HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1947Ottertail County Official Meetings 1947 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... :J.~!'.1.~.~:r_y .1 .................................................. 1ds7 ..... . -·~ 1LANK IIDDKAND PRINl'IND C0,1~"'1:..._CUIU~ M!~Ht --- !,fIMTJ'l'~S 01-' !!i;:C:TTT,.I\.!! M":~Tnm 0"'" BOA~D 0"" ~!"'HlJTv ~O~l!JITSS!("l!fl':!!S OF OTTF.~ TAU, COU!1T"'.!'"·; ?lnIMESOTA i>ursnant ~o statute the ~oard of county commissioners met at the county Commissioner's room in the r::ourt uouse in Fergus '"a~ls on Tuesda~•. January 7, 1947, present commissioners: !~arvonen, Gunderson, ~aneon, Stone and Snov:berg, The meeting was called to order br the countv Auditor who stated that the first business before the Board was the election ~f the r::hai;man for the year 1947, 11pon motion, Commissioner Snowberg was elected as Chairman and took the chair. Upon motion, Commissioner Y.arvonen was elected Vice-chairman for the year. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of ~ounty Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: That a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman and two members of the Board to be selected by the Chairman, to be appointed to have charge or the court House and grounds ond ~ail r,rounds for the year 1947. · Adopted January 7, 1947. c. A, snowberg, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk The chairman appointed r::ommissioners Gunderson ana µanson as his associates on th.is C!ommit tee. The followinB resolution was adopted: :Resolved by the Board of County co.mmissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That a committee of three, consistirl6 or the Chairman of the Board and two members of ttie Board, be appointed by ~he Chairman to purchase all rurniture and supplies excepting books, blanks and stationery needed for the court House and Jail during the year 1947, and provide for such repairs as may become an immediate necessity. Adopted January 7, 1947. c. A. Snowberg, Chairman Attest: i'lilliam T,incoln, Clerk The Chairman appointed Commissioners Hanson and Stone as his associates on this committee. The following resolution was adopted: :Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Co1mty; Minnesota: That under previsions of. Section 2154 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Dr, c. A. Boline a resident physician of said county, and County Commissioners Stone and Karvonen, members of this Board, be and the same hereby are appointed to constitute a County Board of Health of said County for the year 1947. Adopted January 7, 1947. · c. A. snowberg, Chairman Attest: William tincoln, Clerk The following resolution was adopted: :Resolved by the ~oard cf County Commissioners of Otter ~ail County, Minnesota: That the county Commissioner of his respective district, namely Yalmer Karvonen, The li'irst District; r.eorgP. 13. Gunderson, the SP.cond District; George Hanson, the Third District; ,i ~ert Stone, the P,ourth Di·strict; and c. A. Snowberg, the Fifth District, he and they hereby are each appointed superintendent of poor of ~is said district with authority to act in relation to the care and support of non-resident paupers, and ·to receive applications for relief or support by or for any reason in his district as provided by Chapte!" 15, Revised La,:e o:f' 1905. Adopted January 7, 1947. C, A. Snowbe:rg Chairman Attest: \'Tillia:n Lincoln, Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the ~oard of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That there is hereby set apart from the funds of the County Treasury not especially appropriated or set aside ~or ctr.er purposes, the sum of ~750.00 to be used as a Contineent Punil by the County Attorne.v with the approval of the ·court under the provisions of Section 574 Revised Laws of' Minnesota for 1905. Adopted January 'I, 1947. c. A. snowberg, ehalrman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk The following resolution was aaopteil: "Resolved by the "9oard of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the sum of ~1250.00 be and. the same he:eb,v is appropriated out of the Cou~ty Revenue l!'und of said county for otter Tail County ex~ibits .~t the Minn':sota St~te Fair .1.or i947 and the county Auditor end Chairman of the Boarc are 01rected to issue a ~arrant for said amount in favor of Clarence c. Mielke. Ail o·pt ed ,1 anuary 7 , 194 7. c. A. Snowherg, Chslrman Attest: William tlncoln, Clerk ThA following resolution was adopted: Pe;oived by the Board of r:ount.v commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minne~ota: That the sum of t,350.00 be and the same hereby.a~~ set a:put from the P.evenue Fund of the county for use of postage in the oeveral coun~y o,. ·ices ~ntltled thereto and for ex- press charges, etc., as provided by Section 343, Revised Laws o ... Minnesota for 1905. Adopted January 7, 1947. Atte1:1t: '· C, A, Snuwuei·g, Chairman 594 595 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. January _ 7 • ....................................... .19:t!.! ... . KDOOIC D I NO , The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, nr. w. \'I. Drought 1vas hereto!ore appointed jail !)hysician for the calendar year 1946 at a salary of $150.00." , . · T~ow, therefore, be it resolved that the county Auditor ana Chairman of the Board be and they hereby are authorized and direc1:ed to issue warrant in the sum of ~150,00 on the Revenue Fund of the county to said nr. \'I, w. Drought, · . Adopted this 7th doy of January, 1947. c. A. show6erg. Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the ~oard of county Commissioners of_ Otter Tail County, Mihnesota:· That the sum of five cents be paid out o! the ?.evenue Fund of the County for every pocket gopher and 1vcodchuck 11'.illed in said County during the months o·f' April, Ma,v. June and Jul:r. 1947. in cases where the townships in ~hich pocket ~ophers nnd woodcnucks are so·killed shall provide for the Pll.Vo'lent of and additional bount.v of l:ive cents ·for each pocket gopher or ITOOdchuck so killed, !'lesolved ·further that payment for such bounty shall be made b,v the Connt.v Audi tor upon certl~icot~s executed by the Chairman of the Town qoard of soid to1mships. setting forth that the pocl:et gophers or woodchucks wer" killed v,i thin said townships during the said months and that both ·front f'e<!t of such pocket E)Ophers or woodchucks ~vere duly presented to the chair- man of such board and thot the township has issued and delivered to each claimant a town order for ten cents for each pocket gopher or woodchuck so killed. Adop~ed January 7, 1947. C, A, Snowberg, ·cna1rman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk The follo,,ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under the provisions of Chapter 200 Laws of r.tinneso.ta for 1943, the C ounty shall pay a bount,v of ,t\4 for ench full-grown red or gra.v fox killed in so.in aountl' and $2 for each cub rP.o or gray fox killed in said county from .1anuar.v 1. 1947 to December 31, 1947: payment to be made on l'larrant of the county Auditor aftP.r compliance by the clair:mnt with all the prov is ions of so.id law. Adopted ~anuar,v 7. 1947. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk C, A, Snovtberg, Chairman The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under the provisions of Section 739 Ceneral Statutes for 1923 the sum of $100,00 be and the some hereb,v is appropriated out of the Rerenne Fund of the County to the Red River Valley Development Association, said amount so appropriated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors for the year 1947, Adopted January 1. 1947. Att~st: William Lincoln, ry1erk c. A, Snowberg. Chairman The follo\ving resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: WhP.reo.s. :::hapter 142, Laws of 1921, Mason's MinnP.sota Statutes 1927. Sec. 671 and Minnesota Statutes 1941,. se·c. 375,30 provides ways and means for the control and eradica- tion of rust-producing· barberry. the following resolution was adopted: · Be it hereby resolved, that $50 be appropriated by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County for the purpose c:f eradicating and removing rust-producing bu-shes and that a bounty of $3,00 be off11red for the location of barberry bush or bushes on each property subject to the provisions as set forth by the Barberry Office, University Farm, St. Paul, !!.inne- sota on file 1n the office o:f the County Auditor, Fergus Falls, Minnesota · Adopted January 7, 1947, c. A, Snowbe:ig 'C!hairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clelk The following resolution was adopted: ~esolved by the 'Roard of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: The.t the monthly mel;!tings of said qoard for the year 1947 be and they hereby are fixed as follows to-wit: The second Tuesday in Uarch, April, May, JunP., Aup:ust, Se!)tember. October end December and the seco·nd ll[onday in 1i'ebruan• and the SP.cond .Wednesday in }Tovember, Adopted Jan~o.ry 7, 1947. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, l}lerk c. A, snowberg. Chairman The following resolution wRs adopted: Resolven by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the following named snrns be set apart from the Revenue Fund ot the County to be exoended as may be needed for clP.rk hire for the year 1947 in the countv offices named to-wit: County Auditor's office, 7,200; County Treasurer's Office '5,500; Registe~ of Deeds o.f-i'ice 7,500 Clerk hire in offic:e of Clerk of Court 1.500, For Asst. Supt of Schools, 2,000; Office Steno. t!o:1-.J-Of:fice Asst. Supt of Schools, 125 per.rc,0100 per.,-.....,6. ~ Adopted January 7, 1947. ' 4 Att~st: William Lincoln Clerk c. A. Snowberg CbairmRn in the monthe COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... JanuarY ... 7 ! .... !~.47··································193 ....... . The following resolution waa adopted: Resolved by the '3oard of county 'lommissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: · That the sum of ~40.00 per month be and the same herebv is allowed for clP.rical work office of the County Attorney frcm ,lanua~y 1. 1947, same to be paid at· the ciose of each on warrant of the ~ounty Auditor from the revenue fund of the County. Adopted Jar.nary 7, 194 7. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk c. A. Snowberg. ~halrman Upon motion the auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for a photographic recording machine and accessories. bids to be opened at the session of the board to be held February 10, 1947 at 10 o'clock a.m. County Superintendent of Schools, Louise Stondahl, presented to the Boardher annual report for 1946. · Clerk of Court, B, w. Glorvigen, was authorized to appoint agents to fill applications for drivers licenses during the year). peyment to be made at the rate of 5¢ for each application. Upon motion the Chairman of the Board and the county P.ngineer vtere authorized to enter into an agreement with the town board of the township of Maine for repair o.f the Waterstreet "!ridge in said to•!tnship accordinp.: to specifications or the countyEngineer, the cost of such repairs to be divided equally between the county and Township. J:>ursuant tc call for bids for automatic calcnlator the 13oard received bid from the Marchant ~ompany .for one fully automatic, ":iBht :!Ovt, Marchant Calculator for the sum of t-585.00, Upon motion the bid was accepted. 'P.ids for count,v printing for the year 1947 as advertised for the Board were received as follovrs: Henning Advocate publishing financial statement ·at legal rates, Henning Advocate ~ublishing delinquent tax list of the count,v at leBal rates, '3attle Lake ReviP.w publishing financial statement at il:egal rates, Fergus Falls Journal publishing minutes of all meetings of' the Board of county Commissioners in the Daily Jour.iial a.t legal rates., Fergus Falls Journal publishing official notices and advertising o:f the county in the Daily Journal at legal rates. All these bids were accepted, Upon motion the board then adjourned to 10 o'clock a.m. January 8, 1947. llfl':DIRSDAVS sr.:ss TOll Pursuant to ad,iournment the board mP.t at 10 o'clock a.m. 1·1ednesday, January 8, 1947, all members being pres~nt. 0ounty Superintendent of Schools, touise Standahl, filed no~ice of the appoint- ment of Mabel ''!enstrom as Assistant Superintendent of Schools, and Leona s. Mahler aR Of'f'ice Assistant. Upon motion the appointments Y1ereconl:irmed. The petition of .T.lo.vd olson tab.set over from ·school District rro. 55 to School District Fo. 40 was "taken up fer final action. After listening to the County Superinten- dent of Schools encl to interested parties, who were present, upon motion the petition was granter and the board issued 'the following order to wit: Whereas. The _petition of Llo~•d Olson a ·tegal voter, freeholder vnd resident of School District !Io. 55 in this countyi:· representing tho.t he is the o·wner of the lands here- inafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No, 40 and asking that he Y!ith his said lands may be set off from said district No. 55 to said ad- 5oining school district rro. 40 was presented to the Board of county commiSGioners of this county et a session of said board held on the 9th day of October A.D,, 1946 for the action of said board thereon: and ~·there as it was thereupon or'd ere cl b,V said hoard that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said hoard on the 8th day of January A. D,, 1947 at the r:ommissionP.rs Room in the t::curt "fouse in the Cit,\!' of. F'ergus Falls in said r.ounty: and where- as it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three pnblic places in each of the school districts to be af·fected b,v· said petition, and b,y mailinP. to the clerk of ench o:f soid School Districts,. a copy of said order at least ten da,vs before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said 3oara of county Commissioners on said 8th day of January A. n., 1947 due proof of the posting nna service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required. more than ten days prior to sai.d last named date. having been made ano ·' filed, said :petition was publicly read ·and considered b,y the Board. with everything which was said br sa.id interested parties for or aBainst granting the prayer. of·the petitioner, and said 'Soard being of opinion thBt said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered arni deter·nin- ed. that the so.id 'let it loner and thP. following described lands ovmed b,V him, to-wit: Ei-fl\'1.1. and wt NE-'!-Sect ion 20 Township 131 Range 36 -be an<i the some are hereby set off from said School District Uo. 55 to said adjoing School District Ho, 40 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last" named School Di st riot for sll nur9oses whatever. 'Sy order of the ~oard of 0ount,v 0ommissioners. I'at~d the. 8th da.v of .ianuar.v A, D, 1917. C. A. Snowberg Chairman of the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail •:!ounty. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk of Board The petition of qarold Helgren to be set over from School District 55 to school District 40 was tal:en up for final action. A-fter listening to the County Superintendent of Schools and to interested parties, who were present, upon motion the petition was granted and the board issued the following order to-wit: Wher~as. 1'he petition. of Harold, Helgren a legal voter, freeholdP.r and resiiident of School District Ifo, 55 in th.is county, representinB that he is the owner of the lands here- inafter described, v:hich are situate in said School District, and ad ,join School District lie. 40 and askin,i: that he v1ith his said lonas may be set off from soid district Ho. 55 to said ad- joini.nr, school district no. 40 was presented to the 13oard of county Commissioners of this ~ounty at a session of sbid board held on the 9th d~v of October A, Dl, 1946 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it 1vas thereupon ordered b,v said board that a hearing should be ha.a on said DP.<:ition, at a session of said boo.rd on the 8th day o·f Januar.v A, D., 1947 at the commission~rs ~com in the ~curt House in the ~ity of Pergus ~olls in said ~ounty; 596 COMMISSIONERS RE ORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................. i.. .......................................... 18*-. .. DECUR IILANll CO.. IIT. MINN ltl and whereas it was further orderer in and by said order that notice of the time and place of sucn n.earing be given by posting copies of s~id order in thr:-e public places i,n ;.ach of the school a istricts to be affected b.v so.id petition, and by m1nling to the clerk o ,. each of said school Districts, a copy of sei,.d orde~ at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing;:and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners oon said 8th day of January A· D., 1947 due prodf of the posting and service of said order of hearing es therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date havi~ been made an6 filed, sa.id petition was publtcly.read anci cons~dered by ~he Board, with everything ,·1hich was said by se.id interested parties for or against granting the pray- er of the petitioner, and seici-Boar-d being of opinion that so.id petition should be granted it is hereby ordered and determined, thet the seici peti t_ioner and the -following described lands 01vned by him, to-wit: Ni NW¼, SE½-Nlf¼ and NFJ-SW¼ and trac~ beginning. at mv cor of SW¼ NW~ then F, to NE cor then S 4 rds thence NW to beginning all in Section 29 Township 131 P.a!1£!:e 36 be and the same are hereby set of.f from said School District No. 55 to said ad ,jo ininr, School District no. 40 end said lands arr hereby made e part cf said last named School District for all purposes whatever. ~.V order of the '3oard of r:ou11tl' 110-,missioners. DatP.ci the 8th day of ~anuary A. D, 1947. C. A. Snowberg, ')hai rman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk The petition of Clarence Betterman to be set ovcr from School District 55 to School District 40 was taken up for final action. After listening tc the county Su·perin- tendent of Schools and to interested parties, who were prese.nt, upon motion the petition was granted -and the board issued the following orcier to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Clarence Betterman a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 55 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lsnds hereinafter d.escri bed, 1·1hich are situate in said School Di strict, anci ad join School Di strict No, 40 and asking that he v:i th his aaid lands may be set o·i:f from said district No. b5 to said ad-joining school district No. 40 was presented to the Board of county Comf11issioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 9th day of October A, D., 1946 for the action of s1.1.id board thereon: fJ.nd whereas it was thereupon orderer. by saici be aJ d that a hearing should be had ori said petition·, at a session of said board on the 8th day of ,'anue.ry A, D., 1947 at the r.ommissioners ?.oom in the court "1ouse in the City of "'ergus Falls in said county; and whereas i ": was further ordered in and by said ord.e!" that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given b,1, posting CO'lies of saii! ord·er in three public places in each of the school districts to be affecter. by said petition, and by mailing ·to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order:rat least ten days before ·the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said ~card of County Commissioners on said 8th day of January A, D •• 1947 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more then ten days prior to said last named. ciate, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly reed and considered by the Board, with everything vrhich was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer o ~ the petitioner, and said P.oa~d being of c pinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordere~ and determined, that the said petitioner and the follol':ing describen lands owtled by him, to-wit: . · Lot 1 and SB? in <Jection 20 and T,ot 1 and sw,+ NW¼ ex 1 acre to county in Section-21 and lot 5 in Section 16 all in To\vnship 1:n :Range 36-be and th~ same are herPby set off fTom said School :Cistri-ct no. 55 to said ad;ioinin!? School District no. 40 and said lands are hereby made !:l _part of se.id last named School District for all purposes whatever. B.I' order of the ~ca.rd of count,11 ,ommissioners. Dated the 8th da.v of January A, n. 1947. C, A, snowberg, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk The petition of Willie G, Rie6el to be set over from School'District b5 to School District 40 was taken up for final action, After listening to the county Superintendent of Schools ana to interested par ti es, who -were present, upon motion the petition was granted and the board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Willie G. Riedel a legal voter, freeholder and ~esident of School District No. 55 in this county, representing that hP. is the owne1" of the laneis hereinafter described, which erP situate in said School r,istrict, ano adjoin School ,District No, 40 and asking that he 1'lith his saia lends mar be set off from said district Nq. 55 to said ad jo1 ninl_!: school d 1st riot no. 40 was presented to the '!'!oard of county Commies loners of 'this ·::ount.v at a session of said board held on the 9th da.v of October A, D,, 1946 for the act- ion of sai.d board thereon; anci 1vhe• P.as it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 8th day of January A, D., 1947 at the ~ommiss ioners :Room in the court 'House in the ~i ty of F'ergus Falls in sn id ::ounty: and where- as it was further ordered in ~d by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public ·places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing: and ~hereas at tne said session o:r the said Board of r:ounty commissioners on said 8th de,v ot .:ranuary A. D,. 1947 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and file.i, said petition was publicly read and considered b,v the Hoard, with everything which was said b,V .said interested parties for or against grantirl{! the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that sai~ petition should be granted, it is her~by ordered and determined, tnat the sair. peti- tionP.r and the follO"ting described lands owned by hlm, to-wit: SW·=!: and Y!i NW·'!--Section 32 Township 131 Rsnge 36 be and the same nri:i hereby set off from said School District uo. 55 to said adjoinlnp: School District 1,10. 40 and S9.id lr,nds are hereby made e. part of saiii last named School I'istrict for ell purposes ;~hetever. 'ly order of the 'lea.rd of' County Commissioners. Dated the 8th day of January A, D, 1947. C. A. Snowberg, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk -_-;: ,,. r 9OMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..... }.~~~~!.?. ... ~ ...................................................... 1J..?. ... . 9CCURlff a.ANN. DDmC AND PRINl1NG CO., ff■ a.GUD,, MINN.-IIHI The petition of. ~lemence ~elka to be set over from School District 158 to School District 51 was taken up r.or l'inal action. ~fter listeninp. to the r:ount,v Superintencient of Schools and to interested parties, who were present upon motion the petiticn was granted and the beard issued the :r.ollcwing order, to-,·:it: · · Whereas. The ~et~ti~n of ~lemence ~elka a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District uo. 158 in this county, represent inp, t nat ne is t ue owner of the 1 ends here- inafter oescribed, which are situate in said. School ·District, ano ad,ioin School District No. 51 and askin~ that he with his snld lands may be set off :f'rooi so.id district No.158 to said ad- joinging school district Ho. 51 was presented to the Board of county commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 9th -0ey of October A. D., 1946 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by saia board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 8th d~v of January A, D,, 1?47 at the commissioners Room in the court House in the city of Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hear1.ng be p,iven by oostin~ copies of said order in three· public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, anc by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of. said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; ano where.as at the said session of the said 1oard of ~ounty commissioners on said 8th d~v of.January A, D., 1947 due proo~ of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein d~rected and required, more than ten d~,s prior to said last named date, having been made ann filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by t'he··~oard, with every- thing which ~as said by said interested parties for or against granting the pr~ver of the petitioner, and said 300.rd beinr-cf opinion that said petition should be granted. it is hereb,\' ordered and determinerl, that the said petitioner and the follov1ing described lo.nds ov:ned by him, to-wit: SE¼ IIB~· Lot 1 and Lot 2 except 13elka Beach and except tract in Se.ction 26 Township 137 Ranfle 39 be and the same are hereb,r set off frO':l said school District Uo. 158 to said adjoining School District Ho. 51 and said lands are hereby made a part of so.id'L~chpol District for all purposes whatever. -4,) BY order of the 1oard of county commissioners. Dated ·the 8th l•a.v of ,Januer,y A. n. 1947. ~. A. Snowberg, ¢hairman Attest: Willl~m Lincoln, Glerk .. •'• 'The petition of Matt 13ernu to be set over from School District 90 to School District 133 v:as taken up for finel action ano it appearing from examination of the plat of the school districts affected that the tract to be attached to District 133 did not join said oistrict and, therefore, , coulo not be legally attached, upon motion the petition was rejected. • The petition of r.trs. Martin Keller to be set over from School District 45 to School District 112 1vas taken up for final ~tion ano after consi6.erat ion upon the, mot ion the petition was rejected. A delegation of· ci t"iznns from various parts of the county ·appeared to urge the appointment of a county ilurse. The question of employment of nurse was laid over for future consideration. · county Ai?:•rnts, Raymond wolf anti Cerl Gustafson presented to the. Bo.ard reports of the count,v Ap;.ents for the past .vear. llpon motic.n commissioner r.eorge 1l'anson was appointed Chairman of the SvennebY. ~arm control r.ommittee. · . Upon motion the •~ounty Auditor w~s i"Rstructed to advertiee for bids to be recet•;ed until· 2 o'clock P.U. r'ebruar.v 10, 1047. for the sale of twenty-three (23) h9rse- 11raders and il,rags located in various parts of. the county. The follovrlng. bonds were approved:· P. 1,1. Ree, ,'.~ounty Treasurer, in the sum of $35,000 with Seaboard Surety r.o., as aurity. · Eleanor '3ergerson, Deputy county Treasurer, in the sum of $5,000 and Fred M. Syck, Deputy county Treasurer, in the sum of $1,000 with Anchor Casualty co, as surety,. William Lincoln, county Auditor, in the sum of $5,000 v:ith Fidelity and Casualty r:o. of New York, as surety~ . J. c. ~enkes, Sherif·f., in the sum or. ~5,000 with 1•1estern Surety Co., as surety. '1hester G. Roseneren, •~ount,v Attorne1·, in the sum o~ fl,000 with St. Paul-Mercury Tndemnity r.o., as surety. l'lillie.m .~. 13u.ckle.\', ~ount.v surveyor, in the sum of !-'500 with Fidelit.v and Casualt,v r:o. of New York, as suTety. The following resolution v:as adopted: Resolved by the '3oard of county Commissioners o·f. Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the Fenning Advocate be a·nd the same hereby is designated as. the newspaper in which shall be printed notices and lists of lands 'upon which taxes remained. delinquent and unpa-id on the !first J,!onday in January, 1947. . Resolved further, that for the faithful performance of such work the said newspaper be end hereby is r~quir~d to furnish a bond in the sum of $2,000, Adopted January~. 1947. C. A, Snowberg, Chairman A~test: William Lincol~. Clerk TJpon motion George A. ,1ohnson 11as appointed '1ounty \'TePd Inspector for period from !'arch 1 to October 31 1947, with the salary of ~150 pe!' month and expenses. 1v1r. Johnson ;as instructed to o.tt;nd the v/eed Inspectors Short r:ouree at the State University Farm for five da,vs from ,Januer,v 20 to January 25 at the expense of the County. . After discussion, upon motion it was order that the off sale beer license fee for the ·present year be tixec! at ~l:0,00 and on sale beer license at ~50.00. · Cigarette licenses for the year 1?~7 ~ere granted to ~lifford courne~a at Cliff's "Rocky 13ar in P.'obart Tow:rishl·p on Bose t.ske, v1rg1l 1rewborg at Deist Store in ~nberg To1•mship imd to Virgil ·Anderson and ,Jack r:onrad at R1tsh T,ake Resort in the Township of Rush Lake. 598 -~ ·:,· •, ;: .. ;.1_ COMMISSIONERS RE ORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE.............. . .................. 8: ......................................... 19 ·· .... 7 ■CICUBflY~~K_....., AND.P.ltlN'l1N!I.CO, •. sr._a.ouD,,_MIHN,:Nl41_ The application of Mrs. Martin Keller :for classification of SE-¼ of sw.;. and Lot 7 south ot' public road in Section 12, Township of Sverdrup for the year 1946 at homestead rate 1,as read and the board recommended to the commissioner o:f Taxation that said land be so classified and the aesessed. v.atue '.'red110edo:l!roinrc$449. 00 to $269 .00 and the taxes from $61, 37 to $34. 99. The application of Frank P. Albright for classification of Lot 3 exeept VI 40 acres.~ in Section 8 and r.ot 6 and Lot 4 except • 32 acres in Sect ion 16 r-.nd Lot 1 in Sect ion 17 all in the Township of Dora for the year 1946 at homestead rate was read and the board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxatlon that said land be so cle.s"ified end the assessed value reduced from ~936.00 to ~562.00 and the taxes from ~104.00 to $58.79, The application of Ina L. Nelson·for classification of tot 14 in Block 14 of Cutler's Third, addition to ~erp.us Walls, for the year 1946 et homestead rate wee read and the board recommended to the ~omrnissioner of Texetion that said lend be so classified end the assessed ve:lue reduced from !l'-812.00 to !'508.00 and the taxes from ~110.11 to ~65.53, The application. of Myron Duhn for reduction of assessment against Lot 7 in Section 15 in the To1vnship of Uidaroe fer the ,veer 1946 1vae read end the board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the eeeeeeed value of said tract be reduced from ~127.00 to e15.00 and the taxes from P18,28 to f216, · . Tile application of i'/illiam T, Tome for reduction in assessed value against unnumbered lot ln l'/eno.nah 13,;,ech in the Township of Amor for the year 1946 was read and the board recommend- ed to the .Commissioner of Taxation that the assessment for structures be cancelled and the eeeese- ed value of the tract be reduced from ~180,00 to $2.00 end the taxes from $15.12 to ~-17. The application of Skogmo Motors Inc. for cancellation of eeeeesment for 1946 in the City of Fergus Falla on two trucks upon whi::h 1946 licensee were issued was read end the board re- commended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value against ee.id co,mpany be reduced from $2,387 to $1,670 and the taxes from $322,46 to t22G,45, Dance Permit for the year 1947, using mechanical music onl.v was granted to Clifford Courneya at ~liff's Rocky Bar in Town of i:robart, and on and off sale beer license for the period end inp; Uaroh 31, 1947 was granted to i.-rr. Courneya at the same location. The following names were selected to be placed on the annual grand and petit ,1ur.v list of the r.01mty for the .vear 1947: J!:elth Garber i.enry F.nslin John Geissner- lrick Fiedler Paul Frsd•ricks M. 11. J{orkalo Hugo Soderberg Emil Nelson Hu11:o itemmer .,o&n Wedell T-Tenr,v ,lanke Glen 1-'oard William V/anderi 'C!arr.v r:arlund A. F. Dewar Arthur Glawe Hilmer Hancock 111att l'/idels Eli Anderson Chas. Gulstad Nathan Jacobson Paul Frazee \'filbert Pd!erce Peter Anderson Anton Sundblad Ellis WaRBtrom Theo. 'legseth earl Shoi Geo. !,lull en r:arl r.rlandson Uelvin Y.imber Ole r.ee B,vron Rudh Herb. Reed Fritz Ohlrogge Rey Bergerson Mra. c. E. Griffin Mrs. F, H, Zeigler Mrs. v. A. Sundberg Mrs. Robert Wick Mrs. :P.weld J(ruger Gladys Skillinger Mrs. r.ouis· "!O!>P Mrs. 13ert Lein Mrs. De Witt Kenne Oscar Kuhn Henry Wientjes Peter Minten Charlie 'l'oppari .)'ohn Hietala '!"rank '3reuer Arthur Nickelson Frank Tolppi lfubert 13enr,ston \1/m, Reiman .John l'/ormas Edna Gorman Perham Hobart ?.ush Lake Newton Bluffton l'addock Homestead Blov1ers Butler ?ine Lake r:orlise Otto l;'erham Village Candor Dead Lake Dent Scambler Dunn Norwegian Grove Pelican Lida Trondhjem .F.rhards Grove Maplewood Oscar, ·Friberg Maine l:"elicnn Rapids Villa·ge. '3attle Lake Vining Underwood Clitherall Otter Tail Dalton GRA?ID ,l11RY Edd le Anderson John Young. earl Anderson F.mil ,lohnson earl Pearson Fernal iohnson St a.i!l·l>,V:;:Aske:noth Ned Viger John P. Goeden Daniel Jungels 'l, A. ~ordes · Roy l3.1orklund Olof Isakson Dell Buchanen '.,!rs. 0 aul Aldrich Robert T. '3arker T,loyd S. Thomas r:nv1in Mielke Walter Olson Henry Holmgren Hans Schrader R. A. i'helen Henry ?.ederson Harry Burau Ed c. Peterson .Lorimer Torgerson Albert F!exum Albert G. Mobroten And·rew Runninr,en R, 1!:, Swenson ,: • r:. '9e imer r10 rman Nunn W, s. Jenkins Adolph ,lohl'ison Ralph Sinner C. P.. Gates Girard A:nor i::verts Clitherall Twp, .";agle Lake Lea! Mountain Tordenskjold Tumuli Compton Deer Creek Lea:!'. T.ake Henning Inman Oak Valley Woodside Elmo Folden Effington t_>arkers Prairie Henning Vill!3ge Parkers Prairie Village Deer Creek Village Buse Dane Prairie Fergus Fells Twp, Aurdal ':arlisle !Uizabeth T1vp, City ~i'ty Gt i.V Cit,v l'.lity Ctty Gity ::ity t'F.TTT ;'.f'-!RY Derham vi'llage 'Perham Village Richville Vllla~e Dent Villae;e Verges Vi llar,e Gorman Candor Dead T,ake Star Lake Star take Butler Butler Paddock Pacidock Bluffton Bluffton '3lowers 13lowers llewton Ne1'1ton Henman Ehnert 'l{omestead F.rnest Geise Homestead Mrs. R'1.V Dertinger-Pine Lake Wm, Mattie Pine Lake Mrs. Lempi Perala Otto Theodore ~auck Otto Albert ~ritz Rush take ~]ri ok Levine Rush Lake Henry Flatau Derham Otto Richter 'l{obart Henry F.. Siebels Gorman Alfred w. Johnson Corliss ,~ugo Hammer ri:omeetead John Riestenberg Edna Alious Gerber Edna J. v. Johnson Uew York Mills Ed Peck Sr. Scambler !Jira. F.d P.eur-rud Scambler Mrs. 'R'arry flendrickson Dunn James Stanley Dunn Village . .J it COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... •anuar.v .8 ........... ___ .................... 193 ....... . (continued -Petit Jury) c. T, Dalager NOr\vegian Grove !,!rs •. Uvin Sleen Norwegian Grove Mrs. Thorval "Daulson Pelican Henry Ruud Pelican •·Tenr,v nose Lida Elmer Moberg Lida Elmer Vi~en Trodhjem Mrs. Cari Raw 'J'rondh ~ em Ole •~. Thompson F.rha:rd s Grove !!rs. '~. l,t. Gilmore Erhards Grove Mrs. Roes Shearon !·.!aolewood Folmer Backstrom 11aple,1ood urs. Martin Norby Oscar Oscar Lien Oscar John Kugler Friberg· Henry Rochall Friberg D. 1.1. Xee.fe Maine urs. \'I. E. I.Iodine Maine. Mrs. 'Pheo. Resseth Pelican Rapids Village Tl'red Quamme Pelican Rapids Village Ole Stenerson Battle Lake P.11,v 1•1astweet Clitherall Village "aul Reese Ottertail VillaP.e Mrs. Ra.v !Jyberg Vining Villae;e - Mrs. J,evi Olson Underwood Village !,!, 1. Ji'oshaug Dalton Village F:d. ~. Carlson Leaf r.iountain Cyril 9arnack Leaf 1;1011ntain Joe Troedahl Nidaros Fred Paulson Nidaros Maynard Posse Girard Mrs. William Anderson Otter Tail TWp. William Rstee Otter Tail <rv:p. t?elmer "!ol t Allier· urs. r,awrenoe ?.owe Everts · U fred '3erg r::ver.ts :r-:n r::venson c.11-therall Twp. ,Tames Steuart Sr. GlU!herall Twp. John o. Thompson ~a~le Lake '!l'red "P.vander ":sgle Lake •~1ot Larson Orwell 'Jerle T,oome ~estern Ove Jorgenson Western ',!rs. 'Philip l.!Oe Citl' ~o bert Al tner ~i t,v !,!rs. John Oyen <::i t.v Geo. 0 • Wright City 1.1rs. Anton Nelson ~ity Mrs. T. J. TidemansonCity Mrs. D. \'I, Dunlap City Urs. Chas. De11:ey City- Mrs. Hulda Holmquist City The following resolution was adopted: Henry R, Larson Tordenskjold Arthur Franae Tordenskjold Olof .Jorgenson st. Olof Archie Overgaard St, Olof s. l'I. 'leokman Sverdrup s. R, Lein Sverdrup ':Ile <', Sageng Tumuli ~aimer Bergerson Tu~uli ~rs. ffilllsm Rebehn ~ompton VI. A. .Johnson Compton · Charles Y.asma Deer Creek Howard \'leaver Deer Creek MTS. Arthur Vile be Leaf Lake l.lrs. Rasmus Hanson Leaf Lake l'lal ter Groff Henning Frank Roberts Inman o. H. Vargason Inman Ed Branch Oak Valley Mrs. A, L. ilcKellup Oak Valley !.!rs. Ralph Edes Vloodside Elmer-Morical Woodside f,dvrard Olson Elmo R, H, Judson Elmo John Strommen Folden Joe Kraemer ~ffington William Y.obcrnick 1·:ff'ington Axel T, Nelson °arkers ~rslrie r.:. A. "Deterson °arkers Prairie urs. Lloyd Olson !astern Mrs. Arv id ,iohnson !':astern r.elestine Busch Henning Village s. c. Hjeltness Henning Village Mrs. u. I'/, A. Murray Parkers Prairie Village John A. Peterson Parkers Prairie,Vtllage l.!rs. Jack Burzett Deer Creek Village Mrs. Clarence• Joslin Deer Creek Village Ed o. 3revig Aastad Tngvald. Bjore Aastad Wm, '"· Duenovr Aurdal F.mil 13oen · e.urdal t:;dna 'I., -Peterson Ruse Fred Rollins ~use !.!rs. ''elmP.r Anderson ~arlisle l'lal ter A, Rose · • Csi'Hsle Theo. M. Thompson Dane .>rairie !.1ax l,!adsen Dane ?rairie ~rvin O, Zimmerman F.lizabeth Twp. Albert St-eib Elizabeth Twp. Clark Bell Elizabeth Village. Aliµc Kroneme.p., Jr. Fergus Falls Twp. Carl Sundberg Fergus Falls Twp. v. Erhard Pierson Orwell • Resolution by the Bonrd of County commissioners Otter Tail county, Uinnesota: V/hereas, State Aid Road ./fo5 l.s now located bet1Yeen T. "• #29 in the village of 1?arkP.rs -Prairie end T. "'• -1f,3 in the Villar,e·of Clitherall, together with that portion of StatP. Aid P.oad J/:5 wlil.ich runs bet1veP.n Sections 34 and 35, Tl31!!-R39W, is a direct route betw'!en Insplration P<!ak State T)a.rk and T,T-1, ¥29 and T,T-T, {~3 in Otter Tail Count,v and T,H. #52 and 'J',P, 1/29 in Dour-las connt,v, vja sta:te .\id Roads in that County, NO\'t, Therefore, '3e Tt Resc,lved, That the above described roe.d situated in the oounty of Otter Tail as per attached Engineer' e map· be hereb,I' designated as o. State Aid Parkway. ThP. aforesaid designation is made subject to the concurrence and consent as re- quired by law, of the commissioner of !Iighweys and the Commissioner of conservation. Adopted this 7th day of January, 1947, c. A, Snowberg, Chairman Attest: William T,incoln, ClP.rk The follo~ing resolution was ado~ted: ?.esolut ion b.v the 'floe.rd of County Commissj oners otter Tai:). county, Minnesota: Resolved, 't'ho.t the count.,, "if!'hl':a,v r.:ngineer be authorized to use Count.v e1uioment and emolovees ''or emergencr work not on th!'! r,ounty "ip.hwn.v S,\'stem, this '!mergenc.v 1·iork to consist o'r snowplowi n(l roads in casns of sickness and 1:unP.rals, Adopted this 7th dll.\' of ,'annary, 1947. r:. ,\. Snov:berg, '.:hairman Attest: \'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolution by the 3oard cf county r.:or:unissioners Otter Tail County, !,Iinnflsota: Whereas, otter Tail county has requested the Commissioner of Highways and the commissioner of convervation to establish a State Aid Parkvta.y on State Aid Road ,f,5 as no~: designated between T.H. ;'f,29 in the Village of Parl:ers Prairie and T,H, #3 in the •Tillage of Clitherall, together with all that part of State Aid Road #5 which lies between Sect ions 34 and 35, Tl31U-R39i-7, end COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... : ...... R: .............................................. 1 .. 7 \l!hereas, State funds are available for the construction and maint1mance of state Aid narkvtays, and ~hereas, The nounty of otter Tail anticipates the const!uction of all that portion of the above described state Aid ;load !.!5 v1hich lies between T.". ;=;a9 in the 'Tillage of '?arkers !'rairie and the southeast corner of' Section 27, Tl31H-R38W, , 110w, ~heref'ore, !'le Tt ~esolved, That a request be made to the State ~oard of .Ulotment for the Construction, surfacing and maintenance of said State ,iid nark\'ta.y in the amounts as set forth below: For canst ruction and Surfacing . :~15, 000 For :,Iaintenance--194 7 :!'.?4, 000 Adopted this 7th Day of ,January, 1947, C, A, Snowberg, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk The fo11ov1in{l resolution 1•1as adopted.: . P.esolntion b.v the ~oard of County Commies loners Qt ter Tail Co-unty, i,iinneRota: Vfhereas, there reme.ins a bala!'!ce in the Sta~· e A.id ~onstruct ion ""uhd ·ror 1946: Now, Therefore, '3e Tt Resolved, That the state "ighwa1• Department be re'l,ues·ed to transfer all remaininp, balances in the Otter Tail County State Aid nonstruction 'Pund from the 1946 to the 1!347 fund, Adopted this 7th da;.• of .'anuar~•. 1!347. r:. A. Snov1herg, Ghairman Attest: William Lincoln, Cler!~ The following resolution was adopted: Resolution by the Board of county Commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Resolved, That the County Highway gngineer be authorized to issue ti:ne checl:.s for the purpose of salary payments to ell maintenance employees, engineering employees, con- struction employees, and .:or the rental of trucl:s and mowers neoessary for the maintene.nce of State Aid Roads not to exceed '$55,000,.and county Aid P.oads not to exceed $95,000 for the .\•ear 1947. Adopted this 7th dal· of Januarr, 1947. c. A, Snol'iberg, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk The folTucwing resolution was adopted: Resolution b,v thP l'loard of Cou-nty Commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota: l'lhereas, The County of Otter Tail intends to construct that portion of Stat•e Aid Road .fl beginning at the ":ast quarte!· corner o.f Section 5, Tl32U-:!M31'1 and terminating· at the Southeast corner o:f Section 29, Tl32if-P.43V!, and · Whereas, the construotion of this section cf toad will be unusually ccstl.v, and Whereas, Otter Te.il County Does not receive its full share· of state aid monies, Now, Therefore, Be It P.esolved, That a re,u.est be made to the·Sto.t~ Boord of Allotment for the construction and surfacing of said portion of State Aid Road fl herein described in the amount as set forth below: For construction and surfacing tJ15,000.00 Adopted this 8th day of January, 1947, Attest: WilliB!II ~incoln, ::lerk The :!'allowing bills 1'.'ere allowed: 1. J. C. HenJ:es 2. M, c. r.ee 3. J, c. Henkes 4. Louise Standahl 5, Marjorie Stenstrom 6. Everett C, Hanson 7, C, J, Lund, M. D, 8, R, W, Glorvigen 9. The P.iver tnn 10, !lton•s Gafe 11, Franke. ~arnes 12. •'.:arl ,1ahn 13, Carl ,1ahn 14, Ole Widness 15. Star Grocery 16. Ole Knlst 11d 17. Costello Mfg, no. 18. Blikstad rLlde co. 19~ Marlin Re.vnolds 20. 'Fleall-McG01van col 21. P.. C. Anderson Well & ~ump Co. 22, Kulseth supply C:o. 23. N. w. ~ell Telephone Compan,v 24. N' •. W. 'Flell Telephone eompan,v 25. Johnson Furniture co. 26, Nelson qros. 1>rinting ~o. 27. The ~irtz-~ross no. 28, Art 0 rintcraft 29, ooucher "rintinp. 'l: Lithogrnphinr, !!o. 30. Miller-Davl:s Compa.n.v 31. Security qlank Book 'I: Printing no. 32, ~aps-olson 00.- 33. '.'fl ctor r,undeen r,o. 34. Fergus ,rournal ~o. 35. Henning Advocate e. A, Snowberr,, Chairman Sheriff's expenses Dep. Sheriff's expenses board of prisoners expenses Clerk Co, Supt, coroner's fees Coroner's fees Board of Audit meals for jurors mes.ls for jurors municipal court fees Deputy She!·i fi" s fees De11ut.v Sheri ff' s fees r.to.rshall fees suprilies repairs supplies coal hauling ashes supplies repairs supplies calls calls shades printing blanks ,ianitor eupplies envelopes school supplies records 'I: blanks record supplies supplies puhlishinp, pllblishinr, tax nctioe 63.27 43.94 66.00 40.35 52.50 25.65 · 20.50 25.00 17,50 11.10 30.45 26.40 15,44 4.70 1.74 6,50 16.60 448,32 26.00 10. 70 3 .• 00 1.7& 5.60 39.80 1.50 20.75 4.40 8.50 50,57 132.12 75.25 14,32 32.00 79.27 2.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............• TanuarY ... a ............................................... 193 ....... . _sn:u1trn IILAICIC, IIOOK AND MINl'ING co., ff■ CUIU!!, MINN.-HHI 36. 37, 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 19. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71, 72. 73. 74, 75. 76, 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98'. 99. ·100. lOL 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 1061. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. Fergus Journal Co. r.ou iee stond ahl t_>, A, Anderson Oxley •~ Sona 'flarke-Allison Ap.1mcy narke-Allison AP.enc\' ~nrroughe o\dd inp. !-,la0chine r:o. 'l', vr. caorvigen u. i'I, rnor:v lgen R. F.. Lincoln Monroe cal. Machine ~o. Insurance Service Agency Geo. F, Johnson !,!. A, stortroen Wheeler Lumber Bridge :'c Supply co. Wm. H, Ziegler Co., Inc, J, VI, Ralph Equipment Co, Minnesota F, w. D, co. Cummins Diesel Salee .3: Service A, VT, co., Inc. of Minnesota Y:lauer Mfg. Company ~nr.mer's Co-op. ~r~amery Ass'n Anderson~ Tichy Westlund Mo1:or Co. i'1ees ~ Bredahl Willia.'11 Saurer . Electric Supply Co. Larson .'I, Thurlow, Inc, Skogrno r1otors. Inc. Amor Garage C, Fl, '3,1orklund Bod-y Shop A, 'fl, I:"ilde Co. Service Recorder co. Olson Auto Electric. co. Larson -sros. Minnesota Uotor co. Consumer's r,o-op. r.o •• 'latt~e Lake Ben@ston Oil r,o. Ray's nil r,o, T,.vman store, T,. cook, t>rop. t:fighv:a,v Company "!'lagpe Oil :~o. Anderson~ Sandberg Oil co. Penrose Oil co. Sill Delson Oil co. D, A, Lubricant co •• Inc. west Shell Service Station Wheeler Lumber Bridge ,!c Supply Co. - Gamble st o ree, New York Mills Tesch Lumber co. Hintgen-Kerst Electic co. -C:rickson-HP.llekson-Vye co. F.mpi re Su p·ply Co. ?.!inneapolis Iron Store Har-v:ey r.enyon !.', M, Danielson Ii, \'/. <Jell Telephone co. •· w. 'lell Telephone Co. Raymond '3roe. Tre.nsportation Co. Thomas o. ITelson Co. t:f. A, Rogers Co. ~red·~. Gelger co. Victor ~undeen !c co. ~!iller-Dav is Co. A, Glorvigen :!':riclf Peterson A, Glorvigen YI. L, -ootter S, E, Pall H. :i,:. Arneson Ins. Agency Township of .F.dna Town of Tumuli · To~n of Tordenek:old Stoll' s Cafe Village of -oerham ,l. c. Tfenkes, Sheriff "!3ill' s service station Bert stone Ynlme r r.:arvonen George B, Gunderson- George no.neon Bert stone R, E, Lincoln, Agent Town of st. Olaf Sid Bowman court calendars. etc. postage postage prints snret,I' bend suret.,• bond maintenance drivers license commissions postap.e and box rent surety bond maintenanoe public officel bond salary & expense V/eed Inspector surety bond culverts parts & supplies parts parts ports parts uarts parts repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs Repairs repairs tires and repairs gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gas and oil d.iesel fuel gas and diesel fuel diesel fuel oil oil anti-freeze supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies gravel eqtjpment rental aong distance service long distance service freight supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies ex·oenses cash advanced cash advanced expenses expenses insurance grading Frading grr.,.ding meals for surve,v crev1 water o.nd sewer rental telep.ra~s gas and oil meeting meeting(/'~ meeting .. meeting meeting ,, surety bond road work sawing \"IOOd to February 10, 1947 at 10 o'clock a.m. 149.10 37.12 59.25 3,80 25.50" 102.00° 78.17 4.65 31.60 79.88° 16.50 8,QQD 200.75 17. 75° 36.48 513.08 3.12 46.60 291.23 67.40 120.58 2.20 38.90 10.oO 3.45 15.95 8.96 12,75 18.65 12.72 11.00 69.52 12.16 15.90 111.85 221.68 31.34 5.32 2.35 26.67 34.71 322.£2 39.57 30.20 18.70 232.38 7.00 236.90 2.95 47.85 6.77 5.39 39.05 6.78 10.20 25.00 19.40 1Ll3 6.59 30.00 29.10 12.63 14.60 11.19 66.97 2.59 6.24 34.50 6.95 261.14 300000 300.00 350.00 53.60 16.00 7,40 21.13 12.80 12,50 :,.30 6.90 15.50 17. 75 ° 300.00 15.00 c. A, snov,berg. ~hairman COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... Fe bru!:.~:Y. ... ~-~···········································lsi.?., ... . Pursuant to adjournment the :ioard meet at 10 o'clock a.m •. February 10, 1947. Present were commissioners Karvonen, Hanson, Stone, and snowberg. Bids for photographic recording machines as advertised 1or by the Board were opened and read and representatives of the firms submitting bids explained to the Board·the merits of their respective machines. Members of the Village Council of Underwood appeared to ask for oiling of road in the 1/illege. The Chairman of the Town 13oard of Dunn Township and other citizens of the town appear- ed to discuss road matters in that township. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock p.m. 13ids on used road drags and scrapers as advertised for by the Board were opened and read and the f.oilowing number items included in said advertisement were sold to the highest bidders as follows: Item 110. 2 ,:tem No. 5 Item No. 7 It em TJo • 8 and 9 Item No. 10 Item Ho. 15 Item No. 20 Item NO, 24 Item tJo. 27 Item No. 28 Item No. 29 1!:dwin Vlee uenry ,:>ederson Rudolph ~orchardt Elmer T, Anderson w. 1'1. stone George Leitch Adolph Wenii t Strande clros. earl Fosse earl l!'osse car.I Fosse :Bll.OO· ·15.00 25.00 5,00 16.00 10.00 25.00 10.00 26.00 66.00 76.00 each On antl of.f sale beer licenses for the ~WW commencing April 1, 1947, were granted to ~arl J.Taufle at resort on Halberger T,ake in the To\·mship of Uriberg. Cip,arette licenses for thP. calendar year 1947 were granteci to the follO\Ving: John A. r~oep at .~Trbank -R. A. Davis at ~rhard j;,, .~. '7ilcoske at "leasure nark Resort in Township of Ottertail Harold Deahl at Service station fi.ve miles south of ~attle Lake on Pighway No. 78 George Olson at Almora Ed. H. Martinson at Amor Ed and Anna ~orup at star take Store Einar A. P.ytkonen -Garage in ~ownship of Homestead Lawrence Cook at Lyman Store ~larence Hewitt in c orner Store Township of Amor Clarence Sundblad at Erhard J. J.. ?et e rson at Erhard A. D. Wickham at BaS(IWOOd Store l?erry Swenson at tiorth Dora store M. c. ·Op.ard in Carlisle store r:. u. Lee at 'lr.vstal-T,ida Store Danoe ,:>ermi t for the year 1947 was granted to ,1ohn A. r~oep at Fru,th' s fl: all in llrbani:. Mrs. Peter F ~estad and county Superintendent of Schools, Louise Standahl, s::,peared to urge the t!oe.rd to ap·prove 0 ublic Health Nursing Service in otter Tail Count,v in accordance with law proposed to be passed by the lep.isleture ana after discussion the Board apnroved said service, r:omrnissioner stone voting ''Ho'' and selected the following namP.s for members of s'i.\-d lilnrsinp: Service: Dr, 1. E. Bergquist Commissioner earl Snowberg urs. 11:attie Henning Mrs. Ed \Vallin Mre. William Halvorson Ernest H. ~uhnke Dr. s. A. Harris Commissioner Yalmer ~oy B. Aune !,!rs, R. T. Steen Mrs •. Peter Pjestud r-:ounty Superintendent of Schools -LOuise Stonciahl :Ee.rvonen The following statements of snlar,v end fees received by county o-fficiers during the calendar year 1946 were approved: Charles T,. Alexander Chester~-Rosengren ~eorge "anson ~ert stone r-:. A. Snowberg Yalmer Karvonen H. W. Glorvigen "P. ,;... ii.nderson J. N. !laagenson J, c. Fenkes William Lincoln !'. M. Ree Louise Stondahl Upon Motion the '8011.rd court r-:ommissioner r-:ount.v At torne,v r.ounty ~ommissioner ~ounti Commissioner ~ounty Commissioner Count,v Commissioner CHe:?'k of r.ourt Register of Deeds Probate ,J11dge Sheriff County Audi tor County Treasurer county Superimtendent of Schools adjourned to Nebruary 1~. 1947 at 10 o'clock $60.60 2500.00 919.40 916.70 912.00 911:20 3000.00 3300.00 3300.00 3300.00 3300.00 3300.00 3000.00 a.m. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ ~~.~.!:uorY .. ll ...................................... 1!Jt7 .... . ,!..~....!!!!!,..DLANIC DOOII AND PIIIHl1NG CO.,_ff. a.GU~.!!_l!!,:::11111_-___ -==----=== -~---=--==~-====---=- 0 ursuant to ad,1ournement the Boe.rd met ot 10 o'clock. a. m. en Tuesday, F'ebruar,v 11, 1947. 0 resent were Commissioners Y.r.rvonen, µonson. stone and Snowherg. A petition to dissolve School District rro. 269 was read ond it was ordered that a hearinp, on said petition be had at the session of the 13oard to be held at 16 o'clock a.m., ~pril 9, 1947, at the Commissioner's Room in the Court House and that due notice at the time and place of sa!l.d hearing be f!:iven as reauired bv law. A re·port of the 13card of Andit of an examinot~on o-f the accounts of the Count,v 'i'reasnrer for the poriod from August 1, 1946 to .' ,Jam:ar,v :n. 1947 s11owinf balances in the ~ount.v Treasury at the close of business on said last mentioned date of ;;,706,184.54 was ap!)roved. · The opplicat ion of !,!rs. ". ,J. \'/estlu.nd for reduction of assessment for 1946 for personal property in the Village of Parkers Prslrie v:as read and the Boara' recommended to the ~ommissioner of •raxatlon that the &ssessed val11e be reciuued from $205 to $157 and the taxes from Sl3.88 to ~7.53. · The application o-r iVillie.m 11ikknri for reduction of assessment fer personal property in Township of Otto for the year .1946 w1u1 reed anc the qoerd recommended to the ~ommissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from ~120 to $26.00 anc the toxes rrom ,12.84 to $2.781 The applicet ion of <;nnder "orkkonen t'or reduction of assessment for personal propert.v in •rovmsh.ip of Otto t'or the .venr 1946 was read e.nd the Board reco,nmended to the ~om'l!issioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from ~120 to ,~19 and the taxes from Pl.2.84 to ~2.03. 'l'he application of :O:d Sa•·rela for reduction of assessment for personal property in Township of Otto for the yeor 1946 was reod and the '3oard recommendeci to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assensed value be reduced from :::·120 to -~19 and the taxes ·from :~12.84 to $2.03 •.. The application of V/aino 1:ela for reduction of assessment for personal property in Township of Otto for the year 1946 wai; read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of. Taxation that the assessed value be reuuced from $120 to $21 and the taxes from $12,84 to $2.25. The application of. Hugo IV. Mellin for reduction of assessment fer personal property in Township of Otto for the year 1946 was read and the Soard recommended to the Commissioner of raxetion that the a~sessed value be reduced from $120 to ~30 and the taxes from fl2.84 to .-:3.21. The application of 'cheresia "CTinchie for reductton of. assessment for personal prcperty in Township of. Otto for the year 1946 v1as read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from }120 to }11 and the taxes from ,12.84 to fl.18. The a9plicat icn of !,!. s. llikkar i .for reduct ion o :: assessment ~or personal propl:!rty in To1'!nship of Otto for the year 1946 \'las read anc' the Board recommended .to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be r-educed from :i-120 to tl9 and ~he texes from ~12.84 to .t2.03. The application of George V, Anderson for reduction of assessment for personal property in Township of Otto for the year 1946 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from 1120 to t20 and the taxes from Jl2.84 to ,2.14. The applicati~n of A, w. Johnson for reduction of assessment for personal property in To1'L'nship of Otto for the year 1946 was read and the '3oard recommended to the Commissioner of. Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from :-'120 to .>:20 and the taxes from ;1>12.84 to :1>2.14. The application of -o:arl r..-Carlson for reduction of assessment for 1946 on household p.oods, etc., in class two o"!'. person11l propert~, in the Villaf.e of 0 arkers "rairie was read and the 13oa.rd recommend!!d to the Commissioner of '.l'axation that the assessed value be reduced ="rom :i-220 to :~115 and the taxes from ~15,fl6 to -~1.98 after exception allowed by 19.W. The application of. i::arl L. Carlson for reduction of assessment for the year 1946 on goods and merchandise in the Village of ·1arkers '.'rairie v,as read and t11e Bos.rd reoommended to the commissioner of To.xation that the assessed value be reduced from .l>700 to ::l:525 and the taxes from :~92.54 to Mti.41. Th~ application of Howard '3ristol for reduction of assessment on merchandise in the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1946 was read o.nd the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from ~4902,00 to ~3409.00 and the taxes from $668,78 to $462.26. The annlication of Rudolph Nikula for reduction of Assessment for the year 1946 on personal .property in the Village of Vinill{!. was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Ta.xation that the assessed value be reduo~d from :~1034.00 to ~792.00 and the taxes from :•140.62 to tl07.71. The application of Ra,vmond i'I. Young for reduction of assessment on personal property for the. year 1946 in the Village o·f Vinin@' was read and the Board. recommended to the commissi.oner of Taxation that the assessed value be red1ioed from '-500 to ~311 and the taxes from ~68,45 to ~42.30. The application of Andrew r.lovning for reduction or assessment for the year 1946 on personal property in the Village of Vining was read and the 3o~rd recommend!!d to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from ~807 to .»,602 and the taxes from 196.15 to t68.27. The appli cat icn o -~ ?,rwin E-zaske for reduction of assessment for personal property in the Township of Dee,~ creek was read and the Board having examined the pers.onal !)ropert,v listing notice f.iled by the applicant and having ascertained that the same property was assessed to him as was listed on the statement and having ascertained also that all personal uroperty owned by him in said township was raised by the county Board and the Commissioner of Taxation in the same percP.ntage as all other pronerty in the same class in said Township. ·~on motion the netition ~as reJected. The ~hairman and 'f'ir,:h~"lay r.:ne:ineer wer_e authorized to enter into an agreement ~'11th the 'Tillage of JJnderwoot1 -!'or bituminous s~r'facinr,: of f.A.R. ,;'!~2 as it passe~ throur,ht the 'lillap,e, the count.v and Villar.e to share 50 per cent each o, ·.he cost of this work on S.i\.P..#12 within the corporate limits of the Village -the r:ount,v to pay 100 per cent of tee cost outsid.e the villBf'e limits, and the Vl.lle~e to P~' 100 per cent of the cost of. th7 work within the corporate limits and not on s . .(.P.. *12 as 1t passes throup:h the corporate limits. ~·,~ .. (~•~ 605 .COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... :1J.: .. L!. .................................................... l9"='.7. BICICUllff'Y ILANII' DOCIK AND PRI CO.o ft• a.GUD MINN-Nita The follow ine: resolution was adopted: Resolution b.v the ~oard of county commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, The County of otter Tail has one of the largest rural road mileages in the State of Minnesota: and Whereas, construction costs are unusua.11,v high: and , Whereas, Otter Tail county is predominantly an agricultural County: How, Therefore, "3e Jt Resolved·, That the State Board of Allotm1mt be requested to nllot to Otter Tail County the maximum amount of gas tax permissible by law. Be It Further Resolved, That e. copy of this r,:solution be sent to the State Treasurer, the State Auditor, and the commissioner of 1-Tighways. Adopted this 11th d a,1, of "E'ebruury, 1947. c. A, Snowberg. Chairman Htest: l'lillie'll !,incoln, '1lerk t:Tpon motion the Auditor was instructed to adverti.se for bids for one or more 3 ton trucks and one or more mo~or oatrols, said bids to he opened at the meetinp of the Board to be held March 11, 1947, at 2 o•ciock p.m. The following resolution v:as adopted: Resolution by the Board of Count.v commissioners Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas. s.A,R. fl, which has as its termini the Southwest Corner of Otter Tail county at the Grant County Line and the !tortheast Corner of Otter Tail County at the l'ladena county tine, is the main state Aid Road in Otter Tail county, and Whereas, Long sections cf this road carr,1• a greater vehicular t;-nf~·c ... t,lla.n_s_ome ... -.. --1-. •• trunk hip:hwa,rs now established in Otter Tail County, and -UJ.fi.r+.....,,O,,...c,.,...t~ ~...., -r---r,; Whereas, '.!:he Board of county commissioners prefeft•YnHl"''"To'ait7to aeyu ot er roads for inclusion in the state trunk highwa.v s.vstem, IJow, There~ore, '!e rt Resolved, That the Otter Tail county members of the State te11Jislatnre be r"quested to present a bi.ll to the StatP. LP.~islature for the inclusion of the following dtscribed road, or any portion thereof, as an addition to the present state trunk hie-hwe,1• s,vstem: "RP.l_linnine: at the VillagP. of 11/endell on T. "f'. f55; thP.nce running North on the Grant Count,v sta.te aid road to the junction with S. A. R. Al in otter Tail County; thence traversing.1A_.A.•F~~i.11c,~t.Ai;.~T-aJ~,9<?~l'l1.~hr.91f.,lJ.. thP. Cit.v of "!i'ergns Tt"alls to Otter Tail LakP. and7'nietiB'e"oeg1.nnT.ng at fijP. ineltersec1:i16'fi w1t1i T.i:r. f108 and S.A.R. #1; thence traver- sing S,A.R,#1 through the VillaP:.P. of' Ne,, York Mills to the Otter Tail-Wadena county line: thence ·ttav·e!"sing the \'laden a county -~tate aid road to Sebeka to the junction with T. H#71. We Further Resolve,That Coppes of this resolution be mailed to the Otter Tail county me.mhP.rs ot the Leg isle.turf:! -and the Commissioner of Highvrays. 'Adopted this 11th day 6f February. 1947. C. A, Snowberg, Chai:rmanr Attest: William J,incoln, Clerk The following resalatill!lnnwas adopted: Resolution by the Board of County Commissio~ers Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Whereas, s.A.R. 1/5 as now located between T.H. J/,29 in the Village of Porkers 0rairie and T."FI. f3 in the Village of Clitherall, together with the portion of the road lying betwe~n Sections 22 and 27,. T131N-R39Vl and cqnnectin~!~~~~~ J..R£ated .wJ;_tlt . .!.!te tnsptration P.eak State Scenic Wayside-Park,4"1tna.T.W.-nn • -://'3-rh'-trt:1'1i'f'"traIT County; Now, Therefore, Be tt Resolved, 't'hat the above_ described road situated in the County of Otter Tail as per attached F.nf.!ineer' s map be hereby desip.nated as o State Aid Parkv1ay. The aforesaid designation is mad~ sub,iect to the concurrence and consent as re- quired by law, of the Commission·er of Flighways and the Commissioners of Conservation. Adopted this 11th day of Februar,v, 1947. c. A. Snowberg, Chairman Attest: ~illiam Lincoln, Clerk The Financial Statement of the ~ount,v for the calenr-ar year 194-6 as prepared by the qounty Auditor was approved and ordered nublished. The i'~ll-owinp. bills were allowed: 1. . , . c . Herrkes Sheriff's expenses 33.82 2. LI. c. Lee ' Dep. Sheriff's exprrnse 12.24 3. ~T • r.. "<l'enkes board of flrisoners 222.00 '4. ··3. ~c.~ Henkes telegrams 14.03 5. LouisP. stondahl expenses 48.25 6. Evertt c. Hanson, M.D. Cornoner's fees 10.2;, 7. c. '~. J,und, M.:D. Coroner's fees 24.14 8. Elmo Twp. quarantine expense 134.00 9. Frank c. Barnes muncipal co_o:c.Lfees 16. '10 10. The River Inn meals f"or jurors l'l .50 11. F.lton's Cafe meals for jurors 8.33 12. Paul ~-l'hillips plat for oourt 6.70 13. !Jelson Bros. Prtg. co. printing 48.00 14. Victor r.undeen &: Co i supplies 174.03 15. R. A. '!enning supplies 7.89 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ~D.P,ftlffnNO.CO,, ff, CLOUD,, MINN,:ftlll DATE ... qJ-.. 1.1. .......................................... 1:tz 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 21. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. .3o. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 4J.. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.· ·oo.· 51.· 52.- 53.- 54.· 5b.· 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.· 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. · 75. 76. 77. '/tj. 79. 80. 81. 82.· 83.· 84." 85." 86." 87 •· 88. 89.· 90; 91.' 92; 93; 94.; 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. Jones !I: I:roP.ger ,::o. Miller-Davis Compan.v -Poucher 0 rinting .\ Llthographing co. county School I Office Supply cci. Henning Advocate New York Mills Herald Underwood Independent 0 erham P.nterprise Bulletin ~P.lican ~apids nress 'Fergus .iournal Co. Oren 'Fosse Louise Stondahl r,ouise Stondahl tt. VI.· Clorvigen 0 • l,I. Ree Service Food Market ,Johnson Furniture co. Ii. w. Eell Telephone Do. 11. w. Bell Telephone co. Fritz-Croes Col Costello Mfg. co. Lampert Lumber co. The Fuller Brush co. l'ieall & !,!cCowan co. uintgen-Y.arst F.leottic Co. Johnson Service co. Western Chemical r.o, Wm. Ruet ~ergue Service Station ~noff ~etereon qdweco. Star Laundry ~ampbell coal co. uol ten Hdi,e. !felson Drug Co. Dr. VT. '9. Nelson ,Johnson Drugs 'rhe V!orkmans Store Mason nubl. Co. 1.1ason pub. co. w. R, Olson Agency F.astman Kodak Stores !,!rs. Leonard T,arson Dept. of Adm., Div •. of "'rinting Dr. 'Ii'. \'I, '!eden H, I'!, Clorvigen Odin ,Johnson Drs. Lewis I tewis Mi~.nesota State Sanatorium Clen Lake sanatorium University eo~pitals Hazel F.ng. Rest Home Dr. Iforman H, Baker Otter Tail co. Sanatorium Village of Deer creek Town of Dunn Town of Hobart Town of. Nedaros Minn~sota F,W,D. co. Rosholf F.quipment Co. Wm, u, Ziegler co., Inc. A. w. co., Inc. of Mi~nesota Cummins Diesel of Minnesota Klauer Mfg. co. Dal:ota Tractor •• Equipment Co. Jlortbwestern F.quipment. Inc. Davenport-~essler Corp. Olson Auto Electric co. Skogmo Mqtore, Inc. take Region Motor :Jo. Hintgen-Y.arst Electric co. Larson Bros. ?.. J. Schmidt Granrud Garage Schmidt Iron Works 1,!ille Motors Aekerooth ~ Johnson vergae Motor Service r.raf'r. Implement co. ~•restlund Motor co. E· ~-Brogard Johnson Machine Shop Waino i.ela Garage Bergstrom & Hall Bernard Wedll Schultz Garage i Wrecker service recprde records •• blanks blanks & supplies school supplies· publishing tax lists publishing personal property publishing personal prqperty publishing pe.rsonal propert,v publishing personal property publishing Dep. Sherif.f's fees poet age postav.e postaf.!e postap:e supplies supplies calla . calls janitor supplies sup!)lies coal supplies supplies repairs repairs supplies et,tpplies supplies supplies , \'!as·hinr,_ blankP.tS stoker supplies supplies :for priso·ners service ot Oail · Supplies . sup9l1ea ( jail) ste.tutes statutes surety bond supplies supnlies (Sheriff) statutes dintal ~:ork on prisoner driver's license dra.vage exe.m. care of patients care· .of patients care .. d>f· patient care o! patient exam. care of p;itient care of poor care of poor care of poor care cf poor parts parts · parts, etc. parts parts parts parts parts repairs :l'epairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs ·re·pairs re·pai rs repair.a repairs repairs repa1 rs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs tax lists tax lists tax lists tax li ate 138.32 166.25 67.83 '37.44 110.35 157.bO 74.70 215.00 214.40 539.53 16.65 50~34 24.25 10.00 137.21 2.40 1.25 5.80 42.4b 8.40 34.09 527.82 13.45 10.70 6.70 2.52 62.00 2.60 5.56 6.00 17.00 1415.00 10.10 1.40 3.00 14.77 9.95 40.00 80.00 '/45.50 9.06 1.00 . 10.35 2.00 6.00 1.00 12.00 212.04 930.58 95.00 10.bO 3.00 ·64.35 4b;73 1181.12 241.66 240.14 572.60 3b2.47 36.24 200.12 18.67 644.54 25.65 42.65 23.69 61.60 84.70 248.-14 29.·86 203.·65 12.50 51.30 61.80 10.-00 23.41 7;95 2;75 32;30 9;50 38;93 5;09 7.52 8.25 4-.72 . ...... ,:-,606 607 -=---=-=---·---■mnrll,LIILAMCIIODKANIU,11 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 116. 116. 117. 118~ 119. 120: 121. 122. 123. 124.- 125. 126. 127. 120.- 129. 130. 131. 13?.. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 141. 145 •. 146, 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152~ 153. 154. 155.· 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170, 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184, 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. ·190, 191. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE.........-1-h.// ............................................. 19'/,,7 oco. n. Geo. J, Uselman Tmplement Co, Wm, C:alena Hoplin 'I: Nelson Rdwe. co, A. ·a. Y:ilde co. Red Arrow Garage Dalton Garage Lee Chevrolet co. Albright &: Ifelson, Implement Co. Reino la Farmers ao-op l,ierc. ABB' n Y.nuttila Implement Co, stoll's Cafe Merchant' a Hot el ff. A, Rogers co. Poucher Printing 'I: Litheo. co. Victor J,undeen .'I: r.o. City of Fergus Falls American Paint Corp, Tropioal Paint~ Oil Co, Todd county Highway Dept. !1Ulph' s Dra,v Raymond Bros. Transportation co. Fred Stinar Jess St. ~la ire Albert Shanstrom R, H, Geiser Clifford Ollie A, Glorvigen A, Glorvigen N, l'I, Bell Telephone Co! ?elican Telephone Co, N, VI, Bell Telephone Co, Township of Rluffton Township of Dane 0 rairie Paddock Twp, Town of Hobart C, T,. i:iunt Anderson 'I: Tichy Melvin Jakobson Blacksmith Shop Minnesota Motor co. Bill Nelson Oil Co, National Bushing & Parts co. Saunders Hardware · Wilcox Lumber co., Vergas 3a':tle Lake Hardware · Gamble Stores, Daiton F,bersv illers Fergus C-lass 'I: -Paint Co. 1:'aper, Calmenso n 'I: 00. :r,ampert Lumber Co. , Ferr.us Falls ~lnneapolis Iron store MDDunn Farm store American Holst 'I: Derrick co. ~argo Foundry co. 'P,Y.,ivt, 'I: C ompany verges Hardware Co. Empire Supply Co. Pelican Hard1•:are Wilcox Lumber Co., Henning i:orthwestern Sash '!:.Door co. Holten Hardware Knoff-~eterson Hdwe co. Wm, H. Zieeler Co,, Tnc, Harry Hericl:el Lbr, Mills Lampert T,umber Co,, Parkers ?ralrle ,..red A, P.verts ll'er{'lus !,umber 'I: 1uel Co. 1:'eavey Elevators Tesch tumber co. D, A, r.ubricant Co, Penrose 011 col Anderson 'I: Sandberg Oil co. The 011 store Hagge Oil co. Fergus Service Station Highw~, Company .Fergus Oil Co. Bill Nelson Oil Co, Park Region co-op. Oil Co, Standard Oil co. Af:ent Pelican Rapids S, ,'I: F, Oil Co, Mills Oil Co, Anderson 'I: ffagen Service Station Ray's Oil Company -Perham Co-op. Oil •'.lO, Thelen Implement Co, Lyman store Tobin's Vlorth While Station Motor Inn Garap.e Len Syverson•s 'P, A, Anderson Sert stone repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs re·pai rs. repairs repairs repairs me.a.ls rooms for survey crew prihts supplies supplles road oil paint -oaint maintenance hauling freight gravel. gravel boiler inspection oo.sh advanced cash advanoed cash advanced expenses lon!_l distance .servicts servioea con st rnot ion construction e;rad inp: construction insurance repairs repairs tires ~ repairs tires!: repairs parts i supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies sup:plies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies cutting edges oil burners lumber lnmher •,. coal coal coal fuel lubricant diesel fuel diesel fuel diesel fuel diesel fuel repairs&: gasoline gasoline~ supplies gas-oil gas-oil gasoline gasoline gasoline -· gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline, etc. gas-oil-etc. gasoline gasoline gasoline, etc. gasoline postage meeting·-¥-r ; _. --~ -:,,,~;":'~"";=:.:~:,:-j 2.30 ,99 20.00 10.50 6.32 12,45 1.15 3.60 1. 75 4.27 28,80 126,75 19.41 94.07 13,90 196.10 135,30 56.28 33,91 11.10 5,89 5.75 5.40 10.00 9.75 2.05 7.16 59,90 14.60 4.00 33.05 300.00 350.00 300.00 300,00 12.38 23.00 22,35 382,30 442,96 647.46 1.49 7.77 14.12 4.87 9,69 10.90 175,68 25,93 17.12 4,24 53.20 47.50 17.07 15.15 138.93 1.09 2,85 18 .-26 6.73 1.80 574,00 276.~0 13,67 123,39 114,38 · 52,83 31.83 368.91 45,54 91,60 11,50 395,92 17,73 24-51 50,79 83,84 173~40 85~50 57,75 41. 76 32.23 2.02 26.87 92.15 13,06 15.90 41,lO 34,20 25,00 12.80 ...., COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE..................3-dc JI ····································1 ..... 192. Yalmer Karvonen 193. George Hanson 194. Town of Orwell me etl ng --+~ meet lng " grading Upon ;,1ot1on the board ad,1ourned to Tuesda,v, March 11, 1947, 10 o'clock a.m. ru1~ p_ -;o J .4.ttest: ~:~e;; c, • s : laag, Chairman 7;30 6.20 300.00 608. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................................................................... 193 ....... . :::==~--il·'"~---D-~-~ ........ m ... ~ .. ff~ ...... ~-~ .. , .... ~-"~"•:::=::::::::::::::=::=:::::::::=-==~-~-~ ""..J• 609 I COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ :,tarch .. ll··············································lP.t7 .... . t.!TNTTT~S Oli' AD,H'IU?.~D 1.1~:t::TING Oli' TtlJ-: BOARD OF CO!JUTY <10MJ.!TSSTOUERS OF OTT'::R TATL COU!fTY, MTNIIF.SO'l'A. Pursuant to adjournment the ~oard met at 10 o'clock a.m. Tuesday, March 11, 1947; present Commissioners Karvonen, Gunderson. ~anson, stone and Snowberg. t?ount,v Attorney. Chester G. Rosengren, filed notice of the appointment of Gerald Rufer as Assistant county Attorney. 'Jpon motion the appointment was approved. . The bond of Gerald Rufer, Assiste.nt county Attorney, in the .sum of :•500 1·:ith Carl A. li'abian and Chester G. Rosengren as sureties was approved. j'he application of Gnat Selland for classification of ti 1/3 of Lot 1 and 2 in Block 47 of the original plat of li'ergus Falls for the year 1946, at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that f!A/:4 land be s·o classified and the ass .. essed value reduced from .!726 to :~464 and the taxes from ,!98.45 to -!-58.57. The application of Dennis Wellbrock for classification of SW¼ of Section 32 in To1-mship of Friberg for the year 1946 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value be reduced from -~1650.00 to .iP1118.00 ami the taxes from ~150.24 to ~96.46. The a1plication of Fritz Anderson for reduction of assessment on personal property in Township of Otto for the year 1946 was read and the 3oard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the nssessed value be reduced f.rom .•120 to .i30 and the taxes from ,!12.84 to _.3.21, The applicntion of llilda s. !,'[urr-ay for reduction of assessment on personal property in the Villaf!'e of "'arkers 1>rs.irie ror the ,vear 1946 1Yas read and the Board reco:nmended to the Commissioner of Taxation that thR assessed value 'be reduced to .•81 end that all taxes be can- celled after allowance of household exempt ion as provided by law. The application of A.~-Y.ilde company for cancellation·of. assessment fer two trailmobiles assessed in the City of li'er-gus li'alls ·for the year 1946 and upon which 1946 licenses were issued was read and the ~oard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the total assessment of said Company in the first ward in the ~ity of ?ergus Falls be reduced from .~8382 to :~6881 and the taxes from -!-1136.60 to :>'933.06. The application of l'I. H. Jaeger for reduction of assessment on personal property for the year 1946 in the '.rownship of star Lake was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from t2987 to ~2497 and the taxes from ~362.70 to :~300.10 after allowance of household exemption. · The application of' Alphonse wer...scheid for cancellation of assessment fpr the year 1946 aP,e.inst the E 16 Rods of the S 10 Rods of' the SF.' SW1-in Section 28 in the Village of 13luffton was read and it appearing that said tract .wac included in the asse.ssment against the entire P.½ SW~ of said section, the ~oard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of :•88 and tax!!s of :•3.43 aP.ainst the said tract for said year be cancelled. ·· The application of' ~arold and :C:c:l Wandrie for the reduction of assessment on personal property for the year 1946 in the To~nship of 0 obart was read and it appearing to the satis·faction of the Board that the tractor assessed in said township and which is as.id to be owned. by the father of' the applicants, who lives in the Township of r,ida, end as the assessment book for Lida did not show any assessment of said tractor, upon motion the application was rejected. · The :following cigarette licenses were granted: Carl Haufle at Halberger Lake !lesort Town of Friberg, for the period from April 1 to December 31, 1947; W, H. Jaeger at Store in Star Lake, Arvid Tenney at t:Jighway Park in Township of Elmo, Geraldine F. 1:remer at Luce, and Carl .1ohnson at Almora all for the calendar year 1947; and i'lillie.m F. Tessendorf et i"/oo<iland Park in Town of. Gerard for the period from April 1 to December 31, 194 7; and William E. Lee at Grand 'liew "ei.e;hts in ",'01·mship of Pine J,ake f.or the period from April 1 to December 31, 1947. De.nee permits for balance of year 1947 were p:ronted to ~illiam E. Lee at Cre.nd View t1eip:hts, Tovm of "ine Lake, and Herman We.ickert, resort in Town of i:>erham, end Arv id '!'enne.v et 'lip:h1¥e..1• 1>e,rk, Town of El"lO. 1_1pon Mot ion the ~oe.rd 't'cok recess to 2 0' clock "'· u. "ids for motor patrol and truc}:s as advertised for by the 'Soard were opened and read and re!)resentatives of the :firms su.hmitt ing bids vrere permitted to explain to the '3oard the .merits of their machines. · The Board then took upon •:he question of the purchase of a photographic record- inp: me.chine for which bids v:ere received at the Fe.bruar.v session and after :f'nll consideration the contract w·as awarded to Remington Rend, Tnc. !or a Dexigrnph me.chine :for -~1484,85, the amount of their bid. on and off sale beer licenses for the year comr.iencing April 1, 1947, were jllranted as follows: Clifford !vi. Courneya· at ?.ose Lake Town of 0 obart, Herrnan l'leickert at Babe's Resort in To1"1"nship of' ':'erham, VTilliam E. Lee at Grand Viev1 Heights Township of Pine Leke, l'lill lam F. Tossendor.t· at" woodl~nd Park Town of Gerard, VI. H. ,Jaeger at General Store To1·m- ship of star Lake, and 'Prank t:Junter at Pleasant View Resort Township of Dead Lake. r1pon motion the 13oe.rd then adjourned to 10 o'clock a. m. l'Teonesday, Me.rah 12, 1947. w1mm•:SDAYS ST-:SSTON' 1>ur-suant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. on Wednesday, Me.:r 12, 1947, all me~bers being present. The bond of ~e.rl ., • T,und, ':oroner, in the sum of :~1000 with St. l'aul-Mercury Indemnity Co. as surety was approved. The bond of G. J. i.;ouritsen, Deputy Coroner, in the sum of -~-1000 1vith St. Paul- Mercury Tndemni t,v co. as surety was approvP.d. A report of fees received durine; the calP.ndnr year 1946 by George 8. Gunderson, County commissioner, in the sum of :~913.60 was approved. A re·port of fees received d'uring the calendar year 1946 by Carl ,,. Lund, Coroner, in the amount, ~282.34, wa~ ap~roved. A report of the 'Board of Audit of an examinntion of the current tax collections for the period from ,Tune 28. 1.9.46 to January 4, 1947 inclusive, showing total collection for said oericd of .•348,868'.38 Wf.l'3 anoroved. · The pettt,ion of Olaf' -tsaace6n'1to set over Lot 3. except tract and except ~owP.ry 13each and exce·ot anditi:on to ~ower,v "'\each in Section 6 Tovmship of' Dunn from District 14 of 13eoker nountv to Distri.ct 65 of Ott'!r Tail county \Vas reo.d ond it was ordered that a hearing on said. ·pptition bP ho.d at the session o·~ 1;_he ".osrd a! 10 o' r·lock A. :·.'l •• ,uly 8, 1947, and that due notices or. the time ond place o·. said. hearing be given as required by law. 61.9 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ,, '· 611. DATE ........ ~:_:::·J.·~······=······:_::::~··········19~-Z ------------•m.•n:o•LANK DDCIKAND P.HINflJIG_CO. •. ST._CLCIUD._MIP!INeliiii'-=----=--=--=-----. --·----------------·-· -·-- The petition of uubert H, Y.orkolo to set over the !li'I~ of Seotion 2, Township of DeP.r ~n,el~. from District 90 to District 133 was read and it was ordered tha~ a hearing on sa.ld petition be had at the session of the Hoard at 10 o'clock A, H, July 8, 1947, and that due notices of the time and place of said hearinf! be given as re~u,ired b,v law. The petition of H11tt '3ernu to set over Sl'!·l.. .,,,,1. except tr~cts ln Section 2, Town- ship of Deer ~reek, from District 90 to District 133 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said -oetition be had at the sewsion of the '1oard at 10 o'clock A, it, ,Tuly 8, 1947, and that due :notices of the time and olace of said henring be f!iven as required by la~1 • . A plat of fClinger's ?.iverside and al~o a plat o~.o~nodgras~•.e~ ~asswood ~rove both in the Tovmship of ~ush Lake and both accompanied b,v certi ... icates o., t1 tle executed b,v M, ,,. Daly, Attorney at Law, were ap!Jroved, The application of George i'/. 13enson and Lillian 1'~. Benson for classification of si;:.1 sw~ section 17 and si m-P-and !!\'/.; J·IVI¼ Sectl on 20 in :•ownship of Nidaros for the year 1946 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so cle.ssified and the assesseci value reduced from -~1239 to .~743 and the taxes from .•127. 32 to .~71.47. The application of Russell A, i,iyrbo and Shirl,!!,V J,!yrbo for classification of Lot 3 Wenonga Reaoh in the •rownship of r.:verts for the year 1946 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the r;o-nmissioner of Taxation that se.iti land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from i308 t<i -~193 and the taxes from ~45,65 to :~27. 33, The annlication of ;r. ~. s~:inner for class i ficrt i.on of J,ot 6 Vlenonga 3each in the 'l'ownshin of ~eris -l'or the -.1•eor il.946 at homesteAd rote v1as rend and the "'3oard recommended to the r;omini.ssioner Qf Taxation tha.t said lPnn br. so classified and thP. assessec1 value rei!uced from ,~!21!1 to: :•123 and the: taxes from -'~!31.2'1-to-:•?8.6''J", 'l'he ap·plication of Louretta l<'inke for classificetion or s½-SF?-· Section 23 Jn the Town of J.!ai ne for the year, l!J46 at homestead rate Wo." read and the "9oard recomrnended to the commissioner of Taxation that said land bP so classified anti the assessed value reduced from ,~1299 to ~779 and the taxes from '.'i-151.98 to ;•.86,00. The application of 1-1. R, Tolberg for classificotion of r.ots 7, 8, 9, and 10 in 13lock 1 o:f :3lyberg' s Third aodi tion to 0 elican !?apids for the year 1946 at homestead rate was read and the 'lonrd recommended to the Commissioner of Tllxa.tion that sai:d land be so classified and the assessed value reduce<• from ~360 "to :~225 and the taxes from :~38.5!) to :~22.63, The application of Alvin c. Stensgard for classification of st of Lot 3 in .:Hoel: 2 of "'llyberg's Third addiqon to ·pelican Rapids for the year 1946 at ·homestead rate 1·:as read and the 'loard recommended to the r;ommissioner of Taxation that said lane! be so classi-fi~d and the assessen ,•slue reduced from :'j,440 to ,275 and the taxes from :'-47,17 to .i:27,67, The a·pplica'.•ion of ;;:rnest Turnquist -!'or cl:assification o·f r,ot 2 'llool~ 30 of Leke- view addition of ""arl:ers "Prairie for the .vear 1946 at homestead ra.te was read and the ~onrd recommended to the ~ommissioner of Taxation that s.i.id lan<i be so classified and the assessed value reduced ::rom i;720 to :'>450 and t"hP. taxes from ~95.18 to .":56,52, •rhe application of Darrell Somef·f'ield for cancellation of taxes for 1946 on house- tra:i!l:eT upon which 1946 license woe issued in the ~ovmship of J'!ush Lake for the ,vear 1946 was read and ·. he Board recommend en to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value for personal propA.rty be reduced from !i-218 to none after allowance of household exemption and that the tax of $14,96 and a penalty of a !1,20 be cancelled. The application of ilorthern :,lo tor and APP.liance co. for cancellation of assess- ment and tax in the cit,v of Fergus Falls for the year 1946 on Sedan upon vrhioh license for 1946 l'IBB issued was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the valuation of ~404 and taxes of .~54,81 be cancelled. 13ids for road graders and drags advertised for sale by theBoard were opened and read ond were awarded as follows; Items 3 ann 19 to.Elmer A-~derson, each t5.00; Item 12 to Donald 'l, .iohnson at n5.00; Item 13 to Wm, DrechseJ, at M.00; Item 14 to Wm,· Duenow at tll.00; Ttems 18, 21, 11.nd 22 to T-:rnest F,. THewe at . .1o11,25 each; Item 19 to Elmer Anderson at .~5.00; Item 23 to Ludvig "Bentley at !i!56,00 and Ttem 25 to ~mil ,Tncobson at :~6.00, Citizens from 'cichville vnd vicinit.r presented to the -qoard a petition to (Zrade and toil road fro'II ~asswood Store to "iohvi lle and thence .-:ast to 1'ruck Hif!hway. rrpon motion the petition wes placed on file, After consultation with the lili;t(i:ineer the "loerd ap,reed to accept the offer of the Federal Government for scraper ordereci by the County and not accepted at the original price a.no on which the price was reduced by the Government to ~1000. A petition to the r.01mty Bonrti f:or bituminous treatment for roed from Junt ion of Highway No. 11 and No. 54 thence throuf!h Deer Creek Village to Junction with liighwe.v !·lo. 56 were received and ordered placed on file, The Board of county Commissioners requested the County Engineer to write the members of the sub-committee on e;os tax of the J.Iinnesota State Legislature advising them of tr.e urgent ·need to pass a bill callinf! for a vote by the people at the next eenP.ral election to ra:i:se the state gas tex from 4¢ to 6¢, The followine; resolution wes adopted: Resolution b.v the 'loard ol Count.r Commissioners Otter Tail count,v, !:linnesota, Thet. !.tiss---9everl!y Jean °eterson of ",attle T,ake be transferred to Glen Lake Se.netorium for either medice.l of surpice1 care in the treatment of tuberculosis, 1>a.vment ~or treatment to be et the expense of. Otter Tai.l ~ounty end the 'ltate of :-TinnPsota as provided b.v lav,. Adopted this 12th da.\' of Uarch, 1947. C, A, Snowberg chairman Attest: Vlilliam Lincoln A petition for ci1ange of county R oad as spec.:.fied in plan on file in the-County ~ng!i.fteP.r's office beginnin8 at the southv1est corner of Section 26 Township of Friberg and runnlng thence easterly to a ·point 1324,4 :f'.eet East of the t1orthv1est corner of Section 3, Township or Sverdrup was read end it 111as ordered that a hearinr-on said petiticn be had at a session of the ~oard to be had on ~pril 17, 194?, at the Commissioners room at the court House and that Commissioners -r: • .11 •• Snowbe:!'p:, Goorr.e Gunderson and George Hanson be appointed a committee to examine said oroposed chanr,e said committr:-e to meet at 2 o'clock ?,k1, April 5, 1947, at the ':larnhard School Section 4 To1vnship of Sverdrup and that due notices of the time and place o"° said hr.arinp: be p.iven as rPquired b,\' law. .J f COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... ~--L '"V ·······························19# 7 -·· 9ECURln Ill.AN!&--. AND MINTINO CO,,JIT■ CLOUD. MINN,...."111 The Board hnvinf: considered bids received for motor patrol and trucks made the follovlillf. awards: 1.,ahler 'c Straus Sko~mo Motors. Tnc. Geo. T, Ryan Co, Tnternatlonal Truck Dodee Truck Galion '?at rol, Snowplow and \'ling ~3785.34 4975.45 10,953.00 W"m, u Ziegler Co •• Jnc. Two (2) Caterpillar 1i1otor Patrols with snowplow and r: i ng, each !"und of 10,971.81 The follo\ving resolution was adopted: Resolution by the "qoard of county Commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota. That a sum oi' :11-750 be in the sume nna hereb1• is appropris.ted out of the Revenue the ~ounty to the Otter Tail county Pistorico\ Society, Adopted ·this 12th day of Uarch 1947, a. A. Snowberg, Chairman Attest: William T,incoln, Clerk The fellowing resolution was adopted: Resolution by the Soard of county Commissioners otter Tail County, Minnesota. Be H Resolved, That contri:.ctors on Federal Aid Secondery ltighwa,y Projects in Otter Tail Coun!y be required to pay not less then minimum wage rates required by the Department of High?:e,rs on 1947 contracts in this county. Minimum wage rates :!'or each payroll title shall be included, Adopted this 12th dcy of March, 1947, C, A, Snowberg, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln. ~le:-k The following resolution was al' opted: Resolution by the Boe.rd of county Commissione· s Otter Tail county. Minnesota. Be It !'!esolved. That the Count.v Board of Otter Tail county heartily e!ld orses the passage of a bill now before the legislature for the acl'diticn ct a trunk highway to th~ present trunk highway system, the route of this road being described as follov:s: Bep:inning at T, H. f52 in r.awndole. \1/ilkin County; thence running ~o.st on S,A,R, #5 in Wilkin county to the junction v:itn S,A,R, lj4 in otter Tail County; thence running !!:ast to the Village of Pelican Rapids at T,H, #59; beginning again at S,A,R, #4 at or near prairie J.ak:e on T,H, #59; thence running F.ast and Ilorth on S,A,R, #4 through~ the Village of Ve:-gas to !"rasee in Becker County and there intersecting with T,H, #10, Adopted this 12th day of March, 1947. c. A, S!".OIVberg, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln •. GJ.~.k The following resolutlon.,was•· adopted: Resolution by the 'loard of count.v r:ommiRsioners Otter Tail,Connty, Mihnesota. Be It ~esolved, that pursuant to Ghapter 90, Laws of !;linnesota 1943, the commissioner of 1Hghways be appointed as the ae:ent or the County of Otter Tai 1 to let as its op:cnt a contract for the con st ruction of that portion of State Aid· Ro.ad !Jo. 4 described as follows: From 5 miles \'lest o:!' Pelican Ropids to Pelican Ra1iids and the chairmllll anci the auditor are hereby authorized anci directed for anc on behalf of the county to execute and enter into a contract with the commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set for,;h and contained in ".Minnesota Depart- ment of Highv105s Agency Contract Form llo, IV", a copy of which saici form was before the board, ossumin~ on behalf of the county all of the con~ractual obligations therein con- tained, Adopted this· 12th da,y of March, 1947, c. A, Snowberg, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Glerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolution by th.e Boord of county Com'llissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota, \l'lhereas. it is necessary in ordP.r to receive Federal-Aid toward the construction of that portion of Rt ate Aid ?oaci uo. 4 described as fol101·:s: From 5 miles west of Pelican Ra,,ids to Pelican Rapids for the count.v-itself and through the Commissioner of. Highwa,ys as its agent to agree to maintain said road after lt shall have been constructed. ~Jow Then Be It ?.esolved, that the chairman and the auciitor are hereby authorized and directed .for and on bel,alf of the county of Otter Tail to execute a contract ccncerning -- the maintenance of said portion of State Aid '!load no. 4 in tQe form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Departm·ent o·f F!ighways Federal-Aid l,taintenance Contract Form NO~. VI", a copy of which said form was be·fore the board, assuming on behalf of theCounty all of the contractual obligations therein set forth, Adopted tnis 12th day of Morch, 1947. C. A. Snowberg. Chairman Attest: William T.incoln, Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Resolution by the Board of county Commissioners Otter Toil County, Minnesota. !3e rt P.esolved, the.t pursuant to (:hapter 90, Laws of Minnesota 1943, the commissioner of -::righwa,vs be appointed as agent o:f pie county of Otter Tail to let a~ ids agent a-:contro.c:li,.fprctne·:constrgqtion of that portion of State Aid Road Ho, 1 descube 612 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. _,, ___ DATE ....... ~ ..... / .. //'/·································l~z --·--_aa:u11'"~NICIIDOK~PIIDfflNClCO.o.ll'r•CUIUD..MINN-:Nltl~ ------__ -------. _. -·--=-===-=====-----------__ ··.:~~.~-) as follows: Prom o.5 :lile i;:ast of 1·,e1rneland to 4.5 :•iles i;:ast of Weggeland and the chairman and the Auditor are hereb,v r,uthoriv.ed and directed for an on belfo.lf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the commissioner of Highv!ll,YS prescribing the te•rms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "J,tinnesota Department of l!if!'hways Agency Con- Tract Form uo. TV", a cop,v of which said ·form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the county ell of the contractual ·obligations the?'ei:n contained. · Adopted this 12th da,v of March, 1947. C. A, Snowbere, Ghe.irrnon Attest: William Lincoln, Glerk The followinp. resolution ·.vas aclopted: Rr.solutlon b.v the '3oe.rd of. Gount.v Commissioners Otter Tail Count.,•, '.!i!lnescte. V/hereas, it i.s necessary in order to receive 'f."ed er al-Aid tc~11~rd the cons': ruction of tr.at ·portion of State Aid P.oad Ile. 1 described as follows: From 0.5 Mile F.ast of i'/e~e;eland to 4.5 i.Hles East of Wep,geland for the county itself and through the commissioner of ''i13hwa;vs as its a(lent tc agree to maintain said road after it shall have been constructed, now Then 13e It Resolved, that the chairman and the ,\uditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on bei,alf of the count,'/ of Otter Tail to execute a contract concerlir!i!!'!@ the maintenance of saido portfon of State Aid, Road No. 1 in the form as set forth and con- tained in "J,!innesota Department of Highways Federal-Aid I,laintenance Contract Form No. VI", a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the count,v all of the contractual obligations therP.in set r:o rth, Adopted th.is 12th day of !Jarch, 1947. c. A. Snowberg. Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Glerk 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46, 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. The following bills VIP.re allo\ved: J. C, z.renkes M. c. T,ee J. c. Henkes Louise Stondahl Mabel \'1enstrom Dr. C. ,T. Lund Everett c. Hanson, !,I. D. p. P, ~iebold, hl, D. Villar,e of 0 arkers Prairie "'rank C. 13al'nes Carl Jahn Deputy Sheriff Otto "'· !Jelson William ~ahls Otto Helson Art "rintcraft 0 oucher."rinting I Llth. co. The Geo. D. Barnard co. Japs-Olson co. Pouch~r Printing• Lith. Co. The 0 ierce co. ,..ritz-Cross co. (The) Security 'Blank 13ook 'I: Printing Co. Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. Miller-Davis Co, Delson '3ros. ~rtg. co. Henning Advocate ,..eri>;ns .iournal Co. qattle J,ake ~eview Deer creek ~irror The Indepenr.ent-Parkers ~rairie t1ennlng Advocate Louise Stondahl P. A, Anderson Western Chemical eo. Odin ,'ohnson 13oen Bros. Duane r.. Aune Simonson Linoleum Co. !J. W. !3ell Telephone co. g. w. ijell Telephone Co. "Olten "'dwe Costello M·f'g. co. Johnson Service co. United Chemi Clil r.o. ''i ssour i J~ansas Chemi cai c:o. irin t(len Y.arst F'ergns Lumber 'o 'f'ue~ r.o. Wm, Galena F'0ergus T,umber '<: Fuel Co. HintBell Korst Electric r:o. Dr. A. ,, • Lewis Clarence :'. Lee H. VI. Glorv igen Marchant Calculating Machine co. F.aatma11 i~odak stores l,lonroe Calculating :,tachine co. expense expense Deputy Sheriff board of 0 risoners expenses expenses coroners t'ees Deputy coroners fees Deputy coroners fees quarantine expense municipal fees Deputy Sheri f:f' s fees neput,Y Sheyiff's :11ees Deonty Sheriff's fees D eput.v Sheri!:f' s fees printing assess,ent books• blanks supplies supplies books• sugplies supplies Supplies supplies tax receipts, etc, supplies printing publishing tax lists publishing publishing tax lists publishing tax lists publishinp tax lists puhlishing financial statemr-,nt postage postage supplies cash advanced supplies hauling rubbish installing linoleum calls calls supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies repairs coal repairs coal repairs mileage instruction commissions on driver's license main supplies ribbons 27.54 14'.00 221.00 43.75 11.50 12.25 13,43 10.45 16.00 13.40 :1:3,00 29.36 20.32 23.50 20.75 1905.18 15.46 5.41 96.09 18.36 72.89 116,25 622.40 11.34 110,94 406.10 91.82 111.20 62.68 1!38.78 515,70 14.27 27.50 53.00 6.00 5.00 10.00 32.05 24.05 !36.15 10.61 18,67 25.28 28.50 4:>,00 16.02 509.24 27.80 61.12 19,85 5. 60 10.00 5,25 35.00 3.71 2.20 -., COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ~Q:Ulllll'Y m':ANIC INNllf.•AND MINTING CO., 81', CLGIJD, IIINN.-IIH9 DATE ....... ~LV. ......................................... 19'J/, 7 57, 58. 59. 60. 61. 62, 63, 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73, 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 64. El5, 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 85. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119, 120. 121. 122. 123. 124, 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134, 136, ·136, 137. 138, 139, 140. 141. 142, 143, 144, A, A, Vollbrecht :iason °ublish ing r:o. Dr. A, .~. Lewis Dr, R, H. Leibold ~ergus Palls Clinic Glen Lal:e Sanatorium Otter Tail Co, Sanatorium Minnesota state Sanatorium Village of Patkers·erairie Tovm of r,ewton Vill!lf, e of Underwood Tovrn of o:ff.lngton '.:it.I' of "'ere:us ~alls 1-iahlPT .. Straus Wm. -:, ~ie~lo?" Co. , Tnc. u "1, .c:ouipment Co. r.eo. 'l', ·~.van r.o. Cummins Diesel Sales~ Service Austin-V/estern ·:o., !no. of ::innesota Mi~nesota PW D co. Rosholt Equipment. Co. Minnesota Motor Co. Service Recorder co. A, B', Kil de Co, l'lestlund Motor Co. Dalton Garage Harold Jaenisch . Mills l,lotors Farmers co-op. creamery Ass'n. "uernemoen Sheet Metal l'/orlrs t1enr.v Holmfren D, 11. Cordes Johnson Machine Shop . \'laino rela. Co. ~er~strom '< ~all Delvin Jacobson qlacksmith Shop !.-!inge Tmplement Co. Maine Repairs Shop R, J, Schmidt Larson Bros. Aune 9ros. Alvin Glebe Anderson e., Tichy 1>aper, r.alme nson .\ Co. Dalton ~ardware -uo1 ten ~ardware F.mpire Supply co. ~bersviller Tmplement Co, n. Y.. M. .-. company Uees e., Bredahl r.raff Tmpl ement Rbersviller'e Goast to coast store Great \'/estern Laboratories Gambles-Dal ton UcDunn Farm store American ?airit corp. "orthweet Sash -~ Door co. Wilcox r.umber co,, qenn.ing Harry lrier ickel tbr. Hills Fergus r,umber '< Puel co. Tesch T,umber co. (), R, Walker ~ill !lelson on co. Repuhlic creosoti.ng co. Villap.e of. ~.attle !,ake i!orris Hagen Arnold Ollila coaet-to-r::oe.st store P.aymond 13ros. l-~otor Co. !I, p, Railw119 Co,, ~attle Lake Rodekuhr 13ro s. I,iotor tnn Garage Harthun'< Peterson Oil co. Perham co-op. Oil co. Thelen Implement Co, "!igh\"lll9 co. Mille Oil Co, Rtl:inderd Oil r,o., "elioan Rapids· ~ark ?egion co-op. Oil ~o. 'l'enrose Oil co. Ferf.US Oil r.o. Len s,vverson's Bill nelson Oil Co, Service Oil r10, Hagp,e Oil co. r.onetruction Bulletin euret.v bonds subscription exa,minat tons exaininatione examinations care of patients oare of patient care of patients poor poor poor poor care of poor parts parts parts parts parts ·parts parts parts repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repo.irs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs re pa.ire steel supolies Sllpplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies paint doors lumber lumber lumber coal coal tires road tar water gravel gravel suppl.lea freight freight towing gasoline & repairs gasoline~ repairs gas, oil, etc, gos, oil, etc. eas, oil, etc. gas, oil, etc, gasoline gasoline f.ZBSoline f.Zasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline diesel fuel adv. for bids 45.00 26,00 15.00 6.00 9.00 396.20 40,04 95,76 12-'i,48 319.14 166.54 399,17 2396.88 681.85 599,67 8.12 273,53 83,49 253.05 30R,26 162.77 188.21 11.16 33.65 3,70 42.50 7. 50 8.66 1. 75 6.45 61.96 1.50 34,23 6.05 2.10 36.35 6.09 3.00 19.00 56.20 65.85 29,50 32.00 232.77 5.57 68.00 360.07 1. 75 4.55 6.87 6,00 10,72 2,67 26.55 11,68 6,41 12,75 33.80 1.84 44.20 12.15 25,70 24.80 57.13 115.96 2,25 6 ,50 4,88 6,98 6,06 21.61 5,00 40.16 88,06 20,56 111,80 35.74 81.30 43,00 105.15 5.58 50,89 65,56 69.61 .-2<f.f.ld-..... /· 6.20 6:1'.4 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153 • 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 16i. 164. 165. 166; 167. 168. 169 • 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180; 181. 182. 183. 184. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ~~~~-~ J.V-.................... 1tt._Z rrnited states Blue 1>rint i>aper Co. Minneapolis Blue 0 rlnil!ing rlo. Poucher ~rint. ~ Lith. co. Miller-navis r:o. '!'he Pierce co. 'lictor T,undeen Co. The rree Press co. State of JAinnesota Department of •-•ighwa.\' . H. V/. ~ell Telephone co. ~einola Telephone co. H, \'I. Sell Telephone co. !?elican Telephone co. llelson Bros. Printing co. Fetvedt Blue Print Shop Anthony 0 rohosky A. Glorvigen A. cnorvigen Roy Leitch A. Glorvigen Grant County Alex 1/'reedland Dora Township Oscar l'lahl _Olson-Auto-Electric co. . !,!ills Motors 111. J. Schmidt Red Arrow Garage !?enrose Oil co. Graff Implement Henning Oil co. Mills Oil Co. Highv1ay Co. Thelen Implement co. N. W. Bell Telephone Co. '3arke-Allison A!_!ency 13ert ~+.one Battle Lake Radio service Geo. 'P.ansen Yalmer J~arvonen . ~attle Lake "Review supplies su9pliee supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies services services services services printing prints expenses expenses postage cash advanced cash advanced grnveli?l{!: and culverts insurance 1frading cash advanced repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs supplies gasoline gasoline gas and oil gas. oil, etc. long distnnce insurance expense attending meeting repairs expense attending meeting expense attending meeting puhlishi~ financial sts.tement Upon motion, the '3oard then adjourned to April 8, 1947, at 10 o'clock A, M. 16.70 17.18 15.18 23.21 10.71 8.70 4.45 1.84 19.65 12.95 16.65 4.10 16.75 16.92 10.00 65.95 150.00 6.05 31.51 564.01 103.84 300.00 2. 25 6.65 7.50 2.78 11.20 2.67 2.50 41.73 6.43 18.98 50.80 24.9-7 2855.35 12.80 6.15 6.90 8.00 515.70 O, .. SftEl"Jeei'g. Chairman Attest: ,_ - COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... A.P..r..U, .. JLl !l4 7 ·······································l!lsrX ... . Pursuant to adjournment •tl:ie Board met at 10 o'clock A. !.I., Tuesda,v, April 8, 1947. t>resent Co'!'missioners Karvonen, Gunderson, Hanson, stone, and Snowberg. Citizens from the Townships of Aastad, Buse and Western, appeare<i before the Board to urge improvement of the so called "Wendell Road." Two ·peti ti one for this improvement were received by the board and ordered placed on file. Citizens from the Township o.f Blowers also appeared to urge improvement of roads in that vicinity. Upon motion the board rejected the requrst for the establishment of a County Library. Upon motion it was agreed to employ a county nurse. The application of John Gorder for classification of s½ iNlf in Section of 24 Township of 0 elico.n for the year l!l46 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so cle.ssi fled and the assessed value reduced· from e1049 .oo to ;!:630. 00 and th" taxes from :~116.R6 to t66,02. · The application o·f i-7. \'I; \7ilkinson and Son for classification of Si'/·1 !WI' and iJ 40 acres of. Lot 3 excent .60 acres in the s~· corner and also all of the rr~ 111'1~ in Section 28 Township of Amor for the Year l!l46 at homestead rate was read and the 3oard recommended to the Commissioner of. Taxation that. so.id land be so classi fled and the assessed "slue reduced from i2366 to :!,18~3 e.nd the taxes from ~1R5,49 to tl38.43, The application of Oscar qolt for the classification of East 100 feet of Lot 4 in ~lock 26 o·f Lakeview addition to the VillaP.e of "arl:ers Prairie for the .\'eB.r l!'J16 at homestead rate 1vas read end the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classi.fied and the assessed valuP. reduced from ~581 to :~!%A and the taxes from $77,86 to ... 46.22. The application of Erhard 7.asl:e for reduction of assessment of sk Sl'/•1 Sect.ion 36 in Tovmship of Deer Creek for the year l!l46 on the P.round of excessive valuation was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of 'l'axation that the assessed value be reduof!d from ~'.611 to !,?-434 and the taxes from Sll4.0l to $R0.98. · . -.J.. The applice.tion of the Minnesota l,!otor Comonny for concellation of assessment m taxP.s on six ( 6) motor vehicles assessed against said compan.v for the year 1946 in the c i t.v of Fergus Falls on the ground that all said machines were sold and licenses issued after May 1, 1946 •:1as read s.nd the ~oard recom~endP.d. to the Com~issioner of Taxation tha~ the assessed VP-lue of personal property ap,ainst said company be reduced from $R9r,9 to $68!l2 and the taxes from ~1418.91 to ~!)34.56. The application of Lake Region Motor _Compa!!,V for cancellotion of assessment for one Ford Sedan Coupe in the City of Fergus Falls for the year l!l46 on thf! F.rollnd ·tilat said machine was sold e.nd 1946 license was issuea was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxe.tion that the assessed ,·alue of· personal property of said company be reduced from $1322 to t'l013 and the taxes from ~79.26 to ~137.36, · The application of Walter 0 • l'.lein for cancellati<:,n of assessment of stru.ctures assessed against lot 6 in Section 1 'l'ownship of Dead Lake fo:i,,. the ,\"ear 1946 on the ground that said struct- ures were removed before l!ay 1, 194.3, wus read and the Board recommendec: to the Commissioner of Taxation tlmt the assessed value be reduced from $130 to $56. and the taxes fro m $17,45 to $7,52. The ap·plication of Emil C. Schmidt for reduction of assessment aeainst tracts in the Village of Parkers Prairie beginning at a point 58} feet South of the.Southwest corner of Lot 4 of Campbell Pork Ad.dition to Parkers Prairie thence running east 24!l.feet thence south 113 feet, thence west 249 feet to the Alexandria road, thence northerly along the Alexandria road to place of beginning, and be~inninr; at a point 11 rods South of the southwest corner of Campbell Pe.rk addition to Parkers ~rnirie, thence easterly alo~g the South line of the above described tract /havlnp.; reference to tract aopee.rinp. immediately above) thirty-two (32) rods, thence South 10 rods, thence v1esterl,v parallel with the above described east and _west line to the Alexandria road, thence northe!·l.v alone said rood to point of beginning and bP.p.inninp. at a point tv1ent,v-one (21 l rods South of the So11th1•1est corner of r.ampbell Pork addition to Parkers Prairie, thence running east alonf_l the south line of the above described ~ract 32 rods, thence So11th 5 rods, thence westerly parallnl with above described line to the Alexandria rood, thence northerl,v alon~ said road to place of beginning, all in Section 22, To1·mship 131, Range 37 for the year l!l46 at homestead rate was read and the board recommender-to the Cormnissioner of Taxation that the e.ssessed va.luek.. M:...,<__.:.o-,... from ~44!l to {;281 and the taxes from $56. 3!l to -;";35. 2!l. . The a·pplication of Florence l'lallevand for reduction of assessment for personal property for the year l!l46 was read and the Board examined the assessment of said propert.v as shown by the records in the off.ice of the r.ounty Treasurer and having compared same with the property listed b.17 the applicant in her application and :i:&ae,inr, satisfied that no excessive assessment has been made, upon motion ·the application was rejected. The following resolution wo.s adopted: Resolution by the 'Board of Count.v Commissioners Otter Tail Count.v. Minnesota. Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted v1ith the Minnesota Fl'/D Company for one (1) ten ton Diesel Truck with snowplow and v1ine:, and 17hereas, same has been received and accepted b,V the county. . 110w Therefore be it resolved, that the count.v Andi tor and Chairman of the Boord are anthori~ed and directed to issue to said Company a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the count.v in the Sum of $7,678, the contract price, in e;cchanr.e for used Snogo. Adopted this 8th day of April, 1947 Attest: 17111 iam Lincoln Clerk C. A, Snowberg Chairman The following resolution was adopted: Resolution by the Board of County Commissiom:rs. o_tter Tail Cou~~Y, Minnesota. i'/hereas this Board has heretofore contracteo w1tn the Wm, H, ""1egler Company for one M1nneapolis-Moiine Industrial Tractor equipped Ytith mower and hydraulic loader, and Whereas same has been receiveci and accepted by the count,v, rrow The~efore be it resolved, that the County Audi tor and Chairman of the B~ar~ are authori.zeci and directed to issue to salil company a 1varr11nt on the Hood and Bridge .i!uno ,.of the county in the sum of S2,37!l.44, the contract price. Adopted this 8th da,v cf. April, 1947 Attest: William Lincoln Clerk c. A. Snowberg Ch11irman COMMISSIONERS RECORD :M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ ~.P..!.;.~ .... ~.! .... !.?.~L ................................... l~.!~ ANDPRI NOCO.,M,@&;NINN.-nHI __ ·::-:~~~ The Following resolution was adopted: Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners Otter '.i.'ail County, Minnesota Whereas, the' Count.v Board hes heretofore appointed a Nur1;1ing Committee of twelve members and has never organizP.n to effect a permanent organization, end Whereas, it is the desire of the Board of County Commis~ioners to rescind their former action in ordP.r to providP. a Committee of five members for greater ca,·e in admlnisterin~ the affairs of the Committee and for general efficience.v. . Now therefore, be it resolved that the previous oction of the County Board in a~pointing 0 twelve man Committee designated a Nursing Committee, be and the same hereb.\• is rescinded end, Be it further resolved, that said Committee shall consist of five members in accordance with Section 145.12, !.tinnesota Statutes, 1945, the membership to be as follows~ opunty Superintendent of Schools, r.ouise Standahl, Dr, K. E, Bergquist, Yalmar Ke.rvonen, Roy Aune, Mrs. Hattie Henning The foregoing resolution was duly offered and adopted by me,iori ty vote of the Count,v Board in and for said County of Otter Tail and at its regular meeting held on the 8th day of April, 1947. Attest: William Lincol'1 Alld i.tor lTpon motion the board thP.n took a recess until 2 o'clock P.lll. C. s. Snowberg Chairman · Town '3oard of. Star LakFJ appeared before the Board to discuss road matters in that township, A report of the State Public Examiner of an examination of the various county offices for the .veer endine: December 31, 1945, and the period from -'enuery 1, 1946 to Uov~mber 30, 1946, ".'BS presented to the Board end ordered placed on file. On end off sale beer licenses for the year commencing April 1, 1947 were granted to owners of resorts in several townships: Franklin Larson, 0 ine Lake: F, J. qilcoske, Otter Tail; Roscoe Smith, Dora; Walter P. Y.lein, Jr., Rush take; S,vlvester Shasl:y, Corliss; Anton Sand, Corliss; Rufus Hull, Girard; Anderson~ Conrad, Rush Lake; Adolph Koehler, Pine Lnke; Joseph Robert Nendick, Perham; Thomas R. Schwientek, P.ine Lake; P. P.. Amundson, Leaf Lake: c. nr. Matthev1s, Otter Tail; Edwin c. Wallace, Pine LakP.; Ralph J. Crews, Star Lake; Limmer Bros, Rush Lake; Albert ,Jan1111szewski, perham; arthur abraham, Dora; Theodore o. Halverson, Elizabeth,: D. H. Bondy, Leaf Lake. On and off' sale beer license for the .vear c-ommencinp. April 1, 1(147 were granted t-o store- keepers in several townships as follows: V.lrgil !fewborg, Friberg: Viall.ace Holt, Western; 0 err.v Swenson, Dora: Geraldine Kremer, Luce; Carl Johnson, Almora in the Township of Elmo. on and off sale beer license for the year commencing April 1, 1947 were g_ranted to Paul I~oep and to John A. r:oep at restaurants at Urbank in the Township of Effington. Cigarette licenses for the calendar year 1947 were granted to: Roscoe Smith, Resort in Dora; Rufus Hull, Resort in Girard; Paul Koep, Restaurant o.t Urbank and rtallace l'!olt, Store in ,lestern. Cigarette Licenses :f.or the period commencing April 1 and ending December 31,, 1947 were granted to: E •• ,. Mackenzie, Resort in· Amor; c. lJ, Matthe.-!S at Balmoral; and Elmer Kadel, Store in Maine. Cigarette licenses for a period of eight months commencing lday 1. 1\147 were granted to resort-keepers in several tovmships as follows: Ralph J. (;revrs, Star Lak_e; D. H. Bondy, Leaf Lake; Arthur Abraham, Dora; Limmer Bros, Rush Lake; Frank Hunter, Bend Lake; P. E. Amundson, Leaf Lake; Joseph R. Nendick, Perham. Cip.arette license for period of seven months commencing June 1, 1947 was granted to Malvin Ball, Maplevtood. . Dance 1>ermits for 1947 were granted to c. J. Matthe•·:s at Balmorel; Ralph J. Crews, at Spruce Lodge in Star Lake and D. P. Bond,v at Resort in Leaf Lake. Dance permit using mechanical music only was granted to Theo. o. Halverson at Ted and Graces Place in the Township of Elizabeth. Upon motion the board ad,journed to April 9, 1947 at 10 o'clock A.M. w-r.:m1:;:s1H1Y 'S SF.S!'HON April 9, 1947 1>ursuant to adjournment the ~oard met o.t 10 o'clock A. M., Wednesdoy, April 9, 1947. ~resent were Commissioners Gunderson, Hanson, Stone, and Snowberg. The petition of L. C. Rudolph and others for dissolution of School District Ho. 269 of Otter Tail County, was taken ·u·p for final action and the entire forenoon was spent in listening to the County Superintendent of Schools and to all interester: parties, who were present, and des.ired to be hes.rd either for or against the granting o:!' the petition. After full consideration, upon motion the Board decided to lay over the matter until a later meetinp. of the County Board and that in the mean ti~e the Board would personally examine the condition of the school house and the roads in said district and final acticn on the petition ~,ould be taken uo on some later date. · Members of the Pelican Rapids Commerical Club appeared before the Board to urge improve,nent of roads in thet vicinitf. Upon motion the County ,Auditor was instructed to advertise for the rental of one Model LP LeTourneau ·scraper, brds to be opened at 3 o'clock P, M. May 14, 1947. The Auditor was also instructed to advertise for bids for all types and sizes of p9rtable oulverts and bridge lumber, bids to be openeG 3 o'clock May 13. 1947; and for bids for one portable crushing Plant said bids to be openeci at 10 o• clock May 13. 1947; and also for bids for gravelinp. three County :!.'roiects as listed by the County Engineer, said bids to be opened at 2 o'clock Ma.v 13, 1947; and also for bids for grading six lo) Otter Tail County Projects as listed by the CountyEngineer, said bids to be opened at 2 o'clock Ms_v 14, 1947 Upon moticn the chairman of the Soard and the county Auditor were authorized and directed to sign and agreement v1ith the State to take er,rthern material from the County pit in SW}· WEl.. of Section 10 in To,-:nship of Dead Lake. . After discussion the Board authorized the settlement of the Poynter suit fer flood damages in the sum of $500 plus the satisfaction of judgement for costs in said case rendered in favor of the Count,'/, The Board having previously determines on the sum of S60 for on and off-s~le beer license and the State Law hav!.np. fixed the o:!'·f sole license.at S5.00, it was ordered that off-sale license be fixod at ~5.00 and on-sale at ~55.00. . .: COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN: DATE ............... !1,).r.il ... 9 .•... 19.4.7. ............................... 193icx. The applicatio_n of liuste.ve Peuse to set over the \'If ~le¼ and 11E¼ of SE;. of Section 19 Town of Rush Lake from District lJo. 240 to District lfo. 272 111as read and it was ordered that a hearing on said peti Uon be had at tho session of the Board to be had July 8th 1947 at 10 o'clock A • ..i, at the Commissioners Room at the Court House and ehat due notioe of th; time and plaoe of said hearing be given o.s required by :I.a,,,. The Applic!'.tion of Doris Lake to set over the N½ SW¼ exce·pt the llorth 10 rods, also the st S\V.; in Section 5 and SEi Il-g.; and SR'-of Seotion 6 in Township of Aastad from District 157 to District 30 1vas l'e.ad and it was ordered that a hearing on so.id petition be had at the session of the Board to be had July 8, 1947 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the ~ommissioners Room at the Court liouse and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as reouired by law. The application o:t' .Him Wilke for reduction of. assessment on personal property in the :.&:own of Evert for the year 1946 on the ground that no household exemption was allowed him was read and the board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed. value of $84.00 and Tax<"S bf fl2.85 be cancelled. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30, 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. u .. "ll'5. 46. 47. 48 .• 49; 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. The following Bills were allowed : ,J. C. Henkes l.i. C. Lee J. e. Henkes Louise .;itond shl Mabel Wenstrom Geo. F. Johnson Everett C, ~anson. M. D, Frank C. "Barnes Farnham Stationery & Sohool Sup~ly Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Ugeblad Publishing Co, !lliller-Dnvis co. Free Press Compa~y Victor Lundeen Co. Globe Gazette Prt.g. Co. Poucher Printing~ Li tho. co. County School & Office Supply 00. Security Blank Hook & Prtg. Co. Deep Creek Uirror Perham Enterprise Dulletin William Bahls John L. Logan 11. W. Bell Telephone Uo. tr. w. Bel], Telephone Co. Spencer Turbine "o. Frankoviz Hdwe. Larson Bros. American Paint Corp. R. w. Glorvigen. Louise Stond ahl II. w. Glorvigen Mason Publishing t;o. Y.noff's Leather Shop Eastman ~odak Stores General Supply Co. Fink of the FE State of. Minnesota Odin Johnson Burroughs Ad/ling Machine Co. Markstrom Drug co. Faurot Inc. University Hospital City of Fergus Falls Town of Everts Wm. H. Ziegler Uo., Inc. Wm. E. Ziegler co., Inc. Klauer Mfg. Co. Mahler & Straus Minnesota Motor Co. Lake Region Motor Co. Dal ton Garage Olson Auto Electric Co. Theo. Resset Jaenisch Industries Fergus Hash Motor Co. N. w. Sash & Door Co. Co-nsumers Oil Co. !.Unneapol is Iron Store Walter Gullan Erlckson-Relleckson-Vye Co. Dalton Lumber Co. Bothum & Rustad Hansel Implement Uo. Frankov iz Hardware Paper. Calmenson & Co. Western Reserve Laboratories Minnesota l1iotor Co, Kulseth Supply ~o; Minneapolis Blue Printing Uo. Whiting's Office Supply expenses expenses Deputy Sheriff Board of prisoners expenses expenses salary and expense We~d Ins. Deputy coroners Fees municipal court fees supplies printing printing b·le.nks • et C. supplies sup·•1lies sup·plies school supplies school suppli!es supplies ' publishing tax notice publishing notice Deputy Sheriff's Fees De-put.v Sheriff's li' ees calls calls supplies supplies vteld radiator supplies posta1?e etc. postap:e drivers license expense Digest- brief co.se supplies supplies ink examination hauling supplies sup;1lies Sheriff's supplies care of patient poor expense care o! poor cutting edges na·rts parts parts repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs services supplies supplies supolies su,,plies ~upplies supplies suppliP.S supplies supplies used car supplies supplies typewriter $145.01 23.86 169.50 55.10 24~00 201.55 10;25 38.50 .55 20,50 61.95 38.29 2.15 217.20 9.71 97.64 121.00 88.49 2.00 1.80 14.82 6.52 43.70 11,90 11.52 2.25 9.50 24. 77 97.78 80.84 7.25 12.50 14,40> 6.82 5.32 1.00 730,32 3,00 6.00 1.00 19.82 94.50 2229.15 221.35 287.00 !37.26 76.50 76.84 56.05 455.78 15.00 12.05 7.00 21.75 !3.77 11. 70 6.00 52.06 15.16 1.59 6.50 .82 11.25 10.175 368.12 5.74 450.00 524;90 8.82 179.50 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83, 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90, 91. 92. 93. 94. 95, 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111". 112·. 113, 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. . 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136, 137. 138. 13<J. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. H5.· 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L,. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................ AP~.~.! .... ~.! .... !.~iJ .............................. l~P .. . Keuffel 8c Esser co. Fred H. Geiger Co, H, A, Rogers Co. The Pierce co. ll. W. Bell Telephone Co, Monroe Calculating ~achine "o. A. Glol"Vigen A, Glorvigen Pelican Telephone"~. M. A. stortroen John G. Peterson First ••ational Banlt Girard Township Everts Tc11mship Erhards Grove Twp. Oak Valle,v Twp. Larson Bros. Geo. T. Ryan Uo, Lampert Lbr. co. ~arkers Pratrie Erickson Hardware Wheeler Lbr, Bridge & ~upply Co, Joeln F. Jackson Bill Nelson Oil Co. Fred E. Everts Rosholt Eouipment Co. The Adelsman Co. Wilcox Lumber Co. Arvo Peldo Selmer I:nutson Julius Rohde Raymond Bros. Motor Trans. Mrs; John Strissel E. D, Sage Village of Henning Village of Dalton Village o:f. Peli.can Rapids Leon Hennagir Hagge on co. Dens ·-Oil Lubricant Co. Anderson 8c .Sandberg Oil co. Fergus Service Station Fergus Oil Co. Bill ilelson ~11 co. S 3: F 011 Co, Motor Inn Gara.ge Standard 011 co. Victor LundeP.n & ~o. P, A. Anderson D. A, Lubricant Co,, Inc. Heincla Telephone wo. H. A. Rogers A, Glorvigen N. E, Arneson Ins. Agency Wil!Jox Lumber Co, Vergas P. n. Gust f.levators, Vergas ~illage of New York ~ills Henning on Co, Anderson~ Hagen Ser. Station Tobin's Worthwhile Station 'J4urrey Burns · Perham cozo·p Oil Uo. Benr,ston Oil Co. Mills 011 Co. Vergas Hardware Co·. Empire Supply Co. Red Arrow Garage A. P, Schmitz Garage N. W, Eng~neering o, Mational Dushi.ne: !c Perts "o. Dark Region Co-op 011 Uo. Republic Creosoting Co, Lake Aegion Motor Co, Fergus Journal co. Geo. B. Gunderson Yalmer Karvonen George Hanson Bert Stone John E, Howard Otterteil County Sanatorium Minnesota State Sanatorium supr.,lies supplies supplies sup9l1es services maintenance cash advanced expenses services insurance insurance insurance grading grading gr-ading graveling repairs parts. supplies dynamite bridge lumber garage door tire coal parts repairs coal gravel gravel gravel freight garage rental garar,e rental garage rental garage rental water rapirs -cash advanced diesel fuel lubricant gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline supplies postage oil services prints cash advancP.d insurance supnlies coal garap..e rental 11:asoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline fuP.l oil and gasoline gas and oil supplies suoplies repairs repairs parts supplies gasoline road tar repairs publishing expense attending meeting expense attending meeting expense attending meP.ting expense attending meeting d 1 tch surveys cnre of patient care of oatient Upon motion the board adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M, May 13, l<J47. Attest : (W~ ~ Clerk 5.91 10. 70 1.48 5,18 6.10 15.00 16.l!l3 81.85 11.15 <J.17 31.25 164.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 217,25 201.85 336.66 89.10 14.50 756;60 322.00 197.33 57,01 130.09 15,65 36.03 4.95 9.10 3.25 6.00 15.00 15.00 90,00 45.00 7.50 3~45 81.79 6i37 95,150 21.30 37,02 44.21 54.61 20.42 43.00 41.95 37.75 22,74 3.50 11,41 8!32 39.50 36,55 10,15 90.00 33,98 53.16 9,28 14.00 5,<J8 41,11 68.6<J 12,50. 272.52 5.54 62.68 301.17 260.62 45.50 124.04 12.60 84.50 8.90 10.l::O 6.90 14,<JO 682.50 15.73 106.02 Chairman COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... .A+ir.11 ... l.7.',. ... l.9.1.7. .............................. :, .... lQl!xx. ;,tnroTF:S OF .l\.}),1()URIP-:D l,!l"":THIG OF THE BOA?D OF COU!fTY CO!!MISSIO!IBRS OF OTTER TAIL COUliTYj' MIInIESOTA Pursuant to aojournment the Board met at 2o'clock P. u •• April 17, 1947, all members being present. Upon motion it was ordered that no o~• sale beer licenses will be issued by the Board unless an on s11le licenses is i'3sned at the s11.me time. A petition for change in connt,v road between the towns of Friberg and Aurdal was taken up for final action. There heing no appearance of i.nterested parties there the committee apointed to examine said proposed change having reported in favor of granting the petition. Upon motion an order was .issued grantinl_l the chanp;e in aoordance with the survey submitted by the highway engineer. Damage on the count of said chanee ,1ere allowed as follows: UAMES OF 01.'HIERS 1. Dada & Julia E. Olson 2. Reinhold Wilshusen 3. James Id. Pederson 4, Rudolph_Stolson 5. Federal Lend Bank 6. Federal Land Bank 7. Otto & Leona Rempfer 8. Mind a l,!ed er , et . al. 9 •. Geo. D, Curtis 10. Tingvolo Luth. Church 11. Chester Habberstad 12. llarr,v &: Alma !,!. Ha.'1son 13, ?eter Skyldstad 14. Eimer c. Hoff &: Selma Hof:f 15. Freddie & Lillian Torvik 16. Church of Luth. Bretheran of Am. 17. Alfred T. Olson 18. School Dist. 182 19. neter Torvik 20. Morris A. ~aren 21. Y.enneth Rostad, et. al. 22. Theo, Y/esterhaug. et. al. 23. Alb~rtina Butler 24. ~tate of Minnesota 25. Ralph Madland & Ruth Me.ciland 26. Anna' /le Unice R. Odahl 27. Joseph A.&: Bertha A. Schacht 28. Isaac&: Mande Nelson DESCRIPTI"!JS OF LAUD SW¼ SVff, Sec 36, 134-42 Govt. tot 6, Sec. 36, 134-42 Govt. Lot 5, Sec, 36, 134-42 Govt. Lot 4, Sec. 36, 134-42 Govt. Lots 10-11-12-13-;SW¼ Sec. 31, 134-41 SF,{, SN~. Se. 31, 134-41 swt s~ •• VI. 50rds of Govt Lot 5, Sec. 32, 134-41 sEi SW{,, Govt. Lot 8 of SE Seo. 32, 132-41 Govt. Lot 10 & Lot 9 Ecx, tracts, Sec. 32, 134-41 ?art of Govt, ~ot ~. Sec. 32, 134-41 wi SE{, Sec. 33, 134-41 Et SW{, Sec. 33, 134-41 Govt. Lot 7, Sec, 33, 134-41 Govt. ~ot 9, Sec. 33, 134-41 Lot 12, Sec,. 34, 134-41 1 Ac. 13 rods sq. in UW Car. Govt. (Sec. 4, 133-41) Lot 2 !lYf~ exc. tract. Sec. 4, 133-41 2 Ac •. in NW. Corl, Sec. 4, 133-41 r.ovt. Lot 1, Sec. 5, 133-41 Govt. Lots 2 & 3, Sec. 5, 133-41 Govt, Lot 4, Sec. 5, 133-41 fl½ Govt. Lot 1 & Lot ,-. Sec, & Govt, Lot 3, 6, 133-41 ut Govt. Lot 4.· Sec. 6, 1~3-41 Govt. Lots 1-4-5-6, Sec. 1, 133-42 Govt. Lot 2, Sec. 1, 133-4.2 iJF.T Di'JdA!}ES 23.25 5.00 17.31 4.50 15.50 10.50 13.88 3~.50 ih0.69 6.19 -152.63 20.00 7.50 88;94 1.00 44.81 2~.00 20,81 34.81 9.00 4,50 4,38 Pt, of S~lot c--Govt. Lot 3 S~c. 1,133-42 IN/ Cor. S-lot C.Govt. Lot 3, weo,1,133-42 Pt, of S-lot c. Govt, Lot 3, 3,00 &: Part of !IV/-;, NV/·4'• Sec, 1, 1:13-42 25,06 Upon Motion Odin Johnson engineer and ~anitor at Court House was authorized to employ an assistant janitor to work under his supervision, payment for sr.rvicee to he at the rate of $80,00 per mo., paid at the close of each month on warrant of the County Auditor, A-111U H, un . , The following war.es, rental rates and price sohedulea were adop'bed effective Ua, 1, 1947: Pa.rt,v Chief Instrument Man Inspector P.odman Draftsman Chainman Bookkeeper Stenographer Clerk Shop Foreman 1st, Mechanic 2nd. Mechanic Maintenance Foreman 225,00 Month 190,00 Month 190.00 Month 150.00 lv!onth 150,(¥) Month 4.50 Day, 165.00 Month 140.00 Month 95.00 Month 210.00 Month 200.00 Month 190.00 Month 200.00 Month Sign Foreman Section Foreman Truck Foreman Laborer Mov1er Operator Power Mower Rental Team Mower Rental Tr,; ctor Rental 190,00 Month • 75 'll:our ,65.Hour .60 Hour ,65 Hour .50 Hour ,40 Hour Truck Rental(Hand Loader) Truck Rental(Mo.chineLoaded) Team .nental ,.85-,,1,25 Hour ,65 Hour 1,20 Hour ,40 Hour ,07 en. yd. Gravel Upon Motion the "Board then ad.1ourned until May 1~, 1947 at 10 o'clock A. u. Chairman . ,: . l""(,.· . COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . . __ ... ,_ COMMISSIONERS RECORD·L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. T!MI!:l.c;l.a,v: .•... :.!.ll,l,' .... l.3 .•... .l.9!4.7 ........... llllbtx MINUTES OF THE A[)JOUP.N!i:D MEETING OF THE SOARD OF COUNTY COJ,U,!ISSIOimP.s OF OTTr.:R '!'AIL COUNTY I J.t!N!!. Pursuant to adjournment the Board !Det at 10 o'clock A. u., Tuesday !.lay 13, 1947. Present were commissioners Y.arvonen, Gunderson. ll'anson, sto•n and Snowberg. Bide of gravel. screeninp. and crushing out·fits as advertised for by the Board \Vere O!')ened and read; and representatives of the various bidders were heard relative to the merits of their respec- tive machines. A petition for vacation of port of County Road# 5 and 51 which bids had been laid over for future considerati0n vras ar-ein taken up and upon motion the same vras rejected. i.-lemDers of the Ferm Bureau of Otter Tail County presented to the Board their budget for the year commencing July 1. 1947 and ur~ed appropriation of $6,000 to be divided equally between the two associations. A delegation of citizens from Pelican Rapids and vicinity appeared to urge improvement of roads of that Village. The delegation from the Township of Paddock appeared to urge the improvement of roe.d on ·the County line on the Uorth side of same Township. · Samuel C. Smith presented to the Board his application for reduction of assessment upon the four acre tract .in Section 5 Township of Rush Lake and after consideration and upon motion the Board recommended to the Cor.uniesioner of Taxation that the said tract be reduced from $220.00 to $80.00. assessed value; and the taxes from $24.00 to $8.80. Clarence i,Iielke of Richville presented to the Board two petitions for oiling of road running F.aet from the Village of Richville to Trunk Highway No. 78. Upon motion these petitions v:ere ordered placed on .file. Bids for graveling as advertised for by the Board were opened and read and refered to the High- way Engineer for checkinf. as to the amounts. 'l''l'!F. 'F'OJ.T,Ol'T'rnO P.ESOL:TTI0N \'!AS ADO"TEil. P.ESUlL"lED BY THE B0ARD OF COUNTY CO!,f.HS~IOI~?.S OF OTTF.R TAIL COUNTY, MUTNr.:SO'l'A, that the sum of $6,000 be and the same hereby set aside and appropriated out of the P.evenu'!! Fund of the Connty e11bject to the order of the Dean of the Department of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota for the support of county cooperative extension work in Otter Tail County for the yea.r beginning July 1, 1947 in accordance with the pro\•isions of Chapter 423, of the laws of Minnesota for 1923 and acts supplementary thereto. the amount so appropriated to be divided equally between the East and the west Farm Bureau Associations of the County. Adopted Ma.v 13, 1947. C. A, Snowberg Chalrman · ,: At~est William Lincoln cierk Upon motic,n the Board then ad ;:ourned to 10 o 'clook A. l,f., Ma.v 14, 1947. \'IEDllESDAY' S SESSIOH :eursuarit to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M, Wednesday. May 14. 1947, all members being present. Bids for grading State Jobs 56-501-04 and 56-530-01 were opended by A. o. Torgersen, represen- tative of the state .u.ighvie.y Department. and the b,ds are refered to Mr. Torgerson and county Engin- eer Glorvigen for checking. A delegation of citizens from the Tovmship of l!'olden appeared to urge the immediate improvement of road in that Township and after listening to e.11 statementR of the interested parties the Board egreed that the Highwa.v Engineer and Committee examine the road on May 15th. A ple.t of Segars Bea.ch i.n the Township of F!Verts. accompanied by a Certificate of Title executed by Gerald Rufer. Attorney at Law, wae approved. . A plat of Madsen• e Out Lots to Blanche Lake Beach in .t.he Township of Everts accompanied by a Certificate of Title by p. A. Andersen, Register of Deeds, wo.s approved. A petition or' Melvin A. Ollila to eet over SW·'!-of NWJ and N½ ~f SW-?,,-in Secti?n 10 Township ~3~ Rall8e 37 from District 175 to District 47 was read. and it was ordered that o hearing on said petl hon be had at the session o:f the 'Board to be held at 10 o'clock A, M. July 8th, 1947 and that due notice of the time and ple.ce b:ll said hearing be given as required by law. 622 623 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ W.edne,sde,.v. ... Ma.y ... lil,__., ... 194-.7 .............. :ldlllx. .. . ·e111m-n-AND PAI..;;: co., .... a.GUD,, IINl.-.0 A petition signed by freeholders of Hobart TO~~ship asking for designation as a County Aid road of Township road commencing in Section 22 and running North and Northwesterly to the SW corner in Sec- tion 10.in said Township was read and ordered placed on file. ' A communication from the Northern pacific Rail Road Company asking for vacation of old County Road along railroad between the villages of Clitherall and Vining v,as read and the Audi tor was instructed to notify the Company that said road could only be vacated after the filing of a petition for such vacation and due notice and hearing as provided by laYt. Bids for old Countr Grader Iio. 32 were received and opened and the said grader was ordered sold to the highest bidder, Iver Olson, for the sum of $30.00. Upon motion the County Highwe.v Engineer and cou.nty Audi tor we!l'P. instructed to use monthly Payroll System in place of Time Checks Heretofore issued b,v the Highway Engineer for .,,ork on County ?.oads; A complaint signed by 34 freeholders of the Township of Elmo setting forth that the Township Board of said TO\O:nshl!> has neglected to improve road in said Township was presented to the Board s.nd it was ordered.that a hearing on said complaint be hod at the session of the Board to be held June 10, 1947 at 2 o'clock D.U. in the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in Fergus Fe.11s. Engineer A. o. Torgerson reported to the Board that the lowest bids for road gracting project advertised for by the State were as follows: On State Aid road No, 1 -Strom Construction Company $45,054.26; State Aid Road No. 4 -Haugen and Mark $28,862.64. Upon motion the Board recommended to the State that these bids ~e·accepted. The County Engineer reported to the Board that B.c. Ness of Mahnomen, Minnesota was the lowest bidder on graveling project No. 47:06 in the sum of $64,037; and that August Vagts of Breckenridge, !,Unnesota was the lovtest bidder on graveling project No. 47:04 in the sum of $50,440. Upon motion both of. these bids were accepted. Bids for grading six County projects as advertised for by the Board werP. open· ed, read and checked by the Highway Engineer and upon motion v:ere a":arded to the loYtest biClders as follows: H-. D. Morrill, Fergus Falls, Job 46:08 at $6,332.25 also Job 46:10 at $5,397.90 and Joh 46:17 at e11.064.~0. Job 46:13 to Alfred Evavold, Ashby, for $8,972.24 and Job 46::16 to Hangen and Mark, Fergus Falls, at $&219.-25 and Job 46:20 to John Dieseth Company of Fergus Falls, at f,10,131.60. Bids for metal culverts, concrete culverts and lumber and bridge material as aC1vert1sed for by the Board were opened and all bids were accepted. A delegation or citizens from the Township of Maplewood appeared to urge immediate improvement of Road in Sections 6, 7, & 8 in that Township. On and off Beer Licenses were granted to the Following: Leonard E, Roberts At Oak Point Park Leo Studer At Evergreen 'Beach Jacques Hendrickx At 'Butler Store Fred Schultz At Camp Prohosky Francis J. Guilio.ni At Rose Lake Lodge c. s. Jensen At Kinks Resort Dance permits using mechanical music only were granted to: c. s. Jensen · Francis J, Guiliani At Kinks Resprt At Rose Lake Lodge Cigarette licenses for the calendar year 1947 were granter as follows: G. B. Clarke L. ,7. wol ters At Hillview Store At Urbank Cigarette licenses :!:'or the months of 14ay to .l)ecember inclusive were granted to: Francis J. Guiliani At Rose Lake Lodge Leo Hanebuth Gilbert Swanton At swanton's Store Grant M, Jensen At Pease Resort Arthnr C. Kelly At Real M:cCoy Camp E, W, Stierna At llewton Service Station T~-0. Halv-erson Resort Franklin Larson At Big Pine Resort Town of Otto Town of Corliss Town of Tumuli Town of Hobart Town of Girard Town of Girard Town of Hobart Town of Paddock Town or Hobart Town of Rush Lake Town of Everts Town of Amor Town of Amor Town of Elizabeth Town of ?ine Lo.ke COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... !17ed.nesdey .•... -lfa,v-.. .J.,1. .••.. .J..!l4,.7 ................. :ii9t.x ... . •r.cuR11Y.DLANKJNIGK#ND.P.RIHl1NO.CD,,.8T,.a.DUD,.MINN~ICI Y/RDMESDAY'S SESf1tntf ( COUTTlfU~Dl Cigarette licenses for the months of June to December inclusive were granted to: C. S. 'Jensen Allan M. Hoff Barney and Wm. S. IVagner Fred Schultz At Kinks Resort At Sleepy Hollow At Resort At Ten l.lile Le.ke The application or. Mo.ry Miller for classification of Lots 3,4,.'= Plat of Porkers Prairie for the year 1946 at homestead rate was read the Commissioner of Taxation that s~id land be so classified and the $462, to $289. and the taxes tl"om $61.08 to #36.30. Town of Girard Town of Tordene- k.1old Town of Dunn Town o·f ·.i:umuli 5 in Block 4 of the Original and the Board recornmendea to assessed value reduced from The application of H.J. Schultz for clneeificntion of-Lot 4 in Block 2 of Soule'e Aesition to the Village cf Deer Creel~ for the yee.r 1946 at hOf!leBtead rate vzas rend e.nd the Board recomm- ended to the Commissioner of Taxation that so.id land be so classified and the assessed value re- duced· from $400, to $250. and the taxes from $81,44 to $49,25. The application of 0aul Kotz for classification of the ?forth 75 ft. of Lot 1 in .Block 21 of Lakeview Addition to the Villar,~ of ?arkers Prairie for the.year 1946 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that so.id land be so classified and the assessed value be red11ced from $384. to ~240. and the Taxes ·r.rom $50.76 to ~30.14. The application of Emiel Baethke :ror clasP-ificetion of NW-HIE,¼, sw:!rm~. and p;. ~E-1-of Section 6 Township of Oak YallP.y for the year 1946 et homestead rate wr,s read and the Board reco~~ended to the Commissioner or. Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from ~972, to $583. and the taxes from $93,90 to $52,47. · The application of Carl E, Johnson for classification of SW¼tm-'-and W1SE¼ in Section 25 Township of Corliss for the year 1946 at homestend rate wns read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value be reduced from $891 to ·$535. and the taxes from $87.12 to $48.79. · The application of Mrs. Peder 0, Jensen for classification of Sub Lot "B" of Lot 7 Lots 10, 11, end 12 and SE·N!1'7f· and SVl¼SE-:-ex. School lot in Section 8 Township of Tordenskjold for the year 1946 at homestead rate was read and the Boe.rd recommendei! to the Commissioner of Taxation that said lend be so· classified and the assessed value reduced from $1,952. to $1,419 end the taxes from $234,63 to $165.20 - The application of Math J. Kraemer :ror reduction of assessment for the year 1946 on Lot 5 ex. E· 30 ft. and Lot 6 in !3lock 46 o·r Lakeview Addition to the Village of Par}~ers Prairie was read anil. the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assesse"d val"ue of said tract be re- duced from $88.00 to $32.00 and the tax~s from ~11,64 to $4,23. The application of A, R, Ericison for cnnoellation of assessment of buildings against Lot 2 Block· 46 of Lakeview Addition to the Village of Parkers Prairie for the year· 1946 was read and the Board· recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that sa-b,li4 assessment of buildings be cancelled and the assessed value of said tract be reduced from $675.1 a~3'the taxes from $137,49 to $5.29. · The application of Alfred T, Anderson for cancellation of assessment of buildings against the S 60 ft. of N 100 ft, of s 1,199 ft. of that part of SE¼Sl'lf'.•lying East of Rail Road right of way&: West of E 163 ft. in Section lb in the Village of Parkers PrairiP. for the yeGr 1946 was read and the Board·Reoommended to the Commissioner cf TaY.ation that the asr.esser. value of· buildings be cancelled and the assessed value oi' said tract be redtwed from $360. to $21. and the taxes from $45.22 to $2.64. The application of Ad Mc Kellep for cancellation of assessment for build inge against EfS'll¼ in Section 15 Township of woodside for the yer-r 1946 was read end the Board recommended to the Commiss-ioner· of Taxation that assessment for buildings be cancelled end the assessed value of said tract be reduc·ed from :!'!855, to $510. and the taxes from $88.06 to $52.53, The application oi' l'Tm. "Dudas for cancellation of ·personal property assessment in the Township of Otto for the:·year 1946 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of personal property be rP.duced from ;;;:120. to ,t,9.00 and that household exemption be allow:ed and all taxes in the sum 1of $12.84 plus penalty of $1.03 be cancelled, The application of Trinity Lutheran Congregation of Deer Creek for cancellation of taxes for the year 1945 and 1946 against Lot 5 and 6 in Block 1 of Sould'a 2nd Addition to the Village oi' Deed Creek was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of $60.00 and tne tax of $4,96 and penalty and costs of $1,70 for the year 1945 and also tax of $4,08 for the year ~946 be canoelled. The apnlic~tion of A, H, Dey for cancellation of taxes for the year 1946 against Lots 11,12,13 and 1·4 in Hiock 8 of the Ori~inal Plat o.f the Villal!e of Vergas for the year 1946 on the grounds that said· ·property le used for telephone exchange purposes was read and it appearing from the records in the office of the Register of Deeds that said tra.ct is the pro·perty of A. H, Dey and not of the Tele·phone Company upon mot ion the petition 1vas rejected. ··.,, .. ,625 • r, .·, '-.r COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... W.ednesd9¥ .•.. .M113 ... 14 .•... 19.4.7. .............. l!lllb: .. . IIECURITY 111.ANK-AND PIIIINTINCII ~•-■J'• 112.GU_~ IIINN.-111•1 The application of Roy O. Hanson for ol.assif'ication of SFJ0S!'I¼ and S\'12.SF.-l of Section 20 in Town-ship of Henning for the year 1946 at homestead rate was read and it ap~earing from a statement of the applicant that he moved unto the tract May 28. 1946 and was therefore not entitled to homestead class-ification for that year, upon motion the petition was rejected. The appli9.aticn of Benjamin ij. Saunders for reduction of ass7ssment for the year 1946 on.three tracts in the Village of Parkers Prairie on the grounds of excessive valuation was read and the Board after exam11!1:!,ng the assessment ·for the years 1942. 1944 and 1946 and finding that. the assessment for the three tracts combined was ap·proximately the same for the years 1942 and 1946 and being satisfied t~at the assessment -for 1944 was too low, upon motion the petition was rejected. The application of E. _ A. Hagaman for reduction of assessment for 1946 against the SIV¼ of Section 28 in the Township of Western was·read and the Board hav.ing examined the assessment of adjoining lands in that Section for saio yeer and being satisfied thnt the land of the applicant was not assessed out of. proportion to other lands, upon motiom the petition W8S rejected. The folloVli ng bills were al!lowed: 1. J. c. Henkes 2. M. c. Lee 3. J. c. Henkes 4. Mabel Wenstrom 5. Lorna Schmidt 6. Dr, E. c. Hanson 7. Dr. H. H·. Leibold 8; Dr, c. J. Lund 9. John Kukowske, Jr. 10. Frank c. Barnes 11. Geo •. F. Johnson 12. Dept. of Agrio., Dairy and Food 13. :Muriel Moore 14. The River Inn 15. Becker ·county 16, Otis Caughey 17. Oren Fosse 18. H.F. Hinze 19, · The Standard Electric Time Co. 20. The ~lobe Gazette~ Prtg. Co. 21. Hintgen Karst 22. Rintgen Karst 23. Beall & wcGowan 24. Wm. Galena 25. Holten Hdwe. 26. Xnott-l?eterson Hc'.!.we,, Co. 27. N.w. Bell Tel. co. 28. Johnson Furniture Co. 29. Dave Martin 30. Frankoviz Rdwe. co. 31. NW. Bell Tel. eo. 32. Victor Lundeen Co. 33. Jones & Kroeger co. 34. Ugeblad Pub. Co. 35. Miller Davis Ccmpan.v 36. Security Blank Book & Prtg. Co. 37. Remi~ton Rand, co,, Inc. 38. Remington Rand, co., Inc. 39. Poucher Prtg. and Lithographing 40. R. A. Henning 41. Fr~e Pres~ Co. 42. American Stencil Mfg. Co. 43, Nelson Bros Prtg.Co. 44. Frltz-cross do. ,5. Oswald !'Ublishing Co. 46. Fergus Journal Co. 47; A. A. Vollbrecht 48. Faurot, In. 49. M. Simonson 50. w. s. narley & co. 51. H. w. Glorivgen 52. West Publish~ng Co. 53~ Dr, R, B, Featherstone 54. Odin Johnso~ 55. Johnson Drugs 56. Louise Standahl 57.· L6uise Standahl 58. P. M. Ree 59. P.A. Anderson 60. Glen Lake Sanatorium 61. Minnesota sta~e Sanatorium 62. School of Dentistry U of. M. expenses Deputy Sheriffs fees board of prisoners expenses Co, Supt's clerk exam. & coroners fees coroners fees coroners fees municipal court fees municipal court fees salary & exp. weed inspector weed control · · transcript meals for j-urors exam of insane constable fePs Dep. Sherif.fa fees Dep. Sherif·es fees service towels supplies repairs supplies repairs supplies supplies calls supplies repairs supplies calls supplies blank books etc. printing and supp~ies record books and supplies record boo-ks sui:iplies supplies supplies supplies blanks carbon paper printing record book supplies publishing surety bond sheriff's supplies sheriff's sunnlies supplies · • driver's license expense Minn. Statutes anno. services cash advan'ced suppliest expenses postage postafle postar.e care of patients oar·e of patient dentures 160.68 47.26 138.00 11.85 66.00 3.00 10.35 55,85 13.15 22.40 192.70 207.50 10.35 77.00 25.05 4.95 4,20 3.74 15.00 123.00 10.25 3.00 6,00 ?.20 6.07 1,71 7.60 3.20 4,00 6.60 41.65 425,20 80.85 123.30 131.57 193. 75 14.24 35.88 3.66 10.40 9.80 4. 25 18,20 91.27 20.43 256.07 5,00 3.82 50.00 2.62 6.25 164.50 4.00 6~25 2.85 , 101.00 ' 13.80 11.84 30. 75 931.21 102.60 62.50 .,. I 63. 64; 65. 66. 67. 68. 69, 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83, 84, 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98, 99. 100. ' 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137, 138. 139. 140, COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .... Sledne.sdaJ .•.. .!.lo.y ... 14. •... 19.4.7 .............. JdlBx.x. Univerei ty Hoepi tal Le Sueur County Welfare Board Estrem Clinic Dr. w. F, SchambP.r Roshoat Equipment eo. Wm, H. Ziegler Co., Inc. A, W. Compaa,v Tnc. of Minn. !.Unnasota F, 'II. D. Co.· Geo. To R.van Co, Cummins Diesel Sales & Servioe Paper. Calmenson & Co. Wheeler Lbr. Bridge & Supply coast to Coast store Martin Sheet J.letal Shop Seven-0-Service eonklin Saw Shop Wollensak Optical Go. Larson Bros. Daggett Implement Co, Ehnbom Motor Co, Lake Region Motor Co, Mills Motor Inc. Dal ton Garage Walt's Repair Shop, i'leetown R, A, Stuntebeck F, Saunders & Son D, H, Cordes Ottertail Cc-op Oil, Inc. Minnesota !.!otor Co. 1-lat'l, Bushing & Parts Co. Wm. Sauer Johnson Machine Shop A, P. Schmitz Garage Skogmo Motors, Inc. Service Recorder Co. Hintgen Karst Elec. Co, Jacobsons Blacksmith Shop Thelen Emplement Co. Y<11uttila Implement Co. Empire Supply Co. Minneapolis Iron Store Fergus Plumbing & Heating co. P, E:. !A. & Co, Saunders Hardware c~. Holten Hardware Henning Hardware Co. Fred A, Everts G&~ble Store -B, o. Bendickson Ebersviller Implement co. Midwestern Automotive Warehouse x. s. stoff?r Knoff Peterson Hdv1e Co. !Jlinnesota Motor Co. ~111 Nelson 011 Co. N1 W. Bell T~l. do. Eagle Cafe, Mrs. A, Frornett w. R. Olson, Agency Merchants Hotel Perham Fargo Glass & Paint Co. Lyon Chemicals, Inc. Kraemer Elevator Jl. Y. Mills Farmers Elev. Co, Utility F!!ed Mi)l· Lampert Lumberco. Parkers Prairie Smith Electrical works Nulphs Dray Bauok Chevrolet Cc. Raymond Bros. ?,totor Transp. Co. A, B, Kilde Co, G, !,!enge c. T, Dalager Fetvedt Blue Print Shop H, A, Rogers Co. Construction Bulletin Keuffel & Esser Co. Poucher Print. & Litheo. Co. Free Press company Jape-Olson Company WEDUESDAY'S SESSIOII ( COllTiilUT!'lD) nursing care CA.re of. patient examination examination parts & repalre parts parts pRrts parts pnrts cutting edges tie v:ires repairs repairs repairs repairs repnirs repa.i rs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs supplies repairs repnirs rP.pairs repairs repairs and parts repairs repairs repairs repnirs rP.oairs repairs and supplies repnirs repairs and raeolinP. su onl ies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies snooliee SU~nli!!S supplies supplies tires & tubes tires lonB distance meals bond meals windows eeteron coal coal coal lumber poet puller drayage wrecker service freight storage gravel movinR fence prints prints ad, for bids supplies forms forms and maps supplies 6-7 .50 24-4.15 3.00 18.00 63,88 14-2.62 164.02 32.56 154.83 474.57 630.00 205.00 14.Al 9.30 3.50 3,70 10.00 44.80 0.00 17.80 37.44 11.75 9,00 2.00 6.45 2.50 1.00 2.00 119.84 97.73 25,60 15,20 337.81 131,25 11,81 16.97 43,80 51.01 6,26 480.62 49,71 8.10 11.26 .1.12 13,25 3.15 42.20 1,49 ,30 14.23 30.00 5,44 203.64 884.70 12,90 30.85 15.00 25.50 15,60 60,35 4,55 9,55 4,15 24.82 15.00 6.40 5.00 13,87 1.50 20.36 62,50 39.60 8.61 70.05 4.71 31.38 385~45 3.50 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... i'/.ed.ne.sda,y ... Ua,v ... J..4 .•... J..!1.4.7 ............... 1~.x.. + ~~-<-b -I q t.fJ DODKAN PIii DCD.■ff• Ill ~ 141. 142. 143. 144::. 145. 146. 14·7. 14·e. 14·9. 150. 15·1. 15°2. 153. 15°4. 155. 1~6. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. il63. 164. 1~5. 166. 167. l!i8• 169. 17.0. 17,1. 172. 173; 17.4. 17,5. 17.6. 17,7. 17,8. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185, 1Q6. 187. Victor Lundeen & Co. George Wicker w. L. Potter . A. Glor)iigen A• Glorvigen G. A. Service Station Pel. Rap. Chester Eabberstad, Lost Lake St. Carlson Oil Compe.n,y Bill's Service Station East Lincoln Shell Fergus Service Station !,~•man Store, L. Cook, Prop. Park Region Oil Col Len Syverson's ?erham Co-op Oil Co. s. & F. Oil Company 'Fergus Oil Co. llighway Compan,v Tobin V/orthwhi. le Oil Co. Mills Oil Company liill Nelson Oil Co. Harthum & Peterson Oil. uo. Motor Inn Garage Penrose Oil Co. Anderson & Sandberg Oil Co. The Oil Store Hag~e Oil Co:! Gre.nrud Garage Montgomery \1/ard &, Co. Wenther. Lumber Yarn Marjorie Stenstrom Minn·esota State H ighway Dent. Helnola TrlephonP. Co. Equipment Rental & Sales corp Pehrose Oil co. Ande·rson & Sand berg Oi 1 Co. Ray's Oil Co. Lyman Store, L. 0. Cook, "rop. Bill's Service Station Geo. T. Ryan Co. Bennie Rossum Mills uotors, Inc. Yalmer Karvonen Bert Stone Geo. B. GundP.rson 'Bert Stone George Hanson BU·ppliee expenses expenses expenses cash advanced ge.soHne gasoline ge.soline flllSOline gasoline gasolinP. gasoline r,asoline f-8SOline ge.s & oil 1!'8.S ?c Oil gns .'I: oil l!'aS ~ Oil gas .'l: oil gas .!fc oil gas & oil gas /l: oil gas & oil diesel fuel diesel fuel diesel fuel fuel oil repairs tires!: tubes lumber clerk Co. Supt. rP.ports services hydraulic oil diesel fuel, etc. gasoline gasoline p.asoline gus-oil cutting edges repairs repairs exp. attending meetings exp. attendinp: meetings exp. attending me~tings exp. attending mPetings ex~. attendinf-meetings 41.il.O 9.15 64,60 73.50 21.95 2.915 2.89 4R.16 16.20 2;54 13.::S7 14,92 107.16 42.21 22.10 56.77 25.30 24.31 45.90 61.05 82.22 47.62 53.26 31.41 61.00 91.00 248.35 37;50 28.97 4.16 15,00 14.n9 L 3. 75 20.62 43.14 98.00 35.15 73.81 4,73 630.00 103.55 44.58 15.70 8.20 9.90 14.'JO 12.50 Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for one Portable Agg~e~ate and Bituminous Mixer, bids to bP. opened June 10, 1947 at 2 O'clock "· n., and for cutback Asphalt and !OGd Oil, bids to be opened at 10 o'clock A. H, June 10, 1947. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to ,iune 10, 1947 at 10 o'clock A. M. chairman ATr-1EST~:. _ .1 _ Clerk IIIINUTF.S OF SPECIAL !;!~•~TING OF 'l''PE BOA?.D OF COUNTY COMMISSIO!lERS OF OTT1·:?. TAtL COTJNTYf MINN. A special meeting of the County Board 111as held at 2 o'clock P.M. June 6, 1947, all members being present. The Board again took up the question of purchas:1!.ng of crushing and screening plant and after consideration accepted the Qid of Ruffridge and Johnson Equipment company for one lllew Cedar Rapids Pitmaster straightline crushing end Screening Plant for il8,069.00. Upon motion the Boe.rd then adjourned vii thout date. Attest:-.r-r--__,,,==-------Clerk Ctialrman COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER.TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... ![!ue.s.day ..... '.une ... 10 .•... 19.4.7. ................... .lfl1tl:x: .• !,IHIUT":S 0"' AD,101TP.T,rr::D :~iEP.Tii:IG OF TF;;; BOA~m OF COUNTY co:;:nssro··;:Rs OF OTT•~R TA T.L COU!ITY, IIIINN. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.I.I. Tuesday June 10, 1947. Present ,-"/ere Commis<Jioners Y.arvonen, Gunderson. Hanson, St one and Sno'.'.'bere;. A delegation of citizens from the Township of Scam~ler appeared to oppos~ the chen~e of road in that location which ohan5e has been recommenced by citizens of Pelican Rapids. A writ~en pro- test was presented and ordered placed, on file. Sheriff Henkes requested an additional 30 days time for collecti0n of delinquent personal property taxes for the year 1946. Upon motion the request was granted. Bids for road oil as advertised for by the Board v1ere opened and read and the bid of Socony Vaccum Oil Company being the lowest bid received ~as accepted, the price being 8.79 cents per gallon to 9.03·cents for SC and 9.79 cents per gallon to 10.03 cents for ~C depending upon Station at which oil is to be delivered. A delegation of citizens from the Township of I·lorwegian Grove appeared to urge improvement of road in that vicinity. rrpon motion the Anditor vr,·s instruc~ea to allvertisP. for bids for rental cf road equipment, said bids to be received at 10 o'clock A,M. July 14, 1947. TJpon motion the ~oard then recessed. to 2 o'clock P.t,t. Hearing haviTll! been ordered on complaint apainst the Town Board of Elmo for alleged neglect of road in that Township, all interested parties \Vho were present were heard and the Board agreed that a committee consi.sting of Commissioners P.anson, Karvonen, and Gunderson would examine the road in question on June 7, 1947 at 10 o'clock A.u .. The Board having called for bids for one Portable Aggregate and Bituminous Mixer opened the only bid received being that of Borchart Ingersoll, Inc. for one Seaman Pulvi-Mixer for $3,090.30. Upon motion the bid was accepted. Upon motion the A.udi tor was instructed to advertise for bids for oiling State Hos!)ital ParkYIBY in ,.,ergus Falls, s~id bids to be receiver. until July 15, 1947 at 2 o'clock P.1.1 •• Charles L. Alexander, cou.rt Commissioner and Torrens Title Examiner, requested permission to install telephone in the office of the Register cf Deeds, cost of installation and rental to be paid by hi-:iself. !Tpon motion the request \'tas granted A complaint against the Township Board of Clitherall alleging neglect of road on the Town line betwePn Clitherall and Eagle Lake was received. T'F!R FOLLO\'lmG RF.SOLUTIOH VIAS AD0°TED: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Whereas, complaint ·has been macle to tr.e Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, r.{innesota. tqat the road hereinafter described, to-wit: That road which extends in a generally easterly and westerly direction and approximately on the Township line along and over the southerly line of Section 32, said Township of Clitherall, hes been neglected by the Town Hoard of the Tovmshl:p of Clitherall. Now, therefore, it is hereby orderei'· that a hearing on said complaint be had at the commissioners• Room in the court House in Fergus 'Falls in said county at 2 o'clock P,i!. July 7, 1947, at which time and place the 'Soard will hear said complaint and all testimon.v which may be offered relative to said matter. Adopted June 10, 1947 . C, A, Snowberg Chairman Attest: William Lincoln Clerk The application of Emma c. Marckel for red.uct'ion of assessment for 1946 against Lot 16 of Oak Grove Bee.ch was oresentec' to the Board by Attorney M. J. Daly and after examining the ass- essment against said tract d!or former years the Board recommended to the Commissioner of •raxation that the assessed value be red.uced from $880.00 to $350.00 and the taxes from $127.25 to ~50.61. The aoplication of Erwi.n E. za.ske which had been previously re,iected by the Board was again taken u.p at the request of Mr, .:aske who we.s present. After full consideration the Board recommended to the commissioner o"!: Ta;xat ion that Mr. zaske' s personal property assessment for 1946 in the • Township of Deer Creek be reduced from $587.00 assessen value to ~49&.00 and the taxes from $108,99 to 988.54. 'e,,,;_:i,., COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..... T:u.es.cl.a,v. ... .!.un.e ... l.O., .... l.~4..'? .............. -.~~.--- ■™ W IIOOIC AND IIIIIINl'IN8 0 Ill", a.auD. INN-aa' Written complaint against the Town Boa:rd of Rush Le:ke Township ~or alleged neglect of_ :road beginning et the Northwest corner of N\'11 SW➔ secticn 7 in so.id Township thence Easterly t9 the Northeast corner of. the NE•lllE~ of section 18 in said To?mship was p_r:sented to the B'oarcl and it wes ordered that a henring on said complaint be had at the session o;:: the Board to be held ,July 14, 1947 at 10 o'clock A,111, at the commisi;,ioners' Room in the conrt Honse in Fergus Falls and that notice of said hearing be given as required by law. The applicaticn of the Cit:, o-f 'f."ergus Falls for conve,van;e of. Tax Forfei tecl Lands.-in Heserve 83 and Block 17 i.n the Original Plat of the Cit,v and also part o~ Gov, Lot 6 in Section 35 East of snid Block 17 forlPark and Landscaping pu.rposes 17as read and thP. follo111inr, resolution 1,..as adopted: RESOLUTION OF COUNTY BOARD U0 0N APPLICATION WHEP.~AS the county Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota has examined into the allegations of the application of the City of Fergus Falls de.tea May 20, 1947 for the conveyance of certain lands therein described; now, Therefore, i>e it resolved b,v the county Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that it hereby approves said application and recommends that the same be _____ granted, --------- Adopted June 11, 1947. Yalmer Karv:onen Geo. B, Gunderson George H8!1_s_on __ -,-.. Bert Stone C. .A., Snow0er' county Board o snta County. A report of. the Board of Audit of·Examlne.tion of the accounts of P, Ill, Ree, County Treasurer for the period from Februnr,v 1, 1947 to April 30, 1947 showing -a balance in the Coµnty Treasury at the close o-f the business of said last mentioned date of $831,228.57 was approved. The application of Virgil Anderson and Jack Conrad for dance permit, nsing mechanical music only, at Rush Lake Resort in the Township of Rush Lake was granted. on and off sale Deer licenses were granted to V. E. Sierman at Marion L,µce Lodpe in the Township of Dead Lake and to Vaughn \'I, Mc Intire at Store in the Tovmship of Dead Lake and to Carl Sundblad at Resort on the South Side of Long Lake in the Townshi.p of Elizabetl1. Cigarette licenses were granted as follows: For the period" from May let to December 31, 1947 to R.R. Hollingworth at Holly's Camp in Town of Amor and to J. w. Rundle and M,C. Wa~gness at Bob Creek Store in Town of Scambler. t::ip:arette licenses for period from J11ne ls-t to December 31st, 1947 were granted to Mrs. w. V. Dyer at Bower's Beach in the Town of Dunn and Gust. A, Strand at Strand's Resort town of Lida and to Mrs. Thea Ball at Amor Park Store in Town of.Amor and Jack Solinger at Out Look Beach in Town of Lida. Upon Moticn the Board then adjourner-to 10 o'clock A,M. June 11,1947. WF.DlIBSIDAY Is SESSIOM Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A,M,, Wednesday June 11, 1947, all members being present. The Board discussed the question of appointment of County Supervisor of assessment or a County Assessor in aocordance with a law passed at the last session of the Legislature. After consider.ation it was agreed that the salary of said official will be fixed at the sum of $3,000 per year. The Board then considered providing room for such Supervisor or Assessor and agreed that the room now occupied by the West Ottertail Agricultural Conservation Associetion on the 1st floor of the Court House was the only suitable ro(?m available. The County Audi tor was instructed to notify that office that the room would be neP.ded for County Assessor or Supervisor and that it should be vacated by the present occupants before September 1, 1947. The Board also agreed that the West Ottertail Association be permitted to occupy the room now used by the soil.Conservation Department on the 3rd floor of the cour-t Rouse eµid the Auditor was instructed to notify the Soil Conservation Department to vacate that room.before September 1, 1947. The application of Frank H, Peterson for cancellation of Lots 1 & 2 in Block 4 of Bell & Austin's Addition to the City of Fergus Falls for the Y@tir 1946 at homeste~d rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said property be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $512.00 to $320,00 and the taxes fr.om ~69.42 to $41.28. The application of Carl J. Lien for classification of Lots 19 & 18 in Camp Hatton in the Town- ship of Amor for the year 1946 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said properti be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $471,00 to ,295.00 and the taxes ~rom $56,33 to $33.34. The application of Mrs. Bess Baker for classification of Lot 6 in Block 6 of Mc Lane's 2nd Addition to the City of Fe!~us Falls for the year 1946 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commiss1.oner of Taxation that said property be so classified and the assessed COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... ?ledn.e.sda.v. ... J.une ... 11. •... 19.4.7. ......... , ... mx .. . value reduceci from $912.00 to $570.'lO and the taxes from !-3123.67 to ~73.53. The application of Joseph A, Mandelke for classification of Lots 1, 2, i 3 in Block 3 of Bonita Beach in the Township of Everts for the year 1946. at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said property be so classified end. the assessed value reduced from $104.00 to $253.00 and the taxes from ~45.57 to $26.87; • Tne application of Gordon Hibbard for classification of Nt of Lot 6 in Block 3 end the N~ of Lots 1 & 2 in Block 4 of the Qriginal Plat of Parkers Prairie for the year 1946 at homestead rate was read and the Boe.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said property be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $448.00 to $280.00 end the taxes from ~59.23 to $35.~7. The application of Fr6d Thun for classification of Lot 2 in Block "C" of Mo Mahon's 1st Addition to Parkers Prairie for the year 1946 at home·stead. rate was read and the Boe.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said property be so cle.ssifled 1121d the assessed value reduced from $426.00 to $266.00 end the taxes from $56.32 to $33.41. The application of Henry Y.oebernick, Sr. for classification of Lot 5 in Block 18 of Lake- vi0w Addition to the Villag~ of Parkers Prairie for the year 1946 at homestead was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said property be so classified and the taxes reduced from $348.00 to i218.00 and the taxes from $46.01 to v27.38. The application of William Y.oebernick for cancellation of the assessment of structures age.inst Lots 14, 15, 16, 17, & 18 in Block 49 of Lakeview Addition to the Village of Parkers Prairie for the year 1946 on the grounds that there ere no structures on said lots was read and the Boe.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said assessment be cancelled and the assessed value of snid tracts be reduced from $541,00 to $101.00 and the taxes from i71.52 to$13.35 The application of Emil Y.orening for cancellation of assessment for structures for the year 1946 age.i~st 11 rods of Gov. Lot 3 lying Ee.st of Alexandria road and South of Campbell Park Adciti01 except Tract in the Ville.tze of Parkers Prairie was reaa and the Board recommended to the Commission1.r of Taxation that said assessment be cancelled and the assessed value of said tract be reduced fro~ $996.00 to $36.00 and the taxes from $131.67 to $4.76. The application of Ferdinand Engfer for cancellation of assessment of structures for the year 1946 against the st of Lot 6 in Block 3 of the Original ~lat of the Village of Parkers Prairie was read and the Board recommended to the Gommissioner of Taxation that said assessment be can- c·elled and the assessed value of said propert.v be reduced from ~3i5.00 to $16.00 and the taxes f.rom $39.56 to $2.12. The application of Erick E. Schultz for reduction in assessed value of str.uctures on 3, in Block 2 of the Original Plat of the Village of Parkers Prairie for the year 1946 was and the Boe.rd reco:~mendecl to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said b~ reducrd from i680.00 to ~300.00 and the taxes from ~85.40 to ~37.68. Lots 2 & read property .htl:-B'ooA-2. The application of Elvier Strissel for reduction i~ assessment of structures against Lot 12~of Corliss Add it ion to the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1946 was read and the Board recommended t9 the Commissioner of. Tsxo.tion that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $415.00 t9 $267.00 and the taxes from $53.53. to $34.44. . The application of Lucille 'A', '-: 'IUlda J. Larson for reduction of assessment against tract in r.ot 2 of Section 34 :in the Township .of Everts for the yee.r 1946 1'11'e.s read e.nd the Board recommended tQ the Commissioner of Taxation thet the assessed value of said property be reduced from ~220.00 tq $120.00 and the taxes from $32.60 to $17.78. · The applications of Tillie E. Kidder and Clarence Mielke for reduction in assessed value of their respective properties in the Town.ship o.f Rush Lake for the year 1946 were read and the CQunty Auditor was instructed to return to the petitioners their applications for the approval of the Board of Review of said. Township. . The application of Olive S. Cass for reduction in assessed value of personal property in the T~wnship of Otto for the year 1946 was read and the Board being informed that said applicant is not a legal resid,rnt of said Towr1ship and therefore is not entitled to household exemption of $100.00 upon motion the petition was rejected. . The application of Perry Swenson for dance _permi. t usinf!' mechanical music only at Perry's Place in the Township of Dora was granted • . The petition of A.G. Neu~an to set over Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 and the NE¼ SW¼ and SW½NE¾ and SV·Nl'!f. in Section 6 in the Townshtp of Corliss from District 242 of Otter. Tail County ·to District 53.# i of Becker County was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at. the session of the Board to be held July 8, 1947 at 10 o'clock A,M. at the Commissioners'. Room in the court House at Fergus Falls e.md tlie.t due no.tice of the time and place of said hearing be given e.s required by law. The petition of c. T. Bylander to set over Lot 1 and Lot 2 except tract in Southwest·corner of se~tion 1 in the Township of Dora from District 151 to District 268 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the.~onrd to be held July 6, 1947 at 10 o'clock A,M. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House at Fergus Falls and that due notice of the time and place of said hes.ring be given as required· by law. . . The petition of William Wallace to set (j\f1t.r the SVI"-SF.-,. and s½ Sl'I;!" in Section 31 in Tovmship 138 Ran8e 40 in Becker county from School Diotr-tct 269 of Otter Tail county to District 25 in Becker county was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Boe.rd to be held July 8, 1947 at 10 o'clock_A.M, e.t the Commissioners' Room i~ the court House e.·t Fergus Falls and. that due notice ·of the t1.me and place of said hecring be given as required by law~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... W"e.dnesd.e,v. ... ,T.une ... ll., .... l.9A.7 ............ i!lllx: ... . ■ll:UIUTT W..: AND PII NCI CD., sr. CLOUD, MINN™ THE FOLLOl'!IIIG RESOLOTIOH WAS ADOPTED: Resolution Changing A Portion of c.A.R. #44 By The Board Of County Commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota. R~ IT R~SOtVED, That the designation of c.A.R. #14 be ohanged from its present location lying between Sections 27 & 28 in Sverdrup Township, more particularly described as follows: Beginn.\ng at -anoint 150 fent north of the Ee.at quarter corner of Section 28, Sverdrup Township; thence running north 1,500 feet, so. that the same when changed will begin at a point approximately 150 feet north of the east quarter corner of said Section 28; thence run in a northwP.sterly, northerly and northeasterly direction on the route of county Road f 9 to a point wlhere said County Road # 9 nov1 intersects C,A,R, # 44, Ad.opted this 11th day of ,lune, 1947 C. A. Snowberg chairman Attest: William Lincoln Clerk - Upon motion the ~oard authorized the County Engineer to proceed With me.king c.~~R. # 44 pass- able bet'.veen Sections 27 II: 28, Sverdrup Township, and authorized him to hire the necessary equipment to do this work and to enter into negotiations with land owners re~arding dirt for the construction of. this road. The County Board set the re.te for hauling gravel loaded by County equipmen,t at 7¢ per yard mile. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, a. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13, 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20, 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30t 31. 32. 33; 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41, 42, 43, 44, 44, 45. 46, 47. 48, 49, 50. 51, THE FOLLOVII!IG BILT,S W":RE ALLOWED J. c. Henkes 1,i, C. Lee J. C, Henkes Louise Stondahl Elnora Esteb Bernice Jesme Effie 0lson Town of Folden Geo. F. .Johnson International Chemical Co. Eia-n &: lless DUane C. Aune ,Johnson Furniture Co. If. w. Se.sh & Door Co. "Fergus Glass&: Paint Co. Martin Reynolds Campoell Coal Co. Fergus Plumbing&: Heating Co. Holten Hdwe. Hellyard Co. Hellyard Co. Campbell Coal Co. Chas. fl. Hord northern School S1rpply Co. Miller Br.vent Pierce Victor Lu-ndeen &: Co. Miller 1avis Co. Pouoher P·ttg. & ti tho. Co. Miller Davis co. Seourity Blank Book & Prtg. Co. Deptl of Administration Dept. of Administration county School & Office Supply Co, Jones & Kroeger co, Remington Rand Inc. Nelson Bros, Prtg. Co, Pergus Journal Co. i,, w. Gloriveen A, E, Haarstad James Renner Wm, F. Ebersviller .c. M, Lee v. A, Ryan Barke-Allison Agency Vernon r-r. Lee Fergus Service Station Diebold tnc. Melford llP.lson Odin Johnson :Mason Pub, Co. H, IV. GlorYigen expenses Deputy· sheriff's expenses boarding prisoners expenses Su,pt, school's clerk Supt, schocl's clerk Supt, school's clerk quarantine expense salary~ exp. weed inspector supplies repairs hauling garbage suppli.es table supplies haulin~ ashes etc. coal supplies supplies supplies supplies stoker parts repairs school supplies supplies supplies blanks supplies supplies books & supplies· school supplies school supplies school su·pplies rec0rd books duplex paper printing publishing eh, postage service at drowning expense at drowning rent of boat and motor eipense e.t d rovming witness insurance asst. with insane gas service v1el.di np: ,drayage digest driver's license . 51.79 68,45 88.50 33.70 18.00 15.00 15.00 4.00 221.45 28,68 128!66 6.00 18.75 19.65 1.18 49.50 1030.13 1,75 29.20 6.00 56,00 117.42 101.05 88.50 32.60 258.85 19.83 14.27 31.71 207.50 1.76 113.91 102.50 173.29 471,00· 15;ao 125.00 30;00 9,00 4;50 16.00 4,26 6/.00 54.99 1032,98 3,00 .80 17,50 3.73 1,00 12.58 a.so 52. 53, 54. 55. 56. 57. 59. 60i 61. 62. 63, 64. 65. 66. 67. 68, 69 .• 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75., 76.,. 77, 71:'f. 79. 80 •. 81.. 82. 83. 64, 85 •. 86. 87. 88. 89, 90. 91. 92. 93, 94. :JiH 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108, 109. 110. 111. 112, 113. 114, 115. 116, 117. 118, 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130, 131. 132. 133. 131-. 135. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .. \!fe-d-ne&d•a;Y-•·•J.u-ne••·l-1·;····l•li4!1•·············•X11!JiK-•·· Geo. Bergem Post #489 Eastman Kodak Stores Inc, West Pub, co. Minn. State Sanatorium Fergus Falls Clinic Davis Clinic Dakota T~actor 'I: Eqnipt, Co. Cummins Diesel Sales corp. Minnesotu F,W,D, Co, A,W,Co,, Inc. of Minn. N,W, Equipment, Inc, Wm, F., Ziegler Co,, Inc. Geo T, Ryan Co. Rosholt Equipment co. Elk River Cone, Prod. Co, Paper, Calmensen & Co,- Il,P, Railway Co. The Adelsman Co. Minnesota Uotor Co,, Wadena Paulson Tire Shon Larson Bros. · Olson Auto Electric co. Lake Region :!otor Co. S, M, Moen Boe's Implements A, B, tilde Company Lee Chevrolet Co, A, 0 • Schmitz Garage Ebersviller's Brogard Garage & Equipt, Skogmor i,lotors, Inc. Dalton Garage Pioneer Rim~ Wheel Co. WheP.ler Lumber BridRe II: Supp. Co, C, R, W~lker Fred A, Everts Edgetown Lumber Co, Lampert Lumber Co. Les' Tire Shop Bill Nelson Oil Co, Minnesota i.lotor Co. Screen Craft Co, Natl. Bush ng & Parts Co. GamblP store -Dalton Minneapolis Iron Store Holten Hardware Kulseth Supply Co, Highway Company D-A, Lubricant Cc., Inc. Bill Nelson Oil Co, Ferrus Service Station Harthun, .'I, Peterson Oil Co. FP.rgus Oil Com~any Perham ~o-op Gil Co, Ray's 011 co. Service Oil Co. The Oil Store ,:agge Oil Co. Haugen Ile Uark Afred l!.'vavold lrvrin Strehlow Villag~ of Dalton E, D, Sage Otter Tail Co. Agricultural society & Fair Ass'n. Olson ~ardware & Furniture Co. And r,..w Clorning C·arl C. Nelson W, L, Potter r..eorge Wicker Heinola Telephone c·o, Pelican Telenhone Co, construction.Bulletin Minnesota State Highwa.;· .i.lept. ~. A, Rogers Co. .l!·red H. Geiger Co. .l!·ree Press Company Miller-Davis Co, Poucher Prtg. &, Li tho,. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co, Merchants Hotel, Perham Field, Field & Arvesen Town of Effington Robt. A, D, Wellbrock memorial da.v services repairs 111'1 Reporter care of patient exam. exam. PRrts parts parts parts ports parts cutting eges supplies culverts cutting edr,es freight repnirs repairs repair tire re·pairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repai.rs repairs rims creosoted planks cc,al cool lumber lumber tires ,~ repairs tires tires & repairs supplies supplies SU.JJ)lies supplies sup,>lies supplies rent & gas & oil oil & gos gas \: oil gas & oil gas & oil gas & oil gas & oil ga.soline gasolinP. diesel fuel diesel fuel eoui pt rental eqnipt,rental dragging garage rental gara!,'e rental garage rental moving gruve towing expenses exyrenses expenses servic:P.s services ad for bids suppli.es prints supplies forms supplies supplies supplies room services grading moving fence 19.50 9,45 27.00 106,02 3,00 !3,00 13.39 94.90 350.00 469,63 110,91 16,i9 315.00 10,08 13,68 23,94 5.07 4,00 1~.10 2,50 106.65 52,10 13,08 1,50 5,16 34.21 2.20 27. 71 5,37 26.67 27.84 9.00 50.85 550.20 7,'90 66.37 7,04 2.0fl 488.65 411.54 21,75 104,50 77,31 10~07 96,17 11.22 175.11 40.77 B5,30 42.69 19,46 13,07 26,69 15,71 108.68 44,75 70.80 378,98 3A2.50 287,50 4,00 45,00 15.00 150,00 65,00 3,00 I 23,75 72.75 12,70 !3,75 3.90 11.20 2,17 22.73 19.50 4,15 4, 79 41,38 6.15 11.00 50.00 300,00 ,.-.12.50 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .. rle.dne.s.doy. ... J,une. ... ll .•.... 1.9.:41 ........... xnoa~ ... . 136 •. Olof Langseth 137 •. \'Im. F. Duenow 138 •. Karl H. Clausen 139 •. Reinholt Buchholz 140. Herman Seebo 141. !ferman Holtz 142. Henry~ Gustave Fenske 143. . Alf. -Peterson 144. Vlalter Duenow 145. , Herbert Duenow 146. P~ter Sjolie 147. Elmer & Selma Hoff 146. Mccunn Farm Store 149. Hintgen -Y.arst Elec. Co, 150,,' A, Giorvigen 151, A, Glorvigen 152. Villep.e of New York Mills 153.· The Oil seore 154, H. D, Morrill 155. · R;° D, ill:orrill 156.· tagle Cafe-Mrs, A, Fromett 157 .-Stoll' s Cafe 158. · Vim, 'ff. Ziegler Co';, Inc, 159.· Empire Supply Compamy 160, Vergas Hardware Co, . 161. Wilcox Lumber Co. , Henning 162, Westland Motor Co. 163, H, A, Rogers Co, 164, Tropical Paint & Oil co. 165. Lost Lake Store 166, Anderson & Sandberg Oil Co, 167, Mills Oil Co, 168,,· Motor Inn Garage 169, Cummins Diesel Sales Corp, 170, P, A, Anderson 171, Reminp.ton Rand Inc, 172 .-George Henson 173, Yalmer E:e.rvonen 174.-Geo. B, Gunderson 175. Bert Stone 176, Bert Stone moving fence moving fence movi nP. ~ence movinir -re·nce movin~ f•mce mov in,z -r,mce moving fence moving fence movine fence moving fenCJe r.ight of \Vay right o:f way supplies rtpo.irs expenses oash advanced rental diesel :f.nel equipt. r!'ntal equipt. rental meals meals parts supplies supplies lumber supplies supplies paint gas, Oil gasoline gasoline gas &: oil parts postage recording camera exp. attending mtg, exp. attending mtp.. exp. attending mtg. exp. s.ttending mtg. expenses Upon motion the Bo·erd then ad ,jonrned to July 7, 1947 at 10 o'clock A,111, Chairman MWUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF "B'OA?-D OF COUMTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTT!!:R TAIL COUNTY·; MINNESOTA 4o.o·o 12.50 12.50 20.00 40.00 40,00 37.50 5,00 25,00 20.00 50.75 152,63 -3,48 9,29 ·99,00 6,15 90,00 31,23 265:oo 887,50 16.15 4.55 38,·93 295,•90 19,93 7.66 1,15 35,.50 138,48 3.22 161.30 54.44 31.51 805 •. 79 30.75 1,045 ,34 14,10 13.20 6.70 15.20 11.24 A speoi~i meeting of the County Board was held at 2 o'clock P.~. June G, 1947, all members being present. The Board again took up the question of purchasing of crushing and screening plant and after · consideration aooepted the bid of Ruffridge and Johnson Equipment Company for one Ne.,, Ceder Rapids Pitmaster Straightline Crushing and Screening Plant for $18,069.00. Upon motion the Board then adjourned Without date. c a .. ~ COMMISSIONERS REQORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..... J'ul,v __ 7 ., ... 194 7 ............................................ wxx !.ITNUTES OF ADJOURNED 1.00-:TING OF COtnlTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINUESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A,1/1,, L!onday, July 7, 1947, Present were Commissioners, Karvonen, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and sriowberg, A petition signed by Ge~ . c. Revering and others asking for the incor·poration of the Village of Urba~ was read and it was ordered that an election on the question of incor·porating said Village be submitted to the voters of the territory proposing to be incorporated, such election to be held at Fruth's Hall in Urbahlt in the Township of Effington on Tuesday, August 12, 1947, during the hours of 7 o'clock A.M. to 8 o'clock P.M. and that William Roers, Geo. J. Kraemer and L, J. Wolters be appointed as inspectors of said elect ion and the county Audi tor was instructed to ·pr.epare the nec- essary election notices and to forward them to Geo. c. Revering, Parkers Prairie for posting. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Com.missioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: WHEREAS, there as been presented this day to this Boa.rd a petition asking that time and place be fixed for holding an election upon the question of incorporation of the Village elf Urbank in said county, which petition has beeh duly approved by this Board, NOW THEREFOP.F., be it resolved that Tuesday the 12th da~ of August, 1947, between the hours of 7 o'clock A,M. and 8 o'clock P.M. in Frnth's Hall in Urbank in the Township of Effington be designate as the time and place when the electors of said proposed irillaf!e will vote for or against such incorporation, · · · RESOLV~D further that Wm. Roers, Geo. J. Kraemer, and L. J, Wolters, residents of said proposed Villa~e. are hereby appointed an'election board to preside and act as inspectors. Adopted July 7, 1947. Board of County Com~issioners, Otter Tail Connty, Minnesota. BY fa.a .J~ c airman Mrs. Mary L. Fluegel presented an appl1cation for reduction of assessment for 1946 against Lot 3 and NE2 NEt of Section 9 in the Townshi~ of Star Lake on the grounds of·excessive valuation and upon motion the Board recommended to the Commissioner of. Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $1,412 to $873. and the taxes from $220.20 to ~117.29. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P•M. Hearing having been ordered on the complaint against the Township Board of Clitherall for neglect of ~oad in said Township the Boar9_listened to the statements of interested parties inc- luding the members elf t·he Town Board of said Township and it appearing ·that the Town B oard was willing to improve the road; upon motion the Board was given until Octo-ber 1, 1947, .. to make imp-rovement of the road in question. The Board then took up with Sheriff Henkes the question of revision of rules covering the issuance of ·•on and Off sale" beer licnesss in this County, After full consideration the foliowi ng resolution was adopted: The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Uinnesota. Whereas, thP. Legislature of the State ·of Minnesota has duly enacted a law, being Chapter 116 of Laws of 1933, conferring upon the governing bodies of each county tbe authority to license and regulate the business of vendors at rP.tail dictions, providing for the imposing of licensP. fees therefor and for the punishment of violations of. regulations made accorlng. ·to the provisions of said law, and Whereas the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota, has heretofore adopted a resolution regulating the sale of such non-intoxicating malt liquors and it is the dP.sire of sai"d Board of County .commissioners to adopt regulations giving au.ch sale, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, that the following regulations shall govern the issuance of licenses by the Board of County Commissioners and the sale of non-intoxicating malt liquor. Section 1. Definitions of Terms. (a) As used in this resolution, the term "person" shall mean and include a natural person of either se:x, persons, co-partnershi.ps, corporations and aeeocil!l.tions of persons.;: and shall include the agent or manager of any of the aforesaid. The slngule.r number shall include the.plural, and the masculine pronoun shall include the feminine and neuter. · ·6bl wNon-lntoxlcating malt liquor" shall mean any potable malt beverage with an alcholic content of more than one-half of one per cent by volume and not more than three and two-tenths per cent -y weight. · (c) A "bona fide club"' as used herein shall be any club organize<i for a9cial or business purposes, or for intelleiltural improvement, or for the promotion of sports, where the serving of such liquors la incidental to and not the major purpose of the club. (di "Original package" as used herein shall mean the bottle or sealed container in which the liquor is placed at the place of manufacture. (cl "Cafe? or "restaurant" as used in this resolution shall mean any place where preparing and serving lunches or meals to the public to be consumed on the premises constitutes the major business thereof. Section 2. Applications for licP.nse. All applications for aey license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor shall s~t forth the name of the person asking for such license, his age, representations as to hi.a character with such references as may be required, his citizenship, the location where such business is to be carried on, · . whether such appl1cat1 on le for "on sales" or "ofi' sales", the business in connection with which the proposed; Mcense will operate, whether applicant is owner and_ operator 634 635 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAILCOlJNTr,MINN. DATE ........ iuly 7.1 ... lJ1.~.7. ....................................... : .. 193 ..... . G"PRINTINll"CD:';"r.aJIUD; II of such business. the time euch applicant has been in that business at that place. and such other in- formation as the governing body mas require from time to time. It shall be unlawful to make any false statement in ans application. Section 3, F·ees The annual tee for on and off lioense shall be l60,00, • All licenses shali expire on the last day of 148.roh in each year: provided that if eight months of any licensing year have elapseci v:hen the application is made. the fee shall be reduced to one-half of the regular amount thereof, · Section 4, dond.i tions of Licenses, All licenses hereunder sh,i.11 be granted subject to the following cond.itions and to the laws of the State of Minnesota with ref.P.rence to the sale o! non-intoxicating malt liquor, (al All licensed premises shall have the license thereof posted in a conspicuous placP. at all times, (bj No license shall be granted to ans person under the ap.e of. twP.nt~-one years of age. ( 0 ) No license shall be granted for sales in connection with an.v business or club where such bus- iness or club has not be,rn in operation at thP. !)lace for at least six months imrned iately preced in/._!' such aoplication. , · (d) Lioenses shall bP. r.ranted only to persons who are citi1.ens of the UnitP.d Sta•es of good moral ~9ll~Cj:Y.LA~Q 0 residents of the County of Otter Tail for a period of six months immediately precedin~~ ~-~pilciil:ion. . le) No licP.nse shall be granted to arw person who has been oonvicted el a violation of this resolution, or to any ~erson.whose license hereu.nder has been revoked for cause for at lea~t one year aftP.r said conviction or revocation. If) Mo sale of non-intoxicating malt liquor shall be m!!de to an.v person under the age of twent,v- one years of agP., lg) All premises wherP. any license herennder is grantP.d shall be open to inspection by any sheriff nolice or heal th officer or em-olo:vee of the county at an,v time d11r.i np, which the olace so licensed is open to the public for busi.nP.SS •. (h) !Jo gambling or an.v gambling device prohibited by law shalih be permitted in any licensed premisP.e (1) All licenses granten nndP.r this resolution she.11 bP. issued to the a!)nlicnnt onl,V and shall be personal to such applicant and shall be issued for the premiSP.S described in the application and no other place, Such licenses shall not be transferrP.d to another place ~-:i thout the approval of the Board of county Commissioners. ( j) No licenses shall permit arw person~in or upon his premises which he maintains incidental to or related with the plaoe licensed to m:i:>f liquor, pop, soft drinks, wuter or an.v liquid commonly used for m-ixinB purposes with alcohoil., whiskey, gin or ans intoxicants containing more than three and t1vo- tent~a per cent alcohol by weight, (kl No license shall permit any·person in or upon the premises to use or consume in e.n.v manner whatsoever alcbhol, whiskey, gin or any intoxicant containinB more than three and two-tenths alcohol by weight. (ll The word license as used in the two preneding paragraphs shall be construed to mean and include all employees of the aotuat licenser.. Section 5. Closing hours. No sales of ahy-non-intoxicating malt liquors shal~ be made bP.t11•e1rn the hours of 12:00 o'clock midnight on Satnrcls.,v and 12:00 o'clock moon on Sunday, or during thP. hours of voting on any Primary, General or Special election day or between thP. hours of 12:00 o"clock, midni!?ht ana 7:00 o'clock A,M, o l.' a11_,, d as. · - Section 6. No club shn.11 sell non-intoxicating malt liquor except to members and to BUP.sts in the company of members. Section 7. No licP.nse sJ:iall be Branted to any person who has been convicted of a felony or Y1ho has been convlcted of violating any law of the !Jnitecl States or the Sta•·e of Minnesota relating to the manu- facture, transportation or sale of either non-intoxicntinp. malt li~uors or intoxicatin~ liquors. · Section a. Any violation of an.v provision or cond 1 tion of this resolution or ans falsification o.f an.v statement in the application, or an.v vidation of thP. sto.tP lm•1 governing the sale and licensing of. non-intoxicn.ting melt liquors shall bP. ground lor revocation o-" an.v l lcP.nSP iss11P.d hereunder. and the license of any person guilty of such violation or violations maJ' be revolted b.v the Boe.:!"d of Count;.' Commissioners of Otter Tail Conntp:, ;;!innesota. With or without notice or hearing, If an,v lieP.nse hereuncer shall be revoked 1ursuant to the foregoing conditions, the said County Board of Commissioners may also revoke an.v other licenses held u,v such license and issued by or through the County Bc!lard of Commissioners. ?lo portion of' aey license fee paia into the Co1mty 'i'ree.surer shall be rP.turned upon revocation of such license, · Sectior. 9. The invalid·:tt.v or ellegali t.v. of an.v portion of the foregoing resolution shall not affect the legalit.v or validit.v of an.v other portion thereof. Be It Further Resolved that all action heretofore taken b.V the County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, M~nnesota, With reference to the regulation of the sale of non-intoxicating malt liquor in said county, be and the same hereby is repealed and that all licenses heretofore issued pursuant to former resolutions adopted by said Board of County Commissioners be and the same hereby are confirmed and approved with the same force and effect as if issueo pursuant to the terms and oon- d1tions of the withi.n resolution, and that such licenses heretofore issued and the licenses holding the same shall be governed by the terms and provisions hereof for the unexpired term of such licenses, Attest ={td/4('1.r.f. ,ff?'-x,,/4.; .. · _. ounty u or ,!tfan«ArW.~a of county Commissioners, ott; Tail County, Minnesota Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clook A,M. July 8, 1947 · I' COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..... !l'.u.e.ad.a,v. ... J.iil,: ... 8 .•... 19.4.1 .......... -.......... DXlr. TUESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M., Tuesday July 8, 1947, all members being present, The petition of Hubert Korkalo to be set over from District 90 to District 133 was taken up for final action and after listening to the County Superintendent of Schools and there being no one presant objecting to the granting of said petition, Upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Hubert H, Y.orkalo a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 90 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter des- cribed, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 133 and adking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district, 90 to said adjoining school district No, 133 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 12thuda., of March A,D, 1947, for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon o-rdered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on~the 8th day of July A,D,, 1947, at the commissioners Room in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by postl.ll! copies of said order in three public places in each of the school district to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 8th day of Jnly A.D., 1947, due proof· of the posting and serv lee of said order of hearing as the:::-ein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed , said petition was publicly read.and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following describer. lands owned by him, to-wit: NWfNW¼ Section 2 Township 134 Range 37 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 90 to said adjoining School Distr.ict no. 133 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 8th day of July A,D., 1947, A Heat: . William Lincoln county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. c. A, Snowberg chairman Of the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail Co., Minnesota The petition o! Matt Bernu to be set over from District 90 to District 1~3 was taken up for final action and after listening to the County Superintenr.ent of Schools and there being no one present objecting to the granting of said petition, upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Matt Bernu a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No, 90 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, ahd adjoin School District No, 133 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No, 90 to said adjoining school ·district No. 133 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of the board held on the 12th day of March A.D •• 1947, for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was there- upon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at the session of said board on the 8th day of July, AiD., 1947, at the Commissioners Room in the Court House in the 8ity of Fergus Falla in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in any by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by postiilg·:copies of said order in three public places in each of the school district to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at leust ten de.vs before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 8th da,V of July A,D,, 1947, due proof of the po~ and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition waslpublicly r~ad and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the pra.ver of the petitioner, and said Board being o !' opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determi.ned, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: ~Wf NW~ ex tracts Section 2 Township 134 Range 37 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 90 to said adjoining School District No. 133 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of Count3 Commissioners. Dated the 8th day of July A.D., 1947, •' Attest: William Lincoln ,.·,:-·-f ccuntyAuditor and ex-off'lcio Clerk ofBoard. c. A, Snowberg chairman of the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota The petition of C. T. Bylander to be set over from District 1 to District 268 was taken up for final action and after listening to the County Superintennent of Schools and ther6 being no one present objecting to the granting of said petition, upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: · Whereas, T)le petition of e-. T'.. Bylander a legal voter, freeholder and resident of Scho·o1 District No'. 151 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described which are situate in said Schoel District, and adjoin School District No. 268 and asking that he wtth his said lands may be set off from said district No. 151 to said adjoining school district No, 268 was presented to the Board of county Commissioners of this County at a session of said Board held on the 11th day of June A,D,, 1947 for the action of said board thereon; ang whereas it w~s there- upon ordered by said bo~rd that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of seid board on the 8th da.,v of July, 1947 at the Commissioners Room in the Court House in the Uity of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it wiui further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by post•~, copies of said order in three public places in eaoh of the school districts to be affected by se.id petition and by mailing to the clerk of each 636 • > / I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..................................... , ................ : ........................... 193 ..... . . • of' said Sohool Distr.i.ots, a copy_of said order at least ten days before the ~ime appointed f'or such hearing· and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 8th day of' July'A.D., 1947 due proof' of the posting and service ~f said ord~r of hearing as th~rein directed and required more than ten days prior to said last nB111ea date,. hav.1.ng .been made. and filsd;;said peti tlln was publiciy'read and considered by the Board, with everythin~ which was scid by said interested parties f'or or against granting the prayer of the petitioner; and saic Board being of' opinion that said petition should be.granted, it is hereby ordered and det~rmined, that the said petitioner and the following d.escribe.d lands owned by him, to-\Vi t: Lots l and 2 ex. tract. in SW co~ner of Lot 2 Section l Town-shin 136 Ranf-!e 41 be and· the same tire hereby set off f'rom se.io Sohool liistrict No, 151 to ~aid ad joining Sohool District no., 268 and slid lands tire hereby made a part of said last named School Miatrict for all purposes whatever. BY order of' the Board of' county Commissioners. Dated the 8th day of July A.D. 1947 Attest: Willaim Lincoln county Auditor. and ex-offioio.cierk of' Board. C ,. A. Snowberg Chairman ot the Board ot County commissioners of' Otter Tail County Jlinnesota The petition of' Doris E. Lake to set over land f'rom District 157 to Diatr.ict 30 was taken up for final action and after listening to the county Superintendent of Schools and there-being no one present objecting to the granting of said petition, upon motior;i. the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: . Whereas, The petition of Doria E. Lake freeholder of School District No. 157 in this County, representiD~JtJl.11,L~he is the owner of' the lands hereinafter described whioh are situate in said School District~~ asking that said lands may be set off' f'rom said district No, 157 to said adjoining aohool district No. 30 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of' this County at a session of' said board held on the 9th day of April A,D •. 1947 for the action of' said board thereon: and whereas i was thereupon ordered by es.id board that a hearin@! should be had on said petition, at a session of' said board on the 8th day of' July A,D. 1947 at the Commissioners Room in the Court House in the City of' J!'ergus Falls in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of t·he ~ime and place of' such hearing be given 1by· posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of' said order at least ten days oefore the time appointed for such hearing, and whereas at the said session of the Board of County Commissioners on said 8th day of July, 1947 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein• directed and required, more than t•n days prior to said last named date, having neen made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everyting which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of' the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said pet-ition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determiner., that the following described lands towit: N½ of Sit¾ except North 10 rds, also s½ of swt inSection 5 and SE¼ of NE¼ & SE¼ in Section 6 Town-ship 13i Ranre 43, be and the same are hereby set off from said School ~istrict No. 157 to said adjoining School District No, 30 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last namec School District f'or all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of c·ounty Commissioners. Dated the 8th day of July AD, 1947. Attest: William Lincoln dountyAuditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. c. A. Snowberg ·Chairman ot theBoard otcounty Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota The petition ofGustave Peuse to be set over from District 240 to District 272 was taken up for final actio-n and after listenlng to the CountySuperintendent of Schools and there bei•ng no one pre- sent objecting to the granting of said petition, upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition o.f Gustave Peuse a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Dist. No. 240 in this County, representing that he is the owner of' the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said Sohool District, and adjoin School District No. 272 and asking that he with hissArcl lands may be set off from said district No. 240 to said adjoining school district No. 272 was pre- sentec to the Board of County Co:nmissioners at a session of the said board held on the 9th day of April A.D. 1947 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was •hereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of seid board on the 8th day of July A.D. 1947 at the Commissioners Ro~m in the Court Bouse in the City of' Fergus Falls in said County and whereas it was further ordered in and. by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting co-pies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing ·to the clerk of each of said Sohool Mistricts, a copy of said order ·at least ten da,y'S before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 8th day of July A.D. 1947 due proof of' the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and con- sidered by the Board with everything which was said by said interested parties f'or or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted it is hereby ordered and determinen, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned 0 by him to-wit: W½ NE¼ $.Dd R"P'~ SE¼ Section 19 Township 135 Range 39, be and the same.are hereby set off from said School District No• 240 to said ad 3o'lntng School District No. 272 and said land:s are hereby made a part . •· . · '.. , of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commlssionerr~ Dated the 8th day of' July A.D. 1947. Attest: William Lincoln county Auditor, ex officio Clerk of Board. 0. A, snowber; chairman ot tbeoard of count Commissioners of Otter Tail cou-nty, Minnesota COMMISSIONERS RECORD L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..... J'.u.J..v. ... B .•... 19:4.7. ............................................ 193 ..... . 'l'he petition of Melvin A •. Ollila to be.a.et over from 1,Jistr.iot. 175 .to Distr.ict 47 was taken up f'or final action and after listening to the County Superintendent of Schools and there being no one present objecting to granting of said petition, upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, 'l'he petition of Melvin A. Ollila a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Dist riot No. 175 in this County, representlne t·hat he ls the Ol'lner of the lands hereinafter des- or lbed; which are situate in said Bohool District, and adjoin School District lVo. 47 aad ~eking that he with his lands may be set off from said district No. 175 to said adjoining school, district No. 47 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of May A.D. 1947 for the action of' said board thereon: and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should• be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 8th day of July A. D. 1947 at the Commissioners Room in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County and whereas 1 t was further ordered in and by said. order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 8th day of July A,D. 1947 due proof of the posting and service of. said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board with everything which was said by said lnte~ested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the·follo\dng described lands owned by him, to-wit: SW+ of I~ and ivt of SW¼ in Section 10 Township 136 Range 37 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No.175 to said adjoining School District No. 47 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes v,hatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 8th day of July A.D. 1947. Attest: William Lincoln dounty Auditor, and ex officio Clerk of Board. C. A• Snowberg chairman Of the Board of county Com~iseionere of Otter Tail County Minnesota 'l'he petition of L. c. Rudolph to be set over from District 269 to District 121 was taken up for final action and after listening to the petitioners and to the County Superinlendent of Schools and there being no one present objectirl@: to said petition. upon motion the petition was granted and the Board.ilssued the following order to-wit: . Whereas, the petition of L. C. Rudolph~ legal voter, freeholder and resident of Sohooi Dist- rict No. 269 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter a·eecribed, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin~ School District No. 121 and asking that he with his lands may be set off from said district No. 269 to said adjoining school district No. 121 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 9th day of July A.D. 1·946 for the action of' said board therton; and whereas 1 t was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of' said board on the 9th day of October, A.D. 1946 at the Commissioners Room in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls, in said County ; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place df such hearing be given by posting ooples of said order in three publio places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk pf eaoh o: said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas after being laid over from time to time at the sessions of the said Board of' County Commissioners on said 8th day of July A,D. 1947 due proof of the posting and service of. said order of hearing as therin directed and required, more than ten days prior to seid lest named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board with everything which was aaid by said interested partiPS for·or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and d termined, · that the said petitioner and the following descil'ibed lands. owned by him, to-wit: SE¼ of Section·2 'l'ownehlp 137Range 41 be and the same are herby set off from School District No. 269 to said ad joining Sohool l;istr let lfo. 121 and said lands are hereby made a .part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of' the Board of County Commissioners. Datec the.8th day of July A.D. 1947. Attest: William Lincoln county Auditor and ex officio Clerk of Board C. A, lnOWberg chairman of the Board or county Commissioness of Otter 'l'ail County lllinnasota 'l'he petition of William Wallace to set over SWJ.-SE¼ and St S\97-of section 3. in Township 138 Range 40 in Beaker county from Schoo~ District 269 of. Otter 'l'ail County to Distriot 25 of Becker County Vias taken up for final action•, 'l'he petitioner was present and stated to the Board that the petition for transfer had been rejected by the County Board of Becker County and for that reason no notice of .hearing before the Otter 'l'ail CountyBoard had been posted. Upon motion the petition was thereupon rejected. 'l'he petition of A.G. Neuman to set ever Lots 1,4,5, & 6 iful l'IE¼ SW¼ and SWfNE¼ SE¼BW¼ and Lots 2 & 3in Section 6 Township of Corliss from District 242 was taken up for final aotion·and after listening to the County Superintendent of schools and membel!B of the School Board of School ~is·trict 242 and after :full consideration, upon motion the pe.tition was rejected. COMMISSIONERS RECORD" L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................................................................. 193 ..... . P INIING • The petition of' Olaf' .Isaaoson to set over Lot 3 ex. tracts_ and ·ex •. plated .portions of' Section 6 Township of' Dunn.from Dist.riot iltO Becker county, to District 65 of Otter .Tail County was taken up f'cr final action and af'ter listening to the County superintendent of. Schools, .. and af'ter full consideration, upon motion the petition was rejected, · A plat c·f Beauty .Beach in. the T.ownship of Amor· accompanied by a Cer'tificate of Title executed by p •. A• Anderso~, Register of Deeds, we.s approved~ Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'olook P.M. The county Board of Clay County met with the Otter Tail County Board to discuss improving the road on line between Cla.Y"-and Otter Tall counties. After the discussion the two boards agreed to advertise for bids for grading said road, bids to be opened at the Commissioners' Room in the Court Bouse in Moorhead August 5, 1947, at 2 o'clook P.M. at a joint meeting of the two CountyBoards. T~e County Auditor of Otter TBil County was instructed to advertise for bids for said work. On and off sale beer licenses were granted to C. c. Du Boise a~ Cozy Cove Cabins ln the Township of Dead Lake. cigarette license was granted to the same party for the period from July l, 1947 to December 31. 1947"~ Cigarette License for the period from June l, 1947 to December 31st, 1947, w~s granted to Alberta Lien at Lien's Resort in Town of Amor. Cigarette license for the period from May l, 1947, to December 31, 1947, was granteci to R. c~ Craig at "Maple Beach Resort in To"!nship of Lida. Resolved by the Board_ of County commissioners of' Ot · er Tail '-'OUJJ.t,V,~. Minnesota That Paul R. Mischke of New York Mills be transfered from Glen Lake Sa-natorium to Minnesota State Sanatorium at Walker for surgical treatment at the expense of Utter Tail County. Adopted July 8, 1947. At-t:est: _ W:1111.am Lincoln cierk The following resolution was adopted: c. A. Snowberg chairman Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners o~ Otter Tail County, Minnesota •. That the sum of $600.00 be in the same is hereby appropriated out of the County nevenue Fund to be divided equally between the Perham Agricultural Society and the Otter Tail CountyFair A ssoaiation as app-ropriations for county fairs for 1947. Adopted July 8, 1947 c. A. Snowberp .A:ttest: ·Wiiliam Lincoln chairman clerk ., . _Upon_~ot.i~n .. th~-.,~.8:.1'.d then adjourned without date. ,Attest_:, . · ... -_:. , ... .. ~l\!terk chat rman MINUTED OF REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COU!fl'Y• MINNESOTA Pursuant to statute the 13oard met at 10 o'clock A,M. Monday, July 14, l.94_7, present were Comm- issioners Y.arvonen, Gunderson. Hanson, Stone and Snowberg. · Bids for equipment rental as advertised for by the Board were laid ov.er until the next mr-eting, Hearing on complaint against the Township Board of Hush Lake for alleged neglect of Township road was taken up and the members of the.Town Board were heard as well as all other interested parties who were present. After a full discussion the Town Board agreed to make improvement of all road by obtaining donations from interested parties .and by use of town funds as far as possible,The County Board also agreed to help with the expenses. The Board then took up with Sheriff Henkes 1946 and af'ter examination of the list of such TWP OR -. NAME OF PERSON ASSESSEr tol-DIST. Adsil, Irene, Peg, Anderson., E.M. Arnold,Jtan & Effie · 1pJ Dunn Beito, Edwin A• Bordeaux, Evalyne 'iJ,ve, Henrietta Dale, Lina F. Dalen, E, H. Danielson, Anna, Estate ])Uncan, Harvey Duerher, Mrs. L. w. Engdahl, Edwin J. Enright, William Firkins, c. G. Gluecks, Brewing Co. Gluecks Beer co. Halverstad, Helge Hanson, Mdlllie Haugerud, E. Cliff. Hirechey, Don Hubert , N. Jacobs, H, w. Jensen, J. H. Johnson, Helmer M. Johnson, Carolyn p. Koeplln, George S" Amor t.-/ lat ward .:(t/-jJDOr 33 2nd Ward .31,. Amor 14f' Amor /"/ Amor , ,;. 3-rd Ward 4-+ Buse ~3 Candor /3 Amor 1°0 Everts ¢-'I 3r·d ward JO Vill.of Perham 40 Vill. of N,Y,M:, /3 Amor /J' 2nd ward is" 1st ward 35r Clitherall /.3 Amor 13 2nd ward .3! Dunn I :3 Everts -' 3 Otter Tail 111 FOlden the question of uncollected personal property taxes taxes the Board mo.de t)l.e following report::. TAX 3,02 .39 8,68 2.02 4.47 2,82 1.26 2,27 10.31 3.52 2.34 1.09 ll,10 6,64 1.30 4.20 1.55 2.44 2.03 PEU •. FEE T·OT AL TAX PEN, - & COSTS AND COSTS .-REMARKS .66 .30 1.41 .52 .85 .63 .42 .63 1.63 .72 ,57 .40 1.74 1,14 ,42 .99 .45 ,58 .52 3.67 ,69 10,09 2.54 5,32 3.45 1,68 2.90 11,94 4.24 2,91 1.49 12.84 7.78 1,72 5,19 2.00 3.02 2.55 for 36,16 1,02 i,76 2,61 5.09 .39 .49 .60 .38 41,25 . 1.·41 2.25 3.21 1.34 4,19 cancel cancel cancel Ce.noel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel oancel cancel cancel cancel cancel oancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel ca~cel In Army ,96 3.47 10,76 .72 1.70 12•46 COMMISSIONERS RECORD·· L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. bkr.v, Ben Leines, .1. c. Lindley, Glen & Pearl E, Madsen, John Meyers, A, \7, Norby, Palma Olson, Birger Olson, John .M, Olson,• Melvin Pearson, Swen Rithcie, Dr, H, T, Weissen, Mrs. Joe Weltzen, Elmer M, warnig, !like Wipperman, Max, Jr, DATE ..... Jul.v ... 14 .. th • ... 194 7 ................................. 193 .... .. 91 C,andor 3,68 ~ 3 Amor 1,93 t/-3 Dnnn 3.41 /"f 2nd \Yard 2,58 11 .;L. 3rd Ward 15 , 19 I? Amor 1,41 /tJ 3rd Ward 1,36 5" I llunn 3,58 ~ of Amor 2,87 ~ o v' 111 of Clitherall 2,40 :2.2-Candor 1198 10 V111. of' Perham 1,30 It,. Amor 1,25 17 Amor 1,43 'f..,. Amor 3,53 ,74 .50 ,70 . ,60 2,29 ,44 ,43 .73 .64 .57 ,52 ,42 ,42 ,44 ,'72 4.42 2.43 4,11 3.18 17.48 1.85 1,79 4,31 3.51 .2,97 2,50 1,72 1,67 1,87 4,25 cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel REPORT 0F TH!!: BOARD OF THE COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL~STATE OF MINifF:SOTA, OF UNCOLLECTRD AND CANCELLED PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX":S FOH THE YEAR 194,6, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, July 14, 1947 BE IT r.rmwrr, that the Count.v Board of Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota, did meet in session on the l4tn·da.v of Jul.v, 1947," that at said session the County Treasurer of said Count.v delivered to said Board the list of uncollected personal property t~xes for the year 1946 together with his certifi- cate t~f;TP;On as required by law; and that at said session the said Board did dul.v consider said Uat"'.-,.GwA'l.l ... U~, of said uncollected personal property taxes in said County for said .veer of 1946, as so revised by .lo.-'-,,l,,jl ~ said Board, to-wit: TOTAL TAX ,~ ~-:--:0. NAME OF ~ERSON ASSESS~D TWP, OR PENLTY.'FEES PENALTY ~, '"-"' ~ , +.1. DISTRt-'}7 TAX & .COSTS & COSTS REMARKS r,;:} .b-"l!II_«-:"'-"".,, Baldwin, Virgil ... Barnes, Dorothy N. Block, Arnold H, Borowski, Harold Casson, Garald Fergus pair.v Coop Flath, Vernon Fredrickson, Carl Gibson, ftev. L, F, Gilson, Harold Hauge, Joe Isakson, Arthur Jones, Walter Jones, Walter Juverud, Edwin Kaatz, Ernest L, Landoerg, Carl Melville, J, W, •Nelson, Clifford Olson, Dale Raeder, E, W, Rekstad, Ed. Raid, Elwin Roberts, A, :R, Soott, Ga.vlorci Schneider, W,C, Co,, Ino. Schmidt, Vernon· M, Standard Oil Co~. Tomlee, Toal & Eng, co. Vanderberghe, Cy~il Verbeck, L, L, Williams, Alvin Winslow, John L, Wright , Cyril 2nd ward 5,83 Vill,·Pel,Rap. 53,71 Aurdal 7,70 2nd ward 3,80 Vill, of Perham·2,21 3rd ward 1122,77 Corliss ~.09 3rd ward ,68 4th wa~d 8,41 Compton 15,00 Candor 32,13 Inman 11,90 3rd Ward-7.32 Otter Tail 1,05 Deer Creek 8,50 3rd Ward 12,20 2nd ward 3,53 Vill,of Dalton 1109 Buse 26,46 Paddock 44,18 Eliaabeth 11,01 Oak Valley 13,63 Maplewood 16 ,02 2nd ward 29,83 Trondhm, 1,34 Vill,of N,Y,M, 8,43 Vill, of Bar. Pre. 52.88 Vill, of Par. Pra. 52,88 2nd ward 9 ,09 Pine Lake 12,13 Folden 13,08 Dora 23.96 Candor 6,74 2nd ward 4,34 1.04 7,44 1,29 ,76 ,55 150,70 .94 ,34 1,40 6.48 4.56 1,84 1,24 .39 1,39 ·1.89 ,72 ,40 3,80 6~17 4,40 2,08 2,40 4,24 ,43 1,38 7,34 7,34 1,.47 1.88 2.01 3.46 1,15 ,83 6.87 61,15 8,99 4,56 2.76 1273,4,7 6.03 1.02 9.81 21,48 36.69 13,74 8.56 1,44 9.89 14,09 4,25 1,49 30,26 50,35 15,'1 15,71 18,42 34,C,7 l,'17 9,81 60,22 60,22 10,56 14,01 15,09 27,42 7,89 5,17 collect collect oallect collect collect collect collect collect collect collect collect collect collect collect collect collect collect collect oolleo,t collect collect collect oolleot oolleot oolleot collect collect collect collect collect collect collect oolleot collect (See preceding pa~e and above for personal ·property taxes in said County. for said .veer which said Board ere satisfied cannot be collected, and so cancelled by County Board.) The county Auditor presented the following statement to the Board: The following estimate of expenses for the ensuing year is herwith submitted: Salary of County Officers $35,000 Salary of County Commissioners 5,500 ¢lark, Janitors, eto 30,000 Jailers, Deputy Sheriffs, etc, 6,000 Board of Prisoners 4,500 Jurors Fees 6,000 Wi tnees Fees 500 Bailiffs, Reporters, etc, 3,500 Jurors, Justice Court 100 Witnesses, Justice Court 300 Justices and Constables 2,000 Inquest, expenses 300 Renart of Births and Deaths 1,000 Liihts, fuel, etc. 8,000 Books, blanks and stationeT.V 12,000 ' Dated July 14, 1947 Respeotfull.v submitted, Printing and advertising Expense with insane. County Welfare P.und Postage, express, & freight Court House grounds Attending Assessor's Meeting · Incidental Miso, .Hevenue Road and Bridg.e Fund Sanatorium Fund 5,000 1,000 165,000 2,000 1.,000 1.,800 4,000 8,000 225,000 20,000 William Lincoln County_ ~uclito_r ~.A,,j;elu ~-""(J, ~ ~L COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN; DATE.......... . ..... . ... ./.. ................................................. lsi/,f:7 DPRINnNG .. 81'.~ MIN~ The aount,v Audi.tor._pr.esented the following. statement .to the Board: TO THE eoUNTY BOARD OTTER TAIL COUNTY. MINNESOTA PUrsuant purposelll for unool leot ed. at the olose to law I present below a statement•showing the amuunt of taxes levied for County the our.rent year, the ~mounts collected and ~pp•rtioned to date, and the balances together with the aotual cash balance remaining to the credit of each County fund of business on the 30th da,v of June 1947. William Lincoln, dountyAuditor FUNDS count,v Revenue Fund Poor J!'und Road and Bridge Fund Tuberculosis Sanatorium Fd. Cou-,,+y W• /111,,. /&u--,, ,I count,v Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bridge Fund Incidental Fund Welfare Fund Tuberculosis San. Fd. AMOUNT LEVIED FOR CURRENT YEAR 77,637.08 50.321.88 145.574.62 22,165.48 n.r., I '?I ·'? CREDIT 13,673.70 113,539.68 54,723.79 321.76 50.603.82 10,537.73 BALANCE DUE Road Maohiner,v Ordered 94.191.69 Gravelling Count,v Roads ll4,47'1.00 Grading l!'.A.S, Projects. 81.338.56 Grading County Roads 48.118.75 The following resolutton was adopted: .Resolved oy t.ne Boaril of County. Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesot·a. Tha.t under the provisions of Chapter 149 of the General .1.avrn of Mi~esota -.for the ,vear sum of .$2.000 be and .the same here-by is appropriated out of the County Aevenue Fund to pay expenses of Count,v Officers for postage, express. freight, telephone rental, water, light. Adopted Jul,v 14, 1947 Att•st: William Lincoln Clerk c. A. Snowberg Chairman 1947 the incidental etc. The application o~ Clarence Mielke for reduction of assessment for 1946 against Lot 2 ex. Railroad Right of Way in Section 7 Town of Rush Lake was read and the Board recommended to the Commissio~er of Taxation that the assessed value of said tract be reduced from •352 to $183 and the taxes from ~31.68 to $16.47. The application of V:irgil Newborg for homestead classification of W 9 rods of E 42 rods of S 9 rods of S~S~ in Section 35 Town of Friberg for the year 1946 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessel value be reduoed from $605. to $454 and the taxes from $53.84 to $37.41. The applioation of Miles Joe.tad for homestead·classification of Et NEt and Lot 4 in Section 31 ex. tracts in Town of Friberg for the year 1946 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxatio-nithat the assessed value be reduoeil from $572 to i343 and the taxes from '1'52.05 to ·$28.95, The application of Kenneth Bauok for homestaad classification of W~SE¼ SWfNE¼ in Section 2 Town of Otto for the year 1946 was rend and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of·Taxation that the assessed value be reduoed from $1,008 to $605 •and·the taxes from $97.77 to $54.69. · The application of Earl Sayre for homestee.d c1assifioation of Lot 2 in Section 10 Township of Elizab•th for the year. 1946 was read and the Board reoommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be .reduced from $323 to $194. and the taxes from •32,82 to $18.43. The application of Otto Quitme,y.er for homestead classification of the E 100 ft, of Lot l in ~lock 27 of Lakeview Addition to the Village of ~arkers Prairie for the .vear 1946 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from $336 to $210 and the taxes from $44.42 to $26.38. The application of Gust Lund for homestead classification of the W½ of LOt 4 in Block l of B;l;.vberg's 3rd addition to the Village of Pelican Rapids for the year 1946 was read and the Board reoommen~ed to the Commissioner of Taxation that. the assessed value be reouoefi from ~280. to ~175, and the taxes from $30.02 to $18,76, The application of A, o. Brunsvold for homestead olassification of Lot 4 in Block 12 of Cutler's 3rd Addition to the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1946 was read atld the Board recommended·to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced from fll,344 to $840 and the taxes from $186.25 to $108.36. · The application of Jeanette L. Baker for cancellation of assessment for structures against Lot 22 of the 1st.Addition tb Augustans Beach in the Township of Amor for·the year 1946 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissio-ner ofTaxntion that the assessment for structures be cancelled and the assessed v~lue of said property be reduced from $296. to i37. and the taxes from 23.31 to $2.90. The application of Harry Barta for cancellation of assessment for ■tructures against the E 64 ft. of S 148 ft, of Gov. Lot 2 in Section 22 in the Vill~e of Parkers·Prairie for the year 1946 was read end the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the said asseas~ent be cancelled and the assessed value of said tract be reduced from $118 to ~17 and the taxes from $14.82 to $2.13, · COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. DATE .......• Tul,v 14, ... 1947 ....................................... 193 ..... . The application of Orrie Thun for reduction cf assessment for structures against Sub Lot 3 of Gov. Lot 2 in Section 22 in the Village of Parkers Prairie for the year 1946 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $518. to $65. and the taxes from $68.48 to .$8,59. The application of I,yle F. Farrow for reduction ·of assessment of structures against the N 50 ft. of Lot l in Block 41 of Lakeview Addition to the Village of Parkers Prairie for the year 1946 was read and•the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said tract be reduced from $515 to $390 and the taxes from ~64,68 to i48.98. · The application of C. w. Hetherington for reduction of assessment against the NW-¼• S~-NE¼ SW¼ ana St SW~ in Sectton 14 Township of Folden for the year 1946 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said tract be reduced from $832. to $600 and the taxes from $90.68 to $65.40. T~e application of Walter Johnson for reduction of assessment of structures against all of Sub Lot 2 of .Reserve lex. the W 100 ft, of Hans Olson's Addition to Battle Lake for the year 1946 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said tract be reduced from $120 to $80 and the taxes from $19,30 to $12,86, The application of Marvin Strissel for reduction of assessment against Lot 16 in Block 3 of Corliss 2nd Addition to the City of Fergus ralls for the year 1946 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said tract be reduced from $802 to $469. and the taxes from $103,45 to $60.50. The application of Independent School ~istrict # 21 in the City of ~ergue Falls for cancellation of taxes for the seer 1946 against the S 40 ft, of Lots 7,8,9. & 10 and the N 47 1/3 ft. of Lots 11 and 12 in Block 5 of Cutler's 1st Addition to the City of Fergus Falls was read and it appearing from the records in the office of the Register of Deeds that said property was acquired by the !istrict October 9, 1946, upon motion the application was rejected. The application of A. H. Roberts for reduction of assessment of personal property in the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1946 on the grounds of excessive valuation was read and upon motion the application wae rej~cted. The application of Charles E. and Edna M. Farrow for reduction of assessment against Lots 10 and 11 in Block 30 of Lakeview Addition to the Village of ?arkers ?rairie for the year 1946 was read and it appearing from the records in the office of the Treasurer that all of the 1946 taxes against said property had been paid, upon motion the petition was rejected. Upon motion the board adjourned to July 15th at 10 o'clock A,M. TUESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M., !l'Uesday, July 15, 1947, present Commissioners Gunderson~ Hanson, Stone, and Snowberg. The Board discussed with the County Superintendent of Schools the ne~ State School Aid ~aw paeeed by the last legislature. The petition of Violet Perezyk to eet over the NE1Nlt-} and W;l.,-NW¼ in Section 20 Township of Perham from District No. 32 to District No. 58 was read and it was ordered that hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board t·O be held October 15, 1947, at ·10 o'clock A,M. at the C ommissio-ners Room in the Court House in Fergus, Falls and that due notide of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Mrs. Bert Felstet to set over the N~ SE¼ ahd sEisEJ¼-of Section 15 in the Town- ship of D ora from School District lfo. 15 :to District No. 164 was read and it was ordered that hearing on eoid petition be had at the session of the Board to be-held October 15, 1947, at 10 o • clocl A,M. at the Co•nmissioners' Room in the Court House in Fergus Falls aild that due notice of the time and place bf said hearing 'be given as required by law. The Mayor of Fergus Falls and the members of the City Council and the City Attorney presented to the Board a request for an appropriation of 20% of the amount of Road and Bridge levy in the city of Fergus Falls for county purposes, such an appropriation being permitted by State La\\', Mayor H • .cl, Swenson discussed the necessity of aid from the County and urged that the request be granted. 4 ny funds appropriated by the County for this purpose would be usea on improvement of Union ~venue in Fergus Falls which is part of a County Aid Road. The written petition of the City was ordered placed on file, OWen T~ompson appeared before the Board to request permission to remove some obstructions in County Ditch Number 68 on the right of way of-Township Road in Section l9, Town of Inman; upon motion the request was granted. · The County Welfare Board filed a written request for levy of $163,873.00 for the coming year. The request wos plac~d on file. A petition for cha~e of part.of old Highway Number 30 in the Township of Scambler ias read and ordered placed on file. A report of the Public Examiner of the examination of the accounts and .records of the County Welfare Board was presented to the Board and ordered placed on file. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... J'uly 14, ... 1947 .................................... 193'.: ... . ■IIICUllffY ...... IIIIOK AND PIIINl'ING CO. ff. G.0UD. MINN.-.UO A plat of 2nd Addi ticin to Broadwater Bench, accompanied by an. abstrr.o.t al'!,d. oerti.ficate of title executed by Charles L, Alexander, Attorney, at Law, was approved. Upon motion the Auditor •was directed to advertise for bids for thr,e hundred tons, morf or less, of ooal to be delivered to the Court House during the coming season, bids to be opened at~ o clock P.M,i August 13, 1947. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P.M. Petitions for Bituminous Prime Coat end Asphaltlo Cement Wearing Course for State Aid Perkwe.y No. 1 at the Sta•·e Hospitel in.Fergus Falls as advertised for by the Board were opened as follows: Fielding and Shepley -$12,123.11 Jay w. Craig Co. -fl5,676.04 and Alexander Construction Co. ~17 ,139.53. Action on these bids was laid over to a later meet-i.ng of the Board. Cigarette License was granted to Walter P. Inein at Klein's ·Resort in Town of hush Lake for the period from June 1st to December 31st, 1947, The County Engineer was authorized that portion of S,A,R,# 4 beginning at and southwesterly direction to a point I 4 intersects the Weimer Lake Road. cost of this construction. to emp]Qy a. contrautor with the necessary machinery to construct the Becker County Line and thence travelling in a southerly on the lJne between sections 8 & 9, Hobart Township, where S.A,R, He was authorized to spend not more than $4,000 per mile on the The following resolution was adopted: Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall ~ounty, Minnesota. BE IT R'l-:SOLVED~ t'hat the County Engineer bl;!-authorized to construct that portion of S,A,R, # 1 described.as follows: . Beginning at the Southeast oorner 9~ Section 36, Tl37N-R36W; thenoe running East 0,4 mile to the Northeast oorner of Seotion 1, Tl36N-R36W. BE TT ?UP.T~P. R~SOLV~D. that the County Engineer be authorized to hire equipment to do this work and pay for 50 per cent of the cost ot said work, Wadena County havin~ agreed by resolution to pay for the other 50 per cent of said work, Adopted this 15th day of July, 1947. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk !he following resolution was adopted: c. A. Snowberg Chairman Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, the Board has her~tofore contracted with Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc, for one Seaman MHD72 Pulvi-LUxer with Waukensha 6MZA Gas Uotor, and whereas the same has been delivered to and accepted by the couhty, Now therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a war:.-ant from the Road and ;Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $3090,30. Adopted July 15, 1947. Attest: \Yilliam Lincoln Clerk The following bills were allowed: J. c. Henkes M, c. Lee J, c. Henkes J. c. Henkes Louise Stondahl Bernice Jesme Ella Stondahl Marian L, Borch Eunice Salness Grace Otnes Jeanette Brand Ora o. Anderson Beatrice M. Will Effie E. Olson Elnora Esteb William Lincoln Dr, H, H. Leibold G. J. Mouritsen, M.D. Dre. Henry A, Korda and· Howard Kaliher Gec,,F. Johnson l!'.r.ank c. Barnes Jiunningen Cal'e Jones & Kroeger Co. Miller Davis Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Pouoher Prtg. & Litho. Co, Seoutity1Blank Bk,i Prtg. Oo, Gaffaney s Office Speoialties ~elson Bros. Prtg. Co. The Pieroe Co. Sohooloraft Co. Perham Enterprise Bulletib Fergus Journal Co, Battle Late Review expenses dep. sheriff's. expenses boarding prisoners telegrams paid expenses · Co. Supts Clerk Co. Supts Clerk Co~ Supts Clerk Co. Supts ClP.rk Co. Supts Clerk Co. Supt s Cle rk Co. Supts Clerk Co. Supts Clerk Qo. Supts Clerk Co. Supts Clerk board audit year 1945 oo·mer: s fees oomer s fees coroner's fees saly. & exp. weed insp. municiplll judges fees meals for Jurors supplies records & su·pplies supplies records & su-p!Jlies books and binders supplies printing & supplies supplies supplies pub. notice publishing pub, notice 2110.09 45,10 144.00 18.44 59,70 73,50 54.00 10.50 7,50 9,00 16.50 6,00 16.50 21.00 21.00 66.00 11.25 28.50 24.30 230.12 41.65 17.45 10.67 151,10 50.50 133.26 207.74 15,80 83.90 .93 75.00 3,60 159.80 2.00 C. A. Snowi>erg Chairman ' I • COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... J'.!llY 14, .. 1947 .................................... 193 ..... . Joseph Ra,vner Wm, 'Bahls H. I!'. Hinze Wm. Bahls Orin Fosse John L. Logan Carl Jahn Kewanee Boiler Corp Stow Mfg. Co. Fergus Hatchery Midland Laboratories Highwa,v freenhouse Fossen Seea co. Fergus Lumber & Fuel Co. Fergus Service Station Hintgen-Xarst Elec. Co. Johnson Furniture Co. Chas. H. Hord N.W.Bell Tel Co. N.w.Bell Tel co. tf'~•w.ijell Tel Co. P.M._' Ree Monroe cal. Mche. Co. Beall Mc Gowan co. Burroughs Add. Mche Co. Fergus Falls Clinia H. w. Glortigen H. w.· Glorvigen Burroughs Add. •che Co. Johnson Drugs American Legion Post# 289 American Legion Post# 219 Womens Relief Corp. Geo. w. RObinson Corp.# 60 Adamson-Horman Post if 30 C,M, Lee Hans Rendel High School Music Dept. Town of Maplewaod c. E. Moore University Hospitals Glen Late Sanatorium Dr, A', J. Le~ris Minn. State Sanatorium Glen Lake Sanatorium School of Dentistry Rosholt Equipment Co. A. w. Co. of Minnesota. Wm. H. Ziegler Co •• Inc. Borchert-Ingersoll Inc. tl. w. Engineering Co. Armco Drainage & Metal Prod. Elk River Cone. Pr~d. Co. Paper Calmenson & we, Askerooth & Johnson Bergstrom & Hall R. A. Stuntebeck Minnesota Motor Co, Olson Auto 0 arts Co. Lake Region Motor Co. La:rson Bros. Olson Auto Elec. Co. Aune Bros. Nelson Wrecking Co. Skogmo Motors, Inc. R. J. Schmidt Larson El.ec. Mfg. Co. A, B. Xilde Co. c. L, Neuman Smitjl, Inc. Seven t Service Sta. D, A, Lubricant Co. Penrose :.011 Co. Hagge 011 Company The 011 store Bill Nelson Oil Co. . Fergus Oil Company Highway Company . Harthun&: Peterson 011 Co. Fergus Service Station Bill's Service Station Len Syverson's ~erham co-on Oil Co. Consumers co-oc Oil Co.Hen Ray's 011 Company Consumers Oil Co. B. Lake Lyman Store, L. o. Cook East Lincoln Shell Sta. Mills Oil Company Henning 011 Co. dep. sheriff's fees dep. sheriff's fe0 s dep. sheriff's fees dep. she~ift's fees dep. sheriff's fees dep. sheriff's fees dep. sheriff's fees repair parts supplies salt supplies plants grass seed supplies supnlies electric Ranr-e supplies repairs calls calls calls postage maintenance supplies ribbon services at jail expenses P. o. box rent maintenence supplies memorial day services memorial day servloes memorial day services memorial day services decorations services at dro1vning case services at drowning case graduation music poor expense transportation for patient- care of patient care of patients exam care of patients care of patients services pa:rU parts parts r,otor parts ·galv. sheeting culverts cutting edges repairs repairs repairs tires &: repairs repairs renairs repairs repairs repairs re·pairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs oil diesel fuel d-iesel fuel diesel fuel gasoline & tires, etc. gas and oil g-as etc, g.as etc. g-as etc. g-as etc, gas etc. gas ,i:es gas gas gas gas gas gas 46,37 3,30 30.88 9.20 8,60 8.92 26.16 7.74 15,50 1,25 70,00 97,75 3.00 ,85 1.20 334.75 1,75 22.20 32.40 58.05 22,95 20.37 32.00 2.15 1,08 7.00 10.50 1,50 78.17 8.28 21,50 22.00 25.00 7.50 25.00 70.00 35.00 25.00 116,30 12.00 141,75 595,55 15,00 102,60 607.48 37,50 138.24 36.68 1,015.23 121.00 49,84 696.57 269.78 16.54 27.06 27.14 3.85 243,88 5,00 12.00 61.50 20.75 lSl,91 2. 75 13,78 34.00 16'~45 5~00 5.10 110,97 26.00 197,50 21,72 374,23 72,35 161,13 168.06 38. 79 66.10 14,86 25.72 65.99 2.15 37.05 21,33 45.20 64.60 52.69 53.87 15.ll COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. 8111CURlff ..... IC D00K AND PRINl'INII CO., 111', a.DUD. MIMl.-..0 Texaco Service st.Pel.Rap. Motor Inn Garage Empire Supply Co. L,von Chemicals, Inc. Kulseth Supply Co. Frankoviz Hardware Co. Btall Be i<ic Gowan Co. coast to coast Henning Sau•nders Hardware E bersviller' s Tesch Lumber Co. Perham Campbell Coal Co. Nulphs Dra,v Ed. Franklin W.F. Smith Tire /lo Battery Co. Fergus Lumber~ Fuel Co. Raymond Bros. Motor Transp. John Dieseth Co. Construction Bulletin Fetvedt Blue Print Shop Minnesota State High. Dept. N. w. Bell Tel. Co. Heinola Tel. co· .. Monroe Cale. Mach. Co~. Inc. N, W. Bell Tel. Oo. E. D. Johnson Miller Davis Co. Gaffaney's Lenker Mfg. ~o. Victor Lundeen Co. Minn. Co. High Eng. Assn. Village of Henning Leitch Construction Co. Morris A. Hagen Mrs. Bertrsm Harris Ida Vandermay Nathan Jacobson Kenneth Larson Cecil Sherin John .a. Jensen Arthur J. Anaerson Douglas C. Haugen, Admin. Nettle Aslakson W. E. Peterson Anna c. Vingenstad t. A, Vingenstad Alvin Sleen Calmer Kopperud, Agt. Orville Monson F. D. Baer Dada /lo Julia Olson James M. Pederson Rudolph Stolson DATE .................................................... , ............................. 193 ..... . gas gas supplies s'lllpplies SUD!)li.es eui>i>l-ies supplies supplies supplies supplies coal coal hauling coal surv,v stakes recap lumber freight towing ad for bids prints forms long dis.tance services services services supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies services 'f 3649 rental /lo elec. service equipt rental gravel permit gravel pit moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence right of way right of wa,v right of way 4.65 16.99 87.20 34.88 220;03 1~36 2.15 ·24,45 13,43 1.46 24.45 1.65 4,00 5l4.75 5.00 3,15 22.06 3,25 0.00 2.17 3,28 15,04 4.60 32.00 48.75 50.20 8,29 6.95 12.22 7.95 25,00 104,38 544.50 29,00 20.00 700.QO 12.50 25,00 65.00 25,00 45.00 10.00 25,00 12,50 20.00 20.00 28.75 12.50 30.00 1 8.00 23.25 25.31 Otto /lo Leona Rampher Minda Meder, et.al Chester Habbe~stad Peter Skylstad, estate rj ght of 'l!&,V · right" of w~y 4.DO 13.88 39.50 10.69 Freddie Be Lillian Torvik School Dist. I 182 Peter Torvik Kenneth Rostad, et .al. Ralph /lo Ruth Madland Anna L. Be Emma.B. Olahl Isaac &, Mand e Belson .. M.A. Stortroen. Agency Carl c. Nelson George Wicker A. Glorvigen w. L. Potter A. Glorvigen Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Culll'llins Diesel Sales Corp. H. A. Rogers Co. Northern Motor & Appliance Co. Paulson i'ire Shop· · Mills Motors s. & F. Oil ~ompany Bill's Service Station Penrose 011 Company L,vman store, L. Cook, Pro-p. Alfred T. Olson Henning 011 Co. H. D. Morrill H. D. Morrill H. D, ?4orrill Minnesota F.w.D. co. Bert stone Geo. B. Gunderson George Hanson Upon motion the Board then mov lng fence moving fence right of way r.ilht of way right of way right of way r.ight of way right of way right of way fleet toad equip. expenses mileage cash aclvanced expense expenses parts parts supplies repairs r.epairs repairs gascnline gasoline diesel fuel gasoline r.ight of way gasoline equ· •ipt. rental equipt. rental road change parts 6.19 · 20.00· 1.00 44.81 20.81 25.50 5.00 25.06 1.192.60 48.75 4.55 1-7,74 78.40 132.60 237.02 ·343.24 26.59 6.35 10.25 7.50 60.55 21.18 80.22 92.83 88194 50.61 600•00 ~o~h~aTi~rm=an--,---------2,942.50 l,962.50Attest:...,....,,.,,,.,...----------l.388.03 clerk 15.20 10.60 13.80 -expenses expenses expenses adjourned to ~U@µet 12, 1947. at 10 o'clock a.m. I I I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ... _ . .Tu),¥ _23 , ... 194 7 ....................................... 193 ..... . MINUTES OF S"PECtAL MEETING OP T"!rn BOARD OP' comm COMMISSIONERS OP OTTER TAIL comm. MINifESOTA . . I special me~ting of. the County Board was held at 11:00 o'clock A.M., Wenesday July 23. 1947, all members being present. The Board having been informed that the County Board of Realth Chairman ha, reported that Ben :r. Lammers of Dent. Minnesota, is afflicted with tuberculosis and is a menace to his family and other persons, upon motion the following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has been informed that Ben r. Lammers of Dent, Minnesota ls afflicted with tuberculosis and is therefore a menace to his family arid other persons, Therefore, be it resolved thot J. c. Henkes, Sheriff of said County, place the said Ben F. Larmners in the Otter Tail County Sanatorium where he shall remain until discharged by the superin-tendent of the institution. Adopted July 23. 1947. Attest: William Lincoln clerk c. A. Snowberg chairman The application of Gunda Hanson to repurchase tax forfeited tract in Section 32 in the Village of Underwood was approved. Petitions for road equipment rental as advertiseu for by the Board were received from J. J. Nagle, H~ D. Morrill and Son, Ose Brothers. and Haugen and Mark; upon motion all bids were accepted. The following names were selected to be placed on the annual petlt jury list of the county to take the place of those drawn to serve at the April term of the District Court. En Ramsay, Butler John o. MU.ckala, Newton Arnold Boedingheimer, Otto Ernest Riewe. Corliss Henry Tobbin, Gorman Mrs. Ted Buchler, Dent Vill Mrs. Oscar Hegp.e, Edna Mrs. Dewitt Kanne, Dent Vill. Ed Martin, ~ine Lake Albert Fritz, Rush Lake Mrs. Joe Xruger, Perham Vill. Mrs. Ed Bauck, Perham Vill. Harvey Morgan, Perham Vill. Mrs. Ronney Weimer, Perham· Vill. Mrs. Andy Johnson. Perham Matt Windels, Dent Ployd Handley, Scambler Axel Wick, Norwegian Grove Mrs. Ole J. Thompson. Lida Jim Allen, Lida . Hjalmer M. Johnson, Dunn Carl Satern, Oscar Mrs. Ole Nelson, Oscar Mrs. Ole Osten, Norwegian Grove Lewis Swenson, Erhards Grove Mrs. Chas Scheer. Erhards Grove Mrs. Leonard Lee, Pelican Rapids, Vill. James M. Peters9n, Friberg Mrs. Alfred Hovland, Trondhjem Clara Sholberg, City of Fergus Falls WB3ne Claypool, Maine Mrs. Ben Bjorness, Clitherall Twp, Mrs. Ole 0, Aune Jr~. Sverdrup Twp. Mr. Henry Langlie, Eagle Lake Twp. Mrs. Rudolph Holmgren, Amor T\orp. Mr. Selmer Anderson, Girard TWp. Mr. Marihus Anker, Ilidaros TWp. Mr. Iver Anderson. Everts, TWp. Mr. Oscar T. ThunsheHe, Tumuli Twp. Mr. H. R. Larson, Tordenskjold Twp. c. H. Revering. Effington Mrs. Clarence •urgess, Woodside Arthur Heard, Inman ?4rs. William Mielke, Parkers Prairie Vlll Mrs. Oscar Lindblom, Deer Creek. vill Mrs. c. R. Walker. Henning Vill. ' Robert T. Barker, Elmo Mrs. Earl llelao n, Patters Prairie N. c. P.augaard, Woodside Mrs. Emil Lepisto, Henning Clifford Irons. Oak Valley Mrs. G. o. Watnaas, Folden Nels Skoglund, Parkers Prairie Clifford Shaw, Elmo Mrs. Harold tykstad, Buse Twp. Philip T. ~jested, Carlisle TWp. Leland Anderson, Carlisle Twp. Carl Ferber, Fergus Falls, Twp. Mrs. Fred Homan, Elizabeth Twp. H.J. Dahl, Elizabeth Twp. Mrs. Catherine Ma~tin, City of Fergus Falls John Clauson, City of Fergus Falls M. 0~ Lien, City of Fergus Falls. The Board having received bids for improvement of State Aid Parkway for the streets·of the Fergus Falls State Hospital and the bid of Fielding and Shepley in the sum of $12,123,11 being the lowest bid received and the State appropr-iation for this work being limited to $11,000. upon motio·n the bid of the company was accepted nth the understanding that the County Highway Engineer reduce the ·quantities so that the total cost shall not exceed $11,000. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Uounty, Minnesota That there be levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail County, Minnesota for the year 1947 the following amounts for the several ~ounty funds. Road and Bridge Fund Revenue Fygf--WelfareFund Sanatorium Fund Poor Fund County School Transportation Tax. Fund County School Tax Fund. Adopted July 23, 1947 Attest: William Lincoln clerk $250,000 80,000 165,000 25,~00 60,000 1eg:8BB 715,ooo C. A. Snowberg chairman On motion the Board ·agreed to accept the proposal of Robert Poynter to dismiss his coul!'t action upon satisfaction of judgment in said case am ps,yment of $500 to said Robert Poynter by the county. COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE.... . ......... ~ .. ~ ..... ¾. ................. .l.R.'.".: ... 19~. aallll'TY m.ANIC -AND PRI CO. Sl'o The following .re.so.l.u.tion. was adopted: Resolved by the Board. of County Commiss;on~rs _.of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the salery of the Assistant County Superintendent of Schools of said county be fixed at the sum of $200.oo·per month commencing August l, 1947. Adopted July23, 1947 Attest:·.·. ·wiil.fam Lincoln dlerk Upon motion the Board then adjourned without date. Attest: .. _ £lliam L.1.ncoln c'ier C. A •. Snowberg chairman c. A. Snowberg chalrman MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOllERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M., Tuesday ~ugust 12, 1947, present were Commissioners Karvonen, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone & Snowberg. A delegation of citizens from the Township of Paddock and vicinity appeared to urge the improvement of road rumning West from ~ebeka into Otter Tail Gounty. Sheriff Henkes reported that he would be unable to make service on personal property tax citations against Carl Fredrickson in the sum of $1.02 and Virgil F·. Baldwin in the sum of $6.87 as the parties have left the State of Minnesota. Upon motion the taxes were ordered cancelleo. A plat of "Ewert's Edgetown" in the Township of Fergus Falls accompanied by a Certificate of Title by Henry Nyklamoe, Attorney at ~aw, was approved. A plat of "Boy's Bhore" in Tow-nship of Otto accompanied by a Certificate of Title by P. A. Anderson, Register of Deeds, was approved. A plat of Burau Beach in the Township of Dane Prairie accompanieo by a Certificate 'ofTitle by N. t,. F iela, Attorney at Law, was approved. • The question of painting county machine shed at Battle Lake was discussed and upon motion it was ordered that the Highway Engineer have the same painted two coats. A plat of "Beauty Bench" on Deer Lake in the Township of Everts accompanied by a Certificate of Title by P.A. Anderson, Register o~ ~eeds, was approved. A plat of·" let Addition to Linden Shore Park" in the Township of L_ida accompanied by a Ce-rt1fioate of Title by Field, Field, and A.~veson was approved • ... A plat of "Quiram's Beach" in the Township of Star Lake accompanied by a Certificate of Title by P.A. Anderson, Register of Deeds, was apµroved. A plat of "Adams Beach in the Township of Amor accompanied oy a Certificate of Title by P. A• Anderson, Register of Deeds, was approved. The application of c·. Ho Ragan for "on and off sale" beer license at Oak Knoll Lodge in Township of Dead Lake was granted, The application of Jack Emery for cigarette license for the period from August let to December 31st, 1947 at Deer Lake Camp in Township of Everts •as granted. II The application of Suzana Hoffman Abel for dance permit using mechanical music at "Shady Point in Township of Elizabeth was rejected as it was not approved by the Sheriff. ~ Assignments of securities for deposit of County ,c:_unds were approved as follows: let State Bank of Dalton let National Bank of Battle Lake let National Bank of Fergus Falls J!'armers ltate Bank, Und-erwood Erhard State Bank Farmers and Merchants State Bank of New York Mills Farmers State Bank, Dent Perham State Bank Vergas State Bank let National Bank of Parkers Prairie J.P. Wallace State Bank of Pelican Rapids Fergus Falls National Bank and Trust Company 1st National Bank, Henning 1st National Bank of Minneapolis $20,000 8,000 200,000 13,000 8,000 10,000 29,000 50,000 6,000 6,000 10,000 510,000 l::l,000 150,000 The Board having arranged to inspect completed road projects in different parts of the County the·n adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. August 13, 1947. /4 ~ ·1 I COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... .A.ugus.t ... l.3 .•... l.9.4.7. .............................. 193 ..... . WEDlfESDAY 'S SESSIO!l Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M., Vlednesday .,.,ugust 13, 1947, all members being present. A complaint signed by five friholders of Dead Lake Township alleging that the Town Board of said Township had neglected to im~ove road in Section 13 was. presented to the Board. After listening to the interested parties upon motion the following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas. complaint has been made to the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that the road hereinaater described, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the County Highway at the Northeast", (NE) corner of the southeast ~uarter S~ff of Section thirteen (13), thence West a·distance of one-half mile on and along the !lorth 11 ne of the said Southeast (iuarter (SE'-) thence South a d1 stance of one-half mile to the County Highway on and along the \'lost line of the Southeast Quarter (SE1 7' of Section Thirteen (13). Towmship One Hundred Thirty Five (135), Range Forty (40). has been neglected by the ToYm Board of Dead Lake • . Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered that a hearing on said complaint be had at the Commissioner' Room in the Court House in Fe~r-us Falls in .said County at 1:30 o'clock P.M, SeptembP.r 9th, 1917 at which time and place the Board will hear said complaint and ell testimon.v which may be offered relative to said matter. Adopted .,.,ugust 13, 1947. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 1:30 P.M. C. A. ::lnowberg chairman Application for the position of CountyAssessor or Supervisor of Assessment having been receivea from L. F. Wright of the City of Fergus Falls, H. L. Allen of the City of .l!'ergus Falls. and Lawrence Delaney of Perham the Board listened to statements from the various applicants in regard to their experience. A delegation of citizens from the Township of Lida urged the improvemont of road along the East side of Lake Lida. A petition to clean County Ditch I 41 and a petition to repair and improve County Di~ch I 42 were both refered to Co_unty Attorney, Chester Rosengren, for examination as to legality. The following resolution was adopted: tles!)lved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That under the provisions of·l947 la11ts of the State of Minnesota it is ordered that a County Supervisor of Assessment be appo,tnted for the period from October 1st 1947, to December 31st, 1948. It is r.urther ordered that Herbert L. Allen of Fergus F~lls, in said County be and he hereb,V is appointed as such Sup,.rvisor of Assessment and the salary of said supervisor is hereby stated to be e3.000 per annum, payable in monthly installments at the close of each month upon warrant of the County Auditor. c. A. Snowberg Attes·: William Lincoln Clerk The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail ~ounty, Minnesota: Whereas, the Board has heretofore contracted with Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Company for one Cedar Rapids Pitmaster Crushing a·nd Screening Plant with G.M • ..iiesel 65 H.P •• and whereas the same ha been delivered to and accepted by this County. now therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be authorizec and directed to issue to said con•tructor a waarant from the Road and Bridge li'und of the County ln the sum of $18,069.QO, Adopted August 13, 1947 Attest: William Lincoln c1erk C, A, Snowberg Chairman The County Board having contracted with Fielding and Shepley for C, P. No. 4604 and having instruoted the Engineer not to spend more than $ll,OOO on the project this instruction to the Engineer is hereby rescinded and the Engineer is authorized and direct~d to complete the project as originally planned. ~hs following Resolution was adopted COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................................................................. 193 ..... . ■ltalflffYm.NIICBIIIIICANDPRINnNCICO. sr. Reeoluilon by.. the. Board. of ·Co.unty Commlssloner.s,. Otter Tall C~unty, Minnesota; Whereas, the Co111').ty Board hae received the following allotments from the State Board of allotment for the construct ion and maintenance of State Aid Parkway 'I 1 located at Fergus Falls State Hospital in the City of Fergus Falla, and in the following amounts: Construction $11,500 Maintenance 1,000 Whereas, ·a contract has been awarded to Fielding and Shepley Company for an asphalt cement wearing course on State Aid Parkway# 1, and Whereas, the amount of tl,is contract is $il.2,123111 and Whereas, the County Board does not \'Ii.sh to reduce the amount of' this contract. Now, Thereof're, Be It Resolved, that the State Board of' Allotment ls hereby requested to transfer the $1,000 allotted~f'or maintenance into the construction fund. Adopted thie 13th day of August, 1947. Attest: William Lincoln dlerk - ~he following -bills were allowed: J. c. Henkes J. c. Henkes J.C. Henkes M:. C. Lee liouise Standahl Ella Standahl Bernice Jesme Geo. F. Johnson CA J. Lund, M.D. D. W. F. Shamber Yalmer Karvonen Frank c. Barnes Morrison 0ounty Wadena County Otis Caughey Paname Carbon eo. Fergus Service Station Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Japs-Olson Co. Ubeblad Pub, Co. Jones & Kroeget Co. Miller Davis Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Poucher Printing & Litho Co. Syndicate Prtg. Co. Dept. of Administration Security Blank Bk. & Prtg Co.- Henning Advocate Fergus Journal Co, Carl Jahn Oren E. Fosse John L. Logan Joseph Rayber, Sr. John Duit Duro Test Corn. Hintgen-Karst.Elec Uo, Conklin Saw Shop ,rankoviz Hdwe. Bo. N. w. Bell Tel, eo. N. W, Bell Tel, Co. H •. w. Glorvigen Louse Stonde.hl l, A. Anderson H, W,; Glorvigen American Legion Post.Perham Ed•11ard C. Drews Arch! e Emery Spanish Amer. War Yet. Am. Legion nost # 283 c. L, Hunt American Legion Aux. American Legion Aux F.F. MonroeCal. Mche Co, Dr, w.o.B. Nelson Glen Lake Sanatorium Minn. State Sanatorium City of' Fergus Falls Dr, A, J. Lewis Yalmer Karvonen Bert Stone Geo. B, Gunderson Bert stone Geo. Hanson Geo, Hanson Yalmer Karvonen expenses board of prisoners telegrams expenses expenses clerk Co. Supt. clerk Co-. Supt. saly. and exp. weed ins_pector coroners fees dep. coroners fees exp. attending meeting municipal judge fees exam of insane exam of insane exp. insane case carbon paper supplies printing tax receipts printing supplies blanks & supplies supplies and blanks supplies school supplies school su·pplies binders & records pub. notices pub, and printing dep. sheriff's fees dep. sheriff's fees dep. sheriff's fees dep, sherif"'s fees dep. sheriff's fees supplies repairs sharpening mowers suprilies oalls calls postage postage postage driver's license commis~ns memor~ai day services sertcfes as nightman services as jailer memorial da.v decorations memorial da.v services insi1rance memorial da.10 services memorial day services ribbon services at jail care of patients care of patients poor exl)6nse exam attending meeting attending meeting attending meeting attending meeting attending meeting attending meeting attending meeting 80.76 133,50 11,31 49.82 46.80 72.00 10.50 228.80 25.50 10.85 9.80 115.35 52.20 54,50 4.00 3,37 2 .20 25.80 146.94 66.25 2.05 82.72 33,55 132,63 20.35 98.15 189.34 4,00 292,10 27.40 11,24 2,30 7.48 3,10 21.36 1,97 4.75 4.25 19.55 40.75 35.00 109.66 51.75 8.80 25.00 53.33 43.33 6.00 19.50 295.50 17.00 25.00 1.10 5.00 539.06 169,20 5801.19 3.00 8.00 15.20 9.70 15.20 6,20 7.60 a.oo . c •. A. Snowberg Chairman COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, .MINN. DATE ................... A.ugu.s.t ... 13 .•... ll).1.7. ...................... 193 ..... . Bert Stone Yalmer Karvonen Carl A, Snowberg Geo. B. Gunderson Geo. Hanson Elk RlvPr Cone. Prod Co, NorWB,Y' Lawn Mower Co. wm. Galena Larson Bros. Bergstrom & Hall wm. H, Ziegler Co., Inc, A, w. r.ompany, Ino, of lllinn, Minnesota F,W.D,Co, A,B, E:ilde Co. Les Tire Service Johnson._Machine Shop Battle Dake Hardware Thelen Implement co. Empire Supply Co, Htntgen-Xarst Elec, Co, Albright 5: •1elson Imp. Co, Ebersviller's Vergas Hardware co. Xno!0 Peterson Hdwe Co. Victor Lundeen & Co, Great Western Laboratories Willer 5: Teisberg Service ~eoorder Co, C, H, Bjorklund Body Shop Underwood Lumber Co, Ed. Franklin Bill Nelson Oil Co. De Soto Creamerv -"c Pro. Co, Minnesota Motor'· co. Nyman Fuel Co, Duro-Test Corp. Carl c. Nelson Raymond Bros. Tran~p. C.o. N, P. Railway Co. gattle Lake Great Northern Railway Co. Lampert Lumber Co. Par. Pre. Wadena Saw Mills Co. west Otter Tail Service Wilcox Lumber Co~. Henning Cummins Diesel Sales Corp, Free Press Company Armco Drainap;e & Metal Prods. American Hoist 5: Derrick co. Borchert-Ingersoll. Inc. N, w. Equipment Co. w. r.. Potter Earl R. Engen Carl i·. Nelson Anderson Ca!'e A. Glo·rvigen A. Glorvigen Iver Keskitalo Eugene Laiha i.frs. ·E, E. Helson Merchants Hotel Stall's Cafe Hap.p.e 011 Company Anderson & Sandberg Co. The Oil Store To'lll-i!n' s l'/orthvthlle Station- Mo Dunn Farm Store P.Y..M. Company Service Oil Co. Fergul:i" Serv11ce Station Ray's 011 company Bill's Service Station Penrose 011 Oo. Park Region co-op Oil co. Standard Oil Co• Consumer Co-op Oil Co. Highway Company Perham co-op 011 co., Ino. L,tn Syverson's Rep's Standard Service Carl 0, Jaaska Elnar F1skar1 for H. Fiskar1 Albert Anderson Erik Hoghtya Einar F1skar1 Town of Friberg Town of Sverdrup Vlll. or ParkerR 2rnirie Wayne A. Kuk as Walter N1ska Peter Blom Richard w. Jacobson serviee Bi. of Equalization servi~e Bd. of Equalization service Bd. of Equalization service Bd. of Equalization servioe Bd. of Equalization culverts cutting bar repairs repairs repairs parts parts parts repairs repairs repairs supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies -supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies lumber stokes tires & ~ubes service ·tires ·coal ·lamps ·used car ·freight freight •demurrage lumber lumber borascu ·lumber ·parts forms dulverts parts parts parts expenses expenses expenses meals cash advanced expenses cash advanced rooms board & room room for crew meals for crew diesel fuel diesel fuel diesel fuel gasoline repairs repairs gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline -gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline moving fence Jr. Movinp. fence moving fence rj\oving fence moving fence grading (!!rading grading roed moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence 24,40 25.40 15.00 18:.20 20.60 603.16 16.84 2.60 23.45 8.75 160.69 184.47 20.00 13.30 2.75 14.75 93.19 11.30 20.08 10.98 3.08 2.80 5.85 14.05 48.45 12.75 8.77 60.99 20,00 26.82 15.00 268.70 2.00 61.67 28.75 46.80 200.00 21.70 4.38 15.40 15.26 23.33 15.00 49.21 84.56 15,88 179.38 20.10 17.38 17,81 91.50 37.55 18~30 13.55 39.23 125.45 7.70 7.50 5.60 82.50 116.00 429.86 142.57 158.88 1.82 5,90 12.43 54.65 24.88 120.88 10.48 18.55 27.74 45.50 2.07 23.25 26.58 27.05 77.72 40.00 30.00 30.00 15.00 15.00 300.00 300.00 261.60 45.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ■-DLANII-~D MINIINII CD.,-■ F.:dvrard Kasma Elrrier Schwartz Wolter Ojela C barley Amberg John G. Coulter estate w. H. Brau L,vdia Schwartz Joseph J, Schanus William Paavola Everett Matts H- Harry Fiskari Tiovo E. Perna Evert Keskitalo Sander Mattson Matt W, Hentila Melvin H. Rousi Nestor Fraki Anna Leskinen Theodor Oman Charles Pesola M, A, ~tortreen Agency N. E. Arnesen !no. Agency A. Glorvigen N.w. Bell Tel. Co. Pelican Telephone Co. N. W. Bell Tel. Co. Poucher Print & Litho Co,, H, A. Rogers Co. J aco.bson Blacks mi th Shop Underwood Rapair Shop The Adelsman Co, Henry Holmgren . Lake aegion Motor Co. south Mill Standard. Service Strom C.onstruct.ion Co, Alvin Stavaas · Wm. J. Anderson Louise Wilde D, A. Lubricant Co., Inc. Equip, Rental & Sales Corp. Fergus Oil Comyan._v MotQr Inn Garage Bengston 011 Co. Mills Oil Company Bill Neison Oil Co. DATE ......... .!ugµ,s.:t ... l~ .•... l~.i.7. ............................... 193 ..... . moving frnce moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence mov lng .,ence movlng fence movirl@' fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence moving fence insurance insurance postage & envelopes services services long distance Inc.forms supplies repairs repairs .repairs repairs repairs repairs equipt. rental gravel .e:ravel -Fravel oil and grease .hydraulic o 11 .gas /le oil gasoline etc, .gasoline etc. gasoline etc. gasoline etc, 4,00 15,00 10.00 10,00 15,00 5.00 15~00 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 1orno 25,00 15,00 15,00 30.00 30.00 15.00 45,00 101.56 33.80 150.00 24.70 8.50 14.20 49 •. 16 26.80 5,15 47.50 64.36 22.9'0 86,55 1.00 1,165.50 461.76 40,39 65.40 526,60 52.89 82,02 42,31 14,85 21.31 73.48 The application of Martha Mickelberg for classification of Lots 9-10-11 lnd 12 in Block 3 of the original plft of the Village or Clitherall for the year 1946 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value be reduced from $1G6.00 to $104,00 and the taxes i'rom•:·$19.97 to $11,82. The application of Mrs. ,John i:>otratz for classification of the South 20 ft, of Lot 17 ahd all of Lot 18 in Block 31 of Lakeview Addition to the Ville.e:e of Parkers Prairie for the year 1946 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value be reduced from $2,420 to ~1,820 and the taxes from $319,92 to ~234,00, The application of'Edward A, Sonnenberg for classification of the NE¼ of Section 5 in the Town- ship of Newton for the year 1946 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commiss- ioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value be reduced from $1,188 to $713,00 and the taxes from $123.31 to $71,44. The application of Tillie Thompson for classification of Blocks 2-3-4-5-6-and 7 in Hamlin's Addition to the Village of relican Rapids for the year 1946 at ho·nestead rate v:11s read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value be reduced from $608,00 to $380.00 and the taxes from i61.89 to $36.20. The application of M, o. Langren for classification of the S\Vl of Section 28 in the Township of Clitherall for the yea.r 1946 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed Vi?.lue be reduced from $1,593 to $1,059, and the taxes from $140,82 to i8R, 33. Upon motion the Board then ll,d journed to Tuesday Sep,teD!b.et 9th, 1947 at 10 Iii' clock A~M. Chairman COMMISSIONERS RECORD 1,· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... S.e.pt.e.mb.er. ... 9. ...... 1.9..4.7.., .......................... :!UJS.~ .. . MINUT'!'!S 011' ADJOURll"':D MEF.Tnm Oli' BOARD OF COUNTY CO?.U.USSI"NF.!'!S OP' OTTER TAIL COUNTY' Mm'lmESOTA l'ursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A,M,. '.l.'uesda.y September 9, 1947, present Commissioners Y.arvonen, Gunderson, Hanson, stone and Snowberg, A delegation of citizens from ~ent and vicinity appeared to urge the improvement of road, A respresntative of a company manufacturinp. machines using metal plates for was present and explained to the Board the ad·vantages of' this type of system, upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for equipment of this type, at the session of the Board to be held October 14th, 1947, at 10 otclock A,M. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 1:30 ~.m. printing tax lists After consideration bids to be opened H, L, Allen, newly appointed County Supervisor of ~ssessment, appeared to discuss with the Board the question·of assistance in his office and also purchase of equipment for that office. After consideration the Bpard approved the appointment of John L, Bixby as Deputy Supervisor of Assessment ~~d. O~ga Hqv~~nd as office Secretary, The salary of these two appointees were fixed as follows: Deputy·supervisor -$200,00 per month and Office ~ecretary -$150,00 per month, said salaries to be paid at the close of each month upon warrant of the County Auditor, A. plat of Haggstrom Beach in the Township of Maine accompanied by a Certificate of Title signed by Gerald Rufer, Attorney at Law, was approved. T1vo oommunicat ions from owners of property on Pelican Lake in the To11mshi p of Dunn complai nlng about the condition of roads were refered to Hip.hway Engineer Glorvigen. Cigarette licenses for the months of September, October, November, and December 1947 were granted to Elroy Backstrom at oil station in the Township of Marlewood and to William c. Taylor at Otter TBil River Park in the Township of ..:.Yerts. The applicati.on of B. R. · Schendel for reduction of assessment for structures for the year 1946 against the East 75 ft, of the i'lest 125 f't .. of Lot 1 in Block 1 of Baker's Addition to Deer Creek was read and the Board recommenoeo to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from ~220.00 to $130,00 and the taxes from ~44.79 to w26,47. The application of Alfr~d Salo for reduction of valuation for 1946 against the st NEt and~EtSE¼ of Section 5 Township of Leaf Lake was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of' said property be reduced from ~489,00 to i245,00 and the taxes from $49,78 to $24,94. The application of Henr.v E, Le!Aont for reduction of assessment of structures for the year 1946 against the SE~ of Section 12 in the Township of Maplewood was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of' said propert.v be reduced from ~1,450 to $1,383 and the taxes from $190,53 to $181,72. The application of John Arthur Amberg for homestead classification of Ht SWf. in Section 26 Township of Newton for the year 1946 was read and the Board recommende6 to the Uommissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from ~924,00 to w554,oo and the taxes· from i89.81 to $50,19. The application of Rueben w • .Mattson for homestead classification for the year 1946 on the SE¼SE¼ of Section 11 in the Township of Newton was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land oe so classified and the assessed value reduced from '11'264,00 ~o i158,00 and the taxes from $24.60 to il3,68, Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A,!,!,, 8eptembPr 10th. VIEDl1"1SDAY'S S":SSION Pupsuant to adjournment the Board met.at 10 o'clock A,M,, September 10, 1947, all members being present. upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for Gounty gravel ·.pit containing 1,88 acres more or less near the tlE corner of Section 4 in the Township of' Star Lake, said bids to be opened at the session of the Board on Octobedl4th, 1947, at 10 o'clock A,M, uoon motion the County Auditor was authorized to issue to the War Assets ,idministrat ion warrant in the sum of $935 for a grease ~ispenser purchased from the Federal Govenment. Upon motion the Sheriff was allowed nine cents per mile for use of car on county business. upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to notify the State Sanatorium at Walker that the Board authorized the use of "Streptomycin" for a period of one mon•h in the case of Paul Mischke an Otter Tail County inmate in that institution. The Board then discussed with the Highway Engineer petitions for improvement or repair of certain county ditches, Assistnat County Attorney, Gerald Rufer, was present and read various sections of the law 1>ertafning to these matters and after consideration the County Engineer was authcrized to proceed io clean up part of County Ditch r 38, the expense of such cleaning and repair not to exceed 10% of the original cost of construction of the ditch. 653 _---~-·) COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE----·--------------------------··-----------------·-----------·---·---------------193 _____ _ BDC11C AND PRINl"IND CD.0111'■ .UNN.-11111 Engineer Glorvigen .. re.porte.d _on __ petitions .concerning repair of C.ounty Ditches. #17 and ti ·41 and ex.-; pressed the opinion that an expenditure of only 10 % of the original cost of said ditches would not result in any material benefit and recommended that the petitioners be advised to petition to the County Woard according to ditch laws enacted in 1047 by the legislatur~. It appearing that petition for im(lrovement of part of County Ditch -:If 42 could not be received unless accompanied by 11 bond of not iliess than f.2,000 according to the 1?47 ditc~ laws, upon motion the county Auditor was instructed to notify Albert Harles, who presented said petition to the Board, of the requirements of the law in this case, Upon motio-n the Board ap9roved the suggestions for a oonstitutlon ahd by-laws for public health nursing committee as submited by that oommittee, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Com~issioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sale of tax-forfeited lands appraised by this Board be held at the office of the County Auditor in the Court House in Fergus Falls in said Oounty on Thursday, the 16th day of October, 1947, commencing at 10 o'clock ••M• Resolved further, that tracts may be sold under the following conditionsi Each and every tramt sold for $50 or lesP. shall be paid for in full at the time of said sale. All tra.cts sold for more than $50 may be paid for on the installment plan at the rate o-r. at lee.st 25 per dent of the purchase price, b.ut in all cases the down-pa,vment musti,be at least $50. provided that in all coses where the appraisal value of said wood, together with 25 jer cent of the balance of the purchase price must be paid et the time of sale. The balance of the purchase price may be paid in ten annual installments et 4 per cent per annum interest on the unpaid balance. Ti-tle to lands to be offered for se.le is not guaranteed either by Otter Tail County or the state of Minnesota. When pn,vment in full of the purchase price has been made the purchaser will receive from the State of Minnesota a quit-claim deed to the property, for 'A'hich the Auditor is required by law to collect and remit to the State a fee of $2,00 Ado-pted September 10, 1947. Attest: William LincQln Clerk The following resolution was adopted: C. A. Snowberg ohalrman Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted withGeorge T. Ryan Companlf. for the purchase of one Model SX Tractor w1 th Highway Mower and whereas same has been received and"' accepted by the County, Now Therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to ieeue to said Compan,y warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,878. Adopted September 10, 1947. Attest: William Lincoln aierk J. c. Henkes, M. c. Lee J. ·c. E:enkee Louise Stondahl Geo. F. Johnson Prank C. '3arnes Oren E. Posse N. W. Bell Tel. Co, Frankoviz Hdwe· Co. L. L. Johnson Repair Shop Paul E. Hellman Lystad & Redick, Inc. Hintgen -X:arst Victor Lundeen & Co. Miller Davis Compe.ny Security Blank Bk.& Prtg. co. ?oucher Prt~. & Lithe co. Art Printcrii.ft Nelson Broe. Prtg. Co. County School & Office Sp. Co. Jape-Olson Co. Fergus Journal co. ':'~M. Ree P.A. Anderson Louise Stondahl Eastman X:odak Stores,· Ina. Burroughs Add. Machine Co. American Law Book co. w. L, Rust Odin Johnson H. w. Glorvigen S.t. rilary' s Hosp. Glen Lake Sanatorium Minnesota State San Bill Nelson 011 Co. expenses expenses bd. of prieioners expenses salary~ exp. weed inspector municipal court fees d,ep. sheriff's fees calls supplies repairs supplies supplies repairs supplies blanks recorae and supplies supplies bl"anks blanks records records and supplies publishing postage postage postage supplies ribbdm annotations supplies oash advanced drivers licenses espeneee care oi' patient oare of patients oare of patients ,as, oil 63.78 37.68 112.50 21.55 215.79 17.50 14.24 18.25 .20 2.90 5.97 7.50 12.67 9.90 10.75 252.04 59.34 6.25 7,00 176.13 99.07 163,10 12.45 30.50 71.86 8.60 1.08 12.00 4,00 75.00 10.30 658.85 449.41 262.26 68.16 C. Ao l(a.owberg chairman· COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... $.~.ll1~.mb.e.r .... l.Q., ... U4 7 ...................... 193 ..... . Pergue Service Station Pergue 011 Co. Dalton 011 C.o. Harthun & Peterson 011 Co. Consumers Co-op 011 Co. Anderson & Hagen Service St. Jacobson Station Service 011 Co.124 H. Mill L.Vman Store. L; C. Cook Highway Compan.v Hagge 011 Co. Mark Sand Gravel Co. Village of Battle Lake Mrs. Fred Neu Merchant Hotel Stoll' s Cafe Anderson Cafe Eugene l!.aiha. N. W, Bell Tel. Co. Heinola Tel, co. Pelican Tel. Co. N. W. Bell Tel. Co. N. E. Arneson Ins. Agency M.A. Stortroen Tns. Agenc.v ?ritz -Crose co. Victor Lundeen Co, Clarence Hovland Town of Dane Prairie Town of Leaf Mountain Wheeling Corrugating co. Service Recorder Co, Barta & Gaadke Thelen Implement eo, Olson Auto Electric Co. Ehnbom Motor Co, Erickson's Brake Service A, B, Kilde qompany Brogard Garage Larson Brothers Fergus Ua~h Motor Co, Skogmo Motors, Inc. Minnesota Motor Co. Dal ton Garage Carl Rankka Bjerke-Edlund Co. Frankoviz Hdwe. Co, Roy Wenholm Les Tire Service Bill Nelson 011 Compan.v Wilcox Lumber Co, Otter Tall Great Stuff Products Co. Ed. li'rankli n Mark & Sand Gravel Co, Isaac & Manda Nelson & w. o. Christenson qlaf Eckley, Clara Eckley • Federal Lank Bank A,lbert C. Beske John & Victorine lllark & Anton Moe Ingeborg Thoreson & Federal Land Bank E~ ,D, Sage George Olson W, L. ~tter Carl C. Helson Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. R@P'B Standard Service Len Syverson' e Park Region Oil Co. Burroughs Add, Mach, Co. Poucher Print. & Litho Co. H. A. Rogers c·o. Knutilla·Implement Co. Gamble Stores ll. Y .M., A, Glorvigen Elk River Cone. Prod Co. A, Glorvigen Wm. Fenske :Sen Pabtsaru Village of Dalton Raymond Bros.Motor Transp. Co. Henry H, Langli~ Fetvedt Blue Print Shop Heinola Telephone Co, gas, oil gas, oil gasmline gasoline gasoline gasoline etc. gasoline gasoline [!asoline gasoline fu.el oil equipt. rental water char@ee board and room rooms board meals rooms long distance rental services services insurance county fleet unit !lo. 40 supplies supplies cash advanced grading grading culverts repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs. repairs repairs repairs WP.lding suppliP.s su .... olies supplies tires tire lumber soap . survey stakes gravel hauled gravel gravel gravel gravel gravel ga:rage rentai expenses expenses expenses planks gas gasoline etc. gasoline supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies expenses culverts cash advanced moving fe.nce moving fence garap,e rental freight gravel prints services 11.64 34,27 398.46 220,68 41,22 37,57 13.86 17.19 66.93 14.66 426.61 130.50 6,50 137,50 54.25 68.00 14.65 7.50 16,49 5.85 4.75 16,75 9,45 22.67 10.35 4.75 6.25 300.00 300.00 809.40 5,19 6.85 6.15 19,89 28,32 3.00 3,76 8.50 37.00 31.65 6.00 55.32 9.50 2.50 4,35 30.10 1,60 15.36 68,90 15,50 30.00 85.50 605.25 589,90 743,42 258.75 1,249.99 562,30 15,00 30.30 96.40 23.35 538,00 74,21 33. 70 39.30 2.51 37.92 8~13 3,15 5.60 126.35 690.24 14.41 30.00 15.00 45.00 21,82 527,32 3,24 4.21 G34. 655 COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................................................................. 193 ..... . NOICANDPRIN'l'IND~.,SI'. D.IIINN___,, Pelioan Telephone Co. aer~ioea A• B. Kilde Company service American Paint Corp paint Minnesota State High. Dept. inapeotinna ». A. Lubricant Co. oil Anderson&: Sandberg Oil co. gasoline & diesel fuel Milla Oil company gas, etc. Pe~ham Co-op Oil Co. gas. etc. Highway Company gasoline Ray's Oil Company gasoline Minnesota F. W. D. Co. parts Armco Drainap.e & metal Prod.Co.culverts Geo. T. R,van Company ~arts Rosholt Equipt. Co. parts Ruffridge Johnson Equipt Co. parts Borohert-Ingersoll. Ind. parts Cummins Diesel Sales corp. parts nauer 11fg. Company parts Wm. H. Ziegler co •• Inc. parts N. W. Engineering Co.'! parts Westlund Motor Co. repoirs c. H. Bjorklund Body Shop iepairs Fergus Nash Motor eo. z:epairs Erickson Brake Service repairs Melvin Jacobson Blacksmi thSho·p z:epaire Smi tl>,, Inc. repairs P.K.M. &: Company ~upplies Ebersvillers' s•pplies Equipt. Rental&: Sales Corp. supplies Wilcox Lumber co'., V·ergaa a.upplies Minneapolis Iron Store supplies Empire Supply Co. supplies Nat' 1. °'1shing &: Parts Co. s.upplies Whiting's Of~ice Supoly Co. z:epairs Brogard Garaf.e r.epai rs H.· D. Morrill and Son equipt rental . M. c. Y.roneman insurance Ye.lmer Karvonen exp. attending Geo. B. Gundersen exp. attending Geo. Hanaan e~p. attending Bert Stone exp. at tending N. W. Bell Tel. Co. calls Remington Rand Inc. sµpplies National Bushi.ng &: Parts Go. aup!)lies meF.ting meeting mef!ting meeting Otto F. Nelson dep. sheriff fees o'din Johnson h~uling mail University Hospitals nursing The following resolution was adopted: 5.66 3.00 77.00 138.17 314.82 102.40 18.53 17.91 22.46 22.25 350.06 205.36 254.48 22.55 246.12 119.46 1,347.38 52.28 217.96 12.57 8.25 7.50 137.77 17.50 28.05 27.93 9.89 7.98 49.35 45.04 15.90 252.98 214.04 19.96 43.06 1,017.00 50.13 7.30 6.00 8.30 14.00 41. 70 27.77 3.12 10.48 3.00 408.25 ,Wh~reas this .'13.~~rd !1,as,.heretofore oon;tracted with Ge.o. T. R,VM po• •. ;t'or the purchase of one Galion Motoi: Patrol· wl.th: Snow· Plow ··and, ·wing and whereas saine hs:s lie en received and accepted by the County, Now· Therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said Co. warrant on the Road and BridgFund of the County in the sum of $10,985. Adopted September 10, 1947. c. &. Snowherg chairman Attest: '"c,..1-e""rk.,....--------------- William Lincoln Upon motion the Board then adjourned to October 14, 1947 at 10 o'clock A,M. chairman - COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... October .. 14., .... 1947 ........................... 193 ..... . 'MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEF.T!NG OF BOARD OF' COUMTY COMIHSSiotIBRS OF' OTT:F:R TAIL comJTY. MIN?JESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M., October 14th, 1947. Present were Commissioners Karvonen, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg. Pursuant to published notice of call for bide for tract of land in Star Lake Townaihip owned by the county the Board opened the only bid receiveo, being ~hat of Russell I. Pederson of $106.50, upon motion the bid was accepted. Pursuant to .published call for bids for furnishing one electric addressing machine and one electric keyboard metal plate embossing machine and other supplies and equipment, the Board opened the only bid received being that of Addressograph Sales Agency of W.nneapoliB of $5350.50. n. w. Churchill, sales representative, explained to the Board various features of the machines. The matter was laid over until the afternoon session. A communication from Wai!ena County Sanatorium in regard to Harold Tigges an Otter Tail County inmate in that institution was read and it was ordered thnt he be transfered to the Otter Tail County Sane.tori um. The following applications for repurchase of tax forfeited lands by owners at the time of for- feiture were approved, namely: John c. Matala the ?l 45 ft. of' Lot 6 &: 7 in Block 1 of Nowell's Addition to New York Mills; and the Estate of William Y.emnf on Lot 7 Block 3 of True's Addition to Ottertail Vill.; and Elmer Moberg on Lot 4 of San Dee cove Beach;-and John Wtst on N 40 ft. of W 100 ft. of NW¾SE~ of Section 17 Township of Paddock. The Board then took a recess until 2 o'clock P.M. The bid for electric addressing and embossing machines and equipment was again taken up and after further discussion, upon motion the bid of Addressograph Sales Agency of Minneapolis in the sum of $5350.50 was accepted and the Chairman and Auditor were authorized to sign purchase order on behalf of the County. A petition for increase in wage rate of Highway Department employees and the rental rate of private equipment was received and placed on file and upon motion the Chairman appointed Commissioners Gunderson, and Hanson as a Committee to investigate the wage situation in this and adjoining counties and report back to the Board. The application of Perry Swenson for dance permit at Perry's Place in the Townshi"p of Dora for the balance of the year 1947 was granted. A report of the Board of Audit of the examination of the accounts of the County Treasurer for the period from May let t9. September 30th, 194'/ shov, ing a balance in the County Treasury at the close of busines~ on said last mentioned· date of $484,796.66 was approved. A report of the Board of Audit of verification of current tax collections of the County Treas- urer for the ·period from Januarr 5th to June 27th, 1947, showing a total. collection of $1,213,723.81 was approved. The application of ~tandard 011 Company for cancellation of assessment of $1,000 in the Village of Parkers Prairie for the year 1946 on the grounds that said property was also assesseo with other personal property of the Compan.v in that Village for the same year upon which said assessment the taxes were pa•id in full was read and 1 t appearing to the Boa"!"d that said assessment was a du,plicate and therefore irroneous and ill.ege.l upon motion the Board reconunendec' to the Commissioner of Taxation that. said assess- ment and the taxes thereon be cancelled, The ap~lication of Christopher Christianson for reduction of assessment for 1946 on st·ructures located on Lot 3 Block 7 of Rive·rside Ad6ition to the City of Fergus Falls was read and the Board recom- mended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from i978. to $818. and the taxes fro TI $126.16 to $105.b2, The application of George Ashbaugh for classifioation of Et SE~HW¼SB~ and E} NE¼ in Section 8 Township of Scambler for the year 1945 at homestead rate was read and the Board recomme~oea to the Commissioner of Taxation tha-the aasesse~ value be reduced from $917. to $550. and the taxes from $98.85 to $5b,66• A plat of Lakeview Beach in the Township of Scambler accompaniec by a Certificate of Title executed by P.A. Anderson, Register of Deeds, was approved. A communication from Carl B, lluland in regard to Township road between the Townships of Elmo and woodside \\'as read and the county Auditor was instructed to notify him that that was a matter in the hands ~f the Town Boards of the two townships. A petition signed by A-rthur Hal.by for vacation of ·part of County !toad # 161 across ::Jection i and Section 1 in the Township of Erhards Grove was read ana Com~issionera Hanson, Gunderson, and Snowberg •1ere ap?(>inted a committee to examine said road on Hovember :i:::i::na, l\147, a1: 2 o'clock P.M. at the termination of said proposed change at tne 11ne oetween Section 1 of Erhards Grove and Section 6 of Maplewood, and it was further ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at a meeting of the County Board at the Commia- 11ioner11. Room in the court House at 10 o 'olook A.M. December 9th, 1947, and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. Wednesday October 15th, 1947. COMMISSIONERS RECORD·L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... Oct ~~~.! ... !!?., .... !~.1.?.. ............................. .'.ff.¥..~ . .- B0DK DPRlffflNIICD. ft.a.au IIINN,-I Wednesday's session, P.ursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A,M,, Wednesda.v,. October 15. 1947, a.11 members being present, The petition of Violet Perszyk to be set over from Distri~t # 32 toDistrict iJ 3.8 was taken up for final action and after listening to the County Superintendent of. Schools u9on motion the petition was granted-and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereafl the petition of Vilet Perszyk a lP.gsl voter. freeholder. and resident of School District f 32 in this county, representing that she is the owner of. lR?Jds hereinafter describ~d, which are situate in said School District. and adj_oin School DiBtrict fl, 58 and asking that she with her said lands may be set ofr from said district # 32 to said adjoining school disttict # 58 was presented tq the Board . of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said boar·d held on the 14th day of "uly A,-D., 1947 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by. said board that a hearing should be had on said neti tlon at a session of said board on the 15th day of October A,ll,, 1947 at the Commissioners Room in the court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in anj by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posttng copies of said order in three public plac0 s in each of the school district to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerl!:'.:of each of said School Dis-+:ricts, a copy of said order et least ten days before the time appointed for suc-h hearing, and whereas at the said session of the Board of County Commissioners on said 15th day of October A,D,, 1947, due proof of t~e posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by' the Board Wi t.h....ll.l u~n& _,ujl_J_ ~~u~ ... 113-. ,!la~~. J..I! 1:_~~ ... P.~l'U ~:Co .L,-0 r §g,~J.AB..t..A:r,!!tj.~.P,rM~Ulie ~ · • peti.lfone a dtfiel .fo·nowinITe~s owneoof"1ITm7"to-w1t:""'7lEf'f~Wt~¼ 13"ecl:Toi'i ~o Twp, 136 Range· 39, e and the same are hereby set of-r from said School District· if 32 to said adjoining School District# 58 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of theBoard of County Commissioners. Dated the 15th day of October, A,D,, 1947, Attest: William Lincoln dounty Awlitor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board, C, .i., Snowberft chairman oft e Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tai county, Minnesota The petition of Mrs. Bert Felstet to be set over from District fl, 151 to District# 164 was taken up for final action end after listening to the Co11nty Superintendent of Schools upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Mrs. Bert Felstet a legal voter, freeholder a~d resioent of School District I i51 in this County, representing that she is the owner of lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District I 164 and asking that she with her lands m~y be set o~f from said district No, 151 to said adjoining school district ff 164 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 14th day of Jul.v A,D, 1947, for the act ion of ea.id board ther-eon; and 'llfrhereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had. on said petition, at a session of said board on the 15th day of October A. D. 1947 at the Commissioners Room in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County BDd whereas it was further order~d in and by said order that notice of the time and place of. such hearing be given by posting copies of saill order in three public places in each of the school district to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School District, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hell.ring; and whereas at the said session of the Board of County Commissioners on said 15~h day of October A. D, 1947 due proof of the posting and serviee of said order of hearing as therein directed and requiref, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said. petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: Nt of SE¼.i SE~ of SE-} in Section 15 Township 136 Range 41, be and the same are hereby set off from the said School District Ho, 151 to said adjoining School District No, 164 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, By order of Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 15th day of October A, D, 1947, Attest:. W1JJ1sm I1nooJn CountyAuditor and ex-officio Clerk of Board C, -A, Snowberf chairman oft e Board or county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota The following petit,lons to be set over from one district to another were read to-wit: Edward A, Hoarman to transfer Lots 2,~.4.5, &: 6 in Section 6 Township of Lida From Dist #217 to District# 79: Magnus Larson to transfer Et ?1W.;. and 11W+NW¼ ex, R, R, in Section 10 Township of 1:'arkers Prairie from District# 41 to District# 25: Luther Moen to transfer sw.1. and S½ SEf section35 Township of Henning from District# 140 to District# 106: George R,Falls to transfer the SE¼SW¼ and s\sDf Section 17' Township of Deer Creek from District I 136 to District# 101: Clifford A, Helson to transfer SW{SE'.' Sw¼NEf:UW¼SE-3-and W 17 rds. of ti 50 rds, of SE3,--NEl.. of Section 17 Township of Norwegian Grove from District I 201 to District # 48: Lester G. Gillaspey to transfer Lots 4 &: 5 and l\··,m, Section 21 Te>v.•nship of Maplewood from Dis1:rict 161 to District 224: Mor{!en Jo.rgenson to transfer Et SE¼ and the SE'Nt1 ex. 217 rods of· N 50 rds of Seo, 17 in Twp. of Nor-,regian Grove from District 201 to District 48: wm. Wallace to transfer SW·:1,S~ and StSW-3 Section 31 'l'ownshi p 138 Range 40 ftom Dist. 269 of Otter Tail county to Distriot 25.=. Becker co,mty: Bernhardt Hultstrand to transfer the lit SE).. and SE-+SE-2-Section 36 1ownship of Eastern from Dist 172 of Otter Tail County to Dist. 51 of Douglas County. Upon motion it was ordered that hearing on all these petitions be had at the session of the Board to be held Jan.'1, 1948 at the Commissioners Room in the Court House in Fergus Falls and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as re~uired by law, J • COMMISSIONERS RECORD L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..... October ... 15 •... 1947···························· · ... l9S ..... : The following resoluticn was adopted: Resolved by the Board of crounty Com'llissioners oi' Otter Tail County. Minnesota. Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted with Marchant Calculating Ma~hine Compan,y for one silent speed calculator for the sum of $585.00 and whereas same.has been received and acceptea by the County. How Theretore, be it resolved that the County Aud l tor and Chairman of the Boasrd be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said Company a warrant on the Revenue ?und of the County in the sum of $585,00 · Adopted October 15, 1947. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: C • ..:.. Snowberg Chairman Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter T~il County, Minnesota. That the sum of $5,000 be and the same hereby be set aside of the Revenue Fund of the County fol" the county llursing Committee of Otter Tail County. Adopted October 15th, 1947. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk The following bills were allowed: J. C, Henkes M. C. Lee J. C, Henkes J, c. Henkes Louise Stondahl Mable Wenstrom Beatrice Will J, J. warner M. ~. C. J. Lund, IA. D. Frank c. Barnes Remington Rand Inc, R. A. Henning Remington Rand Inc. Dept. of Administration Co. Schoml & Oi'~ice Supply Jones Be Kroeger Company Miller Davis Company Fritz -Cross Co. Poucher Print. Jc Lithe Co, Security Blank ik. Prtg Co, Victor Lundeen Co. Nelson Bros. Prtg, Co. Pergus Journal Co, F. H. Hinze Joseph Rayner Sr. Carl Jahn John L, Logan Wm, Bahls Simonson Linoleum Co. N, YI, Sash Jc Door co. Beall & Mo Gowan Conklin Saw Shop N, W, Bell Tel. Co. Ho 1 ten Hd1ve Larson Bros. Ole Johnson Wm. Galena M1ssouriY.ansas Chem.co. Louise Standahl H. :r.. Allen H, w. Glorvigen American Legion Dalton w. J. Buckley H. YI. Glorvigen Eastman Kodak Stores Inc. s. L. Ronning Xreuger Transfer J)Uane c. Aune R.A. Henning Everett C, Hanson M. D, Drs. Lewis & Lewis Glen Lake Sanatorium Minnesota State Sanatorium University Hospitals University Hospitals University Hospital Fair Oakes Lodge Sanuto%.ium Gamb!Le, Dal ton coast to Coast Store R,Broberg Ebersviller Implement Co. sherifr.'s exnense dep. sherifais expense telegrams board of prisoners expenses expenses dlerk Supt Schools dep. coroners fees coroners fees 0unicipal judges fees equipment typeYrri ter supplies supplies record records blanks & supplies record supplies binders supplies prtg. Be binding pub. Be printing dep. sheriffs fees dep. sheriffs fees dep. sherif:s fees dep. sheriffs fees dep. sheriffs fees repairs screen supplies sharpening mower calls suplllies repairs supplies repairs suppliP.s postage postage postage & lock box rent decorating graves plats licens~s expense suo,1lies signs hauling grasshopper bail services supplies coroners feps and exam exam care of patiP.nts care of patients nursing nursing blool care of patient supplies supplies supplies C, A. Sno1·1berg Chairman 52.26 36,60 16.45 112.50 13.20 47.50 9.00 13.05 11.25 57.70 399.17 134.78 9.17 2.67 17.72 162131 41.06 63,25 180.34 151.74 115.77 49.05 282.30 17.50 15.78 18.26 6.96 29,72 1. 75 1.08 23.33 3.,50 31.70 31.19 4.15 1.00 1.65 4iL,OO 50.09 17.82 31.50 12.00 78.75 14.85 3.88 2.00 35.28 6.00 2.00 19.95 9.00 529.21 436.80 68.50 158.50 180.00 23.62 1.52 15.36 5.90 C('.)MMISSIONERS RECORD-L, OTTER TAIL COUNTY,. MINN. DATE .................................................................................. 193 ..... . ■m.lRlff-NOIC P■INTINIICD. ff. ?rea A. Everts supplies Ebersviller'e supplies Sports Supply Co. supplies Beall & Mc Gowen Co. supplies Mc Dunn Farm store supplies Montgomery Ward & co. supplies Lenker Mfg. Co. supplies Eco. , Inc. red flags c. T. Oscarson & Son motor ~-H. Gust Elevator co. coal Wilcox Lumber Co. Perham lumber Edgetown Lumber co. lumber Albert Shanetrom boiler inepeatione Ed. UU.rphy painting Pelican Rapids Co-op Whae.ABSn.coal L. R. Sickles & Co. noetrip Ed. Franklin stakes Strom Construction Co. equipt rental Vill. of New York Mille garage rental Mrs. John Strissel garage rental Federal Land Bank right of way Martin Vallevand & st. of Minn.right of way Alfin Leabo moving fence Alex Mattson damages Wm. c •. Xapin & Paul Premes coat o~ gra~el Fred Bey gravel G. Menge gravel Leo Horstman gravel Robert c. Bowers rooms for crew Home Cafe board stoll'e Cafe meals & lunches A. Glorvigen cash advanced A. Glorvigen expenses w. L. Potter expenses Anthon.v A, Ero,osky expenses c. J. Rood ex-pl!'nses ?JI. A. s.tortroen agency fns. of ford coupe Minn •. Good Roads Assn. s·ervice fee Free Press co. forms The Fritz Cross Co. forms ll. w. Bell Tel. Co. services, Battle Lake Nelson Bros Prtg. Co. letterheads Pelican Tel, co. s·ervices Victor Lundeen & co. supplies Blowers Township grading Maine Township grading Vergas Hdwe. co. supplies Hintgen -Xarst Elec. co. supplies Holten Hd\ve. supplies XU.lseth Supply Co. s·uppiUes Xeuffel & Esser Co, s·upplies Minneapolis Blue Print Shop supplies Joe J. Jackson d"oors Nelson Implement Co. repairs Bill's Service Station gasoline Park Region Co-op 011 Co.. gasoline High\vay Company gas Fergus Service Station gas Texaco Service Station ~as Service 011 Co. Battle Lake gas Carlson 011 Company gas Ray's 011 Company gas Re·p's Standard Service gas Bengston 01:l Co. gas Mills 011 Co, gas L.Vllla• Store, L. o. cook gas Rarth1111 & Peterson 011 Co. gas etc Motor Inn Garage gas etc. s. & F. 011 Co. gas etc. Consumers 011 Co. B. Lake gas etc. Penrose 011 Co. gas & diesel fuel The 011 Store gas.&: diesel fuel Anderson & Sandberg 011 Co. gas&: diesel fuel Service Oil Co. gas-oil Len Syverson' s gas-oil Perham Co-op 011 Co. gas-oil Bill Nelson 011 Co. gas-oil etc. J!'ergus 011 Co. gas-oil etc. Hagge 011 Co. diesel fuel D• A. Lubricant Co., Inc. 011 Equipment Rental & Sales Corp, hydraulic oil Elk River Cone. Prod Co. culverts Wm. Galena repairs Boe's Implements repairs Fortwengler Elec, Shop repairs Walt's Repair Shop repairs Ehnbom Motor Co. repairs Skogmo Motors, Inc. repairs Dal ton C.&-1!"8e repa1 rs Jensen Auto Wrecking Co. repairs Coast to Coast Henning repairs 24.72 3.38 9.25 6.00 16.21 8.75 12.10 45.47 92.50 42.00 9.86 78.08 11.00 100.00 65.55 80.02 425.75 210.00 90,00 18.00 15.50 4.50 54.00 37.50 211.22 595.06 22.65 3.50 10.00 82.60 92.15 24.57 144.20 78.45 6.80 2.40 19.20 25.00 22.00 21.79 17,85 21.25 8.60 6.15 300.00 300.00 18.55 95.94 105.12 "249.82 46.31 14.75 329.00 2.79 15.75 65.85 21.11 26.82 2.44 35.36 18.16 88.44 34.91 20.20 20.lih 157.46 192.95 48.60 148.63 53.95 102.59 549.91 183,43 66,06 25.55 17,25 l33.66 86.33 374.09 314.82 25.78 1,756,62 2,30 3.75 5~00 3.50 15.26 3.36 13.04 :!~00 8 .34,> 7 ' ::'<f COMMISSIONERS RECORD L; OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. O.o.~.9.b.e.r. .. l.5. .•.... 1.9.:4'1 ......................... ax .. . Lake Region l.lotor Eliason Heating & Sheet Metal Shop cr. H. Bjorklnne Body Shop Theo Resset Vergas Motor Service Erickson Brake Service Minnesota Motor cro. Larson Bros. Aune Bros. Service Recorder Co. Olson Auto Elec. co. ?.Unnesota Motor Co. Wadena P. A. Anderson !!innesota F. w. D. Co. N. w. En.gineering Co. Wm. H. Ziegler Co •• Inc. A, w. Col. Inc. of Minn. N. w. Equipment Co. Rosholt Equipt Co. Cummins Diesel Bales corp. Ruf-f'ridp.e Johnson Eqnipt Co. The Geo. T. Ryan Co. J. W, Ralph Equip. Co. Inman Tovmshio lllills Motors · Claude Hendershot Duluth Culv. Co. Earl Van Wey R. E. Lewis Henning 011 cro. Mills 011 Co. Frankoviz Hdwe Co. Vergas Hetdware co. Warner Hd1•!e. Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Empire Supply Co. Ben S. Gold Go. Fergus Lumber~ Fuel Co. Vlll. of Pelican Rapids fl, P. Railwa,v Co. Underwood Heinola Tel. Co. Gust X,rola Geo. Hanson Bert Stone Geo. B. Gunderson Ya.lmer Xa.rvonen Geo. Hanson Yalmer Karvonen Geo. B. Gunderson c. A, Snowberg Bert Stone supplies repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repni rs etc. repairs repairs postage parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts grading repairs repairs culverts gravel fire extinguisher gasoline etc. gas supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies paint lumber water charges demurrage services moving fence expenses expenses expenses expenses expenses tax forf. -~ " " " " " II " " " 3,80 2.80 35.20 6,35 22.32 4.45 206.35 63.10 160.74 105.51 79.72 8.00 36.85 113.85 65.34 658.22 274.50 92.42 313.84 5.52 368.39 39.26 18.01 300.00 29.03 1,65 718.37 5,46 37.00 90.30 10.53 2.00 18.18 12j.QQ 13.27 182.50 13.57 9.85 5.00 8b.80 5.15 30.00 6.90 15.20 b,30 7.30 22.30 31.00 48.55 10.35 0.00 The following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board of CountyCommissicners of. Otter Tall County, Minnesota. Whereas, it appears from the records in the office of' the County Audi tor that there exiilts,1a deficit in the sum of $88,272.94 in the County Road and Bridge Fund of said County and V/hereas said records also snow that there is in the poor Fund of said County a surplus over and above the needs of said fund for the current yenr, Row Therefore. be it resolved that the sum of $88,272.94, be and the same hereby is transfered from the County Poor Fund to the County !toad and Bridge .i!'und and the County Ji.uditor was instructed to make the neceasary enteries in the records of his of~ice. Adopted October 15th, 1947. &ttest: William Lincoln Clerk Yalmer Karvonen George vunderson George Hanson Bert Stone c. A. l;;nowber~ !oar& of coun°y Commissioners Upon motion the Auditor and Chairman of' the Board were authorized and instructed to sign release ot juagment in favor of Otter Tail County against Robert Poynter and to sign stipulation for dismissal of case of Robert Poynter vs. Otter Tail County. Upon motion the County Engineer was authoriz~d to clean part o·f County J)i tch No. 54 a\: ah expense not to exceed the legal 10% of the original cost of construction of said ditch. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for sale gravel pit located in lee. 9 in Twp. of Dane Prairie, bids for same to be opened at the session of theBoard to be held ilovember 12,1947 at 10 o'clock A,M. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for Flourescent Ceiling Lights in the county Court House, bids to be opened November 12th, 1947 at 2 o'clock n.M. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to November 12th, 1947 at 10 o'olock A,M. Attest: fut ff1• ;p d",,.o.P~ "d""b""a""Ir""m""a:-::n,----------- crlerk ~ ii 11 ·I I, '! 'I I . I, 'I. JI' :! I ti 11' . '' 11 1 Ill ....... COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... lfo.um."b.e:r. ... l2t.b ............................ .' ...... 19.~.7.. MTNUT~S OF ADJOURlfED MRi;:TnJG OF' BOARD OF COUNTY CO?.tl.ITSSIONEP.S OTT.:R TAIL COUNTY, MINNl!:SOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'olock A,M,, Wednesday, November 12th, 1947, Present were cormnissione_rs Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and s·nowberg. The Town Board of' Candor appeared to request aid. from the County for improving roads. of,.&.~... The application of' Mrs. Mari,e Xalpen f'or cancellation of' assessment f'or structures on the West 2 ... ,1, rods of' North 40 _rods of' minv~ in Section 15 in the Village of Parkers Prairie on the grounclthat said structures were also assessed on an adjace,nt tract upon which the taxes were paid was read and the Board , recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said assessment for structures be cancelled and the assessed value of' said tract be reduced from $368, to $16. and the taxes from $46.22 to $2.01, The application of' P. !!. Gust for reduction of assessment for 1946 against Lots 13 and 14 in Block 4 of' Cutler's Resurvey in the City of Fergus F~lls was read, and on recommendatio·n of' the City council the Commissioners recommended to the Com.~issioner of' Taxation that the assessed value of' said tract be reduced f'rom $2,604 to $2,250 and the taxes from $353.10 to $305.10. The application of' Clara P, Asleson for classification of' center one-third of' Lot 4 in Block 47 of the Original Plat of' the City of' Fergus Falls at homestead rate on Und. 1 interest was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of' Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduoed from $284.00 to $231,00 and the taxes f'rom $38.51 to $30.74. The applioation of Helmer J, Hermanson for reduction of' assessment for 1946 on tract in Lot l of Section 25 Township of Buse was read and upon recommendation of the Tovmship Board and assessor of' the Township the Commissioners recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of' said traot be reduced f'rom $405.00 to· $277.00 and the taxes from I 36.45 to $24.93, THE FOLLOWING RRSOLUTION WAS ADO~T~D: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted with Mahler and Straus f'or the purchase of one International Three Ton Truck, and whereas same has been delivered to and accepted by the County, IJov, Therefore, be it resolved that the Count,Y Audi tor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said Company a 'l!arrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of $3,785,34, the contract price. Adopted November 12, 1947, Attest: William Lincoln clerk Ttm FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADO,.,TED: c. A. Snow'berg Chairman Resolved by the Board of' County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted With August Vagts for graveling County Aid Job Number 4704, and whereas said work has been done according to the certificate of the Highway Engineer, Now Therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are authorized and directed to issue to said oontractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of' the County in the sum of $5,795.67, the balance due on said contract. Adopted November 12th, 1947. Attest: William Lincoln cierk THE FOLLOWINC RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED: C. A. Snowoerg Chairman Resolved by the Board of' county Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted with Skogmo Motor, Inc. f'or the purohase of one Dodge Three Ton Truck, and whereas same has been delivered to and aocepten by the county, Now Therefore, be it resolved that the County Audi tor and Chairman of the Board are authorized direoten to issue to said Company a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of' the County in the sum of $5,012.70, the contract price. Adopted November 12, 1947. Attest: William Lincoln c1erk Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P.M. C. A, Snowberg Chairman Bids for electric lights to be installed in the Court House as advertised for by the Board were opened and read and the representatives o! the firms making the bids were heard regardine: the merits. of' their product. The q:uesti-on of letting a contract was laid over until later in the session; Representatives of the State and Federal Weed Control Department appeared before the Board to and discuss the question of further control of the so called Svenneby farm in the Township of' Sverdrup. ~fter full discussion upon motion the matter was laid over to the session of' the Board to be held Deoember 9,1947 I . .;.L COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ l{o:v..ember .... 12 ... &: ... l.3. ................................. 19.4-.7. .. Attorney, Henry Nyklamoe, appeared to urge the Commissioners to oonetruct judicial road between Otter Tail and Douglas Counties, which road wae established by the District Court years ago. A plat of Beaut,v Beach in the Township of Dunn, accompaniecl by a certificate of title executed by A. ?. Frankberg, Attorn~y at LaYT, 9188 a.pproved • A petition for improving and cleaning county Ditch# 42 accompanied by· a bond executed by some of the petitioners was read and it was ordered that County Engineer, A. Glorvigen, be appointed ae engineer to examine the said ditch and petition and make report to the Board, A report of the Public Examiner of the State of Minnesota of the examination of financial affairs of Otter Tail County, said report being dated September 12, 1947, wae presented to the Board by the County Auditor and ordered placed on file. A report of the Public Examiner of the State of Minnesota of examination of the Otter Tail County Sanatorium on October 2nd, 1947, was presented· to the Board and ordereci placed on file. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Thursday, tfovember 13th, 1947, at 10 ,>'clock A.M. THURSDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M., November 13th, 1947, Present were Commissioners xarvonen. Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg. The To\m Board of Perham Appeared to urge that B>me action be taken toward improving road between the Townships of Perham and Pine Lake. The Board having considP.red the bids for electric lights to be installed in the court House, upon motion the contract was awarded to Hintgen and Karst Electric Company for forty-two# S-4 Smithcraft four light forty watt fixtures in accordance with their bid. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bide for motor patrol.said bids to be opened at the session of the Board at 2 o'clock P.M., December 9th, 1947. A bid of$ 3.00 for the three acre tract advertised for by the Board was upon motion rejected. The petition of Matt H. Y.orkalo to set over the SW·"NY--and UW-lSEJ.. of Section l Township of Deer Creek from District 282 to District 148 waq read and it was ordered that hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held January 7th, 1948, at 10 o'clock A.M., and that dne notice of .the time and place be given as required by law. The petition of Jack Wonemos to set over the NW¼NE¼ Hi-llW! of Section 1, Tov.'nship of :Deer Creek from District 282 to District 148 was read and it was ordered that hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held January 7th, 1948, at 10 o'clock A.M., and that due notice of the time and place be given as required by law. A. communication was received from o. L. Kipp recommending that Otter Tail county Highway Engineer be authorized to attend the County Engineer's Institute at the State university December 8th to 11th inclusive. Upon motion this wae granted. THE FOLLOWillO RESOLUTIO?J WAS ADOPTP.D: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted with Fielding and Shepley for construction of State Aid Job f 46;04 at the State Hospital grounds in Pergus Falls, and whereas said contract has been fully completed according to the Engineer's certificate on file with the County Auditor, and whereas same has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Board, Now Therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and ~ridge Fund of the County in the sum of $1,223.71, the balance due accordin~ to the Engineers certificate. Adopted November 13, 1947, Attest: William Lincoln Clerk ?he following ~ills were allowed: J. c. Henkes M. c. Lee Edward C. Dre\7S J. c. Henkes H. L. Allen Dr, c. A. Boline Dr. c. J. Lund Elmo Twp. Frank C. Barnes Runningen Cafe Oren E. Fosse Joseph Rayner, Sr. Frankoviz Hdwe, Co. Consnmers Ma.rket Johnson Repair Shop expenses dep. sheriffs exp. dep. sheriffs exp. bd. of prisoners expenses dep. coroners fees coroners fees quarantine expense municipal court fees meals for jury dep. sheriffs fees dep. sheriffs fees sunolies suppliP.s repairs C. A. Snowberg chairman 50.27 55.53 28,61 249.00 29.12 10.25 62.50 11.00 46.50 12.40 19.44 6.76 6.15 5.52 8.20 --,- \ I I /, I , I t I ·I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... November ... 13 .................................................. 19.47. The follOV7ing bills were allowed: ( continued l The Heliyard Co. Fergus Service Station The Adelsman co. H, W. Bell Tel. co. Gregg Pub. ·co. The Fred H, Gelger Co. Jones & Xroeger Co. Miller Davis company Poucher Print, & Lithe. Co. Art Printcrai't Victor Lundeen & Co. The Pierce Co. H, W, Wilson co. · Nelson Bros, Prtg. Co. Fergus Journal Co, H. w. Glorvigen P. A, Anderson H, w. Glorvigen · Odin Johnson Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. Mason Pub. Co. A, A, Vollbrecht Dr, G. J, Mouritsen P, M. Ree Fair Oaks Lodge Sanatorium Dr, E. H, Smith University Hospital Fergus Falls Clinic Minn, state Sanatorium Glen Lake Sanatorium Ruffridge Johnson Equipt. Co. Dakota Tractor~ Equipt. Co, Skogmo Motors. Inc. Paper~ Calmenson & Co. Lake ~egion Motor Co, Minnesota Motor Co. Thelen Implement·Co. R, A. Stuntebeck Electric Supply Perham Ness & Bredahl B. M, Thompson garape Farmers Co-op Creamery Assn. A, B, Xilde Co, Melvin Jacobson Blacksmith Shop Anderson & Tichy Danielson Garage Johnson Machine Shon Larson Bros. · Ebersvlller's Pelican Rapids Hintgen Karst Elec. Co. Empire Supply Co. Oscars9n I~plement Co. Bauck's Hardware P. X, M, & Company W, i', Smith Tire & Battery Co. Tesch Lumber Co. Edgetown Lumber Co, Gopher, Stamp & Die Co, R~p•s Standard Service Fergus Service Station Bill Nelson Oil Co, Perham Co-o·p Oil· Co. Fergus Oil Company Hagge 011 Company standare Oil Co., Duluth Duluth Culvert Co, Elk River Cone. Prod. Co. Xilde, Blikstad Co, Wm. Jacobs Anton Horstmann Harry s; Peterson Floyd Robbins Morris Hagen Selmer Knudson Raymond Bros. Motor Transp. Co. C. S. Ljungren 'l'oward Maunumaki Albert Ljungren Abram Siirila Leander Lahti A. Glorvigen w. L. Potter •red H. Geiger Co, Jape-Olson Co. Keuffel & Esser Co. supplies supplies repairs calls supplies supplies sup,,lies blanks and supplies records and supplies printing supplies supplies school supplies printinp. publishing drivers license postage postage cash advance/I supplies digest & Annotations bond premium service at jail postage care of patient exam special nursing exam care of patients care of patients parts parts parts cutting edges repairs tires & rP.J)airs repairs repairs repairs re·pairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs reoairs repairs supplies supplies supplies- supplies tires lumber supplies signs gasoline gasoline gasoline g!3.soline gas, grease, etc. diesel fuel diesel fuel culverts culverts tile gravel gravel. gravel gravel gravel gravel i'reif!;ht moving fence movinp. fence movlnp. fP.nce moving ·r.ence moving -fence expenses expenses supplies supplies supplies 82.25 2.20 130.45 55.05 24.00 4,15 5.17 37.38 160,54 46.75 112,44 1,47 6.00 34,50 277.85 28,85 32.35 46.00 .50 3.88 27.50 5.00 3.00 119.50 139.20 33,00 231.00 6.00 262.26 420.64 21.65 36.68 606,08 54,29 72.17 49.50 7,60 26.79 4,50 11.40 40.00 4,96 78.48 18,17 25.75 1.00 62.91 120.65 9.11 3.11 272,64 1,95 8.45 20.05 396.84 63.83 6,00 370,08 60.48 28.55 51,96 11,62 25,34 454.87 4,86 170.40 412.90 22.0'1 526.40 782,15 250.39 35.00 8.82 10.22 8,65 15.00 15.00 30.00 20,65 15.00 154.50 82.40 13.00 16,10 4,17 3 cf COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ Nov:~~ber .. 13 ................................................ 1!!47 .. Mpls. Blue Print Co. ll, w. Bell Tel. c'o. Victor LundeP.n ~ Co. N. W. Bell Tel. co. Home Cafe Merchants Hotel stoll's Caf.'e Motor natrol Assn. Village of Henning Mark Sand & liravel Co. Alfred Evavold M, A. ~tortroen Ins. Agency N. E. Arneson Ins. Agency Lowry, Stang & Olson Township of Lida St. Olaf Township Town of Fri berg Mabel Ylenstrom Louise Standahl Lyman Store, L. Cook Winther Lumber Yar~ John Helgeson Fred A. Everts Aune Bros. MinnP.sota F. w. Do, Co. A, W. Compan.v. Inc. of Minn. Wilcox Lumber Co. R. J. wohmidt Mahler & Straus A, Glorvigen A, M. Ungerecht Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. A, w. Co. Inc. of Minn. Minnesota F. W. D. Co, Geo. T. Ryan.Company Rosholt Eouipt. uo. Mahler &: Str.aus Savolainen Blacksmith Shop Jaenish Industries Elk River Cone. ?rod. co. Willer & TP.iSberg Lightfoot's Shop. Fernando Maneval Holten Hardware Co. Frankoviz Hardware Co. Knoff Peterson Hdwe Co, Kulseth Supply Co. Natl. iush. & Parts Co. Mille Oil Company Ray's Oil Compan,y R.H. Geiser H. D. Morrill H. ~. Morrill H. ""· Morrill Anderson & Sandberg Oil Co. Penrose Oil Company Consumers co-op 011 Co. Henning Town of Candor Town of Perham Loul:se Stond ahl Odin lohneon George Hanson Bert Stone Yalmer Karvonen Geo. B. gundereon Town of Oak Valley euppl,ies services# 39 Battle Lake supplies long distance board room meals dragging garage rent equipt rental excavation insurance insurance insurance grading grading •gracing expenses expenses gas lumber welding coal repairs parts parts repairs repairs parts cash advanced expenses parts etc. parts parts parts parts parts repairs repairs culverts paint keys gravel supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies gasoline gasoline cash advanced equipt. rental equipt. rental equipt. rental diesel fuel diesel fuel gasoline road work road work postage extra work expenses expenses expenses expenses care of poor 2.50 24.40 .57. 10 27.51 87.85 112.50 49.15 70.00 45.00 160.00 224.00 71.96 8.00 39.80 300.00 300.00 300.00 11,84 71.00 69.88 20.61 4.50 15.56 7.60 221.00 143.01 17.67 32.00 823.16 30.05 10.15 419.38 208.08 149.02 82.96 21.87 334.93 19.85 i9,25 27.00 8.76 10.40 18.69 159.00 2.04 3.80 31.63 251.96 13.19 20.93 4.25 319.00 378.25 1,372.75 74.00 46.59 23.68 300.00 300.00 81.72 80.00 7.05 15.20 7.30 5.45 895.90 Upon recommendation of the County High1•1ay Engineer the. Board rejected the bill of Schmidt Iron V/orks· for window sashes in the county garsre in Parkers Prairie rn the sum of $125.00 TR~ FOLI.OW!lm R:gSOLUT!ON WAS ADO"TED: Resolved by the Board of Count,v Commissioners, Otter Tail Count.v, Minnesota. Whereas, the MinnP.sota State Legislature has passed an act calling for the vote on a proposed constitutional amendment at the next general election, and Whereas, said constitutional amendment Will change the manner of dividing the gas tax fund between the Minnesota State Highway Department and the Counties, and Whereas, the said proposed amendment would provide the Counties with much needed highway funds,ana Whereas, the present costs of construction and maintenance of county highway funds are entirely irisuff'icient, Now, Thereldre, Be It Resolved, That the Doard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County do endorse this proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Minnesota. Ado•pted this 13th day of November, 1947. Attest: William Lincoln cterk C, A, Snowberg c hairman r • I COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... 'November ... 13 ............................................... 19 .47 Alm December 9, 1947 Engineer Glorv1gn was instructed to prepBre an estimate of the total cost of construction work on State Aid Parkway #1 -Job 46 ;04 at the Fergus Falls State Hospital and to request payment from the State Board of Allotment to Otter Tail crounty 1n the sum of J12,288.79 •. upon motion Commissioners ~underson, Hanson, and Stone were·appo1nted a com.~1ttee to inspect gravel and grading jobs done by the County. The Board having considered the question of increase 1n wages of employees of the Highway Departmen upon motion 1t was ordered that the pay of all ma1rrenance men be increased ~0¢ per hou~~ and that the month ly salary of all employees of the Highway Department including the County Engineer, who are on monthly basis, be increased ten dollars per month, all of the above increases commending December 1. 1947. Upon Motion the Board. then adjourned to Tuesdey, December 9th, 1947. Chairman MilnJT"P.S OP AD~rQURW.D MEJ;:TTtlG 0111 130A~D OF' COUNTY COMMISSIO?U:RS O'l'TET! TATL COUNTY, MIN?!~SOTA Pursuant to ad,1ou:i;-runent the Board met e.t 10 o'clock A.I,{ •• December 9th, l!l47. 1'resent were Com.missioners Xervonen, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg. The petition of Arthur Haiby end others for vaction of pert of County Hoed# 161 as the same 1s located across Section 1 in the Township of Erhards Grove, was taken ~p. After listening to interested parties the Board felt that sufficient examination had not been made on aocount of a large amount of snow et the time the committee viewed the road. Upon motion the matter was laid over until a later meeting of the Board, The application of Raymond s. Engebretson for cancellation of assessment of structures for the year l!l46 against the East 72 ft. of the st of Lot 1 and the East 72 ft. of Lots 2 & 3 end ell of Lot 5 in Block 8 of Blyberg's 2nd Addition to Pelican Rapids was read and the Board recommended to the Comm1ss1oner of Taxs.tion that the assessment be cancelled and the assessed value of said tract reduced from $240. to $112. and the taxes from $26.73 to $12.01. The application of Carl B. Muland for classification of Lots 1 end 2 end NW¼NE¼ 1n Section 1 Township of Elmo for the year 1946 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assesseii value be reduced from $121. to i'73. e.nd the tax~s from $16.26 to $9.33. · The application of Herbert Barte1s. for reduction of aRsessment for the year 1946 against Lot 1 Section 24 Township of Otter Tail woe rend. It appearing to the Board that the assessment entered against said trac~ was erroneous in that the valur-tions so entered were figures properly assessable aginst a much larger and adjoining· tract. The Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $343.00 to ~44.00 end the taxes from $23.36 to $3.01. !!:'he application of Mrs. Musetta rr. MillP.r for rer.uction of assessment for 1946 against Sub Lot 7 of Gov. Lots 3 and 4 in Section 23, Town of. Rush Lake was read and after examining the assessment of said tract and adjoining tracts for former years, upon motion thP petition was rejected. The petition of c. S. Jensen for dance permi.t for the year 1948 at the "Glass Bar" in the Township of Girard was granted. J. N. Haage~son, Judge of Probate Court, presented to the Board a petition for an appropriation for clerk hire in that oi'fice for the year 1948 in the sum of i4oO. in addition to.the $3,500 heretofore authorized by law. Upon motion the request was granted. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P.M. Bids for Motor Grader as advertised for by the Board were opened and read and representatives of the firms submitting the bids were heard relative to the merits of their machines. After full consider- ation upon motion the bid of George T, Ryan Company for one Galion 102 Motor Gracl.er , fully equipted, to- gether w~ th Wausau Snow Plow and Wing mounted on above grader for a total sum of ;;>11,532.00 wo.s accepted. THE FOLLOWING Rf.SOLUTION WAS ADOPTED: Resolved by the.Board of County Commissioners Otter Tail Cotmty, Minnesota. Whereas, it 1s necessary ln order to receive Federal.Aid toward the construction of that portion of State Aid Road No. 5 described as follows: From Pa.rkers Prairie to 7 miles West. . for the County itself and through the Commissioner of Highways as its ar-ent to agree to maintain said road after it shall have bPen constructed. Now Then Be It Resolvec,, that the chairman and the aud 1 tor are hereb.v authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County of Otter Tail to execute a contract concerning the maintenance of said portion of State Aid Road No. 5 in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Federal id Maintenance Contra.ct Form Ho. VI", a copy of v:hich said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein set forth. Adopted this 9th day of December, l!l47. ttest: William Lincoln Clerk ... c. A. Snowberg Chairman s I, COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... Deoember ... 9 ............................................... 19~.? .. itl.Du:J.lJJJ_j_J_;__L[li_'J:l'IJ.1£<nIUl.:..lr:l , ------- THE FOLLOWING R'!l!SOT,TJTIOll WAS ADO,,TED: Resolution by the Board of County ri'ommissioners Otter Tail County. Minnesota. Whereas, it is necessary in order to receive Federal Aid toward the construction of that portion of State Aid P.oad No. 1 describecl as follovrs: Frooi ·Nevi York Miiis .. fo .. 6 .. ailles llorfn"" for the County it-s elf and through the Commissioner of Highways as its agent to agree to maintain said road after it shall have been oonstructed. Now Then Be It Resolved, that .the chairman,.and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on l;>ehalf of the Count.v of Otter Tail. to execute a controct concerning the maintenance of said portion of State Aid Roa~ Ilo. 1 in the form as set forth and contained in"Minneso ta Department of Highways Federal Aid Maintenance dontract Form. llo. VI", a copy of whlich said form v,as before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein set forth. Ado~ted this 9th day of December, 1947, _ C. A. Snowberg Chairman Attest: William Lincoln caerk THE FOLLOWING RF.SOLUTION WAS ADO,,TED: Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Be It Resolved that pursuant to Chapter 90, Lav:s of Minnesota 1943, the Commies loner of Highways be appointed as the agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the oonstruction of that port icn of State Aid Road llo. 5 described as follows: From Parkers Prairie to 7 miles West and the chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and directed tor and on behair of the Mounty to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota fDepartment of Highways Agency Contract Form No. IV", a copy of which said. form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the con-tractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 9th day of December. 1947. c. A. Snowberg Chairman Attest: William Lincoln clerk THE .FOLLOl'/I!JG RESOLUTION WAS ADO,,TED: Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Be It Resolved, that pursuant to Chapter 90, Laws of Minn~sota 1943, the Commissioner of Highways ie appointed as the agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent a contract for the construction f that portion of State Aid ~oad No. 1 described as follows: From Ilew York Mills to 6 Miles !forth and he chairman and the auditor are hereby authorized and direct0 d tor and on behalf of the county to execute and ent~r into a contra.ct With the Commissioner of Highvrays p!l'escribing the terms and conditions of such l gency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of ~ighways Agency Contract Porm o. IV", a copy of which said form r.as before the board, assuminp on behalf of the County all of the con- ractuel oblip.ations therein contained. Adopted this 9th day of December, 1947. ttest: William Lincoln cierk THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIOll WAS ADOPTED: c. A. Snowberg Ohalrman Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota.· That the County Audi tor be and he hereby is instructed to notify the publishers of the several newspapers published in the County that sealed bids will be received by this Board for doing the following described printing: 1. The publioation of the minutes of the meetin~s of the Board of County Commissioners including regular and special sessions, and meetin~s of Board of Equalization and while considering matters pertainin to ditches. !he bids pub- three meet 2. The publication of the annual statement of receipts and expenditures of the County. to cover the publiction o~ the list set in "nonpareil" or six-point type 1\'lthout "leading" and the lication to be made as required by section 295 General Statutes of Minn~sota 1913, as amended, and complete copies of said publication to be furnished to the County Auditor in time· to. enable him to the requirement of said sect ion as regard to the posting of copies of said. statement. 3. The list of real property for the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota on which taxes remained .delinquent on the first Monday in ,January, 1948, The bids for this to cover the publication of the certificates, heading, etc., provided for by Section 2098, General Ste.tures of Minnesota, 1913, as amended. Bids to be plaoed in the hands of. the Count,v Auditor and add.i:essed to the Doard of County Commiseioners, to be marked "Bi/ls for Printing" and to be filed until :i:uesds.v, ,TanuHry 6, 1948, at 2 o'cloc "D,M. The attention of the bidders to be called to the provisions of Section 907, 909, 912, and 913, Revised Laws of Llinnesota for 1905, and acts amendatory thereto. Adopted December 9, 1947. Attest: William Lincoln C. A. Sno~·:berg Chairman c1erk Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M., Wednesday, December 10th, 1947. COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... !)e.cember. ... 10 ......... _ .. _ ................................... 19 .. 4.7.. WEDNF:SDAY'S SE~SION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o·• clock ..l.,M., Wednesdey, Deuember 10, 1947 all members being present. Bide for old snow plows having previously considered the bids presented and upon motion the Arthur L. Anderson -for two 10 ft. wings Lawrence Ott -for snow Plow I l been advertiseo for by the Board, following bids were accepted: the Commissioners Benhardt Olson -for snow plow I 2 Melvin Jacobson -for snovr plow # 3 The following bills were allowed: J. O. Renkes J. c. Henkes M, c. Lee J. c·. Renk~s Mabel Wenstrom Louise Stondahl J. L. Bixby nr. c. J. Lund J. J. Warner. M. D. Town of Otto Frank c. Barnes Lewis Olbekson Remington Rand, Inc. Remington Hand. Inc. Remington Rand, Inc. Remington Rand, Inc. .Remington Rand. Inc. Remington Rand. Inc. Gaffane,v' s Minot Stationery Co. Rex-0-Graph, Inc. Ugeblad Pub. Co. Gaffaney's Office Specialties Poucher Print. & Litho. Co. Victor Lundeen & Co •. Security Blank Book & Print. Co. Miller Davis co. Art Printcraft Nelson Bros. Printing Co. County School & Office Supply Co. Henning Advocate Costello Mfg. Co. Winther Lumber Yard s. L. ·Ronning Missouri-Y.ansas Chemical Co. O'Meara's Hilij!en ·Karst Johnson ~ervice Co. Du.ane·. C·. Aune Holten Hdwe. Fergus Glass & Paint Co. Odin Johnson Wm • .itahls H, L, Allen Louise Stondahl H. w. Glorvigeri State of Minnesota Detp. of Highways Archie J!;mery Reuben ~jorklund Skogmo Motors Dr, w. o. B. Nelson Stan Nelson· Radior.Store Fair Oaks Lodge San. Glen·Lake San. Geo. F. Johnson Minn. State·sanatorium 'P, A. Anderson Fergus Journal Co, Tordenskjold Twp. Larson Bros. Schmidt lron Works Westlund Motor Co. Maine Repair Shop Fergus Nash Motor Co. Twr.et's Garage Clif'P's Garage· Joe Rouse Fergus Service Station • Mark Sand & Gravel Co. D,. Elt!.r&-t4:.-C. llt1nson C. A-J..u.r11d M. D. and snow plow $25.00 ex1>enses telegrams 65.00 20.00 25,00 dep. sheriffs expenses board of prisoners expenses expenses expenses coroners fees dep. coroners fePs quarantine expenses municipal judges fees expense insane files files record paper record !)aper record paper paper supplies duplicator supplies supplies blanks & supplies supplies binders bl811ks, etc. printing envelopes etc. blanks notice to taxpayers supplies coal signs supplies supnlies repairs repair parts hauling suoplies supplies extra work dep. sheriffs expenses postage postage drivers license examination· vJllage maps services service moving block services supplies carP of patient care of 9atients salary ·'= exp. weed inspector care of patients postase publishing grading & gravelling repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs gas gas equipt. rental t.Xt.1."m 13.32 4.54 79.29 271.50 4.fO 14.60 26.13 26.40 13.65 6.75 50.75 15.00 114.90 147.50 190.70 95.38 190.70 58,63 40.00 180.00 33.50 42.25 31.58 303.90 75.77 49.10 36.00 165.40 3.64 2.25 16.25 554.47 10.00 82,52 4,14 6.85 2.32 6.00 60.07 P.2.49 80.00 43.20 6.21 98.00 27.20 989.98 11.00 20.JO 30.00 6.00 2.00 1.00 143.84 210.33 227.20 253.80 30.75 183.30 300.00 17.0G 15.75 6.85 13.40 17.61 32.00 11.00 5,59 25.08 120.00 13.:U .a. "0 1 COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... Decemuer __ 10 _______________________________ ................ 19 4 7 l!IJIHI COHIii V Cl 0'11 1111 t:DZ Village· of Henning E. D. Sage Lare N. Stoen !c Land Bank Comm. Mark Sand & Gravel Co. e. R. Walker Mc Cabe Broe. Beall&: Mc Gowan Co. Robert e. B~were Home Cafe George Wicker w. L.·.potter A •. Glorvigen Heinola Teleohone do. ~elican Telepqone ·do. C.onetruction Bulletin Victor Lundeen & 60. Iforwegian Grove Twp. Town of Dora Orwell Twn. Edna Twp •. Twp. of Sverdrup Bill Nelson 011 Co. The 81:l Store ~erham Co-op 011 Co. s. &: F. 011 c·ompan,v Harthun & Peterson 011 Co. Bengtson 01i Co. Fergus 011 Compan,v Service Oil Co. ~attle Lake Highway Co •. So. Mill Standard Service l.fotor Inn "!!-rage Henning 011 Co. Anderson & ~andberg 011 Co. Service 011 Co. Underv,ood "!'he Atoe. Co. Minneapolis .ljlue Printing Co. Lampert Lumber Co, JJudgeOn Hultman Motor Uo. Glen Anderson Uhas. P14urus Abiel l!'raki Town of Star Lake .i'own of Eagle Lake Consumers Co-op 011 Oo, Henning Les. Tire Service A. B. l'.ilde Co. Natl. :Bushing&: Parts Oo. Theo Reeset Skogmo Motors, Inc. Minnesota Motor Co. Ebersvillers Holten Hardware Dalton Hardware Armco ~rainap.e & Metal Proa. Co. Town of Woodside N. W. Bell Tel. Co, H. A. Rogers t>ai>er, Calmenson & Co. Wheeler Lbr. iridBe &: Supp, Co. Battle Lake Hardware Oo. Dal ton Garage Henry Holm13ren Anton Wallnofer Olson Auto Elec Co. Larson Elec. Mfg. Co. C.H. Bjorklund Body Shop Greiff'e Garar-e Mahler & Straus N. W. Equipt. Co. ~uffridpe -Johnson Equipt. Co. Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. A. w. co., Inc. of Minn. »orchert-Ingersoll, Inc. Geo. T. ~yan Company Minnesota F, Y/. D. Co. Rosholt Equipt. Co. Miller Davis Co. Stoll' s Cafe Minn. State Hip,hway De!>t. Penrose 011 Company H. K. Sta.hl Co., E. A. Bloese D. A. Lubricant Co,, Inc. Iver Keski talc A, Glorvigen Perham Co-op 011 Co. Hagge Oil company Dalton Oil Company rent of ttarage garage rental gravel gravelling coal coal supplies roome for operators meals for crew expenses expenses expenses services services advertising supplies grading grading grading grading grading gas etc. p.asoline etc. gas gas gas etc. gas gas etc. gae gae gas gas etc. gas diesel fuel oil supplies supplies lumber repairs moving fence moving fence moving fence road work road work repairs repairs repairs repairs etc. repairs repairs repairs repairs supplies supplies culverts maintenance services# 39 Battle Lake supplies cutting edges lumber repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs re·pairs repairs repairs Parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts stamps meals for ci·ew inspections diesel fuel etc. h,vd. oil oil cash advanced cash advanced p.as, oil. etc. diesel fuel gasoline etc. 180.00 10.00 788.35 643.18 16.90 24.85 8.51 82.00 21.05 6.20 83.15 95.95 5.15 3.50 5.80 24.85 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 .;oo.oo 118.64 398.13 13.11 175.15 229.!16 24.42 51.33 48.45 · 35.65 35.99 45.82 25.04 74.00 8.61 155.33 11·.17 44.00 7,25 18.81 13.13 8.44 300.00 300.00 7.46 3.25 255.16 453.03 15.50 30.43 58.23 5.07 340.85 1.60 333.24 48.75 28.50 63.16 203.21 890.64 42.11 7.75 14.55 20.10 28.80 16.23 9.20 3.40 287.43 282.47 29.77 127.84 101.57 66.42 330.51 501.37 105.08 4.10 38.20 .67 77.24 50.90 502.83 3.05 42.16 11.14 704.32 225.86 I - I I I I ! I I ! I ' I ' ,: I ( COMMISSIONERS RECORD N, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... .D.e.C.e!llh.eJ: ... 10_. .............. -........................... 19.4-7 .. Len Syverson _ Bak:kens Service Station . R~y•s_Oil Company 'Park fteg io'n 011 Co. Lyman Store, L, Cook. Prop, Poot Lake Ice ,11:.-Gas Co, Rep's Standard Service Yillage of ~alton .r.tusselJ. Mc Carty .. Battle Lake Produce Co. F.ulseth Supply Co, Minnea·polls, Iron Store Empire Supply Co, Pelioan Tel. C,o, Heinola Tel, Co. BlufftQn Tw.p. C. A, Snov,berg J, C, Henkes Bert Stone George Hanson Yalmer Karvonen Geo. B, Gunderson gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline garage rent wrecker service supplies supplies supplies supplies service services grading freight advanced oamers exchange expenses expenses expenses expenses 66,16 34,35 28,84 5,63 16.55 37.65 67.04 4b,00 15,00 50.22 73.42 21,24 104.97 5,05 5,40 300.00 20,.00 G0,00 15.20 11,60 7,30 6,90 Upon motion the Board then adjourned to December 17th, 1947, e.t 10 o'clock A,M, MINUTES OF ADJOURIIBD M:F.lCTrnc OF BOARD OE' COtnl'TY coumssIOIIBRS OF OTTF.R TAIL COIJNTY', MINU. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A, M,, December 17, 1947, all members being present. The question of advertising for sale the so-called Svenneby farm in the Township of Sverdrup was discussed and after consideration the Board decided to take no action relative to a sale of this land. Upon motion the Board adjourned without dote.