HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1949Ottertail County Official Meetings 1949 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, O'fTER TAIL COUNTY, Ml,NN.- DATE ........................... -.· ........ :ran •... 4 • ............................ 19 49 The Chairman appointed c·omsrs. snowberg and Gunderson as his associates on this oomrni ttee. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the county commissioner of.his respective district, namely Henry Sieling, the First District; Geo, B, Gunderson, the Second Diss1·iot; George Hanson. the Third District; Bert Stone, the Fourth District; and c. A, snowberg. the Fifth District. be a.nd they hereby are each appointed Superintendent of Poor of 'his said district with authority to act in relation to the care·and support of non-resident 9e.upers, and to receiva a!)plioations· for .relief or support by or for any reason in· his district as orovided by Chanter 15. Revise<'! r.aws of 1905. Adopted Jan.4.1949, George Hanson chairman. Attest: William Lincoln• clerk. The following resolution wa~ adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County. Jlfinnesota: That there is hereby set apart from the funds of the ·county Treasury_ no.t especially aoproprie.ted or set aside for other p11rposes. the sum of :f>750,00 to be used as a Contingent Fund by the .C,ounty Attorney with the approval of the Court under the provisions of Section 574 ~evised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Adopted Jan, 4. 1949.· George Hanson ---~ Chairman. Attest: l'filliam Lincoln clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of count_y Commissioners of otter Teil county. Minnesota: That the sum of five cents be paid out of the Revenue l!'und of th.e county for every ,pocket gopher and woodchuck killed in said county during the months of A'pril. May, June and July, 1949. in cases where the townships in which pocket gophers and woodchucks are so killed shall 9rovide for the payment of an additional bounty of five cents for ea.ch pocket gopher or woodchuck so killed. Resolved further that Pa.vment for such bounty shall be made b,V the Count,v Auditor upon certificates executed b,v the Chairman of the To11'!'l ~osrd of Sflid '.I.'ownships setting forth that the pocket ftOphers or woodchucks were killed within the said townships during the said months. and that both front feet of such pocket gophers or woodchucks ~,ere dnl,v presented to the chairman of such board and that the town,, ship has issued and delivered to each claimant a town order for ten cents for each pocket gopher or woodchucJ: so killed. Adopted Jan, 4, 1949, George Hanson chairman. Attest: Willi.am Lincoln 1'!1erk. The following resolution was adopteil: Resolved b,v the ~oard of county Commissioners of Otter Tail count,v, Minnesota: That the sum of not less than $250,00 be and the same hrreby is appropriated out of' the County Revenue Fund of said County for Otter Tail County exhibits at the Minnesota State Feir for 1949 and the County Audi tor and Chairman of the Board are direc.ted to issue a warrant for said amount in favor of . Clarence c. Mielke, Adopted Jen. 4, 1949. George Hanson chairman. Attest: William Lincoln The following resoi.ution l'tas adonted: Resolved by thP. Board of. county Commissioners of otter Tail county. MinnP.sota: l'Thereas. Chapter 142. Laws of 1921, Mason's Minnesota Statutes 1927. Sec. 671 and Uinnesota Statutes 1941. sec. 375 ,30 provides wa,vs end means for the control and eradication of rust-producing barberry. the following resolution was adopted: Be it hereby resolved, that $50,00 be appropriated by theBonrd of County Commissioners of otter Tail county for the purpose of. eradicating aBasEemoving rust-producing bushes and that a bounty of $3.00 be offered for the location of barber;r~ or bushes on each property subject to the provisions as set forth by the Barberry Off.ice. University Farm, st. Paul, Minnesota.on file in the office of the County Auditor. Fergus ?alls. Minnesota, I .. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN: DATE ................................ • . .tan .•... 4., ................................. 19 49 • Adopted Jan. 4, 1949, George Hanson chairman. Attest: l'Tilliam T,incoin Clerk. The followin~ resolution waa adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of county CommlRsioners of Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesotii: The.t the sum of ~40,00 per mo-nth be and the same hereby is allowed :eor clerical work in the office of the County.Attorney from Jan;u.ary-1, 1949, same to be paid at the close of each month on warrant of the county Auditor from the ,revenue fund of the county. Adopted Jan. 4, 1949, George Hanson chairman. Attest: William T,lncoln Cleric. The followintz resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boar"d of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County; Minneso,ta:, That the following amounts are hereby set aside for clerk hire for the calendar year 1949 in the several County offices to-wit: Auditor •..•..•..•.••..•.•...•.•..•.•.•....•••.••••.•..••.•••. ; ••. , ••.•..•.•••.••.• $7800,00 Treasurer •...•...•.••..•.....•.•..•.•••..•..•.••.•••••..••.•...•..••.•..•••.•.••. 6000,00 Register of Deeds ....•••...•.••••.••.•••.•.•••....•.•••.••..••..•••.•..•.•••...•• 7500,00 Clerk of court •••••......•.••••.•••...••.•.•..•.•••.•.••.••..•.....•••••••.••.•.• 2000.00 In addition to ~l,500,00 allowed by speoial la\\', Probate court ••.•••••. , • • • . • . • • • • • • • . • • . • • • • • . • • • • . • . . • • • • . . • . • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • 600, 00 Tn addition to ~3,500,00 authorized by special law. County Supervisor of Assessments' O•l'flce •. Supervisor ......••••...•.••.••.•.•.••...•..•..••.••...•..••••.••.••.•••..•.•..•.. 3200,00 Deputy ••.•..•..•..•.•..••.••••.•.•.•.•••••.•..••••••••..••.•..••.•..•••••••.•.•• : 2500,00 Clerk. . . . • • . . • • • . . . . • • . • . . . . • . . • . • • • . • • • . • . . • • . • . . . • • . • . • . • • . . . . . • • • . . • . • . . . . . • . • 1900. 00 First Assist. co, su~t. of Schools-~225,00 per month. Office assistant $130,00 per month. A·do_pted ,Jan 4, 1949, Attest: William T,incoln Clerk. The following rasolntion was adopted: George Hanson chairman. Resolved by the "!3oard of County Commissioners of Otter To.11 County, 1/linn.,,sota: That the following dates are hereby fixed for meetln~s of the County Board during the year 1949: The second Tuesday in February, March, April. May, ,June, August, September, trovember and December and the second Monday in July and the Second Thursday in October. Adopted Jan. 4, 1949. George Hanson ch111rman. Attest: William Lincoln erk, The e:ooli.cation o·f' SkoP.mo Motors Inc. for cancellation of RSsessment for the ,\•ear 1948 on trucks and automobile upon which 1948 license fees were peid was read and the Board recommended to the Com- missionar. of Taxation tha.t the assessed VRlue of !\':1029,00 and the tax of $180,87 on said trucks be. cancelled. The application of o. Y., Rubber welders for cancellation of assessment for 1948 on one Willys Jeep upon which 1948 license fee was paid.was read and the Soard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the valuation of $430,00 and the tax of $68.89 be cancelled, The application of the Sand L co. for reduction of assessment on personal property in the City of Fergus Falls for the ::ear 1948 was read and after consider.lug the statement of the city assessor and of H, t, Allen, Supervisor of Assessments, upon motion, the application was rejected, The following resolution was ado i,ted: ..... P.esolved by the aoard of County Commissioners of Otter Tall r.011nt,v, Minnesota: That the sum of ~l,000,00 he and the same hereby is set apart fro~ the Revenue Fund of the County for uae of postape in the several County Offices entitled thereto and fer express charges, etc., as provided by Secition 343, Revised Lnws of Minnesota for 1905, as amended. Adopted ~an. 4, 1949. Attest: w illinm Lin,.;;.c..;;.o~lc...n _________ _ c.1.en-· .. ~eorge qanson . C llaz l lhttlt. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN; DATE· ................................. · .. :ran ...... 4 • ............................... 19 .49' 'l'he follo:"-'ing resolution \Vas adopted: ?.esolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: That under the provisions ofche.pter 200 Laws of Minnesota for 1943 the countv shall pay a bounty of $4 •. oo for each full-grown red or gray fox killed in said County And $3.00 for each cub red or gray fox killed in said county from ,Janµary 1. 1949 to December 31, 1949; payment to bP. made on warrA.nt of the County Auditor after compliance by the claimant with all the provis.ions of said law. Adopted ,Jan. 4, 1949. Attest: George Ranson Chairman. William Lincoln ('!!erk. Bids f.or county printing for the yAe.r 1949 werP. opened and rP.ad as follows: Parkers Prairie. Tnde!)endent, publishing financial statP,ment; northwest llublishinr, co. of Uew York Mills, publishing !inan~ial statement; Battle J,ake Review. publishing .delinquent tax list; Fergus Journal Co., publish- ing minutes of commissioners proceedings and also miscellaneous leBal notices published by the county, all ·of said bids being at t~e full legal rates. · Upon motion, all these bids were accepted. The following. resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under the provisions of Section 739,General Statutes for 1Y32, the sum of $100.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of. the Revenue ·Funn of the county to the Red River Valley Develo·pment Associatl.on, said amount so anpropriA.ted to be used in pa1•ment of oremiums to exhibitors for the "ear 1949. . ' ' ., Adopted Jen. 4, 1949. Attest: Willie.m Lincoln clerk. George Hanson chairman. Upon motion, the Boe.rd then adjourned to Wednesday Jan. 5, 1949, at 10 o'clock A, M. WF.DIIESDAY' S SF.SS TON -Pursuant to adjournment the 13oard met at 10 o'clock A. M, i'lednesday ,,an. 5, 1949, all members being present. Final hearings on petitions to be set over from one school district to another were taken up and the Board listened to statements of the County Superintendent of Schools and all interested parties who were present. The petitions of )!'ri tz Meyer to set over land from Dist. 80 and Dist. 143 to Dist. 214 were granted end the Board issued ~he following ord~rsto-wit: Whereas, the petition of Fritz Meyer, a legal voter, freeholder and resident·.of School District no. 80 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, whioh are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District Uo. 214 and asking that he with his said lands ma.v be set off from said di.FJtrlct No. 80 to said adjoining school district No. 214 was presented to the "Roe.rd of County Commissioners of this connty at a session of said board held on the 14th .day of Ootober A, D,, .19.4.8 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hes.ring should ~e had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 5th day of .Ja.n- uary A. D,, 1949 at the l:lounty Anditor'.s office in thA City•of 'F'errns Fells in said connt,v; and where- as it was further ordered in and b,v said order th At notice of the time and place of such hearing be ~.iven by posting copies of said order in three publio places in each of the school districts to be affected by said r>etltion, and by meilinf! to the clerk of each df said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hear in,:?; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County commissioners on said 5th day of ,January A, D,, 1949 due proof of the posting and service o~ said order of hearing as therein directed nnd required, more than ten days prior to said last named date,·.having been made and filed, said petition 'llas ·publicly read and considereci by thP. 'Board, with ever,,.,thing which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the pra,ver of the petitioner, and sai~ Board being of opinion that said pet i t',on should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, • that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Et SE¼ Section 32 Township 133 Range 4~ be and the same are hereby set of·f from said School District No. 80 to said 11d,1oin- inr-school District No. 214 and said lands a.re hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. 13y order of the Roe.rd of ~ounty Commissioners. Dated the 5th day o·f ,ianuary A. D., 1949. Auditor's Seal) ~ha.Lrman of the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Attest: William Lincoln co,mty Audi tor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. r I l. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL :COUNTY;.•MINN: DATE........................................Jan •... 5 '--·······················1949, Whereas, the petition of Fritz Me,ver, a leEtal voter, freeholiler and resident of School District Ho. 143 in this county, re·presentinf!: that he is the owner of the la.nde hereinaftP.r described, which are ei tuate in BR.id School District, and ad.join School District Ho. 214 and aekinp. that he with hie said lands may be set off from said district No, 143 to said adjoininp. school district No. 214 was presented to the Board of county Commies.loners of this county at a·seeelon of said board held on the 14th day of October A. D,, 1948 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 5th day of Jan- uary A •. :o., 1949 at the county Andi tor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and where- as it was further ordered in end. by said order that notice of the time and place of' such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by malling to the clerk of' each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten d-a.vs before the time appointed for such hearing; and. whereas at the said session of the said Board of' County Commissioners 02 said 5th da,v of ,January A, D,, 1949 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as ther,in directed and required, more than ten days prior to said. lest named date, haviniz bP.en made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, l'!ith everything 1•!hich was said by said interested partir.s for or ap.:ainst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said ~oard being o:f O!)inion that said petition should be granted. it is hereby ordered and determined, that the BR.td petitioner and the followinfl described lands owned by him, to-wit: T,ots 7 If: 8 Section 33 Township 133 Range 42 be and the same are hereb~• set off from said school District tlo, 143 to said adjoin- iniz school District No. 214 and said lands are hereby .made a part o·f said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of r,ounty commissioners. Dated the 5th day of January A. D,, 1949. (Auditor's ~eal) George Hanson Chairman of the Board of count,v Commis- sioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln . county Andl.tor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of 13lmer Alb,jerg to be set ov.er from school district 43 to school district No. 5 was laid over to Feb, 9, 1949 at 10 o'clock A, M. The petition of Morris Flalbakken to be set over from Dist. 26 to Dist. 194 was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Morris Flalbakken, a legal voter. freeholder and resid.ent of School District no. 26 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, ,vhich are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 194 end asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 26 to said adjoining school district No, 194 was presented to the Board of' County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th de,v of October A. D., 1948 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupnn ordered by said board that a hearing should be he.d. on said petition, at a session of said board on the :5th de.v of ,Jan- uary A, D,, 1949 at the Count,v Auditor's office in the City of 1"ergus Falls ir. l'lid county; and 1'!hereas it was further ordered in and b,v said order that not ice o·f the t imP. and place of' such hear.ing be given b,v posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts tc be affected b,V said pet i tlon, and by mel.li np. to the clerk cf each of sc id School Dlstric ts, a copy of scid order at least ten de.vs before the time appointed ·for such hearing; and whereas a.t the said session of the ea.id Soard of County Commies loners on said 5th da,v of January A, D., 1949 due proof of the posting and service of said order of' hearing U3 therein directed end required, more than ten d111ys prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was pµblicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties ~or or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that .the said petitioner and the following described lands 01vr1ed by him, to-wit: E! SE¼ & NW¼ SE¼ Section 17 Township 136 Range 43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 26 to said ad- joining School District No. 194 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. B,v order of the Board of county commissioners. Dated the 5th day of ~anuary A. D,, 1949. (Auditor's Seal) . Oeorge Hanson ~hairman of the 'Roard of Connt,v Commis- sioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: William J.incoln county Auditor, ana ex-officio Clerk of "Roard, The petition of Palmer l-!aarstad to be set over from Dist, 64·to Dist. il8 was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Palmer ~aarstad, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of. School District No, 64 in this r,ounty, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and Adjoin School District tro. 118 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 64 to said adjoininp: school district N'o. 118 was ntesented to the !3oard of' Count,v commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of October A. D,, 1948 for the action of said board thereon; end whereas it was thereupon ordered b.V said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 5th day of January A, D,, 1949 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and plaoe of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petiton, and by malling to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time ap- po~nted for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN; DATE .......................... · .......................... :ran • ... 5.• ................ 19 ... ~-~ 5th day of January .. o\.. D,. 1949 due proof of the posting and. servioe of said order of hea.ring as therein directed and_ required. more tr..u.'I. ten da,\•s prior to said last named date. having been made and filed. said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board. vii th everything which was said by said interested partl.es for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner. and. seid Board being of opinio that said petition should be granted. it is hereby ordered and determined. that the said petitioner and the fol101ving described lands 01vned by him. to-wtt: Nt NW¼ & tot 1 sect,ion 24 Tovmship 131 Range 43 be and the same are hereby set off from said school District No, 64 to said adjoining School District No, 118 and satd lands are her·eby made a part of said last named School Di•strict for all purposes. whatever. By order of the Board of. County Commissioners. Dated the 5th day of January A, D,, 1949. (Auditor's seal l George ~Tanson Chairman of the Board ot County Commis- sioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln county Auditor, and ex-o f'fiolo cl P.rk ·of Board. The ueti tion of Harry Roehl was read and, upon motion, the same was laid over to the ,January mP.etin~ in 1950, The pet.it ion of Clemence and Albert Kunzfl. to be set over from Dist. 248 to Dist. 204 ,vas laid over to the meeting of Feb. 9, 1949 at 10 o'clock A, M, 'J'he petition of Wm. J~nbitz to be set over from Dist. 159 to Dist. 193 was laid over to the meet- ing feb, 9, 1949 at 10 o'clock A, M, The petition of F'ilma M, Tenhunen to be set over from Dist. 220 to Dist. 192 was .granted and the Hoard issued the following order to-wit: Whereas. The petit&on of Hilma M, Tenhunen, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Dist- rict No, 220 in this County re!)resentinE! thatshe is the owner of the la11ds hereinafter described. which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 192 and asking thatshe with he::rsa.id lands may be set off from said d istr iot no. 220 to said ad joining school dis tr lot !Jo. 192 was presented to the :Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14ttl day of October A, D,. 1948 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by snid board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of BR.id board on. the 5th day of January A, D,, 1949 at the County Auditor's office in the Cit.v of Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas it we.s furthP.r ordered in and b.v said order· that ·not tee •Of·:t!he time and place of such hearing be given b.v postinp. copies of said order in three public places in each of the schcol dis',ricts to be affected by said petitton, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a co~y of said .order at least ten da,vs before the time an-pointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said 'F!Ollrd of' County Commissioners on said 5th dey of ;ranuary A, D,, 1949 due proof of the posting and. service of said order of hearinr, as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said le.st named date, having been rnade and filed, said petition was publicly read e.nd considered by the 'Board, wi.th ever~•thing which was said by S8id interested parties for or ap.ainst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and snid Board beinp. of opinion that said petition should be ~ranted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by her., tp-l'lit: SW¼ ~ wt of SF,¼ section 29 Township 136 Range 36 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District Ho, 220 to said adjoining School District rio, 192 and said lands are hereby made a part of' said le.st neroed School District for all purposes whatever. 'BY order of the 'Board of Cou.nty r.ommissioners. Dated the 5th day of .'l!.nuary A, D,, 1949. (Auditorls Seal) Ceorp:e l'Anson Chairman of t he~B..-o""e."'"r"""d..--o""f...--,C..-o=-1--m""'t...,y.,......,C.-o.....,mc-m.,..,1.'""s'""-- s i one rs of Otter Tail Coun,t,v. I.Unn. At.test: William Lincoln County Auditor, end ex-officio clerk of Board, The petition of' Odin N, Leabo to be set over ::rorn Dist. 109 to tist. 247 1·1as grunted and the Board issuea the following order to-wit: \Vherees, The petition of Odin N., r,ee.bo, e legal voter, freeholder anc resident of School District No, 109 in this Cou.nty, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, a.11.d e.d,1oin School District rro, 247 and asking that he with his said lands ma,v be set off "rorn seid distri.ct !fo, 109 to said ad.joining school district No, 247 was presented to the 13oard of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of October A, D,, 1948 for the acti.on o:!' SR.id beard thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board the.t e hee.rinp sho•1ld be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 5th day .:ranue.ry i\., D,, 1949 at the Count.\' Audi tor's off lee in th~ r. it~• of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given lJ,v posting copies of said order in three !.:>nblic ple.ces in each of' the school districts to be affected by said petition, e.nd by mailing_ to the clerk of each of' said School Districts, e co P.I' of s::i id order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the sa.id sees i.on of the said Board of Count,v Commissioners on said 5th dey of •1 anuary A, D,, 1949 due proof of the posting and service o I: said order Qf hearing as therein directed and required, more thar1 ten deys prior to said last 11amed date, having been made and filed, said petition was ·publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything vthich was said by said interP.sted po.rties for or age.inst grant inr, the pra,ver of the petitioner, and said BoArd being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner Md the fcllowlng described lands ovmed by him,· to-wit: Lots 1 5: 2 Section 7 Township 133 Range 41 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 109 to said ad- joining School District No, 247 and said lends are hereby made a pa.rt of. said last ne.med School Di.strict for all purposes whatever. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................................. 4Tan.L ... 6. •................... 19.4.9 .. By order of the Board of aounty a·ommissioners. Dated the 5th day of ,Te.nuary A. D., 1949. (Audit.1r1 s Seal) Georr,e Hansori chairman of the Board of county Commis- sioners of otter Tail county, Minn. Attest; William Lincoln county Auditor, and ex-officio clerk of Board, The petition of Clarence Hessel to be set over from Dist". 21? to Dist. 11.3 was granted and the ~oard issued the following order to-wit: ·Whereas, The petition of Clarence Hes~el, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District ·rro. 212 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said !'lchool !lis+ri.ct, and ad,1oin School Distrl.ct I-!o, 113 and asking that he with his said lends ma.v be set off from said distri.ct Mo. 212 to SP-1d adjoining school district No, 113 was presented to the 13o·erd o:l' Count.v Commissioners of this Count,v et a. session o:l' said board held on the 14th de.y of October A, D,, 1948 for the nction of said board th~reon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that e hearing should be had on said ·petition, at a session of said board on the 5th cle.y of ,January A, D,, 1949 at the county Auditor's office in the Cit,\' of Ferp.us Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place o·f such hearing be given by posting oopies of ea.id order in three public places in eaoh of the school districts to be af- fected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointe~ for such hee.ring; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of count.v Commissioners on ea.id 5th day of January A, D,, 1949 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing es therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Boarcl, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the,prayer of the peti t toner, and BA.id 13oard being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, the.t the said petltion.-.r and the followinp. described lends owned b,v him, to-wit: Slt-S~· Section 29 Township 133 Range 37 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 212 to said ad,1oining SohoolDistrict No, 1.13 and said lands are hereb,v ma.de a part of said last named School District for ell purposes whatever. By or·der of the "9oard of r.ounty commissioner.s. Dated the 5th day of January A. D., 1949, (!,:uditor's Seal) The following resolution was adopted: George Hanson Chairman of the Board of County Comm1s- s.loners of Otter Tail County, Uinn. Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, ·and ex-officio clerk of Board. Resolved by the "Roard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Connty, P.{innesota: That the sum of $1,000,00 be and the same is hereby approuriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Otter Tail County t1istori.cal society, Adopted Jan. 5, 1949, Attest: \"Tilliam Lincoln Olerk. The following resolution was adopted: George Hanson Chairman. Resolved b,'I the ".oard ofCount.v Commissioners of Otter. Tail County, Minnesota: Tha.t county aommissloners George "1anson ti,nd earl A, SnO\vberp.: be and they hereby are aopointed as members of the Otter Tail Connty Co-operative -0:xtension committee. Adopted ~an. 5, 1949. Attest: William Lincoln clerk. George "!re.neon Chairmen. The applications of Myrtle M. Tjostelson to be set over from Dist, Bl to Dist, 214 and H. A, Hammers to be set over from Dist, 260 to Dist. 274 and Lyle Heald to be set over from Dist. 45 to Dist. 112 and Herry LeRoy Olson to be set over from Dist, 107 to Dist, 62 were all read and i~ was ordered that hearings on said petitions be had at the session of the Board Mar. 9, 1949 at 10 o'clock A. M, and that due notice of the time and !)la.-::e of said hearings be giyen a.a. required by law. The County Su.perintendent of Schools r.ouise Stondahl filed notice of appointment of Mabel Wenstrom as assistant count,v superintendent of schools and r.orna Schmidt as office secretary, 'fhese appointments were a·pproved. The oolmty-nurse l!el<m Jane Baer filed notice of appointment of Lorraine Hoium as office secretary. This appointment was approved. Upon motion, the Board was instructed to ad.vertise for cutting edges and also f.or the season'.s COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN; DATE ........................................ :Jan, _. 5 ., ............................ 19 .. 1.?. supply of culverts, bids to be opened Feb. 8, 1949 at 10 O'clock A, M, The bond of Frank F, Vaughn, Execut~ve secretary of the Welfare Board, in the sum of $5,000,00 was aoproved. Annual reports of salaries and fees received b,\T the various county officers during the calendar year 1948 were approved as follows: J, C, ~enkes, sheriff, $3800,CO· P, A, Anderson, Register of Deeds, $~800,00; T,ouise stondahl, dounty Superintendent of Schools, ~3500,0C; William Llnooln, county Auditor-' $3800,00; P, M, Ree, county TrPasurer, ~3800,00: Charles L. Alexander, Court Commis~ioner, ~103,70; J. N, Raogenson, Judge of Probate.court, $3800,00, The auplication of c. L, Jensen for dance permit for the yeor 1949 at Gl~ss Bar in the Township of Girard. was granted. The following applications for cigarette• licenses for the .vear 1949 were granted: C, M, Lee, at Crystal-Lida Store in the Township of Lida; Arnold Evenson for the \'l'P.stern Store and G. :9.Clarke for !'fill View Store in. the Township of Paddock. • A plat of Abie's JI.ores in seci. 35, Town of Dora, accompanied.by a certiricate of title by P, A, Anderson, Register of Deeds, was a·pproved. The followinp, rPsolution was adopted: RP.SOLUTl nir 'BY TtfF. BOARD Cl'!" COUUTY COMMIS~H!ITP.RS OTT":~ TAIL COUNTY, 1.H!IN'~SOTA 'P.E IT RESOLYED, That the County liighway Engineer be autho·rized to use County equipment and· !mployees for emergency work not on the county Highway system, this emergency work to consist of snovtplowing roads in cases of sickness e.nd funerals. Adopted this 5th day of January, 1949. George Hanson Attest: William Lincoln clerk, The folloviing resolution was adopted: ·Rll:SOLUTTON 'f!Y Tm': BC\ARD OF COUN'TY COMMT.S~TOilERS OTTER TAU, CCTl!lTY, 11,ft!T~J'P.SOTA cnairman. Be It Resolved, that the county h~ghv,ay eng_,l;ileer be authorized to issue time checks for the purpose-of salary p~vments to all maintenance employees, enp,ineerin~ employees, construction em- ployees, and for the rental o·f trucks and mowers necessary for the mo.intenance of State Aid Roads not to exceed $85,000,00, and County Aid Roads not to excP.P.d $145,000 for the year 1949. Adopted this 5th day of January, 1949, Attest: Willi!llll Lincoln clerk. The f.ollowin{t rP.solution was ado!)ted: George Hanson RF.SOLUTION BY TT{E 130ARD OTI' COUN'l'Y COMMISSTC'N~RS OTTER TA TL COUNTY, MU!lfl':SOTA Cha1rman. 'BE IT RESOLVED, That contractors on Federal-Aid Secondary Highway Projects in Otter Tail County be required to !>BY not less than 70¢ per hour for common laoor, 80¢ per hcur for intermediate labor, and $1.10 per hour for skilled labor on 1949 contracts in this County. Adopted this 5th day of January, 1949 Attest: William Lincoln clerk, The followin~ reeolntion was adopted : Geor.ge Hanson RF.SOLTl'HON BY TVE "BOARD (l'F r.OUNTY COMMTSStol~RS O'l'TER TAU COUNTY, Mt!HP.:SOTA WHEREAS, Federal Aid Funds are available for post-war surveys and plane, and Chairman. WHER'fl:.AS, otter Toil County desires to make surveys 1md plane for post-war construc:tion, 1mw, THF.RJ;JFORE, 'BE TT RP.:SOLVED, That the county of Otter Tail does hereby authorize the Com- missioner of Highways to act for it and as its agent for the purpose of applying for and receiving feaeral aid for post-war surveys; 'BE TT Tl'TT~TU~R RF.SOLVED, That the Ctairmnn of the Otter Tail County Board of commissioners and the county Audi tor are hP.reby anthorized to sign and execute agrP.ements with the Commissioner of Highways requesting authoriza.tion to _begin work on 'Pl'IS-4, Item 806. Adooted this 5th do.,v of ,~a.nuary, 1949, Attest:_-"-W~i_l~l~i~am-"-I~•~in:c..;;..oo~l~n;.;;.,,.,.....,__. ____ _ cle1 It. George Henson Chairmen. r COMMISSIONERS.RECORD N, .OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................................... Tan_._. 5 • ................................ 19 49 The following rP.solnt ion was adopted: WHF:REAS, The county Highway Engineer has, in responRe to requests on hand. recommended that the State Highway Department be requested to make a study of the speed zoning problem and a recommendation in regard to the following roads: S,A,R, #1 -Junction with C,A,R, J41 and East 1/2 Mile. Junction v1lth S,A,R, #12 and 1/4 I1rile1fE11st and west • Junction with S,A,R, #14 and West 1/4 Mile. .. " n Junction with S,A,R, 114 11.nd ·North 1/2 !,Ula . • •unction v1ith T, H, !/:78 and ~Vest 5 Miles. .. #4 .runctlon C,A,R, 140, 1 Mile East to 2 Miles East. #7 Thru Wriehtsto~~- ./!12 Junctlon .. T. H!'1:t. #59, 1 Uile F.ast to 2 Miles, East. C,A,R, #33 .runc;ition T,"l:. •.//.78 and Northeast 1/2 Mile. C,A,R, Ho .Junction T,H, #59. 2 ;Jiles· to 2½ i.riles North C,A,R, #41 Thru Maine. . , C,A,!l, #50 Junction T,17, #10, 2 Uiles to 2½ Miles r,orth C,A,R, #GO Thru woodside. NOIV, Tl-."-:REFORF.. BF. IT RESOLVED, That the State Highway Department be and it hereby is, requested. to make'a study and recommendation of the speed zoning on the above listed roads. and BE IT Pl!RT"F.R !lESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Safety Division of the St-ate B:ighway Department. Adopted ~an. 5, 1949. George T-Tanson Che.1.rman. Attest: William Lincoin The following resolution wa,s adopted: ·Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That Frank C. Barnes of Fergus Fall.a be arid he hereby is appointed a member of the Otter Tail county Tuberculosis sanatorium Commission for the .three year term commencing Jan. 1, 1949. Adopted Jan. 4, 1949, Attest: William T,incoln, i::lerk, George Hanson Chairman. The county anditor presented the followln~ ~tatement to the ~oard: TO T~: COUM'l'Y BOARD OTTER TAJJ. COUNTY, J.!nNP.SrJTA Pursuant to lnw F present below, a statemPnt showing the amount of taxes levied for County pur-·poses for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with the actual cash balance remaining to the credit of eaoh County fund at the close of busi- ness on the 31st day of December 1948. FUIIDS county P.evenue Fm1d Road ~ Bridge Fund Poor 'Fund Welfare Fund Tuberculosis sanatorium Yfillinrn Lincoln County Aua nor . . A!l!:flUNT J,F.VI!':D rr.~ CURRF.NT YF. .\.~ $ 89,420,20 238,142.43 60,011.55 164·, 952. 93 24,925.23 Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows: Fmrns County Revenue Fund Poer Fund ~oad and Bridge Fund Ditch ll'und Incl.dental Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium county Welfare Sinking Fund Continf,ent Funds Debit $. 191,126.71 .•. BALANCES :It Credit 48,329.24 57,982,'.)9 2,656.58 2.215.61 9,713.01 112,824.58 161.39 1,375.73 The following is a statement of the acoonnts remainine: unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Boarci. Road Machinery ordered but not recaived Bale.nee due on road contracts The following resolution was adopted: '13alanoe due $86,794.52 22,716.48 Resolved b,V the Board of County Oommissioners of Otter Tail Connty, Minnesota: COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN; DATE ............................•.... ?.~~.'. .... ~.'. ................................... 19 ..... ~.9 " That said "Board hereby reoom'llende to the legislature that a law be enacted nP.r'!litting Otter Tail county to levy 15 mills annually for oounty road and bridge purposes for the years 1949 and 1950. Adopted .Jan. 5, 1949, George Hanson. Cha1.rman. Attest: William Lincoln /'!!erk. The following names .werP. selected to be placed on the Grand and Petlt Jury lists of the county: Alex DUlski Geo. '9auck M:rs. Wm. Bahls Dave Tlngum John P'arms Mrs. V, Sundberg Oscar Ehlke Ray !':'.Lein Hugo Ham'lleS Lewis Arntson Axel l'/lok Alf Larson Alfred Jl'ossen Henr,v Lystad Ernest Veazie V. ,J. R"ansel S, :i-i. Bergsten E. T, Steen Otto !':ester August Nelson Ed. Martinson Danny ,Jorgenson Louis Uselman Henry Misegades Mrs. Framk Roberts Charles Schwantz August M. Llljegren H, o. Carev, Mrs. Earl Penrose M. E. ~ergerud P.'arry Burau torimer Torp,erson Albert r.. Mobroten H. E, Swenson Norman Nunn 'Sen 13enson Geo. 13erg Hugo Soderberg Jake Hendrickx Herman r,ubitz Emerson Kuhlemeyer Otto Luebberman l'Tm, Westover Mrs. Richard 'Ba.hls "'red Mattfeld Gotlleb Urbach Anna Selander John Pajarl ltenry Menze :R:d. Martin L.B. 'F!uss Herb. 'Bengston Martin Berrinaer G. c. Eckert ·· Helmer M_yhre Mrs. Et'lw. Homan Clifford Aas Mrs. Elmer Lyden Arm! Davis Mrs. Anton TOSO ,John i;:. ,Johnson nrover Saunders David ,lohnaon Leo .rarles Mrs. Reinhardt Thom Ted Ostrus Geneva TWP.eten J<:dwln rielson Mrs. w. M. Burmeister .Uvin Larson Mrs. Renry Ohlrogge t. ~-Steuart Mrs. Cecil somers GRAND JURY Perhom ,. New York Mills " ti Dent Richville Vergas Bluffton Uew York Mills Scambler Norwegian Grove Lida Erhards Grove Oscar Maine Dalton l\Jldaros Olithera11 Village Underwood \'inlnp: Amor Tordenskjold Compton Leaf Lake Inman Woodside Mrs,Henry·Grimm. ,. Vince. Drahman Walter Tikkanen J.lenry Tobkin "J,ohn Lange Ed. Franklin Mrs. Alfred vorgert Joe .Krueger •vie. Jettenberg r,!elvin Boe Paul Frazee Oscar A.nderson Ellis wagstrom Henry Budke Dr, H, R. Borg Guy Thompson Rok1.1s Schoo_p Melvin Y.imber 'F.dgar Brutlag P:ildie A"!derson Flenry Winther o. E. Moebins MrR. na.n ,Jungles IJrs. Oren Bjorklund D. D. Woodard Parkers Prairie Twp. Deer Creek Village 0 arkers Prairie Vill. Aastad Mrs. Peter Hink Mrs. Arvid Johnson A. R. Thom·pson Mrs. L. J. Wolters denry Pederson Dane Prairie Aurda.l Elizabeth Twp. Clt,v " ,. F.d, c. Peterson Albert 1-lexu.m Andrew Runningen ~. ~. lJeimer 1'1, S. .renkins Ral!ph SinnP.r PF.TIT JURY Blowers Bluffton Twp. Butler Corliss Candor Dora Dead Lake Edna. Gorman HO"bart. Homestead. Newton Otto Pine Lake P erham Paddock RnRh Lake ste.r Lake Scambler Di.inn !'rorwegian Grove Pelican Lida Trondhjem Erhards Grove Meplewood Oscar 111ribertz Ma.ine Pelican Rapids Battle Lake Clitherall Village Ottertail Village Dalton otter Tail Twp. Girard Twp. Everts Arthur Matti Louis V/egsoheid Mrs. Henry ,1 onke Mrs. Henry Fiedler Mike Sandau Mrs. Gustav Gorentz E.G. t,usterhof'f Albert Berger Gnst Rosen Gilbert AntonAen 1rarr,v neterson i;Jster J'.:eskl talla Herman Bauck vralter Sieling · Wm. Seedorf Alvin Lind'berg Mrs. Peter Doll Ed • Ho f.fman Floyd Hoadley !vlrs, Renry Aarness Ole Siggerude Mrs. Leslie Pierce Edwln Wee . Mrs. wm. !laarstick Mrs. Oscar 'Bengtson Adolph Mortenson Mrs. Otto Kugler Otto Genz Mrs. r,. B. Erickson "7m. Grunewald !vlrs. \'Isl lace Markle Ludvik T, Erickson Elof M. Hagen Herman Lueders Mrs. ,7. R. Cummings Andrew Bogen Cyr 11 Barnack . ~Perham "") New York Mills Perha.m " Vergas Bluffton Perham New York Mills Dunn Pelican Trondhjem Maplewood Friberg Pelican Re.Pit'ls St. Olaf' Everts 'Battle Lake Ottertail Village carard CHtherall Twp. Tumuli Deer Creek Twp. IJ'enning 'l"wp. Oak Valley 'Effington Eastern Henning Village Urbank 'Bnse Fergus Falls Twp. Carlisle Ci t.v " " Blowers Bluffton Twp. Butler corlisA candor Dora Dead La.ke Edna Gorman Hobart 11"omestead Newton Otto Pine Lake Perham Paddock Rush Lake Star Lake Scambler Norwegian Grove Peli.can Lida Trondhjem Erhards Grove Maplewood Oscar Friberg Maine "elican Rapids Rothsay 'Battle Lake Vining Underwood Otter Tail Twp. Girard TWp. Nidaros Leaf' Mountain l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. John Tuel Anton 'F,vavold Lewis "Bondy Mrs. Rollie Miirk A. p. Haukebo Mrs."'• R, Larson Lars T. !lelson urs. \V, M, Rebehn Howard Winter Mrs. vralter A, Salo Otto Brendborg E, F,. Moats Mrs. August Dehl N,C. 11angaard Mrs. c. L, Carlson Le1•1is Lyson Mrs. Earl f.. !Je lson Mrs. Walter oat Mrs. Charles Thorpe Charles ~ultquist IJ. J. Skoglund Harold Hole Carl Severson Mrs. ~e.rold w. L,yksett Theo, LI, Thompson ·Hans Ronnev ik Lloyd Nelson Mrs. Geo, Gre.barkewitz Mrs. AlbP.tt Sch~idt Elof Larson "'n.rvey Brause c. o. Utne 1,rs. Edwin S. Snowberg Ed, NP.lson !.frs. Me.rt in J,Ioen DATE ...... ·-··············-··-··Jan • ... 5 £ •• -•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 19 ..... 49 Leaf Mountain Ea9le T,e.ke Cli therRll TWP. Amor Sverdrup 'i!ordenskjold Tumuli Compton Deer creek Twp. tee.f La~:e Her:ming Twp. Inman Oak Valley Woodside Palmo '!<'olden Parkers ~re.irie TWp. F.e.s tern Deer r.reek Ville.~e 1-'enni ng Village PRrkers Prairie Vil. Aastad Aurdal Buse Dane Pre.i rie Carlisle Eliza.beth TWP• Eliza.beth Village Fergus Falls Twp. Orwell Yrestern City " " .. Olaf A, Olson lvfrs. ]',. M, Skibness Rudolph Holmgren Anciers Cl re.nrud T,. ,T. Peterson Julius Christopherson EdVtin Viger W, A. Johnson Charles r.:e.sme. 1v1rs. Jalme.r Paavola Herman Bolland Walford Kanberg Mrs. Ora Cook Mrs. Harley Leeseberg Mrs; Oscar T.indrud Alfred Pordekojlf \'lilliam Larson Mrs. Jim Guin MrR, o. G. Be.glo Math ,l. Y.raemer Mrs, George Revering Ee.rl Fabian Mrs. sophus Jcvern Mrs. R, A, Neumann Max Madsen Mrs, John w. Roehl, Jr. Mrs. Ea, Preston Max C • Y.:roi'leman, Jr. F,rnest Bartels, Sr, Mrs. fl. H, Dewey Olaf. Dahlen Peter Sethre Miss Clara Shol berg Mrs. ,iohn 1,roore Erick Smith The following bills we.re allowed:· Minnesota F,W,D, co. ?.uffridge-Johnson Equipt. co. Wm,~. Ziegler Co., Inc. Geo, T, RYan Co, Diesel & Magneto Service Little Falls Machine Sho·p If, W. Equipment co. Northwest Engineerinp, P.osholt Equipt. Co, Y.l.auer Mfg. co. A, w. Co,, Tnc. of Minn. De.per, Calmenson \ co. Elk Ri~er cone. Prod. co; A, B, Kilile Co, Skogmo Motors, Inc. Minnesota. Motor co. Lake Region Motor co. Brege.rd Garage Larson Bros. Anton We.llnofer Johnson Me.chine Shop Paulson Tire Shop Oscar Rude Ness&: "qrede.hl F.bersviller's Vaughn Chev. r}o. Hintz-Ble.oksmith Shop H. A, Ruile ,T. A, l'le.ldwin Mfg. Co. Smith, Inc. Ii"icols, Dean" Gregg Natl, 'Bushing ~ Parts co. Tesch Lumber Co, Larson Fardwe.re co. Coe.st~to-Coe.st Store, Henning Lampe rt Lumber Co. , V/ail ene. Coe.st-to~Ooe.st Store (Reger Broberg) We.d.ene. Hardware Co. Vernon x. Hanson Len Syverson's S. " F 011 co • Perham co-op 011 co. Fergus Oil co. P.agge Oil co. H. D, Morrill & son D, A. Lubricant co., Inc. Fergus Lumber~ Fuel Co, ·The. U.t 11 ity l!'eed Mi 11 Bill Nelson Oil Oo, Raymond Bros. Motor Tre.nsp. Co, Village of Perham Granite City Tool co. Gaylord Scott narts perts etc. " " " " " " " cutting edges culverts re pairs ., " " " " .. " .. " ., " supplies " " " " " II !I .. gasoUne " .. etc. p.as, oil etc. diesel tu.el .. ., oil coal eti,, .coal tires etc. freight water rental blasting sand gravel F.agle Lake ~litherall Twp. Amor Sverdrup Tordenskjold st. Olaf Tumuli cornpton Deer creek Twp. Leaf Lake Henning Twp. Inman Oak Valley i'/OOd.slde Elmo Effington ParkP.rs '?rairie Tl'lp. Deer Creek Ville.Re·· Renning Village - 'Parkers !'ralrie Villai;z:e Urbank Aastad Aurdal Buse Dane Prairie Carlisle Elizabeth Twp. Fergus Falls Tw.p. Orwell Western City .. .. " ., $ 176,52 964.46 708,65 129.19 49.50 19,32 '38.03 89.67 126.92 997.81 277,90 285.32 2017,36 79.07 57.90 17.95 7,60 10,70 281.55 8.00 66,09 11.10 5.10 1.38 12.51 3,80 14.42 5.40 35.40 216,53 62.08 235,77 2.35 17,43 11,24 15.65 1.5.71 4.99 5.00 32,76 4,05 41,70 47,14 723.28 31,95 70,56 27,89 21.28 61.87 35.54 16,00 33.54 38.50 r,:; I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Arvid ,Tohnson Raleigh ,Jenson Morris Hagen -Pree Press co. Helnola Telephone Co, N. W. Bell Tele. Co. Pelioan Telephone co •. N. \IT. Bell Tele. Co,, Renning IviinneR.polia Blue 'Prtr,, co. The Pierce co. Panama carbon co. corner Cafe & Rotel Merchant's Hotel, Perham Silver Gr~ll Aatu Kela Ernest Sandberg Bernard Downing Roy Bruhn Wendell P, Huber G. n. Harlow George Olson w. t. l?otter Wendell 1?. Huber George Wioker H. L, Thorndal Town of Paddock Town of Corliss Town of 'Perham Town of Pine Lake Town of. Elizabeth Town of Henning Town of Bu.se N, W, Bell Tel. Co. J. c. Henkes J. c. Henkes M, G, tee Edward c. Drews .~. C. Henkes earl J. r,und A. J. Lewis George Hanson Bert Stone Bert Stone Geo. B. Gunderson E. R. Swenson Frank c. Barnes Mildred "Bruvold Leonard Olson Ed, Shamp N. W. Bell Tel. Co. ·no . DO Marlin Reynolds Hillyard Sales Co. Midland Labo~atories Ls.rs on 'Rrot hers Nyman Fuel co. Missouri-Kansas Chemical Co. Frankoviz Hdwe. co. Winther Lbr. & Fuel co. FintBen-Karst Elec. Co. Y-n.of.f-Peterson Free Press co. Sec. '13lank Book .'I; Prts. Co. Miller-Dav ls co. Poucher Prtg. & Lith. co. Fergus Journal co. Oren Fosse H. F, Hinze s. r.. Ronning A, A, Vollbrecht Duane C. ~.une A, A, Vollbrecht Monroe CRlculating Mche. co. Olson Hdwe. -~ Furniture co. Flurrou,-hs Adding Mche. co. Helen Jane Baer Odin ;Johnson Olson-Enstad-Le.rson rnc. Archie Emery · J. c. i:renkes H, VI. Glorvigen DO Mhos. J. Kinsella-, M, D, Unive~sity Hospital Dr. w. o. B. Nelson R, J. Ridley Carl A. Snowberg DATE .................................. ,T.an •... 5 .. , ................................... 19 ..... !9 gravel II II maps rental ·services " " supplies " " lodging /I, meals room meals for crew moving fence cash. adv. " " expenses " ., services grading " " " calls expenses cash for telegrams dep. sheriff's fees expenses boarding prisoners coroner's fees " " attd. meeting telephone P.xp. attd. meeting " ,, just ice fees municipal court fees transcript constable fees expenses calls mobile service calls heuling ashes supplies " weld inp: coal supplies ., " pub. & court calendar dep. sheriff's fees · . " " " sign bond premiums haulinr, rubbish bond !)remi urns maintenance supplies maintenance exp. co. nurse cash Rdv. bond !)remiums services cash adv. drivers license com. rent -for postal box serivces nursing exam. equipment poor expense Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to Tuesday Feb. 8, 1949 at ·---..• m. ----··- $ 8.68 27.30 44.80 350.00 12.40 25.15 8.20 6.88 81.80 3.66 23.04 28.30 42.75 38,15 10.00 5.'l5 14.81 26,63 14.13 4,25 18.60 27.85 82.90 5.00 60.00 300.00 300,00 3(.lQ,00 300,00 600,00 300.00 300,00 50,15 48.85 19,80 37.81 53.94 166.50 22.70 10,25 7,50 5.60 10,50 5,90 8,00 79.25 1.30 2.00 10.80 70.55 65.40 26.46 32.00 53,92 7.13 1.05 741.55 5.48 19.08 10,94 15.66 ,90 64.90 233.71 29,67 217.36 214.40 25.80 2.40 15.00 40,00 6,00 10.00 19,50 5.90 194,90 34.20 2,50 53.28 4.00 2.75 12~85 2,00 75.00 110.50 3,00 591.50 1.30 i l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... li'ebrue.ry .. <i? ................................ 1949. MTNUTES Or' AD,T011"!HJr.:!1 1,P.F.TTNG 01" BOA!lD OF 110UNTY COJ,!Jli!TS~TOI-Ti::RS or,, 0TT'-1R TAU CO., l,!Il1Ni::SOTA. Pursuant to ad,1ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. ti{. Tuesday, Feb. 8, 194.9. Present were Commissioners Sieling, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and s·nowberg. Bids for cutting edges for grader blades as advertised for by the ·Board were received from Borchert, Ingersoll, rno.; \Vlll. H. Ziegler co., Inc.; Geo. T. Ryan co, and Paper, Calmenson and co. The bid of Wm. H, Ziegler co. was accepted • . Bids for culverts to be delivered during the year 1949 as advertised for by the Board were received from H. v. iohnston Culvert co.;· Wheeler Lumber, Bridge and Supply co.; Armoo Drainage and Metal Pro- ducts Tnc.~• Duluth Culvert co.; Wheeling corrugating co.: uorthfield Iron co. and Elk River Concrete '?roducts Co. upon J,rot ion, all o"Z these bids were acce·pted. A larre delegation of citizens from Deer .r.reek Village and surrounding territory appeared before the Board to request anditional help in keeping the roflds in that viclnlty open and, after a thorough discussion, the ~oard ap.reed to send an additional -,:,low to open up the roads at this time so that school busses could operate. The report of l'I. w. Glorvigen, r.lerk o:~ Dlstrict court, sho1ving salary received during the year 1948 in the su~ of $3500.00 was approved. trotice of the termination of the appointment of Gerald s. Rufer as assistant county attorney effec- tive ,1an. 1, 1949 :v1as received and placed on file. The application 'of Julius G·; Stabnow for cancellation of assessment for structures on five acre tract in Lot 6, Section 1, Tovmshi.p of Cli tl.erall; for the year 1948 was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the valuation of structures in the sum of $600.00 be cancelled and the assessed value of said tract be reduced from ~134.00 to $69.00 and the taxes from $24.06 to $2.51. The application o:f. U:orris l-!augrud for reduction in the assessed valuation of the mvf.-NW¼ except church lot in Sec. 33, Township of Scambler, for the year 1948 was read and the ~o~rd recommended to the Commissioner of: Taxatlon that the assessed valne be reduced from ~561.00 to ~211.00 and thP. taxes from $69,90 to ~26.29. The auditor presented to the Board the financial statement showing receipts and disbursements of the county for the calendar .vear 1948. upon motion, the statement was approved. The following resolution was adoptec: Resolved by the noard of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !!lir.r.,1scta: That George Hanson be and he hereby is appointed as a member of the Otter Tail County Public nurs- ing Service. 'Adopted Feb, 8, 1949. Ceorge Hanson Chairman. Attest: \1/illiam Lincoln /'!!erk. u-pon motion by comm.lssioner· Snowberg the following resolution Ytas adopted: Resolved by the Roard ofcounty Corn.rnissioners of otter 1'11,il county, Minnesota: That He·nry Sieling be and he hereby is appointed as a member of the Otter Tail County Co-operative Extension committee in place of commissioner c. A. Snowberg. Adopted Feb. 8, 1949. George Hanson Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. Cigarette licenses for the year 1949 were granted to the following: Geo. Olson at Almora; Iv!. C. Ogard, at Carlisle; :r.:. o. Knutson, Pauline Peterson and Willis Fuder, all at Erhard; Mrs. Anna Borup, Store in Star Lake; A. D. Wickham, Basswood Store in Dead Lake; Arvid Tenney, Highway Park, Town of Elmo; F. J. Hilooske, Pleasure Park, Town of Otter Tail; Geraldine F. Kremer, r,uce; Lawrence cook, I.yman Store, Town of Oak Valley; Lester B-~ischke. oil station, Town of Newton; F. L. Rairdin, store, Town of Inman; Leonard Fogard, Amor Store; Ed. H. Me.rtinson, Amor Garae;e; Geo 'Benci, Hillview• Garag.e, Town of Paddock; Elmer and Anita Kadel, Filling Station, Town of Maine; Virgil Newborg, Store, Town of Friberg; Einar A, Rytkonen, Service station, Town of Homestead; Perry Swenson, North Dora Store. Dance permits for the year 1949 were granted to Perry Swenson at North Dora Store and Olaf s. Gil- bertson at the li'armPrs' Club Hall, Town of Erhards Grove. Upon motion, the Board ad,1ourned tilll0:00 A. ,~., li'ebruary 9, 1949, \'TF.DTfl':SDAY'S SESSIOlJ Pursuant to adjournment the 't!oard met at 10:00 A. M., Wednesday, February 9, 1949, all members being present, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................... Pe b ruo.r y ·······································l~.~ .. . The petition of Elmer ~lbjerg to be set over from school district 43 to school district number 5 was token up for final action and all interested parties who were present were heard either for or against granting o! the petition. Action was def.erred till latP.Yin the day. The petition of l"ln, F.:Ubitz.to be set over from District 159 to District 193 was to.ken up for final action, and all inte-rested parties who were present were heard, eithe:r for or ap,11inst granting of the petition. Action was d.eferred till lateTin the day. The petition of. Clemence and Albert ICunza to be sP.t over from .District Ifumber 248 to Dif:!tr let !fumber 204 was taken up for final action. Attorney M, J. Dal,v appe.ared on behalf of the petl ticners. After full consideration the petition was laid over to the January meeting in 1950, The following resolution was adopte~: RESOLUTIOM BY T'-t:F. BOARD 0,, COHIITY CO!c!!.HS~TON"1RS OTT:P.R TATL COtTNTY, llill"IIBSOTA WIIBREAS, Federal Aid Funds are available for. post-war surve,vs and. plans, and Wl{EREAS, otter Tail County desires to make surveys and ll'lans for post-v1ar construction, IW'tT, TllEREFO:?.E, BE IT RF.SOLVED, Tilat the county of otter Tail does hereby authorize. the Commis- sioner of Highways to act for it and as its agent for the purpose of applying for and receiving federal aid for post-war surveys; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Tilat the Chairman of the Otter Tail County Board of commissioners and the Qount.v Aud.it or are hereby authorized to sign and execute agreements with the commissioner of Highways requesting authorization to begin work on PWS-4, Item 805, o.nd PWS-6, Item 1164, Adopted this 8 day of. February, 1949 Ht est: William Lincoln clerk. The following r'Jsolution v:as adopted: RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD 0~ COU!lTY C01.!li!TSSIOI,J"EP.S OTT~R TAIL COUNTY. ~mm. George ·Hansen Cnalrman. l'TH'P.RF.AS, State Aid Parkw~v #1 has been designated on the roads lying adjacent to and within the property known as the Fergus Falls State Hos~ital, and Wlfl'lRBAS, a portion of this Parkway has been surfaced with asphalt cement, and i'IHEREAS, it is necessary to re:pair and maintain this wearing course and provide other maintenance to keep the road passable during bhe year, NOW, T"'~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a request be made to the State Board of. Allotment for the maintenance of said State Aid ParkWay in the amohnt of $1,000,00, Adopted this 9th day of February, 1949. Attest: VTilliam Lincoln clerk, The :l'ollow1ng reso111tion v:as adopted: R!llSOLUTimT 'BY T!-'1-: ROARD 0,, COTINTY COMMISSION"lRS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. George Hanson Chairman. W'-!EREAS, the County of Otter Tell intends to construct that portion of State Aid P.oad #1 beginning approximately 3/4 mile north o-f the junction of Trunk 'FJighway d/:78 and Trunk Highway .f"1o8 on the east side' of O~ter Tail Lake; thence westerly for a distance of 1.5 miles, and Wl-'ERF.AS, on this particular stret~h of road to be constructed· it is necessary to construct a new bridge, and W'Pl'lW.AS, the cost of this nev, br1.t'l(le will be approximatP.ly $30,000, and VTUBRJ':A,CJ, the construction of this bridpe is ver,v costly and cannot be done with preeP.nt county funds, NOW, TT:FJ':P.F.1-'0RE, BF. IT RESOLVF.I), that a reque~t be made to the State Board of Allotment for Special Aid in the construction of. said bridge on State Aid Road #1 in the amount of $10,000." Adopted this 9th da.v of February, 1949. Attest: \7ill1am Lincoln --------Cle-r~k-.--- ___ Gearge Hanson chairman., ,.-- t L COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. i:"ebruary 49 DATE .............. ·-······-······················-··-···································19 ....... . A resolution of the City council of ~ergus Falls asking for designation of state Aid Road fl throug said city ~as read and approved and the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION REVISING DESIC:NATIOU OF srATE AID ROAD NO. 1 BE IT RESOLV~, by••the l3oard of county cfommissioners of otter Ta1:1 County. Minnesota, that the desip:nation of that part of State Aid Road uo. 1 described as follows, be revoked: ~eginning at the intersection of Unicn and Vernon Avenues; thence north on Union Avenue to the intersection of TTnion and. Lincoln Avenues R.l'.ld there terminating; Beginning at the intersection of Union and Fir Avenues in the City of Fergus "Falls; thence running east along Fir Avenue to the intersec- tion of Fir and Friberg Avenues and there terminating, Total length revoked: 1,45 miles. BE IT FITRTl'!ER RF.SOLVED, that the follow i.ng described road be designated as part of St ate Aid Road NO, l: '3eginning at the intersection of Union e.nd Vernon Avenuesin the City of Fergus Falls; thence east along Vernon Avenue to the intersection of court Street and Vernon Avenue and there terminating. Be- ginning at the intersection of Vernon Avenue and Cascade Street; thence northerly on cascade Street to the intersection of cascade Street and Summit Avenue; thence easterly on Summit Avenue to the inter- section of summit and Northern Avenues; thence northerly on northern Avenue to the intersection of Northern and Mt. Faith Avenues; thence easterly on Mt. Faith Avenue to the intersection of Mt. Feith and Aurdal Avenues; thence northeriy to the intersection of Aurdal and Cecil Avenues; thence easter- ly on Cecil Avenue to the intersec•ion of Cecil and Friberg Avenues; thence northeasterly on Friberg Avenue to the intersection of ~riberg and ~ir Avenues and there terminating. which is to be known as State•Aid Road #1. Total lentzth of new designation: 1,83 miles, "BE TT ,.,,~Tm.:R RP:SOJ.VlID, the.t the Commissioner of 'lir,hwa,vs be and he is hereby requested to re- commend to the Commissioner of Public Roads the selection of the streets as described above be made a part of the Federal Highway System eligible to recPive urban Federal-Aid, Adopted this 8th. de,v o:f. February. 1949, Attest: William Lincoln clerk. !he d!oP,pY(i!'18 resolution was adopted:· RESOI,VE!> B.Y THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS~IO?TP:RS OTTER TAIL COUNTY. r,mm. George Hanson Crtairman. WHF.REAS, this Board has heretofore contracted. with Geo. T. Ryan Co. for one Galion !llodel 116 -Petrol equipped with snowplow and wing and whereas same hos been received and accepted by the County NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RF.SOLVl::D, that theCounty Auditor and Chairman of the ~oard are authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant on the Road and 13ridge Fund of the County in the sum of $13,583.90, the contract price, George Hanson Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, clerk, The netltions of' wm. J~ubitz to be aet over from District 159 to District 193 and of Elmer _4IbjerBfrom .District 43 to Di strict 5 which had been iLaid over earlier in the season were again taken up upon motion. Both tnese petitions were rejected, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board pf connt,v Commissioners o:!: Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That J,ola Mehl be and she hereby is appointed as a second county nurse at a salary of $233,00 per month, payable on warrant of the county auditor at the close of each month, said nurse to be stationed at -Perham. Adopted Feb. 9, 1949 .• Attest: William Lincoln clerk. The follOYt1.ng bills were allowed: J, c. Henkes M, c.· Lee J. C, Henkes Louise Standahl Mabel WenstrGm Helen Jar,.-Eaer Norm~ndy Cafe Mildred Bruvold Frank C, Barnes 1-tolten l'!dwe. Frankoviz Hdwe. Fergus Glass~ Paint Co. O'Mearas exoenses dep. sheriff's exp. bd, of prisoners . expenses,· " " (nurse) meals for jurors transcript municipal judge's fees supplies ,, " George Hanson Chairman. $118,32 46,56 115,50 18,10 12.96 61.60 126.30 19.50 34,70 14,09 I7;43 2,97 15,9·8 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN; 'February 49 DATE ........................................................................................ 19 ....... . s.cuan: ICINiiAiLG■FANI I i■.CWUD, ••••• A ,a Davidson Metal Shop N, W, Bell Tel. Co, Do Do r.ampbell Coal co. Costello Mfg. co. Pioneer supply r.o. Prominent SpP.cis.1 t,v co. The Oscar c. Rixon co. Globe Gazette Prtg. co. Standard Electric.Time Co. Stang .'I, 17ri.ght Hintgen-Y.arst Elec. cro. wm. Bahls Joseph Rayner Sr. earl Jnhn Poucher 1>rtg. 'I: Li th. Co. Midland Pap;ir 'I: Staty. Co. The Pierce co. Remington Rand rno. Pouoher l'rtg. 'I: Lith. Co. Dept. of Allministra.tion Schoolcraft co. Sec. ~lank Book 'I: ~rtg. co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Miller-navis co. ,Jones -~ Kroeger Co. Ugeblall l'uh, Co, Victor Lu~deen & Co. Do Fergus Journal Co. Do, Perham Enterprise Bulletin• Urtll erwooll Inde·pendent "· V{. Glorvigen P, A, Anderson Helen Ja.ne 1:laer P, U., Ree Louise stondahl S, L. Ronning 'R, 'II. Glorvip.en Marchant r.alcnle.tinp. J.Iche. Co. Odin ,iohnson Lif!htfoot•s Shop Olaf A, Ji'etved t state of Uinn. west Pub. C!.. l\fason Pub. Co. Johnson Furniture co. Minn. State Sanatorium DO Fergus Falls Clinio Drs. Lewis, tewis ~ ~evern Fergus ·Falls Clinic ~/right Memorial 'Rosp. Do City of ~ergus ~alls Olson Glende Ambulance Service Div. of Public tnstitutions Town of'EVerts Town of Lida Town of Nidaros N. w. J?ub. Co. Pelican Rapids Press Fergus Journal co. l{enry Sieling George Hanson Bert stone Geo. B. Gunderson Mrs. Mary I,. sv,anson Alvin !,uebke !,!unloiNtl Water De.ot. s. M, Moen .Julius Rohde Louise Wilde Wilcox Lumber co., Vergas !lul_ph' s T>ray Renry Holmgren D, A, iubricant Co,, tnc. Raymond Bros. Motor Tra.ns. co. N, P, Railwey co. M.il1s !,foj;ors tyman Store S • .!I: F. Oil Co • tiengtson Oil co. consumers' co-op. 011 co., Tnc. P.ays Oil co. ?1, Lincoln Shell Serv. Fergus Service Sta. ~onsµmers' Oil co., Battle Lake Service Oil co., Battle take P. 'R, Gust Elevators, Und The r.armers' supply repairs services .. mobile service coal supplies .. " repairs supplies c. t:r. repairs .. dep, sheriff's fees binders supplies " " " exp. school supplies " " supplies pr inti np: supplies " prtg. !I: suppli~s supplies !I: prtg. suoplies publishing " pub. P. p. tax lists " .,, " ., " postage " " " " lettering noor drivers' licens~ ex~ense service hauling supplies blue r:>rir:ts maps dipest & reports law supplements letter file uare of patient " rt " " examinations examination ca.re of patient ,. " " supplies f6r poor transporting patient care of inmates carP. of Patient supplies care of poor pub. P. P, tax lists ,,-ti II II tt II n exp. attd. meeting II H H " II II " " carP. of child dp.ma.ge rental of equlpt. storage ~ravel " lumber·· dra.vage repairs grease •• oil freight " repairs ge.soline ,, " grease, oil etc. p:aso!ine "etc. ,, "etc. coal $ 22.45 46.00 44.65 64.61 1163.55 5.50 11.30 32.00 14,50 135.90 42.85 4.55 4.29 19.43 3.48 16.92 1129.13 34.10 3.67 30.31· 248,13 21.96 155.33 105.78 15.50 77.12 84.88 54.25 213.51 70,65 225.90 78,00 2l)9.80 106.20 30,50 54.70 12.75 181.39 59.92 1.50 7.00 35.00 1.00 25.10 8.85 10.50 45.00 45.00 ·93,0-7 156.55 35.35 150,00 24.00 3.00 218.45 63.80 37.60 30.00 1147.35 325.81 215,38. 46.61 250.20 319.00 599,00 10.45 7.50 10.50 6.05 100.00 15.00 9.41 100.00 5.60 10.00 9.47, 10.35 17;69 597,05 14.93 2.65 7.10 1.22 · 83.14 3.56 3.85 36.86 8.75 42.21> 18.85 99.56 41.51 78.00 .------------------------------------------------------- I l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. "'ebruary DATE ........ •··············-··········-··········-··-······················-··-·······19 ... 1. .. Tnsuronce ServLce Agency VT, r .. Potter George Olson r,. D, 'R'arlow Todd county ?erhom Farm. Supp. Jo. Wendell P, HUber coast-to-Const sto:re, Perham naulson Tire Shop Dalton Hardware co. Park Region Oil co. Minn. Motor co. Olson Auto Electric '9111 ?Tels on Oil . co. Fortwengler F.leo. Shop A, ?. Schmitz Garage The Klauer Mfg. co. Henning Auto & Machine works Wick's Garase Cb1·istianson Welding Shop Ruf·r.ridge-Johnaon Equipt. Co. N, W, Equipt. co. Co-op. Services, Inc. Rosholt Equipt. co. 'Iarold Hllhlt>nheck r.araon rerd•111are. Par. Pr a. Les. Ti:re Service. A, ~-~.re!cr weld.ing service consumer's co-op. Oil co. ~~uck Chevrollet cc. Anderson '!c Tichy i,,i:i.ls Oil Co. Bill's Service Station ~arthun & Peterson Oil co. Thomas Garage Penrose OilCo. 'Flagge Oil Co. Tick Tock Cafe Pelican Telephone Vergas Tele. Co. N, W, Bell Tele. Co, Village of 'Renning N. W, Bell •Tele. Co. P, H, Gust F.levators, Vergas Minn. state lfigh. ne·pt. !(arvonen '!c Son Silver Grill Erickson-B'elleckson-lfye co. Merchant's Hotel, Perham Home~ Farm Sup.,Henning. Oscar Rude A, B, Kilde Co, Vaughn Chevrolet co. Hintz~ son Blacksmith Shop McDUnn Farrn Store Ebersviller's, P, R, Ser,1ice Oil co •• Und. t'!endell P, '{Uber Saund ere. co. · Service Recorder co. Minn. Motor co •• Yladena !latl. '!lllSh, '!c Parts co. 'Battle T,ake y;ardware Alfred Herfindahl Red Arrow Garage Firestone Store R, J,Schmidt Nidaros Township H, A, Rude Vergas Hdwe. Co. P. Y., M, ~ Co, 'fergas uotor Service Me,ver' s Service station E, , ... Johnson Merquardt's Store F.. 'P.. 'laas Coast-to-Coast Store., P,P, J ,Ji', Shay Ut ill ty Feed M:111 American Farmersi,tutual Anderson & ·Sandberg Oil co. Henning onco. Aurdal Township Me.ine Townshi·p Grenrud Garage Fred A, EVerts Coast-to-coast Store, Henning Hintgen-Karst ~lee. Co, Frankoviz Vardware co. Fergusr.less 'I: Paint co. Hobart Townshi'!) Skogmo Motors, Jnc. .tnsurance expenses " main. ~ snov1 remov. supplies expenses supplies " repairs .. repairs & oil " parts repairs " ., parts " repairs parts co.Ditch ~52 (repairs) repf!.irs ., gasoline etc. re-pairs " p:asoline etc. " " ., " diesel fuel meals for crew services " elec. service lonR distance ~3649 coal tP.Sting stippli.P.S meals lumber rooms repairs " " " " " " cash adv. suppliP.s rerairs ., !)arts 'I: repairs repairs " f?enerator repair tire repair repairs grading parts supplies " repairs etc. supplies supplies! T,abor " " services coal insurance diesel Fuel gasoline etc. grading & gravelling grading repairs coal etc. supplies " " " p.rad ing parts .'I, repai·rs $ 12. 38 27.35 18.60 7,90 48.74 .93 117.80 4.15 13.30 2.53 11.20 38.50 46.37 77.86 8,15 6,87 480.25 4,30 4.00 13.27 95.88 42.62 3.95 141.53 91.45 1.64 !3. 00 19.00 255.65 17.19 30,30 83.49 30.85 128.17 193.31 245.19 14!32,33 30,00 11.20 17,25 7.16 5.04 57.54 137.20 18.55 7.00 48.70 2,18 18,75 2,47 4.50 52.35 17,70 122,55 5,50 22.64 24,97 41.28 .70 10.39 9,00 167.23 8.13 7.17 4,85 14.63 13,75 300,00 48.75 35,74 19.86 31.18 2.40 108,74 2,52 4.35 2,38 60,00 77,41 541.78 66,00 144.74 300.00 300,00 24.64 114,22 4,63 6.55 5.95 18,52 300,00 3!3,D8 101 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN; DATE ............. February···--·• ............................................. l9 49 Anne Bros, G, & c. Sales co. Rennie Rossum Blacksmith Shop Fer@'US Lumber •• Fnel Co. Sigurd Olson Material Supply r::orporation Howard Eck.er Paper, Calmenson & Co, Gamble's, Dalton Ebersviller tmpl. co,, F,F. Holten Hardware Perham co-op. Oil co. Empire Supply co, Granite City Tool Co, L, J, Sand Produce Ashley i;iuixign Co. ~cast-to-coast store, P,R. Highway Co, Thelen tmplement Co, A, w. co., Tnc. of Minn. IAinn. Mining 'lo Mfg. co. l."ergus Oil Co. T,en s,vverson• s Miller-Davis ~.o. 1>oncher Prtr;. !I:· T,i th. co. H, A, Rogers co. Burrough's Adding Machine Co. Midland Stationery Vic~or Lunt'leen 11: co. Whiting's ' Giobe-Gazette Prtg. co. N·. W, Bell Tele. Co, ~llf:fcrd Ollie Wendell P, Huber Cummins Die~el Sales Corp. Geo. T. Ryan co. Wm. H, Ziegler Co,, Tnc. Diesel~ Magneto Service Le.n1on "!roe. Deer Creek Township repairs " uoal supplies calcium chloride coal cutting edges supplies " " " " e;,merator paint supplies " p,asol i'le etc. ]'larts supplies r;asoline etc. " " supplies " " " " equipment: file services 1,39 B,L, cash adv. stamped.envelopes re.rte, etc. " " repairs repairs " road construction Upon motion.the Roard adjourned to Tuesday, March 8, 1949 at 10:00 A,M. $ 47,76 39,00 12,50 72.58 11.15 779.36 19,00 66.82 14.69 7.34 21.09 68.78 719,77 90.00 17,55 11.45 2.28 85.19 311.06 507.-66 92.40 795.27 114.55 16.57 144,58 48,39 3.97 4.94 93.80 36.85 81.75 33,90 2.32 150.00 16)8.97 555.18 2039.76 153.21 420,75 300,00 Ji-qr~ l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. March O' 49 DATE .............................................. P-.·-···································19 ......•. MIN1J'!'ES OF AD.,O!T!Uflro MR"!T!NG OF Tm:: ·Rn.Um n,., ~OUN'i'Y comTIS!'lH'!·IT.!'P.S OF OTT'P.:! TA '!L ~ 0UN'l'Y , .P.!Tr.'!L nur1n:nnt to adjourl)mel"t thP. -qoe.rd met at 10 o'clock A, II{, Tuesday, !,tar. 8, 1949. ·"resent WP.re commissioners Sieling, Cund·erson, Hanson, stone and Snowberg. Bids for motor patrols with snow plow ond wing as advertised for by the Boe.rd were opened e.nd read· as follows: A, w. compan,v, T.nc. Rosholt Equipment co. The Geo. T, R,Van co. ~orchert*-Ingersoll co. Wm,~. Ziegler co., Inc. $14,594.75 16,305.60 13,844,00 13,464.17 14,599.00 The 'Board 11.stened to statements of re!)resentatlves of the various firms submitting bids. ,1ud l th !lord and i,targe.ret Thorson, home demonstration agents, and Carl R. Gustafson and A. M, Booren, county agriculture agents, presented to the Board. thP.ir annual reports for the year 1948. The following resolution was adopted: · Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota That the 'sum of $1,000,00 be and the same hereby is appropriated from the county revenue fund to the sheriff's contingent fund of the county, Adopted Mar. 8, 1949. George Hanson Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln The followinEP resolution w~s adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota That the sala.ry of Helen Jane 'Re.er, county nurse. be and the same hereby is fixed at the sum of $250,00 per month commencing Jan. 1, L949. Adopte~ I/far. 8, 1949·, Attest: _____ W_i_l_l_iam Lincoln clerk. George Hanson chairman. ''Off and On'' sale beer licenses co~11nencing April ],., 1949 were granted to Wm. Tes~endorf at woodland Park in the Town of Girard: Rufus uull e.t Hull's La.nding in the Town of Girard; earl Haufle, Hall- berger Lake, Town of Friberg, e.nd Virgil HeY!borg, store in the Township of Friberg. Cige.r11tte license for the calendar year 1949 were granted to l"'2rray Burns e.t Burn's Store, Town of Maine; Verner K, Ramberg, Maine Store; Joseph D, Crouch, Phelp's Store, Town of Maine; Cheste·r lie.bberste.d, store in Town of ivle.ine. The e.pplice.tion of Howe.rd 3rosowske fo1· classification of SYI¼ e.nd the SW¼ NW¼ of Sec. 20, Town- ship of Carlisle, for the year 1948 e.t homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the com- missioner of Taxation that th11 land be so classified e.nd the assessed value redaced from $2446,00 to ~1912,00 ~nd ~he taxes from $215.99 to $155.74, · 'l'he e.nplication of ,iohn l'felgeson for classification o·f r.ots 8 and 9 in Block l of Crystal Lide. 13each for thP. year 1948 111t homestead re.tit was read and the l'!oard recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the land bA so classified and the assessed value reduced from ~359,00 to $224,00 and the taxes from t55,36 to M3,67 •. The application of Rudolph and "PP.arl '''Blander for classification of the IPTt SF.;. of Sec, 20 in the 'l'ownshio of Ee.stern for the ,vear 1948 at homP.stead rate was read. and the Board recommended to the Com- missioner of Taxation that the· land be so classified 111nd the assessed value reduced from $330,00 .to ,198,00 e.nd the taxes from $39,77 to $23,09. · The application of Eugene N, sorflaten for cancellation of asses~ment for building against Lot 55 in ~lea.sure Park l3each in the Township of Otter Tail for the year 1947 was rP.ad and the Board recommend- ed to the Commissioner of Taxation that said assessment for structures in the sum ·of $165.00 be can- celled and the tax on se.ld property reduced from ~10,40 to $1.49, The application of the Minnesota Motor ~o. for cancellat ton of assessment for the year 1948 on automobiles nnd trucks owned by said company in the City of F-ergus Falls for the year 1948 and upon \Vhich 1048 automobile licenses were issued was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of the personal !)ro9erty of said company for said year be reduced from cl'15,751.00 to ~11,306,00 and the taxes from f2523.31 to t1811.22. The· application of Glen Thome.a for cancellation of assessment for personal !)roperty in the Village of Vining for the ,,;ee.r 1948 on the ground that he had no personal property ·in said village on lil:a,v 1 of that year, was read and the Boe.rd recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of $685,00 and the tax of $1ID0,15 be cancelled, . The a·ppllcation of Mrs. D, F, Waite for reduction of assessment for personal pro11erty 1,n the City .r (, COMMISSIONERS RECORD·N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN; DATE .................... March ..................................................... 194JL of Fergus Falls for the year 1948 was read and the Bonrd recommended ·to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $185.00 to $146.00 and the taxes from $13.62 to $7.37. The application of Andrew Tysver for reduction of assessment for personal property in the Township o·.f' Folden for the yaar 1948 was· read and·, after oonsi.deration, upon motion, the same was rejected. The anplic11tion of ,Tohn A. Gronner for reduction o:f' assassment :for structures against Lots 2 ,5 ,6 and 7 in Sec. 30, Township o:f' Rverdrup, :for thP. year 1948 on the ground that additions and improvements to said structures were mostly made a:f'ter May 1, 1948, was read and thP. ~oard recommended to the Com- missionP.r of Taxation that the assassed value of said pro!)ert.v ba reducad from $3852.00 to $2853.00 and the taxes from ~623.87 to $462.07. The application of wm. Nelson for red1wtion of assessmP.nt for personal propert.v against the Bill Nelson Oil co. in the City o:f' Fergus· Falls for the ,vear 1948 was read and the Board recommended to the r.ommissioner of Taxation that the assessed value o·f' said propP.rty !Je red1ilced from $5642.00 to $4575.00 and the taxes fr.om $903.85 to ~732.92. The application of Hamm's Distributors for reduction of assessment for personal property in the City of. Fergus Falls for the year 1948 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Tax11- ti.on that the assessed value be reduced from ~4726.0Q to $2363.00 and the.taxes from $757.11 to·$378.56. The application of Northwest l3uildP.rs, tnc. for reduct ion of assessmP.nt for personal property in the City of Fergus Falls for 1948 was read and the ~oard rP.commended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from ~3297.00 to $1812.00 and thP. taxes from $528.18 to $290.28. The a!)9lication o·r. Ethel G. Welch for reduction of assessmP.nt f.or 1948 against th.e F.nst 100 feet of Lot 2 in Wm. Reese's Lakeshore in the Tovmshi.p of Rush take was rP.ad and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessP.d value be reduced from $2160,00 to $1360.00 and the taxes from $265.68 to $167.28. · · · Upon motion, the Board adjourned to WednP.sday March 9, 1949 at 10 Q'clock A, M, i'lEDNESDAY'S SESSION 'Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 A. !~-Wednesday, Illar. 9, 1949, all members being present The 9etition of~-A. Hammers to be set over from Dist. 260 to Dist~ 274 was taken up for final action. rt appearing that the transfer could not legally he mad~ ns the land in the •petition does not join Dist. 274, upon motion, the petlti.on was lsid OVP.r to 10 A. M', J.Iay 11, 1949. The petition of. Harry LeRoy Olson to bP. set over from Dist. 107 to Dist. 62 was taken up for final action. tntP.rested. parties who werP. prP.sP.nt from Dist. 107 were hP.ard as well as the county superin- tendent of schools, ·and it appP.a.ring to the ~oard that the transfer should not be made, upon motion, the petition was rejected. · The petition of !,vle Heald to he set over from Dist. 45 to Dist. 112 1vas taken up for final action. After listening to the statem~nt of thP. county Superintendent of Schools and tha 9etitioner and there being no one in opposition ~o thP. petition, upon motion, the same v1a.s grantP.d and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Lyle Heald, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of Sohool District No. 45 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereina·rter described, which are sit- ua.te in said School District, and adjoin School District Ifo. 112 and aelcing that he witl:! his said ls.nds may be set o:f.f. fr.om said di.strict No. 45 to said adjoining school district· No. 112~was presented to the Board of county CommissionP.r.s of this r.ounty at a session of said board held on the 5th day of ,ianuary A, D., 1949 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas, it was therupon ordered by se.id board that a hearine: should be had on said pP.t it ion, at a seas ion of sa.i.d beard on the 9th da,v of March A. D. , 1949 at the Count,v Auditor's o-r·r.ice in the Cit.I' o"f' "'ergus Palls in.said county; and whe-reas, it was further ordered in and by said order tha.t notice of the ti.rne and place of such hearing be given b_v !)Ost- ing copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and b,V mailing to the clerk of. each of said School Districts, a cop.17 of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas, at the said seas ion of the said Board of County Commissioners Qn said 9th day of March A,D., 1949· due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therP.in directed s,:id required, mere than ten days prier to said lo.st named date, having been made a.rid filed. se.id petition was publicly read and consid.ered by the Board, with ever,1•thing which was said by ea.id interested parties for or against sranting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being· of opinion that said petition should •be granted, it ls hereby ordered and det.ermined, that the si;.id petitioner and. the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: If§" of NE¼ in Section 13 Township 133 Range 41 be and the samP. are hereby set o.Z2 from said School Distl·ict No. 45 to said ad,ioin- ing School Di.s.triot No. 112 e.nd said lands are herP.by made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. BY ordP.r of the Board of county CommissionP.rs. Dated the ~th day of March A,D,, 1949. (Auditor's SP.al) George Han...;s"=o~n-~~---~-~---dha.l rman of the sioard o:f' County Com- missioners of otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, snn ex-officio ClP.r~ or Board. The petition of Myrtle M, T,1ostelson to be set over from Dist. 81 to Dist. 214 wns taken up for final action and the County Auditor ha,•im~ received trorn the petitioner written notice that she desired to wlth/lraw thP. petition, upon motion, tho rP.o.uest was r,ranted 11nd thP. petition wa.s withdrawn. A large delep:ation o·f citizens from therownsihip of Candor appeared before thP. 13oard to r~quest the desl~~ation of road Ln said township.as a county aid io~. After discussion, the ~oard notified the COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. E ti.arch 49 DAT ·······················-·······························································19 .......• delee:ation th11-t it ls imposBiblP. ~o increase the county aid s,1,stem at the present time on account cf shortage of funds. The followin~ rP.solution was adopted: R B S O L r T T 0 H IV"ER!i:AS, the Government of the rrni teci States by ann throup.h the Army corps of FJnr-ineers contempla.t es the construction of a dam across the otter Tail River in Section Twenty-six (26) of Township One H11:rrdred Thirty-two (132), ~anp,e Forty-four (44), and it will be for the best interests of the County of Otter Tail to build end construct over and across the top of such proposed dam the County Aid Road No. 28 whjch would obviate the neceBsity of bu.llding,. oonstruoting Ail.d maintaining a bridP,e across the said Otter Tail River, the cost of ~hich would be equal to or in excess of thP. oost oi' buildinf! anci maintaining a. public roa.d across the proposed dam, and the Gounty of otter Tail has been advised that it might be possible to procure and obtain•f.rom the Government of the United States permission to build, construct end main- tain said public road over the proposed dam s•tracture and over nnd across land acquired or to be acquir- ed by the Government of the united States on each sidP. of. the so.id Otter Tail River in connection with th acquisition of land for the proposed construction of such dam. !101'7, Ttf'llR'!i:FOP.E~ be it resolved by t}l.e eounty Commissioners of the county of otter Tail, State of Minsesota, as follov,s:• t. The.t the Count.v Bnp.ineer be and he heret.v is authorized and directed to forthwith transmit to the Go\'ernment of the lJnited StatP.s. and. ouch ap,encies thereof aB ma,v hnve jurisdiction of the matter herein dei!!oribed for a permit and easement for the construction, improvement and maintenance of a County Aid Road over and across the top of the proposed dam hereinbefore referred to and over and across lands ad- jacent thereto which may he acquired by the Government· of. the united States in connection with such project. n. That the County of Otter Tail agree to reimburse the Government of the ll'ni ted States for such ex- pense as. may be necessarily;·incurred in chan€ing plans for the proposed dam so as to permit such propos- ecl use for public.road purposes and for the incr~ased.cost o:f.ConRtruction, if any, occasioned b,v such chAnp.e of plans, and that the Government of the United States and its ap.enciP.S having.jurisdietion thereof be requested to forth1'11 th advise the County of Otter Tail of' all terms and conditions which may be imposed by the GovernmP.nt of the nnited States as a condition of the granting of such easement and permit to the end that the same may be incor~orated in a formal agreernent to be executed by the County of otter Tail. HI. Thet the county of Otter Tail shall covenant and agr"e that any road which may be constructed across the said proposed dam will be maintained by the County of otter Tail without cost or expense to the Government of the !Jni ted States, and that the county of Otter Tail shall save and hold harmless the Government of' the United states from any and all ciaims of every kind and nature which may be asserted against it arising out of the use of the se.id public road or which may arise incident to the operation of' such dam by the Government of the United States with reference to persons using the said public road. IV, That the Government of the United states be requP.sted to advise the County of Otter Tall as to any other terms and conditions which may bP. imposed as a condition of the granting of such permit or ease- ment and that a formal af!reement be subse11.11entl,V entered into incorporating such terms and conditions, the executlon of which shall be subseouently authorized h,v the County of otter Tail before acceptance of such easement or permit. - ~he above and foregoing resoLution was duly offered at a regular meeting of the 'Board of' Count.v commissioners of the county of: Otter Tail, Minnesota, held on the 9th day of March, 1949, and was duly seconded and was thereafter adopted by unanimous vot~ of all of. the said commissioners. Attest: ~/illiam Lincoln The following resolution was adopted: MT!!WT-1SOTA DE,,A?T!.W.!JT I'll" ~TGt:"/.4.YS li'1!':TlERAL A !D S!.C mmnY F'ORM NO• V GeorBe Hanson chairman. W'ri"'R":AS, it is neoessary in order to receive Fec!P.ral-Aid toward the construction of that. p0r-tion of State Aid Road No. 1 described as follows: From: 4.0 ML N. of the S. County l'ine to: 9,75 Mil, N. of the s. county tine for the county itself and through the commissioner of' !UghYtays as its agent to 116ree to maintain said road after it shall ha:'le been constructed, NOVI THEN BE IT RESOLVED, that the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the county of OT'r:!>:R TAIL to execute a contract' concerning the• maintenance of said por- tion o·f State Aid Road No. 1 in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of' IU11hwa.vs Feneral-Aid Maintenance contract Form No, VI", a copy of which said form was before the board, assum- ing on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein set forth. Adopted this 9th day of. uarch, 1949 George Hanson chairman or county Board Attest: William J',incoln clark. /I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Marah 49 DATE ........................................................................................ 19 ..... . The following resolution was adopted.: MINIIBSOTA DEP.ART!mNT OF HIGHWAYS FEl>ERAL AID SEC'ONDARY FORM lfO. III Be it resolved that purenant to Chapter 90, Laws of' J1Unnesota 1943 the commissioner o~ !'Ughwaye be appointed as the agent of the countyof. OTTER TAIT, to let as it s agent 11 contract for the construction of' that portion of' state l!:,id Road ·wo. 1 described as follows: From: 4.0 ML rr. of the s •. County line. To: 9,75 Mi. N, of thl'! s. County r,ine-and the ohairman and the auditor are hP.reby authorized and di- rected for and on behalf of' the r.ount.v to execute and enter into a contract v,ith the commissioner of Highways presaribing the terms and conditions of' such ap:en0.v· in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Depn.rtment of 'FUti:hwa.vs Agency contract rorm No, IV .. , a copy of which se.id :l'orm was before the board, assuming on behalf of the aount.v all o~ the contractual obligations therein contained, Adopted this 9UJ day of March, 1!>4!>, George Hanson chairman of county Board. Attest: William r,incoln clerk. The following resoluti.on was adopted: RESOLUTION BE IT ~ESOLYED by the ~oard of County commissioners of the county of Otter Tail of the State of Minnesota: That because of deterioration due to rain, snow and usual spring climatic donditions the roads hereinafter described will be seriously dama~ed unless restrictions are imposed as to weight of vehicles to be operated thereon, NOW', T!l'ERF.FOP.E: No person shall operate any vehicle or combination of vehicles upon any of the oounty roads in the county of otter Tail and state of Minnesota described as follows, to-wit: State Aid Roads 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, and county Aid Reads 24, 25, 26, 21, 28, 29, so, 31, 32, 33, 34, 3u, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, and 62, during the ·period from the 20th of March, 1949, to the 15th of May, 1949, where the gross weight on any single axle as defined in Minnesota Statutes 1945 Sec, 169,83 exceeds three tons (6000 pounds) and the Engineer of said County ls hereby dir-ected and author- ized to erect and maintain signs plainly indicating the prohibitions and restrictions above at each end of that portion of any highway affected thereby, ·and. these restrictions shall be effective and this pro- hi bit ion effect! ve ur,on such erection and maintenance of such s .lgns. Adopted this 9th day of March, 1949. Ge ore:e 'If e:n son chairman of otter Tail county Board Attest: William T,incoln clerk. Upon motion, the auditor was instructed to advertise for bids as follows: Cutbank Asphalt and road oil, approximately 50,000 gallons, bids to be received until 10 A. M, Apr. 13, 1949; also bids for one t ton panel truck in exchange for county's 1938 one ton~ Ford panel truck, bids to be received until 10 o'clock A. M. APr, 13, 1949; also for bids f'or rental of all types of' construction equipment including operator, bids to be received until 10 o'clock A, M, Apr. 13, 1949, U'pon motion, the auditor was instrncted to advertise for bids for construction of County Project S,P, 56-506-01 (State S,A.~. No, 1) located betwel'!n 4 miles north of the south county line and 9,8 miles ncrth of south county line, ssid bids to be opened at 2 o'clock P, M, Apr. 12, 1949. Dance permit f9r the year 1949 and also "On n.nd Off S11.le" beer licenses for the year commencing Apr. 1, 1949 were granted to lferman Weickert at summer resort in the --Township of Perham. "On and Off Sale" beer licenses for .the year commencing Apr. 1, 1949 were granted to F, L. Rairdin at hie store in the Township of Inman. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO!,U,IISSIONRRS OTTER TAIT, COUNTY: MI!lNJ-1SQTA WHEW.AS, F.ederal Aid Funds are avail.able f'or post-war surveys nnd plans, and WlfF.REAS, otter Tail County desires to make surveys and Plans for post-war construction, NO'.'l, TPERF.FOP.E, BF. IT RsJSOLVJ'lD, That the county of Otter Tail does herebJ• authorize the Commissioner oi' l'fi.r,hwa.vs to act for it and as its 11~ent for the purpose of applyin~ for and receiving federal aid for post-war surveys; BE IT FURT!,ER RESOLVED, That the Chairman of thP Otter TJJ.il County Board of Commissioners and the County Auditor are hereby authorized to sign and execute agrPeme~ts with the commissioner of HLFhwa.ys re- questing authorization to begin work on ~-4, Item 796-799•800-803-A07-812-813-814-815-817-820-824~826, PWS-6, ttems 1165-1167. Adopted this 9th da,v o:l' March, 1949. Attest: \!!illiam J,inooln clerk. George Hanson chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY~ -MINN. ?iarch 49 DATE----··············· .. ····························•···•········· ......................... 19 ..... . The following resolution was adopted: RESOLU'l'IO!r BE T.T RESO:tYE!l that : .under provisions of the State Maternal and r.hild Health plan for participation in the benP.fite of tte Pederal social Security Act the Board of county Commiseionere of otter Tail County hP.rewith requests the Minnesota State 'Board of i::iealth to grant t·he sum of :§250.00 to be used as supplernental aid to add :L nurse to the public health nursinr, staff in otter Tail County f'or the fiscal: period beginning April 1, l!M9, and ending ,Time 30, 1949. Adooted Mar. 8, 1949. (Sign) r.eo. Hanson Board a! county Commlsstoner Attest: William Lincoln, r.lerk. Date March 8, 1949. The following resolution was adopted: RF.SOLUTION ~F. TT RF.SOtVED that: under the provisions of the State Maternal a.nd Child Health plan for participation in the benefits of the Federal Social Secur.ity Act the Board of county r.or.imisaioners of Otter Tail county herewith re- quests the Minnesota State Board of Health to grant the sum of' t,1,000.00 to be used as supplemental aid to add l nurse to the public health nursing staff in Otter Tail County for the ·fiscal ·per.tod be,i;.lnning July 1, 1949 and ending June 30, 1950. Adopted Mar. 8, 1949. (Sign) Geo. Hanson Board of County COl!llllissioners Attest: William Lincoln clerk. ,Date Mnrch 8, 1949. ,The following resolution was adopted: Resolved. by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota That the salary of Mrs. Lorraine Hoium, secretary for the county nurse, be and the same is fixed o.t the sum of $140.00 per month cornmencing Apr. 1, 1949. Adopted Mar. 8, 1949. George Hanson cna1.rman. Attest: William Lincoln t::lerk. Upon motion, contr!tct for furnishing motor !)e.trol was awarded to Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Tnc. in ac- coraance with their bid. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Wednesday Mar. 9, 1949. The following bills were allowed: ,T. C. Henl:es M. O. J,ee J. C. P:enkes Do Edward c. Drews Mabel Wenstrom Louise Standahl l)r. c. J. Lund Deot. of Agr. Dairy "c Food ?rank C. 'Barnes Mild r-ed ~ruvold li'rankoviz Oaffaneys Office Sup. Co. R. A. :Penning Art Printcraft Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Uiller-Davis co. National Education Assn. .Jones Sc xroeger Sec. Blank Book !I: Pr!;g. Co. Midland Paper & Staty. Co, Victor Lundeen & co. li'ergus Journal co. Battle Lake Review DO Parkers ~rairie Indeoendent Wm. Bahls N. W. Bell Tel. Co. Do expenses ·dep. sheriff.' s exp. telegrams boarding prisoners expenses " " coroner's fees vreed control ;lud·ge' s fees transcript supplies " " binding receipts blanks ,!I: supplies supplies record book binder supplies printing & supplies publishing pub. notice pub. tax lists P.P. ,, " " p.p. nep. sheriff's fees calls " $ 18.31 30.06 4.66 156.00 14.53 3.35 62.20 35.31 132.00 33.00 6.20 3.10 · 1.20 4.46 12.00 39.50 43.35 1.45 117.32 37.80 3.71 227.46 93.20 2.00 183.00 207.40 12.36 53.65 17.65 I 1..3 COMMISSIONERS RECORD. N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN; March 49 DA'rE ........................................................................................ 19 ....... . liintgen-Y.arst Elec. Co, Carl J, Stadsvold Helen Jane Baer Louise Stondahl H, L, Allen P, M, Ree P, A, Anderson Rarry Burau VI, H, Dewey Theo. Hegseth H, 11', Duenow Helen Jane Baer Ilfarchant Cal. Mche. Co. Odin Johnson Olaf A, Fetvedt underwood corp. Marchant Cal. Maohe. co. Minn. Public Health Assn. Addressograph !,!ttltigraph Corp. H. W. Glorvil1!en Frederic A, Renkes Dr, c. J. Lund A, A, Volbrecht Duane C. Aune St. Mary's Hospital DD Nopeming Sanatorium Dr, Thoe. J, Y.insella Dr, w. F, Schamber Town of Girard v. o. K, Swenson Town of 1i1aple1vood Xnoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co, John M, Furlong co. Vern Smith Implement co. Tri-State Supply co. Minn. Mining II: Mfg. co. Smith, Inc. Johnson Machine Shop Natl. Bushing~ Parts co. Nicols-Dean II: Gregg P, IC, M, !I: Co, Minn. Linseed 011 -~ Paint co. Olaf Eckley Raymond Bros. Motor Transp. co. P, H, Gust Elevators, Vergas Tesch Lumber Co, Fergus Lumber~ Fuel co. Fred A, EVerts The Farmers• Supply l'l'il~ox Lumber co. Bengtson 011 co. Farmers' co-op. Oil Assn. Len S,vverson•s Hoot Lake Ice -~ Gas Ray's Oil Station Highway company s. & F, oilco·. Vaughn Chev. co. Henning Oil Co. Thomas Garage Hagge Oil co. D, A, Lubricant co. H. ·A,. Rogers co. N, W, Bell Tele, Co., Henning The Globe-Gazette Prtg. co. The Pierce Co. Northwestern Bell Tele, co. Victor Lundeen~ co. Miller-Davis N, W, Bell Tele, Co., F,F, Tick .Tock Cafe City µighway Dept. w. r .. Potter George Olson C. D, Harlow Wendell P, Huber John.I, Bondy Earl Ytatkins Russell Depisto Norw~gian Grove Twp. Dunn Twp. Girard TWP, American Earmers• MUtual Barke, Allison & Darby Evert Maki Ytilbert Koski Cummins Diesel Sales corp. Borchert-Ingersoll Inc, A, 'fl, company Inc. of Minn. Wm, Bros. Boiler II: Mfg. co. Geo. T, Ryan co. Minn•. F,W,D, Co, repairs labor and supplies postage " " soil comm. expense " " " ... " " expense nurse service " cash for snow shoveling blue prints typewriter calculator supplies (nurse) services. drivers license com. jailer services at jail s11ret.v bond hauling garbage care of !)atient " ,, " " " serv,!.ces exam. " nursing u. Hosp. help to transient care of poor supplies " " " " " " paint gravel freight coal " " " " " gasoline " " " " " " etc. " " " " " " diesel fuel oil II: gre.ase sup.plies services sitpplies " ... ~- lorJB distance #3649 su·pplies " #39 Battle Lalce meals for crew rental of equipt. expenses " cash adv. appraiser moving fence lot grading " " insurance " co. Ditch #38 " " #38 parts n " " " " $ 41.04 330,13 20.01 54.10 17.86 46.47 25.75 10,50 13.80 12.90 9.30 47.35 35.00 10.00 10.25 134.55 495.00 8.34 10.00 6,95 15,00 ·5.00 5,00 4,00 332.85 607.41 119,17 200.00 18.00 146.50 2.00 1409.06 19.15 2.13 7.97 37.50 92,40 93,84 22.80 91.72 305.63 17,78 23.58 5.53 31.53 64.60 72,74 38,35 199,78 37.05 68.58 114.15 142.70 42,88 160,30 80.84 11.59 81.12 109.85 30.74 264.72 i949.74 560,07 236.97 10,84 45.!42 3.70 41.58 2,90 63.40 53.95 45.65 1266.00 60,10 24,60 11,25 33.29 68,00 25.00 500,00 300,00 300,00 300,00 24.45 2778,05 6,·75 5,25 38,02 266,69 164,55 498.82 465,37 244,80 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY; MINN. DATE ...................... ·-··-····· i,farch··-···································19 ...... ~9 Rosholt Equipment co. - Y.lauer Mfg. co. wm. H. Ziegler co., Ino. Paper, Calmenson & co. Dakota Tractor !'c Equipt. co. Larson Bros. Welding · Jaenisch Industries A• B. Y.:ilde co. Skogmo r.rotors. Inc. E· w. Baas. . Jfenninr, Auto II: Mach. works A. R. Meier r.rundstrom Imp. co. Barta !: Gaedke The Adelsman co •• Inc. Field Machine service Waterhouse co., Inc. Y.nuttila• Imp. co. :F'ergus Plumbing -!'c Heating Wiebe's Garap.:e Service Recorder co. Bill Nelson Oil co. Firestone stores Les Tire Service Wendell p. Huber Fred Stinar Fargo Foundry Co. Gamble Store, Dalton ~intz .!',, son Blacksmith Shop Olson Auto Electric JJ:auberg' s Rlacksmi th Sho·n Thelen Implement co. Fergus Oil co. ijennie Rossum Dahm's Photo Print. co .• James Hauck Village of Henning McCabe Bros. co. Henry ,l. 111. Engelke Blacksmith Shop Town of Sverdrup Hoff Bros. p. ~-Gust Elevators. Henning Daniel soutor Town of Otto N. W. Bell Tel. Co. Geo. Hanson Geo. B. Gunderson Bert Stone no. western T1vp. parts " " cutting edges parts repairs " " " " " " " " .,· " tires .!'c re pairs tire repair tires .'I: repairs expenses gravel tank supplies. repairs " gasoline etc. " " repairs supplies mileage garage rental coal repairs road work parts & repairs coal supplies poor exp. mobile service exp. attd. meet. " " " " grading .!',, gravelling $ 274.03 719.92 765.21 207.09 2.0·0 408.85 18.80 27.52 22.15 ·19.70 .19.90 26.75 6.00 28.99 36.50 109.50 17.35 1.53 1.50 3.00 12.84 289.12 16.88 250.55 149.09 11.76 34.00 3.24 114.90 109.49 26.54 166.83 1523.45 91.30 79.00 3.50 148.48 33.10 25.15 300.00 1323.88 20.50 .. 5.22 132.32 6·2.70 7.50 5.90 10.50 23.70 300.00 Bill of· the Township of western for appropriation from the county on account of expenditure.of $875.10 by said town·ship for gravelling roads was, upon motion. ·re,jected. Upon motion. the Board then adjourned to TUesde..v Apr. 12, 1949 at 10 o'clock A.M. fir,~ " HSHIIHPII COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN; Xpril 49 DATE ........................................................................................ 19 .... . Minutes of' Adjourned Meeting o:f. the Board of' County Commissioners of Otter Tail Co., Minnesota. •Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'olook A. M. A.pr. 12, 1949. Present were commis- sioners Sieling, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg. A large delegation of' citizens from Rush Lake and vicinity appeared to request the establishLng: of a county road from Trunk HighWBJ' #78 to Round Lake in S'eo. 22 and 27 in the Town of Rush Lake. The delegation presented a written petition signed by a large number of' freeholders of' that vicinity and, upon -motion, the petition was ordered placed on file. A delegation of oiti?.ens discussed with the Board the question of establishing a pike rearing pon in the Township of Dead Lake. ' ..... The town board ot i>anctook a!)peare(• to urre tne improvement of' judicial road. on the line between l3eoke•r and. Otter Tail count iee ,. being the north line of "Pao dook Township. After d isoues ion, the Board agreed to meet on the road Apr. 29, 1949 at 3 o'olook P. M, to look the situation over. Bids f'or oonstruotion of part of i'fendell 'road south of 1i'ergus "Falls as advertised for by the Board were opened by A, L, Torgerson representin~ the state hip.hway department and were oheoked by Mr. Tor- _gerson and county 'Ffif!hvra.v Engineer Huber. Tvrenty bids were received and oheoked and after suoh oheok-' ing it was reported to the Board that the bid of ose Bros. of Thief' River Falls in the sum of $37,993.67 was the lowest bid received and, upon motion, the county Board recommended to the commissioner or High- ways that said bid be aooepted. trpon motion, the Board adjourned to April 13th at 10 A. M, Wednesday's Session Bids for half' ton Panel Truok in exchange f'or used truok owned b.v the County as advertised for by the Board \Vere received from Poff Bros., Lake Region Motor co., A, B, Y.ilde Co. and Skogmo Motors.Ina •• Bids were read and representatives of the various firms were permitted to make their statements to the ~oard in regard to the merits of the machines. After full consideration, the Board aooepted the bid of the Lake Region Motor co. for one 1949 Ford half' ton panel in exchange for 1938 Ford one ton panel for the sum of $1522.50. A large number of equipment rental bids as·advertisec for by the Board were referred to the enginee . and, upon his report, the Board accepted all of the bids, the engineer to decide what equipmen;t would be rented from time to time. A report of' the Board of Andit of' an examination of' the accounts of' P. M, Ree, County Treasurer, f'or the period from Jan 1st to Mar. :n, 1949 showing .a balance in the countytreasury at the olose of' said last mentioned date of' $1,126,356.21 was approved, . The question of' repairing roofing on the oourt house was discussed and Commissioner Henson was in- structed to secure speoif'ications for this work preliminar.v to calling fer bids, trpon motion, it ~as ordered the sum of ~300,00 be allowed to any township in Otter Tail county for road work on to\vnship roads 1vith a provision that said township has expended during said .~•ear at least $900,00 on said roads. The folltwing resolution was ado'!)ted: BE IT P.ESOJ.V~TI BY the count,v l3oard (county Commissioners) Of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the existing and duly established and designated state Aid Road No, l in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, vthioh begins at the South Corner T,ine at the southeast corner of Seotio'l.1]iu1J:~Et~,,.a~d PI9~~ng~therl.r am,l, .. EJl._st.uJ,v.._~o ~herl·l~;~)Je~~t,Jlorner of Section 1, Tl36N-R36W,._1s as ro ows: e-glnn ng a! e ~est""'section corner• o! §'ai'd Section 21; thence North on section line between Seo- tions 20 and 21 to the Northwest corner of said Section 21. That it is necessary for the safety of' public tra.vel and f'or the propn maintenance of said road that it be so altered and chanp;ed; That an easement across :additional lands herearter described is needef f'or the purpose of so altering said state Aid Road No, l in said sections as aforesaid; '!:&\\ \~\ \i~ar\11.si~it\esirtiaii i\ittz4\dti~0 ~dorNiublibsh~itw~ttt~at1ida~t,~iiet~ettB:lf:the same shall·i·,;e located, lie, oe 11,na ru-n as ·nere.tna~ er escr1l'>ed; · That it is necessary !or the oonstr~otion and maintenance of said road and for the safety of' public travel that additional right of way be procured to enable the construction of proper slopes and that an easement be procured to const.ruot certain slopes and to maintain the same after construction as ·provided in the plans and specifioat ions on file in the off'ioe of' the County Highway Engineer at the Court House in the city of Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the speoif'io places where said slopes are to be oonstruoted, being particularly hereinafter described, that such easement f'or suoh oonstruotion of slopes oease on or before December 31, 1950; That it is necessary for the oo•!struotiol'l: and mai~ttenanoe of said road for the safety of public travel that an easement for thP erection of temporary snowfenoes be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereina-Pter described to he taken for public hi~hwas pnr!)oses and upon the lands adjoining the same; Tha.t the lands so to be taken f'or public~hip.hwa.v and road purposes and subjected to easemPnt as aforesaid, are situated in the Stateof Minnesota and count,v of Otter Tail and described as follows, to-wi-: 'PARCF.L 39 a,s f'oi~~!s ~ortion of the vrest one-hal;I.' of Sect ~on 21, Tl32N-R431'1, otter Tail county, t.Urmesota, described All that part of the following described tract lying between lines parallel with and distant 50 feet East of the west section line of St id ~ection 21 except present road right of' way. l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY~ MINN: DATE .................... APril•····························-·······················19 ... ~~ containing 1.04 acres. more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes whioh shall oease on or bef'ore December 31, 1950, on the follow ing described line: cl A strip of land Ao. feet wide on the 1>:ast side of' said roawo,v, beginning at a point 263 feet North of south1'lest sect lo~ .co.mer o"" ~ection 21, 'J'l32TT-R43W; thence North 260 feet and thP.re terminating. A strip of land 35 feet u~ide on the r,;ast side of said roadwa.,v, beginning at a point 623 feet North of the southwest Section cor-ner· of section 21, Tl32N-R4~W; thence Horth 350 feet and there terminatinp.. A strip of land 50 feet v:ide on -the East side of said roiway, beginning at a point 2ooo•·feet IJOrth of Southwest section corner of said Section 21; thence North 327 feet and there terminating. A strio of land 45 feet l'lide on the :r;:ast side of said roadway beginning at a point 912 feet North of YTest one-quarter corner of said section 21: thence North 675 feet and there t ermine.ting. A strip of land 20 feet wide on the East side of said r.oad,1Yay beBinning at a point 1950 feet North o:I! YTest one-quarter corner of said Section 21; thence rrorth 200 feet and. there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway, and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursu.ant to law; to acquire said easement across add it tonal lands as a.fores aid for puhl le road and hiithway purposes: to acquire said easement and additional rip,ht of way for constrnction o:~ slopes, as aforesaid; and to ac- quire said easement for erP.ct ion o·t snov!fences, and let the same forewi th duly be begun and prosecuted. Dated this 13th day of April, 1949. By the county Board of Otter Tail county Attest• William Lincoln, •-,--.,.c""o-==u,..n .. t_y__,A'""u'"'a...,l"'t'"'o,...r-.---'------Geo Hanson chairman. ( Seal) "On and Off" sale beer licenses were granted to the following: Arthur Abraham, Resort in Section 35, Town of Dora: G-eraldine F. Kremer, Store in Luce, Town of Corman; Albert ,lanuiJ!zewski, resort on Lot 1, sec. 1, Town of "erham; Perry Swenson, store in Sec. 7, ~own of Dora; Frank G. Quint, R-1, Henning, resort in Town of Leaf Lake; Anton Sand, Pine Cabins, Sec. 31, Town of Corliss; Roscoe Smith, Lot 5, Sec. 34, Town of Dora;· Ted Halverson,, Ted & Gracie's Place N. Shore of :-:r-,ong Lake, Town of Elizabeth; w. ~. Jaeger, store in Town of Star Lake; Francis J. ~ilkoske, Pleasure Park, Town of Otter Tail; Ralph J. ~rews, Snruce Lodp.e, Town o~ Star Lake; ~arl Johnson, store in Almora, Town of Elmo; Er-nie "ederson, resort in Town.of. Star Lake; Orvel B. Solman, Sec. 13, To1Vn of Butler; Arvid Tenney, Highway Park Store, To"~ of F.lmp: .. Jacques ~endrickx, Butler ~tore, Town of Butler; Wm. E. Lee, Grand View ~eights, Town of "ine Lake; c. s. Jensen, Glass Bar, Sec. 6, Town of Girard; Walter Weiss, Weiss Re- sort on otter Tail Lake, rown of Otter Tail: '11'red Bellingei:, Sunrise Resor't, Town of Tlead Lake: James· v.vvoda, Rush Lake Resort,.Town of Rush Lake; William c. Taylor, Otter Tail River "ark; To1'ln of 1!:verts; Lester G. Sherman, Rocky Bar, Town of ~obart; Leroy F. Wilson & E. c. Prischer, Balmoral Pavillion, '.!J:'Ovtn of Otter Tail Frank F!unter, Pleasant View Resort, Town of Dead Lake; Limmer Bros. Limmer's. Resort, Town of Rush Lake; Donald H. Bondy, Leaf Lake Pleasure Grounds, Town of Leaf Lake; Arnold Evenson, t"estern store, Town of western; Carl T. Sundblad, resort, To1vn of Elizabeth; Franklin Larson, Big Pine Resort; Town of Pine Lake;. Carl Leaf, Leaf Resort on Squaw Point, ToV!n of Pine Lake. Cigarette license 1ver·e granted to the following: Limmer Bros., Limmer' s Resort; Town of Rush Lake; Carl Leaf, Leaf Resort on Squaw Point, Town of nine Lake; Franklin Larson, Big Pine Resort, fown of Pine Lake; Clarence s. Jensen, Glass ~ar, Town of Girard; 'lrilliam E. Lee, Grand View Heights, Town Of Pine Lake; ,Jacques 'ltendrickx, Butler store, Tovm of Butler; Ernie Pederson, Ernie's -Place, i'own of Star Lake Ralph J. Crev!s, Spruce T,odge, To1rn of Star Lake; earl ~aufle, Haufle's Resort, iovm of Friberg; ~arl Johnson, Almora, Town of ~lmo: Gustaf o. Weiss; Rush Lake RP.sort; Town of Rush Lake: ~ames Vejvoda, Rush Lake Resort, Town of Rush Lake; · Emil A. Madsen, Madsen's Resort, Town of Everts; E. YI. Hauswald, Real McCoy Camp, Town of Amor; Chas."· Merten, Bonnie Beach Resort, Town of Clitherall; William C. Taylor, Taylor's Resort, Town of Everts; F.. J. Mackenzie, Shoreview Resort, Town of Amor; Harrison J. Melby, Corner Store, Town of Amor; Lester G. Sherman, Rocky Bar, Town of Hobart; Roscoe Smith, Rocky's Resort, Town of nora; Orvel B. Solmon, Store, Sec. 13, Town of Butler; Leroy F, Y/ilson, Camp Balmoral, Town of Otter Tail; Frank Hunter, Pleasant View Resort, Town of Dead Lake; Donald H. Bondy, Leaf Lake Resort, T.own of Leaf Lake; Carl Sundblad, Sundblad's Resort, Tovm of Elizabeth: Fred Bellinger, Sunrise Resort, Town of Dead Lake; Arthur Abraham, Abraham's Resort, Town of nora; w. H. Jaeger, Jaeger's Boat- house, Town of Star Lake; Frank N. Quint, Frs.nk's Resort, Town of Leaf Lake. DS:noe permit using mechanical music only was granted to Leste•r Sherman, Rocky Bar, Town of Hobart. Dance permits were granted to Wm. E. Lee at Grand View Heights, Town of Pini Lake; Ralph J. Crews at Soruce LQdge, Town of st~r Lake: Arvid Te~ney at ~ighway Park, Town of Elmo; non Bondy at Lenf Lake PlPasure Grounds; Wilson and ~rischer at camp -qalmoral; orvel Solmon, Sec. 13, Town of Butler; and Maplewo?d 'Parm Bnreau at the Maplewood Community Hall. The anplicetion of. illm.' Schueller for classification of Lots 16 and 17 in Block 4 of CutlP.r's Re- survey in the City of Fergus '!"alls at homestead rate for the year 1948 was read end the Board ordered lhe same so classifi-ed and the assessed value reduced from ~1720.00 to $1120.00 and the taxes from .,275.54. to ~175.56. The application of Mary Saurer for classification of the west two-thirds of. Lot 2 in Block 21 of North Division, City of Fergus Falls, for 1948 at homestead rate was read ana tne Ba.ard ordered that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $276.00 to $173.00 and the taxes from ~44.22 to $27.05. The application of Robert F,. l'langP.rin for classification of F,. 7 rods of s. 23 rds of the SE-¼-NE¼ of Seoi 16, Township of 0 arkers Prairie, at homestead rate for the irear 1947 was read and the Board recom- mended to the commissioner of Taxation that said land. be so classified and the assessed value reduced from ~147.00 to ~92.00 and the taxes from $21.04 to $12.80. The applioation of Magnus Bertelson for class lficat ion o.f Lots 5 end 6 of Snodgrass' Basswood G!l'ove in the To,mship of Rush Lake for the year 1948 at homestead rate v!as read and the Board ordered that the said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from ~360.00 to $225.00 and taxes from $33.98 to t20.37. 117 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN; _.\pril 49 DATE ........................................................................................ 19 ...... . The application of Andrew E. Tysver for cancellation of assessment for personal property in the Township o.f Folden for 1948 was read and the Bo-a.rd recommended to the commissioner of ';'axation that the assessed value of ~200.00 and the tax -of$15.80 be cancelled. The aoolicntion of Mike Fleming for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Township of Mainefor the ;,rear 1948 was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the as.,. sessed value l:l•e reclnced fr-o·m $50.00 to $14.00 and the tax from ~11.54 to $3.23. The application of. E·, J. "'ossen for reduction of assessment on personal property at the 13oy1:1,m ~exaco station was read and the Board recommended to· the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from 11451.00 to :1914.00 and the taxes from ~232,45 to $146.42. . The application o:f' Chas·. rT. 'Petterson :f'or reduction o:f' the assessed valuation of the wt SE¼, Lot 5 and the E½ o:f' Lot 4 in sec. 14, Town of Aurdal, :f'or the year 1948 was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $1166.00 to $1050.00 and the taxes :f'rom $162.02 to $145.59. The application of Elizabeth HUnter :f'or reduction o:f' assessment for 1948 on Lot 4 and the SW¼ SE¼ of Sec. 1, Town of Friberg, was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced fr.9111''$630.00 to $525.00 and the taxes 'from $98.66 to $82,22. The application oi Kenne:th !'!Unter for reduction of assessment for 1948 on the IIW¼ of Sec. 7, Town of J.laine, was rend and the Bo.ard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the. assessed value be reduced from $1763.00 to $1507.00 and the taxes from $212.36 to $181.07. The application of Jack ff, Liedl, for reduction ·o-r. assessment of personal property for the .vear 1948 in the City of 1"ergus Falls was read and the ~oard recommend eel to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced .from ~240.00 to ~140.00 and the taxP.s f.rom $38.45 to $22.42 •• The application of Lester c •. 1 ohnson for reducfion of assessment on personal property in the City of 'F'ergus Falls for 1948 was read and the Boa.rd recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of $147.00 and the tax of ~7.53 be cancelled. The a.pplica{lon of Ronald 'L,Vdeen for reduction of assessment for 1948 a.eainst E, one third of Lot 2, Block 32, tlorth Division, in the Cit_v of Fergus Falls was read and the Boa.rd recommended to the Commis- sioner of Taxation that the assessment for structures be cancelled and the assessed value be reduced from $121.00 to $10.00 and the taxes from $18.92 to $1.56. · · · · . . . . . . The application of the \'Test Lincoln Shell Station for reduction of assessment for personal property in the ~ity of Fergus Falls for the year 1948 was read and the Board recom~ended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed ~alue ~e reduced from t810.00 to $464.00 and the taxes frcm ~129.77 t~ $74.33. The application of theConsumers' Gas co. of net-roit Lakes for cancellation of assessment o:f' personal property in the V~ll~e of nelican Ra.oids on the ·ground that the same was assessed at the home office of the company was read and ·the Boa.rd r,ecommended to the commissioner of Taxati'on that the assessed value of $100.00 and the ta~ of $12.81 be cancelled. · The application of the Consumers• Gas co.· of Detroit Lakes :f'or cancellation of assessment of persona property in the Township of Corliss on the ground that the same was· assessed at the home office of· the company was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner o:f' Taxation that the assessed value of $50.00 and tax of $5.62 be canc:,~~led.· ' The following bills were ariowed: ,, ·. J. C. tJenkes M. c. Lee .T. C. 'F!enkes J. C. "P.:enkes - r:renry Sieling Helen Jane Baer H,. L.Allen John L, Bixby Mabel Wenstrom Louise stondahl Dr. w. F. Schamber Frank c. · Barnes st. Paul Book Stationery co. E. p. Oetchell rre lson B;ros. Prtg. co. The Pierce co. S_y:ndica.te Prtg. co. Schoolcraft Co. Poucher 'Printing~ Lith. Co. Ga.ffaney's Office Spec. co. Miller-Davis Co. Frltz-cross co. Sec. Blank Book~ Prtg. Co. Miller-'!'lryant-Pierce Victor Lundeen /1: co. Holten tJdwe. Wm. Galena Allen J. Adelsma.n Hintgen-:ira.rst Larson Bros. Lampert Lumber Co. International Chemical Co. Odin Johnson N, W. 'Bell Tel. Co. Do Bjerke-F.dlund co. Johnson Furniture Co. Stang~ \11ri~ht · Noble " Triepke expenses dep. sheriff's exp. Boarding prisoners telP.grams exp. attd. meeting " nurse exoenses " " " coroner's fees municipal jud~e•s fees school supplies " " printing su·pplies school supplies . " " " " supplies etc. blanks" supplies books and supplies " " " supplies receipts~ supplies supplies re·pairs stoker parts supplies repairs coal supplies repairs calls " re·pairs suppl 1.es .1ail repairs ha.uli~ rubbish $72.82 91;52 66.00 8.49 10.25 41.8"0 28.10 29,60 76.80 67.30 13.85 5·0.65 71.25 100.00 57.57 7.22 19.10 68(89 241.18 25.74 68.48 231.59 137.84 9.00 788,30 3.29 64.51 36.40 1.80 8.25 719~82 134.90 10.00 37.00 2.60 35.48 60.00 2.21 4.00 l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................... A.pr i l ..................................... 19 .. 1:.? Missour1-Y.ansas Chemical co. Costello !!f'g. co. Unite~ Chemical co. N. W. Beil Tel. Co. Fergus Falls \Voolen Mills N. ~/. Publ. Co, Fergus Journal co. Henning Advocate Battle Lake Review Hew York Mills P-erald Mel\'in Kloiber Leona.rd Olson "<T. w. Glorvlgen 'R. L. Allen uelen Jene Baer Louise stondahl Helson 13ros. l'rtg. C!o. Davidson Mfg. co. AddreSSOflr!J.Ph uultigraph corp. 'fl. 1•1. Glorv igen · Aune 13ros. Olaf' A. Fetvedt !~off'-0 eterson Hdv:e. co. Johnson Drugs Fergus Falls r,lin1c C. J. Lund, M. D. Tovm of Pelicnn ~fary J,. Swanson Davis Clinic "'ergus Falls Clinic Town of' Girard Nopeming sanatorium Dr. C. B. Will Dr. T. E. Bigler Estrem· Clinic C'ity of' 'G'ergus Falls Fergus Falls Clinic Serv.ice 011 Co. Und Hintgen-Karst Elec. co. C:,reat western Laboratories Tri-State Supply Co. tlaz-Dar co. Minn. nai nt s, Tno. Motor Patrol Assn. Gre.1 -f:f' s Garap.:e Joseph B. Potzmann N. P. Railway co ■- N.vman 'Fuel Co, The Farmers' Supply ~. 0 • Gust Elev. Henn. r,i ty of' Ferp:us Falls .,ohn Grismer riarvey Kenyon Ji!rs. Emma Moen 'Park Region co-op Oil co. Lawrence cook consumers' 011 co., Battle Lake Fred's Standard Service Cities Service Station Consumers' Co-op. 011 co., Benning 91ll's Service Station 0 erham co-op. Oil co. nenrose 011 Co. Thomas Garage T-'enninr, 011 co. Service 011 co., B. J,. Thelen Implement Co. "."ergus 011 co. Anderson ,._ Sandberg J.Iagge 011 co. D. A ■ Lubricant co., Inc. Whiting's H, Y.■ Stahl Co., Poucher Prtg, ~ Lith. co. The Globe-Gazette ~rint. co. Minneapolis Blue 'Print. co. ,John M■ Furlong co. Panama carbon co. H. A, Ro~ers co. !1elson '!'lros. Prtg. co. P-einola Telephone co. N. W. ~ell Tele, Co. 0 elican Tele. r,o. N. W. ~ell Tele. co., F,F. G.D. P"arlow QJ!e~e o:i.,son ~6ns?g8fion Bulletin M onroe ca!l.c. !,~achine Co. Arthur w. Falls E. R. Swenson Tns. Agency Grant count,v. Town of Pelican Northwestern Equ1pt. co., Inc. supplies " " mobile service desk J: chair nurse pub. notice publishing pub. p. p. tax lists pub. del. tax list pub. financial statement assisting constable constable fees rent for postal box postage " prtg • ._ stnmped envelopes supplies service drivers license expense mounting cannon tires blue .prints supplies " services jail " cnre of' poor care of child exam. ., care of' poor care of patient exam. coroner's fees· exam. poor expense exam. supplies " soap tools paint paint tov:ing " move fence freight coal " Sno-Go rental gravel " gasoline " " ., " etc. diesel fuel._ gas " " etc. oil repairs etc, oil supplies " " II prints printing rental._ toll charges services expenses .. .. nd. for bids main. damages insurance construction grading parts $19.16 '43.88 20.14 67.15 65.00 2.00 155.95 195.80 534.15 715.·40 6.60 6.50 2.00 3.64, 27.00 54.72 79.91 15.75 20.50 6.00 10.00 17.50 1.70 38.06 4.75 14.00 227.67 200.00 3.00 3.00 97.53 196.28 6.00 10.25 3.00 5390.80 3.00 6.50 53.21 78.66 39.00 11.26 132.38 10.50 6.00 39.60 2.75 17.30 33.75 13.35 441.49 219.04 20.58 191.39 19.58 32.76 10.00 9.95 56,44 106.51 13.25 4.75 631.97 73.58 9i1.92 510.87 129.84 706.11 89.34 1168.73 444.87 20.75 40.72 45.59 7.80 17.44 12.00 5.14 2.50 9.50 18.75 7.21 10.86 37.80 6.20 it~g i.5.00 50.00 31.25 2086.84 300.00 2.16 11'1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN~ Paper-calmenson 'I: co, Armco Drainage & Metal Prod, Ingersol-Rand co, Skogmo Motors co. A, B, Y.:ilde co. Minn, Motor co. Uselman Implement Co, l"ield r.rachine service Galena Plumbing 'I: ~eating Arthur R, Meier Charles E,Johnson C, H, Bjorklund Body Shop H, A, Rude Maine Repair Shop Larson Bros. Olso-n Auto F.lectric Bill Nelson Oil Co, Anden1on 'I: Tich,v Westlund Motor co, IVadena Generator 'I: Motor Co. McDunn l<'arm Store Christiansen's Welding Shop· Hint,z ,'I: son Blacksmith Shop H_auberg' s Blaoksmi th Shop Hoff Bros. Les, Tire Service Wilcox Lumber Co,, Vergas. Glen R, Salts Cab Shop P, K, M, & Co. Natl' Bushing & Parts Co, Holten Hardware co. Fortwengler Elec. Shop l"ranklin ,..ence Co, Roger ~roberg Lr..rson Hardware Farrow Chev. co. Gambles Dee.ler Battle Lake Hardware co. Victor Lundeen 'I: co. 0'Meara•s George \•Ticker Wend·ell P, Huber DO nauer Mfg. co. Minn. F,W,D, co. A, w. com9any Inc. of Minn. wm. ·H, Ziegler co., Ino. Geo. T. R,van co. LaMa.v Auto Parts Hoot Lake Gas~ Ice co. Consumers' Paper co. ijighw~Auto Service N.Y.M. Borchert-Ingersoll Inc. Empire Supply co. wm. Bros. Boiler & Mfg. co. Bert Stone Henry Sieling Geo. B. Gunderson George Hanson Bert Stone Nopeming sanatorium Beall & McGowan P, A, Anderson DATE ....................................... April ................................... 19 49 co. cutting edges culverts repairs ,. " " " " " " " tires, 'I: repairs repairs " " " " " parts !c repairs tires -'I: rep~irs supplies " " " " " " " ". II " expenses .. cash adv. parts " " parts &.cutting edges " " ,, " parts gasoline suppliP.s p.asoline parts !c blades suoplies parts exp. attd. meet. " " " " " " " " " " " " care of patient supplies postage $112.15 368.69 12.11 35.63 26.75 191.11 . 1.56 75.68 11,70 10,50 4.75 1.50 16.50 . 13.90 123.15 61.78 605.53 26.25 4.30 12.75 3.33 26.00 32.85 3.22 420.24 109.60 6.05 3.60 19.97 402.03 18.49 5.25 52.50 13.14 22.76 .96 5.93 19.95 24.80 2.36 6.90 121.77 30,11 515.14 1120.13 619.44 2652.63 408.41 2,36 94.11 34,70 48,23 112.59 100,69 900.25 6.40 17.15 7.90 10.80 10,50 217.31 7.68 38.25, The following bills i!ere re.1ec~ed upon the advice of the county attorney: Town of Elizabeth, exoenses with poor, $74.52; Town of :-lffingtson, expenses with poor, $135.06; 'Otto '.l'bwnship, e;itpenses with poor, 189.50, Upon motion, the Boa:i:;d then ad~ourned to 10 o'clock A, M. Ha.v 10, 1949. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. ·-···························· !,!a_y ·······················-·······19~9 MINUTF.S OF ADJOURNED !,IF.ETrnG OF '!.'HE BOARD OF COUNTY COI.U11ISSIO!IB:lS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, M'IHNESO'l'A. pursuant to o.d,1ournment the Boo.rd met at 10 o'clock A,M, !vley 10, 1949, Present v1ere Commissioners Slellng, Gunderson, 'Ranson, Stone and. Snowberg. upon motion, the audltor was instructed to advertise f'or bids to renew roofing on courthouse, .1ail and sheriff's residence according to specifications on file with the count.v auditor, said-bids to be opened at a session of the Board to be held June 14, 1949 at 2 o'clock P. 111. Sheriff 'F'enkes called the attention o~ the 13oard to o. di "'ference in commissl.oners' regulations in re~ard to so.le of 3.2 beer and state law passed b,\1 the 1949 lei:-islo.ture. After full discussion of the matter, the f'ollov:ing resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board· of count." Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minn.: That a resolution re.gulating the sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors in otter Tail County, Minnesota as amended by the Board June 12, 1945 be furthe.r amended as follows: Sec. 5. Closing hours, no sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors shall be marle between the hours of 12 o' cl·ock midnight on Saturday and 12 o'clock noon on Sunday or between the hours of one A,M. and 8 ·o'clock A.M. of any day or during the hours of voting on any primary, ~eneral or special election day to conform with regula9, tions in ~d.1olninp counties and to lavr passed b,v the 1949 legislature. Ad6pted May 10, 1949. George Hanson Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln clerk. Members of the County Extension Committee presented to the Board the budget for the year commencing July 1, 1949 and, upon motion, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 3oard o·f county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the sum of $7 ,500,00 plus an.v balance from previous ::ear be set apart from the General Revenue Fund, and aoproprio.ted subject to the order of the Dean of the Depe.rtment of Agriculture of the Univer~ sit,v of Minnesota "or the· support of county cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics in Otter Tall County, for the year beginning July 1, 1949, in accordance with Chapter 423, Laws 1923 and acts supplementary thereto,. Adopted !-.la.v 10, 1949. Attest: George Hanson V/llliam Lincoln Chairman. "On and Off" sale beer licenses were granted to the follo~:ine,: -Lenard r.. Seawert. resort in Sec. 31, Town of corliss;-1•1m. A. lfarris, Paul Lake Resort, Town of Edna;-L. P, Engel, cozy Cove Cabins, Town of Dead Lake;-'P •. J. Melby, Bonita Beach, Town of Everts;-Fred Schultz, Ten.Mile Lake Resor.t. M, J. -scnlanger, Mallard BW Lodge, Town of Nidaros;-Clarence and Marion Koehler, resort in sec. 23, Town of P!ne Lake;-Vlalter Klein, resort in the To1•m of' Rush Lake; -:toss o. Boyle, Evergreen Beach, Town of Cor- llss;-. Thomas :i. Schwientek, resort, Town of' Pll'J!'! Lake; -"!dwin I). vrallace, resort, Town of 'Pine Lake; Glsle !,!. F'rciseth, 'Pleasure Park, To1·m of Otter Tall; -Sylvester Shasky, ,iunp.le Shores, Town of Corliss; •'3ernard J. ~endln, resort, Town of Pine Lake; -Ira Rowman, Marion Luke Lodge, Town o~ Dead Lake; Cigarette licenses were p.ranted as follov:s: ,ioseph P.. tfeudeck, resort, Town of Perham; M, T. Vane;s- ness, 9ob Creek Store, To1m of Scambler: Gust A. _Strand, resort, Town of T.ida; R, R. Hollingsworth, 'Rolly's Camp, Tovm of Amor; R. c. Craig, A!aple 'Beach Resort, Town of Lid.a; Allan M, Hoff, Sleepy Hollow, Town of Tordenskjold; Art Remus, resort, Town of P.ush Lake; Obert c. Nelson, Service Station, Town of Maplewood.; Melvin Ball, 11ross Point P.esort, Town of Lida; Ira '3owmo.n, Marion Lake Lodge, Town of Dead Lake; 13ernard 'F!endin, .Town of Pine Lake; Gisle M, Froseth, Pleasure Park; Edwin .c. Wallace, Town of Pine Lake; Walter Klein, Town of' Rush Lake; Fred Schultz, '!.'en !,tile Lake Resort; L • .P. Engel, Town of Dead Lake. Upon motion, the Board adjourned to May 11, 1949 at 10 o'clock A,M, WEDNESDAY'S S:P.SSION. Pursuant to adjournment the ~oard met at 10 o'clock A,M. 1/ednesda,v, May 11, 1949, all members being present. 'l'he qnestion of aopointment of s veterans' s,ervice officer was taken uo and "hili!p M, Kja,:_i:llen who ls in charge o-! the veterans' administration o-f'fice in Fergus Falls was present and. d lscusse.d the matter •·11th the commissioners. After full discussion, ·upon motion, Mr. 1:.1agl.!,en was aopolnted Veterans' Ser- vioe Officer for Otter Tall county ·for the period endi!lf, Dec. 31 1949 at a salary of $3800,00 per year, The question of appointment of countyweed inspectors was again taken up and the Board decided to ap- point four weed inspectors for a two month period commencing Ma.I" 15th and made the following appointments: Albert Fritz for the northeast quarter of the county; Frank Roberts for the southeast quarter and Edwin A. Anderson for the southwest quarter and Eddie F., Johnson for the northwest quarter. The petition of Geo. F'. Stenger to set over the l'lt NE¼ of Sec. 33 in the Township ·of Edna from Dist. 260 to Dist. 274 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the sessi.on of t.he '3oard to be held at the Commissioners' Room in the court house at 10 o'clock A,M, July 12, 1949, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearinp: be P.iven as reqnired by law. The application of Jeff Tikkanen for classification of. the ~W¼ of Sec. 31 in the Township of Homestead /21 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN; DATE ............................................ May .................................. 19 ..... ~.9 IVPIWUIUPM■Cn■HNT IT Cll81.AW for the .vear 1948 at homestead rate was read and an investigation having be-en made and it being ascer- tained that the petitione·r had only a two-third interest in said property, the commissioners ordered tha two-thirds of. the valno.ticiri .of. said property for said .vear be taxed at the homestead rate. Upon motion, the auditor was instructed to call for bids :!'or distribution of approximately 50,000 gallons of bituminous material at an.v point in ott~r Ta~l county, se.id bids to be received until 11 o'clock A.M. June 14, 1949 at .the office of the r:ounty Auditor. The Board then took u·p discussion of two petitions which had been presented to the qoard at a previous session by a number of interested parties·, one o!. said petitions asking foT a county road to be established to give access to 'f!ybll Lake in Hobart and Edna. Townships and the other asking that acoui:ity road be established to give access to Lake Five in the Township of Hobart. The Board having invest1~at- ed the proposed routes of these roadsand the high11:ay engineer having examined the territory whe:e Saia roads would be constructed the Board was of the opinion that roads should be constructed as petitioned for provided that the interested parties secured right of way and arranged to move all fences along the proposed routes. The auditor was instructed to write Nick Fiedler, chairman of the to.wn board of Hobart, and the first signer o:!' these petitions, that the commissioners required right of way to be se- cured .by the interested parties without expense to the county. · "On and Off" sale beer licenses were· granted to Joseph R. Neudeck at summer resort in Sec. 2, TOYtn of T?erham. ' ' Cigarette licenses were.granted to the following: Merle J. Goins, Town of Rush Lake; 3arton Bros. at Barton's resort, Town of Dead Lake; Conrad Hap.:gstrom, resort on Pd,ckeral r.eke, Town o:!' Maine; lfel- son ~ros. at store in the Township of Clitherall. The application of Ted .Halvorson ·r.or dance permit using mechanical music only at resort on North Lon~ Lake in the Tovmship of Elizabeth was granted. The application of Albert Turchin for "On and O:!'f" sale beer license at Almora in the Tovmship of Elmo was rejected because th~ same was not approved b.Y the sheriff. The ~pplicatiolls, of Dori.!s. Wlelie ·for redtJ.cMon. of. assessment for 1948 on the N½ SE¼ of Sec. 15 in the To11m o:f. Deer Creek and al:so on the Nl!/f-of Sec. 14 in Deer creek Township v:ere read and after a careful examination of these assessments and also other a.ssessments in the Tow1:1ship of Deer Creek'., the Board was satisfied that there was no over-assessment and, upon motion, both the petitions were reject-ed •. The application of Walter Loebrick for classification of the st NWf. of Sec.· 21, Township of Star Lake, for the ,,•ear 1948 at homestead rate was read and. the ~oard granted the anplication and ordered that the taxes be reduced accordingly. The application of qenry Wendt for reduction of assessment for 1948 against the St lfE¼ and Lots 1 and 2 in Sec. 4, Town of Corliss, was read and after a careful examination of assessment on said tract and other tracts in the tovmship, upon motion, the petition was rejected. · The application of Walter Witt for classification of the N½ NW¼ of Sec.,16, Township of Girard, for the year .1948 at homestead rate was read and the Board granted the application and ordered that the taxes be reduced accordingly. The application of Samuel c. Smith for reduotion of assessment for 1948 on the s. 200 feet of the N. 900 feet of Lot 3 in Seo. 5, T-own of Rush Lake, for the year 1948 was read and the Board being satisfied from examination of the books and from statements of H. L. Allen, Supervisor of Assessments, that said tract was grossly over-assessed, upon motion, the !30aTd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said tract be reduced from $320.0C to $80.00 and the taxes from $42.30 to $10.58. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o·f · County CommiSsioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: Whereas, this 'Board has heretofore oontracted with the Lake Rer.ion Motor co. for one 1949 Ford he.lf- ton pe.nel truck in exchanp,e for used truck owned by the county and, "!Whereas, same has been received and acce-pted by the county, · Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered tnat the county auditor and the chairman of the Board are authorized· and dil!rected to issµe · to said company a warrant on the Road and Bridge fund of the county in the sum of $1522.50, the contract price. Adopted May 12, 1949. George Hanson Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln . Clerk. The followinF resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: \'lhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Yim. H. Ziegler co., Inc. for one caterpillar diesel No. 12 motor grader and, Whereas, same has been received and accepted by the county, Nov,, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and the Chairman of the Board are authorized and. directed to issue to said company a warrant on the Road and Bil'idge fund of the oountv in the sum of $14,599.00, the contract price. • Adopted May 12, 1949. George Hanson Chairman. ,-------- l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... ·-························· Mo._y ,o••············-·······19.~.~ .. The following bills were allowed: Dependable Motors Tnc. Nulph's Dray Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc, Henr.v Holmgren Hagge Oil Co. Carlson Grocery Perham co-op Oil co. Farmers' co-op. Cry, Assn Armco Drainage & Metal Prod. co. D, A, Lubricant Co., Inc. Field !,faohine Service Lawrence cook Minn. State Righwoy Dept. DO Henning Hdwe. co. H,W, Bell Tele, Co, Davidson Metal Shop The .Williams Hdwe. Co, Mrs. Elsie E-Ekstadt & Theo. Anderson Fergus Lumber & Fuel co. P, K, M, &: Co, M, c. Kimber ,Johnson li'nrniture Co, Erickson-Helleckson-Vye Village of ~attle Lake Raymond ~ros, Motor Trans Wendell P, Huber Merchants' Hotel Ame'r lo an Farmers ' MU tu al w. L. Potter G. D, Harlow George Olson !lenn•ing Oil Co. Cities Service Oil co. Fergus Oil co. Rosholt Equipt, Co, Highway Co, !,{Urray Burns Nund·ahl Oil Co. A, W, Co,, Inc. of Minn, Win, 'Ff, Ziegler co., Inc. Minn!!sota Motor Co. · D, H, Cordes 'Bergland V/holesale Supply William Sauer • Wadena Generator /I: Motor Repair Minneapolis Iron Store. A, B·, Xilde ~o. Vergas Motor service Larson Brothers consumers' co-op. Oil co. Bill Nelson Oil Co, H, K, Stahl & E, A, Bloese Minnesota F, W, D, co. Wend·e11 Elofson Anderson .'I, Sandberg Oil co. Wendell p, Huber Barke, Allison & Darby !':agle Cafe National Bush, !I: Parts Co, Cummins Diesel Sales corp. Ray's Oil Station Highway Comnany High1vo.,v Auto Service Miller-Davis co. Empire supply Co, ,.,red A, EVerts H, A, Rogers ao. Victor Lundeen & Co, Maplewood TWP, Nicols-Dean -~ Gregg Hintgen-Karst Pelican Telephone co. fl,W, ~ell Tele, Co, Hintgen-Y.arst ~lee. co. ~ergus Plumbing & Heating Deot. of Administration !o~cher Printing 'I: Lith. Co, Viotor Lundeen 'I: Co. Art Printcraf't Nelson Bros. Prtg, co. The Pierce co, Free Press co. Sohoolcraft Co, Miller-Davis co, Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co, Poucher Printing & Lith, co. N,W, Bell Tele, Co, Caffaney's Office Specialties co. .il-idland Paper & St a.Jl.v~CO, parts dra,vage parts repairs diesel fuel supplies r,asoline repairs culverts oi.l re·pairs gasoline snow removal forms supplies long distance supplies steel moving fence coal supplies " " " water freight cash advanced rooms for survey crew insurance expenses " " gasoline. ., parts gasoline " " parts par.ts !l: onttine; edges repairs parts " repairs ., parts repairs " gasoline tires and repairs oil parts moving fence diesel fuel expenses insurance meals for crew supplies & uarts parts gasoline " " supplies " " grading supplies " services " .,¥39 B ,L, repa!rs school supplies blanks 'I: supplies supplies & printing supplies printing school supplies record book'' school sup·plies blanks & supplies record books books&: blanks mobile service supplies " $ ·7.51 16.90 18,42 46.65 1056.97 4,90 28.71 3.75 192,72 256.41 26.on 172,;49 · 3381.40 4.62 4.49 118.22 3,10 70,09 15,00 2.40 23.90 4,00 3,75 4.85 3.25 27.63 8,69 63.00 4.,40 22.30 2;00 19,30 25.21 38,59 · 40,94 229,66 14.42 55,00 3.36 271.88 1485,20 29.67 1,50 20.83 8.85 39.60 131,80 43.08 59.16 161,70 44,64 210, 74 30,78 740,00 39.60 63.20 77.85 2733,98 85.20 218,78 21.17 31.00 18.55 61,07 15,33 309,74 118,90 74.39 3.85 300,00 54,49 4.60 7.05 20.llO 14,63 35.34 141.50 30,04 443,05 48,00 58.24 32,01 90,50 112,81 34,76 265.40 1704.48 67.18 34.20 31.75 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................................................... .May ·····-···········19.49. lffU.l!Y PliiifiijiHMrtn• sr, hika, @Inn A@ Parkers Pra:l:ti:e:•Independent \'Im, Bahls Carl Jahn Oren Fosse P, M, Ree Louise stondahl H, L, Allen H, W, Glorvigen· Alfr-ed Putnam w. S, Darley & co. Nat '•l Market Reports Ino. Gaffaney•s Office Specialties DO, H, W·, Glorvigen University Hospital Town of Gorman Mary L, S•-ranson Nelson Drug co. ~air Oaks Lodge San. No-peming San. l\Unn. State Sanatorium Town of Inman N, W • .Bell ~ele, Co, Minneapolis Blue Prtg. co. l'lhiting•s Town of Inman Effi,ngton Twp. J. c. Jrenkes M, C, Lee F.dward C, Drews J, C, Henkes Louise stondahl Mabe;L Wenstrom Dr. C , ,T , Lund Geo. ~anson Hen-ry Sieling Geo, B. Gunderson Bert Stone 'Frank C. 'Barnes Vil~age of Parkers Prairie John• L • .Bixby Ed, Chase Fergus Journal co. ll'.elen Jane .Baer Do Y.ingley Leathercraft Co, Ed, Schmidt J, c. Huebsch Cabinet Sn.op Helen Jane Baer Lola Mehl '3ean ,a McGowan co. N, W, ~ell ~ele. Co, Y.noff'-Peterson ~dwe. co. N. W, .Bell Tele, Co, DO The Fuller ~rush Co, Odin Johnson Gene·ral Supply Co, Co,. Upon motion, the F.oard adjourned to Attest : (\JA:U>.,,~,-~ ~c ,a€A.. pub. financial statement dep, sheriff's f~es " " ,, postage " " " exp. soil cons. supplies typewriter " driver's license com, special nursing care of poor care of child drugs care of patient n " treatment poor relief services snpplies files road work ,, " n sheriff's expenses dep. sh•riff's fees IP " II board of prisoners e~penses " coroner's fees expenses " " " .1udge' s fees quarantine expense expenses witness fees prtg. court calendar expenses " supplies " .. postage expenses supplies calls supplies calls " supplies cash advanced lamps June 14, 1949 at 10 o'clock A,M, $715.40 22.57 47.04 46.56 29.81 51,00 5.60 37.50 15,0C 4,71 3,50 118.50 148.50 8.15 86.00 719.08 100,00 11 •. 10 27.84 210,30 54,40 357.77 7.02 32,06 229.50 300,00 300,00 56.50 45.28 36.51 57,00 90,60 73.40 36,35 9,90 16.20 7.50 10,50 25.90 51.50 30.80 2.00 132,00 21.15 61,75 19,98 6,75 9.20 2.00 11,72 6.28 3.25 16.70 32.50 76.40 7.48 18,55 ,.oo COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, ·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................... June .......................................... 19 4·9 MitlUTES OF SPEC !AL MEETIHG OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM!,IISSIOllr.1RS OF OTTF.R TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Pursuant to call s-igned by all members of the Board the County Commissioners met at 11 o'clock A,M, Frida.v June 3, 1949 to sign agreements with the Federal Government and S:tate_df. Minnesota in regard to improvlng certain sto.te aid roads in the connt,r,. All members of the -qoard were present, The following resolution 1·,as ado)Jted: m•r:n;:sOTA DF.l'A~Ti.f":TlT 01" urr.HWAYS FED-1RAT, AID SECfl!IDA~Y FORM NO. 111 Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 90, Laws of Minnesota 1943 the commissioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the county of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construc- tion of that portion of State Aid Road No, 4 described as follows: T.H, J/:59 Northeast of Pelican Rapid!! to 4,0 Miles East, and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for· and on behalf of the county to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Hip.hwa,ys pres- cribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Hip.:hways Agenc,v Contract Form No, IV", a cop,v of which BEi.id form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the Count.v all of the contractual obligations ther,-,in contained •. Adopted this 3rd da,v of ~une, 1949. George Hanson Chairman of county Board Attest: __ ~-'--i_l_li_a_m--'I~,i_n~c~o~l~n,....... _____ _ clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUT·ION BY THE BOARD OF COUN'rY COi,il.!ISSIOIIBRS OTTER TAIL COUUTY, MI!nfESOTA VIHF.R~.A:S, Federal Aid Funds are available for post-war surveys and plans, and WIIBR~AS, Otter Tail County desires to make surveys and plans ror post-war construction, NOW, THE~~~ORF., SE IT ~ESOLV~D, That the County of Otter Tail does hereby authorize the Commis- sioner of ,iip.hwa.•,rs to act for it and as its Of.:ent for the purpose of applying for and receiving federal aid for post-war surv.eys; -qr. IT "'lffiTl:r.l':R RF.SOLVED, That the Chairman of the Otter Tail Connt.v Board of Commissioners and the County· Auditor are hP.reby authorized to sip:n and execnte agreements with the Commissioner of 1Ughways requesting authorization to begin work on PWS 6, Item 1171-1172-1173. Adopted this 3rd day of June,1949. Attest:,·. ·w1111am Lincoln dlerk. The followi"ng resolution was adopted: MINNESOTA DEPft.RTMF.1fT OF '1TC1WIAYS FEDF.RAL AID SECONDARY PORM NO~ V George B:anson chairman. WB:EREAS, it is necessary in order to receive Federal-Aid toward the constructicn of that portion of State Aid Road No. 4 described as follows: T,!J, f59 Northeast of Pelican Raplds to 4.0 Miles East, for the county itself and through the Commissioner of Highways as its agent to agree to maintain said road after it shall have been constru.oted. 110\'I, THEN q.!i: IT R~SOLVED, that the chairman and the auditor e.re hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the county of OTTER TAIL to execute a contract concerning the maintenance of said por- tion of State Aid Road. Ilo. 4 in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota J>epartment of liigh- wa.vs Federal-Aid Maintenance Contract F!)rm Ho. VI", a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein set forth. Adopted this 3rd day of June, 1949. Attest: William Lincoln clerk. George Hanson chairman of County Board. ~-' . d7fR ~ Sff■l-■D PIIIJINI COIPINI U t' O!IP IJNN 4.zn COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. . June 49 DATE .............. ·-······-·······························································19 .....• MINUTES Oli" ADJOU~~D M'·~l':TTNG OF THR SOARD OF COUN'l'Y COMMTSSIONF.RS OF OTTER TAU. COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to adjournlJ!~.11~ the 'Board met at 10 o'clock A. M, Tuesda,v June 14, .194~.. Present were aommieeionere Sieling, Gunderson, Hanser,, Stone and sn,mberg. The bond of Jeanette Haugrud, Deputy Clerk of Probate court, in the sum of $1,000,00 with the Hartford Accident and Indemnity co., as euret,v, was approved, The application o·f Frank Jasmer for dance permit at caf.e in Edgetown was read and, after consider- ation, upon motion, the application was rejected. 'Bide for application of road oil on county roads ~uring the season as advertised for by the Board were opened and read and, upon motion, the contract was awarded to the lowest bidder, the Ja,v W, Craig Co. of Minneapolis at $1250,00.for 50,000 gallons. The Board discussed with the town board of Hobart the question of opening road to give access to Lake Five, Upon motion, the Board t·hen took a recess to two o'clock p, M, Bids for repairing roof at court house and jail as advertised fo.r by the Board were opened and read and, upon motion, the contract was awarded to the lowest bidder, The Twin City Roofing and Material Co, of Wahpeton for thP. s11m of ,3,912,00, Cigarette licenses were granted to the following: F.d Holen, Pelican Beach Resort, Town of Dunn; Hubert Thompson, Wagner's 'Beach Resort, Town of Dunn; Phillip 'fl, Lo.ngdon, Maple Lane RP.sort, Town of Nidaros; Carl J, LiP.n, resort, Town of Amor; Ingvald Gulbranson, Oak Lodge, Town of Lida; Gilbert Bisek, Oak Knoll Lodge, Dead Lake; "larton Bros., resort, Dead Lake; Mrs, Rudy Jacobson, Pelican Inn, Dunn; Merle J, Goins, Hilltop Resort, Ru.sh Lake; G. M, Ryle, Wenonga Beach, Everts; Henry c. Erickson, Erickson's Camp, To1Vn of Amor; Clarence Y.:oehler, resort in ·pine Lake; Albert Turchin, · service station, Almora; Wm, Harris, resort, Town of. Edna; Vaughn McIntire, White Haven Resort, Deo.d Lake; Kenneth Adams, Amor Park store; Grant M, Jensen, Pease Resort, Amor; C, L, Evans, Follywood Point Resort, Scambler; FrSJ!lk Jasmer, Edgetown; Mrs. Elmer Whipps, resort, Town of Amor; Gilford Olson, Fish Lake Store, Dunn; and E, J, Wilts, White Eagle Lodge, Dora. The Board with Sheriff Henkes, examined the list of uncollected personal property taxes for 1948 as filed by· rhe count,v Treasurer and, after such examination, made the following report: · Report of the County Board of the Coil..~t.v of. Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, of uncollected and cancelled i::>ersonal Prope·rty Taxes for the .v-ear 1948. Fergus li"alls, Minnesota, June 14, 1949. BE IT KN0WN, That the county Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, did meet in session on the 14th day of June 1949, the some being the first session of said Board after the 10th da,v of June, 1949; that at said session the County Treasurer of said County delivered to said Board the list of u.ncollected pP.rsonal property taxes for the year 1948, together with his certificate thereon as r(?qui'red by law; and that at said session the said Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel such taxes as they are satisfiedoannot be collected. That the following is a correot list of said uncollected personal property taxes in said County for said year of 1948, as so revised by said Board, to-wit: Name of Person assessed Adams, Allan K. Adelsman Companj Aune, Lawrence Berkholder, G. H, George Benhardus, Block, Arnold Bowman, Sidney Bud 's Dairy Bar Bugbee, Vel!n Cargill Feed & Seed Co, De.hlen, A, C. ·Dybdahl, Orlando •' · Fide, William · irb.stoesser, Jim Fergus Novelty Co, Fergus Novelty Co, Fergus F~lls Novelty Co, Follingstad, Joseph French Market co. Gest, 'Fl'.enry Georges Cleaners Greenwalt, Walter W, Griffin, Wm, Hagen, Vernon Houge, Joe Hanson, Jennie Hiilget·,:gd;., ~:.:: Houge, Winston Houden, Laura A, Hoxie, Mrs. Clara Hilbert, Mary Johnson, Arthur A. Johnson Bee Farm Johnson Bee Farm Johnson Bee Farm Township o:t District Hobart 3rd Ward Clith,Vill, 3rd ward 4th Viard Aul!dal Parkers P.ra. Henn. Vill. 2nd Ward ·4th ward Pel, Rpds. Tumuli 4th Ward western N.Y,Mills Rothsay Dent Nor.Grove Carlisle Friberg 3rd ward woodside Maplewood 3rd ward Candor Dunn ~·ol'. Candor Dunn 2nd ward I)Unn Amor Pelican Peli-can 'Pelican Tax Dollars Cts. 12 66 282il: 92 ·32 ·54 9 45 14 58 7 78 24 92 67 60 212 75 35 24 7·57 4 02 9 61 4 41 11 93 l 00 17 62 3 39 418 91 6 41 62 16 18 76 6 91 8 97 17 46 5 49 6 9li 24 78 9 94 4 17 4 85 19 62 12 71 12 08 17 17 Peno.lty,fee Total Tax, Remarks and .. Costs,· Penalty, and costs Dollars Cts. Dollars cts. -1 95 14 61 Collect 376 38 3198 30 " 4 61 37 15 " l 52 10 97 " 2 21 17 33 " l 29 9 07 " 3 59 28 51 9 31 76 91 28 76 241 51 " 4 97 40 21 " l 26 8 83 " 79 4 81 " 1 54 11 15 " 84 5 25 " l 84 13 77 " l 82 14 28 " 2 61 20 23 " 70 4 09 " 56 38 475 29 " 1 11 7 52 " 8 58 70 74 " 2 76 21 52 " 1 17 8 08 " l 45 10 42 " 2 59 20 05 " 99 6 48 " l :1.8 8 12 " 3 56 28 34 " l 59 il 53 " "80 4 97 " 90 5 75 " 2 87 22 49 " l 96 14 67 " l 87 13 96 " 2 54 19 71 " l_ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE _______________________________ ~T.~~-~---------------------------------------------19 49 Name of Person Assessed Johnson, Sven Johanson, W. A• Jones, Walter E, Jones, Walter E. Township or District Sverdrup DUnn Ottertail Fereus Falls Lake Region Sewing Maohine Land O'Lakes co • 3rd-ward D.C.Vill. Land O'Lakes Land O'Lakes Dairy tno. Land O'Lakes Land O'Lakes Land O'Lakes Land O'Lakes Crye.Inc. Land O'Lakes Dairy co.,Inc. Leesberg, Floyd Leth, DU.ane Lewis, Walter Lindley, Glen & Pearl Linquist, Roy IV. Long, Elmer c. tong, Erwin Lundgren, Melvin Lundy, Phoe~e Mathison, ~rnest McCall, Alex Miller, Henry c. Mock, ?lerrill F, Moen, s. 1'1, MUnter, John M;yhra, Melvin & Aletta Nelson, Alick North Star Dairy Coop. Oldenberg, Fred Oldenberg, Ole Oltman, Lorenz Olson, Edmund overbye, Joseph Peterson, Carl Peterson, Carl Peterson, Y.arl Peterson, Karl Peterson, Y.. Russell Peterson Silo co. Quine, Geo. F. & \Vm, c. Raeder, Edwin W, Rienoke, Leonard et al Ritten, r.ouis Roberts, Lloyd Rodtke, Emil c •. t-.Eva Rose, Letmond Rosenberg, Ralph Ruh, Corrine L .• & R.!:J. - Rudebeck, Donald Smith, Edward F. Smith, Esther's "Beauty ~hop Smith, l'!arvey L. strand, ll'rank Sumstad, 'F!er'!>in Swanton, Gilbert Tenhunen "Bros. Tindall, Mildred L. Tingum, o. D, Tingum, 0, D. Triepke, Edward Webber, John E. Williamson, Harold Dent Vill. "{enn.Vill, N. Y .!,fills 'Bluffton Vill. Ottertail Perha'II Vill, Vergas Vill. Newton Clith.Vill. Scambler Dunn Folden Rush Lake 2nd Ward 2nd. Ward Bluffton Vill. Perham Vill. Dane Pra. Par. Pra. Vill. Hobart "B. J,. Vill. Star Lake Dunn Henn. Vill. Sverdrup D,C.Vill. D.c.n11. Homestead Otto _ 2nd i'/ard Elizabeth · Elizabeth 2nd Ward 2nd Viard Girard "B. Lake Girard Amor Everts Leaf Mtn. Elmo Star Lake Par.Pra.Vill. 3rd ward Dunn Dead Lake 4th Ward 4th Ward 3rd ward Rush Lake Aastad "B.L.Vill. 'Blowers DUnn N.Y.Mills Pine I,ake 2nd Ward Perham Vill. Compton Tax Dollars eta. 2 12 10 98 3 60 ,8 97 114 38 784 43 528 60 954 80 449 37 181 74 454 65 567 12 462 43 18 60 39 46 34 27 5 54 13 54 37 67 2 40 1 60 11 66 5 45 41 06 66 58 5 30 1527 35 27 47 5 22 73 52 249 95 68 00 44 09 25 37 30 03 7 69 28 93 4 20 173 02 21 15 9 43 180 24 7 79 43 25 5 60 23 06 21 05 5 16 98 21 3 68 7 50 6 18 10 75 47n58 11 37 17 84 12 71 137 70 27 69 4 66 222 24 13 69 5 93 1 23 5 75 1>enal ty, fee and costs Dollars Cts. 53 1 72 73 1 45 5 67 105 36 71 08 128 19 60 46 24 60 61 17 76 24 62 61 2 74 5 54 4 84 99 2 06 5 29 57 47 1 81 98 5 75 9 17 96 204 81 3 93 95 10 10 33 74 0 26 6 16 3 64 4 27 1 30 4 12 82 26 43 3 08 1 51 24 40 1 29 6 04 1 00 3 33 3 07 94 13 41 74 1 25 1 07 1 69 6 63 1 77 2 64 1 95 18 70 2 97 87 40 03 2 09 1 04 42 1 02 Total Tax Penalty-_ ai;,.d ".; cos.ts:;, .d Dollars_ dts. 2 66 12 70 4 33 10 42 129 95 889 79 599 68 1082 99 50~ 83 206 34 515 82 643 36 524 6& 21 34 45 00 39 11 6 53 16 60 42 96 2 97 2 07 13 47 6 43 46 81 75 75 6 26 1732 16 31 40 6 17 83 62 283 60 77 26 50 25 29 01 34 30 8 99 33 05 5 04 199 45 24 23 10 94 204 64 9 08 49 29 6 60 26 39 24 ;J.2 6 10 111 62 4 42 8 75 7 26 12 42 54 21 13 14 20 48 14 66 l56 40 30 66 5 53 262 27 16 78 6 97 1 65 6 77 Remarks Collect " ;, " -" " " " " -" . " " " -" " " '" " n " II n " ,, " " " " " -" " " " " " " " " " " " " n " " " " " " " " " n " " " " " " " " " " " That the following is a oorrect list of the :personal property taxes in said county for said year which said Board are satisfied cannot be collected, and so cancelled by seid Board, to-wit: Township or Tax Penalty, fee Total Tax, Distriut Dollars cts. and costs Penalty and Remarks Harne of Person Assessed Costs ~ Dollars Cts. Dollars cts. Balfour, c. L. ✓v Everts 1 54 45 1 99 cancel Bisson, Joseph E. 5'"_o l)Unn 4 58 87 5 45 " Boll, Gordy F, rt.. Everts 7 13 1"'20 8 33 'Bratlie, Rev. P, M. ;1..'} Amor 4_16 80 4 96 " "Broker, \V, s. P'/-Girard 11 65 1 81 13 46 " 'Suzon, Wm. &,'f F:Verts 8 79 1 42 10 21 " Bye, John .3r Girard 4 86 90 6 76 " Campbell, Roy .:?5"Candor 3 12 66 3 78 " Candy Machine co. ?t3rd Ward 13 46 2 06 15 52 " Carney, Merle 3rd ward 96 38 1 34 " Coats, Everette c. + Compton 56 33 89 ., consumer Oil Co, f Amor 82 36 1 18 " Cox, L, H. :_ :,. 7 Amor 2 91 64 3 66~ " Dehler, "Bill J. +oo Bat th-Lake 72 10 9 91 82 01 " COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. June ............................................. 19.49· · Name of Person Assessed Erickson. G. M• Ford. G. s. Gryder. Leo Y.. Haase, d. M. Heffelder, Katy Estate Heimerk. Esther J. Johnson, Lester c. Johnson. Wayne B. Kjono, Emil Kroft. Julia Estate Leaders. Jack D. McAllister, Alma Miner, wm. s. Morrfssey Wayne Northwestern Equipment cro. Opie, Ross .e,, Calanthe Overgaard, B. L. Richards, Pe.ul Schuette, Ralph E.·· Scwartz, Freda & Joe Seifert. Anton~ Frank Est. Smith, Clara et al Switzenberg. M. J. Trana, Julia Valin, Earl Vendex. Inc. Wentland, Emil Weisen, Mrs. Joe Wiley, Mildred & Robert W'ith. L. E. Township of' District 33 Pine Lake 3.3 EVerts ,~ 2nd ward IS Ottertail 31? Amor S-.3 Dllnn -2nd Ward ..3.!'Girard !lo Nidaros /.r'/Sverdrup 9 Ottertf!,il /// EVerts '/-? Eve.rte ro1st ward J/-1 2nd l'Tard -Dann '-? St. Olaf 'I 2nd Ward 'f::L 4th Ward Jo Candor /bstar Lake .3"-0ttertail If Star Lake If Girard .1'!"3rd ward .;i1103rd Ward .J.?ottertail /PPerham Vill. .3 '/Tordenskjold 10 3rd Ward Tax Dollars Cts, 4 66 3 85 1 92 1 95 4 75 4 85 7 63 ·4 86 27 20 04 1 11 14 14 5 99 8 01 6 41 4 66 9 25 1 44 14 74 4 42 2 36 4 43 3 00 1 87 13 62 32 04 4 01 1 36 4 37 1 60 -. . and Costs Penalty and Costs Dollars .cts. Dollars cts. 87 5 63 77 4 62 50 2 42 52 2 47 89 5 64 90 5 75 1 26 8 79 90 5 76 28 55 2 93 22 97 40 1 51 2 14 16 28 1 05 7 04 1 32 9 33 1 11 7 52 87 5 53 1 49 10 74 45 1 89 2 23 16 97 84 5 26 57 2 93 84 5 27 66 3 66 50 2 37 2 08 15 70 4 54 36 58 79 4 80 43 1 79 84 5 21 46 2 06 The county Board o·f Otter Tail Oounty, Minnesota. Attest: William Lincoln county Auditor. Henry Sieling Geo. B. Gunderson George Hanson Bert Stone c. A. Snowberg upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A •. M. June 15, 1949. l'TRDENF.SDAY' S 3"P.S~ ,:ON Remarks Cancel " " ,. " " " n '" " " n n n " " " " " u " " ;, " n " " " " ;, "Ursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, June 15. 1949, all members beinr-present • . A plat of Magnell' s Addn. to Clarissa V.avetiin the Township of Girard. accompanied by a certifi:oate of title executed by Henry llycklemoe. Attorney-at-law. was approved. The petition of 0. E. Moebius to be set over with the SE¼ and the SE¼ SW¼ of Seo. 36, Town of Tumuli. from school district No. 7 in Otter Tail County to school district No. 55 in Grant County was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a session of the Board•to be held July 12, 1949 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Commissioners room in the Court House and that due notice of the ~ime and place of said hearing be. given as required by law. The petl tion of Wm. ·Herrmann asking that Lots 6. 7 and 8 of Sec. 33 in the Township of Dora be set over from Dist. 166. to Dist. 164 was read a•nd it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be.had at a session of the Board to be held July 12, 1949 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Commissioners room in the court House and that due notice .of the time and place of said hearing be giv.en as required by law. The petition of John Anderson asking that Govt; Lot 6 except east 5 acres and except flowage in Sec. 5, Township of ~ae, be set over from school district No. 29 to school district No. 21 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petl tion be had at a session of the Board to be held July 12, 1949 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Commissioners Room in the Court House and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing Qe. given as required by law. A petition to dissolve schoml district No. 258 in ?ine Lake Township was read to the Board and the matter was discussed at some length. aeing advised by the county attorney that if they d•eoide .to dlssolv this district due notice of the intentlon so to do must be given as required by law and the Board being of the opinion that the county Superintendent of schools should first be consulted in regard to the ap- portioning of the land within said district to the adjoining districts and the county Superintendent be- ing out of the city, the matter was laid over until the July meeting of the Board. The application of G. ~arriet P~vne for cancellation of erroneous assessment for buildings on part of Res. F between Lot 5. 13look 1, and road and also Lot 5 of Block il in Leaf Lake Pleasure Gronnde for the year 1948 was read and the 13oard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said assessment for structures be cancelled and the assessed value be reduced from ~90.00 to $26.00 and the taxes from $12.17 to $3.52. · The application of Oscar Elshaug !'or the classification of the SE? SE¼ of Seo, 22 and the NE¼ .NE¼- of Seo. 27 in the Township of Sverdrup for the year 1948 at homestead rate was read and the ~card order- ed said land so classified and the taxes reduced from $101.65 to $70.95. I L COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE, ________ , _______ ,, ___________ .. .,, .. _.TUne ----------------------------------19 4~ -U.UUl.l.L.W.LU • The application of Harold Hauge :f'or olaselfloation of tot 15 in Block 5 of c. J. Wright's Firet Addn. to Fergus F~lle for the year 1948 at homestead rate was read and the Board ordered that eaid pro- pP.rty be so olaeelfied and the aeseeeed value reduced from ~192.00 to $120.00 and the taxee from $30.76 to $18;76. The application of Melvin J. •Wolden for classification of. tract beginning at south line of railroad where it oroseee the line between the Et SE¼ and thew½ SE¼ etc. of Seo. 34, Town of Carlisle, for the year 1948 a~ homestead rate was read and the P,oard ordered that said properti be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $172.00 to $103.00 and the taxes from $17.29 to $9.95 •. The application of Rollie J. Rix for olaeeifioation of the N½ SE¼,, NE¼ SWf. and Lot 1 in Sec. 29, Town o, irharde Grove, for the year 1948 a.t homestead rate was read and the Board ordered that said land be so olaeeified and the assessed value reduced from $967.00 to ~644.00 and the taxes from $146.71 to $85.48. The application of ~erbert and Beatrice Fischer for cancellation of assessment for structures against Lot 1 of Star View Beach for the year 1948 was read and the Board recommended to theCommissioner of Tax- ation that said assessment for structures be cancelled and the aeseeeed val11e of eaid lot be reduced from $263.00 to $63,00 and the taxes from $37,58 to $9.00. The application of P.H. Gust for reduction of aseeeament of personal property in theVillage_ of Henning for the year 1948 was read and the Beard recommended to the commissioner of Taxation taat said assessed value be reduced from $15,691.00 to $13,091.00 and the taxes from $2.996.35 to $2,499.86. The application of the County Auditor of Wilkin County· for cancellation of' taxes for the years 1942 to 1948, inclusive, on 7 acres of the SF,¼ of Sec. 5, ·Township 132, Range 44 on the ground that -same was used exclualvely for county purposes wae read and the Board recommended it to the Commissioner of Taxation. · · The a!1pl1cation of the Ci t.v of Fergus Falla for C!l,ncellation ·of taxes for 1948 on the SE¼ and that part of the NF,¼ entirely south of the N,P.R.R. tracks in sea. 36, Tovm~hip of Carlisie, on lhe ground that same is used as a municipal airport was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that th.e assessed value of ~2,059.00 and the tax of ~203.22 be cancelled. · · The application of J. T, Raines for cancellation of assessment for structures against Lot 1 of Recreation Beach and adjoiming tract in theTownship of Amor for the year 1948 was read and the Board recommended to thecom.~issioner of Taxation that· said assessment for structures be cancelled and the assessed value be reduced fr~m ~229.00 to $140,00 and the taxes from $23.36 to $14.28. The application of' Garfield F. Boll for cancellation of assessment for structures for the .vear 1948 on Lot 10 of Beauty Beach in Amor Township was read and the Board recommended to theCommissioner of Tax- atipn that said assessment be cancelled and the assessed value of said. tract be reduced from $157,00 to $37,00 and the taxes from $16,92 to $3.99. The application of Elmer and Gwen ~anson for cancellation of assessment for structures for the year 1948 on Lot 22 of Lewis Ward Martin's Perfect ~each in the Township of Corliss was read and the !3oard recommended to the Commisslon~r of' Taxation that said assessment be cancelled and the assessed value of said tract be reduced from :~112.00 to ~32,00 and the taxes from $12.59 to $3.60, Th_e application of A. A. C.;a.'l for cancellation of assessment for structures agains~ Lot 35 in Lewis Ward l,lartin's Perfect Beach in the. Town of Corliss for the .vear 1948 was read and the BQard re- commended to the· commissioner of Taxation that as.id assessment be cancelled and the assessed value of aaid tract be reduced from $89,00 to $29.00 and the taxes from $lo.co to $3.26. of Cla·rence Hoff · · The applicationl\~or reduction of assessment on personal p;roperty in the 'Town.sh~~ of Aastad for the year 1948 was read antt after due consideration, upon motion, the application was reJected. The application of Gordon Hibbard for classification of the N½ of total and 2 ih Block 4 and the ·N½ of Lot 6 in ~lock 3 of the Original Plat of Parkers Prairie for the year 1948 at homestead rate was read. and the 'Boa-rd ordered that all this land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $492.00 to $308.00 and-the taxes from $71.05 to $43.29. The application of Carl T. Sundblad for dance permit using mechanical music only. at Sundblad's Re- sort in the Township of Elizabeth, was ~ranted, "On and Off" sale beer licenses were granted to -i• J. \Vil ts at l'lhi te Eagle Lodge in the Town of Dora; Andre\V Perala at Oak Point Resort in the Town of Rush Lake;· Albert Turchin at service station in Almora. -- Upon motion, the Board apprvved the advertisement on behalf oftthe Commissioner of Highwaysfor sealed proposal for construction of State Project 56-511-01 on State Aid Road No. 4 between Trunk Highway #59 northeast of Pelican Rapids and 4,1 mile east, bids to be received until two o'clock P. M. July 12, 1949 at the county auditor's off~ce. The following resolution v,as adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of· Otter Tail ·County, Minnesota: That the sum of $500.no be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the county to the Otter Tail County f::!.i~~o:rical societ,v. Adopted June 15, 1949. Gee. Hanson c-h--a~i-rm_a_n_. ---- Attest: ¥T1111am Lincoln C'lerk. The Board having received two proposals for furnishing bodily injury liability and property damage liability, upon motion, awarded the oontraot to the lowest bidder, The Arnerioan Farmers' Mutual Insur- ance co:, the bid being $910.20 I 'J.'"f I, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, .OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................................... ,!une ....................................... 19 .... 4.9 The following• resolutl'ln was adopted: Resolved by the Board O•f Co1mt,v commissioners of. otter Tail County, Minnesota; That Wendell P, Huber be and he hereby is appointed county highway engineer for a term of two years comrnencing May 1, 1949 at a salary of $5400,00 per annum, pap-able on warrant of the.county Auditor at the close of each month. ·Adopted June 15, 1949, Attest: William Lincoln ---------clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION BY T'!IB 130ARD OF COUNTY COMl!TSSTONERS OTTER TA TL c·omiTY. MINN. Geo. Hanson chairman. WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with the John Dieseth Company in the amount of ~14,141,20 for grading a portion of S,A,R, #1, County Project #48:01-01, and W~REAS, said work has been fully completed according to certificate of the County Highway Engineer, the total cost of said work being $13,967.30, anm vrnEREAS, said \Vork has been examined and accepted by a committee on this Board, NOW., T'<TJ'JP.F.FORE, BE IT RF.SOLVED, that the county Auditor is authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warre.nt on"'-the Road and '3ridpe fund of the Count,v in the sum of $2,681.25, the balance p.ue on said. contract, Adopted the 15th day of June 1949. Attest: .William Lincoln, clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Geo. Hanson chairman. Resolved by the Board o.f County commissioners of ·0tter Tail County, Minnesota: Whe•reas, th{s Board: has heretofore contract.ed __ wi.th th.e Lake. Region Motor co. for one 1949 Ford half-ton panel truck in.exchange for used truck owned by the county and, VI-here as., s•ame ·has be1en · r.ece-i ved and acoept·ed by· the' county, • . • : • . " 1. : • . Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered that .the county auditor and the chairman of the Board are autho-r.'iz·ed·. ap.d--di'.r'!cte·d to.· rss-ue to s·aid· company a warrant on the• road a·nd bridge .fund of· the county i.n the· sum• of $1522·,50, the contract price:, . • · · ., •,-.. Adopted May 12, 1949,. Attest: William Lincoln, clerk, The following res~lutlon was adopted.: Geo. Hanson chairman. Resolved by th~ Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That all road construction funds of the county shall be apportioned to the several Commissioner's Districts as follows: First District •••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 28~ Second District ••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••. 19% Third District ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••• ,19.~ Fourth District •••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••• 19.s,/: Fi ft~ Di st riot ••••••••••••••••• : •••••••••••••••••• , 14% Adopted June 15, 1949. George Hanson Chairman. Attest: WilliBJI! Lino.oln .oierk. Upon motion, the Highway Engineer was instructed to take necessary steps in preparing for F,A,H, Project for the last four miles of the Wendell road, The following bills were allowed: ,T. C. Henkes Edward C, Drews ,T. C. Henkes M, C, Lee sheriff's expenses dep. sheriff's exp. expense insane dep. sherif~•s exp. $ 49,22 . .62.98 30.68 40,32 . . l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . .rune 49 DATE .............................................................................. ·-·······19 ....... . J •. C. Henkes Perbert L. Allen John L. Bixby ·ll'elen Jane Baer Lola Mehl Frank c. Barnes Louise Stondahl DO Pearl Jensen Julia M. c·hristenson Beatrice Jr!:. Will Ida Martinson Deloris Bloomquist Elnora :ii:steb Ella Stondahl Bernice ,Tesme Jennie A. Corliss Margarette Corliss Rian Marian L. Borok Walmina L. Kopperud H.F. Hinze ,ioe Rayner !1[idland Paper &: Staty. Co. Columbia.Ribbon & Carbon Mfg. co. The Pierce Co. Oswald Puhl. Co. Art Printcraft Remington Rand Ino. Free Press co. Fritz-cross co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Poucher Print. & Lith. co. Remington Rand Inc. R. A. Henning V.lcitor Lundeen .!',: co. l7geblad t'nb. Co. DO. ~elson Bros. Prtg. co. ?riiller-Davis co. security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Battle Lake Rev~ew Fergus Journal co. Addressograph-1,IUl tigraph Corp. Missouri-Kansas Chemical co. Beall !'c McGowan Co. l{arlin Raynolds Highway Greenhouses Fergus Paint co. !fol ten Hdwe. N. w~ Bell Tel. co. Rintgen-Karst Co. Fergus Glass & Paint co. Conklin saw Shop N. W. Bell Tel. co. Hintgen-Karst Elec. co. N. W. Bell Tel. co. Do DO L. l!'. Zinter w. H. Dewey Theo. Hegseth Ii. F. nuenow Harry "!'!urau F.elen ,iane Baer P.A. Anderson P. M. Ree •Louise stondahl State Charities Aid Assn. Odin Johnson • Mrs. c. ,;. Wittbeoker Walters. Booth & son H. w. Glorvigen underwood corp. Adamson-Norman Post 30 Spanish War Veterans women's Relief Corps Alexandria Office Supply Olson-Enstad & Larson Inc. James Welch Odin ,Johnson Addressograph-MaltigrBph Corp. Roy Corliss F. A. Henkes Estrem Clinic Nopeming sanatorinm Fair Oaks Lodge San. university Hospital Fergus Falls Clinic Mary L. swanson University Hospital DO Nelson Drug Co• underwood Village boarding prisoners expenses " " " municipal judge's fees expenses " clerk co. Supt. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " dep sheriff's fees " ,. " supplies ribbons end carbon supplies blanks printing supplies blanks & supplies records etc. envelopes books, blanks etc. supplies " " pripting &•.supp:).ies supplies (nurse) printing & supplies books & blanks record books pub. notice pub. i, printing main. supplies " hauling ashes planting · supplies " mobile service water cooler supplies repairs calls repairs calls " " constable fees exp. soil cons. " " " " " postage " " " n " " " supplies (nurse) cash paid for repairs fl ling cabinets supplies ( nurse ) driver's license exp. typewriter decorating graves n " " " supplies ( nurse bond premium hauling " parts serving not ices .. " exam.&, service care of patient " " " glasses care of' care of' special " patient child nursing " supplies expenses ( poor 81.00 78.93 95.93 48.90 88.51 19.05 50.80 20.00 15.00 10.00 27.50 10.00 7.50 20.00 25.00 22.50 12.50 12.50 15.00 10.00 4.20 34.26 9.07 16.30 1.70 9.76 5.00 143.39 31.35 128.03 83.27 205.82 34.00 2.25. 39.65 161:.50 30.50 23.10 262.3'l 302.52 2.00 352.23 20.50 20.53 21.75 38.00 98.15 .70 40.28 203.03 395.00 7.09 .75 38.75 10.77 27.80 33.98 7 .4'5 35.19 15.20 14.60 12.20 7.00 9.00 53.35 207.74 52.72 ll.25 2.00 45.00 1.96 6.60 104.55 25.00 10.00 25.00 2.00 24.14 1.00 1.00 4.67 43.00 106,.77 6,00 244.33 143.84 5.85 22.50 73.33 93,00 89.50 12.10 71.55 OOMM.I~SIONERS RECORD N,.·oTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .Tune 49 . ························································································19 ......•• iLCUNiii PNIAl■NI CUIPJiit, if. CLODI, ■lU:. K ,a. Empire Supply ao. llmeri'can Farme!l's' MUtual Corne·r Cafe-,Tack -aurzette Hol te·n Hardware 'ffe nnfng Oil Co • State· of Minn. ~elican Telephone ao. Roger· Broberg coast:-to-coast stores, Henning Wilc~x Lumber co,, Henning ~bersviller Implement co, Knoff-Peterson co. Park ~egion Oil co. Servi,oe Garage A, ·"B• Kilde Co, Meier Witlding Service Chas, Malmstrom H, A, Rude Bauck Chev. Garage Daggett Truck~ Imp. co. .Amton Wallnoffer Ehnbom Motor co. Mills Motors Hintz & Son Blacksmith Shop DUdgeon RUltman l(o~~T co. Field J/fachine Service Lake. Region Motor co. Olson Auto Electric Bert stone Geo •. Hanson Bert stone Henr-.v Sieling Geo. B, Gunderson Northwest Engineering co. Graff Implement co. H, V, Johnston Culv. co, Fergus Cone. Prod. co. Bill Nelson Oil Co, George Olson Wendell P, HUber W, L,; Potte!l' consumers co-op. Oil co, S, M, Moen Impl, Clarence J, Rood Skogmo Motors, Inc, Larson ~roe. Lloyd A, Johnson Minnesota Motor Co, Fergus Oil Co, TWii'l City Engine Rebuilders·, Inc. Diesel II: Magneto Service co. Service Recorder Co, Minneapolis Blue Print. co. Whiting's Monroe Calo, Machine co., Inc. Pelican Telephone co. south Mill Standard Highway co. . Bill's Service Station Consumer's Co-op. Oils, Inc. Hoot ~ake Ice & Gas, co. A, W, Co., Inc, of Minn, No~thwestern F.quipt. co. Anderson~ Sandberg Oil co. Geo. T. Ryan co.- l'erirose Oil co. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc, service 011 co., B. L, Be:r:ie;tson Oil co. Ro~holt Equipt, Co, NationJ!l Bushing & Parts co. G •. D, Ha!rlOW otter Tail ·Twp. wm. H, Ziegler Co,, Inc, woodside Township E, A, Toftely School District #36 Heinola Telephone co, N, W, Bell Tele, Co, F,F, Columbia Ribbon & Ca!l'bon Mfg, CO, Dahms Photo Print co, ~.w.Bell Tele. co. Paper Calmenson & Co, Henry 'ffolmgren Elk River cone, Prod. co. D, A, Lubricant co. Northern Pacific 'Railway Minneapolis Iron store Harthun .§i Peterson Oil co., N, w. Sell Tele. co,, Henning Knutson Electric Co, HB8ge Oil t:,o, Lincoln standard Station . supplies insurance meals for crew supplies gasoline supplies services supplies " " " " gasoline repairs " " " " " " " " " " " " " attending meetings " " " " " " " " parts repairs culverts tile tires etc. expenses " " gasoj.ine storage tcols repairs " " " gasoline & oil repairs " supplies " " service " gasoline " " " " parts " diesel fuel parts diesel fuel parts gasoline " parts parts & supplies exnenses road construction parts etc. maintenance door glass damages services services #39 B,L, supplies " long distance steel r.epairs culverts oil freight prestone gasoline etc. service supplies diesel fuel gasoline t1258.75 57.90 43.00 67,33 69.08 2.10 9.24 15,29 8,94 12.25 4,75 8,40 23.21 10.27 18,00 25,00 3,60 6 .• 00 ,50 84.16 10.00 7,70 10,50 27,55 13.83 70.17 108,77 58.40 23,70 6.60 10,50 13.80 5.60 1104,67 2.01 176,60 255,00 154,69 18,25 141,66 21,55 89,47 107,00 3.00 28,87 92,85 2.00 3.94- 81,36 290,00 58,24 66.32 2,57 35,70 32.00 4.95 32.08 17.93 10.00 3,45 39.23 1502.16 82.16 72.-50 29.91 250,56 22.98 41.62 91.05 430,37 691.40 4.50 300,00 1761,07 36.00 18.00 8.18 14,45 22.75 4,95 40,50 24.95 118,41 23.35 432.18 508~·41. 12.37 40.85 53.02 6.48 5.10 979.04 38,35 l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. l'!arthun &: Pet,ereon onco. NUndahl Oil Co. ?A"inneeota Paints, Inc, Lawrence Cook Cities Service Station Nicole, Dean ~ Gregg Ruffridge-Johneon Equipt. co. Hoff Broe. Bauok'e Hardware Fc.rgo .-,ound ry co, Biehman Mfg. co. G. Menge Leitch Const. co, Raymond llroe. Motor Tranep. co. Martin Torgerson Louise Wilde Poucher Print.~ Lith, Co, Erickeon-Helleckson-Vye co. Utility Feed Mill DATE .............................. June .............................................. 19 .. ~.~. gasoline " paint gasoline " supplies parts re·paire supplies steel tools gravel equipt, rental .freight moving fence p,re.vel supplies lath coal Upon motion, the Board then adjourned without date. $ 115,29 3.60 121.71 131,91 38.11 46.42 294.15 569.32 5.34 66.14 24,90 21.11 716.62 8,98 35.00 21,00 11.75 · 1.80 57.76 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N~ OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................................................................................ 19 ....... . 1au11n Hl•tirii ti■►•n' ,t hDUe •tH MD ,-------COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,· MINN. ' l "'"'""" DATE ............... -................ June······························-··-·······19 4g MINUTT-:S Or' S"":iCIAL M:P.ETING OJI' TRE ~OARD OF COUNTY COM!,ITSSION:U:RS 01" OTTER TAIL COUHTY, MUlNF.S OT A Pursuant to call signed b,v all members of the Board the commissioners met at 2 o'clock P. !vt,, Wednesday ~une 29, Present were commissioners Sieling, Gunderson, Hanson, stone and snowberg. The meeting was called for the purpose of passing necessary resolutions in connection with Federal Aid Projects. The following resolnt ion Yras adopted: W~Rr-:AS, it is necessar.v in order to receive ~ederal-Aid toward the constructicn of that portion of State Aid Road No. s 1-1-12 described as follows: SA.~ fl--from scuth county Line to 4.0 miles North. SAR £1--From 4 miles North to 9.8 Miles North of south county T.ine. SAR #4--From T. F,!'. #59 N.E. o.f "Pelican Rapids to 4 miles East. SAR ;¥12--From 3 Miles North of Underwood to 5.5 Miles Horth of Underwood,for the county itself and throur.h the commissioner of ~ighways as its &Fent to agree to maintain said road after it shall have been constructed. NOW THEN BE IT RESOLVED, that the chairman and the audi. tor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the county of OT'l'ER TAIL to execute a contract concerning the maintenance of said por- tion of State Aid Road No. s 1-4-12 in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Federal-Aid Maintenance Contract Form No. VI", a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the county all of the contractual obligations therein set forth. Adopted this 29th day of June, 1949. George Hanson Chairman of county Board Attest: William Lincoln :llerk. The following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 90, LaYrs of Minnesota 1943 the Commissioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the county of OTTER TAIL to let as its agent a contract for the con- struction of that portion of State Aid Road No, 1-4-12 described as follows: SAR fl--From S'outh county Line to 4.0 !,tiles North. SAR #1--From 4 Miles North to 9.8 Miles North of South County Line. SA.~ #4--From T. H. ;¥59 tl.E. of Pelican Rapids to 4 Miles East. SAR 112--From 3 Miles tforth of Under- wood to 5.5 Miles uo.rth of Underwood, and the chairman ,md the auditor are hereby authorized and direct- ed for and on behalf of the county to execute and enter into a contract with the commissioner of Highway prescribing the terms end conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and -contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Af:ency Contract Form Ho. IV", a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of. the county all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 29th da,v of June, 1949. George "F.anson chairman of County Board Attest: William Lincoln CJ.erk. The following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail County, that we hereby ap·prove Supplemental Agreement #1 as prepared for S.P, 56-506-01, S 189 (S), S,A.R. I 1, providing for the installation of a cattle pass at Sta, 256-53; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Highways be requested to act as agent for the County in securing federal aid for this additional work, Adopted this 29th d~V of June, 1949. George Hanson Chairman Attest: William Lincoln clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the ~oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: BE IT RESOLVED that the r.hairman and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the State of. Minnesota acting throup:h its Commissioner of Highways wherein and whereby the County of Otter Tail untlertakes to maintain for end on behalf of the State Trunk Hi~hways No, 228, T,H, 108 (229) and T.~. 235, situated in said county of. Otter Tail, and which said agreement shall pro- vide for payment by the state to the county for the cost of such maintenance on the basts of men and eqnipment furnished by the county in the Performance of said work. BE IT PtmTHER RESOLVE~ that the county Highways Enp.ineer be and he hereby is authorized to perform se.id maintenance work on said ~runll: highwa.vs as he may l>e requested to perform from time to time by the State pursuant to said agreement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the maintenance agreement heretofore and on the 29th d~v of June, 1949, executed by the Chairman and Clerk for and on behalf of the County for the maintenance of Trunk Highvtays lJo, 228, T,H, lOtl (229) &: 235 having been before the Board, be and the same is hereby ratified and adopt- ed as the act and contract of the county. Adopted June 29, 1949 Attest: William Lincoln c.L.:rk- George Hanson chairman, 1.~·l r,,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................. June ........................................... 19.4~. . upon motion, the Highwa,y Engineer was authorized to make some neoessary improvements on the oou.nt.v lake shore lot at the west end of' \Vest Battle Lake. Owners of' land along the route of' proposed grading project in the Township of Lida were present and discussed with the Board the question of damages to their property and some of the owners signed easements for the ·proposed roRd. · upon motin, the Roard adjourned without date. l IICll!R Nll!IIPCINH■r U C!IUD COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... ·-······Jtll. ..... _:·························-·······19.4'9.. ?,llNUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF. THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM!dISSIOIIBRS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MIM?fESOTA. Pursuant to statute the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Monday, July 11, 1949, Present were Com- mtssioners·Sieling, Gunderson, Hanson, stone and snowberg, trpon motion, it was ordered ths.t the personal property tax for 1948 ~ainst Duane Leth in Clither- all Villep.e in the sum of ~45.00 be cancelled as the Board was satisfied it was uncollectable, The following cigarette licenses were p,ranted: Lioyd o. Hanson, Sandy Beach Resort, Town of Pelican: wrn.o. Lee, Lee's Resort, •TO\vn of Leaf Lake; .'.'eek Solinger, resort, Town of Lida; Mrs, w. \'I, Dyer, Bowery Beech, Town of ])Unn; Fred Evander, Camp Roma, Town of Ear-le Lake, The application of Grace v. Melville for cancellation of assessment for structures for 1918 against the vri-of Lo( 19, Block 7 of Leaf .Lake Pleasure Grounds, was read and the Board reoeimmended to the commtssioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $123.00 to $11.0C and the taxes from $16.63 to $1,49, The application of i'/m. L. O'Connell for reduction of assessment for 1948 against Lot 5, Block 4, Halberg•s Addition to the City of Fergus Falls, was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of-Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $331,00 to $233.00 and the taxes from $51.75 to $36.43. The application of Emil C, Lundberg for cancellation of assessment for structures against Lot 16 in the First Addition to Linden Shore Park in the Town of Lida for the year 1948 was reed and the Board recommended.to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $101,00 to ~31,00 and the Taxes from $15,04 to $4,62, The application of !,{rs, P.. J. F'rendin for reduction of assessment against Lots 4, 5 and 6 in Block 20, cutler's Third Addition,~-30 feet of Lot 1, Block 61, Original Plat, and the E, 30 feet of Lot l in Block 9 in Wright and ·l,rendenhall's Addition in the City of Fergus Falls for the .vear 1948 \Vas read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the 11Ssessed value of said property be reduced from $638,00 to $534,00 and the taxes from $99,75 to $83.48. The application of Vim, wanderie for reduction of assessment for 1948 against Lots 5, 6 and 7 in Section 20, .Township of Hobart, was read and the ~oard recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $1063,00 to $969,CO a~d the taxes from $143,11 to $130.46 •. The application of Margaret s. Johnson for classification of Lot 9, Block 50 of the Original Plat of Fergus Falls for 1948 at -homestead rate was read and~ after examination of records, upon motion, the application \Vas re-jecte_d, The application-of. !':melia M, Lein for classification of Lots l··and 2, Block 12 of Rothpletz Addi- tion to Perham for the year 1948 was rP.ad and, upon motion, it was ordered that said lend be so classi- fied~and t~xes reduced accordingly. The application of J. A, Johnson for classification of the F.l-Sl'Tt of sec. 28, Town of star••Lake, for 1948 at homestead rate was rP.ad and it was or-dered that said land be so classified and taxes re-duced accordingly. The application of Francis Budd Noyes for cancellation of penalty on special assess~ent in the City of Fergus Falls vras presented. to the Board and, upon motioni the same was rejected as the commissioners ~elt that it was a matter to be acted upon by the city council of the City of Fergus Falls. Upon mot ion, it was ordered the.t highway men employed on county roads be allowed the sum of $3.-00 ·per day in lieu of expenses when workinp; more than 15 miles from the base, Upon motion, theauditor was instructed to advertise for bids for one or more ~otor patrols, said bids ...W. to be received until 2 o'clock P, r.r. Aug. 9, 1949, upon motion, it was ordered that bids for ~rading four miles of State Aid Road No. 1 from the south county line in the Township_ of Aastad be received until 2 o'clock P, M, Aug. 9, 1949, said bids to be opened by the commissioner of ~ighweys at the commissioners' Room in the Court House in Fergus F&lls, The county Auditor presented the following statement to the Board, Pursuant to law I present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied fo~ County pur- poses for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with the actual cash balance remaining to the credit of each county fund at the close of business on the 30th day of June 1949, FUNDS County ?.evenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bridge Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund county Welfare Fund county School Transporation Fd, County School Tax Fund Amount levied for current .1•ear 108,963,19 40,119,84 250,455,52 30,047.88 190,191.78 40,119,84 101,092.74 \'/illiam Lincoln county Auditor. Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows: · .:rmms~ county Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bridge Fund BALAMCES Debit 252,864,03 Credit 37,477.76 56,010,64 /31 COM:M-ISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. DATE ....................... _ .......... J'uly ...................................... 19 49 FUNDS Ditch 'fl'und Incidental Fund county s·chool Transportation Fund. county School Tax Fund county welfare Fund County Sinking Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund Debit 13ALA!lCES Credit 2:;656.58 2,854.84 12,607.30 44;,3\!8.70 161.39 3,451.76 The following is a s-~atemP.nt of the ~gc_oumts remaining unpaid on the c.:ontr1cts already entered into by the Board. FOR WRAT PURPOSE Balance due on grading contracts " " " . motor.ized roade.quipment " •• " Bituminous materials includ inp: application of same BALANCE DUE 17,106.85 62,238.81 6,915.00 The ,County Audi tor presented. the following statement to the Board: The following estimate of expenses for the ensuing year is herewith submitted: Sala-ry of County Officers ..........•••..........••...•.•.............••...•.....••. $ Salary of co1mty Commissioners •..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••.•••••.••••. Clerks, Jani tors, etc .•••••••••••••..•••..•••••••.••••..••.•••.•••..••.•••••••••••.• Jailers, Dep. -Sher. e-tc ••••••••••••..•..•••.••......•.•••.•.••••••..•.•...•..•...•. Board of Prisoners ••••••••••.•••••••...•.....••.••••.••.•.••..••••••••.••...•.•.••• Jurors Fees ....................................... : ......... , , , , •, •, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Witness Fees ... ~ ... ~ ............................................................... . Miscellaneous CQurt Expens~s •..•.•••..••• , •.••..••• , .••...•.••••••.••••• , •••...•••• Jurors, ,rust ice court •.•••••••.•....••.•.••••...•.••••••.•...•.........••..••.••••• Witnesses. Just ice Court ••.•.•........••••••••.•.•••..•••...••••.••......••.••••••• Justice and constables .••.•••••••...........•.• _ ••...•.••.•...•••••••••..•••...•••••• county Agents, etc •.•.••.••••••..•••.•.•.•..•.•••...•...•••••.••••••.••••••••.•.••• Inquest, expenses ................................................................. . Report of Births II: Deaths .•••••..••••••.••..•••••.•.••..•....•...•.• ; ...•....••.....• Lights, Fuel. etc •.•••.•••••••..•••••••.•••••••..•.•.•...••....•••.....•.•••..••••.•• Books, blanlts and stationery .••••......••••...•.•••••.•••..•.••.•.•.•••...•.••••••• Printing !c advertising ••..••.••...••.•••••••••••••.•••••••.••.•.••.••.•...•..••••.•.• Expense with me,n.tally ill, • , •..•••.•.••••••••.•.••..•••••••.•••••••••... , • , •. , • , , ••• county Welfare Fund ••••••••••••••••••.•••••••.•••..••••••••••••• , •••••••••..•• • •••• Postage, express &: freight .•••••••••••••••••••...•••••••••••••••••• , ••••• , , • ••••••• county nurses .............. •· ....................................................... . Court House Grounds ...•••....•........•.•.. • .•............•............••. , ...... , , • Attending Assessors' Jl.leeting .....................•................................. 'Fox 'Bounty •.......•...•..•.....••.•................•.........................•....• . tP.c ide.ntal ...•.•.• !I •••••••• • •••••••••••••• , ••••••••• , •••••••••••••• , •••••••• • • • • • • • • r,tiecel'laneous Revenue ........••.......•...........•...•...••••......•..........•... Road & Bridge Fund •..••..•......•..•••••.•.•...•.••..•.....•.•••.•.••.............. Poor Fund .....•.........••..•.•••..•...•...•.•..••.......•.•••.•..••............•.. San.a tori um Fund .•..•....................•..••...............••.•...........•••..•.• Dated July l, 1949. The following raeolut ion was adopted: Reepectillu.lly submitted, William Linc~ln, county Auditor. Resolveil by. 'the 'Bo'ard of (io11nty Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: 35,000.00 6,000,00 60,000.00 8,000,00 ... . 4,500.00 8,000,00 500,00 ::3,500,00 100.00 300.00 2,000.00 7,500.00 300.00 1,300.00 8,000.00' 15,000.00 5,000.00 1,300.00 195,000.00 2,000.00 9,000.00 1,000.00 1,800.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 8,000.00 250,000.00 40,000.00 30,000.00 Whereas, this Board heret.ofore contracted with Ken s. Gold co. f.or one used ~roe Snow Flyer and, Whereas, same has been received and accepted by the county,_ Uow, tharefore, be it r·eeolved. that tha county Audi tor and the Chairman of the Board are author- ized and directed to issue to Kans. Gold co. and the First Acceptance corporation, 820 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, warrant on the Road and Bridge fund of. the county in the sum of $8,109,50, the amount due. Adopted July 11, 1949, George Hanson Chairman. Attest: c!erk. Sheriff J. r.. Henkes reported to the Board the amounts of. 1948 personal property taxes over and above the estimated amounts figured in advance as required by law end, upon motion, the followinr, un, paid balances of such taxes were ordered cancelled: , l ■rc■■1an1■•.11 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Clifford Olson FT, w. Harrie A. E. Reinhardt Andrew Crumlett John E, Franklin Elchmiller Estate vrarren:stewart DATE ....................... -.......... July ·········································l9 .... ~.~ Inman Dee•l' Creek Homestead Otter Tail Hobart Candor Erhards Grove trpon motion, the Board then ad.1ourned to 10 o'clock A, M, ,1Uly 12th. TUESDAY'S SER~IOI-1' $ 1.7·9 7.46 3,08 4.41 1.09 3,09 6,66 Pursuant to adjournment the Boa.rd met at 10 o'clock A, M, Tuesday. ,1uly 12, 1949, all members being present. The petition of o. E. Moebius to be set over from Dist. No. 7 of Otter Tail County .to Dist. !{o.55 of Grant co. was taken up for final action and after listening to the county superintendent of schools, the petitioner and members of. the school boards of both districts, and, after full discusston, the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of O, E. Moebius, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 7 in this county, representing that he ls the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, end adjoin school District no. b5 oi' Grant co. and asking that he with his said lands me,y be set off from said district No, 7 to said adjoinil'l{! school district No. 55 of Grant county was prea~nted to the ~oard of county Commissioners of thl.s County at a session of said board held on the 15th day of June A,D., 1949 for the action of said board th~reon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 12th day of July A,D., 1949 at the county Auditor's office in the Cit,'/ of Fergus·••Falls in said county; and whereas it v,as further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by postinp, co-oies of said ol'der in three public places in each of the school districts to he affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days bet'ore the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 12th day of July A,D., 1949 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearil'l{! as therein directed and re11nired, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and conaider- ed by the Board, with everything which was said by·said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and ea.id Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to·=wl t: SE¼ and SE¼ of SW¼ o;f Section 36 Township 131 Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District N~. 7 Otter Tall County to said adjoining School District No. 55 Grant County and said lands a.re hereb_.1/ made a part of sald last named School District for all purpo~ee whatever. B.V order of the Board of'Co1mty commissioners, Dated the 12th day of July A,D., 1949 (seal) George Hanson Chairman, of the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail county., Minn. Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board, The petition of John i\nderson to be set over from School District No. 29 to Scheel District Uo, 21 was taken 11p for final action. After listening to the Superintendent of sohools and interested parties, upon motion, the petition was gran~ed and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of ,Tohn Anderson, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 29 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter descr~bed, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 21 and askin~ that he with his lands may be set off from said d.istrict No, 29 to said ad,1oining School District No, 21 was pres1mted •to the Board of County cor:unissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 15th day of June A. D,, 1949 for the action of said board thereon; and wherea!' it was thneupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 12th day of ,July A,D., 1949 at the county Auditor's o·ffice in the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time end place of such hearing be given by post- ing copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of. county commissioners on said 12th d~y of. July A, D,, 1949 due proof of the posting and service·of said order of hearinp. as thP.rein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said las·t named date, havinp. been made and filed, said petition 1'las publicly r,.ad and considered by the 13oard, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the pra.ver of. the PP.titioner, and said 13oard being of. opinion that said netition should be granted, it is herepyordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the followinr described lands owned by him, to-wit: Govt. Lot 6,ex, E, 5 acres~ excent flowage in Section 5 Township 132 Range 43 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District 1~0. 29 to said ad.joining School District I-Jo. 21 and said lands are hereby made a part of said la.st named School District for all pu.rposes ;1hatever, By order of the Board of. County com~issioners. Dated the 12th da,v of July A,D., 1949, (seal) C-eorge Hanson Chairman of the Board of county Commi-eeioners of Otter Tail county, Mit)n. Attest: William Lincoln county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ,ru.ly 49 DATE ...................... ·-··-··-··············-··-··-·······························19 ... . The petition of George Stenger to be set over from Dist. 260 to Dist. 274 was taken up for final e.ctlon and after listening to the s·uperintendent of Schools and interested parties, u·pon mot ion, the pet.ition was le.id over to 10 o'olock A. M, Aug. 10, 1949, The petition of H, A, Ha~mers to be set over from Dist. 260 to Dist. 274 was taken up for final action and. after listening to the superintend.ent of Schools and interested parties, upon motion, the petition was laid over to 10 o'clock A, M. Aug. 10, 1949. The petitl.on of wm. i:rerrmann to be set over fromDist. 166 to Dist. 164 Yre.s taken up for final aotion and, after discussion, the petition was granted and the Boe.rd issned t'he following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of V/m. Herrmann, e. legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 166 in this county. representing that he is the 01•mer of the lands hereinafter described, whic_ih are situate in said .School District, and adjoin school District No, 164 and e.sking tho.t he with his said lands may be set off. from said District No, 166 to ae.id adjoining School District No. 164 was present- ed to the Boe.rd of county commissioners of this county at e. session of said Board held on the 15t·h day of June A. D,, 1949 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said Boe.rd that e. hearing should be had on said. petition, at e. session of said Board on the 12th da,v of July A, D., 1949 at the county Andit.or's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and b,v said order that notice of the time and place of such hee.rirlf_l be given by !)ostl.ng copies of. said order in three public nle.ces in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and 1>,v mailing to the clerk of each o:f. said School Districts, e. c:opy o-r. said order at lee.st ten d sys before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of county commissioners on said 12th day of July A, D,, 1949 due proof of the posting and service of said order o:f. hearinp; as therein directed and re'!uired, more than ten days prior to snid last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Boe.rd, wit~ everything which 1ve.s said. by said interested parties :f.or or B{l;e.inst granting the prayer of the petitioner and said Board beinr,_of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined that the said pet;itioner and the follOll'ing described lands o~med by him, to-Yrit: Lots 6-7 &: 8 in Section 33 Township 136 Range 41 be and the same are hereby set off from said school District No, 166 to said e.d- join.ing School District No, 164 and said lands are hereby me.de e. part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 12th ·da,v of July A. D., 1949. Jseal) George Hanson Chairman of the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Boe.rd. The t>et i tion of Violet Combs to set over the ll½ Nll'..h and the SF.¼ NE¼ of Sec. 13 in the Tom11ship of Maplewood from Dist. 145 to Dist. 244 was read and it was ordered ~hate. hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Boe.rd to be held Oct. 14, 1949 at 10 o'clock A, M. in the Commissioners' Room in the Court House and that due notice of the time e.-nd place of se.id hearing be given as reqlllired by law. The petition of Anton R, Thompson asking that the SW¼ s~. NEt S1'Tf, SE¼ NW¼, st NE¼ and the NW¼ SE¼ all being in Sec. 5 and the SWf NI~ of Sec. 4 all in Township 133 Re.nr.e 37 be set over from Dist. 206 to Dist. 101 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Boe.rd to be held Oct. 14, 1949 at 10 o'clock A,M. in the Commissioners' Room in the Court Reuse and that due notice of the time e.nd place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Llo,vd s. Thomas askinp. that the wt-S'\'I¼-of Sec. 3, Township 132, Range 38, be set over fro~ Dist. 234 to Dist. ltO was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the ~oe.rd to be held Oct. 14, 1949 at 10 o'clock A,M, in the Commissioners' Room in the Court ~ouse and thnt due notice of the time and ple.oP. 9f said hearing be given as required b,V law. The pe\ition of E, R. MUnsen asking that the NW¼ and tne SW¼, and the wt NE¼ and thew} SE¼ and the SE¼ SE¼-of Sec, 29 and the NF,¼ SF.f of Sec. 30, Township 132, Range 36 be set over ·from Dist. 141 and 236 to Dist. 173 was read. and. it was ordered that a hearing 011 said petition be ·had at the session of the Boe.rd to be held Oct. 14, 1949 at 10 o'clock A.M. in the Commissioners• Room in the court House and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as rquired by law. The petition signed by Arthur Be.uck and others asking· that school district No, 258 be dissolved was taken up and it appearing to the Boe.rd that it is proper that such district should be dissolved it we.a ordered that a hee.rintt on said dissolution and apportioning o:t' the territory in said district to e.d,1oin- ing school districts be had at th~ session of the Board to be held in the Commissioners' Room in the court Rouse on Wednesday Sept. 14, 1949 at 10 o'clock A,M. end that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by laYr. · Upon motion, the Boe.rd took e. recess to 2 o'clock P, M, '3ids for construction of State Project 56-511-01 on State Aid Road No, 4 northeast of Pelican Rapids were opened by A. o. Torgerson, representing the state highway• department and checked "fin the highway engineer's office. It appearing from examlne.tl.on of bids that Carl Danielson and J. D, Nelson submitted the lowest bid for se.l.d work in the amount of $21,737.99, upon motion, the Boe.rd recommended to the Com- missionP.r of Hig!1wa.vs th9.t said bid be e.ooepted. · A plat of 13uree.u '3each Addition in the Township Q·f Dane ·"rairie, e.ccom9nnied by a certificate of title 1>,v Field, Field, and Arveson, Attorneys-at-law, was approved. The budget for the ensuing year submitted by theCounty Public Nursing Boe.rd was approved and placed on file. The followinf.': resolution 1ve.s ado nted: :c!esolved by the Boe.rd of countyf}ommissioners of otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota: COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. ·-······-··JUl.Y --············-···························19 49 smrnrrnrnll'l'DD'llr."lr.'Canrr.lRI' . That under the ~rovisions of Chapter 143, Sec. 47, Subdivision 6 or 1947 session Laws, the County Auditor be and he·hereby is directed to make a levy of le,% of the costs of construction of. the following dl tches on 1949 tax lists to provide funds :!.'or expenses in cleaning or repairing said ditches: rJamely, Ditches No, 17, 38, 41, 42, 54, 56 and 62, Adopted July 12, 1949~ Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Ceorge Hanson Chairman. Resolved by the Boe.rd of county commissioners o:f otter Tail cou.l'J.ty, !.finnesota: That there be levied upon the taxable pronerty of Otter Tail county, Minnesota, for the year 1949 the following amounts for the several coupty funds: County Revenue Fund •••••.•••••...•••••..••••.•.• $110,000,00 /tf' county Poo-r Fund................................ 20,000.00 County Road and Bridge Fund •••••••••••••.•.•.•.• 250 ,GJOO. 00 Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fund •••••••.•.••..••.••• 35,000,00 county Yfelfare Fund •••••••••••••••••••.....•.••• 168,000,00 county School Transportation Fund •••••••••••••.• 41,000,00 county School Tax Fund .......................... 193,000.00 county 3ullding Fund............ . •••••• , • • • • . • • 2 mills Adopted July 12, 1949. Attest: \Villi am Lincoln Clerk •. ~ The following bills were allowed: J. C, Henkes Do r,r. C, Lee ,1. c. Henkes tJelen ,)ane "9aer John L. '!3ixby Louise Stondahl Do Ella Stondahl Elnora Esteb Violet E. Holmquist Clare. stondahl Beatrice M, Will 13ernice ,Tesme Deloris Bloomquist Pearl Jensen Marion L, Borek Julia Christenson Ceo. B,Cunderson Bert Stone DO Henr,v Sieling Geo, ~anson H, l'f, cnorvigen Dr, c. J. Lund Dr, Poward Kaleher Dr. I.E. Bigler Mildred Bruvold Runningen Cafe Edwin Anderson Albert Fritz Edward J, Johns~n Frank c.. "9arnes Merlin Rieman Henry Steinbach William Guelzow Oren Fosse Addressor,raph-Multip,raph Corp. Midl,and Paper Pc Ste.tioner.v ~o. The "Dierce ~o, Remington Rand tnc. Alexandria Office Supply Schoolcraft co. Remington Rand Inc. DO .Free Press co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Miller-Davis Co, Poucher 'print • .'I: Lith. co. Miller-Davis co. Nelson Bros, Prtg. co. Victor Lundeen -!I: co. C',eo rr:e Hanson Chairman, sneriff's expenses expenses dep. sheriff's expenses Bd. of prisoners expenses ., ., supt•s clerk " " " " attd. meet ng " " telephone sttd. meetings " ., Board of Audit coroner's fees " " " " transcripts meals :for jurors saly. & exp. weed control " " " " " " " " municipal judge's fees constable fees " " " " dep. sheriff's exp. suppli~s ~ main. .. " " " books & supplies printing blanks blanks & supplies supplies stationery etc.(service officer) supplies $160,80 28.68 44,37 229.50 35.05 37.16 13.55 39.00 50.00 17.50 20.00 62.50 42.50 50,00 7.50 27.50 '32.50 . i7,50 5.00 7.00 3.05 18.55 9.90 105,00 29.10 10,1}5 42.60 18.15 21.70 232,00 208,70 217.45 75,00 21.'36 11.10 13,81 12.30 42,17 20,69 31,94 563.50 4,00 71.44 360,69 13.35 163.85 73.90 31.02 106,13 16.93 113.27 227.63 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, ·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................................... .lllly ............................. 19 49 Viotor Lundeen & co. Henning Advooate United Chemical co. N, W, Bell Tel, Co, Frankoviz Hdwe, co, Fergus servioe station N, W, 'Bell Tel, co. Fergus Journal· co. Louise Stondahl P, A, Anderson P, M, Ree H, W, Glorvigen Helen Jane Baer California Test Bureau Geo. Bergem Post A,L, Monroe Calculating Maohi.ne Co. H, W, Glorvigen Nelson Trucks H, VT, Glorvigen O;ren Foss.e West Central Airways, Inc, C, ,T, T,und, M,D. Philip M. Y.~aglien Al. Spranger Philip M, Y-jaglien weste;rn Union Nopeming sanatorium univP.rsity Hospitals Mrs. Cleo Ga;rrison Jvrinn. State Sanatorium Carl J. Lund, M,D, Fair Oaks Lodge Sanatorium Fergus Falls Clinic Dr, Frank Jiaegeli Town of Clitherall American Farmers' Mutual Thomas 11ortenson c. !>,Harlow George Olson Henning· Hdwe. co. co-op. Services, Inc. Marshall Wells stores !{cl)U.nn Farm St ore Stoll1s· Cafe Park Re·g ion co-op Oil co, Cities Service Station Anderson & Sandberg Oil co. Minnesota State Hip.hway Dept. N. w. Bell Tele. Co, F, F. Miller-Davis Co, l'ouohP.r Print. &: Li th. co. D, A· Lubricant co., tnc. Hotel wm. Barkley River Inn Highway co. Henning Oil co. o. w. r,iljegren Merk Sand Sc Gravel co. Lampert Lumber co., P,P. First National sank Thomas parage · Skogmo·Motors, Inc, Aune 'Ai'os. Larson arcs. Cummins DiP.sel Sales corp. Ruf'f'ridge-Johnson Equipt·. co. Hintgen-Karst Minnesota Motor co. Armco Drainage Sc Metal Prod. co. Christlanson Welding Shop Village of Henning Smith;· Inc. Alfred' F,vavold . V/heel1fr Lumber Bridge 8c Sup, co. Wilcox Lumber Co,, Ve;rges Ashley Quizign co. ~rwin ·siegried iarilcoi r.umbP.r co. , Henning NotL ·"Bushing .\ Parts co. c. T, Oscarson & Son Nicols-Dean Sc Grep.g Consumers co-op. Oil Co. Resset Bros. . Erickson's Brake ServJ.ce Olson Auto Electric Thelen Implement co. wm. H, Ziegler co., Inc. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Northwest Engineering co. "Field Machine service .I\. B, Y.ildP. Co. Fergus Oil co. supplies printing supplies calls supplies .. cells publication postage .. " ... " supplies decorating graves main. drivers license uom, hauling chairs. rent for postal box dep. sheriff exp. services at drowning services et jail expenses desks & chair (service officer) expenses (service officer) telegrams care of patients special nursing care of' child care of patient exam. care of patient exam. " grading insurance expenses " " supplies " tools supplies meals for crew gasoline " diesel fuel plans long distance forms " oil rooms for crew " .. gasoline " stakes send paint plat books gas &: oil repairs .. " parts " repairs repairs &: tires culverts repairs rent & elec. current repairs equipt. rental bridge plank supplies " gasoline supplies " ·repairs supplies gasoline repairs " " " parts " " repairs " gasoline $241.69 2.80 7.67 47.74· 4.69 3.61 67.50 201.00 51.72 41.40 44.72 18.00 13.16 5.37 9.00 32.00 7.00 4,00 2,00 94,30 21.00 4,50 12,58 100.00 34,85 28,49 326.10 89.20 32,00 126,25 3,00 139.20 3.00 3,00 300,00 910,20 27.25 7.60 20.40 5,75 . 7,19 ~4.95 34.17 17,85 11,31 16,90 92.28 10,80 23.10 ,78 45,46 212,85 10,50 9.00 15,12 35,95 76.00 37.51 7.50 10.00 10,25 41,98 27,28 83,94 399,05 412,83 8.50 236.96 87,98 7.15 141,80 118,30 219,00 295.99 3.50 15,63 416.40 10.01 23.75 34.30 89,30 28.21 15,25 67,01 24,95 4.90 84,19 46,50 9,82 45,75 279,34 155,69 Hffl I l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................................... ~1Y .................................. 19 .. ~~. llfflln'IIPnr.'. r.mr. Service 011 ao. Bill Nelson 011 Co. lJaRge 011 ao. w. c. Luhning D· v. ~ E· Spanswick Penrose 011 co. Fergus Service Station !l'red A. F,verts parkers Prairie TWp. A. w. ~ompany Inc. of Minn. Town of Aastad Town of Blowers Butler Township ,Tulia E· \'IOlff Nora Evenson :P.dwin "9• Olson "Fl. G. \-Len ra Dahl Ralph E. Lillemoen Alice Schroeder Union central Life Ins. co. Henry s. Peterson Franklin Rau l!el bert ~ Emma Auseth nenry G. sund Ualvin c.-Bergerud Haaken H. ])a.hlen John H. Steen 1,!?'S. Eena Straus John Schuetze ElmP-r T. Anderson !-ierold Yince,1t & Otto P.ichter ceorge Alfred wright Alvin O, F.:Venson, Chm. Dist. 157 Burt o. Amundson Wendell p. VU.ber \7, L. Potter 1'!enoell p. Huber DO Minne~ota F,W,D. no. Ceo. T, R.Van co. Rosholt Equipt, Co., Inc, Victor Lundeen & co. N, ~,. Bell Telephone co. The Globe Gazette ao. construction ~ulletin Ro,v Bruhn P.obert Welch p.asoline !I. oil '' etc. diesel ·r.uel ri(!ht of wa,.v " " " gasoline~ diesel fuel ,. coal & lumber road const. parts gravelling r,rading " right of way H II ff ,. " ,. ,. ,. " ,, " ,, " " " " " U II n II " " ., " " " ,, " ,, " " exp,mses " envelopes cash advanced parts " " supplies services supplies ad. for bids cash advanced ,. " Upon motion, the ~oardthen ad~ourned to July 22, 1949. MINUTES Oli' MEETIMG OF BOARD OF COUifrY COMMISSIOIIB~S OF OTT~~R 'rAIL COUNTY·; t,ItNHBSOTA JULY 22, 1949. Pursuant to adjournment, the Board met July 22, 1949, all members being present. The following resolution was adopted: $132,01 ·299.72 1142.29 32.00 25.50 113.20 46.74 36.60 300.00 35.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 65:;oo 120,64 103.50 51.00 26,00 60.50 78.50 76.65 90.05 136.51 108.71 90.14 25 .50. 8.00 GG.47 26.00 87.90 26.00 44.38 6.50 26.00 134,30 67.10 150,00 43.29 77.28 329.29 233.13 46.94 7.04 10,42 39,90 19.90 14,39 BE IT RESOLVED by the county Beard (county commissioners) of otter Tail county. Minnesota: That the existing and duly established and designated State Aid Rosd No. 4 in otter Tail County, Minnesota, 1//hich begins at the intersection of Trunk Highway 59 and the South line of Section 11, T136U-R43W and proceeding Easterly and Northerly to the Uorth quarter corner of section 4, Tl37N- R40W and ther" terminatinr,, and whose general course.b.J!.).:"l1'v_!).111S~S,ti~l,l..An..<l.J,f, .l,2.,2n~•.;l,~ • .,Tl~Ei.N.- R43W, and Sections 7 and 18, 8 and 17,·imd Section 9:-,'ci'?Seodon'°tr,Tl~a'N-R43W~tliencrtaeterl.7 on section line between Sections ·11 and 14, North 89"54' East for a distance of 2060.8 feet; thence North 89"55' East on the section line between sections 12 and 13 for 1825.7 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 0"30' curve (delta angle l."43') for-a distance of 343,4 feet: tpence on tangent to said curve south 88' 22' East ·for 513.8 feet; thence deflect to the left on a 1 cnrve (delta anp:le 6° 17') for a distance of 628.3 feet; thence on tangent to said .curve North 95• 21' East for a distanc of 228.6 feet: thence deflect to the right on al." O' curve (delta a~gle 4"09') for a distance of 415,0 feet; thence on tangent to said curve North 89"31' East for a distance of 1045,7 feet: thence deflect to the right on a 1" 0' curve (delta angle 5°13') for a distance of 521,7 feet; thence on tangent to said curve south 85°17' East for a distance of 2025,9 feet; thence deflect to the left on e. r O' curve (delta angle 4• 32') for a distance of 453.3 feet; thence on tangent to said curve south 89" 49' East and on the section line between Sections 7 and 18, Tl36N-R42W for a distance of 2395,9 feet; thence south 89"49' East between sections 8 and 17 for a distance of 4602.4 feet; thence deflect to the left on a 4" O' curve (delta angle 31" 52') for a distance of 796.7 feet; thence on tangent to said curve North 58"19' ~ast for a distance of 3350.2 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 6'0' curve (delta angle 37°02') for a distance of 617.2 feet: and there terminating. That it is neceeear,v for the safet,v of public travel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed, That an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed.for the purpose of so altering said state Aid Road !lo. 4 in said sections aforesaid; That the general course of said state Aid Road NO, 4 is not materially altered thereby; ..... ,_-:. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................................... Jul,r ....................................... 19 .. '.?:.! That the sa.ld easement so to be procured is for· public hip.hwe,,v and road purposes that the same shall be located, lie, be and run as her~inafter described; Tnat it is necessar.v for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that additional ri~ht of we,,v be procureil to enable the construction of proper slopes and that an easement be urocured to construct certain slooes and to maintain the same after construction as provided in the:plans-end specifications on file in the office of the county ~ighway Engineer·at the court House in the Ci t.v of Fergus •Falls, t,Unnesota, the specific places where said slopes are to be constructed, be- ing po.;rticularly hereinafter described, that such easement for s11ch construction of slopes cease on or before.December 31, 1950; T~at it is necessary for the construction and maintenance of said road and for the safety of public travel that an easement for the erection of temporary snowfences be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public highway purposes and upon the lands adjoining the same That the lands so to be taken for public highway and road purposes and subjected to easement as aforesii.:l:d, are situated in the state of Minnesota and theConnty of Otter Tail and described ·as follows, to-wit: PARCELS land 2 A strip of land extending over and across the t\110 following described tracts: Parcel 1 -Gcvt. Lot 7, Section 11, Tl36N-R43VT; Parcel 2 ::: The Southeast quarter of the southeast quarter (SF,f SE¼J, Section 11, Tl36N-R43W; sald strip being the southerly 50 feet of the ~asterly 741.0 feet of the first above described tract; the southerly 50 feet of the second above described tract; exceJ>ting therefrom the ril,lht of ~lay of existinr, hig~wsy; containing 0,76 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or be·"ore December 31, 1950, on the following described line: A strip of land 30 ~eet w:ide on the North side of said roadway beginninp. at a point 352.6 feet West of the Southeast corner of Section 11, Tl36N-R43W; thence West 480.Q feet and there terminating, Said strip to a.d,join the outside Une of said roadwa.v, and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. PARCEL 3 A ,strip of land extending over and across the following described tract.: The North half of the Northee.st quarter INt NE¼), Section 14, T136N-R43r7; said strip being the Northerly 50 feet of the Easterly 2060.8.feet of the above described tract; excepting therefrom tj'J.e right of way of existing highway; containing 0,79 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct .slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1950, on the following described line; · A strip of land 5 feet wide on the South side o~ said roadway beginning at a point 430,0 feet Yfest of the Nqrthea!!t Section corner of Section 14; thence west 200 feet and there terminating. 1 strip of land 25 feet wide on the South side o·f said roadwa.v ·beginninl? at a point 950,0 feet West of the Northeast corner of Section 14; thence ¥Test 750,0 feet and thP.re terminating. Said strip to ad ,join the outside line -of said roadway, and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. · PARCEL.A The.Northerly 50 feet of the following described tract: The Ilorthwest que.rtP.r ·of the Northwest quarter .lm'I-; -~), Sect"ion 13, Tl36N-R431'1; exceptin/? therefrom the right of wa,v of existing hip.,h111a,v; conto.ininP, o.51 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1950 on the following described line: A strip.,of land 20 feet wide on the south side of suid roadway beginning at the · llortheast corner of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter (NWf,-NW¼) of Section 13; thence west 50 feet and there terminating•. Said strip to adjoin the outs,ide line of said roadway, and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith, PARCELS 5, 6 and 8 A strip of land extending over and across the 3 followipg described tracts: Parcel 5 -The Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter l?lE¼ NW¼), Section 13, Tl36N-R43Yi; Parcel 6 -The northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter (NW¼ NFJ.-), section 13, T136N-R43W; Parcel 8 -The South one-half IS½-) of Section 12, T136N-R43\V; · said strip being all thet part of the above described tracts which lies within a distance of 50 feet on each side of the following described center line; , COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. July 49 DATE ................................................................................... -... 19 ..... . Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 12; thence run Easterly on the south section line liorth 89°55' East for a distance of 1825.7 feet; thence deflect to the right on an o• 30' curve (delta angle 1• 43' l for a distance of 343.4 feet: thence on tangent to said curve 513,8 feet; thence deflect to the left on a r 0' curve (delta angle 6°17') for a distance of 628.3 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for 228.6 feet: thence deflect to the right on a 1•0• curve (delta angle 40°09'1 for a distance o! 415.o !eet; thence on tangent to said curve for 1046. 7 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 1° O' curve (delta angle 5• 13') for a distance of 261.0 feet and there terminating. exceptl ng therefrom the right of wa.v of. existing high1,ay; containing 3.44 acres, more or Iese. Also an easement to construct slopes ,vhich shall cease on or before December 31, 1950, on the following described line: A strip of land 30 feet wide on the South side of said roedway beginning at the Uorthweet corner of the northeast quarter of the uorth1vest quarter (r!Ef. NWfl of Section 13; thence East 480,0 feet and there terminating. A strip of land 40 feet wide pn the South side of said roadw~v beginning at a point 100.0:feet East of the Northwest corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter (l~ NW¼-), Section 13, Tl36N-R43\'/; thence r.ast 1000,0 feet and there termin- ating. A strip of land 10 feet v:ide on the South side o~ said roadway beginning· at a point 400,0~feet ?Test of the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the northeast ~uarter (NW~ w.;-,1,-), Section 13; thence West 250.0 feet and there terminating. l strip of land 10 feet wide on the North side of said roadway beginning at a point 1200,0 feet East of the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the uorthwest quarter (JIB¼ mv-¼), Section 13; thence 200.0 feet East and there terminating. A strip o.t land 20 feet wide on the North aide of said roadway beginning at the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter U~ ·NE¼), Section 13; thence r1est 100,0 feet and there terminating. A strip of land 30 feet IA'ide on the north side of said roadway beginning at the Northeast corner cf section 13; thence V/est 925,0 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and theouter line of said strip to be parallel therewith. PARCELS 12 and 13 A strip of land exteniling over and across the two following described tracts; Parcel 12 -The Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter (SF,¼ Sl'I¼), Sect ion 7 ,Tl36N-R42W; Parcel 13 -The Southwest quartP.r of the s outheast quarter (Sl'1¼-SE¼) ,Section 7 ,Tl36N-R42W; said stri·p beine; all tho.t part of the h:o ahove descrihed trecta which lies within a distance of 50 feet on each side of the following described center linP..: Beginning at the southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the South- east quarter (SI'!¼ SE-¼·l of Section 7; thence West-on the section line south R9° 49' Vlest for a distance of 1095. 9 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 1• curve (delta angle 4• 52') for a distance of 453,3 feet: thence on a tangent to said curve !iorth 85° 17' west for a distance of 1030.8 feet and there terminating. excepting therefrom the right of way of existing highway; containing 1,26 acres, mpre or less. Aleo an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1950, on the following described line: A strip of land 15 feet wide on the North aide of said roadway beginning 100. O feet Ea.st of the Southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter (SE¼ SW¼), Section 7; thence East 350.0 feet and there terminating. A strip of land 5 feet wide on the North side of said roadway beginning at a point 380,0 feet East of the Southquarter corner of Section 7; thence East 200,·0 feet· and there terminating. A strip of land 20 feet wide on the North side of said roadwe,,v beginning at a point 950,0 feet East of the south quarter corner of Section 7; thence East 170,0 feet and there terminating. Said strip to adjoin the outside line of··l!laid roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith. PARCELS 18 and 21 A strip of land extending over and across the two following described trac:ts: Parcel 18 -The Woutheast quarter of the Southeast quarter (SE¼ S"EJt).Section 8, T136N-R42W; Parcel 21 -Govt. tot 3 except the ~ast 20 rods, Section 8, T136N-R42W; said strip being the Southerly 50 feet of the first above described tract: the Southerly 50 feet of the westerly 400,0 feet of the second described tract; and the Southerly 120,0 feet of the Easterly 600,0 feet of the second described tract. excepting therefrom the right of wa.v of existing highway; containing 2.0 acres, more or less. PARCELS 22 and 23 A strip of land extendirl!'! ovP.r and across the followin~ described tract: The East 20 rods of Govt. Lot 3, Section 8, Tl36N-R42W; COMMI~SIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-··············-········J'ul.Jr ........................................ 19 49. said strip being the Southerly 120.0 feet of' the vresterly 280.0 feet of the above described tract: and the Southerly 50 f'eet of' the F.ast.erly 50 f'eet of' the above described tract; A strip of land extending over and across the follOYring described tract: Govt. Lot 4, Section 8 Tl36N-R42W-: said strip being all t•hat part of' the above described tract which lies within a distance of 50 feet on each side of the following described ~enter line: 13eginning at the South1vest corner .of r.ovt. Lot 4; thence Easterly along the section line for a distance of 650.4 feet; thence deflect to the left on a ~curve (delta angle 31"52') for a distance of 649.8 feet to the East line of Said Govt. Lot 4 and there terminating. excepting therefrom t'he right of wa.v of existini;: hi~hwa.vs; containing 1.75 acres, more o~'less. That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain be had and prosecuted pursuant to law; to acquire said easement across additional lands as aforesa.fd for publ io road and highway purposes; to acquire said easement and additional right of way for construction of slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said easement for erect ion of snowfences, and let the same. forewi th duly be begun and prosecuted. Dated this 22nd d~v of J.Uly, 1949, Attest :William Lincoln county Aud•i ·tor By the county Hoard of Otter Tail County Georf!e Hanson Chairman (seal) Upon motion, the 13oa·rd then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, J.f, ,luly 26, 1949. MINUTES OF MF.F:TING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA HELD JULY 26, 1949. '?ursuant to ad,1oilrnment the Board met at lOo 'cloc.k A. M, ,1u1y 26, 1949, all members being present. Land owners along the south four miles of the Wendell road in the Township of Aastad 1\"ere p~esent to talk over with the 13oard the question o-.l' damap.es to their land. The parti"s affectPd either si~med highway easements or ar-reed to do so. The Board then adjourned to 2 o'clock P. III, to meet with land ov,ners alon~ the line of p!l.'oposed improvement of road No, 12, '.fownahip of Sverdrup. Various land owners along the route of the pro.posed improvement were prese.nt end signed highwa,v easements. The following names were selected to be placed on the petit jury list of the county to take the place of persona drawn to serve at the April.term of the district court: Albert Huwe Nick Fiedler Wm, Schultz Ed, Boedigheimer · Elmer Benke Mrs. Clara Ament Ambrose Y.aminaki Mrs. Melvin ,Axnesa Jay Moses T, A, Davis M. I. Grina Mrs, E, R, Swenson Phillip Lingren William B, Estes Floyd Jensen Roman !1,teia Mrs. F.d. Wallin Alfred Viger Oscar Flelle N. c. T-Taugaard trenr.v Hardekopf Charles Oppegard Mrs. R. w. Bertelsen, Jr. Odin Back· Butler Hobart Rush Lake Pine Lake Edna Bluffton Perham Vlll, Lida Scambler Maine Erhards Grove Battle Lake underwood Otter Tfil Girard EVerts Amor Tumuli St, Olaf woodside Effington Leaf J.ake City of Pergus Falls "Ruse Mrs. John Schmidt Verner Porkoneri Mrs. Ed, Ziegler Herman Vlessel J,trs, J,ouise Kertscher Louis Berend '!-Terbert Wallace Walter Backstrom Melvin Wahlstrom Mrs. Newel r.row Airs. B, o. 13enaickson Mrs~ B. T, Steen James Leitch Mrs. Leona True Joe Trosdahl Erick Palm Raymond Hoff Fernal Johnson John Lindbloom li!rs. F:ur,ene Nastansky Oley ll'anson 'Peter Revering E. ,T. Whitehead Mrs. ,Tos. Fossen Corliss Newton Gorman Perham Homestead Dora Perham Vill, Erhards Grove Maplewood Pelican Raplds Battle Lake Clitherall Vill. Sverdrup Ottertail Vill, Nidaros Eagle Lake Tordensk,1old Leaf J,Iount ain Parkers Prairie Vill. Deer Creek Vill. Elmo Urbank City of Fer~us Falls Aurdal "On and Off'" sale beE'r licenses were granted to Lamp,v Lee at Lee's P.esort in the Townshi'p of Leaf Lake. uPon motion, the Board then adjourned to Aug, 9, 1!>49 at 10 chairman l_ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... ·-···············1ug_ us t ·································-······· 19. 4 9 11nn:nnnnrnu■mrr.n:1:mrr.in . • MilruTES OF ADJOUR?IBD MEETING OF THE BOAltD OF COUilTY COMMISSIONERS OF o:i'TER TAIL COUNTY, MIUNESOTA Pursuant" to o.d jourrinieri.t the Board· met at lo o'clock A. !,!. ,\up;. 9, 1949. Present were commiss loners Sieling, Gu1:1~_erson, tTanson, Stene o.nd ~nowberg. A delegation of citizens froM Urbank and vicinity together with State ~epresentatives E. J. Wind- miller, ,7. A. Anderson and Roy '13. Aune appeared. before the Roard to urge that road from Parkers Prairie to Urbank be completed b,v the county. After listening to all parties the Board anti1orized the highway engineer to go with the delegation to St. Paul to 11.rge the state highway department to complete this road. · · ~ids for grading the south four miles of the Wendell road, as advertised for by the Board, were opened and read by A. 0, Torgerson, Distrl.ot Engineer of the state Highway Department, and Ray Living- stone, District Engineer of the Bureau of Public Roads, and the bids were taken to the office of the h.ighway engineer for.full exe.mination. The following resolution was enopted: Resolved by the Board of County Cqrnmiseioners of Otter Tail county, .Minnesota: That the assignment ·of securities eubMitted by the following banks to the Board of Audit to secure deposit of county funds be and the same are all approved and the designation of said banks for de:posi t of eoid funds is also approved without limitation: First Ile.tional Bank, l,rinneapolis; The First Nation- al Bank, Henninl'l; ?irst Ilationa;l. ~e.nk, Parl:ers Prairie; J. P. ,7allace State Bank, Pelican Ra.pids; Perham State Bank, Perham; Security State ~ank, Deer Creek; Farmers' State Bank of Dent; Farmers' StotP. Bank, underwood; Vergas State Bank, Vergas; First ?fotional Rank, Ferr;ue Falls; Fergus Falls National -aank &-Tn1st co.; Ji'armers' &: MP.rchents' State Bank, flew York Mills; Erhard State Bank; The Flrst ?lRtional Bank. Battle r.ake; First State Bank of Dalton, Adopted Aue. 9, 1949, Attest: Willi'11!1 Lincoln Clerk. Geo. Hanson Chai rme.n. Upon motion, the Board authorized advP.rtisement for bide for gravelling part of State Aid Road No. 1 ·from point 9.8 miles north of' sou.th count,11 line to the so,uth connt.v line and state Aid Road No •. 4 be- tween Trunk Hie:hwa,v !lo. 59 northP.aat o:f' Pelican Rapids and 4.1 miles ea,st, said bids to be opened Sept. 13. 1949 at two o'clock P.M. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of c·ounty Oommissi.oners of Otte.r Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has hP.retofore contracted with Rosholt Equipment Co. for one Adams Motor Grader with snow plow and wing, and, i7hP.re11s, SRme has b·een received and accepted by the county, Now, therefore. be it resolved that the County Auditor be and he hereby is instructed to jasue to said. company a warrant on thP. Road and BridgP. fund of the county in the sum of $16,386.60, the contract price. AdoptedAug. 9. 1949. Attest:William tincoln Clerk George Hanson Chairman. Bids for rnotor '>atrols-as advertised for by the .Board were. opened and read and represent at lves of various firms Wf[!re. heard in ree:ard to the merits of thP.ir machines. A plat of Rlue 1-!erron Reach, in the Township of Otter Tail, accompanied by a certificate of titlP execu.ted R. ll. NP.Ison, Attorney-at-law, was e'>proved. ·'Flighwa.v F.n~inP.P.r Huber reported to the -qoard that a.,fter examining and checking bids for gradlnf' Wendell road it was fotmd thet the lowP.~t biddP.r w~A the ;rohnson r.onstruction co. of T,itchfield their bid being ~15,643,113. Upon motion of CommissionP.r Sieling, seconded by Comlj\issioner Gunderson, the Board recommended to the Comrnl.AsionP.r of Highways ·that the SRid bid be accepted. The question of vacati.ons for me.intenance men and othP.r highway men was 'discussed and it was order- ed that e.11 such employees who have served for a full ,11ear ,be granted a six day vacation ,tith PB¥, time of such vacations to be fixed by the highwa,Y engineer. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 9 o'clock A.M. Aug. 10th. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment theBoard mP.t at 9 o'clock A. M. Aug. 10, 1949, all members being present. The Board discussed the question of purchase of motor patrols for which bids had been received and finally accepted the bid of the Rosholt Equipment r.o. for Adams Motor Patrol with snow plo\v and wing for thP. sum of $161386.60, and also the bid of Geo. T, Ryan co. for one Galion Motor Patrol with snow plow and wing for ii,12,953.00 . Upon motion, the ~oard cancelled an order for caterpillar patrol ordered in 1947 from Wm. H. Ziegl- er Co. /111 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................................ !URUS t .............................. 19 ... ~.~ U!)on motion, the aud.it"or wee instructed to advertise for hide for coe.l for the coming season, to be opened at two p, M, Sept, 13th. Cigarette licenses for the period from May 1st to Dec. 31, 1949 was granted to.T, 0, Halvorson for Ted! Grace's Plaoe in the Town of •Elizabeth; and cigarette licenses for the period from July 1st to Dec. :n, 1949 were gr,;mted to .Jack Hagensick at Ethel•a · Beach, Town of Girard; e.nd Wilma Lubitz for Grand View Heights, Town of Pine Lake and Gilbert Swanton for Gil's Place in the Town of Everts. A petltion asking for the di.ssolution of Dist; Ho. 1 of Otter Tail co. was read and it was or·dered that e hearing on said petition be ·had at the session of the Board to be held in the County Commission- ers• Room in the Court l'!ouse at 2 o'clock p, M, Oct. 14, 1949, and that due notice of the time and place of hearing be given asrequired by la1v, ''On and Off" sale beer licenses were granted to Mrs. Anna Borup at grocery stot·e in the Town of Star Lake, The application of J. A • .:rohnson for cJ.assifi.cation of. the F.½-SW¼ of Sec. 28, Township of Star Lake at homestead rate for the .vear 1948, was read e.nd, upon motion, the applica.tton was granted .<J.lld tax re,;. duced accordingly. The aµplica tion of C. M •. Moen for cle.Rsi fication of r.ot 6, Block 6, P.fcLane' s Second Addi tlon to Fergus Falls, ·for the year 1948 at homestead rate was readn and, upon motion, the application was grant- ed and tax rednced accordingly. '1.'he applicati.on of Y.:enneth Ruud for classifice.ti.on of. Let 3, N~ SW¼ and Wt SE¼ of Sec. 7 in the Township of gtar take for the .vee.r 1948 at homP.·stead rate was reed and, upon motion, the applice.tion was granted and tax reduced accordinp,:ly. · The application of Isaac µaan for classification of the~½ NE¼ of Sec. 23 in the Township of Comp- ton fer the year 1947 we.s read and the ~card recommended to the ~ommissioner of Taxation that said land be so cle.ssified a"ld thP. assessed value reduced from 1::565,0('1 to t339.00 and the taxes from e67.35 to $39,03, The application of Mrs. Elmer-E. SV1anson :for cancellation of assessment :f.or structures for the year 1948 on Lot 8, Block 7, Sawb:l'idge and Lowry•s Addition to the City of Fergus Falls was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said. property be reduced from $672,00 to $512,00 and the taxps from $107,65 to $80.05, The applioat ion of Chas • .-Pesola for reduc,tion of assessment for 1948 against the ·wt NE¼, NE¼-NE¼, Et SPJ¼,. SF,¼ NE¼ and E½ of J~ SE¼ in Sec,. 10, Township of Leaf Lake for the ,\0 ear 1948 was read and H, L. Allan, Supervisor of Assessments, presented• .information to the Board in regard to· the various items of assessment against these lands and, a.'.:ter full consici.eration, upon motion, the application v:as re~ect·ed. The a!)plication of H. A. 'Rove for reduction of assessment for 1948 age.1.nst the Ift of Lot 4 and all o·f Lot 5 in the First Addition to l3irch Grove waR read and it a·ppearing, upon examning the tax list for said .vear that all o.f said tli.x -had been paid, 11pon motj on, thP. appU caU.on was re,iected, . The application of t3e-rtha Gre.vle.v Pee.ch for reduction of assessment for 1948 ar-e.inst ttat part of Lots 4 and 5 North of township line of A. L. Peach's out Lots to A, L. Peach's Beach was read and after examining the lots in regard to tnis assessment and, after full consideration, upon motion, the a!)pli- oation was re~ected. The applice.tion of Doris Wiebe :for rP.duction of assessment for 1948 1:gainst the NW¼ of Sec, 14, in the Township of Deer Creek, was read and also the application of the SP.me party for reduction o·f assess- ment for 1948 against the Nt SE¼ of Sec. 15, Township of Deer ~reek. ooth of these applications having been rejected previousl,v they were taken u·p for reconsideration and Supervisor of Assessments, F, L. - Allan, 1vas with the 13oard and gave full information in regard to theassessment and the result of the in- vestigation of both !')ropertiP.s by his department and, after consideration, the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed ve.lue of the NW¼-of Seo. 14 be reduced -from $2,068.00 to ~1,912,00 and the taxes from $312,68 to ~289,09 s.nd that the assessPd value of the N?!-SEf ·of Sec. 15 be reduced from M21.00 to $663,00 and the taxes :~rem $109,02 to $100,24, · The ep!)Ucation of M, H, ~arkalo for reduction of assessment for 1948 against the SW¼ IlE¼, NW-¼-SF,¼ o:f. Sec. 1, Town of Deer Creek., was read a.nd the "osrd recommP.nd.ed to the-com'!l_issioner of Taxation tha.t the assessed value he reduced from $309,00 to ~232.00 and thete.xes from ~46.78 to $34,23. The application of c. H, and Elizabeth Roseoranz for reduction of-assessment for 1948 on the mv•:} of Sec, 19, Township of aluffton, was read and, after examination.of the property in question by the 'Deputy Supervisor of Assessments, Mr, H. L. Allan, it appeared that a reduution should be made and, after full consideration, the Boa.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be·~re- duced from $966.00 to $780,00 and the taxes from $193,49 to $157,87. The following resolution was adopted: UUTNESOTA DEPART!i!ENT OF HIC!!WAYS FEDERAL AID SF.CO!fl.JJ.RY FORM NO. V Resolved by the Boe.rd o:f. County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: WV~PiAS, it is necessary in order to received ~edP.ral-Aid toward the construction of thnt nortion of State Aid Road No, 1 described as follows: Prom 1,5 miles west of T.R, f78 to T,ff, f78 in Otteitail for the county itself and through the Commissioner of Wip:hw~vs as its apent to sgreP. to maintain said road after it shall have been constructed, NOVI THEN BF. IT RESOLVED, the.t the chairman e.nd the auditor are hereb,v authorized and directed for and <m behalf of the county of OTTER TAtL to execute a contract concerning the maintenance of said por- tion of State Aid Road No. 1 in the form es set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Federal-Aid Maintenance Contr~ot Form No, VI", a copy of which said form was before thP. board, ass~ming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligati1.1r.s therein set forth, l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN: DATE ........................... -·.········Augus.t ............................... J9 49 IICl&iii Fii■li■ICG■a■1, 11,CLGUD, ■i■a. A Adopted this 10 dsy of iUBUSt, 1949, Attest: William Lincoln Cl!'lrk. The following resol11.tion was adouted: Geo. Hanson Chalrmnn of county Board, RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUH~Y CO~U.USSIO?!ERS OTTER TA IL C OillfTY ' t.mrn. WF.E!REAS , this Board has heretofore contracted with Weldon Zaske in the amount of $21.896 ,50 for gradin~ a portion of S.A,P., #1, County project #48:0I-03, and WHEREAS, said work has been fully completed according.to certificate of the county EiBhway Engineer the to,talcost of said work being $21.848.90, and . WU.!':P.EAS, said work has bP.en examined and accepted b~• a committee on this board, . NOW~ THE~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Count,v Auditor is authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and BridBe fund of the County in the sum of $3,195,99, the balance due on said contract. AdoptE!d this 10 day of Au1mst, 1949. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTIOtr Geo. Fsnson ·chairman. BY T~F: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMTSS IOlW.P.$ OTTER TAIL COUUTY. I.mm. BE IT !IBSOLVED b,V the '!!Oard o:t' county CommissionP.rs of OttP.r TA.ll County. that we hP.reby approve Supplemental AgrP.emP.nt No, 1 as prepared for S,P, 56-506-04, S 189 (5), S,A,R, #1, providing for the installation of a ca1·tle pass at Sta. 102-00; BE IT FlffiTHEP. !IBSOLVED, that the Commissioner of Fighways be requested to act as agent for the County· in securing Feo.eral Aid for this additional cost. Adopted this 10th dsy of August, 1949. Attest: Willi~n Lincoln Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Geo. ·Hanson Chairman. MINNESOTA DEPART!i!EMT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID S!.':OONDI\.RY FOPJI. rrn. LII .Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 90, Ln~!s of. Minnesota 1943 the Commissioner c:t' Flighwsys be appoi-nted. as the at;ent of the Count,v of. Otter Te.il to lP.t e.R its agent a contract for the construotion of th~t portion of state Aid Road No, 1 described as follows: From 1.5 Miles lllest of T,H, 178 to T,H, #78 in Ottertail, and the chairman and the auditor are hP.reby authorized P..nd directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a. contract with the Commissioner o e P..lghways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the for1J1 as set forth and contalried in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency contract Form Ho. IV", a cop,11 of which said form was before the board. assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obliBations therein contained. Adopted this 10th day of AUf!USt, 1949, Geo.Hanson Chairman of county Board. Attest: William Linc:oln ~lerk. Th~ :following reRolution was ado rited: ~esolved by the goard of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: ?lh':!reas, the Board has heretofore contraoted with A, W, Co,, Inc. of Minnesota .for one motor. power grader and, Whereas, same has been received and accepted by the county, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county audit or is nuthori zed and d i.rected to issue to said company a ,varrant on the Road. and BridBe fund of the county in the sum of $12,248.75, the contract price. Adopted Aug, 10, 1949. Attest: William Lincoln ClE!rk Geo. Hanson Chairman. 141 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. August · 49 DATE ...................... ·-·······························································19 ..... . {il.Il[jilJ:llT.ITIDJS.l..l'lllli~lcfJl_'_]Ll: ---- The following bills were allowed: J, C. Henkes DO M, C, Lee Edward C, Drews Louise Stondahl Bernice ,Tesme Elnora M, Flsteb M.ildred Ekeberg Ella stondahl Helen ,1ane Baer Lola Mehl Do . Dr. Geo. c. Jacobs Dr. Everett C. ~e.nson C. ,T. Lund, !.!. D, Mildred Bruvold Joseph Rayner H, F, Hinze Frank c. Barnes . John !'..'U•kowske, ,Tr. Jack M, Peterson Gust overgaard Wm. Nelson Eivind B"olten Donald C, Darby Alex-Freedland "Frank Roberts DO "Edward J. Johnson Edwin And.erson Alfred Putnam iV. H. newey Theo. Hegseth H. F, Duenow City Delivery ~ervice Philip M, Kjaglien no. Victor Lundeen 'l:enning's Office Supply. Ben E, Benson Johnson Drugs Beverly Snyder Nelson Bros. Printing co. Y.athP.rine D, Townsend Elmer Knutson 0, M, Sholberg Panama carbon Co. Free Press co. Miller-Davis co. Poucher ~rinting 'c Lith. co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. victor Lundeen & co. Fergus Journal co. J. D, Lightfoot N, W, Bell Tel. Co, DO South Mill Standard Service Conklin Saw Shop Holten Hdwe. 1.'li lliam K, Gamber Art J>rintcra:f.t N, W. ~ell Tel. Co. Noble 'c Triepke Frankoviz Hdwe. co. N. W, Bell Tel. Co. Larson ~ros. Y.ewanee ijoiler Corp. Missouri-Kansas Chemical co. Hintgen-Karst ,Elec. co. B, J. Borscheid Louise stondahl l'/estern union w. s. Darley & co. Nat. society for cr~ppled Children H, W, C',lorvlgen Twin City Roofing .\ Material co. }linn. state San. ~air Oaks LOdfe San. Dr. ~verett c. Ha~son University ~ospit.als Mrs. Cleo Garrison Barry w. Smith co. "Fergus Falls Clinio Dr. G, A, Hedberg Dr, L, c. Combacker Bruce Puh. Co. Ind, School Dist. 21 Fargo Rubber Stamps works ~urelback Post No, 61 Johnson Drugs boarding prisoners expenses dep. sheriff's exp, ,. n n expenses supt•s clerk " .. " .. " " ex-pense (nurse) " " " coroner's fees " " " transcript dep. sherif.f's fees " .. .. municipal judge's fees ,1uror If " If " " ,, " saly. ~exp.weed control " " " " " .. If " ., .. exp. soil conservation ... " " " " .. ., moving service officer supplies (service officerf mileage " " supplies '' " new equipment" " H It. n II " " " expenses " .supplies ,, ot'f ice rent " con st able fees repairs supplies record book blanks bllmks etc. printing supplies publishing repairs etc. calls service & calls ~364 supplies. sharpening mower supplies " " " " servicP.s C. 'l:, janitor printing mobile service hauling garbage supplies calls repairs repair parts supplies lamps repair parts postage. telegrams su·pplies " d:r.ivers' license com•nissions roofing court house care of patient " " " examination special nursing care o·r child ambulance SP.rvice SPrvice exam. supplies (nurse) use of school building rubber stamps decorating graves suppliPS sheriff $376.50 99.28 1o7 ,18 48.88 37.65 60,00 57.50 7.50 60.00 44.95 55.95 78.10 31.35 11.55 39.75 5.90 6.18 5.93 54.50 7.70 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 LOO 187.10 228.30 222.28 211.50 20.00 18.40 12.90 12.40 15.00 10.67 45.80 6.18 75.00 5.00 25.45 12.00 48.65 22.50 7.68 2.00 13.35 108.25 62.51 82.35 19.90 207.14 54.15 39.65 49.95 12.18 1.48 2.00 22.34 80.00 31.75 87.55 6.00 2.70 7.80 1.50 9.98 10.00 4.56 6.00 51.50 2.92 2.33 3.50 7.85 3912,00 222.18 132.68 1erno: 83.50 36.00 . 86.00 10.75 75.00 3.00 16.76 50.00 2.35 25.00 15.69 l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. itLUiiii lllih■ICG■NIIT:'ff:cn,rr.wrsr.lP'ftl !!Oen Bros. Dalton Legion Post American Legion Post P,P. Carlton Mortenson lfplen Jane Baer Vergas ijardware co. Fran~lin Fence co. Fcrsus tumbP.r !1e Fuel co. EbPTSV.tller 's. Pel. Rpcls. constrnotion Bulletin Poucher Prl.nti.ng '!: Li th. /'lo. Miller-"!)avis co. Victor LundeA.n ~ Co. MplR, Blue Print. Co, Xeuffel & Esaer co, Panama carbon co. Minn. state Highway De!)t. Roy Bruhn Robert Welch Thom·as uortenson VI, :r;. potter C:. D, Harlow George Olson Hotel Barkley LeRoi .co. Diesel Service co. Minnesota Motor Co, Lake Region Motor co. OlsonAuto Elec:. co. Larson Bros. · Rude Garage l?. K. M, &: co. William Sauer Paulsor.Tire Shop C. H, Bjorklund Body Shop westlnnd Motor co. Henning Oil co. · Cities Service Station consumP.rs' co-op. co., Inc. Ray's Oil Station Service Oil co., "B, L. s. !1e F. Oil Co, PenrosP. Oil Co. "Bill Nelson Oil Co. D, A, Lubricant Co, Gaylord Scott Arthur Y., Larson City Highway Dept. : Wilcox L11mber Co., Renning nuro-Test Corporation Alfred µerfindahl Rmpire Supply Co. Smith, Inc. E, A, Toft.ely Hogenson & Peyerel Farmers' co-op. Cry. Assn, Frankovoz Hdwe. Co, Holten P.dwe. Northwestern Rell Tel. co. Town of Tordenskjold Town of woodside Alvin c. Fronning Thoe. R. & Clarice E, Rund Gustine Haarstad Alice M, Schroeder Harold I, Skistad ?!rs. Palma Erlandson "Ralph H. Dahlen Clara 1,1, Anderson Theo. 13jorka Haaken H. DahlP.n Ingvald 1:ljore Morr is "Baasen Armco Drainage !1e 11.etal Prod, Co, Geo. T. "R,Van co. Ruffridge-Johnson Equip. co. A, w. Co,, Inc. of !Jinn. Hoff Eros. Natl. Bushing & Parts co. A, "B, Y.ilde Co, Chas. Mal111strom N, P, Railway, B, L, Minnea·polis Iron Store socony-Vacuum Oil co. Stark's Our own HdwP.. Vergas '.l'el. co, N, W, Bell Tel, Co., µenning Lawrence cook -i;:ast T,incoln Shell f!t1.rthun ,.., Peterson Oil Co, li'ergus Oil co. ftighway Co, consumers' co-op. Oil co. B.L. DATE_ ....................................... August ................................ 19 .... A.9 s11pplies jail decorating graves " " services e.s night man postage supplies " " " ad. for bids forms supplies " " " " prints cash anvanced ,, " expenses " " " lodginp. for crew parts re·ps.irs gasoline " " " " " etc. "l'c diesel fuel "it-oil r,rease !1e oil gravel " material & labor oaint iamps pa.rts &, supplies supplies " " " " services f39 B,L. grading " right of way " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " moving fence right of way ., " " culverts parts " " parts & repairs parts etc. repairs " fre,ight steel supplies " SP.rv.lces gasol i.nP. II " etc. " " $ 7.50 13.00 22.50 29.05 26.00 33,24 25,00 6,90 52.75 3A,10 79,79 16.40 ·2.30 44.06 13,31 12.00 25.20 11.30 14.99 10,75 78.15 11.10 13.95 24,50 8A.22 108.66 10 •. 90 148.27 24.22 81.13 26,85 15,77 10,95 4.0C 9.50 . 1.40 65.73 10,48 38.33 36.89 53.04 57.15 90,99 83.96 519,66 320.60 45,83 2331.50 38.90 27.60 78.19 283.76 30.31 6.10 6.00 7.03 .70 43.87 27,05 300,00 300,00 51.00 64.47 51.00 39.84 51.00 82,50 93.00 63.45 12.43 13.31 64.20 72.53 50.60 279.92 272.88 469.55 1211,88 13.71 72.80 3.75 6.0C 111.90 8,12 27.43 lfl.05. 7.21 271,97 52,54 70.55 157,69 8,76 237,09 151 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. nrrrnr:rrr:m 1 mT~ITl'l.tr, ----- Hegge Oil Co. Wendell P. BUber . 1)0 F.lmer &: Mabel.Hagen Olaf & Clara Bergem Nora B. Her.en, et al, Christian Moen&, Alma B, 11.oen Ailol'ph ~ Rdna Sivertson Ingv·ald 0, Ir: Ide. 'P."agen Northwestern Equ.ipt. Co. wm, 'P.", Ziegler Co,, Inc. ~orchert-Ingersoilil, Inc, Minnesota P,W,D, co. Rosholt Equipt. co. W, R, Brown corporation Riek.er Instrument Co. H, A, Rogers co. J. ,7., Nagel Minnesota Paints, Inc. H, K, Stahl Co, !i, w .• Bell Tel.co. 0, E,. Bergerud 1)0 John·r. Rondy Geo.~. Gunilerson Henry Sieling Bert. Stone Geo •. Hanson 13ert Stone Geo •. B:enson 'Bert. Stone C, A, Snowberg Henry Sieling Geo •. B,Gunderson DA AuguRt 49 · TE ............................................................ •··················-·······19 .. . diesel fuel expenses cash advanced rlght of way " " " " " " " " " " " parts " II supplies " " equipt. rental paint oil long distance right of way " " " appraise:r expenses " II II 134, of Eonalization " " . " H II " " " " " . Upon motion, the Board ad,journed to 10 o'clock A, M, Sept. 13, 1949, $ 1046.08 95.25 12.53 2.10;,60 136. 70 21.95 210,34 106.68 115. 72 10,52 317, 74 60,16 3.43 1A5,OO 1.03 6-,49 29.95 48,00 46.50 30.49 21.25 28.OO 33,50 39,60 5.00 22.60 14.00 9.00 1.00 19.80 24·,40 15.00 26.20 18.20 I l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IRnffl'Nlm'lfll■,nr.tr.Hllr.lllllr."-. DATE ................... -...... S"e pt ember ................................... 19 4 9. J.f!IJUTF:S OJ;' AD,lOlffiNF.D 1.F:!ETTNG 0,.. TMF. BOA~D OF COUifTY CO!,IM'ISSION-ia:RS o-r.o OTTF:R TAtL CO., M"IN!l~SOTA, Pureue.nt to e.d~ourr.,rient the Roe.rd met e.t 10 o'clock A. M, Tuesday, Se1>t. 13, 1949. Present were r,ommiseioners Sieling, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg. A petition signed by Frank ,Jasmer asking f'or dance permit, using. mechanical music only, at hie cafe at Edeetown in the Township of Fergus Falla, was read a.ncl the pet!. ti oner and Attorney OWBn Thomp- son and Frank Mine.re spoke in -support of the peti tibon. U))on motion, the matter v,as laid over till later in the sP.ssion. A plat of tonp, View in RP.ction 26 of the Township of qobart, accompanied by a certificate of title executed by rr. F. 11'ield., Attorne,v-at-law, was ap·proved. A delegation of citizens from the Vill13Fe of Urbank, top.ether with State Representative E. J .\Vind- miller, e.rpearea to' urge the complP.tion of road from Urbank to Parkers Prairie Village. Af'ter listening to report of the conference had b,v committee with !"/1. J. Hoffmann, Commissioner of Highways, the Board agreed to prepare a resolution relinquishing certain F,A.S. fundsso as to make possible an appropria.tion for the Urbank road if and when the Commissioner of Highways is able to do this IVOrk. A petit.ion signed by owners of lanci affected by county Ditch No. 64 in the Township of Orwell was presented to the Board and referred to Engineer Huber for examination and re·port to the Cornrnissioners. Upon motion, thP. Board then took a receee•to 2 o'clock P, M. The Board, having advertised f.or coal f'or the coming winter season, opened· ·four bide and awarded to Bliketad-Y-ilde Co. contract for 300 tons, more or less, of Premium stoker screenings, oil treated, at $15.00 per ton, delivered in the bin. 13ide f'or gravelling State Projects 56-506-03 and 56-506-05 and 56-511-02 were opened by A.··•h. Tor- .gerson, rPpresenting the State Highway Department, and R, Livingstone, representing the federal govern- D)ent, and read and taken to the highway engineer's office f'or checking. ~ance application of' ~elen J~cobson at Pelican Inn in the Township of Dunn, not being approved by the sheri f'f', was ordere<'I ret nrned to the applicant. The application of Annie Youngberg for repurchase of tax forfeited lands was read and the follow- ing resolution was adopted: WlIBREAS, Annie Youngberg, the owner has made and f'iled an application with the County Auditor for the repnrcha.se of the hereinafter described parcel of tax fo-rfeited tends·, in accordance with the pro- visions of Minnesota Statutes 1945, Section 282,241, of amended, which land is situated in the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota, and described as follows, to-wit: Reserve three (3) of Church Addition to the Village o-r Elizabeth, Minnesota, aocordinF to the recorded plat thereof, 11nd l'rn":R?:AS, s11.id applicant has Ret forth in her applkation tha.t she desires and needs the same as her home and dwelling, e.nd that the r':!purchaee of said land by her will promote a.nd best serve the public interest, because the county and state will be as well situated through the repurchase b,v petitioner as by onother, a11d ~REAS, this Board· is of the opinion that said application should be granted for such reasons, N0\7, THE!lEFORE·, BE I'!' ?.ESOLVED, That the applic1:.tion of Annie Youp(tberg for the purchase of the above described parcel of tax forfeited land he and the same is hereby granted and the County Auditor is here- by authorized and directed to permit such repurchase according to the provisions of' Minneeotl!-Statutes 1945, Section 282.241, aa amended, Dated at Fergus Falla, Minnesota, this 13th day of September, 1949. Attest: William 1incoln County Audi tor. George Hanson Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota. The application of Clark w. 'Fobes for repurchase ot tax forfeited land wee read and, upon motion, the following resolntion was adopted: l'IHERF.AS, Clark w. ~obee, the owner has made and filed an application with the County Auditor for the repurchase of the hereinafter described par.eel of' tax forfeited landF, in 'accordance with the provisions of' !A'innesota Statutes 1945, Section 282,241, of amended, which land is ei-tuated in the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota, and described as follows, to-wit: The Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter(NW¼ of NW¼), the Southwest quarter of the Northwest ouarter ( SW¼ of NW¼) ,and the Southeast quartel' of' the North- west quarter (SE¼. of Nl'P,-) all in Se::ition One (1), Township One HUndred Thirty-seven (137) Rar!ge Thirty-Ei1Zht (38), and .o \Vm':RF.AS, said applic>ant has set ·forth in hie application that he lives in Council Bluffs, Iowa, far .,rom the property, and the persons purchasing 0th.er acl,1ncent propert.v could not bu,v an,v more, Rnd it wa.s hard for him to keep op the taxes during these last year~. a.mi. that the re·purchase of said land by him will promote and best serve the public intPrl'!st, because he will be able to get this land into hands of persons who can make good use of' it in clearing it and making the land tiilable, and VmEREAS, this_Board is of the opinion that said application should be granted for such reasons, NOW, TITERF.FORE, BE IT RE~OLVED, That. the application of C!l.ark rt. Fobes .for the puro•hase ,of the above·· described parcel of tax forfeit!d l!.'.nd be and, the same is here·o,v granted and the County Auciitor is hereb ' auth~rized and directed to p~rm1t such repurcnaee according to the provisions of Minnesota statutes 1945y Section 282,241, ae amended, ' Dated at Fereus Falla, lilir,neeo ta, this 13th day of Attest: William Lincoln county Auditor. September, 1949. lleo:r~e 11,.nson Chairman.,, Board of County Commissioners : -Oit · i.·. ·TaiJ:-c~unf · 1'inneso,ta,· /:II -. .;;)l ■ .. --_ . COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. September 49 DATE ...................... ·-·······························································19 ....... . A petition for the incorporat.ion of the Villap,e of Erhard was read and the following resolution was adoptP.d.: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tail r.ounty, Minnesota: RESOLUTION CAT.LING ELECTIOJ1 ON QUESTION OP. rncoP.PORATIOH OF PROPC'SED VILLlGE OF :P.RHARD FIXDTG DATE, PLACE, POLLUJG H0URS'i APPOINTIIvG ELECTION JUDGES AND DIRECTING THE GIVING ' OF NOTICE. WP.EP.EAS, Three census takers ~nd more than twenty-five qualified petitioners have presented o pet l tion and census to the county "f!oard requesti.ng th~ colling of an election on the issue of the in- oorporat ion of the Village of Erhard and WHEREAS, It appears that the population vti thin the territory proposed to be incorporated exceeds 100 persons and that the petition in all things complies with the requirements of C.hapter 119, Laws of the State of Minnesota of 1949, ~ . :l' th C t f Otter Tail NOIV, THEREF'ORE, "BE IT RF.SOLVED by the Boord of. county Commissioners o. e · oun Yo and State of Minnesota as follows: I. That an election is hereby called of voters residinr within the following described territory sit- uated in the County of Otter Tnil and State of Minnesota, to-wit: The South Half of the Sout,heast Quarter (St SE¼) pf Section Twenty-one (21), the Southwest 1u11rter or the Southwest Qua.rter (SW-¼ S\'T¼) of Section T•11enty-two (22), the \'Test half of the Northwest Quarter mt NW¼) of Section Twenty-seven (27), the Northeast Quarter nm¼) of Section Twenty-eight (28!, all in Erhards Grove Township, being To1mship One Hundred Thirty- five (135) North of P.ange Forty-three (43) \'lest of the F'ifth Principal Meridian and including ·an platted and unplatted l~.nds within so.id desqription which includes the pro!'.'•erty designated as the original plat of Er~arts, Lakeside Addition to Brharts and Thompson's Addition to Erharts, all according to the recorded plats thereof, and the 6th day of October, 1949, is fixed as the time and the town hall of the Town of Erhards Grove, located within the above described territory, is fixed as the place for said election, II. 13E IT FtmTT!ER RESOLVED that the polls at said polling !'.)lace shall be and remain open .from the hour of. 12:00 o'clock noon until ~:00 o'clock p, u. . III. BE IT .FURTFER RESOLVED that Albert Sundblad., Albert G, Solwa and Lester Vim. Thom·pson be and the same hereby are appointed to act as the judges of said election to conduct the same so far·as practic- ble in accordance with the laws regulating the election of town officers. IV, BE IT F'URTHER RESOLVED that the l'Jounty Auditor on behalf of the Board of County co~missioners cause a copy of the petition in thls matter includtnr. the census and together with a notice of election in the form hereinafter provided to be posted not less than twenty days bPfore the election in·three public places within the above described area. v. BE IT Fl.JRTT-IER RESOLVED that. riotic.e of election silall be in the following form: NOTIQE 0~ ELECTIC'N OF V.OTERS RESIDING WITHUJ THE TERRITORY DESCRIBED BELOW OH THE QUESTION OF' ImrnRPORATION OF SAID TERRITORY AS V!!.LAGE OF "::RHARD". NOTICF.: IS 'IBRE'3Y GIVEN to the voters residlng within the following described territory situated in the Colmty Of otter Tail and State of Minnesota.to-wit: The South Half of the S outhP.ast Quarter (S?!t SE¼) of Section Twenty-one (21), 1:he Sonthv:est Quarter of the Southwest 0,narter (SW¼ SW¼) of Section Twenty-two (22) ,. the ~rest Half O•f the Northwest Quarter (Wt-!n'l.2..j 7 of. .Sect.ion Twenty-seven ( 27) , the Northeast quarter (NE¼) of section Twenty-eight (28 , all in Erhards C.rove Townshi.p, lieinr. Tovmship One Hur1dred Thirty-five (135) North of' Range Forty-three (43) Vtest of. the J<'ifth Principal Merid·ian and including all platted ond unplatted lands within said d.escription which includ.es the property designated as the original ple.t of Erhart.a, Lakeside Addition to Erharts, and Thompson's Addition to Er.harts, all according to the recorded plats thereof, That an election will be held in the to1vn hall of the Town of Erhards Grove within the· above described territory on Thursd·ay the 6th da,y of October, 1949, betv:een the hours of 12:00 o'clock noon and 7:00 o'clock in the afternoon of the same .da.v for the purpose of voting upon the proposition of in- corporating the above described property as a village to. be known as the Village of "Erhard" under the laws of the State of l,Unr,asota • . The foregoinf! resolution was offered by Commissioner Sr..owberg who moved its adoption and seconded by commissionP.r Gunderson at a regular meeting of the ~ounty Commissioners of en.id county of Otter Tail held in the Commissioners' Room at the Court House in the City o~ Fergus Falls on the 13th day of Sept-e~ber 1949, Upon roll being called the vote was as follows: ~ves: 5. Nayes: None. The same was thereu•pon declari,d duly ae.o pted • Dated Sept. 13, 1949 Attest; William Lincoln Audi tor. George Ha.neon Chairman. l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. September 49 DATE .................................................. ·-···································l9 ...... . iAIIIII Niil■M■Cii►•■i, 11,CLOID, ■lir."A= The auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices for posting in connection with the petltion for incorporation anil to forward them to Albert G. Solum, Erhard, for postlng. Upon motion, the Board then ad,iourned to wednesd1ty, Sept. 14th at 10 o'clock A, M. ~D:e:SDAY'S SF.SSTON Pursuant to adjournment, the ~oa.rd met at 10 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1949; all members helne present. The petition for dissolution of school district Ne. 258 was taken up for.final act~on. Superintend- ent of Schools Louise Standahl reported to the Board recommenc:iations as to the c:i.ivision of the land· em- braced in Dist, 258 among the adjoining districts and, upon motjon, the petit!l.o_n_·for dissoluti.on was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER 2~8 OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY. l'lhereas, the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tail county, s tate of Minnesote., at their meeting July 12, 1949 considered a petition setting forth that at a duly called ~eeting of the voters of said District to consider the question of. dissolving said district the majority of the voters present voted in favor of such di ssolut.ion, and Whereas, said petition asked that the 'Board of Countl' Commissionns set a time for he~ring upon said petition to dissolve said district, and Whereas, said Board fixed Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1949 at the commissioners' Room in·the·court P.ouse at Fergus Falls, as the time and ple.ce for hearing on said !)etition for dissolution_. Now, therefore, the said Board of County commissioners having fully considered said matter and heing of the o·pinion that t.he interests of the territory involved in said i>etitlon will best be served tiy a dissolution of said district it is hPreby ordered that said district be and the same is hereby dissolved end the terr! tory embracPd in ea.id district be and the same herelJy is divided as follows: The SW¼ of Sec. 21, the N½ of Sect.ion 28 ·and the E½ SEf and the Sl'7¼ SE¼ of. Section 28 and the Ylf of Sect:ion 27 and the Nr of s~ction 34 and thew½ SW¼ of Section 34 and the Et NE¼ and the Ei SE¼ of Section 33, all in Town- ship 136, 3ange 38, he SErt over to District No, 184, and That the SVT¼ and the NW¼ SE~ of Section 28 and the Wi 9f Section 33 nnd thP. wt, NE¼ and the w½ S:S¼ of Section 33, all in Township 136, Rnnge 38, and the \'If of Section 4, Township 135, Range 38, b'e set over to District No. 130, and That the SE¼ and the Ef SW¼ of Section 34, Township 136, Range 38 and the Nf of Section 3 and the NE¼ of Section:-.4, Township 135, Range 38, be set. over to District No. 178. Dated Sept. 14, ·1949. Attest: William Lincoln county Auditor and Clerk of the 'Boe.rd. The follo1ving resolution Ytas adopted: George Hanson, Chairman · Board of county Comoii:ssioners, Otter Tail County, Minn. Resolved hy the 13oard o·.r. county Comrnissioners of otter Tail Co1mty, '..U. nnesota: Whereas, the Boar~ has this day issued an order dissolving school District No. 258 of otter Tail County and apportioned the territory therein to adjoininB districts, Now, therefore', be it resolved that 18~6% of funds now in the county trea.snrP.fy to the crecHt ·of Dlst. 258 be apportioned to School District No. 178, and that 29.7% of such funds be s,pportioned to Sohool District Mo. 130.and 51. 7'{, of said .fund be anportioned to School District No. 184, Resol,,ed further that the county Auditor be and ·he hereby is instructed to rnake a like distribution of future sc:hool tax collections for the ~·ear 1948 and prior years of said School District No. 25·a. Adopted Sept. 14, 1949. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Gl!OrP.e Hanson Chairman Resolved by the Board of Co1mty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has liereto:fore contracted with Jay W, .Craig Co •. for the ci.istributi.on of bitum- inous material, and Whereas, said work has been done and accepted by the county, Ifow, therefore, he it resolved that the county .'l.uditor and the l'}hairman of the Beiard .are authorized and d ireoted to issue to said company a w·arrant on the Road and Br•iage fund of the county in the sum of :!a819 .43, amount d.ue under se.id contract. Adopted Sept, 14, 1949. A,test: ffilliem Lincoln Clerk r.eorge Hanson Chairrnan 155 COMMISSIONERS RECOR~ N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................. .S:eJ1.tem'.Qe.T. ................... _ ....... 19 . 4 9 The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County ·commiRsioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota; Whereas, this ~card has hPretofore o·ontrncted with Rosholt Rquipment Co, for one ·,tdam's Motor GrRd- er with snow plow e..~a wing, and Whereas, ssme has be1rn received and acoPpted by the county, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and th~ ChRirman of the Board ere an thori zed and directed to issue to said oom!Hln.Y a warrant on the Road and Bridge fund of the county in the sum of $16,386.60, amount due under said contract. · Adopted Sept. 14, 1949, Attest: William J,inooln· -Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Ceorge 1,anson Chairman Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board. has heretofore contracted with Socony Vacuum Oil (Jo, for road oil·, ·and Whereas, same has been received and accepted by the county, Now, therefore; be it resolve~ that the county Auditor and the Chairman of the Board are authorized and ·directed to issue to said compaey a warrant on the Road and Bridge fund of the county in the sum of $9063.77! amount due under said contract. Adopted S~pt. 14. 1949. Attest: ·William Li~coln Clerk, The followinB resolution was adopted: . . George Hanson Chairman. Resol·.red. by the 13oe.rd of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the claim of Otter Tail county against the Vill:age of m,.derwood for bituminous snrfacing in the sum of $794,26 is hereby reduced in the sum of $588.80, making a balance due under ·said claim of $205,46. Adopted Sept. 14, 1949, Attest: William ~incoln Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION George Hanson Chairman BE IT RESOLVED, That the Chairman and the Audi tor a.re hereby authc.rized and directed for and on behalf of the County of OTTER TAIL to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Hi~hways for the plowing of snow from thefol~owingdescribed ronds: Public ~ighways under the juris- 9j,9:tj.C:1nof the municipality, all oh t-he terms and conditions contained and set forth in "State of L-Iin.~e- sota, De·partment of Highways Maintenance Division Snow Plowing Agreement Form No, 1~, a copy of whioh said form w:as before the Board, assuming on behalf of the co·unty all of the ccntrac tual obligat•ions therein contained, · · BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That Wendell P, Hllber, the County Highway F,ngineer of said Otter Tail County, be and he hereby is authorized to request and order from time to time men and equipmant for the plowing of snow in accordance with nnd under the ter'!ls of thP. foregoinr-contract. Adopted Sept, 14, 1949, Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Oeorge Hanson Chairman. WHEREAS, the road between Parkers Prairie and Urbank known as Trunk !H[Zhway #235 (formerly state aid Road #5) has he,m graded ap·proximatel,Y" 3,0 miles on each end., and W~~REAS, the section of rood. in the canter is in very poor condition, has a very high v:lnter moir,- tenance cost, the spring break-up is had, and \Vl!EREAS. surveys and plans hove been oom!)lP.t.P.d and ar·proved on this stretch of road, ond \!!~RF.AS, the count,v was consideri~g the p.rnding of this pro.~ect before it v:as taken over as a Trunk Highwa,v, of llOl'I, TTi:i::C:EFORE. EE IT RESOLVED, That the county ... Otter Teil will ralease up to $25,COO.OO of fts Feii.,;,ral Aid Seconda.r.v Funds to the State Highway De!la.rtment in the construction of this »or tion of road betwP.en ParkPrs Prairie and Urbank, Adopted this 14th day of September, 1949. Attest: William Lincoln Geo, Hanson Chairman. .... l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... $eptember ................................... l9 .. ~.?.. The following resolution waa adopted: Resolved by the Board of county t::ommissioners of' Otter Tail county, Uinnesota: That Ma,ybelle J. Lee be and she hereby is appointed as second. public health nurse for Otter Tail Cotmty with headquarters at Perham, starting Jen 1, 19150 at a salary of $233.00 per month, payable on warrant of t~e county auditor. Adopted ~ept. 14, 1949. Attest: William tinooln Clerk. Georee Hanson Chairman. Upon motion, the 'Soard. recommended to the commissioner of Highways that Charley Fenske be a;•1arded the contract for r.ravellinB the three jobs for whtch bids were opel'led P.arlier in the session. A cigarette license was granted to P.ilmnn ,T. Melby at Gra.v Stone Lodge, in the Town of' Everts. The bond of Wendell P. Huber, Hip,hwa,,v Engineer, in the s·nm of $3. 000. 00 with Hartford .Accident and Indemnity co. as surety, was n9proved. The aoplication of !.{andus Johnson for reduction of assessment for the ,year 1948 on the SW¼ of Sec, 28 in the Township of F.omestead was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $1844.00 to ~1698.00 and the taxP.s from $308.73 to $284.04. The application of Amelia !,[, Lein for classification of Lots lnand 2 in ·01ock 12 of Rothpletz Addition to the Ville.f!e of Perham for-the ,vear 1948 at homestead rate was read end the Boaril orilered that said lend be so classified and the taxes reduced from ,51.27 to $31.13. The application of E!llil R. M1msen :fer rednction of assessment on lands in Sections 20, 29 and 30 in the Town of' woodside for the yP.er 1948 on the ground. of excessive valuation was read tcgether with report of H. L, AllP.n, SupPrviaor of Assessment, who caused nn examination to be made of the records and of the land, and after due consideration, upon motion, the Board rejected the application. The application of :,trs. Lillian M. Link for settlement of dQlinquent taxes on the· SW¼ NW¼-of Sec- tion 10 in the To~nship of Deer Creek for the years 1943 to 1948 at one half of the total amount of taxP.B, penalties, interP.st and costs was read and, upon motion, the Board rejected the application. The application of Gordon L. Isla.nd for classification of the Ni of Section 21 in the Township of aarlisle for the year 1948 at homestead rate was read and the ~oard ordered that said land be so classi- fied and the taxes reduced from $296.78 to $246.62. The application of Sulla Brekhus for cancellation of errQneous assessment for structures on Lot 8 of Elll!Wood in the Township of Candor for the year 1947 waR read and the Board recommended to the aornll!issioner of Taxation that the assessment for structures bl!! cancelled and the assesseil value of the property reiluced frorn ~92.00 to ~26.00 e.nd the taxes from ~10.76 to $3.04. The appllcati.O!l of R. Pappe for cancellation of erroneous ·assessment· for struc,tures on the E. 50 feet Of thew. 250 feet of that l'Je.rt of Govt. Lot 9 south of road in Section 2, Township of Scambler, -for the year 1948 we.a read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assess- ment for structures be cancelled and the assessed value rednoed from $136,00 to $42,00 e.nd the taxes from $12.14 to ~3.75. The Board age.in took up the application of F.rank Jasmer for dance ·permlt nsinE'! mechanical music only at his cafe in Eaeetown in Fergus Falls Township a!ld, upon motion, the license was granted. Upon motion, the ~oe.rd app:roved advert iseruent by Commissioner of Highweys M. J. Hoffmann of bids for f!:rading ,:rob s.P. 56-501-06 on state Aid Road No. 1 1.5 mile near Pleasure Park et 2 o'clock P. M. Sept. 27, 194-9. ThP. following bi 11s WP.re aJ.lowea : J. C, J-l'enkes i,r. C, Lee Ed ward Drews J.C. Henkes Louise Stondehl !Unora Esteb Shlrl:ey Drews Violet ~olmquist 3ernice Jesme Laverne A. Schmidt Helen Jene Baer Lola·V. Mehl John L, Bixby Dr. Henry A, Korde. Dr. 'l:{ovrard Y.alP.her Frank C, Barnes Albert ?ritz Dr . C , ,, • Lund Poucher Prtg. ~ Lith. co. Ifelson ~roe. Prtg. co. Columbia Ribbon J: Ce.rbon Mff:, co. Victor Lundeen & co. PouchP.r Prtg. & Lith, co. Scho·olc:rre.ft co. Brnce Pub. co. ne·pt. of Administration Remil'lgton Rand, Inc. Security n1ank ~~ok ~ Prtg. co. expenses .. " board of prisoners expenses supt•s clerk " " " " " " II· tt exp. county nurse " " n expenses coroner's fees .. " municipal court fees sely. ~ exy. WP.ed insp. exam. (expert testimony) assessment sllpuliP.s printing supplies files bla.nks school supplies supplies " $ 90.03 37.17 12.48 213.00 54.27 32.50 5,00 5.00 17.50 12.50 21°.50 38.70 32.19 14.31 12.45 90.50 206.52 5.00 733.06 27.50 11.40 174.50 26.90 152.41 1.97 2.35". 120.59 1.80 1.57 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. September 49 DATE ...................... ·-······································-·······················l9 ..... . Miller-Davia co. P.armera• & Merohanta• st. Bank, N.Y.:u. M. c. Donnemann N. W'. Beil Tel. oo. ])O Do -DO. . Fritz-c:rosa co. E, Lawrenaon Wm. Galena l'oailen Seed Co. l!'ergua Paint co. Jamea·Hanaon H. ?. H1:nze Earl D1enatmann Joe Ra,vner, Sr. Carl Jahn Lola V .• Mehl P. M. Ree· H. V,. Glorv igeli Louiae Standahl Mason Pub. co. James Weloh ·E·. c. ChriaUanaon ~e.9. w. Robinson Poat )Y.R.C. weatern,Union Battle Lake Review Odin Johnson MU.Bio Dept. F'.11',H.S. H-. w. _Glorvigen 1!'aii' Oalts L~dge Sanatorium Sohoenebergera . Div. of Publio Inatitutiona Nopeming. sanatorium City of Fergua 1!'alla No-peming_ sanatorium Mra. Cleo Garrison Village of New Yo•rk Milla Dr. EVerett c. Hanson Minn. State sanatorium Wrig-ht Memorial Hospital Fergus cone. Prod. co. David Peterson Field Maohine service Olaon Auto Blea. co. welter Bros. Larson Brothers Ao B. Kilde co. Chriat.ianson Welding Shop, P.Rpda. Truman Motors Jo·hn Maki Diesel Service co. Anderson & Tiohy Jena en·' a Auto wreaking co. Lea' Tire servioe R, J. Sohmidt Henning Auto&: Machine works Lake Region Motor co •. Alfred Herfindahl Beltraction Compan,y Hintgen-ICarat Natl. Bushing & Parta co. coaat-to-coaa-t store Pel. Rpda. l!'ergua Lumber & 1!'uel co. Larson Hardware. P.P. Eriokaon-Helleokson-Vye co. Battle ~ake Hdwe. co. ?ortwengler Eleo. Shop Minnesota Motor co. Ebers:villera weldors supply servioe w. R.Brown corp. Mark Sand & Gravel co. Chas. P.eaola Baaa 011 co. Lawrenoe cook: Ra.,'a Oil Statio~ l!'arrow. Chev. Co • Park Region 011 co. Er•Vin Siegfried Bill's service station Bill Nelson 011 co. Olaon-Enatad-Larson, Ino. Ra.,mond Bros. Motor Trana. co. Otter Tail co. l!'air Aasn. N. W. ~ell Tel. Co. Heinola Telephone co. Arthur K. Larson conatruotion Bulletin N. W. -Bell Tele. co. Oxley Bo son Nelson Broa~ Print. co. blanka & auppliea 1nauranoe " oalla " " mobile servioe auppliea repairs auppliea lawn seed auppliea Dep, sheriff's fees " " " oonstable feea dep, sheriff's feea " " " postage " " " statutes dra,vage-county nurse " deoorating graves telegrams supplies-county nurse hauling mail graduation musio drivers' license applications oare of patient ambulance service oare of inmates oare of patients help for transient care o-f patients oare of ohild oare of pauper exam. II: ·coroner's fees oare of patients care of transient tile co.Ditch #56 repair co.· Ditch #66 repairs " " " " " " " .. " tires & repairs .. n· ~upplies " " " " " n " .. n n " " tools sand repairs level bank gasoline " " " " " gas !le grease .oil etc. bond freight rent of buildings services #39 B.L. .. gravel ad. for bida servlcea prints supplies $ 73.65 243.23 44.20 38.65 33.75 46.36 85.98 8.79 137.51 2.00 6.10 21~55 11.70 31,27 12.65 12.83 68.32 16.29 18,91 42.00 51.22 15.00 3,00 1,50 14.50 21.45 67.50 ·3.00 25,00 8.40 4.28 60.00 1723.99 213.87 3.55 325.81 34.85 34,00 14 .• 25 299.46 192.65 59.50 138.00 87.74 80.54 5.18 66.30 41.73 10.50 23.91 l:0.56 109,66 6,35 . 14.00 57.25 19.60 16,46 16.85 82.85 36.10 . 18.68 55.11 23.0l 9.80 9 •. 29 7,40 39.08 2 •. 14 2.37 13.83 29.65 14;00 2.25 25.00 54.60 119.74 52.63 30.84 7.26 8.23 11.00 70.84 27.76 7.34 300.00 28.00 15.20 164.60 46.50 6,92 6.00 0.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,• OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... ·-·····S ep.t.em.b~J: ....................... _ ....... 19 .... !9.~ llfflffl"NllrllRO■,nr.n:-im1':VlliC"-.m Victor Lundeen & co. Thomas Mortenson George Olson W. L. Potter Wendell p. Huber 1)0 Ed. c. Peterson Thoe. RUnd Edwin s. Johnson Olof Bergem et al wm. H. Albright, Sr. Riahof Bros. Town of rribei;g Town of star Lake Town of Erhards Grove Milla 011 co. Bighwa.v Cb. service Station Bengtson Oil co. Bjorklund Bod,Y Shop Teach Lumber Co. Empire supply co. The Williama Hardware co. Great western Laboratories B. K. Stahl co. Elk River conc.· Prod. co. Paper, Calmenaon & co. Ken Roman serviqe Recorder co. TW1n City Engine Rebuilders, Inc. Poucher Print. & Lith. co. N. W. Bell Tel. Co. Hoff' Brothers Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Northwest Engineering co •• Green BB,V,Wia. A, w. co., Inc. of Minn. Minnesota r.w.D. co. Wm, B, Ziegler co., Inc. Geo,· T. Ryan C.o., Inc. RUf'f'ridge-Johnaon Equipt. Co, Hai'old & Helga Rovelatad socon,r-vaouum 011 co. N, P, Railwa,v co., r.r. Henning OU. co. Mt>la,,st. Paul & Sault Ste.Marie R,,Co, Cities service station, r.r. Holten Hardware Park Machine Co, Tweet' a Garage W, r. Smith Tire & Battery co. Wheeling corrugating co. Olson Auto Electric .Anderson & Sandberg 011 co. Town of Deer Creek Hagge 011 Co. Pergua •011 co. D, A• Lubricant co. Village of' underwood Henry Sieling Geo. B, Gunderson Bert Stone DO Geo. Hanson Northwestern Bell Tel, co. rergua Palla water & Light Dept. Philip M, Kjaglien DO Arthur 0, Bakken Prederio A, Henkes Mildred Bruvold J. S, Bopponen Victor Lundeen & co. Mrs, Melvyn Townsend Nelson Bros. Printing co, Marilyn icvern supplies expenses " .. .. cash adv, appraiser moving fence right of wa.v . .. " " .. .. .. " " .,. · grading .. " gasoline etc. .. " repairs supplies " chains soap oil culverts steel . gravel repairs " forms servlcea-long distance parts & repairs " ' .. " .. " .. " . right of' way demurrage " gasoline eta. demurrage gasoline supplies " repairs ti res: culverts repairs diesel fuel road construction diesel fuel gasoline .!c oil 011 grading expenses· " " " service electricity mileage supplies & expenses clerical work & mileage ff " " " transcript labor & supplies supplies of'f'ioe rent -forms clerical work .-9,80 31,26 20.45 . 92.60 145,39 20,49 30,96 12,99 4.50 36.50 25,50 10.00 300,00 300.00 300,00 286.76 16,12 155.15 153,60 10,75 36,29 31,50 23.05 60.62 90,96 40~08 61,05 11.44 435,00 8.30 48,30 594,50 279~33 55.32 741.27 344,27 677~55 596.05 497.29 195,84 27.75 20,90 17,63 31.90 20,15 ,50,41 68,30 6.85 290,89 84,42 36,70 72,50 300.00 . 1036,03 198,82 510.6'5· 100.00 13.00 5,00 10,50 31,60 . 6,60 16,17 3.95 63,75 35.89 73,80 61,15 e.oo· 50,65 3,76 45,00 10,50 i6,00 Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to Sept, 27,-1949 at 2 o'clock P, M0 '-~a~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD-N,·OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-···············geptember ...................................... 19.'.f;?.. MINOTBS OP ADJOURNED MEETING Ol!' THE BOA.RD Ol!' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ol!' OTTER TAIL CO., ·•MINNESOTA. Pq.rauant to adjournment the ~oard met at 2 o•~lock p. M. Sept. 27, 1949. Present ware Commissioner G'linderao??,, -Hanson, stone and Snowberg. ·. . ' · . I · 'BldB for grading road between State Aid Road No. l and Trunk JUghwa.v No. 78 northweat of the Villag of Ottertail as advertised for were opened b,V A. o. Torgerson of the State Highwe,v Department and aftn ohec~ing bide with the highwe,v engineer it was found that the loweat tiidder was the Johnson Construction co. o_f Litchfield .• Minn., and, upon motion of Coriunissioner Snowberg, seconded b.V commi·asioner GUDderson, the Board recommended to tlie commieeioner of Highwa.ve ·that the bid of the Johnson Construction co. in the s:um of' $10.,474.05 be accepted. Commissioners Gulbranson, Kronberg~ Johnson and Nelson of the Douglas Count.v 'Board and Douglas Count? Highwa.v ~ngineer earl Nelson discuese~ the question of-grading road on the count.v line beneen Otter Tail and Douglas countiea from the southwest corner of the SEf. SEi of Seo. 34 and thence east to the S:ou-th quarter corner in Section 36 0 Township of Eag•le Lake. After full discussion· it was agr,ed by the two Boards that said road be graded b.V da.v labor by otter Tail county and that Douglas Count.v would pe,v 6~ of the cost of said work. T~e following resolution was adopted: )eeolved b3 the 'Board of count~ Commmsaioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: ~hat the salar.v of Lola Mahl, county nurse, commencing Aug. 16, 1949 be and the same is hereb.v fixed, at $260.00 per month, pe,vable on warrant of the count.v auditor at the close of each month. Adopted Sept. 27, 1~49. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. George Hanson Chairman. T~ere being no further business, upon motion, the Board adjourned to Thurede,v, Oct.13.1949 at 10 o,••olock A. M, Da-ted Sept. 27 0 1949. ~~ ,...------- I l UiUIII.Ulalll.UuuaL.11 L..111 COMMISSIONERS RECORD·N; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. October 49 DATE ........................................................................................ 19 ...... .. MINU'l'ES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF' O~TER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'olook A. M. Thurad113, Oct. 13, 1949. Present were commiaai9nera Sieling, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg. A delegation of' citizens f'rom the Township of' Girard presented .a petition for public ditch in Seo. 6 in the Township of' Girard and discussed with the Commissioners the question as to whether the publio ditch petition should be f'iled and prooeedi.ngs instituted or whether a ditch should be privatel.v dug with some assistance f'rom the county as the proposed ditch would be of' great benefit to the'count.v road on the north sid~ 'of' Seo. 6. After discussion, the matter was referred to Engineer Huber·to check the levels and to report to the county commissioners. · Cigarette license f'or the balance of' the year 1949 was granted to 1>0nald Eatenaon·at Riverside Re-sort· in the Township of' EVerts. Dance permit f'or the balance of' the year 1949, using mechanical music onl.v, was granted to James Vejvoda at Rush Lake Resort in the Township of' Rush Lake. · Upon motion, the Board took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M. Eight bids for grading and gravelling Job 56-502-02 on County Aid Road north of' Underwood were opened by A. 0, Torgerson, representing that State Highway Department, arid were taken to the county engineer's office fof checking. Af'ter completing the check of' the bide it,waa found that Johnson conatruotion co. of' Litchfield, Minn. was the lowest bidder .and, upon motion, the Board recommend·ed to the commissioner of' H1:ghwaya that the bid of' said company in the sum of' #28,974,86 be acoepted. · _ A petition f'or roed to give access to Portage Lake in Section 18 in the Township of' Leaf Lake waa read and discussed and, upon motion, the same was ordered placed on f'ile. Officers of' the Perham Agricultu~e Societ.v appeared before the Board to urge an appropriation, for county fair for the year 1949. A report of the Board of Audit of examination of the accounts of the Count.v Treasurer for the period from Apr. 1, 1949 to Aug. 31, 1949, showing a balance in the county treasury at the close of said last named date of $873.034.16 was approved. · rrpon·motion. it was ordered that a levy of $1500.00 be extended against lands benefitted by County Ditch. No. 64, said lav.v to be entered on the tax list for 1949. A report of the public examiner on the financial affairs of the Otter Tail County Sanatorium for the year ending Dao. 31, 1948 was presented to the county Board and ordered placed on file. A report of the public examiner of the financial affairs of Otter Tall count.v for the year ending Dao. 31, 1948 waa presented to the Board and all comments and recommendations in the said report were read in full and dlacuased b,V the Board. A plai of Wildwood Park in the Township of Otto accompanied b.V a certificate of title executed by Jesse A, Schunk, Attome.v-at-law, was approved. A plat of Hanneman Beach in the Township of star Lake accompanied by a oertifioate of title executed by N. F. Field, Attorne.v-at-law. was ~pproved. Upon motion, Commissioner Sieling was authorized to arrange for the disposal of the personal propert~ of school Dist. No. 258 recentl.v dissolved b.V the county Board. The application of Harold A, l)Uhn for homestead olaaaificatlon of the N! sv,t and the~ excepting the N. l rd of the NW¼ NW¼ in Section 10, Town of Leaf Mountain, for the year 1948 was read and the Hoard ordered that the land be so clasaifi1d and taxes reduced from $290,35 to $175.11. The application of Daniel Jungels for homestead classification of Lot 23 in Linden~ood Park in the Township of Leaf Lake for 1948 was read and it appearing that said taxes had been fully paid, upon motion, the petition was rejected. The application of Mrs. Ruth Rademan for reduction of aaseaament for 1948 against the El SE¼ of Sec. 13, Township of Folden, was read and the Board recommended to the Oommiaaloner of Taxatio~ that the assess ad value of said tract be reduced from $453.00 to $337.00 and the taxes from $76.01 to $66.55. The application of John T• »owning for reduction of assessment for 1948 on the Nt SE¼: and the Et NE¼ of S.eo. 33, Township of Homestead. was read and the Board recomm~nded to the Commisaloner<-of .Taxation that the assessed value of aaid tract be reduced from !1647,00 to #1547,00 and the taxes from $275~42 to $258.51. . The appltoation of Reino Hietalafor·reduction of aaseaament f'or 1948 on the st NW¼ and the Nt SW¼ of Seo. 33 in the Township of Homestead, was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said land be reduoe.d from $1367.00 to $1299,00 and the taxes from $227,07 to $216.57. The application of Arthur Ollie f'or reduction of' aaseaament for 1948 on the SE¼ of' Seo. 28, Town of Homestead, waa read and the Board recommended to the Oommiaaione,r of Taxation that the aaaeaaed value of said land be reduoed from $1577.00 to $1477.00 and the taxes from $263,58 to $246.67. The application of Walter Steinbaoh for reduction of assessment for 1948 on the N½ NW¼ and the wt NB¼ of Seo. 33, Town of Homestead, was read and the ~oard reoommended to the Oommiasioner of Taxation that the aaeessed value ofaaid traot be reduced from $1800,00 to $1712,00 and the taxes from $301.29 to $286.41, The application of'Mandus Johnson for reduotion inaaaeaament for 1948 on the 9'P¼-of Sec. 28, Town of Homestead, was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of' Taxation that the assessed value of said tract be reduced from $1844.00 to $1612,00 and the taxes from $308.73 to $269.50. Upon motion. the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock Oot~ 14th. • COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,•·OTTER TAIL ·COUNTY, MINN. DATE...................... Ootober .......................................... 19.i.fL FRIDAY'S SESSION. Pura.uant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. !(. Friday Oct. 14, 1949, all members being present. The petition of.Lloyds. Thomas to be set off from School District No. 234 to School District No. 140 was taken up for .final action. After listening to the petitioner and the county superintendent of ·schools and no one appearing in opposition to the petition. ~pon motion, 1t was granted and the Board issued t~e following order to-wit: · . Whereas, the petition of Lloyd.s. Thomas, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 234 in this county, representing that he is the owner·of the lands herei:nafter described, which are sit.uate in aai:d School District, and adjoin school District No. 140 and asking that be with bis· said lands .may be. set. off ;rrom .said District No. 234 to said adjoining School District No. 140 was presented to the Bo·ard of aounty aolilmisaio:r).era of this aounty at a session of said board held on the 12th day of J.uly A.D., 1949 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said boar~ that a hearing .should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 14th day of October A,D,j, 1949 at the aounty Aud:l:tor•a office in the City of Fergus Falla in said county; and whereas it was furth~r ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of suoh hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of theschool districts to be affected by said petition,and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School District~. a copy of sal~order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and where~a at the;'f!easion of tbe1 ard of County Commissioners on said 14th day of October A.D., 1949 due proof of the posting andservice of said order of hearing aa th!9rein directed and required, more than ten days prior to a aid last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interes:ted parties fo•r or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be.granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petit~o - er and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: wt of s~ of Section 3 Township 132 Range 38 I be and the same are hereby set off from said School District.No. 234 to said adjoining School District No. 140 andsaid lands are hereby made a part of said last named school distrlct for all purposes whatever. By ord•er of th!!! Board of County aommlaaioners. Dated the 14th day of October -':•D•,• 1949. (seal) George Hanson · Chairman of the· Board of aounty Commis- sioners of Otter Tail county, Minn, Attest: William Lincoln· County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of E. R. Munsen to set over lands in Sections 29 and 30 in the Township of Woodside from District 141 and 236 was taken up for final action and after listening to the county superintendent of scnools and after fully considering the matter, upon motion,·the petition was rejected, The petition of Anton R. Thompson to Bet over lands in Secs. 4 and 5, Township of In.~an, from Dis-trict No. 206 to Dist. No, 101 was taken up for final action. After liaten~ing to the county super-intendent of schools and fully eonsidering the matter, upon motion, the petitiori"waa rejected. The petition ofViOlet Combs to be set over from Dist. No. 145 to Dist. No. 244 was read and after listening to the county superintendent of schools and fully considering said matter, upon motion, the petl tion was granted and the 'Soard issued the following order to-wit: Whereas·, the petition of Violet Combs, a legal voter. freeholder and resident of School District No. 145 in tnis County, representing that she is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate 1-n said School District, and adjoin School District No. 244 and asking that she with her said lands may be set off from·said District No. 145 to said ~djoi~ing school Distict No. 244 was pre- sented to the Board of County aommissioners of this County at a session of said Board held on the 12th dayo:t July A.D., 1949 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board ·that .a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 14th day of October A. D,, 1949 at the aount,1 Auditor's o·t:Hoe in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and· by said order· that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Di~tricts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the• time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County commissioners on said 14th day of October A. D., 1949 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which waa said by sa1'd intere$:1!.ed parties for or J@ainst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition sh~uld be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined. that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Nl BB¼ ~ SE¼ NB¼ of Section 13 Township 135 Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said School Distrtct No. 145 to said adjoining School District No. 244 and said lands are hereby made a part of• said 1-ast named ScHool District for all purpo•ses whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners Dated the 14th day of October A.D., 1949. · (seal) .. Geo, Hanson Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ~t~er ~ DATE ...................... ·-······················-·······································19 ....... . llnl'ffl'nnmrnoDln;' , D;' , The following petitions to set over lands from one school district to another were presented to the Board, namely: Hubert Saari to set over the~ SW¼ of Seo. 10 and the wi NW¼-trai-of sec. 16 Township 135 Range 37 from Diet. No. 176 to Diet, No. 47; ,Edward A, Vogt to set over the Ni rraf-of Sec. 16, Town- ship 132, Range 39 from Diet. No, 53 to.Diet. No. 103: Clifford Speak to. set over the Nt of swf, lfW¼ SE¼ a~d the NE¼ SE¼ of Seo. 13, Township 137, Range 38 and the SW¼ of Sec. 18 Township 137, Range 37, from Dist. 225 to Dist. No. 277; Herman Papenfuss to set over Gov~. Lots 3 and 4, El SIP¼ and wi SE¼ of Seo. 19, Township 137. Range 37 from Dist. No. 228 to Diet. 277_; Joseph A. Siebele to set over the NE¼ of Sec. 19, Township 137, Range 37 from Dist. No.·228 to Dist. 277; Hartwick Hanson to set over Lots 1 and 2 and th~ ·pj m,t except tract of Seo. 18, Township 131, Range 39, from Dist,. No. 176 to Dist. No, 72; Leonard Luther to set over the NE¼ of sec. 18, Township 133, Range 43, from Diet, No. 54 to Dist. No. 96; Mrs. Harry Snook to set over Lot 2 and the s\"t NE¼ and the NW¼ SE¼ of Seo. l, Township 132 •Range 38, from Dist,, No. 234 to Dist. No. 212; Char,ley Thompson to set over Lota 2 and 7 and the SE¼ SW!-and the SW¼ BB¼ of Seo. 4, Township 135, R~nge 43, from Dist. No. 87 to Dist. 288; Vernon c. Wentzel to set over the South 80 aorea of the SEf-of sec. 30, Township 133, Range 42, from Dist. No. BO.to Dist. No. 143; Wm. H, Y.Ubitz to set over Lota 4, 5 and 11, the SE¼ SW¼ and the NE¼ SW¼ of Sec. 13, Township 134, Range 42, from Dist. No. 169 to Dist, No. 193. · t7Pon motion, it was ordered that final hearing on all of said petitions be had at the session of·the Board to be held Jan. 4, 1950 at the County commieeionera' room in the Court House commencing at 10 o'cloc, A. M. and that due notices of the time and place of the hearing on the ~aid pet itionil be given as required by law. t7Pon motion, the Board then took a recess to 2 o'olook P, M. The petition for dissolution of Common School District No, l of Otter Tail co~ty .was taken up for final action. After listening to the county auperintendept of schools and no one appearing in opposition to such dissolution and the Board being of the opinion that the district should be dissolved, upon motion, the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order-wit: · IN THE MATTER OF DISSOLUTION CF COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. I OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners of the county of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, at their meeting Aug. 10, 1949 considered petition asking for dissolution of Common School District No. l of Otter county, and Whereas, on said 10th da.v of August, 1949, this Board fixed Friday Oct. 14, 1949 at the Commissioners' Room in the Court Ho11se in Fergus Falls as the time and place for hearing on said pet~tion for dissolution, Now, therefore, said Board of County commissioners having ;fully considered sai_d matter and being of th, opinion that the interests of the territory involved in said petition will best be served by dis- solution of said district it is he~eby ordered that the said Common School District No. l be and the same la herel!.t dissolved and that all of the Urritory embraced in said district to-wit: All of Seo. l and the Si of Seo. 2. and the NE! of Sac. 2 and the Ef of Seo. 10 and all of Seoa. 11 and 12, all in Township 132, Range 40, be and the same ia attached to Independent School Dist, No, 23 of Otter Tail county, W.nneaota. Dated Oct, 14, 1949. Attest: William Lincoln county Auditor. The following resol11tion was adopted: George Hanson Chairman, Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minn. •Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of otter Tailcounty, Minnesota: Wh!:'reaa, this Board has heretofore contracted with Wm. H. Ziegler Co,, Inc. for one model J,.2 Cate.r- pillar motor grader with snow plow anll wing and Whereas, same has been received and accepted by the county, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county auditor and the chairman of' the Board are authorized to i~eue to said company a wa~rant on the Road and Bridge Pund of the county in the sum of $14,193.00~ the ~ontraot prioe, •r Adopted Oot, 14, 1949, Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: George Hanson Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the George T. Ryan co. for one Galion Model 116 Diesel Motor Grader with snow plow and wing and Whereas, same has been received and acoeptei by the county, Now, therefore, be it resolved that .the oounty auditor and the chairman of the Board are authorized to issue to said company a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the county in the sum of $12,953.00, the contract prioe. Adopted Oot. 14, 1949. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. George Hanson Chairman. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. dotober 49 DATE ...... ·-··············-··························-··························-·······l9 ..... . The following reeolution•waa adopted: · Reaolved by -the Board of crounty commiasionera of otter Tai1 County, Minnesota: · That the sum of 6,f per mile ahali be allowec1 to officiala· and employees· of Otter Tail County for use of their oars in performance of duties. This shall not apply to the sheriff and deputies whose com-pensation for mileage is fixed by ~pecial law. • - Adopted Oct. 14, 1949. Atteat: William Lincoln· t:nerk. The following reaolution was adopted: George· Hanson Chairman .Resolved by the Board of County Commisaionera of otter Tail county, Minn~sota: That the sum of $330.00 be and the aame hereby is allowed to Clarence Mielke for services in oon-neoti9n with the Otter Tail County exhibit at the state fair in 1949 and the county Auditor is authorized and directed to issue to him a warrant on the Revenue Fund of the county in said sum. Adopted Oct. 14, 1949. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk The following resolution was adopted: George Hanson Chairman. Resol-v-ed by the Board of County commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: . That the sum of $700.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the county for county faire for 1·949, same to be divided equaH.v between the Perham Agricultural Society and the Otter Tail County !atr Association. Adopted Oct.14.1949. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. The following bills were allowed: i~ c. Henkes DO Edward C. Drewa M. e. Lee Louise stondahl Mabel Wenstrom Marjorie Stenstrom Beatrice M. Will Herbert L. Allen John L. Bixby Lola V. Mehl Dr; Everett c. Hanson Frank Roberta Albert Fritz City' Cafe i Bakery ?rank: c. Barnes Art Printc:iraft Johnaon Dr.ugs Holten Hc1we. Winther Lumber&: Fuel co. Addressograph Co. Addressograph Sales Agency Marchant Cal. Mahe. co. Addressograph Multigraph corp. Gaffaney's Midland Paper&: Stationery co. Dept. of Adminiatration Poucher Prtg. &: Lith. eo. Victor Lundeen & co. Security Blank ·Book&: Prtg. co. Victor Lundeen & co. The Pierce Co. Educational Teat Bureau Miller-Davia co. Ugeblad Pub. Co. Fergus Journal co. · Do Frankoviz-Hdwe. Conaumera• Grocery Hillyeard Salee co. united Chemical co., rno. Blikatad Kilde Co. Beall&: McGowan co. George Hanson Chairman. sheriff's expenses boarding prisonera dep. sheriff's exp. " " " expensea " aupt's clerk " " expensea " " nurse ooroner•a feea exp. weed control saly &: ·axp. weed control meals for jurora municipal judge's fee envelopea etc. supplies sh&riff supplies " jail parta " services " type\,riter aupplies school supplies recor.ds etc. supplies " " school supplies " " blanks etc. printing & staty. publications " supplies suppliea jail n " ooal supplies $137.22 79.50 10.00 53.22 100.95 96.55 80,00 35.00 44.44 14.79 42.65 16.65 57.00 28.50 13.25 28.35 59.00 25.24 22.42 3~35 .29 1,50 35.00 20,50 123.50 5.22 9.28 336.10 199.31 119.90 124.22 70.13 440.62 39.54 183.75 164.20 .311.10 26.74 9.00 155.15 10.40 811.80 u.15 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,· OTTER .TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 1R"■nr,aImllQHHvr.1r.rmur;■In;:a."111 Johnson Furniture co. N. W. Bell Tel. Co. 1)0 Do 11.· 'f• Hinze Elmer A. Xnutaon Lola V. Mehl . Louise Standahl 11. w. Glorvigen J. D. Lightfoot 11. w. Glorvigen Carlton Mortenson Do Edward Carlson Boat A.L. veterans bf Foreign wars F.F. Odin Johnson The Fergus Reminder w. s. Darley & co. west Pub. co. University Hospital Fergus Palla Clinio Minn. State Sanatorium university Hospitals Dre. RUtledge & Moberg Cleo Garrison Town of Otto TOMI of Newton . Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Ruffridge-Johnaon Equipt. co. Hoff Bros. Northwest Engineering co. National Bushing & Parts co. Elk River cone. Prod. co. Field Machine Servloe A •. B. E'.ilde co. Minn. Motor co. Erickson Brake service Roger Broberg MoDUnn Farm Store Skogmo Motors, Inc. ]!'rank Steuart Bill Nelson Oil.Co. Thelen Implement. co. Larson Bros. Lake Region Motor co. A. R. Meier . Rasset Broe. Hintz&: son Blacksmith Shop Bjor~lund Body Shop Henry Fellerer p. 11. Gust Elevator-Vergas J. D. Bain Fred Ao EVerta Fergus Lumber~ Fuel co. Alfred ?.erflndahl Teach Lumber co. Empire Supply co. Federated Stora coast-to-coast store, B~L. Ebereviller•e Pel. Rapids Aome Welding Supply Lewis Bolt & Nut co. American Paint co. O'Mearas Bengtson Oil co. Harthun & Peterson Oil co. Lawrence cook standard 011 co. liighway co. Cities service Station Herming 011 co. Park Region 011 co. Bill's Servioe station service 011 co. Log Ca9in servioe Station Urbank Garage consumers' co-op 011 co. The 011 Store Fergus Oil co. D. A• Lubrioant Co. H. r.:. Stahl Co• Penrose Oil co. Hagge Oil Co.· Anderson & Sandberg 011 co. Minn. State Highway Dept. Northwood Specialty co. Minneapolis Blue Print. co. 11. A. Rogers service Recorder Burroughs Add. Mach. co. Poucher Print, & Lith; co: October DATE .............. ·-····················· ········-··-······-···························19 ... 4.9 supplies moblle service calla ... Dep. sheriff's fees marahall' a fees postage " box rent repa,:ra drivers• license exp. dep. sheriff's fees jailer & ni~htman decorating graves " " hauling rubber stamp supplies N.w. reporter special nursing care of transient " " " special musing exam. care of child care of poor .. " .. parts " " " n culverts repairs. " n ,, "· " " " " " " " " .. " " gravel coal towing charge supplies " " " " " " " " " paint danger flags gasoline n n n " " n It It It It " etc. . " oil & grease oil ,t grease· oil gasoline & diesel fuel diesel fuel n n supplies stakes aappliea " " " forms 3.25 85.23 37.55 29.96 33.40 23.02 10.50 66.00 2.00 10.00 5.35 18.54 75.11 19.50 12.50 1.00 4.85 9.71 39.00 38.50 44.75 289.80 .20.75 3.00 45.00 692.59 252.28 96.56 387.13 71.51 24.56 103.93 919.60 51.11 33.98 2.45 1.92 . 21.52 27.20 12 •. 39 5.20 3.40 8.60 16.19 23.26 14.75 24.95 22.00 25.00 101.66 56.90 10.00 ti2.05 3.60 24.04 26.25 91.99 3.60 2 .·60 9.06 12.00 39.02 17.63 72.88 \14.85 75.59 46.04 · 8.92 16.32 14.42 42.14 20.32 14.60 · 4.35 49.50 66.36 91.89 138.90 149.47 530.67 30.31 159.12 1113.78 70.00 '63.60 60.00 43.06 23.00 61.29 3.97 45.46 COMMISSIONERS RECORD ·N,··oTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. October construction Bulletin Merchante Hotel )!:agle Cafe N. W:. Bell 'Tel. ao. Pelican Tel. co. N. w.. Bell Tel., Henning DO aorner Cafe We_ndell .p. Huber ·L. J .I! josne w •. 'L. Potter G.:n~ Harlow Ge.orge Olson Albert L. Hilooeke 0 •. H. Scott Fr.ancis J. Hilcoske ·Henry F. Dorow Gustav & Emma Dorow Alf L. Bergerud, Adm. Ed. C. Petereon John I. Bond,v E., s. Larson st. Olaf Township Lida Townehip Scambler Township Inman Township Rush Lake TOWl!IShip Clitherall Townehip c,. J. Lund Bluffton Township Geo, T. R;van co. Rosholt Equipt. co. J:~. w. co., Ino. of·1.unn. Les' Tire Shop Servioe Oil co. Wendell P. Huber Win. H. Ziegler Co., Ino. H,arry T. Burau p •. A• Andereon Thelen Implement co. Pe-nrose Oil co. L,-on Chemicale, Inc. Pelican Tel. co. Coneumers• Oil co., B.L. Compton Townehip Henry Sieling Geo. Hanso•n Geo. ·B. Gund ere on Bert Stone DATE ...... ·-··············-··············-······························-···············19 49 ad. for bids roome-for orew meale,for crew eervicea #39 B,L, service .. long distance meals e:xpense .. ' .. · right of way .. .. . .. " .. " " " " " .. .. " " appraiser .. .. grading .. " " " & gravelling ff coroner's fees grading parts " tires & repairs gasoline cash adv. parts exp, soil cons. postage repairs diesel fuel & gasoline calcilim chlorine · services gaecline grading e:xpenses " ff " Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'olock A. Mo Nov. 8th. 1949. $ 81,00 3o,·oo 49.00 31.85 6.95 B.90 31.90 6,60 ·97 .95 8.50 43,25 ,5.90 18.50 124,00 84,10 65.50 39.25 243,50 142.50 45~00 52.20 "45.00 300,00 300.00 300.00 300,00 300.00 300,00 44.08 300.00 71.61 105,06 23.09 581.15 142.61 18.68 1579.98 14,50 180.25 12.64 250,08 894.33 6.80 22.73 300.00 13.60 9,90 7.50 10.50 •iW.iin.'-lllt1H.SO..,AIL.11,.c1.111iJiiii"" - COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... ?Tov ember ... 8'·····-··················-·······19 __ 4 9 MTll'JTES 011' ADJOT'RtlED !IB~TTNG OF 'f"FE BOARD OF ~OUNTY COM?,ITS$"[0NJ':RS O""' OTT!':R TAU. COUNTY, mrn.'!r.SOTA ?ursuant to adjournment the 13oard met at 10 o'olock A, l,I. !lov, 8, 1949, Present were commission- ers Sieling, Gunderson, Panson, Stone and Snowberg. The application of Frederick Rinas for reduction in assessed value of SE¼-NW¼ Lots land 3 in section 3 in the Township of Corliss for the year 1948 was read and the Board recommended aommissioner of Taxation that the assessed val.ue of said property be reduced from e905.00 $838,00 and the taxes from $121.25 to ~112.04 • 2 and to the to· The application of Hertha Gravely Peach for reduction of assessment for 1948 against part north of township line of Lots 4 and 5 in A. L. Peach's outlets to A. L. ~each's Beach was read and the ~oard recommendnd to the ~ommissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $77,00 to $28,00 and the taxes from ~ll,49 to~ 4,18, · "On and Off" sale beer license was granted to Otto F-t, !,foe at Rocky Bar in Sec. 8, Township of Hobart, for the period ending Mar. 31, 1950. Dance permit for the period ending Dec, ;n, 1949 was also granted to !ilr. Moe. A commimication from the County Public Health Nursing committee was read and discussed and was laid over to the December meeting of the Board. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $ 600,00 be and. the same is hereby set aside out of the Revenue Fund of the county for clerk hire in the office of the Register of Deeds for the year 1949, Adopted Nov. 8, 1949. George Ranson C ba!rman. Attest: .William Lincoln clerk. The fo·11owing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Roard of county commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the sum of $150.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the county to the otter Tail County Historical Society. Adopted Nov. 8, 1949, George Hanson Chairman, Attest: William !,incoln clerk. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to Nov. 9th at 10 o'clock A, M, WEDN~SDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, Nov. 9. 1949, all members being present. A plat of Pleasant View Beach in the Township of Otter Tail, accompanied by a certificate of title executed by John Y.ukowske, Jr., Attorney-at-law, was a~proved, A letter from Elmer T, Anderson returning warrant for ,a7.90 allowed him for right-of-way on Wendell road and claiming a total of $340,00 due him was presented to the Board and the Board rejected his request for additional allowance. A petttion of E, R, l{Unsen to set over the NW½ NW¼ of Seo. 29, Twp. 132, Rge, 36 from Dist. 141 to Dist. 17~.was read and it was ord~red that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board at 10 o'clock A, !f, Jan. 4, 1950 and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ ~!?.Yember 9. ·················-······.19 49 & resolution of the ci t.v council of the C'ity of Fergus Falls asking for designation of part of state ald road No .1 through said city was read and was referred to the county highwa,y engineer to consult with the engineer of the City of Fergus Falls. A plat of Palubicki's Beach in the Township of Gorman. accompanied by a certificate of title executed by M. J. Daly, attorney-at-law. was approved. The Board filed with the county auditor certificates of completion or the following road Jobs: Ose Broe. 56-506-01 -S 189 13); Carl Danielson i J. G. Nelson, D6-011-u1-s 689 (3l; c harley Fenske, 56-506-05-S ·199 (6); Charley Fenske. 56-506-03 -s 189 14); Charley Fenske, 56-l>ll-02-S 68.9 141; Johnson construction co. 56-501-06 -s 423 (l); Johnson construction co,, 56-506-04 -S 189 16). The following resolution was adopted: RF.SOLUTTON OF COUNTY :90ARD OF COM!,!ISSIONNRS OF OTTER 'r.A!L COUNTY·, AII?H1ESOTA Wl!EREAS, Negotiations have heretofore been had with the Corps of Engineers of the Department of the Army of the United states with the reference to the use by the County of otter Tail, State of Minnesota, of the surface of the so-called proposed Orwell Reservoir and Dam fo-r county road purposes and the said corps of Engineers by and through its duly authorized representatives have proposed by letter dated March 25, 1949 and has signified its willingness to cooperate with the County for such proposed construction upon certain terms and conditions therein set forth and numbered l to 7, both inclusive, subject to the condition that a resolution lnconformanoe therewith be accompanied by a legal opinion as to the authority of the County Board to carry out the obligations proposed to be imposed upon the County in giving o-f permission for the construction and maintenance of such road, an~ WHEREAS, Certain portions of said letter and of the conditions set forth therein are agreeable to the said County and its Board of Commissioners but cannot be approved or accepted because of legal opinions to the contrary rendered by the office of the Attorney General of the state of Minnesota, and WHEREAS, The County of otter Tall desires to continue with such proposed improvement but is advised that certain changes must be made in the proposed conditions in order to satisfy questions as to the legality thereof, fTO!'I, T'IBREFORE, BF. tT :RF,$OtvED 13,V the -Soard of County commissioners of the County of Otter Tall, Minnesota tha.t the Corps of Engineers of the Department of the Army of the United States ·of America be and they hereby are requested to change, amend and modify the proposed conditions in the following particulars, to-wit: I. That the following language be eliminated and deleted from condition or paragraph ?Jo, 2, to-wit: "----to the satisfaction of said of·f.icer, or in lieu of such repair or replacement, the grantee shall, ii' so required by said officer, pay to the United States mone,v in and amount sufficient to compensate for the loss sustained by the United States by reason of damage to or destruction of government property." And that in lieu thereof the following language be inserted.: "------or thP. County of Otter tail shall pay to the united States money in an amount sufficient to compP.nsate for the loss sustained by theunited States by reason of damage or destruction of government property." II. That the following be eliminated and deleted from paragraph or condition No, 3, to-wit: "------ and the grantee shall hold the United Sta tee harmless from any and all of such claims," That the following be eliminated and deleted from paragraph or condition No. 4, to-wit: "------ ae may be required by the District Engineer, u. s. Ar111¥, in charge of the locality------." BE IT FURTHF.P. RESOLVED, That the other proposed conditions as set forth in snld letter of !,larch 25, 1949 be and the same hereby are ~pproved and that the said County of Otter Tail execute and agree- ment in conformance therewith. The above and foreirotng resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of county Commissioners of the county of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota held on the 9th day of November , 1949. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Geo. Hanson Chairman Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tall county, Minnesota: That the Chairman and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota acting through .its Commissioner of Highways wherein and whereby the County of Otter Tail undertakes to maintain for and on behalf of the State, Trunk Highwa,ys Nos. 228, 108 (229), and 235, situated in said County of Otter Tall, and which said agreement shall provide for payment by the State to the County for the cost of such maintenance on the basis of men and equipment furnished by the county in the performance of said work. r COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-···J!QY..~m9.!il.!. ... lL .............. _ ........................... l~.~ .. . __..........,UUUII..DIDIIIICl■UIIL.11-.IU.AIL.■l&L.&m BE IT FURT"PER RESOLVED that the county Highway Engineer be and he hereby is authorized to perform said maintenance work on said trunk highways as he may be requested to perform from time to time by the state pursuant to said agreement. 11:P. TT F!JRTHP:R P.ESOLVF.D that the maintenance agreement heretofore and on the 9th day of November, 1949, execute~ by the Chairman and Clerk for and on behalf of the county for the maintenance of Trunk Highways Noe. 228, 108 (229), and 235, having been before the Board, be and the same ls hereby rati:ried and adopted as the act and contract of the County. Adopted Nov. 9, 1949. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: George Hanson Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter.Tail County, Minnesota: That the Chairman and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the state of Minnesota acting through its Commissioner of Highways wherein and whereby the county of _Otter Tail undertakes to maintain for and on behalf of the State Trunk Highways Nos. 228, 108 (229), and 235, situated in said County of Otter Tail, and which said agreement shall provide for payment by the State to the county for the cost of such maintenance on the basis of men and equipment furn~shed )y the county in the performance of said work, BP. IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Highway Engineer be and he hereby is authorized to perform said maintenance work on sai~ trunk highways as he may be requested to perform from time to time by the state pursuant to said agreement. B~ TT ~URTt!F.R RP.SO~VED that the maintenance agreement heretofore and on the 9th day of November, 1949, executed by the Chairman and Clerk for and on behalf of the County for the maintenance of Trunk ~ighwaye Noe. 228, 108 (229), and 235, having been before the Board, be and the same is hereby ratified and adopted as the act and contract of the County. Adopted Nov. 9, 1949, Attest: William Lincoln Clerk, George Hanson · Chairman. The following resolution was adopted: R!':S01:,!l'rT ON -qy THE '30AP.D Oli' COUNTY COMMISIONF.P.S OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MHHJESOT,A BE TT P.ESOLVF.D, That the Commissioner of Highways be and he hereby ls authorized and requested to take such steps and perform such acts on behalf of the County of Otter Tail as may be necessary to have the construction and improvement of the roads hereinafter described properly approved by the Commissioner of Public P.oads as a Federal-Aid secondary project eligible for the expenditure of federal funds thereon and eligible for present construction and thP. letting of a. contract therefor. Road No, Location S.A,P.. #1 Amor .\. South 2. 1 !.Jlilee S,A.R, fl Junction·of S.A.R. #1 & #14 and west 4.75 Mi. S.A,R, .fl & #B l Mile South of .'unction S.A,R, #1 &: #B to 3 Miles North S,A,R, #2 west County Line to s.A,R, #1 S,A,R, #3 Rothsay to Erhard S,A,R, #4 2 Miles tlorth of Pelican to 4,0 Miles East S,A,R, $! 1 Mlle East of Vergas to 2 Miles East S,A,R, 1 Mile East of Vergas to north County Line s·,A;R, ii Vergas and West 1,0 Mile S ,A ,R, Clitherall and South 3,5 Miles S,A,R, ,¥5 .!, C,A,R, f33 1 Mlle West of Henning to 7,Miles west C,A,R. .,158 2 Miles North of Bluffton to 5 Miles North S,A,R. #12 Junction of C,A,R. #45 &S,A.R. #12 !c 5,0 Miles N,E, C,ll,P.. # 54 Henning and South 2,5 Miles ~.A.H. ,f44 North County Line and south 1,5 Miles Adopted this 9th day of ?fovember, 1949 Attest: William Lincoln 1 k C er Geo. Hanson Chairman Cost 12,000.00. 15,000.00 19,500.00 58,000,00 65,000.00 15,000.00 7,500.00 15,000.00. 8,500.00 20,000.00 42,000.00 15,000.00 33,000.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... JJovembe.r ................................................ 19 .. ~~. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum o-f $200.00 be and the same is hereby set aside out of the Revenue Fund of the County for additional clerk hire for the Veterans• service Office for the bala~ce of the year 1949. Adopted Nov. 9 .-1949. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: George 1-1anson Chairman. Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with Austin-western Company, rno. for one snow plow and wing and Whereas, same has been received and accepted by the county, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the county auditor and the chairman of the board be authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the county in the sum .o.f $17·63.00, the contract price. Adopted Nov. 9, 1949. Attest: 1'11lliam Lincoln Clerk. The following bills were allowed: J. c. '!'{enkes Do M, c. r.ee Edward C, Drews Arch~e Emery Do Lola V. Mehl Louise Stondahl Mabel Wenstrom George Hanson Bert stone Henry Seiling Geo. B, Gunderson Bert stone Frank o. Barnes Poucher Print.~ Lith, Co. Art Printcraft Victor Lundeen & Co, Sec. Blank Book & Prtg. Co, Addressograph Sales Agency underwood Independent N. W. Bell Tel, Co. Do T,arson Bros. G. garry Whitlock Johnson Service Co. N. W. ~ell Tel. Co. qintgen-Xarst Elec. co. N, W, Bell Tel, Co. E, Lawrenson Duro Test Corp. Leonard Olson Marlin Reynolds 'fl. F, Hinze Louise Stondahl Lola V. !,fehl P. A. Ander.son q. 'II. Glor-v:igen '9 ever ley Sn,vd er Nelson .Bros. ~rtg. co. Philip M, ~jagllen Martha r. Merila Rosalie Morrill Eula Aaberg Philip M, Xjaglien F. A. Henkes Philip M. Kjaglien Victor Lundeen & Co, City of Fergus Falls George Hanson Chairman. board of prisoners expenses " dep. sheriff's fees services expenses nurse " exp. & appraising expenses. " " " municipal judge's fees blanks&: supplies printing supplies books 8: blanks ribbons pub. notices~ printing mobile serv ioe calls welding " repairs serv ioe •/13364 repairs calls repairs light tubes marshalV s fees dep. sheriff's fees dep. sheriff's fees postage " nurse clerical work service office printing service office exp. service officer clerical work service office " " " " " " " " " " exp. 8: work " postage etc. supplies service office water&: light $ 186.00 69.07 68.76 29,01 15,03 19,40 47,55 58.20 54.83 33.06 10,50 15,90 6.25 31.60 48,50 303.58 12.00 1019.91 296.90 10.05 37.00 81.00 48.47 12,50 17.00 146,27 19.00 4,00 22.55 127.82 44,40 13,20 3.00 13.50 67.2~ 4,50 72.00 36.50 26,00 9.50 70.90 19.13 36.38 19.50 55.25 10.30 75.00 40.50 16.03 ,--- l COMMISSIONERS RECORD. N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. JIQJ'..e.Ol.be..:r. ... .2 •.. _ .......... -....................... 19J~ .. Katherine D. Townsend Olson~Enstad-Larson. Inc. American Lledioal Assn. "R. w. Clorvlgen American Law Book co. Carl ton ldortensen u.ason !'ub. co. Marchant Cal. Mahe. co. Len cooper Fergus Falla Clinic Wright Uemorial Hosp. American Legion Aux. N.Y.M. Wagner's Ar!JJ3 !o llavy store state of Minn. Minn. state sanatorium Adolph Schmidt Frank Naegeli, M. D. Dr, s. B. Seitz Cleo Garrison "P"ilda Paatalo Vergas Mot Oil' Serv lee A, B. Y.ilde Co. Rosholt equlpt. co. Minnesota F,1'1.D, Co. • Olson Auto Electric Fergus 011 co. rrorthweatem Equipt. co. , Inc. "R"ighway Co. H.K. Stahl Co, D. A. Lubricant co., Inc. Hagge o 11 co • "R. A, Rogers Co. Viator Lundeen&: co. Vergas Telephone Co. Wendell~-Huber Consumer's 011 co., B.L. Cities service station Township of Sverdrup Farmers' ·co-op. Services, Inc. Ray's Oil co. Farmers' Co-op. 011 Assn. Lawrence Cook, hvman Store ~engtaon 011 Co. N, W. Bell Telephone Co. Natl. Bushing & Parts co. Skogmo Motor co. Larson Bros, Central 66 Service Beall & McGowan Co, Morton Salt Co, Village of Henning Service Recorder Co. Klauer Mfg. Co. Gopher Stamp !I: Die Co. l'lerman Rosen Y.. !I: B 011 Co. coast-to-coast Store, Perham Farmers' Co-op. r.ry. Assn. A. W, co., Inc. of Minn. Lake Region Motor co·. Smith, Inc. Minnesota Motor Co. Wilcox Lumber Co., Vergas Albert Shanstrom Jn'loff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. Midwest s upp!y eo. Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc. R. F. Dillon Geo. R. &: Emilene TWeeton Carl H • .,,: M,Vrtle Forsgren Great Western Laboratories, Inc. Town of Corliss To\vn or Buse Village of Dalton 'Tillage ot rrew York Mills wendeil P, !'luber w. L. Potter Miller-Davis co. John .!I; Edwin Sundstrom Carl TWeeton llels o. Johnson George Olson B, W, Bell Telephone co., Henning Melvin n, Gilomen Melvin M. A:rness Robert .\: Elvera Armstrong Clara Herzog et al G. D, Rarlow Cariisle Township Elk River cone. ?rod. co. Raymond Bros. Motor Transp. Co, Nicols, Dean&: Cregg rent of county service office bond premium hygeia drivers• license exp. annotations services digest repairs repair t,vpewriter exam. services decorating graves supplies exam, of financial affairs care of patients exp. with patient exam. services care of child moving fence repairs repairs parts ,, repairs gasoline etc. repairs gasoline oil grease !: oil diesel fuel printed fornis supplies services cash adv. gasoline .. grading gas~l ine " " services repairs&: parts .repairs II gasoline supplies salt garage rental repairing parts signs appraiser gasoline supplies repairs parts repairs " tires supplies boiler inspection supplies .. Right of Way t• II tt " .. freight grad inf! " garage rental ,, " expenses II supplies Right ot Vlay " " " " " expenses service a expense remove fence Right of Way " n ,, expense r,rad ing culverts freiF,ht supplies $ 90.00, 11.00 3.00 5.95 15.00 46.06 · 20.00 17. 7·5 4.30 30.00 7.50 19.50 5,96 1348.12 299.46 15.00 3.00 3.00 45.00 12.50 44.02 3.50 139.40 38.32 15.36 205,77 502.22 6.96 60.70 522.18 974.20 56.16 12.30 12.25 7.01 101.77 17.25 300.00 98.65 52.75 117. 76 42,41 11.94 34.15 121.82 7.39 77.94 53.06 3.60 708.00 141.57 5,12 120.56 195.00 42.48 38.25 3,34 1.65 131,66 5.60 .. 20. 70 77,00 5.50 11.00 8,14 ·225.09 48.89 30,23 33.83 170.20 1.39 300,00 300,00 lb0.00 360.00 lUO.tib 43.00 l:>.33 96.50 37,00 77',00 17.95 7.91 53.95 21.50 15.00 26.50 9.80 300.00 160.56 7.38 274.44 /'71 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Roger "lroberg Eberavlller Implement Co, 'Fergus Lumber & Fuel Co. Flexible Steel Lacing Co, Eber-svlller's, Pel, Bpds. Rude's Garage, Dalton Bill Nelson 011 Co. Mlnnea-polis Iron store Maine Repair Shop Field Machine Service Larson .ft Thurlow co. Wm,?, Ziegler co., Inc, The Geo. T, P.yan Co. Hintz & Son Blacksmith Shop Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. DATE ...... ·-··-······-··-November .. 9. ··-··············-···········19 ... ~.: supplies " coal supplies " repairs~ ~upplles tires etc. tools repairs " " parts " repairs ports Upon motion, the Board adjourned to 10 o'clock A, 14. \'led,nesday, Dec. 7. 1949, i".l 9.68 5 .• 74 4,03 22.32 2.36 78.15 425.94 42.17 12.20 55.00 65.49 1039.83 555.27 92,15 90.78 ~~rman. J' .~ I , ,. •· vi 1J THURS,; DEC, 1, 1949 mNUTES OF SPECIAL M.F.J':TillG OF BOARD OF , COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OFFER TATL COUHTY; MUJNESOTA ]->·, ul"'' ;~ Pursuant to call s·lgned by all members of the county Board, the /Y session at 2 o'clocJc P. M., Dec. 1, 1949, all members being present. The following resolution was adopted. commlsalonera met ln special Whereas, Due proceedings have been had for the incorporation of the Village of Erhard and, Whereas, It la necessary that an election of officers be had ln said Village pursuant to statute, Now, Therefore, Be It ~esolved by the County Board of Commissioners of the County of otter Tall and State of. M.il'lneaota as follows: I, That the followln~ judges of aald election be appointed: Albert Sundblad Albert G. Solum · Lester wm. Thompson Be It Further Resolved that said judges fix a day not less than fifteen nor more than thirty days from the date her-eof for the holding of an election of Village officers and fix a time not leas than three hours during which the polls shall remain open at the election and that said electors shall post a notice setting forth the time and place of such election ln three public places in the Village for at least ten days pr-eceding the election. The foregoing resolution was duly offered, seconded one! acloptecl. at a special meeting of the County Commissioners of the County of Otter Tail and held in the Court House ln the Cl ty of Fergus Falls on the 1st clay of December, 1949. Upon roll being called the vote was as follows: Ayes: 5 The same was thereupon d.uly declared adopted, Dated December 1, 1949, Attest: William Lincoln, Auditor. T]pon motion, the Board then adjourned. Geo. Hanao n. Chairman. ,--------COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. December 7, 49 DATE .................•.. ; .................................................................. 19 ..... . 1u.11111.n11111u.11r.ur • .11-.cu11 .. ■111Ji:m l :.nrrnTr.:S OF AD,lOURN":D MEETT!IG OF Tl!E BOARD OF CO'INTY COM!d!SSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY ?,HN!l'ESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, Wednesda.v, Deo. 7, 1949, Present were commissioners Sieling, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg, A pfat of Martin Knoll in Section 1, Township of Scambler, accompanied by a oertifioate of title executed by Field, Field and Arvesen, Attorneys-at-law, was approved, county Engineer Huber reported to the Board the result of his survey of the proposed ditch along county Aid Road 110. 39 on the north side of Seo. 6, Township of Girard, and the Board authorized the engineer to construct ditoh from a point about 270 feet East of the road leading to tQe Hemquist property in that section, thence running West to creek, the work to be done as soon as practical, The application of~. S, Schmidt for reduction of assessment for 1948 against the SW¼ except platt d part and Lots 2 and 4 and the SW¼ NW¼ of Seo, 7, Town of Pine Lake, was read and the Board recommended to the cpmmissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $1653,00 to ~1496,00 and the taxes from ,198,d3• to $179,27. The following resolution was adopted: RESOL!JTTOH REVOY.ING PART OF DESIG11ATIOU OF S,A.P.. fl BE IT RRSOJ.VED by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail c·ounty, Minnesota, that the designation of that part of State Aid Road No. l described as follows, be revoked: Beginning at the intersection of Leven street and Alcott Avenue in the city of Fergus Falls; thence East on Alcott Avenue to the intersection of Alcott Avenue and Union Avenue: thence lforth on Union Avenue to the intersection of Union Avenue and Lincoln Avenue and there terminating, Beginning at the intersection of Union Avenue and Fir Avenue; thence East along Fir Avenue to the intersection of Fir Avenue and Friberg Avenue and there terminating, Total Length Revoked: 2.12 Miles, Adopted this!,!!! da.v of December, 1949, Attest: William Lincoln Clerk George Hanson Chairman The ~oard considered certain unpaid claims for work done by the highway department for different individuals and, upon motion, a charge of #3,75 against Art Hoebius of r1ew York Mills was ordered cancelled for the reason that Mr, Moebius is now deceased. Resolution of the City council of Fergus Palls requesting designation of part of State Aid Road which had b~en referred to Engineer Huber was taken up and, upon motion, The following resolution was adopted: RESOLTJTION REQTTh1STif.TG OTTER TAIL CT)UHTY COl>IMISSIONERS TO DESIGIIATE CF.RTAT.N CTTY STBF.ETS AS STATE AID ROADS · Wl'f~REAS, certain streets hereinafter described in the City are.heavily traveled, connect with State Aid Road Number one, serve industrial districts in Fergus Falls and in general serve the public and its populus outside of the City as well as local~v and are not peculiarly devoted to local use and t raffle. · lfOW, T'IEREFORE .-BE IT RESOLVED BY Tiffi CITY COUNCIL of the City of Fergus Falls, that the Board of county commissioners of the County of Otter Tail do, and they hereby are, requested to designate the following described streets, and portions thereof, as state Aid Roads: Beginning at the s.W.part of the City of Fergus Falls, aooording to the Plat on record in the Register of Deeds' Office, otter Tail county, at the intersection of Leven street and Alcott Avenue, thence run easterly along the center line of Alcott Avenue to the intersection of Alcott Avenue and union Avenue, thence run Northerly along the center line of Union Avenue to the intersection of Union Avenue and Vernon Avenue, thence run Easterly along the center line of Vernon Avenue to the intersection of Vernon Avenue and cascade street, thence run Northerly along the center line of Cascade Street to the intersP.ction of Cascade Street end Summit A venue thence run Easterly along the center line of Summit Avenue to the intersection ot Summit Avenue and Northern Avenue, thence run ?lortheasterly alonp: the center line of northern Avenue to the intersection of rrorthern Avenue and Mt, ll'aith Avenue, thence run F,asterly along the center line of Mt, Faith Avenue to the intersention of !.ft, Faith Avenue and Aurdal Avenue, thence run north-easterly and northerly along the center line of Aurdal Avenue to the intersection of Aurdal Avenue and Cecil Avenue, thence run easterly alon~ the center line of Cecil Avenue to the inter- section of Cecil Avenue and Friberg Avenue, thence run Northeasterly along the center line of Fri bert Avenue to the intersect ion of Fri berg Avenue and Fir Avenue and there terminating,. The foregoi-ng Resolution was offered at a regular meeting of the City Council on October 3. 1949, by Alderman Morrill, who moved its adoption. Motion was seconded by Alderman Kantrud. Upon roll being called, it was adopted by the following vote: COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. December ... 7•··-··-····· ·····················-··-···194~ .. . AYES: Y.antrud, Utne, Arneson, Morrill, Ebersviller, sware, and Rovo.ng. NAYS: None (AldP.rman Stender absent, not voting). The·Resolution was thereupon declared adopted. ATTEST: APPROVED: Iver Mickelson Martino. Brandon city c1erk Ma,vor Total Length of above Designation: __ 2~•~4~9 __ .Miles. Ado~ted this_!!!:!._day of December, 1949. Attest: William tincoln, Clerk or county Board Otter Tail Co~nty Geo, Hanson, chn,, Board of co. commissioners Otter Tail county Amendments to the constitution and by-laws for the otter Tail county Public Health Nursing Advisory Committee which had been presented to the Board at a previous meeting was taken up for consideration. After listening to statements of Kenneth Severn, Chairman. of said Advisory Committee, certain changes in the recommendations of that committee we.re made and the auditor instructed to return a copy of the amendments to the Nursing Committee, The following bills were allowed J. c. Henkes Poucher Printing & Lith. co. Miller-Davie Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Dr, H.F. Leibold Norman Nunn Remington Rand, Inc. Do Mrs. Cleo Garrison Alfred Putnam H, w. Glorvigen Lola V. Mehl Panama Carbon co. Reming~on Rand, Inc, Nopeming San. university Hospital Lola V, Mehl w. F.. Dewey Len cooper earl Jahn Minn. State San, Whiting's Offioe Supply Syndicate Prtg. cro. Fergus Falls Clinic Remimgton Rand, T.nc. Do Theo. P'egseth H, F, Duenow Faurot, Inc. J. C, Henkes F.dward C, Drews Smith Display service .l!'ree Press co. Nelson Bros. ~rtg. Co, M, C, Lee Carlton :E, Morteusen John L. Bixoy Dr, r. ~. Bigler H, W. Glorvip:en .!!'rank C. Barnes Oren ]!'oese Edna Twp. Hobart 'l'Wp. Carl Jahn Holten Hdwe. Hillyard Sales Co, Pioneer Supply co. Costello Mfg. co. Hillyard•Sales Co, 1.lildred Bruvold National Bushing~ Parts co. Campbell coal co. H. A, Rogers co. Marshall-Wells Store, Pel, Rpds. "FJ. F:, Stahl Co. Cities Servioe Station Kotz Bros. wm: Sauer Boarding prisoners binders Supplies court calendars exam. postage supplies. .. care of child exp. soil conservation drivers' license exp. exp. nurse paper cabinet -sheriff. care of patient special nursing postage exp. soil conservation supplies dep. sheriff's fees oare of patient supplies school supplies care of VP.rna Nygaard supplies " exp. soil conservation '' ,. " supplies expenses ., supplies -nurse chattel mt~e. index supplies dep. sneriff's exp. " '' fees expenses coroner's fees "Bd, of Audit municipal judge's fees dep. sheriff's fees road const. dep. sheriff's fees supplies " ., " " transcript supplies " " oil ~asoline repairs " $ 199,50 244.78 1.93 150.00 12.00 45,00 144.33 361.15 45.00 15.00 5.95 50.25 9.00 12.25 206.15 160.50 6,00 18.40 11.20 18.90 280.14 32.00 30,65 5.00 362.88 247.85 17.20 9.30 9·.69 89.44 34.97 5.00 111.25 32.50 46.99 15,b:1 30,:>0 22.90 140.00 3'(,40 21:>,bO 300.00 300.00 4ts,70 21.74 11.38 12.25 17.78 31.35 7.06 9.00 16,74 73.11 2.96 6.40 25.48 1.75 34~00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD" N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IBWD ......... .ua,aaL..IL.Alu .. lllaL&DI Bennie Rossum MoDunn Farm Store Marjorie Stenstrom o. X, Rubber Welders Granrud Garage N, W, Bell Tel, Co, Eriokeon-Helleokeon-Vye Beall lloGowan Co, Midland Paper & Staty. Co. Poucher Prtg. !: T,ith, co. Fergus Glass&: Paint Co. Pauoher Prtg. & Llth, Co. N, W, Bell Tel, Co, H, D, Smalley, Jr, S, !: F, 011 Co, The -Pierce co. N, W, Bell Telephone Co, Penros~ 011 Co. Marjorie Stenstrom Louise stondahl Frankoviz Hardware Phillip !d, Y.jaglien Marshall-Welle Store, ll,Y,M, Henning Hardware Midwest suppl,v co. Mills 011 Co. Bengtson Oil co. Holten Hardware consumers' Oil co. Renning 011 Co. Lawrence cook Carl A, snowberg Geo. B, Gunderson George Hanson Henry Sieling Melvin G Homen Alfred Evavold Bert Stone DO Panama carbon co, Fritz-Cross co. Paulson Tire Shop Wm, Bros. Boiler!: Mfg, co, John Dieseth Co, Davidson Uetal Shop Aune Bros. Edward Franklin L!innesota Motor co. Custom Machine Works li'rank Ilaegel 1, Y, D, Leon J-fennaglr Victor Lundeen .§: Co. water .lfc Light Dept. Philip M, X:jaglien Rose L, Christianson Carl ton E, Mortensen ~enning'e Louise Stonilahl Mabel Wenstrom 1>, M, Ree Panama Carbon Co, Henning's Y-atherine D, Townsend Blikstad-Y.ilde Co, Hagge 011 co. City of Fergus Falls Minn. F, W, D, Co, Ruffridge Johnson Equipt, Co, Ilorthweetern Equipt. Co., Inc. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Northwest EnRineering Co, A, W, co., Ino. of Minn. Geo; T, R,van co., Inc. Wm,·ff, Ziegler co., Inc. Hoff Broe. Mills Motors Dal ton "F!ardware Natl. Bushing ~, "Darts Co. Skogmo uotors, Inc. ~aas 011 co. Vaughn Chev. co. Battle Lake Hardware James F, Logan uennlng !: Auto Mach, Wks. Wadena Gen •. lfc Motor Repair Arve Tappe Thompson Garage take Region Uotor co. Olson Auto Electric Larson 'Bros. Vergas Pardware co, Hintz & Son Blacksmith Shdlp Service Garage DATE ................ De c ember ... 7 .• ···-······-······-··-······-·······l~ 9 __ _ repairs " clerical work repairs " calls supplies " " assessment cards supplies record books, etc. calls pub. notice gasoline supplies service gasoline & diesel fuel clerical work stamps supplies mileage supplies " gasoline etc. " supplies gasoline " appraising. attd. meeting " " " " expenses equipt. · rental attend. meeting n H supplies blanks -se~vice office tire repairs parts co1mt.v Ditch f64 · repairs " stakes repairs " exam. cash adv, supplies water &: light postage -county service office secretarial work dep. sheriff's exp. t.vpewri ter 'le stand expenses expenses " ribbons rent 'le supplies rent -service officer coal diesel fuel poor expense parts " II " " " repairs .!, parts " " " " " " .. " " " " $ 48,4i> 'I, 'l0 105,00 1.25 7.10 40°,60 16,,20 10.10 11,29· 708.57 19,35 169.08 11"!98- 6,00 204.39 2,-64 7.60 163,30 97.50 65.72 11.13 61,14 1.57 23.46 54,32 77.20 127.77 ·21.13 . 38,56 197.78 31,88 9.20 _6,64 10,44 37.21 26.70 1576.00 17.50 15,80 16,68 4,20 14.50 397.76 900,00 5.35 9.60 70.00 46.89 3.75 9.00 12.30 3,55 5.64 25.00 6.00 19.64 75. 75 .32.69 9,23 15.77 4.05 27.25 45.00 592,, 50 912-. 98 2920.28 90.64 334.94 46,36 115.28 150.56 235,09 471.26 357,84 1414,64 9.50 5.20 96,07 25.05 15.60 3,49 27,85 4.00 32.23 4.35 3.35 2.00 23.55 94.75 65.25 9;78 27.50 5,50 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ De cem be r .. 7 , ···········-··············-···········19 4 9. A. R. Meier Eberaviller' s Barta 'I: Gaedke Chas. Malmstrom B, o. Bendickson Jaenisch Industries Service Recor-der co. Williams Hardware ID'luttila Implement co. Mill & Mine Supplies Inc. Red Arrow Garage Stark's Our own Hdwe. Ress·et Bros. rortwengler Elec. Shop. Christianson•s Welding Shop Les.-Tire Service Elk ·River cone. Prod. co. Armco Drainage&: Metal nrod. Co. H. V. ·Johnston .Culv. Co. Johnson Const. co~ W, F, Smith Tire & Battery c.o. Mark Sand & Gravel Co. Battle Lake Village Village of Henning Minn, State Highway Dept. Wendell P, Huber George Olson ~endell P, Huber Merle Schmidt G, n. Farlow w. L, Potter N, W. Bell Tele, Co. Heinola Telephone co. N, W, Bell Tele. Co. Pelican Tele. Co, Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. Miller-Davis co. Stoll' s Cafe N, W, ~ell Tele. Co, O'Meara•s Graff Implement co. Charles M, Hall Carrie Johnson Bert Kirckof ll'rank Roers li'red ~1eu John Dieseth co. Smith, Tnc. C. H, Bjorklund '!lody Shop Wilcox T,umber co. Myman Fuel Co • Willer & Teisberg Y.1mber Awning Co, The Globe-Gazette co. Henning Hardware Wilcox Lumber Co,, Henning Larson Rard\vare Fred A, Everts 'R'intgen-Xarst Elec. Co. co.-op. s~rvicee, Inc. Minn, Mining & Mfg, /Jo, Nicols -Dean&: Gregg 'R'enry Holmgren Olson l'fardware Lampert Lbr, co • P. P. P. Y., M, Co. Bostitch-McClain co. Poucher Print. & I.1th. Co, r,.vons Chemicals, Inc. P.o,lten Rard,:are Welter Bros. Hdwe. Henning Hdwe. co. ~oot Lake Ice&: Gas. co. Fossen 011 co. service 011 Co,, B.L. Consumer's co-op. 011 co. Lincoln standard Station Pete 'I: Charlie's used Car Sales 1i1err-us 011 Co. Perham Co-op 011 Co, Dalton Oil co. Harthun & Peterson Oil Co. The Oil store Park Region co-op. 011 Co. And•erson -'I: Sandberg 011 Co. Penrose Oil co. Bill Nelson 011 Co, Town of Tumuli Town of Leaf Mountain Town of candor Town of Gorman Fergus Falls Township Eastern Township repairs " " " " " " .. Tires & repairs culverts " ins.tall cattle pass tires rock \'tater charges garage rent culverts etc. cash. advanced expenses " services " long distance services supplies " meals for crew long distance & service supplies insurance cla,v gravel " " " freight iloor glass coal " paint canvas supplies " " " " " " " " " " .. " gasoline " " " " " " .. '• oil " " ,, diesel fuel etc. 'I: gas gasoline, oil 'I: tires grading " " " " $ 36.45 6,54 9.10 3,90 15.83 28.00 21.95 2.81 .78 12.96 13.49 7,39 6·~70 7.10 2.90 55.00 2061.08 308.77 379.66 220.0Q. 382.01 13.75 10.00 139.03 78. 75 12.11 .18.80 99.60 11.10 4.95 90,66 7,52 14,80 40.05 5.65 2,60 1.38 5.10 36.90 .60 11.12 18.20 164,00 86.45 129.50 99.75 176.60 1.43 26.75 70.25 33.85 4.25 7.70 1.12 5.52 28.94 13.62 100.18 2.25 3.68 92.40 8.73 108.30 15.50 15.78 10,91 3.96 73.46 24.55 22.39 5.28 12.85 8.66 41.17 14.19 69,25 24.63 76.58 144.68 123.77 410.21 57.12 104,81 5.46 78.22 104.58 110,68 300.00 300.00 300,00 300.00 300.00 300.00 .... 1111 r COMMISSIONERS RECORD' N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. l'!ecember ... 7., .. _ ................................... 19~.?.. ~IIS■lffl.ftWlal.U.IIAUJI..CUii:iiii""' Geo. B, ~right qospltal Rev, H, E, Okerlund John Dieseth Co, Do care of transient transporting ~atient county ditch +42 " " #56 $ 356.90 18.00 105.00 56.50 county Engineer Huber was authorized to attend the five day institute for county highwa,y engineers at' the University of Minnesota from Dec. 12th to Dec, 15th inclusive. Upon Motion, the Board then adjourned without date. ~ ~ •. /11