HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1945Ottertail County Official Meetings 1945 Bn:f,;._ · AR.OllAalU!II NP-~o.ffo,J:LOUD.,MINNcllHI ]!)A:TE: ..................... ·I~uarl.' .. 2 ........................ · ........... 193.45. i.illfUTES OF ~EGULAR :,!F.ETUG OF ·BOARD OF COUllTY COW!.ISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY~ MilHIBSOTA Pursuant to statute .the met at 10 o'cJ,.ocl: A.U. Tuesday, January 2, 1945. Present: commissioners rarvonen, Gunderson, Hoff; Stone and Snowberg. The Board proceeded to orge.11:i!ze by the election of Geo. s. Gunderson as Chairman, and Bert StOf!~ es Vice Chairman for the year 1945. . The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Uinnesota: That a committee of three, consisting of the Chairman and two members of the Board to be selected b,v the Che.inne.n, be anpointed to have charge-of the ,:.:ou;rt House• and 13rounds and Jail grounds for the ,veo.r 1945. Adopted· January 2; 1945. Geo. 3. Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The Chairmo.n appoi•nted Commissioners Snowberg and Tioff ns his associates on this committee. The following resolnt ion wa.s adopted : · Resolved O,\' the Board of County Go!:!missioners of Otter Tail county, r:H.nnesota: That Ii-committee of three, consisting cf thP. Chairman of the Board a11d two memhers of the ·Boe.rd be appointed b,\' the Chai:rman to purchase all furni tnre and supplies excepting 'books, blanks and station;ry needed ·ror the court Rouse and ,'ail du Ying the year 1945, and provide for such repairs as may become an immediate ~ecessity. · · Adopted Januar,1• 2, 1945. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman.· ' Attest: 1'/illiam Lincoln, 0lerk. The Chairman appointed 0ommissioners·Y-arvcnen and Stone as his e.ssooiates on this committee. The following resolution wns adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Teil count.\', Minnesota: That the /Jaunty Commissioner of his respective district, namely Yalmer rorvonen, the First District Geo. B. G1mderson, the Second District; 1Tenr.v G. Hoff, the Third District; P,ert Stone, the Fourth District; ·ond C. A. Snowberg, the Fifth District, be and the,11 hereb,\'. e.-re each appointed superintendent of poor of his said district with o.nthority to act•.in relation to the care and support of,nonresident paupers, and to ' receive a,iplications for relief or support by or for an.\' reason in his district as provided by Chapter 15, nev ised Laws of 1905. Adopted January Januo.i:.v ·2; 1945. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chafrme.n, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: , Resolved by the Board of county Comr:iissioners of Ot.ter Tail county, 1{innesota: That under provisions of Section 2154 of the Revised Lu1·:s ·of Minnesota for 1905, Dr. C. A. Boline a resident physician of said• county, and county commissioners Snowberg and Gunderson, a member of this Board, be tne the same hereby are appointed to. constitute :e. county Board of Health of said county f'or the ;,rear 1945. Adopted January 2, 1945. Geo. B. Gunderson, 0ho.irman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following rP.solution was adopted: Resolved by thP. Board of co1mt.1• Commissioners of otter Tail county, Minnesota: That ther'! is hereby set apart from the funds of the 0ounty Treasury not especially appro·prie.ted or set aside for other ·purposes, the sum of $750.00 to be used as a contingent Fund by the IJounty Attorney with the approvai o~ the court Under the pro"visions of Section 574 Revised Laws of Minnesota :'.or 1905. Adopted· Jenuar.v 2, 1945. Geo. ~-Gnndersol'!, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, elerk. The following resclutiort ·was adoP.ted: :Resolved b,v the 3oe.rd of 0ountr Commissioners of Otter Tail County, 1,rinnescta: That the surn of $250.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the county ?.evenne Fund cf ea.id County fat Otter Tai 1 county Exhipits at the Uinnesote. State Fair for 1945 and the County .'.Auditor end Qhe.irman of the 3or,rd are directed to issue a warrant for ·said amount in favor of' Clarence C. Mielke. Adopted Januar.v 2, .1945. Geo. 3. Gunderson, :chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. "The follov1ine resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 3oa.rd of Count.v r:ommissioners of Otter 1'ail Count.v, Minnesota: That the snm of :~350.00 be and the sa~e hereby is set apart from the :levenue Fund of the County· , for use of po stage in the several count .I' off ices entitled thereto and for express charges, etc., as ' provided o.v Section 343, ~evised J.m•:s of i!innesota for 1905. Adopted J!i..l'J.uar.v 2, Hl45. Geo. ~. Gunderson, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolnt.ion ,·:as adopted: Resolved by the Boe.rd of County commissioners of otter Tail count,i•, Minnesota:. Thaf und.er the ·provisions of Sec. 739 General Statutes for 1923 the sum cf :~100.00 be and 'the same hereby is appropriated. out of the :'!evenue Fund of the County to the Red River Valley Development Associa.tion, said amount so appropriated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors for the year 1945.:, Adopted January 2, 1945. G~o. B. Gunderson, Che.il'man. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted:· IlesolYed by the Boara. of county commissioners of Otter Tail County, i,linnesota: whereas, Dr. w. w. Drought was heretofore appointed Jaiil Physician for the calendar year 1944 at a salary of $150.00, · 1 Mo.-:, therefore, be it resolved that the count,i' Audi tor and Chairman of the Boo.rd be and they hereby, are authorized e...l'J.d directed to issue warrant in the sum o-f ·$150,00 on the Revenue Fund of the County to I , ' se. id Dr. ·1•1. W. Drought. · Adopted this 2nd day of January, 1945. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: i'/illie.m Lincoil.n, CJ:erk. The fol lOl"ring resolution was o.do·pted: :lesolved b,i• the !3oard of count.i• Commissioners of otter .Tail county. !llinnesota; That nr. \'/. w. Drought be and he here~.i' is appointed ,Jail Ph,i•Sieian for the calendar .vear 1945 at a salar.v of' ~150.00 for the rear. Adopted January 2, 1945. Geo. B. Gunderson, Che.irme.n. Attest: \'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resoln.tion was adopted: aesolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail County, LUnnesota: · That the sum of five cents 'be paid out of the :'1evenne Fund of the county for every pocket gopher and woodchuck killeo .in said Gounty during the !!!Onths of April, Ma,\', June and July, 1945, in cases where the j.__ 493 , 494 ~~T•E· ........... Januar.v2 ........................ · .............. -...... 1931 4Jii .■IIICURff.Y,Bl!A '::"' I'' .. ; townships in which packet e;ophers and woodchuclcs are se killed shull provide for the [layment of and : 1ac}di t ional bount,\' of: five c•en ts for euch poclcet go_pher or vro,oc}chuck so· }:illed • "·! -r-, ~· i Resolved further that pa,vment for such bount,1• shall bri mude by the County Andi tor upon certificates •exec1ited b,\' the Chairman of· the Tewn Board ef said townshi P!:I, set ting forth that the pocket gophers or /'wood.chucks were killea within said townships during the said months, and that_ both front feet of snch pecke11 , gophers or 1'\'oodchucks "lere duly pre·sentea to the chairman of snch boord and tnat the township has issued · .and delivered to each claimant a town order for ten cents for ee,ch ·pocket go.pher or woodchuck so killed. · Adopted January 2, 1945. Geo 1 T\. Gunderson, Chairman •. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. . · The follow in!< resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of connt,1• Comrnissioners of Otter T!l,il county; Minnesota: That .the monthl.v meetings of s·aid Board for the year 1945 be and they here·by are fixed as follows, to-wit : · . The second Tuesday in February, April, Tula¥, June, Anr,ust, September; Octeber, Hevembe! and December, and the second Wednesd'ay in March ... / • Adopted Jan\rnry 2, 19~5. ,Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Geo; B. Ount_lerson1 r,hairman. ' Th~ application of Morris Clausen for classifico.tion of NW¼ NE¼ in Section 23 in .at Fomestead rate for year 1944 was read and:1the board recommended to the Commissioner ·se.id land be so classified and the assessed valne be reduced from $330 to $19.8 and the to $16.13. · · . township of Tumuli of Taxation that taxes from :i,;27 .85 · The application of w. E. Toms for reduction of assessment for yeo.r 1944 against lots 1 and 2 except tract and except plated 'pa.rts •in Section 13 town of Amor was read a.nd the b.oard reco.minended to the •Jommiss- i ioner o-f' Taxation that the assessed value of said propert-17 be rP.<iucecl from :~363 to $283 and the taxes from : -~25.92 to $20.21. · ; •rhe application of Cli,rence Hewitt for cigarette license for the calendar y~ar of '.-1945 at Corn!!r Store i1;1 township of Amor was granted. · ·. . Bids for county prlnti.ng for year 1945, as called for by. the board at the December session· 1944, were· opened and read and contracts awardedas fol.lows: (1) 11ortlmestern Publication. Company for publicatlon in ' the New York Mills J:Ierald of the'fina:ncial statem'ent of receipts and expenditures· for the year 19,:1,4 a·t lega/ rates and also for the. publication of the delinquent tax· lists ce'Vering lands delina.uent for taxes on the · : first Monda.v of January 1945 at legal rates. (2) To the Parkers Prairie Independent for the publication of 1 'the finai:icial statement of the calenda;r year of 1944 at legal rates.· (3) To the Fer,gus Journal Company · ,_l'.C?r publication of minutes of the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners and for the publication of :;all legal notices at the expense of the County for the .1•ear 1945 at legal rates. Upon met ion, the boarq then adjo4rn~a to January 3, 1945_ at 1q :00 A:M• WEDNESDAY'S SES·SION , Pursuant to adjo1irnment the board met at 10 :00 A.M., Wednesd:a,\', January 3, 1945, all m'em'b.e:rs being present. The petition of H. F. 'rhoelke to set over land fro,n District 178 to District 184 was ta]!:en up for final action. After listen1ng to statements of County Superintendent of scinools, ·upon motion petiti9n was ,·grantee a.".ld the boa.rd issued the following order to-wit: . · 1 Whereas, the petition of H. :?. Thoelke a legal voter, freeholder of Sc·hoel District No. 178 in this l'county, representing thnt he is the owner of the land.a hereinafteY d•escribed, which are situate in said . School District, and ad:oin School District no. 184 and asking that he with his said lands may be set off I 1: (: ( f I! .from s,aid district No. 178 to said adjoining school district No. 184 was presented to the Board of County ;Commissioners ef this County at a session of said board held on the 11th day of October A. D., 1944 for the ·action of said board thereori; and 1vhereas 'it wao thereupon ordered h,'l saici l1oard tho. t a hP.~ring sho11ld be had on s,aid petition, a.t a session of so.id board on the 3rd of .Jannar~• A.D. ,· 1945· at the Commissioners I I ,:::oom in the :::onrt.Hon~P. in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was further ord·ered in 1and l;y said ord,er that notice of 'the time and place of such hearing be given b-17 posting cop-ies of said 'ord,er in three public places in each of the school districts to be affecteci by ·said petition, and by •mailing: to .the clerk of each of said School Districts, a co:p;r of said ord,er at least ten days befo:r:e the time appointee for sucl'\ hearlng; and whereas at the said session of the so.id Board of County Com,nissioners on ',said 3rd day of January A.D:, 1945 due proof of the post,ing and service of Said ord,er of hearing as therein , 1 directed and required, more than ten days prior to said lost n!l,1:ierl dote, hav'ing been made and filed, 'said petition vms publicly: read a.nd considered by the Board, with ev.erything which was said by said interested !f)arti es for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, a.nd said ,3'oard bei !lg of opinion that said :!Petition sho_u,ld •b~ granted, it is hereby erd,ered a.no d,et.ermined, thot the said ·peti tloner ond· the fellowing ! 'ldescri bed lands owned by him, to-wit: NW¼ and ~½ of SW¼ in Section 36 To1,nship 136 Range 38 be and the sa~ are here;iiy set off from so.iq Scho,ol Distr:i,ct No. 178 to said adjoining School Distri'.ct Ill;>. 184 and said I lands are hereby made a part of said last named School 'District for all purposes 1•ihatever. I By order of the Boa.rd of county iJornrnissioners. · . · · ·, Dated the 3rd dq.y of Janua:i;y A. D. 1945. Geo B. Gunderson, Chairman of the Board of county 1( Andi tor·l s seal) . eemmissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota •. Attest·: William L.incoln, County Andi tor, and ex-officio Clerk of Tioard. . The petition of Thorolf M. Hexum to be set over from District 187 to District 203 was taken up for 1'firial action aftei: listening to Count,1r Su!?erintP.nclent of Scho•ols. Upon motion the petition was ·granted and ,1the board issued the follo1dne order to-wit: · · . : Whereas, the petition of Thorolf u. Hexn'!l a legal voter,.freeholder arid resident of School District ,1qo. 187 in this County, represen\ing that he •is the owner df tlie lands hereinafter described:, which are ;:situate i·n said School District, and adjoin School District No. 203 and asl:ing thnt he witl!l his said lands :lmay be set off from said. district ~ro. 187 to snid adjoining school district No. 20.3 1vas 'presented to the 1Board of County C•ommissioners of this Connt)f at a session of said board held on th~ 11th da,',' 'cf October ,A. D., 1944 for the action of said board therP.on; and ·•1hereas lt was. ti;ereupon order~d by said board thnt a ; liearing shou.J.d be had on said petition, at a. session of se.id board on the 3rd day o:i" January A. D., 1945 at ljthe commissioners .Ro,om in tl:e Court Hon.SP. ,in the CitJ' of Pergus 'F"alls in said Connty; and wherea.s it was ,,further ordered in and b.'l sa.id order that notice of the time and place of such Ilea.ring be given b/T p9sting I j'co·pies o-f said order in three f.)Ublic places in each of the school districts 'to be affected b.y said petition,1 :,and by ma.Hing to the·clerk of P.ach of said School Districts, a copy of said order at lensttP.n days lJP.fore : ·jthe time appointed :or such hearing; and ··•hereas at the saia session of the said Board of County CommisRione:rs 1· .:on said 3rd day of Januor,1• A. D., 1945 dne proof of the postinp. a.YJ.d service of said ord,et of hear.inf! as :• :·therein directec !l:nd requ.ir~d, more than ten de..\7S ·prior to said last namer. 'date, having'been made and filed,I ,, jlsaid petition was publicly read a.•1d considered by the ?.oard, with everJ•thin~ whicl\ 1vas said by said ~nteres1- , eel po.rties for or /3.gainst granting the praJrer of the petitioner, ancl said 1'.\oard belng of opinion that said " ., 1petition should be gr1-1nted, it. is hereby ordered nnd determined, that the said petitioner aYJ.d the following descrihed limds owned bf him, to~1'ii t: VI½ of N\'/¼ in Section 7 'I'ownshi!l 134 Range 42 be and the same are ·! ; hereby set off from. said School District Ho., 187 to said a.d~oining S.chool District N,o. 203 ond said lands· COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. BA'l'E-................ January._.3 ........................ · ................. 193.45. .... ti1D..P.JIINTINP.CID-o.8To.CLOUD..MINN,:tll41· are hereby made a !)art of said last named School District for all purposes whatever.- BJ' order of the Board of county commissioners., ·, Dateci the 3rd da.y of January A, D, 1845, Geo. B, Gunderson, Chairman of the Board of County (A11di tor's Seal) Com'!lissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota Attest: Williorn Lincoln, conntl' A11di tor, and ex-officio Clerk of Boa.rd. · The petition of Edwin S. Johnson to be set over fror!l District 239 to District 223 was taken u-o for final action after listeninP: to ~ount.1· su,erintend•mt o-f Schools. uron r.iotion petition 1•1as granted and th!! board issued the follm•:ine o:rder to-wit·: Whereas, tl_le r,etit.ion of ?:dwin-S, ,Tohnson a lega.l voter, freeholder and resident of School District : No, 239 in this County, representil'lf. tha.t he is •:hn. OW!ler of the lands herein1.1:fter d-escribed, which are ~itnate in said School District, and ad,'oin School District iJo, 223 and as}:inf tl,a.t he ··:ith his said lr,nds 11ay ·be set off from said tlist•rict No. 23!J to said ad,:oininr, school iiistrict Ea. 223 was presented to the :oard of County Gommissioners of t11is :Jount.v-at a session of said board held on the 11th da,y of October A,D,, 1941 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the -3rd day of .1am1r..ry A.j),, 1945.at the Com:nissioners Room in .the Court F.ous-a in.the City of Fergus Falls in said county; and whereas it was further ordf:!red in and by s,1id order that notice of the time and place of s11cl1 hearing be g·iv:en by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school distri.cts to be affected by said petition, and by mailins to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearinB; and wiiereas ut the said session of the suid Board of t;ounty Go:pmission~rs on said 3rd da,v of January A,D,, 1945 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as ! therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to saicl 1:-.st named date, having been :no.de and filed said petition was publ:i,clr read end considered by the Board,. with everytiiine which was said by said inter- ested parti-es for or acainst eranting the prayer of the petitioner, i:md said Board being of opinion thi;.J: said petlt ion should be f.rl3.!lted, it is hereby orderecl a.ncJ cletermined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: S½ or SW¼ and lf.'I?.-of SW{ in Sect ion 11 and tm¼ of rfl'l¼ in , Secti.on 14 Townshi11 135 ~anee 40 be and the !:lame are hereby set off -from said School District 239 to said ad:oining School Dist?"ict lilo, 223 and said lanlis are hereby made a re.rt of said last named School District for all purposes ,:ho.tever. By order of the '3oard of. count.v CommJ.ssione?"s. Dated the 3rd da.1' of Januar,1.-A,D, 1945, Geo. '3. Gunderson, Ghairman of the SJoard o~ County (A11ditor's Seal) Commissioners of Otte·r Tail Gonnty, Minnesota. , Attest: \'iillinm Lincoln, County :luditor, and e;:-of::icio Clerk o:f Board, The 9etition of F.:enneth Hunter to set ov:er land from District 19~ to District 2~. was tsken up for f nel action after listenin5 to sta.tements of' the !)etitioner and the Co\mty S1t!)erlntendent of 3qhools •. Upon motion the petition was granted and ti1e board issuen ti1e following order to-wit: Whereas, the !)etition of i~enne.t-h '-!unter, ;freeholder of School District No. 193 in this connt.v, reriresentine thnt he is the owner o-r the lands he?"ei.nafter described, which o.re situate in said School District, and a.d ~oin S.,_ehool District !Io. 24 a.!'ld askine: that, he with his soi d lund.s may be set off from said district ifo. 193 to said ad,'oiniTlf-" school district Ho, 24 was !)resented to the '100.rd of eount.v commissioner1 of this i::ount.v o.t a session of ss.ii:d hoard helti en the.11th do.y of Octoi:>er A,D,, 1944 for the action of se.id board ther0 on; u"lcl ''lhereas it wa.s there11:pon ordered b,y said board that o. hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said oourd on the ~?"d da.\' of .Jcrnuar,v A,D,, 1945 at the Commissioners ~oo:n in the '.:onrt F.onse in the City of ."'ergus 1"alls in snid count.v; 11.nd whereas it was fnrther ordered .in and by , said order that notice cf the time a.nci. '.]lace of s11ch hea.rine; be p.iven by posting copies of said· order in three places in each of the school d i.stricts ·t0 be affected b,y said petition, aJ1cl bJ' mail inf to the olerk of each o::' said School Dist:ricts, a copy·of se.id orde~· at least ten days bP.fore the tir.ie appointed for such 1 hearing; and ·.-:hereas at tiie said session of ti1e se.ic1 Board of County Commissioners .on said 3rd day of January A,D,, l!l45 due proof of the postine:; and service of said order of hearing as ti",erein directed and req_uired, more than ten da_\'s 9rior to said last na.meG date, ha,• ing been !!lade und filed, said petition was publicly read and consici.ered b,i' the BollI'd, ~1i th everythine which was said by soid interested partie_s for or ar:a inst granting t,1e prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition s ho·uld be granted, it is hereby orci.ered and determined, the.t the said petitioner a.lid the follcwing describeci lands owned b:.-him, to-wit: W~ of IJW¼ in Section 7 1rownship 134 !':nne,e ,U be and the S&.me are hereby set off from said School District Ho, 1()3 to snid ad:,oining School District Ho, 24 and said lands are hereby made !l part o:' said last named School District for oll purposes who.tever. B.r order of the Board of County Cornrnissioners. Dated the 3rd dn~r o-f January ·A,D, 1945. Ceo. B, Gnnderson, Chairman of the Board of Cou!!ty (Auditor's Se~.1) Commissioners or Otter Tail co1mty, llinnesota. Attest: William Lincoln, Co11ntJr A1tditor, a.nd ex-officio Clerl: of Boara:. . The petition of. Bethel F., Je.egeT to oe set over from District 244 to District 144 was taken up for-; final action after listening to state:nents of the petitioner, the Co1mt,\" Superintendent of Schools, and members of the school board of District 244, Upon motion, the petition we.s r-rr,nteci. and the board issued the following order to-wit: Whereas, the petition of ilethel E. Jaeger ·a 11!0al voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 244 in tl:is County, represe!!ting that he is th~ o':mer of the lands hereinafter described, lilhd!ch are situate in said School District, and o.d:oin School District l!o, 144 and esl:ins that he with his er.id lands :na.v be set off from said district llo. 244 to said ·ad:oinlng school district rro. 144 li/8.S presented to the ; Board of County CommisF;ioners of this County at a sessio~ of said boo.rd held on the 11th day of October A,D,, 1!144 for the action of said boa.rd thereon; ·and v1hereas it was thereupon ordered br said board tho.t a hearinp. should he had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 3rd day of Januar.v A,D,, 1945 ·at the Commissioners Room in the Conrt !lo1tse·in the Cits of Ferens ]'Eiills in said County; and whereas it ,:as further ordered in and by said order thot notice of thn. ti.me s.nd !)lace of snch hearing be gi,.,.en ·br posting copies of said order in three rublic '>laces in each o·: the school districts to be af-"ected b,\' said petition and. b,i' 11oiline to th~ clerk of each o~ said School Districts, a cop,1• of said order e.t least ten de.rs be~ore 1·he time a·ppointed for such hearing; and whereas at t·he said session of the said Boe.rd of County Commiss- ioners on said 3rd da,r of Januarr A,D,, l:i15 due proof or the posting and ser,.,.ice of said order oi' hearing , as therein directed a.nd rer1uired, :nore t!lan ten days prior to suici. last named date, having been made and filed, said rieti t ion was publicl.r read and conside?"'!d b.\' the Boa.rd, with everything which was said by said .interested parties fc,r or afa.inst gro.nting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Soard being of opinion 'that said petition should be e,ranted, it is hereby ordered and determined, tha.t the-said petitioner anci. the :following described lands ow heel b~• liim, to-wit : Lot 2 ex. 5. 30 acres in Sec ti on 9 Tovmship 135 :!a!lge 41 be and the sr,rne are herebr set off froin said School pistrict llo, 244 to said adjoining School District No. 144 and said lands are herebJ• made a part of·said last named School District for all purposes whatevez:. ,' By order of the Board of county Commissioners. Dated the 3rci. ci.e._r of January A,D. 1Sl45. Ceo. !3, Gunderson, Chairman of the Board o:f count, (Auditor's Seail:) commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota. Attest: i'lilliam Lincoln, Cotmt.17 Audi tor, and e:x-o:ffi c io Clerk of Board. • The oPtition of Joe Greenwood to set over the Et NE¼ in Section.19 '.l'ownship of Rnsh Lake from District 240. to District 272 was read 111'ld it was ·ordered that hearing of said petition be had at the session of the board to be held en Tht,tsday, :.rnrch 15, 1945 at 10 A, M. and that d11e notice of the time and • Place o-f said hearing he p.i.ven as reJuirec1 br· law. 495 ®:A'.WE ................ Janunr t' ... 3 ....................... ." ................ 193·. 45 -BIIICURITY,m:AM< DDOK"AND PRINT1ND CO.,.a_T, a.GUD, MUIN.-HHt Count.\' Supe~·intendent of Schools·.-Miss· Lo11ise ·stonduhl,· -~iled ·;ii th the board her· a.ppointme-nt of ll!iss ,j Uabel T. Gunderson as assistant count,r 311perintenclen': o-f Schools and Mi"ss ~osella Tomhave as office ·i secre;tary. By motion her•-eppointments were approved.• . . Miss S tondahl submitted to the board her annual re r,ort of the scnools of Otter Tai 1 County for the year ending June 30, 1944. B.v mot ion,· the report was ordered placed on file• 1 Upon motion the county AnditO'I" was instruuted to advertise for bids for the motor patrol, said: bids t 1 be opened at the meeting of the boa.rd to be held on February 13 at 2:00 f,M:,, · ; Upon motion the boa.!'d agreed to allow any member of the County Bor,rd, attending the annual convention' of connty Commissioners of IUnnesota. on Fe-bruary F3, 9, 1945,. expenses not exceeding $10,00 for any member. Pay,ment to be made -on bills submitted to· the board in the usual manner •. • The following names were selected to be placed on the annual Grand and Petit Jury lists of the County i , GRAND JURY Henry A, Diedrich Chris Paulson , Arthur Uattie Har·ry Peterson Joe Lamski . Ant on Mads on ·John Stenger Grover Eckert 'Peter H, :Doll Morgan Cl/:rnsen Lars Stoen i,Tim Allen Edw. Thompson Adolph Wollin T. A, Davis P.a,vmond Hoff 'Tom Bratvold !Henry '9artels Ed Wallin Alfred Swenson Ed Evenson Iver Olson ·M:rs. John i'/, Anderson ·urs. L. c. Scheffert Ed Parks Mrs. Ed Wegener W. \'I. Neuschwander Dan Nelson :Mrs. :i;ver i'lystrom 1 Henry L, Johnson ' 1 Harry Bmrau · ,Ed, C. Peterson 'Olaf Schei Iver Leidal 0, U. Habberstad V•ernon Arneson Julnis Keskinen l,Unoid I:iesges Wm Janke :Peter ~bersviller Mrs. Lewis Dmza 1LerOl' Hanc©ck ,Frank Schimmel pfenning '! Nick Jaroschewsl:i · Fred Lueders Nick Fi.eoler Frank M:aasch . .A:ueust Alberts- Charlie T.oppari Henry 'l<'lateu !!,!artin Demlo ;l•Fred Stoering 1 Fred Falske , ,Urs. Alice Lund :iMrs. J-ohn Olson :.!"rank v·. Everdell 'Sam Sandrik Mrs. Franc is Helson Mrs. Louis' ·Jacobson Edw. Row ,.Ole C. Thompson "Henry Gullekson :Mrs. Oscar Lien Archie Emery Arc·hie Chapin ! ¥/. W. Sherman Anton Y/ard Mrs. Albert Wilson Ed•gar '3rutl ag Mrs. Carl Sanda Grant cox Mrs. Bans Fr~slie Frank Jesinoski Mrs1 Lester WhJting Mrs. R, c .• was·son !,!rs. Sam ITyklemoe l>Toble !lisbrndt Ole 0, Sagenr; Edna Paddoclc Blowers Homestead Corliss Gorman Dora Dead Lake Rnsh Lalce Sc!lmbler ","lilorwegian Grove Lida Erhards Grove Oscar M).1.ine Tordenskjold St, Olaf Otterta.il Village Amor Everts . ·c1 ithero.11 Town Ifideros. Compton Twp. Leaf Lake Twp. : Tnrna,n Twp. Woodside '.i:wp. Folden Twp. Parkers Prfli.rie Twp. Deer Creek Villo.ge · Bnse JJane Prairie Fereus .Falls Fergus Falls Fergus Falls Fe:rg11.s Falls l!'ergus Falls Tvrp, eity· City City Ci tl' Theo :r:::a.ufman Verner Porkkonen G. Janice Emil Vi rmi.la Harold \'!. Olson Peter Gerber Harrr ·smith Gilbert Klatt John uattfield Joe Poss Gnst Mesna · Iver N-elso,n Eddie Severson Carl . :P.ochall Jtm es Ronnegon, Che.rle,v Osmon Hjalmer N,vgaard John La.-Valleur ,Ray Butcher Ole Stenerson Edd,\' Carlson A-rthur Luhning Edward_P, Wap,ner Mrs, Aldo Olson Av.is Eo··.·1m1:m Urs. Julius Holt Peter:;:,. r::oep Iver Bondy . I.frs. •1ohn Ost Henry Peclerson Marcus Maurin Ed. Aune Andrew Runningen H. E, Swenson John o. Hogl1md Norman Nunn Petit Jury Blowers Bluffton ~1.1tler Canclor Corliss Dead Loke Dora Fred Po.ntsari Joe Y.:ovar Henry B:rnuknie.n Henry Mo), t z.oo Henr.v ,iohnson 17r:t ?resonke Mrs •• :ohn. ~-1Jerszyk ,l,!rs. Gladys Shillings Mrs. Tl;eo '!3a.11g l.e. Mrs. Lawrence Y.ertscher Mrs •. Eoward ~agel A, H. F.atlestad Baltz Schmitz Sower Peterson Erick Lewin !,!rs. Wills ehapmo.n Edna Gorme.n B:obart EO·!Jesteo,d Otto Paddock Perham Pine Lake Star Lake Villo.p;e of Villo.p.e of &cambler Dunn Dent :!!'ra!'lk Schrnidt !few Yo,rlc Mills Qscf.ir Simon ~Ionvegian Grove Pelico.n Lida Trondh'em Erhard; Grove !.io.plewood Oscar Friberg l·!Lline ·::Pelican Vill1;-ge Amor Battle Lake Otterto.il Villaee Gire.rd · Vining Village Nidaros Lea.f Mounts in Cli thernll Yill DPe Clitherall To~~ - Eafle Lake St. Olaf Tumuli urs. Floyd 'l'oodley :,trs. Clara Zi ngrnn.rk E, L •. Bredahl Orlo Seiber Wi.lbert Pierce· Oile Ohe :as. Art Wissbrod Mrs. Rose Shearon John Sletvold Mrs. Art Miller Ceo. Curtis · · Olaf M, Haugrud Tuirs. Rolla l,Iurk Mrs. Frnnk Sandin Paul !teese Charles Hotchl:iss H. J. \'/allevnnd Mrs. Anton ~ots Ole Be"fB Henry Scott Cle.r_ence I::erkevold !Hls Fosson · t.awin 1.rhunselle Urs. C',otfred l'/ilson Bluffton l'iewton Butler Otto Star Lake Perham Hobart Candor Village of Perhm:n Dunn Pelican Trondhjem Uaplewood Friberg Pelican Villa(!'e Dulton Village SveFdrup;·· .Eagle Lake Girard 3attle Lake Village Leaf Mountain Otter Tail Two. Deer Creek Twp .• E1ennin13 TY!p. Oak Valley Twp, Elmo Twp •. Effington Twp. Henning Village ?arkers Prairie filloge Orwell Elizabeth Village Altrdal Fergus Fergus Fergus Fergus Falls Falls Falls Falls Blowers Bluffton Butler Condor Gorl~ss _ . Dqra Eclna Gorman Hobart Homestead Newton Pad-dock Perham Pine Lake :c::ush °Lake Star Lake City City City City Village of Vergas Vitlare of Perham Scambler Dunn !Io rvvee ian Gr ave Pelican Lida Trondhjem Erhards Grove Maplewood Oscar Friberg Ma.ine Pelican Village Amor Battle Lake·· Ott-ertail 'To.,,.N Girard Hide.res Leaf klountain Everts r.lithernli· Town Eagle Loke St. Olaf •rumuli Dalton '/ ,. I .... IDATJ!; ................ January -~················.·········.· .............. 193: a..5. DJ'.Rllff.Hfll_C:O., 8T .CLGUQi,MllfNc.Hltl- Mrs. Arthur Franze Torde!isk~old rurs. Otto Keister' Underwood i'lm Ancl r ie Compton Twp. Howard Winter Deer Creelr Twp. Oll'f Bent i Le~f Lu1:e Twp. A.' F. Boline Henning Tw'!). Harold ~-Gro11se Inman Twp. Joiin Buchanan Oak Valley Tr:p. !,!rs·. Otto i:irnrr,er Woodside Tv,p. '.l. 'Shaw Rlmo Tw.p. Mrs". L<?onard B1uker Folden ·l'wp. I,Irs. William Roers Effington Twp. !,!rs·. Harry "3oehne Park:,frs Prairie '.i'°lvp. ?red L!!.rson ED.stern Twp. jean Ireland Eastern T1-:p. itrs. Oscar Lindbloom Deer' Creel: Villar,e M. E. ?.ergerud Aastad'. Carsten Ha.ugen Aurdal Seircy P. Wiight Buse Jus'tus Zimmer Carlisle Mrs. C. H. Thomas DA.ne Prairie Jn!es Jennen Fergus Falls Twp-. Lloyd -:. Nelson Elizabeth Twp. Mrs·. Conrad ::.or;lo ElizabP.th Ville.fe v. Erhar~ Pierson Orwell · C. WO. Utne Fergus ? D 11s Ci trr Mrs. :::mrnfl. Marshall ?ereus Falls :~i ty Mrs. Hulda Solmo11ist 7ergus Falls City· Mrs. P:rnl St ender Fe rgu.s Falls City·- Haris P .. 'Sye Fe reus Falls Qi ty The -followinB resolution \':as adopted: George Olson :r:en .. neth Aune !,!rs. Carl Christianson R aymond Oppegard Jack Teetens Jo.hn Edj'lolm [\!rs. Angust Dahl Hugh Cameron Mrs. Oscnr Tl. ·01s•on J;ewis Lysen Urs. Joe Kraemer William I~o.,bernick Mrs. Free Dawson ~.frs. !'.:cl win I-I. Skoglund Mrs. \'Im \'/ilki.nson ~:irs. John Ost i:irs. Clorence '1off Emil Boen Mrs. Ed Uioen Mrs. Helmer Anderson Ingmar :))raxten \;im.. H. Schulz ;-fohn Schroeaer lfonni.ng Hissen Mrs. Slrner ~!unson t,{. O. Li.en Mrs. Iver '.UckP.lson Mrs. M. J. Silvers A, H. Hnagenson Mrs. w. c. Mccline Tordenskjold Sverdrup Deer Creek Twp. ·' Leaf Lake Twp. Henning 'l',:p. 'Inman Twp. Oa.k":Valley Twp. woodside Twp.· · Elmo Twp •. Folden Twp. · Effington Twp. Ef:fiy,.gton Twp. Parkers Prairie Eastern ,i:e·nning Parkers Aastad Au.rd al Buse rJailisJ,.e Ti,,vp. '!illaee Prairie Vill.1 DanP. ':'rairie Jergus Palls Twp. -o;lizabeth Twp. Orwell ~-veste rn FerBus Falls Fe,gttS Falls Fere:us Falls Fereus Falls Fe"i13us Palls :::(ty '.)ity Ci t.V City Ci'ty. Resolved bJ' the Eo·ard of County Commissio'ne'rs of 'Otter Tail County, Uinnesota: . That 1md-er the provisions of Chapter 200 Laws of 'i,iinnesota for 1943, the ,::aunty shall pay ii boun~y of '$2.00 for eac:h full-grown red or grar fox tilled. in 'said eounty end ~~1.00 for eac:h cul:i red or gray fo:i killed in said county from ,T·nnuary 1, 1945 to December 3:)., 1945; payment to be made on w.arrant of the county Auditor after c·ompliance by the claimant with al'.l the QrOvisions of said, law. -Adopted January: 3, 1945. ·Geo. s. ·Gunderson·, Chairman. Attest: William Lindoln, Clerk: The followine resolution was adopted: Resolve·d by the Board of county· Commissioners of Otter· Tail County,; Minnes,ota: That' the sum of !;;500.00 be and some is hereby ap,propriated out cf the revenue f11ml of said Ccunt~T to the Otter Tail ijistorical Society. · Ado9ted January 3', 1945. · Attest: \'lillie.m Liiwoln, 01.erk. The follovring resolution was adopted: Geo. B. Gund,erson, ;.:hai !m8:1. .Resolved bJT the Board of county Co:nmissioners of Otter Tail countJT, Minnesota: That tho. sum of :>rn.oo per month be and the same hereb.v is allowed. Helen Bohn for clerical work in the office of the County Attorney from Januar,iT l,·1945, sa:ne to be paid at the close of ea.ch month• on ,•rarrant of the eounty Andi tor from the ~evenue ~nnd of t·he County. Adopted January 3, 1945. Geo. B. Gnnderson,. Chairman. Attest: l':illia.m Linc:oln, Clerk. The followins resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of eountJ7 Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, the said Bo.ard hll.S heretofore contractP.d w-ith the (:',eorge T. Ryan CO!DPBilY for Wa11san snow plow, 1J.T1c1 whereo.s samP. has berm rec-eived and. accepted by ssiid 0cnnty. 1:row therefore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of ".oarc1 of County Co:nr:tissioners. are authorized and a irected to issue to srdd Co:npan,v a warrant on the road and b:ridf!'.e contract fund .of the countJT in the sum of :~704.00, · the fnll :imrcha!'le price. . · Adopted JanuarJT 3, 1945. Geo. :'!. Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: ~illiam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolv'ed b,l' the Board of Connty Commissioners of Otter Tai!1 ()ounty, Hinnesota: Y/heTeas, Chanter 142, Laws of 1921, !.Iaso!l's !~{innesote. Statutes 1927, Sec. 671 and Minnesota statutes 194i, Sec. 375.30 provides ways ond means for the control and eradication of rust~producing barberry, the following resolution ~,as adopted: . Be it herebY, resolved,· that $50 be appropriated by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county for the purpose of eredicating and removinB rust~producing b11s.hes ond that a bo11nty of $3,00 be offered for thP. location of barberry bush or bushes on eac:h pro pert,\', subject to the provisions as set forth by the Barberry Office, University ?arm, St. Paul, Minnesota, on file in the Office of the County Auditor, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, Adoptea January _3, 1945. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: l'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: ,\ .\ Resolved br the Board of countJ' commiss.1.oners o·f Otter Tail Connty, f.'linnesota: Tps.t the follovrine, named sums be set apart from the Revenue Fund of the County to be expended as m!l,\T be needed for c:lerlc hire for the JTea.r 1945 in the County offices name/!, to-wit: county Anrlitor's ofricP. $6,200 connt.y Treasurer's Office 5,500 ~efister of Deeds Office 4,500 Clerk hire in Office of Clerk of Court 1,500 For Asst. Snpt. of Scho-ols 1,800 ?or Office Asst. Su.!]t. of Schools i, 320 Ado pt ed JanuarJT 3, 1945. Geo. s. Gunderson, Chairnan. Attest: ''lilliam Lincoln, •Jlerk. The followinr, resolution was adopte<i: Resolved by the so a.rd of ·county Commissioners of Otter Tail C:onnty,, Hinnesota: :rhat the nevr York !'.{ills Herald be o.nd the Sflme hereby is designated as the newspaper in which shall be pri!).ted notices and lists of lands upon ,\t,ich taxes remained deliVJ.qn-ent and unpaid on the -first Monda.\' in Januar.)', 1945. . ~esoJ,.ved further, that for the faithful per-'"ormance of snch worl: the said newspaper be a.nd hereby is reriui:red to furnish a hond in the i;11rn of ~2,000. Adopted Janua.ry 3, 1945. Attest: Willia~Lincoln, ClP.rk. Geo. '3. (',nnderson, Chairman. 497 IIIICURh'Y,111:ANK BOGIC PIIINl'INQ CO.,•ff• a.au11t•MI N • ...tl'l41 The following bills were nllowed: P, A, Anderson postaee Japs-Olson co. su:_:>pli es United Chemical co., Inc. supplies 'Johnson Filrnitnre co. su9plies !,filler-Do.vi's ,::o. blanks 'ii, R. "Olson Agenc,r bond N,\'/,Bell' Telephone co. long dist. calls Marlin ~eyno'lds hauling asHea 1!:lton 's t:fo•tel !c Cafe mP.als for ~urors 20.25 ' 3,82 •1.55 Poucher Printine & Lith. co. record I sup. ~ones i Krdeger co. records 71.96 246.5\l 31.10 sup.1722.00 Missoitri'-Kansas Chemical co. snriplies Miller-Davis co. special election Lov1rJr, Stang !'i: Olson bohd :iabel G1mders'on expenses '3urro1,ei1s Addi!'lf, L'iach. co. maintenance ;Jr. Evereft c. Hanson Dep. coroner's fees ;:n-. Norman H. '3aker examination 7,W 20.Qf., 63,A5 10.42 , Dakota 'Tractor !I:: F.qut·p. co. p11.rts ~ !o B Northwe·stern ShP.et !c Iron '.!forks parts .90 66.70 '26.64 17.15 ·12.00 15.15 '27.41 200.00 35.79 ' 2,A5 1"26.46 '59.04 16.00 5.00 '1li ff Hille I' Mach. Co. part ''':I. q, Zi'P.p.ler Co., Inc.parts & supplies ''il'cox Lumber Co., Henninp s11riplies :!inneo.rio1ts· Iron Store supplies 3.00 93.25 447.:n 21.13 27 .5() wred A, Everts supplies 'Vereas Ha'rdwa.re co. sunpliPs National "3nshinp & Parts Co, snpplies ~uro-rest corporation supplies Perham Villnf"I! watP.r .~, sewer · Arthur Christianson towing La:npert Lumber Co. . lwnber Ralph A!lderson oil J. i.;, Henkes boarding prisoners s. '3'. Johnson canvassing board · Geo. B: Gunderson canvassing board Paul J. ~tender canvassing board Yalmer Karvonen attending meeting Bert Stone attending meeting N. 11, Bell Te 1. Company long d:ist. calls · \'lm, H. Ziegler co., Inc. parts · 8.:-32 '79.2S 110.00 '3,00 9.20 6.00 6.70 ' 12.80 '23. 70 ... 1urenP. Dietzeen Co. su~plies •·arpo ?oundr.\' co. repairs .tlbert Shanstrom boiler inspections :_rtlmr Knudson eravel ?aper, Calmenson & Co. cqtting eases J. C. Henkes expenses :'!illinm Linc:oln canvassing board Bert s·tc.ne canvassing board B:, w. Glo'rvlgen canvass.i.ng board >ienry G. Hoff attending meeting Geo. B, Gu.nderson attending meeting E, i'/. Glorv igen box rent & postage E, ,1. C',lorvigen commissions on 1.0() 15.25 10.00 15.50 93.80 49,0l 3',00 15.40 6.00 5,00 5.85 36.50 r/ansau Iron works wing hoist •' Bill Nelson ·on co. tire 192,32 1'93.83 160.30 136 .20 drivers license & Service parts repairs Cummins Diesel Sales I.arson ~ros. N,W.Shedt & Iron Nulph & Son worl:s supplies 3.00 18.26 64,?f, 38.25 11.2.:, 57.fl0 . 9.20 300,:10 The Geo. T. Ryan Co. moimt iilg pl01v N,W,!ell Tel.co. long dist. cnlls A. C',lorvisen Anton Moe freight expensPs r-ravel Tllorr.ien i'/. ~oshol:t •::o. wing· hoist. :' Darie "!.'rairie Twp. road work 8.85 233.60 300.00 Town of To'rdenskjold _road work i The following r'esolntion v1as adoptP.d: ~esolved by the ~oard of co,mt.v Comrnis'sio'ne:!'s of Otter Tail Gou!1ty, Hinneso•ta i Resolved, That the County ~ighway E118ineer he anthori zed. to issue t'i:ne che"cks · for the !)Ur!)os·e of salary payments to al.l maintenance employees, engineering ernplo,vees, construction employees, al'ld for the j rental of trucks and mowers necess1uy for the maintenance of State Aid Roads not to exceed :~40,000, and · County Aid :-loads not to exceed :$80,000 for the .vear 1945. · Adopted this 3d da,v .of Janua.r,r, 1945, Geo. B, ·Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: l'!illiam Lincoln, Clerk. · Upon motion the board then ad,'.ourned to Tnesda.v, Februar_y 13, 1945," 10:00 ~A.,M. Attest·M r· ';~.-. ' . . . . . Cler • La~ Chairman. UilTi_iT~S C'~ S!?~';T.AL !.~E?THG OF. !30r\~D C''F' ~0'n:i1'..,,-CO'·Il,iI SST 0JTERS 01 OTTER TAIL IJfllITfTY, !.m~lliJ'F.SOTA i P.lv!, Pursuant to call signed by, all mer.ibP.rs of the board, the county Commissioners met at 4 :30 o'clock Tuesday, February 6, 1945 ·;to consider the case of Robert -Poynter against ptter T!i.il Coµnty. ! ' Upon motion Attorney rJ.vrus Field w.as instructed to make a motion for a new trio.l.. in thi.s case. Upon motion commissioner Karvonen was appointed as d!:!lee;ate to ":he convention of the State. Association of County commissioners of MinnesOhl to be held Febrnerr 8 and 9 •. There beirie no further business, upon motion the boa.rd ad:ourned without do.te. ~.aA ~-,. Cho~rinan. Attest: ·1 ;.z: j .©OM!MISSlONlE~S RECORD M, OTTER 'FAI[... -COTJ~TY MiJiNN . -. ' .. . AND-'RINTING.CO,..aT •. CUIUD •. IIIN~tll&I DATE .............. RP..b.r.\11:.r-9 ... l:3. ....................................... 193 .. 4.5. :.TTl"IT-:S 0"' AD.•r·~mm ·.iE-:TH!G . OF ~0A~D OF cmrnTY co:.!MT es IO!IB?.S OF <n'i.'E~ TA TL 00UliTY, '..ITliil"ES0T A Pursuant to ad;ournment· the boa.rd met at 10:00 o'clocl;: A.!,i. Tnesday Pebn1ary .13, 1~45. Present: cornmissioners !"arvonen, Gunderson, 'Hoff, Stone, and Snowberg, J. ;.1. J:i rkvold, Assistant Supervisor of Stat.e Forestry Service,. appeareci. before the board to call et tent ion of the Commissioners to the fa.ct tho t cert al n tax forfE!it eci. lands, which had been appraised by th~ boRrd with their valuation for wood, should hl1ve been also appraised by the State Depc,.rtment. Upon his recomme-ndation the Commissioners v:i thdrew all unsold tracts of this tind from sale until after another anorai sal has been mad.e. · · Upon motion Commissioner Sno•::berg was instrncted to purchase two flags for, use at the Co.urt House. Alfred Schleske submitted a hid of Sl75.00 -~or a.n old. Chevrolet truck whi.ch ·had been ad,ertised for sale by the cou.ntJ' 13or,r,~. After consideration .upon rriotion the bid was accepted. The follov:ine resolution ~vas adopted: : · ~esolved by the Board of County Co~~issioners of Otter Tail county, llinnesota: Thnt the solar:,·. o~ t.he r.onnt,\' Super.intendent of Schools of said county be and the same is hereb.17 r1xed at. the :rate of .~2,600.00 per year from the first daJ' of ,Tanuary 1945 to December 31, 1945, payment to be made on warrnn~ of the Count,v Auditor at the .rate of one-twelfth of said amount at the close. of each month. Adopt·ea FebruarJ• 13, 19.45. Geo •. B. Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The iollowing resolution was adopted: ~esolution by the Board of .County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, i'lfinnesota: Whereas, all ex1ie11di tures on state aid roads 'in Otter Tail County for the .rear 1941 wer.e limited to maintenance expenditures, No,•:, t i1erefo ?"e, be it resolved, the. t i,f. J. Hoffrnen, S ta.te High,18.,\' Commiss.ioner, be req_uest eci to tra!'lsfer all the unexpended balance of the 19,g stute aid construction fun<i. to the 1945 state aid construc- tion fund. Ado9ted this 13th da.r cf Februar:,v, 1945, Attes1:: "liili.am Lincoln, Clerk. Geo. 'B. G~YJ.derson, Chairman.- The follevii,ng resolution was adopted: ?.esolution bJ• the Board of Count,y Commissioners of otter Tail co,unty., Lrinnesota: Whereas, tl":e County o:f Otter Tail did const ruo t u Connt,i' Ai.d !load in Candor and Hobart Townships in H14'0, and . . Whereas, said Townships have not been billed c.A,Tl, ¾G5, said rond being constrt1cted m1der C,P, : Be:i t resol•1ed, tha•t the Townships' share of $250.00 per mile, · Ado9ted this 13th day of Februar;r, 1945. Attest: Viillie.rn Lincoln, Clerk. : for their share of thP. construction of thO miles of //40:63, the cons-truction of the said pro:e•ct• be at the rate of Ceo. B. Gunderson, Chairman. uoo~ motion the board then took o recess until 2:00 o'clock P.M, Tbe Chairman of the county '9oa.rd of Vfilkin Countr and the Highway Engineer of said county appe11.red before the lJoa:rd to discus,s the 1uestion of recommend·ation t-0 the State LeBislature for trunlt highway• running west from Pelican to thP. "/ilkin County line end westward in i'/ilkin 'Jounty, und after discussion the board ae;reed to re-commend to the lef!is1ature that .thi.!;l roa.d bP. d-esif:nated as a trunk hifhv:a.v and also that !3tate Aid ~oad #1 of Otter Tail Count.v from the connt.y iine north to \"/enciell throttgh Otter Tail Conntr to the cotmty line near S"'hPko he o.lso desipnated a trunl: highway. '3ids for '!!otor pat-rol a?'ld snow plol":, :o.s adverti.se.d b.v the board, were opened and reo.d, and !"epresent- atives o:f the ve.ri.ous firms snbmittin"f bids w-e:!"e allo,-:ed to presP.nt to the board 1th.ei!r "3tatmnents in favor o:' their res·pective r:mchines. · ;C:eport of the Board of Amiit.of an exil!!lino.tio?'l of t.iie o.cconnts of P. M. Ree, county Treasurer, for the !?eriod from October l, 1944, to Jo.nuary: 31, 1945, sliOwing o. balance in the County ·rreasnr,j• a.t the close of business: on s·aid la.s.t mentioned date of :z;364,910.60 was approved. . ,. Annual reports of salaries and fees, received ~ various county 0L'ice1·s .for the year 1944, were read and O.DJJl'OVed as follows: ·-H, ¥/. Glorvigen, Clerk of CouTt ~2,700 .• 00 P. A. Anderson, Register of Deeds 3,000.00 J. N. Haagenson, Probate Judge 3,000.00 J. c. Henkes, Sheriff 3,000,00 Ya.lmer Karvonen, co.commissioner 811.20 1fen~• c. Hoff, 610.50 P. !1I. Ree, Count.)• Treasurer ;;:\3,000.00 Louise Stondahl, Supt. of S.ohco ls 2,566.60 1/illiam Lincoilm, County At1di tor 3,000.00 Ceo. B. G1mderson, co.commissioner 010.60 Bert Stone, " · 813.70 Carl A, Snowberg, 809,00 granted as follows: Emma Deist, Deist's StorP. in Friberg. Cigarette licenses for the calendar year of 1945 were C. s. I'e.nlscn, Service Station,· MaPlP.v:ood Perr.)' S,,1enson, Horth i)o.ra Store A. D. Wickham., Ra.ss Wood Store, Deaa Lake ~e!:lort Hr. '!= Hrs. Ed Bon1p, town of Star Lake Georee Olson, in Almora in town of Elmo J. L. Peteison, Erhard E:rvin J. 'Jonrad -'I: Virei.l Anderson, Rnsh Lake M. c. 0~o.rd, Store, ao.rlisle !,{rs. F:thel "?oynter, Erhe-rd • Carl T. Sundblad, ~rhard Upon 11otion the bo'ard ad:,ourne:d to 10:00 o'clock A.M. ?ebruary 14, 1945, ."IEDNESDAY' S SESS !Oi:1 !'u.rsuant t:o ad:-onrnmen.t the beard met a.t 10:00 o'clock A,i,!. February 14, 1945, e.11 members being present. , The application of Union r::entral Lif'e Insurance Company for reduction of assessment for 1944 against \'!}, i'I~ of !i.l'J¼ and iJ\'!t o: SE¼ Section 29 Town of \'/estern was read and the bo.urd recommended to the Comrnis!'lioner of ';:'a.v:utio11 that the assesse<i.·:valuat.lon of said land t>e red11ced from .~4.910,00 to :$!34'66,00 and the tax from $440 •. 92 to .!'.1313.0t,·, , -· The application of.Uni.on Cen~rol Li:e Insnra.nce .Com'lany for reduction of assessment for 1944 ap.ainst SW} of Section 9 Town of \'/estern ,:e.s rend ancl the board recommended to ~he Commissioner of Taxati-on that the assessed value of said tract be reduced ·from·$1473,QO to .~906.00 And. the tax from :~111.0u to :j68.31. The applice.ticn pf Alex D. Weniger for red1ic:tion o~ assessme!lt for personal ·propert.'! in the .. Township cf Bluffton for ti,e year 19'=4 was read and the board recommendecl to the CO'l'.missioner of Te.xatlon that the assessed value be recluced from :~3•Hl.00 to .~24;8.00 -after exemption, and the tax be reduced from :~36,75 to :~21 ,19, The a~plica.tion of John !'.:11}:oirske, Jr. -for crmcellation of assessment of structures of Lot 6 K.B.Beach in Township of eorli ss for year 1 r,,g ,rns rea.d and. the board recommended to the Comrniss .Loner of Taxation that the V•alue of snid tract be reduced from .~86,00 to ;~20.00 and the tax from $6,74 to $1.57. 499 500 COMMISSIONERS RECO!RD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MfNN. !DATE ........................... ;;'ebruarv 14 .......... 193.45. IIIICURITY,Bl:ANI( IIDOIC"AND PRINTING CO. aT. CLOUD. MINN,""'H"9 for cancellation on the gronnds that to the Commissioner 1 The application of P. c. Sorenson, Secretar.r of Star Lake Bible Camp Association, of taxes for 1944 against Lots 16-17-18 and l!J in El,11sium Park ii:,i t!1e Tom1_of Star L!ke said property is used purely for religious pur !)OSP.S, was read a1;a t11e boar a :ecomrnenaed of Taxation that the am:iesseli! va.lue of $380.00 and tax of t27.9o be cancellea. The application of !.'!Orris Clauson for classi fica.tio11· of NW¼ NE¾ Section 23 in the ToYmship of Tnmuli for the ye1:1.r 1944 was taken up fo!" reconsideration nnd the board recor:imenae;; to 1:he Commissioner of 'l'axati:on that the asse,ssed value of said tr.ac,t be reduced :from ~330.00 to $259,00 and tax from .~27.A5 to upon ,:ioticn the Americt1n "ar:ner • s Mutual Insurance :Jom:>.an,\' was. nutho_ri zed to re,new fleet insurance count.\' road machine!".\' -::or another ,vear •. $21,5E on The followinr: resolution 1•!as ado·oted: ResoLution by the Eoard oi Connti, Commiss.ioners of Otter rail _County, Uinnesota: Whereas, the trunl~ hifhway mileaee in otter Tail count.v is below the average for the state, and Whereas, certain roads now a !)art of the county highway sys tern carry heavy tra.f'-fic from other parts of this. state and other states, 1 Be it :further re·solved, that the Otter Tail County membe.rs o·~ the state legislature be re'.!uested to take· any and all steps neces.sary to have the followiI,G 1·oacls, or any !lOrtion of tr,e;n, desienated as a 9art of the Minnesota Trunk Hi[;hl'fa~-Syste:n: state ,\id :::oad #23 rtmnine; we.sterl.y from the intersection of Tntnk Highway #108 from the Village of Pelican Rapids to the intersection of U,S.Highway #75 in Wolverton, Wilkin Co1mty. state .Aid Ro.ads #3, #1, and #17 beginnine at the intersection of Trunk Highway, #55 in Wendell, !.'ril').nesota, and thence running north throu17,h Fergus Falls, Ottertail Village, Hew York ?.-!ills, and terminating ·at Sebeka at the intersection of U.S. Hiehway f/:71. Adopted this 14th da_1• of February,. 1945. Geo. B. Gunders.on, eh,airman. Attest: Willia.m Lincoln, Clerk The followinf resolut i.on wa.s adopted: : Resolutirn b.r the Board of .County 0ommise;ioners of Otter Tail Connty, Minnesota: Resolved, that the present desifrna.t ions nna establishr.,ents of all State Aid P.oads in Ott,er Tail county be revoked; -Se it further res.olved, that all State .ua. Roads in Otter. Ta.il Co.nnty be designat.ed as folloy,s: S7ATE AID ROAD ,·1 Beginning at the Southeast corner of .Section 32, Tl31H-P.431'1; thP.nce run North along the presp.nt route of S.A.P.. #3 11.5 miles to. the East ¼. co.rner of Section 5, Tl3,21'!-R43l'/; thence run East to Leven Street in the City of Fergus Falls; thence 1'Tortheast to Alcott Avenue; thence East on Alcott Avenue to the inte•r- section of Union Avenue; thence run North on Union Avenue to the :intersection of Lincoln Avenue in the City of Fergus Falls and there t~rminnjing. !Extension -State Aid P.oad #1 Beginning at thP. intersect io11 of Union Avenue and Fir Avenue in the Ci t,v of Fergus ?alls·; thence _run lfi:ast along Ftr Ayenue and thence follow the present route of S.A.P.. #1 to the East % corner of Section 15 Tl34li-R40W; thence r11n !.asterl,\' and Northeaste!'l.V, al;onr t)le North shore of Ottertail Lake follow.inf the ' present route of S.A.R, #lB ond terminating on T.H. #78 at a. point ·approximately 0.5 mi_les Southwest of the Southec.st corner of Section 3, Tl54N-R39\'/. !Extension -Stat,e Aid Road ~l . . , . Beg1nnin1" at tn e rro rtneast corner of Section 16, Tl34Ii-P.38VJ; thence rup East ,and !l"o rfh along t n:e present route o:r S .A. R. #17 to its int.er.section 'Vi th •Main Str<iet in the Village of New YoTk Mills; thence nm northeast on !Iain StrP.et to the intersection of Gilma.n StrePt; thence following the pres<irit route of S,A,R,, #17 to the Northeast corner of Section 1, Tl361'!-?.36W and th!!re terminating. ixtension -State Aid ?.oad #1 Beginning at u1e Sontnwest corner of Section 34, T137N-R37i'/; thence run North 1.0 mile to the Iiorth- ·west corner of said section and there terminating. STATE AID ROAD #2 Beginning .at the Southwest corne.r of Section 6, Tl311'T-R44W; .thence run East 4.0 miles; thence run North 1.5 miles; tnence run East 2.0 miles; thence run No1·th 0.5 miles; thence run East 2.0 miles and there .terminating st the southeast corner of Section 29, T132N-R43i'/. . STAmF. AID ?.CAD #3 Beginning at the Sonthwest corner of S!!ction 30, Tl35H-?.:!l,4W; thence Easterl;ir. and Northerly and Easterly along thP. yiresent ronte of S. A. R, #21 to the Southeast corner of Section 20, Tl35N-R42W; thence ,run South to the Sontheast corner of Secti 011 3?., Tl34N-R42Y/ and th.ere terminating. STATE ATD TIOAD #4 : . Beginni.ne at 1:hP So11thv1est corner of. Section 30., T136N-?.44V/; thence follow the route of. the !)resent IS,A.R, #23 East 4.75 !lliles; thence run North 1.0 mile.; th,ence nm East alonr the. section line. and throup,h ,~.fain. Str~et in the Villap,e o-" -Pelica.n Rapids and terminati;ng at the intersection, of .:,rain Stree.t· and 'Broadway in the Village of Pelican Rapids. , e:xtension -State Aid Road #4 . Beginninr, at a point ptf3.0 feet F.:ast of the Nor:th { corner of Section 14, T136Ii-R;l-3i'/; thence rnn ~asterly and northeasterly al:0ng the route of the present S.A.R. #4 and tluonfh Peli.can Avenue, Second ~venue, iJa i.n Street, and FrazeP Ayenue in the Village of Vere;as;. thence run NorthP.c.sterly and. Northerly •alone: the pre.sent route of S. A., R, #4 to the Horth ¾-c,Jrner of Section 4, 'l'l371-:-R4PI'!; and there terminating. . STA'.::'~ AID ROAD #5. Beginn.ing, at the Northwest corner of Section 28, Tl34N-P.39i'/ where the present. road inte.rsects with Trnnk Highway fl-78; thence run. South along the present route of S. A. B, -f/:5 to th'! intersection of Central Avenue in the Village of Clitherall; th,mce run South to the intersection of C!-!ntral Avenue a.nd Cedar Avenue; thence South on Cedar Avenue, to the interse.ction o-r Main· .A.venue; thence nm \"IP.st on Main Avenue to I the intersect Lon with O&k Street; thP.nce run South on Onk StreP.t to the intersP.ction of Osl~ St;reet and .Trunk ,ric.?hwa,v #78 in Section 6, Tl32N-~39W ancl there terminating. P.i<:tension -Stat,i Aid Road #5 · '9ee1nni ng at a poi;ni: 1.-, 7'[, feet North p"!:_ the Northeas:t co Yne!" of Section 7, Tl 32N-?.391'1; thence run _south and F.ast alone the present ronte of S . .A.R •. f!,5 and through :.rain Street in '.:he Village o!' Parkers ;,Prairie; thence run Easterly alone: the present route of S,A,P.. #5 to the llortheast co!'ner of Section 13, , Tl3lli-R36W and there terminating. 'Extension -State Ai,d Road !f,5 Beg&llln.ing at tne Uortneast corner of Section 34, 1'131N-R39W; thence run S.outh for 1.0 mile tu the · Southeast corner of said Section 34 and there terminating. ,Extension -State Aid Road f/:5 3,eginning a.t t11e Jliortr, ¼ corner of S.ection 34, .Tl3lll-R38W; thence run South, Southwesterly and South and terminating at the Southwest corner of so.icl Section 34, Tl31U-R:SB\'I. STATE AID !\OAD i16 . '9eg.innine at ;the South {-co1:ner of S.ecticn 7, l'l~HH-R3Bl"/; thence r.un East alone the present route of 'state Ai.d Read '.¥6 _to the Southeast corner of Section #11, Tl31N-R38W ,and there terminating. STA'.i'~ AID :~OAD f.'7 Beginning a.t the int.ersecti on of Trunk '1i?h1"!ay #3 and. soul'=' Avenue in the Village of Vining; thence run Southee.steJ·ly oh Soule Avenue; thence follow the presrmt route of S,A.R. //:7 to the center of Section 15, ·T132N-R371V; ancl there termi.natin8 at Trunk Pighway JJ29. I [ I I DA:'l\E ........................ 'S'ebru!lry .. 14 ............................. 19345 .. _11IDUll11~.NOK.MD.P.IHN1RIG.C0,,.8T,.CI.OUD..MINNetlHI ~xtension -State Aid P.oad #i :!eginning at Trunk T'iighl":a.i· ~!29 at ti1e Scutn ~ co.rner of section 15, Tl32N-?.37W; thence nm Ea.st and follo·,·: tile i>resent route cf S.A.?.. //7 to the Southeast corner of .. Section 1, Tl32i:!-?.36W and there termina.tin1 • S'.:.'A~~ AID ~OAD 7r8 Beginnine; at th_~ intersection of Trunk Hi6 hway #J.O and Seventh Street in the 'Tillage of Perham; thence run Iiorti1east on Seventil Street throneil -the Village of ?erha:n; thence follow the present route of s.A.?.. #18 to the Horth¼ corner of Section 5, Tl37H-?.3oi7 and therP. terminating. · . · S'i'J'"'"' t ID 0 0 ill d/9 Beginning at a point South of the •iiorth ¼ con~~;" ~f s~'ctio~ 22, Tl36H-R,13i'/; \':here the present C.A.R. ,¥1S intersects Trut1:k •Eighwa,v ·¥59; thence run Horth along the present route of C,A,R. //lo to a point in section 27, Tl37N-R43i'i \'therP th-e present route of C.A.P.. #16 intersects Trunk Hir,h,vay #34 and there termina1 ing. Extension -state Aid ·::ioad 1/9 : 'i3ep:inning at a point on the line beh1een se·ct·ions 26 and 27 where the present road intersects Trunk Hip,h;;1ay ,¥34; thenc-e run !forth alonr the !)rPsent ronte of C,A.R. •#16 to the county li•ne at a ::,oint in th'e : Iforthwest quarter of' Section 1, Tl37H-?.431'1 Dnd there terminating._ 1 9T,\"'"" 'ID noin ¾10 Begim1ir,g at the' Southwest corner of Sectio~ 30~· Tl34ii-R44~1; thence run Ee.st along the present route of S,A.!l • .//10 to the interse'C:tion of State Streel in the Villflf,e of t;;li:rnbP.th; thence run South on State Street to Broadway; thence run East on Broadway thr0ur.h the 'Tillaee of. F.lize.beth; thenc-e run Ea.sterl,'I' along the present route of S.A,?.. Ti'lO to the Southeast corner of Section 32, Tl34N-~42i'/ and there terminati1g. : S·:.'A'l'E· AID ROAD {foll ·501 :,leg inning at the Soutiwrest corner of Section 2(), Tl34i!-R38W; thence run East"erly along the present route of S.A.R. #11; thence throng~ Hain S~re_et in the Village of Deer •~reek; thence rim East of D~er Greek -,,,. alOl'JB the present route of S.A.?.. #11 to tne Southeast corner of the Horti'.east ¼ of the liiortheast 4 of .r Section 26,' Tl34iii-R36V! and there terminating. , ~~• ST ATE AID T-:OAD #12 · ,.,,, Ylf p . iieginn.Lr,e: nt the East¼ corner of Section 29, Tl3liii-?.42i'/; thence run Eesterl,">T along the present~.>U"...- route of Q.A,R. ff,26 to '1:he intersection of North Street and Anderson Avenue in the Village of Daltontalong the ·present route of S :.11..R. #12 to the intersection o-r. Southern Avenue in the Village of Underwood; thence run East on Southern Avenue to the intersection of Hain Street; th,mce run north on 1fe.in Street through the Village or Under~1ood; thence run !iiorth" and ·!iforthes.sterly and Northerly alOl'lf.! the present route of S.A.R. #12 to the intersec:t:ion of: Third Avenue ond !i!e.in Street in the Village of Dent; thencP. run iilortheaste'!'ly on !Iain St1·eet throueh the Vill.ege of Dent o.nil terminating e.t the Iiorthwest corner of Sect-ion 34, Tl36N-R40\'. STA'!':': A'I'D ?••A:P ,¥13 "leginning· at the So11.ti1west corner of Secti'on: 29, !!'137Iii-?.36W; thence run North a.long the present route of S. A. R. .¥2 to the Ho rthv:est corner of Sect ion 5, Tl37N-R381'1 and there terminating. STATE AID ~OAD #14 Beginning at t!\e East + corner of Section 9, '.!.'133N-;R40\'/; thence rim i'/est and Horth along the present route of S,A.?.. #lA to a point on the North line of Section 5, Tl33ii-P.40¥1 where the pre-sent S.A,?.. #lA intersects S.A.?.. #1 and there terminating. Extension -State Aid ?.cad #14 · . .. Beg·innine at the Eas·t t corner of Section 15, Tl341'!-~40W; thence run along the present route o•f S.A.P. · ,/=l to the Southwest corner of the Southeast ¼ of the lforthwest ¼ of Section 17, Tl35N-R39W; thence run throueh the Village of :,ichville thus: peflect to the left on a 4° curve (delta llnflle 18°54') for a distenci of 4 72. 5 feet; th,rnce North 71 °06' East fo·r a ci istance, of 527 .6 feet; thence deflP.ct to the right en a 6° curve (delta aTJP.le 3p,o57•) for a distance of 649.2 feet; thence south 69°57' East for· a distance of 471.8 feet; thence deflect to the left on a·5930' curve (delta angle 18°45') for -a distance of 340.9 feet; thence run ;;:ast to the i::ast •z c0rner of Section 15, Tl35N-~39vt And termi.na-!:\ng on Trunk Hi3hwaJ' #-76. 'Se it further resolved, that the Commissioner of• !".ighwa.y-s approve this resolution. Adopted this 14th da.v o:' r'ebruar.v, 1945.; Geo.:~. Gunderson, Qhairman. · Attest: ;'!illiam Lincoln, Clerk. : :'he followinr. resolution was aaonted: P.esolution by the·3oard of·connt.'; Gorn'!liss'ioners of otter Tail county, Hinrnsotu: :lesclved, that the :>resent desi:f!nations a.ncl establishments o::, all Cotmt.v Aid r:oad5 in btter Tail County be revoked; Be it further resolved, that ull county Aiii :;loads in Otter Tail count.i' he designateii as follows; . . CCUNT'! AID ?.OAD #24 "Seginning on Trunk Eii!hway #-52 at a point 0.25 mi le· Sout~ of ti1e Northeast corner of Section 28; Tl33M-Rt.-3\'f•; thence run ;·,est along the present route of C.A.P.. 1f5 to the Southwest corner of Section 20, Tl33N-R41i'/; thence run North to the·I-iorthv1est corner of Section 32, Tl34N-P.<14i'1 and there terminating. Ext·ension -count.v .Aid Road lf24 : . .... .. · .. . .. , ... ,. .. .a.· ., .,_ '3e<>innuig ii.t the southwest corner of Section 30, Tl34-1i-R44i'l,_thence run 1qortn co tne 1iorcn,.esc corner of Secti~n 31 Tl35Ii-R44W at the intersection with Tnmk iUsa.wa.y #o2; . . .JL , 'l'!eginni~ again at the ;;/est ... corner of: Section 30,:l'l35Il-?.44i'/:on Trunk Hignway :r52; tnence nm North to the-Northwest corner of Sectior/31, Tl36Iii-R441'/ a~iii there ter~ina!in~. . ,., . . . as foliovis': That portion described on the \'/ilkin county line to be marn~aii:ieo. b.>' ~tter ~a.il count.I' is The ·.•/est line of Sections 19 and 30, Tl3'.Hi-R44W and tha~ part. begi nni~g ~ t she, Soutnwest corner of Sec.ti on 7, Tl35l:l-P.44\'/ and terminating at the Horthwest comez: ~:,_ _sec!1.~n ~l, i13ol-l-R44l/. . -. iJOul-iT! "ID h.OAD .-25 Beginning at ,.t1,e southviest coil'ner of Section 31; Tl31N-R44"r/1 thence nm Eas·t on the Otter Tail-Grant count.I/' Line along the· present route of C•.A.P.. #46 to. the Southeasc corner of Section 35, Tl31N-R421'1 and there terminatine;. . , otter Tail coun't,1T to mainta-in thll.t portion cf. the road descnbed as follows: Beginning at the South-·, west corner of section 31, Tl31N-?.44\'1; thr--nce runn.inf -r.:ast to. the Southeast comer of .Section 32, Tl3Hi- P.43W a."'!.d there terl'.linating. Extension -county Ai.a. ?.oad #25 :3eeinning at th.., southwest corner of Section ~5,. Tl31U-R41\'/; thence follow the present route of iJ.A.R: J/64 to the northeast co:rner of section 21, Tl:;1N-·R10i'! and therP. termine.tinf. at Trunk t:righo:ay #78. Extension -aount.i' Aid Roa.cl. #25 • ·-, ~ •. '3eg1nnine o.t the southv:est co~·nr;r of S'ection 22, T.13l!i-?.40r/; tnence run Ease alone che present route of Q.A.R. #31 to the• scu.theast corner of Section 20, Tl31H-R39\1/ and there terminating .• otter Tail .-::aunty to mfdntain a.11 that portion of' the road which lles on the line be.tween Otter Tail County and C-ra'lt r:ounty. Extension -count" ,Hd ?.oad. #25 Beginninf u't tr,e soutnwest corner of Sectien (), Tl31H-?.39YT; thence rnn East 4.5 miles to the .South ¼ corner of Section 7, Tl3lii-?.31F/ encl ":here terminating. Extension -count.\' Aid :load !fo25 ".P.~innill@' et the south;;iest coi·ner of Section 1~, Tl31Iii~R38l'i; ~henc~ run Bast aloni? the present route of c.A.R. f/=l to the intersection_ with Trnn}: THfhl'la,11 -29 on l::he section line between Sections 10 end 15, Tl31 r,-R37VT and ":here t ermin at inr,. r,o•m':.''" .l. TD ?OAD ./f26 '9efinninB nt the Southwest corner of Section 32, 'l'l31H-:s44i'f; thence run North on the section line for· 5.0 miles to the northwest corner or Section 13, r1:;11,-,41~·!1 and there ter-ninating. L.. ------ ii I ! 502 @~W~_. ....................... 1i' e.b rnar f .. 1 •1 ............................. 193-1.15-., SllilCUR PRSNT1NO co., 8 ~ a.au · MIN ...:;.n141; '9eginninp at the south-west co;-ner o~ CO:JIT~,Y AID ~O,~D Cf27 Section 20, Tl3l!il-TI44W; thence run ~ast for 3.0 miles to the and there terminating. • i:;ontheast co~·ner of Sectio•n 22, T,l31H-R44i'/ Extens:i,on -count.r Aid Roar,i I,!27 13:eg1.nn'Lnti a. e IJor 1we.st corner of section 14, Tl3:Uf-R44W; thence rnn East for 4.0 mi.lea and there .terminating at the Southeast corner of Section 8, Tl31N-R43W. E . .l\:tension -Count:,,, Aid Road /fo27 , . . Beg1.nnrng· a. · e ou ·nwest corner of Section 21, Tl31H-R43l'T; thencP. run East 5.0 milP.s and there· ter- minating at Trunk Hie;hway f59 at the 1To;rthenst comer of Section 30, Tl3l!il-R421'/. txtension -countl' Ai_d Roaq /127 : · ·13eg1.nn1.ng a:· pain feet West of the F,as;t 1 pornP.r of Section 11, Tl31N-R42i'/; thence run East throngh the Villar,e of Da.lton on Anc.i.erson Avenue; thence run T-:ast to the E1:,st -¼ corner of Section' 7, Tl31!1-··, R4V/; thence run East followine the pTesent route o-f c.·.11.,R. ~f56 to th~ NorthP.s.iit corner of Section 11, Tl3ll~· ·. 41"1; thencP. run Ea.st _4,0 miles to ':'runt: .~if.hJifa.v ~!75 to the Fortheast corner of Section 9., '!'131i'i.-:St,OW and there terminating. · ,xtension -c_ounty Aid P.oad 1/27 · Beginning a.t ".'rnnk :~q;fo•,ay -!!79 at the JJor.±hwest corner of Section 3, Tl!3llf-:i:l40W; thence run East 2,0 :miles to the Northeast corner -of Section 2 in saici. tow'nship; thence run South 4.0 miles to the Southeast corner of Section 23, Tl31H--R401'/ and there teTminating. . · COUN'.rY AID ~OAD #28 Beginning at the Southwest· corner of Sectiqn 35, Tl31N-R44W; ti1P.nce rim Iiorth to the Northeast corner 1of Section 10, T131lf-R44W; end there termi,nating. ,Xt!;!ns:j.on -CountJT A:i,d RQad #28-. Beg1.nn1ng a e East ,; corner of Section 34, Tl32N-R44i'/; thenc.e run ~ro;rtp.erly a.nd' Eusteriy' alone: the resP.nt route of C.A.R. #6A to the East ¼ corner of Section 5, :i,'132!il-R43W and there teTminating. F,;ir~en,:!3iop. -001,.nt\• A:l-cl Road -. 28 ' · n.egii'lhing a.:· T·run.~ '!'fitnwa.y #3 a.t a poJLin:t on .the se•c~ion line betv:een Sections 34 and 35, Tl331'1-R4(i\V; thencP. run lforth along the route of C.A.R. ,,-20 to :the Northwest 9-orner o:Z Section 34, Tl35H-R~4\'i !ind the!'e erminatipg • . ti;;irtensi_on_ -County AiQ Road J/28 ., 13·e1:,inrti:ng a. cnF! Sou. east corner of Section 21, Tl35N-R44W; t.hP.nce run North• a.long the present route of C.A.~. ~20 to the Horthwes•t corner of the Nort-heMt ¼ of the Northeast¼ of SP.ction 4, Tl36!i-R44W and . ther.e termipe.tlng. ,xtension -001rnty A,i.d Ror,d {fa2FJ . B·eg1.nn1ng a tne So1ic1west corner of. Section G, '.rl36N-R•V~;·1; thence run South Q.5 miles; thence !'Un '!,ast 2.8 miles to the in,tersection with the uresent route of c.A.R. !!20 and there termiriatine;. : • 00'.'NTY A ID "10AD ~!29 .. 'Beginning at the ],ast :'.-corner of Se·ctio:n lR,. 'rl32N-~37i'!; the·110e run South 2.5 miles to the Southeast orner of ;3ept,i.on 30, -of sa.id Township and the.re terminatipg. ·,¥tension -countv ·41d ?pad #P9 -Beginning at the Northeast corner of Sect.ion 33, Tl32!il-R37W·; thence run East 3.0 miles; ti-,e.nc·e run , out)'! 0.5 m!i.les to the East¼ corner of Secti_on 36.., Tl32N.-R37W; thence run East 0.25 mile and there ,terminating. · !, COutITY ATD ROAD !!30 · '9egirinine; a.t the Sonth•'l-est corner-of Secnon 2,~. ':'136!il-TI44.i'I; thencP. --run North 2.25 miles: alonf ,the presP.nt route of C.A-R. #74 to the North•,:est corner o·r the Southwest :.. of foe South1vest i-of Section 12, ,·136tt-R4!r"/ and there t.erminatinr;. -· ., _xtension -county Aid Road 1/30 "" 1:.eginning at t, e Sout ;•/est corner cf 1rest corner of, Section 18, Tl37N-!N3','/;. ond. jointly bl' Otter Tail ana. Clar Counties. Section 19, Tl:'37N-R43t-T; thence run Horth 2.0 miles to the North- therP term!i.nating. Said portion of b.A.~. ffi30 to be maintained .-,, •--I • • COTTNTY AID ~OAD #31 Section 19, T132N-!N4¥f; thence run East 5.0 miles; thence run thence run-Horth 3.0 mile·s to the East ¼ corner of Section 1, Beginning e.t the. South,:est corner of :·-rorth 0.5 miles; thence run East 1.0 mile; ~l.32N-R44\Y and there terminating. · COUNTY AID RO,\D -/fo32 Beginning at.--.the Southeast corner of Section 31, Tl36H-!N3W; thence nm Ubrth along ~he present route c. ,\.R, !/52 to the Northeast corner of Section G, Tl37U-R43\'f anci there tenninating, . . COiJNTY Arn i:OAD /133 · B~ginni np. at ':'rnnk Highwo..v #3 on the line· het.;:een Sections 1 ; nd Easterly alonf, the present route of c:A.R. #24 and C.A.P.. #24A and 2 Tl32l!-R43W; thence run Southerly to th;, Southeast corner of Section 12, 1 1.132N~R42V/ and there terminating. '1\'ten~;i.cn .-: C9u,nty Aid Ro;;i.9-#33 . _ 13e[_f nn'i'nf nt he S'but' .; corner of: Section 7 ,, Tl32N-R41W; thence rnn :Sa,st alone! the present route of .~.A-R. #39A to the Sont:h,east corner of th'! Southwest {-o•r the Sonthwest ¼ of Secti.on £i, Tl32N-R40W; thence ' im North to Trunl: Highvni,J• #3 at the Northeast corner cf the !Jorthwest '{· of the Southwest ¼ of Section 4, :;,l32N-R10W and there teiminat in1:,. · , .x~~n§i9_n -Cqu,nty Aid Road #33 B"Eig1.nn'ii1g a t 1e Sou.Ilea.st corner of the Southwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ o:: Section 9, T132N-R40\V; 'hence run East 0.25 miles; thence nm South 1.0 mile;. thence run East 0.5 mile; and there terminating on i1runk Hie-hw·0.,1, #78 at, the southeast corner of Section 16, Tl.:i2ll-R40W. '_,xt ens i1m .-: co untx Aid :tQ a,d · · 33 . ·1 "BegrnnD'i.ff on Trunk ITT.ghwa.y lfo78 at the Sonthwest comer of Section ·22, Tl33U-R40\V; tllence run Easterly 1i;.1d 1i!orther;Ly along the present route of C.A.R. #40 to the ~rortheast. corner_of the Southwest¼ of the · ,uthwest ¼ of Section 16, Tl33N-R39VI and there tenninating. · .. <:epsi9n "' counJ;y _Ai,d Roag. #.';;,3 . ·; · 'Beginning ·at thP. Sou nwest corner of· Section 15,, Tl33li-R39\'/; thence nm East along the present route /. f ::.A,R. #40 to the Southeast corner of Secti0'1 16, T133U~R3R.W o.n,d there terminating. ··,;J(' _ e rl!:l :!,O!l -_ Qount,\7 _Md __ :~oad _ #~3 ; · . Ber 1nn·i·ng a: · ne ~.O?" 4 corner of S;ect ion 27, 'l'.133U-P.40W; thencP; run South and. Southwest erl,v alone: .~he ,,resent route of S..A.R. i18 to the intersection v1ith ..Trunk IUe;hway #'18 in Section 34, Tl3;3N-R,J,OW a..11d '.therP terminating. · · 'I C0UlJ'I'Y AID ROAD #34 i . 'See;inni.ng at the Southeast corner of Section -34, Tl31U-?.43W; t11enoe nm Uorti1 'a1ong the present route· ·of C.A.l~. #76 through Cascade Street in the City of Pe:r;gus Falls: to the intersection of Casco.de street -a.nci Vernon Avenue in trie Cl ty of P.ergns Falls ancl there terrninatins. :,.l\:J:erision -: Conn1;' Aid ::;:o~d #~ . Ir Beg:i.nni11g il.l' .J1e in ersection of Fir Avenue and .Clevel81!1!d. Avenue in the City of Fergus Falls; thence ,run l~orth on Cleveland Avenue unci alone the present route of c.A.R-#12 to the northwest corneT of .Section i30, Tl35N~R42W and there terminating. '! I I "'l'\\1M" 'Miss-111"1\,;T•ER· s 'll), .... co:eli\ M QrPT· .1.'iE) '1''A' ;t,t co·T'f,M:ry MT·ll,:T·l!.Tr1 \~'1· b -. ,u;1i,: . . n~ ·_.-. ~~ ' . -Ill : . ~~ . ! .. ~~:1 .::. I ✓-•• ~-.1:,1 ' . !J.J.P4~'11. E>ATE ...................... ?E:bruary J.4 ............................... 19-'l-45- ~K.DOOK.NRU!IUNTJNO_GO. •. IIT,.a.GUD,.MINl'f-11141 run 31, COUNTY AID r::OAD #35 ~eginni!'J€ at the intersect ion of Southern Avenue and !.{ain ·street ~ast on southern Avenue; thence follow the present route o:!: C.A.P.. Tl33!l-P.4OW and the?"e terminatinf!. CO•iiiT-Y .ffi) JOAD #36 in the Villaee of Underwood; thence ffel5 to tr.e East ¼ corner of Section B"!g.inninE, at thP. Southeast corner o: Sectiori F.9, '!.'l.32N-~42Vf; thence run Northwesterly olonf, the pres,m route or C.A.?.. #30 tc, tile West¼ co:?"ner of Section 7, Tl32N-~42i"! and there termina.ting. r:xtensi on -count.\'· Aid ~o ad #:'JO ·· :sesinni!l,~ at the Sou,.:nvrest corner of Govt. Lot 1, Section 26, Tl33H-~M3\"f; thence rnn r:ortheastetly and [:orthP.rly along the !)-resent route of C.A.R. /67 to the Ilorthwest corner or Section 6, ~13.3U-R42\'f and there 'terminating. CGUN'l'Y AID JO,;,D #37 ·-geginnin.g at tile Sont hwest corner of secti.on 17, ,Tl33N-R!.l,2\'r°; thence nm East along the present route ~f c.A.R. #7 to the South¼ corner of Section 17 ,. T1;;31'!-n41W and there terminating. COUi:l'l'Y AID ROAD #56 Seginning a.t the Scuti1west comer of Section 3G. Tl3Ul-R42W; thence run Horth alone the pres-ent route of C.A.R· -#24 to the intersection with the present c.A.R. #26 on the line between Sections 13 and. 14, 1'131H- "42\": r-md there ter<ninat ing. ixtenslon -Cotmty ,'Uci. Road #36 Bet;i?1n1ng at tne Scnth -t corner of Section 36. Tl32H-?.421'/; thence run Il"orthwesterly alone t·he plI'esent oute of C.A.R.-f24 to the intP.rsectio!'! with thP. presPnt C.A.R. #24A on the line between Sections 8 ond 17, "132rr-r!42'.'f onci there terr:iinoting. ::xtension -county Aid ?.oad #3A -se1pm11!'!g at a· point :iurJ feet Hort,h of the South ¼ corner of Section A, Tl32Ii-R42W; thence run North , o the intersection with Trunk Righwnr 1'/'3 in the center of Section 5, Tl~2i:i-R42'.7 :.;nd there terminating. ~xtens ion -connt.v Aid Road i/38 BeginnLnp, at tne Son ti! t corner. o-f Section 21, 'i'133!'1-?.421'!; th,mce run Ho1·th LO mile to the north , corner of Sllid section and there terminatine. COUNTY AID HGAD #39 5efinninr, at the ilforthwest corner of Section 6, Tl33N-R39i'I at thP. intersection with Trun1: Eighwa.v -#78; thence nm Ea.st 4.0 miles to the !Tortheast corner of Section 3, T/331'1"-R39\'! o.nd there termina.t.ing. ~xtension -county Aid Road #39 Beginnin~ ~t the ITest ~ corner of Section l,-Tl33N-R39W; thence East 2.0 miles to the East¼ cornP.r of Section 6, Tl33M-338\"! and there terminating. ~xtens ion -eotmty · Aid Road f/3<J - Bes1m11np at tne Sonthwest co:::-ner of Section :'Jl; Tl34N-R37W; thP.nce rnn Eost 4.0 miles to Trnnk liiF,hway F,29 at thP. S1:nitheast corner of Section 3t., Tl34N-R37";/ and there termin'ating • . COUNT-~ AID !WAD #40 Ber-inning o.t a point 1200 feet West o.nd 500 feet South o-f' the East •} corner of Sec ti on 9, Tl~6II-R42W ~t the intersectio:n. with the present route of S .A.?.. #4; thencP. run Hortheasterly and i~ortherly along the present rou.te of c.A.R. #37 to the i'/orthwest corner of Section 2, Tl!'37IT-R42Vf and there terminating. COUlfI'Y AID ROAD #41 BeginninB at the Souti1west corner of Sectiqn 11, T134Ii-R44W: thence run East .alone the present :route : 11)f C.A.R. #61 to the intersection .with TruriJ: Hie;hvm.i' #59 on the line between ·sections B and 17, Tl3•rn;:.R43\V 'l\nd there terminating. 'xtension -·county Aid ?.oad ;f4.l Beginning at tne Soutneast corner of the So11tl1V1est ¼ of the Southw,est ¼ of Section 23, .Tl34,ll-'R43W; the! ce un i::ast 1.75 miles; thence rim Horth 2.0 miles; thence run East 2.0 miles; thence run East a.long the route ~ the present C.A.R. #50 to the eouth ¼ corner o-r-Se-ction 12, Tl.;S4N-R42W al'ld there terminating. ~xt ""nsion -cou.nty Aid Road #41 Beginning at tne center of Section 7, Tl34!f-R4H!; tllence rim East 1.5 miles to the Ea.st¼ corner of ection 8, in said Tovmship a.nd there terminat-ing • . 'xtension -Countv Aid ~oad #41 · Bee-inning at thP. !iortheast corner of the So11thwest ¼ of th"! Southwest ¼ of Section 16, Tl34N-R41\'f; hence rnl'l East along thP. p-resent route of: C.A.R. #25 tp the Horthwest corner of the Northeast ¼ of the fortheast ¼ of.Section 20, Tl:'J4N-R4O¥! and there termineting. Extension .: Connt.r Aid ?oa.d :¥41 EP.f'.ln.".linf? at· tne sontneo.st corner of. the Scuthv1est ~: of the southwest·¼ of Section 35, Tl34N-R42\'f; ~hence run r;rorti:! alonp the present route of, c. A. R. #[,O .for 2·.o miles; thence rnn Enst 1.25 miles; thence run Horth 2.0 miles to thP. liorth-},-corner of Section 13, Tl3411-R42r'! o.nd there terminating. COUUTY AID ROAD #42 "Seginning at Trnnt >!ighvray #52 on the lin<;! betwe"!n Seoti.ons 32 and 33, Tl31N-R411'/; thence run Horth -Pn the present route cf C.,i..?.. -#3'JE and C.A.R. #39 to a point 690 feet \'Test of the Iforthwest corner of ~ection 1_7, Tl32Ii-R41W and there terminating. · extension -couritv Aid P.oad #42 '3eg1nning Bt the Sonthwest corner of Sect.ion 213, Tl33N-R11\'f; thence run Easterly and Northerly along ,he present route cf C.A.R. 1f,21 to th"! Horth¼ co:mer of Section 2, Tl33N-P.4Hf and there terminating. ~xtens ion -Connt,i' Aid Road #42 Beginning 11t the ,Sonth,,1est corner of the SonthP.11.Rt t-of the Southeast¼ of Section 35, Tl34N-R4ll'f; hP.nce ru.n North along the present rc1ite of C. A.?.. i,f21 to the Northeast co1·ner of the Northwest {-of the ~0!'thwest ¼ of Section 23, Tl34H-R41\'/ and there •tcrmina.tine;. !xtension -co1mt.r Aid Ro'ad #42 '3eg1nning at a point o.~b mile Horth of the South¾ corner of _SP.ctlon 15, Tl31N-?.41V/; thence run North:, 'l.lonE the present route o-f C .A. R. !!21 for 2.-25 miles; thence i'fest 0,,35 mileR to the intersection with LA.!'!. #12 and. there terminating. ~xtension -count,: Aid ?.oad #42 "9eginning at the intersection of S.A.P.. #12 at the nest-¼ of Section 34, Tl35M-R41\'f; thence run Horth alone \'fest cf the Hort"heast co,·ner o-r Section 4, Tl35il-P.41':'/ at termine. ting. Southeast corner o,f the Southwest -¼ of the North- the present route of C.A.P.. #14 to a ooint 500 feet the intersection ,•:i th "l'runk HighwaJ' #ios and there ti:xtensiop -Count_., Aj.d Road #42 ' Beginnin(r at tne somnwest co1·ner of Sec~ion 33, Tl36N-P.41?!; thence rim Hortilerly along the present ~oute of C. A'. P.. #14 to a po int 700 feet North of the Son thwest corner of the Southeast ¼ of the Northeast ~ of Section 4, Tl36H-R4,ll'/ at the intersection of s.A.R. #4. and th~re termi:nating. COUl:!TY AID l~OAD, #43 Beginning at the So1:thwes t corner of Sect.ion 7, Tl34U-P.37W; thence run East along the presP.nt route Pf C.Jl..P.. #~2 to the i.nters"!ction of Trunk TTiphwny .{!29 on ;thP. line bet111een1-~ ~nd lG, Tl34?f-R36\'I and there lenninating. ~ COULl'!'Y AT D ?OAD ;144 Begin."!ing et the Southwest corner of Section 35, Tl~llf-R41W; thence run llorth along the present route : ~f ·;.A.::?. #4 to the northwest corner o:' Section 12, 'i'l3HT-?~,l•/ a~d -<:terP tenninnting. 503 I i I 504 ---------------------------------©©i:PWMlSS1i©NlERS :RECOIU>, M, OTTER· "'Y AIL COTlJN.T¥,. MtN1~~- nA-rE ........................ Fe or uar .,, .. l •1 ............................. 193,1.9. .. . E;ctension -County .Aid ?.oad /HA Beg1nn1ne at the 1'/est c-f. co;·ner o:l' Section 24, Tl31H-?.41\li;. thence run East 1.0 mile to the East ¾ corner or said Section and there termi.na.ting. Extens:j,on -county Aid :ioa.d #44 southeast+ of the Southenst¼ of Sec1:lon 1, Tl3H!-?.41W; A. R. //.4 to the intersection of Trunk Highway //3 on the line t e rmi na,ti ng. Beg1nn.1ng a.t the southwest corner of the the-nee run t,orth along the nresent ronte crf c. 'between Sections 6 and 5. Ti32N-~•10i'I and there Extenr:i ion -Connt.v Aid Road 4!44 Beginning ·at the 1nters,ection o·f Tr~ml, liigh,ra.y #3 at a-point 150 frlet Ncrth of the South f corner of Section 6, Tl32N-R4OW; thence run north aloni:: the present route of. c. A. R. lf4 to the i~orth,rest corner of Section 5, Tl331'T-R4O'i.r and there terminating. ·Extension -County Aid Roed ff,44 "lef11mrn13 nt thP. r,ort·fieast co;-ner o-r Secti·on 24, :!'135N-R4CIW; thence run West an<l l~orth along the presP.nt route of c.A.;1. #17 to the .intersP.ction ,,:ith S .• A.R.,#12 at the Sonthwest 1 of thP. Southwest·¼·of -Section 3, Tl:'15N-Y.:4O\'I and ther,, termina.t.i.ng. -r.:xte!'lsion -•Jo1mty Aid Road -/144; . -Bl;!fllnn.Lng at the .Lnt ersection wi. ti1 Trunk 1-!ie, hwa.v '!;4108 at the Son.thwest corner of Section 27, '!'l,36!!-, present route of C,A.R, .#-36 to the intersection· of Section 25, Tl37N-R41W and there terminating !'1401'1; thence run Northerly and West and Uo:::therlJ' ::;.lone thP. :of the present S.A.R!-lat the Southwest .;. of th'! Soiithwest ~· Extension -/Jaunty Aid Roed f.!44 ~ · . '3eg1nn1:ng at the intersection o:f Hr,in Street and First Avenue in the Village of Vergas;· thence run Norti1west on Fi rs t Avenue and follow the [)resent routP. of C. A. R. #35 to n p@i:nt on the ];lecker-Ot te r '£nil Count.v Ll!'le 1100 feet :!':ast of the ifurthwest corner of Sectio:'i 4, Tl37N-R41W and there termina.ting·. . .. COUUTY AID ROAD #45 :3eeinninr,: at the Northwest corner .o:r the Southeast ¾ of the Southeast l of Section 13, Tl34N-R41W at the inte1·section with the pr~sent c. ,\. R. •#25; thence run No!·therly o.nd Horthensterly and Easterly alone the present route o7" <::,A,:!. #GE to thf' i.ntersection with.the present S.A.R. #-1 at· Sasswood on the line ,between Sect ion 35, Tl35N-R4OW and Sect.ion 2, n341'1-:M,OW and there terminating. 'F,xtension -IJonnty Ai<l. Road •¥45 Beg1n.,ung at the West f corner of Section a5, Tl35H-R381'1; thence nm Ea.sterly along the present route of C.A,?.. #6Q to the Southeast corner o.f Section 25, Tl35N-R313\'I and there te:o-minating. · Ext ens ion -Count_y A.id Road #45 " 3eginn1n1: at the Southeast corner of the·Sou~hwest ¼,of ti;e Sonthwest ¼ of Section 30, Tl35u-~37;·1; .thence run East alone the present ronte of c.A.R, #60 to the north-¼ corner of Section 31, Tl35!i-R36W; thence run South for 3.0 miles to the South {-co:i;'ner of Sectton 7, Tl34i>i-R36\V a.nd there terminating. COUN':i:'Y A.ID ;":,JAD #•16 Beginnine c,t the Squthwest corner of Section 25, Tl36N-R4OW; thence run Horth 2.8 miles along the present route oi C.A.?., #77 to a point where the pres~nt C.A.H· #10 intersects the line between Sections 13 a11d .14, Tl1GiiJ"-R4O1'1 and there terminating, . CO!fr!'.i.'Y AID ROAD #47 '9eg~nnine at the Southwest corner of Section· 7, Tl35N-R44\'I; t}1ence nm l:~ast along the present route o·;' C.A,R. 4/75 to the intersection with Trunk !Ughway #59 at the Southeast corner of the Soathwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of SPction 10, Tl35N-R431'/ and then• ·terminating. F:xtensipn, -Cqnnty Aid ~oad #47 '9eginnii'lf. at Trnnk Hir.fo-1ay ~~59 at thP. center of Section 3, Tl35iif-R43W; thence run EasterlJ•, South- easterly, and Southerly, and Easterl.v 11.lo11g ·th" flTPSP.nt ronte of <::.A.R, #45 to the East t corner of Section , 28, T-135~hR41W en.a therP termi.nat ing. ~xt __ ension -Co~ntJ• Aid Road !,f47 · Beg1nn1ng at the center of Section 30, Tl5r,J•!-?.41W; thence run Sonth for 3.0 miles ·arorrg the 9resent route of c._l\..R. ~fGO to tlle center of Section 7, Tl34N-R4F/ and there terminatin?.. CO'.J,JTY AID ~AD #48, - B~ginning at the East¾ corner of Section lfl, Tl35N-R•39\'I; thence nm North along the present TOnte of :C.A.R. #30 to the ifortheast corner cf Section 32, Tl36iif-R3()W and there terminating. :i-.:xtension .-Count" Aid Road f/48 Bef'inn.Ln£! al: tne sontrr~1est corner of Section 29, Tl35N-R39V/; thence run North alcng -the present ro11te · o ~ C, A. R. #Go to the intersect.ion with Ttnnk Highway #10 on the line between SecHons 29 and 30, Tl37i:I- R3\K7 and thP.re terminating. . IJO?m'rY HD ROAD #49 Beginning at th,e Southwest co,-ner -o·r Secti.on 11, Tl35-N-R391'/; thence nm Eoste,-1,y along the present route o-r /J. A,R. #23 to tne Southeast corner of-the So.uthwest '-· of the Southv1est ¼ of Section 18, ·Tl35N-R371'! a."ld there term'inat i ng. ., · r.:xtep\lion -County ,lti.d Road #49 :iegtnninp, at !'. po1nr on tiie· line between Sections 15 and .22., Tl35N-R37i'!: •at t•hP. intersection with 'i'runk ~Tifhwa.11 l,!1O ;· thence rnn Sast on the sect ion line to the So,ntheast corner of Section 1:3, Tl35il"-?.;36W ,and there terminat.i.ng. COlil1F.rY 1U D ~OAD $50 Beginning a.t the South,¼ corner of S,ection 11, 'i.'131N-J39W; thence run North along the pr.esent route of C.A.:l'. #417 to the intersection with Trunk Highway #~ ai: a point 400 feet north of the Northwest corner of the Sou.thwest ¼ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 11, T131N-R39W and there terminating, !Extension -/Jaunty Aid Road #.50 '-oeg.Lnning at the Southeast corner of Sect ion 14·, Tl33il"-R:39W; thence run North•, Northwesterly and Northerly along the present route of C.A.R. #2 to the Southwest corner of Secticn 11, Tl341'!-?.39W at the ,intersection 11'!.i th Trun}:. Fifhway #108 and there terminating, IExtension -count_J' Aid !'!oag /!50 Beginning at t.ne rntersection o·~ Seventh Street a."ld Lfain Street i.n the· Village of Perham; thence run iiorthwest on Main Street to the intersection of Lnke AvPnue; thP.ncP. run North on Lake Avenue anc1 thence ,if'ollow the present ronte of C.A.R. -:¥13 to ~he :iorthwest corner o,f •Section 1, Tl37N-?.3!)W and there 1terminating. <::OUiJTY AID ~CAD #51 Beginn.lng on Gilman Street in the YilltH'e of New York Mills o.t the SouthweRt corner of the Southeast ¼-of the Souther..st ¼ of Section 5, Tl35i:i-R37\',-; thence run Ea.st 4,75 miles; thence rim North 1.0 mile; 'thence run East 1.5 m:iles to the HortheF..st corner c-r: Se.ction 5, Tl35N-R36\'/ and there terminating. Exteps.i.on -.. conn.tr Aid Road il5], . t<"!f!1nn1ng rn· tnr-, ~est.-t corner o·r Section 4, ~13GN-?.3u:>/; thence run P,ast to the East¼ corner of '~ection 1, Tl35iiJ"-R3ol'/ and there terminating, IJ;xtension -oonnty Aid Road #51 , ::,eg1nrnne at :ne 1\fo;r.-rn t · corner o~ Section 7, '1'135N-R36W; thence run South 2 ."o m.iles tc the soiith :i corner of Sect ion 18, Tl:35N-],36\'/ and there terminating. 1 'COUI!'!1Y :_ ID ~CAD ~f52 Begiryninp. at the South¼ corner of Section 31, Tl31U-P.38\'I; thP.nce rnn North along the present :route o•r C,A.P., #11 to the North¼ corner of Sectio'1 lR, Tl32IF:~38\'I and therP ter:nin· ting. ii --------·-----------------------------__ .J ·COM"MISSlONiERS RECORD M, OTTER 'TA;DL COtJ1N:TY, MINN. DA'llE ........................... ],ri: "'",'.'···1.4. .................... _. ........ 193 .. 4.5 ., ~IODK.AND.PJUH11NG CO.,.n..a.auD..MINN""""'llltl Extension -Counts Aid Road #52 Beg1nn1ne at the s·outheo.st corner of :Sect ion 7, 'l'l32ioi-R38VJ; thence run Horth 1.0 mile to the north- ' east corner ~f said Section 7 ond there termina~ing. ;;:xte,ns ion -County isid Roed #52 ·9eg11m1ng 'r,t the Horthwest corner c,f Sect ion 22, Tl32 H-R38\'/; ti1ence nm South 1.0 mile tc, the Sonth- west corner o:: saicl SP.ct ion 22 1-.nd there ·terminating. ,:xtension -Connfr Aid Roe.d !f,52 -• · Beg1nn1ne s.t the Southeast corner of S~ction 18, Tl33H-R38W; thence nm North along the 9resent route •of C,A,R, ·¥41 'to thP, i':orth ¼ corner of Section 18," Tl34H~R."38i-7 anci. there tnrminoting at Trunk ":ighway #108. ,jxtension -()on.nty Aid Rood· #52 · i\eg1nnu1g s.t ':h!" So'ii'Thwesl: corner of Section 7, at the inters~ction with Trunk Eiehway #1013, 'r134ii- R38W;· th~nce rnn Horth ~.5 ::i+les to the We.st ¼ corner of Section 31, Tl!;5il"-R38i'I and there terminating. Extension -county Ai~ Road #52 · 3eginn1ne at Trunk F111:hwuy .¥10 0'1. the line he'twf!en Sections :53 and 34, T136N-R38\'/; thence nm Horth :rnd Es.At nnd North olong the present route .of. C.A.:l, •'!8 to the northwest corner of. Sectio"l 2, Tl37N-?.36W and then• terminatinp.. ~xtension -county Aid Roa~ #52 '3eg1nn1nf! at Tr11nJ: H1ghwa.v #10 on the line l:JP.tween Sec1'ion 1, Tl3!Hl-:l381'/ ano Section 6, Tl35If-?.37W; thence nm North anc1 \'lest alone the p!·eserit -rotite of O,A. P.. #u4 to ti1e intersection with c ,A,?.. #6 at the . r,rorthwest ¼ of Section ·2:;, Tl3uN-~38W and there te-rminati'llg. l"Q'JN•:•y :\JD "'0•\D i!53 '3eginnif18 nt the Southwest F,asterl.\' nlong thP. pres·en t rontP. : terrnine. 1:i.ne., corner of Secfio~ 28~· Tl36N::?.:i-7r,''; thence run Easterly, rlortherl.v and of c. A, R, J/33 to the S·onthe·ast corner of Secti.on 8, Tl36N-?.36\'/ &nd• there: . •JQ"l:'l'Y .HD ROAD f/54 ·3ee.inninr. at a ·point 776.0 ff"'!t South Of t·hP. East¼ corner of Sect io·n 23, Tl!;lN-?.38\'i; tl'iencP. ru,n Iiortherl.'.' and Northwester!~, e. long the !.)resent 1·011 te of C. A. R, (fl to t l?e intersect ion of Trunk Hi.£hwa.v #,3 . at ··he Eortheast co2·ner of Section 27, Tl33N-F.38·:1 and ther,. terrninatinr;. Extension -County Ai~ ~oad f54 · · • 3P.f-llmtng ot tne Sonthwest col"ne•r or ·section 35, Tl33N-?.31W/; thence run East on the town line to the ,NorthP.ast cc,·ner of Section G, Tl32N-J37\'I and there termino.tine;. Extension -Go1u1t~~ Aid ·3:ond #54 : -• P.eg1nnins at tne ::louthwest corner cf Section 13, ·?13."3N-R;'38i'/; thence run liorth 2.0 miles; thence run East 0,5 miles; thence rnn iiorth 1.0 ·1:1il"e; thence rnn Ef.st 0,5' mile ·and there terminating·at the ifort.heast corner o!: Sec,tion 1, Tl33N-R38V/, Extension -ConntJ7 ;\.id c1oad f.1~4 3eg1nnins at the West -t corner or Section 30, Tl,3~.H-R3'7W; thence run iiorth 2.5 miles to the Northwest corner of Section 18, Tl34N-R37W and there terminatinB~ Extension -Connty Aid P.os.d. #54 3eg1nn1 ne a. t tne Sant hwest corner of ·Section 9, Tl34N-?.37ti; thence run North alons the:· present route o'f C, A, R. ·#71 to the inte;:-sec't ion v:i tii T·runl: Hie:hway #10 at the llortheast corner cf Section 17, Tl35IFR37\", an"d then! terminating. ::xtenaion -eount,\' Aid :ioa9, #54, · "'les1rininP" e.t the uor.thea.st corner of. Sectlcin 21, Tl37N~R!;7\'/; thence nm Horti1 nnd lforthwesterly along th'e p:eesent ro11te of C,A,R. ifo28 to th·P. i:JorthP.ast corner of t'he Northwest t of the northwest ¼ of Section 5, 'Tl371'!-R37VI e.nd there terminr.tins, • r::omrrY A!D 'WAD #55 '3esinning at the Sonthwest corner of ti,e iiortheast ¼ o'f the il"orthee.st' ¼ o:t' Section 16, ':.'136lil-"·l-O-,/; thence nm East a'.!.onr the present route of Q,A,!'l. #10 to the' intersecUon witi1 Truni: Eighway if.10 and Zinf- St'reet in the Village of Perha,n and there terminating. · 'JO~Tt'!TY ,~ID ROAD #56 , Beginni?lf o.t the intP.rsecUon of Otter Avr-mue und Soo '•\.venue in tlrn VillaBP. of Parkers Prr,irie; .thence run \"iest on the line bet.,f!en Sections 15 und. 16, Tl:nl(~37W; thence run Horth and J:iortheasterly along :the present route of C,A,P., ,f/79 to the intersf!ction with ':.'r1mk '1if,h171:iY .,2CJ at a point 775 feet North of the south¼ corner of Section 22 1 Tl32!i"-H37~ nnd there te~minating. ~xte'ision -County Aici Roa.cl :f,96 · · 1>eprmin[! at"':'rnnJ: >:1r,hwa.v 1J2CJ ot thP. center o-r Section 22, Tl321F:~37i'i; th,.ncP. nm East. iiortneast and Forth to the Foyti'least corner of so.id SP.ction 22 and there termir,ting, ' ~xtension -Connty Aid Roo.d. lfS6 >3ep;1nninp. at· tfie SontnTcorn<ir o-f Sectiori 15, '1'133!1-R37W; ti1encP. nm worth to the center of Section 27·, Tl34f-i'-R37\¥ anci there term:inntint;. COUNTY AID :lOAD ff-57 '3egin."lin13 at the Southwest corner of Section 27, Tl37!J'!.:l4l'll; thence run East along the present route of c, A, R. lfi<.i with the intersection of the present S. A, R. #4 on thP._ line betv:een Sect ions 26 and 35, Tl37N- !HlW and there te?minatinz. Extension -county_ Aid Road #57 ' Bes1nn1ne: on the 1,ori:n t earner of' Section 36, Tl37N-R~l\'I; thence run Ea.sterly along the present route of O,A,R. #65 to the intersection with the present C,A,:1, _i/18 at the northeast corner of the Southwest¼ of the Southwest.;. of Section 23, 'i:'137N-::140\"I and there terminating. . 9:1 -co·r:~Y ATD. ~ORD 1/58 See;inni n.: at the intersection of Otter _a_ven11e ond soo '.!,.venue ln the 'Till se;e of Parkers Prairie; thence -nlh Easterl;ir and Northeasterly along the present route cf C.J,.R, ,¥38 to the northeast· corner of the South- .east+ of thP. Sontheast-¼ of. Section 11, Tl31N-R37W; ti,enue 'run North ancl East t:1long the present route or r::,'.a_,R, 1/9 to the $onthv1est corner of tile Southeast •¼ of the Southeast ¼ Of' Section 30, Tl32ii-R36\'/ and there terminatins. · · Extension -r::ountr Aid Road -~58 '9er,innine at the Sonthv:est c-orner of Section 17, 'I'l32H-R36•'1; thence run l':crth alonr, the present route of C,A,R, #9 throup.h :Join Street in the Villap.e of "ltlffton; thence nm •"/est along th"' line bet,-:een Sections 28· and 33, Tl35!F:'136W; thence run Worth on the section line alons the present route of c . .:...R. lfg to the Northwest corner of Secti.o:ri. 4, Tl36N-::36i'/ and there tP.rmimting. ,Extension -county Aid Roo.d #58 . _ ' Jeginnin@ e.t ·the soutn •f"""corner of Sectio-n 32, Tl37N-R36','/; thence ran Horth to the center of Section '17, Tl37tT-R36\'I a.11d there terminotii'lg, C0"N'."Y AID" P.0AD ffe59 Beeinning e.t the in~ersection or the 1Jresent S,A.~. #4 near the ;'/est¼ corner of Section lCJ, Tl37if- R40\1; thence run Easterly.along the present.route of C.A.R, #18 to thP. East¼ corner of Section 22, Tl37iof- R39W and there terminating, Extension -county Aid ?.cad #59 '3epnni!1f; c.t the \"lest ¼ co:r.ner of Section 24, Tl;371l-P.39W;. thence run East 2.0 miles to the East ¼ corner of' Section 19, Tl37H-~3/JV/ r.nd there termim,ting. Extension -Gonnty Aid Road #~P '3eginning at the Co.nth¼ corp.er cf Section 17, Tl37i:-?.3El;'/; thence run East 2.5 miles to the southeast corner of Section 15, ~137IT-R387 and there terminatine. '506 »A:'.l"E.· ... -· ............ ?eb-..uarv .. 14 ................................. 193:. 4;i ,aEICURITY,RANK IIOOIC AND PRINTING , ·ff, CLOUD .MINN .. Ila. F:xtension -CountJ• Aid Roa(i #59 3eginn1ng at the. Southwe·st corner of. Sect:Lon 8, T_l37N-R37W; thence run :sast 3.0 miles to~the South- east corner of Section 10, Tl37N-R37i7 a'i.d there terrnir,at_ing. CO'.fHTY AID :lOAD #60 Bee;inninf at th.':! Horti1west corner of the Sonthwe.st ¼ ~f the So~!hwest t 01 Section.12, ~13U!-R37W; thence run Eus.terly and Northerly alone; the present :route 0.1. C,A,rt, tr.:iB to the 1ntersect1on o:i. the present rcnte of S,A,R, JJ,7 in the .Northw'est c:orner of Section 2·2, Tl32H-R36i7 ond the~e ter:nina.ting. Extension -cuu11ty Aid Roaq #60 . . Beginning at ·the West f corner of section 27, Tr32N-R36\'l; thence running East 0.5 miles; thence run l'!orth 0.5 miles; thence run East 2.5 miles to the souti1ee.s't corner of Section 24, Tl32U-R36W and th·ere terminating. . ' , Extem~_ion ·_ Coµn t~, Aid Rqad #60 , Begmm.ng ·e:t ':he s·outhwest corner "of Section 32, Tl31N-R361'/; thence run North" 2.5 miles to the Ea.st ¼ corner cf' Section .1.9, Tl31N-R36Vf and there terminating. I 'Extension -county Aicl Road #60 ; ' Beg1nm.ng at the stiuther..st· corner of section 3, Tl.32N-.R36'/f; thence run North along the present ronte <f: ; C,A,R, •#43 to the rrorth { corner of Section 23, Tl3-3l!-P.36W and there terminating. Exte.r1sion "." cou111;y. Aid :=19ad ffe90 ··-Bee;mm_r>.p. at the southwe·st corner o"f Section 13, Tl33N-R36\'1; thence run Horth along the present route of C,A.R. #29 to the Uorthwest corner or Section 1, Tl361'f-P.361'1 and there te_rmina.ti!1E· : ExtEmsion -. coi1n:ll.r: Aj..d Road. #60 · · ·· Sep,inn:mg a:1: the s·outhwest corner of Section 36, Tl37N-R36Vf; thence run North a.long the present route of 'J,A.P.: /129 to the "r!orthwest corner of Section 1, Tl°37!r-R36i'I anl there termirtatlng. 'JQUHTY .~ID ROAD f/.6l ; Besinnins at the Sonti1west ccrnP.r of Section 3G, Tl31H-?.36\'/; ti1e11ce run NEll",tt,. 1.0 mile; thence run · West 1.0 mile; thence run ~!orth 0.5 mile; thence rm1 West 1.0 ,mile; thence run liort·h 1.0 mile and ter- minating at the intersection •of S,A.R, #5 at the l'~a.st ¼ corner of Section 21 ,' '.I.'13Hi-R36W. COUH:rY AID HOAD #62 , Seginning at the Southwest corner of Section 25, Tl31N-?.36VI; the·nce run ~/orth 2.0 miles to the ! Northwest corner of Section ?4, Tl31N-R36V/ and there teminatine, :Extension -countr Aid Road /62 · · Bepnn1ng nt the Southw'!st corner of s·ection 24, Tl3H!-?.36~!; the•nce run 'East 1.0 !:lile to the South-I east co1·ner of. said se_c ti.on 24 and there termina.t ing. 1 Ado·ptea this 14th do.;r o-:. February, l!M5. .Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. ,, The followine 'hills v1ere allowed: j,J. c. Henkes expenses .~ 15,39 :Louise Standahl " Supt .Schools '73.,w· .,Valborg 1".'u.ngseth clerical work-supt. •16 .50 Dr. VI. A. !,!illei-De p. coroner's fe,es22 .45 Louise Ston<i.rahl postage 79.5?.' Ja. ps-Olson ·company su!1plies 6. 62. 'victor Lundeen &: Co. receipts & blo.nks735.64 Caffane,vs supplies 8. 24 Poucher Prtg. & Lith.cc. record ::.: blanks 115.07 !Jiller-Davis CompanJ' bl1mks & supplies i:i5.37 Fergus Journal co. election ballots Perham Enteqn-ise Bulleti.n MW Pnblishine; co. Independent P, Piairie ·Battle Lake :=:e,•iew : P. M. ?.ee ~Pergus Class I Paint 'Jo. I Adelsmo.n Company IWest Ottertail Service c0. 0Hintren-r:arst U!!ited Che.mica.l Co. Inc. J. N. Haagensen \'!est Publishing co. Elliott 'l'rei s. Co. , Dept. of Administration ; State of Minnesota ·1Fergns Falls Clinic : TO".'"l of Nidaros Town of F.<l.na Town of Everts 'T9d,d county Vlalter Gullan l,!, Segal ;Henning Eardware Co. .Hintgen:.r-:arst Elec. co. ··satmders Hardware cc. ,!1,unnesota !,!otor c0. ;IWilcox Lumber Cb.Perham · Nnl.ph &: Son & pub, 346,15 call for bids 3.60 pub.P.P.tox lists201.63 ,, ,, '' '' 110.23~ !I ,, ,, ., 170,lfi postage 21.50 su~plies 6.85 humidifiers 36.64 supplies G,60 la'!!ps 11.19 supplies 1.87 exp. att. '!!eetinr, 23.74 law boolcs 25.0P trip v:i th ~urors 3.00 scho9l supplies 43.00 exam. & audit 863.29 examinations 12·.oo poor expense 95.66 " " 155·.·33 " " 124.05 maintenance lH:B · 13. 97 su:,iplies 7 .64 supplies "15.00 supplies 5.76 " .9f) ,, 6,87 tubes, 101.00 coal 96.57 coal -d.rayage 2.30·- lumber 1.44 'Lampert Lumber Co. ?.aymond Bros,Jdotor , Highway 'Jomp eny l'rans.co. freight 9".91 gnraBe rental 24.00 :E .• D.Sage garafe rental 10.00 Albert Y.yar welding · 10.00 •Larson Bros. Ebersviller Implement Skogmo Mot ors,. Inc,. Minnesota f:!otor co. repairs 175. 30 Co. repairs · 2.2'2 Lee Chevrolet 'Jo. . Bahck Chev;r,olet co. Resset &: Westb,\' Ben Kilde hlotor co. ·?ortwengler !lee. Shop Olson Auto Electric Go. Clarence .!'.:nutson repairs 338.57 repairs 13,45 repEirs 9.30 repairs 3.25 repairs 7.75 repairs 'repairs re·:;:,airs repairs l.2fi 26.86 15.02 . 20.3.0 Ge.o. B. G_n•nderson, Chairman J. C. Henkes boardi ne prisoners )241.0( 19.3( ! 2.2!: 24.1!1 books, blanl-:sl634.! 2 • · 37. 7! 3,7/, 150,1. I Mabel Gunderson exp. visiting schools p_rlene Skepstad cler icail! wo·rk Frun}: C. Barnes .1u.stice fees Pobcher Prtg. I Lith,Co. assessment \'!liitehead. P'rtg.co. printing City Type. Service ribbons Pritz-cross Co. records 84.6 ! l'i,.5( Security 3lanl: 3k,&;Prtg.co. record.a. Art Printcraft supplies Fergus Journal pub. Minutes PelLcan Rapids Press 9ub. ta:< lists, etc. pub.P~P.~tax lists Perham·Enterprise Bulletin Fersns J·onrnal Co. 11 II II fl Henning Advocate P. A, Anderson ;:rohnson Sen' ice Co. Lien Hardwa.re Seven O ServicP. Clarence~-Aune Ni'/ Bell TP.lephcne c0. !:!onroe Cale, Mach.co. Perry Becker Lightfoots Shop Johnson Drug Dr. Geo. C. Jacobs Clen Lelte Sanatorium TOJ/111 of Dead Lo.ke postage parts supplies oii· " hanlinf 1:,nrbage co.Us mo.intenance jailer repairs & supplies supplies exam. poor c:are of pa-ti ent ppor expense " " su;rplies Town of 'Bluffton Villa{:!e of Vi!'ling Battle Lnke Hdwe .co. Natl.Bashing! Parts Han son Garage co. parts & supplies strpplies Lien Hardware Company f'enning He.rdwarP. Underwood Lumber Co. Fred A, ·Everts McCabe Bros. Adolph Eggert ~,re<i StP.inke H•.P,Rail~m.\' Co. Battle Syver Iverson A,R,Ebersviller's Bennie Rossum i!ahler S: Straus Lake ~esion Motor eo. !-'ere us Ponndr? iJo. IO:ela Garaee Henry il"olmeren Saunders ~ Son·. lumber coal, etc. coal sawinB wood gravel Lake freight,- garae;e ren:tal supil'lies rellairs parts repairs repairs repairs welding repairs repairs C-.ranrnd Carap. P. \"/.?.Smith-Tire ~c R.J.Schmidt sattery co. repair tire :'!e ino Kau9pi Lei?al's JewP.lry repa..irs repairs repairs 127, 7' : •; 221.rn: ! 167. 2. .i 389,2· , 132. 7i' ll 34.41 J 2. 9! 01 CJ.a·. ,l 3.0, I u.O(; ' 16.1( :'. 17 .5( ,: 11 .5i " 17. 7! 2~ 2, 3,0( .I 194.4~. ! 66,li I ! 344,9, 121.9' 14,5, 117.B 13,21' 10.11 11.1·. l,61 34,4, , s1.s· 5.01 ; 11,5( 1. 7• 10.01 10,8; 21,6( 8.7 10.2· 46°,ll 9.1! . 3.0( 4.5! 19.7t 30,6(. 14..2!. 6.0! 2.QI, COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... "',, hr 11,,r \. l <i-........................•....... 193.•15· 1ff 1LAN1C DOOK AND PAINTING 00•,.■T. CLOUD, MIN~ '..!otor In•·, Garat:e gasoH!'le, eto. L"n srv.,rson 's easc.li ne Penrose Oil Co, gnsoline, etc. Hi1:h·"e" "omoan•i ras :: fuel oil ;1:1 9~11 :-el;/li~'one Co. services .i/39 ,3.Lake ~, " " lone dist.#3649 F,?; ~1~. :', ~:Iohr exrJ•mses A,'.ilorviren cash nd•10.11ceci ','/es~"rn -;.,--1p, frndinf' sta'l.ciard ("Ill ::o.P,Jaf)icis rosolinP ~ill's Service Station rasoli"le "'i<>ld I qaffe Oil ')o. dieSPl ~nel ::i:!meapolis "Sl11e "rtg.'Jo. suppues Victor Lundeen •, ;o, su-::,plies -:.eell •a :.rcC:o;·:a.'1 'lo. su~pli PS ~e"!r,\' ,:: . Fo"':f Commissioners exp. Sert stone Sec~ritr Bln~k ~cot~ ~mpire Su~ply Co, ?oper,Calmenson ~ co. ··t'l!,l'l,'":i.Pf-l"r -:;c..,Ino. ,111•1'1lins DiP.sel ,Sales x _.1_.··:.Jo .. T11.c,o~ Uinn. ::1tlr,h A"lcierson :i,e ('i.1. Store Sulernd :'in Shop ?rte.. 00. blanks supplies · ontt lnp ed,7ns partA,etc.- Se..rvic;e r::1.rts ruirts pnrts ciieoPl l:uPl rer,n.irs . ~ R2.CJ6 84.07 14-7,80 46,66 ?.1,50 4.CJCJ CJ.AO l 7,A4 300.00 •i,3.50 16.!52 269.61 .n:s 0.60 CJ.74 5.00 12 • .90 ?..16 108.01 200 • .92 21,G. 26 5.60 P.A,13 160 .5~= 59,55 3.75 ~erg us Service Str,t ion eass1line ~ill Crlsbn Oil Co, eas i oil ParL ~eelo"l. Oil co. e;asoline Seven-0-Sertioe Station gasoline Pelicnn Telephone ::o. services J'llprovement 3ulletin adv. ~or bids A,Glorv.ieen expenses LJ'lP 'i'ollerson mi le are ·J. L. Hunt ins11ra.nce !.!ills, Oil Com!)•mr eno t oil -:"er~11s ('ij l 1Jomp>3n:{ fl'BSoline :ierler ~ ~ohnson ril Co. sosoline "1inn. :.~inint .:;: IJ''r.co. sn'1plies µ ,;-; .".'/ilson Componf supplies Yalrner ;:arvunen ::o:wuissio,.,ers Geo. 3, Gunderson 1:.vman Fuel ::o•nt'o.n.v ;:ulsetl', Sur,pl;; ,::o. Gopher St~~ t Die Jo. ~-··1. Hu ve H.~.~heet i Iron 7orks ""i1or-nar. ··1. ?oshol t co. ?orchert-In~ersull,Ino. ~ • A. !:OP!! !'S ~O • i;enr,r ·=ol:nfr"'n """iPld ;, ?iPlci coal supplies Fl ifnS ra.rts pa.rts p1;rts ports s11 ,1plies repairs d isb:irs0 1!!'m ts .~33,60 . "59,10 77 .50 2.06 6.95 6.00 G6.20 lCJ.10 12.38 Hl.Hl 33.65 3.17 r,,10 R,00 l?..40 5.20 •P'l3.73 120. 30 52,lCJ 3.25 113.2~ £0.49 u~. ~2 3.RO 7. !l5 in ~obt. ~0rntA~ Gas~ \77.56 "'he co-nmtt"!icr,tit,n: .·r0·.1 t·;,." ~tale l,fr i.o-.ilt nre vep£:.rtment relative to emplo~·nent c,'.' a count/ ;'leed inspector starti"!g '..'.arch 1, :·:ns rr:..r. b·.,!· !iO acti.c:1 ,1as tal:en. ?Le boarci :::r-:u·, tu\l~: n.!') ~~-n ~u~s1· ion uf pt•r<.:hase r,:: :--,c.,~cr ~atrol ~i.nd,sno\": }ln: ,~1i.t:~1 :vs.s udvertisAci ror b:; ti:e board, anci a".ter c,.mslo.eruli.on ti1~ 1,ua.ru u.cce[lteci of . .:..-,i.Ino. of '.linresota o·ne .;:.ust1n.:.;·1esten; 99-'.! all :vheel .iri;.re and •steer po,·1er c;rader ,·11th Diesel po•;:er unit, together ;:Lti1 giant sno:1 plow and 12 ft. wine for ti1e sum of $6,892.00. Upon motion the boarci ti,en m,:vurneu to aarch 11, 1945 at 10 o'clv..::: ;,,l.r, At~est:"·' _p. _ __{)_ IW~~~ Clerk. 507 i ·©@MMl$$W©NrEltS !RJECOl]i)• M, ,@fTEl TAtL. 1C~~N'f¥, Mm1N. ~~w.ilii ......................... H~!.!:9.l:1,..!i ........................ , .......... 193i~.,: .amcuR -~NK 'AND l'RINTINII -·---~Di:f!iltf',1~11 ·•· ·1 ii!INUTES Gt' ADJOURNED MEE'l'DTG CF BOA?.D . OF COUNTY '.:Ol,llel1SS IO!IBRS OF O'.rTEP. TA!IJ· CC~..Tlfl.''!·1 MI NHESOTA I ' • . Pursuant to adjourment the. board met at 10:00 o·'cloc:k A.M,1'Iec1nesday, March 14, 1_945. Present: com!!lissi'oners 1:arvonen, Gnnc'i.ers·on, ¥.off, Stone, and Snov1be.rg • . . Upon motion Sheriff J. c. Henkes was authori. z.ed to c.oll~ct rent l:or 19~5 on tax delinquent land. 1ies- cr;i bed as the SW-¼ ana. the ','/tr NW¼ and ;·11;-SE¼ of Section· 15 _in Townshiil -of Scambler. , . On una off sale bP.P.r licP.nses for year commencinf, A!l.ril 1, 194l:i were .grantee. ~o: Herrua.n W,eike'l't at :re.sort on Lot 5 in Section 2 Townsiiip oi' -Perham; r,. J. !:Iat:the,•1s nt Camp Balmoi·al'in Otter.tail Township; and ·r,._ D. !-!ubbard at thP WestP.rri store in Township of western •. . On .and off sale beer l;i.cense from Decemb'!r 31, 1944 ,to i,Iarch 31, 1945 was i:;rante.ci to Virgil A.riderson a!!p. Ervin J. Conrad at P.ush Lnke ~!!sort, Section 26 Town of P.nsh Lake. . . . Do.nee permits f_or balance of ye[l.r 1945 were r:;rante6 :to Yirgil Anderson and. Ervin J. ()onra.d at ?.11sh La)ce '"lesor.t, Town of P.ush Lake and c. ,T. i,iatti1ews at Ca!!!p :ga.ln1oral, Township of Ottertail. , Th" -folloi·:ing applications for cir,a.rettP. licensP.s were gra..TJ.;ted: Uurr.ar '3nrns at the Bnrns' StorP. b. ,Tormship of !:-!aine; .c. ,J. !Jlatthews at Camp Balmore.l in Town13hip of Ottertail; T .. A. Davis at Maine Store in iTO\'IIlShip of !,Iaine, and C. D. Hubbar9-at \;/estern St.on~ in Towmihip of Western ..• 1'he following re solution was ado·pted: . ?.esolved b;:,' the Board o.f County Commissioners of Otter Tail ConntJ', Minnesota: . . That for the dun1tiori of the war no public c;iances shall be held in Otte;r Tail County. under permits , is!3ueci by the Board of Count,v C9mmissioners at rmy ti.me on, Sundr.y. •1 • Adopted March 14, 1945, . . · . Gee;,. B, Gunderson, Chairman. ':Attest: ·william Linccln, Clerk, . Upon '!lOt ion the board twthori zed the transfer o :'.:,{rs. Artlmr St avos o -f Fergus Falls and !,!rs, Wi 11 iam Ca.rlnnd of new York Mills to Glen Lsl-::e Sanatorinm for chest surgery. The followinp resolution was a.cl opted: . . · ! . i I ~esolved b~, the -Soard of Count;:,• cor:imissio"!ers of Otter Tai 1 -That the resoln tion reg11 lat ing the sale Qf non-intoxicating as adopted b,i' this Board A(:iril 11, 1933 with amendments i:ricludillf, as foliows: County, !vlirineso ta : malt liquor in. Otter ·1'a.il Gounty, Minne so 'a •I June 12, 1935· be .and tne same is amended ·' Section 5. Clo sine hours. 1'!0 sal.es of any non-intoxicating malt li,1uors shall lJe made beh!een.the hol).;rs of 12:00 o'clock mid, night on Saturday and 12.:00 ·Q'Glock noon on Sunday, Qr dtuing the hours of v-oting on any Primary, General ,or Special election daJ' or between the l,ours 12:00 o'clock mi.dni5ht and 7:00 o'clock A.M. of any day. Adopted March 14, 19'~5. · Geo. B. Gu,nd.erson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln., Clerk, , Upon motion the beard accepted the bid of J. N. Hopps for electric cJ.ocl: installed in'. the court 'House for the snm of $135.00. . !1 Upon motion the Audi tor waE! instructerl tc;, advertise for bids for triang1llar tract of land in Lot 3 :e·f Section 23 in Township of Clitherall, bids .to he openea at the session of the 1:io,ard to be held April 11, 1945 nt 10:00 o'clock A,,Jf, C. H. Schrader of thP. State Ar-r:i!cultnre question of emplofrnent or caretaker on the so ·1aiscussicin the board a.eree<i to the Pmpioyment of !;{arch 15 to ~rovPmber 15, 1945. Department tog·ether with C,otmty Agent Berggren Sllbmi tted the called Svenneby farm in the Township of Sverdrup. After full', o-f c. E. Dnnbar to ha.ve er arge o:: said fa'l':n .for the perLod Upo!l !'/lot ion the heard then took n recess to 1: :;o P ,Id, ,1 The a.p·pliontion of Farmer's Supply Companj' -r.or reduction of o,ssessment for personal property for 1944' 11in Parkers Prairie VillogP. was read, and the 'hos.rd recommenoea to the Commissioner of Ta...~ation that the e:ssessed value of said propert? be reduced ·from i4,956 to il,986 and the taxes from $568.22 to $E27.20 in ,·addition to grain tax. ' ' The application of s. 3. Farringer for reduction in assessed valuation and also for homestead 'classification on Lots 15,16,17, and Hi in Block 23 of Lakeview .11.cidition to the Village of .?arkers Prairie for the year 1944 vms read and the board recommended to the Commissioner of 1.raxation that the land be ao [classified and the assessed value reduced from $;2,400 to $1,420 and the taxP.s from ~274.56 to $159 .• 51. i The applicotion of Freii Voge for reduction of taxes on personal property in the 'Tillage. of Deer 1Jreek i • :ror 1944 on the rronnds that same ·::as listed in District 36, v:hereas it should have been l,isted in District ;9?, w~s. read c?d the ~oard reoomm1;1:ded. to t?: Gommi.s!i.onir of Tax?-t ion thnt s:-~d fl;c:~ert.ir, be taxed in .District 90 a.nd tax figured accoraingl.li, ma1::i.np the .ax •;8.37, beinP. a reductiun o~ -:;11.30. : 7'he application of Mrs. Charlotte l:l;\7h'l'e for reduction of assessrne!1t for structures aga.ii;st Lot 6 of Wenonah Bea.ch in Township o '." Amor for year 1944 ••10.s read a.nd the lJoard re-commended to the Commissionpr of - 1 ,Taxation that the assessed value of saia [)ropertr be rea.nued "rom ~:276 to $190 and the taxes from t19.71 to ~:13.57. . ' . The ap·plicatio!1 of Linnie I".:astelle for classification o.r B 1/3 of Lot 2 and all of T,ot 1 except the ,E 16 feet in Bloc:k 5 of Riverside Addition to the City of Pergns -Palls was read and the beard recommended .~o the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classifiec1 a!ld the assessed value reduced from :~480 ito $300 and the taxes from $59.81 to i::36.50. · 'I'lie application o~ Ecld Gow for cancellation of penalty for the year 1943 on taxes against E~ SE¼ and , 1!3E¼ NE¼ ef Section 26 and NWt NW¼ and Lot 3 of Section 33 in Township of Dora for the reason that the tox 1~:as paid to the Fanners State Bank of Dent A!1ril 4, 1944 and by said b.;;i.nlc remitted te, the Oonnty Treasurer lat that time by draft and U!lparentlr lost in the mail as it was never received by '.:he county Treasurer, was 'r,ead and the board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the penalty of $9.01 be abuteci. , 1'he following resc,lution was adopted: •1 • Resolution 1iy :ioard of county Commissioners of otter Tail countJ• rer:,,uesting that" the Stnte Board of ;A.iletment grant to ·otter Tr.il Count,,, special aid ':or the imr.irovement of a ·certain road. W·her"!·a.s, Otter Tail Coi.mt.\' hns orie of thP largest road mi lea.ges in the St!;itP. of Minnesota, and :i 1.1/he•11eas, .01:ti!:t::Tail County has 200 miles of county roads carrying nn average traffic of 150 to 600 cars per day, a,nii · , Whereas, the exist i ne road snr-l'ace on a 11:.rr,P ;H1.rt of t.hesP 2d'o miles of road ts inan equate, a.nd ' ~!h.ereas, cor:iparinf Otte;· Tail Count_;· in size, pormlation, and road mileaf!P. to other counties i'l the jsta.te, is no~r allocated a.bout 25 per cent of its fair shar,,· o-f the Sta.1:P. Aid funds, and ' \'/hereas, f'nnd.s now avai lablP to Otter Tail county are not sufficie!1t to provide irnprovemPnts necessa.ry to carry the large volume of tr~ffic on carto.in roads, ;i Now, therefore, be it resolved, thnt a reouest b'-' mad-e to the State 1:.oard of Allotm!mt for special 1~.id to assist in the reconst.z:uction and surfacine of the following proJ•ect and in the amount set forth belo,:·. S.A,R. /fl -Length 4.0 miles. Prom the Northeast corner of Se~tion 2, Tl33N~R42W to thP. northeast corner of Section 4-, Ti33H-R41\'/,, j: $10~·000-:to a,id in th-P. regrad1ng and preparation for bituminous· surfacing. !I '3e it further resolved, thi,t a copy of this resolntion be sent to iiir. H. ,~. t1offman, Commissioner -of ' E"ifhwa;vs, a?J.d Mr. E. ,'. l'/indrniller,. StatP ~epres!'!nta.tive from ()tte'l' 'l'ail CountJ'• Adopted this 14th do.y of !:iarcn, 1915. C',eo. 1. Gunderson Chair:na11. Attest: ~illiam Lincoln, ~lerk. ' !I ' -.j COMMISSIONERS :RECORD M, OTTER 1AIL COUNTY, M'.tNiN. DATE. ____ ;iaro h __ 14.Jo .. 15. 193_45_ lfJllfc:ftHI .l. d~lafati.on of' citizens f'rol'l To•mships of ScaMoler ancl ;;rorwegian Grove ureea i.'!lprovement of road on Oonnty T,1ne betweP.n S011.moler To•-m!>hip and Clay Connt_\' o.nd ext,mllinf into norwegian r.rove, and after a fnll d~sc11ssion the r:011ntr C?mmL:1R io'lers ap rP.P.d that n dP.le13a t ion ~ram t hP. eount r Board of tl:is (}aunty ivi l l rnE!et ,•11th thP. Co1mty comr:1i11si.oners of ·::la;,' count.1• sometime this sprinr-and ii isoues the proposed iMorovement. ':'h" '!uestion o" S!1peal o~-the 'Jonntr to the ·Su'.!re~e court o c :.tinnesota in thP. casP. or ~obert PoJ•n'!:er aeainst the County 1·10.s discussed and upon '!!Otion Attorne,•r ::;,rue Field ·.vas instructP.d •·o a.,per;l ~he ·case, 'Jo•'l'lliRRiO'ler Stone votine "no". · • · TJpon 'l!Otion ti,P. boo.rel then ad:ourned to ;1arch 15, 1945 flt 10:00 o'clock A,!,f, ·.rHUP.S DAY I s SES s IOII Pnrsns.nt to ad:ournment the h-oard '!let at 10:00 o'clock .l,!il, '!'lmrsday, :,larch 15, 1945, all members b,.in, present. The peti i:ion of .:roe C:reP.n·.vcod to be SPt over frol!l District 240 to District 272 '"las takP.n u11 fer final act ion. After 1 is~ eni~f' to s!a~eMents o" the pet it .loner and oJount,1• Sn!)erintende"lt of Schools,-Lcmise Standahl, tl"lO'I mot.ion che [l'!t1t1on was granted and the board issnecl the f'ollo:•1ing order, to-,wit: \'Thereas, the petitiol'l e-"!" ,'OP. r.rePnwood a ler:a·l irater, ~r"'!holder, and resident of' School Dis!rict Fo. 240 in t J-.is Co;;nty, re present inf' the:. t he is ti:P owner o !'. + he la.ndR here ina:ter described, ·:1hich are si tnate i"I eaici School District, a.nd R.d~oin '3chool Distriot i!O, 272 and ailkirig that he with his said lends 1J1ay be set of~ from said district IIo. 240 to said ad~oining sohool district Ho. 272 ,·ms presented tc, the Board of Cunnty Co'l!misaioners of this Countr at a session c:f said boarcl held ,;n the 3rd day of January A-D,,1945 for thP action o·: said board thereon; and :-:herea.s it was there11pon ordered br se.id boa.rd tr,at a tearing sruuld bP. hod on said peti tlon, at a seselc;n of said board on the 15th day of :r.,arch A, D,, 19,1,5 at the CO':l1'1i.ssicnei"s P.co:n in the Court F.ouse in the Cit.· of.Pergus•Fs.lls ln so.id County; and ·•1hereas it 1'/'aB ~•1rther order.ad in and b!-said order that notice o2 the tine and plac:e of such hearing· be given by 9oeting copi<!B of SB.id orde1· in three public places in eacl, of .the school distticts to be affected b,r said peti. :.ion, and by maili"![' tc. th,i clerk of each of said. Schoo:!. District, a copy of said order· at least t,m da,:·e bP:fOrP. the time appointed for B.tch hearing; a•Hl whereas at the said session of the so.id Board of , ::onnty Com'!lissio'lers on said 15tr.. daf of lllarc-h A.D., 1945 dne proof of the postine and service of said 'orde"?" of hea.rinp as therein directed and required, more than :en daJ-s prior to said last na.'!IPd date, having 9"P.n made and ::'.iled, s·aicl petitiol'\ was !)ublicl,v rP.ad and considered liy the Boo.rd, with everything v1hich was SB.id. bi• said interP.stpd 1Jarties for or ae;ainst erantinr, thP. prayer of the petitioner, and said "9oard being of opiniol'I that said petition shonld be r.ranted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said pet- itioner anci ttP '!'ol101"ing described lancis o•med by him, to-wit: E\ IJ'F,¼ Section 19 Township 135 :Range 39 be Fl'lil the same arP hereby set off from said School District ITo. 240 to said ad;oinine School District :-o. 272 and said la•1ds are hP.rebr made a part o"'.: said last namPd School District for nll puriioses 1,hatP.ver. sr order of ~he '3oard of County Col)lmissioners • .IJ6.Le.:: -::::e 15th da.'/" u:'.:' :.!arch A.D, :1945_ GPO. "l, Gunderson, Chairman of '3oard of Go. CO'llmissioners Audl1:or' s 5eal) of Otter Te.il Count.}", i.!i nnesot a. Attest: :"!illiam Linc:cln, Connt,v ;~udi tor, o.nd ex-or.:iuio Clerk u~ 'Soard. 7hP petition of '6eu':rice and Howard HcGowan to set ovPr Lots 1,·2, ~ 3 in Section 29 ToV1nship of Rush Lake from Distric:t 240 to Distriot 272 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at ti1e session of the board to he held July 10 ,. 1945 at 10 :00 o'clock f1. H, at the Commissioners ~oom in tlE court House and that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as required by law. '!'he petition of Jens Jensen, asking that Lot 2 exo,ept church tract tn Section 9 Township of Torg.en- ak:01a· be set over fro-n District 162 to District 95, ·was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the board t.o be lield .:uly 10, 1945 at 10:00 o'clock A,U, at the 'Jo-nmissioners Roor.t in the Court 'FTOltSe and that dne notice c,f the time and place of said hearing be given as re :i,ui red by law. The petition of Gertrude Seim, askirie that. Lot 4 in Section 32 Township of Dead Lake be set over from District 170 to Di strict 241, v1as rea.d and it was orderecl that a hearing on said petition be had at ': he sesRion of 7 hP board to be held July 10, l 945 at 10 :00 o'clock ,t. !,-!, at the Commissioners ~oom in the Court FousP. and that due notice of the time and place of said hearini: be given as required 'by la;,. A delep:aticn c,f citizens from 'Jandor, P'obart, and Vergas 'Tille.rte appeared beforP. the board· to request the 'Jommis!>ioners ·1:0 arrtUlfP. for a 'Jaunty garage at Vergas, After discussion the ma'!:tP.r was refP.rred to 'Jaunty ":ni.inePr, A, Glcr.rie:;en, to investiea1:e and report to the 'board. The application o:'.:' Donald H. Bond,\' '!'or dance per'lli t at T.ear Lake resurt in Tovmshi p of L!!af Lake for the balance of the ~•ear 1945 was granted. ;,{e'!lbers of the co1.u1tr soards o.!'. 1{adena and 'l'odd "¥i th Dr. Broeker, Superintenc1ent o .!'. the Wadena-Tedd to discontinue the otter Tail county Sa.'l'laturium and ,7adena.-Todd Sanatorium. The matter was thoroughly ci The follo,.1ing bills ~,ere al10~1ed: J. c. Henkes expenses $ 41.66 Val berg Tm1gseth clerical ,•,ork-Co. Supt. 6 .00 Elton's Cafe meals for ~urors 7 .15 Frank C. Sarnes ;,11.micipol Court fees 4 ,00 Adelsman 'JO, humidHiers 19.30 Fritz-'Jross co. paper to,1els 1:30.00 ::ostellc J!-ftz. co. supplies 16.70 Co.School ~ Ofrice supply Co. school su!Jpliesl44,18 Pouch,ir Prtg.~ Lith.co. warrant re~ister 119,76 Victor Lundeen co. suppli PS 41. 35 '.<'ereus Journal co. publishi!lf minutes 1Fl5. 26 !!W Sr>ll TelephO'lP. oJo. Clllls 20.85 Battle Lake Revie1'! tax notices 2.00 LOUi'3'! Stondahl postafP. 49,00 ~. J. Barke compensaii.vn .'!= R &: B, 2277',04 li.at.ili t•• insurance Fiev. 246, 10 Axel '9useth Post #18 Lle!!!or lai Da.,r serviues l'l<l4 14 .GO H,W.Glorvieen commissiuns adv!l.nceG c.n 4.80 uri.ver's licenses to agents Glen Lake Sanatorium 01;.r,i of pe.tiPnts 92.86 To•.'ln oz Hobart r,oor expense 290,96 &r. EverP.tt :::.Hanson Der>,Coron,.r's fees 11.0!i Paper,Calm~nqon ~ co. cutti'lp edgPs !lo,07 !'011r ",'Tl""!el Drive Auto :::o. parts 54.67 :lo'3holt Equipment '.)o. parts 2. 3u ?r.'I Sh.,et •c Iron \'/.orks parts 57. 90 C .w. !'!u·ve " 10, 60 .._...__ Counties and county And it or of Todd co1m tr toee t,,er anatorium, appeared to 11ree the County commissioners oin ·:1ith the other t1110 counties in conducting the scussed but no action was taken at that time. J, o. Henkes beard o.f prisoners City Cale 8:: Bakery meal for jurors Dr,H,H,Leibold Dep.coroner's fees Frank c. Barnes l,lunci!)al uourt fees Hintgen-I:arst supi;,li es J,C,Penny Co. supplies M, Refnolci11 hauling ashes, P.tc. Hiller-Do.vis co. blanks Fritz-CrosA Co. supplies tm Pub. Co. puo. delin,uent tax lists N'i/ Bell Tele9hone Co. calls · !,!ason Pnb. co. annotations 3: dip est l.tarch:mt Cal. Mche. co. mai '11.tenanoe P,A,AnclerBull i;,ostape S1:e.~P. cl: !.finn. weed control Wadena CvuntJ• City of F,Fnlls exp-ense ·."Ii th insane poor exp. la~t hnlr-1944 To•vn of Star Lake poor expPnBe Dr, H,H,Leibold. examinations Dr. everett C.Hanson examinativns t!-:t,H,3iP.f'ler Co,.9.,.... perts '.)U'!l'!lirrn Di,.sel Soles & Service parts Geo.::i.R.•.rE>n 'Jo. parts mnn.:,101·or co. ·• ,ii 6il·,oo-·. 8.00' 12.25' 27.50 4.84 2.05 17.75 9.85 70.7J 407.25 12.85 27.QQ, 35.00 17,75, 2fl,16 4799.27 ; 13.51: 9.00 12.00 270.8( 15.3( 92.3~i 2,3f 509 l I I] l'I 1'1 I 51.0 C©MM:ISSIDONEIS RECOiR'D.; M, OT1'ER TAIL COlJN1'Y, MIINN. DA:TE ........................... ',r,u·t,h .l ··········193.4ft.'. Deffltm "CO:!,_IIT,CLGU.11!,:l!llt!lf!l,..,;Hl•I• ·;E.ji'.i;iCDlLTln 1l: Co. 'Larso!l Sros. r;>arts repairs :":115.iO "'eT['.llS Foundry Co. "129.60 '.:!ills Oil company repairs Jenson' s Ahto \'/recking A,P.Schmitz Cnraee Lake' :::1e1:io!l Motor Co. I.ro.hler ~, Strans Co. rep&irs ,, :.rervin 9artelson iwnl tire .Albert Huseby towinp. · Peavey r:levntors co'al · Hontpomer.\· ['lard co. coA.l stove Wilcox Lumber Co, ~Tenninp lumber Ebersvill er InplP.PJ'-'nt Co. supplies A.R.Ebersviller's " The PiP.rce Co11pa~r ., Chas. "'enske Ray".lond ~roe.uotor Transp.Co. frP.ifht 3. 50 !~~n:r~r t.!olmeren 4,50 ;l.ei"IO Y.:auppi 71.95 1,ratl.Bushing ~ Parts co. !, supplies 5.61 Olson Auto Eloc.co. 2.25 J. L. Peterson ~owinB 2.00 I(nlph ~, Son conl houled 10.34 ~.H,Gnst ElPv~tors coal 45.95 !,empert Lumber Co. P.Prairie lumber 16. 75 Ga."!!hl,;, Stores -Dolton supplies 7. G5 E:1r:;ih·e Sn•1pl,v Co. ., R.Gl uennLnp. 1-1ardwarP co. . 99 '\fainci I~elo Carafe 6.00 Stundard Tar Products co. c:reosote 10.taO Syver Iverson gara1::e rental E.D.Sape . garo.fP rental ' HiphWO.,i' Cc:'lior,rlJ' rent :rhe Oil Store diesel fuel 5.00 Villepe o~ Dalton " " 12.00 H,K,Sta.hl Co. oil 'Be~dlckson Service· Sta~ion gasoline Bill's Service Sta. -Elizabeth easoline Consumer's co-op Oil ::o.,Inc. · " A•1derson & Sandberg Oil co. ; r,roto r Inn Garage sto.nda.rci. Oil Co. ,P·.Rapids PPlico.n Telephone Co. services NW Bell Tele9hone Jo, long distance Minn.State F!ie:.h.Dept. plats Village of Ba.ttle L11J,:e •:ater chRrgP.s , A. Glorvige~ expenses Clarence ,T. Rood ex11enses Township c r-Girard Brad inp. John G. Peterson insurnnce 91. :35 Penrose Oi 1 Compn.n,1, 17.15 3iP~ler & Johnson Oil 513.85 ·1en-Syverson's 1,68 Eenry Brendecke 50,68 Fergus Oil Company 33.80 Bill Nelson Oil Co, 36,25 i.£rs. J·oel Restad 5.00 Westlund Motor Co. 9,75 NW Bell Telephone Co. 9.00 Victo;r Lundeen-~: co. 2.25 A. Glo.rvigen 50.70 Lyle Tollerson 7 .00 To,;m o:'.: Dnnn 300.00 Mabel T. Gunderson 29.79 Geo. B. Gunderson ~enry Hoff exn. 11tt. meeting 7.34 Yalmer Y.:arvonen ,, .12.RO Bert sfone ~ert Stone ,Candor TO'XllShip Rcshol t EquipT"le,nt Co. Clarence I~nutson gro.dine 300.00 Bennie Rossum parts 205.5A r:ulseth supplj' Co. repairs 10.00 Bill, Nelson Oil co. Bas & diesel fuel co. e;aso line' " b co.rd -5: room repairs calls S: rent suppU. es cash advanced ex"fienses road worl~ a.tt. confer'fnce exp. att. meeti?l8 II II II repairs supplies truck tire · Ugbn motiol"!-the hoard a.d~o11rned to '.i;nesdaj' April ],O, 1945 at 10 :00 o'clock A.:11. 1-0 IJ · • _Attest:~ ~ . ~ ,. ', I _J ;~ 5.15 12.65 9.85 110.u; ·-".4.90 24.62 R.oo 5.GO 17. 20 43.57 l.3i 77.92 7.25 LEO 153.57 5.00 30.00 56.80 119.uR 82.25 15.51 29.03 102 .. '33 :i2.i5 2u.OO !J,15 15.15 .GO 10,33 18.00 150.00 R.15 7 .45 12.40 7,40 52.90 44.76 lAl.45 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MlNN. DATE ......................... lp,.\l .10 ..................................... 193.4.;i. _ .l&;ANK..DINIK.AND.P.IIINl'INCI.C0.,,8'1' •. a.AND.,MINN,=III" MI!iU':'~S ('':1 :~!Jl,'TC,ii'}::~J :.~~:'Ire C? IlC·.~.:li.) C·P CCU!:'.l'Y ::c•::!!.IT s~~!Cll~]S OP O~TE~ 'rAIL GOUITTY, !.illiHESO~A Pursuant to ad:ournment the board met at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Tuesday, April 10, 1945. Present: commissioners Karvonen, Gunderson, Flo-ff. Stone, anci. Snowber-ff. A petition for State Aid ~oad in Leat: rtonntuin and r.:agle Lat-e was received ancl c,rdered placed on file. :,,e,:ibers of the To·.,n :3oards of these To·.mships and ot:her intl!r"!sted ~nrties spoke in favor of desienation o:': this State ,i.id Road. . Upon motion ';hr> Auditor was instructed to advertise f"or bids for the sea.sons reouirements of portabl culvert material, bids to be op1med at the meet in[" c,f the boa.rd to be held ;,ray \1, 1945-at 2:00 o'clock P.M. On ann of~ sale beer licenses were grr.,ntecl as follo•.,,s: Wi,lliarn 1':. Lee, Grand Vie,, P.'eights, Town of Pine Loke "'· n, Ste"!le, svnwe Lodee, Tc,m o~ Star Lake DO.nllld H, Bond,\', Leaf .Lake Resort, 'J'o•m o-!: tea'f. Lake Roscoe c. S!!!ith, Peach's ~esort, ?own of Dora i:r •• "/. !.!ei er, Pleasure Park ~esor t, ::io•vn o:: Otterto.il Artht1r ,i,liraharn, :iesort Sect ion 35, Town of :.io ra i7i1lia.:n Jaeger, Boat House; Town of Star Lake Vicrgil Anderson 'f: Ervin J. Conrad, Rush Lake Emma Deist; Deist's Store, Town of Friberg Resort, '.;'own or Rush Lake P,. E, 11::mndson, Phil's Resort, Town o.r Leaf Lake Sy·lvester Sn.ask,\', T!esort Seo. 31, ?own of Corliss C,. >, Thorpe, Resort Seo. 2, Town of Pe.:.d10m Hubert I:oep at Urbank, Town of Effineto'n Al.bert Januszewski, :?esort Sec. 1, Township of ?erham Ja,coues Hendriul:x, 1ntler's Store, Town of Butler Pe:rr~• Swenson, Store, Sec. 7, 1'0,·mship of Dora · Dance permits were granted us follows: He.r!!len ;·;Pickert, Resort Sec. 2. Tovm o-r Perhurn -and -William F., Lee, Grund View HelBhts, ~own of Pine Like Ciga'rette licenses w.ere erante.a as follows: A. "l, Bergentine, !'helps Store, To~m of ;.{aine L. J. ;•101ters, Urbank, ?ovm o.r Effington P. -r.;. Amnndson, ?.esort, =:;:iown of Leaf Lake :"/i 1.lia.m Ja.erer, Boat Fo•lse, ?ov:)'", of Stur Lake Arthur Abraham, ~esort, SP.c. 35 Tovm of Dora 01. \'/. i.!:eier, Pleasure Park, To;-m or ·ottertail ~oscoe ,J. Smith, Peach's "".esort, 'i'o•.•m of Bora :Donald B:. Bondy, Leaf Lake Resort, Town of Leaf La.e ?. P. Stee1e, Srrnce LOdfle, r-o·:,n o: Star Lake ~·,rn. i::. Lee, Crnnd Viei,v 1-t.t?ights, Tow:1·0-r Pine Lake The ar,plicrtion of Lester ,Loop ~or rec'iuction of asPessmf!nt !'or l'J44 ag-ainst the S 3/4. of S'."!¼ S\"~~ S<>ction 2u To,rn of Star T,ake was read and the board reoommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assesi:,ed value of. said, tract be reciuced from :~483.00 to ~150.0Q and the tax from· !:)46 .37 to \~14.40. Tile application of J;orrnan Hunn, a loc:al representative c:f. Phoenix :.rntual Life Insurance Co:npa.ny, :'or concP.llation of.. persone.l property osRessment for 1944 age.inst said compnn,y wa.s reo.d e.nd the board reuOlll'!IPnd .d to the -:::o,nmissi oner or Taxation ·t irnt said 'assessment of )63. 00 and tax of t10. 34 be cancelled. The &[Yplicntion -of Oscar Fl. r:uhn for Elton L. 1·:uhn, a :nPmber of the ,i.rmed Forces, for ho,nestead classification "for 1944 on S~ S•7~: o.f Section 22 Town of Sta:r Lake ,·:us read and tl,e board recornmended to the GO'!l!llissioner of Taxation that said lanci i)P. so classified and the assessed value be reC:uoed frc,m .,67~.00 to .S•10LOO and the taxes from ~64.61 to $37 .60. The B!"Plication :of Olaf Syv-erson for clo.sRifica.tion of SE¼ liE?. and l•f SE¼ of Section 35 'J'o~m of Fold.en :or. the :;ec-.r 1944 at nomesteo.d rate r:o.s reA.d and the board reoomrnended. to the Commissi'oner of 7s.xatlon thn.t so.ici land OF! so clasRi:ied and the assessed volne =reduced from ~1035.00 to ~621.00 and ':he taxes from .S90. •!C to ◊53. 07. - The ,applicut io·,1 of. Gil hert Gilbertson for cl asP. ifi oat ion of the wt 11\'/¼ of Sect ion 29 To·.'\'nshi p of· !,[aplewood :::or ti':e rear 19•14 at homestead r,11te ;•ms i:eac1 and thP board reoomr!lende·d to the •,o'llmissioner of Taxation that said land be so cla.ssi:'.:ied a.!1.d the assessed va.lne rednoF!d frol!l $526.00 to ::!'317.00 and the taxes frorn t16.36 to )26.90.. · The folloi':i.nf! bills ,·1ere allo·.,ed: ;,. ,']. T.~enkes Sheriff exp!"!1Ses ValbOrE Tll!IF,Seth ulerice.l wor]: -Snp: Arlene Skepstad ;;,rank •;. 'Sarnes · l.iunicipal ,.Tudges fees John 1:ukowske, Jr. Justice fees ,d.llia:n '3ai1ls : :;:>ep. Sheriffs fees i:lept. o l: Admi.nis tration school SU!>Plies · Fritz--:::ros-s Go. r"!cord book Security '3lrm,~ '300!: IJ: Prte;. /JO. bool:s I supplies Japs-Olson co. suppli·es Ufeblad Pub. ";o. . stationery x hlnnks Thll TndependFmt nub. "f.inanci,.;l statc□ent Feri!IJ.S Jcurnal ·~.o. i,ub .. :.iinutes ~int~en-[arst lifht globes Inte~nationul -:::hemica.l oo. supplies 1',? Bell Telephone Co. calls Frankoviz Hdwe. ::o. surrnJies J. N. ~opps in~tnllinB ulock Louise St0nd!lhl -oostaee P. IJ. ?.e e !' Loni se S tondo.hl ex:1enses :;'.::'.Cit:: I'oor Dept. care of transient '.'illaf.e of Fenning poo:::-e:xy,ense 1943 7illM1! of ;:Jeer r:reek poor e.-;!lense 19•~4 ::li f_. :Ii ller l,!ach. ::o. parts ?.eino !"!:m!)pi i-e9airs ~-P.S~ith Tir"! I.Batter~ -:::0. re9olr '.'f. rn. ·.7a.ll·■.:ork rer,airs r, TT Tr,:all':'IUi 6~nsi.1rne-;s·~o-op Oil~~-rnsol!nQ, t~tu. Bi ":.l '3 Serv ic~ !31: ut io!! " Consurner's Oil co. eosoline ?ield S: Hagee Oil co. -diesel fuel .u,A.Lubricant Co .:rnc. oil !lar' s Oil Cornge.ny 130.soline Bendicka~q Service ~t•tlcu guaullue Natl. Bushine !: Parts co. su,')1Jlies S: parts !.fills Oil company su:1p1.ies ''fhltehead Prtg. co. " :.!ir_'"!f'!sot a !;[otor co. tires s, tubes I-1\V i1i ping Clo:il co. wipine cloths Campbell coal co. ooul Nyman ~nel company coal '.~' 37. 59 J. C. Fenl~es boarding prisoners $128 .00 3.00 r.{a1·cella L. Faunce clerical ·::ork-Supt. ··· 1.50 7 .50 Dr. J". J. ~/a.rnl!r j)ey. >;oroners fees 10.00 36.40 John o. Helsc,n Justice fees 4.00 17.05 Joseph Rn,'t-ner Dep. ~,,erif.~s f.ees 9.70 35.97 Whitehead Prtg.Co. blanks .•• SUt\9li.es 36.50 10.46 ;]iller-Duvis co. supplies 7 .68 91.27 I.!iller-Davis Co. blanks & SU!)plies 77.12 78.91 Victor Lnndeen ~" co. sunl)lies 23.10 52.07 'Poucher Prtg. •.: Lith.Gc.-b:is.nks ~ SUfl!llies 25.66 .213.40 i.'iP.rce co. supplies .92 5116.18 IP Pub. :::o. !)U<J. finnnoiel state,!le11t546.18 76.47 !.L ,-re,J!n.sc..n · r10tll;e to taxpayers 1.80 6.84 ,Tohnson Ser,•ice '.:'O. gaskets 2.80 90.00 Lempe'rt Lumber Go. coal 505.81 ,i. 95 rfW Bell Tele.rJhon e Co. calls 6. 30 1.75 ;:Jua.'1e C. Anne . hauling rubbish G.00 135.00 Otto 13, ~jelm reoairs 4.00 33.56 Ff. '"!. Glo!'\·ieen box rent '!: nostage 25.50 1G2.3~ Orin J. Paulson transcript . -9.00 . 11.60 Davis Clinic e:-:a.rnination: €,.00 2.50 Glen L.:-.1:e Saru.torium caYe of ~atients 97.21 452.19 Villot;e of Hennine poor exp.ense 1944 372.95 . 393.61 Mahler 'l: Straus parts v,.13 75.00 Lo1':."! ~eeion r.rotor ::o. ·par"ts ~ ref)airs 180.25 · 56.30 Larson qros.· repairs u7.70 £0.78 Service ":e..:0l'der CO. re_oai,s . 8.71 37;50 Ir-ids.l's ,JP.welry · ·" · 2.00 ::L5'.:l Olson: ,;,nto "::lec.-::o. -)lll"tR 'I, repairs 1-LJO 24.63 !""igilwa,\' -::o!!lpany gasoline !. !"uel oil 12.40 48. 65 Henry Bnmo ecke 9. 96 43.22 Harli,m1 ~ Petersen Oil co. gasoline 25.34 434.89 · ParE. ~egion Oil co. " 108.50 322.07 • J<'ergus Service Stutlun 15.91 29.54 :".>enrose Oil co. r,ura.ee rent 1 gas 12£.05: ;:;.;,. ZO Len S~rverso~1• s gs.so.line 21.14. ~6.28 ffalter Gullt,n su.yp1.ies 7.G9 16.23 Gamble ::ito res-Dalton SU'lolies 1.94 62.25 H. A. Rogers supplies 2.15 125.50 Paper,Ca.lmenso11 ~ co. cutting eciges 54.52 19 • 25 l,a.ltc,n Lnmber co. lumber 20 .44 :,2.5;:; ~red A, ~verts. coal 27.64 8.65, ~if.hway Co"!!pany rent 12.00 I ' I I COMMrlSSl0NEiRS RECORD M., Of'fElR TAiIL COUN·t¥, MIDN!N. i!i>:A:Tii:-........................ ;Jl.r.H ... JQ ...................................... 193 ... JP. ■ RIT\".111:ANIC IIDOK"AND Pl!!!a!NG CD.,_ST. CLOUD.:MJNN~I 1- .• D, sage garase rent ·.!rs. Joel Restad board i: room )w Bell Telephone Co. rent I calls #39 B.L. ·.'! Bell Telephone Co. long dista..l'lce '.oy Leitch cash advanced 'ora Township 1:;rading ,'f Gooci. Roads Assn. subscription · al ton Garage repairs 'reat i'TO. Rullway co. demurrage ield 'le Hagge Oil co. diesel fuel , yle Tollerson ex(l!c'nses ~oi,lwa~• Exi:iress :Ae;ency expz:ess ~ergus Oil company gasoline , terling Loci-: co. l;eys ~mpire St1ppl,1r Co. . su~1pli:es .i 5,00 • v'illaee of Hew Yc1·J: !.!ills gt,ra.ge re.nt 17. 70 Upto,~n Hot el .'l: Cafe meals & lodgine 30.85 Pelican ':;:elephcne co. services 19,72 'victor Ltmdeen & co. supplies ·c. 50 American ;;"ar.mers i,rutua.l Attto Ins. co. ins urcn ce 300.00 P,A,Anderson postage ~5.00 ,/heelei:; Lumbe1: 3ridge & .Sttpply .Co. cattle pass 2. 00 Lampert Lu:!!ber Co. -i·/adena lmnber 9.90 r;tonroe cal. !.!ach.co.Inc. maintenance 197.62 A, Glorvigen ex:;,enses 21.80 A, Glorv.ieen co.sh advap.ced 10,09 village cf Hermine garage rent 114,18 Elizabeth Motor co. gasoline 1.70 \'T, L. Potter . mileag·e !J9.0!J S:niti1 Coa'!!ercia.l '3ody works Inc. au!Yp.lies 221.53 i:'f,'f Sheet & Iron works parts ·m. H. Ziegler C~-Inc. parts . akota I'ractor I: .Equipme1t Co. :)arts· .'l: repair 64.41 Ebersviller's -P.Raoids sup;olies 4. 12 Dalton Hardware co. -snpp,lie·s Yestlund r.rotor co. repairs ark negion Oil co. gasoline ·ill Nelson·•s Oil ·co. gnsolin,e osholt Equip. C~-parts eo, T, 'R.),"a!1 co. parts 30.21 Syver Iverson garoge rent (\0.66 nauer !!fr,. co. p1:1,rts 56,84 A,l'T,Compa~•. Inc.of hiinn. pa.rts · .. :39,55 Helen Bohn t,aki~1g te.st.imOl1,)', eo. 3. Gunderson attending meeting 7.75 Bert Stene attending meeting- almer Y.arvonen '' " Upon r.ioti'on the 'board. ad,journ·ed to 6.85 Henry G. Hoff " 11 10 :00 o'clock A,:M. l'fec1nesday, April' 11', 1945. 1~'EDNESDA"f, s sEssrorr ·~ 90.00 23,65 5.35 7,98 359,46 23,75 4313,!JO 8,90 .1;;,00 61.00 l!i,40 45.00 19.•10. 24.10 48,82 loo. 21 , 3.50. 3,RJ !LOO 121.90 83,70 9,00 12.80 5,20 , ?ursuant to a.d::01irnment the board !!)et at 10:00 o'clock A,M. \lfednesda~;., April 11,-194q, all members 'eing· present. The bid of o: J. 3useth for tract' of land in Township o~ Clitherall, adve1:tised f.or snl; by thP. oard, was read and ti,is be ine ti1P. onl_\' bid received, upon ~ot ion i1is l1id for :;j205. 00 was accepted. Upon motion the Auditcr wus Jnstru.cte~ to advertis·e, ttseci •notor patrol for sale, bids to be opened et the mee'tili£ of thP. o·oarci :.[a~-8, 1945 at 2:00 o'clock P,M, Upon motio!l the Audi tor was instructed to advertisP. for a carload of calci11m chloride, b.ids to be penecl at a meetine of thP. board to ile held Hay 8, 19.45 at 2:30 o'clock P,M, A comJ,Jl'aint sir,ned hy freei:olciers ol: the ·1•ownships of Homestead end. Pine Lr,ke, stating ti1at the road ocateci ano runnine 'East and \'lest alone the sonti, 'line o'f the SE¼ of Section 2G in the Tow·nship of Pine : a}:e has been negl ectec1 by the Township Board of said Township, was read and the following r esol ut ion was · dented'• • Resolved by the Board of count,:,' Com.rnissioners of otter Tll0il 'county' !:Urmesota: l'!hereas, complaint has b'!en :nac'ie to the Board 0f comity Commissioners·of Otter Tail ccnnty, Uinresota, he.t the roa.d hereinafter describ'!cl, to-wit: :·.oaa rnl'lni.'11" e'P..st ancl wes't en a'1d a10·:1f thE' south l inP. of the Sontheast 1~narter ./SE{) of S1>ct.ion Twenty-five .. 25), and the north line o·f. the liortheast ~narter /i:1.E,t). of s ... ction Thirt.v-six /36), o-f Pine Lake, .as b'!en neflected bf the Town Beard of the Township of :!?ine Lake. , i'iow, the:ef:ore, it ~s her"h,i' orderP.6 thnt. D heari.nf, on said ccm9loint be had at t.he eo:nmiss.ioners' .oom in the ecurt 1-"onse .i.n io'ersus Falls in so.in Count.}· at 10 o'c,lock A.r.r. Uo;t 8,,1945, at which ti.me and. ,lace the 13oard will hear said corn-plaint anc1 all test.irnonr ··:hici: mar: hP. of.·!'erec1 relativfi to said matter. Adopter! April 11, 19·I5. Geo, B. Gunderson, Ohairrnan. tt~st: Willia~ ~lncoln, Clerk. :?he 'follo1•.'ir,13 resolution was adopted; . . :lesclnt.ion b,I' thP. Boa.rd of County C9m'llissioners of Ott!'lr Tail eount,1•, Minnesota: ::esolved, that the dl;)SiEnation of that 9nrt of.S,A.R, #1 bP.tween the Northeast corner of Section 16, :1341v-:R3RW s.nd the i~ortheast co p1e:r c,f Section 1, :l.'136!r-:'136W bP. changeo to reaci as. follows: · Beginning at th,, r;iortheast, corner of Section 1.6, Tl34Iv-R38W; thence run East and North along the· present route of S,A,P., #17 to it.s intersection wi.tJ-. Uein strPet in the Village cf New Yorl: !,[,ills; thP.Tlce run· !lcrtheast on !.!a.in Street to the intersection o:r G,ilman str'!et; thf!nce run Eas.t on Gil'lla!'I Street to the ·1 , 011:hwest cornP.r of the S_ont,heast ¾ pf the Sou+J·,east ¼ of Section 5, Tl~5}!-:R37W; thence follow-the present ;:route of S.A.?., #17 to the !.fortheast corner o-'.' Sectio)l 1, Tl36H-F?36VJ a.nd there terminating •. 3e it ·further resolveo, tlmt th~ CO!nmissioner pf ~Iit7,h,;,a_,,rs approve this resoJ.nt ion. Adopted this 11th da.v of April, 1945. Geo. B. Gunderson,. Chair'llar:i • . ttt~st: Willia'!l Linccln, elP.rJ.::. · Tiie -:'.ollowine; resollltio•1 was ndooted: ~'!sol1,tion desifneti!lf ci:rnnty aid roads ln certain to·::nships which are to be malntal11ed. a.nd con- . trtwted by the connt-.r ·.-;i ti. inonies receiv 0 • rrom ·the eas tax :::nnd. · 3P. it resolvf!f', b~' H,f! Boora c.f Go1mt,1• co:nr.1isstoners· of Otter Ta.il county, l,Iinnesota, . That the follo,:inf described reads be_ r,nd the~'-are herebJ' desiennted as co,mt,r Aid Roads, numbered >nd'describP.d as follows: Designation: Part of C,A,R, #41, P.ribere Town~hifl, Length 0.5 mile Description: Beginnlns at the South¼ corner 9f Section 12, Tl3~Ul-R42W; thence run East for 0,5 mile the Southeast corner of said section 12 t,nd there terminating. DP.sienation: Pa.rt of. C,A,!!, !,!32, Pelican Town~J-iip, Length 2.0 miles · 1 ! .Description: 3f!EiVJ.ning 1.1.t the Northwest cc,rnP.f of' SP.ction 19, Tl36U-P.43YT; thence running EE.st 2.0 mil ·S ,o the Northeast corner of Section 9,. Tl36H-R43VI and there terminating. , · Adopted this 11th da,\' of April, 194,5. Geo. B, Gunderson, Chairman. ltttP.st: William Lincc:ln, Clerk. · The followi.ng resolutio11 was adopted: . Resolut i.on by the Boa.rd of. County Commissioners of Otter Tail County·,1 Hinnesot a: ~esolvecl., that thP ?ederal Aid Secondary S.\·stern in Otter Tail Co1,nt;; be changec} rand o.dditions mnde 's follows: j: A portion of FAS ·106 be _cho.r,..ged a.s follcn"s: '3ep:inn.i.r.g nt the S011th1·1P.st corner o•g Section 2-9, Tl37U- ·313w: ti1P.nce run °SaF"t 1.0 :nilP., thence run South 1.0 mile o.nd there termino.tim!. A portion of 'FAS 636 bP. ci1an,ged as follows: 3eginninr, at the intP.reection c-r ,'ir AvP.nue and Unior;i venue in the City o:.': Fergus Fa.lls; thence nm Easterly and I'iortherly along the .nresent ronte of S.A.R, #1 •:o ~he Northwest corner cf Section 20, Tl331'!-R42\'J and •there terminatine. 1· The following routes be added. to the ?AS SJ,stem: of '' . 1. Ber,inni ne at the West ¼ co;·ner of• Sect ion 35, T~321'1:R44W; ,_t hen~e. rnn ~a.ste~ly. alo?f : ~e _route the. present state aid road to the i:iortheast uorner of, Section .:l2, Tl.,21'1-:R43i1/; anci the1 e L'!r:n1.naL1nr,, . 2. '9eBinning et ~h!c> Village of Rothsay at the' intersection of T,H. #52; thence run Easterly to ,rhard to t l1P. int ersP.ct ion o:r T. ~. #59 a'lcl there terr'lt '18.fi ne • . 1 3, 3eeinninp e.t the Villar,P. o'f Dent at T, H, #!LOA; thPnce rnn northerly ancl Westerly and llortherly -ito the VillagP. of Vere.as at. ·the 'in'tersP.cticn with T-'AS 640; bP.finn"inr afai.n at '·hP. Villaf.e o·f Vergas I ------------ .COMMISSlON·ERS RECORD M, 01"1'ER TAlL COUNTY, M1iN1N. BATliL. ................................ ;".p ri 1_.11 ........................... 193 45 .. a:u11m 1LAN1C IIOOIC. AND PRINTING co-ff. a.GUD IIINN-nltl I at the intersection ,1ith F'AS t540; th.,nc.:e r1mninB in a 1;-orthwesterl.\• direction to th~_ c.:otmty line and there terminatine. . 4. 3er,inn,ng ot the East ¼ corner of Section 15, rl34J:J-?:41JI'/; th,,nce run jic,:;-therlf r-.r1d 1;ortheaste1·ly to th" Vi llnfP. of !\ici1vill<? o.t ~he .intersection with ?AS 713 ::ind ti:~:re ter-ninating. · · · 5. "3eginninf at t·he 3~nthwest corner of Section 22, Tl33H-P.40\'/ at the intersection of T.H if,78; thence run Easterly and liortheo.sterl.r to a point in the corner of Sect.ion 16, Tl33W-139i'f and there terminating. 6. "r!eP,inning ut the Sonthv:est cc:rner 6f Section 26, Tl31N-R39i'l; thence run Horth nlong the iJresent route of"S, A,~-#5 to the intersectio~ cf 1',H, #3 in the Village cf Clither!lll and there terminating. 7. aeginning·a.t the Sc,utheo.st corner of Section 16, Tl33N-R391'f; thence run ;·1est and North along the present route of S,i\.R. #5 to ':he intersection of T.H, #7B"aniJ there terminating. . . 8. "t\eginnine: at the Sonth~:est co:r.ner of Section 14, Tl~l2N-R38W; thence run Easterl,v alone, the pre- sent route of s-.A,.R, J,&7 to. the Southeast corner of Section· 1, Tl32N-R36W and there terminating. 9. ",egiilhi!lf. at the Southwest corner of Section 1-4, Tl~12Iii-R38i'f; thence r1i.n Worth on the count.r road to the fntersection with T.H. #3 in ·the Villar-e of. t!enni!'lf-and there termin•atinr;. 10. '3ef.linni:ng nt the South"¼ corner o"!' Sec,tion 32, Tl37I!-R36i'f; thence runnine: Horth 6.0 miles to the county li'.ie and there terminating. 11. ~eginning ut the southeost co:rner of. Section 28,. Tl37N'-R37;'/; thence rtmning North a.TJ.d East along the route of the present state aid road to the cente:r cf Section 17, Tl37N-R36\II and there terminating. -Adopte<i this 11'.:h day of ,\.'oril, 1945, Geo. 13. Gunderson, Ch!liri~an. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Cigarette license was granted to :=:tufus TTull at store in-Section 33, Town cf (',irard. Dance permit ,·:o.s issued to F. P. Steele nt Spruce Lodge Pavilion in Townshi•p of Star Lake. On and off sale l:il'!er lic.:enses were granted to Rufus Hull at Store in Section 33 1'own of Girard and I Mrs. Annie'!Utten at·Urbank in Township of Effine;ton. . · The applioo.tion cf Clara u. Traub for reduction of assessment for 1944 asainst st sw+,, NE¼ SW¼ and, . NW¼ SE¼ of Sect ion 14 in Township of Folden was read and the. hoard recornmencieci to the Commissioner. of Taxation that the assessed val1te be reduc.:ed from $038.00 to $567.00 o.nci the taxes from $72.24 to ~49.88. Upon motion the board then adjourned to 10:00 o'clock A,M. May •0, 1945. k.8.g: Chairman. At test: iu1~~ Clerk, ----· L (J@MMlSSm@MiE1$ R®CO[RDi M, onrtEit T Al:L, 1COll11IN·tY,, Mi1iN1N. ,!ll;i¥~1!): ................... M.1a.Y .• Jl.~···············································193'.,~fi. -SIICURQ'T.Dl:ANI( BDDk'AND PRINTI a co,,_.,..·a.ou IN ;;;.nw.,, MINUTES OF AD,l OURH"E\I)." J\!BgTnro OF -B'OARD ·qp COUNTY COivU,IISSIOi>BR.S 01" OTTP.~ •r11.~T, COmlTYi MINHF.SOTA Pursuant to ad~curnrnent the board met at ·16:00 A.JvI. Tuesday, M:ay 8, 1945. Present: commissioners :Karvone-n, Guhderson, Hoff, Ston•e, and SnowberB. . . .. . . ,, i The board, havj_ng blT resolution d•esi~nated.Ma,\T 8, 1945 a~ the.ti.~e o.nd_plo.c!:1 f~;r h~anng on qomplaint ,tl'lat the Town B-eurd of Pine Lnke had neglected to re-pair road .111 s1;1d t?vmsh1p, tnen took: up the matter and· listened to the statements ef the Town Board of ~ine Lake and all ~ree nolders and tax pa,vers 1•1ho l'(ere present, and a.:r.ter fulil. co,nsiderat ion it appearinB to . the c0unty B6ard· that the Town Bqard of Pine Lske :-had made real effort to secure contractors for ill)-pr9ving-that road, upon moti,.en it 1vas ordered thr,~ the !said TOYih Beard, be e:ranted three months ti1ne tq placo·the road in suita~le condition -t'o~ travel. Members ef the Town Boards of Aasto.d, Leaf .Luke, und Deer Creek appeared before tne board to req:uest appropriation fer ir:1provine; c-e:rtain roads in their respective tovmships. Upon metion the board then took o. recess to ~:-00 o'cloc}: P •. J,r. . Bids for motor patrol offe;red -r.or sale by the county w.ere opened anci, read as follo1•1s: Township of ;Norwegian Gr<:ive .$300 and Township of •Erhards Gre".e $303. Upen :notion the bid of Erhards Gro:ve To.,,:nship "'•1vas ac·cepted. . T·he board having advertised fer ,bids .for a carload of •calqium c·Jilor.Lde then opened the bid of the . Dow Cl'lemical Company · this beil'lf-the only bici recP.ived. Upon motion the_· sa\d old ~or one carload of. :,calcium chlorid,e at $25.50 per ton deliv'!red in Otter Tail c·C?nntJT was accepted. ' The following resolution was adooted: . · Resolved bf the B-oard of connt,v Commissioners of Otter Tail count.y, That under the p:?"Ovisions of Chanter 163, General, Laws of Minnesota ilperson be and he is certified for either medical or surgical care at Glen ·tr·eatment to be oaid for equo.11.v by the State of Minnesota and Otter Tail ::. ·: c:t>.apte.r: . Minnesota: .f:or 194i, the _f-ollowine named Lake Sanatorium, the cost of said County, as provided by said ~ -:-Oliver Bjork, B·attle Lake, Miil;Jl. :I. Adopted May d, 1945. Geo. a. Gunderson, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. , -·-···--The :following resolution was adopted: of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: ·1 ,. Resolved by the Board of County Cemmissioners Whe;reas, this board has heretofore contracted tractor o.nd whereas, the same has been received and · No11 therefore, be it reso.lv ed that the County ,,authorized and directed to issue to s·aid contractor ~f $977.00, the contract price. 11•i th Thorman w. Rosholt Company for one power mower and accepted by the county. . Auditor o.nd Chairman of the ·bourd be and they hereby ar. a.1varront o-n the ceunty Road and Bridg-e Fund in the sum· Adopted Uay 8, 1945. Geo. B· Gundersen, Chairman Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. U-pe·n motion the bo·ard then adjeurned to 10 :00• o'clock A.M. ~/ednesday, May 9, 1945. VIBDHESDAY sr:ss IOU Pursuant to ad:ournment the board met at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Wedn-esda,r, May 9, 1945 all members being present. Mr. H. E. Hancock, Chairman of Town ·Board of Dead Lake, ap,peared before the board to discuss the floo / '.conditions around Star Lake and Dead, Lake. It appearing to the board that these c·onditicns were caused by , 1•d,ams at Dead Lake upon motion the board agreed to request the State Division of \'later Resource and Ene-ineer': ing, Dept .• of conservation, to take necessary steps to establish vmter levels o.t Star and Dead Lakes in this county. The board agreed that the count.v shonld pay the necessarr costs of publication of notices. 1 Bids ,vere received as follows for culverts: WheP.ler Lumber 13ridf;e and Sttppl,v CompanJ• for creesoted . ';lamanix weod culYerts; Elk P.iver concrete -Products Comoanx for reinforced culvert pipe; and Ar:nco Drainap.e · ! and Metal t'rod,ucts inc. for metal culverts. Upon motion all o-'.: the bids were e.cce[)ted. On and off sale beer licenses were r-:ranted o.s follo;•rs: · : Adolf :r.oehler at ~esort, Sectio-n 23 "?ine La.ke Township s •. J. Fruth at Urb-aru: in Township of Effington ;HermaTI P"eidorn at Evergreen ~each Town of Corliss "F'red Schnltz at Camp i?rohosk,v To;vil of Tumuli Thomas Wallace at Wallace Resort in Town o-f Pine Lol~e Geraldine I~remer at Luce in Township of Gorman Cigarette licenses for the calendar .year of 1945 were granted to Chester Habberstad at Lost Lake Stor. : Town of Maine, and E. M. Veazie at Filling Station in Town of Maine. ' Cigarette license for the period from June 1st to December 31st, 1945 was granted tc Fr.ed Schultz at c·a.-n'P t»rohosky Town of Tumuli,..· U'pon motion the county Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for cleaning a pa.rt of county , ,ditch #=38, said bid,s te be opened at the meeting of the board to be held June 12, 1945 ·at 2:30 o'clock P.M.,: The appl,ication of Melvin v. Donley for cancellation of o.sses·sment for personal p;rcperty in the City , of Fergus Falls fer 1944 on the grounds that said property was also assessed in Friberg Township and the . tax paid therein was read and the board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed ;Iv a1ue of $18. 00 and t·ax of $2. 24 be cane elled. . The a·pp:J.ication of Jte-nneth Bergerud for clo.ssific·ation of Lot 7 in Block 10 of Cutler's 2nd Addition . to City of 1ergus Falls for the year 1944 at homestead rate was read arid the board recommended to the i1commissio-ner of Taxat :ion that said land be so classified and the ·assessed value reduced from $394.00 to •$246.00 and the tax from $49 .• 09 t-o $29.93. · The ap·plicntion of Fl. H. Kaeitella for classificfition of Lot 13 in "):!lo-ck 52 of the original plat of :1Fergus Falls fer the year 1944 at homestead rate we.a reo.d and the board recommended. to the Commission.er of Ta.xat ion that said land be s·o classified and the o.ssessed value reduced from $884.00 to $553.00 and tne ts-x . from $110.15 to $67.28. _. 11 The application of Inga Moen for classif.ie·at.Lcn of LOt 5 in Block 48 of Fe-;rgus Falls. for the year 1944 at homesteo.d rate was re·ad and. the board ·of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value red110ed :itax from $112 .• 36 to :~85;16. of the ori5ina.l plat of the city re,c6mmended to the Commissioner from :~910.00 to $700 .00 and the 1 The applic.atie-n of Malvina Kiefer for classification of the W 25 ft. of N 62 ft. of Lot 8 and foe N .. 62 ft. of Lot ·9 in Block 7 of the origino.l plat of the City of Fergus .Falls. for the year 1944 at ho'!lestead :irate was read and the board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation thot said land be so classified 1 ·and the, o:ss,essed value reduc-ed from $1360 .• 00 to ~850.00 and the tax from $169.46 to $103.41. , The applicaHon -of !vI!rB. Carl Bred,eson for ca.i!J.cellation of personal propert,v taxes in the Cit.I' of i:Fe;rgus Falls for 1944 was read and upon infor:n.ation from the assessor o:~ the City, the application ;vas 'lre~ected .• ' '· T'he ariplication o·f Ja.•; Harriman fc,r olassificat ion of Lots 5 and 6 of Peach's 13eaoh in the To1;mship o Ste.r Lake· for the ~Tear 1944 at homestead rate wo.s read and the board recommended to the Commissioner of ·i :!'.raxation that said land. be so clas·sified and. the assessed value be reduced -'.:ram .~374.00 to $234.00 and the , jtax from $30 •. 60 to $18.45. · ii The applico.tion of j·. J. Mikota for reduction ·of assessment for the ~rear 1944 against the l'l"W¼ of : 1 section 5 in Township of Western was read and the Tovm Bo-ard of said to,vnship and the assessor having Dli.T-E, ............................ M!l,IT .•. 9 ........................................ 193l'Hi .' I ICll!:1.U:.SYBIJ!.:.M! "NI I , refused to sip.l'l the reco::unendati6n upen motion the application was rejected, The application o.f Cecil !:!, Jones for reduction· of· as·sessinent for 1911 against SE¼ SW¼; Lots· 4 !llld 6 and n.30 acres of Lot 3 in Section 18 To;,,m of Dora. •11ae·:read and tlie•board recommended to·tne·commissioner of Taxation that t~e assessed value be reduced from ~397.00 to ~337.00 and the tax from $41.29 to $35.05. The application of George Ashbaugh for· classHication of E½ SE¼, lili'lt,-SE¼ !I: E~ NE¼ Township of sca:nbler for the J•ear 1941 at homestead rate wo.s read and ';he board reco!!lmendeci to the commissioner of Taxation·that s~id.land_ be so cle.ssi-fied and the assessed ,•alue reduced from $!Jl7.00 to $550.00 and the tax , from e95.18 to ~55.47. The application of Chester r.chler for classification of Lot 11 in ~lock 7 of Corliss 2nd Addition to 'City of Ferp.us Falls .for the .year 1941 at homestead. rate \·:as read and -::hn board reccmmend.ed to the ~om~issioner of Taxation that said land be s6 classified and the assessed value be reduced from $436.00 to '92.73.00 and. the tax from ,$54.33 to 833.21. The application cf 'rhea and Pall.mer uolte ·ror classification o-f Lots 6 and 7 in '3lock 5 of Forest La•;m Addition to the Cit.\' of ?erfnls '"alls for the ,1•ear 1944 at nomestead rate was read and the board recommended to the Commissi"oiler of Taxation tnat sa.id land bei so c:lassified and the assessed value be reduced from $386.00 to $.241.00 .and the tax from ~,66.~58 to $29.32. •rhe ap,plication of LUC,\' "Jell Esser for cancellation of assessment for structures against Lots 7 and 8 in Kaplers 3rd Addition to Grand View "!eigh1:s on the f'. rounds that said structures were also assessed on adjoining property owned b.v herself was read ond the bourd recor.unen<ied to ti1e commissioner of 1'o.xation that the assessed value of said propert.r be reduced from $234.00 to $52,00 a."ld the tax from $14.79 to $3.29. A report of the Board of Alidi t in examination of the c:urrent tax collections of the county Treasurer for tile period from Jan:tary 2, 1945 to kiarc:h 19, 1945 both days incl11sive sho1ving a total of $340,000.45 wos approved. A rep,Qrt of the Board of Auciit in examination of the acco1mts of P. u. nee, count;)' 'free.surer for the period of F'ebruarr 1, 1945 to April 30, 1945 shov,ing a balance in the county Treasury at the close of .business on said· last named date of $533,065.63 was approved •.. ; The question of allowance for rood construction to tov:nships in the co1mt.11 was discussed and upon 1 :notion it was decided tho.t an.11 township will be allowed the sum of :$300.00 for construction or graveling of . roads in the ,vear 1945 provided the said township spends :;;600,00 or more on so.id work and further providing : that verified bills :'.:or said cle.ims_must be filed with the County "'3oard before January 1, 1946. . 1 Upon mot ion the Auditor ,ms instructed to advertise for bids for one or more trucks l} ton-to 3 ton ca::iaci ty a!'ld also for one V t,y-pe snow plow to be mounted on Model 101 Galion motor ootrol, said bids to be or>ened at 2:00 o'clock P,M, Wednesday, June 13, 1945. •rhe follo'.,inr, bills ,--:ere allowed: ,. J. c. "!enke-s ,. expenses $ Ma1oella Faunce clerical r!ork-Snpt. , !I.rs. Clifford Stenstrom clerical ::orl:-Supt. Everett C, Hanson, !J,D, C:oroners fees Mabel Gunderson exr>enses John Y.:ukowske, Jr. Justice fees H, A, :lop.ers co. supplies Victor Lundeen ~ co·. noucher Prtg. ~ Lith.co. lhitehead Prtg. Co. Fritz-·'Jrcss i::o. "!3ristols Chas. 11, Hord NW Sash "< Door Co. Jose 9h :la.i•ne r Otis Caughey p, ·"·· .-i.nderson !iJ Bell Te1-ephone co. Dr. 1renry Silver Dr. IT. o. B, Nelson mcrtp.o.p.e receiots blanl:s •: SUjYplies supplies parts paint inf. etc. reoairing door Dep. She~iffs fees -.:onstable fees· posti;.ge calls examinat icn wrn. H, Ziegler co; ,Inc. parts & supplies NW Sheet &: Iron works " Dakota Tre.ctor !Po Equip.co. '' Paper·-, Ce.lmenson 3: Co, blad-es Larson Bros. repairs · Amor Garage " Minnesota !ilotor co. " Henr.v 11olme: ren Dalton Garage We.inc Y.ela Garap.e Lake ~egion Motor Co. " l!lmprre Supply co. supplies ' cos.st to coast store-Henning sur>plies Henning Hardware -'' Wilcox Lumber co. -Henning lumber Wilcox Lumber co.-Perham· coal N ,p. !\e.ilwa.v co. ---a. Lake fre if.ht Otto To,mshi p blad i np, road H. D, uorrill F.qui p. rentsl E. D. sae:e p.arafe rent St!rndard Oil co. gasoline Perh8111 Co-ou Oil Co. Av is L. Bo,:o:nan Ferp.us Service Station '3il1 Nelson Oil co. Field~ Hagr.e Oil Co. ' St. Paul Book •• Stationers ' Victor Lundeen .!o Co. · X:euffel & Esser NW Bell Teleohcne Co, !1111 Bell - William Bahls A,Glorvigen " Consumer's Oil co.-B,L. Fergus Oil Compa~y d.iesel fuel co. supplies supplies . ,, service #39 -B,L, long distance #5a49 Dep.Sheriffs fees cash advanced· gasoline " Mills Oil Comporw oil ' Minneapolis Blne' Print co. supplies Empire Supply co. _, .. 65.51 J. c. Henkes 15.00 Arlene Skepstad 1.50 c. J. T,und, ..l,!,D, 10.25 H, B, Leibold, M,D, boarding 9ris0nors clerical work -Supt. coroners fees 42. 80 Town of J,eaf Lake 1uarant ine expense 3.80 Frank c. rlarnes Municipal ,ludp.es fees 4,69 Miller-Davis co. blanks · 52,0!J Art "?rintcraft stationery 35,2?. Poucher "rt/!,&"-J,ith,'."!o. blanl:s 46.75 Sec11rity "'llnnlc '3oo}: •, Prtf. co. blllnks 1.39 rerp.ns Journal '."!o. jlttb. minutes. etc. 1.40 Nil Bell '!'elepr.one Co. calls 113.86 1-rintr,en-J,s.rst su11plies !: repeirs 11. 50 ?erg«s Plm:ibin[' •c uea.:: inr, co. re pairs 7.76 ·."/illiam qo.hls Dep. Sherif-fa fees 17. 38 Louise Stonciahl poata.Ee 23.75 H, w. Glorvigen commissions advanced fer 13.tlO drivers' licenses $ 37.00 11.65 59.85 10.75 24.00 30.80 3.01 10.00 3.04 1.62 184.34 22.45 9.29 26.23 11.03 36 .73 7.60 3.00 Glen Luke So.nutorium cure of patients 163.29 3.00 Estrem Clinic autopsy •• exam. ,l:;15,00 .;lev.3.00 lOOr 185, 11 Rosholt Eqnipment co. parts 119. 64 20.45 Four Wheel Auto Co. 62.76 8.21 li,lo.nler &: Straus 5,10 9,60 W,F,Smith Tire I',: Batterf co. repair tires 86.48 32.70 R, J. Schmidt re·pairs 18,10 2.75 Skcgmo Motors, Inc. 9.31 18,64 J, H. Schmidt 35.35 31.00 Olson Auto Electric Co. repairs 13.05 6.70 Ole Lee " 16.00 2.85 Saunders compe.n.v 2.40 75. 78 Fergus Foundr~• Co. 28. 85 88.25 Gamble Stores -Dalton su9plies 5.98 5,91 Smi fo commercial Bod,v works " 37,00 1.45 FerfUB Glass &: Po.int co. paint 15.04 6,41-P.H,Gust Elevators coal 13.96 24,31 Ra_y-:nond Bros. Motor Transp.co. freight 15,77 1. 14 Ro.r Leitch mileage 2 .50 12.32 .a.urdal Township grading 300.00 174,00 Syver Iverson gare.ge rent 5.00 5,00 Ziep:ler •• ,1ohnson Oil cc.gasoline 45,35 36.25 ;la.v's Oil compa.n.v '' 76.56 1• 10,55 consumers co-o·p Oil co. 17.81 19.14 Motor Inn Garap.e , etc. 25,81 10.91 Feinola Service Station 14.63 28.63 The Oil Store diesel fnel 56.75 I 245.07 H,A.Rogers co. sup·plies 12,46 ·1 3.85 Securit.v Pr.inting Co. " 5.18 3,60 Service Recorder co. 173.64 5.97 Im9rovement 13ulletin advertisir,_g 10.00 19.35 Village of Pel.ilapids water rent 5.50 17.25 Louise Stondahl expenses 55.25, 13,28 N,P,Railway co.-B.L. freight 5,07 5,74 A, Glorvigen ex1lenses 58.00 22.85 D,A,Lubricant co.,lnc. oil 134.54 44,91 Len s.vverson's gasoline 17.78 2,75 i'enros,e Oll co. .dies-el fuel, etc. 28.90 7,27 Binks r,yfg, Co. repairs 11.84 11 63,01 Herman Rosen repair road 3.75' 5'15 ii .. r-. ---- ' Aa.Sta.d TO,'.'T'.Shi i> - 1 ,serfiee Oil Co~ i Geo. B. Gund·ers0n · Henr:;1 H6f'f . I' I Upon moti0n grading go.s6l:\-ne ex]!). attend i!:1p.: ... _ lvto..v __ 9 __ -···-----.. ··--·····---·------.. --.. -.---:L93~~--_ --· ------·--·-· ----------------------------- . $300: 00 Leitch Const; C·o. sloping banks · 150: 00 AnguSt Dahl,e, J,.,man Cry. Stat ion· gasoline m-ti. 12:85 Yulmer-Karvonen exp. attending me-eting . 5. 60 3e;rt stone '' · ·" the hoard then adjoµrned to Tuesday, June 12, 1945 at 10 :00 o• elect.: A,M,, ·a,a3/n· /~ .. ,~. /4:A-.. -_,«'_.,_ . ..,: • ._ Chairman. ---f 11:ooii 2:;;i'i 6;70:1 16,30 1 zizL COMMISSIONERS RECORD M OTTER TAI:L COUN'FY. M'lNN. -' ... -' . -. IDATE ...................... Jllnll 12. ........................................... 193 ... 45 m, -~NK aaGK AND INTINGI CO, a.GU I . Ht MINUTER ('Ji' ADJC'llRNF.D MP.F:TI NG 01" COutwv COMMISS TONERS OF OTTER Tl,IJ. COUllTY • l/IINM.fflOTA Pursuant to ud,journment' the board met nt 10:00 A.l.t. T11esda:,, June 12, 1945. Present: Commissioners i Karvonen, Gunderson, Ho.Cf, Stone, and Snowberg. · Members o·f. the Tovm Bpard of Blowers presented a petition for counts Aid Road in said townahi·p and urged the CommiRaionera to make the designation.. After listening to the statements of al_l parties }lpon motion the petition was ordered placed on file. Members o:f the Town Boards and citizens -fror!I st. Olaf, Oak Valley, Elmo, ond Parkers Prairie discussed with the board matters p,ertnining t.o roads 1:n the townships. A plat of Claude Moody's Beach in the Townshi·p of Elizabeth accompnnied b.v a certificate or title exec-1ited by Fenry N.vcklemoe, Attorne.v at Law, wns approved. The .eollowing applications for cigarette licenses were approved: Geraldine Kremer llt Luce in Township of Germon :for calendnr .vear 1945, !Ars, Anna Ritt,m nt l:Jrbank .in the •rownship or F.ffine;ton fr_om May 1 to Dec. 31, 1945, . c. l-,1. Lee at crystal Lida store in •rownship or Lida for the period :from May 1 to Dec. 31, 1945. William Tessendorf at Woodland Park in '.l.'own o:e Girard for period from July 1 to ·nee •. 31, 1945, Alfred c. Swanson at Deer Lake Park Store in 1rowm1hip o-f li:Verts, and 1:ira. •rhea "Ball at Amor Park Store in Township of Amor for period from June 1 to :ile·C, 31, 1945, The application of \'/altar Klein for of'f sale beer licensa at resort in the Towmihip of Rush Lake wa1;1 gra,nted, On _a:nd off sale beer licenses were granted to Mrs, V. E, Sierman at Marion Lake Lode;e in Township: of Dead Lake and William 'l.'essendorf at woodland Park in Tovmship of Girard, The followin·g resolution was adopted: Resolv·ed by the Bo'ard of County commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the resolution reBnlating the sale of non-intoxicating malt liqnors in Otter Tail County, Minn- esota, as adopted by this board, April 11., 1933 ,·rith -!:l,mendment including Marqh 14, 1945, be and the S!IDe is hereby amended as.follows: · Section 5-ClosinB hours. -· rro salas of an.v non-into xi cat i~ malt liquors shall be made between the ho11rs· of 12 :00 o' cH>ck midni te on s.aturda,v and .l,2:00 o'clock noon on Su,nday or d1~:ring the hou:rs o:f. voting on any primary, general or .special election da.v or between the hours of 1:00 o'clock A.J,r. nnd 7:00 o'cslock A.M, of any day. AdQptad June 12, 1945, Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman. Attest:. 11/_illiam Lin_coln, Cle·rk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Gonnty, Minnesota: That the salary of the county, l'!ip.hwa.v Engineer be and the same is hereb.v fixed at the snm o·f i3300,00 per year commencing July 1, 1945, payment to be mada on warrant to· the Count,v Audi tor at the close of each month. Adopted June 12, 1945. Geo, B. Gunderson, Chairman •. ' Attest: IVilliam Lim:oln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board o·f County Commissioners of Otter. Tail County, Minnasota: That u-nder the provisions of Chapter 336 of the General Laws of Minnesota for 1945 :the a:nnual salnry of the Count.v Supet:intendent of Schoo-ls o:r said County be and. the same he:re-by is fixed at the sum of :~3000.00 per annwn, payable in equal monthly installments upo-n the last day of each month commancinp. May 1, 1945 upon warrant of the Conpty Auditor. Adopted ~une 12, 1945. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: Willia~ Lincoln,_Clerk, . The following resolution was adopted: . . Resolved bJ• the Board of Connty Commissioners of Otter Tail cpunty, Min-nesota: That George F; Johnson, Deer Creek, Minnesota, be and hereby is appointed as County iVeed Inspector of Otter Tail county for the period from June 15, 1945 to October 1, 1945 at a salary o:f $150,00 per month and expenses, payment to be made upon verified bills submitted to the Board cf Count~• Commissioners, Adopted June 12, 1945, ' Geo, B, Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, Upon motion· the board then took a recess to· 2: 00 o' clog le p ,M, The board, ha.v ing called ·for bids :ror cleaning part o·r connty Ditch #38, opened the only bid received, beil'lf, that of J: ,1. Nagel; and it appearing that the amount of. said bid was.ereatly in excess o.f the:amount permitted by law in such cases npon motion the bid was rejected. The entire County Board of Grant county nnd the To"m Bonrds of Tumuli and St. Olaf discussed with the Otter Ta.il Gount.v Board the question of bui.lding road on the to1·mship Une beginning at the Southwest corner o:r. Section 36 in the To,mship o:~ Tumuli and run-ninp. then-er. East to Trunk Ffir,.hv1ay #52, and after full, discussion the two Cot1nty "f\oards agreacl thnt the worl: should be done by Grant cou,nty, the cost to be -eguall' divided oetween the two dot1nties, The Townships of Tumuli and St. Olaf' are to reimburse Otter '11ail ~011-nty for 20% o·f aoid'County's share of the cost of constrnction of said road, and the Town Boards o·f.the :town- ships agr1Hid to arrange "for and PS.V for the RiRht -of W,W, Upon motion t_he bo.ard then ad,iourned to 10:,00 o'clock A,M, l'/edn-eado,.v: June 13, 194!5 •. IV~DN1'-:SDAY'S SJr~SSION Pursuant to ad,iournment the board niet at 10:00 o'clock A,M, Wednesday, .June 13, 1945, all members present. The county Extension Cor.uni ttee' discussed with the boa:r:d the budget for su,ch committee du:ri:ng the yea;r cO:mmencing July 1, 1945 and requested from the County Commissioners an appropriation of $4600,,00 for said period. A:eter listening to all parties the board took the ,matter. u-nder considerat.lon until later in the d3:v, · Sheriff J. c. Henkes requested e·xte·nsion o.r. ·ti~e until the Commissioners meeting o,n ,7-uly 9 for ,j co'llect ing personal property taxes eor the en rrent ,vear. t.tpon mot ion the requ,es-t wos granted,· 1, · Dave ]:!:artin submitted to the board a propositlo-n to :r.u.rnish and install an oil burning wa•ter heater at, th·e Court R"ouse and jail for the sum of !)380.00 less a credit o-f $50,00 for heater owned· by the· Co•unty. ' Up'on motion the proposal was· accepted. . Upon motion the bid of .Geor13e T, RYnn Company for Wausau snow plow mounted on Galion truck owned •by t11:t county for the st1m· of· $674.50 was accepted, . · Upon motion the board accepted the bids of MahLer &, St,;raus for one Interna.tio,nal -th;ree ton truck for !; th·e sum o·r $3544,58 less tax, and the bid of Skogmo Motors lnc, for one Dodge truc'k for •t-he sum of $i850.00; le·ss tax. . , · · The application or Gust Lt1nd· for classification of Wi of Lot 4 in Block l of Blybe,rg's 3rd Ad.dition . to Pelican Rapids for the year 1944 at homestead rate was read and th,e board recomm·ended to the c ommi:sslon~;r of Taxation that sa:td land be so. cla'ssi.r.ied nnd the ass-eased value reduced from $280,.00 to $175,.00 and the.: tax fro111 ~26 •. 37 to $15, 97 and that accrued penalty be abated, SIJ COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN . DATE ................... ,lune ... l-3 .................. . ..... 193 ... '15 . 911CURITY BLANK AND PRINTINCI CO,, ff• CLOUD, Ml'91.-llloll The application of Olga ·•1eickert for classi-rication or Lot 5 Rlock 14 in the original plat of the illap:e o·f Perham for the year 1944 at homestead rate was read and the board recommended to t_he Commissioner f Taxation that said land be so classified and• the assessed val11e reduced from $1016.00 to $635,00 and the tax including special from $133.01 to ~84.Al and that accrued penalt,v be abal_ed, . . The application of Fred ~iohr for classification of F.i Jll'E¼ and N½ ME¼ SE.,_ of Section 10 1.n the Township . ·.f Perham for the year 1941 at homestead rate Y1as read and the board recommended to the ~ ommissioner of raxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $824,00 to ~494,00 and the tax rom $85. 70 to $49. 92 and that the accrued penal t.v be abated·, The aoplication of Bernoff Johnson for classification of Lots 3-4-5-& 6 in Section 4 Township of Erhard rove for the year 1944 at homestead rate was read and the board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation hat said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from 0971,00 to $583,00 and the tax from 96.32 to $56.12 and that the accrued penalty be abate~,. . The application of Mrs, Walter Erickson for ·class1.f1.co.tion of Sw¼ NH¼ of Section 3 and Lot 7 of Section in the Township of Tumuli for the year 1944 at homestead rate was read and the board recommended to the Jommissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed val11e reduced from 0825 .00 to ~195,00 and the tnx-from $68.01 to $39,35 and that the accruer penalty be abated. • The application of Eddie Carlson for classification of E? SE¼ Section 5 & Lot 1 Section 8 in TO\Vnship f :Lea·P Mountein for the year 1944 at hornesteo.d ra+e was read and the board recommended to the Commissioner f Taxation that said land be so ·classifieii and the assessed value reduced from $402.00 to $241.00 and the ax-from $40.54 to :!'l23,54 and thnt the accr11ed penalty be abated, The application o~ William Anderson ~or cancellation of ~ersonal property tax for the year 1944 in oumship of 'Paddock on the 1:,rounds that said tax-covPrP.d cattle which were properl.v assessed in 'ijlueberry ownship in ,'Tadena r:ount,v and which \Vere moved to pasture in otter '!'ail County after Uay 1, 1944 was read nd thP. board recommended to the r:ommissioner o!' Taxation that said tnx be cancellP.d. The apulication of Elmer Y.inkenon for cancellation of assessment for structures for the year 1944 p:ainst LOt 6 in Section 1 Township or Star Lake was read and the board recommended to the Commissioner of axation that the assessed 'lalue oi' said tract be rP.duced from ~'.Hl.00 to ~9.00 o.nd the tax frorn Sl8,7b to 1.20. . The application of.\'/, 'ft. Goetzinger for reduction of assessment for year 1944 a.p:ainst Lot 6 in Section 7 and Lot 8 in Section 34 in Townshio of Tumuli was read and the hoard recomrnended to the Com:nissioner of axation that the assessed valuation be reduced from ~52A.OO to $83.00 and the tax from ~44,56 to ~7.01, The a9pJ.ication of Alvin M~Thus for reduction of assessment for 1944 ap.ainst wt NW¼ and NE.;. NW.+ of ection 32 Township of T~ennlnp: was read and the board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the ssessed value of said oroperty be reducP.d from ~824.00 to ~720.00 and the tax ·r.rom• /'.:74.74 to $65.12, A protest and re1uest for reduction of valuation of property in the Township of F.verts addressed to the aunty '9oard was read and as the boa.rd found that 1:he inci·ease ref.erred to was made b,v the Cornrnissioner of axation, the County Com'llissioners had no anthority to make any rednction, The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,v the Board of Count,v commissioners of Otter Tail Whereas, after investigation, it has been made to arpear to i th puh1onary tuberct1losis; that he has resided in the State of s unable to pay the charges for his maintenance and care in the egally liable therefor and able to pay the same, county, Minnesota: this Rao.rd that Eddie Severson is afflicted Minnesota throughout the year past; that he State Sano.tori um and is without kindred Now, therefore, be it resolved, by the County Board of said county that request be made forthwith to he Superintendent of the Minnesota State Sanatorium for the admission thereto the said Eddie Severson and pa+ the Chairman of this board be and he is hereby authorized and directed to make such re'luest in writing, ursuant to the provisions of Section 4133, General Statutes of Minnesota, 1913. The charges for the aintenance ann care of said patient in said sanatorium to be paid by the county of Otter Tail. Adopted June 13, 1945, Geo. B, Gunderson,·Chairman. Attest: l'filliam T,tncoln, Clerk, The followinp. reso lntion was adopted: Resolved by the Bnard of Co11nty Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the sum.of $4600.00 be set aside from the Revenue li'Ul'ld and ap~ropriated, subject to the order of the Dean o·r. the Department of Ap:ricnlture of the University of Minnesota, for the support of County Co-operative Tr:xtension work in agriculture and home economics in otter Tail CountJ• for· the year beginning Ju.ly 1, 1945, in accordance with r.hapter 423, Laws of 1923, and acts suoplementary·thP.reto, to be divided equally between the two districts of the county, Adopted June 13, 1945. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman.· Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the county Treasurer was instructed to sell $124,000 of United states War Bonds purchased in December 1944, The follol'rinp: resolut icn was adopted: Resolved b,r. the Board of' county Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: "1hereas, a County l)ivision of the State Hiphway Department will be established, and \'/hereas, the establishment of said office will be of p:rP.at benefit to Otter Tail County, end '.'lhereas, Otter Tail 9ounty has received splendid cooperation and ad,•ice from Mr, J, M. Evans, the presen District Engineer of the fourth Ilinnesota '!'Tifhway District, Now, therefore, .be it .resolved, that the Chairman of the Board of county Commissioners be instructed to \Vri te to )v[r. M, J. Hoffman, Commissioner of Hip:hwa,vs, recommend inp: that lJr. Evans be appointed a head of The county Division of the State Highway Department. Adopted this 13th day of June, 1945. Attest: William ~incoln, Clerk, The following bills were allowed: Louise Standahl Expenses $ Arlene Skepstad Clerical work-supt. Uarjorie Stenstrom Clerical work-supt. Bernice Jesme Clerical work-supt. Everett c. Hanson, ltl,D, Deputy Coroners fees rank c. Barne.a 1.i:unicipal Judges fees The Pierce co, supplies oucher Prtg. & Lith.co.assessment supplies and records 89.90 12.95 15.00 19.50 23,80 20,30 7.77 287,58 Dept. of Administration Jones~ Kroe~er Comoany hitehead Printinp. Co. ictor Lundeen II: Co. erp:us Journal Co. school supplies 85,04 '.'I BP.11 Telephone Co. .8., Reynolds yman li'uel Co. .,onsumers Fuel co. record book 57,R9 printinp ~ binding 12,00 supplies · 26A,65 pub, uroceedinp.s etc, 62,60 calls 10.95 haulinp rubbish~ as!w20,00 coal 54.95 coal 450,R5 Geo. B, Gunderson, Chairman. Mabel Gunderson Marcella Faunce Elta Standahl H, H, Leibold, M,D, Dr. J. J. \Varn Ar Joseph Rayner Miller-Davis Company Security Blank 3ook &: Expenses Clerical work-supt. Clerical work-supt. Deputy coroners fees Deputy Coroners fees Deputy Sheriffs fees blanks stationery Printing co, co,Sohool II: Office Jape-Olson ~ompany Japs-Olson. company ~attle Lake Review Supply Co. supplies receipt books blanks NW 'Rell TelPphon e Co. :,fidland Laboratories Fere;ns 1i'onndr,v co. \'fest Ottertail Service "intpen-Karst notice to taxpayers calls supplies repairs lip;ht bulbs supplies $ 26.00 44,25 7,60 10,35 10.25 8.53 33.33 2.70 140.82 55.38 10.59 2.00 2B,00 23.75 1.80 9.95 A,97 f 1 C0MM1SSifONElRS RECORD M, OfTEiR T.A.1IL. :COUNTY, M"INN. DATE· ............... June ... 13 ·························---······19345 .. slill:UII ,aANK 8DDIC AND PRtNl'INQ C:O.o ff. CLOUD. MINN,-NI .. Johnson Service Co. parts .!I, repui rs $127,.32 36.74 29,00 . 9.00 p, M, Ree postage p, A. Anderson postage Mason Publishing co. lo.vr supplements City Typewriter Service suppHes American Legion Auxiliary Mem,Da,v Geo, T', R.van co.,Ino.· parts Wm, "'• Ziegler Co, ,Inc. parts Jenson's Auto 1'1recking co, parts Elk River Cone.Prod.co. cnlverts Minnesota !,rotor co. tire Fire~tone Stores recap tire Lee Chevrolet Co, repairs Larson EroR, reoairR Wickstrom Carc.r,:e · repo.irs Fortwengler Electric Shop repo.ire Frnnkov iz Fldv:e, Co. su-ppl ies 3,75 Services 25,00 102,"48 266.84 2,50 87,68 76,00 30.60 11·,35 26.45 2.40 6,40 ,53 !{u lseth Supply Co. supplies & parts 262.38 47.61 55,35 35.26 Fred A, Everts coal The Oil Store diesel fuel Heinola Service Station gasoline !Aills Oil Company gasoline consumer's 011'co.-Henni~g gas & grease consumer's Oil.Co. -B,Lalre gasoline · Service Oil Company gasoline . Penrose Oil Co~po.r:i,~, " Bill Nelson Oil Co, gas & oil Highway com~a~...v gas, fuel oi~, D,A,Lubricant Co. ,Inc, oil Ralph Quinn !.: \'Im.Grubb gravelling Anton Horstmann gravel .11,P,Railway C o. ""B,Lake freight D, M, Free.man · transportatio-n To~:n of Star Lake .. grading · Syver Iverson garage rental Improvew.ent Builetin adv. for bids Mpls. Blue Prtg. co. prints Y.euffel &: Esser supplies Victor Lundeen .!J: Co, supplieR Pelican Telephone Co. services Monroe Calculating Jllaoh, co. service R, J. l'larke · insurance Lyle Tollerson expense 1 \I/. L. Potter exr>ens.es 8.70 7,09 32.&7. 75.00 16,70 69,48 etc. 59.78 110,54 247.80 16,74 1.·1a 3,00 300.00 5.00· 6,20 12.36 23.28 46.10 A, GlorviP,en cas•h advll!lced J. C. Henkes board i np of pris. Henry G. Hoff exp. att. meP.t ing 3,80 28,00 123.60 13.50 4,99 18,77 66rnO 5.00 ' Geo, B. Gund.erson 11 5.70 308,30 90.00 20.40 diesel f. 76 •. 35 M.A. Stortroen insurance Village o.f New York Mills garage rental Len s,rverson's · gasoline Penrose Oil Company· repairs & Rjerke-Edlund Co, repairs Louise Stondohl postage $20.40 54,04 Louise Stondahl co.eh advanced 10.00 23.77 63.85 Gaffaneys Office s.co. overha.nl typewriter,etc. Hnrroughs Adding Mach.Co. maintenance 311.32 4.21 228.20 7,55 culvery'l059.8 69,75 21,55 · .75 22.19 22.29 141.45 Glen Lake Sanntorium oare of patients II\'/ Sheet & Iron works p,u-ts :?.osholt Equipment co. parts & repnirs Boe.' s Implements · parts \I/heeler Lumber T!rid•r.e &: Supply Co. Ls.minex A1me '3ros. tire repairs Reino Y.:auppi repo.irs SkOf;!mO Motcr.s., Inc., repair.a T,a,ke Region Motor Co. repairs J,Tinnesota Mo,tor Co, repairs. natl. nushinp ."< Parts Co, supplies •• parts Sannd-ers Compan,v snppl.ies Village or nattle Lo.ke 1•1atcr Fi'iild ,!,: Hagge Oil Co. diesel fuel Anderson •• Sanitbere Oil Co. diesel ·fuel Bill'S Service Station gasoline Park Region Oil Co. gasoline Avis Bowman " Ray's Oil Company Jack's Service Garap.:e S tnnd.ard Oil Co • Fe]'.'e;ns Oil Comp1sny I,To:tor Inn Gs.rage B • • W. Stevens· Nelson Truc}:s gasoline gasoline gas, oil & ~rease gas, Sc repairs gravelling " gravel Mrs. Lena Voge Raymond Bros.Motor Jchn Dieseth Co. 1i:.·j). Sage Henry Nokelby J!:iller-Davis Company H,'A, Rogers Co. Northern School Supply IM Bell· Tele phone Co, 1"11/' Bell 1'el ephone Go. H,'D, Morrill Transp,Co, freight equi pt. rental garage rental easement supplies supplies A, ·Glorvieen Vernon Uostue Roy Leitch J, ·c. Henkes Ro,v r.orlis s Ys.lmer Y.srvonen Bert Sto,ne Co. supplies services #39 -B,Ls.ke calls equipt. rental expenses expenses mileage expenses jailer exp. att, meeting ., " Village of Dalton garage rental Simon Eric·kson gravel Peterson Bros. F!otel mea:Ls .'I: lodging o~son Auto ~lectric Co, repairs 1.12 2,25 294.38 50.67 32.62 44,90 · 23,34 5.28 35,56 15,20 28.89 24.18 · 223,.:IO 99.00 10.25 2.82. 1185.25. 5.00 15,00 ·11.02 6,12 '18.00 10.35 10.15. 580,00 '115.60 9.00 3.50 114. 66, 3.oo:. 6.60. 12.80 45,00. 21.24 5.55 ,75 Upon motion the bo a:rd then ad ,jo,urned wi thont date. ~./9.'4:,. Chairman. Attest: .SECURh'Y,a:ANtc BOOK AND PIIINT&NO CO; !.■T. CUIU~_MINN_.;;,111,■ !E>:A:T.Jl;: ...............•.•.•...•• , .•. Jul,jr ... .9 ...................................... 193!1..5 ... ' MiINUT:it:S 0~ REGULAR· b11'Jl'J'fIHG OF BOARD OF COiJN'l'Y COMMISSIOUERS OF OTTER TAIL CO Ull'fY, MHIHESOTA Purs,uant to statute the board met at 10:00 A,M, July ·9,· 1945. Present: · Commissioners Karvonen, ·Gu,hderson, Hoff, Stone, and S,no,wberg,. · The board P.xaminP.d with Sheri:f'f ,T, c. Henkes the list of uncollected P!!rsonal proi;:e-rt_y taxes for· 1941/- '. · ana after su,ch examinatia,n msde the following re part: :· · Report o:~ the Co-unt.,• Board of the co11.nt,v of Otter 'l'ail State of l,tin-nesata, of Uncoillected ancl Cancelle. Personal '!"roperty Taxes for the .vea.r 1944. Fergns Falls, 1!innesota, ,Tuly 9, 1945 · Be it kn01m, thnt the co1mty naard af ottP.r Ta.il co11nty·, Uinnero tn, cl.id meet in sessto,n on thP. 9th day,, af" July, 1945, the some being the first session of. said beard aftrH the 10th d·a.v of June, ~945; that at · ·1 i s•ai.d sessi o,n the County Treasurer af said co,.mty d,P.livered to so.id Board the list of uncollected personal i property taxes for the .vea.r 1941 together with his certificate thereon o.s required by law; and that at said; session the so.id Board did dnly· consider snid list of uncollected ·taxes, o.nd did cancel snch taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected, That the follovring is a correct list of said• 11ncollected· personal ;;Pirbperty taxes in said Count.'! for said year of 1944, us so revised by so.id Board, to-wit:· ' Name of Person Assess·ed 'l.'ownship or Tax ·Penalty ,Fee&Costs Total. 'fax, Pen.&: cos ts District Dollars Cents Dollars Cents Dollars Cents Andersen ,'le ~d:erson Hobart . . 7 .25 . 1.22. . . · s,47 1.,mgen, R, O. City -F,F, 1.25 ,42 l.67 'Block, Arnold ~lizabeth 7.60 1.27 8,87 13oi'ow.s!ki, Harold City -'F',F, . 1.74 .48 2,22 Boynton, K, Cit.v ~ F,F, 5.36 ,97 6,33 ,Bns•h, William Amor 1.57 ,47 2.04 1Cook, Herold '!1:, Dane Prairie 4,84 ,90 !i,74 IDnhle·n, A, C, Vil. Pel.Rap. 6,88 1.17 8,05 ·Fallingstnd, J,oseph Trondhjem 9.87 1.57 11.41 Foss, 1,1. o. & co. City -F,F. 49.22 ,,.85 56.07 ::Glende, Leonard Sverdrup 6.64 1.14 7,78 :Hanson, George \'I, Oak Valley 13.86 2.11 15.97 Hanson, Edward Leaf Lake · 12,32 l.90 14.22 Harbor, T'he (Clem Fre·iberg) City -F,F, 52.83 7.33 60,16 :Houg/3, !:like Rush Lake 9.41 1.51 10,92 Hotige, Jo,e S, Ro.sh Lake 15.68 2.35 18.03 Jagim, Ge.orge l'lestern 26.40 3.78 30.18 , Jensen, ,Uvin City -F,F. 1.87 .50 2.37 ;Kad:ell, Ralph Butler 7. 95 1. 32 · 9. 27 Kennedy, Vernon City .:. F,F, .87 ,37 1.24 Xlime.k, Willie Orwell 25.53 3,,67 29,20 .Larson, Clayton R, Vil. Pel,Rnp, 1.79 .49 2.28 :·Lalirit:rnn, ,:ohn Co, Cit.!' -F. ·:F, 25,29 3.64 28,93 tieverenz, r.nst Par. Prairie 7,42 1.24 8,66 Martin, Lewis \'lard Cit.I' ~ F, F, 4.36 ,84 5.20 ,Melrose Oil Co. Vil, Pe·rharn 1.27 .42 1.69 ilwie.Vers, A.J. Cit.r -'F.F. 20.31 2.98 23.2CJ ,tilHistenteiger, Leo Comoton 120.64 16,41 137,05 ,Nelson, C1hnrles Eve~ts 1.54 .45 1.99 ,lfolson, Gertrude City -F.F, 9,47 1.'fi"2 10.99 Uortze, Albert · Everts 3,39 ,70 4.09 ,Reltstad, Ed Oak 'Valley 10,86 1.71 12,57 :scheid,ecker, john Gormnn 11 .45 1. 79 13. 24 'und,erhill, Clarence Mida.ros 2,72 .62 3.34 Wins·low, John L. Candor 5,12 .94 6.06 Wright, C.vril G, Cit.V -F,F, 22,68 3,28 25,96 Callee Colle•c H " H H " " " " That the follo1¥m·e is a. correct list of the personal i:>roperty taxes in said county ·for said •.vear which said Bo•a:rd a:rP. sntisfied cannot be collectP.d·, and sc canc,elled h,v said Bo·ard, to-v:it: · Name of Person Assessed "Township or Tnx Penelty,l!'ee&Costs Total tax, Pen.•c costs Ii . . . . District Dollars Cents nolla!!"s Cents Dollars Cents . 1 :!Abb"o"tt, · o;rfon viii .. Perham ·· .si--.32 ··· · .83 ·cancel' Ad·o.ms 1 La.w:re•nce Candor U.16 1.07 7.23 " Ald1en, Rev, F., c. City -F. F. 14.33 2.17 lo,50 " .Bjerken,.Alvin C. Dunn l.87 ,50 2,37 . red:eson, Carl City l!'. F, 7 .• 85 1.30 9.15 i3y-e, Henrietta Amor 2,13 .u4 2,67 :ca.rlson, Algat Amor ,93 ,37 1.30 1barlson, Rudolph K. Otto 2.24 .55 2,79 Co,ne, Eva E,. Padd•ock 4, 82 • 90 5. 72 raig, Ri,chard City~ l!', E. 4,98 .92 5.90 'Davis, :1',ulu M, Nidaros 4,83 ,90 5,73 . , r ,. a,le·, '.Lina F. Amor .93 ,37 1.30 eWit\ C, D, Ho:tla!rt 3.82 ,77 4.59 'I ! onelliy,, Melvin City. -F,F, 2,24 .55 2,79 1:·id, E,, c·. A'llOr .74 .35 1.09 l'•ngda:hl, 'E, ,T, Amo!!" .71 .35 1.06 , :,qui table Life, :11:ssu,rance Soc. C'i.t,\T F. F. 9. 59 l. 54 11. 13 I: (G.F.Bowers) ,,,rench, Nellie M. ,. risk, Edna i ilbertso,n,. j,ean ·. lu·ec,J;: "Brewing c·o. . orvin, Fra,rtcis ·os]in, M:Uto-n 111. Hanso,n, Violet i!·arms·, ,1 oh-n ::J,ohnson; Arthur R, !;J,oihnson, r.:dw, & K, johnson, '.T.P.ono.rd· . Jord,al, Steve Karjala, Jl'·eux I :r:1:1.:rilsto.d:, P"ow.a.rd . ·-----. __ _.,_ __ _r;:v.e :rt s Dunn City -F, 'Ji', vn. Pe!rha,m Easte!!"n Everts City -l!'. E'. Vil, 'Pe!rham Nido!!"OS Amor Dunn Otter Tail Vi.l, N, y .1,r. Cits -F, F. .64 .33 .97 1.59 ,47 2.06 6 .98• 1~19 8.17 1.27 .42 1.69 12.67 1.94 14,61 .95 ,38 1.33 1.·25 ,42 1.67 ,51 ,32 ,83 .54 ,32 .86 1.03 .39 1.42 3.11 .67 3.78 2.00 ,52 2.52 2,30 ,!i5 2.85 !"-1,74 .75 1,49 ,, I tr tr H H ' '! H H __, COMMISSIONERS RECOR'D M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. AND PltlNl'ING 112.CP.=,JIJ'~-~."!JN -n 11 Name of Person Assessed DATE .................... .July 9 .............................................. 193 .. ib5 Tow•1ship or Tnx Dollnrs c,rnts Penalty,Fee&costs Dollars Cents Total.Tax,Pen,& costs . Kukko nen, ,a:ll as Levi, Lester Leff er, Fr'!d District Y1.ll, N. Y. Eastern Otter Tail Dunn i;i. 1.03 ' .. , Dollars Cents 4.82 1.98 2.67 2.93 4.09 2.28 2.91 Cancel Lindley, Cl~n ~ Pearl E, !dclfnue;hton, 'Donnld 'I: Evelyn llervip, Edward Olson, John H, Phoenix uut, Life Ins •. Co. (Norman Nnnn l Rehmet~ J.L. ~ J.D. P.omst ad, Mrs. !·!. mmsvold, c. B. sears, Dow I. Smith, Mabl!! 'sund.v, Rev. L. o. •: wanson, S. A, ollefson, Charlette M. •ronson, Mrs. George ,Yernig, Mike · 1estley, Marearet H. The followine taxes were olstad, i'lalter , inke, ,1ohn 1A. Star L!lke ,\:nor Dunn Ci t.v 1.53 2.13 2.36 3.39 1.79 2,34 10.34 .o\:nor .69 A~or .43 A:nor • 71 City -F.F. R.85 OttP.r Tail .GO Amor 1.00 Everts 1.46 Amor .71 Amor .93 A'.11or 1.51 I:lidaros 2.51 cancP.lled as the parties are all in Tumuli 5.91 Otter Tall 3. 59 Leaf Luke 16. 49 arson, Leland The Conntr Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota. .45 .54 .57 .70 .49 .57 1.64 .36 .:m .35 1.44 .33 .38 .45 .35 .37 .45 .59 the Armed 1.04 .• 73 2.46 Forces of the 11.98 1.05 .73 1 •. 06 10.?.9 .93 1 .. 38 i.n 1.06 1.30 1.96 3.10 Country.: 6.95 4.32 lfl.95 Yalmer Karvonen, Geo. B, Gunderson, Henry C. Hoff, Bert Stone., md Cari A. Snoi11berg. ~ttest: \'/illiam Lincoln, County Anditor. The followine; resolution we.s ador,ted: " " Resolved liy the Board of County Commissioners of Otte;r Tail county, Minnesota: That Mrs. !=:mil Wencil. n patient at the Otter Tnil Coun.t,v Tubercnlosis• San·ator.ium, be transferred to ler, Lake Sanotorinm for mP.dicA.l or surp.er.v trea.tment a.t the exr,ense of Otter Tall Co1mty, State of .lirmesoto., as provided. b,v law. Adopted July 9, 1945. ttcst: ~illiam Lincoln, Clerk. G~o. B. Gunderson, Chairman. The application of the City of Fergus Fnlls for conveyance of tax forfeited land in said City described s follows: .The East 100 feet or. Lot 10 · in Block 5 of !forth Division of the C.it.V of ?erg us Falls 1ms read nd the boa.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said tract be conveyed by the State to the ity of Fergus Falls. The application of the Village of Hennin[! for cancellation of taxes for the years 1939 to-1944 inclusiv. gai.rist J,ots 54, 55, 56, 58, 61, 62, 6~1, 65 ancl 68 of Lindenwood in the Tovmship of Leaf·Lake on the grounds hat said prO'!)P.rty was used exclusively for pu-blic pur,1oses was read anil the board recommended to the ommi':lsioner of Taxot:i,on that said taxes be cancelled. The ap'!)lication o:f Alfred Sversvold for ·settlemPnt of delinquent taxf'!s for 1938 and 1939 against Sub ot 3 in Tovmshlp of Tumuli ~tas •l'P.ad a.nd it a!'.)pearine; to the board that said t.ract 1:a.s assessed for structur s or said years v:herP.as no structnres exist on said tract, upon moti.on the bC!!rd reccm:nendecl tc; the ornrnissicmer. of Taxation that the taxes on snici tl·act. for so.id .vears be settled for the sum of ~~10.23 belng reduction of (~24.21 trom the fu.11 amount of taxes, penalt.v, interest, and uosts. '.!'he o.pplication of C. C. Huesell for cancellation o.f assessmP.nt fen structures against Lot 16 of 1st 'dditlon to Peach's ~each in To~m of Star Lake for the .vear 1944 on the grounds that said strnctU:res were ssessed on two different lots and the tax on one had bP.en oaid was read and the board recommended t·o t·he Ol!DTiissioner of Taxation that the ·assesseil value cf said tract be reduced from $220.00 to $44.00 and, the .•axes from $,18,00 to $3.60 and that accrued penaltJ' be A.lie.ted. The application of A, \'/. Nelson for -uancellation of assP.ssment for structures against Lots 12 and 13 in lock 44 of Lakeview Addition tc, the Village of Parkers Pro.irie f,or the year 1944 was read and the •boa-rd ••ecommendeci to the Commissioner of '.l'axation that said assessment he ca.>1celleci •and the o.ss·essment 'Ve.lue of aid tract be reci.uced born $7BO.OO ,to $GO.OO and th!! taxes from $89.24 to $6.86 and the penalty of $1.78 e abo.ted. The applicoti.on of V/aldema.r Block for ulassification of Lot 6 Block 42 L!lkev:i,ew Addition to Village of arkers Prairie for year 1944 at homestead rate was read and th~ board recommended to the Commissioner of axation that the assessed velne of said tract be reduced from :;;,896.00 to ~560,00 and the taxes from $.102.50 o $62.42. , The application of Mrs. Lina R. Smith for classifice.tion of Lot 2 i.n SP.ction J.7 Town -of Dead Lake for : •ear 194,t at homP.stP.11d rnte was read and thP. board reoom'!lended to the Cor.imissioner of Taxation that the ' ssessed value ot' said tract bf! reduced from $319.00 to $191.00 and thP. tax from $37.01 to $2.1.59. The application of ,1ohn r,!. Lanr,seth ·'.:or classification of Lots 4, 5, and 6 in Block 9 of Frazee's 1st Addition to the Villa.fie of PelicA.n Rapids for the .1•ear 1944 e,t homestead rnte v:as read and the board : ecor:i'!lenaed to the Commissio!ler of Taxation that the assessed val11e of. said tract be reduced r.rom $640.00 to $400.00 and the 'tax fro!!! M0.28 to $36.50. The anpli.cation o-? Geore;e Oldenettle for classification of H½-NW-¼ Section 10 Tow>1 of JUmo for .vea.r 1944. t homestead rate was read and the boo.rd reuommended to thP. Cor.imissioner of Taxati.on that the assessed alue or said tract be reduced from $776.00 to ~i465.00 ancl the tax from !~74.96 to $43.55. · The e.pplic11tion of l'/illinm c, Teberg for classificntion of S~ Sl'/f except raiiroo.d Section 33 T o?:nshi·p f Srharcis Grove for year 1944 at homestead rate was rend and the board recommended to the Commissioner of axntion that the nssessed valne of said,A:ract be reduced from /\300.00 to $180.00 and the tax from $26.22 to ~15.20. " · . . · The af)plication of Arth11r '<: Ernest !.{eyer for classi'f.ication of Lots 7, 13, 9, and 10 in Section 8 ToYm of Star Lalre for thP. ,\'P.ar 1941 nt homeste!ld rate was r.ead and the boarc.'I recommended to· the Commissioner of axation that the assessed value o:r: said tract be reaucec.'I from $65~ 21 to $37.52. The followi.ne, af)plications for cie,orette licP.!IAP.S for six months peri.od commenctnr, July 1, i945 were ranted: Leon11rd Ji'oeard, Amor St.ore, Town of A~or; Malvin 1?.a.11, Cross 0 oint Resort, Town of r,laplewood; ust A. Strand, Strand' s Res1irt, '.l'o~m of Lida. The applicntioTJ o·f s. J. J!!ruth fer dance permit at Urbank Hall i.n Town cf Effington for balance of ear 1945 was gro nted. · The bid for eravel pit in Section 8 Township of i,{aine advertisecl for sale by the cou.nty was opened ond pon motion the board accepted• the. bid of Ernest Sanc1l>ere; for said acre at $10,00. Upo,n motio~ the board odj011rned to 10:00 A.M. TuesdaJ•, .-:uJ.y 10, 1945, U____ COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................• 1111.v ... 10 ................................ 193.4.I? .. 'l'UESDAY' S SESSIOll pursuant to ad_;onrnmfmt the board met at 10:00 A.!,!, Tuesda.v, Jul.\' 10. 1!>15, nll members beine: present. The petition of Gertrude Seim to set o,•er Lot 4 in section 32 Township of DP.ad Lake from District 170 o District 241 was ta.k,;,n n;, for f.i.nal action after listeni.np to thP. statemPnts of the representativP.s of the !>etition, also members o·r the bonrdo of hoth nistricts, ann Connt.v SnperintPndent o·f Schools, Louise tondahl. The bonrd took the ,netter under advisern,.nt nntil lRter in the day.• . The petition of "leRtrice nnd il"O\·tard J.!cGovmn to be set over from District 240 to District 272 was .taken .p -for final acti.01?. After listening to statements of the petitioner ond Co1mt~• Snperintendent of Schools oon motion the petition was grantcd and thP board i.ssned the followinf! order to-•t!it: Whereas, '.rhe pet.ition of nentrii.ce ".: Howard 'lcGowan, legal voters, freeholders, and resil'lents of School istri.ct 240 in this CountJ', representi.11!_l thnt..t);!ev.:i.are tile owners.of the.lnnd~ hereinafter-described,. which re situ.ate in said School Di strict_.,..;,J.~l~na·aiiK1ne thl.lt they ,11. th their said lands may be set off from aid di st riot No. 240 to sai.d ad joining" school dis trir}t 110. 272 vms presented to the Boe.rd of County ~ommissioners of this county at a session of said boa.rd held on tl1e 15th da.v of Murch A.D., 1945 for the ct ion of said board thereon; and ~1hereus it was thereupon ordered by suid board that a hearing should be ad on said pet it lon, at a session of said board on the 10th day of July A, D., 1945 at the Commies ioner.s com in the Court. House in the City of F,ergus Falls in said county; and v1heree.s it was further ordered in nd by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be Biven by post1.nB copies of said order n three puDlic places in each of the school districts .to be affected by soi.cl petition, and by mailing to he clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy o! said orderatleast ten days Defore the time ap11ointed ·or such hee.ring; and whereos ot the said session of the said Bonrd ofCounty Commissioners on said 10.th doy f July A.D., 1945 duP. proof of the posting ann service of said order of hearine as therein directed and eq11ired, more than ten days prior to said lost named date, having been made and filed, aeid petition was ublicly read a.nd considered !JJ' the Board, with eversrthing which was said by said interested parties for or gainst granting the prayer of the ~etitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be ,ranted, it is hereby orderen and determined, thnt the snid peti t toners and the following dP.scribed lands wned by them, to-wit: Lots 1,, 2, & 3 in Sectton 29 To'mShip 135 Ranee 39 be and the same are hereby set ff from said School District I1o. 240 to said adjoining school District !lo. 272 and sa.id land-a are hereby ade a part o-r said last named School District for all purposes whatever. B.v order of the '!3oard of Co1mty commissioners. Dated the 10th da.r of July,A.D. Hl45. Geo. B, Gunderson Chnirme.n of the Boo.rd of co. commissioners of Otter •rail count.\', Uinnesota A.ttest: William Lincoln, county Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. (Auditor's Seal) . The petition of Jens Jenson to be set over from District 162 to District 95 was tal:en up for final ct ion. After listening to the stutemrnts of the peti t.i oner and county Superi.ntendfmt of Schools upon otion the petition was f,runted o.nd the board issued the followinr-order to-wit: l"Thereas, 'Phe petition of Je!ls ,Jensen o lep;nl voter, frPeholder, ancl resident of School District I.Jo. 162 ·n this County, representinp that he is the O\·mer of the lands hereinafter described, 1.vhich are si.tue.te in aid School District, and adjoin School Distri.ct No, 95 and e.sking th~t h(I with h\s said lands may be set ff from said district No. 162 to said ad.joining school distrfot no. 95 was presented to the Board of County ,omrnissioners of this county nt a session of said hoard .held on ti:e 15th d&.\' o-r J.iarch A. D., 1945 for the cti on of said board thereon; and whereas it was there11pon ordered by said board tho. t a hearing should be ad on said petition, at a session of sai.d board on tt,e 10th du:. or. .::ul.\' A.D., 1945 at the Commissioners oora in the (:curt Honse in the Cl t,v of Fe•reus Fa.Us ~n saicl County; and whereas i. t wo.s further ord.ered in nd by sa\d order that notice of the time and pluce of such hearing be given Dy post.ing copies of said order n three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and, b,\' mailinr, to th lerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order ut least ten duys before ti1e time appointed for uch hearinf.; and whereas ut the said session of the said Board of county Commissioners on said 10th duy or u.ly A.D., 1945 due proof of the posting and service of said order of heuring as therein directed and equired, more than tend.a.vs prior to said last named date, havine; been made e.nd filed, said petition ;·1as · ublicly read und considered by the Board, with .everything whi.ch was said by said interested parties for or gainst gruntinr, the prayer of ti1e petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that snid petition should he ,ranted, it is here Dy ordereci and determined, that the said peti t ionP.r und the following described lands 1vned b.v him, to-wit: r.ot 2 P.X. chnrch lot in Section 9 Township 1~2 :Ronr:e 41 be and the same ore hereby se f.f erom said School Di strict Uc. li>2 to said 11d joininp school District 110. 95, and said lands ure hereby , acie a part o'f so.id last named School District for all purposes whotever. 13.v order of the 3oard of Count.v r.ommissioners. Geo. 13, Gunderson Cha.irman of the Roard of County IJommissioners of .ttest: i"/illiam Audi tor's SP.al) Lincoln, r:onnt,11 Andi.tor, and ex-orrtcio Clerk Otter '1111.i 1 Connt,y, Minnesota of Board. The petition of i.iartin R. Hanson askine: that the sia:-:1-of Section 19, Government Lot 3. except 5.26 acres and all of r,ot 4 and 5 ip Section 20 in Township of Tl11se be set over from District 30 to District 197 was read and it vms orderen that a hear.inf. on so.id petition be had at the session of the board to be held a.t 0:00 A0 !.i. Central ·:1ar Time October 10, 104-5 at the '!ommissioners Room inthe Gonrt House and thnt due notice r ti11e ancl place of ssid heurinf? be fiven as re111ired hi· li,w • . ~: peti t Lon for cleaninr Count.v Ditch dfo41 was oresen.te<l by interested par ti es who explni ned to the board he need of SllCh re pal rs. Upon mot ion the r>e tit ion 1•:o.s rila.ced on file. A resolution o~ the Count,\' ·"/clfare '"!or.rd contninin:· estimnte of exp,mses for the year 1946 and a re-,ues ror levy of :~100,000 for the "/plfare rnnd for the comi.np-.rear was recr.ived nnd placed on file. '!'he application or·:1rs. ,1enn:i.e Perkins for cl:..sol~icc.tion o~ Lots 1, 2, ;3 and 4 in '"llock 35 of Lukr.vie1• !l.dditLon to the Village or ParkP.rs'Prairie at homestead rate for the .VP.Dr l!H-'l'was read ,md the board ecornmende,, to the Commissioner or ~axation 1hat snid hind be so cla.sr.ified and the assessed value reduced fro11 1~1200.00 to :~750.00 and thP tux from ::l::i7.28 to ."•83.59. i'he petition of Gertrude Seim to S(~t over lanc1 from 1Jistrict 170 to District 241 ~las OBain taken up und n motion was rejected. · · ' To the Count.v Board Otter Tall Connty, !,Iinnesota Pursnunt to luw I present oelow, a. stt',teme:,t sho,·1lni; tile !llllonnt o.r taxes levied for county purposes for he current yenr, the amo1mts collected and uppoi:tionetl to.elate, a.rid ti1e balances uncollected, togeth!)r 11ith he actual cash balance remaining to the credit o.!: each county funti. at the close o.f b;1siness on the 30th or of ,'une 1945. ,/illiam · Lincoln, County Au<i itor Funds Amo1mt Levied for Gl1rrent Year ,ounty P.evenue Fund J 72,1:39.95 oor Fund 40,969.69 cad and Bridge Fund 140,141.63 rubercnlosis Sanatorium F1md 22,366.06 ,ounty ''/elfare Fund 120,182.06 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... ,ul.'.• .. _10 ....................................... 193.45. Bo.lunues rer.in.ini!lf to the c:redit c.r eo.uh Fund are tis follo,·1s. Funds county ~"iveriiic ;sund Poor ~ PQO r Fi:.:rrn Read o.nci ,"Br ldee ;;•und Ditch Fund OlQ .t.Be Assistance Fund Tncidentnl 7und Insurance "'tmd ::onnty Tubercnlosis San;.torium Fund r:ontin11ent "'1md 'load and "'Ir idpe s inkinp. F11nd s i~ki np :rund ··101 r1ue "'nnd Gredi t Ba.h,nces ~; b,il5o.3o * 62,009.91 15,03u.a1 * 1,990.18 465,01 662.87 1,665.73 7,271.33 2,733.64 1,043.90 * 1,719.20 •rho rollow inp. is o. t.\' the Board. state'l!<mt of the accounts remaininf'. unpaid on 21,202.66 * the contracts To'or ;"/het PllT")OSe Po•·1er !.!oc111nery * 'l'he following o.•nounts have beP.n irtvested .in ··10.r "'londs: Bnl.unce Dne .~~ lb,26!3.M !'!Olld 1c ~r ldge -!25 ,000 Rev.enuA 50 0000 Roa.cl ~ Bridp.e Sl'1king l~,000 ·:1elfare . 13,000 The count." Andi tor !)rea,rnted the Collov1in12 stutemP.nt to the '3oard: •rile follo1·1inp. estimate of ex1iP.rtses !:or the P.nsuil'V? ,VP.Ur ls here:ni th Salary o: 1ounty or~1cers Salary of nounty nomMissioners r:lerk, ~0.'1itors, etc. Jo.UP.rs, nennty Sheriffs, etc. loard of Prisoners ,lurors Fens 1'/i tness fees Bailiffs, Reoorters, etc. ,1 11rors, ,Jnstic:e co11rt .'/itnesses, Justice uourt Justices a.rm Constables Inqu_es t, expenses Report of Births and Deaths LiBhts, fuel, etc. Books, blanks and stationery Printing and advertislnB ?-:xpense wl th insane Connty ;·1elfare Fund Postafe, express and freight ~onrt !louse r.ronnds Attend lng Assessors mP.eting Incidental Iliscellaneous Revenue s11bmi tted: ;~25,000 -1,500 20,flOO 3Jt00 4,500 0,000 f.iOO 3,500 100 300 2,000 300 500 8,000 10,000 &,000 1,000 100,000 2,000 1,000 600 800 7,01)0 120,000 already entered into Da.ted Jul,v 10, 1945. Road ."c Bridge Fund Sunutorlurn Fnnd 20,000 ~espectively snhmltted, JiLlinm Lincoln, County Amil tor The follov:i.ng resolnt.i.on ·.-10.s a.do!'ted: JesolvPrl by the 13ourd or: Connt.v Com'lliflsioners of Otter Toil Connty, :.!innesotu: '!'hat tile surn of ~';:3u0.00 be nnd the same hereb,11 ls &!')!'lrO!lrlated out of the Hevenne h'tmd of the County for ooRtafe und exprP.ss i"I the various Count.v offices enti.tlen thereto. Ado!')ted ,July 10, 1945, Geo. B. Glmderson, Che.lrman A tteRt: '.'/illiem Lincoln, Co11.,t.v 1>.11nitor, Clerk, The 1:ollol'I lnf reuolut ion •~a.s ado ot ed : Resolved by the Board of Cor,nt_y Co•mnissionen1 of Otter •~uil Connt,v, !.iirmesota: Thnt e.11 members of .the Cotmt.v :'1011rd of snid co1mt,v, namnly; Yolmer Kc.rvonen, Geo. B. Gunderson, Tlenry G. u-ofr, !3?rt Stone, nnd c. A. Snowberg, be tind thP.y hereb,v are appointed as me1Y1bers of the County :1elfare Board for th" fiscal .vea.r e nci i.ng June 30, 1946. Adopted ."uly 10, 1945. Geo. B. Gnnd erson, .'.:hai rmllll Attest: ~llliaD 1lncoln, Clerk. •rhe rollo~: ine. resolnt l,.n 1·:ns adopted: Resol•1ed by the ijoard of c:01mty Co:n'l!issioners of Otter 'Puil Cou.nt.v, ;,!irmescta.: Tha.t there be leviP.d upon the taxable propert,v of Otter Tall Connt.v, Uinnesota f:or the year 1945 the fol10~1inr umounts for the several funds: Road and Bridge Fund ?.evenuc F'und Welfare :i!'tmd Sanatorium Fund Poor 7und ,;;140,000 70,000 100,000 20,000 50,000 and the on<1-mill tnx re~uired by lc.w for school purposes. Adopted ~uly 10, 1945. · Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman. Attest: ,'/illiam Llnooln, Clerk. The f'ol101•1inp. names were placed on tiie Petit Jury list of the County to tal:e the place of nnmes dral'ln "or service at the April term of the District Court: H. !i.:. Siebels r.orman :.,rs. Glaude ?.e,1;nolds Perhem Yilla.gP. l.lrs. Lempi .0 orkhonen Vill. of. lie\"/ York t:1erbert ))uenow :'ribel'p. lie.than Jacobson nor-,,erian Grove Sophlu3 PetP.rson !'elica.n :.!rs. !;lartin 11ur,r.ett st. Olaf :.1rs. '.]. 1,,. l'ike Oa.k "fall ey '..!rs. H. o. t::arew Deer Creek Villape Arnold '3odeipheimer ,:ohn Tol opi !!ills !!rs. Leonard Larson :.!rs. •1. II. 1-Ia.lvorson !!rs. ':hns. AabP.rg :irs. l~enr,v _Dnnl:ar Cle J. -:;,r ip.aard '1&n.s Arv id son J.lnrie ::. Lucus Parkers Prairie Vill. }.!rs. L;a.nley Johnson i,!rs. i'/. :.i. Hebehn £rnest Y.ort Olaf Olson DonP. Prairie ·:,m. i~. Dt1enov1 Aurdal -;d. O. Brev ip. Aust ad :Ara. Gedo ~-Uoe Gi t;r Fergus '!1'nlls Gust Gnsto.rson RobP.rt A ltner :.rrs. r.tary !'rankbere; Otto Butler !.!aine Pelican ~apids Village Oscar 9a.ttle La1'.e Dalton Eastern Henning Village Compton Elizabeth Township Anrdal City Fereus Falls City Fergus Falls COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL_ COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. P:~.!¥.. ... !.Q ................................................... 193.i§.: The followi nB hills ~,ere r..llowpd: ,1. C. llel'!kes board inr. prisoners $ 69.00 J. c. Henkes expenses 12.60 Marcella ~o.nnce clerical .. ,ork-Co.Suot. $ 35.63 56,25 GP.o. A, Fenncf! exp. Deput:, ,Sherif:r. Violet 13renden clerical 1·10l'"k-':o.~upt. -C:thel !!'o.rden clerical 1.•1ol'"k-~o.Supt. ernice Jesme clerical wo~k-co. Supt. Ella Standahl clerical \'!Ork-Co. Supt, ivo.shin,o.ton County ex. insane arfane.vs Office s·pec, Co. supplies . ouchcr 0 rtg, "< Lith. r.o, blanlts l,!iller-Br,vn.'1 t-!:'ierce supplies jonroe Cnlculntinr Mach. co. l'"ibbon The rierce co. supplies fictor Lundeen~ Co. supplies~ printine . ritz-crosR co. supplies .'y'llo.n Fue 1 Co. coo.I 7 Sell Telephone Co. oo.lls •errus ,iournnl Co. nub. minn.tAs etc, (~orr) (rev) :I, i'/. GlorvipP.n drivers li.censn P.l!pense l\.merican Lngion Post #?.19 l.!em. Da.v services .amerl Post ..!!11.a :,Ierno.ri al Da.1• serv lees ,lonroe Colcnlotine; J.!ach. Co, Maintenance ,!inn, State Sanotorium care of pal: ient Dr, Geo. a. Jacobs examination 1oReph Rayner serving .notices of Exp. oy Corliss ,nrl Jahn o E 2ede:nption II II II onise Ston11ahl exr"!nses. , • A, T,nbricant Co, ,Inc. oil II 30,00 F:liznbeth Sundby clerical work-Co.Supt. 12.00 Blnora :!, Smith clerical ,1ork-Co.Supt. 37.50 J;Iar:orie Stenstrom clerical work-Co.Supt. 55,50 c. ~-~ind, Ll,D. CoronP.r's tees 16.20 '9nrrouehs AddinB l,lach. Co. supplies 2.97 Security 310.nk nook!:: Prtg. Co. deed record 1.60 ;.rt Printer.aft stationery 64. 90 Burroughs Ad di np; !,lo.ch. Co. ribbons 1.00 !.!iller-1Javis Co,nnan.v records l: supplies 3,36 Whitehead Prte;. Co. printJng 93. 75 ll"if",hwo.:r GrPenl:!onse Court Honse plont.ing 15.11 O. ~. Fossen co. Supplies 1G3.17 uj.,•p.en-Karst repairs 12.45 !JI'/ 'Jell '.i.'elPphone Co. calls 25.20 Hcnninp. Advocate notice to taxpayers 3,00 12,75 42,00 38,55 6,75 A9,oO A,75 6,00 81.64 52,00 97,00 ,50 3,7A 16.10 2.00 9A,25 13.% 20.00 u, "'· Glorvipen , !)Ost AmPrican Legion Aux., N,Y.:,1. Geo. Bergem Post #189 A,L, Frank C •. Hedlund' 'l'r,ellS. 01"'.'ice hox r1mt ~~• 1.50 '.,!em. D1:1y Serv ices·~•4'21.oo 4,50 28.00 29.10 3.00 13,u'I Mem,Day Services 25,.JO graduoticn music 25,00 1''erst1s Falls Clinic exam C',len Lake tinnutorium cure of patients J. C. Henkes serving notices of Exp, of Hedemption 9,00 Geo. A,. F.'unnce " " " II 14,39 J,onise Standahl cash advanced 6.25 p, A, Arwerson postae;e 9,00 221.2!) 71,03 10,61 11.00 23.00 ~ nd erson \-Sondberg Oil co. r,as a.v 's Oil Company gasoline tandard Oil Co. -P,R.pl!.soline 1A2.16 Field & Har,p.e Oil Co. diAsel fuel •• di Asel 'fuel 54,85 Rene;ston n1i Co. go.sol ine 24~1.H 32.ii9 75,00 33.93 20.25 ill Nelson Oil Co, e:aROline & otl vlotor In"! Go.rae:e e:o.soline. •c rf!pai.rs ,eo. •r. !'1,von 1:ompany po.rtR iw Sh,,.et & Iron works parts . koe:mo :,iot ors. Inc. ro.rt s '/heeler T,nmber 't\ride;e 'I: sunply co. 1·1ire Jinnesota lllot:or Co, r"!pairs p.tc. ,arson Bros. repairs ~enr,v l!Olmp,ren repairs ,onsnmers Oil Co. B,.L, repairs ~une Bros. :i'e!)ai rs !I: ti. res , oast to r.oost Store supplies lenninp l'ardwo.?'e Go. sup·pliPs !i,P,'Rail\'!a,v r.o. freiP.ht. 11, !! • .iones gravel . John r,rismer eravel . Town o I' '.!aolewood r-ro.di ng N"/ ~ell TelP phone -:::o. .cn.lls 11'/ Bell Telephone Cb, services ~39 '\attle Lake A, Glorvie:en expensAs Jest OttPr Tail Service Co. supplies •.U Lls Oil Company e;usoline ighwa,v Company gas & oil iohn Dieseth Co. e111ipt. rental Joe !nuppi cash odvanced o.lton Garage repai?'s yver rv.erson go.rll,Bf! rent eo. B. Gunderson exp.attend lnr, rneetlne; ert stone " " '' 85.63 Service Oil Co.mpany e:asoline 36.25 Anrnst Dnhlf! gasoline 73.56 Fergns Oil Ce>mpan,v ensoline & grease ·?.9.21 Wm, H. Z'ier-ler Co.,Inc,parts 136.17 Borehert-Inp.ersoll, Jnc. µirts 13,27 rm Enrinef:'rinr Co. parts 5.05 F.lk !'!river Concre.te nrod. Co. culverts 79,27 .RCIRholt S:qnipr:ient. Co. repnirs 'I: parts 71,95 Service ~ecorder Co. repnirs 57,00 !'!ed Arrow Garar.e repairs 9.10 Anderson% Tichy repnirs 7.05 LokP Regi.on Motor Co. repoirs 2A3.A4 r-:rnpirc Supply Co, Sll!lplies 5.06 Rbersvillcr's supplies 3,40 c. If. Bjorkluncl !'!od.v Shop cab 1.21 µiphwo..v Compnny rent 26.00 r.hnrle,\' Fenske p.ravel 3,90 "/. 1~. ,'aepP.?' ho.nled eravel 300.00 Do.hm's Photo Print ~o. muns 1.05 Pelican Tel~phone Co. se~vices Hl.60 Georpc l'/icb!r e;q:, P."!Ses 72. 15 •ro~m of. St. Olaf building o.p!)roach !'i.70 :nus Oil comparw gasoline 10,44 Penrose Oil Co. diesel ruel 'I: gas 17,03 Elk River Cone. Prod, co. culve~ts 296,25 Natl, BtlBhing & Purts. Co. inrts 12,77 Anderson & TicJh,Y welrilng 4,00 Tov:n of Oscur road work 5,.00 Ook Valley To,,nship road ,vork 5,60 Yalmf!r Knrvone.n P.XP, o.ttend•ing meeting• I /3,. ff 0 Upon motion the bonrd. then o.d journed to 2 :00 P.M. July 113, 1945. Chairman, r..ttest: Clerk, 5u8,GO 90.67 80,00 34.20 5A.56 4,26 3.60 1-,25 5.90 101.57 2 . .:.o 152.00 10.00 lOA,80 23.00 28,00 2,50 7.50 5.00 35,27 81,79 117.40 115.32 A,00 300.00 .lfl7.43 6.70 ,.. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... J.n.J..v: ... l.0 .......................................... 193 .. 4.5. , .111.ANK..DODK AND.P.IIIN'11NG.co. •. n .. a.ouD..MSNN--nl41 COU!iTY COM!.IISSIOI/E~S sr.ssron ' July lfl, 1 !J45 P1.1.reuant to ad ,io11rnment the boa.rd met ot 2 :00 P. ii. Jul.I' 18. 1945 nll members being present. Upon motion the Count,\• Aud ttor ~/8.S instructP.d to advertise ror bids for 300 tons more or less of 1¼" co~ma"ldcr stokP.r cou1, oil treo~~a. so.id bids to be openP.d at thP. session of the board to be held nt 2:00 P.U. Central i'lor Time. SeptP.111ber 11, 1!>45. The .!3011.rd of Connt,v r:ommisR Loners on the b~hal f o·P 0tter Tail county filed application ·for conve.voncc o~ tox forfdtecl lots in said r.01p1t,\• described nR :"ol101•:s: LotR 15, 16, 17, lA, 19, and 20 i.n Block 3 of Plensont ,\ddition to the VillB{"e of: D,.er ~:r-!el: nnd Lota 9, 10, 11, and 12 in Block lA of Lakevie,·1 Addition to the 'lillap.:e of !'arkers ..,rai rie and snid o.pplicn+ ion ,vns recommended to G. Hownrd Snaeth, Comml.ssioner of Tnxntion of the State of !.U"lnesota. The pet itton of ~udolph !Uedel, ,7r, to set ovnr S\'11· s··:¾ Section 27 and IIE:1· rm-l,--l!'ld llf HP.f P.xcept ri:tilwa, in Section 3'1 nnd Jl"/1 m'I~· except rnilv!a.v Ln Section 35 in Township of Parkers "rr,trie from District 11 to 25 was read and it 1ws l)rdered thnt a hearinf! on 1rnid petition be had at the session of the board to be held October 10, 19115 o.t the Commissil)nP.rs !loom in the Court House in FergnR Palls at 10:00 o'cloclr ;..:11. -~entral l'/ar Time 11nd thnt due notice o"f ti':le o.nd place of said hP.nrinB be Biven as requested by la,,. The petition cf Er.iil Freudenberg nskine-th,1~ the 3} !IE¼ and Sl'P,; li1lt,-except the \IP.St 10 a.ores of Section 3'1 in Township of ParJ:ers "Prairie be set over f?;om District 11 to 2!i was read nnd i.t was ordered that a h!'arinr. on said petition be had ot thP. sr.sston of the board to hP. helil October 10, .1945 ot the Commissioners !?oom in the_'!onrt 11onae in F'errns Pnlls at 10:00 o'nlock A.!,!. Central Wnr TimP. and that due notice of ti'lle and 9loce of so.id hearinr, be piven as rerinestecl. h.'l lnw. . The petition of. Geo. B, Larson aslcinp. that thP. SW¼ .Si"*, of Section 25 .und !l:t m-1¾ In'/1-, N"Wl SE¼ and E} Hvt¼ o:' Section 36 in Tc"tnshi•o of Parkers "ra.iriP. be s~t over from District 11 to 25 was read and it was ordered that a he.nrine; on sai.d petition be hod at the session o·f the board to be held October 10, 19'15 at the 1Jom11issionerR !?oom in ,the court Honse in Ferr.us F'lllls at 10:00 o'clock A.!i, Central i'/ar Time and thai due notice of time e.Tld place of s,ltd hearing be given ns reqn':!Rtec1 by lo.w. Upon moti.on the bonrd then a.d,'.onrned to 2:00 l!,!,l. Central \'/ar TimP., July 30, 1945. Geo. S, Gunderson, Chairr!lm. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. COMMJSSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. SECURITY DLANIC AND INl'ING CD. ll'ro a.GUD Ml... IHI DATE ...................... J.1!J.Y. .. .l.(L ......................................... 193 .... 4I5 l,iII-JUTr.:S OF' 1-r:E:TTUG (''Ii' '.:OUNTY BOARD OF F.'.)UALI7.,\TION OF O'l'TgR TA tL CO lnll'Y, MI "U'.';SO'i' A Year -,1945 Pursuant to statute county Commissioners Yalmer r:arvonen, Geo. B. Gnnder-son, Henry G. IToff, "'3ert Stone and Corl A. Snowbe:rg and Count.v And itor '.'/illia.rn Linc:oln met o.s· a Count.\' Boa:rd of ~quslization at the Count.v' Commissioners Room in the cou:rt House in F1ugus r'alls in said county at 10:00 o'clock A.M. r:entral War Time Jul.y 16, 1945 o.nd havin~ tal·.en oath o-r: office nroceP.ded to exarni.ne.the· books o.nd reports as rettnned by the artous assessors of the r.ount.1,. "!onnty ComrnissionP.r GP.O. J. Gunderson wa,;; elected ~hairmP.n of the Boord and l'!il liam Linc:oln, -!le,k. _The .board hfJ.Ving been satisfied :vi th e:irn1\1in1:1.tion of assessment in Perharn Villeg nder the hendine; of buildings loc:ated on :i;s.il:r;oad ,right of way said assessrnent. being ago.inst Knuttila Implement Compaey .was under-valued, upon motion it was ordered that the County Auditor notify said Company that it was the intention of the board to raise sa'id assessment and that hearint1 .on said matter ;vould be held at the Commissioners Roorn in the court House at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Central War T.ime Monday, Jul.\' 30, 945. The Andi tor was also instructed to notify the assessor of Perham Village that the C aunty Board of ,qualiza.tion i!esired his presence at the meeting to be held July 30 for conference relative to certain ssessments .in that village. The board after consideration of the values of livestock and household goods tentatively asreeu on percentages of changes b11t laid. over the formal order o·f these changes until the meeti.ng to be hP.ld ,1uly 30. Upon motion the board then ad,jonrned to Mondo.y, July 30, 1945 10:00 o'clock A.M. Central Viar Time at 111hlch time they ago.in met, .all ml:',nbers beine; p:resent. , The assessor of Perham Villae;e was present,. as requested, ·bnt the J(nuttJ.la Implement Company was not . ersona.lly represented, al thone:h a letter was received. from said Compo.ny o.nd read to the board. •rhe boo.rd iscussed with the P.eTham Assessor, Mr. H. J. Davies, the question of. the assessment. against the Km1ttila mplP.ment company and after full discussion upon motion it was ordered that the true and f11ll value of the . nild ing of said Compan;)' located on the :railroad :ri5ht of wa,v in Perham Village be raised from /j900.00 to :4000.00 and that the Count,v Andi tor notify said Company of such lncrease in valuation. •rh,;, board then dis- ussed the question of assessm(mt of thePerham Dr.r 1/iilk Plant which was not assessed in Perham Village for 945, and upon motion .the Au.di tor was. instructed to have said plant assessed :for the yem: 1945. The board, being satisfied that Geo,rge Donp.las and My:ron Dour,las, residents af the Township of Pine ak:e, who live in the same house are in fact maint.ainlnB two entirely sepa.rate :ramil,ies and own individno.l terns of personal property, instructed the Auditor to grant to each of said pa:rties the exemption allowed on householder for personal property assessment. On r.ionda_y, July :so, 1945 the board, having completed its exomination of the books, agreed upon the allowing percent!l.f-'P. chanf-es in the assessment of. certain items of personal prope:rty in the various ssessment districts of the county:- Cities, Villages, ~ Twps. class 2 A Inc. Inc. 1------------------ use utler Jandor arlisle Jli th er all Jompton Jorliss 'Prairie ead Lake eer creek ra nn 'agle Lake ~astern adna ,ffington ,lizabeth lmo ,:rhards Grove • erts . ergus Falls .olden .riberg ~irard nman ,eaf Lake ea.f Mountain idn l!aine ,laplewood ev:ton ids.roe orwegia.n Grove ak Valley rwell Prairie 20 25 5 115 120 50 5 45 50 20 70 120 25 100 10 -40 20 20 60 50 150 150 30 20 50 75 100 20 200 50 150 30 50 100 50 20 50 150 25 100 5 90 120 40 120 40 100 40 5 25 40 40 45 120 100 10 10 10 35 5 BO 30 30 120 35 30 45 110 40 120 90 5 40 30 30 60 25 100 60 60 40 30 50 40 70 C 5 20 60 25 45 15 -15 20 25 15 90 40 5 5 -5 70 65 100 20 10 25 10 40 45 60 20 45 40 Class 3-D -Items 36 -Cattle D E F G H I J ~ K Inc. Inc. Inc. ~ Inc. Inc. 15 15 130 20 40 20 20 40 15 20 80 40 25 85 70 25 25 25 45 20 20 50 60 85 40 15 20 80 40 75 20 15 15 45 30 25 35 25 65 40 25 20 ~5 75 20 100 10 25 25 50 25 25 45 100 20 20 5 20 25 35 100 -35 40 25 20 20 35 15 35 50 50 25 45 3B 25 20 40 5 25 25 25 25 35 30 40 40 25 25 5 25 25 25 55 15 30 40 10 10 60 10 40 10 20 30 30 10 40 20 65 25 25 25 30 35 15 10 !30 15 60 10 20 20 30 10 30 50 3B 10 15 35 10 25 70 25 25 60 25 15 15 35 15 35 35 10 50 35 10 60 5 .5 10 5 5 20 25 45 45 145 5 65 45 65 40 125 120 10 40 40 30 15 40 40 100 10 25 30 15 15 25 !30 50 -15 10 25 5 20 130 70 10 10 30 ::so 65 70 30 30 45 · 50 10 40 30 20 50 25 10 10 10 35 60 45 5 45 55 30 35 10 10 15 15 30 35 20 40 45 70 125 25 ID 20 115 100 100 45 40 80 5 10 5 65 5 80 90 25 25 45 40 140 30 20 10 30 50 55 130 5 60 75 5 130 80 15 15 65 40 40 50 30 25 25 10 35 15 40 50 60 25 30 60 40 10 15 5 30 10 15 10 5 25 10 30 25 40 80 60 10 70 100 10 70 85 10 70 65 Class 3D 37B 39B Inc. ~ 30 30 55 30 100 30 30 30 20 15 -25 30 30 30 100 20 5 30 40 100 -33 25 10 30 60 40 50 30 30 145 50 -30 30 50· 100 00 85 30 140 75 20 25 30 30 20 75 5 5 -30 25 30 25 50 -10 50 30 20 20 25 30 10 -30 50 50 10 110 30 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............................... J.uJ.,•:. .. J..6 ..... !t: ...... 3.0 ............... 193 .. 45. Vlllar,es. ~ Tl':ps. Class 2 ,\ Inc . .!.!!2:, Class 3-D -Items 36 -Cattle B C D E I" G H I ,J Y. Class 3D 37B 39B Inc. Inc. .!!!£., Inc. Inc. Inc~ Inc. Inc. ~ 15 50 25 55 25 30 25 25 30 10 Inc. Inc. Inc ' ?clican Perham Pine Lake Rush Lake ·t Saint .Olaf t Scambler : star La'ke ; SV!-!rdrup ,l Tordenskjold : Trondh,'.em :· Tumuli • '/estern ~i ;vood.s ide l .; Village V! llaf_!e · 'lillage :; Villaf_!e 1/illOBe Village ,, Villap.e !• Villape •! '/illaF.e -~ 1/illar.e •~ Vi llap.e 11 'Ii llo.p e ,1 Vill:o.ge ·p Vi l.l~e 1· VillaP-e •l 'li Hage : Vlllap.e :I City of I• of Battle Lake of. Bluffton of Clitherall or Dalton of Deer ~reek of Dent of F.lhab-?th of Henning • of Ne~, York !,!ills of otterto.il of Parkers ProiriP. of ~P.lican Re~ids of Perhnrn of -~iclwille of Underwood of Ve?'gas of Vining Fergus Falls 20 20 10 15 50 35 40 120 40 60 40 20 20 50 50 .20 50 10 1fi 25 50 25 40 20 100 90 60 -35 25 70 20 20 10 5 25 100 ]10 40 80 25 10 20 35 20 5 200 100 10 40 50 40 -10 15 11-0 40 100 40 20 15 20 110 40 20 45 25 40 10 40 10 35 40 00 --10 70 20 Upon motion the board then ad .;011rned ·.•:ithout date. 25 25 25 25 40 25 40 25 30 5 25 15 20 25 15 40 2Q 10 25 15 15 15 15 15 10 20 15 40 15 20 50 60 35 Attest: rJ~ ~'f?. __ _{) __ Gler~.......,__ i.IUIU'l'~S OP AD.:rOU?.iii:-:D 1.1:a:P.TiilG OF , 30ARD CF' COU!.J'l'Y C(l].Il.i!:1~1IOU!~?.S 0~' 0T'l'l~H T o\T L C0U!:'l'Y, i,IIIi!IF.S0TA 5 .35 15 25 25 40 5 10 20 5 5 15 15 85 25 5 20 5. 40 25 20 25 5 ~5 30 45 45 130 60 60 20 30 35 tlO 80 50 20 45 15 l!i 10 120 85 50 25 10 25 !'SO 50 50 25 25 130 25 25 115 40 25 30 20 30 30 100 -60 100 30 35 110 5-5 60 Pursn13nt to adjournment the boa.rd. met at 2:00 o'clock P.f,f. :,ronday ,luly 30, 1945, all membe,rs being nresent. . ~esidents of School Jistrict 134 presented to th,:i board 11. netition to divide the district nnd the 30 35 15 30 10 15 30 -15 30 65 30 -66 same ··:as discussed at lenf.th. It a_Jpeo!'ing from exnminatlon of the r,etit ion and the records or the County thnt the petition was def~ctive, the petition \"tas 1·:j_thdra•:m b,\' the "interested parties. Upon ,rnotion it i'taB orclerP.d that the sa.l::ir.V' of J:lnbel Gunderson, Assintent Connt.r Superintendent of Schools., he fixed at the .sum of :~166.66 per month from Aur:ust 1, 194[> to December 31, 1945. There beini:z no further business, upon motion the board then r,d,1ourned to AUBllSt 111-, 194!:i at 10:00 A.M. Central t"/ar 'l'ime. (At test: i I I I I I -- COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... ,i,.ug)!:;.t .... l..1 .•... l-.?..fQ ..................... 193 ....... . i!Ill'UT!~S er,• AD,10URIH:D l!E:':TillG OF eOAHD OF CO\Il!TY COl.ll:rnsrn!JI::RS OF OTT!~!'! T UL GOUIITY, ).Ul!NESOT A. Pursuant to ad,iournment the bourd met at 10:00 o'olock A-!~. ~lentral ;·1ar Time August 14, 1945. Present: ::ommissi.oners Karvonen, Gunderson, !!off. Stone, ond dnowberg. A plat of A, L, Peach's 1st Addition to ,\. L, Peach's Lekcshore in the To~m of Dora 11.ccornponied by ert i"l:icate of title executed b.V p, A. Anclerson, Ree.is ter of Deeds, \'/OS approved• A plat of A, L. Peach's Outlets to A, L. Peach's J,F.keshcre in the Townships of Doro and Star Lake, .cco:noonied b.v certificntc of tltle executed b_y p, A. A!lderson, ]er;ister o:r ::>eedo, '.'/as approved. A petition siened b,v :freeholders o:r School District 134 nskinP for the formation o-r u new school distri t 11.t of part of snid District 134, nnd pa.rt of District 160, wns rend and it ~ms ordered that a hearing on aid petition be had at the session of the boo.rd to be held at. the ~ommissioncrs Room in the Court House in •err.us "Ti'alls October 10, 1915 at 1:30 o'clock p,,~. r.entrnl ··10.r Time o.nd tho.t duP. notice of the time and lace o·l' said-hP.ur.inr. be given as re'luired b,r lav,. . The County And itor re!)Orten havinr-received o.n order from the State F1rP. !1Iarshnll to demolioh old frane tore buildinr, located on Lot 10 jn Block 10 of i-'ra.zee's First Addition to the Village of Pelican Rapids, aid building being situated on tax forfeited land. Upon motion the Auditor wus instruoted to advertise for lids for said building, some to be demolishen ancl removed within :iO duys after a.cce;,tanoe of bid, bids ~o be eceived until 10:00 o'clock A.!:I. September 11, 194!.i ::entral ;"[ar Time. Upon motion the board tvok a reoP.ss until 1 :30 P.J,J. A petition .for-County Aid Rand in t lie T,.o~mships of .tlidu:cos, Girard,.. Folden and Henning was p:resented by nterested parties and after discussion the petition was ordered placed on file and the Chairman appointed .. ommissioners .Stone .and Hoff as his asaociates on .committee to look ovei: said proposed road. Petitions for reductions of assessments on tracts at Peach's 9each and First Addition to Peach's Beach •.ere received from J • .r. Peach, Chester L. l:!itohell, Hugh D, .Robertson, .r.rrs. Lithtl Sheets, and Charles A. tevens. The _board made an examination of the reel estate assessment for 1944 on 9lntted lots in the wnship of Star Lake and came to the conclusion that the assess:nent o= the tracts embraced in these petitio •e:c.e approximately on par .v:ith other plattr.d lots .in Star Lo.J.:.e Township and furthermore, for the reason that axes on a large number of other lake lots in the township for suid year were valued at the same rate as the es described in the petitiom1,. upon .motion all of the foree;oing petitions were re,iected. The application of Robert c. s+inP. ·r:or corrP.ction of assessment .for 1944 ae:ainst Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, o d 4 in Notional Comrnunity Service '.:amp 1·ms receivecl and it appearing from said application that the assessor ad inadvertently valued these lots o.t :~150.00 euch, whereas he intended to assess them at 015.00 P.nch, pon mo.tion the board reco::imended to the CO•!lmissioner o~ r,axation that the assessed value of said lots be educed to ~~;s.oo and thf' tax to !~3.05 beinp. a reduction of :l'.'.27,50 from the amount of taxes as orip.1no.lly omputed. . The following ar.iplicuti.ons for cigarette lic:en'3es ~:ere granted, namely: Carl .:chnson in townsite o-f lmora in the Town of Elmo for the period from August 1st to December 31, 1945 and Virgil Uewbo rg at Di est' s · tore in Township of Friberg for the period from August 1st to DeoP.•nber :n, 1915. The petition of ·nreil I-!ewhorg for on ancl off aale beer License nt Diest's store •ro,:nship of Friberg ·.or the period :from Aueust 1, 1945 to !.{arch 31, 1946 was gra.ntrd. A report of the 3oard of Audit of the exarninntion of the accounts of P. i!. Ree, County •rreasurP.r, for .he neriod from !.-!a.v 1, 1915 to ,July 31, 1945 showing a balnnce in the i::onnty Treasury at the close of usincss of sr.id last mentionec'! date of ~907 ,250.29 was approved. The followi"lg resolution was adoptea: -riesolved b,\' the "9onrd of Go:mty Commissioners of Otter T!l.il County, Uinne sot a: That the sum of :~700.00 be o.nci herc!J.V i:-: anpropriated out of the :!evenue Fund of the co•tnt,v to be iv lded equally between the Perha!!I Agrir.:ultural BociP.ty o.nd Otter Tail Count,Y' ?air Assoc iatJon for count,v oirs for th.P. ,vear 1915. Adopted Atlflust 14, 1915. Geo. R, GundPrson, Chajrmon !\.ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk The following resolution was adopted: ResolLttion by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail county, !.linnesota: ~1-~SOLVgD, That that part of State Aid Road no. 2 bP.ginning at the Southwest corner of Section 33, 13HI-R41W and running East to T.H. {/52 be revoked. Adopted thiR 14th day of August, 1945. Geo. B, Gunderson, Chairmm ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resol11tion was adopted: Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tai 1 County, Minne so to.: Tl":Si'.'L'l'm, That the design.at ion of certain. r:.ounty Aid Rands be correct el'! as follows: C, A. R. #37 -'l'he terminus of this road shall be chnngP.d from the South ¼ corner of Section 17, Tl33N- 11W to the southwest 1.· co:r!IP.r of said section. · r:.A,R. J/,44 -That portion of the road described as follov1s "Bee;inning at the \'lest ¼.corner of Section 2 r131N-R4l1'/; thence rn.n .~ast 1.0 mile to the Rast ¼ corner of said section and there terminatinr." be changed s follows:·· "leginning ai.: the southwest co,rner of the northweat ¼ of the Northwest { of Section 24, Tl31N- • 411'f; thence run :r.:asterl,y, Southeasterly, and .Easterly and terminating at a point 0.1 mile North of t.hf! !!:ast ., ,co.rner :of aaid sect.ion. C.A.~. #27 -This road shall be extencled as follows: o the present terminus of c.A,R. #27, Beginning nt 11.s. #52; thenoe run sost 0.2 mile Adopted this 14th day of August 194-5. ittest: William Lincoln, Clerk The following bills were allowed: J.C. Henkes expenses Louise Standahl expenses r.:·110. Stonda.hl clerical ,·:orlr-~o.Supt. ~ erni.c;P. I. Jesme '' Dr. J. J, ·.'/arner coroner's rees ,• rank r.. BarnP.s :,funic ipnl court fees Joseph ?.a,vner Depnt,v Sheriff's fees intp.;en-Y.arst snDpliP.S Nest Qttertnil Service co. su~pliPS tor Grocery olenner -fiV Bell Telephone co. calls Jones & Kroeger Company record !Jocks ecurit,V Blank Book .!: Prte;. co. record books oucher !rtg.~ Lith. Co. records & supplies lctor Lundeen & co. supplies ri tz-crose r~ompa.n,v school supplies .riller-Davis r,o. blanlcs 'I, supplies ouise Standahl postage Geo. B, Gnnderson, Chairmm $136.25 J. C. Henkes 27,05 1/alborg •r•mgseth 67.50 !:larjorie Stenstrom 42.00 Arlene Skepstad board of prisoners clerical work-Co.Supt. cle~ical ~ark-" " 12.65 ~'iartin T. NP"lson meals for jurors 18.65 ~oy Corliss Deputy Sheriff's :fees 22.05 Willi.am llahls " '' .40 Beall ~. McGowan /Jo, sun,11ies G.99 Duane C:. Aune hauling rubbish 2.16 N"/ Bell Tele[.)hone co. calls 18.40 !erhom gnterprise Bulletin statements -110.39 Gaffane.1rs Office Spec. co. supplies 158.70 ~-A. Hennine, type. ribbons & repairs 128.07 Art Printcraft statements 67. 70 '!'he Pierce Compaey supplies 29.14 Walters. Booth & Son supplies 108 .59 Ferrus Journal co. pub. minutes etc. 132.62 ll", i'/, Glorv igen postage C5a.oo 15.00 20.62 24.00 13.50 10.20 13,42 8,30 6.00 20,40 23.03 12.12 7.20 6.75 22,64 16.62 112.22 25.00 _d c-+ COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .......................... -~.ll[lllSt ... 14 , ... 1 ~15.J, .. 15tl_t93········ p. r.!, ?.ee poRtaec vet~rans or "'orcLrn ~ors LlP.'11. D~• servic,,s Geo. ··1. Robinso!l lP.lief "orp 11.60 ,~120. 73 16.00 16.00 rn.oo A'!lertcnn I,epion Poot-nalton ~. ~-Clorvieen driver's ltc~nse exo. R, ''/, Belmont trnnsportinf' insanf! · 9.70 12.00 3.00 207.89 5.45 Dr, ;·1. o. B. Helson P.xaminotinn Glen Lake Sanatori111n care of oatient Olson Auto Electric Co.repairs r.rcnunn Farm store repuirs A, p, Schrni tz Garaf!e repnirs Larson Bros. " Dalton Garage Hotl. Bushing '-: Parts Co, su:1pl1es rnorf-Peterson Hdwe. ,o. supplies La'llpert Lnmber '.:o. lath Rill UP.lson Oil Co. tire Frankovi~ Rardwore Go. tools i;:. D. SUf!e gnr11pe rent N.P.~ailway Co. demnrrafP. µ.r,{.Jones pravel ~!ms, "'enske r-ra.vel ·.;otor Inn Ca.rap.e p.usoli !lf! p,,nrose Oil comnon.v " Pigh•·:11,v •::ompany ijlll's Service Station ~ey's Oil Company · nundohl Oil ~o. l,lelford Ohm,v1, sto.nd1Hd Ci.l ;O,-.'~ent Bengst;c,?'! Cil Co'llpnny gasoline The Oil Store Di.escl fnel fill. or Battle Lake wat~r cha.rges 1n Sell Te] e,.,hone '~o. lonp. distance 'eelicon Tel P.phone Co. services ,Joe Keu ripi co.sh advanced ,'/, L. rotter expensr.s 14. ~S6 5.50 0.50 1.00 UR.34 5.05 5.20 104.48 4.15 5.00 53.90 477.90 •164.10 45.2R C,1.57 27.13 6.00 6.93 2.51 29.00 ,12.15 55.35 2.25 5.A5 2,AO 4.10 9.15 ,1.. G lorvie:en rouae :;:. Carter /!'own of Edna tronscript -Po.ynter roud ,..:or!: 91,50 Co.s(f359 .61 300.00 12.50 R.46 o:f .Equal. 15.20 Twin Ci t,v :,retal T'rod. Service Recorder Co, Geo, B, Gunderson Bert Stone ~olrner Karvonen Co. sunplies repuirs services on B, 11· ., " . 21.40 lenry G, Hoff exp. atten_ding 'll~l"ting 30.20 10.00 24.00 .!inn. F,l'l,D, co. 90.rts Cumrnlns Diesel Sales &: Service parts 9orchert-!nf!ersoll,inc. parts n1oneer Rim &: \'/heel co. ri ·ns .,Iim1e11oolis Iron Store su!)plies Service Oil co. gasoline Town of Pelica.n road vtork 13.90 60.43 24 •. 89 55.00 75.00 300.00 postare 'P, ,\. Anilerson ~urelhsck'Post ~61 ·.1omen' s ~E'll.ef r:orp. G'!O, ;, • ,1ohnson r:ount.v of 9ecker r.,ernorio.l Dey services Dr. Leon '1, Boyd :tlnnesota State San. City Poor Department ,·111ino l~P.la Gorage Reino ¥.:au ppi G, H. KaU.!)pi salor.v ·•• exp. weed eza'!I. or. insane exami no.ti on care of 1Jatient core o.f: transient repairs repairs re!)airs Skogmo !Ao tors, Inc. ;"/ickstrom Co.rase 1•:bersvi ller Implement P.bersviller's .-P.R. !,Ii nnesotA. t.Iotor Co. Conklin ::!av: Show Village of Henning Raymond 13ros. '..lot or Co. supplies· sn:,p.Lies tire & tube !'l!lV/S filed Barur:e rental l? .J,I. ,iones ~has. ?enske Aur.nst Duhl e Trans. freight e;ro.vel rrsvPl eas~line Jock's ~ervice Station 3ill Helson Oil r:o. Anderson & SnndherB Oil Co. " Len Syvl"rson's " stundr•rd Oil C:o. -P.R. ~onsnnerG ~o-op Oil Co. Ui lls Oil Cornpa.ny Fereus Oil Com:>any Field '-: Harre Oil Co, Diesel r.nel 1:linn. State Highway Dept. !)lats Victor Lundeen •• Co. sto.t icnerJ• H''I Bell l'elP.f)hone Go. services C. A, Cnrter cash advo.ncPd A, Glorvip,en " Clarence Rood expense PinP. Lake To·1,"1ship ~•rad ine Skor,mo Motors Inc. oil rmrnn H, A. Ropers r:o. su~piie~ Compton Tnwnship road work i nsp. Henr,v G. Hoff services on f3. of E:qnel. Cs.rl A. Snowberg " " " Geo. B. Gunderson exp. o.t tending meeting Bert Stone " " 11 Geo. T, P~an Co. parts Rosholt P.'[t:ipment Jo. 11 Northwestern Sheet & Iron works Rrnpi re S11pply Cc. supp ii es D.A.Lubricant Co.,Inc. oil Pelican Telephone co. services Wm. H. Ziee;ler co. ,Inc.po.rts :,2R .35 23.50 25.00 261.50 20.10 3.00 88.66 2.00 12.61 4.00 2.50 3.70 14.40 15.70 5.22 32.05 1.65 15.00 11.11 250.80 400.40 46.50 6.:n :rn.10 33,10 44.83 :16.25 117 .49 !.il.41 52.35 286,48 2.00 2. 30 7.10 4.21 37.06 2,AO 300.00 5.75 37.64 300.00 15.00 12.10 5.20 12,80 30,99 256.!>8 301.14 162.78 173.20 1.95 47.00 The bill of !to.sea Cou!lt.'T for care of pe,tient a.t University •~ospital, said bill being for the sum of ~679.70, was uoon 11.dvice of the connt,v:.~~:::tea as not beinp. n lP.t7!l.l charp.e against Otter Tail Connty, The boo.rd having arr11.nged to meet with a delep.nUon of citizens from Dunn Township and other places .hen ad.:onrned to 8:00 o'cloclr n.:.1. :i.t which time they afoin met. all '!!embers beinf' present. After listeninp to the stat,,ments o:.' the interested cmrties, including the me'llbcrs of the 'l'o•·:r, ·Board of M TOW!'1Ship oe Dunn, it 11n9epring thot the road in \'/hich the persons werf' interested is a township road, no action 1•1as taken b,\T the r:ounty Board relative to the improvement o.r sni d road. Upon mot.ion the hoord then aa,,ourned to 10:00 A.U. ::cn-1:rol ·:10.r Time !.Uf!USt 15, 1945. '.'IP.DUP.SD/,1' S SF:SSIClli pursuant to ad~o11rnrn!'nt 1·he boo.rd met at lCl:00 o'c:loc}: :\.!.~. CirntraJ. \'lo.r Time Aue:ust 15, 191•5, all me'llbP.rs ~resent exccptine Com~issioner Y.o.rvonen. ~he ~oard of Aud it rresented to the bo11.rd desie:nations o-f -1:hP ·f'ollowinp hunks for deposit of. County fU"ldS: First State Bant. of Dnlt0n •• "'ir':lt 1;otional Bank , •• , • Fergus Falls ilational Bu..YJk J>c Trust co. Perham State Bon}: • • Farmers State Banl: •• F'irst National Bank •• J,?,Wallace State Ba.nJ: First tlational Bank First Hational Bank Farmers State Banlc First National Bank. Erhard State Bank. 1armers & !.{erch:ints State Dank, First l!ational ·Ba.nk Vergas State Bank • Dalton DP.P.r '.:reek !"erens Falls I'erho:n Dent • !,linnenpolis 2 Pe.lican Rapids Parkers Pro.i ri e Battle Lake U!ider11ood ~'ergus Falls ia:rha.rd New York Hills Henning Vergas Assi.f!nments of securities lJy all of the ~orep:oi~ banl:s were also presented and upon motion such ~!!eipn:nen ts •vere ll"!)rovcd by the County 'Soard. The following resolution V/8S adoy.ited: Res oh•ed b,v the Board o:f county Co:!lmissioners of Otter Te.il count,v, l.linnesot a: That the sum of $100.00 be nnd the same is npproprio.t~d out of the Revenue Fund of tile County to the btter Toil County Sofety Conncil C'or booth at thf! Otter Te.11 Ccunt,v Pnir, Adopted Ane:ust 15, 1915. Geo. B, Gunderson, Chairman !Attest: :'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................... A.ueu st .. 15 • ... 1945 ................ l9S ....... . Upon motion the boo.rd then o.djotJrned to 10:00 o'cloclc A,M, Contrul 1·10.r Time, September 11, 1945, PtJAJ--·<2. S-21 / fTl 1.. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. /'WV~ A,t./ ... c DATE ....... ~.!:.P..~.~.~.~~.~:1: .... !!.! .... !.~.~·~···~···~·~·!,·~········193........ ::fr t{wi ,~._rvv{ "!.. -----_.m,fHD'.IL\ffK.IIOOtV'ND.P.ltlNllffG.GO.,.IIT,.CLOUD,,Ml .. l'feHltl_ I I The bond of Lnello :.furtinsou, Clerk o C Probote court of a policy for ::)1000.00 with the Hartford Acclden t &· Indemnity Gomp any o.H surety 1Vt1S a.r,proved. A report of the Bourd of Andit of the exo.minntion of the current tux collections of the .::ou.nty Treasurer for the perioci from I.larch 20, 1945 to June 27, 1945 c.nd showing u total current taxes collected clur ing s1,id period of .:;;018, 720. 97 Vtf.l.S approved. Order of the Stnte Fire wnshall dlrectine; prompt removal of builci.ing located on the Ii½ of Lots 5 and 6 in Bloc!: 3 of the 'lill,;,re of Dent m1s read and the connty Auditor was instructed to advertise for sealed bi<!s for sa.ld bu.tiding, the snme to he removed within :-10 daps after notification of accP.ptance, said bins to be opened at u meeting of the board October 9, 1945. Upon motion the board then adjourned to i'lednesdny September 12, 1945 at 10:00 o'clock A.;~. WEDNESDAY'S SESSION ·pursuant to nci jo1trnment 1: he hoard met o.t 10 :00 o'clock A. !I, S~pternber 12, all mcmh'!rS being present. The Flp!)licntion of 13, Ji', F.yre for reduction of assessment for 1944 on Lot 26 First Addition to Pee.ch's n~neh in the Town of Star Lake vms rP.ad and the bonrd b<'ing of the opinion after examination of assessments of other lake pro"!)erty in so.id township for so.id yeur ti111.t· thP. same was not nsaessed out of proportion to other similar property upon .motion the petition was ::-e,jected. The application of Alvin S. ,Johnson .Cor reiiuctlon of assessment for the year 1914 on his property kno1vn as.Reserve 4 of F.ir.kle &: White's Addition and ocljoining unplattecl tract wus reacl and the City Assessor nnri meinbers of the Cit,\' Uounoil huving reco:nmended that the true e.nd full value of snid propP.rtJ' be reduced to -~1000. Uoon motion the hoard recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be rP.duoed from' $368 to C250 nnrl the taxes frorn :~44.77 to :;',;30.42 and thl\t accrued penalty be abated. The application o:C Inr,vulcl O. Eap.en for clnssifioation at horneatead rate ror 1911 of' Government Lots 1 and 6 in Section 16 rind i"lt liE¼ nnd !}overn'!lent T.ots 1 and 2 in Section 17 To1·m or Sverdrup .,,as read and after consideration upon motion the sa.mP. vies laid over for further investir,ation. The application of Sharon Spencer for clusRification or trnct in unplntted lnnds of the Ci t.v of Ferp,us r alls on Son th Cascade Street ror the .i'ear 1944 nt homestead ratP. was rend and upon rno tion the bonrd ecO'!!'Dended to the ~ommissioner o·r •rnxation that said land be so classified and assessed value reduor.d from •·303 to $182 and thP.. tax -r"ro,n C,32,97 to ~19.26 and tllllt any accrued pennlt,\' be abated. The application or Alfred A, Sa,lo Zor ree1uc:Uon of asseRsment for 1914 age.inst the St UE¼ a.nd Et SE¼ r Sect ion 5 To1ms;hip of Leaf Lake v:1:1.s rend and the board re·commenlled to the Commissioner of 'l.'axution that he assessed value of said property oe reduced from $565 to t277 and the tax from 049.03 to $24.49 and that corued penalty be abated. The application of Agnes C, Freeborn Eriksson for settlement of delinquent taxes for the year 1943 gainst '.'!t Lot 8 and ull of Lots 9 and 10 except the South 50 feet in Block 56 of the original pint of the i t,v of Fergus r'alls was read and the board recommended to the commissioner of 'l.'axation that the sum of :,,56.92 be accepted in fu.11 pi;.yment o:r taxes, penalty, interest a.nu. cost against said property for said year. Dr, w. L. Patterson, Superintendent of Fereus Falls State Hospital, appeared before the bonrd to regue t esignation of road.s on the grounds of said institution as Stnte Parkway and after consideration the followi esolution was adopted: The followin8 resnlot.ion was adopted: Resolved by the Boord of County Commissioners of otter Teil·County, Uinnesota: . That t)'le Comrnissionr.r of f!ie;hways of the State of Uinnr.:rnta be and he hereby is reqnested to destgnate as a State Aid Parkv:ny 1111 roads lying 1•:i thin the established limits of the Fergus Fells Sta.te Hospital ror tnsnne in the ~ity of F~rgus Falls in said county. Adopted September 12, 1945. Geo. B. Gtmderson, Chairman ttest: i7illiam Lincoln, Clerk ThP. follo1•:ing resolution ~:aFI a.do·ptecl: Resolved b,v the Boord of county commissionPrs of Otter ·Tail County, :.unnesota: That Odin. ,Johnson be and he hereby is appointed as Jeni tor at the Otter· Tail county Court House for th er iod of one year oornmer.c ine; SeptembP.r 1, 1945 at a salury of _:';225 .00 per month; oondi t ioned that he furn is nd pe.y all help and carry liability insurance on all of said help, Adopted SeptP.mber 12, 1945'. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chnriman .ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk The follO\'ling bills were allo1ved: • C. Henkes expenses $107. 32 .C. "f'enk-,s board Of. priRoners 63.00 r. Everett C, l~nnson Deputy CoronP.r's 1"ees 11.95 ronk G. Barnes :nmicipal court fees· 33.20 oseph Ra,\•ner Deputy Sheriff's fees 18.56 tis Caughey constable fees 8. 22 ,ounty School & Office su,ply co school records 91.46 ictor r,u.ndeen ti: co. tax receipts, tee. 371.55 • A, Henning · supplies 1.20 ritz-Cross co. records & blanks 75.39 p.ehlad Publishing Co. printing & supplies 77.60 onch~r Printing & Lith. Co, receipts & blanks 69.39 Jaos-Olson co. • supplies 1.75 !iher-Devis cornpany collection register 48.10 swald Publishing co. supplies 5.98 .ere;us Journe.l co. publishing minittes, etc. 118.09 erham EntP.rprise Bulletin " notices to taxpa,versl3.05 eall f-= !.!oGowan ·co. paper :-S.74 fl'/ Bell Telephone co. calls 39.20 nited Chemical co., tnc. supplies 24.00 intp,en-Kerst supplies 3.22 .ostello life;. ~q. SUp[.)lies 96.25 mplement Dealers :111.tuul Fire Ins, Co. premium 33. 38 Vest Otter Tail Snrvioe co. supplies 10.84 7, ?., Olson Ar,e110.v insurance 243.23 le !!:ulstad , repa.ir 2.00 .off-Peterson Hdwe. co. shears 3.40 ennep.ln Hdwe. do, supplies Hl.75 17 Sell 'l'elephone co. calls 17.00 eo, F, Johnson salary & expense -weed \'I. Glorvigen ihspeotor commissions on driver's .licenses 235.70 7.60 jailer r,1emorial Day servi.ces hond premium stamped envelopPS postape Perry Becker Edward Carlson Post #283 R, J. Barke ~. \!/. Glorvigen J,oulse Stondahl City Poor Dept. care of tran- 15.00 18.50 11.32 102.76 46.00 sient 2.45 r,Unnesota S t::i.te Sanatorium care ofpatien t 88 .66 Glen J.ake Sanatorium care of pntiPnts· 223.59 Elk River cone. Pro cl. Co. culverts 376. 30 l/m. F!. Ziegler co., Inc·. parts 118.32 Rosholt E1uipment Co. parts 30. 71 !,linnesotu !.{otor co. repairs 38.55 Skogmo Hotors, Inc. repairs 4.90 Larson 13ros. repairs· 13. 35 BP.ngston Oil co. repairs 6.00 Lee Chevrolet co. repairs 2.60 Walter Olson repairs 2.50" Lake Reelon !.{otor Co, repairs .31,50 Ebersviller Impl~mefit Co. repairs 2.18 Service Recorder Co. repairs 8.71 :-{ill~r-Davis ~ompany supplies 23. 25 Whitehead nrinting co. supplies 11.75 Victor Lundeen -~ Co. supplies 5.00 ~o.noock Cone. Prod. co. tile 12.60 John Dieseth Company P.ouipt. rental 479.75 J,finnesotn Stnte 17iehwey Dept. gravel 26.55 Far~~rs Co-op Creamery Ass'n tube 4.00 niller & TeisbP.rg paint . 3.05 Carlson Hard,vare co. sto11e ·50,00 Boe's Implements filters 2.25 :funisine; Foundr,v Co. supplies 19.50 u COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..... se pt.c'!lbPr .. 11. ' ... ;I.945······························193 ....... . !.UNl.JTF.S OF AD,TOll?.IIF.D !F.ETrnG OF 130.!JW OF ~C'Ulf'rY ~Oi.ll!ViSIOHr:RS OF O'l"~ER TAIL COUN'rY, :.!IU!8SOT A !'nTRtHmt to ad~ournm,mt the board met at 10:00 o'clock A,l,I, Sept~mber 11, 191-5. Present: Commissioner Y.o.rvonen, Gnnderscn, Hoff, Stone, and SnowbP.r8, The botud, havin!!' calle<l -ror bicl s for build i nP. ori to.x forfe i ~ ed lot located on Lot 1~ Block 10 of razoe's 1st Addition to Pelican Rapids und !.!artin He.nson heinp tne only bidder, npon motion the board a.cceJ)ted hj s bid of ~!25,00, . . • A larp<! delePat.i.om of citizens o~ the TO"msh1.p o-r Tordensk.~olk appe,n:ea before the boi;rd to urp,e t'l.esip.nati.on of a p.as tRX road 1.n that t.ci,,:nship. The -followinr. resolution was o.do,..,te/1: Resolved bl' the Ao.n.rd o·f •'.Jounty Com"lission,,rs of Otter TDil ".lount,I', :.Hnnesota: Whereas this boo.rd hfls heretofore controctr>/1 ":ith SkoP,no :;otors Inc. ~or one l.!odel WP..A 45 Dodp.e Tr11ck nd whereas t.he sa'!le hfls been deliv'!!rerl to 'lTlil acoPrtea by the County, r!OVI therefore, he it resolved, t·hat the county Auditor r-.nd the Cht~ir'llon o-r t~1e Board be and they hereby are uutbor.ized Md directed to issue to said Com:mny a warra.nt on the roo.d and bn.de;e fund of the County in Geo. 13, Gunderson, Chairman the Rum of il050,00 the contruct price, Adopted this 11th doy of September 1945, ~ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Upon :notion the Auditor was instruc:ter to call for bids .r.or 24 lam:i!no.ted rufters, spun 36 fP.et, rise feet, bids to be opened at the session of the board to be held October 9, 1945 at 2:00 o'clock P.~. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to tr1msmit to CongressmllI!. Harold Hagen a request from said oard tho.t he seoure from the Federal Government s. Germon 88. cannon for installation et the Court House rounds .in Fergus Falls. Upon motion it l'IO.S orderer' that hereufter all snow plowing for private parties hy county equipment ·be undle/1 through the To17nshi p Board.a o·r the vurions townships. The appl.i cation of JosE'ph p, Suchy for on and off salP. "b"'er licenses at his resto.uro.nt at Urbank in 01mship of F.:Hinf,tcn for the period ending March !3, 1946 was granted. Upon motion cigarette license v:os 0 ranted to sain party at said place for the period from Sertember 1 to December 31, 1945, The following reso~nti.on was adopted: Resolved b,\' the Boar/I of :!aunty Commissioners of OttP,r Tail r.ount.v, Minnesota.: Resolution for Federal-Aid Secondnry System: \'fl'":!1F.AS,. Section 3, (b) of the Federal-aid Hip,hway Act of 1914 provides that u syste-n of principnl econclar.v and. feeder roads shall be selected by the State Highway Departments in cooperation •.·:ith loco.l rood fflciuls, and ··12REAS, So.id system of principal secondary and feeder roads is to bP. known nnd identl.fied !lS the 'Federal-aid Secondary System" in accordance v1ith the rules and reeultJ.lions dul,I' issued pursuant to said a.ct nd .. ,w:R!':AS, It is necessa.r.v that the Stute agree with the Public Roads Administration at the time of onstrnction of any Federal Aid Secondar.v project to provide so.tisfnctory maintenance on eP..ch project nnd ln rcler to mP.et this re'!uirement it "!ill bC' necessnr.\' tht1t the count.v roads in thP. F'e<'l':'ral .?.id SP.condury Syster hall also be dP.sign:i.ted as State Aid T!oads r1ithin r.11 cities ond villnres of less than 5000 population ns \"ell a.s outside of snch <~i ties and villooes. "BE Pr ?.F!SOLVP:D, That th1> Oonnt.v·of Otter Tail o.c':inp, throufh its County Board herel>y ap!)roves and concu n the selection and incluston in the Fet'lercl Aid Ser:ondr.r.\' S.vste111 of the following desr,ribed high1'1a.vs in aid County 1,nd further ngrees ut such ti.me os li'm'leral funds are rPriuestor. for construction on arty portion o aid system that it vlill toke the pro!?er. ac1"lc.n to sr>c:nre ti.c desir.m.tion of any s1.1.ch road other than tr1mk 1igh·•!nys as a State Aid Ro!icl if it is not aJ.ret,d,1' so rle3ienated. Road DesiB,. T,H, 3 'l',H, 34 T, rr. 78 T.R, 106 T,H, 108 T.H, 108 S,A,R, 1 S,A,R, 1 S,A,R, 1 S,A,R, 1 S,,l.R, 2 S. A, R, ~ S,A,R. 1 S,A,R, 4 S. A.R, 5 S ,A,R,; 5 S.A.R. 7 3,A,R, 8 S.A.R. 9 S,A,R. 12 S,A.R, 14 S.A.R. 14 :: ,A,R, 25 C, A,?.. 28 C.A,R. 33 C.A.R, 33 C. !\,R, 44 C,A,R, 44 C,A,R, 54 C.A,R, 58 C,A,P., 58 C.A,R, 61 Location of Route T .J~ • T.U, 29, 3,5 i,ii. s. of lJeer Creek to E. co. Line 59 at .Dnnv lllu to 1/. Co. Line 10 in Perham to · S. co. Line :i',H, 29 at Deer Creedlc to •r.H. 10 111 .}f. 'l',H. •r,H. 59 at Peli.oun Rapids to •r.H. IZ8, 2 !.-Ii. s. of Perham 70 in Otter Ta.ii to T,H, 3 at Henning Tr1wk Highway Total s. co. Line to T,R, 52 ut FP.reus Ralls T,H, 59 at F'!rgus Falls to T,H. 78 2 :'ii. N, i'T,' of otter Tail T,TT, 108, 3 !ll, E, of OttP.r Tail to~. Co. Line S,A,R, 8, 3 ·.-ri. s. o:' Butler to 1 '.Ii. s. S,A,R, 1, 1 !,Ii. S. of Ferp:us "'olls to,.,. Co. Line T. 1'1, 52 nt ~othsa.v to S. h,?.. 1 I'/, Co. Line to 1'elic1,n ?.1inids T,R, 59, 1.5 Ui, N. of PP.iican Rapids to H, Co. tine S, Co. J.ine 2.5 :.Ii. s.·:1. of Urbank to E. i::o. Line T,H. 7f3, 1.5 '.Ji. S,E, of Otter Tail to 1 UL N, of s. co. Line T,H. 3· ut. Vininr, to E~ ~o. Line . T,FI~ 10 in Perham to N. co. LinP. . T,H, 59 at Pelican Tin11ids to I!, ::o. T.ine T,R. 59 to T,H. 10 at Dent , T,R. 78,·1.5 gi, N, of Battle Lnke to S,A,R, 1 S,A,R, 1, 2 !,Ii. E, of Amor to T,H, 78, 2 Hi, E. of Richville T,H, 29, 0,5 ~i. N. of Perk~rs Prairie to C.A.R, 54 S,A,R, 2, 1,5 Mi, IT, of Roberts to S,A.~. 1 at Fer~us 7nlls T,R, 108, 0.5 i,li. IV, of Pennir!f. to S,A,R, 5 T,J.T, 7R, 1.5 :Ii. Ii, of Tlal:tle T,ake to S.A,?., 5 T,tr. 108 et Dent to S,A,R. 4 at Verras S,A,R, 4 at VP.rp.o.s ton. ~o. Line. T,q, 3 at nenning to C,A,R, 25 4,8 !ti, N,E. of Purkers Pruirie T,TT. 10 at Bluffton to S,A,R, 1 S,A,R, 8 at Pillview to S,A,R, 1 S,A,R, 5, 5.5 I.Ii. F., of Parkers Prai1ie to s. co. Line '.Jounty Road Total GRAND TCJl'AL :,riles ~ 7.3 38.3 7.4 26.2 13.6 13,0 32,2 29.5 1.0 10.0 23.3 10.5 . 20.0 24.0 21.8 21.8 22.3· 10.5 40.Q, 2.5 10.8 4.3 9.0 6.0 6.0 12.0 7.5 11.4 11.5 3.5 -~ Adopted this 11th day of September 1945 ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk Geo, B, Gunderson, Chairman 100.7 368.9 469,6 J COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN~:'1~. ✓,,,_2'(;;_" DATE ............ QQ.!fl.J?.~.r. ... !?.A .. J..!?.~.~ .............................. .193........ l'f-1f. i.J ..;i._p.J:t- sa::ullrn' 111.ANK AfrlD P•INTINCI CD., ff• a.GIID. IIINN.-NHI MIIIUTF.S OF ADJOURil'ED l,IEETIIIG OF 130ARD OF COffilTY COML!ISS TONERS OF OTTF.P. TAIL COIJliTY, :dllll-lESOTA nursuo:-it to adjournment the board mf't ot 10:00 o'clock A.i.t. 'l'uesday, Octob.er 9, 1915. !'resent: commissionP.rs Karvonen, Gunderson, Hoff, Ztone, and Snowberg. Sheriff J.C. HP.nkes appeared before thP. hoard in reeord to personal propcr1:y tax citations for the JP.9r 1945 upon which he wus unable to obtain service for the reason thnt parties hod left the state. Upon mo1:lon it was decided to c~mcel said taxes. The followinB resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter T11.il county, Hinnesota: ~hP.reas, Sheriff J. c. rrenkes hus re~orted to the board thut the following personal property taxes • for 1944 can not be collected for the reason that the owners of the propP.rty have left the StatP. of \ !.11nnesota ond thnt he is nnable 1io obtr.1.n service on them. · ?!ow, therefore, be it resolved 1:hat the said personol property taxes be the same hereby ordered !: ccm:,.lled. Nome ~ssesRmP.nt District Butler Amonnt Unme LeonRrd r.1cnde Alvin ,Tensen Harold B. Cook Gcorpe ,Jop.im Assessment D1s.tTlct Svt-rdrup Amount ' i. ~alph :r.odell Georee ;•1. Hnnson Leo !,IUstenteiger Gertrude Helson :r.. Bosnton AdoptP.d October 9, 1945. Attent: William Lincoln, Clerk l'ak VollP.y ~ompton City -Fereus City -" The followine resolution was adopted: ~ 14.97 l~0.29 1"1'.llS 10.2~ 5.79 City -Fcrp.us l"alls Drme Prairie ?/es tern GP.o. B. Gunderson, Cho.irman Resolved by th.P. Boa.rd of County commissioners of otter Toil Gounty, !.finnesota: ----;;-:rr 2.02 5.23 28.50 Thot !.fiss :,fnrtha Levine ond !.fiss Selma Evenstad, patients at the Otter Toil County Tuberculosis Sanatorium, be transferred to Glen Lake Sanatorium for medical or surgery treatmnnt ot the expense of Otter TRil county, State of !.finnesotH, ns provided by la.w. Adopted October 9, 1915. Geo. R. Gunderson, Chairman AttP.et: Rilliam Lincoln, ClP.rk The followinH reoolution was adopted: P.esolved by the ~onrd of County Co'llmissioners of Otter Tail:County, Minnesota: \'ffi":REAS, this board h11s heretofore contracted with Rosholt Equipment Com:1an.v for one power motor and ·· tractor c.r.d whereas some hc.s been nP.livered to :ind accepted h1r the county board. Nov~. therP!'.Ore, be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and the,y hereby ;' are authorized and directed to issue to said comyion.v a •.vo.rront on the road and bridr,P. fund of this county !i in the sum of :~977. 00. · 1, Adopted October 9, 1915. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chair'llan • Attest: ~illinm Lincoln, ~lerk The follo~ing rP.solution was adopted: Resolved by the. Board of county commissioners of otter ':'ail county, Minnesota: i'ITP•!R~AS, this board has heretofore contracted ,•:ith C. B. Lyon 8: Bro. Inc. for furnishing carload of oRlcium c.hloride and whereas same has been delivered to and uccepted by the county boa.rd. Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Co11.nty Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby ore onthorized and dirented to issue to said company u w11rrnnt on the rolid uncl brid.ge fund of this ·county in the sum of ~1275.00. Adopted October 9, 1945. Geo. B. Gu..~derson, Chairman AttP.st: \'lilliom Lincoln, Clerk Upon motion it was ordered that the compensation to bn pcld to the county for ·all prisoners confined in the Cltter Tail count,v Jnil be paid at the rnte of .:,1-.50 per dny, excepting those of Otter Tail Cou.nty. A lore;e deler:ation of citiiurns fro'll V.enninr, and Girard Townships and Hennine Village discussed 1vith the board the neP.d for im·provemen t or old hip,h1·my iJ36 betweP.n Henninf! and Battle Lake Villages. The bonrd having advertised for bids for buildi~~ locotP.d on tax forfeited lot described os the Ni of Lots 5 and 6 of !Hock 3 of Original Plnt of Villap.e of Dent ond havinr, received 11 hid from Harold i7. Deahl of ~25,00 upon motion the bid 1vas nccepted. Upon :notion the board took n recess to l :30 o'clock P.:.1. · A plat of I.ewis ;·1ord :.1artin •s Perfect Beach in the To•r:nship of Corliss, accompanied by cert lficate of title executed by P. A. ,:_nderson, abstractor of titlE'S, was approved. Rcriuest for increase bou.nty on foxes ·1us received from the Game Protective League· of Dent nnd Perham. These requests WP.re ordered placed on file. The applico.t ion of J~. I,. i(nndson f:or cir111·ette license for period from October 1st to December 31, 194: at Phelps StorP. in Town cif Hai nP. ,.,as ernnted. The board having advPrtisecl for bids ·ror 24 arch rafters for county garage in Villare of Verp.as and havinr, receivP.tl fro'I! i'likox J,umher Cornpan.v of Detroit Lukes a bid of ;}696.40, this being the only bid rPceived, upon '!lotion suid bid was accepted. The opplicntion of· TnfVt'.ld n. Fape:-i ror homP.stend classi-1'.icol•i.on on W} NE¼ e.nd GovernmP.nt Lots l & 2 in Section 17 und C:overn11ent Lots l ,'c 6 in Section 16 Township of Sverdrup for .vear 1914 wo.s rer,d nnd the board reco'l!mended to the Co'!lmissione:· cf :'axation that said land bE' so classifi.eci and the assessed v11.lue re<luced fro'll .,2, 018 to :,:1,485 und the tax from ('169. 50 to t:122; 39. The application of John Rapp for t.omestE>ad c·lassificution of W?!-SE¼ nnd Et SE¼ of Section 22 in 'l'ovmship of llidaros for tl.e rear 19-1-4 wiLS reo.d and the board reoommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said l.!',nd be so closs ified and the assessed vr,lue be red ucea from /~l, 029 to $617 and the tax from f95.49 to 055.44. county Attorney ;·1. P. Berghuis filea tu the hoard his resig110.tion as County Attorney, effective October 15, 1915. Upon motion the hoard then adjourned to Octoher 10th at 10:00 o•c,lock ,i..;.1. ;·fEDIIBSDAY Is SESS TON Pursuant to acljournrnent the board met at 10:00 o'clock A.II!. "!ednesday, October 10, 1915, all members being present. , The petition of '.{Drtin R. Hflnson to be set over from DJ.strict 30 to District 197 was ta.ken up for final action. AftP.r listeninr, to the stntP.'!lents of the County Superintendent of Schools and the petitioner, ~pon motion the petiti.on 1·:as pra"'lted ar.c1 the board issued the follovrinf. ortlr>r to-wit: I COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....... Sept em!J.!U'. .. J.g., ... J .. l!.1:P. ........................... 193 ....... . SEICURlff IILANIC rn: MD PRINT1ND CO., DT, CL.DU~ MINN-HI .. :rulseth Supply co. supplies !.!inneopoliR Iron Store snpplies Empire Supply co. supplies Notl. Bushing & Parts c:o. Inc. supplies !ergus:Service Station. flllSOline Len Syverson•s gasoline i!otor Inn Garage gasoline Bill's Service Station Rnsollne Mills Oil ()ompon,v r R!:!Oline 8, Oil TJl.t!hway -::ompany r.nsoline Aneust Dahle gasoline Consumers r.o-op Cll.l co.-H,rnning " Bendickson Service Station ·eenrose Oil •Jompe.n.v Gusoline 'I: enrnee Anderson~ Sandberg Oil co. e~soline & Diesel fuel Le.Ice freight nmto.l Diesel fnel $697.28 55.00 ,4u.16 149.55 28.94 18.05 18.61 6.45 58,73 10.00 19.20 2.36 38.99 50,76 51.93 263.28 Minni;?sota F.V/.D. co. parts A. Glorvigen postage A. Clorvigen expense Rorchert-Jngersoll, Inc. ports Rosholt Eqni pment Co. :,;>arts Algot carlsqn supplies J. ~-Schmidt repairs i'/eAtllmd notor co. repairs Ray• s Oil Corn·pany r,usoline !'ip.hvm,'f Qompany gasoline Park Region Co-op Oil co. pfjsoline Service Oil Co. gasoline Ferr.us Uil Company gas & oil Blll "!'P.lson Oil Co. oil j). A. Lubrielant co. oil Becker County S1ind &: Gravel Co; Inc. Bra.v~l Crent West~rn Laboratories soup PP.r(rllS Falls Township e;rading Louise Stonda.hl expense 6.41 25.20 101.30 86.82 163.04 25.00 10.75 5.95 72.U 26,R3 39.20 75.00 26.05 32,67 34.42 51.98 17,77 Field & Pagge Oil Co. N.P •. Railway Co. -Battle Syve:i: Iverson Village of Henning garage rent garage rent garage rental 13arage rental garage rental easement Services f39 .98 15.00 45.00 15.00 45,00 90.00 10.00 Bernice Jesme clerk Supt's office 300.00 11.55 6.00 4.50 300.00 E. n .. Sage Village of Dalton Village of Pew York J,Ulle, George A, Money m•1 Bell TP.le phone Co. "Battle .Lake NW Bell Telephone r.o. long distnnce #3649 n. )A. Wheeler cash advanced Cl~rence ,J. Rood expense S, F.. T~o.11 expense Norwegian Grove Township gradin8 Township of Giro.rd ftrading The following resolution was qdoptP.d: 8.75 8.60. 10.96 4.50 54.45 300.00 300.00 !.!arjorie Stenstrom " " " Township of Blovrers road work Erhards Grove T\·rp. road work D1mn Tv1p. rend work Fereus Falls Township road work George B. Gunderson Board of Andi t Georr,e B. GnndP.rson Commissioner's Bert Stone Yalmer Knrvonen H•mry G. Hoff expense comlliissioner's expense 11 " " " Resolved b1• the 13oord of county Commissioners o-r Otter That the SE1le of tax-fo_rfeited lunds appraised by this Tn.il Count.If, !,fi~nesota: 13oord be held i.n the o-J'fice of the County 'rhnrsdny, the 18th dny of October 1945, ~ud.i tor in the court Ho11se in Pergus Fulls in said County on ommencing at 10 o'clock A.1,1. 300.00 300.00 75.00 28.20 5.60 10.10 6.70 5.00 Resolved further, that tracts may be sold under the following conditions: Ea.ch !lnd .every tract sold .or $50 or less shall be f.!Bid for in full at the time of said sale. All tracts sold .for more than $50 may e pc.id for on the installment plan ot thP. r3t<> of at. least 25 per cent of the purchase price, but in all ases the down-pa,yrnP.nt 'l!ust be at least $50, provided thnt in all cnses v:here the appraisa.l by this Board hows a value of wood on -said tract .the full amount of the nppreisal value of said vrood, together ,·11th 25 f!r CP.nt of the balonce of the purchase price must be pe.id nt the time o:f sule. The balance of. the purchase rice mal• be paid in. ten annual jnstallments nt 1 per cent per annum interest on the unpaid balance. Title to l1rnds to ·be or.fered for sale is not guarantP.e<i eitl1F!r by Otter Tail County or the State of Hnnesota. i'/hen paymr.nt in full of the purchase price h!:1.S been made the purchaspr will recP.ive from the tate of ?,U.nnesota a quit-claim deed to the property, for which the Auditor is re(!llired bf lo.w to collect nd remit to the stute a ~ee of $2.00. Adopted September 12, 1945. ttest: William Lincoln, ClP.rk Upon motion the boa1·d then adjourned. to Tncsday., A.ttest:A ( ~ {lJJ~ . . Clerk. Geo. B. Gtmderson, Chairman OctohAr ~. 1945 at 10 o'clock A.hl. L~dlL .~--~--i;hairm~in. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ,Pa,,r-5" 3S_in~ October 10 l!M-5 ~1(1,,C...r'-L,f DATE ........................................ • ...... · ................................... 193 ....... . sa:antlff m.ANIC -AND INl'1NO CO., IIT■ a.GU MINN-nl'9 the time appointed for s1wh hearing: o.nd whE'rens ot the soid P.ession or: the said yoard of County Comm~ssion ers on sald 10th cla.v of (lctober A.D •• EJ45 due proof or the posting and Eiervice of s1;.ld order of 1,ear1nP,; as therein dlrecteci ond re']uired. more than tefl du.vs prior to so.i.d last named date, having ber:m made und filed 1 ,said petition was p11hlicl.Y rP.,,d ,.md considered b.\' thP. Board, ·,•lith ev,..rything ,thich was said by snld interested parties for or agP.inst granting the prayer of the petitioner. and said Board bP.ing of opinl~n thot said petition si.oul,l be granted. it ls herr,by ordPred und deterrnined, that the said petitionf."r ano the followlnB described lands owned by him, to-1•1it: Sub r,ots B. C, D, E, F /l:::; of: Gov•t. Lot 5 Section 28 Township 136 Range 10 be ancl the same nre hereby set off from said School District rio. 260 to said ndjoin- lng School District Ho. 271 and said lands are hereby made a pu·t of said last named School District for all purposes whatP.ver. ,. By order o-::-the Bo,:ird of County commissioners. Dated the 10th doy of Octcb!'r A.D., 1945. Geo. B. Gunderson, IJ}!ai.rman of the Board of: Attest: ,"lllliam Lincoln, co,mty Auditor, Connty•Commissioners of Otter Tail Cotmty, and ex-officio Clerk of Boord Uinnesota The petition of !.eon Green to he set over 1"rom Dl.str.ict 14!l of OttP.r Tail Count,v to District A of 9ecker county wns taken up for final net ion. Aft or list,:,ning to the sts.tP.ments of the peti tloner. County Sn oP.r int ,md ent o:: School. nnd the Sohool 301_1rd o ~ District 11!l ancl i, ft er full consideration of the matter, upon motion the ,,etitio11 ;·:as p,rnnted and ti1e bo,ird issuP.d thr-! followinp. order to-wi.t: ;•,rr::REAS, The petition o-1: Leon GreP.n a lcp;ol voter, freeholder nnd residen-1: of School District no. 149 in this •::onnt_y, r~rresonti.np: that h~ .is the Ol'mer of the lands hereina..rter descrihP.d, 1•:hich ore situr,te in said School District. rmd ad,'oin School Distric.:t no. 80 !lecl:er County and a.skinr-that i:e ~11th his said lunds mcy be set off from said district Ho. 14!l to said a.d,joininB school district Ho. 80 Becker ,Jounty was presP.nted to the Board of Go11nty Co~missioners or this Connt_y nt a session of said board held on the 12th da.v of Ser>te!'lber l!J-15 for thP. 1J.ction of said board thereon; and viherens it was thAreupon o:cdered b.'{ said board thnt n. liearinp, should he l:atl on said petition, c..t a session of said board on tl1e 10th 6.r..:,• of Cctober l!l45 at the IJommiss~oners Room in the r..:ourt -qouse in the ~ity of Fergus ?alls in snid County; and Nhereas it '"11'.S furtherprc'ler'!d In nnd h;r said order ti1at notice or the time nnd pl:ice of such hei::ring be riven by postinf.? copies o• snid order in three public placP.s in eAnft or the school districts to be nffec~ed by said p'!tlti.on, and h.'{ mailinf! to lhP. cl<irk of e1.1ch o·~ sr.id School Distriets, r, cop,\' of se.ic:l. order ·at least ten da.vs before thP. tlme 1J.ppo.int"d for sncl, her.rinf'.: nnd wr1erP.n.s at tlie said SPssion ol' ·tirn Sf1id 801;.rd of ~oimt.v •Jor.irnissioners on s•;id 10th dn.v-er. Oc1·ober 19,.,G dne proof oi' ti.e iJOSbinf and service of s>iid order of. hP.nri.ne ns 1.her .. in iiir,,ctP.d r.nd rP.qnired, morc;, ·thr..n ~P.n days prior to snid l:>st nt1ined dr:.tP., l1avi.np. b'!E'l1 mad. ,'lfld filed, snid petition .vns publicly reHtl nmi considerP.d. h.\' the Board, ,•1ith every thing 1·1hich Nns so.id by said intercs t '!d pi:n-t ies for or D/Wl ns t grr:mtinf the 9ra.yP.r o ,: th .. pet it ion er, ar,6 suid '3oard being of · opi11ion .\"hut said neti tion si,onld be fTl!nted, l t is hereby orderer! and determined, tiiut ti1e s!l.ici peti 1:ioner end thP. fullo·:1in[i described lundu 01·:ned by i1im, to-1·1it: Lots 3-4-5 '::lecti.on 5 Towm~bip 1~7 :Ra.nge 41: Lot 1 Section 6 Township 137 Ranre 41 be und the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 119 Otter Tail County to suid ad,;oinine School Distric.:t Ho. 60 BP.cker Co1tr1ty anti suid lands are l,erc~JY made a 1nut of said lHst named School District for all purposes nhatever. By order of ti1e Bou.rd of County Commissioners. Daten ti1e 10th d.uy c,f October l!l(,5.1'1·~-Geo. B·. Gundc_r.§1..9.!2, Chairm!ln of the Bo&:rd of Attest: Jillian Lincoln, ::aunty .~uditor, Coimty corn.'l!iS'Sioners of Otter Tail County, ·andex-oT:ticio Oler}: of Boe.rd :.rinnesota The :-,eti ti 0n of CPci 1 D. Fett• to be set· over from iJi.str ic t 76 of otter Tail Gounty to JJis t ri ct 8 of Becker '.:01,nty --ms tal~en up for finul action. After listt>ninr, tc thri s;ti;tem,..nts of the petitioner and county Snperintende'lt of Schools upon motion thP. petition ,.-ms grnnteo urn! the board issuPd the follo.,:ine; order. to-·•1l.t: ·,!";?.":AS, '.i'hP. P"ti.tion of Cecil 1J, rett a l!!f.al voter, f:reeholder and resident of School ;Jlstrict no. 76 in this ~onnty, repr~RP.'ltinp \"hat he is th'! ownPr op tlie lanOs hrireinafter described, which are oit:11:.te in s!'id School ;Jistriet, uni'! od;loin School Distric:t 110. 8 Becker Connty nnd asting that he. with his saic'I lr,nds moy iJe st>t off -~rorn snid district ro. 76 to soid nri~oinine-school district !Jo, 8 necker coul"!ty •11:.s !)res en teci to tne Board of Count~• Co'!!rniRs i one rs of' tl,i s Connty nt n session of sa ici boo rd l,eld on the 12th dfL!' of Se!ltemhPr 1945 '.:or ti,e action or snid bc.:E rd th,..reon; P.nd whereas it ~rF,s thP.reupon ord~red !Jy said bonrd thi,t a l1en.rinp silonld be h"ll on said :1eti l"i.on, a!: a session o l' sai.d board on l:he 10th da_,, of October l!l15 ut tl,'! '.'Jo:nmissioners ~oor:i in the court Eo1.1,;ie in the City of Fere,u.s il'nlls in said County, 1md .·1hereas it •·:as fnrth"r order'!il in 1..110 b,i• said ordf!l" that notice ol:' 1:he time i.nd place of such"hee.rinp. be elven b.l/' postinp. c:opie& of s11id order in th:cee ~utilic: r>luces i.n P.ac!J or the sc.:hool dist:ricts to be affected by said petition, un,l by mi;_ili.ne; to the clel·I~ of eP.ch of said ~chool Districts. o cop,v'of BR.id order a.t least tr.n da.ys hi:ifore the time a.ppointP.d for s11ch henrinp,; and wherPns at the R!l.id session of the said Boort'I of county CornmissionP.rs on Roid 10th doy of October l!l45 due proof of th~ postinf and service of said ordP.r of heurin/l' as therein c'l"irP.cted nnd re,1uired, rnore thnn ten da,1•s prior to said last namP.d. date, ha;vi?JB been made nnd filed, said ·r>et it ion "l!lO publicly reo.d Pnci cons id Pree b.l' the Sor.rd, with· ever:1thl np.: whir,h Y1as said b.v said int eres l:P.d p,u•ties :"or or ap,ainst e;r1mt inr, thP. pro.ver o:: the pet it loner, and said Board be ine, of opinion tha.t s11id petition shonld bP. p.rs.ntea. it is l!Prn.b.v ordered and det,.rmined, that the said petit.loner Mid tl:e fallo--1in;:, tlescri.h"!d lands O\'/ned b.v hi"!, to-wit: Lots 1-2 ~ SW¼ of !IE¼ Section 4 Town- ship 137 Ranpe 10 be and the same a.re hPr'.)h.f set o-Pf frorn fin.id School :District lJo. 76 Otter Tail County to said adjoinine 8chool District l/o. 8 Becker County and said lnnds nre hP.reby made a pnrt o~ suid last named $chool !)istrie;t for ell purpoues whatevP.r: · · Ey order of the Boani of county CommissionerR. Dated tne 10th dn.v of October l '.J15. Ge"o. B •· GundP.rson, Cha.irrm:..n o-r. the Roard of Attest: l'/illia'I! Lincoln, County .4.udi tor, ,Jounty ,~ommissioners of Qt ter Tail ~ou.nt,v, and ex-officio Cl•Hk of: 1301,.rd :,!innesote. 'i'he petitions of Rudolph Reidel, Jr., Emil :r•reudenberg, and George 8. Ln.rson, all being petitions to set ovP.r lands from .District 11 to District 25, were ta.ken up for final action u.ntl were each considered separately and after full discnssio-n upon :notion w.l of ti1ese petitions were rejected. '.l'he peti ti.on of Philip EggtLrn to set over the m::t HE¼ of Section !l in Township of St. Olaf from.l)..,_;J-q District 2 was take11 up for fin11l action and after considerut"ion upon ·motion the petiti.on was rejected. . 'Phe petition of SundP.r !.fa ttson et al for format ion of ne1v sch'ool district to 'be composed of 1 El!'lds !'!OW in School District 134 and 160 in the Townsl1ip of !.enf Lake wi1s taken up for final action. Attorney C. G. Rosenp.ren a!Ypeared for 1:he pet it ionero and Attorney Owen V. Thompson appeured for the ob ~erJtors. After fuJ.l consideration upon motion ti1E' !)eti tion was granted and the hoard issuAd the :following order to-wit: · Ill Tl!E IHTT"::! OF T'A'E FO~I.t\TION OF' SCHOOL DISTRICT no. 289 C'i''.i'"':R '.i' \IL COrJi'JTY. '.V~REAS. The Boarci of cou.nty Cominias ionP.rs of Otter Tail Count.v, State· of :,Iinne::iota 1vas ciuly petitioned by o ma,iorit.v of the freeholclers resldinp, witr.in thP. tP.rritcrr herP.inaf1:cr described to form and erect the same into o new School District; nnd •'/T<RREAS. A hearing upon said petition vms duly ordPrP.d by said hoard of County CO'llmissioners and had upon due pnf yroper notice; · . . I:Ol'I, T'IBREPOP.E. Tt appearing to s11id Board of '."!OLtnty commissioners that the prayer of said petitioner , sr:ould be rranted, it Hi hereb.Y orciereci and directed that the following named territory be, und the same is COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......... 0~t.o.\ui.r ... 1O4 ... l.9.4.5 ................................ 193 ....... . __ --__ zz:::_ ~ 8~Rl"fL&ANlcDDOICANDMINT1H!.._ci:,8T~Cl.aUD,,,MINN.-IIIH ____ = ___ -~~-=- 111!"~?.F.AS, The pP.tition of !.!ortin R, Hnrison u legal vo;,er, frP.eholder ~nd resident ~f Schoo~ ])ifltrict No. 30 in this county, representine; that he is the o'.mer o ... the lands .here~ne.fter descr.~.~ed, ~hich. are situate in soid school District, and ad.join school District No, 197_0.nd.ask:-ryg that ,he • . .Lth 111s Sa.Ld lands may be set off from said district !IO, 30 to sa~d adjoii:iinB !chool district 1'10, 197 ,ms pres':nted to the Board of county commissioners o:f. tl;)is county at a session o ... said board held on the l~th da,y of July A,D,, 191-5 for the action of said board thereon; am'I Vlhereas it was therenpqn ordered hy said board that a henrinp, should be had on said petition, qt q s~ssion of said board qn the 10th day of October A,D,, 1?45 at the '."lommissloners Room in the court uouse in the Ci t:r of Fergus Fr-!.lls in said co1;1nty; an~ whereas it. 1·1as ·rnrther ordered in r..nd by said order that notice of. the time e.nd pl!l.ce of snch heari,nr, be 1?.1ven ~.V posting copies or said order in three public places in caoh of the school district~ to he aff•cted by said petition and b,v malling to the clerk of. each of sold School Distric~s, a c~py of said o:der ot lens~ ten ~~-vs before the ti'lle appointed for Sl!Ch hearing; and whereas o.t the snid ses~i,on of the sa.Ld Boar~ of Jonnty ,ommiesl.on ers on said 10th dnv of October A.D., 191-5 due proof of the post.L~f and service o~ s~id order of heorinr. as therein dfrected nnd reriuired, more than ten days prior to sai~. last name~ date! hav1.nr, been made and filed said -petition was publicly read und considered by the Boa.rd, ,nt~ ':VP.rytlung wh~ch was sai~ by said .. intereAtP.d p1trties for or againr-it ere.nt:ins the prayer of the ·petit1on~T, an~ said Boar~ b1nn~ of op.inion that said oetition should be granted, :it is ilereby ordered ar.tl determ1nP.d, that tl)e said petitioner nnd the :following descri !Jed lands owned by him, to-1•:it: SE ¼ Sect ion 19 To1mship 132 Ranr,e 43 Gov' t, Lot 3 except 5.26 acres; all Lots 4 & 5 Sect.ion 20 Township 132 Range 43 be and the same are hereby set off fro11 said School District No, 30 to said adjoining School District No, 197 ond said lands arP. hereby ljlade a part o·r said last named Schooi District for all purposes what~ver. By ordP.r of the Bonrd of •Jo1mty Commissioners. Dated the 10th day of October A,D,, 1945, Ceo. B, CundP.rson, Chairman of the Board of Attest: l'!illinm Lincoln, county Audi tor, countJ;-commissioners of Otter Tail County, and ex-officio Clerk of Bonrd !.-!innesota The petition of Ray Dertinger to be set o,,.ff froni 'District 1134 to District 211 1·:as tnken up for finnl action. After listeninp. to the stntements of interPsted p~ties upon motion the petition was granted and the board issued the followln17, order to-v:it: i'f'l-TF.?.":AS, The pP.ti t ion of Rt>y J?ertine:er a. lepal vot Pr, freeholdeT end resident of School District ~ro. 184 in this r::01mty, representing thr-t he is the owner of: the lnnds hereinafter described, which are sitnate in said School District, and nd,join School District No. 211 e.nd asking that he with his said lands may be set off from said distric~ ~o. 181 to said adjoining schoo~ district No, 211 was presented to the Bon.rd of county ·commissioners of this County at a sP.ssion of said board hP.ld on the 12th dr..v of Septembn A.D,, 1945 for the action of so.id bo'ard thereon; ond whereas it vms theTeupon ordered by said bo11rd that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 10th day of October A,D,, 191-5 at the Commissioners Room in the court 1-{ouse in the City of Fe}'.gus Palls in said County; and whereas it wee further ordered in and by said order thnt notice of the. time and ploce of su.oh hearing be given by posting copies of said order in ~hree public places in e1wh of the school ci.istricts to be affP.cted b.v said pet it ion a.nd by mailing .to the clerk of each of soi.d Schoo.l Districts, a copy of Sfl.id order nt least ten d1.1ys before the time appointed f.or such heari'lg; and whereas at the soid session of the saia Board of Count,v Commission ers on said 10th dn,y of October A,D,, 1945 due proof of the postinf, und service of said order of hearing ae thP.l'ein directed ond re11u"ired, rnore than ten daJ•s prior to said l0;5t named date, he.vinp: been made anti filed said ·petition was publicly read and considered by the Boo.rd, with evf'!r,ything which was said b,v said interested pnrti.es -!'or or against r,rant ing the prayer o -f the pet it loner, a.nd said '3onrd beinp. of opin.ion that said pet it ion should be i;ront ed, it is hereh," ordered and determined, that the said petitioner r,.nd the following described lands 01•med by him, to-wit: S!i:¼ cf SE¼ Sec:tion 13 Townsh1p 136 Range 38 be and the snm are hereby set off fro'I! said School District Uo. 184 to snid adjoining School Dist riot No. 211· and said lands are herehy made a purt o.f' said last named Sohool District for all pttrposes whatever. By order of the Bouril of county Co'l!missioner!4. · Dated the· 10th day of October A,.i)., 1V45. Geo. !3. Gunderson, Chairman or the Board of Attest: ','/illiam Lincoln, cou11ty Auditor, county r:omrriissToners of Otter Tail c!om1ty, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. r.Iinnesota The petition of Lloyd ~est to be set over from District 95 to District 162 was taken up for final action. After listenine; to the statern':!nts of interested parties upon motion the petition was granted r,.nd the ·ooard issued the following order, to-wit: '-iHF::?l~AS, The petition of Lloyd i"/est a lee;nl voter, freeholder t,nd resident of School District tlo, 95 in this county, representine that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate in said School ])istrict, and ttdjoin School District Ho, 162 and o.sl:inr that he with his said lauds may be set of:r from soid district· No, 95 to said adjoining school district No. 162 vms pres!!nted to the Board of Count Com'llissioners of this CountJ• o.t a session of said· hoard held on the 12th doy of Se pt ember A, D, , 1945 for th action of sald board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said hoard that a hearing should be had on said ·petition, at a session of said hoard on the 10th do,v of October A,D,, 1915 at the commissioners Room in the court House in ·the City of ~err,us Falls i.n said coun-t:~•; 1:md whereas it wa.s further ordered in and by said ori:l'c'r that noti.ce of the time and pl11ce of such hearing be elven by postinp. qopies of said orde in threP public places ·in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and b,v rnailh1e to the clerk of each o-r said School Districts, a copy of seid order at le11.st ten d,iys b~fore the time appointe for such hearing; and whereas at the S!3id session of the said Board of GotL"l.ty commissioners on said iOth da, of October A,D,, 1945 due proof of the postine and service of said orde1· or hearinr-as therein directed a.nd re:iuired, more thnn te1; clay~ prior to S!lid last nnrned d3:te, having been made and filed, sai<i petition was pub~ioly rpad ond oonsidereo by the Board, with everythinB whic:_h was snid by said intereRted parties :for or against er•mtinp: the prayer o·f the· petitioner, and snid 'Soerd beinP-, of opinion that. said petition should be gr.anted, it ls her!'b,V ordered 1md determinP.d, that the saiil pP.titioner and the followinP. describPd lands ov:ned by him, to-wit: Lot 5 /!: NE¼ of SE¼ Section 16 Township 13~ RA.np.e 41 be n.nd the s~me are hereby set off from said School Dist·rict tro, 95 to snid ad"joinine: School District l'o. 162 and eeid lands are herPbV mode a p11rt of s,,id lt:st nruned School Distr:i.c,t for all purpos·es wh<i.tever, • By ordr>r o-1.' tb!-Bo:;ird of county Cor:,missioners. Dated the 10th dny of October A,D., 191-5. Geo. n.· Gunderson, '.:hairman of the 'SOt~rd of Attes;t: V/illin·n Lincoln, county Auditor, county commissioners of Otter Tail r::ounty, and ex-o-t-rlcio Clerk of Board. :rinneso tn The peti tJ.on of Ceorr,e .T:'. StenBer to be set over from .District 260 to District 274 was taken no for fina.l action. After listenlne to the stutem~nts of interes-t:ed parties upon motion the petition was eranted and the board issued the folhwtine; order, to-wit: i'IH:?.:::IEAS, The petition of Georee F, Stene:er a legal voter,-freeholder ,~nd resident of S.chool Dist riot io. 260 in this county, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are i tuete in said School District, anci adjoin School l)istrict l!o. 271 and asking that he with his said lf.mds ay be set off from said district No. 260 to st1.id. adjoining school d.istrict no, 274 was presented to the oard of County commissioners of. this County at n session of said board hell.I on the 12th day of SeptembPr ,D,, 1945 ·for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered bv said board that a earing sho11ld be hnd on said petition, 11t o sessior1 o-r saitl. boa.rd on the 10th di;.y of o;tcber A.D., 1945 at he Commissioners Room in t h7 Gou rt House in the City o:r Fcre;us F:tlls in se.icl county; o.nd whereas it wo.s .urther orde:ed J,n an~ by s'l.ld ordel" that notice o.f the time and place of such hearing be given by postinB opies of saJ.d order 1n three pu!Jlic places in each of the school distrints to be affected by said peti ti.on, d by mRll i~ to the clerk of each of sni ti. School Di st ricts, a copy of said order at lea.st ten days before J ~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. q¾,. j~ t 1?.t DATE ............ Ootober .. 10,. ... 1945 ............................ 193........ /\PA .-w.. rff ILANK IIOCIK AND PIIINl'DID CD, ST, Cl.allu. IIINN.-ltltl ~b~rRvlller !mplP.mPnt Go.-F,F. SkOfl'!IO uotors, Tnc. :,:tnnesota '.!otor co. :.iols, 13luP. Printine co. Bill Uelso~ Oil Co, Tesch Lttn1her Co. Liehtfoot•s Shop Nat\onol Bushing & Parts company Ebersviller'B -Peli.can Rapids '.7el ter G11llf!n Sannd era compo.."ly Gamble Stores -Dalton John :!ark Snnd Ir. GrnvP.l co. '.lhnrlea Amberg Fred Neu ,'Oe Ahlfs &: Ed. Schram Ben DeLagoon Geor3e !.!ullen rep11.l.rs repni rs repairs ,~: repairs tire ln'!lber keys supplies suppliAs suppli.es supplir>S snppl:ies gro.vP.l e;rovel e;rovel gravel r,rl'.vel gr1:111Pl ti res 4.40 10.50 233.00 1.25 69.49 63,99 2.00 Louise Stondnhl expenses 45.25 ijP.rt stone exp. attendine meeting 12,80 nenry G, '!off " " " 5,00 Geo. 13, Gunderson " " " 5,70 Wilcox Lu'!lber co. lumber, etc. 141,63 ,Joe rco.uppl cash advar.iced 13,ll Consumers Oil co. gasoline 1~.60 Tire ~etread co. tire ' 73.14 611.96 Prankoviz Hardware co. supplies 1,90 5.94 11.71 ,94 5.03 268,15 ?.5,30 6.85 354.20 41.30 21.00 BattlP. Lake Produce Co, supplies 28,67 Battle Lake Hardware suppll.es 26.04 E'!lpire Supply Co, supplies 245,96 Wm •. q, Zie~ler ~o., Inc. parts~ supplies 1~1.37 NW Sheet &: Iron l'IOrkR parts 110.55 :.-JinnP.sota ]:'i'ID co. pnrts 39,59 Elmo •rovmship grading 300.00 Cnrl Sno1vber3 appra.iRing . 9 .40 Ceo.~. Gunderson appraising 46.65 l'enr.v G. r!off .appraisine 4;J.,9,P Yalmer Karvonen appra.ising (Re•,. I S5·,'70 Bert Stone appraising 38.70 The board havine recP.ived a verbal application from John E, uownrd for appointment as county Surveyor of Otter Tail county upon motion ttppointed him as county Surveyor to serve until the first i;!onday in January 1917, provided it appears from re~ort of the State ·Bcnrd of Registration for Engineers, Archi tacts, and Lnnd surveyors that he is 11' d.uly registered surveyor o-f the State of !.!irmesota. The bor.i.rci then took up the petitions for olenning dltchs f/38 nnd #41 und -#17 c.ncl upon motion orders were issued appointing Afto,., cnorvle;cn, County Hisln'lllY Engineer, to exumine said ditches and report to the board. Upon motion the 'boll.rd then adjourned to November 13, 1945 at 10 lo 'clock 1 •• u. AB . .J),._/4 dd -- "Choi rmnn. L. \ \ ...,_ COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...... oc.! ~ber ... 10 .•.... 19~5 .................................. 193 ....... . 9..!S,_U~~i5 DOOKAND ffllNI] G_m,..IT._~_D,,,Ml~",:N141 hP.rcby formed into o. new Snhool District nurnherecl 289,. to .vit: Al~ o! Section~ l a.nil 2.;_ o.11 of Section 3. (except NW¼ of. HW¼l; also N\'I¼ &: NW¼ of S~T¼ of Section 10, nortl1 mil.,: of Section 11, W~ of m1¼, NE¼ of rmt &-Nt of. NB¼ of Section 12 1.111 in 'l'O\"mship 134 Ranp.e 38. Dated October 10, 1945. Geo. 3. Gunderson., . -~.;:i Attest.~ William Lincoln . Chairman Board of Co• Comm1.ssioners c011.nty Auditor, &: ex-off1.c1.o Clerk of Board otter Tail Count,v, i.Unn. (Auditor's Seal) The mattP.r of the formation of school district Ho. 209 l1eing ur,der considero.ti.on the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, by the Board of county co•r.missioners of Otter 'l'ail county, I!innesota, ut their meeting OctobP.r 10, 1945. . '.Phat under ti1e provisions.of Section 122.17 Statutes 1911 of J.Iinnesota relati:ng to the public school system, 11§ a division of moneys, fnnds and credits belonging to school district Ho. 134 before the forma- tion of school district uo. 209 an award is hereby made of 50 per cent of the funds now in the hands of the tree.surer of school district uo. 134 to bP. paid b,\' so.id treasurer to the treasurer of school district Ho. 289 ond the countv Auditor is im:triwtea to mate a like distribution of future tax collections for the yea~ 194,4 and all prior years 1rnd to make the proper entries on the records of his office. Ail.opted October 10, 1945. Geo. B, Gunderson -~-,..--- Attest: William Lincoln Chn. Boara of Co, Commissioners Clerk of the Boo.rd. The peti 1:ion of I'erbert Thoenn•rn to set over the r1½ nF,¼ nnd the Ei NVI¼ of Section 5 'l'ov:nship 130 Range 38 :l.n uoue;las ~ounty from District 43 of Douglas to District 85 o:f OttP.r Toil County was read o.na it was orde:r,,!d that a h'a'aring on said peti ti.on he !10.d ut the session o:f' the board to be held. Tue!:lde.y the 9th do.y of Je.nue.r.v, 1946 at 10:00 o'clock A,M, at the commisAioners Room in the Court House in F'ergus Fnlls and that due notice of time and place o·r hes.ring be p,iYen as required b,V law. A lare;e delega. tion of citizens of the . Townships of Scn•nbler urid 1/0rl'regian Grove n.9peared before the board to urf:e the improvement in roads in those tovmships and on the line between Clay and Otter '.!'ail. Counties, and aofter full .discussion it was ordered that the count,v Board meet with the intP.rested. parties o.nd with the connt,v Eo~rd of Cla.v county on October 23, 1946 at 2 :00 o'clock P,!.I. on the road in question, the place of meeting to be at the SW corner of Section 30 in Township of Scambler. The lJoA.rd then took up thP. resie;na.tion of VI, "?. Berghnis 1lS County Attorney and upon motion the board with regret accepted the resignation and proceeded to consider the uppointment of e. successor. After such consideration u,on motion the f.ollowinr-rP.snlntion v:as adoptea: Resolved b,y the '30t\rd of County 1Jor,1missio11P.rs of Otter Tail Connty, I·!innesota: \'fH!~~ll!AS, this board has accepted the resip.na.tion of \'!. P. l3erghuis as County Attorney for said county the same to be effective OctobP.r 16, 1945, · NOVI, TT!F.RF.:r.'ORE, be it :resolved th at Chester G. P.osene-:ren be and he hereby is appointed us County Attorney of sa.id county to fill the unexpired term of said \'/, l', :Sere;huis. Adopted October 10, 1945, Geo. B, Gunderson Attest: \Villi1im Lincoln Chuirman Clerk The following bills were allowed: J, C, He:1kes e:-.penses C96.75 J. c. Henkes boo.rd of prisoners 08.00 Elle. Stondahl clerk -Supt. Schools 7 .50 r,rar jorie Stenstrom clerk -Supt. Schools 4. 50 Bernice Jesme Clerk -Supt. Schcols 6.00 Dr. c. A. Boline Dep. Coroner's fees 10.65 I~V Bell Telephone Gompa.ny calls 28,05 Nl'I "Bell Telephope CO'llpany calls 17,25 Rigley Chemical Go, supplies 3.69 Boen Bros. supplies 7.28 Fre.nkoviz Hdvte company re·pa.ir pa.rts 9. 30 Seven O Service oil l. 75 Hyman :"llP.l Co, coal 520,60 Missouri-Y.ansas Chemico.l Co. dnsters 9.37 The Adelsrnan Co. stoker repa.i rs 101. 15 Connty School &: Office Elu-pply co. school reccrdf: 166. 71 Security Blan( Book&: Printing co. record blanks 48,19 Fritz-Cross co. records 77.73 Whitehead Printing co. blanks etc. 55.25 Poucher Printing 8: Lith. co. supplies 2.31 Securlty Blank ::iook &-Prtg. Co. receipts 8, records 104.46 Victor Lundeen &: Go. supplies 191,89 Mille:r-De.vis Company blcnks ~r sn]'lpl ies 112.94 l!'erf;US ,Journal '}ompsny advertising 10.60 H, V/. Glorvlgen postage 37.50 P. A, Anderson postage 44.00 Ga.ffa.ney•s -· overhaul t,ypewriter Hl.00 H, w. Glorvigen bank checks 2.58 H. 17. GlorvieP.n commissions on driver's licenses 7. 35 Monroe Calculating l:[cl,e. co. ribbon 1.00 Minnesota State Sanatorium care· of putient (poor)05.80 City Poor Dept. poor expense 4981,60 U-ni vcrsi ty Hos pi ta.l glasses 9. 38 Glen Lake Sanatorium care of patients 217.54 Davis Clinic exum. 6.00 St. !'a.111 n,•rdrnulic Hoist co. ports (R~B) 95.94 Ro·sholt Equipment Co. parts 176. 66 Ceo. T, RyM company parts 10.60 NV/ Engineering Co. parts 1.52 A.,W, co., Inc. of !,linnesota pt,rts 67,60 Morthwestern Sheet &: Iron Co. P!1.rts 72.72 Elk River Cone. Prod. co. culverts 493,86 Aune Bros. repairs e,, tires 291.48 Consnrners Oil co. rcpELirs 1,50 LeJr:e Region Motor co. re pal rs 14.15 Larson Bros. repairs 0.90 C'lson Auto Elec. co. repo.i rs 37. 75 Clarence ~hitlock J, P. r.angvick Clifford Ollie Clll.rence Hovlund A. Glorvigen A. Glorvigen S. E. Hall George flicker Lyle Tollerson A, Glorvigen lil. A, Stortro1m Insurance gravel gravel cash advanced cash advanced & expenses cash advMced postage expenses expenses expenses expenses Ae;ency insurance ,\.merican Farmers I.lntual Auto Ins.Co. Hush Lake 'l'ovmship Inman Tovmship Cand.or Township St. Olaf Township Folden Township Amor Township insure.nee grading r.rad"ing grading r;rading Brading grading supplies diesel fuel Kulseth Strpply Co. Field & ~agge Oil Jo. Anderson & Sandberg Oil The Oil Store cc. diesP.l fuel dieRel fuel diesel fuel & rental Penrose Oil '}ompany '.•!ell:ord Ohman, Agt, 6.80 04,48 2,62 63.51 12.63 150.00 23.80 10.80 4.50 04,40 12.74 20.05 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 101.84 191.56 50.68 62,55 56.85 Standard Oil ~o. gasoline 36,25 Ray's Oil company -Dalton g11.soline 17.60 S. &: F. Oil Company gasoline 31.00 Consumers r.o-op Oil Jo.-Henning easoline 31.77 Furmers Co-op Oil Ass'n. ei1soline 1.48 August Dahle gasoline 44,85 Perham co-op Oil co. gasoline 68,ll JJ!ills Oil Company gasoline &: oil 41.56 Heinolo Service Station gas & oil 17,71 Fergus Service Station gas&: oil 33,37 D, A. Lubricant Co, Inc. oil 73,26 Wm, l'lunderi slope easement 10,00 Raymond Bros. llotor Trans. Co. freight 9. 93 Victor J.,undeen & Co. supplies 2.50 Village of tfPnning elec. service 9.00 l,J\"/ Bell TelP.phone ()o. long distance servlceB,25 Pelican Tele-1Jhone Co. S'!!rv.ices 2,50 l'IW "qell ~•ele.ohone Co. services 21, 25 E:ffer Bernu slope easement 10.00 Geo. F. ,Johnson salar.v & expense weed 1~enry Holmgren repairs 0.20 Lowry, Stane; inspector 231,95 & Olson insurnnce 9,39 tl1kinr; testimon,v 'I: trnnscTipta 27,10 Gr9.r.rud Garage re9airs 8.25 '!elen Bohn COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ............ Iio_venilP.r .. l.~., ........................................ l!IM45 MINUTES OF ADJOURNED !.IF.ETIUG OF BOARD OF COU!JTY COl,!MTSSIONT-:RS OF OTT~P. TAIL COU!JTY, 1.rrnrn-:sOTA Pursuant to o.d jonrnrnc-nt the board '!let o.t 10 :00 o'clock A, :t. Tuesday, rrove mb'!T .l'.3, 1945. l'resent CO'll"lissiom1rs: Y.nrvonen, Gunderson, norr, Stone nnd Sno,vbl"r,-:. A complaint in writinr cha.rp.inr, thnt the 'l'0,\'11 Board o:!; DE'!o.d Lake hos neplected road in said Tovmship was r'!ad nnd intereste,l ·p11rties were present and made their stllte•nents to thl" I.loo.rd relative to so.id complaint there npon. The board upon 11ot ion issued the -rel.lowing era.er to-vrit: ORDER OF HEARIIIG, . WHF.REAS, co'llplnint has been mude to the Board of county Corn•nissioners of Otter Tail county, Mirinesota, that the road herein~i.fter clescrlbed, to-wit: Commencine c.t the intersection of county Aid Road. no. 44 1·:ith Town Road o.t the Sl'I cornp.r of SE¼ of mil of Section 10, Tov:nship of Dead Lake and running thence East to SE corner of the If~· or Sect ion 11 ln said Township; thence South to SE corner of Il'E~· of Section 14 of saicl . Township; thence East on quarter line of Section 13 of said TOl"mship to the tO'Rn llne bP.tween the Townships of Deoci Lake aud Rush Lake, where sajd To•-vnship road i.ntersects State Aid Road. No, 14; has been neglected by the To1-m Bonrd of. soid Tovmship of Dead r.ake, llOW, T~RF.FORE, Tt is hereby ordered thnt a hearing on said compluint be had at the Commiss,!.oner~• Room at the Court House in Ferf!uB Falls, in said Connt.v at 2 :00 o'clock P,M, December 11, 1945 at which time and place this BORrd will hear said complnint nnd all testimon,v which moy be off.P.red. relative to said mntter, Doted uovember 13, 1945, · AttP.st: William.Lincoln Clerk of F.oard Bonrd of aount,v commissioners of Ot tl"r Tail Count,v, !Ainneso ta B,I' Geo. B. Gunderson Chalrmnn. o\ olot of Blanche Lake Beoch in ::lee;t ion 1, · To'l:nship of F:vcrts o.ccom11anied by a certificate oi' title executed by \'I, P, TIP.rghuis, Attorney o.t Lai-: v10.s opproved, 1. 2. 3. , .. 5. 6. 7. a. 9, 10, 11. 12, 13. 14, 15. 16, 17, .... 18. 19, 20. 21. 22.· 23, 24. 25, P.6, 27, 28. 29. 30, ~l. 32. 33. 34. 35, 36. !'i7, 38. 39, 40. 41. 42, 43. 44, 45, 46. 47. 48, 49. 50. 51. 52', 53, 54. 55, 56. ,Upon ~otion the bo~rd then took a recess until 2:00 o'cloak P,M, The 'followine hills were allowed: Sher l f.f' s fees J, r:. Henkes J, C. 'Flenkes 3ernice JeS'lle Cler '.Inr,jorle Stenstrom . ".:l"l" Valborg Tuneseth Cler Geo. C. Jacobs, !:I, D, Dr, Even~tt C. Hanson Dr,• c. J. Lund Frank C, Bnrnes John Y.nkowski, Jr, Board of prisone=~ cnl work -no. Supt. c~l ~ark -r::o. Supt. cal work -co. Suot. Deputy Coroner•s·f'!e coroner's fee Coroner's fee 0 98,22 60.00 1.50 3,00 58.50 18.55 10.25 41.40 fee 82,10 fee 9,30 tee 60,93 rim, Bahls Victor Lundeen & Co, Miller-Davis Compa:"ly Free Press company Geo. D. Barno.rd co. Security Envelope co. Poucher Prtg. & Lithe- . graphing Compony Art Princro.f.t Jc.ps-Olson r::o, Jlliller-Dovis cornp:my \'lhi.tehP.od Printing co. R, A, Henning J!'ri tz-Cross co. Perha~ Enterprise :.n.mici ptil ~ndees I.lunicipal ,inriges Deputy Sheriff's su·pplies blanks blanks supplies envelopes school records supplies supplies forms sup-plies supplies filing cards notice to Bulletin Baltle Lake Review FerflUB Journal Co. taxpayers notice to t o.xpa,vers pu:bllshing H\7 Bell Telephone ff,i Bell Telephone Pergus-Plumbing & Dunne C • Aune co. calls Co. calls Heating co. repairs Hin teen-Korst Sloan Valvlc! co. :Hdlend Laboratories Perrns Service Station Costello Ufe, c:ompany NW Sanitary Supply Co, Hintgen-Kurst The Adelsmon co. Louise Standahl hauline; rubbish repuirs reooirs supplies ~as supplies soap dispensers repairs repairs postage postage P, A, Anderson rr. \'I, GlorviB!!n Bristols commissions on Drivers' Licenses repairs services as Jailer Roy Corliss City Trensfer !.roving county Attorney Office supplies N'll Sash & :;)Oo·r Co, Meson Publi shine .co, \'lest Publishing Co, American Law Book co. Minn. State Sanatorium Clen Lnlre Sanatoriu:n Town of Newton A.\'/. 'Jo. tnc. of Minn. Rosholt Eo.ui·pment Co. '-'I'll, H. Ziegler co. Inc. Geo, T, R.ve.n Co, !.{inn. F,i-'l,D, Company backrest 18'/t hooks H'II reporter Anno t •l ti ons care of patient care of uo ti!"nts care of poor parts pr.:rta pRrts ~ supplies parts parts 419.90 2,99 2,95 6,74 19,38 69.71 13.00 4,13 73.25 51.25 6,55 5.71 1.80 2.00 2(38.50 168.57 13,30 36,10 14,66 6.00 151.13 7,76 21.90 1.05 29,40 12.34 43.09 7,50 52.12 43,80 6,95 1.35 6.00 3,00 11,50 21.50 27.00 12.00 88.66 312.52 212,04 287,00 260.75 992.65 298,59 59,56 5,7, N,\'/. E!nginoering co. Parts 37,34 . 58. Lake Region r.totor Co. Parts 76 ,47 Vial ter Olson parts 3,25 59, 60, 61. 62. 63. 61. 65, 66. 67. 68. 6.9. 70. 71. 72. 73. 71, H,!'I. Sheet 8-: Iron l'!orks Parts 10,30 Fareo Fo1mclry co. repnirs 20,00 Larson Bros. repairs 26.60 Minn. Motor Co, repairs etc, 120.,16 Reino Kauppi repairs 7,10 SkOf:'!10 uotors, Inc, repairs 56,90 Service Recorder Co, repairs 8,76 Leida.l's Jewelry repairs 2.00 Delton Garaee rerairs 3.35 P., J, Schrnidt re·pairs 13,60 ?/adena Auto .Parts repairs 5.00 Red. Arro·n Garnge purts t, repnir 37,75 Empire Supply Co. supplies 245,38 Lenker 1.-lfg, co. supplies 15,82 Nl'tl. Bushing and Parts co. supplies 75, Y.ulseth Sup·ply co. supplies 76.. Wilcox Lu.mber co. suppli,es 77, Fred A. Everts supplies 78. w. rr. Brady co. supplies 79, P,K,U, Comoon,v supplies 80. Ebersv lller Impler~ent ~ompany supplies 81. N, \'I, So.sh & Door frames Tax Forf. 82, V/hee.ler Lumber Ren Bridge & Supply Co, tie Wires 83, J, I, Holcomb Mfg, brooms 84, l'l,F, Smith Tire !I: Battery co, 85, Bill Helson Oil Co, 86, Frank Hunter 87, Henry~-Longlie 88. Charley Fenske 89, Charley Fenske tires tires gravel. gravel gravel gravel gravel 90. Charley Fenske 91, Field & Haege Oil 92, The Oil Store 93. PenrosP. Oil co. 94 •. FTir.hway company 95, D,A,, Luhricant Co, 96, Dal ton Oil Comrio.n,v Co, Diesel fuel Diesel fuel Diesel fuel gas, oB.,etc. oil 97. !.!ills Oil Comp &ly 98. Fer3us Oil Compe.l'ly 99. Benetson Oil co. 100, Seven-0-Service 101, Park Resion Oil co. 102, PP.rham Co-op. Oil 103, Len Syverson's 104, !.{eyers Service 105, P.a,v's Oil Co. />:!l:S & O•il ens & oil gas t: oil gas & oil ga.soline gasoline gasoline rasoline- go.soline gasoline Poor 106. Ferf!US Service Poor Stntion gasoline 107, August Dahle gasoline 108. Anderson & Sandberg Oil co. easoline 109. consumers Co-op. Oil eosoline 110, Raymond Bros. Motor ~ans, freight .293,70 360,02 15,14 2.17 12.24 ' 11,97 8.33 98,64 205,00 31.25 27.28 543,39 5,00 2.10 436,00 92.00 240.00 291.03 85,95 62,31 82,68 161.17 325,55 126.64 40.67 46.14 49,00 79.30 12.22 19.10 33,80 83.16 36.43 39,35 75.00 65.22 1.49 \ COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ..... N'.o.11.e.:nb.er. ... l.3 .•. a.ad ... 14 .............................. 193 ...... 15 118:URf1".~filK-~AND.P.RIN1'1flCI.CO.o.BTo.a-OUD,,MINN-:IIIH_ 111. 112. 113. 111. 115. 116. N. p. Railway co. freight Peavey Elevators coal Village of. Pelican Hapids water Mpls. Blue PrintinB co. prints H. A. Rogers co. •prints NW Bell Telephone co. Long Distance #3649 -F. F. 117. Pelica.n Telephone co. serv.tces 118. Nl'r Bell Telephone co. long distance & Local Service 119. ,Moine Township era.ding &-grovel 120. Mewton Township r,rading 121. Buse Township Grading &: e;ravel 122. Town of Homestead grading 123. Town o-r Scambler grading 124. Dane Prairie T•np. grading 125. Butler To~mship grading 186. Bluffton Township era.ding 127. E~gle Lake Township Bravelling 128. w. L. Potter expenses .55 14.79 .5.50 G.22 19.41: 5.45 3.A5 8.70 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 HO. 131. 132. 13,,, 134. 1;"35. 136. 137. l~A. 139. 140. 141. 142. 1,1:.;. 144. 145. 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 146. 300.00 147. 33.75 148. 22.55 149. A. Glorvigen expenses Leon Pennuf"ir cash advanced. Art J0'1utson cash advanceu A. Gl orv i.e;en casi1 ad vane ed Borci,er t-Inr,P.rs oll parts Paper,Calmenson & co •. cutting odees Armc,o Drainage ~ Metal culverts Ar'l!cO Drninnre 8c !.letnl · culverts f\rrnco Drninap.e &: !IP.tal cn:j.verts Bert Stone Comsr. expenses Rert Stone Co'l!sr., ex-penses . Mabel Gundersc,n expenses . ij. F. Hinze Dep •. Sheriff's fees Henry Hoff Comsr. Ex,;ienses Yal,ner J~arv onen Cornsr. expem3es Geo. B. Gunderson aprraisinr, tux forf. lll.rldS Geo. B. Gunderson expenses Township of otter TuiJ road ~ork Effinr,ton TG,:nship road work 95.65 7.86 13.14 15.71 105.U 470.84 476.42 476.42 476,42 1. :io 12.BO 19.!)0 9.08 7.00 6.70 3.50 8.30 300.0Q 300.00 3.40 129. S. E. Hall eXJ.>enses I:Ir. J. J. Idzorek from the Stute construction of F.A.S. roads •. Highway Department Pelican Telephone Co. serviues discussed ::i th tile, Board. matters relatinB to Upon ma.ti.on the Board authorized Fif,hv111~• F.n13.ineer, A. Glorvigcn, to nttend ti1e refresher c:onrse conducted by the State Hif;hway ~epartmP.nt at St. Pe.ul in iJecember. Upon motion the Boa:r<'I then 11djo11rned to 10:00 o'cloc:k A.H. i'Ted.nesdny, November 14, 1945. v'TEDHF.SDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjourn"lent the board Jnet a:t 10:00 o'clock A.U. ;·iednes/loy, N"ovembP.r 14, 1945, all members being present. The appl icat i.on of John Holmgren fO!l' classification of i'f½ U\'I¼ in Sect ion 21, Township of Orwell fo•r the year l!l44 at ,homestea/1 rate was rea.d, and the. Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said lan/1 be so classified, and the assessed value reduced from ~843 to $506 and the tax from C58.14 to• $33.52. . . The applic>1.tion of HerbP.rt AllP.•n for classLCicntic.n of F:i SW¼ in Section 5, Township of Star Luke for the .venr 1944 at homestead rate \\'as read ancl the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that sa,id lnnd be so classHied nn-d the assessed, vtilue redncPd from' ~606 to :j;36!3 oncl the tax, from :)19.57 to :~20. 63.. , , ' The 11.pplicati.on of Jacik Rurzette fo,r classific1.1tion o·r the 'ti½' of Lot 2 in Block 1 of Bak!!r's Addition to the Villaee o·r ,Deer Cre.ek for the ,venr 1944 at homestfad rnte was read, and the Board recommended to the commiss loner o C' Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed vru. ue reduced from $880 to ,550 and the tax from $151 to $92.76. ' The application of Louise Anderson for reduction of the assessments against Nl'I¼ IIB{· a.nd part of SW¼ NE¼ 1,vine North of Railway in Section 33, Tm<mship of Bluffton ~or the year 19-14 on thP. ground of excessive valuation was retifl, D.nd the Boord. recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that Lhe valuation be. reduced from $426 to ~~21!3 nnd the t~1xes from 013.16 to 1~6.56. . . The npplica.tion .of Christine .Brelcke for reduction of assessment for the year 1D44 against the SI'/¼ of, Sect ion 32 and Lot 7 in Sec,t ion .31, To1-m of 'l'u•nuli on the ground of excessive val uut ion was read, and the Boo.rd recommended to the Commissioner of '!'axv.tion that the assessed vuluation bP redllced from .~l,516 to. il,000 n.'ld tile taxes from $130.74 to 1i05.84 • . The applica.tion of Roy Brown for reduction of. assesRioent for 1944 against the NE¼ and HE¼ and Lot 1 in Section 34, Tov:nshlp of Tumuli we.s read, r,nd the Bourd recommended to the Corrunissioner or 'l'axation that the assP.ssed value be reduced. from $440 to $220 fl.nd the taxes from :;;i37.14 to $18.57. The up-plication o:r.. Milton Minee for. rP.dnution of D.Ssessment against Lots 1 and 2 in Block 2 of Bakke's Addition to the Village of Dalt.on for the y,rnr 1944 was relld, and the Boo1·d recommended to the l}ommlssione:r of Taxation that the assessed valuation be reduced from $400 to $210 1md the taxes from $44.11 to ~23.14. . · The application of Henry R. Peterson for reduction of assessment for the .vear 1943 nguinst the NE¼ SE¼ and SE¼ NE-t of Section 25, in Tovmship of Homestead, was read fJ.nd the Bourd recommended to the io:nmlssioner of Te.xation that t'le assessed value he reduced from .~694 to ~347 and the taxes from $56.50 to ;;;;25.25. The following 1·esolution wns adopted: . . l'THERF..A."3, under and pursuant to the terms and provisions of Secti.on 3(b) of the "Federal-Aid Higi1~1ays Act of 19•14" (Chapter 626-Public La.w 521, 78th Congress, Second Session) Federal Aid at the t lrnes, in. the manner, und in the amounts as ther'!in set forth has been or will be mude available toward the construction of principal secondury or feeder roads, NOW TliElf BF. IT RES OLVJ:"!D: . 1. That the Gommissioner of Highvmys be and he hereby is author lied ,md rerruestecl to take such st~ps and perform such nets on behalf of the county of Ott()r Tail as mey be necessary to enable the county to receive F'ederul Aid as in said Act provided for toward thp construction or improvement of the following de~cribed county P.oads: S •. 'I..R. No. 1 5 1 1 4 . . Location 2.5 U,i. 'I'!. & 1.0 Mi.S. of to 0.:, r,rl. E. of V/P.gr,eland 0.5 Mi. E. of to 4. 5 Mi. E. of l'leggelo.nd 3.5 !vii. s. of to 7.0 UL S.~. of Clitherall T.H. ¥108 to Heinola He inola to New Yo1·k Mills Pelican Re.pins. to 4 .8 J,!i. IV. Total Estimated cost Federal Funds Requested cost 29omr;rro 25400.00 16100.00 23500.00 23500.00 27500.00 $145000.00 $ 68500.00 2. That in the e:vent that the C.ommissioner of Highweys shall be successful in his efforts on behalf of the County and Federal Aid is m1:,de available for the constru.ction or improvement of the county Roads above described, the county agrees: a. To furnish a.11 costs of right of wey and conatrnction not reimbursable with Federal Fnnds, to furnish the necessary costs of surveys and pl ans un.d a11y other· o osts or expenses not reirnbursab.le with Federnl Funds nrising out of or incidental to tbl'! construction or improve- ment of the :r:oads hereinbefore described. b. To execute a contract with tne commissioner of "!ighv:a,vs authorizing and empo1'!eri.ng the ' __j_ COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............. !iOvernllP.l" .. l~ ' ..................................... l9S. 45. DDDII AND PIHNTING CO. • G.GUD MINN-n H Co'IUllissionPr of !Hr,hvmys ro oct r,.s the llf'•mt of the count.\' of Ott!'r Toil pursuant to the terms ond provisions 01.' Chapter 90, Laws 0·1' l!l43 which said contract shnll contain such terms om provisions ns shall bP deter'llined upon by the Co"llmiesioner of Hie;hv:nye. ·Adopted th.is 14th day of !IOVe'llbP.r, 1945. Geo, B, Gunderson, Chairman. Atte3t: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail county, Mi.nnesota: l'IHER3AS, This Bonrd hns heretofore contracted v:i th the Geo. T. Ryan company for the purchase of one (1) Wausau Snowplow, !.{odP.l Xl51 VIG, cmd \'IHE~F.AS, Sa'!le hes bP.en delivered to and accepted hy the county; NOi'I, THEREFORE, P.e it resolved thnt the co1mty Auditor and Chairman of tre Board. be and they hPreby are, authorized nnd dirP.cted to issue to said r.ompan,v-n \'Tarra..?Jt on the road nnd bridge fund of the county in the sum of $674,50, tlH! contract price. Adopted NO\'"P.'!lber 14th, 1945. Geo. B, Gunderson, Chairman. Attest:. Vfillinm Lincoln, .clerk. Upon 'IIOt ion thP. board then nd ,journed to DecP.mber 11, l!l45 at 10 :00 o'clock A.Ill, ,\ttest: ~~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........... DeM,TihP.'J'.'..)J .. , ····················193.15. SECUR~NIC IIDOKAND PRIN'nN!tCO,. ST. O..OUD,.MINN.-t~I. ~ MINUTES ()li" ADJOURHED i.!EETrnG OF THE BOARD OF COTT-TTY COl,ll.lTSS IOlJERS OF OTTER TA It cmmTY' MIIHIES OTA pursum1t to ndjournment the hoard met •it 10:00.o'clook A,!.{. Tnesdr.y, December 11, 1945, Present: Cornml.ssionerR I~arvonen, Gnncl1:1rson, Hnnson, :it one ~nd Snovrbere • . . The Town .Boord of Blowers up!,eared to renuest information 1n regard. to qo.re ~f certain poc;>r person, and o.fter making their statements, they were referred to the county .i.ttorney for his opinion. The ·follo~:ing resolution was udopted: : Resolved. by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tuil County, ;;-!innesota: Thr..t the county .lucli tor be .and he hereby is instructed to ::r,otify the publishcr!j of the several newspapers puhlished in the coc.nty that sealed bids V'lill be reoeivP.d by this Boer<l for doing the following descrihed printing: , 1. 'l'hP. publlcat ions of the minutes of the meetings of the Board of COU!l,t.Y Commissioners including regular and special sessions, and rneetlne, of Boa.rd of Equalization and V'thile considering mat te:r:s pertaining to ditches. . . , 2. The ymblicution of the annunl stntPment o:f' receipts and expel')cli tures of the County. ';:'he bids to cover the puhll.co.tl.oij o-r the list St?t in "nonpareil" or six-point trpe 1•1i thout "lea.11.lng" and ~he p11blication to be mnde es re'!uired by Section 295 GenP.ra.1 Stntutes o:f.' UinneRote., ,1913, as a.mended, nnd three complete copies of sliid publication to be furnishP.d to the /Jonnty Audi tor in tlme to enable him to meet reriniremrmt of sa.1.d section ns ree:nrd thP. nesting of copiP.s cf said statemP.nt. 3. The list of real property for the Co1mt;.-of Otter Tail, r.Iinnesota, on ,rhlch t!lXeB remained delinriuent on !"he first !,Ionday in January, 1946. The hids for this to cover the publication of the certificates, heading, etc., provided fer by Sect ion 2098, G-enr.ral Stntutes of Hinnesota, 1913, a.a amended. 13ids to be placed in the ha:-ids of the county Auditor and addrP.S8P.d to thP. Boo.rd of county Commissioners, to be rna.rked "Bids ~or Printing" und to be filed until Tnesd!ly, Junu11ry 8, 1946 at 2 o'clock P.1,!. The attention of the bidders to he cal le cl to the orcv is ions of Sect ions 907, 909, 912 ond 913, Revised Laws of Minnesotn for 1905, ,i.nd acts amendator,v thereto. Adopted December 11, 1945. Geo. B. Gunnerson, Chairman At.t·est·~ William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: RP.solved b.v the Boorc1 o1' County Co'llllliSAioners of Otte-r Tnil CountJ•, Minnesota: That the s11_1a of $40.00 per mont:-1 be and the snrne and !1ere-·oi• is 11.llow,;id to DP.lilah Kappe for clericel •vork in the Office of the •~ounty Attorney from Clctcber 16, 1945 tc December 31, 1915, BS.'lle to be paid at the cloGe of each month on Warront of the County Anditor from l:he Revenue Fund of tl".e County. Adopted Deuernlier 11, 1945. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman Attest: \Villiam Lincoln, Clerk, Upon motion the board then took n recess to 2:00 o'clock .P.J:&:. HeurLnB on complaint against the Tovm Board o:r Dead Lake has been set for 2 :00 o'clock P ,:A. and all rnembers o-f. the town board being present the board listened to the stcatements of these members in re- gard to \':hot had been done in regard to ti1e road. end none o-f the complttinants being present et the meeting and the board being satisfied from statements of the town bourd that they hed endeavored during the past year to r-epair the road in question, on motion it was agreed that no e.ction bP. tuken on said complaint untl the meetine; of the County COl!llllissioners to bP. held in July 1946. The county Board agreed to examine the road prior to the July meeting. The application of Evo.n OdeGtlrci for classification of Lot 6 in Block 6 and. :r,ots 1 and 2 in Block 7 in Battle Lo.ke for the year 1945 at horriestea.d rote was read and the board recomrnended to the Commissioner of Taxation thut sold land he so clASslf'ipd U!!d the assessed volue be reduced from e,288 to $180 and the tax from ~48.50 to $2~.13. The application of Herbert !!:, P.ossow -ror claP.sification of Lots 3, 4 !•nd 5 in Section 31, Township of Dora -for the ,\'ear 1945 ot homestead. rate was read and the bORrd reconmended to the commissioner of Taxation that snid lnnd be so clossified and thP. o.sseSAP.d value reduced from e1120 to $672 and the taxes from 8118.05 to t66,44. The o.p1,lication of Alfred FcSSrJ!l for clnssification of SE¼ NW¼ a.YJ.d Sf/¼ NE¼ of Section 30, ToY:nship of Erhards Grove for the .)'ear 1945 at homestead rate 11as reud und the board )·ecommended to the Commisaioner of Taxotion that said lund be so classified ll."l.d the asscssP.d vo.lue reduced from $718 to t431 a!ld the taxes from ¢6•1. 76 to $36 .06. The application of Annie s. J,!agnusson for clnssif.icntion of Lots 7 e; 8 in Blouk 10 of Lake View Addition to the Village of Parkers Pruirie for the yP.ar 19~5 at homestead rate was read and the board recom.-nended to the co-nmissioner ot' Taxation that so.id land be so classified nnd the assessed vulue rednced from ~180 to $300 and the taxP.B from t57.12 to $33.74. The appll.cation of C-ordon Holbrook for classi-f'ication of ME¼ SE¼ lyinr, North of Hif,hWay in Section 8, TO"!l'! of Hobart for the yP.ar 1945 at homestP.a.d r1;1.tP. was rend oncl the board recommended to the CO'l!'llissione of Taxation that said lnncl l1P. so classified and the assessed value rcd11ced fl'O'R $319 to $209 and the tnxee from $34.61 to $19.36. The application of l,!arJ' Her-nanson for reduction in the assessed ve.luation of the Mi of SI'/¼ of Section 21 in thP. Township of !!'Olden ror the YPA.r 1944 was re-ad and the board recorn:nendP.ll to the Co'Rm.is- sioner of Taxation that the a.ssesse/1 velue of sr.i<l property be rednoed from $638 to $,482 and the taxes from $61.76 to $46.65. The application of the City of Fergus Palls for canoellotion of tuxes for the years 1929, 1930 and 1931 against the st of Lot 8 of Young's Subdivision of r.ot 11 of Kelling's Subdivision or the NEi of Section 35, Township 133, Rnnge 43, except the East 132 feet thereof on the ground that said property was owned by the City ·for those years and was used exclusively for city purposes, was read and the board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that all tuxes and penal ties against said property for said years in the total sum of $372.11 be cancelled. The a·pplication of the City of Fergus Falls for cancellation of twces for the years 1928 to 1933, both inclusive, against the V/est 50 feet of Lot 2, Block 16, North Division of the City of Fergus Falls on the ground that said pro·perty was owned by the city /luring ull of suid _years and was used exclusive:J_y for city purposes was read and the boord recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that all taxes, penalties and interest for said years, in the total sum of $332 be cancelled. Upon motion the board then ad,journed to 10:00 o'clock A.Ill. Wednesday, December 12, 1945. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. Il!l.Q.e.mb.!lX. ... lg.,. .................................. 193 .. 4.fi. ::-;:IZU■m &ANN DD011 AND MINnND co. ■T. a.au ______ e_. __ ....•. ------------------· "l'IED?W.SDAY'S SESSIOll. "Dnrsuu.nt t~ o.d .1onrnment the boo.rd· met o.t 10 :00 o'clock A. u. VledncsdD,\', December 12, ! 945, nll 'llembers beinp prP.scnt. A communication h11,•inp, b'!P.n received by the board from the !.{innesota State SanQtorium at Walker, Minnesota in rep.ard to the care o.t said institution o·r 1.1r. Corl ,J. l!nlson of Route J/,3, Pelican Rapids, and relo. ti ve of :rr. ITelson beinp. present to discuss snid matter, art er full consideration, upon motion it vms u11reed thot the count.'! of Otter Tail 1·1ill p;;.y 50% of the bill for co.re of I.Ir. Uelson o.t said institution from December 1, l'J45 nntil !.lo.y 1, 1946. The follo1·1inB resolution wos adopted·: Resolved by the Boo.rd of County Co'!lmiss ionP.rs of Otter Tail county, r,tinneso to.: Tho.t the sum of t515 be and the same and is hereby set aside from the count.'/ Revenue Fund t'or add! tionc.l clerl: hirP. for the Office of the ReBistcr of Deeds in said county for the calendar year 1915. Adopted Jece'llber 12, 1945. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followinp. bills were allowed: 1 ,J. c. Henkes expenses 2 .J. c. V.enkes Board of prisoners 3 Bnrnice Jes'!le cl~rical work co. Supt. 4 Valborg Tungseth " " ·• " 5 uarJorie Stenstrom " 6 ~v~rett r~. Honson,U.D, Dep. coroners fees 7 Tov:n or ot to Quaro.n tine expense 8 To1m or Otto hospital core 9 Uelson Bros. Printing co. printinB 10 ,Jones & J~oeger ~o. records 11 Jones !I: Y.roeger /Jo. supplies 12 Ur,ebla.d PublishinB Co, supplies 13 A. S. Barnes school supplies 14 Security Blank Book & $113,84 69,00 1.50 40.50 1.50 25.70 85.00 13.30 7.75 56.39 15.00 28.90 1.90 Printinr, IJomoa~v records, etc. 142.52 15 Victor Lundeen 'l: r:o. supplies 6.15 16 Uiller-Dovis Campoli,\' blnnks 5.81 17 Henning .l.dvocate published notice 2.00 lFJ Ferr.us Journal Co, publishinp. 'l: printe;.220.55 19 Lnrson Brothers 1•1r-ldinp; 3.00 20 Holten rrardwore supplies, etc. 23,63 21 Blikstad -Y.ilde IJO. conl 431. 57 22 ~intgen-Karst supplies 28.21 23 mv Bell Telephone co. calls 12. 20 24 flintgen-r:arst supplies 1.29 25 11W Bell Telephone co. co.lls 44 .45 26 Star Grocery supplies '1.69 27 \'lillium Bahls Dep. Sherif.f's fees 75.4'1 28 s. ~-Eelson Dep. Sheriff's l'ees FJ.10 29 P., F', Pinze Dep. Sherirf's :l'o.es 16.80 30 ,iohn J,. Lop.on " ·• 16.10 31 :!d Bouck expense State vs :•to.llace 10.05 32 Louise Standahl posto.p.e 69.36 33 "D, !.!. Ree postop.e 12.58 34 "D. A, .\.nderscn pos tr,p:e 31. 50 35 P.e·n.inp.ton :'!and Tnc. -ror type·niter 126.00 36 P, ~-Glorvigen commission on Drivnrs' !J.65 13.50 45,00 6.00 3.00 398.91 37 3e 39· 40 41 12 43 41 45 46 47 4fl 49 50 51 52 53 54. 55 56 57 5fl 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 licenses Perry 13ec:l;P.r v:crk us .iailer A, A, Vollbrecht bond premium Dr. \'I, i'I, Will examinut ion ( poor ) Estrem Clinic ·(poor) Glen Lo.ke Sanatorium care of potients " Fergus Folls Clinic examination (poor) Minn. State Sanatorium care of putient " Grant county grudi~ u.w. Sheet & Iron \'forks oarts 3.00 85.80 3799.00 3.86 !.!inneso ta :P. "I, D, Co. po.rte l-.lahler & Struus purts Paper, ~ol~enson & ~o. cutting edpes \'fheelP.r T,u'!lber Bridge'!: Supply l1rnber J, G, ~ilson ~orp. sectional doors F.lk River ~one. Prod. /Jo. culverts Duluth IJulvert ~o. culvnrts r.r1nnesott1 :1otor IJO. repairs Service ?.ecorder co. repairs Rose Repair repairs Olson Auto F.lectric ~o. repairs Walter H, Schmidt repoirs Skog::io uotc;rs, tnc:. repairs i3errstrom 'I: l!o.11 repairs Walter Olson repairs Anderson 'I:· Tichy repairs Leraon ~rothers rP.pairs !!inneo.polis Blue :"rint Co. repairs 13111 relson Oil ~o. repo.ir tire I~ationnl Bushing 'I: Parts r:o. Parts 'I: repair Anne Brothers tires ll: rP.pairs ~,uipment !entol & Sales supplies !~nneapolis tron Store supplies Bjorklund 13ody Shop supplies . Wilcox Lu~b~r co. verpns supplies Gamble Stores -Delton supplies P.K.111, &: Comptmy supplies 18.55 275.69 192.37 177.84 478.75 50.20 424,98 'J4,08 A.94 1.50 1.75 23.50 15,55 6.11 7.50 4.50 197.95 1.12 45,00 400,51 162.81 10.05 50.00 39,30 126,09 2,!J8 3.51 1:; RicP J..1no Salvage sup!)lies 4.50 24.55 74 E'll!)ire Supply co. sn;:,plies Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairmun 75 .~•ergus Lu'!lber &: Fuel co. suppl ieo 76 Holten Hard,-:nre supplies 77 Ha.noel Implement co. supplies 78 Ferf!US Foundry co. supplies 79 Ebersviller ImpleMP.nt co. suppli.es 80 S!luncl,;irs Hordware Co. su,,11es Al D,A, Luhricant co, Inc. oil 82 ~ill Nelson Oil co. f,USOline & oil 83 Ferp.us Oil compe..ny " " ·• 84 Ray's Oil Comnnny gosoline, P.tc. 85 Pc:-rha-n co-op. Oil i::o. r:as !: rPpairs A6 !.lo tor Inn G::-ra.pe ~ f'SS ~ l"PpRi rs 87 Consumers Oil r::o. ~ \. gasoline 88 Ed Gruff imrnrance A9 A, Glorvl~en expenses 90 ~ -:i:_:. JI:111 expensPs 91 Clurenc:e Hovlancl expenses 92 93 !J4 95 96 97 98 !)9 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 A. Glorvigen cash iidvruiced II, L, Potter C:L'.Sh odvunced Robar t To•,mship grod ing Hohart Tovmship p,reil ine T01m of Lida r.radinp ~ p.ri:i.\•ellinp; Tov:n of LP.~f uountuin " p " Township of Aurclnl p.r,,dinP, Township of IJorliss Rraclinr. Township of Tordensk,jold " Towns hi n of Dora. gravellin~ To•·:nship of Friberg grading s.vver !veroon garaffe rental 1Vm. U, Ziegler Co. , Inc. parts Rosholt F.quip'Rent co. parts A. VI. co. Inc. o-f LI inn. p1,rt s Geo. T, Ryan eompli.ll.f parts Little Falls hii,.c:hine Shop s1101•1plow re·pairs Lake ReBion Motor co. repairs Mc Dunn Farm Store parts & repairs Westlund Motor Co, repairs Len Syvnrson's gasoline Bill's Service Station gosoline Service 011 Company gasoline Field & Hagee Oil Co, Diesel Fuel The Oil Store Diesel ~uel Highv:ay Company rent 4,61 35,95 2:s.60 44.70 .70 5.55 90.92 98.30 27.69 25.79 15,93 50.31 ,88 11.1 68.40 50.8 8.2 11.2 3.0 500.0 300.0 300.0 226.6 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 15.9 63.9 51.4 96.5 24.7 233. 99. 45. 5. 63. 5. 1. 42. 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 110 ll'J 120 l?.l Villfi€:P. of lie·•, York !,!ills Ba.re~e rental 19. 22. 90. 45. 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 12'J 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 Villar:e of Henning garnr.P rental !'.:, D, SaBe gor1113e rental Churles P.J•die gravel Nor,1egian Grove T1•1p. grovel O'J,lea.ra.' s rn1:1ter iul Tropic~l Puint & Oil /Jo. puint S-terling Lock company locks Fred A, Everts coal P.H. Gust .~levntors cool John Dieseth Co. equip rental Villape or Bo. t tle Luke water Nelson Broe. Printing co. stationery :!'reclerick .Post IJompuny prints Victor Lundeen /'.: co. supplies Nif "Bell 'l'elephone co, services #3617 liJl'I Bell l'elephone co. Leaf Luke To,•mship Hennine Tovms hip Deer Creek Tov:nship Parkers Prairie woods.lde Tovmship Otto Township Trondhjem Township Orwell Township Oak Valley Township Eastern Township YRl'Rer KA.rvonen George B, Gnnderson BPcl!:er county Sand & Fergus },'alls services ;f39 3ottle Lake road work road work road work road '//Ork road Ylork road work rood work road work road work road work expenses expenses Gr.uvel Co. Rand 15. 1. 49. 141. 52. 3. 28. 21. 'J3. 2. 10. 3." 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 6. 5. 3.7 a. 148. 149. 150. mi. 152. 153 •. 154. COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. De.c.emher .... l.2 .•................................... 193 .. 4:5.. Lnur1rnce Chase, Lyman Mills Oil Cornp~1:n,y coast-to-coast store Arvid Leitch Ebersviller•s 1~:-emnery gasoline gas a, oil supplies s1rpplies Frankov iz He.rd111are co. Ness &: Bred A.bl· supplies level repairs j) 37.93 37.75 8.78 30.00 7.23 6.35 4.00 155. 156. 157'. 157~ 158. 159. 160. Upon motion thP. board then adjourned vtithout dR.te. \'Tnino Kela Ge.rage re·po.irs c. A, Carter cash a.dvance1i Pelican Telephone co. services MinnesotaF.l'l.D. Co, parts Crooks & Perala repairs Y.ulseth Supply co. sup·plics Frank c. Barnes Municipal Judges fees 28,30 4,28 3.70 14.48 28.10 99.29 34.10 -=-j .:j