HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1943Ottertail County
Official Meetings
DATE ........................ -.,1,1; "r:· ... 5 • .................................. 1931."3 •.
Pursuant to statute the Board of County Commissioners of' Otter Toil county met at the Com-
missioners room in the Court House at 10 o'clock A, M. Tuesday, January 5, 1943. Present: commissioners
Karvonen, Gund ere on, Hof·f, Stone and snowberg.
· The meeting was called to~rder by the County Auditor, who stated the first business would be
the elation of Chairman :f'or the coming year. Upon motion Henry G. Hoff was elected Chairman and took
the chair.
Upon motion Yalmer Karvonen was elected Vice Chairman for the year.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That a committee of three consisting of the Chairman of the Board and two members o:f the B oard
to be appointed by the Chairman be appointed to purchase all furniture and supplies excepting books,
blanks and stationery needed for the court House and Jail during the year 1943. and to provide for such
repairs as may become an immediate necessity.
Adopted January 5. 1943. Henry G. Ho:f'f, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The Chairman appointed Commissioners Gundere·on and I~arvonen as his associates on this committee.
The following resolution was adopted:
~esolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That a committe of three. consisting of the c·hairrnan of the Board and two members of the Board
to be selected by the Chairman, be appointed to have charge of the Court House and grounds and Jail
grounds ·for the year 1943. ·
Adopted ~anuary 5. 1943. Henry G. Hoff, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The Chairman appointed Commissloners Snov1berg and Stone as hie associates on this" committee,
The following .resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That the County Commissioner of hie respective district, namely Yalmer Karvonen, the F iret
District; Geo. B, Gunderson, the Second District; Henry G. Hoff, the Third District, Bert &tone, the
rourth District; and C. A, Snow berg, the Fifth district. be and they hereby are each appo int·ed superinten-
dent of poor of his said di strict with authority to act in relation to the care and su·pport of non-resident
paupers, and to receive applications :f'or relief' or eu·pport by or :f'or aey reason rn hie district as
provided by Chapter 15, Revised Laws of 1905.
Adopted January 5, 1943. Henry G, Hoff, Chairman.
Attest: William J,incoln, Clerk.
Resolved by the Board o·f County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That under provisions of Section 2154 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, Dr, C. A. Boline,
a resident physician of said county, and· 9ounty Commissioners snowberg and Y.:arvonen, members of this Board,
be and the same hereby are appointed to coneqtute a County lloard of Health of said county for the
year 1943.
Adopted January 5, 1943. Henry G. Ho:f'f, Chairmen.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of' Otter Tail county, Minnesota:
That there is hereby set apart ·from the funds of the County Treasury not especially appropriated
or set aside :f'or other purposes, the sum of $750 to be used as a Contingent Fund by the County Attorney
with the approval of the Court under the provisions of Section 574, Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905.
Adopted January 5, 1943. Henry G. Hoff, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk:
The follo111ing resolution was adopted:
:iesolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County, I,!in.."lesota:
That the sum of 8350.00 be and the same hereby is set apart from the Revenue Fund of the County
for use of postage in the several Count.v offices entitled thereto, and for exoress charges, etc., as
provided by Section 343 Revised T.aws of Minnesota for 1905.
Adopted January 5, 1943. Henry G. Hoff, Chairman,
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That the monthly meetings of said Board for the year 1943 be and they hereby are fixed as
follows, to -v, it :
The second Tuesday in February, April, May. June, August, September, October and December, and
the s6cond Wednesday in March and the second Thursday in November.
Adopted January 5, 1943. Henry G. Hoff, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was ~opted:
Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That or. \'I. w. Drought be and he hereby is appointed Jail Physician for the calendar year 1943
at a salary of $150.00 for the year. Adopted January 5, 1943. Henry G. Ho:f'f, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The follo'1ing resolution w:as adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Co1mty, Minnesota:
. That the sum of $250.00 be and the same hereby ls appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund of
said county for otter Tail county exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair for 1943 and the County Auditor
and Chairman of the Board are directed to issue a warrant for said amo1mt in favor of Clarence C. Mielke
Adopted January 5, 1943. Henry G. Hoff, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk,
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County commies loners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That under the provisions of Sec. 739 General statutes for 1923 the sum of ~100.00 be and the
saine hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red River Valley Development
Association, said amount so appropriated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors for the year 1943.
Adopted January 5, 1943. Henry G. Roff, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution·was adopted:
Resolved by the "Soard of. Count.v Commissioners o:f' Otter Tail Co1mt.v, Minnesota:
Whereas, Dr. w. w. Drou~ht was heretof'ore appointed Jail Physician for the calendar year 1942 at
a salary of ~125.
DATE ................ : .......... ..t~u.ar,\l .... 6. .•.... l.~i~ •.............. 19&.~ .•...
Now. therefore. be it resolved that the County Aud'i tor and Chairmen of the Board be and they
hereby are authorized and directed to issue warrant in the sum of 8125 on the Revenue Fund of the
County to said Dr. w. w. Drought. Adopted this 5th des of January. 1943. Henry G. Hoff. Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota:
Whereas. it appears to this Board that owing to the abnormal demand of the public for certi flea
copies of their birth recorils. it is necessary that an adili t ional bl erk be employed in the office of the
Clerk of District Court of said county, Now. therefore. be it resolved, that pursuant to Section 997-4M of Mason's 1940 Minnesota Supplement
the sum of $1.000 be and the same hereby is set aside for additional clerk hire in the office of said
Clerk of District Court for the year 1943. p~vment for services rendered to be made on WB!rant of the
.county Auditor·upon filing from time to time certificates of the Clerk of Court showing person entitled
thereto. .,.
Adopted January 5. 1943. Henry G. Hoff. Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The following statements of salaries and fees received by County officers during the calendar ye8l'
1942 were approved: John N. Haagensen. ?robate Judge. $2.500; Ernest E, Johnson. Surveyor, none;
. Louise Standahl. Superintendent of Schools. $2.000; P.A. Anderson. Register of Deeds, $2,500; W. P.
Berghuis. County Attorney, $1.800; J. c. Henkes. Sheriff. $2.500; H.W. Glorvigen .• Clerk of Court. $2.000;
William Lincoln. county Auditor. $2,500; P. M. Ree, County Treasurer. $2,500; C. ~-snowberg. County
Commissioner. $812.20; Geo. B. Gunderson, County·cornmissioner, $815.00; Henry G. Hoff.County Commissioner
"$815.00; Yalmer Karvonen. coimty Commissioner. $822.80. The bond of Bertha Boe. First Deputy Treasurer. in the sum of $5.000. end the bond of Fred Syck,
Second Deputy Treasurer. in tl:ie sum of $1.000 v:ith National surety co. as surety. were a·pproved.
. The follov:ing were grantee cigarette licenses for the entire year 1943: lv!rs. E. Deist. at Deist's
Store in Friberg. and Norman C. Worden. J. L. Peterson. and Cerl T. Sundblad. all at Er hard Townsite
in the Township of Erhards Grove. A report of the Board of Audit ,of· an examination of the accounts of P. M. Ree. County Treasurer.
for the period from September 1. 1942 to llovember 30. 1942. both inclusive and showing a balance in the
county Treasury at the close of business on said last mentioned date of $677.680.51 was approved. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to January 6, 1943, at 10 o'clock A. M.
Pursuant to adjournment the Board.met at 10 o'clock A. M. Wednesday. January 6, 1943. all
members being present.
The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota: The.t under tht provisions of Chapter 258 Lav:s of Minnesota for 1939. the County shall pay a bounty
of ~2.00 for each full-grown reil or gra.v fox killed in said Cotmty and $LOO for each cub reil or gray
:l'ox killed. in said county from January 1. 1943 to December 31. 1943: payment to be made cp:i.warrant of
the County Auditor after compliance b.v the claimant with all the prov ls ions o! said lew. ·'.·•·
• Adopted January 6, 1943. Fenry G. Hoff. Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of. County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota; That Cyrus A. Field be and he hereby is appointed a member o.f the O tter Tail count.v-Tuberculosis
Sanatorium commission for the period lnding January 1. 1946.
Adopted January 6. 1943. Henry G. Hoff. Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tall County. Minnesota:
That the sum of $200.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the
County to the otter Tail County Historical society,
Adopted January 6. 1943.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
Henry G. HOff. Chairman.
The County Auditor presented the following statement to the Board:
To the County Board. Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
Pursuant to law I present below. a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for County purposes
for the current .vear, the amounts collected and apportioned to date. and the balances uncollected. togethe
with the actual cash balance remaining to t·he credit of each county fund at the close of business on the
31st day of December. 1942. William Lincoln. county Auditor.
county nevenue Fund
?oor Fund
Road and Bridge Fund
Tuberculosis sanatorium
Viel fare Fund
Amount Levied for Current Year. oi:,.uuu.uu
---=,B-a.,..,..1.an~c-=-es=-r,..e-m""'a"'Li..,n~11"'n~g~t""o~1:'"""'n,e,--c-r-e""1d'"'i....-t"""o---r-e_a_cT"h-='F'-u_n_d_a_r_e_a_s--:roTI~o-v-·.'S-:.1-_________________ ·
county Hevenue Fund
"?oo r Fund
Poor Farm Fund
Road and Bridge Fund
Ditch Fund
Incidental Fund
Tuberculosis sanatorium Fund
County Welfare Fund
Sinking Fund
Old Age Assistance Fund
Debit -Crea it
·1•ne Boartt t nen 1:ooK: a rec:ess to 2 o'clock p. 1,1.
Bids for County printing for the calendar year 1943 as advertised for by the Board were opened and
_ ..
DATE ............. January .7., .1943 .•........................... 19343.
~.Jl,,ANIL-.AND.P.fUNl'IN■,m...sr •. a.auD..MINN-111,1
read and were awarded as follows: To the Perham enterprise-Bulletin, publication.of the Financial
Statement of the County for the ,1•ear 1942 at legal rates. The Battle Lake :levlew, publication of the
Financial Statement of th11A)ount.v for the .vear 1942 at legal rates. To the Underv10od Independe•nt,
publication of the list Of/feal estate taxes remaining delinquent and unpaid on t·he first Monday in
January 1943, at legal rates. To the Fergus ,iournal company, publication of minutes of official meetings
of the Board of Counly Commissioners during the year 1943 at legal rates in the Daily Journal. Fergus
Journal Co., publication of miscellaneous advertisements of the County for the _year 1943 in the Fergus. Daily Journal at legal rates.
The following resolution was adopted: .
Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of otter Tail county. Minnesota:
That the Underwood Independent be and the same hereby is designated as the newpaper in which shall
be printed the notlces and lists of lands upon which taxes remained delinquent and unpaid on the first
1&ond93 in January. 1943. .
Resolved further, ·that for the faithful performance of such work the said newspaper be. and hereby
ls required to furnish a bond in the S·um of $2,000.
Adopted January 6, 1943.
Attest: William Linooln, Clerk.
Henry G. Hoff, Chairman.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That the leave of absence heretofore granted to H. L. Sandin, County Highwe,y-Engineer, be and the
same hereby is extended from .ianuary l to April 30. 1943.
Resolved further, ,·hat Afton Glorvigen be and he hereby is appointed as acting Highwe,y-Engineer for
the period from January l to April 30, 1943 at a salary of $200 per month.
Adopted January 5, 1943. Henry G. Hoff, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That the schedule for Cotmty road workeri!vbe and the same hereby is revised as follows:
~e,y-ment for common laborers shall be at the rate of 45¢ to 50¢ ner hour, and for truck drivers 50v
to 55¢ per hour, for maintenance foremen from 50¢ to 55¢ per hour; for patrol operators from 55¢ to 60¢
per hour. ·
Resolved further, that said schedule be effective from January 1, 1943.
It is further resolved b,\' said Board that the above schedule does not raise wages above the
prevailing rate o~ this area or community for similar services.
Adopted January 6, 1943. Henry G. Hoff, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The bond of Charles T .. Alexander. Court Commissioner. in the sum of ~2.000 with i'/estern Surety Co.
as surety, was approved.
The annual report o·f Charles t. Alexander, Court Commissioner. showing the sum of $53.00 fees
received during the calendar year 1942 was approved.
The application of :,"ergus ifash !,lotor Co. for cancellation of personal property
on automobiles upon which 1942 automobile license was issued was read and the Boord
commissioner of Taxation that said valuation be cancelled and the assessed value of
reduced from $324 to $47 and the tax from $37.40 to ;!;;7.09.
assessment for 1942
recommended to the
said oompan,y be
The application of Henry Herting for settlement of delinquent taxes for the years 1932 and 1933
against the SW¼ 1-JE¼ and Et IIE¼ of Sec. 4 Township of Lida was read and the Board recommended to the
Commissioner of Taxation that said taxes be settled for $42.17, being a reduction of $20.63 from the full
amount of taxes. penalty, interest and costs.
The application of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, Inc., of Battle Lake :i'Or cancellation
of assessment for 1941 against the tlt of Lots 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 except We_st 15 ft. of the North 21
ft. of Lot 24 in Block 15 of Bowman&: Dunton's Addition to the Village of Battle Lake was read and it
appearing to the Board -from an examination of the· records that· said property v,a.e purchased after May 1,
1941, upon motion the petition was rejecttd.
The application of~. L. Thorpe for classification of tract 40 rods north and south by 20 rods east
and west in the southeast corner of Lot 3 and five acres of Sub Lot B of the St of Sf, all in Section 15
Township 136 ~ange 43 for the year 1942 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the
Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from $269 to $161
and the tax from ~18.98 to $10.lB.
The applicaticn of T,aw:rence Y.ertscher for classification of the Et SE.;. of Sec. 23 and the N'R~ NWf
of Seo. 25 in the Township of Homestead at homestead rate for the year 1942 was read and the Board
recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed valuation
reduced from $1055 to $632 and the tax fro~ $80.60 to $43.61.
The application of Mrs. Bertha Christenson for classification of Lot 22 Block l Original Plat of
Renning at the homestead rate for the year 1942 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner
~of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed valuation reducAd from $680 to $425 and the
,tax from $74.94 to $43.69 exclusive of speci.al assessments.
, The application of Brimhall Bros. for cancellation of assessment for 1942 on personal ppoperty
!consisting of' new automobiles which could not be sold because of Federal restrictions was ree.d and the
;Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of personal property of said
:company be reduced from $12B2 to ~12 and the tax from :t'll5A,99 to $20.05 including money and credits.
; The application of Minnesota Motor Co, Inc., for cancellation of assessment on seven automobiles
land trucks assessed for 1942 and upon \Vhich 1942 state licenses were issued, and also for cancellation of
.personal property assessment on automobiles and trucks which could not be sold on account of. Federal
"restrictions was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value
;of sai:d company for said ,year be reduced from $6881 to $2309 and the tax from $B08.45 to $30B.27 including
~oney and credits.
The following resolution v,ae adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota:
i That County Commissioner c. A. Snowberg be and he hereby is appointed a member of the County
·welfare Board for the term ending July 1, 1943.
Adopted January 6, 1943.
~ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk •
• The following bills v,ere ·allowed: iP. A. Anderson postage
P. E. Amundson exp. attending meeting
Mrs. P.A. stortroen clerical work
~ones 'I: r.ro eger Co. reoord
\'Im. G·alena repa.i rs
The Adelsman Co. repai re
Hillya!l'd •Sales Co. supplies
[Boen Broe . e uppli es
urroughs Add. Mche. co.maintenance
Henry G. Hoff, Chairmen.
H. VI. Glo rvigen
H. w. Glorvigen
Miller-Davis Co.
Security Blank Book
~ Printing Co.
State of Minnesota
City Typewriter Service
N. VT. Bell Telephone Co.
H. M. Gronner
Board of Audit
long distance
4. 27
DATE .................................. Je.nnar.Y 7 ..... l..~~i?.A ...... 1939;~ .•.
Mason Publ. Co. subscriptions 12.50
N.W.Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls 18.15
Marc·hant Cale. Mche. co.maintenance 35.00
Otto Nelson constable fees 16.00
Dr. Norman H. Baker care of prisoner 1.50 Dr. H. w. Arndt examination 3.00 Farmers Home Mutual Ins. Co. insurance 7. 60
Louise stondahl postage 70. 38
IV right Memorial Hospital services 15.115
J. c. Henkes Boarding prisoners 316.50
Henry G. Hoff exp.attending meeting 5.25
Geo. B. Gunderson Do. 5. 25
P. H. Gust coal 422.46
A • Glorvigen cash advanced 11.45"
L eon Hennagir cash advanced 10.68
Oak Valle,v Twp. road work 195.97
E. D. Sage garage rental 5.00
Swan-Finch Oil corp. grease 13.50
Martin Krebs gravel 8 .00 Ed S. Graff insurance 13.56
H. Krueger coal 31.14
N.W.Bell Telephone co. long distance calls 5.10
Marlyn Anderson towing 2.00
Bill Nelson's 011 Co. tube 2. 76
Larson Bros. repairs 81.30
G. IL Kauppi repairs 1.20
The Adelsman Co. repairs 18 .00
Nicols, Dean&: Gregg parts, supplies 42.11
M abler &: Straus parts 7.10
Fritz-cross Co. supplies 8 .43 Thorman W. Rosholt Co. supplies 25.24
Bauck's Hardv:are supplies 6.00
Fra·nkoviz Hdwe. co. supplies 2.70
Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies 6.89
Penrose Oil co. gasoline 23.38
Avis Bowman gasoline 14 .50
Fergus Service station gasoline 18.66
Folden Twp. quarantine expense
M, Johnson notice to taxpayers
The Pierce co. stencils Carl J. Lund coroner's fees
City of Fergus Falls fare for transient
Dr• L. C. Combacker examination
M .VI.Bell Telephone co. long distance calls
Loudlse st ondahl expenses
Folden T\VP. care of poor
J. C. Henkes expenses
Yalmer r.arvonen expense attending meeting
Frank c. Barnes Municipal Judge's fees
A. Glorvigen expenses
John Vibral cash advanced
Oak Valley Twp. road work
Minn. Highway Development Ass'n. services
Penrose Oil co. garage rental
Paper, Calmenson i Co. cutting edges
Wilcox Lumber Co. lumber
McCabe Bros. coal N.W.Bell Telephone co. services Reymond Bros. l.{oto r Transp. ~o. freight
Gordon Barker savnng Bill Nelson's Oil Co. tire Clarence Knutson repairs R. ~. Schmidt repairs Cummins Diesel Sales~ Servtce parts
Vim. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. parts .~ oil The "Pierce Co. supplies Miller-Davis Co. supplies
Harry Marquard supplies
Kulseth Supply Co. supplies
Natl.Bushing&: ?arts Co. supplies
Park Region Oil co. gasoline
Mot or Inn Garage gasoline
Highway Co. g~soline, etc.
Dalton Oil Co. oil
2.00 3.30 5.26
3.25 3.00 3.15
467 .96
100.00 25.00
322.00 5.52 81.70 21.50 3.65 2.25 76.31 1.75 5.00 556.57 83.59
1.91 1.81
118.07 47.28 56.56
Field & Hagge Oil Co. Diesel fuel 398.88 Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Thu'rsde,v, January 7, 1943, at 10 o'clock A •. M.
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Thursday, January 7, 1943. ell members being present.
The petition of Anselm Savela to be set over from Dist. 279 to Dist. 219 was taken up for-final
action. The petition was read and the petitioner was heard relative to the reasons for asking for
the transfer. A written protest against the transfer signed by the School Board of Dist. 279 was
also read. After full consideration upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the
follo'l':ing order. to-v:i t:
Whereas, the petition of Anselm Savela, a legal voter. freeholder and resident of School District
Nol 279 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter describ'ed. which are
situate in said School District. and adjoin School District No. 219 and asking that he with his said
lands m~v be set off from said district No. 279 to said adjoining school di~trict No. 219 we~ presented
to the Board of county Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th day of
October A.D., 1942 for the action of said board. thereon; and whereas it was there11,pon ordered by said
board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a session of said board on the 7th day of January A.D., 1943, at the Commissioners Room in the court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said
County; and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of
such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school
districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts.
a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said
session of the said Board of County Commies ioners on said 7th da,.v of January A.D., 1943, due proof of
the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten de,vs prior
to said last named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by
the Board, with everything which was said by sa~d interested parties for or against granting the prayer
of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby
ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit:
SW• of NE¼ Seo. 15 Township 136 Range 36 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District
No. 279 to said adjoining Scho'ol District No. 219 and said lands are hereby made a part of said last
named School District for all purposes whatever.
By order of the Board of Co1mty Commies ioners.
Dated the 7th d~V of January, A.D. 1943. ·
(Auditor's Seal)
Attest: William Lincoln,
County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board.
Henry G. Hoff, Chairman of the Board of
County Commissioners of Otter Tail
County, Minnesota.
The petition of Elmer Vitt to be set over from Dist. 62 of Becker County fo Dist. 246 of Otter Tail
County was read and after listening to the statements of the petitioner and after full consideration, upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit:
Whereas, the petition of Elmer Vitt, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District No. 62
in Becker County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are situate
in said School District, and adjoin School District No. 246 in otter Tail County, and asking that he
with his said lands me.v be set off from said district No. 62 Becker County to said adjoining school district No. 246 Otter Tail County was presented to the Board of Co1mty commissioners of this County at
a session of said board held on the 15th dey of October, A.D. 1942 for the action of said board thereon;
end whereas it 1•1as thereupon ord~red by said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, at a
session of said board on the 7th d~v of January A.D. 1943 at the Commissioners Room in the co,urt
House in the City of Ferp.;11s :Falls in said County; and whereas it was further.ordered in and by said order
that notice of the time and place of. such hearinp.; be given by posting copies of said order in three
DATE ........................ Jenuars .7., ... 1943 ................. 19t3• .. .
_slCUllm..llUINK.DDDK -...!Rltfflf11G_C0. •. 8T.,_CI.OUD,,,MINN--,tl41
public places·in each of the school districts to be affected by said petition, and by mailing to the clerk
of each of said School· Districts, a copy of said order at least ten days before the· time appointed for
such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of Co1mty commissioners on said 7th day of
Jenuary A.D., 194.3 due proof of the posting and service of said order of hearing as therein directed and
required, more than ten days prior to said last named date·. having been made and filed, said petition was
publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything which v1as said by said interested parties for
or against granting the pr.ayer of the petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should
be granted, it ls hereby ordered and determined, that the said petitioner and the following described
lends owned by him, to-wit: St of SE+, Section 31 Township 138 ~ange 36 be and the same are hereby set
off from said School District No. 62 Becker county to said adjoining School District 110. 246 Otter Tail
County and said lands are hereby made a part of said le.st named School District for all purposes v1hatever.
By order of the Board of County Commissioners.
Dated the 7th d~V of January A,D., 1943. Henrcy G. Hoff, Chairman of the Board of
/Auditor's Seal) County Commissioners of otter Tail County, Minn.
Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board.
' The petition o:f D. H. ':!ggers to be set over from Dist. 134 to Dist. 185 was read and after listening
t-o the statements of the petition er and after full consideration, upon mot ion the petition v,as granted
11,ild the Board issued the follov1ing order, to-wit: ..
Whereas, the petition of D. H. Eggers, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District
No,'134 in this County, representing that he is the owner of the lands hereinafter described, which are
situate in said School District. and adjoin School District !lo. 185 and asking that he with his said lands
may be set off from said district No. 134 to said adjoining school district Iro. 165 was presented to the
Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th d~v of October·
A,D. 1942 ,for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it 1vas thereupon ordered by said board that a
hearing should be had on said petition, at a session o:f said board on the 7th day of J anuery A. D. 1943
at the Commissioners Room in the Court House in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it
was further ordereo in and by said order that notice of. the time and place of such hearing be given by
posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school district~ •to be affected by
said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts, a copy of said order at least
ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of the said Board of
County Commissioners on said 7th day of January A.D. 1943 due proof of the post.ing and service of said
· order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date,
having been made and filed, said petition v:as publicly read and considered by the Board, with everything
which was said by said interested parties for or against granting the prayer of the petitioner, and said
Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the
said petitioner and the following described lands owned by him, to-wit: E½ of NE3 Section 9 Township 134
Range 38 be and the same are hereby set o t'f from said School District No. 134 to said adjoining School
District No. 165 and said lm1da are hereby made 11 part of said last named School District for all
purposes whatever.
By order of the Board of County commissioners,
Dated the 7th dey of January, A.D. 1943, Henry G. Hoff, Chairman of the Board of County
(Audi tor's Seal) commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota.
Attest: William Lincoln.County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Board.
The petition of Albert G. Ziesemer to be set over from Dist. 142 to Dist. 150 was read, and a:fter
listening to the statements of the petitioner and after full consideration, upon motion the petition was
granted end the Board issued the following order. to-wit:
Whereas, the petition of Albert G. Ziesemer. a lep:al voter, freeholder and resident of School District
!lo. 142 in this Count,\•, representing that he is the owner of. the lands hereinafter described. which are
situate in said School District. and adjoin School District Ho. 150 and askinr: that he with his said lands
may be set arr from said district No. 142 to said ad~oininp. school district No, 150 was presented to the
Board of County commissioners of this Count.v at n session of said board held on the 15th 4a.v o·f October,
A .. D. 1942 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that
a heari!lg should be had on said petition. at a session o.f said board on the 7th day of January A.D. 1943
at the Commissioners Room in the Court B:ouse in the City of Fergus Falls in said County; and whereas it
was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given by
posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school districts to be affected by
said petition, and by mailing to the clerk of each of said School Districts a copy of said order at least
ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session o.f the said Board of
C ounty Commissioners on said 7th dey of January A.D. 1~43 due proof of the ·posting and service of said
order o·f hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last named date, having
been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Bqard, with everything which
was said by said interested parties :for or against granting the pre,yer of the petitioner, and said Board
being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered and determined, that the said
petitioner and the following described lands owned· by him, to-1·11t: Fr'l Nt of Ui'I¼ Section 5 !'ownship 132
Range 36 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District No. 142 to said adjoining Sohool
District tro. 150 and said lands are hereby made a part of said le.st named School District for all purposes
B.V order of the Board of County Co:nmissioners.
DatP.d the 7th dey o! ~anuar.v. A.D. 1943. Henry G. Hoff, Chairman o! the Board of County
/Auditor's Seal) . _ Commissioners of Otter Tail county, M inneaota,
Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor. and ex-officio Clerk of Board.
The petition of Charley I~ykyri to be set over from Dist. 135 to Diet. 134 was read and after full
consideration, upon motion the petition was granted and the Board issued the following order, to-wit:
Whereas, the petition of Charley Y.ykyri, a legal voter, freeholder and resident of School District
No. 135 in thla County, representing that he is the owner o:f the lands hereinafter described, which are
situate in said School District, and adjoin School District Ho. 134 and asking that he with hie said
lands m~v be set off from said district No. 135 to said adjoining school district No. 134 was presented
to the Board of County Commissioners of this County at a session of said board held on the 15th d~v of
October A.D,, 1942 for the action of said board thereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said
board that a heating should be hod on said petition, at a session of said ··board on the 7th day of
.~anuary A,D., 1943 at the Commissioners Room in the Court House in the City o·f Fergus Falls in said Count,v;
and whereas it was further ordered in and by said order that notice of the time and place of such hearing
be given by posting copies of said order in three public places in each of the school d istricta to be
af·fected by said petition, and b.v mailinp. to the clerk o!' each of said School Districts, a eopy of said
~rder at least ten days before the time appointed for such hearing; and whereas at the said session of
the said Board of County commissioners on said 7th day of Janua~v A.D., 1943 due proof of the posting and
service of said order of hearing as therein directed and required, more than ten days prior to said last
named date, having been made and filed, said petition was publicly read and considered by the Board,
with everything which was said by said interested parties :for or against granting the praysr of the
petitioner, and said Board being of opinion that said petition should be granted, it is hereby ordered
and determined, that the said petitioner and the follov,ing described lands owned by him, to-wit:
Wt of NW¼.Section 24 Township 134 Range 38 be and the same are hereby set off from said School District
DATE ................• ianuary .. 7 •... 1943 •........................ 193.~.~ ..
SICICUltrT'Y' IC"IIDOIC"AND0PRIN11ND"m;, n:a:auD.-MINN;.-ill&t 7
No. 134 and said lands are hereby made a part of said
Jjy order of the Board of County Commissioners,
last named School ~istrict for all purposes whatever. -.:..i
Dated the 7th dey of January A.D., 1943. Henry G. Hoff, Chairman of the Board of County
(Auditor's Seal) Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota.
Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor, and ex-officio Clerk of Boord.
The petition of' William Moltzan to set over the N½ SEt and IIB¼ SI'/¼ of Sec. 4<• in Township of Star Lake
from Dist. 244 to Diet. 144 \.'BB read and it appea·ring from an examination of' the plat· of school districts
that said land does not join Dist. 144, upon motion the petition was rejected. ·
The. County Superintendent of Schools, Louise stondahl, filed with the Board_ hev-appointment of' E. J.
Rovan@rae Assistant Superintendent of Schools, and Miss Rosella.Tomhave as Office Assistant. Upon motion
the appointments were approved.
Miss Stondahl then presented to the Board her Annual Report for the year 1942.
The following resolution was adooted:
Resolved by the Board of' County commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota:
That the following named sums be set apart from the Revenue Fund of the County to be expended ae
may be needed for clerk hire for the year 1943 in the County offices named, to-wit:
County Audi tor's office 6200 county Treasurer's office
Register of Deed's office 4500 Clerk hire in office of Clerk of' Court
For Ass't. Supt. of' Schools lROO For Office Ase't •. Supt. of' Schools
Adopted January?, 1943. Henry G. Hoff, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The follow~ng names were ordered placed on the annual Grand ·and Petit Jury lists of the County:
,J. W. Trupukka
Henry Janke
Geo. Berg
Walter Gunn
George Vlhi te
George Smith
Charles Thomas
John Savela
Ed Bo ed igheimer
Ole T. Berg
Emil Julsrud
Fritz He.neon
Ole C. Thompson
Adolph Wollen
Ira Lord
Arthur Franze
John Nelson
Maurice \'loldy
Albert Ryan
Rey Butcher
Albert Wilson
Frank x. Freske
Geo. B. Lowry
!!:. ,J. Scott
OlU Schei o. U. ~abberstad
Lyle Davenport
Marcus Maurin
Ed C. 1?eterson
Louis Uselman
Anna Weberg
Mrs. Arthur Klingle
J. R. Marek
Mrs. George
Mrs. Howard
Mrs. Manley
Mrs. Alvin Lindberg
,Julius Ppananen
Victor Schik
Wm. Raider
Arnold Boedigheimer
Chas. Y.Wnpula
H. ·E. Siebels
Frank Bucholtz
Mrs. Harry Fiske
Mrs. Gust Hietala
Mrs. Anna Hoffman
Arthur Mattie
Arnold Poser
Mrs. George Butler
John Regan
Frank Feller
Emerson ~hlmeyer
Bill Haman
Mrs. Edw. Anderson
John Swanson
Mrs. Ole Osten
Albert Syverson
Mrs. Melvin Axness
Mrs. Oscar Fjestad
Mrs. Royal Poynter
oscor Nodsle
Mrs. Halvor Eide
Marvin Danielson
Mrs. Eddie J. Peterson
Alfred L. Christianson
Oscar Thunselle
new York Mills
Bluffton TYtp.
Dead T,ake
Pine Lake
Nor.vegian Grove
Erhards Grove
St. Olaf
Eagle Lake
Battle Lake Vill,
Leaf Mountain
City of Pergus Falls
City of li'ergus Falla
City o.f Fergus Falls
City of 1"ergus Falls
Elizabeth Vill.
Fergus Falls Twp.
Oak Valley
Henning Vill.
New York Mills Vill.
Ne1\' York Mills Vill.
Richville Vill.
Bluffton Vill.
Perham Twp.
Bluffton Twp.
Norwegian nrove
Pe 11 can Tw·p.
1?elican Rapids Vill.
\'/alter Mursu
Jamee Hauck
Geo. Mindermann, Sr.
Reuben Matz
'Parry Baker
Ji'. Howard Meader
Walter E. Johnson
L. 13. Huss
i'I. A. Schulz
John H. Otteson
.?ohn J. Mesna
Edward Raw
Jamee Hughes
Geo. Duenow
c. Arthur Hanson
Charley Osmon
Gilbert Halvorson
Alvin M.oen
Anton Ward
Alfred Swenson
Hils Bengtson
Arthur Luhning
Henry L. Johnson
John r'oesen
Andrew Runningen
H. E. Swenson
John o. Hoglund
Carl Ferber
Ed Aune
Wm. D. Barker
George Kraemer
J. O. Bjorklund
Vial ter sa10
Mrs. Oscar Lindall
Mrs. wm. Rodekuhr
Ray Hazen
Mrs. A.G. Anderson
Mrs. Alfred Jussila
Mrs. Joe Lamski
\'Im. "P.belling
Joe Fehrenbach
,Joe ?lalz
Mrs. Ralph nennpage
Gotlieb Sabin
Henry Stender
Nels Jesme
Mrs. Jesse Strader
B. J. Lucking
Alis Lenn
Louis Bauck
Pete Gerber
Ed Schultz
Henry A· Diederichs
Joe Roggenkamp
Pete Hanson
IVm. Wegner
C. T. Dal ager
Mrs. Elmer Lyden
Theo. Vlee
A. o. Solum
Mrs. Al .f:red Toll efeon
Carl Satern
Mrs. Henning Johnson
Dave Sundberg
Mrs. E.A. Toftelie
VI. E. Peterson
Arthur Anderson
Perham TWp.
Rush Lake
Pelican Twp •
Friberg ..
Pelican Rapids Vill.
Dalton Vill.
Underwood Vill.
Clitherall Twp.
Otter Tail Twp.
Dane Prairie
City of Fergus Falls
City of Fergus Falla
City of' Fergus FBlls
.Fergus Falls Twp.
Deer Creek
Henning Twp.
Leaf Lake
Parkers Prairie Twp.
Deer Creek Vill.
Parkers Prairie Vill.
Rush Lake
Rush Lake
Dead Lake
Dead Lake
Star Lake
Dent Vill.
Perham Vill.
Perham Vill.
Pine Lake
Perham Twp.
Bl uf'f'to n TWP.
Nonregian Grove
Pelican Twp.
Erhards Grove
Os oar
Fri berg
Pelican Rapids Vil 1.
Pelican Rapids Village
DATE ............ Januar..v 7 , ... 1943 •............................. 1~3 .. .
,~rr.r.~AND.P.RINDNG.CO.,.IIT •. a.GUD •. MINN-111.&1
Jack Gregory
John Baardson
Mrs. Carl Paulson
John Schmidt
Mrs, Cecil Nelson
Al -fred Anderson
Mrs. J.P. Swenson
Carl Thalman
Andre\-: Anderson
John Sem
Edd le Olson
Max Albjerg
Mrs. G. Y.. Onstad
Adolph O:rlandson
Mrs. John P. Christianson
S, P. Vlright
Justus Zimmer
l!ax··f,{ads en
rv1rs. Fred Boman
Jules Jennen
Mrs. Daul Westerberg
Mrs. Roy Weaver
Mrs. r.eora Townsend
Mrs. W. C. McCline
Mrs. Geo. Vlischhover
Mrs. Hulda E. Holmquist
Mrs. · John Oyen
Mrs. Carl" Ohman
Kermit Rosenquist
Charles Shaw
,1ohn strommen
c. o. Rortvedt
Peroy Irons
Henry r.tisegades
13en Beedle
Wm. E. Wilke
Mrs. :i::arl Watkins
Jerry ,Johnson
(Petit Jory)
Dalton Vill.
St. Olaf
F.agle Lake
Vininf! Vill.
Underr10od Vi 11.
Clitherall Tv:p.
Bettle Lake Vill.
Otter Tail Twp.
!Jnderwood Vill.
Dane Prairie
Elizabeth T\\'p.
Fergus Falls ··Twp.
City 01' Fergus Falls
City o.f ·Fergus· Falls
City of Fergus· Falls
City of Fergus Falls
City of Fergus F~lls
Henning Twp.
Leaf Lake
Oak Valley
.':'arkers Prairie Twp.
woodside ·
Deer creek Vill.
Nils Fossen
Nils Farden
John Turchin
Andre\v Bogen
Mrs. George Hanson
Mrs. Clarence Larson
Ed Sauck
l"erman Lueders
John Duit
Mrs. Martin Gilbertson
Mrs. Guy McDonald
Nils Husted
Mrs. Henry Erickson
Edwin B. 01son
Emil Bjorgo
Andrew Anderson
'Philio ,1ohnson
Mrs. b. q_ Thomas
Albert C. Mobroten
Mrs. c. 13. 'Boyum
Otto Umland
Nanning Ilissen
Miss Clara Sholberg
Yim. F. Schnoor
Mrs. o. J. Beckos
Mrs. Roy A. Baker
Geo. p. wright
Charles Kasma
Henry Koebernick
Palmer Y/estad
Oscar !.l. Olson
Jack Fervreda
Mrs. Emil Lepisto
Otto Haugen
August M. Liljgren
George B, \'lynn
D. E. Booen Herman ·:lunge
Eli Ramberg O. L~. ,Johnson
Mrs. Lloyd ?enrose
Nels Skoglund
Hen.'1ing Vill.
0 arkers Prairie
Parkers Prairie
Vill. Mrs. John H. ?otratz
Vi 11. Vim. Mielke
Upon motion the Board then adjourned to February 9. 1943 at 10 o'clock
Attest: _ / p
St. Olaf
Eagle Lake
Leaf Mountain
Clitherall Vi 11.
Clitherall Twp.
Otter Tail Vill.
Battle Lake Vill.
Dane 0rairie
Elizabeth Tw·p.
Fergus Falls Twp.
City of Fergus Falls.
City of Fergus Falls
City of Fergus Falls
City of Fergus Falls
City of Fergus Falls
Deer creek Twp.
Leaf Lake
Leaf Lake
Parkers Prairie Twp.
Deer creek Vill.
Henning Vill.
Parkers Prairie Vill.
Parkers Prairie Vill.
A. M.
DATE ................... z~.\l.rn~r.v. ... 2.~ ... l-.2.1.~ ..................... 193.1.~ .•
MIIiUTES 01" iD~C'U?.Il'm :rE'-1TING OF 'IOA:!D OF
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesda,v, ?ebruar,v 9. 1943. Present:
Commissioners Karvonen, Gunderson. Hoff, Stone and Snowberg. ·
The County Auditor presented to the Board his annual statement of rtceipts and disbursements of the
County for the year 1942. Upon motion the statement was approved.
Upon motion the Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for shovel and transport, said bids to
be opened at the meeting of the Board to be held March 10, 1943 at 10 o'clock A. M.
Afton Glorvigen, actingCount,v Highway Engineer, presented to the Board the Engineer's annual report for 1942.
Upon mot ion the Anchor Casualty Co. was authorized to renew Workman's Compensation Insurance for
the county for another year.
The following cigarette licenses covering the calenlar year 1943 were granted: Peder R. Sande,
Phelps Store, ToYm of Maine; M. c. Ogard, Carlisle Store, Township of Carlis;e Joseph w. Waldorf, Urbank
in the Township of Eft'ington; Chester Habberstad, Lost Lake Store, Township of Maine; Joe B, Fehrenbach,•
Joe's Tradinp; Post, Township of Otto; r.. J. Wolters, Urbank, Township of' Effington; T. A. Davis, Maine Stoze
Township of Maine; A. D. V/ickham Basswood Store. Township of. Dead Lake; '.rhos. !:I. Severson, ,.righwa.v Park, •
Township of ~lmo; ,Joseph Suchy, Urbank. Tov:nship_of Effington.
The bond of P. !If. Ree, County Treasurer. in the sum of ~35,000 with the Seaboard Surety co., as surety. was a·pprov ed.
The annual report of salary and fees received b,V n. :':. Amundson, County Commissioner, for the year
1942 in the sum of ~819 was approved.
Upon motion thP. Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock n. :,,.
The question of sale of the County Poor Farm was discussed, and upon motion the Auditor was
instructed to advertise ·t'or bids for said property, same to be opened at the meeting of the Board to be
held !I.arch 10, 1943. at 2 0 1 clock P. M.
The proposal of the Amer lean Farmers Mutual Auto:nobile Insurance Cc. for furnishing insurance against
fire, theft and tornado on Count,,, road machinercy equipment was upon motion accepted.
The application of ~ustice Store in the Village of Clitherall for reduction of assessment on personal
property for the year 1942 on the ground o:f excessive yaluation, v:as read and the Board reoommended to the
Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed vaJLe of sa~d bro~ertu be red~ced fro~ $1700 to ~1200 and the
tax from t203.66 to $143.76. f .J 1
The application of Boe 'l: Wilshusen for cancellation of personal property te.x for 1942 on automobiles
upon which 1942 Minnesota license was issuec. was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of
Taxation that the assessed value of said firm be reduced from $589 to ~290 and the tax from $64.44 to
$31.73 exclusive of mone,v and clredits.
The application of Alf'in Leabo for c,!a.ssification of Lots 6, 10, 11 and 12 in Section 31 ToVlnship of
Maine for th~ year 1942 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commiss'ioner of Taxa-
tion thet said land be so classified and the assessed valuation be reduced from j';l813 to $1279 and the
tax from :p157.73 to $105.36.
The application of Clara L, Heave for reduction of' assessment on money o.nd credits in the C ity of
Fergus Falls for the year 1942 was read and after examination of the records the Board recommended to the
Commissioner of Taxation that the tax on real estate mortgage in the sum of $3100 and on contract for
deed of $1670 be cancelled and that the total money and credits tax of said applicant be reduced from
$17.61 to ~3.30.
The application of .:iohn Dieseth cc. for cancellation of o.ssessrpent on certain road building equip-
ment listed in the Cit,v of Fergus Falls for 1942 on the ground that said equipment had been moved to
the State of Wisconsin in April, 1942, was read and upon motion the Board recommended to the Commissioner
of Taxation that the assessed value of personal property of said firm for said year be reduced from $3160
to $1160 and the tax from $345.70 to $126.90 exclusive of money and credits.
The appli'cation of Jennie M. Bezoier for cancellation of assessment for structures for the year 1942
against Lot 9 in Camp Nirvana in the Tov,nship of Nidaros excepting tracts deed~d to Albrecht was read and
theBoard recommended to the commissioner of Taxation thot the assessed value of Said property be reduced
from t-92 to $14 and the tax from $7.69 to $1.111. _
The application of A. L. Sperry for reduction of assessment for 1942 on the Si N~ of Section 12
Tovmship of Homestead was read and the Board carefully examined the assessment of said property and
a.djoining tracts and after full discussion and consideration, upon motion the petition was rejected.
The application of H. E. Swenson. Executor of the Estate of Andrew Carlson, for canc:ellation of
money and credits assessment on unregistered contract on the ground that said contract was in fact never
executed was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the said assessment be
cancelled and the total money and credits valuation against said estate for 1942 be reduced from $2428
to $233 end the tax from :~7.28 to $.70.
The application of Skogmo !,!otors, Tnc., fo:r cencellation of assessment on automobiles in the City
of Fere:us Falls for 1942 on the ground that three of said automobiles had been sold in 1942 and that
certain other automobiles and trucks could not be sold on account o"!: Governm1mt restrictions. was read
end the i:ioord recommended to the Co:nmisRiOnr!!" of Taxation thot the assessed volne o': personal propert,v
o~ said firm be reduced from $6507 to :~899 and thP tax :!'rom t-711.87 to ~98.35 exclusive of money and credit
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved b,V the Board of Count,v commissioners of Otter Tall county, !,linnesota:
That under the provisions of Chapter 163, General Laws of Minnesota for 1941. the following named
persons be and they hereby are certified for the purpose of chest surgery at Glen Lake Sanatorium, the
cost for said treatment to be paid for equally by theState of Minnesota and Otter Tail Count,v, as provided
by said chapter: Irene ?ederson, Village of Vining, and Anton Helseth, City of Fergus Falls,
Adopted February 9, 1943. Henry G. Hoff, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'cloc:lc A. M. February 10, 1943.
eursuant to ad,1ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. V/edneeday, 1-'ebruary 10, 1943, Present:
Commissioners Y.arvonen, stone and Snowberg.
Commissioner Stone brought up the question of County bounty on pocket e;o·phers and after discussion
it was agreed to pay a bounty.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of Count,v ~om"'lissioners of Otter Tail Count,v, I.Unnesota:
That the sum of five cents be paid out of the Revenue fund of said Count.v for every '?ocket Copher
l,illed in said County during the months of April, May, June and .:ruly, 1943, in cases where the townships
in which pocket gophers are so killed shall provide for the payment of an additional bounty of five cents
for each pocke~ gopher so killed.
DATE .................................... .Fe.bruar.v ... 10 •. 1943193. ~.~.
Resolved further that payment for such bo ty h 11 b d b h executed by the Chairman of the Town ·soard of s~rd t~w~hi : :\;i Y t e County A~di tor upon ?ertificates
were killed within said townships during the said months :nd :h tng {?r;h t:a; tne pocket gophers
l\'lere duly presented to the chairman of such board and th~t the t~\"ns~ n ;;r0 n. ee! of such pocket gophers
claimant a town order for ten cents for each pocJret gopher so kili d P as issue and delivered to each
AdoptedFebruary 10, 1943. · • e • Yalmer Y.arvonen, Vice Chairman
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Board of County Commissioners.
The follo1ving bills
J. C. Henkesi-
Louise Stondahl
Louise Stondahl
were allo\·red :
boarding prisoners
J. C. Henkes expenses
E. J • Rovang expenses
Ugeblad Publ. co. printing
Fergus Journal Co. printing, etc.
44.32 Whitehead Printing Co.
Fergus Journal Co.
Japs-Olson Co.
Poucher Printing !l,
publishing, etc.
record 163.47
91.58 Free Press Co. receipts
Security Bla.ru: Book 8c Printing Co. records
Frit11-Cross Co. reoord & blanks
Lithographing Co. records~ blanks 265.13
ILW.13ell Telephcbne Cc. lonr. distance calls 13.70
H. 111. Glorvigen drivers license exp. 2,40
West Publ. Co. Northwest Reporter 25.00 S. L. Ronning lettering 1.50
Otter Tail Power Co. bulbs 2 .40
Monroe Calq. Mche. Co. repairs 1.00
Flintgen-)rarst Elec. Co. repeirs, etc. 39.36
Curtis 1,000, Inc. supplies 17.95
Department of Administration supplies 5.25
Countryman Drug Co. . supplies 1.15
Security Envelope Co. su.pplies 144.74
Lien Hdwe. supplies 9.25
Battle Lake Review publ. personal
Miller-Davis Co. blanks, etc.
Fl. \V. Glorvigen post office box Car1·Buchholz wood
Clarence R. Aune hauling ashes
VI. R. Olson bond
Orpheum Drup. Store films
TheAdelsman·co. repairs
Victor Lundeen.., co. supplies
Y.nof.f-0 eterson B'dwe. Co. supplies
ijillyard Sales co. supplies
City Typewriter Service supplies
Norby Dept. Store, Inc. supplies
Natl. Bushing & Parts Co. "
unden•1cod Indeper,d ent publ. personal
rent 1.00
·properts tax list 149.45
Perham Enterprise-Bulletin Do. 276.53 property tax list 97.13
Parkers Prairie Independent Do. 142.83
Mrs. J. F. Iverson clerical v,ork 8.25
Mrs. P. A. stortroen clerical work 5.05
Henning Advocate Do.
Ida Noyes clerical work
Dorothy Hoka,nson clerical work
Otto Twp. q_uarant ining
5.00 Rush Lake Twp. quarantine expense 20.00
Claude R. Field justice fees 31.40
Nelson's Cafe meals for jurors 14.00
Morrison County examining insane
Dr. C. J. Lund examination 3.00 Fergus Falls Clinic examination
Glen Lake Sanatorium care of patients 28.54
Town of Amor care 6:r. poor, 1942. 37.42'
Nelson's Cafe meals for paupers 4.20
171. 76'
Town of Dead Lake cs.re of poor, 1942
To1m of F.dna Do • 124. 23'
T own of Norwegian Grove Do. 84.57~
Vill. "elican Rapids Do. 396.13
Town o:f. Lida De.
Vill, of Elizabeth Do.
Vil 1. of una erv:ood Do.
Vill. of Vinlng Do. 171.681 City of Fergus Falls poor exp., 6 mo.
A. Glorvigen cash advanced 10.00
J,yle Tc!>llerson expenses 2. 75
Olson .Auto Elec. co. repairs 19.05
R. ~. Schmidt repairs 12.90
Larson"lros. repairs 114.90
!~ulseth Supply Co. supplies 173.68
National Bushing~ 0 arts Co. supplies 197.34
Bill Nelson's Oil Co. tires 85.72
F.. D. Sage garage rent 5.00
Fergus Oil Co. r--asoline 262.07
Field •o Flaf;p.e Oil co. Diesel fuel 566.28
L ee Chevrolet Co. repairs 10.90
'P. Saunders !I: Son repairs 5.67
Minnesota Motor Co. repairs . 74.81
Henry Holmgren repairs 2.00
AntonWallnofer repairs 2.45
Kela Bros. Garage repairs 2.15
rrohn Kowalski repairs 16.75
Poucher Printing & Litho. Co. supplies 4.66
Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. Co. supplies 4.40
Pelican Supply C o. su.pplies 8.79
Township of Blowers flood dal!IB.ge 250.00
NW Bell Telephone Co. services 21.25
Vill. Pelican Rapids water charges 2.75
A. Anderson coal 13.90
Syver Iverson garage rent 5 .QQ
Harr,v Eggert sav: wood 3.00
Louise Wilde gravel 11.69
Otter Ta.il Co-op. Oils, Tnc. gasoline 29.11
Bendickson Service Station gasoline 33.42
Penrose Oil Co. gasoline & Diesel
Bengtson Oil Co. gasoline
Ray's Service Station gasoline
Montgomery \Vard Co. supplies
O' Meara's, supplies
A. Glorvigen exoenses
Dakota Tractor\: Eq. Co. parts
Lehml:uhl \: JQhn repairs
E. F. McDunn ~ Co. repairs
Motor Inn Garage repairs
TheAdelsman Co. supplies
International ~levator Co. coal
F!intgen-rars t Elec. co. bulbs
Len Syverson•s gasoline
Standard Oil Co., Pel.Rap. gasoline
li!lmo Twp. roa.d work
Red Arrow Garage repairs
~-H. Schmidt repairs
G. H. Y.a.uppi repairs
Mahler .-., Straus repairs
Fortwengler .Elec. Shop repairs
Saunders Co. repairs
Clarence Y.nutson repairs
Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies
Battle Lake Hardware supplies
Mills Oil Co. supplies
Insurance Service Agency insurance
NW.Bell Telephone co. long distance
Vill. Perham water charges
Vill. Nev: York Mills garage rent
Highway Co. rent, etc.
Fergus Glass & Paint Co. paint
Skogmo Motors, Inc. wheel
Fergus Service Station gasoline
Ray's Service Station gasoline. etc.
Mills Oil co. gasoline, etc.
Aneesson \: Sandberg Oil co. Diesel fuel
Motor Inn Garage gasoline
Mice ls, Dean .!,," Gregg supplies
Pelican Supply Co. supplies
Norby Dept. Store, Inc. supplies
Y.lauer Mfg. Co. parts
calls 14.40
Bristol Radio Shop supplies
A-W Co., Inc. ,of Minn. pa.rte 71.72
Cummins Diesel Sales\: Service parts
Northwestern Sheet .-., Iron 'i'/crks parts
Clarence Y.nutson repairs
Thorman W. Rosholt Co. tie wires
Minnesota Motor co. ti~es
l'lif'hwa.v Co. rent
McCabe 'Bros. Co. coal
~f"r.in!! ton T~-'P. poor expense
Yelmer Karvonen exp.attend.meeting
Geo. 13. Gunderson Do.
w. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. parts, etc.
Lee Chevrolet Co. repairs
Paper, Calme.nson Sc Co. cutting edges
Syver Iverson garage rental
Wilcox Lumber Co. coal
Pelican Telephone Co. services
Bert stone exp.attend.meeting
Henry G. Roff Do.
B.20 ~-N. Haagenson Do.
18. 7e
DATE ..................... February .. 10, 1943 ~ .............. 19'~.~ .. .
P.A. Anderson postage
Beall /1: McGowan Co. supplies
P. H. Gust coal
Upon motion the Board then adjourned to
25.50 Frank C. Barnes
17.56 N.ff.Bell Telephone co.
437.03 William GuelZOY/
10 o'clock A. M. ll!a.rch 10, 1943.
Municipal Judge's fees 50.55
long distance calls 11.15
Marshal's fees 8. 20
___ /--_/~~
DATE .................. March 10£ ... 1943, ......................... 19343.,
COUNTY comnssiornrns OF OTTEP. TAIL COUilTY.
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. U. l'/ednesde,y, March 10, 1943. Present:
commissioners Y.:arvor1en. Gunderson. Hoff. stone and Snowberg.
Bids for shovel and tra.i"ler as advertised for by the Board were opened and read, and the Board
listened to any statements of parties who were present. The matter was taken under advisement until
later in the session.
County Agents John Grnthwol and Errol D. Anderson discussed with the Board matters relative to their
work, e.nd Mr. Grnthwol filed his County Agent's Report for the F.ast Side for the year 1942.
upon :notion the Board took a recess to 2 o'clock 1?. !,!.
Bids for purchase of the County '?oor Farm as advertised for by the Boa.rd were opened and read. and
after discussion were laid over until later in the session.
upon motion D. E .Misfeldt was appointed a committee to receive the Safety Award for Otter Tail
county from the state of Minnesota. .
The application of' Mrs. Martha Hultstrand for reduction of assessment on per.scinai property in the
Village of Parkers Prairie for 1942 was read and the Board recommended to 'the Commiss·ioner of Taxation
that the assessec value of said property be reduced fro1:1 $44 to $22 and the tax from $4.44 to $2.22.
The application of Harriet E. Bestul for cancellation of assessment for structures against pa.rt of
Government tot 5 in Sec. 12 To\·mship of Amor for the year 1942 on the ground th-at no structures are
situated on said tract was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of' Taxation that the
assessed value of said property be reduced from t361 to $,81 and the tax.from $32.56 to $2.89.
The application of Waldemar A, Rimpila for reduction of assessment for· 1941 on the NE¼ of Section 2
Township of Homestead v:a.s read and after examination of the assessment for 1942 e.nd 1941, theBoard, upon
motion, re~ected the petition.
A report o~ the Boo.rd of Audit of an examination of curr·ent tax collections of the County Treasurer
~or the period from June 18, 1942 to January 2, 1943 both inclusive, showing a total of' $367,498.83
collected e.nd distributed to various funds was approved.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail Count.v. Minnesota:
That the additional sum of' ~~300 be set aside from the Revenue Fund am approp:l'iated, subject to the
order of the Dean of. the Department of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota, for the support of
count,v Co-operative Extension work in agriculture and home economics in otter Tail ·county for the year
ending June 30. 1943, in accordance v:i th Chapter 423, Laws of' 1923. arui. acts supplementary thereto.
Adopted March 10, 1943. Henry G. Hoff, Chairl!E.n.
Attest: Willian Lincoln, Clerk.
The followinp.: resolution was adopted:
Resolution b,v the Board of Count.v Commissioners, Otter Tail Count:;. Minnesota.
Vlhereas. due to the limitations placed on rood construction b.v the national emergency, and
Whereas. all expenditures on state aid roads in Otter Tail County for the .vear 1943 will be limited
to maintenance expenditures,
How, therefore. Be it Resolved, that M. ,1. Hoffmann, State Hip.;hwa,\' Commissioner, be requested to
transfer all the unexpended balance of the 1941 and 1942 State Aid cc;mtruction funds to the 1943 State
Aid Maintenance Fund.
Ado pt ed this 10th day of March. 1943. Henry G. Ho ff, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The follo,•:ing resolution was adopted:
Resolution bythe Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota.
Whereas, the State Board of' Allotment on May 6, 1941, did allot $10,000 Special State Aid to
otter Tail County to be used for grading• a portion of StateAid Road #1. and
Whereas. the State Board of' Allotment on Marc·h 30, 1942, did allot 4P10;000 Special State Aid to
otter Tail County to be-a.tiled for reconstructing a p111rtion of State Aid Rqad #17,· and
Whereas, the present national emergency restricts the expenditures of these funds,
Now, therefore, be it Resolved, that M. ,1. Hoffmann, State Highway Commissioner, be requested to
hold these funds for Otter Tail County until such time as conditions warrant the expenditure of these
funds in the mannP.r previously preucribed b,v the State Board of Allotment.
Adopted this 10th da,v of March, 1943. Henry G, Hoff, Chairman.
!Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following applications for cigarette licenses for the period from January 1 to December 31, 1943
~ere approved: VI. ir. Jaeger and Eldon Blake, at Boat HouseStore, in the Township of Star Lake; Mrs.
IAnna S. Vogel, at Vogel's Store in the Township of Star Lake: Perry Swenson, at ?forth Dora Store, in the
l'rownship of Dora; Mrs. Hattie Burns, at Burns Store. in the To1vnship of Maine: Ernest M. Veazie, at
!Veazie' s Filling Station, in the Township of Maine.
ThP. application of Perry Swenson for On and Off sale beer license at North Dora Store in the
Township of Dora for the period fromapril 1, 1943 to March 31, 1944 inclusive, was granted.
Upom motion the Board then ajourned to 10 o'clock A. M. March 11, 1943.
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Thursda,v, March 11, 1943, all members
lbeini;i present.
The Board considered bids for '?oor ~arm. and beiTlf!' of the opinion that the highwst bid, in the
sum of :Sll,000 was less than the.v felt the farm 1vas worth, upon motion all bids were :11Qjected.
Upon motion it was ordered that the monthly salar.v of County /1?0-a.d Mechanics be fixed as follows:
~eorge Wicker, $160 per month. Lyle Tollerson, $150 per month. Such salaries to commence April 1, 1943.
Odin Johnson, ~anitor and Engineer at the Court House, notified the Board that he had received notice
~o enroll in some essential war industry before April first, and he requested leave of absence during
the duration.
The follov:ing resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Boa.rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota:
That Odin Johnson, janitor and engineer of the Otter Tail County Court House, be and he hereby is'
~ranted leave of absence for the duration to engage in essential war industry.
Adopted Mo.rch 11, ·1943. Henry G, Hoff, Chairman.
~ttest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following bills were allor.ed:
l. C. Henkes. boarding prisoners
P. C. Henkes expenses
Pdin Johnson cash advanced
~ouise Stondahl post~e
!:', A. Anderson postage
Perham F.nterprise-~uttetin publ. finan. stmt.
J • C. Renkes
!'. W. Olorv igen
Louise Stondahl
P. M. Ree
The Improvement Bulletin
Underwood Independent
del. tax list
515. 70
DATE .......................... March ... 11, .. 1943 .................. 1931-.~.,.
Fergus Journal Co. publ. personal Northwestern ~ubl. Co. publ. personal
property list 513.43 property list 244,38
Pelican Rapids Press Do. 248.38 Mason E'u.bl-Co, Mason's annotations 15.00
Miller-Davis Co, record & blanks 80.97 Jones 'I: Kroeger Co. record, etc. 133.39
Ugeblad Publ. Co, printing 36.00 Fergns Journal Co. printing & advertising 59,87
Department of Highw~ys maps 1.44 Poucher Prtg. Sc Ltho. Co. assessment sup. 1503,02
Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. supplies 4.86 Curtis 1,000, Ino. supplies 83,15
Victor Lundeen !I: Co. supplies 216.95 The Pierce Co, supplies 7,71
Ed Holstrom repairs 2.50 Larson Bros. repairs 1.45
tightfoot's Shop repairs 8.25 Algot Carlson repairs 18.95
Aastad '.1.'wp. sodium chlorate 77.13 Dept. of Agriculture,
Fritz-Cross Co, eyelets 2.11 Dair,v &Food weed eradication
N.VI.Sash .t,, Door Co. table 48.00 N.l'l.Bell Telephone Co. long dist. calls
N.W.13ell Telephone Co. long dist. calls 13.80 Marjorie '.l'omhave clerical work
Mrs. J. 'F'. Iversen clerical work 1.50 Arvid ,1ohnson witness fees &
0 scar W. Olson witness fees 'I: mileage 7.72 mileage
Mrs. Ralph Hendershot Do, 7.00 Oscar V.ultstrand Do.
. 3.00
Christ Haugaard Do. 7.00 H. F. Hinze Dep.Sheri:ff's fees
S. B,!felson ·Dep.Sheriff's fees 15,50 Dr. c. J. Lund coroner's fees
Sverdrup Scand. Mut. In5. Co. insurance 12.98 Estrem Clinic examination
FerguSFalls Clinic examination 3.00 Dr. 'N •. F. Schember examinations
St. Luke's Hospital care of pauper 17.44 Tovtn of Hobart care of poor
R. J. Barke insurance 233. 38 R. J. Barke insurance
A. Glorvigen cash advanced 18.45 A. Glorvigen expenses
Mrs. E. P. Cole lodging 12 ,50 Mrs. Joel Restad lodging
E. A. Lindquist meals for crew 75.25 P.ailway Express co. express·
RaymondBros. Mtr. Transp.co. freight 6.33 Seven-0 Service Station anti-freeze
Bill Nelson's Oil Co. ttres 26.32 Tire Retreadco. tires
Lampert Lbr. Co. ,N.Y ,Mills l•unb~y· !{O.IJO Granrud Garage repairs
Hanson's Garage repairs • 75 Lee Chevrolet co. repairs
Minn. Motor Co., Inc. repairs lA.10 G. 11. Y.auppi repairs
Service Recorder Co. repairs 7.94 Olson Auto Elec. Co. repairs
Fergus Foundry co. repairs 19.00 Knoff-1:>eterson Hdwe. co. suppl"ies
P.ep' s Standard Service supplies 1.30 Fred A .. Everts supplies
KUlseth Su·pply co. supplies 181. 79 Resset & l'lestby suppli.es u. s. Steel Supply Co. supplies 22.51 i'liller & Teisberg Drug Co. "
NW. Sheet & Iron Y/orks supplies 5.41 Harthun Sc Peterson Oil Co. gasoline
John Magnuson gasoline 128.77 Otter Tail Co-op. Oils, Inc. "
Standard Oil co. gasoline 77.00 Socony.-Vacuum Oil cc. gasoline
Bill Nelson's Oil co. gasoline 3.82 Highway co. gasoline & rent
Standard Oil Col, F.F. oil 70.62 Town of Dora care of poor
Town of Erhards Grove care of poor 205.47-Vill. Deer Creek care of poor
Town of Sverdrup Do. 75.14.., Glen Lake Sanatorium care of patient
If.VI .Wiping Cloth co. wiping cloths 15.82 Ed Carlson tov:ing
N.W.Bell Telephone Co. s1:1rvices 17.10 Clay county maintenance
Vill. of Battle Lake water charges 2.25 Paper, Calmenson .'I: Co. cutting edges
Thorman \'i. Rosholt Co. cable 25 .07 Lowry, StRng 'I: Olson insurance
American Farmers Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. insurance 482.22 John G. Peterson insurance
r1.w.Bell Tel. Co. long distance calls 14.75 Pe1Hian Telephone co. services
Victor Lundeen 'I: co. stationery & sup. 147.70 Aune Bros. tires ,'I: repairs
E. D. Sage rent 5.00 Lampert Lumber Co. cement
Coast-to-Coast Store, Pel.Rap. supplies 2.lI Free Press Co. supplies
Saunders co. supplies 2.19 Nicols, Dean t,, Gregg supplies
Saul Motor Co. supplies 2.52 Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies
Geo. T, Ryan co. parts 120.59 Wm. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. parts, etc.
MahlP.r 'I: Straus parts 201.52 A-YI •. Inc., of Minnesota parts, ohains,
Cummins Diesel Sales 'I: Service parts 108.50 nauer Mfg. Co. parts
J. Fl. Schmidt repairs 15.40 Clarenoe Knutson repairs
t,arson Bros. repairs 120.40 Lake ~egion Mot or Co. re·pairs
Perham Co-op. Oil Co. gas, oil, etc. 39.45 'Pighwa.v Co. gasoline
Len Syverson•s gasoline 41.34 Ray's Oil co., Dalton gas !I: oil
Mills Oil Co. gee '= oil 10.47 Ra.v' s Service Station gasoline, etc.
Fergus Oil Co. gasoline 529.80 13engtson Oil r,o. gasoline
~enrose Oil co. gasoline, Diesel fuel 219.62 Field t,, Hagge Oil Co. Diesel fuel
Bill Nelson's Oil Co. oil 35.09 P. Fl. Gust coal
Helen Bohn taking testimony 3.00 Geo. 13. Gunderson long dist. calls
6.00; 391,43
etc. 210.15
267. 95
Geo. B, Gunderson exp.attend. meeting 2.40 Henry G. Hoff exp. attend.meeting
16.40 Bert Stone Do. 19. 25 Yalmer 1:arvonen Do.
Washington county examining insane 16.20 ToYm of Star take onre of poor
Frank c. Barnes Municipal Judge's fees 35.45 J./-1. 5c.~'Yl'/id..-f-Ycp11/i,s
The Board having arranged to exsmillne one of the shovels and trailer offered in response to
for bids, then took a recess until later in the day.
Having re-convened, upon motion the Board accepted the bid of John Meland for one used North•cest
Power Shovel No. 5353, together with Northwest Shovel Trailer as described in his bid, for the total
sum of ;\!15,500.
Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Tuesday,
Apri~l 13 1943 at80 o'ciock
;. J
A. M.
DATE ............................. J,1arch .. 3 li ... 194 3 •............ 193. 43 •
Pursuant to call of a majority of the Board a special meeting of the county Commissioners was held
et 1 o'clock ?, M, V/ednesde.y-, March 31, 1943, Present: Commissioners Gunderson, Hoff, Stone and
The meeting having been called to appoint a janitor and engineer at the Court House during the
leave of absence granted Odin Johnson, yarious candidates were heard, and after discussion the
following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of CountyCommissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That TOrf!US Langlie be and he hereby is appointed as Janitor a.rid Engineer at the county Court
qouse during the leave of absence heretofore granted by this Board to -Odin ~ohnson.
Resolved furtner, that the county luditor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to issue to
said Torgus Langlie a warrant on the Revenue Fund of the Count,v in the sum of $200 per month payable
at the end of each month, such compensation to be in full for all assistance necessary in performance
of the duties of said position.
Adopted March 31, 1943. Henry G. Hoff., Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
There being no further business, upon mot ion the Board "then
DATE .................................... AJ>ri 1 .. 13, ... l 9.1.~., ........ 193.1-.~.,
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, April 13, 1943. Present:
Commissioners Karvonen, Gunderson, Hof.f, Stone and Snowberg •
ThP. following applications for on and Off sale beer licenses were granted: Hubert Koep, Urbank,
in To1vn of Effington; Mrs. Emma Deist, Deist'sStore, Tovm of Friberg; Arthur Abraham, resort, Town of
Dora; Rufus Hull, Battle Vie1•1 ?ark, Town of Girard; Herman V/eickert, resort, Township of Perham;
C. D. P.ubbard, Western Store; Albert Januszewski, resort. Town o:f Perham; William H, Jaeger, resort,
Town of Star Lake; c. ,7. Matthews, camp Balmoral, Town o:f Otter Tail; Jose·ph Waldorf, Cafe, Urbank,
Town of Ef~ington; s. J. Fruth, Sam's confectionP.r,v. Urbank, Township of Effington; Mrs• Amelia Miller,
P.augen's Resort. Tol'lnship o:f Leaf Lake; Fl. YI, Meier, 1?leasure 1?ark, Tov:nship of Otter Tail; Louis J.
Cihlar, Rice Lake 0 e.vllion, Tovrnship o:f Hobart; Irene L. i:iond,v, Leaf Lake Pavilion, Tov:nship of LP.sf
Lake; 'F'. F.. Ash, Ash's Camp, Township of' -:lizabeth: Herman Abel, Shady Point. Tovmship of Elizabeth.
Off Sale beer license was granted to Ole A. Eggum, Eggum' s Store in Township of Maplewood.
The :following were granted dance permits for the balance of the year 1943: C. J. Matthews. Balmoral
Pavilion, Tovmship of Otter Tail; Louis J. Cihlar, Rice Lake Pavilion, To<mship of Hobart; Irene L. Bond,v,
Lea:r. Lake Pavilion, Township of Leaf Lake. Cigarette Licenses for the entire year o:f 194!3 were granted to the :following: S. J. Fruth, Urbank,
Township o·f E:ffington; Ole A. Eggum, Eggum's store, Town of Ma·plev,ood; Alberta M. Lien. Camp Hatton Store.
Town of Amor; C. D. Hubbard, Western Store. Cigarette licenses were granted to the :follovring for the period from A!>ril 1 to December 31. 1943:
George Olson, Almora; H. W. Meier, n1easure Park, Town o·f Otter Tail; P.ufus Hull, Battle View Park. Town
of Girard. ·
Cigarette licenses ·for the period from March 1 to December 31, 1943 were granted to Irene L. Bondy,
Leaf Lake 0 avilion. Town of Leaf Lake; Mrs. Amelia i.liller, Haup,en's resort. Township of Leaf Lake;
Arthur Abraham. resort. Town of Dora; C. J. Matthews. Balmoral Store, Town of Otter Tail.
The bond of Carl Lund. coroner. in the sum of ~1.000 with St. 1:'anl Mercury Indemnit,v Co, as
suret.\'. was approved.
A report of the Board of Audit o:f an examination of the accounts of P. M. P.ee ,. Treasurer of said
County, for the period from December 1. 1942 to April 1. 1943. both days inclusive. showing balance in
the County Treasury at the close of business Qn said last mentioned date of $562.197 .57 was approved.
The application of l'lillmer Leitch for reduction of assessment on personal pro[)erty in the
. Township of Everts for the year 1942 on the ground that no personal exemption had been allowed him 1·1as
read and the Board recommended to the commiss loner of Ta:;;ation that the assessed valuation o-r said
personal property be reduced from $364 to $264 and the tax from $24.32 to ~17.64.
The application of William Jensen for classification of the Sf NE¼ except tracts, and part of the
SE<i:-NE~. Sec. 22 in the Village of Henning at homestead rates for the ,vear 1942 was read and the Board
recommended to the CommissionP.r of Taxation that said land be so classified, and the assessed value
reduced from $574 to $344. and the tax from $57.63 to $32.00 in addition to special assessments.
The application of Ira Dewey for reduction of assessmP.nt for 1942 on the SE¼
S ec. 21 Tovmship of Western was read and the Board recommended to the CommissionP.r of Taxation that the
assessed valuation of said land be reduced.from $1463 to $963 and the tax from $89,24 to $58.74.
The appllcation of John e.nd Frank l~ukowske for reduction of assessment for the year 1942 on Lots 2
and 3 except tract in Sec. 31 Township of Corliss was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner
of Taxation that the assessed valuation of said tract be reduced from ~242 to ~141 and the tax from 819.80
to $11.53. -
The application of Taylor Halvorson for reduction of assessment for the year 1942 on Sub Lot 1 of
GovernmP.nt Lot 4 in Sec. 11 Township o·f' Tumuli was read and the Board recommended that the assessed
valuation of said tract be reduced from $220 to $79 and the tax from $23.23 to $8,34.
The application of \'lillia:n A. HelP.y for ca.ncellation of personal property assessment· for the year
1942 in the Township of Amor was read and the assessor for said Tovmship having reported that this
assessment was made in error. upon motion the assessment of t18 and the tax of $1.06 were cancelled.
The application of Joseph Mettel for cancellation of assessment for building for the years 1939,
1940 and 1941 on the E½ Si'I·'-· and SVH-SEf of Sec. 16 Township of Folden was read and the Board recommended
to the CommissionP.r of Taxation that h.is offer of $95.87 in full payment of taxes for said years. being a
reduction of $61.89 from the full amount of taxes. penalty and interest, be accepted.
Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. i'lednesda.1•. April 14. 1943.
WF.D!IBSDA".!"'S S'RSSiorr.
Pursuant to adjournment the Boa.rd met at lo o'clock A. M. V/ednesda.v. April 14, 1943. all members
being present.
Various delegations of citizens consulted with the Board during the day in regard to appointment
of Weed Inspector and other matters. No action was taken by the Board.
The application of Mrs. Thea Ball for cigarette license for the period from June 1 to December 31,
1943 at Amor Park store in the Township of Amor was granted.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county, Minnesota:
That the sum of $40.00 pe;r month be and the same hereby is allowed to Helen Bohn for clerical work
in the office of the County Attorney from April first 1943, same to be paid at the close of each month
on warrant of the County Auditor from the Revenue Fund of the Co1mty.
Adopted April 14, 1943. Henr,v G. Hoff. Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk,
The following bills ~,ere allovred:
J.C. Henkes. expenses
T.ouise Stondahl expP.nses
IL ~,. Glorvlgen post office box rent
i::. J. P.ovang expenses
Jones~ Kroeger Co. record
Miller-Davis co. record !re blanks
Ferp.;us ,7ournal co. publishing, etc.
M. Johnson notice to taxpayers
Victor Lundeen .!re Co. su·pplies
count r,vman Drug Co. supplies
Hillyard Sales Co. supplies
J.C. ijenkes boarding prisoners
!-l. I'/. Glorv igen drivers license exp.
0 , M. ~ee postage
Up.;eblad Publ. Co. printing
li'ritz-Cross co. record ~~ blanks
0 oucher ?rintlng .'I, Litho. Co. blanks
Battle I,ake Review publ. Financial Stmt.
City Typewriter Service supplies
Beall ~ McGowan supplies
The Pierce Co. supplies
Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. supplies
DATE ......................... ).oril .. 14 , ... 1943,. ................. 19343.,.
_,aunm~-.IODK.MfD.P.RINTIND.CO. •. ff .. CLOUD..MINN-nlll
wm. Galena
Olaf B jorgan
Everett Faunce
Ineurance Service Agency
west Otter Tail Service
Clarence Aune
Whitehead Printing Co.
Skogmo Cafe
Tda Noyee
Mrs. ?. A. Stortroen
Claude R. Field
Geo. F. Henschel
A. Glorv ig en
Geo. V/icker
Lyle Tollerson
Miller-Davis Co.
Gamble· Store
Ebersv ille r's
r,yle Sir;ns, Tnc.
Cummins D.iesel Se les !~
shov:elling snow
shovelling S!I0\7
fluorescent bulbs
hauling ashes
binding books
meals for jurors
clerical vrork
clerical work
Justice fees
Sheriff's fees
Service parts
John Y.:owalski repairs
Larson Dros. repairs
Clarence !nutson repairs
Lake Region !.!otor Co. repairs
Oscar W. Peterson repairs
Monroe Cale. Machine Co. maintenance
N.W.Bell Tel. Co. lohg dist. calls
John Syverson towing
Vill, Henning electricity
Frankoviz Hdwe. Co. ·cable
!,!inn. Motor co., Inc. tire, etc.
Wilcox Lumber Co. coal
Fred A. Everts coal
Luther Ecklund sawing wood
IL D. Sage garage rent
Rfghwe,v Co. gasoline. etc.
?.ay's Service Sta. gasoline, etc.
Motor Inn Garage gasoline, etc.
Socony-Vacuum Oil Co. gasol lne
Standard Oil Co., P.Rap. ·gasoline
Anderson~ Sandberg Oil Co. Diesel fuel
Nord 'I: Ouren Auto Clinic oil
Standard 011 Co. grease
Perham Twp. road ~:o rk
Glen Lake Sanatorium care of oatients
T01vn of Maplewood care of poor
Town of Oscar care of poor
Mills Hardware Co. supplies
'Nicols, Dean -'l: Gregg sup·plies
Thorman W. Rosholt Co. parts s 'I: F Oil Co. f!aS Oline
1?. A. Anderson postaf!e
Yelmer r.:arvonen exp.attend.meeting
Henry G. Hoff: DO.
Upon motion the Board then adjourned to
Bristol's batteries
Roy Corliss services
N.VI.Bell Tel. co. long distance calls
N.W.Bell Tel. Co. Do.
West Otter Tail Service light bulbs
Battle Lake Review notice to taxp~vers
Miller-Bryant-Pierce carbon paper
Dr. C. J. Lund coroner's ·fees
Effie Iverson clerical •Nork
John Kutov1ske, Jr. Municipal Judge's fees
Wadena County examining insane'"
F.lmer \'I. Hinkston insurance
A. Glorvigen cash advanced
Joe Ahlfs expenses
Clifford Ollie expenses
O' Meara's su·ppl les
Saunders Hdwe. supplies
The Norgahn Co. supplies
Seven-0 Service parts
!lauer Mfg. Co. parts
National Rushing ~. '?arts Co. parts, etc.
Bill Nelson Oil co. repairs
Nehl Mac hi ne Shop repairs
F. Saunders -'I: Son repairs
G.·1-1. Y.:auppi repairs
Flenry Holmgren repairs
1:1.W.Bell Telephone co. long dist. cells
Peterson oros. Hotel & Cafe meals .!I, lodging
V ill. of Pelican Rapids water charges
Service RecorderCo. service charts
Montgomery Viard co. scrap rubber
Paper, Calmenson & Co. steel
H. Krueger coal
Campbell coal co. coal
Vill. New York Mills garage rental
Syver Iverson garage rental
Penrose Oil Co. gasoline, etc.
Perp.us Oil Co. gasoline
Bengtson Oil co. gasoline
T.en Syverson' s gasoline
Ziegler~ Johnson Oil co. gasoline
Fi.eld & Hagge Oil Co. Diesel fuel
H.K. Stahl Co. oil
Newton TVlp. road work
Dr. Frank Naegeli examination
Town of Henning care of poor
Town of Nidaros care of poor
Joel ::iestad cash advanced
Pelican Telephone co. services
Republic Creosoting Co. road tar
Wm. H. Ziegler co., Inc. parts, oil, etc.
T:'ark Reg ion Oil Co. gasoline Geo. B. Gunderson exp;.attd. meeting
Bert stone Do.
?. lf. Gust coal
1943 at 10 o'clock A. Y.
22 •. 36
39. 38
7 .30
DATE. ........................ W~:Y. .. )} .. , ... 1~.~-~.: ........................ 193!.'.?.: ..
Pursuant to ad~oumment the Boa:rd met ot 10 o'cloclc A. M. Tuesday, May 11, 1943. Present:Commission-
ers Karvonen, Gunderson, Poff, Stone and Snowbere;. Cigarette licenses were g,ranted as follows: A. F. Eanneman. at Luce, for eight months commencing
May 1, 1943; John A. Solinger, Cross Poi.nt Resort, ToYm of Maplewood, eight months commencing May first;
F. P. Steele, at Spruce Lodge in Township of Star Lake, for eight months commencing May first.
, Off sale beer licenses were granted to Herman D. Heidorn, at Evergreen Beach in TO~'Yl of Corliss;
John A, Solinger, Cross t'oint Resort, Town of Mapl·ewood. On and Off sale beer licenses were granted to William E. Lee, administrator of t~e Estate of
Geo. E. Bowen, at Bowen's Resort, Grand View Heights, TO\\'Yl of Pine Lake; .Jacques Hendr1ckz at Entler
Store in the Town of Butler; Fred Schultz, at Ten Mile Lake Resort, Town of Tumuli; F. P. Steele;,, at
Spruce Lodge in the Town of Star Lake; J. J. Peach, resort in the Town of Dora; Sylvester Shasky, resort
in Section 31 Town of Corliss. It havi118 been sho1vn to the Board thst Herman Abel, to whom was granted On and Off sale beer
licenses at Shady Point Resort in the Town of Elizabeth April 13, 1943, was not a citizen of the United
States and that the issuance of such licenses was therefore illegal, upon mot ion said licenses were
revoked and the CountJ' Audi tor was instructed to notify ),Ir. Abel to return the licenses.
Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'cl.oclt P. :1.
Off Sale beer license was p:ranted to\'/. c. Drayton at Dra,vton's Resort in theTownship of Maplewood.
Cige.rette license we.s granted to Fred Schultz at Ten Mile Lake Resort in Town of Tumuli for a
period of seven months commencinr June first.
. The Boe.rd considered. the ouestion of sale of that pert 01' the SE-2-of sw.i-of Section 20 in Township
of Leaf Mountain lying south of-County Aid Road ifo. 31, .containing 12.4 acres more or less, and upon
motion the Count,v Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for said tract, bids to be opened at the
session of the Board June 9, 1943 at 10 o'clock A. M.
Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'cloclc A. M. Ma,v 12. 1943,
Fursua.nt to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M.· Me.v 12, 1943, all members being present.
The folmowing resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That the leave of absence heretofore granted to l'I. :r.. Sandin, Count.v Highv:a.v P.ngineer, be e.nd the
same hereb,v is extencl.ed to May 1, 1944.
Resolved further that Afton Olorvigen be and he hereb,\· is appointed Assistant Highwe,.v Engineer for
said period, at a salar,v of $225.00 per month commencing May 1, 1943,payment to be made at the close of
each month on warrant of the County Auditor.
Adopted Ma,v 12, 1943. Henry G. HO:f:f, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk.
The application of F. N. Lineburg for reduction of assessment for 1942 against the SE¼ NE¼ and Lots
1 and 2 in Sec. 2 Town of Leaf Mountain was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation
that the assessed value of said land be reduced from $755 to $542 andthe tax from $70.97 to $50.95.
The application of Algot Carlson for cancellation of personal property assessment for 1942 in the
Township •of. Amor on the ground that he had no personal property whatever in said to1mship during th~t
year was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of ~13
and the tax of. 75¢ be cancelled.
The application of James T, Raines for cancellation of personal property assessment in the To~~ship
of Amor for 1942 on the ground that he had no personal propert,v whatever in said township for that year
was reed end the Board recommended to the Commissioner o:l' Taxation the. t the assessed value of $8 and the tax
of 46¢ be cancelled.
The application of l'!aldemar A. Rimpila for classification of NE"-of sec. 2 Town of Homestead for the
year 1941 at homestead rate waw read and the Board recornmenaed to the Commissioner of Taxation that said
land be so classified and the assessed value be reduced from $958 to $575 and the tax from $71.85 to $38.09.
The application of H. William Schnoor for reduction of assessment for structures against Lot 31 of
~all Lake ~oint in the Township of Dane Prairie for the year 1942 was read and the Board recommended to the
~ommissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said real estate be reduced from $92 to ~57 and the
~ax from $7.86 to $4.87. ·
The application of Thomas C. \'/right for reduction of assessment for structures as entered against
part of Reserve 73 in the City of Fergus Falls for the year 1942 was read and the Boe.rd recommended to the
~ommissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said real estate be reduced from $2511 to $2221 and the
tax :from $274.70 to $242,97.
The application of the Village of Henning for cancellation of' tax 6f the NW'"-NE-~ of Se c. 22
.~ownship 133 Range 38 for the years 1941 and 1942 on the ground that said tract was owned by the Village
'311d used f.or Village purposes during said yes.rs was read and the 'Board recommended to the Commissioner
of Taxation that the assessed value of $320 and the tax of $38.26 ·for the year 1941, and the assessed
~alue of~320 and the tax of $29,76 for the year 1942 be cancelled.
The application of Syver Iverson for settlement of delinri.uent taxes for 1924, 1925 end 1929 to 1941
both inclusive, age.inst Lots 13, 14 and li in Block. 2 of Almora Townsite in the Township of. Elmo was reed
~nd the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said delinquent taxes be settled for the
sum of $68,· .. being a reduction of ·:~263 from the full amount of taxes, penalty, interest and costs for said
A report of the 'Board of Audit of examination of the current tax collecti.ons of the County Treasurer
for the period frcm January 2, 1943 to March 17, 1943 both inclusive. showing a total tax of $258,169.13,
ivas approved.
TheBoard considered proposals for furnishing public liability. property damage. on county road
~quipment, and after consideration the contract was awarded to M. A. stortroen, in accordance v:ith his
~ffer of $272.10 based on equipment covered by 1942 policy.
On and Off sale beer license was granted to Fred Mollman at resort on Section 1 Township of Dead Lake,
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved bl' the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail countl·, Minnesota:
Whereas, it has been represented to this Board thr.t owinp: to the great amount of water in the
Otter Tail River the culverts under StateAid P.oad No. 1 between Sections 29 and 30 in the '.l'ownship of
~urdal are insufficient in size to carry the waters of said river and therefore such waters are causing
aamage to farm land along said river in said Section 30 and will continue to cause such damage unless
promptly removed, and
--rur.LPloANK..DOOK.AND.PJIIHDNG.C0, •. 8T,.c:LDUD..MlfrlN--911a;
DATE .......................... .!:!.a,v. .• l.2., .... l.911a3 •...................... 193!.l.3..
Whereas, this Board and the County Highway Engineer have made a careful examination and found the condition to be as stated to the Board
Now, therefore, it is hereb.r deciared that an
additional culvert be placed under the road at said
Engineer is hereby directed to secure proposals and
as possible.
em~rgency exists. and that it is necessary that an
point as soon as possible, and the County HiBhwe,y
proceed to have such culvert installed as promptly
Adopted MD,\' 12, 1943.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Henry G. Hci'ff ,Chairman.
The follo•,:ing bills 1vere allowed:
,l, C, Henkes expenses 131. 75 ,'. c • Henkes
8. J. Rovanf! expenses 70.95 r.ouiseStondahl
Louise Stondahl cash advanced 1.09 Louise Stondahl
P. A. Anderson post!lf,e 17.33 u. w. Glorvigen
fl. 1•1. Glorvigen drivers license exp. !3.70 Vlhitehead Printing Co. FerP.us Journal Co. printing, etc: 154.90 Fritz.cross Co.
Security '3lank Book I! Miller-Davis Co.
Printing Co. records 'I: blanks 153.07 Ugeblad ?ubl. co.
Poucher ~rinting 'I: Johnson Furniture co.
Lithographing Co. supplies 184. 15 Vic tor r.undeen .'I, co.
Star Grocer,v supplies 9.40 Beall •• McGowan Co.
Ed Ha!_Zen clothes posts 8.72 General Supply co.
Mason 'Pu.bl. co. Digest 'I: Annotations 19.50 N.:Y/.'Bell Telephone co.
!LW.Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls 17.35 Effie Iverson
Ida Noyes clerical work 4,50 Beatrice M. Kalvik
Franke. Barnes !,!lmicipal Judge's fees 29.95 Dr. W.A.Miller
Joseph Rayner Dep.Sheriff's fees 15.30 Merlin s. !Ueman
Dr. Frank I1aep.;eli examination 3.00 Dr. !':verett C. !'Jenson
Glen Lake Sanatorium care o.~ patient 74.75 Town o~ DUnn
Tovm of Tordensk,jold care of ·poor,1941 28.66 Tcwn of Tordenskjold
Afton C. Glorvigan cash advanced 15.85 A, Glorvigen
Clarence J. P.ood expenses 26.85 Edgar Leitch
,Joe Ahl fs expenses 16. 80 Geo. Wicker
Edgar Leitch cash advanced 22 .89 E. E. Schmidt
Mahler !c Straus parts 36.11 Victor Lundeen !c Co.
Ebersviller Tmptement Co. supplies 7.95 Hintgen-rarst Elec. co.
Standard Oil co. supplies 2.04 Knoff-Peterson Hdwe. co.
Henning Hardwareco. supplies 10.75 Ebersviller's
R. r.. Fossen repairs 4.19 Granrud GaragP.
R, A. Stuntebeck repairs 7 .21 Larson "lros.
Clarence !~nu tson repairs 52. 75 Lake Region Mo tor Co.
Erickson-Helleckson-Vye Co. repairs 2. 30 Bill's Service Station
Red Arrow Garage repairs .90 ?.esset & V/estby
Olson Auto i::1ec. co. repairs 15.10 Am.Farmers Mut,Anto In.a
J.01'lr.v, Stang 'I: OlRon insurance 8. 35 r,ov:r.v, Stang !c Olson
l'lif!hv,a.v Co. rent 12.00 s,vver Iverson
:;;, D. Sage f.!,araf!e rent 5.00 Campbell Coal Co.
I', !~rueger coal 12,12 Lampert Lumber Co.
Ra.v Younf! piling 54.00 \'/hi tehead 0 rinting Co.
N,1V,'3ell Telephone Co. services 7.25 N.Yl.'Bell Telephone Co.
Peterson Bros. !:lo tel meals 'I: lodging 44. 25 Uptown Hot el ~ Cafe
Service Oil Co. gasoline 75.00 Anderson 'I: Sandberg Oil
Bendickson Service Station gasoline 33.77 Len Syverson's
S inc lair Station gasoline 70.35 Fergus Service Station
Motor Inn GaraBe gasoline, etc. 144.94 Standard Oil co.
Ziegler 'I: Johnson Oil Co. gasoline 161.41 Consumers Oil Co.
Harthun 'I: 0eterson Oil Co. gapl_ine, etc. 14.31 Perhnm Co-op. Oil co.
Bill Nelson's Oil Co. oil I tires 62.61 Field 'I: Ra~ge Oil Co.
Tov:n o~ Dunn road work 100.00 F:ric 0 eterson
boarding prisoners 115.50
expenses 14.30
postage 55.00
postaBe 25.00
printinB 6.50
record 91.07
.blanks 103. 91
blanks 4.50
supplies 3.50
supplies 133.35
supplies 7.65
light bulbs 5,82
long distance calls 13.16
clerical 1vork 10.50
clerical work 6.00
Dep. coroners fees 5.25
Dep.Sheriff's fees 2.00
examinations 21.00
care of poor, 1942 ~~7.78
care of poor,1942 306.51
expenses 102. 90
expenses 41.10
expenses 7.90
cash advanced 6.90
supplies 9.25
supplies 6.10
supplies 4.18
supplies 4.70
repairs 1.50
repairs 23.35
repairs 31.20
repairs 15.50
repairs 27.96
co. insurance 32.55
insurance 25.49
garage rental 5,00
coal 6.44
lumber 18.00
stationery 51.95
long distance calls 34.05
room i board 27. 75
co. gasoline 37.50
gascline 29.59
gasoline 37 .10
gasoline 150.92
gasoline 55.82
gas 'I: oil 4.46
Diesel fuel 183.14
expenses 31. 70
Cummins Diesel Sales 'I: Service parts 8,84 Natione.l Bushi?l{! 'I: Parts Co. parts 'I: repairs 93.89
A-W Co •• Inc •• of Minn. parts 16.57 Wm. Fl. ~iegler Co., Tnc. parts 321.93
!'.:ulseth Suppl,v Cc. supplies 46 .41 Nicols, Denn 'I: Greg(; supplies 23.27
":bersviller's. T>el.Rapids suppliP.s .52 G. F. Y.auppi repairs 12.65
Hans on Ge.rage repairs 9. 00 Ferp.:us Found r,vco. repairs 7.00
TheAdelsmanco. repairs 5.65 -:. "'· :,,icDunn '1:Co.
Service ~ecoider Co. repairs 3.97 Y.ela Bros.
repairs .85
repairs 4,00
Pelican Telephone Co. services 6.40 Smith Commercial Body Works rebuild trailer 454.44
Tesch-Dertinger Lbr. co. cement 3.60 Ray l:imher
Andrew Lietch, Estate used truck 325.00 C. B. Lyon 'I: Bro.,
piling 90.00
Inc. atlacide 180.88
'FJarr.v Merickel Lumber Mills lumber 5. 76 Elk River Concrete PrcductsCo. culvert 38.36
Allmetal Highway Products culvert cleaners 17.61 Avis Bowman
Bengtson Oil co. gasoline 7.00 Mills Oil Co.
'F'ert-us Oil co. gasoline 59.63 Mills Oil Co.
~enrose Oil Co. gas 'I: Diesel fuel 105.11 Henry G, Hoff
Bert stone exp.attendillf! meeting 11.60 Yalmer KarvonP.n
gasoline 31.42
gaseline 2.79
gas .'I: oil 38.44
exp.attending meeting 4.80
expenses 7.05
D. -:. Misfeldt expenses 12.16
Upon motion the Board then ad;,ourned to June 8, 1943 at 10 o'clock A. M.
~~ #.rdd/
~hairman. y-r; ·
DATE ....................... June ... 8 •... 1943 •......................... !@..: ... .
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. IL Tuesda,r. June 8, 1943. Present: Commis-
sioners Karvonen, Gunderson. Hoff, Stone and t>nowberg.
Sheriff J. C, Henkes asked for additional thirty days time for collecting 1942 personal property
taxes. Upon motion the request was granted. . .. Mr: .He"nkes also called attention to 320 acres of tax-delinquent land in the J.ownehip of Scambler
belonging to the State Bank o~ \Vsterford. Wisconsin, upon 1?hich he had collected rents as provided by
law for former ,vears. The Sheriff wae instructed to mclce arrangements for the lee.sing of the property for
the present eeaeon and "for the collection of rent.
The question of appointment ot Count,v 17eed Inspector "or this see.son 1'78S discussed. and upon motion
the Board appointed George F. Johnson, and agreed to ps.v half of his salary and expenses for the period
from June first to October 15, 1943.
Cigarette licenses for the period from :.Js.1• 1 to December 31, 1943 were granted as follows: Gust
Strand, at Strand'e P.eeort in the Town of Lids;,, .• ,. ?each, at "esch's ?.esort in the Tovm of Dora; L!rs.
Viola ·Albers Gleason at Rush Lake Resort. Town of Rush Lake.
nn and Off sale beer licenses were granted as -f'.ollowe: To A. F. Hanneman, at his general sto1·e
located on r.ot 5 Block 1 in the Original 01st or the To1-msite of J,uce: Thomas \Vallace. et Sand Besch ~eeort
in the Townshi·p of '?ine Lake.
Of1' sale oeer licenses were granted to ;'/alter Klein, Sr •• for his resort in Ru.sh Lake, and to
Mrs. Viola Albers Gleason at Dew Drop Inn in the Township of Rush Le.ke.
Upon mot ion the B osrd then took a recess to 2 o'clock P. M.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County. Minnesota:
Whereas. this Board has heretofore contracted with .'ohn Mele.rid for the purchase of one second-hand
shovel, and
Whereas. ss1:1e has been delivered to and accepted by this Board,
Mow, therefore, be it resolved that the count.I' Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and they hereb.1•
are authori?.ed and directed to issue to said contractor a·warrant on the Road and Bridge fund in the sum
of $5,500, the contract price.
Ad.opted ,Tune 8, 1943. Henry G. Hoff, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The application of H. B. ])u.>J.bar for settlement cf delinquent taxes for 1939, 1940 and 1941 against
tract in Village of Deer Creek was read and the County Audi tor was instructed to return the same to the
petitioner for the approval of the Village Board of Review of Deer Creek Village.
The application of Samuel Rufer for classification of the SE¼ of Sec. 3 in the Township of Western
for the year 1942 at homestead rates was read and the Board reoommended to the Commissioner of Taxation
that said land be so classified and the assessed value be reduced from $2186 to $1652, and the tax from
~143,89 to $102.84.
The a·pplication of Anna s. Pletcher for reduction of assessment for 1942 against the SE¼-NW¼,
NE.; Slllf and !fl'I• SE¼ of Sec. 30 in the Towr..ship of woodside wns read and the Board recommended to the
Commies loner o.l' Taxati.on that the assessed value of said property be reduced from $471 to $242 and the
tax from $34.02 to $17.47.
The apolication of William Grotey for reduction of assessment for the year 1942 against the NW; NIV.;
pf Sec. 30 and st Sl'f',. and SW"-SE.;. of Sec. 19 in the To,·mship of woodside 1'.'as read and the Board recommended
~o the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said land be reduced from $593 to $297 and the
~ax.from $51.10 to $22.09.
The application of Thomas c. l'/ripht, "'?resident of the Sw~n Lake Club, for cancellation of double
'1Ssessment for certain structures on all of Coverninent Lot 3 except 7.50 acre-tract in Sec. 19 Town of
Dane Prairie for the .vear 1942 was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the
'1SSessed value of said propert.1• be reduced from $5639 to ~5375 and the tax from J;!305.63 to $291.33.
The application of Joe Laddusaw for classific:ation of the SE.;. and Lot 3 of Sec. 1 Township of
Otter Tail for the year 1942 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of
l'axation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from i'll659 to $1125 and the tax
from f.127.74 to $80.72.
The appl ico.tion of the State Departllent ot' Rural Credit for cancellation of tax for the .vear 1940
against the fractional lfE'-of Sec. 15 in the Tov:nship of Rush Lake ~1as read and the Board recommended to
he Commissioner o·f Taxation that the said tax of !"52.07 be cancelled.
The application of T. <'• Bo.vum for settlement o·!' delinouent taxes for 1932. 1933 and 1934 and for l!l39
940 e.nd :9!941 against T,ots 1, 2. 3 and E 75 ft. of U 20 ft. o·f T,ot13 and the F! 50 ft. of the S 62 ft, of
he N 82 ft of T,ot 13, in Reserve 65 of the Oripinal Plat o!' the Ci t.v of Ferr.us "Falls was read. 'l'ne Cit.I'
~ouncil and Finance Committee and City Assessor. with the approval of:' the l{e,ror and Cit,v Clerk, having
ecommended that the said taxes be settled for the sum of ~3.500.00 on condition that the current tax for
942 against the same property be paid in full, upon motion the Commissioners recommended to the Commission-
~r of Taxation that said taxes be settled in accordance with the recommendation of the City authorities,
Jeing. a reduction o:f $3,935.48 from the full amount of taxes, penalty, interest and costs.
Upon ~otion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M.June 9, 1943.
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. J,I. Wednesday,,iune 9, 1943, all members
belng present. ·
13ids for tract ovmed by the County in Sec. 20 of the Township of Leaf Mountain and containing 12.4
acres more or less. \'.'hich bids had been called for by the Board. v:ere opened and read and upon motion the
bid of August r:ichy in the sum of /'301.00 vise accepted. this bein@: the highest bid recei•1ed.
The application of "Rerman Hue for cigarette license at l'loodland ?ark in the Township o.f Girard from
~une first to DecembPr 31, 1943 was granted.
A delegation of citizens from Candor and Vergas filed with the Board a petition for the establishment
ofa snow plow unit et the Village of Vergas. and after discussion upon motion the request was granted.
Upon motion the County Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids :!'.or the Otter Tail county Poor
Farm, said bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board July 12. 1943 at 2 o'clock P. M .. the call for
bids to state that possession v:ill be given by the county tfovember 1, 1943, that said bids shall be
accompanied by certified check for 10~ of the amount of the bid. and that the entire amount of the bid
shall be paid to the County within si.xty days after the award.
The .following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of Count.\•Commi ssi onP.rs of Ott er Tail county. Minnesota:
That the sum of :33600 be set aside from the Revenue Fund and appropriatea, subject to the order of the
Dean of' the Department of Agriculture of the University of Minnesota. fortthe support of Count,v-Co-operstlve
, ..
DATE .................... June .. 9., ... 1943 ............................... 193. 43.
DDCIKNID.P.R&Nl'ING.CO...ST-.a.GUD.,MINN.-IIIH ___ -------·~
Extensio~ work ~n agriculture and home economics in Otter Tail County for the year beginning July 1, 1943
in accoraance 1vith Chapter 423, Laws of 1923, and acts supplementary thereto.
Adopted June 9, 1943. Henry G Hoff Chairman. Attest: Willi&~ Lincoln, Clerk. ' '
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Boa.rd of' County co:nmissioner of Otter Tail county, Minnesota:
That under the provisions of Chapter 163, GenP.ral La•::s of' Minnesota. for 1!>41, the following named
P;rso~ be snd hP. hereby is. ce~ti fled for the purpose of chest surgery at Glen Lake Sanatorium, the cost
o. B8ld treatment to be paid .or equally by the State of Minnesota and Otter Tail County, as provided by sold chapter: ,1ulius reskinen, of the Town of Blowers.
Adopted June 9. 1943.
Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk. Henry G. Hoff, Chairman.
The following bills were allowed :
J. C. Henkes boarding prisoners 248.00 J. C. Henkes expenses 100.53
1:r. IV. Glorvigen drivers license Geo. "B, Gunderson exp.attend.meeting 5,25
expense 3.45 Underwood Independent notices to taxpayers 2.70 u. Johnson notice to taxpa.,l'ers 2.00 J. c. t:ienkes telegrams 14.42
Fergus Journal Co. publishing, etc. 53.08 Free Press Co. blanks 12,20
Security Blank Book 'I: \'I. S. Darley !c Co. supplies 8. 26
Printing Co. books 154.30 The PierceCo, supplies 3.30
Orpheum Drug Store supplies 4.26 Johnson Drug supplies 4.00
Miller-Davis Co. supplies 77.28 County School 'I: Office Supply Co, suppliP.s 85.99
State Dept. of Administration supplies 6!>.64 Victor Lundeen 'I: Co. supplies 29.65
Lien Hardware supplies 7. 81 Poucher Printing 'I: Lithop.:raphing Co. 154 .40
u.s.sanitar,v Specialties Corp. " 12.75 International Chemical co. supplies 1.65
United Chemical Co., Tnc. suppllP.s 3.65 B:111,vard Co. supplies 12.83
!.lartin Sheet Metal Shop repairs 1.00 !l.W,-qell TelP.phone Co. long distance calls 17,95
JI.W."9ell Telephone Co. lon,i: distance calls 15:55 Wei!it~Otter Tail Ser,•ice lamps 5,67
1>, E. Gust coal 327.22 3ernice Jesme clerical v,ork 29.61
Mrs. Palmer Austvold ·clerical work 1.50 Marjorie Tomhave clerical work 37.50
Effie Iverson clerical work 4.50 Beatrice Y.alvik clerical work 6.00
Ida Uo,ves clerical work 3.00 Joseph !la,vner Dep. Sheriff's fees 7.35
Dr. C. J. Lund coroner's fees 43.80 William Bahls marshal's fees 13.40
Fr1rnk c. oarnes !.lunicipal Judge's fees 41.20 Am.Legion Poat #18 Memorial Day services 14.50
Dr. Frank Naegeli examinations 6.00 Dr. 1/. A. Miller examination 3.00
Dr, 11. A. Miller Dep.coroner~s fees 6.65 Louise Standahl expenses 41.15
George\'Hol:er expenses 36. 25 Fred A. Everts lumber 10. 86
Fetvedt "Blue !>rintShop prints .96 E. D. Sage rent 5.00
Skogmo Mot ors, Inc. parts 2. 70 Larson "Bros. repairs 32. 75
Clifford Ollie expenses 8.00 August Johnson clay 8.46
Martin Y.rebs gravel 11.85 T,ouise V/ilde gravel 20.09
Standard Oil Co., N.Y.Mills gasoline 66.65 "Per;ms Service Station gasoline 15.84
Len Syverson's gasoline 17.47 Service Oil co. gasoline 75.00
Anderson 'I: Sandberg Oil co. Diesel fuel 54.85 Lake Rep.ion uotor Co. parts 28.85
Starrtroen Tns. Agency liabilit.v insurance 290.62 Tovm of woodside care of poor,1939 99.58
Town of \'loodside care of poor,1940 170.34 Town of vrooaside care o·f' poor,1942 358.60
'fill. of Clitherall care o·!:' poor.1942 59.17 Vill. of "fl"erming care of poor,1942 584.71
Glen Lake Sa!latorium care o!' patient 78.61 Louise Stondahl postage 62.09
P. ,\. Anderson postage 25.65 D. M. Wheeler cash advanced 8.43
Walter Mark's Ce.fe room 'I: board 14.75 F.d Lindquist meals 2.20
Mrs. Andrew Leitch parts 30.00 Seven-0 Service Station parts .75
G. H. I~auppi repairs 5.05 !vi. J. Schmitz repairs 28.75
Joe Freit repairs 18.90 Sa.ul Motor co. repairs 1.50
Granrud Garage repairs 6. 80 Lien >!ardware Co. suppld!es 79. 33
~bersviller's Implement co. supplies 1.00 ,fenninR Pardware supplies 13.17
Breher l'l"a.rdwa.re supplies • 78 s.vver 'rven10 n f!arafle rent 5. 00
tl.W.Eell TelP.phone co. lonp. distancP. calls 12.92 N.:W."BiHl Telephone Co. long distance calls 8.45
Am. 1i'armers Mut. Auto Ins .co. insurance 3.45 ~heater Leitch Fora truck 375 .00
!,!elvin:O:rickson Ghevrolet cab 25.00 Wadena Auto narts Co. Ford cab 25.00
Raymond ~ros. Uotor Transp. co. freight 8.24 John A. neterson gravel 8.25
\'lallace \'Jicklund kerosene 1.60 Consumers OilCo. gasoline 7.30
:!ayfs Service Station gasoline 5.28 Highway Co. gasoline, etc. 40.78
A. Glorvigen· cash advanced 10.00 A. Glorvigen expenses 93.80
Clarence J. Rood expenses 62.65 Minn. State HighWSl' Dept. forms .50
McCabe Bros. coal 14.73 Geo. T. Ryan co. chains 137.09
Republic Creosoting Co. road. tar 6'/.22 Standard Tar ?roducts Co. creosote oil 79.83
Elk River Cone. Prod. co. culverts 614.28 Northwestern Sheet Ile
Cummins Diesel Sal es 'I: service parts 223; 18 Iron works
A~I'/ Co. ,Inc. of Minnesota parts 54.90 Wm. !-l', Ziegler Co.
.Nicols-Dean 'I: Gre1rn supplies 105. 08 Natl. "Bushing Ile Parts co.
Larson Elec. Mfg. co. re-pairs 13.50 T.ake Region Motor Co.
!.!inn. Motor co., Tnc. tire Ile repairs 66.31 Alvin Haagensen
Bendickson Service Station gasoline 36.05 Per8UB Oil co.
Otter '.'.'ail Co-op Oils. Inc. p,asoline 37. 50 Field 11: Hagge Oil Co.
Helen "Bob.~ taking testimony 13.20 Yalmer Farvonen
Geo. B. Gunderson exp.attend.meeting 5.45 Henry G, "fl"Off
parts 'I: supplies
eup·plies &: repairs
Diesel fuel
exp.attend.meeting no.
Bert Stone telephone calls 1.72
The application of Theodore B~"rketvedt for settlement of delinquent taxes for 1922, 1923, 1924 and
1930 to 1937 against Lots 3 and 4 of' Sect ion 4 Township of Leaf' ,ilounta.in was read and the Board
recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said taxes be settled for the sum of $225.00, beinfl a
reduction of ~550.26 from the full amount of toxes, penalty, interest and costs.
Upon motion commissioners Gunderson and Y.arvonen were appointed a committee to secure estimates of
the cost o~ remodelinfl building in Vergas which the County proposes to acquire as a storaf!e garage.
Upon motion the Chairman of the "Board was authorized and directed to make an., application to the
commissioner of Taxation for conveyance to otter Tail County of Lot 15 in "Block 3 of the or ig inal Plat
of the Village of Vergas for use as a County storage garage, said tract being forfeited to the State for
non-payment of taxes. ~ Upon motion the Board then adjourned without date.
Attest: , C,1.erK
DATE .......................• n.iJ . .v. .... -ki?.~ ... l5!.~.~·························193~k ..
COUllTY CO:,iJUS~IOil~~?.S OF' OT'i'":R TAIL
Pursuant to statute the Board of County Commissioners met at the Commissioners Room in the
Court House at 10 o'clock A. M. ,July 12, 1943. Present: Commissioners Y.arvonen. Gunderson, Hoff,
Stone and Sno\:•berg. TheBoard went over with Sheriff P-enkes the list o~ uncollected personal property taxes fo?" 1942
and a.fter such examination made the follo~1inf! report: Report of the Count.I' Board of the t:ouI!ty of otter Tail, ::itate of Minnesota, of uncollected and
cancelled personal propert.1• taxes for the year 1942. . Fergus Fa~ls, ;•,lin~esota. July 12,1943.
Be it J~novrn, Thc.t the county '3oard of otter Tail ~ounty, Minnesota, did, meet in session on the 12tt.
day•of July 1943, the same being the first session of said Board after the lOtn d~v of June, 1943; that
at said session the count.v Treasurer o~ said county delivered to said Board the list of uncollected
personal propert:r taxes for the year l!l42 together v1ith his certificate thereon as required by law; and
that at said session the said ~onrd did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel
such taxes es the.v are satisfied cannot be collectea. That the followinf! is a correct list of said
uncollected personal property taxes in said Connt.v for said year of 1942 • as so revised by said 3oard
to-wit: Twp. or :'en.,Fee Tot.Tax,?en. '
Name of ?erson Assessed District Tax .!c Costs "< costs Remarks
Baker, H. ;r.
'3eckley. D. u.
:lecltley, D. u.
Berg. Roy H.
Bjorke, Herrnan J.
Blesner, F. N.
Boedigheimer. L. F.
Braaten, Inar
Butler, I'.enneth C.
Clovning, Andrew
Clovning, And ?"eW
Dahlen, U. C.
Dietrick, r,harles
D oering, Otto
Eagles Lod~e #2339
P.ngebretson, Oscar
Fergus ~alls V/oolen
Friberg, ~lem
Goff, C. A.
Halvorson, ~-~.
Paraldson, Alvin
Henke, r::harles ·,v.
Hoppert, Arthurw.
Ho~linp.worth, D.R.
Johnson. O. I.!.
Y.empf, Ed
Leaders, Berman F.
Lee, r.larence
Lenz, ,:,ohn J.
Lind er. John F'.
T,uc as , Thomas
Luckinp:, Joe
r,ystad, A. 1,1.
Martin, Lewis \Vard
Martin, r.ewis l'/ard
Moeberg. Elmer
M,vaer, ?.. I'!.
Nelson, f!. A.
!iorman. D. E.
Homeland, Andrew
Peterson. Olga L.
Rickert, A. L.
Ryback, Robert
Saumweber, Geo,
Scheidecker, John
Somerfield, P.. F..
Sunstegard, Manford
Torrison, Orren
Tober, Mrs. ~red
City 2nd
Ci t.v 3rd
City 3rd
City 3rd Wd.
Vill. Perham
City 3rd V/d.
Cit,v 3rd \'/d.
Fold en
Vil. Vining
Vil. Pelican
Vil. Parkers Prairie
City 4th \'lard
2nd Wd.
2nd V/d.
3rd V/d.
Battle Lake
Vil. Henninp.
ot tertail
~ i t.v 2nd ·,1/d •
Ci t.v 3rd Wd.
l>ine r,ake
Vil. 1'erham
Vil. Deer r.reek
Gity 3rd ?Id.
Vil. Battle Lake
Star Lake
City 2nd \'Id.
City 3rd \'Id.
City 3rd iYd.
Rush LakP.
Vil. New York I.Ulla
"elican Rapids
Vil. ?erham
Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts.
8.51 1.34 9.90 Collect 1.75 .48 2.23 rr
6.67 1.14 7.81
1.64 .47 2.11 ,I
10.39 1.59 12.08 " 5.49 .99 6.48
2.55 .59 3. 14
1.53 .45 1.98
6.78 1.16 7.94 rr
9.63 1.54 11.17 " 36.89 5.19 42.08
6.48 1.12 7.60
7. 70 1. 29 8. 99 " 2.32 .57 2.89 " 12.04 1.86 13.90
2.08 .53 2.61
48.30 6.72 55.02
9.40 1.51 10.91
1.09 .40 1.49
3.34 .70 4.04
U.16 1.14 16.30
23.55 3.40 26.95
1.84 .50 2.34
9.30 1.49 10.79
.44 .31 .75
7.96 1.32 9.28
3.63 • 74 4. 37
.33 .30 .63,
2.41 .57 2.98
3;44 • 72 4.16
4. 41 • 84 5·, 25
1.09 .40 1.49
88.46 12.ll 100·,57
2.28 .55 2.83
3.83 .77 4.60
2.18 .54 2.72
20.03 2.93 22.96
71.98 9.90 81.88
5.64 1.00 6.64
5.36 .97 6.33
3.06 .66 3.72
1.64 .47 2.11
4. 85 • 90 5 • 7 5
3.76 .75 4.51
1.91 .50 2.41 .,
4.32 .83 5.15
4. 69 .88 5.57
1.57 .47 2.04
1.95 .52 2.47
1.58 .47 2.05
That the followinr-is a correct list ot the personal property taxes in said County for said year
which said '3oard are satisfied cannot be collected, and so cancelled b,v said Boe.rd. to-wit:
Name of Person Assessed
Ambauen, ?rank J.
Anderson, Carl
Anderson, Edith B
Baird. !,iary
~aile,v, \'I. ":.
Barr.v, '?.enr,v
~erg, Orville
Bertelson, Lena
Boock, ":mil
Twp. or Dist.
City 3rd Wd.
Otter Tail
Perham Vil. r: it.\' 3rd Wd •
r.it,\• lat 1'/d.
DollE.rs eta.
"en.,~ee Total Tax.
"< Costs Pen."< Costs
Dollars Cts. Dollars eta. Remarks
1.86 13.86 Cancel
.57 2.97
.55 2.74
.72 4.25
.43 1.77
.74 4.35
.43 1.78
.40 1.49
.27 .36
DATE .............................. \1!11.V 12 ., ... JiJ.~.~.: ................. 193~.~··'·
;....,RID' IILANK,DDDA.AND.P.IIINIINO.C.0....81'•.a.GUD..MINN-.1111I
Boylon, Helen City 3rd \'Id. 5.47 Carlin, John City 4th Wd. 3,28
cone. Eva E. Psdd oclc 3.26 consumers Oil co. Amor ,46 Conover, ?.ichard ~andor .99 coos C ols l!ottlinr, co., Inc.'/il. "a?"kers Prsi?"ie
Cummings. Joe Vil. Perham
Dsvis,-Lulu Hldaros
D ahl , "H , C , ~ush Lake 1.80
Dale, Lena F, Amor ,83
Denham, ,Jerome City 1st Wd. 1.20
Engdahl, Ed J. Amor .59
Erickson, !ilrs. C. J. Amor 1.42 Forman, Mrs. Tillie Amor ,46
F OBS &: Co. City 1st \'Id, 50.54
Given, i·,iarguerite Ci t.v 3rd \Vd, 3.06
Glueck' s 3rewing O o. Bluffton Vill. 2.96
Grifren, Edna ~rs. City 3rd Wd. 2,74
JJeerala, Al hert New York Mills .84
Farris, ~ace Amor .A6
Henson, Jennie Dunn 1.88
lfnup.an, 0. ,,. Cit,v-1st Wd. 18.47
Hendrickson. :.1. A, •Amo?"
;iotchkiss·. L. L. City 3rd l'/d.
11olm, "!anna City 4th Wd. 1.20
Jensen, Ann Tord ensk 'old
Johnson, Edward & K Amor •
Johnson, Carl S. Erhards Grove
Johnson. Merton City 3rd Wd,
Kenny, C. E. Blowers
Krogh, Delores City 2nd "rid.
Larson, Dethleff Dunn
LaValle,v, P. A. Vil. Clitherall
Larson, Ole City 1st Wd.
Larson, Lucille City 1st Wd.
Le?"fald, J..ndrina Cit.v 2nd r/d.
Mans. Lambert Ci t.v 3rd 1·id.
Meyers. Geo. P. Amor
Muller, Fabian Hid arcs
Narum, Mar ion Amor
Nelson,· A. M. Ottertail
Nelson, Howard Everts
lvelson, Clifford -Pelican Rapids
Mrs.~.~-Nichols City 3rd Wd,
Cllson, Jesse Amor
Olson, ,iohn !!., Dunn
Peterson, !~ail Amor
Peterson. Naida City 3rd Wd,
Raines, Victorine M, City 3rd Wd,
Rehmen, ,, . L. and ,7 ,D, Amor
!'!er-an, I?. r. Cit,v 2nd Yid,
~o•.ve. Eer"!l5.n Dalton ,
Rud. Mel Vin City lf!t ·v,d.
Behave, -..:award City 2nd Wd.
Siverson, A. :!. Dunn Skel-Gas Vil. Parkers '?re.irie
Smith, Lawrence Dead Lake
Smith, Helen !;!, Vil. Parkers Prnir le
Smith, '3ernice City 1st Wd.
Stride, Ed1•:ard Amor
Stev:ert, Bert City 2nd Wd,
Standard Oil Co. (O.Evanstad) City Drd Vld.
Sunde, P.ev. L. O. Amor
Swalley. Vivian Cologa Vil, Perham
Tjornhom, Alex Amor
Toms. Edward c. Amor
Togstad. Christ Candor
Turchin, Paul, Jr. Effington
Upto1m Beauty Shop City 3rd V/d.
'ialvatne, Abner F.verts
Ward, ~al ph Amor
Y/erninp., Don !c Marjorie Amor
Winslow, ~ohn L, candor
Williams, naul B, City 3rd ;•/d,
Zimmerman, Theo. Vill, Perham
The County 13oard of Otter Tail count.v. Minnesota.
Attest: William Lincoln, CountyAuditor.
The following resolution was adopted :
.99 6,46
.G9 3.97
.69 3.95
.32 .78
,38 1.37
.92 b.96
1.08 7.27
.60 3.19
,49 2.29
.38 1.20
.44 1.64
.33 .92
,44 1.86
.32 .78
7.02 57.56
.66 3.72
.65 3.61
.62 3.36
.37 1.21
.37 1.23
.50 2.38
2.73 21.20
.42 1.68
.48 2.23
.42 1.62
.37 1.27
.37 1.26
.44 1.86
,42 1.62
1.02 6.77
,47 2.11
,48 2.17
.28 .52
,37 1.25
.47 2,07
.60 3.23
2.19 16,66
.32 .79
.50 2.34
.39 1.47
.39 1.42
1.12 7,63
,43 1.76
.42 1,62
,52 2.53
.52 2.52
.35 1.04
.55 2.74
.53 2,61
,45 1,94
1.06 7 .08
,32 .Bl
1.07 7.20
.42 1.62
.48 2.17
.52 2,54
1.02 6.74
1.72 12. 71
.42 1,73
.47 2.09
.55 2.85
1.89 14,10
.35 1.12
,32 ,85
.47 2.09
1.51 10.89
.37 1 .20
,65 3.59
2.93 22.94
,69 3.99
,60 3.20
.45 1.89
.57 2.89
.BS 5,58
5.66 46.09
Henry G • Hoff
Geo. B. Gunderson
Yalmer Y.arvonen
Bert stone
C. A. snowberg
" II
" "
" " II
Resolved by the ~oard of Count.,; CommissionP.rs of Otter Tail County, J.Unnesota: ·
That under provisions of Chapt!!r 76 of the r.av:R of Minnesota for Hl41 the sum of :~1,000,00 be
and the same hP.reb,V is set aside ont of the ~evenuP. "Pund of the County as a Contingent Fund for
de!'rayin~ the necessary expP.nses o!' the Sheriff in investifatinp. and preparing criminal cases, and
pa,11inf necessar,v expenses of the Sheriff incurred inthe business of the county, and the County Auditor
is instructed to make the necessari, Pntries on the records in his off.ice. Adopted July 12, 1943.. Penr.v G. Hoff, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, ~lerk.
431 ,, ·,
~ :!
DATE .................... Ju l.Y .. 12 ..... 194 3 .•.......................... 19~~···
Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o' cloclc P. !,i.
The Board having advertised for bids for purohase of County Poor Farm opened the only bid
received. being the bid of Robert 1i1olter for :in.ooo. The question of acceptance of the bid was laid
over until later in the session. . The following applications for oigarette licenses were granteQ: . Anna E. ~ee at Crystal-
Lida store in the Tom1ship of Lida for the pf'riod from May 1 to December 31. 1943; Cl~·Qe Rugg, at Rugg's
store in Township of Friberg for the entire years of 1943; Webster VI. Dyer. at Bower's Beach in the
Township of Dunn, for the period from June 1 to December 31. 1943; Leonard D. Fogard. at Amor Store in the
Township of Amor for the P"riod from July 1 to December 31. 1943; Alfred C. Swenson at Df'er Lake Park
store in the Tovmship of ~verts, for the period from Jul., 1 to December 31, 1943; A. A. Nelson, at ?.ush
Lake Resort in the Township of P.ush Loke, for the period from July 1, to December 31. 1943.
The application of A. A. Welson for on and Off Sale beer license at Rush Lalce Resort in the
•ro\vnship of Rush Lal:e was granted.
The application of Mrs. Viola Albers Gleason :for on Sale beer license ot Dew Drop Inn in the
Township of ~ush Lakw \Vas r,ran ted.
Upon motion the County Auditor and Chairman of thP. Roard v1ere authorized to execute deed to
AUf'USt r::ich,v for tract sold to him b,v the Count,v in the Township of T,eaf Mountain.
The !'allowing resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the 13oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Count..v, I.!innesota:
That wh,m all future agencies are established by the Federal Government in O tter Tail County
the County be divided into two districts, as follows:
One district to be com_prised of the ·:rownships of Candor, Hobart, C',ormen, Corliss, 3utler,
t>addock, Dora, O:dna, l?erho.m, Pine Lake, 1{omestead, Blowers, Star Lake, Deed T.alce, P.ush Lake, Otto, !IPwton
'3luffton, Otter Tail, Lea:!.' Lake, Deer Creek, Compton, Girard, l'!enning. Inman, Oak.Valle.11 , i;iold,m. Elmo, ·
Woodside, Parkers Prairie and F.astern. and villages within saici territor,y. ·
And ·the oth"r ciistrict to be comprised of the To,·mships of Scambler, Dunn, Norwep:ian Grove,
Pelican, Lida. Trondh~em, r.rhards Grove. Maplewood, Oscar, r.:lizabeth. ?riberg. Uaine, Amor, r:arlisle,
"'ergus Falls, Aura al, Sverdrup, Everts. !"rwell, '!use, Dane Prairie, Toro ensk,}olci . Clitherall, Nidaros,
Western, Aastad, Tumuli, St. o~a::, P:aple Lake, Leo.f Mountain and t.;Uington, and villages a.l'ld cit,v within
said territory.
Adopteci July 12, 1943. 11enry G. Hoff, Chairman.
Attest: \Villiam Lincoln, Clerk.
The County Auditor presenteci the following statement to the Board:
The folluwinr, estimate of expenses :!.'or the ensuing yeur is herewith submitted:
Salary of County Officers $22,300
Salary of County Commissioners 4,000
Clerks, Janitors, etc. 20,800
Jailers, Deputy Sheriffs, etc. 3,400
Board of Prisoners 4,500
Jurors fees G,000
Witness fees 500
Bailiffs, Reporters. etc. 3,500
Jurors, Just i oe court 100
Witnesses, ,:ustice court 300
,'ustices o.ncl Constablf.'s 2,000
Tn~uest. ~xnPnses 300
Report of 'Hrths and deo.ths 500
Lir-:hts, fuel, etc. 8,000
Books, blanks and station,uy 10,000
?rintinp and advertisinp 5,000
Expense ;,:i th insane 1,000
Count,\• i'/elfare Fund 110,000
Postage, express and freight 2,000
Court House erounds 1,000
Attend inp Assessors meeting 600
Incidental 800
!,Ii scellaneous Revenue 7. 000
?.oad & ~ridge Fund 110,000
Poor fund 40,000
Sano.torium ~und 20,000
Da~ed Jul,V 12, 1943. ?.espectfully submitted,
. Willi am Lincoln, county Au di tor, The Audi tor presented the followinp: statement to the Roa rd:
To the County·Board·;'·Otter Tail count.v, :i.-linnesota.
Pursuant to 1~1 I present belov,, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for County
purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date and the balances
uncollected •. together with the aotual cash balance remaining to the oredit of eaoil County fund at the
close of business on the 30th dll,,I' of June, 1943. William Lincoln, county Audi tor.
County ?.evenue Fund
1>oor Fund
Rood and Bridge Fund
Tuberculosis Sanatorium
Amount Levied
for Current Year
Balances remaining to the credit of each Funci are as follows:
FUNDS Conn ty !'!evenue Fund
!'oor ,..und
Poor Farm
Road and Bridge ~und
Ditch Fund
Incidental Fund
Tuberculosis Sanatorium
Road\ Bridge Sinking
Contingent Funds
Sinking Fund
Old Age Assistance
Debit Credit
DATE .................... J~lY ... 12 ' ... 1943 ......................... lgs.*3.
cattle Tuberculosis Debit Credit
The follov1ing resolution 1'18S adopted:
Resolved bl• th; ~oard of County Cor.imissioners of Otter Tail Count.v, ;,!innesota:
,, That the sum o.:: ,!."350.00 be and the same hereb,v is approrriated out of the Revenue Fund of
the Count.1r ~or postage and express in the various County offices entitled thereto.
. . ~dopt~d July 12, 1943. Henry G. Hoff, Chairman. Attest: 1/illiam Lincoln, Clerk.
The Otter Tail County Sanatorium Commission submitted estimate of necessar11 levy for the
coming year of :$22,280, end the V/~lfare Board submitted an estimate of $100,524. •
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the B~ard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail county. Minnesota:
That there be levied upon the taxable property of Otter '!'ail County for the year 1943 the
following amounts for the several funds:
Road a"!d Brid~e Fund
Revenue Fund
Vlelfare Fund
Sanatorium Fund
Poor ?'und
and the one-mill tax required by
Adopted Jul.V 12, 1943.
l'/illie.m Lincoln, Clerk.
law for school purposes.
Henry G. Hoff, r.hairman.
Upon motion the beard then ad~ourned to 10 o'clock A. !,!. ,1uly 13, 1943.
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. TuesdaJ· July 13, 1943, all
:nembPrs beiYlf! present.
The application of J. 0 • r/ellace Stattl! Ba'1k at Pelican Re.pies for settlement of delinauent
taxes for the Y"ers 1937 to 1941 inclusive against the SE.;,,. Pxcept school lot. in s .. ction 24 To\mship of
Lide. wes rend and the Boe.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation th11t said taxes be settled
for the sum of ,l\190, being a reduct ion of :::)249. 82 fror.i the full amount of taxes, penalty. interest and
The apnlication of AlbertB. r.opelP..nd for reduction of assessment for 1942 against the SVI-'·
Sec. 32 Township of l'lestern was read end the Beard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxa.tion that the
assessed v slue of said tract be reduced fror.i fl07R to ilA09 and the taxes from :~76. 53 to :~57 ,44.
The application o= John I:rogman for classification of. the S½ N','1•1• and N½ SW·1 of Sec. 17 in
the Township of Gorman -';or the ,vear 1942 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended to the
Commissioner o:~ Taxation thot said land be so classified and the assessed valuation be reduced from
:t-1430 to :;)897 and the taxes from :3106.39 to ~:60.83.
'l'he application of Florence G. An-.tonsen for classification of Si'!¼ except Ee.st 2 rods,
in Section9 Township of Hobart for the year 1942 at homestead rate was read and the Board recommended
to the Commissioner of Taxation that said la!ld be so classified ana the valuation reduced from $1054
to :~632 am the taxes from f77.57 to ~41.84.
The application of Henry Luebke for classification of Horth 211 ft. of Lot 10 in Block 2
of i::oehnlien's Addition to the Village of Elizabeth for the year 1942 at homestead rate was read and the
13oard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed
value reduced from !'·320 to ;l;200 and the taz from .;')23.68 to $13.32.
The a.p"llication of Uoah Salomcnson fer classification of s•·e-SB3--Sec. 31 ~ownship of Lida
for the year 1942 at homestead rate was read and the Board ~ecommended to the Commissioner of Taxation
that said land bP so classified e.na the assessed value reduced from $517 to $310 and the tax from $34.85
to $18.60.
The application of Harr.v J. Goldie for classification of the H} NYI'· Sec. 21 Township of
Blol'lers for the .vear 1942 et hom1rntead rate was read and the 'Boflrd recor.imenaea tc the Commissioner of
Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from ~476 to !;)285 ano the tax
from ~42.4, to $23,32.
The application o:f: the Skell.V Oil co. -':or cancella.tion of. ·personal propert.v assessment ror
1912 in the "Tillage of narkers 0 rairie was read and the Bonrd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation
that the assessed value of .~20 and the tax o:: ~·2.02 be cancelled.
The applicntion o~ ~hristena Faber for reduction of assessment for the year 1942 against the
sast 125 ft. o't' the South 230 ft. of Lot 23 Tn i'/illiam V. Smith's Addition to '"he Village cf ilP.w York
:Hlls was read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner of. Taxation that the assessed value of said
tract be reduced ~rom :".'535 tor' 2400 and the tax from $60. 79 to ~45.44.
The applica'"ion of Henrietta ;.i •. B.ve for cancellation of assessmP.nt for structures against
t.ot 17 in Aurustana <leach in the To1vnship of Amor for the year 1942 on the p;rouna ti'lat there were no
structures on said tract, was read and the'3o,;rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the
assesser value of said tract be reduced from ··185 to .l'31 and the tax "rom ~·10.62 to tl.77.
The a.pplication of Anson Itar'luerd ~•or reduction o~ assessment for the .vear 1912 against
the s~ s:;J.. of Sec. 16 Township of r'erf'us Falls wos read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner or
Taxation that the assessed value o" said tre.ct be reduced from ,f•578 to ()481 and the tax from ~49.01 to $40. '9.
The application of Geo. 1?. Mathew for settlement of delin~uent taxes for the .veers 1936 to
1911 against the s·v'-NE"-and E½-IIB·l. Sec. 10 and NW' and E½' SiY.'.1:-Sec. 11 l'ownship of Girard, was read and
the '3oard recommend ea to the Commissioner of Tax at ion tha.t said taxes be sett led tor t ne sum of :;r700 on
condition that the current tax and penalty is paid in full, said settlement being a reduction of ~·509.25
from the full amount c;f taxes, penalty, interest and costs.
The application of Arthur Sandberg, one or the bond holders being owners cf property
forme'rly belOnf.ing to the Fergus Co-operative Packing Co., for settlement of delinquent taxes against
part of Slacks 6, 9, 10 and 11 in Hill & Todd's Addition ano unplatted tracts in Section 33 Tol'lnship 133
Range 43 all in the City of Fergus Falls, for the .veers 1936 to 1941 inclusive, was read and was laid
over until later in the session as the Board wished to examine tile property covered by the application.
Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 1:30 o'clock P. M.
Upon motion the Auditor was insti·ucted to advertise for bids for 300 tons more or less of
lf inch Commander stoker coal. oil treated. to be delivered in the bins at tne Court House as needed
a1irinP-the cQJliniz season, said bids to be opnened at the meeting of the Boe.rd August 10, 1943, at 2
a' c lo CIC n. !,I. Upon 'l!Otion it \'!SB ordered that the bid o~ ?.obert :,!alter for the Otter Tail C ount,v Poor
?arm in the sum of ~11,000 be accepted.
Uuon mot ion the Audi tor v:as instructed to advertise tor bids -ror cutting edges and for road
oil in accoraa.nce with list to be filed b,V hhe !Up:hwa,'! r.:np.inPPr. said bias to be opened at the meeting
o'i the Board Aupust 10, l\l13 at 10 o'iHock A. U.
. the l'owns of.
taken up and
The petition of >!erman ~uckheim and others ~or ch~ge or p~rt of State Aid Rood Ne. 5 in
F.ffington n.nd "arkers Prairie which had been prev1011sly laid over to this meeting we.a ap,ain
upon motion the same was laid over tb the July meeting, 1944.
DATE ............................. Li:ul,v. ... l.3. .•.... l.2~.2 •.................. 1939..3.,.
The petition of Mons Dybevik and others ±'or establishing County 3.oad between Leaf Mountain
and Eagle Lake. which had been previously laid over to this session, was taken up and upon motion 11111.s
laid over to the July meeting. 1944. . . . The petition of John Melvold and other~ ·for vace.!ion of C?1m~y ~o~d over the f1 i-_ NE¼ of.
Seo. 7 Town of 1'olden was read and it v,as ordered tnet a hearing ?n said.yeti tion be ~ad at, tne session
of the Board be held September 7, 1943 at the Commissioners Room ~n the vcurt ~ouse Be 11 o cl~ck a. m ••
and commissioners Stone, ~o~f end Gunderson v1ere apP.ointed a ~-committee !O _;xamine r~ad proposea to be
vacated. and Friday September 3. 1943 at 2 o • clock '/?. M. at cne eas~ _ enc O:-the roaa proposed to be
vacated were designated as the time and place ·~or the meeting o-f saia com~ittee, and the County Audi tor
was instructed to prepare the necessar.v notices and to forl'lard ther.i by mail to George H •. Brockopp, R. l
Vining, for posting. . ~ .. .,, ., . ,, The petition of Edwin ;:rofferbert e.sking chat the II½ S ,.,,_ .o ... Sec. 33 '.1:01\'IlShip o. Tnman be set
over from Dist. 93 to Dist. 212 was read and it v:a.s ordered that a hearing on said ·petition be had at
the session of the Soard to be held October 13, 1943 e.t 10 o'clock A. M. e.t the Commissioners ~oom in
the Court '1011se in Fergus Falls. and that due notice of the time a.nd place of said hearing be given as
req_ui red by la:.v.
The Board ha.vin1t examined the propert.v formerly ovmed bl' the Fergus Co-operative "Packing Co.
of the City of Fergus Falls, and having considered the application of Arthu: S~ndberg for settlement of
delinquent taxes ae;e.inst said property, upon motion recommended to the Commissioner o·f Taxation that
orovided cur:ent taxes on said -property are pa.id in full. the delinquent taxes be. settled far the sum of
~1173.64, beinp. a reduction of $4,167.20 "'rom ".:he full amount of taxP.s, pene.lty. interest and costs.
The l'ollowing bills were allowed:
Louise Standahl expenses 16.15
P. M. P.ee postage 33.70
J. C. Renkes e:<penses 114. 65
William Lincoln Board of Audit,1942 105.00
E. J. Rovang ex·penses 20.35
Battle Lake ?.eview notice to t!'.xpa.yers 1.00
Miller-Davis Co. blanks 15.30
Jo.pa-Olson Co. record 73.83
Security Bilink
Book~ Prtg. cc. record 84.84
Victor Lundeen 'I: co. supplies 242.25
'!intgen-Karst supplies, etc. 23.99
Ugebla.d Publ. Co. printing, etc. 85.95
American Law Book Co. annotations 12,00
Monroe Cale. Mche. co •• Inc. maintenance 28.00
Burrouphs Add. Mche. Co. maintenance 63,85
N.l'/.Bell Telephone Co. long distance calls 19.35
'A'ighway Greenho11se flov1er bed 90.00
City Typewriter Service tepairs. etc. 4.50
Clarence R. Aune ha.ulin~ ashes 10.00
Philip Fjestad graduation music 22.50
LuVerne A. Johnson clerical work 36 .00
Theone o. Pederson clerical work 31.50
Bernice Jesme clerical work 27.00
Marjorie Tomhave clerical. work 42.00
Am.Legion '\Jost, Dal ton Memorial Day services 10 ,50
Am.Legion Post #219 Do. 19.00
Geo.vi.Robinson Relief Corps Do. 15.50
Dr. Yim. O. McLane Dep. coroner's fees 20,70 'H.F. Hinze Dep.Sheriff''s :fees 16.50
Frank c. Barnes Municipal Judge's fees 42.00
Joe Ahlfs cash advanced 9.84
Clarence J. Rood expenses 28.10
Geo. Wicker expenses 40.15
L. J. Delaney 1 abo r 15 .00
Zbersviller's supplies 5.30
The Adelsman Co. re·pe.irs 5.00
Saul Motor Co. repairs 4.00
lienry Holmgren repairs 2.10
Minn. Uotor Co. repairs 62.31
Fer1ms Glass '1c Pa.int Co. paint 10.65
August !c Mary Johnson easement 50.00
N. n. Railway Co. :freight • 97
Pelican Telephone co. telephone services 3.40
N.W.Bell Telephone co. long distance calls 9.15
Vil 1. Pelican P.apids water charges 2. 75
Nelson Wrecking Co. truck wheel 6,50
Henning Oil co. gasoline 41.34
Standard Oil co. gasoline 106.03
Mills Oil co. gasoline 2.84
J.~.Nylund Sinclair Service gasoline 17.72
Service Oil Co. gasoline 75.00
~ergus Oil Co. p,asoline, etc. 191.11
?enrose Oil Co. gasoline.~
DiP.Sel fuel
O'Meara's supplies
Glen Lake Sanatorium care of patients
Battle Lake Hdwe. Co. supplies
T-lintgen I~arst Elec. Co. supplies
Olson Hdwe. ~Furn.Co. supplies
Olson Auto Elec. Co. repairs
Kela Bros. repairs
Red Arrow Garage repairs
Re·p' s Standard Service reuairs
J~noff-·0 eterson Udwe. Co. paint
Erlckson-Uellekson-V.ve Co. lumber
U .··r .'Bell Telephone co·. long distance calls
~-D. Sa@e rent
John Dieseth Co. steel
Alwin Haagensen 1tasoline
'lennepin County examining insane
9. 25
?. A. Andersen
.'. C . -PenJces
u. 111. Glorvigen
::lo.v Corliss
E. J. R0VB.".18
Fritz-cross Co.
Poucher Printing 'I:
Lithographing Co.
Jones & Kroeger Co.
Burroughs Add, Mche.
The Pierce co.
i'lhitehee.d Prtg. Co.
Fergus Journal Co.
Mason Pub 1. co.
postage 27.35
boarding prisoners 196.00
drivers license exp. 3.05
cash advanced
records~ blanks
co. supplies
printing, etc.
Dunnell's Digest
& annotations 12.50
1,ry,sell Telephone Co. long distance calls 16.85
Leidel' s clock 9,85
Wm. Galena repairs 1.50
Star Cleaners ~. Launderers washin/? mops 5.40
C. E. Conklin sharpening mowers 7.00
Clara Standahl clerical work 34. 50
Laura Baumgarten clerical work 28.50
,1udith .iacobson clerical 1vork 30.00
Mable H. Rossow clerical work 37. 50
Olga H. Hoeft clerical work 9.00
Am. Legion '\Jost #61 Memorial Day servicesl9.50
Am. Legion ?oat #283 Do. 17.50
Womens Relief corps ,Fere;us Falls Do. 25 .00
Joseph Rayner Dep.Sheriff's fees 13.90
0 eter Hin}:, Jr. Do. 8. 65
A, Glorvigen cash advanced 18.79
A. Glorvigen expenses 99.15
Lyle Toll er son expenses 40. 10
Carl C. Nelson expenses 35.10
Norby Dept. Store. Tnc. supplies 108.38
· P-enninr: uardvlare supplies 2. 80
G. J'..!. Y.:auppi repairs 6. 50
Service Garage repairs 2.40
Bennie Rossum repairs 1.50
Lake Reg ion Mot or Co. repairs 31. 55
D. H. Cordes paint 3. 75
Lowry, Stang !c Olson insurance premium 2.28
Monroe Ca.le. Mche. co. servicing 28.00
Whitehead Printing Co. printing 59.00
Village of Battle Lake water charges 2.25
Aur,ust Hemquist Ford truck 350.00
St. Cle.ir & Gunderson rubber boots 6.50
Standard Oil co.,Pel,Rap.gasoline 77.00
nark Region Oil co. gasoline 41.08
Guy B. Clarke gasoline 4.53
'?ergus Service Station gasoline 31.21
Otter Tail Co-op Oils, Inc. gasoli~e 6.51
lHghvrn.v co. gasoline, etc. 32.74
Motor Tnn Garap:e gasoline •• repairs 110.94
Cha.a. H. Bowman Diesel fuel 1.37
r.:strem Clinic examinations 6.00
Natl. Bushing~ Parts Co. parts 108.61
Smestad Drug Store supplies 1.40
Saund ersco. supplies 3. 98
Kulseth Supply Co. supplies 164.39
,Jenson'sAuto I/recking Co. repairs 6.25
R. A. Henning repairs 8.00
Larson Bros. repairs 61.00
LampP.rt T,nmber Co. lumber 78. 44
Fred A. t.:verts· lumber 4.72
Harry Meric}:el Lbr. ;.!ills " 32.26
Vill. of New York Mills garage rent 90.00
UW Sash '• Door co. labor 7 .50
Bendickson Service Station gasoline 7.35
Tielen Bohn ·taking testimony 34.20
Bert Stone exp.attend.meeting 11.60
DA TE ...................................• !.uJ.r, ... .l.3., ... .1.!l.43. •........... 1934'.3..
'._,_sa:uftm.&Ar«.DOOK 8'i!D.P,fllNTIP1CI.C:O. •. ST •• a.GUD,,.MINJr1.-IIHI
Yalmer Karvonen exp.attend.meeting 7.05
Henr,v G. J:io·fr. Do. 4.80
Pelican Telephone Co. services 4.45
Bill Helson Oil Co. tire 159.54
Park Ree; ion Oil Co. gasoline 7. 25
,lohn Weller labor 45. 60
Thorman VI. Rosholt r.o. parts 20.13
11.W.Engineering Co. parts 40.95
Nicols-Dean ~ Gregp. s11pplies 89.30
Elk River Cone. Prod.Co. culverts 107.98
Service ~ecorder Co. recorders 60.35
Field,: Hagge Oil r.o. Diesel fuel 328.34
Torjus Langlie cash advanced 1.66
The following resolution was adopted:
Geo. B. Gundersen Wm. B. ~iegler Co.,Tnc.
Greiff Brothers Garage
Av ls Bowman
Standard Oil Co.
Wm. H. Ziegler Co •• Inc.
Geo. T. R.van Co.
N.W.Sheet ~ Iron Jorks
Paper. r.al:nenson -•• co.
.J. T. !Jolcomb r.Ifp.. Co.
City of Ferpus Falls
?.epublic Creosoting Co.
meeting 5. 45
repairs ,:
supplies 280.18
rental. air
road tar
cor:1presso r 24. 35
Resolved by the Board of County Commisuioners of otterTail County, i:linnesota:
That all members of the County Board of said County, namely: Yalmer Karvonen, Geo. B Gunderson,
Henry G. Hoff, Bert Stone and c. A. Snowberg, be and they hereby are appointed as members of the County
;•1elfare Board for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1944.
Adopted July 13, 1943. Henry G. Hoff, Chair:nan.
Attest: William Lincoln. Clerk.
'l'he following names were selected to be placed on the Petit Jury list of the County to take
the place of those drawn to serve at the April term of the District Court:
Miss Selma Stiner Otto To1•:nship Henry Zitzow
Mrs. Chas: Wick Nevtton To'!lnship Harry Smith
Lester Wilcox Star Lake Township Carl Jahn
Arthur C',rahn Lida To1·mshi p Herbert Duenow
Mrs. :=!oss Shearon l.laplewood Tov:nship -P,ric Smith
Ede;ar Brutlag Ottertail Villae;e Mrs. Ole O. Sagen·g
.lohn Pahan Sverdrup Township Ed ilelson
Mrs. Ole Stenerson Battle Lake VillRp.;e H. D. Wiebe
!,!rs. Ludvip. Anderson Tordensk~old Township Cl1arles Hultquist
,. • 13. Reams Folden Township tierb. Uhd.e
Mrs. :=!ussell Guin Deer Creek Village Herman '.1.'esch
Geo.~-Jensen Dane Prairie Tov:nship Mrs. Catherine Martin
Elmer uunson Western Tovmship Hans '"' Bye
Vergas Village
Hobart 7ovmship
Perham Village
Friberg Township
Oscar Township
Dalton Village
Cl i. therall ·, Village
otter Tail Township
Henning Village
Parkers Prairie 'lil lage
Effirui:ton Twp.
City -
?~rs. Fr.ed Homan Elizabeth Tovmshi p Upon motion the Boa.rd then adjourned to 1:30 o'clock P. M., Wednesday, Jul;,7 21, 1943.
sllCURffY W IIODIC AND Plllffflu CO.. BT• a.DUD,, MINN-HIQ
DATE ...................... Jul,v_ 21,. ... 1943 ........................ 193.43.
Pursuant to ad:,ournment the Board met at 1:30 o•·c1ock 0 M., July 21, 1943, Sll members
bei11B present.
The application of Y.:atherine Greenwood, '."reasurer of the Royal Neighbors Lodge of Richville,
for set•:lement of delinquent taxes for 1936 to 1941 inclusive against Lot 6 in Block 3 o.f the Original
~lat of Richville, was read and the Board recom~ended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said taxes
be settled for the sum of 8100.00, beinp.: a reduction of 8114.16 from the full a~onnt of taxes, penalty
Interest end costs.
The application o-f Anton T,. t:fagen fc r class i fica·tion of thP. SF.·'· SF.' ex. Railroad in Sect ion 36
Town of Aurdal, for the .veer 1942 at homestead rate \'las read and the Board recommended to the Commission;r
of Taxation thnt said land be so classified, and the assessed value reduced from $:263 to :~177, and the
tax from t;18.l\o to 1'11.12.
The application of the Fergus co-op. Packing Co. b~r Arthur Sandberg for settlement of
delinquent taxes for 1936 to 1941 inclusive against the Packing compan Y property in the City of Fergus
Falls, which application had been previously considered at the meeting July 13, was again discussed and
upon motion the Board rescinded its former action and again took the matter under consideration, having
had additional information since their action on July 13. After full consideration of the matter, upon
motion the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said taxes be settled for the sum of
.~1673.64 on the consideration that the current tax, amounting to ~;326.3u be paid in full, this settlement
of delinquent taxes being a reduction of ~;3667.20 from the full amount of taxes.penalty, interest and
costs due on said property forsaid years.
l'he following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of Co1mty Commissioners ot' Otter Tail county, i':iinnesota:
That Carl :!ingdahl of N'0 w York !1iills be and he hereby is appointed as Chairman cf Ci,;ilian Defense for Otter Tail County.
Adopted .July 21, 1943. Fenr,v G. Hof:'.:, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
Upon motion the 'Board then ad,iourned to August 10, 1943, at 10:00 A. M.
DATE ............................. Amrn.§.t. ... 10 ..... 1943 .•............ 193 4,.3.
•~111.ANK.Daall AND.P.IHHl'INCI.C0,,.8T,.e&.aUD...IIINN.--IH
ilj l
Pursuant to ad,journment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. 11. August 10, 1943. Present: qom-missi oners Y.e.rvonen. Gun de rs on. itoff, Stone and Sno,vberg.
. . The Co~nty iV7lfare B~ard havinr; arraP.ged a hearing for this hour, upon motion the county
Com,nssione:s a~Journea t~ 2 o clock p. m.~ at which time they again met, all members being present.
Bids ,or road 011_ as adve:?"tised ... or by the 'Icard Y1ere opened and upon motion the Board
ecc:pted the b.~d of Socon,r-•!acuuf!l O!l Co .. Tnc .. -for A,000 gallons more or Hss, of bituminous material
designated as ,:1-C 1, 2, 3 or 5, in ... ull tank cars, at ~.0791 per gallon delivered at Fergus Falls.
The Board also opened bids -~or grader bllld~s as adveTtised for, and upon motion accented
the bid of the Geo. T. ?.,van Co. for 6" and A'' cuttinp.: edges at 62¢ oer foot for 6" and 92¢ per "oot for 8", delivered at desti11ation in <'tter Tail ~ount,v. ' · ' _._
~ A re 9ort ~f. the "u?l~c r.:xa!_lliner of a~ examii:i,a ti on 07 the various County of fices was presented
so the Board, and a ... ter P.xamin1ng said report ,he Auditor was instructed to refer to the various
departments comrnents in said report relating to such departm,rnts.
The application of Heinola Ii'armers Co-operative Mercantile Ass'n. in the '.l'ownship of Otto was granted cigarette license from July 1 to December 31, 1943.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
. 1·1~er:~s. t~e Com_ity '3~ard of Ott:r ~ail Co~nty: Uinnes?ta, has exami~eci into the allegations
or t ne appl tea .ion o _._ ijOnTa of i;ounty Commi ss 1one rs a a tea July L3, 1943, for t ne conveyance of certain lands therein described, now,
Therefore, he it resoh·ed by the County 9oard of otter
hereby appro\•es said aP!llicat ion and recommends that the same be
Dated Aupust 10. 1943.
Th~ -following resolu.tion ·,ras adopted:
Tail County, mnnesota. that it
Henry G. Hoff
Bert Stone
C. A. Sno1·1berg
Geo. B. Gunderson
Yalmer l·'.arvonen
County Board of said County.
:?.esclved b,i' the 13oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Co1:nty, Minnesota:
That the Qu1~n~.v Auditor be and he· hereby is authorized and directed to issue warrant on the
?oor Parm Fund of "!:"he County ·rn the sum of :~365.65 in full payment of ditch lien on account of County
Ditch No. 14 against part of the land comprising the Otter Tail county Poor Farm.
Adopted August 10, 1943. Henry G. Hoff, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved b,\' the Bonrd of Count.v CommissioneTs of Otter Tnil County, Minnesota:
V/hereas. it appears -from ~he records of the County t ha. t the follow inf. cl aims for examination
of non-resident insane havP been uncollected ~or man.v ,VP.BYS, and the County is satisfied that the same
cannot be collected,
now, therefore, be it resolved that the said claims, to-wit:
Cass Count,\i -="31.80: Codinl!ton co,mty, S.D. ~11.60: Sawyer Count.v. ;·/is.$11.60; City of Denver, Colo. :Fll.60
be and ':he same hPreby are cancelled.
Adopted August 10, 1943. l"enry G. Floff, Chairman.
Attest: \Villiam Lincoln, Glerk.
The following reso:hution was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail cou?Jty, Minnesota:
The t the County Audit or be and he hereby is aut hori ::ed and directed to cancel warrants
outstanding and unpaid for more than six years in the follovrinf amounts:
Count . .,-?.evenue Fund :~95.ll; 0 rivate Redemption Fund $94.77;Garne and Fish ?.eserve Fund $.46; County
Poor Fund $5.56; County :?.oad ~ Bridge Fund $184.20; County Poor Farm Fund $81.06.
3esolved ~urther that the a,oounts so cancelled be credited to the respective funds.
Adopted AUf?USt 10, 1943. Henry G. HOf1', Chair!llan.
Attest: William Lincoln, Glerk.
for classification of S~¼ S~t Sec. 15 in Townsnip of Leaf
read and tne BoaTd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation
assessed value reduced from $249 to $149 and the tax from i23.41
The application of Oscar ~olt
J,lountain for 1942 at homestead rate was
th!l.! saio land be so classified and the
to $12.90. The applicFtion of William "911.hr for reciuction of assessment on personal property for the year
1942 on the p,round o.., excessive valuation was read and the 'Board hm·ing found b,v examination of the
records that said tax we.spaici in full, upon motion the Board re!ected the petition.
Representatives of the Weed Control Division o-r the Department of Agriculture ap·peared before
the Boa:?"d tc discuss the question o:': vreed control on the Svenneby faTm in Section 12 Township of
Sverdrup. "!enr,v N,vcklemoe, attorney for l?., J. Wangsness, administrator of the Svenneb.v Estate, also
appeareci, and after full discussion of the matter i,!r. Hycklemoe as such attorney filed with the Board
an application on behalf of the estate to cancel the entire a.ssessment for weeci eradication on said
farm ~or the ,years 1939, 1940 and 1941 in the sum of tl,667.90, and offered on behalf of the estate
to pay the general delinouent taxes for sa.id .vesrs amcuntine; to $295.73. Upon motion the Board
recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation thot said proposal be accepted, this payment being a
reduction of 82107.85 from the -full amount of taxes, penalty, interest and costs against said land for
said .1•ee.rs. ·
The bond of Everett '!anson, Depnt,1• Coroner, in the sum of $1,000 with Waino Kela and Cerl
Rine;da.hl as sureties, and the bond 01.' u. H. Leibold, Deput.l' Coroner, in the sum of t'l,000 with American
Surety Co. of !T,,l'r York as suret.•r, were approved. Upon mot ion the BoaTd then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Weclnesday, August 11, 1943.
\'IF.:Dlf:RSDAYS I sr:ss rnn.
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Ausust 11, 1943, all members
beine; present.
Assignments of secureties for the deposit of County fun~s as presented b,\' the various banks
cf the County, asking to be designateci as depositories, were examined and approved by the Board.
The following resolution vras adopted: · Resolved by the Board of' County Commissioners of.., OtterTai~ Co~nty ! I,Iin~esota: _ .
That this Boerd hereby approves the assignment o ... secureties ... or aeposit of ~?unty funas in
the various banks of the County as follows: Farmers 'I: Merchants State Bank, Uev: Yo1·k Lulls $10,000;
First lfational Bank, TTep.ning $10,000; F~rst Uational.Ba.TJ.k, "~rkers Prair~e $5,000; J:P.Wallace S,tate
Bank, Pelican Rapids $10,000; First rrational Bank, Minneapohs, .:;,150,000, Perh~ Sto.e Bank. Pernam
~27,000; Vergas sto.te Bank, Vergas $6,100; Fergus Falls Ilational Bank !c Trust Co. $393,000;
,, ,. ,l ·,1
·1 ·~ I'
'I i
DATE .................. AJ.l.f.Jl st ... ll-.., ... 1943 , ....................... 193~.~·'·
~irst National Senk, Deer creek $5,000; First National Bank, ~attle L61:e $10,000; Farmers State Bank,
Underwood t12,ooo; First state Bank, Dalton $20,000;First Uetional Bank, FerBUS Falls $170,000; J:.rhard
State Bank, P.rhard $8,000. Benry G. Hoff, Chairman. Adopted Aurust 11, 1943,
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. A report of the Boa.rd O f Audit of e xemine t ion of the accounts of the Cotinty Treasurer for the
pl'riod from April 2 to June 30, 1943. showing a balance. in the Connty Treasury at the close of business
on said last-mentioned d.ate of $801,416.30, was approveo. The application of Francis A. and Erna L. H:lson for reduction of assessment for 1942 against
the west 25 acres of the SE" sp,;. in Section 29 Township of 0e~ican, was read end t~e ,.Boer~ :ecomm~nded
to the Commis<sioner of Taxation thot the assessed value of said propertl' be red.ucea crom -.,lo5 to .~92
e.nd the tax from $13. 23 to ,1. 38. . . ., -er Mr. c. B·. Weber, representing the Perham Agricultural_Soc;ety, and I,·,r. ;,nute .. ans~n representing
the otter Tail Count.v Fair Association at Fergus Falls, appeareo be core the Board to 7eques_. the usual
appropriation from the county for 1943. After discussion the Board agreed to appropriate tne same amount
as for 1942.
The followinp, resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Board of Count.v Co'!lmissioners of Otter Tail County, Minne:ota: ,,
That the sum of ~700.00 be and hereb,\' is ap·propriated out of the P.evenue tund o., the County
to be divided ef!ually betw;en the -Perham _t;_p.:riculturel society end 0tter Tail Connt,\' Fai1• Association for
count.v 'G'airs for the .veer 1943.
Ado pt!i~~ August 11, 1943.
Attest: Wi~lia.~· Lincoln, Clerk.
The following bills were allowed:
Louise Standahl expenses
Louise Standahl postage
H. I'/. ClorYigen postage !'.i box rent
E. J. Rovang expPnses
J. c. Henkes expenses
Clara Standahl clerical work
Miller-Davis Co. supplies
.Poucher Printill8 &
Lithographing Co. supplies 102. 78
Ceo.D.Barnard Stationery Co. supplies 54.84
Fere:us Journal Co. publishing, etc. 129.44
State of Minnesota county examination 724.89
Wm. Galena repairs 7.85
General Supply Co. bulbs 2.40
~ush Lake Twp. q_uarantine expense 10.00
l-1.i\'.Bell Telephone co. lons distance colls 13.15
Frank C. Bernes Municipal ,1udf.'e's fees 13.30
Dr. ~-H. Leibold Den.Coroner's fees 20.60
?.oy Corliss jailer 11.65
Ci t.v of Ferfns Falls poor ex 9ense, half
of 1943.
N. \'I. Bell Telephone Co. long di stance calls
A. Glorvigen cash advanced
George i'/icker expenses
Clarence J. Rood cash advanced
A-IV, Inc., of !:!inn. perts
Seven-0 Service Station repairs
Kela Bros. repairs
ThP. Adelsman r.o. repairs
Martin Sheet Metal Shop Do.
~.,inn. Motor Co. repairs
Fritz-cross Co. supplies
Willer 'I: Teisberg su9plies
:la::'!lond ~ros. i,lotor 'fransp. freight
Victor Lundeen I Co. stationery
N.i'l.Bell Tel. co. long distance calls
Town of Leaf Mo1m tain hauling gravel
Fre6 A. Everts lumber, etc.
Lampert Lumber Co •• N.Y.1,1. lumber ~-H. Stewart scoop
Northfield Iron co. snowfence ties
Elk River Con. Prod.Co. culverts
st. Paul Fydraulic Hoist co. power take-off
Perham co-op Oil Co. gas,oline
Service Oil co. gasoline
Len Syverson's gasoline
Highwn.v Co. gasoline, etc.
Socon.v-Vacuum Oil Co. oil
Mills Oil Co. oil, etc.
Minn. Hiphwa.v .Dept. supplies
_.rost -Paimt ,'I: Oil Cor·p. paint
Armco Drainage 'I, Metal
.Products Co •• Inc. culverts.
Wm. H. Ziegler Co ••
Clarence I:nutson
Inc. parts 'I: suppliP.s
A. P. Sch.~idtz
Fergus Oil Co.
Avis Bowmen
Park -~tgion Oil Co.
1:'erham Co-op. Oil Co.
Vill. Parkers PrairiP.
·'. C. Henk1>S
care of poor,1942
8. 35
4. 71
224. 71
32. 33
Henrg G. Hofr
Geo. R. Gunderson '3oard of Equalization
12. 20
I}. A.. SnowberB
'3ert St one
Geo. B. Gunderson
IVilliam Klepatz
Geo. F. ,Johnson
witness fees
exp. & salary
weed inspector
Henr.\' G. Chainnan.
r,ouis e Ston6 ehl cash advanced
1:'. A. Anderson postage
H. w. Glorvigen 6rivers license exp.
J. c. Henkes Boarding prisoners
Beatrice Ealvik clerical work
Uarjorie 'fomhave clerical work
A:lnerican Library ABS 'n. supplies
Japs-Olson Co. SU"Jlplies
The B.W.l'/ilscn Co. supplies
Fergus Plumbing & Htg. co. supplies
Ugeblad Publ. Co. printing
c. w. Weislander labor
IV.Otter Tail Service Co. light bulbs
C. :-'!. Conklin sharpening mowers
Veterans of Fore-if.TI Wars. F .F. Memorial Day ·•· · services
Elton's F.otel I P.estaurant meals for jurors
George A. Faunce Dep.Sheriff's fees
Robert Molter repairs
Dr. Geo, C. Jacobs examination
Victor Lundeen 'I: co. supplies
Counts School 'I: Office Sup. Co. blanks
A. Glorvigen expenses
W. L. 1:'otter cash advanced_
Horthwest F.ngr. Co. parts
Service Recorder co. re9airs
1?.K.1,i. Co. repairs
Lal:e Region ;,rotor Co. repairs
Kilde-~likstad Co. repairs
Larson Bros. repairs
~-F. J~adel repairing
Chicago Steel Tape Co. supplies
Railw11.v :r-:xpress Afimc.v express
~-D. Sage garage rent
N.W.Bell Tel. Co. long distance calls
C. E. Conklin filing sew
Raymond Simonson gravelline
Lampert Lbr. Co.,F.F. lumber
01s on Ho.we. & Furn. co. paint
Bill Helson Oil Co. tires
John Dieseth Co. hoist
P~per, Calmenson I: Co. cutting edges
Bill Helson Oil Co. gasoline
Motor Inn Garage gasoline
Bengtson Oil Co. gasoline
Bendickson Service Sta. gasoline
Anderson & Sandberg gasoline 'I:
309 .12
Diesel fuel 84.00
Otter Tail Co-op Oils, Inc. kerosene 3.42
Sterlinr. T,Ock Co. supplies 3.53
Elk River Cone. 0 rod. Co. culverts 97.28
i'/iloox LumbPr Co. coal 21.40
Northwest ~nr,ineerinr: Co. parts 41.40
Lake Ree ion Motor co. repairs 37. 75
Motor Inn Garage repairs -& gasoline 23. 77
Waino Kele. Garage repairs 47.50
Alvin Haagensen gasoline 73.53
Mills Oil Co. gasoline 7.50
0 enrose Oil Co. gasoline 47.84
Field 'I: HSflp:e Oil Co. Diesel fuel 362. 26
HelP.n ~ohn taking testimony 18.00
.:roseph Rayner Dep.Sheriff's fees 32.95
Hert Stone Board of ~oualization 13.70
YalmP.r Y.:arvonen llo. · 19.20
Henry G. Hoff F.xq11.attend.meeting 7.05
Yalmer J::arvonen Do. 8. 95
Ingemar 0 eterson witness fees 4.84
Harr~• Nettestad v:i tness fees 4.84
Vill. of Underwood 'exp. with pauper 27.20
DATE ............................... ,\.ug.us.t ... l.l. •... l.9.4.3~ .......... 193.:43. ,,.
The following resolution was adopted:
!'!esolved b.'l the "9oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:
That under the provisions of Chapter ?.25 Lavis of Minnesota for 1935, the Sheriff and Deputy
Sheri ·-·f of said County shall be allov:ed the sum of 7r/-per milP. for the use of automobiles in performance of their o f.Picial duties.
Adopted Auf.ust 11, 1943. Henr,v G. Flofr, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, ~lerk.
Sheriff ,, • C. "!enkes reported to the Hoard that he had madP. diligent in(!uir,y and was
satisfie6 that he would be unablP. to collP.ct certain personal propert,1• taxes for 1942 which had been
certified for collection by the Board at their Jul,v meeting, the reason given by the Sheriff being that
these parties had all left the Count.r sometime before the citations were cielivered tc the Sheriff, and
upon motion the Board cancelled the said taxes as follows:
John J. Lenz, City of Fergus Falls ,$2.98; Kenneth C. Butler, City of Fergus Fulls -~7.94; Al L. Rickert,
city of Fergus Falls !;'j;2.ll; Herman H, Lueders. otter Tail $4.37; H. A. Helson, Battle Lake Village $81.86;
Charles Dietrick, Henning $8,99; Robert Ryback, Nidaros -~.51; Arthur r1. Heppert, llidaros ~2.34.
Upon motion Mr. o. T. Lien of Dalton was authorized to write fire insurance on various Otter
Tail County properties in the total sum of ~65,384.80 for a period of five years from September 6,1943.
Upon motion the Board thP.n adjourned to September 14, 1943 at 10 o'clock A, M.
Attest: /\ I ~
Cle k.
■D:11"'" ilLANIC BOD1C AND PRiiiiTliiib CD., IIT, ci.auD. 111..,.-11111
DATE ________________ -~u.l_y: ____________________________________________________ 193~-~-•-
Pursuant to statute, county Commissioners Yalmer F.arvonen, Geo. B. Gunderson, Henry G. Hoff,
Bert Stone and c. A, snowberg, and county Auditor William Lincoln. met as the Board of Equalization for
as.id county at 10:00 o'clock A. Jvl. Monde.v, July 19, 1943, and he.ving taken the customary oath of
of rice, proceeded to examine the assessment for 1943 e.s returned by the various assessors. The Board
adjourned from time to time.
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that an excessive veJ.uation had been placed
on lumber assessed against the Lampert Lumber Company in the Village of Uew York 1,iills, upon motion it
was ordered that the .aSSE;!'Sseo value. of sa-id item as listed by the assessor be reduced $1,000.00.
-Having completed the examination cf the assessment books the Board agreed upon and ordered
that the following changes be made in the assessment of all classes of cattle, being Items A to K
inclusive in Class 36, personal pro·perty:
Blowers Raised 15%
Buse Raised 5%
Butler Raised 30%
Deer Creek Raised 15%
Dora Raised 5~• ,~
Eagle Lake Reduced lo~i
Eastern Raised 157G
Effington Raised 35'.f.;
Elmo Raised 15%
Everts Reduced 5%
Fergus Falls Reduced 20%
Fri bere Reduced 20%
Homestead Raised 30,:,
Leaf Lake Raised 15%
Leaf Mounain Raised 35'};,
Maine Reduced 20%
Newton Raised 20%
Vill. of New YorkMills II 25%
lforwegian Grove Raised 15%
Paddock Raised 10%
Parkers Prairie Raised 15%
Vill.Parkers Prairie Raised 15%
Vill, "el ican Rapids Raised 15~~
Perham Raised 5~G
Vill. of Perham Reduced 151~
Pine Lake Raised 257~
Vill. Richville :'!aiseci 5o/,
Sverdrup Raised 15%
To rdensk.iold. Raised 15%
Trondhjem Raised 15%
Tumuli Raised 30%
Vill. of Vergas Raised 2O)o
DATE ............................ ,Jul.l' ... 19 ...... 1943 .................... 1!1:f.3 .. .
(Board of Equalization)
The Board also reducer-all personal nropert.v assessments under the heeding of Household
Goods, beirl£! Ttem 6 o~ Class 2 as follows:
Town of Star Lake
Town o '.'. Trondhjem
Town of ~oodside
?.educ ed 65~~
?.educed 35%
In all other assessment districts of the county no changes were made in the assessments
as returned by the assessors and equalized by the local boards of review.
Upon motion the Board then adjourned without date,
,.Special :.:eeting 3
DATE ............... ::ieptember ... 7 i .•. 19-43 •..................... 193L., ..
Pursuant to call signed by four members of the Boar~ of Count,v Cornmissi~ners, a special
meeting was held at the coam1issioners Room in the Court House in Fergus.Falls Tuesaay, September 7.
1943, at 11 o'clock A. M. to arrange for Forfeited Tax Sale to be held in the County. and to transact
an.v other business which might come before the meeting. including final hearine; on petition .for
vacation of road in the Township of Folden. Present were Commissioners Gunderson, Hoff, Stone and Snowberg.
The petition of John l:lelvold and others for vacation of pert of County l~oad across the
Nt NEt Sec. 7 Township of Folden was taken up -ror flnal action. A committee appointed to viev: said
road having filed their report recommendinB tha.t the :cad be vacated. upon motion tne petition was
P;rs.nted and order issued vacating said road across said tract. -TheCity of FergusFalls presented to the Board an applicotion :ror llonveyance o-r tax-forfeited
lands described as the SW¼ NE¼ NE~ of Sec. 9 Township 132 R o:nge 43, and also Lots 6 to 10 inclusive
in Block 5. e.nd r.ots 7 to 12 inclusive in Block 6, and ell· of Block 7 enc: all of Blocks 8 and 9 except
two rods for street, and. e.ll ot Block 10, all in Cole ~• Parle inson' s Addition to the City ot }'ergus Falls,
said lands to be used for addition to the city d.umping ground. After due consideration upon motion the
petition was a9proved.
The follo1'linp: resolution l'!as adopted:
Resolved b,v the Board of County commissioner·s of Otter Tail County, !Hnnesota:
Whereas, the County 13oard of' Otter Tail Count,\', l!innesota. has exar:iined into the allegations
of' the application o"!'. City of Fergus "!<'alls detea August 17, 1943. for the conveyan.::e of certain lnnds
therein described; now Therefore, be it resolved b,y the Boe.rd of Count:i' Commissioners of Otter Tail County, :.!innesota,
that it hereby a·pproves said applico.tion and recommends that the same be granted.
Attest: l'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk.
Henr,v G. Hoff
Bert Stone
Carl A. Snov:berg
Geo. B, Gunderson
Board of county Commissioners.
The question of' sale of tax-forfeited lands was then taken up, and the Board fixed the
date for said sale.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved b,y the Soard o·f Count.11 Commissioners of Otter Tail County, '.!innesota:
That the sale of tax-forfeited lands appraised b.11 this 300.rd be held in the office of the
Count.v Audi tor in the Court i:iouse in Fergus Falls in said Count.v on the 6th dal' o-r October, 1943,
commencing at 10 o'clock A. M.
Resolved further, that tracts may be sold under the follo1ving conditions. Each a..'1d every
tract sold ·Eo r ~50 or less shall be paid for in iull at the time of said sale. All tracts sold for
more than $50 maJ' be paid for on· the installment plan at the rate of at least 25 per cent of tile
purchase pr ice, but in all cases tile down-payment must be at least ~;50, prov icied tbs. t in all cases
where the appraisal by this Board shov:s a value of wood on said tract the full amount of the appraisal
value of said wood, together with 25 per cent of the balance of the purchase price must be ·paid at the
time of sale. The balance of the purchase price may oe paid in ten annual installments at 4 per cent
per amum interest on the unpaid balance.
Title to lends to be offered for sale is not guaranteed either bf Otter Tail 0ounty or the
State of Minnesota. \'/hen payment in full of the purchase price has been made the purchaser will
receive from the State of l,linnesota a nuit-claim deed to the property.
Adopted September 7, 1943. -
Henry G. Ho-ff, Chair:nan.
Attest: Willism Lincoln, Clerk.
There being no further business, the Board then
~-:-:-:: DDOK.illND.Pl!...~NG.CO.o.ff•.
DATE ....................... S.e.P.t!:m.Q.e.r ... l4. •... l5/.13. .•.......... 193 .. 4~.
!,'IIUUTES 01" AD,10URiP::D '.P-:'-:TIHG 0,.. '30ARD
~ . Pursuant to ad_'.ournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. J,i. SeptembP.r 14. 1943, Present: uommiss1oners Y.arv?n~n. H~ff, Stone and Snowberg.
•• A_ pet 1 tion signed by Thomas i7allace and others. asking ·for vacation of part of County
Road 1~0 • 107 tnrough Governrnant Lots 1 and 2 in Sect ion 9 ~•own of Pine truce was read and it v:as ordered
that a hearing on said pet it ion be had at the session of tile Boord to be held Uove:nber 9 1943 at 10
o';lock A. l!. a~ the Comf!!issioners' ~oorn in the C?urt House in Fergus Falls, ond Co:nmissi.oners 1:arvonen,
P'o . .f and Stone i.ere app?1nte<l a C01J11111ttee to examine the roud proposed to be vacated, and Tuesday,
11ovem?er. 2, ~943 at 2 o ~lock P. !.L at the house of Thomas 1/allace in Sec,tion 9 Township of Pine Lake
were oes1gno.ed as the time and p;tace for the meeting of said committee. The county Audi.tor was
instructed to prepare the nP.cessary notice!=! ond to forward them by mail to Themas ·(/allace R. 1 Perham, for posting.
The applicntion of ,:ohn 'l/estby for cir-arette license at Corner Store in the Township of Amor for the calendar yenr 1943 wns grantee.
Th"! bond o~ r.. A. 'D.oline. Deputy Coroner, in the sum of .~1.000 with the llational surety co. o~ new York as surety, wns approved.
Upon 11ction the Board took a recess to 2 o'clock P. Ll.
1Jpon 110tion Corn.,,issioners Van•cnen. <;tone and Pof-r were aopointed o committee to examine
three bridp.es in 'f3luf Pton Tc·::nsh ip. to/!ethPr v1ith A. Glorvip.en. acting· !Tiphwa,v -;;ngineer.
_ Th~ Joard di~~nsae~ ~ith ~r. Clorvip.en matters p~rtaining to roads and bridp.es in the various parts o_ ,he Conn.y.
The follo~inp. resolution was adopted:
Resolved b.? the Board of Count;, Com11issioners of Otter Toil County, I.!innesota:
Whereas, this '3oard has heretofore contracted \'/ith the Socony Vacuum Oil co., Inc .. for
road oil in accordance with bid received !'rom said compan,l', end
·;/herees. oil to the value of .::389.98 has been received and accepted b.v this County.
No:v,· therefore, be it resolved that the county AUditor a.nd Chairman o:' the Board are
authorized snit directed to issue to said company a 1·:arrant on the ~oad ~ Bridge Fund of the County in the sum o-:'. ."389.98, the amount due.
Adopter. September 11, 1943. Henry c. Hoff. ~he.irman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
The followin~ resolution was adopted:
Resolved b,\' the Board of County CO'!!'l!issicners o~ ()tter Tall Connt.v, :.Ii nnesota:
l'/hereas. this '3oard has hereto:"ore advertised ~or sale the Sit of s·•,,. in Section 23 and the
SE.l; in Section 22, all in Township 133 Range 43. and
Whereas, the bid of Robert A. Llolter in the sum of ~11,000 was the highest bid received,
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the said bid is hereb.l' accepted and the Chair:nan of the
County Board and the County Auditor are authorized and directed to execute deed to said premises to
said ?.obert A. J;!Olt er and Bertha i,iol ter as joint tenants.
Adopted September 1,i, 194;'3. Henry G. Hoff. Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
Upon motion the Boe.rd then adjourned to 10 o'cloc}: A. u. wecinesda.i', September 15. 1943.
Pursuant to e.d,iournrnent the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. V/er-nesda.\', S<"ptember 15. 1943, all
11e,nbers present excepting Commissioner Gunderson.
Ur. -:.:. T. Barnard requested permission Por the Otter Tail County -qistoricel Society to
again nae certain rooms in thei• .. ,~51i?~~use which had been vacated by them for the use of W.P.A. projects.
'lpon 11otion this pP.r11ission 'llBS p.rant ed.
Rog-er r,. Dell, as attorney :'or ?.obert Po.rnter, presented to the Board claim of iii r. 0 oynter
in the sum of $3.617.42 for flood damages on his far:n in Section 30 in the Township o:' Aurdal. The"loard
discussed the matter with l.ir. Dell and took the case under advisement, and 11-l'ter consideration upon
motion the ~oard re~ectec the claim.
The application of P.. E. Tollefson for re.,uction of assessment for the year 1942 against
the E! of T,ot 11 in '1/enonah Beach in the Township of Amor on the ground of excessive valuation 1vas read
and the Board recommended to the Commies ioner of Taxation that the assessed value of said propert.\' be
reduced from ~295 to 8237, and the tax from $17.40 to $13.98.
The application of "l. F. ~ope for cancellation of assessment for structures against Lot 16
o'." "'irst Acid it ion to "'each' s Beach in the Township of Star Lake for the year 1942 was read and the Board
recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said assessment be cancelled and the assessed valuation
of. said trac~ be reduced from :"81 to 326 and thP. tnx from $'-(i.30 to :12.02.
The application of Arthur "'aid for cancellation of assessment for structures for 1942 against
Lot 16 of P.l.vsiurn Park in the Town of Star Lake was read and the Board recomm"!nded to the Commies ioner
of Taxation that said assessr.ient for structures be cancelled and the assessed Yaluation of said tract
be reduced fro11 866 to ::·22 and the tax from :"·4. 63 to l'L 61.
The application of J. F. Peterson for settlement of delinquent taxes for the years 1938 to
1941 inclusive a.13ainst the sit Ni'/•'-and S\'/~ tIB' except .E 200 ft .. in Section 27 in the Village of Deer Creek
·sas read and the Count•r Auditor was instructed to return the 9apers to the applicant with the information
that the Board reaui re6 the ao or oval of the Village Council of Deer C:reek before passing on said applica-
tion. • • •
~. C. Henkes
follo1·1ing bills v1ere allowed:
expenses Louise Stondahl
H. V:. Glorv igen
P. Id. Ree
drivers license expense
Whitehead Printing co.
F erpus Journal ~o.
"ritz-Cross Co.
PouchP.r Prtg. ~ Litho.
'lictor Lnnrl"!en 'c Go.
!Y .L. & S::.l'I .Y.ru.vsman
,'ohnson SerYice Co.
~ . E. Conklin
N.1.Sash ~ Door Co.
!'I. T. Lien
Geo. F. Johnson
,Jrinting. etc.
Co. blanks
exp.~ sal a.r,v.
1·1eed inspect or
29 .25
J.C. Henkes boarding prisoners
E. J. Rovang expenses
Louise Standahl postage
P. A. Anderson postage
Ugeblad Publ. Co. pr in ting
iYhitehP.ad Printing co. printing, etc.
!,!ill er-Davis Co. record
'iictor Lundeen '.: co. supplies
Japs-".'lson Co. suppl,.ies
l'/est Otter Tail Service supplies
Security Blank Book -~ Prtg. r:o. supplies
LarsonBros. ~elding repairs
F!intgen-rarst Elec. Co. repairs
Andrew O. Grine insurance
:-.for.jorie Tomhave clerical work
Beatrice r:alv ik clerical work
5 .4(
45. 3:
' '
\ I
' i
i I
DATE ............ Se pternber .. .15 .•.. J \!4'~ ...................... 19~.~ .. .
Clara Standahl clerical work
~ergus Pl~'llbing & Htg. Co. plumbing
N.W.Bell Telephone co. long distance calls
American Legion Auxiliary, F. F.
Muriel Moore
C. A. Bollne
George A. Faunce
Vill. o·l' Underwood
Glen Lake Sanatorium
Geo. B.Gunderson
Memorial DS.V services
Vep.coroner's fees
Dep.Sheriff's fees
transporting pau-per
care o~ patients
ap·praising to.x-forfei t ed lands 52.45
A. GlorviP.en cash advanced 14.69
.V. L. "otter expenses 30.46
Geo. ·:1icl~er expenses 23.95
Am.Farmers !,!Ut.Auto Ins.Co. insurance 1.11
Paper, Calmenson 'I: Co. steel 101.03
rrelson Auto \'lreckinP. co. parts 4. 25
Henry !-lolmr. ren ·· repairs 1. 00
Lehmkuhl 'I: Jahn repairs 6.85
G. H. J~auppi repairs 11.40
Lake Eer,ion I.lotor Co. reoairs 107.52
J. H, Schmidt repairs 8.35
Jl'einola Farmers l,lerc. co.repairs 2.79
Larson~ros. repairs A2.35
Saunders co. repairs 4.91
J·:ela '3ros. repairs 1.30
Ress et &: \'lest by repairs 7. 75
Adelsman Co. repairs 14.00
Pelican Supply Co. repairs 2,80
H anson Gara,;ze supplies 14.86
Farnham Stat.7. 'I: School Sup. Co. sup,ilies 3.65
Wilcox Lumber Co •• Henning supplies 36.02
Wm. H. Ziegler Co.,Inc. parts 849.08
Ge!, T, Rya.11 co. parts 314,54
Thorman i'i. Rosholt co. parts 327. 42
N.W.'3ell Tel. co. long distance calls 5.80
N. :·1. Bell Tele phone co. long distance calls 15. 90
Armco Drainap.e 'I: Metal ~rod. co., Inc. culverts 141. 47
Raymond Bros. Motor Trans. freight 4,10
Albert ?.iesemer pl,mlts 11, 65
Ryman Puel Co. coal 7.95
Lampert T,br. Co. tisrkers ?rairi e lumber 4. 75
Minn. Motor co •. Inc. tire. etc. 59.86
Vill. of Ba~tle T,ake water charges 3.49
":. D. Sage garar-e rental 5.00
>Iighwa,v Co. sasoline, etc. 51.87
Comsumer's Oil Co. pasoline, etc. G0.73
Pighwo.11 Co. gasoline 33.94
Bendickson Service Sta. gasoline 95.56
Service Oil 10. gasoline 75.00
rrueger Service Station r-asoline 5,67
~ill Nelsen Oil Co. gas 'I: oil 69.86
Alvin t:farp;enson izas 1~ oil 38.913
~ert Stone exp.attendinr-meeting 5.40
'Tenry G • "t,off Do. 4,80
Yslmer Karvonen appraisinp. lnnd 59.60
Clinton Heaton labor 49.20 ,~ ......_
Diebold Safe .'I: Lock co. maintenance 12.50
u.w.sell Telephone co. long distance calls 14.00
Frank c. Barnes Municiapl Judge' s fees ol. 75
Claude~. Field JuStice fees 12.15 nr. c. J. Lund coroner's fees 43.60
,ioseph Ra,vner Dep. coroner's fees 2,62
~mil Fanson Dep.Sheriff's fees 6.70
earl J. Lund examination 3.00
UelRon Trucl:s hauling 20.00
Geo. IL Gunderson exp.attend, meeting 8,60
A. Glorvigen expenses 104.65
Ole Lee cash advanced 2.135
Lyle Tc.llerson expenses 5.80
Clarence ,tood expenses 57. !JO
l.!.A.Stortroen Ins. ~gency insurance 7,ii6
Mahler .'I: Straus parts 72.21
F. Saunders &: son parts 1.60
Aur,ust Johnson Gamble Store repairs 3.39
Y.ilde-Blikstad Co. repairs 21.00
!,lotor Inn Garar:e repairs 33.26
Y.ela Bros. Garage repairs 10.95
?.a.\''s Service Station repairs 13.41
Ohnstad Hardware repairs 11.30
Cle J. Widness repairs 5.40
Olson Auto Electric Co. repairs 31.30
Penry Eolmgren repairs 2.25
Fergus Foundry co. repairs 2.00
Skogmo ~otors, Ina. repairs 33.73
Natl.Bushing .'I: Parts co.repairs & supplies 409.23
Hintgen-[arst Elec.co. supplies 6.07
Henning Hardware co. supplies 1.60
Victor Lundeen & Co. supplies 4.60
Cummins Diesel Sales & Service parts 32.94
Northwest Engineering co. parts 287.16
Smith Commercial Body Works, Inc. parts 36.00
Village of Henning electric current 2. 20
"Pelican 'l'elephone Co. services 3.70
F.lk RiverConc. Prod. co. culverts 333.44
Great northern Ry. Co. freight 363.48
Jack Joh:1son gravel 20.50
T,ampert T,umbP.r Co. ,t!.Y .!,!ills CP.ment 8c lumber 100.15
Aune~ros. tires, repairs, etc. 458.~
tie.per. Calmenson &: co. steel 31.90
!•.!inn. Hip.hwa.v Dept. r.iaps 4.00
0enrose Oil Co. garaf.e rental. gasoline.etc.
Av ls Bowman gasoline
Standard Oil Co. N .Y .'.:lills gasoline
Len Syverson gasoline
Anderson~ Sandberg Vil Co. gasoline
Otter TailCo-op Oils. Inc. gas 2 oil
Fergus Oil Co. gas .'I: oil
PiP.lii •• Hap.r:e Oil Co. Diesel fuel
Yalmer J:arvcnen expens"' at tend .-meefing
"'3ert Stone aopraisinP-land
Henr:r G. Hoff appraisine: land
C. A. snowberiz appraising land 13.90
Upon motion the Bo~d then a6'ou,ned to Qctobe, 12, l~O,f.o/~Ll,
M . _...p. O hairman. Attest: ~~
~~-~ • I '.:...... -J,
DATE ............................................ ..!" t, 7,1h "•· ... 1.2 ........... 193 .. <1.3
. .,Tr~T"1ES f'\':1 .l:.i).~"'Ti~':-r:!' -~~':Tr~ ,..-~C'/l~:l r'\'C'I
~(l'l'r-:,v ;('~""'-T9'"" Tri!:~1S r,<r:1 <'':'..,-r.:?' ~A.TL
11ri':'~T:'?', '!Iri~r.:SnTA •
Pursuant to ad,iournment the 3oard met at 10 o'clock A. Tuesday, October 12, 1913.
Present: Commissioners !:arvonen,_ ~un~erson. H?ff. Stone and Snowberf3.
Upo:1 !Doti on the Count.v ,rnd 1 tor v1as instructed to advertise for sale of one v-type Caterpillar
Sno,·: "low ownea oy the County, bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board to beheld 11ovember 9, 1943 at 10 o'clock A. Ll.
. ~-u .• !7abbers!ad._County Chairman for U.S.Bond !)rive, and H. E. sv1enson, City Chairman,
1;1-ppeare~ before ••~e 3oara ai:ia ur~ed the purchase b~ the County of u. s. Savings Bonds. After full
a1scuss1on. and after checl:ing tne balances in the various funcis. the Board agreeci to purcr.ase oonos to the face ,•alue of $100,000.
The following resolution 1·:as aciopted:
]esolved b,v the'3~arci of County Cornmissi.?nt'!rs of Otter Tail county, :,unnesota.:
That the sum of .:,,42,45 be and the same nereby is transferred from the cattle •ruberculosis
"und of the. -~aunt.,, to the Count.\' l'/elfnre "'und. anci tho t the sum of 3551. 68 be transferred from the (lld Ar.e Assistance Fund to the r::ount.r "lelfare Fund;
~esclved ~.'urth'!r, that the sum ot ::<6,155.10 be transferred from the County Sinking 1,•unci to the
-:aunty ~eve7:1ue "'unci, and that thP. sum of :;;5,950.64 be transferred fro:n the Go1mt,vDitch F'und to-the County
?.evenne F'nnn, and the r::ount,v Auditor is instructed to ma}:" the necessarl' entries on the records of his o ''·'ice. · ·
Adopted flctober 12, 194~l. ~•enry c. u0 i•~. r,hairman.
,\~test: ;"/illi am Lincoln. ~lerk.
The followinp. resolution was odopted:
hesclved b,•r the loard cf Count,li Gommissioners of Otter Tail count.\-, ;;!innesota:
That uncier the provisons cf. '.:hapter 193 La·1:s o-r :.1innesota for l!l43 the :following amounts are
set aside out o~ the ~evera.l ~?nds. o!'. the Coun:,V ::or the pnrchase of !Jnited States Savin13s 13oncis,
Series G: County ?.oea and "nap.eS1ru:int,: Fund :~12.000; Count,\' !load and 9rldp.e Fund :i:;25,000; County :·1elfare '!l'und ::tl3,000; Count,\' ~evenue Fund $50,000. · ·
:::=:esol.ed -"urtner, that the said bonds be purchased in equal amounts through the Ferr.us !"alls
11a•ional qank •, '!'rust Co .. and the "'irst l!ationol qal'll: ot" Fergus Falls.
!'!esolved further. that cr\Odit -~or said bonas be aoportionea eiually-amcng all the Townshios of thP r.ou-•:.v. • · · ·
Adooted 0ctob"'r 11:'., l!.113. f'enr,\' G. '!o::f, Chairman.
Attest: i'lilliam Uncoln. f!lerk.
':'he anplica.tion of :;!rs. ':. ' :rcr::oy f.or✓reducti.on in assessed va1ue o-r J,ots 20 and 21, and .
Lots 21 to 40 inclusive in ~lock 1 . and most ,·:esterl.V I.at 5 and Lots 10. 16 and 17. a?ld Lots 23 to 31
inclusive in Block 2, all in "elican "oint in the To·:nship ot Dunn \·:as read, ond the '3oard recom'l!encieci
to theCo:nmtssioner cf 7axation that the assessed valuation of suici lots tor tne year 1942 be reduced
from 21,330 to $860, and the taxes from .)75.81 to .!:'49.02.
The application of ?.obert G. E'uhrman for cancellation..:,! assessment for builciings against
Lot 7 in !":a.pl er' s Second Acicii t ion to Grand View Heights ::or t11e .::ear 1942 ~:as read anci tl:e ·Boa.rd
recomr.1ended that the said assessment be ca11ce!le6. and the assessea value reduced from ;;:404 to .;;227 and
ti'!e taxeR ·rc:n i;24.08 to (;13.b3. · ·
Upon mot ion the Board then ad juurne6 to October 13, 1~3 at 10 o' cloc:k A. IL
1>tl.rsna.nt to ad,!ournment the '9oard met at 10 o'clock A. U. V/ednescia.v, October 13, 1943,
all members beinp. present.
Thenetit ion of r-:d\•:in Hof~erbert to be set o•;er .,.ram Dist. 93 to Dist. 212 was taken up for
final action. and it a.oper-rinP" from examination of the rec:ords that the petition 1·1as defective in that
it did not show the correct school district number, upon motion the petition wss re,'.ected.
The ·petition of "arr~; Lind,.,uist to be set over fror:i Dist. l!l to Dist. 95 1•ms read, and it
vrns orderer. that a hearine on said petition be had at a sesgicn of the 9oard to be held Vlednesda,f,
.'enuur.1• 5, 1944 a.t 10 o' cloc:k A. !.: • at the Com,:ii ssion~rs' :'loom in the Co11r t ~ouse in Fereus Falls, and
that ciue notic"' of the time and ple.ce c!: heoring be given as re-1uired b:r lav:.
The petition of Claude E, Phelps to bP. set ever frc,mDist. 137 to Dist. 144 was read. and it
;•:es orciered that a hearinp. on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held i'/ennesday,
,1anuer,v 5, 1944 at 10 o'clock A. !II. at the Cor.unissioners' Room in the'.:ourt House in F'err,us Falls, a.nd
that due notice o-f the time and place of heerinl? be E?iven as re(!_uired by lav:.
The petition of li!artin VallevP.nd tc 'he set o,.·er -r-ro:n Dist. 207 to Dist. 182 vras read, c.nd it
'!l<•s ordered that a hearinp on seidpetition be hod at a session of the '3on.rd to be held '.'fednesda,v,
•1anuP.ry 5, 1944 at 10 o' cl· ck A. !L ot the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in Fergus Falls. and
thrJt due "IOtice of the ti'!le and ,,1:,ice of hearinp: be p.iven as required by law.
•rhe petition of ,Ubert ':. Loebrick to b"! set over "ram Dist. 130 to Dist. 44 v:as read, and it
was ordereci that a hearinf! on sa'id petition be hnd at a session of the Board to be helci i'lecinesdey,
.7enuar.v 5, 1941 nt 10 o'clocl~ A. :A. at the Commissioners' Room in the ::curt "'ouse in F'ereus Palls, and
that due not ice of the time anci place o;; hearing be gi,•en as required by law.
The petition of Cornelius s,·,eere to be set o•,er from Dist. 165 to Dist. 226 was read, and it
was ordereci that a hee.rine on said petition be had at a session of the Board to be held i'/ed:nesday.
January 5, 1944 at 10 o'clocl~ A. !l. at the Commissioners' Room in the Court House in Fergus Falls, and
that due notice of the time anci place of ;hearing be given as required by law.
The petition of Axel Porl:kor:en to be set over from Dist. l'/5 to Dist. 47 was read, and it was
orce::-ed that a hearing on said petition be haci at a session cf the Board to l>e held Viednesdey, January 5
1!144 at 10 o'clock A. !,!. at the commissioners' Room in the Court House in Fergus Falls, and that due
notice of the time nnd place cf hearing be given as required by law. .
The bond of Dr. Geo. c. Jacobs, as De!mty Coroner. in the sum of Cl ,000 with St. Paul-1.-lercury
rnde1mity co. as suret,v, ,·:as approved.
The application of ,;:award B:. Sonsteby fo:r reciuction of assessment for 1~42 aeainst Lot 4 in
Section 25 '!'ov:nshi-o o:f otter ""ail was reed and the Roard recommended to the Commissi.oner o:" Taxation
that theassesse~ v~lue o~ sai~ tract be reduced from ~329 to 821, and the. tax from fl7.91 to Sl,15.
A communication .arom :;rs. !,innie neterson askin,-for ca.ncell1:.t1cn o·f. part of. penalty and
interest Mainst r,ot 5 -qlock 10 "'razee's First Addition to 0 elic!ll'I Rapids was read and the Roard agreed
to authorize the pe,vment 0,• delinouent taxes on said tract ~or a total of !°"300, being n reduction of :!:;29
from the full amount of taxes, penalty. interest :mci costs•
The follov:ing resolut icn •·,as adopted:
445 r
I ~,
DATE .............. Oct.ab.eJ: ... l.~ .•.... l\H.3., ....................... 1931~.A-
Resolved by the Board of c ounty commissioners of O~ter_ 1.•~~l County, :.iin~esct!: ,·
That under the provisons of Chapter 163, General Lav.s of J;!in7:escta for 1~41, she f~llov.ing
nomed persons be and tiley are certified for the purpose of ches~ surgers at Glen Lnk7 Sanntorium. the
cost of said treatmP.nt to be p6 id for equally by the St ate of uinneso ta and Otter Tail County, as
provided b,v said chapter: Oliver Bjork, and Clare Zelinske. Henry G. Hoff, Chairman. Adopted October 12, 1943.
A.ttest: Willism Lincoln, Clerk.
'fhe followinf', bills v:P.re nllo1'!ed:
J. c. HenkP.s boarding prisoners 322,00
J.C. ~enkes expenses 43.83
i::,w.Clorvigen drivers license exp. 17,55
P. A. Anderson postaf',e 23.25
Art Burnside '!:Co. supplies 2,63
United Chemical Co., Inc. " ./·,go
Panama Carbon cc. supplies 34.20
Count~· School .'I, Office Suppl,r 110. supplies 211.90
Lien Hardware suppliP.S 3.00
Jones 'I: KroegP.r Co. rubber stamps 10 .19
V/hiteh'!ad Printing Co. blanks 3.50
13lence A, \'/hipple clerical v:ork 12.00
Beatrice 1:alvik clP.rical work 13.50
John 1-lovla.nd labor 11. 20
s.~ill Standerd Service pas I oil 3.58
I:.;>,r .',ell ~elephonP. :.:o. lonf distance calls 20. 75
F errus .:rournal Go. printirlf, etc. 243.10
:::l.oy Corliss bailiff, Justice court 6.00
Frank C. Barnes uunicipal Judge's fees 73.40
P.J.Christopherson " Court Juror's fee 4.00
Evan A. Glende Do. 4 .oo
Alfred Haagensen Do. 4 .oo
Leonard Johnson Do, 4,00
Arthur Eantrud Do, 4.00
Ben J. Johnson Do, 4.00
Henry Silver exa~ination 3.00
Frank Naegeli examination 6.00
A, Glorvigen expenses 86.60
Jensen's Auto wrecking Co. parts 13.50
Herman Thurk repairs 1. 35
FarBO Radiator Works repairs 31.75
Red Arrow Ge.rape repairs 2.90•
Nehl Me.chine Shop repo.irs 2.75
Lake Rer. ion Motor Co. repairs 42. 20
G. Fl, I-:auppi repairs 6.50
William :':oers rep: irs 16.90
Olson Auto Electric co. repairs 78.95
Motor Inn Garer-e gas. repairs. etc. 37.16
Hans A, 9erg tools 10.00
McCabe '9ros ·. coal 44. 95
Lien Hdwe. Co. su·pplies 56.00
Lampert Lumber Co. ,ll.Y ,!I[ cement 159.25
Lampert Lur.1b.,rCo. lumber 4 .48
"ark Region Oil Co. ea.so line 38. 75
Service Oil Co. gasoline 75.95
Len Syverson's gas !c: oil 27.46
Mills Oil Co. f',asoline 64.29
1i!!ld "c Hap.p.e Oil Co. Diesel fuel 312. 95
Penrose Oii Co. gos I Diesel fuel 431.83
Standard Oil Co. gnsoline 38.50 B. D. Sage r.erare rental 5.00
?elican Teleohone Co, services 5. 30
Mre. C. ~-Nyberg room for crev: 49.00
W. L. Potter expense 27 .45
Maplewood Twp. road work 350.00
Wheeler Lumber Bridge •• Supply Co. culvert 404 .10
Do. culvert 453.90
Vill. Pelican Rapids vtater charges 2.75
Vim. H. Ziegler Co.,Inc. parts, etc. 343.17
Geo. T. Ryan Co. parts 202.53
N .I'/. Sheet 'l: Iron \'/orks parts 33. 49
Miller-Davis Co. supplies 6.84
EbersvillPr Impl. co. supplies 38,40
J. H. Schmidt repairs 14.75
Tire Retread~o. tire repair 40.63
So cony-Vacuum Oil Co. oil 5.05
C. J. Lund examination 3.00
F.enr.v G. uo•rr exp.attend.rneeting 4.80
City Typewriter Service supnlies 3,50
Jouise stondahl milenr;e' •• eX!)enses 81.65
The Board havinf', arran{!ed to inspect ditch
5:30 o'clock P, M.
,,. c. Henkes
F, • ,~ • Ro,, anB
'R. 'fl. Glorvigen
Johnson Drugs
Star Grocery
Costello l,lff. Co.
Victor LUndeen "c co.
Japs-Olson Co.
Security 13lanl: Book S:
'.l!iller-Davis cc.
Oswald i>ubl. Co.
Alice Kooker Bereeson
Geo. F. Johnson
postage 'I:
Printing co.
box rent
clerical work
exp. 'I: salar,y,
weed insoector 63.28
N."I.Sash '< Door Co. •!lop heacis 6.50
;;,";/,'3ell ';.'el. Co. lonr-: distance calls 21.65
"· "?. "inze De11,Sheriff1 s fees 25.25
~-J. r,und coroner's fees 40.95
Arne Arneson iJun. Court .:ruror' s fees 4 .00
Chas. A. Carlson Do. •L 00
Elmer ,, • Larson Do. 4. 00
Orris E. Bergerud Do, 4,00
Forrest G. ?eterson Do. 4.00
Arthur Peterson Do. 4. 00
Glen Lake Sanatorium Core of patient 83.57
Dr. 11. H. Baker e.;.amination 3,00
A. Glorvigen cash advanced 18.36
Battle Loke Hnrdvtare supplies 25.44
Fergus Foundry Co. repairs 7,00
Skogrno J,!otors, Inc. repairs 15.65
Ser\'ice Recorder co. repairs 4,19
F. Saunders & Son re pairs 1. 78
!,linn. I.rotor Co. re poi rs 22, 71
Larson Bros. repairs 51.80
Gamble Store, Henning repairs .63
Y.nuttila Tmplement Co. repairs 1,80
Clarence i:nutson repairs. etc. 5. 30
?.epuhlic ~reosotingCo. creosote 93.35
i~nof:!:-1:'eterson Fdwe. co. supplies 11.57
sau!lders Co. supplies 11.17
TheAdelsma.n Co. supplies 19.30
Boe '< Wilshusen suppliP.s 2.RO
Lampert Lumber co.,P.~. lumber .77
Avis Bowman gasoline 12 .30
Anderson ~. Sandberg Oil Co. Diesel fuel 57 .50
Fiehwo.1· Co. gasoline, etc. 39.52
~•ergus flil Co. gasoline . 41.04
Rene:tson Oil Co. p.aso line 29.40
Bill UP.lson Oil Co. gas •, oil 62.57
Vill. !L Y. ;1ilis garage rental 90,00
~ailwa.v ":xpressco. express 1.07
;f.?f.~ell Tel. Co. :iong distancP calls lf!.55
Clartnce Rood expenses 1:os
Clifl:ord OlliP. expenses 5.00
I,iinneo.polis Iron Store steel 43.49
Elk River Concrete Prod. co. culverts 300.00
Panama Carbon Co. coupons 12.00
N,i'/.Bell :i'el. Co. long distoance calls 17.74
CumminsDiesel Sales & Service parts 64.48
northv1est Engineering co. parts 36.39
Jensen's Auto Vlrecking Co, parts 2. 25
Beall '!c M0Gowan Co, supplies 2,55
R. L. Possen ·.toillls 3.07
W.F.Smith Tire & Battery Co, tire repairs 11.25
Otter Tail Co-op. Oils, Inc. kerosene 2.~
Alvin Hoe13enson gasoline 66.24
'Helen Bohn tating testimony 5.40
Bert Stone exp.attend.meeting 10.10
Yalmer !"arvonen exp.attend .meeting 6.45
Sert Stone phone calls 1.97
in the Tcll':nship of l'/estern then took a recess to
__ -...;
1'he riuestion c!' employrnent of e.ttorne.y to represent the Count~ in the District Court in the
of the appeal o:f Robert 0oy:;ter from the disallowo,nce b.y theCounty Co:nmi~sioners of his bill 'for flood
da~ages i•,as taken up, an~ a~t7r consultation with Attorne.v Cyrus A. Field the Board employed him es
cm e
att or!le.'{ for the County in this co.SP.. ·
Upon motion the 13oard then adjourned to Tuesday, Ncvember;J,.943 at {O ;clock
A. !.!.
Ht \: ( ~ ~a.irmano/f, . es(W~
DATE ....................... llo.v..emhe.i: ... !:l ....•.... l.~.4~ .............. 1931.3 .. .
i!IIHJT::S OF AD,1':'U~ll:':D :It:3TTI:G C';;, "'0iF'D CIT'
CC'U!'TY ~O'..!'.!T SS T(ll!":~S Or' OT'rER TAIL GOU!fTY.
Pursuant to ad,Journment the Board met at 10 o'cloc}~ A. Iii. uovember !J, 1943. Pn!sent: Com-
miss lonr.rs Y.arvoncn. Gunderson. Stone and Snov:berg.
A~P~/c~tion.,, fo:. cancellat~on of personal propert.v taxes for 1938 against the o tter Tail Count,v
Stat11. Banlc O.:. ,-ellcai:i :,apios was reaa and it appearing from letter from tr.e state ?,anking Department ·
of !;linnes~ta tn~! so.id bank ceased o?erations before l.,a,v 1, l!J38 upon motion the Count.v Attorney was
authori1.ea end 01rected to cancel said personal propert.v tax judrment in the office of the Clerk o·f District Court. ·
The report of the 1oard of Audit of examination o~ the current tax collections of the County
';'res.surer ~er the pr->ricd. ~:rom '.!arch lf'. 1943 to ,,une 21, 1943 showinp a t.otal current tax collected of. ~532,818,7!J, wns anproveo •
. , •.• A ~1~!.o-:' -'irst Addition ~o -.-:1,vsium "ar}: ~n the To"rnship of Star Lake, accompEnieii by a
certt• 1ca.e c ..• iLle executed b,v ""· -~· Anderson. "ep:ister o" Deeds. was a.1Joroved.
~icis for Otter ':"oil ~ou?1t,v sno.: nlm·: advertised "'"or sale bv the "loerd were ooened and it was
found that only one bid. that o:' Vernon ':'O~/l;erson. who opr.ered the su; o"'.' -:'61.00. ,·:as r~ceived, and
upon motion thP bid was accepted.
Upon motion the "Icard then toe!: a recess to 2 o'clock ""· :.1., at which time o.11 members
v:ere present.
The application o-: "I, C. i'lergerud !or settlement o~ celin:iuent taxes for l!J32 to 1935 inclu-
sive against the F:~ s··,~ of Sec. 20 in 'l'ownship of Aastad v:ss read and the llourd recommended to the
::om:nissioner of :•axe.tion that so.id taxes be settled for the sum of $75.00, being a reduotion of ~!96.67
from the full amount of taxes, penalty, interest and costs. ·
The application of Anna Haas F.state for reduction of assessment for 19',2 against the Wi SIV¼
sec. 13 Township of Hobart was read and the 3oard reoommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the
assessed value of said property be reduced from p5!J to $52!J, and the taxes from $70.2!) to $48.99.
The application of Eino iioponen for classification of ii~ Sil¼ and SW¾ S\"/J in Section 34
•rownship o ~ !ie\·:ton ··or the .'{ear 1942 at homestead rate 1·:as read and tnr. ·Eoard recommended to -the Commis-
sioner o" Tt,xation thrt the le.nd be so classi:ied and the assessed value of said property be reduced
fro~ ~1.076 to $645, ond the tax from 275.!J7 to ~40.77,
The EIP!)lication o:' \':illiam L. Miller for clessification o: E~ '.,:,r· and Lot 2 at homestead
rate was read and the ~onrd recommenrec' to the Commissioner ot' Taxation tno.t said land be so classified,
and the assessed valuntion reduced from t944 to ,'566, and the taxes "rom 870.80 to 838.27.
The application of ~ust B'.olmquist for clossil'ication oi:' r,ot 6 Bloc!, 2 Southside Addition to
;;ew York L!ills for the ,vee.r l!J42 at homestead rate was read and the "Oard recommeni!ed to the ~Om'IliSsioner or '."axa•ion that saici land be so classified and the assessed value reduced ~rom 2506 to ::'."316, and the tax i'.ro::i 253.14 t-o 830.84. ·
".'he apalication of Oscar HagP.1 :'or classification o·~ SE-' l:?:-1 and E} SE~ ex, 1 acre in the
eonth1·:est corner, in Seo. 31 and the S''/' Nl'/>-and ,~,, sr o.E :3ec, 32 in the '.'ovmahio of '.'.ewton t'or the
,vear l!J42 at homestead rate "la.s reaci and the "3oard reuom:nended to the commissioner· of Taxation that said
land bP. so c1assi:'iec', a!'ld tbe assesseo value reduced from 818.74 to f-15.53, ana taxes trom ?·149.b4 to
J:'hP application o" "'aynP. '~lnypool ~·or reduction of assessment '.'or the .i'"ar 1938 apai?1st the
•~· fr.'/1 and !i''/,._ ,,i;:.l o.a Snc, 20 in Township of 'lni.ne i•:as read :md ~he "'oard recommenned to the Com'llissioner
of "oxntion thl't :he assessed valuP. or said pro!1ert.v be reducPd "rom :-'1161 to :''778 ena tne taxes ~rom
~A2,66 to ~55.39.
''he aol')licotion o'' ri! ':. "'eterson a.s arent ·or -:h0 o•·:ne~
'"o,:nship o•· •use for cle.ssi-Pica"ti.o!l o"'. said tract "er the .\•eor 1912
considered b,f the "oa.rd. .~-l'ter such considera.tion, thP. "!)ard tieinr
not be so classified. upon motion the pptition nns re:ected.
The follo~in~ rPsolution was adop:ed:
o •· the 1.n::' o~ ~ection 8 in 1·he
at hoo:iestead rate we.s read ano r111l.11
ot Th~ opinion that said lend shculd
?esolved by the roara o~ :::ounty Co~missioners of 0tter rail County, ~innesota:
,·hat under the provisions o"'.: ':hapter 163, r:eneral Lav:s of :!innesota for l!l1H, the following
named nerson be and heis certified ~or tue purpose or: -cnest surgerir at Clen T,a.l:e Sanatorium, the cost cf
said treatme'lt ro be paid ;·or equall.i' by the ~tate of l.!innesota and Otter ·;ail :::ount.r, as provided by
said cnanter: :.1orris f:ateren,
· Adopted :·o\'ember v, l!i4:;. "enry G. ,Jo ff, Chairman.
Attest: '"!illiam 'Lincoln, ~lerJ~ • .i.'he oetition of :•homas i"/allace and others :or ca.cation ot all tnac part o:!'. County Aid !".oed
J!o. 107 •vhich runs throup:h ~overnment Lots 1 a!ICJ 2 in Section !i '.l.'0•1mship of Pine Lake was to.ken up fe;r
final action. ~•he r,ommittee 1·:hich had examined saia road reportec' in favor ot vacation ot the roaci, and
upon motion thP oetition was p:ranted and order issued vo.catinP tnnt part at thP. road included in the
oet tr ion. l.'pon motion the ~oaro tnP"l. aa;ourneci to 10 o'clock A. r.!. EOYPmber 10, 191,3.
Pursuant to adjournment the 1oard met e.t 10 o'clocJ~ :!.. ·.r. \'/ecinesda,r, Uovernber 10, l!J43, all
members being present. . . . A petition signed b_v :ierton Skrove and :ine oth~rs, repre~enti.nc: tha~ a ce~~a~n ~.oadml!ing. on thP. section line between Sections 17 and lR on Lhe nortn, und l!J .,nd 20 on tne Soutn 1n tne ~o,.nsh1p
of St. Olaf ,•:as in nr.ed 0 ~ repair and is in fact impassible and that the ?own ~oard of the T?v:nshi? ?f
St. 01af has nr->pl'!cted to reoair such roud, was read ~Hi~•-1::ns or~ered t?at.a hr->arlnP..,on sa~d ~et1tlon
be had at the session of the nee.rd to be held at the .,0'.:!'!!1Ss1oners ~.oom 1n ~he. Conrt ous~ rn eerg~ts
, "!'alls DecP.mber 14, l!J43 at 11 o'clock A. :.-i. ~t 111~ich ~~:nP. a!Jd plnce ,~e .. ~oa~o w~,1_;,he~r said complaint
and 1111 ~estirnon.y ,•:hich 'DO..\' be o"··ered relnt1v'! ,o sa10 .matter. r.~mm1s.,ion.rs ~•-·• ~unders~n ~nd
Snowberg were appointed a com'!!i tteP. to exami.ne the :aon, and !lovernoer 17, 1943 a, 2 o clibck .L was
ciesip.nat'!d as th" time Ecr thP meetin;. o" snoh cornm1ttee.
~hP ·"ollowinf. bills ·:1ere ello•.':ed:
;} . ,:: . t'entes expenses
ii, !,!. ~ee • 9ostae;e
"· ~. Glorvip.en d~ivers license exp.
•0oucher Printing 'I:
Lithographing co.
'.!iller-rav is Co.
Ueeblao ~ubl. co.
57 .50
., • ,, '1P.nk~S
":. '· ~ova.np.
Geo. F. ~ohnson we~d
Security qlank ~ook
'I: Printing Go.
.-,.rt Printcraft
~hitehend Prtg. Co,
boardiJ¥: prisoners 228.00
expenses 24.15
inspectors sal 'I: exp. 48.67
DATE .......................... '.'.P..ic.~m)1e.r ... lD.~ ... l9..!!.~ .•.......... 193\.~ .•..
Underwood Independent publications 1,00
:: ohnson Service Co. parts 1.20
!.rontgomer-Ward supplies 2 .07
B'emmond 3: Stephensco. supplies 40.47
Costello !.:lfg. Co. supplies 9.60
~/m. r..alena repairs 17. £2
w.·.v.3ell l'elephone co. long distance calls 17.50
··•. ] . ("llson i.e:ency insurance 52 .oo
Clarence !l. Aune hauliru! ashes 14.00
3lence A, Whipple clerical work 30.00
7ernon :uehlke witness fees 7.00
\7allace JTelson witness ~ees 5. 92
Ben Schroe<ler witness fees 6.29
William iloll witness ~ees 6 .04
Gust Larson witness fees 5.80
~ete 9ucholz Dep. Sheriff's fees 10.52
Cal .'ahn Dep. Sherif-f's fees 20.00 pr. 'L .,. r,und coroner's fees 32.75
Estrem Clinic examinotion 3.00
Dr. l'!enry Silver exomination 3.00
Afton c. Clor-.·ie:en cash advanced 17.73
,I. T.. Potter expenses 30.40
Clarence J. Rood P.Xpenses 45.82
!'.W."'3ell 'I'eleohone co. long distance calls 11.AO
7ill. of Tlerhe.m supplies 20.00
~red A, ~verts lumber 5.26
., • :! • r.raf.el shovel rPntal 600.00
irulseth Suppl~• Co. supflli"'s l~~.30
llationnl Eushine: , "orts Co. oerts 191.34
Saul ~lotor Co. repairs 16.Rl
11enr.v 11olmFren repairs 1.50
i:ranson Carafe repairs 1. 30
:.!ill er I.lot or Co. repairs 2. 25
Dlde-'n i.kstad co. re~\it.s 6 .25
Cinnesota Llotor Co. repairs~ tire~· 111.72
Len Syverson's Oil cc. p.ascline 21.63
li'erflUS Oil Co. e:asoline 99.82
Paper, Calmenson, Co. cutting edges 329.88
Am. P, Ziegler Co., Tnc. parts, supplies 416.82
Geo. 7. Ryan Co. parts 13.47
Farmers ~quity Oil Assn. pepairs 3.75
Lake ~egi.on l.!otor Co-. repairs 33.95
Republic Creosoting Co. creosote 68.35
Bendickson Service Station e:osoline 20.04
li'ield <t: Pap.p.e Oil Co. lliP.sel ~uel 273.72
'.,linneapolis Iron Store s11pplies 62.49
JJ. !". Stahl •• Co. oil 44.03
Geo. B. Gunderson exp.attendine: meP.tiTlf. 6.10
Yelmer Yarvonen Do. B. 20
Bert Stone exp. attendinr, meeti.np. 10.10
0 • A. Anderson pos taf.e 25. 46
Nyman "'uel Co. coal 441. 00
?ergus ;ournal co. publishing, etc. 56.32 united Chemical Co.,Inc. supplies 25.oo
'/iotor Lundeen 'l: Co. snppli es 86 .oo
?ritz-Cross Co. su9plles 11,42 Bristol's repalrs 8.'J5 i'/est ?ublishing Co. I! .YI .Reporter 20.00
U.'ll.Bell 'a'elephone Co. long distance calls 19.15
General Su9ply ~o. bulbs 5.70
Lorraine Larson clerical ·11ork 7 .50
'3ecker County exominin@: insane 20.10
!fwin ~ielke witness fees 5.80
~-?.~right witness fees 7.60
Geo. v. Brockopp wit~ess fees 4.84
T,eonard Zuehlke 1:•itness fees 7,60
!:a.v Thompson ~:itness fees 1.00
Frank-:. '3arnes :.runicipal :iudp.e's fees 24,21
3oy Corliss Dep. Sheriff's fees 3.00
~O.I' Corliss jailer 4.50
Dr. :•1m. O. iilcT,a.ne examination 3.00
Glen Le.l~e Sanatorium care of patients 108,oo
A. Glorvigen expenses 79.60
George Wicker expenses 34.25
Pelican :i'elophone co. services 3. 75
Vill, o~ Fenning elPctric current 3.30
Wilcox T,umber'.lo. Henning cememt 27 .oo ":. n. Sape f.Brafe rent 5.00 ,' aos-nlson r.o. supplies 3. 76
l.'anhlPr re Straus parts 47.21
Larson qros. repairs 94.65
Consumers "il co., Tnc.Ven. repalrs 1.78
le.uck's "ardware repairs 1.61
Se.undersea. repairs 1.19
? • soundP.rs 'l: Son repairs 1.55
;.iinnesota :.rotor Co. rP.pa.irs '!c tire 124,56
Anderson~ Sandberg Oil Co. Diesel fuel 32.55
High·,•:ay Co. gasoline 1. 72
Bill t;elson' s Oil Co. gas'l,-oil 6!).50
Thorman v.~osholt Co. pares 25.39
A-W Im,. of :,!innesota parts 155.18
iiortlmest F.ngineerinf co. parts 85.73
Bill's Service Station repairs 5.15
3inks :.!fg. co. supplies 5.-M
Serv ice 'Jil Co. gasoline 33. 40
Alvin i:ror.enson gasoline •16.00
Penrose Oil Co. f.e.scline 160.45
Northwestern V/ipine: Cloth co. wiping cloths 17.28
~.W.Bell :i'elephone '.lo. services 15,35
Henry G. ''o''f exp.ottendine: meeting 5.00
11i.ntf.en-r•,,rst repairine: clocl: 156.00
0.ert stone mi leap e 6, 90
'Louise ·Standahl expenses 90.50
!Tpon mot ion the Board then ad .iourned to December
Attest: M~ 'P _ 0
:. --
DATE ................. l!OV'!mber .. 27 • ... 1943 .................... 19813 .. .
DDOll,.ANDJIUNDNll.-.. ~-a.GIID..M~t11•■
:.HITU':'"S /')' S'D";':T \T, ::'·:<:TTiF1 ('r.' ~n'1.~D n"'
':f"\'J!TTY r.o:.r-:rsn "ll~RS ()'li1 "i''"!i:~ TA TL cnmlTY. :·rmr-:S"TA.
'?ursunnt to coll o-r oll rne'!lbP.rs of the tioard, a special-meetl1'1f! of the ~oarci of County
commissioners was i:!eld at 2 o'clock " :!. Ho,•ember 27, 1913, the meeti!IF: havinp been called to
appoint a ja.nitor anci engineer a.t !i'!e Court '1cuse during the leove-of-obsence granteii Odin .:iohnson.
Upon motion the following resol~tion was adopted:
Resol'led by the Boord of county Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Liinnesota:
That 3euben Bergerson be ana he hereby is appointed as .:ianitor arui Engineer at the :::ourt Hense
during the lea•1e o-~ absence heretofore granted by the 13oard to Ociin ,lchnson.
Resolveci further, that the ConntyAuditor be and he hereby is outhor.izeci and directed to
iasne to said :leuben Bergerson a v1arrant on the Revenue ?und of the :::onnty at the close of each month
in the sum of -?225 per month, such compensa.tio11 to be in full of all assistance necessary in the
performance o '' the duties of said position.
Adopted !lovember 27, 1943,
Eenry G. lloff. Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, .Gler]:.
There beinr. no further business, upon motion
Attest~ ( p _f)
449 ,.
I ,, ,,
_ -~•ccu•rn -......C IIDDK AND PRIHIIND co..~!, M&NN.-111 ..
DATE .................. December .. 14 .... 19t,3.: ................. 193~.~.:,
l!INUT":S OF I\WOU~NEl' l~r-::rrnc O? RO.GD C'F COUNTY
"ureuant to adjournment the ~oard met at 10 o'clock A.!.!. December 14, 1943. "resent:
Comrniss ioners J".arvonen, Gunderson, "off. Stone nnd Sno,·:bPrP. •
The 11oplication 0 ~ c . .'. '!atthev:s for cigarette license at Comp 'lo.lmoral for the calendar
.vear 1944 was p.ranteil. The aoolication of r,, .'. :.re.tthf!WS "or dance permit o.t "'!lomoral "'leo.ch in the ':'ownship of
"ttPr Tail for the calendar ,vear 1944 :·:as granted,
The fol lo\'! ing resolution v10.s adopted: :.=:esolvecl b,v the '3oard ofCount,vcommissioners of Otter ~all Gount,v. !.Ii nnesot a:
That the county Auditor be and he hereb.v is instruc~eo to noti~y ~he 911.b~ishers o ~ the .
several newspapers published in the County tht1t sealed bids will be reuc1veo by this Board ~or doing
the following ci escr i bed printing: . -I' ., • • • 1 'l'he oublioa.tions of the minutes of the meetl.nf-S of the Board O-•~ounoy Co:mn1ssioners
including r;gulo.r ~nci special sessions, and meeting of Boa.rci of Equo.li;:o.t ion, and while considering
matters pPrtainine to ditches. . . , .•. 2. The publication of the o.nnual statement of receipts nnci exi)endi.tures o. one County. The
bids to cover the oublication of the list set in "nonpareil" or six-point type Without ''leading" ond
the oublioat.ion to-be made as reauired by Section 295 General Statutes of :.!innesota, 1913, as amendeci,
and three complete copies o~ said publication to be furn1~hed to_ the ~ount,)' Aud~:-or. ~n time to enable
him to meet the reouirements o~ saici section as regards one posti.ne; or copies o, Bal.Cl statement.
3. :rhe ii st of r-ial propert.\' for the County of Otter To.i 1, :,:inneso ta. on wiiiuh taxes remo.ined
delin"IU~l'Jt on the first :•ondal' in ,1rnunr,y, 1944. 'i.'he bias ~or tl•,is to ooYer the :Juhliontion o"'.: the oertifiontes, heeclinf, etc., pro-rided for
b;,· Section 2098, r,er,Pral Statutes of :!innescta, 1913, a.s emended.
Bids to be placed in the hands o-r the County Auditor and addressed to the Board of County
com'Jlissioners, to be 'IIDrked "Bids for Printlnp:" and to be Filed until i1ednesdo.\', .'anunr.1r 5, 1944 at
2 o'olocl: P. i.!.
l'he attention of the bidders to be calleci to the provisions of Sections 907, 909, 912 and 913
?.evised Laws of ;,!lnnesota Por 1905, and nets amendatory thereto.
Adopted Deoemher 14, 1943. R'enr;i c. Ho~f. Chair:nan.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. The complaint o-!' -::ierton Skrove o.nd others in regerd to the oondi tion o·~ road betl':een the
S''.'' S\\11 of Seo. 17 and the rr•11 f!i'/-;· in Seo. 20 in the Township of St. Olaf wr.-.s token Ufl. All members o-f
the Town '3os.rd of St. 0laf ,:ere presP.nt, a.swell e.s SO'IIP. o-"' the petitioners. ';:'he mattpr was thorouf!hl,v
disonsse/1, and it aor,ellrinF thDt the 'J'o,rn Poard of St. Olaf has been unalhe to seourf! contractor to
p.re.de said roo.d, and that ':he to1·mship ;•:as read,\' nnn "!illinp.: to improvP. ti1p road as soon as it was
possiblP to secure machines and help, no action on the oo-:ipleint 1·rns taken.
~he aonli.cation o" the Township o'.' r,irard -~or oancell_ation of taxes for 11,,u ap:a.inst the rn~' 11:7' o E Seo. 2 in the Townshil) o ~ Girard on the F'round that said tract bP.lonred to the l'ownsh ip and
is used as a poor-relief 1·:ood lot to furnish -~uf!l 1,u.s read and the ~oard reoom'!lended to the Co:n:nissioner
o• ".'axation that the assessed value of :,:AP. o.nd the tax a'ld r,enalt,v of -~·7.'J7 be cancelled.
'.rhe appliootion o-r i'Ierner !' .. l:'ield for clo.ssification of Lot 1 in '31cc}: 6 of './orth Division
anci that pert of the S} of ;•1oodland ?lace ncrth o: said lot in ti1e City of Ferp,us Falls at homestead
rate for the year 1942 was rend anci the Board recommended to the Com•,1issioner of Taxation tho.t sui'd land
be so classified e.nd the assesseci value reciuued from ,:·,"306 to $l'J2 and the tax from 83•L47 to ,:;19.59.
The application of L S. ;,!iohelsen for oa.ncellation of assessment for structures for the
year 1943 against the E½ of Lot 8 of i'lenonah Beach in the 1'ownship of Amor on tne e;round that there
are no structures on said lot, was rend anci the Board recornr:iended to the Gom1nlssioner of Taxation that
the assess Pd value of so.id lot be reduce cl .'.:'rom .;:119 to.)18 o.nd the to.x from $7. 02 to ;;,;L 06.
The application o.f ?.or:er L. Dell for settlement o~ delin()_uent taxes for the years 1937 to
1941 inclnsive aflainst Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and. 9 in 'llock 6 of the Original Plat of t:rew York !.!ills was
read and a-ftpr full considera.ti on o" the mattP.r, upon motion the Boo.rd recor.mended to the Cornmlssioner
of Taxation that said taxes besettled for the sum o~ :,s576,A3, being a reduction of .::171.56 ·!'.rom the
full arnonnt o-" delinquent taxes, penalty, interest and costs.
'Tpon motion the 13onrd thPl'J ad.;ourned to 10 o'c:locl: A. I.!. ~/ednesday, December 15, 194;3,
1:'u.rsuant to ad:ournment the Board met at lo o'clock A. ;_.y, V/ednesdo..v, December 15, 1913, all members being present.
~ The ap,)liceti~n of S. ~-Ferringer for reduction o:· assessment for the .rea?' 104..lagainst
Lots lo, 16, 17 a.YJ.d lA 1n '3look 23 of Lal:eview Add'n. to Parkers Prairie was read, end upon motion
the Board recommended to the CommisRioner of Taxation that the o.ssessed value o ~ se.id orooert1• be reduced
from ijl800 to fl400 and the tax ~rorn ~174.05 to e133.73, . . '
. 'i.'he ~pr,licetion of '.:hnrles i.. AlPxander for settlem">nt of delinquent taxf!S -for the :.,·ears 192A
to 1941 inclusive except ":he .veer 1934 afainst rovPrnmPnt Lot 4 o-E Sec. 36 in the ~ownship of i:laolev:ood
was reed nnd after ·full cons id P.ra.t ion uoon mot ion the ~oerd rPoo'llmended to the Corn'JlisRioner o~ Taxation
that B!!id texPs be settled ~or the snrn o~ ."300, bPinp a reduction of ."·247.lA ~rom !·he foll am~nnt o.f
tax"s, pPnalty, interest end costs.
•• A lorpe cel.,gation o~ citizens "rorn nnrkPrs "roiriP ond vioinit;: nppeored hP.fore the 0 oard to
oisouss road matters, wd exp.,ciall.,· the 1uestion c~ sl'JO•Yplo,·:inF' in ~het port o" the County • .,hey 1irfed
the Connt,v Co"!rnissioners to e.rra?lPP i'o:?; morP. oont.inuous nse o':' ~h,, snow removal outfit ot 'that· ooint,
and asl:ed tha.t additional o·perators be nrovided so that "i1e sno•·: plo,•: could be in :nore continuous
use "!hen necessar,y, ~he mo.tter was thor.<!1ughly discussed •·:ith the '!irh1'n.1.v 3nr:ineer and vo.rious members of the County ~oard.
The follol':ing bills ,:ere a.i.101·:eo :
•1 • C, iienkes boa?"din[ prisoners
P, "I, Clorvigen drivers license exp.
R ~-~lorvigen postage r.:. ,1 • Rovane expenses
"ritz-cross Co. records
Poucher -Print illf. ••
LithOfrB.Phing Co.
"'er,-:us .iournal Co.
General supply Co.
.1 onPs ~ rroeper Go.
print in?,
30 .45
29 .35
l;,2. 95
P A, Arni.erson
Louise St-,ndahl
Ua.s_,n Publishing co.
Japs-Olsun Co. recorcl, etc.
l.!iller-1.)a-.•is Go. bl anl:s, etc.
·,'lhiteheo.d Printine; Co. printing
Victor LnnclPen '.: Co. supplies
Seourit,r ~'lvelope Co. snpplles
"'ergus Ol~ss ~ Peint ~p. "
,onsumers r.rooery su!1plies
33.25 i:o. 76
17 .f.iO
2. 20
DATE ...................... ~~.Q.~!!!9.~.r ... 15, . .1 ~13 ................ 1934~ ,.
"""•fl-•--taUIOGK.NfD -INl'INCI.CID ... BT. CLGUD •. M~llltl
t f
., . c. Penney Cc. snp'llies
:,!id land Che•nical Laboratories, Tnc. sup9liP.S
Beall •,. ~!cGowan co. sup9lies
0'leara's supplies
::ostello l,lff. Co. supplies
,'/m. Galena re'lairs
:.1onroe Cale. I.le he. Co., Inc. malnten&nce
~.~.Bell Telephone co. lon~ 6istunce calls
"rank C. 9arnes ;,iunici pal Ju6ses fees
Albert Snst ~ailPr
~. -. Granauist care of prisoner
George i'licke:r expenses
Clarence ,1. ~ood Pxpenses
Bertrnnt Durau ex'.1Pnses
u. u. ~ones rravellinp.
u. :,1. ,1 one s r,ravell Lnp.
Anton C. uoe erav el
AnPust tlevonP.n cost o·t" p.:rav!>l
soyalton !~chine Shop snowplo~ ainf
Gamble Store supplies
soyalton i.Iachine Shop sup!JliP.s
Coast to r.oast Store. "r,rham su:,plies
?elican Supply co. snpplies
"Renninf "ardwere Co. supplies
F'errus Ponndr.1• ,o. :repairs
,, . " Schmidt repairs
~-i. Schmidt repairs
LY'l!an r:reamery ~ Oil Station repairs
••inn. :1otor Co .. ·.-1orena reosirs
uenr~' Hol'l!pren renairs
Gl n:r.,nce niut a en repairs
T,arson °~1--c. •·f;:. co. renoirs
".. ,.; . rau9pi rP. pill rs
IT. --r. 9ell '.;°'!l '!ohone Co. lonp d istencP calls
Pelican •~elephone co. services
Vill. of 9attle Lake water
::ampbel 1 coal co. coal
?.eJ•mcnc "ros. ;,1otor i'ransp., Tnc. freight
:.;inn. ;,1otor ::o. tires •, tubes
"· D. ::orrill e1uipment rental
PinP Lake T;•:p. roeci. wori,:
Pergus Lumber ?.: Fuel Co. lumber
"red A. !':verts lumber
Consumers Oil Co. easoline
Bill ~elson's Oil Co. gasoline
Alvin Hopenson pasoline
Hot or Inn Garage t_i asol ine 'I: repo irs
~ills Oil Co. gas, oil. repairs
Fi.,ld 'I: Hagp.e Oil Co. Di'!SPl fuel
Len s.v,· .. rson's oil
A. Glorvlgen expPnses
Elk River Cone. Prod. Co. culverts, etc.
•.~.Sheet".: rron works batteries
Farwell-Ozmun-1:irk ".: co. paint
The Service Recorder co. repairs
5.40 J'erf'llS I.umber '!: i-'uel r,o. suoolies
14.00 C~unty School~ Of~ice Suppli"ao: supplies
10.50 '/1nther' s T,umber Yard suoolies
5.58 Ebersviller Implement co. ·i
lu.39 ~its Typewriter Service supplies, etc.
3.00 tergus PlumuLng ~ ~eating Co. repri.irs
16.50 N.r/.lell l'elephone co. long distance calls
17.55 I.I. Johnson notice to ta.xoa"ers
19.80 C. J. Lunci. coroner's fees"
15.00 Ro.v Corliss ,ioiler
4. 60 Dr. i'/m. O. i.IcJ.ane Dep.ccrone:r' s :·ees
5.65 V. ~. notter Pxpenses
2. 55 T,yle Tollerson expenses
14.45 :oe Ahlfs expenses
707. 79 fT. il. ,ion es I!-ravelling
542.75 "· r,1. Jones gravelline
7.10 Wilkin ':onnt.v l'i17,h1•1a.1• Dept. Bravel
22. 8CJ Armco Drai nafe •• I,Ietal Prods. co. culverts
319.32 Ellison Store supplies
2.fl3 l·:1:or:·-"eterson ,1awe. co. supplies
21.74 t1en Hardware Co. suoolies
4·. 32 General Supply co. supplies
20.08 Formers S:quity Oil ;',sem.supplies
9.00 Olson Auto J·:leu. Co. repairs
24. 09 Ress et '• \'/o.stby repairs
.50 ,~ed Arrow r.arap:e reaairs
lA.35 Lake :leg.ion rioter Co. rP.pairs
1.56 '.':a,\'hart ~lson repairs
13.10 LarsoTJ --.ros. repairs
3.25 ~eor~e uanson repairs
7 .R.O "Prpstrorn •, '-all repel rs ,i,.oo '.!innPso':a Motor r:o. repFJ.irs
47.45 ~e~sstandard Service repairs
9.30 j'.\"!.nell '.:el. -:o. .lone distance ca.Us
7 .90 ·;ictor T,undeen •• co. printin8
2.25 Albert Shanstrorn boiler inspections
23.67 International !':levatcr Co. coal
7 .67 1:dv:uro GhrUto:,herson • movini_< fe11ce
296.97 Bill nelson's Oil Co. tire~ tube
252.00 i::. D. Sage garage rental
196.01 llidaros Twp. gracinp. roa6
57 .54 ·i/inther' s Lumber Yard lumber
16.87 Avis Bowman easoline
45.50 St1:1.ndard Oil co.,Pel:!ap. "
37.13 Bendickson Service Station"
12.60 Dalton Oil co. gasoline
54.16 uif"hwa..v Co. gasoline 'I: rent
11.47 Standard Oil co., P.P. ras ~ Diesel fuel
174.26 a.[. Stahl Co. oil
19.26 A. r.lorvigen cash advanced
72. eo Paper-Calmenson co. cutt infZ eores
80.52 Fancocl: Conrete "'roo. co. drain tilP.
19~1. 00 Tesch-Lumber Co. 1 umber
3. 91 J;iiller-Dav is Co. ·forms
3. 97 Bernard i'/er:11 repairs
Tire ?etread co. tire repair
Elk River Cone. Prod. co. culvert ~
10.53 AuneBros. tires 'l: repairs
Installation !1Iinneapolis Iron Store supplies
1495.32 i:ulseth Suppl,\' co. supplies
N.i'l.i'/ipinp -:noth co. suppliP.s 16.96 Uotional "ushinf:! •• P.arts Cc. " •• parts
:•1m. ~. Zief'ler Co.,Inc. parts, etc. 271.!>2 l!.?l.~n;:ineerinr Co. parts
!-~le.uer Jifp. co. parts 255.15 r.eo. '.i'. R.van Co. perts
Thor::ion 1/. Rosholt Co. parts 71.3A 'fi.-W Inc. .. Of !.UnnP.sota parts
.iensen's Auto '!lrec}:inf co. rr>noi.rs 5.00 n•la "Dros. repairs
0ons11mPrs Oil Co. pasolinP. 6.39 ~es '3erfZescn p:e.soline :t.otor Tnn ':arap.e pssoli.n!!, P.tc. 13.54 nenrose Oil Co. fasoline •• Diesel fuel
7 .oo
2.00 rn. 25
223. 21
26. 70
7. 25
95 .2p
75.3( Avis 30,•:man f.asoline 5.44 "'erpus r,il ~o. gas '< oil
"?erhom Oil Co. oil 2. 70 Louise :=;tcndahl expenses
Henr.v G. Roff P.xpenBP.S 11.00 earl A. Sno•;:bere: o.xpenses
Yalm"r l'arvonen exp.r,ttending meP.tinp 18.60 Ceo. -q. ('.nndP.rson exµ.attending
Sert Stone Do. 11.60 '>ert Stone Do.
"!IP.et ins 14. 50
8 .3(
William Bahls marshal's fees 11. 20 Olson's purni ture 'l:
Glen Lake sanatorium care of patients 234.38 :i!'une1·al Home funeral
"'erfUS rans Clinic e:rnminntion 3.00 Dr. V/r.J. o. UcL1me examination
Dr. Everett c. Fanson exemin&tions 12.00 IJr. \'!. \'i. \"/ill examinations
Upon motic~ the '3oerd then s.ajourneci d thout elate. ./// ~·::..:.~~if ..
(W _p _ ,J) ~Com=n,