HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1946Ottertail County Official Meetings 1946 .COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER 'fAIL.-COUNTY, MtNN. DATE ....................... ,1,inu:1r,, .. ~ ~ ... l 94.;> .................... 193· ...... . ■mmm,aANK DDDll AND PIIINTIND CO. ff, a.GU :111NN-n1a !J"(t;ur.rES OF ?:SC",liJ,.\R 1.31:'.i.'!!JG 0"' BOA:lD C'F' GOlJ!ll'Y '.:C'!UilISS°IOfJS:\S 0~' ("t'~T~~R 'l'.il TJ, C('HHfl'Y' r.1rnn;~1S0'11j t-nrsna1.1t to statutP. thP. Ronra· of. Count!' r.ommi.ssionP.rs mP.t at thP. ~aunty commi.ssi.onP.rs' Room in thP. ::ourt nousP. in "'el',:rns -'alls 011 Tnescln.y, ,,r,nuur.v A, 1916, presant Commls:'lioners: J.:L•rvonen, ,-:unclP.rson, annson, stone, an6 Snowbe~R- The meetinr-wns called tQ ordP.r b,\' t}1e --:ount.v Auilitor. who stotP.il that the -first bus.inP.BB bP.rore the bonrd :rr,s tr.P. el,.ction of tile :":hr•.irmp.n fo:r the ,\renr. 1946. l1!-)0n motion·, ~om•nissionP.r !3ert ·JtonP. v:n3 P.lPct"'d ns '":hni.rmr.n nm~ took thP. clmir. :Jpon •notion, ':O"l!:!iBF.ioner 8nO"!h!!rg wm: elP.ctP.ci \'ir:e-chairr.mn for thP. ;;r>:ir., The followinR rr>solution wus adonteil: ::=!esolvPrl b,r thP. ".oar/I of '.;ount,r ~o,mn.iesioners of Otter T::i.il i::o,rnty, J,iinnesota.: •rhl'.t e. committeP. of three, consi.sting or the •':llf.li!•no.n n.ncl two "lP.mbers ol' the Bonrd to be aeieeted hy thP. ·:hnirmo.n, he F<rroin.tPil to hnvP c:hc.rf!P. of thr> c:ourt Jlonse nnd rrounc'.r.i a.no jall erounds -r:-or the YP.nl' 1946, -',dontP.c, .'n.nil[lr,11 8, 1916. Attest: WilJ.inrn T,.lncoln, ·~lerk. "lert Stone, Chai.rman The r:hai r•nr,n o.!}pointed. '"!ommi.ssioners r:arvonP.n ::md Snol'/her(' 11s his ossoc.ia.tes on th.is committee. l'he follow.inf. resolnt.lon w:Js o.dopted: !:esc:lveri b,\' thP. "'"ion.rel of Connt.v ,:o:nmiss.i.onP.rs oi' OttP.r rui l nount.\'. kiinnesote.: Thot u cormnittP.P. tif threP., r::onsisting of the ::hairm.:i.n of thP. '°,on.rd and two •nPmlJP.rs of the Board, be F._,)pointl'!il by the Cha.irmnn to purch,'.!se nll furni tnre e.ncl suppl les e:we1itLne boo_ks, blnnlcs. a.nd station- ery neeciP.d for the (!ourt 11.on!'le ano .'n.il durine t.hP. .vear l!Jt,,;, ond provide for such rep ... .irs as mo.y iJeoomP. an i~mP.ilinte ner::essity. Ador,ted Jnriuary 8, 1916. Bert Stone, ~hairmun fil'':?at: .Villic.m Lino.,ln, ClerE., 'i.'he ':heirman r,ppolnted Ccmmiss ione:rs Y.t,r.vonen amt S!'IOWhere na his ,;.ssocla.tes on this committee. The follo,1in1_> resoluti.on \'/\l.S adopted: Resolved hy thP. Board of ·::onnty GommissionP.rs of Otter Tail county, Alinne9ota: Th11t under ·!)!'ovis.iom: of SP.ction 2154 of the Revised Lawci of l·.!innesct,;r. fer 1905, "8,A, Boline, a resic.ent !lhysicio.n or: soici ,-:aunty, anil ·'."!onnty Cammi Rsionen~ Stone 1:mil SnowbP.rr,, memhers r,-:'. this Eo11•rcl, bP. Rnil the sr,r.1P. 1-..:!rebl' ::ire r,ppointeil to constitute l.l-r,onnt,v Board· of !IP.1llth or BP.id county for thP. .rear 1946. Ado·pt.P.d ,71m111:1r.,11 !l, 194G .. Brrt Stone, Chairman Attest: l'!Lllir.rn !,incoln, ClP.rJ:. Thi! -followinr-rE'solut"icn wus ailo!'t~tl: RP.aolvec1 by the 7or-;.rd of county Cornmi.esionP.rs of OttP.r Tnil r.onnt~•. i.-iinnP.sota: Th•J \-the r.onnty C,or.imissionP.rs of his ree ppct i vc d istric: t, namP.J.y Yalmer ,~a::-·.onen. thP. Pi rs t Dis- trict; Geo. B. GnnderRon, the SP.uond Dlstr.i.ct; Georfle qanson, the 2hird District;. ~ert Stone, the ~ourth District; :rntl. C,:\., Snow;,eYS, the Fi:ft:n District, he a.nil thP.,\' herehy are P.ach ::i.1JpointP.d snpPrintP.ncient of poor of' his ca.id cl.iatrict ,•:.i.th a.u.thorlty to u.ot i.n relati.o:-, tc th"! c11n~ r,r1d su.riport of non-resident pan per•, ~mo to r~ceivP. l'l.11.:,licat.icns ·:>or rel.ief or snp_port by or for 1l,n.\' rer,son in his cU.str ict :.1s pro- vid "ld bf r:ha9ter 15, Revised Lnws of 1905. A4opteil ~annHrJ" 8,1946. '9.ert StonP., ·~ha1rmnn. ,i_tt,er~t: ','!illiA.m Linc,oln, ClP.rk. The r:ollowi.nf rP!'lolnt ion w1:1.s 1:1ilo1itP.d: :'?"lsolved 1-,,,,-thP. qo(-Lr/1 o t' C•Junt.v .-;omrnissio.nPrs o." nt+er '"'t,il r:ounty, I!.i!'lll"FJot0: 11h,1t therP. is he:reb.l' set er,u.rt fror.1 the -fnnilFJ of thr? ':ountf l'reosur.v not es:peciall,\' !J.!)propri1J.ted or set nsiile "o:r othP.r pm·poses, the suri o.., $750.00 t.o be 11sei! r.s a Continf.nnt "'n.nil h,\' the County •\ttorney ,,ith thP. ar,9:rr,\·c.l op the ·~,011i-t under thf' p:rovisi.ons or '.1ection 57.1, :c'.eviseil r,avrs or :.~innesot<1 for ].<:;05, Ji.ilopted ,"'anunry R, 1$1.\6. Bert Stone, •Jha.irma.n. Attest: ~illinm finaoln, Clerk. Th<! -!:ollcn:in;.: rP.solution ,ms i:;.dc :lted: :2esolved b~• the '3oo.rcl_ of county c:ommissioners of OttP.:r Tail Gonnty, iiim1e::iota: Tha.t the su.m cf :!:;?.50.00 be und the sn.1nP. herP.by is n_npropri.uted. o,nt ,:;f the county Revenue Fund of said 0ounty for Otter Tnil county·exhibits nt tl,e :,annesotu Stf,CP. Fair for 194G c.md the County Auci.itor and '::ho.irmu.n of the Board ore di.recteci to issue r, ,:arn:wt for saicl amount in fe.vor of Clurence C, .MiP.li:P.. Aclopted .•an•:r:.r~' fl, Hl46. Hert Stone, Chairman. :\ttest: Will in;n I,incoln, Cle:rk Ti,e -fo;I..lm7i.ne resolnt~on ,·1a.s adopted: ~e!lolvP.d by the 7>or,rci o • l"!onnt.v ~ornmisRi,,ners of Otter Tuil Go1mtf, l.iinnesota.: 'l'h1,.t the sum of $~;fJO.OO l)e ami the samf! hr,rP.b_v-is set P..!)111·t from th~ ~eventtP. .~'und of th!' .--:0L111ty ~or use c ·:: post, • .-.-P. i11 tJ-.P. sev '!rE,l r:ount:1 offi.CP.!l ent i 1:1,_.,, tl,ereto ar,n for P.xpreRn c:hare=es, P.tc.:. , ,1s pro- 1· ided b.i' Sec,tion 343, Reviser, T,a.v:s of' Hinn,,Rot~! ~,,r· l!;,05, A<ioptecl .'anna,·y 8, l\l.1.6. ,lert Stone, r:ha.ir~an, AttP,~t: 7illiRrn L.inaoln, Glerk, Th~ follo~inP reRolnticn was a6opt•d: ::tesoli~P.a h,r the ~our cl o= county GornmisRiCJners o ;-Ct te1· '.P,-.il Connt.v, "'AlnnP.sotai Wh,;r.,es, Dr, i'/.'.'/, Dro;Jpht was hP.rP.torore !'l,,pointed ~nil physicie.n f,;1· the :mlenda.r i,e~.r of 19•!::i i;t !1 '!.ti.l',T.i' of ·":lf.•l,1)0, . JJo·.,, tlun-P.fore, bP. it resolved tha.t. the Gount1 At.ciitor arid Jhair:~'ln of thr~ Boa:rd be And they 1 hereby r,rP ,rnthori.zP.il •J.n6 ii irP.c:tP.d to issuP. 1•11\rrant i.n thP. f!.u,n/ of /::150.00 on the Revenue 7und of the Count.r to said :tr. ~-! .~'I. nrourht. ,i.rlot,t"a thiR ~th n(1,'.' oi' Janrmry, 1916. ~ttPSt: Willi~~ Lincoln, ClP.rk. Th~ follo~inr rnPrln+Lon ~~s ado °t:P.S01 veO b.~-_th(~ BO:'"i.t'd of" ~01n1t.~r Thr,t Dr. W. \'/. D:roupllt be ::--.r10 r.P. · a salary c. ,· :;-luC, QC, ·:c,r tirP. rerar . . ;a.opted January F, 1916. J,tt-~;;t: i'/illiam Linc:oln, Glerk, te.a: ommi.ssic"IP.rs o"' ot.1:er 'l'Ril ':ountr, •·rinneeota. ereh.~, ir: ::1.ppoint:Pd ,i!l.i.l phyRic:iun fer the ce.lenC:r., rearl916 at Bert Stone, Ch.9 i.rme.n E>:A'FF)'. ........................ ..;,:,;,mt,l';r·,\l"···r,1 .................................. 193'.46., · lllllCVAIT.Y·~l!'IIC:!lQ:OIC.Alm.P.B .!tC0,,;8.T,,CI.OU-..,:MltlN~lllt- The follow inf.! resolution was a<'lo"['t"a: . ?.esolv,;,d by the Board oJ' !Jo-unty ,::o,nr.iisstoner o.fJ Qtt'?r Tnil County, 111.nnesott•: Thut the s:ii-11 o·~ fivr,, cents be pa.id out of· the R"!vemte "t'UI!'> cf the Count.f :for ,;iver," pocket popher and woodchuck J:lll<ili in sa.icl county duri?i.f:. the months of April, tlaJ·, Jnne ~1.t1d ,iuly 194.5,·in c11scs where the to,·mships iri which pocket ,;op.hers and ·woooohuclrn are ao lrillflCl shall :;ii·oyiile for tli,;i pa.1•ment of nnd aliri itionP.l bo-unt:y of five C"l!'.-1:s tor enoil pocl:e-t e,c,phP.r or woolichnok so killed •. ,. ~esoJ.ved further th1it pn~."flent for such l,ounty slmll be mmle o,\' the Countl Auditor upqn .:,ertif.i:intes executed ·oy tb<i Chairman o • t11e TCl"/11 >Jounl of soicl townsr:i:ps, setting forth thn.t ti·1e 1,1ocl:et f!v1)rj.ers or woorlchuoks were killen w:.tJ1.in snld 1:c,•msi1ipR during thP SFll.d mon',:hs, a.no that both front feet o!." such pocket gophers or.woodchucks were duly presentea to the chotr~A~ cf such board and that the township hns issued ~na delivered to.pnch clnimnnt a to~~ oraPr for t~n cents for each .pocket sopher or woodchuck so kill eel. Bert ~tone,.Chuirman •. . \ttest: ~'/il1iam Lincoln, Cl<irk. ThP. follewing resolution was ~~opted; Resolved 1J1: tl,e nonrd of c:cJLmty co:runissioners o:f Ctter •ruil eo1mty, Minnesota. · . 'l'hE>.t under th~ prov ls.tons of Ci1a·pter. ?.00 _ L~ws o'!', Minnesoto....,koj ~11,..J:lJ.e.-.'.l2.~'U,Y s~r,11 pn,Y. ~ ~tv o.f !e[.4 for ei oh full-frown red or gr•,,\' fox k1.llea in saw Go,untM~rom "!!tmu~,rr 1:r,--nnro tt'?ll~e~.M .:ii, l!l G; p,:,y,ment to be mi;de on wf.\rI·ant of the county Auditor a-:fter compliance hy the claimm1t v:ith all the pro- vJsions of suid low • . \ci.O!)ted ,Tanuo.ry. f:I, 19•16, Bert Stone, Chuirmun Attest: i'lill.iam Lincoln, Clerk. ThP followin(' resolution was a.oopted: ~esolvF.!tl h.\' the Board o:I! County commissioners of Otter Ta:il County, !-:!inneRoto.: That the sum c:r $40.00 per month be nnd the sa.me h_erehj' is allcwP.d to DelH•a,h Kappe for clerioul wo,rJ;: in the office of tr:I'! Count.v AttorneJ' from Jnnunry 1, 1946, snme to be paid o.t the close of F?och rnonth ·on 11/1;1.rro.nt of thP. ~01mty :,ud i 1:o!" fro~1 th.e revem1e fund o-r the Co11.nty. Ado·,1ted Jamror,y fl, 1946 .• qert Stone, .~hair'.llo.n. Attest: William ~incoln, Glerk. •rhe follo~:ing resol nt ion wos adopted: 7 Reaolved. bJ' the :Soard or <::ourity ~omr.iiss.i.oner o4l otter '.Pilil coimty ,· :.Iinnesoto.: That under thP provisicns o·f 8ectio•n 73~ C•e.ner!ll Stt1t11tes for 1923 th<! sum of !~100.0C be ano the same hereb,\' i'3 a.pprop1ir,ter• ont of the T!ev,m.ue .Fnnd o-r the ~ountf to th'-' Hed P.ivf"!r Voiley DevelO!Jment Associntion, soid amouY1t so crrr-roprinted to be used in ps.yme-nt of. pre□ittrns to exhi'bi.tors for the rear l'HG,, Adopteti .'onu·n.rir !!I, 1946 .• Sert Stone, Jh'ni.rman. AttPSt: William J,incoln, Clerk, '!'he follow:inp r'E!solntion wo.,; adopted: ~esol ved Ii.\' thP T-\oa.rd or-Count.ir r•ommi ssiom!rs o,. Ot tP.r To.il Gount y, !Hnnesota. .. \"Jherei,.s, Chn.pter 1•!2, Lnws o"f 1921, Ira.son.' s !,iinnesotn St•).i:nteA 1!'127, Sec. 671 a.no !,linnesota, St,i1:utes' .1841, SPo, ~75.~0 ~:roviilfrn W!l.\'S oi1a mPf.l!lS -f'or tl1P. rJOntrol 1.i.n/1 erP.dic:,rt:ion o·~ n1st-prod.llci.ng hii.rberr,1•, the follow.in~ resolnt.lon wn~1 ,_.,aoptecl.: . . . "Se i.t liereb.~• resol\'ed, that (~f>O \/e f!'pproririF1.t.ed QJ' the '"loari!. cf Gonnt.\T Commissioners o • Otter 1'>J.il Countf ror the purpose· cf P.rad:i.cating m1rl removin1~ r11.st·-prodnc:ihg b1:shes ond that. 1; bount.v of .~3.00 bn offered for the location of horberr~ bush or bushes on each property subject to the provisions as set forth b,\' the ?.11rberr.\' Of·rLce, l)niversit_y ?c1·n1, st. Ptlul, :.Jlnnesota, on file :in the Offi.ce of the county And i.tc:r, Fergus Fulls, IIinnesota. J.<:lopted JanUf,rf 8, 1!14(,, BP.rt Stone, Chair~un. Attest: ;/illir.m Lincoln, Clerk. The ap!JJ.ication o.::: Osci,r Cr.i.nrier for settlement o·;? iielinquent· to.xes :for thP. ,\'.e1J.r HJ3'.) on the \'/, 100 feet of the south 9 !~ds, of S\'r¼ of HW{· in Sect.i.on 22, '1'ownshi11 o:f All.sti;;.d was r~ad tmd after cons.ideration, npo·n mot ion the Bo-ard reoomrnended to the '1ommiss ionP.r,S ot' To.:•rn.t :ion that said tuxes he settled for the sum o.~ $5,00; being a r~duotion of. $5,R? from the full r,mount of taxes, penalt,\', interest and. cost. The application o·r: Frrmcis A, rrelson ·for rei!uotinn o"f assessment· for 1()45 .against the w. 25 .ao:r.-es . o"f the S'!:l:~· SE·'!--o ~ Section 29 in the Township or Pelican wm1 rearl awl the Board recommended to the r,om-. . :nisRioner ·o:: Tl.'xt>tion thst the assesse/1 v,o.luP. of said trf'ct 1:>e reduced from !~165 to $125 and the ta:{es fr~m tVI. 84 to ~13, 0·s. · · . . . · A ·pet 1 tion s i('ned. 'b,y five freehold era an/I lP.r,nl vote:rs in Dis tr let 1-10. 134 oskinr, f.or a rene,u inr- on the order o-': the lcord o<.: county Commissioners estnblishi.r:r, School District !fo. 289 o'l: Otte!" Toil 1 County ··:as rea/1 and inasmuc:h as the :natter ha/! a.lrr-c.rly been appenleil to th'! District •Jon rt, no 1)ction · •~s takP.n bf the county qonr/1 nt this time. At the reqnest of H.i"f. Glorvip.el'"l_, Clerk of r:011rt, he wns 13nmteil· permission to allow af?ents through-' out the county the sum or five cents (5¢) for euch application ¥or driver's license prepared IJy snch agents. · county ,\p.ent P.a.ymona \'lolf nnd I~o.therine Sc:ilwortau, Clnh Ae;ent for Otter T::ti.l Connty 9rese·ntP.f. to the 11oard reports OT the <ict:iv it.i 0 s o:· their d.e·pnrt,;1P.nts, for 1(14!5 mid alr:o presentP.d report b,v forrner r:ount;r I Agent, Ce111rge S!'lrtrnren. · ; Upon mot.ion t hP. 'losrd. then tol1~: rer.es;,: to ?. o' c.:locl-: -o·. m. ·qids. for county prinl:i.nr for the na1P.,nrli,!' yr>nr J.~J.46 ~,!'J c::;.J.l.eci. fol' qy the floe.rd w<ire !J!"esPnteci b,y var ions ne1,vspnpers :1r~ct 1rpon 'llr-tion i:ill o :o sniri 11ids WP.rn ncc!'11ted n.B fol lov.'s: . !i ?Prha'll Enterpr.i.se-Rnll~~in-publicntio!l of n.rmuol s1·1.1te,nent of recei.pts a-rid· expeiaditur,esiof,·the ,),1 co11nt.v d.11rinp. thF! ;renr l'.l15 ot rutP provtdei! h,v Viw. Parters P:rairie IndepP•ndent-rmblicf!,ti,~n or list or tn.xP.s. rem:iinir1r iielinqnirnt on the first :.rond1;y in Jnnu'lry 1946, nt the rate µrovidP.cl by 1,,;7. 'i'elica,ri Ho.;:iicl s Press-puhlioa.1:i on cf nnmrn 1 n tat ernent OT nit:ei.pt s anrl <'xpeno i. t nrP.s o·~ t11P. counb,I' curing the oalP.nc1E.r .ven:r.1946, lit the ro.te provi<ll'!d b.\' lCLw, Fergus .:rourrrn.l ~:ompan,\•-pt1·Jl:Lc,ation ot' ro:i.-nnteE, of :tll meP.-t inr.s or the Bot1nl..::, r: County Commissioners includlng meP.t.lnc5 o: the Count.v Bonrd of: Eqnuli.:rntion and while c:on8icier ing matte!"s pertain'i.111:, to ditches ,i during the fe,:i.1· 1()46, a.t the rate speci·fied b~• law. · 'I Fergus Journ(,l r.omp!'.ny-public.:ution of nll oti1er r.iiscellw1co1ts notices to be publisi1ed by the count.\• dnr~ng the yer.r l()•'.5, at the ro.te specified by la.,·1, ---·---·------------------------ ':!I',\' bP. At te'st: to-wlt: Ji)A:TE: .......•......... ,7.!i!!!J.il,r,!, ... f.,~ ... .;J..!J.4.G •....... , ... , ............ ~93 ....... . &nd JanOnry 9, 1946. ac:o.,.1:1'.!..! .-..Mi ..;nJ4t- 'l.'he l:olloviinr-resol1,ti.Gli v1a.s adopted: ~esolvPd by thP ~oard of county commissloner8 of Otter Tail ~aunty, ~in~esotn: That the follow.inp namecl s1lr,1t be set apart "":ro'!l :he :ievenue Fnncl of the count.v to be ex-p,mded r,s needed for clerk hire f1.1:r the ~·e11.r 19,J,o in 1:he r::01.rnt.f offices na.rned, to-wi.t: Count.v Auditor's orfice, .~·6200 County Treasurer's off.icP.,~5500 ~egister of De~as·o~•ice, ~4500 Cler!: hirP. i.11 o Ff ice of Clerk of court, ."·3000 For ~sst. Supt. of Schools, ~1l~Q 1(..., 9~~•c: /1.,:s'-f.S,.,rit,•f..'S;.1, .. I., ,I l840 ll••f'P'"" J ........ _yao,.,911,, Bert Stone, Chairman ~illiam Lincoln, Clerk Ti,e followine resolution was adopted: Resolvea. by the Bosrd of county i::om111issio21ers of Otter 1'11.ll Oounty, i.ii,mesota:· That .the monthl.\' me.:tings of said Board for tiie ye&r 19<16 be f,nd the.I' hcreb.V are fi:xe,i a.a fo.~lows 'l.'he eecond 'l.'11esday ir, ,\prll, i1iay, June, Augmit, October, November· anrl December and the seco.nd ~feiinesda:,;-in Febrnar,\' i:.na. in March, and the first 'l'uesoa.r in 3P.ptemnei:. Adopted .:ranuary fl, E146, Bert ->tone, Chai:rm&n AttP.st: ~illlam Linuoln, Cler!:. Cig,;.rette license wa.s grur,ted to s. ,J. Fruth s.t Urbank i.:!l the Township of Effington for thP. cd- ender ye~r '1946. . The follcwinr resqlntton wos ndopteri: Resolve.a h,v the Boan'! oi County ,")ommissioners o;; Otter Teil r.ounty, Minnesota: ThRt the Par!~ers Prnirte Inciependent be ana the sr-1me hereby is dP.SiB'na.ted L'S .the ne1vspe.per in :yhich shall be printed li.sts ~.ncl .notices o-r: lancls 11.}JOn wl:ich to.xes remaineci delinquent ~.ncl un9a.id on the first Nonda,11 i1, Jrmuo.ry, Hl46. . · . Resolved f1l?'ther, _thu.t for th':! faithful perfor'!mrwe of such 1•1orl: the said news1>0.per be and. hereb,v ' .is required to furnish a 9ond in tlie stUnt of :~2,.000. Adopted ,TanHf.'TY 13, H•46. Attest: Williom Lincoln, ~leik. Bert Stone, i:hairman. ,Jpon rnotipn the Ronrd then i,djourned to. 10:00 c,.'clo•ck o.m. ,Tanu11r.1, 9, 1946. -'fEDNE8DAY' S SES:'; ION i Pursuant to r.d:ournmr-mt the board met at 10:00 o'clock a.rn. Wednesday, ,Ta1mc1ry-9, 19iG, all i members being present. The following reports of salar.i.es and feP.s recei.vea by county officers during t,1e calendar .vear 1945 were a~proved: J .;,[. Faueenson, Judge of Pro.bu.to court 1~3,150. J.e. Henkes, Sheri..ff-salary for year 194G i3,Hi5. Sheriff. Fehkes also re:iorted civil feP.s collec:tecl b.l' him ,rnc1 deposited in tl.e aurn of ~531.17 in the -~01mty Treasury. The application o"f. Eerbert Thoennes to he set over from District Uo. 43 of l)ougla.s County to District No. 85 of Otter Tall ,aunty was t&.l:en up for final act ion. After 1 istening to the s t,1tement:;: o:Z the Coimt,y-superintendent of !'lchools r,ncl no one B.[,pearing in opposition ·to snic1 petition, upon motion the peti ticn was rrr,ntel'i. fi.nci tl,e orJtird issued 1:lie fotlowing on\e:r. to-,nt: F/herP::is, U:e !)eti.1:ion cf Herbert ':'hoenn~s. f:i lef'[,l vcte:·, freeholder ana resident o-r School Dis'- tr i ot ~:o, 4~:i in j)ouglHS• ·~ount,\' , r':! ::,resen tine th.flt he is thP. owner o:; thP J.onds her i nafter described·, wr.ich 1.n-e situate ln fl aid ::Jchool I,ist r ict, ri.ncl ad jo i.n !,c~hool I1istr i :,t ,I'.o. 8G .in Otter ·Tail r.ounty and a.skinp, that l".n 1vith hif.l saia lsndR 11H.\' be set err from soid clistri.rit ro. 4~5 to SHid ad.,ioinr sciiool district lJo. ns w•f,1;1 presentP.d to the ~oarcl of Jonnty. iommisslcners of this County at a session of suid board helcl on the'lOth day of October A.D., 1945 for the action of saicl. boo.rn 1;1lereon; ann. wherer,a lt "ms ti1ereupon ordered h.\" · so.id hoard that o lieo.r.i·'18 should be had ,m saicl ;i0 tition, at a sr;ssion of soli' 'loard on· the 9th nay of · January A.It., HJ,.,6 a.t t):.e .-::ommissio-ners ::ioor.i in tt1•P. eourt B'onse d.r1 tl,e Cit:, o-f Fergus Falls in sa:id Gounty;1 and· whereas H ,ms further or6 ere cl. in n.nd by said o.rd"!r t"cu=..:t not icP. of ti1e time e:.nd place· of s.uch he11rlne-' b0 tiven b,y pontinP, copiP.s of so.i.ri ordnr in three public: plo.c:es in eo.ch of the school districts to ·oe ; a-f:fected lJy saio petition, ann b_y ma.ilinr to ti1e clerk of.e:;.c,h of said School Districts, 11 cop,y of sald order at l"f!St ten do)•fl heron, the t i,ne nppointr.a. Jar m1ch heurinp; and whereolil at the Rllid session of tl\e st>i.d Bo·arcl of ::ount.\' ·-:ommisr1ioners on F.rn.; ci ~th cl~!' of. ,1a.nlif.l".\' ',D.; l!Mfi dne pro0 r c.:r the posting and ser.:. vice or sai.11 order of he:.1.rinp. as tiler in cl.i?"ectP.6. 11nrl requi.red, more than t,..,1 dr.,\"B ririor to snid la.st nn,~P/1 date, havinf bP.cm mu/le and fi.len, snic1 fietiti.on --ro.s publi.r:l.\7 read a!1d con!'lidel"F1i1 h.Y tl,,., "'oard, with ever••- whici,'\\'as s,=..J_fJ by sniO intt:?res~ec1 -oc.rti~s for o:r u:·c;inr-;-t f.!rnntLnp tJ1~ r>rtu~e:r o~ tht? pe.titicrner, and s~Ld~. Board beinf of opi11ion thi;.t suin petition si'.!onld h'! grn.nted, it is lJP.reh.1• e>rdered and deterrni.nP.rl, thll.t tile flata :)etitioner r.md ti1e -Pollowi.ne t'lerneriiled landc: o.-med bf hi·'l to-wit: ---., _ • .• wt: of NE:¼ ,md E~ of nw.:i; in s1ection 5, Tovm~hip 130, ~ange .7.,9, bl! and the. ei•e·i,a hereb,l'"fjet cf-.f •from -~dd School District 1Io. 43 of Jouelns 'Jount,v to ,:n1.id ad joininr, Sci:to,Jl District Ho. 85 of Otter Tu.Ll co. and said lnnds are hereb,1" ,na.de a. purt o i: su.Lc1 laot naw?ri :School I;istrict; for all pur!Jos.::s whatever. Attest: By order of the BoHrd of county Commi1~siun"lrs. De,tet'I. the ()th· dar of ,Junnury A,D. l',i4&. . Bert stone, Chairman of. the Boarcl., \f!illiarn Linu~_i;r,1, connty Audi tor, ano. ex-of.f.ic:io Clerk of BOlird .- ! 1C©M~lS$WONiiRSJ fRlECOID M, OfTiEfR· 'FAI:L. CO.UN'f¥,. M[l)N1N. ~;i¥T-)i)'. ...... _ ··········'j 1,.(!J.l.ll-.+..V. .•. ~ ..•••.•..••.•.•...••••............•••.•••. 1113,.~1.G: ' _D.P.RI ll!,'CO.o,IIT•.CLOUD,:MINt,IS:Nl41-11.11'"-~"l".-··--,i • J ! ,, . ~·Th~ petition of Dick Staple RRkin8 that the RE, of Section JG in Tow~s1ip of Leaf Lak<1 be set over ' from Dis tr ic:t iio. 135 to ])ist ric:t l)o. 123 wn.s r<1ad ond .i. t ~,aR o rdP.red that r, '.'lefl:r l nr, 011 said petition lie !; had at t.hP sP.sston of the 'loo.rrl to ·be 11-?ld Mo.rch IA •• 1946, ot 10:00 o'clock a.m. 1:1t th'! •~ommissi.on'!rs• j. ~oom in tll':1 conrt House in H.,er~us Falls and th:3+ cine no-t; lr::P. of th~ time ona place o F said heerinfl he giV·en as !"P.'!nired b.\' l11w. - ~'he petition of l'/illiam c. Teberr o.slcine thot r.:i EE.Ii, o-f Sectlon .3?. and S½ SI'/¼ o'!: SecUon !'i3 in T•,"ln · ship of P.rhanls GrOl'E' he sP.t over -rrol!I Distric,t Ho. 2,Fi to District Ho •. lo vraR rea.d, ~,TJ.d it wes orderP.d thiit e her.ir:inp, on Raid p!'tition be Imel ut-the B<1ssloT' Ol ti,e "".on.rd tone held '.i~ttrc'r. 14. 1946, nt 10:00 o'clocl: a.m. iit the Co'!lmissionP.!l.'S' Hoom in the co11rt J'onse in Fergus P.alls a.:ricl that duP. noticP. or the time and place c,f hearing be given n~: required by ·1,;.w. Ci tlz!"ns fl'om t,1e 1•ownsl,ips of Hobart, ;J;d:rm, Gorman fmd Perharn apge,;.r.eci before the Boa.rd to 1trgP. tilP. irn•prov.ement of a:;. co1mty rouci ln thr,.t loi:,.1li ty. Upon motion the Audi tor wus instrncted to advert.isl'! for bids for the sule of twelve i12) c:orda of , wood., more or less, civmed by i;J;<1 county; s11,id bicis to be received until 2:00 o'clock p.m. February 1:1, l!l46'. . ~•he BoP,rd huv lng advertised. for bids fer fleet ini:1urtmc:P. en county hif;hvre:.~ equipment, examined 1:ne · b.icls received 1mo eontro.ct vrns aw,:.rded to N.E. /.rneson at IJ;109.50 for one year. . The followi.nf.; bills ··r.e!L'e:·aliJ.-owed: 1. \T. c. B'enk.eFJ 2. :-J. ·c. t1enkes r.:xoenoes Bonrd ~f orisohers Supt's. clerk $57.A7 100 .• 00 21.00 10.25 10.65 lG.00 ~-Valborg Tuneseth 4. Everett c. Hanson Dep. Coroner's fee Coroner's .!."ee 5. Dr. ~eo. G. Jac:ohs 6. ~-~-Glorvigen lOIJl'(l of Audi,t I:~unici pol :ludp.e I s 7. Frmilc C. Barnes 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 11. 15. '16. 17. IA. ·119. 20, 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. :\ 27. 28. 2~-'. 30. 31. !32. !33. 34. ii 35. '36. 37. 38. ;,38½ 39. 40. 41- :42. !143. 41. 15. ,;46. '47. 48. 49. , 50. 1151. 52. ,, 'i fees Secnrlty ~lsnk Book P., Printing c:o. a.bstr,~ot records I,iiller-Davis Co. records S: blunks Poucher Prtg. I Litho. Go. Sup1Qies Japs-Olaon Co. supplies Fritz-,ross Co. records R.A. Henning sn,ip11:ies Victor J,nnder-m .•.: co. r~~P.ipts, etc. Ferr,ns ,Journal Co. pub. min11te::i .'oim L. Logn.n Dep. Sheriff's 'f,,.~s M. :-'e,vnolds hunlint? 11sh,-,s Ole I-'.ulstad repo.irs Hintgen-J~arP.t Co. rP.p::iira Adelsmnn co. snpplies Johnson 3erv ice Go. repnlrs NW Bell Te. co. Qalls Fergus ·l'lnmbing S: Heut ing Co. repairs NW Rell '.l'el. Clo. cr,11s :Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. supplies 172.65 123.4-2 1:51.i. :;n lu.12 145.15 z .. '"/f.i 20'/. 95 4().65 9. 75 16.00 ::.oo 41.6fi .50 . _;•;. 57 29.70 6.60 5.05 .b5 Acme .::hemi cal iJo.. s u.oplles E3. 10 :e.A. Anderson postage 30.75 i\i!lrcha.nt rialc. Mahe. Co. meintenllJlce ::$5. 00 q,w. Glorvigen P.O. _Box rent 1.00 H.w. Glorvlgen's Driver's License Comm. 8.50 t:a.stman J;orla-k Stores sui:r:?lies 5. 52 Remington Rnnd typewriter 126.00 Burroughs Addine,· ![che. co. mni-ntennnce 6~.85 J,:ason rublishipg Co. d it:"lst lCl. 00 J.Ior.troe Ca.le:. !vlche. Clo. maintentmt,P. 16. 50 'i'o1rn of .Bluffton Poor 27H.G1 !)r. H.H. Leibold l"xum.; poor 6.00 Fergus Falls Clinic exfJJI\., poor 3.00 res. 4.00 i'/m. if. '.Uerler Co. ports 107.62 C•e0. T. P.yan co. parts 151.67 Minn. F.W.D, co. parts 28.01 A.W. co. of Minn. parts 25 • .30 P.or.siholt F.quip. l'.o. ·parts 2f.>8.G7 !:laner Mfe;. Go. pnrtl3 49.83 w.w. Sheet e,, rro,n Works pa.rts 52.7~ Wotl. riushinr; i::· PartR Co. parts ~< supr,li.eil::12.67 Consumers 00-op. Oil Co. repnirs, &as 45.79 Skorrnc !Iotors re·pi,.i rs 5. 5-"l Minn. M0tor c,o. r~pair.s 7.50 Henry-Helmrre-n repnirs J.G.60 !,arson "'1ros. TP.pnirs 104.25 "?erhum ·co~e·p. Oil r,,.oairs 3.40 C.H. B•jorkluncl 9od.,v shop -repairs. !LOO ~~e followine resolution was adopted: 53. 'Rei no }:a.nrrpi re pn i rs 54. A. p. Schmit :i Ge.rage repH i rs 55. Sqni p. RentR.l ll: Sales supplies 56. D,F'. Cord-eFJ snpplies 57. GumblP. store -W.Y.M. su:pplies 58. ~attlP. Lake Prodnce supplies 59. J~rmtilla Implemr-mt r.o. su~plies 80. Wilcox Lnmtier Co. -Vergas ,mpplies 61. S'!IHh Commcrcia.l ·Body l'lorkB supplies G2, YJieff-Peterson Hdwe. supplies 6J~ Paper, 0o.lmP.r~on & Co. cutting ~dges 64. Duro-'!'eAt Corp. ·· lamps 65. Dalton LllmbP.r Clo. lumber 66. Krueger :~ool •c. ·Droy ·coal G7. Minn~apolis Iron StorP. chain 68. Villap.e of .Dalton Garage rent 69. 1:renr,v Pents::,,ri hauline tire 70. Villaee of 11ennine Elec:. energ,I' 71. Albert Rhonstr0~ in~pection 7F.. 'iills 011 Cornf)P.~t gasoline, etc, 73. ~~~rose'Oil Co. Basoline, etc. 74,. !..rotor Tnn Garnse f-'F.Hioline, etc . 75. Highway Compnny e,nsolinc,, etc. 76. Bendickson Ser•ic:e Stu. guseline 77. Sta.nd,ard Oil Go. -1'. H. ·gn.soli!l!! 76. Sill's Service Sta. gasolipe ¥9. Bill Delson Oil Co •. gas I oil 60. H. K-~tahl Co. rird, Oil til. H.\"/. Bell 'l'ele•phone Co. Lone_: llist!l.llc:e ;/3649 £!2. n.w. Bell '.l'ele. co. Service a:~. 84. 65. AG. A7. l~B. r,9. 90. n. ~)2. 93. 9.-1,. ()5. 96. 97, 98. !19. ·100. ]_f)l. #3CJ -.Bat tie· Lake A. C-lorv i.gP.n ex-pens es George Wic:ker expenses A. C"•lnrvigF.!n-cush advanced· i'!estern J'ownship grar: ing · Berno.rd ~edll repairs Village of BJl.uf-rton gr1WP.llihg '.Pownship of C·litherall grnding Town of Lenf l,iounto.in Q.1rnn1nti ne eY.p. 'l'own of :r,eaf. Mounto . .in road work '.l'own of Dead Luke rond work Y(l.l•ner. r.:arvonen Comsrs. exp. Geo. B. Aunderson Geo. Hanson !:Jinn. St. Snnitorinm GlP.n T.ake Sanitoriu-m Field. <:.: l!Rge,e ".ighwny Co. 'l'h<-! Oil Store FrazeP. oar.e o·f "!)RtiP.nt care of oatiP.nts j,; iP.Sel f.uP.l (?as, etc. ·llliP.SP.l fuel gro.vel n.oo 4.46 30.80 3.30 6.18 .25 n.;;o lA.10 11.2'3 2.19 12.no 46.80 1.24 l•l.:?2 25.17 4,!i.00 3.50 1.00 10.00 15.67 70. 27 :57.95 26.09 7.48 -n.n :) . 25 G:3.79 G'J.13 7.85 G.25 62,70 6.30 13. 75 300.00 1.3.00 200.00 300.00 24.00 ·1~.10 ;'i00.00 6.70 5.20 5.80 86.66 :n~.99 129.59 30.0R 30.GO -~n.45 RN1.-:>lvea b;i' thP. Sourrl of Go:ml:y G_ommissioner.s ·of Ott:er Ts.il county, Uin.'l'J.esot9: '.!'hat the sum of r,G80.00 bP. anrl the sarne :is hereby a.ppropri::i.tfid out of the nwenne fund cf said to the Otter Tail ~istorica1 SociP.ty. Adcµted Jannary 9, 1()46. Bert stone, Chairman. Attest: "lilliarn T,incoln, Clerk. , I ' '. I COMMISSIONERS RECORD M OTTER TAIL COUN'FY. MINN. ' . -. . ' .. - Ii)ATE .................... /1n111.ar,1· .. !°1 .••••••••..•••.•••••..••.•••. ·········193 .. 1<i r a:ua~K.."°"-MD.P.Rllfl'JNG_C0.1.BT1.a.GUD,,MIW--'ll4I r:ouni:y: 1'hP. !:ollol'! ing nn.rne;1 ;w,,;:P. s elP.c:t en to be plonP.d on the snnrrn.l r.r:=-,>1.:l :mn Petit: .Jur,v 11s ts of t hi.a Y.ei th C1J.rber, F.c1nr, ~enry En8lin, Gorman ,John Geissner, Perham r'ick Fit>rlle:r, Hobr..rt Pe 11.l Fr':!il er i ak!i, ~ush Lal:e u. ~-Yorknlo, ~ewton f!n!:';O Soderberg, Bl11.fnon 1~mil :.lelRon, naddook Hngo lfammer, 1;n,nesteo.d :ohn 7edell, Blowers H,.nrr Jo.nk!', Sutler Glr-m "Toa.rd. Pine Lo.kP. ~~. 1,anderi, Jorliss ua:rry (:r-rluna. C1tto I(, F. Je,7nr, 0 erham '! lllafe Arthur caa.v:P, '.:anr1or Fi l'.r.er Hance ck, Dead T.P.,J~e rr.a.tt "!iclels, Dena 1 r.ew.i.~ Arntson,-Sc:1irnhler . iJhD!"let:1 Gu.lst::td., Dnnn J,·rs St:oen, t,1or1i:eigu11 r::-:rove '·!eel r,yd1m, !'el.lcFrn R, f. Dillon, Lida Selmar Horg,rn.rd, Tronclh.je!n . ,'ohr. ~eterson, 1~,_ha.rds Grove ~a~per Tolle,~an: Uaplnwom~ ~ohn ~. Sletvold, o~cDr ~. M, AnderRon, "P.nninR 7illn~e :[?"I~. elrn.rlir::? ~elJOlo,.1L'", •:ills i-,frs. r::~•-E. nri.f.f'in, ?erhnm i,'"il. '.frs. F, T-1. ze.i!gler. Perham '.'il.. iJrs. '!. A. Sundberg, :Uchvill.;i "v"ill~lt'C J.;rs. ?.oh~rt ?ick, r:ent v ill ar-:i:i ;,rrl:'. r~wald Dtrger, '!e1·tas Vil. Fr!!d Maxfield, Cormli!l Glad;{s Sk:l i.l i:?1r:er, Gormm 1::r:L Lot.tis -::opp, Cana.or :irs. ::~rt r.,ein, I,c••11i T,nl~'=" l.'.r!l. r,e •iitt I'onne, Rtf•.:r !,'lke • CSC!i!" ;~uhn, Stnr LeJ"~,., ~3vry Jientj~e. 7utler ,-11, Peter !,~inten, ~utler ~_._.,Tclppi, Blov1er0 !!ubert BP.nfston, i3lov!~rs ·11m. "lP.i'!l"l.r., Fewton ,iolm :11or1ms, i':ewton nerman l~hnert, nomestnn . .l I:rnest Geise·, :!umet1tP.o.<i urs. Ray Det ingP. r, Pi.ne Lal~e '.'Im. 1.lottie, l'i!!P. Luke i,irs. !,(;nrpi Pen1l~1, Otte .?.lhert ~•ritz, ?ush Lnke 1'hP.,1i C Tl:' ~a-.1•::!:, Qt t 0 r;:ricl: I.evinP, Hush L,:.kr-- P.enrJ• .A. L'iP.drichs, :]<in>:~ AlbP.rt Tr--ntPT, Rdna !ie!lr,v Flot au, Perham Herman l'!essel, ~erh,:;m Otto Richter, Hobort '~erman "'lauan, llobart _ Ludvi,: tm1dhaf:e11, Scamhler Urs. :rurner i\sl~ew, Sem:nbler J,~re. ~ll:ra ~in,::rn:ir.k, Dunn li'rank E:vF1rd ell, nunn Sam sundrtck, Horweignn Grove E. L. Bredahl, Hor1v,Jiten Ci·cve :.!rs. Fra:nc:i.s lielson. ·peliu&n Orlo Seiber, Pelican Krs. ~ritz Ransdh, LL~a Ole Rrodahlen, T,i6r,. l'l~"Y,P:r !\F,P.ndjn,~Troridh;em . .!'Ts ~c1o1Er-aJf ~1'•r-:-riu t"'SO~Ji,e"'~;h ::J.rti ::; :1rc v 1=! '"len ;::r1,,cl:son, -:xharas Grove I.._: !,irs. Leor!l ·rownsend , Ci t.v• ,.,,; .Ch•rJ/.t-r.,"f••i ,""Po.ddocl( , , J.11;., Hief~/4. , -Po.Jd,0 /:- Upon motion the board then Attest: ,~, \·,Do;. , .1f?,· .. ., ,..,_._J) ·"' f'c·l~rl• fW~-· I ~rank Luebke. ?riberc Iver !ndenion, c,~lic1:m ~upidc Vil. nonrad "'oBstrom, iluine ],'rank Freol:e, Lei;:f :.iounta.i.n Fred. Pu,tlson, Uida:ros Curl Snnda, Oirnrd ,/alter nrutlne, Gtter Tail Vil. !Ollie Muri:, Amor Lo.~n·~ne;~ ~ow~ 1 ~~"le rta ,:or.n Bond.\7 , Cl i therull :•wnsp. Herman .T,nrson, t•;ar,l"! I.ab·i ~uliu~ ~hr!qi;o~her~on, St::OlPf Dan ,iOTf"!nson, Tord,msk,je;ld Thorolf Lein, ·rn,nuli ,Tohn ,,o·l'-!', "ij."li.niJ •.-t.llufP. ·'ii.lli~rn ·0Thon1tnd, qc,tt1F1 T,ak,.. Vil. Levi Olson. Underwood l'/il.llne:"! ~~-~-Aurzc1tla, Comntt"•n D~nl~l ~1m5les, D,..~r ~reek H•,• A, •:ordes, Leof. La.i~e VernAn Smith, Tnmnn iiorvci:i. 1/oodurd, oalr Valley Donalt. lt'r11nkl.i11, ·,1oooside GuRt :Finm1on, JU'!lc Carl J. Lnrson, Fol~en A, ~-Hard~korf, Ef•lngtoA /•,upnst l'i. Liljenr,ren, · :"orkers >'ro.iriP Oen,.. ~elson, ~•stern Grove:r· Sall!\ilers, ,:,apl<:w1ood D3,·~·iti Ctirloon, l-•1a!_Jl.F'WOOd l\! rs. Charles AabP.rg, ciecar A, H, Brodohl, Oscar t.:rs. 'Lllyde Huge, Pribe:rr, il1rnry c. llelson, r'rib".!lT van B. TriteA, !.I~lne r,rrs. ,loe 1:ueJ.er, !,,e.i.ne Clarti. Stn:i.nil, P.r-:lico.n ~.apids V l. 'lertel ,le!1son, '?elici•n RRpicir; i.L. 'l'hP.o. B :,erlc~1;vec1 t, Leaf !,!oun tu n F,d. "B. Cr1rlson, r;ei1.f ~,ro,mtai!'l Mrs. O. E, Herbra.nson, Nidn.ros s. E. ualvnrson, Uidnros J. ~dgo.r Anderson, r.1:raril ·,rs. "'!ndol11h ?.:ronP., Oi:tert11il '?wp. !.,rs. t.~··· Schultz, vtter 'l'oU Vil. .RlrneT E:A i,!1':son, :\rnor !.!rs. Eo • J.Iar ti l!son, A"'l.:; '!: Jl'e ;.iandP.lke, .,, P.T ts Clu:rence I Hnnr;un, Ev ~Tt8 Ae:nur Pusta<1, C:liU1".!rnll 'i'Wp. !.!rs. ;Tenry 1/in ther, Cl itherull Twp. Uils F9r<i.PTJ, ;~e.£.l~ Lt~ke J. :;;. TorePl"fl!)n, Earle LDl:P. Geor~e ~elby, St. Olif Osca~ HellP., St. Qluf ~rs. A.·~. Phor~on, Tordens~jold Anton !.!oe, Toraensl~lolcl M9rtin V&llovarad, ~verc'lrnp G. ;.. Holfson, S,,,.rrlrup !i'rr.:id ~'!hlll t.z, -~11.·=n.1.l i r::. ,., • l!a.Y!SP.l, "'u,nnl i Olv.:r 01s0'1, Vininr "in. l:!:rt.1. ~s1·~J.1e 1··h·:i•:1l•r-?TS, Clithernll Vil. Peli~ Yenne~strom, ~attle Lake Vil. ~~irs. Clv.renee Kiml.Jer, th1de:rwc.od :,Ire. :;otfrerl Wil!lon, Lultc,n T, s. John:::ai1;" Gom11ton Abe Rousu, Leer Creek ~. ~. VP.l'Tden, Deer Greek ;,'.;rs:· H;rris RinB, Leof Luke Richan, Tervola, !,eof Luke ~. J. ajorklund, u P.nning ,T, c. 'l.'etens, ~enninr, .lohra r;, '!':<:kof:", Inman ua~R P. ~y~, City k-,:"ro.'1/t' °S .,_., IC. e,y I "1fi /,.f.t/0"1 /1,-/'l,w,-k;~l<dlo>t j":i/"ff T'•" EeL P.ode}:nhr, Deer '!reek Vil. Al Schamber, Pa.rl:erc; Prr.i r.ie 7ill'!Re R.:1rry Pedersen, '3use - Farr,:,· p.urun, Dane I'rairie Ed. G. l?et~rson, .?e:r,z.us. Fulls '.l'Olll'lShip Ed, Aune, knr<iRl Albert Hexum, '.;urlisle l:lbert c. :.robroten., ::-nizuht>th Andrew Rnnnieen, ~ity ~-E. ~wenson, City E. c. leimer, :lty liormnn ;:urm, City n. 8, Jenkins, '!ity Adolph ich~son, Uity Jelph Sinner, City c. R. nates, City Carl l'lorchers, Inman C:nrrie Per!:'ons, Oak Valley Angust Sranstner, Oak Val.leJ• urs. Frnnk wood, Woo<iside C:tmr.Lie 1:;uhwartz, ,1c,06si.de /,irF.I. G.:.. Ar,.t-•4'11, F.ostern AU[ust Pearson, Eastern · Ilrs. Oscar Lincl1:111, P.url:e:r8 Pr.· Oscnr Hulstrand, Parkers Pr. Urs. William Roers, Effington John Raap, Effington !.!rs. !,!.,T. Thorson, ~'olden :.!rs.··:<, iV. i-le1'dmo.n, Elmo Qler Ho.nson; Elrno Clara· :1. ·rraut,, Henni.nf! 'lil. Charles 1'ultquist, ,1enninf, vil. !,frs. Georp,e :!ebP.hn, DeP.r Creek\///. /;/ .• ,. ;1-.0. C &.vew , 7Dee,,,. C.••!IC "rlll• · :,trs. A.L Ha~e"l, P1J.r}:!::s Pr. v i.lla.P!e I.Irs. Wm. Mielke, Adolph r:rlandson, Aastad Jos. Imholte, Aaata;J Wm. F. Dueno'lz:, Aurd>1l F,rnil "loen, Anrd1U Sef.'.ra.v \'!ri!!ht; lluse Mrs. :!d. !~!o~n, BlH\e .:rustns :irnmer, t;nrl isle Jr~. Helmer Anderson, Gerli~lP T. O. ~!ort .i nr~on, Dane ?rni r,!,p r,.J,. :ierpe, DnnP. Prairie iohn Schroeder, ~lizab~th V!m Sv!!nd s.:anrri , :•:li zr..lJP.th !.:rs. f!o!'?.n1c1 '31l,:?lo, l!:lize.beth 1/ilL Jules Jennen, Git.v ·,urn. i-:. ~chuli, Ji~t,y V. Erh.'.lrd Pierson, O rwell Carlo Gio,gini, Orwell !,!rs .. P:lmer l,lunson, l'!estern C. A. Fabian, Western !,!rs. Iver Hickelson, City Mrs. Hnlcl.a Ho.lmquist, C:ity !chert Altner, pity !,'.rs r. A. Swenson, city i.lrs. :: ea.a E. ~Io~, City 1,:rs. :.'.,A. Tripp, City ~'. s. Toms, City :idjcnrned ...:i)nennescla.l' lllel)rno.r.ir VI, _l\146, c.t 10:00 o'clock A, :,;. . Tc:J~ ~~ l:lcr-f.'/Pc,,i,~, •~huirman. -~-BL!A ti-' I',IiUU'rES or· MEETING 0]' BO./:.RD OF COUU'rY co: :;.11:SSION.r.~R.S a~, O'l''l.'ER 'l'..\.IL ;:quHTY·; i.II!Hfr;sm:,'. A:1c Feb:rrni;.ry 14, 194G '1 Pursuo.nt to aa:o-tlrnmen1.: the 3oard mPt e.t lb o'clock A.M. l'fednP.sdar, Februr,.ry 13, 1946. Present: '.}omm.lss ioners Y.:arvonen, r--1:1nd•erso-n, Flo.nson, StonP. nnd Snovrberr,. · . MembP.rs of the To~m noard of r:o.gle Lake appeareri. to discuss the pros-,)ect: of post~war r.oad constr1w- tion i'.1. the county. . . r,TP.m'bers pf the Amr,,ricnn Lh13ion of ii'eremi ;;,A.lls appenrea before the~ Bonrd to ·urge the BJ1i10intment or ' ' u r:o-1].nt,v Service Q,f:ficer •or the assist a-nee o·r Yrn.r veter11:1s. A rtP.r listening to a stat emP-nt of the var iOllS. parties, the Board +;c;ok the matter undP.:r advlsel!lP.'1.t. U'Pon motion th,;:-Bos.:,;-d then took a rec-ess until 2:00 o'clocJ>:. P.11~. '!:'he Town ;:Joard-!3 of the to~ms or Le·o-f !,-!ou-nta.in and Fidaros, together with eitizens of thps-e townships anr.' or -o.attle T,1.tkf' Villef-e, appe,,r,..a to ure-e the aesirnation of ,::ertain ronds in these two townshi.pi:: 11s n countyaid rpod.. Al:t-er thoronf.h dis<rn.si,,ion. upon :notion it was or/lere/l. that the 'h[!hwa.y ~nr,lne.P.r make 11 survey o-!: thP. propos,ed ros,d e.mi report· to the noarn,. _ The Poo.rd, hiwing CP.l:).ed :for bids -r.or c:erta i. •1 ,•·:o-od c,•.-:n.ed by t lJ,3 001.mty -:nd s tore,l at tli ~--v .illn.ge of. 1 Vining, openP.d the bids which hi;,.a be"'n r""oeived, nna up9,n motion the hici o:: i:!hu.rles .\. Lunci in. the s1un o~ A65 was accepted.· ~ . . A pet it io!1, foT· a esignnt ion of a count,y aid re.a.a i.n tj1e 'l'o.•mshlps of Pelican, Lid P., f~rhards Grove, and !,Io.plev100c". was read, a.nil upon motion ~ms oniered. plr..cer on file. . . _\ cornmu.nic;_;ti.on Drom Wra.llrwe nonfherty, Er.ecnt ivP <•ec:r.etnr,v or the \'/el farP. ·Bon.rel of Doup.lus •Jount.v, , relative ~o Hrs. H!)l"tin l!elS\'.>n, n lefo,l resident of rttf,r 1'ail :loun1:,1· who h,1.ri been sent tn the, ;;tate '! SRn.itorimn b,\' Dour-ltu:1 Count.,, authori+;i.es ,-,hi.le temporairly living in the r:onn1·,v, was rettd to. the ?,ot~rrl.. After consider:;tio1,, the count.1• A1.lditor was instr1wtea \:9 write to :.!r, DOU[(J-,ert.1• that the '.lea.rd :'clt tha.t :,rrs. ;;e1son should he cared '.'01' at the ntteT Tail -~aunty sa.ni.torinm, or tha.t she should he officia.lj' trP-"lsferrecl bJ" t'hP ntter Tail count,v .,,oard to thP state uanitor.i.nm. "'hP. Au;ditor was also instrur;ted tc iJ rP.port the matter to Dr. T-Jerpquist, S.nperintenae-r.1: o'" the Otter 11s.il County Sanitor·i1lm. . Annual reports of snlaries receivP.ri by VRr.i.011s co1:1nt,v .:i·.'.:fio1als dnr.i.ng the cal•rndar .renr 1()45 were approved as follows: . . Willir<m Lincoln, flonnt,v Auditor, ;$5Hi0; P. A. ~\.nderson, Eegister c,~· Deeds, $,3150; f. ll, Ree, County ;, Treasurer, :t:3150; H. \'1• Clorvigen, Clerk of Dist:rlot ,-~ourt, f~21'l50; Louisie S'tonri,J.hl, ,::aunty· Superintende-r,t · of ,'3chools, $286fi.64;. ::ur.L .,. Lund, Coroner, '.)l::.9.t30; CJharles L. Alexancler, Court commissi::mer, ,;.59; Vslmer J~arvone:1, Jounty Comrniss iol!er, ~~B49. !l.li :. Georf:e B. Glil.nderson, C-ounty r:ommiss ion er, $849. ()6; ilert stone, county 0ommissicner, ~fi4\i.96; CEcrl A .. Snowberr., O•Jnnty Oommi-~8ic.ner, :);;849.96. The followini_! reports of salarie·s received lJ~; cert,,in co1:mty offioii;ls durinr, part of the yr;fJ.r l\)•k5 , ~vere a~provea: . w.F. r\errhuis, [Jaunty ·,\ttorne,y, \".:92!J.16;_ Chester G. Hosengrcn, Count~r Attorney, ~iG20.fi2; :::eorge ' Hanson, Connty C!ommissioner, ~;65. 3,1. •~i.g• rette lmcenses for the calendar yea.r l,()4o v:ere erant,ed to the followi-ng; Perry S;,1ens0n ,,t ·iortL " Dora Store, '!"i'er,oi R ,1. T.Tilcoske at Pleasure 0 arl:, cr.rl ,1ohnson at ,i.lmore., .lmn';)rson anci. Gonrvcl s.t ::C11sh Lake · :Resort in Township oi ~u.sh Lalrn, M. r:. Op&rc: s.t stor,i ~n Carlisle, Leonarn ""0!:\13rd nt .Amor Ste.re, :\. r,. •ihi t- ho.m at Tll'l.sswood St~re i.n the Townsi"i.i !1 of Dern.a T,a.lce, o.nrl Clf:1rence 'Rewitt e.t the Gorne:r ~ltorP in the Tol'm- ;: nhip of Amor. · A ·plat or. outlF,t T?-e11.ch in tr.e ;'ownship of T,ina._acr,omp,:;niec'l hy a r:erti-fic:ote· of. title c;,xecHt"a hy , T;'.A. Anderson, Ree-istr!'J" o:r 'i'itles, vms 1;1,pproverl. i A report of the Stst!' ?nhllc F.xami.ner o-f :,.n e:rnrqi11ntion of the eonnt,v offioeri 01: th<? oount.v, rJuver- ' .inf-the c1;leY1clar .\'P.or ];941 and 9,,rt o·Z the ,\•r;,nr 1\14::j, ·.•ms pr,,.n011t.eo tc the ".on.rel and oi:tP.r readinp oi ti·,e · re port, upon rnot ion the sr,me wa.s approv ea • The r::ou.nty AucU tor presentfHi to thP. t~oarci the nnnual sta.tern~nt o i: rec:ei11ts a.no ci isbursel'lcmts of 1;hc'> · county -~or tr.e c:i~J.end,-ll" .\"ec,:r l\)4f.. Upon motion,' stotqment ,•ms np·:in,,vea anc1 crdered published HS pi'r,vider by la-.v. . I I Upon mot.ion the ~oara nnjoiul)ed to "'ebru,;.ry _i4, ut 10:00 o'clock ,L[!. ,I· ,. 1'?1.ffiSL!!.Y 'S s:r:ss ION .l?nrsno.nt to 011 journ:nent-, t 1·,e Boan, met at 10 o 'clo,ok A. bl, 'rlmrsday, Febru,;.ry 11, all members beinr, •11 present. 1 The bon<i of F.len.r,or t>erge·rson, Defrnty Tr-cr.s1irer, i1} the su111 of ~5000 with liation,;l suret~, oJ: ii'e\, York a!" suret,v, wus approvea. The Board, hafinf advertised for snle Bused V-Snow Plow owned by tl1e county, open bid w~s rAccived from S:rvin Strandfl in the snm r,f ~50. Ii-pan moti"on thf' bi:d wes 11ccepte.;. "~ reoort of thP. -:'\oa:rci of Anr1iit of on exarriins.tion o" the o.coo1mt o-" ·:,. 1,1. "ee County Tr0asurer, for 1. the perio<l frorn :\ur:nst 1, l!l4f-to October 31, 1~'1-5 ,' shov,inp !:i l:nlr.ncif' i.'1 ·the -co\{nt;;· tress1u~, •<Jt the clo'1e ' of lJuslneSs on sda la~t •10,,t ione/1 ii Rh• of :'.;777 ,1G3.?.f:, !l/8c" a1Jprovecl. _ , Upon motio,n ti1e Cormt:,· \uci tor w,:,.;;; instructed to issne the follo,·,im· on.J.13 rcr b.ids a.na count,; :: e~uipment: :1:-:ine or mor·e ::rhP.1:!l ~ractore ·ond -;Tir,hwe .. r :·ow~r fHt:ic1 h.ids to be oPe-necl ~t 2:::-10 o'clook P.M ... "t:Iar-3h · l.'i, 194G, rin,1 also one Piclr-Tip 'i'rnok } tc,n r;npacit,J• in e:-:,;110.nf'e :ur used Dodf.!P. ?i,:k--llp owned -hy tl,P. connt.r said hids to be opP.nP.d n+; 10:00 A.~.,:. i.!urch 14,, l(l46 .. Also h.iils for all t]'',H!i; nn1i slzP.s of portrt:,, ~nllverts ::,.na liri.or,e lumber for the J'Pnr Hl1G said bids to be openeci <1.1' ~-:00 P.fr!. ~!arch VI, l\!46. 1: The ap_plic!i.tlon o ,. Victor A. Sunciber,? for canuellutior,1 oJ' ,,1sscssment on hullo ing·s a,;ainst T,ot 1., in 3l~clc 2 -~f _ the Origin&.l .Plat of Hichv illP. for the :,ear 1!!4:i on the gronnds tll(l.1; sa..id ,structur""s were all burneci in Jnrnrn.1·y of that .''P.£1.r \VfJ.fJ read and tiie 3ourd reuornmended to the nom,nissioner o:f Taxation tl:r-i.t, ;I said 'assess\Jmnt be cn•,celled and the 01ssP.ssed vr.lue of said p1:o:1ertJ7 be reci1wP.d -frem .')370 +;o ·'.j)lO ar"1 the ' t~xes rrcm ~50.85 to ~l.34. . 'rl1e a.riplicrition of:~.::. ~ereri·nist ror reclnc:tion of a:rnessment on pcrsoni,l nropert,y in tiie vill!lf,e 11 of Parlteril "?rairie fo:r th0 ?P.a.r l\H5 wa.s read, anc, tl',e Bo11rd. reco•n,ne•1aPd to thr-> ::ornr~i,~ci i.o,1r:H of 'i'uxAtion ,: thl)t tiie lissessec1 ,;elue of se..Ld proµert.v he reo.rwf!n rro"l :"·241 to .~·12,, 1md +;iv~ tnxes frorr. -~17 ,.-i.-1: to ~'.;~;.119 o~ter allowi:m,\e df: ~100 exP,npt.ion 11rov.idP.c h.v law. • :'he 11r!l1,~c:a.t1on er ;'!:rherc1 °;hRkP. fr11·-rel1nction df ;)SFIE!S8Pl"!Tlt •or the yenr l:115 1,,;rn,in,st s~-swf .in 1! Section 3'1 "in ·~he T-0111rr~.shi·p or Je-er '"!re-~k, wr..s rend Li.nd--;1:l1e ";\oorc1 rPeor-:iment1..P.d f·o the ~o;n,aissioner o·f Tax- ation that t i,e ftSse,: sed vqlne of' rn:..i.(i !Hopert.v he reii 1u:P.d <:rorq :~f-101, to .::·.13,h anci the tc,.i<P.s from .''.·LU.1. 57 I: to ::·-64. 13 ,j I ,I : I Cli\Iill.'l'·M··1ss'J,o~Hi•iDs 'll),1i'.'co1°0 'M• OTTEit> TATiT "CO· ·u;1',TT" y 'MiF'll<T:ll<T \YJ!I.YJ. .: i::~,~:I\:. n,.£.,.· n~-, ., ·:_:'.i1~;J\. .•-.:1L .. :•;_··,::1.~· ... ,. tJ:,!1,1• BATE .... -......................... PehrllUT.\' .. 14 ...................... 193.:46 The application of M.i'I.A. eamp o-~ Underwood f.or settlement of delinquent. taxes and penalties against the south 32 feet of Lot 7 and all of Lot 8 in Block 2 of the Original Plat of the Vil~age of , underwood for the years 1940 to 1944 inclusive, 1•res read and the 3oard reccmmendP.d to the Commissioner of '!'axation that said taxes be assessed for the sum of $450 beine a reduction of -~105.97 from the full amount of delinquent tnx"s, penalties, interest ond costs. The ap.plication of Charles Milton Abbo.t ·for classifir.:,tlon of tract in SE¼· SW¼ of Section 22 and. other lands in Township o! Parkers. Prairie for t~1e ,1•ear 1945 at homestead r11te v:as read and the Boa.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said lancl be so classified and the assessed valne reduced ·f'rom .~·;314 to :l'llAR a.nit the taxes from ~34.85 to" $19.64. The application o.f "eter Sethre for classifico.tion of tract in Sub r.ot 5 of SW-} SW} in Section 34 in .:the City of F'ere;us :"alls for the year 1945 at homes,tead rate was read, ond the Board recommended to the commiss loner of Taxa1: ton that said land be so pl.!!.SS if.led and the assessed valne be reduced from $1280 to MOO and the taxes from )jl56.42 to $92.53' plus special asses:aJments. The o.uplication of ,iacob T. T{ursh for clnssi f.icnt ion o ~ 1•11i-S~P· o-f' s,rn tion 20 in the Township o•f rnmo.n for the year 1945 ot hor:iesteo.d rate,;•ras .read,· and the "loo.rd recommended to the Commissioner o-f Tax-· ation that s::i.id land be so classified that the assessed ir.alne be redncP.d from /!l983 to !'i590 and the ta.xes from :~80.22 to M4.29. · · Off Ra.le beer_ license for period ending March ;31, 1946 was granted to Carl Johnson at Almora .• Tne following resolution was adopted: . . F!esolved that l'/illio.m Lincoln, count.v Auditor,. be directed to issue a warrant in the amount of :~56.58 to the Reconstruction Fina.nee ')orporation in r;>ayment for tires purchased under Disposal Document ,~38352, iounty Highvray Department nurchnse Order #16881. Adopted this 11th day of 'F.'ebruary, 1946. ' ·>Bert Stone, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk Upon mot ion the salar.v o'l: Mabel Gunderson; Assistant count,\' Superintendent of Schools, Ytas fixed at the snm or. ~166.66 per month f.or thP. ca.iliend_ar .vear 1946. The followinp. l'. J.C. HenkP.s 2. J.C. P.enkes bill~ were allowed: boarding prisoners expenses . ~147 .oo. 27.70. 29.70 13.50 12.63 3. Mabel Gunderson .. 4. Valborg Tungseth 5. Dr. Everett c. Hanson 6. John A, Schr~m. Nelson Cafe 7. Prank c·. ~arnes 8. N VI Bell Tele·phone Co. 9. NW Bell Telephone Co. 10. Wm. Galena 11. Duane d. Aune 12. !!intgen-Karst 13. Johnson·purniture co. 14. Fergus Servic.e station 15. Lampert .r,umber co. 16. Costello Mfg. ao. 17.!.T, I A.N. Barna~d~ 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 21. I 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35, 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. . 41. I 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 17. 48. Ronning-signs Poucher Prtg •. -. Li tho. Miller Davis co. Security Blank !c Pr int ing Co. Jones, Kroeger Co. Fritz-cross co. Security ~nvelope ~o. R.A. Henning Victor J,u,ndeen .'1,Co. Japs-Olson 00. Burroughs Addine Machine co. st:. Paul 3ook & Stationery co. Fergus Journal co. Pelican Rapids Press Henning Advocate Battle Lake Review Parkers Prairie Ind. Perham Enterprise- Bulletin P.A. Anderson ":,--• .. _,., H.w. Glorvigen P.M. Ree Mason Pub. co. L.vle Aldrich State of Minnesota H. i'/. Olorvige·n J.N. !'!aae;enson H.M. Oronner Diebold. Inc. ,i t.v o·f T-'P.rp.us Falls Village of Underwood Tovrnship of P.verts expenses co. Supt's. clerk Deputy coroner's fees Meals for jurors municipal co-urt _·fees calls calls repairs hauling ashes supplies supplies to Jail supplies coal supplies filing cabinets for vault i.n Judp;e of Probate of:fice lettering d-oor co. supplies blanks ... supplies assessment books~ supplies s-upplies supplies envelopes supplies printine: ,'I, s,uppliP.s blanks I supplies paper school supplies pub. pub. pub. pub, pub. pub. tax tax tax tax tax tax postae;e postage postage lists, lists lists lists lists lists etc. Annotations 'I: Digest repair t,vpewri ter examination H.20 39.60 7.30 30.35 5.80 :6.00 1.29 8.75 1.20 4'96.00 14.70 330.00 1.50 84.98 135.64 lfll2.06 6.39 11.26 80.27 6.50 196.44 19.21 6.19 45.00 477.43 208.73 124.73 175.90 138. 78 192.58 34.55 72.00 21.89 27.00 driver's license exp. expense attendinp. 2.75 671.86 9.40 23.90 meeting · bond premium inspection poor expense poor expens·e poor expense 25.00 12.50 4836.55 V51.41 36.95 49. Township of Blowers 50. Glen Lake Sanitarium poor expense cure of pat- ient-s 311,.80 ·, .392,43 51. ~ity Poor Department care of transientlo,50" 52. Dr. Everett C. Hans.on examination 12.00 • 53. Minnesota St. Sanitor-cc..re of pat-217~36 • 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 613. 69. 'JO. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 84. 85. 86. 67. BB. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. ium ients ltatl • .Bushing & .Parts parts I supplies 43.09 Company Mahler ~ Straus parts Fergus i?oundry co. repairs Bennie Rossum repairs Olson Auto Elec. co. repairs Henry Holmgren repairs Johnson Machine Shop repairs Hintgen-Xarst Elec. co.repairs Henning's repairs ~ee Chevrolet Co. repairs R •. J. Schmidt repairs Dal ton (.';araee repairs Stanle.v Electric repairs Anderson ,'I, Tichy repairs Larson Bros. repairs \'/estlund !do tor Co. repairs ~rooks 'I, Perala repairs Skogmo Motors, rnc. repairs Ebersviller~s. repairs Pelican ~apids Minne sot a 110 tor Co. tire, etc. Lake Rer,ion Motor Co. battery ~ergus Glass 'I, P!lii'Jt Co. paint •erp.us Service Station supplies Kulseth supply r.o. st1pplies Rattle Lake vardware supplies P.versviller Implement supplies Co. Fergus Falls Walter Glilllan Montg..imerJ' ward & co. Gamble Stores, Dalto-n Carl c. Schrader Saunders Hard1vare Co. Coast to Coast Store Henning Peavey Elevators P.H. Gust Elevators rred A· Everts Fergus Lumber&. ?uel KruegP.r co i:>.l & Dray Len Syverson's Park Region co-op. Oil Co. Seve-n-0-Serv ice FerP,ns Oil Compa.n.v Dent Oil Co. - Ray's O!l Com,pany Bendickson Service Statio·n supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies su·ppliies coal coal coal coal coal gasoline gasoline r-asoline _gas •• oil gasoline gasoline e;asoline 111.60 2.00: 32.05. 46.19 31.00 46,24 3.96 4.50 3.00 17.30 38.30 1.00 H: 30 37.80 8.35 19.80 1.50 2.30 94.14 ll. 75 5.75 7.60 65.02 12.~)3 2.20 7.51 14.G3 1.32 6.65 1 .-02 9.83 25.50. 22.14 25.06 23.55 22.37 58.,38 85.60 16.55 53.96 2.76 35.64 20.79 'I -1 ~ i I C@MMISSiONP'.ERS, [RECORD, M, Of'F.E!R TAIL '00:UlN11'¥,. MJJiN1N. DA:i'Ei ................... F.~.11J:Iun:.v. ... l1 .................................. 193:.1.6, aa:UAITY,m:AMC. IIODK"AND PRINTING .,:._8T, a.GUil; MINN-Nl•I. 9A, !)!), .100. 10!).. 102. 103. 101. 105. 106. 107, 108. 109, 110. 111. :112. ·113, 114. !1.15. tI..! ~ ll6, 117. ::us. ;li9, 120. 121 .• 122. 1123: 124, ,:125: standard Oil co~ Thelen Tm;olernent co. r.av,re·nce Chas•e J4\'m0:n Creamery P,d. Pet-erson Dhillips "66'' Perham 'Jo-op. Oil co. Bill Nelson Oil Co, -Jonsumers Oil co. Hennini:; Oil Cell. F'ield & Hagge Oil co. The Oil Store, Anderso•n .'I, S·andberg !',a.sol ine gaRolinP., etc. gasoline gasoline f,D.SOline . gas & oil gasoline gasoline . die•sel fuel diesel. fuel diesel fuel 37.21D lA,65 6,P.9 5.85 9,70 34.69 4.37 · 6.36 185.66 . 27.00 · 4&.50· 126. 127. 128. 129,, • 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. Oil Co, Penros•e Oil Co. N,P. Raill'IB,\' Co. 156, gas, diesel fucllili, etc.40.69 137. freight 5.12 .. 138, Battle Lake Villar,e of Perham Pelican Tele, Co. NW BP.11 Tele. Co. Victor Lundeen !I.: Co. •rodd county Highway . Dept. A. Glorvigen A, Glo rv igen Insurance service water charges services long distance supplies maint1rn11:nce cash advanced expenses insurance -~3649 . Af.!enc,v N,F.,· Arneson Tns-equip. insurance ura-nce Ar:enc.y Township of Pad•dock road work Villnp.e. of Deer Creek road work Wm, H.-Zier:ler Co. Inc. parts ~osholt ~quip. Co, parts ~orchert-rngersoil parts . Inc. Davenport-"lessler ~orp. parts The follov1inp: resolution was ad-opted: ·16-.00 2,50 10,35 2·2.00 84.40 26.22 139. 140, 141. 142, 14~. 144, 115. 24.55 146. 12.38 .147. . 309,.50 300,00 300.00, 34,89° 44.79 !)·3,24. 21.37 148. 149, 150. 151. Klauer r.r:rr. co. Kenffel 'I: Ess·er· Service ~ecorder Co. :Jlnneapol is Bl tie Pr int i-ng Co. Empire Supply Co. Dahms Photo Prip-t co. Lenker Mfg. Co, Vl•heeler Lumlier, Bridee & supply co. H,K, Stahl Co. E,A. Bloes·e pa.rte pepMrs repai.rs su:pplies snp-plies supplies supplies paint oil 27,81 23. 79 !'1,98 21,25 245.56 56.75 21,82 28.8?. 17.60 N,1'1, G.ood Roads Ass'n. services 25.00 Yalmer Karvone·n e:,::-penses 6. 70 George Hanso~ expenses 5,80 Geo,, B, Gu•~d,e;-son expenses 5,20 Odin ,Johnso•n cash Advanced 5,00 Oscar .Simon mileage as Marshall 11. 72 ?erhn.m To•~mship cc~struction 300,00 Sv.erdrnp Towns·hip building road 247 ,33 r,ake Rel§:ion ·111otor Oct,, repairs 120,17 Westlunil Motor Co, repairs !'1,40 Ebersvillers repairs 1,93 Peiican Rapids Lee Chevrolet Co.· Grossr:mnn Instrument· \'lorks Hi!,!:hYla.v Compon.v J,ampert Lum-ber Co. A. Glorvif.;en 1'1.1'1, oUblishing Co, repairs repo.irs 10,60 3.25 .gas-'ftiel, etc, lumber envelopes Pli.\?lishine-, personal tax 2R,14 8,50 150,00 1%,08 lis~s· Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Connt,i•, Minnesoto. salary rental co~nty Resolved, That the countr Highway Eneineer be 0,1.tllorized to ·issn,e time checks for tile purpose of r:ia.vmen ts to ull maintenance employees, engineP.r ing employees, constrltct ion employees, und for the of truclcs and mowers necessary for the maintenance of State Aid P.ouds not to exceed $40,000 and Aid Roads not to exceed $00,000 for the ,year 1946, Ad!opted this 14th day of Februur.v, 194,;. Bert Stone, Char.iman Attest: William Lincoln, .Clerk Upon motion the Board then adjourned to March 13, 1916, at 10 o'clock A.!vr. Att.est::~~~Clerk, /;§~~Chairman :I ii :i ,. ---, 'I __j SIDHHff,111.:ANK NGK AND PRINffNO co.,.n. CLIIUD,, MINN---111 .. IDA:T-E-........................ J.iarch .. 13 ................ · ... -... · ........ 193.46 l,!Tlf{,JTfo:S OP ADJOURNED MF.ET TllG OF BOA?.D OP COIJN'J'Y 1'10MMISRIO!IBRS C''f' OTTi;:"2 TAU. COIJNT··;y; iv!T!UlF.SO~'A Pursuant to ad ~cnrnment the Board me at 10 o'clock AM, Vlednesdo.v, March 13, 1946. Present: commissioners :r.arvonen, Gunderson, r.:un-son. Stone and snoYrherg. A Plat of l'lilliam Reese's Lnkeshere in the Township of Rush Lake accompanied b,y-a certi-fice.:te of title executed by M,J, Daly, Jr, was approved. Upon motion it was ordered that tax forfeited timber lands, which had been appraised by the aount.v Commissioners, be of:!."ered for sale Ma.v 8, 1946, provided the approval of the State Conservatio-n Department is received in time to advertise this sale. A number of residents o:f' District No. 131 appeared with Attorney ,1esse A Schunk to urp,e the '!3oard to call.l for a re-heari np:. . The 'l\o.•:n Boord o.f. otter Tail To•·mshir> appeared to request improvement in road in Be.id township and the Connt)• Commissioners agreed toliliooli: the road over. The following cig~rette licenses were granted: Eel~ Anna Borup, Star Lake; Jeseph P, Suchy, Urbank; C,llr-. Lee, ".'!rystal-LidaStore; r.eorp:e Olspn, Almortl.; Hubert·Y.oep, Urbank; C,D, Hubbard, \'lestern Store; C. S. Paulson, Paulson's Grocery, Town of Ma.ple•;rood; Gerald !i.·ne 11'. Kremer at Luce,; ::?ufas Hull, Bottle Viev: Park, Town of Cirard; all of said licenses cover inf.' the co.lend ar .vear. 1946. Cigo.rette licenses 1vere granted to C,J, Matthews at Co.mp Ba:l!moral, '.('oYmship of Otter •.rail; William F, Tessendorf; Woodland Park in Tovm of Gira.rd for the period frc,11 MU,\' 1 to December 31, 1946. Cigarette license for the period fror., .April l to December ;;i, 1~146, was eranted to Earl J, Mo.ckerizie at·-~shorev i'ew Resort in Amor. Ciee.rette license for the pe·r iod from Agr!ll.ll to December 31, 1946, was eranted to Paul Koep o.t Urbe.nk, The follov:ing persons were granted on o.nd o"ff sale beer licenses: C ,D, Hubbard, western Store; P.ufns Rull, Battle View ·park; T,O, Halvorson, Glenbrook Heights, Town of Elizabeth; Arvid •.renny, Highway Park; Paul Y.:oep at Urbunk; WillillIII Tessendorf, l'/oecl:land Park; F',J, Hilceske, Pleasure Park; C,j, Matthews, Camp BiHmorel; Anderson!!: conre.d at Rush Lake Resort; Joseph P, Suchy at Urbank; Herman IVeickert at reser · in the Township of Perham. , Do.nee permits were granted to C,J, Matthews at Camp Balmoral; Herman Weickert, Seeert iii the ~•own ship of Perham; Anid •Tenny, l'!ip.h\W,V P.o.rlt Pavillion. Dance perml.t using mechanical music enly was granted te T,O, Halverson at Glenbrook Heights, Town of Eliza.beth, The -~oU!OWinr, resolution was nclopted: Resolved b,I' the '3eard o"!' Go1mt.v Cemmissiene:r of· Otter Ta.il Ce,unt.v, Minnesota.: rro clgnrctt'es, cigarette papers or cip.:erette wrappers shall he. sold in Otte1· Tall 0ounty ontRide of th0 corporate limits of any village or cit,1• without first ohtaining a lice-nse :from the 's'BO·ar-do<5f Connty Commissioners. All such licenses shall expire December 31st follow:ing their issuance o.nd the fee for such licenses shall /d:.-J,fff be t~l.00 for ea.ch month er a11,1• part thereef. Before an.v such license is issued it must be approved by the Town Board ef the tewnship wherein such cigarettes are to be ~old, Adci>ptecl March 13, 1946. Bert Stone, Chairman, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, Upon motion the Board then took a recess until 2 o'clock P.M. '!)ids for metal, cencrete, and weoden c:ulverts as advertised for b_y the Bea.rd were opened o.nd read, and after consideration u.pon met ion all bids ·were accepted. Bids -ror po1,:er mower as advertised for b.v the Board wer opened and rP.a.d, o.nd representatives of the various firms suhmi.tt:ing bids were permitted to explain to p-,e "<\ea.rd the merit1;1 of' their machines. After consiclP.ration, the n.oerd accepted the bid of William H, Ziep.;ler Compo.ny :~or one !-rinneo.pelis !,!Oline ~TT Tndustrial Tractor vri th Lull r,rodel OD Hydraulic Loader -f'or :~2379 ,44 nnd the bid of Geo. T, R,van fer 1 "'!ase Model SI Trt1.ctor for tl878,35. . Delegr.tions o:f. Citi1.P.ns from the To,.mship of E:astP.rn a.nil 1;.lso·'from the Township of St. Olaf a-ppeared to discuss improvemf'·'lt or road ln their townships. The application of Ephraim Hulm~ren for cl11.ssi"Cico.tion of NE½ SE¾, w}-SE and SW NE of Section 21, TOYm of Amor, for the year 1945 at homestead rate we.s rend, and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that so.id land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $.1756 te $1223,-and the taxes from $137.67 to $!J0.65. • • ··· .. Th!! a!)plicatior, of P.aul Premis for classification of Lot 17 & 18 in Block 35 of Lakeview Addition to Parkers Prairie for tile l'ear 1945 at,,homesteaci rate was read, and t-he Board recommended to the C ornmissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assesseci value reduced from $1000 to S625 and the taxes from $118,99 to $70.23. . . The applicr,tion of Kenneth Rund for classification of NVI¼ of Section 32 in the Towns-hip ef Tumuli for the .veo.r 1945 o.t homestead rate was read, and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said. land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from :!;ll!J25 to ~1392 and the taxes from ~188,27 to ~130,91, · · The ap·plico.tion of H,R. Neuman for classification of Lot 7 in 'BlocJ: 10 of ".'!ut1e·r 1 s 3rd .-1.dciition t.o Fergus !<'alls fo:r: the Year l!l45 at homestead rate was read, and the Board recommended to the Comm-iss- ioner of Taxation th11.t said land be so classi.t'ied and the assessed ,•alue reduced from $656 te $410 and the taxes from ~80,16 to ~47,42, . The applic:ltion of John A, Lem·polu for classification :of tNfl. & W~ NE of Sectien l:l, Township of PaddocJ: for the .vear 1945 at homesteo.d rate was rend, and the ~oard recommended to the r:emmissioner of' Taxation that said l1md he so classified and the assessed value rednced from :~1385 to $852 and. the taxes from $152,63 to ~68.66, The application or Vern T.\'SVer for cl:wsificatlon of N½ Nl'I¼ and Sl'I Nl'I and N 40 ac:res ef Lot 3 i-n Section 28, Township of Amor for the year l!l45 .at homestead rate was read, and. the Board recommended to the •'.:ommissioner of Taxation that said land be so cla.ssified and the assessed value reduced-from $2254 to e1121 and the taxes from 1176.71 to 8129,70. . . The application 'of Andrew Matson for c1assl:fication of W~ o-E Let l in Block 1 ef cutler's Resurve.v: in the City ef Feri;-l1B Fa.lls for the year 1945 at hemestead rate was read, and. the 13oard recomme-nd•ed to the• r.om:nissioner of Taxation that saiil. lanrl. he so classified anrl the ass·essAcl value reduced from $1566 te $979 and the taxes from $l!ll.3'1 to ~ll:i,23. · 1 The application of Paul ~. WliLrps for clnssLf.ica1:ion of l'T?i-~.1.--of Section 24 in 1'ewnship o·f ii'r:tlber'. for the yea.r 1915 at homestead ra.te ~rn.s read, and thP. 1>.oard recemme·nderl to the Commissioner o·f Taxatien i that. said land be so clnssifierl. e.ncl the assessed valu"' reduced. frem $H2 te $427 and the taxes frem $66 .01;i to ~36.83. . · 1 ' The applico.t ion of !J.C. Smith for cnncellation ef asses·sment. ef structures on Let 2!1 ef Pe::iche-~ '· 'Bench, 1st A,dd i t_ion in Township e:r. Star Lake fer the ye3r 1915 on the greu-nds that there were no struc:tnre. on said let ~,us read, and the BQerd recommend,ed to the Commissioner of T·axati-e·n that said as·sessmen:t be ; ' co.nci,lled and the assessed value on said tl'Q>.Ct be reduced fro'ilf. J~l 7·6 te ~44 and the taxes frem $17, 39 to $4.35 J, .. S'~o. I ·,1 Id ii: .I I, l I i,i '" :11 •11 ., ,l, -~-.1• ,; ' I I ,, I :i l i '· ' : I ·C.®.1NfMi{S$IONi£~$. ~ECO[R)J), M, ·OT'fER TAU •. ·COUNTY,. M[NN. li)A:'f,Ji;; ............. ::.(:.':.,MIU!.eh,.l,~ ... ~ .. J.1. .... , ..................... 193'.1:6 ... . The a.pplioo.tion of E:,c·. Smith for the ussessment of deli.nqttent taxes .for the year 1941 a0uinst Lot 21 of 1st Addition to Peach's Bea.oh was read, and the Board nicommended to the Commil.ss1oner of Taxation : that said taxes be settled for the sum of !,i,3.60, being a reduction of $12,84 from the full amount of taxes, ,I penalties, interests, and costs said reoomrnendation being made for the reason that structures were assessed against said tra.ot whereas none exist. Upon motion the.P.oard then adjourned to 10 o'olook A.I.I. Maroh 14, 1946. THURSDAY' S SESS IOM . Pursuant to adjour,nment the Board met at 10 o'clock A,M, Thursday Mnroh 14, 1946, all members being present. The petition of Diol: staple to be set over from District 135 to District 123 was taken up for fina.l action. After listenin!', to the petitioners and. the Co1m t~r Superintende-nt ,o:f Schools, upon mot ion the petition was f.ranted and the ~ca.rd issued the follow.i.nti order to-w.it: -r-i \'l'heras; T·he petition of-Dick St a ~le, a leg?.l voter, freeholder· and rP.sid,rnt of School Dil.striot Ho. 135 in.this county·, re presenting that he is the· O:,','!ler or. the lands. herino.fter desor ibed, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin ~o•hool '..District wo. 123 and as!:inp, that he with his. said land mo,v be set ofi. from said district No, 1~15 to said adjoining school district no. 123 was presented to the Board o-r county Comm,issioner of this Co1mty at a s-ession ·o:f. said boa.rd held on the 9th of January A,D,, 1946 for the a.ct ion of. soid board thereon; A.nd 1•1hereas it was thereupon ordered by said hoard that a hes.ring should 'be had on. se.id petition, at a sessio,n of se..id board on the l",1;h da.v of !liarch A.D., 1946 at the Commission- ers Room in the Court nouse in tlie •;i t.v of l"erp.ns ?alls in snin county; and whereus it was ~nrther ordered , .in nnd b,V said order that notice of: the t.i.me ond place of snoh heo.ri.nr, be p.iven b,1r posting copies o·r: si,id order in three public places in each of t\:]e school districts.to he n.ffected by said petition, and b.•! mail.in, . to the clerk of eo.oh of said School Districts, o co!'),\' c·r-sDid orner that nt lP.P-st ten da~,s before the ti11e appointerl for such hearinp: and "lhereas at.the sain session o-'.' the s13.id Board of Connt.v Commissioners on said 11th do,v of :,larch· A.D., 1916 due -proof. of the postinp. n.na service or sa"id order of hearinp. as thP.rain · directed and re'luired, more than 1:P.n d a.vs prior to said lns t !l.n·no.d date, hav inp. been made and fi. led, sai.d petition was publicly 'read a.nd considereo hy the ~oard, with everyth.ing which.was said b.y said interested . parti(!s for or np.ainst r,rantinp. the T>ro.ver or the r>etitioner, and s,:iid '1oa~·d beim;t of opinion that said petition shoul/1 be grr-.nted, it is hereby ordered and determinP.d, tho.t ti1e SG.i<i petitioner 1amcl the followinr.. described lands owned by them to-wit: SE¼ cf section 36 Township 134 Range 36 be and the same o.re hereby' . s,et off :from said School. District no. 1:16 to said adjoining School District No, 123 nnd said lands are hereby made a. part of said last maned School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County dommissioners, Dated the 14th du;, of i,!arch A.D, 1946. ·!Attest: William Lincoln cou!lty ~\ud i tor, and ex-offrcio Clerk of Board ' Bert Ston~e ...... ..,..._...,,.._,,__ ChnirmAn 01 the Boo.td.of County Comm. of Gtter Toil County, Minnesota ,, The petitior1 of 1'/illio.m C, Teberg to be set 'o,1er rrom District 278 to District 16 was token up nnd ·' it ap·pea.r.ing that no proof c r po~t inr, not ice hacl hP~n filed, u-pon mot ion the petition was laid ov-er to Thursday Jnl.v 9, 1946, at 10 o'clock A,t-1, The petition of William A, illall a.skinr: that Nt of :t..'F.~ o.P Section 13, Town of Effineton, be set over from District 218 to District 56; wcs read: and lt wo.s ordered thnt e hearinp: on soid petition be hacl ot th session of the qoard to be held ~uly 9, 1946, at 10 o'clock A.M. nt the commissioners' Room in the Court hcusP. in Fergus Falls, and that due notice of the time :rnn place of snid hearing be given as required b.\' law. . ThP petition of Luther ll!oen askinp: that SW¼ of Section 35 in the 1'ovmship cf Hennin!', be set o,•er from District 140 to District 106 was read, nnd it was ordere/1 that n hearing on s:;id petition be had at the session of the Board to be held July 9, 1946, at 10 o'clock A,M. a.t the Commissioners', Room in the , Court House in Fergus Falls, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearinp. be given as reqnlred' by l-aw. The petitio,n of Henr~r ~oehl askinfZ .that NE;. SI'/-¼-of Sect.ion 3 TolVnshi·p of (1tter Tail, be set ov.er from District 15 to Distric;,t 19!l was rend, o.nn it wns ordP.rea tha.t r, hearing on so.id petition be bod at the sess -ion of the non rd to be held Jul.V 9, l !J46, R.t 10 o'clock ,A ,M. a.t the Commissioners' Room in the Go-urt House in Fergus Fa.lls, ann· that dne not.icP. of the time and plnoe of said hea.rin~ be given as required b,v law. -, · The Roard, havinp: o.dvert.ised for bids for 0 iokup Truck, opened the onl,v bid received being that of ,'Skormo Motors-Inc. Upon motion the Boa.rd ac:cept·ea s,,id bid·to furnish one 1946 one-ha1f t,on Dodge Ell'press at a price of $1050 less allowance of \1§508 for a County 1912 Dodge Pickup. A report of the Board of Auditors of an P.Xf.!mina.tion of the accounts of P.IvJ, Ree, Oounty .•rreo.s;.rer, for the period from November 1, l!'J45, to January 31, 1Y46, •Showi!lf, a balance in the county treasury at the ,! olose of bus·iness on last said mentioned date of $727,678,47 was approved. . . _ - · 'l'he foll.owing resolution wa.s ado,pted: · Resolution by B·oard of county commissioners of Otter Tail County z,e.ques;ting that the State Board of Allotment grant to Otter Ta.il County speoiul aid for the improvement of n certain road. Whereas, there are 1100 miles of cou,nt,v r6ac1s and 2300 miles of township roads •in otter Toil Connty,:\ ,' and I' Y/hereas, 372 miles of coimty mileage are on the F,A,S. s,vstem, and Whereas, Otter Tail county -desires to improve the greater portion of this F.A.S. system, and Y/hereas, county funds are not availablP. to reconstruct many of these roods, and l'/he•rens., State Aid ~oad #4 is a F .A.S. roa.d which directly connects Trunk Highway #=108 with Trunk :!Highway 1/:52 in Wil:\tin County, and• W•heree.s, :f'unds reoe ived -~rom the gas tax are pro port ion at le~· less than other counties receive, Now Therefore, Be tt Resolved, that a request be mi:tde to the State Board of· Allotment for special aid. to ossis,t .tn the reoo,nstructio,n o,nd resurfa.cing of the followinr projP.ct o.na in the amount a.et ·rorth below: I, . S.A .. R. #4 -Lene;th91a,6 miles .•. l!'rom T.B', #59 in :'P.li.can Rapids to 4,6 miles west in Section 26, ,Tl36N'~R44W, $10,000 to ru\.1 in the regrading a!ld resurfacing. Adopted this 14th day of March, 1946. Bert Stone, Chairman. ,Attest: William Lincoln, Olerk ----------------··-------------------~ " COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... wu·.rJ.ll ... l:\-....... . ················193.46. 'Ph!'! ~ollowinp resolution •·:::is o.dopted: Resolved b.r thf! "'Onrd of --:ount,v '!ommiss iom!rs of. ('tter Tail •:01mt.v Commi.ss ioners o ~ Ct ter Tail county. l.linnesota: \'lhereas this :ioi.ro has heretofore contrr,cted ,•:ith Anstin-"/estern Compuny, Inc. of Minnesota for Giant v-t.vpe s1.1011plow and 12 foot 1•:ing and 1>ov:er c-ruder, and wherens same have hec,,n received and accepted b,\' the count,\'", now therefore, be it resolved that the Count,\' Auditor ond Chairman o'.: this Board be and heretofore ore authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant on th,: ~oad and Brid[.e Fund of the ::ounty in the sum of e8692.00; the contract price. Adopted ~arch 14, 1916, Bert Stone, Chairman Attest: !'iillia·n Lincoln, Clerk. The followinr, resolution ;ms adopted: Resolved b,\' the Boo.rd of Gount,V' Gommiss ioners bf Otter Tail county, Minnesota: i'lherei:s this 13onrd has heretofore contuctnd ,·:ith Wilcox r.nmber Compnny of Vergas, J.llnnesota :for 21 Laminated Ra?ters, :rnd 1·:hereos snme hnv,:, been recei,•ed and o.ccepted by tile count.\•, No1•: therefore. be it rPsolved that the r:onnty ,\uditor und ':hoirmon or ti1is Board are authorized and di rec tei! to issue to so id compan.1• n v:urrant on the Road ~ ~ridr.e Fnnd or the County in the snm o-r .~696,10, the contract price. Adopted l·'.arch 1-1-, 1946. ;t t~st: r•illiam T,incoln, ~lerk. The follc"1inp. bills were allowed: 1. J.C. 11enkes 2. J.C. Penkes 3. Louise ,tondahl 4. 7el borr. Tune:seth 5. F.ff'inr.ton To•·mship 6. Orin J. 0 sulscn 7. ~ecu:rity ~lrnt 0 ook 6. 9. 10. 11. 12. u. 14. u;. 16, 17. 10. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 21. 25. 27. 26. 29. 30. 31. 33, 'I: ~ri.nttne: r:o. Poucher 0 rtp. ~ T,ltho. !i'ritz-r.ross r::o. Ui:eblad 0no. •'"!o. ?.1iller-Do.v is co. r::ounty School, Office Suppl.v co. Victor Lundeen & co. Japs-Olson co. Deer ]reek Mirror Battle Lal:e !'!eviev1 L.vn ~. ""ohnson Pergns Journal Co •. Parkers Pr:;i.rie '!"ndepend en t United '1hemioal r:o. 'leall 'I: !·!cC,o•·:nY\ --:o. Johnsen ~ervice ~o. Hinte:en-F.o.rst Co, Campbell r:oal r::o, U ~ ~ell Tele. r::o. IT~ Bell Tele. Co. Louise Stondahl n l .. •tnderson H,''/. Glorvipen P,l!, Rec µ,\'/. Glorvig1m 20,v Corliss R, ,J. Borke expenses boo.rdil'.lr. prisoners expenses co. Snpt'G. clerk qunro.ntine exps. trnnscript records, su~pli~s blonks records blanks~ printinp. rl"cords ~ hlonl:s sc:i10cl suppl i.cs printing~ snpµlles supplies~ repairs notice to taxpayers notice to taxpa,rers notice to t[,,xpayers pubiishinp.. pub. delinnucnt tax · list fi9.17 113.00 :i4,95 4,50 fl0.50 flP.. 20 llA. 16 11.22 1~4.H 95,00 f14,'.l0 i;9.4H 25.40 9.49 1.00 2.00 LOO 58.10 447.30· snpnlies 5,85 supplies 9. 90 rP.poirs 4,62 repairs 97.9B coal 4•17. AA CRllS 23,G5 calls 5,90 postage 51.15 postafe 30.25 post!)f':! 3·I .00 post ope 10.00 driver's license exp 1,80 service as jailer 6.00 insurance ~ev. 2!14. fl8 R,,,8 ::OA41.62 ribbons. repairs 6.25 34. 35. 36. 37. Lip ht foot Sho !l :-:ost,11m !'od,·k Stores ~ere:ns Palls Clinic !linnesott> Stute rnc. supr,lies 5. :52 P.xamino.tion roor &.no cnrP or patients " RO.OR 3A, 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. So.nitorinm !!i?m. St. Sanitorill'II Villae:e of Deer r::reek Toffn of Elizabeth Town o~ ~lizo.beth VillaRe or Parters Pro.. Town of Effington care of patients poor expense poor expense 1941 poor expense 19~3 poor expense poor expense 1944 191::i 44. •rown or Henning poor expense 45, To~n of Hobart pcor expense 16. Rosholt Equip. Co. parts ·t7. !linnesota r'.a'l,'D, co. purts 48. ~m. µ, Ziegler co., Inc pa~ts 49. r.eo. T, Rv-an Co, parts 50, A.~. Co. inc. o• Uinn. perts 51. 1-.!ahler •c Straus parts 52. hlatl. ~nshing I Parts co. parts I supplies 53. J~nutillo. Tmple'llent r::o. repairs 54, Lorson qros. repairs 55, tee Chevrolet Co, repairs 56. Granrud ~orare repnirs 57, T-'ar130 F'oundr.\' r::o. rep_airs 58. Bill U~lson Oil r:o. tire 'I: repair H0,08 2µ1,02 l!J6,06 32?..0::\ 670.06 2on.30 381.55 1,;2,56 302,91 151.40 31.69 16. i4 27.32 'lert Stone, 1::hnirman 62. l,linnesota r.:otor co. 63. Olson ,uto Rlec. 10. 64. Lake ?.ef'.iOn r.Iotor r:o. 65, Cummins Diesel S£1les •• Service 66. -elvin ~ohnson 67, Anderson I Tichy 66. Pupe?", ~nl'nenson ~: Co. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74, 75. rlaner r.lfg. r:o. Pary ~ep.ion Oil r:o. ]O..'f1 S Cil '.:O, Len s.rverson's r:onsumers Co-op. Oil-Penning Thelen Implement Co, Consumers Oil co. Battle Lal:e !,:ills Oil Co. repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs sno··:plow, cntt inp blades · re.so line pr.isoline gasoline f,USOline edp:es g1lSOli!le, etc. go.scline gasoline, gas 'I: oil gas -~ oil gi;.s ~ oil etc. ?.5.17 26.93 2.85 13f,,10 5.00 66,75 115 .4A 17.12 216.67 13.37 ;33,05 00.27 225.19 21.70 76. ·11. 78. 79, 60. 81. 82. 83. 134. Bill Helson Oil Co. Fergus Oil Co. Hir,hmw company D,A, J,ubricant Co. The Oil ::ltore Penrose Oil Go. Inc. oil 10,97 78.99 410.11 27.86 376,513 59.83 ~to 94.06 45G,03 145,40 85. fl6. fl7. 138. 1'9, 90. 91, 92 •. 93. 91. 95. 96. 97. !JR, 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 101. 105. 106, 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. Field I Hof.re Oil Co. Anderson '1o Sand berg C'lil co. Saunders 11a.rd1·:are co. 1rrm, Calenn r:oe.st to r:oast Store Henninp: Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel fuel fuel, fuel fuel supplies supplies supplies G~~hle Store-Dalton supplies J,P, Johnson, Gen. contr. material~ labor Seven-0-Service botteries Campbell :ionl r:o. coal Crea.t nestern Lo.horetcries soo.} ~ilcox Lumber co. coal 1>eri1am ttenninp. Fuel Go. 1>~avey ~levators !,le Gabe 9ros. o,u, Gnst ~levators 11 .~. niping Cloth ~o. Villar,e of l!e1·1 vork Villof.e or 'lilloge of J!:,D, Sage !.!ills Henning Dalton Village of Battle Ln::e Fay i,Ianeval Arthur J.ioebius Henry Boog1mrd Louise l'lilde Pelican Tele. co. li W Bell Tele. Co, Imnrovement '!3nlletin lliller Dav is Co. Pou.cher Prtp. I J,i tho. coal coal cool coul wipinp. f.Urap e cloths rental gurage rental 13ara17,e rental go.rage rental water c:horg:es hauling hauling transportation gravel services long distance #3649 Advertising for bids supplies blanks 2.05 1.61 7.2!) 5,'5,!)5 127. 90 17.05 79.07 7.38 22.14 13.1?. 20.45 20.90 90.00 45.00 45.00 15.00 2.25 s.oo· 7.00 4.00 16,55 2.80 21,30 10.60 n.61 03.91 i 59. Ferf.uS Oil co. tires 60. Sl:ogmo iJotor co. Inc. parts 'I: repairinp. 3.70 :50.93 349,31 3,87 147.05 7,00 15.90 43.75 164,15 3'/5.00 7.49 113. 114, 115. 116. Gor:ipan.v "'he "ierce ~ompany Jo.pa-Olson co. r:nrtis 1000, Inc. Prederick Post Co. supplies supplies blo.nks supplies 10,35 1.42 10,84 13.51 61. t.lotor Inn Garage repairs •• fasoline 129.H 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 12!3. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... !.!u.r.oh .. .l:4 ....................................... 193 .. ll.6. Minneapolls Blue P.".A. ROf,ers co. Victor Lundeen I co. Prtg. Co. prints supplies supplies A. Glorv ir.en A. Olorv i(l:en '1.T,. Potter George Wicker Grant Count.11 ~lizabeth To~nship N,vmo.n Fuel co. Pelicon Tele. ~o. Stanci.ord Oil -;o. A, Arrnmdson, ap.ent cash adYanced expenses expenses expenses installme'1t of culverts rn1dinf. CORl services p.:o.soline 9.82 6,72 7.85 10.77 79.20 4 7.75 14.45 540.20 300.00 517.63 7.10 36.25 129. 130. 131. 1~2. 133. 134. 135. 1!36. 137. 1313. 110. Andrew Anderson E:mpire Supply Co. Minnesota F.W.D. co. ~eo. B· Gunderson Yalrner r.o.rvonen Geo. flunson Township of Sverdrup ~rooks •o Pera.ls r,tvhre '!otel •: Cofe TT. W. ~ell Tele. Co. coal supplies parts commissioner road v:ork repRirs Exps " meals 3: lode;iniz services ',39- ~at tle Lake F i'T Automoti'le ··rarehonse parts ~-~ Smith Tire~ ~attery tires I r.o mpon;v repairs 12.9!) 212.Q!) 21.00 5.20 6.70 6.30 52.67 39,15 7!).0Q 23,65 12.13 221'1.'17 The application o• c.u. Johnson for cancellation or personal property assessment for ~915 in the City of Perp.:ns Fulls on the gronnd thot said property was lep.ally assessed for sold.year in the Villufe of Str,rb11ck, Minnesota, 1w.s rend; and the 1302.rd recom11Pnd ed that the sn i.d 11sse<Jsrnent in the Ci tJ' of Ferp.us Frlls be cancelled and that the taxes i'1 sold cit.v a•nonntin11 to :1'20.90 be cancelled. . DelefH1tions of citizens ·from the TOl"mf.lhips o·r Scambler. Norweip.!ln Grove, Lida, Pelican, and !!: liza- beth appeared before the•Board to discuss roAd i~prove:nPnts tn the seversl to~nships. r::ip.nrette license fo:r the pP.riod fro,n April 1 to Decemb"!r 31, 1916, ·WRS p.re.ntea to Paul f~oep nt !Trbank. ThP question o~ nppoint11ent o~ ~ounty ~e•d Tnspector qns discnss0ci, and npon motion George Johnson of Deer ':reek,1,:as BT>pointen as such connt,v \Veed i:nspector for six :nont:hs period bep:inninp. April 1, 1!>46 ::t sr-ilary of :;150 per month plns rnilP.ap.e. Upon motion the Roord then adjourned nntil Tuesdny I .J COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... ~.2:r.iJ .. 5}: ... ?~ .. .l0 ........................ 193 ... 4.6 l.!Ilf!J'.!.'0'.~ O? AD,10!~ii~D I.IB':'.TTl!G OF TITE BO \R-;) or COl'HTY IJO!.U,ITSS Tl')l!P,R', OF OTT-r.:R TAU, IJQ!ITJ'!'Y. :.mmRSOTA. . Pursuont to nil journm,mt the Bon.rd met at 10 o'clock A.1:1. Tuesday April 9, 1946. Pxesent: Comm- isi;,ioners Karvonen, C-un<ierson, nnnson, Stone, Rn/I Sno,•1here. . A deler:ation or rilti?.•mR from the to\·:m1hins of 1ariherp and ":li,;nlJ.eth r.ppenxed to propose estahlish -Lnp e. count.v road bet\"/een sriid to1·:nships ulonr the "'est side of' Section :n in 1ariberg. The commissioners apreed that s committeP from tr..P. count.11 boorn •·:ould nrr::inpe. to e>:rui1inP. the proposPd routP.. A delFigation o!: ci.ti;:P.nR from Leu-r Lol:eR and l"tto ure:ed the desie:nation o-r a road in the To··:n:::hip of Leaf Lnke ns co1mt., aid rand. · A petition for im'lrovinf rouds in Paddock \'las reo.d and ordered placed on file. Delel.',!:'.tio?ls of citizemi fro:n the TOl\"n of r:andor and the '!'own of Amor discnssed road mutters ,·:it.h the '30.!lrd. Upon motion the qourd took o. recess until 2:00 P.:.t. The .r.0110,.-: inp resoln t ion was adopt·'!d : Resolved by the ~oard of Count.1• r:ommissioners o·!" Otter Tail County, :,linn••rnot 'l: That a s~le o• tax-forfeited lands appraised by this qoard he hel6 in the offic~ of the County A11dltor in thP. ~ourt PonsP in Ferp.ns li'nllR i.n S'2iil Count.v on ··1edn.,sd-;.v, the 9th dr..v o~ !.!a,v, 1916, co'!lmenc- inr at 10 o'clock A.!!. Resolved ·"nrtilP.r, thnt trouts mn.v hP Rold nnder the follo••:iniz condi1:ions: An.v tract not paid for in full .,.t the ti.me o.f s~id snle ma.,, be patd ~or on the installmP.nt pl11n at thP. ratP. of ·it lP.nst 25 per c,mt o": the pnrchnse oricP., but in all cnses tl".e down-pn.vmrmt must bent lenst .~50, provided that in o.11 cases "/here the uppr:J.isal b.l' tilis ,oard shows n vnlnP. o-F. wood on snid trac.:t the f.ull a'!lo1mt of the a.ppra- isal v:·-lue of snid wood, to1;-ethP.r with 25 per c:ent of the balance of thP. purc.:huse price ,nllst be p11id nt the time o.f' the sale. The bnlv.nce of the p11rcht1se price mu.v be oaid in ten annu11l installments at 1 per cent per annum interest on the unpnid bnlnnce. Title to tl.e l!lnds to be c:f'rered for sale is not guanhnteed either by Otter Tail ~aunty or thP. '5tE1te of' Minnesota. \'/hen payment in full of the purchase price has been :nade the purchRser 1:ill recP.ive !'.rom the State o~ !,iinnesoto n quit-claim deed to the r>roperty. Adopted April 9, 1946. Bert Stone, Chairman. Attest: '.'.'ill.ism Lincoln, ~lerk, Dance per11its for the cnlcnilllr .vev.r 1946 were f.ro.nteil to t11e follov:inr-: Axel Buseth, Post no. 18 at Rainbow Pavilion in Town of Girard; '.'lilliam E, Lee, at Gra"'lci View Heifhts, •rown of Pine Lake; D,l:!. Bondi{ "'ond.1·1s ;!P.sort in To,·mship of r.0 :i.f Luke; Ralph J. ~rewR at Spruc.:e J,odge, Town of Star J.akP.; and .:rohn Y.oep at Urbank "all in Tov:n of i;:-"·Pinr.ton. ~if'!lrette licP.nse;, •·:ere p.ronteci for the calendr,r .l'"'ll.r 1946 to the followine:: J,.J. '.?alters at Urbnnk; r..~. ~ln.rke at 11illvie•,: in To1rn o-" Pndclock; '?.,C, Smith P.t PP.ach ::eso:rt, Tovm o·~ Dora; W.Jf. ;rner.er, Resort, To··m o": Star Lal:P.; ~nlph .1. Cre\'lR at Spruce Lodp.e, '1'01·m o·a Star LakP.. The follo••:ini' ci.r,,.rei:te licenses were frnnte<' for the pe:riod from April 1 to Decembe!" 31, 1016: ,\>:el ~useth, Post Ho. 113 at 3oinbow Pav.ilion in To~m o-f: r.i.rard; \'/illinr.i P.. T,ee at Grand Vie••: ?"ei~hts, Tovm o-r ..,ine Lal:e; F.d tr. :.tortinson et Amor r.nrnf,e; ,1ohn r~oep, Urbank; Arvid Tenn."" a~ l'Iif.h-U!,V Pnrk, •rol'ln of Elmo. '.:i.1:,<rette li.censes for thP. oeriod from l.la.v 1 to December 31, 1946, were granted ns :!'.allows: '.'lillium v. Spanswick at '3ill's Place, }'own of: r-:verts: P.E. Am11ndson ot Phil's ::lesort, Tov:n of Leaf Lllke: Artimr Abraham, ~esort, 'i'Own o~ Dora; and D,H• Bond.\', !!esort, •ro'"m o~ Leaf Lal:e, '.:ir:o.rette licP.nseR for the period from ,1 nn,, 1 to December 31, l!M6, were p.;rnnted to Fred Sclrnlti at ~amp "'rohosk,I', Town of •rt1muli; and !;inlvin Boll, CrosR Point Resort, Town or I.!oplP.~1ood. 0n and of•' sole bePr li:::enses •:1ere r.ronted as -!'allows: Albert ,1 1mnsezev:ski at :'IP.sort, SP.ct ion 1, ToVln o ~ Perham; !!ol ph ,, • r:rews at SprucP. T,odp.:P., '.'.'o·::n of' Star Lake; "lillia:n J::. r.ee at Gro.ndv iP.w tfeip.hts, To·m o~ nine Lake; ·•1.u. ,1oer.er, R0 sort, '!'own o·· Stor Lal:e; :l.~. Srnith, Resort, To'"m oa Dora; Arthur :\.bra.ham, Resort, Tovm o-f Dora; ,1oc11nes "endri.ckx, TlntlP.r Store; 1>,r.;. AMlrndson at nhtl's Resort, Town of Leaf J,al:e: SylvestP.r Shasl:.1•. ,1tmr.le Shores, Tovrn o~ ,:orliss; c.c. Thorpe, "!e13ort, Town oa ·0 erha'II; .1ohn ''oP.·p ot Urbe.nk; ""rP.d Schultz at ~nm·p nrohosl:.", 'l.'ovm o ~ Tumnl i.; and Perry Swenson, •.rown of Doro. •rhe chairrnnn of thP. 'i'own 13onrd nt' Star Lal•e uppearP.d to nrpP. irn.,rovem1rnt o"' rOI.Ld in that to.•mshi9. Uoon motion the Boo.rd tr.en od,io11rned until 10 o'clock A.i·:. April 10, 1!146. ,.,~:na!•:sDAY' s SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clocl~ A.1!. \'/ec'lnesd1y, April 10, 1946, all members be inp present. A plat of •rv:in Oaks Hei3hts on Big Pine Lake accornpanied by a certificate of title executed b,y P.A. Anderson, Rep-ister of JJeP.ds, l'IOS approved. The ap.,licotion. o"' r.ouretto. r'isk fer olassi.fi.c11tion o:; s½ o::' SF.¼ except school lot and tract in Section 23, Tov:n o"' l.inine, for the yer-r 1945 at hornestP.ail n1tP., •,ms rend; and thF! '3oard recommrndec tc the ~ommissioner of 'l'axation tho.t said land bP so classified and the as<1essP.c:'I value reduced from :.,1406 to :::911 and the taxes ~r~m $152.97 ·to ... 97.R3. • · · The aonlica.tion o" Dav id (',. ·•tilson aor clo!':r-;i f'ication o+-Lot 4 r,nd the Si'/'!-NW-½ except tract in Section 26, Tol'ln of r'riberg, for thP yer;.r 191-5 at homestead ratf! was rP.ad; nnd the ~oard rP.cOm'IIP.nclen to the ~Om'lliSRione:-oD Taxation that soid land IJ,-so clE1ssifiP.d a'ld the t1SsPssrd value reduced ·from ~4\J2 to ,295 enci the tax"!s from ~15.66 to ~25.45. ~he npplication o" <;dwe. ,1. "intsula fur co.ncellatio"l of o"lersonal propP.rt.r nssessment for 1945 in Otto Townshi~ on the grounds that soi6 propert.11 was also ond properly assessed tn thP Villape of New York !,!ills v:ns read, und the ~oar<i recommended to the r:ommissioner of Toxa.tio!l that said assess'!lent of ~300 ond tax or. !'•29.04 and oP.nalty of :";2.32 be cancelled. . The"applicntio;,·of l,lelvi!l :·1. Listrom for cancellation o~ tax nmo1mtlnp to t:5.01 !'.!nd penalt,v of !' .40 on personal prope?"t.v in thP City o '.'. ""erg us !•'alls on thP. r,rounds ti,nt no household exempt ion 1vas allowed him, was read: nn<i the Soard recommP.nde~ to the Commissioner of Taxation that soid tax and penalty be can<:P.lled. The ar,,r,lioation o" :'lilliar.i A, ,iohnson askinr that pP.rsonnl propP.rt.l' asses!'l'!lent for l!M-5 in thP. Townshi•) o• ~li,;abeth be r"!ceived in fc:hool District rro. 230 where sai.d propert.v is situated instead of District 203 where it was listeci by the assessors, ~,as read, and the Boord recommended to the Com'!lissioner o:r Taxation t hut the change be madP. a.ml the taxes rP.duce<i from !~12. 93 to $'/ ,45 and the µenalty of .~il. 0~1 be cancelled. · I IN'- [ .·©©MM:1$SOOONrERS JRfCOiRD· M, OrfT.E!R TAIL. ·0©:U1N:1'¥, M~DN1N. ])~T,Ei __ ............... _ ........ A.Qr.11 ... J.D. ............................... 193 .. 4.6., -r The followinf. resolution was adopted: Resolutio•n by the Board of County commissioners Otter Tail Gotmty, Minnesota. Wheree.s, Otter Tai,!. County has requested the Commissiomir of High1vays 'for the State of Minnesota, ·to esta•bl.ish a ·state aid parkway on C'l!rta.1n roads which service the public buildings of the Fergus Falls state Hospital, and ,· i'lhere·as, sto.te fu.nds are ava.ila·ble .. for thP. construction and. maintenance· of state aid parkways, Now, Ther~fore, Be It Resolved, ti1at a request bP. mad.e to th.e State Board of Al_lotment for the construct :!,on, surfacing, and. maintenace or. so.id state aid pe.rkvmy in the amounts as set forth below: For construct:io-n & Surfacing 111,000 For Mnintenance--1945 & 1916 sii lL, 000 per yee.r Ad·O pted this 10 .th day of April, 1946. Be r;t stone, Chairman .Attest: William L.inclon, Clerk The followinp ·resolution was adopted: : ' Resolution by the 13onrd of ~ount.v Commis·s.ioners of Otter Tail r.ount.v, Hinnesota. ~~ IT R":SOLV'!':D, that the following iiesc:ri.bed roed situated in the County of Otter Tail be hereby desif-:na.ted as a State Aid .Parkway: Ten thousand· three hundrP.d. (10,300) feet or. rondv1a.v serving the main building.s:·-of the F err;us F'alls · State Hospitail; said roads lyinr, adj a.cent to and within the .property known ns the Ferr.;us Fo.lls State Hospital; said roads .also l_yinr, within the Sonth one-half JStrl of Section 27, T133lJ-R4:'IW, ,! and thf! Northea.st quarther (NE¼l of Section 34, T133U-R43W o.nd as shown on the plat prepared b.v the : Go-unty Highway Engineer. ·The aforesai_d designation is made subject to the co,ncurra•nce an,: consent, as required b'' law, of the Commissioner of Uighwa,vs and the Commissioner of Gonservation. Ad·opted this 10th da.v of April, 1946. BP.rt Stone, Chairmnn. Attest: William Lincoln; Clerk. Upon motion the Co-unt.v Auditor was instrncten to c11.ll for hids as follows: Bid for rental of ,equipment, sai.d bids to be opP.n!!d b,i' the 3onrd o.t 10 o'clock A.li,f. May 15, 1916. Also bids for 3ucl,et , T,oader mounted on TrA.ctor, said b.ids to bf! openeil h.v the B0a.rd at 2 o'clock P.M. Jlo,v 11., 1916. Also bids 'for sale of Adams Pull T.ypP. Road Grader without tires and Light 4-wheel Tro.iler Chassis, said bids to be ,opened by the Boa.rd n.t·lO o'olook.A.!,!. Ma.1• 11, 1946. The application of Evangelliic T,uthere.n Church of Eagle Lake and Zion L11theran Church of Amor for oancellatio•n of 1941 to.x on tract in Battle Lake wns read; r,.nd as thP. records sho1v that or, 1Ia.y 1, 1944 .. the property v1as privatel,ll' owned and thereforP. atisessable, the Board :fotmd tl1at tile applioat ion could not be legally granted and it 1v·as therefore objected, The application of Mrs. F.A. Brook0pp for reii11etion of pe_rsonal p:!"Ope:r.ty tax for 1945 in tile Villane' of Parkers Prairie was rejected; .,,. , · A d•elegut ion of Highway Department employees ha.v ing a1)peo.red before the Board :requP.sted an increase in daily wages, arid the Board having hP.ard the H1ghv1.ay Engineer, carefully considered the matter, it v1as ordered that the schedule of wages as outlined h,\T the High1vay i'~ngineer be approved commencing with the first . of May, 1?46. · A large d·elegatton from Amor, Dend Lake, anci ?.ich,•ille a·ppeared to report flooded conditions on certain roads in thnt vicinity and to-urp.e th!lt somethinp: be done to remed.i' the situation. Delegations from the Tovm of Effington iliscnssed roa.d matters 1·1ith th<' Bon.rd. . . ThP. followinp. hills were allowed: 1. J.C. Henl:es expenses 2 .J. c. 'Henkes board or . 3 !label C",1\nderson 4. _'TalborP-T1mr,seth 5 George~-Jacobs ·; 6 J)r. F.verett C. Hanson .. 7 An0kn County 8 Town of Parkers Prairie '.) John Y.uhO"IS'.<e. ,Tr. ,. ,' 1 Wm .• Burmeister i'.-.2. S .'3. Uelson !: - F:ergus i'l'elson ; 5 Pierce :-6 Cou-nt.v Jo1unal Co. Bros. Prtg. co. co. School",, Snppl.V Comrpany prisoners P.xpenses ... clerk co. Supt. qep coroner's. rees dep. oornner's fees examination of . insane qnarantine P.xp. 11unicipal ,judr-e's feP.S m1nicipal ~ndee's f.eP.S constable fees dep. Sheriff's f.ees sta.tionery suppl.iP.s supplies school supplies American Stencil l,!fg. ·:o. carbon paper Adm.inistration Centrv.1 school suppliP.s Store · Poucher Prtg. & !,itlig. co. records Securi t.1• Blank Bk. ~ Prtr,. record boolc Com·pa.nl' i!'ree Preas co. Jones~ Kroer,er Co. Miller~na•is co. Fritz-cross co. Viot,or Lumd·een 'I: Co. ; 6. Perham Enterprise Bulletin 7 Pelionn ~apids Press Pelicun Re.pids Press '.) Perham Enterprise E11lletin ,o NW Bell Tele Co. supplies supplies sup-plies records ~-snpp1i•· if!S supplies .., ertg. pub. fi1-incial statement :pub. fian. stat. notice to tax- payers nctic,e to t1,x- pn.11ers 69.37 171.00 1:3.60 12.00 10.15 11.55 17.'.)0 6H,OO 27.05 2.95 ?.1.45 162.75 22.00 27.71 153.28 4.25 25.00 R'l'Ull 95.60 3.65 14.68 69.3:'I 150. 71 16.40 519.15 519.15 9.90 8.20 31 NW Bell Tele. Co. 32 Hol te-n Hardvmre 33. P.-int1,en-J~arst 34 Ed Holstrom 35.Lonise stondahl 36 H.\1/. Glorvip.en 37 P.A. Anderson 38 P.1,1. Ree 39 f!'aywa.rd -Co-urt Brief 'Printinr, Co. 40 Dept. oe A~ric. D!li!".I' .., 'F'ood. 11 Gamble StorP.-Eattle Lake 43 iie lson •rrucks 41-R. ,i.. trenning 45.,Johnsun Drnp:s 46 Boen Bros. 4.7 Star Grocery 413.Jvla.rkstrom Drug Store 4\LTow11 o.r I,Iaplewooa 50.Minn. st. Sunatvrium- 51 i•own of Maplewood 52. i'own of !Umo 53 Norm11n Baker !,ID 54 Glen Lake Sanatorium 5:> Minn F.VI.D. Co. oo Geo. T, R.vo.n Co. . calls anpplies supplies rP.pair chair ·posto.ge · P.O. Box rent postage. postafe prtg. · recb:r.d o.f appeal weed control supplies ::ivenneb.\T Farm driver's iicens,e e_xpense haulins supplies supplies suppl i.P.s supplies supplies care of poor. care of patients care of poor poor expense exam. poor co.re of patients parts po.rts parts 57 A .• w. co. Inc. or M.inn. 58 Dakota 1rro.ctor 'I: Eguip 59 Rosholt Equipment Co~ 60.Y-J.auer Mfp.. Co. co. parts 11arts parts parts 61 Monarch RoadrMaoh. Go. 62 Wm. P. Ziegler co., ·rnc. 63 .Pnper, Calmenson '!: co. G4 w.P. Smith Tire'!: Battery 65 Olson Auto F.leo. Co. 66 _ElP.otric Su:ppl.l'-Perhsm 67 Larson Bros. 68 Henry ;r .M. _W.ne,ell•:e 68 The Al'.elsmu.n Co. 70 So.unders Ho.rdwo.re Co. cuttine, edr.es cutting eciges Co. tires repoirs rePfJ.irs repairs repairs repa.irs re9uirs 33.20 20.96 7.78 1.50 52.36 1.50 26.25 41.00 329.70 178.-58 7.16. A.-iD , 3.00 4.00 18. 75 2 .18 6.00 1.61, 143.63 88.66 53\l.% 132. 39 '· ?..00 824.33 213.44 65.(l!l 137, 26 •; 16.04 l'Jfi.17 363.69 113,10 490.00 22.20 215.62 102.00 5.30 178.90 1.75 1.50 1.01 I _._.1 /' I' ( COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... ;,!U::.U ... l.0 .................................... 193 ... 4M IT.Y.IL.ltfr'll .P.RINTINO.CIO,,,ff,.a.GUD,.IIINlf-"141 71 ~eino l~o11ppl 72 Sko~'!IO uotors, Tnc, 73 -:a'!l~ins DiP.sPl. 74 .\.rthur "aupn i 75 sa,melscn "lros. ~e!)air Shop repai.rin!! repf!.i.rs renoi.rs repairs repo.irs 76 Johnsen UochinP Shoo repairs 77 !linnesotc• uotor ~o. repairs ~, tires 7R Natl. ~ushing I 0 ar•R -:o. ports~ suppllPs 79 ·vncox Lnmber Co. -~enn inp. suppli'-'s 60 ~.G ~ilson ~orp. suonlies 61 !bcrsvlller's supplies i>elican Re pids A2 ~ilcox Lumher Co.-Vcr~aa R3 ~eall I !.lc~owan r:o. sunplies supplies s11pplies P4 '.'/alter Gnll ,rn 65 Poucher 0 rtp. ~ tith. 86 "llll !lclson Oil '::o. R7 ,\mericnn.Pnlnt r:orp. Co. supplies tires flRint lnmher nF Lo'!lpert Lumber -::o.-~.r. 89 llul ph 's Dr-ar cirn.vo.,=:c trans ~ortiat ion le.her 90 ~,arr'!t Van V/ntermulen n. ;7'11. Gule!la 3fi.00 P,:,s. 25 12",.33 7.50 r,. 75· 3t~ .R5 1;;0.7~ l:i.33 1",.36 28.05 1.21\ 268.21 :Lu2 u.10 lli.50 3A2.14 37.AO 177 .60 7.A5 3.00 2.75 166 ?enrosc Oil Co. 107. Len s.vverson 100 ~onanmcr's Oil Co. 'fTetui.lnp:. · J!il'ln; 109 Standord Oil Co. "elicnn Ranii!s 110 Park Rerion 0il r:o. 111 r:onsumerR Oil -:o. 13r, t t le LaJ:r. 112 Monroe ~nlculntinr :!ach ine co. 113 Burris Lunch 114 Curtis 1000, Tnc. 115 Service P.~corver ~o. 116 TT.A. P.opers ~o. 117 PW Bell T~le Jo. llfl Victor T,undeen ~ Co. 119 A, Clorvipen 120 John G. 0eterson 121 Geo. 3. Gunderson 122 Georp:e uOl"l son 123 Ynlmer r:arvonen iasoline gasoline gasoline f'"!!.SOline p;o.soline p.asol inl'! :m~i.ntenance Bo1;rd fo1· cre1·1 rorns re·po.irs prints le np d ist a!lce !,f:3649 supplies exrenses insurance exp·. attendinf ., 0.06 29.11 91.14 72.5( 137.6( 29. 7C 12.00 50.0( 20.6, 1. 7~ 29.7£ 3(). lf 92 Y.a.ddotz Jrotel 93 Wilcc.:< r.umber Go. Perham 94 Otto A. J~ureger 95 1-!ighwa.v Ca. 96 Ac.le Loht i lodp.i.ng ~or crew COtil uc.o.l rent gravel e,ravel 611.75 22.32 17 .85 12.00 ~1.15 2.10 5.90 124 To~nship o~ !lufrton 125. '3111 Nelson Oil co. 12u. Penrose Oil Co. 127. Llills Oil Co. 128 Higimo._y \.lompany 129 Empire Suppl;.· co. 130 Peliuun Tele. ~o. 131 s.E. Hall .3.2( 7-1 .3E 26.6( 'Tit. 5.1( G. 3C 8.2( 10!1.5~ road repairs fi!l.S-Oil gasoline~ rPntol gasoline, etc. f!D-S 8: Oil supplies !'3B.6~ ao.m 5.6~ 22.4~ 38.7f_ 6 .2( 97 !.!rs. ~impila !JR r.award B. Preston 99 Field & Horr.e Oil co. 100 The Oil Store 101 Anderson, Sandberf, Oil 102 Al's Service stntion 103 D, !• •• !,ubr i.c:ont eo. Tnc 104 Thelen Tmple'!IPnt Go. 105 ~err-us 0il ~o. gravel a iesel diesel r. i.esel oil oil fuel fuel fuel puscline ~ rental p.ns-oil The followinµ resolution was edopte~: 246.95 52.25 19.60 4.00 169.Hl 4fi.R9 213.52 1-'~2 ,·1.r .. Potter 133 s.E. !!all 131 A. Clorvif,en 135 Olson Auto Elec. Co. services expenses expenses cash advenced cosh a.dv anced repairs :!esolved b.1• the '3oorci of Count:.v Go'!lmissioners o ~ O tter Tnil r:onnt.v. l.linnesoto·: 74-.4f 63.0( 6. 9~ 22. 7] Hi.lC That Aften GlorviE!'en be and hC'reb.\' is appointerl ~onnt.v !!iph1:n.r Enpineer o.: said c:ount.v for n peri< d Cf t•::o yenrs commencing ~ay 1. 1946. · o.t the :!esolved :l'nrther thot the irnlo.ry of said Pneineer be fixed at the rate of .~285 per month payaillr. close o~ ench month on warrant or. the Dount.v Auditor. Adopted Aprll 10, 1946. ~ert'stcne, cnarrman Attest: Willia'll Lincoln, ~lerk. 'l'he count.v · Enp.tneer ··1as authorized to order the following eqn ipment -r:rorn the ·:1ar Assets Corpora.- tion, of Chicopo, Illinois, nnd the Ccunt,v :\ndi.tor vms authorized under ':hr.per 167, Minnescta Session Laws of 19-15 to ii:,sne v:arro.n•s fer the pa.yment of" this ,,qnip'!l"'nt inclndin, .t"reip.ht, so.id worrunts to be issued ·:1hrn the en~ineer cert.ifies that an,1• part or all o" l'J:is erp1ipment has bPen received. The e,uipmPnt iR desc~ibed as follows: One -Govt. Lot !l-68 f.Spha.lt Pump, Li ttlef.ord 1.iodel llR !"'IC (30CTOD) Cost $1606.00 One -Govt. Lot 8-71 Houd Grader. Co.tP.rpillar ~odel 12 Cost a4927.50 One -Govt. Lot BA-26 LeTournean l.iodel r,0 Scraper cost :!'•34c,4 .00 One -Govt. Lot BA-122 ·:aterpillar D-8 •~rnutor vii th Le;_>lante Choate I.lode! Bi:l Bulldozer Cost $6435.0Q Upon motion ti,e Count,\' Auditor wus instrncteci i.O udvertise .:or bids for the-construction concrete and cement i.Jnildir.P. in the Villa.~e o·~ l'arl~ers Prai:ie, l,Iinnesotu, said bids to be opened meeti~g or the Bourd to be ~eld ~ay 16, 1946, ut 2 o'clock P.M. Upon motior, the Board then ::.djourned until 'l11:1esda.1• '..!t1J• 14, 194u0 at 10 o'clock A.i,I. /.AA. _:fJ f) Jt1,,e,,u7r ~ Chairman Attest: M~ Clerk l o ~ one at the ..... ■ RITY•Bl!ANIC DDOX AND PRI NG CD.,_ll'T.' D •IIINN;-HHt il>ATE~ ......... t,la,v .l.1., ... .l.~1.!? ......................................... 193~1.6 .. MINU'l'i::S 01i' ADJOURl•l-r.:D MtETING OF -~OUNTY r:OM!-:IISS TONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUN'l'Y'; r,qm~ESOTA pursuant to adjournment the "C\-oard met at 10 o•ciock /;,M, Tuesday, Ma.1r 14·, 19'),-6. Present: Commissioners Karvonen, Gunderson, Fianson, stone, ancl snov1herg. The followinp. resolnt ion v1as udo pted: Before the Bo.ard of co1mty commissioners.of o~t~r Tail Co~nty, S~at~ ?f Minnesbta. rn Re: Ap·pl;ication o:r: the Greo.t Lal~r-is P1-,1P. Lin!!. Company .,or o.utnori ty to construct petroleum products pipe line in seid county. . . Resolution granting Greo.t Lakes Pipe L:ine Company perm1s~1.01; to construct p~pe. ;ine. This matter coming on for hearing this 14.th da,11 of rlu.'{. 1940, upon the s.pplq:ation of the Greot Lakes Pipe Line company for authority to la.\,. its six (6'') inch pipe line al6~ a certain route as shown bJ' :nap attached hereto, and it appearing tilnt said a.uthor lty sh oulc~ be grant er;i • Nov, therefore, be it resolved, t,y the soard of 9ounty Commissioners of Otter.Tail County, l,Unneso- ta., that permission is i,ereby granted to Great L11kes P~pe Linc compo.n,y, a corporation, to lay, construct build and ma.!,ntain a pipe line over, along and across the public roacis and highways of Otter Tail County !,!innesota, at the points and pla.ces on stwh roads o.nn highways shown on the 11D P attached hereto <iesig- nnt i,ng the route o"" sn id pipe line in said connt,v, the. e:onP.truct ion of said line over, along, and across such highway to he sub,ject to the ir1spP.ction, superviRi.on and o.p·proval of the County Engineer, snbjee:t to the follow .ing conditions: l. Such pipe 1 i ne shall, IJe ·placer' nt such points ahd depths on such roads and. hi~hwa.l's and their rP.specti ve road beds as shall bl;! designot ed h,1· the County Engineer. 2. ~oads .j ilnd hip.h11!!1J'S and road be{s therP.Of where such pipe line .is placP.d shall b,;i restored to substantially their ori.ginnl conditions a.t t ne. sole expense o·r Gr'!!at Lakes Pipe Line Compan,y,, a corporation, the or.iP,- no.l oond i. t ion to be d ':!terminP.d e:xclusi vel.y by the i::ou-nty F.nr, ineP.r. 3. Tf such roads and. higi1ways or road beds thereof nrP. subsequ~ntly changed by :my p.overnmental authoritJ· or municioality as to level or width, the pipe line shall be changed o.t such placP.s a.t the sole expense of the owner thereo:r. to con.~orm with such cha~ed level or width. 4, All chr,.np:cs in road beds caused b,y thP. owner of: such pipe line in connection w.ith la.vine,, relo:,rinp., lmilc'.ing o:i;-maintaining thereof shnll he restorec1 to substo.ntiall.y their oririnal condition a.t the sole exfiense of the owner, such chailfes and restoration to be madP. in accordance with specifications therefor or instruc:tions of the county P.ngineer. Adopted by the 3oard of county commissioners or Otter Tail county, I.iinnesota, this thP. 14th day of 114'.ay, 1946. Bert Stone; C•huirrnan Geo; B, Gunderson Carl 1\. Snowbe:rg. George Hanson YalmP.r Korvonen · Comm:rss 1.onP.rs i'Tilliam Lincoln The following resolution w1.1s 1.1.ciopte(.: Resolved by the Board of co1mt.v Commissic",mirs of Otter ·T-a.il county, That Ma.rt iJ Carl und, a pat iflnt ut the Ott er Tall County Tuherc.:ulos is !,iinnesotu: Sanatorium, be transferred of Otter Tail County as .1 to Glenn Lcl-:e Sanitarium for medical and s1trr:;ical treatment at the expense provided b.\' law. Adopted May 14, 1946: Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The Board, having o.dvertised fo:r bids for only bicl received belng that of James J, NaBel. sadd ,:io.ch.ine. Bert Stone, Chairman Adams Trailer Crnd·er owned by the county, opened the J.Tpoii motion the Boo.rd acce-ptet, his bid of $100 for . A Plat of 1st Addition to KB Beach in the Township of Corliss accompa.hiec1 by a certificHte of title executed br P,A. Anderson, ~e~ister of Deeds, WQS approved, UpOn motion the -P,oard then took n rec,ess until P. o'clock P.M. The Board, havinp: ,,avertisef. fo:r a Bucket T,ooder, opened the onl.\' bid received being that of George T. R,yan Company. a.nd upor.i mot ior1 1:he hi.<'I 'VO.fl 1,-co.e pt ed be inf. for :~11 71. 50. A written complaint .-u1s ;-eceiven "l'rom fh'e fo.:rmers in•Effingtor1 Township that road bet•.-:eP.n Sec- tion~ 10 and 11 wns i.n had condition, rmd upon motion thP ~,uditor was instructed to notif.1, Edwin :Iielke "Parkers 0 rairie Post Office, that said ronn is r, to~mship roo.d and tl:ere~Ol'P. under the ·ju:r.isnioticn of the 'l'OWll ~oard. . '!'he f.ollo•:!in[" r,ppl:i-.:at.ions fer cip:1n!tte licenses we~e p::.·t>.nted: Limmer Bros. at 2esort in •rown o~ Rush Lake for period fro'll May 1 to December 31, 194G; LePnard ~\. Pederson, Carl T, Sunbl,a.d, Panline Peterson all of Erhard and :;11 fur the calend•tr yenr, 1916; Einur A, R.rtkonen at Fillinf! Station, Town o.r Homestead for the perloci from MO..\' l to December 31, 1U4G; C .. J, Shoemaker, Resort in Town of Snsh .. Lake .for the period from Ma.\" 1 to December ;·!]., l!J46; C,O. Halvorson, r.len Brook Heights, Town of Eliz- 1: abeth from May 1 to Dee:ember 31, 194G; C,C. •rhorrie, ~esort in Tewn of Perham, MDY 1 to December 31, 1946 ~.c. •'.:raie, Me.ple Beach, Town of Lida, M&Y 1 to December 31, 1946; Gust A, Stro.nd, Store, Town of Lida, June l to December 31, 1916; C,J,. 1-tvers et Lfma.n StOrF!, Tovm o·r. Oak Valley, Ma.I' 1 to December 31, 1946. On and of:" St>.le beer licet;iR0s ":ere> pnrnted as follo":s: Lno Ste11der at Everp.reen seach, Tovrn of Corliss; Limmer Bros,, Resort, To;;m of P.ush LAke; ThomRs !,I. W11lloce, ~esort, Town or: Pine Lr.l~e; Adolph _j -~Oehler, Resort, Town .of "Pine Lake. A communicnt.ion "!:rorn t.he Town P,onrc'I o-f ~-orli1:1s pc,,,ompr..nled b.v nn 1msif,'ned resolution··in rer;ard to ros.d in the township was prP.sr-intec1 to the Eo:ud, crnn no net ion 1110~1 toi:en. A petition from thP. Township of C::>.ndor r,skinr for improvemP.nt of roacl in sai.d 'l'ownship was rec- eived and order plo.cP.d on ,'ile. · The application of ceorp.e Eckholt for e:lass.i.f:i.eation of s½ st Section 12 arid .N½ Jlil'f¼ of Section 13 in Township of Folden at homesteaa ra.te for ti1P. -1'e1,r Hi45 wa.s reaci, and the Board recom'DP.ncled to tlie commissioner of Taxatlon thut sr..id lnnd be so classifiefi and the assessed. velue reduced ·from ~1238 to· $737 and the tax-es from :Sl21. 32 to $68. · 7 t I '· -l i I ·: _j COMMISSIONERS RECORn M, OTTER lA[1L (JOUN1Y, MiNN. DATE ................. !:!!\"f.. .. ~~ .... ~'. ... ~.~···································193 .. ~.~. 1D11RflX;IL6NK. 'AuD.P.IUNrlNll.CD. •. U-.a.GUD •. MIPIIN,:HHI l The application of c.vr. Wright for clossifica.tion.of-~Tt oi' H?!-of swt of Section 12 Town of .1 Y/oodsi<ie -~or the .'.ren.:r 1945 at hcmee<tP.ud rate wn,1 rerc·d, anci t,i1e Boot·cl :recomr:rnnder1 ttJ the r.:ommissionP.-r of Taxn.t ion thnt soid la.nd bP. so r:la.se, i iied und thP. osse~1sed vulue retluc:e<i. .:'.rom $515 to $309 o.n<i the tnxes from $44.19 to $24.49. . The upplit:ot ion o·.:: 1terr.ia.n Peterso.n -~or classifi,,o.t1.on of St NE¼ of Section 25 •r own cf Go.ndor, except pl~ttP.d part for thP. yenr 1915 nt homP.stP.nJ :rate was ~ead, end the Hoard recommen~ed to the , commissioner of Taxation tlw.t so.id lr.nd be so r:la.s~1i '.'i.Nl oncl th" :rnseRsed velv.P. reclnced rrom ;~925 to $555 onil the taxes rrom :;;113.04 to :~61.19. The applicaticn of !!o.v E. vrood for classit'ica1:ion c:f r.ot 3 & 4 in Secti.on 26 a.nd Lot l in Sectior 35' Town of Str..r Leke for the .vec·r 1945 o.t homestP.r,il ratP. v1as read, ana the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation ti1at said land be so classified and ti1e a.ssessed value TP.ducec1 from $742 to $446 und. the .tax-es fro{Il $72.4i5 to (~40.62. · 'Phe npp;I.lct1.ticn of John 17aJ.:erhnuser for cuncellat.ion of o.ssP.Sfl!nent f.or huilci ings on Sou.th 2 rods of SE¼ SF.¼ of Sec~ion 23 To;m of Doro. for the yeur 1944 for. tlae ree.son tl,at no structures existed on said tro.ct at thnt time, was read und the Bonrd rP.commended to tile commissioner of Taxution ti".at said assess- ment for structures be cancelled und the so.id valne be reduoed from $484 to $100 and tbe taxes from (~8.43 to: :~L 73. . . . The application of Nona Cl,:;.ypool for reciuction of. assessment for 1945 on Lot ,9 Section 28, Town of.Moine, on ,th~ Bronnd of excesi;,i1'e valuution was reaci, encl the noard recommended tc the Commissioner of Te;,cation that tnr. aRsessed value be rec:nced from :~69 to $17 and :he tnxP.s from $9.55 to $2.35. . 'Phe a.pplicat ion o.f l'lilliam. neuman for SP.ttlement .of d·elinquent to.xes, penaltiP.s, anil interest ·r.or the .veers 1931 to 1934 ar,:r.inst the !':nst 50 feet o·r: the south 150 fP.f't of the North 300 :feet o·f sub lot 10 of,the s1v.1. S\'f} of Section 31 Township 133 Ranr:e 43 f.or t.he snm of ~;51 ~l1.ts res.cl, a.nd the Board recommen- d en to the ,,Cornmiss.ione:r. o" Taxnti.on that the of-rer• be accepted bP.:inp. a. reduction of $4:5.67 from the full amount of taxes, pennl ties, s.nd interest. The npplicr..tion o; P.o.v Ji!, Wood :or clussi:l'ication of Lot :; & 4 in s~c,tion 26 r,nd Lot l in SP.ctior 35: Township of. Sverdrup at nomesteo.d r11.te fo:r the .ver,.r 1914 was reo.d, i:rnd i.t nppearinp; that so.id, lanil was not properl.v asses~nlJlP. at homestead rate for said yenr, npon motion the petiti.on was re,jected. !Jpon motion the Boord then a.cijournea nnt:il 10 o'clocl, A.M. Mn,v 15, 1946, wErtfr~SDAY' s s~~ss ION Pursur.nt to adjournment the Ronrd met at .10 o'clock A. M. Mn,v 15, 1916, all members being prP.sent A <iP.legut ion o:r. citizens from the Town .o-1: '3101•,P.~s appearf'd to discuss rond matter!! with the A <iel,eP-.1:1J:iol'l o-~ citizens from the T'ownship o,~ Pad.dock le-ft rend petition 11•1ith the Boo.rd.• This pe~ it ion ,;ms~f,l'i;.';Jer. on rilP.. ~ dP.lego.tion of citi~ens from the Town.of Saint Olaf oppe~red to urRe th~ 800.rd to take over as a ~ountJ• Aid !!oad one stnb rot1ci in ·sections 5 & 8 o·I! saici t.ownship, n.ml the Board o.grP.ed to consid,er this road the first time they arrnnfe to tatP. ovP.:r. an,v mo~e connt,y Aid Roads. Bies for construction o-'.:' ea.raf:-P. 1n Parbns Prairie, havlnr, been c&.lled fer by the -Board, the bi.d of Otto Ludeke ir. the s11m of $1596.27, being the only b.id :rec:eived, \·las upon moti.on o.ccepted, Upon mot.ion the Aua.~tor was i.nstruc:tecl. .to ociverti..se for bids .for il.am-inated rafters ror gan-.p.e ; in Pnrl:ers P.ro.irie, suid bid3 ~o be opened at thP. me<'!ting o:r the nonrd to be lir-ild June 12, 1946., at 10 A.M · Upon motion the Auclitor wns also instruc:teci to n.d.vertise for bids for Motor Patrol Trucl:s and Asphalt DiRtribntor us outlineii by thfl En~ineP.r,. snid bios .to be opened at 2 o'clock P.M. June 11, 194r6. · The Boo.rd hnvlnf. cnllecl for bids for equipment rental opened bids receiveci from \'f.D, Scimeider rJompany, Hike Weloh, J,eaf Lalre Gonstruution Co,, ,John Diese.th (lo., Mark Sand & Gravel Co., ·H.:D. I.Iorrill, Upon motion the bids were accepted. '.1.'he follow in;:: rr->!1-olut ion was adopted: Resolved h.1· the 13oard o·f (:011nt,v Coml!lissioners o:'.: -Otter Tnil County, Minnesota: ;vherP.11.s thi!1,Eoa.rcl has neretofore co-ntrirnted ··:1 'th Skogmo notors Jnc. ,for one Dodge i'ick-Up Tr~ck, and whereE-.11 snme nas been reeeived and accepteil by this connt.v. Now therP."Ore, hP. it rP.solvP.a that thP. Connt.v Aud.itor and clrn.i.rman of the Hoard be, and thP..I' hereb,\' ore a.11thorizecl and directed to issac to sein cornpun.v. R warrant' cm the Rood 'l: Bride Pund cf the· , County .in the sn:n of :!!i,,542, the contrnct nrice. ,· Ado pt e<i Ma.v 15, 1946. • Bert Stone, Cha.in1an At test: William Lincoln, Gle:r-k The Board rec:o•nmf'ncl ed to the Gommissioner of '.l.'o.xut icn ttm t the applicut ion ·of Mrs. Eli zsbeth uorgnnroth to settle her applicatlon for repurcht,se of Lot 8 in Block 9 of the Crie;ia.nl Plat of the· · Vill0p.e o"' Perham be ncc:epted. · The following resolution was adopted: P.esolved b.y the Boorrl o~ Connt,v Corrimissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the saler.v o·f Afton Glorviren, Gonnt,\' !!ip:hway Enrineer, be ::md the same hereby is fixed at the sum of. ~;325 per month commenCJinp. June .1, 1916. Adopted Ma .. v 15, 1946. Attest: Yfillinm Lincoln, Clerk. 'Phe followinf: bills ":ere allowed: l. J.C. Henkes 2 J.C:. Penl:es 3 F t J,[abel Gunder son Louise Stondulil Vnlbore Tungseth r.:.J. Lund, 1,1.n. 6 7 J. J. ''Furner·,: M. n. 8 Frank c. Barne!! 9 \'/illiam Bahls 10 John L. Logan. 11 Art Pr.intcra.ft 12 ~ree Press Co. l~ expenses boe.rdinp; priR·- oncrs expenses exJJenses co. Sup't. clerk coroner's fees J)ep. coroner's fP.eS municipal Judp;e's fees Dep Sheri·ff's . fees Dep Sheriff's fer->s printing blanl:s 114.4?. 13 111.00 14 15 36.25 16 108.90 24.00 17 122.74 18 12.00 19 67.20 20 21 14.78 22 2:3 6.08 24 17.50 25 3.Hi 26 Bert stone, Ch11.irman. l!'r.i tz-Gross co. Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. Victor Lundeen Sc co. Miller-Dav iR Co. '\ ~ blanks ·• , 6 .• 20 printing,' 20._?.5-'•-- supplie~ & prtg ... ?A!>.°25 records., blanks_.· 342.18 'I: sup.pliP,s .. -- Jones & r:roee:er co. blank r.ecords Ferrns Jo11rnal co. · __.P:a-b-;-&: pil;'tg. 27u.96 270.61 3.07 Hissonri-!·:nnsas Ch':,!!!-Lc·1rI supplies . , Company Larson 'Rros. paper burner 15.00 ~tintp,,..n-~ I~nrst supplies 4.42 :Fuller 3rush Co. snpplies 1.95 co-nkl in Saw Shop sharpeninp: mci.yers 1.50 Benll 'I: McGo~mn supplies 1.20 D11.one r:. Anne hauling ruhhish 6.00 Will io.rn Galenu repairs 14,15 C©Ml\1)ISSWONiiS !RJECORJD, M,. ortElR. TA]L, .COUiNTY,, M~DN"i:N. l!>~T]!l~ .............. Mll.l' .. l./i ..................................................... 193, .. 46. SKICUIHl"Y-111:ANK'IIDDK"AND PIIIHTIND CQ. ·■T, 27 Lonise Sto-ndahl 28 P.M. Ree MINN,Mlll•I- postll.ge postage postage 28½ P,A, Anderson 29 H.vr. Glorvie-en 30 F,A, Owen Pub. Co. 31 Eastman J~odak stores drivers' license expense subscripti.on supplies · Inc. 32 Geo.~. Johnson salarJ' 'I, ex. 32½ i'/estern Chemical ·::o. 33 Minn. st. S::i.natorinm 34 Glen Lake Sanatorium 35. Otter Tail County weed inspector supplies Sam1.torium · 36 Davis Clinic care of patients c0re of patients care o:r patient 37 Rosholt Equip. Co. 38 Geo.. T. R.van co. 39 A.~!. ,Jo., Inc, of examinat io-n parts Minnes.ota. 40 Dulcot::i. Tract o.r & Equip. Co. 41 Rorchert-I!!{;!ersoll, Incor~orated 42 N.W. Engineerini;: co. 43 Mahler .'I: Stra.ns 44 Paper, Calmens on 'I: Co. 45 Minnesot.a Motor Co. -Wudena parts parts p,arts parts po.rts parts cut tine repairs 46 Olson Auto Elec. Co. repairs 47 Larson Bros. repairs 48 Bernard Wedll Tepa1rs 49 Alvin (Hebe repairs 50 Fergus Foundry Co. re pairs 51 Lake :!legion 'Motor Co. repairs 52 Fortl-1enr.ler Elec. Shop re pa.irs 53 Henr.v Folmgren .repa ir.s 54 Daltori Garap.e repai't'S edr,es 55 Farmer~ co-op. Creamery repairs 56 R,J •. Schmi.dt repairs 57 Skar.mo Motors, 'Tnc. repairs , ! 58 Fnlle·r 'I: .:rohnson Co. repairs 59 Minn. Motor Co., Inc. repairs 60 Bill Nelson Oil Co.· tires 61. Aun~ Bros. tire repairs 62 Gamble. Store-Dalton supplies 63 Henning Hardware supplies 64 Kulseth. Supply Co. supplies 65 ·P' olten Hardware supplies 66_ Ell!pir.e Supply co. supplies 67 Wilcox Lumber co. suonl ies 68. Ebersvil_le.r 's sup-plies :. 69 D .• F!, Cordes supplies 70 St•e't'linp, Lock co. locks 71 ll'red A. Everts . corll , 72 '!i'ergus Glass ~, Pali!nt ·Go. ·paint !; 73 Ame't'.ican Paint Co. paint 74 John Dieseth Co. er1uip. 75 Alf.red Enivold, equip. 76 H,D., Morrill equip. 1 1 77 Penrose Oil ca. go.raee rentel rentel rent el rentel, etc. 78 Ra,vmond Bros. Motor 1reieht T't'ans. co. 79 N,P. Railway co.-freight '9attle Lake 80 Iielson Trucks he.uling 39.;,os 43.08 33.00 8. 70 81 Earl Sonrnor 8_2 Benker Connty Sand & Gravel Co. 83 \'T.F.. Sha.Uer 84 L.1•le T. i'fhi tne,v & 5. 00 GeCTf.e GO?/ 1. 77 85 Cla,v r.onnt,v 86 Field~ Har,r,e Oil Co. 813.03 87 The Oil Sto~e 3,95 260.26 427.03 152.86 88 Perham co-op. Oil co. 89 ?erpus Oil r.o. 90 Mills Oil Co. 91 Bill NelSJ n Oil Co. !J2 Motor rnn Go.rage 'J3 Pa.rk ?.egion Coop. Oil '.:o. 3.00 94 Bill's servic·e Station 299.!)6 !J5 Laurence Chase 94.37 96 Ray•·s Oil Company 336.59. 97 I,en s.vversons 98 Kruee:er Service St_a.tio·n 11.51 99 Renp.ston Oil co. 100 consumers co-op. Oil Co. . f.i8.86 101 S. •a F. Oil Co. 102 D,A, r.ubric(mt co. 43.97 103 N iV Bell Telephone ao. 180.49 104 K eu:Uel .-., Esse't' . 346.70105 Frederick Post_ co. 3. 00 :j.06 Dnhms Photo Pi,:int Co. • 107 Vic:tor Lundeen & Co. 17.65 108 Poucher PTtg. -~= Lith. Co. 54.15 109 H,A, Rogers co. 19.40110 Fetvedt Blue Print Shop 34. 50 111 Improvement Dul letin•- 11. 25.112 Clifford Ollie 290.01113 A, rnorv igen 17, 50 114 A, Glorv i.gen 27,55115 S,E. Hall 5.85116 vr.L. Potter 1,43117 ~,.R. Olson Agenc.v 10. 00 118 Town o .r. Gorman 67.50119 Town of Tu~ili 3,73120 J,A, Winther & Son 11. 88121 Lawrence Chri.se 116 .89122 Pi~hwa.v company 57.20123 Anderson~ Sandberg Oil • 83 . • Compnny 2.19124 NW, Bell Telephone Co, 250,31125 NW Bell Telephon~ Co. 6.94126; NW. Bell Telephone co. 119.51127 Elk River Cone. Prod. Co. 4A.73128 Minnesota uotor co. 4.42129 Minnesota Motor ,'.Jo~ l.60130 Depo.rtment of Adminis- 6.13 tro.t lon 14.39131 Geo. B, Gunderson 1. 25132 GeOrP-e Hanson 8, 90133Yalrner JCa't'vonen 52,80 20.00 310.00 15.80 7.88 2.~.9 5.00 hauling erevel 'I: sand slope e~sement slope e·asement mninte?'.lance a .iesel fuel diesel fuel Pnsoline 'I: reoairs g@soline Pc oii ~asoline, etc. gr,soline, etc. gasoline, etc. fl!lSOl ine gasoline gasoline gasoline gs.so line gasoline gP..soline gnsoline gasoline oil services repairs.& supplies SUP.plies maps supplies supplies s.upplies prints ad :for bids cash s.dv&nced cas·h advanced expenses expenses mileage & expenses bond sradine 1:,rad ing supplie.s gasoline g~.s .I on cl iesel fuel 'I: gasoline calls calls Long Distance 'II :Jt.!('I culverts repoirs supplies school snpnlies exp. ::ittendin~ mtg. exp. attend inf! mte. ex~. attending mtr,. 3,00 31.23 5.oo 20.00 70,83 262,11 47 ,50 11.!lB 142.90 o.fl? 35.32 8,,39 40.00 8,75 19,76 91.93 31.22 71,64 25.32 30,45 50.07 107,91 26,55 99.72 11,84 44.00 4.30. 6,67 il.8.99 2.16 5,20 2,45 19,59 78.20 37,35 54.80 ·15.00 300.00 300.00 73,01 77.68 24.90 86.80 11.95 21.20 13.75 26.60 7 2,75 I 27.60 . 89.50 5.20 5,80 6. 70 The b-ond of Afton Glorvip.en: County Highway Engineer, in the sum of $3000 v1ith United Stntes !i'idelit.v ana Guaranty eo. as snrety was npprovecl. :! ui:ion motion the Boaz:d then ad,j,oarned to ,Tltne 11, 1946. _J 91'CU801111J!i Ctfr\jll·•.,M·:Jss'lio~t,..,'0s B1il.'coa10 M· o'iJ.'lr:li'l.1iE>· 1'···" :r,t·· ·co·1t-N'iJ.'IY M·,,llo:1i,,11o:, \JO!LYJ. l. · l ,, .:liU,:.1n, a!li.i ... ., n; .•• : · .. ' i!J: :i!i..n. 11.M,.!l, · , '· ',U • :J! : · . . l.'J1'1'!1i•·· . . t -. -' D.P.ftlN1'1NP.CO.o,ff.1.CLOUD.,MINfl--Nl41 li>:A:TE; ......................... june ... iL.l ... &,. .. ~ ......................... 193 .. 46. M!Nt1'r-ES 01!' ADJ0URNED MEET-ING Oil' THE J30Alm 0ll' C:?0tJN!l'Y C0W:irSSl0NERS 01!' 0TTER ·T•AIL C0UNTY. Mil'ffl~SOTi. . Pur•~~t to adjou-rnmen,t t4e.-Board me•t at 10 o'ol:ook· A.II. 'l'u~so-tl,f June l,l, 1946-. Preaen,t: Comm1s•1:oneH Xai'voneJ!. Gund·~reol'l,. Hanson, stone -~d snow.berg. · · •~ Upori moti:oli Oommiaaloner G.eorge Ha~on .was appoln-ted as a member of the 0.tter Tail",Oo-o~eratt:v:e,· 1 Est·eneion Committee. , · . · , A re.pott of the Board o-f Audit of an .exam1nauo-n 9t, the aocoun;ts• ·of p.u,. Ree. ·count:, Tr.eae.ur.er, :l!o-r the period. from ,I., 1'946. to April 301 l,946, e·how11l8 a bi!lliance 1n the count¥, treaeu•ry at the oll!oee of business on eai:d l~et men-ti:oned d•ate of \'1847 .·a-7-6 •. 69 was appro:v:ed. Members of t•he Count:, ,Co-operat4,:v:e Ex,tenei:on C9mm:I.Ue appe!!,red befo-re the iloa-rd -to rep9rt ·budge•t, adopted for th,e oomlng y.ear and requested ~ appro.pria-t1·on-o.f $~.000· -fr.om t•he co.un,ty lor :t•ha,t ,i>u•rpose. The following resolu•tio-n was e.d·o,pted: Resolved by tne Board of County commissio-ners of o,tter Tai!L Count;:. •Minneso,ta: That the sum· of $5•,.000 be ,et !!,Bide from th,e Revenue Fu-nd and appr,9,priated, subjeo-t to -~f.:the Dean of the Department of Agriculture of. t9e Univere•ity of Minnesota;. far t.irle su•ppor,t Q•f ao-opera-tive Ex-tension.wor-k in agric:_,ulture !1,nd home economics in 0,tte•r '1'ail Cou-nty fo•r the y,eaw July l, 1946, 1·n accord•anoe with Chapter 423. Lawe-•of 1923, iand ac-te euppl!ement,ary there,to .• 4!fopt-ed June -11, 1946. Be-rt Sto,ne, Oha-irman. t·he Ol'd•eT doun•tf bet~•nning Attest.: William L:l.nooln, Clerk . On and off sale beer licensee were· granted to Gel'aldine F. •Xnmet at Luoe ,and to v;,E.· S-1:e-rman . a-t Marion Lake :t,odge in TQwnehip 9t .:pead. Lake. . · : The follovrlng c:l.ga·re•tte :pce~ses were granted: Gran:t M. Jensen et P,aee He sort, Town of Amor, _,,, from Mo.v 1 to December 3il., l!l46; Arthur c. Xelly a·t Real McCoy Camp, Town of ,Amor, May 1 to Decembe,r 3!1.; J.C. Emery, Deer Lake Camp., Town o-f ~erts, Ma.Y.l to .:pecembel' 31. Ciga-rette l,icensee fo-r the period from· J-u-ne 1 to December 3:L were gra-n,ted to t.be fol;!.owtng: &arne.v and Wil!l.iam S. Wagner at Vlagner·• s Beach, Tovm of Dunn; Jack So!l,inger ,· etor.e. Town of Lid.a; Mrs. Thea i,all, Amor Park Stor.e; lone c .• Lord. 0!ld Town Camp, Town of 01l-itheraU; E,,J, Wilts, Town of DQra, and also to Ed. Holen,. :t>elican Beach Resort, Town· of l)u,nn. July l to Decembe-t 3'tj . . The app!Lication of R.T.. Xe(Uy fo-r c!laseifica-tion of E~ n¼ Sec.tio,n 14 T,ownehlp of 1!'r1·berg, fo-r the year 1945 at homestead rate was read, and t!le Board recommend-ed ·to the Co1111111seioner of 1,'ax,~,ti-on t•hat B!i-id land be so c'lassified and the assessed: val!ue r.ed•uced from $321 'to $193 and the taxes from $26.,32 to tl.4.56. . . : · . The appil,1:oation of Jergen Wil·tnaae 'to-r claeeifica-tion o-f SW¼ S~ of Seo.tion 17, Town of J/'o-ld·en fo-r the year 1945 at homestead rate was read. and the ~oard .r-ecommeri<1,·ed to -the Qommieeioner of 'faza-tion t·llat said land be so classified and the assessed v,alue reduced from f279 to $161 and t•he taxes· f-r-om tia5,61 to $14.24. . . . ..• The applicat 1:on of Morence Je.uman for eettlelilen-t of deiinquen•t taxes for the tean !1;'93l to 1934: ipoiueive, ~a~nst _ the west ~O feet of i,lorth ;J:ij0 lee,t of tha·t part Eiout•h of iL•1noo~li A venue -o.f Sub Lot 19· of Section 34. ~ownship 133-. R&Jl8e 43 was ~ead, and upon .reoommend•ation of t•he Cit.V Qouno:p:, tile B9ard reoommendeo to th@ Qomm:l.ee:l.one-r of T!mat~on t·ha·t said .taxes be lie-tUed fo•r t-he sum oil! 1300., be:l.ng a r.eduotion of 8676.39 from the full amount of taxes, penalt•:l!ee, interest and cos,te. · Upon motion t)le Board then took a recess ,until 2 o to!l:ook p •. 14-. B-idli for mo,to•r patro!l;s., trucks. and-road ,oil s.prf1¥•er as acivertieed fo·r by t·he Board-were opened and read. 1he r.epresen:tativee of various 'l!il'mB eub!D:ltting bide were permitted to explain• to t!le Boar-ci the merits o·f their eevei,al machines. . . A report -of Pinancial services Unit of the' s,tate divieio-n o:f Soo:tai Weil.fa-re sh9wing an ,examilna- t.1:on of boo-ks and a:ffaire o .. f the· 0tter '!!ail Count, Wel.fa-re Board fol" the ca!lend•e.r year 194'5 was presen,tec1 tp t•he Board by the county Auditor and o-rdered plaoed on f11e. U'pop. mo.Uon the Boa-rd then adjourned to LO· o • oloclc ,A.M., Wed-needay. :tune 12, 1946. WEDNESDAY'S SESSi0J Pursuant to •adjournment the Board met 'a-t 10 o 'oloolc A.JI .• Wed,nesd•a, j:1~ne 12, 194.6, ~l memliers ·b:etng p~esent. . . · · · • · _ , . tTPon mo-t:ion the Coul'!,ty Auditor was instr-uc_ted to e,dv-ertise for-'bid1e fo.r g-r.ad11..ng._road•e in TUliluiU,• Saint. Olaf, Leaf' Mounta-in, E:ff:l.ngton. and 0"el.l, .said bids .:to••be o.pened: a-t 2 9 1 01:oot P.JI·• Jul;t ?, l/9•·6. . . . Upon motion the Auditor-~e 1-nstr-uo:ted to advertise f'o-r bids for Cut-Baok Aephal-Ho ~oadi ·0111. bide to be o.pel'!,ed a-t 10 o •010·ck A.M. J,ul:.v 8, 1946, . · Bid•il for r.aftel'B for Par-kere Prairie gai,t1,ge, having lieen adve-rUsed :ro,r bi t·he Board, ,were o,pen,ed. The onl1 bl,d received lielrig that of Lampert Lumber COl!lpany of Parken Pr.aii'ie l•n• t·he •ilum ,of J992.96, whi:oh was upon mo-tion aoceplfted_ su,bj•eot to d-el.lv-ery. before C:)otober-l!_. 1946 •.... _ . . .. . . Upon-mo•tion :the co.un,ty Auditor wae i-ne,truc-ted to ad,v-e:r-U,ee for ·bid1s fo:r ,equ~pme-nt renW. said ' bide to be opened at lO o'clock A.M. J,ulj 9. 194!6. . . · '1 · ·'i'~e Boa-r-d. Jiaving C)oneici-e:reil, bici,e fo:r gr-!1,der-e a-nd trucks at t-hei-r 'i'uead•ll,f''·a· s·eaaio-n. ,~pol\· 1 • !liouon accepted the foilowill8 bidli: <me cia-te-:r.pHl.a-r Mo:to-r Grader complLete with snowpl!,ow. ,w:1ng.. and, aocessories, $;!!0,. 2!15 ,21; one Allie-CJial!me-r-s "~" Motor Grade~ comp!lete with enow.p!low; wl•ng.· ~ $ooeai, ... o-ries, $?,816.7l; one Ad•aiile ·Mo-tor Grader comp:):e:te wit·h enow,pl:ow. wi-ng, and aooeeeoriea, 19",4!64.75; on♦ :,.w.D. 10-ton D:l:esel Powered nuck with snowplow, w1-ng., and ,aooeeso-riee, f:1;3.,4'1l~.Q0 lea!'i ttad•t·iD al,l:!)Wa!')oe on .used Snogo, $5,800 leaving a valance of 11,6781.,00·; one Li.t-tldord fl:O!l Util-it,t -Spi'-f!I ·~anlt W•i,th-accesso,ries, f!l,, 932 •. 50! · •.-. . Upon #Jo.UoJi t·he Sheriff was granted an additional ,th•ir:ty d·lll's lo·r ooliheoU,ng 194'6 •deil!:l.•nquen-t pereonai pro.per.t1 t~es.. · . . . . . . . . · The •borid-of Dr. G.J. -11ou-r1:tzen, De.put,-Co-rone:r, in the sum of ll,,000 wit-h St. P.aUll-Merou•r-T- 'I'1Dc!1emnJ;·t,: aomp~ -.s sur.e,t1 was approved• · . . .. . _ · .. . TJie bol)d· 0,f Dr,. w:.11'1 •. S"hanibe"r. De.pu·tr do-r.~er. in t·he sum of $fj00 wtt•h Nnerican SU•ret:, Company as au-ret,· was approv,ed • 51,,,0 !I Sf,/ COMMlSSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL C~UNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. ,1u.ne•••l2-,••·····························••193.4,6 .. ■ECIIRffY_DLANIC DOOIC AND Pl]ltfl'ING C9:,.IIT..•~CI.OUll!,.M~l!!!=ftl4' The following bills .were allowed·: l l J.d. Renkes 2 J.d. Henkes expenaea board of prisoners 30.80 95.00 3 Valborg TUngseth 4 Laura Baumgarten 6 Bernice J. Jesme 6 Ella stondahl al~ Supt. SchoolSl30,00 w 10,50 " 16.50 w 12.00 7 Pearl Jensen " 12.00 8 Ethel l!'arden " 3.00 9. Violet Holmquist 10 Elnora Esteb ~ 7.60 " 12.00 11 Vera Haugen 8 7.60 12 Medora Draxten w 7.60 13 George l!'. Johnson 14 Frank d. Barnes · salary&· exp. 241.50 weed inspector municipal c&urt 50.35 15 Deliah Schmidt 16 Nelson Bros. Prtg. co. 17 S,Vndioate P~tg. Co. 18 The Pierce co. 19.county School & Office Supply Co. 20,Victor Lundeen & co. 21 Miller-Davia co. 22 Poucher Prtg •. & Lith. 23 l!'ritz-crosa co. 24 l!'ergus Journal Oo. 25 Deer Creek Mirror 26 Battle Lake Review 27· H,1!', Hinze feea transcript printing school supplies auppliea school auppliea supplies supplies BUppliea blanks & supplies ballots, etc. pu-b, notice to taxpayers notice to tax-payers dep. Sheriff's fees 2B Otto 1!', Nelson constable fees 29 Conklin Saw ShoP. repairs 30 l)Uro Teat Corp. su-pplies 31 Fereus Service Sta. supplies 32 William Galena repairs ,33 lffl Bell Tele. Oo. calls 34 united Chemical co.Inc. supplies 35 Fergus l!'loral co. plants 36 xnoff Peterson Hiwe. supplies 37 H,W, Glorvigen postage 38 P,M. Ree postage 39 P.A. Anderson postage 40,LOuise Standahl postage 41 Eastman Xodak Store• supplies 42 H,W, Glorvigen drivers license expense 43 l!'ed.Laboratoriea, 44 Odin Johnson 45 Estrem Clinic 46 Police Equip. co. 47 A,A. Volbrecht Inc. supplies hauling services supplies 48 l!'ergus ;alls Clinic 49 Minn. st. Sanatorium insurance examinations care of patients 50 Dr, Geo. 1!', jaoobs exam 51 Glen Lake Sanatorium care of . patients 52 Otter ,ail co. Sanatorium care of patients 53 Louise Standahl expenses 54 Am, Legion Aux1J,1ar7 memorial d'e1· services 55 Wm. R. Ziegler co.tnc. parts 66 Minnesota 1!'.W.D, ao. parts 57 A,W. Inc. of Minnesota pepatrs 5B Dakota Tractor & Equipment Comp!UIJ' 59 Borchert-Ingersoll Inc 60 George T, R7an co. 61 Kahler & Straus· 62 Aune Bros. 63 Larson Bros. 64 Samuelson Service Sta. 65 Hintgen-xarst oo. 66 Natl, Bushing & Parts Comp&l'JI' pa-rte parta parts, parts repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs 67 west Otter Tail Service repairs 10.00 18,75 17.76 l •'.Pl 30.34 119,30 33.58 44.08 66,73 694,02 2.10 2.00 4.86 26.00 2.50 23.04 2.30 7.06 32.80 32.40 90.00 30.00 . 24.00 118.4,0 31.25 45,47 3.52 10.4,0 102.00 1.00 21.00 20.00 15.00 9,00 108.68 3.00 362.74. 44.29 90.50 25.00 213.67 21.82 108 •. 59 6.38 53,34 155.06 44i.99 31 .• 70. 65.90 10.05 .60 198.88 23.98 Company 68~U1nneaota Motor Co. repairs, tires, 117.45 69 Thelen Implement Oo. etc. repairs 11.30 70,0laon Auto Elec. ao. 71 Minn,J.{Oto:r ao. -Wadena 72 Waino•Xela Garage 73 Sid Bowman · 74 Red Arrow Garage 75 Pargo l!'9undry Co. 76 Bill Nel~on Oil do. 77 Fred A• Ever~s 78 s. & 1!', 011 do. 79 Minnesota Linseed Oil Paint CQmp&l'JI' 80 Gamble •Store-Dalton , 81 Mark Sand·& Gravel co. 82 Elbow Lake Sand & Gravel co.· 83 Nelson Trucks 84 John i1eseth co. 85 D.M, · Wheeler 86 John Dieseth ao. 87 Village Qf Battle Lake 88 Highway company 89 Village of Henning 90 Villaee of .. Dalton 91.Jtra. John Strissel 92 E,D, Sage . 93 N W Bell Tele, ,c:o, 94 ~elican Tele. Oo. 95 NW.· Bell Tele. Co, 96 Hayward court Brief repairs repairs repairs wood sawing repairs supplies supplies supplies heater paint : filters sand & gravel. gravel hauling equip. rental oar rental equip. rental· water charges rent garage rental garage rental garage rental garage rental long. d1atance#3649 senices senioea #39 Battle Lake printing brief Printing Company 97 Monroe Calcu. Mach, Co,· maintenance 98 Curtis 1000 Inc•~: supplies 99 Miller-Davia c:o. supplies 100 McGraw-Hill Book co.Inc, books 101 Ralph 3·, 'Barke, Agent insurance 102 Anderson & Sandberg diesel fuel 011 (jompany 103 The Oils Store diesel fuel 104 Perham co-op. 011 Qo. gasoline 105 H.X, Stahl Co., E.A. Bloeae oil 106 Heinola seniee Station gasoline 107 Rel'• s OU Oo. gasoline 108 Standard 011 co. · Pelican Rapids gasoline 109 Motor Inn Garage gasoline 110. Pergus 011 co. gas & 011 111. Bill Nelson 011 co. gas & oil 112 Xneger Service Station gasoline 113 consumers co-op. Oll co. gasoline :114 Pield & Hagge Oil Co, diesel fuel 115 Penrose 011 compan,: diesel fuel,eto. 116 D.A, Lubricant Co., Inc. oil & grease 117 A. Glorvlgen expenses 118 A. Glorvigen _callhc-eidvanoed 119 John Dieaeth Oo. road work-Elmo 120 w.L. Potter cash advanced ,121,Highway Company gas & oil 122 Louise Wilde gravel 123, Eino Laine truck rental 124 Melvin Jaoob~an repairs 125 xnutilla Implement co. repairs 126 William Sauer repairs 127 Olson Auto Elec. oo •. repairs 1128 Northwestern Sheet & parts Iron Works. 129 George Hanson 130 Yalmer ·Karvonen 131 George B, Gunde~son 132 American Legion Post # 219 exp. attending mtg. exp, attending mtg. exp, attending mtg. Memorial Day services 3.90 11,42 68,88 6.50 36,00 3,75 9.19 11,79 14,50 14,04 ,89 44.00 84,76 60,00 69,04 50.26 49.50 ·2.25 10.00 45.00 45.00 21.00 15.00 U,50 3.25 19.30 78.30 28.00 7,21 1,15 8.16 523,60 19,60 67.00 2.51 14,17 11,33 48,0l 36.25 29,23 94.40 32,66 46,08 38,55 270.83 46.92 493.38 75,05 6.26 489.54 10.00 19~27 6,30 5,00 17.30 7.28 15,36 7,26 26,91 6,90 7,30 5,20 21.00 Upon motion the Board then adjourned without · /:#4a~ [W;~,h ~.,,,.-L date. Attest: C:er. J -, .::r r ,. . • ~ • I '· I ·! l COMMISSIONERS RECORD M,-OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DA TE .......................... ..tul,J ... S ··'"·····································19346 llfUlUTES OP . REG ur.AR MEF.TlNG OF' THE BOARD OF COU?ITY COMMISSIONERS OP OTTER TAIL COUNTY. MINNESOTA Pa~suant to at~tute the Board met at 10 o•olook A.M. Mondaz, July 8, 1946. Present: Commissioners Xarvonen, Gunderson, Ranson, Stone and Snowberg. .. . Bids tor road oil as advertise! tor by the Board were opened, and upon motion.the Board awarded to the lowest bidder, Sooon,v vaouum Oil company a contract tor furnishing oil aooording to the bid, The bond of Violet Haugrud, olerk of Probate court, in the sum of 91,000 with Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company waa approved. Cigarette license tor the period from June 1 to December 31, 1946, was granted to Richard a. Hollingworth at Holl.r's Camp in Town ot Amor. Cigarette license tor the period from July 1 to December 31, 1946, and on and ott sale. beer license tor the period ending Maroh 31, 1947, were:granted to Wallace M. Holt at Western Store. The appl1oat1on ot Virgil Newborg tor on and ott sale beer license fer t~e perled enilag at his store in the Township of Priberg was presented to the Board, and the Sheriff of the County having refused to recommend the applioation, the Board refused to grant it. The 11st of unoollected personal property taxes for 1945 prepared by the Sheriff and signed by the County Treasurer waa examined by the Board, and the following report was made: Report of the County Board of the county of Otter Tail State of Minnesota, of unoolleoted and cancelled Personal Property Tazea for the Year 1945. Fergus Falla, Minnesota, July 9, 1946, Be it Xnown, That the County Board of Otter Tail county, Minnesota, did meet in aeaeion on the 8th daz of July, 1946, the same being the first session of said Board after the 10th da.v of June, 1946; that at said session the County Treasurer of said county delivered to llaid Board the list of uncollected personal property tazea for the year 194~ together with his certificate thereon as required by law; and that at said session the said Boar~ did duly con-sider said list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the following is a correct 11st of said uncollected personal property taxes in said county for said year of 1945, as so revised by said Beard, to-wit: Penalty,Fee Total Tu ~emarka Township or Tax and coats Penalty ·& c~ Name of Person Aaseaaed District• Dollars ate. Dollars ate. dollars eta. Anent , Fred C. Bluffton 3.59 .73 4.32 col:J:ect Atkinson, Fred D. Vil. N,Y. ·!!ills 4.35 .84 5.19 collect Bakko~ M1stela~e Norwegian •Grove 22.39 3.25 25.64 collect Berg, Roy H. 3rd Ward 2.81 .63 3.44 oollect .Block, Arnold Elizabeth 6.93 1.17 e.10 collect Dahlen, A.O. Vil. Pelican Rapids 6.92 1.17 8.09 collect Ditteriok, Frank Village Perham , 1.12 .40 1.52 collect Dybdahl, Orlando Tumuli 11.34 1.77 13.ll collect Erickson, Peter Magnus Dunn 13.45 2.06 15.51 oolleot Field, Claude 3rd ward 4.28 .82 5.10 collect Gibson, Rev. L.P. 4th Ward 6.97 1.19 8.16 oolleot Glueoka Beer co. Vil.N.Y. Milla 4.58 .87 5.45 collect Gluecka Brewing co. Village Perham 1.40 .44 1.84 collect Green. Harry Homestead 26.11 3.75 29.86 collect Harrington, Charles Gorman 12.04 1.86 13.90 collect Henke, dharlea W, Vil, Battle Lake 35.53 6,01 40.54 collect Houge, Joe s. Rush Lake 17.49 2,59 20.oe oollect Hoxie,_ Clara 2nd Ward 4,40 .84 5.24 collect Johnson, Melvin d. Sverdrup 2.30 .55 2.85 oolleot Xjono, Blnil Buse 9,98 1,69 11.57 oolleot Kringler, Morris Elisabeth 10.68 1.67 12.25 oolleot Minneapolis Brewing co. Elmo 3.41 .79 4.11 oolleot Rekatad, Ed, Oak Valley 9.74 1.56 11,30 collect Tollerud, J,O, Norwegian Grove 5,51 .99 6.50 oolleot TWeeton,. I"intJ. Vil, Deer creek l/!,93 1.99 14.92 oolleot Winslow, John L, candor 9,68 1,54 ll.22 oolleot Wright, Cyril G, 2nd ward t,40 ,84 5.24 collect That the following is a correct 11st of the personal property taxes in said County for said year whioh said Board are satisfied cannot be oolleoted, and so oanoelled by said Board, to-wit: Tax Penalty.Fee Total Tu Remarks Township or Dollars Ota and Coats Penalty & oosts) Bame· of Person Assessed District Dollars Ota. Dollars Ota & tt:ti.e' ~- Adsit, Irene, Peg 3S' Dunn 2.31 .55 2.86 oancel Anderson, Alfred .:1,o Otter Tail 1.47 , .45 l,92 oancel Ballard, Mary I. / s-' EVerts 1.44 ,45 l.89 cancel Barthele, Viator 53 Butler 6,08 l,07 7.15 oanoel Beito, George A. ,>. () Amor l.70 ,48 2.18 oanoel Berger, Stan Ottertail l,47 .45 1.92 oanoel .:>. 0 Binek, Preda, llra. I A-"' Vil, Parkers Prairie 14,88 2.24 17,12 cancel Bjerken, Alvin c. ':17 Dunn 2.44 .58 3,02 oanoel Brewster, Dean S'1 2nd Ward 7.21 1,22 8,43 oanoel Bri:r. Adolph ,/-D Pine Lake 2.25 .65 2.eo oanoel Brooker, L.H. I :J.. Amor 1.02 .39 1.41 oanoel . --I _j COMMISSIONERS RECORD .M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... ..tu.l,1r...B. ......................................... 193 .. A.6 ■miii"1Ti1i:&NK -AND PRINTING ••~ IIINN.-111" Busker, Anton Charlson, Ed. ,aei'l.son, Al.got Cro·ab,V, Mable A, Clasen, Henry ·»avis,. Lulu, M, :Davis, Mrs. w.L. Ebner, Elisabeth Elstad, Soott c. Gadbois;. Leon c. Gaily, tlmer Green, Olarence Hanson, Edward Hanson, Jennie Harbor, The, ( Clem Pri "erg). Hopf'enapinger, Madgelena Hubert, N, Johnson, Edward & x. .Jobnaon, Rev.o·.c. JUd•aon, Delmer Laoy, Claude Lindley, Glen &E, Pearl Me.vera, A.J. Omberg,,-.B. ID Oeut Valley /t, Hobart It.. .Amor s-t> Everts ./<~ Ottertail .31 Nidaros /7 3rd.Ward ~ o Ottertail J. ~ "Village Perham ~t/d lat Ward 31•Everta 17 tth ward '-f Dee-r creek JS' Dunn lf-'>'6 i:?nd ward ~ o Ottertail .JO Amor 17 Amor .3'f .Amor .t's'Elmo 120.oak Valley 37 Dunn no 3rd ward Olson, Peroy Planty, Ll.O,Vd Peterson, Orin Piokar, Herman Rador, Dora 'i-Village Perham tf Village PerhB!D · /~,; Village Perham .31. Homestead · I,°' Butler Rehmet. J.L. & J,D. 10 ·Everts I:( ·AIDO•r Ru.vter, Geo.D, & J,P. Schutt Sagneaa, Bert & Clara Shepard, Edith 3a Nidaros .. -1-Amor :t0 candor ;).. l"f Hobart ;;. 0 Amor Simmons, J .L. Simmer, Matt A,, Estate Sinner, E,N. Splear, Bernard Stodolka, Jamee p. Tronaon, Mrs. George Wark, Horace . Weiaen, Mrs. Joe Werning, Mike ~ 7 lat ward I :l r'° Village Perham L/ Village Perham I I A mor l't,, :&'olden : 1 o Village Pe.rham . 111 AJDor l..69 l.,82 1.36 4,79 l..84 3.89 2.08 2.00 30.80 29.33 4.85 2.08 13.57 2.:u 52.06 2.00 l..70 l..33 2,88 9,66 1,49 3.02 13.44 .-56 .66 l."7.36 4.63 7.58 .96 .94 3,36 2.04 l..98 28.l.7 1.57 3.30 17.50 .56 .93 9.37 . 1,40 l..19 .48 .60 .43 .89 .50 .77 .53 .52 4,37 4,18 .90 .63 f.2.07 .56 7.22 .52 .48 .43 .64· 1.114· .45 .65 2,06 .32 ,32 2.58 .87 l.,27 .38 .38 .70. .62 .62 4.02 .47 .69 2.60 .32 .37 l.,61 .44 .41 The County Boaid of' Otter ~ail count,,-, Minnesota Yal.mer Xanonen George B, Gunderson George Hanson Bert Stone Attest: William Linooln Carl A, Snowberg count.v Iua~tor. 2.17 2.32 1.79 5.68 2.34 4.66 2.61 2.62 35.l.7 33.61 5.76 2.61 16.64 2.86 59.28 2.62 2.18 1.76 3.62 ll.20 1.94 3,67 16.60 .ea i .as 19·.94 6.60 8,86 1.34 1.32 4.06 2.56 2.60 32.14' 2.04 3."99 20.10 .ea 1.30 10.88 l..84 l..60 cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel oancel. oancel oancel. oancel oanoel cancel oancel oanoel cancel cancel cancel oanoel cancel oancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel oanoel oanoel oanoel oancel oancel cancel oancel cancel cancel oanoel cancel oanoel oancel cancel cancel cancel oanoel. oanoel Cigarette lioenae f'or the period ~rom July l to December 31, 1946, was granted to Virgil Newborg at his store in Friberg Township) . The ~pplioation of' A~o~ph Xoehler .tor settlement of delinquent taxes tor 1942 tor $1,51 on the ground that bqildings were assessed against said property tor said year, whereas there were no buil.dinga ot any ~ind o~ the land at t~at time waa re.ad, and the Board reoommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said settl~ment be made ,and that taxes, penalties, interest, and ooats be reauoed f'rom $19.63 to 81.5 The application of Ulrich Doll tor claaaification of' IYi S\9¼ Seotion l, Town of Rush Lake for the year 1945 at b,omestead rate w:aa read, and the B·oard reoommended to the Commiaaioner of ~-~ation that said petition be granted and the aaseased value reduoed from $461 to $340 and the taxes from $56.56 to $41.64. The application of' A~gust Prederiok tor olassifioation of NW¼ NE¼: N.Fl¼ NW¼ Lot 2 except tract and Lot 3 all in Section 24, Township of Sverclrup for the year 1945 at homestead rate was read, and the Board reoommended to the Commissioner of 'J&xation that said land be so olaasified and the assessed value reduced from $1545 to fl.012 and the taxes from $150.79 to $93.54. . The J.PPit~A,t!.,<>..~•2f..J'JJ!l'.ji.A~l•.&.J\l1..~0Ptr fOJ:.R!!i!~lla~)..Qn ot aaaeasment tor structures aaaesaed for the year 194~on1:n~ gro\}i'Stl'iM' tliere iv'ireliiorTi'u!Inlngs "oii slid tract at that time was read, and the Board reoommended to the Commiaaioner of Taxation that said aaseaament for atruotures be oanoelled, and the assessed value of said tract-reduced f'rom $70 to tao and the taxes f'rom $8.55 to $2.44. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'olock A.II. Tueadq, Jul,V 9, 1946. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... ~l,V 9 ........................................ 1934.6 .. =fm,Rm"liu.NIC DOQIC AND PIIINl'ING-CO.o ifr, Q.GUD, IUNN-NIII -~- TUESDAYTS SESSION Parauant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'olook A.M., Tueada;, July 9, 1946, all members being preaent. The application of Henry Boehl to aet over NB¼ swt Section 3 in Township of Otter Tall from Diatrlot 15 to District 199 waa taken up for final action. After listening to the county Superintendent of Schools and after full oonslderatlon, upon motion the petition was rejected. The application of William A. Mall to set over land from District 218 to Diatrlot 6Q.waa taken up tor .final action. After llstening to the county SuP.erlntendent of sohoola and after full oonslderatlor upon motion the petition was rejected. · The application of Luther Moen to set over land from District 140 to Diatrlot 106 was taken up for final aotlon. After listening to the petitioner and the county superintendent of Schools. and it appearing that the granting of this petition would leave tracts of lend isolated from the rest of the dlatriot, upon motion the petition was rej·eoted •. The petition of William c. Teberg to set over land petition had been laid over from the March meeting, was again hearing on aald petition were not posted by the petitioner in from District 278 to District ~16, which . taken up, and it appearing that notices of time to compi, with the law, upon motion the petition waa rejected • ...,iL...ThldUl:\ftlon of Joseph E. Anderson to set over the st D¼ except rallraad, the wt of·1t of BB¼ BEir\orSio~'i."on 32. Town of Aurdal, from District 80 to Dletrlot 143 was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held October 9, 1946. ·at 10 o'olook a.m. in the commlaaioner'a Boom ln the Court.House, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given aa requlred·by law. The petition of H,P. Wentzell to set over the NVfl of BE¼ of Section 32, Town of Aurdal, from District 80 to Dlat~.lct 143 waa nad, and l t was ordered that a _healng on aald .petition be had at the aeasiOh of the Board to be held October 9, 1946, at 10 o'olook A.M. in the commissioner's Room in the Court House, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Herbert o. Jacobson to set over wt SE¼ of Section 28 in Town of Paddock from Dlatrlot 169 to District 253 was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the aeaslon of the Board to be held October 9, 1946, at 10 o'olook A■M■ in the Commlssloner's Room ln the court House, and. that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Fred H. Imsande to set over the st SE¼ and ft SW¼ of Seotlon 13 in the Town-ship of Homestead from District 186 to District 220 was read, and it was. ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held October 9, 1946, at 10 o'clock A,M. in the Comm-laslonera• in the Court House, and that due notice of the time and place of aald hearing be given aa required by law. The petition of L.C. Rudolph to set over the SE¼ of Section 2 in Township of Candor from District 269 to District 121 was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the aeaslon of the Board to be held October 9, 1946, at 10 o'clock A■M■ in the Commlasloners' Room in the Court House, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Mrs. Charles Wrest to set over the El of Lot 6, also Sub Lot A of Lot 7, also Lot 6, and Sub Lo,t A of Government Lot 4, all in Section 8 in Township of Tordenskjold from District 96 to District 5 was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held October 9, 1946, at 10 o'olook A.M. at the Commlasloners' Room in the Court House, and that due notloe of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Bert Sander to set over the wt D¼ of Section 24 in Township of Dane Prairie from Diatrlot 19 to District 95 was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on aald petition be had at the aeaalon of the Board to be held October 9, 1946, at 10 o'olock A.M. in the Commlasloners' Room in the Court House, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Edward Hosterman to set over Lota 2-3-4-6 & 6 in Section 6 in Township of Lida. from District 217 to District 79 was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at · the session of the Board to be held ootober 9, 1946, at 10 o'clock A ■M~ in the Commissioners' Room in the court House, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be. given aa required by law. Bids tor equipment rental aa advertised for by the Board were read, and the Board accepted the bids of Leitch Construction compan_v, Mark Sand & Gravel comp11113, and Harry Wallin. Bids for grading as advertised for b1 the count1 were taken up, and the Board opened the onlJ' bllllreoelved being those of H,D. Morrill. After consideration the Board accepted Mr, Morrlll's bid for Project 46:11 on count1 aid road No. 42 for $6,735.09 and Project 46:14 in the Township of Carlisle for $8,383~31. ' Mr. Morrlll'a bid for Project 46:13 waa upon motion rejected. Upon motion the Audlt.:or waa inatruoted to advertise tor blds for 300 tone more or less of commander stoker ooal, said bids to be opened at the mP.etlng of the Board August 13, 1946, at 2 o'cl~ok P.P!f. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for fu-rnlshlng and installing . .' stoker for the second boiler ln the engine room at the court Rouse, said bids to be opened at 10 o'olook A.M. August 13, 1946. The county Board approved the surveys and construction plans on the follo\1lng projects, work to be done by the hlghwa.v engineer's office ~sing equipment on which rental bide have been accepted. c.P. r:6:07--C,A ■R ■ #47 Trondhjem-Erhards Grove:TWps. Length: 2,0 Miles c.P. 6:08--S.A.R. #1 Paddock-Blowers Twps. ~ength: i.75 Miles c.P~ 6:09--0.A.R ■ #40 Dunn Township Length: 0.6 MUe c.P, *•~:10--C.A.R ■ #52 & Pine Lake-Homestead Township Road Length: 1.0 Mlle c.P. #46:12--C.A.R ■ #35 EVerta Township Length: 0.8 Mlle c.P. #46:15--0.A.R ■ f26 western Township Length:l.OMll~ c.P. #46:16--S.A.R, #7 woodside To~nehlp Length: 2.0 Miles c.P, #46•17A--C.A.R ■ 162 Eastern Township Lenght: 2.0 Miles c.P. #46;17B--C ■A ■R ■ ~61 Eastern Township Leng~h: 1.0 Mlle c.P, #46:i8--C.A,R ■ #33 Girard-Henning Townships Le~h: 4.0 Miles C.P. #46:19--C.A.R■ #33 Everts Township Length: 1.0 Mlle c.P. #46.20--C.A.R ■ #61 Newton Townsh~p Length; 2.8 Miles The following resolution was adopted: Resolution bl the Board of county C ommlesionere, Otter Tall Count1, Minnesota Whereas, a portion of.road on the Grant-Otter Tall Count1 Line was designated as a count1 aid road on Maroh 14, 1936, and COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ...... DATE .................... .1Ul.F ... 9 ............................................... 193. 46. / -.!'!:-_:a::a.-7 WHEREAS, sai4 road has now been constructed, NOW THEREP'ORE1 BE IT RES0LVED·, that the following described. road be and hereb,F is redesignated as a portion of o,A.R. #25: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Secti6n'36, Tl31N-R42W; thence running ~ae East on the count.v line to the intersection with u.s. Highwa.v f52 and there terminating. Said road ·being 3,8 miles in length. Adopted this 9th da.v of Jul,F, 1946. Bert Stone, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. fhe following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,F the Board of Count.v Commissioners of Otter Tail Oount,F, Minnesota. Resolved, that the designation of that part of State Aid Road f5· described as follows be revoked• Beginning at a point approzimatel,F 700 feet No~thof the Southwest corner of Section 4, Tl31B-• R39W; thence running north~esterl.v to a point approximatel.v 400 feet south of the East quarter corner of Section 30, T~321-R39W-and there ~erminatina. Total length Revoked: 2,.6 Miles. BE IT PURTHER RESOLVED, That the following described road be redesignated as part of State Aid ·Road #6: Beginning 'at -~ point· approximately 700 feet North of the .southwest corner of Section 4, Tl31N- R39W; thence run due !forth for a distance of 3878,5 feet; t·henoe deflect to the left on an 90 curve (,delta ·angle 89 26') for a distance of 1117,9 feet; thence run West on the line between N2,daros and Leaf Mountain Townships for a distance of 3898.3 feet; thence deflect to the right on an a0 cun:e (delt·a angle 88°58' ) for a distance of 1112.1 feet; thence run due North on the section line for a distance of 6968.4 feet and there terminating at a point approximatel,F 400 .':·feet South on the East quarter corner of Section 30, .Tl32N-R391'1. Total lenglfi redesignated: 3.2 Miles. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the commissioner of Highwa.vs be requested to approve this revocatioh and redesignatlon. Adopted· this 9th da,y of Jfl.Y-, 1946, Bert Stone, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following names were selected to be placed on the Petit Jur.v list of the county to take the place of names drawn to serve at the April term of the District court: DeWitt Kanne .Gilbert natt Jim Allen Ed. Sha Mrs. Eddie Herting Morgan Clausen Mrs. Conrad Haagstrom Henr.v Ruud Ole Toso Otto R. Roug · Mrs, Rudolph Holmgren Olaf Jorgenson William Lundstrom Ole Lee Carl Anderson Leon Wles James Rots M,J. Alb3erg osoar Johnson ~rs. osoar w. Olson Star Lake Candor Lida Erhards Gr6ve Dunn Scambler Maine Pelican Trondh3em Oscar · . AJDor Saint Olaf. Vil Bat-tle Lake Vil Vining Everts TWp. Otter Tall :r,eaf Mountain Sverdrup Bidaros Eastern The following bills were allowed: Walter Groff Joe Kraemer Mrs. William Larson Laurence Lindall Kermit Rosenquist Mrs. August Hemquist Ed. o. Brevig Carsten Haugen J4aX Madsen M,T. Jel1ton 14. o. Ld.ell Clark Bell Henning Twp, Effington Twp Parkers Prairie woodside Eastern Elmo · Aaatad Aurdal Dane Prairie Cit,F Cit,V Vil Elizabeth . 1 J.C. Henkes boarding 2 J.C. Henkes expenses 3 Mabel Gunderson expenses prisioners 87.00 135.62 2.05 20 Nelson Bros. Prtg. 21 P.11ller Davis co. co. prtg. ·& supplies election supplies supplies 22 Poucher Prtg. & Lith, 50.50. 620.67 86.17 4 Louise Standahl expenses 5 Bernice I. Jesme clerk .oo. supt. 6 Geraldine Hasselblad clerk co. supt. 7 Mrs. Robert Nelson graduation music a Laura Baumgarten clerk oo. supt. 9 y~olet Holmquist clerk oo. supt. 10 Ella Standahl clerk co. supt. 11 Elnora M, Estab clerk co. supt. 12 M, Medora Draxten clerk oo. supt. 13·Pearl Jensen clerk oo. supt. 14 Ve,lborg TUngeeth clerk oo. supt. 15 B~. Geo. e. laoobe dep. coroner · 16 p. Boysen, M,D. coroner's fees 17 c.J~ Lund, U,D. ooroner•e fees 18 Prank c. Barnes municipal·oourt fees 19 Jones & xroeger co. receipt books, eta· 41.00 63.00 30.00 25.00 31.50 7.50 67.50· 15.00 16.87 ·18~00 ·i3.50 25.00 11,65 13.95 26.45 86.26 co. 23 Walter s. -Booth & Son 24 Seourity Blank Book & Printing co. 25 Perham Enterprise Bulletin_: 26 Pergus Journal Co. 27 Otto Nelson 28 Beall & McGowan co. 29 Wiiliam Galena 30 NW Bell Tele. Co, 31 E,J. Larson Grooer.v 32.Hill.vard Compan,v 33 .nuane c. Aune 34 Mart.in Re.vnolda 35 Ed Peterson school supplies 26.08 ·supplies 8.24 pub. notice to ·taxpa.vers · · *1.35 ·.1>ub. ballots; etc. re 5.65 tu::for ·0.80 dep. Sberif.f's·fees 3.70 supplies 3,00 repairs· 10.30 oalls · 17~10 supplies 5.50 supplies 21.07 hauling·rubbish 6,00 hauling·ashes, eto. 45.00 supplies 78.75 " COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................. .T.uJ.T-... 9 ................................... 19346 .. _t1,CUl"T'Y ILANIC DDlPC AND PRtNTING ~.ff, a.GUD MINN.-HHI 36 P.A. Anderson 37 P.M. Ree 38 womens Relief oorpa Fergus Palla 39 H.W'. Glorv.igen 40 H.W. Glorvigen 41 united Spanish War veterans 42 Burrelbeoh Poat #61 AL 43 womens Relief corps postage postage Memorial Da.v serv. postal box rent exp. drivers' iicense dsoorating graves Memo r.all D BJ' Memorial DBJT serv Memorial Da.v serv 38.75 61.34 25.00 1.50 10.10 6.00 24.50 10.00 · Richville 44 Orin J. Paulson transcript 12.96 45 Monroe Calo. Moh. co. 46.Monroe Cale. Moh. co. 47 Bennie Urness ribbon 1.00 maintenance 28.00 serving notice 2.60 tax forf. 48 Minn. st. Sanatorium care of patient 85.80 49 Otter Ta1l ,_C9unt1 San. care of patl.ent 42.90 50 Glen Lake Sanatorium care of patients 629.59 61 Borohert-Ingersoll, Inc. parts 137,36 52 Rosholt Equip. co. parts 1,25 53 Cummins Diesel Sales & Service .parts 64 A,W. co., Inc. of Minn, parts 55 .N w Equipment co., Inc. parts 56 Wm, H, Ziegler co., Inc.parts 57 Minnesota P.W.D, Co •. part~ 58 Midwestern Automotive warehouse 59 Mahler & Straus 60.Minn. Moto-r co.-Wadena 61 Johnson Machine Shop 62 Larson Bros. 63 Dalton Garage 64 Skogmo Motors. fnc. 65 Anderson & Tichi 66 Larson 1-Thu•rlow co. 67 Suomela!: s~n 68 The McDunn Farm·Store 69 ~argue Foundr7 co. parts repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs t,epaire repairs repairs 70 L,Vman S.tore, C,L, M,yers 71 C.H. Bjorklund repairs repairs repairs 72 Granrud Garage 73 Boe•s Implements 74 Bergstrom~ Ha~l 75 Bill Nelson 011 Co. 76 Natl. Bushing & Parts 77 A,R, Ebersviller's 78 Kulseth SuppJ..v Co. 79 Zlk River Cone •. prod Compa,n,v ·repairs repairs repairs tire co. supplies supplies supplies oul.verts 80 Harthun & Peterson 011 gasoline Compa.113" 81,Consumers 011 co.- Battle Lake gasoline 190.47 241,72 162.94 18,50 168.49 12,41 74.76 5,75 8.20 20,60 8,06 60.65 2.50 9.13 4,00 9.30 6.00 3.75 5•.•oo 5~80 2.65 · 1.20 38.84 7.34 8.43 154.97 126,60 37.95 1,26 82 Mills· 011 Oo. 83 tawr.ence Chase 84 Perham oo-op. 011 oo. 85 Len S,verson's 86 Dalton Oil Compan.v 87 }!'ergus 011 dompu,v. 88 Bill Nelson 011 Co. 89 D,A. 'Lubricant Oo., Inc. 90 Leudere Senice ~tation 91 The 011 Store 92 Penrose 011 co. 93 Hagge 011 Co. 94 Smith Contracting co. 95 John A, Peterson 96 G. Menge 97 Smith contracting co. 98 C,B. J4ons Bro., Inc 99 Evert Toppari 100 Village of New York Mills 101 The Pritz Cross Oo. 102 Village of Pelican Rapids 103 Free. Press Compan, 104 NW Bell Tele. Co. 106 Willer & Teisberg 106 H,A. Rogers Co, 107 Poucher Prtg. & Litho Oo. 108 Miller Davia co. 109 Victor LUDdeen ! Oo. 110,PeEioan Telephone co. 111. earl c. Nelson li2 A, Glorvigen 113,A, Glor.vigen 114 Blowers Township 115 M, A,· Stortroen li6 Field 1-Field 117 Otto Ur.ban gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gee !: oll gas & oll gee & oll oil oll diesel fuel diesel fuel cl,iesel fuel gravel gravel gravel gravel Borasou mileage garage rent euppl'iea water charges printing services, paint • supplies supplies supplies supplies services expenses expenses cailh advanced graveling ineuralioe court fees painting 118 Y.almer Karvonen 119 George Hanson : 120 J.C. Henkes exp. attending mtg. exp. attending mtg. oailh advanced 121 Geo. B. Gunderson 122 Town of Homestead ~xp. attending mtg. road work uPon motion the Board then adjourned to Jul118, 1946, at 10 o'clock A.M. ~ A \ ...... f? _ J) Bert Sto.ne ~11:J;~ Attest: (W,~~Clerk. 5.07 68.08 2.56 30.61 277.90 109.14 72.87 217,80 4.16 57.00 36.10 268.42 404.26 24.50 . 48.62 367.60 46.00 5.00 90.00 27.37 8.25 8.10 14,90 4.06 2.09 22.82 8,57 2,95 2.80 4.75 65.30 25.67 300.00 406~99 15.00 18,00 7,30 6,20 13.50 6.00 300.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M,-OTTER TAIL Q_OUNTY, MINN. &EICURn:T.DLANK.DCIOK.AND P.RINTING.CD, •. BT,.CLGUD..MINN,-llltl DATE.................... Julyl8 .......................................... 19316 ... . COMMISSIONERS' SESSION HELD JULY 18. 1946 Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o' olook A._M. July 18 .-1946. all members being present. . . County superintendent of Sohools. Louise Stondahl. reported to the Board that her seoond assistan~ superintendent was leaving, and upon motion 1.U:ss Stondahl was authorised to employ an assistant at not to exoeed $125 per month. written request of the Welfare Board for tax levy for the coming year in the sum of $115,000 was reoeived and placed on file. . Upon motion_ the Audi tor was ina~ructed to advertise for one pre-fabricated steel panel: type building 24 feet by 48 feet, said bids to lie opened at the session o.f. the Board on Wednesda,v, August 14 1946, at 10 o'olook A,1.f, • ' _ A,n order of the Dlatrlot court having been sened on the County Auditor requiring the county Board to grant a re-hearing_on p~titlon to form new school district out of part of school districts 134 and 160 in the Township of Leaf Lake, upon motion it -was ord·er.ed that said re-hearing be had •at the session of the Board to be held at 2 o'clook P.M. August• 14, 1946, and that noUoe be given as required by law. . . ·--, . The petition of Walter Bohn asking that st NW¼ ,and part of. Lots l & 4 North of railroad and Wt SEj lying NW of railroad, all in Section 32, Township of Aurdal, be set over from District 80 to i>ietriot 14;, was read, and 1 t was order.ed that· a hearing on said peti tlon be had at the session of the Board to be held Ootober 9, 1946, at 10 o'clock A.M·. in the Commissioners• Room in the court House, and that due nouo a o~ the time and plaoe of said hearing be given as required by law. . The petition·of Irene·Toatenaen asking that the N½ NW¼ of Seotlon 32 in the• fownship of Aurdal b' set over· from Distriot 80 to Dlstriot 143 was read, and it was ordered that-a hearing on aaid petition b!' h~d at. the session of the. Board to be held Ootober 9,.1946, at 10 o'olock A.M. in the Commiaaionera• R9om in the Court House, and that due notioe of the time and place of said hearing be given aa required by law. . , The petition of Lester Miller asking that the SW¼ of Section 29 in Township of Aurdal be set ova r fr.om District 80 to District 143 was read. and .it waa·ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be ~e!d October 9.1946, at 10 o'clock A.M. in tne commiaalonera• Room in the court· House, and that due notice ot,:,the time and place be given aa required by law, The petition of M.B. Kelly aaing that the SE¼ of Section 29 1~ tpe Township of Aurdal be set ovet from Dis.triot 80 to Diatr lot 143 was read. and it was orde:red that a hearing on said petition be had at th session of the Board to be held October 9. 1946, at 10 o'olock A.M. in the Commissioners' Room in the Court House, and that due noti:oe of the time and place of said hearing be given as required b.V law. The petftion of Ev~yand Haugen asking .that ~he E½ of SB¼ of S~otlon 17 in the Township of Aurdal. be set over from District 80 to Dist~iot 143 we.a read. and it was ordered that a hearinton s•~d~petitign be -~ad at the suasion of the Board to be held October 9, ·1946. at 10 o'olook A,M, in ·the Commissioners' Room in the court Frouae, and that du~t.ouoe of the time and plaoe of said hearing be given as required b.V law. r• · The application of the independent school district of the City of Pergus Palls for settlement of delinquent taxes for apeoial improvements against various school properties in the City of Pergus Palls for the'years 1936 to 1942 was read, and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the sp~oial improvement taxes for said years be settled for the sum of $3428,96 being a reduction of $1.'726.25 from the full amount of taxes, penalti~-'• interest and costs against said property for said years. A petition signed by Otto Christenson and others aking for vaoation of all t·hat part of count.v road Nos. 6-~nd 51 across Section 18 in the To~nship of Oak Valley was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Bo~fd to be held October 8, 1946, at 10 o'clock A,M, at the Commissioners' Room in the court House, and Commissioners Stone, Banson and Karvonen were appolnte4 a committee to examine the road proposed to be vacated, and September 9, 1946, at 2 o'clock P,M. at the north end of the road was designated as the t-ime and place for the meeting of said committee; and the County Auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices• and to forward them by mail to Pred Christensen, Deer Creek Post Office, for posting. A petition signed by P,M. Westad and others asking for the vacation of all of county road No, 46 along and through Section 25 in tlie Town_shi,p o.f Fl'ennirig was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be Held at 10 o'clock A,M,, October 8, 1946, and commissioners Stone, Hanson and Karvonen were appointed a c9mrnittee to examine the road proposed to be vacated, and se·ptember 9. 1946, at ll O'clock A.M. at the NW corner of Section 25 in the Township of Henning was designated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee; and the co·unty Auditor was instructed to prepare the necessary notices and to forward them by mail to F,M. Westad, Henning, for posting, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of ·otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum of $350,00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County for postage and express in the various County offices entitled thereto. · Adopted July'l8, 1946. Bert Stone, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln. C~erk, The following report of county funds was read to the Board by the County Auditor: TO THE COUNTY BOARD-Otter Tall County, Minnesota. Pursuant to law I pres,nt below. a statement showing.the amount of taxes levied for County purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected together w-1-t•h-::t·he-::acl'lial. cas"h 'balance remaining to the oredi t of each County J'Und at the close of buaineaa on·the 30th day of June, 1946. William Lincoln. County Auditor , r COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... .Tul.v ... 18 ······································193 .. 46 ILANIC DOON, AND PIIINTIND CO.,.~D, IIINN-H 11 Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follQWS: FUNDS Count.v Revenue Fund Poor Pund · Road & Bridge Fund Sanatorium Pund Welfare l!'und e 74 .• 810.00 50,261,70 140,504.43·· 20,277~22 100,093.93 Count.v Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road and Bridge Pund Ditch Fund Incidental Fund Welfare Pund PUNDB Tuberculosis Sanatorium Pund Contigent Funds Credit $29,947.08 88,9513.46 82,438,37 2,642.46 554.86 62.559.31 11,216.51 2,058,19 ~he following is a statement of the acoounts remaining unpaid on the contracts alread.v entered into b.V the Board. POR WHAT PURPOSE Graders, Trucks & other Road Machlner.v Amount of Contraot $42,661.81 1946 the The Count.v ·Auditor presented the following statement to the Board: The following estimate of expenses for the ensu,lng .vear ls herewith submitted: Salar.v of Count.v Officers Salar.v of County Commissioners Clarks, Janitors, etc~ Jailers, Deput.v Sheriff's, eto. Board of Prlsioners Jurors · fees IV1tneaa fees Bailiffs, Reporters, etc. Jurors, Justice Court Witnesses; Justice Court Justices and Constables Inquest, expenses Report of Births and Deaths Lights, fuel1, etc~ Books, bla~s. statloner.v Printing and advertising Expense with insane Count.v Welfare Fund Postqe, express, and freight · court House grounds Attending Assesso~s• Meeting Inoidental r.Uscellaneous Revenue Road and Bridge l!'und Sanatorium .Fund Dated Jul.v 18, 1946. Respectfully submitted, The following resolution was adopted: $26,000 4 500 20~800 3,400 4,500 6,000 500 3,500 100 300 2,000 300C 500 8,000 10,000 5,000 1,000 ll5,000 2,000 1,000 600 800 7,000 140,000 20,000 William Lincoln ~ounty Auditor Resolvea b,V the Board of count.v Commissioners of Otter Tall county, Minnesota: That there be levi"ed upon the t"axable propert.v of Otter Tail count.v, Minnesota fro the .vear follow~ng amounts for the several funds: Road & Bridge Fund Revenue l!'Und Welfare l!'Und Sanatorium Fund Poor Fund Adopted July 18, 19~6. $145,000 70,000 115 000 22:000 60,000 Bert Stone, Chairman Attest: Williarn Lincoln, Clerk. A representative of American Paint Corporation offered to furnish the Count.v with 165 gallons of Amercot"e asbestos ·roof coat.lng fo·r·r·epairing roof of the Court House; and after examining and ascertaining the condition of the roof, upon motion the Board accepted the offer, the price being $1 per gallon, freight· paid to l!'ergua Falla, · · · · The.following resolution was adopted: · · · Resolved by the Board of Count.v Conimiasionera of Otter Tan Count.v, Minnesota. That the sum o·f $400 be and the same hereb.v is ripp:ropriat"ed out o·f tlie Revenue l!'und of the County ·tor count.v fairs f.or the .vear 1946, said amount to be divided equall,V between the Otter Tall county Pair Association and the Perham Agricultural Soclet.v; : · · · · · Adopted Jul.v l~, 1946, Bert Stone, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, olerk, . The application .of '!l',M, Carter for claBBification 9f Lot 2 and the west 15 feet of Lot 3 in Blc c" 27 of the North Division in the Ci t.v of :rergus Falla for the Fear 1946 at homestead rate was read·, and the· Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that said land be so .classified and the assessed value reduoed from $960.to ·$594 and the taxes from.$116,08 to e68,70. Upon motion the Board then adJourned to Tuesday August 13, 1946, at 10 o'clock A.M, e~~C~airm~ Attest: 51,8 j ECUR DUtiNK D00K AND I COMMISSIONERS RECORD M,--OTTER -TAIL C9UNTY, MINN. DATE ................................... .AY.B!U!t.JL~ ... l~ ............... 193 .. ili. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY I' Pursuant to oall signed by four members of the county board, ·the Commiaaionera met at 2 o'oloot P.M. August 8, 1946, at the commiaaionera• Room in the court House to ·pass resolutions authorizing the county Auditor and chairman of the board to sign agreements with the Commissioner of Highways request 1ng au'thorhat1on to begin work on PWS-6 Items 1164 to 1173 both 1noluaive. · The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Comm1ss1onere of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: WHEREAS, J!'ed,eral aid funds are available for poet war surveys and plan&; and WHEP.EAS, otter Tall County desires tomake surveys and plans for post war construction; N0W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the County of Otter Tail does hereby atuhor1ze the Comm1ee-1oner of Highwaay to act ~or it and aa its agent for the purpose of applying for and reoe1v1ng federal aid for post.war surveys; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the ohai:rman of O_tter Tail County Board of Comm1aa1onera and the County Auditor are hereby authorized to algn and ezeoute agreements with the Commiaaloner of Highways requesting authoriaation to begin work on PWS-6. Items 1164,1165,1166, 1167, 1168, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1172 and 1173, At teat: Attest: Adopted this 8th day.of August, 1946. Bert Stone, Chairman William Llnooln, Clerk, Upon motion the Board ·then adjourned without date. ~ II,)~~ 6.P1,,., ... .,,, Clerk. ·MINUTES OF ADJOURIIBD MEETING OF THE · BOARD OF COUNTY COMIITSS IONERS OJ!' 0TTER .. 'l'AIL C0t7l'l'l'Y; 'MINNESOTA Pu-reuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o' olock A,M. 'l'Ueaday August 13, 1946. Present: Comm1sa1oners Karvonen, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone and Snowberg. A petition from the Standard 011 Company, an Indiana corporttion, for the right and priviledge to la,v, oonatruot, maintain, operate, change the a1z~ of or remove underneath the surface of certain highways or underneath or over ·drainage ditches and water coureee in Otter Tail County, pipe lines for carrying and transporting crude oil, gas or products thereof was read and the following resolution was adopted: Resolution approving the petition of Standard 011 Comp8JJ,1, an Indiana corporation. Bow on this 13th day of August, A.D., 1946, at an adjourned meeting of the County Board of the County of Otter Tall and State of Minnesota, comes STANDARD OIL COMPARr, an Indiana Corporation, by 1ta agent, and presents its petition praying for an order granting to it, its successors, grantee and assigns the right and pr1v1ledge to lay, oonstruct, maintain,• operate, change the size of or remove underneath the surface of certain hi:ghwaya or underneath or over drainage ditches and water oouraea in said County of Otter Tall and State of Minnesota, pipe lines for carrying and transporting crude oil, gas and/or the products thereof, through and across said county; and said county Board having seen and ezam1ned said Petition and a plat of the surv·ey of the proposed route, and being fully advised of and concerning the same, and being advised that the granting of said right and privilege will not, with the conditions hereinafter imposed, impair the· safety, usefulness or public utility of said highways, drainage ditches or watercourses. · . IT IS ORDERED that sai~ Petition be granted and that said STANDARD OIL COMPANY, its successors, grantees and assigns, is hereby given and granted the right and pri~ilege, which ma,v be exercised at an,v time hereinafter, of le,ving, construoting, maintaining, operating, changing t·he size of or removing underneath and along .the .sur.face of certain publio highways, and either underneath or over such dr_ainage ditches and watercourses in said County as are under the supervision of t·h1s Boa•rd, in the looationa more particularly desoribed as follows: . Commencing at a point on the west line of Seotion 6, Township 134N, Range 44W, thence in~ southeasterly direction across: Sections 6,7,8,17,20,21,28,27, and 34, all in Township 134N-Range 44W; Sections 3,10,11,14,13,24, and 26, all in Townsh'ip 133:N-Range 44W; Sections 30,31,and 32, all in Townships 133N, Range 43W; sections 6,5,-8,9,16,15,22,23,26,25, and 36, all in Township ;1.32 N, Range 43\Y; Section 31, Township 132N-Range 42W; Sections 6,6,4,9,16,16,22,23,26,25, and 36, all in· Township 131N, Range 42W; section 31, i~ Towmhip 131N, Range 41W. an elght inch pipe line for· the purpeae of carrying and transporting crude oil, gas and/or the produota thereof subaect to the following oond1t1ons: 1. That said pipe iine shall be constructed alo, and aoroaa aa14. public h1ghwa,va at such depth beneath the surface as not to interfere with public . ra:v:el_-along··and acioas aald highwo,ya, and 1n suoh/lariner aa not to interfere with the maintenance and, oonatruotion of said pubUo highw93a. 2. That said standard Oil Company, its grantees, eucesaors, and aaaigna, shall as soon aa prao- tioable after laying said pipe line underneath said highways, or under or over said drainage ditches and watercourses, restore the same to thei~ former condition. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. _ DATE .................... ,Aug.us.t ... l3 ....................................... 193 .. i.!i. ~~ffl'-~IIODICANDPRINIJNCl~•-~-~-ll!•~MJf!lfl~_!l!il ___ • -_-:_ -· ·--·- 3. That aaid Standard 011 Compan,v, .1ta granteea,·auceaaora an4.aaa1gna, ahall la,v, ccnatruct, operate and maintain aaid pipe line ao aa not to interfere with the natural drainage of aaid highwa.va and eo aa not to interfere with the maintenace or aonatructicn of aaid highwa,va 1&~a proper· condition for public travel. . 4. That aaid Standard 011 compan.v, 1ta grantees, euocessora, and asaigns, shall so 189, construct ond maintain said pipe line so as not to interfere with private entrances to fa~.ms that ma.v abut upon said public highwa,vs. · 5. That said Standard 011 Compan.v ahall pa.v all damagea to .owners of property abutting upon said public highwa.va, drainage ditchea, or watercourses, which said owners may suatain by reaaon of the la,ving or construction of said pipe line underneath said highways, or under or over drainage ditches or watercourses. 6. That said Standard 011 Company ahall pay all ·damages tnat ma.v be suffered by any party by reaaon of the constru~tio~ or maintenance of aaid pipe line along and acrosa said public highways, drainage ditchea and watercourses. 7; That aaid Standar,d·811 Company, its grantees. sucessors, and assigns shell immediately and at its aole expense and upon request of the County of Otter Tall rela.v or repiace ita pipe lines over under or across any highwa,v which ma,.v be altered or. changed by the county of Otter Tail or State of Minnesota involving changes of width, type of construction, or grade in auch mariner as will not interfere with the work of the ~ounty of Otter Tall or State of Minnesota in making such ohange, and so as not to interfere with the use and maintenance of said highway after such change has been accomplished. 8. That aald Standard 011 Compan.v, its grantees, successors, and assigns, will, 1-n the event of the aale or assignment of its contract or franchise herein granted to an.v other peraon •. firm or corporation, notify Otter Tail County thereof, and will procure the consent of said County Board o·f aaid Otter Tall County before making said aale or assignment. Attest: William Lincoln Clerk· Bert Stone Chairman Of county Board or Otter Tall County, Minnesota. Yalmer Karvonen Member or Board Geor'e Hanson Member o Board Geo. B. Gunderson Member of Board Carl A• Snowberg Member or Board The county Superintendent of Schools, Louise Stondahl, filed notice of the appointment of Mias Leona Mahler as office secretary. Upon motion the appointment was approv.ed, and the salary of said secretary waa fixed at the sum of $120 per month, payable on the warrant of the County Auditor at the close of each month. · Virgil NewboJrg, proprietor of store in Township of Friberg. appeared before the Board to request issuance of on and off sale beer licenae to him. The entire town board of Friberg wae also present, and recommended Mr. Newborg, and urged the comm1ss1onera to grant the licenae. Sheriff Henkea waa alao present, and after diacussion, approved the application.for license. which waa accordingly granted by the Board. Bids for atoker to be installed in the boiler room in the Court Houae were opened and read. Upon motion the Board then took a recesa until 2 o'clock f.M. Representatives of firms submitting bide for atoker were permitted to make statements in regard to the merits of their machines. A petition signed by Joe zamani and seventeen other residents of the Township of Maine atating that the bridge on •Lot 2 in Section 30 of said township and road running easterly from said bridge is in bad condi Uon and haa b.een neglected ]:>y the town board, and asking that a public hearing on aaid pet1 tion be had at 10 o' olock A.M. September 3. 1946, at the Commiasioners' Room in the Court House and that due notice of the time and place of aaid hearing be given as required by law. The following resolutions were adopted: Resolved by the Board-of County commiaaionera of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: WHEREAS, it 1a neoeaaory. in order to receiv.e F-ederal-Aid toward the conatruotion of that portion of State Aid Road No. l deaoribed as followa: prom a point 807.9 feet weat of the Southwest corner, Section 10, Tl34B-R~8W to the south- west corner, Section 31, Tl35D-R37W, for the county 1taelf and through the Commissioner of H1ghWll88 aa 1ta agent to agre~ to maintain aaid ro1~d after it ahall have been constructed. NOW TREU BE IT RESOLVED, that the chairman and the Auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the county of Otter Tail to execute a contract ooncerning the maintenance of. aaid portion of State Aid Road No. l in the form aa set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highwll8S Pederal-Aid Maintenance contract Porm No.VI", a copy of which said form was before the Board, aaauming on behalf of the county all of the contractual obligations therein set _forth. Adopted this 13th day of August, 1946. Bert Stone, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Resolution by the Board of county Commiasionera of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to Chapter 90, Lawe of Minnesota 1943, the Commissioner of Highwll88 be appointed as the agent of the County of Otter Tail to let aa its agent a contract for the construction of that.portion of State Aid Road No. l described as follows: From a point 807.9 feet west of the Southwest corner, Section 10, Tl34B-R38W to the South- west corner, section 31, Tl36N-R37W, and the chairman and the Auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the Commissioner of Highways prescribing ~he terma and conditions of such agency in the form· as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of HighWll88 Agency Con- tract ?orm No IV" a copy of which said form waa before the board. assuming on behalf of the County all of the contr~ctu~l ·obligations therein contained. · Adopted thia 13th day of August, 1946. Bert Stone, Chairman Atteat: William Lincoln. Clerk. f?O S7/ COMMISSIONERS RECORD-M,. OTTER TAIL CQUNTY, MINN . DATE ....... .Augus.t ... 13 .................................. 193.i6 .. Resolution by the ·Board of county -Commissioners of Otter Tail dounty, Minnesota: WHEREAS, it is necessary in order to receive Federal~Ald. toward •the construction of that portion of State Aid Road No. l described as follows: From the Northeast corner, Section l, Tl34N-Tl35N, R37W", R38W-, to the 1nteraeot1on of Main Street an~ T,H. #10 in New York Milla, for the county itself and through the comm1aa1oner of Highways as its agent to agree to maintain said road after 1 t shall have been oonatruoted. . NOW THEN BE IT RESOLVED. that the chairman and the Auditor are hereby. .. authorized and directed fo and on behalf of the County of otter Tail to execute a contract concerning the maintenance of said portion of State Aid Road No. l in the form as set forth and contained in •Minnesota Department of Highways Federal-Aid Maintenance Contract Form No. VI", a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein set forth. Adopted this 13th day of August, 1946. Bert .stone, Chairman Attest: W-11!1am Lincoln, Clerk, . Reaolutton by the Board of County C ommlaalonera of. attar Tail County, Minnesota: BE IT RESOLVED. that pursuant to Chapter 90, Laws of Minnesota 1943, the Commissioner of Highwo,vs be appointed as the agent of the County of. Otter Tail to let as its ~gent a contract for the construction of that portion of State Aid Road No. l described as follows: ·From·the Northeast corner, Section l, Tl34N, Tl35N, R37W, R38W, to the intersection of Main Street and T,H. #10 in-New York Mille, and.the chairman and the Auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract wl th the <fommlaeioner of Hlghwa,ys preeorlblng the terms and oondl tione of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Form No. IV". a copy of which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the oontraotual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 13th da,y of August, 1946. Bert Stone, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Resolution by the Board of County dommlaalonera of Otter Tall County. Minnesota: WHEREAS, it. la necessary in order to receive Federal-Aid toward the construction of that portion of State Aid Road No. 5 described as follows: From the Northeast corner of Section 8, Tl31N-R39W to a point 4613.7 feet North of the Northeast corner Section 31, Tl32N-R39W, for the County itself and through the Commissioner o! Hlghwqa as its agent to agree to maintain said road after it shall have been oonetruoted. . NOW T'!IEN BE IT RESOLVED, that the chairman and Audlter are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the county of Otter Tail to execute a contract concerning the maintenance of said portion of State Aid Road No. 5 in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of H lghwaye Federal-Aid Maintenance Contract Form No. VI", a copy of .which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the oonti'.actfl.al obligations therein set forth. Adopted this 13th da,y of August, 1946. Bert Stone, C~alrman. Attest:· William Lincoln. Clerk. Resolution by the Board of co~nty Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to Chapter 90, Laws of Minnesota, 1943, the Commissioner of High-ways be appointed as the agent of Otter Tail County to let as its agent a contract for the construction of that portion o·f State Aid Road No.5 described as follows: From the Northeast corner Section 8, T131-N-R39W to a point 4613. 7 feet north of the Northeast Corner Section 31, T132N-R39W, · and the chairman and the Auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into a contract with the commissioner of Highways prescribing the terms and conditions of such agency in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Agency Contract Porm No. IV", a copy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 13th day of August, 1946. Bert Stone, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall county, Minnesota: WHEREAS, it ls necessary in order to receive Federal-Aid toward the construction of that portion of State Aid Road No. l described as follows: From a point 200 feet south of the Southwest corner Section 4, T133N-R42W t~ a point 246.4 feet East of the Southwest oorner Section 36, Tl34N-R42W, for the County itself and through the Commissioner of Highways as its agent to agree to maintain said road after it shall have been constructed. NOW TH'EN BE TT R~SO~VED, that the chairman and the Auditor are hereby authorized and directed fo and on behalf of the Co~nty of otter Tail to execute a contract concerning the maintenance of said portion of State &id Road No. 1 in the form as set forth and contained in "Minnesota Department of Highways Federal Atd Maintenance Contract Form No. VI", a aopy of which said form was before the board, assuming on behalf of the county all' of the contractual obligations therein aet forth. · Ad'opted this 13th day of August, 1946. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. . Bert Stone, Chairman. Resolution by the Board of county Oommleeionera of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to Chapter 90, Laws of Minnesota, 1943, The Commissioner of High-ways be appointed as the agent of the County of Otter Tail to let as its agent a oontraot for the construct -ion of that portion o! State Aid Road No. l described as follows: Prom a point 200 feet South of the Southwest corner Section 4, Tl33N-R42W to a point 246.4 feet East of the Southwest corner Section 36, Tl34N-R42W, and the chairman and the Auditor are hereby authorized. and directed for and on behalf of the County to e1recut.e and enter into a contract \Vi th the commissioner of Highways pre sari bing the terms and oondi ti one of such agency in the form as aet forth and contained in "Minnesota Department 9f Highways A,:ency Contract Por~·No.·rv", a oopy of which said form•wae before the board, assuming on behalf of the county all of the oontraotual obligations therein contained. Adopted this 13th da,y of Al18USt, 1946. Bert Stone, Chairman. Attest: W-llllam Llnooln,,Clerk. COMMISSIONERS REC~RD· ·M; OTT,ER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ !~.8.~~t ... 13. &: .. 14 ...................... 193 ... 46 ~rrr 111...AMK IIOOll AND PIIINIING co.,.n. CLCIU ... ..,._.. ... ~he followi~g resolution \'las .adopt~d: Reso"lved .b,r the 73oard ·of County Commilisioners of Otte,r··T'ail"'County; Miftiiesota: ·· Whereas, -this Board has· heretofore contracted with Mahler and st.raus for one International XS Truck equipped .. ,c.cording .to bid, a~d .• wJ?-ereas· same has lieen ·received· and 1accepted by the county. · . N~w ~h~refore be it resolved tliat the'County Auditor·aiid. Chairman of-tlie Board·are·authorized and directed to issue to Mahler and Straus a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the sum of t3426.28,~the·oontraot price. Adopted August 13, 1946. ·ittest: William Lincoin,· Clerk. Bert Stone, Chairman The following resolution was adopted: . Re~o~ved •liy 'th~. Board of county commissioners. of Otter Tail county, Minnesota:· . . 'l'~,at the 9:dd~tlonal. sum~:of $2,~00 be, and the· ilam~ hereby 'is ·appropriated out of !'ti.nd· of the Qo~nty for _cler.k hire in the of~ice of the Register of Deeds in said county for 1946, payment to be made to· the persons entitled thereto, on cert ifioates of the Register of with the Coup.ty Auditor. · · Adopted August 13, 1946. Attest: Bert Stone, Chairman the Revenue the ,rear Deeds filed William,Linc~ln, Clerk. · · Upon,motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o•c~ook A.M. Wednesday August •14, 1946. Attest: (W~~ Clerk. &.;t-~ Chairman. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION prese~t. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 16 o•'clook A.M. ~ugust 14, 1946, all members being The Board having advertised for bfds for metal and steel building opened the only bid reoei~ed · being that of Armco Drainage and Metal Products, Ino., and upon motion the bid of ~aid company in the' isum of $160~.40 was accepted. The Board then.took up the-question of purchase of. stoker at the Court Rouse, and upon motion the contract was awarded to Campell Coal Company of ~ergus Falls for one Iron Fireman Stoler in accordance with their bid ·for the sum of $1415. · . · , A report.of the Board of Audit of the verification of current tax collections by the County Treasurer for the period from June 28, 1945, to December 31, 1945, showing total curr,ent taxes in the SlllD ~f $351,934.03 collected and ap·portiqnad to the several funds was approved .• A report of ·the Board of Audit of the verification of current tax collections by the County 'l\reasurer for the period from January 2, 1946, to March 13, 1946, showing total current .taxes .l,n the sum of $406,668.70 collected and apportioned to the several funds was approved. · A petition signed by Lillie Looker asking that the NEf.of the NE¼ Section 4, Township l,30, Range 36, in Douglas County be set over ·from District #64 of Douglas Courity to District #55 of Otter Tail County was read, and. it 1,as ordered that a hearinp. on said pet•i tion be had at the session of the Board to be held October 9, 1946, at 10 o'clock A.Y. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court Rouse, and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. · Rehearing haveing been ordered by the Board on the peti iion fer establishment o·f a new school district out of part of District #134 and District #160, interested parties who were present were called on to make their 'statements both for and ~ainst · the estabiishment of said district. Roger L. Dell appeared as attorney for parties favoring the establishment' of this district, and Jesse A• Shurik appeared for parties opposing this establishment of a new school dfstriot. A oommunioation from District #160 opposing the gran~ing of the petition was received and placed on file. In the absence of AttOl\?1-e,Y owen v. Thompson who has represented the parties opposed to the formation of the district, Jesse A. Shunk asked permission to have oertain ,papers filed b,j Mr, Thompson in this case, which permission w~s granted. After listening to all interested parties and fully considering tlie matter, upon motion the Board issued the following order: · · · · Order of Board of county commissioners of Otter 'Tail co:unt,r, Minnesota: Whereas, Pursuant to petition for formation of a new school district in Otter Ta:l:l County; thi1 Board did on the 10th day of October, 1945, after due~notioe and hearing, issue its order establishing new sohool district in Otter Tail county to be known as District No. 289, and · Whereas, An appeal waa taken to the Di~triot Court from the order establishing suo~ distriot,!r Whereas, A petition for rehearing on said matter waa heard by this 'BO!i.rd July 18, 194:6, at which time lt·was ordered that a rehearing be h·ad at the sesaion·of the Board to .:i,e held at 2:00 P.M: August 14, 1946, and . · · . Whereas, At _s,id he~rln~ the board did hear all testimony and ·arguments both for and ~ainst the grantil'!8 of the petition for es-tablishlng said school distriot. · 'Now Therefore, It ls hel'eby. "r.dered that the aoUon of this Board establishing said school district on the lOth,day of October, 19451 be and same hereby ~s in-::.all things affirmed. Dated AU~~et 14, 1946. Attest: William pincoln, county Auditor and Clerk of the Board. Board of County Commieeioners of Otter ~ail County, Min'nesota Bert Stone, Chairman f;?').. -----------· ----!"73 COMMISSIONERS RECORD ·M,--0.'FTER TAIL CQUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. 4.~!!:~.L~.~·······························193 .. i§. ■lilCUIIITY ~NIC IIDOIC. AND ~·~~1.a:r~.CLGU~,.l!l!lf'I.-IIHI The following resolution was adopted: . Resolved by the B~ard of county commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: Whereas. the conaenation.Department of the State of Minnesota has released through the press that the opening date of the DUok HUnting Season in Minnesota was set for October 5th to November 16 1946. ~areas. we believe that this date ia entirely too late for the Minnesota hunters to get a fair bra~ to at least bag a few of the ducka=wh.ich are hatphed and grown on Mirmesota son. eapecial11 the Blue Wing Teal which leaves the State immediately after the first killing fr.oat which usually hits Minnesota in later September. --· · Therefore Be It Resolved. That in all fairness to Minnesota DUok Hunters we kindly ask the Minnesota Conservation Department and the Honorable Chester s. Wilson. Commissioner, to reconsider their actions and adv.ance the opening date of the Minnesota Duck Hunting Season to NOT L~TER THAN SEPTEMBER 16, 1946. and follow~~eyery 1ear hereafter. A~ ~ 111, '"'II.. Bert stone. Chairman. Attest: Willi~ Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail Count,. Minnesota: _ That. Oliver Bjork. of Battle Lake. Minnesota. a patient at the Otter Tall county Tuber-culosis San-itorlum be transferred to Glen Lake San:l:torium at the expense of ·Otter Tail C ounty ae provided by lew• Adopted August 14. 1946. Bert Stone. Chairman Attest: William t~nooln. ¢1erk. The application of James Hauck for homestead classification of SW¼ NE¼. mY¼ SE¼ and Lot 2 in Section 2 in Township of Paddock for the year 1945 was read. and af!er examining records ~n the office of the county Treasurer and it appearing that said tax had been fUlly paid. upon motion the petition was r.e3eoted. The application of Helmer Olson for settlement of taxes for the 1ears 1940 to 1944 inclusive against Lots 64 and part of Lot 55 in Broadwater Beach for the amount of the taxes only. without penaltJ or interest. on the ground that he was a member of the armed forces during that time was read. and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that all penalty. interest. and costs be abated and taxes paid for the sum of $37.96. being a riduotion of t9.57 from the full amount of taxes. penalty, inter -est and cost. The applloation of Iver A, Anderson for olassifioation.:of tots 5.6 & 8 in Section 30, Township of EVerts for the year 1945 at homestead rate was read, and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxatio~ that said.land be so classified and the valuation reduced from $292 to $175 and taxes from $30,31 to $17.02. · The application of John A. Hofqlann for classifioation of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 16 of the Original Plat of Perham for the year 1945 at homestead rate was read, and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $428 to $268 and the taxes from $59.92 to $35.77. · Upon motion it was or.de red that the Sheri ff be allowed $ •. 08 per mile for use of oar on county .business. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of 8tter Tail County, Minnesota: That owing to the polio epidemic. it is deemed advisable to restrict public gatherings as far as possible, and the Board of county Commissioners of this county hereby request that no more public dances under permits issued by the Board be held during the continuance of this epidemic, and that no such dances be held after August 18. 1946. Adopted August 14. 1946. Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The following bills were allowed: J.C. Henkes J.C. Henkes Valborg TUngseth Louisa Standahl Lau•ra Baumgarten Bl.la stondahl Bernice Jssme Geraldine ·Hasselblad G.J. Mouritsen. MoD• George c. Jacobs, M.D. c.J. Lund, M.D. William Lincoln Carl A. Snowberg Paul J. Stender R.w. G.l'orvi_gen Yalmer Kanonen Ugeblad Pub, Co. G.eorge l!'. Johnson John Sohram Orin J".· Paulson ,rank c. Barnes William Bahls H.P. Hinze Otto Nelson O.E. l!'osse John L. Logan expenses boarding pris- oners clerk co. Supt. exp.-co. Supt. olerk co. Supt. clerk ·co. supt. clerk co. Supt. clerk co. supt. i;-J. oor, fees dep, oor. fees ooroner•·s fees services on can-vassing ·board .. .. " •n .. " " .. ballots. etc. salary ~ exp. weed inspeotor meal for jurors transcript municipal court fees 1 dep. Sheriff's fees " . "' " n " " .. " .. " " .; Oscar A• Simon constable's fees Miller-Bryant-.Pieroe carbon paper l!'ranltel carbon & Ribbon supplies Miller-Davis compan,v blanks & supplies 141.01 92.00 16.60 12.90 10.50 42.00 15.00 24.00 41.05 11.85 37.15 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 111.20 292.00 229.50 7.40 q.12 2~.40 8.70 15.00 6.88 44.44 4.58 12.72 4.50 31.75 81.90 Bert stone. Chairman County School & Office supply co. Jape-Olson co. Art Printoraft Victor Lundeen & co. Jones & Kroeger co. Dept. of Administration ~ I!'. Johnson Fergus Journal co. Natl. Bushing & Parts Co. Boen Bros. NW Bell Tele. Co. J!'er.gus Paint co. Pergus l!'oundry Co. R,A. Meyers & co. l!'ritz-Cross co. Kewanee Boiler Corp. o.J. Fossens Hintgen Karst Elec. Co •. Milfrod Nelson Lampert Lumber co. NW Bell Tele. Co. Louise stondahl P.A. Anderson H.w. Glorvigen W.M. Lillis Andy Lillis Ned Lillis W.L. Lillia Hamerl Post #148 ~.L. Christensen's Sporting Goods school supplies supplies printing supplies supplies record books pub. notice to tupa,vers publishing supplies supplies calls supplies stoker repairs supplies supplies to C.H. gaskets seed, etc.- repairs, eta. welding coal oalis · postage postage stamped envelopes services, drowning services, drowning senioes, drowning senioes. drowning Memorial da,v serv. supplies 47.72 6.40 5.00 47.95 6.97 50.00 2.00 124,40 4,12 2.00 18.75 ,95 258.33 34.25 59,00 3,03 6,36 27.93 5.00 128,63 29.30 69,31 37;00. 102.76 64,00 15.00 8,75 54,00 6.00 4.00 r COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ .!ug11s.t ... 14. •... 19.4.6 ................... 193 ... 4.6 ■IDHHTT &.ANK DOOK AND P■INl'IND CO.o ST. a.GUD. MINN.-Ni.l i I Wadena county Thomas o •. Nelson Burroughs Adding Mahe. H.w. Glorvigen R.A. Henning exam insane plat books Co. maintenance drivers lie. exp. supplies bond Lowry,. Stans i Olson Eastman KO~&:k Stores, Glen Lake Sanatorium Rosholt Equip. co. Inc. supplies Wm. H. Ziegler co; Inc. Geo. T. !,Yan co. Summins Diesel Sales & Service A.W. co. Inc. of Minn. Minnesota ,.w.D. co. Sfogmo Motors, Inc. Dakota Tractor II: Equip. care of patients par·t.s · parts parts parts parts par.ta parts Compan.v parts Mahler & Straus parts Northwestern Equ~p. co. parts Natl. Bushing & Parts Co.perts & supplies R.J. Schmidt repairs Schmidt Iron Works repairs Waino Kela Garage repairs P.K.M. company repairs Minnesota Motor Co. ·repairs Consumers co-op.·011 co. repairs & · Henning gasoline ·Lake Region l/lotor Co. repairs Larson Bros. repairs Olson Auto Eleo. co. repairs Perham~co-op. Oil co. repairs Motor tnn Garqe repairs~ gasoline Consumer's Oil Co. -Battle Lake Bendickson Service Sta. Henning 011 company Bill's Service Station Lawrence Chase Re,v's 011 co. Len Syverson' a Krueger Service Station Pergua 011 Co. Milla 011 co. Highwe,v company Bill Nelson Oil Co. D.A. Lubricant co. Inc. Penrose Oil co. gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gas & oil gas & oil gas & oil gasoline gaa & on rgas II: oil OU gasoline, diesel fuel Anderson\ Sandberg 011 gasoline Co. The on store Hagge Oil Company Farmers co-op Oil Assn. Allen Christie, Coast to coast store Lampert Lumber Co.- diesel fuel diesel fuel gasoline. etc. supplie~ Fergus Falls supplies Oscar Holt supplies Saunders Hardware supplies Home & Farm Supply Co. supplies Fergus Lumber II: Fuel co. supplies A.H. Dey labor \ supplies Wilcox Lumber co.-vergas supplies ·Btikatad-Kilde co. supplies Fergus Plumbing & Heating Company supplies Smith Commercial Body Works, Inc. Ebersviller Implement Co Vergas Hardware co. Battle Lake Produce Ebserviller•a O'Meara's Prankoviz Hardware Coast to Coast store - Henning Albright & Nelson Impl. co. ~lectrio Suppl~-Perham Henning Hardware co. .Jo.hnson. Clothing co. supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies 40.77 125.00 63.135 8,65 18.35 10.65 17.91 407.59 145.20 83.94 476.69 213.71 9,60 3.35 29.84 10.35 °160.21 ., .82 33~78 26.85 39.75 3,28 15.94 17,0. 51,48 41.00 17,30 41,75 11.85 58,18 28,70 50.11 18,55 8,75 24.66 111.35 57,84 74.52 30.74 25.56 29.:U 52.57 180.18 35.75 212,25 122.50 177.19 142,27 4.21 144.72 5,40 5.73 1.00 10,48 184.51 88,73 3.95 10,84 208.26 5.57 10.88 3,67 10,07 36.00 2,90 · 20.52 5·.45 13.36 1,00 13.90 Minneaota Moter-co, tire E,G. Schram gravel Smith Contracting co, gravel Great Western Laboratories soap Lampert Lumber co.-F,F. lumber Wilcox Lumber co-Perham coal Bill Neiaon 011 co. tires Ra,vmond ~ros. Mo~or Tranap •. Inc. freight U.P, RailWB,1 co.-Battle Lake freight Penrose Oil co. garage rental H,D, Morrill equip, rental Wheeler Lumber. Bridge, & supply co. Elk River Cone, Prod, Co. J.w: Ralph Equip, co. culvert culverts parts repairs supplies 106,00 480,75 29,25 14,40 7,14 43,17 493,14 21i.70 l:,19 30.50 4906,00 1751.40 943,58 298,00 7,64 182,83 The l!cDunn Farm Store Empire Supply Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. culvert 499,10 Nelson Bros, Prtg, Co. printing 5,25 Fetvedt Blue Print Shop -prints 38.16 Frankel Carpon & Ribbon co. supplies 31,75 Keuffel & Esser Co, supplies 13.35 U \'l Bell '.l'ele; Co, services #39 B.Lake 7.95 Victor Lundeen & ¢0~ supplies 71,60 Pelican Tele. Co, services 2.95 N l'l Bell Tele, Co. servioes-lorig distance 4,30 C,A. Carter oaah··advanoed 5,92 Clarence Lill cabh advanced 10:90 A, Glorvigen oash advanced 12.23 A, Glorvigen expanses 66.55 Carl C. ?I el son expenses 24, 90 W,L,. Potter expenses 58,20 Smith Contracting co, raising grade 377,10 Arnold Ollida fill 47 ,i? Leaf Lake Construction Co. road construction 400.00 Maine Township grading 300,00 Butler Township grading 300.00 John E, Howard surveying rev. 77,50 P,K.M, compaDJI' parts 18,15 Dunn Township road work 300.00 Mrs, Daisy Scott & John Scott right of wai 40,00 Harry Fuder right of we,v 40,00 Mrs, John B. Sahulte right of wa.v 40,00 Paul Westerberg moving fenae 20,00 Bert stone atten41ng mtg. 5,50 Yalmer :tarvonen attending mtg. 13,90 Geo, B, Gunderson attending mtg. 8,30 Carl A, Snowberg mileage 2.00 Geo.~. G~nderson Bd, of Equalization 13,60 Yalmer Y.arvonen Bd of Equalization 17,20 Carl A. Snowberg Bd of Equalization 12,00 Bert stone Bd of Equalization 16,70 Oren Posse Dep. Sheriff's ·fees 7,10 Viator Lundeen & Co, supplies 65,30 Geo. r. Johnson salary and expense weed inspector 230.10 H·,D, ,Morrill H,D, Morrill H.D, Morrill 'IJ.D, Morrill Indianapolis Blue &: Li tho. Co. Pelic'an Telephone Dalton Garage JJolt-en Hardware 'F!"ighway Company Leaf's Garage Melvin Jaaobson Fergus. Uash Motor Daggett Implemen~ Geo, Hanson Geo, Hanson Geo. Hanson Pritj.t co. co. co. ·equip. rental 2807,50 equip. rental 417,00 equip. rental 1603.00 equ.ip. rental 3108,00 Co, Mapa services repairs supplies gas & oil repairs repairs repairs parts · attending mtg. Bd of Equaliz. exp,. attending mtg. l:'93,75 3.30 10.10 29.99 19,61 b,00 18,05 1.00 23.16 · 6.20 151,40 3,10 Upon motion the bpard adjourned to September 3, 1946, at 10 o'clock A.M. rf}~ J~ , Chairman Attest: (\Jj~-. _,..(). Clerk_~..,,..,.. S7S COMMISSIONERS RECORD M;· OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................................ S.aP.t.emb.e.r ... .a.,1, .. -4-............ 193 .. A..6. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETitlG OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAI~ COUNTY~ MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'c!ock A.M. Tuesday, September 3, 1946. Present: -Commissioners Karvonen, Gunderson, Hanson, Stone, and snowberg. Sig Bjerken .of the Department of Agrioul ture requested extension until Nov-ember l ·of county ·Weed inspection, and upon motion the Board agreed to continue the employment of the county weed inspector ·until October 31, of this year. · No-tioes ·having been given as required ·by law, designating time and place for bearing on com-plai:nt against the town -board of Mai:ne in ~egard to brid'ge and road in said township, the Board listened to statements of the members of the ·town board of Maine ·Township and also various persons interested in ·said matter. No action was taken by the Board, but arrangements were made for the Commtssioner to examine said road and bridge before the next meeting. · A number of citizens from the Township of Tordenskjold appeared to urge the improvement of road north of Stalker Lake in said· township, especially tract about one and one-half miles in length along the south side of Sections 22 and 23. Upon motion the highway engineer was directed to make a s~i:vey of the roe.d and estimate the (!ost of improving same and report to the B oard. · Members of the town board of Corliss appeared before the Board to ask for county help on ·account of wash-outs in said township. Upo~ motion the Board took a recess until 2 o'qlock P.M. A: Pla-t of Bunny Beach in the Township of Pine Lake accompanied by an abstract and certificate •of title executed by M.J. Daly, Attorney at ·Law, was approved. . Reports of the Board of Audit showing examination o! the cu,rrent tax collections for the June settlement, 1946, and examination ·of t·he books and aocounts of the County Treasurer for ·the periled Ma,, June. and July, 1946, were approv-ed. · · A 9qmplaint by nine freeholders of the townships of Newton and Bluffton alleging that the road along the Et"Bt of Section 12 in the Township of Newton·has been neglected by the town board of Newton ·township was filed vrith the Board, and' it was ordered that a bearing on said complaint be had at the ·session of the Board to be held at 10 o'clock A.M., October 8, 1946, and that due notice of the time ·and place of said hearing be given as required by law. · ' Upon motion the Board then _adjourned to 10 o'clock A,M., _September 4, 1946. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met ·at 10 o'clock A,M. September 4, 1946, all members being ·present. Cyr-us Plaid, member of the city library board, ·and J. Archer Eggen, city librarian, appeared ·before the Board to discuss the matter of establishing a county library. The bid of Anthony Prohoslcy of $10 for t!l'ailer ·chassis advertised for sale by the Board wee upon motion accepted. The peti tlon of Andrew x:oe.p to set over the SE¼. less railway-right-of-way and tracts to the ·state·of Minnesota, and also the SE¼ SW¼ all in Section 29, Township of Nidaros, from District #53 to ·District ·#103 was l'ead, and it was ordered t·hat a hearing be had at the session of the Board to be held 'October 9, 1946, at 10 0 1 oloo·k A,M, and that due notice ·of the time and place of said hearing be given ·as required by lew. The petition of Edwin J. Niemela asking that SE¼ of the SE¼ of Section 35 in Runeberg Township ·in Becker county be set over from District f61 of Becker county to District #216 of Otter Tail County was rea, •nd it was ordered that a hearing be bad at the session of the Board to be held October 9, 1946, ·at 10 o'clock A,M. and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given ·as ·required by law. · The petition of Irvin •Scheve asking that the~ m, SE¼-BW¼. S\11¼-IE¼, and Lots 2 and 3 in Section 5, Town of Corliss, be set over from District #242 o? Otter Tail County to District #63#1 of Becker county was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the ·Bciard to be held October 9, 1946, at 10 o'clock-Jl.,M-. and· that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. Upon mot·ion the Audi tor was instructed· to adv.ertise for grading pro ~eats ·in the Townships of Paddock and Blowers, Homestead and Pine Lake, Leaf Mountain and Effington, and in the townships of Eastern, Woodside, and Newton as outlined by the highway· engineer, said bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board to be held at 2 o'clock· P,Mo. October 8, 194'6. Upon motion the highwa.v engineer was authorized· to have plane made. for a county shop and garage. The application of Harry w. Berg for homestead classification for the year 1945 of SW¼ NEt and NEt NEt in Section 9, Township of Maplewood was read, and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and t~e assessed value reduced from $1161 to $696 and the taxes from $117.49 to $69.36. · Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for 1947 season's requirements of grader blades as outlined by the engineer, said bids to ·be opened at the meeting of the Board to be held at 10 o'clock A.If·,, October 9, 1946. A petition signed by Theo. Bjerketvedt and others asking for establishment of county road beginning at the NE corner of Section 5 Towns:t)ip 131, Range 39, thence running west on the town line 0.6 miles was read, an~ it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held October 9, 1946, at 3:30 o'clock P.M. at the County Commissioners• Room in the Court F.ouse in Fergus Falls, and commissioners Geo •. 13. Gunderson and George Hanson were appointed a committee to examine proposed road, and Wednesday, October 2, 1946, at 2 o'clock P.M. at the northeast corner of Section 6 in the Township of Leaf Mountain was designated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee. COMMISSIONERS RECORD·M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... Se_ptember .. 4 ........................... 19346 .. The following bills were allowed: Dr. c.J. Lund Japa-Olaon co. -. saa.. a,«. Ole. • 1'""t-f c.o, M11/e.r-Di4,'/iS. C!.o'"pa11y l!'r1tz-croaa co. Welson Brae. Prtg. co. county School&: Office Supply co. rrankel carbon&: Ribbon compan,v Od ln Johnson Holten Hdwe. l!'r1tz-croaa-co. American Paint corp. tmplement Dealers Mutual Flre Ina. co. Mason Publishing co. Edward Carlson Poat ;f283 Richard Lambert Conklin saw shop J.D, Lightfoot, Jr, O'Meara'a H.l!'. Hinze John L. Logan Wm. Bahls Wllllam A■ Guelzow Mlnneapol1a General Hoap. Mlnneaota st. sanatorium Fergus Palla Clinic otter Tail C.ount,v Sana. City of Pergua Palls Rosholt Equipment Co, Minnesota l!',W.D. Co, A,W, co. Ino. of Minn. Geo T. Ryan Co. wrn. H, Ziegler co. Inc, Northwestern Equip. Co, Mahler & Straus Midwestern Automotive warehouse Henry Holmgren Jaenlaoh Machine Shop Minnesota Motor co. Lake Region Motor co. Lemukuhl 5: Jahn Olson Auto Electric co. Vaughn Chevrolet Co, The Oil store P enroae 011 Company coroner's feea dt>'!d reoord deed ll'c.cov-ds suppl 1ea -t b/a..,Ks reoord prtg. i binding school auppliea au.ppUea cabh advanced for ~an1 tor worl: auppliea auppl1ea to C~P.. roofing paint lnsuranoe annotations&: digest Mem. Day aerf1ces jailer sharpening mower repairing type- writer flags 60,05 76,75 17? . .:1.0 157,03 74.43 27.45 87,18 1. 75 70.00 27.58 7.00 165.00 28.33 12.50 18.50 18.00 1.25 10.25 9.40 7.13 10.20 14.32 3.18 204.00 106.02 dep. Sherlffi,fees dep Sheriff's fees dep Sheriff's .fees Marshall's feea care of patient· oare of patient examination 6.00 44.33 5666.43 53.25 9.52 88,18 oare of patient poor expense parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs diesel fuel diesel fuel 133,49 91.37 73.90 96,13 12.50 16.90 4.00 20.·10 2.15 31.21 35.63 2.6i 30.00 31 •. 02 Harthun &Peterson 011 co. Perham co-op, 011 co. S,& I!', 011 Company Consumers Co-op, Oil co. Henning Milla 011 Co, Equipment Rental 5: Sales corporation Martin Sheet Metal Shop Empire Supply co. R.c. Anderson Well & Pump gasoline gasoline gas &: oil gasoline &, repairs gasoline, oil supplies supplies Company auppllea Eto. u.s. steel Supply co. steel Fargo Glaaa & Paint co. glass, eto. Farwell-Ozman-Klrk & Co, paint Minn. co. High. Engr•a Ass'n year book Lampert Lumber Co, lumber Village of Battle Lake water ohargea H,D. Morrill equip, rental H,:i> .• Morrill equip, rental Erhards Grove TWP, patrol rental Poucher Prtg. & Lltho. co. forms F.rltz-Cross co. blanks Clarenoe Hovland oash advanced Edwin Flakum cahh advanced Grant county . grading w.L. Potter expenses Carl c. llelson expenses A. Glorvlgen cash advanced A. Glorvlgen postage M,A. stortroen Ina. Agenc,v 1nauranoe A, Glorvigen expense Miller Davis Co, blanks Fred A, Everts ooal The 011 Store diesel fuel s.E. Hall expenses Hagge Oil co, diesel fuel .Town of Corliss road work Town of Nidaros road work Louise Stondahl expenses Geraldine Hasselblad clerk oo. supt. Bernice I, Jesme clerk oo. supt P.A. Anderson postage Odin Johnson dra.v servloe J.C. Henkes board of prlaonera J.C. Henkes expenses M.C. Lee exp. de·p Sheriff Louise Stondahl postage Geo. B, Gunderson exp. attending mtg. George Hanson exp. attending mtg. Yalmer Karvonen exp. attending mtg. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to October 8, 1946. at 10 o'clock A.M. At teat: cuLe..i.~ _ 'P 0 Clerk. ~ ..... ~ 99.03 2.72 52.72 40,58 31.66 67,21 4.25 45.51 7,50 85,11 35.78 132.00 25,00 29~24 2.25 1763.00 1712.00 85.50 36.44 7.21 54.64 2.12 994,87 67.00 26.65 17.80 150.00 22,52 95.50 4~17 46,18 30.00 49,85 332,17 300.00 600.00 9,30 45.00 21.00 25.75 1.00 59.00 32.70 53.63 58.56 5.80 6,90 7,30 . . S-17 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................................... · ............................................ 193 ....... . SEICUIIITY IILANIC D00K AND MINTING CD. IIT. a..GUD M , ti .COMMISSIONERS RECORD .. ~. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... au.tl>..QIU'. ... !3... ... l~A!L ... l!P ... ?. ........ 193.~.!L MIIHJTES OF AD,lOURUED MF.ETIHC OF THE BOA.~D OF COUllTY COl.!MISSIOllERS OF OTTER TAIL COUllTY, MIImF:SOTA Pursuant to adjournment the ~oard met at 10 o'clock A,lf, Tuesday October 8 1946 Present· Commissioners Y.arvonen·Gundersci:n~· Ranson; Stone and Snowlierg: -· · · ·-· · ' · · ! · : · Hearing having been ordered on complaint against the town boord of Newton for neglect of road, tKe Board listened to interested parties who were present: and a written communication from the town clerk of said township was read by the·cowity Auditor and was placed on file, The matter was taken under advisement for act1o·n · 1oter in the session. ' · · · · A pet1 t ion signed by Otto •~hristensen · and others for vacation of county road in Section 18. Towns·hip or· Oalt Valley and the petition of P,l'T, Westad and others .for vacation of part of county rood No,· 45· in Section 25, Township of Henning, were taken up; arlci all interested parties who were present were heard ·both for and ~ainst same, The matter was taken under advisement until later in the session. ~earing on complaint against town board of lllaine for neglect of road was taken up. ond the town board·was present and reported that they expected to be able to improve this road next spring but had bee~ unable to do so tl'iis fall. !fo action was taken by the County '3oard., Upon motion the Board then took a recess until 2 o'clock P..M, "Bids for grading six rood projects in the county as advertised for by the Board were opened and read; aids on ell six jobs were received from ,7ohn Dieseth Company and from H,D, Morrill, both of ~er~u~ Falls, . The offer·of Jack ~agensick of JlOO for one 48 inch by 20 foot octogan wood culvert was upon mot ion accepted . A petition for county aid road in the Township of Buse running from the Northwest corner of Section 33, thence East to the town line at the [fortheast corner of Section 36 was read and ordered placed on file. Upon motion the county Auditor was authorized to issue warrant on the road and bridge fund of the county in the sum of e333,60 to the War Assest Administration in payment for 560 feet of metal culverts purchased from the Federal Government under their sales document #1505942. A communication from the women's Club of !few York Mills recommending the establishment of a county library extension was received and placed on file, A plat of Forsgren's 1st Addition to outlet Beach in the Township of Lida accompanied by a certificate of title executed by P.A. Anderson, Register of Deeds, was approved. A plat of Star View Beach in the ·Township of Dunn accompanied by a certificate o·f title executed by Henry Polkinghorn, Attorney et Law, was approved. A plat of Lots l to 19 inclusive in Government Lot 3 of Section 27 in Township of Rush Lake accompanied by a certificate of title executed by N.F. Field, Attorney at Law. was approved. Cigarette license for the months of September, October, trovember and December, 1946, was granted to Lawrence cook at Lyman• s Store in the Township of Oak·:·Valley, The application o.f the V1ll~e of Dalton for cancellation 01.' tsx for the year 1945 on the V/est 12 rods of Sub Lot 5 of the st l1W¾-in Section 1, Township of Tumuli was read, ond '.:he Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said tax of' $1.16 and penalty of $.04 be cancelled. . The opplication of Mrs. Martin Keller for homestead olassii'icet iomi'or the year 1945 of the SE¼ SW¼ and Lot 7 lying south of Lot in Section 12. Township of Sverdrup was reM, and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $435 to /$261 and the taxes from $49.33 to $27.89 and that penalty of $1.74 be abated. The application of Mrs. Keller for homestead classification for the year 1944 on the same tract was rejected as the taxes have been fully paid. . The application of William Rohl for classification of Et NWf Section 23, Township of Dead Lake for the year 1945 at homestead rate was rea.d. and the "!3oard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxati:on that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $295 to $177 and the taxes from $44.60 to $25.60. The application of Andrew o. Skogsol for classification of Lots 3 and 5 in Section 19. Tovmship of Leaf Lake for the year 1945 at homestead rate was read and the "Board recommended to the C-ommissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $295 to $177 and the taxes from $27.61 to tl7.71 and that penalty of $1.10 be ahated. · Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. Wednesday, October 9, 1946. l'IED!IESDP.Y' S SF.SSION Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A.M. Wednesday October 9, 1946, all members being present. Bids for grader blades as advertised for by the Board were opened and read and laid over for oonsideration=later in the session. school The Board then took up the final hearing on seventeen petitions to ~et over lands from one Adistrict to another. All persons who ~ere present were heard relative to the petitions in which they were interested. and the superintendent of Schools wns present to present the petitions and to discuss with the Board the question of whether or not the petition should be granted. The petition of Andrew F.:oep to be set over from District -f53 to District #103 was upon motion granted, and the "Board issued the follo1ving order to-wit: ~ Whereas, The petition of Andrew ~oep, a legal voter, freeh~lder and resident o-chool District No. 53 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lanas hereinafter descr bed, which are si"tuate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 103 and asking that he with his said la.~ds may be set off from said district No, 53 to said adjoining school dist~ic:t No. 103 was presented to theBoard of county commissioners of thi~ County at a session of said Board h~ld on the ~th ~ay of. September A.D., 1946 for the action of saia board thereon; and v1hereas it was tnereapon ora.erea by said h~rcl that a hearing should be had on said petition. at a session of said board on the 9th day.of October A.D. 1946 at the commissioners Room in the court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and where- as it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such.hearing be given by posting copies of said order-~~ three public ~laces in each of the school districts to be affected by said peti t1on. and by ma111lli/ to the clerk ot each of said School D1Btriots, a copy of said L__ COMMISSIONERS RECORD·-M, OfTE~ TAIL q_OUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... Oatober 9, 1946 ................... 19346 .. . PIii GCD • D I ~ti order at·1east ten·days ·before the time appointed for such hearing: and whereas at the said sess4:on of the so.id.Board of county commi"ssioners·on said-9th· day of october A.D;, 1946 due proof of the posting and service ·o·f· said ·order· of nearing as ·thereln directed and required,· more then ten days prior to seid last named date, having been made and-filed, said petiton was publicly read and considered by the Board, With everythlng which v1as said by interested parties for or against granting the prayer of· the petitioner, and iard-B6ard being of opinion that said petition should ·be granted;· it ·is liereby ordered and determined, the the sai#,eti tioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit:·· · · . · · ·· SE¼ less 11,V R of·w and tract to state and" SE¼ of SW¼ section 9, Township 132, R'ange 39 be·and the same are hereby set off from said Sohool District No. 53 to said adjoining School ·nistrict No. 103 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last·nam.ed School District for all purposes w~atever. By·order·of the Board of countt commissioners. D~~e~ the 9th day of October A.D., 1946. Attest: William Lincoln connty Auditor, e.nd ex-officio Clerk of Board. Bert Stone, Chairman of the Board or ·county commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota The petition of Bert Sander to be set over from District No. 19 to District No. 95 was upon motlcm gran·ted, and il!he Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, ·The petion of Bert Sander, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 19 in.this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate ln said School District, and adjotn School District No. 95 and asking that he with his said lands may be s-et off from said district !lo. 19 to said adjoining school district No. 95 was presented to the Board of County ¢ommissioners of this County at a session of said Board held on the 9th day of July A,D., 1946 for the action of said board thereon;; ancj. whereas it was thereupon ordered.' by said board that a hearing should should be had on said petition, at·a session of said board on the 9th day of October A,D,, 1946 at the CommissionersRoom in the Court ~ouse in the City of Fergus Falls in said county: and whereas it was furthe, orderecJ in ancJ b,v said. order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by po1;1ting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by m!l,11:ing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time.appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners ·on said 9th day of October A.D./1946 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as there•i.n directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date; having been made and filed said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was ,aid by said interested parties for or against t~~ granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Bo~rd being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the ·said petitions~ and the follo\ving described lands owned by him, to-wit: wt of NE¼ Section 24 Township 132 Range 42 . be and the same are hereby set off from said school District No. 19 to said adjoin~ng School District No. 95 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By otder-of the Board of county Commissioners. Dated the 9th day of October.; ,A.D. 1946. Attest: William ~inooln County Auditor, and ex-officio Olerk of Board. Bert Stone, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota The petition of Herbert o. Jacobson to be set over from District No. 169 to District No. 253.was upon motion granted, and the Board issued the foillo1ving order to!:.wi t: 1 Whereas, The petition of Herbert o. Jacobson, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 169 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No •. 253 and asking that he with bis said lands may be set _off from-said district No. 169 to said adjoining school district No. 253 was pre- sented to th~oard of County commissioners of this county a• a session of said board held on the 9th day of July A.D. 1946 for the action of so.id board thereon: and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said Board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 9th d~V of October A.D., 1946 at the Commissioners Room in the Court ~ouse~n the Oity of Fergus Palls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order tha~1,otice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public•places in each of the school districts to be affect- ed by said petition, and, by mailing to the clerk of e~ch of said School Districts, a c_opy of said order . at least ten day~ before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 9th day of Octobel'. A.D. 1946 due proof o:1' the posting and ser\•ice of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten dn,vs prior to said last named date, having been made o.nd ·!'iled, said peti•:ion \Vas publicly read and considered by the Board, with every thing ,..:hioh was said by:'rnterested parties for or agasins-t granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, · that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, t-o-wi t: Wt of SE¼-Section 28 Township 137 Range 36 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 169 to said adjoing School DistriQt No, 253 and eaid lands are hereby ma~e a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 9th day of October A.D. 1946. Attest: William Lincoln, county Auditor and ex-officio Clerk of Board. Bert Stone, Chairman of the Board of Oolinty Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota The petition of Irvin Sohave to be set over from District No. 242 of Otter Tail County to Di~trict No._ 53#1 of Becker County was upon motion granted, and the Board issued the following order to-wit: - Whereas, The petition of Irvin Sohave, a legal voter, free.holder and resident of School District No, 242 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and ad3oin School District No •. 6~fl Becker co. and asking that he with his said ·lands may be set off from said district No. 242 Otter Te,il county to said adjoining school dis- trict )lfo. 53#1 Becker County was presented to the Board of county Commi'ssioners of this county at a sess- ion of said Board held on the 4th day of. September A.D. 1946 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a sessi~ of the board on the 9th day of October A.D. 1946 at the commissioners Room in the Court House in the City ......... COMMISSIONERS RECORD -M,-OTTE·R TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ Qo.t.o.ba.r ... .9.4 ... l.9.i.6 ................... 193 ....... . of P'~~gu~·rans: in·~ai~ c~unt.v: .and ·w~ere"!-8 it was furtner·ordei'ed 1n·and·by ·said ·order that notice· of the time and place of such hearing• be· given ·b, posting copies of said ·order in three publlo""plaoeEi in eaoli · of the' school districts to b~ affected by said petition, ·and by mailing·to the clerk·of e~ah·of·aaid School Dlatriots, a copy of said order at· least ten days·before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at th!.·eaid" aeaa.ion·of the ·said Board of County CommiBBlone:rs on·aaid" 9th· day of·october· A.D, 1946 due p~o?f of the po~tlng ~d B!~v~o~ ~f.said.order of hearing aether1n·d1reoted·and required, ·more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been-made and ·.f1led,·aa1d·petitlon:was·publicly·read·and·con- si~~i'~iJ · by. t~aB~ard, with· eve~ything which was said· b,'7 · said interested parties· for or against granting the prayer of 'tlie petitioner, and said Board being ··of opinion that said petition should be·granted lt · is heretiy ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by 0 him, to-wit: · . . • -... NE¼ ofl~F,¼; Lota 2 and 3; SEt of NW¼ i SWf of NE¼ Section 5 TownahiP. 137 Range 39· · be.and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 242 Otter Tall Oounty to said adjoining School Dleti'lct No. 53#1 ·Becker. County and said lands are hereby maite a part of said last named School District for a11·purposea whatever, · B.v ·o.rder of the Board of county Commialiionera. Dated the 9th day of October ·A,D. 1946. Attest: Wllliaril Lincoln County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. Bert Stone · Chairman of the Board of county Oommissionera Of Otter Tall County, Minnesota. The petitlo•n·of Mrs. Charles E, wrest· to be set ov·er from District No. 95 to District No. 5 was upon motion granted, ·and the Board issued the following order to-wit: ·. ·· · Whereas, The petition.of Mrs. Charles E, Wrest a legal voter, freeholder and resident of . School Di.strict No. 96 '/.i/J/~#1/#A~t#.,-, in this county, representing that.she is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School Distriot No. 5 and asltinp: that.:She with his said ,lands may be set off from said district No. 95 to1 said adjoining school district No, 5 was presented to the Board of County cdminiasioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 9th day,of July A.D., 1946 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordend by said board that a hearing should be had on said peti ti'on, at a session of said board on the 9th day of October A.D. 1946 at the Commiss~o!lera Room in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in ea i..d County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that not ice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each o.f ;tlie school distriot1:1 to .be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said $ohoo;t Dis-tricts, a copy of said. order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; ·and whereas at the ea1d·ees~lon of the said Board of county ()ommisaioners on said 9th da,y of October ~.D., 1946 due proof of the posting and ser.vicJ! of said order of hearing as therein directed and r-e·quired, more than ten days prior to said ;Last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and con-sidered by the Board, with everything which was said by said-interested pa·rties for or against granting t.he prayer of the. petitioner, a!ld said board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and 'determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him to-wit: · · Er of Lot 6 and Sub Lot A of LOt 7 and Lot· 5 and sub Lot A of Gov•t Lot 4 Section 8 Township 132, Range 41 be and the same are hereby set ofi' from said School District No. 95 to said adjoining School District No. 5 and said lands are hereby made a part of saJ:d last named school District for all purposes whatever,. 'BY order of the Board of County commissioners. 1 • • • Dated the 9th day of October A.D., 1946. Attest: \filliam Lincoln county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. Bert Stone Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota. The petition o·t Edwin J. Niemela to be set over from District !fo. 61 of 'Becker County to District No. 216 of Otter Tail county was upon motion g~anted, and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Edwin J. Niemela, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 61 'Be~ker county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said school district, and adjoin School District No, 216 Otter ·Tail county and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said distr~ot No, 61 Becker county to said adjoining school district No. 216 otter Tail county was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 4th day ot September A,D., 1946, for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered b~ said board that a hearing should be· had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 9th day of October A.D., 1946, at the Commissioners Room in the court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said or•der in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for suoh hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of County commissioners on said 9th d113 of October A.D, 1946 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein direct·ed and required, more than ten dass prior to said last named date, h~ving been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, \"11th everything wh1.ol!-was said by said interested parties for or agai!lst granting the prayer of the petitlone•r, and. said Board being of opinion• that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following des- cribed lands owned by him, to-wit: SE¼ of SE¼ Section 35, Township 138, Range 36, be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 61 Becker county to said adjo1ning School District No. 216 otter Tail County and said lands are hereby male a part of sail last named S chool District for ail purposes whatever. · 'BY order of the Board of county cormniesioners. Dated the 9th d113 of October, A,D. 1946. Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, and ex-officio r.lerk of Board. Bert Sto•ne Chairman of the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota s81 COMMISSIONERS RECORD .. M,. . .Ol'TER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... oo.to.bez ... 9 .................................. 193 .. !16. · The·peti t'ion or· Lillie Looker .. to "be· set ·over from Diatrlat ·:ro: 64 ·o;t DOuglaa· count.v· to ·Diatriot No. 55 at on·er·Ta1r·coiirity·waa·ttpon ·motion granted, ·e:nc1 ·uie Boai''d-ialiuea the following order to-j\vn:· · ·nereaa ; ·Tlie · petr tloh· a f-LHUe Looker -a· leitar·v ot et, -freehold er'"nnd resident· of-sahool lU.at :riot No;--64··nougliUi' county; represent1ng· that;lie is the owner of' tne ~:anda·herernaf,er·d·eacribed·, ·whlc·h· are· lirttiate ·un;a1a:· solioo•i-i>1atr1ct; and· ad"join Saliool, '.Dlat:tlct ·No: ·55· ·ot-t-er · Tail count.v ·and· aek:ing ·tnatshe vritli" ·n1a said· :lands· may· lie set· off' from said · dl strict No;· 64 Douglas· County t~ said ad joining, school dilit:riat No; 55 Otter Tail County was presented to the·:soard of County·commiBBionera of thla county at a lflelialoft of said board ·held on the 14th day o'f August A.D·:, '1946 for the aotion of said lioard'thereon; and whereaifl 1 t --was -thereupon ordered . lit" aald ljoatd that a lie a.ring, should be had orf said P.eti tion, · at a seaa1()1 of·said board on the 9th day of·october A.D.~'1946 at·the Commissioners Room in the Court Rouse in the Clty of Fergus Falls in said dounty; and whereas it was further o~de~ed in and by said otder·that notloe bf the time and plaoe·of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in eaoli·of_ tlie·aohOol·dtatriota to be· affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointea for auch'hearlng; and wHereas at the sesaion·or the Beard of County· Commissioners on said 9th day o:f Octolier A.D;, 1946, due proof·of·the posting and service of said order of heo.ring as tlierein directed and required, .more than ten days· prior to said" last named date, having been made and flled·, said peti tlon was· publicly read and oon- s1:dei'ed by the Board, with everything which wns said by said interested parties for or against granting tlie"'pi'ayer of the petitioner,· and said Board being of opinion that said petition ehonld be granted, it le hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: NE¼ of NE¼ Section 4, Township 130, Range 36 be·and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 64 Douglas eounty to said adjoining School District No, 55 Otter Tail' county and said lands are hereby make a part of sa~d last named School District for all purposes whatever, B,Y' ofde~f the Board of Count.v commissioners. Da~ed the 9th da,v of October A.D., 1946, Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor and ex-officio Clerk of Board, Bert Stone Chairman of the Board of Colinty Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota, The· petition o~ M,B, Xelly to be set over from Dietriot No. BO to DiBtriot No, 143 was upon motion granted, a~d the Board issued the following oraer to-wit: Whereas, The petition of M,B, Xell.V, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. BO in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School district, and adjoin School District No. 143 and aek~ng that he with his said landS may be set off from said district No, BO to said adjoining school district No. 143 was presented to the Board of County Commiaalonere of this County at a session of said board held on the 18th day of July, A,D,, 1946, for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered ~.V said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of so.id board on the 9th day of October A.D,, 1946 at .the Commissioners Room in the Court House in the ~·ty of Fergus Falla in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order'that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in ench of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailillf, to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten deya be~Ore the time appointed for such hearing; and whe-reas at the said session of the said Board of county Gommiesionere on said 9th de$ of October A·,D,, 1946 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, havi.ng been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything whiQh was said by said interested parties for or o.gainst granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby oi'clered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: SE¼ se~tion 29 Township 133 Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. BO to said adjoining School District No, 143 and said lands are hereby make a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever, By order of the Board of County commissioners. Dated the 9th day of October A.D. 1946 Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, and ex-officJ.a· Clerk of Boo.rd. Bert Stone Chairmo.n of the Board of County Commissioners Of Otter Tail County, Minnesota The petition of Lester Miller to be set over from District No. BO to District No, 143 was upon .motion granted, and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Lester Uiller a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. BO in this County, representing that he is thP.. O\Vner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and ad,1oin School District !fo, 143 and asking that he with his said lands mey be set off from said district No, BO to said ad,1oining school district No, 143 was presented to the Board of county Commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 18th day of July A,D,, 1946 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing ehoUld be had on said petition, at a session of' said board on the 9th day of October A,D, 1946 at the Commissioners Room in the court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and b,V said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in ·each of the school districts to be a.ffected by sat:a petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days~#~ before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of Count.v Commissioners on said 9th day of October A,D, 1946 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing ae therein directed and required, more tho.n ten C,ays prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested people fpr 9r against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him to-wit: sw+ Section 29 Township 133 Ranp.e 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, BO to said adjoining School District No, 143 and said lands are hereby maite a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever,· B.V order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 9th day of October A,D, 1946. Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. Bert Stone Chairman of the Board of county commissioners of otter Tall County, Minnesota .......I ll COMMISSIONERS RECORD M,--OT,TER TAIL G_OUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................. October .. 9 .............................. 19.'4!L · Th·e·petitiori" of H~P.·wentzeu· to·be set·over·'from D1-sfrlct 110. BO to District No. 143 was upon mot ion grante-a·; ·and tlie ·13oard · issued · tne fol rowing order to-wit:·· - ·· Wheteas;·The·pention of H,P. Wentzell a legal voter, freeholder and resident·ot·school District ?16. so· in· thrs · county representing· that· he is the owner of the lands hereinafter d·escri bed, which are · situate ln satd School ·nistrict and lidjoin·school District No. 143 arid asklng'that he with hls said lands may·be set off"frpm said dlstrict No. BO to said adjoining school district No, 143 was presented to the Board of count~ Commissioners of' this county at a·session of said.board held on the 9th d~v of July A.D. 1946.for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board.that a· nearing sholild"be"had onuaid petition, at a·session o~ said board on the 9th day of October A.D •. ·1945 at · the" Comiilissioners · ~ooln in the court House in the City of "G>·ergus Falls in said county;· and whereas it Wae further otde·red ln and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting·coples of said order· ln three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition. and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing, and whereas at the said session of the said Board of.County Commissioners on said 9th da.v of October A.D. t946 due proof of the posting and service "O·f· said order of hearing as therein directed and required·, more than ten days prior to said le,st named a.ate~ having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer 9f the petition-er, and'said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it ls hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: NW¼ of NE¼ Section 32 Township 133 Range 42 be and the same are hePeby set off from said School District No. BO to said adjoining School D istriot ?lo. 143 and ·said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purpeses what- ever. BY order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 9th day of October A.D. 1946. Attest: William Lincoln county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. Bert Stone Chairman of the Board of County Commissioner~ of Otter Tail County, Minnesota The petition of Irene Tostensen to be set over from District No, BO to District No, 143 was upon motion granted, and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Irene Tostensen a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 80 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said Sghool District, and adjoin Soh0·01 District ?Jo. 143 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 80 to said adjoining school district No, 143 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this county at a session of said board heldon the 18th day of July A. D. 1946 for the action oi' said board thereon; and whereas it was thereu-pon ordered by said ·board. that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on .the 9th day of Oot- oberrA,D, 1946 at the commissioners Room in the court Honse in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hear- ing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition. and by mailing to the ole%k of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; anii whereas at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said 9th day of October A.D. 1946 due proof of the posting and senice of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten da,vs prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which w~s said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitione~ and the following described lands owned by him to-wit: Nt of NVI¼ .Section 32 Tovmship 133 Range 42 be and the some are hereby set off from said s· chool District t1o. BO to said adjoining School ~istrict No. 143 and said lands are hereby maae a part of said last named School D !strict for all purposes what- ·ever. By order of the Board of county commissioners. Dated the 9th day of October A,D, 1946, Attest: William Lincoln ,Jounty Audi tor, and ex-officio Clerk of Boo.rd. Bert Stone Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. The petition of Joseph E. Anderson to be set over from District No. 80 to District No. 143 was upon motion granted, and the Board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, The petition-of Joseph E. Anderson a legal voteP, freeholder and resident of School District No, 80 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 143 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off from sai~ district No. 80 to said adjoining school district No. 143 was presented to the Board of cou,nty comm• issioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 18th day of July A,D. 1946 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition. at a session of said board on the 9th day of Ootobe-r A-.D• 1946 at the Commissioners R: oom in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said Count.vi a.n!i whereas it was furthe-r ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school dis- tricts to be affected by said petition, and by marling to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the .time appointe« for such hearing;· and whereas at the said se~sion of the said Board of county Commissioners on said 9th day of October A.D. 1946 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein dirtoted and requrred, more than ten days prior. to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everthing which was said by said interested part~es for Oill· against granting the prayer of the petitioner and said Board being of opinion that said petition should ·be granted, it is hereby ordered and deterr:iined, that the said petitioner and the follo1ving described land·s owned by him to-wit: st of RE¼ ex RR~ wt of Et of •NE¼ of Ira¼ & wt of NE¼ of NE¼ Seo. 32 Township 133 Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No, 80 to said adjoining School District No, 143 and said lands ar.e hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. BY order of the Board o.f county commissioners. Dated the 9th day of October A.D, 1946. Attest: William Lincoln County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board, Bert Stone Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter ·Tail County, Minnesota. S8J. .saJ --- COMMISSIONERS RECORD._M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............... Qct o.beJ: ... 9 ............................................. 193 .. 46. SIIICURITYIIUINIC,IIOOKANDP I GCO. D CUIUD MIN •• • ~ "Th:e·petiUon of walter·Bohn·to be set""over ftom·Dtiltrict tro. 80 to District No-.1~~.was upon motion grarited; anil tlie "Board issued· the following ··order· to-\lrit: · -· · · · · · · · · ··· · · ·· Whereas·the· petit1on··of Walter Bcinn·a· lege.I"voter. freeholder· and resident of School District No. 80 rn·this dounty, representing.that he·is the owner of the·1e.nds hereinafter described. which are sit- uate·in said Sohbol District; and adjoin School District No. 143 and asking tnat he witn his·saia lands. may be set· off• from ·said· district No. 80 to said ad joining scli.ool dietrict No.· 143 ·was· prefienUd to the · Board of Count; Ccililmisslori.ers · of thiEi" Coli?ity at a· sess·lon of said board held· on the 18th da.v of July A.D. J:916"fOr the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a · hearing sn9u1d·be had-on said petition, ·at a session of said board on the 9t~ day of·ootober· A.D. 1946 at the Coinmissioners Room in the court House in the City of Fergus Falls in saiQ ~ounty. · and whereas ·it ·was futtHer·ordered in and· by said.order that notice·of-tne time and plaoe of such hearing be given by. post-ing copies of said order in three public places in eaoh of the school districts to·be affected by·said petition; and by mailing to the clerk of each of said Sohool Districts, a copy· of said order a·t least ten clays before the tiiiie appointed for such hearing; end whereas at the said session of the said· Board of County·oommisaioners on said 9th day of October A;D. 1946 due proof of the posting and·service of said order of·hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, liaving bee~·made al'ld "filed, said petition was publicly read e.nd considered by the Board, with everything wni:ch was said oy·said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitlorier, and said Board.being of opinion that said p~tition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following·aescribed lands owned by liim to-wit: · · st of NW¼ & pt·of Lots 1 & 4 N of RR Section 32 Township 133 P.ange 42 · wt of s~. lying· N of RR Section 32 Township 133 Range 42 lie"nnd· tne·same· are hereby· set off from said School District No. so to said adjoining School District No. 143 and said. lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District =or all purposes whatever. BY order of the Board of County commissioners. Dated_the 9th day of October ~-D• 1946. Attest: William.Lincoln county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. Bert stone Chairman of the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. "The petition 01.' EVlynd "F!augen to be set over from District No. eo·to District No. 143 was upon motion granted; · and the Board iseue!l the following order to-vri t: · · · ·Whereas, "The·petition of Evlynd Haugen a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No.·eo in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School District,· and adjoin School District No. 143 and asking that he with his said land·s may be set off from said district No. 80 to said adjoining school district No. 143 was presented to tne·Board of County commissioners of this county at a session of said board held on the 18th day of July A. D·. · 1946 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that e.·hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 9th da.v of October A.D. 1946 at the Commissioners Room in the Court House i-n the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said Qraer that .notice of the time and place of such h'earing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in eauh of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order·at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of county comm1ssioners on said 9th day of October A•D• 1946 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and re~uired, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been malle and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties r.or or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of. opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and ·th& 1.'ollowing described lands owned by him, to-wit: Et of SE¼ Section 17 Township 133 Range 42 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 80 to said adjoining School District No, 143 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. BY order of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the 9th day of October A.D. 1946. Bert Stone Attest: William Lincoln Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The petition of Edward Hosterman to set over Lots 2,3,4,5 i 6 in Section 6, Township of Lida from District No. 217 to District No. 79 was taken up 1.'or final action. After listening to the state~ents of the petitioner and all members of the school board of #217, and after full consideration, upon motion the petition·was rejected. The petition of Fred H. Imsande to set over the St s:g.;. and the Et SW¼ in Section 13 in Township of Homestead from District No. 186 to District No. 220 was taken up for final action. After listening to the statements of the petitloner and members of the school board of District No.186 and the County S uperintendent of Schools, 11,11,ll 'IJelng infel'■ell that Ute taestieR ef hol,cHrtg school in »istrlct NO. 269 was 'lleilHe 1ihe iiot;,iet aea;,t at Betnit J.akea en tfiis cla;y, upon mctlen it was 4ee111ell te pestpene aaUen- ~ and after full consideration, upon motion the petition was rejected. The petition of L.c. Rudolph to set over the SE! of Section 2 in the Township of Candor from District No._ 269 to District No. _121 was taken up for final action. The Board having listened to the statements of the members of the schooi board of both districts, and also after hearing the County superintendent of Schools, and being informed that the question of holding school in District No. 269 1vas before the district court at Detr-oit Lakes on this da.v, upon motion it was d·ecided to postpone action on Mr. Ruldolph's petition, and the same was laid over to the meeting of the board to be held January 8, 1947, at 10 o'clock A.M. Bids for grader blades as advertised for by the Board were received from William H. Ziegler Com- pany, Paper Calmenson and company, and George T. Ryan Company. Upon motion all of these bids were aocept- d . I e • The pet! tion of Mrs. Martin Keller to set over the SE¼ of SW¼ in Seotio.n 12, Township of Sverdrup from School District No. 46 to School District No. 112 was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be beld January 8, 1947, at 10 o'clock A.M. and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of Lloyd Olson to set over the Et NW¼ and Wt NE¼ of Section 20 in the Township of Eastern 1.'rom District No, 65 to District No. 10 was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session 01.' the Board to be held January 8, 1947, at 10 o'clock A.M. and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ■P..!"rr" m.ANl!,JIDOIC AND MINl'INCI C0,,_81',_9,GU IIINN.-~l•t DATE ..................... October .. 9 • ... 1946 ..................... 193 ....... . and 'the SE¼ NE¼ of Section 20, Lot 1 and all in the Township of Eastern from ordered that a hearing on said petition be 10 o.' clock JI..M. and that due notice of the . The petition of Clarence Betterman to set.over Lot 1 t.he SW¼ l!IW¼ exoept one acre Section 21 and Lot 5 in SectioQ 16 S.chool District No, 56 to District No, 40 was read, and it was had at the session of the Board to be held January 8, 1947, at time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The p~titio~ of Willie G. Riedel· to set over the SW¼ and the wt NW¼ of section 32 in Town of Everte from District lfo • 55 to District No. 40 was read, and it was ord·ered that a hearing on said pet-i t ion be had at the session of the Board to be held January 8, 1947, at 10 o'Glock A,M. art,d that due n~tice o.f the time and place of said hearing be given as required b.v law. The petition of Harold Helgren to set over the'Nt NW¼, SE¼ NW¼, NE¼ SW¼ and tract in SW¼ UW¼ all in Section 29 Town of Eastern from District No. 55 to District No. 40 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held Janu~ry 8, 1947, at 10 o'clock A,M. and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. The petition of alemenoe Belka to set over the.SE¼, NE¼, Lot 1 and Lot 2 except Belka Beach and except tract all in Section 26 in the Township of Gorman from District No. 158 to District No 51 was read, and it 1,as ordered that a hearing on said petition 'be had at the session of the Board• to be held January 8, 1947, at 10 o'clock A,M. and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. A plat of HUnter's Beach in the Township of Star Lake accompanied by a certificate of title executed by P~A• Anderson, Register of Deeds, was approved. Hearing on complaint against the town board of Newton was again taken up and after discussion the town board was given until July 1, 1947, to fix the road mentioned in the complaint. Upon motion the final hearing on vacation of road in Section 18, Oak Valley, and also on road in Section 25 of Henning Township-were both laid'over to November 12, 1946, at 10 o'clock A,M, The petition of Theo. Bjerketvedt and others for establishment of county road between Sections 5 in Leaf Mountain and 32 in Nidaros was taken up for final action. The Commissioners appointed to examine said road recommended that the petition be granted, and after discusssion. u·pon motion an order was issued granting the petition, no damages being allowed. A petition signed by Ella Wellbrock and O,thers for establishment, alteration, and vacation of parts of road in Township of Maine and on line between Maine and Friberg was read, and it was ordered that a hearing on s·aid petition be had at the session of the Board to be held December 11, 1946, at · 10 o.'olook A,ll, and Commissioners Stone, Gunderson, and Snowberg were appointed a committee to examine-:? said road and Thursday, November 14, 1946, at 3 o'oloot P,M. at the Waterstreet Bridge in the Township of Maine were designated as the time and place for the meeting of said committee, and the County' Audlto·r was inst~ucted to prepare the necessary notices, and to forward them by mail~ to Jira. Ella Wellbrook · Fergus Falls , for posting. · Bids for road grading received by the Board earlier in the session were again t'aken 'up, and upon motion all of said bids were rejected. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota·: Whereas, There remains a balance in the State Aid Construction Fund for 1945, Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved. That the State Highway Department be requested to trans~er all remaining balances in the Otter Tall County State Aid Construction Fund from the 1945 to the 1946 ~nd. Adopted this 9th day of October, 1946. Bert Stone, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was a~opted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall County, Minnesota: Whereas, State Aid Parkway #1 has been established on the driveways of the Fergus Falls State and · · HC?spital, and Whereas, The State Board of Allotment has allocated funds for the improvement of said parkway, until Whereas, it ls impossivle to do this construction in 1946, Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved;· That the State Highway Department 1947. Adopted this 9th day of October, 1946. hold the88 allocated funds Bert stone, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Attorney_ Gerald s. Rufer appeared before the Board for and on behalf of M-r. J,S. Peterson and certain other property owners in Battle Lake and vicinity and presented the petition, slope easement, and subscription agreement of 111r. J.S. Peterson and certain other property owners along the right-of-we,.v of county Aid Road No. 33, praying that sold road be raised and generally improved and oiled from the· outskirts of Battle Lake for about one mile in a general northeasterly and northerly direction to the. Airport. Motion was made by Commissioner George Hanson and seconded by Commissioner Carl Snowberg that the county Engineer be authorized and directed to take all necessary action immediately or as soon thereafter as may pe to arrange for the grading and improving of said County Aid Road No. 33 from the North outskirts of the Village of Battle Lake and continuing in a general northeasterly and northerly dtrection to the Battle Lake Airport along and over the course of the highway as it now exists; the county Engineer being authorized and directed to take al necessary steps to secure the necessary men, tools and equipment to perform all necessary grading and construction to apply an oiled or bituminous surface to the roadway and the offer of the subscribers named in and signing the subscription agreement to pay one-half (1/2) of the cost of the bituminous treatment or $1000.00, whichever figure was lower, was and ls by this motion accepted on behalf of the County and the Auditor directed to notify the subscribers on behalf of the county. '!'he following bills were allowed: M.C. r,ee dep. Sheriff' B 11,rp. Orin Fosse .. " feta Joseph Rayner, Sr. ... " " :Reuben Bergeson n " " Carl Jahn .. .. Dr. Geo. c. Jacobs dep. Coroner's fees EVerett c. Hanson, M,D, " " " William Lincoln services as member Board Audit Frank C. Barnes Municipal court fees 105.93 John Kukowske, Jr. 15.70 · Oeo. F. :r.ol,1uson 32:22 3,00 Geo. F, Johnson 10.20 10.45 Poucher Prtg. 'I: Litho. 40.88' Miller-Davis Co. 69.00 Security Blank Book & 35.00 Printing eo, cmunty School & Office Supply Co, co. 4.80 Municipal Court ·fees sal. & exp. Weed · inspeotor 226.05 sal. 'I: exp lleed inspector books -!I: supplies record book 239.50 181.71 82.50 books and suppl~es 154.21 school supplies 32.49 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL.COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......... 0.a.to.b.e?: ... 9 .................................................. 193 .. .46 SIICUltlff IIUINIC AND PRINT1ND CO.,:, ~JI. MINN.-1 111 Nelson Bros. Prtg. Co. Fritz-Cross co. Jones & Kroeger co. Victor Lundeen & co. Fergus Journal co. Fergus Service Statlon Willia Supply Co. Beall II: McGowan Charles H. Hord NW Beil ~ele Co. The Pierce Company Panama Carbon co. St. Paul Bk; II: St atio.n.- · ery do. 'Fl'intgen Karat N w. Bell Tele. Co. united Chemical co. tnc R.d. Anderson Well Co. Conklin Saw Shop H.\,. Glorvigen printing records & supplies record book supplies puf; II: printing supplies supplies supplies reolliNI· cahs supplies· carbon paper school supplies su.pplies calls supplies repairs 57,35 146.45 60.95 279.30 253.51 2.30 8.91 6.88 23.03 40.00 7.12 4.50 5.00 3.16 18.75 18.30 2.50 5.00 12.25 16.00 71,50 Wm. H. Ziegler co. Inc. Rosholt Equip. Co. Minn •. F.W.D. Co. Vogel wrecking Co. Mahler & Straus Aune Bros. Minn. Motor co. Bauok Chevrolet Co. Saunders Hardware Co. Wilcox Lumber co. Empire Supply co. Engineering News Record Am. Ass'n S.tate Highway Officials Natl. Bushing~ Parts Aetna lletal Products co Ebersv ill er' s Battle Lake Hdwe,· Co, Ebersviller tmplement parts parts parts parts parts tire, repair, tires, etc. towit\g suppfies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies Co, -. F,F. ; "Minn. Mining & Mfg. ·Kenneth Rostad supplies Co. scotch lite gravel eto. Am. Legion Auxillary H. W-. Glorvigen Milford A. Nelson· Eastman Kodak Stores Fred Gast sharpening mowers drivers license Comm Memorial day Services box rent and postage repairs 1.50 2,76 18 •. 00 83.88 L.N. Sicllea &· Co. road oil compound L.B. Fitj.k: Northern Motor & Appl! ance Co • Odin Johnson Am. Law Book Co. supplies night jailer · check writer repairs 1:7 .'40 hauling for Supt. 1.00 annotations 12.00 P.H. Gust Elevators Vergas ooal E.D. Sage rental Village of Dalton garage rental Village of New York Mills rental :.J.!ark Sand & Gravel Co. Equip. rental R.D. Morrill Equip. rental west. Pub. co. NW Reporter 20.00 Penrose Oil Company diesel fuel, etc. Town of Scambler quarrantine exp. 40.03 Mrs·. P.S; Granger .care of Milton Webster20.·25 Dr. w .• o.B. Nelson Minn. st. Sanatorium Glen Lake Sanatorium · J.A. Thebes, M.D. Ott.er Tai-1 County San. Louise Standahl Louise Standahl nam 3.00 o·are of patient 106 .02 care of patients 405.89 exam (poor) 3.00 care of patients 87.23 expenses 16,40 postage 39.90 Olive Helland Marjorie Stenstrom B ernioe Jesme Glen Lake Sanatorium Missouri-Kansas Chem- Supt. Schools clerk 18.00 Supt. Schools clerk 42.00 Supt. Schools Clerk 18,00 care of patients 443,83 ical Co. supplies Elk River Cone. Prod co. oulver;tis Y.nutilla Implement Co. repairs Fergus Service Station repairs Larson Bros. r.ep a1 rs Perham Co~op. Oil co. repairs Service Recorder Co. repairs Skogmo Motors, Tnc. repairs •1ntgen Karst Elec. Co. repairs Wickstrom' s Garage repairs attle Lake Tire Shop repairs helen Implement co. repairs !ills Oil Compan,v repairs arson & Thurlow, Inc. repairs oe•s Implements· repairs aino Kela Garage repairs .11. Bkorklund Body Shop repairs .c. Anderson Well & 40.65 1371.82 3.32 3.90 31 •. 75 7.45 65.72 20.68 5.95 12.75 3.00 3.95 1.00 b.20 2.75 26.52 9.50 Standard Oil co. supplies The Oil Store diesel fuel Fergus 011 Company gas .!,: oil Farmers Co-op. 011 Ass'n gas & oil Len syveraon'a gas & oil s. II: F. Oil Company gasoline Bill Nelson 011 Co. gasoline Ray's Oil Co. gasoline Lettman Texaco Sta. gasoline Lyman Store, C~L. Meyers gasoline· Anderson & Sandberg Oil CQIJlpany gasoline Benston 011 Co. gasoline Henning Oil Co. gasoline Highway Company gasoline, etc. Harthun & Peterson 011 gasoline Lawrence Chase gasoline Perham Co-op Oil Co. gasoline D.A. Lubricant Co. Inc. oil consumers Oil co. kerosene Stoll's Cafe board Merchants Hotel lodging Olaf Langseth highway easement Engebret Thompson erect fence Clifford Eng•bretson gravel NW Bell Tele. Co. services Pelican Telep. co·. services NW Bell Tele. Co. services-long distance Victor Lundeen & co. supplies Clarence Hovland cash advanced w.L. Potter expenses ' Pump Co. repairs 4.85 S.E. Hall expenses Rim And Wheel co. rims Diesel Sales & Service eo. T. Ryan co. John·A. Peldo parts parts highway easement H.E. Lundquist, Agt, union Oen. Life Ina. Co. Thoe. o. Nelson Village of Henning Pelican Telephone co. John I, Bondy Anthony Ao Prohosky . _A. ·Glorvigen highway easement TWp. Plats · · elec. service services expenses expenses cash advanced 39.18 A• Glorvigen expenses J.D. Henkes boarding prisoners 421.35 J.C. Renkes expenses 6.36 P.A. Anderson postage J .0-. '!'lenkes supplies 100.00 ·;yalmer Karvonen exp. attending mtg. George Ranson exp. attending mtg. 75.00 Bert stone expenses 20.00. Geo. B. Gunderson exp. attending mtg. 9.32 Town of Leaf Mountain road work 4.70 Mahler & Straus parts 75.65 Skogmo Motors, Inc. parts 17.90 Natl, Bushing & Partsco. parts 5.57 Anderson & Sandberg 011 Co. diesel fuel Hagge Oil Company diesel fuel 257,44 27,89 120.26 37,50 3.57 35,60 104,30 s.oo ,66 77;20 24,00 6,00 2,00 78.91 20,00 · 37.25 22.56 l.80 187.20 7,50 65,00 77,60 15.00 45.00 90.00 l.'178,13 395.00 43.20 2,04 60.00 29.76 98.90 27.36 51.36 47.17 4.74 55.05 3,70 83.60 29.36 25.94 42,12 44.55 47,12 , 2.72 73,26 4.65 27,20 20.00 130.bO 11.00 543.00 14.05 3.40 31.48 3.46 71.30 66.70 34.95 78.95 4.1, 109,00 t' 68,38 39,65 30.85 7.30 6.90 4.25 5.30 300.00 34.25 60.05 157.25 61.70 294.14 lJl)on motion the Board then a4,journed to Tuesday, _November 12, 1946~1~ A.MA ($. . ~\-, (W~ ~ Chairman. · J '\\ ,,. Attest: Clerk, L:) /':.~.''/ ~ ,1/ ~-, COMMISSIONERS RECORD. M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ Hovemee: ... !.2, ... 1946·····························1ljsC_ ..... . ,, !,ltlflJT~S OF rnJo~m:n !,t•:ETTNC: OF 1'HF. qoA"'1D O"F' COUllTY-COt!!.HSST':'il:':P.S 0"' OTT-0:~ TATL COMiTY'; MINff, nursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10:00 A.M., Tuesday november 12, 1946. Present r:ommlssioners 1:arvonen, Gunderson, Ranson, stone, and snowberg. qids on the following projects were opened und read at 10 o'clock a.m. by a represent- ative of the Minnesota State ""ighvray Department: s.P. 56-501-03 s.~. 56-503-03 S,P. 56-524-02 s.n. 56-524-03. . ' ' Althoup:h the lowest bids received were higher than the l!lngineer's estimate, it was ap:reed that the bids received were similar in price to prices on other work done in this localit,v. After due consideration it was moved by r.ommissloner Earvonen·ano seconded by Commissioner Hanson that the nounty '3oard of r:ommissioners recommend to the •~ornmissicner of ""ip:hways that the contracts be a1·1arded to the lo1•rest responsible bidder on each of the above numbered oro1ects. The lowest bids received sub~ect to final audit were as follows: • • Strom construct ion r:ompany s. ,, . 56-501-03 $47,161.79 Schultz Bros. s. o. 56-b03-03 3b,114.88 John Dieseth Compa~v s. P. 56-524-02 37,761.70 John Dleseth company s. o. 56-524-03 45,884.21 The fol101·!ing reso.Lution was adopted: Resolveci by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That l,liss Ji'reda Glaus en of Pelican ~apids and Mr. Alf Refness of Vining be transferred to Glen take Sanitorium for either medical or surgical care in the treatment of tuberculosis. Adopted November 13, 1946, Attest: William Lincoln Glerk The following resolu~ion was adopted: Bert Stone Chairman ~esolved by the Boar'd of ~ount,1• Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted with Lampert Lumber compa~v for 25 Laminated ~afters and whereas same has been delivered to and accepted by the County, !low therefore be it resolver that the county Auditor and the Chairman of this Board be and tney hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant on the Eoad and ~ridge Fund in the sumo~ ~992.95, the contract price. Ad op Ped Nove:nber-112, 1946, Attest: Bert Stone Chairman l'lilliam Lincoln ~lerk The following resolution was adopted: ?.esolved b,7 the Board of '1onnt,v commissioners of otter Tail count.v, Minnesota: ''7hereas this ijoard has heretofore contracted with :,,m. !l". ::iegler '1om·pany, Tnc, for one Littlefork 1/:101 Utilit,v Spray Tank and whereas same has been delivered to end accepted by the '1ount,v. !TO'lt therefore be it resolved that the '}ount.v Aud it or and the Chairman of this Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said company a warrant on the ?.oad nnd ~ridge Fund 'in the sum of $1911.50, the contract price, ,\.dept ec !lovernber 12, 1946. Attest: Bert Stone Chairman 'i'/illiam Lincoln ::lerk A plat of Poffman's Beach in the Township or !Jora, accompnnied by a certificate of title executed b.V Henry !'o:W.nghorn, Attorney, ,:as apnroved. A petition for a county aid road in the To~nship of Dunn was read ano ordered placed on file, · "i'he.petition oi' ""· 1.1. Westad for vacation of part of county road No, 45 wes again taken up. !;pen motion the petition was p.ranted ond order issued vacating said road. ~igarette licenses for !he rnonth of November and r:ecernber, 1946 we.re granted to _ Gilbert Swanton at store in the Township of sve1·ts, and to P.arold w •. Deahl at service station in the Township of '}litherall. · The petition of Matt Berrlu tu set over SW¼ of rm¼ in Section 2, Township of Deer Creek from Distriot 90 to District 133. was read and it was ordered that a hearing be had at the r,ommissioners rcom in the cuurt House, January 8, 1947 and that due notice of the and place of said hearing be given as required by law. A petition for improving road in the Township of Dora was read and ordered placed time on file, Upon Motion 1ert stone, '}hester G, Rosengren, Mrs. G. E. Griffin af »erham, Worthy. ~t~.Ellll of @l~AP __ Rap~_d,§,'t"En~ti,![!rS~Leo Whiting of ::litherall were appointed a committee to~tl,,,,,_ fr·~ ft1tl1e1 : J'iaTnesTI e r.ou"tity 'Board, TT1>on motion the Board a'!)proved a settlement v:i th r.arl Bucholz in the sum of .11;600 for damages-to his land on account of the improvement of state aid road Jolo. 1, and the Gounty Attorney was instructed to dismiss the condemnation proceedlngs. The board havinP. inspected model D• ~. scTaper received from the ~ederal Government and having found that the-machine was not a new machine as ordered by the county, the board refused to accept it and instructed the r:ounty P.ngineer to so noti:~y the Viar Assets Administration. The application of Penr,v A. Winthe~ and ?.ose Lindblom for settlement of delinquent taxes against :r,ot 3 and 4 of 11ock 30 in the original plat of the 0::1 ty of Fergus Falls was read and the sos.rd recommended to the Gommissioner of Taxation that the taxes for the .veers, 1942, 1943, and 1944, be settled for the sum of }-614,92, the amount of the original taxes for said years and that _penalty, interest and costs amounting to $121,82 be abated, The application of James Hauuk for classification of Srof NW¼ end Lots 3 and 4 in section2, Town of Paddock for the year 1945 at. homestead rate was read, an<1 the Board re- oommended to the commissioner of Taxation that said_lanu be so classified and the assessed value reduced from t9.s:-O to $570 and the taxes from $104,78 to $50.09 and that penalty be abated. The application of Glen T,, Petersen for classification of triY¼ N1i'..,,t, st NB¼ and Et NW¼ of section 10 and st swf of Section 3 in Township of ~omestead for the year 1945 at homestead rate was read and the ~oard recommended to the r.ommissioner of Taxation that said lend be so , · _o·D'I-~ f COM.MISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . . DATE ......... •r.ovember .... 12 .......... ~ ................................. l9l!6 ..... . ILANK -AND PRINIINO C0.1 ■To CLGU MINN.-n1•t Olass.ified 11.nd the assessed value reduoed from $1387 to ~853 and the taxes from $164.77 to ~96.10 ano that penalty. be abated, The application of F.rvtin Y.alpin for classification of SWl tl'H¼ Section 28 and s½ N!.¼ Section 29 and SE¼ Section 32, Township of -Parkers Prairie. for the year of 1945 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classifl and the assessed value recuoed from \iil556 to $1023 aud taxes from ~;U,8.40 to $98.91 and the penalty be abated. · The application of Philip R. Monson Attorney, and A. i'l· Nelson for settlement of persoir,1 property tax judgment for the year 1?)33 for tne sum of :i:,50 on the ground that the said personal property tax was excessive and fu::-t11ermore that the tax· ,judgment was·.in fact outlawed was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Texation that said taxes and penalty' be settled at said sum of ~50, !Tpon rrioti.on the Board ad.journed to '.Jovember 13, 1946 at 10 o'clock a,m. W~DIIBSDAHS S!':SSION November 130 1946 "Pursuant to adjournment the !3oard met at 10 o'clock a.m. Wednesday l:Jovember 13, 1946, 11.ll members being present. Not.i"Ce· having been received from the State Fighway Department of the annual institute for county Eng!neers to be held at the University of Minnesota Study Center from Monday morning, December 9 through Friday, December 13. The Commissioners instructed the county Engineer to attend this institnte. The Board discussed road matters with the Highway Engineer and examined claims against the county. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17, 18. 19, 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28, 29, l!lO, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. 36, 37. 38. 39. 40, 41. 42, 43. 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50. 51, 52, 53. 54, 55: 56, 57, 58, 59. 60, 'rhe follow!iilile bills were allowed·: J. r:. •~enkee :; , c. irenl~es M, C, Lee J. C. 'Renkes Louise Stondahl Mar,1orie stenstrom;-w. F, Schamner F,verett (.. 'F{anson, M, D, C. J. Lund, M,D, John Y.ukowske, Jr. Frank C, Barnes Delilah Schmidt earl Jahn Otis Caughey Fergus Journal co. Yalmer Y.arvonen ~. w. Glorvigen ~arl A, Snowberg -oaul ,, • Stender Wil.liam Lincoln Syndicate Prtg. Co, Nelson ~ros, Prtg. Co, Miller-Davis company ~arnham stat'y & School Supply Company Poucher Printing~ Lithographing company Department of Administration Japs-Olson co, Jones~ Kroeger co. R, A. Henning Gaffaneye 6ffice Specialties company Fritz-Croes Company Victor Lundeen & Company Security Blank ~ook ~ Printing company JA.:iller-Davie Co, The Pierce Co, 13attle T,ake Review Horthwestern Publishing co, T.ewie Olbekson Johns. tranberg ":d. H. Skoglund li'raru;ov it z Hard we.re •'.:ompany Nyman Fuel Co. Holten Hardware Fergus Service Station Larson 'Broe, Lampert Lumber Co, Hintgen Karst Electric company Oxcar c. P.ixon co, William C',alena Duane C. Aune J. C, Penney co. Northwestern i:lell 'l'elephone Compllny Horthwestern 'Bell Telephone company ., • A, Anderson ?. J,t. Ree Dalton Post 508 American Legion Post No, 289 Mason Publishing co,, H, w. Glorvigen Rex 1/lcDonal-d studio ~oard of prisoners exnenses dep. Sheriff's fees cash advanced expenses clerk r:o. Supt. dep. coroner•s fees Coroner's fees & exam. coroner's fees munioipal court fees municipal ocurt fees transoript of testimony Dep. Sheriff's fees Constable fees ballots, etc. servic·es on canvassing board services on canvassing board sen•ices on canbassing bo•ard services on canvassing board services on canvassing board school supplies printing supplies blanks school supplies supplies school supplies supplies blanl~s & supplies supplies supplies sup·plies printing~ supplies books and supplies election supplies supplies public notice public taK notice expense insane ex-pense insane expense insane supplies coal supplies supplies repairs coal supplies repair.a i:epai!!J etc,•i:ei:. hauling rubbish supplies cells cells postage postage Memorial Day Sen•ice !,!emorial Day Service 1945 and 1946 Annotations i Digest drivers lioense expense prints $82,00 144,71 31.96 10,91 85.Bb 70.50 11.65 49,70 67.35 4,7b 55.10 14,40 13.20 2,bO 598.05 8.20 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 35,65 30,00 44.33 20.00 93.15 5.28 2.39 20,1,9 26,35 "5.35 7.21 315,05 193.44 620.50 5.03 2.00 2.00 1.00 R,80 7,84 1.19 55'1.90 6,56 2.15 3.25 94,32 37,21 46,45 12.18 6.00 26.50 31.75 29.15 40,25 20.65 11,50 41,00 27,50 3,90 12.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..... rro.v.em.b.er. ... l.;,................ . ............................. 1916 .... . 111:IT'I' m;ANK DODKAiiD MINTINDCO., ff,CLOLID. IIINN.-tll"-:--~-. - 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66; 67. 68. 89<;1 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 771 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118, 119. 120 •. 121. 12?. .123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130, 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 1~6. 137, 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. Ho, 146. 147. 148. 149, 150. (WF.DIIRSDAY' s s•~ssrnrl) Dr, c. A, Boline telephone call Johneon Drugs supplies Monroe aalcule.ting ?J:ahb.ime co. ribbon Anderson Insurance Agency insurance ~ield \: Field Attorney's fees r.tinnesota State Sanatorium care of patients Otter Tail County Sanatorium care of patient r.Tlnnesota State Senatorium care of patient Glen Lake Sanatorium care of patients Duro-Teet Corporation lamps Smith Commercial ~ody Works, Inc. hoist American naint Co. paint \'/heeler T.umber t:1ridge 'c Supply co. paint JTn.itec: States Steel Suppl,\7 Co, steel Fergus T,umber \: Fuel Co. lumber Lempert Lumber co., Wadena, Minnesota lumber Lampert Lumber co., Fergus Falls, Minnes'>ta lumber Wilcox Lumber Co,, "erham, Minnesota lumber, etc. 11!11 tona Lumber Co. lumber Teach Lumber co. lath Rasmond "Bros. I.lotor Transportation, Inc. freight ri-, P, Railwes co., Battle Lake freight Service Record er co. recorders Chae. Fenske install cattle uase Mark Sand 'I: Gravel Co, equipment rentai !llrs, ,Tohn Strissel garage rental Chas. Fenske gravel Mrs. Malina Lund gra!el Fred's D!IBJ" Line hauling ?erham co-cp. Oil Co, gasoline ~onsumers co-op. Oil co., Qenning p.asoline Service Oil co. gasoline Lyman store -c. L. Meyers, 0 rop, gasoline Anderson & Sandberg Oil co. gasoline Bill's Service Station 1asoline Uills Oil Company gasoline Bendickson Service Station gasoline Lattman Texaco Station gasoline Lyman Store-Lawrence cook, Prop. gasoline Len Syverson's gasoline Harthun .\: -oeterson Oil r.o. gasoline ,:>ark P.egion co-op on· co. gasoline Lyman creamery Ste., ,Tohn stocker gas,oline P.ay's Oil Company gasoline standard Oil co., P, ~apids gasoline South Mill Standard Service gasoline Hagge Oil Company diesel fuel The Oil store diesel fuel Penrose Oil company gasoline \: diesel fuel lUtzhway compan.v gasoline, etc. 2ergue Oil co. gasoline, etc. Renning Oil co. gasoline, etc. Bill Nelson Oil co. gasoline, etc. D, A, Lubricant co., Inc. lubricant Equipment Rental\: Sales corp, oil Otto J, ~epokoski right of way Eino Ojala right of way ijerman Seeba right of way Reinholt .'I: VI. A, Buchholz right of way ~eatte and Halnor Sander 111ight of \'lay Herman rroltz right of way Herbert Duenow right of way William F. Duenow right of way J(arl r1 • Clausen right of' \'lay ?.obert A, D, Wellbrock right of' wa.v Henry &: Gustav!-! p.-ensl:e right of way Albert Peterson right of way c. T, Dalager right of way N. w. ~ell ~elephone co. services Pelican Telephone Co. services Construction Bulletin adv, fer bias ti. ~I. Bell Telephone ~o. long distance Security Blank Book & 1>rtg. co. supplies Minneapolis Blue "Printing r::o. eupi>lies Gillette nublishing ~o. supplies H, A. RoP.ers co. supplies Victor Lundeen~ Co, supplies ~red~-Geiger Co, supplies !lelson Printing Co. supplies V.enning•s supplies D, 1,r. Wheeler cash advanced Clarence Hovland expenses A, Glorvigen expenses A. Glorvigen cash advano·ed M. A. Stortroen insurance Gorman Township r.rading Township o·f western grading _.\urdal Township grading -I: graveling Eagle Lake Township grading Larson "Ffar·dv1are supplies 3.75 1.85 l.!10 194.59 276.00 102.60 44.33 106.02 641.11 46.80 378.83 47.10 40,51 211,63 24.03 20,90 10.81 30,26 77.'/l 15.00 7.72 12.75 92.59 65.50 2347,36 15,00 20.40 40,02 1.50 15.13 33.97 35.67 21.64 33,.40 10.10 11.68 31.88 39,30 11.47 59,51 50.32 15.91 10.52 139.07 42,75 37~88 215.03 62.13 67.12 48,70 133.29 44.44 207.43 569.16 81.49 100.00 4.50 21;00 39,00 39.00 105.75 38,50 36;7t; 70.50 39.00 115,50 51.00 92,75 36.9b 5.l:O 63,4:, 10.05 3.77 123,91 5,07 76.41 9,40 33,65 2.50 1.35 8.18 25.90 79,2:> 26.99 2. 7'1 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 ~.oo COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................................................................................... 193 ....... . DOOIC D P IN'IVIO co. . MINN IH 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. U>B. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172.- 1'13. 174. 1'15. l'/6. l 'l'I. 178. 1"19. ltlO. 181. ltl2. 183. 184. ltl5. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. l'.l;j. 194. 195. 196. 197. 1.98. E99. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. z12. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. Attest Reinhart Bros •• Inc. John Traub Saunders compan,v Kulseth Supply Co. Bill Nelson Oil Co. Minnesota uo•or Co., '!l'ergus Falls. Minn. w. F. Smith Tire 'I: Battery co. Daltllln Hardware Co. Firestone Stores Heinola ~armers co-op Herc. Ass'n P • }~. I,!. r:ompany Coast to ~oast Store. uenning Fergus Class. 'I: uaint co. Lampert Lumber ~o., Parkers Prairie Fred A. Everts '!l'rankoviz 'Rardware ,101t en Hardware Rosholt Equipment Co. Minnesota FWD company N. w. Engineering co. trat' 1. 'Bushing -!c 1:'arts ·co. Lahmkuhl &: Jahn Melvin A. Jacobson Blacksmith Shop Conklin saw Shop Waino Y.ela Garage r,arson Bros. Olson Auto Electric co. Bernard l'/edll Henry llolmgren •~alt er Gull an Joe Thompson Skogmo !,totors, Inc. Rintgen-Karst Elec, co. consumer's co-op Oil Co, Battle Lake Minnesota Motor Co.-Wadena Fergus Nash Motor co. Motor Inn Garage paper, Calmenson &: Co. Elk River cone. Prod. co. Wm. R. Ziegler co., Inc. Geo. T. R,van ,Jompan,v Cummins Diesel Sales 'I: ~ervice A, w. company Inc. of Minnesota !Iorthwestern Equipment, Tnc. The Adelsman co. \'ral t er Duenow 'I: Fred V1. Drews . earl c. Nelson S, F,. 'Rall iy, L, 'Pptter Mark Sand 'I: Gravel Co. Town of Rush Lake Vergas Hardware Co, Wilcox Lumber Co. Vergas Empire supply Co. Brrt Stone Geo. Hanson Waino Kela Garage Mills Oil r.o. sergstrom ~ qall Fergus Nash Motor Co. Thelen Implement co. r,yman store r .. cook, urop. Lam·pert Lumber co. uarkers Prairie Leaf's Garati:e Leaf Lake T1vp. Melvin Jacobson Blacksmith Shop Deer Creek Twp. Ceo. B, Gunderson Yalmer Karvonen supplies supplies supplies supplies tires tires, etc. tires-supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies sup•1lies supplies supplies supplies supplies parts parts parts parts repairs repairs repairs repairing repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs repairs cutting edges culverts parts parts parts parts parts parts right of way expense expenses expenses road work road work supplies supplies supplies expenses N'ov-1945 to April 1946 expenses repairs gasoline 'I: repairs repairs repairs repairs gasoline lumber, etc. repairs road work repairs road work expenses expenses 22.65 5.00 14.09 112.34 519, ·,o 302,45 179.30 3,60 5.03 1.80 9,50 6.76 .69 357. '/0 34.1>4 '74.60 24.00 239 •. 46 324,97 53.22 92.13 1 • .:0 6.90 3.:io 59.42 149.60 :>5.45 24.oO 14.10 :) • ;;2 , 'lo 2,95 5,9:, 1.00 1;,.:io 56,;j7 76.:>9 1975.06 1761.24 680.3:i 1483.19 52.14 22.91> 97.94 .50 76.50 26.15 76.00 69.45 2492.13 300~00 21.95 3.55 432,98 79,50 10,90 8,80 10.67 27.33 12,80 12.20 34.08 97.89 3.00 300.00 25.50 300.00 5.60 9.30 Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Tuesday, December 10, 1946 at 10 o'clock. IS~~ '.}hairman COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL G_OUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ 'December .. 10 ............................................. i!ll:G ... . MillllTES 0~ ADJOURNED MEETrrm OF T'fF. BOAP.D OF -'.lOUNTY COl,11,!tSSTOtlERS OF OTTER TAIL COUllTY? MINNESOTA. ~ursuant to adjournment the board met at 16 o'clock a.m. Tuesday, December 10, 1946. Oresent: r.ommissioners -George 13, Gunderson, George Hanson, Bert Stone and Carl A, Snowberg, 13ids for fnrnishing bonds for county Treasurer and Deputies as called for by the board were opener! and rend e.nd laid over untll l&ter in the session. The following resolution i'las adopted: Resolved b.v the n.oard of r:ountv !)ommissioners of Otter Tail r.ounty Minnesota: That the r.ounty Auditor be and0 he hereby l.s instructed to notify the publishers of the several ne\·tspapers published in the '}ounty that sealed bids will be received by this Board for doing the follov,ing described printing: l. The publications of the minutes of the meetings of the Board of county Commissioners including regular and special sessions. and meeting of Board of Equalization and while considering matters pertaining to ditches. 2, The publication of the annual statement of receipts and expenditures of the County. The bids to cover the publication of the list set in "nonpareil" or six-point type without "lead- ing" and the publication to be made as required by Section 295 General Statutes of i.linnesota, 1913, as amended, and three complete copies of said publication to be furnished to the county Auditor in time to enable him to meet the requirement of said section as regard the posting of copies of said statement. 3. The list o! renl property for the county of Otter Tail, Minnesota, on which taxes remained delinquent on the first Monday in January, 1947. The bids for this to cover the publication of thf! certlf.icntes, heading; etc., provided for b,v Section 2098, General Statutes of l•tinnesota, 1913, as amended. Rids to be placed in the hands of the County Auditor and addressed to the Bo~rd of ~ounty r:ommissioners, to be marked ~13ids for 0 rintin~" and to be filed until Tuesday, January 7, z 1947 at 2 o'clock P.n. The attention of the bidders to be called to the provisions of Sections 907, 909, 912 and 913, Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, nnd nets amende.tory thereto. Adopted December 10, 1946. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk The following resolution was adopted: Bert stone Chairman Resolved by the Hoard of •~ounty ~ommissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: That the bonds of several r:ounty officers end De·puties for the tP.rm co::imencing the first Monday of January, 1947, be and they hereby are fixed as follows: !lounty Treasurer • • • • • • $35,000 "'irst Dl!puty county Treasurer Second Deput,v County 'l're~surer.1,000 '"lount.v AucUtor ••.• coroner and his DeputiP.s, ench.1,000 Rep.ister o:!.' Titles. Adopted December 10, 1916, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk The following resolution was adopted: BP.rt Stone Chairman $5.000 ·5,000 1,000 :Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas this Boe.rd has heretofore contracted with Otto 1ueoeke for construction of concrete p:aragP. under county job 46 :06, and whereas sarne has been fully comple:ed according to the certificate of the county Jti~hway .li;ngineer: , rrow therefore be it resolven that the county Auditor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to tssue to said contractor n warrant on the ~oe.d and Bridge fund of the county in the sum of $737.60, the balance due on total contract price of $1680.36. Adopted December 10, 1946. Attest: ~illiem Lincoln, Clerk "!ert Stone ~hairman The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boe.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:-: Whereas this Board has heretofore contracted ~,ith H. D. Morrill for grading county rood job 46 :11, and whereas said work has been :!.'ully completed according to certl -!:icate of the County Highway Engineer~ the total cost of said work being $6467.84, and whP.reas said work has been examined and accepted by a committee of this Boe.rd. now therefore be it resolved that County· Auditor is authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and "ridp:e fund of the County in the sum o·f $802.59, the bale.nee due on said contract. A~opted December 10, 1946. Attest: \'lilliam T,incoln\": Clerk Bert Stone ~hairman The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas this Soard has heretofore contracted with H, D, Morrill. for grading county road job 46:14, and whereas same has been fully completed according to the certificate of the county Highway Engineer, the total c~st of said. v1ork being $8916.18, and whereas said work ha~ been examined ana accepted by a committee of this Board, Now therefore be it resolved th~t the County Auditor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to issue to said contructer e. warrant on the Road andBridge fund of the county in the sum of ~2167.18, balance due on said contract. Adopted December 10. 1946. Attest: Wll~la~ Lincoln, C~elK Bert Stone Chairman COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL 9,OUNTY, MINN. DATE ........ December .. 10 .............................................. 1966 ... . • ~~li! ~ AND Plllrf"N!l-~,.■:r.!..a.ouD MINN.--IIHI Attorney Jhilip ?.. Monson and Dr. O~car A. Gustafson appeared be~orP. the board to present application of the ?.l:!d ?.iver Valle.v conferenooe of the ?.vanr,elical Lutheran Augustana synod for cancellation of taxes .for the years 1941 to 1945. both inclusive. against 9lock 10, except Lot 10 end• west 25 feet of r.ot 9, and 9lock 18 in cutler's Third Addi t.ion to Fergus Falls: and !forth 158 feet of Block 5. except the east 50 feet thereof, Lakeland Addition to Fergus Falls. Minnesota. After listening to the statements.of these parties and after full consideration, the Soard, being or t• opinion that said property was church property and therefore exempt from taxation, reco::1.-nended to the Commissioner of Taxation that all said taxes in the total sum of $2518.58 be cancelled, Upon motion the board then adjourned to 10 o'clock a.m. Wednesday Decernber 11, 1946, IVE!HIESDAY SF.SSIOH Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock a.m. We<'nesday, December 11, 1946 • . all members of the Board being present. The petition of e:lla Wellbrock and others ~or establishment. alteration anci vacation of parts of highwa.1• in thP. townships of 'i'riberg and Maine was tal~en up for final action. The co•nmittee Ythich !'lad been appointed to examine the ronte o-r said petition havinr-recommended that the petition be re,jected. after listening to statements of inte!'ested parties 1,hich 1'."ere present U!)On :notion the said petition was rejected. ~ids for furnishing bond for County Treasurer and ])eput ies were again .taken up and were awarded to the lowest bidders as follows: to \V. ?.. Olson Agency, the bond of 0 • M. ?.ee. county Treasurer. in the sum of $350 000 for the sum of $745.50 for the four year term: and to the Barke-Allison Agency, bond of County Treasurer's.First Deputy in the sum of $5.000 for 885 for the four ,vear term; and to '3arke-A:tlison Agency, bond of the Treasurer's Second Deputy in the sum of $1,000 for tl7 for the four year term. P, A. Anderson, Register of Deeds, requested on additional allowance for clerk hire for December in the sum of ~400, Upon motion the request was granted, county P.ll{!ineer, A. Glorvigen, presented to the Board his estimate of the cost of improving pa;rt of State Aid Road rro. 1 in the Villa?e of 11~1·1 York !.!ills, and on motion the county Engineer and r:hoirman of the County ~oard 1vere authorized to execute ap.reement 11i th the said village to construct this road, the estimated net cost, after deducting ~eoe!'al Aid, being $3719.51 to be divided equally bet1veen the Village end the county. ;! The followinP, bills were allowed: ~ 1. J. r:. Henkes Sheriff's expenses ! 2. M. c. Lee De·p. Sheriff's expenses 3. J. c. Henkes board of prisoners 4. J, c. µenkes telegrams 5,. Mar,1orie Stenstrom clerk co. Supt. 6. Mabel µerbranson expenses · 7. Mabel Herbranson expenses 8. Louise Standahl expenses ~ 9, Dr, \"/'. 1:'. Schamber Dep. coroner's fees t. · 10. Frank c. "Barnes municipal c:ourt fees • 11. Delilah Schmidt transcript of testimony ~ 12. .John T,. LOP.an expense Dep, Shariff ~ 13, H. F, Rinze expense Dep. Sheriff ~ 14. Carl Jahn , expense Dep. Sheriff I --., I 01) 0 ,: 4 15. \ITilliam· ':lahls Dep. Sherit'f' s fees 16, Otto Nelson Dep. Sheriff's expense 1 7. Merlin S. Rieman Uarshall' s fees 18. Oscar A. Simon tl!a!!rshall' s fees 19. Wadena county exam of insane 20. Nelson Bros. "rtg. co. printing 21. . !.iiller-Dav is company blanks 22. Poucher Printing !c Li.thographing co. blanks !c supplies 23. Ugeblad Publishing Company blanks&: supplies 24. Fernharn Statione:?'y ,'I: School Supply Co. school supplies !IQ 25. Geo. n. Bernard co. record books ;:::-..., 26. Victor Lundeen •• Co. supplies ~ 27. Security !Hank -Sook 'I: nrtf?. no. supplies 28. r:ou11t.v School 'I: Office Supply Company s.chool supplies P 29. Deer creek J.!irror publishinl' notice 30. 0erham-~nterprise-~ulletin publlshinp. notice 31, west Ottertail S•rvice supplies 32. \'!. !c. Olson.Af.?ency insurance '\ 33. !Tni ted Chemical r:o. supplies ,:::;o,.. 34. Blikstad tilde Co. coal 35. R. A. !lyers &: Co. supplies 36, TTintgen-larst supplies 37. fl. \'1. Bell Telephone Co. calls 38. 1. w. !ell Telephone co. calls 39. Louise Standahl postage 40, Louise Standahl postage 41. H. 1•1. Glorvigen driver's license commissions 42. M. I\.. stcrtroen Af!ency bond :!'or Register of Deeds 43. ia:astman l~odak Stores supplies 44. ~ecord Restoration Service repairing records l5. ·Btlitol's repairs 46. Odin .Johnson hauling 47. Alexandria Clinic exam. 48. Gl,m Lake Senator.tum care of natient 49. otter Tail ~o. Sanatorium oare of aatient 50. Minnesota State Sanatorium care of ~atient 51. Geo. T. !zyan ~o. parts 18. 72 25.34 100.00 4.77 57,00 69.20 14.75 56.05 11.65 28.15 5.40 17. 30 4.92 21. 70 13.12 23.40 5.02 13.68 43.20 3.75 14.75 86.32 161.75 30.00 148.12 37.60 111.90 180.418 2.00 r.00 2.80 63.00 28.50 519.24 10.61 23.19 27.85 12.65 39.50 50.34 4.10 53.25 3.69 500.00 1.55 3.00 3.00 400.38 42.90 102.60 5?5.38 ,, ,· I I .L 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 68. b9. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64-65. 66. 67. 68. 6!). 70. 71, 72. 73. 7&~ 75. 76, 77, 78. 79. 80. 81. 8?.. 83. 84. 85, 86. 87. ,_ 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 1071 108. 109. 110. 111. 112, 113. 114. 115. 116, 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 131. 135. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. _ ~~.!!e.o.eml>.~.z: ... ll ................................................. 193 ....... . ~orchert-InBereoll, Tnc. Wm. P. ~letler r.o., tnc. ~inneeoto P.W.D. ~o. r:lauer r.tfg. ~o. northwestern P.quipment, tnc. SkoRmo uotore, Tnc. Mahler /1: Straus Lake !~eg ion !.lot or ~o. Rosholt Equipment Co, Paper. Calmeneon ~ co. Askerooth ~ Johnson TTintBen-r:aret ~lee, ~o. l,!inneeoto J.iOtor r.o. !.!otor tnn Garage •Held' fl Garage ·Electric sunply r.o. r.ee Chevrolet ~o. ~erham ~o-op. Oil co •• Inc. Larson & Thurlow. Inc, J~nutilla Implement -~o. Aune 13roe. Dalton G-oroge Larson Broe. Henry Holmgren Bengston Oil co. ~quipment Rental & Sales Corp, D. A, Lubricant Co,, Inc. J1agge Ml co. Ancerson ~ Sandberg 011 co. i:>enrose 011 Co. Bill lielROn r-11 co, 1!'ergue Oil r.o, i:>erham ~o-op. 0il co. Tobin's worth V/hile Oil r.o. l.lille Oil compan.v ~a.v' s Oil company Anderson & ijagen Service Station Parthun & ,eterson Oil co. Lattman Texaco Station S. & F. Oil Company J1ighway ~om.,any Hancock ~one. ?roducts r.o, F.lt River Cone. ?rod. co. S, M, !.!Oen American Paint Corp. T,amp0 rt T,umber Co.. Hew York !.!ills. Uinn. Wilcox Lumber r.o., HP.nnine T,empert Lumber Co., il'ergns Falls Vlilcox Lumber ~o., 0 erhem Lampert .T,umber co., ?a.rkers "rairie !-'ergus lie.sh Motor Co. Bill ilelson Oil Co. ~ostello ufg. co. Villllf!e of sa.ttle Lake P. K. M, & company !latl. Bushing .'I: Parts co. Minneapolis Iron Store F.mpire Supply co. E:ulseth Supply Co. Gomble stores-Dalton F.bereviller'e sauna ere Hardwe.re l,lcDunn Farm Store Larson Hardware !,lid\vestern Automotive i'!heP., Anton l,loe r.ouise Wilde Donald Johnson Walter Perala Henry H. 1,anglie Smith contracting co. Simon Erickson Frank Hnnter Mark sand ~ Gravel co. R, D, Morrill ~o. !:lark Sand .& Gravel co. Erhards Grove Ti·1p. N. P. Railwa.v co., Ferr,ue Falls, Minn. !,rotor !'atrol Association, u,rnning Village of Delton Village of Henning 'Tillage of' New York Mills Otter Tail county Fair Ass'n F,. D, Sage par.ta ports -p~rts parts parts pa.rte ports parts parts cutting edges repairs repairs repairs 0 repei rs~~ repairs repairs repo..1:re repairs repnire repairs repairs repairs repairs repnire repairs & gasoline ~rydraulic o i1 oil diesel fuel d ieeel fuel diesel fuel, etc. gasoline, oil, etc. gas 'I: oil gas-oil gaF10line gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline, etc. rent sewer pipe culverts labor paint lumber suppli ea lumber coal steel ceiling heater tires sweepers water supplies supplies supplies· supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies r,ravel gravel grovel grovel & fill Bravel gravel gravel gravel gravel e.xcatation equipment rental !,!·ragging moving towing garage rental garage rental garar-e rental f!arn~e rentnl garar,e rental 11.77 145.27 63.82 414.63 30,96 7.40 2ol,t:i6 7.59 ·354.41 114.10 ra.so 50.70 l.85 98,10 36.38 9.25 2.85 31.45 18.23 17.62 38.70 5.75 52.35 9. 25 21 .• 56 25.06 142.56 263.38 66.70 72.31 84.60 29.09 15.91 28-.64 8.48 57-.71 23.29 36,'46 39.71 38.71 12.00 33.00 111.16 1.50 54-.36 3.24 12.60 26.46 41.90 133.20 12.50 41.69 18.40 2.25 · 5.23 202.!)3 88.43 316.62 53,00 5.11 5.40 11.15 9.10 1.66 . 14. 21 14.70 4.55 403.15 24.50 36.65 279.50 25.80 8,25 333.91 741.04 146.12 16.88 168.00 4.13 45.00 60,00 90.00 100.00 15.00- COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. ~~.:.:~~~.~-.. ~.: ..................................... 193 ....... . SKICUltrTY m.ANIC DOCIK AND PRINTING CO.. BT. D. NINN-"141 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145 •. 146 .• 147,. 148. 149. 150 .• 151. 152. 153. 154 .• 155 .• 156 .• 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178 .• 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184 .• 185 .• 186. 187. 188 .• Lawrence Chesborough r.arl D. ~uchholz Ludvig Jensen wm. Antilla Mrs. T. J. Thompson !!. A. Rogers Co. Curtis 1000; Inc. llelson Bros. Printing Co. Poucher Printing & Lltho. company N. w. ~ell Telephone Co. Tndianapolls 13lue Print 'I: Litho. Co. ~-A· carter Otto Adamson A. Glorvigen .A. Glorvigen S. ,;:. Fall VT. L. "Dotter Amor Township Jlewton Township Mills Oil Co. Len Syverson's Dal ton Oil Co. Pelican Telephone co. Waino Kela Garage Victor Lundeen 'I: co. Peavey mlev at or's · Holt Electric Service Stoll' s Cafe "'ergus Lumber ,'!: Fuel r::o. T,attman Texaco Stat ion Ra.v 's 011 no. Penrose Oi.l Co. Revering Garage Melvin Jakobson Greiff ~ros. Garage Corliss Town Armco Drainage 'I: Metal Prod. Co. Bert Stone John Schram Ed. s. Graff Agency Otto Luedeke c. R. Walter Aaron Roberts Bennie Rossum McDunn Farm Store Theo. ~esset -qen Y.ilde Motor Co. Service Recorder co. Yalmer :r.:arvonen Compton Township Inman Township George J.Ianson George 'S. -Gunderson ri[?ht of way right of way right of way right of 1·10..v ~. damages right of way supplies forms supplies forms· calls road maus cesh advanced cash advanced cash advanced expenses expenses expenses grading grading gas, oil gas & Oil gasoline services repairs supplies coal wiring garage meals for surve,r' crew supplies gasoline ~asoline repairs reoairs repairs repairs grading culverts •exp. !,lay thru Oct. meals for jurors insurance garage supplies coal permission for channel change repairs repairs renairs repairs repairs expense attending meeting road work road work expense attencHnf mer>ting ex·pense attenr'ing meeting 25.00 600.00 19.50 100.00 165.75 14,69 4.19 6.50 10. 70 18.63 206.75 7.25 2.40 7·.84 71.35 16.40 58,95 300. oo: 300.00 13.32 32.63 348·.20 2.80 18.14 7.07 19.38 225.57 137.60 1.15 21.45 26.10 6.30 3.00 12.15 10.79 400.00 226.33 72.60 B.60 11.13 117 .49 27.55 10.00 55.45 21.60 41.35 8.50 10.36 7.30 300.00 300.00 6.20 7.60 . Upon motion the County AUditor was instructed to advertize for bids for one fully Automatic Marchant Calculator, Eight Rows, fer use of the county Audi~ors offii.ce, bids to be received until 2 p. :1,t. January !, 1947. Upon motion the Board adjourned wi~hout date. a~t!Zo::no~ Atteot,ruJ~~ otnliam r,Incoin, Cler Bert Stone Chairman The Following resolution was adopted: _ Be it resolved that the Commissioner of Highv1a,vs be and he herP.by is authorized e.nd requested to .to,ke such steps and perform such acts on l>ehe.l!. of the County of Otter Tail as ma,v be necesst;r,v to have the construction and improvement of the roads h~einafter described properly appro,•ed by the Commissioner of l?ublic Roads as a F.eileral-Aid secondely project eligible for the expenditure of Federal funds thereon and eligible ·foi: present construction and the letting of a contr··ct therefor. 1:'.W.S. Item 795-S.A.R.fl From s. w. Corner of Sec. to 1.6 miles East. Lenght; 1.6 miles Type of Work: Grading 31, Tl33N-R40W p.w.s. Item #796 -s.A.R. #1 From Amor to 3.0 Miles South. Lenght: 3.0 Miles Type of Work: Grading 1:1:w.s. Item #010,1-s.A.:R. #1 From Hew York lvlills to & • 0 Miles North Len~hh: 6.0 Miles Type of work: Grading P.W.S. Item #797 -S.A.R. fl From the E. i Corner of Section Lenght: 4.5 ~iles Type o~ Work: Grading P.w.s. Item #804 -S.A.R. f6 From Parkers Prairie to 7.0 Miles West Lenp.ht: 7 .o Miles T,vpe of Work: Grading Adopted this 11th da,\' of December, 1946 Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor Bert Stone: Chairman ......