort, Town of. Clitherall; Jacob Huebner, resort, Town of Perham. Cigarette license for the period from Mar. let to Dec. 31, 1950 was granted to Oscar Peterson, Star Lake store. Cigarette licenses for the calendar year 1950 were granted to Jacques Hendrickx, Butler Store; Carl Johnson, Almora; Wm. Jaeger, Boat House, Star Lake, Dance permit for the period ending Dec. 31, 1950 was granted to Jacob Huebner, resort Sec.2, Town of Perham, Dance permit using music box only for the period ending Dec. 31, 1950 was granted to James Vejvoda, Rush Lake Resort. The 'Board ad,1onrned to 2 o'clock P, Ill, at \Yhich time various land owners along State Aid Road No. 1 from Weggeland east to otter Tail Lake signed easements for rip.ht-of-way along said road, Upon motion, the Board then ad ~ourned to Apr. 11, 1950 at 10 o'clock A, l,t. Attest: Minutes of Adjourned Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, Iv!, Apr. 11, 1950. Present were commissioners Bert Stone. Geo. s. Gunderson, George Hanson, Henry Sieling and Carl Snowberg, Mrs. C. s. Jensen and interested parties in the vicinity of the Glass Bar property in the Township of Girard appeared before the Board in regard to the ·application of Mr. ,1ensen for "on and off" sale beer license. After discussion with the sheriff it was ar,reed that the matter could come up again at the May meeting of the county board and no license could be issued at the present time. Thomas o. Nelson discussed with the Board the question of wall maps of the City of Fergus Falls which he is having prepared and the Board agreed to purchase four of these maps for county offices, same to be mounted with cloth backs at a price of$ 35.00 per map. owners of land along county ditch 110. 64 of Orwell Township discussed with the Board the question of charge for repairing said ditch which charge was included with the 1949 taxes. A large delegation from the Township of Scambler and Tansem Township of Vlilkin County asked the commissioners to improve county line road at that point. It was agreed·that later in the season a meet- ing will be held by the county and the townships. Upon mot ion, the auditor was instructed to advertise for binds for bituminous material e.nd for application of the same, said bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board to be held at 10 o'clock A, r.t. May 9, 1950, l I J COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... I{ pri 1 ... 11 •......................................... 19 .. 5.9. "On and Off" sale bee.r licenses. dance permits and cigarette licenses were granted as follows: Donald TT. Bondy at Leaf Lake Resort; orvell Solmon, Township of Butler, and Ralph J. Crews at Spruce Lodge in the Township of star Lake. "On and Off" sale beer licenses and also cigarette licenses were granted to the following·: Limmer Bros., Town of Rush Lake; Joseph Neudeck at Little Pine Lake, Town of Perham; Carl T. Sundblad, Town- ship of Elizabeth; Oliver Gravley, Town of Inman; Arthur Abraham,resort, Town of Dora; Roscoe Smith, resort, Town of Dora; Franklin Larson. Town of Pine Lake. Cigarette licenses were granted as follows: E. M. Hauswald, Real McCoy Camp, •rown of A.111or: Gust Strand, resort, Town of Lida; Gustaf Weise, Shady Grove, To1m of Rush Lake; c. H, Chatwo~d, Bhelps Store, Town of Maine. "On and Off" sale beer licenses were granted as follows: Geraldine F. Kremer at Luce; Sylvester Shasky at ,Jungle Shores, Tovm of Corliss and Otto Moe at Rocky 13ar, Town of Hobart. Dance permit was also granted to Oliver Gravley in the Township of Inman. The following resol11t ion was adopted: P.ESOL!JTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOHERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, IHNlffiSOTA RESOLVED, that a portion of County Aid Road #25 in otter Tail County be and the same hereby is revoked as follows: BegiMing at the southwest corner of Section 32, Tl31N-R42W; thence :r.:ast along the south county line to the southeast corner of Section 36, Tl31N-R41W where the sa111e intersects with T.H. 1/:78 and there termination. Approximate Length: 11.0 miles. 13E IT F'JPT~R RRSOLVED, that whenever this road is rebuilt, the Counties of Otter Tail and Grant will share such rebuilding costs on a 50-50 basis. All.opted this 11 ds.v of A'pril, 1950. Attest: l'filliam Lincoln Clerk Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman The following resolntion was adopted: RESOT..UTIOtl ~y THE "BOARD 01!' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TA IL COUNTY, MIIHIESOTA RESOtVED, that Two portions of County Aid Road #24 in Otter Tail County be and the same hereby are revoked as follows: 1. Beginning at the Southwest corner of· Section 18, Tl34N-R44W; thence run North to the Northwest corner of Section 31, Tl35N-R44W at the intersection of T,H. #52 and there terminating. Approximate Length: 4,0 Miles 2. BegiMing at the West quarter corner of Section 30, Tl35N- R44W on T. H. #'52; thence run north to the North17est corner of Section 18, Tl35N-R44W and there termination. Approximate Length: 2,5 Miles 131!1 IT Jl'IJRT'IBR RP.SOLVED, that whenever this road is rebuilt, the Counties of Otter Tall and Wilkin will share such rebuilding conts on a 50-50 basis. Adopted this 11 day of April, 1950. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. Geo, B. Gunderson Chairman The following resolution was adopted: RF.S0T,UTTntl B'' T'IB BOARD O'li' COUNTY COMJ,IITSStOtIBRS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, wITNNESOTA RESOLVED, that the following described road in Otter Tail County be and the same hereby is designated as state Aid. Road l,l 7: Beginning at a point on or near the intersection of Main Street and First Avenue in the Village of Vergas; thence running North alo-ng or near First Avenge and continuing in a Northwesterly direction to a point where sa~e connects with the right of way of the Soo Railroad; thenoe follow along the soo Railroad to a point on or near the Section line between Sections 10 and 15. Tl37N-R41W; thence in a Horthwesterly direction to a po int on or near the Yfest quarter corner of Seot ion 9; thence in a westerly direction to the East q11arter corner of Section 9; thence in a tfortherly and Northeasterl,V' direction to a point on or near Zo3 ' t COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................. 4-Pril .. 11,_ ........................... 19.50 the .North line of Section 4, which is approximately 1100.0 feet west of the North quarter corner of section 4, Tl37N-R41W and there terminating. Approximate Length: 6.8 Miles. Adopted this 11 day of April, 1950. Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: MTNlIBSOTA DF,'!'IARTIIBNT OF' F!TOITTIAYS FEDERAL AID SECO.MDAP.Y FORM NO. V W~REAS, it is necessary ln order to receive Federal-Aid toward the construction of those portions of State Aid Roads No. 1,3,4,16,17, described as follows: S.A.R. 11--From 2.0 Ml. s. of Amor to Amor. S.A.R. #3--From 3 ML E. & 1.0 Mi J,J. of Rothsay to T.R.# 59 in Erhard. S.A.R. i4--From 1.0 ML N.E. of' Vergas to 1.72 ML E. of v-ergas. S.A.R. 16--From 3.624 Ml. w. of T.H. #108 in ~enning to T.H. #108 in Renning. S.A.R •. ,17--From 1.48 ML s. of North County Line to North ·county Line. for the County itself and throug)1 the Commissioner of i:rir-hways as its agent to agree to maintain said road after it shall have been constructed. · rrow THEN l'l-r.: TT RESOLVED, that the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County of OTT~R TAIL to execute a contract concerning the maintenance of said portions of state Aid. Roads No. 1,3,4,16,17, in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of' 'Cfighways Federal-Aid Maintenance Contract Form no. VI", a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein set forth. Adopted this 11 day of April, 1950. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman of County Board The following resolution was adopted: UINN'F.SOTA D~PARTMF.HT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID SBCOllDARY FORM NO. III Be it resolved that prusuant to Chapter 90, Laws o:r. Minnesota 1943 the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the County of OTTER TAIL to let as its agent a contract for the construct- ion of those portions of State Aid Roads no. 1,3,4.16.17, described as follows: S.A.R. fl--From 2.1 ML s·. of' Amor to Amor. S.A,R •. ,3--From 3,0 ML E. & 1.0 ML !l. of P.othsa.v to T.R. #59 in Erhard. S.A.R. #4--From 1.0 ML IJ,F., of Vergas to 1.72 ML E. of Vergas. S.A.P.. ~16--From 3.624 Mi, w. of T,~. ~108 in Henning to T,R. 1108 ln Renning. S.A.R. ·117--From 1.48 .:n. S, of North count.v Line to North County Line. and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract wl th the Commissioner of' Highways prescrihing the terms and condi tioni of such agency ln the form as set forth and contained in"Minnes ota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form No. I'I", a cop.v o:f which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of thP. contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 11 day of April, 1950. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman of County Board The following resolution was adopted: RP.SOLUTION BY TH:'!: 'BOARD OF COU?lTY COM!JITSl'ltoIJERS OTTE~ TAU r.OTJNTY, MnlN'EJS(ITA RESOLVED, that a portion of County Aid Road #44 il Otter Tail county be and the same hereby is revoked as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Main Street and First Avenue in the Village of Vergas; thence run Northwest on First Avenue and follow the present route of C.A,R. #35 to a point on the Becker- COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN-. DATE .................................... Jpril ... ll.~ .......................... 19 50 Otter Tail county line 1100.0 feet East of the Northwest corner of Section 4, Tl37N-R41W and there terminating, Approximate Length: 6,8 Miles. Adopted this 11 d~v of April, 1950. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk, Ceo. B, Gunderson Chairman The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTTON BY Tr/E ~OARD OF r.OT.mTY COMll!'ISSIONERS OTTER TAU C:OIJ?ITY, 1,fHH1ESOTA RF.SOLVED, that a portion of county Aid Road f33 in Otter Tail county be and the same hereby is revoked as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Section 15, Tl33N-R39W; thence run East.along the present route of C,A,R. #40 to the southeast corner of Section 16, Tl33N-R38W and there termination. Ap·proximate Length: 6.0 Miles. Adopted this 11 da,v of April, 1950, Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk, Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman The following resolution was adopted: RES@LUTIOU BY THF. 130ARD OF Cn!JhTTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINllESOTA RF.SOL'TED, that a portion of' County Aid Road #59 in Otter Tail County be and the same hereby is revoked as follows: BeBinning at the intersection of .the present S,A,R, #4 near the west quarter corner of Section 19. Tl37N-R40W; thence run Easterly on the present route of C,A,R. ·¥18 to a point on the section line between Sections 19 and 30, where same intersects with T,ij. #10, Tl37N-P.39W, and there terminating. Approximate Length: 7.5 Miles. Adopted this 11 da,v of April, 1950. A.ttest: William Lincoln Clerk, Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman The following resolution was adopted: RJ?:SOLUTION RY THE BOARD OF COUUTY COMMISSIONERS OT'l'EP. TATJ", t::0UNTY, MUTTJF.ROTA P.~SOLVED, that the following described road in otter Tail County be and the same hereby is designated as state Aid Road Mo. 16: Beginning at a point on or near the Southwest corner of Section 15, Tl33N-R39W; thence East a~ong or near the sect ion line between Sections 15 and 22 .,.,and 2~/:!and 24, Tl33N-R39W; Sections 18 and 19, 17 and 20, 16 and 21, Tl33N-R38W, to a point on or near the Southeast corner of Section 16, Tl33N-R38W and there terminating. Approximate Length: 6,0 Miles. Adopted this 11 day of April, 1950. Attest: William Ltncoln Clerk. Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman Upon motion the board adjourned to April 12 at 10 o'clock A, M, 205 11, ' " :I I J COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATFl: ....................... AP!ril ... 12., ..................................... 1950 .. Wednesday's session. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M, Wednesday, Apr. 12, 1950, all members being present. Bids for pick-up trucks etc. as advertised for by the Roard were opened and read and referred to the highwa,v engineer for examination and report to the Board. µ, 1. Allen, supervisor of Assessment of the County, presented a written report of the meetings by hil!I preparator,v to the 1950 assessment. Upon motion, this report was approved and placed on file hP.ld Re·presentatives of various firms submitting bids for road machinery were permitted to explain to Board the merits of their products. After due consideration the following contracts were awarded: the Wm. H, Ziegler co., one Domor Elevating grader attachment, $5005,71. Ruffridge-Johnson co., one power broom, $1137.00 Lake Region Motor co., Two one-half ton Ford pick-ups in exchange for two used core, $2300.00. Lake Region 111otor co., one t1vo ton truck chassls in exchange for 1936 Ford truck, $1645.50, Truma.'l Motor co., one lf t-on Studebaker chassis in exchange for 1936 International Truck, $1660,00, The bid of Fred Leitch of $650,00 for 1942 Allis-Chalmers motor patrol was accepted, The application of Albert Lenius for homestead classification of Lot 10, Block 11, Rothpletz Addn. to Perham for the year 1949 was read and approved and the tax concelled accordingly. The application of Clifford M. Swenson for homestead classification of Lot 9, Block 44, Lakeview Addn. to Parkers Prairie for the year 1949 was read and approved and the tax cancelled accordingly. The application of Leonard Saurer for homestead classification of Lot 7 and the E, 16 acres of Lot 8 in Sec, 23, Township of Maplewood, for the year 1949 was read and approved and the tax concelled accord ingl,v. The application of G. O, 'Phompson for homestead classification of Sub Lot B of Govt. Lots 10 and 11, Seo. 4, Township of Dora, for the year 1949 was read and approved and the tax cancelled acoo~dingly. The application of Sanna Johnson r,rattala for homestead classification of the wt NW¼ and the NE¼ swt of sec. 20, Township of Deer Creek, for the year 1949 was read and approved and the tax cancelled accordingl,v. The application of Wells Motor Oo,• f.or cancellation of personal property tax in Perham Village for 1949 on Kaiser motor car upon which 1949 license was paid was read and the valuation of $632,00 and tax of $86.67 was ordered cancelled. The following resolution wa.s adopted: Resolved ·by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Mi~nesota: That the sale of tax-forfeited lands appraised by this Board be held in the office of the county Audi tor in the Court Rouse in Fergus Falls in said county on !;ionday, the 5th day of J.une 1950 commencing at 10 o'clock A. M, Resolved further, that tracts may be sold under the following conditions: Each and every tract sold for $50 or less shall be paid for in full at the time of said. sale, All tracts sold for more than $50 may be paid for on the installment plan at the rate of at least 25 per cent of the purchase price, but in all cases the down-payment must be at least $50, provided that in all cases where the appraisal by this Board shows a value o~ wood on said tract the full amount of the appraisal value of said ~:ood, together with 25 per cent of the balance of the purchase price must be paid at the time of sale. The balance of the purchase price may be paid in ten annual installments at 4 per cent per annum interest on the U·npaid balance. Title to lands to be of:i'ered for sale is not guaranteed either b,V Otter 11ail count,v or the State of f.Unnesota, When payment in full of the purchase pricP. has been made the purchaser will receive from the State of Minnesota a gui t-olaim deed to the propert,v, for which the Audi tor is required by la1Y to collect and remit to the State a fee of e,2.00. Adopted April 12, 1950, Attest: William T,incoln ~lerk, The following bills were allowed: J. C, Henkes M. C, Lee Edward c. Drews ,, • C. Henkes Louise Stondahl Mabel Wenstrom Dr, Ivan E, Bigler Dr, A, R, Ellingson Dr, Everett c. Hanson Frank c. Barnes John L, Bixby H. I,. Allen Lola V. Mehl Maybelle J, Lee security Blank Book & Printing co. Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman expenses dep, shP.riff's exp, " " " boarding prisoners expenses II dep. coroner's fees " " " municipal jmdge's fees expenses " ., nurse record 'le supplies $ 8;3,36 42,66 19.56 lOb.00 49.4tl ;;2.97 14.10 20.25 12,8b 20.10 27,49 28,92 42,55 66,8b 116,00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER .TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Remington Hand. Inc. Remington Rand, Inc. Jones .ire Kroeger Co. v lot or Lundeen & co. Alexandria Office Supply co. Miller-Davis co. Fergus Journal Co, Battle Lake Review Underwood Independent united Chemical Co. Blikstad-Xilde Co, Ernest Lawrenson William K, Gamber Fuller Brush Co, united r.hemioal Co. N,W,Bell Tel. Co. DO DO • Oren Fosse Arnold Buchholz Merlin Reynolds H. W, Glorvigen H. w. Glorvigen Maybelle J, Lee Lola V. ll{ehl Louise Stondahl Norman Nunn Diebold Inc. Monroe Cal. Mche, Co. Addressograph Sales Ar.ency western Union H. \'I. Glorvigen Dr, A, F, Giesen Miller-Devis Co. N. W, Bell Tel. Co. Philip M., Kjeglien :tetherine D, Townsend City Weter & Light Dept, Victor Lundeen & Co, Fergus Fells Poor Dept, Minn. state Sanatorium Town of Newton TO'll.'11 o:I' Aurdal Town o :I' Me ine Town o:I' Bluffton Mrs. Cleo Garrison Erichson-Hellekson-Vye Co. Welter Bros. Eerdwere Raymond Bros. Motor Trans. co. City of Fergus Falls The Carew Warehouse Mills Motors Ho:l'f Bros. Empire Supply co. Service Recorder Co, Olson Auto Electric Jeenish Industries Klauer Mfp.. Co, Larson Bros. Hintz~ Son Blacksmith Shop west Ottertail Service co. Fergus Oil Co. Rendrickx Impl. co. Geo. E. Watson co. Natl. ~ushing & ~arts co. Minneapolis Iron Store C, H, Bjorklund Body Shop Republic creosoting co. Paper, Celmenson & co. w. L, Potter Dahms Photo Printing Co. Bill Nelson Oil Co. North American Steel co. Farmers co-op. cry. Assn. D, A, Lubricant Co., Inc, Cummins Diesel Sales Corp. Federe.ted store Minnesota F,W,D, Co. Wm. H, Ziegler Co., Inc. Fossen Oil co. Panama Carbon Co, Resset Bros. Nunclahl Oil Co. Consumers Co-op Oil Co., Inc. Geo. T. RYanco., Ino. A. w. co., Inc. of Minn. Tweets Garage S, & F. 011 Co • Renning Oil co. P.oot Lake Ioe. & Gae Co. Service Oil Co. John M. Furlong Go. Minn. state Hi~hwey Dept. DATE .......................... Apri.1 ... 12 , ......... · ......................... 1950. supplies " record book supplies " nurse books & supplies publishing ·pub. :l'inenoial statement " " " supplies coal stoker perts services as ~anitor supplies " mobile service cells " dep. sheri:l':l''s fees n ,, ,, " . " " post office box rent postage .. nurse " box rent maintenance " telegrams drivers• license exp. services supplies (vet. ser,) cells & service (vet. postage " rent " water, light " supplies " care of transients care of patients poor expenses ., " " " care of child supplies ., freight main. coal repairs perts supplies repairs " " parts repairs " gasoline, oil, etc. repairs supplies " ,, repairs road tar steel expenses :l'orms tire chain gasoline oil & grease repairs supplies parts " gasoline suppli.es repairs battery gasoline parts " ser.) " " " " gasoline~ oil-eleo. current gasoline " " supplies ., 24.80 371.75 90.98 51.66 4.00 109.75 66,60 769,oO 789.80 31.50 521.55 98.85 40.00 9,33 12.85 61.75 16.00 26.10 44.00 10,68 7,68 2.00 19.50 2.l>l 5.00 62,22 2.00 21>,0U 35,00 20.oO 16.7'.J 7.25 5,00 40,71 12.70 4,25 45.00 14,18 10.05 15.54 299,46 574.79 99.69 50.78 155.98 46,49 6.36 14.35 35.38 250.00 6.12 19.44 181.1:!7 53.90 15,18 38.58 21.45 52.64 109.00 40.50 11.60 305.21 4.00 12.34 186,64 197.66 57.60 388.10 185.85 70.68 45.45 133.86 32.31 67.05 400.09 159.14 5,83 569.46 725,66 32.21 23.55 74.25 25.30 105.46 358.16 137.66 26.48 85.32 61.06 67,09 155.54 2.16 192.12 J.o1 . COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... _.,;,pr.i.l. .. 1.2 .•..................................... 19.P.Q .. G. D, Harlow N,W,Bell Tele, co •• F,F, Nelson :Bros. Printing co. N, W, Bell Tele •• F, F, Penrose Oil Co, · Anderson & Sandberg Oil Co. Battle Lake Hdwe. Hagge 011 Co. Midwest supply co. H, K, Stahl Co. Free Press Co. 11, \'I, Bell Tele. Co. • Henn. D, A, Lubricant co •• Inc, Wendell P, Huber 11", :A, Rogers co. George Olson V i.ctor Lundeen &: Co. Poucher Prtg. & Lith. Co. Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Mfg, Co, Farmers• Elevator Co., JII. Y, M, Minn. Linseed Oil~ Peint Co. Minnesota Motor Co, Bill Nelson Oil Co. A, T, Rerfindahl ~ilcoz Lumber Co,: Perham Itnutilla Implement co. Ebersv iller' s Erv in Siegfried Village ·of Battle Lake Township of Maplewood Township of Henning Township of Paddock Township of Effington Philip Kjaglien West ~b. co. Norman Hunn National Market Reports, Ina. Geo, B, Gunderson George Hanson "'!ert Stone Do Henry Sieling expenses long distance printing servioes diesel fu.el " " supplies diesel fuel supplies oil forms services Oil expenses supplies expenses supplies forms s:upplies coal paint tires tires. etc. supplies coal supplies II gasoline water service grading road construction grading " & gravelling expenses N. W, reporter postage supplies expenses " " " " Upon motion, the Board then ad,1ourned to April 18. at 2 o'clock!', M, Attest: $ 5.75 20.25 8.75 31,65 126.34 69,50 21.59 674.11 36.62 60 .55 7.20 6.05 80.18 114. 74 8.76 20.20 4,10 3.66 13.00 14. 71 97.94 125.00 383. 7.4 136,48 32.40 4,72 6.69 141,68 3.25 300,00 300.00 300.00 300.00 60.96 32.00 45.00 3.50 8.46 11,34 10.50 15,80 1q.15 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. ,\Pr i 1 .. 18., ························-···19 ~0. MINUTBS 0)-1 ADJOURN'A:D l,IF:FlTING OF' T'-IE 'BOARD OF COUNTY C OMMI SS IONE RS OF OTTER TAIL CO. , MTNN'ESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 2 o'clock p, M, Apr, 18, 1950. Present were Oommiasionera Siel:ing, Gunderson, Ha!1son, Stone end Snowberg. Bids for grading and gravel surfacing otter Tail Lake road from 4¾ miles E, of Weffeland to Otter Tail Lake as advertised for were opened by A, O, Torgerson, engineer representing the state highwey department, and were taken to the county highwey engineer's office for examination and computation, !he application of Frank Welden for olassifioatlon of the SE¼ and the st ME¼ and Nt ~ of Sec. 5 in the Township of Otto, at homestead rate for the year 1949 was read and, upon motion, the ap·plication was granted and taxes ordered reduced accordingly, The application of G, O, Thompson for homestead classification of tract called Sub Lot B of Govt. Lots 10 and 11 in Sec, 4, Township of Dora for the ,vear 1949 was read and, upon motion, the applicat.ion was granted and taxes ordered reduced accordingly, The application of Lester~. Bachmann for classification of the E! NEt and the Et RE¼ of Sec. 27, 1'own of Corliss, ·for the year 1949 at homestead. rate was read and, upon motion, the application v1aa granted and taxes ordered reduced accordingly. The application of !,udvig Y.rekula for homestead classification of the Sl'lt of' Sec. 26, Town of Otto, for the year 1949 was read and, upon motion, the application was granted and axes ordered reduced accordingly. The application of Sainia .Johnson Mattala for homestead classification of the wt NW¼ end the NW¼ SW¼ of·sea; 20 in·the Township of Deer Creelt for the year 1949 was read and, upon motion, the application was granted and taxes ordered reduced accordingly. The application of Yalmer !~arvonen for cancellation of assessment .. for structures against the st SE¼ s. of Railroad excepting platted area of 21.30 acres in SP.c. 8 in the Village of New York Mills for the year 1949 on the ground that said structures are actually located ob Lots 1 and 2 in Block 2 of Y.arvonen's Addn. on which lots they were also assessed was read end the 'Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said propert,v be reduced from $1334 .00 to $167 .00 and the taxes from $167.58 to $25.15 pluei special assessments. The application of Daniel Jungels for canc.ellation of assessment for structures for the year 1949 on the ground that it was a double assessment against Lot 23 of Lindenwood was read and the Board. recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $359.00 to·$201.oo and the taxes from $54.41 to $31.37. The application of John A, Gronner for reduction of assessment for 1949 against Lots 2,5,6, and 7 in Sec. 30 in the Township of Sverdrup was read and was discussed at length and, after full discussion, upon motion·, the a·pplication was rej'ected. The application of T, O, Halvorson for "on and off" sale beer sicenaes at Ted and Gracie's Resort in the Township of F.lizabeth was granted. The appl.ication of r.. P, F.ngel for "on and off" sale beer licenses at Cozy cove Cabins on Marian lake in the Township of Dead Lake, was granted and also cigarette license. The applicati9n of Melvin qall for cigarette license at Cross Point Resort in the Township of Maplewood \'las granted. The bids for grading and gravel surfacing having been examined and checked the engineer reported the following bids: Herbert Reese of Green Bush, $29,900,76; Red Wing construction co,, Rochester, $30,753.76; John Dieseth Co., Fergus Falla, $30,853.22; Aifred EVavold, Ashby, $33,224.25; H. van D. P.ie t and Sons, Raymoncj , $34,996.62; Glen Fed a, Carlos. $54,165.25; Haugen and Mark, Fergus Falls, $37,783.60 and G. H, ~aglund and Son, Inc., Isle, $36,938.87. Upon motion, the 3oard recommended to the highway department that the bid of Herbert Reese be accepted, The following resolution was adopted: "8E TT P.~SOLV!i:D b,V the County ~oard (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County. M:inneso ta: That the existing and duly established and designated State Aid Road No. l in otter Tail county, Minnesota, which begins at the south corner line at the southeast corner of Section 32, Tl31N-R43W and proceeding Northerly and Easterly to the Northeast corner of Section l, Tl3tHl-R36W and there terminating, and whose general course between section 1, Tl:53!1-R41V/ and Section 36, Tl34N-R41W, and section 31, Tl34U- R40W; and Section 6, Tl33N-R40Wia as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Sectionl, Tl33N-R41W; thence East along section line for a distance of 1981.2 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 4°00' curve (delta angle 16°011 ) for a distance of 400.4 feet; thence on tangent to said curve south 73•59• East for a distance of 343.4 feet; thence deflect to the left on an 8"00'curve (delta angle 44°57') for a distance of 561. 9 feet; thence on tangent to said curve Ilorth 61° 04' East for a distance of 1920 ,4 feet; thence deflect to the right on an 8°00' curve (delta angle 58°47') for a distance of 734.8 feet; thence onta~ent to said curve South 60"09' East for a distance of 328.9 feet; thence deflect to the left on a 4° 001 curve I delta anp.le 30° 07') for a distance of 752, 9 feet; thence on tangent to said curve Horth 89°44' East alon~ the section line for a distance of 1946,9 feet and there terminating. That it is necessary for the safety of public travel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed; That an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so altering said State Aid Road Mo. l in said sections as aforesaid; Th«tthe general course of said State Aid Road No. 1 is not materially altered thereby; That the said easement so to be procured is for public highway and road purposes, that the same shall be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter described; COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... Aprill6 , ................................. 19 .. 50 That it is necessary for the construction and mainte~anoe of said road and for the safety of public travel that additional right of way be procured to enable the construction of proper slopes and that an easement be procured to construct certain slopes and to maintain the same after oonstruotion as provided in the plans and specifications on f.ile in the office of the county q1ghway Engineer at the court House in the Cit,v of Fergus -ralls, Minnesota, tI:ie specif.lo places where said slopes are to be constructed, being particularly hereinafter described, that such easement for such construction of slopes cease on or before December 31, 1952; That tt is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that an easement for the erect ion of temporary snov:fences be prooured, ond that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for p11blic highway purposes and upon the lands adjoining the same; That the lands so to be taken for public highway and. road ·purposes and subjected to easement as aforesaid, are situated in the State of Minnesota and county of Otter Tail and d!!Scribed as follows, to- wit: PAR•'.:ELS 11 & 14 A strip o:f. land ex:tendinp: over and across the fol10Y1ing described tracts: Paroel 11: Parcel 14: ·Govt. r.ots 2, 3, 4, Section 1, Tl33N-R41W; Govt. Lot 3, Section 31, Tl34N-R40W; southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter (SW¼ SW¼) Section 31, Tl34N-R40W; said strip being all that part of the above described tracts 1•1hich lies l'li thin a distance of oO feet on each side of the following describeci center line: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Sedtion 2, Tl33N-R41W; thence East for a distance of 1981,2 feet; thence deflect to t11e right on a 4°00' curve (delta angle 16°01') for a distanoe of 400,4 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for a distance of 34:3,4 feet; thence deflect to t11e le:rt on an 8"00' curve (delta angle 44°5.l')for a tiistance of tiu!.~ teet; thence on tangent to said curve for a distance of 1920,4 feet; thence deflect to the right on an a• 00' curve (delta angle 58° 47') for a distance of 734,8 feet; thence on 'tangent to said curve for a distance of 328.9 feet; thence deflect to the reft on a 4°00', curve (delta angle 3rl'07') for a distance of 752,0 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for a' distance of 1946. 9 feet and there terminating. excepting therefrom the rip.:ht of wa,v of existing hlghw~•: containing 4.59 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1952, on the following described Hne: A strip of land 70 feet wide on the South side of said roadwa.v, beginning at ,the !lorthwest corner of Section 1, Tl33IJ-R1-l\V; thence East 682,8 feet and there terminating. A strip cf land 20 feet wide on the south side of siad roadway, beginning at the Ilorthwest corner of Section 1, Tl33H-R41\I/; thence F.ast 200,0 feet and there terminating. A strip of land 10 feet wide on the South side of' said roadwa.\', bcRinning at the Northwest corner of Section 1, Tl33r1-R41W; thence ~11.st 200.0 feet and thP.re terminating. A strip of la."ld 20 feet wide on the south side of said roadway, beginning at the uorthwest corner of Section 1, Tl33ll-:R411'1; thence East fl00.0 feet and there termlnatinfl, A Rtrip of land 50 feet wide on the south side of said roadway, beginning at the Morthwest oorner of Section 1, Tl3!3N-R41W; thence :i-:ast 475.0 feet and there terminating. A strip of land 25 feet 1vide on the uorth side of so.id roadway, beginning at a point 2188.0 feet West of the South quarter corner of Section 31, Tl34N-R40W: thence \'/est 250,0 feet and there terminating. A strip of land 10 feet wide on the North side of said roadway, beginning at a point 1138.0 feet West of the South quarter corner .of Section 31, Tl34N-R401'1'; thence V/est 450.0 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said road~ay. and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire said easement aoross additional lands as aforesaid for public road and highway ·purposes; to acquire said easement and additional right of way for construction of slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said easement for ereotion ot snowfences, and let the same forewith duly be begun and prosecuted, Dated this 18th day of April, 1950, Att t William Lincoln es : ________ C.,.o.,..u_n __ t ... y_A.,..u-d""ir--t,-o_r ____ _ B.V thP Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail County Geo. B, Gunderson chairman Upon motion, the Board ad,1onrned to May 9, 1950 at 10 o'clock A, M, L./UI~.-~-1c.e,.....---z..·_p -,c-,t,t-~ _"--z.---t----;. , Chairman Attest: C erk, 411-.. • ... . . ...• .,;,' COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. !.ln.Y' 9 ·································-······· 19 50 MIIflJTJ::S OF ADJOURHED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOHERS OF OTTER TAIL CO,, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, Mas 9, 1960, Present were commissioners Siellng, Gunderson, Ranson, stone and snowberg, Bids for road oil and application of bituminous material as advertised tor by the Board were opened and read and as it appeared that there was only one bid for road oil and as the Board had not advertised tor a combined bid for furnishing .and applying the same, upon advice of the county attorney all bids were rejected and it was ordered that new bids be advertised for ,June 13, 1950 at 10 o• clock A, M, It was also ordered that bids for power mowers be called for at the seme time. A large number of owners of land taxed tor construction of County Ditch No. 54 in the Township of Corliss appeareil before the Board to urge the cancellation of assessment levied by the County Board in 1949 and included in the taxes for that year. After discussion 111d eocplanations, the Board agreed that if applications for cancellation of assessments for ditch reqair excepting an amount sufficient to reim- burse the county for funds atready expended were presented to the Board they would be recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation. Paul Phillips presented a written application for appointment as county surveyor of Otter Tail County to fill the vaoancy now existing, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minn. That Paul c. Phillipe registered land surveyor for Minnesota be. and he hereby is appointed as county surve,vor of Otter Tail County, Uinnesota for the term ending the ftrst Monday in January 1951. Adopted May 9, 1950. Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman Attest: Wi1liam Lincoln clerk. Upon motion, the Board approved advertisement by the Commissioner of Highways ·tor bids for constructing bridge at Pleasure Park and also for constructing road from Erhard to point 5t miles West, said bids to be opened at the Commies loners' Room in the Court ll'ouse at 10 o'clock A,M. June 11/; 1950, A large delegation of citizens from ~addock, Blowers, Butler and Homestead urged improvement of portion of state Aid Road Ho. l running west of improvement done several years ago. No definite action was taken by the Board. All members of the town boards of Scambler Townshi·p in Qtter Tail County and Tansem Township in Clay County together with members of the Clay County Board of Commissioners discussed the improvement of four miles of road on the county line between the Townships of Tansem and Scambler, After full discuss-ion, the joint session of the two county boards and the town boards of the two townships was called to order and motion made and seconded that the road estimated to cost $13,200.00 be constructed and the cost be divided as follows: One fourth of the total cost to be paid by each of the counties and one fourth by each of the two townships, public donations in the sum of $1800.00 already collected, to be applied on the cost of the road and balance divided as above stated. It was also agreed that each townshi•p should take over two miles of the road and that the county be relieved from maintenance of the road, A motion was separately ·put to the members of the two county boards and to the members of the two town boards and each body voted unanimously in favor of the motion. A budget of the Otter Tail County Extentlon Committe of $7500,00 for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1950 was read and, upon motion, the following resolution was ado.pted: R~SOLUT!Of1 O'li' BOARD OF cnutJTY COM!,ITSSTONERS APPROPRIATION 'F'OR COIHJTY C00'0 ERATIVE EXTENSION WORK OTTER TAIL COUNTY YEAR BEG mtHNG JULY 1, 1950 BE TT RESOLVED: That the sum of $7,500 plus any balanoe tr.pm previous year be set apart from the General Rev.enue Fund, or appropriated subject to the order of the Dean of the Department of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota for the sup·port of county cooperative extension work in agrioul tu.re and home economics in Otter Tall ·county, for the year beginning July 1, 1950, in acooraance with Chapter 423, Laws 1923 and acts supplementary thereto. Adopted Mas 9, 1950. Attest: William Lincoln clerk. Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman ,,., 'I ' I: ,: I' 1' " ,: 11 j 1 I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... Ma.v .. 9 • ········-·······················•·• .. ···········19 50. The following resolution was adopted: Resolvad by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. That Under the provisions of the State Maternal and Child Heal th .plan for partloipation in the benefits of the Federal Sooial security Act .the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail Co1mty herewith requests the Minnasota State Board of ~ealth to grant the sum of$ 1,000.00 to be used as supplemental aid to add l nurse(e) to the publio health nursing staff ln otter Tall County fpr tJ:i,e fiscal 11eriod beglnn,f.ng Jul.v l, 1950 and ending June 30•, 1951 Adopted May 9, 1950, Geo. B, ~underson Chairman Attest: William Llnooln ClerlC. The following resolution was adopted: MU~SOTA DE~ARTn!ENT OF H1Gm'TAYS FEDF:RAL AID S~CotIDARY FORM rrn. nr Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 90, Laws of Minnesota 1943 the Commissioner of Highvays be appointed as the agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion of state Aid Road No. l described as follows: Bridge -Over Otter Tail River, 2 Miles Northwest of Ottertail in Otter Tail County 11nd the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of ~ighways prescribing the terms and oonditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form No. lV", a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the county all of the contractual obligations therein contained, Adopted this 9th day of May, 1950, Geo. B. ~undeseon Attest: William Lincoln clerk. The following resolution was adopted: l.UNtlESOTA DE!'ARTMJ>:NT OF !UGl'!WAYS FEDERAL AID SECOIIDARY .FORM NO. V C'"h.,.a ... l,._r-m-an ______ _ W'1EREAS, it is neoeesary in order to receive Federal-Aid toward the construction of that portion of State Aid Road No. 1 described as follows: . Brid.ge -Over Otter Tail River, 2 Miles northwest of Otte,rtall in Otter Tail County. For the county itself ~nd throup.h the Commissioner o! uighways as its agent to a~ree to maintain said road after it shall have been constru.cted. rmw TQJ':N 'BF: IT RESOLVED·; that the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County of otter tail to execute a contract concerning the maintenance of said portion of State Aid Road ?lo. 1 in the form as set ·forth end contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Federal-Aid Maintenance Contract Form No. VI", a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the oontract11al oblig·at1ons therein set forth. Adopted this 9th day of May, 1960. Geo.~. ~underson chairman Attest: William Linooln cnerk. A plat of White Swan Beach in the Township of Dane ~rairie, accompanied by a certificate of title executed by Dell, Rosengren and Rufer, attorneys-at-law, was approved. "On and Off" sale beer licensee were grant eel to the following: Thomas R, Sohwintek, resort Town of '{tine Lake; c. S. Jensen, Glass Bar, Town of Girard; Lenard Y., Sae1vert, resort at Big '{tine Lake in the Town of Corliss; Clarence Koehler, resort, Town of '?ine Lake; 1,1. J. Schlanger, Mallard Bay Resort, Town of Nidaros; Barnard J. ITendin, resort in Seo. 14, Town of Pine Lake. "On and Off" sale beer licenses and also oigarette lioenses were granted to Klein, resort, Town of Rush Lake; Carl and Ina Leaf, resort, Town of Pine Lake; Lake resort, Town of Tumuli; E, F, Schomberg, resort, Town of Dead Lake; Edwin of Pine Lake and Mrs. Mamie Shasky, resort, Town of Rush Lake. the following: Walter rred Sohultz, Ten Mile c. Wallace resort,. Town Cigarette lioenses were granted to the followtng: ~red Evander, resort, Town of F.agle Lake; Walter ,1, Weiss, Midway Park, Town of Otter Tail; R. G. Craig, Maple Beach Resort, Town of Lida: G, M, R.vle, wenonga Beach, Town of F.verts; Ingvald Gulbranson, Oak Lod.ge, Town of Lida; John w. Rundle, Bob Craek store, Town of Scambler; \'Im. A. 'F!arris, resort, Sec. 15, Town of Edna; Allan 1,1. Hoff, Sleepy JJo:J:low Resort, Town of To~denskjold; Roland Peters, resort, Pine Lake TO~'llship. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ 1-fa:, ............ . . .................... 1950 . The application of the Zion Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran congregation for cancellation of tax for 1949 on Lots 7, 8 and 9 in Block 3 of the Original Plat of the City of Fergus Falls on the ground that tha same was church property was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of $480.00 and the tax of $80.76 be cancelled. The application of Clifford Stensrude for the classlfioation of Lot 6, Block 32, Original Plat of Fergus Falls for the year 1948 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value be redumed from $518.00 to $324.00 end the taxes from $82.98 to $50.65. The application of Clifford Stensrude for homestead classification of Lot 6, 13lock 32. Original Pl.at of Fer~us Falls for the year 1949 was read and the ~oard ordered that said land be so classified and the taxes reduced accordingly • . The application of Herman and Walter Borek ·r.or classification of the Und. f of Lots ::, and 6 and the s½ SE¼ of Sec. 11 and of sv1t sw.;. and Lot 3 in Sec. 12, '!'own of Carlisle, for the year 1949, was read and the .Board ordered that the land be so classified and taxes reduced accordingly. The application of Erl.and Gergsten for classification of the Et NE¼ and s. 6 rds. of Lot 3, Sec. 2b Township of Clitherall, for the year 1949 at homestead rate was read and the board ordered that said land be so classified and taxes red.uced accordingly • . The application of Adolph Ebersvlller for classification of Lot 2, Block 1, Nesbitt'e First Addn. to the Village of Vergas for the year 1949 at homestead rate was read arm the board ordered that the land be so classified aua the taxes reducen. accordingly. The application of Alfred E. Bigelow for reduction of as~essment on personal property in the Township of Cirard for the year 1949 was read ann the noard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the asse.ssed value of said pro!)erty be reduced from ~21~.00 to $119.00 ann tne taxes from $27.43 to $lb,33. The application of Graff Implement co. for cancellation of assessment for two trucks in Perham Vill- age for the year l:;,~i:, upon which licenses for 1949 we.re paid we.s read and the board recommended to the commissioner of 'l'axatiqn that the ass'!!Rsed value of $1230.00 and tax of ,168.67 be cancelled. upon motion the board adjourned to Uay 10 at 10 A, M. Wednesday's Session Pursuant to adjournment the board met at 10:00 A, M, May 10, l9b0 all members being present. A plat of White Swan Beach in the township of Dane Prairie accompanied by a certificate of title execµted by D!!ll, ~osengren and Rufer, attorneys at law at law was approved. The petition of Blaine McLaughlin to set over F.½ tJE¼ of Section 8 Township 135 Range 39 from School district 272 to school district 32 was read ana it v1as ordered that a hearing on said petition oe had at nhe session of the board ,luly 11, 1950 at 10 o'clock A. '..{, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of T. o. Tabbut and E, M, Tabbut to set over w½ NY/¼ except 1 ac. in SW corner except 6 rds by 40 rds, w 2 rds of N 120 rds of E½ NW¼ in Section 24, NE¼ NE¼ and Lot :; in Sect ion 2~ all in Township of Scambler from school district 65 to school district 88 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the ooard July 11, 1950 at 10 o'clock A. M. and that due notice of tlle time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. A plat of Ripples Beach on Lake Franklin in the town of Dunn accompanied by a certificate of title executed by Charles L, Alexander attorney at Law was approved, The following Dills were allowed: J, c. Henkes M, C .• Lee Edward C. Drews J. c. P.:enkes Louise stondahl Mabel Wenstrom H. t, Allen ,lohn L, Bixby Maybell. J. Lee Lola V, Mehl Dr, c. w. Lewis Dr. EVerett c. Hanson Frank c. Barnes Runninf!en Cafe Mabel G, Irwin Panama carbon Co. Remington Rand, Inc. ~ree Press co. Johes ~ Y.roeger co. Gaffaney's H. A, Rogers co. Fritz-cross Co. Midrand Paper & staty, co. Sohooloraft Co, Nelson Broe. Printing Co. Seo. Blank Book & Prtg. Co, Mll1er-Dav1s co. Poucher Prtg, & 11th. Co, Victor Lundee.n & Co, Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co, Globe Gazette Prt~. Co, Fergus Journal Co, expenses dep. sheriff's exp. ff '' " Bd, of ~risoners expenses " " n " (nurse) Dep. coroner's fees " municipal judge's fees meals for witnesses transcript carbon papers supplies " receipt books supnlies " record book supplies school supplies printing court calendars binders & supplies supplies assessment sheets etc. supplies printing & supplies supplies publishing etc, $ 68,55 22.04 5.58 147.0U 49.91 20.29 3.35 33.27 60.75 35.65 11.95 12,85 49.00 8.~o 6.25 2.78 16.90 12.25 14\1.b'/ ~0.6b 13,46 103.72 8.07 126.98 126.00 592.01 57.99 454.28 106.90 68.25 135.90 230.30 zp, ;• I, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................ !,fa.v .. 10, ·································1950. N, W, Pub. Co, Holten "Jtilwe. ~ergus service station M, E, Strissel Stang .'fo Vlright N, W, Bell Tel, Co, Do Martin F, Falk Paper co. Hintgen-Y.arst Co, Larson Bros. E, F, Miley A, H, Windel Lola V, Mehl H, L, Allen P, M, Ree LOuise stondahl 'Ff. W. Glorv lgen Meyer Broadcasting co. H, A, Rogers Co. Olson-Enstad & Larson Johnson Drugs Ed. ward western Union Art Burnside&: Co. A, A, Vollbrecht Haimerl Post 148 A,L, Addressograph Sales Agency Dr, W, F, Schamber Mrs. Cleo Garrison City of Fergus Falls No-peming Sanatorium Minnesota State Sanatorium N, W, Bell fel. Co, ~hilip M, Y.jaglien DO Henning•s Sales /1, Service Victor Lundeen+. Co. Veterans Information Service N, W. Bell Tel. Co. water & Light Dept, X:athe!'ine D, Townsend Bert stone Geo, B, Gunderson Geo, Hanson Henry Sieling Univ er el ty Hospital Nopeming Sanatorium :P.d, Amundson John Nelson William F, &: Hattie Beeck Nellie Anderson Iver Nelson Clasper Walvatne Norrls s. Hovland Ht1go !I: Johanna Wendt Albert A, Nelson Charles E, Nelson Mrs. Anto-n Morr~u Cyril Peterson Geo A, Sanda H, J, & Ethel B, Miller Osoar & Randa J, Anderson George G, Haar-stad Herman o. Neulieb Walter &: Minerva ?leulieb Mathilda Schrupp ,lames Rorvig 0, ~dwin &: Minnie M, Wee AUred N, Hovland Herbert Bischoff B, W, +. Hilda D, Foster Esther Paulson Oliver & !.Uldred Samuelson Elmer E, & Norma Y., Anderson Emma Markstrom Roy H. !: Mathilda 1', Bjorklund Harris S, & Edwin M, Olson Edward Glawe John W, ~ Clara Peterson Alvin & Ruth Rosentreter Ella Wallace Reuben Bahls Ha!'ry E. Sauer Mrs. Louise Heinis&: A, Neinis, Ad, Marl.in &: Vera Bendickson John J. Hagen John N, & Nora J. Baity Sam Sand.a Selmer &: M11bel Anderson Leo Miller publishing notice supplies " repairs " mobile serviee calls supplies repairs " equipment constable fees postage (nurse) ,, " driver's license exp. services prints bond premium supplies (sheriff) services telegrams supplies (jail) bond premium . decorating graves supplies exam. care of chil.ld care of transient care of patient care of patients calls expenses " supplies " " calls water &: light rent expenses " " " special nursing care of natient Jtight of.Way " .. " " ., " " " " " ,, " " " " " " ,, " " " " Move fence $ 2.40 7.40 5,46 24.95 112.06 20,91 12.80 12.75 35,61 2,50 182.20 13,08 7.00 22.50 127.49 61,05 6.30 3.50 4,86 5.00 25.14 5.00 6.15 71.40 5.00 7.,00 4.45 12.00 45.00 18.80 199,50 289.80· 43.65 59.76 42,07 1,64 28.95 6.00 7.45 16.64 45.00 22.50 9.94 14.22 32,76 66.50 77,80 39.80 69.08 42.08 7,91 195.22 36.31 55.66 192.89 7.92 7.92 20,50 83.18 24.00 25.50 45.95 77,50 26,00 64.87 23.50 184.04 76.00 39.95 280.14 5.50 158,18 41.80 44.88 90.15 16.93 128.99 71.83 1~9:sB 45.24 31.00 223,02 27,00 47,41 2.50 48.29 52.35 89,81 39,50 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. L. E. ~ Elma T. Smith N, W. Bell Telephone Co., F,F. Parkers PrairiP. Village construction Bulletin N. W. Bell Tele. ~o., Henning woodside Township E. J. ,Johnson Herman Glawe Daggett Implement Co, Minnesota State Highway Dept. Pelican Telephone Co, Baas Oil co. Larson Hardware Olaf' Bruetuen Railway Express Agency, B,L, Keuf'fel ~ Esser Co. Raymond Broe, Motor Transp. ~intgen-Y.aret Elec. Oo. Minneapolis !Hue Prtg, Oo. N, W, Bell Tele. Co., F. ~- Wendell p. Huber George Olson American Paint Corp. Wendell P. Huber W, r.. Potter Victor Lundeen & Co. Minn. Mining 11: Mf'g, Co, Poucher Prtg. & Lith. Co. L, J. sand Roger Broberg Knof'f's Hardware Henning Oil Oo. Empire ~upply oo, Bill Nelson Oil Oo, Holten Hardware Lee Tire Service Tesch Lumber Co. Highway Co. McCabe "Broe. Do. Fred A, Everts Henning Seed II: Grain ~o. N. Y. Mills Farmers Elev, ~o. Cities Service Station Natl, Bushing & Parts co. Park Region co-op. Oil co. Hoot Lake Ice II: Gas Oo, Service Oil Co. Ray's Oil Co. Harthun & Peterson Oil Co. Erwin Siegfried Fergus Oil Co, Penrose Oil Co, Hagge Oil Co, P. K. iA. Company A. R. Meier Larson Bros. Skogmo Motors, Inc. Lake Region Motor Co. Olson Auto Electric A, T. Herf'indahl Henning Auto & Machine \Vks. William Hardware Farmers co-op, Cry. Asen. P.ude Garage Tvtin Clty Engine Rebuilders Field Machine Co, Minn,· Motor Co. New Ulm Mfg, Co, ijen W. Battleson Peter A. Lehn Emma stortroen H. T. Brown John B, & Mary Pahan Russell I. Johnson Gabriel SP.rge Arthur Halvorson Carl H, & Carrie I, Nelson Violet l<. Meis John J. II: Lucelia M. Eastman John W, Reynolds '!'rank & Rhod-a Mat son Nels Christianson Virgil Starin E; J. & Martha TwPte George .!,: I_n1J11 Lei,tgh Peter ·•• Sylvia Honrud Hannah Lehenbauer Clara L, Haave Clarence Sundblad School Dist. #278 School Dist. #89 Casper~. Zimmerman DATE ...... ·-······May .. 10 • ..................................................... 19 50. Right or Way services steam culverts Ad. f'or bide services grading supplies Right of' Way supplies " services supplies " express supplies freight supplies long distance cash adv, expenses paint expenses " Bil ppl-iee paint supplies .. f'uel oil supplies tires, etc. supplies tire rep. & tubes coal gasoline, etc. coal " " & supplies coal " gasoline repairs gas & Kerosene gasoline & kerosene "· " " " diesP.1 fuel repairs " gasoline repairs " " parts " Right of Way " " " " " " " " " moving f'ence Right of' Way " " " " " " ,, $ 105.30 29.10 58.00 39.30 7.89 300.00 25.02 52,50 16,65 68.04 6.25 9.45 18.51 5.25 2.17 7.79 32.10 136.29 7.00 26.50 11.13 17.15 64.45 82,17 62.28 8.25 184.80 4,96 2.69 19,56 4.17 15.86 9.99 664,03 18.30 28.14 81.18 19.95 27.46 88.91 134.64 4,90 2,96 18.39 10.50 10.28 69.13 101.70 71.05 123.06 89,19 33.59 83.90 979.06 18,59 24.25 57.00 69,55 3.53 17.98 9.60 29.50 1.80 51.29 30.85 145.00 82.54 193.68 1.65 50.00 172.32 7,92 103,75 45.83 45.83 52.00 70.75 166.50 15.00 47.00 92.68 91.04 104.25 7,73 45.95 139,70 58,85 7.91 7;92 51.50 2.00 3.50 26.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... Ma.v ... 10 ' ..................................... lft!.O .. I Mrs. E. J, Tv1ete Right of Vlay :;ii 159,61 : E, E. Teske " " " 21.00 H. T, Brown 'c N. F, Field " " " 26.00 I Peder A. 'c Alfred M. ouren .. " n 88.50 I Clarence Ohe ., " " 55.40 I ~jalmer Pederson " ., " 89.20 I F,d\vard w. .'c Ada Wallin " " " 76,61 Vernon F,. Johnson ., " " 78.01 Alexander Sha " " " 91.92 ; Elvin Volm " .. " 18.50 •'• Edward Bruestle .. " " 30.04 I I Mrs. Elsie Hurst " " " 46.15 Alfred Ouren " ., " 32.77 I Upon Motion, the Board then adjourned to ,June 13. 1950 at 10 o' clocl: A, M-, I !:Lo. /3. ,~ : I Attes;(,J . ~ ~'-', cnerk. ~. --,J_:/."' . ; -·---· ----. ~---..... 1.4 ·coMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. June ... 13 ........................................ ·-·······19~.~ .. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED l.1EETnm or THE BOARD OF COUllTY COl,D.fTSSTOlrERf; OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MTNHESOTA PUrsuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A,M,, Tuesday June 13, 1950. Present were commissioners Sieling, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg, Hide for furnishing and applying road oil as advertised for by the Board were opened and read and after checking the contract was awarded to the lowest bidder, Christle and Cruzen of Royalton, Minn. at ,1154 for SC 2 or 3 and ,1254 for NC 2 or 3. Bids for highway mower and tractor as advertised for by the Board were opened and read and after listening to statements of representatives of the various bidders and after a careful consideration, the Board aocepted the bid of Wm. H. Ziegler Co. for one Topeka !,tower for $2078,81 and also the bid of Geo. T, Hyan Co. for one Case-Detroit highway mov1er at $1488,00, Dance permit using mechanical music only was granted to Carl T, Sundblad at resort in the Township of Elizabeth. "On and Off" sale beer licenses 'i'tere granted as follows: Andrew Perala, oak Point Resort. Tovm of Otto; rra Bowman, I.tar ion Lake Lodge, !!.'own of Dead Lake; .4.1. Hllcoske, River Ranch, Town of a>tter Tall; Hai Reintsma at "Play-Mor Beach, Town of Corliss. Cigarette Licenses were granted to the following: Ira Bowman, Marion Lake Lodge, Town of' Dead Lake; w. W, Dyer, Bowery Beach, Town of Dunn; Kenneth Adams. Amor Park store: Henry c. Erickson, Eriokson's Camp, Town of Amor; Ben -qendin, resort, Town of Pine Lake; Phillip H, Langdon, Uaple Lane Resort, Town of lHdaros; M, ,1. Goins, resort, Tov:n of Rush Lake: Grant Jensen, Pease resort, Town of Amor; R. H-. Hollingworth, Holly's Camp, Town of Amor; w. r. Andresen. White ~aven Resort, Town of Dead Lake; Hubert Thompson, Wagner's Beach Resort, Town of Dunn; Jack Solinger, outlook Beach, Town of Lida; Conrad Haggstrom, resort, Town of Maine; Gilford Olson, Fish Lake ttore, Town of Dunn; Emil A, l!adsen, Madsen's Resort, Town of Everts; !.lrs. P.udy Jacobsen, Pelican rnn Resort, Town of DUnn; Al. !Ulcoske, River Ranch Town of Otter Tail. The application of Otto R, Richter for classification of Lots land 2 and the SW¼ NE¼ except tract in northeast corner and the HE¼ SE¼ all in Sec, 25, Township of Aurdal, for the year 1949 at homestead rate was read and, upon motion, the application was approved and taxes ordered reduced acoordingly. The application of Martha E. Raattama for classification of the VI! NE¼ of sec. 31, Township of Ifewton for the year 1949 at homestead rate was read and, upon motion, tne application was approved and taxes ordered reauced accordingly. The application of Florence Chesborough for classification of the Et SE¼ of Sec. 10 and the wt SW¼ of sec. 11. Tovmship of Girard, for the year l.949 at homestead rate was read and, upon motion the application was approved and taxes ordered reduced accordingly. The application of Oscar E. West for classification of the SW¼ SW¼ and Lot 8 of Sec, 17 and tot 5 and the SE¼ SE¼ of Sec. 16, Tpwnship of Fribert, for tile year 1V4V ut homestead rate was read and, upon motion the applica.t ion was approved and taxes ordered ~·eo.ucea. ~ccord ingly. The application of Richard Imsande for classification of Lots 3 and 4, the SE¼ SW¼ and the SW¼ SE¼ of Sec, 31, Township of Blowers, for the year 1949 at homestead rate was read and, upon motion, the application was approved and taxes ordered reduced accordingly. The application o~ Lawrence A, Nels:>n for classification of the E~ IDV¼, NW¼ NW¼, and the SVr} NS¼ of Sec, 25, Township of i\laplewood, for the year 1949 at homestead rate was read and. upon motion, the application was appro~ed and taxes ordered reduced acoordingly, The applioation of Elbeda A,, Edith M, and Emily E, Peterson for olassi:t'ication of l to 6, Block 13, Lakeview Addition to ~arkers Prairie, for the year 1949 at homestead rate was read and, upon,motion, the application was approved and taxes ordered reduced accordingly. The appllcation of Calmer E. Y/ee for classification of the S\V¼ NW¼-, wt S\'I¼ and the SE¼ swt of Sec. 32, Township of Trondhjem, for the year 1949 at homestead rate was read Bl'ld, upon motion, the applioation was approved and taxes ordered reduced accordingly, The appliQation of Henry Aigner for classification of the st SEt of Sec. 29 and the Et NE¼ and Lots 1, 2, and 3 in ·sec. 32, Townshi•p of Erhards Grove, for the year 1949 at homestead rate was read aild, upon motion, the application was appro~ed and taxes ordered reduced accordingly. The application of Arne O, ~olehmainen asking that the assessed value for the year 1949 against the ·Wt W...-¼-. NE¾· N'R¼ and the NE¼ NE¼ of Sec. 19, Township of Fomestead, be reduced on account of duplicate assessment of one forty was read and the board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said land be reduced from ~865,00 to $734,00 and the taxes from $~56.38 to $132.19. . The application of Lois Mae Buechner for classification of Lot 7, "Blook 4. Lakeside Add it ion to . Fergus Falls, for the year 1949 at homestead rate was read and, upon motion, the application was approved and taxes ordered reduced aocordingly, The applications of Jerry and Albert Quast, Edward L. Dulski, Ervin&: Esther Schave, Geo. E, ll{arckel, Trustee, Lyndon Schmidt, Joseph DUlski, Martin Dulski, M.Vrtle L. Schmidt, John C. Schmidt and Joe L111icski for cancellation of part of assessment for creating a fund for cleaning Ditch No, 54 on the ground that sa!.d cleaning has been and will be done by the parties benefitted by the ditch were read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the said applications be grant ea, The application of Fred Sperry for correction of assessment for 1948 on the !forth 260 ft. of South 734 ft, of Lot 3 in Seotion 16 in the Township of Dead Lake on account of clerical error was read and the Board reco~mended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said tract be reduced from $285,00 to $23,7.00 and the taxes from $43.68 to $36,24, The application of Vida Aupperle for homestead classification for 1949 on Lot 4 of Peach's Lake Shore in the Town of Dora was read and, upon motion, the same 1vas granted and tax ordered reduced accordingly, f1I I ) I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA'l'E ................................. j.une ............................................ 19.5.0. ill.I.L..IIT.Ili:ITZ.J1ff!l'BO:..l The application of' E, R, Swenson f'or reduction of' assessment for structures f'or 1949 against Lot 15, Block 3, Bowman and Dunton• s Addn. to Battle Lake, was read and the Board recommended. to the Commissioner of' Taxation that the assessed value of' said property be r•educed from $1584 ,00 to $804.00 and the taxes from $248.05 to $125.91, The application of w. Ira Peok f'or homestead classification for 1949 on the IP..-¼ NW¼ and the NE¼ of Seo. 32, Township of Oscar, was read and, upon motion, the same •nas granted and taxes ordered reduced accordingly, The application of Archibald Benzinger f'or homestead classification for 1949 on the Iffl¼ S\'I¼, sw¼ liY/¼ and the NW¾-:UW¼ of Sec. 9, Town of Effington, was read and, upon motion, the same was granted and taxes ordered reduced accordingly. The application of Jack r.:ampsnla for reduction of assessment for structures against Lots 7 and 8 in Oak 1>oint "ark for the year 1949 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said propert~, be reduced from t2G2.00 to $142,00 and the taxes from $41,77 to $22.63 The application of E. J. wastweet for homestead classification on Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 13 of Hurst's Addition to Linden ~ark for the year 1948 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxationthat said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $238.00 to $148.00 and the taxes from $24.71 to $14.89. . The appliontion of E. J. wastweet for homestead classification on Lots land 2 in Block 13 of Hurst's Addition to Linden Park was read and, upon motion, the same was granted and taxes ordered reduced accordingly, A delegation of citizens presented a petition for county aid road beginning in Sec. 7, Town of. Otto, and runninv. north to Highway No. 10. A·~ter listening to the statements of interested parties, upon motion, the petition was ordered placed en f.ile. Sheriff J. c. Henkes requested ad.di tional time for collecting 1949 personal property taxes. Upon motion, the time was extended to the July meet lng of the County Board. A plat of Lucky Horse S hoe Bay in the Township of' Lida, accompanied by a certif'i.cate of title executed by Frank O. Barnes, attorney-at-law, vzas approved. Aplat of Brooklyn addition to Belka Beach in the Tov:nship of Gorman accompanied by a certificate of title executed by M, J·, Daly, attorney-at-law, was approved, Upon motion, the Board authorized the advertisement by the state commissioner of highways for bids ·!or construction of 3. 6 miles west of Henning and also 3. 7 miles northeast of Vergas, said bids to close July 11, 1950 at 10 o'clock A. M, Upon motion. the auditor and chairman wz~~ authorized and directed to sip.:n a five years lease of p:arage at Deer Creek commencing Dec, 1, 1949 at a rental o·~ $35.00 per month. The County rrursinp.: Board presented a budf?et ·for the .vear comrnenoing July 1, 1950. Upon motion, the budget was approved. Upon motion, the Board then aiijournen to ,June 14th at 10 o'clock A. M. VIEDllESDAY' S SESSIOM pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M, June 14, 1950, all members betng present. Bids for grading Job S.P, 56-529-01 between C.A,R. No, 28 three miles east and one mile north of P.oths~v and Erhard and also bids for constructing bridge No. 7037 on S, p, 56-501-05 over the otter Tall River two miles northwest of Ottertail as advertised by the state commissioner ot highways were opened and read and referred to A. 0, Torgerson, representing the state highway department, and county engineer .Wendell Huber for checking, _ Bids for Job S,P, 56-529-01 between Erhard & Rothsay were found to be as follows: Aifred Evavold, $38,268.54: John Dieseth Co., $40,732.66; Barnard-Curtis Co,, $42,591.50; Haugen&: ~lark, $42,946.30; Red Wing construction Co~.$47,448,80. Upon motion of Commissioner Ha11son. seconded by Commissioner Stone, the Board recomrnended to the Commissioner of Highways that the bid o:f Al:fred Evavold be accepted. Bids for constructing bridge at Pleasure Park S,P, 56-501-05 were reported as·tollows: van Walker Construotion co., $13,195.56; Herbison Constl'uotion co., $13,578.53; Helseth Engineering Co., $14,014,74 Barnard-Curtis Co., $15,957.39; Fl. R. Foster and co., $16,892.70; Minnesota Bridge co., $17,882.59; P&derson Bros •• Inc., $14,417,97, Upon motion of commissioner Hanson, seconded by commissioner stone, the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Highways that the bid of Van Walker Construction co. be accepted. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Boal'd of Count,u-Comrnissioners of otter Tail Count,\', Ulnnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore co~tracted with the Lake Re~ion Motor co. f.or one two-ton Ford truck Model F-6 with equipment as specified in the contract in exchange for used truck, and Whereas, same has been delivered to and accepted by the count,v, Now, therefore, be it resolvecl that the county audl tor and the chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to ea.id compaey a warrant in the sum of $1826.20, the contract price, Adopted June 14, 1950, Attest: ~lilliam Lincoln Clerk, Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman ·COMMISSIONERS RECORD ·N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................• T~ne ... 14··················································195.~. The following resolution vms adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Boo.rd has hereto:l.'ore contracted 1vi th the Lake Region Motor Co. for one 2t ton Ford pick-up Model r-1 with equipment as specified in the contract in exchange for used trucks, and Vlhereas, S8111e has 'oeen delivered to and accepted by the county, Now, therefore, be it resolved that thP. county auditor and the chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant in the sum of $2325,00, the contract price. Adopted June 14, 1950, Attest: William Lincoln Olerk. The following resolution was adopted: Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman. Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !4innesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Truman J.lotors for one Studebaker truck chassis and cab with equipment specified in said contract. and Whereas, same has been deliverer to and acc~pted. by the co1mt.v, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county auditor and the chairman of thP. Board are authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant in the sum of $1805,00, the contract price, Adopted June 14, 1950, Attest: William Li!'l.coln Clerk, The following resolution 1vas adopted: Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman. Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners of otter Tall County, 1/llnnesota. \'/hereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Co. for one Henke Model U,B,7 power road swee·per, and Whereas, same has been delivered to and accepted by the county, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county auditor and the chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant in the sum of $1137,00, the contract price. Adopted June 14, 1950. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. The following reslution was adopted: Geo,B, Gunderson Chairman. B.r-: "1:T REf!OT,VJ-:D TltAT the Commissioner of Highwa,¥s is requested to recommend to the Com'llissioner of Public Roads the seledtion of the road hereinafter described as a part o·f' the system of secondary and feeder roads eligible to receive Federal Aid: Beginning at a junction of a present ~ederal Aid Secondary Road in otter Tail County at the South- east corner of sectlon 30, Tl37N-R38W; thence continuinp. in a llortherly dire ct ion on or near the section liae between Sections 29 and 30, 19 and 20, 17 and 18, 7 and 8, 5 and 6, to the North line of Otter Tail County where same connects with a proposed Federal Aid secondary road in Becker County. This route is approximately 5,0 miles in length. Adopted this 14th day of June, 1950, Attest: ii illiam Lincoln Clerk, Geo, B, Gunderson Chairman of County Boe.rd I !'' I l h COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................• Tune ... 14 ··-···································lg 50 IRIRIII riiilliiLO■RNl,ii.CWUD ■111.A•ID The following bills were allowed: J. c. Henkes 11.. c. Lee P.dward C. Drews J. c. Henkes Louise Stondahl Mabel 'l/enstrom Marjorie Stenstrom ~. r .. Allen J. T,. Bixby Maybelle ,1. r.ee tola V. Mehl Do Mabelle ,1. Lee Dr. Everett c. Hanson Dr. !. E. Bigler Dr. c. J. r.und Frank c. Barnes Mildred Bruvold Vernon M, Anderson F,d\Vin Ala E. A, Wesen The Normandy Cafe :Runningen i::afe The Pieroe co. Miller-Davis Co. Art Printcratt Addressograph Sales Agency Poucher Prtg. & Lith. Co. Security Blank .Book !c Prtg. co. Free Press Co. Miller-Davis Qo. Schoolcraft Co. Victor Lundeen&: Co. The Pierce Co. n. ~,. Pub. co. Underwood Independent l!'ergus Journal Co. Battle Lake Review R.C. Anderson Well&: Pump co. N, W. Bell Tel. Co. Do Do Hintp:en-Y.arst Beall&: McGowan Co. ,Tim •rans en A. H, Windel Carl Jahn Louise Stondahl Norman Hunn l', M, Ree 'R, W. Glorvigen Lola V. Mehl Maybelle ,J. Lee H, W. Glorvlgen r,o.11ise Stond ahl Alf.red Putnam Harry, 1T. Burau 11. l!'. Duenow ":I. TJ. Jlewe.v ThP.o. lJep:seth l'I'. s. Darle.v e., Co. O'Mearas, rnc. B11relbach Post //61 American Ldlgion Mason Pub. co. Od.in Johnsen Fergus Lumber :!c fuel Co. 111. A, Stortroen Insurance Agency Eatherine D. Townswnd N. W. Bell Tel. Co. Fergus Falls Water &: T,ight Dept. Victor Lundeen & Co. Hennings Sales&: service Philip M, XJap.lien DO Minnesota State San. University Hospital Do Do Do Mrs. Cleo Garrison Nopeming Sanatorium City of Fergus Falls Fergus Falls Clinic Estrem Clinic DO A, B, Kilde Co. Conklin Saw Shop Larson Bros. Natl. Bushing &: Parts Co. Acme Welding Supply A-nderson &: Tich,v expenses dep. sheriff exp. ,, " " Bd, of prisoners expenses " Clerk of Co. Supt. Schools expenses .. nnrse mileage ,, dep. coroner's-fee " " " coroner's fees mu,nicipal judge's fees transcripts Witness Fees " ,, sheriff's fees meals for jurors " ,, " ;'!limeograph supplies printing blands supplies binders blan~s e., supplieo supplies probate forms suhool supplies supplies " pub, .. " " supplies mobile service calls bulbs supplies dP.p. sheriff's Pxp. constable fees expenses postage II II .. " n11.rse driver's license exp. co.sh advanced exp. soil conservation " II " " " supplies " decorating graves statutes hauling mail su·pplies bond premium rent (service officer) service light 8c water supplies " aash advanced expenses ., " 1! " care of patients special nursing ,, " clll"e of child care of patient supplies (transient) servioes e:cam. serv iues &: exam. repairs II " pBrts e., supplies rods repairs " " " " II = $ 149,03 102.81 42.53 211.50 118.74 71.85 85,00 61.61 109.57 68.17 53.40 45.46 40.52 16.25 15.05 73,39 62.05 21.80 6.00 6.00 4.00 23.25 19.75 461.75 20.01 17.00 4,45 260.13 16.96 13.05 43.22 82.50 37.92 .61 2.40 2.00 173.50 9.10 6.41 195.66 23.34 42.35 10.20 37.25 10.20 13.04 24.84 59.72 45.00 15.00 36.25 LOO 1.50 6.15 33.00 15.00 17.00 15.40 21.40 20.20 6.14 .35 25.00 40.00 LOO 8.53 5.00 45.00 8.65 14.36 8.50 8.20 34.00 77. "/8 284.97 51.25 83.00 32.00 88.00 46.50 i:l41.18 3.46 3.00 3.00 12.00 9.~o 2.00 10,70 2:>.27 7.00 33.40 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER· TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................... Juhe·········································l9 :~. Lake Region Motor go. Olson Auto F.leotric Field Machine Servioe Bill Nelson Oil Co. West Ottertail Service Co. :Ebersviller's Gamble Store. Battle Lake Winther Lumber & Fuel uo. 0'}.feo.ra' s Kimber Awning Co. A. T. Herfindahl coast to coast Store, Perham Hintgen-Karst Co, Hlo.ck •11op surfec ing Co. Utility Feed Mill Peavey Elevator Co, Dalton Lumber Oo. Olaf w. ,1,ohnson Thomas Garage l!'ossen Oil Co. service Oil co. Hagge Oil Co. Penrose Oil Co. S, & F. Oil Co. Fergus Oil r.o. Harthun & Peterson Oil Co. Henning Oil Co. "Bengtson Oil Co. Farmers Co-op. Cry. Asen. Lawrenoe Cook Bill's Service Station Thelen Im9lement Co. Anderson~ Sandberg Oil Co, consumers' Oil Co. Vergas Telephone Co, construction Bulletin Alex Freedland Wendell P, Huber w. L, Potter Norv,egian Grove Twp. Smith Tire & Batt. Co. Andrew & Alma Tweet Leonard Tysver Oleo. Helgeson Elmer Rudh Lillie Rudh, et al Roald Ostlund & 11m. Ostlund Adolph '1c B, Ratz Melvin B. II: Doris M, Cordes W, R, '1c Lillian Butcher Peder 0, Pederson, et al Barrett T. Torgerson Phillip W, & Irene Whiting School District #146 !Ailtue.l Service Casualty Leo Hennagir Wendell p, H11her George Olson G, D, Harlow Wendell P, Huber Poucher Prtg, & Lith. Uo, Dahme Photo Print. wo, H, A. Hogers Co, 1Unne,·polills Blue Pr int. lolo. Victor Lundeen & Co, Whiting's . Monroe Calculating Mach, Oo., Inc, N, W. Bell Telephone Co., F,P. N, w. Bell Telephone co., Henning Pelioan Telenhone Co, N, W. Bell T~le, Co,, F,F, D, A, Lubricant Co., Inc. Dens-Oil uo. L{art in Brasel Fergus Lumber & Fuel Co. Wilcox Lumber Co., Henning 3ergstrom & Hall Minnesota Motor Co. Wadena Generator & Motor Repair Truman Motors Paper Calmenson & Co. Hoff Broe. CumminR Diesel Salee corp. A, w. Co, Ino. of Minn. Rosholt F:quipt. Co, Wm. R, Ziegler Co., Inc. Geo, T, RYan Co. Minn. F, W, D, Co, Foeeen Oil Co. Heinola Telephone Co. "11:erman Rosen John I Bondy E, s. Larson Cities Service Station repairs " " Tiree 'I: repairs supplies . " " " " " blacktop mix coal ., gravel gasoline etc. " " diesel fuel gasoline " " " " " " " " etc. diesel fuel gasoline etc, services ad. for biils insurance expenses " grading tire Right of Way " " " " " ., " " ,, " " insurance cash advanced " ,, expenses II envelopes & postage forms " prints supplies " typewriter & chair main, long distanoe services " " oil '1c greaeP. luoricant gravel coal supplies " repairs " l'!oist .'I: Platform outting edges po.rte & repairs parts " " gasdline services appraiser " II gasoline $ 6.27 39.06 6.28 561.06 '1.38 3,::,2 2.':16 3,40 t:l,39 7.70 7,46 14. 7'1 2.32 204.03 l'/0,80 5,bO 33. '/2 14.40 lti.08 23.67 22.98 867.;j;j 119.19 54.66 57.41 60.34 3o,,i,l 50,03 42.77 17,40 30,88 l'/,28 76,58 246,27 17.15 43.50 110.34 139,,98 70,86 300.00 261.17 83.72 36.36 122.52 80,56 82.23 45.76 86.67 130.51 84.69 275.75 46.12 24.65 4.bO 19,42 b,::,9 44.25 19.80 12.05 u,o.oo 69.56 67.95 37,05 33.03 4.00 164.03 32.00 20.90 9,30 18.35 18.10 017,26 87.30 4.20 11.00 14.83 8.79 21.98 15.00 11A8,60 289.64 696,20 3,70 825,66 312.96 1293.88 853.97 418.23 23.12 14.50 21.24 17,40 15,,00 15.06 210 i' !I ,1 I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Geo, B, .Gu-nderson George Ranson F.enry · Sieling 'Rert Stone DO Edward. C. Drews rredric A, Henkes Roy.Corliss Village o~ Deer creek I>ATE ........................... , .... ;June ··········································.l 9 50 expenses " " " dep. sheriff's ex·p. servinP. notices " .... !i rent of building TJpon motion, the Board adjourned 1vithout date. $ 5.64 7,56 13,44 10.50 15.80 34,00 76,41 42,50 ·210,00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... iuly .10 ............ -................................... 19 50. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUUTY COMUISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL CO,, MilfiJESOTA, pursuant to statute the Board met at 10 o'clock A, u. Mond113, July 10, 1950, Present were commissioners Sieling, Gunderson, Hanson, stone and Snowberg, The Board took up with Sheriff J, C, Henkes examination of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1949 as returned by the sheriff and county treasurer and, after such examination, the Board made the following report to-wit: Report of the County Board of the County of Otter Tail State of Minnesota, of Uncollected and Cancelled personal Property Taxes for the Year 1949, Fergus Falls. Minnesota, July 10, 1950, BE tT Y.NOffli"", That the county Board of• Otter Tall County, Minnesota, did meet in session on the 10th day of July, 1950, the same being the first session of said Board after the 10th d113 of June, 1950; that at eaid session the County Treasurer of se,id Count,v delivered to eaid Board the list of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1949, together with his certificate thereon ae required by law; and that at said session the said Board 4id du~v consider eaid list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel such taxes ae they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the following is a correct list of said uncollected personal property taxes in said County for said year of 1949, as so revised by said Board, to-wit.: Name of Person Assessed Township or District Adelsman Co, Archer, Elmer D. Benhardus, George Bergeson, Gerald Boedigheimer, Lambert Burke, Rev. OWen Danielson, Arthur Dybdahl, Orlando Eide, wm. Fitch, Hazel F. Follingstad, Joseph Gandrud, Charles L. Gast, Henry Griswold, w. R, Grover, J, M, Hanson, Selmer Harms , Harry Heinecke, \Valdemar C ,. Henter, L, L, Hire Beauty Shop H, way Display Co, Hovden, Laura A, Johnson, W, J, Johnson, Dale IC, Johnson, Minnie n. Johnson, G. E. Klein, David H. Y.rueger, Lois & L, E, :Knutzen, Herman~. Laimore, Ogelive B. Land O'Lakes Cry. Assn, Land O'Lakes Land O'Lakes Land O'takes Land 0' Lakes Land O'Lakes Land O 'Lal~es Land O'Lakes, Inc. Land O'Lakes, Leaseberg. Floyd Lehman, Joe Lee, Lucille C. Lewie, Walter Lieweren, Gustav Dookhart, James w. Lundy, Mrs. Phoebe (Cafe) 14alone, Maurice 14ann, Paul E, Marjamaa, Anna McBain, Edward Mellen, Hugo f;{oberg, Elmer Noble, Art Norton, Robert &Thompson Nordholm, Mrs. Harry North star Dairy coop. Ogren, Paul Oldenburf!, Fred Oldenburg. Fred Olson, :Rudolph Pearson, F:lmer Peterson, Carl Peterson, Carl E, Peterson, Carl Peterson, Karl Piepho, John c. Jr, Quam, Selmer Quambeck, T, R, 3rd. Ward Underwood 4th ward Perham Vil. Perham Vil. 1st. ward 2nd. ward Tumuli Twp. 2nd. \'lard Dunn Twp. Nor. Grove Pelioan Rapids Friberg 3rd, Ward Pine Lake Girard Otter Tail Everts Elmo Girard Buse Dunn Dunn Dora Amor Amor Richville Dunn Rush Lake Dunn Battle Lake Ottertail N.Y.Uills l'{enning vu. Dent Vil.Deer Creek Vil. Bluffton Vil, Perham Vergas Newton Everts Everts Scambler Par. Pra, TWP, Pelican Twp. Vil. Bluffton Compton Par, Pra, TWp. N. Y. Mills R!>tlis113 Otto Lida IHdaros Const.co. 3rd, Ward Inman Dalton 4th Ward Vil, Deer Creek Vil. Deer Cre'!k Battle Lake T,ida TWp. Elizabeth Twp. Perham Vil. 3rd ,Ward 2nd ward 2nd Ward Vining Pine Lake Tax ~1607.72 .. 7.91 11.11 2.74 .69 4,37 15.:31 13,56 6.56 14,31 2.02 12,76 3.50 5,89 7.11 4,90 36,87 6.61 6, 71 . 12.21 2.08 8.60 14,53 10,82 5.80 6.05 3.71 8.27 56.29 3.50 490,63 537.04 443.38 752.44 437,22 855.95 211.03 548.52 467.30 28.90 13.69 5.96 40.54 11.10 57.02 12.58 26.,13 35.83 34,13 1.16 4.15 13,13 7.29 11.27 16.51 260,49 1.68 .24 22.913 2.82 36.14 9.33 1.37 239.10 27.93 1.35 99,98 2.62 Penalty.Fee Total Tax ahd Cost Penalty·& Cost $215.87 1,31 1.74 .62 .35 .84 2.30 2.06 1.12 2.16 .52 1.96 ,72 1.04 1.20 .90 5,19 1,14 1.15 1.90 ,53 1,40 2,19 1.70 1.02 1.06 ,75 1.36 7.83 .72 65.99 72.21 59.66 101.08 58.84 115.95 28.53 73.75 62.86 4,12 2.09 1.05 5.68 1.74 7.89 1.94 3,75 6.05 4,82 .40 ,80 2,01 1.22 1,76 2,46 35,16 .47 ,28 3.33 .63 5.09 1.50 ,43 32.29 3.99 .43 13.65 ,74 $1823.59 9.22 12,85 3,36 1.04 5,21 17,61 15.62 7.68 16.47 2.54 14.72 4,22 6,93 8.31 5,80 42,06 7.75 'I ,86 14,11 2.61 10.00 16,72 12,52 6,132 7.11 4.46 9.63 64,12 4.22 556.62 609.25 503.04 853.52 496.06 970.90 239.56 622.27 530.16 33.02 15 .18 7.01 46.22 12,84 64.91 14,52 29,88 40,88 38,95 1.56 4,95 15.14 8,51 13,03 18,97 295,65 2.15 ,52 26,31 3,45 41.23 10.83 1.80 271.39 31.92 1.78 113.63 4.36 Remarks C.ollect " " " " " " II " " II II " II " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ,, " II II " " " II " " " COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Name o.f Person Assessed Quiok, Edwin D. Qynbah, Robert Raeder, Edv,in Raines, James (sports supply) Rose, Letmand Ryan, .James Sandstrom, John H, Sandstrom, Mcclean Schramm, Alvin Shamp, Xenneth w. Shuland, 0, J, Skogmo, ,1, B. (Skogmo !Atr.) Siverson, A, J, Smith; I • E •. Smith, wa.vne Sprinkler, Floyd E, Spears, F, M, strand, Frank E, Stocker, John Stopel, Dick Stocker, John Sumstad, Herbin Syverson, L, c. Swenson, Everette Thompson, Frank Tinberg, Ernest Toso, John Troxiel. Kenneth Triepke, Edward. Wallin, Harry Wahlin, E, W. Wisinand, earl Wiley, R, J, Wrigley, Thayne Wright, Cyril G, Zanich, J.{ike DATE. .................. .!UlJ! ... l.0 ............ -··························-·······19 .. l?.Q. Township or District Girard · Bluffton Twp. Amor 3rd ward Par. 'Pra. Vil. Underwood Everts Everts ~ar. Pra. Twp, woodside Leaf Mountain 2nd ward Du•nn Dunn Oak Valley N. Y. M:ills City of F,F, Rush Lake Elmo Leaf Lake Oak Valley Aastad 3rd Ward woodside 4th Ward Eastern Tordenskjold Everts 1st ward Battle Lake 3rd ward Girard Tordenskjold Orwell 2nd ward Pine Lake . .!!L $ 10,80 45.88 58.30 147,23 40,17 1.96 10,ll 5. 70 65.85 14.47 6.61 317,34 9.12 10.25 86,48 9.42 16.83 14.58 12.06 29.19 15.56 13.62 10.94 18.10 10.10 12.16 43.03 4,12 5.55 6.26 10,94 9.92 9,46 213,16 15,83 3.08 Penalty.Fee and Cost $ i.69 6,40 8,06 1!1,98 5,63 ,52 1.61 1.02 9,08 2.19 1.14 42.78 1.47 1.62 11.84 1.51 2,51 2.21 1.86 4,17 2.33 2.08 1.72 2,68 1.61 1.88 6,01 ,80 .9!1 1.09 1. 72 1,58 1.52 28.81 2,37 ,66 Total Tax Penalty & cost $ 12;49 52,28 66.36 167..21 45.80 2.48 11.72 6.72 74,93 16,66 7.75 360.12 10.59 11.87 98.32 10.93 19.34 16.79 13.92 33,36 17 .89 15.70 12.66 20. 78 11.71 14.04 49.04 4.92 6.54 7,35 12,66 11,50 10.98 241.97 18.20 3.74 Remarks Colleat " ., " " That the following is a correct list of the ·personal property taxes in said County for said year which said Board are satisfie~cannot be collected, and so .cancelled by said Board, to-wit: ~ Adams, Wilbur 13.'-.l~_o_, Qt'!;0..,1-0'f'on'fil, T.--J·. DUcharmes, Theo. P, Ford, G. S, Goslin, Milton w. Hale, Daisy E, Hanson, Alf4ed Heimark, Esther J. Hill, M, X, Johnson, Charles F., Jones. Walter X:astet, Alma Larke, 1:7, D, Larson, w. A, Landers, Helen E, Larson, Lee, Co. Lundgren, Melvin Maok, Urban C, McAllister, Alma lJelson, Clifford Newman, George w. Nylund, Bernard Olsom, Melvin Prat, Ethel M. Prevost, 0, B, Rostrom, George Roberts, Loyd Roberts, Riobard W, Rud, Carl \'1, Sandan, H, A, Schwartz, Fred & Joe Seaburg, Fred & Anna Skoglund, Ingewald Snyder, Ralph Tayij:or, C, E, Tosh, Dave Trana, Julia Tusand, Mel Ward, Ralph Weisen, Mrs. Joe Welland, Helda M, Wing, Hugh E, Zicarrdi, Jlicholas Kaufman Y.aufmari (Beer Sign) .3.;i,. Vil, Deer Creek n66 {t_Eve,;rts ~-2Q -_-., 3rd, lllard i,: M ~/ Scambler 4.68 JS' EVerts 1. 80 t"-Everts 8.56 '1-o Dunn 3.87 5r.. Ev-erts 8.57 '-I Dunn 6.47 n-city cf 1!'.F. 2.02 -City of F,F', 5.22 // Otter Tail Twp. 1.54 // Oscar 1.36 K4 3rd wara 14 ,13 ~t> City of F. 'P', 8,41 l.:J.. Vil. Ottertail 2.22 'I-Bluffton T1vp. ,38 -City of F',F, 1.85 5 Perham Vil. ,69 t• I Everts 13.09 -·City of F.F, .50 ,1 Lida 14.48 s-o Newton 6.48 .:i ., Amo r · 4 . 54 .?3 Star Lake 3.87 (5 City of F,F, 2,52 ~~ Do-ra 3. 97 l;;.?Elmo 21,09 !J'7 Elmo 8. 49 t/-f City of F,F, 7,40 1,-I Bluffton Twp, 8,00 ~3 Candor 3.60 ?3 Dunn 9. 98 -?:.'I Star Lake 3,87 ,., :J!lVerts 12,84 q 3rd Ward 1,51 ,,-o Rothsay 30.95 'I Girard • 97 ,1 Dunn · 7.11 Ji/ Amor 1.73 ID Perham Vil. 1.37 'I'/ Dunn 4,67 .:i'f Amor 3.58 ?D4thWard 11.78 I O Buse 1.30 10 Tordenskjold 2,02 1.27 :18 .87 .49 1,39 .77 1.39 1.12 .52 ,95 ,45 ,43 2,14 1.37 .55 ,30 .50 .35 2.01 ,32 2.19 1.12 .85 ,77 ,58 ,78 3,08 1.39 1,24 1,32 ,73 1,59 ,77 1.97 ,45 4,40 ,38 1.20 ,48 ,43 .87 ,73 1.83 ,42 ,52 8,93 t~ 5.55 2,29 9,95 4.64 9.96 . 7.59 2.54 6.17 1.99 1.79 16.27 9,78 2. 77 .68 2.35 1.04 15.10 .82 16.67 7,60 5,39 4,64 3.10 4,75 24,17 9.88 8,64 9.32 4.33 11,57 4,64 14,81 1,96 35.35 1.35 8,31 2.21 1,80 5.54 4.31 13.61 1.72 2.54 Cancel " " " " " " " " '" " " " " " " " " " " " " ., " " " . .... COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. J)AlY. .. J.0 ....................................... 19.l?.O .. rrrnrrr.:imr ,,-, -------The county.Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Henr,y Sieling Geo, B, Gunderson Attest: George Hanson Bert stone Carl A, Snowberg William Lincoln County Aud !tor The county auditor presented the following statP.ment to the Board: To the county Board Otter Tail County, Minnesota Pursuant to law I present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for County purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances unoollected, to-gether with tpe actural cash balance remaining to the credit of each County fund at the close of business on the 30th day of :une 1950. William Lincoln Funds county .Revenue Fund poor Fund · Road and Bridge Fund Ditch F1md sanatorium Fund e :~i{:r:gF;~:d county School Tax Fund county School Tranepo-rtation Fund Amount Levied for Current Year $ llo,!rn2.93 20,169.24 251,072.77 6,642.38 35,296.19 l'>A,830.78 34,774.55 193,048.60 41,207.89 Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows. Funds County Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bridge Fund Ditoh Fund Sheriffs Contingent Fund Incidental Fund CoW'ity·Welfare County Building co. Atto~neys contingent Fund Sinking Fund Sanatoruim Fund county Schoel Tax Fund County School Transportation Fund Debit $ 241,961.61 Balances Credit $ lr,61.Jo.43 42,418.17 3,285.53 1,315.07 2,375.09 160,236.62 9 ,662,52 604.56 161.39 6,192.30 70,427.63 19,190.51 County Auditor The follo•Ring is a statement of the accounts remaining up.paid on the oontraots already entP.red into by the Board, For What Purpose Unpaid Road contracts Due for road machinery contracts Balance Due $54,169.11 8,586.54 The following applications for claesifioation of lands for the year 1949 at homestead rates were approved and taxes reduced accordingly: Dora Rader, tots 15 and 16, Black 3 of Bonita Beach; Mrs. Emelia F, Gosslee, Govt. tote 7 and 8 of Sec. 5, Town of Dunn and Lots 9 and ~O of Gosslee Beach in said town- ship; Antonia Peterson, Lots ·10, 19 and. 20 in "Block 2 of Bowman and Dunton's AddiUon to Battle Lake; Jamee w. ~ren, E½-mv¼ of' Sec. 18, Township of Perham: Albert Flatau, SE½ NW.; and wt NW¼ in Sec, 5, and NE¼ HE·\. and Lot 1 except tract in Sec, 6, in the Township of Perham; Hubert and Eino V. Rantala, wt of E! of Sec. 24, Town of Newton; Albert Tollefson, wt of tot 5 and all of Lot 6 in Blook 1 of Frazee'e 1st Addition to the Village of Pelioan Rapids; LeRoy r.toling, N! SE¼, Lot 5 and the East 5 acres of Lot 6 in sec. 25, TO~'llship of Clitherall; Adolph F. Carlson, S½-of Lot 18 in Block 5 of the Original Plat of the Village of New York Mills; Christine tynnes, Lot 1 in Block 2 of Blyberg's 3rd Addition to the Village of Pelioan Ra9ids • . The applioation of Elmer H. Trana for settlement of delinquent taxes for the years 1943 to 1948, both inclusive, on r.ot 12 and the front one half of Lot 13 in Block 1 of the Original Plat of the Village of ijenning for the sum of $146,56 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said application be approved for the reason that said tracts for all of the years in question had been taxed at the non-homestead rate, whereas, they should have been taxed at the homestead rate. The application of Mrs, Lauretta Fiske for homestead claeeif.iontion of the st SE¼ except school and except tract in Sec. 23 and theN\'I¼ ?IE¼ and the NE¼ NW¼ of SP.c, 26, in the Town o·f Maine for the year 1949 was read and, after consideration, upon motion, the application was rejected, The follo\vlng resolution was adopted: Resolved b.V the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail Count,v, Minn. That the sum of $500,00 be and the same horP.b.v is appropriated out of the County Revenue Fu.nd to the Otter Tall county Historical society. Adopted July 10, 1950 Attest: William Lincoln Clerk Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman, I. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... •-·································,Tu.lJT •10 ................ ·-·······19 5.0 7, 18 file. 19 ars was presented by interested parties and after discussion was The following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLV:'ID by the county Board (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County Minnesota: That the existion and duly established 811d dP.signated State Aid Road No. 1 in Otter Tail County, Minnesota which begins at the south County Line at the Southeast corner of Section 32, Tl31N-R43W and proceeding Northerly and F,asterly to the Northeast corner of Sect ion:, 1, Tl36N-R36W and there terminating, and whose general coursP. in Sectio~ 32, Tl34N-R40W is as follows: Geginning at the Northeast corner of the Northvtest quarter of the Northeast quarter (NW¼ ~), Section 32, Tl34N-R'40W; Thence Sout!1 2156.9 Feet; thence south 0"58' East for a distance of 882.6 feet: thence deflect to the left on a O 15' curve (delta angle 3•241 ) for a distance of 1360.0 feet: thence on tanfent to said curve for a distance of' 30.0 feet: thenoe deflect to the left on a o• 30' curve (delta angle 2 34') for a distance of 217 .o feet to the North line o:f' Sub lot 7, Govt. Lot 4, section 32, Tl34N-R40\V and there terminating •. That it is necessary for the safety of puhlic travel an/I for the proper maintenance of' said road that it be so altered and changed; That an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of' so alterin~ said State Aid Road No. l in said sections as aforesaid; ·That the general course of said State Aid Road No. 1 is not materially altered therby; That the said easement so to be procured is for public highv1ay and road pur.poses, that the same shal be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter de~cribed; That l t is necess11-ry for· the construction and mainten811ce of' said road and f'or the safety of' public travel ·that as easement f'or the erection. of' temporary snowf'ences be procured, and that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for pu~lic highway purposes and upon the lands adjoining the same· 0 That the lands so to bP. taken for public highv1ay and road purposes and subjected to easement as aforesaid, are situated in the State of' Minnesota and. County of Otter Tail and described as follov,s, to-·.'.· wit: P ARCF.L NO • 1 A strip of land exteniling over and across the following ilescribed tracts: Parcel 1: Govt. Lots 2, 3, 4, Section 32, Tl34N-!M017; said strip being all that part of the above describP.d tracts which l~es within a distance of 50 feet on the l'festerly side of the following described center line: Commencing at thP. Northeast corner of' the Northwest quarter of' the Northeast quarter (NW¼ NE¼) of' Section 32, Tl34N-R40\'I; thence s0uth 1286,3 feet to point of. beginning: thencP. south for a distance of' 870.6 feet; thence south O' 58' i.:ast for a distance of 882.6 ·feet: thence deflect to the left on a 0°15' curve (delta angle 3°24') for a distance of' 1360.0 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for a distance o·f 30,0 feet: thence deflect to the left on a o• 30' curve (delta angle 2°341 ) for a distance of 217.0 feet to thP. Uorth line of Sublot 7, Govt. T,ot 4, Section 32, Tl34N-R40W and there termination. excepting therefrom the right of w~v of. existing highways; containing 1.31 acres. more or less. That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; to acqui~e said easement across additional lands as aforesaid for public road and highway pruposes: and to acquire said easement for ereotion of snowfences, and let the same f'orewi th duly be begun and prosecuted. Dated this 10th day of July, ·1960, Attest; William tinooln county Alld itol' (seal) BY the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman Upon motion, the auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for painting outside woodv10rk of the court house two coats, bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. Aug. 8th. The :auditor ,wile-·also instructed to advertise fer bids for the season's supply of coal, said bids to be opened at 2 o'clock P. M. August 8th, Upon motion, the auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for co-nstructlniz road on line between Otter Tail and Clay countlP.s, said bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. Aug. 9th. - A plat of Rilooske's River Ranch in the Township of otter Tail, accompaniP.d by a certifioate of tltl by N, F. Field, attorney-at-law, was approved. A plat of ~eaton•s Resort in the Township of Sverdrup, accompanied by a oertif'icate of title by Henry Nycklemoe, attorney-at-law, was approved, A resolutjon of' the Welfare Board recommending a levy of $55,589.00 for welfare purposes for the ooming year was plaoed on file. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N;-OTTER TAIL C0UNTY, MINN. DATE ................. p;.••·-······•™·i._y .............................................. l9 ... ~.~ Upon motion, it was agreell tna·t worKers on resnap.1ng Joos 1111. ..... i;eu mure ~nan -4-0 mu.es :rrom tne1r nome base be allowed $4.00 per day for subsistence inste~d of the regular $3,00 per day allowance. Upon motion, the Board then.adjourned to 10 o'clock A. u. Tuesday July 11th. Tuesday's Session Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 16 o'clock A. u. Tuesds,,v July 11, 1950, all members being present. Bids for F,A.S. projects as advertised for by.the Commissioner of Highways were opened and read by A. o. Torgerson, representing the state highway department and were referred to the county engineer for checking. The petition of Harry Roehl to set over certain lands from School Dist. No. 54 to School Diet. 110. 96 which petition was laid over at the meeting of the county Board Jan. 4th, was taken up for final action and, after due consideration, upon motion, the petition was granted end the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Harry Roehl a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 54 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District no. 96 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district no. 54 to said adjoining school district no. 96 was presented to the Board of county commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 14th day of October A. D. 1949 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 4th day of January A. D., 1950 at the county Auditor's office in the City of ~ergus Falls in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing by given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mail- ing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a co~y of said order atleast t"'-days before the time appointed for such he~1ring; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Cpmmissioners on said 4th da,y of January A. D., 1950 due proof of the posti~~ and service of said order of hearing as there in directed and required, more than ten days prior to aaidJ)'fiamed date, having been made and filed, said petition was pul)licly read and considered by the Board, with everything which v,as said b,V said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner said petition was laid over to July 11, 1950 when it was again considered by said board and said ffoard being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: The south 40 acres of st N.\'/.~ of Sei!tion 18 Township 133 Range 4;3 be and the same are herel>y SP.t off from said School District no. 54 to said. adjoining School District No. 96 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes \\'hatever. By order of the Board of ~ounty ~ommissioners. Dated the 11th day of July A. D., 1950. (Auditor's Seal) Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman of' tile Board of' County Commissfoners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln C01.mty Auditor, and ex-of'f1clo Clerk of' Board The petition of Leonard Luther to set over certain lands from School Dist. No. 54 to School Dist. No. 96, which petition was laid over at the mePtinr, of the County Board Jan. 4th, was taken up·for final action and, after due consideration, upon motion, the petition was granted and the ~oard issued the following order to-wit: · Whereas, The petition of Leonard Luther a tep.al voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 54 in this county, representing that he is the o~~er of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District rro. 96 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district no. 54 to said adjoining school district [Jo. 96 was presented to the Board of county Commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 14th day of October A, n., 1949 for the action of said board.thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 4th day of January A. D ., 1959 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and wheljeas it was further ordered in-and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearin~ by given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of thP. school districts to be affected by said petition, and by ~ailin~ to the clerk Of each of said ~chool Districts, a copy of said drder at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing: and whereas at thP. said session of the said ~oard of ~ounty commissioners on said 4th da,v of ,January A. D., 1950 due proof' of the oosting and service of said order of hearing as therin directed and requir-ed, more than ten ds,,vs prior to sa~d last namP.d date, having been made and filed said petition vras publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything ~:hich 1•:as said b,V said inter- ested parties for or against granting the pra.ver-of the petitioner said petition was laid over to ,July 11, 1950 1\'hen it was again considered by said board and said noard being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described land owned by him, to-wit: That part of NE¼ of Section 18 Township 133 Range 43 lying south of Pelican River be and the same are hereby0 set off from ~aid School District No. 54 to said adjoining School District No, 96 and said lands are here~y made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of county commissioners. Dated the 11th day of July Ao D •• 1950. (Auditor's Seal) Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman of' the Board of County Commissioners ·of otter Tail county, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, and ex-otf'lcio Clerk ot Board. jt COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,.~0-1TER TAIL q0UNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... -.........• !Ul,f ... ll, .................................. 19 ... ~Q The petition o! T. O, and E, t!.. Tabbut to set over· and n e Towns Dist. 88 was taken up for final a.ction, end upon !'lotion, the petition was The peti tioh of Blaine t,loLaughlin to set over the Ei NE½ of Seo. 8 in the TO\Vnship of Rush Lake from Dist. 272 to Dist. 32 was taken up for final act~on and, upon motion, 'Has laid over for future action. The petition of O, F. Putnam to set over the Ni NE¼ of Sec. 4, Township 136, Range 43, and the SE¼ s~ of Seo. 33 and the st-SW¼. of Seo, 34, Towhshlp 137, 'Range 43 from Dist. 57 to Dist, 18 was read and it Ytas ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board Nov, 15, 1950 at 10 o'clock A. M, and that due notice of the time and place of.said hearing be given as required by law, The petition of Arnold Sohaohtsohneider to set over Lots 5 und 6 and Lot 7 except the west 56 rods in Seo. 23, Township 132. Range 42, from Dist. 19 to Dist, 20 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board Nov. 15. 1950 at 10 o • clock A, IA, and th~t due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Philip G. 13urseth to set over :i:.ots 1, 2 and 3, end the SW¼ NE¼ and .the NYI¼ SEf of Seo. 16. Township 132, Ranr-e 42 from Dist. 43·to Dist. 214 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Bo·ard'" No\". ·15. 1950 at 10 o• clock A, M. end that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Albert En~quist to set over Lots 2 and 3 and the SE¼-Sift of Sec. 24, To~hs~ip 132, Range 42 from Dist. 19 to Dist. 20 was read and it·vtas·ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the 'Board Now. 15, 1950 at 10 o'clock.A. 1,1. and that due notice of.the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. A report of. the "Board of Audit of en examination of the accounts of P. M, Ree., County Treasurer, for the period from Feb. 9, 1950 to Ap-r. 29, 1950 inclusive, showing a bale.nee in the county treasury at the close o~ business on said last named date of $1,182,421.27 was approved. The highway engineer reported the followlnf! lowest bids for road projects opened toda.v: John Dieseth Co., road so-uth of Amor store; John Dieseth Co., road v,est of Henning; Harvey W. Nelson, two road projects near Vergas. upon motion, the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Highwa,vs that all of thee bids be accepted, Cigarette licenses were granted to the followihg; Alberta u. tien, resort, Town of Amor; Clarence Koehler, resort, Town of Pine Lake; Ed B'olen, Pelican Beach Resort, Town of Dunn. The Cl ty of Fergus Falls presented to the "Board for approval application to the Commissioner of Taxation for conveyance to the Clty of tax forfeited lands to be used in addition to city dump and.:'·\ •.. establishment of incinerator, The county engineer reported the folloWiDf! as lowest bids for road construction: John Dieseth Co. Job 56-525-01 West of Henning, $25,701.54; Johll ])ieseth co. Job 56-501-10 south of Amor Store, $6682,45 and Harvey W, Welson Jobs 56-511-03 !c 56-513-01 NEof Vergas, $17,994,86. Upon motion the board recommended to the Commissioner of Highways that all of these bids be accepted. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Soard of County Commissioners of nttP.r Tail County, Minnesota: mIF.REAS\ The Coun·t.v Board of otter Tall county, Minnesota, has examined into the allegations of the application of the City of Fergus Falls. Minnesota, dated April 3, 1950, for the conveyance. of certain lands therein described; now, Therefore, be it resolved by the County l3oard of Otter Tall County, i,tinnesota, that it hereby approves said application and recommends that the same be granted. Ad-opted .~uly 11, 1950. earl A, Snowberg r,eo. ~-Gunderson '3ert stone Geo. Hanson Henry Sieling county Board of said county Attest: W'Ullem .. Li~oln · · ·clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Soard of r.ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail Colmty. Minnesota: That there be levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tall county, Minnesota, for the year 1950 the following amounts for the several county funds: Revenue Fund Road -!: Bridge Fund Poor Fund Sanatorium Fu-nd $140,000.00 15 mills 10,000.00 35,000.00 •• COMMISSIONERS RECORD.-~. -OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ J.uly. ... ll .•...................................... 19 .. l?.0.. Bti.i-1ifing :Fund county.schoor Tax·Fund cotiil.t·y· School Tronsportat ion Fund .. Wel fe.ra-Fund • ·-.. Adopted July 11, 1950. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. $ ·-·2:,11111s: 175;000:00 45;000:00 60,000.00 Geo.. B. Gunderson Chairman. Members of the town board at· No 1wegian Grove appeared to request appropriation for road in the township. No action was taken. Attorney owen v. Thompson and others presented to the Board request for designation of street in Henning Village as part of county aid road system. The following bills were allowed: J. c. ~enkes M. c. Lee Edward c. Drews J. c. Henkes Louise Stondahl .lohn L. Bixby H. L. Allen l,{aybelle J. Lee Lola V. Mehl Edwin J. Johnson Albert Fritz Dr. Geo. c. Jacobs ff. W. C:lorvigen Fran!: C. Barnes Herbert Leidahl Oren E. Fosse Rem~ngton Rand co. De·pt. of Administration Victor Lundeen i Co. Poucher Printing! Lithographing co. School Craft co. J,tiller-])B.vis co. Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co, Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Ugeblad Pub. Co. Fergus Journal Co. Underwood Independent N, W. Bell Tel, Co. Johnson Furniture co. Holten Fdwe. Fergus Service station N, W. ~ell Tel. Co. Hintgen-Y.arst Elec. Co. Marshall-Wells.Store, F,F. Fergus Heating~ Plumbing co. Hillyard Sales Co. Bjerke-Edlund Co. Fergus Floral Co. Hillyard Sales Co. Lu.xor Lighting Products Minn. Paper & Cordage co. H. J,. Allen H. VI.· Glorvigen !Aaybelle J. Lee Norman ~nn Lola V. Mehl Norman .Nunn A~erican Legion Aux. DO Haimerl Post #148 Spanish American war Vets womens Relief ~orps J. c .. Henkes: Monroe Calculating !:lobe. co. Addressograph Sales Agency Western Union Edward C. Dre\VS H. w. Gl6rvigen Thomas o. IiTelson Ind.· School" Dist. #21 Victor Lundeen co. Weter~ Light Dept. Nelson Bros. Prtr.. co. 'Philip l,f; J'::jaglien -.. . Do ..... General Supply co. Hintgen-Y.arst Elec. co. ratherine Tovmsend N; W~ Bell Tel. Co. Nopeming Sanatorium Expenses dep. sheriff's exp. " " " boarding prisoners expenses " " n " weed control- " " dep. coroner's fees Board of Audit municipal judge's fees witness fees dep. sheriff's fees supplies school supplies supplies blanks, etc. school supplies blanks record books printing blanks printing~ supplies pub. pub. notice mobile service mattresses supplies " calls repairs supplies repairs supplies replace glass planting C.H. Grounds supplies bulbs supplies postage box rent n n n " postage " decorating graves 1950 " " 1949 " cash advanced main, " telegrams " " " services as night man drivers' license exp. city maps use of school bldg. supplies water '<: light printing · expenses postage supplies repairs rent telephone care of patient $173.53 51.78 36.98 25~.50 25.44 55.07 56.73 60.08 40.91 282.80 235.26 10,45 215.00 48.95 7.24 35.90 389.35 68.46 95.90 21.42 100.67 52.37 611.68 24.40 130,'50 75.50 2.00 79.25 24.50 40,91 2 •. 32 32.15 92 .• 33 13.02 4,,50 9.,80 22.75 90.00 123.75 61.92 3,24 3,64 2.00 ,75 2,00 13,00 45,00 25.00 25.00 9.00 10.00 25,00 12.50 32.00 20.50 5,32 105.00 7.20 140.00 50,00 17.60 8.76 5,50 60.36 6.00 4,90 2.95 45.00 9,35 435.68 COMMISSIONERS RECORD-.. N,--QTTER TAIL QOUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... ,TttlV l;!., .. _ ................................... 1950 .. Tovm of Girard University Hospitals De Wr ig·ht 11.emorial Hospi to.l Carl Simison, l,{.D. Ti'ergus Falls Clinic Mrs. Cleo Garrison Minnesota State Sanatorium Town of Giro.rd Marjorie Stenstrom Elnora Esteb 13ern1ce Jesme Henry Sieli ng George Hanson Geo, B, Gunderson Bert Stone N. W, Bell Tel, Co. Louise stondahl Frank Roberts· E, A, Toftely Paulson Tire Shop Home & Farm Supply Red Arrow Garage ~enry J, M, Engelke Hintz & Son Blacksmith Shop Minn. Motor co. Barke, Allison~-Darby Lake Region J.,fotor co. Midwest Supply Co. Ebersv11ler' s Vergas Hardware co. Co-op Services, Inc. Perham co-op. 011 co., Inc. Les Tire Service City -Engineer's Office Village of Henning Bengtson Oil co. Henning 011 Co, Fergus Service Station Flo,vd Harthun The 011 Store ~enning Hardware co. Olson Auto Electric Park Region co-op. 011 co. ' Penrose Oil co. Tovmship of !/Jaine Wende.11 P, Huber George Olson City Engineer's Office G. D, Harlow W, L, Potter construction Bulletin Miller-Dav is co. H, !{,. Stahl Co, N, \'1, 'Bell Telephone Co, , F ,F, Do Anderson 'I: Sandberg 011 Co. U. 1'1, 13ell Telephone co. , B'enning E, N, Nelson 'I: co, Wendell P, lruber Dunn To1mship Les Tire Service A. 'B. P'.ild e Co, Ruffridge-Johnson Equipt. Co. H, v. Johnston Culv. Co. Walt1s Repair Shop David-son L!etal Shop E, W. 'Baas Bill ~elson Oil ao. 'R'olten F.rardwo.re National 13ush1ng 'I: 1>arts Co, Skop;mo lv!Oto r co. Service 011 co. ',t1.1tual Service Casualty 'R'agge 011 co. A. w. Co., Inc. of Minn, Wm, 'R'. Ziegler co., Inc. St. Paul corrugating Co. Elk River Cone. Prod. co. Gee. T, Ryan co. Rosholt Equipt. Co. Paper, Calmenson 'I: Co. W, F, Smith Tire 'I: Battery co. Twin City Engine Rebuilders Fergus Lumber 'I: Fuel Co. Empire Supply Co. Raymond Bros. Uotor TrD.ns. Co. D, A, Lubricant ao., Inc. Rav's Oil station Log ~abin Service Station The Globe-Gazette Printing co. Minneapolis 13lue Print, Co, 1...rinnP.sota <:tate trighvra~• Dept. Victor Lundeen ,'I: ~o. care of transient trari.sfusions special nursing care of chd.ld cai'e of child examination dare of' child dare of patients dare of poor clerk Supt. of Schools "' " " " " " " exp. attending meeting " " n ·n cialls posto.ge " weed control repairs " " " .. " workmen's compensation repairs sup~lies " " II tires, etc, bituminous mix rent gasoline .. "etc. supplies repairs supplies diesel ·fuel etc. expenses " " main. expenses " ad. for bids services oil services long distance diesel fuel services s11pplies cash advanced gro.ding tubes repairs parts culvert repairs labor repairs tires, etc. supplies parts ~ gasoline, etc, insurance diesel f11el parts " culvP.rt " parts .. cutting edges tire repairs supplies " freight Oil gasoline .. supplies prints~ supplies prints supplies $ 150,80 90,00 41,50 168.13 5:.00, 3.00 46.50 289.80 25.31 100.00 22.50 20.00 15.84 7,56 5,64 10,50 42,80 55.00 111.00 9,00 2,75 3.00 15,60 11.40 47,25 20.54 972,50 9.20 36,26 3.78 30,33 9,92 26,89 43.66 63.75 142.69 98.82 36.48 30.01 4,01 52.99 .85 39.78 7.00 199,24 210.58 112.75 15.15 250.00 11,65 65,22 50.70 5.00 30.49 24.85 13.80 69,50 6.96 9,36 4,25 300.00 28.94 109.66 36.72 52.65 2.00 10.00 8.00 556.!19 28.04 57,39 39.78 65,91 933,76 1100.34 112.92 442,60 58,50 62P..76 135.38 64.18 348.04 50.00 435,00 10,44 333,32 4.83 322,71 44,99 58,94 12,45 125,57 32,04 7.31 COMMISSIONERS RECORD--N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Pelican Telephone co. Fergus en co. West Ottertail Service Diesel Service Co; Blacktop surfacing co. Larson Bros. DATE .........................• Tulv ··················································19 59. services gasoline repairs " bituminous mix repairs Upon motion, the "Board then adjourned. to July 25. 19b0 at 10 o'olock A. u. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. Gee. B. Gunderson Chairman. !,tinutes of Adjourned !,!eeting of the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail co., Minnesota. 5.30 87.59 1.95 75.96 52.50 73.19 Pursuant to ad.1ournment the Board met at 10 0 1 clock A. M, July 25. 1950. ?resent .were Commissioners Sieling, Gunderson, Hanson, stone and Snowberg. A plat of Anderson Beach in the Town of Scambler accompanied by a certificate o~ title executed by N. F. Field, attorney-at-law. was approved. A plat of Flemin~•s Sub-Division on Wall Lake in sec. 33, Town of Aurdal, accompanied by a certificat of title executed by A. P. ~rankb<!rg, Attorney-at-la-r., 1vas approved, . Dance permit, using mechanical mll,sic only. was granted to Ted Halvorson at resort on Long Lake in the To·•:nship of Elizabeth, The following names were selected to be placed on the petiti jury list of the county to take the place of names drawn for the April term of the district court: Mrs, Thorval Paulson Nels Hegseth Mrs. Carl Swanson Mrs. Otto Peterson Clyde Davison Mrs, Ernie Laurila Clarence Mielke l,!rs. Norb ·P.ertel !!rs. Frank Alstadt Estella Chambers Mrs. c. s. V.imber B, o. Bendickson J,trs. Clifford Jensen Ned Viger Mrs. Frank Quarnstrom \Villiam 1/lielke Mrs. R.R. t'atterson Ben Chase Pelican Twp. Oscar Erhards Grove Ma·plewood Perham Village Nevi York lllills Richville Dent Perham T\\'P, '~11 therall Vlllage T.Tnderwood Battle Lake Tordenskjold Tumuli Compton Parkers Prairie TWP- Henning Village Inman The following resolution was adopted: Mrs. George Revering Ruby Johnson Rossie Shultz Mrs, Art Wiebe Mrs. George Rebehn l'J[rs, Erick Xienetz Charles swo.ntz Ralph Dahlen A, w. Rasmussen Edwin Efde Roy Marquardt Y,rank Crays Mrs. !ougene Davenport ;\{I'S, Addison Stock W. F,. Toms Ole M, Ming!! Mrs. Ed. Budack Mrs. Phil '/an Buren Resolved by the Board o:l' Count.,, commissioners of Otter Tail County, Uinnesota: Urbank Renning TWP, Elmo Leaf Lake Deer Creek Vi Parkers Prairie Vill woodside Aastad Carlisle Carlisle ·Elizabeth Twp Orr.ell western \Vestern City of F, F. City of F,F. City of F.F, City of F.F. Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Wm. q, Ziegler co., Inc. for one Domer elevating ~rader attachment, and Whereas. same has been received and acce·pted· by the county. Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Chairman of the ijoard and the County Auditor be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said ·contractor warrant on the Road and l3ridge Fund of the county in the sum of $5,005.73, the uontract price. Adopted July 25, 1950, Atteot: William Lincoln Clerk. Upon motion, the ~card then adjourned to Au~ • Geo. 'B. Gunderson chairman. 8, 1950 at . ~ n. .)30 T'I ! I I· f I COMMISSIONERS RECORD·.-N, ,OTTER TAIL 90UNTY, MINN. DATE" .................. August ... 8 •......................................... 19 .. ?..9.. MHTUTES OF ADJOURNED MET-:TIHG OF TTIB BOARD OF COillJTY r:OMMISSIOlTERS OF OTTER TAIL CO., MINNESOTA, Pursuant to ad,1ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, Aur,. 8, 1950, Present were Commissioners Sieling, Gtmderson, ~anson, Stone and snowberg. Bids i'or paintinp: the outside oi' the· court house a•nd sheriff's residence as advertised for b,v the Board were opened and read and were· awarded to the lo1"1est bid.der, c.vr 11 C. Wright. for the sum of $1212. 75. The petition of Fred L, and Gertrude M, Schlueter to set over the F.t NEf. of Sec .• 21 in the To1•:nship oi' Oak valley from Dist. 150 to Dist. 91 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session oi' the Board to be held Oct. 10, 1950 at 10 o'clock A, M, and that due notice of the time and place of said he a.ring be given as required by lav,. Upon motion, the highv,ay engineer was instructed to in spect county Ditch Ho. 70 as it was reported in need oi' cleaning and repair. A report of the ~oard of Audit of an ·examination of the accounts of T:', M, Ree, County Treasurer, for the period i'rom Hay 1, 1950 to July 31, 1950 showing a balance in the county treasury at the close of business on said last mentioned date of $1,648,444.16 was approved. Upon motion, the Soard took a recess to 2 o'clock T:', I'!, Bids for furnishing coal for the court house and jail for the coming winter season as advertised for b,v the Board were o·pened and read and the contract awarded to the lowest bidder, the Nyman Fuel co., at $15,25 per ton i'or Premium Eastern Y.entucky screenings oil treated. A fl~~ of Hag~strom's ~uh-Division of Reserves E and F of Haggstrom Beach was approved. ·· A plat oi' Long View First Addition accompanied by a certificate of title executed by N, F, Field, attorney-at-la1•1, was approved, . --. The application of Ambrose Daiker for reduction in aRsessment for 1948 and 1949 against Lot 11, Block 11. of'··Rothpletz Adilitio·n to the Village of Perham was read and the '3oard recomrilended to the commisaioner o'f tiixat1on· that the assessed value of said land be reduced from (1195,00 to $20;00· and that the 1918 taxes be redu~e~ fro~ $~5,84 to ~2.~5 and the 1949. taxes be reduced from 82~.85 to $2,65, .·.· · The application of rJiartha Rausch for correction o·f assessment for 1949 a13ainst the N½-SE-¼-di' Sec. 13, Town oi' v.roodsid e, 1vas read a."ld the '3oard recommended to the r:ommissioner of Ta·xat ion that the· assessed value of said tract be reduced from $877.00 to t-606.00 and the taxes from fl26,20 to $87.17. · _ The· fi"Pi>lication of Frank nint for reduction o:f assessment for 1949 against T,ot 5 in :Hock 3 in Lirnf Lake Pleasure Grounds ~as read and the ~oa.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed va~ue of said tract be reduced from ~226,90 to ~171.oo and the truces from $31,14 to $23.56, I . The npplioation of G. c. LeMay for reduction of assessment for 1949 against Lots 2, 3, and 4, SW¼ NW¼ and the NF2. SWf of Sec. 8, TO~'?lship of Girard, was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed val11e of said tract be reduced from $1191,00 to $953.00 and the taxes from $217.13.to $173.74. The applicatlon of George :·!artinson for reduction oi' assessment for 1949 a13ainst tot 4 end the Et of Lot 5 of Elm Grove Beaoh in the Township of Scambler was read and the ?oard reco~mended to the Commissioner of ·Taxation tnat'the assessed value of said tract be redllced from ~506,00 to $406.00 and the taxes from ~57. 74. to .$16. ~3. The application of Harry Jorgenson for reduotion in assessed value of Lots 6, 7, 8 a~d thi Ei1Sr 0[ay Sec .• 28 in the Tovmship of •1aplewood for the ,vear 1949 was read and was laid over for action a a a er The bond of Frank F, Vaughn, Executive Secretary, Otter Tail County Welfare Board in the sum of $10,000.00 with Hartford Acciden~ and Indemnity Co,, as surety, was approved, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: That County commissioners Henry Sieling and George Hanson be and they hereby are appoint·ed as members of the Catmty Canvassing Board for the primary election to be held Sept. 12, 1950, Adopted Aug, 8, 1950. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk, Geo. "t\, Gunderson ~hairman. Mrs, Lauretta Fiske ap·peared before the Board to request reconsideration of the Board's action re- jeoting her npplioation for homestead classification of the st SE{ except traot in Sec. 23 and the NW¾ NE¼ and the NEf-NW¼ of Seo. 26 in the Township oi' :-taine for the year 1949. Upon motion, the petition was reconsidered and, after discussion, it was approved. TJpon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, I.{. Aug. 9th, l'IEDN'-1SDAY' S SESSION · ·putsuant·to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, Wednesday, Aug. 9, 1950, all members being present. Bids for grading and 13ravelling road between the •.rownship of Tansem in Clay county and Scambler COMMISSIONERS RECORD .N,.-OTrER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... -..................... Al.l&US.t .... 9 .•............... -............... 19 .. Q.Q. township in Otter Tail r,ounty, as advertised for by the Board were Qpened and read and referred ·to the highway engineer for checking. Engineer ll:uber reported that the lowest bid for grading said road was submitted by tnehr nros. in the sum of $13,176.22 and that the lowest bid for gravelling was submitted by Engebretson Bros. in the sum of $1565,00. The members of the Township Boards of Tanaem and Scambler Townships and all members of the County Board of ~lay r.ounty being present at the letting, upon motion, these boards l'.'ith the county :9oard of otter 'flail Count,17 met in joint session and elected Geo. s. Gunderson as ohairmo.n of the ,1oint meetinp,. A mot.ion 1vo.s made o.nd carried that the lo•nest bids as reported h,V the engineer, be accepted. · Philip I:jaglien, Veterans ':er;vice Officer, requested an extension of salary of Chief clerk of his of~ice from Oct. 1, 1950 to July 1, 1951, and after discuRsion. upon motion, the extension was ordered, The follo1ving resolution 1•1as adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesoto.: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contrauted with \'Im, H. Ziegler co., Inc, for one T opeka fA:ower, an Whereas, same has been received and accepted by the county, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and the Chairman of the Board are authorized and .directed to issue to said company a warrant on the Road and Bridge fund of the county in the sum of $2084,81, the co~tract price, Adopted Aug, 9, 1950, Geo. B. Gunderson chairman Attest: William Lincoln . Clerk • . The follo~ting resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota Whereas, this Board has heretofore contreoted 111ith the Geo. T. R.van Co, for one case tractor and mower, and Whereas, same has b,,,en received and accepted by the Connt.v, · Now, therefore, he it resolved that the County Auditor and the Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to iesue to said company a warrant on the Road and Bridge fund of the count,v in the sum .o:fl' $1496,00, the contract price. Adopted Aug, 9, 1950. Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. Certificate signed by all members of the county Board of examination and acceptance of the grading job com·pleted by Johnson Construction co. on State Aid Road rro. 12 on County Aid Road No •. 37 from three miles north of Underv:ood to State Aid Road rro. 1 was filed with the r:ountj• Auditor, The following bills were allowed: J. C, 'Renkes Do Edwar,d C, Drews M, r:. Lee Lonise Stondahl Bernice ,Jesme "F.lla Stondahl Marjorie Stenstrom Elnora !':steb Lola V, ;fehl !,iaybelle J. Lee Do Frank Roberts Edwar,d J, Johnson C. J. Lund, M,D, G. · ., • 1,1oritsen, M,D, Dr, Henry A. !~orda Everett c. Hanson Victor Lundeen~ Co, Miller-Davis C6, Scho·olcraft co.·· Ga:ffe:neys--oftice·spec. co. ~anama carbon co. 1.··u. ·cooper · Tne·Pierce co. Sed; Blanli: ~ook ~ Prtg. Co. Nelson qros. nrtp,. co. expenses boarding prisoners dep, sheriff's exp. " ,, ,, expenses clerk Co, Supt. ,, " " " " " " expenses nurse " " cash advanced weed control " " coroner's fees coroner's fees etc, coroner's fees coroner's fees & eKamination binders !I: supplies blands & supplies school supplies ribbons supplies n ., record book bliifilcs .!I, printing $ 97,38 243,00 65.61 141.58 25.98 37.50 55.00 95.00 17.50 68,16 65.09 4,42 116.64 156,76 98.36 22.40 12.25 14.65 274. 75 56.41 121.90 3.98 29.58 1.00 3.27 90.54 80,80 r r ' COMMISSIONERS. RECORD N,--0-TTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................. A.~us..t .. Jl.. •............................. 19 .. ftO. Syndicate Prtg. co. DO The Pierce Co. Po~oher Prtg. !I, Li th Co. Fergus Journal co. N, W, Bell Tel. co. tloble &: TriP.pke Addressograph Sales ~ency Holten 'R'dWP.. Gamble Store. ~enning Minn. Maintenance Corp. N. w. ~ell Tel. Co, Odin ,lohnson llanson' s Plumbing ,. 11eating Frankoviz Hdwe. N. ~. qell Tel, Co. Frank .c. ~arnP.s .~oe Rayner Sr. Marlin Reynolds Leonard Olson .'Tim Hansen r.iyron T. Duhn J, J. Renner Lola V. ~fehl Louise Stondahl Bruce Pub, co. Countryman Drug co. Ind. ·school·Dist. ,f44 Johnson· Drugs P.~ ·w~ Glbrvigen· tnsurance Service ~g~nc~ . Do American Legion Post. P.P. western union· Pliilii> ~.!. · r-::·jaglien · Victor·Lundeen & co. Len· coop·er Olty water&: Light ·nept. Y.atlierine·D; Townsend Miller-Davis co. Philip M, rJaglien · N, W, Bell Tel. Co. M:lnn. state Sanatorium Sohoeneberger's !;frs. Cleo Garrison City of Fergus Falls University Hospitals Do DO Do Divisio·n of Public Institutions ROy Corliss P, M, Ree Ilopeming Sanatorium John Dieseth co. A, w. co •• Inc. of Minn. Rosholt Equipt. Co. Ruffridge-,rohnson Equi pt. Co. Northwest Engineering Co. st. Paul r.orrugating r.o. Elk River cone. Prod. co. ~. v. Johnston Culv. co. Paper, Calmenson ~ Co. Maine Repair Sho·p Rude Garage Ebersviller Implement Co. Minnesota Motor co. Larson Bros. Lake Region Motor Co, Henning Auto !t: i,ach. works Olson Auto Electric Bauck's Hardware Nat'l. Bushing~ Parts Co. Acme Welding·&: supply co. Gamble·store. llenning Fred·A. Everts Minn. Welding Su!)p:. Co. Holten Hardware Bill Nelson Oil Co. Nicols-Dean~ Gregg Les Tire Service Railway Express Agency. Inc., B.L. NUlph's Dray · Bjei'ke-F.dlund Co. Fergus Glass & Paint Co. earl Shol Arthur K, Larson vr. · w. ·Lee · Penrose Oil co. Service Oil do;. B,L. s·. ·. 4: ·-r; Oil Co; service Oil·co.; Und. co-op. services, Inc. school supplies . " " clasp envelopes supplies publishing oeJ.ls liailling garbage parts supplies st>tinkler sii.pplies mobile service ·j Ii.nit or vrork repairs supplies calls mlifiicipal judge's fees dep. sheriff's fees ff H II constahle fees de·p. sheriff's fees ,, " " " postage nurse II supplies " use of. rooms supplies drivPr's license insurance .bond premium decorating graves exrJ. telegrams expenses supplies Vet. Serv. " " " water & lights" rent " cards " postage " service " care of patients ambulance service care of child help for transient special nursing . transfusion special nursing " " care of inmate dep. sheriff's fees postage " " " " " .. " care of patient equipt. rental Ditch #64 parts " culverts "· cutting edges repairs .. " " " It " It supplies .!,: Repairs .. It " .. tires etc. supplies tubes frei~ht drayage paint glass damages gravel .. gasoline~ diesel fuel gasoline etc. " .. " .. II n $ 6.20 5.15 31.00 52.72 195.20 4.35 6.00 3. 77 37.87 8.37 16.75 80.50 80.00 29.75 6.29 43.35 71.90 41.49 16.95 10.68 20.40 6.00 6.00 7.50 51.00 15.70 ;59 20;00 75;15 5;40 250;73 5.00 22.00 6.30 50.10 3;15 6:30 7.05 45.00 41:98 5.00 12.35 331.08 50.00 46.25 9.35 132.75 10.00 498.50 53.00 212A.67 184.93 118.35 241,18 335.00 470.95 17.89 660.46 16.96 54.60 141.40 179.40 334.64 3.25 39.35 1.00 .93 146.90 17.07 12.10 36,31 4.76 66.28 15.40 14.82 92.72 137.50 204.01 1684.74 161.04 13.40 1.01 17.40 10.90 2.52 75.00 65.55 7. 77 114.88 143.96 46.19 9.60 53.97 COMMISSIONERS RECORQ.N;-OTTER TAIL 90UNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ Aug:u.a:t ... ~··•·-···································19 .. ?..Q. IT-CllfiflJ.JTI/lllrDCTl'IJ"/fllffJOT.T.PI' , ?ossen·on co. Henning Oil Co, Pleasure ~ark Resort Cities service Station llighwas co. Farmers co-op. Creomery Assn, D, A. Lubricant co •• Inc. Hagge 011 Co. Gaffaney's Office Spec. co., Inc. !~inneapolis Blue Pr int. Co. N, W, Bell Tele, co., F. F, Victor T,undeen ,'I: co. N, w. Bell Tele. Co., nenning Uinn. state "'igh, Dept. G.D. Harlow w. t. Potter Wendell P. ~ber Carlisle Tovmship Battle Lake Produce Co. Town of Pine Lake Service Food Market Bruce 1:'ub. Co. Henning Advocate Geo. B. Gunderson Bert Stone Henry Sieling Geo, P.anson Geo. B, Gunderson Carl A, Snowberg George P.anson l'!enry Sieling Bert Stone Georee Olson r1endell P, Huber ~oot Lake Ice~ Gas Tydol Service, Osakis Fergus 011 Co. Black Top Surfacing Co. Lampert Lumber Co. Nat'l, Bushing~ Parts Co, Resset Bros, Skogmo Motors, Inc. X:inne's Inc, P::inne's Inc. Elk River Cone. nrod; r.o. Minnesota F. w. D. co. Corchert-Ingersoll, Inc. ~m. ~. Ziegler Co. Inc. gasoline " " " " oil diesel fuel supplies prints services supplies 'I: printing services supplies expenses . n· cash advanced grading supplies road work supplies " nurse pub. tax notice exp. attd. meeting " " " " " " " " " services Bd, of Equalization " " " " " " " " " '• ,,. " " Expenses " Gasoline " '' etc. bitaminous Mix lumber supplies repairs " parts 'I: repairs " ,, " culverts parts " " " " " " Upon motion, the Boo.rd adjourned to Tuesda,v Sept. 19, 1950 at 10 o•clock A. M, "'""' I ~ QA~ er , • $ 40,33 28.06 14,82 25,81 29.92 26,81 202.50 1322.08 9,02 2.31 42.75 29.34 7.28 139 ;20 12.70 72.98 20.10 300.00 6.78 300,00 6.44 1.36 4,90 5.64 10.50 16.24 7.56 28.20 25,00 34.60 36.20 34.40 19.10 177.10 50.67 4.20 198.13 42.53 4,64 12.17 20.20 307, 70 37.66 770.02 206.64 101.48 108.20 781.77 1 ,,, I I• ! COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE. ...... 19 ······ Minutes of Meeting of the County BoardofEqualizationofOtterTailCounty,Minn., for Year 1950 m1a:1a;.8n0e~~ a0en"r: SlellnB Geo B AudltOr Wtlllam Lincoln mat &11 a ary oatb proceeded to uamlne the and asreed on the followlnR" changH: tie, Sh.ep and HORII under Clallls :1-IJ p t t I tute Count)' com-1 Stone earl A,. Snowbers and Count7 I counlJ' and havlnl' taken the caatom• 1 Board adjourned from time to tlml! I ware made In the RHeRJliment ot Cnt- Gunderson, George Han.ion. Berl County Board of Bcauallatlon of aid aaaeaament recorda tor 1950. 'l'be 'l'ha followlns parcenta10 cha.nl'H • of personal properu· • TOW~S AR3!1End ••••••••••••••••••••• 4 An1ur ·•·•••··•••·•·•••••••• AuruaJ •••••••••••••••• , • , , , Vlllagu or Bullie Lnka •• , .•• Blu""urll ••.....••.••.•••.•.• 1:hutftun .... •••··••···••••• VlllnGII ut Hlufflu11 •••• , • • • BUHCI •••••••••••••••••••••• Buller ••••··••••·•· ..••.••• C.111dor •••••••...•••..••••• C:r.rllHle .•••••••••..•••.•••. Clilhcrnll .•••....•••.•••••• \'IIIRMl' ur Clllhernll ••••••. • Cun1plu11 .•••.• , ..•••.•••••• Corll.11a •••......... ••• ..•••• VIiius:• dr u1111,,n •••••••••• Dant Pralrlt" ••.••••••.••••• Dead 1..ak" ••.....••••.••••• DIiler Cret•k ...••...••.. • • • • \'lllngu ut Uecr C1·eek ••... • \'llln.-u ur Dl!'nl •••••••••••• Dorn ...•••...••....••••.. Dunn .• •·····••··•••••·•••• Engle l,11!,1,! •••••••••••••·•• E.ounern ····••••···•••····•• J,":dna •••••••••••••••••••••• EtflllM,lun •••••••••••••••••• Ellaab,•lh ...•....••..•••••• Vlllall;I!' or 1:.11..i,beth •• , ••••• Elmo •·•····••···••···•••·• VlllnRe ur Erhard •••••••••• Erhards Uro,·e ....••••.•••• Evert■ ••......•••••...••••• 40 Furgu11 Fnlhl •, ...• • • • • • • • • • City of Fer.-u■ Fnlls , ••••.•. Folden ....••••..••.••••••. , FrlberR • , •••••.•••••• ,, ••• · • GlrlLrd ....••• , •. , , .•••..•. , 10 Gorman ••.•.••..••••.•••.• 2· HennlnR" ..•..•.•.•••••• , •.. Ylllage DI HPnr1ln,: • • • • • • • • • Hobart ....•.•••..••••.••••• Homestead ....•••••• , •.•••• Inman ····•••·••••••··••·•• Lear Lake •.......••••..•••• Leaf l-loun1a1n ••••••..••••• Lida •••.••....•••••..••••.• .llalne ••...•••••••••..•••.• Maplewood ••.•... ··•••••··• Newton ........••••....•••• VIiiage or X°t!'W ,·01k .\IIIIM , • NldnroR ..••••.••••..•..•.• Norwegian Gro,·e . . . . • • • • . • 8:! .. }~··~~~.::::::::::::::::: Oscnr •••.•.••.•.•.••..••••• Otter Tall •.••••...•...••..• Vl1lnR"e or llllPr Tnll •••••••• Otto .•..••..•.••..•••..••.• Paddock •••.••......•.•••••• Parker■ Prairie ..••••.•••.• Vlllas:-e or Pnrk .. rM PralrlP-•• Pellt"an •...•...........•••• VIiiage of Pellenn H.aplds .• p o;· ·r;e;h,;iri. ::: : : :::: .. nke .•.•......••••.•• e or Hlch,·lllu •••••••• e of HothM)' ....... . Ruah 1 .. ake ..•....•..••••.•• Snlnt Olnf •···••·••••••••••• Scnmbler •••••...••.••••..• Sta.r Lnke •.•••••.••••••••• 1:i=~~1=~id::: :: :: : :::: ::::: Tumuli ...••....•••.••••••• Vl1lage of Underwuud ...•.• Vl11age of Urbank ••.•.••••• Vlllni::o of v,, .... 011 •••••••••• VIIIRKe of \'lnlns; •..•••...•• Western .•......••••••••..• Wood11ldp ....•. ,, ,, .•...•.• A The following percentage ch•nR-=• were made In the a111e11■ment of Claaa 2 of the personal property cov--=rlng bou11ehold 1uoda. etc.: Aastad-raised lOIIJI, Amor-ralaed IO'Ai ••;::~~.:d 6 ii I, n-ralaed Z5 'I. raised 15~ raised 30111ft r a &-raised 51', Clitherall Vlllage--ralaed 6'1 Compton-raised 20111ft Corll■■-ralaed 261' Dane Pralrle--ral■ed 10'1, Dead Lake-ralaed i°dt r Creek Twp.-rataed Ult tern-raised JOIIJI, ral■ed 101' alaed co,r, Grove--rotaed 101, Falla Twp.-rat■ed 9011& Fol en-raised 200 OJ, Frlberg-ralaed 26% Glrard-ralaed 3&'% Home■tea.d-reduced 20 9' Leaf !\lounllan-ralaed H0IIJf, Lida-raised 10011, :a.talne-ralaed lO0o,lii Maplewood-raised 90'91, :-;"ewton-reduced 10'1 Nldaro&-ralaed 401' Oak Va.Ue:,-reduced 10W, 60 iO 0 ii, ici iO iO , . ! 20 B D Zl 2a &S 20 t5 .i ·, 20 20 iO 10 io ii 35 20 30 30 • 20 iii ,o 60 15 C s 10 5 iO iO 16 D .!l 26 • iO 26 20 ici iO ii, 10 iO iii 2o ici iO 40 ii iO ·a iO iO iO • D 20 10 15 20 iO 10 10 iii iO iO 55 Clau 1-D, Item II Cattle ASheep B A Hoa■ B E P G B K 37 3i ::.s 38 iii 35 iO ici • 10 20 •• iO 20 20 iO io 10 5 .. ii iO iO iO • 5 10 iO iO 10 10 10 • iii 1 5 10 io ii 30 iO 10 ii 15 "i •• 10 .i • • iO iO ii, •• iO iii • io iO iO 30 iO 30 3l io ii 20 t5 iS io 20 23 25 ii, ii, 60 ii, 10 I 20 ii iS 25 ii 20 20 iii iO 35 iO ~n 10 iO 70 15 iO 20 GO ·o •• D .!! ii io io 30 20 ii, io •• iO I& iQ lj •• io ,o iii ii 20 iO io 10 ,o 30 iO ii 20 io GS io ii ii ti io iO •• iO io ii iO •• 10 ii iO iO iO 16 io io ii :o • ii l6 • "i uo 10 iO iO 20 20 10 • 10 10 16 • ici • 16 2i 16 iit ii iO 10 10 io iO lU 10 "i I ii 10 ii ii u&o tbd Oeo. B. Ounderaon, Chairman : '. Attest: Wllllam Lincoln. Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD-N,-·0:F'FER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-··············-··september .. 19 • ........................ lfo ... . ffi'll~r7'0ITW ' ------- MINUTES OF ADJOl.ffiNED :'.·!EF.TIHG OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COI.UUSS TONERS OF OTTER TAIL . COUNTY, MINllESOTA. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M, Tuesday, sept. 19, 1950. Present were aommissioners Sieling, Gunderson, Hanson, stone and Snowberg. "On and Off" sale of beer licenses were granted to Leonard Barker at Almora; Louis Jensen at Halberger Lake, Town of Friberg and Grant ,Tones, resort, Sec. 23, Town of Pine Lake. Cigarette lic·enses were also granted to Louis Jensen at Halberger Lake and Chester Habberstad store in the Town of Uaine. A plat of Ripple's Beach in the Township O! Dtinn, accompanied by a certificate of title executed by c. L. Alexander, Attorne.v-at-lav!, was approved. Superintendent Dr. Ber1rnuist recommendeii that Mts. ·Elaine t1odnefeld be sent to Nopeming Hospital for treatment .and that }!rs. Alma Tollefson be sent to r.rookston i'or treatment. A plat of Rosenquist's Beach in the TOwnshi•p of F.agle Lake, accompanied by a certificate of title executed by Martino. Brandon was approved. A plat of Second Addition to sanda's Beaoh in the Township of Girard, accompanied by a certificate of title executed by ri. F. Field, Attorney-at-law, Y!as approved. The follovting resolution v!e.s adopted: Resolved b,v the Soard of Connt.v Comenissioners of 0tter Tail County, Minnesota: That the salary of Ua,ybelle Lee, County nurse, be and the same is hereb,v fixed at the sum of $250 .00 per month effective Sept. 1, 1950. Adoptea Sept. 19, 1950. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. The f01101•1ing resolution was adopted: Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman RP.solved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $380,00 bP. and the same hereby is appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund of the r:ounty to Clarence HiP.lke for services in connection with Otter Tail county exhibit at the state fair for 1950. Adopted Sept. 19, 1950, Attest: William T,incoln Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman Resolved by the ~oard of r.ounty Gommissionere: of Otter Tail County, Uinn.: BB TT ?.~SOLVED, That the Chairman and Clerk forthwith enter into an agreP.ment with the state of Minnesota. acting through its Commissioner of Highways, for the maintenance, except snow plowing, of the road described in said agreement as a detour. The description of the road to be as set forth in the agree ment referred to, is decribed as follows: county Aid Road No, 52 from its junction vtith Trunk Highway Ho. 235 in the VJ,llage of Urbank, thence northerly 3. 20 miles over said county Aid Road !lo 52 to State Ailil Road No. 6 at or near the south quarter corner of section 7, Township 131, Range 38, thence easterly 4,55 miles over said state Aid Road No. 6 to County Aid Road llo. 25 at or near the northwest corner of Section 13, Township 131, Range 38, thence continuing easterly 4.25 miles over said County Aid Road No, 25 to its junction with Trunlc F.ighv1ay !lo. 29 on the north line of section 16, Township 131, Ranl!e 37, for a total distance of 12,00 miles, said municipality to be paid therefor at the rate of ,35,00 per mile per month. ~rac:tional miles and fractionul months, if an,v, will be used in conputing amounts pal'able, The use of said read ·as a detour by the state vrill terminate on or before necember 31, 1950, Adopted Sept. 19, 1950, Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. Ceo. B. sunderson Chairman A township road petition re,jected by the town board of Clitherall Township and referred to the county board by Vim. ounter, one of the petitioners, was discussed and ~he auditor was instructed to return the petition to Mr. ¥.unter with a statement that in order to bring this matter before the county board hP. must secure a petition undl'!r the provisions of Sec. 162,24, !.linnesota Statutes for 1945• Upon motion, the ~oard then adjourned to Rept. 20th at 10 o'clock A.!,!. COMMISSIONERS RECORD. N;•·OT-TER TAIL COUNTY, Ml~N. DATE .................... .Se·pt ember .. 20., ............................... 19.~9. .. 1·1r,JJr1rJ5DAY !. 5 5J:1.:>.:>IUN Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met at 10 o'clock A. i,!. Sept. 20, 1950, all members being present. A request of the Township of Eagle Lake for road reconstruction on the line between Sections 12 and 13 from county Aid Road No. 27 was c1iscussed and, after consideration, wa.s. upon motion, rejected. A petition to clean Ditch No. 70 was ordere~ placed on file. Engineer Huber brought the attention of the "3oard to a bill in the sum of $12.60 against M, E, L!Orica for drivewn.v built by the county in 1~43, which bill has never been paid. Upon motinn, the Board ordered the bill cancelled. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otte•r Tail county, i,Iinnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Christle and Cruzen for furnishing and applying bituminous material, ana Whereas, said work has been done and it has been accepte<i by this Boo.rd. llow. therefore, be· it resolved that the ~ounty Auditor and the Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to so.id contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the county in the sum of $2471.87, balance due on said contract. Adopted Sept. 20, 19b0. Attest: l'lillia.'11 Lincoln Clerk. The follovting resolution was o.ao·pted: Geo. B. Gunderson ..;hairmr.n Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota, .. That the sum of $1000,00 be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the county Revenue Fund to be d1v1decl equally between the Perham Agricultural society and the Otter Tail county Fair Association as appropriations for county fairs for 1950. ~ ~. lo, /9SD Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Geo. a. Gunderson cna1rman Resolved by the boo.rd of Count,v Commissioners of otter Tail county thut under the provisions of C~apter 583 ;aws 1!149 a lev,\" of one-half of one mill be and the same hereb·· is made to defray the cost o_ all salaries and expenses of ti!c veterans service officer department. ,> Adopted Sept. 20. 1!150. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. The following bills were allovted: J. c. Henkes !,{. c. Lee Edward C. Dre'ltS J. c. F!enkes Mabel Wenstrom Louise stondahl Beatrice a. Will Bernice Jesme Maybelle J. Lee Do Do Lola V. Mehl Dr. C. I'/, Lewis John L. Bixby Lois :,!. Bixby William Lincoln J,illdred Bruvold Frank C. Barnes F.dward J. Johnson Albert Fritz Gaffaneys' Office i:lpec. co. The Pierce Co. Gaffaneys• Office Spec. co. Raming ton Rand, Inc. M, c. KronnelllWl Inc. Agena~ Remington Rand, Inc. expenses Geo. B. Gunderson chulrmon dep. sheriff's exp. expenses Bl. of prisoners expenses II clerk co. Supt. " ,, " expenses paid for services telephone expense (nurse) coroner's fees expenses clerk Supt. of Assessments 13d. ofA.Udit transcripts municipal judge's fees weed control " " typevtriter school supplies supplies " insurance supplies $. 81.30 116.55 76.13 88.50 23.97 63.07 7.50 17.50 73.94 1.50 6.39 47.11 11.65 22.66 55.00 125.00 0.35 25.75 151.76 241.74 142.50 23.46 15.6iJ 109.20 37.57 51.00 .. ~ ' • · COMMISSIONERS RECORD· N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. S"e.Pt .•... 20 .•.................................................. 19 50. Miller-Davis Co. Midland Paper Staty. co. Viator Lundeen & co. Nelson Bros. ~rtR. co. Dept. of Administration Educational Test Bureau De·pt. of Administration Miller-Davis co. Poucher Printing .'c Lithographing Co. Fergus Jour~al Co. N. -W. Bell Tel. Co. O'Meara's Inc. Fer-gus Service Station Costello Mfg. Co. E. Lawrenson Far.m Center Welding Co. Kewanee Boiler Corp. N.vman Fue+ Co. Hintgen-Karet Elec. Co. N. w. aell Tel. co. Do Roy Corliss Joe Rayner sr. Norman Nunn Louise Stondahl H. w. Glorvlgen Maybelle J. Lee Archie Emery Veterans of Foreign Ware Willer & Tiesberg ·western Union H. W. Glorvige~ American.Medical Assn. Smith Diepl~v Service State Charities Aid Assn. General Suppl.v Co. Miller-Davis Co. Philip M. Kjaglien City \'later & Light Dept. Katherine D. Townsend Victor Lundeen & Co. Ph.Hip M. Kjaglien N, W. Bell Tel. Co. TO\m of Friberg university Hospitals l'l. A. Miller M.D. Nopeminp. Sanatorium Ci t.v of Fergus Falls Dr. w. F. Schamber City of Ferrus Falls Cleo Garrison Minn. State San. D•r. S. B. Seitz C. A. Boline M. D. Fergus Falls Clinic Wright Memorial Hospital Village of Parkers Prairie N. W. Bell Tel. Co. Holten HdYle. Co. Art Printcraft Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Oren Fosse Jos. Rayner, Sr, M. 0, Lien William Lincol:'1 Geo. l'Taneon Henry Lieling H, W, Glorvigen Henry Sieling BP.rt Stone Bert Stone George He.neon Geo. B. Gunderson Do A, w. co .• Inc. of Minn. wm. H. Ziegler Co., rn. Rosholt Equipt. Co. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc, Minnesota F.W,D, co. Geo. T. Ryan co. Ruff.ridge-.1ohneon Equipt. Co. W. · F. Smith Tire -~ Battery co. SkoE?mo Motors. Inc. Empire Supply Co, Minn. Motor co. Henry P.olmgren Knuttila Implement co. Larson Broe. Olson Auto Electric A. B, X:llde Cc, Skogmo Motors. Inc. Field Machine co., Inc. B. o. Bendickson election supplies supplies suppl iee and !)rinting envelopes 'c printing school supplies " " " " supplies blanks & supplies ballots & Publishing mobile service supplies .. repairs repairs for stoker enppliee coal eup~lies 'c repairs calls " Dep. sheriff's fees II ff ff postage " " " services decorating graves 'pictures telegrane licensee exp. subscription services Sll'!)pliee lanps supplies expenses water & lights rent sup9lies postage service & calls transporting transients e pecial nursinp, exam. care of patient help for transient exam. help "for transient care of child care of patients services exam. care of child " ,, ,, care of non-resident calls supplies envelopes books & bind-ere dep. sheriff's fees dep. sheriff's fees services canvassing Board " " " " .. exp. attd. meeting ., " ., " " . " board of Aud 1 t parts ., . .. " .. " tire· repairs " " " " ., " " " " " " $980,25 15.14 382,30 190.36 3.51 89,36 68.58 55,94 122.88 656.05 165.57 39.54 2.57 37,92 20~00 67 .80 3.65 657,66 67,52 28.95 48.70 15.18 38.30 45.00 53,72 42.50 3.00 8,70 23.00 9.00 2,84 8.40 5.00 5.00 2.60 1.66 11.55 44.70 5.72 45.00 10.80 4.99 14.00 199.16 3.50 3.00 241.18 9.60 12.00 13.29 7.25 331.08 42.00 12.00 26.00 229.06 162.01 58.85 2.20 18.50 455.24 2,07 5.22 10.10 10.10 12.40 15.60 10.10 15.99 15.80 10.50 7.56 6.54 50.00 418.20 314.81 71.28 660.38 774.02 342,04 834.61 123,91 49.74 31.00) 5.83 38.65 12.05 47.65 17,84 18.24 53,78 79.57 1.98 I· 1: COMMISSIONERS RECORD-N,_ OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ________________________ September-__ 20, ______________________ 19 5 o_ 1!'. Saunders II: Bon Allison Motor Co. Chas. Malmstrorn Knutson Auto Supply Vaughn Chevrolet Co, Bill Nelson Oil Co. Bauck Chev. co. Minneapolis Iron store Roger Broberg Ebersviller•s, Pelican Rapids A. T. Herfindahl Nalt. Bushing II: Parts Co. Vergas Hardware Coast to Coast store, Pelican Rapids McDunn Farm Store Fergus Lumber II: Fuel Co. Nicols-Dean & Gregg Winther Lurnber II: Fuel Co. Knoff's Hdwe. The Carew Warehouse Willer & Teisberg Drug Co. Naz-Dar co. James Welch Service Recorder Co. ?aper, Calmenson Co. Armco Drainage & Metal Prod. Co, Wheeler Lnmber Bridge ii, supply Co. John Dieseth Co, D. A. Lubricant Co., Inc. q. -K, Stahl~ E, A. Bloose D. A• Lubricant Co. Truman Motors Kraemer Oil Co. City of Fergus Falls Bob's Service Station Co-operative Services, Inc. Park Region·oil co. Harthun\ Peterson 011 Co. l!a.v' s Oil Co. Anderso-n and Tichy Farmers' Co-op. Creamery Assn. Hoot Lake Ice~ Gas Co. Fergus Oil Co. Mills Oil 0o. Anderson & Sandberg Oil Co. Hagge Oil Co. Penrose Oil Co. Nu.nd ahl Oil Co • Eddie Gronseth Raymond Bros. Motor Trans. Co. Railway Express Agency, B,L. O'Meara's q. A. Rogers Co, Poucher Print, JI: Lith. Co. Minn. State 'F!ighway Dept. u. -l'I, Bell Tele. co., T<"enning Heinola Telephone Co. Gaffaney's Office Spec. co., Inc. Victor Lundeen & Co. N, W. Bell Tele. Co.,, 1!'.r. Do Pelican Telephone Co. Mutual Service Casualty Wendell P, Huber Do w. L. Potter G. D, t:Jarlow George Olson Town of Rush Lake Town of Butler water~ Light Dept. Ruf fridge -Johnson Equi pt • Co . R. J. Schmidt N. W, F.ngineering Co, H, Y, Johnston Culv. Co. Empire supply Co. Town of st. Olaf Town of Tordenskjold Town of Elizabeth Marshall-lYellsStore Weber Skelly Inn. Town o:f Oscar Elk River Oonorete Prod. Co. Toll'm of :Amor repairs " " " etc. tires .\ repairs service su·pplies " " II supplies&: parts n II " ., II coal Paint " stakes recorders & supplies cutting edges cu.lverts box culvert rental equipment Oil " " " road oil gasoline ., " '' 11: oil " etc. gasoline II: diesel fuel diesel fuel " ti fuel oil Right of Way freight express supplies n forms prints services ,. supplies " lonp: distance services " insurance oash advanced expenses " ti • grading ., rental 'Pump parts repairs parts culverts su1>plies grading ti " supplies gasoline grading culverts grading etc. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to Oct, 10, 1950 at 10 o'clock A, M. Attest: $ 2.20 5,10 2.75 4,10 15,89 27,31 5.00 3.34 16.37 22.43 .2.55 20.67 26.98 3.81 21.19 3.40 20.65 3.75 9,30 5,75 3,00 19.82 25,38 185.94 375,16 712.88 819.00 1118,00 796.52 30.41 79.01 2.10 16.00 52.20 124,15 109.74 51.55 71.65 43.79 9,40 27,68 64,88 224,50 293.43 78.47 1306.93 101,60 10,29 183 •. 50 5.24 2.07 6.83 59.48 120.12 9.81 8.02 12.20 26,40 31.70 69.82 46,75 14,95 :n,50 5.38 191,87 99.60 17.05 23,45 300.00 300,00 10.50 415.38 35.00 492,61 64.78 60.10 300,00 300.00 300,00 3.60 4,00 300,00 372,56 300,00 :....__ _____ .:...__--'--__::,_-=---=~=--=---------------_..,.. ___ ----!!!!"!'-------=====~~----- COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN: DATE _______________ Oc tober __ 10 '-···-·-················-···········-·-·1@0 .. iUNlJTES-OF ADJOURMED ?,IEETTUC OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL CO,, MIIHIESOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A,M, Oct, 10, 1950. Present were Commissioners Sieling, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg. • Attorney Ol(en V. Thompson preaented to the "'!oard petition of Flans U, Froslee to repllrchase Lots B and 9 in Block 3 of the Original Plat of' the Village of Vining which tract was forfeited to. the State for non-pa,vment oi' taxes for 1943. certificate of' forfP.i ture beinti: filed Aug. 22, 1950. After consideration, upon motion. it 1vus agreed to recommend to the Com-:,issioner of Taxation that said repurchase be authorize and the following resolution was adopted: . :( '~Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Hin•1esota: Whereas, this Board has this da,v considered the petition of' Hans M, Froslee for repurchase of lands for~eite~ for non-payment of taxes under date of Aug. 22, 1950 and the Bonrd being advised that said real estate is not located within any restricted area estab2ished by the Board of county Commissioners of Otte Tail County and that said real estate has not been sold by the state and is not under any mineral prospecting or lease and is not under a~y condemnation by the state or any of the political sub-divisions or by the United states: TT rn T~:'r.;ll'nR": R:i>:SOT,VED By the Board of county CrJmmlssioners of Otter Tail ~ounty, Minnesota that undue hardship or injustice would result if the forfeiture for the non-payment of taxes vras not corrected and that therefore Ha~s M, Froslee shall be permitted to repurchase for a sum equal to the aggregate of all delinquent taxes and assessments together with penalties, interest and coats the following described real estate situate in otter Tail County, Minnesota, to-wi.t: Lots eight (8) and nine (9), block three(3), Original plat of the Village of Vining, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Otter Tail county, Minnesota, upon payment of the sum of $275.38 under tile ·provisions of Chapter 461-l,tinnesota session Laws for 1949. Adopted Oct, 10, 1950. Geo, B, Gunderson Attest: William Lincoln " er . The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commission~rs of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Chairman. Whereas said board has heretofore contrncted with Cyril G. \I/right for furnishing materials and labor for painting court house and jail as advertized for according to l&YI and wherees said work has been completed by said contractor and accepted by this board, Now therefore be it resolved that the County Auditor and chairman of this board are autiiorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on thP. Revet1ue fund of the County in tile sum of $1212.75 the contract price. Adopted Oct. 10. 1-.,00. Attest: Wil.liam Lim:oln Cle~r~k-.------- Ceo. B. Gtmderson chairman Ap·plication of Dalton Co-op creamery for c&11ceJ.lation of penalty on personal property taxes for the .vear l\J49 in the Village of Dalton erronei;usly listed in the name of North Star Dairy ..vas presented by officers of the corporation and, after consinertLtl.on, tne 1:ioaru recom:nended to the Commissioner of Ta:xat ion that tne ciompnn,y b~ permitted to pay the original tax for said year witnout any penalty, interest or costs. The application of Vernon c. and Ann Stenerson for classification at homestead rate e.11 tne SW¼ t:l'E¼, Ill SW¼ and the S!'}i-SW¼ of Sec. 22, Towr,ship of Oscar tor the year 1949 was read and, upon motion, the sa'!le vras grant eel ~nd troi-es ordered reduced accord inf!lY. The applico.tion of V/rri. Nikkari for reduction of v1tluetion tor tr,e year l\149 on tot 16 and the South 25 feet of Lot 15 in Bloe;J,· l of the Original Towns ite of New York Mills was read and the Board reoommended to the Commissioner of Taxation .that saii:I assessed value be reduced from $388.00 to $156.00 and the taxes from $45.67 to $18,36 plus taxes for special irnp1·ovements. The application o·f Elmer Leyh for l!eduction of assessment for 1949 against the NIY¼ sw-t and the NE¼-sw,+ l!Xcept 1.11 acres along 1:he south side in sec. 25, Tt'vm of wooo.side, was read end the Board recommende<i to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduceci from Sl208.00 to $715.00 and the taxes from $135.12 to $100.86. The application of Aina •renhunen for reduction of assessment for 1949 ep.al.nst West 50 feet o.f East 90 feet of North 177 feet of r.ot 18 of Wm. v. Smith's Addn. to Mel'/ Yori~ Mills was read and the Board recomrnendeii to the corn'!!issioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced f1·om $1040.00 to $800.00 and the taxes from ~122.41 to $94.16. .2t./-.C I '· 1 Ii I I, , I I I Ii ·ii COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. Octo ber .. 10 ........................................ 19 50. The application of' lfrs. Karine E. Spain f'or classification of' Lots 3 and 4 and Sub Lots C, g, R, L and Mall in Sec. 15, Town of' Elizabeth, f'or the year 1949 at ho~estead rate was reed and the Board recomrnP.nded to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value re- duced from $1083.00 to $650.00 a!id the taxes from ;~200.95 to $117.63. Mr. B. A. Overgaard of' the Township of ,St. Ole.f and John O. Thompson, follller county commissioner of otter Tail Connt.\'. appeared to d iscnss the question of takl.n.g over the so-called Overgaard road in st. Olaf' Township as a county aid road. After d.iscussion. the matter was lad.d over until later in the session. The hip,hway engineer submitted two bills totaling $15.00 against the Township of' Nidaros and the Board ordered that these bills be cancelled as they were billed through error. The engineer was instructed to inspect County Ditch No. 4 in the Towhship of 'Buse. Cyril G. Wright 1vho was av:araeo contrE1.ct f'or painting court house and jail, but whose contract and bond had not been received by the County Board, presented such contract and the auditor and chairman of' the Board were authorized and directed to sign same on behalf of' the county, The Board approved bond for such work in the sum of $1200.00 with western surety Co. as surety. I County Auditor William Lincoln presented to the Board application to the Board of Cou~ty Commissioner. of Taxation f'or cancel lat ion of' part of' certificate of' forfeiture f'or non-pa,l'ment of taxes filed by said county auditor Ang. 31, 1949 as f'ar as said certificnte covers Govt. Lot 2 lying west of road and except- ing the north 16f feet thereof in Section 14, Township 136, Range 38, for the reason that said aescription was erroneous in that it did not except all lots previously platted f'rom said Gowt. Lot 2. Upon motion, the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said certificate of' forfeiture be cancelled as to said tract. Upon motion, the Board adjourned to Oct. 11, 1950 at 10 o'clock A. i.1:. WEDNESDAY'S SF.SSTON. Pursuant to adjournment the Board net at 10 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, Oct. 11th, all members being present. The petition of' Blaine McLaughlin to be set over from Dist. 272 to Dist 32 was taken up fer flnal action and, upon rnotion, the petition was r.ranted and the Board iss11ed the following order to-v!it: Whereas, The petition oi' Blaine McLaughlin a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No 272 in this Count.v, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described which are situate tn said School District, and adjoin School District No 32 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No 272 to said adjoininp, school district 110 32 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of' this county at a session of said board held on the 10th day of' May ,\.D., 1950 for the action of' said board thereon; au! whereas it was thereupon ordered' by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 11th day of July A.D,, 1950 at the county Auditor's office in the City of' Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of' such hearinr, be given by posting copies of said order ih three public places 111 each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of' each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing: and whereas at the said seseion of the said Board of' County commissioner! on said 11th day of July A.D., 1950 due proof of the postinr, and sen•ice of said order of hearing as theri in directeil and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having !Jeen made and iilec:',, said petition was publicly read a•1d considered by the 'Roe.rel, with ever.vthlng which was said b.\' said inter ested parties for or against e:ranting the prayer of the petitioner the m11tter was laid over f'or future action and on Wednesda.\' Oct. 11, 1950 was ar-ain taken up and said ~oar/I beinr. of O!)inion that said pet l tion should be r-ranted, 1 t is hereby ordered and determined, that the said pet it loner and the follow- ing described lends owned b,f him, to-wit: Et of' Il'E¼ of Sect ion 8 Township 135 Range 39 be and the some are hereby set off from said School District Uo 272 to said adjoining School District No. 32 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District ·.for all purposes whatever. B.v order of' the 13oard of' Count.v Commissioners. De.tea the 11th. /lay of October A. D •• 1950 (Auditor's Seal) Geo. B. Gunderson chairman of the Board of County Commlssloners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln t:ount.11 Aud !tor, and ex-off.icio Clerk of Board. The petition of Laura Schmidt to be set over from Dist. 2o3 of' Otter Tail cou.P..ty to Dist. 52 of Beoker County was withdl".awn upon application of the petitioner. The petition of Fred L. and Gertrude M, Schlueter to be set over from Dist. 150 to Dist. 91 was taken up for final action and after consideration, upon motion, the petition was r.ranted and the 'Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Fred L. and Gertrude M. Schlueter a legal voter, freeholder and resident of' School District No 150 in this County, representing that he is the owner of' the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No.91 and asking that he with hie said lands ma.v be set oi'f f'rom said district No. 150 to said adjoining school district No. 91 waspreeented to thP 'Board o"" r.onnty r.ommiesioners of' this r.onnt.v at a session of' said board held on the 8th, d11.v of AUllUSt A. D., 1950 ~~or the action o~ said board thereon: and whereas it was thereupon ordered b,V said board that a heari.ng shou.lil be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 11th. day of' ootober A, D,, 1950 at the County Auditor's office in the Cit.v of' 'Fergus 'Falls in said County; and v1hereas it was further order~d in and by saiil order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affect ·COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ 00.t.Q.b.e.r. ... ll .•................................ _ ....... l!liQ .. . ed by said petition. and by malling to the clerk of each of so.id School Districts. a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for suuh hearing: and whereas at the·sald session of the said Board of county Commissioners on said 11th. coy of October A. D., 1950 due proof of the posting and service of said order of .)'I.earing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board. with every thing v1hlch was said by said lntere1:1ted parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner. and said Board being of opinion that so.id petition should be granted. it is hereby ordered and deter:nined, that the said pet 1 ti oner and the following d esc-ri bed lands ovmed by him, to-wit: Et of NPJt Section 21 Township 133 P.a~e 36 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District no. 150 to said adjoining School District No. 91 and said lands are hereby made a part of. said last names school district for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board o! county Commissioners. Dated the 11th. da,v of October A. D,. 1950 · Geo. B, Gunderson (Auditor's Seal) chairman or tne Board of county commissioners ot otter Tall County, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln bounty Aurhtor, and ex-off1c10 Clerk of Board. The petition of Philip G. Hurseth to be set over from Dist. 43 to Dlst. 214 was taken up for final action and after listening to the petiti.oner and other interested parties both f'or and against the petition and after full consideration. the petition was rejected. The petition of o. F . .Putnam to set over the IJi HE¼ of Sec. 4 in the Township of Pelican from Dist. 57 to Dist. 18 was taken up for final action and. after consideration, upon motion. the petition was rejected. The pet i tlon of Albert Engquist to be set over from Dist. HI to Dii.st. 20 was taken up .f'or final actlo, After full consideration, upon motion. the pEtitlon was granted a'lld th~ Hoard issued the fol10·,•1ing orller to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Albert Engquist a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No 19 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District. and ad .ioin School Dis tr let no. 20 and asking that he ,·:1th his said lands may be set of·0 from said district No. 19 to said adJoininf school district Ho. 20 was presented to the Board of Count,v CornmiAsioners o~ this Count,v at a session o-~ said board held on the 11th. da,v of Julr A. D,, 195) "'or the act ion of said board thereon; a."ld vrhereas it 1,•os thereupon ord ere<' b,v ee.id board that a hearing should be had on said petition. at a se~sion o! said board on the 11th. day of October A. D,, 1950 at the county Aud 1 tor's off ice in the Cit.\' of '<'ergus "'alls in said County; and whereas 1 t was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such henrinp.: be f!:i"en by pcstinp: copies cf said order in three public places in each o·f the school districts to be al.'feoted by said petl tlon. and b,v :nallinp. to the clerk of each of said School Districts. a cop,v of said order at least ten days be·f'ore the time appointed for such hearinp.:; and whereas at the said session of the said HoF.J.rd of county Commissioners on said 11th. day of October A. D., 1950 due proof of the posting anc service of said order of hearing as therein directed and re(!uired, more than ten days prior to so.id last named date, having been made and filed. said pet it ion v,a.s publ icl,v read and cons ldered by the Board, with ererything ·.•1hich was said by said interested parties for or against granting the pra.ver of the pet it loner. and said Board being of opinion that said petition shonld be granted, it ls hereby orcl ered and determined, that the sal.d petitioner and the following described lands owned by him. to-wit: Lots 2 and 3 and the SF,f of SW~ Section 24 Township 132 Ranp.:e 42 be and the same are hereb,y set off from said School District No. 19 to said ad,1oining s chcol District rro. 20 and said lands are hereb,v made a part o·f-" said last named School District for all pur.pe.ses whatever. BY order of th~ Bonrd of County commissioners, Dated the 11th. da,y of October A, D., 1950, (Auditor's Seal) Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman of the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail county, !,!inn. Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, and ex-offlcio Clerk of Board The petition of Arnold Sohachtsclmeider to be set over from Dist. 19 to Dist, 20 was taken up for final action, A·fter full consideration the petition 1vas p.ranted md the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Arnold Sohachtschneider a ler,al voter,. freeholder end resident of School District No, 19 in this Count,v. representing that he is the owner o~ the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and ad.1oin School District No. 20 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district ?-Jo. 19 to said adjoining school district No. 20 was presented to the Boord of county Co~missioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 11th. day of July A, D., 1950 for the action of said board theron; and v.•hereas lt was thereupon ordP.red by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition. at a session of said board on the 11th. da,v of October A,D., 1950 at the county Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls-in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of suc·n. hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts ti:l':'be affected b,v said petitio1 and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said o.rder at least ten da,ys be- fore the time appointed for such hearing: and whereas at tile said SP.S!i<lon of the said Board of 'Jounty Commissioners on said 11th. da,v of October A. D., 1!150 due proof of the posting and servlce ot said order of hearir::g as therein directed and re'!nired, more than ten aa,vs prior to :31:1.id last named date, having been made ana filed, said petition we.a pu!'ilicl,v read and considered b.Y tile l3oard, with everything 1vhic11 v1e.s said by said interested parties for or against flrantlng the pra,yPr of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said peti tlon should be r,ranted. it is hereb,V ordered and determinFJa. u1at the s&.ld pet 1 tloner and the following described lands owned by him, to-1vi t, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, •OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ ••·············-··-······October ... ll., ...................... 19.?..0. Lots 5 and 6 and Lot 7 except West 56 rods Section 23 Township 132 Range 42 be and the same are hereby set of.f from said School District No. 10 to said adjoining School District No. 20 and so.id lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of county commissioners. Dated the 11th. d~v of October A, D., 1050. (Auditor's Seal) Geo, B. Gunderson chalr::ian of the Board of county Corn,nlssioners of Otter Tail County. !,.inn. Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, and ex-offic10 Clerk of Board. The petition of Hugo Ahlgren to be set over from Dist. 160 to Dist. 171 was taken u~ for final action. After full consideration the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-v:it Whereas, The petition of Hugo Ahlgren a legal· voter, freeholder o.nd resident of School District No. 169 in this County, representing tho.t he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described 1vh.ich are situate in said School District, and. adjoin School District 1ro. 171 and asking that he Y1ith his said lands may be set off from said district No. 160 to so.id adjoining school district No. 171 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 20th day of September A, D, .105(1 ·f'or the o.ct ion of said board thereon; and whereas 1 t wo.s thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of so.id board on the 11th. day of October A, D,, 1050 o.t the county Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the tirne and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of' said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be af·fected by said petition, and b~• mail- ing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed f'or such hearing; and v:hereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 11th. day of October A, D,., 1950 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein direct'!d and required, more than ten days prior to said last named da.te, having been made and filec said petition was ·publicly rean and considered b.v the 'Roe.rd, with everything which was said b.v said inter- ested parties for or against granting the pra.ver 9f the pet i t.ioner, and said Board be int' of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and deterJ11ined. that the said petitioner and the ·f'ollow.ing described lends owned b,v hirn. to-wit: E½ of NEf of Section 28 and the SE~ of SEf. of section 21 Township 137 Range 36 be and the same are hereb,v set of· from said School Di.strict rro. 169 to said ad,1oining School Distr.ict No. 171 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District :f'or all purposes v:hatever. By order of the Board of County commissioners. Dated the 11th. day of October A, D,. 1950. (Auditor's Seal) The following resolution was adopted: Geo. B. Gunderson Cha1rman or the Boo.rd of nounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest·: William Lincoln cou.nty Ami1tor, and. ex-=off.ic10 Clerk o·t Board. Resolved b.v the Board of county Commissioners of Otter To.il County, l,linneso ta; That the following levies for repair of county di tohes be made 1,i th the taxes for 1950 to be payable in the .vear 1951 as ·follows: County Ditch No. 38, 6%; County Ditch No. 42, 10%; oount.v Ditoh Ifo. 70, 10%. such percentn@:es to be oompnted on the benefits assessed in said ditch proceedings at the time ditches were established; Resolved further that a levy of ~500,00 be spread on lands bene·fitted by the establishment of County Ditch No. 64, said lev,1, being pa,vable in the .vear 1951 Ytith taxes. Adopted Oct. 11, 1950. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman. P.eFJolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the bond of JI. L. Allen, Supervisor of Assessment for Otter Tail county, be and the same is hereby fixed at the smn of $600.00. Adopted Out. 11, 1950, Attest: William Lincoln Clerk, Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman. ' -. __I__ ~ . ·coMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... ·-··-····-Q"J;.Q.b.e.r ... J.l., ....................... _ .. _._ ..... 19 .. P.9. The follovring resolution 1vas adopted: ~esolveil b.V the Board of county CommissionP.rs of Otter Tail Con.l'lty. Minnesota: That the salar.v o:e Odin Johnson, engineP.r and janitor at the Otter Tail county court house be and the same hereby is fixed at the sum of ~245.00 commencing Oct. 1. 1950. Ado9ted Oct. 11, 1950. Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Geo. i3. Gunderson Chairman. ~eso.lved by the Board o!. County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,v, Minnesota: That the salar,1• o!' Vlendell :u. ,1ubP.r, count.v 1Ughvta.v F.np,ineer, be and the same is hereby -fixed at the sum of $485.00 per month commencing Oct. 1, 1gso. Adopted Oct. 11, 1950. Attest: William I,incoln Clerk. Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman. Upon mot.ion, the auditor was instruotecl to advP.rtise for bids for furnishing bonds for county officials whose terms will commencP. the first Monde,y in .:ranuari• 1951 and also bends for the deputies of such officials, said bids to be opened at the sesRion of the '3oard Nov. 14, 1950 at 10 o'clock A. M.' The question of maintaining the so-called Overgaard road in the Township of Saint Olaf was again taken up and, upon motion, it was ordered that the county will not maintain said towhship road after Dec. 31, 1950. The bond of Paul c. Phillips as county surveyor in the sum of $500.00 with St. Paul Me·rcury Indemnity Co .• , as surety, was approved. Cigarette license was granted to Walter E, Jones at Maine store for the period from Sept. 1st to Dec .• 31, 1950. A report of the Boar/I of Audit of an examination of the current tax collections of the county treasurer for the period from ,Tan. 3, 1950 to Mar, 13, 1950, both incl1tsivP., showing a total of $721,333.9~ collected was approved. . A report of the Board of Audit of an exa'llinatton of the current tax collectios of the county treasurer for thP. oeriod from Mar. 11, 1950 to ,iune !30, 1950, hoth inclusive, showing collection of $1,114,315,40 was a~proved. The application of Zion Church Council for canoP.llation of penalty on 1948 taxes against Lot 3, Block 6, Cutler's 4th Addition to l"ere;us Ji'alls was rejected as taxes ar,d penalty had been paid in full. The following bills were allowed: J.C. Henkes M. c. Lee Ed. C. Drews J. C, Henkes Louise Stondahl Mabel Wenstrom Elizabeth Sundby Mar.jorie Stenstrom ~eatrice M, Will H. T,. Allen Maybelle J. Lee Dr. R, TT, Liebold Dr. Everett C, Hanson E6ward J. Johnson Albert Fritz Frank Roberts Frank c. Barnes Fritz-cross co. Gaffaney's Office Specialties Co. Addressograph Sales Agency The pierce co. Free Press co. !-Aid land Pa·per & staty. co. Poucher Prtg, ~ Lith. co. ?leleon Bros. Prtg. co. Victor Lundeen~ Co. !,tiller-Davis Co. Ugeblad l>ub. Co. The "leroe co. Gaffaney's Office Specialties Olson-Enetad-Le.rson Inc. expenses dep. sheriff's ex-p. " ,, " Bd, of prisoners expensP.S II Co, Supt. Cl!!rk " " ., " expenses II coroner's fees II weed control II II &: exam. municipal judge's fees records supplies ma1n. snpplies nnrse blanks sup·plies school supplies !)rinting blanks\ printing hlanks ballots ': printinp: school supplies supplies insurance $. 91.41 40.80 23.75 178.50 80.12 75.59 5.00 75.00 82.50 8,42 87.76 10.35 20.05 119,40 228.50 266.76 25.60 178.16 1.50 20.50 11,20 16.30 20.69 26.86 13.70 192.55 36. 78 327.63 78,80 11.10 243.23 244 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Maybelle ,T. Lee N. W. Bell Tel. Co. Do. Chae. H. Hord Hintgen-Karat Elec. Co. Minn. Maintenance corp. Duro Teat Corp. Larson Bros. Fergus Journal Co. 'A". \7. Clorvir,en riorman Nnnn Ma.1r1:lelle ,T. Lee Carlton Mortenson Louis Zinter M.vron Duhn Carl ,Tahn Ruth C, Campbell Philip IJI. K~ap,lien \Vagner' s su.rplus Store Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Philip M. Kjaglien Len Cooper (Henning's) Water ·"' Light Dept. N. W. Bell Tel Co. E:atherine D. i•wonsend Archie Emery 11. \'I, Glorvigen Barke, Allison & Darby w. s. Darley & Co. William Gamber Odin Johnson Minn.· State Sanatorium· Frank rraegeli, M. D. Poor Dept., City of F,F. Norman Nunn Countryman Drug co. A, w. Co., Inc. of Minn. P.uff,idge-Johnson Equipt. co. Minn. F.w.D. co. riorthwest Engineering co. Rosholt Equipt. co. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Wm.~-zi,gler Co., Tnc. Geo. T, Ryan Co. Kinne' s, Inc.' Do Service Recorder Co. Sko~mo Motors, tnc. C. TT. B,1orklund Body Shop Larson Bros. Fortwengler Elec. Shop Olson Auto Eleotric Bill's Service Station Wm. Sauer Minn. 1,:otor co. Bill Nelson 011 Co. Park Machine, rnc. The Atco. co. O'Mearas•s American Paint Corp. Paper, Calmenson & Co. 'A". r:. Stahl C.o • .'le E, A. "Bloese National Bushing&: ~arts co. Nicols. Dean,,. Gregg Thelen Implement Co. Wilcox T,umber Co. , Vergas Harr.v Marquard Wilcox Lumber Co., Henning Ed. HendricJ~x Arve Tappe John Dieseth co. P'err,us 011 Co. "Renning Oil Co. Dan's Texaco Service Harthun,,. Peterson 011 co. Baas Oil co. Anderson~ Sandberg Oil Oo. Penrose Oil Co. Uinn. State "P"ip,hwe..v Dept. KennP.t h Ilairn otter Tail Co. San. N. W, Bell Tele. Co. Minneapolis Blue Print. Co. N. W. Bell Tele. Co., Henning· Empire Supply Co. N. W, Bell Tele. co., F,F. Marchant Ce.le. Mach. co. Wendell P. Huber Y/. L. Potter Wendell I'. Huber G.D. Harlow Geo. Olson Giles Harlow, Jr. Ant.bony A. Prohosky DATE .................. Octobi:r .. 11, ..................................... 1950 .. telephone calls work at sheriff's residence bulbs sup·plles lamps repairs C.H. publishing box rent postage services as ~ailer cionstable fees dep. sheriff's fees ., ,, exp. vet. service " ., ., supplies vet. · stationery " paetage " supplies water &: light service rent services ser. " " " vet. ser, " " " " licenses exp. (driver's) bond premium supplies asslstinr, county nurse hauling mail care of patiPnts exam. supplies for transient postage sponr,es parts parts " " parts & cutting edges parts .,,. supplies parts. " repairs " " '' etc. " tires & repairs supplies " material t11.rpentine steel· posts oil supplies renal of equipt. gasoline etc. Gasoline " etc. diesel fuel " supplies Right of wa.v ,, " " services, Battle Lake supplies services freight long distance calculator cash. Adv. expenses " " " $ 2.26 59.85 20.05 13.20 3.48 48.75 41. 73 1.75 3,00 2.00 2.00 ,1.18 97.50 3.57 6.00 19.20 14.16 61.62 3.98 81.29 4.24 86.05 10.27 9. 70 45.00 12.45 6.40 24.87 2.33 5.00 1.00 197.58 3.00 5.70 45.00 4.00 79.87 186.08 3.80 2·1.01 91.83 84.16 584.38 558.66 550.76 213.68 5.12 31.10 28.25 34.40 9.40 47.18 20.11 8.70 1.50 793.58 33.12 20.50 340.31 55.50 208.35 133.41 2.39 203.80 6.35- 9.16 5.98 17.25 1.60 2.50 137.50 216.12 61.54 5.72 .70.03 97.97 69.50 112. 75 134.69 73.20 49.50 33.05 6.09 8.98 2.99 27.80 496.00 12.23 98.94 152.27 12.40 16.80 13.14 3.25 ·COMMISSIONERS RECORD·N, ·OTTER TAIL .COUNTY, MINN. Township of western " " Edna " Oak Valley Service Oil co. Farmers' ·co-op. Creamery Co. Hagge Oil Co. Ebersvlller' s Chas. Fortwengler Elec. Shop Vergas Tele phone Co. Hintz & son Blacksmith Shop Holten Hardware Sob's Service Pelican Tele. Co. Bert Stone George t1anson Flenry Siel1.ng Geo. B. Gunderson DATE ....................... _ .. Q.~.!~:'?.~.! ... ~.~, .............................. 1950. gradin13 " road work gasoline gasoline etc. diesel fuel parts repairs sen·ices repairs supplies gasoline .services exp. attd. meE't. ·:" ,. " ,, " " Upon mot ion, the Board then ad ,1ourned to Nov. 14, 1950 at 10 o'clock A. IJ[. Attest: $ 300.00 300.00 300.00 80.74 38.17 988.88 2.59 7.94 19.05 73.75 67.71 32.16 5.95 10.50 7.56 15.24 5.64 I I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE _____________________________ November _________________________________ 19 50 IUITTJT":S CF ST.'1!:CHt MEF.TTUG OF THE BOARD Oli' CQUifrY 00MMIS!'!IONERS Oli' OTTF.P. TA n ~OUilTY' ••mlN. By consent of the Bntire noard of r.ounty commissioners -the board met at 2 o'clock P.M, Nov. 2, 1950 at the request of the sheriff to consider cancellatlbon of personal propert,v taxes for 1949 upon which the sheriff was unable to obtain service and therefore no collection cc.i,uld be made. All members of the board were present. U~on motion, the following tax-es as listed QY the sheriff «ere ordered cancelled: Edwin :Raeder Amor $66,36 L, c. Syverson 3rct ward Cit,v 12,66 Dale :r.. Johnson Dora 12.52 G. E. Johnson Amor 7.11 wm. Eide 4th \Yard City 'f ,68 Lambert Boedigheimer Perham 1. 04 HHtay Dis play co. Buse 2. 61 James Ryan Underwood Villuge 2.48 Paul Ogren 1st Ward City 2.15 Gerald Bergeson Perham Village 3.~6 navi.d ii, Y.lein Richville 4.46 F, M. Spears City 19,34 Lois 'I: L.F., P."rueger Dunn 9,63 earl ''/isine.Tid Girard 11.bO Frank Thompson 4th Ward City 11.71 ogelive !J. Laimore Dunn 4.22 !fire Beauty Sho~ Girard 14 .11 \'!, R, Grisv1old 3rd Ward City 6,93 Elmer D. Archer Sverdrup 9. 22 Bpon motion, the Board then adjourned. Attest: nJJ~~ IJlnnJTES OF ADJOURNED MEETtNG O"F THE BOARD OF CCUN'rY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTf.R 'i'AIL CO., MINNESOTA, Pursuant to adjournment tne Board met at 10 o' clocl: A. M, Tuesday Nov. 14, lVbO. Present were Commissioners Sieling, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg. Bids for furnisning bonds for county officers and deputies for term commencing Jan. l, Hibl were read and, after discussion, action on said bids was deferred to the December meeting. The petition of Nellie M, Chalmers for repurchase of tract forfeited for non-payment of taxes on Aug. 2~nd was read, The following resolution was adopted: _ Whereas this "Board has this day received for c·onaideration the petition of Nellie M, Chalmers for repurchase of the East 3t rods of the west 8 rod9 of the ~ast 39t rods of the South 10 rods of the SW¼ of the NWt of Section 2. TO\'mship 132, Range 36 which tract was forfeited to the St'lte of Minnesota on Aug. 22, 1950 for the reason that taxes tor the year 1943 and subsequent years were unpaid, and, Whereas, this Board is satisfied that said real estate is not loca".ed 1•:i thin any restricted area esta.blished by th!! Board or county Commissioners of otter Te.il county end that said· real estate has not been sold by the State and is not under n1w miner1e1. prospective or lease and is not under any cond.emnatio1 by the State or any of the political subdivisions thereoff or by the United states, Now, therefore it is hereby resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tail County that undue hardship or injustice would result if the forfeiture for the non-payment of taxes was not corrected and thr:t the·refore Nellie M, Chalmers shall be permitted to repurchase same for the su.m equal to the aggregate of all taxes Blld assessments together with penalties, interests and costs; that this resolution is adopted u.nder and pursuant to Chapter 461 Minnesota Session Laws 1949. Adopted Nov. 14, 1950 Geo. B, Gunderson Attest: William Lincoln clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Rl!1SOLU'i.'I0ll BY THE BOAlID OF COUNTY COMMISSiotlERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MIIfilESOi'A Chairman ¥1HF.REAS, it has been the practice of otter Tail Count.\' for scyeral years to give assistance to townships in their construction program, and 11!m~~EAS-, such assistance consisting of claims for towhship aid in the amount of $300,00 have been coming in yeRr by year on irregular dates, and WHERE_&.S, towbships should list on their claims the followinB in-formation: 1. Location of work; 2. Month when work was performed; 3. Names of contractors; 4. Amount paid or due contractors: ·COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER.TAIL COUNTY, .MINN. DATE ....................... _.lfovember······························-······Jg50 .. i .... be on f.lle in the county ca ma or cons ruction aid during the current year shall the manner stated above, not later than December 1 in order to receive aid. Adopted this 14th day of November, 1950. Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln Glerk. A report of the public examirier of e.n examination of the accounts at the Otter Tail Co1mty Sanatori11. f.or the year 1949 w~s presented to the Board. Upon motion, it was ordered, placed on file. The application of the Village of Wadena for concellation o .f taxes for 1948 and '49 on the SE¼ NE¼ and the South 26.95 acres of the IlF,¼ ?IE¼ of Sec.3 Township 134, Rane;e 36, for the reason that said property was owned by the VillSBe and used excluaivey during that time as a public park. and recreational grounds was rend and the board recommened to the Commissioner of Taxation that said taxes, penal t,v and interest amounting to ~38.14 for 1948 nnd ~38.37 for 1949 be cancelled, . The e.pplication of ttarry Jorgenson for reduction iri taxes for 1949 against Lots 6, 7 and 8 and the F.¼-S~· of Sec. 28 of the Townshi•p of Maplewood, was read and it appearing to the board that said taxes for said yenr had been paid in full, upon motion, the application ~,as re,1ected, The application of Fred H.'m.ohr for settlement of delinquent taxes for 1946-47-48 on the extreme westerly 50 feet along J~nx St. in Block A of vertel's Addition to the Village of Perham on the ground that structure was assessed on said tract for said .vears. l'!hereaa, there was no structure thereon during an,v of that time, said building being properly assessed on an ad joininp. tract and taxes for all of said years having been paid in full, v:as read end the board recommended to the co,nrnissioner of Taxation that taxes. penalty and interest and costs. in the total sum of $80.01 be sP.tUed for $3.91. The application of Fred H, Mohr for reduction in taxes for l!i49 on the foregoing tract for reasons sho1•m above was read and the board recommenden to tile commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value for said year be reduced from $160,00 to $10,00 and taxes from $21.21 to $1.33, The applicntion of the Village of Battle Lake for settlement of delinquent taxes for 1945-46-47 against Lot 20 in Block 30 of Bowman and Dunton's Adciltion to the Village of Battle Lalce on thP. ground that said tract was acquired b,v said village Jan, 3, 1945 and has been used for village purposes only since that date, was read and the board recommended to the Commissioner of. Taxation that taxes, penalty and interest and costs on said tract for above mentionen years in the sum of $44,93 be cancelled. Upon motion the board ad,journed to 10 A, M, iJov, 15th. WED[Jl'!SDAY'S SP.SSION, .Pursuant to ad,1ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M, Wednesday Uo, 15, 1950, all members being present. Members of the vlllar,e council of Henning Vill&BP. appeared before the Board to urge appropriation for improving raad in the village. Cigarette license for the balance of the yP.ar 1950 was granted to Leonard Barker at store in Almora. Philip Kjaglien, Veterans• Service Officer, filed with the Board his report for the months of September and October, Certificates of com!)letion of the followinp.: road jobs were filed 1,1th the oount,v auditor: Ferbert Reese, Greenbush, Minn., s •. a..R.-!ll-~eh:P.en 4,75 m.lles east of t'lep.geland and Otter Tail J.ake (S,P.56-501-09, S 33 (5); John Dleseth Co,, Ferr,us Falls, !.!inn., S.A,R. #1--Between 2.3 Miles south of Amor and Amor (S,P, 56-501-10, S423 (4); S,A.R. #16--~etween 3.6 Miles Vlest 01~ 'l',.J?,108 ,rt !"l'enninf.( I§: T,H, 108 at Rennin (S.P, 56-525-01, S 506 (1); Alfred Evavold, Ashby, Minn., S,i\.~. /f,3--Between C,A,R, f/,28, 3 Miles east&: 1 Mile Ilorth of Rothsay /1: Erhard (S,P. 56-529-01, S 111 (6); Harve,11 VI, Nelson, Lake Park., S,A,R, 1/17-- Between l..5 Miles south of the north Count.v line Northwest of Vergas &: Norbh county line (S.P. 56-513-01, S 691 (4); S,A,R, /4--Between 1,0 miles northeast of Vergas & 1.66 miles north of Vergas (S,P. 56-511-03, S 689 (5); Van Walker construction Co., Moorhead, Minn., S,A,R, #:1--Bridge--over Ottertail River 2 miles north,:est of Ottertail, Minn. (S,P, 56-501-05, s .. 423 (3). The petition of George J, strand, Jr, to set over Lot 2 except Railroad Right of Way in Sec, 28, Town of Edna, from Dist. No, 260 to Dist, no. 274 we,s read and it was ordered that a hearing on 3aid petition be had at the session of the board i:n the commissioners' Room ih the court House at 10 o'clock A, M, Jan. 3, 1951 and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The pet i.tion of \Vm. ·Wallace to set over the SW¼ SEJ¼ and the st Sfft-of Seo. 31, Township 138, Range 40 in 13ecker county from school District rio. 26!J of otter Tail r:onnt~• to District l!o, 25 of Becker County was read and it was ordered. that a heo.rinp. on said petition be had at the session o~ the board at the Commissioners• Room in the r.01irt lTOu!le Jan. 3, 1951 at 10 o'clock A, M, and thnt due notice of the time an 9lace of said hee.rin,'! be p.iven as required b.l' law, A report of. the Board of Aud it or. an examination of thP. acoou.nts of ?, M, Ree, County Treasurer, for the period from Aug, 1 to Sept. 30, 1950 showing a balance in the connt.v trP.o.sur,v at the close of business on said last named date of $1,043,358.72 was approvP.d, Upon motion, the Board took a recese to 2 o'clock~-M. !'11rsnant to 9revious ap.reement the commissioners took up the queatior1 of assessment of the dr.v milk plant in Perhan VillBEte for 1946 and '47 which assessment had been entered by the county board and also the question of an agreement ea to taxes on said property for the ·,vears l!J48 and '49 v:r.ich had not bP.en assessed •. "!?resent at the me~ttnp. were Mr. John Burgess, representing J,and O J.akes Co, also mayor, assP.sso 81;1d council members of "Derham Villap.e and representatives of the school boo.rd of so.id village toBether •nth th,i cour1ty auditor. After liateninp. to at~tements of Mr, ~urr,ess and all of the other ·members of the meetin(!: including "R', T,, Allen, Su-oervisor of AssesRments, and after full discussion of the situation and the il.esirabili t,v of. keepinr, open the plant during th!! cominp. years it was unanimously ap.reed to recommend ;1.d,-f Ii COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .. ____________ rrov ember ________________________________________________ 19 __ 50 to the ciommissiom!r of Taxat lon that taxes for l!l46-17-4A and '49 be-settlea :;:or a tOtaJ. sum o:i:. ~.1.0,u~o.ul. y Adelegation of citizens from lfobart and Perham e.ppeA.re<' to urge improvement of county road in the Townships of Edna, Hobart, Perhan and Gorman. The following rP.solution was adopted: !lF,S OL UT TO.W BY T'i!': BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS!ONERS OTTER TA TT, COUNTY, MINIW.SOT A 'R":Sf.lLV~D. that 11 p1Drtion of County Aid Road #30 in Otter Tall connt,v l>e and the same here_b,v is revoked as follows: Beginning at thP. sou.thwest corner of Section l!l. Tl37N-R43\'I: thence run Horth 2.0 miles to the Northwest corner of Section 18, Tl37N-R43W, and there terminating, Length: 2,0 Uiles. Adppted this 15th day of November, 1950. Geo. B. Gunderson Chairman Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln Clerk. The following resoiution Ytas adopted: RT:1S0LUTION BY T~ !30ARD 01" cnUNTY ":OMMTSstomrns OTT)';R 'TAIL r,ouuTY. !.!Tirf-P':SOTA BE IT R:P.:SOLVED, That the Commissioner of Righvtays be and he hereby is authorizer end requested to take such steps and perform such acts on behalf_ of the Cou.nt,v of Otter Tail as. may be necessary to have the construction and improvement of the roads hereinafter described properly approved by the commissioner of F:ighwa:,s as a Federal-Aid Secondary Project elillible ilfor the expenditure of ·f'ed.eral funds thereon and eligible for present construct ion and the letting of a. contract therefor, Road No. s.A,R, i1 S.A.R, :Jil S.A.R. ,,-1 S,A.R. #1 S.A.R. #1 S,A.R. fl S. A. !'1. J/-1 S.A.R. #5 S.A.R. #16 Location cost Fergus Falls and south 5.5 Miles 4, 75 Miles E.of Weggeland to Otter •rail 2.1 Miles South of Amor to Amor 7 , Jffi'0'700 Lake6,175,00 2,730.00 From T.R.108 3.0 Miles E. ~f Ottertail to new York Mills New York Mills to 2.7 Miles North 8.75 Miles N.~. of New York Mills to 15.3 ~lles N,E, of New York Mills T,'FI, J!79 Northwest 01' Ottertail to 2.0 Miles west From Parkers rralrle to 4,0 Miles East 3. 624 Miles l'f, of T. H. 4/106 at Henning to T.H. /{:108 at Henning 13,715.00 3,510.00 52,000.00 1,963.00 5,200.00 4,212 .oo Adopted this 15th day of llovember, 1950. Geo. B. Gunderson Attest: \'lilllam Lincoln Clerk, The follO\Ving resolution was adopted RP.~OT,UTto~T BY TltF. 'BOARD OF COTJNTY COMMTSST0?1r-:RS O'i'T'!'!R TA.TT. r,l)TTjiTY~ 1.mrrmsoTA 'tlE TT ~i:::=:nr.VF.D, That the Chairman a'l!ld the Audi tor are hereby authorized and directed ·for and on behalf of the County of Otter Tail to execute and enter into a controct with the Commissioner of Hillhwaye for the plowing oi' snow from the following described roads: public hif!hways under the .Jurisdiction of the municipality all on the terms and conditions contained and set forth in "State 9f Minnesota. De·partment of 'fUghvra.vs Maintenance Division snow 1?loY:ing Agreement Form 110. l", a copy of which said form was be~ore the Board, assuming on behalf of the county all of the contractual obligations therein contain~d Bl': IT '!i'TJRT'IER RF.':OL,lF.D, That Wendell P, Huber, the County Hlghv:ay Engineer of said Count,.,,-of Otter Tall, be and he hereb.v ls authorized to request and order from time to time men and equlpl!lr,nt for the plowing of snow in accordance with and und'!r thP terms. of the foregdllnp. contract. Adopted this 15th dn.r of Novemhl'r, 1950. Attest: Vfilllam Lincoln Clerk, The following bills were allowed: J. c. Henkes M. c. Lee Edward C, DreYlS J, c. rrenkes Ceo. 13. C:und.erson Chairman e:,r:penses " boarding prisoners $120.71 141,f13 39.18 202.50 J ·~OMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... JJ!?.!.~.l!l.!!.~.r. ... -................................... 19. 50 Louise Stondahl Mabel0 \'/enstrom r.tar.1orie Stenstrom Beatrice M, Will, 1:. L. Allen John L, Bixby Mildred Bruvold Maybelle J. Lee !.l'.eybe~le J. Lee C. J, Lund, M,D. Frank c. Barnes Alfred Putnam Theo. Heaseth w. 1-J. Dewey Harry T. Burau Herbert F. Dnenow Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Reming~on Rand Inc. Miller-Davis co. Gaffane.vs DO DO Vlcto·r Lundeen !: Co. American Librai·y Assn. Security Blank Book & Printinp, Co, Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Security Blank Book !I: Printing Co, Miller-Davis er,. Securitl• envelope Co. !felSOll Bros. Prtg. Co. rergus Journal Co. Remington Rand ao. v. D, Smalley, Jr. BattlP. Lake Review Johnson rurniture co. N.w.Bell TP.l. co. Do Do Slcan Valve Co. nelson Welding Shop Campbell Coal Co. , Ole Kulstad IJymari Fuel Co. coste1lo Mfg. co. !Untgen-Jratst Geva Chemical Products, Inc, !:e~•anee Boiler Corp. Fere:us Electric Inc. united ChemicHl Co. Hol t,m Hardware Joseph Rayner, Sr. Peter Hink, ·Jr. Louis Klein H. W, Glorvir,en Lou:rse stondahl P. M. Ree Maybelle J. Lee Horman Nunn Western Union P., w. Olorvigen .Johnson Drugs i:tarkstrom Drug Store American Legion Post #18,Henning Irene M, Imsdahl Admx. ,1ason Pub. Co. Extrem Clinic '//alter M, Olson St. ¢1Rlr & Gunderson !4abei Wenstrom Y/est Pub. Co. ::l'reil Gast City We.ter & Light Dept. N. W. Bell Tel. Co, Philip M, Kjaglien Victor Lundeen & co. Veterans Information s~rvice Katherine D. Townsend Philip M. Y.jaglien General supply Co. Nopeming Sanatorium Geo, B. Wright l!oepi tal Nope!lling s·anatorium Village of Parkers Prairie Minnesota State sanatorium Clty of Barnesville Mrs, Cleo Garrison City of "'ergue Falls Dr. Frank Naep,P.li Geo. B. Gunderson Hepry Sieling "Bert Stone George Hanson expenses clerk Co. Supt. ,, ., expenses .. transcripts expenses Co. Nurse ,. " " coroner's fees municipal judge's fees soil cons. exp. " n " " ballots supplies election supplies r.e-pair t,vpewri ter SUP!)lies school supplies supplies 'I: printing school supplies recora book book covers & blanks court calendars speclal plat .book blanks & supplies envelo!)eS pr int ing 9<: supplies publishing supplies pnb. notice ., " suppli<?s mobile service calls repair parts repairs repair stoker repairs coal supplies " It water glass fuses supplies .. nep. sheriff's fees .. " constablP. :fees postage .. (nurse) tP.legrams license expenses supplies It decorating graves refund of excess fees dlgest etc. services ~ail supplies .. cnsh advanced u.w. reporter,., digest handcuffs wa.ter,light etc. (vet. ser.) service .\; call " " postage supplies " ,, rent expenses supplies ua1·e of patient care of child care of patient care of transient oare of patients burial expP.nse care of child " " poor expense examlnntion etc. commissioner's expenses " ,, " II II 9.01 74.23 130.00 102.50 30,16 37.98 21.40 64.58 5.75 3b,25 40 ,«) 30.00 30.10 32.20 24.50 21,70 440.75 733.68 ~05.75 14,00 20.00 57.60 H3,'/0 6.00 121.:so 2:n: .84 141,.00 40.75 43.32 10.l'/ 49.50 311,50 50.80 1.20 8.40 55.40 81.-70 40.45 22.80 8.17 3.45 16.15 6.30 601.61 37.92 1.00 49.50 .98 .60 51.30 7,03 16.65 7.32 7.20 25.00 57.72 31.15 2.00 45.00 19.16 4.50 8.00 .94 13.00 62.16 35.00 30.50 ll.90 3,50 12,50 33.00 10.00 8,83 16.35 5.45 19.40 6.00 45.00 63.00 1.66 241.18 492.67 233.40 106.77 165.54 150.00 45.00 3934.52 3.00 5.64 20.04 15.80 11.34 .J...50 I ' ' 1· I : 111111 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... _ ..................... lfQY.e.«1b.1u· ...... _ ........................... 19 .. P.Q 11111 Bert stone George Hanson Henry Siellng Martin O, Brandon Jr, IV, Glorvigen l'Tilllam Lincoln Bill Nelson Oil Co. Henning Oil oo. Highway Comoany Bengtson Oil co. Lincoln standard service Tvreet Garage Fossen Oil co. Ra,v' s 011 Co. Cities Service station Service Oil Station, B.L, Lars Stoen r,1rs, i;!ay Okeson Le.ltilh Construotion Co. Gotlieb Hoffman Park Region Oil Co. Harri.a •'I: Sdwin u. Olson Chas. T,. ,1orud Mrs. Donald F., ,Johnson P.oy Evavold V.lllage o·f Henning Village of Perham Village of Battle Lake P, R, cust Elec. co., Vergas City of Fergus Falls Thor Tho reon Fergus Falls water & Light Dept. c. w. Brooks L, E, Schepper Motor Patrol Association Moore Hardware Natl. Bushing -'I: Parts co. Fergus Lumber&: fuel Co, Wilcox Lumber Co,, Perham Ebbersviller's P.e Bon Chev. co. field Machine Service Thelen Implement Co. Les Tire Service Midwest Supply Co. Ostrus Snowfence & Cribbing Co, Smith, Inc. ffintgen-JCarst Elec. Co, Axel Soderlund Henning Auto 'c Mach. works Midwest Supply Co, Minneanolis Iron store ta cols~ D~an & Grep.g Skoe;mo Motors, TIie~ A, B, Y.il~e Co. T,ars on Bros • C, T-T_-B.~orklund Bod,v Shop Walt's Repair Shop Maine Repair Shop w •• ,. Robison Rude's Garage Lewie Bolt&: uut co. Lake Region Motor co. Olson Auto Electtic Geo. T, m.van co. Northwest Engineering co. Wm, F, Ziegler co.; Inc. Rosholt Equipt. Co. Rosenwald-cooper, Inc, E mpi;re Supply Co. Elk River cono. Produot Co. . FT. V. Johnston Cnl v. Co. Armoo Drainage &: Metal PTod. 110. Minnesota F,l'l,D, CCJ1, Paper, Calmenson ~ o o. Town of Star Lake Town of Dane Prairie Town of rergus FRlls Town of Li:da Town.of Inman Jaenisch Industries Fergus ?lash Motor co. Fergus Plumbing 8: Heating Paper, Calmenson & Co. Allisdln i,!otor Co. Ruffridr,e-,,ohnson •• F.quipt. Co. S, & F, Oil Co. ToYm o·f "Blowers Tovm of. Corliss Service Recorder co. O' J,learas \Vend.ell P. 1-luber Do Mille tJ:ardware commissilJner ··s expeu0c0 services canvassing Board " " " " gasoline etc. " p,asoline " II etc. era!el aqnipt. rental r,ravel 88.SOline clay gravel . .. eqnip:nent rental curb & gutter water charges ooal maintenance gravel equipment rental gravel " towing supplies " " " repairs .. tubes sn pplies lath filters repairs ,. " snpplies ~ parts " repairs " " s11pplies repairs II parts II II supplies " culverts ., re.rte· CJ.itting edges grading " repairs supplies cutting edr,es repairs parts gasoline p.rad inp, " repnirs supplies oash adv. on postage posta11-e supplies II 'ii ... ..., • ..,\.,, 12.40 15.60 10.10 10.10 10.10 254.13 28.51 10.37 126.47 30.07 · 1.00 36.01 49.17 47,99 60.24 176.51 12,80 1556.87 · 149.10 147,08 10.00 38.15 65.45 390.00 140.67 218.00 9,80 112.00 250.00 95,13 20.00 51.60 31.85 3.75 3,60 4,00 3.60 3.00 5.66 2.00 14.12 6.85 110.71 4!l.09 100.00 29. 78 6.86 .58 14,27 145,81 54:,03 61L 44 7.38 30.00 60.90 24 .09 17.10 5.10 15.34 9.00 41.36 26.69 30,94 380.71 2.69 1302.23 177.62 116.53 402.25 134.64 503,12 286.26 315,00 331.20 300.00 300.00 300.00 300,00 300,00 13.00 7.!)2 · 1.65 2!)3.80 1.35 207.75 2B7 .41 300.00 300.00 5.24 1.20 28.60 150.00 45.54 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. T0\'1?1 of Nidaros ~osholt Equipt. co. Town of Bluffton \'In. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. Fergus Oil Co, · Minnesota. state t:righwo,v Dept. Town of Dunn Tovtn of Dora G. D, Harlow : \'lend ell P. "!uber George Olson VI, T,, '.'otter Leon J-f P.nnag i r 1•1end el 1 P. Huber N, W, Bell Tele. Co,, Benning Minneapolis Blue Print. co. N, W, Bell Tele, Co, DO H, K, Stahl Co. Miller-Dav ls co. •11 otor Lundeen & Co, Penrose Oil co. Hagge Oil co. •D, A, L\\bricant Co. iji-Way Auto Service Olson-Enstad-Larson, Inc, otter Tail county Fair Asm. sorchert-IngP.rsoll, Inc. Ruffridge-Johnson Equipt. co. A, tV, Co., Tnc. of Minn. Log Cabin Service Station consumers co-o~. Oil Co,, B,L, DATE ..................... Jfovember ................... . grBding parts 'c repairs gradine p!i'rts etc. gas ,'c oil services grading ., expenses .. ,. cash adv, .. " services prints ~ervices f39 B,L, 19 ... l?.Q long distance #3649 F.F, oil supplies .. diesel fuel " " oil & grease gasoline insurance rental parts " r,asoline .. Upon motion, the i:,oe.rd then adjourned to Dec. 12, 1950 at 10 o'clock A, M, Chairman ,.. $ 300.00 2694,87 300.00 264.36 217.88 86.59 300.00 300.00 15.40 138.25 17.55 98.28 8.56 ID ,69 9.66 1.40 27.20 33.85 34.58 11.24 3.30 112,08 1077.99 1034.94 242,04 39.80 300,00 545.'10 318,19 128.20 34. 35 235,22 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-··········D~f.l . .e.m~.!1.J: .............................................. l9 .. P.9. MIN'TTF.S OF SP:":CIAL f,tr::i::THTG O)l' !30A!!D OF ~OUI-ITY COMMISSIOl~RS OF OT'rf.R TAIT, CO, l\fIIlli1~f30T A •. A spe-oial meeting of the Board of county Commissioners vms held at 9 :30 A, U, Dec. 7, 1950, all membe-rs being present. The meeting having been called for the pui:.pose of arranging for iliettlll8 contract for construction c·~ part of state Aid No. 3 east of Rothsay, upon motion, the following resolution was adopted: nrnw.snTA D!~1'ARTMF.Wr n .. l'!GµWAYS F!<:DrRAL AID SJ':COlffiARY FORM Il0. III 13e it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 90, r.aws of l,tinnesota 1943 the Commissioner of lfighWa,vs be appointed as the a~ent of the county of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the const.ruction o:f that portion of State Aid Road No. 3 described .as follows: Fron1: T,H. No. 52 in Rothsay, to: 3 Miles East and l Mile Uorth, and the chairman and the auditor are here'by authorized and directed for and on behalf of the county to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribi!",g the terms ll'l.d condi tio;,s of' such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minne sot a Department of Highways Agency contract Form No, IV", a oopy of which sald form was before the board, assuming on behalf o:r the county all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 7th day of December, 1950. Geo. B, Gunderson Chairman of County Board -Attest: William Lincoln Clerk upon motion it 1·:as ordered that hids for construction of said nort.Lon of State .\id Road No. 3 be advertized for, said bids. to be opened at 2 0.'clock :P, l\f. ,ian 3, 1951 at the County Con.rt House in 'Fergus 'Falls, The following resolution was adopted: MTl'INEHOTA DF.1:'ARTMf.NT OP Hj.GlJ!IJAYS FEDERAL A ID S-:CONDARY FORM 1'10. V t'/HEREAS, it is necessar.v in order to receive Federal-Aid toward the construction of that portion of State Aid Road tlo. 3 describerl as follol'tS: 'From: T,I{, No. 52 ln Rothsay, To: 3 Miles East and 1 l.lile North for the county itself e.nd through the commissioner of. JTighwa.vs as its agent to B{lree to maintain said road a!'ter it shall have be'!n constructed. NO\'I 'i'=.N 13~: TT P.r-:~O!.VED, that the chairman and the auditor ar'! hereby authorized and directed for anci on behalf of the County of Otter Tail to execn.te a contract concernin!!' the maintenance of said portion of State Aid Road tlo. 3 in the form as S'!!t forth Md contained in '"Minnesota De!)artment of Highways Federal- Aid Maintenance contract Form No. VI", a cop,v of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the Count,',' all o:f the contractual obligations therein set forth, · Adopted this 7th day of December, 1950. Geo B. Gunderson chairman of' bounty ifoara Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: R":SOT,'ITTON 'BX T~-r.: BOA!!D 0"' c0mnv COl,U,i!SSIOl!F.P.S O~"l'F.R TATT, COtlNTY, MINI-11':SO'J'A '9E TT Rr-:RnLVF.D, that contractors on Federal-Aid Senondary 'A'ighl'ta.Y l'rojects in Otter Tail county be required to pay not less than mini'llum war,e rates required h,IT the Department o"L' Highwa.vs on 1951 co ntro.cts in tMs county. Adopted this 7th dey of December, 1950. Geo. B. Gunderson chairman Attest: William Linooln ClerK The fol101ving resolution was adopted: Reso,lved b,IT the Board of county Commissioners of Otter TFl.il county, Minnesota That: At the sum~estion of the public examiner of Minnesota the additional sum of $33,000.00 be le\•ied ap.:a~nst the taxable 91l'Operty of' the county for the year 1950 for county school tax fund. same bei:,g in addition to the sum of $175',000.00 included in the tax levy made b y the Board July 11, 1950. Adopted Dee. 7. 1950. ti:.., ./3~ _ f ~ Ca rmun · Attest: fuJ ~~ Clerk. upon motion, the board then adjounned with out date. II · COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. °!?.~.~~~~:.: ........... ·-·······················19 50 MINUTES OF ADJOURUED ME3TIUG OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY r.01,11,nssrom~RS OF OTmR TAIJ, 00,, MI!INESOT,A., Pursumt to adjournment, the Board met 1.11: .10 o'clock A,!,t, Dec. 12, 1950. Present were Commissioners Sieling, Gunderson, 'lanson, Stone and snowberg. George TTammerbeck, District Supervisor of Weed ~ontrol, top.ether with county weed inspectors Frank Roberts, Edward J. Johnson and Albert Fritz and County Agents Carl Gustafson and Alden Booren were presen to discuss the quest ion of vreed ccntrol ~or the coming ,vear. Upon motion, the Board authorized U1.e count,v weed inspectors to attend meeting in St. Pmll to be held Jan. 16, 1951, with expenses paid b,v the COUl".ty. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That Frank Robets, Post Office Deer Creek, Albert Fritz, Post Office Perham, and Edward ,T, ,Johnson, Post Office Erhard, be and they hereby are appointed county weed inspectors for Otter Tail county for the period of three months during 1951 at a salary of $150.00 per month and milea~e at six cents per mile. Be it further resolved thnt a copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to t.he Commissioner of Agriculture, Dairy and E'ood, st. Paul, MlnnP.sota. Adopted Dec. 12, 1950. Geo. B, Gunderson Attest: William Lincoln Clerk:. The following resolution 1vas adopted: RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COTm'l.'Y COMll!ISSIONTJRS OTTi-:R TAIL COUIITY ,MI?m. Chairman. BE IT R~SnLVED that the Commissioner of' Highways is requested to recommend. to the -commissioner of Public ~aods the selection fo,the roads hereinofter described as a ~art of the system of seconda,ry and feeder roads eligible to receive FederRl Aid: 1. Beginning at ·a ,junction of a present Federal Aid Primary Road in Otter Ta1.l County at a point 1400 feet :Vest of the East quarter corner of Section 11, Tl31M-R42W; thence runninP, East through the , Village of Dalton on Anderson Avenue; thence r1.1:.,i,1g Ee.st to tl1e southeast r;orner of Section 4, Tl31N-R40i1 where same intersects with T,H, #78, a Federal Aid Secondar,v Ros.d, and there terminating. This route is approximately 10,75 miles in length. 2. Beginning at 11 junction of a ·present Federal Aid secondary Road in Otter Tail county at Ii.be Southwest corner cf section 22, Tl31N-R40W v1here same intersects with T,I:!, #78; thence running Easterly 5 miles; where some interseuts with a,Fetiero.l Aid Secondary Road, and there terminating. This route is approximate~• 5.0 miles in length. 3. Beginning at a .1nnction of a present Federal Aid Secondar~' Road in Otter Tail County at the Southwest corner o! Section 7, Tl34N-R37W; then:::c in an Easterl,\• direction for approximatel.v 8.3 miles to a f!oint where same intersects vri th T. P.. #29. a federal Aid Primary Road, on the sect ion line between Sections 9 and 16, Tl34N-R36W, and there terminating. This route is approximately 8.3 miles in length. 4. Beginning at a jnnct ion of a present 1<1ederal Aid Secondary Rood in Otter Tail County at a point on S,A,R. •1J9. o.pproxim!l.tely 0.5 mile south of the North County line; thence Easterly and Norther~y to the North quarter .corner of Section 6, Tl37N-R42\V; thence Easterly along or near the County Line between Becker and Otter Tail county to the Northeast corner of Section 1, Tl37N-R42i'I; thence South approximately ¼ Mile to T, H, #59, a Federal Aid Primary Road, and to.ere terminating. This route is approximately 7 .67 miles in length. Adopted this 12th da.i' of Deuember, 1950. Ceo. B, Gunderson kt test: William Lincoln Clerk The following resolution wes adopted P.ESOLTJTIOM 'flY TT-11': 130ARD OP C0ffilTY COM!v!ISST0!·1i::RS OTTF.P. TAIT. COlJN'l.'Y, HIN!·T"'SOTA • Chairman rtlIBP.EAS, the County of Otter Tall is deRi rous of obtaining dur.ing the year 1951 from the Commissioner of IJighvtays such technical and engineering services and a.ssistance RB ma.v be from time to time necessary and advisoble in the conduct of the county's work, rrow TFEN Tl:!': IT RESOLVED ·rHAT: Pursuant to Section 161.03, Subdivision 12 /bl Minnesota statutes l!l45, the County of Otter Tail goes hereby request the commissioner of ll'ighwa,vs to furnish to the county of Otter Tail from time to time auring the year 1951 such technical and enp.ineering services and assistance as may be requested of him ~or end on behalf. of the· County b,v the Count.r nip:hway enginr?er, The County Highway Engineer is hereby authorized for and on behalf of the countv to reouest the Commissioner of 'f-l'ir,hways to furnish from time to time during the 3•ear 19!\l such technic'e.1 and en!!ineerinp: services and assistance to the county of Otter Tail as the county ll'ighwa.v F:ngineer shall deem necesse.r.v or advisable in the conduct of the county's work. In the event that a request for ellf!:ineering or technicRl assistance or services· be· made prusuant hereto it is made with the understanding that if granted and services or assistance are :furnished prusuant hereto that the county of otter Tail will, for the purpose of reimbursing the Trunk Highwa,v Fund, po..v to the Commi.ssioner of Highways when demanded by him the entire and total cost and expense of furnishing any --... COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-···········D.!Hl.~mQ!!..r ........ _ ................................... 18l?.Q .. or all of the services requested or furnished pursuant hereto• if" d of this ~esolution be transmitted to the Commissioner of B'igh;•1e.ys by the County . Let a oert ie • copy tt st b the overning body-of said county of Otter Tail for the furnishing by lh.ghw,a,.v E1ngi1neer a~ 1•1~eh:,ne~seo:f. any" a~dg all engineer.Ing aid and assistance furnisheci pursuant hereto dur-the Comm ss. oner 0.L .1g ... , . ., . . ing the year 1951. Adppted this 12th day of December, 1950. Geo. B. Gunderson Chairrnan Attest: \Villie.m Lincoln Clerk The follOYting resolution \"las aciopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn.: That no lioenses for publio de.noes in Otter Tail count,r will be grunted by this board to parties hav- ing "On and Off" sale beer lioenses 1mless the premises where beer is sold and v:here dances are conducted comply with the state la.: as interpreted by the attorney general of this state under date of Aug. 4, 1950 in an opinion reading as follows: "NON-IN'l'OXIr.ATIUG MALT LIQUORS. -PUBLIC Di\..l'l'CES: 'If a tavern keeper furnishes a place for and permits dancing in his place of business and hires an orchestra to supply music therefor, even though no charf!e is made for the dancing, he is conciuct.tng a public dance hall within the meaning of 617.42. 176 Minn 86 179 Minn. 308. tf there is no connect ion dire ct or indirect beh1een the dance hall end the place wher; th; beer is sold, but a person has to go outside to get from one place to the.other, then such an" operation may be carried on, if each lllaoe is dnl.\• lioensed, one as a dance hall, tne other as a tavern. Adopted Dec. 12, 1950. Geo. B. Gnnderson chairman Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. The bid of Barke, Allison and Darby for furnishinf.! bonds for count.v officers and deputies for four .1•ee.r term as advertised for and opened by the l3oard was accC'pted, the total amout of said bid being ~928.94, this being the lowest bid. Upon :notion. the auditor was instructed to 1advertise for bids -for motor patrol etc., said bids to be opened Jan. 17, 1951 at 10 o'clock A. M, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boaro of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: That under provision of Chapter &99 session Laws of Minnesota for 1949 the sheriff o.nd his deputies be allowed the sum of ten cents per mile for use of their own private automobile for each mile travelled on county work, effeotive Jen 1, 1951. Adopted Dec. 12, 1950. Geo B. Gunderson Chair:nan Attest: William Lincoln Clerk Upon mot ion, the Audi tor v,as instruct eci to advertise for sale county gravel Pit in Sec. 1, Town of l's licen, bids to be opened 'Fe~. 13, 1951 o.t 10 O'clock A, M. Upon motion. the l3oard then adjourned to Dec. 13th at 10 o'clock A. M. VIEDUESDAY' S SF.RS IO!I Pursuant to ad.io11rnment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. ,.,. Dec. 13, 1950, all members being present, ni.ute Hanson, Trustee for the Adelsman Co., bankrupt, and Charles L. Alexander, attorne.v for so.id tr11etce, preeentP.d to the Board applications for settlement of real estate taxes on the f'oundary property in Sec, 4 in the City of 'F'err,us 'Palls for the years 194 7, '48 and • 49 said aopli.cat ion be ine approved by the cit,v council of 'Fergus 'Palls and b:; the Count.v Supervisor of assessments. The ap·plication for real estate o.djUF1tment asked that all taxes be settlcci for ~6007.50, a rednotion of. $6009.87 from full amonnt of taxes, penalty md interest, and that personal property taxes against seld oompany for 1948 anci '49 be settled for the swn of $2000.00. Mr. Hanson o.nd Mr. Alexander explained fully to the Board the condit ion of affairs of said bankrupt compan,y showing that there were unseoured claims by creditors aggreguting over $150,000.0~; wage claims of il6,595.12 of which only part are preferred; also federal inoome tax olaims aggregating $19,733.15 and real estate and chattel rnortgaees aggregating $66,000.00 on principal and about $8,000,00 interest guaranteed by the Reconstruction Finance corporation; lllso mechanic's lien of approximately $2,800,00 plus interest and expenses. It was represented to the County Board that if settlement of taxes oan be made as asked for·that the federal goverment will valve income taxes provided the real estate is sold to a repponsible firm who will operate the plant end 1·1ould probably furnish emplo,vment for between 50 and 100 workmen. After full consideration, the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that these pP.t1t16ns for settlement of' real estate and personal property taxes be granted. John Burgees, re present 1ng Land O'Lakes Dai r,v CQ. alld Land o • Lakes creameries, Inc., ap·peared before the Board to request recinction in assessment of "!)ereonnl property to.xPs for the year 1!148 and '49 in TI COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................ De ce mb e r_··························-·····-·1950 __ L.UJ/J:.l.l.:LJ.J}J:l.l'lJllil:ffJ'L.IITl'L'=' ------ various villages in Otter 'l.'all Count,v, said property being e·quipment in creameries and same being owned by the United States go,•erment. He steted if so.id adjustment could be made that the Land•O'Lakes com11o.ni s would acquire the property from the federal governmant and would continue to use it in the various cream- eries in the county· und be taxed during the coming years. After full discnsi;ion, · he presented to the commissioners an application for reduction of said personal property to $4024.00. Upon motion, the Boo.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the sum of $4024.00 be,. accepted o.s full pa,vment of all ta.xes, penalties, interest and costs on said property for said years. The followim! resolution v!as adopted: Resolved by the Roerd of County commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota.: That the County Audi tor be and he hereb,V is instructed to notify the publishers of the several newspapers p11blished in the County that sealed bids will be received by this Roe.rd for doing the followin described printinp.: 1. ,The publications of the minutes of the meetings of the Board of county commissioners including regular and special sessions, and meetings of Board of Equalization and while considering mattP.rs pertaining to ditches, 2, The publioo.tion of thP. e.nnne.l· stitement of receipts and expenditures of the county, The bids to cover the publication of the list set in "nonpareil" or six-point type without "leading" and the publicat.:.. ion to be me.de as required by section 295-Genere.l statutes of Minnesota., 1913, as amended, and three -. · complete copies of said publication to be furnished to the county Auditor in time to enable him to meet the requirement of said section as regard the posting of copies of said statement. 3. The list of real property for the count.v of otter Tail, Minnesota on which taxes remained del inquP.nt on the first ilionday in ,Tanuary, l!l51. The bids for this to cover the publication of the certificates, headinp,, etc., orovided for by section 2098, General Statutes of Minnesota, 1913, as a.mended, Bids to be placed ln the hands of the Count.v A11ditor and add.ressed to the B011:rd of count,v Commission r . to be marked "'Bids for Printing" and to be filed· until Tuesday Januo.r,v 2, 1 \151, at 2 o' clocl-: P. M. The attention of the bidders to be called to the provis.lous of Sections 907,909,912 and 913, Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, and e.ots amendatory thereto. Adopted Dec. 13, 1~50, Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. The following bills were allowed: J. C, 'ffenkes Do M, C, Lee Edward C. Drews ll'ivron T. Duhn Esther G. Sell Maybell J, Lee Mabel Vlenstrom Marjorie Stenstrom Beo.trice M, Will Louise Standahl Mildred Bruvold Dr, L, o. Pearson Earl E, Bigler, M,D, Dr, C, ,J, Lund Dr, G, J, Mouritsen ~rank C, '9arnes Panama Carbon Co, Syndicate Prtg. co. Hennings Bruce Pub, co. osv:ald Publisi1ing co. Gaffe.ney's Dept. of Administro.tion Ugeblad Pnb. Co, Geo. D, narnard co. Poucher Printing & Lith Co, Victor Lundeen~ co. Miller-Davis co. Fer~ns ,Journal Co. w. w·. Pub. co. Henning &dvocnte M, VI, Bell Tel. co. Jol!nson Furniture Co. Hintgen-Karst Elec. co. .Johnson Furniture Co. Perham Telephone co. N, w. Bell Telephone co. ll'ol ten 'Fldwe. co. ~ergus Service Station B,jerke-Edlund Co, Uaticnal Bushing &: Parts Co, Hillyard Sales Co, Beall !, McGowan co. Geo, B, Gunderson Rherii'f's expenses boarding prisoners aep. sheriff's e~p. '' ,, " expense nurse ., " expenses C:o. Supt. Clerk ., ,, ,, expenses transcripts coroner's i'ees autops,v municipal judge's fees carbon paper supplies " nurse blanks su·pplies school supplies a1:aty. book covers blanks .'!: supplies blanks i printing blanks puhl ishin17, proceed inp;s publishin~ notice " .. calls supplies repairs supplies rent~ calls nurse mobile SP.rvioe supplies gas !c oil f.l:>.S!'! supplies " Chairman $ 68.47 111.00 64 .4.4 34.63 8.70 50.20 80.53 24.83 32.50 32.50 4.32 7.00 11.05 12.45 71.00 43.50 26.45 6.00 5.20 2,50 3.78 3.20 3.40 115.59 68.50 10.08 45.50 417 .05 60,35 128,60 2.40 7.00 2,70 47.87 6.12 9.50 3.25 81.45 20. 79· 2,72 13.50 7,50 51,72 6,40 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... -.... .D.e.o.embe.r .................................................... 1@.9. .. . Carl ,Jahn Joseph ~ayner, Sr, r.ta.vbell J. J,ee Nelson Bros, Prtg. Co, Louise Stondahl !,Teybell ,, • LP.e Esther G. Sell Service Equipt. Mfg, co. :i!, 1,. Glorvigen western l'nion Marchant Cal. Mche, Co, Edw, Carlson Post A,L,, Deer Creek N, W, Bell Tel, Co, Geo. Bergem Post, Und. Monroe Calculating Mahe, co. A, A, Vollbrecht Geo, B, Gunderson Bert stone Geo, Hanson Rert stone Henry Sieling ·· Hennings General supply Cp. Victor Lundeen & Co, Nelson Broe. ~rtg. Co. The Vet-Times N, W, Bell Tel, Co, City water & light Dept. Katherine D, Townsend Philip M, ~jaglien no. Minnesota State sanatorium Sunn.vre st Sana tori urn City Poor Dept. Vill. of ParkP.rs·Prairie Universit.v Hos!'.)ital Do Do Fergus Falls Clinic nopeming Sanatorium Dalton Lumber co. The Carew i7arehonse Raymond Bros. Motor Trans. Co. Franklin Fence Co, Roy Evavold Sir-urd Dahlen ltighway Garage, Erhard Chas. Fenske EbP.rsviller•s, Pel. Rpds. coast-to-coast store, Perham A, T, ~erfindahl f'olten Hardware Les. Tire ServicP. Electric: Supply E1· ickson-1-!elleckson-Vye, Erh, W, H, Tikkanen Westad Motors Y.inne's Inc, Charles c. Olson Eleo. Bluffton Garage Larson Machine Shop Fergus Oil Co. Fergus service Station FossP.n on co. Lincoln standard station Ottertail Oil Co, S, 'I: F, Oil Co, Don's Standard Service East Lincoln Shell The Oil Store Cities Service station Venning Oil co. Bill Nelson 011 Co, Consumer's Co-op. Oi 1 Co., Inc. 'Henning H, I::. Stahl Co, Wilcox Lumber Co. , 1-Tenning P. I:'... M. 8o Co. Roger Broberg Fred A, EVerts Great Western Laboratories Melvin Cordes 'Fergus I.umber & Fuel Co, The Farmers•. Supply Hyman Fuel Co, D, A, Lubricant Co., Inc. Olson Auto ~leotrio Vergas Motor Service Bennie Rossum Y.imber Ha.rness Co. Welter Bros, Chaf.fee•s Garage Henning Auto ~. M1whine Works r11inneso ta Motor Co. Larson Bros, Dep, sheriff's fees. " ., ,, telephone stamped envelopes 'I: Prtr,. postu;~e " supplies license exp, telegrams main. deco1·a.t ing graves calls deoorating graves main. bond premiums expenses ., supplies vet ser. ,, " printing subscription" rent II: toll" water /1: light rent pos.tage eto, P.xpenses care of patient " " " " " " helping transient care of transient special nursing ,, ,, care of child care of patient ceal freight stal~es equipt. rental fu.rnace welding gravelling s11r>plies " tubes su·ppl ies repairs parts repairs " " aascline etc. " " " " etc. hydraulic oil supplieR " soap Right o·f Wa,v coal " o.il re!}airs " ., vet, ser. $ 24.99 11,70 5,99 301.59 46.00 1.43 4.00 54,37 5,55 7,84 35.00 19.50 !)7,90 25.00 19,50 10.00 11,28 14.00 7.56 15.00 16.92 4,95 2.98 14,95 6,90 2.00 10,60 11,63 45,00 9.80 54,66 160.20 35,00 17.20 67,31 152.00 53,00 106,00 112.00 233.40 34.50 26.50 15.70 110,25 243,00 120.00 5,00 300.35 21.75 14,51 62.55 2P.,46 27.51 15,32 3.40 6,00 2.00 860,48 1.64 2,50 1.25 176,45 73,76 3,58 20,34 3.67 17.02 9.73 1.11 137,29 29,37 52,52 403,71 265.57 6fl,83 11.79 19,73 16.69 66.37 31.21 60.73 65.05 43.50 37.60 122.48 51.10 63.85 15,10 4.80 16.14 14,90 6,25 28.61 126.60 -~OMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... !lec:ember ..... -..... . . ....... .19 50 Lake Region Motor Co, Vaughen Chev. co, Paulson Tire Shop Anton wallnofer Skogmo Motors, Inc. A, R, MeiP.r F. W. and Bill GaedkP. Service Garage Ress et Bros. N, W. Equlpt, Co, Hintz~ son Blacksmith Shop Anderson~ Tlchy Twins Motor Co. consumers Oil co., Battle Lake Bob's service station Farmers' Co-op. Cry. Assn. statP. of Minn. Perham co-op. Oil co. Kraemer Oil Co. Serv lee Oil Co. Anderson & Sandberg Oil co. Penrose Oil Co. !,!ills Oil Co, 'R'egge Oil Co. Be.as Oil Co. Village of Dalton Smith-~ Ferweda Hintgen-Karst Elec:, Co, Dalton Oil Co. Renning Auto Machine Works Elm River Cone, Prod. Co, Jaenisch Ind. Paulson Tire Shop Ebersriller's, Pel. Rpds. co-op. Servic:es, Inc. coast-to-coast store, Henning Alden Peterson D, A, Lubricant Co., Inc. co-op. Services, Inc. Wendell P, Huber D. M, Wheeler Pelican Telephone 0o. Wayne's Texaco Service Bengtson Oil Co. Twins Mo tor Co. Lampert Lumber co, Par. Pra. Battle Lake Hdwe. · Vergas Telephone co. Olaf Eckley, Clara Eckley~ Federal Land Bank VillSf.P. of Deer Creek Bauck's Hardware Midwest Supply Co. Utility Feed Mill, Inc. Henning Fuel Co, HenninP. Hardware Village of Henning Coast-to-coast store, !'el..Rpds. American Paint corp. Dalton Lumber co. DoCabe Bros. co. Winther tumber ~ Fuel Center Arthur Fabian Edward Bruestle Edwin Sczygiel Fred Stinar Frank Hunter .Arvid Johnson Albert Shanstrom Ashley-quixigan co. P. K. M. &: Co, ll[inn. State J:lighway Dept. GeorgP. Olson Pelican Telephone Co. Panama carbon co. Victor T,undeen & Co. A, W. co., Inc. of Minn. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Cummins Diesel SalP.s aorp. Minn, F,W,D, Co, Paper, Calmenson & Co. Truman Motors w~. ~. Ziegler co .• Inc. Geo. T. Ryan co. Town of Leaf Mountain Town of YToodsid.e Town of Sverdrup Town of Norvtep.ian Grove Town of Aastad Town of Buse Town of Aurdal Town of Orwell Tovm of Trondhjem Town of Otto Town of Homestead repairs " " " " " " parts repairs ., gasol.lne " examinP. records gasoline " diesel fuel gasoline~ diesel fuel r.asol ine -~ rP.pai rs diesel fuel · gas •• oil garage rental repairs water heaters (jail) gasoline etc. reps.ire culverts repairs " supplies oil " " " c:ash adv, " services go.so line " supplies .. services fl ravel garage rental 1mpplies co.al it supplies garB.!'e rental supplieR paint coal " material for fill gravel " " boilers inspected supplies repairs supplies expense services supplies " r,arts ., .. cutting edges rei:>airs parts " grading gravel grading construc:t ion grading .. " " " 'I: r,rsvP.llinp.: oonstruction 46.7 9.95 4,50 23.25 51.53 25.50 17.70 33.25 29.00 7.06 41,15 26.fl5 184.89 26.97 72.62 68.72 1336.62 148.15 68.02 155.25 77.22 198,76 28.00 678.54 24.70 lA0.00 15.60 482.92 337 .42 1.35 154.86 6.50 3·,00 7.64 11.38 2.20 13.20 365.57 8.10 3.45 8.24 9.05 80.44 ll,00 13.11 6,00 37.70 21,25 126.(pl 210.00 1.46 26.64 54.12 17 .50 19.86 141.55 8.76 80.35 29.40 50.64 97,31 47.05 100.00 70,00 86.9fl 30,80 45,43 11.00 10.85 8.91 174.71 15.60 5.70 16,23 16,95 547.30 16.81 58.01 139,81 236.04 54.40 726,74 662.93 ~soo.oo 86.10 300.00 300.00 300.00 300,00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 ·l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... December ........................................... 19 .. !?.2. Town of Tumnll Town of Paddock Town of Scambler Tovrn of Compton Town of Leaf Lake Town of f,{aplewood Town of Newton Town of Effington Town of Eae;le J,ake Town of Erhards Grove Town of Friberg Tov,'!'1 of iiobart Town of Gorman Town of Cli th.erall Town of Deer Creek Town of Candor Town of Parkers Rsairie Towr1 of Perham Town of Pelican Vill8l_le of Henning Village of New York Mills N. W. Bell Tele. co,, Henning Heinola Telephone N. W. Rell Tele. Co,, F.F. Natl. Bushing & parts co. raools-Dean Sc Gregg Wheeling corrugating co. Minneapolis Iron store AO!lle Yield ine; Supply Rosholt Equipt: co. Farmers' Co-op. Cry, Assn, Harthun & Peterson Oil co. Kinne's Inc. Truman Motors Mills Motors McDunn Farm store A. B. }~ilde Co, Thelem Implement co. Northwest Engineering co. Thoreson-Webh Oil Johnson Clothing co. Ebersviller Implement co. Henry Holmgren Knoff's Hardware \'Ii loox Lumber Co. , Vergas Vergas qardware co. Larson '-ldwe. Armco Drainage Sc metal Prod, Co. Davidson Metal Shop Wendell P. Huber W, T,. Potter G. D. i:rarlo1v Township o:r Dead Lake " " fllliine •· ·• " Folden " " Everts grading " " construction & Gravelling grad lng ·• " .. " ., " " " construction p.rad ing " bituminous surfacing garage rento.1 service rental & tolls servioes supplies " oulverts supplies " parts gasoline .. parts repairs " supplies parts supplies supplies parts repairs supplies " " culverts repairs expenses " r,rad ing (1949) gravelling " Upon motion the board adjo,:rned with out date, $300.00 257.50 250.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 ~i00.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300,00 800.00 480,00 9.75 13.45 43,85 30.81 333.53 549.89 21,24 11.00 792.32 38,17 90.02 671.98 4.95 32.05 18.08 97.27 3.88 136.73 2.60 8.95 5.34 23.50 12.85 12.90 4~.90 34.62 88.98 36.65 114.36 89.64 8.45 300.00 206.92 159.83 231.92