HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1948Ottertail County Official Meetings 1948 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................... .J.e.m1.a.ry ... J1 ......................................... 19 .. 4'.8. MINUT!'lS OF REGTTI",AR ME~TI':IG OF BOARD OF comm COMMISSIONERS 01<' OTTER TAIL co1mTY, MINN• Pursuant to statute the Board met at 10 O'clook A,M,. Tuesday January 6, 1948, Present were Commissioners Karvonen, Gui:iderson, Hanson, S_tone. and Snowberg. The meeting was called to ord.er by the County Audi tor who stated that the. first business would be ~he selection of a chairman for the year 1948, · Upon motion Commissioner Yalmer Karvonen was elected as Chairman and took the chair, c·ommissioner George Hanson was elected ii1:ce"-Chairman for the year 1948, THE FOLLO\ITING RESOLITT.'ION WAS ADOPTED: Resolved by the ~oard of County Commissroners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That a committee of three, consistinB of the i.:hairman and two members of the board to be sel-ected by the Chairman, be a·ppointed to have change of the Court House and grounds and jail grounds for the yee.r 1948, Adopted January 6, 1948, Yalmer Karvonen Chairman Attest: William Lincoln Cler:k · The Chairman appointed Commissioners Snowberg and Gunderson as his associates on this cormni_ttee, T'f.E FOLLOWING RESOLUTIO~r WAS ADOPTED: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota, That a conmittee of three, consisting of the Chairman of the Board and two members_of the Board, be appointed by the Chairman to purchase all furni tnre and supplies excepting books, blanks. and stationery needed for the Court House and Jail during the year 1948, and provide for such repairs as may become an immed.iate necessit,v, Ado pt ed Janue.ry 6, 1948, Attest~ William Lincoln clerk Yalmer X:arvonen Chairman · The Chairman appointed Commissioners Hanson and Stone as his associates on this committee. THE FOLLOWtNG RESOLIJTION WAS. ADO?TED~ Resolved by the Board of _County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. That under provisions of Section 2154 of the Revised Laws of' Minnesota ·.for 1905, Dr. C. A, Boline a resident ph,vsician of said County, and Count,v Commissioners iiunderson and Hanson, members of this Board, be and the same hereby are appointed to constitute a Oount.v 'Board of' Health of said County for the year 194E, Ado·pted January 6, 1948. Yalmer Karvonen chalrman Attest: ,,uuam Lincoln Clerk THE FOBLOWTNG RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED: Resolved by the .Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Uounty, Minnesota. That the County Commissioner of his respective district, namely Yalmer Karvonen, the First District; Geo. B, Gunderson, the ~econd District; George Hanson, the Third District; ~ert Stone, the Fourth District; and c. A, l:lnowberg the Fifth District, be and they hereby are each appointed Superinten- dent of poor of his said district with authority to act in relation to the care and support of non-resident paupers, and to receive applicat .ions for relief or support by or for any rP.ason in his district as provided by Chap;ter 15 Reviseil La¥1s of 1905. Adopted January 6, 1948. Attest: William Lincoln clerk Yalmer Xarvonen Chairman THF. FOLLOWUID P.ESOLUTTON YIAS ADO"TED: Resolved by tr.e Board of County ~ommissioners of Otter Tail wounty, Minnesota. That there is h@reby set apart or set aside for other purposes, the sum with the approval of the Court under the Adopted Ja-nunry 6, 1948. Attest: William Lincoln cierk t!0f7!B:oou¥gsbg·ruiigg iBuRty Treasury not especially appropriated Contingent Fund by the County A~torney provisions of Section 574 Revised Laws of MinnP.sota for 1905. Yalmer P:arvol).en ehairman COMMISSIONERS RECORD N; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. i>ATE ...... January .6 •.. 1948 -···································19 ... . THE FOLJ,OV/IlJG RESOJ, UTION' VT AS ADO?TED: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter .Tail County, Minnesota, That the sum. of. $1,000 be and the same hereby is set apart from the Revenue Fund of the Count.v for use of postage in the several c·ounty Of "ices entitled the·reto and for express charges, etc., as provided by Section 343, Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905. as amended. Adopted January 6, 1948. Attest': .. W1liiam Linooin 6Ierk THE 'FOLtownm R?.SOLUTIO!l WAS ADO"Tia:D: Yalmer Xarvonen chairman Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Ot'·er •.rail l.:.ount.v, Minnesota. That the sum of five cents be pa.id out of the Revenue Fund of the County for every pocket gopher and Ytoodohuok killed in said county during the months of Ai,ril. May. June and July, l\J-1,J, in oases where the townships in which pocket gophers and woodchucks are so killed and shall provide for the payment of and an additional bounty of five cents for each pocket gopher or woodchuck so killed. Resolved further that pa,vment for such bounty shall be made by the County 2ud i tor upon cert ificatee executed by the Chairman of the Town Board of said Townships setting forth that the pocket gophers or woodchucks were killed within the said townships during the said months, and that both fron~ feet of such pocket gophers or woodchucks were duly presented to the chairman of such board and that the township has issued and delivered to each claimant a town order for ten cents for each pocket gopher or woodchuck so killed, Adopted January 6, 1948. Attest·: William Lincoln Clerk THE FOLL01•1rno R:1':SOL UTIO!l WAS ADO"TED: Yalmer Xarvonen Chairman Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota • .... That under the provisions of Chapter 200 Laws of Minnesota for 1943, the County shall pay a bounty of $4.00 for each full-grown red or gray fox killed in said County and $3.00 for each cub red or gray fox illed in said Count,v from January 1, 1948, to Deoemoer 31, 1948; payment' to be made on warrant of the ounty Auditor after compliance by the claimant with all the provisions of snid law. Ado·pted January 6, 1948. Yalmer Xarvonen chairman ttest; William Lincoln clerk THf. FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADO~TJID~ Resolved by the Board of Gounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. That the sum of $250.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the County hevenue ~und of aid County for Otter Tail County exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair for 1948 and the Count,v .,.utito r and hairman.of the Board are directed to issue a warrant for said amount in favor of Ciarenoe c. Mielke. Adopted January 6, 1948. Yalmer Xarvonen Chairman William Lincoln THE FOilLOWING P.:P.SOL!ITI:'N VIAR AD(YPTRD: Resolved by the Board of ~ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Whereas, Chapter 142, L~ws of 1921, Mason's Minnesota Sta•·utes 1927, Seo, 671 and Minn<>sota tatutes 1941, Seo. 375.30 provides ways and means for the control and eradication of rust-producing arberry, the following resolution was adoptedl Be it hereby resolved, that $50.00 be appropriated by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter ail County for the purpose of eradionting and removing rust-producing bushes and that a bounty of $3.00 be offered for the location of barberry bush or bushes on each property sub.~ect to thP. provisions as set 1orth by the Barberry Office, University Farm, St. Paul, Minnesota on file in the office of the County AU.d 1 tor. F·ergus Falls, Minnesota. Adopted January 6, 1948. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. Yalmer·Xarvonen Chairman Upon motion the Board authorized the transfer of Paul Mischke from the Minnesota State Sanatorium t walker to .st. Mary's Hospital at Minneapolis. I. of the Cou,nty COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... .ianuar3-... 6 ................................................... 19 ... 4.8 THE ?0LL0WIM0 Rl'lS0LlTT ION WAS AD0PT"P.D: ( Resolved by the .Doard of County Commies ioner tttter Tail Count~,. Minnesota. That the sum of $40,00 per month be and the same hereby County Attorney from January 1. 1948, .same to be paid at Auditor f~om ~he revenue fund of the County, Adopted January 6, 1948, is alloweo for clerical work in the office the close of each month on Warrant of the Yalmer Xarvorien Chairman Attest: ·willi&m Lincoln C"I'erk: · THE li'OLLO\ll'TNG !-:ESQLUTT"N vr,s A!lO"T~: Resolved by the BQard of' County C?mmissioners o·f Otter Tail .County, Minnesot~. That under the provisions of Section 739 General Statutes for 19.U, the sum of $100,00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the county to the Red River Valley Development Association, said amount·-so appropriated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors for the year 194! , Adopted January 6, 1948, Yalmer L:arvonen Chairman Attest: William Lincoln Cler! · · · Bids for public printing for the year 1948 called for by the Board were opened and read and contracts awarded as follows: Northwest Publishir!E! Company -publishing delinquent tax lists in New York Mills He~ald at legal rates. Perham Enterp-rise Bulletin -publishing financial statement for the year 1947 at legal rates, Pelican Rapids Press, -publishing financial statement for the year 1947 at legal rates. Fergus Journal Company -publishing all minutes or meetings of Board of County Commissioners including regular and special sessions held as Board of F:oualizat.ion and while considering matters per-taining to ditches in Daily Journal ot legal rates, also to the Fergus Journal Company the publishing of official notices of the County in the Daily Journal as the official paper of the Co~nty for the year 1948, THE FOLT.OVIINr. RF.SOLUTIO~I WAS ADO""TED: Hesolveo by the Board of County l.lommissioners of .otter !ail l.lounty, Minnesota, That the New York Mills Herald be and the same hereby is designated as the newspaper in which shall be printed notices and lists of lands upon which taxes remained delinquent and unpaid on the first Monday in January, 1948, Resolved Further, that for the faithful performance o~ such work the said newspaoer be and hereb,v 1s required to furnish a bond in the sum of $2,000, Adopted January 6, 1948, Yalmer Karvonen chairman Attest: William Lincoln Clerk . The application of Mary Saurer for classification of W½ S1yt Section 19 in the Township of Friberg for the year 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Tax-ation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from i793. to ~470. and the taxes from i87,54 to $60,63, ~he application of Truman Motors for cancellation of assessment for 1~47 on two automobiles on the etrounl that 1947 licenses were issued on both oars was read and the J:joai d recommended to the "'ommissioner of Taxation that the assessment be cancelled and the total personal property assessment of said firm be reduced from $2,115 to $1,197 and the taxes from ~354,24 to ~200.49, The application of Nels Parson for classification o-t' 4 e.cre tract in SE~-of Section 21 'l'ownship of Clitherall for the year 1947 at homestead rate wee read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from ~233, to $140, and the tax~s from ~26,75 to $15,50, The County ~uditor presented the following statement to the Board: TO THE COUNTY BOARD OTTER TAIL COUMTY. Mnm•~SOTA Pursuant to law I present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for County ·purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, to- gether with the actual cash balance remaining to the credit of each Count.v fund at the close of business on the 31st day of December, 1947, "FUNDS count,v-hevenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bridge Fund Sanatorium i'und Welfare Fund XMOUHT LEVI"P.D 'P'OR C1.~'q!-:NT YEAR $ 77,639,08 50,321.88 145,574.62 22,165.48 115,171.69 William Lincoln County 1&11ditor Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows: COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL ·COUNTY, MINN. FUNDS County Revenue Pund Poor Fund . Road and Bridge Fund Ditch Fund , Incidental Fund Welfare tund Sinking Fun~ Sanatorium Fund DATE .... January .. 6 • ... and .. 7., ................................... 19 48. BALANCES Debit $73,961.81 Credit $14,089.07 · 38,049.64 2,656.58 1,879.01 64,904.88 161.39 12,757.92 The following is a statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board. FOR WHAT PURPOSE Road machinery contraoted for but not delivered Balance on Road Contracts Addressograph Equipment BALANCE DUE ~64,143.85 42,100.00 5,350.50 the Bid of Harold Lund of $75.00 for old snow plow was accepted by the Board. The application of George Benci for cigarette license at "Hillview" in the Township of Paddock for the year 1948 was granted. The application of Perry Swenson for dance permit at "Perry's Place" in the Township of .,iora for the year 1948, was granted. Cigarette license for 1948 was also granted to Mr. Swenson. The County Nursing ~oard reported the election of Helen Baer of Pelican Rapids as Oounty Nu.'ie for period commencing January 12, 1948, at a salary of i225.00 per month. Upon motion the appointment was approved. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.I.JI., January 7th. WEDNESDAY'S SF.SSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M., Wednesday January 7, 1948, all members being present. The petition of Jack Wonsmoe to be set over from District# 282 to District I 148 was taken up for final hearing. After listening to the County Superintendent of Schools and the petitioner, upon motion the petition was .granted and the Board issue<i the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Jack Wonemoe, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 282 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 148 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 282 to said adjoining school district No. 148 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 13th da.v of llovember A, D •• 1947 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 7th day of January A. D., 1948 at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and b.v said order that notice of the time and place of euc'h hearing be given by posting copies of said order: in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said SchoQl Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing: and v1hereas at the said session of the said Boe.rd df County Commissioners en said 7th day of January A. D., 1948, due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said le.st named date, having been me.de and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Boe.rd, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned b,V' him, to-wit: N½-llWl & NW~·NE-1 Section 1 Township 134 RanFe 37 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 282 to said adjoining School District No. 118 and said lands are hereby made a part of sain le.st named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 7th day of January A. D., 1948. Ye.lmer ICarvonen chairman of' the Board of' County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Att-est: William Lincoln County Audltor·ana ex- officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Luther Moen to De set over from District I 140-to District r 106 was taken up for final aotion. After listening to the statements of the County ~uperintendent of Schools and all interested parties, upon motion the petition was granted and t.he Board issued the fJllowing order, to-wit: COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTXER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ Januar,1 .... 7. .•... l 94R ............................... 19 ....... . Whereas, the Petition of.Luther Moen a legal voter, freeholder and resident of·Sohool District No, 140 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 106 and asking that·he with his said lands may be set off from said district No, 140 to said adjoining school district No, 106 was presenteo to the Board of county Commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 15th day of October A, D., 1947 for the action of said ·board thereo-n; ·and whereas it we.a thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said peti ti.on, at a session of said board on th.e 7th day of Jenuory A, D,, 1948, at the Commissioners Room in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and llrhereas it was. further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school die~riots to be affected by said petition and by mailing to·the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten daya before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Comm- issioners on said 7th day of January A. D., 1948, due proof of the posting o.nd service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that aaid petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determin~d, that the said pet- itioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: SW{& Si SE¼ Section 35 Township 133 Range 38 be and-the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 140.to said adjoining School District No, 106 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named Sohool District for all pur- poses wtiatever. ~Y order of Board of County Commissioners, Dated tle 7th day of January A, D,, 1948, Yalmer Karvonen Chalrman·ot the Board ot County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. ·it test ::.William Lincoln County Auditor, and ex- officio Clerk of Board, The petition of Edward A, Hosterman to be set over from District# 217 to District# 79 was taken up for final action, After listening to the Statements of the County Superintendent of Schools and all interested parties, u·pon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of·Edwar~ A. Hosterman a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 217 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described which are situate in se.id School Di'strict, and adjoin School District No. 79 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 217 to said adjoining school dis+rict No, 79 was presente~ to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th day of October A, D,, 1947 for the act ion of said board thereon; and whereas it ws.s thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 7th day of January A, D., 1948, at the Commissioners Room in the Court House in the City of .l!'ergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each.of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at lee.st ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of county Commissioners on said 7th day of January A, D,, 1948 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following desoribed lands owned by him, to-wit: Lots 2-3-4-5-6 Section 6 ownship 136 Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 217 to said djoining School District No, 79 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School ~istrict for all purposes whatever. Dated the 7th day of January A. D., 1948, By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Yalmer Karvonen Chairman ot tbe Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Gounty, Minn. Attest: W·illiam Lincoln County Auditor, and ex- officio Clerk of Board, The petition of Magnus Larson to be set over from District # 41 to District #,.25 woe taken up for final action, After listening to the County ~upPrintendent of Schools.and the petitioner, upon motion the eti tion was gre.ntec1 and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Wheres.a, the petition of Magnus Larson a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District o. 41 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are ituate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 25 and asking that he with his said lands be set off from said district No, 41 to said adjoining school district No, 25 was presented to the oard of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th day of October • D., 1947 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of ss.id board on the 7th da,v of January A, D,, 1948 t the Commissioners Room in the Court,-House in the City of Pergus Falls in said County; and whereas it as.further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by osting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said etition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten ~ye before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of ounty Commissioners on said 7th day of January A. D. 1941, due proof of the posting and service of said rder of hearing as therein directed and required,more than ton days prior to said last named date, having een made and filed, ss.id petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, · OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. .T anuary ... 7 ·······-··································· 19 48. said by said interested parties for or against granting the .prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered end determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Et~& N\V¼NW¼ ex ~y. R of W Section 10 Township 131 Range 37. be and the same are hereby set off from said.~chool District No. 41 to said adjoining School District No. 25 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School Distrfct for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 7th day of January A. D., 1948. Yalmer.Xarvonen chairman of the Boara of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, W.nn. Attest: Willia'!! Lincoln· County Auditor, and ex- .officio Clerk of Board. The petition of !llatt H, f:o.rkalo to be set over from District # 282 to District # 148 was taken up for final action and upon motion the some was withdr~wn and dismissed without action. The petition of George R. Falls to be set over from District# 136 to District# 101 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the County Superintendent of Schools, the petitioner and all interested parties who were present and after full consideration, upon motion the petition was ejeo.ted. The petition of Bernhardt Hultstrand to be set oyer from District j 172 Otter Tail County to District 51 of Douglas County was taken up for final action. .a.fter listening to the Count.v Superi·ntendent of chools, the petitioner, and all other interested parties who were present and after full consideration, 1pon motion the petition was rejected. The petition of Lester Gillaspey to be set over from District # 161 to District ii 224 was taken up .or final action. Afte:r listening to the statements o:!' the Count.v Superintendenili of Schools and the etitioner, upon motion the petition wes granted end the Board issue<l the following order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Lester G. Cillaspey a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School istrict No. 161 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands herAinafter described, .hich are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 224 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 161 to said adjoining school distri~t No. 224 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th day of October A, D., 1947 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session o:! said board on the 7th day of January A, D,, 194,7 at the Commissioners Room in the C9urt House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and hereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by s:td petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of' said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 7th day of January A. V,, 1947 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearinr as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last amed date, havi111!' been made and filed, said pe1· it ion ~,as publicly reiid and considered by the Board with everything which was said by said interested parties for or a~ainst granting the pray~r of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described le.rids ownei! by him, to-wit: Lots 4 &:5 & S½ BE¼ ~ection 21 T,ownship 135 Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No •. 161 to ~aid adjoining School District No, 224 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School istrict for all purposes whatever. By order of Board of county Commissioners. Dated the 7th day of Januory A. D., 1948, Yalmer Karvonen Chairman of Board of county Commissioners of Ott-er Tail County, Minn, .Hi·est: William Lincoln County Auditor. and ex- officio Clerk of Board. The petition of William Wallace to be set over from District f 269 Otter Tail Oounty to District # 25, Becker County was taken up for final action. After listening to the County Superintendent of Schools, the petitioner, and other interested parties, upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-vii-,: l'lhereas, the petition of Willil\m Walh.ce a legal voter, freeholder and resident of Bohool ..i.listrict No~. 269 in this County, representing that he is the owner'. of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School.District, and adjoin School District No, 25 Becker County and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said distriot No. 269 to said adjoining school distric~ No, 25 Becker County was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a.session of said board held on the 15th day of October A. D,, 1947 for *he action of s8.id board thereon; and whereas U1 was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of seid board on the 7th day of January A. D,, 1948 at the Commissioners Room in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said Count,l'": and whereas it we.s further ordered in and b,v so.id order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be .given by posting copies of srid order in tm·ee public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School District,, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, .MINN. DATE ............... J.anu.ar,v .. 7 ....... · ................................... 194a. a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Boar~ of County Commissioners on said 7th day of January A. D,, 1948 due proof of the posting and service of said order of heoring as the~ein directed and required, more than ten days prior to es.id last named date, aavlng been made and filed, said petition wns publicly read and considered by the 'Board, with everything which wns said by said interested parti~s for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and eai-d. Board being of opinion that said petition should be 1,tranted, it le hereby ord- ered and dertermtned, that the said peti t loner and the. following described lands owned by him, tOA\'li t:'.: ~SE;t & sl sw.,. Section 31 To.wnehip 138 Range 40 be and the s•me are hereby set off from said School District No, 269 Otter Tail County to said adjoininr, School District No. 25 Becker County and said lands are hereby made a p~rt of said last ,named School District for all purnoees whatever. B.v order of B·oard of Count.v Coml!lies Loners. Dated the 7th day of January A. D,, 1948. T~ FOLLOW INC RE.!'lOLUTI "N WAS ADO'PTED: Yalmer Karvonen chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln County Auoitor, and ex- officio Clerk of Board. Resoluticn by the Board of County Comruiesi.oners Otter Tail County, Minnesota, Be It Resolved, that contre.ctors on Federe.1 Aid Seconr.ary 'F!ir,hwa,v Projects in Otter Tail County be required to pay not lees than minimum wage re.tee required by the Department of. High\vays on 1948 contracts in this count.v. Adopted this 7th day of January, 1948. Yalmer Karvonen chairman Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk . TIJE FOLLOWING RESOLUTTON WAS ADO,,TED: Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners Otter Tail Uounty, Minnesota. Resolved, tha1· the County Highway Enp:'ineer be authorized to issue time checks for the purpose of salary payments to all mo.lntenance employees. engineering employees. construction employees. and for the rentnl of trucks and mowers neoessar:v ·for the maintenance of Sta~e Aid Roads not to exceed $85,000, and Count,v Aid Roads not to exceed ~145,000 for the fear 1948. Adopted this 7th day of Janus.ry, 1948. Yalmer Karvonen Ojiairman Attest: William Lincoln Clerk THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED: Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota, Whereas, there remains a balance in the State Aid Construction Fund for 1947, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the State Highway Department be requested to transfer all remaining balances in the Otter Tail County State Aid Construction .i!'und from the 1947 to the 1948 fund. Adopt~d this 7th day of Januar9, 1948, Yalmer Karvonen Chairrnan Attest: William Lincoln Clerk· . THE FOLLOV!ING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPT~:r: Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners Otter Tall County, Minnesota. Resolved, that the county Highway Engineer be authorized to use County Eqqipment and employees for emergency work not on the County Highway System, this emergency work to consist ·of snowplov.1. ng roads in cases of sickness and funerals, Adopted this 7th da.v o·f January, 1948. Yalmer Y...arvonen chairman Attest: William Lincoln 'C'Ierk. THE F.OLLOl'PING RESOLUTION WAS ADO'PTED: Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners Otter Tail Coul'!-ty: •. Minnesota. Resolved that the 9ounty Highway Engineer's Office be authorined to place road restrictions on all roads included in the County Highway System at the discretion of the County Highway Engineer during the spring break-up of 1948. Adopted this 7th day of January, 1946, Yalmer Karvonen chairman Attest: William Lincoln O'lerk I l COMMISSIONERS RECORD-N, OTTER TAIL G0UNTY MINN. I •• • f . DATE ............ J'.1muar.v . 7 .................................................. 19 48. T!IB_r'~~J.()W!!!~ :!ES0T,T•TTTOif,W4.S ADO"'Ti::D: Resolution by the Board of County Co1111Dissione:s Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Whereas, the County of otter Tail intends to construct that portion of State Aid Road·# l beginning approximately 0.3 mile west of the southeast oorner o·t· Section if 36 Tl34ll-Jl41 W and terminating at the junction of State Aid Road # 14 at the southeast corner of Section 32, T 134N-R40W, ·and that portion of State Aid Road~ 14 beginning at Trunk Highwa.v r 78 near the-west 1/4 corner of Sectlon 10, Tl33N•E40W and terminating at the outlet of Otter Tail Lake near the center of Section 4 21~3N·R40", and Whereas, these two sections of road carry heavy traffic, and Whereas, construction of thes.e two sections of road is costly and cannot be done with present county funds, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that a request be made to the State Board of Allotment for Special Aid in the constructon of said portions of State Aid Road #1 and State Aid Road# 14 herein described, in the amount as set forth below: For Construction $15,000.00 Adopted this 7th day of January, 1948. Attest: William Lincoln tllerk THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIOU WJ..S ADOPTED: Ye.lmer Karvonen Cbalrman Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail ilounty, IJlinnesota. That the following amounts are hereby set aside for clerk hire for the calendar yeer 1948 in the several County offices, to-wit: Auditor •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $ 7,200 Treasurer...... . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . Register of Deeds ••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , Clerk of court ....•.......•......•...........•.•....••. In addition to $1,500 allowed by special law. Probate Court •••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••• In addition to $3,500 authorized by special law, County Supervisor of Assessments Office Supervisor .••••••..••........................•....••••. Deputy •••••••.•••••••••••••.•.....••••.•••••••.•..••••• Clerk ..•••.•.......•.•...•..••....••.••...••.. , •••••.•• First Assisstant Co. Superintendent ·Of Schools ••••• , •• , Off.ice Assisstant ••••..•••••.•.•...•••.•••••.••••.•••.• Office Clerk ..••....•••.•.•••••••.••••..•••..•......•.• Adopted January 7, 1948. kttest: William Lincoln crrn THJi! FOLLOWING RESOLUTTOU \'/AS ADOl'TED: 5.500 7,500 1.700 400 3,000 2,400 1.000 200 per month 140 per month 115 per month Yalmer Karvonen Chairman Resolved by the Board of Count,v Commissioners of Otter Te.il County, Minnesota; That the following dates are hereby fixes for meetings of the Board ·during the .vear 1948; The second Tuesday in February, March, April, May, ,lune, August, October, November and December and the second Monday in July and the first Tuesday in s,ptember. Adorted January 7, 1948. Yalmer Karvonen Cfia1rman Attest: William Lincoln Cierk THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIOII l'IAS ADOPTED: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted with Hintgen-Karst Electtic Company for fur-nishing and installing thirty eight flourescent ceiling lights in the County Court House and whereas· seme hove been installed and ha?.e been accepted by this Board, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to sl!lid .contractor a ,•iarrant on the Revenue l!'und of the County in the sum of $1,497.20, the contract price,· Yalmer Karvonen Cbdrman Att~st: William Lincoln c'!er COMMISSIONERS RECORD··N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. ianuary 7 .......................................... · ..... l!~B .. . THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADO~TED: Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commies icners, Otter Tail Uounty, lv!innesota,. That the sum of $850 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund of the County for the Otter Tail County Historical Society. Adopted January 7, 1948. A,ttest: . William Linao ln Clerk THE FOLLOWING RESOT,!JTIOif \VAS AiDOPTED: Yalmer Karvonen Obalrman Resolved by the Board of County Commisioners of Otter Tai. l Oount.v, MinnP.sota. That the Sum of $1,ono be and the same hereby is transferea from the County ReYenue Fund of the county to the Sherirf's contingent Fund. Adopted January 7, 1948. Yalmer Xs.rvonen Chairman Attest: William Linoo ln Clerk 'l'he following names were selected to be ple-ced on the annual grand and petit jury list of the Oount,v for the year 1948: Gl'lA!fD JURY LIST: Jake Hendricks Emil Nelson Herman 'Ehnert Albert Bierwagen Sam Peterson Geo. n-atyke Ray Klein P. B. Whitney John Worman Geo. Minderman Henry Janke c. A. Brown John Savela Ed. Graff Gust Hietola Nels Jesme Hilmer E. Hancock Louis c. Flatau Lewie Arntson · Chas. Gulstad Axel Wick Paul Frazee Wilbert Pierce PetP.r Anderson Frank Boese Ellis Vlagstrom Carl Satern Oscar Anderson Peter Welch Chas. Swanson William r.uhning Carl Nelson Grant Cox W:illiam Olson Phillipp Lindgren Charles Searles Petit Jury List Fred Ehnett Ed, Fisher ,Tulius X:eskinen Algot Walgten .:iulius Paananen John Tolppi Geo, Boogard Mrs. Joe Rutten Theo. Xaufman Aloia Wegscheid 1\lrlil. Alma Ojala Vaine l'.Ujala Mrs. Chas, Qarlson Ed. Klingler Butler Paddock Homestead Otto Pine J.ake Dent. -v111. Bluffton Vill. Richville Newt on Bluffton Butler Dent. Y-111, Blowers Perham Vill, ··New York ·1.u11s Vill, star Lake Dell.d · Lake Hobart Scambler Dunn· NorY1egian Grove Pelican Lida Trondhjem Erhards Grove l4aplewood Oscar Friberg Maine ielican Rapids Vill, 0tter Tail Vill. Battle Lake Vill, Vining Vill. · Clitherall. V.ill. Underwood v,111, Dalton v111. Homestead Homestead Blowers Blowers Paddock Paddock Butler Butler Bluffton Bluffton Newton Newton New York Mills Vill, Perham Vill, Oscar Johnson Floyd Jensen Fernal Johnson Peder Farden Evold Sandstrom Harry Johnson William B, Schmidt Geo. A, 'IJenson. Louis Usleman Abram Rousu Raymond Oppegaard Herman Bolland Olof Isaks-on D, D, Woodard lvan Boehland Martin Lindrud Peter Hink, Jr, August, M. Liljengren Mrs. Lloyd Ohman Mable c. Espeland 1/lrs, .John Ost, George Revertng Henry Pederson Harry Burau Ed, C. Peterson Lorimer Torgerson Albert Hexum Albert G, Mobroten Max. Uadsen Andre\11 Runningen 'R. E, Swenson E. c. Beimer Norman llunn w. S, Jenkins Ben Benson Ralph Sinner Arnold Boedigheimer Wm. Krekula Geo. Douglas Mrs, Glen Howard Barney Lucking Herman Senske Wm. Ebelling Mrs. Fred Walz Mrs, Peter Ebersviller Gilbert Klatt Mrs, Wm, Fresonke Paul Frederick Gotlieb Sa11in Henry Stend.er Nidaros Girard Leaf Mountain EaBle Lake Cli thera-11 Twpl Amor Everts Tordenskjold Compton Deer Creek Tw·p. Leaf' Lake Henning TW•p. Inman Oak Valley Woodside Folden Effington Parkers Prairie Twp. Deer Creek V411. Rennin~ V111, Parkers Prairie V~ll, Urbank Viil. Buse Dane .Prairie Fergus Falls Twp, Aurdal Carlisle Elizabeth Twp. Dane Prairie C:1t.v City City C1ty · City City Gity Otto Otto Pine Lake Pine Lake Gorman Gorman Corliss Perham 'i ill, Candor Candor Dora Rush.Lake Dead Lake Hobart r COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... .T.an11a]'Jl' .•.. 7. ............... -................................... 19 .. 4S 11si1111.111U1AUIJ!WIJJ■.cii.lt"'i"iiilA:m--- Petit Jury List(continued) Howard Meader Mrs. Jesse Strader Mrs. Ted Buechler Mrs. Frank Schmidt John ~jorklund ]!lrank Meyer Lester Wilcox Mrs. Joe ni1mert Ed. Anderson Pete Hanson Mrs. Vim, Jacobs John H, Otteson Mrs. Edwin Johnson Emil Bentrud · Mrs. Ned L,yden Orville Monson Mrs. Fritz Hanson Alf. Larson Mrs. Harmon Sillerud Selmer Norgaard Oscar F.ossen Helge Carlson Grover Saunders Mrs. Elmer Backstrom Ole Nelson Mrs. Theo. Hegseth Geo. Duenow Mrs. Anton Stensrud Mrs. Arnold Xaiser Ra.vmon Genz Mrs. Ro_y Hans.on Martin Shirley Mrs. Mvron Duhn Mrs. Gustav Dalseg Mrs. Herbert Weiby Mrs. James Wilson Mrs. Herbert Jacobson Paul Rees J, R. Mounts Carl Sanda Martin Torgerson John Linder Edwin G, Peterson Mons Dybevick Mrs. Anton Rotz Mrs. Claus Johnson Alfred Johnson Mrs, Floyd Robbins Mrs. Carl Anderson Grant Rokes E. G, Rolandson Carl Pe.arson Mrs. Matt field Gamrnelson John E. Ekeberg Elvin J. Hol:m Mrs. Ralph Riebrudt Mrs, P.A. LaVal:ley Bernt A. OVergaard Noble Huse Hobart Dent V111. Dent Vill. Vergas Vill. Richville Vill. Edna. Star Lak:e Star La~e Scambler Scambler ilunn Dunn Norwegian Grove Norwegian Grove Pelican Pelican Lida Lide. Trondhjem Trondh,1em Erhards Grove Erhards Grove Maplewood Maplewood Oscar Oscar Friberg Friberg Maine Maine Pelican Raoids Vill. Pelican Rapids Vill. Battle Lake Vill, Underwood Vill, Dalton Vill. Clitherall ·Vill, Vining Vill, Ottertail Vil!. Otter Tail Twp. Girard Girard Nidaros Nidaros Leaf Mountain Leaf Mountain Amor Amor Everts Everts Clitherall Twp. C 11 ther all Twp. Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Sverdrup Sverdrup Tordenskjold Tordenskjold St, Olaf Tumuli Mrs. Pred Schultz John M. Endres Wilfred Rebischke Art Haase Ernie Matz Mrs. Rasmus Hanson Mrs, Herman ·cordes Henry R. Torkelson E. E. Moats c. J. Bribbon Ora Cook N, C. Haugaard Mrs. Robert Fischer Robert T, Barker John Pyerl: , Mrs. Orve Gunderson C.H. Revering Mrs. Earl E, Nelson Mrs. William Larson Mrs. Walter Ost Mrs. :termit Rosenquist Mrs. William Rodekuhr Mrs. Oscar Lindblom Mrs. Manley Johnson Jesse Green Math J. Kraemer Mrs. Louis Olbekson Joe Kraemer L. ,T. Wolters Clarence Hoff i:rarold Hol,e Wm. F. Duenow M, B. ~elly Philip T. Fjestad Mrs. J. w. Roehl Fred E. Rollins Mrs. Harold W. Lyksett Ernest Rossow Alex McCall Henry F.rautschi Mrs. Fred Homan Clark "Bell Max C, Kronemann, Jr. Arnold irederick V, Erhard Pierson Elof Larson Merle Loomer Ove uorgenson Mrs. T, J, Tidemanson Mrs. D. W, Dunlap John Clausen Clara Sholberg Mrs. Herman Holzer Sonhus C, Lein Aug. Burau Mrs. Martin Moen Ed, Nelson Tumuli Compton Compton Deer Creek T1vp. Deer Oreek Twp. Leaf Lake Leaf Lake Henning Twp. Inman Inman Oak ValJ.,ey woodside Woodside Elmo Elmo Folden Effington Parkers Prairie Twp, Parkers Prairie Twp. Eastern Eastern Deer Creek Vill, Deer Creek Vill. Henning Vill. Henning Vill, Parkers Prairie Vill. Parkers Prairie Vill, Urbank Vill. Urbenk Vill, Aastad Aastad Aurdal Aurdal Carlisle Carlisle Buse Buse Dane Prairie Dane Prairie Elizabeth Twp. Elizabeth Twp. Elizabeth 1111. Fergus Falls Twp. Fergus Falls Twp. Orwell Orwell Western Western City City City City City City 01ty City City The petition of Morgan Jorgenson and Clifford A. Nelson to be set over from District r 201 to District f 48 were taken up for final action and after discussion upon motion the petition was iaid over for future consideration. The petition of Harold Eckert to set over the SEJ..NE,1 and Lot 2 Section 10 Township of Dead Lake from District# 223 to District I 239 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the County Board March 10, 1948, at 10 o'clock A,M,, and that due notice o.f the ti:ne and place of said hearing. be given as required by law. The petition of Harm J. Meester to set over the s½ NE~SE+ and the East 12 acres of Lot 6 in ~ec- tion 36 in the Township of Lora from District T 164 to Distrlct # 260 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the County Board March 10, 1948, at 10 o'clock A, M,, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law, The petition of Carl "W. Christensen to set over the E½MW¼ section 24 in the Township of Oak Valley from Die~rict #·91 to District# 77 was read and it was ordered'that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the County Board March 10, 1948, at 10 ~•clock A,M,, and that due notice of the time and 9lace of hearint be given as required by law. The pet i Uon · of Everett Matti to set over the NE~·SW¼ and svsw7 SE+NW'· and tract 1 rod by 79 rode on the West side of SW' NE¼ in Sect ion 17 Township of Newton was read and it was ordered that a hearing on ~ aid petition be had at the session of the County Board March 10, 1848, at 10 o'clock A,M., and that due otice of the time and place of hearing be given as required by law. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for the purchase·of one 1 to 1½ ton ruck with canopy type body and dual tires in rear. Also one 3A4 ton truck, Bids should include trade in llowance on 1936 Ford Tudor, bids to be opened at the session of the Board to be held tebruary 11, 1948 rt 2 o'clock P.H. t'f COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..... Januar.v .. 7 ......................................................... 19 _48 The following bills were allowed: J. C, Henkes M, c. Lee Edward C. :i)rews J. d. Henkes. c .. J, Luna.; M, 1). H. W. Glorvigen Elsie Pederson Nelson Cafe Runningen Cafe Elton Hotel & Restuarant Fr'11nk Ci. Barnes Remington Rand, Inc. Burroughs AddinR Machine co. Security Envelope Co. panama Carbon Co, Nelson Bros. Prtg, Co. Security Blank Book & "!:'rtg. Co. Poucher Prtg. &: Litho. Co. Miller Davis Co. Securit,v Blank Book,\: Prtg. Co. Georgrphical Pub. co. .raps-Olson co. R. A, Henning Gaf·Paneys Of~ice Specialties Co. Frankoviz Hdllie. united c:Ihemica.l Co. The Parawox Co. Blikstad Xilde Co, Marlin Reynolds Fergus Dlass &: Paint Co. Hintgen Z:arst Beall & lilc Gowan Fergus Plumbing&: Heating Co. Carl Jahn, Deputy Oren Fosse Louise Standahl H, w. G.lorvigen L.B. Fink H, w. Glorvigen Monroe Calculating Mche. co. Thomas o. Nelson J. D. Lightfoot N, W. Bell Tel, Co, N, W, Bell Tel. Co. H. A. Rogers co. Skogmo Motors, Inc. Thelen Implement Co, Christianson Welding Shop Henry Holmgren Larson Bros. Dalton Garage Simon .llirickson Mr~. Margaret Aldrich Hubert Lill Garman !c Beach Mark Sand &: Gravel Co. Vill, of New York Mills Merchants Hotel Mrs. John Peterson Minn, State Highway Dept. Fergus Service Station D. A. Lubricant Co., Inc. H, JC. Stahl Co. Park Region Co-op 011 Co. Minnesota Motor 0ol Fred A. Everts Davenport Dessler Corp. R,vmond Bros. Transp. co. N. W. Bell Tel. Co. Vill. of Perham N. W. Bell Tal• Co, Iver ICeski taio George Y/icker A, Glorvir,en Town of Amor Town of. Hobart Town of .l:luse Bruce '.'ub Co. Bert Stone Bert Stone George lle.nson Geo. B. Gund.erson Yalmer Karvonen c. R. walker Natl •• ,Bushing &: Parts Co. Lake ~egion Motor Co. sheriffs expenses expenses dep. sheriffs expenses bd. of prisoners coroners fees board -of audit• transcripts llieals for jurors meals for jurors meals for jurors municipal court fees supplies · ribbon env.elopes carbon printing assessment books sup·plies supplies blanks&: supplies books and supplies supplie!l blanks ribbons supr.,lies su~plies supplies snpplies coal hauling ashes supplies supplies&: repairs supplies repairs dep. sheriffs fees dep. sherif~s fees postage postage & Lock Box check writer driver's license expense main · plats re pairs etc. calls calls supplies re·pairs re·pairs repairs repairs· repairs repairs gravel gravel gravel gravelling crushing & loadinr. garage rental room board & room inspections gasoline oil oil grease tire coal shoes freight services# 39 Battle Lake water long distance cash advanc·ed ex"!)enses expenS!'S grading grading grading & gravelling supplies for Co. Nurse expenses expenses expenses expenses expeases coal parts\: suppliP.S repairs 55.44 26,46 2.70 261.50 19.30 20.00 4.20 21.53 55.52 10.90 36.35 67.130 .60 52.11 4.62 4,85 2.547.05 19.76 42.89 160.50 19.50 8.00 1.80 1.00 25.87 28,45 7.15 472.25 20.00 18.38 183.fiS 18.75 13.34 25.94 13.65 75.00 46.50 88.88 43.35 19.50 140.00 5.30 40.50 48.60,,,,-- 47.26 11.35 73.46 10. 75 25.55 54.95" 5.34 126.23 99.05 387.17 1,752.00 18.55 90.00 12.75 14.35 68.88 22.74 172.26 21.45 9.00 45.00 26.55 65.00 19.90 24.60 16.00 23.05 29.22 18.20 101.35 300.00 300.00 301).00 14.72 10.50 1.00 10.80 8.40 7.90 22.99 88.28 20.25 if COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, · OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. Jnnunrs ... 7 ... -.. _ ................................... 19.~.~ .. IICPIID N!UIIICON Olson Auto Eleo. Co. Anderson & Tiohy Paper, Calmenson & Co. Armco Dralnage & Metal Prod, Inc. ff,·X• Stahl Co., E, A. Bloese Anderson & .. Sandberg Oil C"o. Hagge Oil co. ~erguEi 0\1 Co .• Servioe 011 Co. Underwood Len Syverson's . W. Lincol{l Shell Serv ioe So. ·Mill Standard Service Bill tfelson OH Co. Al Glorvi~en Clarenoe r.ood Victor Lundeen & Co. Minneapolis Dl~e Print Co. Empire Supply Co. Motor Inn Garage XU.lseth Supply Co. Geo. T, R.van Co. A. W. co., Inc. of Minn. W.nnesote. F. VI. D. co. Rosholt Equipt. Co, Cummins Diesel Sales Corp. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc, Smith Inc. Leaf take Twp. Oak Valley Twp •. Carlisle ir,,p. Pelioan Twp. repairs repairs steel culverts hydraulic oil diesel fuel diesel fuel gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline pas on cash advanced expenses s n!)plies supplies su!)plies supplies aupplies parts parts parts parts parts parts parts road YlOrk road work Brading grading Upon motion· the··Bo.ard then adjourned to 10 o'olock A. Ll. February 10, 1948. 22.06 16.25 73;47 1,064.60 25.45 74.00 1,116.37 113,(\)4 3.10 34.36 14,33 22.82 102.20 40.10 2.60 5.10 101.24 2!1-0.54 49.72 84.53 27.99 62,05 1,470.97 25!).88 749.05 474.02 864.58 300.00 300,00 300.00 300.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................................................................................ 19 ....... . B'.l.JlulJJf.HITJ{l U.r.:UUl'l.P::IDLJT:l ~ ~--~ - COMMISSIONERS RECORD .N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... :F'e bruar y .. 10 ············-···································l9 48. MI!nTTES OF A1>JOUR!l'ED r,tEETIHG OF BOARD OF COtnTTY COMMISSIOlJERS OTTER TAIL comrTY. MINNESOTA pursuant to adjournment -the Board met at 10 o'qlock A,M,, February 10, +948, ):'resent were commissioners Xarvonen, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg. Cigarette licenses f.or the calendar year 1948 were granted to the following: L, W, Stewart Pauline-P~.terson Clarence Sundblad F, J, Hilcoske E, w. Stierna Elnar A, Rytkonen Virgil Newberg Arvid Tenney Carl Johnson Lawrence Cook A. D, Wickham Elmer Xadel George Olson M, C, Ogard grocery coffee shop store Pleasure Park service station Homestead Service gtation Deist Store Highv,ay Park Store Almora Lyman Store Basswood Store Service Station Almora store Erhard Erhard Erhard Town of Otter T~il Town of Newton Tovtn of Friberg Town of Elmo Town of Maine Town of Carlisle Annual reports o·f salary and fees received by county officers during the calendar year 1947 were approved as follows: J, N, P.aagenson, Judge of Probate $3,633,28 -J, c. Henkes, Sheriff $4,178,45 - H, \'1, Glorvigeri, Clerk of Court $3,333.28 -William Lincoln, County ·Auditor $3,633.28 -P, 14, Ree,. county Treasurer $3,633.28 -P, A, Anderson, Register of Deeds, $3,633,28 -Yalmer Karvonen, County commissioner $1,058.48 -G~orge Gunderson, County Commissioner $1,051,48 -George Hanson, County Comm- issioner ll,053,_88 -Bert stone, County Commissioner $1,057.68 -c. :A, Snowberg. county Commissioner $1,048.28, George R, Falls appeared before the Board to request reconsideration of his petition to be set over from Dis·trict # 136 to District# 101, After listening to his statements upon motion it was ordered that the order of the County Board dated January 7, 1948, rejeoting said petition, be vacated and that a rehearing be had at the session of the Board·to be held at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House at 2 o'clock .P,1.f, March 10, 1948, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law, Upon motion the Highway Engineer was authorized to hire outside equipment for road work when necessary. Applications for reduction of assessment on personal property for the year 1947 as submitted by Christine Espeland, Lyndon F, Johnson, and Truman J, Theurer, all of Henning Village, wer~ read and after consideration upon motion all of said applications were laid over until the March meeting of the Board. The application of the Trustees of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of Nidaros for cancellation of tax for 1947 against Lots 16 and 17 in Block 4 of Vining was read and the Board recommended to the Comm-issioner of Taxation that the assessed valuation of $348 and tax of $52.91 be cancelled, The application of Lampert Lumber Company for reduction of assessment on personal property for 1947 in the City of Fergus Falls on the grounds tho.t reduct ion was made b.v the City Board 9f Equalization but that through an oversight notice of this reduction was not made to the County Auditors OfCice by the City was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of the personal pro"Oerty of said company be reduced from $4,731. to $3,659. and the taxPs from $792.40 to $612.85. · Applicatim of Jack Leaders, Ernest Leaders, and Arthur Leaders each asking for reduction of ass- essment for 1947 on 28 minli: assessed. in the Tovm of Otter Tail were read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessment fo~ mink against each of said parties be reduced from $126, to$70. assessed value and taxes from $12,93 to i1.18. The application of Frank Politiske for reduction of taxes for 1947 on personal property in the Town of Effington on .the ground _that aaid property was listed in the wrong school dis~rict was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the taxes be reduced from i42.45 to $~6.00 The application of Skogmo Motors, Inc, for cancellation of assessment for the year 1947 on Dodge Truck upon which 1947 license was issued v,as read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Tax- ation that such assessment be cancelled and that the assessed value of said company for said year in the City of Fergus Falls be reduced from $2,318 to $1,856, and the taxes from $388,24 to $310,86. The application of Frank Naegeli for reduction of assessment for 1947 on the NE¼ Section 30 in the Town of Western was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $1,571, to $1,257. and the taxes from $212,09 to $169,70. The application of Al Krohnfeldt for reduction.of assessment on personal property for 1947 in the Village of Parkers Prairie was read and the Board ordered the same returned to the pet it loner ·for the approval of the Village Board of Review, The a1lplicat1on of Carrie Mickelson for reduction of assessment for 1947 on the N 10 ft. of S 62.5 ft. of E 208,7 ft. of Lot ·1 Section 29 Town of Amor was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $37. to $6,00 and the taxes from $373 to $,60, The application of Owen Nyhus for classification of E½-of SE¼ of Section 26 Township of Leaf Lake for the year 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so class.lfied and the assessed value reduced from i734, to +440, and the taxes from $97.92 to $56.91 COMMISSIONERS -RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... J.e.br.uaJ:,y: ... lOt.h .. aid ... llt.b ................. 19 .. 48. The application of James Reeser for classification of Lots 6 & 7 in Block 16 of Finkel and White Addition to the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1947 at homestead rate was read end_the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assesseo value be reduced from.$612. to $383, and the taxes from $102.50 to $62,59, The applioatton of·Aug •. W, Grams for classification of N 50 ft. of Lots 4,5 and 6 in Block 5 of Corliss Addition t9 t·he City of Fergus Falls at homestead rate for the year 1947 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the the assessed value reduced from $948, to $693. and the taxes from $158.78 to $96,91, _ The application of Ernest E, Hepola for classification of NYr¼NE¼ of Section 25 in the Township of. Newton for the yea.r 1947 was read and the Board recommer:ided to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value be reduced from $290. to $174 and the taxes from $38.74 to !22.53. County Agents Carl R, Gustafson, ~a_vmond s. wolf, and Marilyn Swanstrom Sielin~ presented to the Board their annual reports of Count.v Extension Work. In the absence of Jud 1th Nord, Home Demonstration Agent for West Otter Tail County, her report was presented by Mr. Gustafson. Upon motion the Board adjourned to February 11th, at 10 o'clock ~.M. Y/EDNESDAY'S SESSION · Purauant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o' cl:ock ..i..M., Wednesday, ·February 11, 1948, all members being present. ·tJpon motion the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board were authorized to 'SiBn agreement ~ith the State of Minnesota for removal of gravel in county pit in Section 4 Township of Star Lake. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to notify Wright's Hospital that Otter Tail County will be responsible :~or care in the hoepi tal of the daughter of Robert Nygaard, a non-resident. A large delegation of citizens from Henninf' and vicinity ap9ee.red before the Board to urge improvement of road in the Township of Henning West of the Village. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the ·Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail Count,v, Minnesota. Whereas it appears that through an oversight the county Board at its January session fixed the second Tuesday in October as the dat.e for the monthly meeting of the .Commissioners, wµich date is a legal holiday, Now Therefore, be it resolved that the October meeting of said Board shall commence on Wednesday October 13, 1948. Adopted February 11, 194A. Attest: William Lincoln cierk The following resolution was adopted: Yalmer Karvonen Chairman Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota Whereas, State Aid Parkway# l has been designated on the roads lying adjacent to and within the property known as the Fergus Falls State Hospital, and Whereas, a portion of this parkway has been surfaced with asphalt cememt, and Whereas, it is necessary to treat this wearing course with a seal coat and pr.ovide far::o~l\a. .. repairs, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolveo, that a request be made to the State Board of Allotment for the maintenance of said State Aid Parkway in the amount as set forth below. For teal Coatinr and Repairinf! $2000.00. Adopted this 11th da.v of February, 1948. A-ttest: William ~incoln clerk The following resolution was adopted: Yalmer Karvonen chairman Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota, Whereas, the County of Otter Tai:J, appointed the Commissioner of Highwa.vs its ap:ent to let a con- tract for the oonetruction of a portion of State Aid Road No.5 under Centre.ct No.5293 and Whereas, said Contract No,5293 has in all thin~s been completed and the County Board being fully advised-in the presmisee, No,, Then Be It Resolved: That the Commissioner of Highways 'be and he hereby is advised that the work under said contract has bP.en performed and completed in an acce9table manner, that the final estimate now perpared for said work is tru. e, just and proper. Be it further resolved that the Commissioner of Highways be and he hereby is requested for and on behalf of the County to accept said work and pay said final estimate. Adopted this 11th day of February, ·1949, AttP.st: William Lincoln CJ.er.re Yalmer Karvonen . eliafrman --COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNT°Y, MINN. DATE ... E'ebruarY ... 11 th,········································-···l948 . . ..,,.-- The followi?ll i-esolution was adopted: Resolution by the Board of com.~issioners .otter Tail county, Minnesota Whereas, the county of. otter Tail appointed the Commissioner of. Highways its ar.ent to let a con- tract for the construction of a portion of State Aid Road rro. 1 u.nder contract No, 5294, and Whereas, said Cont re.ct No. 5294 has in all thinp.:s been completed and the county Board being fully advised in the premises, Now Then Be It Resolved: That the Commissioner of Hi,ghways be and he hereby is advised that the vrork under said contract has been performed and completed in an acceptable manner, that the final estimate how prepared for said 1vork is true, just and proper. . 'Be it further resolved that the Commissioner of Highways be and he hereby is requested for and on behal.f of the County to accept said work and pa,.v said final estimate, Adopted this 11th day of February, 1948, Attest: William Lincoln clerk The following resol11t1on was adopted: Yalmer Karvonen chairman Resolution by the Board of Commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Whereas, the County of Otter Tail appointed the Commissioner, of Highl'.'ays its agent to let a contract for the construction of a portion of State _Ud Road tro. 4 under Contract No.5368, and Whereas, said Contract No,5368 has in all things been completed and the County Board being fully advised in the premises, Now Then Be tt Resolved: That the c·ommiss ioner of Highways be and he hereby is advised that the work under said contract has been performed and completed in an acceptable manner, that the final estimate now prepared for said work is true, ;lust and !)ro1>er, Be it further resolved that the Commissioner of Highways be and he hereby is requested for and on behalf of the County to accept said work and pey said final estimate, Asopted thisllth day of. 'Februar,v, 1948. Attest: William Lincoln clerk The following resolution was adopted: Yalmer Karvonen chairman Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, ~innesota. Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted with George T, F.,van Company for one Lull Model 4A Shovel -Loader and whereas same has been delivered to and accepted by the County, Now Therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Boe.rd are authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,171.50. Adopted February 11, 1948. Attest: William Lincoln clerk The following resolution was adopted: Yalmer Karvonen <!hairman Resolved by the Boe.rd of County Commiss loners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota .• Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted v,i th E". D, l,torrill for grading County Job # 46 ;08 and whereas same has been completed and accepted by the Engineer and a committee of this Board, Now Therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund o·f the County in the sum of $1,042.32, the balance due according to the Enp.ineer's Certificate. Adopted Febrne.ry 11, 1948. Attest: Willie.m Lincoln clerk Yalmer Y.arvonen Chairman I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... F'ebruar3 11 th··································-·······19 .. ~B. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the. Board of County Commissioners of Ot~er Tail County, ~innesota. Whereas this Board has herP.tof.ore contracted with H, D, Morrill for grading County Job f 46;10 and whereas same has been completed and accepted by the Engineer and-a committee of this Board, Now Therefore, be it rPsolved that the Countv Auditor and Chairman of. the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Brldre Fund of the County in the sum of $708,74, the balance due according to the Engineer s Certificate. Adopted February 11, 1948. Yalmer Karvonen Attest: William Lincoln died . Chairman The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners Otter ~ail County, Minnesota. That the sum o:f $100,00 be and the same is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to Fergus Falls -Otter Tail County Safety Council. Adopted February 11, 1948, Attest: William Lincoln Clerk Yalmer Karvonen Chairman Bid :for trucks as advertised for by the County were opened and read and re·presentatives o:f the various companies submitting bids were heard relative to the merits of their machines. After·consider- ation the bid of A. B. I{ilde for one Suburban GMC truck for $1,740.27 was accepted. i'he Board also accepted the bid of Minnesota Motor Company for one -1 Ton Chevrolet Truck with DeLuxe Cab for il,438.9C. The County Auditor presented to the Board ·his statement of receipts a.nd disbursements o·r the County for the calendar year 1947. This statemP.nt was approved by the Board. The following bills were allo1ved ·: J. c. Henkes ii!., c. Lee J. c. Henkes Dr. E, c. Hanson C. J, Lund, M, D, Dr, J. J, Warner Frank c. Barnes Elsie P!!derso,n Curtiss 1,000, Inc. county School Off.ice Supply Co. Poucher Prtg. ~ Litho. Co. Panama Carbon Co. Globe Gazette Prtg. Co. Remington Rand Co. Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Ugeblad Pub. Co. Ja'Os Olson co. Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Poucher Prtg. & Litho Co. Poucher Prtg. & Litho Co. Miller Davis Co. Fritz cross Co. Miller Davis Co. Security Envelope co. Jones & Kroeger Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. N. VI, Pub. Co, Pelica-n ~apids Press ThP. Independent Hennin~ Advocate Perham Enterprise Bulletin Fergus Journal Co. Hintgen Karst ElPc. Co. Johnson Furniture Co. Odin Johnson National Bushing & Parts Co. Johnson Service co. Holten Hdwe. Fergus Lumber & Fuel Co. sheriffs expenses dep. sheriffs expenses boarding prisoners dep. coroners fees coroners fees dep. coroners fees municipal court fees transcript envelopes school supplies blanks supplies supplies supplies records printing etc. supplies books and binders folders supplies blanks supplies & blanks blanks and supplies envelopes blank books sup·plies pub. tax lists publishin~ tax lists pub. ·tax lists 'OUb, tax lists onb. tax lists publishing fixtures~ extra work repairs extra work supplies repairs mower etc. coal 64.96 19.81 406.50 12.45 83.40 11.45 16.70 4.80 36.83 112.59 33.94 4.62 9.16 282.60 93.09 5.50 20.56 i56.02 3.12 121.57 11.90 22.47 109.26 27.38 261.91 353.18 269.80 303.40 201.40 182.20 272.60 199,00 451.03 2.95 160.00 .70 10.01 292.27 538.20 r COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, 'OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... r..e.b.r!HU'.Y. ... l.l.t.h .......................... _ ....... 19.1&. (Bills continued) Fergus Paint Co. · N. w. Bell Tel. t:,o. N. W. Bell Te1. co. ,loseph Rayner John L. Logan Joseph Rayne~ sr. P.A. Anderson Johnson Drugs H. W. Glorvigen Park Machine Co. Marchant Cal. Machine Co. A. B. Kilde IJo. Burroughs Adding Mche. Co. Lowry, Stang, & Olson, Inc. c. F. Anderson, Co,, Inc. Helen Jane Baer Hattie G. Henning Otto A. Tjaden Consumers Food Market Dr. w. o. B. Nelson A. A. Vollbrecht West Pub. Co. Mason Pub. co. Town of Fer~us Falls Town of Lida Town of Hobart Town of Elmo Village of Vlninr, Glen Lake San. Division of Public Institutions Dre. Lewis & Lewis Glen Lake San Johnson Furn! ture Co. Minnesota State San. Bill Nelson Oil Co. Fergus Oil Co, Motor Inn Garage Pe1·ham Co-op Oil Co, S. Jc F, Oil Co. Bill's Service Station Park Region co-op Oil Co. Dalton Oil co. Mills Oil Co. Lyman Store, L. c. Cook Hoot Lake Ice & Gas Co. Highwa.v Co. Carlson Oil co. Ray's Oil Co. Fergus Service Station Thelen Implement Co, Consumers Oil Co. Battle Lake Farmers Co-o·o Oil co. Harthun & Peterson Oil Co. D. A. Lub1•iuu.11t Co., Inc. H. Y.. Stahl Co. E. A. Bloese Hagge Oil Co. Penrose Oil co. Anderson & Sandberg Oil Co. ~innesota State Hip.hway Dept. Keuffel & Esser Co. Japs.:.01son Co •. Poucher Prtg.& Litho. Co. Miller Davis Co. Victor Lundeen. & Co. N. W. Bell Tel. Co. Heinola Tel. Co. Pelican ~el. Co. N. W. Bell Tel. Co. Bernard Downing D. M. Wheeler . A. llorvlgen A. Glorvlgen . A. Glorvigen . Clarence Rood George V/lcker. Pad.dock Twp. Newton Twp. Dunn Tw·p. Elizabeth Twp. Larson Bros. Aune Bros. Minn. ?Aotor Co. F. Falls Skogmo Motors, Inc, M. J. Schmitz & Son Henry Holmgren Independent Seed, Feed & Grain Co. Barta -!c Baenke The Leather Store Vlll. Blacksmlt~ supplies calls calls dep. sheriffs fees dep. sheriffs fees dep. sheriffs fees postage suppll~s sheriff. drivers license exp. lamps - maintenance services paper bond prernlum supplies county nurse SUJlplles county nurse expense county nursing board services supplies services at jail bond premium digest anotations !c digest co.re o·!' poor co.re of care of care or care of care of care of exam poor poor ooor poor patient inmates co.re of patient files co.re of patients gasoline, tires, etc, gas, oil etc. gas, etc. gas etc. gas etc. gas gas gas gas gas gas gn.sollne gas gas gos gas etc. gas gas oil oil oil diesel -!'uel diesel fuel etc. diesP.l fuel inspectiorJ.s supplies supplies forms supplies supplies Battle Lake I 39 ~ervices services services long distance ff 3649 F. F. cash advanced cash advanced cash advanced envelopes expenses expenses expenses p.rad ing grading grading grading repairs tire & re!.)airs repairs re9airs supplies repairs reµairs \Velding repairs repairs 75.00 15.30 29.76 30.33 4,20 9.81 53.00 67,67 29.05 21.01 35.00 19.83 12.49 7.50 22.06 11.37 24.70 3.00 12.48 7.00 45,00 27.00 12.50 175.26 380.82 !332.43 194.10 510.09 209.77 306.33 12.00 209.72 76.29 262.26 427. 25 595.70 85.37 22.58 138.64 12,85 20.96 267.48 5.37 7.28 8 .18 11.51 30.90 20,43 13.95 248.12 42.79 64.88 14.25 259.38 107.60 999.22 121.01 34.60 30.38 8.97 3.15 17.68 12.95 9.15 37.10 7.90 4.10 21.85 3.64 6.26 46.05 150.00 96.80 9.75 . 18.35 300.00. 300.00 300.00 300.00 190.85 270.42 116. 73 4.50 73.46 26.90 20.10 5,75 4. 25 3.00 Jb COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... .F..e.b.rll&r.,ll .... ll ...... _ .. _ ................................... 19 .. •H!. Coast to Coast Store Henning Savolainen Blacksmith Shoo Olson Auto ElP.c. Co, · Bennie Rossum Vaughn Chevro!et Co. Ehnbom Motor Co, Vergas Motor co. R, J. Schmidt; 'Perham Mo Dunn Farm Store Fergus Nash Motor Co, A, B, Kilde Co·. E. J. Johnson C, H. Bjorklund Body Shoo Askerooth !le Jo·hnson Anderson & Tic·hy Red Arrow Garage • Waterhouse ImplemP.ht Co. Heinola Farmers Co-op Assn. Dalton Ge.rage . Service Reoor~er Co, Erickson Brake Service Smith Im1>lP.ment. Henning Mills Motors · Rosenwald Cooper Co. The Williams Hdwe Co, Naz-Dar Company Minneapolis Iron Store Empire Supply Co, Frankovii Hardware Natl. Bushing !le Parts Co, Holten Hardware Edgetown Lumber Co, The Adelsman Co. P. X, M. Company Xnutilla ImplemP.nt Co, Ebersviller Implement Co, Wilcox LumbP.r ·co., Verge.a Ebersviller's Pelican Raoins Vergas Hardware · Kno·.l'f Peterson Hdwe. Co. Harry Marquard Gamble Stores, Alden Peterson Gambles Dalton Dalton Lumber Co, Paper. Calmenson & Co, Schultz Bros, Les IDire Serv~ce W, F, Smith Tire !le Battery Co, Whitlock Weld L·np. Service Lampert Lumber Co,, Wadena Great Western Laboratories Christ Stephenso-n Fargo Foundry ,Co. Hauck M·~g. Co. Nulph' s Dray · Rodekuhr Bros. Haugen !c Mark Vill, of Henning N, P, Railway Co. The Farmers Supply The Utility Feed Mill P, H, Gust Elevators Underwood Fred. A, Everts• Tesch Lumber Co. P, H, Gust Elevators Vergas Vill. o·f Battle Lake Vlayd & Clara Hajny Clifford Shel Arvo 3elto Henry Peterson 'Fred Stinar Midian L, Fraki B, c. Neas Frank Hunter Thor Thorson Minnesota F, w. D, co. Cummins Diesel Sales Corp, Rosholt Equipt. Co. The GeQ.T, Ryan Co. Wm, H, Ziegler Co,, Inc. A,~. Co,, Inc. of Minn. Smith, Inc. J. W, Ralph Eq,uipt. Co, Motor Patrol Ass-n., Henninp: Mahler & Strau-s Nidaros Twp. repairs repairs repairs re!)airs re·pairs repairs repairs repairs repe.i rs repairs repairs re.pairs repuirs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs re11airs repairs supplies- supplies supplies supplies supplies supp:j.ies supplies~ parts sup·plies supplies supplies su!)plies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies steel culverts tire repair .tires welder lumber soao stove tank Sc pump steam thawer drayage towing equipt. rental garar;e rental freight coal coal coal coal coal coal water fill right of wa,,v p.ravel gravel gravel gravel gravel gravel gravel parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts road work -- 19,10 112,45 61 ,66 55,35 3.74 6.11 35.87 15.50 9,06 1.75 19,00 17,20 13.00 36,42 35,00 37.28 72.95 1.87 11,26 17.12 20.00 4,80 42.10 34,00 291.48 8.66 58,03 256,41 14,70 152,48 25,50 12,16 29.52 13,76 13,45 8,40 11,53 18,78 27.19 9,73 12.52 22.28 4,87 7,56 1,443.21 426,51 5,75 24fl.62 762.50 47,03 41.77 7.25 71.25 240.92 6.45 5.00 497.00 30.00 7.56 63,45 48,98 32.60 33 ,58 40.66 97,25 3.85 15,00 49,50 2.10 6,93 8.40 528.19 26.25 8,61 4.90 570.98 1,120.39 179,26 295.58 1,443,63 462.26 372,24 706.00 96.68 202.59 300.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY .MINN ,• • I • ' • (Bills continued) Farmers co-op Oil Assn. Mills 011 Co, Henn i ntz 011 co • Glen R. Salte DATE ........ . church of the.Lutheran Bretheren of. America Park Region Oil co. Len Syversons Kumber's Harnesa Shop Leo savolainen Blacksmith Shop Thelen Implement Co, Elmer Fletcher Cooperative Services. Inc. Ed, S, Graff Pelican Telephone Co. Wadena Generator&: Motor Repair Red Arrow Garage E, J. Johnson Fergus Journal Co. Burroughs Adding Mche, Co, Victor Lundeen&: Co, R, A, Henning Yalmer Karvonen Geo. B. Gunderson George Hanson Bert Stone Mabel Wenstrom Town of Otter Tail Al·fred T. Putnam Harry T, Burau W. H. Dev:ey Theo Hegseth Minn. State Sanatorium Town of Perham 1948·-··-·······················19 ..... . gas etc. gas. etc. gas etc. cabinet right of wa.v gasoline' gnsoliJile repairs repairs ref~irs &: garage rental supplies supplies insuranc:e serviues repairs repairs repairs publishing main supplies supolies exp: attd. meeting exp. attd. meeting exp, attd. meeting exp. attd. meeting expenses quarantine expenses exp. sup. meeting exp. sup, meeting exp. sup. meeting exp. sup. meeting onre of. patient poor expense Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A,M., March 9, 1948 • ..... ,,l\.tl~~/2- Clerk lt 63,60 14,00 102,83 215.38 7.50 275.74 83.35 12.05 24,15 34,70 31,21 4.90 11,13 6.30 17.50 2,75 75.65 117,80 194,90 42,22 2,85 7,90 7.70 25.80 7.00 28,61 111.00 23,10 12.10 16.80 18.20 236.88 139.83 MINUTr.:S O"F SP"':CHJ, MEto:TTNr. Ol" BOA.RD OF C01TMTY COMMISSTOUERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to call signed by all members of the County Board the Commissioners met at the Court House at Fergus Falls Monday March 1, 1946, at 10 o'clock A,M. to consider the necessity for securing additional snow removal equipment to open Otter Tail County roads. The Board having an offer from the County Board of Steele County for rental of rotary snow plow, upon motion the Board accepted .the offer and the County Auditor and High,:ay Engineer were authorized and directed to sign B{!reement with said County. Upon motion the Board then adjourned without date. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ Ma;r-0-h .... 9 ............................................................ 1948 .. MINUT"!':S 01!' AD,JOllRNED ME"':TTNC: OF THE BOARD OF COUMTY COMMISSICHl'EP.S • O'!'T.1!:R TAIL COU':fTY • MINNio:SOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M. Tuesday March 9, 1948. Present were Commiss loners Ka•rvonen, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and Snowi>erg. Cigarette licensee for the calendar year 1948 were granted to the following: Murray Burns Joseph D. Crouch Chester Habberstad Mrs. Anna Borup Verner K. Ramberg Rufus HUll Clifford M, Courneya Burnls Store Phelps Store Lost Lake Store Star La)f:e Store Ramberg s Maine Store Hull' e Landing Cliff's Rocky Bar Town of Maine Town of Maine !own of Maine Town of l,laine Town of Girard Tovm of Hobart Cigarette Licenses for the period from April 1st to December 31st, 1948 were granted to: William Tessendorf William E. Lee woodland Park Grand View Heights Town of Girard Town of Pine ~ake Cigarette Licneses for the period· from May 1st. to December 31st, 1948 were granted to: Phil Amundson Phil's Resort Town of Leaf Lake "On and off sale" beer licenses for the year commencin~ April 1st, 1948 were granted to: Virgil Newborg Arv ld Tenne,v l'lilliam Tessendorf. Phil Amundson William E. Lee Rufus Hull Clifford M. Courneya Carl Haufle Store Highway Park Store Woodland Park Phil's Resort Grand V-iew Heip.hts Hull's Landing Cliff's Rocky Bar Heilberger Lake Town of Friberg Town of Elmo Town of Girard Town of Leaf Lake Town of Pine Lake Town of Girard Town of Hobart Town of li'riberg Cigarette license for the period from March 1st to December 31, 1948 was also granted to Mr. Haufle. Dance permits for the year 1948 were granted to: Arvid Tenney William E. Lee Highway Park ·pavilion Grand Viev: Heights Dance permit for 1~48 using mechanical music only was granted to: Clifford M. Courneya Cliff's Rocky Bar Town of Elmo Town of Pine Lake Town of Hobart A plat of Clarissa Haven in Section 28 Town of Girard accompanied by a Certificate of Title executed by Henry Nycklemoe, Attorney at Law, was approved. Upon motion the Board approved the recommendation of the County Highway Engineer's Association of Minnesota to the Interim Highway Committee of a forty per cent ceiling on the percentage of rural highways outside of trunk highway systems that can be taken over by any county. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for rotary ty!)e snow plows, new or used either already mounted on truck or motor patrol or to be mounted on County owned equipment, said bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board to be held April 14, 1948, at 2 0'0100~ P.M. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for all types and sizes of portable culverts and bridp:e lumber, said bids fo be opened at the session of the Board to be held April 14, 1948, at 10 o'clock A.M. Upon motion the Count.v Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for the seasons requirements of cu~ting edges, said bids to be opened at the meetinr. of the Board to be held A!>r.il 14, 1948, at 10 o'clock A.M. The following resolution was adopterl: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners Otter Tail Couhty, Minnesota. Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted with Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. for one Allis ~halmers .. Model AD Motor Grader with snow plow and wing and Vlhereas same has been delivered to and accepted by the County, Now Therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized to isstie to said Compan,v a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $9,816.71, the contract prioe, Adopted March 9, 1948, Attest: William Lincoln Yalmer Karvonen Chairman , ___ _ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. i.larc b..9 ···············-··························-·······1948 .. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners Otter Tail county., Minnesota. Whereas this Board hae heretofore contracted with Rosholt Equipment Company for one# 512 Adame Motor Grader ,,i th snow plow and wing and whereas same has been delivered to and aooepted by the County, Now Therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to insue to said company a warrant on the Road and Brid~e Fund of the county in the sum of $9,464.75, the contract price. Adopted March 9, 1948, Yalmer Karvonen tlhalrman Attest: __ W~i~l_l_iam;;.;.;.;._L_i_n_c_o_l_n __ _ Clerk , Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o clock A,M, March 10th, 1948, W":Dlfli!SDIY'S SP.~STIN Pursuant to adjournment the Boa~d met at 10 o'clock A,M. Wednesday March 10, 1948, all members being present. School Superintendents from various Villages of the County and the City of Fergus Falls were present to discuss the question of road weight limitation on school buses. The petition of Norris Krog to be set over from District# 109 to District# 247 was taken up for final action, After listening to the County Superintendent of Schools upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Uorris Krog a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 109 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District tfo. 247 and asking that. he with his said lands may be eet off from said district no. 109 to said adjoining school district No, 247 was presented to the Board of County commissioners of this Count,v at a session of said board held on the 11th da,v of l!'ebrua:ry A,D, 1848 for the action of said board thereon; and wherP.as it was therPupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be ~ad on said petition, at a session of said board on the 10th day o~ March A, D, 1948 at the county Auditor·s 0:l'fice in the City of Fergus "Falls in said county: and 1"1hereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public ola.ces in e"ch of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by ma.ilinr, to the clerk of. e1wh of. said School Districts, a. copy of said order at least ten da..vs be.fore the time appointed for such hearing: and whereas at th11 said session of the said Boe.rd of County Commissioners on said 10th day of March A, D, 1948 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the oetitioner, and said Boa.rd beill@ of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Lots 3 & 4 in section 7 Township 133 Ranf1! 41 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 109 to said adjoining School Distriot no, 247 and said lands are hereb,v ma.de a part o-f.' said last namP.d School District for all purooses whatever. B.v order of the 13oe:rd of. Cou.nt.v Commissioners. Dated the 10th day of March A. D, 1948. Attest: William Lincoln county Auditor-; and -ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Anton Sand to set over tract in Section 31 Town # 240 to District# 44 was taken up for final action. After listening Schools and after full consideration the petition was rejected. . . .Yalmer Karvonen Chairman of the ioard o~ ~ounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota of Corliss from Sohool District to the County Superintendent of The petition of Eyerett Matti to be set over from District # 261 to District if ':/'I was taken up -for final action. After listening to the statements of the County Superintendent of Schools and e.fter full consideration upon motion the petition W6S granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Everett Matti a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 281 in this County, representing that he is the owner.· of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District., and a.djoinF School District No, 47 and asking that he with his said lands may be set o~f from said district no, 281 to said adjoinin~ school district no, 47 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 7th day of JenuaryA,D, 1948 for the action of. said board thereon; and v1hereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a sesslon of said board on the 10th day of !:,larch A, D, 1948 at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in the C1t,v of. "Fergus Falls 1.n said County; and wbe~eas it was further orderd in and by said order that notice of the time and place.•of such hearing be p:iven by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Joe.rd of Cou-nty Commissioners on said 10th day of March A, D, 1948 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directP.d and re(Jnired, more then ten da.1·s prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with ever,vthing which 1vas said b,v said interested parties for or against grantinp. the prayer of the peti"tioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hP.rP.by ordered and determined that the said petitioner COMMISSIONERS RECORD N OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. . ' DATE ...... Mar oh ..... 9 ·········································-···············19 .. 48. and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: NE¼ of SW¼, 1 rd by 79 rds on W side of SW+ of NE+, S~· of sw~ & SE{ of NW~ in Section 17 Township 135 Range 37 be and the same are hereby set off from said School.District No, 281 to said adjoining Sohool District No. 47 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named SohoOl District f.Or all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County commissioners. Dated the 10th day of March A. D. 1948. Attest: William Lincoln county Auditor and ex-officio Clerk of Board. Yalmer Karvonen chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, .iilinnesota · · The pet1 t ion of Harm J. Meester to be set over from District ff 164 to District .,,. 26.0 was taken up for final action. Af.ter listening to the statements of the County Superintendent of Schools and after full consideration the petition was granted and the Board issued the follo~ing order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Harm J. Meester a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 164 in this County, representin~ that •he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District. ·and ad1oin School District No. 260 and askin~ that he with his said lands me.y be set off from said district No. 164 to said adjoining school district No, 260 was presenter-to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 7th da,v of January A. D. 1948 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered~ by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 10th day of March A, D. 1948 at the County Auditor's· Office in the City of Fergus Falls in said county: ahd whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be aff- ected by said petition, and bj mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said ordEr at least ten days before the time appoin.ted for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the sale Board of County Commissioners on said 10th day of March A. D. 1948 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required' more than ttn days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered b,\' the Boa.rd with ever.vthing which \Vas said b.v said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner and said Board b,. ing of opinion that said peti t1on should be granted·, it is here bl• ordere"' and determined that the s!id petitioner and the following descrioed lands owned by him, to-wit: ~i of NE¼ of SE¾ & East 12 acres o·, Lot 6 in Section 36 Township 136 Ranp,e 41 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 164 to so.id adjoining School District No. 260 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 10th.day of March A. D. 1948. Attest: William Lincoln Cou-nt,v Auditor and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The following resolution was adopted: Yalmer Karvonen Chairman of the Board of county Commissioners of Otter T8 il County, ~innesota Be it resolved by the county Board of the Count.v of ot•·er T!lil of the Sta':e of Minnesota: Th11-t because of deterioration due to rain, snow e.nd usual spring climatic conditi~ns thi ro~~s 1 herrn:fter described will be seriously damap,ed umless restrictions are imposed as to weight o ve ices o e operated thereon, · • t· f hi 1 s uoon anw of the Now Therefore No person shall operate any vehicle or combina ion o ve c e . -~ • county roads in the C~unty of Otter Tail and State of Minnesota desoribed_as follows,2io2~1i~. 28 29 state Aid Roads l.,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,Y, 10, 11,12,13, & 14 and County Aid Roads 24, ~ , , -, , • 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ,40.CU ,42 ,·43 0 44 ,45 ,46 ,47 ,48 ,49 ,50 ,51,~2,53,54 ,55 ,56 ,57.,58,:>9, 60,61: and 62 d •1 • ·the per1o4'fr~m the.20th of March 1948 to the 15th day of May, 1948, where the gross weight on aur ~ngle axle as c!efined in Minnesota statutes 1945 Seo. 169.83 exceeds three ton :(:6,000 pounds)_ and tF' E ineer of said county is hereby directed and authorized to erect and maintain signs plainly 1~:io~i the prohibitions and restrictions above at each end of that portion of any highway aff~cted thereby.~nd these restrictions shall be effective and this prohibition effective upon such erection and maintenance of such signs. Adopted this 10th da.v of March, 1948. Attest: William Lincoln clerk The following resolution was adopted: Yalmer Karvonen Chairman of Otter Tail County Board Resolution by the Board of county Commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Whereas, State Aid ParkWay # 1 has been designated on the roads lying adjacent to and within the property known as the Fergus Falls State Hospital, and Whereas a portion o~ this parkway has been surfaced with asphalt cement, and Whereas: the state Hospit•al· an4 the Division of Public Ins ti tut ions desire to surface the re- maining-portion of State Aid Parkway# 1 · Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that a request be made to the State Board of Allotment in the amount as set forth below: For base preparation and bituminous surfacing $9,761.00, Adopted this 9th day of March, 1948. Attest: William Lincoln clerk Yalmer Y.arvonen Chairman u COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... tlarch .. 10·····-··········································-·······lg48. V Sl,951 to i1,6l8 and the taxes from ?324.57 to ~266.18, The application of' r.,vndon .I!'. Johnson for reduction of assessment of persons.l property in Henning Village for the year 1947 wes read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner o:e Taxation that the assessed value of said personal property lie rec1uoed from i695 to ..,595 and the taxes from $104.33 to -IP86.80 The application of Vernon v. Johnson for reduction of assessment of personal property ln "ennlng Village for the year 1947 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said personal property be reduced from $400 to $267 and the taxes from $70.14 to $46,82, The application of Al Krohnfeldt for reducti.on of assessment for 1947 on personal property ln Parkers Prairie was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said personsl property be reduced f.rom ...-800 to ij420 and the taxes from $114,52 to .,,i60.12. The application fo 'Rerluf A. Jensen for classification of wt Section 36 To·::nshlp of Huse for 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board rrco~~ender to the Commissioner of Taxation that said lend be so classified and the assessed value reduced frorn ~2, 772 to 'ir2,239 and the taxes from $8,:8.20 to ~261,84, The appllcati on of Ha.vmen J. Hanson for olassl flcation o." SW~ Section 24 Township o.e Dead Lake for 1947 at homestead rate waci read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of '.raxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $1,148 to ~689 and the taxes from ~211.92 to 8124,39. The application of Ralph Lillemoen for classification of s~ SF.f ex 1 ac. school Section.29 Township of Buse for 1947 ·at homestead rate was read and the Board recommender to the Commissioner of Taxation that so.id land be so classiflee and the assessed value reducea from ~l,076 to ~645 and the taxes from $115.35 to $69.14, The application of William F. Haman for classific1Jtlon of. ~lb Lots 1.2,3,//c 4 Section 32 and Sub Lot A of Section :n inTownship of Blowers "or 1947 ot homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so clasRi f.ied and the assess er' valfle reduced from .. 1,183 to $710 and the taxes from ~178,16 to ~104,04. The application of Sanford Lysne for classi f.icat i.on or r,ot 9 and s~ SV-of Section 4 and SIV1·Sl'li of Section 31n the Township of st. Olaf for the year 1947 at homestead rate was read and it appearing to the Roard that the applicant did not ~arm this land during the year 1947 and therefore was not entitled to homestead class! fl cat ion upon motto11 the petition was re .1ected. The appli~ation of Thorsen Motor Co. for reduction of personal property in the City of Fergus Falls for 1947 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value o~ said personal propP.rty be reduced from i4,615 to ~3,722 and the taxes from ~772.97 to ~623,40. The application of Dr, If. G, Jtourtinsen for reduction of personal property in the City of Fergus Falls for 19~7 was read and the Board recommended to the ~ommissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of $88 and the tax of$14.74 be cancelled. The application or Dr, /le Mrs. Ward Akester for' reduction of personal property in the City of Fergus Falls for 1947 Wfl.S reed and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of $77,00 and the tax of $12,00 be cancelled, ' The application of Alden Peterson for reduction of assessment on personal property of thP. Gamble Store in Henning Ville.e:e for 1947 was read and the Board recom~ended to.the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said personal property be reduced from $1,448 to $1,167 and the taxes from ~253.91 to t204.63, · The application of Northwest Builders, Inc. for reduction of personal property in the City of Fergus Falls for 1947 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said personal property be reduced from $4,230 to $3,686 and the taxes from $708.48 to i617,36. ThP application of George B, Schmidt for reduction of assessment of personal property in the Township of Girard ror 1947 was read and the Count.v Auditor w.as instructed to return the application to Mr, Schmidt for the approval of the Town Board of Review and for additional information required by the County Board. The application of William F. Schnoor for cancellation of assessment for structures on lots 5 Ile 6 ex. E 25 ft. in Block 19 of Original Plat, Cit.)' o·r Fergus Palls for 1947 on the grounds that all structures were removed in the year 1946 was read and the Board recommended that said assessment be cancelled and the assessed value of said propert,\T be reduced from ~214 to SlAO and the taxes ·from $35.84 to 830,15, The application of Arthur Wages for classi·fication of Lota 7 to 12 inclusive in Block 1 of Frazee's 3rd Addition to Pelican Rapids for the year 1947 was rend and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from ij332 to $208 and the taxes from $55.74 to $28,65. The following bills were allowed: J, C, Henkes J, c. Henkes M, c. Lee J, C. Henkes Louise Standahl Mabel \'lenstrom Vill, of·ottertail Frank c. Barnes Dept. of Agre. Dairy&: Food Fuller :&rush co. N, W, Bell Tel, Co. Odin Johnson sheriffs expenses telegrams dep. sheriffs exp, bd, of prisoners expenses expenses quarantine expense municipal court fePs weed control supplies calls cash advanced for snow shoveling 56.94 9,54 22,41 169,50 4,80 11.10 92.25 74.20 217.50 23.77 32.90 42.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... "l,fa;r.o.h ... l0., ..................................................... 19 .. 4-8. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners, Otter Tall County, Minnesota. That the order of this Board under date of December 10, 1941, providing for licenses for sale of cigarettes be and the same hereby is rescinded, Resolved further that on and after January 1, 1948, no person shall sell directly or indirectly or by means of any device keep for retail sale, sell at retail, or otherwise dispose of any cigarettes or oip.:arette wrappers outside the limits o!· any orr,anized municipalit.v in Otter Tail County, Minnesota unless a licenses therefor shall first have been obtained from the Count.I' "Board o-" Otter Tail County as orovided in this resolution. ·· Application for such license shall be made to the count.v Boar.d on a f•,.m supplied b,I' th'e County. Such application shall state the full name and address of the applicant, the location of the building intended to be used by the applicant under such license, the kind of business conducted at such location and such other information as shall be require6 by the application form, Such application must bear the approval of the To,vn Board of the Township in which the applicant conducts his business. The yearly fee for such license shall be $12,00 and all licens~s will expire on December 31st next after issuance. For license less than one .vear the fee to be at the rate of iPl,00 per month or fractinn thereof from the date of issuance of such license to the end of the calendar year. Such license shall not be transferable and shall be kept conspicuously posted in the place of business for which the license is issued and shall be exhibited to any person upon request. Every such license may be revoked by the Board of County commissioners for a violation of any provision of this resolution or of any of the State Laws relative to the handling and sale of any cigarettes or cigarette wrappers. Any person ~ho shall vllate ar1y provision of this resolution shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be ·punished with a fine not to exceed ~100.00 or be imprisoned not to exceed 90 days. Adopted March 10, 1948. Attest: Willi.am Lincoln Clerk . Yalmer Karvonen Cfiairii'ian The petition of Harold Eckert to be set over from District f 223 to District f 239 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the County Superintendent of Schools and after full consideration upon motion the petition was rejectea. Request having beP.i:i received by the Board. from Carl W. Christiansen to withdraw his petition to be set over from District# 91 to District# 77 upon motion the petition was taken up for final action and was rejected. A report of the Board of Audit of. the examination of. the current tax collections by the County Treasurer for the period from June 28, 1947 to January 3, 194A, showin~ a total of $409,403.99 collected and distributed to varions funds dnrinr, said period was arrproved. Helen Jane Baer presented to the 13oard a written statemimt of her activities as County .Public Health Nurse, Miss Baer also submitted the appointment of. Betty Braaten as half time clerk in the County nurse's Office at a salary of $60.00 per month. Upon motion the appointment was approved. The petition of Frank Thompson to set over the NE¼NE¼ of Section 3 in Township of Woodside from District I 236 to District 'f 173 was re£.d and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at 10 o'clock A.kl, July 13, 1948, and that due not ice of the time and place of said !".earing be given as required by law. The petition of Ina D, Wells to set over Lot 5 in Section 21 and Lot 6 Y/est of R. R, in section· 22 in the Township of Rush Lake from District if 128 to District # 272 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at 10 o'clock A,M, July 13, 1948 and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Charles Wells to set over Lot 6 in Section 21 Town of Rush Lake from District# 1>1 to District # 272 was read and it was ordered tha.t a hearing on ea.id petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at 10 o'clock A,M .• July 13, 1948'"11 and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required b,V law. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids"for cutback asphalt and road oil, bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A,M. April 13, 1948. The petition of George Falls to be set over from District# 136 to District# 101 was taken up for re-hearing. After listening to the petitioner ~n~ the County Superintendent of Schools and inter- ested parties who were present and after full consideration npon motion the petition was rejected, The application of Clara Skalman for reduction of assessment on personal property in Battle Lake Villap.e :!'or 1947 was read and the Boa.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed v.alue of said personal property be reduced from $664 to $400 and the taxes from $88.52 to w62.78. The application of Truman J. Theurer for reduction of assessment on personal property in Henninp. Village for 1947 wr,s read and the Board recommen~ed to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of so.id personal property be reduced from ;;,423 to $323 and the taxes from .,,,56.64 to ~39.10. The application of Christine Espeland for reduction of assPssment on personal property in Henning Village for 1947 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said personal property be reduced from $518 to $450 and the taxes from $73.3~ to w61.37. The application of Raymond 11. Runningen for, reduction of assessment or.. personal property in the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1947 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Tax- ation that the assessed value of said personal property be reduced from w4,242 to ~3 666 and the taxes from $710.49 t~ ij614,02, ' The application of Frank Steuart for reduction of assessment of personal property in Hennillf, Village under the hend of Henning Plumbing and Heating Co. for the year 1947 was read and the Board recommended to the Comm.lssioner of Taxation that the assesaecl value of said personal property be reduced ~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Odin Johnson Beall & Mo Gowan Co, Nyman Fuel co , Lampert tumber Co, Chas H ,. Hord Hillyard SaleR co. Duane C, Aune N, W, Bell Tel, Co, Remington Rand Inc. Japs Olson co.· Nelson Bros Prtg. r.o. Poucher Printing & Litho, co, Columbia Ribbon ~ Carbon Mfg. Co. Miller Davis Co. Victor Lundeen .~ Co. Per-hain Tribune Battle Lake Review Henning Advocate Fergus Journal Co, N. W, Pub. Co. Fergus Journal Co, Battle Lake Review Jol:n L, Logan Deputy Sheriff H, F, Hinze \Vm. Bahls R, A, Henning H, w. Glorvigen P, M. Ree Louise Stondahl A, B, Kilde Co, Mason Pub. co. State of Minnesota Robert G, Allison H, ·;7, Glorvigen Harold T, Swenson Post 612 V,F,W, Friden Calculating Mohe Co, Barke Allison Agency Glen Lake Sanatorinm Minn. State Sanatorium st. Mary's Hospital Town of Everts Fergus Falls Clinic Town of Henning Town of Newton Town of Nidaros Oren E, Fosse A, IY, Co,, Inc. of !llinn, The Geo. T, Ryan Co. Minnesota F, w. D, Co. Wm. H, Ziegler co., Inc. Rosholt Equipment Co. Klauer Mfg, co. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Mahler & Straus Smith, Inc. Mills uotors, Inc. Minn. Motor co. Larson Bros. Olson Auto Electric Service Recorder co. R, A, Olson Brogaard Garage Fergus Plumbing & Heating co. Les Tire Service John Kowalski Fort.7engler Elec. Shop Village Blacksmiths Fergus Mash Motor Co, Skogmo !llotors, Inc, Granrud Garage Nicols Dean~ Gregg Natl, Bushing 1 Parts Co, American Mercantile Co. Empire Supply Co, Army 'I: Havy Serv. Sunply Co. Gambles Dal ton Hintgen Karst Elec. co. Pen Art Transfer l'.K.M. Company Service Oil Co., Underwood Henning Hardware co. Wick's Garage coast to Coast Pel, Rapids Peper, Calmenson & Co, American Paint Co, Rosenwald Coo~er, Inc. w. F, Smith TirP. ~ Battery Co, DATE ...... March. 10 ·················-·······································1948. extra work supplies coal supplies- rent of staging sup·plies hauling oo.lls snpplies index tabs printing sup·plies carbon paper blanks~ supplies SU!)plies pub. notice pub. notice pub. note to taxpa,vers publishing pub. del tax list pub, ,,,,., tax lists pub. P~P: tax lists expenses dep, sheriffs fees dep. sheriffs fees supplles postage postage postage unloading annotations & digest statutes# 2683 skiis driver's license applications decorating gro.ves calculator insurance care of. ~atient care of' patient care of pati1mt poor expense exam poor expense poor expense poor expense dep, sheriffs fees parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts '!)arts parts repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs re·pairs repairs repairs repairs repairs reDairs parts~ supplies snpplies ~ parts snnolies s,uP~lies sunplies supnlies supplies supplies supplies supplies surrplies supplies supplies cutting edges paint tires tires 80.00 3.60 666,61 6,89 5.00 58.27 6,00 12,75 28.62 11,39 16,75 78,04 13,50 53,62 126,45 1.80 2.00 5,60 183,20 569.70 568-;60 163,00 6,96 14,10 57,32 10,35 31,50 25.88 57.12 5. 00 25,00 10,50 10.00 20,90 12,50 650,00 2,671,76 201.53 428,69 490,80 270,30 6,00 19,74 306,84 135,99 17,10 87,66 840,75 418,69 450,41 294,79 76,40 4,76 748,62 145,32 ll.25 119,85 276.50 17,64 16,47 5.60 15,90 3.26 3,50 ·2,00 4,00 34,30 53,65 40,45 9',50 123,04 56,84 60,00 983,58 29.19 7.58 40.16 5.00 8,02 7.95 18,45 8,60 9,42 364,16 71,40 280.78 260.70 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. March .10 ................................................... 19.48 . ittiiim RtiitiltWHii g,¢GWl1■iii.A.fii \V. F. Dri tley Pioneer Rim&: Wheel Co. Schmidt Iron Works Wilcox Lumber co., Henning Aale !,ahti Village of Dalton Vill. of. Henning Vill. of New York Mills Otter Tail Co, Fair Assn. City of Fergus Falls P. R. Gust Elevator Co. Vergas Fred A. Everts C.R. Walker Tesch Lumber Co. P.H. Gust Elevators, Underwood Joe M. Walz Hubert Buettner Ra.,vmond Sc Bros .• Transp. Co, D. A. Lubricant Co,, Inc. H, K. Stahl Co .• , E, A, Bil.oese Lueders Service Station Bill Nelson Oil Co. Fergus Oil Co. Harthun & Peterson•Oil Co, Carl Johnson High'llay Co, Park Region Co-op Oil Co. Joe Rouse Penrose Oil Co, Anderson&: Sandberg 011 Co. Hagge Oil Co, George Wicker Leon Hennagir· Eric Peterson Merchants Hotel N. w. Bell Tel. co. N, W, Bell Tel. Co. Keuffel & Esser Miller Davis co. Victor Lundeen Ile Co. M, A, Stortroen Agency N. E, Arneson.Ins. Ap.ency John G. Peterson Compton Twp. Town of Deer Creek Tovm of Girard Town of Aurdal Bengtson Oil Co. Farmers co-op Oil Assn. S, /I: F. Oil Co • Service Oil Co., Battle Lake The Farmers Supply Wallin Sc Johnson Ebersviller's A, Glorvlgen A, Glorv.lgen · Carl A, Sn9wberg Yalmer Karvonen George Hanson Geo. B. Gunderson Bert stone ,,_ A, Anderson Helen Jane Baer Bert stone tools rims windows lumber gravel garage rental garage rental garage rental gara!'e rental equi.pt. rental coal coal coal coal ooal service service freight oil&: grease Oil gas &: oil gas &: oil gas &: Oil gas gas gas gas gas diesel fuel diesel fuel diesel fuel expenses etc. cash advanced cash advanced room for crew long distance service# 39 Battle Lake supplies supplies supplies insuranc~ insurance insurance road work graven tnp. road work road work gasoline gasoline gasoline fuel oil coal fuel tank repairs cash advanced expenses cash advanced exp. attd, mtge. exp. attd, mtge. exp. attd. mtge, exp. attd, mtg. postap.e expense Co, nurse mileage 4 meetings co. bd, Upon motion the Board then adjourned to April 13, 1948, at 10 o'clock A,M. 12.50 39.60 105.00 8.35 2.80 45.00 90,00 90.00 225,00 1,119,88 47,75 141.91 16,65 122.64 36,85 2.00 3.00 57.21 545,40 22.88 3.3 8 104.70 434.61 39.39 19,27 8,96 425. 71 5.53 124.93 43.25 1,090.74 51,35 6.74 4,17 20.00 13,28 27.70 43.59 30.80 43.05 17,72 601.17 31,25 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 39,96 62,69 36,52 4.50 33,00 80.00 15.76 23.50 95,90 7,82 14,90 10,80 11.05 10.50 26.00 77,63 31,60 r I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... lp.r.il...l.3. .............. -....................................... 19 .. ~.~. IAUll■i Nlfflmlln MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETrnG OF BOARD OF COUl'lTY COl,UlISSIONERS 0~ OTTER TAIL COUNTY~ MINNESOTA pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M. Tuesday April 13, 1948. Pr,esent were commissioners Karvonen, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg. The Board having advertised for bids for road oil for the coming season opened the only ?id received being that of socoey-Vacuum 011 Company. After consideration the Board accepted the of·said compan,y for SC road oil at $0.1260 per gallon and MC outback Asphalt at $0.1290 per gallon and for RC cutback Asphalt at $0.1315 per gallon. A delegation of citizens from the Towns of Buse and Orwell appeared to discuss with the Comm- issioners the question of improvement of the Wendell Road. riuP. The Town Board of Elizabeth~appeared to request assistance in repairing or replacing bridge in said Township. Upon motion the Chairman and Clerk'were authorized to sign a petition for extension of water main in Parkers Prairie Village running past the County gara,i:e. Upon motion the Board authorized the transfer of Oliver Bjork to St. Mary's Hospital in Minneapolis for surgery. A plat of ~Evergreen Glen" in the Township of Star Lake accompanied by a Certificate of Title executed by P. A, Anderson, Abstractor of Titles, was approved, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners .of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted with Wm, H, Ziegler, Inc. for one Caterpillar Diesel # 12 Motor Grader ,:1th snov: plow and wa.ngs, and 11.hereas same has been received and accepted by the County, Now Therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said Company a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $10,186.31. the contract price. Adopted April 13, 1948, Attest: William Lincoln Clerk Yalmer Karvonen Chairman Upon motion the Board agre~d to pay $70.00 oer month commencing May let, 1948, for rental of Veterans Service Room in the City of Fergus Falls, this being sub.iect to the aoproval b,v the Attorney Genera.l of the legality of such action. w. J .• Buckley, County Surve.vor, filed written notice of his resignation on account of ill health. Upon motion the resignation was accepted, Cigarette licenses for the calendar year 1948 were granted to: Elro,v Backstrom Ed. H, Martinson Geraldine Y.remer c. S. Jensen Ernie Pederson Resort Carar-e Store Glass Bar Resort Town of Town of Luce TOWl'I of. Town of Maple1vood Amor Girard Star Lake Clarence Hewitt Leonard Fogard Roscoe c. Smith w. H. Jaeger Store Store Resort Boat House Town of Town of Town of Town of Amor Amor Dora Star .l.iake Cigarette Licenses for the period from April 1st to December 31st, 1948 were granted to: Virgil Anderson & E, J. Conrad Earl L.l\lacKenzie Resort Resort Town of Rush Lake Town of Amor Emil A, Madsen Resort Town of Everts 91garette licenses for the period from May 1st to December 31st, 1948 were granteci to: Arthur Abraham Joseph F. Bisson Limm-er Brothers Resort Resort Resort Town of Dora Town of Dunn Town of Rush Lake Ralph J, Cre1•1s Frank Hunter Spruce Lodge Resort Town of Star Lake Town of Dead Lake "On and Off Sale" beer licensr.s for the year ending Maroh 31st, 1949 were granted to: Roscoe C, Smith Resort w. H, Jaeger Boat House Frank Hunter Resort Arthur Abraham Resort Carl Johnson store Albert Januszewski Resort Jacques Hendrlcx Store Thomae R,Schweintei Resort Leonard X, Sewart Resort Perry G. Swenson Store Herman Weickert Resort Town of Dora Town of Ste.r Lake Town of Dead Lake To,m o·f! Dora TO\lffi of Elmo Town of. Perham Town of Butler Town of Pine Lake Town of Corliss Town of Dora To1m of Perham c. s. Jensen Ernie Pederson Ral'!)h J. Crews Anton Sand -Pine Ted Halvorson Virgil Anderson & E, J. Conrad c. C, Du Boie F. J. 'Rilcoske Limmer Brothers Glass Bar Resort Spruce Lodge Cabins Resort Resort Town of Girard Town of Star Lake Town of Str.r ~ake Town of Corliss To,m of Elizabeth Resort Resort Pleasure .rlesort Town of Rush Lake Town of Dead Lake Park TO\m of Otter Tail 'l'ovrn of Rush Lake Dance permits for the balance of the calendar year 1948 .were granted ·to: Herman Weickert Resort To.wn of ~erham Ralph J. Crews Sp:ruoe Lod~e :J.'own of Star Lake Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A,M·. W.edne.11p.ay April 14, 1948, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. Apri 1 .. 14 '·········-·······································19 .. 1:!?. WEDNESDAY'S SRSSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M, ~ednesday April 14, 1948, all members being present. Bids for grader blades as advertised for-by the Board were opened and read as follows: Wm. H, Ziegler Co, 8 in blade at $B56 per ft. and 6 in blade at ,.76 per ft. Paper, Calmenson & Co. 8 in blade at i. 94 per ft. and 6 in blade at ,6IJI per ft• Rosholt Equipment Co. 8 in blade at $1.08 per ft, and 6 in blade at ,78 per ft, ~~.;GM.,~~.;=,{.,_ ~ ~ ~ ~qi.~ • Bids for culverts and cftlvert material atf adfuti.sed for b,v the Board werb opened and read• Bids were received from Wheeling C<irrugatin/!" Co., Armco Drainage .'!, Metal Products, Inc,. Duluth Culvert Company, Wheeler Lumber Bridge & supply co~, Elk River concrete Products co., H, V, Johnston Culvert Co., and Twin City Cfonorete 1:'ipe Company, Upon motion all bids were accepted, The -petition of Nathan Lillis to set over the from District# 240 to District# 272 was reed and it et the session of the Board to be held July 13, 1948 of said hearing be given as required by law. w~ llW~ Sect ion 18 in the Towns hill of .nush Lake was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at 10 o'clock A,M,, and that due notice of ..,tp_!l..,..Hme The petition of Eugene Dale to set over the I1E-+SW¼ Sc SE-7-·N\V} of Section 18 in the Township of mush Lake from District # 240 to District # 272 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held July 13th, 1946, at 10 o'clock A,M, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law, The petition of c. O, Rortvedt to set over the S~Sl'I¼ ex. W 2 rds, of section 13 Township 133 Range 38 from District# 123 to District# 106 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held July 13th, 1948, at 10 o'olock A,M,, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law, A delegation of citizens from Dead J,ake and Rush Lake appeared to request oiling of roe.de in the vicinity of Richville, Complaint by twenty-five freeholders of the Township of Effington setting forth that road in the Township has been neglected by the Town Board was read and the following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Whereas complaint has been made to the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota, that the road hereinafter described, to-wit: 1, the said road along the following route as the center line thereof, to-wit: aeginning at the SE corner of the SWJ of Sec. 10, Twp, 131, Range 38, approximately where the !lorth Effington .,;hurch stands, thence northerly, and on the line between the said. SW-"-and the S~ of Sec. 10 to the midd.le of sad Seo, 10: thence due westerly on the line between said SW! of se.id Sec. 10 on the south and the Sa-oi' •the NW} of said Seo, 10 on the north and extendinfl westerly t.hrough the middle of Sec, 9 in said township; ana due west until it reaches the land of Archibald Benzinp,er, which will be to the SW corner oi' the SEt of the NIP---of said Sec. 9, thence due north to the north line of said Sec. 9, thence due 1vesterly on the section line between sections 9 and 4, up to and terminatin/!' at th~ point where sections 5,8,4, and 9 hnv a common corner, .or to the SW corner of Sec. 4, all in townshi~ 131, range 38, in said town; 2. the said road existing on the section line between sections 10 and 11 in said township, beg- inning on the south line of section 10 and 11. running thence due north from the section line between sections 10 and 11, a distance of three quarters of a mile, more or less, to the south line of the north one half of the northwest quarter of section 11, and running thence in northeasterly direct.ion across theNone half of the northwest quarter of section 11 at an angle of forty five degrees more or less, of the north one half of the northwest quarter of said section 11, intersecting said no1·th line one quarter of a mile, more or less, east of the northwest corner of section 11. has been neglected by the Town Board of the Township of Effington. Now Therefore, it is hereby ordered that a hearing on said complaint be had at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in Fergus Falls in said County at 1:30 o'clock n,1,1. Tuesday May 11th, 1948, at which time and place the Board will hear said complaint and all testimony which may be offered relative to said matter. Adopted April 14, 1948. Attest: William Lincoln clerk Yalmer Karvonen Chairman county Attorney Rosengren presentec to the Board proposition for settlement of poor claim of Itasca county against Otter Tail county, and upon motion he was authorized and directed to prepare proper resolution to be passed by the Board authorizing such settlement. -~------ I l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... A'.pril ... 14 ........................................................ JQ 48 IILUIIII Fii■li■-CUIF•■i, 11,CWUD, ■111,A'= The following resolution was adopted: Resolution by the Board of county Commissioners Otter Tail Count,r, Minnesota Whereas. the County of. Otter Tail appointed the Commissioner of Highways its agent to let a contract for the constructon of a r,ortion of State Aid Road Ho. 1 under Contract No. 5369, and Whereas, said Contract Uo. 5369 has in all things been completed and the County Board being fully advised in the premises, Now, Then, Be It Resolved: That the commissioner of Highways be and he hereby is advised that the work under said contract has been performed ahd completed in an acceptable manner, that the final estimate now prepared for said work is true, just, and proper •. BE It Further Resolved. that the Commissioner of Highways be and he hereby is requested for and on behalf of the County to accept said work and pay said final estimate. Adopted this 14th day of April, 1948. Attest: William Lincoln clerk Yalmer :Karvonen chairman Assignment of $25,000 of u. s. Government Bonds by Security State Bank of Deer Creek as security for deposit of County Eunds in said bank was upon motion approved. Upon motion the Board took a recess to 2 o'clock 0 ,M. "On and Off Sale " beer licenses for the year ending Llarch 31st, 1949, .were granted to: At Ten Mile Lake hesort Jack -'etersen c. J. Matthews At Western Store At Camp Balmoral Fred Schultz Donald H. Bondy At Bondy's Resort Town of Leaf Lake Cigarette licenses for the oil~ndar year 1948 was granted to: Jack Beterson At Western Store Cigarette license for the period :f.rom May 1st. to December 31st, 1-948 v:ere granted to: 'J)onald H, Bondy At Resort Town o~ Leaf Lake -Dance permit :or the ,vear 1948 was also granted to 1.lr. Bondy. Dance permit for the balance of the year 1948 and cigarette license for the period from April 1st, to December 31st, 1948 was was granted to C, J. Matthews at Camp Balmoral Cigarette license for the period from June 1st to December 31st. 1948, was granted to ired Schultz at Ten Mile Lake Resort. Upon motion the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board were authorized to sign agreement with the State Highway Department to take gravel from ·the county pit in Section 10 Town of Dead Lake. The Board having advertised for bids for new or used rotary snow plow opened the only bid received being that of Kens. Gold Company for one used Bros Sno Fighter Powered by Climax R 61 Power Unit-mounted on used Model !WD Model SV cab over engine truck at $9,500 delivered et Fergus Falls, After consideration The Board accepted •aid bid with agreement that accrued rental for the time it v:es in service in Otter Tail County ·' be credited to Otter Tail Counts· at the bid price, The application of John Y.ukowske, Jr. for reduction in the assessed value of real estate for 1947 against Lots 4 to 23, both inclusive, of First Addition to K, B, Beach in the To~~ of Corliss was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $640 to i320, and the taxes from $73.80 to J:36.86, The applioution of John Kukowske for reduction in the assessed value of real estate for 1947 agains Lot l of First Addition to K. B. Beach in Section 31 Town of Corliss was read .!l.lld the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $32. to $18 and the taxes from -ir3,69 to $2.07, The application of Guy c. Shaw for reduction in the assessed value of real estate !or 1947 against the NE~;.SE¼ Section 29 Tov:n of Yloodside was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $306, to $178. and the taxes from $41.80 to ~24,31. The ap·plication of the Edward Carlson Post American Legion for reduct ion in the assessed value of real P.Btate for 1947 against the East 20 feet of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3 Blk, l Soules Addition to the Villa~e of Deer Creek was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of. Taxation that the assessed value be reduced. from $480 to $360 and the taxes from ilOB. 94 to ii81. 70. The application of H. Carew for reduction in the assessed value of real estate for 1947 against all SE'-·SPJ1 lying S of Ry Section 23 Tovm of Deer Creek was read and the Boa.rd recommended to the Commission• r of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $600 to $5. and the taxes from $110.29 to e1.02. The application of F, E. Spanswick for reduction in the assessed value of real estate for 1947 ag- ainst the Si SE~ Seo. 2 and SWfSWA & Lot 4 Sec. l Town of Everts was read and the Board recommended to the Com missioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced. from $492 to $401 and the taxes from ~72.49 to $69,08. The application of A. D, Wickham for reduction in the assessed value of personal property for 1947 in the Town of Dead Lake was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the ass- essed value be reduced from $532. to. $340. and the t1;1.xes from $86.92 to ~68.41. The application of Lester 13, Mischke for classification of SE'·SW'-s,l SE'-NW1-SE* and NE¼SW~ 18 To•vn of Paddock for 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner ation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from ~774 to ~464 and the taxes $99.54 to $57.78. SectiOI of Tax from COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. April .. 14., ................................................. 1948 .. The application of John Isaacson for classification of NW¼?IB½ section 24 Town of Blowers for 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced ~rom $215 to 9129 and the taxes from ~28,47 to $16.55. , The application of c. w. ~·Irene F.l'ludson for classification of Lots 36 & 37 Lindenwood, Town of Leef Lake for 1947 at homestead ratP. was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced fr-om $679 to $434 and the taxes from $.89.94 to $54.48. . The application of Samuel c. Smith for classl.fication of South 125 ft. of w½ of Block 6 Thoelke's Addition to Richville for 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land·be so classified and the assessed value reduced from i341. to ~215 and the taxes from $50.77 to $30.86. The application of Andrew J. Johnson for classification of SE~ Section 30 Town of Corliss for the year 1947 at ho:uestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $1,022 to $613 and the tax0s from $117.73 to $68.12. The application of Andrew J. Johnson for classification of Ei W«¼ Section 30 Town of Corliss for the yea, 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduce·d from $1,014 to $892. and the taxes from $116.81 to $102.0l. The application of Eugene Dale for classification of NE¼SW¼ & SE3--NW¼ & Nt SE¼ Section 18 Town of Rush J,ake for the year 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $1,016 to $610. and the taxes from $132.29 to $76.89. The a~plioaticn of Silverberg Bros. for reduction in the assessed value of personal property for 1947 in the Villafe of Henning was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that• the assessed.value be reduced from fi298. to $253 and the taxes from $52.25 to $44.36. The application of Geo. B. Schmidt for reduction in the assessed value of personal property for 1947 in the To~'!'I of Girard was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be re~uced from $525. to $150 and the taxes from $52.50 to $15.00. The application of A. c. Mastrud for cancellation of tax on personal property in Battle Lake Village for the year 1947 on the ground that said property belonged in the City of Fergus Falls where it was assessed and tax paid was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said valuation of. $60, and tax of $9.42 be cancelled. The application of Minnesote. Motor ~ompan~• for eancellstion of tax on automobiles upon which 1947 licenses fees were paid was read and the Board recommended to thP. Commissi.oner of Taxation that the asses sed value of the personal propert.v of said comoan,1• be reduced from t:13,519 to $11,257 and the ta.xes from $2,264.30 to ~l,885.43. The application of Mrs. Leona Smith for classification of land in Section 9 TONn of Dead Lake at homestead rate for the year 1947 was read and it appearing to the Board that the entire tax on said land had been paid in full upon motion the application was rejected. Upo-n motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for sale the following road equipment. One -Galion Motor Grader (Industrial #20 Tractor) Location: Deer Creek, Minn. One -1936 Ford V-8 Truck: Location: Vergas. Monnesota One -1930 Model A. Ford Cuupe Location: Fergus Falls, Minn. said bids to be opened at the session of the board to be held Me,v 11th, 1946, at 2 O'clock P.M. · Motion to appoint A. Glorvigen as county Highway Engineer for the period commencing May 1st, 1948 was made and seconded and upon being put to vote of the Board the Chairman declared the motion lost. The following bills were allowed: J. c. Henkes J.1. c. Lee J. c. Henkes J. c. Henkes Mabel \Venstrom LouiA'! stondahl :r.ouise Stondahl C. J. Lund, M. D, Howard Kaliher, M, D, C. A, Boline, M, D. John t. Bixby H. L. Allen ~rank c. Barnes Mildred Bruvold Myrtle R. Barnes Lampert Lumber ao. Holten Hdwe. co. Beall&: Mc Gowan Co. United Chemical Co., lnc. N, w. Bell Tel. Co, N. W, Bell Tel. Co. Hintgen Karst Elec. Co. Fergus Plumbing &: Heating Co. Victor Lundeen&: Co. l'rliller Bryant ?ierce i'lalter s. Booth & Son expenses dep. sheriffs fees telegrams bd. of prisoners expenses expenses expenses coroners fees dep. coroners fees dep. coroners fees expenses expenses municipal ~udges fees transcripts tra.nscripts coal supplies etc. supplies janitor supplies calls calls repairs repairs supplies supplies 27.74 32.71 9.04 106,50 10.58 22.55 38.75 63.25 12.05 10.25 28.42 26.95 70.85 1.50 19.00 652.49 35.75 1.50 29.31 4.25 30.15 23.41 74.48 494.00 25.00 46.39 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............. .AP.r.il ... HA ................................................. 19 ... 4.f:l =-----HCUIIII Fii■liliLG■Pi■l111.CWUD, ■Ill,,._ Bills(oontlnued) Japs-Olson Co. The Pierce Co. Poucher Prtg. & Litho. co. Miller Davis co. Se our ity Blank Bk. 'I: I'rtg. Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Poucher Prtg. & Litho. co. R. A. Henning Oren E. Fosse H. w. Glorv igen p. M. Ree Louise Stondahi w. s. Darley & Co. H. w. Glorvigen Helen ·Jane Baer National Sooiety for Crippled Childred Walters. Booth !c Son Archie Emer.v A. A. Vollbrecht Winther J.uniber & Fuel Co. Town of Maplewood Vill. of Undel"IVOOd Vill. of Parkers Prairie Cit,V' of Fergus .Falls- Drs. Lewis~ Lewis Dr. G. A. Hed.berg su:pplies suppliP.S folders records & blanks record books printing !Hanks · supplies dep. sheriffs fees postage postage postage suj>plles advanced driver license fees expenses supplies Co, nurse Co. nurse sup:,lies serv.ices suret.v bonds suppl les poor expense poor expense ·poor expense care of poor exam services Drs. Y.nip,ht .',, Baird Anesthesiolog,V' ~right Memorial Hospital Group Services Minn. State Sanatorium Glenn Lake Sanatorium Dr. Thomas J. Kinsella Fergus· Falls Clinic Fergus Journal Co. A. w. co., Inc. of Minn. Geo. T. R.van Co. tl. W. Equipt. Co. Mahler & Straus Ken S. Gold Co. Red Arrow Garage Boe's Implements Cummins Diesel Sales Corp. Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc. Smith, Ina. Wm. H, ZiP.gler co., Inc. · Davenport -Besler Corp. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. nauer Mfg. Co. National Bushing & ~arts co. The Adelsman Co. Wadena Generator .!,: Motor Repaj r Co-Qperative Services, Inc. C.H. Bjorklund Body Shop Olson Auto Elec Co. Minnesota Motor Co. Aune Bros. Jaenisch Industries Larson Bros. Lake Region Motor Co. LPS Tire Service ·Henr.v Holmgren Roger Broberg R, ,1. Schmidt R. c. Anderson Well 'I: ~ump Co, Villare Blacksmith Knuttlla Implement Co. Olson Hardware co. Wm. Sauer Oscar Rude Bennie Rossum Waterhouse Implement co. Johnson Machine Shop Skogmo Motors, Inc. L. Savolatnen Blacksmith Shop Rep's ·standard Service P. K. M. Company Vaughn Chevrolet Co. Service Recorder Co, Vergas Hardware co. Gambles~ Dalton coast to Coast -?.erham 'Fl:ol ten }l'e.rdware Saund P.rs t:re.rdwri r" ~attlP. Lake Hardware Co. Hintgen Karst Elec. c·o. Ebersviller' s Mo Dunn Farm Store Empire Supply Co. E, J. Johnson Weld.or's Supply Service core of patient care of patients ca.re of paUent services exam publishing parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts repairs 'I: parts renatrs repairs re·patrs repairs repairs repairs repairs re·pairs repairs repairs supplies rP.pairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs reoairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repa.irs repairs repairs -~ supplies repairs !c supplies supplies supolies sunnlies supplies snp·plies supplies supplies sup"!)lies supplies supplies supplies 2.67 3,21 .76 150.71 155.16 13,34 17.84 7.90 14.10 52.50 133.86 65.53 21.90 26.95 56,00 2,50 2A.16 20.00 10.00 11,09 619.69 118.08 12.94 6,910.00 3.00 150.00 65.00 551.03 156.51 209.92 200.00 6.00 153.90 438.72 276.18 124.81 23.05 154.05 14.45 3.30 71,.24 403.09 42.63 263,34 48.37 170.53 1,859.88 148.22 34.45 38,93 5.60 20.00 lH?.73 279.29 31,68 18.75 190.75 19,50 75.25 28.50 12.19 30.15 7.85 6.10 4.12 1.15 6.40 30.35 101.95 57.65 38.68 24.61 73.97 4.30 14,48 1.50 159.79 21.34 6,94 2.30 173.36 16.87 29.15 55.61 29,94 12.0~ 515.89 48.50 41.50 i,// COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................... ~~.:.~.~ ... ~~•·••··········································19 ... ~.~ Bills (continued) Geo. E. Watson Co. Central Sc11mtiflc Co, Pouche.r Prtg. !c L1 tho. Co. St, Paul Book, -'I: Stationer.v Co. Victor Lund Pen !I, co. O'Meara's · Mtnnesota Mining !c M"f!, Co, Jenson's Auto Wrecking Co, Equipt :lental & Sales Corporation Pioneer Rim 'I: Wheel Co. Paper, Calmenson & Co.· Tesch Lumber Co. The Farmers Supply 0 • Prair~e Utility Feed Mill Fred A, Everts C • :l, \'Talker P, 'If. Gust Elevators Verp.as Fergus, Lumber & Fuel Co, R, D, Larson Clans Gratheer N, P. Ra11,.,a.v Co •. ~attle Lake Jlaymond Bros. Mot0'1' Transp. co. Olmsted Co. Highway Dept. Archie Nelson Thomas Stensrud Mrs. Edward Wesley Leonard Christopherson Andy Leitch dee Bros Grant County Miss Gladys Backstrom Motor Inn Garage Harthun !c ?eterson Oil Co. Thelen Implement Co. Bill Nelson's Oil Co. Bill's Service Station Len S,vverson's Park Region co-op 011 Co, Fergus Oil Company Perham Co-op Oil Co, Henning. 011 Co. Service Oil Co, Battle Lake Mills 011 ¢0. Ray's Oil Co. Penrose 011 Co. Consumers Co-op Oil Co,, Henning South Mill Standard Station Ottertail Co-op Oils, Inc, Highway Co, Farmer~ Co-op Oil Assn. H. r. Stahl Co,, m. A, 13loese D, A, Lubricant Co,, Inc. And er~_on .., Sandberg Oil Co. Hag!_!'e Oil Co, State of Minnesota N. W, Bell Tel. Co. Nelbert Auseth Construction Bulletin Pelican !el. Co. Monroe Calculating Machine Co, George V/icker A. Glorvigen Carl c .• Nelson W, L, Potter John Vibral A, Glorvigen c. r.. Hunt TWp, of HomPstaad Twp. of EffinBton N, W. Bell Tel, Co. Nicols, Dean !c Grep,g Uptown Cafe Steele County High, Dept, Su-ndblad' s Sheet Metal Shop Coast to Coast Store-Henning Mills Motors Harthun & Peterson Oil Co, Clarence Rood Ebersviller Implement Co. Paulson Tire Sho1> N, E, Arneson Insurance Agency N, W, Bell Tel. Co, Bill Nelson Oil Co. R. X, Stahl Co,, E, A. Bloese Berp.:strom & Hall Brogard Garap.e & F.quipt. 'Fl, A, Rude supplies supplies forms supplies snpplies supplies scotchll4!e lamps thawing unit rims cutting edges coal coal coal coal coal conl coal towinp: towing freip.:ht :freip:ht snogo rental labor snowplow operator expenses & labor board & room snov, plowing snow plowing equipt. rental gravelling moving .fence gas-oil & repairs gasoline & repairs gasoline Ste. gas Ic Oil etc, 1ms & on gas & oil gas oil etc. gas oil etc, gas oil etc, gas .',: oil gasoline gasoline gasc.:.ir,u gas oil etc. gasoline go so line gasoline p:asoline gas oil etc. hydraulic oil oil gasoline 'I: diesel fuel fuel oil testing service# 39 Battle Lake elec. energy ad for bids services services expenses expenses expense expenses cash advanced cash advanced insurance grading road work lo-ng distance # 3649 supplies board !c room snogo rental sheet metal supplies repairs gasoline expehse supplies repairs insurance long distance tires hyd. oil p\imp repairs repairs 3,35 13,74 27,85 11,40 51.00 7.65 92.40 2.00 122.65 34,80 337,20 74.01 11.70 57.94 56.04 16.20 16.40 30.54 8,00 5.00 4.00 30.64 3,571.28 159,22 211.01 25.00 9.00 14,00 79.63 l,lb4.l4 29,64 76.83 18,04 394.87 88.22 83,21 188,63 795,50 1,501.65 6.28 86.83 52.62 28,44 8.99 849.31 53,68 27.09 10.32 33.65 155.65 52.73 1,014.47 138,45 1,653.17 11.16 25.70 15.14 16,40 4.70 15.00 77.80 99.75 13,85 61,75 24,6<;1 12,81 12,38 300.00 300.00 20.50 144.51 95,15 2,650,50 42.40 3,92 11.25 38.52 7,30 7,89 11,50 35.17 52.51 94,80 27.65 2.10 62,ll 18.00 r COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Bills (continued) Mahler & Straus George Hanson Bert Stone Geo. B. Gunderson Yalmer Karvonen John L. Bixb,v H. L. Allen Fred~. Geiger Co. Gaf·r.aney' s Mildred Bruvold DATE .................. .(p:r.1.1 ... 14 ......... . parts expanses expenses expanses expenses expenses poatap.a supplies adding machine transcript ·········-·······19 .... 4-8 66.83 6.60 10.50 6.00 10.50 28.50 21.98 4.80 240.00 3.00 Upon motlon the Board then adjourned to :..'uesda,v May 11th, 1948, at 10 o'clock A,M. -~rman MTNUT-C:S OF SPF.CIA!', ME-C:TT!JG Q'!i' 'BOARD O'F.' COT1NTV COJ.U.fIS~TO:Jl':RS OF OTTF.R TAIL 'PUrsuant to call signed by all members of the Board the County Commissioners met at 1:30 o'clock P,M., Monday April 19, 1948, at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in Fergus Falls to consider the question of the appointment of a County Highway Engineer and also to plan road construction for the County for the year 1948. Upon motion the County Auditor was instructen to advertise for applications for the position of Count,v Highwa,v Engineer to fill vacancy becoming effective lila,17 1st, 1948, J,.:fter discussion of the condition of.' Connt,v Hoad and Brid!!'e Fund and !)lens for the coming .vear upon motion the Board then ad .iourned without date. m,.,,~L~ Clerk 'I .) ( COMMISSIONERS RECORD N; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-··········-···································································19 .......• IHV■nnnml'RIDll'r.l ■ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .... ll{ay ll·························-··-··························-·······19 ... ~.~ MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MF:ETillG OF BO~.RD OF C0UNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY,· MINNESOTA 'PUrsuant to ad:,1ournment the Board met a.t 10 o'clock A,M, Tuesday May 11th, 1948, Present were commissioners Karvonen, Gunderson, Hanson Stone and Snowberg. The Town Board of the Township of Elizabeth appeared to discuss with the county Board the question of repair of bridge over the Pelican River in Section 17 of said Township, sa~d bridge being unfit for travel. After full consideration the commissioners agreed that the Highway Engineer should make a survey for the Township and prepare an estimate of the cost of construction of said bridge, The Board having fixed 1:30 o'clock P,M, May 11th, 1948, as the time for hearing all complaint of freeholders of the Township of Effington that roads in said Township have been neglected by the Town Boarc, the .matter was taken up and Attorneys Monson & Donoho appeared for the petitioners making the compla~nt. All witnesses who were present were also permitted to make their statements to the Board, The Town Board was present and explained their position to the Commissioners as to what the plans were in regard to repairing these roads, The appl.ication of Lawrence M, }fanson for classification of tract lying South of and'adjoining Nelson's Addition in the swt5wt of Seclon 3-132-43 for the year 1947 at homestead rate was read and the -eoard recommended to the Commissioner or. ·raxation that said land be so classifiecl and the assessed value reduced from $736 to $460 and the taxes from tl23,27 to $75.17, The application of Gottlieb Menge for classification of. LOt l in Block 3 of Soule's 2nd Addition to Deer Creek for the year 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $660 to $413 and the taxe.s from $149,79 to $92,05, The application of Oscar R, Allenson for classification of. Lots 5 & 8 in Block 7 in the Village of Vining for the year 194r at homestead rate Ras read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $310 to $196 and the taxes from $48,41 to $29,72. The application of Marion Hanson for classification of Lot l in Johnson's Addition to the Village of Henning for the year 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recom.mended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $400 to $250 and the taxes from $78,54 to $42,82. The application of Knute Gilbertson for-reduction of assessment for the year 1947 on the NE~SW¼ Section 3 Town of Lida on the grounds that the assessor entered against this tract ,the assessment properly belonging on an adjoining tract upon which buildings were situated was read and the Board recommendeo. to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from f464 to $132 ~nd the taxes fro~ $62.42 to $17,76. The application of Carl Thulen for reduotion in assessed value of structures against Lot 3 of Block 2 in Midway Park in the Town of Otter Tail for the year 1947 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said tract and structures be reduced from $1,213 to $733 and the taxes from $165.94 to $100,27. The application of P, E, Amundson for cancellation of assessment for structures for the year 1946 on Lot 13 in Block 3 of Leaf Lake Pleasure Grounds was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of. Taxation that the assessment for structures be cancelled and the assessed value of said tract be reduced from $83 to $8 and the taxes from $9,16 to a.as. · The application of Odin Johnson for reduction of assessment for structures on Lot 34 of Lindenwood in the Town of Leaf Lake for the year 1947 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said tract, including structures, be reduced from $331 to $200 and the taxes from $42.84 to $25,92. The application of M. T, Nelson for settlement of delinquent taxes for the years 1932 to 1946 inclusive, against an undivided one-half interest in and to Lot 4 of Reserve 79 of the Original Plat of Fergus Falls was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said taxes be settled for the sum of $650, being a reduction of $989,01 from the full amount of taxes, penalty, interest and costs for said years. "On and Off Sale" beer licenses were granted as follows: Carl T. Sundblad, Resort in Section 14 Town of Elizabeth; Ross O, Boyle, Evergreen Beach Town of. Corliss; Francis J, Giuliani, Rose Lake Resort Town of Hobart: Joseph R, Neudeck, Resort Section 2 Town of Perham: Geraldine F. Kremer, Store at Luce; Rdwln C, Wallace, Resort Section 9 Town of. Pine Lake; Sylvester Shasky, Jungle Shores Town of Corliss; Walter nein, Sr,, Resort To;vn of. Rush Lake: Clarence Koehler, Resort Town of Pine Lake: Lind & Quint, Leaf Lake Resort: Franklin Larson, Resort Town of. Pine Lake; V, E, Sierman, ~esort Town of Dead Lake; Vaughn McIntire, Resort Town of Dead Lake; and Andre'e'P,rala, Oak Point Park Town of Otto. Dance permits for the year 1948 using mechanical music only were granted to T, o. Halvorson at "Teds and Gracies Place" on tong Lake in the Town of Elizabeth and to Dorothy Sayre at Shady Point Resort Town of Elizabeth. ,/ -·,J COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................. ·-··········-·······································19 .....•. IICUAiii NIIIINICG■Nii, ii, CLUDD, ■Ill. Cigarette licenses for the period from i,!ay let to December 31st, 1948 were granted to Gusto:t' O. Weis at Shady Grove Tovm of Rush Lake: ?.I, T, vanp;sness, Bob creek store Tov,n of Scambier; Joseph R. Neudeck, Resort Town of Perham; Francis Guiliani, Rose take Resort Town o.f Hobar-t; Vaughn McIntire, Hesort Town of Dead Lake; Richard R. Hollingsworth, Resort To1vn of Amor; Gust A. Strand, Resort Town of ?,ida Lind & Quint, Resort Town of Leaf Lake: Dorothy ff~vre. Shady Point Resort Town of Elizabeth, and Franklin La·rson, Resort .Town of )' ine Lake. • Cigarette licenses for the calenda~· year 1948 were granted to c. M. Lee, Crystal Lida Store Town of Lida and to G, B, Clarke at Hillview Store Town of Paddock. Cigarette licenses for the period from .April let to necemb~r 31st, 1948 were granted to William C. Taylor at Taylor's Land,ing Town of Everts and to Mrs. E. w. Haustald at Real Mc Coy Camp Tovtn of Amor. Cigarette licenses for the per1.od from June 1st to December 31st, 1948 were granted to Allan M, Hoff Sleepy Fallow Resort Town of Tordenskjold·; Me.lvin 'Ball, cross -ooint "'esort Town of Maplewood: and Mrs. Thea Ball, Amor Park Store. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A,M. May 12th, 1948. WEDNESDAY'S S~SSTON Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 O'clock A,M, Wed-nesday May 12th, 1948, all members being present. A large delegation of citizens from Henning and Girard appeared to urge improvement of old County Road# 36 west of Henning. The Village council of Clithero.11 a·ppeared to discuss the question of tarvia in said Village. The County Extension Committee appeared before the Board and requested an appropration of $7,500 for extension work -~or the year commencine; July 1, 1948, Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for equipment rental, bids to be opened at the meeting o:l!' the Board June 8, 1948, at 10 o'clock A.M. The bid of the Township of 14aple1vood of $125.00 for old road patrol, advertised for sale by the county,was accepted. The Bid for Ford Coupe offered for sale by the county was rejected. Petition for a gas tax road in the Township of Eagle Lake was received and placed on file. Petitions ior establishing a highway to give access to the public to the lakes known as Five Lake in the Township of Hobart and also to lak.e known as Sybil Lake in the Town of Edna were read and were referee to the County Attorney to report as to the procedure to be taken by the ~ounty Board, The following resolution was adouted: "Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That the sum of $7,500 plus any balance from previous year be set apart from the General Hevenue Fund, and. appropriated subject to the order of the Dean of the Department of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota for the support of county coo·perative extension work in agriculture and home economics in 0-tter Tail County, for the year beginning July 1, 1948, in accordance With Chapter 423, Laws 1923 and acts sapplementary thereto. Adopted May 12, 1948, Attest: William Lincoln Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Yalmer Karvonen Chairman Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Whereas this 'Board has heretofore contracted with Minnesota lvlotor Company for one 1948 Chevrolet one ton chassis and ceb and whereas same has been delivered to and accepted by the County, Now Therefore, be it resolved that the Connty Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized end directed to issue to said Company a warrant on the Road and Brid~e fund o:t' the County in the sum of $1,4,38,90, the contract price. Adopted "May 12, 1948. Attest: William Lincoln clerk The following resoiution was adopted: Yalmer Karvonen Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Whereas this Board he.a heretofore contracted with H, D, Morrill for construction of County Aid Job # 46;17 and whereas same has been full,v completed according to thP. certificate· of the Highway Engineer and same has been aooepted by a committee of this Board, · Now Therefore, be it resolveo that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and the,v hereby are authorized and directed to .tssue to said Contractor a warrant on the Hoad and Brid13e Fund of the county in the sum of $4,087.05, the balance due on said contract. ~ 1'Y(o/ ,~, l"l</f'. Attest: William Lincoln cierk Yalmer Karvonen Chairman COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL Ct>UNTY, MINN: DATE .......... !ifa,v .. 12th_.···········-·······································lg .. ~~ v,nr.sr.mnrr.~ The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail County, lllinnesota, \'lhereas this Board has heretofore contracted with Alfred r.vavold for grading county Aid Job #46;13 and 1vhereas same has been ful.1• completed according to the certificate of the HighYlay Engineer and same has been acoeptedaby a committee of this Board, Now Therefore, be it resolved that ·the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authoriged and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $972.38, balance due on said contract. Adopted May 12, 1948. Attest: William LinoiDln caerk Yalmer Karvonen Chairman The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, .Minnesota. That Wendell P, Huber be and he hereby is appointed as County Highway Engineer of Otter Tail co,mty for the year commencing July let, 1948, at a salury of $5,000 per year payable in monthly installments at the, close of each month upon warrant of the County Auditor. Adopted May 12th, 194fl, Attest: William Lincoln Clerk · Yalmer Karvonen Chalrman The followinF. resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commiss1on~rs of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. That Carl c. Nelson be and he hereby is appointed as acting County Highway Engineer of said County for the months of May and June, 1948 at a salary of ~335.00 per month payable at the close of each month upon warrant .of the County Auditor out of the Road a."ld Bridge Fund of the County. ~ iY/.7 ,a.,~4?. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk Yalmer Karvonen chairman The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.11 Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,Y', Minnesota. That George~-Johnson be and he hereby is a~pointed as County Weed Inspector for Otter Tail County for the period of six months commencin~ May let, 1948, at a salary of $150 per month end necessary expenses, ·payments to be made on bills aubmitted bo the Board of County Commissioners. Adopted May 12th, 1948. Attest: William Lincoln clerk Yalmer Karvonen Chairman The. following resolution was adopted: Resolved by \he Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. That Dr. w. ,]!1. Schamber be and he hereby is appointed as a member of the Otter 'l'ail County Tuberculosis Sanatorium Commission for the period ending January 1, l!l51. Adopted May 1~. 1948, Attest: William Lincoln Cieri: The following bills were allowed: J. c. Henkes J. c. Henkes M. c. Lee Edward C. Drews J. c. Henkes Louise Stondahl Mabel \Venst rom H. L, Allen Runningen Cafe C. J. Lund, M, D, Dr~ c. A, Boline Frank c. Barnes William Bahls Joseph Rayner, Jr. Hintgen Karst Elec. Co. Holten Hdwe. Frankoviz Hdwe. Wm. Galena Missouri Kansas Chemical Co. Ugeblad l'ub. Co, Syndicate ~rtg. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. J. I, Holcomb Mfg. Co. • Beall ti: Mo Gowan · Costello Mfg. co. The Chicago Faucet co. John Frantz expenses telegrams dep. sheriffs expenses dep. sherif~s expenses bd. of prisoners expenses expenses supplies meals for jurors coroners fees coroners fees municipal court fees dep. sheriffs fees dep. sheriffs fees supplies supplies supplies repairs supplies printing & supplies school supplies supplies supplies sup·plies supplies repairs sharpening mowers Yalmer Karvonen · Ohairrnan 8!),18 6.21 43.56 27.18 117.00 . 117.98 43.65 .8.35 14.55 43.34 11.05 23.90 14,19 27.60 12.41 1.95 10.63 1.60 32.15 65.25 20.25 636.37 6.50 15·.57 49.97 15.21 2.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................................................................................ 19 ..... . Wlller & TiesberB Fetgus Paint Co, Ole XU.lstad N, W, Bell Tel, Co, N, W, Bell Tel, Co, The Pierce Co, Fritz-cross co. Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co, Miller Davis Company Remington Rand Inc, Remington Rand Inc. Perham Enterprise Bulletin Pelican Rapids Press Fergus Journal Co, P, A, Anderson Louise stondahl P, M, Ree Helen Jane Baer Harry Burau Alfred Putnam W, H, Dewey Theo Hegseth C, F, Anderson Co,, Inc, Bruce Pub. Co, Columbia Ribbon .II: Carbon Mf.p,. Co. Mpls. Blue Prtg. Co, Elliott Transfer H. W, Glorvigen Gilmore Weik Post Helen Jane Baer Dept, of Administration Mason Pub. Co, Louise Stond ahl Barke-Allison Agency Dt, H, Y., Helseth Minnesota Ste.ts San. Glen Lake Sanatorium Dr, H, H, Leibold Town of woodside Vill, of Battle -Lake Olson Auto Electtic Co, Barta 8c Gaed.ke Larson Bros. Lake Region Motor Co, .Anderson & Tichy Dalton Garage Minnesota Motor Co, Motor Inn Garage Fargo Foundry Co, Winther Lu~ber Co, Campbell Coal Co, Village of Battle Lake Les' Tire Service Minnesota Motor Co, N. W, Sash & Door Co, Ashley Quixirn Co, Sterling Lock Co, Schram Motor Sales Coast to Coast Store Pelican Rapids Gamble Store Par. Prairie Eliason Sheet Metal Shop Henning Heating 8c Piumbing Co. Sundblad's Sheet Me-tal Shop Bill's Service Station Ray's 011 Co, consumers ·co-op 011· Co,, Battle Lake Len. Syv,erson' s Fergus Oil Co, Bill Nelson 011 Co, The 011 Store Johri stocker Hagge 011 Co, Anderson & Sandberg·Oil Co, John Dieseth Co. Todd Co, High, Dept. Village of Henning H, D, Morrill Theo. westerhaug, et al w. r.. Potter A, Glorvigen st. Paul Book & Stationery Co, Victor Lun~een II: Co, Globe Gazette Corner Cafe .11: Hotel, Henning Parkei In~. Parkers·~rairie, corner Cafe, Parkers ~rairie Construction Bulletin ll, W·, Bell Tele phone Co, supplies supplies r,epairs calls calls school supplies supplies records II: supplies supplies supplies supplies pub. financial statement pub, financial statement publishing postage postage postage postage expenses eJC!)enses· expenses expenses supplies Co. Nurse supplies co. Nurse ribbons supplies moving goods drivers license fees memorial day service expenses st. Board Exams annotations expenses liability tnsurance exam & services caJ"e o·r patient care of patient exam poor expense poor expense repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs etc. repairs etc, pump lumber coal water tires tires supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies fuel tank go.soline gasoline gasoline gas-on gas & oil gas-oil \: tires grease grease diesel fuel diesel fuel equipt. rental snow removal rental of garage hauling culverts right of way expenses expenses supplies supplies supplies meals§ lodging for crew lodging meals for crev, ad for bids long distance & service# 39 12.00 28,20 64.45 26,60 37.25 66.10 116,26 736,62 63,95 ,3,90 38,00 773,80 773,80 126,50 56.50 68,03 18.09 36.35 14.00 20.00 9,20 17,20 6.15 38,27 25.00 3,61 9.00 32.10 3,50 42.50 150.75 12.50 10.00 2,580.18 6.25 126.90 205,62 3.00 356,90 71,71 64,67 19.85 53.10 133,62 11,15 18,00 347.06 53.86 20,75 20,25 17,20 3,25 133.54 36,00 5.00 83.07 2.50 5.55 5.40 .59 2.40 5.86 18,75 28.45 31,66 32.90 23.09 30.82 272.75 2.42 8 .oo 798.51 86.50 129.00 53,10 7.00 154.04 62.50 31.20 60,60 38.57 41.75 102,34 58,30 26,00 23. 75 3,00 19,80 r '1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. HCUiilf Fiilll■-CU■Nil, 11,CWUD, ■Ill, Heinola Telephone do. Pelican Telephone ao, Obas. Wick n. E • .Arneson Ins. Agency M, A. Stortroen Agency Twp. of Maplewood Twp.· of' Rush Lake Mahler&: Straus Hatl, Bushing J: Parts Company Skogmo Motors, Inc. Westlund Motor co. Ebersviller's Ehnbom Motor Co, Hintgen Y.arst Elec. Co, Montgomery Ward & Co. Consumers Co-op Oil Co, Erwin Slegfried Service Oil Co. Penrose Oil Co. Rosholt Equipt. Co. Park Meohine Co. Geo. T,.Ryan Co. Wm. H, Ziegler Co., Inc. 1.linnesota F, w. D, co. Klauer Mf'g. Co. A, w. Compan,.v, Inc. of. Minn. Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc. Olson Auto Ele~. co. Mills 011 Company Erickson Brake Service B, M. Thompson Garage C. E, Bjorklund Body Shop Leo Savolainen Blacksmith shop Thelen Implement co. S. &: F. 011 Company. Park Region co-op 011 Co, Lyman Store, L, Cook Perham co-op Oil co. So, Mill StandarJ Service Henning's Nicols, Dean & Gregg Ebersviller Implement co. Saunders Company Empire Supply co. L, J. Sand Paul Frazee Art Jacobson Frank Hunter Haugen Sc Mark Alfred Evavold Nulphs Dra.v llorthwestern Equipt. Co. Costello Mfg. Company Wiloox Lumber Co., Henning N. w. Sash&: Door Co. Fred A. Everts iwlc Cabe Bros. Utility Feed Mill Pelican Telephone Co. Carl c. Nelson George'Hanson Geo. B. Gunderson Bert Stone Yalmer Karvonen Undentoo~ Independent DATE ......... MaY ... 12 ····················-··-···································1948. services services clean ditch# 38 insure.nee insurance grading grading parts parts Sc repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs supplies suuolies gasoline gasoline gasoline diesel fuel & gas parts ?arts parts parts parts parts parts parts repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs gas oil gasoline gasoline gasoline gasolinP. gasoJ.ine supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies gravel gravel gravel equint. rental equipt. rental dray~ge pump sweepers lumber= lumber coal coal coal services cash advanced attd. meeU!'lgs attd, meetings attd. meetings attd. meetings pub P.P. tax lists 6.25 ,9,15 40.60 3.70 9.91 300.00 300.00 536.07 47.38 94.65 1.00 4.12 2.30 4.64 8.69 49.91 94.56 32.38 36.02 121,89 242.82 1,933.63 211.14 1,850.58 32.30 38,33 67,34 14,85 3.75 8.00 1.50 34,00 51.90 14.51 61.42 5.85 108.54 2.29 65.02 4,00 211.47 10,37 15,27 131.13 8.50 24.05 53.49 6.30 139,50 255.60 18.55 82.70 29.26 17.60 7,50 35.06 58.22 5.78 5.25 16,60 9.90 9.45 10.50 14.00 110,20 U·pon motion the Board then adjourned to June 8, 1948, at 10 o'clock A.M. ij~~ ~ Wo#"ri COMMISSIONERS RECORD-N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... .,.une ... 8th .. ······················1948 .. MUruTF,S OF ADJOTJRNED MF.TTNC OP BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COtTHTY, MINNF,SO'l'A Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o;clock A.Iii. Tuesday June 8, 1948, Present were Commissioners Karvonen, Gunderson, Hanson, stone and Snowberg, Sheriff J, c. Henkes requested an additional thirty days time for collection of personal property taxes for-the current year, Upon motion the request \jlll-S granted. Bids for rental of road equipment as called for by the Board were received from the following: Haugen and Mark -Fe.rgus Falls; Engebretson Brothers -Pelican Rapids; Art A. Quade -Route# 2 Frazee; H, D, Morrill & Son.-Fergus Falls; teitoh construction company -underwood; Mark Sand & Gravel Co, - Fergus Falls, Upon motion all these bids were accepted, "On and off Town of Dead Lake; of Butler; Melvin Pine Lake, sale" beer licenses were granted to the follow!. ng: Fred :Sellinger, Sunrise :aesort C,·H, Ragan, Oak Knoll Lodge Town of Dena Lake; Orvel Selmon, Tavern Section 13 Town J, Schlanger, Mallard Bay Lodf!e Town o:f. Clitherall; Carl Leaf, Squew Point Town of The application·of William Lee for "on and off sale" beer license at Lee's Resort in the Town of Leaf Lake was considered and laid over until the next meeting of the Board. Cigarette licenses for the period from June 1st to December 31st, 1948 were granted to: Orvel Selmon, Town of Butler·: Chester L. Evans, Follywood ootnt Resort Town of Scambler; Mrs. W. W, Dyer, Bowery Beach Town of. Dunn: Grant M, Je.nsen, Pease Resort Town of Amor: Rudy Jacobson,. Pelican Inn Town of Dunn; Mrs, Elmer Whipps, Resort Town of Amor; Alberta Lien, Resort Town of Amorp Jack Solinger, Lake Lida Town of Lida; Ed Holen, Pelican Beach Town of Dunn: Carl T, Sundblad, Resort Town of Elizabeth; Lloyd Hanson, Sand.I' Beach Town of Pelican. Cigarette licenses for the period from May 1st to December 31st, 1948, were granted to: C,H,Ragan Oak Knoll Lodge Town of Dead Lake; Fred Bellinger, Sunrise Resort Town of Dead Make; R, C, Craig, Maple Beach Resort Town of Lida: Walter nein, Sr, Marion Leke Town of Rush Lake; T, o. Halvorson, at Ted & Gracies Place Town of Elizabeth; Phillip Langden, Maple Lane Resort Town of' Nidaros, The application of Martin Toppari for classification of. 1mtsection 32 Town of Paddock for the year 1947 at homestead rate•was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $415 to $249 and the taJCes from $59.59 to $34.74. The application-of w. R, Fleming for classification of E½-SE·} and SW¼,SE;, of Section 25 Town of Maine for the year 1947 at homestead rate wns read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land. be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $1,310 to $786 and the taJCes from $189,95 to $110,77 The application.of Alfred L, Obright for classificatio~ c~ Lots 1-2 and 4 and Lot 3 ex½ acre in Section 29 Town of Star Lake for 1946 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from ~l,122 to $673 and the taxes from $142,94 to $81,30. The application of Lloyd H, Madson for classification of U 100 ft. of-S 150 ft. of LOt 3 in Block 33 of Lakeview Addition to farkers Prairie for 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed val11e reduced from ir670 to $419 and the taxes ·f'rom $95,91 to $58.27. The a~plication of Albert Linder for classification of N~ of' Lot9 and Lot 10 in Block 2 of Cutler's let· Addition to Fergus Falls for the ,vear 1947 at homesteP..d rate was read and the Board. rec- ommended to the Commissioner of TaJCation that said le.nd be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $1,212 to $758 and the taxes from $223. to $123,87, The application-of Mrs, Esther Sorem for classification of Lots 4 ~ 5 in Block 4 of Uelson's Addition to the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1947 at homestead rate v1as read and the :Soard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessea value reduced from $261 to $163 and the taxes from ~43,72 to $26,64, The application of John L, Townley, Jr. for classification of Lot 4 in Block 4 of cutler's Resurvey in the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1947 e.t homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so cle.ssified and the assessed value reduced from $1,066 to $820 end the taxes from $176,87 to $134,00. The application of Emma Moake for classification of E 10 rds of W 20 rds. of N'R' SE·' Section 15 in the Village of Parkers Prairie for the .vear 1947 at homestead rate wss read and the '9oard .. recommended to the Commissioner of Taxe.tion that the assessP.d value of 'iii678 ·be reduced to $424 and the taxes from $97.06 to $58,97. The application of H, J. Schultz for classification of Lot 4 in Block 2 of Soule's Addition to Deer Creek for the year 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Oommisiioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $400 to $210 and the taxes from $90,78 to 955.72. The application of Edwin Fischer for classification of NWiSE¼ of Section 9 in the Township of Homestead for the year 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner o! Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from ~25h to $16~ and the ~axes from $31,62 to $20,46, The application of Helen Schaefer for classification of E 2/3 of Lot 7 of Shirley Beech in the Township of Amor for the .veer 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Comm- issioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $226 to $141 and the taxes ·lrom $24,36 to $14,63. r i: I' COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. DATE .......... .Tune .. B ····················································-·······19 48 . ............ The application of Alma Peterson Heikla for classification of Lot 7 in Blook 1 of Wilson's Add'n. tq the Village of Pelican Rapids for the year 1947 at homestead rate was read and the ioard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced ·from $320 to $200 and the taxes from $44.08 to $26.74. The application of Leo Bosch for reduotion of assessment on personal property in the Village of Pelican Rapids for the year 1947 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $500 to i367 and the taxes from $68.88 to $50.55. The application of Mrs. Ben Larson for reduction of assessment on personal property for the year 1947 in the Township of Amor was read and the Board recom,nended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $118 to il02 and the taxes from $12.72 to ~11.00. li'rancls Seeger. Chairman of the Fergus Falls -Otter Tail Count.v l?ublic Safety Committee, re·ported to the Board that he attended a supper given by the Gover.nor at St. naul for the purpose of t·urning over traffic safety plaques to different communities and Mr. Seeger then turned over to the County Auditor the plaque awarded to Otter Tail County f.or the best record amonF the five largest counties in the State. A petition signed by William Aschnewitz et al for vacation of part of County Road# 107 in Section 35 Town of. Dora was presented to the Board by Attorney Norman Arveson and Arthur Abraham, Upon motion it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the sesAion of the Board August lOth,1948 at 2 o'clock P.M. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House and all members of the Board were appointed as a committee to examine the road proposed to be vacated and Thursday kugust 5th, 1948 at 6:30 o'clock P.M. at Abraham's Resort on Lot 1 in Section 35 in the Township of Dora was designated as the time and place for the meP.ting of said comml.ttee. The County Auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices for vacation and to forward them by mail to Arthur ~braham, Dent post office, for posting. After discussion upon motion the Board &Freed to allow to any Township the sum of $300 u9on recelp of a duly verified bill showing an expenditure by such townshio of not less that $900 f.or road constructt n. U9on motion the Boe.rd then ad,1ourned to June 9th, 1948. WF.DrlESDAY Is SESSIO!l Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M. Wednesday June 9th, 1948, all members being present. Wendell Huber, recently appointed County High•Nay Engineer, was present and the Board went over with him the road situation in the County and discussed plans f.or road work during this season. The following resolution was adopted: Resolution by. the Board of County Commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Resolved that the County Highway Engineer be authorized to hire trucks for hauling gravel with the County owned crushin~ plant at the rate of 8 cents a cubio yard mile with a 3 mile ·minimum haul during the the 1948 gravelling .season. Adopted this .9th da.v of June, 1948. Attest: William Linooln Clerk The follov,ing resol11tion was adopted: Yalmer Karvonen Chairman R6 solved by the Board of CountyCommissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Whereas this .Board has heretofore contracted with Addressograph Mul tograph Cor;,orat ion for addressoizraph machin.es and equipment aa per bid submitted to the County Board anli whereas same have been delivered to and accepted by the County. Now Therefore. , be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to. said com·pany a warrant on the Revehue Fund of the County in the sum of :j;i5,428.07., the amou:1t due. ~ 9,,_,. '.' , ., 4 r. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk The following bills were allowed: J. c. Henkes M. c. Lee J.C. Henkes Edward c. Drews Mabel Wenstrom Louise Standahl H. !I. Allen John L. Bixb,v Frank C. Barnes Geo. F. Johnson ~ree Press Compan,y Art Printcraft Remington Rand I!!.o. Rllmington Rend Inc. Columbia Ribbon~ Carbon Mfg. Co. Remington Rand Inc. Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Panama Carbon co. Jones & Kroeger co. Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Miller Davis Co. St. Paul Book & Stationery Co. bd. of )risoners exp. dep. sheriff sheriffs expenses dep. sheriffs expenses expenses expenses expenses expenses municipal court fees saly ~exp.weed inap. supplies J>rinti.np. blanks supplies supplies carbon paDer suppl 1 es I Heg • printing etc. supplies books & receipts record books blanks etc. supplies Yalmer Karvonen Ofialrman 184.50 55.53 90.17 12.04 38.60 101.00 57.37 65.40 30.50 240.50 6.55 12.00 156.26 5.31 4.50 564.15 35.25 14.57 211.68 160.16 24.14 4.0.S COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... -............................................................... 19 .... . Pouch.er l!rtg. '4 Li tho Co. Fergus Journal Co. Battle Lake Review Fossen Seed Co. Parawax co. Hillyard Salee Co. DUro Teet corp, Knoff Peterson Hdwe Co, Merlin Reynolds Fergus Service Station Odin Johnson H. H. Berp:erson Duane c. Aune Rivers'id-e_concrete Products Chas H. Hord'- N. w. Bell iea. co. N. W. Bell~el, Co, N. W, Bell el. co. Oren Fosse H.F. Hinze Louise stond ahl Geo. B. Gunderson Monroe Calculating Mche. Co. Nelson D:rug Co. w. s. Darley & co. G. J. Mour~'f'sen, ~. ~. H. w. Giorvigen Ceo. Bergem Post A, L. Eastman Kodak Stores Inc. E, P. Getchell Odin Johnson Dr, H. X. Helseth Vernon H. Lee C. J. Lund., M. D, C. J. Lund, M. D, Dr. c. A, Boline Dre. Lewis &.Lewie Addreseo~raph Multigraph Corp. Geo. B, Wright Mem. Hospital Dr. Everett c. Hanson William Lincoln Carlton Mortensen Larson Bros. Henry Holmgren Emmet Roberta Keuffel & Easer Co. Electric Supply Co., ?erham A. B. Xilde Company Anderson & Tichy Minnesota Motor Co. Olson Hdwe. & Furniture Co. C.R. Walker C. E, Conklin Saw Shop Fossen Seed Co. West Ottertail Service Co. Village of Battle Lake Arvo Peldo Raymond Bros. Motor Trans. Co. Lampert Lumber Co., Wadena J,es Ti r" Service . Co-operative Services, Inc. P. x. M. Compan.v Underwood Lumber co. Natl. Bushing & Jarts co. Panama Carbon Co. Fergus Service Station Fergus Oil Company H. X, Stahl Co., E, A, Bloese Bill Nelson 011 Co. Highway Company Hagge 011 Co. Consumers Oil Co., Battle Lake N. W, Bell Tel. Co •. Monroe Calculating Mach. Co., Inc. H. A. Rogers Co. Poucher Prtg. & Lit~o Co. N. W. Bell Tel. Co. N. E. Arneson Ins. Ae;·eno.v Merchants Hotel Corner Cafe J Hotel lienning Stoll's Ca-f!e George O]..sbn W. L, Potter Carl C. Nelson Rosholt Equip. Co. Ruf.fridge Johnson Eqµipt. Co. Diesel & Magneto Seryice Co. records-books pJlblUhing pub, notice supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies hauli!lg ashes supplies cash advanced for fittings repair11 Lrn .. li!lg concrete blocks repairs at sheriffs residence oalls ca:Lls calls dep. sheriffs fees dep. sheriffs fees postage cash advanced ribbon supplies supplies services at jail drivers license expense memorial day services supplies supplies haulinp. f.or supt. servicP.s sP.rvices, drowning case coroners fees coroners fees coroners fees exam equipment co.re of patient coroners fees & exam board of audit 1945 & 19 46 night jailer repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs tires dynamite coal sharpen saws seed weed spray water charges damages for dead haul freight lumber supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies suppliP.s gasoline gas & oil oil gas oil etc. gasoline diesel fuel gasoline service# 89 Battle Lake maintenance forms ~orms long distance insurance rooms for crew meals II room meals · expenses expenses expenses parts parts re·pairs 430.95 208,90 2.00 6,55 7,15 116,00 56.40 1.90 45,50 1.40 2,40 294.00 6.00 25.96 238,35 42.85 39.03 6.00 11,60 5.82 32.46 10.00 1.10 1.20 3.56 4.65 28.70 25.00 12.62 100.00 LOO 3.00 7.50 32.95 20.50 21.70 12.00 639.85 353.10 35.25 61.00 28.00 79.85 14.65 2.00 189.75 5.50 5.50 7.75 66,60 6.23 18.20 1.30 30,00 30.00 3.25 250.00 32.89 33.05 47.50 2.60 3.15 3.96 615.0l 7.37 5,51 66,35 68.67 218.54 19.87 919,63 40,89 29.15 32.00 46.25 93,96 30.05 £6.31 21.00 37.10 63.90 9.00 77,15 65.75 837.11 139,16 103.97 r COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Wm. H. Ziegler co., Ino. Minnesota F, w. n. co. ·Borchert Ingersoll, Inc. A. w. Co,, Inc. Wf Minn, Ceo. T, Ryan company A. G lorv i,i:en Pelican Telephone Chas. Wick John Dieseth Co. Harry c. Olson Garap,e C. H, Bjorklund Body Shop Borchert-Ingersoll, Ina. Carl C. Nelson Lake Region Motor Co. Empire Supply Co. Will lams Hardware Co. Ebersviller Implement Co. O'Meara's Bill Nelson Oil company BBJ''s Oil Company Pirhnm co-op 011 co. Anderson & Sandberg 011 Co, Village of Henning Eeinola Telephone Co. Ervin Siegfried High1vay Compan,v Service 011 Company Park Region Co-op 011 Co, Saunders Hdwe Co. Mahler -~ Straus H, D, Morrill & son Village of Dalton Village of New York !Aills Village of Deer Creek Bert Stone Bert Stone George Hanson Geo, B, Gunderson Yalmer Karvonen DATE ............ .Tune ... 9 .......................................................... 19 _48 parts parts parts parts parts servicP.s services clean ditch# 38 equipt. rental repairs repairs parts cash advanced repairs supplies supplies supplies supplies tires etc. gasoline ., p:asoline diesel fuel p:ara17,e rental services gas &: oil e;asoline gasoline gasoline supplies parts equipt rental garage rental garage rental road work attend inf! meeting telephone calls attending meetlnf! attending meeting attendinp. meetinp, 55,86 21,54 123.01 340.73 27.14 324.00 3.75 17.40 315,25 7,25 1,50 76.57 16,98 4,90 600,72 165,50 4.85 262.39 242,40 3,57 15,71 85.00 180,00 15,'10 86,37 6,76 43.71 63.08 7.82 117,88 2,288.75 45,00 90.00 300,00 10.50 6.58 6.60 5.90 7.90 The Board rejected the bill of Roy B. Aune for mileage attending meetings of the County Public Health Nu.rsing Committee in the sum of $4C.50 upon adviee of the County Attorney that the Attorney General had ruled that the law does not permit the payment of such expenses. The Board having arranged to investigate two petitions for roads leading to meandered lakes in Hobart and Edna Townships then adjourned without date, .,I Attest: c_yairman \ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...............................• Tuly ,.l ....................................... 19 .. 48 !llinutes of Speoial Meeting of 13oard of county commissioners of otter Tail Co., Minn, Pursuant to call the board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Jul,v-.l-1948 all members· being present• Upon motion, the members of the road maintenance crew were allowed an increase of 5!,l. per hour, oommenoing July l'-1948; Upon motion, the auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for the distribution of approxi- mately 100,000 gallons of bituminous material at an.v point in otter Tail County and also to advertize for bids for equipment rental for all types of construction, all of said. bids to be received until 2 o'clock P. M, August 10, 1948. Upon motion,the ·board then adjourned without date. Attes:'.' ~ ~ ~ Y? ( --j) --·--=-;;.L..:;;...;:;.==.i=.;::.__;~"""'-='--'~-==.;,;..><exr=-.- ---- r COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................ ~UlY ... 12 ···························-·······lg .. 48 Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of county cornrnlssloners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota. Pursuant to statu"t the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M, July 12, 1948. Present were Commissioners Y.arvonen, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and snowberg. The Board went over the list of uncollected personal property taxes for 1947 with Sheriff J. c. Henkes and made the following report: Report of the county Board of the county ot Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, of uncol.Lected and cancelled personal property taxes for the ~'ear 1947. Fergus Falla, Minnesota, July 12, 1948 Be lt known, That the county Board of Otte•r Tail County, Minnesota did meet in session the tmt 12th day of July 1948, the same being the first session of said Board after the 10th day of June 1948; that at sa-1d session· the county Treasurer of said County delivered to said Board the list of uncollected per- sonal property taxes for the year 1947, together with his certificate thereon as required by law; and that at said session the said 130Rrd dldduly consider said list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel such taxes as they are satisfiedCannot be collected. That the f9llowing ls a correct list of said uncollected per-soaal property taxes ln said County for said .vear of 1947, as so rev lsed h,V said Board, to-wit: Nameof person assessed TO\'lllShip ·.0.1' Tax Penalty, Fee District Dollars Cts. and costs Dollars Cts. Kenneth Anderson Hobart .51. 91 7. 20 Del Archer 2nd 1'7d. 10, 89 1. 71 Verm Bugbee 2d wd 228.96 30.93 Glen Collins 2d wd 16.41 2.45 Fergus Dairy co-op 3d wd 1317.64 176.81 Hazel F. Fitch Dunn 2,97 .65 Vernon T!'lath 1:'erham 17.32 2.58 Fergus Falls Novelty co. 2d wd 17.25 2.56 Fergus r.ovelty Rattle Lake 18.83 2.78 Fergus Novelties Perham Vill. 44.17 6.17 Garon Knitting .Mills 2d \'Id 2012.89 269.98 Walter Greenwalt woodside 39.91 5.60 Joe Houge Candor 31.35 4.45 Winston Houge Candor 12.51 1.93 17alter E. Jones 3d l'/d 9.04 1.46 Walter E. Jones Otter Tail 1.35 .43 Edwin A. Juvrud ]!'olden 4,53 ,85 Arthur c, Y.elly Amor 77,59 10,65 Ben Larson Amor 12,72 1,96 Erwin J,ong 2d wd 31.49 4,47 Melvin Lundgren 8d wd 6.87 1,17 Ralph Madland Aurdal 13,04 1.99 Mrs. Wilma Mark 2d wd 1.67 ,47 s. M. Moen Otter Tail 14.36 2.18 Donald J,loBaugton Star Lake 8,66 1,41 Harry G, uash 3d wd 5,69 1.02 Peterson Silo co. (Gus A) Battle Lake 209.37 28.31 '?eterson, Carl Elizabeth V111. 26.30 3.77 '.'eterson, Carl Dalton Vtll. 4.13 .80 K 1 D t n 2d wd 22. 11 3. 21 .arl .,,eterso 3d v,d 114.66 15.60 Karw Re edrson Elizabeth 28.49 4.07 E, • ae er 4 10 How.ard L. Reynolds Ottertail Vill. 28.71 • Otto Kempher Maine 18.46 2.73 Ed. Rekstad Oak Valley 27.04 8.87 Harvey Smith 3d wd 15 • 07 2 • 2!1 Clifford Speck ~utler 13,53 2.06 Kenneth Sprague 4t\\ wd. 1.34 .43 Under-Rood Independent Underwood Vill. 15.07 2.27 " W hl 3d Wd 9.38 1.51 D. I~. a en 2 68 3 02 B, Ji:. Vlilcox,sr. II: Jr. Compton o. • 2 John J,. Winslow Candor 8.78 1.4 Total Tax, Penalty Remarks and costs Dollars cts. 59.11 12,60 259.89 18.86 1494.45 . 3.62 19.90 19.81 21.61 50.34 2282.87 45.51 35.80 14.44 10.50 1.78 5.38 88.24 14.68 35.96 8.04 15.03 2.14 16.54 10.01 6.71 237.68 30.07 4.93 25.32 130.16 32.56 32.81 21.19 30.91 17.34 15.59 1.77 17.34 10.89 23.70 10.20 7.86 .l,., J Collect .. " " " " " " " " " " " II " " " " " II II " " " " .. " .. II " " " " " .. " " .. .. " " yril G'Jt Wrigi ~~d y;tP _ ~'.i~ ~~~~ ~ha~ following is a co(ect list of the personal property taxes \Vliich said Board are satisfied cannot be collected, and so cancelled by in said County for said year said Board, to-wit: Name pf Pesson Assessed Oscar Alm s. a.Anderson~ H.C. Helseth R. E. Araskog Samuel Baton J.{ary J. Ballard Edwin A. Beito Thorvald Boe B. 'M. 3oline Henrietta Bye c. w. & Alice c. Carlson Champlin Oil Co. consumers Oil Co. Edna Dower E. J. Engdahl Edna Fisk v_!l;.. Township or District .;i u .Amor I/:. Everts ~3 .Amor o.<1-Vining Vill 5.!. EVerts ---23 Amor Tax Dollars cts, 2.02 6.30 2.48 3.74 7.77 2.48 I,, Candor 1/-9 Everts .3!{ Amor IJ-3 Dunn lb ~luffton Vlll. .70 7.42 '5.77 3.36 1.08 .81 10.90 1.72 3.46 S Amor 7 ~ Everts 16 Amor Ji Dunn ?enalty,Fee and costs Dollars cts. .52 1.09 .58 .75 1.29 .58 .35 1.24 .71 .70 .40 .35 1.71 ·.48 .72 Total Tax.Penalty and costs Dollars cts. 2.54 7.39 3.06 4.49 9.06 3,06 1.05 8.66 4.48 4.06 1.48 1.16 12.61 2.20 4.18 Remarks cancel " " " " " " " " .. " " " " " -r. ... ------. -·-----COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... J.~~1 ... 12 ............................................ lg.~~. f3 !vta''ts c. l!'. Geyer Gluek ~rewing co. 'F!arry Harrison 7,77 10 Perham Vill. 1.39 1.29 .44 2.01 .45 1.59 4.29 .74 .57 .45 .62 ,47 9,06 1.83 15.19 1.94 11,64 34.44 4,40 Cancel Katie Haffelder Estate Gordon Henjum Cordon Hemjum 1--Madgalena Cophenspringer Laura A. Hovden N. Hubert ~ardy Johnson Alv ln Johnson Donald L, Johnson Kens Brake Service Joseph & Pmlly Klein Rev, E. s. C, Knutson Bryce E. Lehman Henry w. Lepard J, 0, Lewis George Lough Lewis \'lard Martin JOhn Moll Tver Pederson A. t. MoKellep A. M. Nelson Mrs. Louise !Ueman Odin E. Noum Palma..,Norby Ernes1 t,I. Overvold Parkers ~rairie Bakery William Rice 'Fierman Schornack l!'reda & Joe sowartz Ge9. A,~ Martha·F. Seiler G.retohen Smith Roscoe Smith Mrs.Hans Upstad Mrs. Anna Wei by Frank Weston C. J. Vlillets Mabel H, V/itoh Cyriel Vanderberghe Joseph S. l'Talz !atie 'F!of:relder And.re,v Eremer Geo~ge Scheidecker George v. 'F!odgkins Frank & Anna Spies Leon ... enry ·c. E. Swenson Estate Child's Hotel Attest: William Linooln county Audi tor. 10 " New York Mills 13.18 :1.!!:"Amor 1.49 ~o 2d wd 10.05 /?" 3d wd 30.151\ · ~ Otter Tail 3 66 31 Dunn • 2.42 15" Amor l 51 l'f Everts • ~ 2.79 1, Compton 1 67 f:j 1st Wd • ,..,. 7.20 otr/. 2d wd 147.56-. ./D'/Richville 16,09 13 Amor 1,96 l/'/EVerts. 7.421 1 st, Dunn 16. 76"' l5"Perham Vill. 2.09 fl Everts 7.04 -3d wd 8.54 ~"-.,...Parkers Pra. 28.92 1° Tordenskjold 14,19 --Oak, Valley .66 .3.ootter Tail 4,10 f'Perham Vill, .70 .u,. Otter Tail 3.11\l Al Amor 2.12 71• DUnn 4.67 _..:....Parkers Pra.Vil~l21.68 13 Otter Tail 1.78 15"~ Corliss 1 7. 51 /1·Candor 2.79 .Jf Dunn 3 • 46 3·( Dunn 2.42 'I"' 3d wd 6,87 13 Amor 1.40 / Amor .14 Sj' Clitherall Vill, 7. 23 IJ Otter Tall 1.98 sonunn 4,58 ~ 0 ine Lake 1.13 ?D Rush L ake 6.93 ~ Amor 1,49 ;,( F.dna 6.13 /S" Star Lake 1.19 ? Maplewood 1.01 -..,Elizabeth .22 bUwd 2.~ -3d wd D;., ,70 Jlo Parkers Pr air i a ~\•·u:. 96 1.22 20.02 2.41 .52 1.24 2.50 .53 1.19 1.3!) 4.12 1.42 .34 .00 .35 .72 .53 .87 16.55 .49 2,60 .62 .72 .57 1.17 .44 .27 1.22 .52 .87 .09 .55 .12 .49 .10 .00, ,02 .18 .06 .59 The County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Yalmer Karvonen Geo, B. Gunderson George Hanson Carl A·. Snowberg Bert Stone 2,99 1.96 3,41 2.14 8.42 167.58 18.50 2.48 8.66 19.26 2.62 8.23 9.93 33.04 15.61 1.00 4.90 1-.05 4.23 2.65 5.54 138.23 2,27 20.11 3.41 4.18 2.99 8.04 1.84 .41 8.45 2.50 5.45 1.22 7.48 1.61 6,62 1.29 1.09 ,24 2.41 ,76 12.55 The applioation of Garon Knitting Mills for reduction of assessment for personal property in the City of Fergus Falls for 1947 was presented to the Board and after listening to statements of the .. " " " II " II " " " " " " II II " " II II " " II II II II " " " " " " " " " " II " " II II II owner and also members of the city council and assessor, the Board was satisfied that said property was grossly overassessed and reoommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $12,018.00 to $3,298,00 and the taxes from ~2.0l2,A9 to $552.38. A delegation of cottage owners on ·eelican Lake in Dunn Township, also members of :the Dunn town board discussed with the board the question of improvin~ roads in that vicinity. Upon motion, the board adjourned to July 13, at 10 o'clock A. M. TU'~SDAY' S SES~HON 1>ureuant to adjournment the ~oard met at 10 o'clock A, M, July 13, 1948, all members being present. A re»ort of the Board of Audit of examination of accounts of the County Treasurer for period end-ing Apr. 30, 1948, showing balance in the treasury at close of business on said last mentioned date of $963,764 •. 36 was aoproved. A report of the Board of Audit of check of current tax collections for March settlement 1948 show- ing total collections of $639,918,08 was approved. Final hearings on petitions ·to be set over from one school district to another were taken up and the board listenei to the county superintendent of Schools and petitioners and all interested partles who were present, The petitions of Nathan Lillis and Eugene Dale to be set over from Dist.240 to Dist 272 were laid over to the meeting Aug. 11, 1948. The peti t1ons of Clifford A. Nelson and Morgen Jorgenson to be set over ·from Dis1·. 201 to Dist. 48 were again laid over to a futura session, " COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... Jul.v .. 13., .......................................... 19.~8. "'l!ile The petition of c. o. Rortvedt to be set over from Dist 123 to Dist. 106 was granted and the board issued the following order. to-wit: Whereas, The petition of C, o. Rortvedt, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of Sohoor District Nol 123 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 106 and asking that he with hissaid lands may be set off. from said district Ho, 123 to said adjoining school district No, 106 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th de,V of April A,D, 1948 for the action of said board thereon: and whereas it was thereupn ordered by said board that a hear- ing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 13th day of July A, D ,., 1948 at the County Auditor's Office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County: and whereas it was further ordered in and. by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public plaoes in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by·mail- ing to the clerk ·of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 13th day of ,Tuly A. r, •• 1948 due proof ofthe posting and serv.ice of said order of hearing as therin directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petiti'on was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said b.,-said .interested parties for or against" granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said· Board being of opinion ths.t said petition should be granted, 1,t 1~ hereby ordered and determined, that the said pet l ti oner and the following described lands owned by him, to~wit: SE¼ of' Sl'l¼ ex W 2 rds Section 13 Township 133 Range 38 be and the same are hereby set off from said SchoolDistrict No, 123 to es.id adjoining School District No. 106 and said lands are hereby made a part of said le.st named School District for all purposes whatever. BY order of the Btard of County Commissioners. Dated the 13th day of July A,D,, 1948, (Auditor's Seal) Yalmer Karvonen Chairman of thP. Board of County Commissioners of mtter Tail county, Minn. Attest: Y/illiam Lincoln County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board The petition of' Frank Thompson to be set over from Dist. 236 to Dist 173 was granted and the board issued the f'ollowi~.g order, to-wit: Whereas, The pet\tion of Frank Thompson a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 236 in this county, representing that. he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District !lo, 173 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 236 to said adjoining school district No, 173 was presented to the Board o·r county Commies ioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 10th day of March A,D,, 1948 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hear·ing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 13th d!IJ' of July A.D., 1948 at the County Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and ,~hereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public plaues in each or. the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mail- ing to the clerk of. each of' said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten de.vs before the time appointed for such hearing: and whereas at the said session of the said Boerd of' County Commissioners on said 13th day of' July A.D,, 1948 due proof of the posting and service of so.id order of hearing as therPin directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested ~arties for or against granting the prayer o~ the netitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said ~etition should be granted, it is herebyhordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following ilesoribed lands O\Vned by him, to-wrt: l NE·¼-of NE¼ Section 30 Township 132 Range·136 e and the same are hereby sPt off from said School District No, 236 to said adjoining School District No, ~73 and said lands are hereby madea part of said last named School Dist1·fct for all plilrposes \'l'hatever. By order of the Board of County commissioners. Dated the 13th day of July A,D,r;i 1948, (Auditor's Seal) Yalmer Karvonen Chairman of the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor.and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Charles Wells to be set over from Dist 128 to DiRt 272 was granted and the board lssued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition ·of Chas. wells a legal voter, freeholder and res.ident of School District No, 128 ln this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in ~aid Sohool District, and adj.oin School District No, 272 and asking that he Y:ith his said lands may be set !ff from said district No, 128 to said adjoining school district No, 272 was presented to the Board of ou.hty Commissioners of thi.s county at a session of said board held on the 10th day of Maroh A,D,, 1948 or the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing ,hould be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 13th day of July A,D~, 1948 at the founty Auditor's office in the City of rergusFalls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in nd by said order that notice of the time and place of such hP.aring be given by posting copies of said order n three public places in each of the school districts to be aff.ected by said petition, and by mailing to" he clerk of each of said School Distticts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointei Per such hearing: and whP.reas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 13th dlf' ~f July A.D,, 1948 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as thP.rein directed and COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................................... Ju ly 13, ........................ 19 ... 4~ required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filP.d, said petition was publicly read ahd oOhsmdered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petit~on s~oul be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following descnbed .ct.nd OWnP.d by him to-wit: Lot 6 in Section 21 Township 135 Range 39 ·be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 128 to said adjoining School District No, 272 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes what-ever, BY order of the ~oard of County commissionP.rs. Dated the 13th day of July A,D., 1948. (Aud.itor•s Seal) Yalmer Karvonen Chairman of the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln 1 county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Boa <f The petition of Iva D, Wells to be set over from Dist. 128 to Dist. 272 was granted and the board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Iva D, Wells a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 128 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said school District, and adjoin School District !Jo, 272 and asking that he 111ith his said lands ma.v be set off from said distriotr..No. 128 to said adjoining school district No. 272 was presented to the Board of County commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 10th day of March .11..D., 1948 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearin~ should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 13th day of July A,D., 1948 at the county Aud.itor's office in the C ity of Pergus Falls in saidCounty; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three·public places in eeoh of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailinfl to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of county commissioners on said 13th day of July·A,D., 1948 due proof ofthe posting and service of said order of hearing as therin directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, ~aving been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the pr~ver of the petitioner, and said Board bjing of opinion that said ·petion should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petition er and the following described lands owned b,V him, t·o-wit: Lot 5 in Section 21 and Lot 6 west of railway in Section 22 all in Township 135 Range 39 be and the same are· hereby set off from said SohOol District No. 128 to said· adjoining School District No. 272 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of countycommissioners. Dated the 13th day of July A,D., 1948. (Auditor's Seal~ Yalmer Karvonen Chairman of theBoard of county Commissioners of Otter Tail Coumty, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, BIid ex-mfficio Clerk of Board. The application of Albert A. Seifert for reduction in assessment for 1946 on Lot 5 of Cozy Point Resort was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be re- duced from $97,00 to $13.00 by cancellation of assessment for struot:lres erroneously assessed and that the tax be reduced from $9.86 to !.51. · The applic~titn of Gustav A. Rosen·fur reduction of aesessme~t for 1947 on N½ NW¼ and N. 15 acres of SH~· NW¼ of Seo. 12 in tbeTown of Gorman, was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $579.00 to $260.00 by cancellation of assessment for structures erroneously aseessed and that the taxes be reduced from $62.•D3 to $27.85. The application of F. c. Weidemann for classification of southeast 40 feet of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3 in Block 29, Original ~lat of uerham, for 1947 at Homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation -that said la·nd be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $472.00 to ~295.00 and the taxes from $65.77 to $39,91. · The application of Bert A. Halvorsen for classification of NW¼ of Sec.34 in the Township of Otter Tail for the year 1947 at homestead rate was read and the ~oard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $1390.00 to $857,00 and the taxes from $142,61 to $84,66. · The application of Alvin .. F, Schultz for classification of E½ NW¼ of Sec. 4, Townsllip of Edna, for the ,vear 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to· the cornmiss loner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $935.00 to $561.QO and the taxes from $119.49 to $69.42. The appU:oation of Ella Stewart for classification of Lots 6 and 7, Block.,5, Original Plat of Henning, for the year 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assesse.d value reduced from $800,00 to $500,00 and the taxes from $140.2~ ta $86.64. I The application •of Howard H, Oman for olassifioation of the Et NE¼ of Sec. 34, Township of Newton. fo~ the year 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that saia land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $528.QO to $317.00 and the taxes from $65.31 to $37,96. r COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................. July···l3 •................................ 19 48 A plat of Rilcoeke's First and Second Additions to Pleasure Park, accompanied by a certificate of title executed by A, P, Frankberg, attorney, was appro~ed. Upon motion, the aounty Auditor was directed to advertise for bide ~or one half-ton pick-up truck, b.ids to be ope·ned at the meetingAug. 10, 1948. at 11 o'clock .A,l\f, Upon motion, the Board ap,roved the assignment of $25,000,00 u •. S, bonds by the Security State Bank of Deer Creek as security for deposit of county funds, Upon motion, Kenneth Severn, n.D.S, was appointed as member of the otter Tail County Public Health Nursing service. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county cornmiseioners of Otter Tail County, !,!lnneeota: That the sum of $2,500,00 be and the same is hereby appro9riated out of the Revenue Fund of the county to the county Public Health Nursing Service. Adopted July 13, 1948, Attest: William Lincoln County Audi tor. The following resolution was adopted: Yalmer I~arvonen Chairman of the Board of county Coinmi.seionere of Otter Tai~ County, Minnesota. Resolved by the Board of County comrnissioners of Otter Tail County, !vlim1esota That Carl Helson be and he hereby is appointed as Assistant county Highw&J' Engineer, at a salary of $275.00 per month effective July 1, 1948, Adopted July 13, 1948, Attest :William T.inooln ·county Auditor, The following resolution was adopted: Yalmer Karvoaan Chairman Resolved by the Board ofcounty Commissioners of otter Tail Co~nty, Minnesota, That the sum of $700.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund to bw divided equally between the nerham Agricultural Society and the Otter Tail County Fair Association as appropriations for county fairs for 1948. J[dopted .!uly 13, 1948, YalmP.r Y.arvonen Chairman Attest: William Lincoln Clerk The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUIITY COMIHSSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUIITY, MHIUESOTA WHEREAS, this board has heretofore contracted with B, C, Hess for graveling County Job NUmber 47: 06 and WHEREAS, said work has been done according to the certificate of the Highway Engineer, NOW, T'-'EREFOP.E, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the Oounty in the sum of $7,156.66, the balance due on said contract. Adopted this 13th day of nuly, 1948, Attest: William Lincoln Clerk The following resolution was adopted: .RESOLUTIOIJ Yalmer Y.arvonen Chairman BY THE BOARD OF COUHTY COMMISS IOIIBRS OTTER TAU. COUNTY, MrnNi::SOTA w-q:i::REAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with the Geo, T. Ryan Compe.ny for the ·purchase of one 116 Galion Motor Grader, and w~'EREAS, same has been delivered to and accepted by the county, NOW, T~P.EFIDRE, BE I~ RESOLVED, that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $9,752,00, the contract price of the motor grader. Adopted this 13th de,.v of July, 1948, Yalmer Karvonen Cu rm COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. DATE ............................... J:uly .13 •.................................. 19 48 For·period endin~ nee. 31, 1948 cigarette licenses were granted to Glen J. Samuelson, Clither~ll Township; \Vllliam r,ee, Leaf take Towns•hip; "ffenry c. F.rickson, Amor Tovmshlp; Conrad Haggstrom, Mdlne To ship; Chester ~aldah1, Dunn Township; Jacques ~endrickx, Butler Township; c. c. DuBois, Dora Township; t. J. 1§: L. Iverson, Everts Township, and E. ,7·. ~rilts, Dora To111'1lship. E. J. Wilts was granted on and off sale "beer license at resort lnDora ·.1.·ovmship for period ending March 31, 1949. The followir.g ~ames were selected to be placed on the petit jury list of the county to take the place of names drawn for the April term of the district·.1court: L. B. l{Uss Peter H. Doll Ed. J. Siebels wm. wanderi John Downing ,7. V. Johnson Henry A. Diedericks T. v. Delaney 1/lrs. Henry Lederman Mrs. Ambrose Welter John Mattfeld Mrs. Andy ,Johnson "Frank Schmidt Mrs. Will Chapman Leroy T!ancock Clarence Senn Mrs. Henry Tweeton Michael Sleen Mrs. Ollie Erickson Mrs. Elizabeth Sneva James Osten Wm. Scheer VI. E. '?eterson Alfred Fossen Anton Rvavold T,. ,1. Peterson Henry Bo.vum Fernal ,iohnson John Young I. F. Steuart E. K". Evanson Robert Herbranson Lars T. Nelson Leon Miles Peder Farden R• V. Smith Mrs. R. A. Thelen w. H. Rebehn Martin Hermanson Charles Hultquist Claude Goodroad Jeans. Ireland Carl w. Sheffert W. T. Ross ?almer Fronning Raymond Aas Mrs. R. A. Neuman Peter Dohrer Ernest Bartels, Sr. Mrs. Norman !l'Unn EdJll'in B. Olson Perham Twp. Rush Lake Gorman Corliss Homestead lfew York Mills Edna Rush Lake Perham Twp. -Perham Vill. Perham Vill. Perham Vill. Vergas Star Lake Dead r,ake Dunn Pelican Lida l?elicnn Rapids Maine r1orv1egian Grove F.rhards Grove Pelican Rapids. F.rhards Grove Eagle Lake Tordenskjold Battle Lake Vill. Leaf Mountain Amor Girard Clitherall Twp. Uidaros Tumuli Otter Tail TWp. Eagle Lake woodside Deer Creek Vill. Compton Folden Henning Vlll. Inman Eastern Leaf Lake Oak Valley Aastad Aurdal '!use Elizabeth Twp. Orwell City of Fergus Falls City of Fe,gus Falls The following bills were allowed: J. c. "ffenkes !DO M. c. Lee Edward c. Lrews J. c. l!enkes Louise stondahl Mrs. Elnora Esteb Arlene Nelson Effie E. Olson Eunice Salness 1'4ary T. Miller Jeanette Braud Violet TTolmquist Grace Otnes Marlon L. Borek Laura Baumgarten Beatrice M. Will Bernice Jesme John L. Bixby H. J,. Allen Helen ,iane Baer ])O George 11'. Jo·hnson Frank c. Barnes Leo R. Kerssen sheri ·rf' s exp. telegrams dep.sheriff's exp. ,, ., " "board of prisoners cash advanced Supt's clerk "" " " " " " " " " " II " " " " " " " " expenses " tickets to annual dinner expense nurse saly. & exp. weed insp. munici-pal judge's fees witness fees :~ 99.30 11.17 84.26 5.04 166.50 59.00 39.00 3.00 15.00 15.00 6.00 6.00 21.00 6.00 22,50 22.50 49.50 60.00 79.35 26.87 13.50 45.40 253.10 45.40· 11.ao r I' COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................ if.!!!.1. .... ~.~., .................................. 19 48 E. M, Thompson George Rebehn Russell~. Clark r,rlldred Bruvold co1i.nty School & Office sup. co. Willis supply do. Columbia Ribbon~ Carbon Mfg, co. DO Nelson Bros. Prtg. co, Miller-Davis co. Sec. Blank Book~ Prtg. co. The Fritz-Cross co. Poucher ~r-tg. \ Lith. co. ~anama carbon co. Schoolcraft co. The Pierce co. Victor Lundeen 'I: eo DO Fergus I.umber & Fuel co. Lampert LumbP.r co. Fergus Ready l.lix Con. co. N, W. Bell Tel. Co, Do Conklin Saw shop Wm, Galena United Chemical co. Fergus Floral co. XewanP.e BoilP.r Corp. Larson Bros. Fergus Service Station Stang 'I: Wright Rolten "FJdwe. C, T, Oscarson & son "f!intgen-Karst William Bahls John L. Logan DO Joseph Rayner, Sr. Fergus Journal Co, N, W, Pnbl. Co, H, W, Glorvigen Louise Stondahl ?. A, Anderson . P, M. Ree "fl• iV. Glorv igen Herb P, Uickel M.vron Duhn Warren F,. Maloney Ed. Brainerd F, A, Henkes Fred Anderson \Vest central Airways, Inc. Carlton Mortensen Archie Emery Marshall WellsStore Burroughs ~dding Mche. Co, Geo. VI, Robinson Relief corp. #60 West Publ. Co. Am. Legion Aux. Post #30 B~erke-Edlund Co, Women's Relief Corps.,F.F. Spanish war veterans HaemP.rl Post Am, Legion Skogmo Motors Inc. Lightfol')t's Shap R, E, Lien com.missioner of Adm. High School Music Dept. countryman Drug co. \'/right Memorial Hosp. Dr. W, F. Schamber Minn. State San. Glen take San. Twp. of ?el lean Town of Leaf Lake Dr, Everett c. Hanson Carl ,Jahn A, w. co. Inc. of Minn. Minn. F.W.D, Co. Waterhouse Co, Mahler 'I: Straus The Geo. T. R.van co. Skogmo Motors Tnc, Borchert-Ingersoll tnc. Rosholt Equipt. co. Northwest ~quipt. co. ~ffridge-Johnson Equipt. co. wm. H, Ziegler co., Inc. Larson Bros. Jaenlsch Ind. Fergus uash Motor co. l.Unn. Motor Co. witness fees ... " " ., transcript school supplies supplies carbon paper-., "· printing etc. blanks etc. record book blanks " supplies school supplies " supplies " coal concrete calls " sharpening mower parts supplies plants repair parts sup·plies " re·pairs supplies C, H, & jail " repairs dep, sheriff's fees " " " serving notices dep. sheriff's fees .publishing etc. publishing notice postage and lock box rent postage " " drivers' license exp. serv-ioes·1-in drowning case " " ., ,. " " " " " ., " " " services asst. to dep. sheriff supplies " decorating graves N, W, reporter graves decorated supplies decorating graves " " moving canon repairs " " ret. escaped insane statutes graduation music supplies care of patiP.nt exam. care of patient " " " care of poor " " " " quarantine & poor exp. dep. coronP.r's fees and exam. servlng notices parts " " " " " " " " " repairs " " " etc. $ 11.00 11,80 17.20 15,60 17.74 9.33 26,65 4.50 57.65 34.28 79.08 15.23 9.68 3.89 170.41 14.14 48,83 182.36 32.28 62.78 52.00 28.67 17.25 1.50 35.155 9.59 90,00 18.53 6.00 2,65 22.22 48,53 2,08 15,99 36.77 8.67 5.80 16,05 87.30 4.00 28.50 16.88 56.50 27.00 26.05 15.00 7.50 4,50 15.00 4,50 12.00 35.00 71.05 8.00 80,00 6.90 14.50 25.00 25.00 0 •. 10 25.00 10.00 7.00 22.36 16.20 6.50 62.20 25.00 ,59 193.05 :tl.00 253.80 411.49 23.06 58.33 30,05 43.56 798.83 64,59 23.64 341.80 153.44 15,35 10.18 4,27 55.87 167.50 79.53 22,90 21.50 16,42 236.05 (. I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER·TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................. J.:Y.JY. ... 13, ... l 94e ................. 19 .... 48 C, :H, Bjorklund Body Shop Park Machine co, A, ·B, Y.ilde R, .c. Anderson Well & Pump co. Kantrud's Servioe station · A, . P, Sohmi tz Garage ,let;1.son Auto wreoki ng co. Theo Resset · Erickson Brake Service Minn, Motor co •. H, A, Rude Olson Auto Elec, co. Service Recorder co, ·Hi-ntgen-Karst Eleo, E,· J, Johnson Harry Bredeson John Holtti Anton Roers Morris Hagen Midian L, Fraki Alfred EVavold Kadel Service station l!'ergus Servt"ce Station Highway co. Bengtson Oil Co, service Oil do,, B, L, Re.v • s on co • Ervin Siegfried Bill's service station :f4"man Store CL, cook) Ottertail co-op Oils Inc. Pe-rham co-op Oil co. Boyum's Taxaoo station Penrose Oil co. ~arthun &,,peterson on Co. The Oil Store Fergus Oil Co. Bill Nelson Oil Co, Len syverson•s Mills 011 Co, Eino Baas \Vest otterta.il Service Co. Motor tnn Garage H, K, Stahl Co, D~ A, Lubricant co., Inc, Anderson & Sandberg Oil co. R, D, Morrill Jay D, Bain Mrs, John Strissel Re.vmond Bros. Motor Trane, Co, N. P, Ra-llwe.v co, Elk River concrete Product Co, Armco Dr, & Metal Prod, Inc. 17, F, Smith Tire & Bat, Co.-. Starbuck Fur & Iron Co, Lamper-t Lbr, co. Edgetown Lbe, Co, Lampert Lbr, Co,, P,P, Wintaer Lbr, co. Fred A, EVerts Pe.per, calmenson & co. Marvel J4"sne Equipt. Rental & Sales corp, Wheeler Lbr. Brlfge & sup, Co, t,yon Chemicals, tnc. Lightfoot Shop Todd county Highwe.v Dept. Bauck Chevrolet Co, Empire supply co. Nicols, Dean "i:Gr-egg Battle Lake Produce co. Holten Rdwe. co. Natl, Bushing !I: Parts co. Mrs, Tillie Eklund 'Frankovlz Hdwe. Co, Fergus Plumbing & Heating co, Knoff-Peterson Rdwe. Saunders Hdwe. co. Battle Lake Hdwe, co. MontgomeryWard & Co, 111inneapol1e Iron store Larson Hd1ve, Vergas Hdwe, Co, coast tocoast store Wilcox Lumber co., Vergas Columbia Carbon & Ribbon Co, Northwest Builders Inc.· Great western Laboratories Federal Lbr, & wreck, co. crane-Johnson co., Inc, The Texas co, Ebersvillers repairs " " " " " " " " " " " clay pit gravel .. " equip, rental gasoline " " " .. " "etc. " " ., " " .. " " gas & oil " ., " ,, " " " ., " " ., .. .. " " " " " " " " etc. Oil " diesel fuel equipt, rental " " garage rental freight " culverts " tires steel lumber " " coal cement cutting edges tools tie wires paint calcium chloride keys main. service supplies " " ··-" "i: parts moving fence supplies " " " .. " .. " " " " " " " " " .. $29,50 107,52 260.95 2.40 32,39 81,44 10.00 19.15 46,68 1.25 4,50 74.55 10,20 14,00 -8,32 3,00 20,00 149,40 19,39 278,53 238,00 5.40 69,23 13,34 . 35.01 3,80 40,44 101,39 12,13 310,21 55,84 15,41 88,24 220,28 71,72 15,82 56,72 130,40 76,39 6,,46 36,72 34.22 63,08 109,78 236.14 85.00 775.25 30,00 32,00 97,08 12.03 804,56 31,12 521,40 153.31 7,35 11,52 9.28 25.05 22.00 45.15 96,75 131,38 19.95 476,20 ,70 44,76 6.00 198,81 205,51 68,12 73.11 341,02 30,00 1,80 3,62 8.00 7.25 55.32 19.31' 28,08 8,95 22,35 16,44 32.72 1,00 1.20 28.05 34,90 32,25 7,20 15,04 " l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN; DATE ........................................ ,tY..l.V 13 ........................... 19 48 llorby Dept. Store Minneapolis Blue Prtg. co. Y.euffel & Easer co. Victor Lundeen & co. Whiting's Office supply co. N, W, Bell Tele.co. Do Merohant'a i:rotel Mrs • .i-ohn L, Peterson ston•s Cafe Wendell P, Huber Clarenoe Rood Iver Y.esk1 talo W, L, Potter Geo. \Vioker earl C. tJelson Anthony I, Prohosky Ame,rioan Farmers• Mutual Town of Scambler Town of Folden Henning 011 co. Highway Co, Park Region coeop 011 co. Milla 011 Co, Motor Inn Garage s. 'I: F, on co. Hagge 011 co. Fergus concrete products co. John Dieseth co.· L, .i-. sand Produce Vergas Tele. co. Harry C, Olson Garage H, A, Rude . Leo savolainen consumers co-op 011 co., i:re~ing Wallace Larson Railway Express co. Les. Tire Service Henning Hdwe. co. Wm, H, Ziegler Co,, Ino. The Geo, T, R,yen co. 111onroe Calculating Ma~h. Co. Geo. B, Gunderson. Yalmer Karvonen Bert Stone no George Hanson Itasca county supplies " " chair services #39 B,L, long distance lodging for crew board :for crew " n ,. cash advanced .. .. " " expenses " " insurance road work .. " gasoline " " gas &:non etc. gasoline etc, " .. " & Jiesel :fuel drain tile equip, rental supplies repairs " " " " gravel express tires supplies snowplow wing sno1vplow main. exp. att. meeting " " " " " .. " " poor expense " upon motion, the board adjpurned to July 23, 1948, at 2 o'clock P, M, Attest~~ er. $64.80 24.35 17.13 12,85 39.90 18.50 22.85 57.50 45,10 41.70 30,96 1.47 9.32 78.90 54,35 63.95 5.90 854.58 300,00 300,00 163,87 10,81 48.32 16.80 33.19· 47.42 1384,29 156.00 451.00 4,75 19.19 34.10 16,95 17.20 5.70 8,40 10,82 85.00 3.25 715.00 785.00 32.00 8.40 14,00 31,60 10,50 15,70 3376.50 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE..........................Jul.v 23 ...................................... 19 .. ,.~.~ Minutes of ldjourned ?leetinB of Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail co., Minnesota, nu.rsuant to adjournment the Board met at 2 O'clock~. M, July 23, 1948, all members being present. The bond of \Yendell P. mi.ber, county highway engineer, 111. the snm of $3,000.00 with the Hai'ftord Acciden~ and Tndemnity company, as surety, was a9proved. Upon motion, the county auditor was instructed to call for bids for 300 tons, more or less, of Commander stoker coal delivered to the court house during the coming season, bids to be opened. Sept. 7, 1948 at·10 o'clock A,~. The airplioation of c. H. conger to set over his land in Sec. 26, Town. of Hobart, from Dist. 227· to Dist~ 116 and of Jeffrie x. Nelson to set over his land in Sections 17 & 20, Township of Tordenskjold, from Dist 20 to Dist. 95 and of Fredolph Swenson .to set over his land in Sec, 15, Town of Eagle Lake, from Dist. 72 to Dist, 6, were all read and hearings on the said petitions were ordered for Oct. 14, 1949 at 10 o'clock A,M, at the commissioners' room in the court house. The a·pplioationa of Ervin zaske and Henry Merz for reductions of assessment on personal property and the application of George Jonutz for reduction of assessment of real estate were rejected. The petition of Arthur HBiby for vacation of that part of county road No. 161 extending across Sacs, 2 and l in Township of Erhards Grove was again taken up and.upon motion, the petition was granted. _/' . Th~ county auditor ptesented the following statement to the Board; The following estimate of expenses for the ensuing year is here"!i th submitted: Salary of Cotmty Officers •••••••.•••• , , ••••••••••••••.••• Salary of County Com ••••• , •.•••••• , •••••••••••••••••• ,.,. Clerks, Janitors, etc •• , ••••••••••••. , ••••••• , •••.••••••• Jailers, Dept, Sheriffs etc ••.•..••••••••••••••••••• , •••• Board of Prisoners ..•••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• , •••••••• Jurors Fees ••••••••••• , •••••••..••••••••••••.•••••••••••• lVi tness 'Fees ••.••••• , .•.••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bailiffs, Reporters, etc ••••••••.••••••••••••••.•••••••.• Jurors, Justice court •••.•••..••.•••..•••••••.••••.•••••. 17itnesses, Justice eourt •..••••..•••.••••••••.••••••••••• 1ri1f-_Justices and Constables ••..••••••••.••••••••...••.•••.••. •'""'""'--Inquest, expenses •••••••••••••••••••••••••.••.••••••••••. Report of Si rths !I: Deaths •••••••••••••••••••• , .•••••••••• Ll,ghts, fuel, etc •••••.•••••••••••.•••••••.••••••••.•.•••• Books, blanks and stationery •.•••••••.•••••.•...••••••••• Printing and advertising ••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••.••• Exper1se with insane ..................................... . County Welfare Fund .... , •....•.••••.•••..•.•••......•.• ■ ■ a,.t:' -Poat age, express &: freight ..............•...............• Court House grounds ...•................•......••.......•• Attending Assessors' Meeting •••••. , •• ,· ••••••••••••••••••• ,-i,v~ ~ Ina !dental •..............•.•••..•...••....•.•••..•.•..•.• Ivi1Bc. F.:evenue •••••••••••••••••••• , •••••.••••••••••••••••• Road &: Bridge Fund ..••. , .••...•.•........•••••••..•.•.•.• ~ ~~111.m. Fund .•••••••.•••.••••••.•••••.••••••••••.•.••• \.. s...,_.Lc..._., .;:_-;i I ,-__ •~ -_, ,J":, 600 $ 35,000.00 '1 & ooo 5,500.00 ~~!y O I.) o 30,000.00 t.3 OfJO 6 , 000, 00 2 ~ 0 0 4,500.00 500?> 6 , 000. 00 S-()() 500.00 3,500.00 7 5 °0 100.00 Io o 300.00 o-,..,JL .2, 0 o 2,000.00 • 300.00 in.t l , 000. 00 I .,__ o I> 8,000.00 It, oo.o 12,000.00 I q oo o 5 , ooo. oo b S O 0 1,000.00 :l-o o l> 187,000.00 /-Z..S"l--7:Z- 2,000,00 ,n,,:t:. _ 0 O 1,000.00 I..!> 1,800.00 · 4 .2..C () 2,000.00 .....{ 8,000,00 12 0 0 0 :·240,000.00 3 i.e o o o 25 , 000. 00 ~ S" 0 0 D -· so Do t ~-...... -.-~} .,._._,,...,...,. --.. Dated July 21 , 1948 • I/~..., (I.~ v::.~ ""ff...ec · -· •~-_ . ... 16(;00 ·--.__,ooo Respectfully submitted, William Lincoln, County Auditor. The county Auditor presented the following statement to the Board: '1'0 THE COUNTY BOARD OTTER TAIL COUNTY, PUNNESOTA Pursuant to law T present below, a statement showing the o.mount of taxes levied for county purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, to- gether withthe actual cash balance remaining to the credit of. each County fund at the olose of business on the 30th day of June 1948. County Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bridge Fund Co. School Tax Fd. Funds co. School Transportation Fd. county sanatorium Welfare l'Tilliam J,incoln County Auditor. Amount Levied for Current Year $80,000.00 60,000,00 250,000.00 105,000.00 30,000.00 25,000.00 165,000,00 Balances remaininf! to the credit of each Fund are aa follows: Funds county Revenue '!i'tmd Poor Fund Road and '3ridge Fund Ditch Fund Tncidental f,"und I { Amounts debit Credit $36,664.61 40,020.30 t. 8f, 8s,.,,uo. P.,666.58 2,437.77 l COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Sanatorium "Fd, Welfare Fd, Contingent Funds Sinking l?und Co, School Tax Fd, co, School Transportation F.d. DATE .................................• Tuly 23··························-·······19 48 $ 6,520,08 63,902,54 1,696.21 161,39 30,122,41 8,376.74 The following is a. statement of the accounts remaining unpaid on the contracts already entered into b,v the "Board. ?or Whet Purp~se Road Patrols & Trucks & Plows Gravelling & Grading contracts Road 011 contracted for The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the ~oard of county commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: Balance Due I 44,715.89 .. 19,638.61 14,900.00 That there be levied upon the taxable property of. Otter Tail County, Minnesota for the year 1948 the following amounts for the sevP.ra.1 county funds: Road and Bridge Fund •••••••••••••••••••••••••• $250,0.00,00 Revenue Fund. . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • 100,000.00 Welfare Fund •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 190,000.00 Sanatorium Fund ••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••• ,, 30,000.00 Poor Fund •••••••••••••••••••••••• ,, ••••••••• ,, 40.000.00 county School Transportation Tax Fd ••••.•••••• 40,000.00 County School Tax Fund •••.•••••••••••••••••••• 100,000,00 Adopted July 23, 1948. Attest:William Lincoln Clerk Yalmer Karvonen Chairman Upon motion, the-Soard then adjourned to Aug. 10, 1948 at 10 o'clock A. M, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... Aug .•... 1O .......................................... 19 1.~ .· -Minutes of Ad,journed Ueeting of Board of County Commissioners of ottP.r Tail crounty, Minnesota. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, Tuesday Aug, 10 1948, Present were Commissioners Karvonen, Gunde~son, Ranson, Stone and snowberg. A plat of ~each's Shady Shore in the Town of Star lake with a oertifioate of title executed by P, A, Anderson, Register of DeP.ds, was approved. A plat of Collin's and Wermager's Addition tn Seo, 20, Township of Dunn, accompanied by a certificate of title executed by N, F, Field, attorney-at-law, was approved, Bids :f'.or truck as advertised for by the Board were opened and read and the Board accepted the bid of Skogmo Motors for i ton Dodge truck for $1525,16, Representatives of the St, Paul-Mercury Indemnity co. and the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co, explained to the board a plan for group acctdent and sioknesa insnrancP. for county employees and, after full discussion, the Board authorizP.d the companies to contact emµloyees of the county h¢ghway department and the commissioners agrP.ed to cause a deduction from salaries in case the plan is put in operation in this county, TJ'POn motion, the Board then took a recess to 1:30 P, M, Bids for spreading road oil as·called for by the Board were taken up and the Board accepted the only bid received, being that of the Alexander Constrnotion Co, for spreading 100,000 gallons for the sum of $4250.00, Bids for equipment. rental having been called for by the B<iard, the bid of the John D ieseth Co. was read and acoP.pted. A final hearing on the petition of Arthur Abraham for l'!acation of' part of county Road #107 in the Township of Do~a, was taken up for final action and interested parties, both for and against this vaca- tion, were heard ~uring the balance of the afternoon. The ~oard took the matter under advisement until the next day. The Board thenadjourned to 10 o'clock .4., M. Aug. 11. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M, Aug, 11, 1948, all members being present. A d•elegation of business men from the Village of Vergas appeared to urge oiling of roads leading into that village. The application of D, c. Edwards for cancellation of assessment for structures against tract in Seo, 3, Town of Hobart, on the ground that no structures exist on said tract, was read and the Board recommend- ed to the Commissioner of Taxation that this assessment be uancelled and the assessed value of said tract be reduced from $110,00 to $22,00 and the taxes from $12,67 to $2,53, The application of t·he M.E, Community Church or" Perham for cancellation of tax for 1947 against the N,W, 75 feet of Lots 8 and 9 and the s. w. 35 feet of Lot 7 in Block 1 of ?aine's Addition to Perham, on the ground that said property is used for church purposes was read and the Board recommended to the Com- missioner of Taxation that the assessment of $314.OO and the tax of $42,47 be cancelled, The &!)plication of Arnold F.Venson for cigarette license from Aug. 1 to Dec. 31, 1948 and also his application for "On anil Off,. beer sa-le license for the year ending Mar. 31, 1949 for the Western Store were granted. The Board then took up the petition of Arthur Abraham for vacation of part of County Road #107 and, upon motion, the same was rejected. Upon motion, the auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for one or more motor patrols, said bids to be received until 2 P, M. Sept. 7, 1948. The following resolution was adopted: RIISOLTJTION BY THE BOARD OTt' COUNTY COM!.~TS!'lTON~RS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MHIN. WHEREAS. the county of Otter Tail appointed the .commissioner of Highway its agent to let a contract for the construction of a ·portion of state Aid Road No. 1 under Contract No, 5295, and Whereas, said Contract No. 5296 has in all things been completed and the County Board bei~ fully ad- vised in the premises, NOW, THEH. BE IT RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Highway be and he hereby is advised that the work under said contract has been performed and completed .in an acceptable manner, that the final estimate now prepared for said work is true, just and proper. Be it ·further resolved that the Commissioner of l!ighways be and he hereby is requested for and on be- half of the County to aocept said work anil pa.v said final estimate. Ailopted this 11th day of August,· 1948, Yalmer Karvonen Chairman Attest: William Lincoln ClP.rk The following resolution was adopted: ~--- COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE.: ....................... Aug •... 11., ··································.19 ... 48 ., RESOLUTIO!J BY T11E BOARD 0,., COUNTY COM!HSSIO!-TERS OTTER TAT!. COUNTY, Mrtm , -\'!HF.REAS, The County of Otter Tall appointed the Commissioner of Highways its.1agen-t to let a contract for the construction of a portion of state Aid Road No. l under contract No. 5296, and WHEREAS, said Contract No. 5296 has in all things been completed and the County Board being fully advised in the premises, I-TOW, THEN, BE TT RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Highvrays be and he hereby is advised that the wor under said contract has been performed and completed in ani, acceptable manner, that the final estimate now prepared for said work is true. ·j.ust and proper. Be it further resolved that the commissioner of Highways be and he hereby is requested for and on behalf of the Count,v to accept said work and pa,v said final estimate. 'Adopted this 11th da,v of August, 1948. Yalmer Karvonen Chairman Attest: William Lincoln Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved that pursuant to Chapter 90, Lawe of Minnesota 1943 the commissioner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the county of OTTER TAIL to let as its agent a contraot for the oonstruction of that portion of State .4.id Road No, 5 described as follows: From 2,4 Miles west of Parkers Prairie to T.H. #29 at Parkers ?rairie s.P. 56-532-02, Minn. S 124 (5) and the chai:r:man and the auditor are i1~reby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the county to execute and enter into a contract with the commissioner of Highways ,,rescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "llinnesota Department of Highwa.vs Agency Contract Form }Jo. IV", a copy of v1hioh said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 11th day of August, 1948. Attest: \'1illiam Lincoln Clerk The folLowing resolution was adopted: Yalmer Karvonen Chairman, Otter Tail county Board WtIBP.EAS, it is necessary in order to receive ~ederal Aid toward the construction of that portion of state Aid P.oed r10. 5 described as f'ollovrs: ~rom 2.4 Miles west of 'Parkers Prairie to T. H. #29 at Parke.rs "'rairie s. 1?. 56-532-02, Minn. s 124 (5) for the county itself and through the commissioner of Highways as its agent to agree to maintain said road after it shall have been constructed. NOW T~N B~ IT RESOLVED, that the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the county of Otter Tall to execute a contract concerning the maintencance of said por- tion of State Aid Road Ho. 5 .in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of' Highwa,vs Federal-Aid Maintenance Contract Form 110. VI", a copy of which said fonn was before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations the~ein set forth. Adopted this 11th da,v of August, 1948, Attested: William Lincoln · Clerk Yalmer Karvonen Chairman, Otter Tail County Board A communication from the conservation Dept. in regardto establishment of water level at Star Lake was read and the auditor was instructed to Dotify that department that the commissioners do notfeel that a public hearing is necessary at this time, Upon motion, the auditor was instructed to advertise for bide f'or grading as follows: Job #48:01-01 on State Aid Road KO, 1., Town of Nev.,ton, and Job ft,la:ol-03, State Aid Road No, 1, 'l'own of Buse and State Aid Road Ho, 5 from Parkers "rairie vrest 2.4 miles, bide to be opened at 2 o'clock l', M. Sept. 28, 1948, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, That the sum of a200.oo be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the county revenue fund to the Otter Tail County Ristorical Society. Adopted Aug. 11, 1948. Attest: William tincoln Clerk, fhe following bills were allowed: Yalmer Y.arvonen Chairman \ COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... ·-······-··-·········· !ug ... 11 ....................... l9. 48. J. C, 'R'enkes Do M, c. Lee J, C. Henkes Louise Stondahl Ella Stondahl .. Bernioe ,Jesme Mrs, Elnora Esteb Violet Holmquist C, J, L:tlld Dr, Geo. C, Jacobs Frank ·e, Barnes Geo, JI', Johnson Carl ton 1.{ortenson :Sd\Yard c. Drews Carl Jahn Oren Fosse Joseph Ra.vner, Sr, Nelson Bros. Printing co. Seo, Blank Book~ Prtg. Co, Jones i xroeeer co. Poucher Prtg. II: Lith. Co, Fritz-cross cro, Burroughs Adding Mche. Co, Miller-Davis Co, Victor Lundeen\ co. Henning Advocate Fere;u.s Jo11rnal Co. Louise stondahl P, A, Antlerson Johnson Service ~o. Hintgen-Karst Elec, co. Nelson Trucks Johnson Furniture co. Markstrom Drug Store nuro Test corp, Hintgen-Karst Stang 11: \'fright Burelback Post #61 A,L, American Legion Post #28 American Legion Post #219 Helen Jane "Baer A, B, Kilde Co. Lampert Lumber co. Betty Lou Braaten R, J, Schmidt Acme Visible Reoord Service ~. W, Glor\, igen AlLegro Lysne Minn. state San. Uriiversity Hospitals DO Glen Lake San. Fergus Falls Clinic Wright Memorial Hosp. Division of Public Institutions Minn. r.w.D. co. Rosholt Equipt. co. A, w. co., Inc •• of Minn. N, W. Equipt, Co, Wm,~. Ziegler co., Inc, Ruffri.dge-Johnson Eqnipt. co. Borohert-Ingerso~l. Inc. Geo. T, Hyan co. N, W, Engineering Co, Diesel •• Magneto Service co, Davenport-Bester corp. Waterhouse co. Park Machine Co, Mahler~ Straus Paper, Calmenson II: Co, Smith Inc. C, H, Bjorklund Body Shop Larson Bros. Erickson-Helleckson-vye Olson Auto Elec. Co, Ehnbom Motor Co. Henry Holmgren Oscar Rude National Bushing ,\ Parts co. Olson Auto Parts D, A, Lubricant Co,, Inc. Service 011 co. Fergus 011 Co. Fergus Service Station Motor Inn Garage Kantrud's Service Station Empire Supply Co, Rosenwald-Cooper Inc. John F., Maki Davidson Metal Shop Ebersviller [mplement co. expenses telegrams expenses Board of prisoners expenses Supt's clerk ,.. n n •• "" " coroner's fees n " mun. jud.ge's fees salary & exp. weed.insp, dep. sheriff's exp. " " ,, " " " ,. .. " supplies records, etc. record books supplies school supplles paper supplies " pub. notice publi.shi ng postage " supplies " hauling gravel porch shades supplies lamps repairs " .. " " sheriff's res. decorating graves " " " .. exp, nurse unload cannon supplies (nurse) exp, nurse's dept. supplies " drivers license exp, sup, assessment clerk care of patient nursing " cnre of patient examination care of patient care of inmate parts " " II " " " II " " pump parts cutting edges repairs II " II II " .. II II ~ " gas etc, gas and oil " " " gasoline etc. gas&, repairs supplies II II II $62.41 11,78 37,74 157,50 22,35 54,00 18,00 4,50 7.50 64,25 . 10,46 14,75 232,30 •7,05 1.53 20,94 35,10 10,62 13,50 151.08 152.;54 37,83 74,98 9,04 31.29 207.42 2,30 1~0.00 43,50 37.50 36.05 1,80 5.60 48,20 4.29 20,40 4.57 167.40 23.50 20.00 22.00 26,60 5.00 4,84 13,12 6.00 7.35 24.90 52.50 70,70 124,50 81,50 7.03 7.00 352,50 933,67 1564.68 138.39 597,81 99,0l 906,84 101,46 173,91 500,08 324.72 121.38 85.70 5.45 20.09 344,42 1063.65 24.88 10,50 109.50 3,74 ·.20 .. ·60 5.44 35.85 8.00 25,37 2.50 273,60 130,01 84.16 23.99 24,22 65.79 8,09 31.64 1.65 1.75 13.75 • L.. COMMISSIONERS RECORD ·N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. P, K, M, company Ming: .. e Implement Co. Les Tire Service Bill Nelson Oil Co. Tire Retread ~o. Fred A, Everts Glen R, Salts Oscarson Implement Rodekuhr Bros. Lir,htfoot•s Shop JJaur,an 'I: Mark Gilbert swanton Arvo l"eldo s·elmer Knutson Julius Rhode Abner Davidson Chas. Fenske Corner Cafe & Hotel Tick Tock Ca1e Mrs. John L, Peterson !:!erilhant' s Hotel Vernon Hetland W, L, Potter Wendell P, Huber Gso. Olson Wendell P, Huber state of Minn, Olson-Enstad-Larson Tnc. H, A, Rogers Co, Miller-Davis Co. Victor Lundeen co. Keuffel & ~sser co. Poucher Prtg. & Lith, co. ~ostitch-MoClain co. N, W, Bell Tele. Co, Pelican Tele, co. American Farmers !,tut, Township of Carlisle Townshi-1> of. Rush Lake Fergus Nash Motor co. Minn. J;totor co. Skogmo Motors Farm sup, Co. Consumers co-o~ Co,, ~.L, Consumers co-op co., Henn, Hagga 011 co. N, W, Bell Tele. Co, Woodside TV.'P, N, W, Bell Tele, Co, DO Bert stone Geo, B, Gunderson Yalmer Y.arvonen Geo, Hanson Bert Stone Geo, B, Gunderson Yalmer Karvonen Geo, Hanson Carl A, snowberg Bert stone DATE ............................. ~~~ .. ~ .... ~.~·······································l9 ... 48 supplies .. recap lumber .. sickles towing keys equipment rental " " gravel " .. " gruvelling board & lodging meals board for crew lodging mileage elrpenses " " cash adv. tests bond supplies " " " " " services " ins. grading " repairs " gasoline " d.iesel fuel calls road building calls .. attd, sp. meet. attd, meet. " " " " " " Bd, of Equalization " " " " " " " " " " " " Upon motion, the Board then adjourned toSept. 7, 1948 at 10 o'olook A, M, $27, 17 7.55 25,60 334,33 75,34 15.88 6.00 5.25 9,00 8.75 932,00 15.00 603,82 18,13 13.16 6,65 236.80 10,45 51.35 53,75 33,75 141,80 65.20 132,00 20,25 30,99 8.34 15,00 37,84 16,64 9.70 79,18 19.14 3.87 22,05 3.70 21,28 300,00 300,00 13,90 12.48 21,70 4.50 39.25 35,20 1461.46 17,85 300,00 38,10 13.05 5.25 5,90 7,90 7,50 11,70 28.20 35.40 29-,,80 25,00 34,40 Attest: (J~~ ~clerk c!J-~~ oa rman COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ·-·····················S·e:pt ..•.... 'J. ...................................... 19 .. i6. Minutes ·of Adjourned Meeting of Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota. 'Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M• Tuesday, Sept. 7, 1948. Present 1vere Commissioners Karvonen, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg. A plat of Ted.'s Beach on Star Lake in Sec. 1, Township of Star title ~xeouted by P.A. Anderson, Register of Deeds, was approved. A ·plat of Erickson's Addition in Seo. 1, Township of Scambler, exeout~d by P.A. Anderson, Register of Eeeds, was approved. Lake, accompanied by a certificate or accompanied by a certificate of titl Tlie Board reconsidered the question of having a public hearing to fix levels of Star T.ake and the county auditor was instructed to notify the Dept~ of conservation that the Board desires that such a public hearing be had. Tne application of Rolland D. Tomhave for classification of the W~ NW¼ and the W~ SW¼ of Sec. 28 in the ·Township of Fergus Falls for the year 1947 was read and the Board recommended to the Commission-er of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $1724.00 to $1170.00 and th~ taxes from $181.02 to ~121.34. Tlie application of H. G. Nieman for reduction of assessed value for 1947 on the E! of. Block 3, Newooml:i'e Addition to the Village of ·1:1erham, was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of···Taxation that the assessed value of .said tract be reduced from $192.00 to $48.00 and taxes from $26.76 ·to $6.69. THe ppplication of. D. c. Edwards for reduction of. assessment" for the year 1946 against Sub Toot B of. Lot ·9 except easterly 110 feet in Seo. 3, Town of "qobart, was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation thst the said value of BRid tract be reduced from $110.00 to $8.00 and the taxes ~rom t12.67 to $.92. The application of ~enry c. Johnson for reduction of assess~o~t for 1946 on all of Lot 1, Block 4, excepting the northeasterly 235 feet in A. A. White's Addition to Perham, was read and the Board re- commended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said tract be reduced from $334.00 to $1.00 and the taxes from $41.22 to $.12. Tne application of Ernest Mathison for reduution of assessment for 1947 against Lots 9 and 10 in Blook 2·9 of the Original Plat of the Village of Perham, was read and the Board recommended to the Commiss·ioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said tract be reduced from $950.00 to $724.00 and . the taxes from $131.23 to $97.94. The application of the M, E. Community Church of Perham for cancellation of taxes for 1947 against the Northwest 75 feet of Lots 8 and 9 and the southwest 25 feet of Lot 7, all in Block 1 of Paine's AdcH tio.n to the Village of Perharp,on the ground that said property was used for church purposes from Apri. 29, 1947, was read and tho Board recommended to the IJommissioner of Taxation that the assessed value o:t $314.00 and the tax of $.42.47 be cancelled. Upon motion, the Boar-d then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. ?.{. Bids for motor patrols as advertised for by the Board ,vere opened and read and the BoRrd listened to statements of representatives of various firms in regard to the merits of their machines, Upon.motion, the Board adjourned to 10 A. M, Bept. 8, 1948. WEDNESDAY'S SESSIOM l"ureuant to acljo11rnment the Boa:i:d met at 10 o'clock A. M, Sept. 8, 1948, all members being present. The ijoard having, in the month of ~anuary, designated the date of the December meeting as Dec. 14th, upom motion, the date o~ said meeting was changed to Dec. 7th at 10 o'clock A. M. The Board having considered all bids received for power patrols with snow plow and wings aooepted the following bids: Wm. H. ?.iegler Co •• Inc, ~14,193.00; Geo. T. R.van co., $13,583.90; A-W co., Inc., $14,011.75; Rosholt Equip~emt co., '14,952.75 The following bills were allowed: J. C, 'Henkes M. c. Lee J. c. Henkes Edward C. Drews J. c. Henkes Bernice Jesme Dr. c. J. Lund c. W. Lewie Dr. c. A. Boline Carl ,Tahn Joseph Rayner, Sr. William 3ahls N. W. Bell Telephone co. Odin Johnson o. T. Lien ~anama Carbon Co, Beall~ McGowan co. Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. Norby Dept, Store N. W. Bell Tele. Co. Willis Supply co. Fergus Service Station Johnson Repair Shop Hintgen-Y.arst 1!'renk c. Barnes expenses dep. sheriff's exp,, Bd. of prisoners Dep. sheriff's fees telegrams co. Supt's alerk uoroner's fees " " " " Dep. sheriff's fees " " ,, calls cash adv. insurance ailpplies " " " oalle supplies " " " rep. mower eng. lamps municipal court fees $117.72 42;80 139.50 13.14 13.81 6.00 23.00 10.75 10.25 11.46 16.68 12.90 30.45 85.00 243.23 3.89 11.00 28.64 5.53 3.15 15.00 1.40 8.06 4.56 41.75 CHESTER S. WILSON COHMISSIONCR DIVISION Of" WATER RESOURCCS & ENGINECRING C. V, WILLARD .,, DEPUTY COHHIS!IIONCft Mr. William Lincoln Auditor Otter Tail Count7 Fargua Falla, Minnesota ROOM 8 STATE OFFICE BUILDING ST. PAUL 1, MINN. :aa: Star Lake near Dant C. T. EKMAN Director Otter Tail Count7 -Ident. f9-142 Dear Sir& In accordance with the request made by the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail Count7 b7 a resolution dated Mq 9, 1945, the divi- sion has made the neceaaar7 field inveetigation for the purpose of determining natural ordinary high water· level of Star Lake. It has been found that& l. The natural ordinary high water level of Star Lake can be determined to be elevation 13290 0 MSLD 4th general adj. 1912. 2. That if and when a dam is constructed at the outlet of the lake it should be a solid weir crest dam having a-minimum length of 701 at a crest elevation of 132s.5. The division is prepared to hold a public hearing for the formal establishment of these levels before the Commissioner of Conserva- tion under authorit7 of chapter 142, laws 1947. However, the division does not desire to schedule a public hearing unless and until it has been assured by the Board of Commissioners that when the hearing has been held and tho levels established that the board will then immediately proceed to carry out the improvements. It will be appreciated if Jou will call this matter to the board's attention and advise this division as soon as a decision has been reached. Yours vary truly, SAF:mJ CHESTER S. WILSON C:OMMISSIONCFI DIVISION Of' WATER RESOURCES & ENGINECRING £. V. WILLARD DEPUTV C:OMMl&910Nl:R ROOM 8 STATE OFFICE BUILDING ST. PAUL 10 MINN, September 17, 191t-8 Mr. William Lincoln Otter !all Count1 Auditor J'ergue J'alla, Minnesota Dear Sirs Re: Star Lake near Dent Otter !all Count1 -19-142 C. T. EKMAN Dir■ctor !his will acknowledge receipt of 1our letter of Septem- ber 13th, 1948, convering the requeet of the Joard of Oommiaaionera for a hearing before the Commissioner of Oonaervatlon under authorit1 of Chapter 142, Lawe of 1947, for the purpose of establishing the natural ordl- nar1 high water level and the elevation of the crest of the 4am to be erected at the outlet of the above named lake. It ia assumed thlt the Icard intends to make the recom- mended improvements within a reasonable time after the levels have been eatabllahe4, and the ,Divi ■ion will there- fore schedule a hearing as soon aa it ia possible to do ao. !he notice of hearing, when prepared, will be forwarded to 1On ao that it can be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in accordance with law. SAJ'1mmb c. '• lkman, Director 11 .. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Sept 8 48 DATE ...................... ·-··························-···································19 ....... . John K'llkowske, Jr, Fergus Journal co, Whiting's Office Sup, Nelson ~ros. Prte, Co, M111er-nav1s co. Ponoher Prtg, 'le Li th, co, Seo. Blank Book 'i: Prtg. Co, Victor Lundeen 'i: ~o. Louise s-tondahl Helen ,Jane Baer P, A, Anderson Geo. F, Johnson T•f°, W, Glorvigen Herbert F., DUenow C!J-rlton County John L, Bixby W., H, Dewey A1fred R, Futnam American Legion Post #508 Odin ,Johnson Duane C, Au-ne- N, W, Bell Tele. Co, Do Ya1mP.r :r.:arvonen Geo. B, Gunderson Geo, Hanson Bert stone Fergus Falls Clinic Wright Memorial Hosp, Philo Nendlck Lyman store ·Kadel Service .Ste.tlon Bill Nelson Oll Co. Highway Co, Park Region co-op Oil Co, Fergus Service Statton ·Motor Inn Garage consumers' Co-op011 co., B,L, · Service Oil co. !?enrose Oil co. . Bill's Service Station Len Syverson 11, P. Railway N, E, Arneson Ins. Agency Stall's Cafe Eagle Cafe corner Cafe~ Hotel Wendell~. V.uber Victor LundeP.n & co. Mpls. Blue Prtg. Co, The Frederick Post co. Miller-Davis Co, \Vhitlng'e xeuffel 'I: Esser co. U. W, Bell Tele, Co, Pelican Tele. co. N, W. Bell Tele, Co. Geo, Wicker Carl C, Nelson Wendell P, Huber w. L, Potter Wendell P, Huber Julius Hagen Town of St, Olaf Archie Segar Lois B,~John F, Geltz Clarence !Alelke Mary A, Prentice Lawrence Rowe Howard J. Miller riels J. Farden Mrs, HUlda S, Anderson & Willard F., H, D, Merrill & son """"\!!lderson City of Fergus Falls Hagge 011 Co. Anderson 'le sandoerg Oilco. Farmers' co-op Oil co. ThP. Oil Store Perham co-op Oil co. Fergus 011 co. Harthun lie Peterson Oil co. Erv's East Side Servi.ce Station Mills 011 Co. F., W. Baas Oil co. Town of BlowP.rs Larson Hardware Thelen Implement Walt Olson Anderson & Tichy Lake Region Motor Co, Olson Auto Elec. Barta & Gaedke Oscar Rude municipal judge's fees publioatiOBS filing oabinet printing blanks " supplies receipts 'i: blanks postage " salary & insp.wP.ed exp, com. adv, exp, soil cons. exam. insane exp. assessor's office exp. soil cons, " " " decorating graves hauling mall " " calls mobile service attd, meeting " " " ,, " " care of patient " " " sawing gasoline " oil gasoli~e " " '' etc. " §: fuel " " freight insurance meals for crew " " " meals and lod~lng envelopes supplies " " " file sup·pl lea services " long distanoe expenses " " " cash adv. " " gravelling right of way " " " "· " " " " " " " " " " " " ~ " " Equip, rental bituminous diesel fuel " " gasoline " gas lie oil " " " gaso~lne " gas 'c oil grading supplies repairs " ,, " " $ ·8,70 174.25 81.75 · 6,25 3,67 26.76 8.30 1122.00 115,42 21,00 27,00 262.55 22.65 12.00 33,60 9,90 9.20 15.00 13.00 2.00 6.00 50,75 146.14 7,90 5.90 6,60 15,20 248,00 167.00 109,50 161.99 11 ,48 40,77 24.49 17,10 19,95 38.21 54,33 24,91 181.42 6,13 57.11 1,05 23.06 34,70 16,45 65,65 150,00 16.00 15.13 28.45 1,81 65,95 88,95 19.50 3.60 46,10 8.48 49.25 140,55 86.75 66.20 13.70 300,00 76.80 42.50 91.50 93.00 45,30 26.00 61.50 1200.00 4203.75 1550,65 1308,14 85.00 1.82 10,18 41.37 54,47 78,98 112,14 21,65 52.20 300,00 2.72 7,85 4.25 20.35 82,75 11.75 6,50 3,80 1 I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN .. DATE ....................... _ ................ Se pt.• ... 0 ........................... 19 .... 48 ittUliil fllitliC to■FINf Service Recorder Co, Bauck Chev, do. niese"i & Magneto Service co. Larson Bros. Skogmo Motors, Inc. Cumm~ns Diesel Sales corp. aeo. T, R.Van co., Inc. Northwestern Eqnipt. co. Rosholt Equipt, co. Mahler!: Straus Minnesota Motor Co, Uat'l. Bushing .ire Parts co. :r.:en s. Gold co. Park Machine co. N. w. F.ngineering co. wm. l-T. ?.iegler do., Inc. Borchert-Ingersoll Inc. Ruffridge-Johnson Equipt. co. A. W, Co., Inc, of Minn. George O!l.si>n Home & Farm Supply West Ottertail Service co. Les Tire Service Paper, Calmenson .'1:Co. Clarence P.ood Wheeler Lumber Bridge ire Sup. co. Empire Supply co. Nicols-Deah ire Gregg Holten Hardware co. A. R. Ebersviller D, H, Cordes Vaughn Chev. co. Edgetown Lwnber co. MoDUnn Farm Store Electric supply Jesse st. Clair. Norris Krog· Smith Contracting co. Standard Oil co., Fergus Falls Town of star Lake ['i'J,,,. fcf) .. iow,ipg, ~esol-qtio:!')., ~as: ~Qpted·:·," •· repairs " " " " parts parts etc. parts II " parts &repairs sup·plies .ire parts parts II " II " expenses supplies Boarscu tires p.rader blades tools etc. tie wires supplies " " II " " II gravel " gravelling compound grading ' .. $17.69 3.95 35.27 36.10 19.60 8.89 120.HI 309.84 204.39 36.69 20.96 169.75 55.74 83.26 55.48 747.46 . 46.06 570,70 76.13 17.30 2-.95 16.25 186.54 8.04 27.60 271.08 22.91 23.04 45.20 1.75 7.02 3.51 113.86 3.57 22.90 5.74 54.00 275.72 7,02 500,00 Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minn., that a sale of certain tax forfeited land which has been classi.fied and appraised b,v this board be held in the off ice of the cou-nt,v auditor in the conrt house in the City o.f Fergus 'Falls in said county at 2 o'clock P. !vi. Oct. 7, 1948. Said lands shall be sold to the highest bidders at not less-tlian the· ap-prals·ed· prfoe-·and the. full amount of ,the purch~se. ,price shall be paid at the time of sale. Bidder~' are hcfr-e't!y not'i fi~d that al_l of' said land is under state quarantine for weed control. -• -. ---· • L . .•. ~ Adopted Sepp. 8, 1948, Yalmer Karvonen Chairman. Attest: ",William r.incoln Clerk. Upon motion, the Board adjourned to Tuesday Sept. 28, 1948, at 2 o'clock P. M, r COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... S'ept. ' ... 28., ....................................... 19 _48 Minutes of Adjourned meeting of the Board of county COll!-missioners of Otter Tail County, Minn, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 2:00 P, !.f, Sept, 28, 1948. Present were Commissioners Karvonen, Gunderson, Ha~~on, Stone and Snowberg. Sheriff Henkes reported to the Board the conviction of Clifford Courneya for violation of dance reg-ulations and reRulations for sale of beer. TJpon motion, licenses i'or sale of beer and conduoting public dances by Mr, courne.va were revoked. The Board approved the assi~nment of $20,000,00 U, S, Treasury Bonds by the Fs.rmers' State Bank of Dent to the First Uational "Bank of Minneapolis, these bonds being deposited to secure county funds. Bids for road construction as called for by the Board were opened and read, Bids for constructing Job 56-532-02 on State Aid Road No, 5 from Trunk Highway #29 in Parkers nrairie Village running west 2.4 miles were ezaminedand the Soard recommended to the State Highway commissioner that the lowest bid being that of Alfred EVavold in the sum of $20,058.45 be accepted. Bids for constructing county Job 48:0l-Ol from New York Mills north 2.7 miles were examined and con- tract for construction ot that road was a1varded to the John Dieseth co-., the 1,,west bidder, for the sum oi' $14,141.20, Bids i'or construction of Job 48:01-03 on Wendell road from City of Fergus Falls to point 2,5 miles southwest were examined and it was found that the lowest bidder was Weldon zaske, his bid being $21,896.50. Action on awardine: of this contract for this road was deferred until the meeting of the county Board Oct. 13th. There being no further business, the Board adjourned to Oct. 13, 1948 at 10 o'clock A, M, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN.· HCHIPTY PPPl!P■I CDHINI IT Cl OHD RIMM Im DATE ..................................... Oct •... 13~ ............................ 19 ...... ~8 Mlnutes of Adjourned Me.eting of Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Co,, Minnesota. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clook A. M. Oct.13.1948. Present were Commissioners Karvonen, Gunderson. Hanson, Stone and snowberg, The town board of Lida together with citizens of the to1•rnship appee.red to urge the designation of oount.v aid road in that townehi!), Owners of lands 11.ftected by county ditch rro. 42 appeared to discuss the improvement of that ditch. After full consideration. the commissioners urged the interested parties to contact some ditch contract- or and to report to the board. The town board of the Town of Rush Lake appeared before the Board to urge road improvements in that township, Upon motion, the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock p, M, A _plat of Shady Lane Beach on· Star Lake in Section 1 in the Township of Star Lake accompanied by a certificate of title by P, A, Anderson, Register of Deeds, was ap·proved. A plat of Jerry's Breezy Beach on Rush Leke in Section 14, To1vnship of Rush Lake, accompanied by a oertifioate of _title by P, A,Anderson, Register of Deeds, was approved, The follo1ving resolution we.a adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Com:niss ioners of otter Tail County, Minn., Whereas, it appears to this Board that the sum of $1114.74 was certified by the county treasurer for payment of clerk hire in his office in excess of the amount set aside by -the county board at the annual meeting in 1947, and Whereas, said.excess amount was paid as salary of clerks in that office, Now, therefore, be it resolved that peyment of this amount is hereby ratified. Adopted Oct, 13, 1948, Yalmer I~arvonen Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln er The following resolution was adopted: RP.SOLUTfON BY TT-IE BOARD OF COUUTY COJ,UHSR IOW.RS OTT 1~R TAIL COUUTY, MTIHJESOTA Chairman Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with the John Dieseth Company for construction of County Aid Job No, 46:20 and whereas same has been fully completed according to the certificnte of the Highway Engineer and same has been aoce·pted by a committee of this Board, NOW, •r<rERB:FO'tR, BE TT RESOLVED, that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to as.id Contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the county in the sum of $3,481.37, balance due on said contract, Adopted this 13th day of October, 1948. Yalmer Karvonen Attest: William Lincoln C. er The following rP.solution was adopted; P.-r.:SOL'TTT ON BY '!'-HR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMTSRION~1RS OTT~R TAIL COUN'l'Y, MINtTl':SOTA Chairman W~Rn:AS, this Board has heretofore contracted With A, 13, Kilde Company for one GMC FC 101:.Half Ton l?anel: Truck, and WTIF.REAS, same has been delivered .to and accepted by the County, NOW, T''!<J~EFORE, BE IT RF.SOLVED, that the County Auditor and Chairman.of the Board are authorlzed and directed to issue to said compan,v a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the r:ounty in the sum of $1,690.85, the contra.ct prlce. Ado~ted this 13th da.v of October, 1948, Yalmer Y.arvonen Chairman Attest: William Lincoln .Ler COMMISSIONERS RECORD N,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... Oct .•... 13.•·························-······.l 948 .. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMJ.\ISSIOIIBRS OTTER TAIL COUHTY, lITNIIBSOTA WiIB~EAS, this Board has heretofore contracted wlth the Socon.v-vacuum 011 Compan.v for the season's requirements of Asphalt Road Uaterlals, and whereas same has been delivered and accepted by the County. ?10W; T'!EREFORE, EE TT ~F.SOLVED, that the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said Company a warrant on the Roan and Bridge fund of the County in the sum of $15,912.81, amount due on sai.d contract. Adopted this 13th day of October, 1948. Yalmer r:arvonen Attest: William ·Lincoln The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION DY THE BOARD OF' COUIITY CO!,!MTSSI O!/ERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINIT?:SOTA WUl':RJ-:AS, This Board has heretofore contracted with the Alexander Construction Com·pan.v for bituminous application on County Aid Job No, 48:00-16, and whereas same has been fully completed according to the certificate of the Highway EngineP.r and the same has been accepted by a committee of this 1:1oard, llOW, Tl-fEREJi'CRE .BE IT RESOLVED, that the County AUditor and Chairman of the Board be and they are here by authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bri.dRe Fund of the county in the sum of $5,242.59, amount due on said contract. - Adopted this 13th ds,v of October, 1948. Yalmer Karvonen Chairman Attest: William Lincoln ThP. followin8 resolution was ado~ted: RESOLUTION BY •rHE BOARD OP COUUTY AOMMISSIO~RS OTTER TAIL COUllTY, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore contracted with Haugen and Mark for construction ofCounty Aid Job No, 46:16 and wher,eas same has been fully completed according to the certificate of the Highway Engineer end the same has been accepted by a committee of -this ·soard, . NOW, Tl!EF.EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that theCounty Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said Contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the ~ounty in the sum of $2,435,35, balance due on said contract. Adopted this 13th day of October, 1948. Yalmer Karvonen Chairman Attest: V/ill1am Lincoln c"iel'k On and Off sale beer licenses were granted to F. L. Rairdin at his store in the Township of Inman. Cigarette license for the balance of the .veer was also granted to Mr. Rairdin. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A, M, Oct. 14, 1948. ~ITTJRSDAY'S SESSION ~ursuant to adjournment the noard met at 10 o'clockA,M. Thursday, Oct. 14, 1948, all members being ore sent. The 13oard discussed with Highway F.ngineer Huber the question of instituting condemnati·on proceed in[!s on account of the construction of part of the Wendell road for which the Board had received bids, Upon motion, the contract for the construction of this road was awarded to the lowest bidder, Wendell zaske for $21,896.50, the smount of his bid,· The following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the countyBoerd (County Commissioners) of Otter Tail County, Minn.: That the existing and duly established and designated state Aid Road #1 in Otter Tail county, Minneso- ta, which begins at the Sou~h County Line at the southeast corner of Seution 32, T. 131 N R. 43 Wand pro- COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN.· DATE ................................... , ..... Oct • ... 14' , ........................ 19 48 ceeding Northerly and Easterly to the l{ortheast corner of Sectionl, Tl36N-R36VT and there terminating and whose general course between Sect ions 9 and 16, 8 .. iind 9, 4 and 5, and through the Uorthwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4, and the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4, and the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of section 4, Tl32N-R43W' is as follows: Beginning at a··point on the section line between Sections 16 and 17, Tl32N-R43W located 1258,8 feet South of the Northeast corner of section 17, Tl32N-R43W; thence North 1•201 East on the section line between Sections 16 and 17 for 1258,8 feet to the Northeast corner of Sec- tion 17: thence North 1°181 East for 2401,0 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 0°30 1 (zero degree thirty minute) curve (delta angle 2•47• right) for a distance of 556,7 feet; thence On tangent to said curve 4°5 1 East for a distance of 1805,4 feet: thence deflect to the left on a 0•20• (zero degree twenty minute)0 curve (delta angle 4"25' left) for a distance of 1325.0 feet: thence on said tangent to curve North O 20' West for 1248,9 feet; thence deflect to the right on an B~o• (eight degree zero minute) curve (delta angle 93°3' right) for a diste.nce of 1163.1 feet; thence on tangent to said curve south 87°171 East for 1331.2 feet; thence deflect to the left on a 1° (one dep:ree) cur,·e (delta angle e• 221 left) .for. 838,3 feet; thence on tange~t to said curve North 84°20' East for 649.4 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 1°0' (one degree zero minute) curve (delta angle 6"51' right) for a distance of 685,0 feet to the inter-section of Arthur Street and Alcott Avenue in the City of FerfluS Falls; That it is necessary for the saftey of ·public tre.vel and for the proper maintenance of said road that it be so altered and changed; - That an easement across additional lands hereafter described is needed for the purpose of so alter-ing said State Aid Road #1 in said Sections as aforesaid; That the general course of said Sta~e Aid Road fl is not materially altered thereby; That the said easement so to be procured is for public highway and road purposes, that the same shall be located, lie, be and run as hereinafter described; ·That it is necessary for the construction and.maintenance of said road and for the saftey of public travel that additional right of way be procured to enable the construction of proper slopes and that an easement be procuzed to construct certain slopes and to maintain the same after construction 1;1.s provided in the plans and s.pecifications on file in the office of the co~nty lUghway Engineer at the court Honse in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, the specific places where said slopes are to be constructed, being particular- ly hereinafter described, that such easement for such construction of slopes cease on or before December 31, 1949; That it is necessary for the constl'nction and maintenance of said road and for. the safety of public travel that an easement for the erection of temporary enowfenoes be procured, that the same be upon the lands hereinafter described to be taken for public highway purposes and upon the lands adjoining the same; That the lands so to be taken for public highway and road purposes and subjected to easement as afore- said, are situated in the State of Minnesota and county of Otter Tail and described as follow~; to-wit: PAP.CEL 4 That portion of the west one-half of the Northv1est quarter (W\ NW¼l and the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter (NW¼ Sl'!¼)of Section 9, Tl321!.R43W, Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota, described as follows: All that part of the following described tract lying between lines parallel with and distant 50 feet on each side of the following described line: Commencing from a point on the west section line of said Section 9, Tl32N-R43W, which is the southwest corner of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter (NW~ S\'1¼) of es.id section 9; thence North 1067.8 feet: thence deflect to the right on a 0°301 (zero degree thirty minute) curve (delta angle 2°47 1 right) for 279.3 feet to point of beginning; thence continuing on said curve for a distance of 277,4 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for 1805.4 feet; tqenoe deflect to the left on a 0•20• (zero degree twenty minute) ourve (delta angle 4°25' left) for 662.8 feet where same intersects the North section line of Section 8, 1132N-B43W. containing 1,56 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct elopes which shall cease ori or before December 31, 19:49, on the _follow- ing described land: A strip of land 40 feet wide on the 1'1ast side of said roadway, easement to be t e.ke~fo1· the entire lengt ~ thereof; said strip toadjoin the outside line of said roadway and the 9uter line of' said strip to be paralle !therewith, ?ARCEL 5 That portion of the East one-half of the Northeast one-quarter CE½ NE¼) of Section 8, Tl32N-R43W, Ptter Tail County, Minnesota, described as follows: All that part of the following described tract lying between lines running parallel; with and distant 50 feet ori each side of the following described line: Comrnenoing from a point on the East section line of ~aid Sections. Tl32N-R43W and distant 2401,0 feet North of the Southeast corner of Said Section 8; thence ~efleot to the right on a 0•301 <.;gio~eA!e~•tb!t,tL~O~te)_ QP.[~JL(~-¾1¥1 angle 2°471 right) for 279,3 feet ~o the point of beginning: thPnce, n . ngenT"""to saf"cf cui'v'e"for ~a55. eet; thence deflect ~o the left on fl 0•20• (zero degree twenty Minute) curve (delta angle 4°251 left) for 662,8 ·feet where same intersects the ~orth section line of said Section 8. containing 1,04 acres, more or lesA, Also an easement to construct elopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1949, on the following leecribed line: A strip of land 30 feet wide on the West side of said roadway, easement to be taken for the entire lengtl hereof: said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line of said strip to be parallE'l herewith. PARCEt··.10 That portion of Govt. tots 6 and 7 of Section 4, Tl32N-R43W, Otter Tail County, l41n.nes.ota, described as 'ollows: All that pa.rt of the followinp: described tract lying between lines running parallel with and tUstant o feet on each side of' th~ following described line: Commencingat the Southwest corner of the southeast uarter of the Northwest quarter (SF..;. NW-~) of Section 4, Tl32N-R43W; thence south 87°171 East for 760,l feet; 'hence deflect to the le!.t on a 1° ( one degree) curve (delta angle 8° 23 1 left) for 838. 3 feet; thence on tan- , ent to said curve North 84° 20 1 ~ast for 449.4 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 1• (one ilegree) curve COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. ·-··············A..•t-••·····~•4.············-·······················19 .. 4.A. (delta angle 6°51' right) for 267.2 feet to the West line of Leven street in the City of Fergus Falls, containing 3.21 acres. more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before December 31, 1949, on the follow-ing described land: A strip of land 50 feet wide on each side of said roadwe.y, easem,mt to be taken for the enti.re length thereof; said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadwa.v and the outer line of said strip to be parallel therewith, PARCEL'.·.11 The North 50 feet of State Sub-divl.sion tot 5, of the South one-half. (st) of section 4 Tl32N-R43W, Otter Tail count,v, Minnesota; containing o.26 acres, more or less. Also an easement to construct slopes which shall cease on or before DecP.mber 31, 1949, on the follow-ing d~scribed land: A strip of land 35 feet wide on the S outh si!de of said roadway, easement to be taken for the entire length thereof; said strip to adjoin the outside line of said roadway and the outer line .of said strip to be parallel therewith. That due proceedings by condemnation and eminent domain i>e had and prosecuted pursu.ant to law; to acquire said easement across aciditional lands as aforesaid for puulic road and highway purposes; to ac- quire said easem~nt and additional right of way for construction of slopes, as aforesaid; and to acquire said easement for erection of snowfences. and let the same forthwith duly be begun and prosecuted. Dated this 14th de,v of October, 1948 BY the County Board of Otter Tail County Attest: William Lincoln county Auditor (Beal J Yalmer E:arvonen chairman A plat of Elm Rest in Section 9, Township of Pine Lake, accompanied by a certificate of title by p. A, Anderson, Register of Deeds, was a·pproved. The petition of ,1effrie K. Nelson to be set ovP.r from Dist, rro. 20 to Dist. No. 95 1,..as taken up for final action. After listeninr-to the county superintendent of schools and internsted oarties, upon motion, the petition was granted nnil the Board issued the follo~:ing order to-wit: Whereas, the petition o:1' .Je.f:'frie }'.'. Nelson a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No,20 in this County, representingthat he rs the ovmer of the lands herei.nafter described, which are sit- uate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 95 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 20 to said adjoining school district No. 95 was presented to the Board of County Comminsioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 23rd day of July A.D., 1948 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon orderr'd b,v said board that a hear- ing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 14th day of October A,D., 1948 at the Commissioners' Room in thecourt House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petitiow and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten da,ys before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the Board of Countyco:mnissioners on said 14th day of October A. D,, 1948 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten da,ys prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said oetition was publicly read and considered by the Board, witheverything v:hich v,a·s aaid by said interested parties for or against granting the pra.ver of the petitioner, and.said Board being of opinion that said ,etition should be granted, it is hereby oroered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by hlm, to-wit: swf SE¼ of section 17 and the NWf N"P,¼ of Section 20 Town~hiP 132 Range 41 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District Ho. 20 to said adjoining School District ?lo. 95 and said lands are 11ereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. B.V order of the Board of County commissioners. Dated the 14th d~V of October A.D., 1948 (Auditor's Seal) STATE OF MINIIBSOTA ) ~ County of Qttr.r Tai1)8·- Yalmer Karvonen Chairman ot the Board of county Comm1ss1oners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Attest: William Lincoln County Aud"ltor, and ex-of'ficlo cl~rk of Board I, William Lincoln, Auditor of' Otter Tail County, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify the.t I have carefully compared the foregoing paper writing with the original thereof, which is in my custody as such auditor, and that such co1,y is a correct copy of such original, and of the v1hole therof. In testimony whereof, r have hereunto set my hand and affixed my officialseal, at Fergus Falls, on this 14th da,y of Ootober A.D., 1948. William Li-nooln Amlitor. r Au.u.i•tor I a Seal) COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN.- nA'rE ....................... _ ........... oo.t.ob.ex ... 1,1. ....................... 19 .. 4.a. The pet 1 tion of C. Fl. Conger to be set over ·rrorn Dist. 227 to Dist. No. 116 was taken up for final action. After listening to the county superintendent of schools and interested parties. upon motion. the petition was granted and the Board issued the follov:ing order to-wit: IVhereae. the Petition of c. H. conger a legal voter. freeholder and resldeht of eohool district No,. 227 in this county. res presenting that he is the owner of lands hereinafter described.,-which are al tuate in said School District. and adjoin School District No, 116 and asking that he 1vith hie said . .lands rne.v be set of:r from said district No, 227 to ·said adjoining school district Ho. 116 was presented to the Board of county Commissioners of this county ata session of said board held on the 23rd day of July A,D .• 1948 for the action of said board theron; and whereas it was thereu·pon ordered by said board that a hear- ing should be had on said petition. at a session of said board on the 14th day of October A, D,. 1948 at the county Auditor's office in the City of Fergus l!'alls in said County; and whereas it was farther ordered in and by said order that notice o~ the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three publio places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition. and by mailinr to the oierk of each of said School Districts. a copy of said order at least ten days before the time 119polnted for such hearing; and whereas at the said session o·r the said Board of County Com- missioners on· said 14th day of October A. D,. 1948 due proof of the post:l.ng and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required. more than ten d~vs prior to said last named date. having been made and filed. said petition was publicly read and considere4 by the "Board. v:i th everything which was said by said interested parties for or against gra.nt.tng the pra~•er of the p~titioner. and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted. it is hereby ordered and determined. that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him.to-wit: Lot 3 and SW¼ SW¼ and V/est 13 rds. of Ef s:vt of Section 26 Township 137 Range 40 be and the same are hereby set off from as.id school district no. 227 to said adjoining school district No. 116 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School ri~trict for all purposes whatever. B,V order of the Board of County Commies.toners. Dated the 14th day of Octoher A, D., 1948. ~elmer Ke.rvonen Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail county. Minn. (Auditor' •Seal) Attest: William Lincoln county Audito~. and ex-o·l"ficlo clerk of Board. S!I'ATE OF UINIIBSOTA ·) County of otter Tall)SS :r.. William Linooln. Auditor of Otter Tail County. State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have carefully oompared the foregoing paper writing with the original thereof. which is in m,.v custody as such auditor. and that such copy is a· correct copy of such original, and of the whole thereof. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set m.v hand and affixed m.v official seal. at Fergus Falls. on this 14th day of October A, D,. 1948. 1'7111 tam Lincoln Aud 1 tor. The petition of Fredolph Swenson to be set over from Dist. No. 72 to Dist. Ilo. 6 was taken up for final action and, upon motion, was laid over to the meeting to be held Hov. 10. 1948. The f.o llowing ·pet i tlons to set over land from one school district to another were taken up for fh:s.t hearing to-wit: Fritz Mey.er, from Dist •. f.o; to Dist. 214; Palmer Haarst·ad. from Dist. 64 to Dist. 118; Clarence ~easel, from Dist. 212 to Dist. 113; Odin N. Lee.bo. from Dist. 109 to Dist. 247; Morris Hal- bakken, from Dist. 26 to Dist. 194; Clemence and Albert Kunza, from Dist. 248 to Dist. 204; Hilma M. Tenhunen. from Dist. 220 to Dist/ 192~1 rarry Roehl. from Dist. 54 to Dist. 96; Elmer Albjerg. from Dist. 43 to Dist, 5; Wm. KU.bitz, rom lJ s ·•159 to .Diet. 193; Fritz Meyer. from Dist. lA3 to Dist. 214 .• Upon motion. it was ordered that final hearing on all of said petitions be had at the session of the Board to be held ,ie.n. 5. 1949 at 10 o'clock A. M, at the Commissioners' Room in the Collrt House in Fergus Walls and th~t due notices of the time and place of these hearings be given as required by law. The application of Esther Hordquist for classification of Lots 17 and 18 in Block 5 in Blyberg's 1st' Addition to Pelican Rapids at homestead rate for the year 1947 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced to $320,00 and taxes to $42,78 plus special assessments. · The application of Gilman s. Anderson for reduction of assessment for the year 1947· against Lots 16 and 17 in Blook 3 of cutler's 4th Addition to the City of Fergus Fells was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $200,00 to $60,00 and taxes from $33,50 to $10.05, The application of B. R. Wilcox, Sr. for cancellation of personal property taxes for the year 1947 in the Township of Compton on the ground thA.t he had no property in said township on May 1, 1947 v:as read and the Board reoommendet'I to the co:nmissioner of Taxation that the assessed valu.e of $200,00 and taxes of $20.68 be oanoelled. · ·· The follov1ine. bills were allowed: J. C. Henkes Do M. C, Lee Edwin C, Drews J, c. Henkes Uabel Wenstrom Louise stondahl telegrams ex!)enses dep. sherU'.f's exp. " ,, " Bd, of prisoners expenses " $ 7,32 88.43 47.80 47.97 102.00 88.00 54,05 L COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER-TAIL COUNTY, DATE Oct. 14th 48 ·,·····-···············································································19 ....... . C. J. Lund, M. D. Dr. Geo. c. Jacobs Do . Merlin s. Rieman >::ether v. r.:onns ff. L. Allen .. John L. Bixby Geo. F. Johnson Fergus Journal co. Bert stone l'lilliem J.1ncoln Geo. B. Gunderson H. w. Glorvigen H. l!J. Swenson Ugeblad Pub. Co. Frank c. 'Barnes Syndicate Prtg. co. ?.l:Bler-Davis cro. Dept. of Administration Schoolcraft co. The Pierce co. Schoolcraft co. Miller-Dav is Co. Nelson ~ros. Prtg. co. T>oucher T>rtg • .., Li th. co. Ugeblad Pub. Co. Nelson Bros. ~rtg. co. Victor Lundeen&: co. R. A• Henning United Chemical co., Inc. N. W. Bell Tel. co. DO service Equip. Mfg. co. N. W. Bell Tel. Co. Stang & Wright Holten v,dwe. Conklin Saw Shop i'lhitlook Welding Service 'Beall & McGowan co. Hintgen-Karst United Chemical co. Winther Lumber & Fuel co. N. w·. Bell ·Tel. co. Missouri ~ansas Chem. co. Oren Fosse H.F. Hinze H. w. Glorvigen Louise stondahl P. M. Ree Thao. Hegseth Henry Burau Diebold tnc. w. s. Darley & co. Carlton Mortenson H. \'I. Glorvigen Y.ingsley !,eathercra:ft co. ii!inn. Motor co. Edw. Carlson Post #283 D. c. American Legion Aux. Ii. Y. M. 'Bruce i?Ub. co. ~elson Welding Shop Carlton Mortenson ·Q\ven V. Thompson Helen Jane Baer _City Transfer, Geo. L. Logas .Johnson Drugs American Law Book co. w. s. Darley co. Odin Johnson .Louie Sohiedermayer .City of Fergus Falls Town of Effington .Wright Memori.al Hosp. Minn. State San. .G. A. Hedberg N. I'/. Bell Tel. co. . Minn. F.W.D, co. . Rosholt ]'!quipt. co. A, w. co •• Inc. of Minn. · Wm. R, Ziegler co., Inc. Geo. T. R,Vsn co. Ruffridge-Johnson co. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Northwest Equipt. Inc. Lake Region Motor co. Waterhouse Mahler&: Straus Thelen Implement Co, National Bushing & Parts co. A. 'B. Y.ilde Co. consumers co-op Oil r.o., Henning The Adelsman Co, C.H. Bjorklund Body Shop coroner's fees and exp. acting coroner's fees inquest exp, services coroner's inq. transcript ex:!)enses exp. asst. assessor saly • .., exp. weed. insp. ballots 'c ·publ. services on canv. board " " " " " " " " " " " election ballots judge's fees suoplies blanks & sup. supplies . " " " election sup. printing supplies " prtg. &: supplies supplies " " mobile tel. service calls supplies calls repairs supplies mower sharpened repairs supplies " calls supplies dep. sheriff's fees " ,, " " " " postage and. box rent " " attd. soil meetings " " " inspection aup"!)lies services as jailer com. on drivers' licenses su9plies (nurse) repairs decorating graves " " su·pplies (nurse) repei::-s night jailer N. w. reporter & cases exp. nurse dray age supplies~· annotations supplies cash adv. sheriff's expenses :!)oor exp. " " care of patient " " " surgery long distance parts " " " and supP,lies " " " " " " " .., suppliee repairs etc. " MINN. $ 35.15 15.50 9.40 7.20 21.60 3.38 42.20 234.50 487.30 14.70 ll!l,10 11,60 10.10 10.10 195.00 72.00 75.00 67.83 5.08 109.01 ·11.00 108.01 940.30 7.00 41.51 103,25 120.93 113.00 1.50 23.50 73.10 29.00 28.28 11,30 6.06 12.30 1.50 7.00 42.83 4.62 18.20 8.31 43.05 47.93 13.65 2.22 27.00 69,50 16.45 12,90 7.00 17,50 10.39 86.10 16.25 19.94 4.65 19.50 18.00 3.25 1.20 28,00 400.00 62.59 1.00 30.38 1·5.00 4,40 3.50 32.00 2890.77 879.26 162.06 5.00 75.00 31,10 528.52 41,49 544.75 1993.83 1241.49 79.40 49.61 48,58 26.70 4,20 1128.22 6.29 85.34 284,18 6.00 12.60 29.00 1'1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD .N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN:-. DATE ............................. et.····l'4-·· .......................... : .......... 19 .. 4t3 Cra f Implement ICantrud Serv loe Vern $mlth tmplement Co. Larson Bros. Aune Broe. Olson Auto Eleotrlc co. s·kogm!) Motors, Ino. Harthun /le Peterson Oil co. Henry. Holmgren Leo savolainen Fortwengler Rlectric Shop Hintz. Blacksmith Shop R. J •. Schmidt Mille Motors Mills Hardware Co. Bauok Chevrolet co. J.{oDUnn Farm store Oscar Rude Motor Inn. Garage G·amb l es , Dalt on coast to coast, Henning Larson Hardware co-operative Services, Inc. Whitlock Vlelding Service Erickaon-Helleckaon-Vye co. Geo.·E. Watson Co. p. J('; 1/1. & co. A. R. Ebersvillere Smith &: Ferweda coast to coast Stores. nerham Elk River cono. nrod. co. Service Redorder co. Lyon·chemicale, Inc. Re-public Motor &ales Wheeler Lumber Bridge .',, sup. co. Firestone stores Ivtinn. Motor co. Lampert Lumber Co •. Vergas Motor service A, R". Ivteier E, J·. Johnson Fred'' s Dray r,ine Raymond Bros. Motor Transp. co. Engebretson Bros. Fred A. EVerts P.H. Gust Elevators, Vergas H. D. tvtorrlll .',, Son Arvid Leitch · John Dieseth Co, Leitch Const.ruction co. BugQee Construction co. otter Tail co. Fair Assn~ Villane of Dalton. Vil+age of Henning Village of New York Mills Hagge 011 Co. Penrose Oil co. Park Region co-op Oil co. Len Syverson'e 011 co. Lincoln Standard service Kadel service Station Ray's 011 co. :t.vman store. r,. cook Erv.in Si{lgfried Hig)w:a.v company E. w. Baas w. R. Scott socony-Vacuum Oil co. S, !I: F. OU co. Henning Oil co. Bengtson Oil co. Perham co-op Oil co. Service Oil co., B, L. Mills Oil co. Ed. zueledorff Pettit's Deep Rock service Station BillsNelson Oil co. Fergus Oil Co. Fe.rgus Servillce Station uniierwood 011 co. D,. A, Lubricant, Inc. co.nstruotion Bulletin Victor Lundeen&: co. Dahm's J>hoto l'rint. co. Fred H, Geiger co. t11inneapolia Blue l'rint. co. ~oucher Printing i Lith. co. O)Meara's Nelson Bros. Printing co. N .• w. Bell Tel. co. Heinola Telephone co. J>elican Tel. co. :Merbhe.nt 's Hotel~· Perham corner Cafe, Par. Pra. Silver Crill repairs, ff ... ff ff ff ff " ff ff " " " " II " ., " " supplies .. " " II culverts recorders caustic potash anti-freeze box culvert tire tires etc. lumber welding II fixtures & wiril'lB services freight gravel coal .. equipt. rental " " " " " " garage rental " " " " .. Diesel fuel gasoline /le fuel " II II II .. ,, " II " " oil etc. " etc. " II gas and oil II " II II " II " " II " " " etc. oil .. ad. for bids. supplies " " II II ·printing services " ,. lodging meals for crew meals 1,12 1.70 82.60 11.40 50.32 1.75 8.75 10,55 9,70 7,65 15.55 10.25 6,90 41.·25 12.95 47.56 6.10 6.65 7.31 13,59 1.16 7,75 59.53 2.70 3.32 51.84 17.50 11.70 22.31 221,56 468.65 41.25 87.60 83.68 100.00 109.23 24;35 1.50. 7.75 50,01 2.50 44.63 697.76 . 39.14 106.05 21.00 13.50 4437.25 1624,50 77.50 ·150.00 45.00 90,00 90,00 1130,16 229,54 54.43 55.71 33.75 21.68 20,33 300,36 233.87 31,87 5.40 62.46 95,95 87.36 82,93 61,03 110,44 117,13 · 65.71 53.50 43.26 34.00 28.78 1.00 297.99 38.45 13,20 45,75 41,00 50,60 46.64 1.90 6.00 29.40 16.25 5.15 38.75 17.90 108~36 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... •-·········•-•Q-O•t•r·• 14th ....................... 19.4S- stoll's Cafe lf.rs. John L, Peterson Wendell P, 1-fUber w. L, Potter Carl C, Nelson George Olson Vernon r.rostue Clarence J, Rood Merle Schmidt George Wicker Wendell P, Hube.r August Heinn Wm, B, Estes A, J, Frisch Robert Amborn· George E, Pugh Fergus Falls Natl, Bank & Trust H, D, Wiebe ( C,T,Haugen Peter Fruedenberg Raleigh Jensen Amos A, VOU{!ht Lawrence ~elander Rudolph A, Johnson Herman Bolland Hilde. .iohnson \'/alter Young "Fred Ihnen Herman F, ~lebber Ide. Uhde John Duberowski Herbert H, Uhde Security MUtual tife Ins. Co, Albert Heines Christ C, Hanson Alvin O, Fosse Rarlo L, Miles Est. John 'f!ardekopf Oscar Lindahl Olaf Johnson W, Oren ~jorklund Leo Miller Harry Harms Joe Dahl Stanley M, Estes Town of Star Lake Town of Amor Town of Friberg Town of Gorman Town of Oscar Town of Candor Town of Leaf i,:ountain Y.en ·s. Gold co. Leef Lake Twp. Oak Valley Township Bert stone Ceo, B, Gunderson Yalmer Y.arvonen com-oton Tvrp. Bert stone Geo, T, Ryan co. Ralph Lillemon E, vr. Baas N, W, ~ell Tel, Co,, Wadena Anderson & Tichy Pelican Telephone co. Battle Lake Hotel Rundahl 011 co. Highway Com!)11ny Hillview Garage Anderson & Sandberg 011 Co, consumerco-op. 011 co. Bill's Service Station Eagle Cafe co. l Est,) 11. P, Ra11wayco •• B, L, Columbia Ribbon~ Carbon Mfg. co., Inc. Socoriy-Vacuum 011 co. Eleotr1e Suppl,w A, E, Schmidt Garage Gaylord Scott August Anderson J, 0, Rolm'}uist ,1ohn H, Steen Andrew Anderson Elmer F, stock Lida Township 1:', A; Anderson Minn, Good Roads Assn. county School~ Office Supply co. George Hanson Rerv:ice Oil co. , Und. meals meals for crew expenses " " " ,ff " II II cash. adv. Right of V/e.y " ,, " " " " " II " " II " " " " " " " " " ., " " " " " " ff " " " " ff " " " " " " II " " " " II " " " " " " " " " " II " ., " " " .. " moving fence ... ... II ,. " n .. II .. grading " " II .. .. " rotRry rental road construction " exp. at td • meet. " ,, .. " " road construction exp. attd. sp. meet. snowplow Right of Way .'.: damages gas and oil services repairs services meals and lodging gas & oil gasoline. repairs diesel fuel gasoline " l!tC. meals fcfr cre\V freight ribbon coupons supplies " re·pairs Right of Way and mov, II " .. " " " " II .. " " II .. " II .. " .. " .. II " " " road construction postage Sp. bullP.tin services sup9l1es ;.{ieisah fence " " " " " 1948 at 10 o'clock A, M, ;, ( ,., ' ~ I , ,:1 ,,, . ' ·-r! .., l: •·l ·' ~; ,i j,•I " ,· . L~i t .:I :i :, , .. !,!" It ·.'1 r: :_:· \'.; 'i !· i ~: ~: f -1.:· :: (:.•_ 't •i-., ..... i~· '•, ,:: 1 r, .. I ~ ,,: ·;. ,·. $ 39.85 37,20 146,30 88.60 10,10 20.84 78.70 6.65 8.35 14.94 50,47 50,00 51.50 51.50 50,00 51.50 51.50 39.50 45,75 50,40 69,80 51.50 74,60 91,10 43.75 44.30 44,:30 50,40 44,30 113,00 65.00 51,50 26.00 182.20 26.00 91,10 193,50 469.80 5.00 39,60 18,30 52,80 39,60 52,80 500,00 300,00 300,00 300,00 300,00 3.00,00 600,00 1390,50 300,00 300,00 15.20 10.00 23.40 300,00 11,70 267.00 356.00 147.20 5,76 8.40 5.40 33.95 152.71 19,55 1.55 87.26 15.75 11,25 10,90 154.03 13,00· 8.70 4,39 1.37 65.40 77,70 49,50 182,60 120.00 116,50 300,00 27.50 50,00 18.99 ~8:~s Upon motion,~'the Board djourned to Nov, 9, Attest: J_~---·--.A/1 e.k <_J!:s~t~ , · 1•v ., iii • I 11§0.II' r11nu11 se•ra■t 1r 51.0UD ■Iii Ad COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN.- DATE ............................................. Mov. .• ···9·•·······················19. 48 MINUTF.S 0li' ADJOtffiIIBD MEF.TT.UG OF TlIB ~0A?.D OF-r.OlJ'TTY COJ,!!,IISSTON'l:RS (l'!i' 011Tr.:R TAIL CO., M!'lNESf'TA. Pursuant to adjournment the ~oard mP.t at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, Nov. 9, 1948. Present were Commissioners Gunderson, Hanson, stone and snowberg. Upon motion, County 1-lip.;hwe.y F,ngineP.r Wendell Huber v1as appointed of'!'icial ditch inspector for Otter Tail county ditches. Upon motion, .county Highway Engineer Huber v1as authorized to repair part of :county Ditch No. 56 by day labor as authorized by Cha·pter 143 of the La1'ls of 1947. A plat of Pleasure Beach RP.sort on otter Tail Lake in Sec. 2, Township o·f F.:VP.rts, ac:companied by certificate of titlP. by N. F. Field. attorney-at-law, was approved. The Board discussed the question of repair of county ditches with Engineer HubP.r. Upon motion, the Board then ad,;ourned to Nov. 10, 1948 at 10 o'clock A. M. WF.DrJT.:SDAY'S SF:Sf;TOll -eursuant to adjournment .the Boe.rd met ot 10 <i.'clock A. M. Nov. 10, 1948. Present were commis-sioners Karvonen, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and snowberg. The Board havin~ discussed with the State Agricultural Dept. and the chairman of the town board of Sverdrup the questJ.on of eradication of LP.afy Spurge on the so-called svenneby farm in the Township of Sverdrup, and an agreement having been drawn up coverinr, the plan, the same having been signed by Arnold·J. Christopherson, owner of the land, and T. I,. Aamodt, Director of the Bureau of "lert Industry and K. L. Aune, Chair:nan of the town board of Sverdrup, Cl".nirmsn Karvonen was authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of the county, Cigarette license for a period from Nov. 1st to Dec. 31, 1948 was grante~ to Lester 'B. Mischke at fillin~ station in thP. Township of Newton. Upon motion, the 13oard authorized the aur'li tor to sign ser,•ice agreement on ·oehalf of the county COVP.ring Friden calculator in the office of thE' county superv.lsor of assessment. The application o:!' Albert Wischno.ch for classification of Lots 3 ·and 4 and the NW¼ NE-i of Sec. 4, Township o:r Maine. for the year 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commiss·ioner.: of Taxation that said land be RO classified and the assessed value be reduced from $914.00 to $548.00 and the taxes from ~174.23 to $102.24. The applicBtlon of Morris Hanson for classification of w½ NE¼ of Sec, 26, Township of Erhards Grove, ·for the year 1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value be reduced from $627,00 to $376.00 and the taxes from $85.27 to $49.61. The application of Charles F,.. Thorpe for class if.ication of the w. 64 ft. of Lot 4, Bleck 1, soule·'s Addition to Deer creek, fo.r the .vear 1947 e.t homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxnt.ion that said land be so classified and the assessed value be reduced from t.000.00 to $500,00 and the taxes from ~181.56 to ~111.44. The application ofAug. Mischke i'or classification of the N½-sz.;. oi' Seo. 36, Township of Corliss, for thP. year 1947 at homestead rate was read and the noerd recommended to the Co~missioner of Taxation that said land be so claeis ified and the assessed val_ue lie reduced from ~366. 00 to $220. 00 and thP. taxes from $40.94 to ~26.30. The application of James~-Erickson for classification of the st SW¼ NE¼, Nt SE¼ and the SE¼ SE¼ of section 19, Township of Lida, for the year .1947 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed ve.lne be reduced from $1337.00 to $800.00 and the taxes from.$186,51 to $108.91. P,pon motion, the ijoard authorized the care of Walter Holmquist at St. Mary's Hospital in.Minnea- polis, upon the recommendation of Dr. Bergquist, superintendent of the otter Tall County Sanatorium. A report of the state public examiner of. his examination of the affajrs of the Otter Tail County \Velf.are·'Roard for the .vear 1947 was presented to the 13oard and,· upon motion, was approved. ThP. petition of Fredo:l.ph Swenson to be set over from school district 72 to school district No. 6, which had been laid over ·rrom the meeting of Clot. 14th, was ags.in taken 1.tp for final action and, upon motion,. the petition was granted, and the :loard issued the following order ·to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Fredolph Swenson, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Dist- rict No. 72 in this county, rep1esenting that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said school District, and adjoin School District No. o and asking that he with his said la.nds may be set off from said district No. 72 to said adjoining school district No. 6 was presented to the Board of county commissioners of this county at a session of said boa;rd held on the 23rd da,v of July A. D. 1948 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 14th da,v of October A, D, 1948 at the county Auditor's office in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and. whereas it wa~ further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of se.id order in three !)nblic places in each of the school districts to be af- fected by said petition.~d by mai:l.in~ to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten a.aye before the time appointed for suc,h hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of county commissionP.rB on se.id 14th day of October A. D,, 1948 due proof of the posting end service of said order of heari.ng as therein directed and required, more than ten da,v prior to s_aid laet named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the'Board with ever,vth.lng which was said by seid interi;sted parties for or ap.ainst granting the prayer of the COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................................... Nov. • .. ,10 • ···························19.~.~ .. petitioner, said petition was laid over to Nov. 10-1948 when it was again taken up and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and. the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: N½ SW¼ of Section 15 Township 131 Range 40 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, !72 to said adjoining School Dlstrl.ct No. 6 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purpcses whatever. ~Y order of the ~oard of county commissioners. Dated the 10th day of November A. D,, 1948. (Auditor's Seal] The following bills were allowed: J, c. Renkes DO M, c. Lee i;:d-ward c. Drews Mabel we'strom r.ouise s"tondahl l!. L. J.ll.en Dr • C • J • Lund Dr. J. J. warner Frank C, Barnes Fergus Journal co. William T,inooln Geo.·B. Gunderson H, E, Swenson H, W, Glorvigen Bert stone N, W, Bell Tel. Co. Fr8nkOViZ Hdwe. co. Missouri-Kansas Chemical co. Duro Teat Corp. Blit8tad-Zilde Co, Fergus Service station N. W, Bell Tel, Co. y,r. i::. r:ronnernann FerRus Glass & Paint co. N. ~-Bell Tel, Co, Hintgen-Y.arst William Guelzow carl Jahn wm. Bahls Oren Fosse Sec. Blank Book & Prtg. Co, Miller-Davia co. Victor Lundeen~ co. R. w.· Hutton Pariama carbon co. Ui:iler-Davis co. Nelson Bros. P.rtg. co. st. Paul Book~ staty. co. Syndicate Prtg. co. Mcl'::night !t, uoxnight Poricher Prtg. & Lith. co. H. ·J. Smalley, Jr. p, A, Anderson :Helen Jane Baer Louise stondahl B, W, Glorvigen R, L. Polk & co. l!elen Je.ne Baer Helson Trucks Odin Johnson st • Lou.is county Mason publ, co. Erlokson '!'!dwe. Chas, 111ick Wilmer Jetenburg Ernest P.e.ntala Maynard Hendrickson v.oward :Hendrickson Arnold Y.oski Ev-ert Maki Harold Starr Wright Memorial Hospital Dr, Thomas J. Y.insella Dr, EVerett c. Henson wm. H, Ziegler co •• Inc. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Park r.,achineco. A, W, co., Inc. of Minn. Yalmer Karvonen Chairman oTthe ~oard of County Commis-sioners of Otter Tail county, Minn. Attest: William tincoln county Ailii itor, and ex-orhcie Clerk of Board. Bd. of prisoners sheriff's expenses dep. sherif:r.•s exp. " .. ,, ex!)enses II coroner's fees acting coroner judge's fees ballots 'I: pub. services can. board " " " II II n II II calls sup9l1es II lamns coai II E!as for mower mobile service insurance supplies calls wiring marshall's fee II dep. sheriff's fees ,, " p II " II records & supplies blanks supplies envelopes paper election supplies printinr school supplies " " " supplies pub. notice postage II " drivers license com, directories expense (nurse) hauling (nurse) " transporting feeble minded digest supplies county dttch county Ditch 138 II II 1!39 II II i38 II ff #38 " " #38 n #38 " #38 " " #38 care of patient services II parts /le supplies parts " " $106,50 32.94 12.96 19.97 83.93 "94.50 58.56 10.25 21.00 22.50 694,45 10.10 11.60 10.10 10.10 14,70 19-.46 2.31 46.02 56.40 656,45 1.40 65.30 35.92 20.16 31.05 268,53 11,82 56,22 47.57 29.02 671.45 29.39 59,85 35.00 ,86 936,10 34.50 25,28 10.15 3•.85 37,22 -6.00 36.75 29,50 45.00 11.95 90.00 58.05 5,00 . 2.00 43,20 30.00 91.50 19.50 11,25 30,75 17,25 17.25 23.25 29,25 43,10 169.00 5.00 37.50 295.16 61.78 . 899 .39 34,20 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN.· DATE ...... ·-································Irov. 10 ·······················lg ... 48 IVPIIUPIIITl,ecn■HMT Ruffridge-Johnson Equipt. Th~ Geo. T. Rya.n Co , Northwest Engineering co. Mahler~ Straus · Skogmo Motors A. B. Y.ildeco. Mills Motor ' . Wadena Paint !I: Glaus Wm. Sauer Aune Bros. Larson Bros. Kantrud's service M'.inge Implement co. Nicols, Dean II: Gregg Natl, Bushing & Parts co, Farmers' supply co. Flrlckson-Hellekson-vye co. Graff. ImplemPnt . Alfred 'f1erf1ndahl ~attle take Produce coas1H,to-coast St ores, -oe1 teen Rpds. F,bersviller•s, nelican Rpds. r,rinnesota M'.ining !I: Mfg. co. F. Saunders~ Son Morton Salt co. Ra.vmond Bros. Motor Tra.ns. co. Paper. Calmenson & co. Rosen111ald-Co9per. Inc. Leonard Sand John Dieseth co. Lyon Chemicals, Inc. Bill Nelson Oil Co, Wilcox Lumber Co, Albert Shanstrom 'F!arvey Nevela Julia Christianson sander Lein Mrs. Selma Bjorklund 'II. ,J. Miller Mandns Johnson HUlda s. Anderson C. o. ~ Irene Paulson Elnar _4., RYtkonen Arthur W, Falls : Christ Frost 'I/alter Steinbach Reino Hietala August Nousiainen John L. Anderson Mills Oil Co. Perham co-op. oil co. East Lincoln Shell Station 11'!!r@US Oil CO, Hoot Lake tee II: Gas.co. F.ergus Servil:ce Sta.tion Re.rthun ·'-Peterson Oil co. Ecker-Thorson Service Park Region co-op. Oil co. Dens-Oil Lubricant Co, D, A, Lubricant co •• Ina. i:cap;ge Oil co, Norby Dept. store Henninr.s Viator Lundeen .~ co·,. Minnesota state High, Dept. Pouoher 'Prtg. .~ Li th. Co. Miller-Davis Co. q, A. Rogers . Monroe Calculating Machine Co, N, W, aell Tel, Co, ,1aok D, Stine Merle Schmidt w. L, Potter George Wicker George Olson Ernest Sandberg Basswood Store Silver Grill Parker Inn Town of Blowers Northwestern Equipt, co., Inc. Smith, Inc. corner Cafe c. H, ~jorklund Bo~v Shop Frank Hunter ·r,ake Region Motor co. Olson Auto Electric co. osoarson Implement co. Mcnunn Farm store Christianson welding shop Wendell 1', "HUber 1>enrose Oil co, .. .. parts and repairs repa.irs " " " " " " supplies .. .. " " " " " " " " " salt -freight posts " pump culverts calcium chloride tires etc. lumtrer boiler insp. mileage moving fence driveway right of way ,, " " " " ff " " " " " " " It " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " gasoline gasoline etc. gasoline gas -~ oil gasoline " " " grease oil fuel•. oil supplies " " prints supplies " " ad.ding machine services e:x-penses " " " cash advanced meals for crew " " " lodging grading II: gravel parts - " meals for cre111 SU'!)plies gravel parts repairs " supplies repairs expenses fuel oil $1700,55 7,82 26.99 142.33 341.14 63.30 4.56 14,48 17.95 32,53 117 ,83 ·17,00 13.20 279.57 134,59 15.85 6,95 1.35 26,39 11,83 3.56 28.81 92.40 1.00 684.00 16,60 212,04 333.30 5,50 173,32. 565.08 17,72 36.34 11.00 3.50 12.50 27,50 51.50 96.30 78,40 23.00 26.00 45,80 146,80 134,40 45,80 91.60 45,80 3.00 : 20.21 14,19 38.73 62.88 31.10 20,91 70',92 8.20 42,95 89.43 212,85 1014.65 66.23 3.50 13.40 9,00 4,22 24.50 54.07 288.00 24,45 78,20 16,10 92.15 43.18 16.40 11,78 15,99 50,70 5.25 300-00 223.92 189,69 21:,.30 26,25 138,53 176,07 21,.43 1,25 6,90 7,00 127,00 69.09 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. IICHIIDHIIDI H1!'hway Company l'folten Hardware Wendell P, HUber Joseph B. Potzmann p, 11', Gust F.levators, ~-F, Rrwin SiP.p:i'r1ed F.lk River Cone, Prod. co, l'fenn ing Oil co, Louis r.unza Ra.vs on co. Henning Hardware Otto Township no Henry Brasel Otto Johnson Yalmer Kurvonen Bert stone no Geo. B. Gunderson DATE .............................. NQ.Y: .•.... l.0 .•................................... 19 .. '9d!. gasoline-etc. eupp1,.1es oash advanced Right of Way ooal gasoline culverts gasoline etc, darna£!es gasoline supplies road •Rork .. " damag.es JL r.o, Ditch -,-42 expensP.s exp. attd. meeting " " " " " $15.96 22.00 34,66 45.00 42.03 78.73 181.72 88.20 9~1. 90 13.78 11.73 30(1,00 300,0(1 75.00 65.20 16.90 10,50 11.70 7,50 9,00 r.eo. Ha.neon r.rrs. Donald Christie of Perham and Dr. G. J, Mouritsen of Fergus Falls were appointed members of county Public Nursing committee. Upon motion, the Board then adjourned to nee. 7, 1948 nt 10 o'clock A. M, Attest: ruL~~ -er • . .. ·~ '-41' COMMISSIONERS RE~D --N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN~ DATE ........................... fl!ec ,• ... 7., ......................................... 19 .1~ l.UNUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMTSSIOiIBRS OF OTTER TAIT. COUNTY;ll!INIIESOTA Pursuant to e.d ,iournment the Roard met at 10 o • clock A. JI[. Tuesdfl.Y' Dec. 7, 1·948. Present were Commissioners r.underson, Hanson, stone and snowbP.rg. The bond of J:!', '"• Glor,•igen, Clerk ofDistrict court, for thP. tP.rm commencing thP. first Monday in January 1949, said bond being in the sum of~l,000.00 with the st. Paul MP.rcury TndP.mnity Co. as surety, was a!)proved. The bond of ,J, ti. Tfaagenson, ,Tudge of -Prohate court for the term commencing the first Monday in January 1949, said bond being in the sum of ~l,000.00 with the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co. as surety, was approved. The bond of Violet Haugrud, Clerk of Probate court, in the sum of $1,000.00 with the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co., as surety, was a['lproved. A report of the public examiner of an audit of the accounts of the various county offices of Otter Tail County for the year ending Dec. 31, 1947, and current pP.riod Jan. 1, 1948 to Aug. 31, 1948, was presented to the ijoard and all comments and recommendations embodied in ea.id report were read to the Board. The foll.owing resolution waa adopted: ~esolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail: count,v, Minnesota: That the county A uditor be and he hereby is instructed to notif,v the publishe;i,s of tne several newspapers published in the county tnat sealed bids will be received by this Board for doing the following described printing: 1. The publications of the minutes of the meetings of the Board of County Commissioners i~- cluding regular and special sessions, and meetings of Board of Equalization and while considering matters pertaining to ditches. 2, The publication of the annual statement of receipts and expenditures of the county, The bids to cover the public1.1.tion of the list set in "nonpareil" or six-point type without "leading" and the publication to be mad.e es required by section 295 General statutes of Minnesota, 1913, as amended, and three complete copies of. said publication to be furni.shed to the County Auditor in time to enable him to meet the rP.quirement of said Bf!Otion a.s rP.gard the· posting of copies o-f said statement. 3. ThP. list of rP.al property for the county of otter Tail, Uinnesota on which taxes remained delinrrnent on the first Monday in Jan11ary, 1949. . 6/ The bid.s for this to cover the publication of the certificates, heading, etc,, prov lded for by Section 2098, C:eneral Statu.tes of Minnesota, 1913, as amended. Bids to be olaced in the hands of the County Auditor and addressed to the Board of County Com- missioners, to be.marked '''3ids for Printing" and to be filed until Tu.esday, January 4, 1949, at 2 o'clock P. M. Q_ /95 / The 11.ttent-ion of the bidders to be called to the provisions of sections 907, 909, 912 and 913, Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, and acts amendatory thereto. Adopted December 7, 1948. Attest: __ _..;.;W_i~l_l_i_am_~L_in_c_o_ln_-=~-........ ---C erk. Yalmer Karvonen Chairman. The application of H, F. Gale for reduction of assessment agai.nst Lot 10 in Elm Grove 13each in the Township. -crf Scambler for the .\•ear 1947 on the ground that the· val11at ion for structures was entered on said tract for SE.id year, whereas, all structu.res were removed prior to r.tay 1, 1947, was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the application be granted. upon motion, theBoard then adjourned to 10 o'clock A: !,!, Dec. 8, 1948. VIEDN?.SDAY' S sr.:SSION oursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, lt, Dec. 8, 1948. "'resent ,,ere Commis- sioners J(arvonen, Gunderson, l'anson, Stone and snowberg. upon motion, the Chairman of the Board and the County Audi tor were instructed to sign a request to the commissioner of TTiBhways, State of Minnesota, for an ap!)ropriaticn of $25,ooo.oo Federal Aid Secondary Funds for Otter Tail County, The question of. appointment of a second county nurse was thoroughly discussed and the Board agreed to ap9oint such a nurse for a one year period as soon as one was available. After discussing the need of additional state aid for roads in the county the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor were instructed to sign a.communication addressed to the commissioner of Hlp.hways asking ror a special a'!)propriation of ~25 ,000.00 The followinp: rP.solnt ion was adopted: R"':SOI,11T'ION BY Tt1~ ~OA~D f')F COUNTY com,IISSIQN1.1RS OTT~~R TA'!"L r.oJJM'l'Y; MTNliF.SnTA r COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, ·oTTEli-'TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. DP-JJ .. , .... B ..•......... ~ .. -··········-··-·······19 .. 1.8. 'BE IT RP.RO!.V!D, That the Commissioner of Hiehv,a.vs be and he hereby is authortzP.d and reque11ted to tak such steps and perform such acts on behalf of t.'.H! County of OttP.r Tail as may be necessary to have the construction and improvP.mP.nt of the roads hereinafter descrPif!d pro9erly a·pproved by the Commissioner of Public Roads as a Federal Aid secondary project eligible for the expenditure of federal funds thereon and eligible for present construction and the letting of a contract therefor. Road ric:i. S.A.R. C.A.R. S.A.R, S,A,R. S,A,R, S,A,R, S,A,R, S,A,R. S •. a •• R. S,'A:,R. S,A,R, S.A,R, S.A,R, r,ocation 6. O !,{il. M. to 8. 75 Mi.1. N, E, of New York Mills From T. H, #10 in Blmffton and North 2.6 miles From Verge.a to 2.0 ML u. E. 2.5 Mi. N,E, of Pelican Rapids to a point 6.5 Miles N,E. "elican Ranids &: 4.8 ::11. West 4.8 Miles west of Pelican Ra_!lids to \'lest County I.ine 3.0 Miles N, to 5.5 ML north of underwood PlP.asure "ark Bridge 1.75 Mi. u.w. of Ottertail to 3.75 Ml. Northwest Parkers "ralrle and i;:. 4.0 Mi .• 5.5 Mi. s. 'fl. of Fergus "Falls to South county Line 4.0 Mi, s.w. of Wep.geland to 4.75 ML East of i'Teggel.and 4.75 Mi. ~ast to 7.5 Miles ~astof Weggeland Adopted this 8th da.v of December, 1948. Yalmer Karvonen coat 22.165.00 18,436.00 20,240.00 35,640.00 22,000.00 55,990.00 23,595.00 28,730.00 14,850.00 33,550.00 "62,150.00 38,280.00 31,570.00 chairman. --- Attest: ?Tilliam Lincoln The following resolution was adopted: RJ-:SOLU'l.1ION BY Tl'fo: '30AP.D 'lF CC'UNTY COMM ISSI O!IBRS OTTT-:R TAIL COUUTY, MT!-!NESOTA . WHEREAS. thi11 Board has heretofore contracted with Skogmo Motors, Inc. for one Dodge 1/2 Ton Pick- U.!l Truck, and Wl:fF:REAS, same has been delivered to and acce9ted by the County. NOW; TUP.R!.FORE·, ~E !T RESOLVED, that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said Company a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the county in the sum of ~1595.10, the contract price. Adopted this At~ day of December. 1948. Attest: William Lincoln clerk. The following resolution was ado·pted: . Yalmer Esrvonen __ ,..,..-::-,-==,-----chs.1rman. Rf.S0!.UTTON BY TPE 13()AP.D OF COUl!TY COll!!HSSIOlIBRS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MITHIESOTA \'l''R~EAS, the county of Otter Tail is desirous of obtaining during the year 1949 from the Commis- sioner of Highways such technical and engineering services and assistance as may be from time to time necessary and advisable in the conduct of the count.v's work. 1-101'1 THElJ ~?': IT RESOT.VED Tu AT : Pursue.nt to Section 161.03, Subdivision 12 (b) Minnesota Statutes 1945, the C ounty of Otter Tall does hereby req_ueat the Commissioner of Highways to furnish to the County of Otter Te.il from time to time dur1ng the year 1949 such technical and engineering services and assistance as may be requested of·_him for and on behalf of the county by the County HighYra,v Enf.!ineer. 'l.'he Count,v Hig)'lwa,v Engir.eor is hereby authorized for and on behalf of the County to request the Commissioner of Highways to furnish from time to time durinp the year 1949 such technical and engineering services and assistance to the County of Otter Tall as the County Highway Engineer shall deem necessary or advisable in the conduct of the county's work, In the event that a request fer engineering or technical assistance or services be made pursuant hereto it is made with the understanding that if granted and services or assistance are furnlahed pur- suant herP.to that the County of Otter 'l.'ail will, for the purpose of reimbursing thP. Trunk Highway Fund, pay to the Commissioner of Highways when demanded by him the entire and total cost and expense of furn- ishing any or all of the services requested or furnished pursuant hereto. Let a cert.lfi.ed cony of this resolution bP. transmitted to the Commissioner of Highways by the County 'Flighwe,v Enp:ineer as the request by the r-overninp. body of said county of Otter Tail for the furnishing by the Commissioner of Highways of any and all enflinP.ering aid and as~istance furnished pursuant hereto during the year 1949. Adopted this 8th da.v of DecP.mber 1948. YalrnP.r Y.arvonen chairman. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN.- nATE ............................ :b!!c •. 8 •·······································19 48 The following resolution was ado·pted: B~ IT RF.SOLVED. That the Chairman and the Auditor are hereby authorized and dirP.cted for e.nd on be- half of the County of Otter Tail to exP.cute and enter into a contract 111ith the Commissioner of High- ways for the plowing of snow from the followinp: described roads: c.ounty 'I: State Aid and Township roads, e.nd r.runicipal Streets, all on the terms and conditions contained and set forth in "State of Minnesota, De1lartlflent of Highways-Maintenance Division snow Plowing ~reement F•"m·.No. l". a copy of which said form \Ve.s .before the 'Roerd. assnming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein containe~. · · 13E TT FURT;T!.:?. RESOLVED, That Wendell P•, Huber. the County Engineer o·r saip County o·f Otter Tail be and he. hereby is authorized to request and order from time to time men and ~quipment for the plow- ing of snow in accordance with and under the terms of the foregoing contract. Ado.pted Dec. 8, 1948. . Att~st: William Lincoln clerk. The fo llowinp. bills were allowed: ~. c. Henkes M, c. Lee J. c. T:'!enkes LOltise Stondahl P.elen Jene Baer Fl. L. 'Allen John L. 'Bixby Ceo. F. Johnson Mildred 'Bruvold Alfred PU.tnam Herbert F·· Duenow W, H. Dewey Th_eo. "legseth Herry T. Burau ,Joe Reyner And rew "Bogen Free 'Press Co. R. A. Henning Miller-Davis Co. Farnham stationery &: School Sup. co. The Geo. D. Barnard co. Midland Paper !I: Staty. Co, Victor Lundeen !I: Co, The Pierce co. Poucher ·prtg. &: J.i th. co. Carlton Mortenson State of Minn. N. W • Pub • r:lo • Battle J.ake Review Underwood Independent "lenninp. Advocate Fergus·service Station Winther r,umber 'I: ruel Fergus Glass !I: Paint Co. -Prankoviz · N, W, Bell Tel, Co, ~olten Hdwe. co. ijoyes construction co. N, W, ~ell Tel. Co, Hintgen-Karst F.lec. Co, Beall '<: McGowan Co. N. w. Bell Tel. Cd. Louise Stondahl 'F!, w. Glorvigen P. A, Anderson Odin ,Johnson Johnson Drllf;S 'If. w. Clorvigen Burroughs Adding Machine Co. DO State Treasurer Archie Emery DO Dalton J,br. co. Gaffaneys• Marvin H. Markstrom Fergus Plumbing ,\: Heating co. University Hospital Do Wright Memorial Hospital Minn. State San. Dr, E. c. "'anson W, A, MillP.r, M, D. Town of '8lowers Town of 13lu·~fton "Frank c. Barnes Edward c. nrews expenses " dep. sheriff Bd. of prisoners expenses " (nurse) " Yalmer Karvonen saly.· & exp. weed insp. transcripts exp. soil cons. " " " " " " " " " ,, dep. sheriff's fees service fee blank bOok supplies .blanks supplies ~ecord book supplies !"11 " " reael.pts dep. sheriff's fees school supplies pub. notice .. pr tg. ,\: publ. pub. noticP. su·pplies " " " mobile service SIIPDlies repairs 'jail} calls repairs supplies calls postage .. " hauling boxes supplies drivers' license exp. supplies ribbons examination of accounts exp. st. vs. ~eglien jailer +. ex!'.). supplies Ditch ¥42 main. supplies assessor repairs special nursing " " care of patient " " " exam. !la coroner's -exam. care of f)OOr " " " municipal judge's expenses fees fees chairman • $95.45 86.07 138.00 2.;30 71.20 28.60 9.60 197.70 29.70 20.00 18.00 18.40 17.20 14.00 6.60 ,3 •. 10 61.60 3.18 32,59 28.20 73.90 3.44 41.95 22.60 78.60 9.15 59.96 1.00 2.00 35.75 2.00 3.20 3.32 6.77 2.32 62.10 27 .35 414.39 45.65 8.96 21.25 18.05 58.96 30.00 38.00 1.00 12.24 12.20 12.00 3.41!l 1479.69 7.05 46.50 223.75 35.00 9.44 3.75 56.00 79.00 184.50 60.60 22.65 6.00 936.91 144.60 57.40 12.41 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N; :OTTER ·tAIL COUNTY, MINN. 11c■11nn11 Yalmer Karvonen Bert stone Geo. B. Gunderson Geo. Hanson aert stone A.G. Gunderson i,!elvin L. Anderson B:augan .'I: Mark Delzer~ Clauson John Dieseth r,o. Fergus concrete Prod. co. Minn. Motor co. L11ke Region Mo':or co. Nundahl 011 Co. A. 13. Y.ilde Co. The Adelsman co. o. i3~rgem Marie Torvik Barta &, Gaedke Henry Holmgren Minge Implement Co. E. A. Toftely A. R. Meier Erickson Brake Service !-Tatl. '3ushing !I: Parts Co. •r.w. Engineering co. Gertrude B. Slack Alfred Olson M. stovern Hennini!! Fuel r.o. Wilcox Lbr. co. 0 erham N. P. Railway. '3attle J.ake Sh.te of Minn. Frank !'lunter H. v. ,1ohnston Culv. cc. Village of Uew York Mills Village of Dalto.n Larson Bros. Henning•s Paulson Tire Shop Bennie Rossum ?.h_nbom Motor co. west Ottertail Service co. Christianson Welding Bervice Magnus Pederson Vergas nardware co. "'lattl.e Lake T1ard~1are Gambles, Dalton consumer's co-op. Oil co. south Mill standard Sta. ~erP-us Service Station Fergus 011 co. Dalton Oil co. Erlckson-Helleckson-Vye co. Thelen Implement Co. Mills Oil Co. Anderson .'I: s11ndberg on co. Hagge Oil co. P. Y.. r,1. 'I: co. ?oucher Prtg, 'I: Lith. co. !,!pls. "'llue P.rtg. co. H. Y.. Stahl Co. 13111 Nelson Oil Co. U. W, Bell Telephone Co., R.t. Victor ~undeen 'I: co. N, VI. "'9ell Tele. co., \'/!l.dena Pelican Tel. co. N, W. Bell Tel. Co. Geo. Olson w. L. Potter L. J. Fjosne Les. Tire Service Olson Hdwe. 'I: Furn. co. Frankoviz Hdwe. co. Larson Hardware co. F.lton ~ardware co. L. J. Sand l?roduce ~er~us Lumber~ Fuel co. Y-nuttila Implement co. "1ilcox Lumber co •• Henning Hlntgen-Y.arst P.lec. co. Nicols, Dean 'I: Gregg Camble Store. Henning Lyman Store consumer co-op Oil co. F.rvln Siegfried Ray's Oil co. E. VI, Baas Renning on r.o. Rengtson on co. Service Oil co. The Oil store Dec. 8, 49 . DATE ................... ·-·····-····················· ········-·······19 ...... .. Attd. meetinp.s expense attd. meeting " " exp. witness fees II Co. Ditch #56 Co. Ditch #42 r.o. Ditch f62 Co. Ditch f/:62 repa.irs .. Ri~ht ~f IV!!°y repairs II parts• supplies parts Right of \Vay II n .. " coal freight testing gravel culverts garage rental ti " repairs " " II II " supplies .. gasoline .. gas a.nd oil ,. " .. " supplies gasoline, rental etc. gasoline etc. diesel fuel " " supplies .. oil services supplies services " lung distance expenses II " tire supp~ies " " gasoline gasoline etc. " gy I, ;, $ 12.20 15.80 5.00 9.85 10.50 2.56 2.56 406.00 450.00 84.50 8.25 70.07 147.63 2.91 46.60 46,16 116.70 901,45 44,40 68.55 .75 28.50 18,50 16.50 178.60 59.16 26,00 141.00 75.00 18.00 77.24 4.23 34.08 22.96 107.40 · 90.00 45.00 148.50 4.00 4.25 45.30' 12.25 3.05 11.85 21.00 79.61 66.60 4.60 101.90 57.78 21.46 79.67 246.35 13.54 61.03 13. 28 81.50 660.62 46. 74 32.12 59.68 55.30 40.77 26.80 3~10 20,32 4,20 57.41 27.10 96.75 18,00 12.00 3.90 7.68 7.39 1.95 3.50 3.95 1.00 12.79 4.00 24.93 18.79 155.82 26.77 72.76 4.52 50,53 32.75 70.73 37.oO 12.16 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN.· DATE .......................... · ............. .Dec .•... 8, ........................... 19 ... 48 Len Syverson's Park Region co-op. Oil co. Warthun 'I: -Peterson Oil co. S. 'I: F'. Oil Co. Georite Wicker n: M. WhP.eler corner Cafe~ ~otel l,!erchant' s "R"otel, 1>erham Parker Inn Stoll's Cafe Ed. s. cuff tizzie Nurmi Sellanpaa Ed.Sonnenberg 'I: Seo. Mu.t. Li:fe Ins. co. Ras. Rasmussen Ernest Lawrenson Morris Hagen Harry Harms Smith. Inc, Minn, F,W,D. Co. Ruf.fridge-Johnson Equipt. Co. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. A. w. co., Inc. of Minn. The Geo. T. Ryan co. ~lk River cone. Prod, co. \V. F. Smith Tire & Batter,v Co. Clty of Fergus Fells "F'. E, • Nurmi Jacob. w. r,urmi D. s •. Danielson, Jr. Wendell P, Huber Ernest Sandberg Wendell P. }!uber Je.ck :o. Stine Bauck's Hardware Mi.dwest supply co. Alfred JTerfindahl Stark's our Own Hard.ware T11ghv,a,v company Village of Battle Lake J•ohn :Oieseth Co, · Leitch Construction Co, Lampert Lumber Cc, Armco Drainage -~ Met al Prod , co, Village of. Henning Jaenisch Industries Vergas Motor Service Wick's Garage Home Utilities Co, Bill's service station Skogmo Motors, Inc. Hoff' "9:ros, construction F.quipt. Sales Inc, Cummins Diesel Sales corp. Rosholt E~uipt, co. N, w.·mquipt. co. E1ner1 RYtkonen ,lohn I!:, Maki Empire supply co. Wm, H, Ziegler co., Inc, Olson Auto Electric Hintz Blacksmith Shop Stanley Moe ?Ielson Welding Shop \'Tadena Paint -'I: Glass co. Penrose Oil co, ~shley Quixigan Co, T~e Farmers' Supply co. Or\•1ell Township ~luff.ton Township Erhards Orove Township ~OmPstead Township Town of Eastern Township of Eagle Lake Town of Dora TO\l\'Tl of Edna Town of Butler Town of Eastern Tordenskjold TOW'l.Ship Town of Newton ?arkers PrairiP. Township gasoline gas 11: oil etc, f!asoline etc. P.xpenses cli.sh advanced loclginp, 'I: hoard " lodRing meals insurance night of\Vay " " " removing fence gravel " move fence parts " " & equipt. parts .. culverts batteries bituminous meterinl movi!'lg fence Right of Way " " " & moving fence cash advanced .. expenses .. supplies .. gasoline water charges equipt r rental .. It lumber culverts rental repairs " " II ,. parts&: repairs parts ., II " " supplies repairs supp11Ps oarts ~ supplies repairs " iron repairs glass diesel fuel etc. stencils coal grading ,, II gradinB ~ gravelling grading ., road wo·rk grfld.ing ~ gravellinp: grt1ding road construction Upon motion, the Boe.rd then adjourned without date. $ 77,48 25,42 86.82 54.40 52.70 20,28 91.05 143.25 6,00 15.35 11.13 55.50 168.60 25,00 408,38 196,63 52.80 125.94 749.47 245,99 412,43 169.77 447,56 1653,14 362,08 337.60 23.30 101.30 16.50 23.09 1 .·oo 108.18 49.50 11.53 46.20 45,71 7,03 13.58 6.50 3505.00 477.75 7.70 485,04 156.94 33,25 91.82 5,90 2.26 2.25 349. 79 68,99 380,76 120.90 106,92 261.07 1.26 1.65 332.32 1056,12 14.07 47.65 · 1.35 3.50 12,71 83,64 29.03 42.50 300.00 300.00 300.00 500.CO 300 •. 00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300,00 300-00 300,00 300,00 300,00