HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1942Ottertail County Official Meetings 1942 • ' ' '. I I I , I I ' ' I , • I I ' I I ' • COM. ·M· Trss1:o~TE· -·R, s »Ee· QiR· 10 M or· 'Tr':c"''D ·r· A1:·t ·cou;"·N, ·ry· ·M·il'Al'AT • .' • . I. . -;l !I 1, . i • ' ;I\-. ' ' . ' . Ji ~~ .. ·_ :. . ··_-. ·. . . '. . : ' . -. . . ' ·_ :1!1':,~, .• a~ ... ar .. a·nu11..M1NNc=111•■ liilTUT:P1S 01" Tl"~G'JT,P,:1 ,:"":r.:TTIJ0 0;;, Bf'l.4:':U OF C0lTiJTY C0J!:-!TSSTf1lJT-:"lS nli' r.•r•:1-;;;~~ T/,IL cr1J!,l'J'Y, !!T~r:•sSOT,',., P11rs11.11nt to Stat11te t}1e Board 11et at 10 o•c:Lock A.~:!. Tuesdo.7,,1anuary 6, 1942, Present: com,nissioners I:arvoneri, G11nd.ersor1, ·~rof·f, Am11ndson an_d Sno,,:berg. The meetinp ;vas culled to order b,'! the Co1.1nty 1\.11dito:r, v-:}10 stated thot the ::irst business on the programme wo11ld b·e tl')e P.lection of a chairman -for tl1e comi.ng ,\reo.r. !Tpon motion Com11iss.ioner a. A. Sno,1berr; v1as electf.!d as Chni1·man, and took the criair. !Jpo.n mot ion Com·niss i.oner !Tenr,v C. rrof:' 1•:as el0ct0a a.s Vic•e "!hr1.t rman for tl1e comi.ng .'{ear. The :foJ.lo,•:inp. 1·esol11t ion v-:a,s a.ao·pted: Resolved. by tl1e noa1·d o·r: r.01tnty Conirnissioners of Ott0r Tail Cottnt.\', :.rinnesota: •r11at a committee o·r: tliree consisting of the Chairman o·r: the Tioard. and tv,o members cf the '1oard to bP. a!Jpointed. by the Cha.irma.n be ap'l)o,inted to p11rcho.se a.11 ·f:11rni t1.1re and su1)plles excegting bocl::s, blaru:s and stationerJ' needed for the cottrt house and ja.il dtt:ring ·the yer,,r l<J42, and. to prov.ide for s11ch re pni rs as ma,y become a.n im1ne·d :iat e necess i tj•. Adopted Januar,\0 6 ,. 1942. ,\ttest: l'liliiam Lir1c,oln, C-lerk. C. 1\.. Sno,:bere, Chairman. The Cl1airman aJ),poi.nted Com1n•iSsione1·s l~arvonen ancl 11.o'!lundson as l1is associates on this committee. The :l:ollo•,:ing reso,lut ion v:as adopted: Resolved by tl1e Board o·f c.ou,nty Comrnlssioners of Otter 'l'ail Co11nty, i,Iinnesota: Tl1at a commi tte•e of three, consisting of the Cliatrman of the Board ai1d two members o:f tl1e Board to 'Je selected by the Chairman, be appointed to }113.ve cl1arge of ti1e Cot1rt I!ouse a.ncl grounds and .Jail r,ro11nd s ~or the .vear 1<J42 • . ~.do r,t ed ,; an11ary 6, 1942. \ttest: Vfillinm I,incol n., Clerk. C • i\. Sr1owbe1·g, Chairman. 'l'hA Chairmr,.n appointed Commiss .icners 17of·I' and G1.1.nde1·son as· l1i.s associa.tes on this committee. 'i'l1e f:o1lovti.ng resol11tion 1vas adopted: ResoJ.v ed b·J' the Board of Co11n ty Comm.i ss i. one rs c ·I: Otter 'l' ail Co11.nt ,v, !:!,innes ot a: '.rhat 11nder 1>ro,•.i.sions o! Section 2154 of the 11evised T,aw£1 of ~lin11esota. fo1· l<J05, Dr. 'J.P .• "Boline 11 resident ph_y'si.cian of sai-d countj•, and Co11.nt.v Co'llmi.ss ion,ers im11.ndson and r·:arvonen, memhers of this ~or,rd, l>e and tl1e same l1ereo.v a1:e an·pointed •to cons ti tttte a Co11.nt.v O,oa.rr] of T'ealtl'1 of said Cou.nty for the year 1942. · _ /~dopted ,'an11ar,~r ~-1942. C .. A.. Sr1o~voerg, ~J1airmo.n. Jl. ·ttest: \'lilliam T,i)'lCOln, Clerk. 'i'he folloY:in~ resol1.1tior1 ";as adopted: ::eso J.v ed b ,i' the '90 a.rd_ o: Co11nty Cammi ssl one rs o·f' Ott er T uil Count.\', '!inneso ta: That the Co11nt,\r Co:nrn.issi oner o·f' his 1·especti ve a ist1·.ict, namel.V' Yalrner 1·0rvonen, tJ-1e First I·ist1·ict; Ceo. B. 01,inderson, tl1e Secon·d Dist1·ict; irenr,v G. 1rof::'., ·the 'l'hird, l)ist1·ict; a.nd P. :r.:. 1\munclson, tl'ie '"01.1rtl1 D.i.strict; a.nd Carl .t-.... Sr10~•:ber1_7,, the Fiftl1 Distri.ot, oP. -and they l1ereby a.re ea.cl1 o.:Jpointed s110erintendent o·f :Joor in his s,iid dist1·ict 11':ith autl101·it.ir to a,ct in 1:elation to the care s.nd SU!lport of non-resident ri11u·pers, ?nil to reqeive a•J•Jlicntt,;ns 1'or rPlie-f or s11.p 110:rt by or for an,v rea.son in hj_s distr.ict as pro,· id.ea l:Jy Char,ter 15 :'.ev.is,ec T,e,·:s of. l(J05 • . A.de p·ted ,; ll.l'!llS.ry 6, J. !)!~2. 1\ttest: 1-'lilliam Lir1coln, Gler1':. • 1::. 1\. S.novrbe1·p, Chai.rman . •rhe folJ.o,•:ing resol11tion v-:as o.do!')ted: o:f' Otter Ta.i.l Co11ntj', '..'.tnnesota.: • Resolved or the Bo~rd of ~aunty Commissl.oners Thr:t t:l1ere is J1ereb.~' set apa1:t fron1 the -f.'11110.s or set aside :!:01· otl'1er p11r;,oses, ti1e s11m of :'.'·750 to ~e ·::ith t-l1e i, provol of t;1e Co111·t. ttnde1· ·tJ1e r1rovisions of !\.do~1ted J13n11u.r.~· 6, l'J48. o '.: tl1e r~o1lnt.\' '.::'rea.s1.1r.~' not es:,1~ciall_y· a•Jprc :>1·iatecl uSP.d o.s a Cont ir1ge11t "111nd bJr tl1e (jo1tnty !ltto1·ne,y Sectlo11 5"/4, 7:evised I,a;:s of ::lir1r1esota for 1905. Attest : \'Ii 11 ir,:n Li nooln. (!le rk. C. 1. Snowberg, Chairman. 1'l1e follo~vi11g resol11tion f:11s adopted: Resolved by tl1e "?,.oard o·r. Co11ntJ' Comniiss lor1ers of Otte1· •;:ail 'l'hat ti1e sum of :~350. 00 tJe nr,d 'cl1e same herebJ' is set a1Jart Co1int,1-, :.rinnesoto.: :f1·om tl1e Reve1111e Fu.nd o:l; thereto, and for express :::ount;i• f:or the 11se of pos,ta.ge in tl1e several :::cunt;)' o.t'fices entitleri etc. e.s orovide<l by Section 343 ·Revised La~-;!, of !,!innesota for 1905. · i\d0'.1ted ,;ari.ua.ry 6, 1942. C. /1 •• Snowberg, 'Jl1alr'11an. 1\ttest: \'lillia:n LincoJ.n, C],erk. the cha.re es, Count.y Af,ent .:rohn :;. r-ratr,1•!01 of tl1e r.:['.St sj_de of: the '.:Ollnt_\', anc1 P.rrc,l Anderson, Co11nt.y age;1t for thP. ''lest sirle o·f' tl;e ~01tnty, ·presP.nted to tJ-1e l'.loa1·a thei1· ann11a.l reports and 011tline(1 s·ome c .r. tl1e i.'llporta.nt ·P.eatllres or the .,,ark f'or •tl1P. !"JBSt ,irear. 'l.'he renorts 11'/ere 01·dered placed ori file. '.l.'i1e 8.pplication of 1-tP.rrnan .:1.bel f'or.•d1Jnce uerrni t, 11.sinp: mechanica.l m11sic only, r,t Shn,ay Pe.int in the •:.101•:nsh.i '.J o-'.' J-;liza.betli ·;:or -J·}1e caJ.enda.r .vea.r ].042 11:a.s r1·a11ted. Tl,e Co1,nt.1, •l.11.d i.tor· nrese,·1te,d the ·r:ol]_o•,~.inf statemP.nt to tlie '='onrd: '.ro the Gottr1t,ir 1:'oa.rd r,tter ':'ail C 011.nt,1,, ':i11nesot.o.. P1lTSl10.nt to ln;;: T present lJelol':, a. stn.+p,rn0.nt ~1101':inp 1·he a.,:io11nt of ta:{es levied for ~011.nty Ptlrposes fo1· the 011rre11t .\'ea.r, the a:nc11nts collected a11d U9tJortioned 1:o an.te, and tl1e l:,alt,nces uricollected toget}1er v:i th tl',e l'lct11al cas]-1 balp11ce rema . .ininp. tc1. "'::l1e c1·ea l t o ~ eric:h r::011ntJ• :f.'1md nt the close o.r business or1 tlie 31st dO,i" o·f December, 1941. i'fj_J_J_ii1rn T,incoln, Count.v ,\uditor . . -. • . . . . -. l"Ul:fDS ;\mot1nt T,evi ed for ~111· rent Year • . -.. . - co,.1nt t; Pev en11 e Fund , 71,401.48 I •• Poor "'ltnd ' 30,155.7<J ~oad and '9ri de;e"'11nd . lO<J, <J41.4<J 11/el:l:are 11' 1.1.nd 109,941.49 Sa.natotium "'und 25,178.30 I ; Sinl:ing Fund 6,9136.53 . '3alur1ces remainirig to the c,redi t of each Fund ure as ·follo1•:s: . . . . li'UL-TDS -- Co1.1n ty Revenue Fund 0 oor Fund T'/ ' d B . ' Ti'un d· .. oua ar1 r .l c.g e • Di tcl1 Fund Incidental F1lnd - Old ,\ee .l\.ssistnnce Fund Cattle '.i.'1lberculosis rund Ro ad. ~: P.,r idge S i.nking "'1.1n d 0 ' k" "" d ..,1n.1ng un ... .. ·salar1ces 9,32G.75 126,824.33 . . --- Credi 51,536.27 3,325,44 142.11 858.63 103.03 11,706.59 3, 6 2r.. 40 367 • ' , . I j f,r I. ff ' . " • . ,, i ' . ' . I ., • ' • • ' I I II 368 COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ......................• 'nnuary .. u .•.................................... 19342 .• SECUllll'Y m.ANIC IIODIC AND PRINTING CO., ff, MINN-"l•t Sanatoriu.'11 :'und rnsu rnn CP. "'nnil ·::oun t.v ··1el fore"'und :'he !"ollo••1inp is a. st,;i~f'rn<>nt r. L' ':h<> accounts remni.ninf" 11npnid on into b_;-the ~oard: Road "!on~ro.cts Sno,·: "'lov: 1:-?otor.v-I 'l',:o ':'rnc}:s 'l'IH' following resolnt.i.on wo.s udonted: .Ut:UJ.\. _,.,, ... wLL 8,227.47 l,6u5.73 19,176.22 the contracts nlready ~o.lance nue 2,35ti.37 7,ROo.70 1,650.00 entered ~esol\•ed hy the ~oard o-r. ~01111ty bom'!liSsioners o:: rtter To.il ::011nty. :Iinnesoto.: 'l'hat the ::c1101·:in1? m,.:ned sums be set D.!18.rt from the r:evPnne Fund or the ca-11nt,'.' to be exnen<led m: may be nP.edecl for c:l.erla: hire for the year 1!'!42 i.n fne ·:onnt:-, cf"i.c:es n11'11ed, to-wit: ,::ountJ' Auditor's o~"ic:e 5,700 ':!onnty ·:·rensurer's or'·ice 5,000 Repister or Jeed's o!"~ice 4,000 Clerk hire in orrice oi ,l!:'rl' or ,ourt 1,500 To'or Assistnnt Superintenrlent of Schools 1,500 "'or Second As:iistnnt Surerintendent of Schools 1,140 .-.dopted ,'onuar.r-G, 1942. ,. A. 'lnowberp., '.:hoirman. ,\ttest: \'/illiam •,lncoln,'.:lerk. The follcwln~ resolution ~ns o.clopted: ~esolved by the 3oaru of '.:onnty ::ormni.scioners o.!: Otter 1't1.il ::aunt;;, :.!innesuta: "!'hat the sum of .~250,00 be c.ncl tl,e s&:ne herP.by is a9proprii1teu ou~ o'!: the County Revenue ;"unu er said r;ounty -for Otter Tail Count.:' exhibits at the :.!lnnesotu Sto.te Po.ir .for l!J12 und the Connt;i, Audi~or and '.:l,elrman of the Board. are clirec:teci to lssue a \'ll.lrn-.nt ~or said i~nount in favor .:,f Clarence C. :.:ielke. Adopted .innuo.ry 6, l!l<!,2, ::. A. Snowberg, Chllirman:.. Attest: ·.~illiRm Lincoln, Clerk. The follo,·:ine resolution ·;:as adopted: ?.escl1•ed by the ~ca.rd of :::ounty '.:ornmls;:;ioners of Otter Tllil County, :.'.innescta: ·,'/nereo.s, Dr. \'/, ·:1, Drone.ht wns heretofore r,.ppointed. ,'ail 0 hj'Siciun fer the cnlendor .reor 1!'!11 at a salary of ."'.125, now, therr-,f.ore, he i. t resolved that the County Auai tor nnil Chairman of the ".card be and they h<>rr,,b.v ,i_re anthori:iea ,:,.nrl directed to issnP. ,·rnrr1mt in thP. sum of' !"'125 on thP. ?.evenue ""und o:f. the Gon.nt,v to said '!)r ... , .. .,, DrOU/"ht. 1,dontP.cl this uth day or ,'anuar.';, 19.1.2. -:. A. Snowbere, ~hairman. Attest: \'/illi.om :r.i.ncoln, '.:ler!:. The follo~inp resolution nas odorted: Resolvr.d b,\' the ",on.rd of ':cunt,v ·'.:O'll".li.ssionerc1.or 0ttP.r •rail :::onnt.'.', '.'.innesoto: '...'hat :>r. "I, :·,. Jrourht he oncl hP. IH!rPb,v is a!ipointeil .'ail "iwsioinn '.'or thr--cA.lendnr .yeor 1!)42 at a salo.r.'· of :-'125 -:-·or the ,venr. Ado:1teci .1 0.nuo.r.v 6, 191[. ~-A. snov:berf. ~hairman. Attest: i'/ill.iam Lincoln, '..:lerk. The follo~inr resolution ~as o~opted: ?.esolvP.d b.v the Board o-1' Count.\' Com~1issi oners of 0tter 'l'a'. l ·:ount.v, :·innesoto.: 'i'Jrnt 'he 'llOnthl,v :neet inps o:' sni d "loo.rd ror thP. ,irroo.r 1942 be and the,v hereb.\• a.re fixed ns !'ollc·.-:a, to-·•1i.t: •~hP senond ·ruPsdo..1· in ""ebruar,\·, Ar,ri.l, ::,;,;-, .-nne. ;_np.ust, Octoh~r ond Dec,ember, and the second ·:,eanesdoy i.n '.'arc:n, th<> third ~•n~sdoy in September, a.nd thP. second •~•hursdo;· in 11oveniher . .4.aoritrod .:ianuo.r.r 6, l!Hf!. ~-A. Snov:berp, Ghnirma-n. !\ttest: Willi.am Lincoln, ':lP.rk. The applic:r,1:icn o.f ·•a1tPr -::•nhia.n ~or rP.dnc:-t:icn in assnss'!lent !"or 1911 of(o.inst the SE' SP.c. 2R ·~own or "/es tern 1-:os read and after l'i!Onsidero.t ion or the :natter uoon rnotion the 'loo rd rec:o'llrnendecl to the Corn"'lissicner o~ •raxation thnt "h" B.ssessed vnl1," o:' said trr-wt he reduced f.rom :;·1320 to .;.•f3~13 ond the tax from .!'H3. lu to .!'·52. 4.8. 'l'l1e application cf "loP ond"iilshusen -for conc:ellation ur tax on r,uto11obiles upon ;vhich the license fees ~er 1941 1·:ere noid wos reod uncl the 3oar<i recom'!lended to the Comrnissioner or 'l'a:-:ation thut the a.ssea3e<i vulne of !,ersonul pro!.1ert_\.-of said firrn be recluced fror.1 ;;004 to .::2!J7, and the tax frcm .;:u~.40 to -~·34 .13. '.1.'he af,!)lico.tion oI 1L :•1. T.yksett ::or cr,ncellation of tax for l!J41 on a.atvmobiles upon whlc:t: l'..!11 li.censes were lssueo 1·1o.s reo.<l ancl tl,e Board. rec:o,n,nemled to the r.:ornmissloner or '.ruxe.t ion tilat the assessed vo.lue of personal propert,v of so.id aµplicant be reduced from .~·7fJ7 to .:;3c. and tile tax ::rom ,".'BG.913 to f4, 14 nlus mane:; ana creci its tax. ' The aoolication of' J.!nhler ~ Straus ::er cancellati.on o'.: tux ::er 1941 on t,:c trucks uoon 1·:hich 1941 licenses were· issued was reo.11 o.ncl the Eonr<'! recommend eel to the Com•~iss i oner o "!: ::•11xn t ion that the assP.ssed valne of personnl pro!rnrt.v or sr.id firrn be reduced ~ror.1 ;"3,.;,:;3 to .~3188, o.ncl tlie to.x .l'rom :~,u:O.H!l to "-366.30, plns money and c:reilits tax. 'l'he apnlicnl'ion c-!' ~ri.mhall ~ros., Inc., ~or co.nc:ello.t:ion of personal proi,ert:r to.x ~er 1941 a11ainst anto'IIOl>iJ.es upon •·1hich 1941 li.c:enses wPrP. issuec' ,·1fls rPn.d and the 1:100.rd reco:n'!lended to tl,e r:o·n'lliSs ioner o" mmrntion thnt the o.SSl"Ssea \'r-lnotion o • pPrsonal pro·nprt;~ or snid firm hP. reduced from ~1513 to fl2 o~cl thP to.x ~ro'll ,173.R4 to Al,3R plns '!lOnP.y ancl c:redlts tax. '1'1'::<> npplic:oii.on or ••innesoto. ·•otor ~o., •nc., ror Cl'YJ.CPllo.tion o" 1a,;,1 !)ersoriol property ta:-: on nutO'IIOhi les ;: oon ~:h ich 1911 1 i C:N1sen \'!!"l'I'! issnPrl 1·:11s reud n.nc1 + hP. no o.rd reco-:imenil ed to the Com'!l i so; ion er o~ ·ro.xotion 1-iiat :i1c asspc;seil vnlu,.. o" pt>rsonal pro!")rort.:• o·: Sfl.id rirm hP r<>duc:ed rro'll ."t•P.53 tc ~l!J39 nnd the tax rrom ."·5:i7.61 to :~222.79 nlus •non«'.'' r-nd cr~c1its tax. '.i'he oppli c:o.ticn c • ., • -~. P1·:eclber,-,, "'reaP.nrl'!r o~ ':he ':hristinn and ''iss'1onnry .Hl i.anc:e ·~hurch o-f '3o.t~·le T,o.ke, "or cancello.tion o: to.x :or 1941 npai!'lst tile !'orth hnl!: oi· 1,ots l!J, i~o. }:l, 22,~ 23,,r.nd 24 except the '/est 15 -rt. of :rorth 21 rt. of T.ot 24 in !Hee::~ 15 ot'. '10,·:man •a Dnnton's Aclr,iti.cn to'~attlP. r.v.ke on the fround the~ sa.icl !)ropert,\I' is usP.d for chnrcn nnr!")oses, ·::os rP.Rcl o.nd the P.oo.rd rec:om·,1endea to the Co'!l~li.sslonPr o•· '.l'axation thnt thf' 11ssessed 1·0.lnl" c!' i::a:icl pro!')ert.v in tl,e sum of .~·520 be cnnc:ellecl uncl the tax or ~64.17 be also cancP.l.led. · 'PhP. apnlic:ntio,, of .L:rnest r,ohse ~or cl•a.soi '.:'ic:Rtion o·• t:he SP:' nncl S1 !'"~· in Sec. :H To~m of Inmon ·!'or the Y'"ar 1!)11 o.t hO'llest·ead ra•-,.,s ·::r-s reocl nncl the 0 cnrd rPc:Om"lendPd to th" ,o·n,.,iss ioner o'.:' •raxntlcn that said lnncl he so clo.ssifi.ed nncl t·iJe nssessecl valne bP. reducPd ?ro'!l :"'l?.l:i tc ."·72R onil the tax "r.orn i99.!l5 to r53.Gl. The o.pol.ic:n.tion of ~nrl i:i. :·1aopon fo:-: classi~icntion o ~ p,:1,-Si/1 Sec:. l!i 1•0::n of 'rosh T,e.k" for the ,Ilea r 1 !>41 ut homes tea.cl rates •1111s read v.ncl ":he "on.rd rP.C:O'll"lencl ed to t hP. c:0-.1·:iisR i e,nr-or o-f 'l'o.xnt ion t; nt1 t ~ be o.ssessed valnf' or en.id tract bP. reduced :·roni :·352 to .'211 ar,c1 the tax "rom :··29.GA to ."'15.92. ~!JP. ap pl ic: nt ion o :' ~. .,.; . '.:c:Jo•.•1e 11 ::or c:lnss i r i cu ti en or r,o ts -'• and 5 ::est o :: ro.ilro ad in Sec:. 32 ·po•:m cf nohurt for tJ-.e year.1911 at J..:.·nesteod rotes 1·:ns rend u1d the Eonrd reco'll•nenoeu to the Jom~issioner of 'l'o.xtit.ion that saiu land be so c:lus::ii::ied >.Hlci ~he asse.::sed Yalue redu...:ed fro1a .''171 to ,'.'102 o.nd ~he tax fro':I :··13.41 to (.·7.10. C: r• COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER 'FAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE .............................. 'o.n1111r11 ... 6 .............................. 193·. 42. D.l!IIIHIING.CO,,,IIT, CLGUD..M _ -•1 The ap!'.)lication of. Albin C. ~ielva.nfl for reclnction of uasessmP.nt :or l!l40 a,nd 1941 ap.ainst the 11-r.:' "":' o~ SP.ction 16 '!'own or Folden v:as rend oncl the Soard recommended tc the ::011'l!issiorHH of ';'nxntion thnt •:he osscssP.cl valuP o~ said tract be reduced ~rom :'2r,o to :••106 for each or said years, o.nd the tax for l!l40 hr-o reduced Fro':! ."'21.7P to :"·9.06 C.'ld the tax for l!l41 fro'.l :::"21.!19 to ~:f3.04. • The ar!1lico.tion c~ the C't•·er 'i'o.il "owcr co. ~or reduction of ossei::sment on oersonal orool'Jrti in thP 'lil.lm>e of "at•le La!:e ror the .'·"or l!Ml was rend a.nil thP. rionrd rP.commendecl to· the ::o,mnissioner of Taxation that the OSS"!SSli'd valne of so.i.cl pror,P.rt.v 'le renn.cecl .erom :~1600 to ::-4500 and the tax from :"•5.;7 .64 to :"555.30. The a:pnlicnt ion of L i::. 1'hom!)!:',On "or settlement. of clelin11uent taxes ror the .V'Pars 1935 to HJ40 incl11si.ve a.painst J,ot 3 3lock 5 Orip-inr;l nint o'.' Cli.therall \·:;is reaci o.nd the '9oo.rd recommended tc the ~o•nm iss ioner o ~ 'l'axa.t ion th at the snm of: ."·127. 9'J be accepted in fu 11 pu,vrnent or taxes ap:a.inst said property l'or sa . .id ,years, heinf! a reduction o.f 1'120.55 from the full ainount of taxes, pennlty, interest and costs. 'i'hr-i r.ollowing resolution wos adopted: ~esolved by the Boa;·d of C:ouut,y CornrnissivnP.rs of Ctter '.!.'ail Count,y, :.linnesota: \'/here as. th is Boo.rd has heretofore con trauted ~:ith Thorman ·;1. ;'!oshol t Company for one Snogo rot a.r,\i sno,: plow, and ,'/herens, same hr,s been delivered to and a.c:cepteo by this Board, !low, therefore, be lt resolved ,!!hat tl!e Couuty Audi.tor and ".!h11irman of the Board be 1m6 tl:ey hereby are authorized and directed to issue to said comf)o.ny a warrant on the !~oud an6 Bridge Fund of the count,,· in the sum of :;:7, BOG. 70, the a:nount due according tc con tract. Adopted this 6th da.v of ,'nnuary, 1942. C. ·A, f;nowberg, Choirmon. ,\ttest: ·:tilliam Lincoln, Clerk. u, :-,, 1:lorvie;en, '!lerk of District court. presented to the !3oard o. req_11est for allows.nee of .~1,000 ~dd i.t ionel cler}: hire -~or hi.s o·Pfice for the ~•ear 194?. on account of the lnrge and increased de,urnd o!' the public for certiriP.d copies o'l' their birth records. "pon motion ti:e re1uest ..-:as €;ranted, and tt.e follo~:inp: resolution wo.s adouted: · . "!Peolv eel by thP. i:;,, ard of r:ount;; r:o,~miss iO'lPrs of otter Tai. 1 Connt,;•, !!inn !"SO ta: i'iher"laS, it o.n:nears to thi.n ~oarcl that o,;:inf to the abnormal demand or thP. QUblic :'or certified copies o• their birth records, it is necessar.\· thn.t an o.dc'iti·onul clr-irl: be emplc:,red i.n the oF~ice o·~ the ~l~rt c~ rtstrict Ccu.rt. of Sfiid ~011nty, . i'!ol":, theref.Cl'P., be it resolvr-id. tho.t onrs1iont to Section 9!l7-4,'.:l o:!: :rnson's 194•) :.'.innesota Supplement, thr-o sumo·:: '.'l,000 be o.nd !·he same hereb,y'U,; set aside for adci.tiona.l clerJ; hi.re in ':he o:'.~ice of sa.id "lerl: c ~ District r:cnrt !:'or tite ,VPar 1942, ·!1>J .• '."ment ·'.'or servic,es rendered tc. ba 'Tiade on warrant cf the aount:-, Andi.tor upon '.'ilinf! from time to t.ime certi .. :i.ca.tes of' the Cler]:: o.? ::onrt showing,)erson entitled. thereto. Ado,)ted ,'anuar.,r 6, 1942. '.:. A, Snowher8, ':hnir,:ian. Attest: '/illlam !,incoln, Clerk. ~he ~ollowlnp resolution was a~ooted: "P.soh·ed i,y thr-i '<oord o".: Gonnty ::ommi.ss ioners c·r flttP.r 1'nil '.:onnt~•, ··tnnP.soto.: ·1hP.reos. this 0 oprd hns heretc·~ore ccn1·ro.ct<>d ·.-:i.th A:.\'/ '.!om11an.v, Tnc., of ··1nnesoto ".:or one Allstin-'.'/estern :iant .,lo\": ~·:ith 12 ft, T,itch.v snc•·: •;:in!", and ""/i1<>reas, sa'·lP. hos been deli,•ered to ond o.cceptP.d b.v th is 1300.rd, nov: therefore, be it resolved that tl:e ::onnt.\• Aucli tor and ::huirman o"!: the ~oarcl be o.nd tl:e:-; hP.reby n.re rrnthcri:.:ed a.nd directed tc issue t c said c cmran.v a ::arrant on the ~oa.d a.nd ·gr id ;ie ='nnd o '.: the '.:onnt:r in the sum cf ::·1420. 00, the ccntro.ct price. Adopted this 6th da.v or ,1 anu11r.v, 1~112. ::. A. Snowherg, ::hairman. Attest: '.'/illiam Linccln, alerk. Upon mQtion the Beard then ad.'.curned to 10 o'clock ,L :,L .:inmuJ.r,v 7, 1942. WEDN!JSDAY' s SE . .-;s r on. "1.irsnent tc ad~ournment the '3oard met ut 10 o'clock .L '.!. :·rednesda~· • .:iannarr 7, 1942, all inembers beinP-present. Dr. a1arence Siegel, Superintendent o" the t'tter man r.ount.\' '.fona.torium, re,inested the tro!lsfer to 'land '3each Sanatorium at T,akP. nor!: o" '!larence i~irl:volt'! encl :·,nlio.rn n1autz. Thf!! ·~ollo1•,,i71f :"P.Solut ion \":As r,.do·r,tPd: ~esol•:ed b,v the ~oord of ":onnt:,, ":omr;1iss ionr-ir':: of rtter "'nil '~ount:;, '.'.innescta: ··1herP.E,s. after i.nvestigation, i': hos hP.en mo.de to a,ipeo.r t·c this ~oarcl tho.t ·,larence '.".irkvold, '!'o•·:r. or •:uF-le T,al:e, :md ·•1illiam :,.,lautz, '"'o·::r. o" ·,i.ne T,o}:e. ::rP. a:rlicted '.'lith tuberculosis; that the.v have resided in th" State of :!innP.sota thronF,hout the :rea.r ,ast: tho.t the.'.' are unable tc oo.v the charp.es for their :no.i.ntenance o.nd co.re in the Stnte Sanetori11m and are ·::ithcnt l:inclred lor:all.V liable thP.refcr a.nd abl" to pa.1• the so.me, •ro•·:, 1:1:'-'re:ore, be it resolved b,; the ~onnt;r 3onrd cf sai.d ~ount.v that re1uest be mo.de forthwith tc th!' Superintend.ent of Snnd "encl: Sanatorium a.t T.u!-'P. 1>arJ·· for the o.d:nission thereto of the said C Lo.ranee '."irkvolcl und ""'illio.'!I "lallt?., and tha-'-1·he ·.:ho.irmi:in ot' tl":i.s "Icard bP. e.ml he is hP.reb;r authorized ond. dirPcted to :!!Ol:P. snch re-11;qst in ··:ri ting, '.)nrsno.nt to the9ro\•isions c'.'. SP.cticn 714 r.er,eral Statutes of :.'.inr,pscta, 191::3. Th'! charp.es for the 7.D .. intennnce ar,cl care o• said patl.ents in said sanatorium to be paid b.v the '.:ount." of nt t er Tai 1. Adopted ,'snnar." 7, lf•42. 'J .. L SnowbP.rf', ,hai.r-non. Attest: "/i.J.liom Tinooln, "!lerlc. 'l'h<J follo~:inr resolution r:c,.s !:'.do Qted: >lesolYP.cl b.7 the 0 00.rd c"' '.:cnnt:r r~cm':l.iSl'li.0>1ers c r "t1:er ·"o.il Count.;r. :'.ir.nr-osota: 'l'hF! .... under the prov'i~1.icns o-': 'lee. 739 r,enrral Statutes 1'or l'.l23 !he strn of :"•100.00 be and the seiie h!'T!'b.i' is apprcpr.iated out o-f' thr-o '~P.venue <·nnd 01' the Count.v to the ~ed '~i,:er Valle;; }e•1elop'!lent As- sociation, s:.iid omonnt so approprio.ted to oe used i!"! pc.,r::rnnt of' •ire:~iums to e:~hibltcrs for the .rear 19,i2. ;-,dopted .1 anuar:r 7, l<J12. -:. A. Snowberp;, '.)ho.ir11cn. Attest: ~illiam ~incoln, Jlerk. '!'l:e follC•lling names· ·,:ere select"ld to be placed ll'lO!'l the annual Grand and Petit .'ur:r lists of th .. 'Jounty: Jake •iendrickx 0 er"'l:ln "':hnert r,a'":r~nc~ ~oe~. ipheirner "'ro"!Y qreuer ' "· ". "''hi. tnP.v ~o.r :·lein · \dolph t•eoola. ":. ·~. .)rc0 :n Sutler "omestend ~1sh !,ake "llnffton Ri.clwillP '!ill. ~l.1:-""tc '1 '.'ill. l'p••: "crl: "ills '!ill. !lent Sivert Helson ,,lbert 13ierwapen Sam Peterson C:ec ... r1.1tzl:e :•H:·'! ~r-a.r r:.otlieb .'ante ~n ~a:ns rt.\T •'.lhert ',ch,.mrtz Padd ocl: Otto Pine LoJ:e Uent 'iill. rre\.·:ton P,ntler "0':1eSt€ad "D,lnffton 369 ....... "370 COMMISSION·ERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ■D:VRJn' IIU6NIC ANlli"PIIINl'ING CO., ■T, D. 111 .-t11• ,1chn Sevela .:roe Sa':!--:ions E:l'ller ;.Jahlert P.1--:ier Pearson Alex Slia Philip ,:olmson ::.yr11s B!!-1 fQur Alvi.n 7atlow l, im r.,e i tc:h :\YJ.ci rew Anderson i~rtln ~ilbertson Oscar ,'ohnson r:awi.n •\nc'i erAon r.~e?1$ Loken Albert "3oehla.nci :-,el ter "eiden Arthur "s.lan ~-L. :.:oske A. ". Boline AllP:, lTfc!'ll'llliS t I~. '3. Diil.v A. 1i. Poapenson ",ml Stender G. S. ~rekke ,'nlia.n 'uarn Le•vis Loh'lleier 0. i.J. Sholbere Ole O. Sletvoltl Glenn F. Hoartl ;;Tandus ,7ohnson ;,{rs. r.ouis B. r-:unze Lou is He nar icks :,rrs. ':larnP..V' tuokinf ::!artin 1'oppari :!!:mil lTelsen Vai no YuJ-ola :v::il tP.r Re.vnolds Alois i'lee-scheid .:re-ff ·.rhomn!:lon 1!rs. i::thei Paresl,e 'Irs. ·~. ~-1-1nltau.i13t ~rs. C. E. Griffin L cuis C. Flata11 JOP. Goyke i~r~d 1,lt:i~:-1=1r ,1 olm T. Perske urs. Alfreil !,onp.seth :.trs . '!'1. G . r, row John k1aas;o '.Iarvin TTane-:ar .1ohn T,. Strand ·.:rs. r-:l:'10.r Vip:en '..I rs. Chas. Scheer ;,!rs. Eddie Severson A. 17 • Bredahl Otto Schmidt Annie 3erry '..{rs. Roy Goehke :!rs. Harold Broenrcl Ale ':lentl ~rnest r:oehler O scar !,[ycklebust Ingvald Lokken Anton Roers "Ii 11 i.e T,arson Mrs. '"ran!. "food Jose oh Stokes ·.,,rank Carl son .!i:d ,'/agner Arthur i1. Ne ls on i.!rs. Lud•'lig 'l'a.nson Mrs. A.~-Nazen A. "!:. t:erbronson .:lv in <roo.r,e"lson Carl Sanda !:!rs. Alvin Sc1.nltz I,lrs. James ""rnu:r.e ,1ohn ';kebere: Earl .A.skerooth Juli us Le.rson llenr.\' ,101m::ion Georpe :,!elb,v llenr.v .E. :,Ioen T,.vle Sea.rles ,anl: Lanr:v iok :Jrs. Otto Ulsby Lios. Imholte l.!arl Severson -.ndrew .\no erson DATE ......................... .:'.ll..llllu.r,v. .... 7 ................................... 193..2. ... . BlO"lers Scambler ''orv:egian r.rove T,ide. l•:rhards r.rove Oscar '.fuine ·~ordensk:old !.Tncier'•1oc,c1 7ill. l'u:.mli Sverdrup i,':1or Uidaros L:li ther.;1ll '!ill. ;·1codside Co-npton In:non Ef'.:'inpton 11P.nninp· ·~w,_1. El:no t:fe!Jninf Ifill. :=-erp..us '!i"alls City ~erfus :'alls '.:it.r Aurdal Carlisle l!'err,us i''alls 'l'•11p. Or~1ell Elizabeth Vill. Pine Lake Ho:nestead r::orliss Butler Gorman "I lowers ?adnock 11e.,1ton ntto 1n11ffton 'l'\\'!1, "Oe r ham 'i~wq, . '.'e~'f3-S '!ill. :1cw ':ork :.!ills Vill.. ''erham Vill. uoburt ~lSh tal:e Candor ~dnn Sca=nbler Dnnn I·!Or"!ef. ian Greve PelicRn ·~w(). T,ida 'i'rondh;em J~ri,ards Grove ·1aplewood Oscar Fribers l,laine Pelican Rapids Vil!. Henning 'l'WP, I,eo.f Late Inmen !Umo Folden Effington Parkers nrairie T1•1p. ;·1oodside Oak Valle.V Compton Deer Creek ·rwp • n:ast ern ";!•v ·"· '•!enninf '!ill. Parkers "ro.iriP '!ill. !':ido.ros 'li.ning C',irard Ottertail Vill. Clitherall 'l"w :J. P:v erts Batt 1,:, Loke V lll. 'i'cri\r--Y\skjold lJalton Vill.. St. Olaf Sverdrnp .r~nf!.le T,a):e Amor T,ea.f :,iounto.in Aas to.cl Aurdal i3use .fi:ci Graf:!" J.renry John.son Olof :.;. He.uerucl !:elvin I'orb,r ":l'ller ~acks t ro:n ~mil Sct.les}:e !~~nrcus no.nson I'ohle 1•iotlinf 7ehst~r ~orferson TT~nr_:r n _1'"P. 0 aul ':'ede rsc:n ·•ielvin I'ilson Crnnt Cox !./. f.. 1uhni1lf! .'. ,, . 1i'lettre '..lauri tz r.arlson ,/al:'rec1 ;oiurnon C'le 8. "i rl~ehy Chns. Pesola Llo.vcl Olson '.lilson !-:. l'.elson Geo. S. T,owr.v TVP.l" i•lf.J.!l.Tflto.d ::and.olri1 Araskoe; ~-0 • Christianson .r'red l·f. flornann L,yle Da.v en pert Orv::i.l '{o.buerst:ld l'E'l.'IT JUiWRS Geo. Dunglas ;,Irs. Joim i)o,m ing H. ·,,. Johnson John '.l.'olppi Ar ti1ur SuhrinB ""rr.inl: Tol1ni Carl l'P.l tcniemi :,!rs. Eino 0,1o.lo. :Jrs. Lem!')i 1>err,ln ~i 11 'Tr,•n::in ":ii Doll :'rs. r:1.rcle ~e.1•nolcls Ton is i:oesl inp ,·'r n.nk St odo 11',a ·!'-lenr:: 'i.'enter, c.,r. \J=n •• -' •• Schult:-. Film0r 1~. Ho.ncock '~11dol oh HunJ:ov1ski NGr'llan Sanden ·.nllie !~VUl"!'! 3enni.e Sillernile 'l1hor Sve.rre Bernnrd .:'olmson I.Iarti.n Shirle.v !",e•1is S ,,ens on Otto ·:1esth,v ·.1m. Gnrlson ;:•nrnk 11est Henr.v '3;io:rco E. L. Peterson John c. 'l'etens Axel 'l'ervola c. J. Gribbon Iver Iverson Iver C. Halvorson Steve !levering Emil Slack ~.!rs. Paul vrenz ,Tohn '.'lahner l'/m. A, Andrie Ghos. 1:asma Ira ;'enkins !!rs. ,'acl· ".nr::ette . ' .. ·r. Anderson 0scar ,'ohnson Al~red ~hristenson '.·!rs. ;.1enr.v 'lanson •\.rthur Dre.11er ~d via.rd ~r. swenso n !!rs. !'.:rl Sl:almo.n !,!rs. Petr.r Ai."redson :,;rs. i.Ia.bel .'ohnson · irs. "udolph :!chap.en Arthur?. uunson '"reddie Torviclc :lrs. P~a.1.l!IP.r Anrnstson ·:1. ~-TOt!lS Anton ''.ots Severt '"ronninf. Cursten Ha.up.en S. ? . ·,"/ri['ht P erhe.m Vill • jjimn Pelican Trcndhjern '.! oplev:ood ?rihers Pelican ~a~ids Vill. Dal ton Vill. St. Olef Svf!'rdrn'l ~ tlf' le T,Oke J,rof ·,-Jnntain Vinlnf!. Vill. Giro rd Oe!· Valley '?o.rke rs ·,r :1 i r i e T"H>. Deer ~reek Tw'f'J. ]:'olden · L,.,e.f LoJ.:e Ea.stern ~urkers ~rairie Vill. Fergus ,:,alls ~ity Aastad Buse ALtrdal Elizabeth T,•1p. iVestern FergusFulls City Pine Loke P:omestead Corliss Butler Gorman 13lowers P.adilock i1e~1ton Otto 1Hnf''.ton 'l'VIO. !'e rhn.:n :rv1p • "'ew Y111rk '.lills '!i 11. Dent Vill. Perhlllll Vill. Star I, a}:e Hush Loke Dead Ls.ke Dora Scamhler Dunn :Torwee-:ian 1:rove Pelican ·~wp. Lida 1'rondh,'em Erhards rrove :.:uplewood Oscar ··•rib erg !.!r,ine Pelican ~arids Vill. Henning "l1wp. Leaf Lake Inr:ian Elmo Folden Effinrton Parkers 1'rair ie Twp. Woodside Oak Valley Compton Deer ~reek Twp. gastern Two. Deer Creek Vill. ?orJ.:ers Prnlrie Vill . :-ridnros Gli tilP.rull Vill. Girard ctter ·rail ·,;,wp. -'.:litherfl.11 ·rwo. B~1ttle Lo. ke '/ill. ':'ordensk.iold Unci er,•1ood 1/i 11. Dalton Vill. i'U'!lUl i Sverdrup F.ap:l ':! 11!l:e 2.~or T,!'af ;ionntain Austad Aurdal Buse COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, M])NN. DATE .......................... ,'anuar17 .. 7., ............................ 19342 • • ~AND.J!RINIING.CD.._.,...a.auD..MJNN---1•1 ( "F.'l'I T ,, !T~ORS l • Jnstus :::i!!lmer Carlisle 1.1rs. Harr,v Bnro.u Dane Prairie. Albert C. Nobroten ~lizabeth ~wry. Frank ilo,ves .:"err:us Falls' Tv1p. ?,. ~-Scott Orwell s. s. Rufer Western ~.!rs. "'red Rollins '.'/estern "Ions "· B,ve Fergus Pnlls Cit.i' ;rohn 'BP.nson l"ergus Falls <:it.v '..trs. ,. ::. Snyder Fer~us Falls City r.irs. s. r.:. ~ergeson "'erins F'alls Cit,v Cigarettelicense for the year 1042 was Association in the ~•ownshir of Deer Creek. Albert Hexum Eciwln Olson Paul :.Ill hlenbeok ;ules .'ennen Rollin ',7esterberg El~er :.lunaon Urs. o. A. Swenson rnrs. :·rP.d s.,·ck .iohn r-. Carlscm :,Irs. Carl Leedahl · :,!rs. ::atherine !.lartin Granted to i''einoln ,'nrmers Carlisle J)ane Prairie F.lizabeth 'l'wp. Ferr.us Falls Twp. Orwell Wes-tern :i•erRUS 'li'alls Ci t.v Ti'erp.us F'o.lls Ci t.v ?erp.ns F'olls City •;•erp;us Palls C:i t.v !i'ergus Falls City Co-oper•.itive :.Iercontile Upon motion the 'P,oard then a.d:,uurned to Jenue.ry 8, 1042 at 10 o'clock A. LI. TllU~:3DAY'3 SESSION. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met ut 10 o~clock A. l,I. '!'i,ursda.t, .:anui.:ry 8, 1942, all members being present. The petition of :.1ike Perszyk to set over the N½ rmi and Si'/} !IW¼ Sec. 20 iri Township of Perham \'/flS taken np for final act ion. After listening to the stutements of the County S.iperintendent o: Schools and after hear.ing from the petitioner and membe:·s cf the School ~oa.rci o.:'. Dist. 58 and after full consider- otion of the matter, npon motion the petition was rejected. 'fh'! petition of Severt P. !,l1•ron to set over land from Dist. 06 to Dist. 222 l'lflS taken up for final action. After listeni.nP to re9ort or the Connty Superintendent o:': Schools, upon motion the peti.tion wns pranted and the Boa.rd issued the -?ollowinP order. to-wit: IVh'!r.,as, the netition of Severt"· i,I:-,ron, a. freeholder or: 'lchool ]Ji.strict Uc. 9G in this Count,\'. reoresent inP that he is. the 01·:ner o" the lends hereinafter cl escri.hed, which are Ri tunte in said School :>istrict and e.d,join School Ulstric,t llo. 2?,2 and asl:inp that his ss,·i_d l~ndR IJla:r ·he set o~f rrom so.id Di.strict ;10. 96 t0 said nci,'oininp school district '.io. 2f:?. ·Nns -riresentec to the 0 oard of. Count,v C:o•nmi.si:,ion- P.rs o"' th.is Gount.v at a. ses~ion o"' said boa.rd h'!ld on the loth ds.v of Octohe:r .\.D. 1941 'or the action of said board thl'ireon: und whereas it v!.as thereupon order"'d liy saicl board tl,at o. heo.r ing sh oulcl be had on said pet.ition. et a session cf said ooard_ on the Ath da,v c: ,'annary A.D. l!J12 o.t the <:om•nissionerR :'loo•~ in the Court 11onse in the r:i t.y oi Fergus Walls in sn.i.d ':ount .v: and whereas it ,ms Fnrtbe r ordered i.n and lly ea.id order thot notice o'.: the t·irn0 and plC:CP. o'" such hP.oring be p.Lven b,i' postinp. copiP.S of. sold order in three !)lihlio rlaoes in P.[;.ci, o • the school ii .istricts to i'ie af PP.ctP.d h.v soi.ci peti. tion, ond b.\' mi1il inn-to the cler!: cf each o~ soid School Districts, a corw of said order at len.st ten rlays b·P.fore the time an!lOinted for snch hearinp.; and v1herens a.t thP. so.id session of the so.id loard or Gonnt,v commies.loners on saic1 R.th dey of .'Pnuflry A.D, 10",2 due !')roof of the postinp nnd service o)'. !la.id ordPr o ~ hP.nring as therein dir<1cted nnd re,uired, more tho.n ten do.vs prior to saici last named date, lmvi.np heen· 1J1ade n.ncl ·filed, so.id pP.tltion ~:as publicl.'T read and considered bf the t?.oarcl, with ever,vthinf which was st1id b,v s:;id interP.sted 90.rtif-!s 1 for or apninst rrnntinP. the ·pro..yer of the petitionP.r, and said ~oard beinp of oninion that said petition should be r-rnnted, it is hereb.'! orderf-!6 and deter-nined that the followinp describP.d lands, to-wit: SW+ ' Section 3G Tov:nship 13!3 :~an13e 4'~ bP. and the sn.rnf-! are hereb.y set off "'.:rom sold School I,istrlct llo. % to sold ad,joininr School Dj strict Ho. 2?.?. a.nd sai"d 11.rnds are hereb,v made a prirt or. sai.rl lost nomel School I,istrict ·~or all 9ur!')oses whntever. 13y order of the Board of Cou.nt,1, Ccm1~issioners. Dated the 8th day of January .-LD. l\J42. (~nditor's Jeal) Attest: William Lincoln, County Auditor and ex-officio Clerk of ~oard. . C. A. Snowberg, Chairman or the Board of County commissioners of Otter Tail county, l.Iinneso ta. Tile Count,1• Superintendent of Schools, Louise stondahl, pr-esented to the Boo.rd her a.nmial report. !;liss. Stondahl also filed her re-o.ppoint.11ent of F.. J. Rova:ng as AssiRtant Super.intendent of Schools, and qosella TcmhAVP. os ~ecretary in said o:fflc:e. lJ'pon mot ion the a!)pointments were approved. 1'he i:ietition of 'lenry .1oreenson to be set over with the fl!::~. of Sec. 26 in the Township of 1-l'Obart "rom School Dist. lAl to Dist. 233 was read and it was crderf-!cl that a hearing on said petition be had at the session o!: thP. -qoe.r<'I !•iorch 1!3, 1012 at 10 o•·c1ocl: A. i.l., and tha.t cl11r-i notice o·?. the time and place o:f eeicl hear in!!'. be p iven as req1.1ired by le.w. · Glf!o.rett~llcense for 1942 we.s p.:rante<'I to ,'oe '9. '"ehrenhnch for ,Joe's 'l'racline; Post in the TOW!'19hiu of 0tto. . A re,,ort o" the n.oerd o ~ ,\uditoo:l' P.xn:ninati.on of f:he ncconnts o-!' '"'· '.!. i::ee, Count.v '11ree.s11rer, -for thP. period frorn Aur.nst 1, 1011 to t-TcvP.mber 2'J, l!J11 showinp.: a balance in the Co11nt.v '!'reasur.v e.t the close of hnsiness on said last-11entionecl date or :11712,365.21 W!.1R 1.1nproved. l'no111 motion the ~card then tool: a rPC:P.f.lS to P. o'clock "· :l. 13idR ·!'or pnhlic printinP ['or the ensui.n/? year as cnlled ''or b,r the Board were opened and read l'll ~ollows: Tierham s:nter~rise-~ulletin, pnblish.inf Del in,,nent "'i;.x T,ist for 1012 t'or the sum of 15¢ per desoription, the leenl rn,e, said pa,oer aereeinf to SllP!ll,'.! all other ~1eekl,1/' news!10.pers i.n Otter Tail ::011.nt.v .vith copies o~ the ne·lin,aent ':'ax Liot for distrihuticn t0 their subsoriliers ·;:ithln the Gonnty. "elica.n !~ar>'id~1 "ress, pnblishi.ng the ll'ino.ncial :=.:tatemP.nt of ot-t:er Tail Connt.v fer the ,\"Pa.r 1041 at le13al ro.tP.s. 1T!7ehlad 0 ublishinp. Go., pnblioation o·f the ""inanc.iol StatP.ment of. the C:ounty for the ,renr lOU in· "'erp.ne '"'alls Up,eblad at legal rateR, said newspaper ap.reP..inp. to fu.rnish supplements to nll weekly nel'lspn:p- ers of r.tter Tail Count.v coverin;;, their snbscripers '.11i.thi'n said County, Ferr.ns ,1ournal r:o., publishing minutes o" '!IP.etinrs o~ the "'.ca.rd o~ ~ount,v <:ommisc:ionPrs. i"lclnclinf rPfnlar and srecial sessicns held as o T.\oard or "':'lualizaticn. and while co:1sidP.rinp 'lln.tters pr-irtaininP to c'li.tchP.s, in the Dail.v ."onrnal ot the rate spec.i'.'ien b.y law, and o.lso pnhlicatlo"l o~ such noticP.s as are pnbUshed in the paper desip.nated .in thP. of"icial po.pP.r of thP. '!onnt,v at tJ-.e rate specified hy law. "pon motion nll o~ the above hicls were aoceoted. The followinp resclution wos odopted: ~esolved b~· the Poard of Gount.v Go"11.11isslc?Jers of Otter :'ail Co1mty, :.1tnnesota: l'hot the Perham ~nti!rprise-~.ulletin be ancl the same hereby iR deslenated as the newstJaper in whic she.l.l be printed the not ices and lists of lands upon ,:hich taxes remained delinquent and unpaid on the r irst 1,;onda.\' in ,1om10 ry. 19 42. ?.esclved further, that for the faithflll performance of such v:ork tl,e said newsoa•Jer be and hereby is re(!uired to ft1rnish o. bond in the sum o·f :t'2,000. C:. A. Snowberg, Chairman Att'!st: \'/iiliam Linooln, Clerk. The follor:ing resolution was adopted: ?.esolved ·b.1• the Board of county Commissioners of Otter Tail Connty, !.!innesota: '!'hat the sum of .;;200.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the County F!evenue Fund to tl:e fitter 7'ail County 1'i.stori.cal Society, an<i the Gounty ,tuditor in herellr directed to issue werrant to said sociP.t,v in sa.icl amount. Adopted ;'e.nna.r.1° A, 1942. !\ttes;.: '."illiam T_.incoln, r:lerk. '1. A. flnowberg, Chairman. r.: f " I, I 372 COMMISS]ONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. DATE ...................... J anuo.r Y ... 8 ..................................... 193.g., .. IPICUIHT'Y BL:ANIC lliooKTAND PRINl'ING CD., SI', a.GUii,, MINN.-nl&9 r,1rc f•l1owin'I biJ"ls ;,.,,;..,4! ,1,/l•wc'-~ r.:. J. novanB expenses 33.65 T,ouise Standahl postae:e 2 .50 ·,;ill P.r-Dev is Go. blanks 161. 28 'l' he "ierce~o. snpplies 21 .02 Aune 3ros. suo,,l Les 3 ,40 ()sweld "ublsihinp r.o. sno~lles 9.75 7inther' s :r.umber Yard coal 270 .06 :,10.rchant Calculr...tinr-:Iche. r.o. maintenance 35.00 '3nrrcur-hs Add .·rche.r.o. e.ddinr machine rianer C,.67 ·;a.son Pub 1. :::o. i)11nne 11' s Die;est · 10. on •r.·1.~ell Telephone Go. lone; distance cnlls 32.90 Folden '.l.'1Vn!. quarantine expP.nse 26.00 Dr. ~-A. ~ee coroner's rees 5.35 ~-q_ Gilpin constable ~ees 4.20 Peter "ink, ~r. Dep.Sherl~f•s fees 9.80 '"ran!: C. '3i:irnes ·•1;nici9el ,'udpes fees 5R,35 r.:stre'll :::lin.ic exom:i.mi.t i.on 3.00 :ity o~ •ere:us Falls cnre of transient 19.00 ''linn. !.Iotorco.,rnc. ti.res R,00 Smith Co'!lmerciel ",od.v :•ror}:s, r.,c. rarts 21.45 IT.~.Sheet I Tron "arks parts 1.45 J-letl,'3nshinp.: I Po.rl:s Co. nerts •a suppliel'l 253.06 T,arson 3rcs. rero.irs 42.55 Schendel' s Ce.rare repairs 1.17 L ee '.:he•;rclet :::o. re,n::;.irs 3, 20 Urbanic Garape supplies 6.20 :·rucox T,umber Co. surplies \J,33 ~esset I\; ·.•restby SUflJ)lies 35.24 The Geo,'l.',P.,van :::o. suµi)lies 14\J.94 :: herle.v i"enske grovelling 893.52 .~rthurJ:nutson rravel 10.00 'T. r:rueger Drey Line cool 1. 25 -C.:rickson-'·'elleckson-'fye co. lumber 4,132 'lkOl!'llO '.!oto:rs, Tnc. truck 450.00 :'.l\.Tubricant Co., Tnc. oil 35.61 "enning Cil Co. r,,asrili.ne 20.13 'iordon T., !'illPr, rrent fa.soli.ne 59.04 The C'il Store Diesel "11el 7(,,30 'HD',: ers ·r,·:p. ro,:,a 1•1or}: 500. on 'I'o·-:nsh.in o-c <'scnr r-rndiTlf 5'l'),00 !ilande ~-,;1ielcl ,"T!n~+ict:!' ~PP.~ 3.55 ~roan !;-:'f. -:!o. sn•">nli0.£ 17.27 :-' . .1. PenJ-:-es .. ~c;-:.J·dinf: 11rison1?rs 276.75 "?. -\ •• ~nderson pos tore 55. 79 'rown o~ '"olden c1:rP. c,f poor,l'.Ml 155.15 YalmP.r :·arvonen ex[',o.ttcndil"'f meetinf. 16.15 Ceo. ~-r.un6erson Do. 11.00 ~eo. ~-Cuna,,rscn lonp dista~ce cnlls 3.15 ;ohn r·oe p wi tnesc -':ees •, mi leo.e-e 5. 32 ,•on"!s •r. !··rceper co. reco,:ci ~,7.50 '.:la.rence '1, A11ne ha11l.inp-ashes 7 .00 r.it.V or "'erpus -ro.lls v:ster l'r. lipht 15fL10 1r. r.. Snndin ce.sh advnnced 12.97 L.vle Tollerson e:-:pense 7. 90 ·,. T,. Potter exo,~nses 5•1.30 ''ubert Li 11 r,re.vel 2:58. 95 Gero.lcl 1'jostelscn re(>oirs 8. 22 \Vlcl,strom' s Go.raee re:1nirs 1.00 l~ed Arrow G-aro.gP. repoirs .HO '3jorkluncl :.ifr,. Co, repairs lC.50 'l'hormnn w. :,;:osholt Co. parts 213,10 ''Im."· Ziegler co.,Inc. !1a.rts 'l: supplies 7\J3,\J9 •rne PiP.rce co. sttpplies 15. 25 :7i].cox Lu'!lber Co. sup9liP.s 5.34 SanndP.rs r:o. supplies 2.07 Town ol' -Parkers "re.ir:ie bu.ilcllnp. roa.d 2(,5.00 ":. U. ~ar:e so.rep e rent 5 • 00 Vill. of.' Perham water che.rges lG.00 r-r.··!.~ell ·~el. r:o. lonp: distance calls 15.85 EU: "".iver '.:onc."rocls. Co. culv,.,rts lR,72 ,,r i"'h"'a" ~o rent 12 .00 ., .' _;," :ra;ei shovel rP.ntel f-93.30 ~ill's &prvice stntion p:ascline. Ptc. ~R.G2 ?.~w•s .~ervice Station r.:asoline 3.i5 •rpon motion the ""oord then n.d;ourned to 10 Louise stondehl expenses ?.ohert :!ol ter cosn o.dva.ncei! ":c' 'l'clstrom re!lElirs ··!iller ~, Teisberg Drug •~o. s11pplies "r9l·.en:n Dr11r, Store sur·pl ies Ceo. D, '3ornnrd "ltationer.v i::o. rubber stomr,s T:icols, "Dean ~, r,rep,f' s;'/eepin,e com9ound '1urronf!hR Adc1 .;.Jche.r.o. maintenance ::onrol:' ':ale .:iche.r.o., Inu.mo.intenence :!oson ''11bl. ~o. Annotations 'I: DiF.est Seatrice !:alvik clerical worl: · Skop::no Cafe mes.ls for :nrcrs u. ;; . Youne: constable fees 1:nute irinlcelson witness rees '•'rn.nk "'o.Stland d11nce no.lice T!.•"/.'lell ~•el. r:o. lonp clistanoe calls "chool of Dentistr.\• ll-1"1-C"lre or po.nrier .!.ndrP.•:1 Anderson cool Elk ~iver 1onc.~rod.Co. cnlverts 1:1auer : 'f.p.,. Co. parts 'rhormun '¥. :':osholt co. p11rts UicGls. Dean~ rreH~ parts~ repairs ., ~cr:-lund :.-Ifc. Co. repairs Pelic::.n Supply Co. reoo.i:?"s rree Press Co. su~plies Fred A, Everts sup)llies 1.illler-Davis co. supplies Saul :.1otor Go. sni>plies 1-r.··1.1•,1pinf. Cloth Co. SU!,)plies 1.Irs. Carrie ,'o.cobson f,ruvel Peter Ericksen cord woofi Tescl:-Dertin.'.er Lbr. co. cool Pa.pAr, !Jo.lmenson '!o Co, cut ti nf e<i f,eS T.. 'lon,1eborn Sons, Tnc. lnbricnnt "erhnm :::o-op. 0il co. gasoline narl· '~ep ion C' il r:o. gaso 1 ine 'ltd.fiilr:o.,O.~.llfllroe,,\f.t. Diesel fuel 110":nP.J:i!) or A.astad rond 1·:ork "IJ.1; ~-rton 'i'1•10. roa/! worJ: 'Ii 11. o.r ""'lu i""ton rolld work 11 ••1.r.1orviren ~onra or i.ndit '1- 43.55 60.S!l 2,50 2.2;; 3,90 2,03 2.GO 63,75 16.50 7 ,50 25.50 7 ,•15 3,55 5. OR 5.All 10.10 13.00 7 ,?.O 25fl,f1G 11.!lR 30.9'.l 172.50 5.00 3.35 1.80 1.75 2.130 5,-10 16.!l\J 391.95 15.00 !":li>,82 153.fll 277 .1!J 26.0G •\1.08 20.75 500.00 500.00 350.00 r!~"lv:issin, ... .,oaY.d 4_q_r;n ' , 17enJ:Ps e:-'lenses .:•\.!ll ·;n1, r:li?.a.heth care or poor,.l!l-1.1 107.G•t "· s. ;,m11ndson exn.attendinf mcetinf 1:L75 "e"lr.1· C. "O !' f' Do. 1. fl:) ,".eo. "· Gunderson :'oorcl of ·Amllt 7.50 ·•1. ""'· "-err.hnis clerk's hire 25.00 ,\nton :Jnnelke wi tner-iP-fPeS ·::, '!li le ope 5 .14 "illP.1·-"-rvurit-''iercP. C:o. suprlies · R,00 0ttei-·•nil '"'o·-,1P.r ';o, power 19.12 r: .E.SChmidt onsli acive.nced 1.64 ". T,. Sandin expense 101 .4-5 A. ~lorvi~en expense ~.55 Alhert. ::i tzcw fr1.1velling 397 ,;32 :::.F.R:orl:lnnd ~eel.\' Shop rept1irs 13.G!l G. 1-1• J~o.11p11i re!>Oirs 6.80 Olaon Auto ~lectric co. repairs 10.90 Seven-0-Service 9tation repsirs 1.00 '.:'homµson Fo.rdwu.re repairs 2.47 Smith Co:,1mercir.l -god.\' ,'/orl:s ports 41.71 1!ictor r,u.ndeen •• (),:i. supplies 134.85 Hanson's Ge.rac:e Se He.rdvmre supi>lies 13.33 ?red A, ::verts s11ppl.ies 3.12 ,10Jm Lauritzen co. strippins 30.45 '"ernis ..,alls "l'Vlil, rood work u00.00 Pelican 'l'elephone co. services :31.ri1 fitter ?oil Power Co. nov1er 40,13 -ranltl in 'lnO"lfence CO, SnO"I fences 2-',i, 50 '='erf!us n111~ nr.tnt ,Jo. rrints 1.32 ~ohn J.ieseth ~o. e~ui~ment rP.ntnl 4f16,65 A11ne "nis1 tire •• tulle 105.23 ,onsnrner::: "il Co. fa Ro line 32. 72 Standard n1.1 r.o.,o.e.1•1,1-r,,,A,c;<DiPSP.l ruel 2!:.4-5 o'clocl: A. '.i. "'ebruar.1· 10, HJ12. ~ COMMISSIONERS RECORD M OTTER 'TAIL COUNTY MINN ., . ' . -~ANDiJUNIINCI.CD.o.ft..a.GUDJIINN.::llloll DATE ............................... '•'eb.rnar.v ...... 10 ................... 19312,. l.!Tr'."I'ES 0"' AD.:'f'•ll!?N~D i!":S:TTI!G r,r,, BC'A:D np C"'.i1J'i1'"!::· c0:~.1rs;,10r~~s ,v., O'i.1::.1r.~ TATL -J0l1L"'l'Y, :.mrn·~sC'T A. "Pursuant to ad;,ournmP.nt the ~loard met o.t 10 o'clock A. !.L 11nesda.,v, !''ebruo.r,v 10, 1!>42, Present: cornmi ss i cners !:arvonen, Gun6erson, TTof!.', 1,mundson nncl Snowbere,. Dr, Clarence Sieeel, Sup0rintendent of the 1:tter 'l'aii Count,v So.no.torium, rerJuestP.d the transfer of r.li:foni ';'oreerson of the Villa.re of l'o.rl:ers ''niirie to Glen J,ake, and the following resolntion wa.s adopted: ~esolvE"d h.\' the '::oa.ra of r.onnt.v ~ommiss.ioners of 0tter To.il Co11nt.17, :~innesota: Tho.t un<l.Pr the prov..isiotas o·:: Cho.pter 16!3, Cenero.l Lo.vis of ·annesota ,·or 1941, the follo•.vinp. nnrned person be o.nd he hereb.v is cP.rt i fi. P.d ''or the .pnrrio se of chP.st s ureer.r nt C: len T,nke Sana.toriu:n, the cost !'or snid trea.tmP.nt to be !'JO..icl "or equall,v b.v the Stn.te o:l' 'linnee:otu. and Otter •rail Co11nt,y, a.s :;,rovided by soi6 :Jhapter:Clifrord ".'oreerson o::'. the '!.i.llap.e o!.' "nrkers "rair.i.e. Adopted ?ebruary 10, 1912. r~. J\. Snowberf;, Chai.rrm.n. Attest: i'/illi!l'll Lincoln, Clerk. TheGounty Auciitor presented to the 300.rd hi.s ennua.l fino.nuia.l statement o::: the Con.nty ::'.or the .veer l:J11. Upon motion the statement •11as ai:iproved. ':'he ro llowing uppl iuat lvns for cigorette 1 icenses we1:e grant ec'I: :.1rs. Ern·na Deist at Dels t' s Store, 'P(A'Tl o~ ::'rilJerg; Eeinola Cafe, T0\'/11 of Leaf Lal:e; (. C. Hilson, .-\lmora; '-lenissee Hanson, Town of !:vrnesteo.d; •:. c. oeard, 'Jarlisle; L..! .·.'Jolters at Urbank; Joseph'.'/, ,'/alclorf..r:, '.1rbank; Howard B, i'1elscn, Shady Haven, ro•.m o!: ~verts; '.'/. q, ,iaeger, Sto.r Lake Bridge, Town of Star Lal:e, and '.1.'hornas :.l, Severson, ''ighway ':'ark, ]'01':n of !':lmo,; A, D. V/ickham, Basswood Store, Town of Dead Lnke; B. ,,. Fr11th, Urbank, a.nd Carl Sundblad, •·]cl Nelson and .'. T,. Peterson, all at !~rhard. 'rhe !l!)fllico.tio:1 of :!forest:~. Ash ~•or dance 9ermit, 11sine mecho.nical musi.c onl~•. nt /,sh's Cemp in the 'l'own of r.:l ha-beth wa.s gra.nted. 'J'he a_r>pl.ication of S. ,', r,•ruth for On and Off sa.le beer license at ""ruth's :~eotaura.nt o.t 'Jrhank '.:or the period endinp.: !!r.rch 31, 194.2 was p.:ranted. '!'hE' oonlico.tion ol' s .. ,. 'F'ruth ·•or dance !:)ermit ·"or the cnlcmcio.r .veo.r ~!J42 at "llruth's Holl at Urbank wns !!ranted. · '!'he nppli.c:oHon o-r the r.ity o:' ~erp.us "'alls "or conve,\'r.mce o-r tox-forfei.tP.d tract described as T,ot 16 of ~eserve 64 in the Oriflno.l "lo.t o:f the r:it.v o~ r'erpus "'o.lls on the eround tho.t snme is needed .by the r:it.,• for ~1idenir,g !,inccln _,\Vemif"> at ':hot point, 1•10s r<!n.d o.nd the '3oo.rd rP.cO:n".lended to the Commissioner or ':'axnti on that said trac~ be convP..~'ed. to ~he ~'i t.v b,\' the State. The follc\•1inf statemP.nts o~ solariP.s received 1,.v u.a.rious r.01mt.v of:'i.cers ·'.:'or the .VP.a.r 1941 were a11provE"d: ,""!. rr. '•a&e,enson, ,:udp,e o-f "rchotP. r.onrt .'.':2500; ,-. G. Penkes, Sheriff, :~·2500; "· :v. Glorvif-en, Clerl: of District ~ourt, :',2000; ""· 1\". Anderson, ~eeisteror Deeds !'·2500; \'!illiom Lincoln, r.ounty Anditor .'·2500; 1?. 1-:!. ?ee, Count,v Treasurer :!'•2500; •~rnest !'! • .:'chnson, ::ount.'.' ',nrveyor, !'7.90. l'he :'.clloninp.: reports or sn.laries nnd ·fP.es recei.ven by Connt.y CO'll'lliss ionP.rs clnri.~ the co.lend or ye1:r werP. approvP.c: Yo.lmer rarvonen, 1"019.25; Geo. 1. Ctmrlerson, :~8(,9,00; "enr.v G. "of?, /·0!37,25; P. E. Amundson, ;1'888.50 ancl ':: . .A. Snowberg :r-1316.25, 'l'he application o·.r: rP.o. A, 0''3rieht for cla.ssi-ri.co.tion of lJEl HF.-1-Sec. 20 'l'ownship of ~ush T,ake for the .\Teo.r 1941 at homP.stead rntes "JnS read and the -qoard rP.com•1enclP.d to the ~ommissioner of 'i'axation tho t said land be so clo.ss i fi ed and the assessed value red ucP.d rrorn :1'·110 to ::'-66 ancl the tax from ~~·10. 05 to !'5,45. The ,rnplication of!':. G. and Doris l'rnegP.r for clossi:l'icat i.on of T,ot 10 Bloc!: 1 Orie.inal Plot of ·.'ere.as for the yeo.r l!l-41 at homestead rates wos read nnd the 'loo.rd recommende_d to the Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classified and the assessed value he reduced from :-·380 to :::·2!38 and ti1e tax !.'rom :''4f..26 to :"'21.!38. The application -e'.:' Alex Alb~erc; for classification of Lots 3 r.nd 4 or Section 1 and SE~ NE¼ ex. tract, and Lot 3 of Section 12 all in.Township of Dane '?rnir:i.e for the ,\'ear 1~41 at homestead rates v1as read and the noard recom11ended to the Comr:1issioner of 'faxation that said land be so classifieii and the assessed value reduced from -~1451 tc !;:918 ond the tax from -~·124.BG to f76. 74. The 1r!1plication of ;iennie !~. ·.'/atkins for classlflc;a.tior, of ii} SW{• Sec, 1 '.i'own o·f: '.'/oodside fer the year 1941 at hvmestead rates was read o.nd the Boa.rd recommended to the Cominiss loner of 'l'axat ion thi;.t said 11;.ncl lie so cle.ssified and the assessed value recuceii from t~2(i to :;;:557 o.nii the to.x from :~·68.30 to ."·36.12. The anolicotion of ,~rthur '!. Helson ror classifico.ti.on of SE' m·J-' and Lot 4 in Section 2 'l'own of T-'riberr, fer the·.i'ea.r 1940 a.t homestP.ad rates wr,.s read and the Board recomrnender1 to the Tnx Com•n.issioner tha.t sa.id lr,.ncl be so clessi.fied nncl the nssP.sRed vo.lue bP. reduced from !·431. to ::266 uncl the tnx ~rom ::·13.2' to '39.34, The application or T,ake "qepi.on !'otor r:o. 00:?: co.ncP.llo.ti.on of o.ssessment on automo'biles in the 11ity a~ "'erpus Fulls for the :renr 1941 upon which 1941 licenses WP.re i.ssnea was read and the Board recorn'!lended to the ,o'llmi.ss·i onc.r o" Tax-at ion thnt said vo.lnat .ion he C!ll.ncellec'l and the e.ssesfJed value of perscnal !:)ropPrt.,· o'" so.id firm "o:?: sai.d .vear be reduced from ~17A!3 to ~1000, and the p.:eneral oersonal !)ro!')erty tax Dro'l! -"'204.R7 to ~•111. !JO. · The !l.!Jplicntion of Skopmo :rot.ors, Tnc •• ror cancellatio!'l o~ o.ssessment on automobiles in the '.:it,y or '"erp.us Palls .'.'or the .l'P.aT lf/41 1.1rion which 191'1 licenses were U:sued wos reo.a and thP. Board . recommended to the r:om'niSs ioner or: 'l'o.xati.on thnt ssid va.lna.t i.on he cancelled and. the assessed value of : perse,nal propertr of so.id fi.rm for said fear bP. reoucPd fro:n ."·20H6 to !f:·772 and the genero.l perscnnl propert.v tax :reduced from r239.Gf..1 to i·8R.70. '.i'he a)'l•1lica.t ion of Sidne.v 0~. "eterson :'.or reduction of o.ssessment on personol pro pert:,, in the 1 Cit.\' o-D "'erfus "'alls :'.or the .'-'Par 1941 on the {l:l"o1mii o:.'.: erroneous classification wo.s rend and the Board reco-:i•nender' to ':he '.:O'llmis!l i.oner .:if 'Paxation thnt the a.ssesser1 valnP. o.': said pP.rsonal nropert.1• be reduced ~rom M23 to :~Hl3 and the ta;; from '.'·14.1!3 to t·9.54, The ap!1lico.tion of ;'/illiarn t!, "o.hriP.l -·or cnncellntio11 nr o.AseSA'IIP.!lt for money nnd credits in the Townahi_r> o ~ •~liz&beth _.o·r l:Jt,1 in th'! Rum o·" "·!3,000 on thP. pronncl 1:hnt so.id assP.ssmP.nt was a pro!)er chnr17,e n,>ainst thP. Alex Gabriel r.:sta.te vms read and t. he T>o ar<'l having ascert ni.ned t hr-t t sni cl 9ro oP.r t,v was llSl"essP.cl ~or sai. cl years to so..id P.St ate o.ncl that th" ta.x has hP.en pn.id, u rJor, mot ion the n,o o.rd rP.CO'!l'llended to 1:he ~omrnissioner of To.xat i.on tirn.t the asse,;isment af!ninst "'!illiom "· Gabriel be cancellen. The ap~licntion of Arnine !Tubha.rd !'or settlem.,nt o ~ deli.n1u.ent taxes !'or the .reor 19;55 t.o 1940 i.ncl;;s ive ~ains t the s\-or :::ecti on 25 in the To1:1n-of Lida was reacl and the Soard recommended to t!Je Com-,issie,ner c.f Taxation that sa.lci taxes be settled for the sum of ;.·45fi.o1, being a reu110tior1 of :;3!J4.5'7 fror:i the full amount of taxes, penalty, interP.st and costs. 'l'he nppl icat ion of Arrnine 1-Jubbard for reduction of assessment for the fear 1941 i:.gai ns t the S} of Sec ti on 25 Town of :,ida we.s read. o.ncl the Suard recommended to ti·,e Commiss loner of Tnxat ion that the assessed valuation be ;reduced from .~'.1172 to :~533 and tile tax from :;:·90.94 to t4L36. ';.'he a.pplico.tion of Lester ·.-,hi ting, Trustee, for cancellation of taxes :for 1936 ilnd 19!37 ago.inst the ;•1½ of Lot !3 a.nd oll of Lots 4 a.nd 5 in Blocl: 6 of ~hlting's i,dciition to the Village o-f:: litherall on the p.ro11nd that sai.d r,ropertr was o,rneci d11rinie: said peri.od by the Chu.rch of Jesus Christ o:f Lutter Da,v Saints a.nd was used excl11slvell' for church 1mr!lOSes, :,us read ancl the ~or.rd recommended to the ':O'll'lli.sPioner c·f Taxation that i:he a.sseflsed value o't ::'·100 for eo.cl1 of sa icl ,\'eo.rs be cancellecl and the tax • ... c" ... 373 :r i ., 1, !I \ i ! 374. COMMISS'.liONERS RECORD M, OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINN. ll>ATE ...................................... ~Phrue.r..v ... l.0 ................ 193.1.g., IISCU■rl'Y 111:ANK -ANirPIUlft'INCI CO.. ft. a.&IUD, MINN-NIH of _:"-10.!)8 for 193G nnd ::--10.53 for ].!)37 be also concelled. i'hP a.pplicat ion of :=:a.y ::urrn;,.-'.:or reduction o ~ a.1sess:nent :'or the .,,ear 1!)11. e..~i:-inst the !PF and S':11 U"I' of Section 31 1'own of '"/estP.rn wos reod and the ,c.ard recom,1ended to the Co•n'!l1Ss .oner of ·~axat ,on that ~he assessec1 vo.lue of said ororert~, be reduced '.:rom .;4712 tc ?3078 :inci taxes from -~292.21 to :~·213.37. The api)lication of Arnoicl ::;tock ~er rccl1tction or ossess1nent fcr l:141 against the sr..i, Sec. 17 'l'o,·:n of ''/es tern was reatl and the !3ourd reconvnended to the Comr.1iss ioner of l'uxntio~1 that the nssessed volue cf said prOilerty be reduced from -~·1173 to !;833 unci. the t1a1.x :::ram ,'.;83.!)\J to ~:5!:"1.64. The opplicat ion cf Jen 1:oe p for reducti en of assessment for 1 !)41 aguins t tile u;"!-~ of Sec. 17 in ':.'own o-f' ·yes tern was read und the :ioard recommended to the ::om,aissioner of Taxation ti!a.'. the usseased value of said tract he reduced from :;';1174 to :~a:13 and the tax fror.i C!:M.44 te, ~'.70.77. The o.~plicotion or L. r.· qolversen ~or reduction of assessment on purebred cattle in the ?onnship of •~ver!'s for the .rear 1~41 ond ulso for the truns:f.er of soid ussessn1ent frclll Dist. 23 to Dist. 15 \':os read nril the '30 ard recommended to the comm Lss loner o i.' '.!.'a:rn.t ion the t the assessed value be reduced from ."·23V, to -~1758 and the tax.frc·.1 t2G7.68 to !.'.:200.7G. The Board being o: tl:e opinion thut soid propert,r was or.:ipP.rl.v asse;;sed in Dist, 23 declinec'i to recom11end the tninsfer o:-the assesement to Dist. -15. "ie;hwa.v :':nf•inP.er· "· T,. C::andin ]'!resented to the Saa.rd hi.s nnnuol report :or the "'ielr::a,•r Dep:::rt~1ent fer the .vear 1!)41 nnc1 riscnssed vari.ous items er t:1e rPport. ~he ·!'ollo,-:inp. resolution was adoiJted: ~esolution h;,-"'-onrcl o"'.' i::ount.1, '.!ommissioners cf 0tter Ta:il Co11nt,1• '°e11nestinp That the State 1>0,;rc' c'." _Ulotme"lt r.ra.nt to Mt.er ~'Ail Ccunt,v Special Aid Per thP. Tmprovem,~nt o.a a ~erto_in ?.oacl. :111erens, 200 miles c."."tter '."eil i::oirnt_;· ,oscls cor,.1-o. VPhicnlnr trafric of a'1provimatelr 500 co?"s oPr daJ•, end as hir,h as '.'1500 cc.r,=; per do.,r, and, ',"!hereas,-the existinr f!'rnxel sn;.ra.ce is ina.oe,nate ~OT tf':is lE1.rfP. amount o-~ trut,.ic n"1.C the cost o•r maintenrmce is P.xcessive, ond "/J-.erens. there :;.re me.re than 31100 mileo or rollfi in rtter '"nil i::01mt~•. •·:hich is !:he larfest road 'lli.lenre of an,y Cc.unt.r in the '>tute ·.•:ith the exception of :\R.int T,011i1~ •::: ounty, ond ''!hereas. •·J:e amount o'" mcne,rs hereto~ore received rrc.::i the funds mnde a.\'a.iloble b;.,· thP. f-8.S tax ond the 'ltote one mill tax is ccnsidernblJ' less tl:::m 1:iost counties in the Stnte in proacrtion to size. po nu lot ion, r,nd rood m.i leai,:e. and ''/hP.rens, the f·md s no": u,ailablP are notsu·:·•tcient to enable 11tter Tail ~011nt:1 to provide the mnch need"'n i"lprovements ·::hich are necess:,r." cluP. to the larp:e volume o~ traf'"ic on r.iost or the count_,_. road system, ond • :1/hereoe:, l·he ~oi:.rd o• :1011nt.v ~o-:i•'!issiom•rs o-f rtter 'l'ni.l Co1int:; have dP.Sifnf,ten '.'!OTP. than one- fourtl: o• tr..P._ road::: o~ "tter ~'a.i.1 r:ount,\• 0.s either 'ltate,1.id "oads or Count.v U.d :>oocls; and the to•·al rnileaPe .:i• count.\' roads is no,•: 1007 miles, :To":, thereforP., he it :resrlved, tho.t n 1·erruest be ":lade to th!'! Sto.te ,.,or.ire! -:-"!: Allot11-?nt for ::;!1eci.::il '.id tc ossist .in •·h,:, ccns<:n~ction o" the '"cllc.winr pro;ec:t and in the omour,t set :'ortr.. belo·::: S. '--~--!~17 ~etween :Ir>·:: ,·o!·l· ·.:ills and "ei.nolu. r,cnp.th: 5.5 miles; :·-20,000 to aid i.n the :?:ep·adint, and preoaration +·er bituminous surfacing. Adopted this 10th du;· or ~'ebru.ary, 191'2. '.:. _:,. sno,:berr, Chairman. Attest: \'/illiMl !.incoln, Clerk. '.i.'he follo~•:inr,resolution was adopted: :'.esolut ion b;· the •~cord of Count;; CO!:lr.iiss Loners of ()tter 'l'ail Count.v. i.:innesota:. ,/hereas, all e;:!>e!'ldi tu ref; on State ,\id !'!or:.ds in Otter '2ai.1County for the ,rnar 1~41 were li,ni ted to :ne.inte!'lo.nce l:!:•:!)end l.tures, no·-:, tr.erP.fore. be it resrlved, thut :;. ,,. '-Ioffmunn, State i'if,ll\'/u~· Ccnm.isi;icncr, be re,!nested to make ava:i la.blP. to nt tP.r 1o Ll Ccnnt.r, ~or 8tate ;\id -:io.intenanoe pnrposee:, all 1rnexpended lool:mces of previous rears and tl:P. HJU State .\i.d Allot:nent, to be pa.id to ()tter 'rnil Connt:-11pon presentation of reports o;ho·vinl" state a.in roo.d rnainte!loncr> e>:,1e,dit11rP.s ~o;-the .''P.O.l' 1!141: Be i 1: -~•irtl'\,..r rPsoln!d. 1·hpt •·h,. sa~1e s.rrnnr."''ll·",,t l.>e n'l'llied to 'ltR.te '.' d uvn.i.lablP. duri nr l'I,!! .'.'el'l.T l!J~,2. :·:acn'"Pd thir.; 1n~·l1 dr-_,-o.r. ~n':>rner,lr, 1!14~. ·•. '. "~no·::her(', ~•~ai?"""!lar:. :tt:test: "lillin"l Tincc-1"', '.!lerk. "!)on •-1otiol'! t"i]r, ''earn th,.·n r-,r .'cnr1ed ~fl 10 o 'clocl': ··1r>dnr>sdo.r, ,...ebrm:.r,,• 11, 1~1~,2. r>ursmint to ::;./1.'ourn,n<"nt t:he 0 cord 'll'-'t n1· 10 o'cl.:icl~ .\. LI • ./ecinescln:;, :•elJnw.r.\' 11, 1'.H2. rdl membP.:?:S heinr present. . '.l'he llf.lpliootion c": "":rnP.s1: :.:i'"!mermnn :oi· ci.fnrettelicnnsp at '"'rhnrd, nnci the ll!J!llico.t·ion c.r Anna S. Vu~el ror cipo.ret+e licemiP o.t 7opel' s Store in thP 'fo"in of Str,r !.al:e were r:r::m tea. ~O'll"liRsi.c.nPrs :·<1rvo•1P!l 11nd ~t,nderson, nncl ~n~ineer "· T,. fjanctin •·:erP. o,.noi.nt"d ::i CO'llmittce to mP.et ·:ith the ~:tote '?on.rel o~ ~.llob1l"nt relativ" to o.nporti.on'll"nt o": StntP. :~ood rnnds for thP. ~ om·t.\•. ThP. onnlioation of Pen ~ilde :~tor Co. ~or c~ncellntion of nssesa•P.nt for 1911 on nutomobile s in the •':it.v of·;,'er,:rns Fa.Us npon v1J·,ich EM-1 licP.nses ··:ere issnP.d wns reaci t1nd the '3oard reco.nr:iended tc the CO'll•aissionP.r o-r Ta.xa.tion thnt sn.Ld vr.l1vition bP. cancelled :ind the rissP.ssm1 volne o•· personru. pro:)P.rt,y ur said firm be reduced from :·3703 to -'.'784, and the pr.neral 0ersonnl prO!>ert;;; tnx fro·:i ;'\42H.47 to -'.'·!)0.013. 'i'he P.oard discussed the 1nestio11 of ro11cl ::orl: in the C:01mtJ· r:or the co':linc ._.-ear. and being of the opinion thr,1: n.nder present cunditions it i.s udvi:3a.ble tc slio.rplr redll.oe expenses ~·or the coning ,\'eo.r, ui>on :notion it ~:as decider: not te, ce,nstrnct ans new Gom,t:; roods this ;;-ear, u.nd not· to mo.te un.r ne.~ a:)!-'ro:1riu- tions to To~mships for roo.d 11:ork. ?he following bills were ollowed: ~. ~. Henltes boarding _prisoners ,, • IL Haagenson exp.attending meet. Louise Stcnd.ahl mileage P. .\. Ar1derson postage "· ·•r. Glorvigen postaee •• box rent ". "/."'iell 'l'eleriho-ne :::c. long distonce calls ··.11.!':lash •a Door Co. glass ·•rh i tP.heo.ci tirin ti. T1f. Co. print inp. Ferr-us ,'ournal r,o. printine:, etc. Lerson "ros. •'lelilinR; "ilnther' s T,1r~ber Yo.rd conl - Beatrice r-~elvik clerical ·-:ork ~nrchont Calc.Uche.Co. rPntol Ferp:ns 0 Iumbin[' •, 'ltf,. i::o. re 'lr irR '.,!iller-Dov is Co. l>l~ml:s, etc. count,v School ~ Offi cP. Suppl,r ,::o. sn !'!'l i PS Uni tec'i ~hemicol Co., Inc. su Ppl f P.s 252. 75 15. \JO 1.05 26.40 26.00 31.00 3.70 :12. 75 Hli.57 1.00 3r,1,. t12 7.50 l~.00 ~.7f1 14 7. !)f) 5G.2G 7.50 ;: . G. Henkes .E. ,, • no vane LoulsP. St c-nci.ahl 0 • i,I. ~ee P • .'/ .Glorv igen n.:·1.Bell 'l.'elPphone Ufeblad !'ub 1. co. !'. ,'olmson Co. ex pens es o2.U5 exrenses 11.10 posto.Be 75.48 postabe 13R.O!) drivers.license exp. 3.70 lonr distance colls 6.95 printi.ne 5£.130 Sf'cnrity '"1lanl: 1:1001': printing 18.00 •, Prte. !JO. 17')3.25) aseess:re nt i:toolcs, etc. l ·r11scn "nbl. i::o. di.rests 20.00 i::o. r~Mirs, etc. 2G.GO aLntPP.n-:~rst ~lP.o. "'·erpns :0nrnal '~o. ,--iohl1COn --1,rni.1:nre Co. ~eystone ~nvelore Go. li'ree PreHs Co. oubli:;:hing N. 72 ~uttrP.ss covers 12.00 surrl.ies l!).114 suppllr>s 11.4!) ·,P.nll ~, '.:cr.001:nn ']'J. ~11pplies 21.18 7' PAT,~ ................................ '·'ebru:irv .... ll .................. 19:J•42 . ...... "'ranl:oviz Hdwe. Co. suppliP.r. 10.1R Hillyard Sales Go. supplies ~. T. ~olcomb Ufg. Co. snppliP.s 10.00 Imperial Chemical Co. supplies •1ohnson Service Co. supplies 25.13 Fritz-c1·oss eo. supplies Poucher Printing ~. The Pierce co. supplies J,ithoe;raphing Co. supplies 30.23 3urrougho Add.!:lche.co. suppl.ies w.S.Darle.r •• Co. suppl.iP.s 27.84 O'Meara's Deµt. store sui1t>lies Victor Lundeen & co. SUt>i>lies 271.25 Victor Lundeen ._, co. supplies ,i. A. Linquist sn111>liP.s 3.60 Bristol's sn,Jolies City Typewriter Service typewriter 3: supplies 38.00 Clarence H. Au11e hauiing ashes otter 'l'ail Power Co. lignt bulbs 18.48 City of Fergus Pulls wuter,light ._, sewage otter Tail ·Power Co. power 22.65 Il.,'l.Bell 'l'elephone oo. service Bruce Tns urance Agenc.1• ins•lronce 106. 57 Insurance Service Aeency insurance 77 .oo 11.20 5.66 G.56 6.31 64.30 353.00 1.00 6.50 195.19 .58 12.38 Underwood Independent lhotices to taxpayers 4.05 Perham x:nterprise-Bulletin pu11lishing per- Pelican Rapids Press publishing personal · sonul p!l'o_o.ta.x list 19.3.78 propert,I' tax list 263.20 Battle Lake ~evie~, Do. 137.38 The l"enninff Advocate i:>o. 141.40 The Incle·,;iena.ent Do·. 121.85 De':?r '.:1·eek Mirror .Do. 125.138 Under,vood Tnclepenclent -Do. 101.03 E'er1_n1s ,Journal ~o. Do. 496.18 Ne\V York !;!ills qentld Do. 152.38 Slrogrno Co.fe meal1:1 !.'or ,inrors 20. 40 Harlin ;!e.rnolds _ia iler 18. 00 EstrP.m ~linic an•topsy · 25.00 s'ranl: c. ~ornes r.!u.nicir,al Juoge' s fees 30.'JO William CuP.i?.OVI constable fees 18.00 Chorles Culstacl Dep.Sheri ff' s fees 7 .00 s. "· Helscn Dep. Sheti·i:-r:• s fees 18.25 °e.ter !'in!:, .'r. Do. 13.50 "· 1:'. !-'inze Do. 9.00 Dr.'"/. A. r,ee coroner';; fees 16.05 Sverdrup Scand.!Jut.rns.co. insunmce 11.48 tr. L. Sandin cash p.dvanced · 13.45 '<. L. Sa•ndin · P.Y.!)enses 70.25 T,.vle Tollerson expenses 16.35 (lle Lee ex,>enses 22.80 i.iahler 'c Straus !1arts 29.76 ri• hormnn\'/.Rosholt Co. parts 19.52 Geo.T. 2.v0:n co. parts 41.30 Wm.H.Zie~ler Co •• Inc. parts 420.68 Nntl.Hushine:-, Pnrts Co. ·parts'• supplies 234.!>3 nHnstad Fd\·1e. 1:1uo,,lies .98 ,elican Snppl.\' Co. supplies 5.60 B.,orklunc! Mff. co. snjJplies 18.37 ~esset •c l'lestb.\' snrplies 21.39 . !-'icols, Dee.n •• r-rege Stlppl.ies 125.60 ;•1inther's Lu'liber Ynro su!)plies 2.00 H.,L'?op.ers Jo. suppl.ies 3.08 F.ur,ene Dietzgen co. sn!)plies 2.09 OlsoP.. Auto Electric Co. repo.irs 21~.70 ;;enson's Auto 1'/reckin_g Co. repairs 3.00 ,'oe P • .toeas repni.rs 2.25 Dalton Cartlf'" repairs 4.75 ' So uncle rs •Jo. re pui.rs ;3. 74 ;J. TT. Schmidt repairs 18. 10 l"rieurich Co. r-ci-;,nirs 1.13 Vauehn Ghevrolet co. repairs 7.29 Ziee;ler ".:: Jonnson Oil co. repairs 1.95 R. J. Schmidt repairs G.40 Fergus Iron Vlorks· Co. repairs u.00· L arson Bros. repairs 64.20 ,1-!inn. Motor Co. tirP. .'!: re.pairs .71.50 Bill Nelson's Oil Co. tire 20.00 Pnper. Calmenson 3o Uc. steel 111.16 St.Paul Corrugating Co. cattle pass. 353.40 Frost Paint ,% Oil Corp. paint lB.60 Willer~. 'l'eis-bert; Dcrng Co. paint 7.35 r.:. D. Sage storage 5.00 ::: . Jr. Kade], sawing wood 7 .3tl Henning Fuel co. coal n .. G5 Carl Hammond gravel 45.15 Sophia Davidson gravel 245.33 Hubert Lill gravel t •• 20 Fred Riepe gravel 3.00 \'/alter Perala gravel 10.45 Christ Ecl:hoff: gravel 20.35 Pelioan 'l'elephone Co. rentnl 2. 65 ;ve.llin 'I: Johnson equipmP.nt rental 25.00 Fetvedt Tllue Print Snap prints 3.93 'fill. Pelican Ropid.s water 2.75 Whitehead Printing Co. forms · 26.50 [L:'l.13ell 'l'elerhone Co. servicP.s 11.60 F.r/.3ell •rel,..'lhone Co. long distance calls 1.40 Otter '.l.'a.il newer Co. po•r!er 48.88 Henning C'il Oo. prestone 2.65 resch-Dertin1?er T,umber co. lumber 79.11 WilC'.ox·r.t1mber Co. lumber 15.50 Lainpert Lumber co. lnmhP.r 2.90 Hills Oil Co. gaso'l.ine, etc. 7.57 tTiphway Co. rent i., ra.soline 32.12 iilotor Inn Garae;e gAsoline •• reoairs 86.20 Avis '3owman r.osoline ?J.77 Perhnrn Co-op. Oil co. gasoline 7.21 standard Oil Co. P.osoline 115.50 otter To.il co-op. Oils Tnc. r-asoline 21.07 ?.ill '.lelson's Oil CQ. r.asol.i.ne 34.21 Tobin's ·•rorthwl,i.le Station e;n.P.Gltne 1.60 Field ~, Hngr.e Oil co·. DiesP.l fuel 222 .50 '.i'he Oil Store Diesel rnel, etc. ~;i .05 0 enrose Oil r.o. 1Jiesel !.'uP.1, etc. 111.02 '.i'owr1shio of i:verts road work 464.50 '.i' own of ·rordensk,5old rono v1ork 500.CIO Tod·d coimt.v road work 37 .42 l:'.stre,n Clinic ca.re b-f 90,tlpl'!r 6.00 i:linn. ~·:tnte Sanatori11m core of patient 113.20 Sand ::ieach Sanatorium core of: p0.n[Jers 3f.7.6fl Clen r,aJ:e Se.na.tori11m cure or 1mupP.rs 2113.61 Dr. ~,. C'. :1cT.ane exarninr..t:i.ons 6.00 Estrem Clinic e;.rn.mination 3.00 :!rs. \'Irr.. Schneller room for tro.nsi."!nt .50 Victor !Jundeen 'I: Co. supr,lies .50 'Pawn of A-nor core or poor.1941 T~.25 'l'o•m o-~ Dane r>rnir"i.e cnre of poor, Ei4l 43.50 'l'o•1m of Dead Lake Do. 333.20 'l'own or F.ar.le r,olre Do. 80.60 1.•ovm of P.f.nn Do. 151.51 Town of F.verts Do. 18.11 Town of Lida Do. 82.31 ~•o,·m of Norweizian r.rove Do. AA.A4 T own of Otter Toil Do. 486.82 Town of Otto Do. 102.02 Town of Sverdrup Do. 70!).09 Vill. Clitherall Do. 59;55 Vill. "9enni.ng Do. 306.00 Yill. ;,elican Rapids Do. 517.21 Vil!. Under,1ood Do. 472.57 Vill. Vinine Do. 419.86 City of Fergus Falls core of r,oor, July Battle La!,e Hdwe. Co. supplies 35.58 to Dec. 1~41. 7646.20 Gerald l'jostelson repairs 3.45 Ste.ndard Oil co. A.Bent Diesel fu-el 20.75 Fergus Oil Co. Diesel fuel 83.75 ·resch-riertinger J,umber Co. turpentine 20.00 Fred ::ell er coal 28. 34 G. H. 1:auppi repnirs 14.50 Gamble stores supplies 22.72 Fred A. r:verts supplies 3.01 Ray's Service Station repairs 4.50 !1Iinn. !-Tighway DevelO!lment Assn. services 25.00 MaJ:)le'l!oo<l Twp. road work 500.00 ?ark :legio-n Oil co. gasoline 38.75 L.;•le Signs, inc. reflector buttons 63.06 'iill. of ~attle Lalce vrater charges 2. 25 ,J. J. nae el shovel rental 45. 90 Townshi9 o ~ Woodside rond. work 500.00 Lea.f TJake 'J'v1p. road 1·1ork 500.00 ., • 1,D.,. ~ir:ht foot, Jr. 'l!ercho.ndise, etc. 15.35. Yalmer Y.arvonen exp.attend.meetings 21.50 ;•1. ? • nerf!hu is clerk' fl h.i re 25 .00 Ti int p.en-l~arst fluorescent fixture 913. 70 ,, 0 •. '!:. Amundson ex-p.attend.meetinps 20.60 Geo. ~-GundP.rson exp.attending rnP.eting 9.10 Ji-enry G. uof~ exp.o.ttendine: rn!'etine 7.20 H.W.Bell Tel. Co. lonp. disto,nce calls 5.75 Town or F.lmo co.re of. poor,1911 18!>.TO ':'own of' flt. Olaf. core of poor,1941 198.54 !,'117rtle R. ~e.rnP.s transcript lo.no Upon motion the ~ount.v Auditor v1ai;: ir:istrnctP.d to a.dvertise fo'r hi.els for cnttinp. edg-es for the season 1!>42, said bids to be cp·ened at the semrio·n of the 11oard ·-10.roh 12, 1942 1lt 10 -o 'clocl, A. ll. m,ot, '"'f\J~P. th:n;~~=•' to 10 o'oloo>c A. '1. ;Jaroh ll, 1'42~ Gle~....,-- . 37,5 C@MMISSIONiERS, iREOO~l) M, OTTER TAIL, ·COUNTY, MlNN. IDAT:f.L ____ _l,lo re h __ 11 ~---1 942 ....................................... l~~---- LiI!iUTES OF ADJOURII.RD iY!E!'.:TilJG O? BOARD OF COU!!'!'Y COl:ll:IISSIO!-JERS OF OTTER TAIL comrTY, :.mnmsOT A, Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. \'/ednesd111•, !.ioroh 11. 1942. Present: ()O'llmissioners !~o.rvonen, Gunderson. i:ioff, Amundson and Snowberg. Dr. ~larenoe Siegel, Superintendent of the Connty Sanatorium, explnined to the Soard the case o:f ,11.idith Porkkonen of the 'J.'own of Newton, 11 child afflicted l'litb tuberculosis. The Board o.uthorized the oornmi.trnent c: this child to the Glen T,ake Sano.torinm fer observation at the expense of Otter Tail c.oun~y. A re,1ort of the ~card of Audit of exomino.tion or the accounts of 1'. l:I. Ree, ~otmty 'free.surer, for the period from December 1, 1941 to "ebruar,1• 28, 1942; showing a bo.lnnoe in the Count.v 'Preosur.v ot ssid. last no,'lled date· of .l'-463,869.94, v:as approved. The re~ort c~ Charles L, Alexander, showine: a totol o-.r t61.30 ·fees received by him o.s Court co,nmissioner of Otter '"ail <::onnty for the oolendnr .veo.r 1941, vms approved. 'i'he ariplioati.on of Thos. !,i. Severson f.or ~once permit for the bolonoe of the .l'P.o.r 11M2 at Ui-''IB,\' "ark "'avili.on i.n the Township of r.:Imo wa.s p.ra.ntcd.· · •~he folloivine applications ·,or Oil?.a,rettP. licenses foT. the .vear 1!14£ were gro.nted: a. D. ~uhlia.rd ''!estern Store, i.n the 'l'own_or ·vestern; ,'os. Such.\', nt tTrbo.n}:, in the Tovm o:f Effinr-ton: C'le A. ~;g;::um, nt ":g!!"urh's Stati.on in the '!.'ov:nshi!1 o-r :.10:plewood: "'loyd •~. ·;esto.1, ilorth Dora. Store, Tov:n or Dora. '!'he ·follo,finr,: a!')plioations :or 0n ond rff Snle beer licenses for the one-yeo.r period commencing April 1, 1942 were grunted: :1rs. ~:mrno. Ded:st, Deist's Store, ~ovm of. Friberg:'.:. D, Hubbo.rd, ;•:e stern Store, Town of ·•1estern; ''lo,vd r:. '/esta.d, :rorth Dora. Store, Tovm o'.: Dora; F.. C. i'iilson, ·lunch roo11 at Almora, Town o.f. Elmo; r'. P.. Ash. Ash's Go.mp, Tov:n of 1-:li zabeth; 'l'hos. M. Severson, l'Ji-\'/ay "'ark St ore, •ro~m of -r.:lmo. · · l'he question or pe.,\''llet1t to o.ssessors .for attending meeting c:alled by the Commissioner of Taxation was discussed, und the Audi tor wns instruc:ted to not if.I' nll assessors prier to snid meeting that allowa,nce would be mo.de in everr ca.se for onl,\' one da~•' s time, together with mileae:e. · The application of :.!elvin \'/. :,ltt<:tey for reduction of to.xes on personal property in Maplewood Town!3hi9 for 1941 on the ground ther.t so.me v10.s liste<i through error in D.ist. 145 instead of Dist. lf37 was ;read-and the ~card recommended· to the Commissioner of' Taxation thot so.id propert:,• be tronsferred on the tax bool: to the prc;ier district, ma!:ing the tax e-3,05, a reduc:tion cf :~1112 from the original amount. The appliootlon of ''!alter F'o.bio.n for rednotion of osses.:ment for l'J11 en the SE~ of Sec:. 28 in the 'l'ov,n of i'/estern wns :read and the Board recommended' to the Commissioner of Taxation that the o.sse:ise1 value o·~ said pro9erty foil" said ,veor bP. reduced f:rom :1'>1320 to :181:10, n11d the to.x from ;183,16 to :;:55.44. '!'he o:p-,liontion of Ole O. ~lsh1.1.up: for settlement of delinquent taxes :for 1935, 1936 and 1937 a.ga inst the s:p,.1 sr.:1 Seo. 22 a.nd !-TF.-1 Ji"!~'-Seo. 27 in the Toi-m of Sverilrup wns read e.nd · the Boo. rd recommended to the Co'llmissi oner· c~ Taxo.tion that said taxes be sP.ttled ·!:or thP. m.m of ::':112. 27, beinit a· reduoti.on of t2.7. 76 from the -full ra'!lount c~ taxes, !)ennl t,v. interest <tnd costs. . 'l'he appl.ioc.tio'1 of '..;rs. f.mma "loh·r1anz ·for recluotion of assessed value of ~rsonal !)ro1Jerty i.n ''o ha.rt •ro•msh i fl for 1941 o-n tht> r, r,Jtmd l;h:1t no !'ersonol exem!) t ion was olloweo her ;·ms rend and the ~oil.rd reoom'!lended to the Co'll•nissicner of TaY.ation tho.t the petition be r-ranted, ond the ossessecJ value reduced from ."·379 to :~279 a.nd the tax from (:::n.oo to $2£.f,fl, 'i'he OP!.>lioo.tion ol'. ·•1• '·', Jenness fro r!!dt,c:ticn or o.ssessment for l!J.1,1 Of.ainst the II½ SE;,. Sec:.36 •ro1'!n o? Corliss wa.s rP.ad ond the !lea.rd rec,ommended tu the Commissioner cf '1'11xation th::..t the o.sse,ised :' value o'f said :,ropert~• be redtwed rrom :"462 tc :;·367 and the tax fi'o:n \"'34.1;1 to ,:)27.08. ' The appliont ion of AmoR \'/, ;,obe for clnssiric:oti_on of R~; Nf I:!''I' and rrni SW¼ a.nd s?r 11''1-}. ex. school lot in Seo. 29 '1'0,:n of Co•npton -~or the .•rer,.r 1!141 at homt>steo.d rotes was read o.nd the noard reoom- menoP.d to the Commls:ciionF>r c" 'i'o;:n.tion t hst the ri.Sf:H•:;:sei! 'i•c.lue bP. red11oed from ~:16AO to ~"\1146 on.'! the tex from tl03,15 to :"63.35. · ':'he apnli.oo.ticn of' !':n.lnh T.illemon -~or clnssi"!'ic£1.tion or the· S½ SF.' Sec. 29 ·rown o:!: '3use ~or the YPO.r 1Q11 ut hcmesteo.d rates ;-:as reo.d and ~hP. '3onrd reoc'!lmcnded to the ~ommissicnP.r of 'I'ax:ition thot thP. oss,..ssed' valne be rP.duc:P.d "!:rom ."·1037 to ::'"G23 ond thP. tax from :l'54.!16 to ~27.56. 'i'he ap'>lioo.tion oe ;ndrev: "Eilmquist :!.'er classiri.c:ation or T,ot 1 in Seo. 2!1 and Lots 11.1.nd 2 in Sec:. 30 •rown of 'Juoe for the .\'"al' 1941 at homestead rates vrn.s reon __ o.nd the 13onrd recommended to the :.:ommissioner of ~o..xation 'thn.t the nssessP.d value bP. redu.cea fro'l! :"'1176 to '.'.:90!1, and the tax .f.?·o:n :'.'58.03 to f&l.17, · The a[l'.llic:a'•ion of 'Tanna 1Jhrist.iunson for classifico.tion of T,ots l,2,'.5,9,10 und 12 in :Hoot 12 of Ste.beck's Addition to the '.'illar,.e of Clitherall ·fer the year l'J11 at homcstP.a.,l ro.tes was read 1.mll the 'Roa.rd rec:ommended to the Com-:iissioner of 'i'o.l:ation that the assessed value be redu.oed from i:'1'30 to -~113 and the tax from f·22.20 to :r·l2,93. . ~•he application of :.lattie !::. \'/i,itinc for c:lnssifiC:l,tion of Lot u DlocJ-. 2 North "!)ivision o~ the City ot' Per~·ta 1"£'.lls for tlie ,•;ear 1!>41 at i:c.::1este11d rates v:o.s read 011d it o.9peari~ to the lJOl1rd that said o.pplioont ,ms the o~:ner of un nncHvicied onP.-half interest in said progerty, upon moticn the 0.oerd rec:ommended to the Commiss .. icner o.f '!'a:l!:nticn that half cf so.i.d property be clusF.ified o.t homesteo.d rate, 1Jnd that the vo.lue.tion on said property be reduc:ed from (·lH,3 to :":9P.9, o.nd the tax from t'l31.33 to "-103. 61. The applioa.tion. o•r TTe'1?1o.h "alvorson :!:or reanoti en of nssessment for money uncl orc1: its for the .'{NJT•l041 in the '.'illt1fP. or ~o.11:on was reod and thP. "oa.rd recommended to the COr!lmissionP.r or ·;•a:rntion that 1·he assessed volne of so.id prO!)ert.v 'be rednced from :".-2,000 tc "-P.OO, and the tox from .''6.00 to :,.GO. 'l'he a.p9licntion or Alex n. 1'/en.irer ~or renuoUon of o.ss~ssment '.'o:r 19~,l o{.'si.nst the S~-SW'· and \"/1 ~r.:1 Sec:. 31 •;•o·:.'!1 o-r "luffto?t ,·10s refl.6 r:.nd r,fter f•ill ocnsider!l.ti on the :-oord be inr, Sflt is'fi:ed thut said land wns not o.ssessed out er r.iropcrti.on to other lr,m'ls in the 'l'ownshi·p, urion motion the petition ~ns rP.~eoted. . ~Jpo•n rnotion the noord acl.'ournP.d 1:o 10 o'c:locl-: :\, :•. Tl1ursdn;i, '.Inrc:h l?., l!l•i2. THU:~SDAY Is SF.S~TOi'!. Pursur,nt to o.d;ou:rnm,..nt the 1,0::i.rcl met ct 10 o'oloc}: \. :.!. 'l'lrnrsdn~,. :w.roh 12, 194~.n.ll members beine 9resP.nt . .,ids .Por cnttinf edpes ns advert isP.r-;or b.l' the "loa.rd 1·!ere opened nn<i ren.d, and it D.!)per..ring that. •·hP. bids of nuper. ·":olmenson •: '~o., tind "orchert-TnpP.rsol.L, •no., ot 62~: !)er ·foot por 6 inch edges, ond 921 pF>r ~oot ~or 8 inch P.dpes were thP. lowest hids rec:P.lVP.a, upon ~otion the ~oo.rd accepted thP. bids of thesl." t1·10 oom!"'onies. The following ' J. r.:. r:rentes Louise Stondohl bills were allowed: boa.rdint:-: prisoners postur,e expenses 163.50 A7.26 ,., • I"!. 11enJ:eA !1ou isP !.3tond uhl 28.f30 ''linther' s Lumber Yurd coal 97 .32 36,60 384.22 .COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, OT'FER 'FAl[L .COUNT¥, .MtNiN. DATE ',arc:h ... 12 ..... l '.H2 ............................. 1911'~~ ... . .at...n'-.a.GUD.:JIINN--'llf.l E'rl tz-~ross r.o. oouc: her -Print ine 'I: Li thoe:ra.phinr '.:o. i:: it,\' of ?err-.u.s Falls record bl anl,s wo.ter,light ~ sewa.r-e disposa.l "la.rl:er ''nderwriters,Tnc. insurance '"ere.us ,'ourna.l ~o. pr int ine:, etc:. st. l'a11l 0 oolc 'I: stationPry r::o. -rreie;ht jornmonv:ealth :O:lec. Jo. suJ,plies T,ien °dwe. supplies The "iP.rce Co. supplies Victor r,undeen •• co. SUJ>plies ~ohr,son .Drug '.:o. su.ppli es !lor thern Photo Suppl.\' Co, " . c. "?. P.lllott •:•ransrer hauling !Jelson' s r:!afe me a.ls for :,urcirs 1'orm of '.:l i therall quara.nt ine ex9ense · oouglas :}aunty examining insane ·•r. 0T,. Potter exoenses st. Paul ~orrugeting Co, ·culverts '!iller-Dnvis co. ·su·pplies ''/hitehead "rinting co. suoolies Lien °ciwe, ~o. supplies r-ulseth Supply t:o, supplies G~mble Stores supplies Pelican 1::lectric Shot> supplies T,,vle Signs, Inc. snppliPs Poper, '.:almenson ~, Co. ·suppli,;,s ·Aune "'ros. repairs ~, sup~oliP.s :'ells Standard 9ervicP. repR.irs :inL tP.ci P.lectric '>ervic:e, Tnc. repairs n1son AU to '·;lectr .ic Co. re fl:'!.irs Clay r:onnt.v maintenance otter ~'a.i 1 l'owerco. electric energy r .''l.13ell 'i'ele9hone 'Jo. long distance calls l?ellc:an 1.•elephone r:o.· service 'lie tor S Di ts berg labor •. ~. ~ar-e storare 1-fifhwa_y ~o, rent uenning ~uel ~o. cool '~hrist ~ckho f~ f!"avel r~:etonna Tool r:o. tools ~ep11blic: 1reosotin~ r:o. tar ""ill [Telson's Oil r:o. tires '• tnbes ~ield , qege~ Oil co. Diesel fuel ~oy's ,ervice station eascline, etc. Bi.Ll :·Tels on' s Oil Co. ga.scline Dr. Elmer c. Paulson examination :.'.inn. State Sanatorium ca.re of patient Glen Lake Sanatorium care of patient Victor Lundeen •~ co. supplies. To,m of Clitherall care of poor, 1941 Town or Hobart care of poor, 1941 ':'own o ~ !·'.a.ine co.re of poor, 1941 Town of "omestead care o:: poor,Hl41 125.'37 2.68 175. 3A 29.64 lA.'.Jn 3.66 l!l.AO 12.87 7.50 66.05 6,00 10.4'3 lG.00 W.90 33.50 22.09 54.95 128. 70 13.32 27 .75 !JG.76 77.!10 1.74 2.30 7,12 24.57 140. 78 1.51 2.10 3G.65 73,16 49.25 5.15 3.55 13.50 5.00 12.00 11.00 13.65 13.75 4A.OO 83.96 Afl.21 3.92 32.91 3.00 41.20 2.53 .55 184.29 337.46 2'/,53 130,60 ~gebled ':'ublishing co. ouhl, Financial statement 579.53 u. T,. sand in P.Xpenses 67 .10 The 1,oelsman r.o. sup-plies 12 .46 -Park ""ee,.ion C'il co. gasoline 38.7'5 1entral "66" Station ge.soline 31, 22 ~rank ~. ~srnes :'.unicioal ;rudpe' s fees4?.. 35 nenr,v ~. "off exp.attending meeting 1.AO Yelmer ··a.rvonen Do. 15, 55 0 • ~. Amundson Do. 7.25 "'anama 1a.rhon r:o. ty'>el'!r.iter ribbons u.50 ·~. -P. Bere;huis clP.rk' s hire 25,00 Se cur H.v Blank 'JOOk •c Pr int ing ~o. '·'intgen-rarst ;.1ason '.'uh lishinr '.:o. ~-~·~ell Telephone ~o. Do. -mrp~ "reRs ,..~o. •erpuB ~curnul 10. rtter "'ail ·'ov:er 1o. 1'/hitehead "'.'ri.ntinp; '.:o. l'icols, nean •.: Oregp. Hi.11,vard Sales Co. ,'aps-nlson Co. n.oen 'h:os. recorcls •. hlanks repa.irs Dunnell's Direst lone-di.stance calls Do. blanks pri n tine; oor11er supplies supplies snpplies surplies supplies 122.86 3,36 10.00 5.95 28.60 l.R5 63.55 20.70 6.50 6,85 64.50 1.40 7.25 3.90 Orpheum Drug Store ~, . .D. 8malley. ,, r. supplies [lUblishing 'J'ax List Delinquent City Cafe-,'!;_ Bakery,•· meals for jury Dr, W. A. Lee coroner's fees ~alph ;y. Barke i:nsura.nce Ralph J. Burke insuranc,e Vim, H. Ziegler Co., Inc. parts ~ supplies Jape-Olson Co. supplies '!ic:tor T,undeen <;, Co. supplies Nat' 1, ~11shing •.: Parts Co, supplies Saunders co. supplies "'ergus Lu.md·er •, P.uel Co. supplies Hicols, nean I Gregg supplies Minn. !!inin17 •o !HP,, 'Jo. sup·plies ':'.;iorl,lund l.t!:f. r:o. repairs •.: supplj es "'horma.n \·t. ~osholt Co. repo.irs T,arson '\ros. re po.i rs r:.1.1,13jorltlund 3od,v Shop repairs ,'ohn r:. "eterson insurance Stortroe-n i:ns. r.o. insurance The ~ierce Co. stencils Cit_y of "'ergns "'alls water 'l: lip.ht H.W.t\ell Telephone Co. service :?u.v Larson sawinf. wood Vill. ~ew York Hills garape rent r.1erbert "'i tt-domae-eo :ic~o.be "ros. coal 'IBc\'TlOrt ·:·Pp. r:o. s11rveyor stokes Gopher ~t~mp, Die r:o. sipns 11inn. '..!otor 'Jo., Inc. tires •,; tube TT. l:. Stahl r:o. lubric:o.nts 'Phe C'il Store Dil'!Sel fuel :.lotor Inn Carafe, '3.L. gasoline, etc. Av is t\owman gasoline Dr. Geo. 1·1. '.:lifford exnminati.on Glen Lake So.na.toriu.m care of ;>atlents Sand Tleac:h Sanatorium care o·f oatients G. R. Elliott hauling cotton Town of Doro. care of poor, 1941 Town of ·'.'idaros core o-f f)Oor', 1941 Town cf l!aolewood care of poor, 1941 Vill. o{.r::iizo.beth ca.re of poor, 1940 510.75 12.05 10.50 231.31 2875.38 503.26 1.40 50,97 101.52 2.30' 68.26 127.5l 69.10 10,50 9.97 24.75 52,00 29.79 645.00 3.30 9.42 9.50 3.00 90.00 4,00. llA.16 37,l.3 247.15 19 .00 59.26 27 .oo 31.31 11.88 3.00 47.66 237.'36 120.50 161.76 270.23 '1."!.t\ell '!'elephone r:o. lone distance colls 90.43 87.44 6.25 24,59 450.00 2,80 4.45 56.56 u. T,. Sandin cash advanced John Di eseth Go, eou ipment rent al !"antruc1 •, ~lton sawing wood Consumer C'il Co. ge.s ol ine "!:'enrose "il Co. ga.s, Diesel fuel nel ico.n !la nicls Press "Oubl. ,,inane ial Statement 579.53 Ceo. "-· ".anrlerson ~-A. ~riend, co. 1,elen 'sohn 11 .'". "I ell ';'elephone Exp.attP.nding ·neeting 14.55 paper 32.40 ta.kine-testimony 24.40 tel l'!phone listing . 50 :villia'I! r.uel,;ow constablP. fees 9 .A5 The bill of :::ir. "/. T,. ~urno.p in the sum of :''20.00 fo!· of-thP. Gonnt,r Attorney sayinp: it wos not a le@'o.l chare:e afo.inst ~pon motion thP. noard then adjonrned to 10 o'clock A. tonsi.llectomy 1·:a.s rejected npon o.d\•ice thP. r:ounty. J,;. li'rida,v, :.larch 13, 19,12. "'ursuant to a,diournment the P.o!lrd met o.t 10 o'olock I\.. !:. Friday. !.larch 13, 1942, nll members beinp: presrmt. . The petition of 0 enr.v .:orp.e11son to be set over from Dist. 181 to Di.st. 233 was taken uo For final ac~ ion. · After conside-rat ion of so.id petition u-nd the st Rt em"n ts of the Connt.v "!uperintP.nde~t of Schools 1n re1:,ard thereto. ll"non motion the peti1"ion •::as wrantP.d nnd the l'loard issued the following order, to-wit: , ;·1hereae, The peti.tion of. 11enry ,::ori,:enson, ll legal voter, freeholder o.nd resid-ent of Schoc~ ])~strict !'o. 161 in this 'lounty, reprP.sent inp. that he is the 01vner of the lands hereinitf.J:e . .-." des:nbe~.• 1vhi~h are situa.te in .so.id School Di.stri~t, 1:1-nci ~.join School Dis~ric:t No. 233, and asking t~ac ~e ~:~.th his said lands may oe set off from said distr~c:t No. 1131 to sa.i.d adjoining school dLstr1ct HO. 233 was ·presented to the 'loard of County Commi.saioners of this '~ounty at o. session of so.id boa.rd hUd on the 8th day cf Jonuary A.D., 1942, for the llC:tion of said boarci thereon; and whereas it we.s thereupon ordereo uy said board that a hearing should be had on said petition, o.t a session of said board on the 13th day of ;,rarc:h A. D, 1942 at the Comrnissiuners' Room in the Court House in the '.:ity of. F-ergus•'ii'alls in said county; and v:herea.s it was further ord-ered in aT.ld by said order that notice 377 378 ' BA'i'E, .......................... J.iar.c.h ... l.~ .•.... l.\1:..i ..•................ 193.'.\-.g., -lll!ICUllffY.a:ANK MIDIC MD PRINl1NG CD.0_fq■ a.llU!,'MINN.-llloll o·f the time and place of such hearing be given by poetinr; copies of soid order .in three publi,c places in each o.a the school districte to be effected b.1• said petition. and hr mdlinf. tc the clerk of each o·f said School Districts, a CO!l.lT of soid order at leo.st ten da,vs hef.ore the time llppointed -for such hearing: and ~hereos at thP said session o~ the said Board of Connty ~omrnissioners on said 13th day of March A.D. 1g42 duP. proof o'.: the postinp nncl ser;,i,ce of said orrler of hearine as therein directed 'lnd required, more than ten do.\'-S o:rior tc said last nlll!led dnte, havin(" been made end-file<l, se.id petition was !)ublicly read and ~cnsidered b.y the 'lea.rd, with everythine which wos said b.v s-aid interPsted norties for or ar,ainst 11:ra.ntinf', he pra:,er of thP. pt>tiUo-ner, and said• P,oard bP.inp.: of. oriinion tho.t said· petition should be pranted, it is 1ereb,y •ordered o.nd-determined, that the so.id petitioner and the following ae·scribed lands owned b,v :him, to- 'lit: SF.·' Section 26 r,•ownship 137 ~aTlfe 40 be and the sar.ie nre hereb,,; set o:f from said School District !io. 181 to sai.d ad;,oininp: School l;istrict l:o. 233 an.l eaid lands are hereby mo.<ie a pnrt of said last nc,.med ,.chool I)lstrict -.for oll purposes whate-ver. By order c:: the o.oarcl of '.:ount.v -Commi.ssi.oners. Dsted the 13th da:.' of :larch :LD., l!l12. (Auditor's Seal) '2he followine-a.onliest i ens -for ("',n !ll'lr1 0-r • sale heer ,\pril 1, l!l12 were r-:rantP.d: "owa.rd 11. !-IP.lso-n ct 9hed.v "•:iven ~t DeP.r T,ol.P. "'arlt in thP. 'l'own of r.:verts. c . .11..snowberg, Cho.irmon o.f the Ro1:1ra of Count,v ~omrniss ionP.rs of Otter ':'nil Countv !.!innPsotn. ·· · Attest: ;'/illi.Ml T,incoln, County Audi tor ond Ex-of:'icio ClP.rl: of l3oord. licenses for the one-year period commencin~ in the ';.'own -cf ••;verts, a!'ld Donald ..,razier, The o.oord havinr:; nrran/1'-ed to look -over thP. ::onnts noor "a.rm thr-m tool~ a recess to 4 o'clock ".:.1. !.'-!)On motion ~ohert :.loltP.r was i,uthorized ·to arronw! for materi.'!l and labor for comriletion of □.nd o.dcHtion to the milk housP. on the ,::ount.v farm. '.Tpon motion the Bonrd then adjourned tc •ruesda,v, A!n-il 14, 1~42 at 10 o•...,1cck A. i.l. !,ttest: '! Co-, 1M' PMiss-'f,ON1E®S jB;i;'COD']i) M' or· .. ,· ;t;;f;> r·· ·A1ii',T: co·T:TJMT·Y M' ,t,a,m11,;r. , • ·' •1 • _ -:1: .• -. : . !I\: · n:E.ii ~-· .. n-' . , . I~~ .. -!IJl.fu• 1 •• • ·.-.1Jl:!1:, .. ; ·_. , j :!1)1,i.L!~1. AND' 1911NTINCI.C0,,,8T,.a.GUD,.MINN....,NHI DATE ............................. '. nrll...H .•... l '.J.1.2 ................. 1931-2 · ·r U1JT~'1 "Ti' A n.,.,._!"!'t:''!-r-:~ r.il~~Trnr. rp ~nA ~~n Or,, r,('~!:':!'!'Y r:l';,·•Is<q(llJrrns 0"' fl'l''i'r'.~ '!'ATL Cl'lJ]PY. 'ITf-'l'O:C:(l'j'A. Pursuo.nt to a.d.1ournment the·~oard met ut 10 o'clocl: A. :i. ';'ues,1a,i", Arril 14, 1()42. '.'resent: commissioners :'.urv.onen, Gnncierson. "of-r. A•nnndspn and Sno.:berg. 'rhe ~card ccm;idenid l"he re(!u.est of i.fo:rle Trons .:'.o:r reinstotem1:mt of his contra.ct fer purchase or T,ots 8, 9 and 10 in 'l3lock 3 of lJnnner's 'Addition to Deer '.:reel:, which contract \·1ns in default by reason of non-r,a,vment c~ current taxes fo:i; the year 1()40. After citte consideration, upon motion the Board recommended to the Commissioner of •raxatton that he be permitted to Pll.>' these taxes arid be re-instated in his contract. • A clelegution cf <.;iti::ens from 1)11ttle .Laite and vicinity and frcm other pc,.!rtS of the Count,v appeared to request revocation of On und Off sale .be·er and dance licenses at 3ho.dy 11a.ven in the 'l'ovmship of Everts. ,1.'ftP.:r listening to all statements of parties w-ho were present, o.nd also the statement from ·., .. r:. '·'enl:es, ·Sheriff, the ~card cc,r.sidered thr,t there 1·1as not sufficient evidence to warrant the revoco.tion, and no uction was taken. Citizens from the 'Pownship of Enno pr,esented to the Soard a petitio-n to designa.te a Count.','" Air. Road in said toV!nship. Upon motion the petition was received and pla.ced on file, A delegntion of citi;:ens from the Town or Bntler asl::ed the r::onnt.v to maintain road commencing one 'llile r,,c.st of Butler fltore, thence north to the Count.r line. Upon motion the Board then took a recess to 2 o'clock r. M. R. A. 'l'rovaaten, Commission~r o·r Af.riculture 1'.or the stute, disctiss·ed briefl.v v:e.ed eradico.tion in the '.:onnt'.v und re~uested the Ecord. to PO.I' half of the srdnr.,; o.nd expenses of a Cotmty 1•1eed Tnsrector du.rinr: the summer season of ahout six months. ':'he n,onrd air.reed to tal:e the ma.tter under advisemer,t, a.nd later n17reed to po,,.-ha.1" o·? the salc.r.v a.nd e;:r,enses. not to ei-:ceed a. total of !'450.00 for the .i'"'a.r. ' · The 'l'ov:n "',oerd of ~1af.le T,r.,k,;, re,:p1es ted o. lit tlP. lonr er time '.'or pa.r::ient o -:: a~1ou.nt due ·rrom the ,lro·::nship as their share o"'.' construct.ion o'f Connt.r :~aad. ·~his ref!uest ws.s sranted. A Oeiegntion of ci-tizens t'rom Eloic·:ers :-ownship requested the extension c~ a r~ount:t t id ~ood ln thut to.,:nshi•p. J, delP.r,a.t ion from "'olden o.ncl <Jenning requested extcnsio?'l of count.v Aid ?.cad ·~rem the Almora ~oad in th'! ·;•ov:nship o'f '"olden, north to rJom1ect ..vi th 1·nmk hiph\"m.1· in •1enninf; Tm·:nship. The :Joa.rd reconsidered the applica.tion of :r .• 0. 1'7P.lve'!'son for t·ransfer o'.~ assesement ror ce.t •:1 e for the .vea.r 1()41 in the 'i'o,mshi !> of r.:v erts 'fro•~ Sc ho·ol Di.st. 23 to School Dist, 15, and the r:ount.v :iuditor mis instr11cted to noti:f.r the ":om-~.isE"iomir. c" "'8.7.at'ion that 1;he '!ount.i• '!ommissioners'felt that thct tro'lsfer shoulrl he mad•e. . Dr. ·:;i.ar.ence ~i'!fel, 'lu!ierintend-ent of the •rubercnlosis so.rictorium, re1t1ested the transfer. of ,:chn ·•restb_:; o~ the ·i.'01·111 of :'anlewood to Clen •,a!:e ',anate;rium. The followin~ resolution was adopt~d: ~esolved bi· the ~oeid of 1ounty commiGsioners o~ Otter ?nil r:01mty, :Unnesota: .!hereas, after investigntion, it has heen '!la.de to a.ppea!· to this ,~card that ,'ohn ··1estby, of the ro,·m of. :.!aplev:ood, is of!'lictea·r,ith tnherculol:liS, that he has resiced .i.n· the StD.te of. :.linnet1ota through- , ou~ the year past: thl).t he is unable to pay the uharses for his maintenance and care in the State ; :Oom1torium ond .is without kindrll!d legall.'l liable therefor and able to pa.r the sam·e, No·•:, therefpre, be it resolved by the County Beard of sai.d county thi1t re-1uest be made forthwith 'to ~he Superintendent of the Glen Lat!! San(:ltorium at Oak •;_•erruce for the adm.ission thereto or the said ,'chn ','/estby fer thP. purpose of chest surger.\', and that the Chai.rman cf tl1is Board be a.nil he is hereb,1• a.ntiiorizei:l ond iiil",,utec: to mru:e such re1ucst in writi-ng, pursuant to the provisions of Section 714 r,en°ral ':lte.tutes of ;•innesota. 1913. The charges :l"o!" the maintenance and ciire o:r su.id i:•atient in said sonntorium to be paid b:, the ·:aunt;;: of. ('tter 'l'ail. .\doptet' ,\'lril 1·1', l!l-'.!,2. '.:. :,. Snc•·1berf, Chai.rmcn. :\ttest: l'/illiem T.irieoln, ".:lerk .. ".'he annlica.,.ion of '..irs. :rn:riP Oak ·"or classi.fico1·ion of th0 ~n-" 8P.c. 8 anr 111•1-:1. l'!':'.i. Sec. 17 1•0•-:n o"' ..,olaen :i~ ho-nestead rates "ntS rencl. The •ro"m "oarcl 01• "'Olden hm•inp: !rP.CO"ll':lenr.e~ that triis be not ,zrrntr,,d if ho·~estea<' clossi·~\co.ti.on ·,rus allowed on her lr-nd in "'OWW-Jhip of '.lnplewood, o.nd the ':cord ii~,•in,. ascertoimicl that she ·."las o.llo:1ed this clal'lsir:ic,'l.tion on the Si'/¼ S\'!} of Sec, 19 in :!apleV1ood, upon motion t·11e petition ~as rej~cted. '!'he a9plieatio11 o·f ?nssell :::reamer,v ':o. for rer.ucticn o·~ personal 'lrooert.v assessment in the ".'il lare o~ 1'arl:e rs "ra. ir ie ~or 1911 wa.s read ancl tllF: '~card recommended tc, the Cornmiss ioner or 1.111xo.ti on thot ':he assessed valnati.on c-f s::;.id !wopert:; be reduced ~rem ::·200 to :~·50 nncl the ta.x :r.rom :"·£0.42 to ::'·5.11. The o.pplicnt.ion of''.. E. i:angns for rP.dn.cti.on oi: a.SSP.E:'!rnent on personal propert,v i.n thP. Villa,ge 'of Ifr•w York :.!ills ror· the .i'eur 19,U wa.s reo.d ancl the ~oarci. recom'!lended to the Gom,;iissioner of Taxation · that the aramesscd val ne of· said !'ro pert;r be reduced· fro 'Ji ~700 to :"'250 arul the tax fro in :"'8(). 74 to :'."32. 05 . in ur1nitlon to the tax en ··,1one,1• irncl credits. · •~hP. a!)pl.i.co.tion of :::io.vid '1• 1,e.rnilton for cl::isr,.l·riootion of: the UE.:\· Sec. 26 '!'ol'm of. '."olden at homPstead rates fer the .\'ear H 1-11 wos reacl and the ~card recCJ'll:ncndecl to tl,e n.orn'!lissicm~r or ".'axation thot said lond bti! so clrrnei~ied oncl the assesse!l vo.lnP. reduced from A792 to t,475 A.nd the tax from i;·o:5.99 to :!°'31.22. '~he '.l "'!•licat ion of ,,eo. P, T,enarz -~or cl asr. i. ~ica ti.on of" the Gt S\1/J.. nnd ;:11.-SEf of Sec. 32 ·rown o~ "f''inr.ton f.o::-the .vear 1911 at homestead rntes was reud and the ~o;,,rd recom':'lenci.ed to the ":ommissioner , of ':'o.xation thut said land be so clarrnifi.erl and tbe as1:;iis0ed V!llue reduced fro:n !'·12A7 to .:·172 and the ,tax Crom f76.19 to ~30.91. 'rhe applicofi.on of the Coca. r:ola n.ottl ing 1:0. for cnnc-ellat ion of personal !)ro!1erty tax in . Ne••1 York ;,JillFJ for the ,veer lfJ11 0.11 ti:iP E'rour1ci that the,v had nc, propert.-, in said vi.llac;e was read ond the ':.card .r-ec-o:nmen6ed ta the Cc·nm.Lssioner of Taxo.t i.on thet ':he assessment of .~·.wt a,nd the tax of :;-3.4G be CA!'!Celled. The a:,plicaticn of Leitch Gcnstruction Gu. for ca.ricP.l.laticn of persuiml 1Jroperty assessment in th'! Tomwhip of l-!obart for the :1eur l!it,,l on theground tnut said compan,;;-hod no property in sc,.id township wos read und the Boarcl reoomrnencied to the Corm,1isaioner of Tax1otl.on that the assessment c:I: :;'.·522 and. the tax cf .~'40. :12 be ounce lled. '.l'he !l.Pplicut ion of Le~oy C. Lenhart for reduction of asses::iment for the yeur 1941 o-n l:\V¼ SE.J.. unu W! NE?.· Sec. 10 Township of 1,ra.ine ,111s read and the Board 'l"ecommendea to the commise.ioner cf 1'axatio,n thnt the at1sessed value of said property be reduced from :1'.;13013 to ~;933 and the tax from :;;11(),60 ta :'.:·03 .• 30. 'l'hP. upplicutior, of Alex D, Weniger for reduction of assessment for the J'enr 1941 en the S~· s·:1~ arid :•1~• SE:'· of Sec, .31 Town of t\ln.ffton was .read and thP. "',card recommenced to the Commissioner of '!'axation that the assessed .value of said property be reclucecl rrorn :l'-15,29 to ~'•12,73 ·und the tax·from :)llD.27 to :;;9().2'. , The ap!)lication of "red '"li;je.rvi -for classificction of an nnd~vided one-half of the S ½ SE~, : 1,ec. 3 7ownsh:i!l of nlowers "'.'o:r the .venr 1939 at h•)rnestead rotes wus reno and the "Roard reco'.llmended to the Commissioner c:: 'l'A.xation that the assP.ssed voluati.on of said property be reduced from f,"791 to t632 und the tax :'.:roo:i ·"·69,77 to :~5G.63. 1'he ap!,liCAtion of rntterencient School Dist. 21 o·~· the '!i t.v of ]'err.us Falls ror cancellation of assessment und tax again::it =,ots 1, 2 ,.,.!'lf1 3 excP.pt the south 15 ft. of same, 1rnd a.11 o·f L ct 4 in :3lock 6 379 380 Ce>MMISSl@NiERS fRJECOR0: M, OftE:R TA:JL. COl\Ji:NiTY, MffiJi. . -- IDATE ·-----·-·····-··-•··-··· ;,pr i 1 ... 14 ~ ... l \/4 2.•---····-·-·-----··19312, _ IID:URITT,m:ANIC IIOOK "AND PRINIINCI c;!Pi..!,.a:r, CLCIUD. MINN-n1•• o!f~·~"fi:ne Original Plat o:r the City of FergusFcl ls for the year 1!141 was read und the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation thut the valua.tiou of ,::3562 anu the tllX df {,597.13 be cancelled on the ground that said property is exe:npt from taxation. . Off Sale beer licenses were ;:ranted to ,;acl: Solinger for ~ross lfo1nt }~esort in the Tcwn of i.le.plewood, and Eggnm' s Stnti.on e.nd Store in the To1•mship o l' :.{aplewood. on and Off snl ~ beer 1 ieenses were &ranted as fellows; S,ylvester Shasky. 1'own of .:::orliss; H.erman .rue, \"/oodland. 'Park, To~m of '.:irard; .~ucq11es Fendr:i:okx. nut1er Store, Town o-f -autler; ". I'/. !,Ieier, Pleasure Park. Tovm of Ott er Tnil; Berman l'/eiol:ert, resort. ".'own .of Perham; Herman Abel, ShedJ-r>o int, Town o-f ~l.izabeth; "· ';l. Allenson, resort, ';'own o.f Leaf Lnke; ,'oseph 1!, l'/aldorf, lunch room at Urbanl:, in ~ov1n o-f -~~f"f:'.inE?ton; ,;,reci Schu.ltz, '!len I.Iile T.,ol:e ~esort, ·Tovrn of Tumuli; C. ~-Matthews, Comp Bal-norol, 'i'own of Otter 'l'n.il; A. F. Fannernan, on r,ots 4 and 5 n.1ock 1 in Luce; ,1os. Such.1•, Urbank, in ':'c.wn of. r-;l'rineton; Albert .~anuszev1ski, r.esort, 1'own of Perhnm; ·•1. 1!, ,'t\ep.er, resort, Town oE Star Lake; ~-Hull, ~attl'!! View "ark, •ro~m o~ Girard; ,ioe H. i!'ehrenbach, .:'oe's Tradinf! "ost, 'l'o1•m or Otto; S. J. "'ruth, ·0rnth's <:onfectioneJ:1• at Urban.le, Town o.'.:" P.:ffinrton. A commnniont Lon was received from UO"l ~•ra::i:i.er. ,:he had been granted On und Off sale beer licenses for Deer Lalce Park in the Tow!1ship of :Rverts, at the l1c.rch meeting or the '3oard. :.rr. ?razi.cr stated he would be unn.ble to operatP. thP. !:.locP., and inasmnch as the lice-nses 1·1ere not effective until April first an-cl were returned to the conntJ• before that t.i.rne, the 'iourd ordereci the li.censes cancelled and mone.v refnnded to :.Ir • .,..razier. r.n and 0-ff sale beer licenses, da!'lce permi.t. and also cipo.rette license ~or balance of .vear were franted to Tver "lond~r Rt T,eaf J,ake "lea.snre Grounds, ~own of: J,ea:f I,t,l~e. Dance P"rmit f.or On and n-r:·r sale beP.r licenses 1·1ere e:ranted to•'. !'. Steel, Spr11ce Lodpe, To•'.'n of Star T,nl: e • Ci."'aret.te licenses fro·n Lia.\' 1 to ])eoe,nber 31, 1!142, l~ncl do.nee permit for the bolo.nee of the .renr 1942 were p.:nmte<i to C. ,,. Uatthew!l, '.fa.mp T.lelmornl. To1•m of Otter Tail. Dance per'!li.t ror On and Of" sal,;-h"'"r licensP.s were f.ra.nted to Louis .'. '.:ihlt,r, "':ice T.nke Pavilion, Town or "obort. DanoP. pP.rmit was granted to ·1. T~ •• Jaeger. "\onrd-house, in Tovm or Star T,c.l:e. Ciearette licenses for the calenc1ur .vear 1!142 were granted to C. 3. Cl11rke, Hillview Store, Town o:r Paddock; a.nd Rufus K, Hull, Battle View Parle, Town of Gir-ard. Cigarette license :for the period .from l.la,y 1 to December ;31, 1042 v1as granted to O.B.Allenson, reso1·t in Leaf L~ke Township. Cigarette license for the perioci from .'une 1 to Det:emlier 31, lDt.2 l'lllS grant eel to :.!rs. Thea Sall, Amor Park store,• l'own of Amor. Cigarette license for the period from April 1 to December 31, 1042 was gr('.ntecl to .:ack Solineer . . Cross ?oi.nt ~esort, Town o:r: !;iaplewood, Cif!arette license -for the period from :,larci1 1 to December 31, 194'2 v:as granted tc F.. C. and. :•/. ":. 1'oms, Shoreview GrccP.ry, •ro1•1n o.r. Amor. Upon motio.n the Board ad,journed to ;-,e_cinesda;;', April 15, 1942 at 10 o'clock A. !L "ursuirnt to aa~ournmen1" the Board. met at 10 o'clock .\. l.!. \'/ednesda,v. April 15, 1942, all members be inf presP.n t. Trv.inp. !las.!_!'.e. I,Ia.vor, and .1oseoh Ra.\'ner, Street Co'!!~1issi.oner of 1Jncler•11oocl, re,:iuested the !3oard to furnish oil for T"!!>airinP. the oiled county uid rond i,o. 12 rmrni.nt~ through the Village. 'rhe Com'!lissioners aereed to see that that was done i! possible. The appliofltion of. Geo. \'/illiams for On c.nd Off sr,le heer license at Lakes.ide ~'illine: Station on 7rnnk 'R"ifhway No. 3 in the 7ov:nshi!) of Auroal w11s read. '.:omplaint im.ving been mode to Connt_,, authorities :in regard to the O!')ero.ti.on o!' thi.s ple.ce, the mo.tter wns thoro111.7,hly coiasider'!ii, ond upon 'l!Otion the o.!)plicotion wn.s re,j~cted. The applico.tion of. Arthur Abra.hnm for oigorette license nnc:l n.lRo for On end Of'' St!,le beP.r licenses nt Ahra-ho.m's rPsort i.n the Township of Dorn wa.s prontecl. . A delP.gation of citizens ~resented to the "loar/1 n !>et.i. tion -for extension of Gonnt.v rond ea.st of Underwood to ~attle T,o.ke. After li.steninp to thP. stnte:nents of' interestP.cl .pc.rties the pet-ition •:a.s orderPd placed on file. A reilort or the ~o:n-d of l,ndit of examinot ion of the current tux collP.ctions or the Connt.v 'i'r-easurer for the period from JunP. 25, 1941 to .'a•111ary 3, l!M2 showin~ o totnl or -~·376,612.82 collected and distribnteri to var.ious funds wns a.r!1roveci. · Upo-n motion the :loarcl then took u TP.cess to 2 o'olocl: ''· !.!. ~•he application cf Mrs. Geo. r.und_y for On ond Off sale beP.r license at lleinola Cafe in the Township of Otto was granted. The Board til.en toolc up the question of appointment o-f Counts Hlghw~.\' I:ng.ineer for tv:o yenrs, commencing I.lay 1, 1\/42. Cornr~issioner ICarvonen moved thut the Board cull for o:,pli.c:o.tions for the posi.tion of T-Tieiiway Enc,ineer. 'rhere 1'1as no second to this motic.n. A motion by Commissioner Gunderson and seconded by Commissioner A1mmdson t hn.t H. L. :;and in be re-uppoin teo County llir,hw~y Engineer for the two-year period ~ms mode. The motion ~:as ca.rr.ierl, Cornmlssioner ,~arvonen votinf; ''No". The following resolution was edopted; P.esclved by the 'Board of Gounty co,:imisoi.oners of Otter Tuil GoLtnty. I.linnesota; That the r:01mty Highwny i;:n3ineer be author i.zed to issue time checks -Cor the purpose of snlnry payments to all rnaintenance emplo.vees, engineerinr employees, constrnctior, em!)lOl•ees, anci for the f'entel or trncks and mowers necessar.1• for the maintenance of r.011-nty roads. AdoptPc'l this 15th dn.': of A'.)ril, 1942. ~-,\. Snowberg, r:hairmn.n. Htest; WiJ.liamT,incoln, Clerk.- 1'he -followinc resolution r1os 11.dopted: Resolver: b.11 the ",oard of. r:01mtJ' i::ommissioners of Otter ";'a.il r.ount.v. :!inn(>aota; That the salo.T,\' of P.. !, . Sand in, Trip lw:a.•r P:np inP.er. 11e nn_d th~~'W"ereb,v is -r i xeil at the sum o·f :~2,970 per .venr, oo,7mPnt to he mnde at the r~losP. of each month on warrnnt of the r:ount.v Auditor. Adopted April 15, El42. C. A. S!1ov1berg, Chairman. Attest; Willi.nm T,incoln, Clerk. Resolution b.V noar/1 of '.:ou.nt,11 ~om·:1i.ss i one rs of: Otter ·.rai 1 Connt.v. 13e it lierPb.~-resolved, that the 1·1age rntes for emplo.vees or the count.v !-Tighway Departr~ent be a.a r.ollows: Assistnrrt •1neineP.r G.50 per aa.v; rro.~ec:t J~ririneer 6.00 !)er day, Draftsman 5.50 per cloy, , Cha.inman 3.50 !Jer doJ'. J,Ja.inten0:nce -foremen .45 to .55 pP.r hr .• T,o.bor--!la:i.ntenance . 35 to ,40 9er hr., Teams .25 ner hr., rrnck rental .50 to ,70 pel: hr .. i,iower rental ,:30 per hr. All mo.intena.nce emplo.veP.s tc, furnish O"m trons'lortotion. Adopted this 15th da.v o-r April, 1!142. r:. A. 'lnowber,<:, Chair'!lon. :Attest; William Lincoln, Clerk. 'l'he -~ollowinp. resolution waR n.dof)ted: P.esolved by th'! 'lonrd o"'.: Count.I' r:ommissic,ners of otter mail '.:011nt.\', ·.annesota: .C01MNUSS:liON"ElRS RfCORD, M, OJ1EiR 1'A!l\L COt11}ffY, MIDN"i:N. IDATE ................. APril ... 15 ~ ... l !142., ........................... 193.42. .1111i11RRLBL:6tl _!ftlNl1NG CO.,.Sl',.CLOUD..MINPil--11111 Th~t the.., follovii1;g amounts be a11d the.v hereb.v are trnm1 ferred rrom the fur1d.s mentioned to the Poor l"nnd o,. the 1.,011nt~•. 1.e.: :"rom thP. Old Aee Assistance !"und t'l,078.21; Prom tJ-e Poor !"e.rm i"und $1,200; from the Cattle ':'uberculosis Pund ;i"l06.19. 'l'he Count.\• Auditor is instructed to mEike the necesso.r.:' entries on the records of his ofri"ce. AdoptP.d April 15, l!J42. ,. A. snowbere. Shairman. Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. The following "bills were allowed: ,J.C. Henkes boarding prisoners 147.75 ,:. C. Henkes r-:. ,, • J?ovo.np. ex_r>,mses 26.00 T,ou.ise stondahl r.oui!le Stondahl pesto.re 58.96 "?. i,I. ~ee expenses ex.oenses postage !)1.03 39,flQ,1 ·•,3'1.21 1•1i1li11m !,incoln 'loar/1 er /,udit 69,00 "· :y, ,".lorvigen :tillP.r-!)o.vis Co. "blanks :5313.25 Sattl':' T,,;i.ke !'eview '!'err.us ,'ou rnal "o. pri nti ~~, etc. 4!J ._55 1-'ri t z-r::ross -";o. clrivers license exp. printing •'L25 16.00 n.2·1 12.70 ·.1ason P.ubl. Co. a.nnota .• 1ons 28.50 l'.W.'?-ell ':'elP.phonc '.:o, OttP.r '!'ail "owerCo. power 16.R7 '~it.v o-" ]!erpus "'e.J.ls "/inther's Lumber Yard co·nl 428.24 nept. o.r Ae,ricnlture, Town of Inmn.n IJ.llorantine expens-e 13.50 Dairy '!: Food Oswald Putilishing Co. supplies 16.18 '.iictor Lundeen •• co. .~aps-Cllson Co. supplies . 91 Hinte;en-l:o.rst rnoff-"eterson Hdwe. Co. sup-plies 2.42 Winther's Lur.iber Yard ':!eall •• i·:IcGoY1an Co. supplies. 11.92 Security ~lank Book '1c record · lonp d ista-nc,P. calls wa.tf!r ~ li"ght weed ero.d icot io,n SUP.!llies, etc. suprilies s111lplies Poucher nrinting .'1c . Printing Co, supplies Lithopraphi.ng Co. supplies 184.61 Northe:rn Photc Supply cc. " Cit,\' •rypewriter Servic:e 1.50 Ugeblo.d Publ. co. snpplies ,1ohnson Drugs enlarger ~~ supplies 115.10 Clo.rence P., ·Aune hauling ashes Insurance l::ervice Agency insuro.nc:e 11.81 Stortroen Insuro.nce Agency robbery ins. "'lentrice J·:alvik clerical work 3.00 Elton's llotel _o. P.estaurnnt meals for jurors · l'/illiam 1Nikkari justice fees 12.00 ''lilliam Gnelzow ccnstabile fees nerrnen .ioJmson Dep.Sheriff's fees 5,40 H. F. Hin1.e Dep.Sheriff's fees Dr, ·•1. A .. J.ee coroner's fees 24.05 "'armers '-iome !!utual 139.15 133.!)5 lll7.15 18.lo '1.4:g 184.00 6,12 9.50 '1.00 25.00 25.15 7.35 . 3.60 '!'homas r. "1elson plat book P. !'c B 2.00 Insurance co. insurance P,"f'. lo.'15 Thomo.s o. Helson plat .books P.ev. 10,00 ~str·em Clinic examinations Poor 3.00 !,,vle ·:•ollcrscn ex,p,mses ~ •a "9 43,80 r.:strem Clinic examination ,~e-v. 3.00. 'L r.:. Schmidt cash advanced 1.10 13,)ork.lund :Ifg. ~o.. sup·plies 3.50 · i ~:ulsP.th supply 'Jo. su9plies 109.70 ,Tim Logan su·ppl.ies l.50 1oe ".: l'/ils,husen supplies 5 .40 .'ensen' s J,.ut o ','/recking Co. " • A5 ''lo.Her s. Booth '1c co. s-upplies 1.94 Victor Lunii-een <::: Co. supplies 125.10 "tiller •.: Teisberg -,supplies 3.54 Prf!d A. ~verts supplies 14.38 J,lahler 't: Straus parts 1.36 !:,.:'I.Sheet •• Iron !'7orks parts 2.92 Dal:ota Tractor .. Gerold. ~•jostelson repairs 10.15 i::ouipment co. parts .9.66 •,. "'· '.,lcDunn repai:rs 1.75 ttitP. ~ep,ion :,1otor co. repairs 4.95 Larson '"lros. rerairs ll.fl5 •1intp:en-rars t F.lec. Go. 9. 60 '.lot or Tnn r.arnF.e re!")a. irs, etc. 61.46 !.!rs. '!'. T-1, Duhn p:rnvel 12.82 ,Tohn r.rismer e:ro.vel 50.flO ' T,ouise 1'1i.lde gr,:,.vel 14.70 :'. "·. Stake . -frP.iP:ht 9.27 ~a,ymond '3ros. :iotor ·rro.ns!). ·rnc:. frei[?ht 2.83 ~lliott •a "1-hitso:, coal-3.20 :.!cGo.be 13ros. coal 120.64 ·,1inth!!r's T.um"ber Ye.rd lath 11.00 •-:. ;:. ll'ronlclin truclc tnbP.s 19.00 Vill. of uP.nn.ing d.ynamite 5.55 ·.•tm. "l. o:stes snowfenc:e posts 6. 00 D11ro-'rPs t r:o rpo ro.tl.on lnmrs 12. 41 •·•.11.Johmiton Culvert Co. culverts 39.6A 'fill. ':'elica!" :~o.pids water 2.75 otter '!'ail Power Co, pov!er 3().40 1;.••1 .Bell ?ele·,,hone Co. lonr-distance col.ls 6.85 !'."/.Bell 'i'elephone ~o. services 5.30 :.1onroe ~o.lc,i,lachine co. scrv.ice 12.00 ·•1adena r.ount.v calcium chloride 26.00 1/ill. of "erharn si.dewald assessment 108,00 ""etvP.dt 'Uue Print Shop prints 3,76 !::. D. Sage garage rent 5.00 11ighwa,v co. rent"' gasoline 25.37 Avis Bowman gasoline 23.80 Sill's Service Stati.on e,asoline 5.04 \'/est Otter 'i'ail Service !Jo. ·• 22.50 ~endicl;:son Service Station " 9.04 llills Oil Co. gasoline 6.>37 Orris ,'ohnson. Agent gasoline 15, 20 Ray's Service station e:asoline 3.50 "'erf.!us Service statio-n easoline 19.57 Otterr;'ail co-op.Oils ,Inc:. etc. 38. 75 1' enrose Oil Co. ·fnscline,D.ieselfuel 73,47 11. I:. Stahl co. oil 59.41 Sto.ndard Oil ~o. ,\Rent rond oil •• Diesel fuel 81.58 Anderson ~, Sandberg Oil Co. :liesel f11el 42.70 •~he Oil 'Hore -Diesel fuel 49.45 r::strem r.linic exam.ination 6.00 Drs. ~oline ':: Schleinitz exsmina.tions 12.00 ·,itJ• Poor De;:,t. Rooin ':: bd. for pauper 27.00 '.;!inn. State ::lanatorium care or po.11.pers 45.40 Sond ~each Sanatorium C!UP. of :,atients 224.45 r.lP.n Lkl:e ':Jana.toriu':I co.:!''! or pvupers 51. 79 St. T.u}:e' s >!ospi tal co.re ot" paup"'r 20 .t~,i "!ill. "\attle T,c,l:e en.re o: 900-r,J.()41 913.27 '!'own o·• 'lto.r Leke c:are o.r poo:r,1941 55.72 Town o? r:orliss Do. 20.on ':i ty l"'oor Dept. trnnspcrting pauper 2 .01 !'.'Y.".ell •~el.Co. lonf! dist. colls 8.55 '!ictor T,undeen 'I: ,o. supplies 1.30 ". A. Anderl'!_on postoge 413. 40 r-. !';. Amundson exr. attenci ine; me et ii"€ 10. 10 "enr.v G. Hofr exp.attending meeting 7,20 Geo. "".Gunderson Do. fl.lo ~'ab1Pr :·orvonen Do. R.10 C,eo.D.Barnnrd Stoticnf!r.',' r:o. book 79.19 A.A.Vollbrecht :.runicipal juror's fees 1.01) ='/alter '"!enino :Junic:ipa;J. ,"uror's feps 1.00 ": .. , . ·•1indrniller Do. LOO Foword ·•:eover Do. 1.00 Sil11s '·'· Scott Do. 1.00 ,;,reel ,,. Cast no. 1.00 "',".Simoson Do. 1.00 Anton ,'.Ancierson Do. 1.00 Wm. P. ~cii.noor Do. 1.00 ·1. C. T,ien Do. 1.00 "<'erne ''o.nson witness f'!eS 6. 2A '.'.art in np,nso11 witness fees 6. 28 '',erle "lawe Do. 3.64 '''·· ,,_ '3errhuis clerk's hire 25.00 H~len "oim tokinr testimony 3.on '~ranl: r:. qarnes 'iunic:ipal ,'uciP-e's f:ees 63.45 1·1 • D. i.forrill rental 10.00 1•• Y. Stahl Go. oil 8().54 f ·11 • :,, Scott, Apent pasoli.ne !3A.!39 -'errus nu '.lo. Diesel fuel 138.£5 i~ielii •• u.nege Oil ,o. Diesel Enel lRl.GF.I '.'/r.i. '·'· '.'.iee;ler Co.,Inc. cutting ed.ges 41~5.30 Paper, ,r:almenscn •• c:o. cuttinp. edp.es 1830.24 l!icols, Deon & Greer, sii:pp'.tfes 58.92 N"atl."ushin,-•• Parts 0o. na.ri:s · 33.00 'ilm,1:r. Ziegler Co.,Inc. parts •a supplies 253.91 'rhcrrno.n ·;1, ~osholt :;o. parts 16.23 Geo. T, Ryan r::o. parts 5.0!J Cummins i)i esl sales •• 8erv. parts 43. 61 l.!ai1ler ',; ~t raus ports lu. 62 Tl. T,. Sandin ex[-ienses 95.05 TT. L. Sandin cash udvanced 12.38 ?elican Telephone r.o. services 2.90 Highway co. gasoline 13.'/l Standard Oil Co.,Pel.~ap. gasoline 38.50 John i.,ieseth r:o. equipment rer,tal 493.75 The bill of G. H. Jacobson in the sum of .::30.00 o.s refund of amount paid by him for services of clerk in the "'arm Credit Ass'n. c,ffiue ·for the months of Oc:tober, ~lovember ur,d December, 1941 was a.llowed, Commissione1:1 ~;off and Snowberg votin8 ":io". 1: ! 381 r I I i I; I~ .1,1 I· I I ~ i' :I, I· i: :1, •l :_1 382 I• ,, »4TE ............................. ,ap.r.il .. J.6 ................................. 193:42d .■a:IIIIITY,Bl:ANIC'IIDCNC'ANDPRINl'ING"C0.1.ff.~ ll&NN_....I .. , '.!.'he applico.tion of Charles A, Hatch for reduction of assessment for 1(141 on Lots 1 and 2 in ~look ~2 of sowman 'I: Dunton 's Ad.di tion to !3attle Lake was read and the Board r.ecornr.1ended to the commis- sioner of Taxation that the assessed valuation of. said property b.e reduced from t9~~ to :;)800 anu the tax from $1)1.6,24 to $98,72 plus special assessments. Upon motion the Board then adjourned to 'l'uesdo.~•. Hay 12, 1942 at 1,0 o'clock A, ;,;1. ·1 ' ~ Chairman. Attest.: Clerk. ZS .C@MMISSiONERS ltECORD M, OTTER TAIL :CO~NTY, MIDNN. D.!JHN11NG at. •. 8T .. .,CLGUD.,MINNcll141 BATE ................... l-iav l.3 ············································J.93i.2.,,. · :1!HIUTc:s OF AD,TC'U:rnED HE!':'l'IWG 01'' BOAF!J; OE' COUWl'Y .'.lO!.ii.iISflIOHERS OF O'i'TF:F! 'l'AIJ, COUIJTY, :,:rnt!r.:SOTA. Pursuont to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. 'l'uesday, ,.lay 12, 1Y42. Present: Jommissioners Karvonen, Gunderson, Hoff, Amundson and Snowbere. 'l'he 1' own Boord of Leaf Lake TCYmship up9eured before the Board. to discuss the responslloility for care of section of road bet1~een East ttnd ·,'lest Leaf Lakes. Residents of .. the Townships of Amor and Otterta.il p-resented to the Board a petltiori to employ engineer to take measurements of Otter 'l'uil J,ake pre.limlnar;Y to tes.tlmony tc. ue ·furnished to the State conservation Department. The Town Boo.re of Gorman usked the Comm.issioners for assistance in constn1etine; road olonf, the north side of: Little Pine Lake in said 'i'ormship, v1hich road hi;.s been mad.e impassable by lee this season. The Board be inf, satisfied thnt this is on emergency p-roposi tion a.no some assistance ls neoessary, 0.11:reed to allow a total of (°;;l,000 to aid the township in constructinr,: road at that point. krembers of the ntter 'l'ail County Farm 13ure,m ancl also the• County Agents Grathwol ond-Anderson, presented to the ijoard the estimate o-r the gxtenslon Committee f:or the coming year commencing .iuly first. The following resolution was adooted: · ?.esol ved b.v the 'loo.rd. or ~ount.v Commies Loners of Otter '.l.'ail County. l,Iinnesoto: '.i'het the sum of :'·3,QOO he set a.side from the ~evenue Pnnd end approprie.ted. subject to the order of hhe Dean of the Depart·nent of Agriculture of the University of !.!innesota, for the support of Connty , Co-operativP. =:xtension worlr in agriculture ,:ind home economics in Otter Tail County for the ;tear beginning i, ~ uly l, l!l42, in a.ccordo.nce with chapter 123, Laws o.f 1923, a.nil acts supplementar,y thet'.eto. AdoptPd. I.Joy 12, 1912. e. A. Snowberg. Chairmo,n. Attest: ·,'/illiam Lincoln, Cillunty Audi tor. U~on motion the Board then took n recess to 2 o'clock n. M. •rhe 'f~own Bo-a.rd of Effineton discussed 1•1i th the Board the ,proposition of oiling street· in Urha.nk. A r!!port of thP. '3oo.rd of Audit of veri ficatlon of the current hi:x Collections of the County Treusnrer for the period from Januar,y.5 to ;,Jareb 11, 1942 shov1ing n total of ::i234,1R0.55 colleuted and distrib1itecl to vs.rious. funds was approvecl. . . 'l'he follo1•1inr, ar,rplicotions f:or dance permits for the year 1942 were grr.ntea: Berman l'leickert, at T,ot 5 Sec. 2 'i'own o:r. Perham; ';.'homos iL SchwiP.ntek, 11t r-;osquito "leirhts. ':'own of Pine L a.ke; G.eo. :~. 'lo wen, . at ~0~1en • s ('.rand View "P.ip.ht s. in the •rown of "ine Lake. 'l'he ~cllow.inr, appl.lcations for ci.go.rettc licenses were p:ro.nteii: Mrs. l~aloe;nll. Johnson, a.t T,indquists Store in the Township of Amor, for the period from ,\pril l to Decem,her 31, 1912; ,,. W. !.ieier, T'leo!lnre "ark, in the 'i'ow-n of Otter r;-a.il, :for the pP.rioil from A.pril 1 to :;Jeoember 31, 1942; 1s.rney P", ond ','/illiam S. \'/agner, ot l'lsf!ner's 'lenc,h in the Tovmship o-r. Dunn, for the period from Uoy 15 to December 31, 1!142; o.ncl ,7. J. Peach,, Peo.oh's :'?eaort. Town of: Dora, for the period from [,lay 1 to December 31, 1942. Of£ Sale beer licenses 1·1ere granted as follo,·1s: L .. C. 'lo.ss, resort in Sec. 36 '.i'own of I:ora; ":. ';, ;:>rs.vton. Dra.vt.cn's !!esort, 'l'own of !,i11plewood; Thomas !J. Wallaoe, Sand Besch, in the Town of Pine Lake John Pranlt. 'i'ro.nk' s Lodf.e. 'I'ovm of Star Lo.ke; i'/alt er J·:lein, Ilo.ryland l~esort, Township of !lush Lo.ke. On o nd Off so.le beer lice11ses were granted as follows: Adolph J:oehler, ot i::oehler' s rescrt, in Town of 0 ine Lake; George E. Bowen, !lowen's Grand Vie~: ~eights, Town of Pine Lal,e; IL D. Heidorn, resort in the• Town o·~ Gorli ss; !"red i"i. I.loll man. :,Inr ion J.1:1.l:e Lodge,. TO\'l!l of Dead LEJl:e; ~•ho mas I'., Schwientek, ;.;osq11ito Heie,hts, Towr, o:I' 1?.ine Lake; !.Iartin Limmer, rescrt a.t ~ush Lake; :J. J. Pea.ch, "eaoh's resort, Sec. 34 'rown of Dora. Upon motion the '.:hairman of the Board ,ms authorized to eJ:ec ... te ea.sernent for aitch across the SW' Im{• Sec. 18 in the ".l'o,·m cf Newton, said traut being to.:x.,..forfeiteci lands. l'pon motiol'J the 'Board then adjourned to 10 o'cloul: :\. M. May 13, 194?.. "W.DN!':SDAY' S S;i::'iSIO!L "Pursnant to o.d.'ournrnent the Board met ot 10 o'cloc}: ~-r.!. \'ledn.esdoy, !,Icy 13, 1942, all members bP.inF; present. The aonlicstien of ". ~. \'iebber "'or onncellat.ion o-~ erroneous assessment for structures assessed or-sinst Lot 11· in Sec. 6 'l'own of ilv.ine for the :rears 1937 to 1941 inclusive and for pa.vme!'lt of tnxes on land o,nl;<r ~or saia rears 1'/0.S rea.d and the Boar.d reocrnmencled. to the C:ornrnissionP.r of 'l'axation the.t the o.ssess·ment ror stru-otnres bP. cancelled and that he be pP.rm:i.tted to settle taxes -:or sa.id ,years for the sum of :(·31.62. . The applicatio-n of ,Joseph A, Siebels for classifici1.tion o·f the NE{ Sec. l'J 'l'own of 1.lutler at homesteud ro.te for the year l'J41 wo.s re11d :.md t.he 3oo.rd r,wommenden to the Commissioner of Taxation that euid 1imil be -so classified 11nd the assess·ed val11P. rP.duced from ~l;:170 to $037 and the ta,: from ::··.100.38 to ~51.26. . The o:p!)lic·at.ion of •1nrve.v o. Ol~on Per clo.ssifica.tlon of NF.1• sn.::. and S~-1 !·lW¾ a.nd T,ots 3 and 4 in Sec. 34 •rown o,: "'rP>erp, for the yPo.r 1941 11t homesteo.d rate vrn.s read encl the Board reco;:imended to the Commissioner o"!'. 'i'axntion that said land be so olo.ssit'ied ond the assessed volue red . .uced from .~1540 to ~1007 •md the ta;: from :l'-Y2.71 to t53.61.-· 'l'he application of Llrs. !·!enr,i' r,eI;:ont -for classifiQation of SE~, Sec. 12 ·•rown of Maplewood at homestead rates for the ,':eo.r 1941 was read ane the ~card recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation thot said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from :~14AO to $946 and the tax -rrom )115.14 to ~66.7&. The application of Anna!::. 0eterson fer cli;.ssifioation or i'lt lW·:, and NW{ s:ll• of Seo. 25 'l'own of Inman for the year l'J41 at homestead rate '.'.'as read und the Board recommenced to the Commissioner of Taxation thut said land be so classified and the assessed value reduced from ~!l60 to $576 una the tax ~rom -~61.44 to $31,82, The application of \'falter Davenport -for class ificat.ion of Sl'I¼ Sec. 23 Town of Western :for the yeur l!l41 at homesteoci rate was read and the 'Board recommended .to the Commissioner of :r-axation that said land be so cla.ssifief and the assessed value reduced from $2054 to !.;!1520 and the tax from $129,40 to 088.75 The a,pplicut ion of :-:ev. Axel Shaefveland for cancellation of assessment for l.Ione.r and '!refits to the value of.$1600 in the City of Ferrns Falls for the ren.r l'J41 en the r.round that said propert.v was properl.v o.ssesfl~il nni1 taxed in the •row.nshio o"'.: Aastad for said .VP.ar wo.s read and the Bos.rd reoommend-ed to the· i:o'llmissicner of '"e.xation that said assessed value o;f: ;:iGOO o.nd tax o·f t,4.80 b.e cancelled. 'i'~e applicetio-n of Otto il. J-:vP.rnstoen ~or reduction of assP.asment for the .vear 1940 ago.inst Lot 10 Sec. 4 onil SP.' s-:-' except tract to Ste.te i!'l Sec. 5 •·•ownshlp o~ Tumuli on the ground that throue;h a clerical error the :l\ssesscr hae acubleo the vo.lun.tton ori 1Jott o·•· these tracts, •1ms reod and the Bon.rd recom"leniled to the '.:ornmiSsioner o:. ':.'o.xation that the assP.ssed value of s.a.icl propert.v be reduued from Nu2 tc ('231 nnil the tax "rom t~5.20 to f:'l'l.60. ~•he np·pl icat.ion of .Uice 1:rA.t1SP. for reduction o".' o.ssP.ssment for t,he .veo.r l!J41 ago.inst Lot 2 Block 32 in 10.keviev1 ,~ddition to the '!i:lle.p.e o!' "arkers -irai.ri.e 11•0.s reacl o.-nd the 'Soard recom'l!endeil to the Gornmiss Loner of •~axati on th.1.t the o.ssessed vol ue o !' said pro oe rt.v be reduced from :!,1312 to :;'·7·32 and the tax from t:l33.96 to :;:74.74. T'he app!ioa1=1on o"!'. !:andiu.s oeterson :r.or c10.s~1:r:.1c£•.t10.r.1 or. Lots ·,, tl, '.I :in 384 I!)AT.Jjl'. ............................• :.11y l.3 ...................................... 191.2A .. . ■IICURrn': ~ ICDOOKANDPrilNTINGCD.,ff,CUIUD.MINN.-IIIH ',Block 20 oi 3owman 'I: Dunton's Addition to the Villop.e or·'3attle T.ake for the .l'ear l!l41 was read and the "1oard recom':!ended to the '.Jom'llissioner ·of ·raxation tha"!: said l:md be so classif.ied and the assessed value ·reduced from ~'.502 to !'·314 and the tax from .~61.!14 to :;'36.00 in additic!'I to special assessments against . s,i. id pro pert.i' for said ~•ear. 'Phe applic.at ion of :':dmund L, Lenthe for concellation of assessment of personal propert.v consist in!! of five unde:::-~rcund gas tonks in the ::it,v cf :'er~us Falls fo!" the year 1941 on the rround that said propert.v was also assessed ·.:·or said year as real estate and te.;:ed accordingly, was rend, and the Board o:eco'!lr:iended to the Commiss icne!" or 'l'oxation that ':he assessed value of. his personal prope:::-t,v be reduoed fro::i -~405 to ::'.:248 and the tax ~rom :;-16,53 to :;:20.50 in adni.tion to :.!oney •a Credits tax. The a~plication of Pairmont Creamery Co. ~or cancellation of ~rsonal property as~essment in -11enninp. Villo.r.e for the year l!J41 on the rronn/l thot saicl nropPrt.•, --:as pronl'rl;; assessed and taxed at ,i oorheod for said .\'ear was reo.d O."ld the ~Ollrd reoom':!eniled to the "!ommiss.ionP!" ct' Taxation thnt the assessed value o·P. :::·20 and to.x of .')2.34 be onncelled. The :'ollowinp. resolution ":o.s adopted: Resolved b;; the '3onrd of Count;; '.:om'!lissicners cf Otter l'aiJ. '.!01mt.v. ::innesot e.: :'lhereas, this Board has heretc·rore contracted with the r-eorf:e 'l'. i~yart '.!ompan.v fer one front ncunted wing for Galion trnck with 11 foot moldboard, and Whereas. same has been delivered to o.nd accepted by· said. gourd, Now. therefore, Be it resolved, that the su:n of .~\644,00 be and the same hereb.r is ordered paid ·o said George T. P.yr.n co., the centre.ct price, and the Ccunt.v .\uditor an<'l. Chairman of the ?,oard are 1ereby au tho ri;:ed and directed to issue to said contractor a w:.irrant on the ~oad and Br ide;e Fund of the ~ounty in said amount. Adopted this 13th dl\V of i.!a.1•. l!J42. Htest: l'/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. the following bills nere allowed: :J. "!, Hen-kes· boarding prisoners ·1 ouise Stondahl eroenses Louise Stondohl postar-e ,r. ·1. C',lorvige·n stamped envelopes ,Ferr.us iournnl '.!o. publishin~. etc. ·security '3alnk 'Book 191.25 65.05 57 .00 112.24 216.25 'l: Printing ~o. reco:..-d 58.50 '.:it.•; Typewriter Servi.Ce supplies 1.25 T.. ~-"ink surrplies 3.05 !St. T>aul "3ook ~ Stationer.v r:o. snp,ilies l!l.!ll · Pouch,.,r "rtp:. •• Lithe. Co. supplies 19.70 Victor Lundeen ~: Cc. supplies 704.24 ,1"ergns ""lumbine 0cl'ftg. '.:o. repairs 1.25 . T,i~htfoot's Shop rep::i.irs 15.75 1 !.Tason "ubl. :.:o. lo;:: supplements 10.00 "'ritz-cross :::o. towels 48.75 City ol' ""P.rf-uS ~alls water •o light 139.15 ;1,--.'.flell •.rel. r:o. lOTlf distance cells 14.!JO '~o-op. Grocery burlap ba~s 3.20 ur. Larsen"s Animal 1lospital services 5.00 Ceo rp.E> •~rner ool ice f; e'!S 3. 00 · uenry ?. "inze ~e9.Sheriff's fees 8.00 Geo. Dr11mmond constable ·rees 5-.00 ': Frllnk c. Barnes ;.;:unici1lnl ,'ude-e's fees 38.50 Dr, w. A, ~iller ~ep. Coroner's fees 11,35 Glen Lake Sanatorium care of pntients 101.10 !,!inn. State Sanatorium oo.re o·~ patient 43.00 :"ergus :i'alls Clinic: exarnino.tions G.00 Victor Luncleen .':: Co. suptilies .20 •.ro~m or. Blowers . ci:..re o:.'.' poor, 1941 75.08 ?own or Inman oare of poor, 1940 119.16 Vill, Deer ~reek cnre of poor, 1941 899.00 August Nelson gravel 100.00 :_;:, Tokrna•n benm 4.00 Highway co. rent 12.00 Nat. !ushing, Parts Co. parts 116.24 Thorman ·•1 . Rosholt r:o. parts 7 .17 Cu•nmins ::Jiesel Sales 'lo Service parts 24.52 ·:'Im. !'f. Ziegler Co., Inc. parts, etc. 75.91 Fred A, i;;verts snpplies 2.43 Service ~-ecorcler Co. supplies 116,22 1• "'rankoviz "'dwe. Co. supplies 2.55 Smith ::o:nrnerciol "lod.v ·•1orks ::o. s119plies 5Jl7 1 Gernld 'J'jostelson repairs 11.30 Larson -qros. repairs 12.40 1i'ergus Iron \'lorks repairs 6.87 Olson Auto 0 arts repairs 6.60 'Tnnson Caror,e re!1airs 8,01 Olson Auto Elec. Co. repairs 12.25 st. Pr.ml Ccrrurintinf( Co. cu.lv erts 12R. 70 1:! ,\1,13ell '.!:el. Co.· loni:: d ist,mc.:e cnlls 7. 70 :.;inn. ;.iotor ::o., Inc. tires •~ tubes 19G.25 ·••. ~L Scott, Afent gasoline 42.59 ~erf_!us Service Station go.soline 25.53 Consumers Oil Co. r-asoli.ne 40,95 '3endickson Service Station " 33,0B :.!ills Oil Co. oil 7.90 Denrose Oil Co. Diesel fuel 'lo rent 59.74 Anclerson 'I:· Sandberg Diesel fuel 45 .00 Fersu~ Oil C o. Diesel fuel SH.99 Elle Riv er Gonorete :?rod. '.:o. culverts 104 .16 11, L. St1.ndin oosh udvonoed 14.96 p elican Tele phone Co. servioes 2,85 John Mark loading ernvel 103.40 John Dieseth -:.: o. equipment rental 475.00 The Oil store ai>iesel fuel 95 .95 v!, P. Berghuis clerk's hirP. 25.00 P. 1!:. Amundson expense attend.meetine 7.75 c. A •. snowberg, Cl.1airme.n ~. '-,. ~~ovo.ne P. -''. Anderson Ferp. us Journo.l :·.r • .-,1. "leotor ~ones ~: :·ro e~er Co. :.!iller-Tla,·is Co. expenses 118.56 expenses 71.25 postcr,e 21.25 publishirtf minutes 6!l.52 notices~ supplies 3.50 record 68. 52 hle.nks f'l.11 supnlies 18.30 stwpl ies 30. 29. r.ie1;.ll ~=-!~cGov:an 'Jo. ':urtis 1,000, Tnc. National 9nehin~ ~ Ufeblnc ''nb 1. Co. ~.oen "ros. Ports Co. '' . 78 "!ristol's 1>eutr ice I:o.l v ik Dept. of Administ:..-ation 'I'he "'ierce Co. Ctter ·rail ~,o.,,·:er :o. N.7.qell ~elephone Co. :.:iobt. Le~o.v '.damso!'! "est ~amFie.v f:!ountl" .'osenh ":n.vner 'i'heoclore · ". ·;'o-':te ':louile !~. -,iel.' Dr. i'/. 1~. !,ee .'/right ;Jemoriol'losp. Sa.nc1 3ench Sane.torium Dr. ,/. A. Lee :lty Typewrit~r Service u.n.Bell Tel. Co. ·l'own o:f' Inman SUj)!)lies £7 .50 supplies 3,65 repairs 1.00 olericol work 34.50 examinations 70.31 stencils 6.47 newer 17 .59 io!'lf. distence calls 7.00 .\m. Lef. t'laf set 3. 00 bonrdinp ilelin1nent 22,14 nep.Shcritf's ·re~s 2.40 Do. 6.61 ~u~tice fees 30.bb ooroner's fees 5.35 care of paupers 2,t.00 care of 9atiP.nts 258.15 serv ioes 6.00 snaolies 1.30 lonr, distance culls 5. 75 uare of poor, 1~39 21B.!J4 cnre of 9oor, 1D41 126.87 1'0i.VH a:~ Inmon ~aymond Eros. l.lotor La.mpe rt Lnr.ilJer Go. ii!. ,J. Schmitz Tronsp. co. freight 2.14 1,:. D. SaBe J1iahler 'r. Straus Borchert-Inoersoll, Tnc. A•w co., Tnc. of hlinn. teuffel % Esser Co. ~amble Stores, !~enning '.:.1-T.Bjorklund ">ocl.•,r Shop nert L. Dnil.V, Inc. Nicols-Dean •• Gregg .'. "· Sohmidt Seven-0 ~ervioe ~o. !:elo Bros. D. n. Cordes :.u nn. :.!o tor .::o. Victor Lundeen~ Jo. 3d s. Grufr ;r.l"l.'3ell •;•el. Co. -\Vis ·1owrno.n T,en S.\'Yerson ·:!est Otter ~nil Service ,John '.'!l'lfn11son 1/!otor Inn Corar,e 3ill Nelsen's 0il Co. '3tandard ~'il ::o. :,r,ent ;?oy's llervice Station Otter 7ail Power Co. H. L. sand in 'l.'own o.f Corman G. Menge John Diwalski "ighway Co, F'ielo 1: Har.ee Oil Co, Yalmer !:arvonen 1-l"enry C. Hof:f. lath . 11. 25 laoor 7 .03 garar.e rent 5.00 parts 9 .61 parts 5;51 parts 1.05 suppl.Les 7 .05 SUfl1llies 1.37 sui111l ies !J.00 supfllles 8.62 snpplies 14.62 repairs 8.50 repo.irs L 50 repe.irs 1.60 repairs 2.00 repµi:::-s 7.91 ste.tiunery 7.10 insurance 13,05 services 8.20 f'D.SOline 2\i.58 ~asoline 54.16 Co. 60.25 ga~oline 44.32 Baseline •• repairs 46.fl3 gas I oil 73.80 Diesel fuel 41,00 gasoline 3.60 energy :n. 77 expenses 109.35 emergenc;: road. we, rk 500.00 grr,vel 3.60 repairs 3.00 i:;1.1s, eto. 15.45 Diesel fuel 175,01 exp.attendinp meeting 6.:50 Do, '• .f30 r ~~WF; ............. : .............. '..'.1-yl-3 ......... ····················· .... i9.'l',,1.J2; .. . az;:_ ~&ANll,,W:~D.BUNDNCI.CIDio:ff•.a.auD.:MINN . I' i. I Geo. 3. i::underson exp.ottend.meetine 5.75 uarli:n, P.e.vnolcls jailer. 4.00 '//illiem Guelzov, rnaraholl's fe,;s 29.::50 c·o.rl·Jahn Dep.Sheriff's fees 30.!'15 Henry Grafe .Dep.Sheriff's fees 17.15 C-eo. ,L li'aunc-e Do. 7.55 ".Jugene !.ioats Do. 23.80 Orrin .Posse Do. 20.70 chnrles nev1e,y Do. 15.R.5 ,,oseph ::la,\•ner no. 22.60 Peter Hlnk. :rr. Do. 23.55 Herman Johnson Do. 20.0'5 A report of the !loo.rel of .-miiit of exo.minatlon of the accounts of "· !,! •. Ree, Cot!,nty i'reasurer, for the pP.riod from :,larch l to April 30, l!l42, showing a balance in the G·ounty Treasury at the clo_se of business· on said last namen date of :~Gl7,1:o48.34 was o.pprov-ed • . The Connt,y Auiiitor was instructed tc, advertise for bids· fo;r Venetian blinds for the -east, south and west si-des of the court House; "ids to be opened at the sessio,n 0f the Board to be held June 10, 1942 at 10 o'clock A. M. Upon motion the Board then adj-ourned to June 9, 1942 at 10 o'clock A. 1,1. ~ Clerk. ·' .385 .;, ,' ,i 'I ,, I ,. ·©@iMnN{ilSSl@N(EtRS·, :REC()R;li), M, @fTElR 'TAIL 1©0W1N:W'¥,, MmNiN. . . . ;emlRITY,~liiiNc-AND PRlih'ING CO.,·■T. Di"MINN.-tlHt; :@;,\;T~'. ........... -.... .Ji!U..\l'.~ !? 9 & ••••••••••••••••••• 194 2 .•............ 193 ..... . l;IH!U'l'ES OF S !:'EC IAL !.Ii-:ET.[l!C 01'' BOA!:D OF COUJ:ITY C011!UISS IOHERS OP O'l"l'ER TAI!. ccumrY. i,IINH;ESOT'/\., Pursuant to call signed by all members of the Boar.d, a special meeting was held at 7:30 O'clock · P. 111 • .Jlla,\' 22, l'J42 at the CoJilrmissioners' Hoom in the Conrt House to uonsider the q.ues t io,n of-I eave of absence for 1ne;hwa,,v t,ngineer H. L. Sandin, and to transact any other business which might come before the meeting, All members of the Board were ·present. Engineer Sandin reported to the Board-that he had l,ee,n re.quested by the. United States Engineers to acce·pt. offer as· a sn-pe;rintend,ent of constru-ctio•n for the contractcr fo;r construction of e.n air base at Sioux Gity, Iow,a. After discussion of. the matter, upon motion l',l;r, Sandin was Branted leave of !l,hse·nce from June 1 to Aupust 31 1942. the -follOV!inf! rr>solut-io~ vras adopted: Resolved by .thr:: Board of Connt.v Commission,;irs o.f Otte;r Tail Connty,Minnesota: That Afton C-lorvigen be and he hereby is nppointed ActinF-Cotmt.v l'iehvmy Enp.imier ·for Otter "Pail 'Count,',' for the period :f;ro,,n June l to August 31, 19<'.'.2, 'lesolved furthe;r, thut the salar,y of said AcUns Cou,nt.v mnp.ineP.r •be fixed at the surn of ;-200. ·per month, ·p1=1yabl:e at the close of e·o.ch mcnth on v!o.n·nnt o'f. the c·ounty Auditor. , 1 Ado·pted !,la,\' 22, 1942. C. A. Snowbere, Chuirman. Attest: i'/illio.m Lincoln, Clerk. A c,ornmunicnt ion .from the Director o:!' the Divisio-n of i'/eecl and -Seed •.::ontrol of the De-pnrtment of .,ABriculture sto.ting the.t ll. s-erious sit1iat.ion existed on the Uar.\' Re-bholz Farm in the •rownship of Hobart •'was reud. This letter called fo;r o. conference on this form, to be held Tula.•, 27, 1~42 ot 2 o'clock P. M. ;upon mot ion Comrni ss ioners I~arvonen, Amundson end Gtmderson were appointed a committee to attend that conference as rep;resentatives of the County Board. There bein? no forthP.r business, upon motion the ~ourd then ndj,ourned V!ithout date. !Attest: """"' ]i I I :I I C©MMISSIONElRS RECORD M, Of'FER TAIDL :(JOUNiY-, M1JN1N. J;)AT~L. .................. &1une ... 9.~···l!.tA.2 .•........................... 193." ...... . ~AND.J!IUNIING.CO..,Sl' .. a.auD..JIINN ...... W ;,mrnTJ~S Q_ji' AD,10URlfED MEETil:JG OF 'l.'HE BOARD OF COU!'!'l'Y CO!·,Il:IIS::iIOll::RS OF 0'~'!.'F:R TAIL COUilTY, 1.1!:H-iESOTA, !'ursuont to adjournment the Board met ut 10:00 A. i,I. TuesdaJ•, ,!une 9, 1942, Present: commis- sioners r-:arvonen, Gunderson, ,;;off, .A.'llundAon and :1no,1berg. Dr, ~larence Sief,el of the OttP.r Tail county Sanatoriurn recommended tr~nsfer of patient to Glen Lake for surgery, a.no the follov1in13 resolution was l'.rlopted; Resolved b,v. the P.oard of Count.v Com'!li.ssioners ol' Otter ~o.il County, !,Iinnesota: 'fhat under the provisons of Chapter 163, Genera.I J,aws of l.Iinnesota fer 1!>41, the f.ollov:i.ng nnmed person bP. an/I she hereb,y is oerti fiecl .for the purpose of chest snrger.v at Glen Lake Sanatorium, the c·ost of so.iii treatment to be po.id for eqnolly b.v the Stnt& of Minne so ta and Otter •rail County, as provided b,v said chaptP.r: :.,rs, .•ulius .'ohnson, l'l"ev:ton 'rownship. Adoptecl .:rune 9, l!l42. c. A. snowberg. Chairman. ~.ttest: William Lincoln. Clerk. The following resolution •·:as adopted: r-:esolved by the '3oord or r.onnt.v Commissioners of otter 'l.'a.il Count.v. ;.annesota: i/hereo.s. this 13ourd has heretofore contracted with Slcegmo r.rotors, Inc. for the !mrchase of "Dodge 'i'ruck in mwho.ne;e for 1935 ;~eo True!. ov:neii b,V the County, and "/here:;s, said Docre 'i'ruck hr..s been deliverP.d to and accepted b.'T the Count:i, now tl!erefore be it resolved the.t the County .-\ud itor and ':ho.i.rman or th•~ Board are authori. zed und cl irectP.d te issue to soid Skog:no Lio tors, Inc. c. wa.rro.nt on the ,~oo.d and "lri<ir,e"'1md of the Count.v-in the sum of. .!-1200,00, the smeur.t due•acoordinp. to sain contrnct. r.. A. Snowberf_l:, Chairman, _ Adopt eo th is 9th do.,v o: .:une, 19"r2. Boord of •::ounty Commissioners, Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. Otter Tail Co1.mty, :,ilnnesota. The 'i'own Soard of the •rownship of Everts appeo.reci to discuss the grontil1£! of On and Off SalP. lileer ticense to Alfrec1 S\·1enson at Deer Lo.ke .,,arR in so.id township. After listening te all statements o-r the ·,srions members of the Boa.rd, upon mot:ion the l ioenses were gran:ted. to Ur. Swenson. · The ap))licatio•II of Frank !.1. J::uc:k for On and Off sale beer licenses at Squaw Point i.n •ro•::nship of Pine Lake was granted, _ :l'hP. following applications for Cigarette licenses w.ere granteo: 1Jhas. Bowers at Bower's 3each, Town of Dunn, from ,June 1 to December 31, il.912; Herman Hue o.t l'/ocdland Park, Tovm of Gi:rard, from .:rune 1 to December 31, 1942; Alfred Swens9n at Deer I.alee Park, Town o-r Everts, from ::[a.)' 1 to Dec,,mber 31, 1942; "'· !'. Steele at Sp;ruce Lodge. Town of S-tar Lake, from :,ill,\' 1 to December 31, 1942. Sheri·~f .:. c. Fl'.enkes request~d. additional thirty days time for collection of 1!>41 personal property taxes. 'Jpon motion the request was granted. The bond of·H. L. Sandin, Connty ijighwoy !!lngineer, in the sum of :t:°3000.00 with U, S. Fidelity 1: Guaranty Company n!'I s;,rety ,:as a9prov ed. The applics.t ien of :,!rs. Viola Gleason for On o.mi Off Sale Beer licenses, Town of !:ush Lake, ' \'las r-rnnt er • Hpon mot ion the Roa.rd t he!1 tool-a r!!cess to 2 o'clock T:'. M. 'Phe apa.>lication of :!ary ":. Coffman for reduction of assessment on r,ot 4 except Storiy Po.int in Section 25, ~own of "!verts ~or the ,VPar 19•10, on the p.ro1md of. excessive valuation was read and the ~oo.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation thn.t the assessed vol ue of S!.'.id -riro pert.•; be reduced from f\531 to ~53 r,nd thP. tax from r·35.49 to ::'.;3,41. '.l.'he a.ppHca.tion of i.Irs. !.larie Oak for c:lo.ssi.fication of SJ}, Section 0, and !l"'I-'· IIB~:. Section 17, Township c-r ?oldP.n, for tile yeo.r 1941 at homestead rates wus read, and the Boa.rd recom-nended to the Gommi ssi cner of 'l'nxat ion ths.t said land be so class if Led r.nd the assessed v o.lue reduced -from :;.·1155 lo r,693, and the tax from :~·97,71 to :~52 .. 56. The application of '..Iartin Linrud for clnss.if.ication of 1:-r.:¼-S\V1 , Section 27, Town of :-'olden, for thP. year 1941 at homestead rates was read, and the :Joo.rd recommended. to the CO'llmissioner of Taxation ' that sa.i.cl land be so classified anil the assessecl value reduced from ~106 to ::;64 anci the ta.x from .":8.56 to ,~1 .61. ·· The a.p:1lication of .•ohn F. ,~iohy ~or clessif:i.cntion or SE1 s:•11 Sec. 16 andN":1 1-1\'l·~-Sec. 21 ir. Township of !i:ffine:ton fer thP. yea.r 1941 11.t homestead rates \'.'as read, and the T\oard rP.com:nP.nded to the Commission·er of •raxation that said land be so classi?ied and the assessed value reducP.d from :;'517 to .~·310, .and the tax ~rom :;44. 7'7 to :~24. 13. . Th"! ap"JEcu'.:ion. o-r Harold "· Ouren ror r.ilo.ssi-"icati.on of Sub Lot B of Lakeside Addition to Erhard for the ,;·enr 19,n at homestP..ad rates v:as read and the Boo.rd recommended to the Co~1,nissioner •:f 'l'exation that said land be so c 1 nss i•!:i eci ancl the assrissed. value rP.dnced from '.'396 to ~'248, and the tax from :26.2!> to tl4.29. The apylication o:!:' the State of :,linnesota, Department of !'!ura.l Credit for cancell,;.tion of assessment for the :;ea.r 1937 r..gainst the s½ IWi· und 11\'/} N',t¼ of Section 1 in Township of Buse was read, and the Board recommended to the Commissioner e·r Taxation that thP. said assessment and tax be cancelled., the tax being ()5!>.43. · 'fhe O.!?Plication of '~eter J. Barry for settlement qf /1,el.in'l_ue-nt taxes for 1!>3.3 and 1!>34 against the T-:ast 50 :reet of Lot 3 9lock 26 of the .Original Plat to the City of E'ergus Falls was read, and the Board recomme.ncled to the Cornm.isstoner of Tnxation that said taxes be settled for thP. sum of ::,·64.35, being a reduction of :'.'l!l.68 from the full a.mount of taxes. penalt.Y and interest. The a.p1)li.ca•:ion of "enr,v Leo.derbrand ·ror refundment of taxes for the ,vear 1939 at-a.inst the Sr.:' J-~'(!--. Secti.on2 , Town cf DePr Creek wa.s read anri it oppe::;ri!1f, thnt soid. tax ha.d already been paid, unon ,notion the ne'!:i ti.on ,·:as re.iected. . 't'he apn11:ication o·r. "'lo,1711 rallber? for recuctien of assessment 0!1 !:)ersonal pror>erty in the City o• ~erpus ;"alls -'.'or the ,year 1941 was read, and said applica~:ion being accompanied bl' communication frem the cit,v assessor ancl the cit.1• cc•mcil recom~end.ing that the pPtition l:le denied. npor, rnotion saicl neti-~icn :,:as rejected. 'Jpon motion the '::01mt.)· •~uniter wns i.nstructeil to r,.dvP.-rtise !'er bids for p.ravelling as outlined br ~hP. ':ip.hwaJ• "infinP.er, said bins to be epP.n'!rl a.t 1J •ne0tinf of tlrn ~oard to l,e heln .1 ul.i' l",, 1912 at 2 o'clock T-'. :r. · "pon mctien the r.ount.v .lnditor wo.s ir,strnctec' to [!dvertise for bids ·~er fur·ishinf 1111 lal:Jor ond :.!aterial for oaintinr, all outside •·1ecdwerk in thP. i-:onnt.v ~011rt uouse and .:rnil, inc.I.ud.in,:: oll windo•,· scree!"ls o!1d storm :•1in6.o•·:s, with twc ccats o'.' wh:ite i;a.int; triclder to specify bumcl end ,!uo.li t~, o-f paint; bids to inclv:de an:, '"IP.CP.ssar.v pnttyinf;, and contra.ctor te arrP.e to rem0•:e o.nr paint which rnif.ht be splashed on ,·:indo••:s in the co1irs"! o~ the ,ich. 'Jids ·"or r::etd 5ob to be openP.d ot the sess.ion or the "oora .to be hP.ld :•uesdo,v, .'uly 14,. l!>i2 at 2 o'c:lock ·,. :.:. Upon motion thP. Jonrd ti1en ailjour11ed to l'.1 o'c:loc:k A. '.!., .:runP. 10, l'.)42. Ii --=-------. .l i I, t 388., ll>:A:WE: .................. 1nn"'1n ...... 1 'l!!."' ~ ........................... 193 ....... . . ■l!ICUJIITY,Bl:ANK BOOK AND PRINl'INCI C0,0·ff. a.aun. Ml ,..;.111 .. Pursnant tc ad.;ournment the Board met nt 10 o'clock A. ·• ,7eiinr.sdor, ,'nne 10. l'J42. all .:mP.mbers ~1einp. present. 'Hds -ror -rurnishinp c.nd installinf, ·:enetian 'Uinds ::it the :·:ourt 1·!ot,se·as advertised for b,v the :!3oo.rd. were cnenecl· and reo.ci. :':epresentutives of various :'i.rms submitting bids were hec"'~ in recard to tlu~ 1:1eri ts of the.Lr •ir.:>u.'.,o:f'. l'he aoard tool. the matter lllltier c:ousideratiun llntil lr,ter in the du". _; 'l'he n.nest io!I of removal-of the b11ildinr: belon13tn(; to Perham Villq;e on tr,e Perhwn Fo.ir Grounds where" Otter Tail ::aunt;; stores vur.Lous Sllflplies 1•ms ti:,.ken np, a.rid commissioner J·:orvonen was authorized to a.rronfe :or removal or this building to nnother point outsi cie the grounds c.r1d tc, ma.ke any necessarr repairs, Upo:1 motion theBoarc. then tool-: a. rec:eso to 2 o'clouk P. i,l. '.l.'he ':uestion a:' award.inf, uontro.cts for 1/enetia.n blinds V/!1.S again tni:en up. nnd upon motion the contract ~1e.s awarded. tc '.:. \'/, \'/eislnnder for furnishinr, e.rid installing l,!ackin '!Hinds on the east, south and west sic1e of theCourt i!cnse on all three floors -:.'or the total sur.i of :~1500.00. The following hills were allowea: · ,'. C. Peukes exJ1enses 156.')6 .T•. c. T.Tenkes bccn1ing prisoner!': ". ,~. Anderson postr,pe 2R.. 95 ".Iii. Glorv igen post age •,. box rent ;.T, ··1. Glor,ioen driYers lic,ms'l exp. 6.RO I,ouise Stonciahl expenses "'.. J. P.ovang expi;-nsP.s 90.15 :.rnr.\' '..lc:Donell clericol '3eatricP r:alvik clP.rical work 57.00 ":bba i,I. Adclsman cleric::i.l Alma ~:.nl.!?1/Wrten clerical work 9.00 ;,ryrtle C. 'lanson ol!"rioal Olf,a Torvik clP.ricnl work 'J.(10 ,ieanette r::. Johnson cleric,al WO rlc work "!Or}: work Violet Holmquist clerical v,orl~ 12.00 1,[13.ble 1!. ~osscw clerical work Naomi~-Snobeck clerical work 'J.00 Irene Cnstad clerical work · Fre!'! ~ress Cc. hls.nks . 90 :.till nr-Dc.vis r:o. blo.nks . Security 'Blank "3ool: •a ;,'!, Johnson notices to taxpa_vP.rs Pr.in-tine Co. records •o blonks 312.')7 The 1ndepend.ent ])o. ,;'iictor Lumier.n •• Co. supplies 13ll.15 ~t. Pa.ttl Bo·ok •• StationerJ' cu. sup!~lieri .l.1onroe-Cnlc. :,Iche. Co. supplies LOO Gount.v School •• Ofric:e Sup. Co. PouchP.r "rint'imz •a T.iflio r~o. 82.99 Pgebll!R.d "uhl. Co. supplies r,,ri ti-Cross ~o .' suppl i. es 'J3. 97 nt ter '1'0.il "'ewer Co. suppl i. es Star rrocer,•r supplies c;.50 .1 ohnsor1 :r.rugs s-nprilies ~ountr;;man !)rue; Go. sup1,lies 2.40 ('I. ;; • :'ossen supplies :· T, ien '·'dwe. su-o□lies 6.04 rnoff-"eterson TT(i;ve. Co. sup9lies TTint1.sen,!:erst '':lee::. r.o.suiirlies 14.70 'i'ergus Servlc:e Station supplies Hilly~J.rd ';ales r:o. supplies 12.63 11.W.Bell 'i'el. Co.. lo-ne distance calls F.f/.3"11 'I'el. Go. lone: di.Sta.nee cnlls 7.05 ','!i:nther's Lu1nber Yard cool St. '..:l>.1.lr '\: Gunderson overalls 7,90 Otter ';'oil "ewer Co. • energy <::i ty o-r l"ergu.s r'olls water 'l: light 143.66 l"ergus .Tournal Co. publish~ng minutes 3urroughs Add. !i!che. Co. maintenance 63.85 Clarence R. Aune haul.ing ashes 417.75 26.00 76.70 9.00 9.00 9.00 'J.00 12.00 'J.00 ol.16 4.(.10 1.00 .94 83.;n 16.50 1.56 20.44 i.50 10. :;5 1.18 35.55 302.61 10.B4 51.60 11.00 r.eo.D.Barnard Stationerf Co. reco,d 77.22 Ceo.D.3urnard Stationery Co. steel roller a-helve~ 689.41 ;,rason ·eubl. Co. 1:1.nnotations 7. 50 Johnson Furniture Co. sho.d,es· .,c. W. Letterer constable fees fi.20 Ceo. Drummoncl. constable "!:ees ::ous Caughey constable fees 7.'!/J Geo. I!'.· Henschel sheriff's fees ·:.,oseph Ro.yner Dep.Sheri-f.f's f 0 es 1.50 S. B. Nelson Dep.Sherii::f's fees ,· ,1. •,,. Loe;an Do. 100.')5 Dr. :•:. A. Lee Coroner's fees i Dr. A. !,!a.son ?.anda.11 Dep.Coroner's f·ees 12.40 Dr. ,, • ,1. l'/arnP.r Dep. Coro:1.er·'•s fees ·· Frank ·':. ~arnes l,llmici-pal .'udgl'l' s fees 6U. 45 'i'ereu.s Journa.J.:::o. printing, e·tc. · ., .. r. 'Tar-;el shovel rental 332.10 "'err.us .'ournal r.o. print inf., P.tc. Gorman T,·-ro. gradinF,! 500.00 ~-,1. Bnrke insur•ance "'lorcher1',Tnp:rirE'oll, Tnc. )larts 147 .A5 Geo. ;r. Allen crnlverts :r.,vle -:nlv. 'l: "ipe r.o. cnlverts 37R.19 Geo .. '. Ulen cnlverts Leitch r:onstruction '.'.o. tractor q• scro.r,er rental T.P.i tch construe ti on r.o. trr.,ctor '{; scre:per Leitch Construction ,:o. tra.ctor rental Axel ~ .-Hoilimquist shovel re•ntal :•1.F.Smith Tire 'I: Bo.tt.Co. repairs Seven-0-Service repairs . "elico.n Supply Co. rPpairs Ii Red ·\rrow Garage repa.irs .; 1?.r:·.111. 'I: co. supplies . Y.ulseth Supply Co. suppl.ies ', T:'ark ~egion C.il -~o. e.a.soline iYest •Lincoilm Shell Servic:P. " \'rickstrom (:ar8f.e oil •o gas Standard Oil r.o. 0 .~. gnsoline Hay's Service Stet ion gasoline · Fe;rgu.s Oil C a. Di,.sel fu•el Mills Oil co. gasoline 'fill. '3o.ttle Lake wnter Olaf l~c:kley gn1vel August ~ohnson fill F.r ick.son-'le llecl~s on-Vye Co. lumb•er l'Hehwe:,v-Go. rent Service Recorder Co. recorders Victor Ltmd,ee-n •o Co. sup-plies· Mo,nroe Calculating Me.chine ::a. ma.i ntenanoe N.W.l3'ell Telephone eo. long distance calls Lyle Tollerson expenses Glen Lake Sana.t9rium ca.re o !: patients !.!inn. state '1e.na.torium care or patient r,strem Clinic exominations Dr. 111. ~-. Mi 11,-r exami na t ion N.~.~ell Tel. !;0. lo~g distance calls u. r .. sand in expensea ,\fton r,. r.10rv ifP.n cash advo.nced ~-·A. Stuntebeck repairs Skog mo J,!oto rs, Inc. eo ui n.ment The Service Hecord~r ~a.' r~patrs tienr,v Gi TToff exp.attend.meetiTIB , Vaughn Chevrolet Co. repairs ·•1m-.P.Zie11,ler c·o •• Inc. parts lAO. 25 rent nl . 05 .oo .Tohn Dieseth co. e"l,nj:pment renl:o.l ;501 .12 Cho.rley •'ensk'e shovel rental 8.00 Mahler & Stro.us ·parts 3. 50 Gro.nruc1 Garae:e repa.i rs 7.49 ~inn.~otor Co.,Inc. rep&irs lJ..70 Saul i,lotor Co. repairs .40 Lien Hdv1e. Co. supplies 41.1.64 O'J.!eara.'s supplies 2.32 I•'erg-us Service Stotion e;o.soline 38.'-.2. ~enciickson Service Station " 7 .Bi, nenrose Oil Co. Diesel :tu.el etc. 77.00 7 ield •• Hnep.e C'il Co. :l'uel oil• 3.05 Anderson •a Snndberp. J;iesel fuel 152.64 0lson Oil Co. gasoli•ne 5.12 r.1otor Inn Garoge easoline, etc. 2. 98 John I.'.ark re-gravelling 10. 10 Arthu.r I:nu tson gravel 40. 95 P. A. Ko•mnicke ii'lorin Co. elms 2.01 I/ill. rfew York Ui,lls gar1:1ge rent 10.00 /~. E. Scilrnicl.t <.:ash advanoed 84.59 ,,larlc's Hotel meals & lodgil18 · 9.81 Otter 'l'o.il Pow,ert:0. power 28.00 I:eystone J~nvelope Co. sup,plies 22.75 11. L. Potter e;q:ienses 13. 80 A. Glorvigen expenses 20u.55 Send Beach Sanatorium care of patients 44.40 University 1-!o-s,pital care of patients 6. 00 nr. 1'hP.o. Satersmoen ex-aminat ions 3.00 '!ictor Lundeen '!: Co. supplies 16. 90 l"ergns "'alls Glinic care o·f transient 85.80 c.~.L.\'ons ••Bro., Tnc. atlacid,e 10.00 "elican ';'elephone r:o.. SP.rvices 1.92 I.arson 1>ros. repairs 156.00 •rhormo.n i'/. Rosholt Co. parts 4. 7·2 Yalmer J·:arvonen nt tending meet i?JB u.30 [·'.\''.~ell Telephone Go. services 1.73 :,lohler •a Stra.us .repairs 139.26 S .W .Adams sheriff's fees 5.25 6. 7.0 2.80 23.25 5.35 o.25 10.05 17.00 785.56 406. 72 253.68 647 .-50 196.8fl 591.00 117 .10 2.85 6.30 1.75 21.13 1,Q;3.75 11.58 81.82 57.17 l\l').93 1').18 45.85 01.36 7!).95 55.50 9.00 90.00 3.61 45.')5 22.95 5. 'Jl 15 .35 23.20 210. 70 7.50 18.00 .65 33.00 150.00 3.05 10.50 14.11 14.15 5.35 5.85 5.00 11( . :, I ., ' cUYI.e ... L0.r••·l.9.49 •........................ 193 ....... . _.m,am~IIDIIKMD .. .JIINIINCl..at..Jff •. a.GUD.:JIINN-■ILII i'/, P. :9erghuis clerk's hire 25,00 •rheAdelsman Go. suppl i P.s 1. 25 1', -.;. Amundson exp.att,md.mP.eting 11.50 ~r. ~-A.Miller dep. coroner's fees 5.25 Geo, '11 • Ri111n Co. supplies 54.59 ~/illi'-11?1 IHkl:ari Cummins Diesel Sales·~ Geo. B. Gunderson George !<'. Johnson mileoge· ~~rvie;e parts exp.attend.meeting S!l.lary 'l: e.x9ense, \'feed Inspector 15.75 219.46 9.30 43.49 The following resolution ·(10.s aciooted: Resolvea. by ·the 'loarci•of County Co'l!missioners o~ otter Tail County, !.!innesota, that the fol101ving , ::onnt,1, r::ommi ssioners o:l' OttP.r Tai. I r::ount.~• he ancl· here·by are appointed o.s members of. the Otter •rail C onnt.v \'!elfare <1onrd tfor the ,year commencine; ,'uly 1, 1912: Geo. :3. Gunderson, Penry G. 0 off. and. ?, -::: • Amundson. Ado pt ed ,1unP. 1 O, 194.2 .. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. 1::. A. Snowbers. Chairman. 'file ap,1licr.tion of Ormon and ''urry J:up.ler for cle.ssificnticn of the iIB+, section 27, Town of ?r:iberg at homestead rates •:as rend, and the ~oard recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that so.id land bP. s-c classifiP.d and the assessed value rcducecl ·from !°!1311 to ~707, r,nd the tax from :~85.71 to ~·41,58. The application of Robert Uolter for reciuutlon of assessment on personal property in the ·~o~mship o~ Fergus· Falls for the yea.r HJtkl ,1as read, and the Boa.rel recommenced to the Commissioner of Taxation that the essessed value of said personal prof•ert.v be .reducecJ from :;;oll to t431, and the tax from .'137. 09 to :~~31. 29. Upon motion the Boord then adjourned wi thou,t date. At test: ~~~ Clerk. 389 :©@MMI$SiONilS RJECOiR1l), Mi OTTER TAIL. COlJN'f¥,. MIDNN. PA:'iiE ......................... ,.':uh:.,.l.J •.... l.~.4i; .. , ..................... 193'i.?. ... . !·!IUUT~S n~ ~~<HTT,A~ :.r,F.TTlfCr 0-::, j_1'q'"fi! ~0ARD OF cr:m~r;•y COil!'TS"'TrIP'.Rfl (1? OT'l'1~R TAU ,:rnmrTY. :.miFESOTA, Pursuant to statute the Board met at 10 o'clocJ; A. M. July 13, l'J42. Presellt: Commissioners ,:arvonen, Ctmderson; tJ'of:r., Amundson and Snowberg. '.i.'he Boa.rd then examtnea with S]J.er!-ff ,i. c. Henkes his report of uncollected personal propert_y taxes f<;>r the current year, and after such exam.ination m,ade the following report: Report of the County Hoe.rd of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, of Unuollected and Cancelled Personal l?ro perty Taxes ·for the Year 1941. Fergus Falls, ~!il:mesota, Jul,y 13, l 'J42. 13e it Known, That the CountJ• Boord of Otter County, r,Iinnesota, did meet in session on the 13th day of July 1942, the some being the first session o~ soi-d Boa.rel after .the 10th da.r of ."une, 1~42; that at said session 1::h e Co1in ty Trensurer o-~ said county delivered to said T\on rd the list o :t' uncollected ·personal propert.v taxes .~or the rea.r l'J41 together ~:ith his certificate'thereon s.s required by le.~1; and that at said sessio-n the said Boe.rd d.i.d duly co-nsider saio list of nncqllected taxes, a.nd did cancel such tax,es as thP.y are satisfied cannot be collP.ctea. That the followinf. is a correct list of said uncollected !)eTsonal propP.Tt.\0 taxP.s ln so.id Co-nnt,y -l'o!r said ,year of. 1!)11, as so reY ised b., said "Board, to-wit: P.enalt~•.Fee 'Iotal Tax, Wl•.'J~ C'"' "":P.SOII A~S-~SSED Anderson, Arthur r.. ~arry, Penry '.l'. Barry, uenry T. Berg, ?.oy 13ere:um Ill And erso,n Boen. Tind•ol ph qrase, i.,il ton 9rtstlin, ~obert Brothen, Thorvald t.r Carlson, i::nrl r:. Ghristensen, G. ,. <:hrtstensen. L. ~- <:lovnln&, .~ndrew Dahlen, ' .. C. Doering, Otto , Enderson, Lloyd grickson, G. 1L Erickson, !,ielvi n 1 Fergus 3rewtng Co. 1 Fisher 'I: Conklin Fred's Super Service Froslee, :'ans M. Pros lee, T. ,.r. , Frozim:i., i::ash c. Oripentrog, ~-TT. Gunderson, Gilbert Gustafson, ''! • ..,. • ~alvorson, ~enry (home) l~olvorson, He•nr:1 r-:. (p.aragel 'fanke , ~ha.s . "I, Township or ... Ta.x & Costs Pen ~, Costs ~istrict Dolle.rs i::ts. Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts. ?.emarke r. i t.v ;3rcl \'id. 3-, 06 .66 3.72 Collect Amor .15 • 27 . .12 Git.v 3rd i'i<i. 4. '71 .88 5.59 Cit,v ~rd. '.'/:i. 1.72 .48 2.20 ~el. :lapici s 3'1 .51 4.87 39,38 ::ity 3rd ,'/d. 4,A.3 .90 5,73 Crl'lell 11, 'J2 1.84 13,76 0o.k '!alley 'J.03 C:itl' 1st ''/d. 14,24 1.16 10.49 2,16 16.40 Pel icon ?.a·,,i ds 17. 7-5 2.63 20.38 TJnden,cod 3,83 .77 4.60 City 2nd ~d. 28.D6 4.13 33,09 Vininf '!ill. 38.61 5.43 44.04 ·"elican ~a.pids 6,11 1.11 7.52 ~arkers nrairie Vill. 2,45 .58 3.03 City 3rd ward • 80 .35 1.15 ?elican Rapids 9.17 1.48 10.65 Battle Lake 5.31 .96 6.27 City 1st \Vd. 135.03 18.34 153,37 City 3rd Wd, l9,19 2,.83 22.02 city 3rd wa. 186.84 25.29 212 .13 Uidaros 31.37 4,45 35,82 Vining Vill. 2. 93 City 2nd Wd. l'J,·65 ,64 3.57 3,88 22.53 T'elicon ?.apids 7,00 1.20 6.19 ".:it,v 3rd wa. 1.04 .50 2.34 T\attlP. Lake 3'1, 75 6.59 41,34 Cit,v 1st \'/d, •. 92 . 3,7 1.29 Cit.v 1st \'/d, 7.95 1.34 9.29 Ba t1::l e J.oke 25. 91 3,,62 27,46 1.12 7.57 B:exurn, ':ho rs.If ~ome ;'rade Shoe ,: OhY\SO Tl , 0. i.L .:romrn, \'/alter E. "'riberp; 6,45 'l: ~epe.ir::Service Cit,v-2nd ''Id, 'J.1'1 1.47 :J.0.61 r-•ions !>mil i:'um~Jc7 Willie !:nu tson, ~1,ymo.ncl ' rr.ruli , ,:: a.rl J,evorsen. Ir.ingd,on ~T. T,inder, ,1 ohn "'· Lunt, !ii. i'/. i Mark, .'ohn Martin, Lewis We.rd Martin, Lewis :·!ard Moberg, Elmer !v!onson, "-eorge 'I Ivtyhre, ,,r. <: • llelson, Hels o. Olander, C. A. l'e.rk :-)ee;ion Hatchery Park ?.egion Fatchery Pearson, Elmer Pe(erson, Carl ;J, .Perham Heating ~. Plumb. co. Pettit (',rain "o Potato Co. Pettit C',raln •a Reks·tad, !-:d Potato i::o. !.U·ple.v, Earl Rogholt, Lloycl !loa-enquist, L. \.,1 r, ~un,yon , ," . i> • ~unyon, 1;. V. "lammons, .:roe Sampson 'le Standring S•onbo rn, ~oy Sayer. S. ,,. <;cheidecker, ,7ohn Schueller, "'Im. Smith and Moe-n St~ehlow, ~rnest T,Tenning'iill. • 'J4 City 4th i'/d, 2.10 Huse 4.54 Orwell 25,fl5 st. 01of .7<J Inman 9 ,.22 City 2nd i'/d. 11.26 ~idaros 5,41 City 3rd ··rd.. 13.85 ".:i t,1/' 2nr1 i'!d. 121.45 r.orliss 8.10 ~i ty 3rd ·~•d. 4. 02 Lida 5.57 1Jj_nini:t 1. 58 nnaer;;:,oo,d 6. 39 Git.v4thWd. !l.fle 0ity 3rd \'/d, 1.49 Battle La-ke 120.4'1 Everts 'J.90 Lida ,85 Sverdrup 4,43 •Perham 'fill. 'J,85 Bluffton Vill, 4,51 l'lew York Mills 35. 90 Oak Valley 9.07 I,lapler:ood 11, 31 O:lizabeth Twp. 11.02 Perham Vill. 2.11 Pad,dock 5.81 Poddock 4;76 Scambler 20,43 Deer ')reel: 'lill. 68. 73 ".:tty 2nd •·1a. 5 .52 "P.rhnm "fill. 2.11 Gorman 6. 71 · City 1st ··•d. 32.17 Parkers .,ra.irie Vill, 2 .04 Star Lo.ke 5.20 .38 1.32 .54 2.72 .86 5.4'0 3.72 2~ .57 .35 1.14 1.49 10.71 1.76 13.02 • 'J7 G.38 1.44 10.2'J 16.53 137. 98 1.34 9.44 .79 4,131 .73 4,30 .47 2.05 1.11 7 .50 1.57 11,15 .45 l, 9'1 16.39 136.83 1.59 11,57 .37 1.22 .84 5.27 1.57 11.42 . 85 5.36 5.04 40,'JG 1.47 10,54 1.76 13.07 1,7'3 12.75 .53 2.64 1.02 6,83 .89 5.65 2,98 23,41 9.46 78.19 .99 6.51 .53 2.64 1.15 7.86 '1,56 36.73 .52 2,56 .96 6.24 I ! ' i I ( ,I I: ·, '! ,., 'I j •J !j I I! i ,I C@IMMISSWONE!RS' RlECORiD M, OTTER T:A!It 1C©UNfY, MIDNN. ... ~AANK.DDOK.AND.PJUNrlNCI.CO...BT •. CLGUD.:MINNelllll Super Oil i:o. 'TeskP.. P.ayrnond. '!'exa.co Oil Co •• Thompson, CharlP.J To~tely, S:. A. ;•10.polP., :':udolph '7eise, ·:ia.lter ~. 1'/ell i ver, '/erl}on Winslo~. ~ohn,L. wood, ,?ess ,1 •• Violett, Diel:, E>ATE •........................• T.tll./f ... .l.3., .... E!!i.2 .•...................... 191[2. .... Perham '.'ill. Deer '1reel~ Vill. ~ichville ' Pelican T-?e.oirJs Pel ic:nn ~apid s New "ork i.fi lls ':ity 2nd ''/d. Amor r:,rndo r l!ewton ~01fl'ptor, 18.60 10.96 29.18 7.81 1.38 26. 74 1.95 6.!34 7.25 8.15 15.72 2.74 1.62 4.16 1.29 · .43 3.83 .52 1.10 1.22 1.34 2.36 That the ~ollowin~ is a correct list of the whi.ch said '3oard ore sa~isfi.ed CE,nnot be cc.ll~cted, To,mshi·p personal propert.1,' taxes i.n said and so co.ncelled by soid 13oard, Tax ryen.Fee ~ Costs :!.\l.lE Oii' n~~SOH AS'"'E~jSf.IJ or District Dollnrs Cts. Dollars Cts. Anderson, ,, L. "o.lken. '.;!rs. ,Ji!lhn n,P.ttin, Tj'lrn.n}: '30lt, \. ' Baeder, !:!Uton '!nro.u, "'runl: 111. ~urens, ~-, C. Carlson, Andrew Est. 1nrlscn,. Andrew Sst. Caspers, 1\. T·. :::oca-Cole. ::ot'!:ling '.:o. Cole, Inez c.· ~c: B. L. (:omet Neon si·gn co. Cone. !·:va E. :::ordes, Harora F. DeSoto Cry. •,; Prod.nee Co. •~be:rt. uows.rd •·:is~:i;;.ld, Penry Erickson, ierltort v Powo.rd ~ r.:velyn ~~cobson ~isher. .~. ;'. Jr. "'isher, '.'iclet "'i.ti::h. nazel'""· r.encrnl supply co. Gerh~~dso~. ~ilbert ~l11eJ:-s Drei·1.iTlr ·Jo. f,lueks ~re": i i,p r: o. C rand he rs , T'!':aTlnc.h Grims:rud-Hruison r:o. HaB,rn, urs . Gundo. 'Flnlvorson, 'l'ed Honson, .1 enn'iP. T1nr1son, !.lrs.' I.iolliP. Hille, ;·::;i.re,n :>:st. !lovden, r,e.ur,a A. •rup.hes, '3alo.c:ke Hunter, r.. l'/ilson Hus·nan, '·'.. C • Isa.Jcson, Laureno. 'l. Jensen, o. r:. Johnf;lon, (:. i'/. Jolmson, :,1n r.ord Johnson, Minnie~. Jones, Oscar Kemp, C. I'/. Krantz, Ernest :: • Lake Region Oil tc. Larson, Ole Lindburg, ~aunred N. Lindely, E. Paarl Lindsa:,, r.ertrude Linnell, \rvalee LynnP.r, :,!innie 1,lacll.l, Adolph Ma.gush, ,,ohn Moen, Eel. Service Station Uel eon, ~o l)ert Uewman, "'red :=:. Olson, uans Olson, John :.! • Omen Auto SUPf•l.;, Oppliger, A. C. !st. Paulson, Anton l' av:lQwski, ,iohn Peterson, Albe~a ~st. Peterson, Amelia ~etcrson, D.A. & sori Peterson.Yrs. ~elen l:'eterson, "ira:n u PionP.er !-iemorial 1•ome P.i ":che.1•, nowa.rd Ri tchi.e, " r' Ronne,:,::. E. Rukavina, David r,. Sanf:ord, !-.!orris Newton Cit,v 4th "/d. i•:f:·f: i nr ton r_:it.v 4th ··•a. Ci t~r 3rd Wd. G i ty 3rd. 1'/d . '':Verts Cit .V 2nd \'/d .• City ~.th 1'1d. City ~,rd l'/d. Parkers 0rairir '!ill. Dunn l;i ty 3rd ;"/d. Pacldocl: Deer :!reeli:: 'rwu.- City £Yid 1'/d. - ~it,r 1st ;'/d. '~crliss .Perham V ill. ~i ty 4th '"fcl. City 3rd ''Id. r:i t.v 1st -,a. Dunn "Derham '!i.11. ·Ji t,v-3rd "/d .• '?lu f·fto?'l Vi 11. · 'i>erhom 'iill. Dent Vill. Hev: Yorlc .,!ills' City 1th ;'/d. Amor Dunn Gi ty 1st "Id. t: i ty 1th l'!d. Dunn Dunn D1mn Ne•1!ton City 1st ',"'d. Amor Amor Pelicen 'i'wp. A~nor t:ancior Hew York :,[ills City 3rd ~/d. Battle Lake City 1st Wd. Leuf J.lountuin Dunn Dunn City 4th ··1d. Dmm Gorman Perham Vill. Ci. t.v 3rd i"/d. •'!andor 'Ji ty 1st "/d. Ci t.v 3rcl ··id. Dunn ?nrkers ~rnirie Yill. -Ji ty 3rc1 'Jd. Battle Lake Perham 'iill. ·-,url:ers llruirie Vill. Cit.v 1st ''Id. Eagle T,ake r!it,v 1st '1/d. PelicBn gapias Vill. Cit.\' 1st \'/d. :,s!)lewood candor City 2nd ','Id. City 2nd :•rd. ,;it;y t,th "Tel. 2. 79 1.63 1.12 lG.78 5.75 15.GO ?..6fl 3,45 15,00 2.18 8.17 1.05 9.-19 2,97 5.52 19.19 1.42 1.08 55,73 !l.",6 1.61 1.31 24.flO 1.03 2.86 1,24 4.03 7.69 1.84 12.Gl 1.71 2.14 1.18 l.91) 1.05 1.57 P..41 5.fl7 1.53 .77 4.G4 .53 14,32 41.02 3.00 6.17 1.20 LOG 1.90 1,74 4.94 1.05 .74 .69 4.48 1.00 1.49 1.15 1.74 3.06 2.35 .r.16 .99 2.!io .92 31.31 1.15 1.30 44,00 .Ofl 1.50 9.57 3.68 2,lH .62 . 47 .44 2.59 · 1.02 2.34 .60 .72 2.26 .54 1.34 .39 1.49 .65 .99 2.03 .60 .44 .40 7.72 1.52 .47 .42 3.57 .39 .58 .42 .77 1.2() .50 1.94 .40 .54 .40 .52 .3() .47 .57 1.04 .45 .35 • 8'1 .31 2.17 5. 75 .65 1.07 .42 .39 .52 .48 .92 .39 .35 .35 .85 .38 .45 .40 .48 .66 1.92 .37 .38 .59 .37 4.44 .40 ,43 0.15 .27 .45 1.53 .74 .54 21.34 12.58 33.34 9.10 1.81 30 .57 ·2.47 7.44 8.47 9.49 18.08 Collect " county for said year to-wit• . 'l;Otal '.i;e,;: Len •. a vosts Do 11 srs •'.:ts. !:P.me.rl:.s :3.41 2.10 l.86 19.2A 6.77 17 .'.l4 3.28 4.17 17.26 2.72 9.51 1.44 10.68 3.62 6.51 22.02 3.26 1.86 1.48 63.45 10.98 2.08 1.73 28.37 1.42 3.44 1.66 ,t.82 8.98 2.34 H.55 2.22 2.68 1.5U E.51 1.44 2.011 2.98 6.91 1,98 1.12 5.51 .84 lo.49 46.77 3.65 7.24 1.68 1.45 2,50 2.22 5.86 1.41. 1.09 1.04 5.33 1.38 l,94 1.55 2.22 3. 72 4, 27 1.23 1.37 3.14 1.29 35.75 1.55 1.81 50.15 .35 1.95 11.07 4.42 2.72 Cancel .. ,, 39:t I ; i 11 ·1 I' I · 392 .I Cl'ij\j'-'li1[Mj' ,res' 1iii1lj\'i\:Til,"1ili>s il>i6"CQ!E>,o-'1.•k-Q'iJ''l'E'D TAT·L ·CQTt;N,:Pt, y M1Tnll.l'.-'~T .'\J.~~YJ-__ U(~-~ ~~~,J~~ J. ~~-_. !J:',J -'. ~'"' _/ -~ J:i :_ !I\_ • .. -_ •.l-_ _:_1 '1-. •\!},· • 'II! I_:,. ~t,~.I!,. .■llCURff'Y,111:ANK NOK'AND PRDITINO CO.,•■T•O.OU~ MINN.-HH9, Seler.:-1, L. J. Severson, A. ,, .• Sha•:, ~'rank J,.-(res.) Shaw, "·'rank J,. (shop) Simonson, ,1 ohn Smith, '·!owaro F., SomP.rs, Loren· S 9rae11P., CL 'P. Stensrud, Delia I. •1 StonP., 1~ronk M, st.vniski, ,John 1'endahl, ::!.ildreo L, , 'J'hompson. T. O. Torrison, Orren Werr1ig, r.Iike Wolf Wear~u-well Corp. Zimmerman, Lucille BA:TE: .......................• :':u.l,y: ... l.3., .... l.2.4!:. •....................... 193A2.~ City 3rd iVd. .54 Dunn 1.·99 City 3rd ,Id, .46 Ci t.v 3rd i"/d. 6. 71) Ffenning •rwp. 4,50 !~llBh Lake 10,97 Everts 6.07 Rush Loke 1.01 City ht "fd. .92 Dunn 2.54 Newton 3.43 · .Dunn 1.50 Pelican Ro.;1ic s .45 Pelican !lo.picis 2.17 Amor 1.48 Elmo 1.81 City 1st .'fd. 1,49 .32 .86 .52 2.51 .32 ,•18 1.16 7 .94, .8fi 5.35 1.72 12.69 1.07 ·7.14 .38 1.39 .37 1.29 .59 3.13 .71 4,14 .40 1.95 .31 , 76 .54 2,71 .45 1.93 .49 2.30 ,45 1.94 ;a.noel " " It appearine to this. Board. that the fpllov1ing unpaid peraonul property taxes re·present the balances over a,nd. above t];e amounts comouted µ.s provided by law when making udvanoe oolHict.icns before tax rates had been established, it is h~reby prdere4 thnt sa.id bali;,nces be co.nc:elled o.s follows, to-wi.t: Pen. Fee Total Tax 'i'ownshlp Tax and. Costs Peh. 'l: Costs : Name of Person Assessed or District Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts. Remarks Anderson, Andrew Blake, 'P., 0. D!reher, 'F'. R •. Fiskari. Abner Frazier, C. L. ·! Frend-enberg. Henr.v A, Herzo11, i:Irs. Clara Isaacson, ~i.ctor A~vid Johnson, llfred, ;~. Johnson, ~rnest 1:no pe , Ray l,i. Larson, U f.red Lindbls.d, August (I,;st.) Loween,Carl E. l:Ic:Donnel , Allen ,T. Moo re , Ma.rt in Muckala, ],! i nnie •• Wrn. A. Nelson, Erick Pearson. i,.rthn.r Rinf,quist, .io-hn Ro·bbins, Ed •. !<I, ' Sazama. Frank !.: Anton Schave, !,!arv:in Schram, Alvin Shilier, J·oe Sterling, Ea,rl s wenscn, Clifford Trudson, Gle,n \'/heeler, ~. ·C. i \1/olpert, r.. A, '' Upton, lJonald r.:. The County Boe.rd of Attest: Dane "rairie Gorman l'/OOdBide Deer ·'.!reek :rwo. Pelican '.!.'wo. Ef'fington Lida 'Paddock Compton New York i;!ills eelic:e.n 1"wp. Doro. PE>.rkers Prairie 1'wp, Compton T•'riberg i;le..ine · newton Aurdal Compton i,ia.ine Inmon Gormnn !3utler Parke!rs Prairi:e 'fwp. Compton i,Iaplewood l'/oodsiae Western Compton Dunn Ea.stern Otter 'fail Gonnt;y, :.Ii nnesot e. 1.82 4.22 1.18 2,55 5.43 1.41 2."!l5 2,00 3,69 5,85 2.87 4.. ~;o .74 3,63" 4.59 3.66 1.58 ::S,74 2, 73· 2 .. 56 1.11 3,14 .5G 1.09 .46 3,03· 4. 3.:; .63 1.96 1.46 1.80 .49 2.31 ,82 5.04 .40 1.58 .59 3.14 .97 6.40 ,4-1, 1.8'5 .65 3.60 .52 2.52 .75 4,11 1..04 6,89 .64 3,5l .82 5;12 ·• 35 1.09 .74 4,37 • 13'/ ·n.46 .74 4,40 .47 2,05 .75 4.49 .62 3,35 .59 3,15 .. 39 1.50 .67 3,81 .32 .88 ,50 2,39 .32 ,78 .65 3.of3 ,83 5,16 .33 ,96 .52 2,50 .45 · 1,91 .4'J 2.29 C. A. Snowberg, . Yalrner r~arvonen Geo. B. Gund,erson Henr~• C. Hoff P. E. Amundson Canc:el " ,, " " ., j: William Lincoln, County Auditor. 'Phe·e.~iolic:ation of ,iqseph 'l'rosdahl for settlP.ml'!nt of delin11uent taxes for 1934; 1935, 1936, I 1937 a.nd l!l10 on the u?;-HW~ ;ilec:. 21 and NF.:1-.N\'/·;., Nr;-HE¼ and SW;,. NE¼ of Sec. 20 in 'rovmship of Niciaros wa.s re-ad and the 13oard reo0mmended to the Commissioner of Taxation that SRid t.axes be settled for the sum of !·423,36, being a reduction of ::'-263,67 -fror.i the full nrnou.nt of ta.xes, penalt.v; interest o.nd costs. The application of Steve Helni1mann Jor settlement of delin,,uent tnxes for 1931 to 193G inclnsive ago.inst the• st SE~·. ml~ SE·}, NF.~· S\"/:} and SE-¼ S\"/f of SP.C. 18 in TCW?'lship of Padd·OC'k was read and the Bao.rd rec0mrnended to the Commissioner of: Taxation thc,t said taxes be settled :f.or the sum of f·366.ll being a red1\ction o!: 1!·156,72 from the full iirnonnt of tuxes, penalty, interest and costs. 'Phe a1:i-plicn.tion of. John Lahti :'.:or s~ttlernent of delin'lnent te.xes for the .vears 1936 to 1939 inclusive up.a.inst the SJi1:1 N\'/·1 Sec. 15 Towns)1i9 of Otto was read nnd the 'Board recommentled to the Comrnissione;r of Ta~ation that said taxes be SP.ttled for the snrn of .""29.92, beinf a 1,euuction of !:;3!l.24 f.rorn the f:1.1.J.l a:no1mt of taxes, penalt.Y-, interP.st nnd costs. The· appli-ca.tion of John C,Nill for .cla.ssiriorttion of $'/~ and SKt of Section 6 Town of '.'/estern r.or the yea•r 1941 at homes.teo.d. rate was rea.d· 1md the Board recornmP.nded to the Conunissi.oner o.f. Taxation that so.id land bP. so classified oncl. the o.ssessed value re0uoed from ::~2420 to :'.:1887 o.nd the tax f.rom ::'-167,95 to @123.95. · 'l'•he• o.pp-lication of Hobert 1-lille·r .ro:r classification of SE} Sec. 27 "J'ovm of ~use for. the year 1941 at h0m·estea.d ra.te wa.s. read a.nd the 'Roo.rd recommended to the Commissioner of T·o.xation that said land be so classified encl the assessed valu.e reduced :from :f;l566 to ;;1033, ond the tax from :;~103,04 to $60. 96-, · . · The· ap91ica.tion or. Mrs. gmelia Ueub:auer for classific:atlo,n of Lats 3 and 4, S'.1} SB?i and st S\"I¼ Sec:. 16 Town of Ense for the year 1!141 at h.omestead rates was reo.d o.nd. the Rourd recommended to the Commissio-ne-r of 'raxation that said li,nd be .so classified and the e.ssessed value reduced from ~;lolo to tl!OB2 and the tax from ::;,85.00 to ~\49.90. · · The· ap~licat:i,on of. Emil Johnson for classification of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 anu SE¼· SV/¼ Sec. 30 Town of' lilid:aros f.or thP. year 1941 et homestead rate was read and the Board reoOm:l)ended to the COmmis,sioner of Ta•xntion that sa"id bnd be so classified o.nd. the assessed value rednceci from t;605 to :S:409 and the tax from t44.29 to 127.37. The a!)p-lication of' Peter ?feiffer for classification of Et s1::;_ Seo. 13 Town of' Lido. for the ye·o.r 1941 at homestead ra,te we.s read and the Boo.rd reo0mmended to the commissioner of Taxation that said :r i ---:ircu11m: ' I land be so classi-fied anci the assessed value 1:ic reduced from $264 to t158 and the tax from t16.74 to :;:;e.63 The application of C:ust Anderson -ror classific11tion of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Section 5 Township of T,ida for the .year 1941 at homestead rote vms read and ·the Board recommended to the Commissioner o.f Taxation th at s!id le nn be so classi n ed and the assessed val u.P. be reduced from .,308 to ~;185 and the tax •rom ,21.44 to ,11.2&. The ar,plirmtion of Gust Anderson for class"i'!'icat ion of r.ot 3 sec. 32 and E~ ~r:,?, and Lots 3 and 4 i'1 Sec. 33 in the •ro,,mship of Dunn -ror the ,vear Hl41 at homestead rates was reed and the Board recommended to the Commissioner o·r Taxation that soid land be so classified and the ossessed value reduced from !;:1075 to :~645 and the tax from f·64.51 to ."33.lH. 'rhe opplicotion of "'rank -.:astla.!1d -for classification cf the !:\'/.; HE.;. a.nd ;•test 30 acres or NE:,. SE¼ sec .• 19 Township of Inman l"or the renr 1941 at homestead rates was read and the 13oord recommended to t"he C:ommissioner of Taxation that said land be so clasFJified ond the essessP.d value reduced ·from /~711 to ~427 ond the tax from ◊44.22 to a23.42. ~'he applico.tion o-f :"red Huskins for canc.ellation of personal prc!)erty tax for 1941 in the City of ""err 11s~a.lls on o.u tomobiles was ·read and t heBoard recommend eci to the. Com,nisRion er of Tax at ion that taxes on antemobiles ·seld and licensed in Minnesota. in 1911 be c::i.ncelleci, and tha.t his total personal riro·pert.v assessment ror said .vear be reduced from :"1553 to 1.'1002 and the perscmal pro:pert,y tax from "·17f3.4-1, to ::'124.32 in srlcHtion to :.tone.v -. Greiiits tax. ~he application of 1"rancis nelson for reduction o:f nssesi;,ment for 1941 on Sl NE~·. If~ SE' and ''lest 25 acres of SF.·'· Sf?· cif ·section 29 TownP-hip of"elic::in was rea.d o.nd the isoa.rd recornmeniieci to the r.orn'lliss ioner o-f Taxation t'hat the assesseci valuation be reduced from !;'1339 to :'~:1190 a.nd the tax from ~84,19 to e1~.19. The applica.tion of !U6f A?'ldP.rson for cl:e.ssifirrn.tiot1. of \'/est 5 inches of SW 50 ft. of Lot 8 and 1111 of. T,ot 9 in llloc;k. ~ Oiielna.l "'lat or T~enninp. :f.or 1941 a.t homestead ra.te was reP.d n.nd the Board recommended to the Commissioner o-r Taxation that said land be so classified and the valuation :!'eciuced from ,:·120 to ~;450 and the tax from :;-8-1.24 to :;~413.71 in addition to s1>ecial assessments. •rhe application of thP. •.rexas Cc. for reduction of assessment of personal propert,;' .in the 'lillee:e o-r ~iclwille ·for 1941 was read o.ncl the Board recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation thot the assessed value be reduced from -~240 to /~i60 and the tax from :!;;29.113 to (~!J.72. The application of i!'re,,erick \'/. Rud for classifico.tion of NV/{ SI'!-}. Lots 3, 4 and 5 and SE¼ SWl o-!' Sec. 27 Town of T,ida except tract, at homestead rates for the year 1!141 v1as read and the Board recommended to thP. Commissioner of Taxation that said land be so classif.ied 0.11d the valuation reduced from ~1036 to :~704 ond the tax ·from :;77. 99 to '.t48. 04. 'fhe application· er r.1rs. P.rnest Lawrenson for reduction of assessment for structures for the .vear 1941 against the. i'Torth 16 rgds of the \'lest 10 rods or r.ot 2 in Section 9 '.l'ownship of !;i aine was reacl and the 'lonril rP.commenclei! to the Commissioner of Taxatio,n th11.t the o.ssessed value of said propertr be reduced ':rom $534 to :!'i:331, ond the tax r:rom M2. 31 to t26. 23. The a.~plicnti·on o-r. Dessie Glory "!'or classification o.t homestead rates of ht>r undivided one-third int er..,st in the I'll;-S\'/.l,. of Sec ti on 5 and Iffi-!.. Si:? ancl ;•t½ S?.¼ of Section 6 in ':'ownsilip of '3lu:ffton for the .\'"ars 1936, 1937. 1938 r.,nd 1939 wo.s read and the ~oard recommP.nded to the Commissioner of. Taxation tho.t said intP.r,,st be classified os homestea.cl for sa.id ,\•ea.rs, o.rrcl that the assessed -:alue be reduced e.c:ccrdinf-1,v, enrl that the tot:il taxes for snid ,rea.rs be rednc·ed tc :'1.534.77 exclusive o"f. pena.lty, intP.rest and oosts, thP. total omcnnt cf. such pP.rmlty, interest and costs beine: ::?162.22. The n.pplication of ~ob-ertF. . .:'ncobs for reduction of assessment for 1941 against the 5,,,.1 and se:t lHV:1· Sec. 27 and E½ S3?· o!' Sec. 28 in ".'ownship of Sa.int Olaf was reail, but so.id applioa.tion having been returned by the Assessor and Soard of ~cview of St. Ola~ Township without approval. upon mot.ion the applico.tion was rejected. 'i'he -following resolution wo.s adopted: !lesolved b.v the ?,oard of r::onntr :::ommissionP.rs of Otter 'i'all County, I.!innesota.: Tha.t the follo~1ing arno1rnts be and the same hP.reb,y are a.llowed out of the ~oad •a :!ridge Fund of theConnty to the several Townships me·nUoned, to cover appropriation for road work a.~reed on by the ~oard in l!Ml but 1·1hich the said ':'o,,:nshipa were nnab1e to have done durinf. that yeo.r: 'l'ownship of ~:dna. ::'500.00 ·;•o,:nship of 'i'nmuli 500.00 :rownshi·o o·?. Sto.r Lake 500.00 'L'ownshio o'!: :!:rhards ~rove 500.00 the soi cl t o:·:nships ha•: inf :'.:u rnished the ~co.rd with satisfactory proof. t ho.t at 1 P.ast :~1, 000 h!ld been soP.nt by each cf snici to•'l!"!Sl:ips in constrnctinp.: said rc.o.ds. ,~doi;>ted ,,u.l,\' 13, 19•12. C. A, snowberg, Chairman. Attest: i'/illiam Linc;oln, Clerk. The following resolution was adopted: ?.esc.lvecl b:;.the Beard. of Ccnnty C:ornmissioners o-r: Otter •rail Count:;', :.,innesota: 'l'hat '·he sum of '.'.:700.00 be and herebr is appropriated cut of the !lev-enue Fund.of the County to be divideci equa.lly between the Perham Agrictlltural Scciet.;r and Otter '.l'ail Gaunt:;, Pc,ir Association for '::011nt.;:-Fairs for the ,vear 1942. Adoptef ,,u.l,v 13, 1942. C. A. Snowberg, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, '::lerk. The r.:ount,r Auditor then presented the fcllowing statement to the Soc.rd: The f.ollo1•1ing P.stimate of expenses for the ensuing .veer is here\'1ith snbrni tted: Sola.ry o-f C:onnt.r officers /'.18. 300 Snlar.1r or r.ounty IJommissi onPrs 4,000 '.:lerks, ,,a.nitors, etc. 18,800 ,'oilers, De.,ut.,·'>hPri•rf's, etc:. 3,000 noard c• orisnners 3,600 ~u.rors f~~s 12,000 ~itness •ees 1,000 ""a.ili".'~s. ?.enorters. etc. 4,500 .~u~·ors, ,•t1stice ::onrt 100 "Ii tnesses, Justice Ccmrt 300 ~uFJtices nnd ~onstables 2,000 Inquest expenses 300 ~enort o-1'. hirths and deaths 500 Lifhts, "n"!l, .. 1-,:. 7,000 '\oolts. blanks o.rnl stat i.oner:r P. 000 ~rintinr-ancl :1rl'.'ert:isinr 5,000 ~xpense with insane 1,000 r::cunt~ ~el~are •und 110,000 "'osto.JH!, exnresR ,ma freip-.ht 1,000 ::iourt "ouse r:ronnas 1,000 .\ttendi.r:t[," ASSP.'Sf:'Or's rnPeti.np 600 rncidentn.l 700 .. isoP.lln?'leous ;'{e,•enue G,000 -~oa.d ~, Bridfe fund 110,000. ll):AillfL. ............. ::u:wr ... LL .. .l'.J.U~ .•............................... 193~ .. l':.~ ■llCURrfi,-lliOt.NK IIOOKi!INDPIII C:0.0 8TOa.mlD, MINN;..11141, ?oor ?1:.nd ~anu t:oriurn :-'und Dated July 13, 1942. :;'·40 ,000 20,000 Respectfully submitted, Vii l li i;,m Lincoln, Count:r Auditor •,~he Count.v Audi tor then presentf!c1 the ·follo,!inr, statement ;ta the· Board: .. -·-·:.-.. TO THE COUWl'Y BOARD OTTER TAIL ,:OUNTY, 1,IIHIIESOTA, Pursuant to law I present belo,1, 11 statf!m,.,nt showinf the amonnt of· to.xes levied for county purrioses for the c11rrent ,\'ear, th!! amounts collected. and o.[>portionec1 to d.ate, and the balances uncollected top,ether with the actuo.1 co.sh balanc-e rf!mai.ning to the ore_dit o-r eO:ch count,y :l:und at the close or business' on the 30th ds;v of .~une, 1942. William Lincoln, County Auditor. F'TJNDS Cc1mty :~evenue 7und "oar 1"und :~oed a.rJ.d Bridr,-e 1"1.md Gaunt,\' :•1elfnre 7unc1 1'uberoulosis Sr.matorinm l~und EalarJ.ces nmia.1nLnr, to the credit o-r' each· r'uncl · !-'mrns rJom1t.v Hevemte ftiund T>oor Fund Ho·o.d and "lridge Fund Poor li'arm Fund Ditch Fund Incidental F1.i:nd Insurunce ii'und . Co1mty .Velfare Fund Sinking Fund T. bP. "Cl! . .c.4-.,( -. For i?nii Connt.v R otid Job no. 4128 Al.!OtH-TT LSVIF.D FOR r;u~~~iIT YEAR ;~:·/3,Hi3.51 40,489.21 130,749.78 HO,f,72.39 22,194.93 are as :follows: · Balances Debit Credit 17,107.84 122,812.04 3B,o36,1l 21:1.87 4,593,77 273.03 1,C.65.73 1,100.00 · Members o-t the Otter ';.'ali ·count~, Suno.toduin Commissian al)pe·area bel'.ore the Board to d:i,scuss the needs or-the Sane.tdrium for the coming ~•eor, 11ml after cHscussion regnesteo thP. County Commissioners to lev.v for the coming year a total of :~22,280, the a.mount includin13 $500 for field survey. Upon motlon the re,,uest was grnnted. · !.!erl e Irons present i;-c'I to the 3oard a Vf!l'i fi ed statement 111eq.uest ine, re i.nsta.t ement of h"is contraot for the pnrchase of T,ots B:, 9 and 10 in Bleck 3 of Danner's Addition to Deer ·creek. After consideration the re,,u-est was P-rant!?c': e.nd the Auditor was authorized to issne sto.temt?nts .f:or poymerit or: the amounts du'! nncier this contn;ct. · rypon motion the 3oard then took n recess to 2 o'clock P. ~- Bids ·!:or painting outsidl'! woodwork of Court '~ouse 0,11d .• ~ail a~ ad.vertisecl -for by the 3 card ~:ere opened ~,nd read ana the qnestion of o.wa.rdinp oontra.ct was laid over 11-ntil later in the session. :.:rs. Geu. T,und,•r, who had !JP.en gnmted On nnd Off sale bee1· licenses a.t !-Ieinola Cafe in the ';'ownship of 0tto a·b a. previons meeting, aske,1 for a. cancellation of license and refund o.f. c,mount po.ic1 on the grou.ncl that the lioenses were never -used as i;he wa.s nnuble ta obtoin the b-uildi.nr, in which she e:<p!"cted to operate. U·pon ~10tion the re(]_uest ,:q_s p.r::rnted nnd the Atlditor wos instructecl to issue ~orrant fer refund ot the license fee, · n_f" Sole beer l.i.cense was granted to Geo. ,,ones for his resort in the 'l'ovmship of :lush Lake. On sale l)f!er lioensf! was 1:crimted to Thomas 1'1e.llace at 1ond '~eo.oh :lesort in "ine r,ake Tovmshlp. ~iParette license ~or the pP.riocl from ~u1e 1 to Deoember 31, l!l12was ~rantea to Fred Schultz at r.amp p.,,~hos-k,1r in the •rown of Tumuli, i: The following resolution was adopted: Resolved by the Boa.rd o:f '.:aunty 'Jommisr:ioners o:r Otter ~•ail County, I.Iinnf!sota: That -th'! sum o.f :":350.00 he a.nd the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund or the County fo1· postoge and express in the vnr.Lcus Gonnty offi.ces entitled thereto. Ad•optea July 13, 1942. c. A. snowberg, Chairman. Attest: VHll ium Li!luoln, Clerk, Upon motion the Board then adjourned to Tuesday, July 14, l\i42, at 10 o' olouk A, M. TUESDAY'S SESSION, Pursuant ta ndjournm-ent. the l3oorcl mf!t at 10 o'clock A, M. July 11, l!.142, all members being ·present. The Board took 11:p the n_-uest.t on of awarcl of contract for painting Co nrt House and ,, ail a.s a.dvel'- tis-ed by the ~oaril, and 11.!"0·n motion the contract wos awarded to the lowest bidder, C. !-!. Hord, of Pereus Falls, at f519, The ·petition -~or esto.blishLne Co11nt,,_r load in the 'J'owrJ.~hips of r,ea.f uon-n_tain and F.or,le Lake which had b,een laid 0\'er :from the meet inr-h,;,lc1 ,1ul.r 15, 1941 was again talren up o.nd npon mot ion the SAme wa.s la.id over to t:he ,,uly meetine:, 1\143. Pe1:i t.ion for change o-~ Connty ~oad beine nart of StateAid ~ood No. 5 in :r.::rfington and "arkers Prairie To,:n13hi9s wh.ioh had been lE>.id over from meetine of '?uly 15, 1941, was again taken up :md nrion rnatio-n the same wo-s le.id over to the ,1ul.l' meetine: of 1943. "etiticn -r.c.r ohanre o-r State Aici 2oa.d Uo. 5 .i.n 'l'ownships of liido.ros and Leaf I,Iounta.in v:hioh hud been lai.d over from thf! meeting o·f ,July 15, HMl was aga.in to.ke-n U"p and upon motion Commissioners Hoff, Amuncls·o,n a:na l~arv-o-ne-n were a.t,9ointea a oommit tee to examine sa.icl proposed chR.nee, o.nd i'lei!nesdoy, September 23, 1912 et 2 o'clock~, U. at the school house in Seo. 2\1 of Nidaros were fixed os the tim~ o.ncl ·place for the rnf!f!ting of said committee, ond it was ordered that final hearing on soid petition be ha.cl at t hf! sessio·n of the Gount,y-1100.rd at the Court '!ous e .in the Cit~• of "'err.us Fa1 ls on ''led nesda.y the 14th -o-r October, 1942 o.t 10 o'clock A.H., and tl're County Auditor was .instruoted to prepare the neoesss.ry 1, COMMISSIONERS RECORD M, Orii'TER 'TAIL COUNTY, M-])NN. E>A:'l'E'. ..................... ,7.ul.v: ... l,~ .•.•.. l.Qil?,.~ ........................ 19&2 .... . ::i.m,■ffY-IIUNlfllODllftND.P.RINl'lffll.CO.,.BT •• CLCIUD, M&NN~IIHI L noti'ces and to ·rorwarcl them by mail to ;,1arim1s Anker, ::li thera11, for posting. Upon motion the Board then tool: o recess to 2 o'clock 1?. r.i. '?,ids for e,ravelli.np. roads as aclvertisea for by the :3oorci ~,ere opened and read, and it a!)'[>earing that r.unnufson •• Ness o ~ ;tahnornen. '.!.inn., was thP. lowest bidder, upon motion the c:ontra.ct .,.,as a.warded to sold bidder at ~7.150. 'l.'he arplicnticn or. Joser>h '3. "Pe.wlowsl,i for sp.ttlem1mt of delir,iuent toxes for 1931, 1932 and 19:i3,and 193f'l o.nd 1940 ae;ainst Lots 7, 13 and () ~loci: 13 o-r !lewcomb' '-' Second Addition to the Villa~e of Perham ,:as read a,na the 1~oord recommended to the r,ornmiRr:oi.oner o-r Taxation th1.1t the sai.d taxes be settled for :";14fl.9(1, being o. rednction of !'·43.71 from the fttll amounts of taxes, penalty, interP.st and costs. ,'.i1he applicntion of '.:. C. Clement, representative of the Bertha '.?roehl ::;state, for settlement of 'delinquent taxes for 1931 to 1936 incln.sive against the HE.; exce1>t the \'/est ;;3 ft. of the North 240 ft. of Section 34, and the S -/{-NW¼ o:f Sec. 35 in the 'i'ovmship or Effington 1·:us reqd r,nd the Board recommended to the Gorurnlssioner of 'l'axntlon thot s1:1ld taxes be settled for the sum o·f $449,£9, beinp a. reduction of .'.·221.67 from the full o.mount of taxes, penalty, interest and costs. · 1rhe following resolution was adopted: 2esolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter l'a.11 Connty, :.Iinnesota: That there be lP.vied upon the taxa-hle property of Otter Tail county for the year 1042 the following a.mounts for the several fu.ncls: Road and 8ri dge Fund ~evenue r'nncl i'/el:fare Ti'und Sanatorium Fund 0 oor ""und :~130, 000 60,000 78,000 22,280 50,000 lw: for school purposes. and the one-mill ta.x reqnired by Adopted July 14, l!M2. G. A. Snowberg, Chairman. Attest: \'/illirun Lincoln, Clerk. lJpo,n motion the 13oard then o,d ~onrned to :•nl.Y' 15, 1942, at 10 o'clock A. H. . WEDl:li;:SDF Is SES~ION. !?ursuant to e.d,journment the ·'Board met at 10 o'clock ,L !,i. Wennesda.y, July 15, 1942, all me:nbers b elng present. ThP. pet.ition of ~)nma Crabarkeqitz to set over r,ot l in Section 1 'J'ownship o::" Oscor from schooi District 61 to adjoining School District 16 was rea.d· and .it was ordered that a hearing on said :,!'tition 'le had at the se!'lsion o;: the Board t:c be held Octo•her 15, 1942 at 10 o'clock A, ,Ii., and that due not.ice o·!' the timP. and place· of so.id hee.ri.ng b,;, f,i.vP.n as required by lw-t. 'l'he petition of :irs, '.iose Sa,ncH,erg·, 13Stinf; that the· si N\'/·1 of Sec. 13 •rownship of Can/1,or be set over •Prom School .Dist., 2G9 to r.djoinln~ Bchool Dist. 2613 v:a:s rend and it was orderen that a hearing on st>.i/1 pP.tition be had at the session of the n.onrd· to be hP.lil October 15, l!l42 at 10 o'clo-ck A.:.r., o.nd tha.t dne rrotice of. the time nnci plo.ce of sa.id henrlne: be p.iven o.s required b.V lav:. 'fhe 'following resolution was adopteci: ?.Psolv ed \Jy the Boord of County Commiss.ione rs of Ot·ter Ta.il Conn t,v, :.linnesot a: Wilerens. this BoArd has heretofore contracted with ·Anderson '.: Schieller of Wheaton, :,iinn .. :for r-radl_ng :::onnt;; Aicl Job Ifo. 41 :28, and "/hereas, same has heen fully completed a.c:cording to the ·:nelneer's cert"i.f.icate en file with the con-nt,'i ;.uditor, the total cost o:r said work beine :'.;;3,554.10·, and \'/herea.s, said work has been examined oner a.ccepted b~ a committee of this Board, How, therefore, be it resolved that the Connty Auditor anci Chairman of the Eourd be and. they her~by are uuthori zed a.nd cl lrected to issue to said cont r1:1c tor a warrant on the Road and !3ri de;e Pund of the -:::ounty in the sum of ;~l,144.63, amount due accordinB to said gngineer's certificate, Ail.opted this 15th da~' of July, 1~42, C. A. Snowb'erg., Chairman. Attest: 7/llliam Lincoln, Clerk. The :following na'!les vrere placed upon the }Jlnttol Pet"i t ,Jury List of the county to take the place or. th'ose dre.wn to serve the Apr'i.l term of the District Court: l}eo. 'looge.ard, ;iutler Henry A., •nieclericl:s,1• "enry '.'!, .•ohnson r:orliss Joe Wa.1:i Elp.cr •·ockett ''obart Albert Lenius Pupo 'Velp.ren 'llowers r.rrs. ::Jo.rl ~ing,1ahl !,irs . .:'ohn Aho· New York :.'.ills Vill, i,Irs. Andre?/ "li.mpelo. '!'rank" 'Poser !~omestend .!.l -rred .'usi:. ila. ?.as. ~anmussen Hewto,n T"u~o Sod-er:t,ere: .~. Wi.rckel Perham '..'ill. '"rnn}-. Schmidt Alyce ~oley ~elican ~apids Vill. 7. ~-"eterson !.irs. Carl Fosse ()scar :J-oe ..\.nderson !"rank "· :.Joore :,Ianlewood Lewis "eterson t. r:. Nicholson D1rnn Earl Crossma.n :,!rs. 'C!oysl Po,vnte.r P.rharcls r..rove :\rthur Heggen "a.lmer r.erperson Tumuli !.1art.i.n f:ilbertson "enr.v T,uhnillf. l'ltter 1'nil •rwp. !"rank .'esinoski lirs. T,awrence '~owe r.:verts Adolph Deckert ;,!rs. John ~oncly Glither,i.11 'l'111p. !,iTR. ,larenc:e St11omonson :Jrs. lT, .'. ,·1estlnnd t'arkers "rairie '!il.J.. l.lrs. Cscnr "laf.11PT ::rs. ·~rnPst llelson Eo.stern ,'ohn "'inck :!rs. I-'ranl-: ~ohetts Tnman :~ni. ;hri,;i T,attmr.,n T·1dno. Rush T,oke J;ohart l'ew '-'ork J.Illls Otto Tiewton J3l1rffto n Vergas Vill, ?.elican 2apids 'Pel le c.n Tw·p. itaine Lida ·~•rondhjem Sverdro.p Lea-r. :.1onntain Girard Underwood 'fill, ;•food side Elmo Deer '.::reek 'i'wp. '.'ill. :·,Jrs. r,, ' .• young Henninr, Vill. :.!rs. '.'Im. ~e-behn r.arl 'i'abia'l Aastad :;1rs. Ca.r.l Leedahl :.Jrs. Freci tTvman ~liza·beth T1•:p. :.irs. Leonard 11otchl:iss ::arl ;, I!elson Dane ?rairie 1,, ~lorvi{len Compto-n Gi ty of City of City of l"ere:us Falls 1!'ereus Falls ?erg.us Falls I.Irs. T-larry;Iunger City of F'ergus Falls The following bills were allowed: J.C. trenkes, Sheriff boa.rding prisoners u. ·y_ Glorv igen drl\'ers license exp. P.A. Anderson postage T,ouise Stondo.hl postage Louise Stondahl attending meeting tr:illyard Sales. co, supplies Jepa-~lson Co. supplies Poucher Pr"int ine: 'I: Lithogranhing c~. suprlies. Secur:i.t;r 'Hanle Book ~, Printine: r::o. snpnl.ies Eurrcup.r.s \dd, :.Johe. r::o. su'.)plies "enamR. -:::e.r'bon co. curbon !'ID :?er ll.''/,'3ell ~•elephone C_o. lonf 1Ust1..nce cia.lls 228.00 5.80 17.25 78,81 4.25 65.50 l!J.34 48.73 120,70 6.00 1.00 10,70 J. c. Henkes e~penses n:. VI. Glo rv ie.en post of:' ice box rent P. ,,i. ,iee postage T,ou.ise stondahl cash advanced ~-... ~ovang expenses 11lntgen-l:arst ":lee. co. supplies 'l'he Pierce Co, supplies Victor Lundeen & Co. su·p!)lies TJni.ted Chemical· Co., Inc.supplies Ci tyT,vpewri ter Berv ice su-polies Miller-Davis Co, bla.nlrs :•.·•1."-"ll ':'elephone Co. long distance calls rt ter '":>il Power i::o. power \. \' ., lOb.91 1.00 153.46 28.00 6.20 12.92 26.60 444.45 B.50 2.00 13.65 22.75 7 .22 396 @~W,EL ...............• :lll.l[ ... .l5 .•... .lilA2 .•............................. 193l2'~. IIIIICURITT, ' ·-AND PRINl1NCI CO., ffia.DUD. IIINN.-19141 ';City of Fer@us ~nlls 1vater._i;, light 1413,,10 ·1/est l'ubl, Co. · American Lew 3ook Co. annotations 12.00 'lhitei1eo.d "rintins Co. N. '.'I. Reporter 9rinting coal .ugeblad "'ubl. Co. pr.inting 0.00 T,emp,;,rt Lumber Co, International Elevator Co. sacks 16.R.O Geo. "'· ;'ohnson ·wels Sundberfr labor 17.50 Ferp:us "'lorel r:o. J;'err,us .•ourna.l Co. pnblish.inp. rninutes 57.12 ::. !~ .. ::onklin ., i,!cnroe Ca.le. iiche. Co. Inc. maintenance 28.00 Deer '.:reelc l'.irror · :!'err.us ,1curnol Go. publications 30.10 Bat~le La!:e ~eviev: !~thel r'o.rden clerical v:ork 10.50 l3ea.trice r:alvik !.la.bl!? "· ?.ossow clerical work 37.50 ?.obert T,e?.oy Adttmson :, American Legion 1:'0!lt American T,egici;:i weed insnection pla!lt_ing. fTCllnds sharpening mowers notice tc tax·na•;ers notice to to.xp.ayers clerical work "o8t flags 1911 'c 1912 20.00 37 .50 32.95 81.74 90.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 40.50 25,00 ·508, Dalton . :.!emoria.l Da.17 serviues.10.00 ""est ?.!Hl,Battle J,nke HaimerJ. "'est 14-l"J :\m. T,er,ion Do. A.00 Axel ~us!?th ·nostlA Memorial Day services 28,00 :,"urell>ach "est 61 •· " no. 20.50 American Legi.on Do. "/omen's ":elief r:orps·. T:ichville Do. 16.50 ·11omen's ~elie-f r:orrs.Fergns 111alJ.s Do. Dr. Horman TT, Baker services 10.00 ;.l:fred T,i.ndp,ren · witness fees •r. milear:e Elton's ~o tPl •, "estanrant 'Tieals ror .~nrorl!il G. :30 ~st rem 1)1.i.ni c care of prisoner -,'.:lande ~-Fielcl ,'nsti.ce !:ees G,9-'.l F-r,mlt ';. }3,'l.rnP.s !.!unicipal .Juc11Ze's ""'rnnJ.: ~astlancl crmstahle ?ees :.L!'lO ''!.ill i.o:n (",ur->lzov: ;narshel' s fees ,?oseph Ra.vner De~>. Sheri "f's fees 5.50 '.1o;i, Gcri.iss Dei>."Sheriff' ~1 fees 13.50 2f>.OO 5.41 2.00 fees 86.95 10.70 ; Dr .. '.,'. ·•1a.rner !Jep.Goroner's ·e,i-es 5.80 Nelson's Co.fe r~euls for ;urors ''Nelsen's Oare m1rnls fer prn1 per G. 20 J;. ?. 'Jell ~•ele phone ·~o. long c istanue cr..lls 10().% 12.60 13.05 11.00 Urs. ''Im. Schueller room :for -t:r::ms.ient 1.00 i?en>us ~o.11:.. !:linic exeminutions :.!inn. Sti:.•:e Sa.nu.torium ca:i;P. or patient· 43.35 Glen Lal:r. ·sana.torium ca:re or patients Sa.nd Hench Sanutorium cure o.t' vatients B.].58 .'I,. Glorvigen cash advanced A. Clorvigen expenses 80.00 w. L. Potter expenses '.::lk River ·::one, Prod.nets ~o. culverts 229.3G Gee. J. Allen c1;iverts Armco Drainage •a Metal Producf\l'\ Inc. culverts 31:-S.48 Northfield Iro,n Cc. tie ~(ires St. ~aul<Jorr11f_l:o.ting Co. cattle.pass 3fi8.80 i;!o.hler <:: stnuts parts Hat'l.3usi1ing •.: Parts Co. parts 48,75 H.\'/.Sheet '.: Irun'tforr.:s vo.rts A,l'I.Ino. ofl.iinn. [)arts 6.35 Borchert-Tngersoll, Inc. 11arts Thorman \'/, Rosholt Co. parts G.52 '."Im. 'l. ::ieglP.r Co,, T.nc. parts T,!!idal's Je1>!elry repairs 2,00 Olson Auto r•:leo. Co. repa.irs ·::1a.renc" I:nntson rP.p'l.irs 5.o5 T,ar<ion "res. repairs 'o sul,plies llerrs·trom •r. "all !''!!J'lirs 1.31 ""'o.rf!O 1110,nndry Go. repairs t!pls. ~111~ ~rint Co. aun,1lies 12.26 TTintR~n-!~arst ~lee. co. supplies Battle T,al,e Hclwe. Co. fl'I~;Jli°'!s 2S'.63 ·pel"i.co.n Hdwe. r:o. SU(>flli.es i' 1i'rec1 A. Bverts supi,l.ies 151.97 !,Tctor Tnn Co.:ra.f:"' snppl,ies rulseth Su1.>.r>l.1• '.:o. supplies 49. 74, Uino lR, Dean ~. CrP.gg supplies towry, Sta.!lf '!! Olson,,9.,..insurn.nce 2.5.00 Stortro•rn Tns. Agency insurance '".,owry, stal1f, •o Olson, Inu . .insur,'l!'l.CP. 519.f,7 ;J.\'I.BP.11 •.relephone Co. services , "elicnn 'i;elephone Co, services 1.15 !-1.W.Bell •rel. Co. lone distance -calls ·'Vill. ?elican~apids water 2.75 Ott.er 'l'a.il Power Co. pov!er Andrew P. Himoila n:ravel 3.<J8 Anton G. !i;loe S: b10.r:-ners A1113nst Nelson· gravel 2.10 State Bonl: or: Unclerwood e:ravel tJ, l\. Perkins gravel 2.88 ~a.v·nond '3ros. ;.,toter T,eitch Constrnction co. equipment rentnl 163.75 •~nmsp. Co. freicht Chr,rle.,• "'enske shovel rentnl 738.00 ;r .. , • Nae;el shovel rP.nto.l Aime Bros. tire repairs fll.15 l.!i.nn. '.iotor r.o. tires ;Vllcox J,u:~ber C.o. lumher 11. 53 "'esch-Dertinp.P.r T,umber Co. lurnher ii iL:1I.Wipin13 '.:lath •::o. wipinf cloths 14,.50 •'erg1ts Class •,. Paint Co. pa.int 1 _ 1;, !::. -::onl:l.in sh'nr.'.)ening 1.95 9111 Helson's Oil ~o. oil i \'Im. H. Zierler Co., Inc. lnhricr:nt 63'/ ,46 The Oil Store · Diesel .fuel "'ielcl •,. Haege Cil co. iiiesel fuel 2uA.36 Perham co-op. Oil Co. 1Jiesel fuel !.>enrose Oil Co. .!JiP.sel fuel 52.15 Standard Oil Cc. easoline : Bengtson Oil Co. gasoline 6.4~ w. Lincoln Shell Service gasoline •' FerBUS ~:iervic:e Station gasoline 3.70 Avis .Bowman gasoline F.rwin Siee:fried gasoline 35.68 Harthun Yi: l'eterson Oil co. ga.soline Park negion Oil C o, gasoline 38.75 W, Otter 'l'ail Service gasoline 11 Ray's Service station gasoline 5.36 r,en Syverson's gtisoline Higlrnay Col[ipany gasoline, etc. 31, 22 Bill's Sen-ice Stutio-n gt1soline, etc. W.1!'.Smith '.l.'irc •• ~attP.ry co.,Inc. Joim Dieseth Co. equipment rental i Mark Sand 'c Grave], :'1· Hig hYlllJ' Gompe.ny Helen '3ohn Yo.lmer I:arv onPn 1:'. F. • A'Tiuncl son The >;r ickson Co. tires retreo.ded 125. 90 Axel l·:. Holmquist shovel rentAl Co. sand · 39.50 Tesch-Dertfriger J,umber Co. lumber gasoline, etc. 26.37 Juli.rm :..i. Hee plat boo:k takinp: testimon,,,.-34.80 W. t'. 13ere;huis !Jlerk' s hire exp.a.ttend.meeti"I[! 7.30 r.eo. B. Gnnd,Hson expense attending mP.et:ing Do. 11.40 Henry C, Tioff l!o. burl' ing pan per 100. 00 GP.o. E. Gunderson t ro.ns[)ort ing pauper Upon moti:o'Yl the Board then a.d,)oni·nP.c1. to .1-111.v 23, 1942 o.t 11 o'elock A.!,!. 1: 'I I, I , I ~11an. Attest: 227.32 12,8G 13.95 150.59 'J0.50 23.80 0.29 18.58 121.10 22.05 28.75 1.50 .130 ?.,H 73.14 63.66 7.25 G.30 17. 55 15.17 4,'J5 11.36 390.00 :34.03 10.f18 3,60 30.61 6.45 1.4:3 3;j,4Q . .,~,. 21 44. 24 14.03 145. 50 37.63 14.44 271.87 34.00 15.80 2.00 25.00 5.50 8.00 10.00 I I ·' I I 'I I K 110D1C AND PRINTING CD,. _ff, Cl.GU IIINN-n1a BA:TE' .......•............. July .. _23 ...... 1 'J4£ ........................ )9.42 ... . MINIJTES OP ADJOURNED i,IB3TI11G OF BOARD OF COUlfTY CO!,ll,IIS3Iot:mm OP OTTER TAIL C0UH'.l'Y, MH!NESOTA, Pursuant ;to adjournm•rnt the Board rnet ot 10 o'clocl, A. J:I. JulJ' 23, 1942, all members being present. The opplication of T. r.:, Pern!l :!:or settlement of de1inn11ent taxes for lD:30 to 1933 and 1936 to 1940 inclusive wa.s .read and the Board recommended. to the Cor.i-nisoioner of Taxation that snid toxes be setUed -t'o?" ~;228.50, beine, a reduction of ,!;64,3~ rrom the full o.rnount o:!: taxes, penalty, interest and costs. Cigarette licenses were grnnted as follov:s: to Herman J. :9jorke at :.!iarni Store i.n Township of .,mor -for the period ·!'rom I.larch 1 to December 31, l\l42, uno Grant Lr, J,ensen at Pease ~amp in Town of Amor for the period rrom ,iune 1 to j)ecem,ber 31, 1942. 'l'he followinB resolution• 1vns a,d.opted: ?.esolved hy the Bonrd of Co1mty Commissioners of Otter Tail Co11I1ty, Minnesota: 1•/heree.s, th is noard has heretofore contracted w Hh r. '.'/. Weisl1mder for furnishing, and instelling Venetian !"llind:s at the '!cunt.I' Court TTonse, and l'/herell!;I, ·same have bePn instnlled h.v said contractor and ac'r:e:pted by th.is Board, Now, therefore, he lt resolved tho.t the Cou-nt.v '.l\.ud.itor e.nd Cho.innan of the Soa,rd be and they hereby e.re o.uthor'ized and directed to issue warrant to said contractor in the sum of :~1500, the contract r,rice, AdoptP.d ,'nl.y 23, 1912. Attest: l'/illinm Lincoln, Clerk. •ri\e following bills were allowed: ~tanley Sucholz moving ••• repairinB builcling r:, A. snowberg serv ic,es, .9o ard of g(J:Ltalizat ion Geo, B, Gunderson Do. p, E, Amundson lie. renry G. T-Toff j)o. Yalmer Karvonen Do. Attest: 0 " Upon motion the Board then adjourned t.o August 11, ~~-'P-~J) ~--- lo4.58 12.20 15.00 19.00 15.00 22.80 1942, at r.. A, Snowberg, Chai rm,m. 10 o'clock !L l·;I, ~. Cna1rms,n. '\ ,,\\\ ;1 ;i" ., 397 398 ,&a:URl'l'Y,~K·DOON AND PIIIN1'1NG co;, ■TOCLOUD.•MINN.-111'91 . ~A:tEl .................. ,:.Yl.v. ... i.Q., .. ,.1.Q1g .. , ....... . ;dIIlU'i'ES OF T;B iEli:'l'I!IG Q1i' TTTE COUifTY B·OA~D Qi" EQUA:,IZATIOll ('1" O'l'TER ·rAIL co:rnrY. :.um..r. POR 1•1m YEA:l 19,;l-2. Pursuant to statute County Commissioners Snowberg. I:urvonen, GmHierson, Hoff and Amundson, and · !' County AtHiltor William Lincoln met at the Comr11.issioners1 Room tn the Court House at 10 o'c:1oc.:k A. M. Jttly 20, 1942, and having taken tll·e customnry oath procee6ed to orBanhc by the election .o:r C. A. Snowberg as Chai. rman and i'/illiam Lincoln as Clerk. ' The Board then took up'the e.:llfflination of the vc,.rious assefJsment books of the County and adjourned i I I ii I· from time to time. · Gorn-plaint ha,v ine: been made to the Boa.rci of. assessment of certain ,tracts of land in the 'l'lwmship of Western, a committee of the 'Board personally examined said lands and acl joi-ning lands, and reported to the Board. A:fter listening to such report, upon moti~n1 the Board or<iered that tl,e true and full value of lancl, exclusive of structure's and .imprcvP.ments, aBninst the SW¼ of Sec. 9 Town of 11estern be re<iuced to :~;2300, and. thnt the trne and :full value of land exc::),usi.ve of stnwtureR and improvement's SBains.t the s;vi and N'"/}· and w~ NE} and NW{ SE;;. o·r Sec. 29 in the 'l'o,:n_ of Western lJe redu,ced to :~j8439. On Thurstla.v, Jnly 23rd, havinr. com!)leted the examinnti.on of the assessment books, the Board a.greed npon the following chanp;es: on real estate nssessments in the following Townsnirs: Aastad Raised 5% Aurdal Raised 10~~ !Hewers :laised 5% Bluffton Raised 15% .Butler Rai.sed 20;'., D0ra . Raised 10% Easle Lake Raised 5% Elizabeth Raised 5% Blmo Raised 151~ Fergu.s 'Ji'il.lls Raised 5~ 'FoUen ' Ra i:sed 10% Girard Raised 50'.!, Hobart Baise/I 15% Homestead Raisea 10% Inman Raised 15% Leaf !,Iounto:in E:aised 25<:"l, MainP. Raised lCYfo Hewton Raised 15% Nidaros Raised 5j~ Uorwegian Grove Raised 10]1, Oalc Valley Haised 10~;, Orwell Haised 57~ Otto Raised 5% Pad,to,ck Raised 15% Pine Lake Raised 15f~ Rush Lake Raised 201~ Saint Olaf Raised 5% S:verdrup Reduced 5% Tordenskjold Raised 5% Trondhjem Ra:ised 15% Western Raised 5f~ ' \'Toodsicle Raised lO'f• :I T-he Board agreed npon the following changes on re·al estate ! 1 pro!)ert.v: Amor ?.ais·ed 5% exclnsive o"f assessmrmts on platted' Everts Raised 5% Leof Lal:e ?.aised 301-/, 'i The '3 oard agreed upo,n the f.ollo~:inP changes in all items of Personal 1 towns hi 9s, as follows: Carlisle · -!leduced ·10% :I Corliss Raised 10~ ' if_ Fergus Falls Raised l07L Home st ea.d Haiseo 5% MapleWO·Od P.e.isea. HJ% Property incert lli n Otto Raised 5% Sverdrup Raiseo 151~ Thr:1re being no further business. upon motion the Boaro •then a.djcurned. Attest: I ! \ ' _,, '' / , ', ------·--------________ ..::;.., .... ·t I :! ., ' ' i ·' 'I CO:M1MISSlONERS !RECORD M, OTTER 'TAIL :COUNIY, ·MIDNN. DATE .............. August .u.L .. 1942. ·••·······················l93 ....... . (D.,n:ANK.DOCIK.AHD.P. NG.CID.1,8To.CLOUD.,MINN-=N141 . . r.IHIUT~~s C1" AD.1 numl~D i,V-:1:TT i!C Oi" BOA!':D OF C!O!H'TY Cl]J!:T'j<lf('lP•;RS OF OTTER TAIL COUWl'Y, tinn:r,:soT A. Pursuant to o.d.iournment the 'Joa.rd met nt 10 o'clock A. :.r. 'Puesdey, August 11, 1942. Present: Commissioners Icarvonen, Cltncle:feson, TTof:f:, Amunilson and t>nov!berg . . Upon motion it 1vas orciereci that Co,nmi.ssicners r-:arvonen ond Snowber3 be o.ppointecl as County ::ommissioners to serve on the Count.v Canvassinp: ~oo.rd fer ~he "' rimar.v and. Genero.l F.lect ions of 1912. . The application of Olaf Schei, r,.gent for Johannes l'. Schei estate,. fc, r settlement of delinq_uent taxes for the .vea.rs 19!37 to 1940 inclusive against the s?;-Ni~I-¼ 1md 11~ SW¼ of Sec. 20 and tile ~E;\. lill¼ of Sect ion 29 in 'l'ownship of Tordenskjold was r&ad and the S oord recommended tc the Commissioner of Taxo.t i.on that so.id toxes he settled for the sum of '.~239.08., a reduction cf :;-220.36 from t•he t'ull amount of t.a:,es, penalty and interest. · The o.rmlicr.,ti.on of ;.!innesota Department o-r-Rural r:rei!it ·ror c:-,ncr-i.Llotion of taxes F.or 1940 a1u1inst t_he l!~ wr.:.:i. Sec, lJ Town of T,e.a-r. :,a.Im in the s111n of !-'-58.71 o.nd ep;ainst the sl SF..:!-cif Sec. 20 in the'rovm of •rordensk.iold in the su•n of ~82.56 and for the co.nuellation ef' 1rJ41 to.x in the sum of ::'29.34 afiainst the Sia:' Ji":'L and ll~ H~ SE~ of ·o:ec. 19 •rown of i::verts on the ground that sr,id lo.nds belong to the State of !.linneso ta o.t the 1: ime sa.id ussess'!le nt s were mode ,-:.:is reo.d !lrld the Boa rd recc .rrnended tc the Commissioner of Taxo.tion thnt nll of said to.xes be cnnc;elled, The aoplico.tion o·f Lillian ~rown fpr settlement or delinquent to.xes for the years 1937 .to 1\.140 in,;lusive ago.inst part o:!: the SI'/¼ NW{· Sec. l'/ in the Village of :':ichville was read and the Board recorn::1endeii to the Conim.issioner of •ra.xation tho.t the said taxes be settled for the sum of )25. being a reduction of :,~24.25 from the full o.rnount of taxes, penalty, inte1·est and costs. The appl ic o.t ion of !.lrs. Sarah l,lors to.d for class i.ric at ion of Lot 3 ;noel;, 58 Original Plat of the -'.:ity o'.: 'i'ergus Falls for the year 1941 at homesteo.d rate wo.s read and the B ourd recommended to the '..:ornmissioner of Taxation tho.t suid land be so classi.fied and the assessed value reduced from ~1063 toto64 and the tax from !~122.14 to ~~70.48. . ~he application o:f Irvin A, Got ton for reduction of as·sessrnent for the·year 1938 aBainst the N} : S'"!J Sec, 21 •rownshi!l of Star Ll:11;:e on the ground ,·of excessive vo.luati on was read and the E o ard recor,imended to tile Cemmissioner of Taxation that the assessed vo.lue of said property be reduced from ~451.to .,293 and the tax from -~31.66 to :~:20,57. . The application o·.e Irvin A, Cotton for reduction of assessment for 1940 against the U} S''l3,c Sec. 21 "'own of Sto.r I.eke on the ground of e:xcessi,•e li1aluation v1as read end the Board recommended to the Comr:1issioner of To.xat1,-on that-~he assessed value of. sa.id property bP. reduced f;-om .f'440 to ~1·293 and the taxes ·from ."34.3?. to .·22.85. . . · The a~rlication cf Albert E, rnudson for settlem,mt o~ delinnuent taxes .l'or the .vears 1929 to l'.>10 inclusive against the l·'''/1· si;:1 Sec. 31 in Township oi:' ~luffton was reo.d and the Board reco'!lrnend ed to the Commissicn,.r o" Taxation that sa . .id tnxes be settled.~cr the su.m of :':233.65, being a reduct;ion o~ ".'164.29 from the of:1.111 ameunt of ta.xcs, ~nalty, .interest a.nd costs. Upcn motion the 80llrd then ad,jotuneil to 10 o'clock A. '..!. '.'/ednesday, All8ust 12, 1942. i'.'EDN!~8DAY' S · SESSIOU. l?ursuant to a.d,:ournment the ~oara met at 10 o'clock A. ;,;. Angust 12, 191?., oll members be.ing present. 'i'he i:i.p:plication of representative o-.r: PetP.T Yli::arvi esto.te for settlernent of delin,,uent to.xes ror 193'1 to 1~133 o.ncl 1~39 and 1940 ar,ainst the El; YI} swf and S'.'1~· S''lt of Sec. 3 in '1'ovmship of ~10·;:ers 111as read and thP. 'lea.rd recc:n::iended to the Commiss.ionPr of. Taxation tho.t so.id to.xes be set~led for the sum of ::·193.27, a reduction of .•·u9.35 from the i:'nll amount or tar.es, penalty, interest anl costs. Tbe following resolution ,;:o.s adopted: . ~ESO'LU'rT0N R.r.:vor:rnc. .DESIGl~A':'TOH ()'[," 0 A~'l' Or' S'l'ATg AID JOAD -#23. Be it resolved, by the Board of Cc,nryt,r Cornrnissioners of Otter 'rail Gount.v, :.!innesota., that the designation of that [)tart o:f Sto.te Aid Road /f.23 described 1:1s follows, be revoked: Beginning at a 1ioint on the eo.sterly line o:f the State hi~hwey R/\'I of newly constructed 'l'runlt Hie,hwa,,,-Uo. 108, said p0int being at er near Engineer's Station 721+.00 in Cov't. Lot 6 of Section 34, •rol'lnship 136, Range 41, thence continuinB southeasterly, northeasterly, easterly and northerly tc e. point on the southerly line of the state highwey R/ff of newly constructed Trunk Highway r:c. 108, said point being at or near Engineer's Station 767f40 in Govt. Lot 2 of Section 35, 'i'vwnship 136, ~o.nge 41 and there terminatine,. 'l'hence begirini.n~ c,e;ain at a point on the northerly line of the sto.te highway P./111 of nev1Iy constructed ';.'runk Highwo.y No. 108, said point being at or nec,r ETF,ineer's Station 795410.0 in the nor thee.st llUA.rter of the northwest quarter o'f Sect ion 35, ~•owns hip 136. ~,m e;e 41, thence continu- ing in· a northerli directi.on on or near the north ond south -1uarter line of said Sect icn 35 tc the "lorth .,uarter cor-ner o·!' scid Secticn 3b, thence continuing in an easterly directiQn on or near the ncrth. iine o·~ sai/1 ::iection 35 to e. point on the westerly iinP. o-f the Sta.te <Tirhway ?./".' 0f newly construc,- ted "'runk '-!iehwa,v 1-ro. 108, said. point hP.inp: at or near ":J1!l.inP."'r's 'ltntion BOA+.55.0 in the northwest quartP.r o~ the northeo.st 1m1.rtP.r o"' snid Secti.cn 3!:,, '"CJV/nship 136, ~anp.e 41, nnd thP.re terminating . . '.do pt eel th is 12th di).,•: o -~ •\ll/_?ltS t. 1 ~1?.. r,. A. <ino:,1berg. ·; ho.innoo, ,ttest: ~illiam Lincoln. ,lP.rk. . TJncn motion the A1.1ili tor wa.s :inRtn1cted to p,dverti.se -!'o :r 300 tens ·nore or lP.ss of': c,mmander Stoker coal, to be delivered a.t the ccn,t ho11se dnring the comine. seoson,. bids to be opened at 10 o'cloc!: A. '.!. '3eptember 16, 19-'12. Upon ~ction the 1011rd then tcok o. recess to 2 o'clouk 0 • ~- ~ame •·•ardP.ns 1. :-:. trollr.n/1 ond ""'rP.d ,'oh,.,son a.ppeored be:!:ore the 3oord uocn invitation o·r the ;ount,\" ~c:mnissioners to disc11ss the adYisahilit.:.: cf µ~~vmcnt o-f bounty on foxes. A-fter -~ull discu~slon \\\ i: it •·13,s decided to !')o.y bount.'i f.ro,~ '1e)ltP.mlicr 1 tc December 31, HJ12, ond upon motion the follo~ving \ :rP.solution was adonted: ThP. -~ollowinr-resolnticn ··:a!.'I ad cpted: Resclv~d by i:hP. ~OJJri! o~ (!otnity 'Jommis~icnPrs o·r rtt-er ,..,Ail ~ount,\·, fiinnesota.: :"ha:t unrl er the ore"' "ions of. r:hupt er 2513 T.a·•1s of :nnnesota .:or 193!'!, the ~eunty sha.11 po:r a bount.v or :"2,00 for ea.ch f'ull-p.rovm red or eroJ' fox li:illed in said ;Otmty o.nd :l'-1,00 for eo.ch cu.b rec1 or ero.,y ~ox J.illecl in s:iid ~ount.v from ~iepternbl"T 1st to Dece'!lt.-er 31, 1942; pay'l1ent to !Je -:iade or, wa:rrflnt of the ~ounti.r .\uditor after complia:r,ce b:; the clai.m::mt ,-;ith all the provisions ,:,f said law, ).c1opted •.urust 1£, 1912. '.:. A, Snowbere, C:hairrnan. Attest: i'/illiatti• !.inuoln, '.!lerk, '.l'he follol'ling resolution ,·:as adopted: Eesclvecl. by the '3oarcl e,~ •;.:.:wty r;o.nmisslc,uers of Otter 'l'u.il County, :.linnesota: 'J.'i·.e.t Odin .:ohnson ue and i1e llereuy is up)ointed ,'anitor and ~~ngi11eer i;.t the County Court House for th'lpE'riod cf one yea.r cc,rnrnencing .1.ueust 16, 19~,2. 399 400, •: ... t .. E>A'tE: ............................ t\mrn.5.L . .l..~ .•... J.Q.:H~ ................ 193 ....... . ■mJRrn:mrANR"IIOOll"AiiiD"PRINTliriG"co.-;-■T:-CUU11.·M1NN;:;it1•1-· -- Resolved further, that the sulary of soid .l anit,or nnci -Sngineer be "fixed e.t the sum of :'·2,400 for the year, to be po.id nt the Pnd of each month in eonal installments on wo.rront of the Gonnt.v J.udito:r, sei.d sa.lar.y to be in full pa.:.-ment o:f ner;esear.•; hP.lp .in 1ier·!:crmine snch duties. Adopted :\11/?USt rn, 1912. '.::. A. Snowberg, Cha irmro,. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. 'rhe followine bills \·1ere allowed: J. ,::. 1!enkes expenses 107.85 , , ,::. Henkes T,ouise Stondahl expenses 16.20 ... J. ~ova·ng :.:arilyn Dreger clerical work 1.50 Jean E. Ee.sum ::1. A. !Jess cleriuo.l work 31.50 Ethel Grormer Dr. J. J. •./arner duputy coroners fees 6.45 Dr. i'/, .\'/. Drought Dr. :•1. A. Lee coroner·• s fees 21.45 l'lermun ,:olmson ~'rank C. Barnes ,,runicipal Juclge' s fees 43.45 Vile tor Lundeen & Go, Ur,ebls.d "ub. Co. su.pplies 13.50 Whitehead Pr:tg. Co. Otter Tail Power Co. power 14.53 Clare'nce R. Aune i'. w. Sanitary Supply co. supplies 4.20 Hintgen-J:o.rst Eleo. Co, City of Fergus Falls light q,, water 138,17 H,\'/.Eell Tel. Co, r:.i'!.Bell Tel, Co. · ;i.ong ciiste:nee cs.lls 19.10 Ea. Holstrom Ev.erett l"aunce janitor work 35, 00 County Sohool "< Of'fioe l"ro.nkel Garbon •• Ribhon Go, supplies 2.50 l,iiller-Davis C·o. Ceo. D. Burnard Statl'• co. blank reoord .,_.;;0,.,14:. "Security Blant Book & Ii:":T./1, A.N.Barnard supplies 2.10 Printine Co. Bettle r, ake !'.eview pub.notice to taxpo.yers 1.00 P'ergu.s .'ou-rno.1 Co. 'l"ergus .iourno.l Co. supplies 20.75 Louise Stonciahl u. w. Glorvigen sto.mped envelopes l!J0.84 Charley Anderson .'ohn C. Cahi 11 Sheriff's fees 2. 50 :-'red ••,ast ,'). D, T,ightfoot repairs 7 .50 L C. Anderson board of prisoners expenses clerioal work olerical work dep.ooroner's fees Dep.sheriff's fees SU pJ,llie s binding tax receipts hauling rubbish repairs long dist1:1nce calls repo.irs Supply Co. supplies books e.: bl anlcs recerds pu.o, •proceedings postage l set.drag hooks jail er 200.25 14.20 25.50 13,50 5.25 6.!JO 50.5!) 6.50 4.00 1.65 2.70 3.00 43. 45 51.91 157,10 155,92 70,14 30.00 15.00 18.50 'Nash-Finch Co. su·pplies 7.15 Robert::. Schmidt s·ervioes SU[Yplies 2. 25 Americo.n Legion "ost, Deer ~:reek '•. \~. Glorvif, en oornmissit1ns e.dve.noed to agents Memorial Tia.I' services 17 .50 cash a.clvanced · 20 .00 Sa:nd 9-enc h Senator ium care of r.n t ient Louise Sto,nd ahl l.l innesota State Everett Hanson ~anatorium care of patient-14.40 Dr~:rr·;t·s. Paulson eiamiflstion 5. 85 53.11 3.00 2.80 7.48 27.77 7,94 City of ~ergus Falls ·' ·I · i Nicols, TJean •,. Gregg : Uat'l. ~ushi?l!Z 0o !'e.rts · :1Iinnesota ?.totor co. Saul Mo tar ~o. ~ed ,rrow ~aral!e Fergus Iron ~arks Co. Gerald F:l;em :,:ilcox tumbe:r Co. Elk !'liver Cone. Prod,· Benf!tson Oil c:o. Rep's StandardService Jo-hn :,lagnuso n ; Mills Oil Co. · And-erson •• Sandberg Harthun !. Peterson Oil '1'01vn of Butler Se phi a Davidson McCabe ~re-s. ~iller I Teisber~ N.~.~ell Tel. r.o. w.~.Bell Tel, ~o. ,'.. Glorv'igen T,yle 'l'oll erson Wm.•. iiegler ~o. . Helen Bohn ;·1' Yalmer J~arvonen . '}eo. '1. (:underson . !hyllis ,. Ancierson ··,. A. T,ee r1. 111. 1•reisla,nder ~romesteod Twp. Erhard sf.rove Mahler •• Straus .: r.. !,!. 1/ere ! '?-ernard "ledii examinations 15 .00 I"i.\'/.Bell 'l'el. Co. long distance cells poor e,qiense, .'µn-.:rune, l!l42. supplies i::o. parts repairs repairs re:;mirs su·pplies snpplies lumb'er Co. culverts sasollne gasoline go.saline gas-oline gasoline,. Diesel co. kerosene rega.ir road gravel coal !JD.int calls northwestern Sheet •• Iron l'/orks supplies 9359.92 'Borchert-Tngersoll, Ino, pa.rts 25.06 T'he Servioe :::iec,order c.a. re,pa.i rs 82.82 T,ightfoot's Shop repoirs 1.50 ,'ohn !'.owo.lski repo.irs 1. 75 T,ei dal '.s ,Jewelry re po.i rs 1:35 ,1, T-'!. Schmi-dt repairs 0.00 Camble Stores supplies 1. 139 i:nof i'-l?eterson Hdwe. Co. supplies 12.20 Fred A. Everts lumber, etc. -:171~·;Ji6 T,eonard ,Jolrnson culvert 22.23 Po.rk !legion Oil Col gas0line 9.52 ll'ergus Service stat 1e,n gasoline fi.45 ~ay• s Servi oe St o.tion go.saline 31.42 Penrose Oil Co. ge.s, Diesel fuel, fuel 86.68 Field & Hagge Oil Co, Diesel fuel 3. 30 '~ho.rley Fenske shovel rent al 100.00 Floyd i1icLeod gravel 15. 00 Christ l'.ckho:Cf: gr1:wel 24,.59 "fighway Co. rent 2,!l5 ":. D. S'age storage 5.95 Otter Tail Power Co. eleo. energy 1.00 6.00 2.00 2. 75 7,A4 10.65 170.78 15.00 24.03 lO!'lf distance cash advanced expenses colls 15. l5 A. Glervi.gen r,ixpenses 35.62 9.17 eto. 61.19 320.31 525.00 58.40 60.75 10.00 10.00 14.47 87 .25 48.50 parts, etc. tal:ing testimony exp. attend .meeting Do. cl erk' s hire coroner's fees '!enetinn blinas road ~10 rk Adi!' 1, r-oad parts repairs re9e.irs. work 10.00 ~-L. Potter expenses 21.c,o 0eo. •~,!l.van co. parts 70.97 .~. C. T~enl:es cash advanced 8, 10 l?. -: : Amundson exp. a.ttend ing meeting 10.25 rrenry r::. "off no. 8.10 r.eo. "'· .'ohnson exp.•.: salary,weed 25.00 i.nspector !l.85 ~oe Reyner Dep.Sheriff's fees 38.50 Geo. ~ergem 0 ost 489 !l.!l2 7.36 10.50 7.00 !l0.!l9 7.75 Amerionn Legion !lrernerial Day services 24.00 500.00 '"omestead ~•wp. Add' 1. road work 175.00 250.00 "elioen ':'elephone Co. telephone servioes 3.70 18.[,2 6.00 4.25 '.linnesota ::otor Co., tno. tire •• tuhe !l3.00 r::10.rence rnutson repairs 3.35 · T_l·pen motien the Board then o.d journeo to September 15, 1942, at 10 o'olock A. ill. Attest: I ' 1,1. 'I I , ·, -~ Chairman. " I I ~NID.l!RINl'IHCI.CO...ffo.a:ouD..MINN...;.11141 S.e.!l.t.e1.1J.o.!:).r ... .l5 ...................... i!.93.42A ?.IIN'UTJ.:S OP ADJ0URUED UF.E'l'ING OF BOA:RD OF COUN'l'Y co1.nnss1orr1rns OP 0T'PEP. TAIL COUIJTY, i,iIHUES0T A. Pursuant to ndjonrnment the "9oard met at 10 o'clock A. J,i. '.l.'uesda,\', September 15, l!l4-2. Pr&sent: corn'llissioners r:arvonen, Gunderson, Hoff, Amundson and Sn6,1berg, , Gottlieb ,•ankP., Town Clerk of Butler To1vnRhi9, a 1ipenred befor<' the "Borrrd and explained the great ,;.expense to v1hich that townRhip hoo been put in repo.irinr,'ronc,s, such repairs being necessary on account ' o.., t1•1c se\•ere -floods during 1:he sprin;: :i.nd summer. trerms.n "<>ra.sel, ';'own supervisor of the Township of -:orliss 11.lso a.opeared, ste.tini.:: thr:t his to,mship hnd also been put to exi·raordina.ry expense for repair of rocds nne to the sar:,e ·nocids. The ma.tter 1'1e.s·la'i.d over nntil later i.n the seseion. · The ap'llicoti.cn o·• ·:.'om ~-lson for settlement o~ delin-,uent taxes "or th!' ,vr-or 1933 ago.inst the !T":¼ o.,. SP.c. lC) in the a:'ownship o-!' "lestern ,rns read end the "'-oorii recom'llended 1;o :the Ccm-nissi oner o-f' "'axotion thr-t ':hP. sniil taxP.s be set':lec' '.'oy the m1r:1 o-f ,~·17.30, beinp: o reduction of:"· 11.25 fro:n the rull a'l!ount of t,:;xns, peno.lt,1• 11.nd costs. · ':.'he upplicaf-ion of: ~-eorr,:e "· "/right for clnsst::.icat.ion or the T-: 50 ft. o• i1 200 ft,. cf S 150 ft. of l'.locJa: 4 in T,akeland Addition to the Ci t;,.r of "'erP-US '"alls -f.or the .\'ea.r 1941 at hcmestea.d rate wa.s rend ond the 'loard recom·n1rnded to the ']ornmissioner o-f' '.:'oxation th,:•t ! he assessed value c-/' said trr,ct be ree1iced from ···1093 to :"'6113, ,1nrl the tax from :'.~125.59 to :.,72.49. 'l'he folio•::inr, r!'!solution •·10s odooted: · ~esclT;ed. by the P.oo.ra o: 'Jounty bornmi ss ioners o·r C'ttP.r '!'ail r:ount.v, '.:!innesot a: '.'/hP.rees. this "'oarc! has heretofore contracter: with , . ". TTord Dor !)a inti nf the Ccu:rt ''ouse :ind ~ail, and • •11h'ereas, sai.d -;ioTk has bee"! rrnrnnleted ond ins·pected b,•; this ",onrd, . rro,,1, '"hP.re-~cre, be i.t resolved that the sum of ::"519.00 he o.1'1cl thP. samP. hereby is appropriated. out o• the ~evenue F'und of. thP. Connt.\r to be rJn.id to said oontrac~or on ·•ra.rr1.1.nt o-f the·Connt.v ,,uditor, .'lnd the Count? ~ndito:r and '!hai:rmon o·~ thl'? '3oe.rd are hereby authori:,ed to issue said warrant in said amount Adopted Ser-,tember 15, l'.!42. G. t,. Sno1•1berg, t::hoirman. Attest: Wi llia.m Lincoln, ':!lert. The following ,recclution was udopted: Eesolved by the c:',oard cf ::ou.nt.•; Commissioners of otter 'l'a.il Count.\', :.unnesota: 'l'hat the sun of :;100 be and. the so.me hereby is appropriatel out of the ?.evenue Fund of the Dounty tc the Otter ~ail Gounty Pistorical society . . Adopt ea Se!1tember 15, 1942. C. A. Sncwbers, t::hai.rman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk: ThP. following applications for cigarette licenses were grunter.: Roy E, Dunn, at D1mnvilla in the 'i'ormship of DUnn, for t-he period from ,'!une 1 to December 31, 1942. Earl ;_i. MacJ:enzie, at Shoreview ?.er.crt in the l'om1ship of Amor. :!'or the period from September l to December 31, 1912. r-:. !.'.. Veazie. at 1/eazie's Rillinp.: Stntion in the ·1ownship of l;!a.ine .. , ·for the pr-:riod from ;_iunur.ry l to leccmber 31, 1942, lire:. uottie ~urns, ot '?urns ~;tore in the 1'ownshi,p of !,laine, ~o:r the period from januaz:y-l to December 31, , 1912. "ec'P.r ~-Sande, iit Sande's store in the '!'o·rmship of l.ie.ine, for the 'peri.od from .:'anuarf l to 'TJecPmbP.r 31, 1912. ~•. A. Davis, nt l.!aine Store in the •rownship or :Jaine, t'o:r the period l'rom ,1onuary 1 to Jecember 31, 19·12. A. '"· Hanneman, r,t Luce <;tore in Lnce 'l'ownsite, in the To~mship of Gorrnan, for the _period from AUf?USt 1 to December 31, 194,2. !Jpon motion the '3onrd then udJonrned to 10 o'clock L u. September 16, 1942. Pursnant to adjournment the Foard rnnt ot 10 o'c:lock A. :.L:.'/e<inesclay, Se9tember 16, 1942, all 1 memhers bei nr present : Bias for coal as adverttsed for by the f-loard were opened nnd read, ancl it appearing that 0 • ''· Gust was the lowest bidder, upon mot.ion the contra.ct was awarded to i.lr. Gust 1:1.t :"·9,28 !ler ton for Conno.nder cool, treated with calcium chloride. A rer.10:rt or the ~oorc'i of Aud.it of exa.rninat,on df the ccounts or: n, :.I. 'lee, ::ounty Treasurer, : for the 9erice Pro,n :la.I' l to .',np:ust 31, 19",2, show·i!"lf, a. bal,:;nce in the C.ount.\r 'creo.sur,v at the close of :business on said lnFJt mentioned date of !~517,,,39,90, was·o.flproveii. Sheri"':.'. r:. 1ienJrns ::-e!1orted to the 'ioard that he had mnde di.lipPnt in,111iry Dnd had ascertained tho.t the !1Prsonal propert.v asr-,essment for the .'fear 1941 .in the '.'illae;e of "elican ~apids against Carl E. Carlson 1-:as erroneous as there wns no such r:::i.rt.v resic'lin,2' in said v il.lufe, !l.Ylc'l upon mot ion it "!!3.S orcl,&'P.e6, that th"! personal property tax, penalt,v n.nci cost.-i assess!'<l ne,uinst so.i a rart,y in the t.o t al sum of ,f,·20', 313 ' be concell ea. ' ':'he follov1inf; resolution was adopted: 2esolved by the goard of County Comm,i.ss:Loners ,of Otter l'ail County, ;.unnesota: That the sum of .:;40,00 per month be and the same herebJ' ls allo·1:ed to Phyllis _i_nderson for :' clerical work in the office of the County Attorney from August 1, l\i42, same to be !,lo.id at the close of eeoh month on ,rnrrant of the County Auuitor from the Revenue E'und o·f the County. Adoptetl September lo, 1942, C. A. Snowberg, Chairman. Attest: \'lillinm Lincoln, Glerk. The following resolution ·;,as adopted: Resol•1ed b~• the Boe.rd.of Count,1,i::o~unissiortP.l'S of Otter Tail County, Minnesota: That the leave of absence hereto·fore granted to 'fl'. L. Saud in, C ount,r T!ighwa,r Sngineer, be and the same herel;)y is extended ::rorn Se,1temper 1 to December :n, 1942. ~esol-ved furthP.r, that ~fton ~lorvigen be and he hereb,v is appointed as acting "'! ighway Engineer ; for the period frorn Sepember 1 to Deoe'llber, 31, 1!142 ut o salar.11 o·f !)200,00 per month. Ad0pted September lo, 1942. -~-A, Snowberg, C:hairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Glerk. The 1ifllestion of allowance to Townshi!lS of Butler and '!orl.is·s on account of excessi111:! ilamage to roods wns aea.in discussecl, n.ncl n::tr-ir fnll considerat.i on upon mot ion the snm of ~500 was a.llowed. to each •o-f said townships. The follov:ing b'ills were allowed: .J.C. r:renkes bon.rdine; 9risoners 200.25 ,,, C. i-Tenl~es ,J, c:.Henkes telee;r!IDIS 20.06 l'. A. Anderson : J. i::. Henkes star.ipeci envelopes 144.40 ·T. '/I. Clorvigen :: T, ouise stoI1dahl expenses 19,90 ~-,J. Tlovang Geo. F. Johnson y:eed inspectors e:q1, 85.75 American Legion Post 21\J J'own of Tnman "uarant lne expense 5, 00 !:!lited Chemical ~o. supplies 4,90 ""ritz-·'.:ross r,o. Tnterna.Uonal 'Jhemical Co. ·• G0.00 L!iller-Do.vis 'Jo. :iiotor T,undeen "c /Jo. supplies 101. 11 r' ;.1eara' s IJounty School •o Ofii c·e Sup:Jl.l' ~o, supplies 70,77 T.i~n varcl s11re expenses postage driver license exp. expens,es l,Iemorial Day services sup91ies supplies SUpf)l ies supplies 96.98 40.49 4.80 15.50 19.00 60.00 72,41 1.00 9.08 40:t.' ' _I I I _·:I IDfi,TE: ................. s~1it.emb.e.r ... l.fl .................................. 19~? ... . uintgen-rarst ~l~c. Co, supplies 0.70 t. 13. "'ink check writer 7(i. 38 Osv:a.ld 0 ubl.t:o. blanlcfl 1.88 tT/'leblr.d 'Duhl. 1:0. printin,;: 21~.00 n:w.13ell Tel. Co. io!lf. distance calls 13.10 The :;:>ar~wax·co. swee!line: cornpound G.75 City of ?ergus Palls water, lifht 137.37 Andrew O. Grlna. insurance 52.89 1l.\\'.!3ell 1'elP.phone -~o. longdistance calls 23.76 Fergus "Dlumbing ~ ~tg. Co. repairs 8.20 !-!.\'/.Sash ~, Door Co. re!lairs 16.50 ~linton ~eaten labor 62.50 lfash-:;'inch Co. ?ergns -~ourna.l co. '.liller-nuviB Co. ,T. T.>. Smalle,v , ,'r. Lompert J.uml,er Co. OttP.r ':'nil "ower Co. 1~lar1?nc-e 1. .Aune Anton~-Anderson Hico ls, r,ean '< Gresg I .. B. r'ink 11-rv:in Long iois.rilyn Drae:er clerical work 57 .00 Violet "olmouist ,Jean Ei;p.um clerical work 42. 00 'Ti'rank C. Bn:rnes Dr. ~-A. L~e coroner's fees 15.95 Dr. \11. A. '.:!illP.r Dep.cororn!r's fees 11.35 t\enn.ie 'jrness !-1 osco S. 1?,rown Shf'ri :r-r: • s fees i. 30 ,lose ph :~ayn-er Perman Johnson Dep.Sheri'ff's fees G.50 "1ov \.lickland Roy Corliss Do. 50,A5 ,;,r~cl .J. Cast City of Fereus Falls ,vatr.r ",, 11;".ht 2,74 City of P.ergusFalls .Dr, :.J. O. B. Nelson exarnino.tion 3.00 Iwnon Township Central Hospital ca.re of patlent 3.00 Glen La.ke Sanatorium Sand Bea.chSan,1toriu1n co.re of p,~td!ent 53.14 i'/, L. Potter A, Glorvigen e~penses 88.25 Edgar Leitch N.i/ •. 9ell IJ.'el. Co. long distance calls G.05 H.W.Bell '.l.'el. co. Pelican 'l.'elephone i::o. services 3.50 Otter '!'ail .Power Co. 1'1.1'/.Sneet •• Iron \"iorks parts 8.94 Mrs. Ingeborg :l'horson & s11.p!>lies ballots, et o. P.leotio·n blanks printing coal power hauling ashes r,radua.tion rnusic freight reoairs hai11 ing gro.sshopper poison clerical work J.!Un'lci•pal J uclge's fees Sheriff's fees Dep.Sheriff's fees Do, jailer water~ liBht care ot transients ca.re of patient eXt)enses expenses services pov:er Henry H, J,anglie . gravel 97.84 Federal Ltind Bauk of st.Paul gravel Rayrnoncl Bros. Motor Transp. Co. freight 3.43 '!ill. of Battle ta.ke water ' :i:. D. Sage rental 5.00 Stenerson Bros. LumlJer Co. ·cement -:-'red A.r.:verts lumher 19.24 !Uk.River Cone. Prod, r,o, ctllverts Aune Eros. tire '• repairs 24.28 '1 •• J. Wnllaoe repoirs r:ela 3ros. repairs 4.56 Saul 1,:otor Co. repairs :-:. A. Stu-ntebeck repe.irs .93 Motor Inn G!l'age repairs, etc. \V.F.Smith Tire ",,·Battery Co. reoa.irs 38.20 Uinn. !:Tator Co., Inc... repflirs LienPdwe. Co, repairs·•• snpplir.s 39.22 'lictor Lunder.n 'r. Co. supplies H!P'lson Garage supplies n.11c8 Pelico.n Sn!)ply Co. supplies Dalton I.umber Co. supplies l!l.85 ·.'/ilcox Lum1Jerr:o. sup;plies Butler •rwp. roail work 500.00 ii'rillerp. ';'v:p. rend. work Meple1;1ood Twp. rood work ·100.00 Pighway Co. rent •, gasoline St1md.a.rd Oil Co., l"arkers :>ra.ir i e gasoline lu. 70 Bengtson O:i.l Co. gasol i:ne ,,J P.a.\''sService Station gasoline 3.35 Fergus Service Station gasoline Stanclard Oil Co.,11.Y.:Iills gasolinP. 17.75 Avis 'lawman ga.scline Stonda.rd Oil r:o., "elica.n Rap. gasolin-e 38.50 Perham c:o-op. Oil co. Ba.saline Mills Oil Co. gasoline 27. 44 i'/est Otter ·110.il Service Co. llB,soli ne Otter '.:'ail ':o-o_p Oils; Tnc. ~a.saline Gl.88 "ield •, B"agr.e Oil Co. DiesP.l fuel Anclerson •• s~i.ndberf! Oil t:o. Diesel f.uel 1-7. 75 "PenrosP. f1il co·. Diesel -fnel,.L- C hos,H. Hord pnintinp-6!l.75 Pn.11.l ,,. Stendr.r oanva.ssing boa.rel 1~. A. Snowbere: canvassing board 9.10 u. W. Clorvieen canvassine, boa.rd YalmP.r T~arvonen canvassinr-board ldc.40 ''/illi!lll1 Lincoln ca.nvassing board Otto A. i'.:rueger loller 813.00 YalmP.r r:arvonen exp.attendi.ng meet. Helen '9ohn takinf testimony 24.00 ;'/m.1{.Ziesler Co,Ino. suppli·es Larson 'P.ros. reor,irs 19.10 ServkP. Oil Co, gnsoline Len Syverson gasoline :36.77 'i'he Service Recorder co. repr1irs Borchert-Tng ersoll, Inc. cu.t tinr, edges 430. 20 Clurenue J:nu tsc.n re pairs 5.17 7£7.50 574. 70 4.95 11.25 17.38 3,00 25.00 2,13 tl.50 21.00 10.50 24.50 1.30 7 .35 1.30 15,00 4.08 10.00 G7.80 52,15 21.35 3.55 17.!l? 280.06 2.25 4.25 4!!.20 8.00 !l,15 52.90 l.75 6.05 3.12 13.51 100.00 30.56 31.32 2!l.73 74.09 2.55 156.10 371.!)5 57.5G !l.10 9.10 !J.10 6.30 ,330,53 75.00 Geo. ·B. C-tmderson ca.re of tralls'lent 8.00 Henry C. Hoff exp.attending meeting 3.97 i11.50 5.00 4,80 , ; P. E. Amundson exp. e.t tending meeting 7. 25 Ceo. a .cund ers on Do. Upon motion the Board trien od,journed to '.l.'uesda.y, October 1:1, l!i'l2 a.t 10 o'clock A. i\-i. ' ,, 1 ,, , 'I i Attest: Chairman. 'I p: c@MMISS"'O""T·E·· 1°s· B~c--0:0;0. 11,'• oT·T·E· /0· T,.A. :Tit·· ,c.-o·u:,N··TY M~T'"'Ti"'l! • l! :11,. ·· 1'\; · ":ii. J'; -J.Y.11 · . .' · -ll\ · · · -._., ___ -· ~ · · · · · t . ·;J.-l,~'11• BATJ!L ....................... C!.e.t.uli.ex. ... l,.3._ ... El.4.g ............... 193'.,12.. .~AND.P.IUNDNG.C0.. •. 81' .. a.AID..N~I•■ "ITNUTO:S m• AD,10!1RNF:D !1IF:~TING OF' BOA~D OF C0FF'l'Y C0'.f.T,:SS TQJ'-r.:~fl OF. 0.TT-:R Tl.TT, COUU'TY, ; :J !:IiF!S 0'1' A. Pursuant to nd,,ournrnent the 13oarci me.t o.t 10 o'clock A. I,!. 1•uesd0y, October VI, l!l42. Present: commission P.rs i~arvonen. Gunderson, T.,of r, Amunii son and Si1owbcrg. A renordi o:r: the Public r.:xa.miner of nn examination o': the various 1.:00.nty ofrlces ·for the year t>ntlin,:t DeoP.mber 31. 19~:l a.nci .for the pe:-ioa from ,1 amm:-,'! 1, 1942 to ,'uly 20, 1942 ·;:as presented to the !]c,;rd end e:rnmineii by them and ortle.reci. plr-iced on f\i.le. · · :,embers ct' the Tovm Boards o-r: '310~1ers, Pnddook and nomesteacl t1[)f)Ca.red before the ijoard to ask for· emersency oppl'epriation on o.ccount of flood ca.mt1r,;e du.rinr. the onst season in those to1mshi1>s, A-fter discuRslon the Commissioners aereed to examine Connti ronds ~ffectia by those floods. and also.the township ro:,,rls !l.S far A.s nossi.ble, this P.xuminntion to toke plr.;.ce in the a-ftP.rnoon o-f 0ctobP.r 14th. ·'.:ipo.rette licenses r.or the '-'nti.rP calr->ndar :mar l!l4-2 Wl!'re._r,:rontP.d to 1:hester Hobherstad nt r-ost T,l!l'0 StorP in t hP 'l'own o·r :'oine, nrJa T,eonard ~orard ~.t .\mer s·torP. i.n the 'l'o••mship of l,,mor. '.1.'hl!' o '>plicP..tion o·• -~hP.oiiorP., n.nd "lP.lva E. i:nott 1:o:-ch1.ssif!icoti.on o" thP. sr.:' IT'•:' ~!'Id T,ot 3 excent roilrood ripht-0-f-·e>.1,I' irJ Section 1?. 'l'ovm o" :•ead r,,il·e ·"or the .'!P.r:i.r l!l41 at homestead rate was rend and the ~aero r-P.commencleft 1·,: the Co•n'!lisoi.oner of Tnxr..ti.on that. sa.:id l::ind be so cl1:issif-.iecl o.nd the assessed vrcl.ue redn.ceci -from :_'371 +o ::-222 n.nd th<? tt1x :'rom :··:31.46 to -~16.1.lf.l. · The O.!JPlico.t lon o-r· :.111:forcl Helson i'o r cilassifico.tlon of T,ots 1 and 2 in SP.c:1:i on 31'1 •rownship of Dora fer the yeor 1941 at homestead rate was read and the Boaril recommemled to the Commissioner of ".'oxation that sr,id lr,nd be so cl,1usified and the vallrntiou reduced from ~;Urn tc, ,:·112, onc'i the tax from ~15,30 to•f8.25. · The application of ;.!re. Curo ·o:nestad for settlement of delinquent taxes .f:or l!l:j4 and 1CJ"36 to 1940 inclusive r.gainst Lot 3 '3lock 60 in the Or.iglnal "lat, and Lot ;'3 Bloc}: IJ of ',/right ~ :Jend.enh&ll's Addition to the '~i ty of Fergus Falls was read ancl the Bourci. recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that said ta:-:P.s bP. settled Eor the surn of -~403.70, bei?lf-a rerluctlon of $75.82 :!'.rom the full amount of taxes, penalty, interest onci. c:ost-s. . A re,,ort of the Hoorc\ of p._ud it. o'f VP.rificaticn (If the c:u:rrent tax collections o"!: the County TrP.a.s urer for the pP.r iod from '..far ch 12, 1942 to ;une 17, 1942 sho,•:inp :; total o-~ :"·4l!l, 303. 46 col lecUd and ilistributed to v1;1.rlons fnnils was approved. Upon -notion the T\oard then took a recess to 2 o'clock"· r.1. Shr-rif.f ,,. -~. Hen}:P.s rP.::,orted to the ':-card tho.t .,e_rscnaJ. propert.'i assessment ".'or 19t,l against Smith ~, l,loen in ParkP.rs Pro.iri.e -Vi.llafP. in the s11,n ot: !:'2.56 covering property properly assesseii in rouplas Count,;· and taxes po.id, o.nd ll!JO·n moti.on it vms ordered thn.t so.id tax in Po.rkP.rs "rnirie Villo,ge be cancelled. The following bills were allowed: ,,. r:. ·1,pnkes boarding prisor1ers 203.25 n. 7. ~lorvigen drivers license ex9. 3.90 ~eo. "'· ,7ohnson weed eradication 61.33 Diebold Sa ''e '.: T,ocl: Co. servi.ces 12 .50 !!'he Pierce Go. SU!Jplies 7.70 Securit.l' '3:l!a.nk Book •,. !'ri nting Go. blanks 2. 96 Japs-Olson '.:o. b1'mks 73.32 Poucher 0 rintinr, !I: Lithogrnphine, '>O, record 77.07 ·Fer~ns .:iournol Co. pnblishinf!, P.tc. 41,10 ,T. r:. nenkes t P.ler-rams 7. fl2 ,,i t.v of "'erf-usT-'o.lls v:o ter •,. lip.:ht 4. 65 State of ;.:innP.sote ,cunt,:; "):<llrn.inntion 632.15 ·aerfus Servic:e f.to.ti on f,OSOl.:lne · 1 ._!l5- 'Post 612 .!,,m,,rican Le8ion ·remorie.J. Doy services 12,00 T!'l/?B :·o.lvik :11.1nicipal .'uror's fees 1.00 ;,ciol•1h ('.lorvir,en Do. 1.00 O. l.!. Sholberg Do. 1.00 Dr. :•1. A. J,ee c:oroner's fees 5.35 :.ra.rinuR Anl.er ~las tine not ices 3, 00 A. r.lorYigen expenses 87 .. 135 . '.'/, L. Potter e:, pens es 40. 30 ('le T,eP. expenses 17,03 · r,sreon "ros. re9e.irs 20.60 ,Olson 1,uto '::lee. Co. rP.poirs 1.75 Peliotrn Sl1pply ,io. repnirs 1.95 'l. ,,. "enson ~: sons repoirs 1.50 ;,1:.hler 'I: Straus purts 10.06 Thc.rmo.n ·,y, "!osholt '.:o. 1iurts 23 .. 83 !'Ulseth Supply i:O, SU!)'plies 3!),30 ''icols, Dean •: •~re1:g SUP!>lieR 90.313 11,'"/,'¼ll •~el-::o. long distance ca.lls 5.25 l!.-'1.~ell ":'elephone r,o, servic:P.s 5,40 ·rill. "elican ~a·iicis l':ater charf.eS 2.75 ,turnst ,'ohnson f.111 6.15 ?r'!d ;._. ~verts ce11 ent 3, 7 5 T,nrr1!1Prt T,urnber'.:o. · lumber 6.CJO !':. L. Ho.rel lu.mher IJ0,00 ··rant County l-'if.hwa,y Dent. install c:attle pass H,8.16 -:. D. Sae.e e;an.l.(!e rento.l 5.00 "Poper, ,111':1enson •• '.io. reinfornem,.,n.t steel 85.2G "'erF'O ••on"ldr~• •~c.. ton]:s 'I: _1Ji.;mps 12-3. ?.6 "'errn!'l C'il r;o. T>iesel fuel, etc. lf.,4.72 Anr.eri::on ~, ';(')nrlberp :JlesP.l l"uel r,. pa80line '15 ,00 ~. c. uenkes exoenses i,labll!' '!, !~osso1•: clerical 1•1ork r,!iller-!3r~,ant-Pierc:e co.rbon paper "•. Ugebl!lu Pu.bl. Go. SU 1>plies 5, i,iiller-Dnv is Co. blanks 64. ".:ount.y Sd1 col •,. Of-:'ic:e Supply Co. blanks 139. · Wlii tehead PrintinP: co. ,'lrinting 15.0 Victor T,nmleen '• Co. priritinc, etc. 174.CJ N.~.~ell Tel, ~o. long distance calls 35.9 ottP.r '1'11i.l "'.ewer r.o. power 10. ,it.v of "'erBns '!"alls water •• liP.ht 106.6 ~-~. nonklin shurpP.ninP ,newer 1. AmP.rico.n T,ee;icn Auxil.iar.11 'iemorial!;Da,v services 22,50 ''/illiam r.uelzow consto.ble fees A .O •:ho.rl<?s '~. Gates ;.1nnic:ipa.l .~uror' s fees 1.0 iierrnan Sc:hoenine Do. 1,0 Chi.nae ~-FiF!ld ,:ustice fees 10 .O Dr.~-A, Lee c:oroner's ~ees ~ in~uest 11.~. ,\. Glorvigen c:o.sh aciv~111ced · 13.5 ldgar Leltc:h ex~enses 14.4 Lyle ~cllerson expenses 8.65 Elk RiYer Gone, Prod. Go.culverts 239.14 ,:ela i3ros. Guruge rl'l ;,>airs t,. CJ!l 1-l'unson Gnrac;e refrn.irs 2.55 ::1. ,:r. Sc:im1idt repo.irs 1.50 Clarenne 1:rn1 tson re :iuirs 4. 78 The Geo. T. Ryan Cc. parts 106. 70, Rum Sandberg su[)plies 3.10 i,Iinnea·9ol is Iron Store supplies 15. 20 ''!rri, "· •;ie,zler Co., Tnc. stlO'ol.it'S 709.05 :'lhi.tehmul Printing Co·, _ririnting 11.00: otter 1'oi.l Po,:er Co. oo,r:er 15.551 :.:ork Sn.nrl '= ::rosel ,o. sond ~, praYel 15. 75: n .. '.,,ossen seed 20.00' Jec:l: .:rohnson piling 7 .5 ' :•1ilcox T,u:nber (:o. lumber 3 .8~ · :.1cr:ane 13ros. coal 26.Gr "ir:lmay r.o. rent :34.0. Leitch nonstru.c:tion Co. P.'1Uipment rental 472.5G 10~ 11~ "-filshnsPn "·'i eld •,. "aff,e '.:ii. l ·:otor Tnn r.oror-e "i llci rn ~o. repn.irs 1.00 niesel fuel •tc.23R.89 r-:asolinr., reoalrs ,/ 5'3.R4 fa:::olinP. 31.5A <'lson '.'il. Co. rosoli.ne 50.10 ~ill "<>lzon's r•il ,e:. '3er:ice ('lil ,o. rose.line 30.00 ·,nc'r--r··•cod "'i.l ':o, fDBcline 73.52 r-n.::;c,line 2.8A '31:andgrd "iJ. l)o. pnRolinP. 3A,50 -ntlP.r ••,.m. For:egia.n r-ro·:e :-·:1p. ronri 1:;c.rk 100.f.lO ~s~ re11 ~li ni c e:w.mi. not.ion ;1, on l'niversity ··ospltol c:ore c!' :1r,11per ll.l!5 nr. '· ..... T,P.Wls .uav i.s ~1 inie Glr--n ·r,:;J:e f;::.rw.torlum :.iinn. State Senutorium c.:are.uI patient 1i:4 . .cj.Q Sund T'eeoi, c,_'"1r1nto1·ium '.!rs, "elmer .~ustyold c:leric:o.l wort [i .::5 :,;re .. J. r'. !VP.rso11 ,iean Eff.U'.!l cleric:ul worl~ !J.75 :,nit;; ::'iorginl P. A. A!!cierson 2C.75 Louise Standahl er.1erp:enc,v roan •vori: 500.0, exD11ina+ion 3.0. 1mt,·ninatiC1!1S 6.0( core er patients 6R.4~ c:are or 1Jatient .30.lJ, c leric:1.11 wort 6. O' c:lP.ricol •vork 19.5(1 403 ....•.. i"''c:.tG bP..l" .. 13, .... 1 ~H2 ............ 193!.?.., .. ■IIECUllff'Y,.:'ANJCIIOOllANDPRINIINGC0.0ST. D,:111 ... .-11 .. ; P. E. A:nu.ndso n . , Yel'ller rarvon':!n Geo. g. Gunderson exp.o.ttendinr, meeting 8.50 Geo. r> .• Gunderson Do. !J.05 t,.W.Bell ,;,el. co . cRre of transient 5 .oo •:st rem '!linic exp.o.ttemling meeting 5.25 :j.onr. distance cr.lls 27.00 exomination 3.00 Fat' 1. ~ushinE ~ Parts 'Phr-:-Oil Store Co. su;:rplies 26.17 r.:re11t ••·estern Laboratories supolies 16.02 re poi rs 2. 00 repairs 1.40 .,oim ;:owalski ~ela !:ros. rarape '!'hornnn i·r. ~:oshol t r:o. ?a.v n·nber repe.irs 31.18 T,a}:e •~ep:Lon ::otor '.':o. qhossis 33 .50 , p!:'rts 119.40 "elicnn ""clephcne Co. services 2.90 pilinr, 35.00 ''iphwoy r:o. rasollne 43.AO r:onsumers Oil ao. fa.saline, etc. 15. 76 ~asoline 30.80 ;;'a.v' s Service Station ,I.vis i?.OW'llO.I). ~asoline 18.!J9 ~ill i:Telson' s Oil co. oil 3•L 23 , ?ine I,ake 'l'wp. Corliss 1'wp. U r.ion '!101:ion road work 500.00 Ccrliss Twp. road work .1 31 "5 H 0 nr~" · G uo fl'f the ~oard then adlourned to•1a•;,olo;k \. ~-O;~ober 14, WELUESLIAY'S SESSI9N, emere;ency :road work 500.00 exp.o.ttendins meeting 7.RO 1D42. Pursuant to acl iournmrmt the 'Jourd met o.t 10 o'clock •\. ,,.. October 11, 1942, all members beine; pre.sent. • · l'he petition of I,Ia.rinus Anker o.nd oth,;,rs f.or ch!'lni;:e of. part o"!' State Aid P.oad .{J,5 in the •rownshLps of ·'idaros and Leaf J..Ionnto.in ~ms taken up :for f.inal uction. The committee appointed t·o exa11,1ine said propo·sef. chanp.e havinr. met along the :route or S!'lid road on f!er,te·nl)er 23, l!J42 at 2 o'clock P. i,!. ns 1· ordered by the loo.rd .inly 14·, 1942, o.no having f.iled a report recommending that the petition be gronted, all ir,terestea. pa.rties who were prese,1t were hea..rd-, hc,th for and. against the prop0sed change. After fnll consideration, upon motion the petition was grnnteo, no drnm,ees beine allowed. The "card lrns.in11 OTranged to examine County r,nd '.Pownshig rcr,.d_s in Paddock, '3lowers o.nd Fomester,d, then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. Ll. October 15, 1~42. 'l'HURSDAY' S SESSION. Pursuant to ad~ournment the 13onrd met o.t 10 o'clock/! .. !·!. Thursday, ('lcto•>er 15, 1942; o.11 member!:' being present. '.i.'he petition of •:rs. Fose So.!"!dberp; to set over the s1, i:w.:+, Sec. 13 To·m o" Candor from Dist. 269 to Dist. 26q v1a.s token 11p r-or f.innl action, snd the petttione:r and her h11shond •vere "resent and mace their statements to the ~oord in :rer.n:rd to tJ,.is :>P.tition. tn the absence of the 'Jaunty Superintendent of Schools the "-Oard felt thnt no fir.al neti6-n Si!OHld be taken on the petition, o.nd npo·n '!lotion the jinill hearing was ud~ourned to Hovem'ber l."3, 19'l2 at :(o o'clock A. ~:!. ,.I' . The pet :it ion of Emma r. rabarJ.:ewi t z to set over ,,o_t 1 in Sec. 1 To11mshi p of Oscar ~rom Dist. ol to .. Dist. 16 wos take•n up for final e.ution. Owing to the absence o"f the Super:intenclent of Seilools, npo-n motion the final hearinr-: was ud~ou:rnec to November 13·, 1942 at 10 u' c.:lock A. U. . The petition of Alilert G. Ziesemer to set over :;,ots 2 and :; in Section f, '.rl•ilm of \'/oodside from ti st. 142 to Dist. 150 was iet\d and it wns ordered that u hearing on s:ii. cl petition be had o.t the session of tl,e •~oard. to he helci o.t 10 o'cloc:k A. ,.!. '.1.1),ursday, ,J.,nunry 7, 1943 t1nu thi1t due notice cf .the time and place of said heoring he given a.s requir.ed· by law. 'l'he petition of. D. H. Ee;gers to set over the E~ !~E¼ Sec. 9 •rovm:;hip of Leuf Lake from Dist, 13•1 to D.ist. 105 was read und it wus 01'dered thot a lieorin~ ~m so.id petition be ht1cl u.t the session of tile 3ot1rd .1 to be held at 10 o'clock A. h!. },imrsday, January 7, 1943 .u110 that due 11otiue at' the time anu place of said hearing be given o.s required bJT law. . The pet it ion of Ans·elm Savela. to set over the S\'/¼ HR¼ Sec. 15 'rovm of 3lcwers from Dist. 279 to ,Dist. 2l!J was read and it wi:rn ordered that a hearing pn so.id petition be had ut the session of the qoard. to be held at 10 o'cloclc A. M. Thursday, ,11mum·.~T 7, 1943 nnd that cine noti.ce of. the'time and place c,-P sa.id hearing be eiven ,:,s requi:reci by le.w. . 'rhe petition of Sharley l'.\•k,vri to set over the \1/tt NI'/¾' of Sec. 24 'J~ownship of Lea:f Lake from Dist. 135 to :)ist. 131 was rend fl.nd it was 01·dered that a heering on Raid petition be had at the s.ession of the Soard to be held at 10 o'cloc}; A. !.1. TlmrsdaJ•, .•unuor.v 7, 1943, and that c:1ue notice of the time and place of said hearing be piven as required by law. . 'l'he petition o~ r.:lmP.r· Vitt to set over the st· SE¼ of See. 31 Tovmshi.p 138 ~o.nge 36 in '>ecker Connt,v from Dist. u2 o-f said Connt,v to ;;ist. 246 o:f Otter 'Pe.il County was read und it was ordered that a hearinr on sa.ici petition be had o.t the session of the Board to be held o.t 10 o'clock A. r.1. 'l'hnrsd.ay, January 7, 1943 and that due not ice of the t i.rne •~.nd pltwe of said he a.ring be Biven a.s Tequired b,V law. Upon motion it was orderec thot the sum of t'.250.00 be alloweci to ea.uh of the 'l'o1•mships of 'llowers, !;'addoek and· Homestead for flood darnages on ro,icis i.n sriid townships, pr.yment to be mo.ne on ve:r:L:fieci hills to be filed with the County ~oard. · The application o ~ ','!alter .1okeil:a for settlement cif delin'1uent taxes :tor 1D36 and 1937 a.eainst the "i'E·; S\'/+ sec. 33 and S\'/¼ IIW~. S?/-s·.•,~·. SW~ SE¼, NE;t S"!·{ 'and NW¼ si•r-3,--of Sec. !36 Township of Otte was read and the "oe.rd recommencie/1 to the Gc,m,.,isRioner of To,:o.f.i.on that said taxes be settled for the sum of !'303.34, l1einp n red1.wt:Lon of :'1'67.63 rrorn thP full o-nonn1: of: taxes, renolt.V', interest o.m costs. '.!.'he 8.flPlicot.ion or nle 0. 1:'.lshm.1.p. -for settler~r--nt 'of c1elin'1n.ent taxes for the ,yPnrs 1934 and l!J35 against the S:!::+ of Sec:. 28 •rown~hi. p or <:verclru,p wos re::i.d nnd the n.oo.rd recomrnenc1,ec1 to the Com:ni.ss ionPr 9r '"axation thd so.id taxes l"1e s·et1-h,c1 for •·hr. snm o~ .,,121.04, br-,inf r.. re/111ction o: :''."-1G.19 from th'! ~nll r,i.mo11nt of to.xP.s, pP.nr,it,\T, i.ntP.rP.st nnd costs ... 'l'he follow inf. :resolution •Was oclopt ed: Resolved by the F\oo.ro cf Co1mt,;r r.om·nis:~coners ct:·r-tter '.rail countr, :.!innesota: Whereas, this Board ho.s heretofore contro.cteci with Gunnu-rson •• Ness "f.cr 8To.velling County :(id ,J•ob No. 42: 10, ancl \'J'liereo.s, same ha.s been J'llll,v uompleted uoc.:ording to the 1~ririneer' s certifiui:,.te on file 1•1ith the r:ounty Auditor, the total cost of sr,id work ueinr, /'.l,5Bl.45, und · ,1hereas, said worlt has been examined ond ac.:ce pt eci. by a uomrnit tee of this Board, N ow, tlierefore, he it resolved tli11t the Co•nnt~• Aucii tor and Chui rmun cf the Boo.rd be and· they Hereby are o.uthorized and directed to issue to said. contructor u wurrant on t.l.e :!Oad o.nd 13ride;e Fund of the County in the sum of !°'158.14, amount ciue Accord irit to said EnBineer' s uertifico.te. Adopted this 15th da,y of October, H/42. ~-!\. Snowberg, Chairman. Attest: Willi om I.incoln, ~lerk. The following resolntion was odopted: Resol'Ted b;\' the. "loard of Countf ~ommis!:',i onPTS of Cltter 1.'o.il Co1mtr, '..iinnesota: Whr--reas, this 'loarc:1 he.s heretofore contracted with r.unmrf:son o,, Hess for r,ravelling bonnty Aid ,, o l:J TTO • ~.2 : 09, nnd •·iherens, some hs.s been fully c,omrleted o.c,coraing: to the '·'.nf.ineer's certificate on Fi.le with the i ' 7' I I ,· IIY. • IDOK..'IIND.MIN11NG.ca., • CLGUD..MINN--H141 county Auditor, th"? to~al cc,st ol' r:rnid. work beinp {ii,937.CJ9, and -ahereus, saicJ 1:ork nas been examined and acce!)ted by u corn•nittee c,f this c1oard, . Now, therefore, be it resolved. ti)at the county Auditor an,i Ghai.r,oo.n of the HGa.ra be and they bereb,V ore authorizecl 'ind directed to iss,ie to said contractor & warrant un the Boa.rd and Bridge ,Fund. or the countJ' in th':' sum of ,:·u·9:3.71, the OlJ101mt due aoco1•ding to said r.ne;ineer's certi:fH:ate. ;\dopted this 15th dti.1· of October, 1942, C. A. Snowberg, Chairman. Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk. 'l'hP. -followinf?, resolutio'n ,!as od:opted: ?,esolved by the nor,rd of Co1mty Commissioners of Ottr.r 'l'ail nonnty, l,iinnesoto: ;'/hereas, this "30tn•d has heretofore contracted with Gunnnfson ~, Ness for gravelling Co•mt,v Aid Job jlO, 42: 0£.1, ancl "/h•neas, samP. has been. fully completed according to the '~neineer's certificate on file with the ~ount.\' Auditor, the total cost o-r said work being ?'·1,221,79, a.nd '.'/hereas, said work has beP.n examined and a.cce·pted by a. commit.tee of this 'loa.rd, JJo\V, therefore, be it resolv'i!d · llhnt the Goanty Audi ter and iJhairman o-f the Board be and they herer.y are o.uthorized and d.irectP.d te i.ssue to said contractor a. wo.rra.nt on the Ror,d anc1 Bridge li'und of t:t,'! •~ount,\' in the f!·Um of "'12?.,18, the amount due a.ccc,rding to sai.d Engi.neer'H certificate. Adopted October 15, 1942. C. A. Snowlierp, Cho.ir·ne.n. Att~!it,:. Willia.m I,incoln, ClP.:rk, TJpon mot ion the "loo.rd then. adjourned to Thursday, rfovember 12, 1 ~M2 at 10 o'clock A. H. ~ \t test : :1 I 405 'I I !. ,C@1MffliISS10NJE!R$ tEcoeil M, OfTElR TAtL; C0'UN1'Y,: MIDN1N. ]l>A:1.'E ............ · 1 ,Qv em l1e.r ... 12.~ ... 1.~l::1-2 •.. : ................. ~193l-.2 ... . .-:URITY.a.lNK BOOIC"AND PRINTING CO;,•SI'. CLQUD,,IMINN.-IIIH i,lill'':i.'ES 01'' ADJOUR!l~D !:!EE'l'IJIG· Oz' BOA?..D OF COU!i'l'Y •~O!,!:,:I SST OiiE~S OF .Q'l'TE:i.l •i'AIT, COI!HTY, 110: i-HTES OT A. i ., I . . Pursuant to adjournment the .Boord met o.t 10 o'olouk ;\. i,I. 'l'in1rsday, ·I.Jovem'oer 12, l!M,2. "resent: Commissioners ');,.rvonen, Gundereon, ;.mundson o.ncl. Snowberg. The ap,,licati.on o:P. ,J. •'. T,ogan for clu.ssifico.tion of r.ot 2 nnd E~ of J,ot 3 in Block 2 o·r i'/ilson's · Addition to the Villop.e of -Pelican :Jo,oids o.t ho;·nesteod rate for the ,venr 19.41 wns read. and the Ec11rd reoommended to the r:ommis!'lioner of 'l'a.xotion thut ssi.d land lie so cla.ssified nncl ·the ossessed value reduced fro:n ~-212 to :l°'l 70 1.1nd the tax from !'26. 82 .to !-:\15. 27~ . The applico.tion of Leslie n. <1~1lle,\' ·for clo!'lsific1c1.tion o" Lot 2 in Blocl:_13 of Cutler's Second ,\cltlition to thP City of Pergus Fa,lls -for the yen.r 1941 at homesteo.d rate was read and. the nonrd-· reoo-n:nended to the Com11issioner of roxation tJu1.t s"i:dd lond lie so cla.ssi""fied anci the assessed vnlne. r"educ,ed fro:n ,'.·3()fl" to ·1·192 and ti1e to:-: .r:rom .•·::;5.39 to ('.:20.38. · · 'rhe f:ollow.ing resolntion· wus adopted: :lesolved by the Hoard o:f County Cornm.issione:i-s of Otter 'l'f:til count,v, Minnesota: Wheref!s, this County is obligaten b.V law and bf o.freement to pu,y c,erta.in fi:.<:ed rates for electrioul c,nrrent usea in the cou:11t._-11ouse, .'ail and ether -,cmnt,v bn.ildings, nnd for vrilter furnished to said lmildings, 1)&.)'ment for same to be made eEJ;Ch month at specol.fied ti.me, . , Now, therefore, be it resolved thnt in order to sa.v-e pen.-:tlt,\' on such bills it is hel'.'eby o;r:'tlered thot the 1;ountr Aticlitor checJ.: suoh b"ills upon !Jresents.tion, and if lie finds thn.t the saP.Je are in accordo.nce \"lith thP. apreed rJJtes he shall ther·eu9on issnP. his· ,\udi.tor's '•'/nrrant "'.'or pa,•rment of the somP.. . · Adooted ''ovember 12, 1942. 1; ~ A. ~noy1bere-; 'Jhr.i.irrno.n. Attest: Willi arn T,inooln, r:iert. '~he follo"ri.nr: hills were allowed: J. c. PenkPs expenses· ~. ,, . :::ovanf e"l\penses Louise Standahl ~osttJ.fC! Ceo. F. ~ohn3on sal:.:u·v· 0..: e:,;pense 6R:05 2.55 88.70 weed inspeotor 42.G2 r:. A. Snovr"berg canvass in? 1,c.urd !J.10 Art ":urnside ~ Co. supplies l'/.95 'l'he Parawax Co. supplies 11.75 Tmperiol Chemioa.l Co •. SUDOlies 21,72 .reps-Olson r.o. SU!"lPlies 23. 78. O'i.!eara.'s, suoulies 19.29 1?. ;:r_ r.nst coai 409,73 Deer ·:reek !,lirror notice to t(lxpa~rers , 1.00 ~erpus ~ournal Co~ printing, etc,. · 51~.45 · "'ritz-,ross r:o. reocrds, etc. 190.75 ·•. "f. 1ell '!'ele nhone ~o. loni:: ci itt. cnlls 1n. 90 ~est 0ttertf:til qervlor re. sodium chlorate 270.00 :"rnnk ·::. ,,arnec ~li:nic,i!1al .,LHlf'e 's :fees 41,60 :!r!?l. ;r. ·=-. rverson clP--ric&.l wo1·}: 23. 25 ',:rs . .., . "ucld Jlt'.res _c,lericol 1,ork C..00 Allc,e ~-Skul~Dn clerical work 14.62 '.,iar;orie ]'omhuve cle,rioo.l ··:orl: 2.25- ··iripl,t :lemorial nus pi to.l, ca.re of !ll"iscner 7. 75 :Jr · • , ·•1t1n1er 11P. •J coroner'" -r-"'"''• 6 .45 .~o~e·~1i1 ~~-:,r~er D~~): Sherlf:f' s .... -f;;s· 3.10 Otto i'P.lson c:onstor,le fees 1. 50 Pa11l !.!Lll"'r coroner' El .'.uror 1.00 A. !,L Stoll no. LOO ·:inc,rnt :.-irnh'!lo.n Do,. 1,00 r.:strem ;linic PX:J'::inci.tion 3.00 Glen r,~ike San£! tori.trn carr-i o•· ,mt i.ent 72.40 '· .. Glorvipen cofil1 ncJ,,;)ncP.d 15,72 -\. r.lorvipen e;:()enses 94 .. 60 ~ert llt~h1· f.!Xf1PnSe!'l ].R. 95 '':. D. Sa..:e rent(ll 5.00 Leonnrci ~u.vson fi 11 . 17. 5!S La:npert !:,umber Co. cement :;3,60 Raymond '?,ros. :.:otor :i.'rans 1:i. Im;. frei[:ht 1.54 •rhe '!/orkman' s :\tore ·boots 11, 90 ·nellcan Sup_pl,1• '.:o. sup,ilies 6. 95 Pelican r_rel<? phon~ ;c. serv lees 3. 45 Viotor Lundeen<;: Jo, supplies 1.30 1ep's Standard Servic,.e repairs 1.50 Saunders Cc,. re'.)•' i rs 3. 02 ClarencP. ::nutson rep<iirs 11.55 ·.'a1.1ghn .'Jhevrolet ~o. ~1s.rts 2.RO 1?enrose Oil Go. Di.esP.l :l:uel,go.soline,etc.146.84 ~ill's dervice station gas, etc. 37.47 uotor Inn GuropP eo.soiine, etn. 61,19 Perharn :::o-op. 0il ,o. f'MOlinP. 4.39 Service Oil co. f',t1Soline 45,(10 ~a.v's ServicP Station ~a.saline ;:;,35 Poddoc~ ~ownfihip flood domnee 250.00 '3lowers •rownship flood domtl{'e 2GO.OO Thorman I'/. Ros"J-101t Go. !)0.rts lfl.19 n11seth Sn(l-ply co. sup.plies 13!1.4,; !"reci A. F.verts su,_Jplies :.i1.53 John i:owo.lski rep(l.irs 4.75 ~!a.llin ,, Johnson erp1ip•nent rental 85.75 p;_, .11:n<'lerson c,onl 11.00 "rest -Paint ,, Oil r:orp. !)n.int 11.38 Avis "o·.vmun pasoline 15.51 -: •~. T-l~nkP.S T,Oni 81? Rtonc1flhl T:. ~!. r..1orviren ;i. ~7. GJ.orv igen Ye.lmer ,:arvonen Paul .". 8tend.er U. L. .le E. ;.-, . i:ruysman Viotor Jmndeen ~ Co. Uiller-Da.vis Co. .1 o Jrns on Drugs ~a Holstrom City o.r ~,ergus Falls Up,ebl1.1d ·r:,ubl. 1Jo. \'/hit ehea.d "rinti.ni, Co. :ones~ Kro~ser co. !·!,"/,1:'~J.J 'J'el.,phcne i::c. :':xec,ntive r.onnci.l, Stnte Anitn Giorp:ini '!rs. P. A. ·stortroen 'Jr,mth i r.t G,nbe'rf .~ea!l. C:lunsen Dr. ;·1. J... Lee ·r. C. Lee ;•1.illimn (',uelzow Al \Jert :~ottn • D. ::-:. r:hristie C-eorp.e 'lmwk ·. "'erpus 'P1~1ls Clinic n1en-tnJ~~ 9onn1·nri11~ Pe1Yton ·poW"lSh i !) ~,,. ·r,~. Schm.LCl t .. , . L. -:,otteI" "le T1ee ~O.,\' YOllllB ~iller I Teisberg Under,vood r,u·:1ber Go. ~1 • F'. Suhe~}JOl" ~rictson-TTellectson-Vye N.d,Bell Telephone Co. ll,\'!,Bei.l 'l'elephone Go. Larson 3rcs. Brownser •. Hehl bonrdlnf: prisoners el(penses drivers license exp .. canvassinp bourd ca,1vassine boa.rd canvassing board supplie•s su::,plies election supplies su~9lies repuirs . water •• light printing pr inti ncl_ record - lon~ di.st. c,alls o -~ U.i.i:t·n. bait- sp:i;·ead ing mai:Line clerical ~'.'ark clerioal ·•:ark cleri.cD.l work cleric,ol work coroner' n :ees Dep.Sherlff's Ce~s constalJle Eees coroner's :uro1· Do. Do .. ~ .,amj l1f'1 t i.i">Yd3 CPire o·~ 00.!:ients cnre o~ roor,1941 C13.Bh ncl1•,111ced ex 1)ensee e .,pens es p.il ir,p.: pa.int ln;nber to.,lng Co. su:,i,,lles lo-nr, cl istanc,e serv iues c,alls repuirs •• sv.i1!>.l i es re pal rs !Him. v.lotor Co,rnc. Jenson' ~1 Antu ','/reol:inr,: re:_.mi1·s Co, ,)arts g :1ul ~ to to r qo . •Ju-rts Di;sel fuel :liP.lrl •• He.r,r,e Oil Cc, 1.u11·s Oil :::o. easoline, etc. Farmers ~a-op. Oil Ass'n. gnsoli.ne ~ark ~eBion Oil co. r,:nsoline Bill J!elson's Oil -:::o. susoline ·.'/f.!St'!rn Township road 1•1ork Po,nesteo.d 'i'C•'l'IYl!'lhip "!:load d umo.e,e F.'."/,Sheet '• Iron ;"/orks f,r:,rts ,'!m. F. Zie3l1fr Go.,Inc.· ;:,arts, etc. Fat, 13ushinf •• .Parts Co. supoli~s lllc,ols, Dean o,, Gregg su:lpli.es R. Sigelms.n iron lL"/.S11sil •,. Door C:o. 11.1:nher Duro-;'est ·,or9oratlcn lor.1rs n.:·1.i•ri·pinp: Gloth co. wipinf t•loths ':onSllr.1'-'TS Oil •Jo. f'l'c';Oli.ne 225.75 50.65 2. rn 9.10 14 .,10 9.10 25.!lH 93.55 561.90 21.73 1.50 1~4. '/7 63.13 30. :,o 16.00 25.50 3,75 .., r;~ ·-•'-•LJ 1.12 12.110 10.'10 11,40 I 1.00 1.00 1,0'1 6.0() 370,79 l'H,07 l.f17 26.05 9.70 20.00 1.90 ;j,(j/1 ~.oo ,.1. 7,. 12 i',. 30 G.95 17 .50 13.00 .114 3.25 1. 75 273.35 37.31 2,39 3!1,53 ,3(j, 01 500.00 250,00 15.05 151.10 .3').0'/ 14,29 1. ~15 37.50 19.20 15.30 ::n.35 P. E. A•mmrlson ,n:p.o.ttendi.np ·neetlnp 10.65 Y11lmer J-'.arvonen Jo. 14.0n Gpc,. -~. C:nnrlcrson e:q>'.o.tl"enciinf. ~p•rp.11s Fall$ Qlinic services •neet inp 7. 65 5.00 The follov:.in17 rP.solut.ion ia1ni s<io•1~ed: Resolved h.r the ·n.oard or: ao,mt.v ':0•1r1is~i.onl"!r"' ri·7 0ttP.r ,oi1 Cunnt.,·, :.ilnnP!'loto.: I i ! ®A:TE ................... iiov emt,P.r ... 12., .... 1 'J4~ ............ 193. 1:i .• AND.P.RINllNCI m-..eT. a.allll..lllNJC.,.111•1 That ·,the bonds ·or severa1 Connt.v of:ficers and Deputies for the ter:n commencing the f.irst Monday of zanun.ry, 1943, be :mc1 they _hereby s.re fixed as fOllo;vs: County l'reasu;rer 35,000; Il'irst Deputy Count.v •;reasurer .~5,000; Second De,Jnt.y·co,mty ]'rensnrer (1,000; ·::ou.nty Auditor $2,000; Coroner and his Deputies, each (1,000; ~egistrur pf Titles Cl,000. Adoptecl Hovember 12, 1942. C. A. Snowberg, Gh1,.ir'l!&."l. Attest: ~illiam Lincoln, Clerk. . Upon motion ~he Auclitor was instru.eted to advertise ror bids for :rurnishing snrety bonds as -follows: Count.\' 'l'ree.snrer $35,000; ''i rs t Deputy Treasurer !~5, 000; Second Deputy rreo.s urer -t·1 ,000; said hid s to be opened ot the meetin? of the Roara to be held at 2 o'clock~. M. December R, 1942. 'lpon mot ion the Soard thr,,n r,d .jour ned to !iovemb1n 1'.'1, 19.12 at 10 o'clock •i. r.J. . ?ursuo.nt to ad5ournment ·thP. '?ourd mP.t ut 10 ~•clock .t. 1,1. Frid·o,v, november 1::;, 1942. nresent: Jorn·niaslonerf'"i !~arvon0n,. Gunderson, 1:;01:?., Am11nc1son and 8no\:it>(-3r;'!. 'i'he r>et Lticn o'!: l,:i·:-s. l~OSP. Sandberg to be set over from Dist.-269 to Dist. 2GB wo.3 taken np for flnal nc:1:ion, and ,,,_-rter li.stenine tc the sto.temr:mts of the Gonnty SuperintP.nclent of Sc:hools, upon motion tllf! petition was·granteu a.ncl 1:iie 300.rd i.ss11P.d the folJ.ov1in1, order-to-v1it: \'/herees, the petit.Lor1-cf hlrs. Rose Sandberg, a. legnl ·voter, freeholder and resident of School i Di3trict No. 269 in this Gount,y, reiiresenting tliat she is tll·e o~mer of the li;.nds hereinafter describeo., y1hich ure sit11.ate in sui.d School Dist:ri<:t,. and adjoin St:11001 District ]o. 268 ond aslcin~ that she with her said lands,rnay be set ·o:r.f from so.id district He,. 2u9 to snicl ad~oining school cl.istric.:t 'lie. 2Ul was present- ' eel to thP. Boo.rd o Z County CorJ)rnissi on ers o-f t-his Connt_y at a s-e.ss io fl of suid Board helcl on the 15th d r.,y of ,htl~'. A.D. 1942 for the action of sai.d board thereon; rind whereas it v:as thereupon ordered uy said Bonrtl tllllt a he a ring should b•e had· on said· pe t.i tion, at a session o-f saii.i ·boo.rd on the 15th day of October, A. D. ; EM2 ut tJ;e Co'.n'!llssioners Room in the C_onrt House in the Cit.\' o-f Ferr,u.s Falls in so.iii Qount·.v; an<'!. ,'!hereo.s it ·•:as rllrthP.r orileren in a.nil by sa.Ld ord·er thnt notice of the time and plece of s11c.h hearing be gi,en , b.v !_:>OStinf copieR of Slj.i.d order Ln three pnblic piaces i.n each o:I: the school districts to be affe,~ted by ,,said .. petit:icn, a.no by m!l . .ilinf to the clerk of each o~ sa.id School Districts, a co,p_y 0-r said order at · leo.Rt ten ciays before the tir.,P. o.Ppo.intP.d for. such hea.ring;_ and where,'l.s at the sa.id sessi.on or. the said. · Rcarc1 of co,mt.\' CommisE1ioners on S!l..i.d 15th aa_y-o.f October A.D·. 1942 due proof of the 9ostinf o.nd servic'e o~ soid order of hP.ar.inf, o.s therein directed o.nd requirer1, more than ten da.\'S prior to said last named oat'°, hr,vine been '!lar1e 11.nd filetl, said. petition wo.s publicly read 0.11d eonoidererl by the Boni'd, ,vi.th : evP.r.vthinf v1h.ich ,:os said b.'i sa.id intP.reste~ parties :for or ae;ainst erc.ntin!_! the 9ra;,er o'f the peti t.ioner, · and said heorin(,! wa.s a.d;iourneci t.; j,rovemb-er 13, 1942 at which time said 1'00.rd is or opinion that silid pPtition should he gra,nted, it is hereby ordered and determ~ned ,· that the said petitioner and the 'follor:inf oescrihed l!lJJds owned by her to-11/it: s',-of Nl'I·;: sec. l~:S '.l'o,•rnship 1:37 Rrmge 41 bP. ona the some are hP.reb_y-set off from sald.Scl1ool :District !'10. 269 to soid adjoining School District·uo. 2G8 and said ; lr,nds o.r~ hereb.v made a. part of sai./1 111st nRmed Suhool District for till ou:rposes ~1hatever. : :iy order of thP Board ol Connt,v r.o•n'!liasj one rs. ' Datec the 13th d □,i' of 1Jovemo,eir, A.D. 194~. c. _;, Snowl,P.r/!, Chairman of ·U-,P. Bor.!rd of. ~aunty Co'T1m:issi cHiers of 1 {.l.uditor's Seal) r~ter '~ail count;;, :Hnnesots .. Attest: ',Yi l l.i.t;m T,incoln, Connt.v •,_11,Htor, i1n6 e:.:-o :~icio '~lr->r!, of lJonrcl. _ .,, " . The ;Jetitiori of ~'!lrna (',rabarJrew.itz to be set ovP.r ·frorn Dist. 61 to Dist .16 was tntP.n n,, for '(L,nal ' ;ection, and after listening to the sti1tf-''11P.nts or the Conntr Superintendent o-r. Schools, upon niotion the 1 pPtition was fro.nted, :ind th" Board Lssned the folJ.owine: order;-to-w.i.t: ; ;'/hereas, the petition of ·E•nma r.rabo.rkev1itz, :i legal voter, freP.holciP.r and residP.nt of 8chool District No. 61 in 'this Count,i', :re,iresentine that she is the owner of the lancls herl!inafter describe/!, which o.re situate in said School Distriut, and o.djoin School District [lo. lo and asking tho.t she v1ith her snid le.ncis mal be set. off from said District lio. 61 to said adjoining school Distriet No·. lu was :-pres1>nted to the Boe.rd uf County commissionP.rs o-r this Count,i' at a ses.si.on of said boa1·d held on t·he ! 15th day of July ,\..D. l<j42 :for the o.ction of sai-d. board thereon; :md whereas it wus thereupon ordered hy 'seid board thf1t a hearing should be ho.a on sa.id petition, at a session of said boarci on the 15th de.y of ,, Oc:tober A.D. 1942 at tl:P. Co•nmissioners ,~oom in the Court ·House in the Cit,1, of Pergus Polls in so.id County; ·: and whereos it wo.s fnrther orci,ered in and by sa.id order thnt notice of the time o.nd pla.ce of suoh he11ring ibe given by posting cc11ies of said ord-er in three pnblic_places in each of the school ciistric:ts to be !affected by sa.id petition, and hy mailing to the clerk·of each or sa..id School Districts, a copy of said 1 order at lea.st ten days before the t.ime o.ppoi.nteil for such hea.rlnf,; anc whereas at the said session of the i,said t\oerd of Co11nt,1, Commies ionr.rs on said 15th day of OctobP.r JI..D. 1942 clue proof of the rosting and , sFJrvic:e o.., soid ordP.r o:f hr->aring as 1:hP.rein directed on/I required, morP. than ten da,vs prior to said last nemP.d dote, ha.v.ing been '!lC1cle s.nd fi.lP.rl, said petition wus puh.l.icly rea.d ond cor1s.idered by the Board with _ever,vthini! v1hich r10.s so.id b,'f said interested rorties for or ap.ainst granting the prn.ver or thP. petitioner, 'and sai·n hearinp, wo.s o.d.journed to Nov. 13, l~M2 at which time said 13oe.rd is of opinion that said petition 1sho11ld be grr,.nted, it .is Jrnreb,y ordereci and deter~1inea, tho.t the said !)etitioner o.nci the following des- : cribed lands owneci by her, to-wit: Lot 1 in Sec:t .ion 1 'I'ownshi p 134 Range 41 be ancl .tl~e snmP. ure hP.reby set orf ~rom said School Di.strict i:io. 61 to so.id Hd,;oinin~ School iiistriet No. lu !lnil said lands o.re ·h~reby rrmde a !ll1rt of said last nr,.med School District for all pur9oses whatever. By order o:: thP. Board of Count.I' Co'llmissioners. ('..A. Snowberg, Chairm1rn of the · Dated the L3th d.O,\' of ;:rovember, AD.D 1942. !3oard of Oounty Commiss.ioners of ;'(l'ludi1:or's Seal) _ Otter Tail County, i,iinnesota. 'Attest: William Lineoln, County Auditor, and ex-of;icio '!ler}: of Boo.rd. ltJpon motion the goard thP.n na:ourned to December R, ·1942 at 10 o'clocl: A. ;J. ~ ;[ I 407 ! .■IIICURffY,m;ANK"NOK AND PIIIINTIND CO. 8T, a.GUD,1llltal.-l■l•■1 r ll!TNU'.i'ES 01" S.PP.rJT AT, ;.R3TT NG OF BOARD OF COinfi'Y C'J!,li.!IS!:,I01'!F.;1S OF O'r'l'ER 'PAIL COUUTY. l.ITH'H~SOTA. Pursuant tc call of the county Auditor ns prov i.decl by sto.tu.te, the· BO•Hd o:E Connt.:; C ornmissioners :, met et the Commi.ssionP.rs' ~oom in the ;Jourt "ouse ot .10 o'clock A, M. NovemlJer 213, 1942 for the ;i purc1osP. or appointinf! a coronP.r f'or thP. t"rm endinP. the first TiOndo,\' -tn ,Jonno.ry, 1913, to take thP. place or W. A. Lee, dr-weased. Present were CommisF>iorn,rs Gunderson, uoff, A·mmd.son and finowberg. AftP.;z,:considP.ri-ng ar_plicati.ons which ha.cl been recP.i.ved, lioth v.er,hal und in writing, upon motion the fallowing resolution was adopted: '.!'he ·fallowing resolution was adopted.: Resolved by the .Board. of county Commissi.oners of Otter Tall County, tih'mP.sota: That Dr,•'.:. J. !,und be and he hereby is appointed as Coroner o:r Otter Tn.i.l Co-unt.v for the term end i.nr the :Eirst Uonclay in Januar.v, 1943, Adopted ;Iovember 2A, 19tt2, C. ·;._. Snowbe rg , Choi rmo.n. , At test : l'/illiam T,i.ncoln, · - Clert. Upon motion the ':loo.rd the!l. E,d:onrned without da.te. ~ ·c1mi.rmcm. ,,A1!tes1:M''·1 ~-' · ··on· . .. I ' '~ ' •. lerk. 1, ! r I I. f, I . I <. I 'I Ct'lj\il,.,:ll,.,Tss'r.o:i1.cr1li'1es ;eit'c-·o;i;);n ·M· o·~r· J.lliB ·~A-il',t-· c· o·ii'TjM•T• · Y !.~.U'ilf:-'l!LY.lll. · · l! '._. J!,JL!n , • ll\:£.. _ _· !l\.!li • _ •, 1:1, • , ~!I;\.: :I!. -',ll,U ~., • :.·· -' ,\;/)~,,; . , _: ., _dQ,!an:T:~'90DKAND..P.Rl~..C0,.,8T,.a.GUD,',MINNo:lll41 DA:WE ................... !lg.1..!'!mli.11.r. .. .!l •.... l..Q.1.g., ................... 19&2.A.: i,iTIHJ'l'P.S (\•' A -;-i,, r-FR!·W.i) :,::nTJ wr. OF BOARD OF C('Ull'l'Y CC'..li,IISSIOI!'::RS ('lli' <'i'T"!R TAH, '!OliiiTY, ::-IT 11!'!':SOT A. Pursuant to nd.Jcurnment the no~rri. met nt 10 o'clool, A. ,.,. Tuesdo.\', December 8, Hi42. Present: Co:n'llissioners ¥.:!lrvonen, Gunclerson, Ho~-r. Arnundso_n and sno~:berg. A petition sie,ned by twenty-five road mo.i.ntenunce men of tbe Gonnty asking ror an increase in wares of 15p per hour was presented to the Boord, nnd various pnrsons mnde their statements to the :>,oo.rd in regs.rd to thr-, rnntter. After consid.ero.tion t be ·soard instructed the County ;'..uditor to write to the ·vaee and <l"our Di\'ision of the FP.dere.1 Government for i.nfor!llntion os to· whether o.ny per'.n.iss.ion had to be gru!'Jted by the Go,·errun,rnt bef,;:re increase could be 5ronted. ·rhe follor:inr resolution wo.s e.donted: ~esolvea by the ~ourd o~ ~onnty ~omm1Asloners of Otter ~ail County, ~innesota, nt their session i,eld December: 8, 1942: Ti1nt the Connt.v :,11(li.1·or he n!'Jd hP. hPreh.\i' :Ls tnstr11c,tec:1 to notify the publishers of _thP. sevP.ral ne•vspe.pers pu.blisheci in thP '!ount.v thnt 1:1enlnrl hids will 'JP. :rPceiveci b.v this ~oard ;or doinr, the follow- lnp described pri~tine: 1. '.i'he puhli.cati.ons or thP..minutes o-'" the 'llePti.nps o" the ~oa.:rd or Coimt:, Co~'lli.ssi.onr-,rs i.ncludir,e: re,-ul:-ir and.s-,ecln:i ses!'1i.ons h0J.a as u 'lo::n-d or 0:'!nnlization. nna rhil'-' considPrinp ma~~ers pPrtAin.ing to ditch es. 2. 'rhepubJ.ication of the nnnuo.l statP.mP"lt o~ recei (Jts ,mil ezpend.itures or the count,y. Th"" hi/is to cover t·he publicotion of the list set .i.n ''non11areil" o:r s.i.,.-point tyoe v:ithont. '"lP.udinr" anti the publinatlon to be man-e as required hr Bection 295 Genere,l ~tatutes o; ;jj_nnP.soto. l!ll3. us amended. unfr three complete ctlpies o.r: said. puillic:r.t.ion to be f1,rnlshed tc the CoL:nt.v ;',uclitor in time to enable him to meet the requirements of said section as.regurcls the posting or copies G~ su.id statement. 3. The list of real pro(J,,rt.v for thP. Connt::;-a.: Otter ':'llil,. !.llnnesotn, on v:hich tuxes rernr.,ined delin,ue!'Jt on the .'.?i.rst i.Iondey in ."a..>1u::.i.r:;. 1943. l'he b.ici_s -for ~',,is to cover the tm'Jlicoti.on o-r the certificates, heading, etc., proYio.ed :~or by ~eotion 209A, r-e•1ersl Statutes. c!' :.Iinnesot,1, 191~1, as amenc\e<i.. , Bids to be placed in the irnnds or the county Auditor and addressee to the Board of County r:am·1iscioners, to be mnr}:ed "Bid.s ~·or Printing'' 1md to he filed.-•mtil ;·1ednesday, ,:ro.rumrir 6, 1943 :;t 2 o'ci0ck P. !~. :l'he attention 0·0 the bidders to t,e called to the provls.ions of Sections 0'.>7, 90'), 912 and 913, :levisec I.cws of !.!.im1esoto -:·or 1905, and rwts amerLd!ltor.r thereto . .',dcpted DecerniJer o·, 1942. r.. A. Snowbere, Chairman. Attest: '.'/illie:~ J,incoln, Glerk. The Aptillcatio,1 v.~ ..-=er,nette T,. '3al:er :!'or ca>1cellat ion of to:-: .~or 1940 against the Shover iiurser.~• Sci.col in the Ci t.1• of ferrns Pulls en the ground tiin1: said 'Jroperty is used for ednontionnl purpor.1es only, ,,;ps rea.d arid on recommend at ion o-f the City Assessor ~.nd ;ity Council the Boo.re' recommended tc, ti1e Commis- sioner or Taxation that the tux for sold ~enr on Lots 5 nnd G only, in ploci: 1 of ~cLane's Second Addition to ?ereus Falls be exempt, and the assess~d val~e of ~80 and the tax or ~9.54 be cancelled. The ap?licuti.on of E. A. Ist10.cson ror cancellation of assoe:sment fo;· structures fer the .veor 194.1 1 ap.r.inst tot 1 ex-cept "lest 7f, f.t. ond r,11 o .f T.ot 2 of ,:onelsa Beoci, in the To•.•m of A.•nor on the gro1.1nd ' tliot there r,re no structures of o.ri.._v !;:ind on said tro.ct !ft'S reo.d and the aoa:rd recomrnended to the commis- sioner of 'i'axation thot snid assess'!lent be cr,ncellecl and the assessed value againe:t said tract be reciuced frc,,; ."·26fi to :1\31 e.na the tax fro'II ."·11. 03 to !'·1. 84. The n o~lication o '.' notricic. ::ra.ss I:niala :or sett.ler:ient o-'" delin-1L1ent taxl?s for the J-ears 1931, 1932, 1933 ond. 1939 ::,.nd 1940 against 1:hP. s\ rm-¼ Sec. 26 'J'Ol'!!IShi'J of T,eo.f Lake --:c.s rea.d and the ~card reCO'l!'ll~nded to the Corr,.niss'icnr->r O;. T-axati.on thot Boid taxes b,, SP.ttled -for thP. srnn of :"·2•U.60, beinf a ' re<iuction o: :"·71.15 frc;,n the :/'i.111 D.'llOtint of taxer::, •Jenolt.v. interest und oosts. · '!'he c.p~J11.icati.on c,r '.',el:nPr ennaerland "or set1·l"!'!IP.nt o-f delin'!•1ent ta:fes for the yP.m·s 1!136 to ' H•4D inclusive aeainst the ii\'P SEi, ~_;1•,.:. i:\'J_;;_, UP.;. S\'/-1· and SE.-, sr11 or Sec. 3 in To••mshi!) of r.ira.rd 1vo.s read. and the '<of.lrd recommended to the eommissioner oi' To:xo.tion tho.t 6;,icl taxes bP. settled for the sum of ::·10. belne a reduction of :"·32.50 from thr---~ull U'ltonnt of toxcs, penult,v. inl;e;·est and costs. 2'he e.:.1rlicut!.on of Thucker ½O!"!d and '.."ortgnr,e co. or. :.linneapolis for settlement of delin1nent taxes against the w½ IIE~-. S} S\1-¼-, i-ii'i¼ and NV/{-S•il of ::iec. 20 ·.-own.'Jhip of l'ine T,11ke for ti1e ,years 19.,1 to 193~ -inclusive wus read and the Board recominendetl to t•he Commis:;ic,ner of Tuxntion thut said ta;;:es be settled for , ·the sum of-(·727.53, beins a re<i.nction o.f :'.;:156.16 from the full ~Jmount of ta;res, pen:;lty, interest and costs. •rhe a:;iplicntion of J. A. \1edum, fol' settlement of delinq11er1t ti1.xes for the years 1938, 1030 ancl l\14 ago.inst Lot 1 in Block 35 of ill,,e Original ?.lat of the GitJ• of Fergus Falls vms reud anti upon recom'.nendation of the City Ccunc U of t ,ie •~lty of lergus Falls the Bollrd re(;or~rnended to the Commissioner of '.l'a.xo.t ion thnt sold taxes be settled for-the snm of ~-1,531.i,28, being a. reduction of (;1'90.45 from the full amount of :toxes, penalty, interest and costs, l;ie:nbers of the Town Board of F.dnu were present to re~uest appropriation fro!II tl,e CoL111t.17 for ·repair of roads made necessary by excessive ruins. , i\t 2 o'clock 1'. M. the Board o-pened ond reacl bids 1•:h.ich hacl been receivec1 for fnrnlshing :;.35,000 ''bona -for the County Treasnrer for :Four year term com•nencinf! the first !,Ionda.v in Jern1ar~'. 1913, onr. also . ~5,000 bond for the First l)epnt .. v Treasurer ond /'.1,000 fo:r-the Sf!concl Deputy 'I'rensurer. •rhe Board took the matter under advisement [or action lnter in the s~ssion. JpC!l mot.ion the !3oarci then a.a ,journed to 10 o'clock A. l.l. December 9, 1!142. ~/EiiliF:SDAY' 3 SF.C,1IOIJ. Pur!:!ua.nt to ad,iournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. i,i. :i)ecemher 9, 1942, o.11 members bP.inf present. ,., ~~he bond of C. :!. L1.md., coroner, for the term endinf: the ·first !.Iondo,\' in .:'anuo.r.1r 1943 in th1e'''sum of ::'-1,000 with C. O. Estre"!I ond F.. 1-•• '-leibere o.s sureties. "!1..'B npproved. Uoon rnotion the Boord uccepteci the bid of the Prnce Af?,ency to furnish bonci. to the County Treasurer "or t:he -four .vear ·period co'!!mencinp. the first !Ionda.r in ,1anuor.1', 1943, in the s11m of l\35,000 in the Seahoerd Suret.1,• r::o. for the su-n of !'·137A.G4 po.,•ra'l:lle in o.dvoYJce. Upon motion th .. '3oo.rd e.cce!)ted the hid o-1: 11• :J. GronnF!r, or,ent of Ur.tional Surety ~or~oration, to furnish bond of ..,irst neput.17 'i.'reosnrer in the Sllm of ."·5,000 "or !'onr yeo.r term, ro..1•uble in ad.vo.ncP. for the ,sum of !'·8~i.50, aml olso bomi or Second De·mt:r Treas1.1rer in the snm of !-'·l,000 For th~ some oeriocl for the sum of [17.75. · . Upon •aotlonc. ,, . Land was a<1po inted •'Joror,er .•er the 'four--.vear term CO!llmencinP-the first :liondo.y 1n januar~J, 1913. The bond of VJ.' P. Aergimis, Gount,y .1ttorr1ey, in the surn of :~il,000 with Stand-o.rd Acclclent Insurance Co. as sure.t.v we.s approved. . 'rhe boncl of \'/illi&rn Lincoln, ,JoLmt.r Auciltor, in tiie sum of (2,000 with Fidelity~ 0usualty 00. o.s ,, I' I 409 4:-10 :{J@fflnMJSSJ@N1EIS, RJE©ORJ]D, M,. ,Qfl'EiR ']Aiit,_,@Dm'1N1'f¥, MiNtNi. ]l);'\:T-E ................................. December ... 9~ ... 194.~ ..... 1!Jtti ... . -IIIICUftlTY-Bl!AMC NOK'AND PRINTING CO;.,IIT, J s,;ret.v, was ao:proved. 'l'he bona o-~ J. c:. Henkes, Sherir·~. in the Slt'll o-f :~5,000 "iith Aetna Co.sno.lt.v •c Suret.v co. as suret,11 was o.pproved. The bond of P.A. Amlerson. '.":ee:i.ster of Deeds, in thP. su'fi of ~;5,000 with l'fest1un Surety Go. as surety was O.!iproved. 'l'he J:ollpwine resolution wos adopted: nes-olved by the Boa.rd of •~onnt.1• co1~m.ieisionP.ro of Otter '.l.'uil Co-unt.v, i.l"innesota: 'l'he.t the sum of :(:·10.00 be and the same h.~reby ls upprop:r;!i.ated out cf the ~evenue Punci o1' the County 'for adclitionol clerk hire in the office cf the Her,ister of lJeecis for the .\'ear 1%2. . Ado_pted l1ece,nber 9, 19,12. C. A·. snowberg, Chairman. Attest: Willi8.'11 !.inc:oln, CleTk, 'l'he fellowing bills were allowed: ,1. C. Henkes, expenses Henr.v G·, Roff exp. utte11ding meet. L ouise Stcrndahl postare u. ry_ Glorvieen drivers license exp. hlrs. J. ~-Iverson clerical work N. i'/. Bell Tele phone co. long distance calls Corl Bucholz wood Clarence ~-Aune hauling a.shes Ea.st:nan r"."odak stores, Inc. suppl i0s Victor Lundeen 'c e,o. . sup·plies :united Chemical Co. .uupplies ·!ree Press Co. supplies Battle Lrh~ Revie•·, .. ,,+l.:-r-: to to.xp:;.yers ueeblad Pu.bl. co. prtntinp,, etc:. "erf'L1S .:iou.rn11l Co. print irlf:, etc. Geo. D. Barnard Station~~• Co. recofd Conn tr.11:1mn Drug do. insulin Dr, ·,.A.Lee coroner's fees Dr. '-'/, A. !.liller Dep. coroner's fees uerman ;rohnson De [l, Si1e.ri ff' s fees Robert !Jolter cash o.dvanc:ed l"err:us Palls c1tnic services to nn11per A. (',lorvip.:en : cash aovonced r-:. E. Schmidt cash o.dvanc:ed A.· Glorviren ex~enses 1 Victor T,undeen 'I,, Co. supplies G. rr. F'lo1n supplies Winther's Lumber Yard supplies 'l<'ergus Lumber :l: ]'uel co. supplies V.erman Thurk re,pai rs Larson "Rros. re;Jai rs ,:rohn r:cwalski. repairs V ill. Battle LaJ:e water N. ,'I. aell !l.'el. co. long di stance calls E. D. Sage garage rental ,1ohn !,ielimd shovel rental '• 1,.nton C. Moe '!: Farmers StatP Bank of Unc"i·er~1ood r,ravel , Wilcox Lumber Go. ~e-nent Town o-r -:astern rose work Service Oil co. gasoline Len S,;·verson• s gasoline Stanila.rd Oil Co. rosoline ~ay' s Service Station /Hi.soline, etc. Ferpns Oil Co. i;o.soli.ne, ete. Anderson 'l: Sandberg Oil Co. Diesr~l fuel, etc:, 8erv ice Oil Co. E osoline Bill's Service Station r11soline Mills Oil Co. p:as, oil, etc. LeRoy Nelson to,r1ing· Elk Ri,,er -;onn. nroa. Go. culverts Wm. u.;::ieglPr r:o., Tnt,. SU'i{)li.PS (',eo. T. ~\'D•n r:o. ,,o.rts ! r... 11 . Yau!;rpi rt:! ,1n.i rs Servicp ~eccrder -;c. repPirs i: "· :';. i\'ll'l1'dSon ex•irmRe o.ttend.:inp -neP.tinf. I ; ue n ry P'o "i' Do . 1>. ;, • Anderson riosta,ar,, ~reci r.ast .~ailr-?r ~lsude ~-PiPld ~ustice fees ' ,1ulius 13. J,oJrJ-:en ,vitnes'3 fees C. 'J. Flom wi 1:Y10ss -fees ".: rnilen(e ~ills.rd ~ndersnn services 66.05 7 .20 15.00 2.35 15.00 16.85 21.00 7 ,!:,0 14.67 39.20 5,10 3.10 1.00 11.50 186.f.lO 60. 75 , 135 5. ;~5 16.lf, R,70 313-!l ,2.Q 35.00 14.10 1.00 60.85 5.10 4.57 2,44 4'7.78 1.60 12.50 1..25 2. 25 9 .65 5.00 41.25 102.50 22.50 300.00 30,00 39.fl8 16,70 1.00 10.10 56.10 · :w.oo 10.67 1:3.84 2.50 143.40 253,76 10.:;8 c.. 70 1.19 11. 70 3.50 ·¼8.40 51.00 12.15 5.32 5. 20 21. 25 J. c. Heru:es Louise Ston<iahl P. u. nee ~-; . Rovang I de. J.ioJres boa.rdi ng prisoners expenses postnge exoenses clerice.l work long distance calls table H.~.Bell Telephone Co. ienson Furniture Co. Co11nty School •• Office Johnson iJrugs Supply Co. supplies sur,µlies I:'.no ff-Peterson Hdvie. C:o. Lir,htfoot's Shop :.Iiller-Davis Co. Underi':ood Inoe·pencient SU!)plies s1rp1)lies blanl:S notic:e to tax~ pa.)'ers 'I; printing Pou,cher Printing •,. Liiho. Co. record, eto. i,lonrce Ce.le:. i,ic:he. co. maintenance !,!rs. Luwrence '.:!hesborour,h witness fees 'l: mile11Be ,Jo·seph !~0~1mer De p. She ri:f·?.' s fees Sherhurne count.v exnrnininr insr,ne Dr.· l'fm. (). !1!cLane eznminntions r.JP.n T,t1l:e> S!lllatoriur!l core of flO.t lent .:rohn Yihrn.l ca.sh advanced 0le I,ee cnsh o.dvenc:ecl J,yle.TollP.rson P.XOP.!ISeS :lesset " l'festb,y supplies Gamble Store, r-ienning supplies Hntl.~ushinB I Parts Co. supplies l.!ahler •• Straus · parts Bauck Ci,evrolet .Jc,. re pairs Pelicon St1;iply Co. repr,irs i',liJert Shunstrom boiler inspections l'el:i.cun 'l'elci:,hone Co. services John i,!eland · rolsing grade John Uelo.nd shovel rental Chnrley !•'ensl:.e shovel r·ental Gust Pi~rson erovel John Braukman fill Aune r.iros. tires, tu.bes, etrJ, Ferfns .F'Ulls ~w;i. reno worlc Bill Nelson's Oil co. gasoline Standard Oil Co. e;nsoline Eelson'Servic:e stc,tion r,as.oline Tiifhwoy co. rasoline; etc. 1iP.ld, Po.Gee Oil Co. Diesel fael Pen:rose Oil co. lliesel fnel, etc. otter -'l',:lil (:o-op. Oils, lf:lCl, gaso.line Bendiol:son Ser~'ioe Stution eo.soline ,.1. r.. sto.hl co. oil s.rver .Iverson rentol N.icols. j;eo.n <:: r.-regg SltP!lliPS 'l~hormon 1~. :~osLol t Co. !,orts 0lson .:.uto !U':'c:. co. r~p(l.irs l'i.nn. 'iotor ~o., Inc. rennirs f",eo. ~. r.m1clP.rson exp.o.ttend .mP.etinf Vslm'er ra.rvonen Do. "fil.li.::irn T,lncc_ln 'i:!tPwassinP. hoord nnnomo Carbori co. typewrite~ ribbons 7ran1'" ·~. T'o.Tnes '..J11n.icip:::1.l i:iuClee' s ·~ees ;:Pl.en '1o!m tukinf, t,~sti:nony S~nld :it~ow ~ltness fees ,.,. ::::. 5lliott houlinc G. :L ~lliott n1cving )au pers Upon mc.ti·oi1 the Boord tlien ac1 ~uurned wi tl,on.t date. 11 ·I ,, ,, ~- 301.50 49.25 126. •16 51.30 3.00 13,20 3.00 136.30 11,135 2.25 15. 25 42.Gl 9.30 80. 7;'3 16.50 5.20 6.65 11..',10 D.00 76.19 G.Gl 6.50 6,R0 lD.55 G. 75 219.01 20.25 5,60 2.43 D.00 2,90 302.50 3,'3fi.50 2~.25 11.90 1c..26 112,32 75.00 :rn.B5 3!1,50 . 1.19 i 12.58 233.02 71.77 12.36 22.75 65.22 5.00 If ,()5 :;1. 97 21. 75 l!l,60 7.75 R,45 9.10 10.GO I 4R ,;35 n.oo 5.R::l 1:·:,~. Gu ;jJ.31