HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/01/1941Ottertail County
Official Meetings
DATE ........................... Janu or X .. 7 •.. l 941 ............... 19341 ..
~---,un: DL,ANK.,DDGllAIIID.PRINDND.ca ... n •. CLOUD..MINN.-111&1
l.lill"'l'P.S 0"' ~!;:Gl'!,A?. J.!"!!~TI!fG o;,, BOARD OF
C01!I!TY Cfli.fl!T S<'T f'IT"1~S 0? CIT~r.:R TAIL COlTIITY,
0 ursno.nt to statntl'! the ':onnt.v Com,rissioners o-f ntter Tail r.ount.r met at the court uouse at
10 o'clock A, U. ,1enunr.v 7, 1941. Commi.ssioners Amundson and Gunderson wen~ rires,mt, ond Commissioners
elect Yo.lmer J~arvonen, Penr.v C. 11of.f and ·::orl ,_. Snowberg ha,•iTlf! f:ilec' their oaths of o·f'f'ice took their
scats ~:ith the Roard. ·
The meet inp ,·,as called to order b,v the Count.•: Andi tor. who stated tho.t the first business
would be the election or a r.hc.irrnan ~or the coming .veor.
TJpon 'llOtion Commissioner C.eorge 8, Gunderson was electP.d ond tool: the chair.
l]pon mot ion ':arl A, Snowberp. was elected Vice r.hairmun for the coming .l'ear.
The following resolution v:as adooted:
~esolv<>d b,v the 13oord of r.ount,y r.ommi ssi one rs of Otter Toi'i (:ounty. !.linnesota:
That a c:Om'!li.ttee ot' three conai.stinp of the ':hoirrnnn of th'! qonrd and t~:o me'!lbers of the ~oord
to be ar,pointeo b.v thP.r.hoh·man be onpo inted tc rmrchn.se all .nu:rni ture and snpplies exceoting books.
blnriks and sto.ti.onP.r,v, nP.eded ·for tre conrt honse ond ;,ail durin!? the .reo.r 1941, and to.provide .ror such
rPpair.s as ma.•; become on i:nmediate necessit.v.
Adopted ;>onnor.v.7, l!Vil. Ceo.•~. r.underson, r.hoirman.
Attest: 1'/illiam Lincoln, ':lerl:.
'l'heChairman appointed Corn·n.issi.cners 1:urvonen and Am1;ndson as his associates o,i this committee.
The following resclntion was adopted:
Resolved by the Board of Count.v Com::1issioners of Ctter '!'ail cour,ty, :tirmesota:
1rhat a c:ornmittee of three, consisting of the Chairman of the [loord ond t~,o members of the Board
to pe selected by the Chairman, be appointed to hiwe charge of the court 'le.use and grounds and .:'ail
~rounds for the ,vear 1941.
Ad.opted ,1 unuary 7, 1941. Ceo. B, Gunderson, Chairrnun.
Attest: ··1Hliom J.inc:oln, Clerk.
The Cho.lrmun appointed C:omrni.ssioner1:1 Snowberg and Hoff as his associates on this committee.
The followinp: resoll,tion 1·:os adorted:
Resolved b,v the Boord oi' Cot,.nty Co··w!iss·ioners cf otter Tail count,v, t.!innesota:
Thot thP County Commissioner of his respective district. namely: Yclmrr ~ervonen, the "'irst
District; Geo. '!l, ~nnderson. the Second District; trenr.v G, "Of:', the Th.ird District; n. :,:, Amundson,
the "ourth District, and r.nrl .A, Snowberr-. the "'ifth Di.strict, be ano ti!f!Y hereb.•r are eech arpointed
snpP.rintendent of roor in his soii! district v:ith authorit.v to act 1.n relr,tion to the core and support
o~ non-rP.sident nau"Oers. 1:.nci to recei.ve applications ':or rP.lief or support b,y or ·!:or an.v reason in his
district as provide~ by ':hApter 15RevlseJ~aws 1905.
Adc!:)ted ,10.nuar.•i?. l!l-1.1. Geo. 11, r,,mderson, Chai.rman.
Htest: "lilliam T.incoln, o'.:l!'!rk.
The followinf resolnt ion wo.s o.do oted: .
Hesolved b~-the ~onrd of ,ounty ,:ornmissioners of Otter Tail cou"lt.';, '.'.i'1nP.3ota:
'l'hat thr->re is ii ere by set aoart from the funds o !' the Count,v Treas 11r.v not espec iul l;; appro !)r iated
or set aside for other pur1Joses, tiir-! stun of -'.·75Cl,OO to be used as o. Contingent Fund by tJ-e County
Atto:rne.v with the onrroval of ,the '.:onrt nnder the provisions of Section 574. P.evised Lo.:·1s of :·.'.irmesota
for 1905.
Adooted ,1 1muar.v 7. 1911. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman.
Attest: :'filli.arn :.incoln, '1lerl:.
ThP. followinp, resolution ·::ns adopted:
~esolved b.11 the "'.oerd o!'. r.ot1.nt.\• Commissioners of f'tte:r Tail r.onnty. :.'.innesota:
'i'h1:.t the sum of ~·350.00 be and thP. samP. herPb.1• is set a.rart from the ~P.VP.nue "'und cf the Connt,v
for the use of post11p.P in thP several r.ount.v ofricP.s en+itled thereto, ond ~·or exoress chorP-es, etc., as
provideP h;; ~ec':i.on 34~ :!"'evised r,uws of ::innP.sota •or 1905.
;doptp/1 ,"DritHJr.\· 7. 1!141. GP.o, B. r.underson. r.hairman.
Atte3t: "/illiorn Lincoln. ':lerk.
'!'he fol.lowinp. resolntion was o.do!>ted:
3Psclved by the 1aord cr~ounty 0ommissioners or otter Tail connty, ~innesota:
'Phat the s1n of :;-250.00 be and the so.me hereby is appropriated out of the Count.v :':evenue I"nnil
of sold ~ounty for Otter Toil Cc.1;nty exhibits at the !.:innesota State Fair for 1911, and the '.:aunty
Auditor and ":hairman of tl:P. "loord are directed to issue o. v:urrant ~:or said amount in favor of Clarenc:e
C. Mielke. :\dopted .innuary 7, 1941. Geo. B, r:underson, Chair•:1on.
Attes'.:: "/illiam Lincoln, Clerk.
'l'he following resol11tion v:as adopted:
P.esolved b.v the Board or County Co:n:nisf.:ioners of Otter Tail count,v, !.linnesota:
That under o:ro·:isicns cf 'JP.ction 2154 of th,,. ?.eviseci J,O.i"IS cf !.!innesota for 1!105, Dr, C. A.
qol ine, a rP.s i.cie,it phi•sic inn of said count.I' r-nd ·:onnt,; ':or:rni.s,:;icners "· r.:. Amn::1dscn ,-nd Yal!ller I'."arvonen,
'!lernhers o • this ''oe:ri'. br anrl thP snrne hP.rcb,v erP appointed · to c'nr-it i t1tte c ·;01mt.1T'loard of Health of
s,iid '1curit:· •or th" ;;err l!!U, • .•.ao<>teci .'!'nuo.r,v 7, 1911. r-.ec,. E, Gunderson, '!hairmon.
~ttest: William ~incoln, il•rk.
ThP. rollo~inf resolution was odopted:
?.eselvec' b.'' thP. 0.onrd of "onnt_,. Com11isE"icners of "ttPr Tail County. :iinnesota:
'!'hat tlie ·nonthly meetiTlfS of said ~0111·a ·~or thP. .''"Elr 1941 be ond the_;, here"b.'i .ore fixed 11.s
~ollows, to-·::it: ThP. sP.cond 'i'nPsdn.v in ;l!ffch. Ar:ril, l!D.'i, ,1uriP., Aupust, Septe:nb'lr, Octoiler and DecP.'.!!ber;
the second :.1cnde .. v of Pebruo.r.v, nnd thP. second '.'/ednesda..v in !Jovnrnber.
Adopted Janu.l.'.r.'t 7, 1\:141. Geore:e 'R, Gundersen, Chairman.
Attest: ~illia'!I Linc:oln. '.:lerk,
The followinp. resolutior1 ••:1:s 11.dopted: Resol\•ec, b,y the P,o,:,rd o-f count:; Co~unis::ioners of Ottl'!r Tail County, :.Iinnesota:
WhPreus, nr ... ,_-"'· Droupht v1as hereto ~ore appointed ,'ail E'h.vsicion ~or the cale!!dar .veer 1\/40
et u solor.v of :~·125 irow: therefore, be it resolvP.cl thr,t the Count.v Auditor and C!hair'!lan or the 130f1rd oe a.nd the,\'
here-b,v are nnthorizP.d and O irec:ted to isSUE' 1·1orrant in th!! snm or :!°·125 on the Revenue ~nnd of the
County to said Dr.~-~. Droupht. Adopted this 7th do,v of ."onunr,v, 1~141. Ceo. B, Gunderson, ,:hoirman.
Attest: ITilliam tincoln, :lerk. The follov:ing resolution v:as adopted:
!~esolved by the Board o.l: c:ount.v Cownissic.ners o~ Otter •~o.il c:ount.v, !.!innesota:
That Dr. w. i'I. Drought be and he hereby is aopo1nted ,Jail 0 hysician for the co.lender year
l!l41 ut 11 salary of t125.00 for the .1•ear.
Adopted ,'a.nuary 7, HM,l Geo. B, Gundersen, Chairman.
Attest: ~/ill lam L inccln, Clerk.
DATE .................................. 2.a.rm£U'Y. .... 7.., .... l.~!~r.l ....... 1~.l., .. .
The applic:o.tion of J1luhler & Straus :for cancellation of personal pro'1erty assessment against
trucks owned by said com·puny and uoon which 1940 licenses were issued wo.s read ond the Board recommended
to the Commissioner of 1•0.:irntion th~t the assessed valuation of 1Jersonul property ago.inst said compaey
be reduced from $3,717.00 to ~3256, and the tax from ~:443.44 to ~i388.14.
The applioo.tions of Agnes HauBen for clo.ssification o_f the S~NW~: o~ Sec. ~ and w½ HW-¼ Sec. 3
Town of Folden at homestead rates for the ,veurs 1937, 1938 and 1939 were reao ~nd tne Board recommended
to the Co'llrnissioner of l'e.xation that said land be so classified and the valuat.Lon and tax be reduced os
follows: the 1939 voluo.tion frorn $1146 to $688, ond to.x fro'!! pa.92 to ~45,59, for the_.re!lr ~938
valuation reduced from :~1046 to :!':628 ancl tax from ::,;77.81 to :;;43.10, o.nd .1.or 1939 voluat1on reouced from
tl046 to ~628 ond tax from f79.81 to ~13,95. 0 The application o·f r.arrie u~stonsky for classification of Lots 2, 3, 5 and 6 in Block 2 of
Ba.ker•r--.:..dditi.on to Deer 'lreek for the ,P.ar l!l4Cl rt homestead re.tes vms read ancl the Board recomrnended
to the Co:nmissioner of 'l'axati.on that sa0id land be so classified, end thP. valnotion reduced from ~·898
to :~561, and thP. te.x ~rO'll :1'163.Al to :!'102.33. The application of th<> Hinneso ta Motor Co. for cancellation of rersol'\al propertJ' assessments
ro r 1940 on antomobi les nnon which 1910 licenses WP.re issued 1·:aR rend and the Board recommended to the
Cor:imissi oner o:C Texe.t i 0'1 i: hot soid petl tion be p.r!.'nted nnd the vo.lnot l on be reduced ·from ~:1636 to t17AA
and the tax from :!'5ri3.07 to ~'213.31.
The applicn•:ion of 11rimho.ll nros. for cnncellati.on of personal property assessment for 1!140 on
automobi.les upon which 1!140 lioenses v:ere issued v:os read e.nd the Board recommendea to the Co'llmi.ssioner
of Taxation that saiil µpplicatlon be t,:rantea and the valuation reciuced from.t:849 to :~12, o.nd the tax
from flOl.29 to ~1.43.
'Phe p[!plication of a::. vr. Hut:1phre,v :for reonction in assesseci valuation of Lots 8 to 21 inolnsive
in Snnlir,ht Hills in the 'l'ownship o-:-Dunn for the ,year 1910 was read and the Board recommended to the
Co:nmisRioner of Taxatfon thnt said valuation be reauoen from :!'1169 to :;":1179 and the tax from ~'89.91 to
l'he o·pplication o:l' Willia•l! ,iacobs ror permi.t to hold public do.noes, nsinp; mechanicaJ. rnusic onl,v,
a.this buildinp: on Govermnent T,ot 3, Sec, 2!t 'l'ov:n of Dmin for the .vear 1941 was granted.
'l'h" appltcat:ion o-1' F. c. vesta11. for permi. t to hold public dances, usinp.: r.iecho.nica.l music onl.1r,
at North r,ore Store in the l'own or Doro. ro:r the J·!;'ar 1941 v:os e;rantea.
The Co1mt.1• A11d i tor presented the follov1ing s to.tement to the 'lloard:
To the County Board, Otter Ta.il count.v, U.innesoto.:
'Pursuant to law I present below, a. statemr->nt shewing the omount of taxes levied for County
pur·poses for the current year. the ,~mounts collected and a.pporticneci to date and the balances uncollected,
together with the e.ctuol cash balance remaining to the credit cf each County fund at tre close of
business on the 31st day of I·ecember 1940. ,'/illiam Lincoln, County Auditor.
FUUDS Amount Levied Amount Collected Balance Uncollectei for nnci or
County Revenue.,und
?oor "'und
Road and 'llridf"e "'1md
'l'uberculos is Sanatorium
County 'Vel fa.re
Sinkinp. li'und
Current Year Apportioned Unapportioned
Balances remaim.njz to the cr.,iht o" ench Fund nre as follo.ws:
Fur-ms ' Amounts 1 "!o.l:moes ____ D_e_b_i_t_Credit j --~D_e_b.;.i.,.;t.::.: ~rearr------------1
----_________ -=:.,;;..;;_;;:_;;__.:;,c:....:...;,_::....;,._ ______ 1---=-=-=--==-=--------
Coun t.v Revenue "'und 16,214.92
Foor r'nnd 9,984.14
"oor Fnrm ~'und 796.84
Roed Dnd Bridge Pund 71,001,30 Ditch •'und
rncldP.nte.1 '"und
Tuberculosts Sanatorium
r:onnt.v "/el fore
Sinkin!? '"tmd
Cattle Tuberculosis Puna
Old A~e ~ssistance ,,.~,,a
Insurance "una
1, R02·.09
The :l'ollowTnf? .LS a statern~nt o':: t ne accounts re'llo.rn.1.n11 unf)atd on codro.cts oiread." entered into b theBoard. ' Y
Be.1ance due on rooci contracts "lnlnnce Due
tha.t mail
and askeci
nnmher or-
il deleeation o.r citi~ens from i:~arle Lal:e e.nd vicinitJ• npoeured before the Boord and requested
route in that vicinity be kept open during the winter moi-iths,
Leonora r.:r.ilcsson nppeareii before the Boo.rd as represent il1£! the 'l'ownshi p 0.E:: icers Associut ion
tht't the County ~card rescind its oction taJ:en on :iiecember 11 Hl40 designatinp a large
roods ln !"tter ':'ail Count.r o.s Connt,i• Aid :Roc,ds. '
T!pon mot ion the 'llonrd th ~n ad :,ourned to 'J o' cloclc .I\.. :.1. ,Tnnnar;v 8, 1941.
11/F..,..!RSDA~'S S-0:"'<'TNT,
0 ursuent to ndjonrnmP.nt the t:\oi>r~ mf't 1-1t 9 o'clock I\, !!. "/ednesda,v, ,10.nnar.1' 8, l\!41, all memhers bPing present.
• • 0 ~~wnr<i s:op!en appeared beforA thP qorrd R~d nskea •or chnnRe in thA route or rood ot the west
side o, el1can '!",al:e 11:_ the Town~hlp of Sca~bler. nnd it \"/OS np.rAed that a cor.imittee from the County
qoura would examine se..10 9ro!")oset1 chanre os soon DS convenient.
. 1''inal_ heori.n~ on .vocation of ports of r.cunt,\' roa.ds on or near the line between r.:rhe.rds G-rove
and P~lt~nn hav1ne; been ':_ld~ourned to this dnte, interestpd pr,rties who were present were oermitteci to
moJ_::e their statements ana 1nnsmnch ns n majcri ty of the Boord v:as unfum.iliar with the s i.tuatlon .it wos
oroered that the Borrd meet a.s a commi. ttee to examinP. rend rro_oosecl to be vacated the meet i.?lf. to be
held '·T~-~• 14, l!Ml at ~o o'clocl: A. '..{. olonr. the line of so.id pro11osed vaca.tion, a.~d the l:inal hea.ring
~ms o.d.:ourned to 10 o. clock;'. !.I. ,,nne 11, 1941 at the Co'l!missiomirs' :1oom in the court F?ouse.
l~epr~s~nto.t:V'!S o. ,the :!ed ~iv;.~ Vallef Devr.l~nment Association af)pr.areo to rP.auest 011 o.pproflria.-
tion to be 11.seo 1.n pa,1-m~nt Ol _nremiurns o .ere~ at the '"/Lnter Show hP.ld l.n crooJ~ston. ··· ·
DATE l98il ..
A deleplltion of oit1v.1ms frO'II ntto uni T,~nf. T,nlre Tcwnships present1til a pe"tition ror county Aid. Road in said townships.
A larpe delep.ntlon of citizens rrom the Townships of ~omesteed, Uewton, Otto and "ine Lake were
present and re(!uested the '3oard to desig-n,;te a r:0UJ1ty Aid Road in said townships along the lines described by the petitioners. ·
Upon motlo~ the Boord then took a recess to 2 o'clock -o, !:l, .
A del!'gation of citizens from the Township of' I-Tobert appeo.red before thP. Board to protest
01u1inst chanp.e in Co1mty Aid Road !To. 65 and to r.sl: that the snow be nlowed on that oart of the road
which had been ~ormerly kept open, m1t ~~ich had not been plowed since the cha!l'e was made. hfter
dlsc11sston it was af!reecl th&t the Clounty snoY: ·plow v:oulil bP. operated on the part of the road as requesteil.
A delegation of' citizens l'rom thP. Tov:nship or.. ~lov,ers and nlao citizens l'rom the adjoining
to~vnshl?J d.ri \Yadena Co1mt.v filed with the "'3oard o. pet.ltion for Count.v Ald Road alonp the entire east line
of' ~lowers Tov:nship and on the County's line between the two counties. After listenln~ to all state~ents or interP.stec'l parties, upor1 ·motion the petition ,;10.s ordered plo.ced on file.
Bond of r.. t. Alexander, r.ourt Commissioner, in the sum o:r 1"2,000 v:lth Western Surety co. as snret.v, v,as o.p!)roved.
The followinp resolution was odopted:
Resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Otter l'ail County, :.annesota:
Thet the follo11lnp nomed sums be set apart from the Jevenue Fund of. the County to be expended
e.s may be needed f.oT olerl: hire for. the year 1941 in the County ol:.f'lces,named, to-wit:
County Auditor's office 5,700
County Treasurer's of!fce 5,000-
Reglster of Deed's office 3,500
Clerk hire in office or Clerk of Court 1,500
"Dior Assistant Superintendent of Schools 1,500
For Second Assistant Superlntencient of Schocls l, 2C.O Adopted Jnnuary 8, 1941. Geo. B, Cnnderscn, Chairmo.n.
Attest: ''lilliem T,incoln, r:ierlr.
The followillf: resolution v1ae adopted:
Resolved hy thP. Boerd of County CO'll'lli ssioners of otter Toil County, ?Unnesota:
That thP s11m or t250.00 be a.nil thP. same hereby is appropriatea out of the County ~ev1;1nue Fund
to the t'tter '!'ail county "istoricol Soc iet.v, anil the ~onnt~• A11.c'I i tor ts hereby di recteil to iesue warran~ to said soc:let.1• in said u.rmunt. .•.
Adopted ,1onner.,; 8, 1941. , Geo. u,. Ounderson, Chairman.
flt test : Will iom T,incoln. "::lerlr.
The following rescl11tion was adopted: . .
Resolv.ed by the nos.rd of Connty co,nmi.sR _ioners of Otter Toll rJounty; !.Unnesota:
Thnt under pro . ...;..v iBJOns of Sec. 739 CenP.rol Statutes :ro1· 1923, the sum o·f C100.oo be end tlE
earne hereby is appropriated ont of the Revenue "f'und of the county to the Red :?iver Valley Development
Association, said amount so appropriated to be used in pa.vment or premiums to exhibitors for the year 1041
,dopted ,Tan11nry 8, 1911. Geo. a. Gunderson, Chalrr.ian.
Attest: ifilllo.m T,l.ncoln, Clerk •
• ,. lJ. l'ISl:lf!enson, .,11dp.e of 0 robate Court, y,resP.nted to the lloo.ril his order ·fixinr the salary
o• the 'nP.rk cf "robnte ':onrt for 1!141 o.t #"1560, and o.r tlP. AssistA.nt ~lerk of Probate !!ourt at ~1320.
11pon motion thi.s order v:as placed on file.
Upon r:iotlon "i~h¥1oy !':DP. ineer 1T. T., Sandin \'IDS anpolnted ocmmi t tee to represent Otter Tail ~011nty at o conference v:ith the State "iph~voy ])e!lartment ond T,ee:islntive Committe~ relotive to proposed
trnnk hlfhv:a.v Dlonir State .\iii Roods ilo. 1 c.nd 18 o.nd 17 in Cltter Tall •'.lounty, thence northeesterly
throur,h the !:?tote to D11l11th.
tTpon '!lotion Cornmi.sslc.ner Henry O. •10-::r ·;ms oppointed member of the Countr "felfare Board.
trpon motion the U,oard t:t:en tool~ o recess to 2 o'clocl: '?. I.I,
~he application of' Earl ,·,. Campbell for settlement or ilslinquent taxes for 1!131, 1932 and 1!133
on T,ot 1 U,lock 24 Original "lr.t or the City of Fergus Fa.lls 1·111s read and the Board reoom:nendeil to the
i::o:n'llissioner ·of Taxation that said taxes be settled !01· the sum of tl:S0.39, being a reduction of ,64.03
from the full omount of. ta:xes. penalties and interest.
The application of :-Jha.rles :-itill for cs.ncelle.tlcn of Certificate or Forfeiture on o.cccunt of
11npa1d to.xes agoinst the south 114 -rt. cf north 551 ft. of East 208 ft. of Lot 4 in Seo. 16 in Town.ahi . .P
o~ ':eniior was presentet" to the Board. who listened to statements in euppc.rt c.:r the a~1pllc11tlon. After
full considerat.ion of. the matter, n])on motion the '3oord recommenilecl to the Comr:iissioner of Taxation that
soid oerti!ico.te ol' for·f'elb1re be cancelled aid the former owner be 9ermitte~ to redeem the unpaid taxes
on so i.d 1:inil.
!,eonarc:I ~ril:sson, "or thp •\ssociotion ol' '"'own C'ff'ic,.rs, filed v:ith the Boo.rd a written
re,uest -"or rescindinp or-th'! resolution o"!' th1t r:ounty ~oard undPr dn.te of December 11, 1940 designating
oertet n r:ount.v Ud :!?OPl'!S. Sn iii commli!llcation CllBo re11ueeted th'! Cor:imi.sRionere to orronp.e -~or D con".erence
,vith the ">oerc:I of Directors of th'! '.'.'~l\·m C'-':picP.rs 4.ASCci.11.tion to discuss the !lrOblPm o~ dividinp C'-as Tax
recP.lpts in the County, anil 111:tnr discnssicn, noon motlon· the r,0'11r:ilsr-1ioners l'lf'reeil t•o meet with said
I\SRocia.ticn r,-f'ficP.rs ot the r:onrt ''ous,. in "'erp,1ie l'o.lls at 7:30 -o, i.!. on ·•ebr11ar,v 10, 1941, snl'! the
~ountl' •.udl tor l':li.B instru.cte<'I to v:rlte '.Jr. r.:riksson to that e~f.ect.
Upon i:iotion the ""locrd then ad,iourned to 9 0 1 clock \. !.!. Thursday, Jnnuar.v 9, 194:1,
"ursuant to o.c'I journrnent the l30ord met at !l o'clock I\.. 1.1. •rhursduy, J11nuer~• 9, 194.l, all
members beinp. present.
11·pon motion consideration o~ bids !'or truckR anc! snov: plows v1r.s adjourned to Uaroh 12, 194:l
n.t 2 o'clock "· J.I. · Count.v Superintenile'P'lt o~ Schools T,ouise f!tondahl y,resPnted to the l\oo.rd her appointment of
":. ,T, :!!<)va.ng as !'irst Assistant Sr,perintendent, ond ,\@':nee Peterson o.s S'!'cond Assistant. :Jpon motion
the B!\POintments 1Yere approv·ed. . Upon '!lotion the e rllD of tBOO wo.s set o.siile !.'or additional clerk hire in the County Superintendent s
of!'ice for ti1e .veor 194.L in uonnection v1ith State reports nnd teochers exsmino.tions, etc., pa,yment to
be mo.de on verified bills to be submitted to tile ?1oard in the regular flay, The Superintende·nt of Schools
DJ.so presenteo to the Board her onnue.l rei1ort for the past reo.r. . 'l.'he petition of .'.'ohn o. ~olppi to be set over from Dist. 18u to Dist. 2'11 v1ae taken up ond
final hearing was adjourned to iJarch 13, 1941 at 10 o'clock A, Ill,
The i1etition of Alfre~ ~rockopp to be set over from Dist. 235 to Dist. 154 was token up for
f.lnal action. There v:aa no oppeorance in opposition to the petition, and a·fter discussing the some
¥11th the Suflerintencient or schools, upon ;notion the petition was grantee and the Boo.rd issued the
rollowing order, to-wit:
-~ -_ --__ ----
Whereas, The _petition of Alfred Brook.opp, o. lego.l voter, ri:eeholder o.?ld rea ident of School
l)latrict r10. 235. in this county, representing tho.t he is the o~:11er o -• the le.nda hereine..rter desc:r~bed,
whi.oh are situate in anid School District. o.J'ld adjoin School D~striot 11~-154 an~ a~klng that he.,lll1.th hiR said lands ms,v fi'e set off' from said district Uo. 235 to aa1d adjoin~ne: sohoo~ district 110. l:.>4 was
presented to the '3oard of county commies ionP.rs o ~ thlB r.ounty at a sess1 on o·r said boo.rd held on the 13th
da.v of JTovember A.D •• 1940 ror the action of sald board thereon: and vrhereas it_v,o.s thereupon ordered
by said boart'I that a henrinp shonld be had on so.id petttion, at a session of s1u~ board on the 9th de,y
o:I" ,'Anu1•ry -1..D., 1941 et thP. Co'llmlsF.ioners Room in the Court 1-'ouse l.n the City o:.. i"erpus "Falla In said
Connty: ont'I whereas it waa '"urthP.r ordered in 1111d b.v. sold order ,thfl.t notioe of the time end place o.f'
a11ch hearin(l' be p.iven by postinp. copies or so.id order 1.n threP. onblic plo.oes tn ~och of the school
dis trio ts to be 11f~ected b.v so."id peti tlon, o.nd by mo. U lnr. to the clP.rl~ of eo.oh o c so.id School Dlstr lets,
a copg o~ sold order ot least ten days ·berore the time appointed for snch heo.rlnp.: end wherea.s ~t .the
soid session of the said '3oard or Connt.\" cor:imlssioners on sni d 9th d11..r of ,•11nnary L D., l!M.l due proof o·r' the postinp. 1111d service of. said order of hearlnp. as therelri iii.r1wteii and re(!nired, more thnn ten days
prior to said last named date, havill(t been made ond riled, said pet it ion was publicly read and considereil ·
b.V thP. qoe.1·d, with ev .. r.vthi111!? whic~ was snid by said interr.sted po.rtles_ror or ago.inst pro.ntlng the
pra.ver or the pet it .Loner. and said 'loarc'I bE"in[I o:r opin ton that said •le ti ti.on should be granted, it ls
hereby orilereci and determined, that the said pet it Loner and the ·ro1101·1lng Ii escri bed lands <»'tned b.V him,
to-wit: NE'-of r11•1-~ and r,ot l o" Seotlon lu Tov:m1hi p 131 :lrn11 e 3fJ be and the seme are hereby set otf
from seid School ri.strict :10. 235 to said od,oininn School District IJo. 154 and sald lands are hereb.v
'!lade a port o-r said last named School District !'or· o.11 purposes v:hatever.
By order or the ~oard or. Cou~ty r.om~issionP.rs.
Dateil the" 9th day o·r .'nnunry .\.D. 1041
Attest: "''illin.m T,lncoln,
C onnt.v AmHtor. and ex-officio '::lP.rk or' 13oard.
(l9ud i tor' s Seal l
Geo. !~. r.underson, Chairman or tJlP.
"!'loard of r.ounty Co'llmissloners or Otter :rail ~punt.v, :,finr,esota.
Sec. 24 T01·mshi p of LP.er to.ke be set over
a heo.ri~ on Bald petition be had at the
A. at. 11nd tho.t due notice of' the-time and
The petition of ~ohn Hamo.rl asktne-thut th~~} n11:i
from Di.st. 135 to Dlst. 1!'54 was read o.nd lt was ordered that
session of the Bou.rd to be hela :.1oroh 13, 1941 at 10 o'clock
place bE" given as renuired by lnw. The petition of ~oe JJ. ,"/alz asl=lllB that the E} S~I¼ of Sec. 29 in 'l'ownship o.f' 3101Yers be set.
over from Dist. 2EO to Dist. 192 was rend and l t 1"111s orciered tho.t a hearing on so.ld petit Lon be had at
the session of the Board to be held Liar oh 13, 1941 at 10 o'clock A. t.i. o.nci that ci ue not.ice o.r the time
ond place be given. 1111 required by law, . ·
'i'he petition o :!' Fred Ro.atz asking tho.t the Sb1¼ of Sec. 34 in Tovmshlp 138 P.o.n@e 38 in" Becket
Co1mty be set over .f'rom l)ist. 53 -in 13ecl=er County to Dist, 225 of Otter Tail county w&s read and it 1vas
ordered that o. heorinr, on said petition be ho.Ii at the session of the f\oord to be held Liarch 13, 1941
at 10 o'clock L lit. and thet due notice or the tlme and plo.oe be p:lven as required by law.
The meeti 11(1 then o.d ,1ourned to 2 o'clock O • I.I.
4. delep.at1.on o-~ citizens "rom the Tovmshto· ol' St. C'lsf rr11sr.nted a petition aaklnp: for
desip.notion of r.onnt.v Aid Road in Sflid tm,mshlp, and S:ter listenine: to statements· in support of said
petition, 11-pon motion the se'lle was ordered !)laced on rne •.
. '\ids for public prin!:inp. ~or the .,•ear 1!>41 as c11lled ~or b.V the Board werP. openP.d and read
11s follows: The 0 erkPrs "ro.ir ie Tnde pendent o.nd thP. Uorthv:ast "11 blishlniz Co. of Iler: vork :.:ills,
·1,uhlishers of the uew •rork ~•ins Herald, hoth submitted hide offerinr to [lllbllsh thP. Financial Statement
o·r. the Count.v at lP.f!n.l rates and to send snpplP.mentF1 to the other r.onnt.v newspa!)P.rs ·l"ti thout additional
char11e. The ~e.ttle T,al:e :-:evlew offered to print the Delln,,nent To.x L.lst at full ley.e.l rates and to
furnish supplements containiTIF sni d pnb lication to all weekly lee:n.l po.pers within the Count.v to the
extent o.f' their ind ividno.l county circulation. The ..,err tis Journal Compo.n.v offez:ed to publish at lef!.al
rates in the Dally .'ournal minutes of o.11 meetlne;s of the County commissioners durin~ the calendar
.vear, and also to publish all off.loial notices of the count.v ,,1, icb n.re to be published in the ofncio.l
paper, said publicat i.ons to be at 1Apl1l rs.tea.
Upon motion all of the o.bove bide were accepted.
The follov1inp resolutiori r:o.s adopted:
P.esolvet'I b.v the 300.rd o.r Connty r:.ommissioners of Ott':!r 'i'all Ccnnt.v. J.11.nnesota: ·
That the li'er1ms 111ella Daily .•ournal he and the same hereby is des•if!nated as th! officio.l
newsoaper oe' Otter Toil Count.v '"or the calendar .veo.r 1!>41 in '-'lhich sho.11 be (lllblished all: otficiel
notices end o.dvertisements to be paid for by the ~ounty excepting the fino.ncial statement end the
delinquent tax list. ·
?.esolved rurt her, that po.yment for such 911bli cat ion shall be at the lego.l rates !or such
Adopted January 9,. 1041. Geo. ~-Gunderson, Chairmen.
Attest: :y1111am tincoln, Clerk.
The following resolution we.a ado!lted:
Resolved bf the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tai 1 Counts, bllnnesota:
That the Bo.ttle Lake !leVieYt be 11nd the same hereby ls designated us the ne,vspaper in which
shall be printed the notices and 1 ists o·r lands upon which taxes res.mined delinrruent and unpaid on the
first 1.:onda.r in .•onuary, 1941. ·
Resolved further, that for the faithful performance of such work the said newspaper be and ·
herP.by is reqlllrer. to :l'u mish a bond in the sum of :"2 ,000 v:i th some repntable surety compan,,r as surety.
Adopted .'anuory 9, 1941. r.eo. B. Gnnderson, Chairmen.
Attest: llf.tlliam Lincoln, ~lerk.
"'red JI.. r.:verts, a rnP.mber of th'! ntter 'l'ail ~ountv 'l't1"berculosis sono.torimn"Board .f'o r me.n,v years,
ar,pee.red before the l3oa:rc1 and temdP.recl his resipnRtion. 11pon motion the qoard 1100epted his resif!nation wt th regret.
The followlTlf' resolution was ado·pted:
~esolved by the '3onrd o·r r.ounty Commissl.oners of Otter Toll ~onnt.v, 1,:lnnesota:
That Ufred 0 ntnam, of the To,mship o:r A~or, be nnd he herP.by is anuointed a member or the
Otter Tail coun~y Tuberculosis San11toriurn Commissi.on ror th .. pPrlod P.nd inp.: ,•anmiry 1, 1944.
Adopted January 9, 1941. Geo. ~. Gundl"!rsor.i, Cha.i rman.
Attest: ~illiam Lincoln, ~lerk.
The follow il'l(t bills were allowed : ·
P.. ~-?.ovang expenses
!,Iiller-Davis Co. blanks, etc.
"Oucher "rintinp: 'c
T,l tho11raphlng Co.
'Har "rocPr.v
l3urroughs Add.Mche.co.
l,tarchant r.o.l.illche .co.
''Yman 111uel Co.
N.:'f.BPll Tel.Co. lOl'lf! distance calls
!tunlolpal Jndp.e' s fees ~ .• l,f. Stoll
377 .57
.•ones 'c t~roeger Co. recorcl
"'ree Press r.o. su~plles
'L'he nterce co. supplies
13eall 11: Ltccovrnn '.}o, supplies
:!onroe Cal.:!che.Co.·:tnc. 'llaintenance
"'· D. 13ruce bond '..tl.nneapolis Tron StorP. ro.r.a
~.T.Rolcomb Mf'p. Co. mo.ts
tJ.1'1.~ell Tel. Co. . lon,:: distance colls
-\.~-~toll ~unicinal ~ndge's fees
I -=
I .I
DA TE. .. _. _ _.~n.lllUP.r.l!'.~ . .2 ...... ll!i 1
warlin ?.eynolds Constable fees 3.10 ~eter Hink, ir. Dep.Sheriff's fees 4.90
~eter ~ink, ~r. Dep. Sheriff's fees 8.50 Stearns County exsmlnln~ feeble-minded 11,20
rlmsted county :0.11 expenses 16.65 11 l'I. Olorvip.en Soard of Audit 54.00
P,obert l.lolter Tepalrs, etc. 22.22 Victor T,undP.en '.: co. supplies .65
.:iohnson 111urniture Co. f.ilinp. cabinet 58.65 U.'"1.13ell Tel. Co. lon~ distance calls 11.75
tlorby's :Department Store clothlllf for pa11pP.r 1.33 School of Dentistr.v, u or ~ care of pauper 13.00
City of 'f'er5us li'alls groceries for transient 4.00 Morris Grandlund gas :ror transient .95
Drs, Boline 'II Sohleinitz ex·aminations 12.00 Dr. 11m. o. 110r.ane examinations 9.00
IYm •. Bros. Boiler !: idfg,Co. boiler 304.35 Thorman \'I, Hoseholt Co. parts 26.11
Davenport-P.eBBler Corp. parts 9.30 · 1:1auer 1ilf5. co. parts 125.68
stenP.rson ~ros. Lumber co. supplies 6.60 Tesch-Dertine:er T.br.co, l11mber 18.62
Gamble store Agency, N.Y.Mills " 1.58 Wm.·v.. Ziagle~ co.,Tnc. supplies 74~.55
'3eTnard Wedll repairs 21.65 G. H. :r.auppi rP.po.irs 9.35
1u11 tielson's Oil Co. tires 1: tubes 127.26 Pelican Telephone co. services 4.70
".u~ene Dietzgen Co. books 6, 16 Fergus Blue Print co. prints 21.02
!!'etvell t l\l11e "'rint Shop ·prints 5. 76 Beall •~ JiicGowan Co, paper 1.87
Victor T,unileen •~ Co. time checks 109 .00 ?red Poss gravel 19. 70
llOTbert !.latz towln@ 1.50 r:, f', I:adel sawing 2.50
!'::nll r,orin ho.ullnp. 3 .oo Oust !'l;!oberg wood 5.00
i;:. D. saee Etaro.p.e rental 5.00 IJarl Umlauf liunber 2.00
'll're~ 'I.. <:verts lumber •~ coal 27 .47 .~enson' s ,1_11to Wreckin11: r:o. lo.mps 1.00
-:. T .r,u"ont de!Jemours •~ Ce,, Inc. elP.ctric caps 7.65 Slk l:!iver Concrete -orodl1cts co. culverts 615.24
11aal!'1mson •: Tro.nby excavation 108,00 naper,Colmenson '= Co, cutting edges 292.20
r,eo. ~. Rva~ ~o. snow plow ~ing 425.00 Swan-111inch Oil Corp. grease 132.06
Cordon :~iller e:asoline 2.05 111aTmeTs co-o'p. •\ss•n. gasolinP. 15.70
l'artho.n ".: -oeterson Nl ::o. " 70.50 !-~rwin Sief!·fried ca1:1oline 99.40
Traub Co. gas !.: rent 17.41 M.W.13.ell Tel. co. lo~ distance aans 32.60
,.. I~. 0 tahl r::o. oil 32.17 .. !la.vmond '3ros. !,!otor Trans. Inc. freight R.08
i.lc'lua.v, rnc. unit heater-90.60 Anson !.iarquardt supplies 9.28
:.lartln Sheet :.feto.l Shop s11 pplles S,45 !:! • r:. Anderson supplies 1. 25
!!-nith IJom::ieTcial ~od.v "forks parts l~.55 Cummins Diesel Snle-s i:c Service repairs 92.11
·nerman ?osen phene calls •, commissioners exp. 19.15 Victor •T,undeen 'I: Co. sup-plies 590.20
"iller-Dsvis Co.· blanks 8.64 Conrad r~yhrie cord"wood 36·.00
l"rpheum Drug cut film 3.90 T,ouise tl. Vlf.en clericnl "tork 7.50
Dorothy !,!; ·01son clerical work 3.00 Ctt.yr<Jhfe "l: nakP.ry meals. for ~urors 5.60
''fil}.is SU!>Pl.Y Co. supplies 8,46 ;,. ~. "enkes expenses 56.93
toulse StGndohl cssh advanced 11.50 T,ouise Standahl P.xper1ses 36 .~O
'P.U:.U:ricl:son Co., Tr.c. weed. sprayer e;un 8.68 l'lelen Bohn tal:i"I!' testlmon..v 32.55
~it,v'of "'err11s ,:,alls i,i;rocerles for tr.ansient 3.00 l·'·'•.ttell Tel. IJo. long distance calls 4.20
P.velyn ~~. ~orck clerlcal vto-r~ 10.00 Otter 'l'ail "ower Co. newer 21.21
\. :;!. Stoll Mumicipnl ~udge' s fees 3.60 Dr. 111. /,; !,ee coroner's fees 5. 25
George J. •• Schultz court costs 6.00 !.lo.rlln ?.eynolds jailer 18.00
~inn. Sto.te $anatorium co.re of penper 44.40 c~ty er Fer~us Falls supplies for transients 12.5
~'ity of 'Pergus ~o.11s water 'I: light 20o.27 John 0. Thom1,son expense attending meeting 16.25
,•. ~. trenkes bpard o.f prisoners 180. 00 Vill. of V inin5 poor expense, l '.!36 25. 41
Vlll. of 1/lnLng poor expense, 1937 11.74 Vlll. of Vining poor expense, 1940 265.04
'"own of ".:dna poor expense. Hl40 182.91 Town.of Folden poor expense, 1940 3,36.73
TO"m of !·Torwegian ~rove poor expense, 1940 167.34 Town of Otto poor expense. 1910 262.17
Torm o~ Dush r,nl:e !IOOr expense, l!J40 277.79 Vil.l, Underv,900 poor expense, 1940 552.18
Campbell Coal co. ice 4.65 l'elen 13ohn taking testimon,y 10.20
Jalm,.r %7opponen intP.rpreter' 1:1 fees 2 .00 Frank c. Barnes Municipal .~udfe' s fees 36 .15
'P.. T,. S!l.ndin cash advanced 10.45 Arvii! Leitch co.sh advanced 2.00
. ., ri. -eottu ,.::-:penses 35.65 11. L. Sandin expenses 59.45
L.VlP. Tollerson ex·penses 22.40 Otter Tell ?o¥ter IJo. power 35.83
Vill. of nerham water 9.00 Ar:ierican Railway ExoreS'S Co. expresR 3.04
Bill !Jeleon' s Oil co.. tires 29.30 Pa·per, Cclmenson 'I:. Co. cnttirJll edges 94. 77
The Geo. T, Rvan Co. pur:ip El2.50 u.v • .:rohnston Culvert co. cnlverts 3130.94
~. ~. Hae-el shovel r•mtal 191.87 ,:, , ~I. Steinke shovel rental 59, 63
Penr.v •l'ollll@'ren shovel repairs 42.35 •rintgen :tarst :'!:lee. Co. supplies 19..5:l
Victor r.undeen 'I: co. supplies 56.59 !~a.v's Oil Station supplies 5.01
•• A. ?.or,ers co. sup!)lles 3.16 "f.'ergus !:..umber '= Fuel co. supplies 123.29
Ilational "3ushing 'I: Pnrts Co. supplies 137.49 Nicols-Dean 'II Gregr, supplies 115.79
Thorraan w. Rosholt Co. supplies 6.76 Pelican Electric Shop supplies 2.7C
Battle Lake F!'Rrdware Co. supplies 15.42 CurnmLne Diesel So.lea !: Servi oe !)arts 160.5~;
:itausau Iron :•/o'r}:s Co. parts 45.76 Wm. 1'1. Ziegler Co., Inc. !)arts 193.89
Aune '!3ros. repairs 113.14 Ji"II Lop.en repairs 2.00
BjoTklunil !.!fP,. co. Te!)sirs ll ,A6 Oero.ld T:-ostelson repairs 9.61
terson '3ros. repairs 100.25 OlRon o\.nto ~lectric Co. repairs 2.8f
l.io.hler 'I: Straus re·poirs 2.09 Seven-O•SeTvice Station repairs 1.80
Llinn. :.10tor co. ,Inc. repairs 1.02 The Oil Store Diesel fuel 71.76
'5'1eld !'.: ?o.p.e:e Oil co. Diesl!'l fuel 134,43 "enrose Oil co.; Diesel .fuel 56.76
tf.\11."Bell Tel"phone Co, services 17.60 :·1. R. Scott, Afent gas !c oil 35.86
!i!lmer Erlandson gasoline 74.80 Standa.r4 Oil co. gasoline 30.80
Fersus Oil co. sasoline 29.75 Boyum's Texaco Station gasoline 34.7E
•raushn Chevrolet Co. go.a, repairs 3.25 Bill's Servic•e Station (!as, etc. 3.89
Motor Inn Gnraee fl'.aB !c supp11es 31.95 i'/ilcox Lumber Co. ,Henning lo.th 2.75
Ferg11s No.sh uotor Co. storage 12.00 Traub Co. supplies ll,.9C
Lee Chevrolet Co. supplies 2.15 Saul motor co. repairs .35
Joe Loeas repairs 5.50 ,,. H. Schmidt shovel repairs 22.10
Ot.teTto.11 Oil co. sasollne 3.10 Len Syverson go.saline 70.89
Bengtson Oil co. gnsollne 32. 67 Oeo,. B,Gunderson e:xpense attend in@ meeting 11 .55
-n. ~-Amundson exp.attending meeting 14.80 Town of tridaros expenss V'tith pauper 100.00
G. R. Slliott total mileO{le for yeo.r 1940 89.95 The bill o~ "Resse c. lfanson as re·presentative of the es·tn.te of Carl Hanson., deaeased, in the
sum of £-50.00 for demoges on account of road in Seo, 35 'i'D'Ynshi!> o-!' St. Olaf was rend and nfter-aonside;r-
atlon upon motion the same wa.s rejected.
l'"he following no.mes "tere selP.cteil to be placed on the armual Cranil and t'etit Jury lists of
the i::ounty:
l I
Jo.ke Hendrickx
Herman Ehner't
Lorence 'f\oedigheimer
Frank Breuer·
,, • 'Q. 1•1ht tne.v
?.o.v Klein
Adolph Hepola
C. A. Brown
John Sa:vela
T-:d1•1in Nelson
Oscar Tollerune
E. L. PetPrson
Martin Shirley
Ola.us Severson
Hje.lmer Fyhri
Al free .: ohnson
,Jack Gregory
Oscar Helle
Carl Torgrimson
M. Anker
('.eo. Po.nson
Oscar J,..nson
B. A.. Ohrmund t
-q. ,:, • ;,1oske
Ches. ,.,ort11•engler
C .• 1-f. BUrf_l'P.SS
Arthur \'I. !-T"lson
T.om Cleo.r
Otto ¥e.up,en
A. I1. r-rao.genson
P.0111 Stender
G. S. qrekke
Julian '.:luam
T,ewis Lohmeier
O. M. Sllolberf',
~. T. r.rccarthy
Reinhold l'.latz
Albert Y.unze
P aul Mo.tz
l!ubert 'Rengtson
Evert !,latti
Melvin Reynolds
Mrs. August Wilkowski
Fred 'P.alske
Fronk Meyer
Geo. DOUBlas
Arthnr Nickelson
Mrs. John 0, "ary
'Barney Lucking
Farr.v qe.ker
'F'ri t-z Carlund
Joe !~over
neter ~eo.genstad
Levi Zeiler ·
Jv!rs. u·r.red Lane:seth.
'P'enr.v .~ohnson
Melvin !,!ellinJ?en
~heo. ('.ilbertson
Helpe ·Tiegen
R. F. Dillon
Arthur Peggen
l'lm. Scheer
Grover Sau-nd ers
Mrs. Ole ~Telson
Carl Shel
-Art I·:linnert
~rs. A. Y. Thoreson
Mrs. Ceo. ~ere:er
Julius Christbpherson
Dick l'/oltjer
Mrs. Elof wag en
Anton r-:vavold-
Mrs. Et' Wall in
1-::dd i e CarlSO·Tl
Stillman Hjerketvedt
Jim T.'letche•r
\'lal ter 'Brutlag
Mrs. w. ~-Stephens
!;!rs. John Ekebere:
Urs . A. I~. Bondy
Harri.s ~ing
Cho.s. Salo
Arvid ,"ohns,on
r.ust 'Tanson
Mrs·. C. I~. Olso-n
,., rank r.:as tl and
DA:'l'E ................... ~o.r11111r_\' .... 9..~ ... ll!.4J.. ......................... 193U .... .
G :!AND ,7URY.
Rush T,ake
Richville Vill.
Bluf~ton Vill.
New York ii!.ills Ifill.
Norwegian Grove
Pelican Tio.pids Vill.
Dal ton 'Jill.
St. Olaf
tagle Lake
Clitherall 1/ill.
Clitherall 'l.'wp.
':'al't.:P rs "'rair ie Vi 11.
Onk Valle,v
Sivert Nelson
Albert l:He rwae;en
Sam Peterson
Geo •. Kra.tzkc
Mike Bear
Gotlieh ,JAn~:e
'P:d ?.amsa.v Albert Sch•·mrtz
En Grt-;r-r
c·onrad Ohman
Melvin Haga
Harry Ber[:
ill, M. Kowalski
Dovre Ho.uger
Cyrus Balfour
Anton Guuderson
Glenn Onstad
,Jo Pahan
Ole Lind
Ole Hoff
Henri Luhning
Ole Serf
Gott;J.ieb Menf',e
Mauritz Carlson
W. D-Barter
T. l,!. Severson
Emil Se.l v a.ap,
Claude Goodroad
Pine Lake
Dent Vill.
Perhe.m Vill,
Dunn .
Pelican •rwp.
grhards Grove
Underwood Vill.
Leaf :·.lountain
Vlning I/ ill.
Ottertail Vill.
Oak Vnlle,v
Parkers l?rai ri e Two.
Deer Creek Vill.
Leaf !.!l.kc
City of Pergns Falls
City o!: ?err,us Falls
Arthur Pa.lls
Geo. Lowry
Iv er Haarstad
Ro.ndolph Araskog
John "· Christianson
Albert '.,!orbraten
Lyl~ Da.venport
Deer '.!reek Twp.
Cd.J .f Ferf.!US Falls
Ji'ereus Palls '.rwp.
City of rergus Palls Ole 0. Sletvold
l'E'rI'l' JUl'!ORS.
Pine Lake
ii lowers
Perham 'l'Y/P.
Pine Lake
Bluffton Twpl
Bluffton T•trp.
"erham Vill.
· (fo rwer. ie.n Grove
"elican 'Nip.
Pelican !'lapids vul.
Erhards Grove
~'ri berg
Dalton Vill.
St. Olaf
Ea.rle Lake
T,eaf Mountain
Clitherail Vill,
Ottertail Vi.11.
Clitherall 'l.',1p,
F,v erts
Sat tle Lal:e
Leaf Lake
lieer r•reek 1•~rp.
Preddy Imsande
Pete .Johnson
Frank Schmidt
Ju 1 i us Pat<nnnen
Mrs. \'I. fl. Pe arsons
'l.'heo. Kaufman
Mrs. Yalmer Strolberg ., . c. Schneider
John 'lfedell
Ferdinand Butzke
urs. Ce.'.rl Ringdahl
Andrew Saarvi
Ed Fischer
Henry Duel
Albert D, Cluck
Hermfln Senske
l'lilliam Schultz
F.lrO.\' Glr.dbnck
Norman Sanden
T,awrence Thom·pson
Alvin Sleen
Orville 1.-!onson
Urs. Chas. Spies
Bernard Johnson
'.Yirs. Arthur Aas
James Cole
•rhea. Thompson
Hen'I'.V T,.vstad
,'oh_n Y.:up:ler
:! ames ?err.v
Hans A. Olson
!;·!rs. Alfred Gronner·
Oliver 'rhorr:iodson
Mrs. NoblP rruse
01P. o. Aune, Jr.
!~Ollie ::turk
.:elm Cichy
S. E. Hal vo1·son
grs. Leo. Schmidt
Ji' rank Stewart
i:'aul Reese
JUmer Hinkston
Anton t>aulson
Oscar Anderson
:,Irs. i'lm. Frnki
Toivo Perna
Edvrin Skorlu-nd
~. T-'.. Jndson
Orvie Gunnerson
Alvln C.:dholm
Buse ·
Dane "ra.irie
JU i zabeth Twp.
F.l.iza.beth Vill.
Vergas Vill,
New York Mills Vill.
Bluffton Twp.
Dent I/ill.
Hiuhville Vill,
Perham I/ill.
rlew York I.Hlls 'fill.
Norwegian Grove
"elican 'rwp.
Pelican Rapi.ds I/ill.
Erhards Grove
Unnerwo od V ill.
St. Ols:f.
Lear r.iounto.in
lfin.ing Vill.
Gira.rd Twp.
Otter Tail '.l.'wp.
Battle Lake
Clitherall '.l.'v:p.
J,et1f Lake
Deercreek Tv:p.
•&URID. .DODK.MfD.l!fllNl'INCI.ClD, •. BT •. CI.GUD,.MINlf--'1141
;.{rs. '.!hrist Hanson
John l31tsche
Bert MoQuay
Albert Biethner
H, ~. Ackerman
11. '!. uougonrd
Elo r Anderson
(ltto .., • Helson
i,!rs, ~dith Dahlin!',
Mrs. '!l'.TT ie :.!lckelson
Geo, Stearns
Mrs. C. 17. \'le therbee
urs. Nee l_y 1r. r.rey
'f!arold •reisberp.
Andrew Anderson
Carl ;r. Nelson
Deter Dohrer
'1, \'/edll
F.lmer ., • f.\co tt
tl erle r,oomP.r
Sam soliah
r,lrs. Andrew J-laave
DATE ........................ £:.D.U\lars. ... Q., ... l.~:4.l. .................. 1931., .. .
Henn inB TV! p.
Cll'lt Vnlle_y
Porkers nra.irie
Henning Vill.
Deer nreek Vill.
City of Ti'err,ns Falls
City or Fergus Valls
City of. !"erp.us Falls
Ci t.v o-f F'erp.us Falls
Ci t.v or Ferr-us Falls
Au rd.al
Dane 0 re.irie
Elizabeth 'i'v{p,
Elizabeth 'iill.
(Petit Jurors)
Llrs. Oler Cilbertscn-
l,lrs. John Goeden
,'ohn Ilewman
','/. C. !.Helke
Theo. Grothen
'..!. L Svrenson
,, • r/ •. :·:Uson
Joss r:lnrno
Mrr-i. Annie L. Helson
Geo. n. \VT ir,;ht
Mrs.• .-:oseph:ine Oyen
l.ln~. Gedal~. i,loe
Martin E, Bergerud
Ed.1•1. Aune
Helmer Anderson
A. 0. Huseby
Wolter Olson
~rs. M. A. Tripp
Na.nning rnssen
,iohn 0lson
Carlo Ceorp.ina
Henr.v Fick
Henning Twp.
0Rk Valley
1?arkers Dre.Irie
Henning Y il 1.
r>o.rkers 0r~1.irle Vill.
Cit,v of P erp.11s Falls
City of :!'erp.us Falls
City of Fergus Palls
City of Fergus Falls
Ao.st ad
Dane Prairie
1n i 1.abeth Twp.
Fel'flUS Falls Twp.
~•erP.US Fo.11s •r1•1,p.
l:Jpon motion the Boa.rd then o.d:.,ourned to 'February 10, l'J41 r,~;t g
M, Chairmo.n, ,, ---
•/Jo-;. ---~ --.,:.ttest:
' j
DATE ............................. E.<t1lr.111u:)1 .... l.O .•.... l.llil ........ 19lll., ... .
J.irnUTES OF AD.1PIJ!U11'TI) ;,r.::·::TrnG o;;, 130A:!.D OF
COUIITY COJ.!!'.!Sf!Oll)~~s OF o·r•rr:?. TATJ, COU!T'l'Y.
mrmr.:soTA .
.Pursuant to ad,journment the Boo.rd met at 10 o'olock A. I.I. uondoy, ?ebruary 10, 1011.
Present: Commissioners Y.c.rvonen. Gunderson. Hof:!:. Amundson o.nd Snowberg •
The bond of T-T. w. Glorvigen, Clerk of Distriot Co11rt, in ti1e sum of ~'.l,000 with St.Paul
I.iercury Indemnity Co. as surety, was aoiJroved.
· The bond of A. 1. Anderson. cierlc of: Probate court. in the s11m o:e tl,000 with the Jnited States
"'idelit.v r,nd Guaranty c.o. o.s surety, was approved. .
1/arious communi.cntions in regard to ploV!ing roads in the Count,\' v:ere read e.nci ordered plaoed
on file.
'Tpon motion the Auditor Vias instructed to a.clvertise for bids '.:'or furnishi?lf and installing
flnorescent lip:hts in six moin vo.nlts at the court Honse. said bids to be opened at the meeting of the
~oard to be held Uarch 13, 1941 ot 2 o'clock P. u.
A delegation or citizens from thP. To1•mship or Dunn requP.sted the Count.v Board to tal:r. o•,er the
rond alonf. the sonth side or 0elica.n T,al:e runninB vlest fro-n ""el icon Inn.
A deler,ation of c:itizens rrom 'I'ownship o'.:' "el.ican r-nd norwer-ie.n Grove appeared and requested
the desip:notion of a r,as tax road rnnninp. vlest -'.:ro'll connt.r Aid ?.oed I!o. lf, in se.id tor:nship. After
li.steninf to all parties. the Board ap:reed to arrnnp.e '.'or o mP.et inp. of n commi ttP.e o:C the (:01.mt.v Boa.rd
with Township o.nthorities to looJ: over this pro;,ect.
Delep.ati.ons of citii,;ens in Star T,o.ke nnd :.ic•olewoocl ond fro,n Tov:nship or: r::a?.le T,oke end the
To<vnship or Scombler were heord in ref.ard to propose/I road work in these various townships.
'l'he '.:ount.v Andi tor presentPd to the Boord his annunl statement of reoeipts and disbur-sements
of thP. Count.v for the culendar .i'ear 1940. Upon motion thi.s statement ,ms upprovec'I a.nd ordered turned
over to the printer.
Upon motion the ~oard then took o recess tc 2 o' cloc:I: "· :L
'l'he ·follovlinp. stote'!lents of salaries and ·fees received b,V the various Count.v offic:ers durinr,
1940 1•:ere reod ond approved:
Ern,.st E. ,'ohnson, r.011nt.v Snrve.vor ::\ 30.95 ~-IT. uaagenson, ~ud~P. of ~robate 2500.00
.'. r~. "en}:es, :1heri.~f 2500.00
·."/i.llinru Lincoln, ~011nt.v Au/I .itor 2500.0fl
P. :·1. r.lorvir-:en, ~lerl o:: District Gonrt 2000.00
? . I-.1. 2ee. County Trea.s11rer 2GOO. 00
P. A. ,\nderscn, :~ep,ister or Deeds 2500.00
~-0 • Berehuis. County Attorney 1800.00
Louise Stbndahl, '.:ounty Superintendent of Schools
from ;.Jarun 1 to December 31 1G66.68
G. :~. !~lliott, Connty commissioner 812.20
Gee. s. Gunderson, ConntJ' Gommissioner 815.00
P. !'L Amundsen, Conn ty commissioner 819. 00
Andrew !lo,jurnpao., on behalf of his son I.Inrtin, requested the Board tu reinstate his oontrnct
for the ,rnrchuse of tax-forfeited land dP.so,·ibed o.s the ·,'/est half of South h&lf of II=:·: ti"/{· in Seotion 0
'1'01•:n or. Leur J.ake, which oontract was defaulted bf reason of non-pnrrnent o.f: the annuc.l installment d11e
on or be!"ore December :n. 1940. The T.\ouro beinf sutisfie/1 th'.1t fo.i lnre to pll,\' ,·las due to misinformation
and not willful nerlect on the port o"" ti-.i• onrchnser, o.p,reecl to recom-iend to the State 1'ax Commissioner
that the t i'!le r.or pa.vi.nr, ilefanl tee instollmi;,nt o ~ the contra.ct price be i;,xtendec'.
l'he application of' r ... ore:e ~ettin ~or "n and "·rr snle bP.l"l" li.cense in a restaurant at ~rbank
1..-, thP Towrishi.p o~ ~•;f-?in11ton was r,runted. said licPnse to expire !.!nrch :n, 1D41.
'rhe l.'ppli.co.tio11 o? •~A.ore:" '1etti.n .nor Dance per•nit for thP. ,vear 1\141 nt Urbank "all in tne
1'ownship o~ r.:rfinfton •.n,s prantecl.
':'hP. ep_nlicotion o~ "P.r•nnn -'cb'll for do.n(:r> ner'llit 0 or th,, :·Ntr 1911 at Sirnd,\' 0 o int in the To1~nshlp
or ":l i znbP th vrns prnn tea.
~ delA.p.ation or citizens ~ro~ tne Township o• Dlowers presented n petition for~ gas tax road
runninp enst onci r:est Si!, miles across snid township rro,n the sontl11·lest corner o-f Sec, 19, .:.f:ter listen-
in~ to interested parties, npon motion the petition was orderea nlacea on rile.
The o.p_olico.tion o~ r.:. :.1. ;,.ndersl,n, ':.'rust or 'leer or the "'err,us Falls llation!il 3anl: and 'l'rnet Co.,
as trustee t'or the 1>Sta.te of r, '"I, Pranl,herg. deoeased, askinr, for oo.ncellation of tax for l'J40 on lo.nd
sold ~or rood pur9oses to the State of :.linnP.sota in n.!! ",10-mship o: /;.ltrdal was read anu the Board
recom1encied to the Commissioner o'.: 1'axo.tion thot· thl" assessed vo.lnntion o!' the ;·11 IJ":.:!·, 11\-SE', SF.' il:0:-1
1l'1d T,ots 1. and 2 inSec. 30 of S1lid •_:,o,.mship be rednced fro:n ."·1~198 to !'·197,; r,.nd thr-> to.x from ~·123.08 to
'fhe application of Skop.mo Jlotors, Tno .. •or c:oncellation or nssess,nent o-f threP automobiles
a.ssessed in the .1·ea.r l'J40 and n.ron whi.ch 1D40 lioenses WP.rP. issned, v:as reo.d and the l\oard recommended
to the Co•nmis~ioner o~ Taxation that tJ-.P. pP.rsono.l nro'lert.v assessment o~ so.icl CO'll_oan~• '.'or said .vea.r be
reduced :Crom .·129c, to ~;C.54, 111111 the to.x from :~154.61 to ~·70 .02.
The n.oplication or ::ax i.Iodsen, ossessor o'.' the -:'ownr-ihi.p o·'.' Done ;>ro.irie, ~or reduction of
assessment on that port of Lot 5 in Sect.ton 31) ,lhiuh lies west of r.ot 2 .in Sec. ?.9, snici traot oontil.ining
two ond a. halr. oores, which wa.s over-asse<1sec1 b,Y him through u clP.ricul error, was read and the Board
reoommended to the Commissioner of 'l.'azation that the va.lnnti.on be reduced from .:'716 to f70, and the to.x
rrom ~39.67 to t3.88.
ThP application of Urs. Yerl Earj&la for reduotion of assessment on persunal property in
Dew York Uills for l'J10 on the ground that no perscnnl exemption hnd been allowed h~r was read and the
<300.rd recommendec'I to the Com'l!iSF."ioner of 'l.'axe.tion thot the assessed vnluution of said property be
ret!uoed from !)235 to :!;135. o.nd the tax from !~28.91 to 1,:i1G.Gl.
Th" application of •:ioe •c l'/ilshusen for concellntion of assessment on tv:o automobiles in the
r.it.',I' o-f -,erp,us Falls for 1940 upon v:hich 19t,O llcenses were after.rnrds issued wt1s read and the Soard
recorn'!lenden to the Commlssioner o.r Taxation thot ss.id n!)plioation be e:rentec!. and the assessed vnluat ion
of personal propert.v o'.' said ""irrn he reclucP.cl from :86.0~. to :!'.:26.~2.
The applicntion of wa.ltt>r Qerr:erml ·for re~uction of personal p•ropert.v assessment in the
Township of ·10.s tern ·'.'or 1940 on the pround ths.t pe!'sonol P.xempt ion hsd not beP.n nl lo1·1ed him was read
and the ~oard recom"lended to ':he Com'lliSs.ionP.r o".' "'nxat.l.on thnt the asseosed valuntion or said personal
property be rP.du.oeci l'rom :"'154 to 1'51 ond th" tax frorn .l'R.56 to :~3.00.
The o.p_olicntlon of ''/illin~1 ·;, "n'lne,nann. Assmrnor o'.' thP. '!.'ovmship or "'ereus F"alls, for
reduction of' nssessment on his personal propert.',1' ror 19t~o on the r-ronnd that he ·railed tc note the
personal P.Xernption allowed b.v lF.m, wo.s rend. o.nci the '"Icard recom-nended to the Cornmissioner,:of Tnxa.tion
that the assessec' value of snid p~rsonal property be rednoed :rom .''323 to .··223, und the tax from t·23.3A
to :~11;.15,
The a 11plioation of N. ,'. st.ver for rP.duction of personal propert.v o.s,sP.ssment in thP. •rownship
or-·Ferr,us Falls for the .1•eo.r 1910 on the pronnd that no personal hc,uselK,ld e,;empticn was allowed him wns
rend 13nd the "!3oo.rd recommended to the Commissioner of •~axo.t.icn thnt the assessed value of said _o:ropert,v
be reduced from:··1:31 to:~·.'31, and the ta,; .rrom:1·7. :51 to:(:L 73. ....
DATE ..................... 1.fl.P.r.uo.rY. ... .l.Q .•.... l.~11 ................. 193 ... 11-
•rhe application of. :.!rs. F. P.. Dodee for reduction of o.ssessment on personol property in
::litherall Vill8f.e for 1940 on the fround of over valuation 1•:o.s reo.d and the Doard recommend.ea tc the
r:om•nissioner of •:•axo.tion that the assessed vulue of said property in the sum of ;:100 be co.ncelled and. the tax on persono.l propert.v, including mone.v and credits be reduceci fror.i .tlfl.69 to 90f.
The o.rplication of 'l'heodor \'lep,ner ~or reclnction o !' EU1sessment on personal propert.v for 1940
in thP. Villoee of richville on the e:ronnd thnt no rersonal exernrtion hod been ollowei! h:.m, wo.s read and
the ~oard recommenced to the r,o'l'!11issjoner o-r Toxnti.on that the assessed vo.lue of said prooert.v he reduced from .•·171 tc t-71, and the tax from .~19.46 to ~·(l,OA. ·
'.1.'he o.pplico.tion or Geo-re-e Hanson for reduction o·~ assessment on personal property in thP.
1/illswe or ~litherull "Zor the :renr 1940 en the p:rcund of' over-valuation was read and the Boo.rd recommended
to the Commissioner o~ Taxo.tion thllt the o.ssessecl value of: so.id personal property be reduced from .'.·566
to ."·395, and the tax on so.me be reduced from ~'69.74 to 846.1.35.
'l'he application or "eter Clambey for reduction of assessment for yeur l\J40 en \'/½ II.Er'-and rm'-
Sec. 14 Town of Friberg on tr,e erounll of over-valuation was read and tile Soard recommended to the
:ommissioner of To.xuticn that the assessed value of suid property be re6uced from ~1401 to 81162 and the
tax fro11 ~177.07 to tl57.24. · ·
'i'he appiLic:ation of ~. ;•1. Trupukka for settlemPnt o!' delin1uent taxes for the years 1931, 1933,
1934. 1935, 1937 and 1939 o.gainst the SI'/} SE:~--except ,'/ 1 rod in Sec.-22 in ~ownship of Uewton 1vo.s read
ond the '3onr<'I recommended to the Gommiss Loner or Taxation that said to.xcs be settleci for the snm of
fllfLFIO. '1eine: a rer:uction of '"·31.91 from the full o.mount or. taxPs, penalty, interest and costs.
:_1!)on motion the ~oerd then ad:ournec' to 10 o'cloc}: A. !.I. "'ebruar.v 11, H!41.
Pursuant to e.dJournm'!nt the 1300.rd met o.t 10 o'clocl: ,. :L "'ebruar.1' 11, 1941, all members
beinp rresent.
'.'pon -:ioticn the ~oard 0.1:tl.ori:,;m, satisract.ion cf flP.rsonal riropert,1• tr-:-: ,judP-mPnt a;:-,ainst
"'redr ikken rarvonen dated ;)ecember 10, 1931 :for ."·5. 22 for 1930 tax.
~itizP.ns of the Township or ilane ''rairie appeared before the Tloard to talk over road matters.
,.._ !,. f:andin. UiP-h1•:a,v -:ne:ineer, 11rescnted to thC! Board his o.nnui:.l report and the bal,,nce of.
the forenoon wos occupied Ln di~cussing various parts er the reoort.
u·ron -notion the Soard took a recess to 2 o'clock r>. ;,1:
iT. '!'. n.urau of thP. '.i'own of Dane 0 rair Le urf.ed the Com·niss Loners to continue the present policy
or ns inp. p.as tax ::1mds for cons trn cti np. and maintaining :ount,I' Aid i~oo.d s, end not to o.pport ion these
fllnns to the various tm·:nship authori tiP.S as proposed h,l," somP. •rown Sonrds.
Upon r.ioti.on C.:lmr:>r ,'ohnson was authorized to write tornado ond fire ins11rance on C onnt.v P.o.raP.e
at Pel icon :"!ao.icis and also in the '."ownshi.p or J.lo.ine.
JTnon motion the Count.'/' :,.uditor 1,as instructed to advertise ~or bids ror c:nttinp ed?es to he
purchasen b.v the Gonnt.1· dur~ni' the C:O'llinr, se11.son, soi.d bids to he opened r:.t the sessi.on o~ the '3o.e.rd
:.larch 12th fit 2 o'cloc:J: P. !.i., o.nd o.l:io to advertise rcr bids for ~l!e season's re·,uirern'!nts of culverts,
soid bids to be opened at the session :10.rc:h 12, 1941 o.t 2 :30 "· !.I.
~esidents o·r the '.i'ov:nships of Edna, ·i::oro and "ooa.rt presented to the ~onrd o. petition :'or
Count,y A.id Road in s1:.id townships. After listenin/! to statements of interested part.Les, upon motion
the petition wo.s or6ered placed on file.
The fcllov:inr, bills v:ere allowed:
.'. C. uenkes Board inp. prisoners 232, 50 ~. C . Henkes el:penses
;r. ii. uaagenson expenses lu.44 :C:. ,,. Rovang expenses
Louise Stondahl expenses 2tl.60 . Louise Stomio.hl posta.i:;e
"· •\. •\.nderson postage ul.40 P. U. Ree postafe •-·. ·•1. Clorvip.en postage ,,., box rent 14.00 ir. \'/. Glon•igcm drivers license expense
'iictor T,undeen •• Co, su!)plies 3.40 United Chemical co. s11pplies
•rntteil Chemical r::o·.rnc. 24.fl5 ~•he r.regp.. Puhl. co. supplies
Curtis 1,000, Tnc. snpplies 27.,99 Cit,v T.rpev:riter Service "
Victor Lundeen •.: r:o. snpplies 15.70 Puller qrnsh ~o. suprlies
!'no"f-"eterson "dwe. r:o. •· 1.65 ~eoll •,. l!cr.ownn co. supplies
~irchie ~inper nrint toboratories, Tnc. sup. 7.75 Hatl.qushinr. ~ "Parts r,o. "
:!illP.r-Devis r:o. sup!,:>lies ~2.fl9 C.:d 11('lstrom repairs
Th.,,\dels11an ~o. rer:rnirs 5.73 ·rorthwestP.rn <?ash~, Door ':o. repairs
Ti,htfoot's :1hop rP.pnirs. etc. ::5.AO "inteen-r·arst repairs
"err.us "Plu:nhinf! •,. irentinf r.o. repnirs ::5.10 i'!."'1."lell 'PP.l. Co. lonll' distance calls
u.,·•.1ell ·rel. r.o. lonp distance calls 17.10 i-I,j''!lan ,,'uel e~. coal
'!. i), 11ruce insurance 67.22 r;1arence H. Anne ho.ulinp ashes
Cit~• of "'erF,us F'alls water '!: li1?ht 201.013 Otter· •rail "ower Co. power
Upeblad "ubl. co. letterheads 13. 00 ':iecur i. t.\' ~il.ank 'look '!:
\'ree Press Co, blanks•.: binder 22.70 Printinp. Co. hlanks
"ritz-0ross r:o. records 121!.60 "'am1ma Carbon Co. co.rbon paper
Pouc:hP.r nrintinrr 11, ·rhe ~_ypewritr:>r Shop, Tnc. stencils
LithoF.raphinr co. envP.lOrJP.s 15.45 Vill. of '~enninr-ouarantine ex11ense
Dcu~los count.1• exo11ininp. insnne· 24.14 "'rank C. 'lornes '!u"licioal ;rudF.e's fees
Jrja :.!ariin J.!uniclpal '.:onrt Clerk's Jees 10.25 r::laude R. :'iP.ld :"nstice fees -
Dr. ·•1. ''!. Droue:ht Deput,I' coroner'3 f.eP.s 7.25 Dr. ··•.A. '!iller Der.Coroner's fees
rr. '"heo. Satersmoen :;Jc, 5.55 '3attle T,al~e !'!eview publishinf! rersonal
Deer ~reek '..:irror publishing rersono.l propert,v to.~ list
propert;, tax list 124.15 "'ergus '"o.lls 'l'ribnne r,o.
'rhe 'nde pendent
rlorth~restern ?ublishing
Underwood rndependent
''/hit ehead 0 r in ting Co.
F err.us ,'onrnal Co.
Victor Lunde.en ·, Co.
City Typewriter Service
Cit.vol." "'ergus ?alls
Llrs. ~illiam Schneller
~inn. State Sano.torium
~.,_qell Tel. Co,
'!'ov:n of :1..mor
1'01vn of r.:egl e Lake
TOl\'l'I O ~ "!VP. rt S
To•·: n of T,ide
Town o• ntter mail
Vill. of Deer ireet
Do. 117. 25 :.!. Johnson Do.
co. Do. 143.18 Pelican :-!apids .,ress Do.
no. 100.58 Underwood Independent notices to to.xpayers
printing 3. 75 ?err.us Jonrna.l Ct. publishing. etc.
rrintinf! minutes, etc, 130.50 Sverdrup Soanclinavian Ilutual
suoolies .40 Insuro.noe Co. .insuro.nc:e
supplies 1.05 1]ity of. Pergus Palls trunsporting pauper
grooeries for transients 25, 10 MorrJ.s Crandl1md gas !or .tro.ns1ent
room for transients 2 .00 Dr. \'!. ? • Schamber e:-:am1no.t1.ons
care of patients 83.40 11.1'1.Bell Tel. Co. lOTJE! distance calls
ion" distance calls .95 "~vel.vn E, Borel: clerical work
co.r'e of poor, 1940 262,74 To1·:n of Dane Prairie core of. poor, l!l40
no. 83. 41 ''."own o" ':lmo Do.
no. 3313.51 Tov:n 0° "omestead Do,
Do. 72.42 ToWTI o" 'Toine DO.
52.6A Towno""StarT,llke :no.
354.60 Vill. of 1'enninf care of poor, 1939
.31. 38
2. 25
7 .oo
20 .78
Vill. of Renning co.re of poor,1940 125.74
Vil.nP.liCon !"lapins Do. 454.50
u. r.. Sand in cash advanced 24. 94
c. ~-9andin expenses 97.55
~-"·. ~take freie--ht 2.44
llrs. r.. fimi thknecht mP.als 3. 20
Tnm" Sn.11-der. '.!f.r. loclp.inp 2.50
Fetvedt Blue nrint Shop orints 2.RO
:.:illPr-Dav is r:o. ·forms 15. 65
Otter "'ail "ower Co. electric ene:q::.v 46.\11
r.~.qell Tel. Co. lonp distance calls 15.45
··,. "'.'. 1:lruc·e insurance 5 .10
~lk ~iver ~oncrete 0 roducts ::o. culverts 202.AB
r.~.qell Tel. Co. services 11.35
Csrl llmlauf supplies th2A
Pelican Suppl.1• Co., n. :1. supplies D. 76
rnor~-0 eterson :rdwe. r:o. sup·plies fl.14
'!'tisch-Dert inp.er Lu,1ller Co. Do. 297 .45
Srnith Comnierc "i.al '3od.v l"/orks Io. 27. 82
P.~.~ipinp ~loth ::o. supplies 12.00
Thom9son "d .. •e, r:o. supplies 2.0A
Olson Auto :~lectric Co. rcr>airs 34-.10
T,ee Chevrolet r.o. rP.oo.irs 3,65
11arr.1· Cranrud re9airs 1.85
~rid~en ~eldinr Shop repnirs 7.65
l'eu O :el 'I: <:sser parts 12 .45
::u'Dm ins Diesel Sales •, Sen• ice pnrts 41. 85
".'/ausau Tron '."/orl:s Go. pnrts 73.82 r~ luuer !.1ft7. r:o. parts 39. 91
:.IcDunn 'I: Go. parts 9. 3!J
Andrew Anderson coal !J.00
"'/ilcox Lumber Go. , Perham lumber 2::5. 31
r.:r,•:i n Long ,:ood 6. 50
:: raemer 1:leve.tor ,1ood 4. 75
":a,vmond ~res. ..,rans. Co. frei{!h t 6. 30
!.! inn. '.:'.otor r:o .. Tnc. to,:ine: 16.39
Joe J.ahif:f -li.pht 6.50
3111 llelson's 0il r:o. pa~oline 40.41
'3ass,·:cod <:tore ro.soline 2.80
Seven-0 ~er~ice C:tation pasoline P.58
Uills nil r:o. Pnsoline 110,11
"enrose Oil r:o. ~asol ine 1.24
r:onsu'Ders ::o-op."il"o,uat•le r.ote pascline 55.31
~ill's 1er~ice Station pnsoline 12,16
~,·:nn-}' inch ·"''1 l '1orp. r r~nse G3. 75
Orris ,:rchnson fDS, oil 65.94
7 ield 'I: Pop~e 011 ~c. Diesel fuel E01,A8
ileleon ~up,.r Service repairs 20.15
Otter Toil C'il Go. gasoline 9.92
~ohn Vibral CPSh aavanaef 2.75
T,iphtfoot's Shop keys 2.20
Ed !;'.urph.v '!: •ron.v Prohosk.v fre,1se gun 20.00
Parthun, Peterson Oil Co. pas, reooirs 196.61
Leidal ,1 e1·:elr.v repoirs 2.00 .:r. ,:r, Re~el shovel rcntnl 254.00
~est Otter Tell Service Co. gasoline 14.R8 z i.efler •,. ,:rohnson Oil Co. fo.soline 16 .17
Dept. o:r tlf,ricnltnre expenses weed control 153.11
~illiam Cuelzow constable fees 2.00
?. !::. Amundsen exp .•. attend.meetinr, 14.115
C-eo. B. Gunderson Do. 15.15
The followlng resolution was adopted:
Vil.~arkers Prairie co.re or poor,1940
City of Pergus Palls poor expense s. i::. t:fall cash advanced
Stello J.!itchell r,ro.vel pit
Railwa.v 1•:xpress o\f!P.nc,y -express
Grnnd 1.rotcl meals •• lodeinp.
"errus 'P.lue qrint Co. prints
The "ierceCo. mimeopraph supplies
Service Recorder Co. charts
~-n. ~ap.e storape
Tnsnrance Service \E!,ency insnrance
•~odd ·r:onnty maintenance
''elican •.reJ.P.phone Co. services
':'he "'rP.dericlc Post Co, supplies
Uotional 9ushinr, <:: ?arts Co, supplies
rulseth Supply .;o. snppli P.S
~artin Schmit supplies
Crane '~o. snpplies
[) icols. Denn •~ Gregg supplies
"· ~aunders '½ Son suppliP.S
:~esset '• "'!es tby suppl i.es 'r. repairs
~arson qros. repairs
~6 Llartinson repairs
uintr-en-l·'.orst ••:lectric ::o. repairs
~redescn Auto ~lectric Co. repairs
:.inhl0 r •a Straus parts
The Ceo. T. ~an Go. parts
"l'horman I'/. P.osholt Co. parts
l'/m. H. :;iegler Co •. Tnc. parts Sa st1pplies
;,10Cnbe Bros. cool
'-'/ilcox Lumber Co., Henninr, lumber
Freci A, gverts lumber
tJo~:erd '!'ro.na ,:ood
Ha~en Ice ~, Dray Line saw ,·:ood
!!orthern qe.cific l~y. Co. freight
Pa!)er,Calmenson •, Co. cuttinr ede-es
F..T.DU0 ont del!emours •• co. electric caps
!"antrud Sen•ice station @:nsoline
0 erham io-op. 011 r.o. gasoline
~iep.lPr •, ,?ohnson <'il ~o. posoline
"nnson' s r nrar-:e fa.sol ine
7n_r~:rs "!o-op. \ss 1n. fo~cline
irr-:ns .,ohnson f.asc.l ine
.,crrus "il ')o. r,ns.Dienel ruel
nentrol "'6G'' Service ros. oil
~:ta!!dard <'il Co. ,Fcrrus F'nlls;.l.Jiesel fuel
•rhe 011 Store i,insel ruel
Lloyd "':'e11:..·ose to,:ing
~enrose Oil co. pas, 1iesel fuel
•:. E. Schmidt c11sh advanced
T,Oll iSP i! ilde p..ro.v el
L .. A.Rosen~uist .. Jr. rnsoline
Gers.lei T,'ostP.lson repnirs
'","! .st~i.nke sJ1ovel rentnl
~•01•m o-': Deod T,uke poor exriense
r'etvedtSlue 0 rint Shop orints
Pield 'I: Harp.e Oil Co. DiesP.l fuel
Tr~a l,Iariin l,ltrnicipal Court Clerk's fees
~illiam C-uelzow uonstablP. fees
'lenry c. Porf exp.attendine; meeting
Yalmer 1:nrvonen Do.
4. 29
12 .35
. 75
~13(1 ,61
l ,•11
12:;, !)9
5'), 39
57 .12
5 .39
Resolution br the Bo,lrci. of Count.v Commissioners of Otter •re.11 county re'l,uesting the s tate
Legislature and the State Senate to oppose Senate Files 136 and 137, und House .E'iles 256 und 259, v:hich
are bills to repeal the Sttite Aid :aunn One Mill Hoad 'l'ax.
\'/hereils, severul billti i!ave been introduced ln the Lesi~1le.ture wl:ich call for the repeal
of thP. Dnnn one mill rood tax; and
Whereas, Gompnnion bills hnve been introdncell v:hicii provide the.t thP. ~1.200,000 Ste.te Aid,
which 1·:ill be lost by the repeal o-?. the Dnnn 011e mill roaci tax, is to he replaced by an equal n.'Dount
of' ":!Oney dedt1cteil -"rom thP. Counties' share or th., e;as ta:~ revenues; and
WhPrea.s, i~ the :!°'1,200,000 remaim; in the Gas Tax Pnnd, Otter Tail county will receive
spnroximatel.v :"31,000 -Froi:i thi.s l'nnd: and
"/hereas. i·r the !'1,200,000 is detiucte/! 0 rom the Gas Tax :'und i,nd o1laced in the S tate Aid
Fund hh.ich is no••: mode up of thP. Dunn one mill tax, C'tt er 'l'ail connt.r ,:ill rece i ,•e onl,Y ~13, 000; and
V/herPa.s, this will rt;,sult in a net loss to the roo/1. ·!.'nnds o-r 0tter •rail ocunt.v in an nmount
of ~18,000 per year; and
l'/hererrn, Otter '.l'ail r::ounti; now does not recP.ivc its proportionote share of pas tax runds
or State .\iii "'nnds duP. to the present laws, a.ncl 11 "nrt.hr->r loss wonld hP disastrous. ·
!!Ol'I, therefore. Be it Resclv!"il thnt the State T,ep.islatt1re and the etute Senate be re1uested
to vote "Ho" O!l Senate r•iles 136 and 137, and "ouse Pi.les 258 and 25!J.
'P.e it rnrthP.r resolvec1, hhat a copy o'.: this resolution be sent to the State Seua.tor o.nd
each Lep.islator from Ott:er '!'oil Cot1nt.v, ond also to the Governor of the state of I,linnesoto, r.nd to
r::. ".. ".'liver, Chairman oz the Senate ?nlilic P.if-hwoy Comm-ittee, and to L .:; . Powers. Chairman of the
'-Touse 0ubli<: !-!iphwa.y r.ommittee. ·
£.dopted t:his 11th do.11 o'' "'ebru!'lr.•·. 1941. C-eo. 13. Gunderson, Chairman,
Attest; William T,incoln, Clerk. noard of count.v Commissioners.
The follov:inp resolution was adopted:
~esc.lntion by the ~onrd of Connt.v r:omrnissionP.rs :~e'l,uestinp. the State Lep.islature to Again
Provide a 4~• State 'l'o.x on 1,1otor Fuel.
','/hereo.s, uurinr the lost eipht ,,'ears Ottf!r 'l'ail Connty hes rP.ceivec1 an averar,P. of -~·103,000
per year from thP. State Gas Tax Ftmd; and
DATE ......................... ::'.e.hr.11.ar.x .... ll., .... E14.l. ............ 19&L ..
DOON.AND. NCl.cxt..,ft •. CI.GUD,.MINN--HHI
·:ihereos, this mone,v hns been placer, in t,,e count,v !~Oo.ci ond Br.ici.ge Fund ond LLsed for c:onstruction und
maintenonc:e or county Ai ci :C:oad s in each t ownshi·p in the Count;f; und
·:1hereas, tiJ e revenue d er ivea r.rom the gas tax has ma.Ii e it possible for the county Commies loners
to re6nce the county tax levy for roo.d anci bridge purposes; and
Whereas, this recuctlon ho.a meo.nt o. savinB to the to.xpn.vers of Otter 'foll County of over :~100,000
per year for the last eir,ht years; end
nhereas, G2~.65 miles of township reads hove been con~truc:ted and muintained by the county with
the 'IIOne~r c1 eri ved from the gas tax; ond
Whereas, the loss o".'. this rood mileop.e hns mo.<ie lt possible for the townships to reduce their
rond ,mcl brtdp.e tax levir.s; o.nd ·
•11h1?.reos, !)Ubl.le sentiment ls f.l'!n,.rally. in ·raver ·o" a continnance of the State 4v: gas tax, one-
hird of ~:hich is rP.tnrnentc thP. connties; n.nd
f/hereos, pi1blic sentl.rnent i.n ntter ~o.il County is p.eneroll.V in fO\•or of o. continuance of
hlP.hwa.1r construction os is veri, evident hy the lnrp.P. nurnlJer o-r pe titions for new roads receiv"d from
e,,-,,r;• part or the connt.v:
IJow, therefore b"E!': it ~eaolve<i, thnt the Lep:islo.t•1re h"' re'l_11estea to enact u bill wt,ich will
provide for a l)Prmonent sto.te to.x of 1¢ per gallon on r~otor fuels; Be it further resolvP.<i. that a. c:ol).\' o~ .this resolution be sent to each memb"r o-r the
T,ef'iSletnre, and the Senotor from r.tter Tail Ccurity.
Adooted tliis 11th da.r of February, Hl11. Gee. B. Cunderscn, Chairman, 3our<i of County Commissioners.
Attest: "lilli91.1 T,lncoln, Clerk.
\Tpon motion tile Board then o.d;,ourneri to 10 o'c:locl: A. l,!. Pebruar.y-18, 1911.
Cle '
DATE ... : ..................... i'ebrnary .. lR .... l!l41 ........... 193~J.~.
. _IIECURn:! Ill.A~ AND PRINl'l~G c;!i.:,.01', G.aUD,.MINN,-ltltl
J.IIIHJTES 01•' AD,1r'IJRN~l) ;,iEJ•:'l'ING OP BOA?.D OF'
COL'J:JTY C0!,11.!ISSIC'l·lf:?.S ("li> O'J'Tf.1R 'l'AIL COU!lTY,
0ursuant to ad.iournment the ~oard met ot 10 o'clock A •• !.I. •'ebruur.v 18, l!l41. "resent:
Co'll:nissi.oners r.underson, Hoff, Amundson and Snowberp.. A petition from resident or the the'l'ownshi. p of 31 uf:fton for the cont ruction of road in said
township was receiveii and ordered placed on file. Upon motion the Roard accepter! the cff.er of l''red A. Everts ror ,·ental of part of Block 3
in the Original 0 1at· of Suttle Lake ~or one ,vear f0,r·0the sum o:f ~-10.00. Upon motion the Boarii. authorb:eil renewal of lease of 440 o.cres o-r ta.x-fc1•felte6 land in
Township of ·H..,rnesteau to Mnrvin i.Iathiason :ror the sum c:!' .;'.:200.00. A delegation of c:l tizens from the township: of 'l.'.ofdensk~old conferred with the B carci
relative to road running enst and west tl:rough said tov:nsl,ip. 'l'he Boo.rci discussed ,,1ith Hi@"hway F.ngineer "· J,. Sandin vuriOllS road matters, and there
being !10 further business, upon motion adjournment was tal:en to !,larch 11, l~l AO~
H test : rJ ~ r--.'f?_ ~ _{)_ _
DATE ............ J,Jurch ... 7 ..................................................... 19341.
SPr-:CH.L i;IEE'l'IIIG 0"' 90;.?.D 0~ C!'U!1TY
CO;.r..:JS<HC'lf":!lS OF OTT":!l 'i'AH. COUI'TY,
i.1I '.!HP.SOT A.
l'llrsuant to call, the Boa.rd of county commissioners met at 3:30 P. r.1. !.!arch 7, 1941.
Present: corn'!lissioners Gunderson, Amundson, Hoff and Snowberg.
The follov!ing resolution 1vas a.ciopted:
::esol,·~d by the Board o:f' County Com:~issioners of Otter Tail County, !.Unnesota:
\"/herea.s, there has been submitted to this Board an off.er by Ben Skeril: to "!)Urchase the
:•1\ sr-:?.e onci iro:; sr-:.; of Sec. 16 Township 131 !lanp.e 37 in Otter Tai.I Connt.1• owned b,1/" said County of
otter 'l'o.il, fo?" the s•t'll of :1'!3,500.00 to be onid ::or in full npon accer,tnnce o-r the offer and
delivery of the deed,
Now, therefore, be it resolved, that l:he said '3oard of '!ount,y Com-nissioners at its
session April 9, 1941 nt 10 o'clock A. !·.I. v!ill consider said offer and detc-rmine whether or not
the same shell be accepted h.\' the County.
Adopted l.!orch 7, 1941.
William Lincoln,
Upon motion the Board then adjourned.
Ht est:
Geo. a. Gunderson,
DATE J,lu.rohll .................................... 198ll ..
1:'ursnant to adjournment the Board met nt 10 o'clock A. I.I, Tuesday, J.10.rch 11, 1941, Present :
commissioners rarvonen, Gnnderson, "R"o-ff, Amnndson nndSnowberr,.
Reports o·r sala.r.v and fees received by County officers dnring the calendor year 1940 were
ar,proved as ·follows: i'/, ,\. Lee, r.oroner :'\114.20; tternan P.osen, r.ounty Com.'!lissi.oner CA22.BO; ,John o.
Thornpso~. County Co~missloner ~Al6,BO.
A report o·r the '!oord of ,\udi t of eu,minntion of the ,iccounts of "· !-!. ReP., r.om1t.\0 Tree.surer,
for the !)eriod f.rom 1,ovP.'lib"r 1, 1()40 to ,'o.nur,r.v 31, 1941 showinp n balance in the County Treasury at the
close o·~ businP.ss on sai:d lo.st mentionP.d date o,· :'\530,434.0() was approved.
De~ce pPrmits for the ,vear 1941 were P.ranteo tc 1'homas :1. SeVPrson at "iphlo.nd ..,nrk in the
'"o":nshi.p o~ Elmo, and r. .. '. !!ntthev:s at '3nlmoral in the i'ownshir, o·f Otter •~ail.
Cc•w of petition o.sl~inp for ccnstruc:ti.on o-r a dom o.t the outlet of :O:ast Lost Lake v1as ordered
pli;.ced on -rue.
The application of P.. B. T,ink for recinct:ion of assessment on Lot 2 Block 3 Soule' s Secand
Addition to the Villap.e of Deer r.reck was read r,nd the '3oo.rd recommenderl to the Commissioner of Taxation
that the valuation of said property for the year 1()39 be reduced from .%76 to ~460, and the tax from ~·87 .21
to :~72.67.
The application of~-/l.. l-lorner fer reduction of assessment on Lot 5 13loct 2 Soule's Addition to
D<>er r.reek for. the .~•ear 1()40 was reo.d ~md the t\oord recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the
assessed value be reciuced from ~230 to ·~\140 and the tax -from :1:3A.87 to :'\?.3,66.
The appli.cation o"? ~oy 13ro,rn for reduction of nssessment on the HE:J.. ~Jl':; and Lot 1 in Sec: 34
and Lots 4, 5 and SE'!--Sec, '2:7 in thr. Township of Tumuli 1:or the ,year l\ll',0 1vns read and the Board rec:ommendecl
to the Co~missioner of Taxation that the assesse,1 valuation be reduced ·!.'ram ,:;2308 to :::1300, and the tax
from ll55,(J5 to 084,77, .
•rhe application or nrred anettner for reduction of assessment of personal ·propert.v in Elurfton
Township for the year 1940 on the r,round that no household exemption had been allowed him was r~ad and the
t\oo.rd. recommended to the Commissioner of 111:1.xation that the assessed value be reduced frcm !;'.:148 to $48,
and the tax from :;:10.48 to $3.40. ·
The application of. William Hannemann, assessor of i'ergus ~•a11s Township, for reciuction of
assessment or personal property against Chester 1:nudson on the ground thut no household exemption had
been allowed him was read and it was recommended to the Commissioner of To.xaticn that the valuation of
:~82 be cancelled and the tax of :'.\5,28 be also cancelled.
1'he appli.cntion of i;:dw·. R, Bauck for cancellation o.r assessment or automobiles for the ,vear 1()40
in the '.'illeee of 0 erham on the ground that 1940 licPnses 1'lere snbsequentl.v issued was read and the Board
recommended to theCommissioner of Taxation thnt the personal property assessment for said year be reduced
from -"'1272 to !':603, and tlie tax on personal property exolusiv e of money o.nd credits be reduced -~ram t"l54. 70
to -••7g. 60.
'l'he npplication of "Den !'ilde for cancellation of. persono.l propertJ,· assessment for 1()40 on auto-
mobiles in the ~it.V o~ "'erp11S "'alls egai. nst the "len l"i.lil e :10 tor Co. be ce.ncel led on the ground that 1()40
licenses ••1ere issued on se,np v:as rend 1rnd the ,,co.rd recom-nended to the ~om'!lissi.oner of ':'n:xation that the
essesse/.i value of J)Prsonal propert.v he reduced from .~'1675 to :i'-1311, a.nd the tax on personal propert.v
exclusive of money end or~aits be reduce6 frcm ~19(J,R3 to ~156,40.
The application of Lel:e "'P.pion :rotor Co. elf. the r:it.v of 1i'erp.11s Falls Eor cancellation of
personal prorert,v assessment on uutomohiles fer the .vear 1940 on the r,round tlrn.t HMO licenses ;·:ere issued
on same was read and the "!on.rd recomr.iended to the 'Jcmmissioner or Taxati.on that the personal property
assessment be red need from ~263() to tl407 and the tax exclusive of money and crti!d its be reduced from
f314.83 to ,167,86.
A report of exarninat ion of the Connt_y \'/elf are accounts ror the trnlend.ar year l'.i3\J as made by
the :,Iinnesota Department cf Social \'/el fare was presented to the 13oard ond orciered pla.ced on ·:file.
'.rhe remainder of the d.o..\" 11:as taken up with the discussion of the quest.Lon of snow removal
and other road matters with H. L. Sandin, '!I!i.flhwe.v "':np.ineer.
Upon mot ion the ·io ord then ad.) ourned to 10 o'clock 1, •• !.I, '7ednesd ay, '..10.rch 12, 19•U.
i'/ED!lP.SDAY I s s P.SS TON .
Pursuant to adjournment the 13oard met o.t 10 o'clock A. i.l. \'/etinesday, Morch 12, 1()41, e.11
members being present.
A delegation of. citi1.ens ~rom Elmo and :-/oodside appee.reci before theBoard in regard to
proposeo road. 'l.'he Co:nmiss ioners arreed to examine the road as soon as pr ·.act ico.ble th is spring.
Georr,e A, .:ense'lt Chni.rman of the 'l'ovm "!Oard of '!.'ordenskjold, urged the Commissioners to make a
iii.visi.on of Cos Tex funds amon/Z the-various tovmships,
r,itizP.ns "'ro,n Amor, nend T,oke :mil Tnman o.npeored to consult the 'P,oa.rci. in regurd to road matters.
•tnon motion a recess was then tnkrrn to 2 o'clocl: 'P. !!.
Bid!'l ;for cuttinp Pdp.es as a.dverti.ser' -l'or b.lT thP. 'lonril were openP.il and reed, After consideration,
upon '!IO tion the "looril acce pteil '"he hid o P ''''ll • u. ":i epler ~o. of '.Tinne!'lpol is, and the north~:est Sheet and
Tron :•forks or ··1ahpeton.
'li/1 s for rood mochin,.,r:; which hnd been previbnsl.V opene/1 ond the ,no'·ter ad journeil to this do.te
1·1ere ::;p.ain tol:en up und rP.presrmto.tives o" the firms submi1'tinp bii;ls were heord in ref.ard to the merits
o ! machinP.s.
"?,ids for c11lverts as sdvertisecl for were opened o.na rend and representatives o.r the vari.ons
firms 1·1ere heard.
Action on these blos was deferred to later in the session.
The appli.cat ion or: Her'!lnn Steinbach -for settlP.'llent o-r delinquent taxes for l'J~6 and 1937
agoinst the s1·11 and. 11"/1 SW sec, 11 'i'ownship or '<'err.us 'Falls i":ns read aml the '3ourd recommended to the
commissioner of 'l'axation that said taxes b~ settled ror thP. sum o'.: .!'·253. 7G, e redtwtion or -~·23, 'IA frorn
the full amount o-f taxes, pP.nnlt.v, interest and costs.
The eooli.cat.ion of !~li.zabeth T>o.uuk, :.Iartho. Younp, and the !·1stote of. :,Torie "lo.uck, i'or settlP.ment
of oelinriuent t~xP.S J'.or 1934 to 193B i.nc111sive np.ninst the ''orth 125 ft. of tot 1 'Hock 15 Ori.pinnl "lat
'Till8f,e or. ''erham ,•:os rend. '.!.'he nµpliuat.i.on heinp. occompc!'liP.d li.V 11 writte,i recom~endation of the Villae;e
DATE ........................... ::arch .. 12 ................................... 193.41 .•
r:ouncil o.nd thP. 7ill8f'P. AS!=lem,or of .,P.rha'!'I, nron mot.ion the Tloorcl recO'll'l!endecl to the r:om,nissioner o·f
Toxotion thot soid taxes be settlf!d !'or the sumo-" :"2500. b!"inp. ll recluction of ,..llol"l.06 fro11 the full
n'110t1nt o~ tnxP.s, p,mnlt,v, i.ntP.rP.at and costs.
:1. ':'he appli.cntion of ·'.. :1. uaup:erud :or reduc1· ion o ~ ossl!ssrnent on T,ots 4, 5. S"J::-'· SF}1-, SE~ Sl'/·1-
and S'.'/· sr.:i of Sec. 36 '.'ov:n a:' '>ca11hlPr -·or the ,vP.ar l!l40 on the prouncl tllllt no nl lo~:once hod been made
by the assessor for lon6 sold to thP Stnte ror ran~ purposes was rend and aftP.r P.xamination cf ~he records
the 'loorii recommP.nded to the Com'lliSsi c,nP.r of '!'axation that the assP.ssec• value or said oropertv be reouced
frorn i·820 to t'/55 and the tax from :f-58.15 to -~·53.:n. -·
·rpon motion the "-card accepted ttae bid of 'Uk ~iver ~;oncrete Products Co. for concrete crnlverts,
ond al so "/heeler Lumber, nr ldge 'l: Suppl,\• co. 'io r wood.en culverts.
The followin~ resolution was adooted:
;::esolved by the :oard of •;o,rnt,v C om'!li.ss Loners of Otter Tail County, :annesota:
That thP. surn or .!~2,497.33, heinp the bol,:ince i.n the Old Ape A:ssistance "und of said '!onnty, he
and thP. some hereby is transferred to the r:ount_,, .,oor ~'und, and the '.!011nt,y ,\uditor .is autl~orized a.nd
directed to rnoke the necessar.v entriP.s on the records of his o l:i'ice. ·
_\dopted '.lorch 12, l!.111. Ceo. B. Gunderson. '!hairrnan.
,;ttPst: ''lillilllll Lincoln. Clerk.
The folloninf! resolution nos adopted:
~esc,lved b.V the ~card of County '.:ommissioners o.!' OttP.r Tail ~ounty, :.linnesota:
;/herea.s, after investiga.t.ion, it has been made to apper,r to this !3onrd that Theodore '!ein is
of!'l icted with pulmonary tuberc:ulosis: thut he has resided in the State o ·e :.li!'lneso ta throughcu t the
.veer past; that he is unable to r,o.v the charges for his maintenance ond care in the Stnte Sanatoriu'll ond
is without kindred lef!a.lly liable therefor s.ud able to pay the same.
Now, therefore, be it resulvec1 by the rJounty '3oard cf said i::ounty thr.t request be mnde forth,•1ith
to the '>uperintenclent of the !linnesota State Sanatorium for the admission thereto the said Theodore Hein
a'ld that the Chairman o '.: this !3oard be and he is hereb,y ai.;thori?.ed and directed to make such request in
,~riting, purs1tont to theprovisions of Section 4133, General Statutes of :.Iinnesota, 1913. The cnorges for
the 11aintenance and co.re of said patient in said sa.natoriu·n to be paid b,y the County of Otter Tail.
Adopted :.:arch 12, 1941. Ceo. 13, Gunderson, Chairman.
;ttest: ;·Jilli am Lincoln, Clerk.
11pon motion the'3oard accepted the bid of A-1'1 Co •• Tnc .. or :rinnescta, for or,e :lustin-,"lestern
llo. (JC) !Tator r-raiier with TiiesP.l enpinc for the sumo': !'7,646,50 in exchanse :'er usel'I "larco r.:otor Crader,
Cof!l11issionP.rs 'lnov:bP.rp. Pnd r.undP.rson votinp.: •·no".
!'Pon 11otion the 11oarci acc,r-mtPd the 1:iicl or "-eo. "'. :~.va.n ':o. ~or one Galion !'odel 101 with "Ciesel
motor ror the snrn o~ :'.·6,41!3 in exchanp:e ·"or old !,nstin-"'estPrn mote!" prader. ':Om'!lission~rs Gunderson and
Snowherp: voted "!Jo'' on the motion. .
!lpon motion the "oard then tool: n recP.ss to a :30 A. -r. :!arch 13, 1911.
'rl'U~SDA~' S SP,Sl:iTON.
?ursuant tc. o.djonrnment the Board met ot 9:30 o'olocl: .L I!. Thnrsda_y, :.!arch 13, 1')41, all
members lie in/! present.
The peti ti.on of •1 oe •:. ''lnlz to be set over :rorn l'ist. 220 to Dist. 192 was taken up '!:or
final action. After l.istenlnf! to the statements of petitioners and of the Count.v Superintendent of
Schools, upon rnotion the petition was granted and the Bourd issued the following oroer, to-wit:
\'lheree.s, the petition of Joe u. '.'falz, 11 legal voter, freeholder and resident of School Dist. No.
220 in this County, representing tiiot he is the owner o-f the lands hereinafter described, which are
situi;te in said School District, and ad.join School District !lo, 1\.12 and asl:ing that he ,·:ith his said
lands 'll!l.V be set o:!:'f frorn said district Ho. 220 to said adjoi~lng school district ::o. 192 was presented
to the Boord of Co1111t,v commissioners c. r this co,mty at a session of salu llourd held on the 9th da,v of
,'onuary A.D. 1941 for the action of said boa.rd thereon: anci whereas l t was thereupon ordered by said board
th1.1t a hearing should be had on said petition, at o session of said boo.rd on the 13th day of I.larch A. D.
1941 at the Commissioners ~com in the court nouse in the City of PerBus Palls in said co,mty; and whereas
it was further ordered in and b,y said order that not ice or the time e.nd place of suoh hearing be given by
posting cooiP.s o~ said order i!'l three public places in each of the school districts to be a~f.ected by
sald pPtition, and by ma.ilinp to the olP.rk o.f. each o~ said School Districts. a. copy of said order at least
ten da.vs before the tirne appointecl for such hP.ari.n~: and whereas at the said session o-f the said qoard of
~onnt.v r:o,n'!lissioners on said l::3th da..v of !larch A. u. 1941 d11e proof o-f the postinf! and service of said
order or: h.,arinp os thP.rP.in directed o.nd retJuirP.d, 11ore thnn ten da,vs prior to said last named date,
ho,•inf! beP.n ma/le ancl ·f'ileci, snid n,,ti.tion v:os puhlicl.i' read and considerPd b,v the 9oard, with everything
which v1as said b,\" sai.d interested pa.rtic>s for or 11f!ai.m1t rrantlnp the rrayer of the peti.ti.oner, and said
0 oard bPinp, of opinion thnt sai.d pet it ion should bP. pranted. it is hP.reb.v orderP.d and debermined, that
thP said oetitioner ancl i:he follm-:inr dP.scrihen loniis owned by him, to-•·:it: E~ .. of' S:':-'· in SPction 29
'i'o1•mshi.p 136 ,~ane-e 36 be and thP. samP. ore hereb,-.r set or+· Prom snid School :District :10. 220 to so.id ad,ioin-
in!ISchool tlstrlct "o, 192 a.nd soici lands are hP.reb.v mnde a oart of suid lost norned School District ror
all pnrposes whatevP.r. 9.v order of the '!oarci of County C om'!lissioners.
Dc.tP.cl the 13th da.y of ;,!arch A, D. 1941.
(Auditor's seal)
Attest: William tlncoln,
County Auditor, and ex-ofricio ~lP.rl: of ~onrd.
Geo. ~. r,underson, ':hairman of the
Boord of County iom11issioners or
Otter 'i'uil county. :.Iinnesot a.
The petition of ,1olm Horna.ri to i:Je set over !'ram :Cist. 135 to Dist. 134 was token up for fina.l
octi.on. AftP.r listeninf! to the atntemPnts o~ the County Snperintenclent of Schools, noon motion the
petition was f!rentecl and the ~card issued the follov~inp. orc1er, to-r1it:
Whereas. the petition o"l: John l-lrimari, a lep.al votP.r, Creeholder and resident of School District
Uo. 1:s5 in the r:onnt.v. rP.prP.sent ing thfl t he is the ov: ner or. the 1 ands hereinof.ter d escr ibecl , wh i.ch ore
situa.te in said School District, and od,ioin School District '1c. 134 and aslrinf! that he with his said
lends rna,v be set off from s a. id distr let i:o. 135 to saicl ad .1o inlng school d ls tr lot Ilo. 131 v1a.s presented
to the ·'10arcl of county corn'!li.ssivners or this Connty s.t a. session of said board held on the 9th day of
Jonunrv 1,..D, l!J41 for the action cf said board ti.ereon; and whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board
that a•heoring should be had on sa1d petltitm, et a session of said board on the 13th day of !.!arch A,D.
l!l41 at thecommlssioners Room in the court House in the City of Fergus Fal Ls in said county; and \"/hereas
it ,·:as further ordered in and b,y said order that notice or: the time and place of suoh hearing be given ~ postinf copies or said order in th!"ee public places in each of the school districts to be affected by
said petition, and by ma.iline-to the clerl: o.f each of said School tlstricts a cop,~• of saio order at least
ten days be:!'.ore the time appointed ~or such hearlnf!; and whereas et the said session of the said Board of
DATE ................................... 1.'tuch .. 13 •........................ 193.'.!J.:
illcURITY iiuuiic11ooirAND PRINTING co •• OT, a.aua. M11 ........ ..
count_y Cornmi.ssioners on said 13th day of Morch A •. D. 1941 due proof ol' the postinr, and service of said
order of hearinB as therein directed· and required. more than ten cloy~ prior to said last n~ed date,
having been made and fi. lecl • said pet it i.on was puhlicly read and cons tdered by the Board. Vil. th everything
v!hi.ch was said b.\' said interested parties for or o.galnst granting the prayer of the petitioner. end said
Boord b'-' ine of opinion that soi d oet i tion should be granted. it is hereby ordered und determined. that
the snid petitioner sntl the follo\\'ine; described lands owned by him, to-v:it: F.½ of !IF.{ in Section 24
•rownship 134 P.e.np.e 38 be and the same are hereb,V set off from said School District 110. 135 to se.id
adjoininp. ~chool l)istrict !lo, 134 ond said l!Jnds are hereb,v mode a part of said lost named School District
ror all purposes what~ver. ·
B.v order o" the P,oarcl of Count,v CornrnissionPrs.
DatPit the 13th da,,, of :.larch \. 11. 1941. Geo. 3. "-unc1erson. Chainnon o'.' the '3oa.rd or County
(Auditor's Senl) r:omrnisnioners of 0tter 'l'ail ~ount,v, l,linnesota.
Attest: 111illiam I,inc.oln.
Count.v 1,nd i tor and ex-officio ~lP.rl: of "loard.
'!'he petition of "'red !~aatz to be Ret over r-rom "'1st. 53 .in 1'ecker "ount_v to Dist. 225 in Ctter
Tail r:ount.v 1vas tal~en up "or final action. •\Cter listening to statements or the -oetitioner and the
County Superintendent of. Schools. npon motion the peti.tion \·:o.s granted and the '3oard issued the -fol.lowing
order. to-wit:
i'/herer-s, the petit.ion of F.red ~oats, u lep:ol \'Oter, rre.,.holder and resident of School District 110.
53 in Eecker r:ount,1•. representinr-that he is the owner or tlie lr.nds hereinafter desoribe,'. which are
situate in said School Distriot. ann adjoin School I'istrict :?o. 225 .in Otter '!'ail r:ounts. and asking that
he ,•:i.th his said lands ma.r be set or.r. from said distriot 110. 53 Beoker County to said ad\joining school
district Uo. 225 Otter Tail County wns presented to th~ qoard of County Commissioners or this County at a
session or said board held on the 9th da,1• or .'a.nuar,v A.D. 1941 for the notion of said board thereon; and
whereas it was thereupon ordered by said board that a hearin~ shonld be had on said petition. at a
sees.ion of said board on the 13th dO,\' of :.iarch A.D. 1941 at the Commissioners Hoom in the Court House in
the City of "'ergus ~•o.11s in sai.d Count.v: and whereas it wa.s further ordered in and by said ord.er that
notice of the time and place o !: such hearing be given by posting copies of said order in three public
:1laces in eaoh or the school districts to be affected by sa.id petition. und by mailing to the clerk of
each o~ said School Districts. a copy of said order at least ten days before the time appointed for such
hearing; and whereas at the said session or the said Board of county Commissioners on said 13th da,r of
!;!arch A.'D. 1941 due proof of the posting and_servlce or said order of hearing a.s therein directed and
required. more than ten da.rs prior to said last named date. having been me.de and filed. said petition
was pnbli cly read and considered by the Board. v, l th every th i nB whiuh was said by sa.id interested port ies
for or against granting the pr~yer of the petitioner. and said ?.Oard being of opinion that said petition
should be grantee. it is hereby ordered and cletermineo. tha.t the said petitioner and the following
described lands owned b,v him. to-wit: SE¼ inSection 34 Township 138 Ra.nge 38 be and the same are
hereb,'i set o·N from said School District :•o. 53 in ?,ecker County to said odjoini.ne; School District No. 225
in Otter ~ail county. and so.id lands are hereby mode u part of said last named School District .fer all
!)urnoses 1vhotevPr.
13~• order o"' the ?.oard of Connt,11 -~omrniss ioners.
Dated thP. 13th da.v o~ lie.rah .\. D. 1941.
(,\1.tditor's Senll
Attest: l'filliam !.inccln. ~onnt.v Auditor.
onii ex-ofricio ':lerJ· of ?,oard.
Geo. 'I. "•nnderson. r:hairman of the 3onrd of
Count.1• (:ommisstoners of Otter Tail county.
l.fi nnesoto.
'!'he retition of;' .'ohn "· "'olp!,>i to bf' SP.t ovPr ':rom 1'ist.1P-6 to ;:ii.st. 271 r:as taken up !'or Pinal
action. npon :notion thP. pCt.ition ·7ns rP~ected nnon re,nest o"' the pet.itioner.
"eti.tion sip:nea b,v "eter r:la.mbe.v o.slcinp: thr-t ~he '71;• nr::1 a.nc1 ll''I' SP.c. 14 •rown of' Frd.bP.rp: be set
over from Dist. 193 to Dist. 15!l wns reud and it was ordeTed that a hearir!P-on sa.1.d netition be had at
the session of the ~oard to be h~ld July 16. 1941 at 10 o'clock A. r;. at the Commis~ioners' ~oom in the
'.:ourt 11ouse. and that nue noti.ce of the time and ·place o'!' hearinf. be e:iven as reqlitired b,'i lar1.
A pet it ion filed h.v ntto :.r. nu:;ont asJ;inp that ":he 11"1' of SP.c. 6 in the 'l'ov:nsht.p o·f Blur:'ton be
set over l'rom Dist. 198 to Dist. 175 v:as read ·and it v:as ordered thnt a heo.ring on said petition be had
at the session of the <1oard to be held .'nly 16, 1941 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Commissioners' ~oom
ln the ·;ourt nonse. nnd that due notic!' o~ th!' time und place of hearing be piven as re-:iuired by law.
A deler;ation of citi?.ens ~rorn the 'l'ovrnRhip o~ "lntler discnased road ,mtters ._,:ith the "Doard,
o.nd also o. large delee;otion ~= citizens "'rorn the 'J'o~nship o• Tordenst5old.
'lids for fluorescent liphts ~or \'aul ts nt the ~ourt 'Tonse as collen for by the "'Oard v:ere opened
and read as ~ollows: Custom :lade ,.,ixtnres r:o., ··•ar110. !'. D. :~317.6.43; ;.'intf:en-:·orst S:lectrt.c •;o •.
"'erfns "'alls, .~353.48;. After 11.steninf to reprcisentotives o" these firms. and ofter due consideration.
the contract vrn.s awarded to '"intgen-:'arst Co. ·
The ~oll o••:i np. bills ;•:ere all owe<' :
,, . ~. 1Jenkes expenses 50. '71
;53, 64
3'7. 95
,, . r: .1-•enkes boa?"d in(: prisoners
"· :1. ~ee postap.e J,ouise Stcrni11hl posture
Louise st~ndahl expenses
Ufeblad "ubl. Co, pr in tinB
"'ri tz-'Jross '.:o. records
Victor Lundeen •• Co. supplies
Count_y School '!c Of~ice Supply co. supplies
Co:nmonwealth ~lec.•Co. supplies
'3ecnrlty'3lank Book 'I:
0 rintinf' Co. supplies
.,erp.:us 0lu-nblniz •~ •·Teatine-Co. repnirs
!.!ason °ubl. cc. lavt boo Jes
";'erpus ,1ot1rnal co. nrintinp, etc.
"erha.m r.:n terprise "Dull Pt.in p1ibl i shlnp:
06 .!JO
"attle tal:P ~eview
personal prop.tax list 151.AO
publishing dP.lin-
quent tux list 2l!l.15
~ount ry-man -r.ru.p Co. ·filins . 60
""r.ve l.lfp. Co. t.vre\vri ter rib hons 4.50
Otter '!'ail Power Co. power 23.16
St. 0aul "look •a Stat.ionery Cc. pa·per towels 58. 75
H. VI. l3ell 'l'el. Co. lone-d istonce calls 25. 55
T,owr.v. Stanr-•c Olson insurnnce 23.68
:P.lton's Potel •• Restaurant meals r:or jury 23.85
~•rank C. Barnes :.1uniclpo.l ,,ua,ce's fees 22.40
r::velyn E. Eorck clerical work 10.00
Sstrem Clinic services to pauper 15.00
Dr. ~lmer C. Pa.Lllson exorni.nation 6.00
St. T,nke's uospital care o·r-tra.nsient 7.04.
1•. ·r. Glorvi.gen drivers license ex!).
:Iiller-1Javis Cc. blanJ.:s
Free Pressco. tox receipts
The Pierce Co. supplies
si'oan Vulve Co. supplies
Lien Hdwe. co. suppli.es
Drev1s Grocery supplies
Imper lal Chemical r:o. st1ppl.i.es
Go.i:'.:nel'' s repairs
'3attle T,ol'P. ~eview printing, etc.
"Dsrkers orni rie Tnde pencl ent
not ices to taxpasers
'rhe ,,P.rham ~ranhic pnblish ing persona.I
propPrtr tax list
11.v-nanPuel r.o. coa.l
~est Otter '!'nil Service sodium chlorate
".'I'. '!c JI.. I-1. P.arna.rd tiles
:3,vron 'P.ebere; letterinr.
City of ]'err.us Falls v:nter •.: lifht
!?.\'/.~ell 'i'el. Co. lonp distance calls
T-1 •• J. na.rke insnnrnce
:'/illiam Guelzow constable fees
Gust Overr:aard labor
N.l'/.8ell 'l'P.l. 00. lonr. distance calls
!:'err.us ll'o.lls Clinic examinntion
Ferfns :!"alls Cllnic examinations
St. !,nlte's !-Tcsilital care' or tronsient
61.86 :;,75
DATE ........................ 'to.rch ... 13,. ................................... 19341 ..
_m.uac,.IIDClllAND l'fUHl'INQ.m. •. n .. a.auD.. INN,-Nl&I
••inn. State 'So.!1o.torium car" or punp~rs
Cit~-of ~•errus F'o.lls fo.rP. for no.noer
'fO":n o·r llo.plewood care o ~ poor: 1!140 'fill. ~attle T,nke Do.
'lill. 13lurrten core c: poor,
Vill, Sluffton care of poor;;
'!ill. Verp,as core of poor,
P. L. Sandin cash advanced
DP.portrnPnt of 'rural r:red it rirht of wa.v
!.Iahler 'I: St :r:aus parts
!~lo.uer l\lfp:. Co. parts
J~lseth Suplll,V Co. supplies
Lien Hdwe. Jo. supplies
""el i can 1::1 ec . Shop SU ppli P.S
l'ort!ll','estern Sheet \ Tron ;·iorl:s
Uationsl qushinf 'I: ~arts Co.
Srni th Commeroio l '3od.v i'/orks
Thorme.n ·:,. ~osholt Co. supplies
Dalton Garage repairs
G. A, rauppi repnirs
tarson ~ros. re(Jairs
~jorklund I.lfr. Cc.., repo.irs
J. A. Schmidt repairs
~rarold :?ipley Go.ro.p,e repo.i rs
Cloy county e:re.vel
Art Uoehius towing
Wilcox Lu~ber Co.,Perhom coo.l
Gust s:oherg wood
"'erpus Ila.sh !.lotor Co, storage
r,,1•le (:ulvert ~ !'ipe r:o. culvert
1>0.per. Colmenson •a Co, cuttinp edp:P.s
13ill IJl"lson's Oil Co. tire •a tube
St('VPnS County "il r:o, p.o.soline
Sto.ndard Oil co., "elieen ~apids pnsoline
Geo.~. ~ebehn fn~oline
~armP.rs Co-operative Assn. p.asoline
~ills C'il Co, pusoline
Ziee:ler •, ,iohnson "il co. "
S 'I: F Cil Cc. ~asoline
B•ndickson Service Station "
~ill's 3ervice ~to.tion p.asoline
Traub r:o. gasoline, etc.
nenrose C'il Co. rasoli.ne, etc.
'lictor Lundeen 'I: co. supplies
The "erhom r.raphic notice to taxpayP.rs
Crand "o tel menls •• lodf! inf,
~erp.us ;Journal Co. ndvPrtising
82.!lO Cit:, o'!' Ferpus FallR p.roceries for po.upers
3.oo Town o ~ 1'oba:rt co.re or ooor, 1940
32~. 93 "i'Own of !Iewton Do.
840.17 Vill. 0 luf!'ton t:o.re or poor, 1935
21.19 Vill. ~luffton ca~e of poor, 1937
124.71 1fi.U. 1ferp.aR co.re of poor, 1935
351.10 u, L. Sandin expenses
17 .35 ":. P.. Schmidt cash advanced
8.40 1101vnshio o-r: Giro.rd right c!: wn,v 'I: borro1·1 pit
48.!ll Cu-nrnins· Diesel So.les I Service parts
102,A4 Bo~chert-Tngersoll, Inc. parts
353. 28 Service Go.rape suppl Les
65,39 Otter Tail co-operative Oils, Inc. supplies
1.90 !'orthwestern "/ipinp. Cloth r;o. supplies
8.33 :1otor Tnn Garap,e supp.lies
228,74 !"lay'R Servic" Stnt.ion "
15. 93 ·rtcols, I.Jean II,, Grep.p supplies
24,18 i'/m. 11. Ziegler Go., Inc. ·parts 'I: supplies
2.35 Gerald T~ostelson repairs
19,05 to.ke He~ion ~otor Co,
122.05 ,'Im. Galena repairs
22.00 Olson Auto ~lectric Co. "
12.90 osco.r >'I. Peterson repairs
.50 Vil.Battle Lake, •'later De1>t. water charges
12.00 !"laymond B1·0s. l.iotor 'l'rans,,rnc. freight
3.00 I.1~¢abe ~ros. coal
16. 23 H. I~rueger Dray Line coal
3.00 -: • D, Sae;e garar.e rent
16 .00 Tesch-Dert ingP.r T,umber Co. lumber
353,40 Owatonna Tool Co, tools
176.68 '..tinnP.soto. !iotor r:o,, Inc. tires ~ tubes
57.64 Standard nil r:o.,
21.34 ('I. r:. MelrOP., l\.p.t. Diesel 1:uel
A3.07 Dalton "il co. pasoline
2.97 Sti~rna Oil r.o. p.nsolinP.
19.62 ,'ohn !-l'nrmi Sinclair StritLon gasolinP.
22. 90 "erham co-op. O.il co. pa.saline
95.32 Ho.rthun 'I: .,P.terson "il Co. p.,asoline
105.03 E:lmPr •:rlandson p.asoline
33.39 3111 Nelson's Oil Co,
2.20 '"/,R,Scott, socon.v-vacuum Oil co. sasoline
17,62 Uelscn Super Service gasoline, etc.
163.85 Albert :,!eyer f&S 'I: oil
.50 '3urroup.hs Add -Mcihe. Co. repairs
LOO :.!erchants rrotel meo.ls •• lodl!-ing
68. 65 ~o.il,10.v P:x press AP.e!1C.'," express
4.50 ··1hiteh,.ad 0 rinting Co. letterheads
Fergus ~lne 0 rint ~o. prints
Northwester~ ~ell Telephone ~o.
l!orthwestern qell Telephone co.
Stortroen Insurance Co.
2. 50 Ott er 'l' e.il 0ow'!r Co. power
lone-: dist. co.lls 23. 53 Pel icll.n Tele phone Go. serv .ices
services 15.40 Cit:v of Pergus F'o.lls energ,1/'
Victor Lundeen •• cc. su11plies
The 0 ierce Co. supplies
reuffel I Esserco. supplies
ErnPst 7eazie gasoline
"'ieln I Har,ge Oil co. Diesel fuel
Swan-Pinch Oil Corp. oil
Gree;or :·/enner gasoline
insurance 450.41 ~lmer G. ~ohnson insuro.nce
45.85 ~o.lter s. Booth~ Co. supplies
3.31 H.A.3op:ers ao. supplies
1.05 Eugene Dietzgen Co. supplies
3,34 Vaughn Chevn,let Co. easoline, etc.
251. 62 St and a.rd Oil Go. Parke rs E'ruir le Diesel ruel
32.52 ?ark Region Co-op. Oil Co, gusoline
59.92 Fergus Oil cc. gasoline
1.50 2,25
. 5.00
16. 75
'lininp Serr ice Stat ion rosoline
,,. J. nagel shovel rental
,ionn ::owalsk i welding
:•iausau Tron nork1:1 Co. -parts
'.'/hitehead "'rintinp r:o. sta.tionPr.V
YalmPr ~ervonen · expPnse attendin~
3.28 S. E, !lull cash advanced
277.69 "'···1.steinke shovel rental
3.00 Fred A, Everts Inmber
38.00 l'lauer :,Ifp.. r:o. parts
21.00 °. ":, /-.''.lunc1son expense attendinr-
C-eo. n .• Gunderson Do.
13.05 t'l'e!1r.•1 r .. "off l)o.
meeting 16,05
Wm. Di ttbP.rner labor R3.00 "'elicn.n Suppl,1• r:o •.
"'erpus "'•ills suppliPs
'L'he follo~:inp. rPsolutior1 vmo adooted:
~esolvPd by the '\card of r:ount.v Com.".!iS"1ionerFJ of "tter '.!.'ail Count.,,, •tinnescta:
That this 9orird favors thP. enactment of o la·v prcv idi.np. thDt a f)Prson 'llOViI!f "rom the State of
l,!innee:ota shall lose his poo:r sett:lemPnt in this f\to.te v.'lthin thirt,v dn,ys thereo.rter, o.nd to thot encl
this ~oord urees ntter Tail r:ounty representatives in the State Lefislature to support rrouseFile Uo. 937
nO"-' before the Legislature.
~esolve1\" furthPr, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the '.3tate Senator from Otter •rail
Count.v, and to each of the rne::tbP.rs of the House of ~>e preset1t at i ves frcm said County.
,dopted Morch 13, 1941. Geo.~-Gnnderson, Chairman,
~ttPst: \'/illia'!! Li!'lcoln. Glerk.
A petition os:tinp. for desir,noticn of ~onnty A.id "oad in the 'l'ovmship o!'. Trondhjem wos presented
to the 13oord b,v citiz,.ns o:: tl.o.t to•·mshi.p. Upon motion thP. pPtition was ordered plo.ced on file,
Upon motion the ~oord acce>ptec1 the bids of the T,nmpert Lumber co. of io'errus Falls, Lyle Culvert
r:o., and .•ohnston Culvert Co., Wheelinf Corrur,etin/l' Co,, and !':t. Paul Corrupo.tinr, Cc. -r.or cLJlverts.
••pon aotlon the Soard then oO,oumed to APril 8, 1941 at 10 o•,~-6. ~
rw~ ;e ~J.
Cha.i rmo.n.
l,lll.U'r'.':S 01' A]),Jf'llrm~n :.1l':r.:'!.1Tl1G n;-• '9("1J\~D OF
GC'UHTY r:or.nnssrnrn-:~s C'F C'TT":R 'l'AIT, COUl!'rY.
Pursuant to od iournment the Board met ut 10 o'clock A. I.I. April 8, 1~41. Present: Comm.issionere
1:arvonen, Gunderson. 1-!of.f, Amundson nnd Snowberg. . .
Mr. r,, '"· l,!elonder f'rom the '3arberl",I' F.re.dication Office, Un1.vers1.ty Furm, St, _l'aul, appean1d
bP.forP. thP. '3oard to urgP. co-opP.rntion of the Cou.nt.v in eradication of barber:y b,v furn1shing trucks
,ma gasoline. The matter was taken under udvisemP.nt until later in the sess1.on.
William Dittbrorner, to whom had been leased the Count.v 1!:arm in Parkers "Prairie \'lhich was
advertised :ror sale b,1' thP. Connty, asked for reconsideration of his bi.11 submi.ttP.d at the !.larch meP.ting
nnd allowP.d at a rP.ilnction ol' ,~100. Af.tP.r 11.steninp: to the statP.mP.nt of f.r.wts, upon motion thP. Board
reconsidPTl"d said bill nne allowed the adilitionnl Sll'II of ,~\100.
ThP SnpPrintP.nde11t o"" the ~o..11atorium a.nil thP "'ield Hurse repoTtP.r. to thP ~oard cer~aln ca.ses
op tuhP.rculoRis, rmd the '3oord decic'IP.d tlmt th" pnti.Pnts should bP. sent to thP StateSanatorrnm.
The t'ollowinp: resolution ,10s adopted: _ .
ResolvP.d b.1· the "Ion rd of r:onnt.v Com·ni.sRirn,.n• c-f fitter "'oil r:onnty •.. !1.nnP.scta:
\'lhereo.s, aftP.r invP.stipntion, it has b,.,rn made to appear to this ~oard that r.larencP. O. -!'irkvold
of ~a~le take 7o~nshio is affli~ted with rP.nnl tnbP.rculosis, that he has resided in the State of ~i~nesota
throuphout the ,VP.Ur po.st: thnt he is nneble to pa..r the cho.rr,es ~or his 'l!aintenance o.nd ca.Te ln the State
Sanatorium on/I is wi thc.ut kindred lep.allJ• linblP. tlierefor and able to pas the srune.
!low, therefore, be it resolved b,y the i:onnt.y 'lc,oru-c-~ saicl count.y tha.t re,uest be ,nade forthwith
to the Super.intendent of the '..iinnesoto State fa.nutorium ror the a.drniss.ion thereto the said r:le.rence O.
l:irkvold. nnd that the r:ha.irman o l' this '3oard be and he is i1ereb.v authori?.el' and direct ea tc mat~ such
renuest in ,1ritinr;, pursua.nt to the provisions of Section 4133,Gencrnl Statutes o-r :.IinnP.sota,1()13. 'rhe
charges ior the maintenance and care of said pi;i.t.ient in so.id sanatorium to be paid by thP. '.::ount,v of 0tter
Adopted April 8, 1()41. Geo. B, Gunderson, Chairman.
At,test: :·1illiam T,inculn, r:1erl:.
The following resolution wns adcpt,d:
ResolvP.d b,v the Bo11.rd of. -::onnty '.::O'!l'!liSnionP.rs of "ltter Tail ~ounty, !,IirmP.so to:
Wh.,rens. o.l'ter investignti.on, it has bP.en made to appeor to this Boo.rd thot Samuel Nelson, ·rown
of J.urdal: :.!I's. Oris t-1oyt, •~•oV!n o-f' :.!nine: and T"!nrr.v l'/o.gstrom, 'l.'own of ;,loplewood, are af.'.'licted with
pulmono.r.v tuberculosis: that the.r havP. resi.ded in the State o:'. :.unnescto. throu5hout the _yP.a.r past; that
the.v a.re unable tc pay the charges :'or their maintenance and care ln thP. State Sanatorium o.nd are without
kindred legally liuble therefor and a.ble .to pay the some.
now, therefore, be it resol\'ed b,y the Connty 3oarci of said Colmty thi,t req_uest be r:iade ~crthwith
to the Superintendent or the :.linnP.soto. State Sanatorium fc,r ti1e nd'missic.n thereto the said Samuel Nelson,
!.!rs. Oris t-10.vt and Harr.v ·,1/agstrom, and that the Chairman o.f tl:is Board be and he ls hereby nnthorized
and directed to mnl~e such rel'!uest .in writing, pursuant to the prc,·lslons o~ Section 4133, General Statutes
of :.linnesotn, 1()13, The charges for the maintP.nance and care or said patients in said sana.torium to be
pa.id by the County cf Otter Tail.
Ail.opted April B, 1941. Ceo. :l. Gunderson, i:hairman.
Attest: '.'lill.iam Lincoln. ~lerk,
A delep:ation o!' ci.tizens -fro11 Deer ~reek and Inman •·1ere present and aske/1 the CommissicnPrS to
talrP. over rosd on thP. town linP. bet11P.en the t"lC tov111ships.
t. dP.lep:ot ion of citizens ?rom ":lmo appP.ATP.d to commlt the ~oar/I Vii th refPrP.nce to road ;vcrk in
the tovms. '!'hP. · <1oard ass11rP.d both o~ these /lelPpat ions thr-~ thP roaiis woulrl be exnmineci in II short time
~11ilen the Com'!li.ssionP.rs ,nade thP.ir sprinf' cht-ck-np of the road situotion thronrhout the ':onnty.
GP.orp.P. ''onson, rer,resP.ntin, th,, Vil.lnp-P. '~01,ncll of _D,.,,.r •:::rP.ek, rrn}:ed for oiline of four blocks
of ::onnt;i r.:onci runninp thrcuph sni.d villopP. 1'lte <1oarcl oprPecl to toJ·P. the mo.ttP.r up •·1ith the 'lirhwo.v
r.:np. i. n~er.
Upon motion the 3oard tool: n recess tc. '"' o' el.ocl: ., "i.
A deler-ntion or citizens :rorn Amor a.YJ.d :;alne discussed ror..d rmttters wi.th the :3oard,
.-.. delep:ation of citizens ~ro'll ~ush T,al:P. di.scusser. road -:1ntters including proposed gas tax
roan betweN1 ;,erham and ,ush T,oi:P.. ':.'he !3oard ofreeci to exnmi.ned all these roods in the near :·ut11re.
\lpon mot ion the :3or-rd then ad ;ournP/1 to A:iril 'J, 191,1 at 10 o'clock A. !.! .
"l'ED!JT·:SDAY'S S!<:S~IN!,
"'ursu.ant to ad~ournment the '3oard met at 10 o'clock A. ,L \'fednesdoy, April 9, 1911, all me'Dbers
being present.
A delegation of citi~ens from the '.:.'ovmshlp of "ad<iocl: appeured to urGe the irnprO\'ement o·r rood
runnirlf. ea.st of JTillview ln said '.:'ownship.
A delegation of citizens from the Township of Girard culsulted the Boar/I in regard to road
matters in the town. The Board ai:reed tdl check up on these roads in the near ruture.
Sen SkP.rik, hovlnf' offered the sum of ~-3,500 for Otter Tull County form describP.cl as the ''!½ SE' and ~rE'· SJ•:-~-o:f.' Sec, 16 in the 'l'ownship of Parkers Prairie, and the Board having duly published as
required by law thll.t said of.fer haci been rP.ceived, and havlrl/.' appointecl April 9, 1941 at 10 o'cloc:: A.!.!.
as the time -;'or consideration of. said orrer and an.v other o-fJ'er that mir-ht be received, and there being
no othP.r of'fers submitted, upon motion the offP.r was accepted and the County Auditor and Chairman o·~ the
'3oard •vere di.rec tP.d to execute deed to '.Ir. Sl:f'ril, npon PO.fmP.nt of the amount of. his bid.
The follov1inp dance permits 1•1ere rra.nted b,V the ~OR.rd: ,, T,. ~obi.neon, !3hody Hoven, 'l'ov:n of
•~verts: 'I'hOFI, :l, SchwlP.lltP.k, )losn_uito "eirhts "rsort. •~•own of: "Lne Lo1':P: n. rr, '3onll.v. Bondy's Resort, ~•cwn
c~ T,,,.,,r T,e.lce; T,ouis .• 1'1i.hlar, RH.e r,e!:f' ""nvilicn no11n, 'I'o\'/n o~ ''oho.rt;,., n StPPle, Spruce Lodge, Town
of 'ltar T,ake.
Dunce pt>r'llit nsinp mecha.ni.cnl ,11sic onl..v, l'lllS p:rnnf:Pd to., ":. Ash, .~sh's Dernp, 1m·m o.r: ~lizaheth.
~he followinp appli.cu•:ions ''or l'n ond nf-~ !'lnle bel'!r licensP.s 1·:ere prnntP.d: ,,. T,. :lobinson,
'lhad,V ,:even, Town or "'.verts: T,ouls , . r.lhlr r, ''lee T,ate -Pavilion narn, 'i.'o"m of u 0bnrt: \lbert .:ranusze•·1sJ:y,
?esort, Sec. 1 •rown or "'erham: r.:artin Limmer. LimmP.r's ~eRort, '.."o~m of :iush T,al:e; Geo. '3ettin, Fruth
";3uildine-at Urbunk, '.l'ovrn of •~f'.'Lnf:,ton: 1ufus 'htll, :3attlP. View nor};, '1'owr1 o.!: r.irard: Adoloh 1~ alvorsvn,
~iver Pt".rl: StorP., Town o~ •~verts: c .. .:i. !.!atthew1:1, -:amp 0,a.lmorul, ·.'um1 of ottP.r Tail; ·r. r.1·. Severson,
>1ip:h\'1a,v "orl,, ~own or ~lmp; >1ermun '.'/e.ickl'!rt. :,esort, Sec. 2 •rovm c,f !'crham; Artlrnr Abra.ham, ,\bro.ham's
Resort. 'fovm o, Dora; Thcs. :~. SchwiPntel:, :1osq11.l to uelp.hts :~esurt, -~•own o-f Pine Loke; ,'os. :-iuchi lunch
DATE .................. 1.\P.!..!J .... ?.., ························1!1311 .•.
• ~AND PRINTINll l!lfl. ~a q.aLIIL.IIINN.-IIHI
co1mter at Urbonk. TOV!n cf -:f''inp:ton; .'ohn ~-He.mm, resort in 7o•·m o·" !(t1Sh Lo.i;:e; r. ~-Vestal, store
in iJorg.: r:arl "lcr~laten, '":t. tawrrmce StorP., Tovm o~ Otto; 1). 11. !loncl.v, Bondy's ~esort, To1·m or Leaf
toke; ,1!1CIJ11es uent'lricl:x. "!ntlP.r ~torP., "'o•·m or "!'lntl.P.r; 'imma Deist. Deist StorP., To,·m or r.iriberg; ··ialter
"· Ames, storP. at T,11ce, r.or-non ':'ovmshin; ~. "'I, AllP.nson, "nnren'A ~P.sort, 'i'ov:n o!' Leor T,a.ke; T,. c. Voss,
"lhite ,;,oplP. LodpP., 701,:n o" :.·oro; ., .. ,. 0 eoch, -Peoch's ~esort, "'o,·:n or Dora; ~. "· SteP.l'.'!, Spruce Lodp,e,
To•·:n o-~ !'ltor I.al:P.: \lP.x :J,...\',..r, SPrvi CP.· '1tntion. ".'o•·m o"!: s•ar T,oJ,:e: ·••. u •. •o.er,er, s11mmer resort, Sec. 9
•~o·:1"! or Stnr T,a]:P.; .'oR. ···a1oor·. lunch connt"T o.t '.Trbanl:, '!'ov:n 0° ~;fninp:ton; r.:. ~-·••ilson, lunch counter
ot Alrnoro.. in '!'ov:n o" 1':lmo; ·•10.\•cl ,~ .. 'ohnson, ~oz.v Tnn, "'own o" 'iV"rts; ''.. n. "ubbard, store in Tov:n of
"'e'3tern: 11errnan Abel, '-'hod.I' "oint ~P.sort. ':'own oc •~lizabetr.: .-. •~-Ash, Ash's ~amo, Town of "":lizabeth.
Off Sa.lP. bear licP.nses 1·1ere f?rontecl to !hP. Pollowinp: ·:1a.ltP.r D!.'a,vton, Dra_vton' s ~esort, Town
of ;,Jaolewocd; C'le ; .. •~r-p.en, pas station ond store, •ro•-:n o" :.'.ople·vood: .:ock :=Jolimi:P.r, r::ross "oint ""esort,
"'0"/'1 or :.:oplewood. -
~pen motion the Board took a recess to 2 o'clock~-M.
A petition for Cns 'l'o.x 3oud in :.it, f'laf, Tu·nuli, 'l'ordenskjold and Dane ">rairie ,vas presented
to the Boord h.v o delee:e.tion of cit:i:-zens from those townships. A"fter listening to stotements or
interested porties, upon motion thP. petition v:aA ordered nlaced on file.
'rhP. "'Joo.rd then took up the question of purchase of o snow plow, and after discussion the offer
or the "."eo. T. ?,van Co. which had her-m sub'!litted in response to speci.!;l call ~or bids, wos acceptec,
the pri c,e of:' so.id sno1·1 plow and wing being :"l,032.
'Jpon motion the Auditor 1·1,1s instructed to o.dvertisa f.or bids for pravellinf cP.rtain roads as
ontlineci b_v the C1ip.hv10.v r.:npi.neer. soid bid!l to he opene<I :.ta.•: 1:1, l!"J41 ot 2 o'clock"· ll.
'.1.'he opplicotion of the "epa!'tmP.nt o~ ~ural ':redit ::or ·cancellation o'.'. tax for 19:19 on the
11} SI'/} Sec,. 16 Tovm of :re··:ton owned by said Deportment wos reud and the Boord rP.commended to the Com-
missioners o~ 'l'axution that the soici tuxes omounting to :'.'2!"J.33 be concelleci.
The application of A. C. Berg for re6u6tio~ of assessment on Lots 12, 13 and 11 in Block 3 of
Bonita ]each for the .veo.r 1910 on the ground thnt sum e hod through a clericol error been excessively
valued, was read and the Boord. recommended to :he co:nmisoioner of 'i'axo.ti on that the valuation of sold
lots he re<iuced to :)50 each. full value, or o. tota.L renuction on each lot of ~55, and that the taxes on
said lo ts be reduced from ~~2. 93 each to ~;l. 5\i ea.ch.
'l'he application of 'lictor R. Petterson for reduction of assessment ror l!:.t10 on the Si'/7· Sec. 4
Town of :'ergus rolls was reacl ancl the Boo.rd recommended to the Commissioner of 'l'o.xation that the assessed
valne o: suid land be red1wed from ~;1724 to :;;1576 omd the taxes :from f:111.03 to $101.48.
The a.p nli cat ion or• ¥:dwin'/iger for reduct ion of assessment for l!"J40 on lo ts 6 and 7 and S} SP.:'.
'3ec. 19 To1·m of Tumuli 1·1as read and the '3oa!'d recommended to the CommiSfJioner or •raxation that the
valuot ion be reduced "rom ... 1595 to /':1062 and the tax from tl06. 23 to t"63. 72.
ThP. application or~-A. UP.lson ror reduction of assess'llent for 1940 on Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 ~ a and
r,ots 1 ond 2 ex. ~, 17 '"t. ond ulRo all of r.ot 3 in '>.lock 6 o"" the Oripinol "lat of '.:litherall waa read ond
the n.orrd recommP.nded to thP. r:o'll'lliS>li oner 0° Taxoti on ":hot the o.ss.,ssed value of said lo.nd be reduced i'!'Om
,..300 to ."198 and t:hP tax from ."·35.5A to :1'?.0.65. ·
The nprilicntion o"!' :li''"'."ord "· ,\nderson -~or :-eclncti.011 o~ assessment on nersonal property in the
':'ow.,shi•p o 0 "!verts for 19Ml •,:us rend ano the '3or,rd reco'llr.iP.nred to the r.ome:ii.sRioner of' Taxntion 1:hr,t the
assesse/1 value o ~ said propert.•; be red need from :"1A3 to N.11 ond thnt o.-rter the nllo\·1ance or: the household
exempt ion prov iii ed b.1• la1·: nil of the toxes on sn.id pro llert,I' be concelled.
'!'he follO\<:inl! resolution was adopted:
?.esclveci b.\' the 300.rd or Ccnnt.v Com'!lissi.oners or otter '!'nil r:ounty, :.!innesoto:
"i'fhereas, this 13oard has heretofore uontra.c,ted with Hintpen-!~arst I:lectric, Co. fer installinr,
fluorescent lipht fixtures in c,ertain vanlts at the ::curt tiouse, and
'."/hereas, sa.mf' h1we beP.n ins tolled according to soid ap.reement and have been exornined ond
accepted by a committee or this Beard,
How, therefore, be it resolved the.t thP. r.01.mty !\ud itor end r.hairmo.n of thP. "!oard be and the.v
hereby are authorized and directed to issue to so.id contra.ctor o. v:1;1.rrant on the ~ev,.nue Fund o·~ the
~ounty in the sum of ~353.4R, the contro.c,t price •
.,\doptPd this 9th da.v ot' APTi 1, l!"l41. C:eo. "'3, Gunderson, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, ':lerk.
The followine: resolntion v:as ado!}ted:
:iesolveci b:; the '3oard of Count.v Com·nissioners of Ot tP.r Tai 1 County, :.linneso ta:
;/hereas, this ~card has heretofore contracted Vii th the Ceore:e T. ~.van Co. of :.Tinnea-polis for
one Co.lion 101 Diesel grader, and
,'lhereos, the some hos been delivered to ond accepted b.v· this Boord,
ilo1·1, therefore, be it resolved that the County Auciitor o.nd Chairman of the Board be and they
hereby ore o.uthorized and directed to issue to said compan.r a worrunt on the ~cad and Bridge fund of the
:ounty in the sum of ~6.113.00, the ccntract price.
Adopted this 9th da.v of A:,ril, 1941. Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman.
Attest: l'/illiam Lincoln, Cle!'k.
The following resolution was odopted:
?.esolveci by the Boo.rd of County Com11issione!'s of Otter '!'oil county, !,!innesota:
\'/hP.reas, this Board hos herP.to~ore contracted with theA-i'/ C:ornpan,v, Tnc., of :.:lnnesota :for one
\ustin-i·iestern J;Totor r.railer. and
"!heri=a.s. same has beP.'1 deli VP.red to o.ncl accepted b.v the Count,'!.
110••1, thP.re"ore, bP. it rP.solveii that th" r:olmt.r ~.uditor oncl ~hairman of the Seo.rd ore autharri?.ed
a11d directed to issuP. to said comnan,v o. v:arrunt on the :"!ood ond T>rid11e ..,uncl o~ the Count.v in the sum of
!'7,493.57, the a.'ltount due o.ccordinp to so.id contra.ct.
;dorted April 9, 1911. Ceo. 9, Gunderson, Chairman.
1,,ttest: ''filliom Lincoln, ClP.rk.
The -follov:inp bills were a.llov1ed:
Louise Stondo.hl P:r.penses 69.R5 O:. ,, • !~ovang r->xpensP.s
"· ~. ~lorvigen drivers license exp. 2.70 ~-C. uenkes expP.·nses
posto.ize ,, • ~. 1•enJ.:es board inr prisonerR 264. 75 r,ou.isP. <;tondahl
n. !.I. !~ee postap.e 23.38 r'ergus .1 ournal Co. printinr i:: publish.illf!. u.;11.Publiiihing r.o. nuhl.financial statement 112f3.65 'L'he Independent
i>oucher "rint inf •• assessment bool,s ••
publishing financial
Lit hop.rap hi nr. -Co. su.p·plles
,'ohnson "nrniture Co. linolP.um
"."•,qell '"el. r.o. lone: disto.ncP. calls
''.ill P.r-'1r.vont-"i erce carbon po.per
~ree ~rP.ss ~c. record
?'orther11 "'hoto Supply Co. suprlies
C'rpheum DTllf! Store sn1>olies
'3eall •• i,!cr.m·1on '.!o. supplies
'lictor Lundeen •• ~o. supplies
1he ~iP.rce Co. supplies
'/ill. Battle Lake quarontine expemie
16. 70
21. '.lO
Cit.V of !"ergus !"o.lls 1·:ater ~ light
ott!'!r 'l'nil "o·.·1er ~:o. oower
Ceo.D. "!nrnard Stati,;ner.v Co. bool:s
.'ohn ·•1. :.•itchell, opent-insurance
.ionP.s •• I~roeger Co. record
r~eystone •~nvelope -:o.
,,.L,~olcomb r:ifp.. (Jo. supplies ··•.s. Darle.\' •: Co. supplie!l
11i ntgen-!'ars t supplies '• repairs
Town o! Deer ~reek quaruntine Pxpense
'/i.Ll. ~ic,hvillP. qunrontine expense
112A .G5
~pri.l 9, 41. DATE .................................................................................... 193 ....... .
--aD:uiirrfi.CM.c lioo1fAND PRINl1NO'co,. ■T. ~II!-MINN.-HH!.
Todd Qonnt.11 •P.xa.rnin.i.nf-insnne 73.95
HP.rmon Johnson mars hall's -faes 9. 75
Fronk c. '1arnes '.!nni.cipal ,,udp.e•s fees 79.65
Dr. '!'?. 'I. Ti'eatherstone· services 3.00
Secnri t,v ~lank i:iook •.:
record T>rinti.np·'Jc.
"erpns "lumbi.nP. ••
l'.!ls.rence ~-Atme
~-~-~ell Tel.· Co.
~velyn '~. ~orck
r.7.9ell ~el. r:ol
Peatinr-r:o.· repairs
h1rnl iru> o.shes
lonp. a"istance calls
clericol 1·1orl:
2:'r. u. T,. 'ltemsrud
!.!inn. State 'lonci.torinrn
Town of Deer •:reek ·
Town of SvP.rdrno
"'armPrs 'lome :.1ui:nal
lone. distance. calls
Pxam.i.nn. ti ens
carrei of paupers
care o~ poor. 1040
care cf poor, 1040
~14. n,;
Tnsnrance ~o. insurance lu.75
!.!rs. i::. SmithlmP.cht menls 48,80
'::rand "otel meals··:: lodging 73.25
".:·1.t1!'ll Tel. Go, services 17.30
Vill, 0 elican ~apids water 5.40
,'ohn :.!ark · t.n·a,·el 127,20
':'P.sch-:>ertinp.P.r T,umbc:r ~o. lnmb;,r 10.31
'lur :roughs Ade:. ',che. r::o. · . paper l·, 69
~ohn C, netPrson insurance 2A.OO
"!'ro .,icnl "a int •: ri 1 r:o. noi nt 39. 30·
'1illP.r ~, •~elsb!"rp point 2.00
". ··. :·eunoi repairs · 17,19
Pintpen-J"nrst Elec. :::o.,Ppo.irs 1.14
''/hi tehend "rintinf ~o. supplies 6. 75,
S~ith Go~~erciol ~ody worts o~rts 11,26
·:ictorT,nndeen '!:Co. snp[lli.es 66.15
"elica.n Supol~• Co .• "-~~-•· 13,39
:.llr,n. r.;otor Co., Iuc. tire 'a tuhe 99 ,14
Otter Tail ')o-op. Cils. T:-10. Diesel fuel 54.15
F.i.eld •c uo.ff!.e Oil Co. Diesel .fuel 3~52.33
The Oil Store Diesel fuel 72.40
!::rw.i.n Siegfried rasol:i.ne 12,56
Do.n's 2'exaco Service pasoline 50.62
!·!abler •.: Strous parts 36.09
Geo. •r. R,V!LYJ Co. !lnrts 3,R5
\'/m. P. 7.ier-ler Co •• Inc. parts ~ supplies 608,52
Greif" :\ros. repairs 1. 20
Bottemiller r:ar3Ee repairs 3.75
Anne t\ros. repa.irs o,, snpplies 128,23
Olson Auto Electric Co. supplies 50.55
Uic0ls, Dean I Gregg supplies 146,43
1:10.uer Mf3.Co, supplies 4u,27
LouiseV/ilde eravel ;5, 78
J. J. No.gel shovel rental 185,65
"· L. Sandin exiJenses 124.00
!.Iartin F, Scheidecker cash o.d,•e.nced 9.20
Eill nelson's Oil Go, tires 160,00
St. Paul •Jor:rugating co. ca!'tle pass 329,84
Co:npbell r.oal (!O, conl 21. 26
"enrose Oil r,o. gas •a Diesel fuel 145.35
:iefl!'r ~ ~ohnson 011 r.o. r,nsoline llfi,35
nt tertai 1 flil co. e eso line 2. 40
r::rnest VenziP. p.osoline 11.97
3endickson Service Station posoline 17.96
Geo. n. 9ebehn pasoline 11.55
!!.ills 011 Co. po.s •• oil 71.A9
Helen "lohn taking testimony 21.60
"· 'L Amundson exp.a.ttend ."IP.!!tinp: 11.90
Henr.v C. Eof r Do. 7 .15
William Cnelzow mo.rshall's fees
Dr. n. Boysen Dep.coroner's fees
:~o.v Corliss services
l!iller-D11vis ::o. blanks
Henn i nr An voc11 t e not ice to t RX po.,ve rs
Tnsnronce SP.rV ice '-,fenc,v insurance
01son •nrnit1rre r.o. repairs
"'· · .. ;.,nnersc.n postap.e
I!."l."'ell •rel. co. lonp distance calls
U."''."ell TelP.phone ~o. Do,
'EJr, Frank lio.ef!eli · exami.nat ions
'.!'own of "'ergus Fo.lls trans,1orti n~ pauper
City of •err.us •alls care cf non-resident Town o~ St. Olaf co.re of poor, 1~40
'/ill. Richville core of poor, 1940
r,. :-:. \'/hi.tine cash advanced
1~. o:. flchmid t co.sh advnnceci
l.ierchents Hotel meals •• lodging
Pelican Telephone ~0. services
!!"'/. "ell Tel. r:o. lonr distance calls
Otter Toil 1101·1er::o. energy
.-\.nd rew Anderson cool
":lk T-:iver '.:one. Prod. 1:::0. culve:·ts
:~opher ~tamp, Die r.o. si~ns
~":d '"i.sher tov1inf,
'""rost "a.int ·•, ril "orp. noi.nt
"fnino !rnlr-·~llrar-e .repairs
r,Fl.1"flO n 11r0Pi. rp·pcd rs
Jre11~r~1 ~ ~snPr ~o. · repo.lrs
•·ret1 '?-aucl,. l'dl'1e. · suppliP.s
r,ien 'ldwe. Co. .supr,lies
:.!inn: •riph'?o.v· De·portment "
!ilL N~lson's rtl Co. tires '~-r. Stnhl'Co. ci.l
8to.ndard Oil Co.,
O. c:. :.Ielroe. Ar:ent Diesel fuel
Traub Co. r,ns & rent
Ottertr.il Oil co. gnsollne
Bill Nelsen's Oil co.p.o.soline
\"/ausau Iron l'/orl:s Co. parts
'rhor-no.nn. ~osholt Co, "
~ridp.en CTelding Shop repoirs
""· Sounners ~ son repairs
~. 3. Schmidt repairs
1•atl.B11shi111:, ~ Parts eo. su.p!ilies
!'.Ulseth Supply Co. supplies
A-W Co., Inc. or Uinn. supplies
i.trs. C. Sr:il thl:necht meals
John J.Io.rl: po.trol rental
~. D. Steinke shovel rental
u. r,. sunilin co.sh aovancec s. r.:. l!all cnsh advanced
!.lonroe Cale, r,Iche, co.Inc. mointeno.nce
Poper, Ca.lmenson •• co. cutting ede;es
Fergus Oil Co. sos ~ Diesel fuel
The Oil Store DiP.sel fuel
~ruer~r Service Station gasoline
Eels on' s Super '.\Prvice 13asoline
~he.s. "'O\'tl er posoline
~ark !Ppion ~il Co. r.nsoltne
!).LDuhricant r.o •• rnc. oil
Swen-l•'inch 011 Corp p.rense
Yol::IP.r l:!.Jrvcnen e:<p,nttend.meetinp:
r.eo. ~-C,underson Do,
The following resolution ,·,•as adonted:
Res..,lution rlxin, minimum wage rates on o.11 Otter Tai.l County HifhWay :.:ontracts.
5,00 c..oo 61.8()
4, 72
poor 11,50
397 .52
2f'l. 99
7. ;15
t\e it hP.!"!'b.v resolved, thnt the followinB rates for the respective trades or occupations
listed below shall be and are hereb,V fixP.d as the minimum hourly 1•rnp.P. rates to bP. paid on o.11 Otter
'l'ail Count.v Highvia.v Contracts for the period of one year bep.inninp: I.Iny 1, 1941:
(a) The minimum wope pnid on this contract t_o all sl:illefi luhor shall be sixt,v-five (65) cents
per hour; and to all intermediote lrcbor, fifty (5n) cPnts pP.r hour; and to oll unskil;LF>d lu.bor,
thirty-Five (35) cents per hour: as classified end listed below: SEILL~D LAHOR, Crusher Operator (500 c,y
per da,v or over) . .P.levatir,r. Cro.cier Onero.tor. Shovel or DrOI!' Line Opera.tors, 'lead !,lecho.nic. LeTcnrneau
(ty'!)e) Operator. 0 owder !,Ian /Heav.v :':ock). IN'l'F.~l-.l•~DT ,i_•r-:.: LA"lOR, Blade Groder Ooerator. Powder !.!on (miscel-
laneous work, including lipht •Solid rock). Blactsmith, rour-h, 110.oksmith's Assistant. 'Jrusher Operator
(under 500 c .,v. a do.,v l • Screeninp. and/or woshinr, plant· .o perntor. Durnp :,!an ( in cho.re;e o.f embankment
construct ion l . Tractor 0!)erato1· ( 20 or more horse-po\·1er mo.nu-foot urer' s rntea co.pac i t,v), Groder Operator,
lilotor Patrol Qpen1tor. Truck I-river (over li ton manufacturer's ro.teo capacity). Oiler (power shovel,
cranes, drag l:i.nes, dredges l. UIJSI-:ILLF.I LABOR: Axman, Pit I.Ion, Blacksmith's Helper. PO\'/der !.!onli:ey
(helper). :.:>river, team (or !,lorman, slip. 1•1heel~r. wagon, etc.). Sub-Brade lo.borer (hand tools). 'l'ea.mster,
2-line n,1ormo.n, fresno. wheeler, war,on, etc.)," Tractor Operntor (under 20 horse-power manufacturer's
rated co.paci.t,v). Driver, truck '1t ton manufacturer's roted copo.city or less) ..... umper, (we.eon. true!,, eto.)
Labor, miscellaneous, unskilled, i,Iecho.nic's Helper, WaterBoy, watchman,
(bl 'l.'he minimum wages herein set forth shall not apply to camp help. timel,eepers, or other
non-manual labor. 'l'he following minimum monthly WOBeS i.n addition to board and lode;ine: shall be paid
ror such labor: For ti•ne-kee pers. S(!Venty-fiv e ( 75) dollars per month. Por cooks. seventy-five ( 75) dolls 8
per month. For cooks' helpers, :Ufty (50) ilollnrs per month. For stablemen, fifty (50) dollars per month,
(cl \'/hen horses or mules ore nsea on a projPct, the hourl,v ra1·e to be po.id ror the use of such
horses or mulP.s shall not be less than f.ifteen 115) cents per hour ·for en.ch horse or mule,
(d) All trucl,s hanlinf more than two nnd one-hnlf 12i) cubic .vards or material 1•1ill be considere1
as havinP-a ro.teo capa.cit,\1 o·r more than one and one-half (li';-) tons. ·
DATE ....................... .;.p.r.i.l .. J!. .......................................... 193.4.l .•
( e I "/here bo arcl and lodging is furnished by c:ontrac tor, the ru te charged shall not exceed one
(~1.00) dollars per do,v or six (o.00) dollars oer week.
If) In cnse it becomes necessar.1• for the Contractor or nn,v sub-contrat:tor to employ on the
oro~Pct under this contract an.v person i.n a trade er occ:upation (except executive, si1pervisor.v.
administrative, clericc.l or other ncn-mam1al ;·:crkers as such) for ~:hich no rniniinur.i 1•1ap..e rate is herein
speci "ied. the contractor shflll immedi atel.Y' not i ".v the Connt.v l'lhO will promptl.V therearter rurnlsh the
'!ontractor with the minimum rate. 'l'he minimum rate th11s furnished shall be applicablP as a minimum for
such trade or occupation from the time o-" the initial em9lo.rnent 0° the oPrson ar-fected ond durini?-the
continuance o ~ such emplo.vment.
ne it ?urther ~esolvef,
awarded ror a period o ~ one .vear
Adopted this 9th OU.I' of
that thesl:' minimnm l'lOf!e rates shall he. in ef:."ect on all contracts
befinnine-. rtn.v 1, l!Ml.
April, 1941.
Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman
Boar<i of Co. Commissioners.
;Ji.lliam Lincoln, Cln.rk.
The followinp. resolution was adouted:
~esolution b.•r the Boara of Count.y Commlsriioners of Otter •rail r:.ount.v; !:iinnesota. .
'Be it hereb,v T-?esolved, tlll;t the Wlif!-e rates for emplo,vees of the Co11nt.v 'ligima.v .Departmrmt be
as -follov:s: Assistant ~np:ineP.r 6.00 per do,v: "ro5ec:t l~npineer :!'.'5.50 per ,da,v: Instrument :.tan 5.00 per
dn.v: Draftsman 5.00 per cloy: Rodman 4.00 per day; '!hll.inman 3.00 pP.r da,v; !lr.intenance •'oremen· .• 40 to .50
per hr.: Co:nmon T,abor--'ioi"lt<>nance .30 to .35 pPr hr.; '!'eeims .20 perhr.; '!'ruck r"'ntal ,50 to .70 per hr.;
::01•:er rental • 30 per hr. • '
All ;-iaintena.nce emplo.vees to i'urni.sh own tre.nsporto~i on.
Adopted this 9th do.v of. A:>ril. l!l41. Geo. ~. Gun~~rson, Cha.irman.
Attest: "/illia.m Lincoln, Clerk.
The f'ollo1vine resolution vms adopted:
Resolution by the Board of County Comm.i.ss ionets• o.f O.t.ter Tai 1 County, lillnnesota:
Be it hereb,v resolve<i, tho.t the County Highway O:ngineer be •authorized to issue time checks for
the purpose of salary l)!lyments to all maintenance employees. engineering employees, c:onstruc:tion
employees, an<i all labor and equipment used·on Federol Projects, for the .. vear 1941, total amount nc,t to
exceed $50,000.00.
Adopted this 9th doy or A!>r.il, 1941.
Attest: ~illiam Lincoln, Clerk. ·
Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman.
upon mot ion the 13o·ard then ad journec to 9 ci• clock A. r.!. April .10, l!ML
Dursuant to ad,,ournment the Boe.rd met at 9 o'clock A. '..!. Timrsda.v April 10, 1911, all 'l!e'llbers
being present.
TJpon 'l!Otion the Auditor v1os instructed to advertise for biiis f.or one or more snow plows and
also o!le or more motor patrols, said bids to be opene<i at the session or the Board to be held !.lay 14,
1941 ot 10 o'clock A. u.
ThP. Boa.rd havinp. considered the request for appropriation for aid in eradicating barberry,
after further consideration dec:ided not to mo.ke an.v appropriation for the purpose.
The Soard then decided to p.o on record as favorinp. the so-c:alleo Stamp Plan for distribution
of surplus cc'l!modities, and ogreed that if and when the r.overnment re1111irements in re13ard to the
participation of the tov:nshios and villap.es in sai.d olan have been complied with the Board will then
set up a revolvinp. rund for the purpose of plocinp. the plan in operation.
'l'here beiT!f? no further business, upon motion the Board then ad.iourned to ;,1a.•r 13, 1941 at 10
~~ _p, _J __
/Lo A it ► J1e-« _
DATE ............................ '.lll.\'. ... l.~ ........................................ 193.:il ..
ETHUTF:S or,, r..n.,nir"!iJr-:D rrr.:•~TTFr. ""' ~OA::D or
Cf''1t"J'Y cn:.t::i:sm01R?.S ()""' OTTO:T.! TATL COUF'rY.
Pnrsunnt to ad;:ournment, the Board rnet ot 10 o'clocl: A. :.i. Tuesdn_v, !.la.'; 13, 1941. "resent:
Commissioners I'.arvonen, Gunderson, "off, Amundson and Sno~·:berg.
A delegation o-f citizens rro'!l Srharcls Grove and :,!aplewood. appeared before the Board to ask
thut ,\'ork be a one on roud in those to1•msh i.ps. •rhe Board Of.'reed to loo!: the mc.tter over as soon as possi.bl
A delesation o"!: citizens rrom Do.ddock o.sl:ed for n Go.s 'l'ux rood running north and south through
the western part of that township.
A dele130.ti.on of citizens from T.eaf :,1onntain a.ppearecl to ur13e the construction of road in
thet township.
A delegation or citizens from 17000.side tmd ''a.I: Volley ur13ed the improvement of road north
or ·•rrip.htstown. ilpon mot ion of •::ommiss ioner Amundson onr1 second eci b,,• r.omrni. ssioner !'arvonen the following
resolution ~·:11.s adopted:
:!•~<>()T,1JTtoI1 BY TU:': ~OA:1:D r,r,, '~OU'l'l'Y r:()Jf:!TS'F"!IP.?.S OP O'r'i'"!?. TATL comrrY, ;,!Tll!P::SOTA, On mot i.on or r,ommissione r Amundson, seconded blT Co•nmts f;l.onet J"arvonen, o.nd dul.'1 co.rr ied, the
9oard resolved that i.ta Choirrno.n o.nd Glerk rorth,•:ith enter into an ap.;reP.ment with the State of I.li:,mesota'.
ac"i.ng-throup.h its Commissioner of ''ighwa.vs. for the rno.intcnancc, except snowplowing, of the rond
described iri. said agreement as o. detour. '.l'he clescription o'I: the rood to be used as set forth in the
agreernent referred to, is describnd as :follows: Beginnin1; on Trunk T-lir,hv:8,j,· ifolOB at the 'iillae,e of Dent; ti1ence run north a:1d V/est on Otter Tail
county Aid Road f36 to the southeast c.:irner of the soutlw:est quarter of Section 11, 'r136t!-R4li"/; thence
rim \'lest on Dora Township !-1oad for a distance of 1.5 mli:les to the Soutliwest corner of ~ection 10, 'rl:3611,
~41W; thence rim sout,! on Otter Tail County Aid Road rfl4 :for a distance of 5,0 miles to· its intersection
1'.'i th •rrunk nfghway f/:lOfl at the southv1est corner of Section 33 'r136U-!-1411'/, a total a istance of 14,0 miles.
said county to be paid therefor at the rate of (25.00 per mile per month. l!'ractionnl miles and fra.ctional
months, if any. will be nsecl in compnt.iniz amounts po.vable. It is contemplated thc.t the maximum arnount to
bP. paid by the state undP.r this agreement is to be tl,400.00, and tho.t the use of so.id road as a detamr
by the sto.te will tP.rmi.nate on or before 0ctOhP.r 1, 1941. Ado,itea tr.is 13th da,v or. :•a,v, 1()41. Geo. :3. Gunderson, Chairman.
Attest: :villi.am T,incc:ln, Clerk,
'9ins ·•or p.rovell.inp. as 11dvertisP.d for b.v the '!3oarcl were opemid a.t 2 o'cloclc l?. Ill. and re.f'erreo.
to the Pighwo.v-•~np:i.neer for computation. .,.t anpen~inp. that the lov:est hi.rlder on the combined p.:ravelling
;obs was ''a.gel, StrP.ator •• CurtiR r:rom "'erham, npon moti.on e.11 these contracts were awarded to them for
o total o.f ~·17,270, thP amount c, their hi.ds.
Fpo,i rnotion the ~oard then o.d;ourne/1 to ''.o.,v 11, 1941, at 10 o'clock .\. :J.
P11rsuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 O'•clock A, !L 1'/ednesda.v, l.~o..v 14, 1941, all
mem hers be .inp: pr es en t .
;,;embers o ~ the Civic ~ Cornrnerce Association o I: "erp.:us Falls expressed to the 'loard their
a.oprecio.ti.on of the work done on the 0tter 1'nil T,ake road, o.nd i'1quired about thP. prospects for oiling
thot rood.
A o.e1:egation of: citizens from Otto and r,eof Lake asl(ed for helr1 on construction of rood,
ond '.:ornrnissioners I'.o.rvonen and Amundson were aopointed a committee to meet with the '.l'ovm 3cnrds,
Sids for road machinery as called for b,V the Boord were opened and read. ~epresenta.ti.ves of
the different ~i.rms submitting bids were he!lrd relative tc the merits o.f their mo.chines.
A delegation o.f. citizens ·from 0 o.rkers "rairie and E:ffington consulted the Boo.rd relative to
roads in those townships.
A delP.gation of citizens from r-:rha.rc1s Grove consulted with the Boo.rd relative to road running
eost and west b,',r the <'le Thompson farm, thence west through Trondhjem Tov:nship.
The o !)plication of .:'oseph A, Sauer for classi ficat.ion of the ~~nst 35 ft. of s1·1~ s:,,.i and •.~est
56 rods of SE1 SW'· o.nd i'lest 4 rods of 1;:ast 22 rods or Lot 4, all in Sec. 31 i.n 'l'ownship of A11rda.l at home-
stead rotes for the year 19•\0 was read and the Boo.rd reoommended to the Commissioner o:f •raxation th11t
soid land bP. so classified and the assessed vo.lne reducecl from !'266 to ('.160, and the tax from :;'.'20.33 to
,:'12. 22.
The application of"'.. <:. '!onne for classification ·or the wt, S1'1¼ exce!)t the ~est 35 ft. of the
s••p. S"/+ in Sec. 31 Township of Aurdal at homestead rates for the ,veo.r 1g40 v:os read li'lld tl:e Boo.rd reoom··
mended to the r:ommissi onP.r o"!: ":'nxation thot so.id land be so classi~ied, and the assessP.d valuation
re1111cea from ::'567 to r.•310, A.Yid the to.x -from :"13.32 to ,"'25.913.
'.l'he application of '.:ha.rlPs ('-ulstnd, assessor o-f the ';'ov:n o-f Dunn, for classification of the
northerly holf o'l: T,ot 9 in r,,;rst Addition to -qirch Grove -f'or the .veo.r 1940, which land is owned b,v-
,,ohn ~enner, Sr., at ho:nester,d rates, wus read o.n<l the '3oard recommended to the Co'Tl·niRs.ioner c" To.xot ion
that said land be so clo.ssif.ied, and thP. assessnd value reduced from r•132 to :"·83, and the tax from :~·B.34
to ::•1.52.
•r:ne application of Andrew Anderson for clo.ssi.fico.ti.on of the SE' Sec. 8 •rown of Bnse at
homeste.ad ra.tes for the ,l'eo.r 1g40 wo.s read and the Board recommended to the ~omrnissioner of Taxation that
said land be so clossi.fied, and the assessecl valuation reduced fro1n f2023 tu :\1189. and the tax ·from
:"·134.33 to .::n.86. ' '
The applico.tion of Em.il 0 ietala for classification o:!' the :~½ SF.' Sec. 24 Town of 13lowers for
the .vear 1910 at hornestead rates ~ms read and the "lea.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that
said land be so classified, and the assesscf value rednoed from :"·IJJ11 to $289, ond the tax from 232.52 to
•rhe application o-f Anton :·1. Doll, assesRor o'f the •rownship or ?.ush J,ake, t'or cancellation of
assP.ssment for structures erroneonsly assessed f.or the .veor 1910 ogoinst the 'Torth 374.5 t't. of South
709.5. ·ft. o~ Lot 1 in Section 26 Tov:n of ?.ush T,al:e, was read and the Boo.rd recommended to the Commissioner
of •raxation that the assessed valuo.tion of saicl tro.ct be reducP.cl ':rom tl43 to :~110, c,nd the tax from
:~9.24 to :ri1.11.
· ·· The application o.f ft.rthur 1:1innert for reduotion in assessed valuation of the slr sw.;. Sec. 10
Town of 1,la.ine for the ,\'ear 1940 on the gronnd of excessive valuation l'los read and the Board recommended
to the commissioner of. Taxation thc.t the assessed value of said land be redu,ceci frvm $465 to t:333. and
the tax from -~36,71 to ~25.60.
DATE ....................... :.:i;v ... 1 ', ............................................ 193. 41 .
The tl!)!llicati.on of To.vlor i'olvorson for reduction of assessed valuo.tiou on Sub Lot 1 of
Government Lot 4 in Section 11 'l'ov:nship of "l'umuli for the yP.ar l!i40 1ws relld nnd the Board recommended
to thP. Commissioner cf Taxation that said assessed valuation be reduced from .'.':226. to -:;;19 and the to.x
from -:"20,30 to .~7.09. ·
ThP. application or .::onn Svic-m for n?,;uotlon of asseRsP.d valuation of the Sl"/1 r.1111'. 11;. 3111! and
J,ot !3 ex. :LP.. in Section 13 ·rov:nshir> or: Tumuli for thP. .veo.r H!-1,0 on the pronnd o-f P.xcessive valuation
":os reo.d and the Soard reco'llmended to thP. Co'llmissi onP.r of ·.raxation sRid assessed vo.luotion be reduced
'"ro'II .f•l208 to .;::933 nnd the tax from .~'101.47 to ~·76.77.
The applicotion o·~ '.:hnrles r.ulstnd. aSF.P.!lSOr of thP. ';'ovm or Dunn, "'.'or cancellation of
assessment erroneousl,I' entered for structures ap;ainst Lot 4 and the S1• or Lot 5 in I:illarney '3each for the
.veflr 1940 was rend and thP. 13oara reco•n•nended tc the ~orn'llissionP.r of. '.Pexotion thflt said valuation for
structures bP. cance.lled nnd the assP.ssed valne cf said tract be reduced from /~449 to ,~·no ond the tax
from t27.48 to OG.73.
· The application or ~. )L ::ro.emer for reduction of assessed value of Lot 20 !3lock 30 in Lake-
view Addition to Parkers "rnirie Village for the year 1940 on the grouno of excessive valuation 1·:as read
ond the Board recommended to the Commissioner of 'i'axation that said assessed vulne be reduced from ,;:754
to .;:550 and the t~x .from -~82.19 to ,;;i59.95.
'.Phe application of 13ernhard Stc.ngenes, trustee of the Ue.thodist Church of Vergas, for the
cenoellation of taxes ror l!Jl8 nnd l'.11~ against T,ot 12 :Hoel: 13 in Scharf~ llesbitt's :'irst Adciition to
Verp;as ,·rns read ancl the Boord recOm'llended to the r:omrnissioner of' Taxation that the assessed value of said
property for said rears in the i;,um of C;433 and the tax o.f .~:21.56 be cancelled. .
The apr,lication cf ~larence :!iell,e for classification or T,ots 2 and 3 in Block 4 of the
OrLFinnl 0 1at or Jichville ror the .vear 1940 at hornestend rates was rend and the Soord recommended to the
r:ommissioner o-f Taxation thnt said la.nd bP so cla!'lsified. ancl the O.SRPSsed valuation be reduced !:rom .)301
to .~lRA and the tax from ,;:i34.26 to 19. 75.
':'he ar,pli.ca!:ion o~ !"irst "ati.onol '3anl: •• •~rust ·:o. for Minneer,olis for reduction of assessment
-~or thP .rear 1940 on the :ir11 exce,,t tract i.n Sec ti on2R 1ro1·m o"" ''lestern on thf'! @'round of oxcessive
vol1rntion V!:?.S reod o.nd the Board recom"lended to tht> '.:O'!l'!lissicner or 'i'axation •hot the nssP.ssed valne
or said tract be re/luced from f1H77 to /n:;33 and th" tax from ·"·113.1)0 to !)80.25.
The follo~inp applications ~or beer licP.nSeR were p;ronted; nfr Sale licenses to: ~alter~-
1:'.lein, resort in To••m o:'.' ~ush T,r,J:e: •Donald :'razier, '!)eer Lake "ark, Town of J:~verts: "· w. ~erg, T,al,eside
·:onntr.v :nub, Township of 0 erham; ~ohn F'rnnl:, ;!r,, ~•ran][' s T,odp.e, Tovm of Star T,ake; li'ro.nk :.!. :.luck,
Squaw Point ?~esort, Pine T,ake; Ed Ziells, ':3if.". :'ine 0oint, ;,ine La,e; George ~ones, resort in Sec. 23 Town
of ~ush Lake; Thornes:.:. i'/nllace, Sand :3eoch ?~esort, 'l'own of "ine Lake; Adolph !'.oehler, J·:oehler's ~esort,
'!'own of PinP. Lnke.
nn and 0~f Sale. beer licenses v:ere granted to: :!rs. 1-'rnnces "oltze, Carnri llirvana in !lidaros
•rovrnship ,•oe 3. F'ehrenbach, St, Lav:rence Store, '!'ov:n of Otto; George \'/illinms, Lakeside F'illinp.: S tation
ond -::afP., To,:m of Aurdal; George r::. 1>ov:en. Cro.nd View "eiphts, 'l'ovm of 0 ine Loke; ""'red Schultz. T en-!.!ile
T,eJ·P. resort in '!'umuli 'ro,·mship; "· ·•1. l.leier, "leosnrP. "fir!: Resort, 'l'own of rtter mail; HP.rmon Hue, :•1oodlnnd
Park, Tov:n of Girard; "· D,'Teidorn, ":VP.rf-reen Peach, •ro11m of Corliss; l•'red "I, :,!ollman, Sn11rner resort.
Dead T,ol:e •.ro·::nship; S.\'lvestP.r Shasl:.v. Lal:e resort, •~10\·m er Corliss: :!rs. GP.orpe T,und.\•, "einola ::al'e. Town
or T,eaf. T.ake; :.!rs. Viola t.lbers Gl<rnscn. resort. Town of Rush T,akP.,
Dance permit for the balance c~ the .venr 1941, usinp: rnechanical music onl.V, was p.:ranted to
Alex :,eyPr, at Alex Service Station, in Tovm o!' Star T,ake.
Dance permits r.or the balance of the rear l'J41 ~:ere @ranted as follo1·:s: 1r, "/. :.:eier, .
"leasure ,,arl: !~esort, •.rown of rtter •~•ail; Herrno.n A. and ~velyn 'Jeicl:ert. -Sabe's :l!esort on f,ittle !'ine
r.akP. in thP. 'l'ownshi!) of "erharn; L. ':. 1/oss, 1lhite F.at:;le Lodee, 'l'ovm or Dorn.
A rP.port of the Board of ALtdit of verification of the -Jurrent '.i'ax C:ollections of the County
Treasurer .l'or the period from .'.'une 25, 1940 to Jo.nuur.v 4, 1941 inclusive. showing total taxes collected
o-r .~377,082.61, was approved.
'!'he follO\•:i ng bills were allowed:
11. ·•1. Glorvigen drivers license exp-.
''Ii 11 iam !.incoln cash advanc:ed
u. ·:1. Glorv igen post o fficf! box-
rentand postag-e
i'/illia'!I Lincoln Soard of Audit,
T,ouise Stonanhl
pt. 1939 ~ nll l'J40
postape. etc.
"':. ,, . ~ovo.ng P.Xpenses
,,. ":. ''enkes boerdlnp nrisoners
Upeblad flnl-Jl. '!o. printi.mi-, etc.
?P.rp.us ,•ourna.l -::o. ud\'ert i.s i.n(!'
"ree "res!'I r:o. blo.nl::i
~une Depner clerical ~ork
1,."'."'ell -:'el. '.)o. lonr distcnnce cells
Tmr>P.rial Chemical r.o. supplies
?·ro.nl:l in ~ibbon •, Carbon r,o. "
i::ount.1• School •, Office Suppl,v '.)o. supplies
Geo. 9, Gunderson
!'. A. ;nderson
T,ouise Stc.•1dahl
."". ~-uenkP.S
:•fhitehead Printing Co.
"'erpus .'011rn11l -:o.
:.•ill,.r-"10.vie Co.
•erp:u~ ~luP. Print Co.
11.~.~ell ~el. ~o.
Uillyard Sales Co.
neol 1 •, ::cGo,·ron r:o.
Victor T.undeen •• Co.
Board of Audit 24.00
postage 34 .50
expenses 04.70
exne nses 133. 89
printing 1. 75
printin(!'. etc. 21ij.80
blar~s. etc. 91.19
stencils 2. 75
lonp distance calls 1.50
supplies 92.60
supplies 1.75
supplies, etc. 474.60
supplies 4.75
supr,lies 2.35 Fritz-r:ross '!o. supplies
T,ien TYdi,e. supplies
7 ,H7
,'ohnson Drue:s
"'orthwestern So.sh
·.•1m. (}alena
~i[!'htfoot's 3h6~
I Door Co. repairs 3.00
3d 0 olstrom rP.pairs
"intren-rarst .":lPc. •:o. repairs
'.:larenoe ~-Aune haulinp. ashes
!'yrnlln "'uP.1 ·'.:o. coal
Otter Tai 1 ,,oui1er Go. po 1ver
•'arp.o T.l'r>e•::riter Co. t.vr,ewritinp.
'.:it.v 7yr,e·•:riter Service t,vpev:riter ri'lbons
::ort in Shne t i!eto.1 Sho !> rad i a.tor po.n
:~rlin ~evnolds :o.iler
'lilli.a'!I :1·u:knri ,~ustice fees
Vinette rytkkari ~unicipal '.:~urt ~lerk's
Dr. ,. A. r.ee coroner's rees
1letPr uink, ,,r. Dep.Sheriff'o fees
Victor T.undee-n 'I: Cc. su;,plies
.,, . ~. n.ruce
,it.v of ""P.rp.us "'nlls ~.T.I A.rr.qarnord
::has. "· 11ord
3.00 Ci irurd 'l'·,:p.
Gfl.00 Dr."'. 1.. T,ee
6 .50 "'rank ...: . ~arnes
fees 5.40 Jillie~ Gueliow
10.70 ;)r. H. 11 • r,eibold
40 .40 :.:velyn E. Borek
1. 85 ,:it,v Typev:r it er Service
G.05 ~-•-~ell Pel. ~o. :1."•.~ell '1.'el. ;o. lone: distance calls
lfi.25 ::inr .. State Snnlltorium
pauper 1!3.00 ~it,1• Poor lJ1?:>t.
[2.20 Dr.~-A. Lee
"'niv ers i tr uospi tul care of paupers
Cit,v of l!'ergnr~ :'alls ca.rc c; ~ trr,nsient
~stre'!I Clinic core of transient
trs. Boline I jchleinitz exnminntions
". L. "lnntl in expP.nses
"Im. "· ZieplP.r, fnc. cnttinF-ec,res
~lk ?.ivP.r Cone, Prodncts i::o. onlvl"rts
t1errus Glass •• "nint Co. naint
~l[con TelPphone Cc. service
27.00 Sstrem Clinic
138.75 lfton Glorvieen
1514. 00 "aper. Cal'llenson ~, Co.
92.RI) '.:.'hP'.ltortroP.n Tns. Co.
1.65 U.~.13ell Trl. r,o.
4,75 ~-~-~ell Teleohone '!o.
repairs 5.55
repairs 5.75
boiler insurance 53.50
~nter I light 159.27
framing · 32.97
redecoratinp. Sheriff's
residence 175.00
-:iucrantinP. e::pense 1.50
services 2 .oo
:•unicipal ,'ndite's fees 61.40
constable fees 7.50
Dep. coroner"s fees 6.25.
clerical ::o rk 10.00
supplies 1.30
lone distance culls 7.30
cure o~ pau·pers 16G.35
care of transient 1.85
exarninati on !3. 00
examination 3.00
expenses 5.55
cutting elpes 11.60
insurance 80.30
lonp. distonce calls 33.53
services 12.60
DATE .................... '.a,•,r .. 14 .... 1 \H 1 ................................ 193.iJ..~
■EICURffll'. IILANIC DCIOK AND Pll~tfflNCI C!!!,,,8T, CU!UD,J!.l!INN,-ltltl.
Otter :ro.il "ewer Co. electricity 2<J.<J3
Andrew Anderson coal 5. <J3
\7 inther' s Lumber Yard, Ell.zsheth coa.l 2.G4
Am~rican Steel I ~ire Co, posts 2U2.27
Lars .'Hoen gruvel 6.50
Cust Baclcstrorn ero.,•el 11.25
Vernon Larson rental 2.50
., .. ,. ''O.flel shovel rental <J3.05
"einle Fick cash advanced 5,00
Al freci Gunderson rnesls 41, 35
Servic'! Recorder Co. rec.:orc:'ier 28.44 r-:. D. <;ape storsre 5 .oo
:,!inn. ;.101:or Co. tires •.: repoirs l<J0.2£
Bouck Chevrolet Co. ·repairs .50
Seunc:'iers Co. repairs ~.ij4
~--~. Schmidt rP.poi.rs 30.!l5
J,~e Chevrolet Co. rP.!lo.irs l.~15
Gereld ?jostelson rP.nnlrs 37.G7
~arson Bros. repairs 46,A5
0lson Auto Electric Co. :repairs 35.A5
Victor Lm1deen •• Co. supplies 6. 75
T he !:'ierce Co. supplies 3,31
Gopher Stomp I Die Co. snp~!ies 74.00
F.r lckson-"elleckson-V_ye Co. O. 03
0 onson qardware supplies 1,50
l;iinn. THph,13,'! Dept. supplies 8.00
''Tm. P. ~:ief.ler Co .• Tnc, parts 514.03
A-\'/ Go. ,Jnc •• of '..!pls. ports 7.<JO
!,!ahler V. Str,ms parts l<J,21
5enptson 0il Co. rosollne 12.16
'" ~-Scott. Arent gasoline· 20. 72
J!arthnn V. "Pterson Oi.l Co. gasoline 166 .37
Ernest Yea~le pasoline G<J.75
Ern,.st J.tmrensc,n gaso~ine 4.20
,'/est Lincoln Shell :aervice 21.<J8
Otter Tail Co-op. O.ils, rnc. " 40,25
Standard nil Co., Pelican P.apids. gasoline 35.50
Perharn co~op. Oil co. gasoline 133.<J2
Wm. ?.oers gasoline 10.24
~ill's Service :Otation gas~ oil 6.35
D.A.Lubricant Co. oil · 207.<JO
Draxt,m Cil Co. oil 35.75
Gamble s•ores, nelican Rapids oil 5.10
Ste.ndard Oil r:o., n.r..r.:elore, •\f"t. Diesel fuel 28.00
The Oil Store Diesel fuel 115,00
~-., • ~arke insurance 57<J.54
Ceo. 13,(:',underson exp.,nses 12.00
Henr.v C. uof"' P.:-:-penses 16.65
T,ee.f. !.lount o in ~\'![l, 1'11tarant inF! <'xpense 10 .00
r:, " <;lliott l1aulinp 23.00
Tov:n of nora care of poor,l!l40 4G.<J7
0 T.. Sandin cash edvenced 22.00
~ohn Dieseth r,o. equipment rental 402.00
John Uark shovel rent!ll 421.70
Leidal's Jewelr,v repa.irs 6.00
,,. " Schmidt repuirs <J.10
!,icCabe ?,ros. cool 47.30
ll',ff,Stohl Co. oil 70.<J7
Ferpus Oil Co. Diesel fuel 62.75
The followlT!f. resolution r:es adO!lted:
T,o.mpcrt T,tlfllber Co. lµm\Jer
coal Fred A, ::eller
Struci1an '!.: Quamme Dray
Sum I:ilde
I,ine v:cod
Ernest '• Harry Lo.v1renson
Dept. of !!urul Credit
F. \"/. :,teinke
!laill·1oy~·:x-press Agency
~ortin ?. Scheidecker
!-Taff's care
:'!e[lnblic ::reosotlne Co.
Saul !.[otor co.
'3ill Helson' s Oil Cc.
13rownse.\' !o !Jehl
Dent Oil Co.
:;, :Otate of iHnn.
sl.ov el rent el
c:o.sh advo.ncec
tire '!.: tube
repnirs Resset •, •/estby
~erhnrn Electric'!.:
., lJ. r.:stes
Radio.tor Shop repairs
'1. 1.. Shm tebeclt
?errus Iron Works Co.
~rec "rcss Co.
Hicols. !)ean '!.: Grer,1:1
Battle Lake Hur6wore co.
•'red A, Everts
i"rea Bauck T-,dwe.
re pal rs
re po.i. rs
Thorman 1i. Rosholt Co.
'Phe Ceo. 1'. 1>.va.n Co.
Cummins Dil'Sf'l Soles ••
Avis 3ov.ino.n
Service parts
Consumers Qil co.
T,en S,vverson
Park Heµion 011 Co.
Ferp;us Service Sto.tion
,John /ilo.p;nuson
Zie5ler V. Johnson Oil
T,eo. Wagner
D111.1ont Oil Co.
Dalton Oil Co,
'i:'raub Co.
;,10 tor Inn C: o.rage
gusol ine
gu.soline cc. ..
eo.s -rent
gasoline'!.: repairs
Diesel fuel
Diesel fnel
Ti, J·:. s tahl Co.
1~rnest Halbakl:en
Field '!.: !!01:,p.e Oil Co,
"enrose Oil Co,
Anderson •• Sandberp; Oil Co. Do.
"' !!-: • Amnnil sen
Yolrn1>r !"o.rvonen
"el'!n <1ohn
~. "· "!lliott To-vm of r.:dna
ts.king testimon,v
core of poor. rn36
and l<J37
., .J,. ::lots. •a Pirst
of Battle T.ake
;tohn r·.!ork
Hat ional Banl:
Soe :;,·.n1shusen
~ausou Iron ~orks Co.
Vill. Battle Lake
Central ~66" Station
1:rc.vel pit
patrol rento.l
1·1eter charges
1esolvP.d b.V the Boe.rd of: Counts Co·n:nissioners of ()tter Tail Connt,v, !;!innesota:
2. 31
'J.30 H.oo
7J'l. 70
12. 17
24. 72
47 .30
13. 47
10. 70
57 .60
Thn.t under provisions o~ r,hopter 76 o-f the T,aws of !!innesota for 1U41 th,. sum or ~1,000.00
be and the same hereb.'f is set nslde out of the !'!evPnue Fund or the Connty as a Contingent :'und f.or
de-l're..vi.np the necessor~• expenses o-"' the Sher.trr in imrestip.o.tine; nnd pre,oarillf. criminal cases. and
payinp. necessary ex-penses or tl,P Sherirf incurred in the bnsiness or the Count.v, and th!! Count.v Anditor
is instructed to moke the necessory entries on the records in his of:~ice.
Adopteci :.Ta.v 14, l!l11. Gee. 13. G1mderscn, Ci1airman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
A report of: the Board of And it of e.<amins.tion o.f the c.:urrent tax collections of the Count.v
Treasurer r.cr the period from ,1a.nunrr G, l\J41 to !.larch 11, 1~41 inclusive, showil".f. total tax collected
of flA7,855,68, was approved.
A report o~ the Bo11rc1 o:i' Audit of examinntion or the oc:counts of the !'!ec,ister of Deeos for the
period from Jul,v 1, l<J39 to l.lnrch 31, 1941 inclusive, showinB a total fees deposited with the County
'l'reo.snrer ror said period of t18,55ri,60 was approved.
A report or the ~curd of Audit of examination of the cnrrent tax collect ion of the County
•rreasurer !'or the period from ."une 25, 1~40 to ~anua.r,\' 4, l!Ml inclnsive showing total tax collected
of ~377 ,082.61 was nppro\'ed.
!lpon motion the Board then ad;ioumed to !lai.r 15, l<J,n nt ;J.O o'clocl: .\. u.
Pursuant to adjournment the Board met at 10 o'clock A. 1.1. Thursda.v. !·,lo.v 15, 1941, all members
beinp. 9res,mt.
After discussion, upon motion the Board o.f.Tef'd to purcha.se three motor potrols, r::ommissioners
sn01.,..berr-and Gunderson votinp, '':Jo" on the motion.
Upon motion the 13oard acce[lted the bid of A-\'/ Co., Tnc .• of 1.!irmP.so tu., for one Austin-western
motor pntrol for :~:6<J67. Commissioners Sti,ov:bere and Gunderson voting "!lo".
Upon motion the Board accepted the hid of the Ceo. T •. ~an Jo. for one Call ion motor p:rader
for the sum of ."'6482, r.o:~-nissioners Snowbere ond Gunderson voting "ilo".
Upon motion thP ~cord accepted ti~ bid of Rorchert-Tng~rsoll, rnc~. for cne Allis Chalrners
-noter grader ror thP sum of ~6518, Commissi.onP.rs !inowberg onil Gunderson voting "ilo".
DATE ....................... !.lD.Y. ... .l$. •... ll.l.1.l. ........................... 1931L.
After discussion the question o·f purchnse of rota.ry snc1·1 plows v,as laid over to the meeting to
be held ~une 10, 1941.
'Tpon motion of C:o'!!missioner no-"~ the Board set aside the sum of '.~500.00 to be made available
to ,wch to~mship in ntter Tnil Count.v to hP used in the yeo.r 1911 uniter the followln13 conditions:
1. Said snrn to be mntched dollar tor dollar b.v the respecti.ve townships.
?.. Soi.it mone.v is tc be spent for the constrnotion or improvements of mall rontes wherever
3. ihe selection of the location of the work to be left to the ~udgment or the respective
4. Services or the Count.v ~:ngineering Department 1·0 be left optional v1 ith the township official
'.1.'he applicntlor, of r.:. i3. Schneider. orent for Charles liord F:sto.te, for reduction in assessed
value or r.ots 8 nr1d 9, the \"/est 260½ ft. of HE¾ SW,lt and all Im} swt except rurt south of railroad, in
Sectlon 33 Town of Sverdrnp for the yeo.r 1~40 wos read o.nd the Boe.rd recommended to the Com,nlssioner of
•ro.xation that the nssess~d valne o'!: said property be reduced ·from '!\1141 to :!;'760 nnd the tax fro'll :~119.01
to t99.26. ·
The npr,l.icr.t ion of F.dward Ogra.ske for s,ettlenumt of taxes for 1938, HJ39 and 1940 ll8a inst the
SE; except tract in the northwest corner c!:" Section 23 '.fo"m of Corliss for the sum of :~165,00 ~1as read
nnd the Board recc'!lrnended tc the Co-nmissioner of '.i.'uxatlon that said offer be accepted, this beiTI!! a
recluc tion o-r .AA .48 1rom the full amount o-r snid toxes.
The Villope cl' ll!-'1·1 York l.lills reouested ...,ermissic,n to clean out part of Count_y I.itch !Jo. 65
soutrr,vest of the VllLafe, l'pon motion the petit.i.on was granted.
•1pon motion the '3ot1ru then o<'i .iourned to •~uesda.v, June 10, °1~'11
DATE .......... i:uue ... 1.0 .•.................................................... 19311.A
::---.mcuam IILANI( DOON, AND PRINTING C0.:,.8"· CLOUD,.~ .... ~_--·
!/IINUTES OF AD.'<'U~tl';:i) :.r.-::TI11G OF ~OA,!D OF
CCUH'l'Y C('T.fL~TSSlOi~~s OF ('(Tr";~ TATL ccur:~rY'
:.nmrr:SOT A.
Pursuant to ad;ournmP.nt the13oard rnE't at 10 o'clocl: 't. :.i. Tuesdny, June 10, 1041. Present: ·Com:nissioners
~-~arvonen, r.u.ncl erson. uo rf. .\.•1mndson o.nd Snowberp;.
Sherif.:'.,. r:. Henkes re1Juesteil an o.dili.tiona.l thirt.v da.vs time for cc-llPction o!' l!:M,l personal
prop~rt:r taxes. l1pon "lOt ion thP. re-:uest •:ms p.rnnted.
:.!embers oD the •ro1·m Board o:r •nuffton or,peared to discuss with the !?-Oard matters pertai"n1np to
roads in so. id tol'.''1S hi u.
A delegot ion of citi1.ens ·rrcm S:aple i,uke and Leaf :.fountain appeared to urge the i.mprove:nent of road beti·,een soirl townsh.ips.
l.le!nbers o·r the Town ·3oarci o-r Clitherall '1'01·1nship discussed roo.d matters ·.-:1th the Boe.rd.
Louis gvers submi ttea proposal to tiie Bue.rd to fill open joints in sundstone at the top of the
'.:ourt House and to point open joints of ;JTick in 1,art of suid buildinr,, and after consideration the Board
c.r-reed to accept his proposal to do work us outlined by him fer ti1e total sum of _,;;:485.
A pl.!t of' Engle's 13each in Pelican Lake in the Township o-r Scambler, o.ccom!lanied by an 1i'bstroct
and by a '.:ertiflcate of 'ritle executed by~-L. Alexander, Abstn,uter o·f '.l.'itles, was approved.
'.Phe apnlication of Ceoree I:1, .3ov,en for dance permit ut Suv:en' s Grand. View Heights in the Townshi1
of "ine Lake was r.ranted.
The Township Board of "erham •:,ownship oppeareti to usk for a.id in upl~eep o.r road running from
Perhom 'lil.loge easterly to Gro.nrl '/iew Feights in the Township of Pine Lol:e. After discussion the ~o•n-
missioners ar,reed to examine thP. rond as soon o.s practicable. .
Edward SJogre'l requested th~ Co•nmisf.i.on,..rs to chnnr-e the location of ro t•d along the west side
of "elican T,o}:e in thP. Township oe Scamhler. 'rhe Board ap.reei; to take action on this reouP.st sometime
durin~ the session.
!lpon mot.ion the Bo arc: then ad ,iour :,ed to 10 o' c loct A. :.: . .;une 11, 1941.
Pursuant. to acljournmP.nt the '3oard met at 10 0 1 clock A •• J.!. June 11, 1941, all members being prese'1t,
.l. delegati"on o~ citi1.ens appearetl to re-,nest improvement oe road in the Township of: Gompton.
Upon '!lot.ion thel'loarci Sf.reP.d to accept thP. of~er of thE' r>hoeni>: '.!utnol Li!:e Insnrance·co. for
fifteen acres o:r ltind in Section 21 in the Towne1hir> of '"!est'!rn, said lo.nd to be used as a gravel pit.
;iointl.~• ··.,ith ·"filkin '.:onnt:,;, the land to be purchasP.d jointl.v h,v ·•1iltin and C'tter •rail Counties at the
op.reed price of ::\2.000, one-half to be paid l>.\7 eoch county.
The follow ins resolution ,•,i;s adopted:
?.esolve<' by the Si,;o.rci of Connty Commissioners of Otter Tail Coimt.y, :.:innesota:
'.!.'hat under the provisions of Chupt,ir 1G3, Cenerc.l Laws of ;,[innesoto. for 1941, the following
named persons be and the,\' hereby are certi:fied for the pnrpose o-r chest surr,e:ry at Glen Lo.k.e Sanatorium,
the cost for said trea.tment to be paid for equally by the State of. ;.!innesota and Otter •rail '.:otmty, as
providecl by soia chapter: ,foarles ~•riehl, 'l'ovm of Hobart; !.!rs. ?.ossie Schultz, '!'own of Elmo; Freda.
t::lausen, Town of Scambler; i,iandus Haglund, Deer -.:reek; 0 eter Lausen, Fersus ii'alls.
Adopted .:'une 11, l\l41. Geo, '!3. Gunderson, Chairman.
Attest: William Lim:oln, Clerk.
The ·following resolution was adopted:
Eesolved by the Board o:rcount:; ':ommissi.oners of Otter •rail County, ;,annesota:
\'/hereas, this Boa.rd has heretofore uontracted with Leitch Construction Co. for grading County
Aid .:'ob uo. 40:67, and
WherP.as. same has been fully completed according to the-::np,ineer's certHicnte on file r:ith the
:::ount.vAnditor, the total cost o-r: said ~·:ork being :;3,971.9!>, and
\'/hereas, said work hn.s been examined and accepted b.\7 a committee of this Board,
How, therefore, be it resolved thn.t the County Auditor nnd Chairman of the Board be and they
hereby are authori::ed nnil directecl to issue to snid contractor n. warrant on the :~oad ·and '3ridee 1,1und of
the Gonnty in the su:n of 1~425,55, amonnt dne accord inr, to said r-:nginl"cr' s certificate.
Adopted this 11th da,;· of ,1nen, 1941. Geo. 13. Gunderson, Chairman.
Attest: William 'Lincoln, Clerk.
'l'he :f'ollo1·:ing resolution was ado 11ted:
Resolved by the Ronrd of county CommisGioners of otter ",'ail connt.v, :.!innesota:
Whereus, this ·Board has heretofore contracted witi1 Leitch Construct.ion Co. for grading County
Aid .:ob :!o. 40:63, and
i7hereas, same has been fully completed auuording to the '~nglneer's certificate on file with
the county Auditor, the total cost of se.id work beil'lf, :~4,234.~lA, and
Whereas, ea.id ~,ork hes been examined o.nd acce!)ted b,v a com~ittee o:r. this Boa.rd,
!!o•v, therefore, be it resolved that the r.ount.v Auditor and r.ha.irmo.n o: the Board be end the,v
hereb.V are authorized encl directed to issne to sold contractor a warrant on the :!ond and 1,ri.df:-e Fund of
the Count.v in the sum or :~123.50, the o.monnt due o.ccordil'IF. to said r.nr;ineer's certificate.
Adopted th.is 11th da.\7. of •1,me, 1941. G<:?o. ~-Gunderson, Chairrnon,
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
'i'he ·petition of .:ohn 11. Scott: to vacate part of count.v Aid !1oad !:lo. 177 between ~rhards Grove
nnd "elican Tovrnships, and the petition of Herman Scott to vacate pa.rt of County Aid noad !lo. lol between
said townships, were a.gain taken up for rinal action and interested parties 1·1ho were present were permitted
to malce their statements. After consideration the matter was laid over until later in the da,y.
A report of the Board of Audit .of e..camlnation of the accounts of P. IL Ree. Gounty l'reosurer,
eor the period from l~ebruary 1, 1941 to A,1ril 30, 1941, sl10,·: ing balance in the Connt.v 'l'reasury at the
close o·r business en said lc..st mentioned date of :~487,907.68 was upproveo..
'l'he a[lplico.tion of Clarence -:. Harmon for classification of S./·~ IIW~ Sec. 6 'l'own of Gira.rd for
the year 1940 at homestead rates wus read and the !3oard recommended to the Commissioner of :l'axation that
s:~id land be so cla.ssifiecl and the assesseii valuation reciuced from 094 to C;5o and the tax from :::,:,.11 to
... 3.54.
'.!.'he application of Ole A. Jacobson for classification of .not 5 Block 58 of the Original Plo.t
of the City or ~'erg us Falls for the ,\7Par 1940 at homestead rates was read and the Boo.rd recvrnrnended to
the commissioner of Taxation that snid land be so classified a.ml thot snid assessed vo.luotion be reduced
f'rom :'.'634 to :~453 and the tax from !"74.!32 to 1)50.07.
DATE ................... ,T.u.ne. .. J.J. •... J..U!H .............................. 193J. .... .
■mntrD.IILM"'·'°°" NfD.P.RlffflNG.CO.a.8To,CLOUDo.MINN,=HHI
The application of :.lark C, i,lcCrady for classification of Lots 5, .:; and 7 ln Block 4 of the
Ori1dnal Plat of the Villaee of :Uch:ville for the year 1940 o.t homestead rates 1•1as read o.nd the Board
recommended to the Cornmissiont=!r of 'l'axat ion that said land be so classified umi the assessed valuation
reduced :'rom ~·472 to :~295, and the tax from 053,72 to _;:3;~.57. ·
The application of A. !L Johnson f'or classification of Lots 7 anci 8 in Sec. 33 Township of A:irdol
for the year 1940 at homestead rates was read und the Board recommended to the Commissiuner of Taxation
that ~aid land ge so ulassifie1l and the assessed valuation be reduced from ;;:l::Jo4 to t'639, and the tux
from .:.,A7.46 to .,,,46,93. .
~'he application of Arthur J', Luhning, assessor of Otter Tail Township, for reduction of assessment
for strnctures entered against Lot 15 1nock 2 "leasure 0 ark Beach in said to1'1nship for the year 1940 on the
ground or over-valnn':lon was read and ti.e Bo·o.rd recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the
assessed value of said propert.v be red11ced from ,!'-141 to ~·53, and the tax from ~14,18 to .'.'.'5,33.
The npplicotion of :.!urtha Petlund :or canc~llation o"!' assessment for structures for the year 1940
entereci against Sub Lots 1, 2 and 3 of. the S~ !Pl-'1· Sec. 1 Town of Tumuli on the gro 1md that there were no
structures on said tract ot that t.ime vras recd und the :3onrd recommencied to the ·commissi.oner of Taxation
that thP. valuation for struutures be cuncP.lled and the assessed value of said oropert.•1 be red11ced from
.'3QF; to .~68 and the tax from :'. 24. !l5 to :~7 .13.
•rhe application of Arthur Silverberg for cancellation of structures ror the year 1940 us entered
against part of Reserve •~ l,vinr north o-f T,ot 21 and also all or Lot 21 in Blocl: 7 Leaf Lal~e 0leasure
Grounds in the 'l'o!Vnship of Leo..r Lnke on the ground that there were no structures on said lot via.a rend
and the B oard recomrnended to the Commissioner of Taxation that the assessment for structures be
cancelled and the assessed valuation against said property be red1wed fror:i .~lOG to $16 and thf' tax from
~10,09 to ~1.52.
'l'he sp!)licotion of !'lfl.J.ph •;, E1.1arsticl: for reduction of assessment for 1940 against the :rJ.·1:F:3
f Sec. 33 'rO"!TIShi p of :/Jaine on the !lround of over-valuation vro.s read and the gonrd recommended to the
Jorn'lliBsioner o~ "'axation that the assessed val1ie or said oro1,ert.1, rie reduced from f·S44 to .:;693 and the
tax from '.'·75. 79 to :''62. 23. · ·
'l'he application o"f :.Irs. 1·111da Anderson :'or reduction in the assessed valuation of. structures
for thP. ,VP.Ur 1940 ap:ainst the H} of T,ot 18 in '3locl: 5 Orip inal !'lat of ilew Yori: :.li Us on the ground cf
ver-valuat ion was read and the Soard recom'llendeil to the Co•n'!liss ion er of Taxation that the assessed
olue o~ said property be reduced from :'.'ll700 to !,:1480 and the taxes from 8209.10 to ;~182.04.
The appllcat ion of '.:. A. Aduma for reduction of assessment fer the year l!.140 against the
1,1'· ui;:1--sec. 22 in the Vill"age of Hennlne on the ground of over-valuation 1·10.s read and the Board recom-
ended to the Commissioner of Taxation tht>.t the assessed value o-r said property be reduced from -;::500 to
400 and tile tax from '.,;:42.00 to -~3:3.60.
'l'he a!)plicution of the Fairmont Creamery co. of. Omana. lfebruska, for cancellation o.f personal
ropert,v assessment ln the 'lillllf,e of !Jenning and also in the Village of Battle Lake for t,!1e year 1940
,ere rend end after discussion upon motion the petition was rejected.
Upon motion the !3oard. toolt a recess to 2 o'clocl: P. M.
Bids :~or road oil ann tur as called for by the noard were opened and read. After consideration,
upon motion the Board ilccepted the offer o-f Socony-'locuum Oil Cc. to furnish road oil in full carload
lots at a price of !'·G.6~( per gallon ror SC-3, 4 or 6, r,nd a price of 7J:,s-pP.r r,allon for :.m-o or 1. i'bese
prices inclucie deliver.\' to points in Otter Tail Connt.v.
'1pon motion thn Bouril accerted th P. offi;ir o-r-Republic Creosoti n,,: Co. to furnish road tar in :full
carload lots of 10,000 (!ll.llons at a pricP. of lOf flP.T gallon, ~eliverecl nt roints in C'tter Tail Gounty.
Upon motion the Auditor •·:os instructed to ud'!ertise for hids -for cc,nstructing certain road jobs
as outl inP.d b.V' the -r.:np.ineP.r. bids to he opened ut the session of the 'Board to be held .:'ul.Y 15, 1941 ut
2 o'clocJ • .,_ !!. The 1ues t ion of purchase of Sno-Go ro tar.v snov: plovr 1·:as aruin tal-:en up and upon motion the
matter ":os laid ovP.r to 10 o'clock ,\. ;.I. September 10, 1941.
'l'he question of vacation of parts o"'.: r:01int.v Aid ~cods !To. 161 ond :10. 177 was tnken up and after
discussion upon rnotion both o~ said petitions \'lere rej'ected. .
.\fter "'.:urthP.r consideration, the reqneat or ":dwa.rd Sjogren for change of road along the 1·1est
end of ?elican T,ake in the •ro1·:nshlp o~ ';oarnbler wos re,jP.cted.
The followiniz resolution •·~as adooted:
Resolved by the 3onrd of ~ounty Commissioners o-f Otter Tail Gounty, ~innesota:
'rhat the sum of ,".:3,000.00 be set aside from the "'eii'enue "und and appropriated, sub,ject to the
order or-the Dean o-f the :Cepart11ent of A0 ricnlt11re or thP. Universit.v of l.Tinnesotu, ~or the support of
Count.v Co-operative ·0;xtension work in ar.ricultnre and home econo-nics in Otter 'i'ail County for the ,year
beginnin!! July 1, 1941, in l\ccordo.nce •with Chapter 4£3, T,a~,s o: 1923, and a.eta s11pplern1rntar.v thereto.
''.esolved "'.:urther, thnt the additional sum of :!'200 be set aside from the Reve11ue Fund 'for so.id
purposes ~or the year end inp. .:iul,y-1. 1941. ·
Adopted Junell, 1941. Geo. ~-Gundersen, Chairman.
Attest: \'lillinm T.incoln, Clerk.
'l'he follO\'ting resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the Boo.rd of County Commissioners o.f Otter "l'uil County, L!innesota:
Whereas, this Board hue hereto.re.re contracted !Vith A-i'/ Companr. Inc., of !.llrinesota, .for one
A11stin-·,·1estern !.19 all wheel drive motor grader vrith Diesel power unit for ,;o9G7.0.0, and ·
·."/hP.reas. same has been delivered to and accepted by sold Board,
!low, therefore, be it resolved thot the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board be and the,i'
hereby are authorized and c-i rected to issue to said c ompuey a warrant on the Hoad and Bridge Fund of the
County in thP. sum of ,6967.00. ·the contract price.
Adopteci this 11th da,y of June, 19,U. (.;eo. ~. Gundersen, Chairman.
Attest: i'/ill io.rn Lincoln, Clerk.
Th~ following resolution was adopted:
Resolved by the 13oard of Count.v Commisflioners of Otter '!:'all count.v, l;linnesota:
That thP. snm of ~-100.no is hereh,v appropriated to thP. Otter Tail County ~istorlcal S ociet.1•, and
the ~om,ty Anditcr and ':huirmnn or the ".card arP. a1.1thorlzed ond directeti to issue to said society a
warre11t on the :!eV'i!nue 1>11nd on the count,1• in said o.rnonnt.
Adopted .inne 11, 1941. C:eo. B. r.-underson, ~hairman.
ttteat: ~illiam ~Lncoln, Clerk.
The ·following bills were allowed:
Evelyn '·:. ~ore!~ clerical 1·10rl:
'.'."'l.~ell Tel. ':o. :j.onr. distance calls
Dr. "Im. O. I,!cLune exemina.tions
i,linn. f.ltate Sanatorium care of patients
,, • ~. 11enkcs e.xpenses
~-~-~ovang expenses
r,ouise ::ltondahl e;:oenses
·•. ·•,. C:lorvlr.cn arivi;irs license P.XP,
Dorothy Jillerud clerical 1·:ork
l.:ary ::c!lonell clerical work
"orri;ist T,ien clerical work
?ictor Lundeen~ Co.
Dr. ":lrner. C. "a11leon
Dr. Hcnrr Sil~er
Vlll. or Clitherall
,~. '.!. 1renJ:13s
Louise Stcndnhl
"· ;·1. Glorl'ii;;en
June ner,m•r urs. J. 0 • rranson
T,ill,v :•.':'rosvik
~di th 3oen
care or poor, l!.140
bourdine prisoners
pos top:e
stampec envelopes
clerical work
cler1i:cal ·::ork
clP.ricol v:ork
clerical work
2138.75 c,.oo
19. 50
DATE ................................. 'une .. ll .•.... l\141 ................ 19341 .•
l.loble u. ~osso~1 clerico.l work 15.00 Violet •rolmquist clerical 1·:ork
~bbn !i!. Adelsmnn clerical v:ork 13.50 T,u"lerne A. ,1ohnson clerical work
Ol[l'a 'rorvik clerical work 15.00 Avis zorfkn clerical 1:ork
'3attle r.a.ke ~evifm net ice to to.xpn.1·ers 1.00 The Perho.m Cro.phic notice to taxua.,ers
"'ergus .~ournal Co. :orintinf!. etc. · 97 .20 "'oucher "r.lnt ing •• Lit ho. co. records: etc.
183.54 Pritz-Cross Cc. record G8.25 Securit,v '3lo.nl: ':look •• '.'rtg. Co. records 'l:
,1hi tehee.d "r in ti 11f. Co. blanks 31. 75 blanks 156. 45 l.'.iller-!'o.v ls C:c,. bl nnks 57. 25 Free 0 ress Co. blanks ;; .15
A •• P -'cod Store su•>'!)lies 2.75 li'ro.nkovi:>. lldwe. Cc. supplies 4.44
Victor Lundeen 'l: Cc;. supplies 27 .45 Fre.nto\•iz l'd,·:e. Co. sttppl ies 3. 77
Natl.~ushinr ~, "Dorts '!o. 11 7.2~ Lorson ,ros. '''elding repairs 4.75
":ducatlonal 1'est 'lureau examination,; 94. ~2 Clorence R • .i_une ho.ul im o.shes G.00
Axel "!. 1Tolm~uist black dirt 7.00 '.:it.1• or. r'erfUS ""alls wnter ·•• lifl'ht 152.79
0tter 1'ail "o:·:er !::o. power .ll.f6 ''iplm.a,v Cr'?enhonse plantillf. garden 147.50
,..erp.us Service Station r-o.soline .71 '"'. s. "!lli.ott hanlinf. .50
:•.··1 ,'t\ell Telephone ':c. lonp. distance calls J.9.01 ".··•.~ell ~elephone ''.c;. lon,-distance cr.lls 1.10
;Jo. Do. 28.90 '.Io.son Pnbl. r:o. Annotnti.ons '• Digest 7.50
.\merican Lav: ~ool~ '.:o. nnnotntions 12.00 "'/est '.'nhl. '.:o. tl ... l.Bif.cst 'o Heporter 25.00
:.lllfne :,!a::-tinscn constoblr-? fees 5.90 ?ran]~~:. "arnes :.:unicipul Juclc,e's fees37.10
S. ·,. nelson Dei:mt,\' ::Jherlff's fees !i.25 .:oseph ::a.~•npr liep. SJ,erlff's fees 21.80
Ur. ·1 •.. ~. :.Iiller ..;ep. ;Qro,,er'o .!:'c,:,s 1G.B5 H. L. Sa11din cash aclvonoel 12.97
"'"· L. Sandin expenses 1J2.15 A. Glorvigen ex1ie11ses 37.55
L,vle 'rollerson expenses 17.85 r.ecn Hennagir cash adv..s.nced 3.63
S. !L "all cash advanced 2.00 F'eri;us ,;ourns.l co. advertising 5.40
E lk River Cone. .Prod. Co. cmlverts '~59. 56 Lampert Lumber ...:o. culverts 61. GO
1~.V • .:>ohnston Culvert Co. culverts ~,29.84 Us.yes Sules Co. outtine, edges 17.60
~'raub C o. .' rent 10 .00 Ose 9ros. equipment ren to.l 129. 25
,,. J. Hagel shovel rentnl 332.35 ,lohn i.Iur}: equipment rental 1:1.50
,;o, :•1. Steinke shovel rental •193.95 Pree .Press Co. supplies 1.65
!,!inn. 1~lfhwa.v Dept. supplies .50 Panama Cnrbon Co. supplies 18.00
!.!inneapolis Blue "rintinf! Co. supplies 16.54 Ser1•ioe P.ecorder Co. supplies 91.00
A. Ftlnneman supplies 102.05 Frankovi:.: !{dwe. Co. supplies F..23
r~orr Peterson Hdv:e. co. 11 5.60 l'/iloox I.umber i::o. supplies 3.74
Pelic!l11 Suppl.\' Co. supplies .50 ?red A. nverts supplies '•-32
Tesch-Dertin@er Lumber ...:o. 11 71.95 Natl. ~ushin~ ~ Ports co.sunplies 90.36
I:ttlsPth Sn~pl,1• Co. supplies 105.51 Atlantic Steel Co. supplies 14.55
'.ficols. Dean '• Grcf'.e suppliPS 56. 23 :·1m. H, :ier,l~r Co .. !no. supplies 21G.45
;'/hitehead Printine co. supplies 3.75 l.ia.hler ~ stratts oa.rts 37.72
North1·:estern Sheet ~ Iron ',/orks ports 105.72 '!'i,errman 'J. Rosholt Co. parts 15.01
i1aino Kela Gl!lrage repairs 2.35 Saul l,iotor :.:o. repairs 1.85
'Tenry l!olme.ren shovel repolrs 46 .o5 Pergus iron \'forts co. repairs 55.10
r.urson !lros. repr,irs l!'J.95 Viilsfe or Dent repa.ir street 19.50
~'ortwengler l::leotric Shop ·• 2.50 Olson Auto Electric co. repairs 49.50
Gerald T,1ostelson rep11lrs 1•1.24 Loke Ref.ion :.1otor co. repairs 60.80
goruilert-[ngersoll, Inc. 11 4.71 Geo. 'L'. R.vnn Co. repairs 5.50
0.jorl:lund Mfr,. Co. repoirs 2.flO Fritz-r:ross i::o. stool Hl.50
otter Tnil Po1·:er co. current 21.57 I/.\''.13ell Telr-?!)hone Co. services 5.flO
u.n.Rell Telepnone Co, lonp distance calls ll.A4 1err:us Blue 0rint Co. prints 6.50
"elics.n •~elephone r,o. services 3.75 "'o.rk HeBion Co-op. E.lec. Assn. movine; _oole \JO.RO
Raymond ~res. 1,[otor •~•ro.ns!). Co. freir;ht 3. 24 ~ailway ::xpress Al~ency ex nress 1.36
Sterline toclt Co. louks 6.00 Lampert T,u'!lber C-. o. calcium chloride 255.00
C.B. Lyons% Bro., Tnc.atlacide 88.00 Gopher :;tump 'l: Die Co. signs 22.80
;,,lbert 3esl~e gravel 15 .93 '.Jinn. i.iotor Co. tires 140.00
Bill Uelson's Oil Co. tires~ tubes 107.06 Stnndo.rd Oil Co,, Duluth read oil lG.13
li.A.Lubrica.nt G o. ,Inc.oil oY.30 c.;,1.Dro.xten oil 35.10
;•rest Lincoln Shell Service gas 'l: oil 16.26 Ray's i:ien·ice Station sas ~~ repairs· 5.55
H enning Oil co. gasoline 83.25 r:rnest Veo.::ie ea.soline 30.40
~eBon Chevrolet co. eo.soline 1.00 Perham co-op. Oil co. e,a.soline 51.02
Erwin Siegfried gasoline 53.53 Pere.us Service Station gasoline 37.99
CTest Otter Toil Service Co. " 47.25 Harthun~ PPterson Oil Co. 11 97.60
Olson Oil co. gasoline <JG.16 !3engtson Oil co. gasoline 34.74
ii!ils Oil co. gasoline 1.95 111otor Inn Garage gas, eto. 46.!)0
Penrose Oil Co. fe.soline. ntc. 34.14 ~'err.us Oil Co. BOS-~ Diesel fuel 126.45
Til e Oil Store Diesel fnel 92.54 l"ield 'l: Hor.re Oil Co. Biesel fuel 140.25
And~rson '<: Sandberg Oil co. Do. 72.80 Standard Oil Co .• OC.i,!elroe Agt. Do. 63.50
Standard Oil co •• "el.lean go.saline 3!l;25 ·:.I.ills Oil Co. r:s.soline 2.10
Avis Bowman p.r,soline 53.20 'l'raub r:o. sasoline 23.10
r.rartin :i:r. Scheidecker co.sh advanced 13.75 \'/heeler '1ros. cash ad,•a.ncer-6.98
Cummins 1iesel Sales ~ Service '!)arts 10 .48 "Jenr,tson Oil Co. reno.ire 1. 50
'I ill. :1. v .;,!ills r.arap.e rent 180. 00 •·10.l ter ?era.la p.rovel 3.50
r.. IA'.el1€e r-ro.vel 8.32 °. LI. !~ee postage 117.00
J. c. Henkes stamped envelopes 121.52 Helen Bohn ta.kine testimony 12.00
Henry C. Poff exp.attending meet. 7.20 Yalmer 1:arvonen exp.nttend,meeting 9.00
Geo.B.Gtrnderson Do. 11.60 ° F:. Amundson Do. 10,65
G. P.. Elliott hauling 29.95 r .. :L l~lliott hauling cotton 15.00
The follov!ing resolution wos adopted:
Resolvec.'I by the "Board· .or County Comm:issi oness of Otter Tail count.1•, Uinnesota:
\'/hereaA, it is the opinion o·? this Board that !·he best interests of Otter Tail Count,v will be
s,.rved b,V' a five-member county Welfare Boo.rd,
UO"I, therp·~ore. be it resolved thnt under the pro•1isions of '.:hapter 284 General Laws o:f
!.Unnesoto '!'or 1941. the r,onnt.1• 11/elfare '13or.rd of r.tt~r T!l.11 Count.r shall consist of five members. three
of whom shall be Connty Commissi.oners of soid Count.v. and the other two members sho.11 he appointed by
theDlrector ofSocia.l V/elfare of the State in the manner provided by said r.hspter 28•1.
Adopted June 11, 1941. Geo. B. Gunderson. Chairman.
Attest: \'Ii llisrn Lincoln, Cleric.
Upon motion the Board then adjour.ned to July 14, 191~1 at 10 o'clock A, u.
/ p , . f)
DATE .......................... £"'.Ml..V. ... l .•... .J.~.!1:.l ........................ 19311 .. .
COUli'l'Y, !H!WESC>T,\.
Pursue.nt to call s igneil by a majority of the l3oo'!"t'I of' county commissioners.
the Board met o.t 2 o'clock P. :.L .~ul.Y 1, 1D41 to occe!)t contract a.nd mal:e -payment to
Louis "".vers for repairine stone and brickwork ot the Co1mt.v r::ourt Fouse.
Present: Commissioners Gunderson. Hoff ond Snol':berg.
•rhe follov!ing resolution was adopted:
P.esolved b.v the Board of County r.ommissi.oners of Otter '!'ail County, Minnesota:
;'/hereas, this "loord has hereto rare contracted with Lenis Evers ~or pointing
open joints in sandstone 1.1nd certain open .ioints or briel: in the Otter Tail Cou.nt.v
Court ~ouse, and
l'lhereo.s, said worl: hos heeri completed and :i:nspected b,y a ma.iorit.v or this Boo.rd,
!!or:. therefore, be it resolved that the so.id ~!ork hereby i.s accepted and the
~onnty Auditor and Cho.irmon of the Bourd are hereby authorized and directed to issue
to said oontre,ctor o. warrant on the Revenue F1md of the County in the sum of t4B5,00,
the agreed price,
.tdo pt ed July 1 , 19,U .
i'lilllam Lincoln.
Geo, n. Gundersen,
The re being no further business, upon motion the Boo.rd then adjourned.
Attest:11 \ r
DATE ................• ~ul,v ... 14 ................................................. l!Jll.:!:., .. .
■D:U9'n:! ~NK NGK AND PIIINTING CD,0_D:_'I'. a.GU_!:!, Ml!tfl~IIII
mrrnTES Ci!' REGULAR !,i':S:THlG OF 90ARD OF
~otmTY' :.IIU!'ESOTA.
nursuant to sto.tute the Boord met at 10 o'olook A. '..!. Uonclo.y. ,1 uly 14. 1941. Present:
Cornmissioners •·arvonen. Gunderson, 1rof-f, Amundson and Snowberg.
The Town Soard of Tumull appeared to consult \7ith the County Commissioners relative to gas
tax road in said township.
The County Auditor presented to the P,oard the followinr. esti:no.te of expenses for the ensu.ing year:
The follov:inf. est imo.te of expense::; for the ensuine;
Salary of ::011nty of.:."icierR
year is herewith submitted:
Salary o·•· Count.y Cor.imissi one rs
Cl~rks, Janitors, etc.
Jailers, Deputy Sheriff's, etc.
Boord or. prisoners
.iurors fees
\'/ i tness fees
Bailiffs. Reporters, etc,
.iurors. Justicie court
~itnesses. Justice court
.iustioes and Constables
Tnqnest P.xpenses
Report or births and deaths
Lirhts, fuel, etc.
'3ooks. blanl:s and stationery
0 rintinF and advertising
~xoe~se with insane
::ounty ~elfare .,und
"'ostnee. express and freir.ht
eonrt 'louse grounds
Attending Assessor's meeting
:.uscellaneous Revenue
Read and 9ridge Pund
Poor li'und
Sana tori nrn "'und
Dated .inly 14. 1941.
20,000 :~~mr,mm
Respeotfully submitted,
The ::onn t.\' !l.nd i tor presented the -follow iniz
C(1''l''r"!' 130.A"D, o·rT•~R TAIT. ~('!Ul/'rY. :.'.H!!-!1·'.',0TA:
''lillio:n Li.nooln. County Auditor.
sto.tement to the Board:
Pursuant to la1•1 T present below. a statem(->nt Rhowing the amount or. ta.JCes lev_ied for ::ounty
for the current year, the o.rnounts collected and a:,porti oned tc date. and the balcnoes uncollected,
with the actual cash balnnce remaining to the credit o'l' each Count,\' fund at the close of
on the 30th da.'i of June, 1911. \'/illin~ .Lincoln. county Auditor
County :-:evenue 'f,'und
Poor "und
Road and 13ridgeFund
~ount.\' '.'/el fare T-'il.
Sinlring "'und
Amount Levied for current
:~;68 , 000. 00
remaininf. to the c::-edit o:' eacih ?und o.re as follows:
r:ount.v-~evenue Fund
'POOT "'und
~oo.d and Bridge To'und
Old Ar.e Assistnnce ~a.
:'i to h "'und
Tncidental '!'und
contingent T-'unds
Insurance l~d. ·Cattle 'l'.~."'und
Debit Credit
691, ll
1,665.73 87.33 3 ·537 71 Sinkinp .,,UJ]d County ;·1e1:rare The follo1•:inE' is a stntement cf the accounts remnininf,
24,608.10 ' •
unpaid on the contracts already
entered into by the Board.
1"(1~ WP" ·\T "!"~"OS<:
Road !.\o.into.ine-rs
~oad r:on tracts
;'!o ad Oil
Upon motion the 900.r(} then took a reoP.SS to 2 o'clock P. !.! •
AMC''IJ'1T DlJlo~
~-13 ,000. 00
Dr, Clarence Sier.el. Superintendent o~ tlle 0tter •~ail '.:ount.v Sanatorium at O tter Toil Lo.ke,
consulted with the 'Joard relative to certain oases o.t said institution.
'l'he '.:ount,v ·•1el fnre'3oard presented to the Commissioners ettimate of expenses o-f that department
for the oomil1(!: ,venr, and made reco,nmendaticn for a levy of ~·110,000.
'fhe Board and Sheri:~f ,: . ::. "enkes went over the list of .uncollected rersono.l property taxes
for the year 1940 ,nd ofter,ex~ninution made the following report:
P.eport of the County 9oard of the County of Otter Tail. State of !.!innesotu, of Uncol.Lected and
~anoelled Personal 0 roperty '.:.'axes for the Year 1940. Fergus Falls, ;.linneoota, ,1uly 15, 1941.
'3e· It r:novin. '!.'hat the ::onnty socrd cf Otter Tail co1rnt_v. :.Iinnescta. did meet in session on
the 15th dB,\' of .:.iuly 1941. the so.me being the first session of said !3oi;rd after the 10th day of ,iune. 1941;
that at said session 1·he r:ounty 'L'reasu rer o~ said Conn ty deli,_. ered to s uid 13oe rd the 1 ist of uncollected
-personal !)roperty t::ixes for the rear 1940 top.ether ;~i th his certificate thereon as re-:p1ired by law; and
thnt at ea.id sessi.on the said Board did duly consider said list of nnoollr>oter tnxes. rind did conoel such
taxes o.s the.1• are satisfied cannot be oolll'!cted. •~hot the follor:inr, is a correct list o t" said uncollected
!)f"rscnal nrooert.v taxes 1'1 siita r:011!'1+.'' for Rntn .1•ear o!: l!MO, us so reviaeci. 1,~ sni.d "Soerd. to-~1it:
Jlden, eorry c. Rev.
Atl:inson, LeRoy serr-, Roy 1-l,
13oen. Rudolph
Brace, :.iiltcn
Brill, '.:ela A,
Chopman, r:. ::: . c hristensen, Guy
CJ:ola , J , V •
ClOV inf., Andrew
Dohl, :'.nil re":
ooerinf. <'t to
ounbnr. ". 9.
Er~ckson, ·'::. 13.
Erickson, '::lorence P,,
i;:rl.l: i lla, H be:rt
Perrns 8-tP.v: ine Co.. Inc.
Ferpus Mash Go.
Fischer, •·1rn.
Flink, Arthur
Prenp,, 3enoni n
Freudenberg, Otto H,
proslee ~state IU. H.)
Gilson, L,vle
Gri~pento£, l. u,
Gustofson tubr. Co.
TJalvorson, Henry r..
~olvorson, iienr.v ~.
l!rinson, ":dward
Heestad, '.:arl
~iendrickson, ~. "'.
Pendricks9n Cabin Cn1J1p
Hersche,v, Donavin
HiP:f! ins, John
Hinch, Joseph C.
Hinch, Lloyd
!linch, Ro,v
Huskins, Fred
Jacobson, n, V.
Janke, Leo
Jensen, r:. !,l.
,Johnson, Gerherd
Johnson, 0erhard ~-
Johnson, ,7am'!S
,Johnson ·:o":or r:o.
,Jon<>s, ··.raiter ii:.
,•uvrud, Olaf
~inp., (~. ,., .
r:~ono. r.:~il
1:nu tson, Ra.vmond
terson, ~layton ?.
L erson, ;tohn J>,
Larson, Vernon~-
Lemke, \'Im,
tevorsen, I:in!!'don
J,iph tfoot, ,, . n.
Liehtfoot, ;'. D.
r,ind er. John F.".
:.tnrkert, \. !:! •
Unrtes, r.eo.
!.iort in, Lew is :.,ord
Wut in, J.ewi s ;'lord
r.1cG01von, :::o rdy
'.,lelvold, ;'ohn
i&obere, ElmP.r
Moen, Ed
:,tvhre , u. c .
Helson, !I. r..
Helson, Obert C.
Norman, :r. E.
J>anter, '!:r,1eat VI,
Panter Seea •c Feed Store
Pearson, ":bier
Perham Plumbinp. ~ Heatine co.
~eterson, ~red A.
Pettit ~rain~ Potato Co.
i:>ett:i.t r.rain •,. Potato Co.
:Ungdahl, ~eater
Rix, Ro,v ·
. Roas1J1i.ller, nr.van
· Sam'l!ons , ,10,.
' Scheidecker, ,1ohn
Schra'!lm, Alvin
Schueller, ·•1m.
Shield, ilels
Smith, Uabel
S uhring, A.
Super Oil Co.
DATE ....................................... Z!l.l.'!. ... l:; .•....................... 193ll.. ..
Tovmship or
1th Ji;i·d
llev1 York 11illls
3rd ,/nrd
3rci \'lord
:Jew Yori: ,.!ills
Pelican ~apirls
Parkers Prairie
:::leer '.!re~k
F.rho.rds Grove
Pel.icun ""'.anids Otto ..
1st :·rora
1st •·:nrd
2nd ;·1ard
Pelican Rnpicis
Parters 0rairie
Pelican Rnpids
1st ·.13ra
1st ·•10.rd
''lt. Ol'lf
??er hum
Ouk V o.lle,y
2nd ·:1i1rd
3rd ·,lard
3rd ifard
1st \'lord
1st :•1ard
2nd ·'lorci
3rd •·rard
t:ew Yo r}: i.li.lls
'3t. Clo·~
..,elicon ~api.cs
Pelican ?.a.,icls
Pelicon Rapios
2nd :•1urd
3rd '.'iord
3rd "lord
!)el.': vork. l.lills
3rd '.'/ard
3rd i'lard
4th ward
star Lake
2nd \'lord
!Huffton '!ill,
Uew '!Ork !.!ills
9.3 ~arkers Prairie
1st l!'orci
!lev1t on
Otter Tail
Perham Vill.
Doll&.rs ~ts.
17.01 7 .38
1 .86
90,0A [l,33
4. 21
3. 72
39, 36
fl. 29
Penalty, F'ee
and :::osts
Dollars :;ts.
1.24 ,47
2. 23
1.14 1.53
Tutul Tux
Pen.'I: Gosts Hemarkh
]Jolla.rs ,::ts.
· 19.54 Collect
0.62 "
10.!30 11,0fl
9. 70
7 .42
5. 70
5.66 2,:;,51
DATE ............................• inl.g ... lA •................................... 19&1. •..
Thompson, Charley i.I. Pelican Rapids 10.00-1.59 11.59
Tingum, r. D. New York ::Ulla 101.48 13,85 115.33
i'linslow, John L. Candor 3.68 ,74 4,42
Zelle. !'!. 1-1. 13lu rfton 13, 92 2. 11 16 .03
That the !ollowing is a correct list or the pPrsonal property taxes in said County for
.veo.r which said qoArcl are se.tis:t:iP.d connot be collected, and so cnacelled by said n.oo.rd, to-wit:
All is Che.l'llers
9erg, •~enr.v !.~.
Bertha Hardware Store
'!3lock, Arnold"
Bothwell, ~sther
Brainard, Don
Srj•ce, George
Campers, "e?my
Cash "c Carry ":leo.ners
Collis, ~ucl:
Diamond, 11..
Eid. S-:. C.
Eis1'leld. 1Jenr.v
~rickson "c Secker
Pair:non t r:rearner.v Co.
Fairmont '.:reamer.r Co.
Fairmont Cry. Co.
Fergus lo'alls ;·ioolen !.!ills
Forman, Mrs. Tillie
Hagen, Ludvie
Hall, Andrew A,
Hanson, .•ennie
~anscn, Wallace U.
"arre.ng, :,!ill ie
l!elerud, Esther
Hovden, Laura.
Johnson, ~-· !.i. Johnson, C.race E,
Johnson, Rev. ~. c.
J'!:rull, i::erl
r,eke ~eg ion Oil 00.
T,ars on . r . "
Larson. Ole
r,ovell, ·":heater
J,ux. ,_., A.
Us.honey, Cordon
~elbostad Food Store
Middleme.s, ·:. R.
MUrph,v, l,Irs. Frank
!,lve.er, r-. L.
Nelson, A. :.L
Nelson, :~obert
Norby, J.!aria
Olson, Tda
0nPrheim, r,uther !!,
Pa•'llowske, John
?eterson, (El bed al Est.
Peterson, •~ira'll T-T,
Peterson, (P.01 Est.
Pinp,ree, :,Irs. •nmer
Polme.n, !lick
Redlinger. Frances
Ridley. P.. ., •
Riple,v, ~orl
Ruud, -:award I'/.
Sayer, s. J.
Sieverson, A. J.
S'llith, ~iche.rd C.
sorfle.ten, r::arl
Spra{?ue, r::. F'.
stein. '3nrne.v
Strehlow. ·~rnest
Sund , Conrad ,, •
S,vdness, r::lara
Texaco Service, r ~ ~
Thompson, A •• ~.
Thompson, '"'. .'.
Tjornham ~ Aldrich
T.;ornho.m, !':1mneth
'l'oftel.V, •~. A.
Torrison, Orrin
Torson, Fe.rr.v A,
·,'!alters. ?.a,1•
\Yard, z:. ~.
;•iarcl, P.olf P.al ph
Weis en, Joseph
Welch, ~redericka
\'/ernip:, :.like
Westad, l.Ielvin
Wheeler, J.~. 1~.
wolf :•ieur U Well Corl).
To1rmship or District
0 elicun Rapids
Porkers ?rairie
3rd ·1srd
3rd 1'/ard
Pad clock
Parkers Pro irie
Batt le T,al~e
2nd War<i.
Cli there.11
3rd \'/a.rd
3rd l'/ar<i.
Battle I,a.ke
4th l'fard
1st \'lard
Defid T,r,.te
2nd 1.'ferd
Deer Creek
Deer Gree!:
Otter '.I'ail
3rd ;••arci
Parkers Prairie
Pelican He.pids
Battle Lake
3rd "Iara.
Pelican ~apids
3rd \'iard
Rush Lc•ke
Star T,ake
4th ''fard
Pork,Hs "rai rie
Pelican ~opids
"elican :~apitis
Star Lflke
2nd Ward
Ott ert o. i.l
Tax Penalty.Fee Total Tax,
Dollars Cts. and i::oats "en. "c Costs
3. 20
2. 25
Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts.
5.93 4ij,32
.68 3,88
1.19 8,17
.53 2.60
.43 1,77
.55 2.60
.68 3.89
.38 1.36
,47 2.14
,69 3.99
.32 ,83
.30 ,73
2,95 23.08
.92 5.90
.47 2.11
.!52 2.56
1,57 11.39
6.82 55.85
.35 1.09
.53 2.60
.45 1.97
.52 2.54
.41 1.60
.85 5.35
.45 1,94
.60 2.38
.29 .60
.41 1.60
,47 2.07
.85 5.29
3.25 25.57
.38 1.33
.42 1.73
.79 4.79
1.09 7.29
1.00 6.58
3.31 26,14
.55 2.84
,52 2.58
4.34 34.84
.38 1.42
.50 2.32
.59 3.10
.64 3.56.
2.79 21.76
.39 1.45
.62 3.35
.62 3.40
.62 3.41
.59 3.10
.65 3.65
.43 1.80
.95 6.20
.79 4.83
1.04 6.91
.43 1.76
.50 2.43
.89 5.66
.47 2.14
.39 1.42
6.68 54.72
.09 5.61
.47 2.14
.43 1.76
2.48 19.08
1.10 7.42
.57 2.96
.38 1.34
.38 1.34
.44 1,83
.57 2.92
.48 2.19
,50 2.36
.39 1.42
.33 .97
.30 .71
• 29 ,64
.43 1,76
.60 3.22
.32 .84
.47 2.11
'l'he County Board of Otter Tail county, :.annesota.
Geo. B. Gunderson
Yalme·r 1:arvonen
Henr,v C. 110-r-r. Attest: ~illi&m Lincoln, ~ounty Auditor. "'. -,;: . Amundson
-:orl A, Snowberr
" 11
" II
DATE .......................• 1uly ... 14.L ....................................... 19311 .. .
n.:a Ja:ufll1J. JIDOK.~D.P.ftltfflNG.CIO.,,DT,,CLGUD..MINN--nlll
~• The following resolution was o.dopted:
E!esolv ed b,v the Boord of County Commies icners of Otter Tail Cvun ty, i,iinneso to:
i'hat under the provisions of Chapter 163, Generu.l Lows of l.lirmesota for l!l41, the following
nomed persons be and they hereby ure certified for the puri>ose of chest surgery at Glen Lake Sanatorium,
the cost for s':1id treatment n to be paid !:or equally b,v the State of I.Iinneso ta und Otter 1'ail county. as
provided by said chapter: vlifton Hage. Pergus Palls; Olav a Ryen. Fergus E'nlls · Irene Pe<ierson !lidaros
·~v1p. ; ~ls i e ''licklund • r,,ergus Falls. ' •
Adopted ,1uly 14, 1941. :;eo, B. Gunderson, Chairman.
Attest: ''/illiam L.inooln, ':lerl:.
:1pon motion the 3onrd then adJour-necl to 10 o'clock i... :,r. Tuescia,v, .'uly 15, l!l41.
r>ursnant to ad,journment the 1300.rd met at 10 o'clOlll-" \. i.i. -:'uesdoy •. 'ul,v 15. l!lll, all members
being present.
Edward Sjopren appeared before the qo~rd rel~tive to chnnge of rend along the west side of
Pellcon T,o.ke in the Township of Scambler. 'rhe !3onrd Sf.reed thnt 11 comm.i ttee would e;:amine said proposed
chsnp:e as soon as convenient.
The '!.'ovm '3oord o.!' .:':ap,le T,ake aope?red before the qoard to request the con1:1truction of gas tax
road in soid town ond of:'.ered on behalf of tne tovmship to PB.J' the sum cf ~2.000 toward the cost of
said work.
'1.'he ~own !3 onrci of ":f1'ington C0"1Sultecl the ~card rele.tive to road v1or}: in the tc•11nship.
Upon motion recess vrn.!l taJ:en to 2 o'clock"• :.i.
-gids :or road ·•:erk as o.dYertised for b.vthe "!card were opened ond reed ond tal:en under
consideration for action later in the session.
The a.pplioo.tion o~· ~en ,:imber as 3!."ent ror 'L ,·;. "'obes as o,-mer of Lots 5, u e.nd 7 in Sec. 27
rown of '3utler "or set-::lemcnt o-r taxes 0.1:ainst so.id lands for the .veers l!l31 to Hi40 inclusive was read
ond the Soard recommended to the ~om~issioner cf Taxation thot the o•fer of ~100 fn full oo.vment ror said
taxes "or said years be accepted. being o. 1·eduction of .'.·191.05 from the full .. omount of ta~es, penalty
and interest.
'l'he application of '.3en !:irnoer as agent for C. '.'/. Fobes as owner of the S} U\'P·, Nt SI'/:• and
?1"/1 11·.•1.:L :;ec. 1 i'ovm.of '~orlis::;. for settlement o: taxes for l!J:54 to HMO inclusive was read o.nd the
~card recom·nended to the c·ommissioner of Taxe.tjon that the o"fer of .;;60.04 us full po;rment of said tuxes
for said years be uoceptec. being a redm:tion or .".;340.21 from the full umer1mt o: said taxes. penalty
encl interest.
The e.p>lication of ,len 1:imoer as agent for ::. ·•1. 1''obes as o,mer of the ii~-SE¼ Sec. 1, s½ IY":·1 o.nd Lots 1 o.nd 2 Seo. 5. Lots 2 und 3 Seo. 6, and !.rot 6 Sec. 11 :rovm of Butler ror the years
1934 to l!l10 inclusive v10.s rcud and the '.lourd !·ecommenc:ed to the Comrnissierner of i'axution that the
of~er of :"'170.45 in full payment cf. said taxes be uocepteci, being a reduction of '.'.!:ill .36 from the full
amonnt or to.;:es. pena.lt,v and interest.
The applicetion o-" ":. '!. Sanl ~or cancellation ot assessment for cottage 1'.or the yeo.r l!l34
on the s:ast 60 ft. of T,ot 6 of Subdivision o"f r.o-t: 9 ::nook 2 cr,vsto.1-T,ide. '3eo.ct--s on the f;round that
thP.rc ,·10s no structure on so.id proo!"rt.\'. Vias read anc1 the "?oerd recom-:ienciee to the ~o,unissioner of
-:axotion thr..t naid vo.luu'"i.on be cancelled. IJeinf. o. rec'uction o"" assessed value of so.id pro,,.,rt.v f.ro11
:!'109 to .''40 onc1 reduction in to.x "'rom ."-6.41 to ,'2.35.
•~he applice.tion o·" '.TrA. Ancire•"l ':lf!nde -"or reduction of assessment •'or st:ructnres e.p.ainst s•,.:i. ex. one acre school, in Sec. IJ ';'01·:n c" ":vnrti> :or the .,·ear l\140 i'1as reod o.nd \"l:e I?.oa.rd reco::i":ended
to thP ~o'!l-:1ission"r or Taxation that thP. assessed volue o! said property b!" rPtuced fro::i ~1~77 to ~1175
for those years. and the tax fro-n ~04.70 to ":71.25.
'l'he application of Cle .1 ohnscn ror classification or ··11, 11"·1-:• 8P.c. 26, lr•t SE~ c.nd SE: si::: Seo. 27.
"I', r;·•p o.nd 7.25 acre tract in Sec. 35, all in 'i'Ol"mship of "'olden -ror the .1·eo.r l!J10 c.t homestead rates was
read ona the ~card reco-n"!endeci to the Com'!li.ssioner of Taxation thct said lanci be so classi.1'.ied end assP.ssed
~slue reancei' fro'!! :"·1147 to :;688 Rnd the ta;: 'l'ro:n ''•fl4.fJG to :"44.13!l.
'l'he c.n•>lioa.ti.o!'! 01· '-:ril: '"orde ~or cla.ssiricotion of si of Lots 1 ond 2 in 3lock lti o:r ::errth
Divisio"1 in th,, ':it:, of ,,errus "'alls ,·oy the yPnr 1940 at homPsteo.d rntes wos read and the '!3oord rP.CO'!l•~ended
o th,. '°:o'!l-:1lssion"r o1' '"'axo.tio"1 th"t sai.ci l~nci h" srr cls.f'c;:i~iP.d o'ld the sssP.ssed value rer.nced f.ro-n :'535
c '335 U..'ld !h~ tax "ro11 ~·63.133 to ~·37 .03.
':'he on·,licstion o-:-·~eda. a'ld :.!artho. ":dlnnd L•or clnssitication o"'.' T,ot 7 'Hoel~ 5R in the C'rip.inal
"l'.J.t ou ~h .. '!it.v of ::-'erpus '"ells fc.r the ::ecr 194'1 nt h0-:1P~ter-ic rates l":r>s read ond the '9onrd reco'1111Pndel
o the Cc~t'!lissioner or ~•axation thrit snid lnnd be so olo.ssi!ied o.nd the o.sAe':lsed valnP. be reduced f:rom
~1031 to ~615 and th,. tax fro~ .'123 to ~71.30.
•.=he apnlication or""· I.I. 'rhompson for classification of T,ots 2, 3 and 4 in .:'ohnson '• 'l'hornpson's
~d~ition tu the 'lillSfe o~ 1ienninp for tile .\'ears l!J;Sfl, l!J39 and l'J40 at hc,mcRteo.ci rates was read and the
~card reco•n•nended to the ::omm.issiuner of Taxation that the assessed vulue of suid propert:r !:or said :reo.rs
be reduc:ed from .:·1200 to '.·n,o und th!' taxes .::ur saio .reo.1·s be rec.uoed to ~2u·1.o,1. beirig a reciuotlon of
~119.30 f'rorn the f.ull a,nount o.:: taxes. penalty unci interest.
·:he a:ppli.cntion of ·:stiler .;tri.rrler for clo.-,slficatlon of l!V/; ::;cc. o ·1•ov:n of '"'estern '.:or 1910
at homestead rates wi,s read and the 300.rci recommende, to the Gom,11issiuner of r;'axo.tion that so.id land be so
~lassi ried and the assessed vc.lue he reduced from :"·1214 to .~'/o4 and the tax from :·82.05 to ~·42.51.
The application of Alfreci 'i'. Anderson ,:or re ,uc,;tion in ussesseC:. vulue of '.::net 8.8 acres of
'-tOt 12 and South 3.2 acres of Lot 10 and "/est 20 rods or Lot 8 Section 5 •~•ol'ln of '·:astern for the year l~J40
·,as read and the loo.rd reoom-nended to the Gor:unissioner of Taxation that the assessed vo.lue be reduced from
~165 to i':06 and the tax ~rorn f;ll.58 to .":4.63.
'.'.'he a.pplicot.ion o~ :;,rnnk rrom·rn for rm1not ion in o.ssessment for structures .!:or the .vear l!l40
B/'Binst "qlock 1 Orip. inal --,lo.t, C:li?.o.l>eth '.'illa1:e was rencl and the ~on.rd recoinr.iendecl to the ComrniB:Jioner
of Taxo.t ion ti;n-t: the assessed vo:t11e o ~ so.id propert.v bP. rerluoed from ~1833 to ."'1513 and the taxes :rem
•131.lfl to All0.75.
The o.p!)licatlon o~ ::ortin '"hirley os •ssesAor o~ the r;'O"ln o" "'rondh.'.em, ·~or cancellation of
taxeA "'or l!l',0 ope.inst Sub Lot A of S~· SF.~· Sec. !l in so.lcl to••rn on the fronncl thet sa'id propP.rt.v is
owneri b,v a church orroniirn: ion o.n<: nsec" !".wlu3ivcl.\' J'or rel ipions !)uruoses was read :incl the 13 or.rd
reco•n'!lended to the r:ornmissioner or 'l'nxoti.on thr.t so.id lond be r;:ernpted from taxation, being a reduction of -:35.14.
The 11.pplication of r.. G. Vfatnao.s. f.or reduction of o.ssessn1ent fer l!J4Q o.p.o.inst 1:1•}:• SI'/~ Sec. 17
!'own or. "'olclen Y1a.s read and a!'ter e:-rn.mination o': the assessment of' thi.s s.nd o.d:oininf, propert,y and after
full consideration the Boa.rd rejected the i>etition.
!.irs. Laura Sturdevant asked ror the cuncellatlon of assessment of t71.25 for weed eradication
as cha.rge,1 ap.ainst the F.} s··1l o·f Sec. 12 in the '.i,'ovm of :rewton. Al'ter consideration. npon motion the
request was p.rantecl and the assessment ordered c11ncelled.
:[ Hotic1:1 wos receive<'! l"rorn the Villere ~P.corder of "arl:r.rs Prairie Village thr.t said v il.lar-e had
Jpssessecl npo.inst T,ots o and 7 in "'loci: 4!) T;e.keview Adrlition to Parkers Pi·oirie the sum of .''12.50 each !'or
·saniti:ir,v sev1er. these lots bP.ine: to.x-forfP.ited lots ror sale b,y the Count.v, Ltpon motion it was ordered
hot ... 12.50 be added to the o.prraisP.d volue or each ol' said lotR.
DATE ....................... ~:!!.J..V. .. J .. 5 ~ ........................................ 193.1!.•
T>etition for count~• road in the t01·mships of Leaf I:!otmtain and Eagle Luke, and petition for
chanp.e o ~ state Aid ~ond :Jo. 5 in r:f~ingt~n onri t1arl:ers Prniri: 'l'own~h~ps a.no i~ Uidaros on~ Leaf.
:.lountniri townships were all read. ond npon motion action on so.Ld netittons v:os aeferred unt.Ll the .:'ul,v
rn"!et inp. in 1942.
Upon motion the ~oorci then aci.'ourned to 10 o'cloc}: A. !.I.July 16, 1941.
;"/ED!li;~SD.o\Y Is SE:SS IOU.
Pursuant to ad.iournment the soarci rnet at 10 o'cloc}: ;.. :.i. 1/ednesdey, July 16, 1941, all
members being present:
l'ile petition o :f "'eter Glornby to be set over fro rn Dist. 193 to List. 159 was taken up for
final action. After listening to the statements o.r all interested parties, upon motion the petition
l'he petition of Otto :.1. nuuont to be set over from Dist. 198 to Dist, 175 ~rns taken up for
final action. After listening to statements of interesteci parties anci the County Superintendent of Schools
upon motion ~he petition was granted and the Boord issued the follo,1ing order, to-v:it:
1/hereas, the petition of Otto i,1, D11Uont, a legol voter, :freeholder and resident of School
District l!o. 198 in this '.!ount.v, representinr, that he is the owner ol' the l&.nds hereinafter described,
which are situate in said School iJistrict, and nd,ioin School ".:'istrict !lo, 175 f1lld asking that he with hie
soid lands may be set orf from said district 110. 198 to sai.d odjoininf. school district Ho, 175 was
presented to the 13oerd of Count.,, ::ommi Bf'lorn=irs o·~ this ~onnt.'/ nt o session of said board held on the 13th
da.v of I.larch A. D .. 1941 ror thP. action of said boord thereon; ond ,:hereo.s it wus thereu·pon ordered by
said board that o hearing shonld be had on soi d petition, nt n session o:f so.id boord on the 16th day of
July ~.n., 1941 ot the Com~issioners ~oo~ in the Court Honse in the City of FerBus Palls in said County;
nnd whereas it wa.s further orderP.rl in and by said order that notice oC the time and place of such hearing
be given by postinr, copies of said order in three public places in ench o!: the school districts to be
af-fected b,y said petition, anrl by mailing to the clerk or eoch of soicl School Districts, a copy o:f said
orc1er at least ten du.vs before the time appointP.cl for such hearing: and whe reos at the said session of
the said Bcnrd of County Commissioners on said 16th day of July A.D., 1Y41 due proof of the posting a~
service of said order of he a.ring as therein di rec tea and reqnired, more than ten days prior to said lost
named date, having bP.en mrule and filed, said petition 1·ius publicl,V rend ond oonsidP.red b,y the Soi;.rd, with
evP.r.vthinr, which was said b.V said interestec1 parties for or aeninst p.ra.nting the pra.ver of the peti.tioner,
and snid Board beinr, o'I' 01Jinion that SA.id petition should be r,ranted, it is hP.reb.v ordered and determined,
that the said petlt ioner and the -Col101•1in11 described lands ovmed b.\' him, to-wit :lJl'f'-Section C. To1·rnship 135
~anp:e 36 be and the so,ne are hereb_v set orf !'rom saici School District ilo. 19A to Boid adjoininp. School
istrict lio. 175 ancl said lands o.rl:! hereby rnac1e a part o" said lost n3med School :!.:istrict f.or all
urposes whatever.
'B.Y order of the !3 cord of Cou11t,vComr.1issioners.
Dater the 16th day of July A.Tl. 1941.
/Auditor's Seal)
ttest: \'filliam Lincoln, County Auditor
nd ex~ofl'icio Clerk of Board.
Geo. n. Gunderson,
Chairrn':l.n of the Boord of County Com-
missioners o:!: Otter Tall County, :.ti?m.
The petition of ,lake Dost asking thu t the ·:1½-SJ:? of Sec. 31 Town ofPoddock be set over from
ist. 271 to Dist. 253 was read and it r:as ordered that a hearinr, on said petition be had at the session
f the Sea.rd to be held October 16, 1941 at 10 o'clock A. 1,1, ot the Comm.i..ssioners' Room in the Court 'louse,
.nd that due notice of the time ond place of said her,ring be given os required by law.
The petition o·f Joe :lutten oski11B that thew½ Im¼ except trnct, ond SE} HI'/) in Sec. 15 •rown of
,utlP.r be set over frorn Dist. 165 to Dist, 2u3 wos read ancl it was orclereci that o. hearing on said petition
e had at the session of the Bourd to be held October 16, 1911 Rt 10 o'clock A, li. at the commissioners'
.oom in the Conrt 'louse, o.no thot due notice of the time ond place of soid hearing be given os required
~' law.
TJpon motion it ~:as orderP.1' thot the ~onnty pnrchnse ··our copies of the 1941-1942 directories
eing 9repared b.v the J"eiter ni:rP.ctor.v Co. ror the C.it,v of ,;,erp:us Folls nnd includinp: the rural directory
or ad~acent territory.
:.!embers cf the 'lillSJf-e Council o·r Clitherall Villap.e A.opeared to urf?'P. the immediate construction
f curbing ond llutter in the ville.p.e as a.e:reed upon hr thP. :?-oard, o.rid f'or oiling said streets.
The riuestion of var.ions oiline rro,iects at differP.nt points of the Connt.v was discussed
horoughl,V. a.nd the Board arithor.ii1ed the followin{? oil in/! ljohs ~,hereby the ad~oinin11 property-owners
frected wlll !')a.rticipa.te in thP. costs: ::.A.:l./,f39, S.A,q.~12, and C.A.?..~!26 in the Village of Dalton.
,etween T,ake Lida &.nd T.akP. Cr.vstal on S.J• .. !L¥4. Sanatorium to outlet of Otter •~ail 10.ke on S.A.!~-~!l.
. ,A.?..~5. Villor,e of. 81.ithero.ll, curb-izutter and application of oil if wP.ather conditions permit. The
.,oaro also authori::ed the extension of oiling on S.A.,L¥18 beginninp, 3 miles northe11st of Perham and
unning northeasterl.v approxirno.tel.V 2 miles to a point neo.r the intersection of S.A."R.-¥2 and S • .A.!":,1~18.
,lso re-oiling S.A.~-~21 in the Village of P:rhard. 'fhis completes the oiling progro.rn for the year 1941.
On motion the 'Boarcl rejected bids for p.rading Count,\' ,"ob 41:29 in Elmo and ·:,oodside, and
41:28 in Rush Lake.
'fhe Board accepted thP. bid or Oscar ,ion.-s for constrn.ctinp: ¢ounty .:'ob 11 :27 in •~lizabeth ond Oscar 'l'ownshi ps for the sum of ~6925. 07.
Upon motion the r,onnt,v Auditor wos instructed to advP.rtisP. for new bids on .'ob 41:29 1rnd 41:28
ond for bids for constrnoting road ,'obs in •rown o? '!'rondh.'em. •rovm of t::f·~inr:ton, 'l'owns of Inman and.
Deer r.reek, ond in the Towns of Otto. llewton, 110,n"!steod P..11d "inP. Lake, sai.d hids to be opened at the
session of the goard to be hP.ld Aup.ust 12, 1D41 at 2 o'clock o, J.
!,{"!mbere o !' the Otter 'l'ai 1 Cotmt.r Sane.tori 11m Board appeared to discuss the neeas of the Sana tori um
for the coming yenr, estimating said expenses at ~:21,800.
A petition .in regard to cleaning clogp.ed read ditches in Sec, 6 'l'ownship of Compton wos read
to the Board and Comm.issioners Amundson and I:arvonen ,:ere appointee u cornmi.ttee to investigate.
ThP. application of Ole Paulson for cancellotlon cf assessment for structures for the year 1940
Bainst the HE'· NW} and Lots 4 o.nd 5 of Section 19 in To1•:n of Tumuli on the e;round thot said structures
r.'ere also assessed ln Section 17 of said Township v:as rend and the Bourc1 recommended to the Commissioner
f Taxation thut such assess11ent be cancelled ancl the assessed valuation of said tract be reduced from
"954 to :~440 ond th P. tax from !-~63, 54 to :$29. 30,
'l'he application of L. o. Holverson for cancellation of erroneous assessme!lt for structures for
he .vear 1940 against T.ot 4 in SilvP.r "/iP.v: Pork in the Towni;hip of r.:verts v1as read and the Boord recom-
nended to the Commissioner of ';'a.xotion th,;t soid assessment be co.ncP.llecl and the value of soid troct be
educed f.rorn :!'154 to :l'-22 ond the tax11s from !-'11,9A to ~":l.71.
'fhP. applica~ion o-f "filliom "easle,1r ror classirication of T,ot 3 in ::;ection 5 •rown of l"riberg
or thP. .v.-ar 1910 et homesteo.d rotP.s wos reod and the T\oard recom':lendei! to the commissioner or: •raxation
.hilt snid lanci bP so classi.fiecl and the assessed \'aluation be reduced Crom ,:'160 to .'.:;96 and the tax from
'8.5A to N.30.
•rhe ap"lic:nt.i.on of •~a Hi.ntsolo., ma,vor of I-lev: '.'ork :.!ills, for cancP.11:ation of taxes "!'or the _vP.ars
934 to 19•10 ap:oinst ,90 acre in the 11"'1·1 Hi"ff SP.c, 17 'l'ovm o"f 1:ewton, said land beinB owned by the villope,
DATE ......................... 'uly. 14 ....................................... 19341.
[IL_,~!& AND '8llff'ING_c;o.,.e:r, ca.qu_q,J!INN.-11.J.fl
was read and the Board recornmenuecl to the :::ornmissi oner of Taxation that all of so.id taxes, amounting to ~4.25, be cancelled.
Upon rnotion thP. Audi tor was instructed to advertise .ror bids for 300 tons more or less of
stoker coal to bP. delivered o.t the Court House during thP. comin13 v1inter season, said bids to be opened
at a session o'! the Board Aur-ust 12, 1941 o.t 10 o'clock A. i,I.
The follo•11ine: resolution was adopted:
Resolved b.v the nonrd of County r.ommiss:ioners of Otter Tail i:ounty, !.iinnesota:
\"/herens. this Soard has hereto fore contracted 1~i th 1T. D. :iorrill for gradine: count.v Aid ,1 ob
Lio. 10: 6/l, and
'.'/hereo.s, ::iame has been fnll_y completed according to 1·he r.:ngineer's certificate on file with
the': onnty Auditor, thP. total cost o-r said •:ork bP.ine; "·2,74-4.37, and
:·fhereo.s, said work has been examined and acce9ted by a cornmittee of this -Soard,
110:·1, thereforP., be it resolved that the (:onnt.v Auditor and ".:hair.nan of the '3oard be and they
hereby are o.nthorlzed and directed to issue to said contractor a v:arrant on the ?.oad and Bridge Fund of
the ::ounty in the sum or :;·572.94, amount due ac:cordine to said r.;ngineer's certificate.
;_do pteo this 16th da.•; o .!: Jul.\', l '.Ml. Geo. 9. C underso n, ::ha.i rma.n.
Attest: ~illiam Lincoln, Clerk.
The follov1ing resclut ion was adopted:
?.esol ved by the Board of Co ,mty Commissioners of Otter '.!'all County, i,li:mesot a:
\"/hereo.s, this Board has heretofore contracted with Alfred !:;vave,ld ~or i:;radin!_!" :C:ounty Aid
Job ilo. 40:55, and
;'Jhereas, s·ame has been fully completed according to the ~ngineer's certificate en file with
thP. ':ount,v \uditor, the total cost of said v1ork being 09,434.77, and
•·!hereas, saici work has been examined ond a.c:cepted by a comr.iittee of this Board,
!101·1, theret'ore, be it resolved, that the County Auditor and Ghoi1·man of the '3oard be and they
hereb:r are anthorizP~ nnd directed to issuP. to ':lai<i contractor a V!arrant on the ?.oad and ~rid1_1:e i!'und of
the '.:onnt.v in thP sum of "1,0fl/3.51, amount due aoc:ordine: to said r.;ne:ineer"s certificate.
;.do!)ted this 16th da.17 o.,. .1111.v. 1941. Geo. -.:i. Gunnerson, ':hairman. ··n 11 in'll T.incoln. '~lerk. ·
The £'01101·:inp, resolution wns r.dopted:
~esolved b,v the '3oard of Ccnnt,1• ·'.:om·nissioners of O tter Ta.ll eount.v, '..!l'lnesota:
•·•hereas, this Board il.nd the County 'loard c~ Grant '.":ountf have heretofore contracted ,·:ith
-::csh ~ros. for 1= rave 11 i.np: '::ounty Aid ,'oh :lo. 40 :46 on the otter Tail-Grant Gonn t.v Line. and
·"/hereas, same·has been ·~ull,V com9leted r.ccordine: to the •·:ngir.eer's certificate on ~ile
":ith the Gonntr Audi';or, the total cost of said work being _;852.93, and
""/hereas, said work has been exc.rnined and accepted b.r a oom~nittee or so.id -qoards,
Hovi. therefore. be it res cl ved .that the Count :,r Audi tor c.nd ::hoirma.n o ~ th is 13oord be and
the,v hereby are anthori::ed and directed to issne to S!lid contractor a. warrant on the ~ond. and '3ridp.e
,..u.,d or •he '.:c1mt.;· in the sum o·f :"74.17, the amount dt:e from r.tter 'i'ail '.:ount.1• according to said
~npineer's certi~icate.
:'cdO!>ted this 16th do.:• of ,'ul.1•. E111, G~o. 3. r-.unnerson. i::hai r'!lan.
·,ttest: ""/llliern T,incoln, '.:lerJ:.
'fhe -~ollo.-1iT1.f! resolution •·:as odoptec:
?P.solvec"t b.r ~he ~'on.rd of '.:!01lnt~ .. '"!o-n~i~s! oriArs of ntter ~ail '!aunts·, ::innesota:
'l'ru:t '·here be levir>c U(>On the taxable propert.•· a: r.ttP.r 'l'ail ,:ount:>" -for the .rear 1a11 the
:c.Uo·_,:inr: a'l!onnts ~or the s-ivernl runds: l~o::,d an~ ~ri.d~e "'unil. :='.130,000
~evenu.c rund 61!,00C
~elfare Fund 110,000
Sanatc.rium ~und 22,000
Adopted .:ruly 16, 1()41 '?our ?'und 40,000
Attest: l'lilliam Lincoln, Clerk. Anci tne one-mill tax re'._p:ired bJ"
':'he follo•vinp bills were allo·.,ed: ',eo.
:! • c. TTenl:es boarc1 ing prisc.ners 3u4. 50 ... ,". c. '!cnl:es
Louise Stondahl P.xpenses 51,60v-Loui.se Stunduhl
P. ;.1. Jee postare, etc:. ,34. 77.,._n. ;-1. Glorv if.en
". ;·1. Glorvlr--en dr.iver license exp. 10.05~:ill0 r-Davis '.:o.
"'ree Press co. bl,:,nks 21,25-J>o•icliPr .Printing '•
"erpus .1011rnal Co. pri?1tin1?, etc. 110.00 .. Lithoprn.phin!_!" '.:o,
·:lhitehead "rintine ~o. sup!)lies 44.25--.:1he Pierce ~o.
':eo. D • '3arnard "'tntioner.v ':o. sup;1lies 13.97,,..-'iictor T,uncieen ~, Co.
·•1.S.Dnrley ': i::o. suppli'!fJ 2.96 .... tien Hci•"le,
r--. ,, • -='ossen suppliP.s 9.00.-,1 ohn Deal i::o.
Lien 11ci••re, sn9,,lies 5 ,3!:i••.-·!m. Galena
lm·1 for school purposes,
:?. ':undersor,, Ci,air·nan.
suppl i.es
"feblad.'?11l>l. co. noti.ce to ta.xpn,vers lfl,00""-'ohn :-:. Grath1•1ol. Sec'.\', (; o.sla ad V RnC ed
4J. 75
¥.(; I --t35 , 31
1-9. 75
':. P.. '.:cnkli!l shnrpeni"lt' mower l.OO"'::eirrnnee BoilPr '.:orp.
?.oen '"'res. soap 3,15'\:.'3wedberp. '.'nrsery
".:it.v of :;:•ergus Palls ··1atcr '• lie:ht l?!j,74".r,it,\' Co.fe ~ Oaker,\'
l!.'"l,'?-ell '.l'el. co. lO!l[' distnnce calls !i.f30...JJ.','!.'3ell ';'el. Go,
~urroughs Add. :.'.chF!. Co. -naintenance '.:: su!1plies 67.10~-iatchil.nt '.:olc. i,Ic:he. Co,
:.Ionroe '.:i1lc. :.Ic:he. Co., Tnc. rnainteno.ncP. 20.00,__•_vis ::of~ku
:.:rs . .:'os. ?. u~nson clerical ··:ork 3,00"'.'.able I'!, ~osso,·1
T,u'lerne .1ohnson clerical ·:1crk 15.00 ... '.'rs. ~lder :::'illerud
T,il.l.v i;, '!'TOF!Vik clerical v.•ork lR.OO~bba :.!. Adelsrnan
r.ieals for .!ury
lonr-distance calls
machine rental
clerical 11orJ;
clerical work
cler.iool work
clPricol '!Ork
"l;,a ~orvil: clerical •11ort a.oo,,_tsxPl <1useth "est. Am.Lep.ion !,lernorinl na.v
"urP.lbach "ost. #61 :.;emorial Da.\' ser:ices 21.00"-
Dr, ·•1 • .-L T.ee coroner's r:ees 19.35..,,1r. :•1. 1·1. \'/ill Dep.coroner's fees
,, . 0. Iewis •vi tnes!l rees 5. 70.,Jlscnr !"nuts on rnarsholl 's fees
'?etP.r 1:ink, ,'r. oep.sheriff's fees 5P,,65w.:arl Jahn Dep,sheri :'f's fees
"!illiam G:ielzoV! Do. n.20--:::0.v :.:crliss Do.
uerman .:rohnson Do. 27.00....Climcie R. F'ield ,justice fees
Prank c. ~arnes i.!unicipal Judr,e's fees GG.C5 .... :.larian ".oim cash advanced
'I. ;;: . ;.Tall cash 6-clvunced 2.00..J)le Lee caah advanced
:.:art in .,. . Scheidecker cash udvancec' 22. 631\A.fton G, Glorv igen ex 1ienses
Lyle Tollerson expenses 10.10'"'Cr6-nrud Garage repairs
Urbank Garap.e repairs 7 .45"\3attle Lake Produce Co. repairs
"t.arson :Sros. repairs 23. 25.,,Perhurn Electric ~uciia.tor Shop repairs
Sche'ldel's Garage repa.irs 7.60,-;Hnn. :.Iotor :.:.,,, Inc. repairs
T,ake ?.ecion '..'.otor Co. repairs 62,94...Pelican Sugply Go. parts
l,!a.hl'!r •• Struss parts 24 .07"'3.'horman "I. Hoshol t Co. parts
r,ec. T. R,van •• Go. parts 5.10'\\'/m. H, Ziegler Co., Inc. 911rts
11.:'f.Sheet 'I: Tron •·rorJ,:s 90.rts 36.74~;.rotoi· Inn Garaee,BattleT,ake repa.irs 'I: sup.
Victor Lundeen 'I: Co, supplies G.20"-0 elican SuprJl,v r.o. Bllpplies l.'~enninr-"d1•.·e. Go. snppll"s 11.23..Z,lliott 'l: ,~hitson supplies
13. 55
DATE ................... .-·u1s .16 ............................................. 193.11 ..
lletiono.l 'lushing •• Po.rts !lc.pplies 162.4'J.-J",ien Hdwe. Co. s11pplies
1:icols, Dean "c Grege supplies 4i:i.77sf-i3jort.lund :.;fg. Co. supµliea
Lowry, Stang •• Olson insiirance t,.:;G. 6G--Stortroen Ins. Ag enc~' insurance
Pelican ;.'elcphoneCo. services 4,05.;-J.\'/.Bell Telepil.one Co. services
·,_;'/.13ell 'l'elephone co. long disto.nce culls 8.60,{)tter 'l'uil Power 1.:0. power
"err,us Journo.l Cl,. advertis.ing 6.30.-;"'e!'fllS '.llue ':'rint r.:o. prints
'.:undor 'l'ownship grading 500.00""'/allin ~ Jcil.nsvn grading
"'. ·•1. Steinke shovel rento.l 316.45....-:'ohn !.inrk gravellinB
Traub Co. rent. 10.00 ... c.B.L.vons •, Bros., Inc. o.tlacide
"'red A. Everts cement 15 .OO~osti tch-i.:cC:lo.in Co. staples
Lampert Lumber :::o. culverts 2<J.52...Elk River cone. Prociacts Co. culve?"ts
L.vle 'J ulvert i:: o. culverts llfl. 71-So.ul !iotor co. tire
13111 Nelson"s Oil Co. tire •, tabe 12.00.._:'/intil.er's Lumber Ya.rd lumber
:'/int her' s J,umber vura· lu,ib,-,r 1.60--.Ziegler ~, Johnson 0il Co .e:asol ine
'.:ordon t!i.llP.r p.esoline 1.71,<'o.ulson TirP. Shop gosoline
"armers Co-op. ·.ss'n. e:asoli.ne 54.64,,nonsnmers Oil Co. pi,e:cline
"lest Otter 'i'all Service r.o. " 37.50~0.r:ners Co-op. '!reemer.\' Ass'n. gasoline
Standard Oil Co.,"elican ~arias" 37".25"'1'. \'/. Tobin. T!lc. r,osoline
1·1est Lincoln Shell Service 11 2'J.4f;...._A,vis ~o,!mo.n r,o.scline
Dan's Texaco Service r,asoline 53.67...Stierno. Oil Co. easoline
Seven-0 Service Station go.sol ine, etc. 13 .132....:f,eRoy Strehlov!, Ae;ent f aso 1 ine, etc.
Nelson Snper Service gosol.ine, etc. 43.39 ..... "enrose Oil co. eosoline, etc.
\'Im. Sauer r,osol ine, etc. 3 ,B<J.....n. ,\.Lubricant• Co. 11! bricants
Draxten Oil co. oil 31,,10...!rhe Oil Store Diesel fuel
Standard Oil co. . Diesel fuel ~n. 75.....Pield •• Her.p.e Oil 'Jo. Diesel fuel
"'erpus f'il Co. Di P.Bel fuel 181. 'Jl""-":,•elyn E. Rorck cler icol V!Ol'k
17 .<J3..,
7 .4!)\\
4. 7 2 ....
'J3. 78"1
48. OOV\
2.50 ...
1.10 .....
20 ,Q<J.,,
..; . .35"'
15.56 ...
117 .13 ...
52 .04.,..
201 .<Jo ....
121.25 ...
'.'ictor Lundeen•• Co. supplies l.2R,...T,a.wrence Lubitz ·ho.uling cotton
JT:·1.Dell ~•el. r:o. l.onp. distance calls 7.00---tl.\'/.Bell ':'el. Co. lonf distance calls
i.:strem r:::linic e .. ominstion 3,00..--C·len Lake So.rwtorium care of paupers
10.00 ....
16. 10 ...
1941 8Q'J2, I 7·
48. !l5 ..
'JS. 26.,...
i,iinn. Ste.te sanntorinm co.re of p,,npers 284.00,-Git.v :'oor nept. core of poor,t;-of.
'.'/hitehead Printinf, r:::o. printing 12,50""·A-Anderson postor,e
Fergus Luinher "c Fuel r:o. cement, etc. 170.34 ..... standard ~l.'ar Products Co. creosote oil
:"erp.us uash iJotor Go. storage R.oo ..... ,chn r:o•uo.lski :·relciinr; Shop repairs
C onsu.mers '.:o-op. Oil Co.gasoline 41.47•NJ. L. Sunciin expenses
'.V. L. Potter expenses 44.45"'\'/. L. Potter cosh o.dva.nced
Township of Girard eraiiing 500,00--.1. J. Nagel shovel rento.l
?erman Ifochtrno.n posts l'J.00..-Perlw.m Plumbing "c Heating Co. supplies
Iiiller-Davis Co. supplies 1.18"\. ~ labor
'.'orby Department Store supplies 86.72.-ilicc.ls, Deo.n •• Gregg supplies
Swan ?inch Oil Corp. luhrico.nt 66,00!\?.o.y's Bervice Station r;o.s, etc.
'·!elen Bohn to.l:inr; testimony 13,20.->fo.lmer 1:0.rvonen expense attending meeting
Geo. "l, Gunderson expense o.tter1di1lf. rneeting 5.75 ... P. :=::. Amundson Do.
Henry !-'off DO, 4,80..Ernu-1 ~.o--zie. 30.sol;n.,
lO!l,25 .....
165.n ...
8.25 ...
~ 7. ,:,-"'
The followinp. names ••!ere selectP.d to be placeo on the 1>eti t ,1ury list of the County to ts.ke
the ple.c!" or. names drawn -for service r.t the April tenn of the :-iistriot court:
Mrs. r.:a r,taf·f' Perham r,,rances Schmidt
Lincoln "lullock Richville I.trs. ,,Oh!l Aho
Reinhold :.1atz Perha.m 1rheo. ~o.uck
Uois :•1er,scheid i3lu:ff.ton .'i.m 'l'ull.v
I.lrs. Alma I'.orlcolo lier-! ·•ork ;!ills l'lilliam ,'enke
"'ronk Tol,,pi BlO\'!ers Theo. C1rpen
Gilbert Oosahl !':rhards r,rove !.!rs. Henry '!'vFeeton
;,lelvin Norb.V 'l'rondhjem A. H. Srodahl
Arthur l3otz Fribere P. c. Olson
:.lelv in Palvorson 'l'umuli .;Jrs. Thomas 11ilden
'fheo. "J;er}:etvedt r,ea! i.ionntain :-,!rs. l~dfar ::>.rutlae
'3nrton !'.imber Girard i.1rs. Ben Bjornao.s
Gustav Scramsto.d Sve!"drup Philip .:..rmstrong
0 tto 1T1:1ugen T,ea"i' Ln.I~e C. ,i. Gribbon
i,1bert .,. Peterson 11arkers "re.irie 'i';•rp, ,ioe~tokP.s
.•ohn !Iar.nnson ~orters "ra.irie Vill. Chr.s. "'ra.nl:lin
:rirs. A.ndrew Y.aste.ma Deer Cree}: Tw,,. !!rs. r:has. !lewe.v
~lare Shol berf!' "rwell Mrs. •-:. ,1 .1RomoR
!,!rs. t:mil Skindrud i'\use Cle.r}· eett..
!.!rs. \. o. 1,11s to.d City c. ('I. l!orpren
!,!rs. Po.nl :.!ucke o'.li t.v
on·motion the ~ourcl a.d:ourned to 2 o'clock"·~-~uly 23,
Hew York i,iills
Sto.r T.o.ke
:rew York :.!ills
Pelican 'l."wp.
0el ico.n •rwp.
St. Olaf
Ottertail '!ill.
~li therall
r,:aele Lake
OaJ: vo.lley
l'/oodsid e
"!liz11b1"th Vill.
::lizabeth Twp.
prese!lt .
DATE ............................. ?ul,'! ... 23 ~ ................................. 19341 ..
1.111rnTES-m· ADL'OIJR!l'ED :.1.B!~Tnm oF ~OARD OF
?ursunnt to adjournment the Rol'iril met at 2 o'clock ,,,. Li. ,1u1.~• 23, 1!141, all members being
The application or ;"/illiam F. Sch'!lidt for the cancellation of o.ssP.ssment for structu.res
sr,alnst the S'"!-~· !IE.;., Ii½ Sl:}1: and ':I'!, of Lot 5 except <;tony "oint in Section 25 ~•o,·m o-f r.:verts on the ground
that seme were also assessed in Section 24 wos read and the Boord recommended to the Commissioner of
•raxation that said o.osessment for structures be cancelled and the valuation of so.id tract for 1940 be
reduced from .~9!l0 to :;;;660 and the tax from ~63. 76 to ~·43.50.
The application o:r J:!jalmer Olson for classification o-r. the Im+ NE1·. s~ HE~· a.nd Eli-m~~ Sec. 15
TO~m of Otte r-cr 1940 at homeatead rates was read and the BoELrd recommender to the Ccimmiss loner of
Taxa""ion that so.id land be so classified and the ussessed value reduced from 8932 to ,;;;559, and the
tax from (~84. 95 to .~41 .85.
The application of Clara iiyuerg Hanson for reduction in assessed value of structures ago.inst
the w¼-rr.•,~. and ;·1} SI'!·>-Sec. o Tov:n of Folden ror l!l40 v,as read and the Board recommended to the Commissioner
of Tru<ation that the assessed value of said tract be reduced fro1:1 ,.;;601 to 0508, end the tax from ;;;;66.61
to -~56. 31.
The application of Clara il,Vbere: Hanson for reiiuction ln assessed valuation of the E} Sr/{ Sec. 31
TOYmship of "9"enning for the .vea.r 1940 vras read and the Boa.rd recommended tc the Commissioner of Taxation
that the assessecl value oC said tract be reduced from :~432 to :!;317, and the tax from :~47.02 to $34.50.
The f.ollo1vinp bills 1vere allo~red:
Geo. B, Gunderson Board of r.:11unlization 12.00 Carl ·A. Snowberg Bo 01·d of F.riual iza.ti on
12.00 YalmPr r:arvonP.n Do. l!l.80 °enr.v G. Jl'ofr
n, r.:. A~undscn Do. 16.00
ITpon motion the Boero then o.d,iourned to ,\ugust 12, 1941 at 10 o'clock 1 •• J·-1.
& ,.;;? a,'-_;,.,._,,...._J_,L.._fh......._ ~ ,,.;.;~ Chairman.
;,rrnuTES OF :.r•:~TU:G 01" COU!JTY BOA2D
!.!IUNF.SOT A i"OP. Tiffi YE!,~ l!l41.
,:>ursuant to statute county commissioners Yalmer I~arvonen, Ceo. B. Gunderson, 1:lenr.v G. Hoff.
P. -:;:. Amundson :md r:arl ,\. Snowberg and C aunty Auditor ··1nli!llll Lincoln met as a CountJ' Board
o::" r.:rir.A.liza.Uon nt 10 o'clock L :.r. .iuly 21, 1()41, and hm·ine; tnken the customary oath
proceec.'ed to organize b;T the 0ledion of Ceo. n, C',nnderscn as ~hnirmn.n.
'l!he '3oard took u-!) thP. exominotion o:: tJ-,e nsseS'.;r.ient bool:s as returned b,\' the assessors,
onrl ad;ourned !'rem t.i•nP. to time.
rm l'/ednesda.v, ,,111,;• 23, ho.Ying com[lleted the examination thr. '3onrd agreed on the
followine changes:
All classes of Personal "ropert.r were raiser! 10~~ in thP. Tor:nship of P.:lizabeth
n.nd 10?~ in the Tovmship o::" T.ee.f Lal:e, nnrl 5ai: in thP. ':'ownship of l'idaros, a.nd
a-~ in i:lic ~o·,:nship o-f "ine !,al(r., and 10';'., in the 1'ownship o~ Star Tnl:e.
Items A to :: inclusive in Subdivision !l a:" "lass 3, bPin;:: the assessments of
cattle, r:ere o.11 raised 15;'. in the ·:•o·:n1i:,r,ip o:!' ~luffton, and 10;~ in the 'l'.:i·.rnship
or :r-:rhards Grove, and 10;: in the 'i'ownship of :.Iair;e.
'.!.'here being no further irnsiness, u9on motion the Boo.rd
l, ttest: ru1~~ Clerk.
! f
I' I
DATE .................. :1.u1rn.!!J ... ll; .•....................................... 193 .. 1.l----------
!.!IUU'rES 0"' AD;T,·U:!!~D !,l!::3TIUG
OF '30 <\.~D or,, fJOTJll'l'Y COI.;;,iTS",IOl~?.S
Pursuant to o.d~ournmPnt the Board met 1lt 10 o'clock II.. I.!. 'l'uesday, AUf'USt 12, 1941. Present:
com'!lissioners Dlrvonen, Gtincierson, ~of~. A<:i11ndson nnd Snowberf".
The o.pplic11tion o,~ ,'a.ck ,ox for clossi"icr,tion of T,ots 1 anci 2 of '3lool: fl o.nd Lots 2 and 3
and J'orth 10 ·r.t. of T,ot 25 of. '3locl: 1 :.10Lane' s Seoono Addition to the Ci t.v of :"ergus Falls at homestead
rotes wo.s read ond the Board recommendeci to the Commissioner o.r. •paxation tlmt said land be so classified
for the _year HJ40 and the assesser v111uat ion rednued Crom :"4611 tG :'.'213fl a.nd the tax from ."54.87 to C-31.84.
The o.oplicat ion of !.lP.lv in Tweetcn for reduction of assessment of SF.~ rm-?;-and CovernmP.nt Lots 1
a.nd 2 Sec. lH •ro1•:n o !: Sca.mhler l'or the .vear 1940 was read and the j,oord recommended to the Commies ioner
or Taxation that the assess en volue of said tract be reduced from :,)932 tc, $587 a.Hd the ta.x from ~:60.58
to ~38.16. · The apuli.ca.tion of' Carl N. Yonngberp. ror reduction o-r assessment for 1940 apainst the IIE~ UE1
and S~-NF:;1· of Section 12 Town or ''lestern was read and the '3011.ro recommended to the Commissioner of
'l'axation thot the a.ssessen valnP. of said tract be rednced from t;lll4 to :~853 o.nd. the tuxes from ('.-66.39
to :";50.84.
'rhe application of thP. Deportment of. '~uro.l ,redit for concellotion or taxes for 1940 and 1941
arainst the 1~•-S"I;,. Sec. 35 Town o:' "'olde11 and the 1:rf of Sec. 26 7ovm of 0 adciocl: and for cs.ncelle.tion of
1941 taxes aeainst the $·1.l-m•:'!-, 11~, s:,,:-1 s··1+ arid UE1 S ,~-Sec -20 Town o~' Deer Creek and 1941 taxes a.p;ainst
SE:~ si::1 sec. ·19 and s·,p. s ,~-Sec. 20 ond i:l\'1} ex. s 1 reel of SE'-NW-~-in Sec. 29, nll in Township or Henning,
was rend and the Board recommended to the Corn·ni ssloner or •roxatlon that snid taxes be sc cancelled, the
a.mount of. sai.a taxes for 19•10 heing ;('.6£.58 ond the assessed Yaluntion being .:·011, the l9t,l tax not having
yet been co~puted.
Bids fur coal as advertlseti fer by the Boo.rd were O!JeTIP.d and read, ond the matter v:as laid over
until later in the session.
1he followinB resolution was o.dopted:
Resolveu b,;r the Beard of County Co1:11nissioners of Otter Tail County, !.linnesota:
That this Boe.rel approves the assignment of securities for deposit for County Funds in the
several banks submitting proposals. for such deposits, namely:
First National Bank, Pere-us Falls .::110.000; Ferfus Falls Hational Boru: ~ Trust Co. ~302,000; First
National Bank, Henning :~;10,000; J. P. :·1allace State Banl:, Pelican :~upios tl0,000; 1-'irst !lational Bank,
neer ,,reek "'5,000; ..,irst lla.tionol P,ank, Parkers f>rairie:::'.5,000; 1"irst Uational Eon::~ Tru.st Co, :.linneapolis,
:~150,000;''erha'll :-ite.te '3ank ~27,000; -rergas State "lank :l'-6,000;First State 'la.nl:, Dalton :;16,000;r'armers
Sto.te '3a.nk, l'ncler\'/ood :"'12,000; "'irst !fationo.l 'lonk, n,a.ttle T,ake :~15,000; Erhnrcl Sto.teBonk C'l0,000; Farmers ~ :.rerchonts "ltate T\anl:, IJr.,w York :,:ills .~10,000.
Adopteil r..npnst 12, HM!. Ceo. n,. ~underson, '.:hairmon.
1.ttest: "lilliam Unc:oln, Clerk.
The ~ollo~inp resolution was ndooted:
Resolvecl b,v thP "1oord or Co1mt.y Com•niAsionP.rs of Otter ':'oi.l r:011nt.v, !.!innesota:
''/hP.reo.s. this 'loo.rd has hP.reto ~ore contracted w.i th Geo. -~. '"l.von r:o. for onP. "/auso.u Snow n101•1
na •·ri np, nnd
:·11ierens, somP. hns been deliverP.d to uncl accepted by the Count,v.
How, therP.Zore, be it resolved that the Co1mt.Y Auditor ond Chuirman or the Board are authcrir.ed
ncl di rP.ctecl to issu.e to aai d comp:,.ey a warrant on the ~oac1 and 3ridfe Fun cl or the '.;onntr in the sum o-r
:·1,032.00, thP amount due under said contro.ct . . \dopted \u,>ust 12. l'.)11. Geo. J. C,underscn, '::hair-nun.
',ttest: "lilliam Linuoln, '.:lP.rk.
:'he -~ol lo1•1in,-rP:::iolntion .. ,as {1dopted:
:lesolved b_v the "0·1rd o~ -:011nt.v '.:0•1'flissioners o" ritter •~oil :::ot1nts, :.!i.imesoto:
·:,hereo.s. th.is "onr6 ha.s hereto ~ore con':rllctP.ci ·•1ith reo. ·:•. ~sun flo. for one r.alicn '.lot or
etrol Do. 101 \'/ith DiP.sel en~ine, and
'1hereas, same has i:JP.eil delivereri to o.nd nccP!)ted h,v thP Count,\',
110·.·1. therefore, be it resolvP.d that tlie ':ount,v .~ud i. tor and ':ho.i rmll.11 o I'. the Board ure outhori?.ed
nd directed to iAAlle to said corn!mny a warrant on the ~oad and ~ridl.:,P. ~•und of the Connt:{ in the sn•n c.f
:G,352.30, the amount due nnder said contra.ct.
;.dop ted Aue,ust 12, l\!41. Geo. ~-Gundersc.n, Chairrnan.
ttest: 1/i.Llia:n Lincoln, '.:lerk.
'l'he following rescl11tion 1,us adopted:
!lesolved by the Boord of ·~ount,v Gc.minissioners o-r Otter Tail ::aunty, ;.IinnP.sota:
,/hereas, this !3oard hos heretofore cuntra.c teci with the So cony Vacuum Ci 1 ()o. for roo.d oil in
ccordance with uid received :ro rn said c om1)UJ1,V, ancl
\'lhereos, in auc:orclo.nuP. 1•11 th S1lld bid this Cotmty has reueived oil of the voluf! of ~:G ,593.23,
tJow, therefore, be .it resolved that the Count~, Auditor and Chairman of the '3oard ore authorized
nd dirPcted to issue to said uorn;iany a. wnrrant on tl:e :!cad a.ncl !3ridfe .,,und cf the couuty in the swn of
,\doptPcl <1.ur-ust 12, 19·'1,l. Ceo. B, Gunderson, Chairman.
, ttest: \'lillia'.'11 Lincoln, Clerk.
ThP follo·:rinf? resolution \'los adopted:
Resolved i>,V the 'loo rd o·P ~o•int.1• ·:orn·1issioners o ~ Otter "'ail Count.I', :.!i'lneso ta:
l'/herens, th~re ho.s been prP.sented to this Boarn a pP.t ition si.pned b,\' tv1ent.v-three f.reeholclers
residinp: in the '.l.'01-mship of. :1orwepl1m ~rove ln so.id ':onnt,y allPpinf that tne follo••rinf desuribecl rood:
CO'!!'llencinr-at u poin• b-etll':een "lections fl and !J o-:' •:•ownship 136 !lorth, :!anr,e 44 \'/est, snid Connt,v and State,
said point beillf' f!'!llidistant betv:een the llorth O."ld South lJonn!inr.i' lines or said SP.ctiorts, running thence
southerly heh:een Sections 8 and· 9, lietween Sections lC. and i7, between Sections 20 ancl 21, bet,·reen
Sections 213 and 2!J, and bet1·:een ~;ections 32 and 33, all of sni.d sections being in said Tol':nSl1ip or
Nor111ee;i1:1.n <:.rove, end.inf, and tP.rrnlnatinp, at the South boundary line of snici '.l'ovmship, has been neglected
b,y t?e 1'own 1'o!lrd of soid '!Ol'!TI~hip of r1or11egion (',rove, ond thnt porti.ons ol' sa,nP. are not properl,v kept in
repair nnd not properl,v rno1nta.1ned, and for that reason so.id road is not reascmabl~-passablP., nnd asking
that a t imP. end place ~or hesrinp on so id complnint be fixe~ hy this 1<01:1rd,
How, therefore, it is hereb,v orclereli tl10.t a heorinp. on said cornploint be hod a.t 11 session or
this "Caril to be held at the f!O'llmisAioner' loom in the ::onrt.ijonse in T-'erp.us li'alls in said ::ount,y at
2 o'clock n. ·1. Se:>tember 9, 1911, at v1hich time and !llElc:e this '3oord •·rill cons.ider sAid complaint a.nd
,vill henr all teatimon,v l'lhich mn.v be o'-'ferP.d by the c"ricials or snid township a.na the oarsons sieninf, the
omplaint rP.lati.ve to the truth o! the mntter therein set forth, ·
_~_nd it ts further ordered thnt due no1"i.cP. o'-' the tirne and rilnce c~ such hearin,z bP. p.iven os
e,~nired b,v law.
Adopted Aurust 12, 1941. Ceo. 'l, Gunderson, '.:hairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
Upon motion the Boo.rel thP.n took a recess to 2 o'clock " l.i.
DATE .............................. lu.g11s.:!: ... l2. .............................. 19Ml .. .
~ r •
l3ids for road ·erndine-.~obs us advertiscU fc.r by the Bourd were openeci anci rec.di, and a.ft~r ~-·.
so'!le consideration upon motion the matter was laid over until 10 o'clock A. l:I. August 13, 1941.
A plo.t of i.Iidway Park in the 'l'o1·mships or Amor and Otter 'l.'ail, accompanied by an abstract
and certir.icate of title exect1ted ily !:'runl:berg !l: Berghu.i.s, attorneys at lm·1, was approved.
Upon motion the Board then uo..,ourned to 10 o'clocl: A. l,i. Aue;ust 13, 1941.
Pursuant to o.d,jourmnent the Board met at 10 o'clock A. !.I. Aueust 13, l'.141, all members
be inf!' present.
the following o.s 10,1 bidders for rood grading jobs, and
as f'ollov1s: .rob 41 :29, Elmo, to u. D. i:lorrill f'or ~-4,062.30.
to ,loim DieAeth -:::o. for t'4,322.64. Joi) 41:36, Deer ()reek
Job 41:28; Rush Lake, to An~erson 'l: dchieller for ;3,577.70 •
~, :3ch:ieller for !':5,477 .40. Job 41 :34, Town of Trondhjem, to
The llie:hwo .. v :':np.ine'!r reported
upon motion all of said bids v1ere accepted
,lob 41:37, Uewton and adjoininp. townships.
nnd Inman, to n. ::::i. '..lorrill .::Or :)5,104.0•1.
. Job 41: 35, To1•m of'. :!::ff'inet_9,I'{.' to A?lderson
;,;oen 'P.ros. for :"2, 636. 70 L_ n.
A report o ~ the n,ourd of Audit of exominati.on or the accounts of 0 • !.I. ~ee, County Treasurer,
ror the period from :,in.v 1, 1941 to ,1u1.v 31, 1!)41, showinp o. balance in the r.ounty •rreasury o.t the close
or said last mentioned date of :".491:3.847.04 was approved.
Upon motion the bid of Consumers i"uel Co • .::or three htmdreci tons ,nore or less of stokP.r coal
at the Gourt l1ouse during the comine,: senson for C9.17 per ton was accepted.
Upon mot ion the Auditor wus instructed to advert i.se for bids for oo.inting all outs i.de
woodwork on the r:ourt 1Iouse and .',ill and Sheriif's residence, including storm windows and screens, with
two cos.ts of best qunlit.v outsi.de white point, bids to be or,ened o.t 10 o'clock A. :.1. September 9, 1941.
The rollowing resoltion was adopted:
Resolved b,v the Joo.rd or r:ount.v Commission°rs o': Otter Tail Connt.v, :Jinnesota:
'Phat the sum or. :'.'.:700.00 lrn and hereb.v is ariproprio.tP.d out of the ~evenue Fund of the ':!ounty
to bP. d 1 vi ded equally between the Perhnrn ~/?ri cul turo1 Soc ie t.v and Otter Tllil •Jonnt.v "'air Association ·~or
County Fairs for the year 1941.
Ado oted Allf'US t 13, l :141. Geo. 1'1. r,underson, Chairman.
Attest: Yilliam ~incoln. Clerk.
'rhP. follov:ing resolution wos adopted: .
Resolved b,\' the aoard or County Corn'lliS!Jioners c,f Otter 'l'ail County, :.Ilrmesota:
That under the provisions of Chapter 1(;3, General Lo.vis of :.:irmesota for 1941, the following
named person be and he hereby ls certified for the purpose of chest surgery at Glen Lake Sanatorium,
the cost lfdr so.id treatment to be pai<l fc.r equally by the State of r.ii!mesotu and Otter '.:.'all Count.r, as
provided by said chapter: Henry Le!.iont, l,ls.plev1ood Township.
Adopted Aue-ust 13, l!J41.
Attest: '."lilliam Lincol!1, Clerk.
The follo.-1ing bills were allov1ed:
,J. C. P-enkes expenses
~-J. ?.ovang expenses
:.label H. ?.osso·n clP.r ical •;:o rk
T,uverne ,1 ohnson clerical v1ork
Dr. ''I •. ~. T,ee coroner's fees
15 .50
'lernon D. Inwards ,:i tness fees 'l:
Herman Johnson Do.
!.!err ill ~erg er constable fees
~errill 1P.r~er constable fees
mileap.e 5. 20
5.20 ,t.oo
Stortroen Ins. Apency insurance
Imperial Chemical Co. suppl i cs
T he ?o.rawax Co. sur!>l ies
ll."l.'3ell rel. Co. loniz ciistance calls
o•;.reara's supplies
Otter ·rail Pov:er Co. povrnr
!l.;V.13ell l'el. Co. long distcanoe calls
Clarence i.une hauling rubbish
lliller-Dav i.s Co. suppliP.s
~ritz-~ross Co. record
'lictor Lundeen •• ':!o. sur,!)lies
U,!leblad Publishing Co. supf)li'!A
0ouch~r "rintinr •• T.ithop.ra·phing Co. s,1ppli.es
nerho.•n 1nter9ri.se '3ulletin not ices to to.xpo.,1•ers
.ioseph Rayner de l'• sh er i rr' s f'.el'!s
,, • C. qenkes telegrn.ms
iiat'l.Bushine: 'I: Po.rts co. supplies
Julian ?.ee plat books
Orpheum Dug Store supplies
l'lsroln T.swenson °ost
612 'l .F.rl.
u.,,gell Tel. -:::o.
Glen Lake Sanatorium
Geo. B. Gunderson, Chairman.
~-c. Henkes board of prisoners 249.00
Louise Standahl expenses 31. 95
Gynthia Co.rberg clerical work 3.00
Alma. "laumge.rten clerical work 7 .50
FrAnk 0. ~arnes uunicipol ;:,udee's fees 77.55
L • .-:. Smith 1•1itness fees 'I: mileage 5.20
~rnP.s t J ammes Do. 5. 20
Otto Helson constable ~ees 9.00
P.lton' s 1'otel •,. restaura11t. !,teals for jurors 6.25
"\eru. l •o !.!cC:ov:an Co. swee pin@' com·pou.nd 6. 00
United Chemical co. supplies 4.00
"int~en-rnrst ~lee. Co. supplies 6.~5
3tur Grocery SU!>Pl i es 10. 20
City of ?ergus Palls water 'I: li1?ht 151.68
Lien Hdwe. Co. supplies 41.10
!Aartin Sheet :.Ietal Sho" repairs 4.50 r.:. A, Peterson supplies 12.14
Gaffne.1•1 s ribbons 12.00
Pree Press Co. blanks • 90
Whitehead Pri.nting Co. sn!)pl ies 18. 75
!~e.1•stone ~n11elope Co. supplies 13.95
il'erp:ns .:"ournal co. pnb,prooeedings,etc.142.91
Herman Johnson dep.sherif:f's ·rees 7.20
·•,est Otter 'J.'O.il S~rvice l!o. supplies 1.33
Anton ,T. Anderson graduation 1111sic 25.00
ir • ..-, • Glorv igen comr:1issions advanced to agents6 .4
;'/or.ien's ~elief Corps decoratine: graves 25.00
FreuCast jailer 20.00
i~velfn ~. Borch clerical work 10.00
11.:·1.'3ell Tel. Co. long distance calls 7,95
H. L. Stemsrud, U.D. examinotlon 9.00
I.!lnn. State Sanatorium co.re o·f patients 284.20
' Dr. G • ;:, • T,tmd
'llctor Lundeen 'I: Co.
L yle 'J'ollerson
:,temorial Day services
lone distance calls
care of patients
'!ictor Lundeen 3: Co. supplies 1.15
A. Clorvigen expenses 3~.85
~. L. Potter expenses 78.05
· ":rnest ::. ,'ohnson
;Bayport I,!fe:, Corp.
f Joh?l "!ark
''Elk River Goncrete Prod.
'.Thorman w. ~osholt Co.
shovel rental
r-:o. culverts
!lat 1. 1'\ush l.nf. •,. nor ts co.
-,Gopher Stmnp •,. Die Co.
tcn'll~ins-Diesel Sales
''I: Service I Roosevelt 0 arl: Service
~'Park :legion Oil ~o.
Motor Inn
Penrose Oil Co.
Seven-0 Service Sto.tion
~erham Co-op. 0il Co.
fit a. go.sol ine
Bas, etc.
gas. etc.
p.:as, etc.
41. RA
38. 75
Fere:us ~lue 0 rint Co. prints 2.90
Thomas :•ralloce borrow pit 32.00 ~. w. Steinke shovel rental 491.55
M:o.hlPr •• Strous parts 22.32
'3l ll Jlelson' s Ml Co. tirP.s 'I: tubes 192.27
11.''',Sheet !<: Tron Co. parts 5.55
0"1atonnn i•ool Co. tools 5. Of!
','Tm."· •~leglP.r Co.,Inc. parts 14fl.25
"'ield •• Horse Oil C:o. diesel fuel 396 Jl2
":rnest 'leazie gasoline 23.10
Tobin's northwhile Station gasoline 111.55
Ray's Service St}1tion gas, etc. 7.28
Bill's Service ~1tati.on gas, et.c. 16,15
W. Lincoln Shell Service e:aoollne 34.59
~-~lncoln Shell Servic'! gasoline 16.80
DATE ................... .:,ur.111a.t. ... l.:}., ...................................... 193.1J..,
Sidney Johnson gasoline 55.42
Av is qo•:1mon 13asol i.ne 21.46 :.r ills Oil Co. f.O.SOline 64.55
The Oil Store Diesel ·:uel 117. 20
Swan-~inch Oil Corp. r.rease 10.00
D.A.1:ubricnnt :Jo., Inc. 11.1.brioo.nt 1313.60
Ole Lee expenses 7.90
Cli f.·!'ord Ollie cash advanced 7 .59
.'oe Ahl "s cosh acivancP.d 5. 14
~~u1?,ene Dietigen co. supplies 13.10
D.~.Rell Tel. Co. services 11.35
0 tter Tail "ower Co. elec. ene;rg,v 19.25
1:e.vstone Envelope Co. supplies 9. 22
;,!onroe Cale. ;.raohine Co.mainteno.nce 20.00
?.ailwoy :::x press Agency express 3 .51
'Pelican Hdwe. broom 3.50
Battle k•ke F!dwe. Co. supplies 21.69
l}erald T,jostelson repairs 16.42
Larson 'Jros. repairs :n .15
•rovmship of T,idn graci ing 500.00
r:. r.. Sandin cash advanced 15.06
Township of. Dunn grading 500.00
u. U. Morrill gradln~ 150.00
.iohn !.!arl: shovP.l rental 210.00
Vill. or ~attle T,ake water 2. 32
rlson Oil Co. rnsoline 7,64
\'/est Otter Ta.il Service Co. Do. 46.50
Le3oy A. Strehlow, Af.ent gas\ oil 77.72
Standard Oil r:o. road oil 51.17
State of Minnesota eount.v exominRtion 900.99
Ynlmer Y.arvonen exp.ottenrl,rneeting 9.00
Carl Sno":ber13 mileare 5.25
Geo. B, Gunderson exp.nttend.rneetine 10.57
qendickson Service Sta, gasoline
~rvin Siegfrie6 gasoline
Standard Oil Co. Diesel fnel
Anderson •: Sandberg Cil Co, Do,
'l'raub ':o. gas. etc.
~redeson Auto ~l~c. Co. repairs
~. ~. Schmidt cash advanced
:Ullard :!akstod cash advanced
:.rartln "'· Scheideclcer Do.
P. ,;.. Rop.ers supplies
tJ.t'/.Eell '!'el. co. lcnr cilstance calls
'iictor T.undP.en 'l: Co. supplies
Ferr-t1s .~ournal Co. advertising
~~a,ymond 3ros. Transp.,Inc. freight
O. ~-Fossen grass seed ·,ell can Sup11ly co.. supplies
l:linnesota !.lotor Co., Inc. repairs
T.a.ke Region :.1otor co. re iiairs
Pelican Supply co.,Pel.Rap. supplies
Henning Tow1,ship roo.d work
H. L. Snndin expenses
·•:allin 'I: .:iohnson grading
Leidal's ,:rev1elry rei,>ulrs
N,vman "'uel r,o. coal ~ v1ood
Orris ,1ohnson. /.gent gasoline
"Pre.uh ';o, gnsol i.ne
Nelson SupPr Service gasoline, etc.
"'erp.us 01 l co. Diesel fnel, etc.
:'elen "'lohn tnl:ing tesU•mon.v
"/ashi.np.ton Connt.v e:-:aminif1F insane
'Tenry G, Pof'f. ex!iensP. atten<l.'lleetinp;
0 ~. Amundson Do.
The fol low.inp. resolution ,vas ad.coted:
nesolvPrl b;r the Boord of Co1mt.v r,om1?1iss ionera o.f Otter Tall County, :.Iinnesota:
2, 05
221. 50 c..oo
9. 25
'rhat Odin ~ohnson be and he hereb.Y is elected ,1 onitor nt the ".:ourt 11ouse commencing August 15,
194.1 at A salar.v o"" : ·2400 for the J'ear, payable at the end o ~ each month on worran t o·? the Connt.v
Auditor, said janitor to "furnish all necessar:, help at his own expense.
\dopted Aupust 13. 1941. GP.a. ~-"undPrson. Chairman.
Attest: 7illia~ 1incoln, r.lerk.
·•pon '!lotion i.t •·:us ordered that ~he sn'll o:. .~25.00 !)"r month be o·!)propriated for clerk hire
in the of'"ice o~ the Gounty .\ttornP.,\' rrom September 1 to Dece"!her 31. l'.111, oa.v•nent tc be macie to the
party entitled thereto b.',' ~:arrant o" the Connty .\udi.tor noon order o~ the Connt.v Attorne,v.
1'he Cour,t,v Auditor presentP.d to <:he Bonrd a report of the "nblic r.xo.mlner o!: examination of
the vor.ious Count~• offices for the .vears ending Jecember 31, 1939 and 1940, and l'cr the period from
Januo.r.v 1 to :.:ey 6, l:J41. .\fter examination o: said report upon motion it vias ordered placed on ~ile.
"pan motion the Board then adjourned to 10 o'clock A. ~.September 9, 1911.
DATE ....................... Se •11:'!'llhc!.r .. !l ~ ... 1 f'41 .............. 193 ....... .
:.iIJIUTSS m· A.D,'OU~mEI. :.'.E'.':TI!!G OF '30.l~.D
0!" COL""ilTY CO!J.:IS:'IGJ-IE::?S OF 0'.l.''J.';~R '.l'.;.IL
COU:!'.l'Y' :,m:rrE~;QT,i..
Pursuant to o.d,journrnent the Boo.rd met at 10 o' c:locl: J.... ;,[. 'l'uesdey. September \"J, 1941.
present: Co:nmissioners l'.a.rvonen, Gunderson, Hof:!:', Amundson o.nd Snov:berg,
ThP. 'l'ow~1 Boo.r6 of Candor appeared to urge the improvement of certF,in roads in the township.
Sids for po.intine at the ;.)ourt House havine been advertised for by the !3oarc;, und no bids
having been received at thP. hour mentione<" in the published notice, no cc.ntre.ct could be let.
'..Tpon motion the Auditor wo.s instructed to o.dvP.rtise for bids for roller si:elving in the
o''ice oi; the ?.egister of DeedR, e.ooortiine,: to plan submitted tc thP. Board, said bids to be CT)erred at
2 o'clock p. m. 0ctober 14, l!l41. ·
A del,:,r-otion o·!' lot owners on thP. 1·:est side of nelican T,ul:e in the 'I'ownshi.·o of Scambler
,/eppenr~d to re']nest the chanp.e o:' loco.t ion c:' r:ount.r rond ot th~t ooint. The Bo11rd ~r~ed to look over
~the riroposed chon,P. clu:ri.nr-: thP. SP.S!l i.on nnd to.J:e the me:ter ll!' ror iurther act ion.
7he Torm Board or 'llo1·:ers nskef that snid townshi r be authorized to use their share o-!' Gas
Tax 'IIOney voted •or use on r:ounty ~id ~o~d ~o. 33·between ~ections 11 and 11, sa'!le to be credited to
~heir 11cc:ount ;·,hen the Gonnty has constructed sold rood. Upon -notion the request was fronted.
The e.oard then took n receso to 2 c'clock "· :.;.
Hearin{? on com!Jlaint of tax-9ayers o-r 1:vT'i:eg Lan Creve that the 'l'own ~oard had nel!lected to
repRi r and maintain ror,.d in said tm·msh.ip vms heord and llll interested po.rti~s who 1•:ere present ~:ere
per-ni•: ted to mul,e thP. ir stat':)T"lr·r,ts to thP. Board. •~he Commissioners llflreed to examine said rood ot i:.n
early date and tol~e tlle '!latter np at a fut11re meeting.
'Phe o.pplicati.on of :·11111.s.m ·:1eappa i:or settlement o!: delin•1uent taxes on the SE~ IIBt 8ec. 24
To•m of "oddock for 1!>29 to 1934 O!lil ror 1()37 to 193'J wes read and the ~oard recomrnendeci to the 'Jommis-
sioner o:' ':'axation that said taxes bP. set1·1ea for th':) surn o-f ."'155.!ll, beinf s reiinction o-r =•!)5,87 "rom
the ~nll amount o·r to.xP.s, 9ennltiP.s ond costs.
The follo"1in~ resol1:tion ~:o.s o.do.oted:
:'!esolyea b.v the '3oord o·!: ::onnt.v :: ornmiRRioners of otter ':'ail County, !.iinnesote.:
That under provisions c:: ·:hFr>ter 163, r,en,,rol La•::s of :.annP.sota for lf141, the :follo.-:in;, named
person be and she hereby is certi.fied for the purpose o:' chest s11r11P.r.\' at ':len Lake 80.natorium, the-cost
for said treatment to be paid ·~or equally b.V the State o.f. '..I.innesota und Otter Tail Count,i·, as pro•riced
by said chapter; :,!rs. Glarence :.ro.r n eld, "ob a.rt •rownsh i p.
· Adopted S9etrneber 'J, 1941. Geo. B. Gunderson, Choir~o.n.
Attest: i'/ill.iam Lincoln, Clerk.
The Board of CountJ' ~om;nissioners of ;'/a.denu Count.1, consulted the Co,!!missioners relative to
improvement of rce ds nenr the Count;f Line between tbP. tw.:i counties.
Upon motion the Board then adjcurned to 10 o'clock A.~-September 10, 1941.
Pursuant to adjournment the 13oard met at 10 o'clock A. :.i. i"/ednesdny, Sept~mber 10, 1941,
s.11 members being present.
'rhe ap9lic11tion o"!: ;ros. Overbye ~or dance pt>rmit at Sho.d.V "aven i.YJ the Tov:riship of r.:verts
for th,:, baleYJCP. of thP. ~rear 1!>11 .-raR 1:rnnted.
-::'he appl i.cnt ion of ,'os. ()verbye for "n a.nd 0-r:· so.le beer licensP. at <;hady '' o.ven in the
To••:nship of r.;verts ·ror the periocl end in!' :.:arch :n, l!l42 1·:as f.i"a.nte/1,
The o.policntlon or ··•u1inrn '1 , ,'aer:er ror dance permit, usinf mechoYJiCRl music onl;r, at his
bent hou.se in the 'l'ownr.h:i p of Star T,ake for the belonce o ~ 1:he year 1!141 •uas rranted.
The application of !':lof i.nderson .ror TP.dnction of assessment for 1940 oe,ninst the ··1est 5
inches or 3'"1 50 ft. of T,ot 8 and all o:!: T,ot 9 in Bloc!: :~ Orig i.nal "lat o ": Villaf-e of r•enning v:a.s rend and
the "Board recommended to ~he ~Om'!lissicner of 1'axo.tion that the assessed value of. sold tract be redtwed
from :"·!llG to .~:720 and the tax from .::93.62 to ::'.'73.58,
:J.'he applicotlon of \. J. Opsul, ailministrutor, for reiluction of assessment fer the year 1940
ae:ainst the ·.•,1, rr,n o:r. Sec. 24 in the'~o..,mship of "'olden was read and thP. ~co.rd recommended to the Commis-
sioner o!: Taxo.ti.on thnt ':he assessed valuation of said tract be reduced ~rom .•·352 to :~1A3, and the tax
from ... 26,05 to !':13.51.
The o.pplj cation o.., •~dna :.1. Si:n'!!ons "or reduct ion of assessment for 1940 ae;a.inst the South
335 n. of Lot 1 in ~lee. 2u 'l'own or ~nsh T,11ke for thP year HM-0 vms rP.ad and thP. Board recommended to the
r.o-n'llissioner or ..,o.xa1:ion that the essessec' valtrnticn of said tract he reduced from ~-95 to ~·12, and the tax
from ~6.14 tc f.7R.
'l'he o.oplicntion of <,en rimber as ar-ent, for reduction of 1940 tax aeainst r.ots 5, 6 and 7
in Sec. 27 Town of 9utler wos read and the Soarcl reccmmended to the Commissioner of T~u.a.tion that the
assessed valuation of said tract he reduced .rror.i ~'646 to /~300 r.nd the tax from .;43.66 to :'.:20.28.
The applico.ticn or Tone Lord for classificution of. her undi•:ided one-sixth interest in Lot 2
except Sub Lo ts A to tf inc lus iv e, except !lo rth 1f,Jrl.1sec. 12 Town of Gli th er all for the year 1940 at
homestead rate 1•1as reod and the 3oa.rd recommended to the Cornm.issh,ner of ','axation that the assessed
val uo t ion of sold tract be reduced from .,,;561 to .'·524, and the taxes :l'rom tG2. Cl to ~~57. 99.
The ap!llication of :~rnest E, '.:ordes for reduction of assessment for the yc~ar l!l10 against
the "fl'· S"l1 of Sec. G Town of Leaf J,r.ke wc,s read o.nd tl1e Board recommended tc the Commissioner cf
Taxation that the assessed valution of said tract be recucecl from ~·292 to 0231 and the tax from :l'-2G,34
to :":20.84.
The ap1lication of Ada o.nd [nez Dahlfren for classification of Lots 3 to 9 in !lock 10 of
Dsl1l •• Y.alling' s .tilcl it ion to the City of Fergus Falls for the year l!l40 at homestead rates was rend and
the ~card recommendP.d to thP. ,o:nmissioner of Taxation that so.id lond be so classified o.nd the assessed
valuation reduced ·from :"'6G4 to -"'416 and thP. tax "rom !"7!l.21 to :"'45,!lO.
The npplicati.cn of .'ames 1', .•o.cobson, assessor o~ the Township of 'ror1·1egian Creve, that
Lots 5 and 6 o-t' ')ec. 6 in sa.id tovmship, ov:ned b.V l!o.bel '~rosvi.!', and 1•1hi.ch o.d,ioins her other land in
t'/ilkin ,ount." upon which she resides. he classi ?ied at homestead rates for the .ve11r 1940, we.s read end the
"Oard reco11mP.nded to the r~o'!lrnissi.onP.r o·~ 7axatlon that sri.id ls.nd be so clo.ssl~ied, and the assessed value
be reducecl -f'rorn :•·u24 to ."'177, o.nd the tax !:ro11 :"·35.07 to i'.·21,IJP,.
The ao•>licot ion of r.. :' .. ·••atnans ~or reduct ion o-!' assessment for thP. year l!l10 a.p.ainst the
l'-:1 s-·•1 er Section.i7 ·rcvrn or ?olden which a.pplico.t;.on had been re:,ected at a. previous mP.etinf, 1vo.s ago.in
taken up for reconsideration. :, co::rnittee or the -qoe.rd having P.xnrninecl the propert.v in 1uestion, uoon
motion the ~co.rd reco~rnended to the '.!or:imissicner of Taxation that the assessed value of said tract be
reduced ?rom ~'·?.62 to ."'202, and the tax -from :;;,22. 39 to :'~17. 26.
'r'he folloV!in,:: resolution ··:us 110 09 ted :
DATE .................... JiC.!l.tc.m'Q.e.r. ... l.0 ............................... 1931.l., ..
~esolv ed b,y the Board o ~ ::ount.v Commissi. one rs of Otter ~•ail Connt~•, :.annesota:
'"n1ereas, this 'learn ho.s heretofore con'::racted 1•1ith Socony-Vncuum C1il Co. for certain oil, and
·•rherP.ns, saicl company has delivered to the i::onnty seven c:arloads or oil totalling 64,363 gallons
,1ow, there~ore. be it resolved that the county Aitclltor and r.ho.irman of the Board are authori:ed
and directed to issue to sold cO!!lpan,v a vmrront on the !!cad and 'lrid@e"'und a~• the Cour,t.v in the snm of
~4,25<J.OJ., the amount clue under the contract ,ii.th said company.
Dated <;eptember 10, 19t=l. r.eo. lL Gunderson, Cha.irman.
Attest: \•/illlam T,incoln, Clerk.
ThP. riuesticn of purchase o'.'. rotary snow plow vms ae:o.in taken u.p, and the Eon.rel considP.red the
bin of Thorman''/. ~osholt •:o. v:hich had beP.n snbmittP.d in resflonse to c:all for bids. and a:!'.ter discussion
the •oarci accepted the bid of sold compan,\' for one Snoe,o rotar.\' snow plov:. model L1.!U, complete with
~now llphts and1,spP.cial super-reduction auxiliar.•r transmi.ssion, including mounting but ,•:ithout truck ,or the sum of .•.8,:'105.00.
, · The"!oord ho.v ing examined the proposed char,eP. or road nlone: the west side or: "el ica.n Le.l:e i.n
.{the Tov:nshi.p of Scambler then a.f.reed to make the chane,e requestec· rrovided th.,;.t i::oward s:,ct!ren. 01·:ner
lof propert.\' over which said rood be ccnstructed, deposit with the County Trensurer the sum of "·:'150 to a~ply on the construction o!'. the roncl.
'.Toon .motion 1·he r.ount.v Auditor 1'-'0S in!ltrncted to ad;•ertise !'or bir.s fer one sno ·: 010•:t and
l"ling to he -:icunteil on Austin-'"/estern wo. 'J<J motor patrol now ov:ned by the '.:ount.v. said bit's.to be
onen'!d i>t th'! session of the Board rctol)er 15. l!M,l at 10 o'cl.oc:l: A. :L.
The fcllow.i ne: bi 11 s 11:erP. nllOWP.d :
J. C. Henkes boo rd inf' pr i sorn~rs
u ·•. Glorvi~en drivers license exp.
Jlaomi ,, . Snobec:k clerical work
Osv:ald ?ubl. Co. blanks
rr, A. Rogers Co. .supplies
'"lhiteheod "rinting Co. blanks
7ictor Lundeen '• Co. i1lanl~s , supplies
'!11erf:uS .:ournol Co. pnbl i. siline, minutes
.:ones I Kroeg~r Co. r~cord
Ci t.l' of ;,ergus i"e..Lls water
270. 75 ,, . C. "enl:e s
5.05 r: .. ,. Rovo.ng
!J.00 Ji'ergns .'ournal ·:c,
5.00 · Uiller-Devls Co.
C..40 Poucher Printing,
5.50 Lithographinfl Co.
217,83 Security Bla.nk Bock
54.00 % ~rinting co.
9'J.25 City c·r E'ergus i<'alls
10.14 otter 'l'ail Power Co.
books, blanks.etc.
~:ater :'. light
Odin ~ohnson cash advanced
l'nited Chemical Co. supplies
Nelson's _1,npliances sunnlies
11.""1.~ell Tel. r:o. lon~ distance culls
1i. 00 'Barke rs ·.inden·:r it ers,
10.85 Beall , !,lc:Gowan Co,
10.15 P i.nte;e n-;·arst
Tnc. insurance
Nelson's 1afe meals ~or ;iurors
Dr, P. ~oysen c:oroner's fees
Llarlin ~eynolds Deputy Sheri~~•s
?eter uink, ~r. Deputy Sheriff's
24.40 R.~.Bell 1el, Co,
24.50 7. A. Lee
6.flO l.!nrl in ~e.vnolds
fees 7.40 ~oy ~orliss
fP.P.S 3.00 "'erm11n ,1ohnson
lOnf distance calls
coronP.r's fees
:,ail er
Dep. Sherirf's fees
.'cs. ~a.vner no.
Dr. 7. n. q_ nelson post mortem
Ceo. ".erpem "ost Am. T,eg ion !'.P.morial Day
American Legion Auxiliary. P.Y.:·ii.lls
11.!JO Sel~P.r ~-~rekkc
6.00 Americnn T,er,ion,
servicP.s 25.00 ·
Sheri. ff' s fees
Deer ~reP.k :.!emorial Day
sen· ic:es
i)o. 14. 00 '"/m. Ga.lPno. •, Sons reonirs
De. r,yle ~ollerson expenses
~-~-7 otter expenses
A. Glorvigen expenses
:•ownship o"!: Delice.n roa.c1 'llork
Lampert Lumber Co. t:t1lverts. etc.
rrorthnestern Sheet
•• Tron 1·rorks
"'/hi tehPod "rinti.ne: r:o.
ITicols. Dean, Grerp
"intE?en-::erst ":lee. '.:o.
T,ake ?.eg ion ·•otor r:o.
T,arson '3ros.
Olson Auto ~lectric ~o.
-r,,erpus Tron ryorks Co.
:l.dol ph ~ a.cobs
r.,.~ell relephone-Co.
rree Press .::a.
:,!erchonts '!otel
Lampert Lumber Co,,
s11 pplies
rPptti rs
re•>ai rs
lcng distance
· forms
Porkers Prairie lumber, c:ement
Penrose Oil '.:o. garage rent
Jinn, ~otor Co. used tirP.
Raymond '3ros, :.10 1:or'rraes. Co, freight
!':.Lincoln Shell Service gos
~-~incoln Shell Service gnsoline
uarthun, Deterson nil r.o. ~asoline
1onsn~crs 0il ~o., Rattle toke e:asoline
~oosevol t "nrlc 'lerv ice Stat Lon gasol i nP.
''orth Stotes f'il ~o. oil
""iP.ld •, Po.ppe ril 10. Diesel fuel
'.:ity o~ ""erpus Walls Cflre o!: p:rnpP.r
~strem r.linic examination
Glen Lcke Sano.torium c:c.re o~ patients
~oy ~orliss Dep.Sheriff's fees
\l.40 Do.
56.70 Town o~ ~litherall
11.45 Carl C. Delson
500.00 !':lk :qivP.r cone:. "roduc:ts
79. 39 :1ahlr-r ~, St re.us
fl. 00
7 .65
,i .• ll;
Thorman'."/. Rosholt Co.
Victor T,undeen ~, /"!o.
rational qushinp % Darts
?red A. r.:verts
!lelscn's SupP.r Servic:e·
Yarvt>nen % Son
"ergo i'"ouna r.v '.:o.
~. ;,I. Vore
TTenr_y E. Lunt" lie
:.!inn. State 1Jiehw~yDe1)t.
Otter •;•ail Power Cc,.
Ji'etvedt Blue Print Shop
County of ,lilkin
~. ., . l!agel
r-'. \'/. Steinke
9111 UP.lson's Oil Co,
1.,.co., Inc., of Uinn.
(',, t!. R.R. Co.
Chns. ~owler~ son
Deep ~ocl: Oil co.
road work
Co. culverts
10: snpplics
repo i rs
p. ravel
elP.ctric energ,v
gruvell ing
shovel rental
shovel rental
tires~ tube
fasoline 25.5')
21. 33
w. C1tter Tnil Service
.~ohn :;opnuson
co. gasoline
f.O.S ' 0 il Central '"66p Service
Anderson~ 1ondberR 0il
!'. ;•r. '3ell ~el. Cc. -
l)r. ·-,.('I.,.,. ile lson
~vel.vn ~-~01~ci:-
r.o. Diesel fuel
lonr distance calls
c:lP.rical work
:r.:·i.'3ell ':'el. r.o. lone-dista.nc:e colls
7ic tor Lundeen~ Co.
:linn. ~;tate :'>anntorium
Dr. "· "· '.eihold
ca.re of paupers
examina.t ions
Dr. TT. ". T,e ihold cure o ~ po.ttper
Renry G. Rorr exp.attend.meeting
Yelmer ro.rvcncn Do.
Louise Qtondohl poste~e
··,. "· l'\er/!huis clerl: hire
"'el1rn 1'olm tnkinf. testimony
11. "· ""'Ye :,uror ~~rman ~choeninp. juror
~'oword ""'enver .'.uror
Fronk j, :>11rnP.s :·unlcipol .'uclp.e's
Cu:nmins Diesel Soles •,
r. , µ. J'."a1111pl
J.iahlPr 'a Straus
,, . C. 1!enkes
". "':. Amundson
Geo. s. runclerscn
., . A. ,1.ncl erson
Cynthia C'arberf1
:•1m. "'• 'lchnoor
"''red .'. Cast
•.. i!. 1iuop.P.nscn
'Terman : ohnson
'T. T,. Srndin
"eterscn ·1 ros. "otel
·.'/m.u. ;iegler ::o.,Inc:.
Lo.ke ~egion :'.ctor Go •.
Otter ~oil Ge-op. Oils,
e xeosnes
clerical work
rnco ls
Inc. "
77. 35
17 .50
.00 4,00
5. 'JO 2. '/5
7 .50
1£, 20
5 .20
DATE ................. 'leDtember 10 .................................. 193. 41 .•
-~'" IILANIC IIODIC MD PRINTING co. • .,._ &.au ... MINN-••"
iune~ros. re Po irs
r:era.ld T :ost els on re na i rs
•rl!P ·•rer.eric:k "ost '.::c. sunnlies
o'orl:lund :.'.ff. ·;o. supplies
;·erRns Blue Print Cc. prints
C:lk iu ,.,..r '.::one. "rod . r:o. culverts
rv~~n ?uel ~o. •uel
~r·!in 'Ji.el! ~r ied p.a.so linP.
~Pndicl:son Service ~totion q
~rne::it Vea~ie easoline
.Av is ,owma.n E' o.sol ine
,,onl's •11ex1.wo Service ra::icline
7rou~ '.::o. eascllne
~a.r's Service Station fns. etc.
Jills Oil co. grease
st,rnderd nil Co. J.Jlesel fuel
•rhe Oil Store Diesel fuel
Upon met ion the Board then
70 .. 35 :'nre,o ~01mdr,r Go. reoairs
14.96 !'Ulseth SUfl!'l,'! '.:c. supplies
1.44 I!.L.•c ":."/.l:ruysmon snp!')lies
11.55 U.~.1ell ,01. Co. services
30.23 P, Tl. ,.,on-i.11 rental
lll9.RA 1~11yes <;oles r:o. cu~tlng: ed.f.eS
:?1.50 :lcr.,Ppian rrove road ·:1ork
19.37 aons ~ohnson ?exoco Station ~asoline
17.92 :'ohin's ··•orthv!hile ~tation pr,scline
23.10 0rrie ~ohnson, ~pent eascline
E9 .4:3 :Io tor Tnn C',aro.fe •f&.eoline
27.9B "ark 1erlon "il Cc. roscline
18.30 Se·:en-0 Service Stotio11 ro.s, etc:.
4.38 Ccnswner' s Oil Co. gas •, Oil
1.85 n. K. Stahl Co. oil
31.75 D.A.Lubric:ant Co., Inc. lubricant
39.00 Fercus Oil Jo. J.Jiesel ruel, etc.
adjourned to October 14, 1941 at 10 o'clock A.~-
15 .20
3fl. 75
18. 70
138. 60
■EICURlff 111.ANK BDDM. AND PRQrrll'l~1-■T. CL.all_!, NINN.-111!1
DATE .................. Se ot e'!lh. e r .. .17 ................................. 193:fl.-_ _._
".!U!UT:~S 0"" SPRCIAL :.!~P.l'IilC OP qQf,'.W
011' '.:OUU'fi ,:;01:::TS!:IO'.!'r.~S c,;•
O'l"rlm 'i.'AIL COUI!TY. :.1rnm:sOT.i,,
Pursuont to coll sisned by a majority of the Board, the County Commissioners met at 2 o'clock
0 l.l. l'/ednesday Se!itember 17, 1941 to execute at;recrnr--nt with tile Stute for temporar~• maintenance or
hif'h1\'B.Y as detour on Trunk >'ighway I:o. 70.
Corn·nis!=!Loners 1·arvonen, Cunclerson, ,vnu?1dson and ••off were present.
R~SOT,UTIQJ; 'W T'n '30ARD 0" GClUl!TY r.:cr.r:.nsc:rn;r--:~s 0"' cvr""::l T.\I.T. GOU!Pl'Y, :,mm•:soTA:
nn motion o ~ ">O--:i·nissioner A--:iundson, seconded by Commissioner "o.:'f., nnd dul_y corried, the
Jo ord resolved that its "hui r--:itm. and ~ler!t forth1•1!i. th enter i ntn on ngreeml"nt ,;:i th the State of
:annesota, o.ctinf throue-h its ~o--:i'!!Lssioner of 11ip:hvm.vs, for the maintenance, except snov:plowing, of
tiJP rood clescribed in said Of:reernent as u detour. 'l'hc descriiit ion of the road to be used as set forth
in the ap.reernP.nt re !:erred to, is describP.d as follm•:s:
13er. i?minp. at the .:unction or: 'i'runk ',iphwny ~79 ond County Aicl:loud "139A One ancl C'ne quarter
(l+) milP.s on Connty Aid 'load 39A; thenc" on r:onnt.•r Aid ~ooil 1}4 si.:< and one -:iuarter (6~) miles to the
.iunct ion o ~ -~onnt.v Aid :lend 1/4 nnd Count.v . .:.id !~o '.l.d ¥4~: thence on r.ount.\• 1~ Hi ~ood 13 three and one quartP.r
(3¼) miles to its ,,unction r:ith "'rnnk Pif'hl':ay ¥78; a total cilsta.nce or ten and three qua.rters (lQ¾) miles.
Said Count;; to be paid therefor nt the rate o.r :~25.00 per mile per month. ""n1ctional mi.Les ond fractional
months, if any, will be 11seu in computing o.rno1rnts pa.1•0.ble. It is contempluted ti:J.o.t the maxi:num amount to
be paid b,V the state under tl-.is DBreement is to be C,500,00, and thll.t the 11se o-f said road &8 a detour
by ti:J.e state v:ill terminate on or before Decem1iP.r 31, 1941.
Adopted this 17th day or SeptembP.r, 11111.
~co. 8, Gunderson,
1Jha.i rma.n.
;•Jillia.m J,incoln,
Upon mot.ion thP. ~oard ncce!itec' the hid o·i George ·r. :l,\'M Co. for one X-51 i'J,G.Snov:plow \':inp.
l'lith ro11rteen -:'ootlr\_old board monntP.il on ::ount.v's Galion pracler .ror the sumo'.: -~644.
There beinf no further buRiness, upon ~otion the 13oard then nd;:onrned.
At test:
DATE ............................. ('lc.toi1P,r .. 7., ............................ 19841.,.
:.iil!UTES OE' SP::cr AL i.l!-:~~·l'I,IG OF BOA:11.1 m•
COUtl'i'Y COI.r.iISSIOIJZ!W OP O'l'Tlrn 'l'AIL C:OUll' ... 'Y. m:im:so~•.J.,
Pursuant to coll signed t,y o rnajorit,\' o.f the County Co'llmissioners. o speciol 'l!eetinB was held
at the Com'!lissioners' :::oom in the ~ourt House at 3 o'clock P. !!, Octoher 7, Hi41. Pres('nt: Commissioners
r.uncl,•rson, "o~"", A"lundson nncl Sno,•:bers,
~he folloninr resolution nas adopted:
~esolve,; b,V the ~oArci of ~o,rnt.\' r.o-ninisFJioners of rtter ':'sil Connt,v, '..linnesota:
That the snlP of tnx-rorfeited lands appraise~ by this 0 o~rd be held in the of'.'Lce o~ the
::onnt.v.\uditor in the Court l'lonse in ?'erpus FB.i.J.s in sa.id r:ount:{ on ':'Unsda,\'. the 4th da.v-o.: !lovP.rnber,
1911, co,nmencing at 10 o'clock A.'!.
P.esolved 7nrther, thut tracts rna,v he solo undP.r the followiue ccnd itions: ·~ach and ever.v tract
scld '.'or :._50 or less shall he pr.id for in :'ull ut the timr-i o·· soicl so.le. All tro.cts sold '.'or '!lore than
"50 may be pn.ici ror on ~he installment !)lan at thP. rate of o.t lea.st 2fi per cPnt o-'.: the purcl111se pri.ce,
hut in all co.see the dov:n-pu,yment must be o.t least :'50, provi.clerl •:hut in all cns,,s where the aporai.sa.l
h.V this•3oard shov!s 11 v.alue o!: wood on said tract the full amount or the oppraisal value or: soi cl 1'/God,
together ~:ith 2~ per cent of the b11lance o: the purchase priee_ :nust be tJD.id r.t the time of sale. The
.balance of the purchasP. (>rice mn.v be paid in ten annual insto.llmcnts ut 1 per cent per annum interest
on the unpeid balunue,
'l'itle to lands to be or.fered .":or sale is not guaro.ntee<i eitl,er by Otter ?ail ::onnty or the
state of ;.!i.nnesotn. ',/hen !)a,yrnent in ful.l of the pu1·chase price has been made the purchaser will receive
rro,n the '3tote of :.!innP.sota a o.ui t-claim cined tc the property.
Ado,t~rl October 7, 1941,
. •.t test:
.'Ii 11 irun Lincoln,
r:hoirman •
Th~ Gc11nt.v ,\u<li tor was .i.nstruc:ted to order one thousand copies of the_ p:i:'intP.d 1 ist of lands
to be o rrerF!d ~or snle,
'.Pht'!rF! bernp no rnrthP.r husiness, upon motion the BoDrd th,m 0Afiii
I l•
SEICUIHT'I' 111.ANK DDDKAND PIii~, ~~~_!IINN,-t.l!!_t
DATE ................... C'c t e;.l:ie r ... Vr , ............... · .................. 191.f... ..
:1Tim•1•:::s 0-:tD,•n11~n1rn :r:":'t'r 11c. o? BOA,I!J
O!' GOUl!TY co:.rr.:ISSTO!l!-::~S O?' o·r•rE~ TAIT,
Purs1mnt to ad,journ111ent ti1e 1our6 met at 10 o'cloc}: A. U. :l'uesday, October 14, 1941. "resent:
i::om·nissi one rs I:arvonen, Gunderson, "!off, A111undson and Sno•uberg.
The ::ounty Auditor presented to the Bou1·d an,, application to cancel certi.ricate of forfei.ture
ap.ai.nst tract in the Village or D ent: Beginning at point 215 feet se;utheust o.l' intersect ion or enst
line o~ rai.lroaci nnd south line c,f On}: Str<!et, thence sonthee.st 151 feet, northeast 300 feet, northvtest
366 feet, southwest 82 .r.eet, southeast 21C feet, southwest 2113 -feet to 'uee;ir,ning, i.n Section 34 'J101vnship
136 !~anpe.40. '.'.'he ~oard bei.np. sati.s'fiea that the said certificate o: forfeiture was erroneous in thot
thP. taxes ro!' the _year i.n 1uestion had been paid on sni.d tract in ccmbi.notion with other lands owned by
the S!'L'll!! port.\' n11c thnt thP. nssess11P.nt above r<>ferred to v:a.s n d11plication ::ind tlierP."!:ore erroneous. upon
motion the -qoard recomni,milecl 'to the ::om"lis:-ii.onPr o: ""nxati.on 1·111!.t an order he issnea cancellinr-said
?or·rei ture.
';'he applicatio11 o"!: the ':it.•; of -erpns "'alls "or c.onveJ,ant,., o" forfP.ited lands in said city for
park and road IJeantir:ication pur!)oses, snid trac,tP. l1P.in;:-dP.scrihP.d ns !,ots 9 to 14 in n,lock 6, and T,ots
1 to 7 intilnsive, and T,ots 10 to 16 inclnsive of: ~lock. 7 in ,outh'li.dr! ~.dciition to ?erp.us ..,,alls, and
T,ots 1 and 2 or 9locl: 2 and T.ot·s 2 to 7 inclusive or "locl: 1 in •·•nter's '"onrth !.dciition to soid •~it.v,
was rP.e/1 onil after consi.dProt ion n•1cn -:iot ion thP. "O:l!'d rP.comrnenclP.ri to t"hP.';orn"a1issi.onP.r o: -:'axnt ion thot
snid l£1nds be ccnve.r()d tc, the f:it.\'. under Section f.:139-15 :.:o.son' s 10~0 SuPple:nent as amended b.V ·~hnoter 511
General T,t1••1s or 1941. ·
The epplica~ion or the ~ity of ~erpus ~~lls ror cc.nveyunce or certnin tract o~ tax-forfeited
lenil :or strPet rmrposes. said tn:1ct beinEt ill'scr.iheii as follows: '9eginning o.t the Southwest ccrner of
:'eservP 3 of said "i.nkle •• Hhite•s Addition to the 'J.i.1:.v o" ~erp1n1 .,..,~1lls, runninf thence r.:ast J7.5 fePt
to th,;, :rorti.west cc.rner o• ~loc}: 1~ of sa.id :'inl·le 'l: •"lhite's .\cio.i.t:ion, r11nninP-thence :!ortl: 14?. fP.et,
runninP. thP.nce "':.ist to the 'lortlwrest corn1>r o-r "'loci: 7 of r.al:eland Acirlition to the r:it.v o'' ·•erRus "nlls
acco!"di.np to the pl~Jt therP.o'.' on ·Pile i.11 the c..:'"ice o~ thP Rerister of "'P.eds for Otter· ''"All coiint.1,,
:,Iinnesota, runnin,Q thence.·•orth 75 l'eet on 1·h<> one-J11arter section lino, r1:nni.rlf' thence \1est lR'l.26 fr!<>t,
runninp. thl\'nce Forth to the Southwest corner o-:" ~locJ.· 9 of '."'ripht ~, ·:enclenhall's '.cldition to soi.d '::i.t.v,
uocoril i nr to the recorded !'lat thereof. rurn1 i.np thence \'/est on the one-qnnrt er SP.O tion 1 ine 37. 5 feet.
rnnninp thence So1.1tl1 254.1 fP.et :o ti,e point or bP.E"inninp., vrns TP.Od nnci o.fter consi.deration upon motion
thP. '3oerd reco1n::ienced to the Com:n.i.ssiuner of 'l'ox,~t ion thr.t said lnnds be conve.\'ed to the Cit.\' under
Sect ion 2139-15 :.le.son's 140 Supi:,lP.rnP.nt as amended b,v Chapter 511 Gen'!ral Lavis c.!: 1941.
A report of the i30llrd of Auci.i.t of verit:ica.ti.011 o.:'. ti1e current tax collections or the Countv
·::reosurP.r f.ur tl,e period :'rom ;.Iorch 1,3 to ,'1me 24, l!.i'tl shcwine, a total of -~;507,o2!,.30 wes ap!,rc·;ed·.
The fo.llo·;:ing resv.1.~ttlon we.s adopten:
l~esulve,; by the 1300.rci of Jounty t:ommissioners of Otter l'ail COU!lt,y, ;,armesota:
'i:'hat uncier the provisions o2 Chapter 163, Cener,..1.l Laws of ;,Ji!'mesota fur 1941, the fol.Lo.-:ing
na•ned persons be nncl t he,y hereby are cert i fiec1 for the purpose of. chest surBer,\' at Glen Lake Sanatorium
the cost dior said treatment to be pni.d for eq_u11lly by the State of :.:i.nnesota onrl Otter 'l"ail Conr,t.r, os
.provided h.V said ~hapter: Matt i:oski, :i,.vrnship of Uewton; P,dla I'.01:1psuln, 'j'ovmsilip of Otto; r.Irs. :.'.ari.on
''.'ood, ,Jeer ~reel: Villaee,
,dopt<>d rctooer 11. 1941.
,ttest: ~illiom ~incoln, ':lerk.
Tht> folloninp resclutlon ~as adopted:
Ceo. B. CundP.rson, ChtJ.irrnan.
A t",Y;,Qf'T,fTr;,T('\U T"l~:--,rr::c;-;,rrrr-•nnr,~ ·!T[Ti' • J:TC:"-... 'rt.__y DC:"\~'l1!J~TJT ''i'o r:r1r11~~
07 ('\'~T~~ ,,,\_,TTJ r.0·~T~,. ,..,~"-,~~,,, '!':'O. 4.2:0l.
"lherens, fpilerel ni.il :nnils n.re availo.hlf! for thP. cons':ruction or oount.v hip.hwars which a!'e
rlesipnoted as po.rt o" til'! fe<"eral aid SP.conca.,;:, s.vstem; and
"/ilPT'!as, rtter "oil ~ounty StR.+e Ai/I :~oad ·•o. 1 hns bP.en i.nclnded i.n the feilP.rul ai.d seconilnr.v
s.ystem; !:low, thP.reeore he it rP.solvea. th::it t:he "'.innesota. 1'iph,w:i.y T)eno.rtm,,nt anci the -'ederal ''ublic
"loncis ;\dmini.stration l1P. re'luested tc. maJ.-e available to f'ttP.T '?'o.il ~onnty f!'!ile!'el i;.id tn the amount of
~10,000.00 on the ~ollowinrpro,ect:
Location: ner,i.nn.inp ot •·he <,outhwest 1:orner or Secti.on 4, rL, 1~3 IL E. 42 ··1 and tP.rrninati.np at
the ,ortheost corner or Section 2, T 133 U, ~. 42 w.
•r.vpe or nork: Gradinf. nnd r.ravellinr,. ~~st i.rnated --:ost: t20,ooo.oo
13P. it further resolYP.d, +hot 1·h., County -qoard of Otter 'l'tlil Co1mt,y hP.reby ap.rees that •hey
will co-operflte in furnishinp. rirht o-'.'. way. cost of einp.ine,,.rinp. ?or surVP,VS and !)lens, 50 !')PT cP.nt of
the cost or the construct.ion and o.n.v costs not reimbursa.ble ,·ri.th ferernl oi d ~nnds en thP. above 11entioned
pl"O,'PCt; . .
1'\e it l'urthP.r rP.solvP.ci, that thr-o ::ount.v 0 oa.rrl of '"'tter ·:'ni.l Co11nt.1' hr!reby o.nthorizes tlie ::innP-
sota 'I'epa.rt:nent of 11iphwa.vs to enter into a ccntroct ~or the per ;·ornance o!' the 1:orl: conte'!lplflted on thP.
a.hove mentionP.ti pro:ect;
13e it J'nrther resolved, thnt the Count,v qr,ard of Otter Tail Connt,v shall enter into contract
with the :.:innesota. l)epurt·nent of '1ishways ,1hereby the abovP. mentioned µro:P.ct shall be financed by the
:!innesota pepartment of 1'ip.hwn,i'3, and thP. County 9oti.rd o·r Otter ::'ail c,,tmt,y wlll reimburse the ',!innesota
De:,Jart:nent or Fighwa.\'S for all funds in excess u:'.: feclPral o.ici runrls. 1'he ter-ns ancl conditions of this
contract shall be drawn up and n~reecl upon ul· the ::inneso.ta JeJ.)art::ient of !Ugii.·:::,ys and the county Soard
of Otter Tai.l county,
.A.dopteci this 14th cla.\' o-r October, J.9,n.
Attest: William Li:1coln, :aerk.
Upon motlon thP. Soard ti.en took a. recess to 2 o'clocl: P.
Bids ror roller shelvinf in the vault o~ the ~egister or.
;•tere opened and reail. nnil upon motion the ccntroct was owa.rded to
f;tationer,v ~o. of St .. ·l.onis. ;10., f:or ~68CJ,40.
Geu. B. Gunderson, Chairman.
".loard of '.:l• unty 0o:n•niss i cners.
)eeds as advertised '.;er by the
the lowest bi.elder. the Ceo. D,
0 arn11ru
ThP Bfl!Jl icat.i.on of. 3v:enrl T,nrson :or rec'uction of assessment ?er 1940 o.painst the wt S\'I~ IIEf-
Secti.011 1 and Lot G Section 11 nnrl n-:::; 1!~1 Sec. 15, o.11 in thP. 7ownship or •:-u~uli, ,·,as read o.nd the noard
rPcornmendPn to the Co'!lrni.ssi onP.r o? ".'axa.t ion thn': th" assef'SPil ,:nl11e or snirl tro.ct be recuced -frorn ::_:-534 to
:"·397, !'nd thP. tax from !'-47.% to :"35.65.
Thf! !l!Jnli.c··':ion o• ·•. 'J. T,anpvi.cJ· +'o!' ri~ilncti.on of assessment "or HMO ap.oinst the ·1\ '.!"/1 l'nd
"1"'1 11"/.~ o:' S,.,cti.on 1 'l'ovm o-: .\'1101· ''.'!'R read nnd the "oard rPCO"lmenrP.d to the 0om·1iss ioner of 'l'a.xntion thnt
th"' aSSP.SSP.<' vnluP. or said la.11n hP rPiluced '.'ro"l :"550 to '.;:440 onrl th,, tax ''rorn i·52.5R to -~42,06.
'l'he npplico~ion c·" ~re•l ::inter for clnRsi~icntion of ·•orth 7:, fP.et or Sonth 150 rt. of' Lot 7 in
0 locl: 4fl of !.11l:P.vi.P.1v \dili.t ionto ..,nrl:<>rs ·'rairie .ror th~ :{ear 1940 at ho'lle!'ltes.rl n1.':P.~ wn:; read and the
"'onrd recom·1ended to '::hP. 'JO'!lmissioner o" •:•axnticrn thr-t snid land he so nla.ssi"if!d ond the osse.,sP.ri vnlnc
be reci1wP.d l'ro:n :"702 to ."·439, nnd the tnx •ro"! "·7e,,52 to .··14,rn.
'J'hP. i;ppl.ica~ior, o· ·\xel .'0J,1;3on "er cl:nsi.~icotion of s·:' !'C:1 , ;•~ <;":1 and!l-0:·' s·11 or Secl"i.on 2 in
";'o··:nship of '.'.aple•vood •or 1"iiP ,i'N1.r 19~.o a.t tomeste~1.d rates ~188 read and the t\oard recom11endP.d to the
0orn•,1isl'liOn('!T o!" •;•axntion thnt said lr,nd 'le so classifiP.rl, nnd the o.ssessP.c1 vo.luP. reducP.d fro,n :"•RP1, tc, :'·531
ond th<> tax rrorn ··c2. :~3 tc
DATE .................................... "c tobP.r .. _.l•l .................... 193 .... 4/.
I ■m,ltrff 111.ANK -AND PIIINTIND ca., sr. Cl.OU IIINN.-Nltt
The clr.i:n of :.:rs. ~ue nurl~ for da.'llllf'P. to crir ,·:us rr-!O.d a.nr was re;P.cterl n.s not beinp a lep.al
chorii:e apo.inst the '.:ounty.
The co~plnint o!' -:'rP.oholders o~ ::o,·~1e17in.n "•rove ui;ain3t the Boa.rd ur said '!'O\rnship for
failllTP to rep1nr r;:i/1 maintain 11 certnin rou.d in Sil.id to·.-:nAhip ·::hicl. hod been ·he•ird at the :nP.etinp. o~· the
"oord held ~eptmnber D, lD•H was tnken 11p ~or :.urther coni::idP.rii"tion. ond uoon motion thP same w,1s reiected.
Upon 'IIOtion •;·,e 0 onrd tlrnn iad5ournP.cl to 10 o'c.:locl: '. ··. ··•ednP.sday, Oc.:tober 15, 1911.
Pursuant ~o nd;ourn•nent thll .,oni-d mPt ut 10 o'nloc}: ·'.. •·. ··1ean':!sdo.\-, octohP.r 15, l'J•H, oll
:nP•nbers hei np nresent.
'l'he ~oorcl hnv inf nndP.r cons i dera ti. on tlie 1uest ion of re i niburs inf: A. ". .'or.nson :or 'llOney e;{pend ed
i!l opP.ninr;: roocl on the 1 ine bet··:een Anrdal o.nd J:ane "rnir.ie, unon r:iot ion re,;ected the reguest for re-
i '!lhursemP.nt.
'.!'he bond of "". 7 • 'iau13hn, !'.:xecut i ve See,·etai,v o: the count,r i"/elfa,·eBo urd. in the su11 of .;5. 000
·::ith t1artfcrd Accident and Indemnit,'i Cu. as surety, wns approYed.
'3ids !'.or snc1·1 plo,·1 and ,,.:ing as !lCl.Yertised for bf the 3ourd 1·1ere opened end read. After listening
tc statements cf representatives and "!'irrns si.;.bm.i tt inr, bicls, o.nd :;.fter Pully ccnsiderinr, the mc.tter. upon
~otion the 3orrd accepted the bid o! A-ry Co., Ina. o"!' Uinnesota :or ~us~in-~estern riant V T~pc Snow
!?lo•:, with T.itc:hey 12 ft, bydranlically c.:ontrollerl sno;: ,:inp. :or ;;1:;60.
A comrnnnication from :rrs. '.:c.rl Panson of the Tor:nship of St. Olof asl:ing for dnmor".s for
construct i.on of roof. on the to··:n Line between Otter '.!.'ail ,::,ncl r-rnnt Counties v:us reorl and the r:onnt.r
•.ndi•or •·:as .instructed to notif.,1, l.'.rs. "onson 1:hat rirht-of-m.,,\' o,.,r said lor,d had been r,runtec to the
,onnt.\' b,\" her lmshand ot •h.,. ti:n1,1 the constructi.cn ot the road wns on:ierecl. and thr-t no po.,n~ent ?or
dn~~f'PS coulcl be 'llllde b._,,. the r:onnt,1' at tJ-:is t lone.
'.:'hi> enol ica•ion of ''. ". r.:venson -"or rel'i11c•i o:n o-r assP.~srne11t ':or 1941) on Lot 4 ond Lot 3 e;:cept
"nb T,ots in gP.c~icn 35 '"o:•:?JRhin or :::;in• •·:as rP.or and •·he noprd recc'il-ienaea to t·J,e 1'o'll·ni.~1sicner o• .,,a,:a-
tion th~• •he osseJ?1>d volu,, op solcl ~ract be r•clucP.d •ro~ ~3469 to ~~136 nnd the tax "rcon ~2G'J.B'J to
11ip.\.~-~1~. thio br-ii..nt in 2ccorO.t11cP. '":itl:. thP r~cc,m1u~ntlo.~ion o-r-+Jv, mo•·:n ~onrcl o·~ T'IP.1.'iP.:•., o~ snid to·::nsh.io.
':1hP. ~i,r>licc~ion c.r HabP.l ~;os-:.•ir r-cr clos~if'ic1J1·iori er-Lo~s r:; [)Y.la C in t:'l·p,cti.on G ·~o··:11fll-:in o-:
!tcr·•@pinn ~:re,·,-,. -~r.'!· th0 :·f.!c,r l.S'•tO r.t: h,,..,i:::.~t·nni' T:1.~~s ''.'f.'r", T'"':11:; .,nd the ...,onrl reC0'lt··1end9~l ':) '::,~ :.r~"lif'.~icner
o' ·_•11 .. oti.on ~hrt r.aid l'lnc1 bn so clasBL~iccl nni! the nssesse.d v:·.lue be re<lu.cP.d ~ro•~ "·G2·1 to :··:;74 and the
tox •ro'!I ~JG.07 to '17.74.
'!PO!'! "."lotion tll', "orrd th"'n Grl;c.n•rned •c OctolJP.r lu, l'J41 o.t 10 .L!.!.
"ursur•n1· <:o ad;o11rn"."!n:1t ti:.e ·~oarcl m,~t at 10 o'cloc;: -~. ::. 'l'lmrsdof, f"lctolJer 16, l!Ml. oll
'ltt:i"JlbPl"S h~inf present.
:1h"' pPtition o~ -'OP ">nt1·en to 'le set O\'r->r "ro·n ~1st. H,5 to :-:ist. 263 ··:as tri1':E'n up ~or ~inal
acticn .. ''.fter liStPninf" to stotP.:ncnts or ':onnt,v Suoerintendent o: ~chool:.;, thll •)Ptitloner, ond 'llr->'llbers
o•· the "-chool 0 om·d o: ...,ist. 165 who µ:Pre present, and att"r :'ull con::;idP.rnti.or, or. thr.i '!lotter, upon
-not io'1 the peti •: icn ·::1s prant')C ond the ..,oard issuec tJ,e ~·011.0·::inp. order. tc-.-:i t: .
·,.'ller!':;S, '}he :Jeti.tion of. ~oe ::utten, a J.ep.al \'OtP.r, -~r.,el,older m,a resident of School 1:istric.:t
'.'o. l.G5 in tl~i3 ":ountr. representinf th11.t l,e Le the 01:ner <:[ t·,.e lanes l,eniina.!'.ter C:.esc.:-:-ibeil. nl:ich are
situ::te in sale f:cl,ool ;;Lstrict. and uci join ~;c.:h,,ol : i.strict 1:c,. 26~5 and a.si:Lnr thi:t l,e 1•:iti, his said
lnnd3 ma:,· hP. set c.r:: ;'ro,n said :Cistrict Uc,, lou tc, saici nc,:oining scr.ool di.str.ict iJo. 2u3 ·;ms pre~ented
tu t:h~ •-:or.,rci o: ~aunty 'Jornmissioners of tbis ~vunt~)· ut o seso ion v= 3o.i6. boo.re ':bela on the 16th d.o..}r of
~ul,v ':.:,. 104,l ::or the action o:' 3aic. board thereon; end 1:l,crei;.s it \"/as thereupon ordered i>,r soid i.JuD.rd
thr,t [, l,Ar,"·inc should be had on sairl petition, at n ses :ion of sale. lloarc: c,n tte lGth de,,;· c,;' CctoLer .L!J,
1911 at the '.:o,nrnim::icners ~oom in the ·:curt 'i"ouse i.n the Gity of ?ergus Palls in so.id ':ou.ntr; and ,·:herees
it ··::;.,; pnrther ordered in and by saic' order thot notic.:e cf the time and pluce of such hearing bl'! e-iven bf
post ini:-c.:opi es o • said o:::cl er in three public plo.ces in each cl' the sc.:licol c~ ist r ic ts tu be c..f~ec ted b.\'
suid pPtition, and bf rnailinr to tt~ c.:lert or eac.:h c~ suin school distriats a copy o~ sa~ order at least
tP.n do.vs ~,epore the time a.ppointer'I •·er sunh henrinr: one' ~1he:reas·ot the said sesnion o~ the said '?Oard of
':ount.1, '":o·:1r.1isci.onP.rs on <Jr.iic' 16th ci:>,,' of' "ctoh!'r \.1:. 194.1. clue proop o-'.: the posting nnc1 service o'.: saicl
ordPr c,~ hP.rrlnp PS therPin dir,,cte~ nnd re,nirecl, '!lore than ten day~ prior to said last named dote,
h11•rinp ':lePn :no.clP rin/1 "ilecl, soid p':!tition •::as :111blicl.11 rPn/1 and considered b_v the ..,oard, ·-:1th eYer;,•tl•.inr-
·•1hi.cl: v:as snid b_i-:it>Lc' interPsted r,arties ""or or oi:-ai.nst p.r!l.ntinr--the prai'"l" o"': thepet.itioner, 011.ii said
"onrd lieinp o·· opinio11. •h'1t soir. oPtl.ticn st.0111<1 hf! ;,rantP.d, it i.r.-1 hereb,v ordereii and determined, that
the s<:1tc'r,PtitionPr !l'1d t.he f:ollcw:inr ciesoribe<l hinds O'-':nea b.\' him. •:0-1·:it: ·7'. of!'"''' except tract. and
'l':' or 1•··•' Sect.ion 15 --·o,._•nsl:in 137 ~n"l/l'e 37 he one! •ti,~ snr.iP. nre t.ereb.r set c,'.'• ""ro'!! Sflid 'lchool ~istrict
!!o. 165 tc sr-ia oe .'oi.11inf nchool -·istr.ic:t '"o, F.G3 11r.rl ;;nic londs nre hereb,v mnae n pa.rt o• so.id last
n!''!led Qchool ...,istrict •or all .purpcsP.s whatever.
~.\' ·ordPT o'' +J:0 ~or,yc1 O~ '!onnt_v ~o-nr·1iS!~ i.OTIP.rFJ.
~ater tl:e lGth clo:.-o:' ~cto\Jer .' .. iJ, rn,u.
(:_nditcr's 3eol) ·
Attest: ~illtem ~incoln,
'!•Junt_j' .".udit•or, i;!'l!i ex-o"·'ici.o '!lP.rl: of 'lourd.
r,eo. "· "underson, r:hairman o" •i.e ~onrd
of Connty ~om'!lissioners of Otter ~uil
r:ount,v. ::irmesota.
Th" petition cf ~atP East to be sP.t over ~re~ rist. 271 to rist. 253 ~ns take"l up •or ~ina.l
I 1:1ct:i.on. •\fter list,minP' to stote'!lent or ":ount.1· 'lt•r>,..rintP.ru~ent o:-"c.:hools 1:mc 'llP.'nhers op the School 0 onrd
•o~ :-isl:. 271 ond o:~ter :,.ull c.:onsi.clerntion o~ thr-> "il,n.tter. upon 'llOtion the petition 1·:r,s prnntP.d nnc1 th!' 0 oard
isirnec th~ follo1·:inr-order, to-wi. t:
Jh•reos, th• pnt i.tion of ,10J:~ :-ost, u lePnl. ,;oter, :'.'1·eeholcler o.nd .rr:>sident o-r School ::Hst;-ict
''o. 271 in this r:ounty, reprP.sentinf-thrit l~P. is •he O'.'/ller o" +he lands herP.i.nn:"ter described, \•:hich are
situate in saicl Scl,ool !:is1·rict, nna o.d5oin School :istrict "o: 253 n!1d ns.!:inf that he '.'lith his said
!Ends '110.,\' be set o-"!: ~rem soid district :'o. 271 to so.i.d ad.'.oininp. scnool distrLct :'o. 253 \·:us presented
tc the :oard of ,ount,\' •~o:i1mi.rrnic;nP.rs e,•: this ·::cunt;{ at c. session c.!" suicl Ber.rd held on the 16th da,~· of
• ~uly ',.D. 1941 for the nction _of suid bourd thereor,: one wterea.s it v:as therenpon orclereci by said board
that o. hearLnr: shc11lci be hod on snid petition, ut a ses::iion of said board on the lGth da,r of October,
' .. D. EMl 5.t the Commissioners !':com in the ·~uurt "ousc in the City o:!:' ~ergus [,'u.lls in si;id count;r: ond
¥:h•reas it w~;s ~1::::ther ordered in anti by so.id orcier th.:;.t notiae or tl:e ti:ne .;.r,d plac.:e er such hearing be
five11 by posti.nr: co1)ies o:'. said order in three public places in encl. of the school districts to be u·~·rected
b.v sai.d petition, one b,\' mi:;ilin;~ to tl1e clcr;· cf each of suia School. Districts, a copy of said orcer nt
least ten dll.'.":J bnfore the t i'!lP. a.rnointec ~:or snc.:il hearing; e.n<i ,:hereos at tlie sa.icl session or the suid
~oard cu r:onnty ~crnmissi onP.rs en· soid IC.th <la,.' of Octoher A. D. l!'.141 due pruc,f of the posting nnd ser: ice
or soi.cl order o~ hearinP as therein di:::ecteci and requirer::. more th:in ten clays prior to scid last na~1ed
date. ho\' inr been mac1e ·and filed, :-;..,i.ci. pet it ic.n 1•:os pnhlicl,'.' rend and cons idpred b,1· the 13oani. ,:.i th
P.VPr.vthinp. ~:hich 1·:os saia by snid interr-sted pa ties ··or or are.inst grantinf tl1e pre..ver o:!: the '.-)rtiticner,
A~~ seld ~o~rd bei.nr-o, opinion thnt said PPtit 011 stonl~ be ~ranted, it is herP.by crciere~ ond determined,
thi;t th.P ':lnld .,,.ti.tionPr '.'nr1 t11e t'ollc":ir." ctesc ihen lrndf' owned by him, tc-wit:
! ''
DATE ........................... _0c;tcberlo., .......................... 193Al, ..
"!½-of SEf Sec ti.on 31 To1-mshi p 137 P.nnr-e 3~ be and the some are hP.rcib;; set of·r from se.id Sc.hool !)istrict
' !lo, 271 to soi/I od,ioininp. School District uo. 25:.s ond sain lr.mcis a.re hereb;; made a f)urt of said last
no.med ~chool District for e.11 purposes v:hate,;er. ,.,;~l, 13y ore er o-!' thP. "oord cf -::onnty com,nisfl ioners.
· · Dated the 16th day ct October ,.D. 1941 Geo. 'C\, Gunderson, r:hoirman cf the qoard of
/,\nc1itor's Seal' r:onnt,v Commissioners of Cttt>r '!'ail Connt.r, :.:inn.
Attest; ''/illiarn Lincoln, r:ou.nt,\' J..nd i tor -;no ex-o P.•"icio ':lerJ· o·~ noarci.
'l'h., -peti.tion o-r Severt n. '.'..vro•1 to set ever the s•·,., !':ec. ~6 1-n ·"ov:nship o"' ·,urlisle fro'!l t-ist. 96 to Iist • ?22 1·:Rs read and it was ordered thnt o hearinf' on i'lfl.id neti tion he had o.t the ses!"ion or th.,
"!cord to he held at the r:011':iisflicners ~com in the ~onrt "onse at 10 o'clock.'\.."'.. on ·:•hursds.1·, ."onu~rv n
1912, and th,nt rne notice o-r +he t.i·:ie e!ld plncl' o·f so.id henrine: lie rive·1 m; re1uired by lo!':, · '
·~he oeti t ion c~ "il:e "ersz.vl:, o.s):inr 1:i:11.1: :·hp •r,. !"'I' and SI'( i!''/'-in SP.c. 20 ·in "!'cwn~hi.o e-t'
"erham be set 01·er ~re~ !:'ist. 32 to :Dist. 5£l ,ms :f'cc1 o.n/1 it •·:us· orr.ered ·that o. l:esrin;: on said neti~icn
be had at the session c!." ':l:e 1oard tc bP. helc:1 at the -~om:ni.ssic;ners !loom in the '::onrt "onse o.t 10 o'clock :!. on T-hursdn.•.-. ,'~munr.r R, 19".2. am' tho.t dtH' notic;e o!." the ti'lle o.nd plnce of said henrinf. be r-iven as required b.v la.!. · .
'1pon rnction the n.oord ther tool: a rP.cP.ss to 2 o'clocl: ". :r.
!:epres~ntativP.~ o~ insurance ccmpaniP.s c!lrr.vinf imrn,o.nce on ~onflt.v huildinr:s exolainP.d at
lenp.th to thP. ~-co.re'! di ~rP.rent tv,ies o" insurancP. en s1;ch oronertv.
:'hP rcl101•!il1f bills vr.re -ellOWf'.'d : . • .
. , . r:. 11e11l:eR n.o~•Yr'i n,. nr isoners 319. 75 ; . r;. nf'.'nkes P.XpPnses
••:. ;; . 1ov s.np. PX penses 4.:;. 30 T,oni.'3P. Stoncl ohl expenses
T,onise !'!tondshl 9ostafP. :;R,R8 "· '!. ::ee rost,~ge
"· A. ,tndr-,rson postl).fe ~H.75 '"'. ·7, raorvifen rostap:e ".: box rent
'"· "r, Glorvigen drh'ers license exp. 4.05 ·!,ien· 'tch·:e. r:o. supplies
~:itar Crocer,v suprlies 3,65 . ,'ohn~;on rnigs snoolies
C onnty School, ~ity Typewriter Service ~u~~lies
or··1oe Suppl,'!' Cc. supplies 208,40 'iiutor J.uncieen ~ co. supplies
'..!iller-Davis Co. supplies ()1.55 !:ill:;a.rci Sales ::u. sui,plies
The,\delsmo.n co. su11,1lies 43.80 :!. c. Penney co. supµlies
1ea.ll •• i.!cGovion ::o. supplies 5.75 E'err:u.s Lumber ~ F'uel cc. supplies
'3ristol1 s·,/holeso.le :~edio Do. .80 :Jnited Chemionl co.,Inc. supplies
')ountryman Drup. ')o. supplies .60 Orpheum Dr111= store supplies
!l. r.. \: "i ,:•1.!:ruysmar1 oup,;lies · 24. 95 '3111' ;; . Eorscheid rep11irs
38 ,52
1.30 133,47
38. 75
'.'J:n, C-olena repairs 1.50 Am,LeeionAnx. ,Fergus 'Fulls :.1emorial Day
A-nerica., LPfion T>ost 508 i,lemorie.1 nay servicesl0.00 Arthur Olson Post lfo219 Do.
Services 22,50
'.:.vnthie. r:arberp.: clPrical ":erk 18;00 :inblP. ;"!ossov: clerical •·:ork
T,uella D, nar:!11'"1 cl<'ri.cal "'orl~ 21.00 "'P.TfUS .'on~nal co. printinf, etc.
t>elican 2e.pi.ds "'ress · printinp:, etc. 11;50 ·,1hiteheoo Printinr. Ge. hlenks
r..eo.n.Rarnard Stationer.v r:o. record 75.6A "rit7.-r:ross ')o. rN:o~·a. n.tc.
.ion.,~ ~, r:roepPr ':o. records P!l.15 no11ehn.r ..,Tinting •,
!-',"/,"-ell "'el. r:c. lorn:: c'!ista.ncP cells 14,90 T,ithofrarihinf! r:o.
'1.·•1.nell 'l'el. ':o. lonj, ai.stimcP. calls 7.15 ThP "ierce Co.
r:. ~. r:onklin sharoeni.np mower 1.00 Ci t.v o'' F'erpus l''ul.ls
nt t er '"o i 1 ·''o":er '~o. power 11. 3G ""err us Service 9to.t ion
C:rwir, T,on:: movinf brnn !:;6,40 Jichcld '3u!'<' ~, T,oc:k Co.
'?arker UndPrwriters, Tnc. i.ns:1n:mc'! 9.01 ..,ronl: ". "'arnes
~ohn Eukowske, ~r. Jnotice •ees 2i.25 ~cs. V. C-oyl:e
;,:agne '.'.a.rtinson Dep.ShP.ri"'.''''A fees 5.20 ('ren -.,ossc
<'tis r:oughe.v censtr1ble ~ees fl,00 ·.'/illio.m "nel::;ov1
irerrnnn ,"ohnson ~10.rshe.ll' s fees .3R. 60 ;telba i~ei"!'or
,'esse J:ei fer witness ~ees 5.44 "Ii 11 in.m "lo.no
Dr, r.eo, ,::, ,'acobs :!)ep.coroner's ~ePS 5.:;5 Jr. "• r.r. i-,eihold
Olmsted ,::ounty aare of prisoner 16.65 Delor~s ~. Gunderson
Delores :.1. Gunderson clPrico.l ··:orl~ G.00 ~·erpus .'onrnnl r:o.
n. T,. Sandin oesh aavanced 21.flO "• r., ·;r,ndin
('le T,eP. cash a.dvo.ncecl 'I: cxr. 14.15 -'<. Clorvir-en
··,. T,. 0otter expP.nses 61.R5 ;'.:la.uer :.Ifp.. co.
Thorm'a.n ;·1. T-:osholt Co. parts 7G.77 :.:inn. :iot:or Co.,Tnc;
;1icols, Deo.n \: Crefrn supplies 227 .50 ?elicu11Suppl,v Co.
Lien E6v1e. Co. s1ipplies 45 .43 }'red .~ .. •:verts
'!iotor T,undeen •a Co. supplies 2.30 :!iller-Dov is Co.
JJotl.Sushi.ne-\: Parts Co.s11pplies , repeirs 27ll.03 Aune 3ros.
Jim Logan repairs 1.25 Lnmoy Auto P.o.rts
Lehmkuhl •,. :!alm repnirs !J.65 Larsen 3:ros.
'.'fm.n.ziepler co.,Inc. repo.irs 410.24 l.!ohler ':: !:itrnus
.:.IL r.:stes repairing .75 P.I:.i,!. Sc co.
Loke ~egi.on :iotor ')o. repairs 12.00 ;: . H, Schmidt
nenry uo;J..mr-:ren repairs 22.85 Saul '.!otor Co.
~-.,. 'lchmi.dt rermirs 3.00 ~,;orklnnd !.!fp. Co.
';'own o" nek Volle.I' ,!Ori: on roads 500.00 Pnrl:Prs 0 r11i.rie ~•wn,
rtter Tnil Two; ror,d worl: 480.67 ~own o·r ~ush T,ol:e ·
-.,erPus ~1u., D~int ".o. prints 2,76 ?ill, Pf!licen ~npi~s
ti:•1,Rell ·:'P.l. r:o. lonP-distnnce calls 19.n5 ;,, T • ..;P.tP.rson
"a1:linr. Ca.':e. meals 7.95 ..... ··•. 'ltP.i.nke ~ .. , . '.Tr,.p.:el shovel TP.nta.1 19G.RO ,harle,11 "'onsl:'e
:::a·nnbPll ';Oe.l -:o. wood 6.00 'Ttili.t." '"'eed :.:ill
"ea1•e.v r.:levo.tors cool 2o.RO ·T,nin:?r.:?:t r.u'llhf'r ::o·., .,_;,
'.'.. !·T, ?..I/', ".o. demnrror-:e 6.60 -::>,.\.!'oennicl:P. F'lorol 10.
L,vle ';nlvP.rt •• -::>ipP. ·~o. ca.t01P. oo.ss 353.40 ''.lk :~iver':onc. ""'rocl.Co.
stencils ,·:o ter 'I: l i,'1'ht
·!uni.cipnl .'ncipe' s
,inst ie;e fees
De p. Sheri ff' s !·ees
c:onstnble i:P.P.R
v:i tness fees
wi tnees ~ees
nep.doroner's fees
cleri ca.1 ~:erk
not ices orintinr.
repairs ~
re1>a irs
repr,i rs
rP. ps.i rs
ronci work
shovel rentol
fillinp wnshouts
se"!di.np lawn
-eill '.JP.lsc,n's C'il ::o. tirPs '\: tnbes 19.lfJ Geo. ?. :~yon ::o. sno\·:.::ence ties
l!ort:h·~ield Iron r:o. tie wires 4G.25 r,o.ml)ert J,ni:'lhPr ::o.,~.-;-, llunll~r
Hi ,50
.95 12,50
r-ees 79,30
.'3. 57
111 ,li3
4. 70
64. :30
t,87 .50
1 :>apP.r,'.:almenson t: r,c. cnttinp. eclpes 209.67 !!elvin ".vslien
,1,. A~ "'erp.us T,br. '!: """uel r,o. lumber 9.30 r.tter '"ni.1 .,o:1P.r Co.
so,:inp wood
el 0 c. enere:;v
l6li, 72
~·., · _-_.,._,--1---l:."J,r,o. IYJc. uhelns 1A.60 ".'.',.'ohnston ':nlvert '.:o.
dl._,,.o ~ ...,rl'P. "'ress ':o. stpt i.onPr.v 9 .4-0 "'red ,oss
1 ... ,..,..... .\l,,JVII""""" Anton '.:. '.!or--~, "'ar1J1ers ':o•npton ~,,1p. Pe 'lt. 0 ank er "nden·:ood prevel 192.27 I'."'.'1P.ll "'r.lephonr. co.
~uy's Cil '!c,. 110s 10.08 ::o•·or rnn ~nro!'"e
·:•nmt, '.:o. gas. oil, etc. 23,90 Swan-~'inch C'il ':orp.
u.A.T,ubricant ~o. oi.1 13A.60 H. K. :Hahl ::o.
r:.Linc1:.ln ShP.11 <.:ervicP e:ose,line ~5A.97 '!'he ~il '.;tore
p.ra.d inp.
serv .ices
~as. etc.
r.; iese l -~uel
7 ,()0
66. ()£
DATE ....................... r·c •:c-. ht>r ... l.6 .................................. 193 .... 41
MD.PRINIING, .sr •. a.au ,.11uw-11ui1
stunriord Oil ::o. ;Jiesel !.'"uel
::hes. ''o··:ler ensvline
Tobin's ~orthnhile Station gosoline
Sinclair Station pnsoline
~oy's ServiaP Station pnsoline
Paul's 'l'exuco Service-r•a.sc.line
:·ruPp.er ServicP Station Jo.
~enRtson ril ~o. pnsoline
•.vis Eo,·:mon pi;.scllne
"·"'.'lell ~•el. r;o. lonp. distance calls
:ltv ~vne~riter Service sunolie~
r;1e'n r'oi'.P '3an: tcrium aore op' oouoers
JT1mr.r '}. "OZ'" e,:p.attend.~cetir,p.
r;eo. 3. ~under~o~ De.
Penr.v G. ••of'.'. approisi111:, li,nd
Geo.~-Gunderson approisinf lond
·i•o::n of Orwell chlorate
r:eo. '). Gunderson cash aavonaed
on.per. ~o.lmensoTi ~ .. :;o. cuttln6 ecig.es
Phoenix :.mtual I.i:'.:e Tns. '.:o. gravel pit
T o·::n o~ Orwell •.wrl-: on roods
'l.'hor11an '.'/. ~osholt Co. ports
Olson Auto ~lectric Co.repairs
!Joe ~ ··a lshusen· repairs
~r~in Siepfried gasoline
Stierna 0il co. rosoline
Fer~us ril ~o. Diesel •uel
?iP.ld ': "BF"/"P. .0i.l ')C. :)iesel r"nel
qo~d matters =ere discussed ~ith
':'hnrn b~i.nf. no ,.u:rtl:t=??" hn~inesf.
10 o • cloc}· .~. :·.
~ttest: A / '-P _£)
----------· ··----·----·
:3. 75
12~1. 95
n~nros~ 0 il ~o. oil~ re-ntul lR.00
Standard Cil ::o. cc.upon book 25.00
T,P.n s.vverscn frn.soline 23.l!l
~.ntter 7uil ~ervice ::o. ,~saline 100.50
:.'.ills Cil ·~o. f.asc,line 7.58
7-'nr:p~rs Go-op.~rer.·nP.ry .'~sRn. Do. 4.'J7
l"!tter7oil ·:o-op.0 ils, Inc. De. 32.30
Olson "il '.:o. Fasoline 5'1.24
0~\·el.vn ·p:. 0 orch clPricnl 11:ork 10 .00
J'."1.C\ell '"el. '!o. lonf'. distanoe calls 1.50
T,awrencn r.11hi\-1. lurnlin;r eouioment 22.GO
:.:inn. Stu'·e "nna.toriu'!l co.re o.: oo.tients 143.20
T:'. r.:. ,\rnunclSCTl PXp.uttentl ,•neet ing 8.00
Ynlmf'r i:nrvor:en Do. ~ a:>praisine: l:ind 3:S.85
Gu!·l .:... . Sm,;·1berr. aoprais inf. lond £3. 25
? • •,;. ;,rnnnd sun :::.,iprais Lng 1 and 178. 75
;1. ''. '3eri:;lrnis cler::'s hire 25.00
.:oe Ahlfs cast advanced 213.45
~-C. Stoke freight l.G5
·:•1.mn of Lei.f :.:ountl,lin read •;:orl: 500.00
Cummim: DiesM Soles ~ Service parts 31.85
i:.·:1.sheet •• Iron '..'/orts parts o.87
Leid al' s Je,1elry repairs 2.00
Perl-: ~eglon 0il ",~. gasoline 38.75
Standard Oil -::o. gasoline 6J.81
Seien-0 Service Station f.nsoline 20.CJO
''.'he OU Ste.re Diesel fuel CJ2. 52
. I
DATE ............... 11lJ.i-:.r..i:l.l:!e.x...lA-.~ .................................... 19M), .. .
r.:II1UT'~S c~ ATit~~v:r:1:1~:~ :.~.'~1-;:;'Ill,,, rr ~JOA~D
OP ccn:T~l'~· ~:o:r.:rs~r ..... P~~~j OP OT~l'"":H ::'ATL
C!C'!i!':':", !IT:'~•...-;cj~ _.;,.
Pnrsunnt to od5ournment the "9oard 11Pt nt 10 o'clocl: \. ::. '"lednesdo:,·, J'.ovembrr 12, 1911.
-Present": '.:011-:i.i~;~ioners 1·ervonen, Gunderson, 110Pr .. \•n1P1ilson nnit Sno,1herp..
~r. ~lere~cf' Sie~el, ~unerintcnitent o-th• Gounty ~nnotoriurn, reportPd tc thP ~oard t~t ~he
institution ·,1ae over-c,·O'.·:ded and •1'lon ~otion he •.•1n"l a.ntl:ori::ee to transfer "'lizobeth "o:.-t, 1'01·:n 0 ~ ::nine·
•·a!"r.•· '.'/opstrom . ..,own of :'apl!>':1ood: All1in T~•st~·crn. :•o•·:n cc ":lithf!ro.11; ':orl ""olfero. Vi.ni.nr-Villof'e: · 1~0.\T ~-11-tc.:l:ins. ~01·:nr-;hi[.l er Tnrno"l, r,ncl ;~rz .. "Tohri ,1ndP.r:1r11. ,...li.tl:ernll ~;illor~, tr +h,.. T,nJ:e "Dorl: Sanatorium.
_\. delefo.t ior.. o.,. citiz_.:.na. ":i~·h .··r. 1-nel:in!'; ~~ ~notPSr:10."'l. L1fl~lC!":1'"P.C'; ht=:rcr~ +-he' 0 ua.rd tr •·all; o~,~r
•:ith ':li,, '.:c,rnis['i.oners mntt·'!re r•l:>tin; tc surrlus cc11·1oditi~s.
!1r,cn 11otlon t.hr! -ioani ti:<''~ tool: o recr.e!"' tc ':: o'ulocl: n, "',
.,._ \. Ander'.lcn, 1~efistr:-r ot· :eec's. rc,1crted his clerl: hire !:er l(M-1 ·::ur,; exhausted, und 11;1on
not ion th'! ac1il it ional Stt'll c:' .''•nr,o •·:as n 110\·:cd r.:i cl r.~·•· i: ire uor tl:c present .'."r.ur.
;_ cc~;~tmicr,.tion "rc~1 :c-r. r. "· ., . :'elocn ~rlati•:r. tc his bill ''.or 1P.TrOr'.ninr ·an uutops;:, the
ll'!lOtrnt c·~ s::ici bill beinp. .:-25.'lO unit ··11,ich huci been .ii·evionsl: nllo··:ed at ··.:,.oo, '":as read anj n.ft'!r
cliscuss1.on 11•1on rnotion th!:' bill v:ns 01·c:P.rr>d reconsidered 11na ·,•:us 0.110:1,,d at :-·15.00.
,, re!)ort o'" the .,nblic: ':~:u·~iner c,r nn r,::,:011inatto11 or •h'! c.~~'nirs o~ the nt•,ir --•0:11 ,onnty '.'11br>rc:•i-
losis Sonntoriu'lt v1A.s resd nnd orcl!"recl olncr.d on rile.
The following hills were olionP.~:
., • ~. '1enJ•es ex ,,cnseo 52. 111 ., . ·:. ''enk,,s boa,·cH n1? !)risonr>rs
,., • r_;. TTenkes teleprnrns n.11 ""-: . ._"'. :ov,Hlp. e:-;1.u~nses
:.ou.i1:1e Stondahl expenses Fl4.20 ',011i.se 3tondo.hl posture
'!". :,. • ~,nders0n nostafe 3r •• ,i5 ". !!. '.~eP. pcsto.ee
1-' ... ,. ~lorvip.en drivers lic:ense e;:p. 'LlO Jelores .. :. Gnncicrson t:lericnl ,:•ork
'/hitehet1n .,rintinf vu. printi11E· 37 •. lO ·~he lntleirnndent noti<;e to taxpayers
The Pennine: .:..dvoc:i;te notice to taxpayers ,1.00 iiationul :;c.::ieru :~xohani:;e repairs, etc:.
9attle T,al:e :levicw tax notiue LOO :.iiller-:•avi:.i ::..,. bltml.s
·•ree Press '.:o. record 103, 00 ;:ee Lox :.!ft:. Jo. SUJ.lt)l ies
'lictor Lundeen'.: Go, suppliP.s· 5U.43 ltinteen-1:urst !~leu. co. sup-pli.es, etc.
'.:nrtls 1,000, Inc. supplies 16.20 :.iiller-3r.\'0.11t-?ierc~ Co. suppli.es
!'r.ye !-1.fe. Co. supplies 4.50 ?rltr.-~ru~a :~,,. StlPtllies
('f"'ice '3oec.ialties Co. ''. 4.00 Securi.ty :31ank 3ool: 'e Prte. Cc.. "
JTational Snshing •, Parts '.:o. suppli.es S.25 ,'oirnson Drup.s supplies
I~or~-~etP.rson "dne! Co. snpplies .7!J '.:ity Jypewriter Service supplies
ue·eblad "\tbl. ,o. supnlies 46.00 A"lne I'\. ,'ev:ell in!: eradlc:ntor
·•1011en's 1elief ,oros, t::ichville "nson Pnbl. Go. law supplrments
•:e-norio.1 Dav services lA.50 ··rest Otter '"'ail 'leTvice '.:o. chlornte
:·Piter Director.v ~o. d.irP.ctoriP.s 36.00 :!.''/.''!ell TelP.'lhone ~o. lonf distance calls
:'."'-~ell 'l'el1>phone ':o. lonp, distc..nc:e c:nlls 16.A5 rtter •~nil "O'"ler :-:o. l.a•nps
?erfus '.\ervice qtat ion fo.sol ine l .!J5 ~lnrence "· Aune hnnl inP-o.shes
"!inth,.r's T,urnber "ard conl 3!J3.A5 !'0 lson'ci A'l•~lio.nces lipht bnlbs
::ity or 7erpus Falls water~ lif'ht 1G2.R6 0tter ~nil ,o~er ~o. ~oner
~n11sej' Gonnt~• co.rr> c" DPlin111P.nt 13.56 ?ctcr "in!:, .'r.. Den. ~:heri~f's fees
'.:arl .-ahn Dep.Shcrifl".,; -fees 10.25 "-nlz '.'rmz constohl" r.ees
Oscar l"nnts,,n inarshnll'G fees ?..20 ''P.rmr.n .john.:ion man;ho.il 'c deput,y's fP.es
Dr. ··1. A, :!lller Dep. coroner'•; ;:ees lR.00 Dr. :1. 0. 'L Ilelsou Dep. coroner's rees
"rank C. R:,rnPs -n11r,ici1)0.l ~ndpe's• !:ees :~r .. 25 'Jelores ::. Gundersc.n clerical ·,·1ork
"er~us ,iournal '.:o. printine, etc. 3:i?..33 "i'err11s .'uurnol ·:o. printine-, etc:.
IT.•·r.~ell ·relP.!>hone co. lonp distD.nce calls 5.20 i!.i'l.'3'ell '1',:,lcphone Co. long distance cnlls
·;ic:tor Tun6er-m •, Co. supplies · 1.10 ':it,V '.::'.ypewriter f.:eTvice supplies
-:lton's Potel •• ~Pst.anrant hoc,.?·dinf! tnmsient 2.'10 Dr. ·•1, A. T,f'P. cnre or transiP.nt
Davis Clinic P:XE1mination :1.00 Jr. ;:'ro11J· roereli. examinr..ti.on
Drs. 13oline •, Sc:hleinitz exn:nin1.1ti.ons \l.00 Dr .. L ,'. T,ewis e:mminn.tions
:Jinn. Sta.l:c So.no.tori.urn core o~ !)atiP.~ts 127.!Jl ,;;;1en T,akP So•1otoritun CtlTe o'.' pntirmts
\ftcn r.1or'l igen e>:'.)ensce l(J.'15 ··r. T,. Potter expenses
r..vle 1'c.llerso11 expenses 15.40 i.'he Ceo. •;·. :?.\'an ::o. parts
uakota :ractcr <:: £1uip. Co.• parts 1:;.131 Smith Go,n•.1ercial :lady ·•1orJ.-.s !Ht.rts
'.:'horuinn ,'/. ~osholt Co. parts 43.42 A.":1.1;ompan.1r, I11c:. 1mrts
Cu:nmins Diesel Sales'• Service " 23'1.35 \"/m.!I.Ziegler Co.,Inc. po.rts
:,iahler ~ Straus parts 10.13 i!utl.3ushing •• Purts ~o. parts, et,J.
Ilicols, Dean':: C:ree;f parts ~ s•t!Jplles uu.48 1;.w • ..-1ipinf Cloti1 co. supplies
"linther' s Lbr. Yo.rd supplies 15. 76 Saunders Co. supf)lies
•1orb;: .iJe pt. Store. Inc. s Ltpplies 1. 94 Pelican Suppl,\' Co. su1Jpli es
;·noff-Peterson !Td,·:e. '.:o. supplies 3.50 ;/hitehco.d Prtg, ;Jo. supplies
:.1otor Tnn r.arafe, Battie Le.l:e re!1airs etc.69.17 ;·e10. Brus. repe.irs
r.. P. J~auppi repairs 3.35 Utne •~ l.linp:e repo.irs
J. ,.,. r.:stes repe.ir"l 6.35 ··:. -;, . !.lcDunn repairs
T,eidal's ,'ev1elry rPnai:rs 2.00 J,erson -iros. re!1airs
q.1orklund i.'fp:. r:o-. reoairs 2R.05 :tinn. ::otor '.:o.,Inc. repairs
r,eralit •~jostelson re:nairs 15.37 "ed .-\.rro1·1 ~o.rnf''! repnirs
""red A. 1::verts cn11l, etc. 2A.'1!'1 :':o.vmoncl "lros. :1otor ";'rnns9. r.o. f'reipht
IrPne "o.etrP. ·neols 4 .40 ·1erchnnts "otel lodp.ing
,rnnd •·otel 'ltenls •,. locipinp 23. 75 nerPns Rlne .,rint \!o. prints
..... ,.f\Pll •~el,,ohone r:o. services 7.~I() 0 ttn.r 'i'i,i.l "o;·:er ':o. el!-!ct!"ic enerr,:r
!'."/."~ell ~e1,,·~hone ,o. lonr cHstoncc cnl.ls li.i.77 r,owry, Stanp •,. !"lson,lnc. irmnranc:P.
T,arnpert J.umher :;o. lath 1!'1.13 ''irh"IA." r:o. rent
"enrose Oil Co. r.nrap'! rental 15.00 ,' .. , . l!ar-f!l shovel rentol
22!:• .no
£!.I .. 38 H.oo
•l .OO
(i.10 u.oo
97. :JO
2 .,.1r.,
~5-, .,rn
5.UO .Gn
2. "15
.'ohn Dieseth Co. e')ui'lment rentul '1!13. 7fi ."ohn -;)ieseth '.!o. tr,,ctor •• Le•:•onrneau
Ashworth-T'a.1•11':inson r.o. renta.l o-" di.striirntor G0:5.32 rental
tamoert Lumber Co. culverts 2G~, .47 0\'.'o.tonno. •;·ool Co. too.is
Pa·oer Col'llenson •• Co. cut'•in!7 '!df!>S 12.AO '!orthfield 1ron ::o. tie wires
•.vis ~ov1'ltan r.osoline 27.'10 ":.T.incoln shell ~ervic:e p.asoli.ne
'"/. Cl" t er ·roil Service ,o. •· A4. 00 "enr tson 011 r:o. r nso l i.ne
:,ills Oil Go. ro.soline 5.A2 T'urthun •, PeterRon f'il ~c. po.soline
"erhs.11 Go-op. Oil Co. " 12,94 Jl!"lson's Supr>r 'lervice pe.sol.ine
lTiphwny co. fa.Seline, etc. lA.OG .,_ :.i. ·~hO"'!llSOn C1!.l co. p:usoline. Ptc.
S•~on-·••inch Oil '.:orp. lubrico.nt 116.37 ~•erpus '·il co. Diesel !'uel
'.nderson •• SRrtdberp TieSPl fuP.l 45.:10 Standarcl \Jil '.:o. Diesel '.'uel
Dora 'rCJ•'!nship rond ·:•ork 500.00 ·;nine Township roucl ;:ork
Sverdrup ':.'own:~hi.p road ·:1ork 500.00 Amor 1'0·:msi1Lp rood 17orl::
7. 1:;
DATE .............................. "ovP~nbr->r .. 12 ........................ 193 41.
"'olden •rownship ronil ":orl: 500.'10 ;or-le T,oJ:e 'l'•·:n. road •.-1ork 500.0b
ScamblPr :?"Ip. road •:1orl: 5()0,00 :·niseth :':uppl:· Co. suppliP.s 74.07
1'. r .. Snndin expenses 115.50 ". r .. Sandin cnsh advanced 12.6G
~:lk ~~ivP.r ~one. "'roducts '.:a. ::iurorci C•lliP.. cash advanced l;l.45
1•0·1!".~· · . . concrete cnl!:erts 16~38.16 r,o:npl'!rt J,umber Co. lath 1.3.13
To1•mship of .':aster!! rradinp 500.00 t:r, ''· l)omstock t:owinP-trircl: 2.00
·•1illPr 'c 1'eisberp. paint 2.G5 ·:ricl:so11-TTelleckso11-·1.1,e ::c. si:1pplies 1.12
.,r11nkoviz 1ld•ve. 00. suppli.es . 3.06 Saul I.!otor r.o. surirlies LG1
J:pnson 11arc1"1'-1re supplies ~ •• 92 ::ills 11a:rn ·111re supplies A. 41
"ills -rroriiware snppliP.s 7.20 f'lson •'.nto ~lP.c, Co. suppliP.s •• rPf)airs 7.R5
".'orklund '!fp. Co. repairs 2,:.00 •'.'ronrnd rarnre repai.rs 5.90
·,•i,,ln 'I; "apfe 0i1 ::o. Diesel rnel ·254.4A :·ne "il ~itore I:lesP.l ·fuel 51.19
3.•:.•rhornpson Garnre pa.saline 15.29 r.:r1in "'.ie;,~ried ·fasoline 17.45
~ea. J. Gunderson exp.ottendine mP.etinf 8.10 Henry Q. ~o!r expense attending meeting 7.20
P. r:. Arnunoson Do. 11.10 Yolrner J:arvonen Do. 0.80
'!. '"'· ~erghui.s olerk's hire 25.00 Herman .'oimson rnarshall's fees 15.00
,ios. ·:. Go.:,J:e ,just ioe :~ees G.00 :.lexandrio. ·::iinlc exuminr,tion 3.00
~he !3-ppllcat.ionsc;f the :>io-ncer :.1emori11l Home, Inu .• for ca.ncellati.on or reo.l estate taxes on
property belonrlnf: to said institution fer the ,rc'ors l\J36 to 19·10 lnol11sive v1ere reo.d and u.!!ter
discnssion the Auditor v1as direotec. tc forifara said ai,;µlications to tl1e Commissioner of Taxation
~1i ti:c11t any recommenda.tion by the Boa.rd. .. .
Tile application or i.la.ria Haiby a8king that the Im} Ill"/-~·· ::lee. 12 and• Si'/·~-Sr.:} Sec. 1 Town of'
!lor·;egir.n Gr-ave be classified for the .J•enr 1940 at homestead rates was read ami the .lloard recommended
to the COr.!'!liss .ionP.r a::: ':.'nxati on t hc.t said land bP so class i fled and that the assesseo value be
reduced 0 rom .'.)569 to -~432 and the tax frcm ... 36. 19 to ~·25, 6 7. ·
':'he a!1,:ilication o~ i/il'llar ,'etenberB ::or reduction in assensecl value of: the s', S:? ancl JiE~· s1~1
o-f 3ec. 14 ~•ovrn of IJc"':ton ~or tiie yenr 1910 was reo.d and the Koe.rd recornrnendeii to the Cornrnissicner o:f
'!'fixation th11t the nssNiserl vaJ.nP. he reducer: fro'll ''1012 to -~;952 and the tax from "·79.75 to :~75.02.
The a11r,lic1>.tion of Anne Shirle,y-for classif:i9oti.on a-" the!!t.:-1-nnd 1r·1' ST-:-1-Sec. 29 'l101·m cf
':'rcnc'lh:e'll at. hornP.stead· rates -ror the YP.ar l~MO was rer.,d. 'J.'he Boorrl recommended to thP. ')o•nrnissioner of
-T1>xation thgt siid lnnds bP. so clas3ifiP.d and th• nsse~sen vnlue re<incen ~rorn ~2493 to ~1960 and the
tax prom ~137.01 to ~101.lR.
Tl,e R.pf)lication of indrew Snmson "o:r eles':!i"ici>.tion a·• T,ots 1, 2, 3 and T,ots 9, 10, ·11 and 12
in ~loci: 11 o~ :Jtobecl:'s Add.ition to ,;li.therall for ~hP .venr 19",0 at hort1estean rotes wos reo.d 1:md the
'1oard recorn•~e'1.dP.r1 to the '.:orn·'!iSRic;ner o;' 'l'axa.tion thnt said land hf'.! sc-classiried :mcJ the val1111.ti.on
reduced Prom .'·3(12 to .'.'215 a.ncl th0 tax "ram ~•1f..1R to .'·26.91.
"i'h,, applica• ion a f Oscar 1rafel ;'or clossi. ~ication of the SE' r!!:' and !:~-SE:1 except l acre in
tl1e southwPst co, ner in !'lee. 31, u.n<i s;·;" 1!17' anci lr",-s:1• o.!.' ~ec. 32 in the ·.:iownship o.f ;;ewton !'or the
\'ear l\11-0 o.t homesteoo rates was reud ano the T\cn.rd reco'll"lendeci to the Co•w~issioner of 'l'axution thnt
said lands be so clmisi "iea /1110 \:iJP. !l.SSPSSe{, val1ie rednc:ed ~TO'll :"1771 tc ."·1238 una the tax rrom
'156.56 to ~102.43.
'J'hP. a!)plicntion o ~ ,'esse St. ~lair "or clnssi ~icntion o~ •·he "I' S"11 and :•tL J•T''/1 exc,..,t cPmetrr.v
in ~ .. ction 12 701·:n o-:: Hewto!"! ""or the .veer 19'.0 at ho~1f'.!si:end ro.1"F!S w1>s read and ':he ri,oard ;rccO'll'llP.nded
to the ~o~missicnPr o~ 7exation that sai6 land ~e so clossifi.P.d and thr,, assrsseci vnl~e refuced rro'll
~1441 to ~908 ona the tax prO'll ~113.55 to ~64.54.
The opfllicn~lon ci' C1le L -1rren "or clnssi:.ication or Sub T,ot;s 19. 20, 29 and 30 in Sec. 1
Tov:nsl:i!) 132 ~unee ~,3 in the ')i ty a r ?erp.u3 '"alls "or the .veor 1\)39 nt homestead rates was read and the
lloord recorn'llended tc the Corn•niss.ioner of •:•axation that said 1:md lie so classified and t:he assessed
value reduced from .'·138u tc .;832, and the tax from .'.'·13u.44 to ·:'.'76.fJl, v1itl·, the proviso that in ra.vment
o~ this tax adjustment be mode to cover erroneous allo,:unce or ho·nesteali classification l'.or aaid year on
:.ir. Orpen's propert~, desc:!:ibed as the i'/ 2/3 of Lot 1 in !3locl: 1 o.r i"/rii;ht •• i,Iendenhull's i,,c1ditlon, anci
the ·: 2/3 of Lot 7 in P,locl: 59 or the Orisinal Plat, mal:ing o. net reduction. :or snici year on the
co'!lbineri properties c~ ~24.59. .
The applioation cf Jesse A. Schunk rur cnncellat.ion o:: sewer assessment ror the years 1936 to
1939 incluaive ae;ninst Lots 17 and lB in 3locl: "• u-: ':llower's 2nd Ad<i.lt.ion to Uew York :.!ills i;nd the
Porth 15 acres or the f.louth ?.·> r.crea or the !Ji'e. s·.-,~ exuept tracts. in S,;,ctlon lH-1:,5-37 in said Villae-e
,•1aa rend and said a'.'fllico.tion being o.:iproved by the Villnr:e Gonncil of said vlllafe, upon motion the
~oarrl rP.eOrn'llended to '·he r:ommi.3sior,P.r a~ •:•oxat.ion that nll taxes ana penalties r,nd costs afainst said
tracts "or said ,"'!ars he ca!lcelled, ti1e total amonnt being :~254.4"~•
The qc;nrd ho::inr-nrranr.ecl to inspPr;t comrileted rooci ~cbs in Yarion.s !)r>.rts o: the Count.\' and
also +o 'lleke an exa'!linntl on c; ,,· othP.r roars t hroufbo11t the r:oun t.1' then aa 5onrnea :a 2 a' clocl: '"'. l,I.
Uov1>mher 14, 1941.
0 urs11.ant tc. od :onrnmen· the "onrd met !lt· 2 o' clocl: P r:. -'rida,v. :'ovembPr 14,. 1!!11, sll
me'!lhrrs beinf present.
A delepo.tioYJ o" cit izeYJs "ro'll the "i'c·:nship a:: T.ea-:.· ·;onnto.in u1,pearer to 11rge the chanpP. o.,, road
rnnllillf. throurh saio town.'3hi!l south from the '!illo.Pe or ':li.thP.rull, Vlh.ic:h had bPen _oetitioned ror
PTP.Viousl.\'· 'fhe Boord ossnrer; the deleention the matter woi:ld be tal:en up as soon as it was pcssitile
to do so.
'che a.prli.on~ion a: Do'1. "'razier ror l1n !'la.le h'!Pr licensP. nt DP.P.r T,a.l:e leach in the Township of
~verts ·;1as p-ranteci.
''he rollowinp. r.-,solution ;vns ndoriteci:
~PSClve/1 b:,.-the 0 oard o'" ':01mt.v -:ornm.issioners o:!'. 0tter ""'ail r:ount.1:, :.:irmesota:
·,'/hPreas. this "!3card hos hereto~ore con':racted with "scar .'ones of -r:rsl:ine. :.ann., for f!rodinr.
'.:ount,v Aid .'ob ;io. 11 : 27. and .
··!hereas. same has been -full.\' cc:npleted ocoo:·d.inp. tc tl".e 1~nfineer's certificate on file ·;11th the
·:ount.1• :htditor, the total cost a~ said war!: being ~-6,953.17, and
'.'/hereo.n, soi.o work has been exam_inc>il anc1 ar:cepted by a corn:1i ttee o.r this-!3oard.
rim·:, therefore. be it resclved that tlie .::01mt.v .~uditor ond Chuirrnun of "the !loo.rd be and they
hereb~; are anthori::ed unci directed to issue to saio cc.ntro.ctor a warrant on the Road o.nd 3ricitze Pund of
tne '.:aunty in the snm of .'.:3,400.87, amount due acco1·ding to said f:nBlneer's e;ertiflcate.
Adorted this 14ti1 day of uovember, 1SJ41. Geo. B. Gunderson, ~l,alr:~an.
Attest: ~illinm Lincoln, Clerk.
'l'he -~ollm•1ing resolution •ws udcpted:
HesJlved by the Beard of·county ~omrnisstcners of Otter rail County, ~innesota:
,'/hereas, this 1oard hns heretofore cantractec ·.~1th H. D. :.1orrill ~or r,rading County Aid .'oli
!lo . 11 : 29 , and
"!herea.s. so.me h:.,s been -~1111.v compl!'!teci uccordini:; to the ~npineer's certi!'icate on file with
the '.:ount.y-\uditor, the to':'al cost c~ soicl ··1crl: Jeinr. .'1374.75, and
362~----~c=o=-M=-M=1s=s=-1o=N-=E=R-=-s---=R:--=E:--=-CO-=--=R=o=----=-=M:--, ~or=r=E=R----=T~A:--:I:-L-::C:-:::-O::::UN:-::T=Y:-:---,---=-M-=1=-=NN=-=-.-----
DATE ........................ :'o VP.'!lbf'r ... 11 .. ··························1931'1.
11herPo.s. said work has br-en exomined and o.cceptr.d b.,' a com'llittee o~ this ~card,
!101·:. thererore. be it resolved thut the ::onnt,v .\nd itcr and '.:hairn111n of the '3oard be and the,v
hereby are author i:.ed and dil·ected to issne to said ccn!:roctor a warrur,t on the ?.cud and '3ridge ,'und
of the Gount.v in the sum of :"·756.411. amount d11e according to said r:nBineer's certificate.
Adopted tl!is 11th da.v or 11ovember, l!Ml. Ceo .. B. Gunderson, Chairman.
Attest: William Lincoln, Clerk.
'l'he fol lo wine resolution 1·:us ado ,?ted:
Resolved by the !!card of County Coinmissicners of Otter •roll count,1·, :.!innesota:
\"/hereas, this 9ourd has heretofore cont1·acted with .:elm ;)ieseth Compan.i' for r,rading Count.v Aid
~ob lie. 41:37, and
;'/he·reo.s. same has bee'! fully completed aooo rd ine to the Snc; ineer' s cert ificute on file with the
-: ount.v '.ud i tor. the to ~ol cost of soid 1·:o rk be inf :~3, 757. 44, and
·•fhereos, said work has been examined and accepted b,v 11 committee of th is 30 a.rd,
Iro,·1. therefore. be i.t resol,·ed that t·he Co1mt.1• .\uditor ond C:hairman o'f the 9oord be and ther
herPby are authorized and directed to issuP. to soi.a contractor a 1·1arr11nt on the ~cad and 0.ridf!e ''ur,d of
thP. '.:onnt.v in thP sum of .,375.74, amount due occo:rdinf to said "':nfi.neP.r's certificote.
AdoptP.d this l',th d£1.1• or !lovembP.r, 1()'11. r.eo. C. r,unaerson. '.!ho.i.rman.
AttP.st: ryillin~ ~incoln, Clerk.
ThP :ollo~inp rP.soln~ion nns adonted:
~esolved b.v thP. "011nl of ':011nt.v ~or:i·~issionPrs of nttP.r "'a i.l Count.v, '.'.innP.sota:
'7herrns.this 'lonrd h::is l:err.toDore contracted ,•!.ith :loen "res. o:· :.:ohnomr.n ?or p.rn.<iing r:ount.v
Aid ,'ob l!o. ,n :34, nnd
··111erP.os. samr hn!'t b<>en -~ull.v completed occordin/!, to tilP. "":nr-ineer's certificate on ;ile :1ith
thP C:01mt.v .\uclitor, thP. totlll cost o;: snid ·::ort beirlf.' :'?.,715.60. ond
"/hereos, said ·.vorl: hes been examiner" ond accP.pted b,r a coT.•nittce or this ~card,
!!ow, tr.P.refore. be it resc.lvP.d 1·hnt tiie '.:011nt,1· \tHiitor e.nd Ghnir'.:lun o~ the •~.co.rd be and the.\'
herebr :>re authori:ied and /I irected tc. issue to ::inid contro.ctor a wurrunt on the Rood anrl "ridp,c ''und or the '.:eoHnt." in thP. sw,1 or :"·31G.()?., umount rlne ac,cordinf tc. snid '.~nf"ine,,r'l:l certi:icate.
i,dopted th is 11th do.'; o '.' !!oveinhcr, l'.'11. CP.c. ·,. GnncierscrJ, '.:i:E1 ir-n.'.ln.
1. t test: ·'/i. lli om !,i •1coln, ": ll'!rl:.
~hr rollo~in~ TPSolution ,~a odoot~d:
~esolvP.d b.i· thP. ~onrd o~ "onnt.1• ::o-:i·:1i:~s·onr!rs o~ C'':tnr ··.1uil •.:01mt.i·, ·11nnP.sctn:
··/hPrees, this ·1onrd has hPr"!to'.'orP. con•racted 1•1itl: ',l"!'rP.c1 E'.vr..vold ;or rrodinr ':cunt:; \i.d .1 ob !ro. "~0:~2. c.nd
.lhercn.s, :;o.'.:lc hr.s b<'P.n ?ull:· completed ~cccr·din, tc th,, ··nrineP.r's certil"ic11~1'! en !'.ile :•:ith
the '.!onnt~· '.ua1tor, 1·b• to1:.,_l coc;t of' sa.ill ·.-:orl: bein~ .~~i,3::7.2fl, o.nll
·.n,ercas. :3t1icl. ~!c.rJ.: l,,,s been e .. 0•11i.neci ,rnd uccepted by u cio•nr.ii ttee o [ this '~o:nd,
re-·:, tr.ere!.'ore, bP. it rescived thut the '.:01;nt,r .\LHiltor r.nd •.:i10.irmr.11 of the 'loi:irci be ano tiie~-
r.erebJ· c.,re o.uthori:;eci and directed to issue to so.id controctvr 11 ;·:arrant on tl,e ~vud and ?ricife "S'urd
o~ the ·Jo·.r.tj' in tte snrn of ::·5Uu.4\i, ti"le omount aae fro:n Otter '.:.'ail •.:01u,tr uuuordin;} tc suiu ".:nc:ineP.r's
\<lop-::ea ti.is l?th di:,;, of ::ove·nbtH, 1V41. Gee. 5. Gm:aerst:n, ::hoirrnan.
Attest: ~illiam Lincoln, ~lP.rk.
·•pen 'II0tion the Auditor wo.:; instructccJ tc, odvertise ft:;· oills for t1·1c tri;cJ:s in exclm.np.P. for
,onntt tri.101':s, bids tu 1.Je orened at tilP session c: the '3oard 1ecP.rn-,er !1. HJ41 ut 10 o'u.lock :-.. '..'..
l'herP beinf no t'i.lrtlier busines,:;, upon 1aoticn thP. '3or,rd ttcn uc::01,rnec: ::o December 9, ·l'J•U ot
10 o'clock~ .. •1. /46.~
I\ ( _ p O Ghai.rman.
·.ttest :l w~ ~
DATE ................. :!'!ef"•1lir> r ... ~ ....................................... 193.;U ..
~-1~;i!£...:tj L1? ... ~1-.,;r·· ~=-.iIE!J ~r.:..~r.1111;G U~' ?sn,;,r1., OE'
0U~h~'~Y-CU:.1:.11 :: .. ~ r: :J:!~S u:• O'~lj'EI~ rlAit CO:..'lfr~y. :.tr lJ"'r-: S O'i' A •
Pursuant to nd~c,nrnment ti1e Ber.rd met ot 10 o'clocl:. !.!. '.i'ueso.11,1·, December 9. 1941-Present:
--:::o'llr,1 i ss lonr:,rs ?"nrvoncn, r..underr-Jc n. tTo f:, li.m1.1nd fH,n and ~nOi.'.'berg.
Bids !"or truc:l:s c.s odv!'!rti.sed for by the ".:ount.r m~re o,,enec nnd rend, and reoresentatives o.r the
various fir~s snh-nlttlnp hlds explained to tte Bourd the merits c~ tLeir mactlnes. •
~onnt;,; Su!)erint<mdent of Scl1ools Lou I.SP. Stc.ndo.hl f:i.led 1"1i. n. ti1e ~oarc1 J,er a..npointment o:.::
Rosella ':'o~hnve os o~'."i~e assita.nt. 'J:oon r.iotion tr:P. ll!'flOintm,mt •::us opr:roved.
':'he _..ollo":jnp Ti:!SOlntio·n•·:os adopted: ·
~esol•:ed b_r thf' ':,oarcl. o'.." r:0 1mt.v !':011-ni.ssioners o-r Otter ':'oil r:ow1t~·. "'i'lnP.sota:
."!hereas, n:'tr->r im•P.s';ipr.tion. it hos heen -node to n9peo.r to tllis <1011;-c' !:hot "':liza.beth •lo.~1t,
~o··:n o·r :.:a ine; "nr:r.1· '"furs tro•n. ':•o--:r, o-'." :.:npl e·"!ood: Alhi.n T ys trom. ".'o··m o i ':li thern 11; -:::orl "Ol!,"ero,
'.'ininp VilltiPe, ":O.'.' "11:-Cihi.ns. ·,ownship or Tn :nan; ·•rs. ;o,m .',nderscn. r:lithen1ll '/illo.1te. o.nd ,'uli11s
'.'pfJ,-inen. ';o:·inshir, o·~ -:010":PrF:. t>re a"'"lictPr' ··:ith tuhP.re:1,losi.:1: l:ln;: •he.\' hnvP. resided.in thP. '3tate of
·:innr->sota throuphout tlH! .1·e~r post: th:'!t '·L.,,· nre unnbl" to pc.•t thP. chorfes '."or their •na.i'1tP.nnncP and
c:ire in the St111:e Sanotori11'11 and ore i::i thout J:inclred l!!p.all." liable tLer~·rc,re and oble to pa,,' tl:P sarne.
:'ow, therPiOre. be it resc.lved h,i' the r.011nt.\' ~o,:irc1 c,; co.id c:ount.r thnt re1uest he mo.dP. ?crthwith
to tr,P Sn9erintr-mdent o•· the Sand ~er,ch Sa.nnto1·ium at T.ai:e Part ?or the a.ilmission thereto cf the said
•:1iu1.heth Ho.rt. "arr.v !'/urstrom .. \lbj_n i:,~·strcm. Carl :'olp:P.ro. :-?o.v •rutclJimi, :.:rs. jc.h,1 Anderson and ,1 nlius
resl:inPn, and tho•: thP ':hairmn.n o • ~hi::i "oorrl bf' and he is hPrl:!b,\' authorized ana directed tc. make such
rpr111est in writinr, pursuant to thP. provisions of" ~pction 711 Cenc>rnl :;totutes of ::innesc(o, 1913. 'l'he
charP-eS ~or the ma.i.ntenance and con'! or s11i.d r,a~iP.nts in snid sonotorinm to he paid by the ~ount.',' o~
rtter ~an.
Ador>t"'d Dec.:emher a. l!l11. ~eo. 'L GundE'rson. ':hairmnn.
:,ttest: '.'Jilli.am Linc:oln. ::lerl:.
Tl.,; ~ollov:inr resolntion was adopted:
;:.esolved by thP. 1300.rd of r:onnt.v r.orn~isflioners of Otter '7ail Go1111t.v. :.iinnesota, u.t their session
held Jec:ember 9. l!Vil:
i.'ilut tl1e County ;,uditor be nnd he hereu.11 is imi:ructed to notify the pnblisl1ers of the several
newspapers publisheo in the ·'.:cunt,\' th."Jt seoleci bids will be rP.c:eiveci by tr.is Beard .~or cloinf tJ-:e
f~llowing described printing:
1-'l'hepublications of the minutes cf the meetine,s of the Board of Jaunt:,, Co:n•nissioners
includinJ:" regul!;.r a..rJcl special sessions l,eli.i us a Boar6. c.E Equnliantion, un<l v:bilP. c:onsiiiering matters
pertaining to ditches.
2. 'l'i,e puul.i.c&tion c.f'. the annual stutemP~:t o~ receipts c.nd expeniiitures of: the Gounty. The
bids tc covP.r the !):•blhiati.or, of tl1e list set in •·nonparei.l"' or six-point ~ype ;·:ithout ''lep.rline:" and tte
rynblic:Rtion to he :node as requi.rec by Section 2~5 Gen,;ro.l Sta.tutes of ;.rir.nesota, l!:il3. as a:neniied, and •
three c:ompletf' copies o:'.: salc'l pnblicntio!"l tc ~e fnrni:shed tu the County Anditor in ti:ne to enable him
to meet th~ reauirem~nts of said section ns regard the posting of copies of said statement.
:,. The list o_.. renl propert.v :or the ·":cunt:; of rtter Tail, l.iinnesota, on ;·:hi.ch taxes rP.mained
dP.lin'lUPnt on the "irst '.!onda.v or .1 onu.ar.v. 191~.
ThP h ids "or this to covP.r tl1P. onblicn~io'l o"" th., certi"ic:ates, hP.ac1ing, etc., provided for
b.v Sec,ti.on 20!\P., "enerr..l f'tatntPs of ::i.nn,,.sota, 1913, as amenciP.r1 •
.,ics to hP. plnc,er1 in th"' hancis o"" thP ':.011nt.v ·'.nd i tor anr1 ac1cl:resserl to the ")or.rd of r:ount.v
•:o•~misiaionP.rs. to b.f' 'Tlorked '''<i<is ·or "'rintinp.·• end to bP. piled nntil ':'hursda.\', .'anuar,v 13. 191,2 :it
2 o'clock "'· ::.
'.i'he r.ttentio'1 o~ ~ho bidders to,,,, called •o the nrovisions of" SP.c:tions 9()7, 909, 912 and !H3,
·~evisen Laws o-: :.Iinnesota ~or 19')5. t1ncl acts nr:iendator;, t hf!rP.to.
~dopted ~ecember a, 1941. Geo. n. Gunderson, 1hnir-non.
-it':est: "!illiam Lincc.ln, ':lPrk.
l'oon rnot ion t:J,e Board tc,ol: u recess tc. 2 o' clocJ; ., . :: .
Jo.petition for desipn,;tion or -::ount.v ;,id ~cad in the' ~o,vr,si1ijJ ot" Dane 0 ra.iri.e bet•::een SP.ctions 27
and 34, c.nd 2A and :,:, •·:as nrr->se•1tPd to th~ '3oard bJ' a delepati.on of citi?.ens fro-n ":hut to,;:nship. _\fter
listeninr to th':! state'Tl~nts o• thf'SP citizena upon 'TIOtion the oetition ~as ordP.rr>d placed on file.
A del<'l."a.tio1, op eitizens '"ro'TI thr> •rov:nship o~ 'Jandor urp.,d the imp:rovernr>r1t o!' rend in that
to·.·mshi o. · ~a.v r:lein, ,~P.corder of the '!illnl!e of n.ln'..''"ton. re.,11,,.sted en heholf oi'. hi.s "illape. aid -~rori
•hp '.:011nt.r in c:onstrnc:ti'1f ro~1d thronph the un1JlattP.d !)ort o-~ the villore.
•~h~ '3ourd thP.!1 took up the 1uestion of rmrc:ha.se o:'. truc:l:s in i,ccordonce 1vith bids received, ond
npor 'TIOtion ti1e Stop·no :.lc,tors, Inc., 1·:ere a.warded the contract r.or one-hn.lf ton Jocige truc:l'. in exc:r,onp e
-~or '.::onnt.v's 193t1 j)odpe '!'ruck f'or the sum o-f ,'.'.450, and .-,lso r, t1·:o-ton DOclfe truc:k in exci1onpe ~or the
':onnt.v's 1935 !~eo Lrnc:k for the s11.m of. .~·1200.
It a9pearinr-th::-,t man;: tov:nships in thP. Count~, hacl been uno.blP to construct roads in their
township in 0roer to :receive the allotment of .)500 1,1er tu,:nsl1ip awerded t,:, eac:l, town -:or work during
HJ<ll, upon mot ion it was ordered tl,at tl,e amount allo~:ed be mode availal,le to thesP. townships on
ccnd it,c,n ti.[.t v:ork i.s done durinf tl,e year l!:i42.
'i'he application cf !~mil sv:o.nke -:or <.:lassifi.cation o'f theI;F.:;;-HEl-and Lots 1, 5 nnd o in Sec:. 32
':'ownship or Dora .'.'.or ti,e .YefLr 1910 at homesteac1 rates was read una the Bc,::rd recommended to the
Co'lmisE:ioner of Ta.xat ion tha.t said lond be so classified. and the assessed value reduced from ~10G7 to
.••e,40 and taxes from ::RO.G7 to ~~42.78.
The appli.cation of '.:'homas rnutson, trustee of Sonth Immanuel Church in the '!'ownship of ,;:'ror,dhje!!l
~or cnncellation of assessment •or parsonaee on S~' o'.' Sec, 9 in said townshi~ -:or the year 1940 was
rend and the 9o::i~d rec:om:nender1 to the '.:o-nmissi cne:r of ':'axntion tho.t the va.luntion of soi d parsonar.e
he cn'1cellf'a and the tax on said truct he rPdnc:ed Prom ~~5.lR to ~G.20.
"pen motion the ~or.rd the"! nd;ourned to 9:.30 •\. :1. '"/ednesday. Dec:eml:ler 10, 19·'.l,
Pursuont to a.d;ourn'Tlent the "card rnPt a.t 9:30 ,\. ;1. ','/e·,nf'sda,r, .DeeernhP.r 10, lf/11. all me-nhers
hP.inp prP.sent.
11pon '!lotion it ·:ms ordered ~hat ci1:arette license hP. issuerl h.\' the r::01mty ".or.rd upon oa::m,rnt o.f
'feP. o'!' .''12.00 flP.r .vP.nr, all li.c:P.nses to P.;:pire I'ecernberJlst of eac:h .rear, und li.oP.nses -~or lP.s,: thon
onP. .\'enr ·.-: ill he issued nt o f P.P. c • one doll ur i'or eac:h reriuininp ::ion th er ~rnc ti on thereof :!:or the
col,mdor ,:eor, li.cens"!s to he is~ued upon proper apnlioa!:ion arproved b.1· thP ~rowh '3onrd as re~nired b.\· la~,
•~he 111iplicatio'1 o~ ~. i::. '.'P.stal por c'o.nc:0 n!"rmit. usine: mec:honico.l mnsi.c onl.v, '.'or the .vear 1()12
::it !'orth ::'ora ';tore in the 'i.'ownshi p o ~ :-era was rrente<i.
DATE ......................... Iie.r;.em!J.r..r ... lQ ............................ 193 .. 41.
°:'h'! ap!)licntion o" "o:•,ord 9. !f'!lson ancl Arthur Ii. S1·1ertlrep.c-r !.'or On ond er~ sale beer licensP. at
Shad.v i'av.,r, in the Township of '!:verts for the J11?!"iod end inf !lnrch :n. 1942, v:as r-ranted .
.. , ThP. a~plicotion of 'lowarc1 -q_ !lelson and Arthur !'. Sv:erd°'.:P.('er for dance oerrni_t at Shady '1oven in the1ownshlp OL :!':verts r.or the ,v<>ar l!l12 1·:ns l"ranteo.
Upon·motion the 9oarcl then tool~ 11 rec:N1s to 2 o'c:locl= "· !!.
. 'i'he application o:.' •·,. "· "lere-hni.s <•or sPttlP.·:vint o~· clelinnuP.nt taxes fo!" the .veors 1936 ancl 1939
011 tt1P.Sonth 92 ft. of !,ots 5, G ond 7 in ·noel: 13 o" the ('ri.r-i.nal "lot o:: ··•erf,HS Palls was read. The
~it.\' Gounc 11 o ~ th<! i:: i t.v of ..,err us Falls hl'vi nr rPcom-:iendecJ . t 1111.t the tax :·or said .rears on S"li d · oro ,1~rt ,,
be settled :'.er the stm1 of .l'7Fl2,20 on condition thnt :J:e c:ui-rent tox !'or 1940 includinB penalties.on-said
tract be paid, and the County ~oar~ havin~ exarnlned the !)TP.'llises in 1nest!on, ofter [ull consideration
and discusF.ion, upon motion the noard rPco~~<!nded to the Com9lssionP.r o~ ?axatlon ~hct +hp said taxes be
settled ·•·or said F.11111 of /'·1112.20. bein(' n reruction of' •·1,:-,;39.:31 '..'ro'll 1·he -!:1111 amount o~ taxes. DP.nalties· end interest -:or said vears.
Th'! followin~ bilis were allowe~:
,, . ': .uenkes ')oard ine orisoners
,'. ~, l.lenkes P.xcho.n~e ·0 ees
Touise Stcndohl exoP.nses •r. ·•1. Glorv lf!en stamped envelopes
Secnr it_y i3lan1: gook
•c 0 rintinP: ::o ••
Poucher ,rinting records
•• T,i t hog raph in~ .co 1 rec:orcl
Free Press Co. blo.nl~s
'.'lhitehead "rinting Co.blanks
11.;·1.sash ~ Door co. labor
i.Iason Publishing ::_c. 1941 supi,:,lP.ments
·"/est ?ublishine; Co. Reporter S: Digest
n1r-e rorvik clerical 1-:ork
::arl !uchholz wood
!·Tetional Gamers Excl,nnfe supplies
'i' he PiP.rce '.:o. suppli<!s
'.:it.v T_vpewriter Service Rnpplies
"nitPd'lhemi.col ,,o.,Tnc. supplies
~-,. neterscn sunnlies
~intpen-rarst fl~~rescent tnhes
,'oe ~a.1·ner Den.Sherirr•s -!°"!es
':lnnd e ':, '='if'ld .'tH1t ice !P.P.S
:'/ill inm 1'.'nel1.ow constoble f'r-,es
Dr. ':. ~-,oline Dep.ciorcnP.r' ~1 fees
"· ~-Sandin expP.nses ··r. T.. "otter P.XP enses
:Uk ~ivP.r '.:one. "'rocl. '.:o. c:nlverts
The Geo. 1'. ~yan ':o. ports
Town o:." 11nsP. prod i n,z
r.rant '.:ount.v construction ~·1orl:
1'."l.1'P.ll ':elephone ':o. lonp distance ca.lls
-::. 7. ~ope rent
Vi 1.1. of' :•ew Yorl: ::ills parere r0nt
T,a,:rence ~aalson. Apent pravel
0le :ohnson cord •ood
r.:a·.va.rci ·•rank l in lath
T,if.''h t foot's Shop keys
~-,. . stnke freirht
Uorbs Dept. Store, Inc. s11pµlies
Saunders Co. snn.ili es
('IJmsta.d uawe. i::o. supplies
?.ed Arro·.-1 Gara.r:e repairs
I.urson 9res. repairs
Bernard ~edll repairs
Saul !:otor ::o. repairs
The Oil Store Diesel fuel
~Lela, ua~~e Cil Co. Diesel rnel
:!eyer's ~ervice Sta ti.on p.asoline
Deeo ">ock Cil '.:o. po.soline
~ili's c,ervicP Station pa.soline
Shoutz •c :·raemer c,erv. <;ta.. FasolinP.
('ltter '!'oil ·:o-op. "ils. Tnc. p.aoeline
;10 tor Inn ,. arap.e f"UF1ol iJ'le, etc.
:;:io·•:n of ';a;·lisle rro.dil".f.
,~,01·:?1 o·!' :-ieer ~1·eek rood :!!OTt
l~S2, 2•1
V.13. 75
f''. 25
2!:i .oo
7 .40
.102 .G9
27 .85
5~ •• 06
5'). ()4
'!. "enl:P.s l:!,rn<>nses 60.15
~.en is0 "t cncln.hl oos tap.e 50. 41
•~-., . ':ovanr, expenses 55.25
11• ··1. '"lo-rvigcn drivers license exp. 2.95
T•'ergus ,'onrnal .;o. printing, etc. lli0.70
?e!"fllS ,'ournnl '.!o. tmhlishine 5,1.05 :.a ller-Dovls Go. tlon:;s 53.29
Fritz-Gross ::o. blanks 5,16
·i:leer ~reel: ;,[irror notices to taxµa,rers 3,10
i'/111. Galena re;>airs .2.05
Lightfuot's Sliop repairs, etc:. 25.20
li.'·.,.Bell 'l'elephone co. long distunce calls 31.95
City of li'erfns ?tills v:ater •c se1·:aee disp. lfi.45
Otter 'fUil Po1:•er '.;o. power 17.38
!lorthr>rn Photo Supply ".:o. su!,plies 7,u6
'.:onnt,v School •r. Cffice Su ,1ply ·::o. supplies 117. 7 7
Victor tundeen I Co. supplies 210.G5
tTp.ehlan nubl. co. Sll!)plies 41.00
T,ien 1-ldv:e, co. supplies 6.38
Star r.rocP.r.y supplies 7.95
Gust~ TTil,a SnorrP. witness ~ees 5.36
'.:o.rl :ohn · Dep.Sheri'..'f' s feP.s 11.45
''rrml: ::. 9crnes ::11nic:ipal ,:'ndP.e's fees G3.05
Dr. ··,. "I. Dron,zht DP.p.corener' s :ees 10.70
,, • T •• :'land in cosh c,dvunced 21,05
S. 0:."nll cash advanced .'3.RO
11 .V.~ohnston ~ulvert Co. culverts 310.50
:.lnhler ·, Straus rarts 18.25
Ilat'l. C111shi.ne •: "'arts ::o. oarts ~ supplies 150,75
::harle.v "'e11sl:'e e:ruvelline 462.AO
"/hi. tehean "ri nt in,-,:o. sto.ti oner.v ?.0. 75
"t t Pr "i'ai l ..,OW"!T ':o. power 37. 09
'·'iphwa:; ':o. rP.nt 12,00
'fill. ",n1:tle T,nl:e ,·rater chor;,;es 2.25
-~ert "lurau Sff.".' inf ;,ced 1. GO
Uhert Siio.nstro•n steam boilerinsnection G.00
:\une ".ros. tires 87. ?fl
'.:rane ."ohnson ::o. cement 2.10
Victor Lundeen ': ::o. sup9lies 33.BQ
Lien Htlwe. co. su11plies £3.75
:?. :"i... Horner su~jplies 3.05
Leonard ~artinson supplies 26.84
;!. P. Scl,midt re;>~.i.rs 2.15
G. u_ [auppi repairs 10.75
B~orl:lnnd :.!-fg. ::e,. re!)oirs 32.4fj
!.Iinnescta :.Iotor :::o.,Inc. re!H;.irs 3.50
.!.nderson ",; Sandberg Oil cc,. Diesel fuel 17. 75
?erens C'il Co. DiP.sel fuel 02.00
T-Tenninp 0il r:o. p;asol ine 24 .10
Lc-n s.vverson gasoline 40.13
~entral "66:' Servi ne ?,asoline 33. rB
0 enrcse "il i::o. fnsoline 78.70
'?ni,;'s c:en•ice <;toti.on gasoline, etc. 7.75
·~o.·m o" :,urdnl rood v1ork 500.00
nnne "rn.i rie 71•1p. roac1 ,·:ork 500.0'l
r:ormnn '"\l.'D, roo.d ··:orJ: 5')0.00
~i~t_., ,.,y·pe•:•:rl. ter CJP.1·\:" i.ce custe?"s 1. 75 ~~rhnm :oi~1n~-1h i p rep. c1 wo rl:
F."•.0.el.l ':'elPphone ~o. lonp dist11!1C'IP c:ills 7.75 ;;.oo
·: ictor I,11 ncleP.n •, ~:o. snp!)l i.es • 70
Dr. ··•. "'. Drour.ht P.Xr."!instion
:Cr. "l:~er '!. "anl son e>:ll::iina t icns
i)r. •·1. r. -:i. !'elson Pxo.•iination
San~ Seoct ~nnatorium core e~ patients
~inn. ~tate <;enntorium Do~
':F!e. "'· "nnderson e::o.nttend.mec-tinp
.,,_ ~-'.rn1mason Do.
~-P. 0 errhuis ~lert's tire
~a::rnoncl ~-"!"·eraenn.!t i•:itnP.sc: 4!'p.as ":: rnilenre
'"ic:cls-Dean •: r.reP.r supolies
~ulseth Supnly ~o. suppliP.S
uarr;-'" !.:ar-111ardt supnlies
'"lredeson ,\uto "'.lee. -:o. repairn
:erald ~1om reoair~
:'"laU.er :.!~f. ~o. p1.1rts
~reot ~estern Laboratories soap
~Lk ~iver J~nc. "reducts Jo. culverts
'.:harlP.;; "'ensl:e p.ra,·ell inf;
.,. . ··,. 1teinl:e sl,c\·el rcutol
John Zieseth ::e. e1u ipment rentr,l
1. 2fl
Jr . ..,_ "!. ;·osl:eh1 exc.rninati on 3.00
'.)r. ··•:rulll: :!n.ep.eli exti11ination ~i.O()
'..1niversit.· •·os,)it:-,1 cr,re o• paurcr C..00
~len T,i,;:c-Sn.1111'.orium er.re o~ i:-etients 370.71
!" eo. ~. '"underscn ~0~1rn o.'.' .·.ad it 15 .oo
Ynl:ncr :·nrvc.nP.n exi:,.attP.nil.':leetinr. 7.65
trenr.v '1o~-"' Jc. P.30
.;rt :·och"lnnn ai t nes:o: ".'er-,s •· "Ii leaf'.e r. 32
''elen "elm tol:i.nr. testi'llon.1; 16.00
-:11,ene :1ieti:,-en ·:o. s11po1l ies 17 ,63
"'elicnn S11:1!)l;.r ':c. snoplies l.Gl
,'ensen :,u to rrecl:inr. ';c;. sup-i.L i<!S ::. ()0
!"a:nlJlt'! 'lto:res reps Lrs .. 45
,·1m. " ... ier.ler ';c,., 'nc:. port!: 310.lG
:orc},ert-Tnr-Prsull, lr,c. pa:rts £,:i.71
3o~ncnd ~r0~. :~tor Trans. :o. frei[ht 7.21
Lvulse ·.!ilcie ,iravel 10.50
;:. J.l!a1:;cl sl.01·el rentol 22·L7t:i
" ;:i. !!Orrill e1uip'llent rental 353.()')
474.4G T,. 3onneborn sor,s. rue:." :,1otor oil
DATE ......................... :•n.-,P::J.h"r .. l(i ............................ 193. 41 ..
111.ANK,DODKMD.l'ltlNIING.m...n •. a.auD •. MINN-Nl&I
~ iclci ': 'Tappe f'i.l <:o. i)iescl ruel •: pas. 552. 74
•,i,,1:::r:; '.!o. ro.ec-line 15. G6
•vi!: "'O'"'•nun ru~olinc '.~ri.5n
~t~ndo.rd ~u '.!o. ?asc:linc U: .::o
·•,illin!n !'it}:~ri :nR1; ice '"P~G ~~-50
'!1he ~0110,·:.in; _?"'f'Rclut i.on ··:fJs ndopted:
·iest Ct t'-'1· .,,o_ il .")er-vice
~ons11 ·:iers ,. i 1 ~c.
"!Pnrtscn "il ::c.
';O. ?,lli,JO l ir,e
fa'lCJl Lne
7. 'incc-ln ~hell ~P.rvic~ ra~oli~I'!
11" .36
:~cacclvecl ~-~-. thr.1 ...,t~r? a~. ~c11nt.1; :!0·1"1issic.nerf.' c~ 0t":t?r ..,c:..11 •JOti~t.,·. ·t11nesota:
n-,Pr~vs. 1 n.: ~ :lvr,rc Ht-LS r.nretc ~OrF. C0?'}~·ra.ot~cl ·••itl: :-rufl"!l. -:t·rcut~r ~: ~11rti~;. o·t" ·1erh:..,.n. ··1-,n.,
"c:?" rr•·•!ellinp the rc110·•:inf C:onr.t:.; .\i.d. -"obs: ,1ob 1-1:04, total v·1lu" ··1:.'.;.C~1. a".lumt due ucccrdinf to
·:nrinl'.''!!r's certi~·icotc er. !.ile ·•:itL ::0unt.v :.uuitor ,"·7::.21. ,1 ob 41:0£i, total vc.luc :·111-1.7S! c.'!lount
due occoriiin, to ·:nrineer'3 ccrtiricute en '.:'ile ·:1i.tL ::o·mt:· .'auditor :·111.411; ' ·-:itli'
.'ob U:'J6, to~nl vc.lue ?921.0G, :l'Ilonnt due a.ccoi-dinc to ~:n~i.ner.r'(; c:ertificate on rile/::ounty :.uditcr
.'c'IJ 41:')7 '10G.02 j)C.
130. 6(
YO. 31 ;ob 41 :08 903.14 .i)c.
,'ob 11:0!/ 4060,48 :iJc.
;cb 41:10 811.55 Du.
,•ob 11:11 88G.19 De.
.•ob H:12 1148.93 Do.
.~ob n:15 17558.34 j)o,
-\ml, 1VherP.1.1f'I, Sllr.t"' ho.ve bP.en fnlly complP.ted acco:rn inr to the '":nfineer's ce:.:·tir.icate en
th,-·:011nt;; r...uai.tor, ti,!" total cost o: sn.i6 •·1ork lJl'inf, OR 1J.bOVP. li.stP.d, !:-nd
406 .Of
88 .£if
~i J.P. .~i th
"/herecs, s:,irl ''1ork hns bP"'l ,,:,n'Iline<' and accepted lly n. co-ninitteP. er: thiR ~oord, .
"o·:, tl.Pr"~Orf!, hP. it resolved t·h11" '·hP. '.!onnt.•; Ancli.tor nnc ":hnir111an o: the ~oard ·hP. :md thP.y
h1>rf.!h;; orP. 1'.li:1:liorized nnd Pirec•·nci to is:me to S'lid contractor ·mrrants on the :-:c.r.,.d and ~ricifl! ~ur>d of
t·hp ::onnt." ~o::· the H~1011nts cine 11c,c;ordinp tc soid ":n,17 i'le"r's; c.:,-rt•ifiontr--, D.s nhcve set forth.
AdontPd this 9th dn:r o" :Jecc•nl>Pr, l:Hl. •-eo. "·· t;11'11lPrsc.'l, ':h"Jir'Tlan .
. ~tt~st:: "/illia'll T.incoln, ·~1erJ:.
?ha •cllo~inr rcnclntion ~As odo~tPd:
~"solvccl b,v the ~c:ird o!' -;011nt.\, Jo•n"lission,~rn o'.' "ltt:er l'n.il Gount.r, ::i.nnesota:
''/l!f'r('l,'JS, this -.onrc1 hns hr~r~tofore cont·ractecl w·titi1 ;_ndt:?rson ".: t:ciiieLJ.P.r, ··theaton, ·:L,1n., f'or
praclinf ';ount,i1 .U<i ,'ob ·•o. 41::15, ::i.nci
'"iiieresH. Rn"lc iHts :1en:1 f:111,v uompletecl acc.:c···din;, to the ":npi11P.er's certificate on '"i.le ··!.ith
~l.e ·:on'lt.v :'.uditor, I.he totc,l cost o: sr,icl ;·:c;rJ: \Jeinf "·5,455.20, 11nd
"/herPAS, said ·;:or:: h!lS bl"f!I'! e>:'.vninec: r,ncJ acceotecl b.r a co'l!i:ii.ttee o·: th'i.s "'onrd,
ro··:, ti.P.rP.~ore, hr-> it reRolvPd thol ~1.c •":011'1t.,· ,~uaitor and ·:Jinirrnan or the "onrd be and they
hl'reb.v are a.uthorl1.ed o.nr. c;i'!'Pcted to iscme 1:0 ::ui.c'I ccn•·nw'::or a v:arront on the ~osd and ":ridpe "'ur1d o~·
t·hp '.:011nt,v in the su·n or ::·5G5.96, mnount due acnord inf to suici 1;nf•i.n<Jer'!J C"rtl:icate.
l,dcptP.ci tl1ls !/tr, dar o;'. eieceml:ie?·, Hl•11. · Geo. '1. ,..unden:on. :;ho.ir-nan.
Attest: i'/illio'!I 1,incoln. ~1Prk.
•~he f'ollo;,:ine resolution 11·us adopted:
!~esclvetl b;· the ')oard cf Co1,nt:: ::ornmisRio11ers of ()tte:r ";'oil Count,\', :.llnncsotu:
;/herers, this ~o:.;rd ho.s hereto;:ore uontrauteci ·:!ith "· .D. l.lorrill, Fersus ~•alls, i,lln, .. , t"or
fra<iinr ::ountyLid Jcb Uo. 11:36. and
··rh,,reas, some has been f11L1.1· completed accordinf; to the :nBlneer's certi.::icute on :11e ;•:ith
the -::ount:: :.uditor, the total cost u!: saici _-,1,;,rlt being .·5,920.20. r.nu.
·.'fhereas, soid ::erk l,us been examine6. and a.uceptec, by u co:nmittee c,;' this i3or.rd,
Ho··:, there1:ore, be it resolved that the Cot•nty Anai.te,r und '.:il1:1ir,ai:..r1 o: the :?varci be and they
hereh;,• are ant,:orized ar,d ttirected tc, issue to sulci ccntractor a 1·1arrunt on the ~c.aci and Brid£e Fund
o': the '.!aunty in tl1e sum of .'.'.B'/6.vO, f1,,101mt due o.ccordinf to so.id r.ugineer's uerti.r.Lcote.
Adoi>tP.d this !Jth ci,:w of i;ecernber, 1941. Ceo. E, Gunclerso-i, Chairman .
. Htest: 1'/illir;.m J.incol!'l, ~lerk.
The rolloninp resolution ~as adopted:
:!esolntion desil"natinp ":ountj• Aiu 100.dR in certain ·:o•::nships ·.•:hi.ch ere te, be :.:aintalneil oncl
~onstn1ctPcl b.\" the r.011'1t." ·•:i th ;1oni"s ~eceived P:?"o'TI the ras Tax '!<'ti'lcl.
'ie it resolved, by the ~ornl a~ ~ount,v :::o:w:,isr--i.one:rs of f'-l:ter 'i'nil ::o,mty, !:innesota:
"i.'hot ':h<> ~·ollo"!il'I/" fe"lc:rihed roncls bP. nnd the.1• are herebj• desipna.ted as ::o•mt,v Aid :!onds,
nn-nbe r!"d nnd ii escr i hP.d as fol lo,·m :
Desipnction: C.t,,.~. fb75 Trondh5em '1'01·:nship. T,enpth: 5.0 mileR. Descri.ption: See;in!!inp.: at the
SoutJ1,·:est cornP.r o'.'. i1ectlon 7, '"'· 135 !', '~-44 ··1; the!'lce rnn ~:nst on S"!Otion line ~or n di.stance o~ 5.0
mil.P.s oncl there ter'!1inntil'J/'" r,' the 8011ther.st corner o:-Section 11, 1'. 135 1:. :~. 44 "/,
Desir.nation: ;>nrt or r:.i .. !~.Jr,4, Ho,~est~ad-"ine T,uke-0tt:o-Jr,,wton ':'ovmsl1l[ls. I, enptil: 3.75 miles.
ilescrlption: ~ep.inninf' at the ·'orthenr.t cornP.r cf ""cti.on 24, 1', 13C. r;, :-:. 38 '/: thence rnn Sontil on
tm·:nJhi•l line for a d·istonce of 3,75 miles and ther,;, terminatinp on ;•.s. Hlghv:o,v '/10.
Deslr,!!ation: oart of,.,.~. ]48 Leo: T,n::e-TT,.nning-Jeer ::reP.1:-rnman 't:1ps. J.eneth: 4.5 miles.
:.escri!)tlon: Sertinninp at the :iorthcaf;t cornf!r o!" the l'.ort,i1•:est 1nurter rm·,~) or Section 1, T 133 i,',
?. 30 :·1; thP.nce rnn ~:ost on 1·c,·:m1hi!) linl'! ror ::i. distance o~ 4,5 miles uno there terminatinp on ':'r1rnk
~ifh"!!lY '.L29 at the :'ortheast cormu or. Section 3, ';'. 133 '.!, ~. 3'/ "/.
DeSif'nation: Part ot· r:.il.!~.,f59 }~l:no-1/ocdside ':.'own"lhips. ~,enpth: 3.25 :.lll,.s.i)Pscription: l3er-inning
on .,r11n1< "iphwn.1• 1/29 nt thf! :'orthenst cornP.r o: 1"1,e !'urth••:est nnn.rter (1J1·11 J oz ~cction 34, T 132'.I, ~ 37;/;
thencl" run i.:nst on section li nc for n. cl lstenr;c o·r ?. .5 miles: thPnce i-un South on to·.-mshi.p line for a
distance of 0.5 miles; thence run "':ast rur n di.stance o~· 0.25 'Ilill!::i anci there termi.natlng.
Desipnation: ''art of r..A.~'.-~l. "'f''inptori TO'!:nship. J,enpth: 1.6 I.illPs. Descri,Jtion: Be1:,inning
at '·he :1orti1eust corner o: S"!ution 11~ • '1' L31 !I. :'. 38 :-/: thence run i:t,uth on SP.ction line for a distonce
or LG mi.lP.s and there terminoti.np. on s •. :...:?.J5;
Des.lfnaticn: Part cf ::.A.R.tr-G9, Hcnninr-:'clcien-rnman-Elmo 'lownsl!ips .. l.ength: 2.5 :,Illes.
Description: Beginninf at the Southwest corner ur Section 3C, ~ 133 If, J. 36 CT; thence run East on
tor:n;;;i:i p line for a distance o!: 2. 5 m'i.les an6 tLP.re terminatinB,
Desienation: Part or 'J.A,:1,#o4, St. Olaf 'l'o,•m;;hip. Length: 2.1 :,:lles. :.iesul'lpticn: BeBirmlng
nt the Southeast conner of Scution 36, T 131 U, R 11 J; thence run ~est for a cilstanue of 2.1 milf!S
a11d tl,ere terminA.tine,
Designation: Part of C.A.H.#b3, .[<;acle Lake '110·1:nsiiip, Length: 4,2 !.Iiles. Desqrlption: Bee,inning
at the ;~rtheost corner or Section 2, T 131 C. ~ 40 ~: thence run south en section line ror a distance
of ·1,,2 miles and therP tenninating on C.A.~.;'/31.
Desienation: "art of C.A.?.,;/60,?:ttsh Lake Township. LenBth: E.l J.!iles. Descrl,1tion: 5eginning
at the Southl1esl; corner of the IIorthwest nuarter of Section 35 '"..' 135 il, ?: 39 ''/; thence run J1ast :.'or a
di stancP. of 2 .1 mi. les a'ld th P.re termi.na t inP. at the •ro rtheost co: ner o" the ~out i1ee.st ,i_n ar ter ( sr:1 J of
Section 36, T. 135 TT, R, 39 ~-.
Designation: "art o-r ':,o\.?.,1/60, Irewton-'11.nffton •~vrps. J,enpth: 6.3 :.:lles. Description:
'3ep.inninp. ot th" '.'orthPr-st corner o" thP '1orthwest '1110.rter or. the llorth1·1eat ,i_1.rnrter /Nl'/1 l!"/1 ) of Secti.on 3
T 135 l!, ~ 37 "/; thenoP. run ~a'lt on sPction line for n dist:,noe of G,3 mile!'! ond there terminatine at the
Jlo1·thee.1:1t corner of th~ "ortlw:':!st n11nrter o-f SPction ~I. •·• 135. '.·'.. :! 36 "/,
Desip,nation: Pnrt of -::.A.~.Jtr,2, nelicm1 ,;-·ownship. T,enrth, 3.0 ::llf!s. :::Jesc1•i.ption: ~eginning
I i
I '
DATE ............................. uecembP.r .. 10 •...................... 193'.!!-.:.
aa:utllff.aANIC OOOK AND MINTING CID .. _~.!!!!!......nloll
at the South~:est corner o·~ Section 20, T 136 rr. ?. 43 ''/; thence run :•orth on section line for a distancP.
of 3. 0 miles nnd there tP.rrninat inp ::it the •rorth1vest corner cf Sect io!l O. T 1~6 N. ?. 43 :•1.
Des.i(maticn: -Po.rt of' r: • .11..~.:i11, 11orv1ee;il'i-""'',rov1? :r,,r9. !,ength:2_.25 miles: De~cr.i!:)tion: 13er,inning
o.t the Southwest cor!ler of: Section 24. T 136 I!, ?. 44 '.i: tnP.nce run rrortn on sect1.on line for a distance
or 2.25 mi.les and. thP.re terminatinp nt the northeast corner o" the Sou.thwest 11narter o~ the Southv1est
'lus.rter (SWi Sl'lf) of Section 12. T.136 Tr,?. 44 ''/. Desip.nation: Po.rt of r:.A.~.147. ;,eaf :101mtain Tv:p. Length: 2.5 •:iles. Description: ".eginning
at the Southeast corner or the Southwest -iuartP.r (SI'/' ) o·: Sect ion 11, 1' 131 a. ~ 39 •:t; thencP. run :•/!>st
on section 1 i ne for o. distance of 2.5 miles and there terminat in@ o t the northwest corner of Section 16
1' 131 !! , !~. 39 \'/. . . . Designation: C.A.~.1/76. 13use-Aasto.d '.l'ownshi!1s. T,ength: 10.G :;iles. i)est.,-,;p.tion: l3ep:inning at 1·1ie
· Southee8t corner o·? Section 22. T 131 I!. ~ 43 \'I; thencP. nm Horth on section line fer o. distance of !:i.O
miles to the northeast co;1rr-t1H' of Sect ion 3-1. T 132 N. '~ 43 ','i: thence run in an F:osterl.v ond Northerl.v
di:rection for a. di.stance o-r O.A miles to the cP.nt,.,r or S1wtion 26. T 132 IT. R ~,3 \"/; tlaemce run in a
No·rthP.rl.v nncl WestP.rl.v d.irection for a distnncP. c ~ O.Fl miles to the [Jortimest corner o ~ said Section 26 ·
thence rnn ll"orth on section li.nP. for 11 disto.ncf! of 1.25 miles: thpnce :i-nn '.'/est for a distance cf 0,2!:i '
mi"les; thence run rorth for o. distance of 0.25 mi.les; thence run i"/est '.:or a d ista.nce of 0.25 mi.les to
the center cf Section 15. T 132 u. R 43 ~; thence run Horth for a distance of 2.0 miles to the centP.r or
S ecticn 3. T 132 :r. ?. 43 i'/ and tr,ere terminatinp,. Designation: ?urt o:f C.A.~.#50, ~·riberr, •rownshi[); T,enf,th, 2.5 '..liles. I:escription: Segi.r,ning at
the Southwest corner or Section 11. T 134. u. :t 42 ~/; thence rnn J~ast for a distunce of .2.0 m-iles and
there terminating. Also beginning at ti1c center of Section 13, :• 134 ;r, !~ 42 W; thence run North for o
'distance of 0.5 miles and there terminating.
Adopted this 10th dey of j)ecernber, Hl41. Ceo. B. Cund erson, Chairman.
Attest: V/illiam Lincoln, Clerk. Upon mot ion commissioners I:t,rvonen. Arnundson, and C1mdersor1 were
'-?:ith the State Hir,hvmy Department relative to special State :Road Aid.
'~tt,.t , J~ ~•per• :;n ru1:unrned without dete,
appointed a com:nittee to meet