HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1944Ottertail County Official Meetings 1944 452 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE . 1.annnr.v. ... 1 •... 12.4.:1, 198 ... .1~ . ____. ____ ..... _.....,.._ .... - LlillUTt.:S c~ ?.EOUT,~? '.J1i'i::':'I!r-n,;, 'QnA?.D Oli' C('IUITTY COI1f'TSsin!lF.RS ('';,'I n,::_,•:>E?. TAIL ~('lu:rn. lfflTlr-lSC'lA• ~rsuant tc statute the Board met at 10 o'olock A. M. Tuesdey,· January 4, 1~44, Present: co~~issionrrs rarvonen, Gunderson, Fof!, stone and snovlberg. The Board proceeded to organize by the eleotion of Yalmer 1:arvonen as Chairmen, and Ceo. B. Gunderson as Vice Chairman for the year 1944. The followine resolution was adopted: F.P.solved by the 'qoard of County Commissioners of otter Tail county, lJinnesota: That a committee of' three consist ins of the Chai:rr.ien of. the Board and two members of the Board be appointed by the Chairman to purchase all furniture and supplies excepting books, blanks and statione;y needed -l"or the Court 11ouse end ,"ail durinp. the year 1944, and provide for such repairs as may become an immedintP necessity. Adopted January 4, 1944. Yalmer 1:arvonen, Chairman. Attest: William T,inooln, Clerk. The Cheirman pppointed Com~issioners Snowbery and no:f es his associRtes on this oom~ittee. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the -qoArd of County commissionPrs of otter Tail county, Uinnesota: That a committee of three, consistlrlf. or the Chatrmen and two members of the 13oe.rd to be selPcted by the Chairman, be appointed to have charge of the Court ~ouse and grounds and: ail end yrounds for the y~ar 1944. Adopter ~emary 4, 1944. Yalmer Y.arvonen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. ThP. Chairman appointed Commissioners Gunderson and Stene as his associates on this committee. The followinr, resolution was adopted: Resolved by the ~onrd of County Commissioners of Nter Tail County, :.Unnesota: That ~hP County Co~~lSRioner of his rPSPPctive distric~. namely Ynlmer rarvonen, the First !istriot; Ceo. 'B. Gur1.dP.rson, thP Second District: TTenr~• O. no~.P. the Third District: ~ert Stone, the ~ourth tlstrict: end~-~-SnowbPrp, the ~ifth District, bP and they hP.reoy are each a9pointed superin- tPndent o~ poor of his seid district 1irith authority to Pct in relation to the oarP 11.nd support of non- resident peupP.rs, and to recP.ive applications ~or reliPf or su!)por-t: b~• or ~or any reason in his distriot es provided b3· OhaptPr 15, ?evlsed T,a'l'IB ct' 1905, AdoptPd ~enuery 4, 1944, YalmPr F.ervonen, Chairmen. Attest: William Linccln, Clerk. The following resolution wee adopted: Resolved b~· the ~card of '.}ounty Commissioners of otter ?ail county, IAinnesota: Thnt undPr provisions cf Section 2154 of the Revised Laws of Iviinnesota for 1905, Dr. c. -A. ~oline, a resident ph,rslcian of aain ~ounty, and County Comr.iissionera Gunderson and Snowberf, members of this l3oerd, be and the same hereby ere appointe,· to constitute a co1mty '3onrd of ~eal th of seid County for the year 1944. Adopted ,1arru.ary 4, 1~44. Yal-mer 1:arvonen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was odopted: Resolved by the 1onrd o! County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: . That there 1a hereby set apart from the funds of the County ~reasury not especially appropriated or set aside for other purposes, the sum of ~750 to be used as a Continfent ~tmd by the County Attorney with the approval o~ +he (}curt under the provisions of Section 574 ?.evised La•vs of :Jinnesota for 1905. Adopted lanuery 4, 19~*-Ynlmn :tarvonen, ~hairrnan. Attest: William tincoln, Clerk. ~he ~ollowinf resolution was adopted: ?.eRolved b~· the 13oc.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail co11nty, :'.Ilnnesota: That the sum of ~250.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Coimty RevP.nue '!l'und o'! said County :'or otter Tail County exhlbi ts et the Hinnesota State 'Fair for 1944 and the County Auditor end Chairmen o~ the 13oard are directed to issue a warrant ~or said amount in favor of Clarence c. Uielke. Adopted :anuary 4, 1944. Yalmer :tarvonen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follo~ing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the ~card o! County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, ~innesota: That thP. sum of ~350.00 be and the same hereby is set apart from the RevPnue ~und of the County .,,or use o-f' postage in the sevP.ral (}ouT1t~r o!'-f'ices Pntitled thereto and for express charges, etc., es provided by Section 343, !tevised T,a1•r~ of JiinnPaota for 1905. Ado-pted , .. enuary 4, 1914. '?'al'ller I'arvonen, Chairman. Attest: William tinooln, Clerk. ThP. followinit resolution 11/'flS AdOflted : :tesolved by "!:he t>oArd of ConntJ• ::,om-:iiSE'icnP.rs o~ ot+er Tail Cmmty, ?-rinnesota: Thet under the nrovisions of Sec. 739 C',eneral S.tatutes ~or 1923 thP. sum of i'l00.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of +he Re,•enue T.1und ct" the Conntr to the Red River Valley Development Association, said amount so appropriated to be used in payment o~ premiums to P.Xhibitors for the year 1944, Ado!)ted :anuery 4, 1944. Yalmer 1:arvonen, :}hair:ne.n. Attest: Rilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: :Resolved by the :3oard of County com,nissioners of' otter Tail county, Uinnesota: Whereas, Dr. 1v. :1, Drought was heretofore appointeo. Jail Physician for tile calendar year 1943 et a salary of ~150, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Cpunty Auditor and Chairman of the 'Board be and they hereby are authorized and directed to issue v1errant in the sum of $150 on the Uevenue Fund of the County to said Dr. i'I. l'f. Drought. Adopted this 4th day of ~enuary, 1914. Ynlmer F.arvonen, Chairman. Attest: William tinooln, Clerk. ·..:h,. fcllowin{Z' rPsolut lon was adopted: Resolved by thP. i:ioa.rd oi' ~ounty Commissioners of otter Tail Count,r, !.linnesota: Thet Dr, \'I. 1·1. nrou,rht be end he here:t>y is appointP.d .,ail Physician for the calendE1r year 1944 et a selar~• of J.150.00 l'or the ~•ear. · AdoptP.d .:re.nuar,r 4, 1!>44. YolmPr 1:arvonen,Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. :rhe follo·•1lnr, resclut ion was adopted: i Resolved by the ~card of County CommllJSioners of otter Tail County, 11ir.nesota: Thet under the provisions of Chapter 37u.33 :.1innesota Statutes 1!>41, the follo\ving named person be end he hereby is certified for the purpose II-m•dice.l or surp.ical care at C.lP.n Leke Sanatoriu~1the cost of said treat~ent to tie paid by the State of :.Iinnesota and Otter Tail County, as ,;,rovided by COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .................. ;e.nuar:[. 4 .•.... 1.944 ....................... 193~~ .. . said chapter: Bernard r}arlson, reRlding ot Battle Lake. Adopted Januur.17 4, 1944. Yalmer i:arvonen, Chairman. Attest: William ~incoln, Clerk. The followinp resolution :·:ns adopted: P.~s:1~~~ hy th; ~~,~nl .or. Connt,v 9ommissi~ners of otter Tail Count.1,, mnnesota: . Tll':-L.-'--~~tm o ~J..? cenLS be paid out.a, the Revenue Fund of the ~aunt:-for ever.v pocket poph"r kl l~e!" 11:1 ss.10 Conn LY our lnp. the months o-r. April, !,ia.v, June find ,'ul,1/, 1944, in cases l'lhere the townships 1n which pocl:et f'Ophers are so killel'i shall provicie :'or the ·pu,'/mPnt of on additional bounty of five cents •or evch pocket ~opher sc killed. Resolvecl furth,u thot pa,1-ment for such bount.v shall be made b_r the ~ount·, Auditor noon certificates e~ecutP.d.ot.the ~~air".lan of the 'i'ovm Board of Sllid to••mships, sPttin/ ~orth that'the oocket p.cphPrs were killed v:1tn1n so10 townships durinp the said months, und thot both front feet o'.' such· poct~t fO~hP.rs.were ~uly fresented to th~ chairman of such board end ti~t the township has Lssued and oelLvered LO escl, cla 1.munt a town O!·oer fo!' ten cents fer each pocket gopher so killed. Adopted ,1anuary 4, 1944. Ynlmer 1:arvonen, Chairnan. Attest: William Lincoin. Clerk. The :'ollowinp resclution ~as adopted: · ~"eolvecl b,r the ~or.rd o-4: Connt.r Commissioners of Otter '.i'ail Ccunt.\", :.Iinnesota: Tl:a t ,he monthly '!leet inp:s o-r. said ".oe rd 'for tl:e .veor 1 ()14 bP. and the.\T here bJ' arP. 'fixed as follc·:s, tc-r:it: Thi' SPcond 7uPsna.l' in ""bruar.v, A9ril, !ia.v .. -une, ~11,ust, nctobPr, ;Jo,,,.'!1b 0 r and recember. and ~i." second :·rednesda.1-in •;nrch, ann the first -hnrsdoy in September. Adof)tPcl .'anuary 4, 1944. YulmP.r 1:arvonP.n, C hai.rman. Attest: William T,incoln, Clerl:. After discusi;-ion ••:ith the Jrip.hwa.i' To'.np:ineer the "loarci afreed to uccellt from the '/illa,,e c~ Dalton the sum of .'·3,000 in full pa,,,ment ~or the villef.e's sh1n·e o'f oilinf streets. The aorlicr.•ion o'f Em'!la Deist for cip.arette license at Deist's store in the Town o~ Friberg fer the calendar .1·ear l!l14 was granted. CountJ• .'!fent John F.. r.ratlw1ol presented to the Board his annual report for the rear l!l44. ~ount,\' Af,entGec. 1-1. lere;ren presented tc the 3ourd his annual report for the portion of the ;)-ear 1944 since his appointment. The applicntion o~ Henry A. Tilompson :for classification of E½ NE' and Lot 4 in Sec. 31 Town of :'riberg :or the .rPar 1942 at homestead rate was rliad and the Board recomr,1ended tc the Commissioner of Taxation tl,at said lc.nd be so classifleci, anp. the assessed value be reciucea from $572 to ~343, and the tax -frcni $30.43 to ,~15.71, beinf: a reduction of :t;l4.72. The application o'f llelius ti. Bradle.r 'for classification of SOI¼ NE-:'· of Sec. 12 To1m of 11or11•ep.:ian Grove 'for the .\'ear 1912 at hor.iestend rate was read e.nc the Roara reco'!l:~ended to the commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified, and. the assessed value reduced :':'rom '.~373.00 to $224.00 and the tax •rem B28.72 to $15.5!J. Upon motion the l'loa.rd then ad:ourned to 10 o'clock A. iL January 5, 1944. Pursuant to ad,journment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. :.1. ,1anuor,\' 5, 1944, all members bei!lf present. The petition o" Claude E. "helps to be set over from Dist 137 to Dist. 144 was taken up for ~inal act ion. A-fter listening to the statements Q'f the Count.v Superintendent of Schools upon motion the petition was granted and the Boa!'d issued the following order, to-v1it: Wh,ueas, the petition o·~ r.1unde E. 0 helns. a l"f.al voter. freeholder and resident of School Di strict No. 137 in this Conn t,v, re·present inp, that he is the owner o~ the le.nd s here ina-f.'ter described, which are situate in saicl School District, and adjoint School District No. 144 and asking that he 1•1ith his said lanns rnn.\' be set of-!: •·rem said district !fo. 137 to sa.id ed.joi11inf school district Uo. 114 ~as presented to thP. qoerd o~ Connty r.ommis~ioners o' t~is County at a session of said bourd held on the 13th day o• nctcber A.D. 1913 for the action of said board thereon; and ~hereas it ~es thereupon ordereci by soid board that a hearinf should be had on soid 9etition, at a session oP said board on the 5th de,'.' o:: ,"anucr,\' A.D. l!JIJ.4 at '·he Com"Jissi.oners "OO'll in the court '-louse in the Cit.\' of Fergus "'olls in said county; end Whereas it r:as ::nrther ordered in and h,v said order that notice o~ ti1e time and place o•· such heerinf bP f.iVen b,v postirlf copies of said order in three public places in each 'cf the school districts to IJe af-:.ected b,V' saici petition, and b,\" meilinf. to the clert o·r ea.ch of said School J)istricts, a cop,r o:: saici order at least ten da,vs before the time appointed ~or such hearing; a.nd ·:1hereas at the said session of the said Board o! county Commiss loners on sui d 5th da,\" o :f .:-anuary A .D. 1944 due proo~ o'.' tl1e postinr and service ol: suid order cf hearing es therein directed and requireci, more thu!'l. ,·en du,ys prior tc said last named date, havinp. been made and filed, said petition v1as publicl,\· rend and comlidered by the -aoard. with everythin[: which w.as said b,\" said interested pueties for or ap.ainst i>rantin,1: the pra,rer o:· the petitioner, on<i. said Board being of opinion that said petition s,.cu1.u be pranted, it is l:r-!rebr o rd ereo end determined. that the said petitioner and the following <i.escr ibed lands 01·:ned by him, to-1•1it: m'/{-ofJW'. Section 1~ To1·:nship 1.55 Rante 41 be ana the same are hereby set off rrom said School District ;10. 1!37 tc said adijoining School District [lo. lt.4 a!'l.d saicl lc.nds are hereb/i made a part o •· said last namer. School District for all purposes whatever. By or<ier o-" the "qcard o"'.' Count.1-Com"Tlissione?rs. DntPl'i the 5th de.I' o:" ,ir;nunr.\'. A.D. 1944. YolmPr r~arvonen, r.hair'llan o! tne Board ~:w..:u.;...__t:.......t..,~c.......t:t..."'-'-"~-~a,J,,..,1/~ of ~aunty Commissicn,.,rs of otter Tail /Auditor's S1>a.l) ' I · Count,r, i.iinnesota. Th,, petition of Harr,\' T,ind'luist to bP set onir -:'.rom 11ist.19 tc Dist. 95 was taken up ~or -final action. After listeninr to the statements of the Count,1-Superintendent or Sch• oleo upon motion the petition 1•:as granted and the Roe.rd issueri tr1e fellowing order, to-v1it: rlhereas. the petition of 1~urr,\' ;,indqu1st. a !Ppal voter, freeholder und resiaent of School~ District !lo. 19 in tnis County, representinf that he is the ovmPr ~-r tne lands hereinafter aescribcd, i·:hich are situate in said School :r:,Lstrict, a.no as:.oin Schcol District no. 95 and askinp tn11,: n'! with nis so1d lanes ma.,· be set ot-r from said district iio. l\J to sa1d ad,joinine; school district Iio. 95 was presentPri to +ne -qo 0 ra or county commissionPrs ot tnis County at a session or said ooard heJ.d on the 1~.,.h oe.1· or "ctob'!r l:.. D. 1943 for the action of suiri board t ilereon; ancl whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board :hat a hea.rinf should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 5th da,\7 of .~a~ue.r.v A.D. 1914 at thP. Com•~issioners ~oom in the Jourt ~ouse in the Cit,v o·r Fergus Falls in said ~ount,v; and wher'!as it was further ordered in end b·.-SP.id order that not ice o e :he time and place of such hParin~ be ~iven b.r postinP copies of said order in three ~uhlic plAc~s in eoch o~ the school di str lets to he a-!' fected bv sai <i nPt it ion. encl h.17 mai linF-" to t· hp clerk o" each of said Schoo 1 Districts, a cop.v o~ se.id order at ie'ast i•en· da:;s be Pore the time appointed for such. hearing; and 1vhereas at the said session or tr:e said t\oord o·f -::onnt,v Co:nmisRioners on said 5th dos of ,'anua!·,v A.D. 1944 due proof of the posting and service o-': said order o·f hee.rinp. as therein directed and required, more than ten da.\'S prior to said last l'lll.med date, havinf. been made and flled, said petition vrns publicly read and considered 453 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................... -' a.UJ.l.D.r.v. ... P. .. , ... l~.14., ...................... 193.~.~., lll!DCU•n'T 111.ANK 11DOK AND •ltlNTING a., • MINN H b.\· the ~oard, with ev P.r:rthing i;•hioh ~:as_ sni~ b,i' said. i~t 1H0~t:d p~rt ies. f?r or age.inst frantir:ig ~he. pra1•er of the petitioner, and said '3oaro b<>inf. o': op1n1on tna.. sa.1d pe~1tion sh?uld be r,ranteo, it 1s hereby ordered and determined, that the s1.1id petitioner ond the following des~ri.bed ;~n~s owne~ by ~im, to-wit: E~-of NE-1 section 24 I'ownship 132 !-le.nee 42 be and the ~ome o.re here?~•· set od ,.rom said Scn~ol District rro. 19 to said ad,'oinin~ school District No. 95 nnd said lands are 11ereb,v made a po.rt of sa1d last name~ School Listrict fer all purposes whatever. By order o-f the Board of county Commissioners. n );lated the 5th de:,, of .:ianuary A,D, 1944. Yo.lmer Y.arvonen, Chairmo.n of the 13ol!lrd of County ~~ · commissioners of Otter Tail County, :.iinnesota. Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-officio c~erl: o~ Boar~; • . , .. • The petition of Cornelius Sweere to bP. set over ..:rorn Dist, loo so Dist. 228 ,res. caken up for fina.l action. Th<> Board listened to the statements of the petitioner and the ColU1t,ir Superintendent of Schools, and after consideration , · the Boa.rd being of the opinion tha.t only part of the land described in said petition should be detached, upon motion the petition i·1as rejected. . The pP.tition o~ Martin Vallevand to bP. set over :'.'.rom Dist. 207 to Dist. 182 was ta.ken up for ~inal action. Arter listening: .to the statements of. the County Superintendent of Schools nnd of~icers o ': Dist. 1s·2 and·:Dist:rtct 207, o.nd after full consid era.ti on of the mat t~r, u·pon mot ion the petition v:a.s r;ranted and the ~oDrd issuP.d the following order, to-1•,it: . \'/here as, the net i tion of Mart in Val levo.nd, a lee;a.l vet er, freehold er ana resident o-f School District No. 207 in this ,Jotmty, representing that he is thP. owner of the l1rnds hereinafter described, v/hich ere situate in said School District, a.no ad~cin School District No. 182 o.nd asking: that he with his said lands ma:; be set off from said District !lo. 207 to said e.d;-joininr School District ::o. 182 was presented to the Board of County com'l!issioners o-f this Count;y-o.t a session o-f said board helo on the 13th da.v of October A.D 1943 for the action of sold board thereon; and wi1erea.s it 1·:a.s thereupon ordered by said boord that u h,-,a.rin?-should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 5th da..i• of ,Januar,i' A.D, l\l44 o.t the commissioners ~oom in the Court House in the Cit,\' of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it was Further ordered in and by said order t ha. t not ice of the time and place of such hP.nr ing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in e:-ch o:: the school districts to be affP.cted b,\' said petition, and bJ' mailinr; to the clerk of each of sold School Districts, a copy of said order at le11.st ten da,','S before the time eppointP.cl -r-or such hearing: ancl whereos e.t the soid SP.ssion o~ the said Boarci of Count.1, Commissioner11 on said 5th da.,v of .ionuary .A..D. l\l4.4 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hPa.rin/1 as thPrein d irPcted and renuirP.d. more than ten de.vs prior to said lnst named date, hevinp.: been mud e and filed, sa.id petition '-'/0.s rmbl ic l:; reo.d and cons idP.red b,\' the Board, ,•:i th ever.vthinf .-..hich was said b,v said intP.rested pnrtiP.s :or or ore.inst f.rantinf! the prayer of the petitioner, and said ~oe.rd being: of. opinion tho.t said petiti.on shoL1ld be rro.nted. it is hereb.V ordered and determined, that the said petitioner o.nd the followinr-descYibed lands owned b,v him, to-,:it: Lots 1, 4, 5 •• 6 Section 1 Township 133 ?.enge 42 be and thP. some are hereby set of·:: from said School District l:io. 207 to said adjoining School ])istrict No. 182 and said lands are hereb.\1 :na.de a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. 13,v order of the Boa.rd of -:aunty Commissioners. De.tee the 5th day of January A.D., l\l44. Yo.lmer 1:arvone.r;i,Ci1airman of the Board of County (Auditor's Seal) Commissioners of Otter Tail CountJ', i,iinnesota. At test: William Linuoln, County Auditor, o.nd ex-officio Cler!: of Beard. The petition of Axel Porkkonen to be set over from Dist. 175 to List. 4,; was tal~en up for final action. After listening to the statements o-f the Count,v Superintendent of Schools, upon motion the petition was granted and the Boord issued the following order. to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Axel Porlckonen, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District ~lo. 175 in this County, representing that he is the Ol"!ner of the lands hereinafter described, •vhich are situate in so.id School District, and ad.join School District Uo. 47, o.nd asking tho.t he with his said lends ma,v be set ol'·p from said district Uo. 175 to said ad~oininp. school district Ho, 47 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this Gount.i' at o. sP.ssion of said boa.rd held on the L'Hh dB-.\' of nctober A.D. l\l43 for the action o'f. said board thereon: and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a. hearinr. should be had on said petition, at a ses;iion of said board on the 5th da.f cf Ja.nuar.v A,D,, 1944 at the Commissioners :ioom in the Gonrt Honse in the City of Fergus Falls in said Count.11 ; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice cf the time and place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailinp.: to the clerk of ea.ch of said School Districts. a copy of said order at least ten days before the time o.ppointed for such hearing; end whereas o.t the said ses~ ion of the said Boa.rd o!! County Commissioners on said 5th day of January A.D. 1944, due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as ther,,in directed and required, more than ten da_vs prior to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board, ~:i th e,•Pr,vthing which was soid b,v said interested parties for or against r,rantinf, the praye:r o !: the petitioner, and said "3oard beine: of opinion that said petition should be p:ranted, it is hereb.,· ordered and determined, tha.t the said oetiti.onPr and thP. followinp. nescyibecl lands ovmeci b.\' him, to-i·:it: JJ:!;-of N'{I.,,_ Section 10 To"mship 135 :'!anp.e 37 b" and the s11me are hP.reb.l' set o·!'~ from said School District No. 175 to said ed,4oininp. School District Ifo. 47 a.nd said l!'lnds aye hP.reb;\' made e pa.rt o: said last named School District for all purposes whatevP.r. 13,\' order of the "'oa.rci o"'.' Connt.v Commi.s11ioners. Dated the 5th do..1' 0° Jrmuary i.D, 1944-. Yal□P.r YarvonP:r;t,Chairman o: the "3oard of (Auditor's il<>al) ·::onnt.'r .Jomrnissioners o:f: Otter :;:>ail County, l.Iinn. Attest: William Lincoln, count.r Auditor, and ei;-officio Cler!: of Boa.Yd. The application of Albert H. Leebrick to be set over irom Dist. 130 to Dist. 44 was tal:en up for final a.ct ion. After listen.inr, to the statements of the Countr Superintendent of Schools, upon motian the petition was granted and the 3oard issued. the following orcier, to-w.i. t: Whereas, the petition o E Albert P. Loebricl:, a legal voter, freeholoer and resident of School District !lo. 130 in this countJ', representing that he is the ovmer o.;'. ti1e lands hereinafter described, which ure situate in said School District, and adjoin School D.i.striut Ho. 4.i and asking that he v:i th his said lands m0,1• be set of'.: from so.id district !lo. 130 to suid ad~oining school district No. 44 •ras presented to the Boa.rd of CoLmty Commissioners of this Connt.Y o.t o. session o'.: said board held on the 13th d a.v of October A .D. l\l43 for the act ion of said boo.rd thereon; e.nd whe reus it was thereupon ordered b.r said board that a hearinf. should bP had on said petition, at a session o'f so.id board on the 5th day af .:ianuary A.D. 1944 a.t the Comrnissiom'!rs Room in the Court TTouse in the City ot' Fergus Falls ln said county; and whereo.s it was further ordered in and b,v said order that not ice of. the time and place of such heo.ring be p.iven oy postinp. copi<>s o~ said ordPr in three public places in each of the school districts to be o.fl'ected b.v said petition, and by ma.ilinf to the cl!!rk o·u each of so.id School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten d0;1•s before the time appointed for such hearing; nna. whereo.s at the sa.id session of th<> said Boo.rd of Count.v Cammi ssion"!rs on said 5th a e,v of .:' anuarl' A .D. 1944 due proof of thP. post inp. and service of said order of hP.o.ring as thP.rein directed o.nd re']uired, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having been me.de ancl filed. said petition wus pnolicl,I' read and considered by thP. Board, with everything which wa.s said by said in.terested parties for or against gre.ntinf; the pra,ver of the petitioner, and said Boord being of opinion that said petition should be gro.nted, it is hereby ordered and determined, .-, Ji)ATE: .............• 1anuarY ... 5 ., ... 1944 •.......................... 193. 44 .• that the said petitioner end the :following described lands owned by him. to-wit: ,it of s:1t section 18 Township 136 Range 38· be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 130 to said adjoining School District No. 44 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last named School District for all pruposes whatever. 1'1.V order of the Boa.rd of County Commissioners. Dated the 5th da.v of January A.D. 1944. Yclmer Y.arvonen, Chairman of the Board of County (Auditor's Seal) Commissioners of otter Tail c ounty, Minnesota. Attest: William Lincoln, ()ounty Auditor, end ex-officio r:lerk of Board. The petition of Adolph 'lrix asking thnt the NF.3-swi an<i w~ SEJ. Sec. 15 Township of Pine take be set over from Dist. 130 to Dist. 44 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on so.id petition be hsd at the session o-r. the Board to be held March 9, 1944 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the commissioners Room in th·e r.ourt !-!onse in Fergus Falls. and that due notice of the tirne and place of hearinfl be given as required by la.w, The petition of Edwin Hofferbert askinr, that the Nt S?/·~ and SI'!¾ I-IW¼ Sec. 33 TOwnship of Inman be set over from Dist. 113 to Dist. 212 was read and it was ordered that a hearinR on said petition be had at thesession of the Board to be held Marcil 9, 1944 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the commissioners Room in the court House in Fergus Falls. and thot due notice of the time and place of hearing be given as reouired by law. · County Su per intend ent Louise Stondah 1 presented to the Board her annual report of the schools or Otter Tail connt,v for the .l'Par 1942-1943. Cc-.unty Superintend·ent Stondahl filed v1ith the Board her appointment for the year 1944 of Mr. ::. ,'. iovang as Assistant Connt.v Superintendent, and ;,;iss -c.:oselln Tomhave as of~ice SF>Cretary. Upon motion the appointments were approved. Upon motion the Board then took o recess to 2 o'cloclc P. :!. Bids ~or printinp. a.s advertised for b.v the Boa.rd were opened and read and were award·ed as follows: P"ennine Advocate. for publishing th!"! Annual :,te.tement of ~eceipts and F.xpendi tures of the cour,t_y fo:!" the .veer l!J43 at lee;a.l rates. Pelican ~apids Press, publ.ication of the Delin.1uent Tax tist for the ~'ear 1944 at legal rates. Underwood lndepen<ient, pnblication of the Annual Statement of ::'1eceipts and Expenditures of the County for the year 1943 at legal rates. Pergus Journal Col, publication of minutes of meetinf-s of. the Board of County Commissioners and County "9oerd of Eq1,.aliza.tion for the year 1944 at legal rates. Fergus Journal Co., publication O·f miscellaneous notices required by law to be published by the County during the calendar year 1944 et legal rates. Cou:p.ty Commissioners Ireland and Petterson, and county Attorney Parker of Wad·ena County ap:peered to discuss the claim of Otter Tail County against Wadena County for the latter County's share of jailer's salary· on account of Wadena county prisoners confined in the Qt ter Tail county J ai 1 during the six years preceding November 1, 1943 as ev;id.enc~d by oroer of District ,1udge Anton Thompson. The County Board. together with Wadena County officials and Judge Thompson, discussed the matter thoroughly and in view of the length of time covered by the claim, an<i ?!adena County having further disputed the correctness of the report made hy the CountJ', and particularly in this: that Federal prisoners had been omitted from the report, and likewise prisoners who had been committed for traffic violations in the '.:ount:r. it was agreed· that i'/adena county's offer of $700.00 in full settlement of said claim was just and fair, and the Otter Tail Count.v ~oard recommended to Judge Thompson that a conrt order be issued ciirecting pa.vment of said sum of 8700.00. It wus further agreed b,Y the representatives of the two counties that from and aft(!r,-November 1, 1943 WadeTUJ Count_y shall pay in add it ion to the board of 9risoners the sur:1 of 50v' pPr ii ay pe :r prisoner for its shn!"e o:: the Ott er Tail Con:eyty jailer's sa.lary. The rollowinp. names v1ere selected to be f)l!lced on the annual C:ro.nd and ?etit ?ur.\' lists for the co:nin,:t ,rear: GRAND ,'U~. J. ~,. Trupukka Newton Walter !,!Ursu Henr.11 Janke ?ad dock J amcs i'!auck Geo. 3e!"g Corman C:eo. l,iinderman •/alter Cunn Gorliss 2euben iJatz C:eorp.e White Candor Horr.I' Baker C:eorpe Smith Edna li', J·iowara Meader Charles Thomo.s }'omeste·ad \I/alter ,;: . .:'ohnson ntto ~ohn sve~a ITew York ~ills Vill. L. 0 Russ F:d 'Joed igheimer "Pine Lake •·r. A. Schultz n1e 'i', '3erg Scambler ?ohn •T. Otteson .:mil ,1u1srud norv'1ep. ian r,rove .'chn ._,. !,!esna ii'ri tz Pans on !,ida . "'dward ~aw Ole C. Thompson ,:rhards C:rove ,, arnes •'ur,hes Adolr,,h Wollen Oscar Geo. Duenow Ira I.ord Maine :: . Arthur Hanson Arthur Franze Tordenskjold Charley Osmon Selmer P.is-brudt St. Olaf !•!Iaurice l'/oldy Alvin Moen Underwood Vill. John LaValleur Anton \'!a!"d Amor P.ey Butcher Al ;'red Swenson Everts .A.lhert Wilson 1Tils Bengtson Clitherall T,·1p. F'rank h'reske Arthu!" Luhning Otter Tail Ludvig La!"sen t.ew !"!obb Compton Christ Lettman 1'!. r,. ~ ing r,,,af Lake A. IL Y.nudsen!. -: • r-:. !-.!Oats Tnman D. D.. woo dard ,, • 1;. Lief er \'/ood side Ole¥ Fanson tloyd ThOm?-S Folden Allf.~St !,I. ,Tohnson Ernest o. Nelson "J!:astern F' VonOhlen C:. •~. r~etter Parkers nrair ie 'Fi 11. S. Z. :>,.eaman Henry r,. Johnson '>.use, <:ity R. 7 ''.. ,, Scott ,lohn "'ossen Dane Prairie. ::i ty ~.4 LiaTcus '.;[au!"in !':d c. "eterson Fergus Palls Twp. Cit:r :~.6 .:'. L. Saw,l'er Carl Ferber Ferf>:US Falls Twp; Cit,1· ::.2 Olaf Schei Andre~: ~um1ingen City Iver Leidel !'I. -:. Swenson City O. U. Jlabberstad 1ohn. 0. 1'0.Pl.und. Ci ti/ P.o bt. St• Clair Victor Putikka r,. ,' Stoderl Urs. !:!. F. J~orkala J.irs. Arnold ?oser M!"S . .:roe :Rutten .:iohn Ahrens Glenn J.roard Albert '3ierwagen -· PF.fTfT .1URY ·· · · · ~lowers: Sebeka R.l Algot Walgren "C\ln:fton 7wp; Bluffton 1.1rs. A.G. Anderson 'Tewton; Hev1 York '..!ills ~.!3 Mrs. Yim. Ahlers Pomestead ;lfewYorkJ-Ji lls R. 2 Victor Schik i:.ut ler; Ne•v York :.Iilllis, R. 2 T-lenr.v Johnson Corliss: Perham Ceo. Dou@"las l'ine Lake; Fe1vYor}:Mills i,trs. Midian ""'raki Otto; new -York i,lills,R.3 Georp.e Darrow· 3utler Blo,•1ers 3luff:ton Dead Lake Dora Hobart !'Tew Yorlc llills ':'erham Rush Lake Dunn l>el.ican Tror1dhjem Maple1·10od Friberg Vill. 'Pelican Rapids 'fill. Dalton Vill. Sverdrup gagle Lake C irard Battle Lake Vill. Leaf Mountain ]'fidaros Deer Creek T1vp. Henning Twp. Ook Valley Elmo Parkers Prairie Twp. lienning 1fill. Deer •,reel: Vill. Orwell; City ~.2 Elizabeth Vill. ~use; City City City Ci t,v City ~. 5 Blowers; tre111 York lJiills. :::.2 I~ewton; New York l.U lls. ~. 3 Pomestead; " " " R,2 "Butler; New York Mills, R. 2 Corliss, nerham "l:'ine toke; Perham Otto; New Yo rls: Mills, R. 3 :?ush Lake; Ottertail 455 I f l' I 456 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. Severt Nelsen ':'eul '!'rederick Herman Senske ~rank i~ie.vPr 1:i. D. r!udolph Joe Y.linnert FrPcl l"alske Frank Schmidt :.in;. SylvPster 1:omuloinen Mrs. Eel Ora~f Mrs, '.i'urner Askew Mrs. D. H. Cul~er Henry Aarness Lewis Renner E. B. Overvold Theo. Wee Eddie .1ohnson Mart in "i'oso John Sletvold Carl Rochell Re.,\' Genz J. Y.. Knutson Carl .:rohnRon l,rrs. Mae Swenson Ferman 13urmeister ;tohn u. Johnson Lloyd Wilson Andrew Bogen Emil Jo.cohson !!:rs. Julius Ho.nson Mrs. L. U. Skibness ,tlrs. Ted. ~isbrudt Sigurd Th,v-se Af'.nes He.m'!ler A. f.. wae,strom MrR. Melvin Johnson -r.:. C. AUrzada Abram Rousu t:1enr.v Clasen lT. "' • Youeht C. J. Gribben Mrs. AlPX''3ent z Alvah r.oodale ~d VJesley Corrinne I:roen 3lmer Schwent z ErnPst Peterson Celestine 13usch Mrs. Eans Schrader ~ rs. ~red Oldenberg Adolph Erlandson Carsten FaUP-en S. 1'. "/right .:'ustus Zimmer f:. A. ~OSSOW Llo.vd E. Ife lson i,irs. Conrad '3arlo W'!I. P,. Schultz· 'L :':. Scott Mrs. Elmer i.!tmson l,lrs. \''. r,. J:Jc::linf' A. N. wao.genscn M1·s. Catherine /.iartin !-.!rs. ;;1. J. Silvers The following J. C. Henl~es Louise Standahl w. 11. Glorvigen Whi teheo.d 0rintinn-Co. uintfen-rarst - •''m. Galena Mart in Sheet :,Jetal Shop N:rrnan Fnel Co. N.W.~ell Tel~phone Cc. r.has. Burmeister Wm. C. ~"ior.r.ne Clarence ~-Aune I!ii.ller-Do.vis Co. Bnr rouphs Add. Mche. Co. A.. Glorv igen J.:!iller-Davis Co. .'e.ps-Olson Co. N.D.ShPet I Iron Co. Frankov: i z 1·Idwe. Go. i'lm. P.. ZieglP.r Co •• Inc. ihorman W. Rosholt Co. Battle ~eke Produce 'Sed Arrowr-arare Larson -ores. Olson Auto ~lee. Co. rr.n.Good ?.oaas,ss•n. N.\"I.Rell Telr>phone Co. DATE ....................• 1.!Anuax.r .... Q .•..•. J..:!.H ........................ 193.:14., (Petit Paddocl:; Sebeka :Emsh Lake; otterto.il German; Perham Edna; Perham Ca.ndor; Fr!l.zee Star Lake; ~rhard Dent Vill. Vergas Vill. IlP.w York i,iills Vill. Perham 'lill. Scm~bler Dunn Norweeian G:cove Pelican "l'wp. Lida T1·ont1 h~ em Erhards Grove ,.!aplewood Oscar Friberg !,!sine Pelican ?.a~ids Vill. Amor 5attle Lake Ottertail Vill. Girard ViningYill. Nidaros Leaf l.iountain C:li therall Vi 11. Clitherall Ti·1p. St. Olaf Jury) Mrs. Alvin Lindberg. Joe Goyl~e ~rs. Joe Pegerle F,. \'/. Conp.Pr I:!rs. c. '-'. ruhn Penn, Tenter :·.~rs.' Geo. ro.tz}:e !.irs. I.l. Sonderp.ac.rd Fro!lk lreuer Carl John grnest Erickson Erick Gr!lhn Mrs. lforman Halha.1:ken !,lax Colosky Urs. Oscar Andersen Mrs. Emil Sjostrom J.Irs. Can;l I:lovstllci Hrs. Oscar Lien Herbert Duenow Geo. Curtis Mrs. G. H. Y.nutson Mrs. ~arho.ra Leverson Co.rl Ward Mrs. 3orghild Bergquist !i!rs. Clarence J,Iatthews Ra,\' I-:imbP.r );!rs. Anno. Dunn John Tnrchin Lawrence ?.owe Clarence Larson Hjo.lmer Vledin John J. Nelson Tnmuli Andrew Anderson Dalton Vill. Mrs. gprbert Ranson Torcl•rnskjold !.Irri. sa.ra; !.iortenson Svertirup Edwin ; . Vlold Compton A. r.:. 3oehne Deer ~reel~ T1·1p. PetPr Harthan Leo.f T,al~e '.:''l'P. 11. A. cord es Henninp.; Twp. l'lalfred !'o.nherr Inmen "lerman uo.nPbuth Oak Valle,v corn 111ahner woodside T,illian~steb Elmo Aueus t Hemquis t FoldenTwp. J. C. E •• ,ant;:en Effineton 1'im. T,:uson Parkers Pre..irie Twp. .iean Irelo.nd Henning Vill. ll:ans 3erg Paddock; Sebeka Perham Tw9; Perham Do re; ?razee P"obart. 1"razee Dead Lake : Dent Star Lake; Dent Dent Vill. N"ew York ;,iills Vill. Slu=fton Vill. Perha.r'.I Vi 11. Scs.mblP.r Dunn Horweg ian Grove Lida ~•rondh:em Erhar6.s Grove l.io.plewood Oscar ~riberg Mo.ine Pelican Rapids Vill. Pelican RapidsVill. Amor ~attle Lake I/ill. Otter Tail Twp. Girarc1 ma o.ros Twp. Leaf J,'!ountain Everts Clitherall Twp. EaEle Lake st. Olaf 'l'umuii Tordenskjold Und er1•1c,od 1/i 11. Sverarnp Compton Deer Creek -;,wp. J.e1;1-i' La}:e Twp. Inman Inman Oak Valley woodside Elmo Effington Parkers ?rairie Twp. Eastern Henning Village Po.rkers ?rnirie Vill. !::rs. Fred Hiobard Po.rkers Prairie I/ill. neer Greek Vill. Mrs. Russell Guin Deer creek Vill. Aastad, Cit.v R.5 Severt ,i. ?ronning Aastad. City R.?.D. Aurdal, City F:.3 Emil Boen Aurdal, City ?..4 '3USe, City R.D. Mrs. Ed !l!Oen Buse. City P..D. Carlisle, City R.2 Mrs. Helmer Anderson Carlisle. City ?..2 no.ne Prairie. Cits R.l l:irs. Bertram l!o.rris Elizabeth ]'Wp, Erlrnrtl ::=:.2 ,1 ohn Schroeder Elizabeth Vi.11. Jules .:rennen Fere:us Fo.lls Twp;Cit.v '":.3 Nannin!_! Fissen Dane Prairie. City 3.1 :':lizabeth Twp; Elizabeth ?..l wergus 'Falls Twp;Cit.v R.6 Orwell. Cit,\' ?..2 Orwell. :;it.\' :1. 2 urs. l.'1Prle T,oomer w~stern. City E.7 \'/estern, Ci.t~0 R. 7 !,!rs. Ce.rl Quamme City, 702 tak~side 214 I'/. Vasa, Ci t.v Mrs. O. J. ~eckos city. 401 ?,. Vasa Cit.1•, 329 E, vaso. Mrs. Inez t!o.l:er Ci t,v. Stanton City. 228 Vernen E. l,lrs. "ulda ::. Holm,1uist :;ity. 119 Alcott ,V. City, -734 Splrinfien City, Junius A''e. W. Mrs. I,!. c. Foss bills were o.llowed: expenses expenses Boartl o-f' Audit pr int inP- suppl ir>s. etc. repairs l'epaiTs coal lone di st a.nee lebor dep.corcner's ho.ulinB ashes blanks suppl.Les expenses supplies supplies sup!)lies supplies 130.38 25.£10 48.00 A~l .50 12.50 5.25 17.75 3f:iG.25 calls 19.15 ~ •. 50 fees 11.15 12.00 30.99 15.90 53.00 10.34 po.rte ~ supplies parts 1.36 15.25 23.75 339.53 95.11 2.40 4.05 94.95 parts re-pal rs repo.irs repairs services services 15.75 25.00 11.05 . ; C • ~-~ '· Henl-:es ~ov O.rlfi boarding prisoners expenses '0 ' Ana er son ,. . ;r. 'J • uenner Co. r-rep.:g ''uhl. Co. l'he Ad elsman Co. postap.e Sll'pplif'S ~upplies repo. i rs Ji ;•r. U,el 1 '"e l"!lhone Co. ~urrouphs Aaa. Uche. co. T,orraine T.arson lonr-dista~ce calls me.int enance clP.ricsl ·.•1ork 11~p.n11<1 C'lson Ro,.,,:. eorliss "ouoher "rinting \: Sil.eri'.'f's fees 3ail i :f' a ~ees Lithograghinf Co. record A. Glcrv igen co.sh advanced Georr:e i'/icker expenses ihe 0 ieroe Co. supplies Firestone Stores supplies Duro--rest Corporation supplies Geo. T. Ryan co. supplies R.C.AndPrson Well~ Pump Co. '' Cummins Diesel Si;.les .'I: Service parts Leidal's Jewelry repairs Skoemo Motors, Inc. repo.irs J!elRon Wreckinr-Co. repairs Ferrus Foundr.v Co. repairs tL"/.Rell Tel. co. long distance i:ver Peterson towinp. calls 114.00 19.70 15.60 3.00 25. 20 2Fl.65 20.90 63.85 2.60 6.30 12.00 75.23 11.73 7.00 12.BO 11.99 62.20 36!l.60 12.00 133.57 2.00 6.90 2.75 6.60 14.30 2.00 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ....................... ,T ann arv 5.,l!l44 ................... 19314.,. ~ AND.PIIINl1NG,m...n •. a.au11..111NN-n111 _ A. "· Schmitz Garap.e storaee 6.00 Tesch Lumber Co. ln'llbPr R5. 65 '.!inn. :.!O tor Co. tube 5. 30 Do!ler. Calmenscn •,. co. cuttimz P.dp.es 21.37 ij j, .Er,e ineerinr Co. parts · 9. 57 :::. n. sor-e earare rental 5.00 Qifhwa.r C o. rent "c gasoline l!l. oi nark Rerion Co-op. Oil co. gasoline 38. 75 Davis '.:linic examination 3.00 Qenry C. Poff exp.attend.meeting 6.27 3ert Stone expenses 12.60 The folloWirlf res elution ;·1as odopted: T,a'llpert Lumber r:o., ••.~-.!.!ills lumber Willer I Teisberp paint ~.~.Smith Tire, 3o.ttP.ry Co. tire ~lk 3iver aonc. nrod. co. culverts gd s. Graf.~ insurance ·;ill. of Uew "o rl: :.Ill ls garage rent Standard Oil ~o. gasoline Henning Oil Co. gasoline Geo. B. Gunderson exp.attend.meeting Yalmer iarvonen Do. RP.solve<' by the 13oard of Count., Cvmmissicners of Otter Tail county. :,linnesota: 1.36 1.05 6.70 !325.92 11.13 90.00 5.84 2.74 5.70 6. 70 That the followine named sums be set apart from the ~evenue Fund cf the county to be expended as '118.\' be needed fo?· clerk hire for the ,reor 1944 in the ~onnty of-rices named, to-wit: count.\' Auditor's off.ice ~u.200 Count,r Treasurer's office ReristP.r o~ DP.e<'s ofl'ice 4,500.00 Clerk hire in Of"!:icc o: '.:lerk of ~011rt ""or..;.ss't. Supt. o~ Schools 1,800 .,..or Q!''"ice Ast. Supt. of Schools Adopt,.a .•ennery 5, 19~,,,. Yalmer i·arvonen. Chairman. Attest: William ~incoln. ~lerk. Th<> ~ollowinf resolution ,·1s.s adopted: P.esolv ed b,\' the 0 oard of Co11nty Com•~ issi oners o :i'. Otter Tai 1 count,v-, :!.innesota: :~5.500.00 1,500.00 1.200.00 Tha~ the Pelico!'l :O:apids Press be and the some h··reby is designated as the nP.wspoper in which shall be printer the notices and lists of lands upon which taxes remained delin·1uent and unpaid on the first :.~ondo,\' in ,'annor.1•, 1944. Resolved l'nrther. that -for the faithful performance o'f: such ,·1ork tile said newspaper bP. and hereby is re,"!uired to furnish r,_ bond in the su!!l of $2,000.00. Adopted ,1anuar.1• 5, 1944. Yo.lmPr i:arvonen, Chairman. Attest: iVilliam T,incoln, Clerk. The follo:•:inf resolution ,·:as adopted: ?.esob·ed by thP. 0 01:,rd of ~onnt.v •~O!:l'!:ission,.rs of ntterTail ~ount.1,, :linnesota: Whereas, it epp.,ars to !his ~oerd that o•-:in!l'. to ~he abnor'!lal demand of the pnblic -for certi'.'ied copies op th'!!ir birth records. it is nP.cess,nl' that an additionr.l clerk be em,1loyed in the o~"icP or the ~lerJ.~ o" District ~oi;rt o" soid '!01mt.i', !-:ow, thP.r,,forP., be i.• rP.sclv<',l, the'" pursuant '"c Section 997-4'..I of uason's 1940 ,:llnnesota supplPm-~nt. •hP. sumo:' ,~500.00 be and the s011e hereb.!' is set asidP. -:or additional clerk hire in ~he o!'"icP or so.id -1P.rl: of J;istrict r:ourt ror the :'irst six months of the ,i'ear l!J14, pa.;,-:!lent :'er services rendereo to be mode on v:arrant o'.' tr.e ~onnt,i' Auclitor upon -'.:ilinf from time to time certi-:icates c'.'. the ~lerk o'.' ~cart showin~ person entitled thereto. AdoptP.<i ,1 anuary 5, 1D44. Yalr.ier ;:o.rvonen, CJ·.airman. At test: William Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 3oard of county Com'!lissioners of Otter 'l'a.ilCounty, ;,!innesota: That undP.r ti,e yro,•isicns of Cl,a9ter 200 Lavis of I.iinnesoto. for l!J43·~ the countJ' shall pa,y a bonnt.~· o.!: ,;·2.00 :'or each ::ull-ero,;m red or r-.ra,\' fox killeci in so.id county and ~l.00 ;"or eaci1 cub red or gra,\' i'ox killeci in s1.1id County from ;:ra.nuary 1, 1911-t. to December 31, 1\144; ;>a,)'ment to be made on ";arra!'lt o:' :he count.\' Auditor a.ftPr compliance by the claimant ,•:ith ull the provisions of said law. AdoptPd ~nnuary 5, 1914, Yolmer Yorvcnen, Chairman. At t<>st: \'Ii llia'll Lincoln, •~l erk. Jpon 'llOtion thP ~oard then adjournP.d to Tuesday, February 8, 1944 at 10 o'clcck A.~- Attest: M;.e£.:-.~ ·:i~rk. ~ J-(~ ,...,no.1r"!lan. 457 458 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ........................ ?.e.l>.!.HI\J.Y. ... !L ... J.~.1-:1 ................ 193.1:'1..! :.n !HTTF:S (:F AD.:'("1~!·1":D r.r.-:::T rr•r. (lT."' ;,,nA::m OP C'"'1''r" cr1.-:;:TSSTOHr::R"I r .. nTT::~ TAU, 'J('U:!TY. i·.!Tiiii~SOT A. ,. .P..,J ' (I f ""'t""' 1'•1,r?,ln, ,tf"l,oVZ.,,"J"\.,'Z,,. (/ . Pursuant to aci_1ournment thP. '30arci r.:et at 10 o'ulocl: A. l.i. ?ebr11or.v R. 1914, "resent: 'Jom- missioners i'.arvonen, Gunderson, uoff, Stone and :'lnowberg. The bond of \'/ill.lam o. :.icJ,ane, Deput.v ::oroner, in the su.11_1 of tl,000 ~•1ith ;.r_ :.i. Youne and ,'alm'!r i'.:nuttila as sureties, \'laB approved. . The followine applications -':or cigarette licenses for the calendar .rear 194°1 were granted: Joseph l'/aldorff and Hubert I'.:oep. both at Urbanl: in the Town of Effington. Ernest Veazie. :.iurray Burns. ?edPr !\. Sande and T. A.. navis, all in •rol'mship of 1,Iaine. Ed and Anna Borup. Town of Star Lake. ~ohn L. Pet.,rson, iiorman c. V/ordena -......lCarl 'l' •. Sundblad, all in Erhard. George Olson, Almora; I.J. c. Oe:ard, Carlisle; "err.v Swenson, Town o• Dora; A.. D. \'/ickham, Tov:n·o:r. Dead Lake. Th .. application of "err.v sv,enson for dance permit usinr, mechanical music onl,\', at Horth Dora Store in the To"mshio o~ Doro. f'or thP. bal,:,.nce o" the .vear 1914, was p.ranted. 'l'he anplication o"" Co-on. WnrPhonsP Associo.tion cf "'elicE'..n ,'!apicis for canc,,llat ion of assessment ""or wheat held.b,r producers includinp. farm stored wheat undPr loan for .thP. ,i'ear 1943 was read and ':np "oar, recommended tc the CommisaionP.r of 7axat ion thn.t ~hP said assessment bP cancelled a.nd that the assessed value o'· the personal propert,;· o" said association be reduced from )10.259 to .:''6,109, and the taxes from :~1040.50 to $'648.74 including grain tnx. The application of 0scar :.1. nlson for class if. ication o= the WE' NV/' Sec. 1 To,·m of Ef~in;i:ton for the year 1942 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Co1:1rnissioner of -raxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reC:-uced from ::;239 to .;,143 and the tax from t1&.92 to e9.07. . The application o! William ~oebernick for reduction of assessed value of personal property in the Township of Effington for 1943 on the grcund that no household exemption ha.d been allo\~ed him v1as read and the Board reccmmendeci to the commissioner o '.: Taxation thllt the assessed value ot' said property be reduced from $332 to $232 and the taxes from :~27.69 to ~19.35. The application o~ r.harles ?.. i'/right for reduction of ussessment :'.'or 1941 against the E½ of Lot 5 in Section 25 'i'cwn o:: Everts on the ground that throur,h clericnl error on the part of the assessor said l:mo was assessed at ten times tl,e proper amount, l'.'as reod anci the Board recommended to the Commissioner o" Taxation +hQt the said assesseo vulne of said tract be reduced :i'.rom -~531 to .~53 and the tax from ~37.16 to 13.io. The application o"!' 'Jnion Central Life Tnsurance Co. for reduction of assessment on s½ S\'l¼ of Sec. 36 To"m of Deer r.reel: "'or the .1·ear 1943 was read and +he Board recommended to the Comrnissioner of Taxation that the assessed value be reduced ~rom ."A09 to !'-477 and the tax t"ror.1 :"llfi.60 to 869.93. The a.p!')lication of A. T,. Fess for cle.ssificatic"l of F.} s.:-• and Lots 5 an·d 6 ex. tract in Sec. 13 Town o!' ":lizabeth ""or the .re-ar 19'i3 was read and ':he '3oard recommencied to the Commissioner o'l' •raxation that said land b0 so classi•~i ed and ,he assessed value reduced -~rom :!'-1032 to :l'-619 ond the tax. from .~76.02 to .!::14.20. The foilowing statements of fees and emoluments of Count.'[ officers for the calender .vea1 19P:3 \'/ere approved: J. C. 'ie~es. Sheriff, f,=2,9,'32.87; "· i'/. GlorviBen, ,lerl: of ::ourt, f2,606.02; \'/illiam Lincoln. Count,v Auditor, :!:"2,932.B'/; "'·I.I.Ree, count.v Treasurer. :-:·2,932.87; 0 • A. Anderson, Eegister of Deecis. t2.932.87; J. !l. Haagensen, Judge ct' Probate r:onrt, ~2.973.15; Lonise Stondahl, County SuperintendP.nt o' Schools. ~2.346.29; Gharles T,. Alexander, Court Com11issioner, $73.40: Yolmer !:a.rvonen. ccunty Commissioner. ~A56.70; Geo. 13. Gunderson, t::onnt.v t;ommissi.oner, :;':905.20; 'lenry G. 1-lof'', County commissioner, t905. 00; ~ert Stone, ~ounty Comrnise:i onP.r. !'A6R. 75; r.orl A. SnowbP.rg. Connt,I' com11iss ion er, t891.50. A report o~ -t:n 13 ~card o"': Audit of !"Xa~ino.tion cl thP. accounts c-!! ,. !,i. ~P.e. :!aunt,?_:-Treasurer, for the period ~rom ,'ul.v 1. 1943 to .•am1ar.l' 11. 1941: inclusive. sho\•1inf. balance in the Count,v '."reosur.v at :I'-e close 01' saio lrst-rn°nt ione6 date o:' .l'399, 731. 57 ;-:as a:ppro\'ed. Upon mot.ion the 'loard then ad~ourned to Febr11anr 9, 1911\, at 10 o'clock A. :r. \lE:D!ia:SDAY Is SF.SSIOil. Pursuant to ad~ournment the Boarci met ut 10 o'cloc;; A. :.L February 9, l\i44. all members being present. A.Glorvigen, Acting Ccunty Highway Bnf;ineer, presentea t'-the Uoare1 his annual :report fo!· the ,\'ear 1Y43. and ciiscussed ,1ith tne 3oara var1c.us items in tl!e report. UJ?on motion the Auditor was instr11uten tu ad\'ertise tor bias tor halt-ton pick-up t!ucl:, ona also '!'Or one heavy duty truck and snow plow equlpmel"t. oic•s to oc opence1 ot ·.ne session or tue Board :.!arch 8, 1944, at 11 o'clock A. il. TheCotmt.v Auditor presented to the '3oard tne a.nnnal starern,.nt or 1Pceipts and d1Rb1n-sP.m!'nts ot thP Count,v tor the ,l"nar l\1•~;,. llpon 11ctLon t·h0 staternP.nt was aoproved. The ".'o 110·••1 np. :!'PfH1111r 10n ·11os aoopt ed: ~esclved by :he qoard o".' County Com"1s~1c~ers or Ott~r Tail County, ~11nosota: That the sum of ~400.00 be and thP. same hereb,v is appro·printed out o~ the ~evenue Fund of the Count.i' to the Otter Toil count.\' Fistorical Scciet.v for the calendar .vear 1944. Adopted "'ebruary 9, 1944. Yalme>r j,:arvonen. Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The followine, bills were allowed: ;:. G. uenkes expenses 117.91 ,1 •. --c.r1enl,es boarding prisoners ;:.· 11. t:iaagenson exp.attendingmeeting 24.20 R. W. Glorvigen stamped envelopes µ.W.Glorvigen d;rivers license expense 59.69 t:i. ;•1. Glorvigen postage 0 • M. ~ee, postae:e 136 .00 Ida Noyes clP.rical work Securi t.l' ~.lanlc ~ook ,Tones '• Kroee;er co. blanks "c 0r int iT!f Co. asseRsment books 1372. 50 1>ree ?ress 1:0. blanks Do. JI.SSP.SBmP.nt bla!'tks 282. 92 Ei ller-Davis Co. book '< blanks ~eall •: J.lcGoV1an Cc. sun,olies lfL02 r•hp Pierce~c. sup!)liP.S Countr.vman Drue: Co. supplies .40 'iictor T,undeen 'I, co. suooli.es "'ritz-,,roas Co. aupolies 112.57 Ga'.'-Pa.nc>,)"'s Officf' Specinlti'!s·co. " .'ops-0lsonr,o. supplies 2.61 "".'lersviller Tmp. C:o. sup,1lies ,1ohnson Ser'lice '.:o. sup~liPs 190.!ll ~ostello :;ff. '.:o. supplies 1·1est Otter Tail Service Co. 22. 31 victor T,undeen •:~o. · supplies Pintgen "c ~erst repairs 9.00 City TypP.writerServicP. repairs, etc. Li13htfoot's Shop repairs. etc. 5.80 ?ergus "lurnbing '• Htg. CQ. repairs IJ.\'l.8ell Tel. Co. long distance calls 213.10 !l.i"l.3ell ·;:rel. Co. long distance calls ~oen °ros. matches 2. 10 Marchant Calu. :.Ic:he. :::o. maintenance 119.00 12::.24 26.00 5.62 7.43 1.30 84.21 7.50 199.70 !). 25 3. •10 38 .10 71.85 7.00 16.14 14. '/5 35.00 Town of Folden quarantine exp. 20 .50 Henninr Advocate publishing persono.l •.•, property tax list 1211.lil J COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ................. ::'.!l.h.tl!ll,.r,v. ... ~.~ ... l 9 ·i1 .•..................... 193i4 •.. n:r.DLANK.DOCII\.AND.P.RINIIND.C01■.BT0.a.GUD0.MINN--"141 ,,,;·1.Publishinr, Co. !)uh.per~onnl property tax 189.75 3rttle Lake :1eview Do. 121.£8 r'ergus .:-ournol co. printinp; etc:. 124.47 Alex Preedland insuranc:e 99.96 seven-0 Service oil 1.50 Everett C. Hanson Dep.coroner•s·fees 10.25 City::afe 'l:Bal,ery meals for ,jury 8. 70 To·.rn or Folden c:o.re of poor 182. !:i6 '/ill. of Vinini:t c:m·e of poor 64.59 Town of -C:dnn c:e.re of poor 958.21 Glen T,nlcP. Sanatorium cnre o!: patients !:i76.50 Vlll. of Deer ::reek care of poor 987.89 A. r;lorv ipen caRh advancP.d 6.29 A. Glorv ifen stnm[lP.d envelo pee 121. 52 '/ill. or -PP.rham ··:e.tr->r c·harfPS 16.00 Avis ~o .. :man gasoline 4.78 Zler-ler 'I: .~ohnson Oil ·Jo. " 7. 73 !!,"I.Sheet 'I: Iron \'!crks parts ,~.70 uenrr Bclmgren rP.pairs 15.45 ,, , u, Schmidt repairs 3.50 ~errus woundry ::o. repairs 1.25 !.lotor lnn r.arafe repairs 55 .04 S inclair ServicP. Station 2.75 Lake :':ep:lon r.;otor Co. repairs 41. 0:3 T.,en s.vverson's pas 'I: oil 23.91 Lind~uist Oil co. ~nsoline 2.15 Penrose Oil Cc. gasoline 73.75 FerfllS Oil -:o. f?BSOline 129.91 Dolt on (1i 1 "o. gasoline 251. 05 "ield 'I: Par,pe Oil ·~o. !'iesPl ~uel 21R.25 r.lar,.nce rnutson reooi rs 137 .31 P.. A. HP.nninp r""oairs 2.00 Wm, Sauer suirpliP.s 5.50 l{arr.v '.,larq_uardt supplies 3.86 G.C.Flom, Gamble Store su!)plies 12.52 Lampert Lumber :o. lumber 3. 77 :.1cCabP. "lros. c:oa.l 14. 7'.J \lilcox Lumber Co. cool 7'.J.17 ~ill Nelson Oil Co. oil 37 .67 ~. R. Palmerton stumpa6e 200.00 Louise ~ilde gravel 11.90 N ,I'/ ,Bell Telephone Co. service 7 .15 11.iV.~Pll TelPphone 00. long distanc:e c:a.lls o.53 Clifford Ollie co.sh ad,·anced 7. 10 tiubert Lill eravel 3, 20 Louise stcndahl [lOStar-e 44.00 ;:. ,7, Rovane l!!XOPrJ.SeS 15.45 Yalmer rarvonen ex~.attend.mP.etine 7.20 t:enr.v G. uo"~ Do, 5.00 ..,elic~n ~spins '?ress Publ ishinf personal prop~rty list 208.43 :'hP. Ind epen.de'!t noticPs 'I: oubl. personal prop. list 119,80 Ugeblad Pub 1. Co. Fergus iourno.l Co. Nyman Fuel Go. ioseph Rayner Frank C. :::Sarnes Dr, \'l,A.l.iiller printing 55.50 publishillR 44.65 coal -391.51 Dep, Sheriff's fees 3.25 ~unicipal Judge's fees 89.65 Dep. coroner's fees 'I: exam. 24.20 Town of. 1uaaros c:are of poor 516.14 Town of Clitherall City of F'ereus Falls care of poor 271.81 care of poor, haH of 19•13 ?. A. Anderson postaee ,. GlorvifP.n expPnses Pelican Tel~phone Co. telephone service r:. L. ',unt insurance !.iills C'il r::o. fasoline !.ia.hler 'I: Straus parts Sl:ofmo_ !.Jot ors, Tnc. parts rPlo. ~ros. repo.ir9 Lee Chevrolet r.o. repairs Seven-0 Service Station repairs R. J, Schmidt repairs Larson. Bros. repairs :.Jinn. l.!otor co. repairs 'I: tires Highway co. gas ~ oil ~erfus ServicP. Station r-nsoline 1endickson ServicP Station .. Alvin uo,enson p.asoline Anderson •c Sandberp. Oil co. " 'I: Diesel fuel "intp:en-rA.rst r.:lec. ::o. supplies Sa.ul ·.iotor Co. rP.nai rs qill Nelson "il Co. ti~P. 'I: tube Saunders ~o. supplies 3attle J,al:e ,!ardware supplies Fireston Stores supplies ,'/ i lc:ox I,umtJer Co. l u.'nber International Elevator co. coal union Centr~l Life Ins. co. i.Ed.3endic:kson stumpage A, O. Stave.as r.ravel E. D. Sage garo.ee rent Victor Lundeen 3: Co. stationery D, LI. i"!lieelr!r cash advanc:ed Todd County maintene.nce l'.:ity 'i'ypewri ter Service sup91ies T,onise'Hondahl r->xpenses 5152.75 2G.75 52.35 2.90 12.38 5.91 111.51 6.84 4.69 5.55 19.00 6.90 121.50 13q•,/,Q 24.58 41,05 3.90 3.42 36.25 34.95 3.75 139,41 1.35 15,79 12.90 20,77 26.99 199.00 115. 65 5.00 0.10 9.73 Geo. "I, Gunderson exp.attending meet. 36.35 1.50 59.55 5.20 12.80 >lert Stone Do. Underwood Tndep'c!ndent puhl. personal roch ~efrigerators uelen ~ohn ta}: inf-test i11on.v 40. 60 H .W .".1ipinf. Cloth Co. nauer i.ifr., co. propert.v list suppliP.s supplies parts BFl.55 4.85 18.72 135.06 21.38 20.66 24.84 :·1rn. ti, Ziefler r.o.,Inc. parts •c suppliP.S 495.11 Thorman i'/, :!\Osholt Co. parts 8.67 ,.iinn. i•.Jotor co., Inc. repairs 23.17 f.P.o. T. :=:yan r::o. parts 150.87 !lk ~iver r::onc. Prod. ~o. culverts 10.96 i'lhitehea.d "rinting co. sto.tionr->r.v 4.00 "enrose Oil co. f.O.Soline 56.22 repairs Lake ?.egion Oil 00, Cum'llins Diesel Sales 'I: Service parts A-VI Co., Tnc:. of :!tinn. ··1.1?.Smith Tire 'I: Barrer,v ll"iphwa.y Co. 'rhe nil Store oarts Co. tire repair e:asoline •• rent Diesel oil 102.80 37.02 25.11 The applicntion of -Lois t. Corton ""or red11ction of. asS'-'FIS'll'!nt ar-ainst the If''I'-,.x. tracts, in vr->ar 1943 was read o.nd the lloe rd rec o:n11end ed to the Commi ssionPr ~f said propP.rty hP. rP.duced from tl679 to ~Fl33, o.nd the taxes Sec. 28 Township oP ryestern "or thr! of Toxetion thnt thP. essPssed value :'rO'll 0()3.t.3 to :"51.31. Upon motion it ,:as a11reed that 1·he Count,\" wonld allow bills not exc:eec:linp 210.00 expensP.s for an~, Countr Cor.tr.iisaionP.rs ~1ho ·c1ish to attend the Annual I.ieeting o ~ the Cou_"lt.r ~O!' Com'ltissioners Association :'or 1944. •Jpon mot ion the noard then ad ~ourned to !,!arc:i:t 8, 1944. at 10 o' clocl: A. I.L c::':)~ l-r"~ •Jhairman. "''" ' {\)}~~ Jl,.rk. 45!J .460 ti>~W.jl)· ................. !Jo..:r..c.h ... ~ .•.... l.\!M .............................. 19&.1., .. . MINUTgS OF ADJOURNED li!EET ING OF 30ARD OF COUNTY COMMISS TONERS OF OTTE:! TAIL COUNTY, MilffESOTA, Pursuant to adjournment the Boa:rd met ot 10 o'cloc;ik A. M. \'/ednesda.v, Ma.rob B, 1944, Bids for four to five-ton trucks together with snow 9low equipment were opened and read, and . re;p:r~se-ntatives of various firms bid:d-h1g were permi'tted to make their statements to the'Board relative to tl)e merits of thei:r machines. Th,;, question of e.,1ardint-the contract \"/RS laid over until later in the ~ession. · Tn response to call for bids fo:r pick~up thP, Boar~ opened the bid of Minnesota Motor Co. for Chevrolet pick-up in exc·haf.!ge for old machine owned by the County for the sum of ,$727. ~5. Upon motion the 'Qid was accepted .. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter 'i'ail county, •Minnesota: W he:re·as, this Beard has heretofore c,ontrac:ted wi~h the Geo. '.l'. R.Yan C•Jmpal'l,\1 for grader blades, and \'lhere·as, the same have been d,elivered to and ac:ciepted by this board, Now, the:re:f'ore, be it resolv ea that the Ccuntr Aucli tor and Chairman of the Board -be and they here·by are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of t,he ~oun,ty in the sum of $644.00, the amount due. Yalmer. :i:arvcnen, Chairman. Adopted this 8th day of March, 1944, Attest: William T,incoln, :nerk. The appltce.tion of ,lohn Westb,y for cife.rette licens,e for the calendar year 1944 at' the ~orner Store in Amor was granted. Upon motion the 'P.oard then took a recess to 2 o'clocl~ P. M., at which time they again met, all members of the Board being present. . Upon mot ion the Audit or was instructed to advertise for bids for p,eneral gravell ine: of roads ; throughout the Count,1• in accordance with the reco-mmendati-on o·!: the •ri€!hway ":ngineer, said ~ids to be · opened at the meeting o~ the Board to be held April 12, 1944 at 10 o'clock A. Y. _· ... '.l'he applicatio·n.of Walter 3ackstrom for clossifiqaticn of N½ NE~· Sec. 8 and NW+ N~H and , E½-SW' m•,,~ Sec. 9 '.l.'ownship of Erhards Grove for the year 1,943 at homeste·o.d rate was read a.nd the Board recommended to the Commissioner o'f 'raxation that said la.nd be so classified and the assessed value reduced f,rom :;1227 t0 $736, and thr. tax from ~;117.67 to fj72.94 including special assessments. The application of j,yle R. Davenport for olassif~cotion of an undivided 011e-fifth interest in the Nl'f.1.. Sec. 23 in the Township of \'/estern for the year 1943 at homestead rates was read and the B0e.rd recommended to the commiseioner of 'l'axation that S!iid land be so cla·ssified and the .assessed value be rec'uced from :l!\2,223 to :i':2,045, !md the tax from !~1!36.94 to $124.85. The application of. ,JoFl. G. T,oe for reduction of ta.x on personal property in nerham Township 'fc,r the ;,rP.o.r 1943 on the pronnd that BP.mP was·listed in Dist. 44 instead of Dist. 32 ,vas read a.nd the , Board ~ecommend-ed to the Comm.i.ssioner o·f Ta.xation that the te.x on said property be computed at the ;• re.te in Dist. !32 and the amount o·I: sai.d tax reduced from :l'33.17 to :~22.91. . '! The application of r:harlP.s :'\cheer fer reduction o-:' assessmP.nt for 1943 o.painst the s·E',-and S~ NJ::Ci1.. of Sec. 17 in the Township of ?.rhards Grove was read and the 't)oard recommended to the Commissioner of T·a.xation that an undivid.ed four-sevenths of said assessment be ma,de at the homestead rate, reducing '; the e.ssess,ed value from tlo71 to :;;·,151:l and the tax from :(,159,29 to :~145.45 including spec:ial assessments. The application of Huben Runge for classificatio_n of J,ot 11 Block 2 and all ex. N. 42 ft. of · Lots 12 and 13 in Block 2 of Baker's Addition to the Village of Deer Creek for the year 1943 at homestead ·, rat.es was read a!'ld the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxatio.n that said lend be so classified, ,: an,d the assesseo value reduced from $480 to $300, and thP, tax from :f;71.81 to 1~43.62, The application of William Teberg for classification of E} SE{ of Sec. 32 and S} Si'/¼ ex. R.R. in ,Sec. 33 T0wnship of Erhard.a Grove for the year 1943 was read and the Board recommended td the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from 8826 to $496 and the tax from $60.2!> to $34.12. .. I, I TTpon motion the Board then adj-ourned to 10 o'clock A, M. Thursday, March 9, 1944. THURSDAY'S SESSION. The Board met Thursday, March 9, 1944, at 10 o'clock A. M., all members were present. ~epresentatives of the State a.nd 1"ederal Departments of Ai:,ricultnre, and the entire 'l'own Board 1 o.f Sve·rdrup, together with the t.::onnty Agents, ,~ohn r.rathwol and George Berggren, discussed with the 'i3oard the q,u-estion of c:ontrol of leafy spurge on the Svenneb_J' farm in the Tow.nship of Sverdrup. A,fter dis·cussion, upon motion Com:nisa,ioner trenry Hoff was elected a.s Chairman o ~ the Mana.sement Committee of ,feed Control or. this farm, and he appointed 9li f'.: Schrad·er of the State De[lartmerit, and Dr. L. M. : Stahler o" the Federal De•partment, Dr. Fl. r. Wilson of the University Extensio,n, Sel•;in Beckman of the 'Town Board of Sverdrup, Frank Jensen, Erosion Specialist, and George 'Berggren, Connty Agent ·for the W,est District of otter Tail County, o.s his associates 0n that committee. Upo,n motion Comrnissioner Snowberg was selPcted es Che.irman of the County Labor Committee, with authori;t:11 to ap'!)oint the other members of that committee. Fpon motion the Board acc,,pted the bid of \'Im. TL 7.iegler Co. for one F .''i .D. truck and snow plow for the sum of ~18725. 11 np0n motion the Board then took a recess to 1:30 "'· H. 1 The pet it ion or n:dwin • Ho rferbert to be set over rrom Dist. 113 to Dist. 212 was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petition was f.rll.ntea and the Board issued the following order, to-wit: Whereus, th,, petition o·a F.dwin TTo"r.erhert, a legal voter, freeholder a.no resident of School 11 D 11 istrict i:fo, 113 in this County, representinp.: thot he is thP. owner of the lo.nds hereinafter described, •1 w _ich are situate in sa.id Scho-ol District, and adjoin School Di.strict Uo. 212 and asking that he with his said lands ma,r be set o "'.'.f from sa.id d istr ic:t i:io. 113 to said o.d joining sen ool d. Lstr ict rro. 212 was presented to the Board of Connty Commissioners of this County at a. session of said board held or, the 5th day of January A.D. 1944 for the action of said board thereon; r,nd whereas it 1\'as thereupon ordered by said board that a hearing should be hnd on said petition, at a session of said boa.rd on the 9th •1 day of March A.D. 1944 at the Commissioners Room in the Co11rt House in the <Jity of Fergus Falls in said Countr; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order ths.t notice of the time and place of such hearing be given bf posting copies of said order in three ;mblic: places in each of the school districts to be ar.fected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk o.f each of said School Districts a c·opy oaf said order at least ten dnys before the time appointed fO!" suc:h hearing; and whereas at the i said s,es·sion of thP. s·aiii Boe.ra of County Commissioners on so.id 0th na.v o.: i:,{o.ro·h A.D. 1944 due proof of the postinp.: and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten de.ya prior to s·aid_ last named date, h1wing been me/le and fileo, said petition was publicly read end consid,ered b,i' the noard, with everythiTlf, which 11'.'as said h,Y' said interested parties for or against 1, granting the prayP.r of the pP.titio-ner, and said. 13oard beinp.: of p,pinion that said petition should be ' ,I .C@M:MISSlON!EiRS iR!EC0RO M, Of1'EiR tAIJL. ·COUNTY, M!DNiN. BA:Tl!l ........... March ... 9, _1~144 .................................... 1ga\4 ... . • Jll:ANK.JNNnl.'IND.P.Rltf1'11'19 CIO,.JT,..a.ouD.:MINN...,11141 r,ranted, it is hereb,v ordered ond determined, that the said pe'!;itioner and the foll0\·:ing described lands owned by him, to-wit.: Nli-Sl•P-':: Si'/1 IJ\'I~; Section 33 Township 133 ~ange 37, be and the some ore hereb,v set ofl: from said School Di.strict !To, ·113 to said o.d,joinine; Rchool·Distriut No. 212 o.nd said lands are hereb,\· made a part o? said lAst nn.med School District for all purposes whatever. 'BY order cf the Boo.rd of County r.oinmissioners. Datecl thP 9th dor of tlarch, A. D. 1944. Yal:ner I:nrvonen, Chairman o-f the Board of /Auditorls Seal) County ::ommissioners of Ctter Tail r.ou_nt;l, Minn. Attest: William Lincoln. County Anclitor, and ex-officio r:lerk of 8oa1·d .• The petition of Adolph "!rix to set o·:er certain la.nd from Dist. 130 to Dist. 44 wo.s tat.en up for final actiiim. u·!)on motion the petition was e;ranted a.nd the ~oard issued the follov:ing order, to-wit: Whereas, the petition of Adolph Rrix, a legal voter, freeholder .and resident of School T,tistrict 110. 130 in this Connt.v, re(lresentinp. that he is the owner of the lands hereina-fter described, which a.re situate in said School District,--and adjoin !ichool District Ho. 44 and asking that he with his said lands rim.', be set of"'.' ·rrom soid district N'o. 130 to said adjoining school district No. ,i4 w1:1s presented to 1·he '3oard o"'. Connt.1r Ccmrnissioners of this Count.\' at a session of said board held on the 5th do,v cf •1 r,.nunr,v ,1_.D. 1944 ror the o.ction o·~ said board thereon: anii r:hP.rens it was therenpon ordered b.',' said board thr-t a hf!srinr should be had on said ?)etiticn, at a sessicn of said board en the 9th ·das of· !·.:arch ,1 •• n. 1944 at 1·he Co:nmission,;,,rs "com in U!e :::curt r.cnse in the ~it.1, of :"err.us "'alls in said '.Jount.v; ·and ·::hereas it wos -furth<ir ordered in nnd by snid crdP.r th.~t notice o-~ th,i time and plac:e o·•· snch hee.rinr- b" p.iven b.i7 posting copir-is c".' said ordP.r in three public places in eoch of thn school districts to be o!'.fected ~.\7 said petition, e.nci b.i' mailinp to ".:hn clerk o!' each o'.'. snid School 1is~:!:'icts: a cop.v o:'.:' so.id oraer at least ten do,',S before the time appointe{· fer such heoring; o.nd •;:hereas a.t the said session of thP said Bon.rd of County Commissioners on said 9th day of March A.D. 1944 due proof cf the posting ond service cf said order of heorine as therein directed and requirP.c,, moretha,n ten days prior to saicl last named date, having been made ond filed, said 1Jetition was publicly read and considered by the Board, w.ith everything which wr,s said by said interested, parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitic,ner, ana said Bcarcl beinf. of opinion tilat sa.id petition should be granteci, it is here-b,r order~d and determined.tha.t the said petitioner and thP. following described lands owneci by him, to-wit: NE~-SYP , NI'/~• SEi ~ SW-3-SE¼ Sec. 18 Tcwnship 136 Range 38 be ond the same ore hereby set off -from said School District !Jo. 130 to said adjoinins Sc·ho-ol District 'J:lo. 44 and said lam1s are hereby made a pa.rt i of said last nameo Scho'ol l:istrict -for all purposes Yrhotever. · B.\' 01·der o': the Boara c:'.: Count.v Ccmmissione~·s. · Dated the 9th day cf Morch A.D. 194~.. Yalmer l~arvonen, Chairman ·of the Board of /Auditor's Seal)' Co1mty CommisP-i.one:::s of dtter Tail count.r. !dinn. Attest: William Lincoln, Countr Auditor a.nd ex-of-l'icio Clerk of Board, The petition of J.Irs. CertrudeSeim to set ovP.r J,ot 4 of Sec. 32 in the Township o~ Deod Loke fromJist. 170 to Dist. 241 was rea.d end it 1·:os ordered that a hP.aring on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held .:rul.\' 11, 1~44 a.t 10 o'clock A. I-,!. nnc'! that due notice of the time and pls.ce o" said hearing be elven os req_nired br lnw. · The petition of Harold ;,1. [eller to set over the HE~ of Sec. 15 in the Township of Orv:ell fromi)ist. 197 to Dist. 222 wss res.d and it was orcered that a hearing on said 9etiti'cn be had at the session of tile Roarci to be held .~uly 11, 1~44 at 10 o' cloc}: A. M. ano tlle.t oue not ice cf the ti,ne and place cf said hering be given as required by la.v:. Upon motion Commissioner George Gunderson was appointed to ,Pceive the State Count.',' Safety Dlaque from the St ate a.t the mP.et inp.: to be he lei in the Ci t.v of Minneapolis March 28, 1944 at G o'clock ':' .M. A report of the Boord of Auci it of P.x11.mination of the current tax collections of the C.cunty 7reasurpr for thP. ~eriod ~rom J11ne 2Gth to DecPmbP.r 31, 1943. showinff total current tax collections for the period in the sum cf 0327,346.85 was approved. . A report or. fees receiveii b,v '~. ,T. Lnnd Co1111t.r Coroner, for the calendar yf!ar 1943 in the sum of '211.45 was approved. i_ The applic~ticn of R. A. rrostue 'or settle~ent o• delinquent taxes for the years 1937 to ' 1942 inclnsivP for ti~e sum c-!' :"·200 on the p.ronnd the.t soid propert.v has produced no inco:ne -for severa,l ,\'ears, anci hes been a sonrce o ~ cont innol exf11rnse on account of leaf:,' s pruge, 'N:::s recommended to ·the Coml!!iSsioner o~ ~axation, this settlement beinp.: a rP.duction of ~306.92 from the full amount of · delin,,uent taxes, penalt,v, ir::terest and costs for said ~rears. The application of ,; . J. ;,ilkoti; '..'er reduction of assessment against the Ni'/.+ of Section 5 in the Township of V/estern for the ;i,P.or 1943 on the ground of excessiv,-,· valuation was reed and after full consideration unon motion the ~oard recommended to the Commissioner of '.raxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced :from :~1;1fi8 to $990, and tbe tax from t,114.85 to $80.52 including ditch tax. • 1.rhe application of H. E. Edmunds for reduction· of assessment against the SW¼ of Section 5 in the Tctmship of ·,vestern for ti:!e y1:1ar l'J43 on tlle ground of excessive valuation was reaci, and after full consid,eration upon moticn the Board recommende!l to the Commissioner cf Ta::.<atio•n t}iat the assessed valu.e be reduce,d from ~1463 to :~1045, and the tax from f'l20,31 to $84,33 includinB ditch tax. The applicc•·ion cf c. D. Hubbard fo1· on and off s·ale beer license for the year commencing 1,,pril 1, 1944 and ~or ci1H1.rette 1 ic1mse for the calendar ,year 1944 o.t Western Store in the Township of Western was franted. The aoolicot ion c r Mrs. Emma Deist -for on and o ~p sale beer license at Deist's Store in the Township of Frib~rg "!:or thP. .,ear commencinp April 1, 194? 1•:o.s e,rr.nted. The following resolution ;:as a.dor,ted: Resolveo b,1T the Eoard of Connt.v Comm.issioners cf Otter Tail count,1•, i:!innesota: That the salar.v of thP. ccunt.v Superintendent o-r Schools oi' said Countl• be and the same is hereby rixed at the rate of ~2,600.00 per ,yeor from the first day of March 1944 to December 31, 1944, pa,yment to be mad-e en warrant cf. the Count.r Auditor e.t the rate of one-t~:elfth of said amount at the close of each mcnth. Adopted March 9, 1944, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Yalme r r:arv onen , Chairman. The following bills were allowed: J. ".:. Henk!!S, boa.rding prisoners 45.00 , .. C. '!enkes E. J. ?.oveng expenses 16. 05 P. i'/. Clorv igen P. A. Anderson postage 22.75 'Pritz-':1·oss Co. Seen ri ty Blank p.ock F. "'. 1-!nt ton 'I: ~rinting co. blaru:13 5.77 WhitP.hPad ...,rintinr Co. F'erpus ;,ournr,l Co, publications. etc. 50.R2 "'erl"uR -'ou!"na.l r.o. P~lica.n ~apids Press ?ubi~ Uelin,inent tax list 473.85 :: • .... ~ ·· St. "e.ul Book •• Stationery i::o. supplies 25.00 Curtis 1,000 Tnc. '.i!iller-J'lavis co. supplies ,::;1,05 Oswald ·oubl. Co. Victor !,undeen ~ co. supplies 12fl.50 ~cstitch~ncclain Co. Art '3urnside i:, co. supplies 1.32 "leall 'I: ilicCownnCo. Burroughs Acid. Mche. cc. supplies G.00 Hintgen-r:arst Countryman Drug supplies 4. 20 Fergus Foundry Co. West Otter Tail Service re90.irs 4.50 iiiason Publ. co. expenses drivers license P.xp. reco1·d printing printing ;mblishing 0 ersonol ".:>ro p. ta.x 1 ist suppliP.s s1rppli es supplies suppliP.S supplies repairs subscription 49.57 29.75 56.61 4.25 9.75 356.45 34. 73 24.33 1.65 3.15 10.10 ~.25 22.50 i ·, ,, 461 462 I, ,.i;J.W.Bell Tel. co. long di_stance calls 7.uu i Nyman Fuel Co. coal 416.50 :, Y.:eiter Directory co. directory 10.00 Keiter Directory Co, directories 50.00 Ida Noyes clerical work 3.00 Relen K. Bergstrom cle~:ical work 3.75 To1m of Nidaros quarantine expense 5.00 Dr. C. J. Lund coroner's fees 38.55 D!I'. Wm. 0.1,tcLe.ne examinations 9.00 ·; Fergus Falls Clinic examinations 9.00 , ' Town of Hobart care of poor 255. 97 : Town of Tord•ensk•ol-d care of poor 158~86 · A. Glorvigen • · exp.enses 51.00 Joe Ahlfs o-ash advanced 8. 55 La.rsonBros. repairs 68.10 OlsonAuto Elec. Co. repairs 11,00 Larson Elec. Mfg. Co. repairs f3. 46 Tesch Lumb-err:o. su·pplies 3.03 Fireston Stores heater 10.95 Bill Nelson Oil Co. tire 110.78 Campbell Coal Co. coal 37.25· :Raymo,ncl~.ros. !,rotor Transp. r.o. freight 10.52 Vill. i'la.+tle Lake Yfe.ter Dept, wa.tei: charges 2.25 ~r.n.'i:lell Tel. Co. long dista·nce calls 4.2·5 The Adelsma.n Co. i1·on 3.34 Nelso·n \'!rec}:ing Co. pe.rts 3. 50 Cummins Diesel Sales ~ Service Qa,rts 128.31 Park Regio,n Oil Co. gasoline 38.75 Consumers 011 Co. gs.so line 4. 55 Fergus Service Station gasoline 29.21 ,. Le•n Syverson's Oil co. gas _<;, oil 27.40 !• Sltogmo Motors. Tnc. !repairs 1.50 Mills Oil Co. oil 3.50 Victor Ltmdeen S: Co. supplies 24.30 LJ7le Tollrrson expenses 14. 70 Am.Farmers Mut.Auto Ins. Co. insurance 4G9.48 Fred A. Everts lumb-er 13.31 Thorman W. Rosholt Co. supplies 50, 27 ?a·per. C·a.lmenson it, Co. cutting edges ,55,6'8 Ole J. Widness repairs 2,50 N.•.'/.F,ngineering Co. parts 5·5.38 Mc·Ca.be Bros. coa.l 90.83 i! Len Syverso•n's gas \: oi.l 16.23 Motor Inn Ga.rage p:e.soline, etc. 35.42 ' -P-ip.:hw~v Cc. gasoline, etc. 40.35 I' lL D. Sqmlley, Sr. p11blishing tax lists 157.50 N.W.Bell Tel. Co. long distance calls State Dept. of Agricul- ture, Dairy & Food weed cont'!I'ol Clorence ?.. Anne h1mling ashes ?nth ~uarnm clerical work Fergus Fa.llS~ity Poor Dept. quarantine exp. Henning Township ouare.ntine exoense Dr. ·prank iia-egeli ex11mina.tion . Dr. L. ,:: . combac}:er examine t ion Town of: Penning ca.re o-r ooor Town of Star Lake care of poor Millei:-'lrya.nt-Pierce carbon oo.oer A. Glorvigen C'S.sh advance<i Dal ton r. o.rage repairs Fortwengler Elec. Shop repa.irs Otter Tail c·o-op. Oils, Inc. ~intgen-tarst Elec. Co. repairs I supplies Miller-Davis Co. s•u,pplies W.P.Smith Tire I Batteryco. recap tires Minn. Motor. Co.,Inc. tire Mrs. Ma.riP. 1111.hn ·. gravel ~. D., Sae:e -garage rent Pelican Tele'phone r.o. servic,es .,ohn G. Peterson ins.ura.nce ivio.hler ~, Straus ilarts N.W.Sheef • Iron Works ~arts Geo. 'i'• Rya.n Cc. pnrts Avi.S J,. Bowman go.solinP. Bendickson Service Station " :,rotor Inn Ga.rage gas, oil,etc. Bill Nelson Oil Co, oil Fergus Oil Co. gas !, oil The Oil S.tore Diesel fuel H.W.Bell Tel. cc. services George Vllcker expenses W ile·nskJ' Ante Pa!·ts Co. truck w-heels Pe lie a.n Sup,9l~' Co. Sll'p,plies ' Kno-ff-Peterson Rowe. co. sup,plies Anne Bros. tires ~ repai!I'S Alvin Hogenson re,peirs, etc. i'/m. H. ZieglP.r C•o., Tnc. parts it, supplies Field -'I: Hagge Oil Co. 'Diesel fuel · Penrose Oil Co. gasoline • Diesel J'.leng tson Oil Co. Louise Standahl Henry G. H.of-r. fuel gasoline expenses 10.25 24.62 13.00 1.10 18.00 153.50 3.oo 3,00 41.75 32.92 4.oo o.5G 0.10 2.00 1.25 26.36 5.16 90. 30 40.61 11.03 5.oo 2.70 29.79 2.98 12.53 5.14 O.U6 · 10.57 29.56 17.55 37.16 28. 75 6.65 22.50 66.00 fl. 24 9.40 237.G9 6.93 33,1,_34 174.69 99.27 A.44 G7 .15 ' Geo. B. Gunderson . exp. attending convention I meetin~. ''1 "' 11.to Bert Stone exp. attending convent ion •• me et ing Do. 17.50 30.20 Ya.lmer i:arvo-nen Do. .24.10 ·, tJpon motion the Boa.rd then adjourned to A·pri1 11, 1944 a.t 10 o'clock A. ;i. d~-. LfG~ ,-·:·. . ... ,. -Gh!'l.i rma.n. Attest:{W~ 1.lerk. ,i !I za I I 'j I • I I I I .I I COMMISS'.ION:E~S RiECO~D M, OTTER TAIL ,oouiNTY, Nlffl'N. KJIDClllNID..PJIINIING.CO,,.ff,.CLDUD..MIMll-=11"1 · »A:TE ................. Anril ... J.l .. 1~44 ......................... 198L :;umTES O? AD..'OU:mED '..LT.:.'rrnc. 0-F 30A?D CF COUNTY C O!.E.'.I SS IOliF.:!S Oi,' ,:,·~"i' E~ TAIL COUHTY, :·!INNESOTA. Pu!su~nt to adjournment the 3oard met et 10 o'.::loclt A. M. Tuesday, April 11, 1944, Present: Comm1.ssioners Karvonen, Gunderson, Hoff, Stone and Snowberg. The following a·p·pJ.ications for On and Off sale beer licenses Ytere granted: Albert Januszew- ski, Town of Perham; Herman Weickert, '.['own of Perham; Sylvester Shasky, Town of Corliss; Arthur Hanneman st Luce in the.To~msh~p of Gorne.n; William H. ,1s.eBer, Township of Star Lake; Iver Bondy, Township of r,eaf Lake; T,ou1s J, C1hler, Township of T{obart; P. \II. Meier, Township of Otter Tail; Arthur Abraham, 'i'o~:nship of Dora; S. J. 11'.ruth, Urbank in TOW!!Ship of F.ffington; Rufus "1111, Town of r.iraxd; 1i'. F., Ash, Township of T-:lizabe'l;h; ,Ja.oques F!endrickx, Township of ~utler: 'Perry Swenson, Township of Dora; '-Tubert !~oe9, at UrbanJ.: i.n To••:nship of F.f":'inp.:ton; ~-., . '-!etthews, "1owmihip of Otter Tail; ,ioseph Waldor·~f. et Urbank in Township of F.f-finp.ton. - Applications for da.nc:e permits for the .veer 1943 were p.:rented to T.vP.r Bondy at T,eaf Lake P.lessure Grounds in Town of Leaf Lake, and Louis ·,1, ,,ihlar a.t Rice Late '?avilio•n Barn in the Township of uobart. · Application fo.r ci ance permit, using meohanionl music only, was sranted to F. E. Ash for the .veer l!J44 o.t Ash's Camp in the Township of Elizabeth. Cigarette licenses were granted as follows: S. ;i. Fruth, at Urbank in the Tow·nshj.p of 1!:ffinp,ton; G. '3, iHarke, at Hillvievt Store in the 'l'own of Paddock: A. I•'. Hanneman, at Luce in 1:he Town o~ Gorman; T!. \'I. Meier, Plea.sure Park in the Township of Otter •.rail; Rufus K. Hull, at Battle View Park in the Town of Girard; Iver Bondy, Leo.f Lake Pleasure Grounds, ;i:n the 'l'ovm of Leaf Lake; Arthur Abraham, at• Abraham's ?.esort in the '!'01•m of ·Dcra, and 'I/, H. Jaeger, at Boat House in the To1?n of Star Lake. The application of Roger L, Dell for reconsideration of his reauest for settlement of delinquent taxes against r.ots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in Block 6 of the Original Plat of the Village of lfew Yl!lrk Mills for the ,vears l!l37 to 1942 inclusive was taken uu and after full oonsiderat ion the Board recommended to the Go:nmissioner of Taxation that said tuxes be settled for the sum of :,543.97, being the -full amount oi' Special assessments for water and sewer for said years, and the sum of 1r330.16 general tsxes. ':he to1:a.1 proposed settlement being e reduction of :t328.21 from the full amount of taxes, penalties .interest end costs f.or said .i•ears. The ap·nlication o"'." the Department of !':UTal Credit for cancellation ot tax -ror the year 1942 ar.ainst the rr½ SE~; Sec. 23 ·ToYmship o-r. Inman was read and the Boero recommended tc the Co:nmissioner of Taxation that the said ta;: of :j;,22.06 .including penelt,\T ·of .~2.Ql be cancelled • . The application of Mathilda Sha for reduction of assessment for 1943 against the SW'_ SE¾ e.nd HF.1 SV/+ in Seo. 16 '.l.'own of Erhards Grove v:os read· and the Board recommended tc the Commissicner of Toxation that the assessed value of said p-remises be r-eduoed" t'rom $421 to ~\333, and the tax from :i40.37 inoludine specials, to j/32.90. The application of Julian Halvorson for cancellation of perscJnel property assessment in the City of Fergus Falls on ":he grcund that said prope·rty was ,properly assessed in the Tovmsilip of Aurd.el for the same ,year. was read ana the Bo11rd recol!l'llended to the Commissioner of '.l'·axatio.n the t the assessment ln the City o: Fergus ~alls in the sum of $63 and the tax of :~7.38 be cancelled. Grove a~ Taxation te.x from The applioatton of '-Tenr.r \'I, Trockman -~or ola.ssi:fios.tion of the SE',· S'!c. 21 Town of Erhards homestead rate for the .venr 1943 \·:as read end. the Board reoommend.ed to the Commissioner of thet sai.d land be so classified a•nd thP. assessed valuation reduced from 82204 to tl671 and the $156.48 to ~115,99. · · The a:pplioo.tion of ,lames :,!. '3arr.1r t"cr classification ot' the Ht gw.~-Seo. 16 Town of !lliaine for the year 1943 at nomesteod rate vtas read and the ~oard recommended to the Commissioner or Taxation that said lend be so classifie9, and the assessed value reduced from 81417 to 81016, ano the tax frcm Ql34. 32 to :~98. 24. The aprlioation cf Art i'iisbrod tor classification of :!:} SE}-ahd Lot 5 Sec, 31 and SE¼ and S\'f¼ and tots 1, b, 6 and 7 in Sec. 32 T01vn ct" Erhards Grove for the .veor 1942 at homestead re.te was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner cf Taxation that saici land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from ~-1893 to :~1426 and the tax from $137 ·. 76 to $1QO. 74. The application of Vernon Buchholz for olassifieation of the N½ SW¼, SV,· Ifi'I-', and Lot 5 Seo. 21 I Town er Friberg for the .'[ear 1943 at liomestee.d re.te was read anci t ne Bourci recommended tc the Commissioner of Taxation th!lt said lane be so class1t1ed, and the assessed value reduced from $1445 to $912, and the tax trom $138.72 to $84,19. · The applioat1on of John C, Clauson for class1fioation or South one-sixth of Lots 6, 7 and 8 in '3look 8 cl:' the Original "lAt in the Ville.ge of Pelican Rapids for the year 1913 at nomestead rate vtas read and the Board reoo::imended to the Commissioner o·t' Taxation that said lots be so olassi fied, and the assessed value reduced trom :;J440 to $275, ana the tax from $57. 69 to :1';40. 96. The apolication or Victor "ut.il:ke. for ole.ssification of SE-!-of" Sec. 2 •rown the J'ear 1943 at homestead rate was read !!J1CJ the Board recommendeci to the Commissioner the lend bP so classi:'iecl, and the assessed value be reduced 1'.rom \J961 to $577 and the ct Blow-era for of Taxation that tax from ~80.15 to :~45. 69. The application of !,!rs. Walter Erickson for classification of SW: rm¼ Seo. 3 and Lot 7 Seo. 4 in Town of Tumuli for 1943 at nornestea.a ro.te was read and the Board reommencied to tne Commissioner ot Taxation thot said land oe so classified ana tne assessed veluation be reauoed from ~825 to $495, ·ann the tax 1'.rom :~;58.08 to $32.77, · . . The application ot. Skog.mo Uotor Co., Inc., tor· cancellation 01: personal property assessment for i943 on motor vehicles upon ~rhioh 1943 licenses were issued wns read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of perscnal property o·f said company for said year be reduced from ~1091 to :1'763 and the tax from ,t\127,77 to :!'.;89.35. u; r.. Sandin, t:iighway ··r.ngineer, presented to the Board his resignation, to take effect 1ay 1, 1944, Upon motion this resiflnation was accepted. · The following resolution was a.dopted: :!tesolvP.ci by the Board of county r:ommissioners cf Otter '!'ail County, Minnesota: Thst Afton C'•lorvip,en be and he hereby is appointed County Pighway F.ngineer of said County for the two-,vear period oommenc inp, '.ia,;; 1, 1~44. :lesolv eci further, ~hgt the sal a.r,v or said ~np.i:ri.eer is f"ixed at :':250. 00 per month, payable on warrant o~ the County Audi'tor at the close of each month. Adopted April 11, 1944. Yalmer Karvonen, Chairman. Attest: l'/illiam Linc:oln, Clerk. Upon motion the Beard then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M, April 12, 1944 . .. ......____ 463 .4!64 ' ,! .C@M1Nfil_$$]0NtElS, RECOtD1 M, O.T'!FER TAJ:L, OOU~•TY,. MtN1N. :il)A:'l'l!L ............... ).oril .. 12 _L •• 1944 .......................... 193:".44 • WEDNESDAY'S SESSION. Pursuant to adjornrnment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Wecinesda,;•, April 12, 1944, all members being present. Bid·s for gtavelling as advertised for by the Count.~-Board were opened and examined, and after consideration:\811 of the bl,ds, upon motion the bid of H. u. Jones for a total sum of $19,934.21 was accented, he being the lowest bidder. • • The bond of Eleanor Berp.erson, Fi. rat :neputy Co1i-nty •rrea.snrer, in the sum of .$5 .• 000, 00 with the ~ra.tiona.l Suret.v Corpcra.tion a.s surety, wo.s a-pproved. tJpon mot ion the Andi tor was instructed to advertise for bids for re-gravelling various roads as outlin-ed by the Engineer, said bid.a to be opened Ma.v 10, 1941 at 10 o'clock A. '..I. The following rP.solution was adopted: Resolved by the :loard o·f County ccm::iissLoners of OttP.r Tail count~•. Minnesota: The.t the sum of -five cP.nts be pe.!i:d out of the :::evenue 'Fund of said County for every woodchuck killed in said count,v dnring the months of April, !JEW, June and ,1uly, 1944, in cases where the townships in which woo-dchucks are so killed shall provide for the payment of an additional bounty of five cents for each woodchuck so killed. Resolved further ·that pal•ment for such bounty shall be made by the County :\uditor upon certificates executed by the Chairman of the To•Nn Board of said townships, setting forth tho.t the r1ood,chucks were killer. within so.id tovrnships ciuring the said months, e.nii that the township has issued and delivered to each claimant a to•vn order for ten cents for each woodcoh-uck so killed. • Ad•opted April 12, J.944. Ye.lmer !~arvonen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter '.i'o.il County, !;!innesota: 1rhat the sum of ~1350.00 be and the same her-eby is set aside out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Tncid,ental Ji'und for pcstap.e arid insura-nc.e on elP.ctio-n s.upplies, and e.lso for ballots for ·persons in the armeci service. Adopted April 12, 1944. Yalmer Karvonen, Chairman. Attest: Willie·m Lincoln, Clerk. The fo·11owing resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of 0tter Tail cou-ntJ', Minnesota: Whereas, this Board has hereto-fore contracted with theGeo. 'l'.Ryan co. for cutting edges, and, Whereas, same have been fully deli·.ered to and accepted by this Board, No••1, therefore, be it resolved that the county ;\udi tor and Chairman c-r the Board be and they hereby are authoriz-ed and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County in the s-um of \~644.00, the c.ontract pric·e. Adopted this 12th day of April, 1944, Attest: William Lincoln, Cl-erk. T·he followine bills were allo\•1ed: Yalmer Ka.7:vonen, r,hai rman. J. C. Henkes Boe.rdinp. prisoners 73.00 J',; ·,,;:~;•F.!enkP.s expenses E. J. Rovang expenses 46.80 Lc-uise Stondahl expenses 11 J,ouise Ston-dehl postage 67.00 i'. A. Anderson postage 1 P". I'/. Glorvigen postap:e 51.50 11 • ?T. Glorvigen drivers lice-nae exri. 23.71 31.90 30.00 37.10 64.96 ' ·1 Fritz-r::ross Co. record 91.25 Jones •,. 1:roeger Co. record Art Printcraft blanks 17.50 ?oucher Printing 'I: Litho. Co. blanks 1/Iiller-Davis Co. blanks 30.09 JEiPS-Olson Go. blanks Euth'1-uarum clerical work 4 .50 tda Noyes clerical work 'i i'i!orrine Klovstad clerical work 3.00 Whitehead urtg. Co. printing , Fergus ,•ournal Co. printing e. advertj.s ing 69. 30 ImI>ro,ement Bulletin advertising I, ii .i ' Henni,ng ~.dvocate publishing financial eostello · l,Ifg. co. supplies statement 555.95 United Chemical Co. amp.plies lY!iller-Bryant-Pierce supplies 9. 90 Lien Hardv1.are supplies City Typewriter Service supplies 1.25 Victor LUn:ieen & Co. supplies st. Paul Book & Stationery co. " 99.01 3attle Lake :Review tax notices N.VI.Bell Tel. Co. long distance calls 4.70 N.¥1.Bell Tel. co. long dist. calls Raymend -qros. Metor Trans•. co. freight 9.69 Larson aros. repairs Hintgen-ife.rst rep!l.i.rs, etc. 16.49 Johnson 1'urniture Co. mattress Nyman li'uel Co. coal 452.76 i'Test Otter Tail Service fluoresc·ent lamps Insurance Service 11.gency insure.nee' 4,72 R. ;; • ijarke insurance Wadena County examining insane 28.10 Dr. Wm o. McLane coroner's -fees Rc.v •'.lorliss bailif-f 12.00 Town of 't\lcwers care o:f' poor Town of Dead Lake ca.re of poor 179.67 Town of Deer ~reelc care of poor Town of Dunn care of ooor 208,07 Glen Lake Sanutorium 00.re of ·patients Estrem c·1inic examinatio-ns 6.00 Dr. L. C. com•backer examination A. Glorvigen cash advanced 15.11 A. Glorvigen expenses Cli ~ford Ollie cash advanced 3, 67 Lyle To1Herson expenses Gecfrge \Vicker expens,es 61. 05 Iforthwest Engineering Co. parts A-W Tnc. of Minn. parts 15.20 CumminsDiesel Sales 'l: Service parts Mahler -'I: Straus parts 5.49 iim. H, Ziegler Co., rnc. parts ~ supplies Miller-Davis Co. supplies 26.05 Service Recorder Co, supplies Lien Hard we.re Co. supplies ,!.22. 44 3auck' s Hardware su,ppli es Fergus C,];ass 'I: Paint Co, SU'.)plies 16,04 Ebersviller' s sup,plies Saunders Ha.rd-ware Co. sup,plies 2,54 Bintgen-rarst Elec. co. supplies tulseth Sup.ply Cc. sn,,oli es 263.86 ·.Jictor ,:,11ndeen 'I: Co. supplies Uelson ,·,recking r.o. su·pplies 1.50 J,arson'·s ":lee. Mfp.. co. repairs Clarenc-e rnutson repairs 4. 75 r .. 11. Y.auppi repairs Yilde-Blikstad co. repairs 6.10 "'ergus Foundry co. repairs Minnesota. Motor Co. repairs 53,85 T,arson -::iros. repairs Skogmo Motors, Tnc. reuairs 82.36 Monroe CalculatinP. Mche. Co. maintenance Clay County maintenance 9.08 "addock Twp. · -roe.d work Raymond :>.ros. Motor 'l'rans. il}o. freight 10.13 Bill Helson Oil co. tire 'l: tutes :v1rs. Carrie Jacobson gravel 33.60 Lightfoot' s Sho·p keys ;:r. ,1. Nagel shovel rento.l 30.00 Syver Iversen garage rental "'red A. Everts coal 14.20 Campbell Coe.1 co. coo.!l. Tesch Lumber Co• coal 61.42 Wilcox Lumber Co., Henning lurnber Northf'ield Iron Co. tie wires 107 .89 Wheeler Lumber Bridge & '?aper, Ca.lmenson 'I: Co. steel 9. 80 Supply Co. tie wires .89 3.21 5.60 9.25 7 .20 101.10 30.50 2.55 384,'85 2.00 13.85 6.00 6.75 9.30 2957.44 11.05 36.64 390. 70 667.70 3.00 63.45 16.00 525.52 240.77 275.95 147.97 2.55 6.06 2. 30 22.55 !l.25 24.64 16.45 111.65 12.00 500.00 211.40 2 .15 10.00 25.45 5.45 Eenry Holmgren 1velding 21.90 ll.W.13ell '.i'elP.phone co. Pelican Tele1pho,ne Co. services 4. 60 N JI. BP.11 Telephone co. long distance calls 56.23 6.35 8.70 185.16 87.00 ...,et-vedt Blue Print Sho·p prints 2.43 Fielc1 •• Hagge Oil co. The Oii Store Diesel fuel 28.09 standard Oil co.,Pel.Rap. services Diesel ·fuel gasoline ··1 "" E>A:T!lt ............................... l.p.r.i.1....12,. .... 1.!l!l,.4 ............... 193 .. 4.4 .• IL ltrrlffll_CO,o,ff.o.a.DUD.,MINN~loll otter Tail Co-op. Oils, Inc. gasoline 39.62 Consttm'!rSOil Co. ,11gir1•:e.y Oo. gasoline ll ,40 l.iills Oil co. gasoline gasoline Penrose Oil Co. eascline 68.65 ,erk ~ef.ion Co-op. Oil co. ,, 13.13 6.41 77.50 6.80 81.77 106.05 239.73 25.86 Harthun 'I: Peterson Oil Co. " 18.31 Alvi.n !-logenson standard Tar Products Go. creosote 77 .os· Thorman \"/, Rosholt Co. Geo. T. ru,-anco. parts 107.60 i'/m. B', Zie@ler Cc.,Inc. i:l.W.Sheet 'le i:ron co. parts . 19.20 Natl. Bushing 'I: Parts Co. Minneapolis Iron Store supplies 67.02 Mills Hardware Banek Chevrolet Co. repairs 3. 85 Sinclair Service Station i'arp.o Typewriter Co. repairs 15,00 .Fortwengler Electric Shop Pelican 'l'elephone Co. services 3.55 Raymond Young Great western Laboratories soap 16.45 McCabe Bros. gasoline, etc. parts parts 'I: supplies supplies repairs repairs rental coal Mills Oil Co. oil 7.50 Anderson•.: Sandberg Oil Go. Diesel fuel 1.00 13,50 60.00 12.63 59.50 .vis t. Bowman gasoline 7.90 Bengtson Oil Co. Fergus Oil Co. gasoline 55. 02 Highv1ay Co. !.iotor rnn Garage gasoline, etc. 32. 04 Ye.lmer J'.arvonen tTenr:1 G. Foff expense attending meeting 5.42 P,ert s.tone Geo. r.. Gunderson De. 5.70 Geo. B, Gunderson under~·:ood Tndependent Jlllbl.Financial statement 556,95 Franl: C. Barnes ?.. J. ~arl,e insure.nee 341,55 Ga.ffane.v's '3eall I\: HcGowan Co. sup-:ili es· 10. 50 i;asoline 16.27 25.14 12.95 gasoline 'I: fuel oil exp. attend. meeting Do. 5.40 10.95 fee 26.85 75.00 expenses '.;iunicipal .~udge's supplies upon motion the Board thr-m adjourned to Tuesda,v, !>Ill;\' 9, 1944 at 10 o'clocl~ A. M. , f '· 465 466 :E>:A:1'•EL .............. ······ l,fAy ... 9.~···l~l.4.4 ............................. 193,!!1,,4. • . ealCU .. ITY,ll:ANIC 90DIC"AND PRINTING CD,1•■T, CI.GUD,·111 ... ~ll,I• !'.HNUTES OF AD,10URNED LiE3rING OF BOAP.D _OF, COUir'Y COl,ll.HSSIOHE~S OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MIIHTES OT A. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Mas 9, 1944, Present: Commissioners tarvonen, Gunderson, Ho ff, Stone, and Snowberg; The follol'ling applications for dance permits for· the balance of the year 1944 were granted: Herman Wei eke rt , at Babe's Resort, Sec. 2 To¥m of Perham; Willi"am I~.. Lee, at Grand View Heights, Sec. 6 Town of Pine Lake; li'. p. Steele, Spruce Lode;e, Tov'ln of Sta;r Lake, Off sale beer license ,ve.s granted to Herman Heidorn a.t Evergreen Beach in Sec. 32 Town of Corliss. On and Off se.le beer licenses were e;rantea to "'· 0 • Steele at Spruce Lodge, Town of Star T,oke, and i'/illi'3rll r:. Lee at Grand View Feights in Seo. 6 Town of. 0 ine Lake. , Cigarette licenses were p:ranted to 1'. "· SteelP. at S!)ruce Lodge in Star L ake, William E. tee at Gr·and View Heights tn, Town of 0 ine i:,ake, and Rarl ~. i,!'ackenzi e at Sho reviP.W Resort , Town of Amor. The a9plicat1on of Erick J,aurila ·ror classificati.on of East 75 ft. of !Iorth 66 ft. of Lot l :l,n Smith's Addition to New York :iii lls for the year 1943 at homestead ra,te was read end the Board recom- mend-ed to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified, and the assessed value reduced '· from !::392 to ~245 and the tax from t46.73 to $,26,17 plus special assessments. : ' T.he' applice.t ion of Arthur Sandberg fo.r cancellation of assessrn-ent for structures against · part of Re.serve 2 in Whiting's _,i.ddition to Clitherall for the year 1943 on tile ground tnat said structures were d•eetroyed by fire in 1942 and not replaced was read and the Board recommended to the commissioner of Taxation that the aeseeseci. value of said property be reduced from $180 to $40 and the ·, tax from $20.41 to $4,70. . ' The application of William Grotey fe;r reduct1on ef assessment for 1942 and 1943 against the NE¼ SW-}, SW¾ SE¼ and E~ SE¼ SW{ in Sec. 33 Town -of Woode id e was read and the Board recommended to the . Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of s·aid property for each of said years be reduced frem $641 to f321 and the tax few 1943 be red•uced from $52.82 to $26.45, and the tax for 1942 be ·i reduced frem ;,i)43.08 to $,21.54 plus $2.15 penalty. ' ThP. application of Tndependent Schoel District i'l"o. 47 of New York Uills for cancellation of general tax for the .\Te•are 1()40 and 1941 against Lot.10 in 'II. V. Smith's Addition to N•ew York Mills was •1 read. and the Board recommended to the Cemmiesi.oner of Taxation that the e.sses·sed valuation of said ':property for each of said years be cancelled in the sum ef $28.00, and the general tax amounting to :~47.99 be cancelled. The following resolution was adopted: Resol'i1tion by th·e Board of Count~, Commias ioners of Otter 'l'ail County, !'.!inneeot a. \'lh-e;re·as, li''ederal aid funds are available for poet war surveys and plans, a•nd 1'1-hereas, Otter '!'ail County desires to make surv.eys and plans -Cor post war ccnstruction: ': Nev:, thP.refore, be it resolved, that the County of Otter 'l'ail do•eB hereby authorized the ·commissioner pf T.Tighwaye to act for it and as its agent for the pur[lose of applying for and receiving fed,eral ai•d for po st war surveys; . oe it further resolven, that the Chairman of the Otter T·ail County Board of Commissioners 'and the C ounty Auditor a-re hereby authorized to sign and execute agreemP.nts with the Commissioner of "l'ighwa,\'B requesting authorization to begin v:or}: on ?WS-4, Ttems 793,194,795,796,797,798,799,800,801,802, :,803,804,A05,806,807,808,A09,810,All,812,813,814,815,816,817,818,Al9,820,821,822,823,824,825,826,827,A28 land 829. Ad,opten this 9th da.\' of '.ia~,. 1()44. Yalmer I~arvcnen, Chairman Attest: ~illinm Lincoln, Clerk. 1 County Agent John Grathwol a,:ipea.red bef."o re the Board to rP.port need of re9airs on the building 'at the 1:erham Fair grounds which is UBP.d for thP. mixinp! o~ poison for the eradication of grasshoppers. -Upon motion I.'.r, Grathwol was authorized to have the necessar.v repairs made at the expense of the County. '.l.'he q:ueetion of appointment of County :•reed 1nspP.ctor was. taken up, and the Board re-a.99ointed , George '!i'. Johnson as such inspector, and agreed to pay half of hie salary and expenses for the f)P.r iod !-rrom Ju~ l to October 15, 1944. Upon motion the Board then adjo•urneci to 10 o 'clouk . .;.. M. We6nesday, i,-111); 10, 1944 • . , WEDNESDAY'S SESSION, ,, Pursuant to adjournment the 'Board m-et at 10 o'clocl, A. fr!. May 10, l!l44, all members being :present. 'Bide for regravelling approximately 150 miles of .road in the County as advertised for by the .;"3oard were opened, and upon motion the contract ·was awarded to Cnarley Penske for :~:],7,381.97, he bel.ng the lowest bidder. Upon motion the Auditor was directed to Rdvertiee for bide for cut-back aspha.ltic road oil, ,ea:i,d bid.a to be opened at thP. meeting of the Boo.rd ,June 14, 1944 a.t 10 o'clock A. M. 1!9on motion the ,\.uditor was instructed to advertise for bids for onf! or more power highway mow.ere mounted on rubber tired tractors, said bicis to be opened at the rep:nlar meeting of the Boa.rd ,June 14, 1944 at 2 o'clock P. LI. The bond of Afton C. C'.lorvigen,' County Hir-hwa.v Plngineer, in the sum of 83,000 with the United ·s·tates Fidelity and Caflualt.v ~o .• as suret,v. was approved. On and Off sale beP.r licenses were gri,nted to .Fred Schu.ltz ot Camp Prohosky on Ten k;ile Lake in the Town of Tumuli, and.'. J. nee.ch at 1:'each's Resort in the Town of Dora. . C~p;arette license ·for the period from I,!a.y l to December 31. 1944 was granted to i . .'. Peach !lt PP.a.ch' B Resort in the Town of Dora, and cip;aretre license for the period from July 1 to December 31, ()44 wa.s e;ranted to Fred Schultze at Camp 0 rohosky, Town of Tumuli. The ap"llication of Acie t:relmbrecht for classification cf Lots 2, 3 and 4 in SP.ct ion 2 :ro,:n of rolden -f'or the .vear 1913 at homestead rate was r~a.d and thP. "1oa.rd recommended to the Commissioner of ·'axation that said land be so classified and th~ ·assessed value reduced from ~667to $400, and the tax ;rom :l\56.83 to !!>32.40. The following re·solution was adopted: :lesolved by the >\oard of ~On!lty Commissio:!lers of 01:ter Tail county, Minnesota: . Whereas, Chapter lli:2, Laws of 1921, ::!ason•s :,1innesota Statutes 1927, Sec. 671 and Minnesota ~tatutes 1941, Sec. 375.30 provides ways and means for the control and eradication of ruet-oroducing ~arberrJ7 , the following resclut ion was ad opted: · · · · '3e it hereby resolved, that :;1:50 be appropriated by the ::ioard cf County Comr.iieeioners of Otter lail County for tile purpose of erad.icating and removing rust-producing buebP.s and that a bounty of :i3.00 ,e offered for the location of barberry bush or bushes on each property, subject to the pro•;isions as :·et forth by the Barberry Office, University Farm, st. Paul, il!innesota, on fil'e in the office of the 01L11.tyAuditor, Fergus Falls, Minn. I I r ·' BA:W,E; ........................ l:i.a)l ... l O.~··· l 9.4.L ....................... 19$.4., .. D..MINIINO_CO,,.ff,.CLGUD..MINN--'IIH Adopted M~r 10, B44. Attest: \7illiam Linc·oln, Glerk. Yo.lmer F.:arvone, Che.irlll!ln, ! report of_the -qoard of Audit of examina~ton of the cn)·rent tn;: collect.i.ons of the County Treosurer ,.~r the period from .:ranuor,i' 1 to March 13, 1944, showing a total collections of ~-323,287,88, was approv ea. r . a.rep~rt of-the Boerd. of Audit·· of examination cf the accounts of l?. :,!. Ree, county Treasurer, for tne period crom ,1enuary 15th to April 30, 1944 showing balance in the Countv '"reasury at "the close of business on sai~ la!t-me~tioned date of 8563,576.53 wai approved, • - The appl1cati.en c., the American Legion .Post of Deercreek for reduction in the assessed valuation of East 20 ft. of Lot_2 and all_o! Lot~ in Block 1 of Sonle's Adclition to Deer Creek for the year l943 was r_ead and the, Boero r~commenaeo to tne Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said. tract be reduced from $480 to ~240 and the tax from :i'.:71.61 to $35. 91. On end Off sale beer licenses were granted to P. E. Amundsc,n at Haugen's Resort at Leof Lake Pleasure Grounds in the ':'ownship of Lenf Lake. Cigarette license for the period from Mey 1 to Dec!'!mber 31, 1944 v~as al.so granted to the same party. The following bills were allowed: j, C. Henl:es boa:rding prisoners 44,00 E. J. Rovane expenses 44,80 P. I,!. Ree postaf,e 130.21 H. IV. Glorvigen d:rivers l~cense exp. 31.65 J: ~c-. ''Henkes Louise stond.a.hl Louise Stondahl expenses expenses postage blanlrs supplies Whitehead Printing Co. !,Iason Publ. Co. Joyce Insu~ance co. Norr ine Y.:lovstad N.W.!ell Telephon~ Co. F ergns -Journal Co. Franl,ov i z Hardware !.'oucher Pr int ing •c Lithographing Co. ·B:intgen-r:arst Fritz-c:ross Co. printing 4.00 subscription 9.00 bond 43.85 clerical work 3.20 '\i'ree Press Co, Miller-Davis Co. Security'Bla:r.k Book & Improvem,ent Bullet in Marcella Faunc,e O'Meara's Prtg. Co. records advertising clerical work flags P..T. & A.N.Barnard Hennepin Connty Melvin Je.cobson Muriel Moore T'f. H. Lei·bold A. Glorv i gen N.W.Sheet ' Iron Works Larson Bros. long distance calls 15.5:0 N.W.'Bell Telephone -Oo. Seven-0 Service printing, etc. 226.77 City Typewriter Service· ¥ictor Lundeen~ Co. supplies 4.42 suppliP.s lo.bor & supplies supplies chair examining insane co·nstable fees trsnscript examinations expenses parts repairs 112,83 Costello Ufg. Co. 5.35 Gaffaney's Office 5,70 Specialties co. 17.75 johns·on ""urniture Cc, 10.00 wm.-·Bahls 9.50 tt.· P:. Leibold ·4. 32 Fergus ~-alls Clinic 21.00 Glen Lal:e Sanatoriu:n 52.70 Lyle Tollerson 27.80 Lake RegionHotor Co. 88.30 Revering's Garage long dist. calls oil su·pplies su·pplies supplies supplies chairs rented Marshal's fees Dsf; coroners fees examination ce:re of patl~nts expenses parts !'c repairs repair,.s 54.26 29.30 35.33 3.65 126.59 :),04.18 7.20 1.50 16.26 8.85 1.75 1.45 56.40 44.10 75.86 ,85 9.20 11.75 3.00 249.09 10.05 ; Wm. So.uer re·pairs 2.00 Skogmo Motor Co. 5.54 Motor Inn Garage repairs parts 105.72 17,65 13.40 31.92 , , I Minnesota hlotor Co. i,Iinn. Motor Co·. F ra:rJ:ovi z Hdwe. Victor Lundeen & Co, Dalt on Oil Co. Vim, B.::::stes Fergus Glass & Paint co. N.~.Bell Tel. Co. Vill. of New York Mills Mrs. Lena Voge Iifid aro·s T1vp. Dalton Oil Co. Service Oil co. Bill Nelson Oil Co. A-W Inc. of Minnesota GUJ'i'li lli ams repairs parts supplies sup-plies tires sno,'.'fenc-eposts · paint services garage rent gravel gra.velling road gasoline r-o.soline oil parts pa.rte 15. 95 Pelican Electrio Shop 4.50 Miller-Davis Co. 71.65 Haw-kinson Treads 50.90 Gotlieb Urback 94,50 E. Brogard 2.80 N.W.Bell Tel. Co. 7.10 Sy1er Iverson 90.00 F,. D, Sage 23 ,·05 W. H. Ja:ee;er 200.00 Fergus Oil co. 39.00 Len S•·verson's 75 .00 Boyum·; s [l'exaco St at ion 17.£5 Field I Hagge Oil co. 25,90 II.VT.En/d.neering Co .. 3.04 Miller-De.vis Co. 1.85 Firestone stores 12.50 Tesch Lumber Cc. supplies supplies retreads towing heater long distance calls rent al garage rent hauling gravel gasoline gasoline gas 'I: oil Diesel fuel parts supplies heater lumb-er Bauck' schevrolet Co. i'/hi t ehead Pr int ing Co. l?enrose Oil Co. W. L. Potter repairs stationery gasoline !'c expenses Die.seI fuel 117,61 A. Clorvigen 11. 20 Wilcox Lumber Co. cash advanced su,pplies sup·plies T~lin City Testing ·~c Engr. Lab •• Inc. supplies Four i'Theel Drive Co. parts, Thorman ,"t. ?.osholt Co. repairs Standard Oil co., ?el. Rap. r-asolin~ Gonsttmer's Oil Co. gasoline The Oil Store Diesel fbel P,eI't St one exp. attend . me et , Henry G. r.:roff Do, Nicols~Dean &· Greg·g 37. 00 Paper, Calm ens on •c Co. 11,19 Nat. 13ushing 'I: Parts Co. cutting edges, parts ••• repa.irs . gasoline 153.80 Bengtson Oil co. 43.00 Consumers Co-op. Oils 40. RO Hif.'.h•'lBY r,o. Co., Tnc " gasoline~ fuei oil postage 27.90 °. A. And.erson 12. 80 Yal!:t~r !:'.arvonen 5.00 Ceo. 'B, Gunderso-n 241.00 Art Printcraft exp. attend .. mP.etinr: Do, print'ing Up.eblad Puhl; Co. pr int ine; Upon mot ion the Board then ad ,:ourned to ,1une 13, 1944 at 1-o o'clock ~I(~ ·, Chai;rman. Attest:(W~~ __, Clerk, .. 80 9. 73 '40.00 1.00 2,50 7 .36 5.00 10.00 39.05 52.15 5.30 60.39 239.06 276.42 5.40 10.95 2.40 5 ,47 1.45 24.74 2·2.08 150,09 19.75 50.10 22.69 27.75 ii I 6. 70 11 5, 70 11 3. 75 I 'I ii I 4&8 :C@MMl$Sl@N:ERS RECORD· M, OTTER TAlL COUNTY,. MiN1N. . lllilCURITY.m.:ANK "AND PRINIING ., . .,.. a.GUD,·MINN"-41- BATE'······················ ~.\Ul.e .. .la ...... 1.~!~~ ......................... 193l4., .. UIIWTES OF ADJOURNED 111:::ETING OF 30ARD OP COillfT: COMi,iISSTCIIBRS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY. i,IIN11ESOTA. Pursuant to ad,journment the Board !:let at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday. Ju..11e I3. 1944. Present: C ommissioners Karvonen, Gunderson. !'!off. stone and Snowberg. . ., The bond of M.vron T. Duhn. Acting Executive Secreto.ry of tne County ,!el.fare Board, in the sum of t5.000.00 with the P-artford Accident and Indemni t,r Co .• as suret.v. was approved• ·· Upon motion Commissioner Henr.v G. Ho·ff was appointee as member of the County Ae;rict.1ltural ~xtension Committee. · -County Superintendent of Schools T,ouise Stonda!;l .,.;ile~ with ~he Board ~he re-~igns!ion o~ Elmer J. Rovang as Assistant county Superintendent of schools. ec,.ect1ve Jul!( 15th. sa.1d res1gnat1on being on account of ill hetil th. Upon motion the resignation ,•:as accepted. Miss Stondahl reported to the Board tilat she had. apgointed l:Jiss ilabel T • Gunderson as Assistant County Superintend.ent of Scilools commencing Allf; u~t 1, 1944. Upon motion the appointment wo.s apprqv ed by the Board and the salary fix·ed at $1800. 00 per year, payable at the close of each month on warrant of the County Audi tor. . · The application of Victor Laney for cla.ssific:atiqn of Lot ~ of Su"o Lot 2 in Sec:ticn 34 in the City ef Fergus Falls at home~te·ad rate for the year 1943 Wl!,S r~ad and the Board recomm~mcied to ~he Ce!:!missioner of Taxatien that said land be so classified aqd tne assessed vaJ.ue reduceo from $3o2 to $226 ·a.nd the tax from :~42.39 to $25.52. . . The a!)plicatien of Carl J. Stadsvold for cla.ssif~cation of Lot 6 Block 1 Sawbridge · Addi1;ien to the City of Fergus Fe,lls for the year J,943 WtH! read and the Board recommended to Commissioner of Taxation ·that said lend be so classified ano the a.ss·essed value reducec:i from ~. Lowry' s the $400 to :;;;250 and the tax from $46.84.to $28.23. . · · The application of LJ'dia. Trana for cla.ssif.ica.tien of r,ot 10 Block 3 Vining Village at homestead rates for the yea.rs 1942 and 1943 wa.s read and the "3oa.rd recommend•e~ to the Commissioner of Taxation that said lp.nci. be so clessified and the assessed value reduced from :::232 to $145 and the tax for 1942 be reduced from $19.86 te $11.34, and for 1943 be reduced :from ~:19.30 to :~ll.46. The eppliM.tien of osco.r J. Ke.stet for classific~tion of Lots 1 to 10 inclusive of lHoclc 4 ,Frazee's Fourth Addition to "'elican ~apids for the year 1943 at homestead rate v111s read and the '30ard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that sa.id land be so classified and the ass·essed value reduced from ~740 to $462. and the tax from $,69. 86 to $41. 6.7. , The application of Albert Sennenberg for classif~cntion of wt Sll¼ Sec. 2 and Wi lrn¼ Sec:. ll :Town of Dora for the year 1943 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner 'of Taxation that said land OP. so classi-f.ied anq the assessed value reduced ·from 1~1085 to $651 and the tax from t,92.20 to $52.60. : The ap[)lica.tion of i:lifford A. Gedde for classif\cation of st NE} Sec. 8 ·i'own of Compton for ';the 1943 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommend-ed to theCommissio,ner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from :r~644 to .~387. and the tax from :~!39.41 to ,";22.06. The a;1plication of gawa.rd A. and 0ar:rie B. :'1eipke, for classification of Ift SE-¼ ex. l½ ac. and •E½ SE,.,_ NWJ!,. and S~ NJ!ll. of Sec. 26 Township o-: C ompton for t.he .veo.r 1943 at homestead. rate was !"ea.d end the Board recoml!lencied. to the Commissioner of Taxation tha.t said land be so classi fiea and the assessed value. reduced from $1847 to $1314 and the tax from :1·136.67 to :~:93.86. i The application of the City of Fergus Falls for c,a.ncellation o:f assessment -for 1943 against :Reserve 82 in Amendments to the Original Plat except tracts. on the ground that such property wa.s used 'exclusively for city purposes was read a.nd the Board recemmend,ed to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of ~606 and the tax of :J)70.97 be cancelled. · 1 The application of Rog.er L. Dell. executor of the Estate of Marjorie Webber Dell, deceased. ':to pay mene.y-and credit tax in the sum of $717.67 for the yea.rs 1937 to 1942 inclusive and for the cancellation of interest charged totalling $187.94 upon sai:O t~ was read and upon motion the Board · ecemmended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said interest be a.bated. ,, The application of Sidney A. ··,ucGauvran for d r,nc:e :perrni t using mechanical music only. at Rush . ake Resort in the To,vnship of Rush Lalce for the bala.-nce of". the year 1944 was granted. · · Off Sale beer license was granted to Walter Klein at his club house in Rush Lake Tovmehip for •,he peri.od ending lv!arch 31. 1945. · · I On and O"f sale beer licenses were granted as fellOv'fS: Sid-ney A. TuicGo.uvra.n. at Ru.sh Lake "eso!".t inTown of Rush Lake. tt•. Cortez Sutton, Marion Litke Lodge, Town of Dead Lake; Thomas Wallace, _·and Beach :-:esort, Town of nine J,a.ke; Mrs. Viola Gleason. at resort in Town of Rush Lake; La.Clair Spillman · ti'/oedlond Park. Town o? r,irard. '! Cip.arette licensee for the period ending December· 31. 1944 were granted as foilows: Alfred c. wens on, Deer Lake Park Store, Town of Everts; Mrs. Viola (\I.ea.son. at resort in Tovin of Rush Lake; C. M. , ee. CrSstal-T,ida Store, Town of Lida.; Harry Tollefson. Egp,um• s Sta.tio·n,. 'l'own of Maplewood; Chester .a.bbe.rsta.d. Lest Lake store. Town of Maine; Laclair Spillman. woodland Park, Town of Girard; Gust A. :tra.nd, Strand's Resort. Town of Lida; L. J. Wolters, store at Urban!-in Town of O:ffington; ,iack Solinger, ·ross Point Resort. Town of Maplewood; Sidney A. M:cG-auvra.n •. resort. Town of Rush Lake; Mrs. Thea Ball, mor Park Stere. Tovm of Amor. 11 Upon motion the Board a.d;iourne<' to 1:30 o'clock i. M. · Members of the otter Tail County:r.:xtension Co:nmittee met with theBoArd and discussed the needs , f extension work for the coming year. ! • The following resoluti:on was adopted: Resolved b,'f the ;ioa rd of count.1,Co"lmissi on°rs of O'·ter Tail Count l. Llinnesot a: That the sum of :·~4.000.00 bl'! set a.side -l'rom the Revenue -Pund e.nd appropriated, subject to the . rder of the Bean of the Department of A.e:ricul ture er -t: he •rni versi t.v of Itinneso ta, .for the support of . onnt.v Co-operative Extension ;•:ork in aJ.triculture a.na hol!le econimics in Otter Tail Count.v-for the ~'ear . eginninp: July 1, 1944, in accordance ;vith Chupter 423. Laws of. 1923. and acts supplementary thereto. :i Adopted June~l3. 1944. Yalmer I~arvone, Chairman. · ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk. · A resolution of the City Council of Fergus Falls req_uesting additions to the appraised value ,,f certain tax-forfei tea lots in the City of Fergus Fa.l.ls because of improvements ma.de upon said lots 'after the forfeiture to the State was read ano. it was or<iered that the follo;•:ing amounts be added to the appraised price of saidlots, as requested by 1:he City: I, Undivided half interest in Let 4 Reserve 79 Original Plat, for sidewalk On LOt 11. Block 32 Original Plat, ror sidewalk construction. (;93.56. Upon Lot 15 in Block 1 Corliss 2nd Addition, :for \1/atermain, $42. 28, and On Let 1 Block 4 Forest Lawn Addition. for sanitarJ' sewer. $;44.42. construction. 876.18 . . ::or streee~provement$4 .4 Lot 4 Block 4 Forest Lawn Ad-dition, sanitary sewer :j44.42. On E 109 ft. of Lots 4. b a.no 6 in Block 14 Cutler:s,.3rd Ac:idition for street improvement. oilinr-and curbing, ~'395.20. · COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTE!R' T'.AIL COUNTY, MliNIN. ,DATE ................................ ~ll""···l.4 •.. l Q,1.4 •............... 193.44., ..-nx. 6ND..!IIIH11NCI.C0,,.81'...a.GUD..MJNN--ftltl 1, The resip,w.,tion o·~ Ernest E. Johnsen o.sCounty Surveyor o~ Otter 'l"o.il ,-:ounty, effective immed i o.t el . .,-. ,:as read lll'!d u !)on mot ion was accepted. Sherif-~ !ienkes requested ext ens ion or t i:ne until ".:he July meeting of the Board for further collection of 1943 personal property taxes. Upon motion tte request was granted. Upon motion tne Board tilen ad jOurned to June 14, 1944 at 10 o'clock A. !.i. '1/EDNF.SDAY' S SESS IOlf Pursuant •to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. !,!. \'/ed.nesday, ,lune 14, 1944, all · members being present. Mr._.,. S. Ulland, as a;i:ent for Larry Durrell, a inember of the armed fo ::-ce1:1, dis cussed with tne ~oard applications of !.ir. Durrell for recluct1on o:t' va1uHt1on on tracts in the 'l'ownship of-i'Testern, and after fnll consideration upon motion the Bc.ard recommended-to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed volue of the SW¼ o-r Sec. 17 Tov:n of Western for the ,vear 1943 be reduced from $1232 to -:·53;, o.na tne tax fror.1 ~105.89 to $43.39, and the 'Board. also reco1:1mended to the Commissioner of. Taxation that the assessed value foe 1~4:S o:r tne SE·~ and E½-srr¼ of Sec. 7 in Tovm of Western be reouceci from ~2079 to ?1600 a!'ld tax from :~151.35 to !;116,48. , · Bids for road oil as adYertised for b.v the Board \'!ere opened and read, and after consideration upon motion the Board acce-ated tne bia o'!' Socony Vacuum Oil Co. for one or more carloe.as of !,!.C.P.os.d Oil at O'l.Olef per ra11on. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock'?. M. Bids for one or more power highway mowers mounted· en rubber tired tractors as advertised for by the Boerd were rend and after consideration Rpon motion the Board accepted the bid of •rhorman IV. Rosholt Co;· for two International Power Mov:ers with equipment as specified in the bid, at :$977.00 each, delivered at ?ergus Falls, O. U. !iabberstad and i::r. E. Swenson apPes.red beforP. the Board to urge the purchase of War Bonds by the County, and after thorough discussion and consideration the following resolution v:as s.dopted: The following resolution 1•m.s adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.11 Commissioners of Otter ':.'ail Count.i', Minnesota: That the sum of :~62,000 be and the same hereby is set ,;side out or the Sundry School District ·Fun s of the County for the purchase of U. S. ¥far ~ond s known as 7 /8% Treasur.v Certificates of Indebtedness, Series C., 1945, said bonds to be purchas·ed from the '?'ergus '!i'alls National '3ank 'l:: Trust Co., and; First H'ational i3snk of Pergus Falls, in equal amounts, bonds to be in denominations of :~10,000 or :$1,000. Adopted June 14, 1944. Yalmer [e.rvone n, Chairman. At test: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follo,:ing resolution was adopted: Resolved bJ" the Board of County Co:nmissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Vlhereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with wm. H, ;:;iegler Co., Inc. for one F.W.D.Truck, one Frink Snow Plo~: v:ith wing, and one st.Paul Dum Box with hydraulic hoist, for a total of $8,725,00,and i'ihereas, same have been delivered to and accepted by said County, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Audi tor and Chairman of the Boe.rd be and they hereby are authorized ancl directed to issue to said c·ontractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of theCounty in the sum of $8,725.00, the contract price. Adopted this 14th de,\' of June, 19tr4, Attest: William I,incoln, Clerk, 'l'he following bills were allowed: J. c .Henkes boardinr, prisoners 63. 00 r.:. J. Rovang expenses 59.30 Louise sto!ldahl postage 63. 76 tr, I'!. Clorvigen postage 50.00 Laura C. Baumgarten clerical work 3.00 qernice ,lesme clerical work 12.75 Mrs. Carl ton 1/lort ensen clerical work 1. 50 Ella stondahl clerical work 9.00 !!intge!l-l~arst Elec. co. repairs 5.35 Gaffene,v's supplies 55.20 Beall 'I: McGowan Co. supplies 1.40 Poucher "rinting •,. Lithe. ,::o. " 130.22 Ja~s-Olson Co. supplies 1,62 C ity T,11pewriter Service supplies 3,45 .,. c. t'enne,\' Co. supplies 3,00 Inter!lational ~hemical co. 6.50 Be.t':le Lake ReviP.w tax notices 1,00 ',filler-Davis Co. blanks 98.71 Fergus Journal Co. printine I publ. 649.52 Jones I rroP.ger co. steno chair 17,77 Marlin ?.e.1•nol<is hauling rubbish 18,00 'Burroughs Add., J,iche·. co. maintenance 63 .85 Am. Legion Auxiliary ii!emorial Day senr. 25.00 lLV/,'3ell 'l'el. Co. long distance calls13.05 S. B, UP.lson Dep'.Sheriff's fees 38.03 D'!:', ~Im. o. McLane 11 ¢oroner's 11 10,75 Frank C. Barnes r,Iunicil)al ,1udges 11 19.&5 Dr. '?. Boysen examinations 6,00 Dr. \If. O. '3. Nelson examinetion 3,00 Tc;lil'n o.f Maine care of poor 170. 29 Clarence J, Hood expenses 7.40 M.A.Stortroen Ins. Agency insurF<nce .74 Am,'!i'armers Mut. Auto. Tns. Co. 34,95 Monroe Cale. Mech. co.,!nc. services 28.00 Anton J,Ioe gravel 9,50 John Dieseth Co. eouip~ent rental 33,75 Vill. 'P.attle Lake water 2. 52 Harry ll[erickel Lbr. co. lumber 22, 80 Costello Mfg. Co. sweepers 16,73 Cu!!lmins Diesel Sales !c Service . ' pump excha.~ge Pelican Telephone Co. services Minn. Motor Co. tires 34,133 3.90 209 .56 Yalmer i~arvone, Chairman. J,. ·c1. 'Henkes Louise Standahl P. A,. Anderson "R'. ?! • Glorvigen Me.!'cella Faunce Norrine Elovstad Ruth 1uarum Bristol's Bostitch-!l!c<.:lain Co, Lightfoot's Shop Victor Lundeen 'I: co. The'?ierce Co. expenses 71.65 expenses 43.30 postage 25.30 drivers lie. exp. 31.90 clerical work 27 .00 clerical work 3.00 clerical ~10rk 3.00 repairs .75 s.upplles 5.15 supplies 9.00 sup·!)lies 58.49 supplies 11.60 Counti, School •a OfficP. ¥/hi tehead l'rtg. ,,o. I,rontp.:omP.ry •'ls.rd Sup. Co. , 83.85 supplies, etc. 42,75 supplies 1.05 supplies 13.75 notice to taxps..vers 2.00 advertising 11.60 :.iidland T,aboratories ~eP.ninf. Advocate !mp!'ovement 13nlle tin Securit,v Bil!ank Book I West ?u1ll. Co. Prtg. co. blanl~s 14.09 Digest •• ~HY.Reporter 25.00 sharpening 4,00 Conklin Saw Uhop Nat. Bushing 'I: Parts Am, Legion Post. 219 N.W.Bell Tel Co. Cc. tools 3.48 Jos.eph t,s..vner Dr, Geo. C, Jacobs Glen Lake Sanatorium Dr, Everett U. Hanson Dr. Henry Silver Lyle Tollerson Pet'!r llelson M.A.Stortwoen Ins. Agency Paper, Co.lmenson .'I: Co. Victor J,undeen I Co. Syver T.vPrson E. D, Sage Vill. -Pelican Rapids Ben \'lagner Geo. E. Watson Co. N.W.Sash I Door Co. N.W.Bell Telphone Co. U.i'I.Bell Telephone Co. O'Meara's Memorial Day Servicesl9.50 long dist. calls 11.20 Dep.Sheriff.'s fees 3.42 coromr's " 25.30 care of patients 174.06 examinations 27.00 exo.minat ion 3. 00 expenses 6.90 room~ board 19.50 insurance 308.30 cutting edges 7 .44 printing 14,50 garage rental 5.00 rent 5 ,00 water 5. 50 motor 20.00 brushes 13.30 machine work 3.00 services 11.05 long dist. calls 14.35 supplies 1.20 469 ®A'.T-E.)' ______________________ Jn!'Je ___ l.~~---l.9,1.4 __________________________ 193::4!1-.. ·■a:uR -.~ UMDPRINIINCICD,;, .a.au IIINN ..... IIH, Fred A. Everts supplies 8.17 Minneapolis Iron Store supplies Central Scienti fie Co. supplies 11. 31 Bost i tch-McClaln Co. supplies Eugene Dietzgen -!c Co-. supplies 64.00 Henning Hardware Co. supJ>lles r;.~r.sheet -'!c Iro,n Wo;rks supplies 5,50 !{UlsP.th Supply Co. supplies Olson Auto Elec.Co. repairs 11.12 Service Recorder Co. repairs Vicke;rs, Inc. repairs 80.3? r:bersviller's repairs Res set '!c \'festby repairs 57. 92 r:. F. McDUl"_n '!c Co. repairs "'· Saunders !c Son re9eirs 23.85 Minnesota ;,iotor Co. repairs Mahler .'!c Straus re'lairs 131.56 Lel:e Rep.;i.on Motor Co. repairs Larson ?.ros. re9airs 68.55 TheAdelsmanCo. repairs Fergus Foundr.v Co. repe.i rs 18. 80 Thorman l"f. !\OShol t Co. parts l-Torthwest Engineerip.g Co. 9arts 73. 90 Borchert-Tngersoll, Inc• parts A-W Inc. of iilnnesota parts 29.55 Wr.1. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. parts !I: supplies Len Syverson's gasoline 15.35 Otter Tall co-op. Oils, Inc. gasoline Consume:rs Co-op. Oil Co. gasoline 23.38 Ziep.ler 'l: •1ohnson Oil Co. gasoline Mills Oil Co. gasoline 13.71 Avis L, Bowman gasoline Bendickson Service Station " 39. 66 Bill Nelson Oil Co. -. gasoline Motor Inn Garage gasolinP. 33, 27 Park Hegion Co-op. Oil Co. " Consumers' co~op. Oil co. " 100.20 Fergus Oil C,o, gasoline J:fighway co. go.so line, etc. 29 ,01 Penrose Oil C9. g?-S, Diesel fuel Fiel-d -'!c Hagge Oil Co. Diesel fuel 250.20 The Oil Store Diesel fuel Fergus Fal-ls City Poor Dept. care of transi,ent 3.00 State Dept. of Administration ;i. C. Henkes Sheriff's <fees 57.00 State "Bd, exams Geo. A.Faunce Dep.sheri-ff's .fees 24,92 Ge0. B, (',1mderson exp.attend.meeting 'Henry G. Jfof-f exp.attend.meeting 5.00 Yalmer I(e.rvonen Do. "Bert stone Do. 10,86 A. caorvigen cash advanced A.Glo;rvigen expens,es 69.00 Republic Creosoting Co. road tar Elk River Cone. -Prod. r:o. culverts 59.60 Anne "?.ros. tires !c re·pe.irs w. A. Smith repairs 54.03 Clarence !'."nutson repairs F.arry Marquard supplies ;t..43 TTpon motion the Board then adjourned without date. ~-----Lte . . . ' . . . . . ii Attest: r·W~ ~ Clerk. ·--~----. ChuLrman. · ·, ! ,, i, j !j ,! I, 25,23 2.65 1.60 137.52 3,98 7.40 10.10 50.63 68.57 3.05 13.44 24.91 176.34 41.86 10.12 65.20 36.89 - 77 .50 116.80 139.96 29.76 91.35 5.70 6.70 10.19 89.60 264.34 95.51 za..'._ I ! COMMISSlONElRS R:ECO!R:D M, OTTER tAll. COUNTY, MINN. DA'l,'E· .....................• ~ul ·: .. 10., ... l %1 .......................... 193 ... 44 !i!l!U'l'ES 0:' :'.F.';UJ...\.:? ;.:~1r;.1rnG o:· lC'A?.D OF COUHTY :!O:t!ISSI~)HERS O"'"j'! 0T:1fl~ TAIT. ,::nti!!T~, :.II HUF.SOTA Pursuant to statute the Board met o.t 10 o'clock A. M. :1onda~r. ,1u1y 10, l!l44. "resent: commissionefs !~arvonen. Gunderson, ;iof~, Stone and Snowberg. The Soard took up the examination of list ct' uncollected personal property taxes for tile year 1943 as returned by the Sheriff and County 'l'reasurer, and after such examination made the following report: REPORT OT<' _nm COUNTY BOARD OF THE COUH'l'Y CF 0'.i"mn TAU., S1rA1rE OF ;,1INIIBSO'rA. OF UNCOLLECTED A!rD (;AHCP.LLED ?~~RSOl!AJ. ?ROPE?.TY TAXES PO:l THE YEAR l!l43, Fergus Falls, ::linnesota. July 10, 1944. Be it ;·:nown, '.!.'hat the County Board o:r Otter Tail county, l.iinnesota, did meet in session on the 10th day of July 1944, the seme being the first session of said Board after the 10th day of June, 1944; that at said session the County Treasurer of said County delivered to said Board the list of uncollected personal propert.v taxes f,:;r the year 1943 together with his certificate thereon as required by law; and that at said session the so.id 'loard did. dnly consider snio list or nnccllecte<i taxes. and did cancel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the follow.ing is a correct list of said uncollect~d personal property taxes in said Cou~ty •or said year 1943, as so revised by said Board, to-wit: Pen. ,Fee 'l.'otal Tax Name of Person ,\ssessed Township Tax and Costs Pen.•acostsRernark P,ugbee. '/er non 'Iennett, Ii-a Dahlen, A. r.. Enr.ebretson, Oscar Fiskari, JchnF. Friberg, Cle.m Henke, ::ho.rley W. rrouge, Joe s. · !'elie.\'. 'lernard I'. 5ono, Emil Londberg, Carl T,aVe.lley, "D. A. Leverson, r·:in?:don :.!eyers,;\.,', Moberg. "":lmer '.;!OOd.V' s ~e.rn Noble,~. N; \ Son Norman, "l. -; . Liartin, Lewis ;v. :!"ieks tad , ;i:d ?.i pley , Earl ?.udebeck, Donald Scheidecker, John Sch.wecke, John Shores. ~rvin Slathow ber~ Gerrit Stellar, Roy Torrison, Crrin Winslow, John T,. or District Dollars r.ents Dollars Cents Dollars Cents Friberg lA.62 2.75 21.37 Collec ~lufftc'l 'l'~rp, 11.64 1.81 13.45 Pel. !!apids 6.89 1.17 8.06 rolden 13,63 2.08 15.71 Otto 10. 26 1. 62 11. 8A c i t.v 2nd ward. • 63 . 33 . 96 Battle Lake 22. 66 3. 28 25. !l4 :lush T,:.;..i:e 21. 10 3. OS 24 .18 \1/oodside 22.33 3.25 25.58 !use 6.21 1.09 7.30 Cit.v 2nd1·1ard 5.62 1.00 6.62 r.litherall Vil. .59 .33 .92 r:it.v 3rd i'/e.rd 9.37 1.51 10,86 Ci":_v -Hh Ward 2.34 .57 2.91 tida 6.42 1,11 7.53 r:it.1• 2nd Ward 47.!JO 6.67 54.57 Cit.v 3rd c'/ard !l.84 1.56 11.40 Star Lel:e 7.65 1.27 8.!12 City 3rd we.rd 4.57 .87 5.411c Oalr Valley 9.04 1.46 10.50 lllaplewood 16.03 2,40 113.43 Dead Lake 12.29 l.8!l 14.18 Gorman 14.15 2,14 16.29 Pelican 11, 80 1. 64 13, 72 Scomhler 4.81 ,89 5.70 Oak Valley !l.70 1.55 11.25 New York Mills Vil 1. 20.85 3.05 22, 91 Pelican Ra9ids Vill. 2,08 .53 2.61 •'.:anaor 2,84 .63 3.47 That the follow.inR is o correct list of the persnnal property taxes in said county for said year which said "D,oa;rd are satisfied cannot be coll1!0ted. and so ca.ncelled by sa~d Board, a g_reat majorit:1 of· said i te,ns so ca.ncelled beinr-taxes on personal prop~rty of non-residents upon wnom no service cf notice cc.nlo i>e mode: Pen. ,Fee Total Tax To,,:nship Tax end Costs Pen •'I: Costs ~emarks or District Dollars Cents Dollars Cents Dollars Cents Name of Person· Assesl\led Angen, R. O. Anne, Lawrence :!allard, T,illian '3allard .· !.f ory oerp.er, IP.nat i us Bierns, G. ,,. B:e-rken, .4.lv in '!. ~.owman, ii"red :.i. Bush, '•7m. Champl ln Oil Cc. Christensbn, Uv in Comet Neon Sipn co·. Gone, 7-;"'la ~- De.hl, n iJ. Dale, r,ina '!". De.vis, J,ulu ;;i. Enede.hl, r.:dward J. Espeseth, Ingeborg Fallir .. stad, ,:;oseph Freeman, Don A, Frigen, Gotlieb Fuller, Francis Gilbertson, Jean Gluecks Beer co. Gluecks 'lrevrinp: co. Grimm, .!Ohn C. Halvorson, 0. ~- Hanson, Jennie Hart hen, Carl ,T. Harman, Clarence "ei.11inp.er. i.ie.r.:r '1.n.11 Citv 1st r/ard 3.63 .74 4,37 Cance· Nid~.ros 6.58 _ 1.14 7, 72 " ;;;verts . 65 . 34 . 99 ~verts .97 .38 1.35 Perham Vill, . 64 . 33 . !l7 Everts 3.11 .67 3,78 Dunn 1.41 .44 1.85 uenning Vill. 5.07 .93 6.00 Amor 1.40 .44 1,84 '3ln .... ~ton Vil. .79 .35 1.14 Sverdnrp 10.19 1.62 11,81 Cit,v 3rd i'/o.rd !J.37 1.51 10.8A uaddock 3.20 .GA 3.88 ?nsh T,ake . 97 , 38 1. 35 Amor .84 ,37 1.21 ITide.ros 2.63 ,60 3.23 Amor . 65 . 34 . !l9 City 3rd ·,re.rd ,80 ,33 ,90 Scambler 8. 76 1.42 10, 20 Bluffton Vill. .52 .32 .84 '.:ity 1st \'/a.rd 23.42 l ,5l 26.80 Perham'iill. 2.04 .52 2.56 City lstl'lard 6.68 1.14 7.82 lfew York Mills Vill. 4.77 ,89 5.66 Perham Vill, ,76 .35 1.11 Perham Vill, 1.27 .42 1.6!l sce.mbler 1.77 .4!l 2.26 Dunn 1. 72 .48 2. 20 city 3rd wa. 1.29 .42 1.71 r.:verts 3. 74 , 75 4. 49 Gitf 3ro·•1ord 4.10 ,80 4.90 ., " :i ,! 471 I: 1: ll ,©.@fflMil$$W@MEi$, REOO!RPi M,. Oii.EiR TAilL,. :COijiNifV,, MffiN1N . :9KCUll11'T,~N. IIOOK"AND PIIINnNG CO. ■To&~-MINN 11411 . ~:,tif~: ................. Ju!..v. .. J.9., ... J.~.11 .............................. 1931.1.,. "Herrel, John C • Hughes, Blanche ,1ohnson, F:dward r:. J·ohnson, Irv. Otter Tail _Dunn .99 .38 1.19 .41 1.37 l.60 ~ancel ' I Amor .97 .38 1.35 11, 71 2.72 13.43 : Johnson, o. iii. City 3rd Ward Henning Vill. Blowers 1.01 3.80 .38 1.3'3 .75 4.55 :, J-orgenson, .Peter City 2nd i'/ard City 1st Ward C0mpton 17.57 2.60 20,18 :, Kerper, F,d. A. 'IO.rchenmar1,n, Alma 1.5,2 2,66 .40 1.97 .·60 3. 26 Kopp, C. A. LaPlante, ,io e Larson, Clayton R. Liiewerenz, Gustav Lucas, Harley Maki. ,iohn I'.". Mf.llcom~ Donald D, City 3'I"d Ward Pel.ican Rapids Vill. 'E'a.rkers 1:'u,i ri e Compt0n Uewton 1.8·7 1.79 7. 71 25.98 9,15 4.78 .50 2.37 ,49 2. 28 1...29 9.00 ,, 3. 73 29'.71 1.47 10.62 .89 5.67 ·. i,lelrose Oil co. llead J,eke Perham Vill. 3,19 1.29 .68 3.87 .42 1.71 Metz, Gerald !'lla.ver' AlPX .Michael, Constance ,; Miksc·he, f!lara . ()it y l!th Ward Star Lake Ci tJ' .3rd Viard Otter Tail • 7'2 5.04 1. 29 .52 . 35 1.07 . 92 5.96 .42 1.71 ."32 .B4 : !11ryers, Ceo. o. Iilelson, A. Iii. Olson, Ida Olson, .iohn I,!. Amor Otter Tail Western n·u-nn .99 10,24 2.H .313 1.37 l.61 11.8'5 .54 2.68 ·, Ped·erson, Carl Vining Vill. Dunn 5-.49 1.31 .99 6-.46 .42 1.73 'Pegg, Trene "o Adsit E.ffi e 0eterson, C. ~T. Rendall, Cla,ud,e ~ehmet. ~. L. I J. D, · Hobart Amor Amor .. 92 .37 1.29 4.78 .89 5.67 1.94 .50 2.44 : Rums tad, Mrs. M. :: S-agadahl, Anne. !Sanders, "o Larson 1 Schroeder~ 3euben Amor .64 2.33 3"' .97 .57 2.90 Schutte, ,\lerle Smith, )'!d Smith, Hel,~n M. Tollefson, Ethel J. Tronson, Mrs. Ceo. Violett, Dick wernlng, Mlke Wetch, Mable H. Candor Amor Western City 2nd l'/er~. Bluffton Parke rs Prairie Amor Amor Bluffton Amor Dun..YJ. Vill. The followins are hereby cancelled: Personal Prope'I"t.v ta.;-es 11gainst Foss i co. City 1st Ward Fuller, Ruth Cit;{ 1st Ward Has~. !vi ergaret G, City 2nd Ward Jacobson, Parriett City 1st CTard E:niss, ~-G. City 2nd Wf!Td J'nutson, :1ussell co. "'el i.cen RP-.pirls Vill. 1:vamme, Lillian ~ity 1st \'/a.rd March, '1.'helmn City 1st \'Tard Meeke!"t, Cli ffo!"d Amor .65 .lQ 3. 9,., 9.61 8.18 .64 .89 .84 1.43 1.83 p,e'fsons 48.83 1.41 8.08 1.76 ln the ,34 . 99 .27 .37 .79 4. 77 1.54 11.15 1.34 9.52 .34 .98 ,37 1.26 .37 1.21 .44 1.87 .50 2.33 arme·d servic-es of tne United States · 6.80 55.63 cancel .44 1. 95' 1.34 9.42 " .49 2·.25 . 35 1.05 .44 1.86 .33 .92 .40 1.57 2. 24 17.12 : 1 Mortenson, Georgia Cit.v 1st ''lard IN elson, Dr, RO.\' A. City 2nd Ward .70 1.42 .59 1.17 14.88 2.23 16.51 .94 1.68 1.05 .65 2.78 2.46 18.97 I '?alley, Marjorie , City 1st i·•ra.rd Post. r:r.n. City 3rd "'ard .38 1.32 .87 5.55 Schenald, Lydia Citj' 1st Ward . 39 1.44 The following personal property te.xes illegal under Chapter 73, Laws of Minnesota. for or InsurencP.·:com1)0.ni es 1943: are· hereby cancell.ed as being Eou.i te,ble T,if.e Assurance Co. City 3rd~fard: Ph0enix Life Tns. Co. City 2nd l'/ard Secnri t,r I;Iutue.l Li•'e Tns. Co. C:i t.v 3rd \'lard 9.02 1.46 9.72 1.56 2.34 .57 10,48 11.28 2.91 Cancel The County 'C\('nrd of Ott-er Tail County, h!inn/isot a. Yalmer 1:0rvonen C',eo. 't\. r.und,erson Hen;ry C. Foff Bert stone Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor. The application of Evelyn Peterson for at homestead rate for the year 1943 was read and that said land be so class;i.fied aYJ.d the assessed !·-54.43 to $30,89. Carl A. snowberg classification of W~ NW¼ Sec. 15 Township of Homestead the Board recomment'ied to the Commissioner of Taxation value reduced from e;uGno $413 ailld the tax from The application of Anton J. Rnd for clr,ss lfication of the S~· s½ of Lots 8 and To•11n of Maine for the year 1943 at homeste·ad rate ,ms read end the Board reco,nmenci-ed to of Taxation thi;t said land be so classified and the assessed value rea.uced from $184 to tax from $15.86 t0 $9.02. 9 in Sectioi1 19 the Commissioner $110 £,nd the _ The ap,plicatio-n of Harry Ma.cal for classification 0:i' the UV/¼ SW¼ Sec. l Tu·.iinshlp of Hobart for 1943 at hom-estead rate vre.s read and the Boe.rd recommendeii to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be s0 classified and the assessed value reduced from $479 to $287 and the tax from :$46,89 to $26.~9. of Sec. e.nd the reduced The a.pplicati0n of Ole Q. Elshaillg for ret'!uction of assessment for 1943 9i!ainst the SE¼ SE¼ 2.2 and NE1 1m.;. 0 f Sec. 27 in To~mship 0f Sverdrnp on the ~ronnd of excessive vi:,luation we.s read Boan'! recommend.ea to theComrn'issi onP.r o·r. Te.xe.tion th,'.!.t the assessed value of said property be from f;804 to ~7],€? .:ma the tax "!'!"om !-':56.44 to ~50.26. ,The a.p:plication of the Pa.mm BrewiTl[! Co. for reauction of assessment for the year 1943 o.n persone.l property o-" said company in the Gi,t,\' of: Fergus FE1.lls was read Flild the Board recommended to the C·omrniss ioner 0 f Taxation thi;t the assessed value of: s a.id personal pr ope rt~, be reduced from :;'184"5 to $439 and the tax from $98.96 to !!!;51.41. - The application o"f Anna SimonsoI)., ad.ministratrix of the tstate cf Moria O. Skar for refundment of money and crecii t tax erroneously levied by the Ivlinnesot a Department of Taxation in the total sum of -~·36.21 we,s read and up0n motion the Boe.rd recommended. to the Commissioner of Taxation that said tax be canc,elled end the amount refunded to the petitioner, 'T•he Connty Audi tor presented the following statement to the Board:· I · I , I ', " I 'I COMMISSIONERS !RE©ORD M, OTTER ''F;A)~L. COM~TV, 11:~Nl~. DA:TE ............... J..Yl.Y .... lQ., ... J.\l.14 ................................. l93 .. 44. D_dllfl1tl9.GOJ1.IIT,.a.GUD,.MI . HHI The following estimate of ex9enses for the ensuing year is Salary of County o::ncers herewith submitted: $22,300.00 Salary of' County C ommissioners Clerks. ,10.ni tors. etc. Joilers. Deputy Sheri·~fs, etc. noard or ~risoners Jurors fees Vii tness fees ~ailiffs. ?.eporters, etc. ~urors, ~ustice court Witnesses, Justice Court Justices end Constables In1uest expenses ?.eport of Births and Deaths Lifhts, fuel, etc. Books. bla"lks end sta.tionery Print inr, a.nd advertising ExpensP. ,·,1th insane County Wel:fe.re Fund ?ostar,;e. express e.nlJ freiP,ht Court ijouse grounds Attending Assessors meeting Tncidental Miscellaneous :?evenue ?.cad & Bridge Fund Poor Fund Sanatorium ?und Date6 July 10, 1944. !lespeotfully i'lilliam · 4,000.00 20,800.00 3,400.00 4,500.00 6,000.00 500.00 3,500.00 100.00 !300.00 2,000.00 300.00 500.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 120,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 ,·. 600.00 800.00 7,000.00 120,000.00 40,000.00 20,000.00 submitted, Lincoln, county Auditor. The followinB resolution wes ado11ted: !lesolvec: by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, J.Iiri.nesota: That the sum of i)350.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue f1md of the County for postage and express in the various County offices entitled thereto. Adopted JulJ• 10, 1944. Yelmer r:e.rvonen, Cha.irman. , Attest: i'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The County Auditor presentec'I 'the following statement to the Boo.rd: To the County Board Otter Tail County, Minnesota i?ursuant to lau: T present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes lP.vieo for county purposes for the cnrrent .veA.r, the e.monnts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, tof,ether with th':! ec-t: ual cash balance remaining to the credit o-f each Connty fund at the close of business on the 30th day of June, 191-4, \'/illia.m Lincoln, county Auditor. Funds County Revenue Fund Poor Fund Road and 81·iclge Fund Til.1Jerculosis Senatoriu.m Fund Count.v Welfare Fund Amount Levied for Current Yeer, $68,000.00 50,000.00 137,000.00 22,280.00 100,524.00 '3alances remaining to the creciit of each Fund are :as follows. Balances Debit Credit *50,000.00) 29 ,92fL06) 29,447.18 "'25,000.00) :'unds County Revenue Yund Poor ?und Road anci Bridge Fund Road and Bridge Sinking Fund Old Age Assistence Fund Incidental 'Pund Assurance Fund Ditch Fund c ontim,ent Funds Insurance Fnnd Cattle Tuberculosis Si!!king Fund Fund 16,732.55) *12,000.00: 2,091.40: 308.90 577.94 20.34 1,135.97 1,775.86 1,665.73 17.90 1,209.95 *13,000.00) 8,899.95) Count,\' Welfare Fund *Indicates add i tionn.l fun/ls invested in U. S. V/ar Bonds. The ·?·ollowinp is a stntement o~ the accounts remaining unpaid on the contract alre·ady entered into by the Board. 'F'!"P. ;rn AT PUR!'OSE Piclr-up Truck Due on regravellinr-~obs Grader ':!lades Ai:ICU!1'1' DTJE ~715. 75 37316,lA 644,00 The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 1oard of county Ccr'.111issioners of Otter Tail County, I,linnesota: Whereas, this Boa1·d has heretofore contracted with the Minnesota Motor co. for new 1942 Chevrolet t ton 'Pickup truck. and l'/herea.s same hfl.8 been delivered to o.nd How, th~refore, bP. it resolved thR.t the hereby are authorized and dirP.cted to issue to said the C ount.v in the sum of ~715,7'5, the amount due. Adopted July 10, 1944. ~ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk. accepted bJ' this '9oard, Gounty Auditor a.nd Charrman of the Board be and they cont ra.ctor a. 1•1arra,nt on the P.oa.d and Bridge Fund of Palmer Karvonen, Chairman. •rhe following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Eoard of county ccm:nissioners of Ott~r Tail County, lllinnesota.: That under provision's of Chapter 76 of the Lews of J,!1nnesota for 1941 the sum of :;:,1,000.00 be and the seme hereby is set aside out of the ~evenue Fund cf the County as a Contingent Fund for defrayine the necessar" expenses of the Sheriff in investigating and preparing criminal cases, and pa,ying neoessary e;,pen"ses. of tile Sheriff inourred in the business of the County, and the County Auditor I' ' -473 -1· 'i I i I 11 i 474 \©IDMNf!lSSt@NiEiRS, ll©O~J1 M. ©rt'1'EtR· ·tAJL. ·COUfN1TY, !MIDN"N. ,:!i):A;~ ________ ;<lJLY ___ ~9._! ____ ~?~~-=-,------------------------------------193 __ ~_~_. UITY' 'BDGK'AND is instructed to make the necessar.v entries on the records of his office. Adopted July 10, 1944., Yalmer Karvonen, Chairman. 'i Attest: ~lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The· foll1:>\ViI1B resoiutio?i was adopted: Resolved by the "!'loa.rd of County Ccrnmission"!rS of Otter Tail County, J•Unnesota: Whereas, this Board has heretofore contracted with r:-eo._T. Rya,n Compan.\' for 100 GraderBlad,es, ' and 1/herens, same have been delivered ;to and accepted by this ""loar~. - NoiY, therefore·, be it resolved that the County Audi tor and Chairm!n of the Board_ ~e and they I hereby are authorized and directed to issue to.said cont~actor a warra~t on, ,he R~~·d_and Briuge Fund of the C ountJ• in the sum of ;$644.00, the amount aue according to the E~gineer ,s cer,if1cat~. Adopted this 10th da,y of July, 1944. '\.almer tarvonen, C,hairmen. ,, Attest: l'lillia.rn Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motiqn th:e Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. July 11, 1944. TUESDAY'S SESSION, Pursuant to aqjour:nment the Board met at 10 o'cl0cl: A .• M. Tuesday, July 11, 1944, all members being present. The petl tion of 1far0ld 111. Keller to be set over from Dist. 197 to Dist. 222 was ta.ken up for i final action. After listening to the statements of the County Supe7intend-ent of Sch?ols &:1d examin~tion o·r the petition, upon m0t_ion the petition was r;ranteci [\.nd theBoard issued the followin13_~raer, to-11.'l.t: Whereas, The petition of lferold M, I'."ellP.r, a le-gal voter, freeholder fllld resioent of , School District No. 197 in t:i.is r.ount,1•, representing that he ii:! the owner of the l1mds hereinafter . ·•described, which are si tl1ate Ln said School District, ano a.djoin School District No.222 and s.sk,i.ng thnt he with his said lands may be set off from said district No. 197 to said adj,oinine, school district No. 222 was presented to the Board of: County Commissioners of this County at a session of said b-oa.rd held on the . 9th da,\T of. March A.D. 1944for the action of sa.id boo.rd thereon; and whereas it was thereup0n ordered by / saio board that a hear.ing should he had en said p-etition, at a s-ession of sai<i boerd on the 11th da,v cf :-July A,D. 1944 e.t the Commissioners "loom in the court 'louse in the City o-r Fergus Falls in said Count .r; ·!end where!ls it was further orci ereci in and by said ora er th o,t notic•e o:: the t irne and place cf such heo.ring 'be given b,\' posting co.oi"!B of so.id orcier in three pnblic place1:1 in er.ch of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailine to the clerl-: of eeci1 of sa.id Sch0ol Districts, a copy of said . order at least ten de.\'B b-efore tne time a.opointed for such hearing; a.nd whereas at 'the said session of the ,, : seid Board of county ':ommissioners on said 11th clox of ,Tuly .!\..D. 1944 due proof of the posting and j:servicP. of said order of hearing e.s therein directed and re,:p1iri~r, rnore than ten days prior to said la.st :named date, having been ma.de and filed, said petition was pnblicly rl'e.d and consid.ered by the Board, With ·ever,1•thing which was said b,v se.i-d in':erestea parties ·for or nF;ainst prantinr,: the pra,ver of the ·petitioner, and se.id ~cArd being of opinio,n the.t said peti.tion shonld bP. r,rnnted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that thP. sa.id petitioner o.nd the following describer' lands owned by him, to-wit: NE;. of Section 15 . !Township 1:32 r-:,mge 44 be and the same ere herebr set off from sa.id School District No. 197 to said ad~oining, School tJistrict Uo. 222 a!!d se.id lands rue hereby made a p,:;rt o: sa.id last named School District for all purposes whatever. i By order of the Bc&rd of County Commissioners. Dated the llt)1 day of July A.D. 1944. Yulmer Karvonen, Chairman of the Board of (Auditorls Seal) County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minn. ; ttest; William Lincoln·, County Aitdltor, and ex-officio Cler}: of Board. The petition of G-ertrude Seim to set over Lot 4 of Section 32 Township of Deed La.l:e fro1ii Dist, 70 to Dist. 241 was taken up for firu:,.l r.ctlon. After listening to statements of the County Superintendent 1 f Schools end the School BGard of Dist. 170, upon mot ion the petition was rejected. The petition of Archie Hipple to set over the N½ of rri of Section 7 in Township of Bluffton from Dist. 198 to Dist. 175 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition he had e.t the ·:ession of the Boa:rd to be held October 11, Hl44 at 10 o'cloc}: A, M. in the Commissioners Ro-om in the 'ourt Pouse in Fergus Falls, and tht1.t due notice of the time and place be given e,s requireo by law. The petition o;f Helmer Gaustad to set over the Ur.:} NE¾-in Section l Township of_Folden from ist. 234 to Dist. 212 was read and it w.as erdered that ai.;tiearing on 1:1a.id petition be had at the session: f the ~oard to be held Octob-er 11, 1944 l.'lt 10 o'clock A. M. in the CommissionP.rs :loom in the r1ourt :louse n Fergus T<'e.J.ls, onn thPt clne notiu" o-'.' +J\p time and !:)leoe be f'iVel". as re,ruireci by law. 'rh" pt>tition o" "-eline S:;lte to set over Lots l and· 4, and E}-of NE?· Ln s,-,ction 16 Township of Tordenskjold from Dist. 95 to Dist. 162 was -rea.d and it we.s orderec1. that !l hearing on said petition be had at the session of. the l,oard · to be held October 11., 1944 at 10 o'clock A. 1,r. in the CommissionersRoom in the court rrouse in l"ergus T<'alls, and that due not ice of the time and. place be given_ a.s re,:,uired blT law. The p!>ti tion of ~ornelius Sweere to set over t. he Ni o:f: SE~, }TE~ of SW-¼ e.nd SY.-of Sl'lf of Secti0n 22 in the Township of Butler :'.'romDist. 165 to Dist. 228 was read and it was ordP.red that a ;,he·aring on said petition be had at the session of the '3oard to be held October 11, 1944 at 10 o'cloclt A.I,!. ' 'in the Commissioners ?.oom in the Court House in -Pergus Falls, and that due notice of the time and place be given e.s required by le.w. The petition of lfenr.1• T,ubitz askinf! that the st NEJ, of Section 34 and s~ mvt S''!; and N½ S~/-?, SW¼ !Of Section 35 all in T0wnship 13R Range 38 in Becke_r Cou!lt,v be set over from School District 53 in Becker . :C011nty to Dist. 22·5 of Otter 'rail County was read and it wa.s ord-ered that .a hearinc1: on said oeti tion be ihed at the session of the "9oa.rd to be helci October 11, 1944 at 10 o'clock A. M. in°the Commissioners ':\OOm in the Court nouse in 7ergus 7ells, and thet due not ice o,'. ':he time and placP. be given as reouired -0y law. _ _ !1 The apnlica.tLon o~ T,eonard D, ?ogard "or c:i.p.arette license at Amor Store in the Township of Amor for six-months pP.rio,d-commencing ,'uly 1, 1944 was granted • . , Roge-r L. De L1 11:ppei,red be-fore tJ-,e Boarq in behalf o"'.' George ,•r. Heinrich, T:'r.esident of the 1'll''ergus 3rewe·ries, Tnc., and _presenteo petition for settlement o ~ delinquent taxes·against Lots A a.YJ.d B \in Block land Lots l, 2 an<i 3 in Block 6 of White's Addition to the City of Fergus.Falls. Mr, Dell , explained at l•ength ccnd it ions con:!:ront ing the com ti any in the operation of the brewery anci the Board ;,to-ok the matter u,nder advisement until later in the d8,I', '. i The foliow ing brills were allow-ed: ? . C. Henkes Boarding prisoners •Louise St ondahl cash advanced 9. ~-Glorvigen driv~rs liuense exp. , ·ce0. F. Jchns·on expens·e 'I: salary, i: We•ed Inspector Wiolet F., J-i:olm"!_•ui,st clerical Y1ork ·,Ida Noy,es eleric-111 work . 'Ella Stortdahl clP.ric-al work 21.00 51.00 33.10 64.63 7.50 7.50 66.00 J. C.Henkes Louise Stondahl H. W. Glorvigen Medora Dra.xten Marcella Faunce Bernice Jesme Elnora Smith Elizabeth Sundby exp. post expenses attending meeting office box rent clerical work clerical Y1ork clerical 1•:ork clerical wo tk clerical worl~ 97.52 4.oo 1.50 7.50 57.75 63.75 7.50 7.50 I I I • I ' ' i ; 'I CO~MISSJONE!RS iRECORJI) M, OfTER· 'FAJ;L CO:UiNrTY, MINN. DA:TE .................. ,').tl,Y. ... 11.~ ... l 944 ............................... 19.'114 •. rr,.a.ANN, 8DDK"AND IN'TING co.,.rn. a.aue. MINN •• Whitehead "rinting Cc. printing 37.50 Burroughs Add. Mche. r.o. supplies 4.AO General Supply Co. supplies 1.29 :,!iller-Dr,vis Co. supplies 28.96 United Chemical Co., Inc: " 5.15 west Utter Toil Service 6.99 ~'argo Typewriter Co. repairs 1.50 Dr-Gee. C. Jacobs Dep. coroner's fees 22.80 A. Glcrvi0en cash advanced 13.7e \'I. L. 0o tt er ex pens es 28. 40 s. -:. Hall expenses 70.50 'D. M: Wheeler cash advanced 11. oo Victor Lnndeen •• co. supµlies 7.75 r,r inn. Highway De pt. supplies B; oo ·Martin Sheet Metal Shop " 9.45 ;,enninf. ~ardware supplies 19.32 Larson Eros. repairs 67. 65 C larnece J:nntscn repriirs 5.92 Saul Hc':or Co. repairs 3.04 ;;, . Saunders •c Son re[)airs 1. 25 "Berno:rr l'!ecll repai!"s 6.10 ~-,'. Schmidt rep!:!ire 17.40 Bill's Service Station reoairs 6.00 Fe.rflO !"onndry ~o. rep,'li:rs 41.85 Fort1\'enf-lP.!" ":lee. Shop repairs 1. 25 ~aymond '3ros. idotor 'i'ro.nsp. Co. freip.nt 3.89 c:. D. Sage go.rc.e:e rental 5.00 s.vver Iverson r,a.rage rental 5 .oo i'lilcox T,umber Co. turpentine 6. 25 l<'red A-Everts conl 20. 49 · .. i'/iller •• Teisb!!rg Co. paint 2. 70 N'!/.13ell Tel. Co. lone distance co.lls 11.80 Vill. of uenning electric service 6.10 C. ;,renge gravel 11. 20 :ludclph i'.limek gravel ll.30 ;rohn N.vmoen •c Oscar Monson " 22. 33 Elmer 1'horstenson slope easement 5 .00 Herman neulieb :fill 9.50 Fergus Service Station gasoline 17.02 Fergus Oil Co. gasoline 139.10 3ill Uelson's Oil co. gas & oil 65.23 And E>rson ~. Sand berg Oil co. Diesel fuel 46. 50 standard Oil Co. Ag 1mt grease 2 .·04 Borchert-Tnflersoll, Inc. parts 15.43 !iorth1~estern Sheet 3: Iron ·•1or1~s supplies 176.60 ~/!!!. r.r. Ziegll'!r Cc •• Inc. supplies 504.11 G. Olson repairs 2.75 PHtsburf.!h ?lete Glass Ge. pa.int 2.44 N.l'l."aell mell'!phone 1;0. services 7.65 Consu:ner 1;0-op. Oil Co. gasoline 75.98 .8ill'sService Station easolirye 44.80 :"if.hwa.v Co. r,a.soline. P.tc. 16.15 '!"ergus ,'our.nal Co. publishing, etc. Secm•i ty ~lank Joo}: •.: 0rtg. Co. supplies Oswald ~ubl. Co. supplies Victor Lundeen !: Co. supplies Hintgen-I:arst Sl.l.pplies 0. J. Fossen supplies Clarence R. Aune hall.ling garbage Glen Lake Sanatorium care of patients .4.. Glo rv igen expenses Clarence J. kood expenses l,!erc:i,e.nts Hotel lodging !,lrs. Lillian Fl::.ta.u meals .Eugene Diet zgen Co. supplies rnoff~Peterscn Rdwe. co. supplies The Pierce Co. supplies N'atl. Bushing •'I: Parts Co. parts 'I: supplies Rintgen-Yarst ~lee. Cc. repairs Lake P.egi.on Mo<:orco. repairs Westlund uotor Co. repairs Sinclair Station repairs wergus Ji'oundry Co. repairs Conklin Sav:Shop repo.irs Olsen Auto Elec. Co. repairs ~bersviller's Impl:ement Co. W.F.Smith Tire 'I: Battery Co. tire repair ::ifh1·:al' Co. rent 1/illare or New Yorl: !:ii.Us E;araf!.e r'!ntal John Dieseth Cc. equipment rental Tesch Lumber Co. lumbP.r Edward Franklin lath Paper. Co.lmenson 'I: Co. cutting edp.es Pelican "'elenhcne Co. services Henry 13otzet· ttravel Urs. T. B. Duhn gravel ?.e.ngvold Christopherson r.:ravel Martin I:rP.bS 'gravelling Jicho.rd T. Kelly slope easement Motor Inn Garage repairs :'I: gasoline Len Syverson' s Oil ,::o. gasoline Service Oil Co. easoline H • K. Stahl Co. oil Field s: Hagge Oil Uo. Diesel fuel Geo. :;; . n,11 an co. parts Security Blank Boot I Pr&B· Co. supplies gJhorman W. P.osholt Co. su-pplies Service Recoroer co. repairs EU: ?.iver Cone. Pren. cc. culverts Minnesota f;!otor Cc. tubes Oal: Valley TW!J• rofili work Penrose Oil Co. p,asoline Bengtson Oil Co. gasoline Hills Oil co. oil '!'he Oil Store DiesP.l -fuel 57.66 T-'rr:,.nk C. 'D.arnes Municipal ,1udee' s fees exp. attending mP.eting Do. J.Tenr.v G. F.o ~• exp. attending m,;,etine 5 .00 Ya.lmer i"e.rvonen Geo. E. Gundersen Do. 5.20 '9ert Stone Gee. r. '9arnard Stat,17. Co. register 74.37 Fritz-cross ec. sup,1lies '..iiller-Davis :::c. elr->ctio:n s11pplies 570.00 :iiller-Dov.is Co. supplies The •.rubbs Co. supplies il.50 i?oucher nrtg. •c LFho. Co. supplies '9eall °<:McGowanco. supplies if,/!, 1.40 ,,. C. "enneyCo. sup9lies Ceo. '3ergem "'os t 489 :,iernor i al Do.',' services,. 25 .oo Heimerl ?est 146 r.Iernorinl Day Services Geo. 1ergern ...,o st 489 Do. 1944 25 .00 ·11omen' s Relief Corps 60 Do. Fere:ns Floral co. planting grounds 90.00 1,lonroe Came. Mche. Go. maintenance r,{ason ~ubl. Co. supplements 84.00 A!!!erica.YJ. Law '3ool, Co. annotations .:r. ·,:1. "-ell ~el. Co. lonr, distancP. cr,lls 13.90 n.r/.'3ell Telephone Co. long distancP. calls Ii.vman "uel co. cool 11.75 Town o~ Leaf. Mounts.in quar9.ntine ex9ense .... \'I'll. ~ahls De_r,. Sher.i·';f.' s ferns 11.54 Dr. "lrtL O. Mc:Lane Dep. coroner's ·fees .Joseph :fo.l'nP.r Dep. Sl1eriff's fees 9.02 ""· ?. ""inze Dep. Sheri~f•s fees Tne ±"cllo'".'i!lf. resc-lntit•n wa8' aclo!')tea.:· Resc-lved l,~• ti'!e.,,.;u?·tl c.f-'Ccu!Jt,i· Cc•~m~s3io11er8 .. o.f. Otter 'L'Eiil .county, That there be levied upon the· taxab·le property of Otter 'fail county following amounts for the several funds: · f.\)ad and Br~dge Fund Revenue Fund· · • $08. ooo· ·. · Welfare Furicl s·anatorium,-F1.a1d 22,280 . . . poor. Fund. and the orie-rnill tax requireci"°'by ·laiv• .fer. !!C:hQol purpos:es. · · Adc,pted JulJ' 11, 1944. ' 'Att-est:: l'lilliam•L•incoln. . . . ··Cie,r~ •. ' · ;,unnesota: for the year 1944 $140.000.00 · 120·. 066: 00 ,· 50.,000.00 168.57 2.09 1.68 44.00 .97 1.00 8.00 142.29 90.10 4.80 15,.00 i?.65 1.20 4.39 .95 82.63 .98 7. 25 8.15 1.69 12.35 1.00 b.45 14. 73 43.20 10.00 90.00 410.00 21.35 22.00 6.20 3.19 · 6.00 8.70 4.50 48.25 10.00 46.38 17.39 150.00 35. 20 330.61 8.27 9.98 G0.29 4.21 67.70 6.50 194.40 70.44 31.24 2.75 16,45 6.70 10.10' 60.43 26.83 30.84 2.50 8.50 13.50 26.00 12.00 13.95 14.00 10. 35 21. 90 the .; 'or·• · -Th·~--applica.t ion of Tmmanuel Lutheran Church of Parkers Prairie ·for cancellation of taxes -~or 1 1943 against Lot 5 Block 3 in the OriBinal "'lat of said village "':as read .a,nd the Bos.rd recommended tc the 1• Com-nissi_oner of Ta.-v:ation that the assessed valuation o·f $364 and tax of $39.uS with penalty of 79 7 be ce.il.uelled. . . , · The Board again considereci the pet1t1on of t11e Fergus Breweries, Inc:., for settlement of del in,:i uent taxes, and after further dis cuss ion upon :no ticn the application was rejected. . , · Upon mo.tion _the B~"~. then adjourned to July 19, 1944 at 2 o'clock ~c;'l;"-. , .. , l'lia . ~ . . . · '· Attest: tvJ,~<vvv-.--~~ ,., · Cnai.rman. ~ Clerk."'\ 475 476 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... ?n.l.Y: ... l~ ...... l~.H., ........................ 193.H., :.IH!1JTES OF ADJOU~NED i.!::3TING 0~ 'i'HE BOA?.D OF COUiiTY co:,!!!TSS TON~~s OF OT'i'f.!': TAit COUJ:lTY. :Pursuant to ad~ournment the 13oa.rd met at 2 o'clock n M. Wednesday. ,1ul.\' 19, 1044. All members v1ere or esent. The application of nanl '3ure;ess for classification of the NE': !M-'-and HW' NW.+ of Section B in the Township of '3lnf·fton for the year 1943 at home8tead ro.te was read and the Board recommended to the Gomrnissioncr o·f Taxation thr-,t said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced ·from :::-.393 to ~236. and the tax from ;;;25.93 to fH.58. The '.JUest ion of reconsideration of the apt1licat ion of ?erg us Breweries, Inc. for settlement of delin:i_uent taxes was taken up and a motion made to reconsider this appl ic.:ation. As there was no second to the motion, no action was taken. Upon motion the Board then adjourne,1 to August 8, 1944. at 10 o'c.:loc.:l: A. !:i. ~-/(~ Attest: ill, [IJ.! DCl!Dl'AN'l COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. D_CO_,,.IIJ'.L.a.GUD,.Ml-.-tlltt DATE ......................... -"nl•• .. ,.7 ...... ,.!M4 ..................... 19&-td .. :.m:1.m•:s OF !.:EETI!fr, r.-:> ·rp~ i::ri;n•ry '30A~D n~ E~'JALIZA'l'IOP 0~ OT?!:::-: TAIL IJOU!lTY, l.ITH!!P.SOTA FOR T3E YEAR 1944. Pursuant to Statute, the Boarci c,f .::ount~, co:nr!lissioners met in the Commissioners' !~oom at the ~ou:f't House in Fergus Falls at 10 o'cloch. A. J,i., Monday, July 17, 1(144. Present: Commissioners Ye.liner r:arvonen, Geo. 3. Gunderson, Henr~• G. Hof~, Bert Stone and C:arl A. Snov1berg, and County Audi tor ;•1illi81!1 Lincoln. Having to.ken the oath of offioe, the Board tooi: µp the exa.minat ion of the books and re!lorts as returned by the voricus assessors. !.ir. A. C. Sullerud of the State De ·,artment of Taxation appeared before the 3oard and prP.s,.nten figures relative to assessment o'!' real estate in Otter Tail and adjoi!'linB counties for recent years e.nci discussed '!Ii.th the ~oard matters pP.rtaini.ng to equalization bf the Connty Co:nmis':lioners. ':'hP Board then resumed examination o•r the assessors' returns a'1d ad,jonrned from ti11e to time. 7he To·:m '3oard o,n Leo:" J,nke aopeared to 01scuss with the commissioners the e<Jualization of thet tCl"mship and od;oininp to0,:ns. !iel•1.vn ':10°:msend appeared to rerruest a reduction in assessment for structnres assessed apainst ~ct 7. SPCtio!'I 1 i.n the Township o~ Star i,oke. After full consideratlon the "oerd reduced that asseflsment to -~400. On ·,-,ecinesclay. upon the follov:ine: ohan!_!PS structures thereon: ,1ul;i1 19, havine-completed their examination o~ the books, the 13oard agreed in the true and fu.11 Vf1111e o ~ nnplat tea reol "state only, inoluci i ng Aastad Aurdal -:>,lu":fton Dore Eap.le La}:e Eli 1.nbeth FerfnR '!i'alls Fold '?n Girard Hobart Inman Leaf Leke Les.'f ;.;ountain newton Iiidaros l/cn·:esian Grvve Oc.~: ·,; o.lle:,r or,·1ell Pin?. r.a~:e ]ush Lal:e Saint OloZ Str.r Lake '!'or,ie11sk.~cld :;>rondn:em ~·,es+P.rn raiser raised raised raised rs. L SP.d raised raiseci raised raised raised raised raised raised raised raised raised raised raised ruised raised n,lsec: 5~ 10~~ 2ot, 10:. 5«;' 5-? 5"'. 20--: 5~ 10;'., 15~~ 15·;: iO"~ lot; 10~:, 10;-:. 16% -,;1 ::,,.; 1e1,; lOf, 105:, ro.i sec 5<" ruisP.d 10..., raised 10, except Otter •ra.il Power Co. reduced 10':l~ ?he "qor,.rd apreed U'.)O'l ti1P '"ollo·'linr, chnnp-es in thP P.ssessPti val.HP of all olasses of bP.i!lf' Ttems A to 1:. inolus ive: . ,nu~ ~ton ·-allaf" o".: >!ln~'"t·~n Buse 3ut l,;r Canel or CO'llpton Corliss Dead T,ek e DeP.r Creek Villape of veer CrPek Dora Dunn Eagle T,eke Eastern Ef:" ineton F.lmo Erhards i,ro,~ e Gorman Henni11f Leaf Lnke Uaple,:ood Newton Village of Hew York ~ills I!ido.ros norweeian Gro,·e Ook Volley Oscar Villa.PP o• otter ~ail Paddock PerkP.rs 'Prairie o:" nerk,,rs ,rairi.P '!illapP. PP.lie an Perhom Pine J,eJ:e Saint 01,.;.f. raised rai RP.a raised raised raised raised raised raised raised TO i sed re.is ed raisP.d raiseo raised raiseti raised raised raised raised raised raised raised raised raised raised raised raised raised nlisP.d raised ro.isP/i raised 15'4 5"' 5;~ ",:"/ 205. 20~o l"C' 0,.:., 1 -~· o,~ 20~/. 20~'. 5;' 10;". 10;: 15;. 20;'. 30;: 10;; 10;'. lOj'.i lOja lO;o 40;;, 10~.; 10;0 205'. 101• 15~, 30% 15~ 15"'., 5~ 20;o reduced 10% reduced 5~, reduoed 20% '"Sce:nbler d d lO"',•, Star Lake re uce 5•" raised 25~ n • • reduced o Villaf'P OI 'l1n.1ne: reduced 10~ woooside ~The qoard ro.iseil all assessr:ients o·!' oo.ttle excepting pnr'e breds in the Township of Sco.'!lblerJ~'.. :_,,jo ch.~anae was '!lo.de in thP assessment of pu.re breds23l'POA1 mot/ilJ:':ll_,t!'::,._'3~~rd then ad~ourned. II ,9. 12 cUAM.t., l tl,,""""• • .____.._ -::hai rman. AH@!!~: ·no.·._ . ft, ~ ~'\ I 477 URITY.m:AMC·aaoK·AND PRINTING C0.:0'■T. G.OUD,'NltOrl.-;.Hltt. MINTTTES OF ADJOURN~D MP:ETING OF 130ARD OF COT'NTY' COMl·,:TSfl T OW"RS OF OTTER TAIL (~OPTMTY. MIHW~S"TA. Pursu.ant to ad,!ourm:ient the Board met a,t 1? o'clock A. Tu!. Tuesday, Au.a,1tst .~• 1944. Present: Commissioners I:arvonen, Gunderson, '·Taff', stone ena ~now~er~-th ., of tl 000 with Hartford Accident The bond of Margaret Scheer, Depnt,\' Pr~bate ,,lerk. in _ P. 0 nm :;, , and Tndemnitr co. of Hartford, Co-nnectiout, e.s surety, was ap,pro~ed • .,_,.,_. ·,-. ,_·o-_ _ _ Res id-en ts of the To,mship Of' ife11:ton presented to the Boo.ro a ~e ca ion fo7 c.1ean.n.., and. repairing County Ditch No. 38, and explaineo to the nol).rd at_l!'!ngth th7 need 0.1. _silch_r·e_pair_s. Upon_motion commissioners Karvonen, Stone and Gundersen, and Hig11way Engu1eer A. Glorv:igen, were appointed a committee to examine said ditch and report to the Bear~• . .,, ,, __ • . 9 . The applicati_on of Elize:beth Featherston fl?_r. reo~wt\?n o ... _ ass~ss.ment ... or" che ,Year 194-.-against part of Sub :i;,ot 17 in Sec, 2 Township 132 Ra~g e 4;, !n tne <,itr of Fe:_ gus Fa;~s '." ~s rea~ !, nd_ upon d t ·on 0 -• -'-h "it" Board of "'eview tile Boara recommena.ed to che Com,nissiuner o. _axat:i.on that recommen a i . -'-c -e " ~ -· • "'BO d -'-} t .. -"rom -"·14 05 to •·-9 37 the ass-essed value of said tract be red ucel'i from .:;;120 ~o .,;. ,, an c ie a,.,: . •;;··"' · . -;;, _-• 1. The applic.ation of J,L r,. sonaergaard for reduction o, assessme·~t .1.0: 194u against the North 24::, ft. of Lot 2 in Block 4 of the Uriginal~Plat of the Villape of Nev, York Mills_wo.s read and the_Board recommentied. to the commissioner of Taxati~n that. the a~s•essed v:alne of s·eid _,_property be renuced from ~820 to $560 ancl the tax from $102.79 to $71-80 including S•pec1al assessmencs. The following rP.solution was adopted: . .,_ . Resolved by the Board of County Cornmissioners o-f Otter Tai?, __ Councy, J~1nnesota:... ,,_ .,• Thr.at under the provisions of Chapter 163, Genere.l tav:s of ~I1nnesota .1.or 1941, ch~ .1.ollow.1.ng named person be and she is c•ert if ied for either medi co.1· or s,u7gical c·are at Glen L~}:e San~to n•Ul'I the. co st of said treatment to be paid -l'or en-uall.\T by the state of Minnesota and Otter Tail Counc.'l, as p:roviGed by ,_ said chapter: Irenia !'ecierson, BB.ttle LB.ke, Minn. ,. Adopted August 8, 19•1-'le. Yalmer Y.:o.rvo,nen, Chairman. Attest: William T,i.ncoln, Clerk. . . _. • _ .., . ,, ,, _ +. A report of the Boe.rd of Audit, o:f exe.m,ination o·c the nccount~ of ~. r~. 1,ee, i.;oun.)i Tree.surer, for the period from ~lay 1, 1944 to June 30, 1944 showing a balance :n the County Treasury at the close ,, of business on said lost mentioned ciate of $780,099.55, wa.s approvea, Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'cl_oct A. M.August 9, 19411,. WEDlf!l:SDAY' S S3SS 1011. Pursuant to ad,;ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. H. August 9, l.944, all, mem,bers being present; The following resolution was adopted: Res-elution by the Board of County Commissioners Otter Tail County, Minnesota. \lhereas, all expenditures on StateAid F!oads in Otter 'l'a.il County for the year 1943 were limited I to maintenance expenditures, · Now·, therefore, be it resolveo, that M. J. Hoffmann, State Highwa.1• Commissioner, be req-uested to transfer all the 1mexpend•eri bale.nee of the 1943 State Aid construction .::u:nd to the 1944 Ste.t.e Aid construction fund. Adopted this 8th day of August, 1944 .• Attest: \'/illiam Lincoln_, Clerk. Yr,lmer Karvonen, Chair:nan. Upon mot ion the county Audi tor wo.s instnwted to advertise fer bids for -one V-ty pe snow plow to be mounted on F.W.D. Model M-6 truck, said bids to be opened at the meeting o.f the Board to b·e 1; held at 2 o'clock -P. M. September 7, 1944. · A petition signed by resia-ents of the Towm1hip of Corl.iss stating thet part of the road along the north side of said township was impassable, end askine; thot the county 'place the same in condition for travel ,va.s read. end upon :notio-n the matte:r w.a.s referred to Commissioner I:a:rvonen to take it up with the To1•mship Board of r:orl iss. 'file followinp. resolution we,s adopter.: P.esclved by the Board 9f Conn,lt,v Commissioners of Otter Ta.il Connty, Minnesota: _ The.t -'-he sum of !1!700.00 be and hereb,\T is a::,propriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to be d.iv id ed er,uall,\' between the 1?erham Ae:rt cul turnl society. P.nd Ott er Te.il Co-un ty Fa.i. r Association for Count:,;;iairs for the year 1944. Adopted Aue:ust 9, 1944. · Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Yalmer garvcnen, C hairman. The followinR bills were alloweci: J.C. !'!enkes -boarding prisoners 34.0Q J.r:. }.Tenkes Loui.s•e Stondehl ex·penses 7. 35 E. ,, • Rovang -i:i. W. Glorvigen drivers license exp. 33.55 T,ouise Stondohl P. A, And-erso,n posta,ze 4A.05 u. M. Ree Japs-Olson Co. refister 94.60 3ones 'I: Eroeger Co. "cue-her Printing 'I: r:ount.\T School •, ofrice Lithorraphing '.}o. record 'I: blanks 7R. 89 Whi. tehead Printing Co. Miller-Davis Co. blanks 36.59 'i'erf!US ,1ourn('.1 Co. Frankel Carbon •c Ribbon Co. sup-plies 36. 78 T,ien Hardware Fritz-Cross Co. supplies 2.18 Art Printcraft Fergua Class 'I: Paint Co. LOO Victor I,undeen 'I: co. West Otter Tail Service light bulbs 11.05 Fergus Service Station J. '.'. Johnson repairs 27. 94 Conkllln Saw Shop Johnson Service co. repairs 13.88 11.1'1.Bell 'J.'el. Co. Nl'I.Bell-Tell. Co. long distance calls 12.60 Burel-bach Post ol Amerioan Legion, Dal ton Memorial -Reuben Bjorklund Day services 11.00 H. l'i. Clorvigen Paul J. St end er Canvassing Board 6 .10 Bert Stone c·eo. B. Gund.erson Do. 7.60 William Lincoln.- G.e0. F. Johnson, exp.&,s·alary We,ed Inspector 129.02 3ernice J,esme E11-e. Stond·ahl, clerical work 31 ,50 Willi om Bahls Dr, c·. J. tuna c·oroner's fees 10.25 Dr.Geo. c. ,iacobs A, Gl0rvig,m c·ash advanced 7.36 A, Clorvigen !I W. T,. netter e;:·penses 57.40 George Wicker Town of Maine road work 300. 00 Di>-nd T,a.ke ';',•:p. Free Press Co. an·p~liP.s 1.65 O'!,ieara' s Lien Pardware Co. aup'!i)lies ~7.37 Farnhem Stationer?•~ Miller-De.vis Co. sup!)iies 1. 50 School Supply Co. expenses expenses postage post ape blanlcs Su•p·::,ly Co. balnks blank.s publishing, etc. supplies supplies supplies grease repairs long ·distance calls Memorial Dar serv ic•es public a&dre~s rental Canvassing Board Canvassing Boe.rd Do, clerical work Dep,Sheriff's Dep.corcner's ex.penses expenses road •i'/ork supplies supplies fees fees 36.56 35.10 47.00 21.64 1.37 58.75 213 .00 129. 70 12.88 (i.50 3.20 .65 1.00 14.20 22.50 6.00 6.10 10.70 6.10 25.50 14.38 56.85 77 .15 11.35 500.00 160.48 6.33 : I I ,I I ! .I CAill'.i"·MISS"'ONnl.''Ds ;m~co:e•o·· "M' o··'T.''T.'EiB ·TA'lit CQ1iljl\'1TY 'll'.,T,1\:Til\il'. V!I.YJ.1 • :_ • .I: -· · , ·:£,ft n~ : · n,: _. · : · i i -•· .I.\: Ji ~ :I.~ ·· ' ·. · ,\;:}·1,: · · iYJ'.W1,~.1:,:. -' ---' DA:TE .......................... .'.ngust ... c:l ~ ••• 1944 .. 193t1'., .. ..mr..~AND.J!IUPfflNG,m-.aT •. CLCIUA.;MINN.-IIUI Bernard Wedll supplies 1. 25 Em!>ire Supply C:o. supplies l\linnea9olis Iron Store-supplies 66.96 Liahler S: Straus Co. parts Dakota '?ractor ~ P.quipment Co. parts 121.38 Thorman\'/. Roshc,lt C:o. parts i'/,n, H, Ziegler Co .. Inc. parts, etc. 443.16 ?. naunders & Son. repairs · Bauck Chevrillet C:o. repairs 6.05 Boe .!c Wilshusen rei_lairs r,ake ~egion iiiotor Co. re9airs l!J.77 Larson Bros. repo.irs !.;l~. :.Ictor Cc. repairs 6.25 Hanson r.arage repairs Battle Lal~e Produce Co. repairs 3,61 F!ed Arro,·: Garage repairs i.{artin Sheet !,fP.tal Shop repairs 1.00 Sl:ogmo i.lotors, Inc. repairs Fer:ms ?oundry Cc. reJ>e.irs 7.50 W."F'.Srnith Tire 'I: Battery Co. tire repa.ir 1>renk 'lnnter fZ ravel 64.95 .\nton r.. nee gravel J,ou ise \1iilde era\· el · 80. 01 'fill. '!'elic a.n ~a!)io 3 water ?elice.n Tel<iphone r:o. services 2.130 iLW.Bell Telerhone co. long distanc:e calls ,._../.'lell Telei>hone r.o. lonl! distance c~J.ls 15.75 Vill. of Henning electric service iup.hvn,,\T co. rent 10.00 ::-1. n. Sap,e eara,e rental s,vver Iverson pe.raf.e rental 5.00 John Dieseth Co. eouipme·nt rent11l :'/inther's LumbP.r Yard lumber 3.00 "erBUS Class Jc Paint Cc. paint i7heeler Lumber Bridge ~, Supply Co. I>aint, etc.137. 09 Hintgen-!':nrs t Elec. •~u. mot or "ioneer Him, Wheel Co. rim 12.70 ?epublic Creosoting Co. creosote "a.per. Cslmenson i:: Co. steel 56.•H Len Syverson's gasoline Avis 3owmen p.e.soline 2G.68 Standard Oil co. ;\gent gasoline "erf.US Service Station easoline 14.61 Bill iielson's Oil Co. gasoline Consumers Co-op. Oil Co. Inc. " 58.45 ?ergus Oil Co. ge.scline Service 0iL Co. ~esollne 75.00 Bendickson Service station gasoline Field i:, Raf-ge Oil Ge. Diesel fuel 241.20 And.,rson •• Sandberg <'il Co,Dli!esel fuel n:r. !.. C. Combacl~er exominetion 3.00 Dr. Penr.v Silver ez-s.mination C:len J,eke Sanatorium care of 1Jotients 104.04 To~in of Hewton Clire of poor,1942 City of Fer7us Fells cnre of roor,½1944 4761.65 Town of i:!e·•;ton cnre of poor,1943 (:it.,' Poor Dept. care o-~ trs.nsients 8.98 '3ert Stone exp.uttend.,neeting Geo. 3. Gunderson PX[l,attending meeting 5.20 Henr.v C. :-Jeff Do, 23.22 11.64 255.36 4.55 2,25 62.90 4,92 2.00 ?.5. 8(. 57.67 352. 3] 2. 7! 3.4( 1.0( 5 .oi 578. 7( 1.2' 19.90 66.08, 37.30 36. 25· 31.05 12.45 25.75 50.66' 3.00 137.09 573.52 10.lC !f.,./,mer i~arvonen Do. 6. 70 Geo. ",. Cund er son Board of Equalization 5.0( 10. 6( 10.5(, 91.9l 17. 5( 87. l~ 'Bert Stone Board of Equalization 13.70 He:nry.'C. Eoff Do. Yalmer :rarvonen De:. 14.20 J. C.Eenkes postage Frank c. Barnes l:!unicipal Judge's fees 23.85 ;;.merico.n Legion Post 263 Memorial Day services Bill ifnlson Oil C:o. tires 50.00 Lake Region !,iotor Co. reps.irs :;, c. '3eslte gravel 135.57 Ancierson !c Sa.nd.berg Oil co. gasoline Upon motion the Board then adjourned to September 7, 1g44 at 10 c'clock A. M. 93.5: ~{~~ '---J Chairman. 479 ,, l l I ,. f ;@@1NfnMclS$i©N,EI$', RJE©Oltli)1 M.,. ,©rftti ·tJ\!JL, '@01\JJN,1'\\ M1DNtNL. · !ii>~\CJ!) .......................... Angu s.t ... :1.1-.~ ... ;L!l.4.4 ................. 19314 .•. . 9BICU111'1"1',~IC 'AND PRINTING ~1: • a.au ;l!J N.-,"".:-ttlll• lj i_ l,,!IlJU'!'ES CF SPJ:"!CIAL ME~TIIJG OP BOA~D OF COUN'l': CO!:!!.II.SSIOHF.RS C~. OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MI!H:1:-!SOTA, II '! Pursuant to call sif!ned by a majority of tJ1e ;lourd theConnt;v ,Jommissi-0ners met at the ! Commissioners' Room in the Court l'iouse at 10 o'clock A, 11!, Monde,y August 1~ •• 1944, al.l members being present except Commissioner tarvcne·J;l, to consider the application of Fergus Breweries, Inc., for , s~ttlement of delin~uent taxes on their propert,v in the Pity of Fergus Falls. The attent.ion of the 'Icard was called "to the fact that fer the year 1936 in !l,Sses-sing real !I estate in q_uestion the City Assessor's off.ice erroneously valued the attached-machinery at 4070 of the true and full value instead of 33 1/3% and that automatically this errone•ous valuatio-n was carried to ' the 1937 assessment upo.n which the Connt,1, obta.ined Distr.ict Court judgment. Messrs. Dell and Rosengren •1_:11estioned the validity of the jud.gment a.ncl asked that t_he t\oard reconsidP.T their ac:tion in refusing to a.pprove the settlement of these oelinnuent taxes as askeci fer b,\' the Fergus Breweries a.t the meeting 1 1 held July 11, 1944. , . i· I '.i i Ii I: 'I II ' ,. After full c•cnsideration of the matter no e.ct,ion was taken rel1ltive to reconsideration of the fo r:ner appllc oticn, but the Commissioners agreed to reccrrnmend t c. the Com1t1is.sione r of Ta.."<at ion that the assessed value of said pro 9erty for the year 1D4t, which ~s now before the Comrnissic-r]e:r fo:r his action, be reduced in ucc0rdance with the~:rec-omrnendation of the <;ity Assessor and the Financ~ Committee of the City Council of Fergus Falls. ·· Attest: !Jpon motion the Board then adjourTJed without qate. (uJ~P _J -~vv-- b o(Jf _n ,~~ O=>~ Vice Chairman. . ,. I ,. I I I ! ,, --IIOllllAND..2IUHl'ING.CID.oJll'o,a.DUD..MINN,-lll,I DA!FE .......................... SP,ot,'!nbP.r ... 7., ... 194'! ........... 193i4,.. :.m!UTP.::l OE' ADJOU!UIP.D 1.-IBE'rI!iG OF 30A?.D 0:E' GOUIITY COML;ISSIONE?.S OF OTTER TAIL COUJ:!TY. ;,mrnESOTA, nursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o' cloc}: A. I.I. '.i.'hursda.1•, September 7, 1944, Present: Commissioners Karvonen, Gunderson, Hoff, Stone and Snowberg. Members of the Town "!loard of the Township of Elizabeth appeared before the Board to urge the cencellation of On and Off so.le beer 1 i censes issue/I to !". E. Ash at Ash's Camp in said township on the ground that he had violated the ·provisons under which licenses were issued to him by selling beer on Sunday. Upon motion the licenses were revoked. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,y the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, iHnnesota: That On and Off sa.le beer licenses e-ranted to 1i'. ll:. Ash at Ash's Camp in the Townshi•p of Eliza.beth under date of April 1, 1944, be and the some hereby are revoked. Adopted Sept ember 7, 1 !J4-1. Yalrner ;:arvonen, Ghai rman. Attest: \'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: iiesolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tall county, Minnesota: That under the provisions of Chapter 376.33 Minnesota Stututes l!J41, the following named person be and she hereb;Y' is certified for the purpose of medical or surgical care at C-l1m r. ake Sanatorium, the cost of said treatment to be paid by the State of i.iinnesota and Otter 'i.'ail county, as provided by said chapter: !ll rs. John Klassen, residing at Battle Lake. Ad•opted Se,9tem:Oer 7, l!J44, Yalmer Ke.r_vonen, Chairman, Attest: W~lliam Lincoln, Clerk, The following resolution was adopted: · Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas, · this Board has heretofore contracted with Geo. T. Rya.TJ Co_. for grader blades, and i'/hereas, same htwe been delivered to and accepted by said County, .Now, thereforP., be it resolved that the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and .they hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said contractor a warrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of .the county in the sum of t~S24. 32, amount due according to said contract. Adopted this 7th d!l,\' of SeptembP.r, l!J44, Yalmer l~arvonen, Chairman. Attest: William·tincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: ?.esolvP.d by the Board of Count_y Com,~issioners of Otter Tail County, i!.innesota: That tile sum of i,:\275.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Connty Revenue F und of said Count,'{ -for otter l'ail c ounty exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair for l!J44 and the county Auditor and Chairman of the Board. are directeci to issue a warrant for said amount in favor of Clarence c. ·Mielke, the same beine in lieu of e.ppropriation for the same purpose made January 4, 1944. Adopted Sept. 7, 1()44. Yalmer I~arvonen, Chairman. Attest: \'/illi'.lm Lincoln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved b,1• the Sao.rd of r:ounty Commil'lsioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: Whereas public o-ffi ces th•roughout the State and nation are neerly all closed on Saturday afternoons, I,Jow, therefore, be it resolved thet from e.nd after this date the otter Tail county Court House be closed at noon e~ch Saturday. Adopted September 7, l!J•14. Yalmer J:arvonen, ChairlJlan. Attest: i'/illi8r.! Lincoln, Clerk. Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to call for \:!ids for 300 tons more or less of l¼ inch commander Stoker Coal, oil treated, said bids to be opened a.t ti1e session of the Board to be held at ,2 o'clock 1'. M. October 10, 1944. Upon motion the Boa.rd then took a. recess to 2 o'clock P. M., when bids for snow plow and wing, as advertised for by the Board, ·t11ere opened and read, and action on same was laid over until later in the session .. Upon motion the Bpardthen adjourned tc 10 o'clock A. !,I. September 8, l!J44, FRIDAY Is SESf:IOU. Pursuant to adjourn'l!ent the Board met at 10 o'clock A. :,!. September 8, 1944, all members beirlf, o-,-esent. • Upon motion the Board acce!)ted the bid of Geo. T. Ryan r.o. for Wausau Snow Plow mounted on 1onnty F.W.D. Truck, for S704. The fol lo··!i ng bills were allowed: cash advanced drivers license clerical work clerical work records 1.50 exp. 35.80 18.00 33.00 264.61 8 .• 10 J. ~. ~enl:es ex pens es H. \'/. Glorvigen postage Bernice ,lesme clerical work E. ,, • ~ovang clerical work Art Printcraft printing F rit z-Cross Co. . records Y/hitehead t'rinting Co. blanks Uiller-Dav is Co. blanks Johnson Drugs supplies International Chemical Co. " N.w.sash "c Door Co. repairs Farmers •• Merchants State '3ank insurance Diebold, Tnc. maintenance Battle Lake nost, Am. Legion :,Iernor i al Day Services, 1 g 43 Ray Loomer Otis Caughey Frank C. Barnes Dr. Geo. C. Jacobs A. Glorv igen Lyle Tollerson S. :!=:. I-Tall Saunders Co. Alla.Tl Christie 1~.B.Lyons 'c Bro., Fritz-Cross Co, '' " l!J44 witness fees constable fees !,i'unicipal Judge's Dep.coroner's fees cash advanced expenses e:<penses supplies· supplies supplies supplies 80.10 n H. eee .:;o.oo 1,. ·,,,. Glorvigen 9.00 Ella Stondahl 3,00 Valborg Tungseth 4. 50 Jones "c I~roeger Co. !J6,!J7 R. ~-Friend "c Co. 10,00 Security Blank Book "c 33,59 Jaos-Olson Co. 8.5!J ~o~nty School "c Office 37.50 TTintgen-Yarst 2. 50 I,owry, Stang •• Slson 243. 23 C. T.. "ln.nt, A13ent 12.50 The Pierce Co. N.~.Bell Telephone Co. 12.00 U .:•1 ,Hell '.;.'elephone Co. 14,50 Vernon :,filler 6.40 6.14 H.F. Hinze .iohn i~ukowske, Jr. Dr. C. J. Lund Davis Clinic A, Glorvigen S. :::. Hall paper :!?rtg. Co. blanks blanks Supply co. supnlies supplies bond 3. 93 :,- • 70 '!· 47 .64 ll.32 5.00 insurance 2!J6.38 carbon paper 3. 66 long distance calls 8.00 long distance calls 17.45 w"itness fees 6.40 Dep.Sheriff's fees 7.20 !,Iu-nic:i.pal Jud.ge's fees 11.10:: cor-oner' s fees 10,65 !· examinations 6,00 expenses !Jl.45 expenses 5!J.40 fees 24.10 10.45 14,53 23,10 63.25 2.19 5.38 115 .ll: 21.63 Co, cuJ.verts 6.90 Elk Ri~er Cone. Prods. Wilcox Lumber Co. Burroughs Add. Mche. Co. Japs-Olson r:o. roofing tar, etc. 52.20 supplies 1,67 supplies 4,35 The Pierce Co. sup:plies 21.35 4'8:1. :■IIICUII AND RINT1 CO;,, , CLIIUD,"MINN.-N1491 ': Miller-Davis Go. supplies ·•Mrs. \'Im. Eunkowski room "< board :; Pelic·an Telephone Co. services Ola.f EckleY. "ra'Vel I\ilrs. Lngeborg Thorson .-.°Fed,eral Land 3.34 11.55 2.90 7.60 B&nk, St. Paul gravel 293.05 'F!. I.I. J<mes gravel 433.25 Village of Battle Lake water 2.25 ~. D. sage rental 5 .00 Tesch Lumber Co. lath 18. 70 Dahms Photo Print C o. maps 28 .00 Bill ivelson Clil Co. tubes 13. 90 Dakota Tractor .11,, R'!_uipment Co. parts 34.60 ' Minnea:polis Tron Store parts 14.52 Cliff Miller Machinery Go. p;a.rts 13. 80 Henry Holmgren · repairs 2. 50 G. ~. Flom repairs 7.15 J".ela 1'ros. repa.i,rs 3 .• 39 r,.. "!. J".auppi repairs 11.65 W."'.Smith T'ir,e 'c Battery Co. repairs 7.65 .Em,pi:reSupply Co. N.i.Bell Tel. Co. Sophia ])o.vid•son Peder & Hal~or Henriksen Henry H. L6llglie Mrs. ·Fred Poss H. M. JO:tJ,eS supplies long distance gravel gravel gr av-el gra'Vel gravelling rent Trans. co. freight lum.ber Highway Co. Re.ymonciBros. uotor L~npert Lumber Co. Farwell, ·Ozma,n, [irk Mahler & .:ltraus Fargo Foundry co. & co. paint Geo. T. R.)ran Co. Farmers Society o·t Equity Ole J. \'Tidness fleven-0 Service Je•nsen' s A;i.1to· l'lrecking Minn. Motor Co. parts parts parts z:epairs repairs repairs calls 84.07 I. 16.10 220.00 41.70 233.94 195.90 243.25 10.00 19.74 1.44 50.50 l.70 25. 56 67.68 4,24 4.80 10.00 1.65 26.04 ·, ,, 10.85 nlson Auto ~leo. Co. repairs 8.20 11 .Ben J-:ilde Motor Co.· rep-airs 2.25 Sl:ogrno Motors, Inc. :P-ergus Foundry Co. Larson Bros. Park Region Co-op; Oi~ Penrose Oil Co. Co . re,pa irs re,pairs re,pairs repairs repairs Co. gasoline ga,soline gaso],ine gasoline, etc .• !3.00 25.00 38.75 ~rotor Inn Garage repa.irs -. gasoline 48 .45 :,!ills Oil Co. gasoline 2.24 Avis i301>.•man gasoltne 17.54 FergusService Station ga,soline 36 .26 The Oil Store Diesel fuel 28.83 Bill Nelson Oil Co. oil 45. 2·2 w. T,. ;:>otter e:q>enses 38.00 i'lm. Tf. Ziegler Co., Inc. parts •,. \3Upplies 267.70 A-W C o., Inc., of !ilinn. parts lA. 30 Service ~ecorder Co. · repo.irs 4.21 Hanson Gara.ee repairs 25. 98 Uolcomb !,i:mufacturing Go. greas·e 10.35 Fergus Ml Co. gasoline 12.40 ·penrose Oil Co. ga.s·cline 65.10 Bert Stone exp.attending meeting 17.60 HenryG.Hoi'f Do. 5.60 Ziegler 'I: Johnson on Co. Highway Co. Soco:r;iy-Ve.cuum Oil Co. Oa;k Valley 'l.'wp. Victor Lundeen .'I: Co. C',eo. T. ?_yan Co •. N.W.SheP.t 'I: Tron works T,o.ke Region !,Iotor Co. "elica..'1 'l.'ele·phone Co.· Field 'c Hagge Oil Co .. Mills Oil Co. J. c. Benkes Yalmer Karvonen Geo. B. Gunderson grease roa,d w.crk supplies parts parts renr.irs sei'Vices Diesel fuel gasoline boarding prisoners exp. attending meeting Do. 97 • 90 i: I 4. 77 , ' 33.45 I; 7 .58 , 1 , ,, Carl A. Snow'p-erg Boa.rd of Equalization-9.00 Helen Bohn taking testj,monu, · 105.60 · , 6.35, A2.89 ': 112,06 :, I 5 .55 . 3.90 ·, 242.86, I 5.07 , I 72.00 ', : 8. 95 i · 6.40 , i 11.60 ,, 'I The following resolution was ad,opted: Resolved by the Board cf county Commissioners of Otter That Assistant Highway Engineer William P. Mo,hr be and prepare specifications for ciea.ning parts of County Ditch Ho. 38 Adopted September 8, 194•L Attest: Will.iam Lincoln, Clerl~. Tai 1 County, Minnesc ta: he hereby is appointed Engineer to in the Tovmship of N ewton. Yo.lmer r-:arvonen. Chairman. The application of William i~. "ohtil],a. for s.ettlement of cielinquent taxes for 1940, 1941 and 1942 age.inst the SB{ rmt and NE~ SE;,· of Sec. 24 in Town of Otto was reac1 a.no after consideration upon motion the Boaril recol!lmendeil to the Commissioner of Ta.xation that the"amount be settled for the sum o.a tl92, being a reduction of $72.01 from the full amo,unt cf taxes, penalty, interest and costs •. , . Upon mot ion the And it or Wt1.s instruct•ecl to call for bids for cleaning part of Conn tr Ditch Mo. in the Townshi.p of Hewton according tc plans prepared by Assistant High,:~, Engineer William P. lvlohr, bids to b-e opened at the session of the Board to be held OctobP.r 10, 1944 at 2:30 o'clo,ck P. 1,1. upon motio·n the Board hhen ajourned to October 10, 1944 a.t 10 o'clock A. M. A ttest=.J~~ . Clerk. MH!UTES OF SPECIAL MgE'l'ING OF COUN'J_'Y COMl,IISSIOiIBRS OF OTTER TAIL COUl/TY HELD SEPTEMBER 11, 1944. d -~··1ra· _-. . . . ••' . . . .. ~ --. . . .., C'l:airman •. ~t special meeting of the Board of Coimty Commissioners was held September 11th, 1944. Pre~ent: Commissioners Gunderson, Hoff, Stone ami snowberg. The Board approved the end•orsement by the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co. on the bond of !1{arga.ret F,. Sch7er e.s Cler}: of Probate Court of Otter T~i.1.1 com1ty, ii; the sum of ~1,000. Upon mot 1.0,n the Board then e.djo.urneci. & B ~ • A :l ~:~ ~c,re ch-ai~i;~~-~c.-/ .· - Att~st::~W~-;,:::. , __ :_·: . Clerk. ,· ' I 1. 'I ,, ... C©MIMISSlONrEiRS ItEOORD M. OTTER TADL, COUNTY, MINN. :DA:TE· ............................... nc tobe r ... 10., ... 19 44 ........ 193 ...... . !{IIHJT.ES OF AD:'OURllE:C i.rEETifiG O.? BOARD OF COUNTY COi,Il.!TSSIOHE?.S OF OTTER TAIL COUilTY, !JH"HESOTA. Pursuant to nd:,ournrnent the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, October 10, 1944. Present: Commissioners Y.arvonen, G1mderson, Hoff, Stone and Snowberg. The ~pplicat ion of. ?.e.r Welter fa: class iflcaticn of the SE¼ sec:. 11 in Township of Homestead for the year 19<:3 at homesteaa rate v1a;s reau and the Board recommenced to the Com.•ii'iesioner cf Taxation that said tract be includeci with hie other property which Y1ae assessed at homestead rate and that the assessed valuation ?f s~id tract be.:ed~ced from ~84~ ~o $649, and the tax from $66.51 t~ $50.05. The applica.t1on of Thea Wintr..er for c:lassific:ation of Lots 15 16 17 and 18 in Block 16 of n,owman '\:Du!'lton' s Add .it ion to Battle Lake be classified at homestead rate' far' the vear 1943 ~,as read and the 'loard recornmend:d to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of se.id' property be reduced fro11 :~763 to $460 and the tax fr9m :~79. 04 to M 7. 4 7. urge the improvement by T,iilr..e and Stu.art Lake. !le!Ilbere of the Town Boards of Girard, rfidaros and Tlenning a·ppeared tc the Count.v of road bet1•teen Vining and Cll thera.J. l and running between -:ast Battle After thorough discussion of the matter the Gommiseioners agreed to e:rnmine said Town Boards at Vining Village October 17, 194~, at 2 o' clocl: P. !L road and to meet with the. Upon motion theBoard then took a recess to 2 o'c:lock P. M: A plat of A, L. ~each's. Lakeshore in the .To~mshlp of Dora acc:ompo.nleci bl a certificate of titli'e executed bf P. A. Anderson, Register of Deecis, was a·p·proved. A report cf the Board of Audit of examination of the accounts of P. M. P.ee, County Treasurer, for the period from July, 1 to Sei1tember 30, 1944 inclusive, showing a balance in the County Treasury at the close ou business on said last-mentioned date cf $i490,824.45, was approved. A petition signed by seven free-holders and residents of Elizabeth Township and stating that the Tcwn Board of said Township has neglected to repair said road ond that the same ls in bad condition , was read. --The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: Whereas, complaint has been made to the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, .iiiinnesote, that the road hereinafter described, to-wit: '9eginnine1 at the intersection of the 40-line running north and south between the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter and the Northeast quarter of the Horthwest f!Uarter of. Section seven (7) in township 1!'14 North of ?.ange 43, West, in Otter Tail · . Connty, ;iinnesota, made by the county aid road !/12 e.s it crosses said 40-line. running thence north on 1,Jsald. 4rJ-line_ to the section line ?et~1een section~ 6. anci 7 in said township, end thence along the_ 40-lii:ie running nortn a.."l.d south between tne Nest half a!la tne East half of the southwest quarter of Section 6 in said tovmship to the half section line running east and l'lest of said section 6, in said township, thence along an irregular route, running Northwesterly through the Southwest quarter of the Northwest :i_uarter of said Section 6 until it connects with the town line running north and south betwee·n Oscar end Elizabeth Towns 'in said Otter Tail County, and thence to and beyond the corner made b~' said township of Elizabeth and Oscar and the To,·mships of Trondhjem and Erhards Grove in said Otter Tail County, is a duly established· and existing town road partlJ7 within the town of Elizabeth and 9artly on the west line of said town. had been neglected by the Town Board of the Township of Elizabeth, rJow, therefore, it is hereby ordered that a hearing on said complaint be had at the Commlssi on- era' Room in the Court U:ouse in Ferp.ns Falls in said County at 2 o'clock P. M.I{ovember 15, 1944, at which time and plece the Board will hear said complaint and all testimony which may be o:f-f'ered relative to said matter. Ado.,.,ted October 10, 1944. , Attest: \'/illi~m Lincoln, Cler}:. -The following resolution was a.dopted: Yalmer I'.arvo nen, Chai rmn. ?.esolved. by the Board of Count.',' Commissioners of Otter Tall County, r.Iinnesota: That the sum of $40.00 per month be and tile se.me hereby ls allowed to Helen Behn for clerical ~1ork in the office of the County Attorney from January 1, 1944, same to be paid at the close of each mo!lth on warrant of the County Auditor from the nevenue Fund of the County. Adopted October 10, 194;4. Yalmer r.:arvonen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk, . Upon motion the Board a9-jcurnecl to October 11, 1944 at 10 o'c:lock A-. M, \VEDI:iESDAY' S SES'HOU. Pursuant to a.d .;ournment the Board mP.t at 10 o' cloclc A. M. f.'ed-nesday. October 11, 1044, all : 1 I members bP.ing present. t ,, The petition of Celine Sylte to set over Lots 1 and and the E½-!iE¼ 0f Sec. 16 in the ,i Townshi·p of Tordenskjold from School Dist. 95 to Dist. 162 was alcen up for final action. After listen- in to the statements of the petitioner. /Jaunt.)' Superintendent of Schools, and r.iembere of the School 'Boards of the two districts, it being the opinion of the Board that further investigation shcu.ld be made before final action was taken, upon motion the petition was laid over to November 15, 1944 at 10 o'clock A. M. The petition of Henry Lublt z to be set over from Dist. 53 of T3ecker County to Dist. 225 of Otter Tail County was taken U[l for final action. Upon motion• the t>eti tlon ~,as granted and the Board issued the fcllo•1ing order, to-wit: 'I ;1 Whereas, The petition of Henry Lubitz, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District Ho. 53 of Becker count,1,, re!>resentlng that he is the ovmer of the lands hereinafter described, • 'which are situate in said School District, and a.cl.join School District No. 225 of Otter Tail County, and asking that he ~ri th his Raid lands ma.iT be set off from said District Uo. 53 '9ecker County to said ad~oining school d istrlct :•o. 225 Otter Tail r:ount.v was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of this Countl' at a session of snid bee.rd held on the 11th da,,; of .'nly A.D. 1944 for the action of said I : board thereon; en<i. whereas it was thereupon ordered b,v said board that a hear~ng should be had on sa.ld 'peition, at a session of said board on the 11th day of nctober A.D. 1944 at the Commissioners ~oom in the C curt House in the City·of Ferf!US Palls in sii.id County;.a.nd whe:eas it wue ~nrther_crdered ~n and by said ordf'!.r that notice of the time and plac,., of such hearing be given bf posting copies of said order in three !.)Uolic places in r-iach of the school <i istric:ts to be affected by said petiti•on, and bj" mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least ten de.ya before the time appointed for such hearing; and hwereas at the said sess~on cf_ the s~ld Board. of County ... commi~sloners on 1i' said 11th da.\' of October •A.D. 1944 due proof of the posting ~a. service cf ea.Ld order o ... hearing as therein directed and reouired more than ten ciays prior tc sai.d last no.med date, having been rnad.e and filed said oetltion wa·e oublicl" read and conslde'l?ed by the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against grantinB the prayer of_ the _pet~ tioner,. and sa,id Boa.r('l b7lng o~ . opinlo·n that said netition should be granted, it ls hereby oraereo ana determined, triat the said peti.t1oner. and the follo111in[! describeii lands o\'med by him, to-wit: Si ofNEl Section 34 & St 0fNV/7 ofSWl &: ;. ,, ,, J ; ': 483 484 :Nf of SWl of SWf Section 35 T~wnshi; 138 ::iangP.-38 b~ and the sa:11e a:e hereby-f'set o·~f.,,,f:1"om said School District wo. 53 of BeckP.r countJ• to said adjoining School District 1vc. 225 o. Otter ·1ail County and said · lancls are hereby made a part of said last na,mecl School District for all -purposes 1•1hatever. B:r ord-er of the Board of county Commis_sioners. DntP.d the 11th day of October, A.D. 194~. Yalmer !(arvonen, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail : (Auditor's Seal) County, mnne-sota. 'Attest: William Lincoln county Aud.i tor and ex-officio Clerk -of Board. · The.petition ~f Archie Hipole'to be set over from Dist-198 to Dist. 175 was taken up for final action. Upon motion the petiti~n was granted and the· Board issued the followi~g order, to-wit: Whereas, The petition of Arcnie Hipple, a legal voter, freeh~lder and res~d~I;t o:f_Scho?l District No. 198 in this Count~-. repre.senting that he is the o,:'ner_of tne lands herei~a.Lter oescribed, which are situate in said School District and adjoin School D~strict No• 175 and e.sJang thet he With i,his said le.nds may be-set oft' from said distriut No._198 to se.id adj?in~ng s~hoo~_distric; No. 175 was ,presented to the Board of County Commissioners of th:1s County at a session O.L sa1:0 board neld on the 11th day of July A.D., 1944 for ~he action of said_ board_ t?ereo-n; and wh7reas} t '.ms the:eui,1on order~d by said board that a hearing snould be had on said pet1t1on, at a session o. said boaro O·!]-tne lltn day of icctober A.D., 1944 at the commissioners Room in thP. court House in the City o-r Fergns Falls in said l,r,ountv; and wherl;!as it was f.urth'!r ord-ered · in and by said ord-er thot notice of the time and place of 'such hearing be given b,v posting copies 01: said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected b,V said petition, and bJr mailing to the clerk o-f each of said School Districts, a copy of said orcler at least ten da.1rs before the'time ap-pointed for such hearirlf:, · o.nd whe:eas at t:he said , ses"'ion of the said Board of Count;ir co,nmissioners on said 11th da.v of Oot0ber A.D. 1944 oue proof of the !-posting a.nd service o-r. said order o-f hearing as therein direoted·and req~1ired, more than ten days prior . to said l::,.st named date, having been made and filed, said pet-it io·n was publ icl.v read and consia ered by the i3oard. with eYerything which wi.ts said b.v said interested parties for or against granting the pra.ver ot the petition er, and said '301.Jrd being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is h ereb,v ordered : nd determined, that the said petitioner and the following ,desori bed la.nds owned by hil!I., to-•r:it: Nt of N?!- f Section 7 To"•nsh:j_p 135 Range 36 be and the sa.me are hereby set otf from said Scho,ol District No .• 198 to said adjoininp. School District uo. 175 and a.aid lands are here-by made a part of said last ne.."11ed , chool District for ull purposes whatever. By order o-f the ~card of County Commissioners. Dated the 11th da.v of October A.D. l\144. ' (Auditor• s Seal l Attest: Willism T,inooln, Count.v Audito:!' · and ex-ofticio Clerlcot "'card. Yalmer Kervonen, Chairman of the :ioard of c·ount,v Commissioners ot' otter rail Co1.mt.v, Minnesota. The peti~ion ot uelmer Gaustad to be set OYer trom Dist. 234 to r1st. 212 was taken u-p tor :,1ne.1 a,ct1on. TJpon motion thP. n"'tit1on wasp.rented anct tne Board issued the fo1.10,.1ing order, to-wit: \'lhere::,,s, '.i.'hepeti tion ot "elmer C',austad, a legal voter, f.reehoJ:c,er a:nd res 1ae-nt ct School istrict no. 234 in this Count.v, r'!oresem:ing t•n/.l.t ne is tne owner or th•P. lands hereinafter described, ,vnicn are si tunte in said School District, end adjoin School Distri.ct No. ~12 and ast.).ng trwt n•e wnn .is said lands :na.v be s'et oft trom se.ia district 1-/o. 234 to said adjoining sc;:nool 01str1.ct l~o. ~12 was resented to the Board of County Co:nmisstoners ot tn1s county at a session ot sa.1.0 oua~·o ueld on the 11th i· a~• of ,Tuly A,D, 1944 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ·ordered by said · oard that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said boa;rd on the 11th clay of October , ,D. 1944 at the c·ommissioners Room in the Court House in the .;ity 0f ii'ergus F·alls in said County; and 1 •hereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the t .ime and place 0f such hearing be 'iven by posting copies of said order in three public places in ea.oh of the school ci.istricts to be aff~cteci ,:Y said petition, and. by mailing to the clerk of each of s,aid School Distriots, a copy of said order at ·.-east ten days before the time appointed f.or such hearing; and whereas .at th"e said s-ession of the sald :·oard of County Commissi,oners on said 11th day of October A.D. 1944 due proof of the posting and service . f. said order o-r hearing as therein directed ,and required, more than ten deys prior to said lest named I, 'I I ;-ate, having been made and filed, said petition v:as publicly ;read and consid-ered by the Board, with '.·ver.vthing which \Vas said by said interested [)arties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, ,'.nd said 130ard being of opinion that said 9eti tion should be granted, it is here·by ordered and determined, ·hat the said PP.ti tioner ancl thP. following described lands owned by him, tc!>0wit: JfE-$-of NE~ Section l :;ownship 132 Range 38 be and the ssme a.re herebJr set of"'. from said School District No, 234 .to s·aid ';ci.joining School District no. 212 and said lands are hereby maii,e a part of said last na'lled School District ! or all purposes whatever. I I Ii ,, By orcler of the t\oard of County Commissione·rs. Yalmer r:a.rvone-n, Chairma!l of the Board ·I Dated the 11th day of October A.D. 194•L of County Commissioners of O tter Tail -Auditor's Seal) . County, Iiinnesota. ' ttest: William Lincoln, county Aud.i tor, and P.x-officio Clerk o .f Boa.rd. ' The ~etition of r.ornelius Sweere to be set over from Dist. 165 to Dist. 228 wa.s taken up for i,inal action. Upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issuer. the following order, tofwit: ·1 I I , Whereas, The petition o·f Cornelius Sweere, a legal voter, freeholder and resiclfmt of :school District No~ 165 in this County, representing that he is the o,-:ner of the lands hereinafter !described, which are .. sit11ate in said School District, and a,djoin School District No. 228 end asking that !:he with his said. lands may bP. set off: from said district Ho. 165 to sa.id adjoining school district ! iNo • 228 was P resentf!d to the 3oard of County Commissioners of this Oonnty at a session of said. board held en the 11th day of. ,'uly A.D. 1944 for the action of said board. thereon; and whereas it was thereuoon ,ordered by sald board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a seas ion of said board on the ,llt.h day of October A. D. 1944 at the Commissioners P.oom in the Court Rouse in the City of Fergus Falls 'lin said County; and whereas it ,was further ordered in and. ·by said order that notice of the time and ;place of such hearing be given by 9osting co:pies of said order in three oublic places in each of the ,school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School iiDistricts, a copy of said order at ·1east ten ci.ays before the time appointed for such hearing; and ~vh~reus at the said session of the said Board of County Commissioners on said llt:\') day of October A.D. ;1944 due pro0:ll' of the posting and service of said ord,er of hearing as therein directed and required, more '.than ten_days prior to said last named date, having been made and filea, said petition was publicly read and cons1.dered by the Board, with everything which was se.id,.by said interested oarties -for or against !,~ra:1;ting the prayer o:r the petitioner, and said .Board being of opinion tl~t said petition should be granted,· '::,,.t 1s hereby ord,ered and netermined, that the said petltionel' and the following described lands owned by ' '(him, to-wit: Ni of SE¾, Nt of Sr'/¾ and SE-~ of Si'/f-Section 22 'l'ownship 137 Range 37 be and the sarne are pereb:Y s.et off from said School District No, 165 to said adjoining School District 1'10. 228 and said lands are hereb,v made a part of said last named School District for all t>urposes whatever. ;· By order o ~ the 'loard of CountJr Commissioners, Yaimer I~arvone•n, Chairman of the Board I Dated the 11th doy o·f October A,D. 1944. o-r county commissioners of otter Tail •:.,(Auditor's Seal) Co1:1nt,1r, Minnesota. , : William Lincoln, County Auditor, a.nd ex-officio Clerk 0:e Board. C@:MMISSIONEfRS. RECORD M, O'f'FER 'FA])L COUNTY, MfNN. IDAT!iL ..................... O.c.to.b.u: ... U.,. ... 1 9!1.!l •.............. 193 ....... . DLANK.DDOK.AND.P.IIINl'JNCI..CD,,.aT •. CI.GUD.,MJNN.--n1,1 T~e pe.;,i ti~n o! Eciw~n S . .'ohnson asking that. the s,~ s~•t-::; a:10 m-1"-S\'I¼ of Sec .. 11 and ~he NW{-NW¼ of Sec. 14 1n To,.nsh1p 0.L Deaa Lake be set over from Dist. 239 to Dist. 223 y,as read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Foard to be helci at the Commissioners' Room in the Con rt •rouse in Fersus Falls on the 3rd da_v of Jenuarl•, 1 !l45, ana that due notice of the time anci !)lace of said hearine-be given as requireii b,v law. T~e peti~ion of Thoralf !,!. Jle:in1.m askin@ that the i'I½ NV/-'· of Sec. 7 in the Township o·f Friberg be set over from Dist• 187 to Dist. 203 was rend and it was ordered the. t a hearing on said pet it ion be had at thP. session of the "9oard to be held at the Co'!!missioners' Room in the Gonrt •:rouse in fergus Falls on the 3rd da;; of ,lanuar.1•, 1945, O..l'lci that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as re'lu ired by law, . The petition of J:enneth >lunter asking that the W½ H"\'/+ of Section 7 in the Township of :,!aine be set o:ver from Dist. Hl3 to Dist. 24 was read and it. was orderecl t}i.at a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at the Commis,sioners' Room in the c--urt !louse in Fergus Falls on the 3rd day of January, 1945, und that due notice of the time and place of said hearing be given as reouired by law. · The petition of H. F. Thoelke asking that the !fi'/~ and N! S¥i¼ of Sec. 36 Township of Pine Lake be set over from Dist. 178 to Dist. 184 was read and it was ordered that a hearing on said petition be hod at the session of the Board to be held at the Commissioners' Room in ti1e court Ho use in Fergus Falls on the 3rd day of January, 1945, and thi.t due notice of the time and place cf said hee.ring be given as re,1uired by law. · The petition of EethelE. ,Jaeger asking that Lot 2 except 5. 30 acres in Sec ti on 9 '!'own ship of star Lake be set o•.,er from Dist. 244 to Dist. 144 v:as read and it we.a, ordered that a hearing on said petition be had at the session of the Board to be held at the commissioners' Room in the court Hous-e in '"ergns F!!,ll·s on thl'l 3rd daJ• of ,'anuary, 1945, and that dne notice of the time ana place of said hearing be given as rP.q11ired by law. The following resolution was adopted: ?.e·solution designating County Aid Roeds in certain Tov:nships which are to bP. maintained and construe tea by the County with :noni es received :C'rom the Gas Tax Fund . . r..e it resolved, by the Board of County com11iss1oners of Otter Tail Connt,r, Minnesota: That the follor:ine described roads be and they are hereby designated as ::aunty Aiii!~oads, nnmbP.red and ciescr ibeii os follows: · Designation: l'art of '.:.A.~.fo,15, Sverdrup-Everts Township. Length 2.8 miles. Description: Begi,ming at the South-¼ corner of Section 35, T 133 N-n4li'I; thence running ilortheasterly, F.asterly and Southeasterly along the South side of the worthern Pacific ?.ailway and terminating a.t ·the li.:ast t corner of Section 31, Tl33 U-R401'/. · Designation: Part of C.A.R.#21, Maine Tovmship. Length 2.6 Miles. Descr.i!)tion: Beginnine at the Northeust corner of the Sonthee.st ouarter of the Southwest quertP.r (SE·;. s:1-=!-) of Sect ion 15. Tl34N-R41•1: thence running Horth -for 2.25 miles: thence running \'le!ilt for 0.35 miles and thP.re ter-ninating :!!.t the intersection •11ith S .A.R. #12. Designation: l'nrt o-f r:.A.?..724, Tnrnuli 'l'.ownship.-Length 4.5 miles. . Description: 'B"Binning at the southeast corner of Section 35, Tl31N-R42W: thencP. r1:nning ·,north 1.25 miles; thrmce running West 0.25 miles; thence running Horth ?..O miles; thencl!! running East 0.25 miles; thence running North on the line bet\'!een Sections 13 end 14 of said township.·and there terminating at the intersection of C.A.?..i/26. · Designation: Pe.rt of C.A.R.ffe32, Bluffton-Newton Townships. Length 2.8 miles. Description: Beginning e.t the South -t corner of ·section 18, Tl35 n-R36i'I; thence running West ·for a distance c·· 2.8 miles to a point wi1ere T.H. #10 'intersects the line between Sections 15 and 22, Tl35N-?.37W, Desig,nation: Part of C.A.R.#38, Woodside Township. Length 3.5 miles.· Description: ·:aeginnine at ti1e '//est ¼ corner of Section 27, Tl32N-R36W; thence running East , 0.5 miles; thence running North 0.5 mile; thenue running East 2.5 miles and there terminating at the Southeast corner of Section 24, Tl32N-R36W. · Des:i,gnation: "art o_f C.A.?..141. ?.ush Lake-Otto-Otter Tail-Leaf Lake Townships, Length 2.5 miles. Description: Beginning at the Southwest corner cif Sec ti on 7 Tl34-N-?.38i'/; thence running North for a distance of 2.5 miles and there terminating at the \'lest -': corner of Section 31, Tl35 H-R38\'/, Designation: .'Part of C.A.?. • ./147, r.eaf Mountain-Effington Twps.· ~.-:d. ·. a.o ,,,..J.,,,., · Desc,ription: Beginning at the ·-:;outh ¼ corner of Section 11, Tl3li'11\R39i'/; thence running Ee.st • to the South ~ corner of Section 7, Tl31 N-R38W anii there terminating. Designation: ?art of C.A.R.#50, ia:lizabeth-11'riberg Tvrps. J,ength 5.75 miles. Description: 1'1eginnine at the souther.st corner of Section 8, Tl34 ·w-R42W; thence r1mning \'lest 2.0 miles: thence nmnin~ South 2.0 miles; thence rnnning \'lest 1.75 miles and there terminating at the intersection with C.A.?..412. · Designation: ,Part of C.A.R.'?52, ''elicnn-Sca.mbler Twps. J,ength 3.5 miles. Description: ',eginning at the Northwest corner of Section 8, Tl36N-R431'/; thence runnir,g North LO mile: thence r1mning Rast 0.5 miles: thence rnnninB North 2.0 miles and there terminating at the Hortlwrest corner of Section 28, Tl37U-R43\'/. Designation: !'art of C.A.?..-i/58, Pelican Town::1hip. Leneth 2.0 l,iiles. Description: BP.gin?""iing at the Northwest corner of Section 8, Tl36N-R43W; thence rnnning -:ast 2.0 miles 11nd there, terminating at the northeast co:rner of• Section CJ, Tl36N-R43V/. Designation: "art o!' G.A.P..#60, Otto Township. Length 3.5 Miles. Descri~t ion_: Beginning at the West ~ cornP.r of Section 31, Tl3511-?.3AW; thence running East 0.5.miles; thenc!! running north 0.5 mile: thl'!nce rnnning East 2.5 miles nnd tii.ere terminating at tile ioutheest corner of Section 2R, Tl35H-R3Bff. · DeSi!!na.tion: Part of G.A.cl • .f/62, Amor :iiaine. To.-rnshi•ps. r,ength 3.1 :,riles. Descri 'ltion: Beginning at the UortbvP.st corner of SP.ction 5, Tl34 H-R40\'i; thence running S outhwesterly to the Southwest cc rn er of Sect ion 6, Tl34H-R40i'I: thence rimning South on the line for 1.0· mile; thence nmr,ing south and southeo.sterl,v tr>.rough Section 13, Tl34Iv-:MlW and. terminating at the intersection with C.A.R. ,#25 at the southeast .r:iuarter (SE-'!) of Section 13, ~134N-?.41W, Designation: Part ore.A.]. ffoo6, Gorman-Perham Townshi•pa. Le?lftli 3.6 miles. Desicription: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 8, Tl3uN-R39W; thence running r,orth for 2.0 miles: thence running West 0.5 mile; thence running Horth 1.1 miles and there terminoting at T.H.#10 as it crosses the .line behreen Sections 29 and 30, Tl3711-R39W. Designation: Part ofC.A.R.'166, Blowers-Bluffton· Townshi:_ls. Length 2.5 Lliles. Dexcriotion: Beginning at the Southeast corner vf Sectien 32, Tl3uN-R36'1/; thence running West on thP. tovr, · line for 1.5 miles; thence running South for 1.0 mile and there terminating ot the : South} corner of section 6, Tl35ll-R36i'I. · Designation: -Part of c.A.n • .f/,75, Trondh~em-F.rho.rds Grove Twps. Length 4.7 miles. Description: 'Beginning at the Southwest corner o:r..sec~ion 12.:. Tl~5N-R44W;.then~e r~n~iz,ig I. !iorth 0.5mile: thence runninR P.as.t ·4, 2 miles o.nd there term1nat1ng at d1P. intersection with , .H.,¥59. Designation: "'>art o~ r: .A .R .-!/7.6, Aastad To.,mship. Leneth 2.0 I.tiles• Description: Beginning e.t the Ifortheast cornP.r of SP.ction 27, Tl3HT~R43\Y:;· thence running South for a distance of 2.0 miles 1md "!:here terminatiri,e at thP. Southeast corner o:r Section 34, T],31-N R 431'1. ,I 'I ·I 485 I' I :©©MMlssm©~IEiS, iR®©OiRD1 M,. :@f1!'E[R 1AJJ'.L; !CO~JN:TY,. [Mi)NiN. ®:t\'.'f.E, ........................ D.o.tP.».!!J: ... U ...... l.\!.4!4.A ............. 193, ...... . ~IID:URIT.Y,~ DOOK AND PRtN'l'INII ca;. ■T. a.oua~IM1HN.-n1•11 I 'I D esignation: C .A. R .#77, Edne ~own~hip. Length 2 .8 Milles• Descript io-n: Beginning et· the southwest corner of Section 25. T136 N-:140V/; thence running North 2,8 miles 1 ·, ana there terminating o.t a p0int where c. A.P..#10 intersects the line bet1veen Sections 13 a-rxl. 14, T136N- R40W. Designation·: C.A."3..#78. Girard-T-!ennine Townships. Length. 2·.o Mile.a. Description: Beginning at the West ¼ corner of Section 1. Tl33 iv-R39W; thence running East for 2.0 miles and there terminating at the East f· corner of Section 6. T133N-R38W. Designation: C.A.R.#79. 0Elmo-Parkers "rairie Townships. Length_6.1 T,q.les. Description: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Section 23, Tl32N-R37W; thence running• south 0.4 mile; thence running Southwesterly through Sections 22 and 27 along the route of the old trunk highway 1-5 miles to a point o·n the line betv,een Sections 27 and 28. Tl32N-R371'l; thence running South f.or a distance of 4.2 miles and there terminating at the Northeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter. of the Sonthwast quarter (sw,;. S\'1·7 SW¼) of Section 15. T~31H-R37W. Designation: ~.A."R.#80, Dane Prairie-~u:se Townships. Length 4.7 Miles. Description: Beginning at the \'lest :1f corner of Section 7, Tl32IF~42\'I; th1;mce running South for 1. 0 mile; thence running South·easterl,\' along tiie Horth side o ·' the GFeat Northern Re.ilway for O. 5 mile . crossing under said reilwa~, at thnt DO int; thence running Southeasterlr on tLe south side of se.id railway : for 0.85 mile; thence running South on the line between Sections 19 ancl 20 .in Tl32N'-~42i'/ :for a distance 1; of 0.4 mile; thence run Southeasterly for a distance of 1.1 miles to the northeast oorner o.f the . Southwest q_uarter of the Sou thee.st quarter (SW! Sfil¼) o:f Section 29, Tl32-.If-Il42W; thence ru,nning East 0.5 mile; thence running South o. 25 mi"le and there terminating at the Southeast corner of Section 29, Tl32U-R42\'/. ;, Adppted this 11th day of October, 1944. Yalmer Y.arvonen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. , The following bills were allowed: ; J. c. Henkes ·boarding prisoners 141.00 J.C. Henkes expenses ·' Louise stondohl postage 58:76 Mabel Gundersen expenses H. ;a1. caorvigen drivers license exp. 56.60 H. w. Glorvigen post office box rent 146.91 30.90 1.50 P. A. Anderson postage 4o.10 Geo. F. Johnsen exp. & salary . Arlene Skepstad clerical vrorlc 30.00 weed inspector 119.83 i Valborg Tungseth clerical work 66.00 Geo. F-,iohnson uo. 57.61 / Miller-Davis i::o. record •o blenl:s 138.51 ,1a.ps-Olson Co. record 93.35 ;' Jones •o rrroep:er co. record. 75.39 Security Blank Book,'\: Prtg .. Co. record 74.85 .' i'!hitehead prtg. Co. printing 56.00 "l!'ergus Journal Cc. · printing, etc. 377.20 · Notional Bushing •,, t>arts Co. supplies 3.12 St. Paul Bool: l\:Stnty. co. sup,.lies 52.25 Costello :rfg. Co. supplies 11.45 City T.\Tpewriter Service supplies 3.50 Poucher nrtg. '!c Litho. Co. " 88.32 'f.intgen-,·arst Eleo. Cc. supplies 6.35 Victor Lundeen •• Cc. supplies 119.26 A.T.Vo.nDyk tri·n::iing trees.etc. 62.40 Cle.rezace R. Aune haulin:g rubbish 6.00 1v .W .Bell Tel. Cc. long distance calls 20.,tQ i:f .',~ .Bell Tel. co. lonp. distance calls 32."85 Fergus Foundry Co. reflueing boiler 547 .BO Y.noff-Peterson Hdwe, Co. sash cord 2.25 ~/omen's Relief Corps #72 Me:norie.1 Day services 25.00 Veterans of Foreign i'/ars Iviemorial Day services 13.00 r:arl H. Clausen repairing flag 1.50 Lightfoot' s Shop repa.irs, eto. 3. 85 Girard Township q-uaro.ntine expense 46. 7'5 Dr. C. J. Lund Coro!ler's fees 31.15 Dr. J. J. Warner Dep.coroner' s fees 10.75 Dr, "9'. u. Leibold Dep.coroner's fees 10.45 Dr, '.l'heo. Satersmcen Do. 10.25 Rudolph Ellenson marsha1·1 s fees 3.50 Fram: C,Barnes I,lunicipal ,iudg•e's :fees26.35 i i'/m, Bahls De'f).sherif:f's fees 17.47 Oren E.Fosse Dep.Sheri-ff' s fees 5,45 ,toseph ?.a.rner ·no. 4.75 !!. F. "inze Do. 50.14 Dr.a. J. Lnnd examination 3.00 Dr. A.:!. T,e\1iis examinations 27.00 G len Lake Sanatorium care of patients 200.05 Universit.v 'l"ospital carP. cf pauper 47 .. 25 . , A. Glorvigen cash advanced 14.93 .\. Glorvir,en expenses 141.85 1 C',ecrge Wicker expenses 12 .Q5 Lyle Tollerson expenses 9.75 ·s. E. Ha.H expenses 81.00 Corner Cafe ~ Hotel meals '.l: lod.ging 207. 30 1 Fritz-Cross Co. supilil.ies 4.7"9 I•,!inneapolis .Slue Print co. supplies 15.?2 H. A. Rogers co. supplies 2.72 Fred A, Everts supplies 46.74 Ebersviller's sup!ilies 8.45 Battle Lake Hardwr,re Cc. SUJ:)['lies 46.00 Fergus Lumber 'lc Fuel Co. " 41.15 O'lvleara's supplies 159.63 1 Notional Bushing••• Parts Co. parts 'lc'supplies264.85 AuneBrcs. tire !o repairs 88.50 Granrµd Garage repairs: 21.15 Minnesota Motor Go. repairs 47.15 Skogmo Motors, Inc. repairs 4.35 Ad.elsman Go. repairs 19.61 Clarence i:nutson repairs 8.45 \'le.inc J'.elu Gar.age reoairs 2.00 Boe 'l:viilshusen repairs 8.00 Ebersviller Implement co. :i:'epo.irs 42.70 Resset 'I: Westby repairs 28.35 Service Gara.Be re9airs 3.50 FergusFoundryCo. repairs 9.75 Larscn13ros. repEirs 60.05 Wm. Galena repairs 4·. 30· GUl' i'/ill iams re pa .Lrs 7 .15 -i:ra,ncock Cone. Prod. Cc. culverts 126.00 \'/heeler !,umber -gridge .•., Sup. co. culverts 086.36 •; P,orchert-Tngersoll. Inc. bucket 417.26 F.\11 • .Bell 'l.'elephone Co. services 24.55 Pelican Telephone Co. services 3,40 1r.w.Eell Tel. ~o. long distance calls 10,15 State 0f Minn. '-7iehwa_1T Dept. forms. .50 Ra:17mond Bi'os.'-Pl'e.nsp.Co. freight 12.90 !:!artin Y.rebs gravelling 6.00 Lars ii. Stoen i:, Land Highway Co. rent· 10.00 :lank commies ioner E. D. Sage go.rage rent 5.00 Syver Iverson Leitch Constr. Co. equipmei;:tt rental 10.00 Clitherall ('.rain •• Feeci gravel garage rent Co. coal !.a.mpert Lumber Co. lumbP.r 1. 35 Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Farwell-Ozmun-}:irk 'l:Co. paint 4.53 su:pply Co. paint The Marka.l Co. paint· 5.92 G. H, I~auppi welding Anderson 'I: Sandberg Oil Co. Diesel fuel 47.50 The Oil Store Diesel fuel Field 'le Haege Oil Co. Diesel fuel 259.85 Consumer's Oil Cc. gasoline Standard Oii Co . .Agent gasoline 36. 25 Service Oil cc. gasoline ~igl!wa,vco. gasoline .'30.80 Len S,yverscn's gasoline ~endickson Service Station '' 9.27 Fergus ::',ervice Station gasoline :,rotor tn,n Ga.rage gaso:).ine, etc. 44.17 :'lay's Oil co. gas.'!, oil D.A •. Lubricant Co., Inc. oil 'I: grease 604.Hl '.,!ills Oil Co. oil Bill Nelson Oil Co. gas '!c oil 50. 59 \'/heeler Lumber "!\ridge \: Suppl~T Co. culvert ElkRiver Cone. Prod. co. cu.lverts 211.30 Empire Suppl.\' co. suprlies Victor Lundeen",; Co. supplies 39.90 Eugene Dietzgen Co. supplies Charles Bruning Co •• !nc. 290.00 Greo.t Western Laboratories " N.W.Sheet 'I: Iron Works supplies 47.47 Wm. H, Ziegler Co •• rnc. parts?.: supplies Ceo. T. Ryan Co. parts 33-74 'l'horman w. Rosholt co. parts Dakota Tractor 'I: Equip. Cc. parts 1L63 Alvin Hogenson repairs 360.57 10.00 8.82 375.24 , 2.50 63. 70 27.65 150.00 7 ,96 18.31 6. 97 '1 2.75 267.54 'Penry Holmgren repairs 2.50 Leke Region Motor co. repairs ,, BauckChevrolet Cc. repa.irs 21.75 Albin Hauberg repa-~rs 216.00 1.63 16,43 I 317.40 ?8.62 I 5.60 ·, 12 .. 05 5.20 I !i :1 i' Amos Me.rckel cengtson Oil co. Penrose Oil Cc, A:nc r Townsh i p T,ouiseS tondo.h 1 Geo. B, Gunderson Jil:A:11-J!) •••••••.•••••••••••.•••.• .Qr,.t.Q.P..e.r .... U •... lr!.:l1'.': ............. 193: •••••.• grovel 30,?.0 gasoline 20.77 f;D.SOline 96.78 building road 300.00 expPnses 45,90 ~xp.attend.meeting 5.60 -'-'O, 10.10 111Jnson Garaee gasoli_ne Park Resion co-op. Oil cc. " Consume'l.·s Co-op. Oil co.,Inc." Heil!en Bohn taking testimony YalmeT r-:arvonen exp.attend.meeting Henry G. F.ofr Do. 5.32 77.50 50.10 4.50 6.70 7 .34 Bert St.one Upon motion -the Auditor wns instructed to advertise .for bi/ls for three snow plows and e. dump truck owned b.17 the Count;r, said bids to be opened at the session of the Board to be held 1,ovember·15; 1944 at 2 o'clo~k P. U. · Upon mot ion the BO!'.rd then 1Jd.~ou:rned to Iiovember l•t, 1944 nt 10 o'clock ,L M. ! ~.,.5'o/4'i )J-t ... n,-~ l'I I I 488 -IIIICUllffY•aANKIIOOKANDMINT1NCICD.'1·8T. il1):A;'fE ............... · ... Uovembe_r .. 14, .. 1944 .. 193LH. MTNUT~S o·f. ·\DJ"C'URfIT·'.'D JimJ':THiG OF BOArlD. 01" c,,TJNTY '10!,!lFSSTOI-n~s 9F O'l'TER TAIL crmrrY; :,rnnmsoT,.\.. , Pursuant to ad,journment the Board met at 10 o'clo·cJc :-t.M. T\~esday, Ho1;ember 14, 1944. Present: Com- ',missioners Karvonen., Gunderson, Eoff, Stone and Snowbe-rg.. . ' The application of William Herrmann for c109E;1ification of :i;.o:ts 6, 7 and 8 in Section 33 and Lot 4 in -Sec. 34 Town of -Dora fer the y.ear 1943 at homestead rate was re-ad o.nd the_ Board recommended 'to the Commiss- ",ioner of 'l'axation that said land be so class,ified andithe assessed value ~educed from !1?1147 to i!ll688 and the taxes from ~102.47 to ~59.57. · . . The application of Christ Shallock for classification of SW¼ Sl'f¼, SE¼ SW¼ and SW¼ SE¼ of Sec. 27 in the Town of Folden for tlie year 1940 at homestead rate was read and the ·Board. recommended' t·o the Commission: er of Taxation that said land be so c:).as.sifieci. and the assessed value be )'.educed from $318 to :jp],91 and the tax from !j323·.52 to :J;;l2 ,46. · . · · · The applicaticm of John H. Alsbury for classific·ation of"fhe SE¼ NW¼ and Lots _1, 2, 3 and 4 Section : €> Town of uobart for the year 1943 at homestead rate w.as read t>.nd the Board recommended to the Commissioner ;of Taxatio-n that s·aid land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from ~810 to $486 and the tax f1fo'!I $94. 37 to $5-4-. 58. . · . . · The applicr>.tion of Gustav And,erson for classification of NE¼ Sec. 36 Tovm of Aastad for the year 194 · ~- at homestead rate was read and. the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxat.ion that said, land be so -classified and the assessed vo.lue be rennced from 32119 to 81586 and the taxes from ~134.34.to ,97.19. : The application. of Charles \'lick for reduction of assessment against the l'lt N','f¼, NW¼ SW¼ and NE¼ Nl'I¼, •and West 30 acres of. the N\'I¼ NE¼ in Sec. 14, and l'I½-SE¼ ~TE¼ of S-ec. 15 in Township of Newton for the :,ear ,1943 was read and the '3oarcr recommended to the Commis·sioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said property be reduced from :;;570 to $421 and the taxes from ~48 .03 to :;:J35.44 .• -.,. :, The ap!)lication of Nels o.nd Hul.da S~odo.hl for reanction of assessment for· structures against Lot 4 ~ irl Sanda's Beach in the Township of Girard for the year 1943 on the ground that sa"id structures were ,assessed twice for said year was read and the Board recommended -1:q the Commissioner of Taxation that the -additional asses·sment for structures for said year be cancelled and the assessed value reduc·ed ·from $293 to $139 and the taxes from $20.96 to $10.20. . · The Boo.rd having arranged to examine roo.d in the ·Township of Elizabeth then adjourned to 10 o'clock 1 A.M. rrovember 15, 1944. WEDlIBSDAY'S SES.SI ON. Pursuant to adjournment the.Board met a;t 10 o'clock A.I,!, Wednesday, liJovember 15, 1944, all members being present. . Final he·aring on the petition of Ge line Syl te to be -s·et over from Dist. 95 to Dist. 192 which had been laid over from the meeting of October 11, 1944, was again ·taken up and upon motio·n the petition was :,granted and the Board issued the following _order, to-wit: , Whereas, The petition of Geline Sylte, a legal voter, free-hold,er and resid-ent of School District :No. 95 in this county, representing that he is the ovmer of the lands hereinafter &escribed, which are .situate in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 162 and asking tho.it' she with her said lands may be set off from said district No. 95 to so.id adjoining school d.istrict No. 162 was presented to the Board; of County Com.11issioners of this County at a session of so.id board held on the 11th day of July A.D., !. ;'1944 for the action of said bo-ard the1·eon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said beard that s hearin ;;sho11.ld be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 11th day of October A.D., 1944 at the 'Commissioners ~com in the Con rt House in the : Ci t.r of Fergus Fa],ls in said County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time an!l, place of such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in thi'ee public places in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition,, 1and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copl' of said order at least ten days before I :the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at said session Oct. 11, 1944 the boo.rd laid said. matter ' iover to Nov. 15, 1944 at 2 P.M,8,1: which session of the said Board of county commissioners on said 15th day of, Hove-nber A.D., 1944 due proof of the posting nnd service of sai•d order of hes.ring as therein directed and · :required, more than ten days prior to said last named d,ate, .having been made and filed, said petition was 'publicly read and c·onsidered bl' the Board, with everything which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it _is hereby ordered 8!):d determined, that the said petitioner and the following described land.s :owned by her-,. to-,·1it: Lots 1 .'l::· 2 '<: ~ of NE¼ Section 16 Township 132 ~ange 41 be and the same are hereby :·set off from said School District No. -9-5 to said o.d~oining School District No. 162 and·said lands are hereb i ,, ~ad,e a part of said last named School District for all purposes whatever. . '3.V ord-er of the Board of County Commissioners. Dated the. 15th do.,v of }:ovember A.D. 1944. · -Yalmer Karvonen, Chairman of the Board of County 1.(Auditor's Seal) Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !eiinn. 1,Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board. The e.pplication of Agnes 1"reeborn Eriksson for reduction of assessment for 1943 against Lots 9 and iO, ;· :and the \'Ii o:f Lot .8 in 'Block 56 of the Original 1:'lat of the Cit~• of Fergus Falls was presented by Leonard , ,Eriksson, who explained to the Board his reasons for presenting said application. The Board personally -:examined the pl'Operty in question a?J.d affer such examination recommended to the commissioner of Taxa.ticn 'that the assessed vo.lue of said property be reduced from $1450 tc $1216 and the taxes from $156.35 to 1'~138.21 exclusive of special assessments. .[ Upon mctio-n the 'Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock P.M. No bids having be·en received for snow plows and dump-body advertised for. sale by the Board, upon moti,on the matter was laid over for future action. !, Hearing on complaint of freehol&ers of Elizabeth To1mship against the Towr1 Board of said to,vn for ,failure to improve r;oad was taken up pursuant to order ·of the Board made October 11, 1944. The entire Town Board of the Townsh:i.,p was present and several of the petitioners. The matter was thoroughly discussed on •,both sid,es· and :i-t appearing to the Commissioners that the Town Board was willing to make ir:iproveme,nts on the road Y1hen the.v could mal:e arre.np.ements with road contractor to do the work, upon motion the matter was . laid over to the Ji.me meeting in 1945. ·;1 Deputy State '!"ire Ma:i's.ha11 discussed with the· Boo.rd the necessity for removal · and 2 in Block 6 in the original townsi te of Dent, which property has been forfeited lpa,yment of taxes, and pres·ented to the Board a formai order to de·r:iolish the building ·l·premises. Upo-n motion the Board instructed the County Auditor to ·advertise for bids said bids to be received up to December 13, 1944 at 2 o'clock P,li!. at the meeting of The following resolution was ad,opted: of building on Lots 1 to the state for non- and clean up the for said building, the County Board .• ~esolv-ed by the 'lo a.rd of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, !Jinnesota: Whereas,, this i3oard has heretofore contracted with Charley Fenske for ·g,ravelling county Aid .:r.ob. l~O. 44 :04, and I I I I I I I I· IDA:T-E .................... H.9.X.!E~P.!1.!' .. J. 5 .................................. 193-44. -t -• ••ID,Jlll;MK.Jl!ODIIAl!l~.MltfflJtO_C0.,.8T,.a.DUO..MIMl-"141 • Wh:reas, same has been f~lly completed aoc,ording to the.Engineer's oerti.fioate on file with the couna-,\' Auditor., the t~tal cost. qf said r:ork being ~25,882,,51, and i'/hereas, said -::ork has been examined and accepted. by a oommi ttee of this Board Noiv, ther,~fore, be• it r:solved that the county A1tditor and Chairman of the Boa~d be and the,• hereby are o_uthori·zed,... and_ direct;d to issue to said o?ntraotor o.-warrant on the ~ood and Uridge Fund of th; Co.unty in the sum of .;,21~~0.80:. .•he .amou~t due aooordinp: to said, :!'::,gi,neP.r's certificate, · Ad~pt7d .J.7s 15ah •da.1 of !iovember, 1944. . Ynlme•i' r.:arvonen Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. · ' The follo,:•ing resolution 1:•as adopted: ~esolved by the Boord of Qount.v COm:!!iSsioners of Otter Tail county, M'.innesota: Whereas, this Board has heretc·fore oontraotP.d v:i th H. M, 'Jones for gravelling coimt.v Aid Job. r.o. 44 :03", and . . . Vlh7reas, same ~as ·been fnll.1• completed according to the Rngineer' s oe·rt i ficat e on file with the count.1• A.~ditor, ·the.to_~al_oost_ of said 1-r~rk being $27,227.04, ~d 1lhereas, !aid l.o7L_ ~as been 7xam1ned and accepted .b,1• a oommi ttee of this 3oard, : • N01:,:, t~ere.,.or7, be 10 re~olvea that the County Andi tor and Chair:nan of -the Board be and the,i' hereby are au ,honz;a ... and ~irect:d to iss~e to said c~ntraotor. a 1·:arrant on the ~oad and Bridge 'Purid of the C-ou.nt.'{ in the sum 0.L .•. 2,75o.18, che amoun, due according to said.~ngineer's certificate. Adopted this 15th da.y of Hove:nbe r, 1944. Yalmer Karvonen:, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follo1•:ing bills ~!ere allowed: J. C. Henkes boarding prisoners 125,00 .J. c. 'Cfenkes expenses 65.27 Mabel Gttnderson expenses · 43,oO n !,{. :lee postage 138,86 H, \'/. Glorviraen drivers license exp. !l.30 Penning Advocate printing, etc. 6.80 Fergus ,Journal co. printing, etc. 205.62 ,Jones •• Y.:roer,er co. recerd 59,23 Seoari ty !Hank '!?,ook ,'!: P.rtg. co. record, etc. 70.b2 Battle Lake Review tax notice 1.00 raason Publ. (Jo. J)igest .,:, Annotationsl9,00· N,W.Bell Telepnone co. long clist. calls 16.05 Andrew 0, Crina insurance 30.85 Otter Tail Township quarantine exp. 10,00 Camnbell coal co. coal 500.82 Nyman Fuel co. coal 11::5.17 Prank C, Hedlund graduation music 25.00 !.Iiller-Davis Co. blan}~s 83.62 ·Poucher Prtg. ~ Lith, co. blanJ.:s 41.82 Whitehead Printing Co, blanks 46.75 ~intr,en-l~arst supplies, etc. 26.99 i,Iidlond Laboratories supplies 34.50 Syndicate Printing co. supplies 17.90 Johnson Drugs supplies 25·,25 1,liller-Davis Co, election suppliP.s 549,00 Hationol BµShing & Parts co. supplies 4.46 Jape-Olson Co, supplies .58 Service Food Market .supplies 4,75 Security r.:nvelope Co, supplies 23.10 'i.'he Pierce Co, supplies 10.58 '}ounty School & Office Supply Co, supplies 196,62 Victor Lundeen & co. supplies 34.85 N,W,Bell Telephone Co, long d.istance calls 12.30 ··Dr, c. J, Lm1d coroner's fees 30.75 Village Perham juror's fees 12.00 Frank C. Barnes Muncipal Judr;e fees 14,95 Arlene Skepstad olerioa.l work 45,00 Valborg Tnngseth clerical work 43.50 P. A. Anderson postage -28.2·5 Glen Lake Sanatorium care of patient (poor) 97.21 C. o. Estrer.t examinations 6.00 Dr. !'I", Logan Leven services 50.00 A, Glorvigen e:q>enses ~ "., B 100,30 S. E, Hall expenses 34.65 Eric Peterson cash advanced 10.513 Fergus Gla:ss & p·aint co •. glass 3.75 Wilcox Lumber lumber 3,84 ;,,,rs. Bertram Harris gravel haul permit 20,00 Vim. Jacobs gravel 90,77 Charle.I' ?enske gravelling 238.08 Charley Fenske re-sravelling 385,47 E, D, Sage rental 5.00 John Dieseth co. equipment rental 460.00 Henry Kolpin .sawing wood 2.50 Whitlock Welding -~ Radiator Service welding 3.75 Raymond Bros. ?Jotor Transp. Co, freight 2,81 H, E, Y.iger & Son calciur.1 chloride 40.60 Upto~m ~otel S: Cafe-board & room 8.70 Peterson Bros. Hotel meals & lodging 3.15 Merchan,ts Hotel, H,Y.Uills meals~ lodging 8.30 Merchants riotel, Perham lodeing 5.00 Lillian Flatau board 4.90 John Dieseth co. install. culvert 55,00 ~lk :1iver Cone. Products Co. culverts 72.78 Victor J,undeen & co. s·upplies 3.15 :.filler-Davis co. sunplies 9.56 The Ufieblad 'Pub, co. supplies 1.00 Minneapolis '?.lue Prtg. Co. supplies 4,74 Farmers Soci et.v of Eq_ui tJ• su !)plies 2. 43 :.Unneo.polis Tron Store sn rr9l ies 64 ,41 Vergas Flardware co. supplies 2.00 Ifational Bushing '!: Parts Co, supplies '• p,rtsl74,28 Y.:ulseth Suppl.\' co. sn!]plies '• parts 70.04, Thorman i'/. ?.osholt Co, parts 21.16 Dni,:ota 1'rac:tor .~ Equip. co. parts 11.51 :fahler & Straus parts 11.30 Archie \'/r.iting parts 4.50 Hintgen-r-:erst Elec. Co, repairs 3,45 Revering's enrage repairs 17,62 Leidal's Jewelry repairs 2.00 Fred. A, Everts repairs & cor.l 24,82 Olsen Auto ·Electric Co, repairs 58,85 E·bersviller's repairs 12.50 Albert Kynr repairs 4.00 Lake Region Ho tor co. repairs 305,,40 Clarence r:nutson repairs 30.50 Larson Bros. repairs 70. 35 Cor..sumer' s Oil Co. mount tires 4 .00 w. F, Smith Tire & Battery co. tire repair 40,38 Bill Nelson Oil Co, gasoline 67.21 Deer Creek Chevrolet co. easoline 46. 75 Mills Oil co, gasoline 5. 63 Ed Johnson, AgP.nt gasoline 7.51 Ziegler & Johnson Oil co. gasoline 49.05 ~!igh111ay Company gasoline 57,88 Avis Bowman gasoline 52,34 Bendickson Service Station gasoline 28.35 Fergus Service Station gasoline 36,41 Len s,vverson•s gasoHne 9,79 Penrose Oil co. gasoline & diesel fil;il!©l.5E. The Oil Store dies~l fuel 109,01 ii'ield 'c Hagge Oil co. diesel fuel 205.5C Ashworth-Hawkinson & co. heating oil 733,86 Ashworth-Flawtinson ~ co. heating oil 250.5E Ashworth-l'awki:1son 'l: co. heo.ting oil 402.68 A.shworth-Bawkinson -~ co. heating oil 183,97 Ashworth-"tJ:ewkinson .!,: co. heating oil 269,32 Ashworth-11awkinson -'< Ce, heating road oil 395.ll H. K, Stahl co. oil ,'64.80 S,1•ver I•1erson g's.rage rental ·5.0C Martin Sheet :.~etal Works repairs 5.05 Minnesota :rotor co. repairs 140,3f Wm. H. Ziegler co., Inc. parts 'c supplies 340.87 Japs-Olson Co. su·pplies 4. 27 Fritz-Cross (Jo. su!')plies 8.36 R, A, Rogers Co. supplies 1.5~ Empire Supply co. supplies 130. A9 ?own of Inman grading 500. OC Ed¥:ard B. Preston grav.el 33.10 The Dicke,r-Grabler Co, brander 43.07 lLi'/.~.ell T~lephone co. long dist. calls 13,56 'Pelican Telephone Co. services 2,9( N,\'l,Bell Tele'phone co. services 8,90 Seven-0 Service Stetinn gasoline 15,5! Fergus Oil co. gasoline 88.25 Erhards Grove •r111p. road work 300.0CI To~m of Friberg road work 300,00 Blowers Twp. Toad work 300.0C; E111:le take Twp. road work 300,00 Eastern Twp. road work 300.0C '!-:ffington Tv:p. road ,.-:ork 300,00 Inman Twp. road 1vork 300.0C 'Paddock Twp. ro-ad ,.1ork 300.00 "arkers "Pra.iriP. :'wp. .road work 300,0C: Anderson~ Sandberg Oil co. ga.soline 41,26 Len S.~-verson's p.aeoline 25,4il Sverdrup Twp.· read construction 300,00 St. Olaf Tv:p. grading 300.0CI 489 t©.©MMilSSl@NuE[t$; IE©O®J1 M,. 1@4'i1ER '"Jl'AioL, 1©@l\J1Mtt'¥,;· ffl1]Ni1. ' 1: • 1 A,. Glorv!gen ,,Ii.W.Engineering Co. :!H. w. Gl,orvigen · ll 1; 'I " " William Lincoln ; Geo.· B. Chmd,ers•on . Yalmer Karvonen Louise Stond•ahl Upon motion the 11 i; ·:1 .,.Ii .', ,, 'I I :j ,. 1: I' ii ~~·W!li: ......... ····.···Uov embez: .15 ............................... 193·. ~'1;: post ae,e . parts canvassing board :po. no. . exp. attendin'g mt.. ex_penses· Board then adjourned to 174.40 J·ohn ),!ark gravelling 150.00 . Battle Le.ke Produce C9. sup:p11.ies · --6 .10 -pe,111 Stender canvassing bo13-rd •6 .10 Be.rt Stone Do. 7;60 Henry G. Hoff e:;{p. attendiYJB mt· •. 9 .• 70 Be.rt S tune .Do • 86 .15 Ge·o •. 13. C-un.d,ers on l:)o. December. 12., l-944 at 10 o' clo,ck J\. t.1, • -/~ . n .. 14.94 1.87 6.10 10.70 1.00 12.30 7.30 ' ': ,: ! i, '· ! ., I i ' I I i I I! I ', 11 ,, :1 ;1 I' •I ! ·! 'I r J :! ' Ii 11 I I !l 11 11 Ii "· ,. i· I' ' ,, ,, L :· ,. F ,, \' I I ! 1' I I 1: II I ;! .OOMMlSSIONERS !RECORID· M, O'f'fElR 'FAliL COUNTY, MfNN. DA:TE ................. Ile.c.emb.1.u: ... l.P. ....... : ............................. 193 •. 44. . ,. .... • I MltrU'l'ES OF AD,'OUR!!ED i,'E:.':TI !IG OP '801\:RD OF COUNTY CO!':li:iISSIO:IERS OF OT'l'ER TAIL CO!JHTY·, mimESOT'.4-. Pursuo.nt to ad.;:ournment the 'Board met at 10 o'clo'ck A.L!. ';'uesday, December 12, 1944. Present: commissioners Karvonen, Cunderson, '10-ff, Stone and Snowl)erg. _ · The. o:pplicai: ion ?f C~rist Shall·ock for corrP.ction· of assessment on SW} S\'f¼-, SE¼ swt and S\'I¼ SE¼ of Section 27;1.n the To1msh1.p Os Folden was read and a"'ter full considerotion npon motion the ~oard re·commendea to the Com~issioner of Taxation that delin'!nent taxes for the years 1938, 1940," 1941 and 1942 against said premi-ses b~ settled for the sum of $75. 75, bein(i a reduction of !:130.09 from the full amount of delin,iuent taxes, pen_alties, interest and costs. · · ·· T~P. following resolution was adopted: . Re.solved b.\' the .Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, i,!innescta: Th_at the County .Audi tor be and he hereby ·is instructed to notify the publishers· of the several newspapers', published in the County that sealed bids will be receiveci by this Board for doing. the following described .printing: • . 1:, ~he pub}ications of tile ri!inntes of the 'mel;!tings of the 30!>-rd of county Commissioners including regular a~· special sessions, ·and meeting of Board of Eqnalization and 11ihile· considering matters pertaining to ditchea. . . 2_;/T}1e public at ion. of the ,r.nnual statement of receipts and expenditures of the county. The bids to cover the.:1)U:blication of the list set in "nonpareil" or six-point type without ".leading" and the publicatio to be mad~-'··as required by· Section. 295 General Statutes of Minnesota, l:Jl3, as amena.ed, and three complete copies of~_s•aid publication to·be fnrnished to the county. Auditor in time to enable him to meet the require- ment of said section as regard the posting of copies of said statement. 3.-:". The list of real property for the Count,\• of Otter Toil, Minnesota, on which taxes remained del- inquent on .:the first !'![onday in January; 1945. T:P.e'bids ·for this to cover the publicotionof:the·certi.ficates,.heoding, etc., provided for by Section 2Q'98,. General Statutes of !:-!innesota; 1913, ns amend,ed. :3ids to be placed in the hands of the County Audi tor and add.ressed to the Board of Count,v Commiss- ' i'oners, tcibe marked "Bids for Printing" and to be -filer' until Tuesday, ,Tanuar~• 2, 1945 at·2 o'clock P.M. ·rh¢: attention of the biqqers to be called to the provisions of Sections'907, 909, 912, and 913, . Revised L)i,ws of Minnesota for 1905; and acts amendatory thereto. ,\:ci.o.pted December 12,. 19/4,1. · · Yalmer E:ar:vonen, Chairman. Attest: ·\Vi,lliam Lincol11, Clerk_. Th:e;,bond of J. N. Eaagenson, Judi:;e of Probate, in•the smn of $1,000.00 with the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co. as surety, was approved. The.bond of Earve,1• ~/. Glorvigen, Glerk. of District court, in the sum of $1,000.00 with the St. Paul-!.iercury I!'ldemnity co. as surety, v:as a:;,proved. _ . The bond of·;,,rargaret F,. 'Scheer, Clerk of Probate conrt, in the ·sum of :~1,000.00 with the Hartford Accident and Indemni t.v Co: as suret,r, was aop:roved. · · . , o. U. Eabberstad and !--!. E. Swenson, representin€( the Sixth \'lar -qond Drive, appeared hP.fore the , . :Sos.rd ·to \trge the purchase of war bonds out" cf Connt.v fnnd.s. After discussion upon 'llotion the County I Treasurer _was onthorized and directed ·to ~fell to the ?ergus 1"alls National ;,o.nk a.nd 'I'rnst ,;o. and to the 1 "'irst Nat.fonal Bank o-:" Fergus Palls ~31,000.00 each, of bonds !mrchased b,\' the County in 1943, upon (lay- ment of the full value of the bonds anci accrued interest. The following resolution was adopted: Resclvea. by the 3oard of eount,v comm_issioners of Otter ':'ail County, Minnesota: ·That the su:n of .~62,000.00 be and -tile same hereby •is set aside out of the Sundry School District- Funds ·of the Countj7 for tile purchase of u. S. War Bonds known as 7/8 per cent Treasury CertiHcates of Indebtedness, Series H, 1945, said bonds "to be. _purchased from the FerBus Falls National 'Bank&: Trust co. aYJ.d First National Bank of ·Fergus Fol.ls:,. in equal ow.ounts, bonds to be in denominations of $10.,000 or ::;1,00, Ad,opted Dece11ber 12, 1944. · Yalmer Karvonen, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Th·e following res·olut•ion ·was ·adoptea.: ) ~esolved by the Board of county commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: · -That the sum of $62,000 be ·and the same hereby is ·set aside for the purch11-s·e of u. S. -1'/ar Bonds known as 7/8 per cent Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness, Series H, 1945, said_ bonds to be purchased from the Fergus Falls !fational Bank & Trust co. and First ·National Bank of Fergus Fulls, in equal amounts, bonds ·to be in denominations of $10,000 o·r $1,000, said-amounts to be charged to various county Funds as follo•.,s: county Poor Fund: ~42,000.00 · county Revenue Fund i20,ooo.06. Adopted December 12, 1944. Yal.mer Y.arvonen, Chairman. Attest: William Linc'oln, Clerk. The application of Mrs. A. R. B-ergantine for cigarette license at the "Phelps Store in t,he Township of Marne fer the ter"-! of four months begim1inB September l, 1944 w,as granted. i Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. Wednesday, December 13, 1944. WEDU:ES BAY ''S S ESS IOI-i . Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. December 13, 1944, all me:nbers b·eing ·present. The application of c. c. Thorpe for on a.nd off sale beer license at summer resort in Section 2 ·Township of t>erham for the period ending March !31, 1945 was.f,ranted. , . The bid of 1)5.00 from"t\oy Scout 1•roop No. 131 of Dent ~or b~1ildinB on T,ots 1 9:~d. 2 in Block 6 ?f th~ 'V11lae;e of Dent was accepted, said bid being the onlj7 one :rece 1ved 1 n response--to publ1sned call for bids. 4 • The following ·resolution was adopted: Resolved by the 'Board.of ~01mty commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota: ·V!hereas, th"is Board has hereto-fore contracted 1vith Socony-Vacuum Oil co. for road oil, and 'whereas, same has b"een delivered to and accepted by this Board, Non therefore, be it resolved that ti1e County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereby ,· are authorized e.nd directed to issue to said contractor a ,·:arrant on the Road and Bridge Fund of the County.: ,. in the sum.of $4,548.40, the amount due according to said Engineer's certificate.~ Adoptea. this 13th da,r of December, 1944. Yalmer Y.arvonen, Chair:nan. _1_ Attesf: William Lincoln; Clerk.. 1 491 'I I I I j· I I · l©@1Nf1tv.tl.SSJ@N1E~, iRJE©0,11>1 M.. ,OfW.ER ·fAI1L:•QOij1N1TY,. 'MiDNN. ®;,\;W:f}-............ De c e mQ.c,u· ... J.~ ......................................... 193, .. 4.4 IIIIICUR'"'-~NK BDDK'-..n PRINTING co;,~n- The following bills were allowed: J. c. Fenkes bearding prisoners 67.00 Mal:>el Gunderson expenses 40. 15 , LOuise Standahl postage 69.46 l·H. w. Glorvigen "Board of And•it 18.00 ,;Arlen.a Skepstad clerical work 25.50 'N.YT.Sash & Door· co, supplies 6.00 Brlstol's supplies • 1.05 Hintgen-Y.arst su1Jplies &: re1>airs· 69.88 ! Poucher Printing & Lith. co. blanks · 2. 22 '!County School & Office Sup. Co. blanks 39.11 1:.Uller-Davis co. record 78. 25 Fergus 'Journal Co. . pubiishing, etc. 20:)..65 · Goedert Flue Shaver co. fllte shaver 15.00 : United Ghemical co •. , Inc. mops ' i;;.20 i Le.r-son Bros.· welding 1, 25 ·Burroughs Add. Mche. Co. 'tJ•pewriter ribbons 3.30 Frank C. Ba::-nes M:unici pal Jucige feesl2 .,00 ,S. E,. Nelso·:i:t Dep. Sheriff's fees 15.84 i'Ti 11 iam Ba.hls Do. 16. 88 i,A. Glorvigen cash advanced R & B 23.11 is. E. Hali · expenses 13.25 Clifford Ollie cash advanced 5.62 Geo. T. Ryan co. parts . ' 246.96 J. c. Henkes expenses · 41. 92 1'. A, Artii-erson postage 28.94 H. VT." GlorviBen drivers license exp. 6.05 Valborg Tungseth cl·erical work 18.00 . Victor Lundeen & co. suppl"ies 40 .• 65 Uationo.l Bushing &: Parts Co. sup-plies 1.34 J·aps-Olson co·. supplies · 24.76 J,ones & Kro,eger co. blanks 90. 21 Art Print craft . chattel mort. blanks 5.00 Poucher Printing & Lith. Co. blanks 2.12 Fritz-Cro.ss· co: records 199.68 N.i'/,.Bell. Tele•phone Co. 11.ong dist. ca..lls 20:90 F.d Holstrom repairs 4.00 Bliksta.d-I~ild•e Co. coal . ,176.22 state.Dlvision of Prtg. statutes 10.35 ot is C0:ilgbey marshal's fees 12. 60 Dr. I'/. A. lv!iller coroner's fees 14.95 Joseph RB.irner Dep. Sheriff's fees· 6.66 Glen Lake .Sanatorium care of patient (poor)94.07 A, Gillo:?:"vigen expens.es · 62.30 George V!icher· mileage .•, expel"l.se 25.76 Mahler & Straus parts 3.19 Wm. H. Ziegler co., Inc.parts 8c supplies 342 •. 20 · Iviinneapolis Blue Print Co. supplies 36.07 !,M:iller.:.Davis Co. supplies 13.33 H. A. Rogers co. supplies 16.03 Minne.sota Mining & Hfg. co. supplies 27.15 1J. I. Holcomb Mfg. co. supplies 14.15 Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. co. supplies 6.00 ]:a'"rankoviz Hdwe. co.-supplie-s 9.29 Empire Suppl.)' Co. sup-plies 38.84 D. H. Cordes supplies 3.87 'Victor Lundeen & co. supplies 10.65 O'Meara's, I:nc. supplies 18.00 .Axel Soderlund supplies 1.00 Lien HardYrare co. supplies 13.33 : National 3ushing &: Parts Co. supplies 76.98 ; Larson Bros. ' · · r~pa.irs 74.80 E. F. McDtmn swpplie,s 20.fl5 !-Unn. Motor co. repairs 15.15 Minnes,ota Motor co., Inc. repairs 13.00 'Lake Region !Jiotor Co. · repairs 8.40 Saunders Fardware repairs 20.49 Skog:no Motors, Inc: re-pairs 1.00 Ifart in "P.ee;er re-pairs 5. 75 J. H. Schmidt repa~rs 12-,75 Westlund Mo::-ot Co. repa.irs 8.27 A. E. Jolm.son hauling logs 21.20 : Andersen ~ Sandberg Oil do.gas. ~ :Dlesel fti.el . 67.38 !N.W.Bell .Telephone .Co.. long ciist. calls 6.80 Paper, Calmenson ~ Go. 'c:uttiri.g edges 50.29 ':Fred A. Everts cement 13.25 1 Syver Iverson garaBe rent 5.00 ':Raymond Bros. ivJotor Transp. Qo. freight il.41 'Village of Henning · lig11ts 3.00 , 'Tesch Lumber do. coal 48. 40 !.John J. Fossen logs 10.00 IHubert Lill · gravel 177. 25 im·s. Emma Hoen gravei 341.35 ,:E]!k River Co·nc. Prod. Co. culverts-39 .00 1;Seven-O S,ervice gasoline -19 .• 50 ,iFer_gus Servic,e Station Do. 37.74 ,Tobin's \'/orthw,hlle Stat\on Do. 14.'88 /Penrose Oil Co. Do. 55 .13 liconsnmer's Oil Co. Do. 30.AO jZiegler & Johnson Oil :Co. Do. 4. 77 !Fergus Oil Co. . Do.etc'. 11.35 Jim Losan repairs 2.90 ·w.F.Smith Tbe -~ Battery co •. recap 20,11 Ed s. Gre.f~,' Agent fire insure.nee J,l.13 Lowry, Stang f Olson :Eire insurance 39.80 N.\V.Bell •relephoite Co. long dist. calls 8.30 \'/heeler Lnmber 'Bridge & Sup. ·co. tie wires 102.50 John Dieseth Co.· eqnfpment rental 635.00 E. D, Sage' ' garage rent · 5.00 N.P.Railway co. ,N.Y.!w..lls d-emurrage 20.90 Lightfoot' s Shop keys 3. 50 Erickson~Ii:ellec}:son-Vye Co-. lath 7. 70 Leroy Nelson towing 4.25 Ed Manevii.1 Bro.:vel 7.55 Anton c. 11roe gravel 9.05 Hancock Cone. 1'rod. co. c1ilverts 155.00 Bill's se'rvice Stat ion gasoline 2 .• 45 Avis L. Bo1s:man Do. ' 17.82 Park Reg io-n Ofl co. Do. 45, 75 Gonsumer's Co-0p Oii Co.Do. 41.75 Standard .Oil co.,Pnl.Ro.p. no.' 36.25 F!igh,1a.1r do. Do. etc. 38.60 "Sill lfols,on 0il co. gas &:' oil 86 .49 ·:MJlls Oil Co. oil 4.85 i l)nlton Garage oil 'l. 25 1iFi'e1d & !!agge Oil co·. Dlesel fuel 189 .40 _IEdna Twp. road work 300.00 1Newton TW"fl. road.work 400.00 :'Pine Lake Twp. road work 300.00 1'FoldP.n Twp. road \•rork 30o;oo lr.eaf' Le.Jee Twp', road work 300. 00 :l!J!ehler & Straus parts 19.02 i 1Ebbersvi Iler' s supplies 10. 57 ! IBauck' s Hard.wai:e · supplies fi. 5-2 , Kltl.seth Suppl,1-· C9. · SU;)plies 42. 75 iV.iJlla,pe of Battle Lake · water 2, 25 1:Len si,verson's gasoline 17.96 11D, A,_ Lubricant Co., Inc oil 15.63 1Pelican Telephone co. services 3.20 ,!Henry G. Hoff exl;l.attending m~. 6.2·5 : B·ert Stene Do. 12.80 N.W,Bell Telep-hone co. long distance calls 7 .65 :l.alnh Anderson oi'l 79,29 The.Oil Store Diesel fuel 29.30 '3luffto'n Twp. roa'd ;;:ork 300.,00 Home'stead Tw-p. .road work 3QO.OO Otto Twp. road ~:ork .300.00 Deer C-reek Tvrp. road work 300,00 Eenning Twp·. road work 300.00 woodside Twp. ro'ad work 300.00 N. \'!. Sheet & Iron •/or'ks parts 37.73 .;oe "'lurris :Iotor ·co,." · supplies 21.90 ~mpire Supply ao. supplies 39.?A Fergus Fonndr,v co. repairs 3.30 '..-Iotor Inn Garage gasoline, etc. 90.52 Viill. New York !.rills garage rent 180.00 Elk River Cone:. Prod. co. culverts 116.58 Yalmer Karvonen e;xp. attending mt. 6. 70 Geo. B. Gunderson Do. 5. 20 Louise Standahl e:{penses 93 .• 45 Upon motion the Beard then adjour:i:ied withou_t date. 'I . . : At test: i-,.} . ,n,,o·. _ ~-e. ... J.,,__ ; l\iJ:~ ~-".-- : Clerk •. :i ,, 11 ,1 Ii I I' I ·, ~ :a.a;_ : r I I I, ! I 11 i I I I l ,I ! . J ..